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This is an amazing product. I'm surprised more companies are not making these. With the low cost of bluetooth wireless stereo headphones, you can be listening to that old mp3 player wirelessly for cheap! It will pair with a phone at the same time and mute your tunes while you are on the phone. I use them while biking. The vendor shipped these promptly.
I've had this phone for several weeks now, and I like it quite a bit. Most of my thoughts are covered pretty well by the other positive reviews below, but I wanted to clear up a few misconceptions.1) You can use a >512Meg MicroSD card. Not sure about 2 Gig, but I'm using a 1 Gig card and it works fine.2) Inexpensive adapters that let you use any headphones with this unit are readily available if you look around (try google).3) Sound quality is quite good, but this phone does have some limitations as a music player, mostly because of the design of the player software itself, notably:a) You can organize songs into folders on the SD card, but the player will not let you add songs in folders to a playlist.b) The length of a playlist is limited.c) The player will only play MP3s at 192kbps or less, and the filename can be no greater than 28 characters (why, I have absolutely no idea). You can get resampling and renaming software for your PC to help prepare tracks for these limitations.d) The player does not understand track tags, so you can only browse for songs by filename.Although these seemingly unneccessary limitations are frustrating, I still find that the phone makes a useful media player when I'm travelling. It's not an Ipod substitute though by any means.
Works fine with my KRZR and RAZR. No issues at all. Blue light is cool too.
This clear case was the equivalent of a clear case I picked up in Europe for alot lower cost. Fast delivery, product as stated ....+-ADT
It Works! I office at home and the one room that didn't receive cell signal was my office! Now, with the YX510 PCS/CEL signal booster I get a consistent 3 to 4 bars. Great product; not too difficult to install... just walk around with your cell phone and see where you get the strongest signal and that's where you want to mount the external antenna (inside, outside, attic, etc.) I mounted mine on the roof attached to a PVC vent pipe and ran weather-proof Coaxial cable to the booster unit and placed it at my office desk. I was a skeptic, especially after reading some of the reviews, but no more - it works!
Finally - an FM transmitter that works. It's not going to replace a wired connection, but I've had no problems keeping a signal on it from my way to and from work. I've had problems with an analog transmitter but this one is locked into the station you set it at. I'm very satisfied.
Was very disappointed with this product. I paid a good price for this and it worked no better than one I paid much less for. Basically it picked up too much background noise and people on the other end could not hear me well. I've gone back the "wired" headset that came with my blackberry and this works best, just a bit of a pain around the set belt of the car....
It's a car charger, nothing more, nothing less, it works fine, although I haven't had to use it since the Jabra Bluetooth headset works fine on it's own charge, but just to keep in the car for ememrgencies
This is my second plantronics blue tooth. I love it, I don't like some of the smaller ones, because I lose them. I do not think it is too big, it is lightweight and easy to use. I also like that it comes with different earpieces as I have a small ear. I would buy another one if this stopped working for me.
I still haven't mastered how to fit it in my ear on the first try. Other than that, it's a great bluetooth.
My wife and I bought this phone because of its decent PIM functionality (to sync with a Mac using PocketMac), and because T-Mobile seemed to offer decent coverage, service, and had a plan that fit our needs, we gave it a shot.The Pearl and T-Mobile's service have not lived up to our expectations. My wife gets no reception at her work, despite T-Mobile's coverage map showing 3-bars (she gets zero, and occasionally, when she can get out, her call will inevitably drop). My wife's battery was down to 25% after one day of use. And by use I mean taking a few calls and leaving it alone most of the day. Its probably because of her spotty reception, but still unacceptable for a phone that should get nearly 15 days on standby.Neither of us can use custom ringtones with the phone, a problem that occurred after T-Mobile pushed their myFaves software to us (T-Mobile opened a ticket concerning the issue and I still haven't heard back from them, the 72-hour window is 8 hours from close).When I restart my phone (which I have to do often, for reasons I'll point out below), I get an unhandled java.lang.NullPointerException. While I'm not sure if this affects anything, it seems unprofessional to have unchecked exceptions finding their way to the user; a nicer, user-visible error would be preferred with the full error in a log somewhere.I restart my phone often because after a few hours, I am no longer able to make outgoing calls. When I press green phone, I get a "Call Failed" message immediately. Restarting the phone resolves the issue and I have not found that turning wireless off and back on also resolves the issue, but either way takes several orders of magnatude longer then just being able to call someone when I dial their number, something nearly every other phone in the world is capable of.Often times the phone doesn't ring, but I'll get a voice mail indication. After a day of use, I could no longer get to T-Mobile's T-Zones to check my account status. My wife's phone will no longer sync with PocketMac, RIM's supported sync application for Mac.I had very high hopes for this phone, and for T-Mobile. Instead of replacing my Verizon phone, with a smart phone which surpassed my old phone's capabilities, I have been stuck with a service and device far inferior to Verizon's stone-age wireless service, and vanilla cell phone. I wanted nothing more then to move back to a GSM network, but it seems like I'll be going back to CDMA. I'm just hoping T-Mobile will refund my phone, activation fees, and the 4 days of service I've had.If they next revision of firmware is lightyears better than this one, I might recommend the Pearl. The device itself isn't bad, but the problems it does have don't make up for its features, form factor, or anything good it offers.
This is a wonderful design for your ear, clean sound / snug fit....but the quality seems to be less than desirable; they keep failing, after just a few months. I think the wire is too thin if you wind it up and put it in your pocket too many times it develops a short and starts to cut out. Too bad i love how it works when it works.
Alright this will be the third one I will have ordered. I have used other products like this but this one seems to work the best and have the clearest sound. The first one worked for about a year, second one only about 3 months. It seems like the wires inside the cable get loose or short out. That happened twice, so im going to try to be more gentle with the third.
The old cell phone battery was on it's last legs. Had to recharge every 24 to 36 hours. The new battery last at least twice that. Depending on talk time that is.
For me this is a really great phone for all my communication needs. It's also stylish, cute and small.
I found the cliphanger to be a handy and even chic alternative to iPhone cases, which tend to be bulky and ugly. I was all "look at me and my iPhone, aren't I so cool?" But then two things happened that indicated that the Cliphanger was not the best choice for me. "For me" are the key words here.1) I was running for a bus once, and the damn phone slipped free of my belt loop, and skidded out into the middle of the street. Fortunately there were no cars coming, and the screen didn't crack. So if you ever have to run anywhere, unhook the Cliphanger and put the phone in your pocket or bag.2) I was carrying some boxes for a friend one day, and I guess I must've been applying pressure to the clip without knowing it, and it snapped. My iPhone hit the ground, got a nasty crack on the screen, and I was a month outside of warranty. That sucked, and was the last draw.The Cliphanger works as advertised for the most part, but it has some obvious - and severe - limitations. In that it failed to do the one thing I needed it to do - keeping my phone from getting cracked - I can't really recommend it.
This is the best bluetooth headset I've tried. I've had it almost 2 months now, and it's rarely become unpaired, even after my Treo 700p has been turned off or reset, or after I've turned the headset off. It sometimes loses connection with the phone, in which case I just have to press the control button once to establish the connection again. The sound is good, both on my side and the receiver's side--nobody has ever complained. It's also very small, light, and comfortable, once you adjust the earpiece.It's got some great features. You can turn off the blinking light, you can cause it to buzz, thus, locating it when you can't find it, and you can determine the battery level or charging level using its lights. It charges quickly using the adaptor or usb connector and your computer, and the battery lasts a long time.I've tried the Plantronics 510 and 350, and the Motorola 700, and none of them stayed paired with my Treo. I also owned a Scala 500, but I lost it the first week I owned it. While I liked it, it was heavier and not as comfortable as the 700, and the sound was clipped.All in all, a great bluetooth headphone at a great price!
So far, I haven't been able to receive any kind of radio signal with the vibez. I know there are some decently powerful stations that I can pick up with an old tape player/radio, but the vibez just can't seem to cut it. I can sweep through the entire spectrum and not pick up a single station. The tuner card inserts fairly easily and snaps in reassuringly, but you're unlikely to actually pick up any stations. The signal bars are there and one or two may be filled, but its apparently never enough for the thing to actually put the sound through.
The former title of this review was 'Designed by Monkeys...' because I couldn't get the case to fit my phone at all. Now that I know how to fit the phone in the case, I find it more of a four star product, rather than a measly two. I guess, since I have the brain of a chimpanzee, I could not get the case to work.The way this case fits is sort of controversial, in my opinion. I am still leary of a case which fits on top of the keyboard which the phone cover slides onto. It would seem that this placement could stress that joint, but regardless of this reservation I have, I will continue to use this case.Just be warned that this case takes some time to figure out, if you are not used to thinking of your phone in more than one dimension, and you have to slide the keyboard out to put the phone into the case, which seems counterintuitive to those of us whose brains are distinctly monkeyish.Snaps might have been preferred to strong magnets due to possible corruption of the screen.Other than that this is a three to four star case with a two star review. My apologies to Krusell, or in monkey-ese, "Eee Eee Ooo Ooo" :)
I admit it is shown clearly in the product photos but I was hoping it was just a trick of the light. While this case fits your Blackberry 8700 like a glove it is totally open over the the keyboard and screen. I was expecting that area to be covered in clear plastic as is normally the case with these kinds of cases. As it is now there is zero protection from scratches or impacts on your screen. Only the sides and back which are the toughest parts already are covered...
This battery is not for all of the blackberrys listed above!!!! It doesnt work for the 8350i! Wasted some money ...
I have owned this little peice of heaven for over a year now. It has never once had a problem or even fallen out of my ear, I do not use the harness just the correct sized ear adapter. I use this everyday and it even works while driving down the road at 70 with the windows down. There is a little wind on the line to others but not enough to really corrupt the conversation. The range is acceptable. 15-20 feet from my phone. So when the phone battery gets low I can plug it in an still roam around an acceptable distance. The battery seems to last forever. I charge it about once every 2 days and I talk alot. The only drawback is when the battery is starting to get a bit low it has a hard time staying connected.
Listing implies you will receive an OEM item. You will receive a generic item.Item is listed as "Sony Ericsson USB Cable DCU-60." Link on listing page is "Other products by Sony Ericsson Mobile." Item pictured is of a "Sony Ericsson USB Cable DCU-60." Everything implies that item is OEM!When contacted, seller's reply was "it was not advertised as an OEM cable." Seller suggested I return item for refund, The cost to return would exceed price of item.
I have owned several of this style (HS810) Motorola bluetooth headset which have worked quire well. However the HS850 I recently received was defective upon receipt. The headset would not charge, even when left on the charger for over 24 hours, and the headset never did turn on, or pair with my phone. My account has since been credited with a refund after I returned the headset to to Amazon.
I have the T-630 variant (900-1800-1900) of this phone, which I bought unlocked in the Philippines and use here in the US on T-Mobile. What I really like is the attractive and intuitive software and user interface. Everything is logical and works well. The learning curve is not steep. It's sort of Macintosh-like in that way. I also have a Motorola, which has many of the same features, but you really have to work to figure out how to access and use them.The T-630/T-637 also syncs effortlessly with Macintosh calendar and address book through iSync and Bluetooth. This phone is quite small and convenient to take along with you. The engineering and build quality see excellent. The battery life is good and I like the included ring tones and system sounds.I have to agree with another reviewer that the camera is next to useless, but that's true of most inexpensive phones.The lacks one important feature --- or I have not been able to find it. It cannot be set to beep when there is an unread voicemail or text message. It's therefore easy to not realize that you have missed a call, unless you make a point to check the screen.
Bright, constantly flashing blue light was obnoxious. Can't see having this in the car, especially at night. What were they thinking?
Easy to set up. Good quality. Prompt delivery. We have ordered several of these for our office and have been very happy with their performance.
After being told by Radio Shack that a new battery for my phone would cost $50, I started shopping Amazon and found this one. I've had it now for about a month and have had no problems at all with my battery going dead. Takes a good charge that lasts me about a week. The low price makes this one of the best values I've seen in a long time.
I purchased this to use with the new 3GS iPhone. Works great, just as advertised.The sound is very good quality and not too bassy like passed Sony headphones. Also the rechargable lithium battery is much better then I expected.
Did nothing to improve lousy reception. 14 more words required? don't have the time time time time time time time
I bought the BlueAnt T8 in 2007 after reading reviews on quality, price, battery life, talk time, etc. I got it for about $20 at the time. The battery life and talk time are FANTASTIC. I use and abuse this little bluetooth on a daily basis and it works beautifully. The biggest negative I've had is that the earpiece only is one size and it's really bigger than my ear. If I had bigger ears, even like my Dad's (sorry Dad!), it would be a perfect fit. I have found it needs to be cleaned off periodically on the earbud to keep the sound quality. But, despite these minor drawbacks, it's been excellent with pairing with my Motorola Razr V3 (about 5 years old now), takes the abuse, is very lightweight, charges quickly and maintains the charge. If they could modify the earpiece for those with smaller ears, I'd buy it again!
I purchased this product and had high expectations. I was extremely disappointed. The phone that I recieved did not have a data device (allows downloads, view websites, and etc.) installed on it. For $60.00 i expect the phone to be able do the simplest function like downloading. NOT HAPPY! and returned asap! So buyer beware people.
I bought this case and returned it about half and hour after I bought it. It looks neat however the biggest problem with it is that the belt clip only accomodates thin width belts. I have a medium width belt and the clip wouldnt even fit over it.While I had no problems with the magnetic closure mechanism, I found the case a bit too tight fitting. Maybe this is something that would get better with time as the leather stretches with wear, but I couldn't help but think that it was so tight on my Color Sidekick that it might damage the screen or wear off the paint prematurely had I continued using this case.I have gone with the cheaper Neoprene case and like that one much better. I am also keeping my eye out for the new leather Covertec case (which looks very nice but is not yet released).
I have purchased two of these myself. Both failed. I also know others with the same cable. They also failed.This item is worthless unless you are in a pinch. Even for the 3ish dollars I paid per cable they still are a waste of money.
Shipping was a little slow, and to top it off, I plugged it in and nothing, nada. This charge does not work. I got a piece of garbage shipped to me. I guess you get what you pay for.
"The "new" batteries I ordered were clearly used. There was physical damage on one of the two batteries I ordered where someone pried the battery from their phone. Neither could hold a charge for more than a few hours. I received a refund through Amazon's A-Z satisfaction policy. The reseller stopped responding to my emails for a refund.
Speaking as a data support rep for this phone, its a very easy to use phone to set up email and internet. Always read your owners manual, no matter whether its on CD on a hard copy. The only thing I honestly don't like about it is when you push the home button you go back to the top of the home screen instead of to the icon you pushed originally. Only other word of advice: avoid XpressMail unless you have no other choice!!! If you have a Pop3 or IMAP4 based email, PLEASE go through VersaMail, its a ton easier to set up.
I got this pouch for my 700w treo. It fits nicely. Leather is nice. It has a side pocket for keeping creadit/business cards. But you can not keep too many only 3-4.
I received my H500 from my daughter, because it didn't fit her ear well and she had to get a different one. It also doesn't fit her dad's ear, so comfort is more a matter of ear shape than the piece being intrinsically uncomfortable. It fits my ear perfectly and I love it! It's very lightweight, so I forget it's there, it has excellent sound, easy three-button operation, and I've just set it up for voice dialing, in honor of the new CA hands-free-while-driving law effective 7/1/08. I highly recommend the H500, but see if you can try before you buy.
I have no problem with the phone itself, but Sprint is the worst phone company on the face of the planet. I hate them. The world would be better if they went out of business. And if you think I'm a disgruntled ex-employee, I'm not. I'm their worst nightmare: a VERY disgruntled ex-customer. I would say that Sprint isn't really the worst PHONE company; they are, in my experience, the worst company of any kind ever to exist. The service I got from them was worse than horrible. If it had been slightly better, it would still have been sub-standard.
I had to pay rather a lot of money to have this shipped to Amsterdam (after UPS decided it didn't want to ship it to me in Canada for much less) and the first time I used it, it blew the fuse in the hotel room. Now I have to pay even more money to send it back!
I could not see my LG VX 9400 when connecting with this cable. The included software does not support the VX9400. I could not find any software to make it work.
was not pleased with product but was greatly enamored of company when I found a request for a review similar to this, which I filled out articulating my dislike for the product, which I thought inferior and my pleasure that someone cared, and my willingness to pay twice as much for a higher quality set or take a refund for the one purchased.No further communication since then and I am not greatly impressed.
This was a terrible experience. I had already been with Cingular for years, currently on a monthly basis. I had to get a new phone number which was only the first problem. The biggest problem was getting the new service bundled with my land line phone bill as I had before. First I was billed for the old number and the new number. I was switched back and forth from Cingular to AT and T on the phone for hours, each claiming the other was responsible. Now, over a month later, I still do not have this settled.
This is pathetic - the only place I can get a connection is by going to the at@t store....I lost out on the 30 day thing but will be getting a class action lawsuit against at@t for a terrible service....This really is disgusting - I feel mugged.David SaundersHuntersville NC
Verizon has disabled the bluetooth file transfer and the file transfer from transFlash, so you have to subscribe to their extra services over the cell network (which they also charge for your airtime) to transfer files and programs. Even mp3 music files.totally defeats the purpose of buying this phone with "bluetooth"
That's 400W at a constant 28mph wind. Actual power will vary, but in a sailboat application you should have plenty of apparent windspeed to run this unit. Startup wind speed is 8mph and the manufacturer's estimate for monthly power is 38kW-hr at an average of 12mph. That last figure is more representative for a fixed installation with good wind, but does give you a figure of 50W power from a 12mph wind.It's a solid unit, seems well protected from the elements (marine rating), comes with three year warranty, and has worked well in a couple of installations. (We did fixed installations in high salt areas so went for the marine rating.)
Tried to set up with Cisco SPA525G2 phone, but it did not work at all (the phone did work with another model of Plantronics headset.) After 12 days of confirmed returning of the device, still have not received any indication for refund.
I purchased two "new" Jabra BT350's. One that came in, did actually appear to be new, but did not function. The other definitely was not new, and also did not function. The seller initially told me they were going to send me an RMA while they found two new Jabra BT350's to replace the two that don't work. I was thrilled with that because I really wanted the BT350's as they are no longer being produced. Unfortunately, the RMA NEVER came. People at APEX seemed very nice, but I think maybe they are scammers. Otherwise, why not send the RMA, refund my account for the $100 and then inform me if and when they found the other BT350's. I am going to work through my credit card company to have this charge reversed. Very disappointing experience; with, I think, dishonest sellers.
All I can say is that it is HUGE (on me and my husband) and that it didn't seem to sit inside my ear, just hover over it. I don't know how well it works because I shipped it back after trying it on.
If you own a phone with bluetooth then you need one of these headsets. I waited a while before ordering the item for the price to come down and it did to a reasonable amount here at Amazon.com. The unit works great. I was surprised by the clarity and reception. My only complaint is with Jabra. It would be nice to have some sort of battery meter on the unit. That way you know when to recharge. For those interested I am using it with a Sony 610.
This is my first bluetooth headset. I'm pleased over the first month of use. Occasionally I get some static but it has been limited so far. I think it has to do with interference between my phone and earpiece but haven't concluded exactly how to eliminate those events. I based my purchase from Consumer Reports reviews and this being the highest rated for eliminating background noise etc.
Thankfully i did NOT spend my money on this headset. It was a gift. My bottom opinion on the Jawbone Aliph Noise Shield is this; don't waste your time or money. Why?For the price of this headset from Jawbone themselves (when it debuted $150) , you would assume the quality would at least be "good" on the scale. You would be wrong. Its bulky and would not stay in my ear more than 10 minutes with much adjusting just to either keep it in or try in vain to find a comfortable position, as well as the fact it took forever to get it in there. None of the earbud covers are comfortable as stated above; after 1 hr of talking my whole ear hurt.Don't move if you have this in your ear either as you will have to readjust it; or it will fall out all together.As for functionality, it fails to impress. The call quality might have been good had i been able to hear my caller. The max volume for this was very low and muffled. Noise cancellation depends on the headset sitting flush on your cheek at all times...which it dose and will not do. My caller said when i scratched my cheek it sounded like i was rattling plastic right next to my face.The buttons also do not impress. What buttons there are anyway. The Jawbone Aliph follows the "minimal" design that is so popular which i do not mind...when done right. The call button is multifunction (e.g off/on, call/redial/hang up etc. ) when you can find it. The volume button sits right next to the call button on the black part of the headset. Good luck deciphering which is which, as well as being able to tell if your pushing it. The on off beeps are indecipherable, as well as low battery.It may be different for some as i never had this thing in long enough to get used to the sequential beeps.All in all this headset is one of the worst i have had, i can honestly compare the quality of it to one that would cost me 20 dollars at walmart. Please don't waste your money on it. I would recommend the Plantronics 957 as a replacement as it at least holds up to the quality you would expect for the price.
This is amazing! You just walk in to your car and it "hooks-up". Even with my phone on my belt, I no longer have to worry about taking out the phone and placing it somewhere??? on the dash or console where it tends to fall-off anyway. People to whom I talk say it sounds crystal clear - as if I have the phone stuck to my head. And, they sound crystal clear to me, too. So - both hands now on wheel at all times! Definitely recommend. Had this for several weeks now, no recharges required so far. I use it daily. What a great product. One complaint: the visor clip has sharp corners that should have been machined-off. So, it may cut you or your visor - be careful. Also the clip grips the visor so hard it may put a permanent dent in the visor. I am considering switching to velcro strips that I can wrap around the visor (two of them), and bond two receiving velcro strips to the Blue Ant unit. If you have a mirror on the back-side of your visor, the visor is really too thick for the clip, anyway.
I expect something to withstand the occasional drop or two, but this headset absolutely amazed me with what it withstood recently. I was at a water park with my headset on and accidentally took a spill into the water completely submerging the unit for about 1-2 seconds; usually this would be instant death to any electronic device but this little thing actually kept working for a while. I eventually noticed that it had shut it self off, but after a couple of days I plugged it in to charge just to see if it would work and it did! the head set works as if nothing happened to it. The only reason that it received 4 stars instead of 5 is because I think that the volume output could have been higher. Other than that, I have no complaints about this head set.
I bought this battery based on the reviews I read here and they are correct. I was going to just get a new IPOD but thought I would try this first and I'm glad I did. My IPOD works like brand new and battery life is fantastic. Installation is not difficult if you are the least bit handy. As others have said, spend a few minutes on youtube first to see how its done. Directions that are include are ok but not great. Tools that are included are ok. Only advice is to be careful with the wires once you get it apart since they are a bit fragile. Once you get it open however, you basically pull the old one out and replace it with the new one and snap it back together. I would highly recommend to anyone thinking about it.
Piece of junk. I ordered it to replace an H730 my son broke and I have regreted it since then. I had to reorder a new H730 which fits the bill. The HS 820 for some reason stop functioning shortly after I purchased it and I still have it and do not know what to do with it. Let me know if their is something I can do to return it since it only lasted a few months.
I have tried all versions of Motorola Phone Tools from 2.0 up to 5.13B and have tried to run it on WindowsXP and Windows Vista I have tried to use it with various Motorola phones and if I remember correctly actually got it to work once a long time ago and don't even remember which phone it worked with. The problem is though, even when you get it to work it doesn't last. Eventually it just quits working. I wouldn't recommend this program to anyone. Another irritant I have with the program is everytime you install the program it has to update itself several times which takes hours on my connection and then doesn't save the update files so when you have to re-install it again and again to try despearately to get this expensive program to work you spend your whole day for nothing.
Although the adapter works well after I modified it, it would be a lot better if the speaker was not part of the cigarette plug-in. It sticks out so far that it interferes with other car functions. The speaker should be separated so it can be mounted away from where the cigarette lighter is. In one of my vehicles, it sticks out where it is regularily kicked by someone in the passenger seat, and in my other car it sticks out so that I can not use the beverage holder. In my third vehicle, it interferes with my shift lever. I had to buy a cigarette lighter extension cord so I could lay the unit in my center console. Other manufacturers have designed much better adapters for their phones. If I had know this was what Qualcom (Kyocera)had, I would never have bought their phone. I live in NYS and hands free operation is required by law.
I ordered this for my daughter for Christmas. Yeah, she's not getting it. I ordered it, paid for it, was told it was in stock, and waited for over a week for it to come in. After all that, including the waiting, I was informed it was not in stock. Understandable around the holidays, yes, but not understandable why it took so long to let me know. Got another order for a different cover which now won't be here before Christmas. Sure it would if I paid a fortune for shipping, but then getting it cheaper on this site would have it's purpose defeated. I could just go to the mall and get the same cover for $20. P.S. Who's rule is it you have to give everyone and everything at least one star? For what? The fact that they only made me wait a week before they told me. Thanks a lot!
this latest HTC TyTn - Cingular 8525 to be one of the very best despite any nominal shortcomings! I have had both Palm and Pocket PC (Palm, Kyocera, Audiovox) based cell phones over the past many years with inconsistent levels of satisfaction to say the least. Most of them with larger screens but often key marketing features never functioned easily enough if at all. The benefit of a data connection while maintaining a mobile call is REALLY nice and not commonplace!! The rhetoric and real experience here with all the bells & whistles are spot-on except for the battery use.Bandwidth performance contentment with the EDGE cell network after experiencing EVDO a few years has also been quite surprising. Although the 3G or HSDPA network implementation seems to be way behind here in the USA IMHO. Specifically here on the Front Range of Colorado we have nearly as many AppleStores as New Jersey but EVDO still rules the roost for wide area coverage availability verses the next gen 3G offering of the competitors. IF you plan on amazing new customers with the forthcoming iPhone; SOMEONE needs to prioritize the network infrastructure upgrades from Cheyenne, WY to Colorado Springs, CO so the phone and data service is really above the norm!
I was expecting something pretty good for the price but I think I got something better. It fits my Evo 4G really snugged and the inner fabric that protect the glass is not cheap quality at all. So far... worth every penny.
I would definitely say that this phone is one of the best looking phone out there. But the Cingular Motorola RAZR black that i got a couple of months ago. Started making the buzzing sound on the LCD (high pitched buzzing) and some low buzzing sound on the keypad. I checked all my family's razr and some friends and THEY ALL HAVE the same buzzing sound if you listen closely, goodthing is that it would went away if your on a call, but if it stand by mode and you pressed the keypad, you can hear the sound that im talking about. go to a pretty quiet place to check this issues. Pretty bad. i had to go 4 times replacement in 2 weeks and it still buzzing on lcd and keypad. well i got no choice but buy a different phone. i'm not sure if this a software issue or just the phone itself. anyone have the same problem?? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Cingular should do a recall this phone. But anything else i give them props for the style and functions of it. Its just the buzzing sound threw me off completely. Im pretty meticulous on the phone so if your not bothered by the buzzing sound, good for you. I would not be a hypocrite, i gotta be honest, no matter how i hate this phone, i love this phone just for the fact that its design is flawless and striking nothing else.
I am currently using the front part of the plastic hard clam shell to protect the glass cover of my phone. So far so good. I know when my phone drops it will take the impact and not the glass which I have had to replace twice.
Very comfortable ear plug design. I can't even feel it sometimes.Good sound quality. The wind noise reduce voice tube is very helpful. The person talking with me can't hear any noise even when I am riding a bike.
The ear piece in this product produced no sound. Also, it didn't fit right and I don't even see how someone could use it. It doesn't seem to fit around my ear and very awkward to even try. Too cheap to return, so just throw it away and write it off as a loss.
We have this item for months now and this is wonderful.We accidentally put it into washer and dryer...We thought it would not make it for sure. You know what it works wonderfully! It is clear and problem free!! We highly recommend this product! Busy Dad & Mom.
Sound is great. Ease of use is great. Battery life is great. It's the first and only headset I've used, and I enjoy it. Works great with my Q.
Hi, its good one. i got it in right time. you can not have a number portability if you buy it from Amazon. i checked that before from Cingular so i knew what i was getting so i am happy about it.
It fits great but does not wear well. The finish scratches and wears off. Used it for a couple of months but looking for another case.
The screen is bright and colorful, the phone is easy to use, I love the ringtones, I recommend this 100% to anyone. The blue tooth wireless ear peice works great too. I recommend getting that also.
I was really excited to buy a Treo 650. It was going to be my first foray into the world of smart devices, and the first time I dropped some serious cash for a phone.What a mistake.The Treo 650 looks great - everyone wants to play with it when they see it. The screen is bright and colorful (too bright to operate when driving at night), and you can SMS in a dark bar quite happily.Unfortunately, you can't do much else.Nobody can hear me. Whether I use the Treo like a normal phone, on speakerphone, or with a headset, it doesn't matter. I'm constantly screaming at people, repeating myself, and having people hang up on me because they just can't hear what I'm saying. I've upgraded the software, but it hasn't improved anything at all.On top of that, the phone interface is really slow. I often find myself hitting dial, and seeing nothing happen. After 5 seconds, I'll hit dial again, and the end result is that it will register that second input as the default for the dial screen - hang up. Then I have to go through the dialing process again. It's so annoying.I also got a 1 GB SD card, with the thought that I would use the Treo's mp3 player instead of my iPod on short trips around town. Well, now I only appreciate Apple more. Realplayer constantly skips reading from the SD card. And I won't go into the details, but even getting music onto the SD card to begin with was an arduous process; so is making a playlist. So much for that part of the plan.Maybe if you intend to use a Treo as a PDA primarily, and don't really care about the phone part, it's a good buy. But if this is going to be your day to day phone, buy something else, like a phone. Palm just doesn't have the phone software up to a point where it's really functional, and for me at least, no amount of other toys or stylish looks makes up for that.
Okay, I know the subject for this message is pretty negative, but it is to the point. I have had cell phones for a number of years and this is the only one that has earned that description.1) Speakerphone problemIf you put the volume of the speakerphone to the highest setting, it will, in pretty short time, kill the speaker. Why would anyone want to put to put the speakphone so high? I used it to hear the caller when you're in the car instead of looking for and connecting the hands-free. Anyway, once the speaker goes, it takes the ringer along with it so you're stuck with either a vibrating or a silent phone.2) Connecting ProblemNo, this isn't a Verizon issue. I've had a few other Verizon phones and they all connect within 5-10 seconds. This phone seems to take 15 seconds minimum and sometimes doesn't connect at all.3) Automatic RebootThere are times when this phone will just reboot on its own. I have no explanation for this. I've seen it happen on my phone, and my wife's phone (whose speaker still does work) occasionally will wake me up when it reboots.4) Easily DamagedI'm not talking about the occasional scratch you might get when you drop the phone. I'm taking about the display screen cracking when a screen door taps it. (You know - that light door that closes slowly because of the closer device.)5) Reboots When DialingPick up the phone, dial my wife and the phone reboots.6) Connection Never Goes ThroughAt times I will place a call and the call will simply fail. The signal strength is fine, but the call won't go through. In case you're wondering, I'm in the NYC metropolitan area.7) Phone HangsYou can't place another call, you can't hang up on your current call and you can't turn the power off. There's nothing left to do but to remove the battery at this point.8) Phone Doesn't Come Back UpYou power the phone on and the phone starts to come up, but never completes its boot-up cycle. Your only hope at this point is to remove the battery and try again.9) Contact List DisappearsIn the past three months, this has happened to me three times. The first (and second) times, the contact names were still there, but the numbers were gone. It still knew that speed dial #3 was my wife, but there was no longer a phone number to go with it. (And no - the numbers were not "hidden".) The third time took the contact names with it. It still knew there was a speed dial for #3, but now there wasn't a number or a name for this slot.10) Get It Now BreaksThis hasn't happened too often, but more than once, my Get It Now has Got Up and Went. Missing selections and failure to connect. A reboot usually fixes this problem, though.11) Fails to Run ProgramI've downloaded one game on this phone - Tetris. I've seen my phone start to run the program and then crap out. It tells me it fails to run. Once again, the reboot took care of this.12) Phone Charging a ChoreThis problem was on my wife's and my phone chargers. The phone won't charge unless you tap the charger around. If you put the phone into the charger, the phone connectors will either not make contact or the contact will not be secure. Either the charging light will go on or will blink to let you know there's a problem.So why haven't I switched to a new phone? If I utilize insurance, I'll have to pay $50 to just get another VX4500. Based on what I've seen, this is not the way I want to go.And one last thing - this was already the third VX4500 phone I've had under this contract.
This case got dirty pretty quickly and the clear whitish plastic did not disguise that dirt at all. I also couldn't clean it off, so I guess it just discolored. The case itself fit the phone fine, but it looked so disgusting that it was embarrassing to use. I ordered the Cruzerlite case to replace this one and was very happy with that choice.
The belt clip fell off in 13 days - 10 days of use!! I contacted AccessoryOne for a replacement but the best they'll do is replace it and shipping each way is my responsibility. A poor product backed by poor service! Not a very happy customer.
I ordered this product as I had lost mine. It is brand new and works perfectly. The price was right too. Thanks to Amazon I found what I needed once again.
ordered two batteries only received one. called they told me to go after the shipper. the package did not have quantity numberso i was out of my money. worst experience i have ever had on the net
very nice item-protects my razr phone from scratches and such-keeps it in pristine condition. would definitely recommend to anyone- my only dislike is the hook on the back for the clip-dont think it's necessary-for me anyway
great product, as advertised. i actually find it easier to apply than the anti-glare screen protector, less bubbles. it's also a little thicker so it feels more solid. real mirror effect, i've already gotten a few compliments on the shiny new look. i have this with the elago slim hard case and it's been great. the only down side is it's easily scratched; i've had it on for a few weeks and already have several scratches, which are made all the more apparent because it's so shiny and looks like a real mirror (imagine a scratched mirror). i'm going to stock up on this tho so i can switch them out when it gets too scratched up.
Hard to fit in ear...!!! Echo Problem....Very unsatisfactory
at 1st this worked very well with my 2nd gen. iTouch. now i can't use it at all because it jumps and cuts out.
I bought this headset when it first came out; I was impressed by the small size and the favorable reviews that it got.However, after owning it for one year, it is unusable. First of all, the volume buttons don't work at all so you cannot hear the caller. I don't know whether or not they can hear me because I after attempting to increase the volume several times, I just hang up and redial the call.The headset was never that comfortable; it frequently felt like it was going to fall out of my ear. Callers frequently complained about being unable to hear me even when unit was new the unless I was in a very quiet environment. A slight breeze could interfere with the caller's reception.I paid $149 for the unit when it first came out; the price has dropped considerably since then. However, even with the reduced price point, the unit is not worth it. I am considering replacing it with the Samsung WEP500.DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS UNIT!!!!!
The holster is exactly as advertised. Does the job. Wish you could take off the clip. Was delivered on time and in perfect condition.
One corner of the clip broke out and will not hold the one corner of the phone any longer. This happened inside of 2 months and was not a result of being dropped or mishandled. The plastic at the corners is just too thin.
This is exciting stuff... wooo hooo. I plug the new 3G SIM card in my new Blackberry Bold and yes it works. :)
No static very clear reception, great price.I would reccomend this product.
This headset is not compatible with any of my bluetooth devices.Be sure of the compatibility before you purchase it.
bought this charger for a sony w580i. it fits the phone on the side, so that's a little goofy, but you still have functionality when it's plugged in. cover is handy though if you put it battery mode with no batteries in it, it's a little tough to remove. when putting in AA batteries it's a bit of a tight fit, but i guess this is to hold them in place. i first thought i had the wrong size. also i now realize the batteries probably help you open the cover.noticed that the batteries got really hot when they finally went dead. a set of fresh batteries are good for about a 3 to 4 hour charge (about one and a half full charges by my estimate for the battery on the w580i). there is no warning when the AA batteries are dead, so you'll have to check periodically to make sure your phone is still charging.
By the spec. sheet and features set this phone looks great on paper. But in reality, like other moto products it doesn't funtion properly. In my opinion the bigest problem is due to the poor embeeded software on the phone. My V.551 does not repond very prompty to button presses. The biggest thing that disapoints me is a problem that shouldn't occur. When the phone is placed on the charger it often doesn't reconize it. For example if the phone's battery is dead, and one puts it on the charger it will just sit there with out starting charging. I have to open the flip display to tickle it into starting the charging process, now that's POOR DESIGN. A follow up on the same issue is that once chargeing has started, and if the battery is dead, the user can not turn on this phone. If he/she does the phone will turn on come to the home screen and imediatly shutdown. This can be very frustrating when you need to use your phone on the charger when the battery is dead.As well as those software issues, my phone generates large ammounts of electromagnatic noise. When my phone's on and I'm near anything with a speaker, that speaker makes quiet beeping noises. The amplitude and frequecy of speaker noises is higher if i'm on a phone call, or if the phone recieves signals from the tower. I am very concerned that this phone my be cooking me or what it could be doing to the next generation when its in my pocket.Don't try telling motorolla about your problems if you get this phone. They will just deny that there are problems and service you like you are a fool, not a customer with valid concers. I would recomend purchasing a phone form another manufacture.
I've been researching universal Blue-tooth adapters for office phones (mainly Polycom IP phones) for about a month now. The lack of information and products out there is astounding. Understandable though, it's two new markets that are set to merge, they just haven't done so yet. In my research I spoke to some of the leading headset experts in the office phone industry and they weren't aware of a universal Blue-tooth solution to use consumer grade (cell phone) Blue-tooth headsets with an office PBX/IP phone. Anyway, I first bought a Scala combo kit which includes a Scala-500 Blue-tooth headset and BTA II universal Blue-tooth adapter. The adapter connects to a device via 2.5mm male connector. The problem is that most office phones don't have that type of connector, they have an RJ9 which is the small style telephone plug. Although a patent exists for a female 2.5mm jack to male RJ9 plug, the device simply doesn't exist in the marketplace for purchase. Eager to test this 2.5mm to RJ9 connection theory I went to Radio Shack and bought some parts, put together an adapter and we have success! The downside is that we would have to get the part manufactured and it's still a bit of a hack. Long story short, decided to test the Plantronic Voyager 500A to see if the base was proprietary to the headset like most of the Bluetooth office headsets out there. My gamble paid off and it looks to be truly universal. Of the headsets I tested with, all pick up and hang up the call remotely EXCEPT the Jawbone II. Why this doesn't work to pick up the call i'm not sure. It hangs it up just fine.Headsets tested with success:- Scala-500- Aliph Jawbone- Aliph Jawbone II- Motorola- BluAnt Z9i
A friend and I each ordered this headset at the end of October. After about a month of use, my friend's headset started to have extremely short battery life. When he asked Jabra for a replacement, it seemed that they were quite familiar with complaints about battery life on these headsets.For me, after about 3 and half months of use I also have started to notice extremely short battery life. I finally decided to do a controlled test (at least as controlled as I could manage). I fully charged the headset and removed it from it's base at 9:00 am sharp. Throughout the day, I received 2 phone calls on my cell phone and in both instances I did not use the bluetooth headset. At 8:54 pm my bluetooth was sounding the low battery warning. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to tell exactly how long after that it totally went out, but I noticed that it was completely dead by no later than 10:30 pm. This is very obviously far short of the advertised 200 hrs. of standby.
It's an awesome bluetooth piece available in the line of bluetooth headsets. The sound quality is far better and louder than Motorola bluetooth I used before. I'm satisfied with my purchase. The controls on the headphone is easy to control. The operation is exactly s mentioned in its description, 11 hrs voice and music. It folds so easy to store in bag or sometimes even in my jacket pocket. I definitely recommend this to the user who wants to get rid of wires between phone and mobile.
these head phones are great for truck drivers, the battery life is on ly about 8 hours other than that there perfect
Bought 3 of these because of the price. I wasn't too sure how well they would work, being they were so cheap. I have had them at least 6 months, and all 3 still work just fine.
lousy phone, when you turn on it starts going through all the available options for about 2 or 3 min. Then the voice commands do not work, it does seem to understand what i am telling it to do even after I programed it to. It does not pull number correctly. The circle direction option is also lousy the direction keys, option keys and the okay button do work like it, made to do. Dont purchase this one.
The instructions say that if you hear an echo, you should change the setting of the three-way switch until the echo goes away. But with the one they sent me, it echoes on all settings.
I purchased my headset from a retail store, not from Amazon.These headsets have major manufacturing defects. Looking stylish is great. But you're buying a bluetooth headset, not a design piece.I have gone through two (2) of these in the last 60 days. I declined to exchange it for a third.Problems:-The on/off/talk button is difficult to press-While the manual claims turning it on and off requires you hold the button for 5 seconds, I found the more realistic expectation to be 10 seconds or more.-The piece stopped charging and/or would not fully charge-Talk time was limited-Crackling noises heard in the ear piece-Constant complaints from friends that they could not hear me clearlyCons:Sound Volume was goodThe face plates were easily changed.I am a professional. I buy headsets to talk, not to pray to the bluetooth gods that "this time please let it work"NOT IMPRESSED. Please do not buy this headset.
The charger arrived on time and works perfectly. Also it has a tiny flashlight in the connection point to your phone so you can see to hook it up in the dark.
Some background information about myself:1. Using Sprint RAZR2. Wearing glasses3. My first BT headsetI really don't have much expectation about BT headsets after doing some extensive research. Common complaints: 1. Not comfortable; 2. Audio not good or not loud enough; 3. The other side hear static; 4. Poor BT pairing.As I wear glasses, I really wonder if I can find a BT headset that fits. There're some positive reviews about Cardo Scala 700 used by people wearing glasses, plus the review on audio quaality is above average, so I decided to give it a try, despite there're plenty of promotions (even free) during the time of the purchase - Thanks Giving.I've been using the headset for 6 months now, so I think it's a good time to give it a fair (personal) review.Pros:1. Audio is good. It's loud and clear... sometimes even too loud for me.2. The package comes with a carrier, a wall charger and most important of all, a USB charger. As a result, I rarely use the wall charger as I always charge it next to my laptop.3. There're only 2 buttons on the headsets, one dial and one button. It gets a little time to "memorize" the basic functions by using the combination of 2 buttons, but I think I'm comfortable with it after using it for a month. Yes, you HAVE to read the manual, and it's even better if you read it several times.4. Pairing with the RAZR is very easy. I've never had any issues once paired.5. The unit is very light and doesn't look bulky at all.6. Battery life is pretty good. It never runs out (almost).. and I usually recharge it once a week.7. Customer service from Cardo Scala is good. The earloop was broken after using it for 5 months. I received response from the company 1 day after I had emailed them. Then 4 days later I got the earloop replacement via USPS.There're a couple features that may matter to others but not me:A. Allow me to search for the headset from the phone. Haven't tried this feature yet as I leave it at the same place at work or home... it's more likely that I forget where I left the phone!B. Multi-paring... I only have 1 phone, so I don't need to pair with another oneCons:1. Cheaply made... especially the area around the dial and the charger area. Being light is one thing, but there're some area where a little details matter.2. The earloop broke after a free fall from waist level after 5 months of use. Seems like the plastic used on the earloop isn't strong enough.3. The audio is reset back to default after turning off the headset, and the default volumne of the headset is pretty high.4. Once you put the headset to mute (by holding the dial during conversation), you can't adjust the volume. I found this one of the biggest cons and very annoying.5. Again, while on mute, the headset reminds you that you're on mute by beeping every 10 or 20 seconds. The beeps are just too long (2 beeps that lasts almost 2 seconds) that I miss the conversation from other parties. In case you wonder why it matters, I use the headset to join conference call.6. The end of USB cable that attaches to the headset is NOT standard mini-USB. It would be so much better to carry just 1 USB cable so that I can charge the RAZR and the headset7. Like all other BT headsets, static is still a problem. When no static is present, people can still tell I'm on cellphone or using BT headset, even I'm in a quiet room. And I must say the RAZR's audio and mic quality is pretty darn good.8. Not easy to adjust the earloop to a comfortable and snuggle position. At a reasonable snuggle and comfortable position, the mic points to my nose instead of my mouth.9. It fits ok with my glasses, although far from perfect. However I may have to try out others in order to see whether this one is better than the rest.10. The indicator light blinks even though I'm not on a call. Well, I can see why it's blinking, just to remind me that the headset is on... however I hope there's a better way to "remind" me that, or allow me to disable the blinking.11. Noise cancellation... is there any? The box says it does, but apparently not good enough.I will keep using it as I paid more than $30 bucks for it. It's acceptable, but again I have to work around some of the annoying stuff. But then I doubt there's anything that cost less than $50 and offers excellent voice quality and fit comfortably.
If you want an inexpensive phone that will do VERY little other than make/receive calls, this phone is adequate. If you like to do "complicated" things with your phone, like (gasp!) change your ring tone from time to time, don't bother with this phone.I paid $18 for this phone. That was about the upper limit of its value.