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Most of the reviews I've read seem harsh. I've had this phone since it came out (june) I've had no problems with it whatsoever. Its easy to use and easy to find things. I dont see how using the address book is hard you push down on the navigate key and it takes you right to it all you gotta do is scroll down, whats more easier than that o.O. I've put this phone through alot of torture and its come thru just fine. Altho I will say this, if you get this phone get a case for it cause the screen is huge and will scratch.
The cell antenna seems to be working ok. I haven't seen a significant improvement in my signal though. The jury is still out on this. I had to move it because of wiper hitting it. This may have affected its performance.
Ordered two batteries. One kept its charge worse than the battery than I was replacing. The second has done a reasonable job of holding a charge.
This frog phone charm is adorable and very eye catching. We have gotten a lot of compliments on it.
If you are the kind of person who thinks a phone should be a phone -- this is for you. It is extremely well built and has great sound quality (including the speakerphone). It has the best signal reception of any phone I can find. When you are out in the middle of nowhere and need to get a call through you will appreciate this phone.
As others have observed, this is a really sub-par product from a company with a good reputation.I've had this phone about a year. One battery failed within months. The phone itself failed after about 10 months. Plantronics replaced both without hassle, though I paid to send the defective phone back.Others have mentioned the beeping-on-mute issue (what WERE they thinking?) and poor battery life -- both true and very annoying. There are other design issues that make this an unacceptable product, in my view, e.g., it's easy to hurt your fingers removing and installing batteries.If you are looking for a 900 Mhz phone, my recommendation is to look elsewhere.
While this is a decent little pouch, it wasn't made for iPhone. Even arrived on a cardboard card with CAMERA BAG on it. The bag is a very loose fit. I was very disappointed to receive something represented as specially made for iPhone when it obviously isn't.
We are in Colorado and are plagued with pocket gophers. We have had these pest repellers in our lawn for over 2 years and I have yet to see any difference in the hungry pests digging patterns. I think they chuckle and use it as a beacon to know where in the garden are the tastier roots and bulbs.Maybe it works for some people because they have moles. I bet a lot of people don't even know what they have in their lawn - for months, my wife and I debated whether we had pocket gophers or voles. I know we have pocket gophers because we've captured and released over a dozen.These don't work. What works is the wash, catch and release program. My wife takes the hose, floods all of their tunnels and air holes. Sometimes it takes hours to get one to surface and doesn't always work. Once they surface, scoop them up in a bucket and take to a nearby national forest, open space or park.Also works to build garden boxes with tough wire mesh on the bottom.Good luck!
Now I'm not going to bash this phone. I'm going to give you my honest opinion. Dont get this phone.Now I dont own it, but my friend does and let me tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Sure, it looks luxerious and beautiful on the outside, but dont let the sleek looks fool you.The camera quality leaves much to be desired, it takes very low quality pictures, and you dont have the option of caller ID.. and that's the main reason I'd buy a camera phone.. so I could literally see who's calling. Most ringtones sound horrible and washed out when you purchase them. The outer cover of the phone may look nice, but over time it wears down, tiny pieces of plastic fleck off, etc. The browser is old, the download times are much slower than most of today's phones, and it locks up and glitches up all the time. The phone is out of date. When Cingular put it on the market they took it off shortly after.. because it was a dud.
I bought these thinking I could use them for both Skype and my cell. Connects and works fine for cell use (although the annoying blue light flash needs to go). But this headset does NOT work for Skype and Plantronics is clear (AFTER you buy the headset, nowhere is this mentioned on the package or product listing) that Skype/VOIP is NOT supported. I'm a pretty techie guy (build my own PCs., water and phase-change cool them) and I tried everything, several BT stacks and 3 different USB and internal dongles. A one-hundred and fifty dollar stereo bluetooth headset will not work for VOIP? The cheapest mono headsets will work, but not this? Absolutely unacceptable for a higher-end headset and the shifty Plantronics people should make this clear on the packaging. I hope Amazon will change the product details to reflect this.
Both my wife and I own these, and we are both annoyed enough with them that I went out and bought her an old-school, wired headset the other day to replace hers. I dropped mine about a week in from four feet up onto pavement, and the ear-clip chipped, making it fall out from time to time - definitely not rugged construction. This unit picks up all kinds of background noise and garbles the voice so that you have to shout slowly to be understood at all. In addition, about 60% of the time, when placing a call, you will be able to hear the person you called, but they will not be able to hear you at all, and you'll have to redial to get through.
Shipped quick and works great. Makes phone fit snug in belt case but I prefer it that way. It is easy to recognize my phone on the conference room table too, great look and feel.
I ordered two of the Krusell Multiadapters. Both of them had a snap broken when they arrived so they would not attach. I was looking for a good quality holder for my TREO and this was not it. I was extremely disappointed in the quality of the item, and would not buy another one. I would not suggest this product to anyone.
Once I heard a friend's speakers, I had to have them. I have used them to play great music at a fairly loud level - much much better than I expected from a very small, compact speaker set.
Yes, it looks cool, but other than that it's a terrible phone. The touchpad is difficult to use, the numbers are pretty small, the battery dies rapidly. In a word, awful. Even disregarding the fact that the sales woman assured me the phone could play itunes (which it can't and I should have known that) it's still a crappy phone. It makes calls on its own. I'm not sure about hitting the side key twice in rapid sucession, after just testing it, all I have to do is hit the key once and it's able to dial on its own. Additionall, the phone does not recognize when keystrokes are being used as part of the connection. Meaning, when I try to check my voicemail, the phone acts like I'm doing other things when I type in my password. That's an issue I've never had with another phone. It's really difficult to use call waiting. Find another phone to buy. I should have gotten a razor.
I just received the battery about 1 month ageo. Good so far. batteries life over time will be reduced but I'm happy with the out of the box performance thus far.
The Earglove is by far the most comfortable earpiece I have ever used. It is designed like a hearing aid, so you dont need the bracket to go around the ear. You can take that part off, in fact, and just use it as a normal hands-free device.THAT BEING SAIDTo date, I have owned 32 units. I have just laminated one of my receipts that said "lifetime warranty" so the lazer print wont fade and the receipt stays fresh. The quality of construction is so poor that one can only (reasonably) expect the unit to last 3wks to 4 months at the most before phone conversations become compromised. Body Glove used to have a lifetime warranty on this item until mid 2005, but my guess is that too many people were taking advantage of this and causing them to lose more money through replacements than if they would have just built a reliable product to begin with.Some of the problems that were telltale signs of degradation included: static, fading out of the microphone during conversations, rubber part of the earpiece falling off frequently, wiring coming loose from either the microphone or earpiece, or the answer button would simply refuse to work (this one is usually the first thing to happen).In short, If you want a great feeling earpiece and have the ability to take it back to where you purchased it without too much inconvenience, then this is the item for you.
I just received this product and I'm a little disappointed.The package contains: one screen protector sized for the Cingular 2125 phone, one applicator (used to smooth the screen protector to remove bubbles) and one cleaning cloth for cleaning the phone screen prior to application.The screen protector has two tabs on it. One of the tabs allows you to pull off the adhesive backing, which worked ok. The other tab allows you to hold on to the screen protector while you apply it so you don't smudge it up with your fingerprints (I'm guessing). The problem with that tab is that it is stuck to the FRONT of the screen protector and when I removed it, it left STICKER RESIDUE on the front of the screen protector that was impossible to remove without using a chemical agent. After much rubbing, cleaning and drying, I finally applied the screen protector using the method described on the package and I was unable to get the product to adhere to the screen without a ton of bubbles between the protector and the phone screen. The bubbles are all over the place and are a little distracting when I use the phone. It's probably good for *protecting* the screen from scratches, but I wouldn't say it's crystal clear.
I've had the Motorola V300 for 1 year and 6 days. I liked it just fine. About 2 months ago, however, I sometimes couldn't hear the caller. Since my phone bangs around in my purse and changes the ringer volume, I thought that somehow the volume setting had changed. Every now and then I would sift through the phone settings looking for a volume control, but never found one. In the meantime, I figured out that I could hear people on speakerphone. I finally called T-Mobile yesterday. They were happy to repair/replace the phone for $10 shipping until they told me that it has been out of warranty for 5 days. We have bought 3 phones in the past year - they knew the phone had a problem with hearing the speaker - but they failed to tell me and I stupidly thought the problem was with a phone setting. Buyer beware! I am NOT happy!
The case is a very inexpensive case which goes along with the quality of the case. In other words, cheap to buy and cheaply made. I had problems with the stitching coming loose and also where the belt clip connects to the case it was starting to rip at that point. All of this with less than 2 months of use.
When purchased, the selection didn't specify if the holster would work with the Moto Q 9c, so now I have one that does me NO good. Website did not give enough information!
When I received this product it would not accept a charge. It did not work. The company was great and returned my money immediately upon receipt of the returned product. The only bad part was the cost of shipping that you do not get reimbursed for. I would not suggest this product but if you take your chances I think the company is reputable. Good Luck..
My husband needed a blue tooth with a boom he could use in his machine shop. While not perfect this one serves is needs.
This case is non-functional. I have the H500, and can not keep the case from bumping the on/off switch. I tried putting tissue in the bottom to raise the headset a little, no good. Next I'm going to try cutting a notch in the center where the on/off switch hits. Might work, but it will be ugly. Anyone found a better solution?
This headset does NOT work well with Motorola Razor phones.The reception is not god and people I called had a difficult time hearing me.I would not recommend this product.
In this day and age, it is refreshing to find a simple phone such as this. I don't think I'm alone in feeling that a phone should be a phone, and nothing more. With all the extra features these days (including cameras, movies, bluetooth, etc...) I find this phone's "lack" to be its main plus. The display is crisp and clear, the keypad is very responsive and hasn't worn down after quite a bit of use. Moreover, it is perhaps the most sleek phone on the market (in my humble opinion). The rounded metal exterior is very appealing, and its size makes it even more so.I would comment on reception, however I feel this varies from area to area. That said, I did switch from Verizon and have been getting better reception in three different states so far (VA, PA, and MA).I definitely recommend this phone for people who want simplicity in such a compact form.
Incredibly, I would say I have owned over 20 different Bluetooth headsets. Hard to believe but since I drive a Tractor Trailer Semi for a living I ended up going through most of those simply because they all had some sort of major flaw. Having a Bluetooth headset that was reliable, well made, had quality sound, was loud enough to hear in any environment (window and loud diesel engine noise), and had long battery life is extremely important to me. A headset with all of these qualities allowed me to run my business while driving 11 hours per day and most importantly safer while doing so. Although considered bulky and not necessarily the most esthetically pleasing by some people, this headset is by far the best I've owned out of all 20 or so. It is comfortable to wear for hours at a time. It pairs nicely with the many cell phones I have owned of all different brands. It is loud when I need it to be and has a long battery life. Another thing, this is a very solid, well made unit as well, and don't neglect this when you buy a headset. Some are finished with a small drop or a pinch in your pocket. I've owned many of the newest tiny "attractive" headsets and they break, you can't hear them on the loudest setting and they often left me with a sore ear within an hour or less. I recommend that you don't spend any more than this on your headset. I purchased some that were $100+ and they disappointed and I no longer use them or they broke. This is my second one of this exact model. My puppy actually chewed the first one, but I had to order from Amazon as soon as possible as I rely on it too much and conduct much of my business over the phone while driving or writing. To make a long story short: I wished I had this review handed to me before I spent a gazillion dollars on headsets that I either broke or just had some horrible flaw. I hope this helps you out even if you are a seasoned Bluetooth person or new to the technology. If there were one thing I miss that this headset doesn't have it would be the vibrate feature that one of my other headsets had (I loved this). Can't get everything I guess.
There are lots of positive reviews for this item and rather than restating what others have written I will simply say "me too"; it works perfectly with my Cingular 3125 Smartphone.More usefully, I will add that going by others' reviews there appear to be good versions and very bad versions of this unit out there; I must have a good one. Perhaps the little code printed on it will be a useful guide to somebody - mine says it's a "SYN1508B" so perhaps if you can get one with that on it too you will have as good an experience with it as me! (I got mine from my cell phone provider and it wasn't discounted, unfortunately.)
I had been very happy with my Motorola phone until the battery started losing its charge within a day, even when the phone was turned off. The friendly but incompetent customer support kept me on the phone for an average of 40 minutes for the repeated calls trying to figure out the problem. After the phone had finally been sent to their technical service center, they returned it to me that the phone was irreperable "due to customer abuse." I have done nothing to that phone that could have caused any damage (unless using it to make phone calls counts as "customer abuse"), but got the same comment, without explanation after I had sent the phone in for a second time for reevaluation. It seems that Motorola is just trying to get out of fixing or replacing the phone free of charge under warranty. You'll be fine with a Motorola phone as long as it works. After that, you're on your own.
Amazon's order sequence for this product--if you are an existing ATT customer--is worthless. ATT will not allow existing customers to "upgrade" their equiptment even if they extend their contract. Amazon asks if you are an existing customer early in the order process. They then allow you to choose Family Talk options for the plan that corresponds to any new equiptment you order. Nowhere on the main Amazon order screens are you advised that as an existing ATT customer you will be given a new account with new phone numbers and not allowed to port your existing numbers. In short, Amazon allows a transaction that ATT will not honor--and which will take you 3-8 phone conversations to clear up before you must return the equiptment and start over.
So far, this has been a great little phone. I travelled to London and southern U.K. and it worked like a charm receiving and making calls to the U.S.. The calls were just as clear as calls in my hometown. I would give this product 5 stars, but the battery usage isn't as good as other products I've used (much better than Nokia and Samsung but not as good as Sanyo). Also, setting the phone up isn't as intuitive as a Sanyo, but once you give the manual a quick review, it makes sense. Overall an excellent product and T-Mobile is a very professional and service-oriented carrier. P.S. You can get this product cheaper thru Amazon.com than T-mobile employees can!!
I love this software.It is awesome. You can create your own ringtones and put them on ur phone. You can also take picutres off of ur phone and onto ur computer to clear up more MB's. This product is awesome..you have to have it.
I bought three batteries. None of them have very good battery life. One had battery life less than 24 hours of idle time and in fact had shorter life than the 2 year old one that I was trying to replace. To add insult, when I emailed for an RMA to exchange it, I didn't even get a reply. I don't believe these are new batteries. If they are, they perform very poorly.
I was looking to consolidate my old mobile phone and an mp3 player into one gadget and this phone does it perfectly.. Not only is it a phone and a great mp3 player but it's also quite a good 2 megabit camera + video + radio + flashlight + internet access. All in all, a great gadget!
I just bought the H700 and it's a great headset. Excellent noise cancellation and no echo. I've read the complaints of others who bought this model and I'm willing to bet that they purchased a counterfeit. I also bought this same model for my teenage daughter, a week before I purchased mine. She loves it and has no complaints. It's also very comfortable to wear.
I read a lot before buying this headset and was kind of nervous because some bad reviews I read but I must say it was worthy because this headset is really good, I can hear perfectly when using it, it doesn't hurts my ear or anything, I don't use it like everyday so the battery has last for almost a week so far. I have a samsung captivate and didn't had any problem pairing it and using it.5 stars!
Fast service, good price, and I didn't have to run around looking for a hard to find charger around here.
HOw could anyone like a fee that simply amounts to increased product cost that the producer disguises as a "fee". Why don't they start adding labor cost overhead fees, capital expenditure cost fees, misc. product expense fee, etc..etc..etc...you get my point. With all those fees they could give the products away and still make a PROFIT!!!!!
This is the first device like this I've ever used but wow this was an awful experience. I got the item today and was very excited. When I put it in there was an awful noise that continued during the use, it was louder than the music. After trying to ignore the noise the music randomly paused and skipped or would stop all together. Don't buy this, big waste of time and money!
This headset is comfortable and works great without having to worry about internal bluetooth settings. I'm actually purchasing a second one today for a work colegue.
Like the last reviewer, I received a charger with a different type of plug on it, and I cannot use it. As such, I have to return it and go in search of a charger that will work.
Very good. Got it as a replacement for my old 510 which got washed. have always been pleased with this set and like the new no light feature.
My Motorola phone wasn't listed in the product blurb, but I took a chance after taking a look at what my mobile provider's Website was selling to go with the phone I had bought from them. I paid about one-thirtieth (yes, it was about 30 times more expensive from my service provider!), and got the CD and the cable for it. I now can upload directly from my laptop or desktop, and I've made my own ringtones using Audacity, saving me even more money. An absolutely incredible bargain, and very easy to set up and use.
After reading so many different reviews about so many different headsets, I decided to go with the Plantronics Voyager 510. My only hesitations were it's age and it's design. But, in the end I told myself that this one has gotten thousands of reviews and its average is still waaayyy up there. Let me tell you, this particular model works as advertised.Pros:Distance - It gets staticky around 25+ feet. Awesome!Clarity - I can hear the calls clearly because of the in ear style. Plus, people on the other end can hear me even when it's windy.Comfort - My girlfriend is constantly taking it off my ear because I forget that it's there.Versatility - I use both ears. My right side is preferred, but I use my left when I'm driving other people.Neutral:Battery - I really haven't gauged the timing of the battery life, but I'm not complaining about it.Cons:Design - It looks too funky, but for all of the function-over-form people, the 510 works great!Mic Boom - Because I have a wide face, the boom sometimes swivels in and touches my cheek (I hate anything touching my face unknowingly)Since purchasing this headset, I've tried 2 others, the Samsung Wep200 and the upgraded Plantronics Voyager 520.The Samsung was purchased for the girlfriend because its tiny structure was appealing. She complained that it wouldn't stay on her ear. I tried it and agreed. Also, it's clarity and distance was subpar relative to the 510. I ended up giving it to my brother.The Plantronics Voyager 520 was also purchased for the girlfriend because the Samsung didn't work out too well. She's making me go broke! I was honestly excited about the 520. After all, it was the latest and greatest. Latest it is, but greatest it isn't. It doesn't have different size ear buds like the 510, but luckily it fit her ear. (phew!) Distance is horrible. I can't go more than 10 feet without getting static. The size of this thing is a little on the HUGE side, but I still think it looks better than the 510. It's noise cancellation works like the 510, which is one good thing. Bottom line, if it wasn't for its poor performance with distance, my girlfriend would have loved it AND I wouldn't have to return it and find her a new one. The things I do for that woman! If you're reading this, I still love you hunni! :)Conclusion: If it wasn't for the 2 Cons factors, this headset would be perfect for me! But relative to its replacement the 520 and the Samsung, this model is hands down THE headset to get.
To put it plainly, this phone is junk. 3 Members of my family all got it with our family plan, and within a year all 3 phones screens stopped working, rendering the phone almost useless. Of the 4 friends I have that also have this phone, 2 of theirs did the same thing. Don't waste your money. If you really want a phone with a screen that is destined to stop working within a year, go right ahead and forget about viewing your pictures, missed calls, phonebook, games, text messages...etc.COMPLETE JUNK!
It charges both my wifes razor and mine. In really short periods.
I like the compact design and fits easily over the ear. Sometimes the device sounds blurry after bonding with my phone. I have to restart both my cell phone and the HS820 to get best results.
We got this phone for my sister's new razor. The color and fit were great! I was worried since it was a phone from Altell but it fit like a glove! Thanks.
I have purchased two of these headsets and both eventually developed the same problem. The connect for the power cable broke and that was the end of the headsets. I tried, in vain, to contact Plantronics, to report the problem but never recieved a reply. Overall when the headsets worked they were great, but the weak connection doomed them and I would be cautious in purchasing one of these headsets until they are redesigned to make the power connection more durable.Buyer Beware.
I was an early adopter of this phone. It was one of the first phones to ship with Bluetooth and a built-in camera.I can't wait for a few more months to go by so I can justify getting rid of it.DISLIKES:1. Circular touch pad. What a poor idea. You will never get used to it, I predict. I have never found it intuitive. It always slows down dialing.2. Too big to carry comfortably in the pocket.3. Operating system requires too many steps and is not always intuitive.4. Resolution of camera is poor, and lighting/shakiness is terrible in low light.LIKES:1. Bluetooth2. Large size is better for holding and speaking, more like a home phone.3. Speaker phone is really handy, and is loud.Make me an offer, I would love to get rid of it! The people at Nokia who thought up the circular phone pad should be required to use it for the next 10 years.
This product is cool and worth the money. It has an additional light which you can use for searching in your car. Plugging it to your phone might be a little difficult while driving, but it charges your phone fast.The first one I got did not work. I appreciate SF Planet for sending me a replacement with a prepaid shipping label. It arrived pretty quick. Otherwise it would have ruined my roadtrip for the long weekend.I'ld definitely recommend buying from SF Planet.
Hands free, now I can drive without using my hands for the cell phone. Clear and concise communication, I would recommend this product to any sales person who must drive and talk at the same time!
I didn't think this would be useful until one day, driving home from work, I got a phone call and my phone was in an inconvenient front pocket. I missed the call. It was important. I bought this.It's perfect for me.Battery life is stellar -- It's been so long since I charged it that I forgot where the charger is (over 2 months). I would sometimes accidentally leave this bugger on while I went into the store/work/whatever. When I came back, the battery would still be fine.Now, you won't be playing high-quality music from this speaker. You won't even get crystal-clear voices. But I never have any trouble understanding anyone. They can invariably hear me. And I can mount the clip whichever way I want, so that the microphone always faces me.(The clip is too wide for my sun visors, but not for my friend's civic. Either way, the clip works for me as long as I don't lower the visor.)Yes, that is my only qualm. This is an excellent tool, especially when paired with your phone's auto-answer. I recommend it highly.
The reception on both my end and the other end is really great. The wind reduction is really true. My only problem is how it fits on my ear...I think my long hair just gets in the way...
-Phone has what I call "pauses", in which it just goes blank in mid-text or call or whatever, and is useless for up to 20 seconds, before it goes back to normal (often causing a text message to be lost since you've pressed buttons during the pause)-Phone cuts out during calls-Poor, poor reception - it fails to work in places other people's mobiles have no problem with-Every now and then the phone just freaks out and the screen flashes white, and it must be set aside for anywhere between 2 minutes and half an hour-Phone just sometimes stops working - blank screen, can't turn it on or off. I went as far as going to the store to get it replaced when it started working again-The ring tone changes of its own accord. I kid you not, you set it to vibrate, then later on it will ring out on "loud".In short, I would cut off a finger before recommending this phone to even my worst enemy. A terrible failure of a product. Was it designed and assembled by chimpanzees? My last ever Motorolla product.
I was a little hesitant to purchase the Monster Radioplay given the mixed reviews of FM transmitters, in general. I read the reviews of all the different brands and designs and finally chose this one. I have been using it all weekend and I have to say I love it. The sound quality is similar to playing a radio, not a CD. This should be no surprise to anyone, since it is after all an FM Transmitter. If you want your mp3s to sound like CD quality than you will have to pay a lot more or invent your own contraption. In the meantime, I would highly recommend using this product.Compared to the ones my friends have, I can honestly say that Monster has the most reliable transmitter on the market right now. Remember, you get what you pay for with some of those other ones. As a side note, my mp3 player is actually my phone and I can also use this to listen to incoming calls on my car stereo. In sum, this serves me well and I am very happy with my purchase. If you are considering buying a transmitter, I recommend this one.
I thought I was buying Motorola batteries to replace my existing battery. these are not! They last less than half a day to a charge even without calling . Yes they were cheap(inexpensive) and cheap (worthless)
Did not like it at all. Was very loose on ear, fell of ear easy and had very bad reception and lots of background noise and static. Went back to the plantronic which is much better
Well, It arrived in a timely matter, Faster than I anticipated, which is Outstanding and the 1 main reason why it's a 5 star so far. Put the battery in and it turns on, which is the other reason. The phone is for my Mom and I will update it after a month to report on how it holds up. So far I am happy, which is about all you can ask for.**Update**After getting to my Mom and putting in the T-Mobile Sim card, all is working well for right now. Works like a charm my Mom says and if Mom is happy then so am I. Will update again in Feb. Thanks...***Update*** 2-4-13Still working and call clarity is excellent. No complaints as of yet. Hope this helps.
Easy to pair - easy to use - easy to wear. And at a great price.
Hey LyndaI think that you should read it this review again. I should point out that some of the plans contains hidden fees like the minute 2 minute plan. They charge you 25 cents for the first 10 minutes before you can get 10cents a minute after that. If you use ony 10 minutes its $2.50. 20 minutes will be $3.50 and so on.If you think about it's almost just like a $1.50 access fee which is included in the first ten minutes. Also When I was doing the math, I was making an assumption that the average number of minutes of usage per month was 300 minutes at an average of 10 minutes per day for 30 days straight which is roughly the normal amount for people who don't use their cell phones often. It is only an estimate. I'm just trying to point out the fact that even if you don't use your phone every day, and if you add up all the days that you actually use you phone along with the cost that was assess that day, you will realize that it is not really worth it.
These are great headphones! I just purchased a second set to replace the ones I wore-out, after two years of solid use. They are lightweight and have superb sound. The controls do take some getting used to, especially if you are a lefty, like me, but that is mostly because they are very unobtrusive (small, close to the surface).One thing I might consider a design flaw is the plastic connector, just below the hinge. The right phone finally broke off, on both sides of the hinge. When one side of the plastic connector broke, I simply glued it back together. But now, the connector is broken on both sides of the hinge. I was going to try glue it again, but they are simply worn out. The fabric is this & torn from heavy use. Time for a new set!
I got this headset when it was on sale for us49.99 with free shipping, and I've been using it since. I like you got a OLED so you can set up features and also insert phonebook in your headset so you dont have to go to your phone to dial it. A2DP is working pretty well too, battery works great, great stuff at right price.
I purchased the Motorola H500 to replace my plantronics 320 that I accidently dropped and stepped on causing the on/off volume control button to get stuck in one position making it impossible to raise or lower the volume. I was very pleased when I received the H500. Its smaller than the 320 and fits very comfortably on my ear. Half the time I don't even know that I'm wearing it. Pairing it to my LGCU500 couldn't be simpler and I especially like the feature that shuts off the blutooth light after 5 minutes of inactivity. It increases the battery life quite a bit. It was a great buy for the money and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for an inexpensive bluetooth device.
Everything was as expected. Great price, and shipped quickly and at a reasonable rate.
I did a lot of research on matching a bluetooth headset with my new cell phone Nokia 5500. I tried 3 different bluetooth sets with my previous cell phone and could not find one that worked very well. This headset has great sound quality for me and those that I am talking to. Even they are not able to tell that I am talking to them via bluetooth. I love this product. It is very lightweight. Has a separate charger for the headset. A bit of a pain to have to travel with several chargers. So far I notice the headset needs charging every 2 days of use.
The battery showed up on or earlier than scheduled with a charge on it, till I could fully charge it. It has maintained the charge and seems to be as good as the last battery that lasted over 3 years.
I originally gave the product 2 stars because I liked the keyboard, itself, but found it incompatible with my Palm Treo 680. I returned it quickly to Amazon for a refund and stayed in touch with the company. In August, IGo told me they had finally released a driver for my Treo, so I bought the keyboard again on that basis. As of December 2007, I approached the manufacturer for customer support because its driver was quickly draining power from my Treo since installing it in August. They told me they don't have a driver for the product! They sent me back to where I bought it rather than offer an apology and refund. I'm very frustrated with this and have approached the manufacturer again for a full refund, because they warranty their products for two years. Their warranty guarantees repair or replacement, and they are offering neither so far. The keyboard was originally developed by Think Outside, which, I believe, has merged into IGo, and management and personnel shifts may have been behind the company bungling this issue so badly. But that's new excuse. They need to step up.For Treo 680 users with smaller hands than mine, you might try an IR keyboard. I thank Fernando Cassia (see comment to my review) for his recommendation of IR instead of Bluetooth but would steer you away from IGo unless they fix the driver or offer a full refund, as they should.
It seems really strange that so many people had such a hard time with this product. I purchased one of these (for $70 6 months ago)along with my verizon/motorolla razor phone and it's works great! the set up is extremely easy and turning the phone on and off is extremely simple (one button!). for those who said this is the picture of the h700 i can tell you right now that my h500 (it has this name on the packaging AND when i connect it to my phone) is the exact same model as pictured, color, buttons and all. The only thing i have to say is that the range may be considered short to some people. I mainly use it while walking or in my room while i'm doing paper work, so it's never farther than 20 feet from the phone. when you get about 25ft or farther, the voice quality becomes a little distorted and gets worse the farther you are. The simple solution to this is to keep the phone in the room you're in or an adjacent one.I've had this headset for half a year now and it's never given me any problems. It has a very nice stand-by feature that conserves the battery when not in use and the battery life seems to be 2-3 times that of my phone. The quality of sound is great, i'm a music student and often play new piano pieces i've written over the phone to friends and family and they never had a problem hearing the full range of notes clearly.It's been the perfect headset for my needs, the only reason i give it 4 stars is because of the range, which isn't an issue at all for myself (though others may want a longer range).
I ordered this phone on June 23, 2006, 2 day delivery, which I desperately needed.On the 25th, I get ean e-mail that there is a delay with the order.On the 27th, I get an e-mail telling me that Cingular has approved the order.On July 3, TWELVE DAYS AFTER I PLACED AN ORDER WITH 2-DAY SHIPMENT, I get an e-mail requiring me to confirm my order before they can ship. I do so. Tomorrow is July 4. So I will end up getting a 2-day shipment over 2 weeks after I placed it.
I bought this case for my black jack and it fits perfectly. With both batteries. the only con is the clip. after a few months it broke because my sister sat on it. but I like this case so much i bought a new one and this time I'll be more careful where i put it.
very smallhas many function (voice calling features and etc..)works wellsuper sound quality
After being pretty happy with the Treo 600 I moved on to the Treo 650 with Cingular. Some of the issues I had with the 650 may have been related to Cingular but as a consumer who has the time or patience to sort through that. In general the 650 with Cingular was a total disaster. The phone had to be reset 2-3 times a day, bluetooth usage was hit or miss and I tried 3 different headsets. Worst of all, Palm just allows you to install whatever application you desire and does not manage any conflicts that may occur. Your first indication of a problem is the phone repeatedly recycling.Now for the 7100t on T-Mobile. It's been nothing but goodness. Getting corporate e-mail configured on the phone was fool proof and having other e-mail accounts set up to sync with the phone was a breeze. The phone has NEVER frozen or reset. I have never had to reset the phone myself. The Treo manuals have an easy to access 'reset' button because it's such an issue for them. The keyboard requires a little bit of patience, but like a high tech car, if you want high performance and a good ride you have to take some time to learn. Yes, there are two letters on most of the keys and in the end that serves to provide a smaller device and also means you don't have to move your fingers around alot to type words. This becomes a nice benefit. I find I can type faster than I could with the Treo keyboard.If you are used to a stylus, then it takes getting used to. The blackberry just does not use them and what that means is you can do almost everything with 1 hand.A few words of advice to get productive with this phone:1) download the user manual from the web site. it has lots of detail about the phone. be sure to read all the detail regarding how to use the keyboard.2) don't be so concerned with 3rd party applications to put on the phone. this phone comes with most everything you need to be productive. i found with the Treo that I needed about $100 worth of accessory software to be productive and to make up for small software features that were not packaged with the phone.3) learn the short cuts with the keyboard. you can scroll up and down by hitting 3 or 9 and can go to the top of a list or the bottom of a list by hitting 1 or 7.
This is the 3rd "OEM" battery I bought via Amazon Marketplace -- as with the others, it was terrible. I ordered form the OEM shop a BR50. They sent a BR56 which is supposed to be even better with 3 hours talk time. It did not last 30 minutes after a complete overnight charge. Nowhere as long as the battery I am trying to replace which lasts over an hour instead of the original 2 1/2 hours.OEM sent a counterfeit fake battery --- not OEM. How can you tell? Because Motorola OEM batteries are made in Japan. These say clearly that they are made in china. I had the same problem and returned the same battery from Wireless Phone Accessories and Batteries4Less.AMAZON_- you should be screening these sellers and addressing these issues. There are a ton of posts under every single one of the Motorola Razr battery listing that say they got bad or counterfeit batteries.Theses companies make their money by selling junk, counting on the Amazon customer not to feel it is worth the hassle to return it. For every one I have to return I lose an hour of my time. My time is worth more than th $10 I get ripped off for. But I do it anyway b/c hopefully at some point AMAZON is going to take responsibility for the conduct of their market sellers. AMAZON's new logo is to become the most customer centric company on earth. Well AMAZON, you can start here: Bargain Cell -- which is one of the worst offenders, Wireless Phone Accessories and now the OEM Shop -- what a joke for a name for the last one since clearly they KNOW they are selling counterfeit batteries.I paid $30 for one from batteries4less hoping to get the real deal -- I got the exact same batter I got from the OEM shop -- the exact same counterfeit. So it has nothing to do with the price paid. Just dishonest online sellers.
This is the worst phone case I've ever owned. It wasn't expensive, but was still a complete waste of money!
Service was great. Received product product promptly. The headset volume could be louder. Other than that, it works fine. It was easy connect to my Razr.
I was a little skeptical when ordering this battery based on some of the reviews, but figured it was worth the risk at ~$4. The original BR50 battery that came with my RAZR was close to 2 years old and would rarely last a full day if I had to make several brief phone calls. I purchased a car charger about a month ago which seems to have accelerated the decay of my original battery.I've been using the new battery for several days and it seems to be working as well as or better than my original battery did when it was new. After 2 days with no charging and making a few short phone calls, the battery meter was still showing a full 6. I was a little surprised when I received the battery that it did not have the same BR50 label as my original, but everything about it appears to be official Motorlola and the battery has been great.
I tried the hottest top 2 recommended bluetooth headsets and this one beat those hands down! The others with noise cancelling features make you sound like you're in a tin can. This one has great sound quality and people on the other end don't hear the background noise either. I highly recommend this headset.
Charges twice as fast as the desktop adapter included with V600.Also works with V710.
This phone is garbage. My husband and I bought it in july, lets just say I have to change it atleast 3times. If a drop of water toughes it, it would stop working. The phone constantly reset itself and thereby wiping every contant info, downloads, and updates. Mine wiped out atleast 10times so I just went the old fashioned way of writing my contacts in an address book. I'm so happy to get rid of it. Don't waist your money. It's not worth it.
It's a good charger but the connector is fragile. It broke in my backpack in the first week.
I found that these work wonderfully on a Jawbone II as well, and make it actually comfortable enougth to use on a regular basis. it also improves the sound quality by directing the sound directly into the ear canal.Listen up Jawbone! Someone else makse something to fix your problem!
I expected the big old charger model instead I got the small charger for the newer Nokia models. They just simply mixed it up I guess.
The headset was not in the original Motorola package. That would have been ok, if the headset worked! I called Motorola and they agreed that it was defective and gave me a case # so i could return it to Tigerdirect. The lady I spoke with at Tigerdirect was very unprofessional, and acted like I was bothering her by calling. She did not care what was wrong, or why I was calling. She also seemed to care even less when she noticed that I purchased this through Amazon, and not directly from them. I was going to get an exchange with them, but after that experience I'm just returning it and spending my money elsewhere.
This product does a good job of allowing handsfree talking. It is comfortable in the ear. The only drawback is the teeny tiny on/off switch. You don't know if it is on unless you are able to watch for the blue light to come on. If you are driving, you have to keep taking your eyes off the road since the blue light blinks on and off.
i got this headset with ther ppc 6600i love it! nice and loud for music, mic is sensitive yet discrete enough for conversations in crowded places. if it will work with your phone, get it!
I purchased one for my husband in June. It works great. Easy to activate and voices are clear. We plan to get one for my car too.
The sound is great and it sometimes feels like you are not wearing anything! It is hard to put on and requires both hands (which is sort of odd for a HANDS FREE device). Overall, I am very happy with this purchase.
The title says it all. Received dark navy blue, nearly black, instead of the blue pictured... camera not usable on Verizon Pearl without cutting a hole, which looks sloppy. But, it was cheap so not worth the expense or hassle of returning. [...]
yes, it's a tie with the Sony Cybershot K790a for the best multimedia phone so far on the market (at least until the iPhone will show up, then the game is on again). i am still contemplating whether to renew my tmobile contract for 2 more years and get this phone for $100 or drop my previous one and get a new contract...updated september'07: I purchased this phone a little over a month ago and i think it's great. it's all i wanted in a phone, except for a few things that i'll mention here. the mp3 player is responsive and comprehensive and supports playlists, has a ton of settings and shuffle/repeat options.+ the processor is extraordinarily fast compared to anything from Motorola (including my wife's RIZR).+ the nokia PC suite (free on Nokia.com) can convert any music/video format for your phone, and i was surprised by the movie quality.+ bluetooth connection is very fast and better quality than motorola+ dedicated keys are useful because you don't need to open the mp3 player application to play your current list. however you need to exert a little to much pressure for my taste (but that prevents it from accidentally changing/starting/stopping your songs in your pocket)- i still miss my razr's thickness- the screen scratches pretty fast (again compared to the RAZR family), so make sure you put on a screen protector.- the only REALLY dissapointing thing is battery life, way under average for a Nokia (i charge it at every other day or more often).
If you have a razr phone or a simple(relative to what's available now)phone that's compatible with this phone tool, then don't hesitate. I think they're giving these away now because of bluetooth enabled phones and computers. All I really wanted this for was backing up all my numbers. I've had previous phones die before i could do this. Now all my numbers are backed up and I can send texts through my phone by typing on my computer. I have "dial up" access to the internet with my computer, anywhere that I have a cell signal, internet access just uses the minutes on my phone plan. I can syncronize my calender on my razr phone with outlook. there's even more that I can't remember. I think I bought it for $1.65 plus $4.00 shipping. It installed on my xp computer like any other software.
There is a definite trade-off between your own volume and the echo heard on the other side of the call. There are about 6 volume settings. Four out of those six settings causes an annoying echo for whoever you are speaking with. If you turn the volume lower to get rid of the echo, then you can barely hear the conversation on your end. I'd have to say I'm disappointed with this one.
This case is a piece of GARBAGE. Within ONE day all the little gems on the corners had already starting to fall out. DO NOT BUY THIS CASE. Even if you were to paint over the corners with clear nail polish, (which is something I usually do with gems and rhinestones) this cheap, crappy case would still fall apart.
Excellent product, sound quality is great. I'm never asked, "gee, are you on a headset?" like I was with my last one.
Very happy with this set! Tried a Motorola headset and was not satisfied.Always a good connection, not noticeable to wear, never had a problem with battery life, no problems hearing other person, or other person hearing me, not even when I'm driving in one of my work trucks. Had several complaints a bout other headset. Totally satisfied with this one!
It works Great. The speaker phone is load and clear. A must have for when the wife is driving.Thanks.Raf