1 value
Working on behalf of a number of leading engineering firms I'm actively recruiting for welders in the following locations: MIG Welders - Salary Negotiable Hours of work variable depending on client. Duties will include: - Working in a busy welding department - Working with an innovative team to assist with welding of new products - The ability to read and understand engineering drawings - Checking the quality of workmanship - The ability to produce quality parts in high variety and volume in a target driven environment - Knowledge of working on bespoke products or commercial trailers desirable. I'm looking to attract CV's from applicants who have worked within the welder industry for at least 1-2 years. Candidates with experience in making simple jigs and fixtures would be desirable or working on commercial trailers. Knowledge and experience of grinding and fettling would be advantageous. To apply for this role please submit your CV and a member of the Grafton Team will be in contact with those shortlisted.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:a1fa78b4-26df-485f-8126-03e74bcb49d1>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.graftonrecruitment.com/job/welders-6/" }
A ladder 5 meters long leans against a wall, reaching over the top of a box that is 1 meter on each side. The box is against the wall. What is the maximum height on the wall that the ladder can reach? The side view is: Assume the wall is perpendicular to the floor. Use your calculator to find the maximum height to the nearest .01 meter. Can you estimate the solution? Is there more than one solution? Why? Help with equations?
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-47", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:8743b591-4fec-42e7-b34f-29e924ac346c>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt725/EquiPer/Ladder.Box.html" }
By Dr. Leonard Perry, Horticulturalist in Residence If you’re like me, or the gardener’s in the King’s Garden, you’ve experienced a banner year for chipmunks in the garden. I’ve been lucky—they’ve merely uprooted new plants and seedlings. In the King’s Garden they’ve not only done this, but climbed flower stalks to end buds of lilies and other perennials! Chipmunks may be cute to many, especially if they’re not damaging gardens or aren’t present in large numbers. Otherwise, they can be a serious nuisance. Knowing a few facts about chipmunks may help prevent them from eating or relocating spring bulbs you may plant this fall, damaging young plants, or even causing more serious structural damage. I find it amazing that chipmunk burrows may extend 20 to 30 feet. There is no soil around the openings because chipmunks carry it away from the burrows in their cheek pouches and scatter it away from the openings. The burrows are complex, usually with chambers for nesting, food storage, side pockets, and escape tunnels. Usually there are two generations of chipmunks born per year, with two to five in early spring and again in late summer. So if your landscape seems to have many, this is why. They may range over about a half-acre, but only defend about 50 feet around their burrow opening. Chipmunks gather and store food, often seeds, throughout the year. If you have seen clumps of sunflowers coming up in flower pots or the lawn, or small bulbs blooming far away from where you planted them, you can thank a chipmunk! This is one of their purposes in natural woodlands– to sow seeds for forest regeneration. Although chipmunks mainly eat seeds, berries, nuts, insects and mushrooms on the ground, they also can climb trees to gather these or to prey on young birds and bird eggs. Chipmunks do not hibernate during fall and winter as woodchucks do, but remain rather inactive, subsisting on their stored food. You may see them active on warm, sunny days. In addition to their damage in gardens, chipmunks can cause structural damage from burrowing under stairs, retention walls, or foundations. They may kill flowers from burrowing under them. Exclusion can be used to keep chipmunks from buildings and some flower beds. Fill openings at building foundations, fill and caulk openings, or use one-quarter inch mesh hardware cloth. Cover annual flower beds with this hardware cloth, at least a foot past the edges. You can cover the wire lightly with soil to hide it. Where bulbs may be damaged, if planting a whole bed, first dig out all the soil. Then line the bed with similar hardware cloth before refilling and planting. Cover the top with the mesh cloth until spring when the bulbs emerge. If planting bulbs in individual holes, place some sharply crushed stones or shells in each hole before refilling. This will help deter their digging. Such products often can be found, just for this purpose, at feed and garden stores. Habitat modification may lessen chipmunk damage. Try not to continuously connect, through vegetation and plantings, wooded areas with garden beds and homes. Such areas, wood piles, and debris provide protection for them, plus their openings are hard to find under such cover. Spilled bird seed from feeders is a common attractant for chipmunks, as around my own home. Place bird feeders 15 to 30 feet from buildings or gardens. Keeping grass cut short around such areas will provide little cover for them and encourage them to burrow elsewhere. Taste repellents, such as those for squirrels, can be used for chipmunks too and may be a good first line of defense. These can be used on bulbs, seeds, and foliage not meant for human consumption. These need to be reapplied, can be expensive over time, and generally don’t provide complete control. Trapping is an effective means of control around homes and gardens. Common rat snap-traps are used by some. If using these, place boards or a box over, with small opening for the chipmunk, to prevent children, pets, birds or other non-target wildlife from getting caught. I like to put an upturned, large clay pot over such—they’re more attractive in gardens (just don’t leave them out over winter or the clay will get wet and crack when frozen). Many prefer to use a live-catch wire mesh trap, then transport them several miles away so they don’t return. While relocating chipmunks is not illegal in Vermont (as is the relocation of most larger wildlife), it is in some states. This generally is not recommended, though, as they may not adapt well or even survive in a new site. Another alternative for live-trapped chipmunks is to humanely euthanize them. If relocating to a property other than your own, make sure you have the landowner’s permission. In New York state it is illegal to relocate animals to a property other than where they were caught (http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/81531.html). If using traps, a variety of baits can be used including peanut butter, seeds, raisins, or breakfast grains. Place traps in areas, and along routes, where the chipmunks are seen. You may want to fix the traps open a couple days to condition the chipmunks to them, before setting. Check traps often to remove captured chipmunks and to release non-target animals such as birds from live traps. If chipmunks are in your garden and landscape, and aren’t a big problem, start with exclusion and deterrents from your flowers and vegetables. If they’ve become a serious nuisance, and you seem overrun with them, then you may need to resort to traps. Learn more about chipmunk biology and controls, as well as many other wildlife problems, from publications from Penn State Extension (extension.psu.edu/natural-resources/wildlife).
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:00497b00-73ad-4ce3-920c-92bee1139f03>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.fortticonderoga.org/blog/chipmunks-in-the-garden/" }
So, I’m sitting here writing about a decade of Twitter and wondering how old I am and how on earth that happened. I’ve got the radio on through my iPhone, and they’ve just been reading out tweets from listeners. The discarded Metro newspaper has an entire column devoted to aggregating tweets, and half of the stories making the celebrity news are a rehash from tweets found the previous day. The billboard on the station platform I’ve just passed has a whacking great hashtag on it. A hashtag. Nobody outside of programmers and developers had even heard of a hashtag prior to Twitter’s arrival. To top it all, I’m stopping every five minutes or so to scroll through my own Twitter feed, in case there is something I’ve missed in the last 300 seconds. Twitter had a cultural impact on our lives nobody might have expected on first appearance. It was arguably the first platform which merely tweaked something to succeed. Blogging existed, but micro-blogging not so much. Instantaneous comment and reaction suddenly trumped the pre-planned and overly orchestrated. A new era was about to kick off. When I came across it, I remember asking a friend who was prolific on the platform what the deal was and how people used it. He explained how this little club who were loving it at that time had this thing called Follow Friday, where you got to see who was worth following. He told me what a hashtag was, and how on Twitter people used it to surmise or reinforce their point. He talked about a ‘fail whale’, and spent time telling me what ‘RT’ was. It felt good to have a few unsaid rules. I wanted to get into this club and it suddenly occurred to me there was a huge amount of information I could take which was useful for work too. I was running a digital agency called Holler at the time, but I never had time to trawl blogs like I should. The early days of Twitter suddenly provided me with an opportunity to read up quickly on everything that mattered. All life was here, all willing to share their own thoughts as much as they would share news on their breakfast. An additional layer was one which added some glitz and glamour but in a new and very personal way. Some celebrities were on here too. Comedy writers, presenters, musicians. All of a sudden, you could follow these people who were previously out of reach. Jonathan Ross was arguably one of the first, and most high-profile, users and most of us in the club in those early years would follow him – not because we were particularly a fan, but mostly because it was rare for people with his public profile to be there at all. Ross started talking about Twitter on his TV and radio shows. Our underground scene was beginning to feel like the world was waking up to it – it reminded me of new eras of music and the ascent to the mainstream. I was instrumental in bringing brands to Twitter, and we would jump on every opportunity to exploit the channel in new ways. Perhaps the climax of our work came when we worked alongside AMV on Mercedes-Benz’s ‘You Drive’ campaign. The entire ad was actually controlled from an audience on Twitter live on a Saturday night, so you could tweet the direction you wanted the ad to go. News has also changed because of the Twitter agility factor and our demand on the world of celebrity has also altered. Celebrities need to engage fans in an ever-present manner. Arguably, the rise of constant partial attention was never in greater focus than with Twitter on your smartphone. It led naturally to mobile-first thinking and what will be the dominance of messaging clients and Snapchat over the next two years. Twitter is being eternally questioned as to its true worth – struggling to break out further beyond its huge audience and user base. Facebook has been savvy with its high-profile purchases, as each one opens up a new route to future success. But Twitter has already made its mark on culture, it doesn’t have to prove more. Twitter is still one of the platforms I check first when I wake up, and it is the way I consume my news most days. I suspect it will change in the coming years to adapt to our evolving demands, behaviours and needs. But it was part of something which altered the fabric of modern society and which informed the way we act at any point on any given day. Entities which create such a seismic shift on this planet are few and far between, so let’s allow ourselves to be nostalgic and applaud the decade that Twitter has helped shape. James Kirkham is head of Copa90 at Bigballs Media. He tweets @spoonybear
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:e4c94cfe-2b46-44b7-b280-36fd3eb1d073>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2016/03/21/twitter-has-already-made-its-mark-culture-it-doesn-t-have-prove-more" }
Julian Huxley's Enviro-Eugenics Agenda Exposed on TV During Great Global Warming Swindle Debate Australia hosted a televised debate to air out questions arising from the Great Global Warming Swindle-- a film that challenges the notion that humans are to blame for a crisis in changing temperatures. One woman takes the opportunity to challenge the foundations of the environmental movement itself, and what agenda that may reveal-- particularly for the third world. (CUE VIDEO TO 4:21 FOR RELEVANT QUESTION) "I'd like to take the debate into another quick-- I mean, we've been debating the science here; we've not debated anything in terms of the credibility of the environmentalism movement. The environmentalist movement was formed by Sir Julian Huxley who was the founder of the Eugenics Society, the WWF and these other organizations are actually [offshoots] of that eugenics society. Now this has huge implications for developing countries. Is that the intention behind the environmentalist scam behind the global warming swindle?" The woman's question is fielded by Greg Bourne, the CEO of the Australian branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), who basically ignores the substance of the question, claims that all concerns have been taken into consideration and asks that the audience please trust environmental movements to do good work. He rattles off meaningless claims about his friends in exotic-sounding countries. Meanwhile, the WWF is implementing an agenda to consolidate 200 ecoregions worldwide and is one of the largest contributors to depopulation efforts worldwide. Both of these planks coincide with U.S. state department memos from1974 penned by Henry Kissinger. Indeed, Julian Huxley was a top eugenicist from a very eugenics-friendly family (see T.H. Huxley). After eugenics was stripped of its good name in the post-World War II world, Huxley coined the term "transhumanism" to encompass eugenical beliefs inside a general belief in human "advancement" through scientific processes. A number of other notable WWF heads may reveal some of the agenda at hand. Prince Bernhard, of the Netherlands, served as the first president of the fund from 1962-1976, and is certainly a nefarious character. He not only founded the Bilderberg group-- a shadowy organization that is pursuing world government and heavily influences the agenda of nearly every nation in the Western world-- Bernhard is also a former Nazi SS officer. HRH Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) was also a president of the WWF from 1981-1996. He stated more than once that: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation"-- an idea that promotes a radical agenda, to say the least. What indeed lies in the shadows of the environmental movement and what impact indeed will it have on the third world? Questions worth asking, even if the figureheads of our loving NGOs will not give a straight answer. "Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." Sir Julian Huxley, first director general of UNESCO (1946-1948) CLICK ON THE BANNER TO BUY TERRORSTORM IN
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-48", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:0a0109d1-020e-45c8-9a78-4b9ddea2e2e7>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/060807_enviro_eugenics.html" }
KenRidge Showcase brings the world of wine making to your doorstep. Unsurpassed quality and global exclusivity from acclaimed wine producing countries around the world are showcased in this ultra premium line of wine kits. With superb character and bouquet, each wine created will exhibit the signature characteristics of its featured country of origin. |Volume/Yield||16 Litres / 23 Litres| |Oak | Body | Sweetness ||USA | 4 | 0|
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-26", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:3f39b3a6-db8c-4f04-85c1-98aa6c0670e8>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://thewinebaril.com/products/wine-kits/41-atmosphere/255-kenridge-showcase-merlot" }
Psychobotany: Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Human/Plant Communication May 12 – June 17, 2007 Cleve Backster: Primary Perception & Biocommunication Cleve Backster is a polygraph scientist best known for his discovery of “primary perception” stemming from his experiments in biocommunication with plant and animal cells. Backster began using a Galvanic Skin Response portion of a lie detector, to measure response capability in plants in 1966. The results of such experiments have since been widely termed the “Backster Effect†and have been most famously discussed in “The Secret Life of Plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. On view will be documentation and instruments from Backster’s experimentation over the years as well as his recently released (2003) book, “Primary Perceptionâ€. Secret Life of Plants – John Lifton, Richard Lowenberg, Jim Wiseman, & Tom Zahuranec The 1976 production of the feature film, The Secret Life of Plants, brought together pioneering artists, John Lifton, Richard Lowenberg, Jim Wiseman, & Tom Zahuranec for a dynamic collaboration between artists, cutting-edge technology and plants. The set included numerous live plants, six dance performers from the L.A. area, John Lifton and his plant music systems (“Green Musicâ€), Jim Wiseman on Paik-Abe and Sandin video synthesizers/processors, Tom Zahuranec on a Tcherepnin audio synthesizer, and Richard Lowenberg facilitating performance sequences and interfacing multi-channel, FM bio-telemetry systems between the performers, the plants, and the audio-video systems. The choreographed audio and video performance was built incrementally, from one plant up to six monitored plants, while adding from one to six dancers wearing EEG and EMG sensor/transmitters. Documentation and instrumentation will be on display. Vital Psigns – Center for Tactical Magic Vital Psigns is a social experiment that seeks to address individual mind power and the potential for human/plant communication. The Vital Psigns installation includes three plants (positive, negative, and control) receiving equal soil, water, and light. Visitors are invited to take a few moments to relax in the presence of the plants and attempt to affect their growth using their mental energies. The cumulative effect on the plants over the course of the experiment is assessed at the close of the exhibition. Additionally, the CTM will be presenting a performance lecture exploring the magic and mystery of human/plant communication. Ranging from Moses’ consultation with a burning bush to the Pentagon’s recent development of “sentinel plants,†the CTM will provide a brief history of plants as purveyors of knowledge. Audience members will also participate in a live demonstration of extra-sensory perception mediated through the cooperation of living plants. The Plant Media Project – Marc Herbst The Plant Media Project does advertising for the Plant Media Network, a news channel broadcast and distributed by plants. Global in reach, plants serve as network reporters. It is an independent owner/operator network free from the bias of human consciousness. Its distribution channels and technology are not subject to the innate content limits of either state-owned or privately held networks; nor is it ruled by market-based logic. Its reporting is not affected by bureaucrats. While global in reach, each network reporter has a uniquely local perspective. Look for the Plant Media Project in the Silver Lake community, and seek out the Plant Media Network in your own environs. Botanicalls – Kate Hartman, Kati London, Rebecca Bray, Rob Faludi Botanicalls is a system that allows plants to place phone calls to people when they need help. Each plant has a different voice, and will call when in need water or light. They also make calls to thank you for watering them. Botanicalls was created by a team of four as a way for people to connect to their environment and to remember that we live in a wider ecosystem in which we share resources with other forms of life. The system uses innovative technical components such as ZigBee wireless radios and the Asterisk open source telephone system. For more information, see the Botanicalls website at www.botanicalls.com Denise King – Mimosa Pudica Greenhouse pudica (L). ashamed, bashful A miniature, self-contained greenhouse is filled with “shy†plants. These plants intrigued Charles Darwin who studied their seismonastic movements (their ability to move rapidly in response to touch, electricity and heat.) Often marketed as ‘novelty’ plants that are fun for kids, they are still the subject of current research on their special method of movement. Visitors are invited to experience their movements first hand by gently touching them with a variety of implements, including their hands. Herbal Apothecary & Tea Leaf-lets – Molly Frances/New Herbalist Molly Frances (author of Arthur Magazine’s New Herbalist column) encourages communion with our mysterious herb friends, so small and unassuming, yet so powerful. Magical herbal elixirs, balmy tonics, sweet nervines, or simply tea will be shared with all. Accompanying “tea leaf-lets†and plant propaganda will lead visitors down the primrose path to herbal enlightenment. The Psychobotany exhibition will also highlight a variety other cultural expressions related to human/plant communication including: Druidry, peyote ceremonies, Sir Jagadis Chundra Bose, Terence McKenna, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), tree-sitters, and more!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-11", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:9896b917-20bb-45de-b81b-56789e116141>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://machineproject.com/blog/2007/04/20/psychobios/" }
Potty Training in One Day - A DVD to Today's Parents by Potty Patty Here's what you have been looking for - an instructional video featuring real parents and children demonstrating the most comprehensive and proven potty training method. For decades, parents, teachers, doctors, and clinical psychologists have used the one-day potty training method. Now you can learn the method, step-by-step, through this visual journey. You will discover: - Why Potty Training In One Day really works - How to know if your child is ready for potty training - What pre-training exercises to use to increase your child's understanding - Which supplies you'll need and where to purchase them - How to set up for the big day - Step by step instructions for the big day - How to handle accidents - What to do during the follow-up week - And so much more! - Running Time:38 minutes You may also like these Categories |Recommended Age Group||Adult|
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-09", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:11d467d2-546d-428b-9518-e92b8be1afdb>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.pottytrainingconcepts.com/Potty-Train-One-Day-DVD.html" }
Every Wednesday on BuzzSugar, I post a Recast challenge, where I ask you to choose new actors for a classic TV show or movie and the winner gets a BuzzSugar t-shirt! This week's special wedding-themed recast was the 1991 comedy Father of the Bride which starred Steve Martin, Diane Keaton and Kimberly Williams. The recast lists you all came up with were super fun — I especially enjoyed Livience's all-black recast featuring Bernie Mac and Beyonce Knowles. Also, WhiplashGirlchild's "real life couple" cast is awesome, starring Felicity Huffman, William H. Macy, Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling (ignoring break up rumors). Yet my favorite recast overall came from Pinkrabbit, whose creative list features one of my all-time favorite comedic actors in the role of Franck: David Cross. Congrats, Pinkrabbit! To see the rest of Pinkrabbit's list and the new cast photo, read more George Banks: Jeff Goldblum Nina Banks: Michelle Pfeiffer Annie Banks: Maggie Gyllenhaal Bryan MacKenzie: Henry Thomas Franck Eggelhoffer: David Cross
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-48", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:e20b2c4c-75f6-4eed-a475-7c9d820c87bc>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.buzzsugar.com/Results-Recast-Father-Bride-225147" }
“JT & Dale Talk Jobs” is the largest nationally syndicated career advice column in the country and can be found at JTandDale.com. Dear J.T. & Dale: I have been employed for the past few years as a paralegal, so obviously I’ve been working in law firms. That should conjure up images of a professional office atmosphere, right? Not so fast. What I’m finding is a major lack of courtesy, decorum and professionalism. When working, I don’t make personal calls all day or cruise the Internet and Facebook, unlike many of those I’ve been working with (if you can call what they do “working”). I recently was let go by a large law firm within a week of making a complaint about a hostile, rude co-worker. The day I made a formal complaint, the HR director seemed understanding. A week later, she informed me “the firm” had determined I was “not a good fit” and it would be my last day. She actually said it had nothing to do with my job performance. Could you please provide some wise guidance? — Margie J.T.: The problem actually lies in defining “professional” — there are now four generations in the workplace, and each has a different definition. Dale: If you want to see an extreme one, go to YouTube and search for videos from the Internet retailer Zappos. Warm up with “HR’s Dancing Queen” and then go to “Slap Our CEO.” While you may consider these to be evidence of the Decline of Corporate Civilization, Zappos has become a management role model, offering courses in its culture. J.T.: Yes, there are plenty of business owners who would tell you creating a fun culture and laid-back attitude has helped them to attract and retain talent. So, Margie, it sounds like your recent termination was a decision to eliminate an employee who, despite having excellent work skills, actually was hurting the corporate culture by making others feel uneasy about their approach to work. Dale: Ouch. Laid-back attitude, you say? The firm’s thinking seems to be, “We’re all nonconformists here, and if you don’t conform, you’re out.” J.T.: I know what I’m saying isn’t easy to hear, and may make Margie feel more angry. However, it’s important for her to know it’s no longer enough to just do your job well. It isn’t her job to judge her co-workers — that is management’s job. Dale: I think Margie’s managers opted out of doing their jobs when they chose not to work with her. Now, Margie, going forward, instead of trying to change your personality, I would suggest you offer it as a selling point. There are plenty of businesspeople who appreciate an “all-business” work style. Yes, “fit” matters, so look for a good fit, not just a good job. Jeanine “J.T.” Tanner O’Donnell is a professional development specialist and the founder of the consulting firm, JTODonnell.com, and of the career management blog, CAREEREALISM.com. Dale Dauten resolves employment and other business disputes as a mediator with AgreementHouse.com. Please visit them at JTandDale.com, where you can send questions via e-mail, or write to them in care of King Features Syndicate, 300 W. 57th St, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10019. © 2011 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Photo credit: Shutterstock
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-26", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:a82b86dd-61d5-4cb0-84e0-2bf11d350dd9>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.workitdaily.com/workplace-personality-cost-job/" }
Okay, I'm a grown-up. I've spent enough decades on this earth to understand and accept that from time to time we get those chapters in life when most of the pages are full of folly, rather than fun. It's a good time to chant a mantra of all the clichés, reminders that my cup still runneth over, that it's always darkest before the dawn, that this too shall pass. Trite, perhaps, but true. Nothing lasts forever, not even the negatives. Yet, for one brief moment the other day none of that really mattered. I indulged in a little self-pity and daydreamed of what it would be like to just run away, just my guy and me. Europe, might be nice this time of year, I mused. Picturing us sipping wine in a Tuscan villa, taking a romantic stroll along the banks of the Seine or visiting a lively pub in a picturesque Irish village, were divine images. But the moment passed and I thought of how much I'd miss the life I live here, lemons and all. Instead I will enjoy these photos of Europe and plan for the day when I will visit the normal way, actually letting people know I'm going, leaving contact information for them and probably bringing along some of those lemons. iCLIPART.com Photos of Places in Europe iPHOTOS.com European Places National Geographic Travel Photos Europe
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-17", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:b7e8f81a-54e8-42e9-97dc-1517d11b8280>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://blog.vitalimagery.com/2013/08/running-away-to-europe.html" }
Update: San Francisco Pride has announced it will be canceled this year. “This was not a decision we arrived at lightly,” said Executive Director Fred Lopez, in a written statement. “Far from it: Our staff has been in frequent talks with our board, our production team, our partners at many departments of City Hall, officials at other Pride organizations worldwide — and most of all, our LGBTQ communities. We have heard from people who urged us to cancel, and from those who implored us not to.” In lieu of the annual celebration, SF Pride will join a groups of other Pride organizations worldwide in a “Virtual Global Pride” on Saturday, June 27. Although it’s one of the biggest moneymakers in the city, the San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade and related festivities should be canceled for 2020. This year’s Pride, happening the weekend of June 27, is still continuing as planned. Fred Lopez, executive director for San Francisco Pride, told the San Francisco Chronicle that his team will move forward to have both the parade and the celebration take place while—somehow—following social distancing guidelines shortly after the SF shelter-in-place order is currently scheduled to end. “[W]e at SF Pride are realistic that this year’s historic anniversary may look very different from what we had hoped for, and all options are on the table,” Lopez said in a statement, adding that he will work closely with our City Hall to “continually assess the outlook for gatherings like ours in the months to come.” However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, quashing this year’s festivities entirely would prove a wise decision—or else risk putting the public in danger. SF Pride draws in nearly 1 million people annually. That’s a lot of people to cram into a city measuring roughly seven-by-seven miles. Those people, who come from around the world to celebrate, would need to use city infrastructure, like public transportation and city sidewalks, in heavy volume. And don’t forget about hotel taxes for which the city is most desperate. In addition to the official Pride parade, which happens on the last Sunday in June, there’s the Dyke March and the Trans March, two tertiary events that also attract crowds. The weekend-long celebration, which extends into the entire week, also sees bars, nightclubs, parks, theaters, and other areas busting at the seams with people. It’s too much this year. The Bay Area’s shelter-in-place is currently scheduled to end on May 3, but to view that date as anything other than a possible easing of certain restrictions would be foolhardy. Social distancing as a long-term strategy has helped curbed’s the spread of the virus. Epidemiologists say that one of the reasons the Bay Area’s numbers are so low is that we ordered the shelter-in-place directive before St. Patrick’s Day. They cite New Orleans, which let Mardi Gras go forward as planned, as being “among the nation’s top coronavirus horror shows.” As frustrating as they are, the isolations and distancing work. According to Vox, “The outright lockdowns of movement in some cities, as well as the less severe policies in place across the country, can slow the spread of the pandemic. And per at least one poll, people are, by and large, complying.” Save for New York City’s Pride celebration, which is technically still set to go the same weekend as San Francisco’s, other major cities like London, Boston, Miami, and Long Beach, have canceled Pride for 2020. Wise moves. Above the multibillion-dollar companies advertising their ostensible diversity and the countless politicos stumping for votes, two elements that now dominate the annual parade, Pride is still about LGBTQ people coming together in unison, in close proximity. This year, unfortunately, that should not happen.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:cf4e08a0-6d16-4ff8-bbcb-ee361d65ff38>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://sf.curbed.com/2020/4/8/21213558/san-francisco-sf-gay-pride-canceled-covid-19" }
JPDIPSO (4956) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - JAN 13, 2009 3.4 AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20 Brown color with a moderate, fizzy sounding, but rather stable light tan head. A chocolate caramel, with just a hint of mocha aroma. Sweet but quite pleasant enough. Not nearly as sweet in the mouth. A light mocha start that dries out throughout. Flavors of caramel, dark cocoa, and roasted malts. Finish and linger go to a bitter, fairly acidic coffee. Hints of lactose. Even though there is a bit of charred ash in the linger, it seems to invite the next sip. Interesting brew. Hophead22 (2818) - Redlands, by way of Wisconsin,, California, USA - DEC 17, 2008 3.5 AROMA 6/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 16/20 12oz bottle. Dark pour with very little light shining through. Dark chocolate aroma, roasty malts as well. Dark roast flavor, some coffee and chocolate in there too, a little bitter in the finish. kmeves (1098) - Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, USA - NOV 19, 2008 3.3 AROMA 6/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20 Pours a deep dark brown with a quickly dissolving off white head and some lacing. Aroma is lightly sweet with dark roasted malt, fruit (apples and pears) and light floral. Flavor is dark malt and fruity with some coffee as well. Thin mouthfeel for the style. Finish is medium with semi-sweet fruit. By far the best of the Oso beers I have had, I am tentative to try more. BeerBelcher (972) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - OCT 29, 2008 3.1 AROMA 6/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 12/20 Definitely the best of the O’so beers I’ve tried so far, but that’s not saying much. Still, if you like roasty, then you’ll like this beer. Appearance is black with a centimeter or two of head coaxed out by a hard pour. Body looks a little thin. Aroma is roasty but full of diacetyl. Flavor is tons of ’’burned pizza crust’’ flavor...if there were a ’’burned pizza crust’’ flavored syrup, I would suspect there is some in this beer (there’s not that I know of). Mouthfeel is a touch thin. A pretty good porter, and the first beer from O’so I’ve tried that I would characterize as anything other than disappointing. I bought this bottle as a 12oz single from Three Cellars in Franklin, WI. esjaygee (3209) - Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA - SEP 20, 2008 3.8 AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 15/20 On Tap at the Great Lakes Brewfest. Dark Brown with a creamy beige head. Aroma of roasted malt, chocolate, caramel and mild fruit. Taste is smooth and sweet but a touch thin too. Taste of roasted and dark malt, chocolate and light caramel. Semi-sweet aftertaste. jbuzz (722) - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - SEP 12, 2008 3.9 AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 15/20 Oso Brewery night at Three Cellars. This one should put Oso on the map. Coffee, caramel, smooth & creamy with out alot of carbonation Theis (11355) - Frederiksberg, DENMARK - SEP 9, 2008 4 AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 17/20 Bottle at Sune’s (Thanks). Black - offwhite head. English licorice, burned, dryness, berries, light lactose, coffee, caramel, smooth & creamy. I Love It !!! doubelknv3 (884) - Illinois, USA - AUG 4, 2008 3.5 AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20 Chocolate, nuts, and roast malt aroma notes. Dark brown with a creamy tan head. Chocolate, caramel, and lite hop flavours. Creamy and balanced. The best from O’so. phishpond417 (2089) - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - JUN 20, 2008 3.4 AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 13/20 Pours a thick brownish black colour with a full sized semi sweet tan head. Very creamy mouthfeel, light carbonation, pleasent light chocolate flavors with hints of coffee beans and caramel. Aromas are pleasent also with roasted malt and nutty character. Finishes slightly dry. sunevdj (2771) - Copenhagen OE, DENMARK - APR 28, 2008 3.7 AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 15/20 UPDATED: AUG 29, 2008 Bought the bottle at the brewery tasted it at DLD. Pours black with a yellow head. Quite bitter with aromas of coffee, malts and caramel. Hint of sourness. Medium to full bodied. Vell balanced. Creamy mouthfeel.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:ef853f42-d8cd-49f4-9b46-5fc7421b2806>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/oso-night-train-porter/81677/1/13/" }
Hundreds of features to explore Games made in Construct Your questions answered Trusted by schools and universities worldwide Free education resources to use in the classroom Students do not need accounts with us What we believe We are in this together World class complete documentation Official and community submitted guides Learn and share with other game developers Upload and play games from the Construct community Game development stories & opinions I am still learning Game development with C3. I prefer to write JS code, than using the eventsheets. So i started using external editors like VS code to edit C3 scripts. I am unable to get autocomplete or intellisense work in external editors. is it possible to enable these? Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable. The JS implementation into C3 is fairly newish. So, I don't think intellesence is hooked up in the same way that it is with other editors. If you could make it work though, please tell me!!!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:51229872-6c57-404a-b969-fde02f357574>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/scripting-51/auto-complete-intellisense-164262" }
Research and Development Division The Research and Development Division is the coordinating unit for multidisciplinary energy research within the University and within the State. The division helps coordinate gathering the necessary expertise, securing funding and providing research management services for the performance of basic and applied research upon request. Currently the R & D Division is involved with several efforts including: - The management of the Central Gulf Region of the Petroleum Technology Transfer Council. - Two US DOE funded projects on natural gas resource analysis in the Gulf Region - Contract management and program coordination for the Clean Power and Energy Research Consortium (LSU A&M, UNO, and Southern University) funded by the Board of Regents. - Assisting the Office of Mineral Resources, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, with a review of the fee structure and drilling incentives.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-48", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:a87905de-d51b-42dd-9289-5054c5a2123f>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.enrg.lsu.edu/org/research" }
Global Naphthol Market 2019- BASF SE, Arkema Group, Clariant AG Global Naphthol Market 2019 The industry analysis on Global Naphthol Market 2019 includes the complete features of the Naphthol market. This covers comprehensive analysis, recent industry statistics and upcoming flow of the Naphthol market. The report also illustrates the size of the Naphthol market, factors measuring Naphthol market growth, various challenges which affect market expansion and economic prominence of the Naphthol market globally. Global Naphthol Market report begins with an overview of the Naphthol Market. The report describes the Naphthol market data transparently and accurately. This study covers all the necessary information regarding the global Naphthol market which helps a user to understand the market completely. Enquire before purchasing the report here: https://www.eonmarketresearch.com/enquiry/48575 The first section of the report begins with Introduction and followed by product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force. The next section covers the top players of Naphthol, with sales, revenue, and price of Naphthol. After that, the competitive analysis among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share is described. After that, the Regional analysis of the Naphthol market is explained which helps in understanding the effective regions of the market. The region-wise segmentation also focused on the regions having more Naphthol market opportunities with sales, revenue and market share of Naphthol, for each region. Global Naphthol Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers: – Naphthol Market in North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico). – Europe Naphthol Market(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy). – Naphthol Market in Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and South-east Asia). – Latin America Naphthol Market, Middle, and Africa. This study serves the Naphthol market segmentation consists of key manufacturers segment, types segment, and applications segment. The data concerning these segments that are blooming in the Naphthol market is included. The well-known manufacturers of global Naphthol market are: Giovanni Bozzetto S.P.A. Evonik Industries AG. Study of global Naphthol market according to various types: Study of global Naphthol market according to distinct applications: Request for Sample Report at https://www.eonmarketresearch.com/sample/48575 The Naphthol market type and application are discussed deeply with sales market share and growth rate. Naphthol market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue are integrated with this report. Lastly, comprehensive analysis of industry risks, challenges and growth opportunities, administrative trends, Naphthol market drivers are included in this study. Further in-depth study of Naphthol sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, appendix and data source is provided. So that overall report helps the new aspirants to inspect the forthcoming opportunities in the Naphthol market. To Purchase this Complete Report Here: https://www.eonmarketresearch.com/buy/48575 Eon Market Research (EMR) is a market intelligence company providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision-makers. Eon Market Research Phone: +1 703 879 7090 Email: [email protected] This post was originally published on Pharmaceutical Industry
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:06a743af-83f8-4df3-8816-14f6f75e6a08>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://apharmaceuticalindustry.com/2021/10/11/global-naphthol-market-2019-basf-se-arkema-group-clariant-ag/" }
Poem: There's A Place I'm Searching For ...Don't we all , sometimes, just want to hide away? There’s a Place I’m Searching For There’s a place I’m searching for, to hide away, escape this cold. A place where I may lose the pain, that has engulfed my soul. I’ll hide away within those walls. A mighty fortress will not bend… will drive away the pain and strife, before it can descend. Oh, peaceful rest, to soothe my heart. And time to ponder what has been- to lick my wounds- to get in touch with ME… to start again. To gather strength where all seemed lost. Hold tight to what is left of me. Protect my eyes from hurting rays, ‘til softer light I see. I’ll linger there until the time when I can face the world once more. I’ll stay there, safe, until I’m healed, and stronger than before.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-07", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:86e2a342-3971-4916-af21-fae7ca3c6aee>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://juniesplace.blogspot.com/2006/01/poem-theres-place-im-searching-for.html" }
There are lots of reasons people do yoga. Some people practice it purely for spiritual reasons, while others for the mental, emotional, and physical benefits. Not being a particularly spiritual person, I do it for the mental and physical aspects of the practice. My reasons are simple: when I do yoga, I feel happier and healthier. Throughout the week, some of my fellow students have shared their experiences on how yoga has changed their life and also shared some of the mental, emotional, or spiritual breakthroughs they’ve experienced during this workshop. I have my own stories about how yoga has improved my life, but they seem to pale in comparison. Yoga didn’t help me heal after a motorcycle accident or a major operation, and it hasn’t helped me deal with the grief of a lost loved one. It’s possible that I’ve grown too cynical to realize its full benefits in my life, but maybe I get exactly what I need from it and no more. So here we are, the last day of the workshop. I am going to miss the delicious routine that I’ve had going this week, which was comprised of yoga classes, 3 to 4 soaks in the baths each day, and lots of good food. After so much yoga and luxurious bathing, I bet you’re thinking that I should be a master at stilling my mind by now. Remember my Pranayama yoga on the first morning? Well, this morning, my Pranayama experience went more like this: “I wonder what it means when you dream of being surrounded by oversized cakes and pastries.” ………. “Need coffee.” ……….. “Coffee and a double serving of granola…yeah.” ………. “I need to remember to get the recipe for kale salad.” I would like to tell you that the lengthy pauses between arbitrary thoughts represent an improvement—a “stilling of the internal dialogue” that is the ideal—but they actually represent periods when I lapsed into a light slumber. Perhaps this indicates that I have a lack of discipline, but yesterday when a goat grazing outside the yoga dome passed gas repeatedly during a meditative pose, I was able to quiet a massive fit of giggles. Doesn’t that take discipline? So after a week of blissing out on yoga and mineral baths, I’ve had no little epiphanies to report, no spiritual awakenings, and zero improvement in the Pranayama department. But I’ve learned a lot from the instructor, experienced wonderful yoga classes, reveled in the beauty of my surroundings, eaten fabulous food, met wonderful people, and discovered I could bathe naked in public. I think the week has been a smashing success. I can’t wait to return. As always, thanks for sharing in the experience. Until next time…
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:c701d347-47ca-482b-9e3c-4f26ff857c94>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://talesofwander.com/2009/10/17/saying-farewell-to-esalen/" }
An ivy-covered wall, umbrellas and tropical plants make the patio at La Dolce Vita in Detroit one of the city's most popular alfresco dining spots. / Jessica J. Trevino/Detroit Free Press The patio at 5ive restaurant at the Inn at St. John's in Plymouth overlooks a fountain, manicured lawns and flower gardens. A fire pit and soft seating add interest at night. / Regina H. Boone/Detroit Free Press Server Sara Franklin answers questions for diners on the pergola-covered terrace at the Rattlesnake Club in Detroit. / Ryan Garza/Detroit Free Press The Whitney garden patio in Detroit offers three seating areas, including this shady, secluded section near the back of the restaurant. Sections nearer the front are more casual and are popular for happy hour and evening events, often with live music. / Jessica J. Trevino/Detroit Free Press At Joe Vicari's Andiamo Italian Steakhouse in Dearborn, the spacious covered patio often features live music as well as seating at both high-tops and traditional tables. Trees along the side and back of the patio provide a backdrop for the band; the parking lot borders the third side of the space. / Sylvia Rector/Detroit Free Press Making a lasting summer memory is easy: Plan a meal on a beautiful restaurant patio with someone whose company you enjoy. But with summer fleeting, you shouldnít wait much longer. Here are five great upscale restaurants where you can enjoy lunch, dinner ó and sometimes, even breakfast ó in a memorable outdoor setting in Detroit and Wayne County. Find suggestions in Oakland County at on.freep.com/13ADJMd. Next week, weíll feature five great places to dine by the water in Macomb County. La Dolce Vita Unnoticed by hundreds of drivers passing it daily on Woodward Avenue south of the old State Fair Grounds, La Dolce Vitaís almost-hidden patio feels like a secret garden. Bordered on one side by the restaurant and on the other by a towering ivy-covered wall, the patio features terra cotta-colored paving, ornamental street lamps, tree trunks wound in white lights and a tiki bar. Vines and greenery nearly cover the wrought-iron gate facing Woodward, and an ornamental fountain surrounded by trees, flowers and tropical plants fills one corner. Guests range from older ladies who lunch to business types to groups of 20-somethings; depending on the hour and crowd, the atmosphere can be lively and festive or private and serene. The Italian menu is a blend of traditional and more modern dishes, some from the family of owner Enrico Roselli, who opened the restaurant 18 years ago. Prices are relatively moderate; lunch is an especially good value. Turn off Woodward onto Cedarhurst and drive around back to enter, where a valet will park and watch over your car. (17546 Woodward, Detroit; 313-865-0331 and www.ldvrestaurant.net) 5ive at the Inn at St. John's Tucked away on 5 Mile Road 2 miles north of downtown Plymouth, the luxury Inn at St. Johnís hotel, golf and conference center may not be a place you pass very often. But itís worth a detour to enjoy the hotelís relaxed brick patio looking down on a tall, splashing fountain, manicured lawn and colorful flower beds. The 80-seat space adjoins 5ive ó the hotelís fine-dining restaurant ó and offers a fire pit with soft seating for added appeal after dark. Patio diners can order from the same breakfast, lunch, brunch and dinner menus served inside, but a light-fare menu offering tempting appetizers, sandwiches, flatbreads and pizzas is also available from 2 p.m. to close. Chef de cuisine Sean Mohanís imaginative dishes are always beautifully presented. The dinner menu ranges from delicious, internationally inspired small plates to pastas, seafood and steaks. Reservations are accepted for patio seating. Service is friendly, helpful and well-informed. (44045 Five Mile, Plymouth; 734-414-0600 and www.stjohnsgolfconference.com) The Rattlesnake Club With its handsome wooden pergola, white columns and pots filled with herbs, flowers and vegetables, the Garden Terrace patio at the Rattlesnake Club in Detroit is a relaxed, elegant escape from city noise and congestion. Located at Stroh River Place on Jos. Campeau, two blocks from busy Jefferson Avenue, the 50-seat space is one of Detroitís best alfresco dining spots. The scenery across the side street includes mature trees and park-like lawns, and the Detroit River and RiverWalk are just steps away. Executive chef Chris Franzís seasonal American cuisine is sophisticated but approachable. Lunch ranges from roasted chicken-and-fig flatbread and a signature Angus burger to seared tuna steak with linguine, anchovies, capers and oven-dried tomatoes. The dinner menu features elegant entrees, steaks and fresh seafood. Service is knowledgeable and professional. Seating on the terrace is first-come, first-served; only the regular lunch and dinner menus are available there. (300 River Place, Detroit; 313-567-4400 and www.rattlesnakedetroit.com) The Romanesque architecture and elaborate period interior of the Whitney mansion on Woodward Avenue arenít the only charms of this well-known Detroit dining destination. Set off from the street by a wrought iron fence and mature trees and shrubbery, its gardens offer three sections of seating. In the back area, where the full restaurant menu is served, a shady private space offers a half-dozen tables for dining at breakfast, lunch and dinner. With free Wi-Fi, itís a popular spot for long, leisurely business breakfasts and lunches. The front and middle sections open in late afternoon and are more casual ó and less expensive. Here, guests can order burgers and other items from the grill and enjoy live entertainment from 7 to 10:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday (jazz Thursday, Motown Friday and Rat Pack Saturday). (4421 Woodward, Detroit; 313-832-5700 and www.thewhitney.com) Joe Vicari's Andiamo Italian Steakhouse Tall trees and greenery along the Rouge River wrap around the back and side of the covered patio at Joe Vicariís Andiamo Italian Steakhouse in Dearborn, making lunch and dinner here a casual, relaxing escape. With 15 tables and seating for at least 75, as well as live music Wednesday and Thursday nights all summer, itís a popular spot with guests for both lunch and dinner on weekdays and at night Saturday and Sunday. TVs are positioned unobtrusively high along the wall for fans who want to watch a game. Patio reservations are accepted. On the menu are a la carte premium steaks house-aged 30 days, as well as veal, lamb, chicken, fresh seafood ó and pastas, of course. Lunch prices are lower, and the menu adds more salads and several paninis. Start with the house calamari or the huge, delicious Andiamo Grande Meatball. (21400 Michigan Ave., Dearborn; 313-359-3300 and www.andiamoitalia.com) ■ Viewing this on a mobile device? Tap here to view a photo gallery of the best restaurant patios .
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-22", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:98c254ee-ebe9-43c3-ba44-cca136d4f3de>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.freep.com/article/20130819/ENT08/308190061" }
Congenital hypothyroidism is a condition found in newborns. When a baby has this condition, his/her thyroid gland is not making enough hormones for the brain and body to grow and develop. The thyroid gland is located in the neck and is shaped like a butterfly. The thyroid gland makes many hormones that are important for growth and development. The hormones are called thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones are also important for energy and for the heart, liver, kidneys and skin. The brain makes a hormone called thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH tells the thyroid gland how much T4 and T3 to make. When a child’s TSH is too high, the brain is working hard to tell the thyroid to make more T4 and T3. Sometimes the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough hormone no matter how hard the brain works. This is known as hypothyroidism. There are many causes of congenital hypothyroidism. A baby can be born without a thyroid gland, the thyroid gland may be in the wrong place or the gland may not work correctly. Congenital hypothyroidism can have little or no symptoms. If your baby has symptoms, he or she may have: - Problems sleeping - Problems feeding - Problems breathing - Yellowing skin - Poor temperature control All babies are tested for this condition within the first week of life. When a newborn screening (blood test) shows values that are not normal, your doctor may suspect hypothyroidism. Congenital hypothyroidism can be easily treated with a daily medicine. The medication replaces the T4 that your child’s thyroid gland is unable to make. It is very important to make sure your child gets his/her medicine every day at about the same time. Children who do not take medicine to treat his/her hypothyroidism will have trouble growing and can develop mental retardation. Most children take this medication for life. The medicine can be given with small amounts of formula or food. You may break the tablets in half or crush them to make it easier for your child to take. The doctor will want to see you frequently during the first year to check on growth and development. Your doctor may want to see you as often as once a month. Sometimes the medicine dose will need to be changed. Blood draws during these visits will help your doctor make sure the medication dose is correct. Never change a medicine dose on your own. Once your child starts taking the medicine, there are symptoms to watch for that can help your doctor treat your child with the correct dose of medication. Your child’s dose may be too high if he/she has: - Trouble sleeping - Shaking (tremors) - Weight loss - Excessive hunger Your child’s dose may be too low if he/she: - Is sleeping too much - Has constipation - Has cold, dry skin - Has gained weight too quickly - Has low energy/activity level Some infants will sleep less and seem more irritable after starting on thyroid medicine. This may mean that your baby has more energy and is a normal reaction to the medicine. A baby who has hypothyroidism and is not on medicine does not have as much energy as a baby who has hypothyroidism and is on medication. It is important to make sure your child stays on the same brand of thyroid medicine. There are very small differences between brands of thyroid medicine that might affect your child’s labs and the way he/she feels. Please notify your nurse or doctor if your pharmacy changes brands of thyroid medication.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:98c0b09d-1656-488e-91a3-05e4103b6988>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://jubileemedicalclinic.com/genetic-disorders/congenital-hypothyroidism/" }
Review: High-energy Godspell production at King’s Lynn Arts Centre 16:08 13 April 2012 One of the most exciting shows to hit the West Norfolk stage is this high-energy and hugely entertaining production by King’s Lynn Operatic and Dramatic Society. Hats off to Kevin Shippey on his triumphant directing debut in Lynn. He inspired the cast of 11 to deliver a fast-moving, exuberant performance. They bounced their way through the parables based on the gospel according to St Matthew in a timeless celebration of friendship, loyalty and love. The success of the show depends on the style in which it is presented. Kevin Shippey and his cast devised a diverse range of improvisations which were clever, always amusing and often hilarious. The singing was excellent, especially in close-harmony, and favourite numbers, including Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord and Day by Day were real show-stoppers. A significant contribution to the show’s achievements was the skill of the five-piece band led by Liz Pipe. Clean-cut Ollie Johnson took centre stage as Jesus with Hayley Dennis, Tom Watson, Lauren Hoskins, Laura-Jayne Shippey, Ross Woodhouse and Laura Farr shining among the team providing energetic support.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d2f0e0cb-5a97-45da-8d27-12caf5dffab0>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.becclesandbungayjournal.co.uk/what-s-on/review_high_energy_godspell_production_at_king_s_lynn_arts_centre_1_1348585" }
- change ups Pfizer Moves Hurt Life Sciences The company’s reorganization plan includes moving all former Pharmacia research and development out of Kalamazoo County, where some 1,500 people are estimated to be involved in R&D, moving cancer researchers from Pfizer’s Ann Arbor campus, and closing a Pfizer R&D facility in Holland. At the same time, Pfizer plans to move its veterinary medicine R&D operations from out of state to Kalamazoo County and intends to shift some Pharmacia research projects to its Ann Arbor facilities and add more researchers on staff as those projects are transferred. But as Pfizer blends into Pharmacia, how will the reduction in R&D in West Michigan affect the nature and momentum of Michigan’s Life Sciences Corridor? R&D job losses in both Holland and Kalamazoo subtract a large portion from the corridor’s research activity, said George Erickcek, senior regional analyst with the W.E. Upjohn Institute in Kalamazoo. “I think in terms of the life corridor, if we want to be more than simply production, if we want to have a strong research element as well, this cannot be taken as good news,” he said. “The research portion of the activity here (Kalamazoo) was kind of the path-breaking research that was feeding what I believe was part of the whole effort of the life corridor.” Though animal health will be advanced with Pfizer’s veterinary medicine R&D operations, the loss of Pfizer-Pharmacia R&D activities still “kind of changes the flavor” of the corridor’s resources, Erickcek said. Losing research jobs, whether in Holland or Kalamazoo, impacts the entire region, and The Right Place Inc., the Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) and other institutions along the corridor are trying to find ways to retain Michigan’s R&D talent, said Birgit Klohs, Right Place president. “In West Michigan — between the Van Andel Institute, Right Place and Southwest Michigan First — we have a strategy of growing new bioscience firms, and Pfizer is the largest bioscience employer in the state. This is a big deal,” Klohs said. Research is the bedrock upon which life sciences companies are built and that intellectual capital is vital to the area’s regional strategy of growing new life sciences companies, she said. The Life Sciences Corridor really has a dual problem because the Pfizer layoffs in West Michigan come on top of a $12.5 million cut in state funding to the corridor for this fiscal year. As one of Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s budget balancing measures, state funding for the corridor was reduced from $45 million to $32.5 million for the 2002-03 fiscal year. Originally, the corridor was supposed to receive $50 million a year for 20 years to support the research and commercialization of bioscience products and services. The state wants to diversify its economy and part of that diversification strategy centers on the life sciences, Klohs pointed out. “We have to keep fighting for life sciences money and when budget times get better, to get the funding restored,” she said. “We have to pledge collaboration, and we have to look at how we can retain some of that talent in West Michigan, whether it’s at universities or the Van Andel Institute, and assist these people in starting new companies.” Michigan has been very strong in life sciences research, in part due to major pharmaceutical companies with research programs here, said George Vande Woude, director of VARI. Their presence stimulates universities to design curricula and produce students in the life sciences areas and creates opportunities for the development of businesses that serve the pharmaceutical industry, he added. Vande Woude said development of the corridor has been truly exciting and noted that other states are looking to Michigan as a model for developing their own program. He doesn’t want to see the corridor lose momentum. “You can’t start research and restart it again. Those things don’t happen easily,” he said. “We’re just getting going in terms of the collaborative efforts stimulated by the funding for the life sciences. We’ve established collaborations with the universities and a lot with some of the companies.” Eventually, VARI will establish partnerships with pharmaceutical companies to apply the institute’s discoveries to the development of new anti-cancer drugs and therapies. “We have to keep optimistic,” Vande Woude said. “We’re going to be strong in biomedical research, and hopefully, the future with Pfizer will grow.” Jennifer Owens, spokesperson for the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC), said the MEDC doesn’t know yet what overall impact Pfizer’s reorganization will have on Michigan. Pfizer had to make some cost-cutting decisions in combining the two companies, but “Pfizer has made it very clear that down the road Michigan is going to be prime for future growth,” she said. “We are far and away the No. 1 state for Pfizer employees right now and they’re the world’s largest drug maker, so that speaks volumes to the strength of our Life Sciences Corridor.” The MEDC and Southwest Michigan First are discussing the possibility of creating a regional venture capital fund to encourage R&D workers to stay in Michigan and start their own businesses. Owens said the two economic development organizations are trying to interest Pfizer in contributing to such a fund. “Certainly the Pfizer employees, I think, would be getting some preferential treatment in terms of getting that financing. If we can offer them an opportunity to start their own company and be their own boss, it’s certainly something they would exercise.” Erickcek commends the MEDC and Southwest Michigan First for standing ready to assist startups, but he doesn’t think there will be that many takers. Why? Because he said many R&D people are scientists interested only in the work of science; they’re not interested in developing a business plan or dealing with the headaches of running a company. So they may have to move just to get the resources they need. “If you think an area is only as good as its resources, the leakage of this wonderful talent from all of southwest Michigan is going to be a loss,” Erickcek said.“Even if more jobs come into the area, we’ve still lost that component of the entire picture. That does change the nature of our life sciences corridor.”
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What Exactly is Cheating? Here’s How to Define It. The other day, I was discussing cheating with a woman who does a lot for the online community we’re building at my “real job”…which, for those not in the know, just happens to be an adult website. The woman is in a committed relationship with two men. But she, like most people, defines cheating according to her own moral compass, which swings a little wide of conservative when it comes to sex and relationships. Obviously. I began to notice this difference in the way people define cheating while talking to my ex one day, long after we’d broken up. For whatever reason, he felt the need to tell me that he never slept with anyone the last time we got back together. I spat back that I knew about the girl he was dating. Then I told him that if he’d ever taken me out on even one date, and given me the respect of telling me the truth about her, I wouldn’t have given a damn. For my ex, the line between harmless flirting and cheating is sex. Hanging out with another girl is just hanging out if you don’t cross any personal space boundaries. And he totally justified lying to me about “hanging out” with a girl with, “Nothing happened, I just I thought you’d be mad.” Thing is, for me, cheating is about first whether or not my partner’s honest with me about what they’re doing outside of our relationship, and second, whether or not they’re as devoted to my happiness as the other person’s. If they’re up front about being interested in other people, and they can maintain the same interest and effort in both relationships, then whatever, Trevor! Let’s do this thang. If not, they’re a cheating cheathead, and since they’re obviously more interested in being with the other person than treating me like a respectable human being, they can see their way to the door. So what is cheating, exactly? Where do you, personally, draw the line? This is an important thing to know about yourself when you’re trolling for a date. As you can see, the line is not in the same place for everyone. When considering the emotions involved in cheating, the first things that come to mind are jealousy and betrayal. And depending on a person’s definition of cheating, the triggers for those feelings are just as broad as the spectrum of cheating definitions. A common definition is any romantic interactions with a person outside of a committed relationship. That’s often qualified with things like “It doesn’t count if someone flirts with you if you don’t flirt back.” But if you react to someone outside the relationship in a romantic way, you’ve stepped outside the bounds of “the relationship rules.” There’s a problem with that. Sexy, intelligent, talented people exist. And they’re generally the type to interact with everyone around them. Even the most devoted partner is going to react to someone that charismatic. But is it cheating? It definitely invokes feelings of jealousy in some. It’s hard to see another person engage your partner in a way you feel only you should. But are they betraying your trust if there’s a flicker of attraction before they descend from their brush with someone else’s Cloud 9? I say no. I’ve heard all about mental and emotional cheating, but I’m not buying it. Imagining what you’d do with your neighbors’ yard is not the same thing as climbing the fence, installing a pool and jumping in when they’re not home. But what about you? Do you draw the line at a date? A kiss? A touch? A look that lasts too long? A thought that’s a little too sinful to be had about someone who is not your partner? Let us know!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-06", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:0c39ebe9-f347-4271-b73a-9bd9d3d0d736>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://q103albany.com/what-exactly-is-cheating-heres-how-to-define-it/" }
Principle of least action states that the particle choose the path which optimizes its action.Where the action is defined by S=t1∫t2(L)dt and L is the Lagrangian of the system.This leads to δS=0 and it is a condition to optimize S. I will summarize what confuses me about this principle in a series of questions: 1-Is the principle of least action must be taken for granted and there is no proof for it?If there is a proof where I can find it and what are the mathematical prerequisites needed to grasp it? 2-Why the action is defined like this? I mean why the integrand is the Lagrangian? why it is not another function? 3-Finally why δS=0 is a condition to optimize S? and why we call it variational of S ?why we don't just write ds=0?
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:86f0c10f-aad2-4938-875c-c6910f7b4300>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/principle-of-least-action-some-confusion.833352/" }
My name is Jessica Samuels, and this is my journey to becoming the writer of my dreams. I am a writer, reader, but most of all a dreamer. I write paranormal romance and fantasy.I might do horror eventually, but I love writing and research. ***Jessica is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.”*** I am completely done with the Prologue, and Chapter 1 and I wanted to put it up early since it is coming out in March. I have not decided on a date yet, but it will be out next month. It has been a long journey, but I cannot believe it is almost done. Here it is, and when I publish it I will put down the links after the chapter. Being a Vampire in Retail Sucks I killed my ex-boyfriend, but that was because he killed my lover. I also killed Kelsey. She deserved it for going after vampires who were harmless to society, and especially since she killed Dante's family. Not that I go around ending lives for the hell of it. I worked for the Killer Contract Agency--hired to rid the Crystal Crest realm of society's slugs. Like rapists, pedophiles, and hunters who go after innocent supernatural creatures. The weapon made me insane, and after an undercover case I decided to be a detective instead of an assassin. My name is Scarlet Summers, and I've been through hell. The Moon Wolf Pack are the werewolves who helped me escape from the evil necromancer, Rick. A mystery is on my hands when some of the girls went missing. Oh, and the girls all had one more thing in common. They worked at Fiona’s Corner and Café, a retail store in the Luxor realm that allows creatures to buy items they need to survive. Here is my story of these events. A fire is burning in the fire-place and it makes the living room warm to combat the cold air conditioning running through the rest of the house. I use this time off to banish the memories of my last case,and the previous ones when I was with the agency. I finally have a chance to try to get my mind off my past once and for It started when Nathan killed Zion, my lover, since he was an abusive and jealous jerk. My grief led to me wanting retribution so fiercely I was hired by The Killer Contract Agency. I then went on a killing frenzy eliminating Nicole, Megan, Kelsey, Kyle, and Nathan. I got my revenge, but not without a price. My final step was to swallow Nathan’s soul. However it caused me to go crazy, and I ended up gunning down innocents. I was changed into a vampire to stop the rage from consuming me. Once I turned, the rage stopped and I became sane again. Then I got captured by a crazy necromancer, and he tried to turn humans into creatures by performing horrible experiments on them. I stopped Rick with help of the Moon Wolf pack. All the old case files go into the fireplace, and the bracelet I still have as a reminder of what I have been through. I turn away from the fire and the past. I look around the house I love. We moved into after I became a vampire and we transferred to the Luxor realm. It is a big place with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and office, kitchen, and even a library piled high with books. The walls in the living room are charcoal black and the carpeting is the color of warm blood with a gothic theme throughout the house: cobweb wall papers with candelabras, and magical statues of wolves and dragons placed in the house to guard it from intruders. Sitting down on the black leather sofa, I let the warm fire relax me. There is incense burning and the smell of apples and cinnamon take me to a place of comfort. The necromancer situation still haunts me, since I was tortured horribly. I don’t want to go into details, but I hate them. The asylum case was just as horrid. Especially seeing all those supernatural creatures hurt when they did not deserve it. I exhale and let it all go.I am on my vacation after all. Dante, my lover, is rustling around papers in the office we share. Since I have nothing better to do I go see what he was doing in the office. And maybe play around a bit on the computer. in." he replies after I knock on the door since he loves to keep the door closed to concentrate. "What are you working on?" I ask as I walk into the room and stand behind him, peering at his screen. I know he hates it when I do that but I just can't help but rile him a bit .He sighs and stretches, making me stare at the muscles flexing underneath his shirt. thanks to the damn necromancer-werewolf-agency issues. I dislike Rick, and his bullshit about falsely helping people without powers. He just had to work in the Crystal Crest realm with the psychics to experiment on innocent creatures. At least the asylum is a black crater in the ground now. And all their data on us is destroyed. " "Fun, I love paperwork. But at least we no longer have to worry about the Crystal Crest realm becoming like ours." He laughs and it lights up his entire face, making his soft silky black hair undulate around his handsome face. I stare at his muscles as they ripple with the simple gesture of him sweeping his hair out of his eyes. He turns his attention back to the screen in front of him and I sit down in a plush chair in the corner and watch I don’t pay attention to the time until I feel a gentle hand brush my long red hair behind my ear. My green eyes come back into focus after staring at nothing but remembering the again?" He asks concern in his brown eyes. He knows I dwell too much on the past, especially since it was a shock to my system. reply sheepishly, "I was just thinking about our latest mission. All of the things the necromancer said he would do to my friend’s dead body still haunt me.” I shudder, trying not to think about it, and try to block out the images that are flooding my mind. it only makes it worse. He is dead. The Asylum is a graveyard. You are going to drive yourself bonkers if you keep thinking about it. I agree with how horrible the whole situation was, and I wish I could pass on my extra abilities on to you. then you would never have to fear. Do you think I like seeing you like this?” He asks. "No, and I know it was hard on you as well. I’m sorry I still get lost in the past. At least the werewolves were able to save me." I say with a smile trying to focus on the good side of "They did but it also means you owe them a favor. Werewolves always collect their favors and sometimes it is dangerous. I know I owed them once, and payback nearly made me tied to a member of their pack."I sigh, not wanting to think about what they will want in return for saving my life. “I want to check my email." and I hop behind the desk across from Dante's. My mind jumps to more essential everyday things like work and coupon shopping. I need some new clothes from Gothic Gear and Witch Cauldron and I hope that there are some money off coupons in my I quickly get comfortable in the leather chair since it fits the shape of my body perfectly. I turn on my high-powered desktop and log into my personal email. I am disappointed when my inbox has nothing but Spam. No, I don’t want another vampire groupie, not after the last one died. Nope, I don’t want to meet single vampires in my area. Absolutely no to getting the biggest erection of my vampire life. All junk and no fun coupons for me. Frustrated, I decide to check my work email. Even though I am on vacation there might be something interesting is going on to take my attention. “Hey, look at this,” I tell Dante and he moves behind my chair. He looks over my shoulders to read what is on my computer screen. "Why does he want to see you? I thought you were on vacation. I was looking forward to relaxing with you." He sighs, "Do you want me to go with you to the "Special assignment sounds fun, but it also sounds like a handful. I just hope a necromancer isn't involved in this one. I hate those guys." I shudder again and push away the images from my past. Necromancers are notorious for getting zombies to do their dirty work. It is helpful to send one after someone you want dead because they are hard to kill. The only way to stop them is to cut off their head. "Let’s change, then we hit the road." A little bit later we slide into Dante’s Strider X, the fastest type of car in the realm. We quickly get to the store since Derrick is impatient. The sun is a horrid ball of heat frying everything in its path. The soft tank top I am wearing allows the cool leather from my seat to relieve my skin from the inferno. I don’t like the heat. I would rather it be an in-between temperature, not too hot or too cold. Roger’s Video store is a front for the detective agency in the Luxor realm. King Alexander and Queen Diana Battle don't want anyone to know about either Derrick's Detective Agency or its partner the Killer Contract Agency. They work together to help solve crime and catch criminals for the crown. Dante looks up at the sun. “At least the sun here is not toxic to us. I was a surfer before I changed into a vampire you know. I like still being able to surf, it is more fun with powers. And the donors and blood bags definitely make life easier. What about you Scarlet, do you love it?” I consider my transition to being a vampire, “I love it, it is so much better being sane. Thank you for turning me. And I love still having my magical powers and "Of course I remained after you changed. You need me to guide you and help in combat." Nightshade speaks in her melodious voice in my head. "I am happy to still have you too. You have saved my ass plenty of times. I always will be." I commune back. watched over me ever since I came into my power as a witch. I have been her charge to guide even before I received the bracelet. She became my permanent guardian when I put on the bracelet, and when I kept my powers during the transition she decided to stay with me. She is a spirit that stays by my left ear and is visible when she desires. "It is amazing that you still remember when we first met," She comments knowing I am brooding on the past again. "I always will because you saved my ass more times than I can count." “I think we need to go into his office now,” Dante interrupts and I notice we have reached our destination. He knows about Nightshade and doesn't mind when we talk, he talks to his guardians too. The hell hounds: Cloud and Enforcer. But Derrick is an impatient man and we both want to see what he wants. “Sorry.” I reply sheepishly. “Nightshade was talking to me. ”Dante is standing over me holding the door to the car for me to get out. He is such a gentleman! He takes my hand and squeezed it gently, then “Would you like it if I was in your mind more, not just when you are in danger?” Because Dante is my sire we can talk telepathically. It comes in handy during battle or undercover cases when we need to speak privately. It also makes the romance between us so much better. I nod in response to his questions and we walk to the store to see what the boss wants. Roger’s Videos store is a bright beige building with a black and white sign denoting the name on the front of the building. The bell tinkles as we go through the door. I look around the room with brightly lit shelves and neatly placed videos. We might need to rent one if the news sucks. Syron waves to us from behind the counter as we make our way to the back of the store. Past the public restrooms we go into the office to find out what the the owner and head of the detective agency, sits at his desk wearing his favorite camouflage clothes. His constant self-imposed distractions tell me he has seen more horrors than he will admit to. I do not want to interrupt him so I wait until he stops typing and looks up at me before I speak. "You wanted to see me sir?" “Yup Scarlet,” he replied in his former army tone. He leans back in his chair and continues in the voice he used when he sent troops out for battle. “There is an issue that has come up involving Fiona’s corner and Café, the retail establishment. Some of the women from the Moon Wolf Pack have gone missing and all of them worked for Fiona’s. ” My eyes widen, “The ones who helped me escape from the He nods, “Afraid so. The last place they were seen was their work place. Here are the files on the girls who are missing.” He hands me the files, and I take them with caution wondering who the unlucky girls are, and if I know them. Shania Wolfson, Sonya Simone, and Merica Laker. Phew, I never knew them personally. They are all very beautiful, and belong to Rex’s pack. Since they are part of the pack that rescued me from the necromancer the least I can do is try to find them. All three girls disappeared a few weeks after starting to work at the store. Terrific, a retail store gone rancid, why am I not surprised? Honestly, it is not surprising to hear, especially since the boss is a 1,000 year old vampire who use to use the store as a front for hurting creatures through horrific experiments. Luckily it had stopped thanks to Derrick’s Detective Agency. Or at least I thought it had. “Is this another find the missing women case or an undercover one?” I ask dreading the answer. I have a bad feeling I knew where this was going when his face changed to a look of “I want you to go undercover to find the missing girls. You will need to pose as an employee at the store. It is the best approach to get information on both the girls and the company. The werewolves have asked for you specifically, as payment for your debt.” “I can’t wait to see you in an adorable little uniform!” Nightshade teases, he voice filled with “Great,” I comment with feigned enthusiasm, “Just what I always wanted to do; work retail!” I sigh, and he gives me the rest of the paperwork that I need to go undercover. I have my new identity as a vampire named Lily Stone, as well as all of the legal documents to support the story. "At least there are no necromancers this time. This should be way easier than that was, and you don’t have to deal with crazy people.” His mirth is not concealed as he grins from ear to ear, “And it could be worse, you could be at Fang’s Fast Blood and have to deal with hungry vampires. Fast food would definitely be worse.” “True.” I laugh, “I have been to one, and the vampires are way too picky about it what they want.” Derrick joins our laughter, “No necromancers at all, unless they are customers buying their items. The only creatures you will have to deal with are a few vampires, witches and werewolves. There is also the sorceress owner and her vampire lover Ren.” He smiles at me and his next words change the mood in the room, “I am really happy to see you all in one piece. I know the last case was not easy for you. After this assignment, I want you to take a long far away vacation.” He pauses, “then you have to come back for another case.” “No worries, I will come back to work,” I grin at him, “Honestly, I think a trip to the islands is in order. I want to learn to surf.” I look at Dante and he smiles. Dante and I leave, walking side by side on our way to the car. I am hoping that the case is straightforward, but my history has taught me otherwise. I browse through the files Derrick gave me as Dante drives back to our home. Derrick’s note point to his suspicions he has about Fiona Stagea and my main purpose to spy on her. Werewolves never do well at her store, they either quit quickly or disappear. Ren, her lover, was the last person that was seen with Shania. The two had been seen fighting a week before and no one had seen her since. As I think about what going undercover in retail means I begin to get angry. I won’t have weekends off anymore, not that I ever shop on weekends. I don’t like crowds so I tend to stay away from stores when they are crowded. I will have to deal with customers and I have seen how nasty some people are to retail workers. Many people take out their own problems on the employees, use them as verbal punching bags, which is not right and now I will have to deal with it. I used to work retail, and I hated it. I had to deal with all of the problems while I was trying to pay my way through witch school. I think about the amount of time it usually takes me to solve a case. The asylum took a few months, and that was after Nightshade woke me up from the drugs they were making me take. “Thanks for that by the way,” I intone to Nightshade and I hear her laughter ringing through my head. At least I am never alone. I go back to my brooding and think about my time frame. There are only four months until Christmas, and even less before the shopping season ramps up. So I don’t lose my sanity again I decide I have to solve the case before then. Many of the creatures in the Luxor realm used to live in the Crystal Crest realm, like me, and we tend to keep up the habits of our human lives. We celebrate the same holidays because it helps remind us of our humanity. The other downside to working the busiest season of the year in retail means that I will probably slip and bite someone. Blood bags and donors have helped me conquer the urge but when my temper is high I have been known to lose control. Dante and I spend a magical weekend together before my new nightmare begins. I hope you have enjoyed it until next time, Wolfdreamer25 really hate emptying my SPAM folder, and it is one of the reasons why I never say buy my ebook all the time. I am back from vacation, and I have decided to poke fun at all the annoying emails I get from my junk folder. Yes, she will since I don’t have one…Isn’t that what serial killers say too? I don’t think I want to since I am engaged… Sorry I don’t have one of those… Nice! Thanks for assuming I want rich women… Again thanks for assuming I am a man, and no I don’t So do I! Oh wait you’re not talking about food or fun things are you… Nope nice try! I wish especially if it allows me to write full Sorry, I prefer brunettes, and men! See what I mean? These emails are not targeted towards me. They think I am a man that loves blondes, a senior in pain, and that I have a testosterone issue. I don’t have unclaimed money, I don’t want to have an affair, and I am not a guy. Moral: Don’t target someone who is not tailored to your stuff. If they would stop sending me emails, and look up who this account really belongs to they would know I am a woman, not in pain, and certainly young, and that I am not interested in having a cougar. Target people in your genre, and for the love of god don’t spam random emails! Do your It has been a month since I wrote a blog post. I have been busy since school started back up, and it is more work than last semester. No big deal since I am used to the work load by now. As for the novella news I am getting the last of my edits in, and then I will be ready in a few weeks to publish again. This time I can tell it will turn out better since I have a good team with me, and I hope you all enjoy it. I do have the outline for the next two Scarlet books. They will take place in college instead of high school. I am happy to say I only have two more stories to edit before I can publish a paperback! Yay! I will have more time to work on everything during the summer, so I am definitely looking forward to it. As the year 2013 comes to a close I find myself excited, and sad at the same time. Excited because I finished John Tyler in May 2013, and transferred to VCU in fall 2013. It was a challenge going from a community college to a university. I can handle it more now than when I started since I did not know what to expect. It made me sad since I did not get my paperback out liked I had hoped. And I am free of the negative influences in my life, and I have found people to get to know that I consider good friends. This year I also went to my first anime convention, and I should have enjoyed it more than I did. It was also the year I got engaged to my boyfriend of four years, and that is an accomplishment. I did so much it is not even funny, and I am looking forward to the future since one of my goals is to do better in VCU to get all A’s and B’s. I also had my second ebook published too, and that is a good accomplishment I plan on making 2014 a better writing year. I plan on getting The Killer Contract Agency republished. Revenge against the Ex rewritten and published. I plan on writing Retribution is mine, and Redemption is mine this year. I plan on making them both into paperbacks as well as Tales of the Luxor and Crystal Crest realm out. Two paperbacks, and five ebooks will make this year rock. I plan on writing posts for my blogs Reviews for Writers, and Survey of Pop Culture to do more reviews on writing books, movies, and television shows. Also I have finished the novella Being a Vampire in Retail Sucks, and I am waiting for the okay from my proofreader, cover artist, and beta readers. As soon as I get the cover I am hitting publish it will be $2.99 because of how long it is, and the effort I put into it. 2014 is going to be an awesome year since I am going to become a more prolific writer, and I cannot wait. Bring it on 2014! It has been a long month, and I was not able to finish NaNoWriMo this year because of the other projects I have to finish first. I am through with college for the semester, and I don’t go back till January. I took the last of my finals Tuesday, and it taught me a 5 things about going to a university. 1.Take detailed notes because remembering the important details will help you succeed. 2.Study ahead of time like don’t wait till the very last minute to cram it all in it doesn’t work. Follow the syllabus, and study an hour each day. 3.Read the textbooks, and write down vocab words that are going to be on the test. 4. Use your time wisely and don’t procrastinate on a project you will do better if you work on it ahead of time. 5.Caffeine is your best friend, and so is the library. The course load is way higher in a University versus a community college expect to have no life and few times for friends. It also teaches you who your real friends are, and the people who will leave you in a heartbeat just because you have time to study and that is it. I lost someone because of it, but that person was never my friend to begin with since I was used. I left this semester with good friends who are worth my time, and now that I have free time my new goal is to work and get my retail #NaNoWriMo is finally upon us, and I could not be happier since the novel I have been trying to get out is finally going to be finished by December 1st when it ends. I was going to do it last year, but things got in the way and I forgot why I did not do it. Now however I am going to participate in it no excuses, and so far I am at 1,403 words. Many more to come before I go to bed, and I have school and I work part time so the biggest challenge will be finding the time to pound out on the keyboard with tv shows in the background since I cannot do it in silence. I will get more time when the tests are done my last one is November 7th. And I have gotten through the first chapter editing my novella Being a Vampire in Retail Sucks. It is about a vampire going undercover in a supernatural store to solve the mystery of the disappearances of three women who are a part of the Moon Wolf clan, and Scarlet owes them since they are one of the two packs that rescued her from an evil necromancer. I hope to have it done in a month or two hopefully. See I have been busy, and my birthday was last month too. Day 1 of NaNo got off to a rough start since I had some car issues, and I had to get a new car. But today it is better since I am catching up on the day I fell behind. I wanted to start writing daily which is why I am doing it in the first place. I want to be a full time writer eventually, and writing daily needs to be a part of my daily life. What about you? Are you participating in This November I plan on participating in National Novel Writing Month. It is a challenge to see if I can write a rough draft of 50,000 words by the end of the month. I will have more time to write on holidays, and Mondays with one test at the beginning, and most of them are in December after November 7th. I will use a schedule to keep track of the words, and outline beforehand to know where I will be going. It is time for me to finish the novel Retribution is mine, and since I am rewriting the first 8 chapters I will have to start over again. I had 8 chapters finished, but with this new twist I want to rewrite it all from scratch keeping the outline, and changing it. I am not going to have two different points of view, and I might just put it on my blog for free. It would be better to go with just Scarlet’s point of view because I don’t have a clue on how to balance both. It will be in first person, and there will be a few twists thrown in, and it will be hard since this hits closer to home then I want. I hope I can help people who have been burned by first loves, and show them that through the pain of losing their first love they will find someone cuter, more compatible, and in my case someone who will treat them good. It will touch on the subject of breaking away from an abusive relationship, and even show bad guys always get what is coming to them. It will show what real love is versus the love we experience when we are younger. I had no idea what true love was like until I met my fiancée. It was better than I imagined, and I know this guy will stay with me no matter what, and he won’t give up on me when times are tough which is what I am going to show in the novel. I have procrastinated long enough, and now it is time to finish it once and for all. Plus, writing is my therapy, and if I don’t write this out I will never be able to get over it. I will be keeping track of my progress, and blogging more frequently to show people how it is going, and for people to check in too. Anyone doing National Novel Writing month too? Have you started an outline yet? Know what you are going to work on?
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-10", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:3a293ada-f056-4472-9bf1-6d6550f88a7c>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://wolfdreamer25-myjourney.blogspot.com/" }
The research team is designing a prototype system to forecast sunlight and resulting power every 15 minutes over specific solar facilities. BOULDER — Applying its atmospheric expertise to solar energy, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is spearheading a three-year, nationwide project to create unprecedented, 36-hour forecasts of incoming energy from the Sun for solar energy power plants. The research team is designing a prototype system to forecast sunlight and resulting power every 15 minutes over specific solar facilities, thereby enabling utilities to continuously anticipate the amount of available solar energy. The work, funded primarily with a $4.1 million U.S. Department of Energy grant, will draw on cutting-edge research techniques at leading government labs and universities across the country, in partnership with utilities, other energy companies, and commercial forecast providers. Much of the focus will be on generating detailed predictions of clouds and atmospheric particles that can reduce incoming energy from the Sun. "It's critical for utility managers to know how much sunlight will be reaching solar energy plants in order to have confidence that they can supply sufficient power when their customers need it," says Sue Ellen Haupt, director of NCAR's Weather Systems and Assessment Program and the lead researcher on the solar energy project. "These detailed cloud and irradiance forecasts are a vital step in using more energy from the Sun." The project takes aim at one of the greatest challenges in meteorology: accurately predicting cloud cover over specific areas. In addition to helping utilities tap solar energy more effectively, detailed cloud predictions can also improve the accuracy of shorter-term weather forecasts. The project expands NCAR's focus on renewable energy. NCAR designed a highly detailed wind energy forecasting system with Xcel Energy that saved Xcel ratepayers an estimated $6 million in a single year. The center is also creating advanced prediction capabilities to enable wind farm developers to anticipate wind energy potential anywhere in the world. "Improving forecasts for renewable energy from the Sun produces a major return on investment for society," says Thomas Bogdan, president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, which manages NCAR on behalf of the National Science Foundation. "By helping utilities produce energy more efficiently from the Sun, we can make this market more cost competitive." More than half of all states in the U.S. have mandated that utilities increase their use of renewable energy as a way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which affect air quality and release greenhouse gases associated with climate change. But the shift to energy sources such as solar or wind means relying on resources that are difficult to predict. Because large amounts of electricity cannot be stored in a cost-effective manner, power generated by a solar panel or any other source must be promptly consumed. If an electric utility powers down a coal- or natural gas-fired facility in anticipation of solar energy, those plants may not be able to power up fast enough if clouds roll in. The only option in such a scenario is to buy energy on the spot market, which can be very costly. Conversely, if more sunshine reaches a solar farm than expected, the extra energy can go to waste. But predicting clouds, which form out of microscopic droplets of water or ice, is also notoriously difficult. Clouds are affected by a myriad of factors, including winds, humidity, sunlight, surface heat, and tiny airborne particles, as well as chemicals and gases in the atmosphere. Solar energy output is affected not just by when and where clouds form, but also by the types of clouds present. The thickness and elevation of clouds have greatly differing effects on the amount of sunlight reaching the ground. Wispy cirrus clouds several miles above the surface, for example, block far less sunlight than thick, low-lying stratus clouds. To design a system that can generate such detailed forecasts, NCAR and its partners will marshal an array of observing instruments, including lidars (which use laser-based technology to take measurements in the atmosphere); specialized computer models; and mathematical and artificial intelligence techniques. Central to the effort will be three total sky imagers in each of several locations, which will observe the entire sky, triangulate the height and depth of clouds, and trace their paths across the sky. The team will test these advanced capabilities during different seasons in several geographically diverse U.S. locations: the Northeast, Florida, Colorado/New Mexico, and California. The goal is to ensure that the system works year round in different types of weather patterns. Not Just for Solar Energy Once the system is tested, the techniques will be widely disseminated for use by the energy industry and meteorologists. "This will raise the bar for providing timely forecasts for solar power, " Haupt says. "It also represents a great opportunity for providing far more detail about clouds in the everyday weather forecasts that we all rely on." One application for such detailed forecasts could be short-term predictions of pavement temperatures. Such information would be useful to airport managers, road crews, and professional race car drivers. "Pavement temperatures make quite a bit of difference in how tires grip the surface," says Sheldon Drobot, deputy director of NCAR's Weather Systems and Assessment Program. "This has substantial safety implications." NCAR is launching the solar project with numerous partners in the public and private sectors. These include: Government labs: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth System Research Laboratory and other NOAA facilities; Universities: The Pennsylvania State University, Colorado State University, University of Hawaii, and University of Washington; Utilities: Long Island Power Authority, New York Power Authority, Public Service Company of Colorado, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Southern California Edison, and the Hawaiian Electric Company; Independent system operators: New York ISO, Xcel Energy, SMUD, California ISO, and Hawaiian Electric; and Commercial forecast providers: Schneider Electric, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Global Weather Corporation, and MDA Information Systems. Computing time will be provided by the New York State Department of Economic Development's Division of Science, Technology and Innovation on an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:db8f3209-a5d7-40e7-b1b8-89f4708860ba>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.altenergymag.com/news/2013/03/05/solar-energy-to-get-boost-from-cutting-edge-forecasts/12561/" }
I Herby state that all information and facts can be found either in news articles or in court transcripts and is public knowledge. Patrick Ryan Courtney was lost in the forest, Labor day 2006. He was there for 24 hours. Then, he was found. They sent him home that day with his "red" lighter. Two days after being home a plane crashed killing both passengers on board. One being a pilot the other a firefighter. However, we were told there were indeed fires going on all weekend up there. Patrick had a warming fire and admitted this to them. He said, he was cold, scared of animals, and thought that this might signal someone. Because Patrick was previously convicted of something when he was 18, he is now 31, they have been completely biased. They have not pursued anyone else for this, and keep in mind it was Labor day weekend. There were so many people there that day, we had no place to park! There has been violation after violation. It started shortly after his arrest which, was three months after the crash, they recorded his conversation with his attorney. The lead investigator on their side heard the whole conversation. The judge ordered this to be turned over to his attorney however, imposed no further sanctions. Then, there was the revelation of evidence, that was so conveintly withheld from his preliminary hearing. They found a intact bottle of Vodka and a gun with dispersed bullets. this was found within days of the crash..... The next violation was, on the eve of trial the prosecution turns over 2,000 pages of evidence, forcing postponement. The next one was the other lead investigators footnotes were turned over 6 months after the judge threatened sanctions about discovery. Not to mention, they asked him to take a polygraph during an interview then, during this process has denied this. He has been incarcerated since November 17, 2006 and still has not been to trial. Again, all public record, court transcript or articles. www.recorderonline.com in the search criteria input: Patrick Courtney http://www.recorderonline.com/sections/search/?q=patrick+courtney&fistype=site&x=34&y=18 Patrick Courtney Those who feel this is wrong can come sign this petition I have for him. they want to give him life in prison for this... He has already been there nearly 2 years awaiting trial!!!! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/no-3rd-strike-for-patrick I am sorry to hear about this insjustice that you and Patrick are enduring. My heart and prayer goes out to the two of you. I pray that there is a shift here and justice and truth are served without further delay. Thank you soooo much for that support. I really do need help with the petitions though, I don't have that many signatures. One of my petitions is to ask for an O/R release because he has served so much time just awaiting trial. I would like for that to be a reality however, it's easier said than done.. I know this is a hungersite, and I no means meant to step on topics or discussions but, I am in the midst of desperation after 20 months! Would you know of another way to promote my petitions? If he is found guilty he will be given a third strike and sent to prison for life! I'm very scared that injustice is taking over! Again, I thank you for your kind words they are held close to my heart!!!! God bless you, Mindy I must include that there are some letters on the way to the judge in this case. There are other miracles working in Patricks life, and I do believe things are looking up on his behalf, either way we won't lose faith!! Jesus teaches that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. This is where the truth will prevail all around, and your prayers are much needed! Mindy Heres some facts to go off of in our case: The NTSB concluded it's investigation into the crash as pilot error. The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: "the pilot's failure to maintain adequate terrain clearance while maneuvering over rising terrain in a box canyon. Also causal was the pilot's failure to adhere to procedures/directives regarding minimum altitude requirements." Source for this information is: http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief.asp?ev_id=20060916X01351&key=1On that site there is also a full narrative report into the crash! This is public record and these links were in the paper, for all to go see! Judge reduces charges http://www.recorderonline.com/news/courtney_11048___article.html/judge_fires.html Judge denies to dismiss charges against Patrick http://www.recorderonline.com/news/jackson_9588___article.html/cdf_ward.html 2,000 pages of late discovery turned over, and no discovery sanctions! http://www.recorderonline.com/news/ward_9535___article.html/courtney_jackson.html Vodka and Gun in the plane another withheld discovery: http://www.recorderonline.com/news/information_9659___article.html/courtney_crash.html Main article about the Vodka and Gun in the plane http://www.recorderonline.com/news/jackson_9887___article.html/ward_investigators.html Top ten for the city of Porterville for 2006, his story made number 7. http://www.recorderonline.com/news/porterville_10167___article.html/year_city.html Go to the above links' for more information into the case. Please feel free to state your opinions and concerns.... Just wanted to say hello, this is all new to me. Hello, I thank you for your interest and I hope others will look into the facts them-self and see this is indeed our justice system doing this...... We can make a difference though!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-26", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:c7d3467b-af34-4c3a-98c6-dbaf03fefcf4>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.care2.com/c2c/groups/disc.html?gpp=69&pst=1037707" }
Danny Wells broke the law Sunday. He went to the beach. ``This ain`t going to stop me,`` Wells, 29, said as he pointed to the prison- like barbed wire fence erected Friday to keep people from swimming and drowning at the Boynton Beach Inlet`s north beach. He walked through a private yard to get to the inlet instead. As petition-waving protesters are expected to tell the fence-erecting South Lake Worth Inlet District at a meeting at 5 p.m. today , neither jagged fences, nor posted signs, nor verbal warnings will stop diehards from finding some way to get on the beach -- the site of two drownings since March. Beachgoers jumped from boats to get to the beach Sunday, onlookers say. Some climbed a nearby concrete fence to get there. Others, like Wells, illegally cut through private yards. ``This is a nice beach,`` Wells explained, then pointed to what he calls an inferior beach, the inlet`s southern beach, which is lined with slippery shoreline rocks. ``I feel like this is all wrong,`` he said of the fence. ``It looks like a concentration camp or something. Look at that.`` The $7,200, 8-foot-tall fence is an emotional issue -- one that has drawn more than 1,000 signatures of protest since the fence was erected four days ago at the inlet, said organizer Wanda LaCount. Protesters say the beach, paid for by taxpayers, is now fenced off from its owners. It also is a free beach that they enjoy. ``A lot of families and their kids have grown up here around the inlet. They just think that this is a really drastic measure to take,`` LaCount said. ``I`ve raised five stepchildren down here and none of them have come close to drowning. ``There`s enough strong sentiment here to say, `Hey, you better take a good look at this,` `` said LaCount, who plans to present the petition at today`s district meeting.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:dc29eaa1-ad42-451d-8def-79aca8c80bda>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1986-08-04/news/8602150805_1_fence-meeting-two-drownings" }
Landlords may screen potential tenants for evictions through background searches, credit reports and past landlord references. Landlords may also purchase tenant screening reports, and some states allow landlords to charge application fees to cover the screening costs. Landlords should require all prospective tenants to complete the same application, including questions about past evictions, and request the contact names and phone numbers of past landlords. The landlord needs to get written consent to run or purchase credit reports and contact references, which can be part of the application or signed as a separate permission form. To run credit reports, the landlord needs the applicant's name, Social Security number, date of birth and addresses for the preceding two years. Credit reports typically include data for the past seven years or more. Additionally, the landlord may check county court records where the applicant previously lived, as eviction rulings are public records. Contacting former landlords can reveal eviction details and outcomes that should corroborate the prospective tenant's answers on the application. The landlord should interview the applicant after reviewing collected information to give him a chance to explain the eviction reports. Questions about possible evictions should be direct, and the landlord should let the applicant know when to expect a decision.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-39", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:bf8af15e-5fa5-4cc9-a725-49ab5d2367e1>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.reference.com/business-finance/out-potential-tenant-evicted-before-b9c01f13c78edf97" }
Future Home of the Living God: A Novel by Louise Erdrich (New York: HarperCollins, 2017. 288 pp) Louise Erdrich lives with her family in Minnesota and is the owner of Birchbark Books, an independent bookstore. She is also the bestselling author of many critically acclaimed novels for adults, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Plague of Doves and the National Book Award finalist The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. She is also the author of the picture book Grandmother’s Pigeon, illustrated by Jim LaMarche. Where Have You Gone, Habeas Corpus? Under what circumstances would martial law and the denial of habeas corpus have merit? A core value of society is that we literally have a body. Habeas corpus guarantees court summons and proof of detention. Martial law seems valuable when the structures and institutions of power cease to hold governing power. But what do we assume when we think about the loss of such rights? For one, we assume a lawless society is one that Thomas Hobbes constructs. Nasty. Poor. Brutish. Short. We assume national interests align with individual interests. Those arguing for a more authoritarian approach likely believe that any loss of personal privacy or property is worth it for the greater good. When unimaginable suffering sits on the plausible horizon many unmentionable actions become more palatable. So, what would it take for most of us to give up our rights and trust in whatever power structures that be? Louise Erdrich explores these questions in her latest novel, Future Home of the Living God. Cedar, Meet Your New World The narrative follows Cedar, an adopted Ojibwe raised by Glen and Sera, open-minded Minneapolis liberals. Told in a diary format, Cedar writes of a world in decay to her unborn child. She writes about global economic destruction in fits and starts, but the hints point toward some massive mutations in the evolutionary system. These shifts appear to make child bearing deadly for mother and child, most of the time. “The next morning, before I leave for the casino, to meet Sera, I turn on the television. Reports are coming in of experiments hastily conducted on fruit flies, DNA experts who say on the molecular level it is like skipping around in time, and that small-celled creatures and plants have been shuffling through random adaptations for months now. And hasn’t anyone noticed that dogs, cats, horses, pigs, et cetera have stopped breeding true” (44)? The early sections of the novel only hint at such chaos. It begins with Cedar seeking out her birth parents, discovering her birth mother, Mary Potts. Only after this relational table setting does the narrative rush into full blown overdrive. Quickly, tense public interactions became underground fugitive interactions when the United States government toppled, and a theocratic system takes power, decreeing all pregnant women must be incarcerated for their own health. “’I don’t want to either,’ Phil says. ‘But sooner or later it’s going to come to that. They’re offering rewards now for anyone who turns in a pregnant neighbor, acquaintance, family member, whatever. There’s billboards. Ads up on lampposts. It’s true” (85). A Popular Dystopian Vision A narrative clearly resembling Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, Future Home of the Living God works in the shadows to paint a truly terrifying future where womanhood and the ability to carry a child not only becomes dangerous, it also becomes illegal. And yet, Erdrich works diligently to make such actions believable. Even though the theocratic government’s decisions feel evil and authoritarian, they operate with clear internal logic. If humanity’s ability to bring new life in the world stops functioning, the vision for a future of human flourishing ceases to exist. Leadership would need to manage any avenue of continued existence. So, I return to the question of habeas corpus. Under what condition ought we to give up our rights? Given the terrifying world Erdrich creates, surely a time like that merits the most extreme measures. And yet, I find the decision making of Erdrich’s power structures to be morally deficient. So, then what? Maybe humanity shouldn’t be worth saving if that’s how it must be saved. Future Home of the Living God is an engaging read and another sterling example of Louise Erdrich’s literary greatness. Read her work! Verdict: 4 out of 5
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-10", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:8dad86a4-41fa-4b62-bf94-958a2f99e129>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://wherepenmeetspaper.com/book-review-future-home-of-the-living-god/" }
Quick Question about Everstones. Do they just pass on the nature, or do they also pass on the ability? I'm shooting for Jolly and Adamant, Mold Breaker Kibagos. My parent with the everstone happens to have Rivalry, and so far, searching through frames 1-21 each time the everstone activates the offspring has Rivalry too. I just need to know if I need to go back and catch a Mold Breaker Parent with the right nature to get the right nature + the ability I want, or if I've just been unlucky so far (happens). I remember reading something about needing a female parent with an everstone with a dream world ability to pass on a dream world ability. I don't know if something has changed this gen or something.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-41", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:fc1265a1-36f1-4ecf-916c-4fca7bd6b41f>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/5th-gen-prng-help-info-latest-rng-reporter-9-96-5-pprng-1-15-0.83057/page-6" }
The Grammy Awards 2018 are currently underway and, as ever, That Grape Juice will be providing you with performances as they occur! With exciting performances from Lady Gaga, Sam Smith, Kendrick Lamar, Bruno Mars, Cardi B, and many more, tuck in below to see the best stage moments from tonight’s show: Rihanna, DJ Khaled, Bryson Tiller Little Big Town Luis Fonsi – Despacito Sir Elton John & Miley Cyrus
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-04", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:0d037df5-88e4-4597-9e1d-1d0bbd7df96d>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://thatgrapejuice.net/2018/01/performances-2018-grammy-awards/" }
July 14, 2012 | This post has been updated and corrected, as indicated below. The entertainment industry may not adapt swiftly to the technology people use to acquire and enjoy media, but its lawyers certainly do. It took the music industry a matter of weeks to sue Napster, the pioneering online file-sharing site. And since then, each successive iteration of mass-scale infringement has drawn lawsuits, from distributed file-sharing platforms such as Kazaa to newsgroup indexes such as Newzbin to Bit Torrent sites such as the Pirate Bay and to online locker services such as RapidShare . Federal enforcers are not so nimble, but they've been gradually expanding their efforts from direct infringers to enablers. December 11, 2008 In keeping with Shakespeare's observation that "he that filches from me my good name ... makes me poor indeed," someone suing for libel ordinarily seeks financial compensation from the person or publication that injured his or her reputation. But archaic laws in several states also allow libel to be prosecuted as a criminal offense, and a Colorado man accused of defaming his ex-girlfriend online now faces the possibility of 18 months in prison. The prosecution of J.P. April 13, 2006 | Two days after a big immigration march in Phoenix, the Arizona Legislature on Wednesday approved legislation to make illegal immigrants subject to the state's criminal trespassing law. The Senate approved the bill on a 17-12 vote and the House followed with a 33-27 vote, with both Republican-led chambers voting nearly along party lines. March 11, 2006 | WHAT IF THE Supreme Court overrules Roe vs. Wade by allowing South Dakota's new abortion statute to pass constitutional review? Abortion, which has been governed in our time by constitutional law, again would be a matter of criminal law. The chief question would be: Who goes to prison? CALIFORNIA | LOCAL August 26, 2005 | Abraham S. Goldstein, 80, a criminal law scholar who became the dean of Yale University's law school in 1970, died after a heart attack Saturday at his home in Woodbridge, Conn., Yale announced. "He had high standards and steered the school through very troubled times with success," said Bruce Ackerman, a Yale professor of law and political science. November 26, 2004 | Two awful things happened in Laramie, Wyo., six years ago. First, a young man -- a small, gay man -- was beaten beyond recognition and left tied to a fence. It was a foul murder. In its wake came a polite murder, sober in its execution: the slaying of justice. The bloody horror of the first assault blinded almost everyone to the sterile wrongfulness of the second.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d3a87532-c0df-40b6-8cbc-c87462fde410>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/criminal-law" }
03 February 2017 It all seems straight forward. Fill out the application, get accepted. But there are transcripts and documents to be sent. And changes. And sent again. There are conditions that even the people who enforce the requirements have not written down. It all seems straight forward to figure out the "itch without a rash." There should be flow chart, right? It could be that you need to drink more water. It could be cancer (isn't that what these online self-diagnosis always lead to...?). Or maybe, you are anxious about something? How do you get rid of that? It all seems straight forward; people have been marrying for millennium. But listening to different people on different days talk about marriage? Husbands and wives don't always behave in the way they should. There is sin and brokenness. And then comes the hurt and how to react and how to go forward. Simplicity is not always simple.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-26", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:9d8493dd-95ee-4fee-a889-701f6c770c8c>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://pronetowandercho.blogspot.com/2017/02/32365.html" }
Wublaze wrote:I'm getting ready for the game by getting married and watching on dvr tomorrow..................GEAUX HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your priorities need tweaking unless you're marrying the bouncing beauty in the OP's avatar. Just kidding and with all respect, congratulations today and going forward. Feel good in knowing you only get married twice and these Hawks are just going to have to win without you, today. Haha..I just recalled the birth of my daughter. It was a Hawks game on Monday night vs. the Donkeys. The wife had been in labor for close to 40 hrs when the doctor comes in and announces he is taking us to the operating room to perform a C-section. My first question was ...can't this wait a couple more hrs? And my second question was ..do we both have to go? Yes, I am on my second marriage now. My new wife is in my avatar, fortunately she understands the importance of football.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-49", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:417a23e9-ac71-47a2-b6ec-323dcea27fd1>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.seahawks.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=54270&p=734601" }
HairThe Weeknd Cut His Hair Oh, and he also announced a new album, Starboy. The Weeknd made the song of 2015—"Can't Feel My Face"—which catapulted the Toronto-native to stardom but in 2016 he's been relatively quiet on the music scene. However, today the pop star unveiled a brand new album, Starboy, and took to social media to debut the album cover for the new project. And wait a second holy shit did he cut his hair? CODE RED, it seems as though Abel Tesfaye aka the artist known as "The Weeknd" cut his hair. Even casual fans or innocent bystanders know that The Weeknd's hair—a sort of avant-garde dreadlock sculpture style—is as much a part of his persona as is his very good, very sad music. His hair is the thing of legend for all, the thing of envy for some, and the thing of memes for a generation of Twitter-addicted youths. (My personal favorite are the Pepe variety of Weeknd hair memes.) What's interesting is that in a recent VMAN profile of The Weeknd, every photo of him featured a look with a hood up, so obviously he knows that this change would be a big deal for a lot of people. Maybe Tesfaye just got sick of being so defined by a kooky hairdo, or he decided he really wanted to wear beanies for the first time in forever. Whether or not this aesthetic change will have an affect on his tunes, well, we'll just have to wait and see.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-05", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d1e2f0cb-06d0-44e7-a895-6bae963d6a84>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.vogueinspire.com/the-weeknd-cut-his-hair/" }
While the reports anticipates some crops to actually grow better in warmer temperatures, overall, the negative effects of climate change are expected to be negative and costly. Food costs will rise as a result of the shortages, which could result even more difficulties for Americans already struggling to maintain a nutritious diet. Some crops have already started to feel the effects of climate change. Avocados are considered potentially endangered after the extreme droughts running rampant throughout California. The popular restaurant chain Chipotle recently warned that if these trends continue, they may be forced to temporarily halt production of guacamole. Grapes and almonds are two more vulnerable crops because they both thrive from sustainable temperatures in summer and winter, respectively. Grapes could be damaged by extreme summer heat, while almonds require long periods of time during winter when temperatures are under 45 degrees, otherwise they may not bud properly in the spring. Even milk, which is best produced in temperatures between 40 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, might one day need to be imported from areas of the world that maintain cooler climates.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:1d7d4433-4a27-434c-8e50-e1cb41f5b747>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.bionomicfuel.com/could-rising-temperatures-endanger-the-worlds-crops/" }
Jeans paired with a tee and a blazer is basically my uniform during the spring season. It's comfortable and effortless. Perfect for an afternoon spent at the mall which is what Mum and I did over the long weekend. We tried to take advantage of the Victoria Day sales but unfortunately we both came out empty handed. Ever have those shopping days when nothing seems to fit right? I was so thrilled when I spotted this J. Crew factory dotted tee. Rose gold has been my favourite of the metallics for a while now so I instantly fell in love with this rose gold and silver dotted tee. It can easily be dressed up or down and I'm really looking forward to pairing it with other items in my wardrobe. This white and rose gold watch from Vivah was a Christmas gift from Mum and it has been my favourite watch ever since! What I'm wearing :: Blazer ~ Chicwish Dotted Tee ~ J. Crew Factory Girlfriend Jeans ~ H&M White Pumps ~ Call It Spring Quilted Bag ~ Express Rose Gold & White Watch ~ Vivah I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Thank you for reading!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:1b2d0c56-2a4b-4efa-bbd3-55dc77d8eea7>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.closetfullofthrills.ca/2016_05_01_archive.html" }
We're working on an art project based on a collection of 220 polaroids focused on the theme of 'intimacy' . Two sets of 110 polaroids, we have made, were being stitched together and are being exposed in an exposition right now. For another expo in Lille we want to explore the imagery further. We are interested in sounds(capes) that can accompany the polaroids. We're looking for soundartists that are inspired by the photos in our collection. Creativity is at hand here. We don't need exact matches. The images and the sounds can get into dialogue. If one of you is interested to collaborate on this project, give us a sign. Sure, that you'll get the proper credits fo your work. The whole mosaic and other work of us you can find on the website of our socio-artistic collective Marcel: http://www.marcelnet.be/out_index3.php?s=1&usernr=544
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:125c44dd-1603-4ab1-ab64-993cf822f242>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.freesound.org/forum/freesound-project/869/" }
you are viewing You are getting verrry sleepy. When we snap our fingers, you’ll book a Hypnotist for your event… Weddings, birthdays, assemblies, corporate functions, and more. Hypnotists are popular entertainers at all types of events. Find one now in the Enfield, IL area. Snap! Please note these Hypnotists will also travel to Springerton, Mc Leansboro, Herald, Norris City, Burnt Prairie, Mill Shoals, Dale, Broughton, Carmi, Dahlgren, Barnhill, Emma, Crossville, Omaha, Maunie, Golden Gate, Wayne City, Mount Erie, Fairfield, Macedonia, Grayville, Eldorado, Ellery, Ridgway, New Haven, New Harmony, Raleigh, Sims, Galatia, Belle Rive
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-18", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d6b07b9b-0e93-4e22-afbd-a136689706e7>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.gigmasters.com/search/hypnotist-enfield-il" }
I’m sure it won’t surprise you that we go through a lot of vanilla extract. And that stuff, especially the good stuff with a strong vanilla flavor and no added sugar, isn’t cheap. After some research, I was amazed to find just how easy it is to make your own – just two ingredients, a glass jar and a little waiting. Homemade Vanilla Extract 3 vanilla beans, split lengthwise and scraped (I used Tahitian beans from Beanilla. I buy my beans online for a much better price than at the grocery store.) 1 cup vodka Split and scrape the vanilla beans. Place them in a glass jar. Pour in the vodka. Submerge the beans and give it a good shake. Place it in a cool, dark place and let it infuse for at least 2 months, shaking it occasionally. After two months, your vanilla extract is ready to use and you can bake your heart content. How easy is that?!? This vanilla extract is so flavorful and delicious. The awesome part about this process is that you can choose your favorite variety of vanilla bean and make an extract that you might not be able to find at the store – Indian, Bourbon, Indonesian. Plus, you’ll save a few bucks and end up with a higher quality product. Not too shabby!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-51", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:94f05b01-8076-46cf-863c-33d73dd4a070>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://theanswerisalwayspork.com/homemade-vanilla-extract/" }
Pastoral Politics and Turf Wars Michael Dove and Carol Carpenter, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University “Pastoral Politics” is a pioneering effort to transcend the usual cinematic portrayals of the “other”, of people who live by systems of resource-use that are no longer familiar to the industrialized West. It accomplishes this, first, by demythologizing pastoralists, in particular their image as removed from everyday society: one Gaddi pastoralist in the film spent twenty years in the Indian military and police service before retiring to pastoralism. After debunking this and other myths, the film-makers courageously refrain from replacing them with equally essentializing myths of their own making. The film is an almost Rashomon-like portrayal of the way that the Gaddi are differently perceived by different parties, including academics, activitsts, forest service officers and the Gaddi themselves. The film-makers eloquently demonstrate that one of the most central questions for the Gaddi is not simply who they are and how they should use those resources, but who we think they are and how we think they should use those resources, and ultimately, what these visions tells us not just about the Gaddi but about ourselves. Amita Baviskar, Assistant Professor – Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics Pastoral Politics focuses on the long standing conflict between herders and the state and masterfully captures the complex interplay between social groups and government policies. This sensitive account of changing Gaddi practices and perceptions argues eloquently in support of their rights to the environment. This thought provoking film is a valuable resource for stimulating discussion and action on issues of environment & development Arun Agrawal, Department of Political Science, Yale University The video Pastoral Politics examines the politics of herding and grazing in Himachal Pradesh, India. It is a thoughtful and carefully crafted story of migrant herders. Its main focus is on the interactions of pastoralists with government agencies and farmers, and inter-generational conflicts within pastoralist society. The film demonstrates the flaw inherent in trying to settle migrant herders, and in believing that pastoralist livelihoods and migrations are necessarily harmful to the environment. Instead, the film points to how herders lead a finely balanced existence between competing demands of politics, economics, and ecology. Nancy Peluso, School of Management, Research and Policy on the Environment, Unieversity of California, Berkeley. Pastoral Politics provides an informed and nuanced view of contemporary resource politics around grazing and transhumance in the Indian Himalayas. Set in the state of Himachal Pradesh, the film-makers introduce us to Gaddi herders, mountain agriculturists, urban-based government resource managers, and activist-scholars who tell often conflicting stories about grazing lifeways and their impacts on the environments of these legendary mountains. The film’s great strength lies in its conveyance of a sympathetic but unromanticized view of the plight of the Gaddi. Though some of their herding practices have their origins in centuries past, the obstacles they face are inscribed in the thoroughly modern dilemmas of small-scale resource managers. Most poignant in the film is the quandary a mobile community faces in establishing and maintaining its claims on lands scattered throughout the mountain regions. The filming of this story on location in the alpine meadows and snow-covered passes makes for breath-taking viewing. The film-makers skillfully juxtapose the voices and faces and working landscapes of the herders and farmers with those of activists, social historians, and venerable Forest Department officials. The narration is straight-forward in its presentation and tone; neither the Gaddi nor those who would eliminate their occupations are presented with irony or paternalism: the story thus unfolds for the viewer through the extensive and informed comments of numerous actors. At the same time, the screen is not constantly filled with “talking heads”; the steep hills form the backdrop for many conversations, and we are treated to glimpses of the daily activities of the men, women, and animals for whom the hills and trails represent home. Overall, this film sets an excellent example for aspiring documentary makers in the field of resource politics. It makes an excellent teaching tool for undergraduate students in terms of its content and the policy issues it raises. For graduate students and activists, it provides an example of sensitive documentation of a conflict and the power of pictures and people’s own words to convey the problems they are facing today and in the future. Patrick McCloskey, Mountain Research and Development, Volume 22 (2), 2002, pp. 201-203. “The stories in these two videos (Pastoral Politics and Turf Wars) tell a cautionary tale of the requirement for government administrators, who are charged with the important task of protecting their country’s ecodiversity, to be sensitive to and respectful of the needs and knowledge of local people who have lived in the area for generations and whose livelihoods are entwined with the environment. Both films raise interesting and important issues around the need to balance ecological concerns with traditional use and caution against top-down solutions that fail either to understand or to take into account either the local environment or lifestyles. The videos are well shot and competently edited (and show those of us who have never been there the beauty of this mountainous area of India); but their greatest strength lies in their commitment to telling the stories of people who would not otherwise get an audience beyond their village.” Pastoral Politics is a subtle and suggestive study of the Gaddi shepherds of Himalaya. It addresses some classic dilemmas of the contemporary world– the community versus the state, science versus folk knowledge, environment versus development — and does so with understanding and insight. An absorbing film. VATAVARAN 2009, Leave Nothing but Footprints won the award for Best film on Ecotourism Margaret Mead Film & Video Film festival 2008, New York – Village of Dust, City of Water nominated for awards. Verviers, au film de l’eau, Belgium 2008 – Special mention for Village of Dust, City of Water WILDLIFE ASIA 2007, Singapore – Village of Dust, City of Water won the Best Environment Feature award WILDSCREEN 2006, UK – Village of Dust, City of Water nominated for awards EARTHVISION 2005, Tokyo – Hunting Down Water nominated for awards Development film festival 2005, Madurai – Best film award for Devta Activists VATAVARAN-2005, Best Documentary (Environment) for River Taming Mantras KARA FEST 2004, Karachi – Special mention for The Algebra of Water Miami International Short film festival 2004 – Best Editing for Hunting Down Water Festival du Cinema de Paris 2004 – Best Direction for Hunting Down Water Festival du film de Strasbourg 2004 – Best Documentary for Hunting Down Water JEEVIKA 2003 – A National Livelihoods Film Festival – Third prize for Turf Wars
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:a8e44a43-08d8-4f95-bc24-ec35e769b2da>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://movingimagesindia.in/reviews-and-awards/" }
Save Liquid error (product-template line 114): Computation results to '-Infinity'% Take Beckett Mariner, Bradward "Brad" Boimler, D'Vana Tendi, and the rest of the U.S.S. Cerritos crew with you by adding this Star Trek: Lower Decks Property of U.S.S. Cerritos Face Mask to your style. Designed with comfort in mind, this breathable mask is perfect to wear throughout the universe. ViacomCBS will donate 100% of its proceeds from Snow Commerce's sale of Star Trek face masks to support Feeding America’s COVID-19 Global Response. *At least 30% of each sale of this product. PLEASE NOTE: SINCE THE SALE OF THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED TO BENEFIT CHARITY, PROMO CODES CANNOT BE APPLIED TO THIS PRODUCT.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:a49804f4-8901-45c7-8dbf-320820784574>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.cbsstore.com/products/star-trek-lower-decks-property-of-u-s-s-cerritos-washable-face-mask" }
To evaluate the incidence of premalignant lesions and cancer in endometrial polyps, in patients undergoing hysteroscopic polypectomy. The results of 1,020 pathological examinations of patients submitted to hysteroscopic polypectomy were analyzed, as well as their diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy findings. As to their menstrual… (More) Due to the conflicting results regarding the association between breast cancer and the GSTM1 null mutation, our aim was to research this association in a Brazilian population and correlations with smoking, reproductive history and several clinical pathologies. A case-control study was performed on 105 women with breast cancer and 278 controls. Extraction of… (More)
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:6d9527a1-6cf9-44eb-b787-fc395f0639b2>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Fausto-Farah-Baracat/4050135" }
Timberwolves win in blowout against Ethel For Adam Lowrey and the West Oktibbeha Timberwolves, there weren’t many plays that did not go their way Friday night as they beat Ethel 51-6. For instance, two of West Oktibbeha’s (6-2, 5-1 in division play) touchdowns came on plays that started with fumbles. In the third quarter, quarterback Von Smith fumbled the ball rolling out of the pocket, but picked it up and threw a 65-yard bomb to receiver Dwight Quinn for a touchdown. In the fourth quarter, Smith picked up a fumbled hand off and ran it into the end zone for a 2-yard touchdown run. Despite the lopsided score, Lowrey did see some rustiness from his guys, and knows that is something they will need to fix. “We just want to get better and I did see us pick up,” Lowrey said. “We gotta finish the season out. That’s one thing we didn’t do last year that we want to do this year.” Ethel scored on the first drive of the game on a 12-yard touchdown run by Anez Hopkins, but the Timberwolves scored 51-unanswered points the rest of the way. Ethel was held to just 165 yards of total offense for the night after getting 71 yards on the first drive. Quinn did not get the ball in his hands very often in Friday night’s win, but when he did he took full advantage of it. The junior caught three touchdown passes and returned a punt 73 yards for a touchdown in the six times he had the ball in his hands. He finished the game with 148 yards receiving. “I just came to play ball,” Quinn said. “Von found the routes and hit me.” Lowrey was pleased with the play of Quinn, who he believes is one of the top receivers in all of Class 1A. “He is electrifying,” Lowrey said. “He’s gotta be one of the fastest in 1A. The kid can really fly.” Aaron Brownlee made an impact on both sides of the ball in the blowout win. He tallied six tackles, three of which were for a loss, and caught seven passes for 132 yards and a touchdown. Brownlee even made a big special teams play, recovering a kickoff that had bounced off an Ethel player to give the Timberwolves the ball in good field position. “He’s my player of the game, by far, because of what he did on both sides of the ball,” Lowrey said. Smith continued his trend of putting up big numbers, throwing for 359 yards and five touchdowns, and rushing for a touchdown as well. The sophomore sits atop Class 1A in many statistical categories. Tiberious Lampkin notched a touchdown reception, and Shaun Fair ran for a touchdown in the first half as well. Defensively, Jeremy Brown led the team with 12 tackles, and anchored the offensive line on the other side of the ball. “He never comes off the field,” Lowrey said. “He doesn’t wanna come out. He’s so stellar.” With the win, the Timberwolves are third in their division, and they will welcome first-place Nanih Waiya to Maben next Friday. Lowrey put his own twist on a famous saying during his post-game speech to his players to prep them for next week. “The Lord says it’s better to give than to receive,” Lowrey told his team. “So let’s give them a whoopin.” The Timberwolves made it look easy this week against Ethel, but the real challenge will come with next week’s visit from the Warriors.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-50", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:7e088904-01b8-4326-a0e6-0a52aae75af7>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://starkvilledailynews.com/content/timberwolves-win-blowout-against-ethel" }
In 1876, when he was twenty and suffering from what was likely tuberculosis, Wilhelm von Gloden left Germany for a life in Taormina, Sicily where, depending on your view, he became a great photographer, a pornographer, or a pioneer of sexual tourism. Setting up his young male models, usually nude or half-clothed outdoors, often in pairs or groups, in poses to suggest ancient Greek or Roman scenes, he made over 3,000 glass plate negatives between 1890 and the start of the Great War. In 1936, five years after his death, Mussolini's police destroyed more than 2,500 of the negatives, which he had left to his lover Pancrazio Buciuni, who had been one of his models. The images that survive are startling for their technical accomplishment and their sexual tension. They became popular as postcards in Europe, Britain, and America. Von Gloeden was already rich and shared the profits with his models and he helped fund many small businesses in the region, which critics say may explain why the locals tolerated his homosexuality and the increasing tourist trade. Many of his photographs are posted at this online gallery of his work.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-43", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:4ca7f70a-b70a-455f-834a-feb0d0f4208d>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://bandofthebes.typepad.com/bandofthebes/2009/09/born-september-16-wilhelm-von-gloden.html" }
Are you a fan of anime, cosplay and pop-culture? Do you have a burning passion for all things geek? Do you want to be a part of the team that puts Singapore on the map as a choice cosplay destination for pop-culture lovers, not just in Asia, but around the world? If you think you’re a good fit, then we want you to be a volunteer at this year’s International Cosplay Day Singapore. The Neo Tokyo Project is recruiting 15 bold and stalwart individuals to be part of our ticketing, event logistics and security team, so if you think you’ve got what it takes to crew this monster of an event, please do drop us a line. We sure as heck can’t pay you (ICDS is a not-for-profit event), but we can give you free event passes, backstage access, a chance to mingle with our international cosplay stars, and exclusive volunteer-only goodies. Also, if you’re a student, we’d love to issue certificates of participation and talk to your schools about the possibility of awarding you CIP points for your trouble. If you’re interested, do write us at firstname.lastname@example.org with your Name, NRIC, Address, Contact Number and Email address, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:57507883-dcd8-497f-8e6b-5aba39ca087c>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://neotokyoproject.com/we-want-you-to-be-a-part-of-icds/" }
Naming, Brand Identity, Messaging, Collateral Design, Brand Guidelines Bar Stanley at Neiman Marcus New York City Hello, Mr. Stanley. Although Hudson Yard’s Neiman Marcus is the very first to open in New York City, for the department store, it felt like coming home. The brand was founded on the idea of bringing the cosmopolitan shopping experience to women across the country. Now in the epicenter of cosmopolitan shopping itself, Neiman Marcus sought to woo New Yorkers by speaking to their other passion: food. Though he was described as the ‘de facto mayor of Dallas,’ Stanley Marcus was better known by the nickname adorned on him by neighbors and Neiman employees alike: Mr. Stanley. Bar Stanley pays homage to the man behind the name, and his belief that elegance should not come at the expense of friendliness. Instead of a traditional menu, we introduced a patinaed leather notebook; for a check presenter, we use a luxury men’s wallet. Weaving together fashion textiles like herringbone, pinstripe, windowpane and archival photos from Marcus’s work and travels, the brand invites guests to take a walk in Mr. Stanely’s shoes.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-24", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:43283025-dfc1-4eb9-b12a-1ac17f132905>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.brandbureau.com/work/bar-stanley/" }
Most "harvest foods" are the ones we remember Mom or Grandma cooking, making the entire house smell thickly of spices, fruits and delicious vegetables fresh from the garden. In times before central heating and air conditioning, these foods were meant to warm the house as well as the people living in it. They were treated as a farewell to summer and a way to prepare for the coming onslaught of winter. Appetizers are usually rich bites of a wheat product, matched with a vegetable and sometimes mixed with dairy products. These delicious temptations vary from simple things like Chex Mix with baked root vegetables mixed in, to pastries stuffed full of zucchini, carrots and cheese. Hummus mixtures are very popular dips or spreads for cracker sandwiches during the harvest months. Traditional green salad ingredients are no longer at their peak by the time harvest rolls around, so many people create sliced fruit and nut salads with apples, pears, walnuts, pecans and dried cherries to offer their guests. Main Courses and Side Dishes Main dishes and side dishes should show off the fruits of the hard work performed to present the meal. If the weather is cooling off, stews and soups chock full of turnips, potatoes, carrots and onions are likely to be appreciated by everyone. If pumpkins are in season, try making a creamy hot pumpkin soup and serving it in the shell of the pumpkin. Hot cornbread muffins fresh from the oven are also very common sights during this time the year. Pork, lamb, beef and venison are all appropriate meats to serve, in any fashion except barbecue. Squash (including zucchini), almost all root vegetables, apples, and dried or canned fruits and vegetables are all wonderful additions as garnishes or full side dishes. The harvest is the beginning of the season when most "classic" desserts are in full view in the United States. Apple, pumpkin and pecan pies, dessert breads and a thousand different types of cookies are omnipresent until just after the new year dawns. These comfort foods are sure to pack on the pounds, so make sure they're worth every bite! Throwing a handful of dried blueberries and cherries in a zucchini bread will make the dessert both savory and sweet. Fruit tarts are also very common treats during the harvest. Best of all are popcorn balls and caramel apples, which are easily made and a treat enjoyed by nearly everyone.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:0f203754-28d1-41e3-9274-f38a4e2c2300>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.gardenguides.com/133482-harvest-party-foods.html" }
In an easy-to-read and simple format, The Guru Investor book dissects the strategies of some of Wall Street’s most successful investment gurus and teach readers how to weed through the all of the choices to find a strategy that works for them. The model portfolio system developed by John P. Reese and Jack Forehand, the book’s authors, turns each guru strategy into an actionable system, addressing many of the common mistakes that doom individual investors to market underperformance. This book focuses on the principles behind the author’s multi-guru approach, showing how investors can combine the proven strategies of these legendary “gurus” into a disciplined investing system that has significantly outperformed the market. Gurus covered in the book are: Benjamin Graham; John Neff; David Dreman; Warren Buffett; Peter Lynch; Ken Fisher; Martin Zweig; James O’Shaughnessy; Joel Greenblatt; and Joseph Piotroski. Click here to purchase “The Guru Investor: How to Beat the Market Using History’s Best Investment Strategies“. Click here to read the book’s reviews from readers on Amazon.com. Authors: John P. Reese, Jack M. Forehand, CFA The Guru Investor Blog provides impersonal stock market and related information, and therefore, no consideration can or is made toward your financial circumstances. All material presented within is not to be regarded as investment advice, but for general informational purposes only. Validea, the owner of this blog, is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or investment advisor either with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or with any state securities regulatory authority. Validea is not responsible for trades executed by users of this site based on the information included herein. The information presented on this website does not represent a recommendation to buy or sell stocks or any financial instrument nor is it intended as an endorsement of any security or investment. The information on this website is generic by nature and is not personalized to the specific situation of any individual. The user therefore bears complete responsibility for their own investment research and should seek the advice of a qualified investment professional prior to making any investment decisions. Performance results mentioned on this site do not reflect actual trading and is not necessarily indicative of future results. Individual stocks mentioned throughout this web site may be holdings in the managed portfolios of Validea Capital Management, a separate asset management firm founded by Validea.com founder John Reese.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:cfc96dcc-5b93-40a3-a789-293e8cc31461>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://theguruinvestor.com/the-guru-investor-book/" }
Debate: BBC English When the BBC started the first dialect used was very 'proper',as such this was the marker for 'BBC' english. With the rapid expansion of the BBC, i would be interested to find out what the most popular dialect is on tv. Would you rather hear a Geordie or Scouser reading the news? Would a Scots accent be preferred when watching the weather? Or would a Somerset dialect be good for a children's programme? Any other dialects that are not represented on the BBC?
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:986cff9e-0f1e-43cf-8a83-de66c4c83ec0>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.open.edu/openlearn/history-the-arts/culture/english-language/debate-bbc-english" }
Pentel Privacy Statement Pentel respects the privacy of our customers. We take precautions to ensure any information submitted to Pentel via our websites, Pentel.com and its sub-sites such as pentelstore.com, or via e-mail is handled appropriately. Pentel knows that you have concerns about the use of information provided by you. This notice provides you with our Privacy Statement. This notice does not create a contract or legal rights in the user of the website. It is an expression of Pentel's policies concerning the use of private information provided by you. By visiting our web sites or sending e-mail communications to us, you are agreeing to and accepting the practices set forth herein: Information Pentel Collects Pentel receives and stores information you enter online at our websites when you log in, search, purchase products or communicate with customer service. We automatically receive and store certain types of information when you visit our websites. For example, like most websites, we use "cookies" (defined below). The type of information we collect may include your name, address, email address, telephone number, and credit card number(s). Pentel's Use of Your Information We use information in the file we maintain about you, and other information we obtain from your activities with Pentel. By visiting our website, you agree that we may use identifiable information about you to expedite order processing, improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyze site usage, and customize Pentel websites’ content, layout and services as well as usages described elsewhere in this Privacy Statement. These uses improve our websites and better tailor them to meet your needs. Updating and Correcting Your Information You have the ability to review and change the personally identifiable information that you have provided to us. 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This may include exchanging information for fraud protection and to reduce credit card and other types of fraud. We will also provide information if required to do so by subpoena or other legal processes. A cookie is a small file that a web server automatically sends to your computer when you browse certain websites. Cookies are stored as text files on your hard drive and contain information that identifies a user, for example: login or username, passwords, shopping cart information, preferences, and so on. When a user revisits a website, his or her computer automatically "serves up" the cookie, which establishes the user's identity, thus eliminating the need for the customer to reenter the information. Cookie technology also makes shopping cart technology possible. For example, when you select items that you intend to purchase in an online catalog, cookies make it possible for you to continue shopping and to "check-out" later. Most browsers have options allowing you to accept, decline or monitor cookies. If you elect to use these options, it will limit the range of features available to you on the websites. Security is important to Pentel. While Pentel takes reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized access and use of your personal information, it is not a guarantor. Pentel is not responsible for the unauthorized use of said information by third persons or as a result of errors in transmission. Pentel does not expressly, impliedly, or otherwise warrant that we will prevent unauthorized access to your private information. Pentel shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or connected with the unauthorized access or use of personal information. Of course, you must also protect against unauthorized use of your computer, passwords and credit card information. When using a shared computer, you should always decline to save sign-on information, including passwords, and should always sign-off when you are finished using that shared computer. Pentel sponsors the International Children's Art Exhibition. In conjunction with that exhibition, we receive applications from children three to fifteen years of age. We do not share the personal information provided in the application with third parties for marketing, solicitation or other uses. However, Pentel and/or the International Children's Art Exhibition may use the name and other information of prize winners and applicants for promotional or other purposes once the child's parent or guardian has signed the application and the work of art has been submitted to Pentel. Sweepstakes, Contests and Promotions We may offer sweepstakes, contests and other promotions (any, a "Promotion") that may require registration. 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{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-51", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:319ee997-9dfb-4012-8156-67a5b0ad5ac9>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.pentel.com/pages/privacy-policy" }
ZooPornia - The zoo pornia tube site Curvy girl teases her dog to mount her Description: His wife bends over for the family dog and urges him to mount her for doggystyle animal sex Added 2017-01-13 Views today: 2026 Total views: 86351 Tags: doggystyle, dog sex, amateur <- Back to video list Copyright © 2017 ZooPornia. All Rights Reserved. Contact us at email@example.com.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-04", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:02a0d1a7-2920-4958-a31c-544543ef87aa>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://zoopornia.com/play.php?v=_biCvTLzMAm92rFcpldgi3tdOqfDG_zKFbKJh2WLWWsGOtwcH4aNK_ZxQuAq4raqoONzMoDyd6--MTbOJbxlyg/" }
Perhaps the Milwaukee Bucks got the message when their head coach, Jim Boylan called them out following Sunday’s win against Orlando. Boylan criticized his teams defensive play in a win over the Magic, saying his players had no interest in playing defense. Fast-forward to last night, when the Bucks jumped out to a 58-31 halftime lead on the Portland Trailblazers and went on to win 102-95 at the BMO Harris Bradley Center. The Bucks outscored Portland 31-8 in the 2nd quarter but the Trailblazers dumped 38 on the Bucks in the fourth quarter to make things interesting. Former Marquette star Wesley Matthews scored 20 of his game-high 28 points in the second half to lead the Portland charge. [Read more…]
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-50", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:7f5a5076-a103-4e3f-8915-ce5ed4efa46a>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.wrn.com/tag/samuel-dalembert/" }
3 Ring Monsters And Other Deposition Exhibits We were recently working on some exhibits for a construction defect case. The original exhibit for this deposition is this bulky, 3-ring bound monster with color exhibits, custom tabs, photographs, diagrams. Basically, the works.Per Counsels' requests, we were to duplicate the beast exactly. Claws and all. Even down to copying the Walgreens picture envelope and receipt. As a court reporting firm, we are always listening to our clients and attempting to serve them the best we can. The photograph above shows the project during production. Three hours and lots of toner later, we finished it up. Then I read an interesting article from Lawyers Right Hand -- our friend the Mystery Paralegal Blogger -- regarding just such a topic. She writes, ...anytime I get exhibits in a big old ring binder, the first thing I do in addition to muttering under my breath is wrench them out of the binders and place them into redwelds. The exhibit number tabs you insert are great, because that means all I have to do is divest myself of that pesky binder and transfer everything to a redweld. Its even nice that you took the time to 3-hole punch the exhibits, because maybe one day I will want to put them in a binder or, more likely, three or four reasonably-sized binders. After reading her post, she would surely hate my exhibits for this job. And to be honest, we are no fans of spending hours and hours slaving over a hot Xerox. Still, in our defense, for this case the clients asked us to produce the depositions in just this fashion. What's a court reporter to do? She continues with the bare-bones truth: The reality for modern-day law firms is that the hard copy of exhibits we get from the court reporter goes into the file and never gets looked at again. Ouch! Do you mean all our hard work gets shelved. Literally? And all those trees that got cut down to produce those beautifully tabbed exhibits? What a waste! (Al Gore would would frown on this sort of thing.) We are with her when she lauds the use of PDF exhibits. Any way we can, we attempt to go paperless these days. Hopefully others in our industry are following suit. Tuesday, September 4, 2007
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:585e5553-4ef3-44a0-9ba3-69f5c2e38a57>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://toddolivas.com/blog/3-Ring-Monsters-And-Other-Deposition-Exhibits.asp" }
Can you walk away? We have spoken before about the growing number of people who are now able to class themselves as a pro gambler due to the fact that they are able to earn an income from their gambling activities. So many people would like to go down this path and make a great living in this way and if you are one of these people there is a simple question which, if answered correctly, will give you an idea if you are the kind of person who has what it takes. So, without further ado, consider this. After studying the form you have come to the conclusion that you have found the likely winner of the second race on the card at Delaware Park. You arrive at the track in plenty of time, enjoy a bite to eat and then place your bet. It is a close race but your selection loses by a couple of lengths. You are obviously disappointed but now for the question. Do you call it a day as far as your betting goes, perhaps watch the rest of the card but you do not place a bet. Or, do you hurriedly look through the form of the next races, determined to win your money back? If you decided to call it a day, you may just have what it takes to go pro, if you decided to carry on though, it would be a good idea to take a step back and realize that if you are the type of person who chases losses it could be the quick road to the poor house. From sports betting to poker, Delaware Park Betting features endless casino, golf, horse racing and sports gambling options. It is all about mastering your emotions, don’t think for one minute that a pro is not extremely disappointed when their selection loses because they most definitely are, it is just that they know only too well that if they decide to go ‘on tilt’ it could very well end up in disaster. A pro might only have one bet in a week, or even a month but it is by selectively betting in this way which results in them still making money in this way whilst those who do not have the same degree of discipline fall by the wayside! If you can learn how to not chase your losses you might just have what it takes to become a professional gambler.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:1e0c06a0-2bcf-4d93-a2b8-10d9e4aa795f>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.delawarepark.com/sportsbook-news/can-you-walk-away/" }
Croatia head coach Ante Čačić was happy with his side’s composure after they came from behind in Rostov on Don to beat Russia 3-1 in a friendly on Tuesday night… The hosts took the lead in 15th minute, when Smolov finished off a slick Russian move, but goals in the second half to Nikola Kalinić, Mario Mandžukić and Marcelo Brozović gave Croatia a deserved victory. “I believe that Croatia played well from the very beginning. Even in the first half, when we conceded, we had more opportunities and should have been ahead. We did not lose our heads and ended this calendar year with a victory over respectable opponent, and we can continue our work in good spirits”, said Čačić. “I am sure that coach Slutski also used this match for the future and therefore Russia was not at the highest level, but we still had to be excellent for the entire 90 minutes. We had the idea how to defeat Russia and managed to win”. “We wanted to try out Mandžukić and Kalinić together in attack, Vrsaljko was fantastic with two assist, but I am overjoyed with the approach of the entire team. This was a proper competitive match, with Russia also playing well in some periods. To be honest, I would not like to face Russia in France”, concluded Čačić. RUSSIA – CROATIA 1:3 (1:0) Olimp-2 Stadium, Rostov on Don. Referee: C. Turpin (France) Goals: 1:0 – Smolov (15′), 1:1 – N. Kalinić (57′), 1:2 – Brozović (59′), 1:3 – Mandžukić (81′) Yellow cards: Perišić (29′), Vida (36′) Russia: Lodygin (46′ Rebrov), Kombarov (65′ Novoseltsev), Semenov, Vasin (89′ Ignashevich), Shishkin, Glushakov (71′ Mamaev), Ionov (65′ Ignatyev), Shirokov, Iusupov, Chernyshev (70′ Dzyuba), Smolov. Head coach: L. Slutski. Croatia: L. Kalinić (90+1′ Vargić), Pivarić, Vida, Lešković, Srna (46′ Vrsaljko), Močinić, Badelj, Brozović, Perišić, Mandžukić (87′ Kramarić), N. Kalinić (75′ Milović). Head coach: A. Čačić. (photo credit/Drago Sopta HNS)
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-22", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:ea95ab5e-9ce5-4d2a-900a-cf77ef08d15f>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.croatiaweek.com/croatia-coach-happy-with-russia-win-we-played-well-from-the-very-beginning/" }
Parts Jeep, who needs what? I know this is off topic but I wanted to get this out there for us LIers. Try not to pm as I cant get more then 5. hit me up here or over at Outlawed Offroad - Home (click proceed to link) Today I acquired a 96 two door XJ with a blown head gasket that was overheated a few times. I am keeping some stuff and some stuff will be spoken for. Hit me up with what ever you might need, I will check back often and get back to you. Pricing will be low as I want to be able to help out with everyone's Jeeps. I'll ask that you bring your own tools, if anything special is required I can provide, I will. Act quick this will be going very soon. Wedns Thurs the latest.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-27", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:efce142e-e0cf-4d98-a38c-e8acaa59414a>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f353/long-island-jeep-night-ny-long-island-510599/index50.html" }
Re: Intentionally "troll"-ish posts & the latest "clique" If you don't like it don'f effing read it! And please remove the cloth diaper and breastfeeding smiley from your siggy because it screams clique to me! J-14, J-8, J-5, J-2, and CJ-16 weeks Under Construction Until November 2013
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:72e0f2b8-e622-4c3b-9237-bae626470a93>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.diaperswappers.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13496616&postcount=19" }
Deep fried ’til golden brown. Served with rice and beans. Fajita chicken or steak wrapped in a flour tortilla with Jack cheese. Served with guacamole, onions, peppers, and sour cream. El Paso Chimichanga Choice of chicken, ground beef, pork or shredded beef in a large flour tortilla, topped with chile con queso sauce, and sour cream. Large flour tortilla wrapped with cheese and your choice of chicken, ground beef, pork or shredded beef. With lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole and sour cream on top. A rolled flour tortilla filled with a blend of shrimp, crab, scallops, fish and fresh vegetables. Garnished with sour cream and avocado slices. Please Note: Not all menu items are available at all our locations. Call ahead to inquire on a specific item.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-18", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:380ea095-6c15-4b5e-b30e-fc2bf9398d57>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://acapulcos.net/mexican-restaurant-menu/chimichanga/" }
Dog Bite Fatalities: Breed or Human Problem? petMD has had some long and spirited discussions about dog breeds and human attacks by dogs. Many contributors to the discussion rightly pointed out the lack of reliable data surrounding this issue. Yet the political answer to the situation is always breed specific legislation (BSL). In other words, ban the ownership or restrict the activity of specific breeds alleged to be involved in human attacks. Municipalities persist with this narrow focus despite studies that indicate the ineffectiveness of these programs. The results of a 10-year study recently reported in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association sheds further light on the complexity of this issue. It identifies preventable factors that are far more significant than breed. The researchers examined the data from 256 dog bite-related fatalities in the U.S. between the years 2000-2009. They generated the following statistics for factors involved in the fatal attacks: - In 87% there was an absence of an able-bodied person to intervene - 45% of the victims were less than 5-years old - 85% of the victims had only incidental or no familiarity with the dogs - 84% of the dogs were not neutered - 77% of the victims had compromised ability (age or other conditions) to interact appropriately with dogs - 76% of the dogs were kept isolated from regular positive human interactions - 38% of the dog owners had histories of prior mismanagement of dogs - 21% of the dog owners had a history of abuse or neglect of dogs - In 81% of the attacks, four or more of the above factors were involved - 31% of the dog breeds differed from media reports - 40% of the dog breeds differed from both media and animal control reports - Only 18% of the dogs had validated (DNA) breed identification - 20 breeds and 2 known mixed breeds were represented in the attacks These statistics indicate that most of the factors surrounding dog-bite related fatalities are preventable and unrelated to dog breed. The first statistic shows the obvious lack of supervision in these attacks. Responsible dog and victim parental or caretaker supervision most certainly could have prevented the majority of these deaths. 73% of the dogs were chained or isolated in fenced outdoor areas or indoor areas. Only 15% of the dogs were allowed to roam. Nearly three-quarters of the attacks occurred on the dog owner’s property. Restricting access to these areas could prevent many attacks. Interestingly, 67% of the older victims that were deemed compromised were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, another preventable circumstance. Only five of the victims were compromised due to Alzheimer’s, dementia, or uncontrollable seizure disorders. The reporting errors in this study are also disturbing. Fatal dog attacks are always media sensations and heavily reported. Yet we can only trust that 60% of the reports of breed identification from the media and involved animal control officials are accurate. And unfortunately, it is media reports rather than facts that spur the political decisions that lead to breed specific legislation. Based on this study, 20 breeds and 2 mixed breeds should face legislation rather than the few that are presently targeted. The ugly truth about this study is that it points to human behavior as the cause of dog attacks on humans. Social responsibility cannot be legislated. Many of these dog owners had histories of animal mismanagement, yet the penalties or consequences were inadequate to change the behavior. It would have been interesting if the study had also looked at previous behaviors and histories of the parents of the young victims. Whether programs for responsible pet ownership, bite prevention education, or dog related parent supervision education are widely effective has yet to be proven. Certainly breed specific legislation is not the answer. A recent Canadian study showed that there were no significant differences in the number of bite related hospital visits before and after communities adopted breed specific legislation. Dr. Ken Tudor
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-44", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:253aacf1-ad6a-404d-b320-9723be68981d>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/ken-tudor/2014/april/dog-bite-fatalities-breed-or-human-problem-31529" }
Kitten Falls Asleep While Studying for Finals With finals weeks looming, Zuko the kitten has been pulling a back-to-back all nighters the entire week in an attempt to cram as much knowledge as she can into her little kitty brain. Unfortunately, her body had other plans, and she succumbed to sleep last night, waking up amid a pile of papers and #2 pencils this morning. "All the Red Bulls in the world weren’t going to keep her awake," said Julia Datlow, the cat’s roommate. "Zuko is a cat. They sleep like, what, 16 hours a day? There’s no fighting nature.” Zuko’s first final, in applied string chasing, is Monday morning.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-41", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:4ea29929-b0a7-45a3-b9a5-4ab4789ce3f0>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://thefluffingtonpost.com/post/48850322886/cat-finals" }
We’re back in Venice now, getting ready to come back home. The thing about being away for so long is that you can settle into a travel rhythm where you do not feel compelled to rush about and see as much as you can. So this time back to Venice we sat at the side of a beautiful square and watched life happen. There’s no grass to speak of in Venice. It’s pretty much all paved with stone, so the squares around the churches (there are 130 churches on this tiny collection of mud flat islands that make up the historic city of Venice) are the playgrounds and parks of the area. We sat on the rock block of an ancient building’s foundation, worn smooth by the seats of countless people before us, and took it all in. There was a guitar-playing busker providing the perfect backdrop to the scene, making it feel like we were watching a movie montage. The sunlight was just right: soft and yellow, glowing and warm, making the church bricks redden and gleam. Families were out, friends and neighbours were visiting, people were walking their dogs, and tourists were walking through, some with suitcases in tow and some without, speaking different languages. Not a child went by who didn’t try to chase a pigeon. Some were in a hurry and some were taking it easy. It was a beautiful scene. Come, sit, like a fly on the wall, on the side of the square with us. Sorry I can’t share my gelato with you… P.S. We’ve had some fantastic adventures in both Italy and Slovenia, which I will share with you soon. Stay tuned!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-43", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:51b808d7-54e5-4abf-b1f2-56d5e99e194c>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://trailtopeaktheadventurouspath.com/2017/09/24/like-a-fly-on-the-wall/" }
Woman Complains of Having ‘Square Boobs’ After Botched Surgery When a woman gets a breast surgery, her hopes is to see enhancements in her overall appearance. Regrettably, that isn’t what happens to one beauty blogger who ended up with having a square-shaped left breast. Yulia Debbagkh of Moscow, Russia claims that one of her breast implants has “collapsed” after a surgery she had 10 years ago. She has since shared several photos on social media to show the odd-looking result. On an Instagram post, Yulia wrote that “the implant is not torn, it is simply rumpled”. She also wrote: “Of course, it is impossible to smooth it. New full-scale replacement surgery is needed.” The post has since caused to her getting bullied by some netizens with one of her followers giving her the nickname ‘square boobs’ and another mocking her “I hope your next boobs are triangle shaped”. Now plastic surgeon Maxim Nesterenko has been tasked to replace the silicone implants. After examining Yulia, Maxim said the problem was due to the implants being incorrectly placed over (instead of underneath) the muscle during her previous surgery. He further explained: “This time we will do it the proper way. We will remove the old implants, put new ones under the muscle, and these new implants will be modern ones. “These days manufacturers give a lifelong guarantee.” According to Yulia, no one told her that the implants may need to be replaced during her surgery at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. Moreover, she said the clinic claims they’ve already lost her records. Mikhail Pavlyuk, the clinic’s deputy director, said: “We do not object to the point that we bear responsibility. “We are obliged to keep the medical records of our patients for 25 years.” Today, Yulia is being encouraged by lawyers to take legal action and expect a compensation of 1 million roubles (about US$17,150). Though she has her share of haters online, many have also praised her for courageously telling her story and bringing attention to the sensitive issue of surgery.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-22", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d83c2ddf-f3ae-435f-a9ec-6e0d04f2e128>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.viraltrendzz.com/woman-complains-square-boobs-botched-surgery/" }
Washington, DC – National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement on the passing of United States Senator John McCain: Country first: More than a slogan, it was the defining characteristic of a man who lived his life in service of a nation he loved—in the Navy and Congress, in a dark cell in Hanoi and in a final courageous battle that reminded us each of our common humanity. We now say farewell to Senator McCain but do so confident in the knowledge that his memory as a fighter for our country and the values that keep and sustain our exceptionalism—free enterprise, competitiveness, individual liberty and equal opportunity—will continue to live on in our history for many years to come. The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12 million men and women, contributes $2.25 trillion to the U.S. economy annually, has the largest economic impact of any major sector and accounts for more than three-quarters of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the Manufacturers or to follow us on Shopfloor, Twitter and Facebook, please visit www.nam.org.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:5b9db394-036b-4fe8-9757-ad1f9bc6db33>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.nam.org/senator-mccain-lived-life-in-service-to-nation-1041/" }
Oil fell on Friday, dragged down by economic concerns, the stronger dollar and a dip in the stock market. U.S. crude for April, which expires on Friday, settled down 55 cents at $51.06 a barrel. May crude edged up 3 cents to settle at $52.07 a barrel. London Brent crude rose 55 cents to settle at $51.22 a barrel. The weaker euro and the stock market seem to have invited profit-taking in the oil markets. A number of traders are still skeptical about the ability of this oil market to advance in the face of a recession, said Peter Beutel, president, Cameron Hanover, New Canaan, Connecticut. U.S. stocks fell as long-standing worries about the health of the banking system resurfaced and concerns were raised by a brokerage over America Express' yearly performance. The U.S. dollar rebounded and the euro reversed earlier gains, lending further support to crude. The stronger dollar tends to weigh on commodities denominated in the greenback. Oil had surged 7 percent on Thursday after the Fed announced its plan to buy long-term government debt and the dollar tumbled in value. Crude has fallen $100 dollars from highs above $147 a barrel last July, as the global economic crash has shrunk demand for the fuel. Bank of America Securities-Merrill Lynch raised its 2009 oil price forecast to $52 a barrel from $50 on signs supplies could tighten in the second half of this year, but cut its 2010 outlook to $62 a barrel from $70, citing weak demand. The International Monetary Fund forecast on Thursday the world economy would contract in 2009 for the first time since World War Two by between 0.5 percent and 1.0 percent. Crude stockpiles have swelled in the United States due to slumping consumption, and some analysts cautioned it may be difficult for oil prices to sustain the recent rally. Still, some analysts say deep output cuts by producer group OPEC agreed to last year are starting to tighten markets. Oil tanker shipping company Frontline said there are around 40 very large crude carriers storing oil offshore, each with a capacity of around 2 million barrels - a combined potential of one full day's worth of global oil supplies. (Additional reporting by Christopher Baldwin in London, Raissa Kosolowsky in Dubai and Robert Gibbons in New York; Editing by Marguerita Choy)
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:ed15c429-6477-4982-aa99-102a871c0f25>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.ibtimes.com/oil-slips-economy-equities-weigh-239992" }
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The district is one of 31 former abbott districts statewide, which are now referred to as « sda districts » based on the requirement that the state cover all costs for school building and renovation projects in these districts under the supervision of the new jersey schools development authority. To remove line numbers from a single paragraph, click suppress for current paragraph. Apologies for the adverts, i am working on other ways to cover costs. Momentarily pleasing the oligarchy and all others on the right, but followed a populist course that won him great favor with the poor and lower classes. Prior to the game it was also announced that opel had signed on as melbourne’s second major sponsor. Check the seasoning and add more salt and black pepper if it needs it. But i often wonder if being in dubai is worth it at all. Some stud hi lo hands play well in multi way situations while others play best heads up or against just a few opponents. 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{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-24", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:115ff9e6-2a1d-43e3-b227-a580853b6151>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://cfomedical.ch/2019/08/14/%EF%BB%BFmost-trusted-seniors-online-dating-site-no-payments/" }
It's an alien invasion! How will the story end? Young writers and use their imaginations to write their own comic strip. Get your fifth grader to polish his writing chops with this write-it-yourself comic. Help your kid learn about theme with a reading comprehension page that features a story from Panchatantra, a collection of classic animal fables from India. Get transported to the dark and eerie world of Edgar Allen Poe with this illustrated poem, "A Dream". Introduce your student to this classic poem by Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken".
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:f19ee9a4-c533-4976-bfe7-28caf94a480a>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.education.com/collection/angelawalsh1972/high-school/" }
WASHINGTON (CBS DC/AP) – Saying America cannot “turn a blind eye” in Iraq, President Obama has given the go ahead for military action in Iraq. “Today America is coming to help,” he said in a late night statement from the White House. The president said the military strikes would be carried out if the extremists advance towards American personnel in northern Iraq. U.S. planes will also drop humanitarian aid to thousands of members of religious minorities trapped in the rugged terrain north of Baghdad. Militants from the Islamic State group seized Iraq’s largest hydroelectric dam on Thursday, giving them control of enormous power and water resources and leverage over the Tigris River that runs through the heart of Baghdad. Airstrikes would mark a significant shift in the U.S. strategy in Iraq, where the military fully withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war. (TM and © Copyright 2014 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2014 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:aebf95b8-0245-49c1-817c-53776ed3b2ab>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://washington.cbslocal.com/2014/08/07/president-obama-authorizes-air-strikes-in-iraq/" }
Please find attached the financial reports of Talanx Group, Talanx AG and selected subsidiaries. Declarations of principles on investment policy Further information on the investment policies of the subsidiaries can be found here. Risk management reports Here you can access the SFCR reports of the Talanx Group. Older reports are kept in the archive. Financial reports of Hannover Re Here you can access the financial reports of the Hannover Re Group on the company's own website.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:84ba4340-637e-41ea-8352-320800507d0a>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.talanx.com/en/investor_relations/reporting/financial_reports" }
Yugoslavian M48-A 8mm Rifle The M-48 was made post WWII by Yugoslavia on the pattern of the German K98 with some changes such as the full handguard and a shorter intermediate length action. Yugoslavia received all of the actual German tooling and equipment that produced their famous K98 as part of their war reparations. All M48 Mausers were made in Yugoslavia at the Preduzece 44 factory (Factory 44, later renamed "Red Banner) a part of a group of factories for Zastava. Many of the M-48 rifles were configured into snipers during the civil war in Bosnia. The difference between an M48 and an M48-A is the -A has a stamped floorplate, everything else is basically the same. Chambered in 8mm, this little firecracker is hard hitting and accurate. The wood is smooth and has a few dings and nicks, it looks like walnut or dark elm with what looks and feels like an oil finish. The bluing is good and even, about 90%+. The receiver, floor plate, and stock match, the bolt does not. The bore is dark with some light frost, she has solid rifling, I don't see any pitting. A few rounds down range and a thorough cleaning should bring her back to life. She has a small import mark on the right side of the receiver. Overall she rates either an NRA Very Good to NRA Excellent condition. There is no front sight hood. The Cyrillic writing on the left side of the receiver translates into "Yugoslavia," and "Producia 44," or factory #44. She still has a lot of dried cosmoline on the metal parts, I'd suggest a good cleaning before range time. These rifles have not been imported for over three years and there are no new ones on the way. Very popular for either hunting or hitting paper, put her in your truck and she'll make you a wonderful range rifle. She does come with an original leather sling. Check with your local dealer for local laws and restrictions. Attention California Buyers: OK CA for sale! 01 OR 03 FFL Needed! Please remember we do not have an onsite gunsmith, as with all new, used, and factory reconditioned firearms, please have them inspected by a competent gunsmith prior to firing. NEW SHIPPING RATES APPLY! $19.99 for Long Gun shipping to the lower 48 (ask and we’ll quote the other two for you) and $14.99 for any handgun to anyplace USA! We take personal checks, money orders, Visa or MasterCard, American Express, and Discover (with NO Credit Surcharge)! We ship as soon as we have payment and FFL verification. Please ask questions BEFORE you bid. Thank you for looking, and GOD BLESS AMERICA! I SALUTE THE MEN AND WOMEN IN OUR ARMED SERVICES, THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING US! $19.99 Lower US 48, ask for quote on all other US areas; NO BS FEES! You only pay actual shipping charge.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-32", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:12e386c7-e83e-42a9-8f37-2c390eec6c09>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.gunsamerica.com/922935744/Guns/Rifles/Surplus-Rifles-Copies/Yugoslavian_M48_A_8mm_Rifle.htm" }
We are proud to join this illustrious organization. We believe that ETCO can positively contribute and collaborate with other members of AIAG. Bradenton, FL (PRWEB) February 12, 2013 ETCO Incorporated announced today that it has joined the Automotive Industry Action Group. The Automotive Industry Action Group is a not for profit association that seeks to make manufacturing processes more efficient, collaborative and standardized globally. ETCO is an industry leader in automotive ignition components, precision metal stamping and aftermarket parts manufacturing. The announcement signals ETCO’s resolve and commitment to continuous improvement in manufacturing. The announcement is the latest development in the Company’s push to increase the quality of OEM and aftermarket parts. This is also following its significant investment in plant enhancements, software upgrades and qualitative/quantitative reviews in its quality and manufacturing groups. ETCO’s initial involvement with AIAG will be in knowledge sharing as well as enhanced training on continuous improvement best practices. ETCO is also planning on leveraging its deep knowledge of supply chain management, quality and corporate responsibility in the group. The company has an extensive background forging quality processes in the realm of metal stamping for appliance, automotive OEM/aftermarket and medical devices. Being a part of the Automotive Industry Action Group will allow ETCO to use that background to collaborate on a whole host of projects. ETCO’s Director of Quality, John Skory states that, “We are proud to join this illustrious organization. We believe that ETCO can positively contribute and collaborate with other members of AIAG.” He continues, “ETCO’s commitment to quality is evident even more so now that we are a member of AIAG.” Founded in 1947, ETCO is a privately owned company. The Company manufactures precision stampings and rubber and plastic molded products used principally by major automotive and appliance manufacturers. ETCO also has major customers in a variety of other industries in the USA and over 30 countries throughout the world. ETCO has factories and a research complex in Bradenton, Florida and a factory and engineering center in Warwick, Rhode Island. For more information on ETCO, visit the Company website online at http://www.etco.com.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-40", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d239bd7e-8bed-4ff0-b5d0-b0cd07cbd0a9>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/2/prweb10419800.htm" }
Take the AARP Smart Driver course and you could save on your auto insurance! Learn more. by Martha M. Hamilton, AARP Bulletin, November 26, 2009 I’ve spent most of the past month dealing with my mother’s “condition.” My mother, Evelyn Sims McNeil, hated euphemisms. So I should say that her condition was that she was dying. And die she did, on Nov. 13. I held her medical power of attorney, which meant I made the decisions that she could no longer make, including how aggressive to be in treating her ills. In doing so, I learned important lessons about end-of-life care. My mother was a teacher, so in that spirit, I want to pass on what I learned, hoping it will be helpful to others who find themselves caring for someone who is approaching death. The main lesson: Beware the emergency room. Medical professionals and caregivers have a tendency to overuse emergency room services because of concerns about liability. In May, after attending my grandson’s high school graduation, I came home to find a phone message saying that my mother had fallen and had been transported from the group home where she lived to an emergency room. I rushed to the emergency room, where she was initially glad to see me—but then decided that the doctor, the nurse and I were “rats.” My mother, a few months short of her 96th birthday, had recently been diagnosed with dementia and was suffering from worsening paranoid delusions. Though she was moving around the emergency room forcefully enough to make it clear that she did not have any broken bones, the staff insisted on pelvic x-rays. At that point her delusions took full control, and I had to struggle, while she tried to hurt me, to keep her from throwing herself off the x-ray table. Misadventures at the emergency room Later that summer, my sister J.E. McNeil and I tried to have our mother admitted to the psychiatric ward at a local hospital until her medication for the dementia could be adjusted. Despite daylong efforts by us and her psychiatrist to reach the doctor in charge of admissions, we ultimately failed. She was admitted only after being taken to the emergency room, which prolonged the stressful and difficult situation by several hours. She went from that hospital to a facility that specializes in care for patients with dementia. After she achieved some equilibrium from medication, she returned to the group home. In September, I returned home on a Friday evening to find another phone message, saying that my mother was going to be taken to an emergency room because the nurse at the group home was worried that a bedsore on her back might turn fatally septic. I argued against it, but the ambulance was already there. I met her at the emergency room, where the doctor and nurse looked at the wound, pronounced it healing and said she didn’t need to be there. Three hours later, after waiting until an ambulance was available, she returned to the group home, lying on her back on a gurney for the bumpy ride back. In October, my mother’s doctor and the nurse at the group home recommended that she be seen by the Wound Care Center at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Maryland. They said that she would have to be admitted through the emergency room. By then, I had grown wiser. I didn’t take their word for it. I called the Wound Care Center and asked how I could get an appointment for my mother. The next day she traveled to the center not in an ambulance, but in a taxi equipped to carry wheelchairs, and was seen immediately when she arrived. That same day, the New York Times ran an excellent article headlined “Treating Dementia, but Overlooking Its Physical Toll.” It noted that dementia is not just a disease of the mind, but “a physical illness, too—a progressive, terminal disease that shuts down the body as it attacks the brain.” Because that isn’t well understood, it said, patients are often subjected to aggressive treatment and preventive care that would not be used on patients with another terminal illness. “Simply transferring a dementia patient from the nursing home to a hospital can lead to confusion, falls or a decline in eating—which in turn, often leads to further aggressive treatment,” the article said. Another lesson from the experience: Beware unnecessary tests. I should have followed my instincts and declined the pelvic x-ray when my mother was admitted to the emergency room in May. Later, when she was admitted to the hospital psychiatric ward, the emergency room first gave her a CT scan. A few days later a nurse in the psych ward mentioned that the neurologist wanted my mother to have a CT scan. I asked whether the neurologist had looked at the one from the emergency room. Later the nurse came back. “Never mind,” she said. And a final lesson: Turn to hospice care sooner, rather than later. Whenever my mother was examined until the day before she died, her vital signs were always good. Good heart rate, good pulse, good circulation, good blood pressure. I would say, “Yes, she’s in great shape except for this dying thing.” I knew a fair amount about hospice care and didn’t need to be told that it wasn’t signing a death warrant, and that people were not kicked out of hospice care in six months if they were still alive. But I wish I had understood more clearly that my mother would receive better care in a hospice and that she could qualify without having a specific illness that was clearly killing her, such as cancer. The Jewish Social Service Agency Hospice came to us. She was admitted with a diagnosis of “debility,” a weakened or enfeebled state. They immediately took charge, treating her with dignity and as an individual. They moved aggressively to eliminate her pain and discomfort, and cut back on multiple daily dressing changes that were good for her wound but not for her. And I could spend my last days with her talking to her and stroking her hair, rather than fighting off trips to the emergency room and other aggressive treatment. Martha M. Hamilton writes a regular column for Bulletin Today on retirement and financial issues. Please leave your comment below. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Get tips and resources to protect yourself from fraud and see the latest scam alerts in your state. Members save 15% all day, every day at participating locations. Exclusive program for members from The Hartford. AARP members receive exclusive member benefits & affect social change. You are leaving AARP.org and going to the website of our trusted provider. The provider’s terms, conditions and policies apply. Please return to AARP.org to learn more about other benefits. Your email address is now confirmed. Manage your email preferences and tell us which topics interest you so that we can prioritize the information you receive. Explore all that AARP has to offer. In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails related to AARP volunteering. Once you confirm that subscription, you will regularly receive communications related to AARP volunteering. In the meantime, please feel free to search for ways to make a difference in your community at
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-05", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:e46e786f-20be-444b-8ceb-4ad037f11fb1>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.aarp.org/money/budgeting-saving/info-11-2009/your_financial_future_lessons_from_a_life_s_end.html" }
49ers fans had been waiting for the moment since the news broke that San Francisco had traded for Jimmy Garoppolo, so it’s understandable that they were were excited when he made his team debut Sunday against the Seahawks. They were just a little too excited in 49ers LB Reuben Foster’s opinion. Garoppolo was subbed in for starter C.J. Beathard, who went down with a nasty looking injury. Fans cheered as Beathard laid on the ground injured, which did not sit well with Foster. Via The Mercury News: “First of all, I wanted to say our fans are better than that,” Foster said. “You wait until a guy gets up to cheer, not when a guy’s down. Then when he’ s up, you cheer. “Then when Jimmy goes out there, you cheer. Give him a pep talk, let him know you’re all behind him. But let him you you’re behind our (starting) quarterback, too, C.J..” Safety Eric Reid, who has dealt with concussions throughout his career, agreed with his teammate. It’s hard to hear on the broadcast, but there were some cheers as team doctors attended to Beathard. To their credit, 49ers fans did give the rookie a standing applause as he walked off the field. Garoppolo completed both of his passes for 18 yards and a touchdown in relief of Beathard.[jwplayer 8gnbc0Mp-t2dCqACG]
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:00637742-dea0-4c6e-9e3b-5506e5c84c57>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/11/49ers-cj-beathard-jimmy-garoppolo-injury-eric-reid-reuben-foster" }
Interpol: An Investigation Original title: Interpol. L’enquête Exclusive Disclosures on a 100 Years Old Institution In 2023, Interpol celebrates its 100 years anniversary. The famous international organization has linked polices all over the world, with its 195 members. However, most people don’t know the first thing about its missions or its functioning. We are regularly deceived by the fictional “Interpol agent” we see on movies and TV shows. Reality is far from it. In 2013, two independent journalists, French Mathieu Martinière and German Robert Schmidt, are intrigued by its financing: in a context of perpetual deficit, Interpol decided to make controversial partnerships with FIFA, tobacco industry and pharmaceutical multinational corporations. This intuition initiates ten years of investigation, full of disturbing discoveries. With exclusive documents and many testimonies of former and present agents, including current general secretary, Jürgen Stock, the authors reveal the hidden face of the institution, from its past under nazi administration to recent periods, between visionary and polemical leaders. This fascinating investigation also unveils the abusive use of the famous “Red Notices” by authoritarian states, and many secrets of this essential yet disturbing institution. - A fascinating investigation on Interpol, for its 100 years anniversary. - Exclusive scoops on Interpol’s nazi past, controversial financing, and the abusive use of Red Notices. - An international duo of journalists, French and German, who writes for several medias: Mediapart, Disclose, ARTE or Die Zeit. - Many testimonies of agents from Interpol, including an exclusive interview of Jurgen Stock, the current general secretary
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:defeca92-a618-4caa-a785-a95b570719e7>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://catalog.2seasagency.com/book/interpol-an-investigation/" }
CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Walton Westphalia Development Corporation (the “Corporation”) announced that the Corporation has paid, effective today, the fifth interest payment owing on its 8% unsecured, subordinated, convertible, extendable debentures (“Offering Debentures”) by issuing to the holders of the Offering Debentures, on a pro rata basis, that principal amount of interest debentures (the “Interest Debentures”) that is equal to the amount of the fifth interest payment owing under the Offering Debentures, which was an aggregate of $1,206,868.00 as of the March 31, 2017 determination date. In addition, the Corporation has also paid, effective today, the interest obligation owing under the Interest Debentures that were issued in June 2014 (the "2014 Interest Debentures"), June 2015 (the "2015 Interest Debentures") and June 2016 (the "2016 Interest Debentures") by issuing to the holders of 2014 Interest Debentures, 2015 Interest Debentures and 2016 Interest Debentures, on a pro rata basis, additional Interest Debentures in the amounts of $96,548.82, $102,346.00 and $82,749.45, respectively. The Interest Debentures are 8% unsecured, subordinated, convertible, extendable debentures of the Corporation and have the same terms as the Offering Debentures. The issuance of the Interest Debentures was in accordance with the terms of the trust indenture governing the Offering Debentures which was disclosed in the Corporation's February 27, 2012 prospectus. In March of 2018, each investor will receive, by mail, a T5 from the Corporation’s transfer agent or the investor’s brokerage firm. The T5 will indicate the amount of interest that the investor is required to report as a result of the issuance of the Interest Debentures. The Corporation is managed by Walton Asset Management L.P. and the development of the project is managed by Walton Development & Management (USA), Inc., both of which are members of the Walton Group of Companies. The Walton Group of Companies (“Walton”) is a multinational real estate investment, planning and development group concentrating on the research, acquisition, administration, planning and development of strategically located land in major North American growth corridors. Walton has been in business for over 35 years and takes a long-term approach to land planning and development. Walton’s industry-leading expertise in real estate investment, land planning and development uniquely positions Walton to responsibly transition land into sustainable communities where people live, work and play. Its communities are comprehensively designed in collaboration with local residents for the benefit of community stakeholders. Its goal is to build communities that will stand the test of time: hometowns for present and future generations. For more information about Walton Westphalia Development Corporation, please visit www.sedar.com. For more information about Walton, visit Walton.com. This news release, required by Canadian laws, does not constitute an offer of securities, and is not for distribution or dissemination outside Canada. This news release contains forward looking information, and actual future results may differ from what is disclosed in this news release. The risks, uncertainties and other factors that could influence results are described in the prospectus and other documents filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and available online at www.sedar.com.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-39", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:6c3477d6-7788-4313-a3ff-016fb607df0d>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170630005794/en/Walton-Westphalia-Development-Corporation-Issues-Additional-Interest" }
Wealth Enhancement with Private Placement Programs (PPP) One of the project finance options available to Crossway Capital is the Private Placement Program (PPP). PPP’s, and variations of it have often been used by scammers to relieve the uninformed of their money. Indeed the FBI in Hawaii posted a warning in 2015 in an attempt to alert people to the scams they could encounter. Crossway Capital works only with genuine, proven trade groups. While PPP’s are used for many major projects they are also used by UHNWI’s, their family offices, major private companies (PPP’s cannot be used by listed companies) and some funds to replenish their capital stock in order to continue investment into their own preferred sectors. The exceptional proceeds from PPP’s are never repaid and they are absorbed into projects through labour and materials, thereby leaving no impact on inflation. Any investment using profits from PPP trades must always be provided as equity and not debt, as charging interest on PPP profits can distort the regional economy. Genuine PPP’s are a preferred wealth enhancement tool for sophisticated UHNWI’s. Crossway Capital is direct to a number of long-established and proven trade groups, hosted by the world’s Tier-1 banks, who will work with minimum deposits of €100 million (all trades are in Euro). Clients will need to travel to Germany to sign off their PPP agreement. Please click here for further information.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-18", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:89f77635-9ed9-4470-8820-fd5656d1e145>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.crosswaycapital.com.au/wealth-enhancement.html" }
DHAKA: A Bangladesh court has sentenced an Indian woman to death for attempting to traffic a four-year-old boy out of the country, a court official said on Thursday. Anjali Devi, alias Manju Devi, 24, collapsed as the judge of a special trafficking tribunal in western Pabna read out the court verdict on Wednesday, the official said. Sentencing Devi to be hanged, Judge Amirun Nesa told Devi the prosecution proved she was part of an inter-state child-trafficking gang. Devi was handed over to police by a mob in March 2002 after she was stopped as she boarded a bus with the child, the official said. An official of the Indian High Commission in Dhaka said, "We are not sure of her identity. We're looking into it." The verdict came as the country stepped up efforts to fight traffickers. In the year to February 2005, the Bangladesh government prosecuted 70 cases of women and child smuggling, securing 41 convictions.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-48", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:ddb36131-bfcf-4209-94c8-0d1aab0af72b>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2005-06-16/rest-of-world/27854646_1_indian-woman-trafficking-bangladesh-court" }
- Additional information - Reviews (0) The PIPER ANIMALS recipe with salmon has been developed based on the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of an adult dog’s body. A particularly important advantage of the food with salmon is the high content of n-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the nervous system and the condition of the skin and coat. The fulfilled demand for other nutrients, minerals and vitamins means that the use of any additional complementary feeds and dietary supplements in the dog’s daily nutrition is not necessary. Glucosamine and chondroitin reduce pain in osteoarthritis of the musculoskeletal system, while increasing the elasticity of the connective tissue. Meat and animal derivatives 36%, products of vegetable origin, vegetables (peas), oils and fats (including 0.5% salmon oil), fish and fish products (fresh salmon 4%), yeast 1.5%, minerals , chondroitin sulfate 0.03%, glucosamine 0.02%. crude protein – 27%, crude fat – 16%, crude ash – 7.5%, crude fiber – 3%, Omega-6 fatty acids – 1%, Omega-3 fatty acids – 0.13%. Additives: dietary additives / kg: Vitamin A – 15,000 IU, Vitamin D3 – 1,500 IU, Vitamin E – 500 mg, Zinc (zinc sulphate, monohydrate) – 110 mg, Iron (iron (II) sulphate, monohydrate) – 100 mg, Manganese (manganese (II) oxide) ) – 40 mg, Copper (copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) – 10 mg, Iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) – 2 mg, Selenium (sodium selenate) – 0.3 mg. Technological additives: antioxidants. The size of the animal Type of animal
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:f39be13b-2af5-4c17-b159-19a8a9d3d7b8>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://aresanimalfood.eu/en/winkel/dry-dog-food-piper-animals-with-salmon-12-kg/" }
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 Terrific Tuesday at the Ranch I should call this "Tech Tuesday" instead- problems with techie things! I took some wonderful (if I may say so) photos late this afternoon- the typical donkeys playing, etc.- and then somehow managed to erase all of them- after first somehow making 800 duplicates on the computer (which took forever to get rid of)...AND I'm still having some problems with text on this blog- so the photos won't have captions today. That aside, we watched a WONDERFUL movie on Animal Planet last night- all about a man who takes in orphaned grizzly cubs in Russia and cares for them until they are old enough to fend for themselves...if you google "bear man of kamchatka" you can read more about it!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-05", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:60ba3d84-b3ec-465d-b135-50855fceefac>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.thelazyvegan.com/2008/01/terrific-tuesday-at-ranch.html" }
Quickly monitor and optimize your on-page SEO performance with the Nightwatch site audit tool. Web semantics are an important factor that determines how well your website will be performing. For that reason it's important to know which parts of the code need to be fixed and optimized. Quickly prioritize your optimizations by segmenting your most important URLs. Understanding how each URL impacts your overall SEO efforts in critical for long-term SEO success. See a summary of all your past audits, and easily compare them with past or future versions or your website to see how you have been improving, and what is still left to be done. Easily schedule website audit on a weekly or monthly basis, so you don't need to be running it manually. With that, you can also easily include results on automated reports that you can delivery directly to yourself, your team or your clients. Monitor rankings daily on all major search engines (including DuckDuckGo!) Track rankings for any location, and get a clear picture on where you stand on SERPs, including local map results. Build beautiful, easy-to-interpret white-labeled reports using our drag-and-drop interface in minutes. And then, save even more time by automating how and when they’re delivered to your or your clients. Backlink monitoring and assessment takes time and manpower, Nightwatch makes it seamless. View total number of backlinks, backlink diversity, quality and status, and filter results as needed. All in seconds. Take a look under the hood of your website and instantly identify broken pages, missing tags, links, and more. Set up automated crawling so you can keep track of new and recurring issues over time. And deliver those reports to your clients. Boost your discoverability with Nightwatch’s Keyword Discovery feature. Discover new keywords by entering a URL, then organize by segment and create a strategy to ramp up your campaign.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:d556a359-eb11-46e1-96ea-10ca4d4f77ea>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://nightwatch.io/site-audit" }
- Contact Us What is the Bhagavad Gita? The Bhagavad Gita(BG) was spoken by Sri Krishna to His friend and disciple, Arjuna at the beginning of the epic war, Mahabharata... The glories of Pasankusa Ekadasi which occures during the waxing moon in the month of September/October is described... For twelve years Madhyageha Bhatta would regularly travel the eight miles north from his village of Belle to Udupi.. On the tenth day of the waxing moon of Padmanabha (Asvina) month, occurs Vijayotsava. Yudhishthira Maharaj said, "Oh MadhusUdana, Oh killer of the Madhu demon, what is the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight (krishna paksha) of the month of Ashwin “મારા યુવાનીના વર્ષોમાં મારા વતનમાં ઈસ્કોન દ્વારા ગીતા જ્ઞાન અને હરે કૃષ્ણ ધૂનના પ્રોગ્રામો થતો તેનો ખુબ લાભ લીધો છે । મને "હરે કૃષ્ણ હરે કૃષ્ણ કૃષ્ણ કૃષ્ણ હરે હરે હરે રામ હરે રામ રામ રામ હરે હરે ની ધૂન બોલવામાં ખુબ આનંદ આવતો |” “Iskcon Temple provides tools, teams, and times to help individuals – and the church family as a whole – pray. Prayer is vitally important to your relationship with God. We would love to pray for you, a friend, or a family member.” The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), popularly known as the Hare Krishna movement, is a worldwide association of devotees of Krishna.Contact Us
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-16", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:5d9c0144-f6b9-4413-9d30-238acd44deda>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://iskconvapi.com/" }
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{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:b06ebd6f-a092-4598-bea5-37890e3d1da0>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://hdcrack.com/clonedvd-7-ultimate-serial-key/" }
Scotia continues to become an attractive option for those foreigners entering the state of New York. Scotia draws a variety of immigrants because of its great location and economy. If you are looking to establish legal residency within the state, you should become familiar with the process of obtaining citizenship in Scotia NY. Scotia New York Immigration Attorneys Can Help The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service is primarily responsible for handling all of the federal laws that govern immigration. There are different routes to legal residency in It's extremely imperative to give your immigration attorney all of the information you have about your immigration status, in order to establish yourself as an U.S. Citizen and establish residency in If you fail to provide detailed information regarding your immigration status, the USCIS may decline your request for United States Immigration. Make sure that your application goes smoothly, contact an experienced Immigration lawyer today.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-50", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:15ce070d-6348-4aea-8396-f4411c082cd3>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://immigrationlawyers.legalmatch.com/NY/Scotia/city.html" }
Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, , at sacred-texts.com The Moabites, Ammonites, and Edomites, invade Judah, Ch2 20:1, Ch2 20:2. Jehoshaphat proclaims a fast, and gathers the people together to seek the Lord, Ch2 20:3, Ch2 20:4. His prayer to God, Ch2 20:5-12. Great and small, male and female, seek the Lord, Ch2 20:13. Jahaziel predicts the downfall of their enemies, Ch2 20:14-17. The king, the Levites, and the people take courage; praise and magnify God; and go forth to meet their enemies, Ch2 20:18-21. The enemies are confounded, and destroy each other, Ch2 20:22-24. The men of Judah take the spoil, praise the Lord, and return with joy to Jerusalem, Ch2 20:25-28. The fear of the Lord falls upon all their enemies round about; and the land has rest, Ch2 20:29, Ch2 20:30. Transactions and character of Jehoshaphat, Ch2 20:31-34. He joins with Ahaziah, king of Israel, in building a fleet of ships to go to Tarshish, but they are wrecked at Ezion-geber, Ch2 20:35-37. 2 Chronicles 20:1 Children of Ammon, and with them other beside the Ammonites - Here there must be a mistake; surely the Ammonites are the same as the children of Ammon. Our translators have falsified the text by inserting the words "other beside," which have nothing properly to represent them in the Hebrew. Literally translated, the words are: "And it happened after this, the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them of the Ammonites:" and thus the Vulgate. The Syriac, which the Arabic follows, has felt the difficulty, and translated, Came together with warlike men to fight, etc. The Septuagint have given it another turn: Και μετ' αυτων εκ των Μιναιων, And with them people of the Minaites; which were a people of Arabia Felix near the Red Sea. The Targum has ועמהון מן אדומאי Ve-immehon min Edomaey, "And with them some of the Edomites." This is very likely to be the true reading, as we find from Ch2 20:10, Ch2 20:22, Ch2 20:23, that they procured men from Mount Seir; and these were the Idumeans or Edomites. We should, in my opinion, read the text thus: The children of Moab, and the children of common, and with them some of the Edomites. 2 Chronicles 20:2 On this side Syria - Instead of מארם mearam, from Syria, I would read with one of Kennicott's MSS. (89) מאדם meedom, from Edom, which alteration brings it to truth and does not require the change of half a letter, as it consists in the almost imperceptible difference between ר resh and ד daleth. We do not read of any Syrians in this invasion, but we know there were Edomites, or inhabitants of Mount Seir. Hazazon-tamar - "In the wood of palm trees, that is, in Engedi." - Targum. This is the meaning of the word, and it is probable that they lay hid here. 2 Chronicles 20:3 Jehoshaphat feared - He found that he could not possibly stand against such a numerous army, and therefore could not expect to be delivered except by the strong arm of God. To get this assistance, it was necessary to seek it; and to get such extraordinary help, they should seek it in an extraordinary way; hence he proclaimed a universal fast, and all the people came up to Jerusalem to seek the Lord. 2 Chronicles 20:6 Jehoshaphat stood - What an instructive sight was this! The king who proclaimed the fast was foremost to observe it, and was on this occasion the priest of the people; offering in the congregation, without form or any premeditation, one of the most sensible, pious, correct, and as to its composition one of the most elegant prayers ever offered under the Old Testament dispensation. 2 Chronicles 20:7 Art not thou our God - "Hast not thou, by thy Word, driven out." - Targum. 2 Chronicles 20:8 Therein for thy name - "For the name of thy Word." - Targum. 2 Chronicles 20:9 For thy name is in this house - "Thy Majesty is in this house." Several of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., with the Vulgate, Syriac, and Arabic, add נקרא nikra, "is invoked;" Thy name is invoked in this house - here thou dwellest, and here thou art worshipped. 2 Chronicles 20:11 They reward us - Six of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS. add רעה evil: "Behold, they reward us Evil." This is also the reading of the Targum. 2 Chronicles 20:12 Wilt thou not judge them - That is, Thou wilt inflict deserved punishment upon them. 2 Chronicles 20:15 For the battle is not yours, but God's - God will not employ you in the discomfiture of this great host; he himself will take the matter in hand, deliver you, and destroy them. 2 Chronicles 20:17 For the Lord will be with you - "The Word of the Lord shall be your Helper." - Targum. 2 Chronicles 20:20 Believe in the Lord your God - "Believe in the Word of the Lord your God, and believe in his law, and believe in his prophets; and ye shall prosper." Here the Word and the revelation are most pointedly distinguished; the Word being used personally. 2 Chronicles 20:22 The Lord set ambushments - "The Word of the Lord placed snares among the children of Ammon and Moab; and the inhabitants of the mountain of Gibla, who came to fight with Judah; and they were broken to pieces:" so the Targum. Houbigant translates the place thus: "The Lord set against the children of Ammon and Moab ambushments of those who came from Mount Seir against Judah; and the children of Ammon and Moab were smitten: but they afterwards rose up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, and utterly destroyed them; who being destroyed, they rose up one against another, and mutually destroyed each other." This is probably the meaning of these verses. Calmet's version is not very different. 2 Chronicles 20:25 Both riches with the dead bodies - For פגרים peparim, dead bodies, בגדים begadim, garments, is the reading of eight MSS. in the collections of Kennicott and De Rossi, and in several ancient editions. None of the versions have dead bodies except the Chaldee. The words might be easily mistaken for each other, as the פ pe, if a little faint in the under dot might easily pass for a ב beth; and we know that the ר resh and ד daleth, are frequently interchanged and mistaken for each other, both in Hebrew and Syriac. I believe garments to be the true reading; and as to the clause which they stripped off for themselves, it should be understood thus: Which they seized for themselves, etc. 2 Chronicles 20:26 Assembled themselves in the valley of Berachah - "The valley of Benediction;" and so in the latter clause. - Targum. 2 Chronicles 20:27 Jehoshaphat in the forefront of them - He was their leader in all these spiritual, holy, fatiguing, and self-denying exercises. What a noble and persuasive pattern! 2 Chronicles 20:29 The Lord fought - "The Word of the Lord made war against the enemies of Israel." - Targum. 2 Chronicles 20:33 The high places were not taken away - The idolatry, as we have seen, was universally suppressed; but some of the places where that worship had been performed were not destroyed. Some of them still remained; and these, to such a fickle people, became the means of idolatry in reigns less propitious to truth and religion. 2 Chronicles 20:34 In the book of Jehu - This is totally lost, though it is evident that it was in being when the books of Chronicles were written. 2 Chronicles 20:36 To go to Tarshish - "In the great sea." - Targum. By which expression they always meant the Mediterranean Sea. 2 Chronicles 20:37 The Lord hath broken, etc. - "The Word of the Lord hath broken." - Targum. Concerning Tarshish, Ezion-geber, and Ophir, and the voyage thither, see the notes on Kg1 10:22, and at Kg1 10:29 (note), and on Ch2 9:26-28 (note). The Tarshish here is called by the Chaldee Torsos in the great sea, some place in the Mediterranean. On this subject the reader has, no doubt, already seen a great variety of opinions.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-48", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:c4d60653-0f63-4d2d-823d-ba7e22e54198>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://sacred-texts.com/bib/cmt/clarke/ch2020.htm" }
Smaller kitchens without room for an island can be somewhat limited in terms of what they can include; every kitchen needs all the basic appliances, room to store dishes, cutlery, pots and pans, and cooking utensils, and enough counterspace to store any number of gadgets and still leave enough room to work. If you’re fortunate enough to have a larger kitchen with room for an island, or even a peninsula, all those basics are probably already covered before you even get into the island’s design. So why not incorporate one or two kitchen island ideas that go beyond the ordinary, and truly personalize your kitchen, not just in form, but in function, too? Does Your Laptop Live on Your Kitchen Table? You’d be surprised how many people wind up with their laptops living on their kitchen table, even with a perfectly good home office just down the hall. If that sounds like you, why not embrace the idea, and build a computer workstation into your island? With just a few extra pieces from the RTA Cabinet Store, you can build in an elevated computer desk so you can be sure no spills ever reach your electronics. Add in a bar-height office chair and either a dedicated computer or a laptop docking station, and voila! Room for your computer to live in the kitchen, and a kitchen table that’s always clear for eating or socializing! Also easily achievable with a few modifications, this workstation can just as easily become a bookshelf to store cookbooks or games. Are You a Wine Aficionado? If you love wine, you’re probably familiar with this common conundrum: how do you keep your beloved wine collection out on display, but also at the proper temperature for enjoying the wine itself? The solution is the wine refrigerator, and it’s easy to build one into the end of your island. You can even build it into the end away from the rest of the kitchen, which faces your dinette or the doors to your deck or patio, so you don’t take up any valuable kitchen-accessible storage space. Do You Anticipate People with Different Needs Using Your Kitchen? Most kitchen countertops are about 30 to 36 inches tall. That’s just fine for average-sized people who can stand up to cook, but an island is a great place to incorporate sections for people with other needs. A table-height portion, for example, can be useful for children or other “vertically challenged” people, as well as those in wheelchairs or who need to be able to sit down to cook for long periods. Then another section at the height of a typical bar, say 48” or more, will form a great workspace for people over six feet tall, for whom normal countertops mean a constant slight bend as they work at waist height. This kind of variable height island is easy to achieve with RTA cabinets, and can be seamlessly incorporated with either of the other ideas we’ve presented here. Need more kitchen design ideas? Our free e-book, The Consumer’s Guide to Kitchen Cabinets comes with two bonus guides: Our Top Twelve Most Popular Design Ideas, and The Kitchen Remodel Survival Guide. Along with the main book, you’ll be able to identify common pitfalls and mistakes, avoid getting ripped off, save money on restaurant bills as your kitchen is out of commission for a weekend or two, and get great ideas to include in your kitchen remodel. Download them today!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-18", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:4b5012de-3c81-4cac-95e4-7cd8992db03d>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.rtacabinetstore.com/blog/kitchen-island-ideas-ordinary/" }
Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride) What is Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride) used for? Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride) is an ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). It works by relaxing blood vessels in the body to allow easier blood circulation and reduce the amount of work required by the heart. This function may also make it useful for treating heart failure. Your physician may prescribe it to treat other unlisted conditions, as well. How should I use Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride)? Follow your physician`s instructions while using Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride) to get the safest and most effective results from treatment. The typical dosage is one tablet taken once daily, but your particular directions will be determined by the condition being treated, your current health, and the severity of your symptoms. The tablets should be swallowed with a large glass of water and may be taken on an empty stomach, but a meal is recommended before use if you experience nausea. Never crush or split the tablets to prevent unintentionally destroying or altering the effects of their contents. Ask your physician any questions you have about the medication to ensure the correct usage. What are the side effects of Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride)? Side effects that may occur while using Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride) include: More serious side effects that may require emergency medical attention are faintness, flu symptoms, chest pain, high potassium levels, urinary retention, unusual swelling, darkened urine, discolored stools, or jaundice. Immediately inform your physician about any unusual or worrying symptoms you experience to make sure the correct alterations are made to your regimen to prevent further health problems from occurring. Do not use Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride) if you are pregnant, if the patient is a child, or if you have hereditary angioedema, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, or allergies to other ACE inhibitors. Also disclose if you are elderly, undergoing therapy to decrease allergic reactions, taking other medications to treat hypertension, if you have hardening of the arteries, low fluid volume, low levels of salt in the blood, diabetes, connective tissue diseases, severe heart failure, decreased liver function, or decreased kidney function. These conditions may require lower doses or reduced application frequency to prevent unexpected health problems that may appear. Strictly follow all instructions provided to you by your physician or pharmacist while using Arrow-Quinapril (Quinapril Hydrochloride). Optimum and safe dosage can differ based on the patient and the condition being treated. As this medication may be unsafe for certain patients, it is essential you always inform your physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as if you have any allergies, other illnesses, or ongoing health conditions, and if you are taking any other form of medication, supplements, or herbal products. Immediately seek emergency medical care if you have an allergic or hypersensitive reaction. Common signs of a reaction include hives, swelling, skin rashes, chest pains, as well as trouble breathing or swallowing.
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Maxi skirts and dresses are staples for the summer. To tell you how to wear it seems like a waste of time. Nor will I try to convince you that you can wear it any time (except for work). But I do have a couple of points that are worth sharing especially if you are shopping for new maxi options: - Don't tie it up. If it is too long and you don't want to rock it with 6 inch heels, you can still buy it just have it cut off by your tailor or cleaners. Tying up the ends just look tacky so if that is your only option, leave it on the rack. - Don't buy an unflattering fabric. Just because the fitted cotton/lycra maxis are being seen on all the celebs, opt for a fabric that is flattering on you. - Do make sure it offers you versatility. It's cool to be able to wear the same skirt/dress 3 different ways. It makes "cents" to be able to get lots of wear from your wardrobe. Kimberly Turner, your personal style guru, is a contributing writer for Adventures in the Stiletto Jungle. Kimberly has an MBA from the University of Michigan and an Image Consulting Certification from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Kimberly lives in the Windy city of Chicago and is the host of FashionCents.tv.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-50", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:5f075e93-10a7-41d5-8b3c-09cd8918f258>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.stilettojungleblog.com/2011/06/fashion-cents-tips-for-buying-maxi.html" }
24 February - 19 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Share this event with someone who'll love it: Perfect for cycling beginners. Join Transport For Greater Manchester and Bike Hive for a cycling workshop at Alexandra Park. The perfect session for those who would like to learn how to ride a bike. You’ll be guided by a qualified instructor within a small group where you can take the time to get comfortable riding in a quiet outdoor area.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:4c7cfadf-4c7b-47a4-af42-70067e182846>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://loadstodo.co.uk/events/learn-to-ride/" }
I recently received this photograph in the mail. Jesús Joglar, who specializes in pinhole photography sent it to me from Barcelona, Spain. I was involved in a postcard exchange and was delighted when this month’s postcardpal sent me such an interesting print. I was going to post the photo on my photoblog, but thought it really should be on TedBook for all to see. Here is the information Jesús furnished describing the photo. Enclosed please find a contact copy of my pinhole photograph entitled ‘horru’, the name of the raised granary, a typical way of keeping the food (corn grain, pork cured meat, etc.) in Asturias, a region in the North coast of Spain where I come from. I made it with a Zero Image 45 pinhole camera with a pinhole ø of 0.28 mm, a focal length of 50 mm, what gives an f/176 and <116˚ using 4×5 black&white Fomapan 200 [ISO 200] film with an exposition time of 10 sec. I developed in homebrewed Ilford ID-11 stock at 20˚ C for 6 min [12 sec 0 / 1 min] and made the contact copy in Ilford Multigrade IV RD De LUXE Pearl. I hope you like it! With warm regards… Jesús Joglar Well, I not only like it… I love it and am going to frame it and hang it on my wall with other works of art. I have no idea what Jesús said in his second paragraph, but I imagine my photographer pals Joan Benney and Jaime Powell Shepard will be all over it. The only pinhole photographer I know is Fiona Small here in Friday Harbor… a talented artist and actress, and one of my favorite people to photograph at the County Fair. To see a bit of Spain and learn more about Jesús Joglar’s Pinhole Photography… LIGHT THROUGH A HOLE
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-39", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:0abee61a-1a24-445d-a77e-db3446214b35>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://tedstrutz.com/2014/07/02/horru-thru-a-pinhole/" }
As a G&C nanny you become part of a family and you have a versatile package of duties with many responsibilities. What does a G&C nanny do? Families in which one or both parents have a demanding job with high responsibilities often struggle with organizing the family. Regular child daycare or a temporary au-pair may fall short in this case. A full time professional who takes over tasks in the field of child care and upbringing is the perfect solution for this problem. A nanny, sometimes also called a governess or nursemaid, brings rest and stability to the household.
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Artist and Prep parent Gino Miles (Lillian ‘11) donated the dynamic bronze sculpture now installed in the new lobby area. The piece was commissioned by the Thompson family (Cass ‘08, Leland ‘07) and was put in place over the holiday break. The piece can be moved into different shapes and configurations. Miles studied extensively in Europe and helped found Italart, a school for American and German students in the Chianti region outside Florence. In the fall of 2003, he opened Sculpture 619, a gallery on Canyon Road. The sculpture is as yet unnamed, and students have been asked for suggestions.
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The mistreatment of Palestinians prisoners in Israeli prisons has been condemned amid speculations that Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike are being force-fed. This is a practice which, a UN special rapporteur has reiterated, "human rights experts have found could amount to torture." Concerns were raised on Tuesday by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, who called on Israel to comply with international law and standards for detention. Michael Lynk said that he was particularly concerned about administrative detention. "Israel's use of administrative detention is not in compliance with the extremely limited circumstances in which it is allowed under international humanitarian law, and deprives detainees of basic legal safeguards guaranteed by international human rights law," he explained. Around 500 Palestinian detainees are believed to be in administrative detention, the UN expert pointed out. Lynk also noted that many of the 6,000 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel are held in prisons within Israel, and not in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in contravention of international humanitarian law. "These transfers create significant barriers to the families of prisoners who wish to visit them due to the difficulty of obtaining permits to enter Israel," he noted, "as well as the often arduous journey families must undertake to reach their relatives." Commenting on the reports he had received concerning the mistreatment of the prisoners — which includes being held in solitary confinement; denied access to lawyers; and experiencing other forms of deprivation — Lynk was adamant that prisoners everywhere have a right to engage in hunger strikes to protest against their living conditions. "They should not be punished as a result," he added. "Force-feeding is a practice that human rights experts have found could amount to torture." The special rapporteur is currently undertaking his annual visit to the region. Due to Israel's lack of cooperation over his request to travel to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, he is expected to be in Amman, Jordan, from 15 to 19 May.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:3f3b1c7a-70ff-4120-a78d-45709eec18e6>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20170517-israels-treatment-of-palestinian-prisoners-could-amount-to-torture/" }
In regards to car insurance, there are various distinctive features that impact your coverage premium. Staying Safe and sound and accountable inside your driving can lower your top quality. If you are comparing costs, it’s important to acquire into account your car’s product and design, the price, along with the frequency you generate it. If you regularly travel long distances, you are more likely to be linked to mishaps. Discovering the proper coverage in your case is the greatest technique to lower your insurance policy expenses. Auto homeowners who will be common of their investing can be accountable for expending anyplace between $1100 and $5,000. Prices range considerably concerning states and. In specific states, the price for comprehensive protection is twice that of bare minimum protection. Here are several suggestions to aid get the most beneficial Expense. Some states have to have only an degree of liability minimum. Entire protection features a $500 greatest deductible. Picking out the appropriate car is vital mainly because some cars and trucks are more expensive than Some others, triggering increased insurance rates. Insurance coverage rates can even be better for automobiles which can be much more expensive to keep up and substitute. Motorists with good driving information are likely to get reduce premiums. Coverage rates may also be impacted by gender and age. Young drivers are generally extra dangerous than drivers of older ages. Insurers may use credit history scores to determine the expense of insurance policy. Specific states have handed rules that prohibit these kinds of use. You will discover 6 basic kinds of automobile insurance policies coverages. This protection permits the modification within your coverage to go over several scenarios. It’s also crucial to have legal responsibility insurance policy. Liability insurance plan is needed by regulation in most states, nonetheless you might choose a distinct kind of coverage in the event you’d choose. Liability insurance plan addresses the motive force of your car therefore you inside the event you will be at fault in a collision. It addresses the costs of Others’s injuries and damages, also professional medical payments. An ordinary policy will incorporate a number of different types of coverage, which includes legal responsibility, collision, detailed, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and healthcare payments. All these coverages are essential, so ensure you have the best sum. Specified of such coverages might be obligatory in some states, while some will not be. To determine the most ideal auto coverage protection for your requirements, pay a visit to a web page such as Freeway Coverage. This tends to let you help you save money and time by presenting a range of coverage choices. Every single condition has its possess set of bare minimum specifications for car insurance policy. These guidelines can be broken into 3 quantities. California calls for you to have bare minimum coverage of 15/thirty/five for bodily personal injury liability insurance plan and thirty/50/five for property harm liability. These quantities can be very diverse, and it’s essential to Examine the requirements of the condition prior to driving. Alternate coverage options are a possibility, but It isn’t often the best option. Most states have minimum needs for coverage. But some lenders need whole protection. Full coverage refers to the two collision and comprehensive insurance plan. It may be demanded through the lender any time you finance your vehicle. While legal responsibility insurance policies handles harm to property of others, it does not guard your automobile or you. To make certain the best coverage and essentially the most very affordable Expense, you are able to mix assets injury liability and bodily injury insurance coverage. Everything depends on what your circumstance is. It isn’t demanded by legislation but lenders will most certainly demand it should they’re funding your car or truck. When you’ve got a mortgage loan or loan, the lender may possibly have to have you to purchase collision insurance policy. For many people financing a car or truck possibly new or second hand, this coverage is required. Collision coverage pays the complete worth of your automobile in case you are involved with a mishap. The insurance provider may protect the full expense of repairs however it is probably not in a position to exchange your automobile if the car is ruined over and above repair or stolen. You might also need to pay back some individual cash to interchange the car. This sort of insurance coverage could possibly have to have you to know the terms prior to you purchase auto insurance plan. It’s also advisable to understand the deductible, which happens to be independent from the collision deductible. There are numerous aspects to consider into account when selecting on a car insurance policy Monthly bill. Certain states demand least amounts of Property along with Uninsured motor automobile insurance. It addresses the distinction between your charges as well as coverage boundaries of your at-fault motorist. Other states You should not call for underinsured driver protection. Here are a few beneficial tips that will help you find the best insurance policy plan to satisfy your needs. The following tips are intended to assist you to narrow your quest and save cash. To ensure your protection from injuries and also property damages, you will demand legal responsibility coverage on your vehicle insurance plan. In case you are uncovered to become at fault in a collision, this protection will cover the cost of settlement or defense. There are a number of options obtainable to select from for insurance coverage. It’s important that you understand the distinctions concerning them to stay away from costly unpredicted charges. Condition Farm provides an average rate for differing types of coverage. A medium coverage level might show for being more effective. In virtually all states, it really is necessary to acquire legal responsibility insurance coverage with your plan, which addresses damages towards the property of others together with injuries to Many others. This sort of insurance plan will even include you in the event that you bring about a mishap with other drivers. This is the regular policy in many states and recommended For a lot of drivers all over the world. It is vital to know that the limits for legal responsibility insurance plan in every single state are diverse. Your liability limit will decide the amount coverage you would require. In almost every condition in virtually all states, driving without the need of legal responsibility insurance is in opposition to the legislation. Legal responsibility coverage will include repair service fees in case you cause damage to assets. Your automobile insurance plan coverage won’t be in the position to include damage to your automobile. There could exist diverse necessities inside the point out you reside in for legal responsibility coverage. It is important that you simply validate your insurance plan plan prior to buying it. Also, you require home insurance policy to safeguard your economical protection. You’ll be able to stay clear of enormous coverage expenditures from the event inside the function of an accident. To be able to address you in case of a crash the coverage you select to acquire will have to include insurance coverage for property injury. This coverage addresses any destruction you are doing to the motor vehicle of Yet another and features repairs. Also, it covers the removing of particles pursuing a collision. A few figures are commonly accustomed to cover residence. This handles bodily harm insurance policy for each person and home hurt protection for each particular person. Increased boundaries offer you better defense. If there are restrictions or exclusions, be certain you overview the policy. The big apple law lets you claim uninsured driver protection if An additional driver does not have adequate insurance plan. This kind of protection is accessible in case the driving force who triggered the collision is not identifiable as well as the incident was a success-and–operate. The Insurance policy Law SS 5217 states which the uninsured motorist insurance have to be obtained in any physical collision, nonetheless courts have interpreted this provision to only apply in the physical collision. In specific states, the uninsured motorist and underinsured coverage are available as an option. In other states, nevertheless the two are necessary to be procured. Each of such coverages will be able to be merged to provide extra security inside the function of medical payments together with other fees. Uninsured motorist coverage will pay for repairs if the motorist just isn’t insured. It’s not necessary, but it could be beneficial to hold the minimum amount legal responsibility protection. In case you have not deemed vehicle insurance plan, It truly is a fantastic way to save cash although also being green. Lower your insurance policies premiums by obtaining a car or truck with security features like airbags and antilock brakes. Other security capabilities, for instance anti-theft alarms/daytime operating lights, will let you get bargains. Payment anxieties are going to be removed in the event you shell out your quality every year in the complete amount. Around half of insurance plan corporations offer a reduction in this way of paying. Your policy might be suitable for discount rates if it has been in existence for several several years. The special discounts offered fluctuate based on how long you happen to be with the plan. On the other hand there are several firms which provide savings for loyal consumers. If you purchase your coverage inside seven times of the renewal day, you could be qualified for an extra 15 percent low cost. These discounts are not the only real Added benefits supplied by particular firms. Some firms also provide savings to employees in sure professions. Instructors, As an example, get 10% off of their premiums through Liberty Mutual. Geico provides fifteen% lower price for navy staff. Have you been a young driver seeking affordable car insurance policies quotes. There are a number of things you can perform to save money when getting car insurance plan. These guidelines could help you save many pounds on a yearly basis on the car insurance policy. You will also be capable of get the very best costs. Keep reading For more info. You will be glad for it. Young motorists can reduce their vehicle insurance policy expenses by taking safer driving, driving less and allowing the insurance provider observe their driving conduct. You may also cut down your rates by shopping all over for auto insurance. You must look around for the most affordable automobile insurance policies premiums to suit your needs. This is simple Using the no-Charge on line estimate Software for comparison. In addition, a number of autos is usually put with each other and supplied a discount through the similar insurance policies service provider. In the event you are trying to find a policy, You should definitely compare many quotations ahead of deciding on the a person with the best cost and the best quality. It is usually doable to find an insurance company who will perform along with you. This lets you modify the policy as your driving behaviors change. Be sure to look at guidelines that offer equivalent varieties of protection during the perception the deductibles and restrictions could make a an infinite variance. A superb plan should really include things like enough protection for drivers who are younger in order to avoid economical ruin. Special discounts for no claims on automobile insurance coverage is a great way to suit your needs to save money on your rates. Ask your insurance provider how they utilize the discounted. Dependant upon the insurance provider the price cut can selection among thirty and sixty five% in the very first calendar year as much as sixty five% in five years. Take into account that For those who have a collision, You will be answerable for two many years of no claims bonus. Multiple claims might also eradicate the no-promises reward. It’s vital to notify your insurance company quickly If you’re hurt in an accident. If this is not completed, subsequent claims may very well be denied. Insurance policy businesses provide no-claim lower price security for approximately PS25. You can also make a predetermined variety of claims per annum devoid of stressing about the expense of your insurance policies climbing. It is achievable to incorporate it to an current plan if you have no-claims bonus. Moreover, you may transfer your no-claims discount to a different insurance provider if you wish. Switching companies each and every year is a terrific way to preserve the no-promises lower price. In case you are in quest of low-Charge car insurance, rising your deductibles will help in obtaining decreased prices. Raise your deductibles to avoid wasting fifteen%-thirty% on the Charge, based upon certain estimates. The savings you can find will rely on your driving habits plus your driving record as well as the guidelines of one’s state. Your annually top quality might be minimized by raising your deductibles to around forty% Even though increasing your deductible may not be the ideal option for each person, it could generate a variation in saving you Countless dollars in the long run. Specialists recommend that you help you save no less than two months of residing charges, despite just how much you choose to lift your deductible. It will also lessen the expense of insurance you shell out monthly. It will even help you save you a major amount of cash in the event you ever should file an coverage declare. For people with negative credit rating, it is feasible to obtain a plan by means of an insurance company that is certainly regional. This will let you spend less every month on the cost of your month to month coverage and also provide outstanding customer assist and Particular bargains. It is feasible to get the coverage in all 50 states. It’s achievable to also Examine charges throughout states to find out the most economical fee. It is crucial to keep in mind that you could possibly involve creating your credit score more than the class of. Selected motorists with terrible credit score histories will pay over $four hundred per annum. Erie Insurance presents cost-effective auto insurance policies. The corporate is situated in Pennsylvania and it is operating because. Erie delivers vehicle insurance policies, as Together with assets and daily life coverage. Erie offers coverage only in distinct states. There a lot more than thirteen,000 independent brokers all over the United States. You may find involving an agent or an insurer that is regional according to your necessities. Even so, it is suggested that you choose to examine all fantastic print before making a call. It is best to Assess motor vehicle insurance policies quotes in case you are a superior threat driver. Discover the most suitable coverage for your needs. Look into the amount of coverage that is out there as part of your region to determine if it is feasible to obtain cheaper prices. It might be additional very affordable to get more coverage when there is a lot less danger. It really is all dependent on your prerequisites. There are plenty of decisions. If you’re looking for The most affordable car or truck insurance coverage offers for top-risk motorists, Then you certainly are in luck. With only two or three clicks, you can locate one. Net can give you lots of estimates and protection for less than regular insurance plan for autos. The online market place would make signing as much as insurance plan quick. It is all you have to do is complete a web based software and pay back your high quality. You’ll receive a card through the insurance company as proof within your insurance coverage. When that is carried out, you can begin driving utilizing your insurance policies coverage. Plenty of insurance corporations see you as being a high-possibility driver If you have a poor credit score score. As you are less likely to be able to file an insurance plan claim than somebody with good credit score, this is due to The truth that: Credit rating scores are a very important Think about the way insurance policies companies perspective you. A DUI/DWI may possibly lead to your top quality to rise by as significant as sixty five %. This amounts to a $677 raise over a six month plan. Insurance corporations also keep in mind your driving document. A DUI/DWI could raise your insurance quality by up to $174. Additionally the expense of a dashing ticket could boost your premium by forty five%.. A DUI conviction on your own history could enable you decide on probably the most reasonably priced insurance company. There are a number of selections, like American Family, Progressive, Condition Farm and American Relatives. These organizations provide lower premiums to high-hazard motorists. They will also bear in mind your credit rating rating in identifying the premium. Insurance plan businesses take into consideration these factors when determining just how much you pay for the coverage. You will get your insurance policy prices better if you have poor credit. Before making an investment, it is vital to assess your credit score score. There are a number of areas to acquire into account When picking one of the most inexpensive auto insurance plan for drivers who’re youthful. Your marital status along with the age of Your sons or daughters are significant in the cost of your car insurance plan. Your quality could also depend upon the type of car that you choose to drive. It can be dearer to insure significant-overall performance cars when compared with small-efficiency cars and trucks. It is crucial to select a car with lots of security features to get the bottom auto insurance plan. A great way to lower the expense of motor vehicle insurance for youthful drivers is to scale back the amount of volume of coverage you require. Insurance policies companies normally offer you discounts for college students and motorists who will be in education. In case you are injured in a mishap however, chopping your coverage may lead to huge out-of-pocket charges. This really is why you must carefully weigh the advantages and choose the most worth. It is tough for teens to search out cost-effective auto insurance policies. A plan for your 16-year old driver is more expensive than just one for an adult. Having said that, you may lessen the Charge by including a teenager on to an current plan. The standard Charge is elevated by $one,461 per year, but is usually more cost-effective than buying an insurance policies plan By itself. If you’re a young driver, chances are you’ll qualify for discounts and various Rewards. The price of automobile insurance differs Based on who you will be. This may end in Individuals with superior danger requires the the very least economical insurance coverage. Coverage corporations just take into account a range of areas when deciding if they must insure you. These consist of your driving record and demographics and also your Over-all threat profile. 5 important areas to recall when evaluating insurance policies estimates. Keep in mind that decrease prices Will not call for you to sacrifice excellent. Firstly, look at your zip code. Individuals residing in places with higher crime premiums will facial area more expensive rates. Insurance plan firms acquire the amount of targeted visitors into account. Coverage organizations also take into account traffic quantity. This could effect the expense of your insurance policy. Make sure to Examine your month to month rates to be able to keep away from shelling out extra. When you’ve got numerous insurance policies with the similar insurance company, you will be able to avail a discount for multiple insurance policies. Though credit score scores is probably not legally used by insurance plan firms in every point out however, they have to be regarded when comparing vehicle policy costs. Hawaii drivers with lousy credit will likely be charged 168% over very similar cleanse motorists. Massachusetts higher-chance motorists make 30 % greater than ordinary motorists. Prices will rise for drivers who are new as a consequence of DUI, speeding tickets and lousy credit rating. It is important to have a look at numerous quotations before you decide to determine. The expense of insurance is greatly afflicted by where you reside. If you live in a region with an abnormal volume of crime and substantial rates of incidents, you may count on to become charged extra for insurance coverage quotes. The expense of coverage can be affected by elements like website traffic quantity or incident historical past. Insurance policy companies also consider into account a driver’s driving file in pinpointing the price they need to cost for his or her coverage. Generally, drivers using a inadequate driving historical past are charged far more above all those who have a superb driving document. As the price of well being care proceeds to increase, car or truck insurance policy has amplified by fifty-100% in the last 5 years. Uninsured and PIP coverage are mandatory for drivers. These necessities are larger than ordinary. New York, as opposed to other states, calls for drivers have PIP and legal responsibility insurance coverage. These optional coverages boost the cost of insurance coverage and can elevate the expense of insurance policy. Also, it can be crucial to know about their coverage limitations given that some insurance policies provide a decreased minimum degree of protection than other guidelines. New Yorkers invest 2.8 percent on their motor vehicle insurance coverage. This is a little lower compared to the nationwide average of two.forty %. The standard human being can pay a little less than These within their 30s and 40s. The premiums are bigger for people aged 70and about than These with less driving expertise. Couples pays a little bit far more, but still decrease than solitary men and women. In addition to reduced rates, motorists can also enroll in defensive driving lessons. The classes operate for around three several hours and consist of dialogue about driver Mindset and traffic principles. They educate defensive driving that can help to lessen coverage fees. They may also enable to improve their driving competencies by finishing a class, which could lower the cost of a car or truck insurance plan quote. Even so the Insurance Information and facts Institute is ready To help you in identifying the precise protection you require. Though gasoline price ranges could vary across states, automobile insurance policies charges in other states could possibly be A great deal more or less when compared to the rates within just your own personal point out. The proportion of motorists that are uninsured, point out insurance coverage rules and the speed for theft may all Participate in a role in this. Negative climate could also impact the cost of insurance plan. The next table illustrates the expense of car or truck insurance policies in every condition. These estimates had been based on an Evaluation of the coverage prerequisites of each and every point out. Missouri is the sole point out which provides vehicle coverage protection with total coverage for less than the price of Louisiana. Missouri prices just $944 over Louisiana. What’s more, it has the lowest Expense for every capita and is particularly fifth in expense of living. Texas drivers shell out 33% in their earnings on car insurance coverage. This is likely due to significant figures of drivers who will be not insured in Texas and a lot of lawsuits. The standard countrywide cost of entire coverage auto insurance policy in The usa is $one,771 for each annum. The point out which includes the costliest insurance policy cost is Louisiana, with a top quality of $two,839, a 19% raise from 2020. Maine’s insurance ordinary premium is $858. This is because no-fault states have greater insurance plan premiums. It can be done that the price of motor vehicle coverage in another condition is noticeably costlier than in this article. It is best to take into account lots of components, including the rules of your point out pertaining to insurance coverage. Will you be searching for superior-threat driver insurance policy in your area? Substantial-threat motorists tend to pay out larger rates for insurance coverage than standard motorists. This is due to they tend to own much more accidents or violations on their documents. The condition may well Restrict enough time for this to get 3 many years, 5 years, or maybe more time. At times, savings could be available if you take a driver basic safety training program. When the national averages for top risk driver motor vehicle insurance plan near me are very dependable, you’ll find that rates differ wildly from point out to state. Usually there are some companies that adapt their charges based on the point out They can be in. You might find a person coverage service provider that gives quite possibly the most complete defense at a reduced cost regardless of whether your state isn’t really involved. The most affordable large-possibility driver car insurance close to me comes from Point out Farm, which has an extended-standing track record for delivering superb service. You will discover large-danger driver car coverage close to me by typing as part of your ZIP code and evaluating estimates. Though higher-danger insurance plan on automobiles could be priced in a different way in various states, the majority of massive insurers will present the protection. Nationwide General along with other significant-threat companies supply insurance policy protection. For those who have great grades, a very low hazard automobile, and can easily get hold of an insurance policy coverage that is certainly decrease you could possibly get just one. Comparing car or truck insurance plan businesses has quite a few Positive aspects. We will talk about The key facets, such as ratings and special discounts and also customer service. It is important to pick the very best coverage on your security. So take time to go in the procedures of varied organizations. By the time you end reading this publish, you’ll have a transparent idea of which insurance company presents the ideal coverage at by far the most cost-effective Value. Below are a few tips that can assist you pick the very best one. You’ll be able to evaluate rates from unique firms to find out quite possibly the most competitive car or truck insurance coverage price. Insurance plan charges are determined by numerous features. It’s important To judge your distinct demands and Evaluate rates from numerous businesses. It truly is costlier to insure sports activities cars and trucks than common cars. Your driving file and your house of residence can influence on the prices you spend. It is achievable to match rates and ascertain the lowest Value Together with the similar protection plus the very same deductibles by using a comparison Software. The price of insurance coverage is issue to substantial variations. It can be for that reason crucial that you find out the way Every single plan operates. The key things that affect the expense of insurance policies include driving historical past, age, along with credit historical past. Review the advantages made available from Every firm, which include accident forgiveness or roadside guidance. This could appear to be overwhelming even so it’s feasible to compare prices from distinct providers and select the best suited one particular. Here are some recommendations that will help you get likely. On the subject of the comparison of automobile coverage corporations it is recommended to start with the J.D. The J.D. Electrical power ranking of automobile coverage organizations. They may be based upon the outcomes of buyer satisfaction surveys that take the form of surveys that survey hundreds of shoppers of car insurance plan nationwide. These scores are transformed into numerical scores which reflect the common shopper gratification score. These rankings are released the moment a annually. The gold medals are awarded to the best-rated insurance corporations for each class. How does one determine if the insurance corporations you are thinking about are respected? There are a selection of approaches to assess the financial energy of automobile insurance plan firms. To begin with, you may Look at the AM Very best insurance provider ranking, which provides money stability scores for car coverage firms. Prior to choosing the appropriate policy, it is important to grasp if the insurance company is stable. This is a vital element of customer support. Before you make a choice, be sure to experience all of the opinions and good aspects. There are various discounts provided by insurance companies. The savings supplied by car or truck insurance policy providers aren’t available to all prospects. So, it’s vital to Verify the web site to check out whether you qualify for that discount rates. Many firms offer various savings. It is achievable to check with your agent If you’re experienced to get any special discounts. The process is usually speedy and normally takes fewer that an hour. Down below are a few samples of achievable auto insurance plan special discounts. Legacy Discount rates: Motorists who are new might be eligible for a reduction when they buy their coverage in the mothers and fathers. The discount normally is about ten%. This price reduction may be used to thank your mother and father through the years for his or her assistance of your organization. It could also help you get monetary savings on coverage for your automobile. Numerous insurance coverage businesses present discounts for older motorists. It’s value on the lookout into no matter whether your business gives this sort of discount rates. It is also achievable to examine the insurance policies made available from American Family members, Farmers, or USAA. There are several corporations that constantly produce Fantastic purchaser treatment in the coverage market. Esurance, for instance, acquired a score of four out of five during the J.D. Customer care Power Rankings are a very good indicator the guardian firm has high benchmarks. The business scored much better than its rivals in all other regions, together with pricing and coverage alternatives as well as its Internet presence and connect with centre representatives. (personalized services) Whilst coverage is A very powerful aspect for individuals when buying insurance plan for his or her automobile, the customer service is equally essential. Clients want in order to Call their insurers quickly and get courteous services. This implies consumers need to listen to back from their insurers swiftly and be capable of talk to somebody who is prepared to listen and supply solutions. Though all automobile insurance policy organizations may perhaps give great customer care, selected are better than others. (Rideshare coverage) (just two clicks). There are plenty of variables that influence the premiums of automobile insurance plan providers. Driving historical past and age are two significant features. Premiums will rise for drivers with poor driving information or minimal credit scores. The expense of dwelling in the region you reside in may also impact the rates. Because of this, it is crucial to check fees of different coverage vendors to find out the one which is finest suited in your spending budget and your driving tactics. There are a variety of tips on how to decrease the cost of insurance policies, like chopping your protection or getting a defensive driving class. You can even shell out upfront for the complete yr of protection. (Monthly bill on-line) (worker discounted) (at fault incident or protected incident Other things could increase your premium aside from All those pointed out. Your insurance coverage supplier could reassess the premium In case you have recently made a assert or were billed having a site visitors violation. You might also be eligible for a discount in case you total a secure driving training course. Insurance companies continuously modify their designs as a way to establish the charges they charge. If you do not Use a driving record, you may discover a decrease in the cost of your insurance. (usage-primarily based insurance policies) (rental autos);(motor vehicle repairs);(Harmless driver discounted). A comparison of coverage will help you to prevent unreliable companies. If a estimate will not include things like sure protection or assumes incorrectly with regards to the driving habits of the driver, it could be inaccurate. It is possible to consider the score of insurance policy organizations and their A.M. Best scores to find out by far the most trustworthy insurance provider with your region. Find out how vehicle coverage comparisons could assist you to spend less. Subsequent, compare the best insurance providers to discover the most cost-effective offer for you personally. (incident no cost) Your score on insurance plan based upon credit history can be quite a good indicator of the risk you are most certainly to take on, but you should not Enable it dictate your costs. Insurance coverage businesses usually are not allowed to use credit history background alone to boost costs. California, Massachusetts Massachusetts, Oregon, Utah and Vermont have guidelines against insurers from making use of credit rating heritage to determine the charges of insurance coverage. (could preserve)(new automobile)(automobile declare) This kind of insurance policies isn’t supplied in each point out. Customers cannot make a decision if a company makes use of your credit rating score to determine the amount they’re going to be charging. California, Hawaii and Massachusetts prohibit coverage based upon credit. Other states have very similar constraints. The final determination is your choice as towards the degree to which your credit history rating is appropriate for you. (motorbike insurance plan),(roadside aid coverage),(bundling motor vehicle)(pet insurance),(true worth of cash worth),(superior assert service) (yacht insurance coverage). The expense of vehicle insurance policies discounts is affected by many different aspects, such as age. Age provides a larger influence in excess of thirty p.c of one’s fees. In certain states, younger motorists can pay practically four occasions just as much for car or truck insurance as a 30-yearold. Inexperience is yet another significant explanation, since younger drivers usually tend to be involved with accidents. You will get decrease rates by knowledge the aspects that have an effect on your charges. These are just a few of the some ways that your age could impact your insurance plan for your vehicle. Generally the older you will be the decreased your insurance policy premiums will probably be. The cost of automobile coverage are going to be impacted once the male is more mature. Though youthful male motorists are less expensive than more mature counterparts, premiums for drivers who are of their sixties and seventies increase dramatically. Studies reveal that males are 2 times as very likely to be in an automobile incident than ladies. The gender gap as we age also shrinks. (coverage alternatives)(homeowners insurance policies) It is not shocking to understand that automobile coverage fees for males are more expensive than Girls. There are various reasons why Males push badly, resulting in far more incidents and promises. But there are a few variables that make Guys more pricey to insure. These are typically the best causes. Find out more with regard to the major variables that influence car insurance policies rates by gender. These guidelines will let you decrease your rates if you are even now Doubtful. (car insurance plan procedures)(car insurance plan quotation)(automobile insurance fee) Oregon Division of monetary Regulation has issued instructions to automobile insurance plan companies to accept individuals who do not specify their gender. Insurance coverage providers are necessary to report premiums commencing January 1, 2019 during the celebration of discrimination from non-binary people today. These fees could possibly be larger than These for female and male drivers. Women of all ages can lower your expenses provided that they don’t seem to be way too high. Will not be concerned about the “non-binary” charge for younger drivers. (auto insurance coverage declare), (hole Coverage) (automobile policy).
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For Saturday, September 25, 2010 POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Sep 25, 2010 Tadd Fujikawa got hot on the back nine yesterday at the eGolf Tour's CFAC Classic, but came up short on the first playoff hole and finished second in Concord, N.C. Drew Weaver won his first professional title when he hit his approach shot close in the playoff. The 2007 British Amateur champion had to wait it out while Fujikawa and Brazilian Fernando Fernando Mechereffe missed birdie opportunities. "I hit a sand wedge from 112 up there to 2 feet, so I knew I had a good chance," Weaver said. "But with Tadd, you always think his putt is going to go in, and Fernando's short game is great, so you never know." Fujikawa, a 19-year-old Moanalua High School graduate, shot a 6-under-par 66 in the final round at Cabarrus Country Club. His three-day total was 199. He played the front nine in 34 yesterday, then birdied 10, 11, 13 and 16 and got into the clubhouse first at 17 under. Weaver and Mechereffe parred the last two holes to join him. Fujikawa earned $9,250 for his share of second and now has three top-four finishes in his last five starts, including a victory at the Tour Championship. The CFAC Classic is the second of four fall events on the eGolf Tour that comprise the inaugural "Race to Morocco." The top 20 members from each event earn points and the leading point earner will receive an exemption into the European Tour's King Hassan II Trophy in Agadir, Morocco, next March. The University of Hawaii-Hilo men's soccer team edged Dominican University 2-1 yesterday in San Rafael, Calif. Christian Soto and Robin Furuya scored to lead the Vulcans (3-3-1, 2-2-1 PacWest) to their second straight conference win over the Penguins (0-6-1, 0-3-0). » The Hawaii-Hilo women's soccer team fell 2-1 to Dominican in a PacWest match yesterday in San Rafael, Calif. Lauren Minami scored on a free kick early in the second half for the Vulcans (2-5-1, 1-4-0 PacWest).
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-10", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:abed411c-6024-4846-97d0-3e8f500a517e>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.staradvertiser.com/sports/20100925_Hawaii_Beat.html" }
The pre-professional student ballet company of Patzius Performing Arts. Private coaching offered by Donna Patzius-Hill, former company member of Ballet West, Atlanta Ballet, BalletMet and Milwaukee Ballet. Private Music lessons in: MONDAY CLASSES IN DANCE AND MUSIC WILL BE HELD AUGUST 27. ALL OTHER CLASSES WILL BEGIN AFTER LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Dance instruction in: Donna Patzius-Hill, Artistic Director of Midwest Ballet Theatre and former student of Patzius Performing Arts. Photo credit: Mikel Covey SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2018 7 - 10 p.m. (trivia starts 7:30 p.m.) Proceeds support MIDWEST BALLET THEATRE'S "NUTCRACKER" MARYLAND HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTER (Infinity Room) Cost: $200 for table of 8. $25 per individual ticket (bottled water, soda and snacks provided) CALL - 314-434-4999 TO PURCHASE TICKETS OR RESERVE YOUR TABLE. COME JOIN THE FUN AND WIN PRIZES!! Copyright © Patzius Performing Arts. All rights reserved. 2018-19 DANCE & MUSIC REGISTRATION CALL NOW TO ENROLL
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-39", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:615e6994-4726-4a6a-ae0f-d15c7350000d>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "http://www.patzius.com/" }
Your house should be the one place you can go to decompress after a long day. We believe that the right pieces of furniture can really make the mood in your home. We offer a variety of furniture sets that will work great in any room in your home! Niecy’s New and Used Furniture offers a variety of furniture for your home. We have furniture that is great for your bedroom, your living room, and even your kitchen! It is our goal to ensure that you home is comfortable and a haven for you and your guests!
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:34299eef-9ea5-4ef6-b76a-70cd7035332e>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.niecysnewandusedfurniture.com/furnitureindorchesterma02124.htm" }
Ek, Do,Teen – recreated Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez a mass actor known for acting and dancing skills is all set to step into the shoes of Madhuri Dixit for Baaghi 2 by drooling to popular “Ek Do Teen”. The first look of the teaser gives a sneak peek Jacqueline has struck the same pose as Madhuri did in 1988 film Tezaab’s song and eems to be looking for her beloved and wearing a multi-colored costume almost similar to what the dancing diva wore in the original number. The only difference is that while Madhuri had men cheering for her, the new version has men throwing light on the Sri Lankan beauty as they hold huge light bulbs. This article was first and originally published at Source link . All contents are owned by respective authors.
{ "fineweb_dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-22", "fineweb_id": "<urn:uuid:5a820b34-99c8-4f6e-bec9-9b15c2d8263a>", "section": "fineweb", "url": "https://www.cinedhol.com/2018/03/ek-doteen-recreated/" }
Love is our natural state. It is the state in which we were born. Its the state to which we will return. In between, love is still there . Sometimes we do a really good job of separating ourselves from it. Love is always inside of us. The thing of it is that we have to find the love for ourselves first. Just like you have to find your own happiness before you can help others, you have to have self love before you can truly love someone else. Self love is something I have fought with most of my life. When I was very young, I without a doubt loved everything about myself. Then I gt older and , as happens to most of us , I was told things about myself that were not true. Because I was a child , and it was adults telling me these things, I believed them. I did fight for awhile; I fought hard to hang n to who I wanted to be. When you’re a kid though, theres only so long you can fight before you give up . You don’t have enough emotional intelligence, or experience, to understand that what other people say about you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. It takes a long time to get past that. Time and emotional awareness. But we can all return to our natural state. We can all return to love anytime we are ready. Photo via Panache Desai Happiness is choice. I’ve heard that many times but it took a while for me totally understand how true it is. Happiness IS most definitely a choice. An indiviual choice . One that only you can make for you and none of us can make for other people no matter how much we want to. When I first came out as being gay, a person who I was close to said to me , “So you’re going to make me unhappy so you can be happy?” My response at the time was ” I guess so” and I didn’t think anymore about it. Maybe I should have kept it that way but I found myself months later replaying that question in my mind. It was at that I point I realized how selfish a question that was. So you’re going to make me unhappy so you can be happy? Stop and think about that question for a minute. A person wants me to sacrifice my happiness because they think it will make them happy. That thinking is very, very flawed. No matter what actions you take, you cannot make anyone else happy. All that ends up happening is two people end up unhappy. Most of us have been taught to put other’s happiness ahead of our own. Sounds good, sounds like the right way to be. But it’s not. You have to happy first. You have to be the person you want to be first. If you are unhappy and miserable, you will not be in any shape to help anyone else. Everyone has a right to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy. Don’t let anyone pin their happiness on you , it’s not your responsibilty. Your responsibility is your happiness. Find your passion and run with it. Run with it like your life depends on it. Find your happiness. Live your happiness. I don’t know how many of you know about Wattpad. Basically it’s a website or app where you can publish your writing. There are lots of users and lots of good stories. One of the nice things about Wattpad is that you can publish stories and / or books in chapters instead of all at once.I am currently working on a story and a book of poetry. Here is the link to my profile. Please take a look and share. If you are a Wattpad user please vote and also let me know bout your works so I can check them out . Thanks. So I figured I would give writing on Wattpad a try. Anybody who’s interested please check it out. It is labeled Pg-13 because of LGBT theme . If you like it , please share. It is one a small chapter but there will be more to come. Thanks . http://w.tt/1wblo6K A few months ago a friend sent me a poem. It was something that I needed at that moment. A push to get me out of the state of mind that I was in at the time. She ended up putting it on her blog and you can read it here. The poem was written by Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday and it talks about different things. But the part that is most important to me is the part about self love. I have a hard time loving myself sometimes. Most of the time actually. But I can feel a shift in my attitudes about myself and I can say that I have days that I can honestly say I love myself. Anyway, the Chaplin poem inspired me to write the following poem. It’s about a few realizations I’ve had over the last few months and how I’m starting to feel about myself. Self Love Is … Self love is paying attention to yourself when you need it. Self love is standing in your authentic truth. Self love is total acceptance of you. Self love is not wishing you were something or someone else. Self love is putting that second candy bar down. Self love is getting up everyday with a grateful heart. Self love is not letting other people tell you what is right for you. Self love is not giving away your own power. Self love is sometimes telling the world to fuck off. Self love is full of forgiveness for everyone and especially yourself. Self love is hard. Self love is from the heart not the head. Self love is compassion. a poem I believe that saying above. I believe that we are just passing through this life to learn what we need to and then we will return to the Creator. Eventually we will decide if we want to come back to a new life or stay with the Creator. I know this and understand this but there is a part of me that wants to be home now. That longs to be home, that is impatient for it. I am not very patient. I have come to believe that is one of the lessons I am supposed to be learning about because I have such a hard time with it. The other concept I have a hard time with is self love. Again I think that is one of things my soul is here to learn about. How to love yourself no matter what. I actually think I’ve made a little progress here. Here’s what I think the key is. You have to show yourself the same love and compassion you would show to other people. You have to say to yourself ,”I love you no matter what. I even love your broken pieces. I will love you through this.” Then you embrace your pain, hold it , let it know that it’s okay that it exists in you, and let yourself know that you still love you. The pain won’t get better overnight. Not even in a few days but you will notice space between the pain and your heart. Then you will notice the that maybe the pain isn’t as big as it was. That it doesn’t take up as much as of your focus as it did. Or ,at the very least, it’s not in the very front of your mind. That’s a start in the right direction. It will take a while for things to settle. That’s the hard part. Like I said, patience is a virtue I have yet to acquire. So this drives me crazy. But, I am able to see that the old saying, time heals all wounds, is at least partially true. Time may not heal all wounds, there are some which may never completely heal. But time does bring perspective , perspective helps to let go, and letting go means forgiving yourself and others. So I guess what I’m saying through all this rambling is that, while a part of me wants, to go back to the Creator, another part of me understands why I am here. More importantly accepts the reason for why I am here. I am here for my soul to learn and sometimes that hurts. But the journey and the lessons are the important things. Pain will end or lessen given time. Focus on your lessons and the journey. The last couple of weeks have not been very good for me. I don’t really go into it much on social media but , the fact of the matter is I have a lot of emotional problems that have plagued me since I was young. Part of those problems is a feeling I have that everyone is going to leave me. That I am not worth anyone’s time and why should anyone want to hang around with me. In short, serious abandonment issues Because of that, I unintentionally pushed someone away from me that I never wanted to . Someone who meant a lot to me . Anyway this is the poem that emerged from my last two weeks of putting myself through hell. I don’t understand But, it’s God’s plan. I have to trust That my pain will go away And make sense someday. Then I won’t remember what I was upset about. It will be a dream from a long time ago And all this will not mean a thing, I trust you Lord And I know this will pass. With your help, I always get back up after I’ve been knocked down. To the world and the haters in it, You can try to kill me, but i will always rise.
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