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I've been watching this show since season 1 and I have all previous seasons on DVD, but I will not be buying season 4 due to the fact that it was by far the worst season. What made it so bad? Well 1.) A lot of characters didn't interact for a large portion of the season (i.e.- Lucas and Brooke), 2.) the addition of unnecessary new characters, 3.) so many bad plot lines were dragged out way too long while the good ones were either ruined by crappy writing, or cut short too soon...I could go on and on. All in all, a BIG disappointment for me. Season 5 better make up for this mess of a past season!
"Solaris," by Stanislaw Lem, holds a prominant place in the science fiction book catalogue. It is a deeply moving story of one man's loss and his final confrontation with his inner demons. It is also a treatise on the nature of how subconscious forces shape and mold ego and how memory and love shape our reality. And, if that's not enough, it is also a story about the nature of God's relationship with man. Obviously, translating this book onto the screen is a monumental task, not only because of the comlex themes, but also because of the fundamental lack of physical adventure. All the action is psychological, if you will. Andrei Tarkovsky's 1972 version of this book was overall successful in relaying the comlexities of Lem's ideas, however, it is very slow-paced, long, and, consequently, requires effort on the part of the viewer to stay focused during the movie. In the recent version of "Solaris," Steven Soderberg, wants to avoid the length and intellectual challenge offered by Tarkovsky and ends up compromising the entire movie. He assumes that a shorter screenplay and directorial bravado will lure the audience and peak viewer interest in the story. Thus, he uses his signature editorial style of jump cuts, handheld shots, exquisite cinematography, and, cache actor, George clooney. He also pared the story down to focus and explore the love story in more detail, leaving the more introspective philosophical themes hidden (perhaps, buried). While the other themes of the book are there, you have to really tease them out. The spiritual issues, for example, are abruptly and rather simplistically introduced in the dinner party scene, only to be abandoned in the remaining exposition. Moreover, we are shown Mr. Clooney's derriere gratuitously on two occasions, as if to infuse the movie with a dose of sensationalism lest the audience fall asleep. While, the cinematography is very effective and the sound effects are invloving, the editing becomes tedious and distracts away from the story. No doubt, this is a challenging project to bring to the big screen, let alone to popular cinema; however, I found the use of such trite pandering patronizing and somewhat insulting. This story is only cheapened, its themes diluted, by the addition of unnecessary eye candy. Indeed, this latest version of "Solaris" is largely a failure because it is rendered uninteresting and irrelevant precisely by the very strategy used to keep people watching. All these maneuvers only serve to distract from the story, rather than to tell it.As for the DVD, I found the interviews totally self-aggrandizing and shameless in their claims of originality. This movie clearly borrows imagery from great scifi movies, such as 2001 as well as 1972's Solaris. Nowhere in the interviews is proper credit given to these earlier movies. It seems from the interviews, that the producers and director of this movie want us to believe it represents a totally original form of scifi movie. I didn't buy it in the least.I gave this movie one star for cinematography and sound.
If you believe film should be an art-form, then you'll love Himalaya. As the director states in the bonus audio track, the production team did not identify and write to a "target market" when developing the screenwriting, they did not follow the dreary Hollywood "recipe" for filmmaking, and, most importantly, they DID use non-actors to portray almost all the lead and back-up roles. Tinle, the lead character, is a treasure. The first time I viewed the movie, I thought, "what a wonderful actor." His timing is exact yet unpredictable, his personality forceful, his face is exquisite, his form unique and authentic. A natural, I thought. Indeed, he plays himself in a quasi-autobiography, and what a wonderful character he is.This is a movie about an ancient civilization we are losing and, sadly, will soon be lost. Really, its a documentary, and, as the director states, it will certainly be used by future historians as a visual artifact of what is soon to become the lost Dolpo civilization of Nepal. The soundtrack conditions you to this heartbreaking reality.The movie is successful on many levels: a mother's lost love (who hasn't seen her adult child since he was eight); a loving grandfather/grandson relationship, which is painfully lost; a wife who loses her husband, and a young boy who loses his father then attempts to make sense out of the loss; a young religious man who chooses the "difficult" path over the easy monastic life; a classic confrontation between generations; an old man whose entire life is built on strength, perseverance, and admiration, but then who ultimately must let go of it all to those who are destined to succeed him.I loved this movie. It made me think of my mother, an artist, whom I miss dearly. Himalaya is a work of art.FYI - Eric Valli authored a feature article for National Geographic that details the story of the Dolpo. I recommend you check this out at your local library (yes, that great American institution currently under threat by invasive Republicans who would restrict your rights, by Libertarian Republicans who would de-fund libraries - given the chance, and by bible-thumping Republicans raised on hate who are raping Mother Nature in a quest to hasten their Armageddon myths.)
Amazon should send all of these 25th Anniversary DVD's back to UNI, the faulty product locks up after about 1 1/2 hours on both my Panasonic and Sony DVD decks! I see this problem also exists in the wide screen version from the reviews of that product.Simply put - DON'T BUY THIS LOUSY UNIVERSAL PRODUCT!!!!
It really wasn't that great... long, slow moving, low budget production. It didn't even compare to the A&E version, nor the new feature film. Probably not worth the money or the time.
Had seen Downton Abbey on Masterpiece Theater and loved it. I was delighted to find an available copy and even more pleased with the manner in which my order was handled--will definitely buy here again.This story reminds me of Upstairs Downstairs that was a series on the public channel many years ago. Downton Abbey is a masterpiece in my opinion with universal and timeless appeal. Although the family in this production is quite wealthy, it is possible for anyone to identify with them as their conflicts are not significantly different from the wait staff who live on the estate and not unlike the problems each of us faces. Truly, this is worth watching and appropriate for a general audience including teenagers provided the parents view it first as there is one unwed mother and one bedroom scene that is more inference than action.
I suppose Ian McEwan'snovelwas memorable enough that I suddenly looked forward to seeing it on film, but it surprised me when I realized how attached to the story I was when the film jogged my memory a bit. That is a pretty big compliment to the movie of course. It's a great novel and an interesting story. The ending hit much harder on paper than it did on film but that is a nitpicking. Atonement, as a film is absolutely gorgeous. The art direction, the cinematography, the costumes, the music, and the actors all look and sound amazing. Young director Joe Wright makes films with the sensibility of someone in the twilight of their career. His team captures remarkable images over and over again, all the while weaving this tale with great efficiency. I didn't seePride & Prejudicebut given that many of the same talent was present there, I'm going to give that film a shot. Joe Wright has more than solidified himself. There is no doubt in my mind that this guy knows how to make movies.For those unfamiliar with the story, Atonement is broken out into four parts. The first part follows Briony Tallis (Saoirse Ronan), a 13 year-old girl from a rich English family with two older siblings. She wants to become a writer. She has an older sister named Cecilia (Keira Knightly) who is in the midst of falling in love with their housekeeper's son Robbie (James McAvoy). Some miscommunication and some meddling interrupt their budding relationship suddenly and that incident's repercussions become the center of the story thereafter. The second part moves forward four years where Robbie is in the military during the Second World War. Briony (now played by Romola Garai) and Cecelia are both nurses for the war. The third part focuses on Briony's experience as a nurse and eventually how she reconnects with Cecelia and Robbie. The fourth part of the film meets Briony (played now by Vanessa Redgrave) as a successful novelist in her 70s who is terminally ill. Overall, each section is certainly true enough to the novel from what I can recall, but then again I read it seven years ago. Some details are missing that may not have been easy to include but they are mostly there in spirit to satisfy those who loved the book. One detail was left out that had me a bit perplexed, but the film was too good to not find forgiveness.It is hard to express how sad this story is without giving away significant spoilers but rest assured it is a powerful story and the film succeeds in that transition quite effectively. A lot of credit must go to the screenplay from Christopher Hampton who won an Academy Award forDangerous Liaisonsand although only nominated here he delivers something of equal quality with Atonement. There are also some shots in Atonement that are absolutely unforgettable, in particular the lengthy sequence where Robbie experiences the Dunkirk Evacuation. It is one long single shot that must've required immense coordination from the crew and extras. In and of itself it is a special achievement and it doesn't come off as unnecessary or intentionally flashy regarding the team's technical prowess in any way. It is also hard not to mention the performances, which are all good and the leads are actually great. Keira Knightly should definitely be taken very seriously as an actress and McAvoy really stands out to me for the first time. Atonement is certainly a successful adaptation of the McEwan novel but it is also one of the best films of 2007.
They say hell is a place of eternal torment filled with indescribable, unbearable mental, physical, and emotional agony. I'm certain "My Dinner With Andre" will be the feature presentation on movie night, forever.
If you know who cedric the entertainer is than you know hes funny get this movie you wont regret it
It is a shame that whomever in the movie industry decided to wreck the theatrical release of this movie, once I watched the directors cut of this movie I could not believe how much better of a movie this is and more than likely would have faired better at the box office and would not have been one of the final death knells of Ben Affleck's movie career
First off, I consider myself to be right-of-center when it comes to social and political issues. I'm conservative in most respects and I often don't agree with Moore's viewpoints. Knowing his left-leaning slant on everything helps one to decipher this film. But that doesn't mean he doesn't make good points. This film is a bit heavy-handed and at times borders on propaganda. Nevertheless, I think it's HILARIOUS. I grant the points stated by some others that:a) GM did not butcher rabbits (did that lady look to be a person who would hold down a steady job!?)b) GM did not evict persons from their homes (though we see people being evicted. What does this have to do with GM?)c) What is the point of trying to manufacture cars in an outdated plant? Whether GM could have/should have built a new plant on that site is another matter entirelyLife is tough all over and you can go to any city ANYTIME (heck, even in the 'sticks') and there is bound to be someone being kicked out of a home for some reason (it's happening here in Chicago to lots of people in public housing projects-where will they go?). I'm sure Moore was trying to forge a link between people getting laid off at GM and kicked out of their homes. I don't remember him specifically showing GM workers getting kicked out of their homes so I don't believe he was sucessful in that regard...he was more sucessful in convincing me that Flint, Michigan is one of the [worst] dumps in all of America.The question is, is that GM's fault? Not solely. Flint, like many cities in the industrial north has seen its day come and go. Any student of urban studies-such as myself-would probably agree that the decline of Flint has as much to do with its SIZE as anything else. The smaller the town, the less 'draw' it has for industry, sales, and tertiary trades and commerce. The close proximity of Chicago and Detroit don't help either. In that respect Moore fails to convince me that GM is solely responsible for Flint's ills. You have to watch the film with a sense of humor and take Moore's arguments with a grain of salt. After all, MONEY magazine named Flint the worst town in America-I'm sure it had to do with MANY issues, not just the economic sphere, of which (admittedly) GM was a big part. Yet Moore makes some important (though obvious) points and raises some thorny questions:a) What is corporate responsibility? To workers and cities or to shareholders? Often they are one in the same.b) How do we deal with crumbling industrial-age cities?c) What other circumstances lead to the decay of older urban areas?d) Moore implies that it is immoral to treat workers in the manner in which they are treated in the film. But perhaps the 'worker vs. corporation' view of the issue is too myopic?Moore is famous for his outspoken agenda(s). He's [mad] (rightly so) and you can tell that in the film. But just because we don't like something, does that make it wrong? Conversely, just because we like something, does that make it right? I do think that GM has an obligation to retain American jobs, but whether or not that is in Flint is their (and ultimately the shareholders) decision.The reason the film is so funny is that many of the big-wigs do look like morons parroting the same old stories, and the attempts by the city to foster growth and rejuvenation are laughable. Pat Boone, Anita whats-her-name, and Eubanks from the game show...hilarious. (And what's the deal with the human statues at that party? What a creepy place.) This is civic government in all its inept glory! The bits about the news van being stolen and the guy in the middle of the street with the Superman outfit and rifle always cause me to laugh uncontrollably. Perhaps Flint is merely that unlikely black hole to which all the worst elements of our society and human nature are drawn? Or is that Gary, Indiana? Actually, I think Florida is absorbing all the stupid people right now...All I know is that when I want to visit Flint, I'll do it via videotape!Bottom line: if you can't watch this film and laugh because deep down you know some of Moore's points are correct, you are probably too conservative. If you can't look outside of Moore's cloistered politics/economics and bring a little critique to the message of the film, you are probably too liberal.
The Voltron Force's story continues in this collection of episodes. What happens to our heroes? Excitement, adventure, great animation, and a wonderful story arc continue this show!
Digital copy!Wonderful, loved it and glad to have had it will be adding more of the digital copies to my library.
Having seen the show many times this year it is nice having it to watch whenever I want. No one can sing like Engelbert does. He'll take any song and put himself into it like he does Cry and My Way and no one can touch his version. From the valley to the top of a mountain is where he takes me. I agree with a couple other people who rated the DVD, the sound was not top notch. I would advise everyone to get all his live cds and DVDs. Billie Fortin, Ca.
coulda been better like anything else these days but still good movie had a good storyline and thats important like anything else these days
I should have known better purchasing any video of this series , but curiosity overruled my brain . The so- called facts were flimsy and I questioned the validity of the interviewed experts . Don't waste your time or money with this video .
"Good Times" video is terrible. The quality looks like it was filmed from a picture playing in a theater. Color is bad and there are lots of lines in the picture.
kind of a gruesome idea for a movie. the acting and staging of the movie was lacking in a lot of ways. the movie dragged along and never kept your interest. it leaves a lot to be desired. i am sorry i purchased this. i have not watched motel hell, i am afraid it will be a dud too.
I have not watched the first season. According to some of the reviews I've read at other sites, the first season was good. I shall see. This review is strictly based on episodes from the second season.Here's some background about me. I am a single straight male in his 40's. I live and work in the SF Bay Area. I have known and know lesbians as coworkers, acquaintances, and neighbors. Similar to any minority group, lesbians come in all kinds; smart & stupid, ambitious and lazy, tall and short, skinny and fat, polite and rude; you get the picture. Like a good portion of the straight male population, I love gal-on-gal action. After having read and heard many good reviews on this series, I decided to watch a few episodes; good stories and steamy scenes, I thought.This series is absolutely horrible. The plot is, well, boring. Seems everything leads up to sex in some public place; restroom, vestibule of a church, sound room of a studio, behind bushes along a jogging trail (well, it almost happened). They f each other "ring around the rosy" style; one after another. At any given time, every character has the hots for someone. If you wish to waste time actually thinking about the plot, you'd realize that everything every (lesbian) character does is so she could f someone. None of the (lesbian) characters has any redeeming values. They only show kindness so that in case they need to hook up with that person later.A person in Smalltown, USA, after watching episodes from the second season, would likely believe that all lesbians are sex-crazed, morally depraved (as in they'd f any skirt; best friend's partner, stranger, potential business investor, teacher, student), shallow, lacking completely in common sense, sailor-mouthed, scheming, with messed up psyche.If I were a lesbian, I'd be furious to see lesbians portrayed this way.
I will cheerfully admit to being a childless adult that enjoys this show. Kids can't appreciate so much of what makes this show funny. The songs are great and so are the characters. I cannot recommend this show enough. It is truly creative and deserving of your time.
Ive never seen the b&w original so I wont compare the two. Yes some of the scenes w/ the special fx are good, but overall I thought the movie was just too rushed and there was no character development. The story felt kind of empty. Disappointed
This is a movie about a reporter (Busey) who unknowingly witnesses a serial killer at work. The killer (Vosloo) finds out that someone just saw what he did, he confronts Busey and finds out that he's a reporter. Busey saves himself by offering to do a story on Stefan (Vosloo) and in turn gets in over his head. I believe this is one of Vosloo's best films. He is believable and captivating in this role. This film is why I became a Vosloo fan in the first place. Highly reccomended for adlut audiences.
A little-seen film starring Vincent Gallo and Courteney Cox, directed by Justin McCarthy (brother of actor Andrew of 'Less Than Zero'), released from marverick indie company Lions Gate, which also released quite impressive 'Bufallo 66' directed Gallo.But this film is a disappointment. I like Gallo, and watched almost all of his films (including notorious 'Brown Bunny'), but 'Get Well Soon' suffers from too many things.First, this is about the popular midnight TV personality Bobby, played by Vincent Gallo. Sorry, but I don't believe it. Gallo looks never the kind of the character he plays here, because Gallo's talent (as musician, film director, whatever you pick) is not to be found in mainstream media like TV. He is not Letterman or Leno, and that's his strength, isn't it?And Bobby comes back to his town, where his ex-girlfriend Lilly lives, and Bobby tried to make up for the past wrongs done to her, with a help from her brother who is now in a mental institute. This quirky romantic comedy follows the process of love between them, with some episodes about the immates of the instutite, who tries to steal a dog of Matthew Broderick (who does NOT appear).Lilly is played by Courteney Cox, whom I love to see in any films, but somehow she lacks the charms she showed in other films of his. The biggest problem is still Gallo, whose dangerous charisma was sensational in '66' or 'Palookaville,' but not here, only looking like sleepwalking. Sorry his fans, but he is totally miscast.Perhaps more damaging is the director's poor direction. The characters are annoyingly unfunny, trying to be funny, and the jokes are as fresh as last years's news, recycling those jokes about gays or mental institute. For die-hard Gallo fans only; others, skip it.
In general, I found this movie plotLESS, pointLESS, and LESS than worthhwhile. This movie was the ONLY movie throughout my entire life that I found to be such a complete waste of time. In general, if a movie exists, I like it. I even came dangerously close to liking the movie, "Glitter". But this movie was BY FAR the worst I have ever seen. The way I see it, if it takes you hours to come up with a reasonable explanation of a movie, it isn't very good. This movie was far to unclear to be understood and used nudity in a totally useless way. The entire movie, was in fact, more boring than the monotony of day to day life that it would, indeed, be more entertaining to watch your grass grow. A movie of this nature take as much energy to understand as it does to lift a car. A total waste of time!
Helena Bonham-Carter should have won the Oscar for her role in this excellent film. She is supported by a wonderful cast, beautiful costumes and excellent set design. The story of this period piece is complex and has a decidedly dark undertone. A must see for any fan of period films, Merchant-Ivory films and Helena Bonham-Carter!
One star is too high here. With very few lights in this speech except that there is a hidden agenda, which is agreed upon, but he basicly relies on research from the burnt Library of Alexandria. If this is to be taken seriously, there needs to be more research than this. Just using Library of Alexandria to base attacks on problems is not researching nor is it giving your audience any direct substance. If research is not improved, he is doing more harm than good. Stay away from this guy.
This is one of the best TV series in a long while and the best TV currently on. The writing is tops and I really enjoy the set design and set decoration. Whoever has the job is right on the money.
Thank you for the CD, it was shipped to me fast and looked new. Thanks again...
The second season of Bones is great. The characters are growing without going crazy over the top. I'm intrigued that the show is related to-based on-developed around the life of a real person. At the same time, I'm not searching for the definitive insight to the life of a forensic anthropologist as I try to make my career choice. I just want to be entertained, distracted from my daily routine. This series works for me. I don't often purchase TV shows. In fact this is the only one that I will probably continue to keep up with, based on what I've seen in the first three seasons. The show is intelligent and funny, a winning combination and it's because of the series, I may read Kathy Reichs' books as well.
I loved all the techniques that were shown. I am a CMT who is starting to learn Hot Stone Massage. I got so much more out of this video than some of the others I have watched. I am looking foward to incorporating what I learned into my stone massage.
Spoiler alert.When bad acting, bad writing and a giant particle system conspire with obvious product placement to annihilate the human race, our fate hangs in the balance. Don't worry, our love of family will save the day.
I don't see how anyone could write a bad review for this film. Although it comes from the same group of Tarentino-related film-makers, it has a much more different tone. Somewhat noire and extremely bizarre. The violence is extreme, hardcore and almost constant throughout the film.I wish it was not advertised so closely to Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs because it's a totally different animal. It's a hardcore rush from start to end. Whereas, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction have slower paces and a totally different style. Reservoir Dogs plays out more like a play than a movie and both films bounce around in the timelines of the film. Killing Zoe on the other hand is a high-octane wild ride that makes itself clear from the start. Stoltz's character arrives in Paris, meets the hooker, then head out for a crazy night of heroin and debauchery with his psychotic friend. He dozes off and semi-wakes up to his French counterpart anal raping some other guy? Nuts.From then on out the whole movie is in the bank and nothing but mayhem. It's frenzied and beautiful and when it's over you feel like you've just gotten a shot of adrenaline that'll take a little while to wear off. A one of a kind film that unfortunately got clumped together with the whole Tarentino hype. Now, I love Tarentino's films, but I think this one should get credit on it's own for being completely independent. Just like I feel True Romance should be more closely connected to Tarentino because, in my opinion, that is his best work.
While I must admit that Jennifer Love Hewitt was one of my main reasons for seeing this film, I was surprised to find myself entertained by this comedy about a mother & daughter con-artist team. Sigourney Weaver plays the mother who lures rich, love-starved men into marrying her. Hewitt, outfitted in an endless array of low-cut, micro mini-skirt dresses, plays her daughter who then seduces the newly-married grooms giving Weaver grounds for divorce-- and accompanying cash settlement!The movie portrays men as nothing more than empty-headed lugs unable to resist a beautiful woman's charms. The tables are turned when Hewitt falls for a normal working-class bartender. As she struggles with her feelings, her relationship with the bartender soon causes havoc in "the family business."
Okay, so this is a nice addition to the Matrix canon, and does give us a lot of back story to the events that happen in the live action films.The stories are mostly entertaining, though a couple are as gruesome and troubling as possible. If you are not the kind of person that enjoys bodies being mutilated and people being killed cruelly by robots, this might not be for you. Also, if you don't like the Matrix films, this is not for you. In fact, why are you even reading this?The animation is great, the sound is excellent, and overall the dvd is worthwhile. If you enjoy really wild animation and special effects, you will certainly like this.HOWEVER - just because this is animated does NOT mean that this is child appropriate. It is not. It is completely inappropriate (IMO) for children under the age of 12. It is very violent and contains images that are FAR too incomprehensible for young children, not to mention R rated language. Fine for adults and teenagers old enough to know the difference between reality and movies, simply not appropriate for children.
In 1972,this great action packed film was released, starring Anthony Quinn as NYPD Lt.Frank Matelli and co-starring Yaphet Kotto, Anthony Franciosa, Antonio Fargas to name a few of a brilliant cast, was in my opinion dwarfed by the screen release of "The Godfather". Time is running out on Matelli as he tries to find the Harlem perpetrators of a numbers bank armed robbery which goes awry as one of the held up "bankers" reaches for a gun and one of the perpetrators sprays them with machine gun fire, therefore conducting a massacre. Hundreds are arrested as Matelli's NYPD prescinct becomes chaotic.Yaphet Kotto is a young detective lieutenant who the aging Matelli (Quinn) suspects is after his job. Anthony Franciosa plays a ruthless capo for the Mafia who still controls the numbers and prostitution rackets in the Harlem of the late 60's or early 70's. The leader of the black gangsters who's last name is Johnson,which is assumed to be an aging but still legendary Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson, the Harlem crime boss who works for the mafia and Franciosa.I am glad this film was re-edited on DVD as it is definitely a classic that deserves to be watched by everyone who likes this genre.Do not miss it.
Most remember Red Skelton for His weekly, self named, show that came on television so many moons ago. Unfortunaltely, many do not know that he also had a terrific film career that spun many hits and sequals. I as one simple fan, would like send my heart out to his family for his memory. Red Skelton did stand-up comedy long into his golden years, and always got big laughs. (Frogs....Frogs...anyone?) In The Fuller Brush Man, Red plays a man in love with a beautiful girl named Ann. He jumps from job to job, but brags that he worked for the fire department for 2 whole weeks! As a street-cleaner he smashes the Commisioners car and ends up becoming bugsplat wiper-bait on his windshield. One liner after another surrounding a great mystery makes The Fuller Brush Man a video that must be on your shelf. After the carsmashing incident, Ann decides to give Red one more chance to redeem himself before entirely surrendering her love. If he fails, then she moves on to another man. This makes Red bound and determined to succeed both as, you guessed it, a fuller brush man, and the one to win the heart of his Love, Ann. Fuller Brush man was introduced to me many years ago, and was excited when I found it on Amazon! I ordered it on the spot! You won't be displeased if you do the same.
I told my wife and youngest daughter that they were going to love this movie as I had seen it once before. I didn't know that it was going to have such a profound impact on my daugher who followed up the first viewing with several encores and ordered 3 books on-line to continue the "research" into this powerful story. It's hard to believe that this really happened but is a story that we are all obligated to learn. The entire movie is first rate...one of the best ever made!
Excuse me, but can someone tell me what happened here? The movie starts off okay but then it starts rolling down the relentless hill of, "what the heck is this?" I'm not a fan of gorey horror movies, but come on! This has absolutely nothing scary in it! They hear some cracking branches, find some piles of rocks, and some stick figure things in the trees that look like ceiling fans. Ooooh. Scary. I bet you that's where they got the idea for the Blair Witch symbol...somebody looked up at a ceiling fan and said, "Hey. This could actually work. I mean, most people are stupid enough to buy into it." As Chris Rock stated during the MTV Movie Awards, I'd also like to know where the people are with the other 30,000 dollars that it so called "took to make this movie." Hardly. Any moron with a camera could tromp into some "scary" woods and start filming like blithering idiots. Do the world a favor and burn this movie if you own it and if not, never ever see it.
Ozu's "Tokyo Story" is simply the most emotionally profound film I have ever seen. It is the sort of film that, after seeing it, may easily change you. I originally purchased the film because I was incredibly interested in the "Ozu style". There are many aspects of this little Japanese man's style, including shots of nature to break up the story, the tatami mat camera angle, the unmoving camera, and the shooting of characters speaking directly into the camera (which makes it all the more profound, it puts the viewer into the story). Ozu scarcely EVER drifted from this style, therefore it MUST have been quite incredible, for he never had the desire to change it. However, although I was compelled by the extremely elegant filmmaking style, it was the emotional impact that sticks with me the most. The story felt very slow as it unwound, with much of the dialogue feeling very small talk-ish. However, despite the fact I was initially disappointed by this small talk-like dialogue, by the end, I realized this slowness of developement made the end all the more powerful. This ending was so powerful that I was completely in tears for the final half hour or so of the film. This film was SO profound that I felt moved upon viewing it. Near the end of the picture, when one of the daughters stated "Life is too short." I was moved. I felt compelled to go out and live it up, for life IS too short. I also realized that I need to be much kinder to my parents, for they give me so much, and they will not be around forever. As is said in one of the more famous and compelling lines from the film, "One cannot serve his parents from beyond the grave".You will be moved beyond words by one of the greatest films of all time, Yasujiro Ozu's "Tokyo Story"
America now is a lost generation. A bunch of white boys making complete idot's out of themselves out in public. Their giving U.S. a bad name to other countries. Also men are getting a bad. I wish the show "Jackass" would get canceled off of MTV.
This movie simply lacks everything. The acting is so bad that I can't find the words to describe it. Horrible might even be a compliment. I only watched this movie because of the more-than-brilliant CHRISTOPHER WALTZ who is one of the finest actors of all time. I've seen most of his german movies and I cannot think of the slightest reason why he signed up for this crap. Beats me totally.I actually fast forwarded most of the movie because it became unbearable to watch.
I realize what this movie was trying to do. It was trying to be a James Bond kind of film for the X or Extreme generation that is into adrenaline pumping sports that usually cause them pain from trauma to the testicle region or have highlights that make you go, "holy cow! That had to hurt!" over and over. But the thing that they screwed up was making the extreme stuff look to unrealistic and stupid. I liked Vin Diesels character of Xander Cage and I think he has a distinct cool look, charisma and voice that gets him over. His love interest who I will refer to as 'heroin chic' because of her big dark circles under her eyes is kind of hot but also kind of looks like she might need some methadone and a few months in a detox. I also liked the style and wardrobe that was used when they were in Russian including Xanders big furry coat and the villians apparel. And to the heels or villian? I liked them all. They were all big hairy eastern European badasses and I thought XXX was a interesting contrast to them.But I must say, this movie pretty much sucked. I have watched it since the first time and like it a bit more than the first time because I am seeing it now for what it really is which is just action shlock. It isn't meant to be taken serious and if you watch it just sit back, make fun of the stupid stuff and enjoy the good and bad. And check out racoon eyes at the end in her bikini and her large tattoo around the nether regions. Still can't say if I am attracted to her or not. Its possible that I just want to give her a hot bowl of soup and a couple of sliced cucumbers to put on those dark circles under her eyes.
"HOT COFFEE" - THE MOVIE, is HOT ! This documentary blows the socks off the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and its clients, like Big Tobacco and Big Pharma, who for almost two decades have laughed at the little old lady who was so horribly burned by McDonald's scalding-hot coffee (190-degrees), and the court and jury in Albuquerque, New Mexico, who awarded damages to her (Mrs. Stella Liebeck)."HOT COFFEE" is a documentary -- meaning it is a presentation of the actual, true facts that the jury in that case heard and analyzed in a court of law.The award of that jury was politicized by the US Chamber of Commerce for one reason: to engage in jury-tampering on a national basis, by convincing American citizens who form the various jury pools in counties througout the land that corporations like McDonalds should not be held legally accountable for their negligent mistakes -- even if the wrongdoing kills someone like Ms. Liebeck (who ultimately did pass away).Anyone who has heard about that "little old lady who sued McDonalds for spilling coffee on herself" will be shocked when he or she sees "HOT COFFEE" and learns the truth. The New Mexico jury was absolutely correct in awarding damages against McDonalds -- which had previously injured more than eight hundred (800) people who were also scalded, before Stella Liebeck.
There's nothing of merit really in this movie that you wouldn't more profitably accrue in the book. I was fine with the factual changes they made, conflating some scenes, adding some facts, etc., but there were a few problems I had.One, the scenes were way too fast. The movie picks up after about thirty minutes and the scenes start getting a little better pacing to them, but overall I thought it was a pretty poorly paced film. I never really felt anchored, and therefore never felt weight in the scenes which were supposed to give weight.Two, I didn't think the acting was fabulous. It wasn't terribly, but those are difficult roles to play.I'd say this probably isn't worth your money.Read the book. It was Hemingway's freakish surreal/fantasy novel before he killed himself.
Holly played by Kristen Miller (She Spies, Man of the Year) has a nice career as a journalist with her friend played by Brooke Burns (Baywatch, Death of the Supermodels). The 2 of them fight over the owner of a restaurant named Zucas (I think thats close enough) runned by actor Tod Babcock (Guard Dogs, Poor White Trash). When Holly gets pissed off at her friend because she slept with Mr. Babcock she tries to find a new place to live and low and behold she finds a new shy roommate Tess, played by Allison Lange (The Hillside Strangler, Roswell). Holly becomes close to Tess and they seem to hit it off real well, until Holly finds out some things about Tess that makes her think that maybe this wasnt such a good idea. Well, in 1992, Jennifer Jason Leigh did this to Bridget Fonda and now they make a sequel about it, wow, they must of went threw tons of scripts just to get to this one. Pretty much the young girls on screen are eye candy and the acting is pretty bad plus the twists and thrills arent that great. This can go down with Basic Instinct 2....in the trash can or the skeet shoot, one of the two. Also starring Francois Giroday (Carpool Guy, Framed), Tracey McCall (Not Another Teen Movie, Second Degree), Rif Hutton (Osmosis Jones, Halfway Decent) and Kyme (School Daze, Geppetto).
This movie is fairly mediocre despite a great female cast, a capable lead, and a goofy but ok sidekick. Decent villain. The plot is kind of ridiculous though, chewing gum that makes the kids go crazy? It's sort of like a spy version of Reefer Madness.Still not sure what the New York in "New York Chiama Superdragon" has anything to do with, either - the only real named location is Amsterdam.I give it two stars for not being a waste of time, but it's not on the level of Master Stroke, nor does it contain as memorable a character as Lady Chaplin.Print is mostly acceptable, not fantastic. There is a scene with a text reveal that is impossible to read due to contrast and color fading issues. Other than that and a few scratches it's OK.Thanks to Sinister as always for putting this one out.
1hr 31 mins of suck...heres another reason not to go to the theatres..cute red headed girl though
Having heard so much about how scary The Blair Witch Project was, I thought it'd be a great film to watch on a Friday night. Unfortunately, it ended up being a waste of five dollars. I don't see what's so scary about it; all you really see is three kids running around in the woods and getting lost, which is frightening, but only if you're one of them! Stick figures popping practically out of nowhere is mysterious from the audience's point of view, but doesn't exactly send chills down one's spine, unless, again, you're one of those kids. There really is nothing scary about the film, with the exception of the fact that it was based on a true story and if there is one area the film succeeded in, it was making you apprehensive about venturing out into the woods of Burkittsville, MD.
This film was entertaining for the first five minutes and then it became almost tortuous to sit through. It is so vapid. The couple is severely mismatched and you actually end up hoping that they don't get back together in the end because in the long run, they lawyer especially, would be better off without such a dingbat woman for a wife. Now both of the lead actors are in their prime in this movie and they are both very good looking. Robert Redford bears an almost uncanny resemblance to Bill Clinton, although, even better looking. Jane Fonda does well in her dance routines. But truthfully, I see little reason to even bother with this film.
The only positive thing I can say about this movie was, that it was different than most. I thought the movie was okay, but nothing to write home about. It's worth seeing once.
This release isn't worth your time. Both films (previously released in widescreen) are full screen here for some reason. I waited months for this release and put off buying the dirt cheap individual discs, which are now tough to find. Thanks for nothing, New Line!
You would think the final scene of the first Planet of the Ape's film would wrap things up. However, when Fox executives saw the success of the first film a second one was probably inevitable. The producers wanted Charlton Heston back, and Heston stated he would come back only if they assured him that this would be the last of the Planet of the Apes films. They agreed and Heston, as we know, blew the Earth up with the Doomsday bomb. However, even this bomb could not start the onslaught of ape movies that would come latter.The premises of this film is that another astronaut and crew takeoff from Earth looking for Taylor's lost ship and just happen to go through the same time warp and find themselves on the very same planet. James Franciscus plays Brent the main character who finally finds Ape City and befriends Zira and Cornelius. Brent escapes the city and heads to the forbidden zone. A group of militant gorillas are also heading to the forbidden zone. The forbidden zone features an underground city, which was once New York. The excellent set design of a dilapidated New York is the best part of the film. We see familiar landmarks of the city reduced to ancient crumbling structures. Apparently, this set was originally used for the film Hello Dolly. The ape's main nemeses here are telepathic humans that create illusions in the mind of their enemies. In a bit of post counterculture nihilism they worship a gleaming nuclear missile. Before they worship the bomb they remove their faces and reveal hideously scared faces.In the final battle with the apes a gravely wounded Taylor detonates the bomb and the Earth is reduced to a barren lifeless planet.This really should have ended the series. The Ape's films that followed were getting increasingly mediocre. Even Beneath the Planet of the Apes displayed cost cutting in the flimsy makeup of some of the extras. The truth is Beneath the Planet of the Apes was the last big budget film of the series.
Made by fx master Douglas Trumbull after 2001, this actually is a very moving plea for the cause of conservation. An earth so polluted that the last forests are put on great space ships like the Valley Forge to roam the outer edges of the solar system, awaiting the call to return home. Instead the reverse order is given. Bruce Dern kills his companions to prevent them from carrying out the order. Folk score by Joan Biaz
My family and I saw Wall-e at the theater and wanted the DVD as soon as it came out. Unfortunately the disc is defective and will not play on my system without constant freeze-ups. This does not happen with any other DVD's. Sadly, I'm going to go through the refund/return process. My two star on the movie is my frustration with the disc, not the movie itself. Wall-e is one of the cutest little animated characters produced. Some might call the film a message movie, I don't think that's the primary point. A case can be made for most animated films having some kind of message, it's all how/why you want to see it. Be a kid again, then watch these kinds of movies!
Esther is an outcast at a private school. The uniformity of the school is shown to the extreme. Esther wants to be part of the crowd, yet at the same time strives not to be part of the group. She attempts to talk to her parents, but they ignore her to excess. Esther meets Sunni (Keisha Castle-Hughes), a public school student. They connect and become friends and she also makes friends with Sunni's mom (Toni Collette) who works as a dancer. Esther decides to stop going to Rowan and attend public school with the unorthodox Sunni...without really telling anyone. Here she finds her comfort zone.The story is basically a witty coming of age story. The story becomes serious and sad toward the end, which I thought ruined the flow.No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. Sex is mentioned and the film has ummm- err-ah....those female things.
This film started off with great promise but then suffered a stream of badly filmed 'one-man-hero-saves-all' cliches. Can you really take seriously the thankless police commander who demoted our man when he saved the day on the bridge at the start of the movie, or the woman boss who would not have looked out of place in a shampoo advertisement or modelling clothes?? The fight action scenes were reasonable. As a biker, I loved the Ducati but why the wheelie? It slows you down when you have three vehicles of bad guys and auto weapons chasing after you while you only have a never ending supply of bullets in your one and only handgun. I know we should not take this seriously and I am very fond of films where you can just watch and not believe all that you see, but this was a poor attempt at revitalising Stevens career and would fit better in the 'film spoof' category. Come on Joel... give us another Matrix.
This movie kinda sucked, I would not spend money watching it again. The idea of critter/humans...grosses me out. So good if you like weirdness in a way that is gross and not just interesting or strange.
This amazing film provokes thought and awareness regarding our role in being good stewards of the earth. Interesting and well done. A must see for everyone.
very interesting documentary for die hard fans!Excellent item, fast packed, shiped with all others, good deal! Thank you, see you soon for more shop!
Nice subtle filmmaking that takes it time to unfold. Beautifully shot and well acted. Would love to see more like this.
Now, lets start off by saying that Kevin Bacon hasn't made a good movie for twenty years. Second, lets say that a movie solely dependant upon good special effects for the most part turn out for the worst. This is one of those films. I could barely make it through the entire film. A pentagon experiment which aims to be able to succesfully transform a human into an "invisible" being goes terribly wrong. The top scientist (Bacon) volunteerd to be the first person to change invisible. Eventually the transformation is a success and Bacon begins to take advantage of his "invisible" situation. So, in retrospect, Bacon runs around raping women, killing his friends, and being a total jerk, until they eventually kill him. I think it would be better if this movie was kept "invisible".
A great movie. It's a spooky, mystery film that is jam packed with nudity. A british writer moves to a house in France to work. Her publisher's hot daughter arvies and has some fun in the pool. When questions arise about the young woman's past the writer is in a story that rivals one of her own. It is a little slow moving, but at the end I was totally confused. The subtitles are a little anoying. NOT FOR YOUNGER VIEWERS!
I am so happy I got this movie from the library, that was a big saver on this boring movie. I was hoping it was going to start getting good at the end but it had gotten dumber and dumber. Please save your money, DO NOT get this movie.
Strait to the point.It sucks big time.All the actors in it are totally bad.Such bad performances that it should win at the razzies for worst ensamble cast in a film.Also it should stick around at the ceremony because it will sweep up worst screenplay,director,production,makeup etc etc.Look i know its a low budget production but come on.There`s low budget and then there is no budget.My advise is remake it with good actors and a good director.Have the script worked on by a real writer and find a real producer and then it could have been up there with the excorcist and emily rose.Ps,the guy who played the father and the guy who played the priest should quit acting all together.There is bad acting and then there is no acting.Rediculous.
This has to be the absolute most boring workout ever. Thank goodness I rented instead of bought. This workout is for someone who has never worked out in their life.... very easy, even if you haven't worked out lately. I would not, not, NOT recommend this to anyone looking to really sweat.
Top Gear is the best show on TV. These episodes have more footage than you saw on TV and even more than the "director's cuts" that show up on my on demand listings. I laugh until hurt whenever I watch these.
Eathan Hawke manages to turn some of the most beautiful poetry written in English into the most deadpan and apathetic drivel I have ever heard. Perhaps he was sleeping (or the director was). I've seen a version of _Hamlet_ mocked by the characters of Mystery Science Theater 3000 that puts this version to shame. Save your time and money. You'll do better reading the Cliff's Notes or watching _Strange Brew_.
I've worked with and befriended some of the social workers and veterans in this documentary and this film is probably the most accurate portrayal of (MST) Military Sexual Trauma that illustrates the impact this violent crime has on our veterans. It shows the devastation of military rape and criminal "cover-ups" and how the this particular act of military violence wrecks people's careers, relationships, families and physical health and personal lives. This video ought to be played at every high-school to show young men and women the dangers of enlisting in our current military climate. Unfortunately the greatest danger veterans face is not terrorism but each other, their superiors and so-called "military justice." Kori Cioca is a brave young woman and I thank Susan Burke and Susan Avila-Smith for helping us veterans and survivors of MST to speak out against this incredible injustice and social ignominy that has long been ignored by the military command at large.
ok the drama of this is pretty good and the guys are almost all hot and u get to see the hot guys nude pretty good and two of them have sex but with girls and there is never gay sex not even men making out, this was under gay porn i feel really cheated near the end u get to see the hottest guy's ass and full frontal quite a bit but never any gay sex
I watched this with my two baby nieces and they laughed hysterically at all of the antics and goings on in this movie. A must watch for any adventures in baby sitting!!!
I hated this movie. Between this role and his disgusting role in "Nixon," Bob Hoskins has officially lost all of my respect. He did a great job as an obsessed psychopath, and the movie was well done, but it's the kind of movie that does not need to be made. Extremely inappropriate and disgusting. The movie was artsie, but very slow moving. Once the plot began to unravel, I was waiting for the movie to end. The only reason why I finished it was because I was watching it for a class. This movie is the most disturbing movie that I have ever seen. I would never recommend it to anybody. It is a sickening and disgusting waste of time. The PG-13 rating just reflects mature subject matter. I give it one star only because the rating page won't allow zero.
I don't know why I purchased this show. Now I'm on Amazon's site trying to figure out how to cancel it. Cruel and Mean show.
As good as the first. The producer of BONES, Kathy Reichs, has written books. I have one of her book, looking forward to reading it. She is a Forensic anthropologist
Dear America,If you will continue to buy our turds, then we will continue to crap them out.Sincerely,The Motion Picture Industry
I can't stand to look too close when Anna's cousin is on the show...you have to see her to believe it! It scares me to think people like this roam the earth...This episode wasn't that funny more annoying because you just want to run screaming after seeing this *thing* on the screen. I won't spoil the episode but cousin Shelly is the biggest hick thing to hit TV....scary!
This, is not good horror. If you want good horror, check out The Exorcist, In the Mouth of Madness, Event Horizon, Jacob's Ladder, Ringu, or maybe even Man Bites Dog. This is NOT a revisitation of any kind of vintage horror..... it's a company taking a shot in the dark. This one seems to want to borrow the "rural legend" theme from Pumpkinhead. The end product is nowhere near as well put together. Flavor of the week horror flicks CAN be good, suspension of disbelief included..... it's just that this one doesn't even seem to make an effort to convince (I mean c'mon, the only reason the curious guy gets his eyes eaten is because he thinks one of those "dead bodies" the demon is dropping down the pipe might be alive, for some stupid reason) the viewer at all. Mind you, the idea of a creature that regenerates itself by consuming the parts of its victims would be rather scary if implemented in say, a sci-fi horror movie, in this it just doesn't work. Add the fact that this movie got an even higher budget sequel is proof that God hates us all. If you want a good chill, go rent any of the movies mentioned above. If you've rented or bought this, and have received some sense of being entertained from it, you should be shot / stabbed, probably both. Bottom line is, DIE. People like you waste the money of good folks that wanna see worthwhile movies.
Babylon 5 Season VI continues to shed light on the ongoing adventures and parallel stories of prominent people aboard a major space station under Human control in neutral territory orbiting Epsilon 3.The date is 2261 and representatives from both the major and minor space-faring races have all gathered at Babylon 5 in a last effort at achieving victory during the most deadly conflict the universe has seen to date... the Shadow War!Bruce Boxleitner, Mira Furlan, Andreas Katsulas, Peter Jurasik, and the rest of the cast, have truly outdone themselves with their performances, which are outstanding to say the least. All the actors, without exceptions, give it their 100% and it really shows (the chemistry is AMAZING)! Very well written and very well presented, the series is without a doubt guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment.The only setbacks are in relation to:1) Enough with the writer's, J. Michael Straczynski's, obsession with the Germans, the Soviets and WWII; it gets tiring after the first THREE seasons! JMS, as he himself states in The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 website, has a lot of (too much) personal issues/baggage going back to the WWII era: "I have had a longstanding interest and familiarity with this area...and through my European roots with relatives who were in Germany and Poland when the camps were in full swing, and later when the Russian government beat down its people. I have plenty of personal background on this one."JMS would do well to keep all these personal issues... personal (!) and to himself. This is an outstanding sci-fi show that should not become the instrument or the means for anyone's personal agenda and not-so-hidden messages.2) In the episode "The Exercise of Vital Powers," JMS trash talks Greeks through Garibaldi by stating that happiness for a Greek consists of "3 goats and some wine."I wonder though, why JMS doesn't make similar "witty" jokes about Ivanovas' faith... Hmmm... He is a self-professed atheist, but is he though? I wonder...3) What has happened to Vir? He is so much thinner, hyper and so much less adorable now...On the positive side:1) The OUTSTANDING plot and subplots keep getting better and better!2) The GREAT characters become more and more developed, and3) The wonderful feeling of being addicted to the show and wanting more!4) The music has gotten even better in this season.In conclusion, Babylon 5 is a series definitely worth watching and one to seriously consider adding to your movie collection!
Ordered over a month ago and still waiting, contacted the seller three times never got and answer, had to file a claim on it which still pending. Terrible experience!
Like the previous movie of the same name, it should have concentrated more on how to get even with the corporate thieves and not the convenience stores! The idea was there, the execution was horrible! The usually reliable Jim Carrey was completely off his gameplan. The laughs were non existent and the storyline was a struggle. The fault all goes to the people who put together the story. This film was just brutal to watch! Don't waste your time!
This movie was B-O-R-I-N-G! Sure the movie was sweet(I guess) and it gets you thinking (kind of), but it was a million paces too slow and I would generalize it as weird in an "oh, come on..." kind of way. But hey, if your into semi-romantic, unrealistic movies and enjoy looking forward to the end...go for it!
Riveting and thought provoking. Can't wait for the new season. Not your usual look at US Foreign Policy. Well Done!
But that's about it. Thought my kids might like something fun for Halloween. Had read a bit about this but didn't remember seeing it. Now I know why - long and boring.
Although there are a lot of familiar "television" names associated with "A Man Called Sledge", there is nothing extraordinary about the film itself or about any of the performances. In fact, the only thing that distinguishes it from a 1960's-70's television series like "The Rat Patrol" is a bigger cast and a lot more violence.James Garner is the biggest star and apparently thought he should try to break away from all the light comedy stuff he had been doing ("Maverick", "Support Your Local Sheriff"-"Gunfighter" etc.). Unfortunately his earthy likability works against him, as Sledge is a humorless character written to cash in on the popularity of Clint Eastwood's spaghetti western anti-hero. But Eastwood's stuff was not this flat and uninteresting.I suppose that "A Man Called Sledge" could be classified as a spaghetti western although the pacing is too slow to really fit that sub-genre. Fans of the slow-paced "Combat" television series will feel an instant connection as Vic Morrow directed the film and co-wrote the script with Frank Kowalski. Throw in some then trendy slow-mo shots and cross-dissolves, which call attention to themselves rather than serve a story-telling purpose.The plot is the standard "big heist" thing (insert "The War Wagon" here) with Sledge plotting how to heist a $300,000 gold shipment. His gang includes Claude Akins and Dennis Weaver. The problem is that while on the move the shipment is guarded by 40 outriders and while stopped it is locked in a vault inside the territorial prison. I think there was an episode of "Alias Smith and Jones" with the same plot.The story would make a decent hour of television but gets old very fast as a very padded feature length film. Garner does not allow any of his charm to leak into his characterization and the film does not generate enough suspense to hold a viewer's interest.The thing finally crashes and burns shortly after the heist when the gang engages in a contrived and totally illogical card game, gambling away their shares of the loot to provide some lame reason to extend the story.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
Just like the first one I ordered this one will also not load and play. So now I have a movie I can't watch.
I totally enjoyed the series. I saw the American version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and I do feel it was more entertaining but the movies on this foreign series is very good.
Like most late 70's/early 80's slashers, "Silent Scream" starts off with an hour of actors in their 30's pretending to be teenagers who get drunk and sleep together to kick off the body count. But unlike pretty much every other film in the genre, the second half actually has some story to it, and turns out to be a fairly fun low-budget camp homage to Psycho that isn't just Psycho again. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then here's 45-minutes worth of cheap entertainment for the next time you have the flu.
Is this really what our media is coming to? I can't imagine a movie more terrible than this one. People say that it's funny. It's not. It's perverted, to the extreme. The acting is bad, the storyline simple. What this guy does is absolutely gut wrenching. I have no idea how warped a person's sense of humor needs to be before they think swinging a baby by the umbilical cord in a hospital room is funny. I personally don't laugh at being offended. Granted, the movie does do what it was meant to accomplish. It will offend you. You will be blasted with profanity throughout the entire movie and with a relentless fear of how bad the next scene will be. Designed to attract teens, it does so, but the message it teaches is so wrong (in anyone's viewpoint, really) that it even pushes most of them away.If you laugh at offense, you'd better bring Kleenex to wipe away the tears. It's a shame something like this actually made it to the theatre.
If you were as disappointed with "Ark of Truth" as I was, you'll be very happy with "Continuum." This is classic SG-1, impossible odds, the team working together, and a satisfying conclusion. This is a balanced story between the characters (although Vala gets short-changed again), and not the Cameron Mitchell love-fest AOT was. The special effects were stellar, the score is phenomenal, although at times too loud to hear the characters lines. If this is what future Stargate movies will be like, sign me up to pre-order right now.Edited Dec. 29, 2009: The score wasn't too loud to hear the voices, my stereo settings were messed up and I wasn't getting an even sound.
Didn't quite think I would get into it so quickly, but I'm hooked, like the rest of the world. Enjoying it.
Love season 2 is one of my favorite seasons of buffy love the halloween episode :) came right on time
This is by far the worst of the Hellraiser movies. I would go as far as saying this was in the top five of the worst movies I have ever seen. I rented all six of the series this past weekend becasue I hear so much good things about this series. I was pretty much happy until I put Hellseeker VI into the DVD player. The movie made no sense, Pinhead is hardly in it at all. The Cenobites seem to be afterthoughts of the writer. There was no horror in this movie. If I had wanted to see "Memento" I would have rented that instead. If there are any plans for Hellraiser VII please somebody get on your knees and beg Clive to come back.
Adapted from the superlative Thomas Harris book, "Black Sunday" is one thriller that delivers a thought-provoking punch as big as the Goodyear blimp. The premise of terrorists absconding with the aforementioned "ship" in order to wipe out thousands of Super Bowl patrons is timely.With the respective bombings of the New York's World Trade Center and the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Americans are becoming aware of the threat posed by our country's enemies.The film hits home with dynamic performances by stars Robert Shaw, the always-super Bruce Dern, and Marthe Keller as one tough and determined anarchist.As of yet, the film's images are fictional; hopefully, they will not come to pass.
Wonderful story of faith, being human, the choices we make, and how they ultimately affect us.Makes you pause and wonder about the circle of human acceptance and why we've gone astray.Wonderful acting all around - and nice to see the familiar faces of Kathleen Turner and Richard Chamberlain again. Excellent, thought-provoking movie.
'SOMEONE' should REALLY have a frank discussion with Mr. Carrey ~ [a super talent - really] about these artistic career choices that lead to cul-de-cat-in-the-sacks ?????REALLY a dreadfully, boring little feature, showing lots of $$$ on screen, but Oh My - the Horror! The Horror!Meryl Streep with a REALLY bad wig, check the hairline .... ditto Jim's eyebrows ...... and the Count Costume [Goodness is he ?? over? Andy Kaufman?] but do check 'Heartbeeps' the lost Kaufman movie with Bernadette Peters - and compare the costume[s]......pity ....[and was that a tribute to Robin William's 'Popeye'?]
I guess you either love Mickey Rourke's acting or dislike it intensely. I fall into the latter category, and for me this was just another piece of Mickey Rourke drivel. From the description of the film we find out that Rourke plays a washed-up boxer, but who knew until about midway through the film, when a doctor says that if he were younger he'd tell him to find another job? There's no telling his age from his looks and manners, and since we are given no background about the character, we have no idea what part of his life we are being thrust into, why he's got this attitude (punching his opponents after the bell or after what is supposed to be a clean break), so it's awfully difficult to sympathized or connect with the character in any way. The subplot with Christopher Walken is totally irrelevant, which is too bad, since Walken is the only one on screen who shows any signs of energy and acting ability (though his club routine is very painful to watch). There is no chemistry between Rourke and his "romantic interest"...hell, there's no chemistry at all between Rourke and ANYONE on screen; he acts throughout as though he were the only one on camera (not atypical for Rourke movies in general when he is the lead). There are so many better boxing films out there (Raging Bull, Champion, Body And Soul, just to name a few), so don't waste your time on this one unless you are a Mickey Rourke fan.
This was the most pitiful movie I have seen in years and I watch many many movies. The writing is not believable at all!! What kind of man shakes the hand of the man who is fornicating with his wife???The entire plot is lost towards the end with no resolution. Just this whiny man still there for his pathetic cheating wife. I think the producers must have ran out of money to give this a proper ending..lol. Headed over to gamestop in the morning to get a dollar for this movie. I feel bad I paid 3 dollars for it.
as my 7 year old said last night it is my favorite big grown up tv show. i can t say it any better only thing i would love is if you could watch it from the site even if you dont have cable.