What is the IHSAA class in monon?
SELECT ihsaa_class FROM table_name_56 WHERE location = "monon"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (ihsaa_class VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the IHSAA class in monon? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (ihsaa_class VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT ihsaa_class FROM table_name_56 WHERE location = "monon" </s>
Which constellation has hd 75732 as a destignation HD?
SELECT constellation FROM table_name_38 WHERE designation_hd = "hd 75732"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (constellation VARCHAR, designation_hd VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which constellation has hd 75732 as a destignation HD? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (constellation VARCHAR, designation_hd VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT constellation FROM table_name_38 WHERE designation_hd = "hd 75732" </s>
What percent of the population has phone in Russia?
SELECT AVG(_number_of_phones_as__percentage_of_population) FROM table_name_15 WHERE country_or_region = "russia"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (_number_of_phones_as__percentage_of_population INTEGER, country_or_region VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What percent of the population has phone in Russia? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (_number_of_phones_as__percentage_of_population INTEGER, country_or_region VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(_number_of_phones_as__percentage_of_population) FROM table_name_15 WHERE country_or_region = "russia" </s>
Which Rank has a Total of 12?
SELECT AVG(rank) FROM table_name_72 WHERE total = 12
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (rank INTEGER, total VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Rank has a Total of 12? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (rank INTEGER, total VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(rank) FROM table_name_72 WHERE total = 12 </s>
What team was home, when the record was 24–16–6?
SELECT home FROM table_name_77 WHERE record = "24–16–6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (home VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What team was home, when the record was 24–16–6? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (home VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT home FROM table_name_77 WHERE record = "24–16–6" </s>
What was the time for the match that had a a home team of HKSSF?
SELECT time FROM table_name_17 WHERE home_team = "hkssf"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (time VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the time for the match that had a a home team of HKSSF? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (time VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT time FROM table_name_17 WHERE home_team = "hkssf" </s>
What is the average Feb 2013 with a Feb 2010 with 37, and a Nov 2012 less than 32?
SELECT AVG(feb_2013) FROM table_name_31 WHERE feb_2010 = "37" AND nov_2012 < 32
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (feb_2013 INTEGER, feb_2010 VARCHAR, nov_2012 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the average Feb 2013 with a Feb 2010 with 37, and a Nov 2012 less than 32? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (feb_2013 INTEGER, feb_2010 VARCHAR, nov_2012 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(feb_2013) FROM table_name_31 WHERE feb_2010 = "37" AND nov_2012 < 32 </s>
What was the record at the game with a result of W 13-12 after week 4?
SELECT record FROM table_name_10 WHERE week > 4 AND result = "w 13-12"
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (record VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the record at the game with a result of W 13-12 after week 4? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (record VARCHAR, week VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_name_10 WHERE week > 4 AND result = "w 13-12" </s>
How many schools did Bubba Starling attend?
SELECT COUNT(school) FROM table_11677100_17 WHERE player = "Bubba Starling"
CREATE TABLE table_11677100_17 (school VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many schools did Bubba Starling attend? context: CREATE TABLE table_11677100_17 (school VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(school) FROM table_11677100_17 WHERE player = "Bubba Starling" </s>
What was the nationality of five-eighth player Darren Lockyer?
SELECT nationality FROM table_name_96 WHERE player = "darren lockyer" AND position = "five-eighth"
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (nationality VARCHAR, player VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the nationality of five-eighth player Darren Lockyer? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (nationality VARCHAR, player VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nationality FROM table_name_96 WHERE player = "darren lockyer" AND position = "five-eighth" </s>
Name the total number of stage for lloyd mondory
SELECT COUNT(stage) FROM table_22713796_14 WHERE mountains_classification = "Lloyd Mondory"
CREATE TABLE table_22713796_14 (stage VARCHAR, mountains_classification VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the total number of stage for lloyd mondory context: CREATE TABLE table_22713796_14 (stage VARCHAR, mountains_classification VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(stage) FROM table_22713796_14 WHERE mountains_classification = "Lloyd Mondory" </s>
What is the term limit for Senator Tom Niehaus?
SELECT MIN(term_limited) FROM table_26129220_2 WHERE senator = "Tom Niehaus"
CREATE TABLE table_26129220_2 (term_limited INTEGER, senator VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the term limit for Senator Tom Niehaus? context: CREATE TABLE table_26129220_2 (term_limited INTEGER, senator VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(term_limited) FROM table_26129220_2 WHERE senator = "Tom Niehaus" </s>
What's the language of classes in the school founded in 1874?
SELECT language FROM table_1930857_1 WHERE year_founded = "1874"
CREATE TABLE table_1930857_1 (language VARCHAR, year_founded VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the language of classes in the school founded in 1874? context: CREATE TABLE table_1930857_1 (language VARCHAR, year_founded VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT language FROM table_1930857_1 WHERE year_founded = "1874" </s>
what's the result for district ohio 2
SELECT result FROM table_1342013_34 WHERE district = "Ohio 2"
CREATE TABLE table_1342013_34 (result VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what's the result for district ohio 2 context: CREATE TABLE table_1342013_34 (result VARCHAR, district VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_1342013_34 WHERE district = "Ohio 2" </s>
What is the barony for the Ballintaggart townland?
SELECT barony FROM table_30120619_1 WHERE townland = "Ballintaggart"
CREATE TABLE table_30120619_1 (barony VARCHAR, townland VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the barony for the Ballintaggart townland? context: CREATE TABLE table_30120619_1 (barony VARCHAR, townland VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT barony FROM table_30120619_1 WHERE townland = "Ballintaggart" </s>
Please list all songs in volumes in ascending alphabetical order.
<s>[INST] Please list all songs in volumes in ascending alphabetical order. context: CREATE TABLE volume (Song VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT Song FROM volume ORDER BY Song </s>
What shows for miles [One Way] when the fans took 340?
SELECT AVG(miles_)[one_way] FROM table_name_89 WHERE fans_took = "340"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (one_way VARCHAR, miles_ INTEGER, fans_took VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What shows for miles [One Way] when the fans took 340? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (one_way VARCHAR, miles_ INTEGER, fans_took VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(miles_)[one_way] FROM table_name_89 WHERE fans_took = "340" </s>
What is the 2007 value for the 2010 wta premier 5 tournaments?
SELECT 2007 FROM table_name_12 WHERE 2010 = "wta premier 5 tournaments"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (Id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the 2007 value for the 2010 wta premier 5 tournaments? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (Id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 2007 FROM table_name_12 WHERE 2010 = "wta premier 5 tournaments" </s>
What is the fewest gold medals for a team with fewer than 1 silver, more than 1 bronze and a total less than 4?
SELECT MIN(gold) FROM table_name_21 WHERE silver < 1 AND total < 4 AND bronze > 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (gold INTEGER, bronze VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the fewest gold medals for a team with fewer than 1 silver, more than 1 bronze and a total less than 4? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (gold INTEGER, bronze VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, total VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(gold) FROM table_name_21 WHERE silver < 1 AND total < 4 AND bronze > 1 </s>
Show the delegates and the names of the party they belong to.
SELECT T1.Delegate, T2.Party FROM election AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.Party = T2.Party_ID
<s>[INST] Show the delegates and the names of the party they belong to. context: CREATE TABLE election (Delegate VARCHAR, Party VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party (Party VARCHAR, Party_ID VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT T1.Delegate, T2.Party FROM election AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.Party = T2.Party_ID </s>
How many tournaments ended with a score of 204 (-12)?
SELECT COUNT(tournament) FROM table_11622562_1 WHERE score = "204 (-12)"
CREATE TABLE table_11622562_1 (tournament VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many tournaments ended with a score of 204 (-12)? context: CREATE TABLE table_11622562_1 (tournament VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(tournament) FROM table_11622562_1 WHERE score = "204 (-12)" </s>
What was the home for season 1949-50?
SELECT home FROM table_name_79 WHERE season = "1949-50"
CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (home VARCHAR, season VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the home for season 1949-50? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (home VARCHAR, season VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT home FROM table_name_79 WHERE season = "1949-50" </s>
How many production codes are there for episode number 45?
SELECT COUNT(prod_code) FROM table_2602958_4 WHERE no = 45
CREATE TABLE table_2602958_4 (prod_code VARCHAR, no VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many production codes are there for episode number 45? context: CREATE TABLE table_2602958_4 (prod_code VARCHAR, no VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(prod_code) FROM table_2602958_4 WHERE no = 45 </s>
What's the highest game against the New York Rangers with more than 55 points?
SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_name_16 WHERE opponent = "new york rangers" AND points > 55
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (game INTEGER, opponent VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the highest game against the New York Rangers with more than 55 points? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (game INTEGER, opponent VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_name_16 WHERE opponent = "new york rangers" AND points > 55 </s>
Find the total saving balance for each account name.
SELECT SUM(T2.balance), FROM accounts AS T1 JOIN savings AS T2 ON T1.custid = T2.custid GROUP BY
CREATE TABLE savings (balance INTEGER, custid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE accounts (name VARCHAR, custid VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Find the total saving balance for each account name. context: CREATE TABLE savings (balance INTEGER, custid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE accounts (name VARCHAR, custid VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(T2.balance), FROM accounts AS T1 JOIN savings AS T2 ON T1.custid = T2.custid GROUP BY </s>
When did the episode first air that had a production code of 102?
SELECT original_air_date FROM table_18335117_2 WHERE production_code = 102
CREATE TABLE table_18335117_2 (original_air_date VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] When did the episode first air that had a production code of 102? context: CREATE TABLE table_18335117_2 (original_air_date VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT original_air_date FROM table_18335117_2 WHERE production_code = 102 </s>
Which Total has a Rank smaller than 3, and a County of cork?
SELECT MIN(total) FROM table_name_18 WHERE rank < 3 AND county = "cork"
CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (total INTEGER, rank VARCHAR, county VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Total has a Rank smaller than 3, and a County of cork? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (total INTEGER, rank VARCHAR, county VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(total) FROM table_name_18 WHERE rank < 3 AND county = "cork" </s>
How many times did Charles Jarrott report?
SELECT COUNT(report) FROM table_18893428_1 WHERE driver = "Charles Jarrott"
CREATE TABLE table_18893428_1 (report VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many times did Charles Jarrott report? context: CREATE TABLE table_18893428_1 (report VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(report) FROM table_18893428_1 WHERE driver = "Charles Jarrott" </s>
What is the score of the game with the chicago black hawks as the visitor and a 3-1 record?
SELECT score FROM table_name_45 WHERE visitor = "chicago black hawks" AND record = "3-1"
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (score VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the score of the game with the chicago black hawks as the visitor and a 3-1 record? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (score VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_45 WHERE visitor = "chicago black hawks" AND record = "3-1" </s>
What is HSN's official virtual channel in Minneapolis-St. Paul?
SELECT virtual_channel FROM table_1404984_1 WHERE network = "HSN"
CREATE TABLE table_1404984_1 (virtual_channel VARCHAR, network VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is HSN's official virtual channel in Minneapolis-St. Paul? context: CREATE TABLE table_1404984_1 (virtual_channel VARCHAR, network VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT virtual_channel FROM table_1404984_1 WHERE network = "HSN" </s>
In the championship Miami , United States, what is the score in the final?
SELECT score_in_the_final FROM table_26202788_7 WHERE championship = "Miami , United States"
CREATE TABLE table_26202788_7 (score_in_the_final VARCHAR, championship VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] In the championship Miami , United States, what is the score in the final? context: CREATE TABLE table_26202788_7 (score_in_the_final VARCHAR, championship VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score_in_the_final FROM table_26202788_7 WHERE championship = "Miami , United States" </s>
What is the date for the 10b serial?
SELECT date FROM table_name_46 WHERE serial = "10b"
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (date VARCHAR, serial VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the date for the 10b serial? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (date VARCHAR, serial VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_46 WHERE serial = "10b" </s>
How many weeks was K.Maro at #1?
SELECT MAX(weeks_at__number1) FROM table_27441210_12 WHERE artist = "K.Maro"
CREATE TABLE table_27441210_12 (weeks_at__number1 INTEGER, artist VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many weeks was K.Maro at #1? context: CREATE TABLE table_27441210_12 (weeks_at__number1 INTEGER, artist VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(weeks_at__number1) FROM table_27441210_12 WHERE artist = "K.Maro" </s>
Which Games↑ is the lowest one that has a Position of wlb?
SELECT MIN(games) AS ↑ FROM table_name_88 WHERE position = "wlb"
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (games INTEGER, position VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Games↑ is the lowest one that has a Position of wlb? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (games INTEGER, position VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(games) AS ↑ FROM table_name_88 WHERE position = "wlb" </s>
What Viewers (m) has a Rating of 1.7, and an Episode of the game of life?
SELECT MAX(viewers__m_) FROM table_name_54 WHERE rating = "1.7" AND episode = "the game of life"
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (viewers__m_ INTEGER, rating VARCHAR, episode VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What Viewers (m) has a Rating of 1.7, and an Episode of the game of life? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (viewers__m_ INTEGER, rating VARCHAR, episode VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(viewers__m_) FROM table_name_54 WHERE rating = "1.7" AND episode = "the game of life" </s>
On the date of june 7 what was the score?
SELECT record FROM table_name_31 WHERE date = "june 7"
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] On the date of june 7 what was the score? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_name_31 WHERE date = "june 7" </s>
How many people attended the game against Clemson?
SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_34 WHERE opponent = "clemson"
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (attendance VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many people attended the game against Clemson? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (attendance VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_34 WHERE opponent = "clemson" </s>
How many proteins are associated with an institution in a building with at least 20 floors?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM institution AS T1 JOIN protein AS T2 ON T1.institution_id = T2.institution_id JOIN building AS T3 ON T3.building_id = T1.building_id WHERE T3.floors >= 20
CREATE TABLE institution (institution_id VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE building (building_id VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE protein (institution_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many proteins are associated with an institution in a building with at least 20 floors? context: CREATE TABLE institution (institution_id VARCHAR, building_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE building (building_id VARCHAR, floors VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE protein (institution_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM institution AS T1 JOIN protein AS T2 ON T1.institution_id = T2.institution_id JOIN building AS T3 ON T3.building_id = T1.building_id WHERE T3.floors >= 20 </s>
What date was the United States the region?
SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE region = "united states"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, region VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What date was the United States the region? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, region VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE region = "united states" </s>
What is the lowest number of events a tournament with more than 1 top-10 and more than 0 wins has?
SELECT MIN(events) FROM table_name_77 WHERE top_10 > 1 AND wins > 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (events INTEGER, top_10 VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest number of events a tournament with more than 1 top-10 and more than 0 wins has? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (events INTEGER, top_10 VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(events) FROM table_name_77 WHERE top_10 > 1 AND wins > 0 </s>
How many years did the role of Steve Rhoades last?
SELECT years FROM table_name_21 WHERE role = "steve rhoades"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (years VARCHAR, role VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many years did the role of Steve Rhoades last? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (years VARCHAR, role VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT years FROM table_name_21 WHERE role = "steve rhoades" </s>
Elevation of 12,183 feet 3713 m is what average route?
SELECT AVG(route) FROM table_name_12 WHERE elevation = "12,183 feet 3713 m"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (route INTEGER, elevation VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Elevation of 12,183 feet 3713 m is what average route? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (route INTEGER, elevation VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(route) FROM table_name_12 WHERE elevation = "12,183 feet 3713 m" </s>
Which country is in T1 place with a score of 71-68=139?
SELECT country FROM table_name_4 WHERE place = "t1" AND score = 71 - 68 = 139
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (country VARCHAR, place VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which country is in T1 place with a score of 71-68=139? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (country VARCHAR, place VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT country FROM table_name_4 WHERE place = "t1" AND score = 71 - 68 = 139 </s>
What year was Skyline High School founded?
SELECT COUNT(founded) FROM table_13759592_1 WHERE high_school = "Skyline"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_1 (founded VARCHAR, high_school VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What year was Skyline High School founded? context: CREATE TABLE table_13759592_1 (founded VARCHAR, high_school VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(founded) FROM table_13759592_1 WHERE high_school = "Skyline" </s>
How many years was the chassis a lotus-ford 38/7?
SELECT COUNT(year) FROM table_181892_4 WHERE chassis = "Lotus-Ford 38/7"
CREATE TABLE table_181892_4 (year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many years was the chassis a lotus-ford 38/7? context: CREATE TABLE table_181892_4 (year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(year) FROM table_181892_4 WHERE chassis = "Lotus-Ford 38/7" </s>
what is the least tonnage grt when the nationality is british and the ship is kidalton?
SELECT MIN(tonnage_grt) FROM table_name_84 WHERE nationality = "british" AND ship = "kidalton"
CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (tonnage_grt INTEGER, nationality VARCHAR, ship VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the least tonnage grt when the nationality is british and the ship is kidalton? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (tonnage_grt INTEGER, nationality VARCHAR, ship VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(tonnage_grt) FROM table_name_84 WHERE nationality = "british" AND ship = "kidalton" </s>
In which district is the incumbent Marcia C. Kaptur?
SELECT district FROM table_1341453_37 WHERE incumbent = "Marcia C. Kaptur"
CREATE TABLE table_1341453_37 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] In which district is the incumbent Marcia C. Kaptur? context: CREATE TABLE table_1341453_37 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT district FROM table_1341453_37 WHERE incumbent = "Marcia C. Kaptur" </s>
On what date did Hudswell Clarke build the locomotive with 0-6-0 ST wheel arrangements?
SELECT date_built FROM table_1157867_2 WHERE wheel_arrangement = "0-6-0 ST" AND builder = "Hudswell Clarke"
CREATE TABLE table_1157867_2 (date_built VARCHAR, wheel_arrangement VARCHAR, builder VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] On what date did Hudswell Clarke build the locomotive with 0-6-0 ST wheel arrangements? context: CREATE TABLE table_1157867_2 (date_built VARCHAR, wheel_arrangement VARCHAR, builder VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date_built FROM table_1157867_2 WHERE wheel_arrangement = "0-6-0 ST" AND builder = "Hudswell Clarke" </s>
Which player ranks higher than 9?
SELECT player FROM table_name_11 WHERE rank > 9
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (player VARCHAR, rank INTEGER)
<s>[INST] Which player ranks higher than 9? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (player VARCHAR, rank INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_11 WHERE rank > 9 </s>
How many Picks have a Round larger than 8, and a College of fresno state?
SELECT COUNT(pick__number) FROM table_name_4 WHERE round > 8 AND college = "fresno state"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (pick__number VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many Picks have a Round larger than 8, and a College of fresno state? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (pick__number VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, college VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(pick__number) FROM table_name_4 WHERE round > 8 AND college = "fresno state" </s>
What is the of games when for the term [c] of 1969 – 1973?
SELECT SUM(games) FROM table_name_24 WHERE term_[c_] = "1969 – 1973"
CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (games INTEGER, term_ VARCHAR, c_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the of games when for the term [c] of 1969 – 1973? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (games INTEGER, term_ VARCHAR, c_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(games) FROM table_name_24 WHERE term_[c_] = "1969 – 1973" </s>
Which party has Peter A. Quinn as a representative?
SELECT party FROM table_name_44 WHERE representative = "peter a. quinn"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (party VARCHAR, representative VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which party has Peter A. Quinn as a representative? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (party VARCHAR, representative VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT party FROM table_name_44 WHERE representative = "peter a. quinn" </s>
What is the start of stage 11?
SELECT start FROM table_name_8 WHERE stage = 11
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (start VARCHAR, stage VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the start of stage 11? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (start VARCHAR, stage VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT start FROM table_name_8 WHERE stage = 11 </s>
What Status does Freddie Jackson have?
SELECT status FROM table_name_32 WHERE artist = "freddie jackson"
CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (status VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What Status does Freddie Jackson have? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (status VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT status FROM table_name_32 WHERE artist = "freddie jackson" </s>
Who are the Rowers from Poland?
SELECT rowers FROM table_name_66 WHERE country = "poland"
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (rowers VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who are the Rowers from Poland? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (rowers VARCHAR, country VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT rowers FROM table_name_66 WHERE country = "poland" </s>
What is the highest Roll of Orere School with a Decile less than 8 with a State Authority?
SELECT MAX(roll) FROM table_name_98 WHERE decile < 8 AND authority = "state" AND name = "orere school"
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (roll INTEGER, name VARCHAR, decile VARCHAR, authority VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the highest Roll of Orere School with a Decile less than 8 with a State Authority? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (roll INTEGER, name VARCHAR, decile VARCHAR, authority VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(roll) FROM table_name_98 WHERE decile < 8 AND authority = "state" AND name = "orere school" </s>
what's the score with date  oct 1
SELECT score FROM table_11621915_1 WHERE date = "Oct 1"
CREATE TABLE table_11621915_1 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what's the score with date  oct 1 context: CREATE TABLE table_11621915_1 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_11621915_1 WHERE date = "Oct 1" </s>
Name the 2011 for tokyo tournament
SELECT 2011 FROM table_name_62 WHERE tournament = "tokyo"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (tournament VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the 2011 for tokyo tournament context: CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (tournament VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 2011 FROM table_name_62 WHERE tournament = "tokyo" </s>
What Date has a Label of grilled cheese?
SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE label = "grilled cheese"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, label VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What Date has a Label of grilled cheese? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, label VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE label = "grilled cheese" </s>
Which region is associated with the catalog value of 512335?
SELECT region FROM table_name_57 WHERE catalog = "512335"
CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (region VARCHAR, catalog VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which region is associated with the catalog value of 512335? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (region VARCHAR, catalog VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT region FROM table_name_57 WHERE catalog = "512335" </s>
Who is the Japanese voice actor of Eagle Rider Ollie Keeawani?
SELECT japanese_voice_actor FROM table_name_25 WHERE eagle_riders = "ollie keeawani"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (japanese_voice_actor VARCHAR, eagle_riders VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is the Japanese voice actor of Eagle Rider Ollie Keeawani? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (japanese_voice_actor VARCHAR, eagle_riders VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT japanese_voice_actor FROM table_name_25 WHERE eagle_riders = "ollie keeawani" </s>
What's the fewest number of pages for the title al-jiniral fi matahatihi?
SELECT MIN(pages) FROM table_name_39 WHERE title = "al-jiniral fi matahatihi"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (pages INTEGER, title VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the fewest number of pages for the title al-jiniral fi matahatihi? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (pages INTEGER, title VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(pages) FROM table_name_39 WHERE title = "al-jiniral fi matahatihi" </s>
If the English translation is hello girl, what was the language?
SELECT language FROM table_19249824_1 WHERE english_translation = "Hello girl"
CREATE TABLE table_19249824_1 (language VARCHAR, english_translation VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] If the English translation is hello girl, what was the language? context: CREATE TABLE table_19249824_1 (language VARCHAR, english_translation VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT language FROM table_19249824_1 WHERE english_translation = "Hello girl" </s>
What Name has a Winning constructor of ansaldo?
SELECT name FROM table_name_56 WHERE winning_constructor = "ansaldo"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (name VARCHAR, winning_constructor VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What Name has a Winning constructor of ansaldo? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (name VARCHAR, winning_constructor VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT name FROM table_name_56 WHERE winning_constructor = "ansaldo" </s>
What was the team's record on november 10?
SELECT record FROM table_27700530_9 WHERE date = "November 10"
CREATE TABLE table_27700530_9 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the team's record on november 10? context: CREATE TABLE table_27700530_9 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_27700530_9 WHERE date = "November 10" </s>
How many regions had an incarceration rate for females of 63?
SELECT COUNT(incarceration_rate_total) FROM table_25042332_31 WHERE incarceration_rate_female = 63
CREATE TABLE table_25042332_31 (incarceration_rate_total VARCHAR, incarceration_rate_female VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many regions had an incarceration rate for females of 63? context: CREATE TABLE table_25042332_31 (incarceration_rate_total VARCHAR, incarceration_rate_female VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(incarceration_rate_total) FROM table_25042332_31 WHERE incarceration_rate_female = 63 </s>
What nation has 0 as the silver, 1 as the bronze, with 18 as the rank?
SELECT nation FROM table_name_84 WHERE silver = 0 AND bronze = 1 AND rank = "18"
CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (nation VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What nation has 0 as the silver, 1 as the bronze, with 18 as the rank? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (nation VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nation FROM table_name_84 WHERE silver = 0 AND bronze = 1 AND rank = "18" </s>
What is the away team score for South Melbourne?
SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_name_97 WHERE away_team = "south melbourne"
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (away_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the away team score for South Melbourne? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (away_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_name_97 WHERE away_team = "south melbourne" </s>
What is Gold, when Rank is 7?
SELECT gold FROM table_name_38 WHERE rank = "7"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (gold VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Gold, when Rank is 7? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (gold VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT gold FROM table_name_38 WHERE rank = "7" </s>
Who is the player with a +3 to par and a 74-71-68=213 score?
SELECT player FROM table_name_42 WHERE to_par = "+3" AND score = 74 - 71 - 68 = 213
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (player VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is the player with a +3 to par and a 74-71-68=213 score? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (player VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_42 WHERE to_par = "+3" AND score = 74 - 71 - 68 = 213 </s>
Which 2009's 2010 featured the wta premier 5 tournaments?
SELECT 2009 FROM table_name_72 WHERE 2010 = "wta premier 5 tournaments"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (Id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which 2009's 2010 featured the wta premier 5 tournaments? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (Id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 2009 FROM table_name_72 WHERE 2010 = "wta premier 5 tournaments" </s>
What is the total with a 74 rank by average for 8th place?
SELECT total FROM table_name_70 WHERE rank_by_average = "74" AND place = "8th"
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (total VARCHAR, rank_by_average VARCHAR, place VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total with a 74 rank by average for 8th place? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (total VARCHAR, rank_by_average VARCHAR, place VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT total FROM table_name_70 WHERE rank_by_average = "74" AND place = "8th" </s>
Which Livery has a Description of 20t tanker, with a date later than 1941?
SELECT livery FROM table_name_32 WHERE description = "20t tanker" AND date > 1941
CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (livery VARCHAR, description VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Livery has a Description of 20t tanker, with a date later than 1941? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (livery VARCHAR, description VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT livery FROM table_name_32 WHERE description = "20t tanker" AND date > 1941 </s>
Pick # that has a Name of jaimie thomas, and a Round smaller than 7 is how many numbers?
SELECT COUNT(pick__number) FROM table_name_88 WHERE name = "jaimie thomas" AND round < 7
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (pick__number VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Pick # that has a Name of jaimie thomas, and a Round smaller than 7 is how many numbers? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (pick__number VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, round VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(pick__number) FROM table_name_88 WHERE name = "jaimie thomas" AND round < 7 </s>
Which chassis has an Alfa Romeo flat-12 engine.
SELECT chassis FROM table_name_76 WHERE engine = "alfa romeo flat-12"
CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (chassis VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which chassis has an Alfa Romeo flat-12 engine. context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (chassis VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT chassis FROM table_name_76 WHERE engine = "alfa romeo flat-12" </s>
How many chassis used number 34?
SELECT COUNT(chassis) FROM table_15491596_1 WHERE no = 34
CREATE TABLE table_15491596_1 (chassis VARCHAR, no VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many chassis used number 34? context: CREATE TABLE table_15491596_1 (chassis VARCHAR, no VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(chassis) FROM table_15491596_1 WHERE no = 34 </s>
What is the highest population (2008) created earlier than 1857, and the county was Sinoe?
SELECT MAX(population__2008_) FROM table_name_69 WHERE created < 1857 AND county = "sinoe"
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (population__2008_ INTEGER, created VARCHAR, county VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the highest population (2008) created earlier than 1857, and the county was Sinoe? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (population__2008_ INTEGER, created VARCHAR, county VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(population__2008_) FROM table_name_69 WHERE created < 1857 AND county = "sinoe" </s>
Show all the Store_Name of drama workshop groups.
SELECT Store_Name FROM Drama_Workshop_Groups
CREATE TABLE Drama_Workshop_Groups (Store_Name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show all the Store_Name of drama workshop groups. context: CREATE TABLE Drama_Workshop_Groups (Store_Name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT Store_Name FROM Drama_Workshop_Groups </s>
What is the postion when the nhl team is los angeles kings?
SELECT position FROM table_2850912_7 WHERE nhl_team = "Los Angeles Kings"
CREATE TABLE table_2850912_7 (position VARCHAR, nhl_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the postion when the nhl team is los angeles kings? context: CREATE TABLE table_2850912_7 (position VARCHAR, nhl_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT position FROM table_2850912_7 WHERE nhl_team = "Los Angeles Kings" </s>
Who drives for Newman-Haas Racing with a time of 1:51:47.260?
SELECT driver FROM table_name_43 WHERE team = "newman-haas racing" AND time_retired = "1:51:47.260"
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (driver VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who drives for Newman-Haas Racing with a time of 1:51:47.260? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (driver VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT driver FROM table_name_43 WHERE team = "newman-haas racing" AND time_retired = "1:51:47.260" </s>
What is the No. 8 of the person with a No. 4 of Matthew and a No. 7 of Anthony?
SELECT no_8 FROM table_name_29 WHERE no_4 = "matthew" AND no_7 = "anthony"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (no_8 VARCHAR, no_4 VARCHAR, no_7 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the No. 8 of the person with a No. 4 of Matthew and a No. 7 of Anthony? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (no_8 VARCHAR, no_4 VARCHAR, no_7 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT no_8 FROM table_name_29 WHERE no_4 = "matthew" AND no_7 = "anthony" </s>
what is the place when the televote/sms is 2.39%?
SELECT SUM(place) FROM table_name_47 WHERE televote_sms = "2.39%"
CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (place INTEGER, televote_sms VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the place when the televote/sms is 2.39%? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (place INTEGER, televote_sms VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(place) FROM table_name_47 WHERE televote_sms = "2.39%" </s>
How many losses for the team with 3 wins and more than 1919 against?
SELECT MIN(losses) FROM table_name_28 WHERE wins = 3 AND against > 1919
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (losses INTEGER, wins VARCHAR, against VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many losses for the team with 3 wins and more than 1919 against? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (losses INTEGER, wins VARCHAR, against VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(losses) FROM table_name_28 WHERE wins = 3 AND against > 1919 </s>
Which Placement in Miss Universe is armi barbara quiray crespo?
SELECT placement_in_miss_universe FROM table_name_3 WHERE delegate = "armi barbara quiray crespo"
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (placement_in_miss_universe VARCHAR, delegate VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Placement in Miss Universe is armi barbara quiray crespo? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (placement_in_miss_universe VARCHAR, delegate VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT placement_in_miss_universe FROM table_name_3 WHERE delegate = "armi barbara quiray crespo" </s>
Investment income of 2%, and an other income sources of 3%, and an employment (salaries & wages) of 71% involves which self employed?
SELECT self_employed FROM table_name_15 WHERE investment_income = "2%" AND other_income_sources = "3%" AND employment___salaries_ & _wages_ = "71%"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (self_employed VARCHAR, investment_income VARCHAR, other_income_sources VARCHAR, employment___salaries_ VARCHAR, _wages_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Investment income of 2%, and an other income sources of 3%, and an employment (salaries & wages) of 71% involves which self employed? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (self_employed VARCHAR, investment_income VARCHAR, other_income_sources VARCHAR, employment___salaries_ VARCHAR, _wages_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT self_employed FROM table_name_15 WHERE investment_income = "2%" AND other_income_sources = "3%" AND employment___salaries_ & _wages_ = "71%" </s>
What was the total number of matches that had an outcome of Winner, a partner of John Lloyd, and a clay surface?
SELECT COUNT(opponents) FROM table_2151643_3 WHERE outcome = "Winner" AND partner = "John Lloyd" AND surface = "Clay"
CREATE TABLE table_2151643_3 (opponents VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR, partner VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the total number of matches that had an outcome of Winner, a partner of John Lloyd, and a clay surface? context: CREATE TABLE table_2151643_3 (opponents VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR, partner VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(opponents) FROM table_2151643_3 WHERE outcome = "Winner" AND partner = "John Lloyd" AND surface = "Clay" </s>
What is Player, when Country is "England", and when Place is "T7"?
SELECT player FROM table_name_50 WHERE country = "england" AND place = "t7"
CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (player VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, place VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Player, when Country is "England", and when Place is "T7"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (player VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, place VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_50 WHERE country = "england" AND place = "t7" </s>
What is the frequency for katherine?
SELECT frequency FROM table_name_99 WHERE area_served = "katherine"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (frequency VARCHAR, area_served VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the frequency for katherine? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (frequency VARCHAR, area_served VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT frequency FROM table_name_99 WHERE area_served = "katherine" </s>
What is the score from the game where Algeria is the opponent at Porto-Novo?
SELECT score FROM table_name_28 WHERE opponent = "algeria" AND location = "porto-novo"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the score from the game where Algeria is the opponent at Porto-Novo? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_28 WHERE opponent = "algeria" AND location = "porto-novo" </s>
When was the duchess, who was married on 11 july 1643, born?
SELECT birth FROM table_name_12 WHERE marriage = "11 july 1643"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (birth VARCHAR, marriage VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] When was the duchess, who was married on 11 july 1643, born? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (birth VARCHAR, marriage VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT birth FROM table_name_12 WHERE marriage = "11 july 1643" </s>
Name the college for nate binder
SELECT college FROM table_25017530_5 WHERE player = "Nate Binder"
CREATE TABLE table_25017530_5 (college VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the college for nate binder context: CREATE TABLE table_25017530_5 (college VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT college FROM table_25017530_5 WHERE player = "Nate Binder" </s>
What was time of the game against the Royals with a record of 81–73?
SELECT time FROM table_name_4 WHERE opponent = "royals" AND record = "81–73"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (time VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was time of the game against the Royals with a record of 81–73? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (time VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT time FROM table_name_4 WHERE opponent = "royals" AND record = "81–73" </s>
What is the compression ratio for the 302-2v Windsor v8 engine?
SELECT compression_ratio FROM table_name_41 WHERE engine = "302-2v windsor v8"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (compression_ratio VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the compression ratio for the 302-2v Windsor v8 engine? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (compression_ratio VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT compression_ratio FROM table_name_41 WHERE engine = "302-2v windsor v8" </s>
What is Race 2, when Race 4 is 28?
SELECT race_2 FROM table_name_40 WHERE race_4 = "28"
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (race_2 VARCHAR, race_4 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Race 2, when Race 4 is 28? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (race_2 VARCHAR, race_4 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT race_2 FROM table_name_40 WHERE race_4 = "28" </s>
What was the outcome of the August 20, 2007 match?
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_29 WHERE date = "august 20, 2007"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (outcome VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the outcome of the August 20, 2007 match? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (outcome VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT outcome FROM table_name_29 WHERE date = "august 20, 2007" </s>
What is the format for the label Mightier than Sword on January 12, 2010 in the United States?
SELECT format FROM table_name_50 WHERE region = "united states" AND date = "january 12, 2010" AND label = "mightier than sword"
CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (format VARCHAR, label VARCHAR, region VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the format for the label Mightier than Sword on January 12, 2010 in the United States? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (format VARCHAR, label VARCHAR, region VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT format FROM table_name_50 WHERE region = "united states" AND date = "january 12, 2010" AND label = "mightier than sword" </s>
Name the original air date for series number 15
SELECT original_air_date FROM table_26261072_1 WHERE series__number = 15
CREATE TABLE table_26261072_1 (original_air_date VARCHAR, series__number VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the original air date for series number 15 context: CREATE TABLE table_26261072_1 (original_air_date VARCHAR, series__number VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT original_air_date FROM table_26261072_1 WHERE series__number = 15 </s>
What is the (MT) time which has kansas city chiefs as an opponent on nov 11?
SELECT time___mt__ FROM table_name_13 WHERE opponent = "kansas city chiefs" AND date = "nov 11"
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (time___mt__ VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the (MT) time which has kansas city chiefs as an opponent on nov 11? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (time___mt__ VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT time___mt__ FROM table_name_13 WHERE opponent = "kansas city chiefs" AND date = "nov 11" </s>
What is the nationality of the player from the Ohio State University (NCAA) Team?
SELECT nationality FROM table_name_20 WHERE college_junior_club_team__league_ = "ohio state university (ncaa)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (nationality VARCHAR, college_junior_club_team__league_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the nationality of the player from the Ohio State University (NCAA) Team? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (nationality VARCHAR, college_junior_club_team__league_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nationality FROM table_name_20 WHERE college_junior_club_team__league_ = "ohio state university (ncaa)" </s>
What was her highest Super G score with a Slalom score of 58 and an Overall larger than 2?
SELECT MAX(super_g) FROM table_name_43 WHERE slalom = "58" AND overall > 2
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (super_g INTEGER, slalom VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was her highest Super G score with a Slalom score of 58 and an Overall larger than 2? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (super_g INTEGER, slalom VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(super_g) FROM table_name_43 WHERE slalom = "58" AND overall > 2 </s>