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Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
Generate a Question paper for PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING for 100 marks course code 18CS1004 data February 2024
Course Code 18CS1004 Duration 3hrs Course Name PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Max. Marks 100 Q. No. Questions CO BL Marks PART – A (10 X 1 = 10 MARKS) 1. Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit applications. CO1 R 1 2. Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.  int number;  float if;  int variable_count;  int $main; CO1 R 1 3. Define an Algorithm. CO2 R 1 4. Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1 5. Identify the unconditional branching statement that terminates the execution of a loop. CO3 U 1 6. State the syntax of the switch statement. CO3 R 1 7. List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1 8. Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code int num[]={9,6,4,2,3,5,1,7,8}; CO4 U 1 9. Define recursion in C. CO5 R 1 10. Predict the output for the following code. char a[20]="Program"; printf("Length of string a = %d \n",strlen(a)); CO6 U 1 PART – B (6 X 3 = 18 MARKS) 11. Describe the phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC). CO1 U 3 12. Discuss the order of precedence in C and predict the output of the program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float s=100, u=10, t=4, a; a = 2*(s-u*t); printf("Result = %f", a); return 0; } CO2 U 3 13. Write a simple program to find whether a number is positive or negative. CO3 A 3 14. Explain the Bubble Sort algorithm with an example. CO4 U 3 15. Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3 16. Develop an application in C programming to store 5 customer names and phone numbers using structures. CO6 A 3 PART – C (6 X 12 = 72 MARKS) (Answer any five Questions from Q. No 17 to 23, Q. No 24 is Compulsory) 17. a. Explain the structure of a C program along with its features and syntax. CO1 U 4 b. Draw a flowchart to find the area of the square by getting the value from the user. Convert the flow chart into an algorithm and develop the program for the same. CO1 U 8 18. a. Explain the logical operators with sample code. CO2 U 5 b. Write a C program to find the simple interest at the interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. and find their difference. CO2 A 7 19. a. Develop a function to count the digits of a number and use it to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not. CO5 A 9 b. Differentiate between a while loop and a for a loop. CO3 U 3 20. a. Define an array and explain the declaration of multidimensional arrays with an example. CO4 U 6 b. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci series. CO4 A 6 21. a. Describe structures in the C program and explain how the structure variables are declared and initialized. CO6 U 6 b. Using functions, write a C program to find the even numbers from an integer array. CO5 A 6 22. a. Write a program in C to subtract two matrices of MXN order. CO4 A 8 b. Write a program to find the length of two strings, and compare and concatenate them using string functions. CO4 U 4 23. a. Develop a C program to swap two numbers using the call-by address (pointers or reference) method. CO6 A 8 b. Compare and contrast Structures with Arrays. CO6 U 4 COMPULSORY QUESTION 24. a. Develop a C program to find the factorial of a given number using the recursion function. CO5 A 6 b. Write the C program for linear search to search for the number 9 from the given set of numbers 10, 30, 5, 20, 9, 8, and also illustrate the various steps. CO4 A 6 CO – COURSE OUTCOME BL – BLOOM’S LEVEL
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