2 values
643 values
16 values
85 values
7 values
1 value
1 class
1 class
17 values
// // FetchOrCreatable.swift // omni // // Created by Rebecca Hsiao on 2018/05/06. // Copyright © 2018年 Rebecca Hsiao. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import UIKit import CoreData protocol HasID { var id: String { get set } } protocol Parseable { func parse(dict: [String: Any]) } protocol FetchOrCreatable: class, HasID, Parseable { associatedtype T: NSManagedObject, HasID, Parseable static func fetch(with ID: String) -> T? static func fetchOrCreate(with dict: [String: Any]) -> T? static func fetchOrCreate(with ID: String) -> T } extension FetchOrCreatable { static func fetch(with ID: String) -> T? { let className = String(describing: type(of: self)).split(separator: ".").first ?? "" let request = NSFetchRequest<T>(entityName: String(className)) request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "id == %@", ID) let context = CoreDataManager.shared.context let fetchedObjects = try! context?.fetch(request) if let first = fetchedObjects?.first { return first } return nil } @discardableResult static func fetchOrCreate(with ID: String) -> T { if let object = self.fetch(with: ID) { return object } else { let className = String(describing: type(of: self)).split(separator: ".").first ?? "" var newT = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: String(className), into: CoreDataManager.shared.context) as! T = ID return newT } } @discardableResult static func fetchOrCreate(with dict: [String: Any]) -> T? { if let id = dict["id"] as? String { let object = self.fetchOrCreate(with: id) object.parse(dict: dict) return object } else if let id = dict["id"] as? Int { let object = self.fetchOrCreate(with: String(id)) object.parse(dict: dict) return object } return nil } static func createNew() -> T { let className = String(describing: type(of: self)).split(separator:".").first ?? "" let newT = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: String(className), into: CoreDataManager.shared.context) as! T return newT } }
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/Lectures/Sep18/Sep18/View Controllers/YellowViewController.swift
// // YellowViewController.swift // Sep18 // // Created by Matthew Whitesides on 9/18/14. // Copyright (c) 2014 Matthew Whitesides. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class YellowViewController: UIViewController { let textField = UITextField(frame: CGRectZero) let button = UIButton(UIButtonType.Custom) let textFieldConstraints = [ NSLayoutConstraint(item: textField, attribute: .CenterY, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: view, attribute: .CenterY, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0), NSLayoutConstraint(item: textField, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: view, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 10), NSLayoutConstraint(item: textField, attribute: .Right, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: view, attribute: .Right, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -10) ] var buttonConstraints = [ NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .CenterX, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: textField, attribute: .CenterX, multiplier: 1, constant: 0), NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .CenterX, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: textField, attribute: .CenterX, multiplier: 1, constant: 0), NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .CenterX, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: textField, attribute: .CenterX, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) ] override func loadView() { view = UIView(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds) view.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor() textField.setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(false) view.addSubview(textField) view.addConstraints(textFieldConstraints) button.setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(false) textField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // Weather.swift // googWeather // // Created by Lismar Oliveira on 09/04/21. // import Foundation struct WeatherResponse:Decodable { let main: Weather } struct Weather: Decodable { var temp: Double? var humidity: Double? }
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[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// // StatusesModel.swift // WeiBo // // Created by fangjs on 2016/11/23. // Copyright © 2016年 fangjs. All rights reserved. /** 数据模型 */ import UIKit import SDWebImage class StatusesModel: NSObject { ///微博创建时间 var created_at:String? { didSet { //将时间字符串转换为 Date let date = Date.dateWithString(time: created_at!) //将转化好的对应格式的时间字符串赋值给created_at created_at = date.descDate } } ///微博ID var id:Int = 0 ///微博信息内容 var text:String? ///微博来源 var source:String? { didSet { if let sourceString = source { if sourceString == "" { return } //先将 String 转换为 NSString let sourceString = sourceString as NSString //获取要截取字符串的起始位置 let startLocation: Int = sourceString.range(of: ">").location + 1 //获取要截取字符串的结束位置 let endLocation: Int = sourceString.range(of: "</").location //获取要截取字符串的长度 let length: Int = endLocation - startLocation //截取并拼接字符串 source = "来自: " + sourceString.substring(with: NSRange.init(location: startLocation, length: length)) } } } ///缩略图片地址,没有时不返回此字段 var pic_urls:[[String:AnyObject]]? { didSet { //初始化数组 storePicURLs = [URL]() bigStorePicURLs = [URL]() //遍历pic_urls for dict in pic_urls! { //取出图片的地址 let url = dict["thumbnail_pic"] as! String //将图片地址字符串转换为 URL并存在数组storePicURLs中 storePicURLs?.append(URL.init(string: url)!) //获取大图地址 bigStorePicURLs?.append(URL.init(string: url.replacingOccurrences(of: "thumbnail", with: "large"))!) } } } var storePicURLs:[URL]? var bigStorePicURLs:[URL]? ///User 模型 var user:User? ///转发微博 var retweeted_status:StatusesModel? //如果有转发,原创就没有配图 /// 定义一个计算属性, 用于返回原创获取配图的URL数组 or 转发获取的配图数组(缩略图) var pictureURLs:[URL]? { return retweeted_status == nil ? storePicURLs : retweeted_status?.storePicURLs } /// 定义一个计算属性, 用于返回原创获取配图的URL数组 or 转发获取的配图数组(大图) var biPictureURLs:[URL]? { return retweeted_status == nil ? bigStorePicURLs : retweeted_status?.bigStorePicURLs } ///获取当前登录用户及其所关注(授权)用户的最新微博 class func loadInfo(sinceId: Int,maxId:Int,finished:@escaping (_ statuse:[StatusesModel]?,_ error:Error?)->()) { let path = "2/statuses/home_timeline.json" var parameters = ["access_token":UserAccount.readAccount()!.access_token!] //下拉刷新,如果 sinceId > 0 则说明有新的微博 if sinceId > 0 { parameters["since_id"] = "\(sinceId)" } if maxId > 0 { //max_id: 会返回小于等于max_id的微博,maxId-1 是将重复的微博过滤 parameters["max_id"] = "\(maxId - 1)" } NetWorkTools.shareNetWorkTools().get(path, parameters: parameters, progress: { (_) in }, success: { (_, JSON) in //先把 JSON:Any? 类型转换为字典[String:AnyObject]类型 let dict = JSON as! [String:AnyObject] //将字典类型转换为数组[[String:AnyObject]] 类型 let models = dictToModel(states: dict["statuses"] as! [[String:AnyObject]]) //缓存缩略图 cacheImageURL(list: models, finished: finished) }) { (_, error) in finished(nil, error) } } ///缓存要展示的缩略图 class func cacheImageURL(list:[StatusesModel], finished:@escaping (_ statuse:[StatusesModel]?,_ error:Error?)->()) { //下拉刷新时如果没有新数据,则回调结束刷新动画 if list.count == 0 { finished(list, nil) return } //创建一个组 let group = DispatchGroup.init() //遍历list:[StatusesModel]取出数组中的StatusesModel模型 for statuse in list { //如果不满足条件就执行 else 中的语句 guard statuse.pictureURLs != nil else { continue } //遍历pictureURLs[URL]取出数组中的 url for url in statuse.pictureURLs! { //将当前的下载操作添加到group中 group.enter() //缓存图片 SDWebImageManager.shared().downloadImage(with: url, options: SDWebImageOptions.init(rawValue: 0), progress: nil, completed: { (_, _, _, _, _) in //离开当前group group.leave() }) } } //当所有操作完成离开当前 group时, group 会发送一个通知notify,然后通知调用者 group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main, execute: { finished(list, nil) }) } ///字典转模型 init(dictionary:[String:AnyObject]) { super.init() setValuesForKeys(dictionary) } ///当找不到对应的 key 时执行这个方法,不重写这个方法的话,如果找不到对应的 key 时会崩溃 override func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) { } override func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) { if "user" == key { user = User.init(dictionary: value as! [String : AnyObject]) return } if "retweeted_status" == key { retweeted_status = StatusesModel.init(dictionary: value as! [String : AnyObject]) return } super.setValue(value, forKey: key) } let list = ["created_at","id","text","source","pic_urls"] ///根据 list 中的 key打印字典中的对应的值 override var description:String { let dict = dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: list) return "\(dict)" } /// 将字典数组转换为模型数组 private class func dictToModel(states:[[String:AnyObject]]) ->[StatusesModel] { //声明一个[StatusesModel]类型的数组 var models = [StatusesModel]() //遍历数组,将数组内的字典转化为模型并存储在数组中 for dict in states { models.append(StatusesModel(dictionary: dict)) } return models } }
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import Metal public protocol MetalInput { var output: MetalOutput? { get set } var texture: MTLTexture? { get set } var context: MetalContext? { get } func addOutput(_ output: MetalOutput) func processIfNeeded() } public protocol MetalOutput { var input: MetalInput? { get set } } open class MetalObject { var functionName: String! var pipeline: MTLComputePipelineState! var uniformsBuffer: MTLBuffer? var needsUpdate = true public var output: MetalOutput? public var texture: MTLTexture? public var input: MetalInput? { didSet { /** Our input has changed, so we want to make a new output texture with the same properties as our input's texture */ if let inputTexture = input?.texture { let textureDescriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor.texture2DDescriptor(pixelFormat: inputTexture.pixelFormat, width: inputTexture.width, height: inputTexture.height, mipmapped: false) texture = context?.device?.makeTexture(descriptor: textureDescriptor) } reload() } } // MARK: - Subclassing func update() { } func process() { } func reload() { } } extension MetalObject: MetalOutput { } extension MetalObject: MetalInput { public func processIfNeeded() { if needsUpdate { update() process() } } public var context: MetalContext? { return input?.context } public func addOutput(_ output: MetalOutput) { self.output = output self.output?.input = self } } // Default Implementation extension MetalInput { public func processIfNeeded() { } }
[ -1 ]
/APP12/Minhas Viagens/AppDelegate.swift
// // AppDelegate.swift // Minhas Viagens // // Created by Leonardo Paza on 06/07/18. // Copyright © 2018 Curso IOS. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. } }
[ 229380, 229383, 229385, 278539, 294924, 229388, 278542, 229391, 327695, 229394, 278548, 229397, 229399, 229402, 352284, 229405, 278556, 278559, 229408, 278564, 294950, 229415, 229417, 327722, 237613, 229422, 360496, 229426, 237618, 229428, 311349, 286774, 286776, 319544, 286778, 204856, 229432, 352318, 286791, 237640, 286797, 278605, 311375, 163920, 237646, 196692, 319573, 311383, 278623, 278626, 319590, 311400, 278635, 303212, 278639, 131192, 278648, 237693, 303230, 327814, 303241, 131209, 417930, 303244, 311436, 319633, 286873, 286876, 311460, 311469, 32944, 327862, 286906, 327866, 180413, 286910, 131264, 286916, 295110, 286922, 286924, 286926, 319694, 286928, 131281, 278743, 278747, 295133, 155872, 319716, 237807, 303345, 286962, 303347, 131314, 229622, 327930, 278781, 278783, 278785, 237826, 319751, 278792, 286987, 319757, 311569, 286999, 319770, 287003, 287006, 287009, 287012, 287014, 287016, 287019, 311598, 287023, 262448, 311601, 295220, 287032, 155966, 319809, 319810, 278849, 319814, 311623, 319818, 311628, 229709, 319822, 287054, 278865, 229717, 196963, 196969, 139638, 213367, 106872, 319872, 311683, 319879, 311693, 65943, 319898, 311719, 278952, 139689, 278957, 311728, 278967, 180668, 311741, 278975, 319938, 278980, 98756, 278983, 319945, 278986, 319947, 278990, 278994, 311767, 279003, 279006, 188895, 172512, 287202, 279010, 279015, 172520, 319978, 279020, 172526, 311791, 279023, 172529, 279027, 319989, 172534, 180727, 164343, 279035, 311804, 287230, 279040, 303617, 287234, 279045, 172550, 303623, 172552, 320007, 287238, 279051, 172558, 279055, 303632, 279058, 303637, 279063, 279067, 172572, 279072, 172577, 295459, 172581, 295461, 279082, 311850, 279084, 172591, 172598, 279095, 172607, 172609, 172612, 377413, 172614, 213575, 172618, 303690, 33357, 287309, 303696, 279124, 172634, 262752, 254563, 172644, 311911, 189034, 295533, 172655, 172656, 352880, 295538, 189039, 172660, 287349, 189040, 189044, 287355, 287360, 295553, 172675, 295557, 311942, 303751, 287365, 352905, 311946, 279178, 287371, 311951, 287377, 172691, 287381, 311957, 221850, 287386, 230045, 172702, 287390, 303773, 172705, 287394, 172707, 303780, 164509, 287398, 205479, 279208, 287400, 172714, 295595, 279212, 189102, 172721, 287409, 66227, 303797, 189114, 287419, 303804, 328381, 287423, 328384, 172737, 279231, 287427, 312005, 312006, 107208, 172748, 287436, 107212, 172751, 287440, 295633, 172755, 303827, 279255, 172760, 287450, 303835, 279258, 189149, 303838, 213724, 312035, 279267, 295654, 279272, 230128, 312048, 312050, 230131, 189169, 205564, 303871, 230146, 328453, 295685, 230154, 33548, 312077, 295695, 295701, 230169, 369433, 295707, 328476, 295710, 230175, 295720, 303914, 279340, 205613, 279353, 230202, 312124, 328508, 222018, 295755, 377676, 148302, 287569, 303959, 230237, 279390, 230241, 279394, 303976, 336744, 303981, 303985, 303987, 328563, 279413, 303991, 303997, 295806, 295808, 295813, 304005, 320391, 304007, 213895, 304009, 304011, 230284, 304013, 295822, 279438, 213902, 189329, 295825, 304019, 189331, 58262, 304023, 304027, 279452, 410526, 279461, 279462, 304042, 213931, 230327, 304055, 287675, 197564, 230334, 304063, 238528, 304065, 213954, 189378, 156612, 295873, 213963, 197580, 312272, 304084, 304090, 320481, 304106, 320490, 312302, 328687, 320496, 304114, 295928, 320505, 312321, 295945, 230413, 295949, 197645, 320528, 140312, 295961, 238620, 197663, 304164, 304170, 304175, 238641, 312374, 238652, 238655, 230465, 238658, 336964, 132165, 296004, 205895, 320584, 238666, 296021, 402518, 336987, 230497, 296036, 296040, 361576, 205931, 296044, 279661, 205934, 164973, 312432, 279669, 337018, 189562, 279679, 304258, 279683, 222340, 66690, 205968, 296084, 238745, 304285, 238756, 205991, 222377, 165035, 337067, 238766, 165038, 230576, 238770, 304311, 230592, 312518, 279750, 230600, 230607, 148690, 320727, 279769, 304348, 279777, 304354, 296163, 320740, 279781, 304360, 320748, 279788, 279790, 304370, 296189, 320771, 312585, 296202, 296205, 230674, 320786, 230677, 296213, 296215, 320792, 230681, 214294, 304416, 230689, 173350, 312622, 296243, 312630, 222522, 296253, 222525, 296255, 312639, 230718, 296259, 378181, 296262, 230727, 238919, 296264, 320840, 296267, 296271, 222545, 230739, 312663, 222556, 337244, 230752, 312676, 230760, 173418, 148843, 410987, 230763, 230768, 296305, 312692, 230773, 304505, 304506, 181626, 279929, 181631, 148865, 312711, 312712, 296331, 288140, 288144, 230800, 304533, 337306, 288154, 288160, 173472, 288162, 288164, 279975, 304555, 370092, 279983, 173488, 288176, 279985, 312755, 296373, 312759, 337335, 288185, 279991, 222652, 312766, 173507, 296389, 222665, 230860, 312783, 288208, 230865, 288210, 370130, 288212, 222676, 148946, 288214, 239064, 329177, 288217, 280027, 288220, 288218, 239070, 288224, 280034, 288226, 280036, 288229, 280038, 288230, 288232, 370146, 288234, 320998, 288236, 288238, 288240, 288242, 296435, 288244, 288250, 296446, 321022, 402942, 148990, 296450, 206336, 230916, 230919, 214535, 230923, 304651, 304653, 370187, 230940, 222752, 108066, 296486, 296488, 157229, 239152, 230961, 157236, 288320, 288325, 124489, 280140, 280145, 288338, 280149, 288344, 280152, 239194, 280158, 403039, 370272, 181854, 239202, 312938, 280183, 280185, 280188, 280191, 116354, 280194, 280208, 280211, 288408, 280218, 280222, 419489, 190118, 198310, 321195, 296622, 321200, 337585, 296626, 296634, 296637, 419522, 313027, 280260, 419525, 206536, 280264, 206539, 206541, 206543, 263888, 313044, 280276, 321239, 280283, 313052, 18140, 288478, 313055, 419555, 321252, 313066, 288494, 280302, 280304, 313073, 321266, 419570, 288499, 288502, 280314, 288510, 124671, 67330, 280324, 198405, 288519, 280331, 198416, 280337, 296723, 116503, 321304, 329498, 296731, 321311, 313121, 313123, 304932, 321316, 280363, 141101, 165678, 280375, 321336, 296767, 288576, 345921, 280388, 337732, 304968, 280393, 280402, 173907, 313171, 313176, 42842, 280419, 321381, 296809, 296812, 313201, 1920, 255873, 305028, 280454, 247688, 280464, 124817, 280468, 239510, 280473, 124827, 214940, 247709, 214944, 280487, 313258, 321458, 296883, 124853, 214966, 296890, 10170, 288700, 296894, 190403, 296900, 280515, 337862, 165831, 280521, 231379, 296921, 354265, 354270, 239586, 313320, 354281, 231404, 124913, 165876, 321528, 239612, 313340, 288764, 239617, 313347, 288773, 313358, 305176, 321560, 313371, 354338, 305191, 223273, 313386, 354348, 124978, 215090, 124980, 288824, 288826, 321595, 378941, 313406, 288831, 288836, 67654, 280651, 354382, 288848, 280658, 215123, 354390, 288855, 288859, 280669, 313438, 149599, 280671, 149601, 321634, 149603, 223327, 329830, 280681, 313451, 223341, 280687, 149618, 215154, 313458, 280691, 313464, 329850, 321659, 280702, 288895, 321670, 215175, 141446, 288909, 141455, 141459, 280725, 313498, 100520, 288936, 280747, 288940, 288947, 280755, 321717, 280759, 280764, 280769, 280771, 280774, 280776, 313548, 321740, 280783, 280786, 280788, 313557, 280793, 280796, 280798, 338147, 280804, 280807, 157930, 280811, 280817, 125171, 157940, 280819, 182517, 280823, 280825, 280827, 280830, 280831, 280833, 125187, 280835, 125191, 125207, 125209, 321817, 125218, 321842, 223539, 125239, 280888, 305464, 280891, 289087, 280897, 280900, 305480, 239944, 280906, 239947, 305485, 305489, 379218, 280919, 248153, 354653, 354656, 313700, 313705, 280937, 190832, 280946, 223606, 313720, 280956, 239997, 280959, 313731, 199051, 240011, 289166, 240017, 297363, 190868, 240021, 297365, 297368, 297372, 141725, 297377, 289186, 297391, 289201, 240052, 289207, 289210, 305594, 281024, 289218, 289221, 289227, 281045, 281047, 215526, 166378, 305647, 281075, 174580, 240124, 281084, 305662, 305664, 240129, 305666, 305668, 223749, 240132, 281095, 223752, 150025, 338440, 330244, 223757, 281102, 223763, 223765, 281113, 322074, 281116, 281121, 182819, 281127, 281135, 150066, 158262, 158266, 289342, 281154, 322115, 158283, 281163, 281179, 338528, 338532, 281190, 199273, 281196, 19053, 158317, 313973, 297594, 281210, 158347, 264845, 182926, 133776, 314003, 117398, 314007, 289436, 174754, 330404, 289448, 133801, 174764, 314029, 314033, 240309, 133817, 314045, 314047, 314051, 199364, 297671, 158409, 256716, 289493, 363234, 289513, 289522, 289525, 289532, 322303, 289537, 322310, 264969, 322314, 322318, 281361, 281372, 322341, 215850, 281388, 289593, 281401, 289601, 281410, 281413, 281414, 240458, 281420, 240468, 281430, 322393, 297818, 281435, 281438, 281442, 174955, 224110, 207733, 207737, 158596, 183172, 338823, 322440, 314249, 240519, 183184, 142226, 289687, 240535, 297883, 289694, 289696, 289700, 289712, 281529, 289724, 52163, 183260, 281567, 289762, 322534, 297961, 183277, 281581, 322550, 134142, 322563, 314372, 330764, 175134, 322599, 322610, 314421, 281654, 314427, 314433, 207937, 314441, 207949, 322642, 314456, 281691, 314461, 281702, 281704, 314474, 281708, 281711, 289912, 248995, 306341, 306344, 306347, 322734, 306354, 142531, 199877, 289991, 306377, 289997, 249045, 363742, 363745, 298216, 330988, 126190, 216303, 322801, 388350, 257302, 363802, 199976, 199978, 314671, 298292, 298294, 257334, 216376, 380226, 298306, 224584, 224587, 224594, 216404, 306517, 150870, 314714, 224603, 159068, 314718, 265568, 314723, 281960, 150890, 306539, 314732, 314736, 290161, 216436, 306549, 298358, 314743, 306552, 290171, 314747, 306555, 298365, 290174, 224641, 281987, 298372, 314756, 281990, 224647, 265604, 298377, 314763, 142733, 298381, 314768, 224657, 306581, 314773, 314779, 314785, 314793, 282025, 282027, 241068, 241070, 241072, 282034, 241077, 150966, 298424, 306618, 282044, 323015, 306635, 306640, 290263, 290270, 290275, 339431, 282089, 191985, 282098, 290291, 282101, 241142, 191992, 290298, 151036, 290302, 282111, 290305, 175621, 306694, 192008, 323084, 257550, 282127, 290321, 282130, 323090, 290325, 282133, 241175, 290328, 282137, 290332, 241181, 282142, 282144, 290344, 306731, 290349, 290351, 290356, 28219, 282186, 224849, 282195, 282199, 282201, 306778, 159324, 159330, 314979, 298598, 323176, 224875, 241260, 323181, 257658, 315016, 282249, 290445, 324757, 282261, 175770, 298651, 282269, 323229, 298655, 323231, 61092, 282277, 306856, 196133, 282295, 323260, 282300, 323266, 282310, 323273, 282319, 306897, 241362, 306904, 282328, 298714, 52959, 216801, 282337, 241380, 216806, 323304, 282345, 12011, 282356, 323318, 282364, 282367, 306945, 241412, 323333, 282376, 216842, 323345, 282388, 323349, 282392, 184090, 315167, 315169, 282402, 315174, 323367, 241448, 315176, 241450, 282410, 306988, 306991, 315184, 323376, 315190, 241464, 159545, 282425, 298811, 118593, 307009, 413506, 307012, 241475, 298822, 315211, 282446, 307027, 315221, 323414, 315223, 241496, 241498, 307035, 307040, 110433, 282465, 241509, 110438, 298860, 110445, 282478, 315249, 110450, 315251, 282481, 315253, 315255, 339838, 315267, 282499, 315269, 241544, 282505, 241546, 241548, 298896, 298898, 282514, 241556, 298901, 44948, 241560, 282520, 241563, 241565, 241567, 241569, 282531, 241574, 282537, 298922, 36779, 241581, 282542, 241583, 323504, 241586, 282547, 241588, 290739, 241590, 241592, 241598, 290751, 241600, 241605, 151495, 241610, 298975, 241632, 298984, 241640, 241643, 298988, 241646, 241649, 241652, 323574, 290807, 299003, 241661, 299006, 282623, 315396, 241669, 315397, 282632, 307211, 282639, 290835, 282645, 241693, 282654, 241701, 102438, 217127, 282669, 323630, 282681, 290877, 282687, 159811, 315463, 315466, 192589, 307278, 192596, 176213, 307287, 307290, 217179, 315482, 192605, 315483, 233567, 299105, 200801, 217188, 299109, 307303, 315495, 356457, 45163, 307307, 315502, 192624, 307314, 323700, 299126, 233591, 299136, 307329, 315524, 307338, 233613, 241813, 307352, 299164, 241821, 299167, 315552, 184479, 184481, 315557, 184486, 307370, 307372, 184492, 307374, 307376, 299185, 323763, 184503, 176311, 299191, 307386, 258235, 307388, 307385, 307390, 176316, 299200, 184512, 307394, 299204, 307396, 184518, 307399, 323784, 233679, 307409, 307411, 176343, 299225, 233701, 307432, 184572, 282881, 184579, 282893, 323854, 291089, 282906, 291104, 233766, 295583, 176435, 307508, 315701, 332086, 307510, 307512, 168245, 307515, 307518, 282942, 282947, 323917, 110926, 282957, 233808, 323921, 315733, 323926, 233815, 276052, 315739, 323932, 299357, 242018, 242024, 299373, 315757, 250231, 242043, 315771, 299388, 299391, 291202, 299398, 242057, 291212, 299405, 291222, 315801, 283033, 242075, 291226, 194654, 61855, 291231, 283042, 291238, 291241, 127403, 127405, 291247, 299440, 127407, 299444, 127413, 283062, 291254, 127417, 291260, 283069, 127421, 127424, 299457, 127429, 127431, 127434, 315856, 176592, 127440, 315860, 176597, 283095, 127447, 299481, 127449, 176605, 242143, 127455, 127457, 291299, 340454, 127463, 242152, 291305, 127466, 176620, 127469, 127474, 291314, 291317, 127480, 135672, 291323, 233979, 127485, 291330, 127490, 283142, 127494, 135689, 233994, 127497, 127500, 291341, 233998, 127506, 234003, 127509, 234006, 127511, 152087, 283161, 242202, 234010, 135707, 135710, 242206, 242208, 291361, 242220, 291378, 152118, 234038, 234041, 315961, 70213, 242250, 111193, 242275, 299620, 242279, 168562, 184952, 135805, 135808, 291456, 373383, 299655, 135820, 316051, 225941, 316054, 299672, 135834, 373404, 299677, 225948, 135839, 299680, 225954, 299684, 135844, 242343, 209576, 242345, 373421, 135870, 135873, 135876, 135879, 299720, 299723, 299726, 225998, 226002, 119509, 226005, 226008, 299740, 242396, 201444, 299750, 283368, 234219, 283372, 226037, 283382, 316151, 234231, 234236, 226045, 242431, 234239, 209665, 234242, 299778, 242436, 226053, 234246, 226056, 234248, 291593, 242443, 234252, 242445, 234254, 291601, 234258, 242450, 242452, 234261, 348950, 201496, 234264, 234266, 234269, 283421, 234272, 234274, 152355, 299814, 234278, 283432, 234281, 234284, 234287, 283440, 185138, 242483, 234292, 234296, 234298, 160572, 283452, 234302, 234307, 242499, 234309, 316233, 234313, 316235, 234316, 283468, 234319, 242511, 234321, 234324, 185173, 201557, 234329, 234333, 308063, 234336, 242530, 349027, 234338, 234341, 234344, 234347, 177004, 234350, 324464, 234353, 152435, 177011, 234356, 234358, 234362, 226171, 234364, 291711, 234368, 291714, 234370, 291716, 234373, 316294, 201603, 226182, 308105, 234375, 226185, 234379, 324490, 234384, 234388, 234390, 324504, 234393, 209818, 308123, 324508, 234396, 291742, 226200, 234398, 234401, 291747, 291748, 234405, 291750, 234407, 324520, 324518, 324522, 234410, 291756, 291754, 226220, 324527, 291760, 234417, 201650, 324531, 234414, 234422, 226230, 324536, 275384, 234428, 291773, 242623, 324544, 234431, 234434, 324546, 324548, 234437, 226245, 234439, 226239, 234443, 291788, 234446, 275406, 193486, 234449, 316370, 193488, 234452, 234455, 234459, 234461, 234464, 234467, 234470, 168935, 5096, 324585, 234475, 234478, 316400, 234481, 316403, 234484, 234485, 234487, 324599, 234490, 234493, 316416, 234496, 308226, 234501, 275462, 308231, 234504, 234507, 234510, 234515, 300054, 316439, 234520, 234519, 234523, 234526, 234528, 300066, 234532, 300069, 234535, 234537, 234540, 144430, 234543, 234546, 275508, 300085, 234549, 300088, 234553, 234556, 234558, 316479, 234561, 316483, 160835, 234563, 308291, 234568, 234570, 316491, 234572, 300108, 234574, 300115, 234580, 234581, 242777, 234585, 275545, 234590, 234593, 234595, 234597, 300133, 234601, 300139, 234605, 160879, 234607, 275569, 234610, 316530, 300148, 234614, 398455, 144506, 234618, 234620, 275579, 234623, 226433, 234627, 275588, 234629, 242822, 234634, 234636, 177293, 234640, 275602, 234643, 308373, 226453, 234647, 275606, 275608, 234650, 308379, 234648, 300189, 324766, 119967, 234653, 324768, 283805, 234657, 242852, 300197, 234661, 283813, 234664, 177318, 275626, 234667, 316596, 308414, 234687, 300223, 300226, 308418, 234692, 300229, 308420, 308422, 283844, 226500, 300234, 283850, 300238, 300241, 316625, 300243, 300245, 316630, 300248, 300253, 300256, 300258, 300260, 234726, 300263, 300265, 300267, 161003, 300270, 300272, 120053, 300278, 275703, 316663, 300284, 275710, 300287, 292097, 300289, 161027, 300292, 300294, 275719, 234760, 177419, 300299, 242957, 300301, 283917, 177424, 275725, 349451, 349464, 415009, 283939, 259367, 292143, 283951, 300344, 226617, 243003, 283963, 226628, 300357, 283973, 177482, 283983, 316758, 357722, 316766, 316768, 292192, 218464, 292197, 316774, 243046, 218473, 284010, 136562, 324978, 275834, 333178, 275836, 275840, 316803, 316806, 226696, 316811, 226699, 316814, 226703, 300433, 234899, 300436, 226709, 357783, 316824, 316826, 144796, 300448, 144807, 144810, 144812, 284076, 144814, 227426, 144820, 374196, 284084, 292279, 284087, 144826, 144828, 144830, 144832, 144835, 144837, 38342, 144839, 144841, 144844, 144847, 144852, 144855, 103899, 300507, 333280, 226787, 218597, 292329, 300523, 259565, 300527, 308720, 259567, 292338, 226802, 316917, 292343, 308727, 300537, 316933, 316947, 308757, 308762, 284191, 316959, 284194, 284196, 235045, 284199, 284204, 284206, 284209, 284211, 194101, 284213, 316983, 194103, 284215, 308790, 284218, 226877, 292414, 284223, 284226, 284228, 292421, 226886, 284231, 128584, 243268, 284234, 366155, 317004, 276043, 284238, 226895, 284241, 194130, 284243, 300628, 284245, 292433, 284247, 317015, 235097, 243290, 276053, 284249, 284251, 300638, 284253, 284255, 243293, 284258, 292452, 292454, 284263, 177766, 284265, 292458, 284267, 292461, 284272, 284274, 284278, 292470, 276086, 292473, 284283, 276093, 284286, 292479, 284288, 292481, 284290, 325250, 284292, 292485, 325251, 276095, 276098, 284297, 317066, 284299, 317068, 284301, 276109, 284303, 284306, 276114, 284308, 284312, 284314, 284316, 276127, 284320, 284322, 284327, 284329, 317098, 284331, 276137, 284333, 284335, 276144, 284337, 284339, 300726, 284343, 284346, 284350, 358080, 276160, 284354, 358083, 284358, 276166, 358089, 284362, 276170, 284365, 276175, 284368, 276177, 284370, 358098, 284372, 317138, 284377, 276187, 284379, 284381, 284384, 358114, 284386, 358116, 276197, 317158, 358119, 284392, 325353, 358122, 284394, 284397, 358126, 284399, 358128, 276206, 358133, 358135, 276216, 358138, 300795, 358140, 284413, 358142, 358146, 317187, 284418, 317189, 317191, 284428, 300816, 300819, 317207, 284440, 300828, 300830, 276255, 300832, 325408, 300834, 317221, 227109, 358183, 186151, 276268, 300845, 243504, 300850, 284469, 276280, 325436, 358206, 276291, 366406, 276295, 300872, 292681, 153417, 358224, 284499, 276308, 178006, 317271, 284502, 276315, 292700, 317279, 284511, 227175, 292715, 300912, 292721, 284529, 300915, 284533, 292729, 317306, 284540, 292734, 325512, 169868, 276365, 317332, 358292, 284564, 284566, 399252, 350106, 284572, 276386, 284579, 276388, 358312, 317353, 284585, 276395, 292776, 292784, 276402, 358326, 161718, 358330, 276410, 276411, 276418, 276425, 301009, 301011, 301013, 292823, 358360, 301017, 301015, 292828, 276446, 153568, 276448, 276452, 292839, 276455, 292843, 276460, 292845, 276464, 178161, 227314, 276466, 325624, 276472, 317435, 276476, 276479, 276482, 276485, 317446, 276490, 350218, 292876, 350222, 317456, 276496, 317458, 178195, 243733, 243740, 317468, 317472, 325666, 243751, 292904, 276528, 243762, 309298, 325685, 325689, 235579, 325692, 235581, 178238, 276539, 276544, 284739, 325700, 243779, 292934, 243785, 276553, 350293, 350295, 309337, 194649, 227418, 350299, 350302, 227423, 350304, 178273, 309346, 194657, 194660, 350308, 309350, 309348, 292968, 309352, 309354, 301163, 350313, 350316, 227430, 301167, 276583, 350321, 276590, 284786, 276595, 350325, 252022, 227440, 350328, 292985, 301178, 350332, 292989, 301185, 292993, 350339, 317570, 317573, 350342, 350345, 350349, 301199, 317584, 325777, 350354, 194708, 350357, 350359, 350362, 350366, 276638, 284837, 153765, 350375, 350379, 350381, 350383, 129200, 350385, 350387, 350389, 350395, 350397, 350399, 227520, 350402, 227522, 301252, 350406, 227529, 301258, 309450, 276685, 309455, 276689, 309462, 301272, 276699, 194780, 309468, 309471, 301283, 317672, 317674, 325867, 243948, 194801, 309491, 227571, 309494, 243960, 276735, 227583, 227587, 276739, 211204, 276742, 227593, 227596, 325910, 309530, 342298, 211232, 317729, 276775, 211241, 325937, 325943, 211260, 260421, 276809, 285002, 276811, 235853, 276816, 235858, 276829, 276833, 391523, 276836, 293227, 276843, 293232, 276848, 186744, 211324, 227709, 285061, 366983, 317833, 178572, 285070, 285077, 178583, 227738, 317853, 276896, 317858, 342434, 285093, 317864, 285098, 276907, 235955, 276917, 293304, 293307, 293314, 309707, 293325, 317910, 293336, 235996, 317917, 293343, 358880, 276961, 227810, 293346, 276964, 293352, 236013, 293364, 301562, 293370, 317951, 309764, 301575, 121352, 293387, 236043, 342541, 317963, 113167, 55822, 309779, 317971, 309781, 277011, 55837, 227877, 227879, 293417, 227882, 309804, 293421, 105007, 236082, 285236, 23094, 277054, 244288, 219714, 129603, 301636, 318020, 301639, 301643, 277071, 285265, 399955, 309844, 277080, 309849, 285277, 285282, 326244, 318055, 277100, 309871, 121458, 277106, 170618, 170619, 309885, 309888, 277122, 227975, 277128, 285320, 301706, 318092, 326285, 334476, 318094, 277136, 277139, 227992, 334488, 318108, 285340, 318110, 227998, 137889, 383658, 285357, 318128, 277170, 293555, 318132, 342707, 154292, 277173, 277177, 277181, 318144, 277187, 277191, 277194, 277196, 277201, 342745, 137946, 342747, 342749, 113378, 203491, 228069, 277223, 342760, 285417, 56041, 56043, 277232, 228081, 56059, 310015, 285441, 310020, 285448, 310029, 228113, 285459, 277273, 293659, 326430, 228128, 285474, 293666, 228135, 318248, 277291, 318253, 293677, 285489, 301876, 293685, 285494, 301880, 285499, 301884, 310080, 293696, 277317, 277322, 293706, 277329, 162643, 310100, 301911, 301913, 277337, 301921, 400236, 236397, 162671, 326514, 310134, 236408, 15224, 277368, 416639, 416640, 113538, 310147, 416648, 39817, 187274, 277385, 301972, 424853, 277405, 277411, 310179, 293798, 293802, 236460, 277426, 276579, 293811, 293817, 293820, 203715, 326603, 342994, 276586, 293849, 293861, 228327, 228328, 318442, 228330, 228332, 326638, 277486, 351217, 318450, 293876, 293877, 285686, 302073, 121850, 293882, 302075, 285690, 244731, 293887, 277504, 277507, 277511, 293899, 277519, 293908, 302105, 293917, 293939, 318516, 277561, 277564, 310336, 7232, 293956, 277573, 228422, 293960, 310344, 277577, 277583, 203857, 293971, 310355, 310359, 236632, 277594, 138332, 277598, 203872, 277601, 285792, 310374, 203879, 310376, 228460, 318573, 203886, 187509, 285815, 367737, 285817, 302205, 285821, 392326, 285831, 253064, 294026, 302218, 285835, 162964, 384148, 187542, 302231, 285849, 302233, 285852, 302237, 285854, 285856, 302241, 285862, 277671, 302248, 64682, 277678, 294063, 294065, 302258, 277687, 294072, 318651, 294076, 277695, 318657, 244930, 302275, 130244, 302277, 228550, 302282, 310476, 302285, 302288, 310481, 302290, 203987, 302292, 302294, 310486, 302296, 384222, 310498, 285927, 318698, 302315, 195822, 228592, 294132, 138485, 228601, 204026, 228606, 204031, 64768, 310531, 285958, 138505, 228617, 318742, 204067, 277798, 130345, 277801, 113964, 285997, 277804, 285999, 277807, 113969, 277811, 318773, 318776, 277816, 286010, 277819, 294204, 417086, 277822, 286016, 302403, 294211, 384328, 277832, 277836, 294221, 294223, 326991, 277839, 277842, 277847, 277850, 179547, 277853, 146784, 277857, 302436, 277860, 294246, 327015, 310632, 327017, 351594, 277864, 277869, 277872, 351607, 310648, 277880, 310651, 277884, 277888, 310657, 351619, 294276, 310659, 327046, 277892, 253320, 310665, 318858, 277894, 277898, 277903, 310672, 351633, 277905, 277908, 277917, 310689, 277921, 130468, 228776, 277928, 277932, 310703, 277937, 310710, 130486, 310712, 277944, 310715, 277947, 302526, 228799, 277950, 277953, 302534, 310727, 245191, 64966, 163272, 277959, 277963, 302541, 277966, 302543, 310737, 277971, 228825, 163290, 277978, 310749, 277981, 277984, 310755, 277989, 277991, 187880, 277995, 310764, 286188, 278000, 228851, 310772, 278003, 278006, 40440, 212472, 278009, 40443, 286203, 310780, 40448, 228864, 286214, 228871, 302603, 65038, 302614, 302617, 286233, 302621, 286240, 146977, 187939, 40484, 294435, 40486, 286246, 294440, 40488, 294439, 294443, 40491, 294445, 278057, 310831, 245288, 286248, 40499, 40502, 212538, 40507, 40511, 40513, 228933, 327240, 40521, 286283, 40525, 40527, 212560, 400976, 228944, 40533, 147032, 40537, 40539, 40541, 278109, 40544, 40548, 40550, 40552, 286312, 40554, 286313, 310892, 40557, 40560, 188022, 122488, 294521, 343679, 294537, 310925, 286354, 278163, 302740, 122517, 278168, 179870, 327333, 229030, 212648, 278188, 302764, 278192, 319153, 278196, 302781, 319171, 302789, 294599, 278216, 294601, 302793, 343757, 212690, 319187, 286420, 278227, 229076, 286425, 319194, 278235, 278238, 229086, 286432, 294625, 294634, 302838, 319226, 286460, 278274, 302852, 278277, 302854, 294664, 311048, 352008, 319243, 311053, 302862, 319251, 294682, 278306, 188199, 294701, 319280, 278320, 319290, 229192, 302925, 188247, 280021, 188252, 237409, 229233, 294776, 360317, 294785, 327554, 360322, 40840, 40851, 294803, 188312, 294811, 237470, 319390, 40865, 319394, 294817, 294821, 311209, 180142, 343983, 294831, 188340, 40886, 319419, 294844, 294847, 237508, 393177, 294876, 294879, 294883, 393190, 294890, 311279, 278513, 237555, 311283, 278516, 278519, 237562 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // CoursesJoinManager.swift // Stepic // // Created by Alexander Karpov on 11.02.16. // Copyright © 2016 Alex Karpov. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class CourseSubscriptionManager: NSObject { static let sharedManager = CourseSubscriptionManager() let courseSubscribedNotificationName = NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "CourseSubscribedNotification") let courseUnsubscribedNotificationName = NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "CourseUnsubscribedNotification") var handleUpdatesBlock: (() -> Void)? override init() {} func startObservingOtherSubscriptionManagers() { NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(CourseSubscriptionManager.courseSubscribed(_:)), name: courseSubscribedNotificationName, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(CourseSubscriptionManager.courseUnsubscribed(_:)), name: courseUnsubscribedNotificationName, object: nil) } fileprivate var dCourses = [Course]() fileprivate var aCourses = [Course]() @objc func courseSubscribed(_ notification: Foundation.Notification) { if let course = (notification as NSNotification).userInfo?["course"] as? Course { subscribedTo(course: course, notifyOthers: false) } } @objc func courseUnsubscribed(_ notification: Foundation.Notification) { if let course = (notification as NSNotification).userInfo?["course"] as? Course { unsubscribedFrom(course: course, notifyOthers: false) } } var deletedCourses: [Course] { get { return dCourses } set(value) { var v = value removeIntersectedElements(&v, &aCourses) dCourses = filterRepetitions(arr: v) } } var addedCourses: [Course] { get { return aCourses } set(value) { var v = value removeIntersectedElements(&v, &dCourses) aCourses = filterRepetitions(arr: v) } } func unsubscribedFrom(course: Course, notifyOthers: Bool = true) { deletedCourses += [course] handleUpdatesBlock?() if notifyOthers { courseUnsubscribedNotificationName, object: nil, userInfo: ["course": course]) } } func subscribedTo(course: Course, notifyOthers: Bool = true) { addedCourses += [course] handleUpdatesBlock?() if notifyOthers { courseSubscribedNotificationName, object: nil, userInfo: ["course": course]) } } var hasUpdates: Bool { return (deletedCourses.count + addedCourses.count) > 0 } func filterRepetitions(arr: [Course]) -> [Course] { var filtered: [Course] = [] var distinct: [Course] = [] for c in arr { let f = arr.filter({$ ==}) if f.count != 1 { if distinct.index(of: c) == nil { distinct += [c] } } else { filtered += [c] } } return filtered + distinct } func clean() { deletedCourses = [] addedCourses = [] } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } }
[ -1 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // UITableView+Extension.swift // SplashBase // // Created by Robert Shrestha on 11/23/19. // Copyright © 2019 robert. All rights reserved. // import UIKit extension UITableView{ func dequeueResuableCell<Cell: UITableViewCell>(forIndexPath indexPath:IndexPath) -> Cell { guard let cell = self.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: Cell.resuseID, for: indexPath) as? Cell else { fatalError("Fatal error for cell at \(indexPath)") } return cell } } protocol Resuable {} extension UITableViewCell:Resuable {} extension Resuable where Self: UITableViewCell{ static var resuseID:String{ return String(describing: self) } } extension UICollectionViewCell:Resuable {} extension Resuable where Self:UICollectionViewCell{ static var resuseID:String{ return String(describing: self) } } extension UICollectionView{ func dequeueResuableCell<Cell: UICollectionViewCell>(forIndexPath indexPath:IndexPath) -> Cell { guard let cell = self.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: Cell.resuseID, for: indexPath) as? Cell else { fatalError("Fatal error for cell at \(indexPath)") } return cell } }
[ -1 ]
// // ViewController.swift // HonoluluArt // // Created by Ryan Munguia on 3/16/17. // Copyright © 2017 Ryan Munguia. All rights reserved. // import MapKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } }
[ 135843 ]
/Gluco App/Controllers/SecondLoginViewController.swift
// // SecondLoginViewController.swift // Gluco App // // Created by edgefinity on 27/07/21. // import UIKit import SkyFloatingLabelTextField class SecondLoginViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet var name: UILabel! @IBOutlet var password: SkyFloatingLabelTextField! @IBOutlet var showHidePassword: UIButton! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } @IBAction func notYou(_ sender: UIButton) { } @IBAction func forgotPassword(_ sender: UIButton) { } @IBAction func login(_ sender: UIButton) { } @IBAction func hideShowPassword(_ sender: UIButton) { } }
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// // ContactCell.swift // Contact // // Created by Kuliza-148 on 17/02/19. // Copyright © 2019 swift. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import RxSwift import Kingfisher class ContactCell: UITableViewCell, ReusableView { private var fullNameLabel: UILabel! private var profileImageView: UIImageView! private var favouriteImageView: UIImageView! private var disposeBag: DisposeBag! private var viewModel: ContactCellViewModeling! { didSet { setupBinding() } } func prepare(with viewModel: ContactCellViewModeling) { self.viewModel = viewModel } override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) { super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier) setup() } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) setup() } override func prepareForReuse() { viewModel = nil disposeBag = nil } private func setup() { self.clipsToBounds = true self.backgroundColor = .clear self.selectionStyle = .none setupFullNameLabel() setupProfileImageView() setupFavouriteImageView() } private func setupBinding() { guard let viewModel = viewModel else { return } let bag = DisposeBag() viewModel.fullNameText .bind(to: fullNameLabel.rx.text) .disposed(by: bag) viewModel.imageUrl.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (url) in self?.profileImageView.kf.setImage(with: url) }).disposed(by: bag) viewModel.isFavourite.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (isFavourite) in self?.favouriteImageView.isHidden = !isFavourite }).disposed(by: bag) self.disposeBag = bag } private func setupFullNameLabel() { fullNameLabel = UILabel() self.contentView.addSubview(fullNameLabel) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ fullNameLabel.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.topAnchor, constant: 24), fullNameLabel.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.bottomAnchor, constant: -24), fullNameLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.centerYAnchor, constant: 0) ]) fullNameLabel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false fullNameLabel.numberOfLines = 0 fullNameLabel.textAlignment = .left fullNameLabel.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14) fullNameLabel.textColor = UIColor.tundora() } private func setupProfileImageView() { profileImageView = UIImageView() profileImageView.layer.cornerRadius = 20 profileImageView.layer.masksToBounds = true contentView.addSubview(profileImageView) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ profileImageView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: fullNameLabel.leadingAnchor, constant: -16), profileImageView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.leadingAnchor, constant: 16), profileImageView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.centerYAnchor, constant: 0), profileImageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 40), profileImageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 40) ]) profileImageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false } private func setupFavouriteImageView() { favouriteImageView = UIImageView() favouriteImageView.image = UIImage(named: "favourite") contentView.addSubview(favouriteImageView) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ favouriteImageView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.trailingAnchor, constant: -32), favouriteImageView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: fullNameLabel.trailingAnchor, constant: 16), favouriteImageView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.centerYAnchor, constant: 0), favouriteImageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 16), favouriteImageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 16) ]) favouriteImageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false favouriteImageView.isHidden = true } }
[ -1 ]
// // AppDelegate.swift // AutoLayout // // Created by getTrickS2 on 2/21/18. // Copyright © 2018 Nik's. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. } }
[ 229380, 229383, 229385, 278539, 229388, 294924, 278542, 229391, 327695, 278545, 229394, 278548, 229397, 229399, 229402, 352284, 229405, 278556, 278559, 229408, 278564, 294950, 229415, 229417, 327722, 237613, 229422, 360496, 229426, 237618, 229428, 311349, 286774, 319544, 204856, 229432, 286776, 286778, 352318, 286791, 237640, 278605, 286797, 311375, 163920, 237646, 196692, 319573, 311383, 278623, 278626, 319590, 311400, 278635, 303212, 278639, 131192, 278648, 237693, 303230, 327814, 131209, 303241, 417930, 303244, 311436, 319633, 286873, 286876, 311460, 311469, 32944, 327862, 286906, 327866, 180413, 286910, 131264, 286916, 295110, 286922, 286924, 286926, 319694, 286928, 131281, 278743, 278747, 295133, 155872, 319716, 237807, 303345, 286962, 303347, 131314, 229622, 327930, 278781, 278783, 278785, 237826, 319751, 278792, 286987, 319757, 311569, 286999, 319770, 287003, 287006, 287009, 287012, 287014, 287016, 287019, 311598, 287023, 262448, 311601, 295220, 287032, 155966, 319809, 319810, 278849, 319814, 311623, 319818, 311628, 229709, 319822, 287054, 278865, 229717, 196963, 196969, 139638, 213367, 106872, 319872, 311683, 319879, 311693, 65943, 319898, 311719, 278952, 139689, 278957, 311728, 278967, 180668, 311741, 278975, 319938, 278980, 98756, 278983, 319945, 278986, 319947, 278990, 278994, 311767, 279003, 279006, 188895, 172512, 287202, 279010, 279015, 172520, 319978, 279020, 172526, 311791, 279023, 172529, 279027, 319989, 180727, 164343, 279035, 311804, 287230, 279040, 303617, 287234, 279045, 172550, 303623, 320007, 287238, 172552, 279051, 172558, 279055, 303632, 279058, 303637, 279063, 279067, 172572, 279072, 172577, 295459, 172581, 295461, 279082, 311850, 279084, 172591, 172598, 279095, 172607, 172609, 172612, 377413, 172614, 213575, 172618, 303690, 33357, 287309, 303696, 279124, 172634, 262752, 172644, 311911, 189034, 295533, 172655, 172656, 352880, 189039, 295538, 172660, 189040, 189044, 287349, 287355, 287360, 295553, 295557, 311942, 303751, 287365, 352905, 311946, 279178, 287371, 311951, 287377, 172691, 287381, 311957, 221850, 287386, 230045, 287390, 303773, 164509, 172705, 287394, 172702, 303780, 172707, 287398, 205479, 279208, 287400, 172714, 295595, 279212, 189102, 172721, 287409, 66227, 303797, 189114, 287419, 303804, 328381, 287423, 328384, 279231, 287427, 312005, 312006, 107208, 107212, 172748, 287436, 172751, 287440, 295633, 172755, 303827, 279255, 172760, 287450, 303835, 279258, 189149, 303838, 213724, 279267, 312035, 295654, 279272, 312048, 230128, 312050, 230131, 205564, 303871, 230146, 328453, 295685, 230154, 33548, 312077, 295695, 295701, 230169, 369433, 295707, 328476, 295710, 230175, 295720, 303914, 279340, 205613, 279353, 230202, 312124, 328508, 222018, 295755, 377676, 148302, 287569, 303959, 230237, 279390, 230241, 279394, 303976, 336744, 303981, 303985, 303987, 328563, 279413, 303991, 303997, 295806, 295808, 304005, 295813, 304007, 320391, 213895, 304009, 304011, 230284, 304013, 279438, 189325, 295822, 189329, 295825, 189331, 304019, 213902, 58262, 304023, 279452, 234648, 410526, 279461, 279462, 304042, 213931, 304055, 230327, 287675, 197564, 230334, 304063, 238528, 304065, 213954, 189378, 156612, 295873, 213963, 312272, 304084, 304090, 320481, 304106, 320490, 312302, 328687, 320496, 304114, 295928, 320505, 312321, 295945, 295949, 230413, 197645, 320528, 140312, 295961, 238620, 197663, 304164, 304170, 304175, 238641, 312374, 238652, 238655, 230465, 238658, 296004, 132165, 336964, 205895, 320584, 238666, 296021, 402518, 336987, 230497, 296036, 361576, 296040, 205931, 296044, 279661, 205934, 164973, 312432, 279669, 337018, 189562, 279679, 304258, 279683, 222340, 205968, 296084, 238745, 304285, 238756, 205991, 222377, 165035, 337067, 165038, 238766, 230576, 238770, 304311, 230592, 312518, 279750, 230600, 230607, 148690, 320727, 279769, 304348, 279777, 304354, 296163, 320740, 279781, 304360, 320748, 279788, 279790, 304370, 296189, 320771, 312585, 296202, 296205, 230674, 320786, 230677, 296213, 296215, 320792, 230681, 230679, 214294, 304416, 230689, 173350, 312622, 296243, 312630, 222522, 296253, 222525, 296255, 312639, 230718, 296259, 378181, 296262, 230727, 296264, 238919, 320840, 296267, 296271, 222545, 230739, 312663, 337244, 222556, 230752, 312676, 230760, 173418, 410987, 230763, 148843, 230768, 296305, 312692, 230773, 304505, 181626, 304506, 279929, 181631, 148865, 312711, 312712, 296331, 288140, 288144, 230800, 304533, 337306, 288154, 288160, 173472, 288162, 288164, 279975, 304555, 370092, 279983, 173488, 288176, 279985, 312755, 296373, 312759, 337335, 288185, 279991, 222652, 312766, 173507, 296389, 222665, 230860, 312783, 288208, 230865, 288210, 370130, 288212, 222676, 148946, 288214, 239064, 329177, 288217, 280027, 288220, 288218, 239070, 288224, 280034, 288226, 280036, 288229, 280038, 288230, 288232, 370146, 288234, 320998, 288236, 288238, 288240, 288242, 296435, 288244, 288250, 148990, 321022, 206336, 402942, 296446, 296450, 230916, 230919, 214535, 304651, 370187, 304653, 230923, 402969, 230940, 222752, 108066, 296486, 296488, 157229, 239152, 230961, 157236, 288320, 288325, 124489, 280140, 280145, 288338, 280149, 288344, 280152, 239194, 280158, 403039, 370272, 181854, 239202, 370279, 312938, 280183, 280185, 280188, 280191, 116354, 280194, 280208, 280211, 288408, 280218, 280222, 419489, 190118, 198310, 321195, 296622, 321200, 337585, 296626, 296634, 296637, 419522, 313027, 280260, 419525, 206536, 280264, 206539, 206541, 206543, 280276, 313044, 321239, 280283, 18140, 313052, 288478, 313055, 321252, 313066, 280302, 288494, 280304, 313073, 419570, 288499, 321266, 288502, 280314, 288510, 124671, 67330, 280324, 198405, 288519, 280331, 198416, 280337, 296723, 116503, 321304, 329498, 296731, 321311, 313121, 313123, 304932, 321316, 280363, 141101, 165678, 280375, 321336, 296767, 288576, 345921, 280388, 337732, 304968, 280393, 280402, 173907, 313176, 42842, 280419, 321381, 296809, 296812, 313201, 1920, 255873, 305028, 280454, 247688, 280464, 124817, 280468, 239510, 280473, 124827, 214940, 247709, 214944, 280487, 313258, 321458, 296883, 124853, 214966, 10170, 296890, 288700, 296894, 190403, 296900, 280515, 337862, 165831, 280521, 231379, 296921, 354265, 354270, 239586, 313320, 354281, 231404, 124913, 165876, 321528, 313340, 239612, 288764, 239617, 313347, 288773, 313358, 305176, 321560, 313371, 354338, 305191, 223273, 313386, 354348, 124978, 215090, 124980, 288824, 288826, 321595, 378941, 313406, 288831, 288836, 67654, 280651, 354382, 288848, 280658, 215123, 354390, 288855, 288859, 280669, 313438, 149599, 280671, 149601, 321634, 149603, 223327, 329830, 280681, 313451, 223341, 280687, 215154, 313458, 280691, 149618, 313464, 329850, 321659, 280702, 288895, 321670, 215175, 141446, 288909, 141455, 141459, 280725, 313498, 100520, 288936, 280747, 288940, 280755, 288947, 321717, 280759, 280764, 280769, 280771, 280774, 280776, 321740, 313548, 280783, 280786, 280788, 313557, 280793, 280796, 280798, 338147, 280804, 280807, 157930, 280811, 280817, 125171, 157940, 280819, 182517, 280823, 280825, 280827, 280830, 280831, 280833, 125187, 280835, 125191, 125207, 125209, 321817, 125218, 321842, 223539, 125239, 280888, 305464, 280891, 289087, 280897, 280900, 239944, 305480, 280906, 239947, 305485, 305489, 379218, 280919, 248153, 215387, 354653, 354656, 313700, 313705, 280937, 190832, 280946, 223606, 313720, 280956, 239997, 280959, 313731, 240011, 199051, 289166, 240017, 297363, 190868, 297365, 240021, 297368, 297372, 141725, 297377, 289186, 297391, 289201, 240052, 289207, 305594, 289210, 281024, 289218, 289221, 289227, 436684, 281045, 281047, 215526, 166378, 305647, 281075, 174580, 240124, 281084, 305662, 305664, 240129, 305666, 305668, 223749, 330244, 281095, 223752, 338440, 150025, 240132, 223757, 281102, 223763, 223765, 281113, 322074, 281116, 281121, 182819, 281127, 281135, 150066, 158262, 158266, 289342, 281154, 322115, 158283, 281163, 281179, 338528, 338532, 281190, 199273, 281196, 158317, 19053, 313973, 297594, 281210, 158347, 264845, 182926, 133776, 182929, 314003, 117398, 314007, 289436, 174754, 330404, 289448, 133801, 174764, 314029, 314033, 240309, 133817, 314045, 314047, 314051, 199364, 297671, 158409, 289493, 363234, 289513, 289522, 289525, 289532, 322303, 289537, 322310, 264969, 322314, 322318, 281361, 281372, 322341, 215850, 281388, 289593, 281401, 289601, 281410, 281413, 281414, 240458, 281420, 240468, 281430, 322393, 297818, 281435, 281438, 281442, 174955, 224110, 207733, 207737, 183172, 158596, 338823, 322440, 314249, 240519, 183184, 142226, 240535, 289687, 224151, 297883, 289694, 289696, 289700, 289712, 281529, 289724, 52163, 183260, 420829, 281567, 289762, 322534, 297961, 183277, 281581, 322550, 134142, 322563, 314372, 330764, 175134, 322599, 322610, 314421, 281654, 314427, 314433, 207937, 314441, 207949, 322642, 314456, 281691, 314461, 281702, 281704, 314474, 281708, 281711, 289912, 248995, 306341, 306344, 306347, 322734, 306354, 142531, 199877, 289991, 306377, 289997, 249045, 363742, 363745, 298216, 330988, 126190, 216303, 322801, 388350, 257302, 363802, 199976, 199978, 314671, 298292, 298294, 257334, 216376, 298306, 380226, 224584, 224587, 224594, 216404, 306517, 150870, 314714, 224603, 159068, 314718, 265568, 314723, 281960, 150890, 306539, 314732, 314736, 290161, 216436, 306549, 298358, 314743, 306552, 306555, 314747, 298365, 290171, 290174, 224641, 281987, 314756, 298372, 281990, 224647, 265604, 298377, 314763, 142733, 298381, 314768, 224657, 306581, 314773, 314779, 314785, 314793, 282025, 282027, 241068, 241070, 241072, 282034, 241077, 150966, 298424, 306618, 282044, 323015, 306635, 306640, 290263, 290270, 290275, 339431, 282089, 191985, 282098, 290291, 282101, 241142, 191992, 290298, 151036, 290302, 282111, 290305, 175621, 306694, 192008, 323084, 257550, 282127, 290321, 282130, 323090, 282133, 290325, 241175, 290328, 282137, 290332, 241181, 282142, 282144, 290344, 306731, 290349, 290351, 290356, 28219, 282186, 224849, 282195, 282199, 282201, 306778, 159324, 159330, 314979, 298598, 323176, 224875, 241260, 323181, 257658, 315016, 282249, 290445, 282255, 282261, 175770, 298651, 323229, 282269, 298655, 323231, 61092, 282277, 306856, 196133, 282295, 323260, 282300, 323266, 282310, 323273, 282319, 306897, 241362, 306904, 282328, 298714, 52959, 216801, 282337, 241380, 216806, 323304, 282345, 12011, 282356, 323318, 282364, 282367, 306945, 241412, 323333, 282376, 216842, 323345, 282388, 323349, 282392, 184090, 315167, 315169, 282402, 315174, 323367, 241448, 315176, 241450, 282410, 306988, 306991, 315184, 323376, 315190, 241464, 159545, 282425, 298811, 307009, 413506, 241475, 307012, 298822, 315211, 282446, 307027, 315221, 323414, 315223, 241496, 241498, 307035, 307040, 110433, 282465, 241509, 110438, 298860, 110445, 282478, 315249, 110450, 315251, 282481, 315253, 315255, 339838, 315267, 282499, 315269, 241544, 282505, 241546, 241548, 298896, 298898, 282514, 241556, 298901, 44948, 241560, 282520, 241563, 241565, 241567, 241569, 282531, 241574, 282537, 298922, 36779, 241581, 282542, 241583, 323504, 241586, 282547, 241588, 290739, 241590, 241592, 241598, 290751, 241600, 241605, 151495, 241610, 298975, 241632, 298984, 241640, 241643, 298988, 241646, 241649, 241652, 323574, 290807, 241661, 299006, 282623, 315396, 241669, 315397, 282632, 307211, 282639, 290835, 282645, 241693, 282654, 241701, 102438, 217127, 282669, 323630, 282681, 290877, 282687, 159811, 315463, 315466, 192589, 307278, 192596, 176213, 307287, 315482, 217179, 315483, 192605, 233567, 200801, 299105, 217188, 299109, 307303, 315495, 356457, 307307, 45163, 315502, 192624, 307314, 323700, 299126, 233591, 299136, 307329, 315524, 307338, 233613, 241813, 307352, 299164, 184479, 299167, 184481, 315557, 184486, 307370, 307372, 184492, 307374, 307376, 299185, 323763, 176311, 299191, 307385, 307386, 258235, 307388, 176316, 307390, 184503, 299200, 184512, 307394, 307396, 299204, 184518, 307399, 323784, 233679, 307409, 307411, 176343, 299225, 233701, 307432, 184572, 282881, 184579, 282893, 323854, 291089, 282906, 291104, 233766, 295583, 176435, 307508, 315701, 332086, 307510, 307512, 168245, 307515, 307518, 282942, 282947, 323917, 110926, 282957, 233808, 323921, 315733, 323926, 233815, 276052, 315739, 323932, 299357, 242018, 242024, 299373, 315757, 250231, 242043, 315771, 299388, 299391, 291202, 299398, 242057, 291212, 299405, 291222, 315801, 283033, 242075, 291226, 291231, 61855, 283042, 291238, 291241, 127403, 127405, 127407, 291247, 299440, 299444, 127413, 283062, 291254, 127417, 291260, 283069, 127421, 127424, 299457, 127429, 127431, 315856, 176592, 127440, 315860, 176597, 283095, 127447, 299481, 127449, 176605, 242143, 127455, 127457, 291299, 340454, 127463, 242152, 291305, 127466, 176620, 127469, 127474, 291314, 291317, 135672, 127480, 233979, 291323, 127485, 291330, 127490, 283142, 127494, 127497, 233994, 135689, 127500, 291341, 233998, 127506, 234003, 127509, 234006, 127511, 152087, 283161, 242202, 234010, 135707, 135710, 242206, 242208, 291361, 242220, 291378, 152118, 234038, 234041, 315961, 70213, 242250, 111193, 242275, 299620, 242279, 168562, 184952, 135805, 135808, 291456, 373383, 299655, 135820, 316051, 225941, 316054, 299672, 135834, 373404, 299677, 225948, 135839, 299680, 225954, 135844, 299684, 242343, 209576, 242345, 373421, 135870, 135873, 135876, 135879, 299720, 299723, 299726, 225998, 226002, 119509, 226005, 226008, 242396, 299740, 201444, 299750, 283368, 234219, 283372, 185074, 226037, 283382, 316151, 234231, 234236, 226045, 242431, 234239, 209665, 234242, 299778, 242436, 226053, 234246, 226056, 234248, 291593, 242443, 234252, 242445, 234254, 291601, 242450, 234258, 242452, 234261, 348950, 201496, 234264, 234266, 234269, 283421, 234272, 234274, 152355, 234278, 299814, 283432, 234281, 234284, 234287, 283440, 185138, 242483, 234292, 234296, 234298, 160572, 283452, 234302, 234307, 242499, 234309, 316233, 234313, 316235, 234316, 283468, 242511, 234319, 234321, 234324, 201557, 185173, 234329, 234333, 308063, 234336, 234338, 349027, 242530, 234341, 234344, 234347, 177004, 234350, 324464, 234353, 152435, 177011, 234356, 234358, 234362, 226171, 234364, 291711, 234368, 234370, 201603, 291714, 234373, 316294, 226182, 234375, 308105, 291716, 226185, 234379, 324490, 234384, 234388, 234390, 324504, 234393, 209818, 308123, 324508, 234396, 291742, 226200, 234398, 234401, 291747, 291748, 234405, 291750, 234407, 324520, 324518, 234410, 291754, 291756, 324522, 226220, 324527, 291760, 234417, 201650, 324531, 234414, 234422, 226230, 324536, 275384, 234428, 291773, 234431, 242623, 324544, 324546, 234434, 324548, 234437, 226245, 234439, 226239, 234443, 291788, 234446, 275406, 193486, 234449, 316370, 193488, 234452, 234455, 234459, 234461, 234464, 234467, 234470, 168935, 5096, 324585, 234475, 234478, 316400, 234481, 316403, 234484, 234485, 324599, 234487, 234490, 234493, 234496, 316416, 308226, 234501, 275462, 308231, 234504, 234507, 234510, 234515, 300054, 234519, 316439, 234520, 234523, 234526, 234528, 300066, 234532, 300069, 234535, 234537, 234540, 144430, 234543, 234546, 275508, 234549, 300085, 300088, 234553, 234556, 234558, 316479, 234561, 308291, 316483, 234563, 160835, 234568, 234570, 316491, 300108, 234572, 234574, 300115, 234580, 234581, 242777, 234585, 275545, 234590, 234593, 234595, 300133, 234597, 234601, 300139, 234605, 160879, 234607, 275569, 234610, 316530, 300148, 234614, 398455, 144506, 234618, 275579, 234620, 234623, 226433, 234627, 275588, 234629, 242822, 234634, 234636, 177293, 234640, 275602, 234643, 308373, 226453, 234647, 275606, 275608, 234650, 308379, 324757, 234653, 300189, 119967, 324766, 324768, 283805, 234657, 242852, 234661, 283813, 300197, 234664, 275626, 234667, 316596, 308414, 300223, 234687, 300226, 308418, 283844, 300229, 308420, 308422, 226500, 234692, 283850, 300234, 300238, 300241, 316625, 300243, 300245, 316630, 300248, 300253, 300256, 300258, 300260, 234726, 300263, 300265, 300267, 161003, 300270, 300272, 120053, 300278, 316663, 275703, 300284, 275710, 300287, 300289, 292097, 161027, 300292, 300294, 275719, 234760, 177419, 300299, 242957, 283917, 300301, 177424, 349451, 275725, 349464, 415009, 283939, 259367, 292143, 283951, 300344, 226617, 243003, 283963, 226628, 283973, 300357, 177482, 283983, 316758, 357722, 316766, 316768, 292192, 218464, 292197, 316774, 243046, 218473, 284010, 324978, 136562, 275834, 333178, 275836, 275840, 316803, 316806, 226696, 316811, 226699, 316814, 226703, 300433, 234899, 226709, 357783, 316824, 316826, 144796, 300448, 144807, 144810, 144812, 284076, 144814, 144820, 284084, 284087, 292279, 144826, 144828, 144830, 144832, 144835, 144837, 38342, 144839, 144841, 144844, 144847, 144852, 144855, 103899, 300507, 333280, 226787, 218597, 292329, 300523, 259565, 300527, 308720, 259567, 226802, 292338, 316917, 292343, 308727, 300537, 316933, 316947, 308757, 308762, 284191, 284194, 284196, 235045, 284199, 284204, 284206, 284209, 284211, 284213, 308790, 284215, 316983, 194103, 284218, 194101, 226877, 292414, 284223, 284226, 284228, 292421, 226886, 284231, 128584, 243268, 284234, 366155, 317004, 276043, 284238, 226895, 284241, 292433, 284243, 300628, 284245, 194130, 284247, 317015, 235097, 243290, 276053, 284249, 284251, 300638, 284253, 284255, 243293, 284258, 292452, 292454, 284263, 177766, 284265, 292458, 284267, 292461, 284272, 284274, 276086, 284278, 292470, 292473, 284283, 276093, 284286, 292479, 284288, 292481, 284290, 325250, 284292, 292485, 325251, 276095, 276098, 284297, 317066, 284299, 317068, 276109, 284301, 284303, 284306, 276114, 284308, 284312, 284314, 284316, 276127, 284320, 284322, 284327, 284329, 317098, 284331, 276137, 284333, 284335, 276144, 284337, 284339, 300726, 284343, 284346, 284350, 358080, 276160, 284354, 358083, 276166, 284358, 358089, 284362, 276170, 276175, 284368, 276177, 284370, 358098, 284372, 317138, 284377, 276187, 284379, 284381, 284384, 358114, 284386, 358116, 276197, 317158, 358119, 284392, 325353, 358122, 284394, 284397, 358126, 284399, 358128, 276206, 358133, 358135, 276216, 358138, 300795, 358140, 284413, 358142, 358146, 317187, 284418, 317189, 317191, 284428, 300816, 300819, 317207, 284440, 300828, 300830, 276255, 325408, 300832, 300834, 317221, 227109, 358183, 186151, 276268, 300845, 243504, 300850, 284469, 276280, 325436, 358206, 276291, 366406, 276295, 300872, 153417, 292681, 358224, 284499, 276308, 284502, 317271, 178006, 276315, 292700, 284511, 317279, 227175, 292715, 300912, 284529, 292721, 300915, 284533, 292729, 317306, 284540, 292734, 325512, 169868, 276365, 358292, 284564, 317332, 399252, 284566, 350106, 284572, 276386, 284579, 276388, 358312, 284585, 317353, 276395, 292776, 292784, 276402, 358326, 161718, 276410, 276411, 358330, 276418, 276425, 301009, 301011, 301013, 292823, 301015, 301017, 358360, 292828, 276446, 153568, 276448, 276452, 292839, 276455, 350186, 292843, 276460, 292845, 276464, 178161, 227314, 276466, 350200, 325624, 276472, 317435, 276476, 276479, 276482, 350210, 276485, 317446, 178181, 276490, 350218, 292876, 350222, 317456, 276496, 317458, 178195, 243733, 243740, 317468, 317472, 325666, 243751, 292904, 276528, 178224, 243762, 309298, 325685, 325689, 235579, 325692, 235581, 178238, 276539, 276544, 243779, 284739, 325700, 292934, 243785, 276553, 350293, 350295, 309337, 194649, 227418, 350299, 350302, 227423, 194654, 178273, 309346, 194657, 309348, 350308, 309350, 227426, 309352, 350313, 309354, 301163, 350316, 194660, 227430, 276583, 276590, 350321, 284786, 276595, 301167, 350325, 227440, 350328, 292985, 301178, 350332, 292989, 301185, 292993, 350339, 317570, 317573, 350342, 350345, 350349, 301199, 317584, 325777, 350354, 350357, 350359, 350362, 350366, 276638, 284837, 153765, 350375, 350379, 350381, 350383, 129200, 350385, 350387, 350389, 350395, 350397, 350399, 227520, 350402, 227522, 301252, 350406, 227529, 309450, 301258, 276685, 309455, 276689, 309462, 301272, 276699, 309468, 194780, 309471, 301283, 317672, 317674, 325867, 243948, 194801, 309491, 227571, 309494, 243960, 276735, 227583, 227587, 276739, 211204, 276742, 227593, 227596, 325910, 309530, 342298, 211232, 317729, 276775, 211241, 325937, 325943, 211260, 260421, 276809, 285002, 276811, 235853, 276816, 235858, 276829, 276833, 391523, 276836, 276843, 293227, 276848, 293232, 186744, 211324, 227709, 285061, 366983, 317833, 178572, 285070, 285077, 178583, 227738, 317853, 276896, 317858, 342434, 285093, 317864, 285098, 276907, 235955, 276917, 293304, 293307, 293314, 309707, 293325, 129486, 317910, 293336, 235996, 317917, 293343, 358880, 276961, 227810, 293346, 276964, 293352, 236013, 293364, 301562, 293370, 317951, 309764, 301575, 121352, 236043, 317963, 342541, 55822, 113167, 309779, 317971, 309781, 277011, 55837, 227877, 227879, 293417, 227882, 309804, 293421, 105007, 236082, 285236, 23094, 277054, 244288, 219714, 129603, 318020, 301636, 301639, 301643, 277071, 285265, 399955, 309844, 277080, 309849, 285277, 285282, 326244, 318055, 277100, 309871, 121458, 277106, 170618, 170619, 309885, 309888, 277122, 227975, 277128, 285320, 301706, 318092, 326285, 334476, 318094, 277136, 277139, 227992, 334488, 318108, 285340, 318110, 227998, 137889, 383658, 285357, 318128, 277170, 342707, 318132, 154292, 293555, 277173, 285368, 277177, 277181, 318144, 277187, 277191, 277194, 277196, 277201, 342745, 137946, 342747, 113378, 203491, 228069, 277223, 342760, 285417, 56041, 56043, 56045, 277232, 228081, 56059, 310015, 285441, 310020, 285448, 310029, 228113, 285459, 277273, 293659, 326430, 228128, 293666, 285474, 228135, 318248, 277291, 318253, 293677, 285489, 301876, 293685, 285494, 301880, 285499, 301884, 310080, 293696, 277317, 277322, 293706, 277329, 162643, 310100, 301911, 301913, 277337, 301921, 400236, 236397, 162671, 326514, 310134, 15224, 236408, 277368, 416639, 416640, 113538, 310147, 416648, 39817, 187274, 277385, 301972, 424853, 277405, 277411, 310179, 293798, 293802, 236460, 277426, 276579, 293811, 293817, 293820, 203715, 326603, 342994, 276586, 293849, 293861, 228327, 228328, 228330, 318442, 228332, 326638, 277486, 351217, 318450, 293876, 293877, 285686, 302073, 285690, 121850, 293882, 302075, 244731, 293887, 277504, 277507, 277511, 293899, 277519, 293908, 302105, 293917, 293939, 318516, 277561, 277564, 310336, 7232, 293956, 277573, 228422, 310344, 277577, 293960, 277583, 203857, 310355, 293971, 310359, 236632, 277594, 138332, 277598, 203872, 277601, 285792, 310374, 203879, 310376, 228460, 318573, 203886, 187509, 285815, 285817, 367737, 302205, 285821, 392326, 285831, 253064, 302218, 294026, 285835, 384148, 162964, 187542, 302231, 285849, 302233, 285852, 302237, 285854, 285856, 302241, 285862, 277671, 302248, 64682, 277678, 294063, 294065, 302258, 277687, 294072, 318651, 294076, 277695, 318657, 244930, 302275, 130244, 302277, 228550, 302282, 310476, 302285, 302288, 310481, 302290, 203987, 302292, 302294, 302296, 384222, 310498, 285927, 318698, 302315, 195822, 228592, 294132, 138485, 228601, 204026, 228606, 204031, 64768, 310531, 285958, 138505, 228617, 318742, 204067, 277798, 130345, 277801, 113964, 285997, 384302, 285999, 277804, 113969, 277807, 277811, 318773, 318776, 277816, 286010, 277819, 294204, 417086, 277822, 286016, 302403, 294211, 384328, 277832, 277836, 146765, 294221, 326991, 294223, 277839, 277842, 277847, 277850, 179547, 277853, 146784, 277857, 302436, 277860, 294246, 327015, 310632, 327017, 351594, 277864, 277869, 277872, 351607, 310648, 277880, 310651, 277884, 277888, 310657, 310659, 351619, 294276, 327046, 277892, 253320, 310665, 318858, 277894, 277898, 277903, 310672, 351633, 277905, 277908, 277917, 310689, 277921, 130468, 228776, 277928, 277932, 310703, 277937, 310710, 130486, 310712, 277944, 310715, 277947, 302526, 228799, 277950, 277953, 302534, 245191, 310727, 64966, 163272, 277959, 292968, 302541, 277963, 302543, 277966, 310737, 277971, 228825, 163290, 277978, 310749, 277981, 277984, 310755, 277989, 277991, 187880, 277995, 310764, 286188, 278000, 228851, 310772, 278003, 278006, 40440, 212472, 278009, 40443, 286203, 310780, 40448, 228864, 286214, 228871, 302603, 65038, 302614, 302617, 286233, 302621, 187936, 146977, 286240, 187939, 40484, 294435, 40486, 286246, 40488, 278057, 245288, 40491, 294439, 294440, 294443, 310831, 294445, 286248, 40499, 40502, 212538, 40507, 40511, 40513, 228933, 327240, 40521, 286283, 40525, 40527, 400976, 212560, 228944, 40533, 147032, 40537, 40539, 40541, 278109, 40544, 40548, 40550, 40552, 286312, 40554, 286313, 310892, 40557, 40560, 188022, 122488, 294521, 343679, 294537, 310925, 286354, 278163, 302740, 122517, 278168, 179870, 327333, 229030, 212648, 278188, 302764, 278192, 319153, 278196, 302781, 319171, 302789, 294599, 278216, 302793, 294601, 343757, 212690, 278227, 286420, 319187, 229076, 286425, 319194, 278235, 278238, 229086, 286432, 294625, 294634, 302838, 319226, 286460, 278274, 302852, 278277, 302854, 311048, 294664, 352008, 319243, 311053, 302862, 319251, 294682, 278306, 188199, 294701, 319280, 278320, 319290, 229192, 302925, 188247, 280021, 188252, 237409, 229233, 294776, 360317, 294785, 327554, 360322, 40840, 40851, 294803, 188312, 294811, 319390, 237470, 40865, 319394, 294817, 294821, 311209, 180142, 294831, 188340, 40886, 319419, 294844, 294847, 237508, 393177, 294876, 294879, 294883, 393190, 294890, 311279, 278513, 237555, 311283, 278516, 278519, 237562 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // NotificationSetting.swift // // Generated by swagger-codegen // // import Foundation open class NotificationSetting: Codable { public var tweet: Bool public var comment: Bool public var friendRequest: Bool public var message: Bool public var channelMessage: Bool public var invitation: Bool public var showMessage: Bool public init(tweet: Bool, comment: Bool, friendRequest: Bool, message: Bool, channelMessage: Bool, invitation: Bool, showMessage: Bool) { self.tweet = tweet self.comment = comment self.friendRequest = friendRequest self.message = message self.channelMessage = channelMessage self.invitation = invitation self.showMessage = showMessage } // Encodable protocol methods public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: String.self) try container.encode(tweet, forKey: "tweet") try container.encode(comment, forKey: "comment") try container.encode(friendRequest, forKey: "friendRequest") try container.encode(message, forKey: "message") try container.encode(channelMessage, forKey: "channelMessage") try container.encode(invitation, forKey: "invitation") try container.encode(showMessage, forKey: "showMessage") } // Decodable protocol methods public required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: String.self) tweet = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "tweet") comment = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "comment") friendRequest = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "friendRequest") message = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "message") channelMessage = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "channelMessage") invitation = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "invitation") showMessage = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: "showMessage") } }
[ -1 ]
// // HistoryViewController.swift // SideMenuTest // // Created by mac mini on 20/02/20. // Copyright © 2020 mac mini. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class HistoryViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() title = "History" sideMenuController?.hideMenu(animated: true, completion: nil) // Do any additional setup after loading the view. let backButton: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Back", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(back)) navigationController?.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = backButton } @objc func back() { let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "ViewController") as! ViewController } @IBAction func GotoHomeScreen(_ sender: Any) { self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } /* // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destination. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } */ }
[ -1 ]
/Muzinda DevOps/NewMessageController.swift
// // NewMessageController.swift // Spark // // Created by Casse on 13/3/19. // Copyright © 2019 AppsDevo. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import Firebase class NewMessageController: UITableViewController { let cellId = "cellId" var users: [UserModel] = [ ] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Cancel", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(handleCancel)) tableView.register(UserCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: cellId) fetchUser() } func fetchUser() { API.User.observeUsers() { (user) in self.users.append(user) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.tableView.reloadData() } } } @objc func handleCancel() { dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return users.count } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellId, for: indexPath) as! UserCell let user = users[indexPath.row] cell.textLabel?.text = user.username cell.detailTextLabel?.text = if let profileImageUrl = user.profileImageUrl { cell.profileImageView.loadImageUsingCacheWithUrlString(urlString: profileImageUrl) } return cell } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { return 60 } var messagesController: MessagesController? override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { dismiss(animated: true) { print("dimiss completed") let user = self.users[indexPath.row] self.messagesController!.showChatControllerForUser(user: user) } } } let imageCache = NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>() extension UIImageView { func loadImageUsingCacheWithUrlString(urlString: String) { if let cachedImage = imageCache.object(forKey: urlString as AnyObject) as? UIImage { self.image = cachedImage return } let url = NSURL(string: urlString) URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url! as URL, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in if error != nil { print(error as Any) return } DispatchQueue.main.async { if let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data!) { imageCache.setObject(downloadedImage, forKey: urlString as AnyObject) self.image = downloadedImage } } }).resume() } }
[ 316620 ]
// // PracticeRxUITests.swift // PracticeRxUITests // // Created by 三浦 登哉 on 2021/06/09. // import XCTest class PracticeRxUITests: XCTestCase { override func setUpWithError() throws { // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. // In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs. continueAfterFailure = false // In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state - such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run. The setUp method is a good place to do this. } override func tearDownWithError() throws { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. } func testExample() throws { // UI tests must launch the application that they test. let app = XCUIApplication() app.launch() // Use recording to get started writing UI tests. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results. } func testLaunchPerformance() throws { if #available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, *) { // This measures how long it takes to launch your application. measure(metrics: [XCTApplicationLaunchMetric()]) { XCUIApplication().launch() } } } }
[ 360463, 155665, 376853, 344106, 253996, 385078, 163894, 180279, 352314, 213051, 376892, 32829, 286787, 352324, 237638, 352327, 385095, 393291, 163916, 368717, 311373, 196687, 278607, 311377, 254039, 426074, 368732, 180317, 32871, 352359, 221292, 278637, 385135, 319599, 376945, 131190, 385147, 131199, 426124, 196758, 49308, 65698, 311459, 49317, 377008, 377010, 180409, 295099, 377025, 377033, 164043, 417996, 254157, 368849, 368850, 139478, 229591, 385240, 254171, 147679, 147680, 311520, 205034, 254189, 286957, 254193, 344312, 336121, 262403, 147716, 385291, 368908, 180494, 262419, 368915, 254228, 319764, 278805, 377116, 254250, 311596, 131374, 418095, 336177, 368949, 180534, 155968, 287040, 311622, 270663, 368969, 254285, 180559, 377168, 344402, 229716, 368982, 270703, 139641, 385407, 385409, 270733, 106893, 385423, 385433, 213402, 385437, 254373, 156069, 385448, 385449, 115116, 385463, 319931, 278974, 336319, 336323, 188870, 278988, 278992, 262619, 377309, 377310, 369121, 369124, 279014, 270823, 279017, 311787, 213486, 360945, 139766, 393719, 279030, 377337, 279033, 254459, 410108, 410109, 262657, 377346, 279042, 279053, 410126, 262673, 385554, 393745, 303635, 279060, 279061, 254487, 410138, 279066, 188957, 377374, 385569, 385578, 377388, 197166, 393775, 418352, 33339, 352831, 33344, 385603, 377419, 385612, 303693, 426575, 385620, 369236, 115287, 189016, 270938, 287327, 279143, 279150, 287345, 352885, 352886, 344697, 189054, 287359, 385669, 369285, 311944, 344714, 311950, 377487, 311953, 287379, 336531, 180886, 426646, 352921, 377499, 221853, 344737, 295591, 352938, 295598, 418479, 279215, 279218, 164532, 336565, 287418, 377531, 303802, 377534, 377536, 66243, 385737, 287434, 385745, 279249, 303826, 369365, 369366, 385751, 230105, 361178, 352989, 352990, 418529, 295649, 385763, 295653, 369383, 230120, 361194, 312046, 418550, 344829, 279293, 205566, 197377, 434956, 312076, 295698, 418579, 426772, 197398, 426777, 221980, 344864, 197412, 336678, 262952, 189229, 262957, 164655, 197424, 328495, 197428, 336693, 230198, 377656, 426809, 197433, 222017, 295745, 377669, 197451, 369488, 279379, 385878, 385880, 295769, 197467, 435038, 230238, 279393, 303973, 279398, 385895, 197479, 385901, 197489, 295799, 164730, 336765, 254851, 369541, 172936, 320394, 426894, 377754, 172971, 140203, 377778, 304050, 189365, 377789, 189373, 345030, 345034, 279499, 418774, 386007, 386009, 418781, 386016, 123880, 418793, 320495, 222193, 435185, 271351, 214009, 312313, 435195, 328701, 312317, 386049, 328705, 418819, 410629, 377863, 189448, 230411, 361487, 435216, 386068, 254997, 336928, 336930, 410665, 345137, 361522, 312372, 238646, 238650, 320571, 386108, 410687, 336962, 238663, 377927, 361547, 205911, 156763, 361570, 214116, 230500, 214119, 402538, 279659, 173168, 230514, 238706, 279666, 312435, 377974, 66684, 377986, 279686, 402568, 222344, 140426, 337037, 386191, 410772, 222364, 418975, 124073, 402618, 148674, 402632, 148687, 402641, 189651, 419028, 279766, 189656, 304353, 279780, 222441, 279789, 386288, 66802, 271607, 369912, 386296, 369913, 419066, 386300, 279803, 386304, 369929, 419097, 320795, 115997, 222496, 320802, 304422, 369964, 353581, 116014, 66863, 312628, 345397, 345398, 386363, 222523, 345418, 353611, 337228, 337226, 353612, 230730, 296269, 353617, 222542, 238928, 296274, 378201, 230757, 296304, 312688, 337280, 353672, 263561, 296328, 296330, 370066, 9618, 411028, 279955, 370072, 148899, 148900, 361928, 337359, 329168, 312785, 329170, 222674, 353751, 280025, 239069, 361958, 271850, 280042, 280043, 271853, 329198, 411119, 337391, 116209, 296434, 386551, 288252, 271880, 198155, 329231, 304655, 370200, 222754, 157219, 157220, 394793, 312879, 288305, 288319, 288322, 280131, 288328, 353875, 312937, 271980, 206447, 403057, 42616, 337533, 280193, 370307, 419462, 149127, 149128, 419464, 288391, 411275, 214667, 239251, 345753, 198304, 255651, 337590, 370359, 280252, 280253, 321217, 239305, 296649, 403149, 313042, 345813, 370390, 272087, 345817, 337638, 181992, 345832, 345835, 288492, 141037, 313082, 288508, 288515, 173828, 395018, 395019, 116491, 395026, 116502, 435993, 345882, 411417, 255781, 362281, 378666, 403248, 378673, 345910, 182070, 182071, 436029, 345918, 337734, 280396, 272207, 272208, 337746, 362326, 345942, 370526, 345950, 362336, 255844, 296807, 214894, 362351, 214896, 313200, 313204, 182145, 280451, 67464, 305032, 337816, 329627, 239515, 354210, 436130, 436135, 10153, 313257, 362411, 370604, 362418, 280517, 362442, 346066, 231382, 354268, 436189, 403421, 329696, 354273, 403425, 354279, 436199, 174058, 337899, 354283, 247787, 329707, 296942, 247786, 436209, 239610, 182277, 346117, 403463, 43016, 354312, 354311, 354310, 313356, 436235, 419857, 305173, 436248, 223269, 346153, 354346, 313388, 272432, 403507, 378933, 378934, 436283, 288835, 403524, 436293, 313415, 239689, 436304, 329812, 223317, 411738, 272477, 280676, 313446, 395373, 288878, 346237, 215165, 436372, 329884, 378186, 362658, 436388, 215204, 133313, 395458, 338118, 436429, 346319, 379102, 387299, 18661, 379110, 338151, 149743, 379120, 436466, 411892, 436471, 395511, 313595, 436480, 272644, 338187, 338188, 395536, 338196, 272661, 379157, 338217, 321839, 362809, 379193, 395591, 289109, 272730, 436570, 215395, 239973, 280938, 321901, 354671, 362864, 354672, 272755, 354678, 199030, 223611, 436609, 436613, 395653, 395660, 264591, 272784, 420241, 240020, 190870, 43416, 190872, 289185, 436644, 289195, 272815, 436659, 338359, 436677, 289229, 281038, 281039, 256476, 420326, 166403, 420374, 322077, 289328, 330291, 322119, 191065, 436831, 420461, 346739, 346741, 420473, 297600, 166533, 363155, 346771, 264855, 363161, 289435, 436897, 248494, 166581, 355006, 363212, 363228, 436957, 322269, 436960, 264929, 338658, 289511, 330473, 346859, 330476, 289517, 215790, 199415, 289534, 322302, 35584, 133889, 322312, 346889, 166677, 207639, 363295, 355117, 191285, 273209, 355129, 273211, 355136, 355138, 420680, 355147, 355148, 355153, 281426, 387927, 363353, 363354, 281434, 420702, 363361, 363362, 412516, 355173, 355174, 281444, 207724, 355182, 207728, 420722, 314240, 158594, 330627, 240517, 387977, 396171, 355216, 224146, 224149, 256918, 256919, 256920, 240543, 256934, 273336, 289720, 289723, 273341, 330688, 379845, 363462, 19398, 273353, 191445, 207839, 347104, 314343, 134124, 412653, 248815, 257007, 347122, 437245, 257023, 125953, 396292, 330759, 347150, 330766, 412692, 330789, 248871, 281647, 412725, 257093, 404550, 207954, 339031, 404582, 257126, 265318, 322664, 265323, 396395, 404589, 273523, 363643, 248960, 363658, 404622, 224400, 265366, 347286, 429209, 339101, 429216, 380069, 265381, 3243, 208044, 322733, 421050, 339131, 265410, 183492, 273616, 421081, 339167, 298209, 421102, 363769, 52473, 208123, 52476, 412926, 437504, 322826, 388369, 380178, 429332, 126229, 412963, 257323, 437550, 273713, 298290, 208179, 159033, 347451, 372039, 257353, 257354, 109899, 437585, 331091, 150868, 314708, 372064, 429410, 437602, 281958, 388458, 265579, 306541, 421240, 224637, 388488, 298378, 306580, 282008, 396697, 282013, 290206, 396709, 298406, 241067, 314797, 380335, 355761, 421302, 134586, 380348, 216510, 380350, 216511, 306630, 200136, 273865, 306634, 339403, 372172, 413138, 421338, 437726, 429540, 3557, 3559, 191980, 282097, 265720, 216575, 290304, 372226, 437766, 323083, 208397, 323088, 413202, 413206, 388630, 175640, 216610, 372261, 347693, 323120, 396850, 200245, 323126, 290359, 134715, 323132, 421437, 396865, 282182, 413255, 273992, 265800, 421452, 265809, 396885, 290391, 265816, 396889, 306777, 388699, 396896, 388712, 388713, 314997, 290425, 339579, 396927, 282248, 224907, 396942, 405140, 274071, 323226, 208547, 208548, 405157, 388775, 282279, 364202, 421556, 224951, 224952, 306875, 282302, 323262, 241366, 224985, 282330, 159462, 372458, 397040, 12017, 323315, 274170, 200444, 175874, 249606, 282379, 216844, 372497, 397076, 421657, 339746, 216868, 257831, 167720, 241447, 421680, 282418, 274234, 339782, 315209, 159563, 339799, 307038, 274276, 282471, 274288, 372592, 274296, 339840, 372625, 282517, 298912, 118693, 438186, 126896, 151492, 380874, 372699, 323554, 380910, 380922, 380923, 274432, 372736, 241695, 430120, 102441, 315433, 430127, 405552, 282671, 241717, 249912, 225347, 307269, 421958, 233548, 176209, 381013, 53334, 315477, 200795, 356446, 323678, 438374, 176231, 438378, 233578, 422000, 249976, 266361, 422020, 168069, 381061, 168070, 381071, 241809, 430231, 200856, 422044, 192670, 192671, 299166, 258213, 299176, 323761, 184498, 266427, 356550, 299208, 372943, 266447, 258263, 356575, 307431, 438512, 372979, 389364, 381173, 135416, 356603, 184574, 266504, 217352, 61720, 381210, 282908, 389406, 282912, 233761, 438575, 315698, 266547, 397620, 332084, 438583, 127292, 438592, 323914, 201037, 397650, 348499, 250196, 348501, 389465, 332128, 110955, 242027, 242028, 160111, 250227, 315768, 291193, 438653, 291200, 266628, 340356, 242059, 225684, 373141, 373144, 291225, 389534, 397732, 373196, 176602, 242138, 184799, 291297, 201195, 324098, 233987, 340489, 397841, 283154, 258584, 397855, 291359, 348709, 348710, 397872, 283185, 234037, 340539, 266812, 438850, 348741, 381515, 348748, 430681, 332379, 242274, 184938, 373357, 184942, 176751, 389744, 356983, 356984, 209529, 356990, 291455, 373377, 422529, 201348, 152196, 356998, 348807, 356999, 316044, 275102, 176805, 340645, 422567, 176810, 160441, 422591, 291529, 225996, 135888, 242385, 234216, 373485, 373486, 21239, 275193, 348921, 234233, 242428, 299777, 430853, 430860, 62222, 430880, 234276, 234290, 152372, 160569, 430909, 160576, 348999, 283466, 234330, 275294, 381791, 127840, 357219, 439145, 177002, 308075, 381811, 201590, 177018, 398205, 340865, 291713, 349066, 316299, 349068, 234382, 308111, 381840, 308113, 390034, 373653, 430999, 209820, 381856, 398244, 185252, 422825, 381872, 177074, 398268, 349122, 398275, 373705, 127945, 340960, 398305, 340967, 398313, 234476, 127990, 349176, 201721, 349179, 234499, 357380, 398370, 357413, 357420, 300087, 21567, 308288, 398405, 349254, 218187, 250955, 300109, 234578, 250965, 439391, 250982, 398444, 62574, 357487, 300147, 119925, 349304, 234626, 349315, 349317, 234635, 373902, 234655, 234662, 373937, 373939, 324790, 300215, 218301, 283841, 283846, 259275, 316628, 259285, 357594, 414956, 251124, 316661, 292092, 439550, 439563, 242955, 414989, 259346, 349458, 259347, 382243, 382246, 382257, 292145, 382264, 333115, 193853, 193858, 251212, 406862, 234830, 259408, 283990, 357720, 300378, 300379, 374110, 234864, 259449, 382329, 357758, 243073, 357763, 112019, 398740, 234902, 333224, 374189, 251314, 284086, 259513, 54719, 292291, 300490, 300526, 259569, 251379, 300539, 398844, 210429, 366081, 316951, 374297, 153115, 431646, 349727, 431662, 374327, 210489, 235069, 349764, 292424, 292426, 128589, 333389, 333394, 349780, 128600, 235096, 300643, 300645, 415334, 54895, 366198, 210558, 210559, 415360, 325246, 415369, 431754, 210569, 267916, 415376, 259741, 153252, 399014, 210601, 202413, 415419, 259780, 333508, 267978, 333522, 325345, 333543, 325357, 431861, 284410, 161539, 284425, 300812, 284430, 366358, 169751, 431901, 341791, 186148, 186149, 284460, 202541, 431918, 399148, 153392, 431935, 415555, 325444, 153416, 325449, 341837, 415566, 431955, 325460, 341846, 300893, 259937, 382820, 276326, 415592, 292713, 292719, 325491, 341878, 276343, 350072, 333687, 112510, 325508, 333700, 243590, 325514, 350091, 350092, 350102, 350108, 333727, 219046, 284584, 292783, 300983, 128955, 219102, 292835, 6116, 317416, 432114, 325620, 415740, 268286, 415744, 243720, 399372, 153618, 358418, 178215, 325675, 243763, 358455, 399433, 333902, 104534, 194667, 260206, 432241, 284789, 374913, 374914, 415883, 333968, 153752, 333990, 104633, 260285, 227517, 268479, 374984, 301270, 301271, 334049, 325857, 268515, 383208, 317676, 260337, 260338, 432373, 375040, 309504, 432387, 260355, 375052, 194832, 325904, 391448, 268570, 178459, 186660, 268581, 334121, 358698, 317738, 260396, 325930, 432435, 358707, 178485, 358710, 14654, 268609, 227655, 383309, 383327, 391521, 366948, 416101, 416103, 383338, 432503, 432511, 211327, 227721, 285074, 252309, 39323, 285083, 317851, 285089, 375211, 334259, 129461, 342454, 358844, 293309, 317889, 326083, 416201, 129484, 154061, 416206, 326093, 432608, 285152, 391654, 432616, 334315, 375281, 293368, 317949, 334345, 432650, 309770, 342537, 342549, 342560, 416288, 350758, 350759, 358951, 358952, 293420, 219694, 219695, 375345, 432694, 244279, 309831, 375369, 375373, 416334, 301647, 416340, 244311, 416353, 260705, 375396, 268901, 244345, 334473, 375438, 326288, 285348, 293552, 342705, 285362, 383668, 342714, 39616, 383708, 342757, 269036, 432883, 203511, 342775, 383740, 416509, 359166, 162559, 375552, 432894, 228099, 285443, 285450, 383755, 326413, 285467, 326428, 318247, 342827, 391980, 318251, 375610, 301883, 342846, 416577, 416591, 244569, 375644, 252766, 293729, 351078, 342888, 392057, 211835, 392065, 260995, 400262, 392071, 424842, 236427, 252812, 400271, 392080, 400282, 7070, 211871, 359332, 359333, 293801, 326571, 252848, 326580, 261045, 261046, 326586, 359365, 211913, 326602, 342990, 252878, 433104, 56270, 359380, 433112, 433116, 359391, 187372, 343020, 383980, 203758, 383994, 171009, 384004, 433166, 384015, 433173, 293911, 326684, 252959, 384031, 375848, 318515, 203829, 261191, 375902, 375903, 392288, 253028, 351343, 187505, 138354, 187508, 302202, 285819, 392317, 343166, 384127, 392320, 285823, 285833, 285834, 318602, 228492, 253074, 326803, 187539, 359574, 285850, 351389, 302239, 253098, 302251, 367791, 367792, 367798, 64699, 294075, 228541, 343230, 367809, 253124, 113863, 351445, 310496, 195809, 253168, 351475, 351489, 367897, 367898, 245018, 130342, 130344, 130347, 261426, 212282, 294210, 359747, 359748, 146760, 146763, 114022, 253288, 425327, 425331, 163190, 327030, 384379, 253316, 294278, 384391, 318860, 253339, 253340, 318876, 343457, 245160, 359860, 359861, 343480, 310714, 228796, 228804, 425417, 310731, 327122, 425434, 310747, 310758, 253431, 359931, 187900, 343552, 245249, 228868, 409095, 359949, 294413, 253456, 302613, 253462, 146976, 245290, 245291, 343606, 163385, 425534, 138817, 147011, 147020, 179800, 196184, 343646, 212574, 204386, 155238, 204394, 138862, 310896, 188021, 294517, 286351, 188049, 425624, 229021, 245413, 286387, 384693, 376502, 286392, 302778, 409277, 286400, 409289, 425682, 286419, 294621, 245471, 155360, 294629, 212721, 163575, 286457, 286463, 319232, 360194, 409355, 155408, 417556, 294699, 319289, 384826, 409404, 360253, 409416, 376661, 237397, 368471, 425820, 368486, 384871, 409446, 368489, 40809, 425832, 417648, 417658, 360315, 253828, 327556, 311183, 425875, 294806, 294808, 253851, 376733, 204702, 319393, 294820, 253868, 204722, 188349, 98240, 212947, 212953, 360416, 294887, 253930, 327666, 385011 ]
/Bobber WatchKit Extension/NotificationController.swift
// // NotificationController.swift // Bobber WatchKit Extension // // Created by Aryan Ghassemi on 3/14/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 aryaxt. All rights reserved. // import WatchKit import Foundation class NotificationController: WKUserNotificationInterfaceController { override init() { // Initialize variables here. super.init() // Configure interface objects here. } override func willActivate() { // This method is called when watch view controller is about to be visible to user super.willActivate() } override func didDeactivate() { // This method is called when watch view controller is no longer visible super.didDeactivate() } /* override func didReceiveLocalNotification(localNotification: UILocalNotification, withCompletion completionHandler: ((WKUserNotificationInterfaceType) -> Void)) { // This method is called when a local notification needs to be presented. // Implement it if you use a dynamic notification interface. // Populate your dynamic notification interface as quickly as possible. // // After populating your dynamic notification interface call the completion block. completionHandler(.Custom) } */ /* override func didReceiveRemoteNotification(remoteNotification: [NSObject : AnyObject], withCompletion completionHandler: ((WKUserNotificationInterfaceType) -> Void)) { // This method is called when a remote notification needs to be presented. // Implement it if you use a dynamic notification interface. // Populate your dynamic notification interface as quickly as possible. // // After populating your dynamic notification interface call the completion block. completionHandler(.Custom) } */ }
[ 282371, 282385, 216859, 66075, 282413, 178353, 282420, 7226, 282305, 309446, 282314, 180044, 282323, 196054, 282332, 286178, 282341, 229221, 282351, 34674, 144501, 282360 ]
// // ViewController.swift // Morse // // Created by J.R.Hoem on 28.09.15. // Copyright © 2015 JRH. All rights reserved. // /* You need to be able to generate tones of a specific duration, separated by silences of a specific duration. So long as you have these two building blocks you can send morse code: dot = 1 unit dash = 3 units space between dots/dashes within a letter = 1 unit space between letters = 3 units space between words = 5 units The length of unit determines the overall speed of the morse code. Start with e.g. 50 ms. The tone should just be a pure sine wave at an appropriate frequency, e.g. 400 Hz. The silence can just be an alternate buffer containing all zeroes. That way you can "play" both the tone and the silence using the same API, without worrying about timing/synchronisation, etc. */ import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var encodedTextView: MDTextView! @IBOutlet weak var decodedTextView: MDTextView! let morse = MorseTranslater() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() /* for _ in 1...10 { TorchGenerator.sharedInstance.setTorch(0.1, duration: 1000) TorchGenerator.sharedInstance.setTorch(0.0, duration: 1000) } */ //self.addDoneButtonOnKeyboard(encodedTextView) //self.addDoneButtonOnKeyboard(decodedTextView) } /* func addDoneButtonOnKeyboard() { let doneToolbar: UIToolbar = UIToolbar(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50)) doneToolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.BlackTranslucent let flexSpace = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItem.FlexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil) var done: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Done", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, target: self, action: Selector("doneButtonAction")) //let done: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Done", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, target: view, action: "resignFirstResponder") var items = [UIBarButtonItem]() items.append(flexSpace) items.append(done) doneToolbar.items = items doneToolbar.sizeToFit() self.encodedTextView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar self.decodedTextView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar } func doneButtonAction() { self.encodedTextView.resignFirstResponder() self.decodedTextView.resignFirstResponder() } */ func addDoneButtonOnKeyboard(view: UIView?) { let doneToolbar: UIToolbar = UIToolbar(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50)) doneToolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.BlackTranslucent let flexSpace = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItem.FlexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil) let done: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Done", style: UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, target: view, action: "resignFirstResponder") var items = [UIBarButtonItem]() items.append(flexSpace) items.append(done) doneToolbar.items = items //as? [UIBarButtonItem] doneToolbar.sizeToFit() if let accessorizedView = view as? UITextView { accessorizedView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar accessorizedView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar } else if let accessorizedView = view as? UITextField { accessorizedView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar accessorizedView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar } } @IBAction func encodeBtnPressed(sender: UIButton) { let encode = morse.encodeText(encodedTextView.text) decodedTextView.text = encode } @IBAction func decodeBtnPressed(sender: UIButton) { let decode = morse.decodeText(decodedTextView.text) encodedTextView.text = decode } @IBAction func playBtnPressed(sender: UIButton) { if sender.titleLabel?.text == "Tone" { sender.setTitle("Stop", forState: .Normal) morse.playTone(decodedTextView.text) } else { sender.setTitle("Tone", forState: .Normal) morse.stopTone() } } @IBAction func torchBtnPressed(sender: UIButton) { if sender.titleLabel?.text == "Torch" { sender.setTitle("Stop", forState: .Normal) morse.runTorch(decodedTextView.text) } else { sender.setTitle("Torch", forState: .Normal) morse.stopTorch() } } @IBAction func toneTorchBtnPressed(sender: UIButton) { if sender.titleLabel?.text == "Tone & Torch" { sender.setTitle("Stop", forState: .Normal) //morse.runToneTorch(decodedTextView.text) morse.runAV(decodedTextView.text) } else { sender.setTitle("Tone & Torch", forState: .Normal) morse.stopAV() } } }
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// // Curve.swift // Papaya // // Created by ran T on 28/10/2018. // Copyright © 2018 ran T. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class Curve: UIView { var container:CurveContainer! var cornerRadius = 26.0 //observe vars changes all the time var title = "" { didSet {container.curveTitles.title.text=title} } var subtitle = "" { didSet {container.curveTitles.subtitle.text=subtitle} } var font = "" { didSet { container.curveTitles.title.font=UIFont(name: font, size: 24) container.curveTitles.subtitle.font=UIFont(name: font, size: 12) }} override init (frame : CGRect) { super.init(frame : frame) //THIS VIEW HOLDS THE CONTAINER THAT HOLDS THE OTHER VIEWS //THIS VIEW HAS THE SHADOW AND TAKE CARE OF LOGICS self.layer.cornerRadius = CGFloat(cornerRadius) self.backgroundColor=UIColor.white self.clipsToBounds=false self.backgroundColor=UIColor.white self.layer.shadowColor=UIColor(red: 0.875, green: 0.875, blue: 0.875, alpha: 1.0).cgColor self.layer.shadowOffset=CGSize(width: 2.0, height: 2.0) self.layer.shadowRadius=5.0 self.layer.shadowOpacity=1.0 //add container with all views container = CurveContainer(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: frame.width, height: frame.height)) self.addSubview(container) } convenience init () { self.init( } func addNewCurve(name:String, data:[[String:Any]], fillColor:UIColor, lineColor:UIColor, animation:String) { container.addNewCurve(name: name, data: data, fillColor: fillColor, lineColor: lineColor, animation: animation) } required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("This class does not support NSCoding") } }
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/** * Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ import UIKit import BMSCore enum BlueMixDataManagerError: Error { //error when the user does not exist when we attempt to get the user by id case userDoesNotExist //error when there is a connection failure when doing a REST call case connectionFailure } extension Notification.Name { //Notification to notify the app that the REST call to get all images has started static let getAllImagesStarted = Notification.Name("GetAllImagesStarted") //Notification to notify the app that repulling for images has completed, the images have been refreshed static let imagesRefreshed = Notification.Name("ImagesRefreshed") //Notification to notify the app that uploading an image has began static let imageUploadBegan = Notification.Name("ImageUploadBegan") //Notification to nofify the app that Image upload was successfull static let imageUploadSuccess = Notification.Name("ImageUploadSuccess") //Notification to notify the app that image upload failed static let imageUploadFailure = Notification.Name("ImageUploadFailure") //Notificaiton used when there was a server error getting all the images static let getAllImagesFailure = Notification.Name("GetAllImagesFailure") //Notification to notify the app that the popular tags were receieved static let popularTagsReceived = Notification.Name("PopularTagsReceived") } class BluemixDataManager: NSObject { //Make BluemixDataManager a singlton static let SharedInstance: BluemixDataManager = { var manager = BluemixDataManager() return manager }() //holds all images for the app var images = [Image]() //filters images variable to only images taken by the user var currentUserImages: [Image] { get { return images.filter({ $0.user.facebookID == CurrentUser.facebookUserId}) } } /// images that were taken during this app session (used to help make images appear faster in the image feed as we wait for the image to download from the url var imagesTakenDuringAppSessionById = [String : UIImage]() //array that stores all the images currently being uploaded. This is used to show the images currently posting on the feed var imagesCurrentlyUploading: [ImagePayload] = [] //array that stores all the images that failed to upload. This is used so users can rety try uploading images that failed. var imagesThatFailedToUpload: [ImagePayload] = [] //stores the most popular tags var tags = [String]() //stores all the bluemix configuration setup let bluemixConfig = BluemixConfiguration() //default timeout is 60 seconds fileprivate let kDefaultTimeOut: Double = 60 //End Points fileprivate let kImagesEndPoint = "images" fileprivate let kUsersEndPoint = "users" fileprivate let kTagsEndPoint = "tags" fileprivate let kPingEndPoint = "ping" //used to help the feed view model decide to show the loading animaiton on the feed vc var hasReceievedInitialImages = false /** Method initilizes the BMSClient */ func initilizeBluemixAppRoute() { BMSClient.sharedInstance.initialize(bluemixRegion: bluemixConfig.appRegion) BMSClient.sharedInstance.requestTimeout = 10.0 } /** Method gets the Bluemix base request URL depending on if the isLocal key is set in the plist or not - returns: String */ func getBluemixBaseRequestURL() -> String { if bluemixConfig.isLocal { return bluemixConfig.localBaseRequestURL } else { return bluemixConfig.remoteBaseRequestURL } } } // MARK: - Methods related to getting/creating users extension BluemixDataManager { /** Method gets user by id and will return the parsed response in the result callback - parameter userId: String - parameter result: (user : User?, error : BlueMixDataManagerError?) -> () */ func getUserById(_ userId: String, result: @escaping (_ user: User?, _ error: BlueMixDataManagerError?) -> ()) { let requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kUsersEndPoint + "/" + userId let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.GET) request.timeout = kDefaultTimeOut request.send { response, error in //error if let error = error { if let response = response, let statusCode = response.statusCode { //user does not exist if statusCode == 404 { result(nil, BlueMixDataManagerError.userDoesNotExist) } //any other error code means that it was a connection failure else { print(NSLocalizedString("Get User By ID Error:", comment : "") + " \(error.localizedDescription)") result(nil, BlueMixDataManagerError.connectionFailure) } } //connection failure else { print(NSLocalizedString("Get User By ID Error:", comment : "") + " \(error.localizedDescription)") result(nil, BlueMixDataManagerError.connectionFailure) } } //No error else { //success if let user = User(response) { result(user, nil) } //can't parse response - error else { print(NSLocalizedString("Get User By ID Error: Invalid Response JSON)", comment: "")) result(nil, BlueMixDataManagerError.connectionFailure) } } } } /** Method creates a new user and returns the parsed response in the result callback - parameter userId: String - parameter name: String - parameter result: ((user : User?) -> ()) */ func createNewUser(_ userId: String, name: String, result : @escaping (_ user: User?) -> ()) { let requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kUsersEndPoint let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.POST) request.timeout = kDefaultTimeOut let json = ["_id": userId, "name": name] do { let jsonData = try json, options: .prettyPrinted) request.send(requestBody: jsonData) { response, error in if let error = error { result(nil) print(NSLocalizedString("Create New User Error:)", comment: "") + " \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { if let user = User(response) { result(user) } else { result(nil) print(NSLocalizedString("Create New User Error: Invalid Response JSON", comment: "")) } } } } catch { print(NSLocalizedString("Create New User Error", comment: "")) result(nil) } } /** Method checks to see if a user already exists, if the user doesn't exist then it creates a new user. It will return the parsed response in the callback parameter - parameter userId: String - parameter name: String - parameter callback: ((success : Bool) -> ()) */ func checkIfUserAlreadyExistsIfNotCreateNewUser(_ userId: String, name: String, callback : @escaping ((_ success: Bool) -> ())) { getUserById(userId, result: { (user, error) in if let error = error { //user does not exist so create new user if error == BlueMixDataManagerError.userDoesNotExist { self.createNewUser(userId, name: name, result: { user in if user != nil { callback(true) } else { callback(false) } }) } else if error == BlueMixDataManagerError.connectionFailure { print(NSLocalizedString("Check If User Already Exists Error: Connection Failure", comment: "")) callback(false) } } else { callback(true) } }) } } // MARK: - Methods related to gettings images extension BluemixDataManager { /** Method gets all the images posted on BluePic. When this request begins, the GetAllImagesStarted BluemixDataManagerNotification is sent out to the app. When the images have been successfully received, the ImagesRefreshed BluemixDataManagerNotification will be sent out */ func getImages() { .getAllImagesStarted, object: nil) let requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kImagesEndPoint let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.GET) self.getImages(request) { images in if let images = images { self.images = images self.hasReceievedInitialImages = true .imagesRefreshed, object: nil) } else { print(NSLocalizedString("Get Images Error: Connection Failure", comment: "")) self.hasReceievedInitialImages = true .getAllImagesFailure, object: nil) } } } /** Method gets all the images by the specified tags in the tags parameter. When a response is receieved, we pass back the images we receive in the callback parameter - parameter tags: [String] - parameter callback: (images : [Image]?)->() */ func getImagesByTags(_ tags: [String], callback : @escaping (_ images: [Image]?)->()) { var requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kImagesEndPoint + "?tag=" for (index, tag) in tags.enumerated() { guard let encodedTag = tag.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed) else { print(NSLocalizedString("Get Images By Tags Error: Failed to encode search tag", comment: "")) continue } if index == 0 { requestURL.append(encodedTag.lowercased()) } else { requestURL.append(",\(encodedTag.lowercased())") } } let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.GET) self.getImages(request) { images in callback(images) } } /** Helper method to getImages and getImagesByTags method. It makes the request and then parses the response into an image array, then passes back response in result parameter - parameter request: Request - parameter result: (images : [Image]?)-> () */ func getImages(_ request: Request, result : @escaping (_ images: [Image]?) -> ()) { request.timeout = kDefaultTimeOut request.send { response, error in if let error = error { print(NSLocalizedString("Get Images Error:", comment: "") + " \(error.localizedDescription)") result(nil) } else { let images = self.parseGetImagesResponse(response, userId: nil, usersName: nil) result(images) } } } /** Method parses the getImages response and returns an array of images - parameter response: Response? - parameter userId: String? - parameter usersName: String? - returns: [Image] */ fileprivate func parseGetImagesResponse(_ response: Response?, userId: String?, usersName: String?) -> [Image] { var images = [Image]() if let dict = Utils.convertResponseToDictionary(response), let records = dict["records"] as? [[String: Any]] { for var record in records { if let userId = userId, let usersName = usersName { var user = [String: String]() user["name"] = usersName user["_id"] = userId record["user"] = user } if let image = Image(record) { images.append(image) } } } return images } } // MARK: - Methods related to image uploading extension BluemixDataManager { /** Method pings service and will be challanged if the app has MCA configured but the user hasn't signed in yet. - parameter callback: (response: Response?, error: Error?) -> Void */ fileprivate func ping(_ callback : @escaping (_ response: Response?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) { let requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kPingEndPoint let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.GET) request.timeout = kDefaultTimeOut request.send { response, error in callback(response, error) } } /** Method will first call the ping method, to force the user to login with Facebook (if MCA is configured). When we get a reponse, if we have the Facebook userIdentity, then this means the user succuessfully logged into Facebook (and MCA is configured). We will then try to create a new user and when this is succuessful we finally call the postNewImage method. If we don't have the Facebook user Identity, then this means MCA isn't configured and we will continue by calling the postNewImage method. - parameter image: Image */ func tryToPostNewImage(_ image: ImagePayload) { addImageToImagesCurrentlyUploading(image) .imageUploadBegan, object: nil) //ping backend to trigger Facebook login if MCA is configured ping({ (response, error) -> Void in //either there was a network failure, user authentication with facebook failed, or user authentication with facebook was canceled by the user if let _ = error { print(NSLocalizedString("Try To Post New Image Error: Ping failed", comment: "")) self.handleImageUploadFailure(image) } //successfully pinged service else { //Check if User Authenticated with Facebook (aka is MCA configured) if let userIdentity = FacebookDataManager.SharedInstance.getFacebookUserIdentity(), let facebookUserId = userIdentity.ID, let facebookUserFullName = userIdentity.displayName { //User is authenticated with Facebook, create new user record self.createNewUser(facebookUserId, name: facebookUserFullName, result: { user in if let _ = user { CurrentUser.facebookUserId = facebookUserId CurrentUser.fullName = facebookUserFullName //User Authentication complete, ready to post image self.postNewImage(image) } //Something went wrong creating new user else { print(NSLocalizedString("Try To Post New Image Error: Something went wrong calling create a new user", comment: "")) self.handleImageUploadFailure(image) } }) } //MCA is not configured else { self.postNewImage(image) } } }) } /** Method posts a new image. It will send the ImageUploadBegan notification when the image upload begins. It will send the ImageUploadSuccess notification when the image uploads successfully. For all other errors it will send out the ImageUploadFailure notification. - parameter image: Image */ fileprivate func postNewImage(_ image: ImagePayload) { guard let uiImage = image.image, let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(uiImage) else { print(NSLocalizedString("Post New Image Error: Could not process image data properly", comment: "")) .imageUploadFailure, object: nil) return } let requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kImagesEndPoint let imageDictionary = ["fileName": image.fileName, "caption" : image.caption, "width" : image.width, "height" : image.height, "location" : ["name" :, "latitude" : image.location.latitude, "longitude" : image.location.longitude]] as [String : Any] do { let jsonData = try imageDictionary, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions(rawValue: 0)) let boundary = generateBoundaryString() let mimeType = ("application/json", "image/png") let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.POST) request.headers = ["Content-Type" : "multipart/form-data; boundary=\(boundary)"] var body = Data() guard let boundaryStart = "--\(boundary)\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let dispositionEncoding = "Content-Disposition:form-data; name=\"imageJson\"\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let typeEncoding = "Content-Type: \(mimeType.0)\r\n\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let imageDispositionEncoding = "Content-Disposition:form-data; name=\"imageBinary\"; filename=\"\(image.fileName)\"\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let imageTypeEncoding = "Content-Type: \(mimeType.1)\r\n\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let imageEndEncoding = "\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let boundaryEnd = "--\(boundary)--\r\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else { print("Post New Image Error: Could not encode all values for multipart data") .imageUploadFailure, object: nil) return } body.append(boundaryStart) body.append(dispositionEncoding) body.append(typeEncoding) body.append(jsonData) body.append(boundaryStart) body.append(imageDispositionEncoding) body.append(imageTypeEncoding) body.append(imageData) body.append(imageEndEncoding) body.append(boundaryEnd) request.timeout = kDefaultTimeOut request.send(requestBody: body) { response, error in //failure if let error = error { print(NSLocalizedString("Post New Image Error:", comment: "") + " \(error.localizedDescription)") self.handleImageUploadFailure(image) } //success else { self.addImageToImageTakenDuringAppSessionByIdDictionary(image) self.removeImageFromImagesCurrentlyUploading(image) .imageUploadSuccess, object: nil) } } } catch { print("Error converting image dictionary to Json") } } func generateBoundaryString() -> String { return "Boundary-\(UUID().uuidString)" } /** Method handles when there is an image upload failure. It will remove the image that was uploading from the imagesCurrentlyUploading array, and then will add the image to the imagesThatFailedToUpload array. Finally it will notify the rest of the app with the BluemixDataManagerNotification.ImageUploadFailure notification - parameter image: Image */ fileprivate func handleImageUploadFailure(_ image: ImagePayload) { self.removeImageFromImagesCurrentlyUploading(image) self.addImageToImagesThatFailedToUpload(image) .imageUploadFailure, object: nil) } } // MARK: - Methods related to uploading images extension BluemixDataManager { /** Method will retry to upload each image in the imagesThatFailedToUpload array */ func retryUploadingImagesThatFailedToUpload() { for image in imagesThatFailedToUpload { removeImageFromImagesThatFailedToUpload(image) tryToPostNewImage(image) } } /** Method will remove each image in the imagesThatFailedToUpload array */ func cancelUploadingImagesThatFailedToUpload() { for image in imagesThatFailedToUpload { removeImageFromImagesThatFailedToUpload(image) } } /** Method will add the image parameter to the imagesThatFailedToUpload array - parameter image: Image */ fileprivate func addImageToImagesThatFailedToUpload(_ image: ImagePayload) { imagesThatFailedToUpload.append(image) } /** Method will remove the image parameter from the imagesThatFailedToUpload array - parameter image: Image */ fileprivate func removeImageFromImagesThatFailedToUpload(_ image: ImagePayload) { imagesThatFailedToUpload = imagesThatFailedToUpload.filter({ $0 != image}) } /** Method will add the image parameter to the imagesCurrentlyUploading array - parameter image: Image */ fileprivate func addImageToImagesCurrentlyUploading(_ image: ImagePayload) { imagesCurrentlyUploading.append(image) } /** Method will remove the image parameter from the imagesCurrentlyUploading array - parameter image: Image */ fileprivate func removeImageFromImagesCurrentlyUploading(_ image: ImagePayload) { imagesCurrentlyUploading = imagesCurrentlyUploading.filter({ $0 != image}) } /** Method adds the photo to the imagesTakenDuringAppSessionById cache to display the photo in the image feed or profile feed while we wait for the photo to upload to. */ fileprivate func addImageToImageTakenDuringAppSessionByIdDictionary(_ image: ImagePayload) { let id = image.fileName + CurrentUser.facebookUserId imagesTakenDuringAppSessionById[id] = image.image } } // MARK: - Methods related to tags extension BluemixDataManager { /** Method gets the most popular tags of BluePic. When tags receieved, it sends out the PopularTagsReceieved BluemixDataManagerNotification to the app */ func getPopularTags() { let requestURL = getBluemixBaseRequestURL() + "/" + kTagsEndPoint let request = Request(url: requestURL, method: HttpMethod.GET) request.timeout = kDefaultTimeOut request.send { response, error in if let error = error { print(NSLocalizedString("Get Popular Tags Error:", comment: "") + " \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { if let text = response?.responseText, let result = Utils.convertStringToDictionary(text), let records = result["records"] as? [[String: Any]] { // Extract string tags from server results self.tags = records.flatMap { value in if let key = value["key"] as? String { return key.uppercased() } return nil } .popularTagsReceived, object: nil) } } } } }
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// // AppDelegate.swift // FoodPin // // Created by NDHU_CSIE on 2020/10/22. // Copyright © 2020 NDHU_CSIE. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. let os = ProcessInfo().operatingSystemVersion if os.majorVersion <= 12 { saveData() //call when OS version is then 13 } } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. let os = ProcessInfo().operatingSystemVersion if os.majorVersion <= 12 { saveData() //call when OS version is then 13 } } // MARK: UISceneSession Lifecycle @available(iOS 13.0, *) func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -> UISceneConfiguration { // Called when a new scene session is being created. // Use this method to select a configuration to create the new scene with. return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } @available(iOS 13.0, *) func application(_ application: UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions: Set<UISceneSession>) { // Called when the user discards a scene session. // If any sessions were discarded while the application was not running, this will be called shortly after application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. // Use this method to release any resources that were specific to the discarded scenes, as they will not return. } func saveData() { let tabBarController = window!.rootViewController as! UITabBarController let navigationController = tabBarController.viewControllers?[0] as! UINavigationController //let navigationController = window!.rootViewController as! UINavigationController let controller = navigationController.viewControllers[0] as! RestaurantTableViewController //or navigationController.topViewController controller.saveRestaurants() } }
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// // FeedDetailPresenter.swift // Guardian-UI // // Created by Youssef Marouane on 18/01/2021. // import Foundation import GuardianCore public protocol FeedDetailView { func display(_ viewModel: FeedDetailViewModel) } class FeedDetailPresenter { private let feedView: FeedDetailView private let errorView: FeedErrorView private var feedLoadError: String { return NSLocalizedString("FEED_VIEW_CONNECTION_ERROR", tableName: "Feed", bundle: Bundle(for: FeedPresenter.self), comment: "Error message displayed when we can't load the image feed from the server") } public init(feedView: FeedDetailView, errorView: FeedErrorView) { self.feedView = feedView self.errorView = errorView } public static var title: String { return NSLocalizedString("FEED_DETAIL_VIEW_TITLE", tableName: "Feed", bundle: Bundle(for: FeedDetailPresenter.self), comment: "Title for the feed view") } public func didStartLoadingFeed() { errorView.display(.noError) } public func didFinishLoadingFeed(with feed: FeedDetail) { feedView.display(FeedDetailViewModel(feedDetail: feed.item)) } public func didFinishLoadingFeed(with error: Error) { errorView.display(.error(message: feedLoadError)) } }
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// // UIViewControllerExtension.swift // MailerLite // // Created by Adam Bardon on 21/02/2019. // Copyright © 2019 Adam Bardon. All rights reserved. // import UIKit extension UIViewController { func add(_ child: UIViewController) { addChild(child) view.addSubview(child.view) child.didMove(toParent: self) } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // View+UniversalShadow.swift // Nimble // // Created by Tiago Flores on 17/12/2020. // import UIKit import UIKit enum InnerShadowDirection { case Top case Right case Bottom case Left } public extension UIView { // also called Outer Shadow func applyDropShadow( color: UIColor = .black, x: CGFloat = 0, y: CGFloat = 2, blur: CGFloat = 4, spread: CGFloat = 0, alpha: Float = 0.5) { let shadowView = UIView() shadowView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white let configurator = DropShadowConfigurator() configurator.applyLayerShadowColorStyle(color: color, alpha: alpha, blur: blur, toLayer: shadowView.layer) configurator.applyLayerDropShadowPath(fromViewBounds: self.bounds, spread: spread, toLayer: shadowView.layer) shadowView.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: x, height: y) superview?.insertSubview(shadowView, belowSubview: self) pin(toMe: shadowView) } private func pin(toMe view: UIView) { view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 9.0, *) { NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.topAnchor), view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.bottomAnchor), view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.leadingAnchor), view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.trailingAnchor), ]) } } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // OverlayConfig.swift // react-native-video // // Created by Yaroslav Lvov on 11.03.2022. // import AVDoris struct OverlayConfig: SuperCodable { let type: OverlayConfigType let button: String let components: [Component] enum OverlayConfigType: String, Codable { case expanded, side, bottom, full } struct Component: Codable { let name: String let type: OverlayConfigType let initialProps: Dictionary<String, String>? } func create(bridge: RCTBridge?) -> OverlayType { guard let bridge = bridge else { return .none } switch type { case .expanded: guard let sideComponent = components.first(where: {$0.type == .side}), let bottomComponent = components.first(where: {$0.type == .bottom}) else { return .none } let sideJSComponentView = RCTRootView(bridge: bridge, moduleName:, initialProperties: sideComponent.initialProps) let bottomJSComponentView = RCTRootView(bridge: bridge, moduleName:, initialProperties: bottomComponent.initialProps) return .rightAndBottom(rightView: sideJSComponentView, bottomView: bottomJSComponentView, closeAction: nil) case .side: guard let sideComponent = components.first(where: {$0.type == .side}) else { return .none } let sideJSComponentView = RCTRootView(bridge: bridge, moduleName:, initialProperties: sideComponent.initialProps) return .right(rightView: sideJSComponentView, closeAction: nil) default: return .none } } }
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// // Login.swift // APISampleClass // // Created by cbl20 on 2/23/17. // Copyright © 2017 Taran. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import Alamofire enum EndPoint { case messages(api_token : String? , timezone : String?) case sendMessage(api_token: String?, timezone: String?, other_id: String?, chat_type: String?, message: String?) case polling(api_token: String?, other_id: String?, timezone: String?, id: String?) } extension EndPoint : Router{ var route : String { switch self { case .messages(_): return APIConstants.messages case .sendMessage(_): return APIConstants.sendMessage case .polling(_): return APIConstants.polling } } var parameters: OptionalDictionary{ return format() } func format() -> OptionalDictionary { switch self { case .messages(let api_token , let timezone): return [api_token,timezone]) case .sendMessage(let api_token, let timezone, let other_id, let chat_type, let message): return [api_token, timezone, other_id, chat_type, message]) case .polling(let api_token, let other_id, let timezone, let id): return [api_token, other_id, timezone, id]) } } var method : Alamofire.HTTPMethod { switch self { default: return .post } } var baseURL: String{ return APIConstants.basePath } }
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// // PlacesViewController.swift // Expense // // Created by Haspinder on 07/07/18. // Copyright © 2018 Haspinder Singh. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import FirebaseDatabase class PlacesViewController: UIViewController { var ref: DatabaseReference! var dataSource : TableDataSource?{ didSet{ tableView.delegate = dataSource tableView.dataSource = dataSource } } var places = [Place](){didSet{ dataSource?.items = places as Array<AnyObject> self.tableView?.reloadData() }} @IBAction func actionAddPlace(_ sender: Any) { } @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() ref = Database.database().reference() setupTableView() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } /* // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } */ func fetchPlaces() { self.ref.child("places").child("hasp").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in for rest in (snapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot])! { let value = rest.value as? NSDictionary let place = Place(name:value?["name"] as? String ?? "" , lat: value?["lat"] as? String ?? "", long: value?["long"] as? String ?? "") // let email = value?["email"] as? String ?? "" self.places.append(place) } }) } } //MARK: TableView extension PlacesViewController{ func setupTableView() { dataSource = TableDataSource(items:places as Array<AnyObject>, height: UITableViewAutomaticDimension, tableView: tableView, cellIdentifier: "cell", configureCellBlock: { (cell, item, index) in self.configureTableCell(cell: cell, item: item,index: index) }, aRowSelectedListener: { (indexPath) in self.clickHandler(indexPath: indexPath) }) } func clickHandler(indexPath : NSIndexPath) { let vc = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "NewExpenseViewController") as! NewExpenseViewController self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) } func configureTableCell(cell : AnyObject?,item : AnyObject?,index : NSIndexPath?) { let cell = cell as? UITableViewCell let user = places[index?.row ?? 0] cell?.textLabel?.text = } }
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// // ScrollViewDemo4Tests.swift // ScrollViewDemo4Tests // // Created by Thomas Lau on 2018/9/1. // Copyright © 2018年 Thomas Lau. All rights reserved. // import XCTest @testable import ScrollViewDemo4 class ScrollViewDemo4Tests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { super.setUp() // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. super.tearDown() } func testExample() { // This is an example of a functional test case. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results. } func testPerformanceExample() { // This is an example of a performance test case. self.measure { // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. } } }
[ 313357, 98333, 102437, 292902, 229413, 354343, 354345, 278570, 233517, 309295, 282672, 229424, 237620, 229430, 180280, 288833, 288834, 286788, 311372, 223316, 315476, 280661, 307289, 354393, 315487, 237663, 45153, 309345, 280675, 227428, 280677, 313447, 278638, 223350, 131191, 280694, 131198, 292992, 280712, 311438, 284825, 284826, 311458, 299174, 284842, 153776, 239793, 299187, 184505, 227513, 295098, 280762, 223419, 280768, 227524, 309444, 280778, 280795, 227548, 301279, 311519, 280802, 176362, 286958, 227578, 184570, 184575, 278797, 282909, 278816, 282913, 233762, 237857, 211235, 217380, 211238, 280887, 315706, 282939, 287041, 260418, 287043, 139589, 227654, 311621, 6481, 168281, 379225, 323935, 321894, 416104, 280939, 285040, 242033, 199029, 291192, 311681, 227725, 240016, 190871, 285084, 61857, 285090, 61859, 289189, 293303, 278970, 293306, 278978, 291267, 127427, 283075, 278989, 281037, 281040, 328152, 285150, 279008, 358882, 279013, 291311, 309744, 281072, 279029, 279032, 233978, 279039, 291333, 279050, 303631, 283153, 279057, 303636, 279062, 279065, 291358, 180771, 293419, 244269, 283182, 283184, 234036, 289332, 23092, 70209, 115270, 309830, 293448, 55881, 377418, 281166, 281171, 287318, 309846, 295519, 279146, 313966, 295536, 287346, 287352, 301689, 189057, 152203, 287374, 117397, 230040, 314009, 289434, 303771, 221852, 279206, 279210, 287404, 295599, 303793, 285361, 299699, 166582, 289462, 314040, 287417, 285371, 285372, 285373, 285374, 287422, 303803, 66242, 287433, 225995, 279252, 287452, 289502, 285415, 234217, 342762, 293612, 230125, 289518, 312047, 279280, 230134, 154359, 228088, 234234, 299770, 221948, 205568, 242433, 299776, 285444, 322313, 166676, 293664, 234277, 283430, 262951, 312108, 285487, 262962, 230199, 285497, 293693, 289598, 160575, 281408, 295746, 318278, 201551, 281427, 281433, 230234, 301918, 279392, 295776, 293730, 303972, 174963, 207732, 310131, 295798, 209785, 279417, 177019, 308092, 291712, 158593, 113542, 228234, 308107, 56208, 308112, 293781, 324506, 324507, 283558, 310182, 279464, 236461, 289727, 213960, 279498, 316364, 183248, 50143, 314342, 234472, 234473, 326635, 203757, 304110, 287731, 295927, 312314, 234500, 277509, 230410, 234514, 277524, 293910, 281626, 175132, 300068, 238639, 238651, 308287, 238664, 234587, 277597, 304222, 281697, 302177, 230499, 281700, 300135, 322663, 207979, 279660, 15471, 144496, 234609, 312434, 285814, 300151, 279672, 160891, 285820, 300158, 150657, 187521, 234625, 285828, 279685, 285830, 302213, 302216, 228491, 234638, 308372, 185493, 296086, 238743, 187544, 283802, 285851, 296092, 300187, 330913, 234663, 300202, 249002, 238765, 279728, 238769, 294074, 208058, 64700, 228540, 228542, 283840, 302274, 279747, 283847, 283852, 189652, 279765, 279774, 304351, 310497, 298212, 304356, 290022, 234733, 298221, 279792, 302325, 228600, 216315, 208124, 228609, 292107, 312587, 130338, 339234, 130343, 298291, 222524, 286013, 286018, 113987, 279875, 230729, 224586, 177484, 222541, 296270, 238927, 314709, 357719, 283991, 230756, 281957, 163175, 230765, 306542, 296303, 284014, 279920, 181625, 306559, 224640, 148867, 294275, 298374, 142729, 368011, 296335, 112017, 306579, 282007, 318875, 310692, 282022, 310701, 173491, 304564, 228795, 292283, 292292, 306631, 296392, 300489, 280010, 310732, 302540, 312782, 280013, 306639, 310736, 222675, 228827, 239068, 280032, 316902, 280041, 296433, 308723, 306677, 280055, 300536, 286202, 290300, 290301, 286205, 296448, 230913, 306692, 306693, 296461, 282129, 308756, 282136, 282141, 302623, 288309, 290358, 280130, 288326, 282183, 288327, 218696, 292425, 286288, 290390, 128599, 235095, 300630, 306776, 286306, 300644, 222832, 314998, 288378, 294529, 282245, 282246, 288392, 229001, 290443, 310923, 323217, 282259, 229020, 298654, 282271, 282273, 302754, 282276, 229029, 40613, 40614, 282280, 40615, 300714, 298667, 286391, 306874, 280251, 282303, 286399, 218819, 306890, 280267, 302797, 212688, 302802, 280278, 282327, 286423, 278233, 278234, 298712, 67292, 294622, 278240, 282339, 288491, 280300, 239341, 282348, 284401, 282355, 323316, 229113, 313081, 286459, 300794, 278272, 288512, 311042, 288516, 216839, 282378, 300811, 321295, 284431, 278291, 278293, 282400, 313120, 315171, 284459, 280366, 282417, 200498, 296755, 280372, 282427, 345919, 282434, 282438, 280390, 18262, 280410, 188251, 284507, 300894, 284512, 284514, 296806, 276327, 292712, 282474, 288619, 288620, 280430, 282480, 313203, 300918, 194429, 339841, 305026, 67463, 282504, 243597, 110480, 184208, 282518, 282519, 214937, 239514, 298909, 311199, 298920, 284587, 292782, 288697, 294843, 280514, 294850, 280519, 344013, 301008, 294886, 296941, 311282, 292858 ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
// // RockPaperScissorsApp.swift // RockPaperScissors // // Created by Daniel Kuroski on 17.11.20. // import SwiftUI @main struct RockPaperScissorsApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } }
[ 216581, 375592, 412618, 438254, 418483, 359795, 383573, 370423, 419100 ]
let numbers = [nil, 1, "two", 3.0, "four"] as [Any?] print("All String elements in upper case:") numbers.compactMap({ $0 as? String }) .forEach { print($0.uppercased()) }
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[ "MIT" ]
///给定一个带有头结点 head 的非空单链表,返回链表的中间结点。 /// /// 如果有两个中间结点,则返回第二个中间结点。 /// /// /// /// 示例 1: /// /// 输入:[1,2,3,4,5] ///输出:此列表中的结点 3 (序列化形式:[3,4,5]) ///返回的结点值为 3 。 (测评系统对该结点序列化表述是 [3,4,5])。 ///注意,我们返回了一个 ListNode 类型的对象 ans,这样: ///ans.val = 3, = 4, = 5, 以及 = /// NULL. /// /// /// 示例 2: /// /// 输入:[1,2,3,4,5,6] ///输出:此列表中的结点 4 (序列化形式:[4,5,6]) ///由于该列表有两个中间结点,值分别为 3 和 4,我们返回第二个结点。 /// /// /// /// /// 提示: /// /// /// 给定链表的结点数介于 1 和 100 之间。 /// /// Related Topics 链表 /// 👍 237 👎 0 ///leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion) /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { * public var val: Int * public var next: ListNode? * public init(_ val: Int) { * self.val = val * = nil * } * } */ class Solution { func middleNode(_ head: ListNode?) -> ListNode? { } } ///leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)
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[ "MIT" ]
// // PassItemTests.swift // GildedRoseKataTests // // Created by Shaher Kassam on 09/03/2019. // Copyright © 2019 Shaher. All rights reserved. // @testable import GildedRoseKata import XCTest class PassItemTests: XCTestCase { //MARK: Pass func testPassItem() { //given let items = [Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 15, quality: 20)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(14, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(21, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemDouble() { //given let items = [ Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 10, quality: 20)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(9, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(22, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemTriple() { //given let items = [Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 5, quality: 20)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(4, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(23, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemDoubleEdge() { //given let items = [ Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 10, quality: 49)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(9, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(50, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemTripleEdge() { //given let items = [Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 5, quality: 49)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(4, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(50, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemAfterSellIn() { //given let items = [Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: -1, quality: 49)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(-2, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(0, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemOnSellIn() { //given let items = [Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 0, quality: 20)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(-1, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(0, app.items[0].quality) } func testPassItemMax() { //given let items = [Item(name: ItemName.pass.rawValue, sellIn: 0, quality: 50)] let app = GildedRoseInventory(items: items) //when app.updateQuality() //then XCTAssertEqual(-1, app.items[0].sellIn) XCTAssertEqual(0, app.items[0].quality) } }
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[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// // TimeDelegate.swift // curbmap // // Created by Eli Selkin on 1/8/18. // Copyright © 2018 Eli Selkin. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import UIKit class TimeDelegateData: NSObject, UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource { func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int { return 2 } func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int { if (component == 0) { return 24 } else { return 60 } } func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, attributedTitleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> NSAttributedString? { let keyValue = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white] let str = NSAttributedString(string: String(row), attributes: keyValue) return str } }
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// // ViewController.swift // MyMotor // // Created by Robert Hardy on 12/07/2021. // import UIKit import Foundation class Home_ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var registrationTextField: UITextField! @IBOutlet weak var findCarButton: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var vehicleInformationTextView: UITextView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .light NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(motDetailsRetrievedSuccess), name: Notification.Name("motDetailsRetrievedSuccess"), object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(motDetailsRetrievedError), name: Notification.Name("motDetailsRetrievedError"), object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(motDetailsRetrievedError), name: Notification.Name("taxDetailsRetrievedError"), object: nil) } @IBAction func findCarButtonPressed() { let registration_plate = registrationTextField.text! DVSA().get_tax_details(registration_plate: registration_plate) } @objc func motDetailsRetrievedSuccess() { let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy.MM.dd" dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC") as TimeZone? let timestampVehicleMotExpiry = DVSA.vehicleMotExpiry) let timestampVehicleRegistrationDate = DVSA.vehicleRegistrationDate) let newDateFormatter = DateFormatter() newDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z" newDateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC") as TimeZone? newDateFormatter.dateStyle = .long newDateFormatter.timeStyle = .none let friendlyVehicleMotExpiry = newDateFormatter.string(from: timestampVehicleMotExpiry ?? Date()) let friendlyVehicleRegistrationDate = newDateFormatter.string(from: timestampVehicleRegistrationDate ?? Date()) vehicleInformationTextView.text = "\(DVSA.vehicleMake.capitalized) \(DVSA.vehicleModel.capitalized) (\(DVSA.vehiclePrimaryColour)) \nRegistered on: \(friendlyVehicleRegistrationDate) \nMileage (at last MOT): \(DVSA.vehicleOdometerValue) \nMOT Expires: \(friendlyVehicleMotExpiry) \nMOT Count: \(DVSA.vehicleMotCount) \nAdvisories Count (previous MOT): \(DVSA.vehicleLatestMotAdvisoriesCount) \nVehicle is \(DVSA.vehicleIsTaxed) \nVehicle Tax Due Date: \(DVSA.vehicleTaxDueDate) \nCo2 Emissions: \(DVSA.vehicleCo2Emissions)" performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToVehicle", sender: self) } @objc func motDetailsRetrievedError() { let alert_success = UIAlertController(title: "Error", message: "Unable to locate vehicle with specified registration plate.", preferredStyle: .alert) let default_action = UIAlertAction(title: "Dismiss", style: .default, handler: nil) alert_success.addAction(default_action) self.present(alert_success, animated: true, completion: nil) } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // SKButtons.swift // SKPhotoBrowser // // Created by 鈴木 啓司 on 2016/08/09. // Copyright © 2016年 suzuki_keishi. All rights reserved. // import Foundation // helpers which often used private let bundle = Bundle(for: SKPhotoBrowser.self) class SKButton: UIButton { internal var showFrame: CGRect! internal var hideFrame: CGRect! fileprivate var insets: UIEdgeInsets { if UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == .phone { return UIEdgeInsets(top: 15.25, left: 15.25, bottom: 15.25, right: 15.25) } else { return UIEdgeInsets(top: 12, left: 12, bottom: 12, right: 12) } } fileprivate let size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 44, height: 44) fileprivate var marginX: CGFloat = 0 fileprivate var marginY: CGFloat = 0 fileprivate var extraMarginY: CGFloat = SKMesurement.isPhoneX ? 10 : 0 func setup(_ imageName: String) { backgroundColor = .clear imageEdgeInsets = insets translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true autoresizingMask = [.flexibleBottomMargin, .flexibleLeftMargin, .flexibleRightMargin, .flexibleTopMargin] let image = UIImage(named: "SKPhotoBrowser.bundle/images/\(imageName)", in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil) ?? UIImage() setImage(image, for: UIControlState()) } func setFrameSize(_ size: CGSize? = nil) { guard let size = size else { return } let newRect = CGRect(x: marginX, y: marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) frame = newRect showFrame = newRect hideFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: -marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) } func updateFrame(_ frameSize: CGSize) { } } class SKImageButton: SKButton { fileprivate var imageName: String { return "" } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) } override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) setup(imageName) showFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) hideFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: -marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) } } class SKCloseButton: SKImageButton { override var imageName: String { return "btn_common_close_wh" } override var marginX: CGFloat { get { return SKPhotoBrowserOptions.swapCloseAndDeleteButtons ? SKMesurement.screenWidth - SKButtonOptions.closeButtonPadding.x - self.size.width : SKButtonOptions.closeButtonPadding.x } set { super.marginX = newValue } } override var marginY: CGFloat { get { return SKButtonOptions.closeButtonPadding.y + extraMarginY } set { super.marginY = newValue } } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) } override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) setup(imageName) showFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) hideFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: -marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) } } class SKDeleteButton: SKImageButton { override var imageName: String { return "btn_common_delete_wh" } override var marginX: CGFloat { get { return SKPhotoBrowserOptions.swapCloseAndDeleteButtons ? SKButtonOptions.deleteButtonPadding.x : SKMesurement.screenWidth - SKButtonOptions.deleteButtonPadding.x - self.size.width } set { super.marginX = newValue } } override var marginY: CGFloat { get { return SKButtonOptions.deleteButtonPadding.y + extraMarginY } set { super.marginY = newValue } } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) } override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) setup(imageName) showFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) hideFrame = CGRect(x: marginX, y: -marginY, width: size.width, height: size.height) } }
[ 34482, 287502, 39958 ]
// // AppDelegate.swift // CuttyFlamTV // // Created by Dan Patey on 3/8/17. // Copyright © 2017 Dan Patey. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import TVMLKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, TVApplicationControllerDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var appController: TVApplicationController? // static let TVBaseURL = "http://localhost:9001/" static let TVBaseURL = "" static let TVBootURL = "\(AppDelegate.TVBaseURL)js/application.js" func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool { window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) let appControllerContext = TVApplicationControllerContext() // Configure paths to TVJS and root of our server guard let javascriptURL = URL(string: AppDelegate.TVBootURL) else { fatalError("Unable to create NSURL") } appControllerContext.javaScriptApplicationURL = javascriptURL appControllerContext.launchOptions["BASEURL"] = AppDelegate.TVBaseURL // Start up our TVApplicationController appController = TVApplicationController(context: appControllerContext, window: window, delegate: self) return true } }
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// // ContactUsVC.swift // DealBreakers // // Created by Vivek Dharmani on 3/23/20. // Copyright © 2020 apple. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ContactUsVC: UIViewController,UITextViewDelegate { var message = String() @IBOutlet weak var contactUSTxtView: UITextView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() contactUSTxtView.delegate = self // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } // func textViewDidBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) { // // contactUSTxtView.text = "" // // } @IBAction func backButtonAction(_ sender: Any) { self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) } @IBAction func contactUsButtonTap(_ sender: Any) { if contactUSTxtView.text.isEmpty{ ValidateData(strMessage: "Please enter Message") }else{ addData() } } func addData() { IJProgressView.shared.showProgressView() let signUpUrl = Constant.shared.baseUrl + Constant.shared.contactUS let id = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "userId") as? String ?? "" let parms : [String:Any] = ["user_id": id,"content": contactUSTxtView.text!] print(parms) AFWrapperClass.requestPOSTURL(signUpUrl, params: parms, success: { (response) in IJProgressView.shared.hideProgressView() let status = response["status"] as? Int self.message = response["message"] as? String ?? "" if status == 1{ self.contactUSTxtView.text = "" // alert(Constant.shared.appTitle, message: self.message, view: self) showAlertMessage(title: Constant.shared.appTitle, message: self.message, okButton: "Ok", controller: self) { self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) } }else{ IJProgressView.shared.hideProgressView() alert(Constant.shared.appTitle, message: self.message, view: self) } }) { (error) in IJProgressView.shared.hideProgressView() print(error) } } }
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/BSL Hands One/SignSongsViewController.swift
// // AnimalViewController.swift // BSL Hands One // // Created by Thomas Maher on 23/06/2017. // Copyright © 2017 Thomas Maher. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import AVFoundation import AVKit import GoogleMobileAds class SignSongsViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate, GADBannerViewDelegate { var heightValuePortrait : CGFloat = 1.0 var heightValueLandscape : CGFloat = 1.0 @IBOutlet weak var googleBanner: GADBannerView! @IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView! let avPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController() var avPlayer:AVPlayer? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.scrollView.delegate = self self.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = true applyDeviceSpecificChecks() // Google Banner Script let request = GADRequest() request.testDevices = [kGADSimulatorID] googleBanner.adUnitID = "ca-app-pub-7466211922726741/7595203519" googleBanner.rootViewController = self googleBanner.delegate = self googleBanner.load(request) } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) if AppGlobal.isLandscape() { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width:320, height: self.view.frame.size.height * self.heightValueLandscape) self.scrollView.setNeedsLayout() } } else{ DispatchQueue.main.async { self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width:320, height: self.view.frame.size.height * self.heightValuePortrait) self.scrollView.setNeedsLayout() } } } override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) { if AppGlobal.isLandscape() { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width:320, height: self.view.frame.size.height * self.heightValueLandscape) self.scrollView.setNeedsLayout() } } else{ DispatchQueue.main.async { self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width:320, height: self.view.frame.size.height * self.heightValuePortrait) self.scrollView.setNeedsLayout() } } } func applyDeviceSpecificChecks() { if Display.typeIsLike == DisplayType.iphoneSE { heightValuePortrait = 1.1 heightValueLandscape = 1.3 } else if Display.typeIsLike == DisplayType.iphone7 { heightValuePortrait = 1.1 heightValueLandscape = 1.1 } else if Display.typeIsLike == DisplayType.iphone7plus { heightValuePortrait = 1.1 heightValueLandscape = 1.1 } else if Display.typeIsLike == DisplayType.ipad9 { heightValuePortrait = 1.1 heightValueLandscape = 1.1 } else if Display.typeIsLike == DisplayType.ipad12 { heightValuePortrait = 1.1 heightValueLandscape = 1.1 } } @IBAction func lovemedoAction(_ sender: Any) { playVideo(url: "") } @IBAction func countonmeAction(_ sender: Any) { playVideo(url: "") } @IBAction func proudmaryAction(_ sender: Any) { playVideo(url: "") } func playVideo(url: String?) { let movieUrl:NSURL? = NSURL(string: url!) if let url = movieUrl { self.avPlayer = AVPlayer(url: url as URL) self.avPlayerViewController.player = self.avPlayer } self.present(self.avPlayerViewController, animated: true) { () -> Void in self.avPlayerViewController.player?.play() } } }
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// // AppDelegate.swift // AssignmentSix // // Created by CM Student on 3/1/19. // Copyright © 2019 Naohiro Kiryu. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. } }
[ 229380, 229383, 229385, 229388, 294924, 229391, 327695, 229394, 229397, 229399, 229402, 278556, 229405, 229408, 278564, 294950, 229415, 229417, 327722, 237613, 229422, 360496, 229426, 237618, 229428, 286774, 229432, 286776, 286778, 319544, 204856, 352318, 286791, 237640, 278605, 286797, 311375, 163920, 237646, 196692, 319573, 311383, 319590, 311400, 278635, 303212, 278639, 131192, 278648, 237693, 303230, 327814, 131209, 303241, 417930, 311436, 303244, 319633, 286873, 286876, 311460, 311469, 32944, 327862, 286906, 327866, 180413, 286910, 131264, 286916, 295110, 286922, 286924, 286926, 319694, 286928, 131281, 278743, 278747, 295133, 155872, 319716, 237807, 303345, 286962, 303347, 131314, 229622, 327930, 278781, 278783, 278785, 237826, 319751, 278792, 286987, 319757, 311569, 286999, 319770, 287003, 287006, 287009, 287012, 287014, 287016, 287019, 311598, 287023, 262448, 311601, 287032, 155966, 319809, 319810, 278849, 319814, 311623, 319818, 311628, 229709, 287054, 319822, 278865, 229717, 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221850, 287386, 164509, 303773, 230045, 172702, 287390, 287394, 172705, 303780, 172707, 287398, 295583, 279208, 287400, 172714, 295595, 279212, 189102, 172721, 287409, 66227, 303797, 189114, 287419, 303804, 328381, 287423, 328384, 279231, 287427, 312005, 312006, 107208, 172748, 287436, 107212, 172751, 287440, 295633, 172755, 303827, 279255, 172760, 279258, 303835, 213724, 189149, 303838, 287450, 279267, 312035, 295654, 279272, 230128, 312048, 312050, 230131, 189169, 205564, 303871, 230146, 328453, 295685, 230154, 33548, 312077, 295695, 295701, 230169, 369433, 295707, 328476, 295710, 230175, 303914, 279340, 205613, 279353, 230202, 312124, 328508, 222018, 295755, 377676, 148302, 287569, 303959, 230237, 279390, 230241, 279394, 303976, 336744, 303981, 303985, 328563, 303987, 279413, 303991, 303997, 295806, 295808, 304005, 295813, 213895, 320391, 304007, 304009, 304011, 230284, 304013, 279438, 189325, 295822, 189329, 295825, 304019, 189331, 58262, 304023, 279452, 234648, 410526, 279461, 279462, 304042, 213931, 230327, 304055, 287675, 197564, 230334, 304063, 238528, 304065, 213954, 189378, 156612, 295873, 213963, 312272, 304084, 304090, 320481, 304106, 320490, 312302, 328687, 320496, 304114, 295928, 320505, 312321, 295945, 295949, 230413, 197645, 320528, 140312, 295961, 238620, 197663, 304164, 304170, 304175, 238641, 312374, 238652, 238655, 230465, 238658, 336964, 296004, 205895, 320584, 238666, 296021, 402518, 336987, 230497, 296036, 296040, 361576, 205931, 296044, 279661, 205934, 164973, 312432, 279669, 337018, 189562, 279679, 66690, 279683, 222340, 205968, 296084, 238745, 304285, 238756, 205991, 222377, 165035, 337067, 238766, 165038, 230576, 238770, 304311, 230592, 279750, 312518, 230600, 230607, 148690, 320727, 279769, 304348, 279777, 304354, 296163, 320740, 279781, 304360, 320748, 279788, 279790, 304370, 296189, 320771, 312585, 296202, 296205, 230674, 320786, 230677, 296213, 296215, 230679, 320792, 230681, 214294, 304416, 230689, 173350, 312622, 296243, 312630, 222522, 222525, 296253, 312639, 296255, 230718, 296259, 378181, 296262, 230727, 238919, 320840, 296264, 296267, 296271, 222545, 230739, 312663, 337244, 222556, 230752, 312676, 230760, 173418, 410987, 230763, 148843, 230768, 296305, 312692, 230773, 304505, 304506, 181626, 181631, 312711, 312712, 296331, 288140, 288144, 230800, 304533, 337306, 288154, 288160, 173472, 288162, 288164, 279975, 304555, 370092, 279983, 288176, 173488, 279985, 312755, 296373, 279991, 312759, 288185, 337335, 222652, 312766, 173507, 296389, 222665, 230860, 312783, 288208, 230865, 288210, 370130, 288212, 222676, 148946, 280021, 239064, 288217, 329177, 280027, 288220, 288214, 239070, 288218, 288224, 280034, 288226, 280036, 288229, 280038, 288230, 288232, 370146, 320998, 288234, 288236, 288238, 288240, 288242, 296435, 288244, 288250, 402942, 296446, 321022, 206336, 296450, 148990, 230916, 230919, 214535, 304651, 370187, 304653, 230923, 402969, 230940, 222752, 108066, 296486, 296488, 157229, 239152, 230961, 157236, 288320, 288325, 124489, 280140, 280145, 288338, 280149, 288344, 280152, 239194, 280158, 403039, 370272, 181854, 239202, 370279, 312938, 280183, 280185, 280188, 280191, 116354, 280194, 280208, 280211, 288408, 280218, 280222, 419489, 190118, 321195, 296622, 321200, 337585, 296626, 296634, 296637, 419522, 313027, 280260, 419525, 206536, 280264, 206539, 206541, 206543, 263888, 280276, 313044, 321239, 280283, 313052, 288478, 313055, 419555, 321252, 313066, 280302, 288494, 280304, 313073, 321266, 288499, 419570, 288502, 280314, 288510, 124671, 67330, 280324, 198405, 288519, 280331, 198416, 280337, 296723, 116503, 321304, 329498, 296731, 321311, 313121, 313123, 304932, 321316, 280363, 141101, 165678, 280375, 321336, 296767, 288576, 345921, 280388, 337732, 304968, 280393, 280402, 173907, 313176, 280419, 321381, 296809, 296812, 313201, 1920, 255873, 305028, 280454, 247688, 280464, 124817, 280468, 239510, 280473, 124827, 214940, 247709, 214944, 280487, 313258, 321458, 296883, 124853, 214966, 10170, 296890, 288700, 296894, 190403, 296900, 280515, 337862, 165831, 280521, 231379, 296921, 354265, 354270, 239586, 313320, 354281, 231404, 124913, 165876, 321528, 239612, 313340, 288764, 239617, 313347, 288773, 313358, 321560, 305176, 313371, 354338, 305191, 223273, 313386, 354348, 124978, 215090, 124980, 288824, 288826, 321595, 378941, 313406, 288831, 288836, 67654, 280651, 354382, 288848, 280658, 215123, 354390, 288855, 288859, 280669, 313438, 280671, 149599, 149601, 321634, 149603, 223327, 329830, 280681, 313451, 223341, 280687, 313458, 280691, 215154, 149618, 313464, 329850, 321659, 280702, 288895, 321670, 215175, 141446, 141455, 141459, 280725, 313498, 100520, 288936, 280747, 288940, 280755, 288947, 321717, 280759, 280764, 280769, 280771, 280774, 280776, 313548, 321740, 280783, 280786, 280788, 313557, 280793, 280796, 280798, 338147, 280804, 280807, 157930, 280811, 280817, 125171, 157940, 280819, 182517, 280823, 280825, 280827, 280830, 280831, 280833, 125187, 280835, 125191, 125207, 125209, 321817, 125218, 321842, 223539, 125239, 280888, 305464, 280891, 289087, 280897, 280900, 239944, 305480, 280906, 239947, 305485, 305489, 379218, 280919, 248153, 215387, 354653, 354656, 313700, 280937, 313705, 190832, 280946, 223606, 313720, 280956, 239997, 280959, 313731, 199051, 240011, 289166, 240017, 297363, 190868, 297365, 240021, 297368, 297372, 141725, 297377, 289186, 297391, 289201, 240052, 289207, 305594, 289210, 281024, 289218, 289221, 289227, 436684, 281045, 281047, 215526, 166378, 305647, 281075, 174580, 240124, 281084, 305662, 305664, 240129, 305666, 305668, 330244, 240132, 281095, 338440, 150025, 223752, 223749, 223757, 281102, 223763, 223765, 281113, 322074, 281116, 281121, 182819, 281127, 150066, 158262, 158266, 289342, 281154, 322115, 158283, 281163, 281179, 338528, 338532, 281190, 199273, 281196, 158317, 19053, 313973, 281210, 297594, 158347, 264845, 182926, 133776, 182929, 314003, 117398, 314007, 289436, 174754, 330404, 289448, 133801, 174764, 314029, 314033, 240309, 133817, 314045, 314047, 314051, 199364, 297671, 158409, 256716, 289493, 363234, 289513, 289522, 289525, 289532, 322303, 289537, 322310, 264969, 322314, 322318, 281361, 281372, 322341, 215850, 281388, 289593, 281401, 289601, 281410, 281413, 281414, 240458, 281420, 240468, 281430, 322393, 297818, 281435, 281438, 281442, 174955, 224110, 207733, 207737, 183172, 158596, 240519, 322440, 314249, 338823, 183184, 142226, 289687, 224151, 240535, 297883, 289694, 289696, 289700, 289712, 281529, 289724, 52163, 183260, 420829, 281567, 289762, 322534, 297961, 183277, 281581, 322550, 134142, 322563, 314372, 330764, 175134, 322599, 322610, 314421, 281654, 314427, 207937, 314433, 314441, 207949, 322642, 314456, 281691, 314461, 281702, 281704, 314474, 281708, 281711, 289912, 248995, 306341, 306344, 306347, 322734, 306354, 142531, 199877, 289991, 306377, 289997, 249045, 363742, 363745, 298216, 330988, 126190, 216303, 322801, 388350, 257302, 363802, 199976, 199978, 314671, 298292, 298294, 257334, 216376, 298306, 380226, 224584, 224587, 224594, 216404, 306517, 150870, 314714, 224603, 159068, 314718, 265568, 314723, 281960, 150890, 306539, 314732, 314736, 290161, 216436, 306549, 298358, 314743, 306552, 290171, 314747, 298365, 290174, 306555, 224641, 281987, 298372, 314756, 281990, 224647, 265604, 298377, 314763, 142733, 298381, 314768, 224657, 314773, 306581, 314779, 314785, 282025, 314793, 282027, 241068, 241070, 241072, 282034, 241077, 150966, 298424, 306618, 282044, 323015, 306635, 306640, 290263, 290270, 290275, 339431, 282089, 191985, 282098, 290291, 282101, 241142, 191992, 290298, 151036, 290302, 282111, 290305, 175621, 192008, 323084, 257550, 290321, 282130, 323090, 282133, 290325, 241175, 290328, 282137, 290332, 241181, 282142, 282144, 290344, 306731, 290349, 290351, 290356, 282186, 224849, 282195, 282199, 282201, 306778, 159324, 159330, 314979, 298598, 323176, 224875, 241260, 323181, 257658, 315016, 282249, 290445, 282255, 282261, 175770, 298651, 282269, 323229, 298655, 323231, 61092, 282277, 306856, 196133, 282295, 282300, 323260, 323266, 282310, 323273, 282319, 306897, 241362, 306904, 282328, 298714, 52959, 216801, 282337, 241380, 216806, 323304, 282345, 12011, 282356, 323318, 282364, 282367, 306945, 241412, 323333, 282376, 216842, 323345, 282388, 323349, 282392, 184090, 315167, 315169, 282402, 315174, 323367, 241448, 315176, 241450, 282410, 306988, 306991, 315184, 323376, 315190, 241464, 159545, 282425, 298811, 307009, 413506, 241475, 307012, 298822, 315211, 282446, 307027, 315221, 323414, 315223, 241496, 241498, 307035, 307040, 110433, 282465, 241509, 110438, 298860, 110445, 282478, 315249, 110450, 315251, 282481, 315253, 315255, 339838, 315267, 282499, 315269, 241544, 282505, 241546, 241548, 298896, 298898, 282514, 44948, 298901, 241556, 282520, 241560, 241563, 241565, 241567, 241569, 282531, 241574, 282537, 298922, 36779, 241581, 282542, 241583, 323504, 241586, 282547, 241588, 290739, 241590, 241592, 241598, 290751, 241600, 241605, 151495, 241610, 298975, 241632, 298984, 241640, 241643, 298988, 241646, 241649, 241652, 323574, 290807, 241661, 299006, 282623, 315396, 241669, 315397, 282632, 307211, 282639, 290835, 282645, 241693, 282654, 241701, 102438, 217127, 282669, 323630, 282681, 290877, 282687, 159811, 315463, 315466, 192589, 307278, 192596, 176213, 307287, 315482, 217179, 315483, 192605, 233567, 200801, 299105, 217188, 299109, 307303, 315495, 356457, 45163, 307307, 315502, 192624, 307314, 323700, 299126, 233591, 299136, 307329, 315524, 307338, 233613, 241813, 307352, 299164, 241821, 184479, 299167, 184481, 315557, 184486, 307370, 307372, 184492, 307374, 307376, 299185, 323763, 176311, 299191, 307385, 307386, 258235, 176316, 307388, 307390, 184503, 299200, 184512, 307394, 307396, 299204, 184518, 307399, 323784, 307409, 307411, 176343, 299225, 233701, 307432, 184572, 282881, 184579, 282893, 323854, 291089, 282906, 291104, 233766, 176435, 307508, 315701, 307510, 332086, 307512, 168245, 307515, 282942, 307518, 282947, 323917, 110926, 282957, 233808, 323921, 315733, 323926, 233815, 315739, 323932, 299357, 242018, 242024, 299373, 315757, 250231, 242043, 315771, 299388, 299391, 291202, 299398, 242057, 291212, 299405, 291222, 283033, 291226, 242075, 315801, 291231, 61855, 283042, 291238, 291241, 127403, 127405, 291247, 127407, 299440, 299444, 127413, 283062, 291254, 127417, 291260, 283069, 127421, 127424, 299457, 127429, 127431, 176592, 315856, 127440, 315860, 176597, 283095, 127447, 299481, 127449, 176605, 242143, 127455, 291299, 340454, 127463, 242152, 291305, 127466, 176620, 127469, 127474, 291314, 291317, 135672, 127480, 233979, 291323, 127485, 291330, 127490, 283142, 127494, 127497, 233994, 135689, 127500, 291341, 233998, 127506, 234003, 127509, 234006, 152087, 127511, 283161, 242202, 234010, 135707, 242206, 135710, 242208, 291361, 242220, 291378, 234038, 152118, 234041, 315961, 70213, 242250, 111193, 242275, 299620, 242279, 168562, 184952, 135805, 291456, 135808, 373383, 299655, 135820, 316051, 225941, 316054, 299672, 135834, 373404, 299677, 225948, 135839, 299680, 225954, 135844, 299684, 242343, 209576, 242345, 373421, 135870, 135873, 135876, 135879, 299720, 299723, 299726, 225998, 226002, 119509, 226005, 226008, 242396, 299740, 201444, 299750, 283368, 234219, 283372, 185074, 226037, 283382, 316151, 234231, 234236, 226045, 234239, 242431, 209665, 234242, 299778, 242436, 226053, 234246, 226056, 234248, 291593, 242443, 234252, 242445, 234254, 291601, 234258, 242450, 242452, 234261, 348950, 201496, 234264, 234266, 234269, 283421, 234272, 234274, 152355, 234278, 299814, 283432, 234281, 234284, 234287, 283440, 185138, 242483, 234292, 234296, 234298, 283452, 160572, 234302, 234307, 242499, 234309, 292433, 234313, 316233, 316235, 234316, 283468, 242511, 234319, 234321, 234324, 185173, 201557, 234329, 234333, 308063, 234336, 234338, 242530, 349027, 234341, 234344, 234347, 177004, 234350, 324464, 234353, 152435, 177011, 234356, 234358, 234362, 234364, 291711, 234368, 234370, 201603, 291714, 234373, 226182, 234375, 291716, 308105, 226185, 234379, 234384, 234388, 234390, 324504, 234393, 209818, 308123, 324508, 234396, 291742, 226200, 234401, 291747, 291748, 234405, 291750, 234407, 324518, 324520, 234410, 324522, 226220, 291756, 291754, 324527, 291760, 234417, 201650, 324531, 234414, 234422, 226230, 275384, 324536, 234428, 291773, 234431, 242623, 324544, 324546, 234434, 324548, 226245, 234437, 234439, 226239, 234443, 291788, 234446, 275406, 193486, 234449, 316370, 193488, 234452, 234455, 234459, 234461, 234464, 234467, 234470, 168935, 5096, 324585, 234475, 234478, 316400, 234481, 316403, 234484, 234485, 324599, 234487, 234490, 234493, 234496, 316416, 234501, 308231, 234504, 234507, 234510, 234515, 300054, 234519, 316439, 234520, 234523, 234526, 234528, 300066, 234532, 300069, 234535, 234537, 234540, 144430, 234543, 234546, 275508, 234549, 300085, 300088, 234553, 234556, 234558, 316479, 234561, 316483, 308291, 234563, 160835, 234568, 234570, 316491, 300108, 234572, 234574, 300115, 234580, 234581, 242777, 234585, 275545, 234590, 234593, 234595, 300133, 234597, 234601, 300139, 234605, 160879, 234607, 275569, 234610, 316530, 300148, 234614, 398455, 144506, 234618, 275579, 234620, 234623, 226433, 234627, 275588, 234629, 242822, 234634, 234636, 177293, 234640, 275602, 234643, 226453, 275606, 234647, 275608, 308373, 234650, 324757, 308379, 234653, 324766, 119967, 300189, 324768, 283805, 234657, 242852, 234661, 283813, 300197, 234664, 177318, 275626, 234667, 316596, 308414, 234687, 300223, 300226, 308418, 226500, 234692, 300229, 308420, 283844, 308422, 283850, 300234, 300238, 300241, 316625, 300243, 300245, 316630, 300248, 300253, 300256, 300258, 300260, 234726, 300263, 300265, 161003, 300267, 300270, 300272, 120053, 300278, 316663, 275703, 300284, 275710, 300287, 300289, 292097, 161027, 300292, 300294, 275719, 234760, 177419, 300299, 283917, 300301, 349451, 177424, 242957, 275725, 349464, 415009, 283939, 259367, 292143, 283951, 300344, 226617, 243003, 283963, 226628, 283973, 300357, 177482, 283983, 316758, 357722, 316766, 292192, 316768, 218464, 292197, 316774, 243046, 218473, 284010, 136562, 324978, 275834, 333178, 275836, 275840, 316803, 316806, 226696, 316811, 226699, 316814, 226703, 300433, 234899, 226709, 357783, 316824, 316826, 144796, 300448, 144807, 144810, 144812, 284076, 144814, 144820, 284084, 284087, 292279, 144826, 144828, 144830, 144832, 144835, 144837, 38342, 144839, 144841, 144844, 144847, 144852, 144855, 103899, 300507, 333280, 218597, 292329, 300523, 259565, 300527, 308720, 259567, 226802, 292338, 316917, 308727, 292343, 300537, 316933, 316947, 308757, 308762, 284191, 316959, 284194, 284196, 235045, 284199, 284204, 284206, 284209, 284211, 284213, 308790, 316983, 284215, 194103, 284218, 194101, 226877, 284223, 284226, 243268, 292421, 226886, 284231, 128584, 284228, 284234, 276043, 317004, 366155, 284238, 226895, 284241, 194130, 284243, 300628, 284245, 276053, 284247, 317015, 284249, 243290, 284251, 235097, 284253, 300638, 284255, 243293, 284258, 292452, 292454, 284263, 177766, 284265, 292458, 284267, 292461, 284272, 284274, 276086, 284278, 292470, 292473, 284283, 276093, 284286, 292479, 284288, 292481, 284290, 325250, 284292, 292485, 325251, 276095, 276098, 284297, 317066, 284299, 317068, 276109, 284301, 284303, 276114, 284306, 284308, 284312, 284314, 284316, 276127, 284320, 284322, 284327, 276137, 284329, 284331, 317098, 284333, 284335, 276144, 284337, 284339, 300726, 284343, 284346, 284350, 276160, 358080, 284354, 358083, 276166, 284358, 358089, 276170, 284362, 276175, 284368, 276177, 284370, 317138, 284372, 358098, 284377, 276187, 284379, 284381, 284384, 284386, 358114, 358116, 276197, 317158, 358119, 284392, 325353, 284394, 358122, 284397, 358126, 276206, 358128, 284399, 358133, 358135, 276216, 358138, 300795, 358140, 284413, 358142, 358146, 317187, 284418, 317189, 317191, 284428, 300816, 300819, 317207, 284440, 300828, 300830, 276255, 325408, 300832, 300834, 317221, 227109, 358183, 186151, 276268, 300845, 243504, 300850, 284469, 276280, 325436, 358206, 276291, 366406, 276295, 300872, 153417, 292681, 358224, 284499, 276308, 178006, 317271, 284502, 276315, 292700, 284511, 317279, 227175, 292715, 300912, 284529, 292721, 300915, 284533, 292729, 317306, 284540, 292734, 325512, 169868, 276365, 284564, 358292, 399252, 284566, 317332, 350106, 284572, 276386, 284579, 276388, 358312, 284585, 317353, 276395, 292776, 292784, 276402, 358326, 161718, 276410, 276411, 358330, 276418, 276425, 301009, 301011, 301013, 292823, 301015, 301017, 358360, 292828, 276446, 153568, 276448, 276452, 276455, 292839, 350186, 292843, 276460, 292845, 276464, 178161, 227314, 276466, 350200, 325624, 276472, 317435, 276476, 276479, 276482, 350210, 276485, 317446, 178181, 276490, 350218, 292876, 350222, 276496, 317456, 317458, 243733, 243740, 317468, 317472, 325666, 243751, 292904, 276528, 178224, 243762, 309298, 325685, 325689, 235579, 325692, 235581, 178238, 276539, 276544, 243779, 325700, 284739, 292934, 243785, 350293, 350295, 194649, 227418, 309337, 350299, 350302, 227423, 194654, 178273, 194657, 227426, 194660, 276579, 227430, 276583, 309346, 309348, 309350, 309352, 309354, 350308, 276590, 350313, 350316, 350321, 284786, 276595, 301167, 350325, 227440, 350328, 292985, 301178, 350332, 292989, 292993, 301185, 350339, 317570, 317573, 350342, 350345, 350349, 301199, 317584, 325777, 350354, 350357, 350359, 350362, 276638, 350366, 284837, 153765, 350375, 350379, 350381, 350383, 129200, 350385, 350387, 350389, 350395, 350397, 350399, 227520, 350402, 227522, 301252, 350406, 227529, 309450, 301258, 276685, 309455, 276689, 309462, 301272, 276699, 309468, 194780, 309471, 301283, 317672, 317674, 325867, 243948, 194801, 309491, 227571, 309494, 243960, 276735, 227583, 227587, 276739, 211204, 276742, 227593, 227596, 325910, 309530, 342298, 211232, 317729, 276775, 211241, 325937, 325943, 211260, 260421, 276809, 285002, 276811, 235853, 276816, 235858, 276829, 276833, 391523, 276836, 276843, 293227, 276848, 293232, 186744, 211324, 227709, 285061, 366983, 317833, 178572, 285070, 285077, 178583, 227738, 317853, 276896, 317858, 342434, 285093, 317864, 285098, 276907, 235955, 276917, 293304, 293307, 293314, 309707, 293325, 129486, 317910, 293336, 235996, 317917, 293343, 358880, 276961, 227810, 293346, 276964, 293352, 236013, 293364, 293370, 301562, 317951, 309764, 301575, 121352, 236043, 317963, 342541, 55822, 113167, 317971, 309779, 309781, 277011, 55837, 227877, 227879, 293417, 227882, 309804, 293421, 105007, 236082, 285236, 23094, 277054, 244288, 219714, 129603, 318020, 301636, 301639, 301643, 277071, 285265, 399955, 309844, 277080, 309849, 285277, 285282, 326244, 318055, 277100, 309871, 121458, 277106, 170618, 170619, 309885, 309888, 277122, 227975, 277128, 285320, 301706, 318092, 326285, 318094, 334476, 277136, 277139, 227992, 334488, 285340, 318108, 227998, 318110, 137889, 383658, 285357, 318128, 277170, 342707, 154292, 293555, 318132, 277173, 277177, 277181, 318144, 277187, 277191, 277194, 277196, 277201, 342745, 137946, 342747, 342749, 113378, 203491, 228069, 277223, 342760, 285417, 56041, 56043, 56045, 277232, 228081, 56059, 310015, 285441, 310020, 285448, 310029, 228113, 285459, 277273, 293659, 326430, 228128, 293666, 285474, 228135, 318248, 277291, 293677, 318253, 285489, 293685, 285494, 301880, 285499, 301884, 310080, 293696, 277317, 277322, 293706, 277329, 162643, 310100, 301911, 277337, 301913, 301921, 400236, 236397, 162671, 326514, 310134, 15224, 236408, 277368, 416639, 416640, 113538, 310147, 416648, 39817, 187274, 277385, 301972, 424853, 277405, 277411, 310179, 293798, 293802, 236460, 277426, 293811, 293817, 293820, 203715, 326603, 342994, 276586, 293849, 293861, 228327, 228328, 228330, 318442, 228332, 277486, 326638, 351217, 318450, 293876, 293877, 285686, 302073, 285690, 121850, 293882, 244731, 302075, 293887, 277504, 277507, 277511, 277519, 293908, 293917, 293939, 318516, 277561, 277564, 310336, 7232, 293956, 277573, 228422, 310344, 277577, 293960, 277583, 203857, 310355, 293971, 310359, 236632, 277594, 138332, 277598, 203872, 277601, 285792, 310374, 203879, 310376, 228460, 318573, 203886, 187509, 285815, 285817, 367737, 285821, 302205, 392326, 285831, 253064, 302218, 285835, 294026, 162964, 384148, 187542, 302231, 285849, 302233, 285852, 302237, 285854, 285856, 302241, 285862, 277671, 302248, 64682, 277678, 294063, 294065, 302258, 277687, 294072, 318651, 294076, 277695, 318657, 244930, 302275, 130244, 302277, 228550, 302282, 310476, 302285, 302288, 310481, 302290, 203987, 302292, 302294, 302296, 384222, 310498, 285927, 318698, 302315, 195822, 228592, 294132, 138485, 228601, 204026, 228606, 204031, 64768, 310531, 285958, 138505, 228617, 318742, 204067, 277798, 130345, 277801, 113964, 285997, 384302, 285999, 277804, 113969, 277807, 277811, 318773, 318776, 277816, 286010, 277819, 294204, 417086, 277822, 286016, 294211, 302403, 384328, 277832, 277836, 146765, 326991, 294223, 277839, 277842, 277847, 277850, 179547, 277853, 146784, 277857, 302436, 277860, 294246, 327015, 310632, 327017, 351594, 277864, 277869, 277872, 351607, 310648, 277880, 310651, 277884, 277888, 310657, 351619, 294276, 310659, 327046, 277892, 253320, 310665, 318858, 277894, 277898, 277903, 310672, 351633, 277905, 277908, 277917, 310689, 277921, 130468, 228776, 277928, 277932, 310703, 277937, 310710, 130486, 310712, 277944, 310715, 277947, 302526, 228799, 277950, 277953, 64966, 245191, 163272, 310727, 302534, 277959, 292968, 302541, 277963, 302543, 277966, 310737, 277971, 228825, 163290, 277978, 310749, 277981, 277984, 310755, 277989, 277991, 187880, 277995, 310764, 286188, 278000, 228851, 310772, 278003, 278006, 40440, 212472, 278009, 40443, 286203, 310780, 40448, 228864, 286214, 228871, 302603, 65038, 302614, 286233, 302617, 302621, 187936, 146977, 286240, 187939, 40484, 294435, 286246, 40486, 40488, 278057, 245288, 40491, 294439, 294440, 294443, 310831, 294445, 286248, 40499, 40502, 212538, 40507, 40511, 40513, 228933, 40521, 286283, 40525, 40527, 212560, 228944, 400976, 40533, 147032, 40537, 40539, 40541, 278109, 40544, 40548, 40550, 40552, 286313, 40554, 286312, 310892, 40557, 40560, 188022, 122488, 294521, 343679, 294537, 310925, 286354, 278163, 302740, 122517, 278168, 179870, 327333, 229030, 212648, 278188, 302764, 278192, 319153, 278196, 302781, 319171, 302789, 294599, 278216, 294601, 302793, 343757, 212690, 278227, 286420, 319187, 229076, 286425, 319194, 278235, 301163, 278238, 229086, 286432, 294625, 294634, 302838, 319226, 286460, 278274, 302852, 278277, 302854, 294664, 311048, 352008, 319243, 311053, 302862, 319251, 294682, 278306, 188199, 294701, 278320, 319280, 319290, 229192, 302925, 188247, 188252, 237409, 229233, 294776, 360317, 294785, 327554, 360322, 40840, 40851, 294803, 188312, 294811, 319390, 237470, 294817, 319394, 40865, 294821, 311209, 180142, 294831, 188340, 40886, 319419, 294844, 294847, 393177, 294876, 294879, 294883, 393190, 294890, 311279, 278513, 237555, 278516, 311283, 237562 ]
import Foundation public protocol Defaultable { init() } struct Day03_01 { enum MountainCell: Defaultable { case empty case tree init() { self = .empty } } class Grid<Cell> where Cell: Defaultable { // Each inner array is a row, // each outer array is a column. // gridContents[row][column] private var gridContents: [[Cell]] let columns: Int let rows: Int init(columns: Int, rows: Int) { let row = Array<Cell>(repeating: Cell(), count: columns) gridContents = Array<Array<Cell>>(repeating: row, count: rows) self.columns = columns self.rows = rows } private func safeWrapping(column: Int, row: Int) -> (column: Int, row: Int) { return (column: column % self.columns, row: row % self.rows) } func get(column unsafeCol: Int, row unsafeRow: Int) -> Cell { let (col, row) = safeWrapping(column: unsafeCol, row: unsafeRow) return self.gridContents[row][col] } func set(column unsafeCol: Int, row unsafeRow: Int, to cellValue: Cell) { let (col, row) = safeWrapping(column: unsafeCol, row: unsafeRow) self.gridContents[row][col] = cellValue } } func createMap(input: String) -> Grid<MountainCell> { let lines = input.split(separator: "\n") let rows = lines.count let columns = lines.first!.count let grid = Grid<MountainCell>(columns: columns, rows: rows) for (lineIndex, line) in lines.enumerated() { for (cellIndex, cell) in line.enumerated() { let mountainCell: MountainCell if cell == "#" { mountainCell = .tree } else { mountainCell = .empty } grid.set(column: cellIndex, row: lineIndex, to: mountainCell) } } return grid } func countTreesHit(onGrid grid: Grid<MountainCell>, goingRight right: Int, goingDown down: Int) -> Int { var row = 0, col = 0 var treesHit = 0 while row < grid.rows { if grid.get(column: col, row: row) == .tree { treesHit += 1 } col += right row += down } return treesHit } func solve() { let grid = createMap(input: Inputs.day03Input) let treesHit = countTreesHit(onGrid: grid, goingRight: 3, goingDown: 1) print(treesHit) } func solvePart2() { let grid = createMap(input: Inputs.day03Input) let slopes: [(right: Int, down: Int)] = [ (right: 1, down: 1), (right: 3, down: 1), (right: 5, down: 1), (right: 7, down: 1), (right: 1, down: 2), ] let result = { countTreesHit(onGrid: grid, goingRight: $0.right, goingDown: $0.down) }.reduce(1, *) print(result) } }
[ -1 ]
// // Bai04_zalo.swift // Buoi_02_28_12 // // Created by Ong_Lao_Ngao on 12/28/19. // Copyright © 2019 Ong_Lao_Ngao. All rights reserved. // import Foundation //4, Nhập vào thời điểm T gồm 3 số theo dạng : “Giờ : Phút : Giây” và 1 số nguyên X <= 10000 //- Hỏi sau X giây kể từ thời điểm T thì thời gian là bao nhiêu ? //- Hãy in ra theo dạng “Giờ : Phút : Giây”
[ -1 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // __51Tests.swift // 4-51Tests // // Created by Mac on 14-12-23. // Copyright (c) 2014年 Mac. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import XCTest class __51Tests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { super.setUp() // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. super.tearDown() } func testExample() { // This is an example of a functional test case. XCTAssert(true, "Pass") } func testPerformanceExample() { // This is an example of a performance test case. self.measureBlock() { // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. } } }
[ 276481, 276484, 276489, 276492, 278541, 278544, 278550, 276509, 278561, 276543, 159807, 280649, 276555, 223318, 288857, 227417, 278618, 194652, 194653, 276577, 43109, 276581, 276582, 276585, 223340, 276589, 227439, 276592, 227446, 276603, 276606, 276613, 141450, 311435, 276627, 276631, 276632, 184475, 227492, 196773, 227495, 129203, 176314, 227528, 276684, 276687, 278742, 278746, 155867, 278753, 196834, 276709, 276710, 276715, 233715, 157944, 211193, 227576, 227585, 276744, 227592, 276748, 276753, 157970, 129301, 276760, 278810, 276764, 276774, 262450, 276787, 276792, 278846, 164162, 278856, 276813, 278862, 278863, 6482, 276821, 276822, 276831, 276835, 276839, 276847, 278898, 278908, 280961, 178571, 278951, 278954, 278965, 276919, 276920, 278969, 278985, 279002, 276958, 227813, 279019, 279022, 276998, 186893, 279054, 223767, 277017, 223769, 277029, 281138, 277048, 301634, 369220, 277066, 166507, 189036, 189037, 277101, 189042, 189043, 277118, 184962, 277133, 133774, 225933, 225936, 277138, 277141, 277142, 225943, 225944, 164512, 225956, 285353, 225962, 209581, 154291, 154294, 277176, 277190, 199366, 225997, 226001, 164563, 277204, 203477, 226004, 226007, 203478, 119513, 277203, 201442, 226019, 226033, 226035, 226036, 226043, 209660, 234238, 234241, 226051, 234245, 277254, 209670, 203529, 226058, 234250, 234253, 234256, 285463, 234263, 369432, 234268, 105246, 228129, 234280, 277289, 234283, 277294, 277295, 234286, 226097, 234289, 162621, 234301, 277312, 234304, 162626, 234305, 277316, 234311, 234312, 234317, 277327, 234323, 234326, 277339, 297822, 234335, 297826, 234340, 174949, 234343, 277354, 234346, 234349, 277360, 213876, 277366, 234361, 277370, 226170, 234366, 234367, 234372, 226181, 213894, 277381, 226184, 234377, 226189, 234381, 226194, 234387, 234392, 234395, 279456, 277410, 234404, 226214, 256937, 234409, 275371, 234412, 226222, 226223, 234419, 226227, 234425, 277435, 287677, 234430, 226241, 275397, 234438, 226249, 234445, 275410, 234450, 234451, 234454, 234457, 275418, 234463, 234466, 277480, 179176, 234477, 234482, 234492, 234495, 277505, 234498, 277510, 234503, 234506, 275469, 277517, 197647, 277518, 295953, 234509, 277523, 234517, 281625, 234530, 234531, 234534, 275495, 234539, 275500, 310317, 277550, 275505, 275506, 234548, 277563, 234555, 156733, 277566, 230463, 7229, 7230, 207938, 7231, 234560, 234565, 277574, 281666, 234569, 207953, 277585, 296018, 234583, 234584, 275547, 277596, 234594, 277603, 234603, 281707, 275565, 156785, 275571, 234612, 398457, 234622, 226435, 275590, 275591, 234631, 253063, 277640, 302217, 234632, 234642, 277651, 226452, 226451, 275607, 119963, 234652, 277665, 275625, 208043, 275628, 226476, 226479, 226481, 277686, 277690, 277694, 203989, 275671, 195811, 285929, 204022, 120055, 120056, 204041, 277792, 259363, 199971, 277800, 113962, 277803, 277806, 113966, 226608, 277809, 226609, 277814, 277815, 277821, 277824, 226624, 277825, 15686, 277831, 226632, 277834, 142669, 277838, 277841, 222548, 277845, 277844, 277852, 224605, 218462, 224606, 277856, 179552, 142689, 302438, 277862, 281962, 277866, 173420, 277868, 277871, 279919, 277878, 275831, 275832, 277882, 277883, 142716, 275838, 275839, 277890, 277891, 226694, 275847, 277896, 277897, 281992, 277900, 230799, 296338, 277907, 206228, 226711, 226712, 277911, 277919, 277920, 277925, 277927, 370091, 277936, 277939, 277940, 296375, 277943, 277946, 277949, 277952, 296387, 163269, 277957, 296391, 277962, 282060, 277965, 277969, 277974, 228823, 228824, 277977, 277980, 226781, 277983, 277988, 277993, 296425, 277994, 277997, 278002, 278005, 226805, 278008, 153095, 175625, 192010, 280077, 149007, 65041, 204313, 278056, 278060, 228917, 226875, 128583, 226888, 276045, 276046, 226897, 276050, 226906, 147036, 243292, 226910, 370271, 276084, 276085, 276088, 278140, 188031, 276097, 192131, 276100, 276101, 312972, 278160, 278162, 276116, 276117, 276120, 278170, 280220, 276126, 276129, 278191, 276146, 278195, 296628, 276148, 278201, 276156, 276165, 278214, 276172, 276173, 323276, 276179, 276180, 216795, 216796, 276195, 313065, 276210, 276211, 276219, 171776, 278285, 276238, 227091, 184086, 278299, 276253, 276257, 278307, 288547, 278316, 159533, 165677, 276279, 276282, 276283, 288574, 276287, 276298, 296779, 188246, 276311, 276318, 276325, 276332, 173936, 110452, 276344, 276350, 227199, 1923, 40850, 40853, 44952, 247712, 276385, 227238, 276394, 276400, 276401, 276408, 161722, 276413, 276421, 276422, 276430, 153552, 276443, 276444, 153566, 276450, 276451, 276454, 276459, 276462, 276463, 276468, 276469, 278518, 276475, 276478 ]
/Notes App/Notes App/NotesClass.swift
// // NotesClass.swift // Notes App // // Created by Ethan Weinrot on 11/15/19. // Copyright © 2019 Ethan Weinrot. All rights reserved. // import Foundation class Note { var note: String = "" var date: Date = Date() }
[ -1 ]
// // Extension+UIKit.swift // GFExtensions // // Created by 防神 on 2018/8/3. // Copyright © 2018年 吃面多放葱. All rights reserved. // import CoreGraphics import Foundation import ImageIO import UIKit import Photos // MARK: UIEdgeInsets public extension GFCompat where Base == UIEdgeInsets { static func all(_ side: CGFloat) -> UIEdgeInsets { return .init(top: side, left: side, bottom: side, right: side) } static func margin(horizon: CGFloat = 0, vertical: CGFloat = 0) -> UIEdgeInsets { return Base(top: vertical, left: horizon, bottom: vertical, right: horizon) } static func left(_ value: CGFloat) -> UIEdgeInsets { return Base(top: 0, left: value, bottom: 0, right: 0) } static func right(_ value: CGFloat) -> UIEdgeInsets { return Base(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: value) } static func top(_ value: CGFloat) -> UIEdgeInsets { return Base(top: value, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0) } static func bottom(_ value: CGFloat) -> UIEdgeInsets { return Base(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: value, right: 0) } } // MARK: - UIViewController public extension GFCompat where Base: UIViewController { // 适配scrollview边距 func adjustScrollContentInset(_ scroll: UIScrollView?) { if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { scroll?.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never } else { base.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false } } func setStatusBarColor(color: UIColor) { if { if let statusWin = UIApplication.shared.value(forKey: "statusBarWindow") as? UIView { if let statusBar = statusWin.value(forKey: "statusBar") as? UIView { statusBar.backgroundColor = color } } } } func popAction() { base.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) } func dismissAction() { base.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } // MARK: - UINavigationController public extension GFCompat where Base: UINavigationController { /// 设置导航栏背景透明度 func backgroundAlpha(alpha: CGFloat) { if let barBackgroundView = base.navigationBar.subviews.first { if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { if base.navigationBar.isTranslucent { for view in barBackgroundView.subviews { view.alpha = alpha } } else { barBackgroundView.alpha = alpha } } else { barBackgroundView.alpha = alpha } } } } // MARK: - UIScreen public extension GFCompat where Base: UIScreen { /// Size static var isFullScreen: Bool { if #available(iOS 11, *) { guard let w = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window, let unwrapedWindow = w else { return false } if unwrapedWindow.safeAreaInsets.bottom > 0 { print(unwrapedWindow.safeAreaInsets) return true } } return false } static var screenWidth: CGFloat { return UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width } static var screenHeight: CGFloat { return UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height } static var navigationBarHeight: CGFloat { return statusBarHeight + UINavigationBar.appearance().gf.height } static var statusBarHeight: CGFloat { return UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height } static var bottomBarHeight: CGFloat { return isFullScreen ? 83 : 49 } } // MARK: - UIView public extension GFCompat where Base: UIView { var x: CGFloat { set { base.frame.origin.x = newValue } get { return base.frame.origin.x } } var y: CGFloat { set { base.frame.origin.y = newValue } get { return base.frame.origin.y } } var width: CGFloat { set { base.frame.size.width = newValue } get { return base.frame.size.width } } var height: CGFloat { set { base.frame.size.height = newValue } get { return base.frame.size.height } } var center: CGPoint { set { = newValue } get { return } } var centerX: CGFloat { set { = newValue } get { return } } var centerY: CGFloat { set { = newValue } get { return } } var top: CGFloat { return base.frame.minY } var bottom: CGFloat { return base.frame.maxY } var left: CGFloat { return base.frame.minX } var right: CGFloat { return base.frame.maxX } /// 画圆角 func roundCorners(radius: CGFloat, _ corners: UIRectCorner = UIRectCorner.allCorners) { let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: base.bounds.width, height: base.bounds.height) let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius)) if radius == 0 { base.layer.mask = nil } else { let mask = CAShapeLayer() mask.path = path.cgPath mask.frame = rect base.layer.mask = mask } } /// 渐变色 @discardableResult func addGradient(colors: [UIColor], startPoint: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0), endPoint: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 1)) -> CAGradientLayer { let gradient = CAGradientLayer() gradient.frame = base.bounds gradient.colors = { $0.cgColor } gradient.startPoint = startPoint gradient.endPoint = endPoint base.layer.insertSublayer(gradient, at: 0) return gradient } /// 获取View的第一响应者 var firstResponder: UIView? { guard !base.isFirstResponder else { return base } for subview in base.subviews { if let firstResponder = { return firstResponder } } return nil } /// 截屏 func screenShot() -> UIImage? { var image: UIImage? if #available(iOS 10.0, *) { let format = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat() format.opaque = base.isOpaque let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: base.frame.size, format: format) image = renderer.image { _ in base.drawHierarchy(in: base.frame, afterScreenUpdates: true) } } else { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(base.frame.size, base.isOpaque, UIScreen.main.scale) base.drawHierarchy(in: base.frame, afterScreenUpdates: true) image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() } return image } /// 获取当前控制器 func ownerController() -> UIViewController? { var n = while n != nil { if n is UIViewController { return n as? UIViewController } n = n?.next } return nil } /// 阴影 func addShadow(color: UIColor =, offset: CGSize = .zero, opacity: Float = 1, shadowRadius: CGFloat = 11) { base.layer.shadowColor = color.cgColor base.layer.shadowOffset = offset base.layer.shadowOpacity = opacity base.layer.shadowRadius = shadowRadius } func removeShadow() { base.layer.shadowColor = nil base.layer.shadowOffset = .zero base.layer.shadowOpacity = 0 base.layer.shadowRadius = 0 } /// UIViewAnimation 旋转 static func transformRotate(view: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, rotationAngle angle: CGFloat) { UIView.animate(withDuration: duration) { view.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: angle) } } /// 平移 static func transformTranslate(view: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, translationX tx: CGFloat, y ty: CGFloat) { UIView.animate(withDuration: duration) { view.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: tx, y: ty) } } /// 缩放 static func transformScale(view: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, scaleX sx: CGFloat, y sy: CGFloat) { UIView.animate(withDuration: duration) { view.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: sx, y: sy) } } } // MARK: - UILabel public extension GFCompat where Base: UILabel { func setTextColor(textColor: UIColor, font: UIFont, _ alignment: NSTextAlignment = .center) { base.textColor = textColor base.font = font base.textAlignment = alignment } func setText(text: String, textColor: UIColor, font: UIFont, _ alignment: NSTextAlignment = .center) { base.text = text base.textColor = textColor base.font = font base.textAlignment = alignment } } // MARK: - UIButton public extension GFCompat where Base: UIButton { enum ButtonLayoutPosition { case `default` // image left, title right case imageRight case imageTop case imageBottom } /// 布局位置 /// - Parameters: /// - position: 默认左图右文 /// - space: 图文间距 func layoutWithPosiziton(_ position: ButtonLayoutPosition = .default, space: CGFloat = 0) { base.layoutIfNeeded() let imageSize = base.imageView?.intrinsicContentSize ?? let titleSize = base.titleLabel?.intrinsicContentSize ?? var titleEdgeInset = var imageEdgeInset = switch position { case .imageTop: imageEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: -titleSize.height - space / 2.0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: -titleSize.width) titleEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -imageSize.width, bottom: -imageSize.height - space / 2.0, right: 0) case .imageBottom: imageEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: -titleSize.height - space / 2.0, right: -titleSize.width) titleEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: -imageSize.height - space / 2.0, left: -imageSize.width, bottom: 0, right: 0) case .imageRight: imageEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: titleSize.width + space / 2.0, bottom: 0, right: -titleSize.width - space / 2.0) titleEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -imageSize.width - space / 2.0, bottom: 0, right: imageSize.width + space / 2.0) default: imageEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -space / 2.0, bottom: 0, right: space / 2.0) titleEdgeInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: space / 2.0, bottom: 0, right: -space / 2.0) } base.titleEdgeInsets = titleEdgeInset base.imageEdgeInsets = imageEdgeInset } /// Button背景色 /// - Parameters: /// - color: 颜色 /// - state: 状态 func setBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor, for state: UIControl.State) { let image = UIImage.init(color: color) base.setBackgroundImage(image, for: state) } } // MARK: - UIImage extension UIImage { /// 生成指定颜色和尺寸的图片, 尺寸默认为 CGSize(width:1, height:1) /// - Parameters: /// - color: 颜色 /// - size: 尺寸 convenience init?(color: UIColor, size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 1, height: 1)) { let rect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size) UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, false, 0.0) color.setFill() UIRectFill(rect) let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() guard let cgImage = image?.cgImage else { return nil } self.init(cgImage: cgImage) } /// view生成图片 /// - Parameters: /// - view: 需要生成图片的view /// - scale: 缩放倍率 convenience init(view: UIView, scale: CGFloat) { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, view.isOpaque, scale) view.drawHierarchy(in: view.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: false) defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() } let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() self.init(cgImage: (image?.cgImage)!) } /// 画圆 /// - Parameters: /// - size: 圆的大小 /// - color: 圆的颜色 class func setArc(size: CGSize, color: UIColor) -> UIImage? { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(size) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() context?.setFillColor(color.cgColor) context?.move(to: .zero) context?.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: size.width/2.0, y: size.height/2.0), radius: size.width/2.0, startAngle: CGFloat.pi * 0, endAngle: CGFloat.pi * 2.0, clockwise: true) context?.fillPath() let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return image } /// 画线 /// - Parameters: /// - size: 线的大小 /// - lineColor: 线颜色 /// - length: 线长 /// - lineCap: 线头的形状 /// - phrase: dash间距 class func setLine(size: CGSize, lineColor: UIColor, length: [CGFloat] = [10,10], lineCap: CGLineCap = .square, phrase: CGFloat = 0) -> UIImage? { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(size) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() context?.setLineCap(lineCap) context?.setLineWidth(size.height) context?.setStrokeColor(lineColor.cgColor) context?.setLineDash(phase: phrase, lengths: length) context?.move(to: .zero) context?.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: size.width, y: 0)) context?.stroke(CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size)) let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return image } /// 画线 /// - Parameters: /// - size: 线的大小 /// - lineColor: 线颜色 /// - lineWidth: 线宽 class func lineImage(size: CGSize, lineColor: UIColor, lineWidth: CGFloat) -> UIImage? { return self.setLine(size: size, lineColor: lineColor, length: [lineWidth, lineWidth]) } } public extension GFCompat where Base: UIImage { /// Add WaterMarkingImage /// /// - Parameters: /// - image: the image that painted on /// - waterImageName: waterImage /// - Returns: the warterMarked image static func waterMarkingImage(image: UIImage, with waterImage: UIImage) -> UIImage? { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(image.size, false, 0) image.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height)) let waterImageX = image.size.width * 0.78 let waterImageY = image.size.height - image.size.width / 5.4 let waterImageW = image.size.width * 0.2 let waterImageH = image.size.width * 0.075 waterImage.draw(in: CGRect(x: waterImageX, y: waterImageY, width: waterImageW, height: waterImageH)) let waterMarkingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return waterMarkingImage } /// Add WaterMarking Text /// /// - Parameters: /// - image: the image that painted on /// - text: the text that needs painted /// - Returns: the waterMarked image static func waterMarkingImage(image: UIImage, with text: String) -> UIImage? { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(image.size, false, 0) image.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height)) let str = text as NSString let pointY = image.size.height - image.size.width * 0.1 let point = CGPoint(x: image.size.width * 0.78, y: pointY) let attributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.8), NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: image.size.width / 25.0)] as [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] str.draw(at: point, withAttributes: attributes) let waterMarkingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return waterMarkingImage } /// 修改图片填充色 func transform(withNewColor color: UIColor) -> UIImage { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(base.size, false, base.scale) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()! context.translateBy(x: 0, y: base.size.height) context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0) context.setBlendMode(.normal) let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: base.size.width, height: base.size.height) context.clip(to: rect, mask: base.cgImage!) color.setFill() context.fill(rect) let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()! UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return newImage } /// 保存图片 func savedPhotos(_ completionHandler: ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)? = nil) { PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges({ PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAsset(from: self.base) }, completionHandler: { isSuccess, error in DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler?(isSuccess, error) } }) } /// 旋转图片 /// - Parameter angle: 旋转角度 func rotate(_ angle: Double) -> UIImage? { if angle.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360) == 0 { return base } let imageRect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: base.size) let radian = CGFloat(angle) / CGFloat(180) * CGFloat.pi var rotatedRect = imageRect.applying(CGAffineTransform.identity.rotated(by: radian)) rotatedRect.origin.x = 0 rotatedRect.origin.y = 0 UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rotatedRect.size, false, base.scale) guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return nil } context.translateBy(x: rotatedRect.width / 2, y: rotatedRect.height / 2) context.rotate(by: radian) context.translateBy(x: -base.size.width / 2, y: -base.size.height / 2) base.draw(at: let rotatedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() } return rotatedImage } /// 图片裁圆角 /// - Parameter cornerRadius: 圆角 func roundCorners(_ cornerRadius: CGFloat) -> UIImage? { return image(withRoundRadius: cornerRadius, fit: base.size, roundingCorners: .allCorners, backgroundColor: nil) } func draw(cgImage _: CGImage?, to size: CGSize, draw: () -> Void) -> UIImage { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, base.scale) defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() } draw() return UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() ?? base } func image(withRoundRadius radius: CGFloat, fit size: CGSize, roundingCorners corners: UIRectCorner = .allCorners, backgroundColor: UIColor? = nil) -> UIImage? { guard let cgImage = base.cgImage else { assertionFailure("[Kingfisher] Round corner image only works for CG-based image.") return base } let rect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size: size) return draw(cgImage: cgImage, to: size) { guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { assertionFailure("[Kingfisher] Failed to create CG context for image.") return } if let backgroundColor = backgroundColor { let rectPath = UIBezierPath(rect: rect) backgroundColor.setFill() rectPath.fill() } let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius)).cgPath context.addPath(path) context.clip() base.draw(in: rect) } } /// 将图片裁剪成指定比例(多余部分自动删除) func crop(ratio: CGFloat) -> UIImage { // 计算最终尺寸 var newSize: CGSize! if base.size.width / base.size.height > ratio { newSize = CGSize(width: base.size.height * ratio, height: base.size.height) } else { newSize = CGSize(width: base.size.width, height: base.size.width / ratio) } ////图片绘制区域 var rect = rect.size.width = base.size.width rect.size.height = base.size.height rect.origin.x = (newSize.width - base.size.width) / 2.0 rect.origin.y = (newSize.height - base.size.height) / 2.0 // 绘制并获取最终图片 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(newSize) base.draw(in: rect) let scaledImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return scaledImage! } /// 将图片缩放成指定尺寸(多余部分自动删除) func scale(to newSize: CGSize) -> UIImage { // 计算比例 let aspectWidth = newSize.width / base.size.width let aspectHeight = newSize.height / base.size.height let aspectRatio = max(aspectWidth, aspectHeight) // 图片绘制区域 var scaledImageRect = scaledImageRect.size.width = base.size.width * aspectRatio scaledImageRect.size.height = base.size.height * aspectRatio scaledImageRect.origin.x = (newSize.width - base.size.width * aspectRatio) / 2.0 scaledImageRect.origin.y = (newSize.height - base.size.height * aspectRatio) / 2.0 // 绘制并获取最终图片 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(newSize) base.draw(in: scaledImageRect) let scaledImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return scaledImage! } } // MARK: - UIColor public extension UIColor { /// HEX色值转换 /// - Parameters: /// - hex: hex /// - alpha: 透明度 convenience init(hex: String, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0) { var cString: String = hex.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).uppercased() if cString.hasPrefix("#") { cString.remove(at: cString.startIndex) } if cString.hasPrefix("0x") { cString.removeFirst(2) } if cString.count != 6 { self.init(white: 1, alpha: 1) return } var rgbValue: UInt32 = 0 Scanner(string: cString).scanHexInt32(&rgbValue) self.init( red: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0, green: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0, blue: CGFloat(rgbValue & 0x0000FF) / 255.0, alpha: alpha ) } } public extension GFCompat where Base: UIColor { /// 随机色 static func randomColor() -> UIColor { return UIColor(red: CGFloat.random(in: 0 ... 255) / 255.0, green: CGFloat.random(in: 0 ... 255) / 255.0, blue: CGFloat.random(in: 0 ... 255) / 255.0, alpha: 1.0) } } // MARK: - CGFloat protocol CGFloatConvertble { var f: CGFloat { get } } extension Int: CGFloatConvertble { var f: CGFloat { return CGFloat(self) } } extension Float: CGFloatConvertble { var f: CGFloat { return CGFloat(self) } } extension Double: CGFloatConvertble { var f: CGFloat { return CGFloat(self) } } // MARK: - 适配 ///尺寸适配 public extension CGFloat { /// 视图中所有水平值都是宽度为375时设定的逻辑值,这里返回实际的水平方向上的值 var scale: CGFloat { return (self * / 375.0 } /// 屏幕顶部该数值在刘海影响下的数值 var safeAreaTopOffset: CGFloat { if #available(iOS 11.0, *), let top = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?, top != 0 { return top + scale } else { // Fallback on earlier versions return scale } } /// 屏幕底部该数值在刘海屏影响下的数值 var safeAreaBottomOffset: CGFloat { if #available(iOS 11.0, *), let bottom = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.safeAreaInsets.bottom, bottom != 0 { return bottom + scale } else { return scale } } } enum CompatibleFontWeight: String, CaseIterable { case ultraLight = "HelveticaNeue-UltraLight" case thin = "HelveticaNeue-Thin" case light = "HelveticaNeue-Light" case regular = "HelveticaNeue" case medium = "HelveticaNeue-Medium" case semibold = "Helvetica-Bold" case bold = "HelveticaNeue-Bold" case heavy = "HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold" case black = "HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack" @available(iOS 8.2, *) var systemWeight: UIFont.Weight { switch self { case .ultraLight: return UIFont.Weight.ultraLight case .thin: return UIFont.Weight.thin case .light: return UIFont.Weight.light case .regular: return UIFont.Weight.regular case .medium: return UIFont.Weight.medium case .semibold: return UIFont.Weight.semibold case .bold: return UIFont.Weight.bold case .heavy: return UIFont.Weight.heavy case .black: return .black } } } /// 字体适配 extension UIFont { static func appFont(ofSize size: CGFloat, weight: CompatibleFontWeight = .regular) -> UIFont { if #available(iOS 8.2, *) { return UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: size, weight: weight.systemWeight) } else if let font = UIFont(name: weight.rawValue, size: size) { return font } else { return .systemFont(ofSize: size) } } } // MARK: - UISCcrollView public extension GFCompat where Base: UIScrollView { func scrollToTop() { } func scrollToBottom() { } func scrollToLeft() { } func scrollToRight() { } func scrollToTopAnimated(_ animated: Bool) { var off = base.contentOffset off.y = 0 - base.setContentOffset(off, animated: animated) } func scrollToBottomAnimated(_ animated: Bool) { var off = base.contentOffset off.y = base.contentSize.height - base.bounds.size.height + base.contentInset.bottom base.setContentOffset(off, animated: animated) } func scrollToLeftAnimated(_ animated: Bool) { var off = base.contentOffset off.x = 0 - base.contentInset.left base.setContentOffset(off, animated: animated) } func scrollToRightAnimated(_ animated: Bool) { var off = base.contentOffset off.x = base.contentSize.width - base.bounds.size.width + base.contentInset.right base.setContentOffset(off, animated: animated) } } extension GFCompat where Base: UITableView { func scrollToRow(_ row: Int, in section: Int, atScrollPosition position: UITableView.ScrollPosition, _ animated: Bool) { let indexpath = IndexPath(row: row, section: section) base.scrollToRow(at: indexpath, at: position, animated: animated) } func insertRow(at indexPath: IndexPath, withRowAnimation animation: UITableView.RowAnimation) { base.insertRows(at: [indexPath], with: animation) } func insertRow(_ row: Int, in section: Int, withRowAnimation animation: UITableView.RowAnimation) { let toInsert = IndexPath(row: row, section: section) base.insertRows(at: [toInsert], with: animation) } func reloadRow(at indexPath: IndexPath, withRowAnimation animation: UITableView.RowAnimation) { base.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: animation) } func reloadRow(_ row: Int, in section: Int, withRowAnimation animation: UITableView.RowAnimation) { let toReload = IndexPath(row: row, section: section) base.reloadRows(at: [toReload], with: animation) } func deleteRow(at indexPath: IndexPath, withRowAnimation animation: UITableView.RowAnimation) { base.deleteRows(at: [indexPath], with: animation) } } // MARK: - UITextView @IBDesignable class GFTextView: UITextView { let changeAnimationDuration = 0.25 let placeholerLabel = UILabel() override var text: String! { didSet { self.textChange(nil) } } override init(frame: CGRect, textContainer: NSTextContainer?) { super.init(frame: frame, textContainer: textContainer) placeholerLabel.textColor = .lightGray placeholerLabel.numberOfLines = 0 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(textChange(_:)), name: UITextView.textDidChangeNotification, object: self) } override class func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(textChange(_:)), name: UITextView.textDidChangeNotification, object: nil) } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } required init?(coder _: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } @objc func textChange(_: NSNotification?) { guard let txt = placeholerLabel.text, txt.isEmpty == false else { return } UIView.animate(withDuration: changeAnimationDuration) { if self.text.count == 0 { self.placeholerLabel.alpha = 1 } else { self.placeholerLabel.alpha = 0 } } } override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) { if placeholerLabel.frame == .zero { let size = bounds.size placeholerLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 8, y: 8, width: size.width - 16, height: size.height - 16) placeholerLabel.sizeToFit() addSubview(placeholerLabel) } if let txt = self.text, txt.isEmpty, let placeholder = self.placeholerLabel.text, !placeholder.isEmpty { placeholerLabel.alpha = 1 } super.draw(rect) } } // MARK: - UIGestureRecognizer public extension UIGestureRecognizer { @discardableResult convenience init(addToView targetView: UIView, closure: @escaping (UIGestureRecognizer) -> Void) { self.init() GestureTarget.add(gesture: self, closure: closure, toView: targetView) } } private class GestureTarget: UIView { class ClosureContainer { weak var gesture: UIGestureRecognizer? let closure: (UIGestureRecognizer) -> Void init(closure: @escaping (UIGestureRecognizer) -> Void) { self.closure = closure } } var containers = [ClosureContainer]() convenience init() { self.init(frame: .zero) isHidden = true } class func add(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer, closure: @escaping (UIGestureRecognizer) -> Void, toView targetView: UIView) { let target: GestureTarget if let existingTarget = existingTarget(inTargetView: targetView) { target = existingTarget } else { target = GestureTarget() targetView.addSubview(target) } let container = ClosureContainer(closure: closure) container.gesture = gesture target.containers.append(container) gesture.addTarget(target, action: #selector( targetView.addGestureRecognizer(gesture) } class func existingTarget(inTargetView targetView: UIView) -> GestureTarget? { for subview in targetView.subviews { if let target = subview as? GestureTarget { return target } } return nil } func cleanUpContainers() { containers = containers.filter { $0.gesture != nil } } @objc func target(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) { cleanUpContainers() for container in containers { guard let containerGesture = container.gesture else { continue } if gesture === containerGesture { container.closure(gesture) } } } } // MARK: - UIApplication public extension GFCompat where Base: UIApplication { static func openUrl(_ string: String?, _ complete: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil) { guard let string = string, let url = URL(string: string), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) else { return } if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {, options: [:], completionHandler: complete) } else { let res = UIApplication.shared.openURL(url) complete?(res) } } /// 打开设置 static func openSetting() { openUrl(UIApplication.openSettingsURLString) } /// 拨打电话 /// - Parameter tel: telephone number static func openTelUrl(_ tel: String?) { if let tel = tel { openUrl("tel:" + tel) } } } // MARK: - UIDevice public extension GFCompat where Base: UIDevice { /// 检查系统语言是否变动 /// /// - Returns: ture 变动,false 未变动 func langChanged() -> Bool { guard let currentLanguage = NSLocale.preferredLanguages.first else { return false } if let preLanguage = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "localLanguage") as? String { if preLanguage != currentLanguage { UserDefaults.standard.set(currentLanguage, forKey: "localLanguage") return true } else { return false } } else { UserDefaults.standard.set(currentLanguage, forKey: "localLanguage") return false } } } // MARK: - String public extension GFCompat where Base == String { /// 返回Int var int: Int? { return Int(base) } /// 返回URL var url: URL? { return URL(string: base) } /// 返回Float var float: Float? { let formatter = NumberFormatter() formatter.locale = .current formatter.allowsFloats = true return formatter.number(from: base)?.floatValue } /// 返回Double var double: Double? { let formatter = NumberFormatter() formatter.locale = .current formatter.allowsFloats = true return formatter.number(from: base)?.doubleValue } /// 过滤空格 var trim: String { return base.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) } /// 文字尺寸计算相关 func boundingRect(with size: CGSize, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]) -> CGRect { let options: NSStringDrawingOptions = [.usesLineFragmentOrigin, .usesFontLeading] let rect = base.boundingRect(with: size, options: options, attributes: attributes, context: nil) return rect } /// 文字的尺寸 /// - Parameters: /// - size: 文字的约束尺寸 /// - font: 字号 /// - maximumNumberOfLines: 最大行数 func size(thatFits size: CGSize, font: UIFont, maximumNumberOfLines: Int = 0) -> CGSize { let attributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.font: font] var size = boundingRect(with: size, attributes: attributes).size if maximumNumberOfLines > 0 { size.height = max(size.height, CGFloat(maximumNumberOfLines) * font.lineHeight) } return size } /// 单行文字的宽度 /// - Parameters: /// - font: 字号 func width(with font: UIFont) -> CGFloat { let size = CGSize(width: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude) return self.size(thatFits: size, font: font).width } /// 指定宽度的文字高度 /// - Parameters: /// - width: 宽度 /// - font: 字号 /// - maximumNumberOfLines: 最大行数 func height(thatFitsWidth width: CGFloat, font: UIFont, maximumNumberOfLines: Int = 0) -> CGFloat { let size = CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude) return self.size(thatFits: size, font: font, maximumNumberOfLines: maximumNumberOfLines).height } }
[ -1 ]
// // ViewFInderUITests.swift // ViewFInderUITests // // Created by Apple on 6/25/19. // Copyright © 2019 Apple. All rights reserved. // import XCTest class ViewFInderUITests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. // In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs. continueAfterFailure = false // UI tests must launch the application that they test. Doing this in setup will make sure it happens for each test method. XCUIApplication().launch() // In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state - such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run. The setUp method is a good place to do this. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. } func testExample() { // Use recording to get started writing UI tests. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results. } }
[ 155665, 237599, 229414, 344106, 278571, 229425, 229431, 180279, 319543, 352314, 213051, 376892, 32829, 286787, 237638, 311373, 196687, 278607, 311377, 368732, 180317, 278637, 319599, 278642, 131190, 131199, 278669, 278676, 311447, 327834, 278684, 278690, 311459, 278698, 278703, 278707, 180409, 278713, 295099, 139459, 131270, 229591, 385240, 147679, 147680, 311520, 319719, 295147, 286957, 262403, 180494, 319764, 278805, 311582, 278817, 311596, 336177, 98611, 368949, 278843, 287040, 319812, 311622, 319816, 254285, 344402, 229716, 278895, 287089, 139641, 311679, 311692, 106893, 156069, 254373, 311723, 377265, 319931, 311739, 278974, 336319, 311744, 336323, 278979, 278988, 278992, 279000, 369121, 279009, 188899, 279014, 319976, 279017, 311787, 360945, 319986, 279030, 311800, 279033, 279042, 287237, 279053, 303634, 303635, 279060, 279061, 254487, 279066, 188954, 279092, 352831, 377419, 303693, 369236, 115287, 189016, 295518, 287327, 279143, 279150, 287345, 344697, 189054, 287359, 311944, 279176, 344714, 311948, 311950, 311953, 287379, 336531, 180886, 295575, 352921, 303772, 221853, 205469, 295591, 279207, 295598, 279215, 279218, 287412, 164532, 287418, 303802, 66243, 287434, 287438, 279249, 303826, 369365, 369366, 279253, 230105, 361178, 295653, 369383, 230120, 361194, 279278, 312046, 279293, 205566, 295688, 312076, 295698, 221980, 336678, 262952, 262953, 279337, 262957, 164655, 328495, 303921, 336693, 230198, 295745, 222017, 279379, 295769, 230238, 435038, 230239, 279393, 303973, 279398, 295797, 295799, 279418, 336765, 287623, 320394, 189327, 189349, 279465, 140203, 304050, 189373, 213956, 345030, 279499, 304086, 304104, 123880, 320492, 320495, 320504, 214009, 312313, 312317, 328701, 418819, 320520, 230411, 320526, 361487, 238611, 140311, 197658, 336930, 132140, 189487, 345137, 361522, 312372, 238646, 238650, 320571, 336962, 238663, 361547, 205911, 296023, 156763, 361570, 230500, 214116, 214119, 279659, 238706, 312435, 230514, 279666, 279686, 222344, 140426, 337037, 296091, 238764, 279729, 148674, 312519, 148687, 189651, 279766, 189656, 279775, 304352, 304353, 279780, 279789, 279803, 320769, 312588, 320795, 320802, 304422, 353581, 116014, 312628, 345397, 345398, 222523, 181568, 279872, 279874, 304457, 230730, 345418, 337228, 296269, 222542, 337226, 238928, 296274, 230757, 312688, 296304, 230772, 337280, 296328, 296330, 304523, 9618, 279955, 148899, 148900, 279979, 279980, 173492, 279988, 280003, 280011, 337359, 329168, 312785, 222674, 329170, 353751, 280025, 239069, 329181, 320997, 280042, 280043, 329198, 337391, 296434, 288248, 288252, 312830, 230922, 304655, 329231, 230933, 222754, 312879, 230960, 288305, 239159, 157246, 288319, 288322, 280131, 124486, 288328, 239192, 345697, 99937, 312937, 312941, 206447, 288377, 337533, 280193, 239238, 288391, 239251, 280217, 345753, 198304, 255651, 280252, 296636, 280253, 321217, 280259, 321220, 239305, 296649, 280266, 313042, 345813, 280279, 18139, 321250, 337638, 181992, 345832, 288492, 141037, 34547, 67316, 313082, 288508, 288515, 116491, 280333, 124691, 116502, 321308, 321309, 255781, 280367, 280373, 280377, 321338, 280381, 345918, 280386, 280391, 280396, 345942, 362326, 370526, 345950, 362336, 296807, 296815, 313200, 362351, 313204, 124795, 280451, 67464, 305032, 124816, 214936, 337816, 124826, 239515, 329627, 214943, 354210, 313257, 288698, 214978, 280517, 280518, 214983, 362442, 346066, 231382, 354268, 190437, 313322, 174058, 247786, 337899, 296942, 354283, 124912, 313338, 239610, 182277, 354312, 313356, 305173, 223269, 354342, 346153, 354346, 313388, 124974, 321589, 215095, 288829, 288835, 313415, 239689, 354386, 223317, 354394, 321632, 280676, 313446, 215144, 288878, 288890, 215165, 329884, 215204, 125108, 280761, 223418, 280767, 338118, 280779, 346319, 321744, 280792, 280803, 338151, 182503, 125166, 125170, 395511, 313595, 125180, 125184, 125192, 125197, 125200, 338196, 125204, 272661, 125215, 125216, 125225, 338217, 321839, 125236, 362809, 280903, 289109, 379224, 272730, 215395, 239973, 313703, 280938, 321901, 354671, 354672, 199030, 223611, 248188, 313726, 240003, 158087, 240020, 190870, 190872, 289185, 305572, 436644, 289195, 338359, 289229, 281038, 281039, 256476, 281071, 322057, 182802, 322077, 289328, 330291, 338491, 322119, 281165, 281170, 436831, 281200, 313970, 297600, 346771, 363155, 289435, 314020, 248494, 166581, 314043, 355006, 363212, 158424, 322269, 338658, 289511, 330473, 330476, 289517, 215790, 199415, 322302, 289534, 35584, 322312, 346889, 264971, 322320, 166677, 207639, 281378, 289580, 355129, 281407, 355136, 355138, 355147, 355148, 355153, 281426, 281434, 322396, 281444, 355173, 355174, 314240, 158594, 330627, 240517, 355216, 256920, 289691, 240543, 289699, 256934, 289704, 289720, 289723, 330688, 281541, 19398, 191445, 183254, 183258, 207839, 314343, 183276, 289773, 248815, 347122, 330759, 330766, 347150, 330789, 281647, 322609, 314437, 257093, 207954, 339031, 314458, 281699, 257126, 322664, 363643, 314493, 150656, 248960, 347286, 339101, 339106, 306339, 3243, 208044, 322733, 339131, 290001, 339167, 298209, 290030, 208123, 322826, 126229, 257323, 298290, 208179, 159033, 216387, 372039, 109899, 224591, 331091, 314708, 150868, 314711, 314721, 281958, 314727, 134504, 306541, 314734, 314740, 314742, 314745, 290170, 224637, 306558, 290176, 306561, 314752, 314759, 388488, 298378, 314765, 314771, 306580, 224662, 314776, 282008, 282013, 290206, 314788, 314790, 298406, 282023, 241067, 314797, 134586, 380350, 306630, 200136, 306634, 339403, 3559, 191980, 282097, 191991, 290304, 323079, 323083, 208397, 323088, 282132, 282135, 175640, 282147, 372261, 306730, 290359, 134715, 323132, 282182, 224848, 224852, 290391, 306777, 323171, 282214, 224874, 314997, 290425, 339579, 282244, 323208, 282248, 224907, 323226, 282272, 282279, 298664, 298666, 224951, 224952, 306875, 323262, 282302, 323265, 282309, 241360, 282321, 241366, 224985, 282330, 282336, 12009, 282347, 282349, 323315, 200444, 282366, 175874, 249606, 282375, 323335, 282379, 216844, 118549, 282390, 282399, 241440, 282401, 339746, 315172, 216868, 241447, 282418, 282424, 282428, 413500, 241471, 339782, 315209, 159563, 307024, 307030, 241494, 339799, 307038, 282471, 282476, 339840, 315265, 282503, 315272, 315275, 184207, 282517, 298912, 118693, 126896, 282572, 282573, 323554, 298987, 282634, 241695, 315431, 315433, 102441, 102446, 282671, 241717, 249912, 307269, 315468, 233548, 176209, 315477, 53334, 200795, 323678, 356446, 315489, 45154, 217194, 233578, 307306, 381071, 241809, 323730, 299166, 233635, 299176, 184489, 323761, 184498, 258233, 299197, 299202, 176325, 299208, 233678, 282832, 356575, 307431, 356603, 184574, 217352, 61720, 315674, 282908, 299294, 282912, 233761, 282920, 315698, 307514, 282938, 127292, 168251, 332100, 323914, 201037, 282959, 348499, 250196, 348501, 168280, 332128, 381286, 242027, 242028, 160111, 250227, 315768, 315769, 291194, 291193, 291200, 340356, 242059, 315798, 291225, 242079, 283039, 299449, 291266, 283088, 283089, 176602, 242138, 291297, 242150, 324098, 233987, 340489, 283154, 291359, 348709, 348710, 283185, 234037, 340539, 234044, 332379, 111197, 242274, 176751, 356990, 291455, 152196, 316044, 184974, 316048, 316050, 340645, 176810, 291529, 225996, 135888, 242385, 299737, 234216, 234233, 242428, 291584, 299777, 291591, 291605, 283418, 234276, 283431, 242481, 234290, 201534, 348999, 283466, 201562, 234330, 275294, 127840, 349025, 357219, 177002, 308075, 242540, 242542, 201590, 177018, 308093, 291713, 340865, 299912, 349066, 316299, 234382, 308111, 308113, 209820, 283551, 177074, 127945, 340960, 234469, 340967, 324587, 234476, 201721, 234499, 357380, 234513, 316441, 300087, 21567, 308288, 160834, 349254, 250955, 300109, 234578, 250965, 250982, 234606, 300145, 300147, 234626, 349317, 234635, 177297, 308375, 324761, 119965, 234655, 300192, 234662, 300200, 373937, 324790, 300215, 283841, 283846, 283849, 259275, 316628, 259285, 357594, 251124, 316661, 283894, 234741, 292092, 234756, 242955, 177420, 292145, 300342, 333115, 193858, 300354, 300355, 234830, 259408, 283990, 357720, 300378, 300379, 316764, 292194, 284015, 234864, 316786, 243073, 292242, 112019, 234902, 374189, 284086, 259513, 284090, 54719, 415170, 292291, 300488, 300490, 234957, 144862, 300526, 259569, 308722, 251379, 300539, 210429, 366081, 292359, 218632, 316951, 374297, 349727, 374327, 210489, 235069, 349764, 194118, 292424, 292426, 333389, 128589, 333394, 349780, 235096, 128600, 300643, 300645, 415334, 243306, 54895, 325246, 333438, 235136, 317102, 259780, 333508, 333522, 325345, 153318, 333543, 284410, 284425, 300812, 284430, 161553, 284436, 169751, 325403, 341791, 325411, 186148, 186149, 333609, 284460, 300849, 325444, 153416, 325449, 317268, 325460, 341846, 284508, 300893, 259937, 284515, 276326, 292713, 292719, 325491, 333687, 350072, 317305, 317308, 325508, 333700, 243592, 325514, 350091, 350092, 350102, 333727, 219046, 333734, 284584, 292783, 300983, 153553, 292835, 292838, 317416, 325620, 333827, 243720, 292901, 178215, 325675, 243763, 325695, 227432, 194667, 284789, 292987, 227459, 235661, 333968, 153752, 284827, 333990, 284840, 284843, 227517, 309443, 227525, 301255, 227536, 301270, 301271, 325857, 317676, 309504, 194832, 227601, 334104, 211239, 334121, 317738, 325930, 227655, 383309, 391521, 366948, 416103, 285031, 211327, 227721, 227730, 285074, 317851, 285083, 293275, 39323, 227743, 285089, 293281, 375211, 334259, 342454, 293309, 317889, 129484, 326093, 285152, 195044, 334315, 293368, 317949, 334345, 309770, 342537, 342560, 227881, 293420, 23093, 244279, 244280, 301635, 309831, 55880, 301647, 326229, 244311, 309847, 375396, 244326, 301688, 244345, 334473, 326288, 227991, 285348, 318127, 285360, 342705, 293552, 285362, 154295, 342714, 342757, 285419, 170735, 342775, 359166, 375552, 228099, 285443, 285450, 326413, 285457, 285467, 318247, 293673, 318251, 301872, 285493, 285496, 301883, 342846, 293702, 318279, 244569, 252766, 301919, 293729, 351078, 342888, 310132, 228214, 269179, 211835, 228232, 416649, 252812, 293780, 310166, 400282, 277404, 310177, 359332, 359333, 293801, 326571, 252848, 326580, 326586, 359365, 211913, 56270, 252878, 359380, 343020, 203758, 277493, 293894, 384015, 293911, 326684, 384031, 318515, 203829, 277600, 285795, 253028, 228457, 318571, 187508, 302202, 285819, 285823, 285833, 285834, 318602, 228492, 162962, 187539, 359574, 285850, 351389, 302239, 253098, 302251, 367798, 294075, 64699, 228541, 343230, 310496, 228587, 302319, 351475, 228608, 318732, 318746, 245018, 130342, 130344, 130347, 286012, 294210, 286019, 359747, 359748, 294220, 318804, 294236, 327023, 327030, 310650, 179586, 294278, 318860, 318876, 343457, 245160, 286128, 286133, 310714, 302523, 228796, 302530, 228804, 310725, 302539, 310731, 310735, 327122, 310747, 286176, 187877, 310758, 40439, 253431, 286201, 359931, 286208, 245249, 228868, 302602, 294413, 359949, 253456, 302613, 302620, 146976, 425534, 310853, 286281, 196184, 212574, 204386, 204394, 138862, 310896, 294517, 286344, 286351, 188049, 229021, 302751, 245413, 286387, 286392, 302778, 286400, 319176, 212684, 286419, 294621, 294629, 286457, 286463, 319232, 278273, 360194, 278292, 278294, 286507, 294699, 319289, 237397, 188250, 237411, 327556, 188293, 311183, 294806, 294808, 253851, 319393, 294820, 253868, 343993, 188349, 98240, 24531, 212953, 360416, 294887, 253930, 278507, 311277, 327666, 278515 ]
public class GeneratedClass925 { public var a: String = "" public var b: String = "" public var c: Int = 0 public init() { } }
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// // FeedsViewController.swift // Yala // // Created by Admin on 3/29/19. // Copyright © 2019 Yala. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import FacebookLogin import FacebookCore import SVProgressHUD import BEMCheckBox import Kingfisher import EMSpinnerButton import MessageUI import CoreLocation import Messages class FeedsViewController: UIViewController, VisibleTabBarProtocol { var user: User! var friends : [Friend] = [] var feedbacks : [FeedItem] = [] var cellType: FriendCellType = .invite @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. user = User.loadCurrentUser() // getFriendList() getFeedbacks() } class func fromStoryboard() -> FeedsViewController { let viewController = UIStoryboard (name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: String(describing: FeedsViewController.self)) as! FeedsViewController return viewController } func getFeedbacks(){ SpinnerWrapper.showSpinner() UserService.shared.getFeedbacks(user) { [weak self] (success, error, feedbacks) in SpinnerWrapper.hideSpinnerView() if feedbacks != nil, (feedbacks?.count)! > 0 { self?.feedbacks = feedbacks! self?.tableView.reloadData() } else { print("There is no feedbacks!") } } } @objc func addLike(button : UIButton){ // print("button clicked! \(button.tag)") let eventId = feedbacks[button.tag].id UserService.shared.addLikeToEvent(eventId!) { [weak self] (success, error, feedbacks) in if feedbacks != nil, (feedbacks?.count)! > 0 { self?.feedbacks = feedbacks! self?.tableView.reloadData() } else { print("There is no feedbacks!") } } } @objc func addComment(button : UIButton){ let selectEvent = feedbacks[button.tag] let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "CommetLeaveViewController") as! CommetLeaveViewController = selectEvent present(vc,animated: true, completion: nil) } } extension FeedsViewController: UITableViewDataSource { func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return feedbacks.count } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "FeedItemTableViewCell") as! FeedItemTableViewCell let feeditem = feedbacks[indexPath.item] cell.configure(feeditem) cell.btnLikeToEvent?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.addLike), for: .touchUpInside) cell.btnLikeToEvent.tag = indexPath.item cell.btnAddComment?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.addComment), for: .touchUpInside) cell.btnAddComment.tag = indexPath.item return cell } } extension FeedsViewController: UITableViewDelegate { func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { } }
[ -1 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // Converter.swift // ViewBuilderDemo // // Created by Abel Sanchez on 11/4/16. // Copyright © 2016 Abel Sanchez. All rights reserved. // import UIKit public class Converter { static let colors : [UIColor] = [,, UIColor.brown,,,,, UIColor.darkGray, UIColor.cyan, UIColor.magenta, UIColor.purple] public class func intToColor(_ source: Int) -> UIColor { return colors[abs(source % colors.count)] } }
[ -1 ]
import UIKit import Moya let GankProvider = MoyaProvider<GankAPI>() enum GankAPI { case gankList(category: String, size: Int, index: Int) } extension GankAPI: TargetType { var baseURL: URL { return URL(string: "")! } var path: String { switch self { case .gankList(let category, let size, let index): return "\(category)/\(size)/\(index)" } } var method: Moya.Method { return .get } var sampleData: Data { return "".data(using: .utf8)! } var task: Task { return .requestPlain } var headers: [String : String]? { return nil } }
[ -1 ]
/OTP View/ViewController.swift
// // ViewController.swift // OTP View // // Created by Rishu Gupta on 08/08/20. // Copyright © 2020 Rishu Gupta. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var viewOTP: RGOTPView! @IBOutlet weak var buttonSubmit: UIButton! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.view.backgroundColor = Theme.Colors.BackgroundPrimary } @IBAction func buttonHandlerSubmit(_ sender: Any) { /// Use below line to display warning or error with color to otp fields // self.viewOTP.setAllFieldColor(isWarningColor: true, color: Theme.Colors.Error) /// Used to get otp text from fields let otp = self.viewOTP.getOTP() if otp.count < 4 { self.viewOTP.setAllFieldColor(isWarningColor: true, color: Theme.Colors.Error) print("Please enter valid 4 digit OTP.") return } print("Entered OTP:", otp) } }
[ -1 ]
[ "MIT" ]
import Foundation import TSCBasic import TuistCore import TuistCoreTesting import TuistSupport import XCTest @testable import TuistGenerator @testable import TuistSupportTesting final class TargetLinterTests: TuistUnitTestCase { var subject: TargetLinter! override func setUp() { super.setUp() subject = TargetLinter() } override func tearDown() { subject = nil super.tearDown() } func test_lint_when_target_has_invalid_product_name() { let XCTAssertInvalidProductName: (String) -> Void = { productName in let target = Target.test(productName: productName) let got = self.subject.lint(target: target) let reason = "Invalid product name '\(productName)'. This string must contain only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9) and underscore (_) characters." self.XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: reason, severity: .error)) } let XCTAssertValidProductName: (String) -> Void = { bundleId in let target = Target.test(bundleId: bundleId) let got = self.subject.lint(target: target) XCTAssertNil(got.first(where: { $0.description.contains("Invalid product name") })) } XCTAssertInvalidProductName("MyFramework-iOS") XCTAssertInvalidProductName("My.Framework") XCTAssertInvalidProductName("ⅫFramework") XCTAssertInvalidProductName("ؼFramework") XCTAssertValidProductName("MyFramework_iOS") XCTAssertValidProductName("MyFramework") } func test_lint_when_target_has_invalid_bundle_identifier() { let XCTAssertInvalidBundleId: (String) -> Void = { bundleId in let target = Target.test(bundleId: bundleId) let got = self.subject.lint(target: target) let reason = "Invalid bundle identifier '\(bundleId)'. This string must be a uniform type identifier (UTI) that contains only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters." self.XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: reason, severity: .error)) } let XCTAssertValidBundleId: (String) -> Void = { bundleId in let target = Target.test(bundleId: bundleId) let got = self.subject.lint(target: target) XCTAssertNil(got.first(where: { $0.description.contains("Invalid bundle identifier") })) } XCTAssertInvalidBundleId("") XCTAssertInvalidBundleId("◌́") XCTAssertInvalidBundleId("Ⅻ") XCTAssertInvalidBundleId("ؼ") XCTAssertValidBundleId("${BUNDLE_SUFFIX}") } func test_lint_when_target_no_source_files() { let target = Target.test(sources: []) let got = subject.lint(target: target) XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "The target \( doesn't contain source files.", severity: .warning)) } func test_lint_when_a_infoplist_file_is_being_copied() { let infoPlistPath = AbsolutePath("/Info.plist") let googeServiceInfoPlistPath = AbsolutePath("/GoogleService-Info.plist") let target = Target.test( infoPlist: .file(path: infoPlistPath), resources: [ .file(path: infoPlistPath), .file(path: googeServiceInfoPlistPath), ] ) let got = subject.lint(target: target) XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "Info.plist at path \(infoPlistPath.pathString) being copied into the target \( product.", severity: .warning)) XCTDoesNotContainLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "Info.plist at path \(googeServiceInfoPlistPath.pathString) being copied into the target \( product.", severity: .warning)) } func test_lint_when_a_entitlements_file_is_being_copied() { let path = AbsolutePath("/App.entitlements") let target = Target.test(resources: [.file(path: path)]) let got = subject.lint(target: target) XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "Entitlements file at path \(path.pathString) being copied into the target \( product.", severity: .warning)) } func test_lint_when_entitlements_not_missing() throws { let temporaryPath = try self.temporaryPath() let path = temporaryPath.appending(component: "Info.plist") let target = Target.test(infoPlist: .file(path: path)) let got = subject.lint(target: target) XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "Info.plist file not found at path \(path.pathString)", severity: .error)) } func test_lint_when_infoplist_not_found() throws { let temporaryPath = try self.temporaryPath() let path = temporaryPath.appending(component: "App.entitlements") let target = Target.test(entitlements: path) let got = subject.lint(target: target) XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "Entitlements file not found at path \(path.pathString)", severity: .error)) } func test_lint_when_library_has_resources() throws { let temporaryPath = try self.temporaryPath() let path = temporaryPath.appending(component: "Image.png") let element = FileElement.file(path: path) let staticLibrary = Target.test(product: .staticLibrary, resources: [element]) let dynamicLibrary = Target.test(product: .dynamicLibrary, resources: [element]) let staticResult = subject.lint(target: staticLibrary) XCTContainsLintingIssue(staticResult, LintingIssue(reason: "Target \( cannot contain resources. Libraries don't support resources", severity: .error)) let dynamicResult = subject.lint(target: dynamicLibrary) XCTContainsLintingIssue(dynamicResult, LintingIssue(reason: "Target \( cannot contain resources. Libraries don't support resources", severity: .error)) } func test_lint_when_ios_bundle_has_sources() { // Given let bundle = Target.empty(platform: .iOS, product: .bundle, sources: [ (path: "/path/to/some/source.swift", compilerFlags: nil), ], resources: []) // When let result = subject.lint(target: bundle) // Then XCTContainsLintingIssue(result, LintingIssue(reason: "Target \( cannot contain sources. iOS bundle targets don't support source files", severity: .error)) } func test_lint_valid_ios_bundle() { // Given let bundle = Target.empty(platform: .iOS, product: .bundle, resources: [ .file(path: "/path/to/some/asset.png"), ]) // When let result = subject.lint(target: bundle) // Then XCTAssertTrue(result.isEmpty) } func test_lint_when_deployment_target_version_is_valid() { let validVersions = ["10.0", "9.0.1"] for version in validVersions { // Given let target = Target.test(platform: .macOS, deploymentTarget: .macOS(version)) // When let got = subject.lint(target: target) // Then XCTDoesNotContainLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "The version of deployment target is incorrect", severity: .error)) } } func test_lint_when_deployment_target_version_is_invalid() { let validVersions = ["tuist", "tuist9.0.1", "1.0tuist", "10_0", "1_1_3"] for version in validVersions { // Given let target = Target.test(platform: .macOS, deploymentTarget: .macOS(version)) // When let got = subject.lint(target: target) // Then XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, LintingIssue(reason: "The version of deployment target is incorrect", severity: .error)) } } func test_lint_invalidProductPlatformCombinations() throws { // Given let invalidTargets: [Target] = [ .empty(name: "WatchApp_for_iOS", platform: .iOS, product: .watch2App), .empty(name: "Watch2Extension_for_iOS", platform: .iOS, product: .watch2Extension), ] // When let got = invalidTargets.flatMap { subject.lint(target: $0) } // Then let expectedIssues: [LintingIssue] = [ LintingIssue(reason: "'WatchApp_for_iOS' for platform 'iOS' can't have a product type 'watch 2 application'", severity: .error), LintingIssue(reason: "'Watch2Extension_for_iOS' for platform 'iOS' can't have a product type 'watch 2 extension'", severity: .error), ] XCTAssertTrue(expectedIssues.allSatisfy { got.contains($0) }) } func test_lint_when_target_has_duplicate_dependencies_specified() { let testDependency: Dependency = .sdk(name: "libc++.tbd", status: .optional) // Given let target = Target.test(dependencies: .init(repeating: testDependency, count: 2)) // When let got = subject.lint(target: target) // Then XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, .init( reason: "Target has duplicate '\(testDependency)' dependency specified", severity: .warning )) } func test_lint_when_target_has_non_existing_core_data_models() throws { // Given let path = try temporaryPath() let dataModelPath = path.appending(component: "Model.xcdatamodeld") let target = Target.test(coreDataModels: [ CoreDataModel(path: dataModelPath, versions: [], currentVersion: "1.0.0"), ]) // When let got = subject.lint(target: target) // Then XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, .init( reason: "The Core Data model at path \(dataModelPath.pathString) does not exist", severity: .error )) } func test_lint_when_target_has_core_data_models_with_default_versions_that_dont_exist() throws { // Given let path = try temporaryPath() let dataModelPath = path.appending(component: "Model.xcdatamodeld") try FileHandler.shared.createFolder(dataModelPath) let target = Target.test(coreDataModels: [ CoreDataModel(path: dataModelPath, versions: [], currentVersion: "1.0.0"), ]) // When let got = subject.lint(target: target) // Then XCTContainsLintingIssue(got, .init( reason: "The default version of the Core Data model at path \(dataModelPath.pathString), 1.0.0, does not exist. There should be a file at \(dataModelPath.appending(component: "1.0.0.xcdatamodel").pathString)", severity: .error )) } }
[ -1 ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/* Copyright 2018 Tua Rua Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import Foundation import CoreML import FreSwift public extension MLModelDescription { func toFREObject(id: String) -> FREObject? { guard let fre = FreObjectSwift(className: "com.tuarua.mlane.ModelDescription", args: id) else { return nil } fre.predictedFeatureName = self.predictedFeatureName fre.predictedProbabilitiesName = self.predictedProbabilitiesName fre.metadata = self.metadata.toFREObject() var freInputDict = FREObject(className: "flash.utils.Dictionary") for input in self.inputDescriptionsByName { freInputDict?[input.key] = input.value.toFREObject() } fre.inputDescriptionsByName = freInputDict var freOutputDict = FREObject(className: "flash.utils.Dictionary") for output in self.outputDescriptionsByName { freOutputDict?[output.key] = output.value.toFREObject() } fre.outputDescriptionsByName = freOutputDict if #available(iOS 13.0, OSX 10.15, tvOS 13.0, *) { fre.isUpdatable = self.isUpdatable } return fre.rawValue } }
[ -1 ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
// // Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Virgil Security Inc. // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in // the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // // (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, // INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR // SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING // IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Lead Maintainer: Virgil Security Inc. <> // import Foundation import VirgilSDK import VirgilCrypto // MARK: - Extension with peer-to-pear encrypt and decrypt operations extension EThree { /// Signs then encrypts data (and signature) for user /// /// - Important: Deprecated decrypt method is unable to decrypt result of this method /// /// - Parameters: /// - data: data to encrypt /// - user: user Card to encrypt for /// - Returns: encrypted data /// - Important: Automatically includes self key to recipientsKeys. /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage @objc(authEncryptData:forUser:error:) open func authEncrypt(data: Data, for user: Card) throws -> Data { return try self.authEncrypt(data: data, for: [user.identity: user]) } /// Signs then encrypts string (and signature) for user /// /// - Important: Deprecated decrypt method is unable to decrypt result of this method /// /// - Parameters: /// - text: String to encrypt /// - user: user Card to encrypt for /// - Returns: encrypted String /// - Important: Automatically includes self key to recipientsKeys. /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage @objc(authEncryptText:forUser:error:) open func authEncrypt(text: String, for user: Card) throws -> String { return try self.authEncrypt(text: text, for: [user.identity: user]) } /// Decrypts data and signature and verifies signature of sender /// /// - Parameters: /// - data: data to decrypt /// - user: sender Card with Public Key to verify with. Use nil to decrypt and verify from self /// - Returns: decrypted Data /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage @objc(authDecryptData:fromUsers:error:) open func authDecrypt(data: Data, from user: Card? = nil) throws -> Data { return try self.decryptInternal(data: data, from: user?.publicKey) } /// Decrypts data and signature and verifies signature of sender /// /// - Parameters: /// - data: data to decrypt /// - user: sender Card with Public Key to verify with /// - date: date of encryption to use proper card version /// - Returns: decrypted Data /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage @objc(authDecryptData:fromUsers:date:error:) open func authDecrypt(data: Data, from user: Card, date: Date) throws -> Data { var card = user while let previousCard = card.previousCard { guard card.createdAt > date else { break } card = previousCard } return try self.decryptInternal(data: data, from: card.publicKey) } /// Decrypts base64 string and signature and verifies signature of sender /// /// - Parameters: /// - text: encrypted String /// - user: sender Card with Public Key to verify with. Use nil to decrypt and verify from self. /// - Returns: decrypted String /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage @objc(authDecryptText:fromUser:error:) open func authDecrypt(text: String, from user: Card? = nil) throws -> String { guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: text) else { throw EThreeError.strToDataFailed } let decryptedData = try self.authDecrypt(data: data, from: user) guard let decryptedString = String(data: decryptedData, encoding: .utf8) else { throw EThreeError.strFromDataFailed } return decryptedString } /// Decrypts base64 string and signature and verifies signature of sender /// /// - Parameters: /// - text: encrypted String /// - user: sender Card with Public Key to verify with /// - date: date of encryption to use proper card version /// - Returns: decrypted String /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage @objc(authDecryptText:fromUser:date:error:) open func authDecrypt(text: String, from user: Card, date: Date) throws -> String { guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: text) else { throw EThreeError.strToDataFailed } let decryptedData = try self.authDecrypt(data: data, from: user, date: date) guard let decryptedString = String(data: decryptedData, encoding: .utf8) else { throw EThreeError.strFromDataFailed } return decryptedString } /// Signs then encrypts string (and signature) for group of users /// /// - Important: Deprecated decrypt method is unable to decrypt result of this method /// /// - Parameters: /// - text: String to encrypt /// - users: result of findUsers call recipient Cards with Public Keys to sign and encrypt with. /// Use nil to sign and encrypt for self /// - Returns: encrypted base64String /// - Important: Automatically includes self key to recipientsKeys. /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage /// - Note: Avoid key duplication @objc(authEncryptText:forUsers:error:) open func authEncrypt(text: String, for users: FindUsersResult? = nil) throws -> String { guard let data = .utf8) else { throw EThreeError.strToDataFailed } return try self.authEncrypt(data: data, for: users).base64EncodedString() } /// Signs then encrypts string (and signature) for group of users /// /// - Important: Deprecated decrypt method is unable to decrypt result of this method /// /// - Parameters: /// - data: data to encrypt /// - users: result of findUsers call recipient Cards with Public Keys to sign and encrypt with. /// Use nil to sign and encrypt for self /// - Returns: decrypted Data /// - Important: Automatically includes self key to recipientsKeys. /// - Important: Requires private key in local storage /// - Note: Avoid key duplication @objc(authEncryptData:forUsers:error:) open func authEncrypt(data: Data, for users: FindUsersResult? = nil) throws -> Data { return try self.encryptInternal(data: data, for: users?.map { $1.publicKey }) } } extension EThree { internal func encryptInternal(data: Data, for publicKeys: [VirgilPublicKey]?) throws -> Data { let selfKeyPair = try self.localKeyStorage.retrieveKeyPair() var pubKeys = [selfKeyPair.publicKey] if let publicKeys = publicKeys { guard !publicKeys.isEmpty else { throw EThreeError.missingPublicKey } pubKeys += publicKeys } let encryptedData = try self.crypto.authEncrypt(data, with: selfKeyPair.privateKey, for: pubKeys) return encryptedData } internal func decryptInternal(data: Data, from publicKey: VirgilPublicKey?) throws -> Data { let selfKeyPair = try self.localKeyStorage.retrieveKeyPair() let publicKey = publicKey ?? selfKeyPair.publicKey do { return try self.crypto.authDecrypt(data, with: selfKeyPair.privateKey, usingOneOf: [publicKey]) } catch VirgilCryptoError.signatureNotVerified { throw EThreeError.verificationFailed } } }
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/FoundationExtendedTests/(T) Types/WeakObjectSetTests.swift
// // WeakObjectSetTests.swift // FoundationExtendedTests // // Created by Steve Barnegren on 31/10/2019. // Copyright © 2019 ITV. All rights reserved. // import XCTest import FoundationExtended fileprivate class SetItem { let value: String init(_ value: String) { self.value = value } } class WeakObjectSetTests: XCTestCase { // MARK: - Insert func test_InsertObject() { let item = SetItem("a") var set = WeakObjectSet<SetItem>() set.insert(object: item) XCTAssertEqual(set.count, 1) } func test_InsertMultipleObjects() { let itemA = SetItem("a") let itemB = SetItem("a") var set = WeakObjectSet<SetItem>() set.insert(object: itemA) set.insert(object: itemB) XCTAssertEqual(set.count, 2) } func test_CannotInsertSameObjectMultipleTimes() { let item = SetItem("a") var set = WeakObjectSet<SetItem>() set.insert(object: item) set.insert(object: item) set.insert(object: item) XCTAssertEqual(set.count, 1) } // MARK: - Test object deallocation func test_doesNotRetainObjects() { var strongItem: SetItem? = SetItem("a") weak var weakItem: SetItem? = strongItem var set = WeakObjectSet<SetItem>() set.insert(object: strongItem!) XCTAssertEqual(set.count, 1) XCTAssertNotNil(weakItem) strongItem = nil XCTAssertEqual(set.count, 0) XCTAssertNil(weakItem) } }
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// // ContentView.swift // Memorize // // Created by Kriti Agarwal on 05/08/21. // import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var emojis = ["🚗", "✈️", "⛴", "🚲", "🏳️‍🌈", "✂️", "🔊", "🎀", "🌂", "🐅", "⛄️", "🧅", "🥨", "🥘", "🍰", "🥂", "🥡", "🛼", "🚴🏻‍♀️", "🧩", "🕹", "💰", "⚱️", "🦠", "🎁"] @State var emojiCount = 5 var body: some View{ VStack { LazyVGrid(columns: [GridItem(), GridItem(), GridItem()]) { ForEach(emojis[0..<emojiCount], id: \.self) { emoji in CardView(isFaceUp: true, content: emoji) } } Spacer() HStack { remove Spacer() Text("Shuffle") Spacer() add } .font(.largeTitle) .padding(.horizontal) .foregroundColor(.blue) } .foregroundColor(.red) .padding() } var remove: some View { Button { if emojiCount > 1 { emojiCount -= 1 } } label: { Image(systemName: "") } } var add: some View { Button{ if emojiCount < emojis.count { emojiCount += 1 } } label: { Image(systemName: "") } } } struct CardView: View { @State var isFaceUp: Bool var content: String var body : some View { ZStack{ let shape = RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0) if isFaceUp { shape.fill().foregroundColor(.white) shape.stroke(lineWidth: 3.0) Text(content) .font(.largeTitle) } else { shape.fill().foregroundColor(.red) } }.onTapGesture(perform: { isFaceUp = !isFaceUp }) } } func emojiCounterTapped() { print("emoji counter tapped") } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() .preferredColorScheme(.dark) ContentView() .preferredColorScheme(.light) } }
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// // InstagramTests.swift // InstagramTests // // Created by Ermal Buju on 19.11.18. // Copyright © 2018 Ermal Bujupaj. All rights reserved. // import XCTest @testable import Instagram class InstagramTests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. } func testExample() { // This is an example of a functional test case. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results. } func testPerformanceExample() { // This is an example of a performance test case. self.measure { // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. } } }
[ 360462, 229413, 204840, 344107, 155694, 229424, 229430, 163896, 180280, 376894, 352326, 196691, 385116, 237663, 254048, 319591, 221290, 204916, 131191, 131198, 278677, 196760, 426138, 278691, 173, 377009, 278708, 295098, 417988, 417994, 139479, 229597, 311519, 205035, 344313, 327929, 147717, 368905, 180493, 254226, 319763, 368916, 262421, 377114, 237856, 237857, 311597, 98610, 180535, 336183, 287041, 319813, 344401, 377169, 368981, 155990, 368984, 106847, 98657, 270701, 270706, 246136, 246137, 139640, 311681, 311685, 106888, 385417, 311691, 385422, 213403, 246178, 385454, 311727, 377264, 319930, 311738, 33211, 336320, 311745, 254406, 188871, 278993, 278999, 328152, 369116, 287198, 279018, 319981, 319987, 279029, 254456, 377338, 279039, 377343, 254465, 279050, 139792, 303636, 393751, 279065, 377376, 377386, 197167, 385588, 115270, 385615, 426576, 369235, 295519, 139872, 66150, 139892, 344696, 287352, 311941, 336518, 311945, 369289, 344715, 311949, 287374, 377489, 311954, 352917, 230040, 271000, 377497, 303771, 377500, 205471, 344738, 139939, 295599, 205487, 303793, 336564, 230072, 287417, 287422, 377539, 164560, 385747, 361176, 418520, 287452, 279269, 246503, 369385, 312052, 172792, 344827, 221948, 205568, 295682, 336648, 197386, 434957, 426774, 197399, 426775, 197411, 295724, 197422, 353070, 164656, 295729, 353078, 197431, 336702, 279362, 353109, 377686, 230234, 189275, 435039, 295776, 303972, 385893, 246641, 246643, 295798, 246648, 361337, 254850, 369538, 58253, 295824, 140204, 377772, 304051, 230332, 377790, 353215, 213957, 345033, 279498, 386006, 418776, 50143, 123881, 271350, 295927, 328700, 328706, 410627, 320516, 295942, 386056, 353290, 377869, 238610, 418837, 140310, 369701, 238639, 312373, 238651, 361535, 377926, 238664, 361566, 304222, 173166, 377972, 337017, 377983, 402565, 386189, 296086, 238743, 296092, 238765, 238769, 402613, 230588, 353479, 353481, 353482, 402634, 189653, 419029, 148696, 296153, 304351, 222440, 328940, 353523, 386294, 386301, 320770, 386306, 312587, 328971, 353551, 320796, 222494, 353584, 345396, 386359, 378172, 279875, 312648, 337225, 304456, 230729, 238927, 353616, 378209, 386412, 296307, 116084, 337281, 148867, 296329, 296335, 9619, 370071, 173491, 304564, 353719, 361927, 296392, 280010, 280013, 239068, 280032, 271843, 329197, 329200, 296433, 288249, 296448, 230921, 329225, 296461, 304656, 329232, 370197, 402985, 394794, 312880, 288309, 312889, 280130, 288327, 239198, 99938, 312940, 222832, 370296, 247416, 288378, 337534, 337535, 263809, 288392, 239250, 419478, 206504, 321199, 337591, 280251, 403148, 9936, 313041, 9937, 370388, 272085, 345814, 18138, 345821, 321247, 321249, 345833, 345834, 280300, 239341, 67315, 173814, 288512, 288516, 280327, 321302, 345879, 321310, 255776, 362283, 378668, 296755, 321337, 345919, 436031, 403267, 345929, 337745, 18262, 362327, 280410, 345951, 362337, 345955, 296806, 280430, 214895, 313199, 362352, 182144, 305026, 329622, 337815, 436131, 436137, 362417, 362431, 280514, 174019, 214984, 362443, 329695, 436191, 313319, 354280, 247785, 296941, 436205, 362480, 329712, 43014, 354316, 313357, 239650, 354343, 354345, 223274, 346162, 288828, 436285, 288833, 288834, 436292, 403525, 313416, 436301, 354385, 338001, 338003, 280661, 329814, 354393, 280675, 280677, 43110, 321637, 436329, 288879, 288889, 215164, 313469, 215166, 280712, 346271, 436383, 362659, 239793, 182456, 280762, 379071, 280768, 149703, 346314, 321745, 387296, 280802, 379106, 346346, 321772, 436470, 149760, 411906, 313608, 272658, 338218, 321840, 379186, 321860, 280902, 289110, 215385, 354655, 354676, 436608, 362881, 248194, 240002, 436611, 395659, 240016, 108944, 190871, 149916, 420253, 141728, 289189, 108972, 272813, 338356, 436661, 289232, 256477, 281072, 174593, 420369, 207393, 289332, 174648, 338489, 338490, 297560, 436832, 436834, 420463, 346737, 313971, 346740, 420471, 330379, 117396, 346772, 264856, 289434, 346779, 166582, 314040, 363211, 363230, 264928, 330474, 289518, 363263, 191235, 322316, 117517, 322319, 166676, 207640, 281377, 289576, 191283, 273207, 289598, 322395, 207727, 330609, 207732, 158593, 224145, 355217, 256922, 289690, 289698, 420773, 289703, 363438, 347055, 289727, 273344, 330689, 363458, 379844, 19399, 248796, 347103, 183279, 347123, 240630, 257024, 330754, 134150, 330763, 322582, 248872, 322612, 314436, 314448, 339030, 257125, 273515, 404593, 363641, 363644, 150657, 248961, 330888, 363669, 339100, 380061, 339102, 199839, 429214, 265379, 249002, 306346, 3246, 421048, 208058, 265412, 290000, 298208, 298212, 298213, 290022, 330984, 298221, 298228, 388349, 437505, 322824, 257305, 339234, 372009, 412971, 306494, 216386, 224586, 331090, 314710, 372054, 159066, 314720, 380271, 208244, 249204, 290173, 306559, 224640, 314751, 314758, 298374, 314760, 142729, 388487, 314766, 306579, 282007, 290207, 314783, 314789, 282022, 314791, 396711, 396712, 314798, 380337, 380338, 150965, 380357, 339398, 306639, 413137, 429542, 282096, 306673, 191990, 372227, 323080, 323087, 175639, 388632, 396827, 282141, 134686, 355876, 347694, 265798, 282183, 265804, 224847, 396882, 44635, 396895, 323172, 323178, 224883, 314998, 323196, 175741, 339584, 282245, 323217, 282271, 282276, 298661, 282280, 298667, 61101, 224946, 110268, 224958, 323263, 274115, 306890, 241361, 298720, 323331, 323332, 339715, 216839, 339720, 372496, 323346, 339745, 257830, 421672, 315202, 216918, 241495, 241528, 315264, 339841, 282504, 315273, 315274, 372626, 380821, 298909, 118685, 200627, 323507, 290745, 274371, 151497, 372701, 298980, 380908, 282612, 315432, 102445, 233517, 176175, 241716, 225351, 315465, 315476, 307289, 315487, 356447, 315497, 315498, 438377, 233589, 266357, 422019, 241808, 323729, 381073, 299174, 405687, 258239, 389313, 299203, 299209, 372941, 282831, 266449, 307435, 438511, 381172, 184575, 381208, 151839, 233762, 217380, 282919, 332083, 332085, 332089, 438596, 332101, 323913, 348492, 323920, 348500, 168281, 332123, 332127, 242023, 160110, 242033, 291192, 340357, 225670, 242058, 373134, 291224, 242078, 315810, 315811, 381347, 340398, 127427, 324039, 373197, 160225, 291311, 291333, 340490, 283153, 258581, 234036, 315960, 348732, 242237, 70209, 348742, 70215, 348749, 381517, 332378, 201308, 111208, 184940, 373358, 389745, 209530, 356989, 373375, 152195, 348806, 316049, 111253, 316053, 111258, 111259, 176808, 299699, 422596, 422599, 291530, 225995, 242386, 422617, 422626, 234217, 299759, 299776, 291585, 430849, 291592, 62220, 422673, 430865, 291604, 422680, 283419, 152365, 422703, 422709, 152374, 160571, 430910, 160575, 160580, 381773, 201551, 242529, 349026, 357218, 201577, 308076, 242541, 177019, 185211, 308092, 398206, 291712, 381829, 316298, 349072, 308112, 390045, 185250, 185254, 373687, 373706, 316364, 324586, 349175, 201720, 127992, 357379, 308243, 357414, 300084, 308287, 218186, 341073, 439384, 300135, 300136, 316520, 357486, 144496, 300150, 291959, 300151, 160891, 300158, 349316, 349318, 373903, 169104, 177296, 185493, 119962, 300187, 300188, 300201, 300202, 373945, 259268, 62665, 283852, 283853, 259280, 316627, 333011, 234742, 128251, 439562, 292107, 414990, 251153, 177428, 349462, 382258, 300343, 382269, 177484, 406861, 259406, 234831, 283991, 374109, 333160, 316787, 357762, 112017, 234898, 259475, 275859, 357786, 251298, 333220, 374191, 292292, 300487, 300489, 366037, 210390, 210391, 210393, 144867, 54765, 251378, 308723, 300535, 300536, 259599, 316946, 308756, 398869, 374296, 374299, 308764, 431649, 169518, 431663, 194110, 349763, 218696, 292425, 128587, 333388, 128599, 333408, 374372, 300644, 415338, 243307, 54893, 325231, 325245, 235135, 194180, 415375, 153251, 300714, 210603, 415420, 333503, 259781, 333517, 333520, 325346, 153319, 325352, 284401, 325371, 243472, 366360, 325404, 399147, 431916, 300848, 259899, 325439, 325445, 153415, 341836, 415567, 325457, 317269, 341847, 350044, 128862, 292712, 423789, 292720, 325492, 276341, 341879, 317304, 333688, 112509, 55167, 325503, 333701, 243591, 317323, 325518, 333722, 350109, 292771, 415655, 284587, 292782, 243637, 301008, 153554, 292836, 292837, 317415, 325619, 432116, 292858, 415741, 333828, 358410, 399373, 317467, 145435, 325674, 309295, 129076, 243767, 358456, 227428, 194666, 260207, 432240, 333940, 292988, 194691, 415881, 104587, 235662, 284826, 333991, 194782, 301279, 317664, 243962, 375039, 194820, 325905, 325912, 309529, 211235, 432421, 211238, 358703, 358709, 325968, 366930, 6489, 383332, 383336, 317820, 211326, 317831, 252308, 293274, 39324, 121245, 342450, 293303, 293310, 416197, 129483, 342476, 317901, 334290, 358882, 342498, 334309, 391655, 432618, 375276, 301571, 342536, 416286, 375333, 244269, 375343, 23092, 375351, 244281, 301638, 309830, 293448, 55881, 416341, 309846, 416351, 268899, 39530, 244347, 326287, 375440, 334481, 318106, 318107, 342682, 318130, 383667, 293556, 39614, 334547, 375526, 342762, 342763, 293612, 129773, 154359, 228088, 432893, 162561, 383754, 310036, 285466, 326429, 293664, 326433, 400166, 293672, 318250, 318252, 375609, 293693, 252741, 293711, 244568, 244570, 342887, 228215, 400252, 359298, 359299, 260996, 113542, 392074, 56208, 318364, 310176, 310178, 293800, 236461, 326581, 326587, 326601, 359381, 433115, 343005, 326635, 187374, 383983, 318461, 293886, 293893, 433165, 384016, 433174, 252958, 359478, 203830, 359495, 277597, 113760, 392290, 253029, 285798, 15471, 351344, 285814, 285820, 392318, 384131, 302216, 326804, 187544, 351390, 253099, 253100, 318639, 367799, 113850, 294074, 302274, 367810, 244940, 195808, 310497, 302325, 228600, 261377, 228609, 253216, 130338, 261425, 351537, 286013, 146762, 294218, 294219, 318805, 425304, 163175, 327024, 327025, 318848, 179587, 253317, 384393, 368011, 318864, 318868, 318875, 310692, 245161, 286129, 286132, 228795, 425405, 302531, 425418, 286172, 187878, 359930, 286202, 302590, 253451, 359950, 146964, 253463, 286244, 245287, 245292, 425535, 196164, 286288, 179801, 196187, 343647, 310889, 204397, 138863, 188016, 294529, 229001, 188048, 425626, 302754, 229029, 40614, 384695, 327358, 286399, 212685, 384720, 302802, 278233, 278240, 212716, 212717, 360177, 229113, 278272, 319233, 360195, 286494, 294700, 409394, 319292, 360252, 360264, 376669, 245599, 425825, 425833, 417654, 188292, 253829, 294807, 376732, 311199, 319392, 294823, 327596, 294843, 188348, 237504, 294850, 384964, 344013, 212942, 24532, 294886, 311281, 311282 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // UserCenterController.swift // RxSwiftDemo // // Created by 左聂荣 on 2020/1/1. // Copyright © 2020 左聂荣. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class UserCenterController: ViewController { // MARK: - Property // MARK: - LifeCycle override var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return .all } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() makeUI() setupData() } override func updateViewConstraints() { super.updateViewConstraints() tableView.snp.makeConstraints { make in make.edges.equalToSuperview() } } // MARK: - Action override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { let testVC = TestController() navigationController?.pushViewController(testVC, animated: true) } // MARK: - Lazy /// 懒加载:tableView private lazy var tableView: UITableView = { let tv = UITableView(frame: .zero, style: .plain) tv.register(cellWithClass: UITableViewCell.self) tv.rowHeight = CGFloat.tableRow tv.tableFooterView = UIView(frame: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: view.bounds.width, height: CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude))) return tv }() /// 懒加载:dataSource private lazy var dataSource: [(String, ViewController.Type)] = { [ (R.string.localizable.userCenterDataSourceHomepage(), HomepageController.self), (R.string.localizable.userCenterDataSourceLogin(), LoginController.self), (R.string.localizable.userCenterDataSourceListEdit(), ListEditController.self), (R.string.localizable.userCenterDataSourceQuery(), QueryController.self) ] }() } // MARK: - Private Method private extension UserCenterController { func makeUI() { navItemTitle = R.string.localizable.userCenterNavTitle() view.addSubview(tableView) } func setupData() { Driver.of(dataSource) .drive(tableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: UITableViewCell.className)) { _, item, cell in cell.textLabel?.text = item.0 } .disposed(by: rx.disposeBag) tableView.rx.itemSelected .subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] indexPath in self.tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true) }) .disposed(by: rx.disposeBag) tableView.rx.modelSelected((String, ViewController.Type).self) .map { $0.1 } .bind(to: rx.push) .disposed(by: rx.disposeBag) } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Anton Mironov // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom // the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. // import Dispatch /// Protocol for concurrency-aware active objects. /// Conforming to this protocol helps to avoid boilerplate code related to dispatching and memory management. /// See ["Moving to nice asynchronous Swift code"]( for complete explanation. /// /// Best way to conform for model-related classes looks like: /// /// ```swift /// public class MyService: ExecutionContext, ReleasePoolOwner { /// private let _internalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "my-service-queue", target: .global()) /// public var executor: Executor { return .queue(_internalQueue) } /// public let releasePool = ReleasePool() /// /// /* class implementation */ /// } /// ``` /// /// Best way to conform for classes related to main queue looks like: /// /// ```swift /// public class MyMainQueueService: ExecutionContext, ReleasePoolOwner { /// public var executor: Executor { return .main } /// public let releasePool = ReleasePool() /// /// /* class implementation */ /// } /// ``` /// /// Best way to conform for classes related to UI manipulations looks like: /// /// ```swift /// public class MyPresenter: NSObject, ObjCUIInjectedExecutionContext { /// /* class implementation */ /// } /// ``` /// Classes that conform to NSResponder/UIResponder are automatically conformed to exection context. public protocol ExecutionContext: Retainer { /// Executor to perform internal state-changing operations on. /// It is highly recommended to use serial executor var executor: Executor { get } } // swiftlint:enable line_length public extension ExecutionContext { /// Schedules execution of the block /// /// - Parameters: /// - cancellationToken: `CancellationToken` that can cancel execution /// - block: to schedule after timeout /// - strongSelf: is `ExecutionContext` restored from weak reference of self func async(cancellationToken: CancellationToken? = nil, block: @escaping (_ strongContext: Self) -> Void) { self.executor.execute(from: nil) { [weak self] (_) in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } block(strongSelf) } } /// Schedules execution of the block after specified timeout /// /// - Parameters: /// - timeout: (in seconds) to execute the block after /// - cancellationToken: `CancellationToken` that can cancel execution /// - block: to schedule after timeout /// - strongSelf: is `ExecutionContext` restored from weak reference of self func after(_ timeout: Double, cancellationToken: CancellationToken? = nil, block: @escaping (_ strongContext: Self) -> Void) { self.executor.execute(after: timeout) { [weak self] (_) in if cancellationToken?.isCancelled ?? false { return } guard let strongSelf = self else { return } block(strongSelf) } } /// Adds dependent `Cancellable`. `Cancellable` will be weakly referenced /// and cancelled on deinit func addDependent(cancellable: Cancellable) { self.notifyDeinit { [weak cancellable] in cancellable?.cancel() } } /// Adds dependent `Completable`. `Completable` will be weakly /// referenced and cancelled because of deallocated context on deinit func addDependent<T: Completable>(completable: T) { self.notifyDeinit { [weak completable] in completable?.cancelBecauseOfDeallocatedContext() } } /// Makes a dynamic property bound to the execution context /// /// - Parameters: /// - initialValue: initial value to set /// - bufferSize: `DerivedChannelBufferSize` of derived channel. /// Keep default value of the argument unless you need /// an extended buffering options of returned channel /// - Returns: `DynamicProperty` bound to the context func makeDynamicProperty<T>( _ initialValue: T, bufferSize: Int = AsyncNinjaConstants.defaultChannelBufferSize ) -> DynamicProperty<T> { return DynamicProperty( initialValue: initialValue, updateExecutor: executor, bufferSize: bufferSize) } } /// Protocol for any instance that has `ReleasePool`. /// Made to proxy calls of `func releaseOnDeinit(_ object: AnyObject)` /// and `func notifyDeinit(_ block: @escaping () -> Void)` to `ReleasePool` public protocol ReleasePoolOwner: Retainer { /// `ReleasePool` to proxy calls to. Perfect implementation looks like: /// ```swift /// public class MyService: ExecutionContext, ReleasePoolOwner { /// let releasePool = ReleasePool() /// /* other implementation */ /// } /// ``` var releasePool: ReleasePool { get } } public extension ExecutionContext where Self: ReleasePoolOwner { func releaseOnDeinit(_ object: AnyObject) { self.releasePool.insert(object) } func notifyDeinit(_ block: @escaping () -> Void) { self.releasePool.notifyDrain(block) } } /// An object that can extend lifetime of another objects up to deinit or notify deinit public protocol Retainer: AnyObject { /// Extends lifetime of specified object func releaseOnDeinit(_ object: AnyObject) /// calls specified block on deinit func notifyDeinit(_ block: @escaping () -> Void) }
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// // FSVenueConfirmVC.swift // fitsky // 场馆认证 // Created by gouyz on 2019/10/29. // Copyright © 2019 gyz. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import MBProgressHUD class FSVenueConfirmVC: GYZWhiteNavBaseVC { var venueTypeList:[FSCompainCategoryModel] = [FSCompainCategoryModel]() /// 类型id var selectTypeId: String = "" var typeNameArr:[String] = [String]() /// 地点 var currAddress: AMapPOI? /// 选择身份证正面 var selectCardPhotoImg: UIImage? /// 选择身份证正面url var selectCardPhotoImgUrl: String = "" /// 选择身份证反面 var selectCardPhotoFanImg: UIImage? /// 选择身份证反面url var selectCardPhotoFanImgUrl: String = "" /// 选择手持身份证 var selectShouCardPhotoImg: UIImage? /// 选择手持身份证 var selectShouCardPhotoImgUrl: String = "" /// 选择门店照 var selectRoomPhotoImg: UIImage? /// 选择门店照url var selectRoomPhotoImgUrl: String = "" /// 选择店内照 var selectRoomLinePhotoImg: UIImage? /// 选择店内照url var selectRoomLinePhotoImgUrl: String = "" /// 选择手持身份证 var selectyyzzPhotoImg: UIImage? /// 选择手持身份证 var selectyyzzPhotoImgUrl: String = "" let ruleContent: String = "阅读并确定《场馆认证须知》" override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.navigationItem.title = "场馆认证" self.view.backgroundColor = kWhiteColor let rightBtn = UIButton(type: .custom) rightBtn.setTitle("提交", for: .normal) rightBtn.titleLabel?.font = k15Font rightBtn.setTitleColor(kBlueFontColor, for: .normal) rightBtn.frame = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: kTitleHeight, height: kTitleHeight) rightBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(onClickRightBtn), for: .touchUpInside) navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem.init(customView: rightBtn) setUpUI() ruleLab.yb_addAttributeTapAction(with: ["《场馆认证须知》"]) {[unowned self] (label, string, range, index) in if index == 0{//《场馆认证须知》 self.goWebVC(method: "News/Home/storeCertificationInstructions") } } requestVenueTypeData() } ///场馆认证类型 func requestVenueTypeData(){ if !GYZTool.checkNetWork() { return } weak var weakSelf = self createHUD(message: "加载中...") GYZNetWork.requestNetwork("Member/Apply/storeApplyInit", parameters: nil, success: { (response) in weakSelf?.hud?.hide(animated: true) GYZLog(response) if response["result"].intValue == kQuestSuccessTag{//请求成功 guard let data = response["data"]["store_type"].array else { return } for item in data{ guard let itemInfo = item.dictionaryObject else { return } let model = FSCompainCategoryModel.init(dict: itemInfo) weakSelf?.typeNameArr.append(!) weakSelf?.venueTypeList.append(model) } if weakSelf?.venueTypeList.count > 0 { weakSelf?.areaView.textFiled.text = weakSelf?.typeNameArr[0] weakSelf?.selectTypeId = (weakSelf?.venueTypeList[0].id)! } }else{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: response["msg"].stringValue) } }, failture: { (error) in weakSelf?.hud?.hide(animated: true) GYZLog(error) }) } func setUpUI(){ view.addSubview(scrollView) scrollView.addSubview(contentView) contentView.addSubview(roomDesLab) contentView.addSubview(roomPhotoView) contentView.addSubview(desLab1) contentView.addSubview(lineView0) contentView.addSubview(roomNameView) contentView.addSubview(lineView) contentView.addSubview(roomInLineDesLab) contentView.addSubview(roomLinePhotoView) contentView.addSubview(lineView1) contentView.addSubview(addressView) contentView.addSubview(mapTagView) contentView.addSubview(lineView2) contentView.addSubview(areaView) contentView.addSubview(rightIconView) contentView.addSubview(lineView3) contentView.addSubview(yyzzDesLab) contentView.addSubview(yyzzPhotoView) contentView.addSubview(desLab3) contentView.addSubview(lineView4) contentView.addSubview(nameView) contentView.addSubview(lineView5) contentView.addSubview(cardNoView) contentView.addSubview(lineView9) contentView.addSubview(shouCardDesLab) contentView.addSubview(shouCardPhotoView) contentView.addSubview(desLab4) contentView.addSubview(lineView6) contentView.addSubview(cardDesLab) contentView.addSubview(cardPhotoView) contentView.addSubview(cardFanPhotoView) contentView.addSubview(lineView7) contentView.addSubview(phoneView) contentView.addSubview(lineView8) contentView.addSubview(checkImgView) contentView.addSubview(ruleLab) scrollView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in } contentView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.width.equalTo(scrollView) make.bottom.equalTo(scrollView) // 这个很重要!!!!!! // 必须要比scroll的高度大一,这样才能在scroll没有填充满的时候,保持可以拖动 make.height.greaterThanOrEqualTo(scrollView).offset(1) } roomDesLab.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(kMargin) make.height.equalTo(kTitleHeight) make.width.equalTo(100) } roomPhotoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(roomDesLab.snp.right).offset(kMargin) make.size.equalTo(CGSize.init(width: 80, height: 80)) } desLab1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.right.equalTo(-kMargin) make.left.equalTo(roomPhotoView) make.height.equalTo(30) } lineView0.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.equalTo(contentView) make.height.equalTo(klineDoubleWidth) } roomNameView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.equalTo(contentView) make.height.equalTo(50) } lineView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView0) } roomInLineDesLab.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.height.width.equalTo(roomDesLab) } roomLinePhotoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(roomInLineDesLab.snp.right).offset(kMargin) make.size.equalTo(roomPhotoView) } lineView1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } addressView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.height.equalTo(roomNameView) make.right.equalTo(mapTagView.snp.left) } mapTagView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.right.equalTo(-kMargin) make.centerY.equalTo(addressView) make.size.equalTo(CGSize.init(width: kTitleHeight, height: kTitleHeight)) } lineView2.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } areaView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.height.equalTo(roomNameView) make.right.equalTo(rightIconView.snp.left) } rightIconView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.right.equalTo(-kMargin) make.centerY.equalTo(areaView) make.size.equalTo(rightArrowSize) } lineView3.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } yyzzDesLab.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.height.width.equalTo(roomDesLab) } yyzzPhotoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(yyzzDesLab.snp.right).offset(kMargin) make.size.equalTo(roomPhotoView) } desLab3.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(desLab1) } lineView4.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } nameView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(roomNameView) } lineView5.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } cardNoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(roomNameView) } lineView9.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } shouCardDesLab.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.height.width.equalTo(roomDesLab) } shouCardPhotoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(shouCardDesLab.snp.right).offset(kMargin) make.size.equalTo(roomPhotoView) } desLab4.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(desLab1) } lineView6.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } cardDesLab.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.height.width.equalTo(roomDesLab) } cardPhotoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(cardDesLab.snp.right).offset(kMargin) make.size.equalTo(roomPhotoView) } cardFanPhotoView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(cardPhotoView.snp.right).offset(kMargin) } lineView7.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } phoneView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(nameView) } lineView8.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.right.height.equalTo(lineView) } checkImgView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(kMargin) make.centerY.equalTo(ruleLab) make.size.equalTo(CGSize.init(width: 16, height: 16)) } ruleLab.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in make.left.equalTo(checkImgView.snp.right).offset(kMargin) make.right.equalTo(-20) make.height.equalTo(30) // 这个很重要,viewContainer中的最后一个控件一定要约束到bottom,并且要小于等于viewContainer的bottom // 否则的话,上面的控件会被强制拉伸变形 // 最后的-10是边距,这个可以随意设置 make.bottom.lessThanOrEqualTo(contentView).offset(-kMargin) } } /// scrollView var scrollView: UIScrollView = UIScrollView() /// 内容View var contentView: UIView = UIView() /// 门店照 lazy var roomDesLab : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k15Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 门店照") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) lab.attributedText = strAttr return lab }() /// 门店照 lazy var roomPhotoView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_upload_img")) imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill /// 超出部分裁剪 imgView.clipsToBounds = true imgView.tag = 104 imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:))) return imgView }() /// lazy var desLab1 : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k13Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor lab.text = "需拍全,包含完整的店牌" return lab }() lazy var lineView0: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() lazy var roomNameView: GYZLabAndFieldView = { let nView = GYZLabAndFieldView.init(desName: "门店名称", placeHolder: "需与门店照牌面一致,若为品牌分店请注明") nView.desLab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor nView.textFiled.textColor = kGaryFontColor return nView }() lazy var lineView: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() /// 店内照 lazy var roomInLineDesLab : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k15Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 店内照") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) lab.attributedText = strAttr return lab }() /// 店内照 lazy var roomLinePhotoView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_upload_img")) imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill /// 超出部分裁剪 imgView.clipsToBounds = true imgView.tag = 105 imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:))) return imgView }() lazy var lineView1: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() lazy var addressView: GYZLabAndFieldView = { let nView = GYZLabAndFieldView.init(desName: "", placeHolder: "请选择详细地址") nView.desLab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor nView.textFiled.textColor = kGaryFontColor // nView.textFiled.isEnabled = false let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 门店地址") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) nView.desLab.attributedText = strAttr return nView }() /// 地图图标 lazy var mapTagView : UIButton = { let btn = UIButton.init(type: .custom) btn.setImage(UIImage.init(named: "app_square_location"), for: .normal) btn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectAddress), for: .touchUpInside) return btn }() lazy var lineView2: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() /// 经营范围 lazy var areaView: GYZLabAndFieldView = { let nView = GYZLabAndFieldView.init(desName: "经营范围", placeHolder: "请选择经营范围") nView.desLab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor nView.textFiled.textColor = kBlueFontColor nView.textFiled.isEnabled = false nView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectDaRenType)) return nView }() /// 右侧箭头图标 lazy var rightIconView: UIImageView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_right_arrow")) lazy var lineView3: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() /// 营业执照 lazy var yyzzDesLab : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k15Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 营业执照") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) lab.attributedText = strAttr return lab }() /// 营业执照 lazy var yyzzPhotoView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_upload_img")) imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill /// 超出部分裁剪 imgView.clipsToBounds = true imgView.tag = 106 imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:))) return imgView }() /// lazy var desLab3 : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k13Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor lab.text = "需提供清晰的照片" return lab }() lazy var lineView4: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() lazy var nameView: GYZLabAndFieldView = { let nView = GYZLabAndFieldView.init(desName: "", placeHolder: "运营者姓名") nView.desLab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor nView.textFiled.textColor = kGaryFontColor let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 运营者姓名") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) nView.desLab.attributedText = strAttr return nView }() lazy var lineView5: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() lazy var cardNoView: GYZLabAndFieldView = { let nView = GYZLabAndFieldView.init(desName: "", placeHolder: "运营者身份证号") nView.desLab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor nView.desLab.numberOfLines = 0 nView.textFiled.textColor = kGaryFontColor let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 运营者身份**证号") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kWhiteColor, range: NSMakeRange(7, 2)) nView.desLab.attributedText = strAttr return nView }() lazy var lineView9: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() /// lazy var cardDesLab : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k15Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor lab.numberOfLines = 0 let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 运营者身份**证正反照") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kWhiteColor, range: NSMakeRange(7, 2)) lab.attributedText = strAttr return lab }() /// 身份证正照 lazy var cardPhotoView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_upload_img")) imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill /// 超出部分裁剪 imgView.clipsToBounds = true imgView.tag = 101 imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:))) return imgView }() /// 身份证反照 lazy var cardFanPhotoView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_upload_img")) imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill /// 超出部分裁剪 imgView.clipsToBounds = true imgView.tag = 102 imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:))) return imgView }() lazy var lineView6: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() /// 手持身份证 lazy var shouCardDesLab : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k15Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor lab.numberOfLines = 0 let strAttr : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "* 运营者手持**身份证") strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kRedFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 1)) strAttr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kWhiteColor, range: NSMakeRange(7, 2)) lab.attributedText = strAttr return lab }() /// 手持身份证 lazy var shouCardPhotoView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "icon_upload_img")) imgView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill /// 超出部分裁剪 imgView.clipsToBounds = true imgView.tag = 103 imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:))) return imgView }() /// 需提供清晰的照片 lazy var desLab4 : UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() lab.font = k13Font lab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor lab.text = "需提供清晰的照片" return lab }() lazy var lineView7: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() lazy var phoneView: GYZLabAndFieldView = { let nView = GYZLabAndFieldView.init(desName: "联系方式", placeHolder: "输入联系电话,方便我们更好联系你") nView.desLab.textColor = kHeightGaryFontColor nView.textFiled.textColor = kGaryFontColor return nView }() lazy var lineView8: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = kBackgroundColor return view }() lazy var checkImgView: UIImageView = { let imgView = UIImageView.init(image: UIImage.init(named: "app_icon_radio_no")) imgView.highlightedImage = UIImage.init(named: "app_icon_radio_yes") imgView.addOnClickListener(target: self, action: #selector(clickedCheckRule)) return imgView }() lazy var ruleLab: UILabel = { let lab = UILabel() let attStr = NSMutableAttributedString.init(string: ruleContent) attStr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.font, value: k15Font, range: NSMakeRange(0, ruleContent.count)) attStr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kBlueFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, ruleContent.count)) attStr.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: kBlackFontColor, range: NSMakeRange(0, 5)) lab.attributedText = attStr /// 点击效果,关闭 lab.enabledTapEffect = false lab.numberOfLines = 0 return lab }() /// 同意协议按钮 @objc func clickedCheckRule(){ checkImgView.isHighlighted = !checkImgView.isHighlighted } /// webView func goWebVC(method: String){ let vc = JSMWebViewVC() vc.method = method navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) } /// 提交 @objc func onClickRightBtn(){ if !checkImgView.isHighlighted { MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请先同意场馆认证须知") return } if (roomNameView.textFiled.text?.isEmpty)!{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请输入门店名称") return } if selectRoomPhotoImgUrl.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请上传门店照") return } if selectRoomLinePhotoImgUrl.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请上传店内照") return } if selectyyzzPhotoImgUrl.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请上传营业执照") return } if (nameView.textFiled.text?.isEmpty)!{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请输入运营者姓名") return } if (cardNoView.textFiled.text?.isEmpty)!{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请输入运营者身份证号") return } if selectCardPhotoImgUrl.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请上传身份证正面照") return } if selectCardPhotoFanImgUrl.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请上传身份证反面") return } if selectShouCardPhotoImgUrl.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请上传手持身份证") return } if currAddress == nil{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请选择门店地址") return } if (addressView.textFiled.text?.isEmpty)!{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请选择门店地址") return } if selectTypeId.isEmpty{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: "请选择经营范围") return } requestConfirm() } /// 选择认证方式 @objc func onClickedSelectDaRenType(){ if typeNameArr.count == 0 { return } UsefulPickerView.showSingleColPicker("选择经营范围", data: typeNameArr, defaultSelectedIndex: 0) {[unowned self] (index, value) in self.areaView.textFiled.text = self.venueTypeList[index].name self.selectTypeId = self.venueTypeList[index].id! } } //场馆认证 func requestConfirm(){ if !GYZTool.checkNetWork() { return } weak var weakSelf = self createHUD(message: "加载中...") GYZNetWork.requestNetwork("Member/Apply/storeApplySubmit", parameters: ["store_name":roomNameView.textFiled.text!,"store_logo":selectRoomPhotoImgUrl,"store_inside":selectRoomLinePhotoImgUrl,"identity_card_front":selectCardPhotoImgUrl,"identity_card_backend":selectCardPhotoFanImgUrl,"identity_card_half":selectShouCardPhotoImgUrl,"business_license":selectyyzzPhotoImgUrl,"address":addressView.textFiled.text!,"lng":(currAddress?.location.longitude)!,"lat":(currAddress?.location.latitude)!,"tel":phoneView.textFiled.text ?? "","store_type":selectTypeId,"operate_real_name": nameView.textFiled.text!,"operate_identity_card_number": cardNoView.textFiled.text!], success: { (response) in weakSelf?.hud?.hide(animated: true) GYZLog(response) MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: response["msg"].stringValue) if response["result"].intValue == kQuestSuccessTag{//请求成功 _ = weakSelf?.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true) } }, failture: { (error) in weakSelf?.hud?.hide(animated: true) GYZLog(error) }) } /// 选择地址 @objc func onClickedSelectAddress(){ let vc = FSSelectAddressVC() vc.selectPoi = self.currAddress vc.resultBlock = {[unowned self] (address) in self.currAddress = address if address != nil { self.addressView.textFiled.text = address?.name } } let seeNav = GYZBaseNavigationVC(rootViewController:vc) self.present(seeNav, animated: true, completion: nil) } @objc func onClickedSelectPhoto(sender:UITapGestureRecognizer){ let tag = sender.view?.tag selectPhotoImg(tag: tag!) } /// 选择图片 func selectPhotoImg(tag: Int){ GYZOpenCameraPhotosTool.shareTool.choosePicture(self, editor: true, finished: { [unowned self] (image) in if tag == 101{// 身份证正面 self.selectCardPhotoImg = image self.cardPhotoView.image = image }else if tag == 102{// 身份证反面 self.selectCardPhotoFanImg = image self.cardFanPhotoView.image = image }else if tag == 103{// 手持身份证 self.selectShouCardPhotoImg = image self.shouCardPhotoView.image = image }else if tag == 104{// 门店照 self.selectRoomPhotoImg = image self.roomPhotoView.image = image }else if tag == 105{// 店内照 self.selectRoomLinePhotoImg = image self.roomLinePhotoView.image = image }else if tag == 106{// 营业执照 self.selectyyzzPhotoImg = image self.yyzzPhotoView.image = image } self.uploadImgFiles(img: image, tag: tag) }) } /// 上传图片 /// /// - Parameter params: 参数 func uploadImgFiles(img: UIImage,tag: Int){ if !GYZTool.checkNetWork() { return } // createHUD(message: "加载中...") weak var weakSelf = self var imgsParam: [ImageFileUploadParam] = [ImageFileUploadParam]() let imgParam: ImageFileUploadParam = ImageFileUploadParam() = "files[]" imgParam.fileName = "dynamic0.jpg" imgParam.mimeType = "image/jpg" = UIImage.jpegData(img)(compressionQuality: 0.5)! imgsParam.append(imgParam) GYZNetWork.uploadImageRequest("Dynamic/Publish/addMaterial", parameters: nil, uploadParam: imgsParam, success: { (response) in weakSelf?.hud?.hide(animated: true) GYZLog(response) if response["result"].intValue == kQuestSuccessTag{//请求成功 guard let data = response["data"]["files"].array else { return } var urls: String = "" for item in data{ urls += item["material"].stringValue + "," } if urls.count > 0{ urls = urls.subString(start: 0, length: urls.count - 1) } if tag == 101{// 身份证正面 weakSelf?.selectCardPhotoImgUrl = urls }else if tag == 102{// 身份证反面 weakSelf?.selectCardPhotoFanImgUrl = urls }else if tag == 103{// 手持身份证 weakSelf?.selectShouCardPhotoImgUrl = urls }else if tag == 104{// 门店照 weakSelf?.selectRoomPhotoImgUrl = urls }else if tag == 105{// 店内照 weakSelf?.selectRoomLinePhotoImgUrl = urls }else if tag == 106{// 营业执照 weakSelf?.selectyyzzPhotoImgUrl = urls } }else{ MBProgressHUD.showAutoDismissHUD(message: response["msg"].stringValue) } }, failture: { (error) in weakSelf?.hud?.hide(animated: true) GYZLog(error) }) } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // PostList.swift // DesignCodev2 // // Created by Luiz Durães on 04/05/2020. // Copyright © 2020 Luiz Durães. All rights reserved. // import SwiftUI struct PostList: View { @ObservedObject var store = DataStore() var body: some View { List(store.posts) { post in VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 8.0) { Text(post.title) .font(.system(.title, design: .serif)) .bold() Text(post.body) .font(.subheadline) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } } } } struct PostList_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { PostList() } }
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// // viewusingmodelclassUITests.swift // viewusingmodelclassUITests // // Created by Kush on 13/07/17. // Copyright © 2017 bansi. All rights reserved. // import XCTest class viewusingmodelclassUITests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { super.setUp() // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. // In UI tests it is usually best to stop immediately when a failure occurs. continueAfterFailure = false // UI tests must launch the application that they test. Doing this in setup will make sure it happens for each test method. XCUIApplication().launch() // In UI tests it’s important to set the initial state - such as interface orientation - required for your tests before they run. The setUp method is a good place to do this. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. super.tearDown() } func testExample() { // Use recording to get started writing UI tests. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results. } }
[ 333827, 243720, 282634, 313356, 155665, 305173, 237599, 241695, 292901, 223269, 354342, 229414, 102441, 315433, 354346, 278571, 325675, 102446, 282671, 315431, 229425, 124974, 243763, 313388, 241717, 321589, 180279, 229431, 215095, 319543, 213051, 288829, 325695, 286787, 288835, 307269, 237638, 313415, 239689, 233548, 311373, 315468, 278607, 333902, 311377, 196687, 354386, 329812, 315477, 223317, 285362, 200795, 323678, 315488, 315489, 45154, 321632, 280676, 313446, 215144, 233578, 194667, 307306, 278637, 288878, 319599, 278642, 284789, 284790, 131190, 288890, 292987, 215165, 131199, 194692, 235661, 278669, 241809, 323730, 278676, 311447, 153752, 327834, 284827, 278684, 329884, 299166, 278690, 311459, 215204, 233635, 284840, 184489, 278698, 284843, 299176, 278703, 323761, 184498, 278707, 278713, 258233, 295099, 280761, 299197, 180409, 280767, 223418, 227517, 299202, 139459, 309443, 176325, 131270, 301255, 299208, 227525, 280779, 233678, 282832, 321744, 227536, 301270, 229591, 301271, 280792, 311520, 325857, 334049, 280803, 307431, 182503, 338151, 319719, 295147, 317676, 286957, 125166, 125170, 313595, 184574, 309504, 125184, 217352, 125192, 125197, 194832, 227601, 325904, 125200, 319764, 278805, 125204, 334104, 315674, 282908, 311582, 299294, 282912, 233761, 278817, 125215, 211239, 282920, 125225, 317738, 311596, 321839, 315698, 98611, 332084, 125236, 307514, 278843, 282938, 168251, 287040, 319812, 280903, 227655, 319816, 323914, 201037, 282959, 229716, 289109, 168280, 379224, 323934, 391521, 239973, 381286, 285031, 416103, 313703, 280938, 242027, 242028, 321901, 354671, 278895, 287089, 199030, 227702, 315768, 315769, 291194, 223611, 248188, 139641, 291193, 311679, 211327, 291200, 313726, 240003, 158087, 313736, 227721, 242059, 311692, 285074, 227730, 240020, 190870, 315798, 190872, 291225, 293275, 285083, 317851, 242079, 227743, 289185, 293281, 283039, 285089, 305572, 156069, 301482, 289195, 311723, 377265, 338359, 299449, 311739, 319931, 293309, 278974, 311744, 317889, 291266, 278979, 326083, 278988, 289229, 281038, 281039, 278992, 283088, 283089, 326093, 279000, 176602, 242138, 285152, 279009, 369121, 160224, 195044, 188899, 279014, 291297, 319976, 279017, 311787, 281071, 319986, 236020, 279030, 293368, 311800, 279033, 317949, 283138, 279042, 233987, 287237, 377352, 322057, 309770, 342537, 279053, 283154, 303634, 303635, 279061, 182802, 279060, 188954, 279066, 322077, 291359, 227881, 293420, 289328, 236080, 283185, 279092, 234037, 23093, 244279, 244280, 338491, 234044, 301635, 309831, 55880, 322119, 377419, 281165, 303693, 301647, 281170, 326229, 309847, 189016, 115287, 287319, 332379, 111197, 295518, 287327, 306634, 242274, 244326, 279143, 279150, 281200, 287345, 313970, 287348, 301688, 244345, 189054, 287359, 297600, 303743, 291455, 301702, 164487, 311944, 334473, 279176, 316044, 311948, 311950, 184974, 316048, 311953, 316050, 287379, 326288, 227991, 295575, 289435, 303772, 205469, 221853, 285348, 314020, 279207, 295591, 295598, 248494, 285360, 279215, 299698, 293552, 287412, 166581, 318127, 154295, 164532, 342705, 303802, 314043, 287418, 66243, 291529, 287434, 225996, 363212, 287438, 242385, 303826, 279253, 158424, 230105, 299737, 322269, 295653, 342757, 289511, 230120, 330473, 234216, 285419, 330476, 289517, 312046, 170735, 279278, 215790, 125683, 230133, 199415, 234233, 242428, 279293, 289534, 205566, 322302, 299777, 291584, 228099, 285443, 291591, 295688, 322312, 285450, 264971, 312076, 326413, 322320, 285457, 295698, 166677, 291605, 283418, 285467, 326428, 221980, 281378, 234276, 283431, 262952, 262953, 279337, 293673, 289580, 262957, 318247, 164655, 301872, 242481, 234290, 303921, 318251, 285493, 230198, 328495, 285496, 301883, 201534, 281407, 289599, 295745, 342846, 222017, 293702, 318279, 283466, 281426, 279379, 295769, 201562, 244569, 281434, 322396, 230238, 230239, 301919, 279393, 293729, 275294, 349025, 281444, 279398, 303973, 351078, 177002, 308075, 242540, 310132, 295797, 201590, 295799, 207735, 228214, 279418, 177018, 269179, 308093, 314240, 291713, 158594, 240517, 287623, 228232, 299912, 279434, 320394, 416649, 316299, 252812, 308111, 189327, 308113, 234382, 293780, 310166, 289691, 209820, 283551, 240543, 310177, 289699, 189349, 289704, 293801, 279465, 326571, 304050, 177074, 326580, 289720, 326586, 289723, 189373, 213956, 281541, 19398, 345030, 213961, 279499, 56270, 191445, 183254, 304086, 234469, 314343, 304104, 324587, 183276, 289773, 203758, 320492, 234476, 320495, 287730, 240631, 320504, 312313, 214009, 312315, 312317, 328701, 328705, 234499, 293894, 320520, 230411, 320526, 330766, 234513, 238611, 293911, 140311, 316441, 197658, 238617, 132140, 113710, 281647, 189487, 322609, 312372, 203829, 238646, 300087, 238650, 320571, 21567, 308288, 336962, 160834, 314437, 349254, 238663, 300109, 234578, 207954, 296023, 205911, 314458, 156763, 281698, 281699, 285795, 214116, 230500, 322664, 228457, 279659, 318571, 234606, 300145, 238706, 279666, 312435, 187508, 230514, 300147, 302202, 285819, 314493, 285823, 150656, 234626, 279686, 222344, 285833, 285834, 318602, 228492, 337037, 234635, 177297, 162962, 187539, 326803, 308375, 324761, 285850, 296091, 119965, 302239, 300192, 330912, 339106, 306339, 234655, 234662, 300200, 249003, 238764, 208044, 322733, 3243, 302251, 294069, 300215, 294075, 64699, 228541, 283841, 148674, 283846, 312519, 279752, 283849, 148687, 290001, 189651, 316628, 279766, 189656, 279775, 304352, 298209, 304353, 310496, 279780, 228587, 279789, 290030, 302319, 251124, 234741, 316661, 283894, 208123, 292092, 279803, 228608, 320769, 234756, 322826, 242955, 177420, 312588, 318732, 126229, 245018, 320795, 318746, 320802, 239610, 130342, 304422, 130344, 292145, 298290, 312628, 300342, 159033, 333114, 222523, 333115, 286012, 279872, 181568, 294210, 279874, 300355, 193858, 216387, 300354, 372039, 304457, 230730, 294220, 296269, 234830, 222542, 238928, 224591, 296274, 314708, 318804, 283990, 314711, 357720, 300378, 300379, 294236, 234330, 316764, 314721, 292194, 230757, 281958, 314727, 134504, 306541, 327023, 234864, 296304, 312688, 316786, 230772, 314740, 327030, 284015, 314742, 314745, 310650, 290170, 224637, 306558, 290176, 243073, 179586, 314752, 306561, 294278, 314759, 296328, 296330, 298378, 368012, 314765, 318860, 304523, 292242, 112019, 306580, 279955, 234902, 224662, 282008, 314776, 314771, 318876, 282013, 290206, 148899, 314788, 298406, 282023, 314790, 245160, 333224, 241067, 279979, 314797, 279980, 286128, 279988, 173492, 286133, 284086, 310714, 284090, 228796, 302523, 54719, 302530, 292291, 228804, 415170, 306630, 310725, 300488, 280003, 370122, 310731, 302539, 234957, 339403, 310735, 329168, 300490, 222674, 327122, 280020, 329170, 312785, 280025, 310747, 239069, 144862, 286176, 187877, 320997, 310758, 280042, 280043, 191980, 300526, 329198, 337391, 282097, 308722, 296434, 306678, 40439, 288248, 191991, 286201, 300539, 288252, 312830, 290304, 245249, 228868, 323079, 218632, 292359, 302602, 230922, 323083, 294413, 304655, 329231, 323088, 282132, 230933, 302613, 282135, 316951, 374297, 302620, 222754, 282147, 306730, 245291, 312879, 230960, 288305, 290359, 239159, 323132, 235069, 157246, 288319, 288322, 280131, 349764, 310853, 282182, 194118, 292424, 288328, 286281, 292426, 124486, 333389, 224848, 224852, 290391, 128600, 196184, 235096, 306777, 239192, 230999, 212574, 345697, 204386, 300643, 300645, 282214, 312937, 204394, 224874, 243306, 312941, 206447, 310896, 294517, 314997, 288377, 290425, 325246, 333438, 235136, 280193, 282244, 239238, 288391, 282248, 286344, 323208, 179853, 286351, 188049, 229011, 239251, 280217, 323226, 179868, 229021, 302751, 282272, 198304, 282279, 298664, 212649, 298666, 317102, 286387, 300725, 337590, 286392, 300729, 302778, 306875, 296636, 280253, 282302, 280252, 286400, 323262, 321217, 280259, 321220, 282309, 333508, 323265, 296649, 239305, 280266, 306891, 212684, 302798, 9935, 241360, 282321, 313042, 286419, 241366, 280279, 282330, 18139, 294621, 280285, 282336, 321250, 294629, 153318, 333543, 181992, 337638, 12009, 282347, 288492, 282349, 323315, 67316, 34547, 286457, 284410, 288508, 200444, 282366, 286463, 319232, 288515, 280326, 282375, 323335, 284425, 300810, 116491, 282379, 280333, 216844, 300812, 284430, 161553, 124691, 284436, 278292, 116502, 118549, 278294, 282390, 325403, 321308, 321309, 282399, 241440, 282401, 325411, 315172, 186149, 186148, 241447, 280011, 333609, 294699, 286507, 284460, 280367, 300849, 282418, 280373, 282424, 280377, 321338, 319289, 282428, 280381, 345918, 413500, 241471, 280386, 280391, 153416, 315209, 325449, 159563, 280396, 307024, 317268, 237397, 307030, 18263, 241494, 188250, 284508, 300893, 307038, 237411, 284515, 276326, 296807, 282471, 292713, 282476, 292719, 313200, 296815, 325491, 313204, 333687, 317305, 317308, 339840, 315265, 280451, 327556, 188293, 243590, 282503, 67464, 305032, 315272, 315275, 325514, 243592, 184207, 311183, 279218, 282517, 294806, 214936, 294808, 337816, 239515, 214943, 298912, 319393, 333727, 294820, 333734, 219046, 284584, 294824, 298921, 313257, 292783, 126896, 200628, 300983, 343993, 288698, 98240, 294849, 214978, 280517, 280518, 214983, 282572, 282573, 153553, 24531, 231382, 329696, 323554, 292835, 6116, 190437, 292838, 294887, 317416, 313322, 298987, 278507, 311277, 329707, 296942, 124912, 327666, 278515, 325620, 313338 ]
// // JuegoViewController.swift // ColeccionDeJuegos // // Created by Josimar Javier Tantahuilca Torres on 3/05/19. // Copyright © 2019 Tecsup. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class JuegoViewController: UIViewController, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var JuegoImageView: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var tituloTextField: UITextField! @IBOutlet weak var agregarActualizarBoton: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var eliminarBoton: UIButton! var imagePicker = UIImagePickerController() var juego : Juego? = nil override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() imagePicker.delegate = self if juego != nil { JuegoImageView.image = UIImage(data: (juego!.imagen!) as Data) tituloTextField.text = juego!.titulo agregarActualizarBoton.setTitle("Actualizar", for: .normal) } else { eliminarBoton.isHidden = true } } @IBAction func fotosTapped(_ sender: Any) { imagePicker.sourceType = .photoLibrary present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil) } func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) { let imagenSeleccionada = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as! UIImage JuegoImageView.image = imagenSeleccionada imagePicker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } @IBAction func camaraTapped(_ sender: Any) { imagePicker.sourceType = .camera present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil) } @IBAction func agregarTapped(_ sender: Any) { if juego != nil { juego!.titulo = tituloTextField.text juego!.imagen = UIImagePNGRepresentation(JuegoImageView.image!) as Data? } else { let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext let juego = Juego(context: context) juego.titulo = tituloTextField.text juego.imagen = UIImagePNGRepresentation(JuegoImageView.image!) as Data? } (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).saveContext() navigationController!.popViewController(animated: true) } @IBAction func eliminarTapped(_ sender: Any) { let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext context.delete(juego!) (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).saveContext() navigationController!.popViewController(animated: true) } // override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { // super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // } }
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[ "MIT" ]
// // LJStringViewController.swift // LJToolDemo // // Created by ljcoder on 2017/9/27. // Copyright © 2017年 ljcoder. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class LJStringViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() title = "String" self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.lj.background let text = "create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color imagecreate a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image create a color image" let size = text.lj.size(drawIn: CGSize(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width - 20, height: 300), font: UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body)) print(size) } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } /* // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } */ }
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// // AboutAuthorViewController.swift // BullsEye // // Created by Rohan Kevin Broach on 6/13/19. // Copyright © 2019 rkbroach. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class AboutAuthorViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() } @IBAction func goBack(_ sender: UIButton) { dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } }
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// // CustomTableViewForRideDetails.swift // rideasy // // Created by Siraprapha Suayngam on 03/03/2017. // Copyright © 2017 Gurung. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import MapKit class CustomTableViewForRideDetails: UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var cancelButton: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var mainView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var shadowView: ShadowView! @IBOutlet weak var ExpandView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var DateOfTravel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var bodyStackview: UIStackView! @IBOutlet weak var MainStackView: UIStackView! @IBOutlet weak var bodyViewHeight:NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var ExpandViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var dateOfTravelLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var originLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var DestinationLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var Costabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var DistanceLabel: UILabel! var fareBreakDown = UIViewController() var ContainerView = UIView() override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() } func setupCell(){ mainView.layer.cornerRadius = 8 mainView.layer.masksToBounds = true shadowView.layer.cornerRadius = 8 shadowView.layer.masksToBounds = false } func nonSelectedCell(){ cancelButton.isHidden = true MainStackView.isHidden = false ContainerView.removeFromSuperview() } override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) { super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated) // Configure the view for the selected state } func expand(cell : CustomTableViewForRideDetails, storyboard: UIStoryboard){ MainStackView.isHidden = true cancelButton.isHidden = false //let ContainerView = UIView() //ContainerView.backgroundColor = ContainerView.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: cell.frame.origin.x, y: cell.mainView.frame.origin.y - 10 ), size: CGSize(width: cell.frame.width - 40 ,height: cell.frame.height - 20)) //if (fareBreakDown == nil){ fareBreakDown = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "RideDetailsFareBreakDown") //addChildViewController(fareBreakDown) //} fareBreakDown.view.frame = ContainerView.frame ContainerView.addSubview(fareBreakDown.view) cell.mainView.addSubview(ContainerView) print("containerView", ContainerView.frame, "farebreakdownView",fareBreakDown.view.frame) } } class ShadowView: UIView { override var bounds: CGRect { didSet { setupShadow() print("didSet shadowView's width to: \(self.bounds.width)\n") } } private func setupShadow() { self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false self.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 3) self.layer.shadowRadius = 3 self.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.gray.cgColor self.layer.shadowOpacity = 1 self.layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.bounds, byRoundingCorners: .allCorners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 8, height: 8)).cgPath self.layer.shouldRasterize = true self.layer.rasterizationScale = UIScreen.main.scale } }
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// // Util.swift // Dotkun // // Created by 山口智生 on 2015/11/03. // Copyright © 2015年 SakuragiYoshimasa. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class TestUtil { static func randomColor() -> UIColor { return UIColor(red: Util.generateRandom(), green: Util.generateRandom(), blue: Util.generateRandom(), alpha: 1.0) } static func randomPoint(rect: CGRect) -> CGPoint { return CGPointMake( rect.minX + Util.generateRandom() * rect.width, rect.minY + Util.generateRandom() * rect.height ) } } class Util { static func getStatusBarHeight() -> CGFloat { return UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame.height } static func generateRandom() -> CGFloat { return CGFloat(rand())/CGFloat(RAND_MAX) } } extension UIColor { /** "ff00ff"みたいなStringをUIColorに変換 */ func colorFromRGB(rgb: String, alpha: CGFloat) -> UIColor { let scanner = NSScanner(string: rgb) var rgbInt: UInt32 = 0 scanner.scanHexInt(&rgbInt) let r = CGFloat(((rgbInt & 0xFF0000) >> 16)) / 255.0 let g = CGFloat(((rgbInt & 0x00FF00) >> 8)) / 255.0 let b = CGFloat(rgbInt & 0x0000FF) / 255.0 return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: alpha) } func getRGBA() -> (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) { var red: CGFloat = 1.0, green: CGFloat = 1.0, blue: CGFloat = 1.0, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0 self.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha) return (r: red, g: green, b: blue, a: alpha) } // alphaを取得 var alpha: CGFloat { return CGColorGetAlpha(self.CGColor) } } extension CGPoint { mutating func move(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) { self.x += x self.y += y } } extension UIImage { // リサイズ func getResizedImage(size: CGSize) -> UIImage { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(size) self.drawInRect(CGRect(origin:, size: size)) let resizedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return resizedImage } // 透過色をいい感じ白にする func getFlatImage() -> UIImage { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(self.size) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() UIColor.whiteColor().setFill() CGContextFillRect(context, CGRect(origin:, size: self.size)) self.drawInRect(CGRect(origin:, size: self.size)) let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return image } func getColor(x x: Int, y: Int) -> UIColor { // 範囲オーバー if x > Int(self.size.width) || y > Int(self.size.height) || x < 0 || y < 0 { return UIColor.clearColor() } let pixelDataByteSize = 4 let data : UnsafePointer = CFDataGetBytePtr(CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(self.CGImage))) var address = (Int(self.size.width) * y + x) * pixelDataByteSize //通常が3 //描いた奴は8194 let r: CGFloat, g: CGFloat, b: CGFloat, a: CGFloat let alphaInfo = CGImageGetAlphaInfo(self.CGImage) switch(alphaInfo) { case .First: a = CGFloat(data[address])/CGFloat(255.0) address += pixelDataByteSize break case .Only: a = CGFloat(data[address])/CGFloat(255.0) address += pixelDataByteSize break default: a = CGFloat(data[address+3])/CGFloat(255.0) } let info = CGImageGetBitmapInfo(self.CGImage).rawValue if ((info & CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder32Little.rawValue) > 0) || ((info & CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder16Little.rawValue) > 0) { r = CGFloat(data[address+2])/CGFloat(255.0) g = CGFloat(data[address+1])/CGFloat(255.0) b = CGFloat(data[address])/CGFloat(255.0) } else { r = CGFloat(data[address])/CGFloat(255.0) g = CGFloat(data[address+1])/CGFloat(255.0) b = CGFloat(data[address+2])/CGFloat(255.0) } /* // 通常が3、描いたやつは2 print(CGImageAlphaInfo.Last.rawValue)//3 print(CGImageAlphaInfo.None.rawValue)//0 print(CGImageAlphaInfo.NoneSkipFirst.rawValue)//6 print(CGImageAlphaInfo.NoneSkipLast.rawValue)//5 print(CGImageAlphaInfo.First.rawValue)//4 print(CGImageAlphaInfo.Only.rawValue)//7 */ /* // 通常が3、描いたやつは8194 print(CGBitmapInfo.AlphaInfoMask.rawValue)//31 print(CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder16Big.rawValue)//12288 print(CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder16Little.rawValue)//4096 print(CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder32Big.rawValue)//16384 print(CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrder32Little.rawValue)//8192 print(CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrderDefault.rawValue)//0 print(CGBitmapInfo.ByteOrderMask.rawValue)//28672 */ //print(UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a)) return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a) } }
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/How Many Fingers 2/How Many Fingers 2/AppDelegate.swift
// // AppDelegate.swift // How Many Fingers 2 // // Created by Sheena Takkenberg on 15/3/17. // Copyright © 2017 Sheena Takkenberg. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. } }
[ 229380, 229383, 229385, 278539, 294924, 229388, 278542, 229391, 327695, 278545, 229394, 278548, 229397, 229399, 229402, 352284, 229405, 278556, 278559, 229408, 294950, 229415, 229417, 327722, 237613, 229422, 360496, 229426, 237618, 229428, 311349, 286774, 286776, 319544, 286778, 229432, 204856, 286791, 237640, 286797, 278605, 311375, 163920, 237646, 196692, 319573, 311383, 278623, 278626, 319590, 311400, 278635, 303212, 278639, 131192, 278648, 237693, 303230, 327814, 303241, 131209, 417930, 303244, 311436, 319633, 286873, 286876, 311460, 311469, 32944, 327862, 286906, 327866, 180413, 286910, 131264, 286916, 295110, 286922, 286924, 286926, 319694, 286928, 131281, 131278, 278743, 278747, 295133, 155872, 131299, 319716, 237807, 303345, 286962, 131314, 229622, 327930, 278781, 278783, 278785, 237826, 319751, 278792, 286987, 319757, 311569, 286999, 319770, 287003, 287006, 287009, 287012, 287014, 287016, 287019, 311598, 287023, 262448, 311601, 295220, 287032, 155966, 319809, 319810, 278849, 319814, 311623, 319818, 311628, 229709, 319822, 287054, 278865, 229717, 196963, 196969, 139638, 213367, 106872, 319872, 311683, 319879, 311693, 65943, 319898, 311719, 278952, 139689, 278957, 311728, 278967, 180668, 311741, 278975, 319938, 278980, 98756, 278983, 319945, 278986, 319947, 278990, 278994, 311767, 279003, 279006, 188895, 172512, 287202, 279010, 279015, 172520, 319978, 279020, 172526, 311791, 279023, 172529, 279027, 319989, 172534, 180727, 164343, 279035, 311804, 287230, 279040, 303617, 287234, 279045, 172550, 303623, 172552, 287238, 320007, 279051, 172558, 279055, 303632, 279058, 303637, 279063, 279067, 172572, 279072, 172577, 295459, 172581, 295461, 279082, 311850, 279084, 172591, 172598, 279095, 172607, 172609, 172612, 377413, 172614, 172618, 303690, 33357, 287309, 303696, 279124, 172634, 262752, 172644, 311911, 189034, 295533, 172655, 172656, 352880, 295538, 189040, 172660, 287349, 189044, 189039, 287355, 287360, 295553, 172675, 295557, 311942, 303751, 287365, 352905, 311946, 287371, 279178, 311951, 287377, 172691, 287381, 311957, 221850, 287386, 230045, 172702, 303773, 164509, 172705, 287394, 172707, 303780, 287390, 287398, 205479, 287400, 279208, 172714, 295595, 279212, 189102, 172721, 287409, 66227, 303797, 189114, 287419, 303804, 328381, 287423, 328384, 172737, 279231, 287427, 312005, 312006, 107208, 172748, 287436, 107212, 172751, 287440, 295633, 172755, 303827, 279255, 172760, 287450, 303835, 279258, 189149, 303838, 213724, 312035, 279267, 295654, 279272, 230128, 312048, 312050, 230131, 205564, 303871, 230146, 328453, 295685, 230154, 33548, 312077, 295695, 295701, 230169, 369433, 295707, 328476, 295710, 230175, 295720, 303914, 279340, 205613, 279353, 230202, 312124, 328508, 222018, 295755, 377676, 148302, 287569, 303959, 230237, 279390, 230241, 279394, 303976, 336744, 303985, 303987, 328563, 279413, 303991, 303997, 295806, 295808, 295813, 304005, 320391, 213895, 304007, 304009, 304011, 230284, 304013, 295822, 213902, 279438, 189329, 295825, 304019, 189331, 58262, 304023, 304027, 279452, 410526, 279461, 279462, 304042, 213931, 230327, 304055, 287675, 230334, 304063, 238528, 304065, 213954, 189378, 156612, 295873, 213963, 197580, 312272, 304084, 304090, 320481, 304106, 320490, 312302, 328687, 320496, 304114, 295928, 320505, 312321, 295945, 230413, 197645, 295949, 320528, 140312, 295961, 238620, 197663, 304164, 304170, 304175, 238641, 312374, 238652, 238655, 230465, 238658, 336964, 296004, 205895, 320584, 238666, 296021, 402518, 336987, 230497, 296036, 296040, 361576, 205931, 296044, 164973, 205934, 279661, 312432, 279669, 337018, 189562, 279679, 304258, 279683, 222340, 205968, 296084, 238745, 304285, 238756, 205991, 222377, 165035, 337067, 238766, 165038, 230576, 238770, 304311, 230592, 312518, 279750, 230600, 230607, 148690, 320727, 279769, 304348, 279777, 304354, 296163, 320740, 279781, 304360, 320748, 279788, 279790, 304370, 296189, 320771, 312585, 296202, 296205, 230674, 320786, 230677, 296213, 296215, 320792, 230681, 230679, 214294, 304416, 230689, 173350, 312622, 296243, 312630, 222522, 296253, 222525, 296255, 312639, 230718, 296259, 378181, 296262, 230727, 238919, 296264, 320840, 296267, 296271, 222545, 230739, 312663, 222556, 337244, 230752, 312676, 230760, 173418, 148843, 410987, 230763, 230768, 296305, 312692, 230773, 304505, 304506, 279929, 181626, 181631, 148865, 312711, 296331, 288140, 288144, 230800, 304533, 337306, 288154, 288160, 173472, 288162, 288164, 279975, 304555, 370092, 279983, 173488, 288176, 279985, 312755, 296373, 312759, 279991, 288185, 337335, 222652, 312766, 173507, 296389, 222665, 230860, 312783, 288208, 230865, 288210, 370130, 222676, 288212, 288214, 148946, 239064, 288217, 288218, 280027, 288220, 329177, 239070, 288224, 280034, 288226, 280036, 288229, 280038, 288230, 288232, 370146, 288234, 320998, 288236, 288238, 288240, 288242, 296435, 288244, 288250, 296446, 321022, 402942, 148990, 296450, 206336, 230916, 230919, 214535, 230923, 304651, 304653, 370187, 230940, 222752, 108066, 296486, 296488, 157229, 239152, 230961, 157236, 288320, 288325, 124489, 280140, 280145, 288338, 280149, 288344, 280152, 239194, 280158, 403039, 370272, 181854, 239202, 312938, 280183, 280185, 280188, 280191, 116354, 280194, 280208, 280211, 288408, 280218, 280222, 190118, 198310, 321195, 296622, 321200, 337585, 296626, 296634, 296637, 280260, 206536, 280264, 206539, 206541, 206543, 313044, 280276, 321239, 280283, 313052, 18140, 288478, 313055, 321252, 313066, 288494, 280302, 280304, 313073, 321266, 288499, 419570, 288502, 280314, 288510, 124671, 67330, 280324, 198405, 280331, 198416, 280337, 296723, 116503, 321304, 329498, 296731, 321311, 313121, 313123, 304932, 321316, 280363, 141101, 165678, 280375, 321336, 296767, 288576, 345921, 337732, 280388, 304968, 280393, 280402, 173907, 313171, 313176, 42842, 280419, 321381, 296809, 296812, 313201, 1920, 255873, 305028, 280454, 247688, 280464, 124817, 280468, 239510, 280473, 124827, 214940, 247709, 214944, 280487, 313258, 321458, 296883, 124853, 214966, 296890, 10170, 288700, 296894, 190403, 296900, 280515, 337862, 165831, 280521, 231379, 296921, 239586, 313320, 231404, 124913, 165876, 321528, 239612, 313340, 288764, 239617, 313347, 288773, 313358, 305176, 313371, 354338, 305191, 223273, 313386, 354348, 124978, 215090, 124980, 288824, 288826, 321595, 378941, 313406, 288831, 288836, 67654, 280651, 354382, 288848, 280658, 215123, 354390, 288855, 288859, 280669, 313438, 149599, 280671, 149601, 321634, 149603, 223327, 329830, 280681, 313451, 223341, 280687, 149618, 215154, 313458, 280691, 313464, 329850, 321659, 280702, 288895, 321670, 215175, 141446, 141455, 275606, 141459, 280725, 313498, 100520, 288936, 280747, 288940, 288947, 280755, 321717, 280759, 280764, 280769, 280771, 280774, 280776, 313548, 321740, 280783, 280786, 280788, 313557, 280793, 280796, 280798, 338147, 280804, 280807, 157930, 280811, 280817, 125171, 280819, 157940, 182517, 280823, 280825, 280827, 280830, 280831, 280833, 125187, 280835, 125191, 125207, 125209, 321817, 125218, 321842, 223539, 125239, 280888, 305464, 280891, 289087, 280897, 280900, 305480, 239944, 280906, 239947, 305485, 305489, 379218, 280919, 354653, 313700, 280937, 313705, 190832, 280946, 223606, 313720, 280956, 239997, 280959, 313731, 199051, 240011, 289166, 240017, 297363, 190868, 240021, 297365, 297368, 297372, 141725, 297377, 289186, 297391, 289201, 240052, 289207, 289210, 305594, 281024, 289218, 289221, 289227, 281045, 281047, 166378, 305647, 281075, 174580, 240124, 281084, 305662, 305664, 240129, 305666, 305668, 223749, 240132, 330244, 223752, 150025, 338440, 281095, 223757, 281102, 223763, 223765, 281113, 322074, 281116, 281121, 182819, 289317, 281127, 281135, 150066, 158262, 158266, 289342, 281154, 322115, 158283, 281163, 281179, 338528, 338532, 281190, 199273, 281196, 19053, 158317, 313973, 297594, 281210, 158347, 182926, 133776, 314003, 117398, 314007, 289436, 174754, 330404, 289448, 133801, 174764, 314029, 314033, 240309, 133817, 314045, 314047, 314051, 199364, 297671, 158409, 289493, 363234, 289513, 289522, 289525, 289532, 322303, 289537, 322310, 264969, 322314, 322318, 281361, 281372, 322341, 215850, 281388, 281401, 289593, 289601, 281410, 281413, 281414, 240458, 281420, 240468, 281430, 322393, 297818, 281435, 281438, 281442, 174955, 224110, 207733, 207737, 158596, 183172, 338823, 322440, 314249, 240519, 183184, 142226, 289687, 240535, 289694, 289696, 289700, 289712, 281529, 289724, 52163, 183260, 281567, 289762, 322534, 297961, 183277, 322550, 134142, 322563, 314372, 330764, 175134, 322599, 322610, 314421, 281654, 314427, 314433, 207937, 314441, 207949, 322642, 314456, 281691, 314461, 281702, 281704, 314474, 281708, 281711, 289912, 248995, 306341, 306344, 306347, 322734, 306354, 142531, 199877, 289991, 306377, 289997, 249045, 363742, 363745, 298216, 330988, 126190, 216303, 322801, 388350, 257302, 363802, 199976, 199978, 314671, 298292, 298294, 257334, 216376, 380226, 298306, 224584, 224587, 224594, 216404, 306517, 150870, 314714, 224603, 159068, 314718, 265568, 314723, 281960, 150890, 306539, 314732, 314736, 290161, 216436, 306549, 298358, 314743, 306552, 290171, 314747, 306555, 290174, 298365, 224641, 281987, 298372, 314756, 281990, 224647, 265604, 298377, 314763, 142733, 298381, 314768, 224657, 306581, 314773, 314779, 314785, 314793, 282025, 282027, 241068, 241070, 241072, 282034, 241077, 150966, 298424, 306618, 282044, 323015, 306635, 306640, 290263, 290270, 290275, 339431, 282089, 191985, 282098, 290291, 282101, 241142, 191992, 290298, 151036, 290302, 282111, 290305, 175621, 306694, 192008, 323084, 257550, 282127, 290321, 282130, 323090, 290325, 282133, 241175, 290328, 282137, 290332, 241181, 282142, 282144, 290344, 306731, 290349, 290351, 290356, 282186, 224849, 282195, 282199, 282201, 306778, 159324, 159330, 314979, 298598, 323176, 224875, 241260, 323181, 257658, 315016, 282249, 290445, 282261, 175770, 298651, 282269, 323229, 298655, 323231, 61092, 282277, 306856, 282295, 323260, 282300, 323266, 282310, 323273, 282319, 306897, 241362, 306904, 282328, 298714, 52959, 216801, 282337, 241380, 216806, 323304, 282345, 12011, 282356, 323318, 282364, 282367, 306945, 241412, 323333, 282376, 216842, 323345, 282388, 323349, 282392, 184090, 315167, 315169, 282402, 315174, 323367, 241448, 315176, 241450, 282410, 306988, 306991, 315184, 323376, 315190, 241464, 159545, 282425, 298811, 118593, 307009, 413506, 307012, 241475, 315211, 282446, 307027, 315221, 323414, 315223, 241496, 241498, 307035, 307040, 110433, 282465, 241509, 110438, 298860, 110445, 282478, 315249, 282481, 110450, 315251, 315253, 315255, 339838, 315267, 282499, 315269, 241544, 282505, 241546, 241548, 298896, 282514, 298898, 241556, 298901, 44948, 241560, 282520, 241563, 241565, 241567, 241569, 282531, 241574, 282537, 298922, 36779, 241581, 282542, 241583, 323504, 241586, 290739, 241588, 282547, 241590, 241592, 241598, 290751, 241600, 241605, 151495, 241610, 298975, 241632, 298984, 241640, 241643, 298988, 241646, 241649, 241652, 323574, 290807, 299003, 241661, 299006, 282623, 315396, 241669, 315397, 282632, 307211, 282639, 290835, 282645, 241693, 282654, 102438, 217127, 282669, 323630, 282681, 290877, 282687, 159811, 315463, 315466, 192589, 307278, 192596, 176213, 307287, 307290, 217179, 315482, 192605, 315483, 233567, 299105, 200801, 217188, 299109, 307303, 315495, 356457, 45163, 307307, 315502, 192624, 307314, 323700, 299126, 233591, 299136, 307329, 307338, 233613, 241813, 307352, 299164, 299167, 315552, 184479, 184481, 315557, 184486, 307370, 307372, 184492, 307374, 307376, 299185, 323763, 184503, 176311, 307385, 299191, 258235, 307388, 176316, 307390, 307386, 299200, 184512, 307394, 299204, 307396, 184518, 307399, 323784, 233679, 307409, 307411, 176343, 299225, 233701, 307432, 184572, 282881, 184579, 282893, 291089, 282906, 291104, 233766, 295583, 176435, 307508, 315701, 332086, 307510, 168245, 307515, 307518, 282942, 282947, 323917, 282957, 110926, 233808, 323921, 315733, 323926, 233815, 315739, 323932, 299357, 242018, 242024, 299373, 315757, 250231, 242043, 315771, 299388, 299391, 291202, 299398, 242057, 291212, 299405, 291222, 315801, 291226, 242075, 283033, 61855, 291231, 283042, 291238, 291241, 127403, 127405, 291247, 299440, 127407, 299444, 127413, 291254, 283062, 127417, 291260, 127421, 127424, 299457, 127429, 127431, 127434, 315856, 176592, 315860, 176597, 127447, 283095, 299481, 176605, 242143, 127455, 127457, 291299, 127460, 340454, 127463, 242152, 291305, 127466, 176620, 127469, 127474, 291314, 291317, 127480, 135672, 291323, 233979, 127485, 291330, 127490, 127494, 283142, 127497, 233994, 135689, 127500, 291341, 233998, 127506, 234003, 127509, 234006, 127511, 152087, 283161, 234010, 135707, 242202, 135710, 242206, 242208, 291361, 242220, 291378, 234038, 152118, 234041, 315961, 70213, 242250, 111193, 242275, 299620, 242279, 168562, 184952, 135805, 135808, 291456, 299655, 373383, 135820, 316051, 225941, 316054, 299672, 135834, 373404, 299677, 225948, 135839, 299680, 225954, 299684, 135844, 242343, 209576, 242345, 373421, 135870, 135873, 135876, 135879, 299720, 299723, 299726, 225998, 226002, 119509, 226005, 226008, 299740, 242396, 201444, 299750, 283368, 234219, 283372, 226037, 283382, 316151, 234231, 234236, 226045, 242431, 234239, 209665, 234242, 299778, 242436, 234246, 226056, 291593, 234248, 242443, 234252, 242445, 234254, 291601, 234258, 242450, 242452, 234261, 348950, 201496, 234264, 234266, 234269, 283421, 234272, 234274, 152355, 299814, 234278, 283432, 234281, 234284, 234287, 283440, 185138, 242483, 234292, 234296, 234298, 160572, 283452, 234302, 234307, 242499, 234309, 316233, 234313, 316235, 234316, 283468, 234319, 242511, 234321, 234324, 185173, 201557, 234329, 234333, 308063, 234336, 242530, 349027, 234338, 234341, 234344, 234347, 177004, 234350, 324464, 234353, 152435, 177011, 234356, 234358, 234362, 226171, 291711, 234368, 291714, 234370, 291716, 234373, 226182, 234375, 201603, 308105, 226185, 234379, 324490, 234384, 234388, 234390, 226200, 234393, 209818, 308123, 234396, 324508, 291742, 324504, 234398, 234401, 291747, 291748, 234405, 291750, 324518, 324520, 234407, 324522, 234410, 291756, 291754, 226220, 324527, 291760, 234414, 234417, 324531, 201650, 234422, 226230, 324536, 275384, 234428, 291773, 242623, 324544, 226239, 234434, 324546, 234431, 226245, 234437, 234439, 324548, 234443, 291788, 234446, 275406, 193486, 193488, 316370, 234449, 234452, 234455, 234459, 234461, 234464, 234467, 234470, 168935, 5096, 324585, 234475, 234478, 316400, 234481, 316403, 234484, 234485, 234487, 324599, 234490, 234493, 316416, 234496, 308226, 234501, 275462, 308231, 234504, 234507, 234510, 234515, 300054, 316439, 234520, 234519, 234523, 234526, 234528, 300066, 234532, 300069, 234535, 234537, 234540, 234543, 234546, 275508, 300085, 234549, 300088, 234553, 234556, 234558, 316479, 234561, 316483, 160835, 234563, 308291, 234568, 234570, 316491, 234572, 300108, 234574, 300115, 234580, 234581, 234585, 275545, 242777, 234590, 234593, 234595, 234597, 300133, 234601, 300139, 234605, 160879, 234607, 275569, 234610, 316530, 300148, 234614, 398455, 144506, 234618, 234620, 275579, 234623, 226433, 234627, 275588, 234629, 234634, 234636, 177293, 234640, 275602, 234643, 308373, 226453, 234647, 234648, 275608, 234650, 308379, 324757, 300189, 324766, 119967, 234653, 283805, 234657, 324768, 242852, 300197, 234661, 283813, 234664, 275626, 234667, 316596, 308414, 234687, 300223, 300226, 308418, 234692, 300229, 308420, 308422, 283844, 300234, 283850, 300238, 300241, 316625, 300243, 300245, 316630, 300248, 300253, 300256, 300258, 300260, 234726, 300263, 300265, 300267, 161003, 300270, 300272, 120053, 300278, 275703, 316663, 300284, 275710, 300287, 292097, 300289, 161027, 300292, 300294, 275719, 234760, 177419, 300299, 242957, 300301, 275725, 177424, 283917, 349464, 283939, 259367, 292143, 283951, 300344, 226617, 243003, 283963, 226628, 300357, 283973, 177482, 283983, 316758, 357722, 316766, 292192, 316768, 218464, 292197, 316774, 243046, 218473, 284010, 136562, 324978, 275834, 333178, 275836, 275840, 316803, 316806, 226696, 316811, 226699, 316814, 226703, 300433, 234899, 300436, 226709, 357783, 316824, 316826, 300448, 144807, 144810, 144812, 284076, 144814, 144820, 374196, 284084, 292279, 284087, 144826, 144828, 144830, 144832, 144835, 144837, 38342, 144839, 144841, 144844, 144847, 144852, 144855, 103899, 300507, 333280, 226787, 218597, 292329, 300523, 259565, 300527, 308720, 259567, 292338, 226802, 316917, 292343, 308727, 300537, 316933, 316947, 308757, 308762, 284191, 284194, 284196, 235045, 284199, 284204, 284206, 284209, 284211, 194101, 284213, 316983, 194103, 284215, 308790, 284218, 226877, 292414, 284223, 284226, 284228, 292421, 243268, 284231, 226886, 128584, 284234, 276043, 317004, 366155, 284238, 226895, 284241, 194130, 284243, 300628, 284245, 292433, 284247, 317015, 276052, 276053, 235097, 243290, 284249, 300638, 284251, 284253, 284255, 284258, 243293, 292452, 292454, 284263, 177766, 284265, 292458, 284267, 292461, 284272, 284274, 284278, 292470, 276086, 292473, 284283, 276093, 284286, 292479, 284288, 276095, 284290, 325250, 284292, 292485, 276098, 292481, 284297, 317066, 284299, 317068, 284301, 276109, 284303, 284306, 276114, 284308, 284312, 284314, 284316, 276127, 284320, 284322, 284327, 284329, 317098, 284331, 276137, 284333, 284335, 276144, 284337, 284339, 300726, 284343, 284346, 284350, 358080, 276160, 284354, 358083, 284358, 276166, 358089, 284362, 276170, 284365, 276175, 284368, 276177, 284370, 358098, 284372, 317138, 284377, 284379, 284381, 284384, 358114, 284386, 358116, 276197, 317158, 358119, 284392, 325353, 358122, 284394, 284397, 358126, 284399, 358128, 276206, 358133, 358135, 276216, 358138, 300795, 358140, 284413, 358142, 358146, 284418, 317187, 317189, 317191, 284428, 300816, 300819, 317207, 284440, 300828, 300830, 276255, 300832, 325408, 300834, 317221, 227109, 358183, 186151, 276268, 300845, 243504, 300850, 284469, 276280, 325436, 358206, 276291, 366406, 276295, 300872, 292681, 153417, 358224, 284499, 276308, 284502, 317271, 178006, 276315, 292700, 317279, 284511, 227175, 292715, 300912, 292721, 284529, 300915, 284533, 292729, 317306, 284540, 292734, 325512, 169868, 276365, 317332, 358292, 284564, 284566, 350106, 284572, 276386, 284579, 276388, 358312, 317353, 284585, 276395, 292776, 292784, 276402, 358326, 161718, 358330, 276411, 276418, 276425, 301009, 301011, 301013, 292823, 358360, 301017, 301015, 292828, 276446, 153568, 276448, 276452, 292839, 276455, 292843, 276460, 292845, 178161, 227314, 276466, 325624, 276472, 317435, 276476, 276479, 276482, 276485, 317446, 276490, 292876, 317456, 276496, 317458, 178195, 243733, 243740, 317468, 317472, 325666, 243751, 292904, 276528, 243762, 309298, 325685, 325689, 235579, 325692, 276539, 178238, 235581, 276544, 284739, 325700, 243779, 292934, 243785, 276553, 350293, 350295, 309337, 227418, 350299, 194649, 194654, 227423, 350304, 178273, 309346, 350302, 194660, 350308, 309350, 309348, 292968, 309352, 309354, 227426, 227430, 276583, 350313, 301167, 350316, 350321, 276590, 284786, 276595, 350325, 252022, 227440, 350328, 292985, 301178, 350332, 292989, 301185, 292993, 350339, 317570, 317573, 350342, 350345, 350349, 301199, 317584, 325777, 350354, 350357, 350359, 350362, 350366, 276638, 153765, 284837, 350375, 350379, 350381, 350383, 129200, 350385, 350387, 350389, 350395, 350397, 350399, 227520, 350402, 227522, 301252, 350406, 227529, 301258, 309450, 276685, 309455, 276689, 309462, 301272, 276699, 194780, 309468, 309471, 301283, 317672, 317674, 325867, 243948, 194801, 227571, 309491, 309494, 243960, 227583, 276735, 227587, 276739, 211204, 276742, 227596, 325910, 309530, 342298, 211232, 317729, 276775, 211241, 325937, 325943, 211260, 260421, 276809, 285002, 276811, 235853, 276816, 235858, 276829, 276833, 391523, 276836, 293227, 276843, 293232, 276848, 186744, 211324, 227709, 285061, 317833, 178572, 285070, 285077, 178583, 227738, 317853, 276896, 317858, 342434, 285093, 317864, 285098, 276907, 235955, 276917, 293304, 293307, 293314, 309707, 293325, 317910, 293336, 235996, 317917, 293343, 358880, 276961, 293346, 227810, 276964, 293352, 236013, 293364, 301562, 293370, 317951, 309764, 301575, 121352, 293387, 236043, 342541, 317963, 113167, 55822, 309779, 317971, 309781, 277011, 55837, 227877, 227879, 293417, 227882, 309804, 293421, 105007, 236082, 285236, 23094, 277054, 244288, 129603, 301636, 318020, 301639, 301643, 285265, 399955, 309844, 277080, 309849, 285277, 285282, 326244, 318055, 277100, 121458, 277106, 170618, 170619, 309885, 309888, 277122, 227975, 277128, 285320, 301706, 318092, 326285, 334476, 318094, 277136, 277139, 227992, 334488, 318108, 285340, 318110, 227998, 137889, 383658, 285357, 318128, 277170, 293555, 342707, 154292, 277173, 318132, 285368, 277177, 277181, 318144, 277187, 277191, 277194, 277196, 277201, 137946, 113378, 203491, 228069, 277223, 342760, 285417, 56041, 56043, 277232, 228081, 56059, 310015, 285441, 310020, 285448, 310029, 228113, 285459, 277273, 293659, 326430, 228128, 285474, 293666, 228135, 318248, 277291, 318253, 293677, 285489, 301876, 293685, 285494, 301880, 285499, 301884, 293696, 310080, 277317, 277322, 277329, 162643, 310100, 301911, 301913, 277337, 301921, 400236, 236397, 162671, 326514, 310134, 236408, 277368, 15224, 416639, 416640, 113538, 310147, 416648, 277385, 39817, 187274, 301972, 424853, 277405, 310179, 277411, 293798, 293802, 236460, 277426, 293811, 276579, 293817, 293820, 203715, 326603, 276586, 293849, 293861, 228327, 228328, 318442, 228330, 228332, 326638, 277486, 318450, 293876, 293877, 285686, 302073, 121850, 293882, 302075, 285690, 244731, 293887, 277504, 277507, 277511, 293899, 277519, 293908, 302105, 293917, 293939, 318516, 277561, 277564, 310336, 7232, 293956, 277573, 228422, 293960, 310344, 277577, 277583, 203857, 293971, 310355, 310359, 236632, 277594, 138332, 277598, 203872, 277601, 285792, 310374, 203879, 310376, 228460, 318573, 203886, 187509, 285815, 367737, 285817, 302205, 285821, 392326, 285831, 253064, 294026, 302218, 285835, 162964, 384148, 187542, 302231, 285849, 302233, 285852, 302237, 285854, 285856, 302241, 285862, 277671, 302248, 64682, 277678, 294063, 294065, 302258, 277687, 294072, 318651, 294076, 277695, 318657, 244930, 302275, 130244, 302277, 228550, 302282, 310476, 302285, 302288, 310481, 302290, 203987, 302292, 302294, 310486, 302296, 384222, 310498, 285927, 318698, 302315, 228592, 294132, 138485, 228601, 204026, 228606, 204031, 64768, 310531, 138505, 228617, 318742, 204067, 277798, 130345, 277801, 113964, 285997, 277804, 285999, 277807, 113969, 277811, 318773, 318776, 277816, 286010, 277819, 294204, 417086, 277822, 286016, 302403, 294211, 384328, 277832, 277836, 294221, 294223, 326991, 277839, 277842, 277847, 277850, 179547, 277853, 146784, 277857, 302436, 277860, 294246, 327015, 310632, 327017, 351594, 277864, 277869, 277872, 351607, 310648, 277880, 310651, 277884, 277888, 310657, 351619, 294276, 310659, 327046, 277892, 253320, 310665, 318858, 277894, 277898, 277903, 310672, 351633, 277905, 277908, 277917, 310689, 277921, 130468, 228776, 277928, 277932, 310703, 277937, 310710, 130486, 310712, 277944, 310715, 277947, 302526, 228799, 277950, 277953, 302534, 310727, 245191, 64966, 277959, 277963, 302541, 277966, 302543, 310737, 277971, 228825, 163290, 277978, 310749, 277981, 277984, 310755, 277989, 277991, 187880, 277995, 310764, 286188, 278000, 228851, 310772, 278003, 278006, 40440, 212472, 278009, 40443, 286203, 40448, 228864, 286214, 228871, 302603, 302614, 302617, 286233, 302621, 286240, 146977, 187939, 40484, 294435, 40486, 286246, 294440, 40488, 294439, 294443, 40491, 294445, 196133, 310831, 245288, 286248, 40499, 40502, 212538, 40507, 40511, 40513, 228933, 327240, 40521, 286283, 40525, 40527, 212560, 400976, 228944, 40533, 147032, 40537, 40539, 40541, 278109, 40544, 40548, 40550, 40552, 286312, 40554, 286313, 310892, 40557, 40560, 188022, 122488, 294521, 343679, 294537, 310925, 286354, 278163, 302740, 122517, 278168, 179870, 327333, 229030, 212648, 278188, 302764, 278192, 319153, 278196, 302781, 319171, 302789, 294599, 278216, 294601, 302793, 343757, 212690, 319187, 286420, 278227, 229076, 286425, 319194, 278235, 301163, 229086, 278238, 286432, 294625, 294634, 302838, 319226, 286460, 278274, 302852, 278277, 302854, 294664, 311048, 352008, 319243, 311053, 302862, 319251, 294682, 278306, 188199, 294701, 278320, 319280, 319290, 229192, 302925, 188247, 280021, 188252, 237409, 229233, 294776, 360317, 294785, 327554, 40840, 294803, 40851, 188312, 294811, 237470, 319390, 40865, 319394, 294817, 294821, 311209, 180142, 343983, 294831, 188340, 40886, 319419, 294844, 294847, 393177, 294876, 294879, 294883, 294890, 311279, 278513, 237555, 311283, 278516, 278519, 237562 ]
// // ViewController.swift // Milestone_Project1-3 // // Created by out-usacheva-ei on 22.07.2021. // import UIKit class ViewController: UITableViewController { // Array of using countries var countries = [String]() var pictures = [String]() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() title = "Countries" // Interface settings tableView.backgroundColor = UIColor.systemGray4 navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true navigationController?.navigationBar.tintColor = navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.systemGray4 navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor:] // Fill the array of countries countries += ["estonia", "france", "germany", "ireland", "italy", "monaco", "nigeria", "poland", "russia", "spain", "uk", "us"] // Loading images from file system let fm = FileManager.default let path = Bundle.main.resourcePath! // let items = try! fm.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: path) // Fill the array of file names for country in countries { pictures.append("\(path)/\(country).png") } // print(path) print(pictures) } // For separating cells. Separated cells by sections. override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { return countries.count } // Method for set number of rows in section. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return 1 } // For separating cells. Set distance between sections. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat { return CGFloat(10) } // For set separator of sections color. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? { let headerView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tableView.bounds.size.width, height: 30)) headerView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear return headerView } // Setting cells and dequeuing cells (delete cells from queue) for optimization. override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Country", for: indexPath) cell.imageView?.image = UIImage(named: countries[indexPath.section]) cell.textLabel?.text = countries[indexPath.section].uppercased() cell.textLabel?.textColor = cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear return cell } // Method for set action for pushed cell override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { // Loading "Detail View Controller" if let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "Detail") as? DetailViewController { vc.selectedFlag = countries[indexPath.section] vc.pathToImage = pictures[indexPath.section] // Show new view navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) } } }
[ -1 ]
[ "MIT" ]
public protocol MediaDeviceInput { var hashValue: Int { get } static func makeInput(device: Source) throws -> MediaDeviceInput } internal typealias MediaDeviceInputCreateCallback = (MediaDeviceInput) -> Void internal typealias MakeMediaDeviceInput = (Source, MediaDeviceInputCreateCallback) throws -> MediaDeviceInput public enum MediaDeviceInputError: Error { case couldNotCreateInput } func ==(lhs: MediaDeviceInput, rhs: MediaDeviceInput) -> Bool { return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue } #if os(macOS) || os(iOS) import AVFoundation var makeInput: MakeMediaDeviceInput = { src, onCreate in let input = try AVCaptureInput.makeInput(device: src) onCreate(input) return input } extension MediaDevice { public mutating func createInput(onCreate: MediaDeviceInputClosure) { do { self.input = try kubrick.makeInput(self.source, onCreate) } catch { } } } extension AVCaptureInput: MediaDeviceInput { static public func makeInput(device: Source) throws -> MediaDeviceInput { if let dev = device as? AVCaptureDevice { return try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: dev) } #if os(macOS) if let dev = device as? DisplaySource { return AVCaptureScreenInput(displayID: dev.displayID) } #endif throw MediaDeviceInputError.couldNotCreateInput } } #endif
[ -1 ]
// // ViewController.swift // hustle-mode // // Created by Yangyang Yang on 12/2/17. // Copyright © 2017 Yangyang Yang. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import AVFoundation class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var darkBlueBG: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var powerBtn: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var cloudHolder: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var rocket: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var hustleLbl: UILabel! var player: AVAudioPlayer! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource:"hustle-on", ofType:"wav")! let url = URL(fileURLWithPath:path) do{ player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf:url) player.prepareToPlay() } catch let error as NSError { print(error.description) } } @IBAction func powerBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) { cloudHolder.isHidden = false darkBlueBG.isHidden = true powerBtn.isHidden = true UIView.animate(withDuration:2.3, animations: { self.rocket.frame = CGRect(x:0, y:140, width: 375, height: 402) }) {(finished) in self.hustleLbl.isHidden = false } } }
[ 302289, 310658, 305665 ]
// // LiveViewController.swift // TestSwiftUI // // Created by 张玲玉 on 2021/3/18. // import UIKit class LiveViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } /* // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destination. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } */ }
[ -1 ]
// // StringsListWindowController.swift // Strings // // Created by Henry Cooper on 03/03/2020. // Copyright © 2020 Henry Cooper. All rights reserved. // import Cocoa import UIHelper import StringEditorFramework class StringsListWindowController: NSWindowController { // MARK: - Action Methods @IBAction func addButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { let newKey = newKeyTextField.stringValue.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) let newValue = newValueTextField.string.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) addToKeysAndValues(key: newKey, value: newValue) } @IBAction func ctaButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { guard !commitMessageTextField.stringValue.isEmpty else { commitMessageTextField.layer?.borderColor = commitMessageTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 1.0 return } commitMessageTextField.layer?.borderWidth = 0.0 enableInterface(false) // Manually disable so we can't spam ctaButton.isEnabled = false manager.addToStrings(keysAndValues: newKeysAndValuesToAdd, editedStrings: editedStrings, commitMessage: commitMessage) { [weak self] (error) in DispatchQueue.main.async { self?.reset(error: error) } } } @IBAction func environmentButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { shouldContinueAfterCheckingForUncommittedChanges { (shouldContinue) in if shouldContinue { Environment.setEnvironment(!Environment.isDev) BitbucketManager.shared.load { (error) in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.spinner.isHidden = true if let error = error { self.showErrorAlert(error) } else { self.reloadCurrentKeysAndValues(afterPushing: false) self.setTitle(string: self.manager.latestMessage) } } } } else { return } } } @IBAction func filterButtonPressed(_ sender: NSButton) { if sender.state == .off { cancelFilter() return } filterEnabled = true NSAlert.showSingleTextFieldAlert(window: window, title: "Filter", textFieldPlaceholder: "Key Or Value", returnButtonTitle: "Filter") { (filterValue) in if let filterValue = filterValue { self.topTableView.scrollRowToVisible(0) self.filterKeysAndValues(text: filterValue) } else { self.cancelFilter() } } } @IBAction func radioButtonSelected(_ sender: NSButton) { guard sender != selectedButton else { return } let newPlatform: Platform = (sender == iosButton) ? .ios : .android let oldPlatformButton = (sender == iosButton) ? androidButton : iosButton shouldContinueAfterCheckingForUncommittedChanges { (shouldContinue) in if shouldContinue { self.editedKeysAndValues.removeAll() BitbucketManager.shared.changePlatformTo(newPlatform) { (error) in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.cancelFilter() self.spinner.isHidden = true if let error = error { self.showErrorAlert(error) oldPlatformButton?.state = .on } else { self.selectedButton = sender self.configurePopUpButtonConstraintsForPlatform(newPlatform) self.reloadCurrentKeysAndValues(afterPushing: false) self.setTitle(string: self.manager.latestMessage) } } } } else { oldPlatformButton?.state = .on } } } // MARK: - IBOutlets @IBOutlet weak var topTableView: NSTableView! @IBOutlet weak var newKeyTextField: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var newValueTextField: PlaceholderTextView! @IBOutlet weak var commitMessageTextField: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var addButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var bottomTableView: UIHelperTableView! @IBOutlet weak var ctaButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var loadingLabel: NSTextField! @IBOutlet weak var spinner: NSProgressIndicator! @IBOutlet weak var androidButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var iosButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var newValueTextFieldToLanguageConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var newValueTextFieldToSuperviewConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet var newKeyTextFieldToBottomTableViewConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet var addButtonToBottomTableViewConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet var newValueTextFieldToBottomTableViewConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet var languagePopUpToBottomTableViewConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet var newValueTextFieldHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet var bottomTableHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var languagePopUp: NSPopUpButton! @IBOutlet weak var environmentButton: NSButton! @IBOutlet weak var filterButton: NSButton! // MARK: - Private private let manager = BitbucketManager.shared private var originalKeysAndValues: [KeyAndValue]? private var currentKeysAndValues: [KeyAndValue]? private var filteredKeysAndValues: [KeyAndValue]? private var editedKeysAndValues = [Int: KeyAndValue]() { didSet { updateCurrentKeysAndValues() } } private var filterEnabled = false private var newKeysAndValuesToAdd = [KeyAndValue]() private var selectedButton: NSButton? private var editedStrings: [String: KeyAndValue] { var dict = [String : KeyAndValue]() for (row, keyAndValue) in editedKeysAndValues { if let currentKey = currentKeyAndValueAtRow(row)?.key { dict[currentKey] = keyAndValue } } return dict } private var selectedLanguage: KeyAndValue.Language { if let title = languagePopUp.selectedItem?.title, let language = KeyAndValue.Language(title: title) { return language } return .en } private var constraintsToAnimate: [NSLayoutConstraint] { return [languagePopUpToBottomTableViewConstraint, addButtonToBottomTableViewConstraint, newKeyTextFieldToBottomTableViewConstraint, newValueTextFieldToBottomTableViewConstraint] } // MARK: - Exposed Properties override var windowNibName: NSNib.Name? { return classNibName } // MARK: - Initialisation init() { super.init(window: nil) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } // MARK: - Life Cycle override func windowDidLoad() { super.windowDidLoad() newValueTextField.placeholderDelegate = self bottomTableView.deleteDelegate = self originalKeysAndValues = manager.displayTuples currentKeysAndValues = originalKeysAndValues topTableView.reloadData() manager.delegate = self configureUI() } } // MARK: - Keys And Values extension StringsListWindowController { private func addToKeysAndValues(key: String, value: String) { let keys = { $0.key } let newKeyAndValue = KeyAndValue(key: key, value: value, language: selectedLanguage) let alreadyInTopTable = (currentKeysAndValues?.contains() { $0.key == key }) ?? false if keys.contains(key) || alreadyInTopTable { let message = alreadyInTopTable ? "\(key) already in strings above!" : "\(key) already added below!" loadingLabel.isHidden = false loadingLabel.stringValue = message return } newKeysAndValuesToAdd.insert(newKeyAndValue, at: 0) resetTextFields() bottomTableView.reloadData() } private func topTableViewKeyAndValueAtRow(_ row: Int) -> KeyAndValue? { if let _ = filteredKeysAndValues { return filteredKeyAndValueAtRow(row) } else if let _ = currentKeysAndValues { return currentKeyAndValueAtRow(row) } return nil } private func currentKeyAndValueAtRow(_ row: Int) -> KeyAndValue? { return currentKeysAndValues?[row] } private func filteredKeyAndValueAtRow(_ row: Int) -> KeyAndValue? { return filteredKeysAndValues?[row] } private func correctKeysAndValuesForTableVew(_ tableView: NSTableView) -> [KeyAndValue]? { if tableView == self.topTableView { return correctKeysAndValuesForTopTableView } else { return newKeysAndValuesToAdd.sorted() { $0.key < $1.key } } } private var correctKeysAndValuesForTopTableView: [KeyAndValue]? { return filteredKeysAndValues ?? currentKeysAndValues } private var commitMessage: String { return commitMessageTextField.stringValue } private func filterKeysAndValues(text: String) { filteredKeysAndValues = currentKeysAndValues?.compactMap() { keyAndValue in if keyAndValue.key.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(text) || keyAndValue.value.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(text) { return keyAndValue } else { return nil } } topTableView.reloadData() } private func updateCurrentKeysAndValues() { for (row, keyAndValue) in editedKeysAndValues { let newKeyAndValue = KeyAndValue(key: keyAndValue.key, value: keyAndValue.value, language: keyAndValue.language) currentKeysAndValues?[row] = newKeyAndValue } } } // MARK: - UI extension StringsListWindowController { private func configureUI() { setTitle(string: manager.latestMessage) resetTextFields() configureButtonStates() window?.center() let platform = UserDefaults.selectedPlatform configurePopUpButtonConstraintsForPlatform(platform) selectedButton = (platform == .ios) ? iosButton : androidButton selectedButton?.state = .on configurePopUp() configureEnvironmentButton() } private func configurePopUpButtonConstraintsForPlatform(_ platform: Platform) { let isIos = platform == .ios newValueTextFieldToLanguageConstraint.priority = isIos ? .defaultLow : .defaultHigh newValueTextFieldToSuperviewConstraint.priority = isIos ? .defaultHigh : .defaultLow languagePopUp.isHidden = platform == .ios } private func reset(error: StringEditError?) { // The spinner should always hide spinner.isHidden = true if let error = error { loadingLabel.isHidden = true NSAlert.showSimpleAlert(window: window, title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription, completion: nil) } else { loadingLabel.stringValue = "Upload successful" newKeysAndValuesToAdd.removeAll() editedKeysAndValues.removeAll() bottomTableView.reloadData() let string = commitMessage.isEmpty ? "Edited With Bitbucket" : commitMessage setTitle(string: string) reloadCurrentKeysAndValues(afterPushing: true) } resetTextFields() } private func setTitle(string: String?) { if let string = string { window?.title = "Commit: \(string)" } } private func cancelFilter() { filteredKeysAndValues = nil topTableView.reloadData() topTableView.scrollRowToVisible(0) filterButton.state = .off } private func configurePopUp() { for language in KeyAndValue.Language.allCases { languagePopUp.addItem(withTitle: language.rawValue.uppercased()) } } private func reloadCurrentKeysAndValues(afterPushing: Bool) { originalKeysAndValues = manager.displayTuples currentKeysAndValues = originalKeysAndValues cancelFilter() loadingLabel.isHidden = !afterPushing configureButtonStates() commitMessageTextField.stringValue = "" configureEnvironmentButton() } private func resetTextFields() { newValueTextField.string = "" newKeyTextField.stringValue = "" newValueTextField.placeholderAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "New Value") enableInterface(true) newKeyTextField.becomeFirstResponder() } private func enableInterface(_ enabled: Bool) { newKeyTextField.isEnabled = enabled newValueTextField.isEditable = enabled configureButtonStates() } private func configureButtonStates() { addButton.isEnabled = !newKeyTextField.stringValue.isEmpty && !newValueTextField.string.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty ctaButton.isEnabled = !newKeysAndValuesToAdd.isEmpty || !editedStrings.isEmpty } private func showErrorAlert(_ error: RequestError) { NSAlert.showSimpleAlert(window: self.window, isError: true, title: "Error", message: error.localizedDescription) { self.loadingLabel.isHidden = true } } private func configureEnvironmentButton() { if Environment.isDev { environmentButton.image = NSImage(named: NSImage.Name("NSStatusPartiallyAvailable")) } else { environmentButton.image = NSImage(named: NSImage.Name("NSStatusUnavailable")) } } private func shouldContinueAfterCheckingForUncommittedChanges(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { guard !editedKeysAndValues.isEmpty else { completion(true) return } let changeOrChanges = (editedKeysAndValues.count == 1) ? "change" : "changes" NSAlert.showDualButtonAlert(window: window, title: "Unsaved Changes", message: "You currently have \(editedKeysAndValues.count) unsaved \(changeOrChanges). Are you sure you wish to continue?", returnButtonTitle: "Discard My Changes And Continue") { response in completion(response == .alertFirstButtonReturn) } } } // MARK: - Table View Data Source extension StringsListWindowController: NSTableViewDataSource { func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int { if tableView == self.topTableView { return numberOfRowsForCurrentOrFilteredTableView } else if tableView == bottomTableView { return numberOfRowsForNewKeysAndValuesTableView } return 0 } private var numberOfRowsForCurrentOrFilteredTableView: Int { if let _ = filteredKeysAndValues { return filteredKeysAndValues?.count ?? 0 } else { return currentKeysAndValues?.count ?? 0 } } private var numberOfRowsForNewKeysAndValuesTableView: Int { return newKeysAndValuesToAdd.count } } // MARK: - Table View Delegate extension StringsListWindowController: NSTableViewDelegate, UIHelperTableViewDelegate { func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? { guard let column = tableColumn, let keysAndValues = correctKeysAndValuesForTableVew(tableView) else { return nil } let keyAndValue = keysAndValues[row] let key = keyAndValue.key let value = keyAndValue.value let identifier: String let text: String switch column.identifier { case .key: identifier = "KeyView" text = key case .value: identifier = "ValueView" text = value default: identifier = "" text = "" } if let cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(identifier), owner: nil) as? NSTableCellView { let rowView = tableView.rowView(atRow: row, makeIfNecessary: false) if tableView == topTableView { cell.textField?.textColor = keyAndValue.isSeparator ? .white : .labelColor let currentBackgroundColor = rowView?.backgroundColor ?? .clear rowView?.backgroundColor = keyAndValue.isSeparator ? .black : currentBackgroundColor } else { cell.textField?.isEditable = false } cell.textField?.stringValue = text cell.textField?.target = self cell.textField?.action = #selector(edit(_:)) cell.textField?.delegate = self return cell } return nil } func uiHelperTableViewShouldDeleteRow(tableView: UIHelperTableView, rowToDelete: Int) { newKeysAndValuesToAdd.remove(at: rowToDelete) bottomTableView.reloadData() configureButtonStates() } } extension StringsListWindowController: NSTextFieldDelegate, NSTextViewDelegate, PlaceholderTextViewDelegate { func controlTextDidChange(_ obj: Notification) { loadingLabel.isHidden = true configureButtonStates() } func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { loadingLabel.isHidden = true configureButtonStates() } func controlTextDidEndEditing(_ obj: Notification) { if let object = obj.object as? NSTextField, object == newKeyTextField, newKeyTextField.stringValue.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty { newKeyTextField.stringValue = "" } } func placeholderTextViewFocusChanged(_ placeholderTextView: PlaceholderTextView, inFocus: Bool) { NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup() { _ in NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 0.4 NSAnimationContext.current.allowsImplicitAnimation = true bottomTableHeightConstraint.constant -= inFocus ? 100 : -100 self.window?.layoutIfNeeded() } for constraint in constraintsToAnimate { constraint.isActive = !inFocus } newValueTextFieldHeightConstraint.constant += inFocus ? 100.0 : -100.0 } @objc private func edit(_ sender: NSTextField) { let text = sender.stringValue.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) // 'Updating' means to change the text of a specific row. There are potentially two rows to update, depending on whether we are filtering or not. let visibleRow = topTableView.row(for: sender) guard visibleRow != -1, let currentKeyAndValueToUpdate = topTableViewKeyAndValueAtRow(visibleRow), let rowToIndex = currentKeysAndValues?.firstIndex(of: currentKeyAndValueToUpdate), let existingKeyAndValue = currentKeysAndValues?[rowToIndex], let originalKeyAndValue = originalKeysAndValues?[rowToIndex] else { return } // Is the string the same? let newKey = sender.isKeyTextField ? text : existingKeyAndValue.key let newValue = sender.isKeyTextField ? existingKeyAndValue.value : text let newKeyAndValue = KeyAndValue(key: newKey, value: newValue, language: existingKeyAndValue.language) let newKeyAlreadyExists = currentKeysAndValues?.contains() { newKey == $0.key } ?? false if sender.isKeyTextField && newKeyAlreadyExists { NSAlert.showSimpleAlert(window: window, isError: true, title: "Error", message: "\(newKey) already exists in the JSON. You'll need to edit that string") { sender.stringValue = existingKeyAndValue.key } return } if newKeyAndValue == originalKeyAndValue { editedKeysAndValues.removeValue(forKey: rowToIndex) currentKeysAndValues?[rowToIndex] = originalKeyAndValue filteredKeysAndValues?[visibleRow] = originalKeyAndValue configureButtonStates() return } let editingContentVersion = (sender.isKeyTextField && existingKeyAndValue.key.isContentVersion) // Has the string been left empty? let shouldRefill = text.isEmpty || editingContentVersion if shouldRefill { sender.stringValue = existingKeyAndValue.key return } editedKeysAndValues[rowToIndex] = newKeyAndValue filteredKeysAndValues?[visibleRow] = newKeyAndValue configureButtonStates() } } extension StringsListWindowController: BitbucketManagerDelegate { func bitbucketManagerLoadingStateDidChange(_ newState: LoadingState) { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.updateLabelForLoadingState(newState) } } private func updateLabelForLoadingState(_ state: LoadingState) { loadingLabel.isHidden = false spinner.isHidden = false spinner.startAnimation(nil) switch state { case .fetching: loadingLabel.stringValue = "Fetching latest commit" case .pulling: loadingLabel.stringValue = "Pulling latest commit" case .pushing: loadingLabel.stringValue = "Pushing your changes" case .error(let error): loadingLabel.stringValue = "Error received: \(error.localizedDescription)" default: return } } } private extension String { var isContentVersion: Bool { return self == "content_version" } } private extension NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier { static var key: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier { return NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier("KeyColumn") } static var value: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier { return NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier("ValueColumn") } }
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[ "Apache-2.0", "Swift-exception", "LicenseRef-scancode-unknown-license-reference" ]
import XCTest import SwiftSyntax import SwiftSyntaxParser public class SyntaxTests: XCTestCase { public func testSyntaxAPI() { let source = "struct A { func f() {} }" let tree = try! SyntaxParser.parse(source: source) XCTAssertEqual("\(tree.firstToken!)", "struct ") XCTAssertEqual("\(tree.firstToken!.nextToken!)", "A ") let funcKW = tree.firstToken!.nextToken!.nextToken!.nextToken! XCTAssertEqual("\(funcKW)", "func ") XCTAssertEqual("\(funcKW.nextToken!.nextToken!.nextToken!.nextToken!.nextToken!.nextToken!)", "}") XCTAssertEqual(tree.lastToken!.tokenKind, .eof) XCTAssertEqual("\(funcKW.parent!.lastToken!)", "} ") XCTAssertEqual("\(funcKW.nextToken!.previousToken!)", "func ") XCTAssertEqual("\(funcKW.previousToken!)", "{ ") let toks = Array(funcKW.parent!.tokens) XCTAssertEqual(toks.count, 6) guard toks.count == 6 else { return } XCTAssertEqual("\(toks[0])", "func ") XCTAssertEqual("\(toks[1])", "f") XCTAssertEqual("\(toks[2])", "(") XCTAssertEqual("\(toks[3])", ") ") XCTAssertEqual("\(toks[4])", "{") XCTAssertEqual("\(toks[5])", "} ") let rtoks = Array(funcKW.parent!.tokens.reversed()) XCTAssertEqual(rtoks.count, 6) guard rtoks.count == 6 else { return } XCTAssertEqual("\(rtoks[5])", "func ") XCTAssertEqual("\(rtoks[4])", "f") XCTAssertEqual("\(rtoks[3])", "(") XCTAssertEqual("\(rtoks[2])", ") ") XCTAssertEqual("\(rtoks[1])", "{") XCTAssertEqual("\(rtoks[0])", "} ") XCTAssertEqual(toks[0], rtoks[5]) XCTAssertEqual(toks[1], rtoks[4]) XCTAssertEqual(toks[2], rtoks[3]) XCTAssertEqual(toks[3], rtoks[2]) XCTAssertEqual(toks[4], rtoks[1]) XCTAssertEqual(toks[5], rtoks[0]) let tokset = Set(toks+rtoks) XCTAssertEqual(tokset.count, 6) XCTAssertEqual(toks[0].id, rtoks[5].id) XCTAssertEqual(toks[1].id, rtoks[4].id) XCTAssertEqual(toks[2].id, rtoks[3].id) XCTAssertEqual(toks[3].id, rtoks[2].id) XCTAssertEqual(toks[4].id, rtoks[1].id) XCTAssertEqual(toks[5].id, rtoks[0].id) } public func testPositions() { func testFuncKw(_ funcKW: TokenSyntax) { XCTAssertEqual("\(funcKW)", " func ") XCTAssertEqual(funcKW.position, AbsolutePosition(utf8Offset: 0)) XCTAssertEqual(funcKW.positionAfterSkippingLeadingTrivia, AbsolutePosition(utf8Offset: 2)) XCTAssertEqual(funcKW.endPositionBeforeTrailingTrivia, AbsolutePosition(utf8Offset: 6)) XCTAssertEqual(funcKW.endPosition, AbsolutePosition(utf8Offset: 7)) XCTAssertEqual(funcKW.contentLength, SourceLength(utf8Length: 4)) } do { let source = " func f() {}" let tree = try! SyntaxParser.parse(source: source) let funcKW = tree.firstToken! testFuncKw(funcKW) } do { let leading = Trivia(pieces: [ .spaces(2) ]) let trailing = Trivia(pieces: [ .spaces(1) ]) let funcKW = SyntaxFactory.makeFuncKeyword( leadingTrivia: leading, trailingTrivia: trailing) testFuncKw(funcKW) } } public func testCasting() { let integerExpr = IntegerLiteralExprSyntax { $0.useDigits(SyntaxFactory.makeIntegerLiteral("1", trailingTrivia: .spaces(1))) } let expr = ExprSyntax(integerExpr) let node = Syntax(expr) XCTAssertTrue( XCTAssertTrue( XCTAssertTrue(!.is(IntegerLiteralExprSyntax.self)) XCTAssertTrue(node.isProtocol(ExprSyntaxProtocol.self)) XCTAssertTrue(node.asProtocol(ExprSyntaxProtocol.self) is IntegerLiteralExprSyntax) XCTAssertTrue(expr.asProtocol(ExprSyntaxProtocol.self) is IntegerLiteralExprSyntax) XCTAssertTrue(expr.asProtocol(ExprSyntaxProtocol.self) as? IntegerLiteralExprSyntax == integerExpr) XCTAssertFalse(node.isProtocol(BracedSyntax.self)) XCTAssertNil(node.asProtocol(BracedSyntax.self)) XCTAssertFalse(expr.isProtocol(BracedSyntax.self)) XCTAssertNil(expr.asProtocol(BracedSyntax.self)) let classDecl = SyntaxFactory.makeCodeBlock( leftBrace: SyntaxFactory.makeToken(.leftBrace, presence: .present), statements: SyntaxFactory.makeCodeBlockItemList([]), rightBrace: SyntaxFactory.makeToken(.rightBrace, presence: .present) ) XCTAssertTrue(classDecl.isProtocol(BracedSyntax.self)) XCTAssertNotNil(classDecl.asProtocol(BracedSyntax.self)) let optNode: Syntax? = node switch optNode?.as(SyntaxEnum.self) { case .integerLiteralExpr: break default: XCTFail("failed to convert to SyntaxEnum") } XCTAssertNil(ExprSyntax(nil as IntegerLiteralExprSyntax?)) XCTAssertEqual(ExprSyntax(integerExpr).as(IntegerLiteralExprSyntax.self)!, integerExpr) } public func testNodeType() { let integerExpr = IntegerLiteralExprSyntax { $0.useDigits(SyntaxFactory.makeIntegerLiteral("1", trailingTrivia: .spaces(1))) } let expr = ExprSyntax(integerExpr) let node = Syntax(expr) XCTAssertTrue(integerExpr.syntaxNodeType == expr.syntaxNodeType) XCTAssertTrue(integerExpr.syntaxNodeType == node.syntaxNodeType) XCTAssertEqual("\(integerExpr.syntaxNodeType)", "IntegerLiteralExprSyntax") } public func testConstructFromSyntaxProtocol() { let integerExpr = IntegerLiteralExprSyntax { $0.useDigits(SyntaxFactory.makeIntegerLiteral("1", trailingTrivia: .spaces(1))) } XCTAssertEqual(Syntax(integerExpr), Syntax(fromProtocol: integerExpr as SyntaxProtocol)) XCTAssertEqual(Syntax(integerExpr), Syntax(fromProtocol: integerExpr as ExprSyntaxProtocol)) } public func testRunParserOnForeignString() { // Store the source code in a foreign non-UTF-8 string. // If SwiftSyntax fails to convert it to a native UTF-8 string, internal assertions should fail. let sourceNsString = "var 🎉 = 2" as NSString _ = try? SyntaxParser.parse(source: sourceNsString as String) } public func testParseFileWithNullCharacter() throws { let source = "var x = 1\0\nvar y = 2" let tree = try SyntaxParser.parse(source: source) XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, source) } }
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// // AppDelegate.swift // 00657023 // // Created by User10 on 2019/11/20. // Copyright © 2019 Starmy. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } // MARK: UISceneSession Lifecycle func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -> UISceneConfiguration { // Called when a new scene session is being created. // Use this method to select a configuration to create the new scene with. return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } func application(_ application: UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions: Set<UISceneSession>) { // Called when the user discards a scene session. // If any sessions were discarded while the application was not running, this will be called shortly after application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. // Use this method to release any resources that were specific to the discarded scenes, as they will not return. } }
[ 393222, 393224, 393230, 393250, 344102, 393261, 393266, 163891, 213048, 376889, 385081, 393275, 376905, 327756, 254030, 286800, 368727, 180313, 368735, 180320, 376931, 286831, 368752, 286844, 417924, 262283, 286879, 286888, 377012, 327871, 180416, 377036, 180431, 377046, 377060, 327914, 205036, 393456, 393460, 336123, 418043, 385280, 336128, 262404, 180490, 368911, 262416, 262422, 262436, 336180, 262454, 393538, 262472, 344403, 213332, 65880, 262496, 418144, 262499, 213352, 246123, 262507, 262510, 213372, 385419, 393612, 262550, 262552, 385440, 385443, 385451, 262573, 393647, 385458, 262586, 344511, 262592, 360916, 369118, 328177, 328179, 328182, 328189, 328192, 164361, 328206, 410128, 393747, 254490, 188958, 385570, 377383, 197159, 352821, 188987, 418363, 369223, 385609, 385616, 352856, 352864, 369253, 262760, 352874, 254587, 377472, 336512, 148105, 352918, 98968, 344744, 361129, 336555, 385713, 434867, 164534, 336567, 328378, 164538, 328386, 352968, 352971, 418507, 352973, 385742, 385748, 361179, 189153, 369381, 361195, 418553, 344831, 336643, 344835, 344841, 336659, 418580, 418585, 434970, 369435, 418589, 262942, 418593, 336675, 328484, 418598, 418605, 336696, 361273, 328515, 336708, 328519, 336711, 361288, 328522, 336714, 426841, 254812, 361309, 197468, 361315, 361322, 328573, 377729, 222128, 345035, 386003, 345043, 386011, 386018, 386022, 435187, 328702, 328714, 361489, 386069, 336921, 386073, 336925, 345118, 377887, 345133, 345138, 386101, 197707, 189520, 345169, 156761, 361567, 148578, 345199, 386167, 361593, 410745, 214149, 345222, 386186, 337047, 345246, 214175, 337071, 337075, 345267, 386258, 328924, 222437, 328941, 386285, 345376, 345379, 410917, 337205, 345399, 378169, 369978, 337222, 337229, 337234, 263508, 402791, 345448, 271730, 378227, 181638, 353673, 181643, 181649, 181654, 230809, 181670, 181673, 337329, 181681, 181684, 181690, 361917, 181696, 337349, 181703, 337365, 271839, 329191, 361960, 329194, 116210, 337398, 337415, 329226, 419339, 419343, 419349, 345625, 419355, 370205, 419359, 419362, 394786, 370213, 419368, 419376, 206395, 214593, 419400, 419402, 353867, 419406, 419410, 345701, 394853, 222830, 370297, 353919, 403075, 198280, 403091, 345749, 345757, 345762, 419491, 345765, 419497, 419501, 370350, 419506, 419509, 337592, 419512, 419517, 337599, 419527, 419530, 419535, 272081, 394966, 419542, 419544, 181977, 345818, 419547, 419550, 419559, 337642, 419563, 337645, 370415, 141051, 337659, 337668, 395021, 362255, 321299, 116509, 345887, 378663, 345905, 354106, 354111, 247617, 354117, 370503, 329544, 370509, 354130, 247637, 337750, 313180, 354142, 345964, 345967, 345970, 345974, 403320, 354172, 247691, 337808, 247700, 329623, 436126, 436132, 337833, 362413, 337844, 346057, 247759, 346063, 329697, 354277, 190439, 247789, 354313, 346139, 436289, 378954, 395339, 338004, 100453, 329832, 329855, 329867, 329885, 346272, 362660, 100524, 387249, 379066, 387260, 256191, 395466, 346316, 411861, 411864, 411868, 411873, 379107, 411876, 387301, 346343, 338152, 387306, 387312, 346355, 436473, 321786, 379134, 411903, 379152, 395538, 387349, 338199, 387352, 182558, 338211, 248111, 362822, 436555, 190796, 321879, 379233, 354673, 321910, 248186, 420236, 379278, 272786, 354727, 338352, 330189, 338381, 338386, 256472, 338403, 338409, 248308, 199164, 330252, 199186, 330267, 354855, 10828, 199249, 174695, 248425, 191084, 338543, 191092, 346742, 330383, 354974, 150183, 174774, 248504, 174777, 223934, 355024, 273108, 355028, 264918, 183005, 436962, 338660, 338664, 264941, 363251, 207619, 338700, 256786, 199452, 363293, 396066, 346916, 396069, 215853, 355122, 355131, 355140, 355143, 338763, 355150, 330580, 355166, 265055, 355175, 387944, 355179, 330610, 330642, 355218, 412599, 207808, 379848, 396245, 248792, 248798, 347105, 257008, 183282, 265207, 330748, 265214, 330760, 330768, 248862, 396328, 158761, 199728, 330800, 396336, 396339, 339001, 388154, 388161, 347205, 248904, 330826, 248914, 183383, 339036, 412764, 257120, 265320, 248951, 420984, 330889, 248985, 339097, 44197, 380070, 339112, 249014, 126144, 330958, 330965, 388319, 388347, 175375, 159005, 175396, 208166, 273708, 372015, 347441, 372018, 199988, 44342, 175415, 396600, 437566, 175423, 437570, 437575, 437583, 331088, 437587, 331093, 396633, 175450, 437595, 175457, 208227, 175460, 175463, 437620, 175477, 249208, 175483, 175486, 249214, 175489, 249218, 249227, 249234, 175513, 175516, 396705, 175522, 355748, 380332, 396722, 208311, 372163, 216517, 380360, 216522, 339404, 372176, 208337, 339412, 413141, 339417, 249308, 339420, 339424, 339428, 339434, 249328, 69113, 372228, 339461, 208398, 380432, 175635, 339503, 265778, 265795, 396872, 265805, 224853, 224857, 257633, 224870, 372327, 257646, 372337, 224884, 224887, 224890, 224894, 224897, 372353, 216707, 339588, 126596, 421508, 224904, 159374, 11918, 339601, 126610, 224913, 224916, 224919, 126616, 224922, 224926, 224929, 224932, 257704, 224936, 224942, 257712, 224947, 257716, 257720, 257724, 257732, 224969, 339662, 257747, 224981, 224986, 224993, 257761, 224999, 339695, 225012, 257787, 225020, 339710, 257790, 225025, 257794, 339721, 257801, 257804, 225038, 257807, 225043, 167700, 372499, 225048, 257819, 225053, 184094, 225058, 339747, 339749, 257833, 225066, 257836, 413484, 225070, 225073, 372532, 257845, 397112, 225082, 397115, 225087, 225092, 323402, 257868, 225103, 257871, 397139, 225108, 225112, 257883, 257886, 225119, 225127, 257896, 274280, 257901, 225137, 257908, 225141, 257912, 257916, 225148, 257920, 225155, 339844, 225165, 397200, 225170, 380822, 225175, 225180, 118691, 184244, 372664, 372702, 372706, 356335, 380918, 405533, 430129, 266294, 266297, 217157, 421960, 356439, 430180, 421990, 266350, 381068, 225423, 250002, 250004, 225429, 356506, 225437, 135327, 225441, 438433, 225444, 438436, 225447, 438440, 225450, 258222, 225455, 430256, 225458, 225461, 225466, 225470, 381120, 372929, 430274, 225475, 389320, 225484, 225487, 225490, 225493, 266453, 225496, 225499, 225502, 356578, 217318, 225510, 225514, 225518, 372976, 381176, 389380, 61722, 356637, 356640, 356643, 356646, 266536, 356649, 356655, 332080, 340275, 356660, 397622, 332090, 332097, 201028, 348488, 332106, 332117, 250199, 250202, 332125, 250210, 348525, 332152, 250238, 389502, 356740, 332172, 373145, 340379, 389550, 324030, 266687, 340451, 160234, 127471, 340472, 324094, 266754, 324099, 324102, 324111, 340500, 324117, 324131, 332324, 381481, 324139, 356907, 324142, 356916, 324149, 324155, 348733, 324160, 324164, 356934, 348743, 381512, 324170, 324173, 324176, 389723, 332380, 340627, 184982, 373398, 258721, 332453, 332459, 389805, 332463, 381617, 332471, 332483, 332486, 373449, 332493, 357069, 357073, 332511, 332520, 340718, 332533, 348924, 389926, 152370, 340789, 348982, 398139, 127814, 430939, 357211, 357214, 201579, 201582, 349040, 340849, 201588, 430965, 324472, 398201, 340858, 324475, 119674, 340861, 324478, 430972, 324481, 373634, 398211, 324484, 324487, 381833, 324492, 324495, 324498, 430995, 324501, 324510, 422816, 324513, 398245, 201637, 324524, 340909, 324533, 5046, 324538, 324541, 398279, 340939, 340941, 209873, 340957, 431072, 398306, 340963, 209895, 201711, 349172, 349180, 439294, 431106, 209943, 209946, 250914, 357410, 185380, 357418, 209965, 209968, 209971, 209975, 209979, 209987, 209990, 341071, 349267, 250967, 210010, 341091, 210025, 210027, 210030, 210036, 210039, 341113, 210044, 152703, 160895, 349311, 210052, 349319, 210055, 210067, 210071, 210077, 210080, 210084, 251044, 185511, 210088, 210095, 210098, 210107, 210115, 332997, 210127, 333009, 210131, 333014, 210138, 210143, 218354, 251128, 218360, 275706, 275712, 275715, 275721, 333078, 251160, 349484, 349491, 251189, 415033, 251210, 357708, 210260, 365911, 259421, 365921, 333154, 251235, 374117, 333162, 234866, 390516, 333175, 357755, 136590, 112020, 357792, 259515, 415166, 415185, 366034, 366038, 415191, 415193, 415196, 415199, 423392, 333284, 415207, 366056, 366061, 415216, 210420, 415224, 423423, 415257, 415263, 366117, 415270, 144939, 415278, 415281, 415285, 210487, 415290, 415293, 349761, 415300, 333386, 333399, 366172, 333413, 423528, 423532, 210544, 415353, 333439, 415361, 267909, 153227, 333498, 333511, 210631, 259788, 358099, 333534, 366307, 366311, 431851, 366318, 210672, 366321, 366325, 210695, 268041, 210698, 366348, 210706, 399128, 333594, 358191, 210739, 366387, 399159, 358200, 325440, 366401, 341829, 325446, 46920, 341834, 341838, 341843, 415573, 358234, 341851, 399199, 259938, 399206, 268143, 358255, 399215, 358259, 341876, 333689, 243579, 325504, 333698, 333708, 333724, 382890, 350146, 358339, 333774, 358371, 350189, 333818, 268298, 333850, 178218, 350256, 243781, 350285, 374864, 342111, 342133, 374902, 333997, 334011, 260289, 350410, 260298, 350416, 350422, 211160, 350425, 268507, 334045, 350445, 375026, 358644, 350458, 350461, 350464, 325891, 350467, 350475, 375053, 268559, 350480, 432405, 350486, 350490, 325914, 325917, 350493, 350498, 350504, 358700, 350509, 391468, 358704, 358713, 358716, 383306, 334161, 383321, 383330, 383333, 391530, 383341, 334203, 268668, 194941, 391563, 366990, 268701, 416157, 342430, 375208, 326058, 375216, 334262, 334275, 326084, 358856, 195039, 334304, 334311, 375277, 334321, 350723, 186897, 342545, 334358, 342550, 342554, 334363, 358941, 350761, 252461, 334384, 358961, 383536, 334394, 252482, 219718, 334407, 334420, 350822, 375400, 334465, 334468, 162445, 326290, 342679, 342683, 260766, 342710, 244409, 260797, 334528, 260801, 350917, 391894, 154328, 416473, 64230, 342766, 375535, 203506, 342776, 391937, 391948, 326416, 375568, 375571, 162591, 326441, 326451, 326454, 244540, 326460, 375612, 326467, 244551, 326473, 326477, 326485, 416597, 326490, 326502, 375656, 433000, 326507, 326510, 211825, 211831, 392060, 351104, 400259, 342915, 236430, 342930, 252822, 392091, 400285, 252836, 359334, 211884, 400306, 351168, 359361, 359366, 326598, 359382, 359388, 383967, 343015, 359407, 261108, 244726, 261111, 383997, 261129, 359451, 261147, 211998, 261153, 261159, 359470, 359476, 343131, 384098, 384101, 367723, 384107, 187502, 343154, 384114, 212094, 351364, 384135, 384139, 384143, 351381, 384151, 384160, 384168, 367794, 244916, 384181, 367800, 384188, 351423, 384191, 384198, 326855, 244937, 384201, 253130, 343244, 384208, 146642, 384224, 359649, 343270, 351466, 384246, 351479, 384249, 343306, 261389, 359694, 253200, 261393, 384275, 384283, 245020, 384288, 245029, 171302, 351534, 376110, 245040, 384314, 425276, 384323, 212291, 343365, 212303, 367965, 343393, 343398, 367980, 425328, 343409, 154999, 253303, 343417, 327034, 245127, 384397, 245136, 245142, 245145, 343450, 245148, 245151, 245154, 245157, 245162, 327084, 359865, 384443, 146876, 327107, 384453, 327110, 327115, 327117, 359886, 359890, 343507, 368092, 343534, 343539, 368119, 343544, 368122, 409091, 359947, 359983, 343630, 327275, 245357, 138864, 155254, 155273, 368288, 245409, 425638, 155322, 425662, 155327, 245460, 155351, 155354, 212699, 245475, 155363, 245483, 155371, 409335, 155393, 155403, 245525, 155422, 360223, 155438, 155442, 155447, 155461, 360261, 376663, 155482, 261981, 425822, 155487, 376671, 155490, 155491, 327531, 261996, 376685, 261999, 262002, 327539, 425845, 262005, 147317, 262008, 262011, 155516, 155521, 155525, 360326, 262027, 155531, 262030, 262033, 262036, 262039, 262042, 155549, 262045, 262048, 262051, 327589, 155559, 155562, 155565, 393150, 384977, 393169, 155611, 155619, 253923, 155621, 327654, 253926, 393203, 360438, 253943, 393206, 393212, 155646 ]
/UIKit and Animations/WWDC 2013/Custom Transitions Using View Controllers New capabilities, APIs and enhancements/SampleCodes/FaderCustomTransition_1/FaderCustomTransition/AppDelegate.swift
// // AppDelegate.swift // FaderCustomTransition // // Created by Seyed Samad Gholamzadeh on 6/16/18. // Copyright © 2018 Seyed Samad Gholamzadeh. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. } }
[ 229380, 229383, 229385, 278539, 294924, 229388, 278542, 229391, 327695, 278545, 229394, 278548, 229397, 229399, 229402, 352284, 229405, 278556, 278559, 229408, 278564, 294950, 229415, 229417, 327722, 237613, 229422, 360496, 229426, 237618, 229428, 311349, 286774, 286776, 319544, 286778, 204856, 229432, 352318, 286791, 237640, 286797, 278605, 311375, 163920, 237646, 196692, 319573, 311383, 278623, 278626, 319590, 311400, 278635, 303212, 278639, 131192, 278648, 237693, 303230, 327814, 303241, 131209, 417930, 303244, 311436, 319633, 286873, 286876, 311460, 311469, 32944, 327862, 286906, 327866, 180413, 286910, 131264, 286916, 295110, 286922, 286924, 286926, 319694, 286928, 131281, 278743, 278747, 295133, 155872, 319716, 237807, 303345, 286962, 131314, 229622, 327930, 278781, 278783, 278785, 237826, 319751, 278792, 286987, 319757, 311569, 286999, 319770, 287003, 287006, 287009, 287012, 287014, 287016, 287019, 311598, 287023, 262448, 311601, 295220, 287032, 155966, 319809, 319810, 278849, 319814, 311623, 319818, 311628, 229709, 319822, 287054, 278865, 229717, 196963, 196969, 139638, 213367, 106872, 319872, 311683, 319879, 311693, 65943, 319898, 311719, 278952, 139689, 278957, 311728, 278967, 180668, 311741, 278975, 319938, 278980, 98756, 278983, 319945, 278986, 319947, 278990, 278994, 311767, 279003, 279006, 188895, 172512, 287202, 279010, 279015, 172520, 319978, 279020, 172526, 311791, 279023, 172529, 279027, 319989, 172534, 180727, 164343, 279035, 311804, 287230, 279040, 303617, 287234, 279045, 172550, 303623, 172552, 320007, 287238, 279051, 172558, 279055, 303632, 279058, 303637, 279063, 279067, 172572, 279072, 172577, 295459, 172581, 295461, 279082, 311850, 279084, 172591, 172598, 279095, 172607, 172609, 172612, 377413, 172614, 172618, 303690, 33357, 287309, 303696, 279124, 172634, 262752, 254563, 172644, 311911, 189034, 295533, 172655, 172656, 352880, 295538, 189039, 172660, 287349, 189040, 189044, 287355, 287360, 295553, 172675, 295557, 311942, 303751, 287365, 352905, 311946, 279178, 287371, 311951, 287377, 172691, 287381, 311957, 221850, 287386, 230045, 172702, 287390, 303773, 172705, 287394, 172707, 303780, 164509, 287398, 205479, 279208, 287400, 172714, 295595, 279212, 189102, 172721, 287409, 66227, 303797, 189114, 287419, 303804, 328381, 287423, 328384, 172737, 279231, 287427, 312005, 312006, 107208, 172748, 287436, 107212, 172751, 287440, 295633, 172755, 303827, 279255, 172760, 287450, 303835, 279258, 189149, 303838, 213724, 312035, 279267, 295654, 279272, 230128, 312048, 312050, 230131, 189169, 205564, 303871, 230146, 328453, 295685, 230154, 33548, 312077, 295695, 295701, 230169, 369433, 295707, 328476, 295710, 230175, 295720, 303914, 279340, 205613, 279353, 230202, 312124, 328508, 222018, 295755, 377676, 148302, 287569, 303959, 230237, 279390, 230241, 279394, 303976, 336744, 303985, 303987, 328563, 279413, 303991, 303997, 295806, 295808, 295813, 304005, 320391, 304007, 213895, 304009, 304011, 230284, 304013, 295822, 279438, 213902, 189329, 295825, 304019, 189331, 58262, 304023, 304027, 279452, 410526, 279461, 279462, 304042, 213931, 230327, 304055, 287675, 230334, 304063, 238528, 304065, 213954, 189378, 156612, 295873, 213963, 197580, 312272, 304084, 304090, 320481, 304106, 320490, 312302, 328687, 320496, 304114, 295928, 320505, 312321, 295945, 230413, 295949, 197645, 320528, 140312, 295961, 238620, 197663, 304164, 304170, 304175, 238641, 312374, 238652, 238655, 230465, 238658, 336964, 132165, 296004, 205895, 320584, 238666, 296021, 402518, 336987, 230497, 296036, 296040, 361576, 205931, 296044, 279661, 205934, 164973, 312432, 279669, 337018, 189562, 279679, 304258, 279683, 222340, 66690, 205968, 296084, 238745, 304285, 238756, 205991, 222377, 165035, 337067, 238766, 165038, 230576, 238770, 304311, 230592, 312518, 279750, 230600, 230607, 148690, 320727, 279769, 304348, 279777, 304354, 296163, 320740, 279781, 304360, 320748, 279788, 279790, 304370, 296189, 320771, 312585, 296202, 296205, 230674, 320786, 230677, 296213, 296215, 320792, 230681, 230679, 214294, 304416, 230689, 173350, 312622, 296243, 312630, 222522, 296253, 222525, 296255, 312639, 230718, 296259, 378181, 296262, 230727, 238919, 296264, 320840, 296267, 296271, 222545, 230739, 312663, 222556, 337244, 230752, 312676, 230760, 173418, 148843, 410987, 230763, 230768, 296305, 312692, 230773, 304505, 304506, 181626, 279929, 181631, 148865, 312711, 312712, 296331, 288140, 288144, 230800, 304533, 337306, 288154, 288160, 173472, 288162, 288164, 279975, 304555, 370092, 279983, 173488, 288176, 279985, 312755, 296373, 312759, 337335, 288185, 279991, 222652, 312766, 173507, 296389, 222665, 230860, 312783, 288208, 230865, 288210, 370130, 288212, 148946, 222676, 288214, 239064, 329177, 288217, 280027, 288220, 288218, 239070, 288224, 280034, 288226, 280036, 288229, 280038, 288230, 288232, 370146, 288234, 320998, 288236, 288238, 288240, 288242, 296435, 288244, 288250, 296446, 321022, 402942, 148990, 296450, 206336, 230916, 230919, 214535, 230923, 304651, 304653, 370187, 230940, 222752, 108066, 296486, 296488, 157229, 239152, 230961, 157236, 288320, 288325, 124489, 280140, 280145, 288338, 280149, 288344, 280152, 239194, 280158, 403039, 370272, 181854, 239202, 312938, 280183, 280185, 280188, 280191, 116354, 280194, 280208, 280211, 288408, 280218, 280222, 419489, 190118, 321195, 296622, 321200, 337585, 296626, 296634, 296637, 419522, 313027, 280260, 419525, 206536, 280264, 206539, 206541, 206543, 263888, 313044, 280276, 321239, 280283, 313052, 18140, 288478, 313055, 419555, 321252, 313066, 288494, 280302, 280304, 313073, 321266, 419570, 288499, 288502, 280314, 288510, 124671, 67330, 280324, 198405, 288519, 280331, 198416, 280337, 296723, 116503, 321304, 329498, 296731, 321311, 313121, 313123, 304932, 321316, 280363, 141101, 165678, 280375, 321336, 296767, 288576, 345921, 280388, 337732, 304968, 280393, 280402, 173907, 313171, 313176, 42842, 280419, 321381, 296809, 296812, 313201, 1920, 255873, 305028, 280454, 247688, 280464, 124817, 280468, 239510, 280473, 124827, 214940, 247709, 214944, 280487, 313258, 321458, 296883, 124853, 214966, 296890, 10170, 288700, 296894, 190403, 296900, 280515, 337862, 165831, 280521, 231379, 296921, 354265, 354270, 239586, 313320, 354281, 231404, 124913, 165876, 321528, 239612, 313340, 288764, 239617, 313347, 288773, 313358, 305176, 321560, 313371, 354338, 305191, 223273, 313386, 354348, 124978, 215090, 124980, 288824, 288826, 321595, 378941, 313406, 288831, 288836, 67654, 280651, 354382, 288848, 280658, 215123, 354390, 288855, 288859, 280669, 313438, 149599, 280671, 149601, 321634, 149603, 223327, 329830, 280681, 313451, 223341, 280687, 149618, 215154, 313458, 280691, 313464, 329850, 321659, 280702, 288895, 321670, 215175, 141446, 288909, 141455, 141459, 280725, 313498, 100520, 288936, 280747, 288940, 288947, 280755, 321717, 280759, 280764, 280769, 280771, 280774, 280776, 313548, 321740, 280783, 280786, 280788, 313557, 280793, 280796, 280798, 338147, 280804, 280807, 157930, 280811, 280817, 125171, 157940, 280819, 182517, 280823, 280825, 280827, 280830, 280831, 280833, 125187, 280835, 125191, 125207, 125209, 321817, 125218, 321842, 223539, 125239, 280888, 305464, 280891, 289087, 280897, 280900, 305480, 239944, 280906, 239947, 305485, 305489, 379218, 280919, 248153, 354653, 354656, 313700, 313705, 280937, 190832, 280946, 223606, 313720, 280956, 239997, 280959, 313731, 199051, 240011, 289166, 240017, 297363, 190868, 240021, 297365, 297368, 297372, 141725, 297377, 289186, 297391, 289201, 240052, 289207, 289210, 305594, 281024, 289218, 289221, 289227, 281045, 281047, 215526, 166378, 305647, 281075, 174580, 240124, 281084, 305662, 305664, 240129, 305666, 305668, 223749, 240132, 281095, 223752, 150025, 338440, 330244, 223757, 281102, 223763, 223765, 281113, 322074, 281116, 281121, 182819, 281127, 281135, 150066, 158262, 158266, 289342, 281154, 322115, 158283, 281163, 281179, 338528, 338532, 281190, 199273, 281196, 19053, 158317, 313973, 297594, 281210, 158347, 264845, 182926, 133776, 314003, 117398, 314007, 289436, 174754, 330404, 289448, 133801, 174764, 314029, 314033, 240309, 133817, 314045, 314047, 314051, 199364, 297671, 158409, 256716, 289493, 363234, 289513, 289522, 289525, 289532, 322303, 289537, 322310, 264969, 322314, 322318, 281361, 281372, 322341, 215850, 281388, 289593, 281401, 289601, 281410, 281413, 281414, 240458, 281420, 240468, 281430, 322393, 297818, 281435, 281438, 281442, 174955, 224110, 207733, 207737, 158596, 183172, 338823, 322440, 314249, 240519, 183184, 142226, 289687, 240535, 297883, 289694, 289696, 289700, 289712, 281529, 289724, 52163, 183260, 281567, 289762, 322534, 297961, 183277, 281581, 322550, 134142, 322563, 314372, 330764, 175134, 322599, 322610, 314421, 281654, 314427, 314433, 207937, 314441, 207949, 322642, 314456, 281691, 314461, 281702, 281704, 314474, 281708, 281711, 289912, 248995, 306341, 306344, 306347, 322734, 306354, 142531, 199877, 289991, 306377, 289997, 249045, 363742, 363745, 298216, 330988, 126190, 216303, 322801, 388350, 257302, 363802, 199976, 199978, 314671, 298292, 298294, 257334, 216376, 380226, 298306, 224584, 224587, 224594, 216404, 306517, 150870, 314714, 224603, 159068, 314718, 265568, 314723, 281960, 150890, 306539, 314732, 314736, 290161, 216436, 306549, 298358, 314743, 306552, 290171, 314747, 306555, 298365, 290174, 224641, 281987, 298372, 314756, 281990, 224647, 265604, 298377, 314763, 142733, 298381, 314768, 224657, 306581, 314773, 314779, 314785, 314793, 282025, 282027, 241068, 241070, 241072, 282034, 241077, 150966, 298424, 306618, 282044, 323015, 306635, 306640, 290263, 290270, 290275, 339431, 282089, 191985, 282098, 290291, 282101, 241142, 191992, 290298, 151036, 290302, 282111, 290305, 175621, 306694, 192008, 323084, 257550, 282127, 290321, 282130, 323090, 290325, 282133, 241175, 290328, 282137, 290332, 241181, 282142, 282144, 290344, 306731, 290349, 290351, 290356, 28219, 282186, 224849, 282195, 282199, 282201, 306778, 159324, 159330, 314979, 298598, 323176, 224875, 241260, 323181, 257658, 315016, 282249, 290445, 324757, 282261, 175770, 298651, 282269, 323229, 298655, 323231, 61092, 282277, 306856, 196133, 282295, 323260, 282300, 323266, 282310, 323273, 282319, 306897, 241362, 306904, 282328, 298714, 52959, 216801, 282337, 241380, 216806, 323304, 282345, 12011, 282356, 323318, 282364, 282367, 306945, 241412, 323333, 282376, 216842, 323345, 282388, 323349, 282392, 184090, 315167, 315169, 282402, 315174, 323367, 241448, 315176, 241450, 282410, 306988, 306991, 315184, 323376, 315190, 241464, 159545, 282425, 298811, 118593, 307009, 413506, 307012, 241475, 298822, 315211, 282446, 307027, 315221, 323414, 315223, 241496, 241498, 307035, 307040, 110433, 282465, 241509, 110438, 298860, 110445, 282478, 315249, 110450, 315251, 282481, 315253, 315255, 339838, 315267, 282499, 315269, 241544, 282505, 241546, 241548, 298896, 298898, 282514, 241556, 298901, 44948, 241560, 282520, 241563, 241565, 241567, 241569, 282531, 241574, 282537, 298922, 36779, 241581, 282542, 241583, 323504, 241586, 282547, 241588, 290739, 241590, 241592, 241598, 290751, 241600, 241605, 151495, 241610, 298975, 241632, 298984, 241640, 241643, 298988, 241646, 241649, 241652, 323574, 290807, 299003, 241661, 299006, 282623, 315396, 241669, 315397, 282632, 307211, 282639, 290835, 282645, 241693, 282654, 241701, 102438, 217127, 282669, 323630, 282681, 290877, 282687, 159811, 315463, 315466, 192589, 307278, 192596, 176213, 307287, 307290, 217179, 315482, 192605, 315483, 233567, 299105, 200801, 217188, 299109, 307303, 315495, 356457, 45163, 307307, 315502, 192624, 307314, 323700, 299126, 233591, 299136, 307329, 307338, 233613, 241813, 307352, 299164, 241821, 299167, 315552, 184479, 184481, 315557, 184486, 307370, 307372, 184492, 307374, 307376, 299185, 323763, 184503, 176311, 299191, 307386, 258235, 307388, 307385, 307390, 176316, 299200, 184512, 307394, 299204, 307396, 184518, 307399, 323784, 233679, 307409, 307411, 176343, 299225, 233701, 307432, 184572, 282881, 184579, 282893, 291089, 282906, 291104, 233766, 295583, 176435, 307508, 315701, 332086, 307510, 307512, 168245, 307515, 307518, 282942, 282947, 323917, 110926, 282957, 233808, 323921, 315733, 323926, 233815, 276052, 315739, 323932, 299357, 242018, 242024, 299373, 315757, 250231, 242043, 315771, 299388, 299391, 291202, 299398, 242057, 291212, 299405, 291222, 315801, 283033, 242075, 291226, 194654, 61855, 291231, 283042, 291238, 291241, 127403, 127405, 291247, 299440, 127407, 299444, 127413, 283062, 291254, 127417, 291260, 283069, 127421, 127424, 299457, 127429, 127431, 127434, 315856, 176592, 127440, 315860, 176597, 283095, 127447, 299481, 127449, 176605, 242143, 127455, 127457, 291299, 340454, 127463, 242152, 291305, 127466, 176620, 127469, 127474, 291314, 291317, 127480, 135672, 291323, 233979, 127485, 291330, 127490, 283142, 127494, 135689, 233994, 127497, 127500, 291341, 233998, 127506, 234003, 127509, 234006, 127511, 152087, 283161, 242202, 234010, 135707, 135710, 242206, 242208, 291361, 242220, 291378, 152118, 234038, 234041, 315961, 70213, 242250, 111193, 242275, 299620, 242279, 168562, 184952, 135805, 135808, 291456, 373383, 299655, 135820, 316051, 225941, 316054, 299672, 135834, 373404, 299677, 225948, 135839, 299680, 225954, 299684, 135844, 242343, 209576, 242345, 373421, 135870, 135873, 135876, 135879, 299720, 299723, 299726, 225998, 226002, 119509, 226005, 226008, 299740, 242396, 201444, 299750, 283368, 234219, 283372, 226037, 283382, 316151, 234231, 234236, 226045, 242431, 234239, 209665, 234242, 299778, 242436, 226053, 234246, 226056, 234248, 291593, 242443, 234252, 242445, 234254, 291601, 234258, 242450, 242452, 234261, 348950, 201496, 234264, 234266, 234269, 283421, 234272, 234274, 152355, 299814, 234278, 283432, 234281, 234284, 234287, 283440, 185138, 242483, 234292, 234296, 234298, 160572, 283452, 234302, 234307, 242499, 234309, 316233, 234313, 316235, 234316, 283468, 234319, 242511, 234321, 234324, 185173, 201557, 234329, 234333, 308063, 234336, 242530, 349027, 234338, 234341, 234344, 234347, 177004, 234350, 324464, 234353, 152435, 177011, 234356, 234358, 234362, 226171, 234364, 291711, 234368, 291714, 234370, 291716, 234373, 316294, 201603, 226182, 308105, 234375, 226185, 234379, 324490, 234384, 234388, 234390, 324504, 234393, 209818, 308123, 324508, 226200, 291742, 234396, 234398, 234401, 291747, 291748, 234405, 291750, 234407, 324520, 324518, 324522, 234410, 291756, 291754, 226220, 324527, 291760, 234417, 201650, 324531, 234414, 234422, 226230, 324536, 275384, 234428, 291773, 242623, 324544, 234431, 234434, 324546, 324548, 234437, 226245, 234439, 226239, 234443, 291788, 234446, 275406, 193486, 234449, 316370, 193488, 234452, 234455, 234459, 234461, 234464, 234467, 234470, 168935, 5096, 324585, 234475, 234478, 316400, 234481, 316403, 234484, 234485, 234487, 324599, 234490, 234493, 316416, 234496, 234501, 275462, 308231, 234504, 234507, 234510, 234515, 300054, 316439, 234520, 234519, 234523, 234526, 234528, 300066, 234532, 300069, 234535, 234537, 234540, 144430, 234543, 234546, 275508, 300085, 234549, 300088, 234553, 234556, 234558, 316479, 234561, 316483, 160835, 234563, 308291, 234568, 234570, 316491, 234572, 300108, 234574, 300115, 234580, 234581, 242777, 234585, 275545, 234590, 234593, 234595, 234597, 300133, 234601, 300139, 234605, 160879, 234607, 275569, 234610, 316530, 300148, 234614, 398455, 144506, 234618, 234620, 275579, 234623, 226433, 234627, 275588, 234629, 242822, 234634, 234636, 177293, 234640, 275602, 234643, 308373, 226453, 234647, 275606, 275608, 234650, 308379, 234648, 300189, 324766, 119967, 234653, 324768, 283805, 234657, 242852, 300197, 234661, 283813, 234664, 177318, 275626, 234667, 316596, 308414, 234687, 300223, 300226, 308418, 234692, 300229, 308420, 308422, 283844, 226500, 300234, 283850, 300238, 300241, 316625, 300243, 300245, 316630, 300248, 300253, 300256, 300258, 300260, 234726, 300263, 300265, 300267, 161003, 300270, 300272, 120053, 300278, 275703, 316663, 300284, 275710, 300287, 292097, 300289, 161027, 300292, 300294, 275719, 234760, 177419, 300299, 242957, 300301, 283917, 177424, 275725, 349451, 349464, 415009, 283939, 259367, 292143, 283951, 300344, 226617, 243003, 283963, 226628, 300357, 283973, 177482, 283983, 316758, 357722, 316766, 316768, 292192, 218464, 292197, 316774, 243046, 218473, 284010, 136562, 324978, 275834, 333178, 275836, 275840, 316803, 316806, 226696, 316811, 226699, 316814, 226703, 300433, 234899, 300436, 226709, 357783, 316824, 316826, 144796, 300448, 144807, 144810, 144812, 284076, 144814, 227426, 144820, 374196, 284084, 292279, 284087, 144826, 144828, 144830, 144832, 144835, 144837, 38342, 144839, 144841, 144844, 144847, 144852, 144855, 103899, 300507, 333280, 226787, 218597, 292329, 300523, 259565, 300527, 308720, 259567, 292338, 226802, 316917, 292343, 308727, 300537, 316933, 316947, 308757, 308762, 284191, 316959, 284194, 284196, 235045, 284199, 284204, 284206, 284209, 284211, 194101, 284213, 316983, 194103, 284215, 308790, 284218, 226877, 292414, 284223, 284226, 284228, 292421, 226886, 284231, 128584, 243268, 284234, 366155, 317004, 276043, 284238, 226895, 284241, 194130, 284243, 300628, 284245, 292433, 284247, 317015, 235097, 243290, 276053, 284249, 284251, 300638, 284253, 284255, 243293, 284258, 292452, 292454, 284263, 177766, 284265, 292458, 284267, 292461, 284272, 284274, 284278, 292470, 276086, 292473, 284283, 276093, 284286, 292479, 284288, 292481, 284290, 325250, 284292, 292485, 325251, 276095, 276098, 284297, 317066, 284299, 317068, 284301, 276109, 284303, 284306, 276114, 284308, 284312, 284314, 284316, 276127, 284320, 284322, 284327, 284329, 317098, 284331, 276137, 284333, 284335, 276144, 284337, 284339, 300726, 284343, 284346, 284350, 358080, 276160, 284354, 358083, 284358, 276166, 358089, 284362, 276170, 284365, 276175, 284368, 276177, 284370, 358098, 284372, 317138, 284377, 276187, 284379, 284381, 284384, 358114, 284386, 358116, 276197, 317158, 358119, 284392, 325353, 358122, 284394, 284397, 358126, 284399, 358128, 276206, 358133, 358135, 276216, 358138, 300795, 358140, 284413, 358142, 358146, 317187, 284418, 317189, 317191, 284428, 300816, 300819, 317207, 284440, 300828, 300830, 276255, 300832, 325408, 300834, 317221, 227109, 358183, 186151, 276268, 300845, 243504, 300850, 284469, 276280, 325436, 358206, 276291, 366406, 276295, 300872, 292681, 153417, 358224, 284499, 276308, 284502, 317271, 178006, 276315, 292700, 317279, 284511, 227175, 292715, 300912, 292721, 284529, 300915, 284533, 292729, 317306, 284540, 292734, 325512, 169868, 276365, 317332, 358292, 284564, 284566, 399252, 350106, 284572, 276386, 284579, 276388, 358312, 317353, 284585, 276395, 292776, 292784, 276402, 358326, 161718, 358330, 276410, 276411, 276418, 276425, 301009, 301011, 301013, 292823, 358360, 301017, 301015, 292828, 276446, 153568, 276448, 276452, 292839, 276455, 292843, 276460, 292845, 276464, 178161, 227314, 276466, 325624, 276472, 317435, 276476, 276479, 276482, 276485, 317446, 276490, 350218, 292876, 350222, 317456, 276496, 317458, 178195, 243733, 243740, 317468, 317472, 325666, 243751, 292904, 276528, 243762, 309298, 325685, 325689, 235579, 325692, 235581, 178238, 276539, 276544, 284739, 325700, 243779, 292934, 243785, 276553, 350293, 350295, 309337, 194649, 227418, 350299, 350302, 227423, 350304, 178273, 309346, 194657, 194660, 350308, 309350, 309348, 292968, 309352, 309354, 301163, 350313, 350316, 227430, 301167, 276583, 350321, 276590, 284786, 276595, 350325, 252022, 227440, 350328, 292985, 301178, 350332, 292989, 301185, 292993, 350339, 317570, 317573, 350342, 350345, 350349, 301199, 317584, 325777, 350354, 350357, 350359, 350362, 350366, 276638, 284837, 153765, 350375, 350379, 350381, 350383, 129200, 350385, 350387, 350389, 350395, 350397, 350399, 227520, 350402, 227522, 301252, 350406, 227529, 301258, 309450, 276685, 309455, 276689, 309462, 301272, 276699, 194780, 309468, 309471, 301283, 317672, 317674, 325867, 243948, 194801, 227571, 309491, 309494, 243960, 276735, 227583, 227587, 276739, 211204, 276742, 227593, 227596, 325910, 309530, 342298, 211232, 317729, 276775, 211241, 325937, 325943, 211260, 260421, 276809, 285002, 276811, 235853, 276816, 235858, 276829, 276833, 391523, 276836, 293227, 276843, 293232, 276848, 186744, 211324, 227709, 285061, 366983, 317833, 178572, 285070, 285077, 178583, 227738, 317853, 276896, 317858, 342434, 285093, 317864, 285098, 276907, 235955, 276917, 293304, 293307, 293314, 309707, 293325, 317910, 293336, 235996, 317917, 293343, 358880, 276961, 227810, 293346, 276964, 293352, 236013, 293364, 301562, 293370, 317951, 309764, 301575, 121352, 293387, 236043, 342541, 317963, 113167, 55822, 309779, 317971, 309781, 277011, 55837, 227877, 227879, 293417, 227882, 309804, 293421, 105007, 236082, 285236, 23094, 277054, 244288, 129603, 301636, 318020, 301639, 301643, 277071, 285265, 399955, 309844, 277080, 309849, 285277, 285282, 326244, 318055, 277100, 309871, 121458, 277106, 170618, 170619, 309885, 309888, 277122, 227975, 277128, 285320, 301706, 318092, 326285, 334476, 318094, 277136, 277139, 227992, 334488, 318108, 285340, 318110, 227998, 137889, 383658, 285357, 318128, 277170, 293555, 318132, 342707, 154292, 277173, 285368, 277177, 277181, 318144, 277187, 277191, 277194, 277196, 277201, 342745, 137946, 342747, 342749, 113378, 203491, 228069, 277223, 342760, 285417, 56041, 56043, 277232, 228081, 56059, 310015, 285441, 310020, 285448, 310029, 228113, 285459, 277273, 293659, 326430, 228128, 285474, 293666, 228135, 318248, 277291, 318253, 293677, 285489, 301876, 293685, 285494, 301880, 285499, 301884, 310080, 293696, 277317, 277322, 277329, 162643, 310100, 301911, 301913, 277337, 301921, 400236, 236397, 162671, 326514, 310134, 236408, 15224, 277368, 416639, 416640, 113538, 310147, 416648, 39817, 187274, 277385, 301972, 424853, 277405, 277411, 310179, 293798, 293802, 236460, 277426, 276579, 293811, 293817, 293820, 203715, 326603, 342994, 276586, 293849, 293861, 228327, 228328, 318442, 228330, 228332, 326638, 277486, 351217, 318450, 293876, 293877, 285686, 302073, 121850, 293882, 302075, 285690, 244731, 293887, 277504, 277507, 277511, 293899, 277519, 293908, 302105, 293917, 293939, 318516, 277561, 277564, 310336, 7232, 293956, 277573, 228422, 293960, 310344, 277577, 277583, 203857, 293971, 310355, 310359, 236632, 277594, 138332, 277598, 203872, 277601, 285792, 310374, 203879, 310376, 228460, 318573, 203886, 187509, 285815, 367737, 285817, 302205, 285821, 392326, 285831, 253064, 294026, 302218, 285835, 162964, 384148, 187542, 302231, 285849, 302233, 285852, 302237, 285854, 285856, 302241, 285862, 277671, 302248, 64682, 277678, 294063, 294065, 302258, 277687, 294072, 318651, 294076, 277695, 318657, 244930, 302275, 130244, 302277, 228550, 302282, 310476, 302285, 302288, 310481, 302290, 203987, 302292, 302294, 310486, 302296, 384222, 310498, 285927, 318698, 302315, 195822, 228592, 294132, 138485, 228601, 204026, 228606, 204031, 64768, 310531, 285958, 138505, 228617, 318742, 204067, 277798, 130345, 277801, 113964, 285997, 277804, 285999, 277807, 113969, 277811, 318773, 318776, 277816, 286010, 277819, 294204, 417086, 277822, 286016, 302403, 294211, 384328, 277832, 277836, 294221, 294223, 326991, 277839, 277842, 277847, 277850, 179547, 277853, 146784, 277857, 302436, 277860, 294246, 327015, 310632, 327017, 351594, 277864, 277869, 277872, 351607, 310648, 277880, 310651, 277884, 277888, 310657, 351619, 294276, 310659, 327046, 277892, 253320, 310665, 318858, 277894, 277898, 277903, 310672, 351633, 277905, 277908, 277917, 310689, 277921, 130468, 228776, 277928, 277932, 310703, 277937, 310710, 130486, 310712, 277944, 310715, 277947, 302526, 228799, 277950, 277953, 302534, 310727, 245191, 64966, 163272, 277959, 277963, 302541, 277966, 302543, 310737, 277971, 228825, 163290, 277978, 310749, 277981, 277984, 310755, 277989, 277991, 187880, 277995, 310764, 286188, 278000, 228851, 310772, 278003, 278006, 40440, 212472, 278009, 40443, 286203, 310780, 40448, 228864, 286214, 228871, 302603, 65038, 302614, 302617, 286233, 302621, 286240, 146977, 187939, 40484, 294435, 40486, 286246, 294440, 40488, 294439, 294443, 40491, 294445, 278057, 310831, 245288, 286248, 40499, 40502, 212538, 40507, 40511, 40513, 228933, 327240, 40521, 286283, 40525, 40527, 212560, 400976, 228944, 40533, 147032, 40537, 40539, 40541, 278109, 40544, 40548, 40550, 40552, 286312, 40554, 286313, 310892, 40557, 40560, 188022, 122488, 294521, 343679, 294537, 310925, 286354, 278163, 302740, 122517, 278168, 179870, 327333, 229030, 212648, 278188, 302764, 278192, 319153, 278196, 302781, 319171, 302789, 294599, 278216, 294601, 302793, 343757, 212690, 319187, 286420, 278227, 229076, 286425, 319194, 278235, 278238, 229086, 286432, 294625, 294634, 302838, 319226, 286460, 278274, 302852, 278277, 302854, 294664, 311048, 352008, 319243, 311053, 302862, 319251, 294682, 278306, 188199, 294701, 319280, 278320, 319290, 229192, 302925, 188247, 280021, 188252, 237409, 229233, 294776, 360317, 294785, 327554, 360322, 40840, 40851, 294803, 188312, 294811, 237470, 319390, 40865, 319394, 294817, 294821, 311209, 180142, 343983, 294831, 188340, 40886, 319419, 294844, 294847, 237508, 393177, 294876, 294879, 294883, 393190, 294890, 311279, 278513, 237555, 311283, 278516, 278519, 237562 ]
// // SecondViewController.swift // CustomTabMenu // // Created by 윤예지 on 2021/06/15. // import UIKit class SecondViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.backgroundColor = .brown } }
[ -1 ]
// // SpinnerViewController.swift // Pouch // // Created by somsak on 1/6/2564 BE. // import UIKit protocol SpinnerViewControllerViewControllerDelegate { func spinnerSelected(data: String) } class SpinnerViewController: UIViewController { var spinnerType: SpinnerType = .type var spinnerData: [String] = [] var transactionType = "" var delegate: SpinnerViewControllerViewControllerDelegate! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. // setupPicker() } static func createSpinner() -> SpinnerViewController { let spinner: SpinnerViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Spinner", bundle: nil) .instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SpinnerViewController") as! SpinnerViewController return spinner } @IBAction func selectTypeTouch(_ sender: Any) { self.dismiss(animated: true) { self.delegate.spinnerSelected(data: self.transactionType) } } } //MARK: Extension datasource and delegate. extension SpinnerViewController: UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource { func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int { return 1 } func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int { return self.spinnerData.count } func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? { self.transactionType = self.spinnerData[row] return self.spinnerData[row] } }
[ -1 ]
// // ChallengesOverviewViewController.swift // StudyPad // // Created by Roman Levinzon on 03/02/2019. // Copyright (c) 2019 Roman Levinzon. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import SnapKit class ChallengesOverviewViewController: UIViewController { // MARK: - Outlets @IBOutlet weak var basicTestButton: UIButton! { didSet { basicTestButton.setTitle("Basic Self check", for: .normal) basicTestButton.layer.cornerRadius = 8 basicTestButton.titleEdgeInsets.left = 24 basicTestButton.imageEdgeInsets.left = 16 basicTestButton.snp.makeConstraints { make in make.height.equalTo(50) } } } @IBOutlet weak var writtenTestButton: UIButton! { didSet { writtenTestButton.isEnabled = false writtenTestButton.setTitle("Written test", for: .normal) writtenTestButton.layer.cornerRadius = 8 writtenTestButton.titleEdgeInsets.left = 24 writtenTestButton.imageEdgeInsets.left = 16 writtenTestButton.snp.makeConstraints { make in make.height.equalTo(50) } } } @IBOutlet weak var overviewTitleLabel: UILabel! { didSet { overviewTitleLabel.text = "Choose your challenge to continue" } } // MARK: - Properties private var presenter: ChallengesOverviewPresenterInput! // MARK: - Init class func instantiate(with presenter: ChallengesOverviewPresenterInput) -> ChallengesOverviewViewController { let name = "\(ChallengesOverviewViewController.self)" let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: name, bundle: nil) // swiftlint:disable:next force_cast let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: name) as! ChallengesOverviewViewController vc.presenter = presenter return vc } // MARK: - View Lifecycle - override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() presenter.viewCreated() } // MARK: - Callbacks - @IBAction func onChallengeSelected(_ sender: Any) { presenter.handle(.typeSelected(type: .memorize)) } } // MARK: - Display Logic - // PRESENTER -> VIEW extension ChallengesOverviewViewController: ChallengesOverviewPresenterOutput { }
[ -1 ]
// // ContentView.swift // FourCorners // // Created by Anaru Herbert on 27/11/19. // Copyright © 2019 Anaru Herbert. All rights reserved. // import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello, World!") } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
[ 33292, 24462, 343054, 192656, 326415, 260372, 337812, 347284, 374935, 267800, 356504, 370198, 386582, 369946, 398870, 341916, 66845, 376736, 357409, 264739, 176806, 254374, 412588, 223152, 353585, 307506, 342451, 375348, 337594, 325307, 343100, 375227, 377406, 208320, 147012, 362436, 333510, 356551, 368710, 323401, 333514, 373194, 208332, 393669, 357838, 208339, 356437, 327382, 208343, 194525, 260702, 377438, 385889, 355043, 357220, 264933, 352360, 359786, 168045, 207725, 361325, 276339, 377982 ]
// // AppDelegate.swift // PersonListExam // // Created by JLCS on 09/07/2018. // Copyright © 2018 JLCS. All rights reserved. // import UIKit @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state. // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game. } func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later. // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits. } func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background. } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) { // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface. } func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) { // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:. } }
[ 229380, 229383, 229385, 278539, 294924, 229388, 278542, 327695, 229391, 278545, 229394, 278548, 229397, 229399, 229402, 352284, 278556, 229405, 278559, 229408, 294950, 229415, 229417, 327722, 237613, 229422, 360496, 229426, 237618, 229428, 311349, 286774, 286776, 319544, 286778, 204856, 229432, 286791, 237640, 286797, 278605, 311375, 163920, 237646, 196692, 319573, 311383, 278623, 278626, 319590, 311400, 278635, 303212, 278639, 131192, 278648, 237693, 303230, 327814, 303241, 131209, 417930, 303244, 311436, 319633, 286873, 286876, 311460, 311469, 32944, 327862, 286906, 327866, 180413, 286910, 131264, 286916, 286922, 286924, 286926, 319694, 286928, 131281, 278743, 278747, 295133, 155872, 319716, 237807, 303345, 286962, 303347, 131314, 229622, 327930, 278781, 278783, 278785, 237826, 319751, 278792, 286987, 319757, 311569, 286999, 319770, 287003, 287006, 287009, 287012, 287014, 287016, 287019, 311598, 287023, 262448, 311601, 295220, 287032, 155966, 319809, 319810, 278849, 319814, 311623, 319818, 311628, 229709, 319822, 287054, 278865, 229717, 196963, 196969, 139638, 213367, 106872, 319872, 311683, 319879, 311693, 65943, 319898, 311719, 278952, 139689, 278957, 311728, 278967, 180668, 311741, 278975, 319938, 278980, 98756, 278983, 319945, 278986, 319947, 278990, 278994, 311767, 279003, 279006, 188895, 172512, 287202, 279010, 279015, 172520, 319978, 279020, 172526, 311791, 279023, 172529, 279027, 319989, 172534, 180727, 164343, 279035, 311804, 287230, 279040, 303617, 287234, 279045, 172550, 303623, 172552, 320007, 287238, 279051, 172558, 279055, 303632, 279058, 303637, 279063, 279067, 172572, 279072, 172577, 295459, 172581, 295461, 279082, 311850, 279084, 172591, 172598, 279095, 172607, 172609, 172612, 377413, 172614, 213575, 172618, 303690, 33357, 287309, 303696, 279124, 172634, 262752, 172644, 311911, 189034, 295533, 172655, 172656, 352880, 295538, 189040, 172660, 287349, 189044, 189039, 287355, 287360, 295553, 172675, 295557, 311942, 303751, 287365, 352905, 311946, 287371, 279178, 311951, 287377, 172691, 287381, 311957, 221850, 287386, 230045, 172702, 287390, 303773, 172705, 287394, 172707, 303780, 164509, 287398, 205479, 287400, 279208, 172714, 295595, 279212, 189102, 172721, 287409, 66227, 303797, 189114, 287419, 303804, 328381, 287423, 328384, 172737, 279231, 287427, 312005, 312006, 107208, 172748, 287436, 107212, 172751, 287440, 295633, 172755, 303827, 279255, 172760, 287450, 303835, 279258, 189149, 303838, 213724, 312035, 279267, 295654, 279272, 230128, 312048, 312050, 230131, 205564, 303871, 230146, 328453, 295685, 230154, 33548, 312077, 295695, 295701, 230169, 369433, 295707, 328476, 295710, 230175, 295720, 303914, 279340, 205613, 279353, 230202, 312124, 328508, 222018, 295755, 377676, 148302, 287569, 303959, 230237, 279390, 230241, 279394, 303976, 336744, 303981, 303985, 303987, 328563, 279413, 303991, 303997, 295806, 295808, 295813, 304005, 320391, 304007, 213895, 304009, 304011, 230284, 304013, 295822, 213902, 279438, 189329, 295825, 304019, 189331, 58262, 304023, 304027, 279452, 410526, 279461, 279462, 304042, 213931, 230327, 304055, 287675, 197564, 230334, 304063, 238528, 304065, 213954, 189378, 156612, 295873, 213963, 197580, 312272, 304084, 304090, 320481, 304106, 320490, 312302, 328687, 320496, 304114, 295928, 320505, 312321, 295945, 230413, 197645, 295949, 320528, 140312, 295961, 238620, 197663, 304164, 304170, 304175, 238641, 312374, 238652, 238655, 230465, 238658, 336964, 132165, 296004, 205895, 320584, 238666, 296021, 402518, 336987, 230497, 296036, 296040, 361576, 205931, 296044, 164973, 205934, 279661, 312432, 279669, 337018, 189562, 279679, 304258, 279683, 222340, 205968, 296084, 238745, 304285, 238756, 205991, 222377, 165035, 337067, 238766, 165038, 230576, 238770, 304311, 230592, 312518, 279750, 230600, 230607, 148690, 320727, 279769, 304348, 279777, 304354, 296163, 320740, 279781, 304360, 320748, 279788, 279790, 304370, 296189, 320771, 312585, 296202, 296205, 230674, 320786, 230677, 296213, 296215, 320792, 230681, 230679, 214294, 304416, 230689, 173350, 312622, 296243, 312630, 222522, 296253, 222525, 296255, 312639, 230718, 296259, 378181, 296262, 230727, 238919, 296264, 320840, 296267, 296271, 222545, 230739, 312663, 222556, 337244, 230752, 312676, 230760, 173418, 148843, 410987, 230763, 230768, 296305, 312692, 230773, 304505, 304506, 181626, 279929, 181631, 148865, 312711, 312712, 296331, 288140, 288144, 230800, 304533, 288154, 337306, 288160, 173472, 288162, 288164, 279975, 304555, 370092, 279983, 173488, 288176, 279985, 312755, 296373, 312759, 337335, 288185, 279991, 222652, 312766, 173507, 296389, 222665, 230860, 312783, 288208, 230865, 148946, 370130, 222676, 288210, 288212, 288214, 239064, 329177, 288217, 288218, 280027, 288220, 239070, 288224, 370146, 280034, 288226, 288229, 280036, 280038, 288230, 288232, 288234, 320998, 288236, 288238, 288240, 288242, 296435, 288244, 288250, 296446, 321022, 402942, 148990, 296450, 206336, 230916, 230919, 214535, 230923, 304651, 304653, 370187, 230940, 222752, 108066, 296486, 296488, 157229, 230961, 157236, 288320, 288325, 124489, 280140, 280145, 288338, 280149, 288344, 280152, 239194, 280158, 403039, 370272, 181854, 239202, 312938, 280183, 280185, 280188, 280191, 116354, 280194, 280208, 280211, 288408, 280218, 280222, 190118, 198310, 321195, 296622, 321200, 337585, 296626, 296634, 296637, 313027, 280260, 206536, 280264, 206539, 206541, 206543, 313044, 280276, 321239, 280283, 313052, 18140, 288478, 313055, 321252, 313066, 288494, 280302, 280304, 313073, 321266, 419570, 288499, 288502, 280314, 288510, 124671, 67330, 280324, 198405, 280331, 198416, 280337, 296723, 116503, 321304, 329498, 296731, 321311, 313121, 313123, 304932, 321316, 280363, 141101, 165678, 280375, 321336, 296767, 288576, 345921, 280388, 304968, 280393, 280402, 173907, 313171, 313176, 42842, 280419, 321381, 296809, 296812, 313201, 1920, 255873, 305028, 280454, 247688, 280464, 124817, 280468, 239510, 280473, 124827, 214940, 247709, 214944, 280487, 313258, 321458, 296883, 124853, 214966, 296890, 10170, 288700, 296894, 190403, 296900, 280515, 337862, 165831, 280521, 231379, 296921, 239586, 313320, 231404, 124913, 165876, 321528, 239612, 313340, 288764, 239617, 313347, 288773, 313358, 305176, 313371, 354338, 305191, 223273, 313386, 354348, 124978, 215090, 124980, 288824, 288826, 321595, 378941, 313406, 288831, 288836, 67654, 280651, 354382, 288848, 280658, 215123, 354390, 288855, 288859, 280669, 313438, 149599, 280671, 149601, 321634, 149603, 223327, 329830, 280681, 313451, 223341, 280687, 149618, 215154, 313458, 280691, 313464, 329850, 321659, 280702, 288895, 321670, 215175, 141446, 288909, 141455, 275606, 141459, 280725, 313498, 100520, 288936, 280747, 288940, 288947, 280755, 321717, 280759, 280764, 280769, 280771, 280774, 280776, 313548, 321740, 280783, 280786, 280788, 313557, 280793, 280796, 280798, 338147, 280804, 280807, 157930, 280811, 280817, 125171, 280819, 157940, 182517, 280823, 280825, 280827, 280830, 280831, 280833, 125187, 280835, 125191, 125207, 125209, 321817, 125218, 321842, 223539, 125239, 280888, 280891, 289087, 280897, 280900, 305480, 239944, 280906, 239947, 305485, 305489, 379218, 280919, 354653, 354656, 313700, 313705, 280937, 190832, 280946, 223606, 313720, 280956, 239997, 280959, 313731, 199051, 240011, 289166, 240017, 297363, 190868, 240021, 297365, 297368, 297372, 141725, 297377, 289186, 297391, 289201, 240052, 289207, 289210, 305594, 281024, 289218, 289221, 289227, 281045, 281047, 166378, 305647, 281075, 174580, 240124, 281084, 305662, 305664, 240129, 305666, 305668, 223749, 240132, 281095, 223752, 150025, 338440, 223757, 281102, 223763, 223765, 281113, 322074, 281116, 281121, 182819, 281127, 281135, 150066, 158262, 158266, 289342, 281154, 322115, 158283, 281163, 281179, 338528, 338532, 281190, 199273, 281196, 19053, 158317, 313973, 297594, 281210, 158347, 133776, 314003, 117398, 314007, 289436, 174754, 330404, 289448, 133801, 174764, 314029, 314033, 240309, 133817, 314045, 314047, 314051, 199364, 297671, 158409, 289493, 363234, 289513, 289522, 289525, 289532, 322303, 289537, 322310, 264969, 322314, 322318, 281361, 281372, 322341, 215850, 281388, 289593, 281401, 289601, 281410, 281413, 281414, 240458, 281420, 240468, 281430, 322393, 297818, 281435, 281438, 281442, 174955, 224110, 207733, 207737, 158596, 183172, 338823, 322440, 314249, 240519, 183184, 289687, 240535, 297883, 289694, 289696, 289700, 289712, 281529, 289724, 52163, 183260, 281567, 289762, 322534, 297961, 183277, 322550, 134142, 322563, 314372, 175134, 322599, 322610, 314421, 281654, 314427, 314433, 207937, 314441, 207949, 322642, 314456, 281691, 314461, 281702, 281704, 314474, 281708, 281711, 289912, 248995, 306341, 306344, 306347, 322734, 306354, 142531, 199877, 289991, 306377, 289997, 249045, 363742, 363745, 298216, 330988, 126190, 216303, 322801, 388350, 257302, 363802, 199976, 199978, 314671, 298292, 298294, 257334, 216376, 380226, 298306, 224584, 224587, 224594, 216404, 306517, 150870, 314714, 224603, 159068, 314718, 265568, 314723, 281960, 150890, 306539, 314732, 314736, 290161, 216436, 306549, 298358, 314743, 306552, 290171, 314747, 306555, 298365, 290174, 224641, 281987, 298372, 314756, 281990, 224647, 265604, 298377, 314763, 142733, 298381, 314768, 224657, 306581, 314773, 314779, 314785, 314793, 282025, 282027, 241068, 241070, 241072, 282034, 241077, 150966, 298424, 306618, 282044, 323015, 306635, 306640, 290263, 290270, 290275, 339431, 282089, 191985, 282098, 290291, 282101, 241142, 191992, 290298, 151036, 290302, 282111, 290305, 175621, 306694, 192008, 323084, 257550, 282127, 290321, 282130, 323090, 290325, 282133, 241175, 290328, 282137, 290332, 241181, 282142, 282144, 290344, 306731, 290349, 290351, 290356, 28219, 282186, 224849, 282195, 282199, 282201, 306778, 159324, 159330, 314979, 298598, 323176, 224875, 241260, 323181, 257658, 315016, 282249, 290445, 282261, 298651, 282269, 323229, 298655, 323231, 61092, 282277, 306856, 282295, 323260, 282300, 323266, 282310, 323273, 282319, 306897, 241362, 306904, 282328, 298714, 52959, 216801, 282337, 241380, 216806, 323304, 282345, 12011, 282356, 323318, 282364, 282367, 306945, 323330, 241412, 323333, 282376, 216842, 323345, 282388, 323349, 282392, 184090, 315167, 315169, 282402, 315174, 323367, 241448, 315176, 241450, 282410, 306988, 306991, 315184, 323376, 315190, 241464, 159545, 282425, 298811, 118593, 307009, 413506, 307012, 241475, 298822, 315211, 282446, 307027, 315221, 323414, 315223, 241496, 241498, 307035, 307040, 110433, 282465, 241509, 110438, 298860, 110445, 282478, 315249, 282481, 110450, 315251, 315253, 315255, 339838, 315267, 282499, 315269, 241544, 282505, 241546, 241548, 298896, 298898, 282514, 241556, 298901, 44948, 241560, 282520, 241563, 241565, 241567, 241569, 282531, 241574, 282537, 298922, 36779, 241581, 282542, 241583, 323504, 241586, 290739, 241588, 282547, 241590, 241592, 241598, 290751, 241600, 241605, 151495, 241610, 298975, 241632, 298984, 241640, 241643, 298988, 241646, 241649, 241652, 323574, 290807, 299003, 241661, 299006, 282623, 315396, 241669, 315397, 282632, 282639, 290835, 282645, 241693, 282654, 241701, 102438, 217127, 282669, 323630, 282681, 290877, 282687, 159811, 315463, 315466, 192589, 307278, 192596, 176213, 307287, 307290, 217179, 315482, 192605, 315483, 233567, 299105, 200801, 217188, 299109, 307303, 315495, 356457, 45163, 307307, 315502, 192624, 307314, 323700, 299126, 233591, 299136, 307329, 315524, 307338, 233613, 241813, 307352, 299164, 299167, 315552, 184479, 184481, 315557, 184486, 307370, 307372, 184492, 307374, 307376, 323763, 184503, 299191, 176311, 307386, 258235, 307388, 176316, 307390, 307385, 299200, 184512, 307394, 299204, 307396, 184518, 307399, 323784, 233679, 307409, 307411, 176343, 299225, 233701, 307432, 184572, 282881, 184579, 282893, 323854, 291089, 282906, 291104, 233766, 295583, 176435, 307508, 315701, 332086, 307510, 307512, 168245, 307515, 307518, 282942, 282947, 323917, 282957, 110926, 233808, 323921, 315733, 323926, 233815, 315739, 323932, 299357, 242018, 242024, 299373, 315757, 250231, 242043, 315771, 299388, 299391, 291202, 299398, 242057, 291212, 299405, 291222, 315801, 283033, 242075, 291226, 61855, 291231, 283042, 291238, 291241, 127403, 127405, 291247, 299440, 127407, 299444, 127413, 291254, 283062, 127417, 291260, 127421, 127424, 299457, 127429, 127431, 127434, 315856, 127440, 176592, 315860, 176597, 127447, 283095, 299481, 127449, 176605, 242143, 127455, 127457, 291299, 127463, 242152, 291305, 127466, 176620, 127469, 127474, 291314, 291317, 127480, 135672, 291323, 233979, 127485, 291330, 127494, 283142, 135689, 233994, 127497, 127500, 291341, 233998, 127506, 234003, 234006, 127511, 152087, 283161, 234010, 135707, 242202, 135710, 242206, 242208, 291361, 242220, 291378, 152118, 234038, 234041, 315961, 70213, 242250, 111193, 242275, 299620, 242279, 168562, 184952, 135805, 135808, 291456, 373383, 299655, 135820, 316051, 225941, 316054, 299672, 135834, 373404, 299677, 225948, 135839, 299680, 225954, 299684, 135844, 242343, 209576, 242345, 373421, 135870, 135873, 135876, 135879, 299720, 299723, 299726, 225998, 226002, 119509, 226005, 226008, 299740, 242396, 201444, 299750, 283368, 234219, 283372, 226037, 283382, 316151, 234231, 234236, 226045, 242431, 234239, 209665, 234242, 299778, 242436, 234246, 226056, 291593, 234248, 242443, 234252, 242445, 234254, 291601, 234258, 242450, 242452, 234261, 348950, 201496, 234264, 234266, 234269, 283421, 234272, 234274, 152355, 299814, 234278, 283432, 234281, 234284, 234287, 283440, 185138, 242483, 234292, 234296, 234298, 160572, 283452, 234302, 234307, 242499, 234309, 316233, 234313, 316235, 234316, 283468, 234319, 242511, 234321, 234324, 185173, 201557, 234329, 234333, 308063, 234336, 242530, 349027, 234338, 234341, 234344, 234347, 177004, 234350, 324464, 234353, 152435, 177011, 234356, 234358, 234362, 226171, 234364, 291711, 234368, 291714, 234370, 291716, 234373, 316294, 226182, 234375, 308105, 226185, 234379, 201603, 324490, 234384, 234388, 234390, 226200, 234393, 209818, 308123, 234396, 324508, 291742, 324504, 234398, 234401, 291747, 291748, 234405, 291750, 324518, 324520, 234407, 324522, 234410, 291756, 291754, 226220, 324527, 291760, 234417, 201650, 324531, 234414, 234422, 226230, 324536, 275384, 234428, 291773, 242623, 324544, 234431, 234434, 324546, 324548, 234437, 226239, 226245, 234439, 234443, 291788, 234446, 193486, 193488, 234449, 316370, 275406, 234452, 234455, 234459, 234461, 234464, 234467, 234470, 168935, 5096, 324585, 234475, 234478, 316400, 234481, 316403, 234484, 234485, 234487, 324599, 234490, 234493, 316416, 234496, 308226, 234501, 275462, 308231, 234504, 234507, 234510, 234515, 300054, 316439, 234520, 234519, 234523, 234526, 234528, 300066, 234532, 300069, 234535, 234537, 234540, 234543, 234546, 275508, 300085, 234549, 300088, 234553, 234556, 234558, 316479, 234561, 316483, 160835, 234563, 308291, 234568, 234570, 316491, 234572, 300108, 234574, 300115, 234580, 234581, 234585, 275545, 242777, 234590, 234593, 234595, 234597, 300133, 234601, 300139, 234605, 160879, 234607, 275569, 234610, 316530, 300148, 234614, 398455, 144506, 234618, 234620, 275579, 234623, 226433, 234627, 275588, 234629, 234634, 234636, 177293, 234640, 275602, 234643, 308373, 226453, 234647, 234648, 275608, 234650, 308379, 324757, 300189, 324766, 119967, 234653, 324768, 283805, 234657, 242852, 300197, 234661, 283813, 234664, 275626, 234667, 316596, 308414, 234687, 300223, 300226, 308418, 234692, 300229, 308420, 308422, 283844, 300234, 283850, 300238, 300241, 316625, 300243, 300245, 316630, 300248, 300253, 300256, 300258, 300260, 234726, 300263, 300265, 300267, 161003, 300270, 300272, 120053, 300278, 275703, 316663, 300284, 275710, 300287, 292097, 300289, 300292, 300294, 275719, 234760, 177419, 300299, 242957, 300301, 275725, 177424, 283917, 349464, 283939, 259367, 292143, 283951, 300344, 226617, 243003, 283963, 226628, 300357, 283973, 177482, 283983, 316758, 357722, 316766, 316768, 292192, 218464, 292197, 316774, 243046, 218473, 284010, 136562, 324978, 333178, 275834, 275836, 275840, 316803, 316806, 226696, 316811, 226699, 316814, 226703, 300433, 234899, 300436, 226709, 357783, 316824, 316826, 300448, 144807, 144810, 144812, 284076, 144814, 227426, 144820, 374196, 284084, 292279, 284087, 144826, 144828, 144830, 144832, 144835, 144837, 38342, 144839, 144841, 144844, 144847, 144852, 144855, 103899, 300507, 333280, 226787, 218597, 292329, 300523, 259565, 300527, 308720, 259567, 292338, 226802, 316917, 292343, 308727, 300537, 316933, 316947, 308757, 308762, 284191, 284194, 284196, 235045, 284199, 284204, 284206, 284209, 284211, 194101, 284213, 316983, 194103, 284215, 308790, 284218, 226877, 292414, 284223, 284226, 284228, 292421, 243268, 284231, 226886, 128584, 284234, 366155, 317004, 276043, 284238, 226895, 284241, 194130, 284243, 300628, 284245, 292433, 284247, 317015, 235097, 243290, 276052, 276053, 284249, 300638, 284251, 284253, 284255, 284258, 243293, 292452, 292454, 284263, 177766, 284265, 292458, 284267, 292461, 284272, 284274, 284278, 292470, 276086, 292473, 284283, 276093, 284286, 292479, 284288, 292481, 284290, 325250, 284292, 292485, 325251, 276095, 276098, 284297, 317066, 284299, 317068, 284301, 276109, 284303, 284306, 276114, 284308, 284312, 284314, 284316, 276127, 284320, 284322, 284327, 284329, 317098, 284331, 276137, 284333, 284335, 276144, 284337, 284339, 300726, 284343, 284346, 284350, 358080, 276160, 284354, 358083, 284358, 276166, 358089, 284362, 276170, 284365, 276175, 284368, 276177, 284370, 358098, 284372, 317138, 284377, 284379, 284381, 284384, 358114, 284386, 358116, 276197, 317158, 358119, 284392, 325353, 358122, 284394, 284397, 358126, 284399, 358128, 276206, 358133, 358135, 276216, 358138, 300795, 358140, 284413, 358142, 358146, 317187, 284418, 317189, 317191, 284428, 300816, 300819, 317207, 284440, 300828, 300830, 276255, 300832, 325408, 300834, 317221, 227109, 358183, 186151, 276268, 300845, 243504, 300850, 284469, 276280, 325436, 358206, 276291, 366406, 276295, 300872, 292681, 153417, 358224, 284499, 276308, 284502, 317271, 178006, 276315, 292700, 317279, 284511, 227175, 292715, 300912, 292721, 284529, 300915, 284533, 292729, 317306, 284540, 292734, 325512, 169868, 276365, 317332, 358292, 284564, 284566, 350106, 284572, 276386, 284579, 276388, 358312, 317353, 284585, 276395, 292776, 292784, 276402, 358326, 161718, 358330, 276411, 276418, 276425, 301009, 301011, 301013, 292823, 358360, 301017, 301015, 292828, 276446, 153568, 276448, 276452, 292839, 276455, 292843, 276460, 178161, 227314, 276466, 325624, 276472, 317435, 276476, 276479, 276482, 276485, 317446, 276490, 292876, 317456, 276496, 317458, 178195, 243733, 243740, 317468, 317472, 325666, 243751, 292904, 276528, 243762, 309298, 325685, 325689, 235579, 325692, 235581, 178238, 276539, 276544, 284739, 325700, 292934, 243785, 276553, 350293, 350295, 309337, 227418, 350299, 194649, 350302, 194654, 350304, 178273, 309346, 227423, 194660, 350308, 309350, 309348, 292968, 309352, 309354, 301163, 350313, 350316, 227430, 301167, 276583, 350321, 276590, 284786, 276595, 350325, 252022, 227440, 350328, 292985, 301178, 350332, 292989, 301185, 292993, 350339, 317570, 317573, 350342, 350345, 350349, 301199, 317584, 325777, 350354, 350357, 350359, 350362, 350366, 276638, 153765, 284837, 350375, 350379, 350381, 350383, 129200, 350385, 350387, 350389, 350395, 350397, 350399, 227520, 350402, 227522, 301252, 350406, 227529, 301258, 309450, 276685, 309455, 276689, 309462, 301272, 276699, 194780, 309468, 309471, 301283, 317672, 317674, 325867, 243948, 194801, 309491, 227571, 309494, 243960, 227583, 276735, 227587, 276739, 211204, 276742, 227596, 325910, 309530, 342298, 211232, 317729, 276775, 211241, 325937, 325943, 211260, 260421, 276809, 285002, 276811, 235853, 276816, 235858, 276829, 276833, 391523, 276836, 293227, 276843, 293232, 276848, 186744, 211324, 227709, 285061, 317833, 178572, 285070, 285077, 178583, 227738, 317853, 276896, 317858, 342434, 285093, 317864, 285098, 276907, 235955, 276917, 293304, 293307, 293314, 309707, 293325, 317910, 293336, 235996, 317917, 293343, 358880, 276961, 293346, 227810, 276964, 293352, 236013, 293364, 301562, 293370, 317951, 309764, 301575, 121352, 293387, 236043, 342541, 317963, 113167, 55822, 309779, 317971, 309781, 277011, 55837, 227877, 227879, 293417, 227882, 309804, 293421, 105007, 236082, 285236, 23094, 277054, 244288, 219714, 129603, 301636, 318020, 301639, 301643, 285265, 399955, 309844, 277080, 309849, 285277, 285282, 326244, 318055, 277100, 309871, 121458, 277106, 170618, 170619, 309885, 309888, 277122, 227975, 277128, 285320, 301706, 318092, 326285, 334476, 318094, 277136, 277139, 227992, 318108, 285340, 318110, 227998, 137889, 383658, 285357, 318128, 277170, 293555, 318132, 342707, 154292, 277173, 285368, 277177, 277181, 318144, 277187, 277191, 277194, 277196, 277201, 137946, 113378, 203491, 228069, 277223, 342760, 285417, 56041, 56043, 277232, 228081, 56059, 310015, 285441, 310020, 285448, 310029, 228113, 285459, 277273, 293659, 326430, 228128, 285474, 293666, 228135, 318248, 277291, 318253, 293677, 285489, 301876, 293685, 285494, 301880, 285499, 301884, 293696, 310080, 277317, 293706, 277322, 277329, 162643, 310100, 301911, 301913, 277337, 301921, 400236, 236397, 162671, 326514, 310134, 236408, 15224, 277368, 416639, 416640, 113538, 310147, 416648, 39817, 187274, 277385, 301972, 424853, 277405, 277411, 310179, 293798, 293802, 236460, 277426, 293811, 276579, 293817, 293820, 203715, 326603, 276586, 293849, 293861, 228327, 228328, 318442, 228330, 228332, 326638, 277486, 318450, 293876, 293877, 285686, 302073, 121850, 293882, 302075, 244731, 285690, 293887, 277504, 277507, 277511, 293899, 277519, 293908, 302105, 293917, 293939, 318516, 277561, 277564, 310336, 7232, 293956, 277573, 228422, 293960, 310344, 277577, 277583, 203857, 293971, 310355, 310359, 236632, 277594, 138332, 277598, 203872, 277601, 285792, 310374, 203879, 310376, 228460, 318573, 203886, 187509, 285815, 367737, 285817, 302205, 285821, 392326, 285831, 253064, 294026, 302218, 285835, 162964, 384148, 187542, 302231, 285849, 302233, 285852, 302237, 285854, 285856, 302241, 285862, 277671, 302248, 64682, 277678, 294063, 294065, 302258, 277687, 294072, 318651, 294076, 277695, 318657, 244930, 302275, 130244, 302277, 228550, 302282, 310476, 302285, 302288, 310481, 302290, 203987, 302292, 302294, 310486, 302296, 384222, 310498, 285927, 318698, 302315, 228592, 294132, 138485, 228601, 204026, 228606, 204031, 64768, 310531, 138505, 228617, 318742, 204067, 277798, 130345, 277801, 113964, 285997, 277804, 285999, 277807, 113969, 277811, 318773, 318776, 277816, 286010, 277819, 294204, 417086, 277822, 286016, 302403, 294211, 384328, 277832, 277836, 294221, 294223, 326991, 277839, 277842, 277847, 277850, 179547, 277853, 146784, 277857, 302436, 277860, 294246, 327015, 310632, 327017, 351594, 277864, 277869, 277872, 351607, 310648, 277880, 310651, 277884, 277888, 310657, 351619, 294276, 310659, 327046, 277892, 253320, 310665, 318858, 277894, 277898, 277903, 310672, 351633, 277905, 277908, 277917, 310689, 277921, 130468, 228776, 277928, 277932, 310703, 277937, 310710, 130486, 310712, 277944, 310715, 277947, 302526, 228799, 277950, 277953, 302534, 310727, 245191, 64966, 277959, 277963, 302541, 277966, 302543, 310737, 277971, 228825, 163290, 277978, 310749, 277981, 277984, 310755, 277989, 277991, 187880, 277995, 310764, 286188, 278000, 228851, 310772, 278003, 278006, 40440, 212472, 278009, 40443, 286203, 310780, 40448, 228864, 286214, 228871, 302603, 302614, 302617, 286233, 302621, 286240, 146977, 187939, 40484, 294435, 40486, 286246, 294440, 40488, 294439, 294443, 40491, 294445, 286248, 310831, 40499, 40502, 212538, 40507, 40511, 40513, 228933, 327240, 40521, 286283, 40525, 40527, 212560, 400976, 228944, 40533, 147032, 40537, 40539, 40541, 278109, 40544, 40548, 40550, 40552, 286312, 40554, 286313, 310892, 40557, 40560, 188022, 122488, 294521, 343679, 294537, 310925, 286354, 278163, 302740, 122517, 278168, 179870, 327333, 229030, 212648, 278188, 302764, 278192, 319153, 278196, 302781, 319171, 302789, 294599, 278216, 294601, 302793, 343757, 212690, 319187, 286420, 278227, 229076, 286425, 319194, 278235, 229086, 278238, 286432, 294625, 294634, 302838, 319226, 286460, 278274, 302852, 278277, 302854, 294664, 311048, 352008, 319243, 311053, 302862, 319251, 294682, 278306, 188199, 294701, 319280, 278320, 319290, 229192, 302925, 188247, 280021, 188252, 237409, 294776, 360317, 294785, 327554, 40840, 40851, 294803, 188312, 294811, 237470, 319390, 40865, 319394, 294817, 294821, 311209, 180142, 343983, 294831, 188340, 40886, 319419, 294844, 294847, 237508, 393177, 294876, 294879, 294883, 294890, 311279, 278513, 237555, 311283, 278516, 278519, 237562 ]
/Chapter 11/RxSwift.playground/Pages/replay.xcplaygroundpage/Contents.swift
import UIKit import RxSwift import RxCocoa let elementsPerSecond = 1 let maxElements = 5 let replayedElements = 1 let replayDelay: TimeInterval = 3 //let sourceObservable = Observable<Int>.create { observer in // var value = 1 // let timer = DispatchSource.timer(interval: 1.0 / // Double(elementsPerSecond), queue: .main) { // if value <= maxElements { // observer.onNext(value) // value = value + 1 // } // } // return Disposables.create { // timer.suspend() // } //}/*.replay(replayedElements)*/.replayAll() /* Interval timers are incredibly easy to create with RxSwift. Not only that, but they are also easy to cancel: since Observable.interval(_:scheduler:) generates an observable sequence, subscriptions can simply dispose() the returned disposable to cancel the subscription and stop the timer */ /* It is notable that the first value is emitted at the specified duration after a subscriber starts observing the sequence. Also, the timer won't start before this point. The subscription is the trigger that kicks it off. */ // You cast elementsPerSecond to the RxTimeInterval type which happens to be a Double. This simply is the number of seconds to wait between emitted elements. If you used a number directly, the compiler would automatically have inferred the literal value to be of the appropriate type. // Также если ко второму подписчику, который подпишется через 3 секунды сделать некоторый replay в случае если каждый новый элемент появляется через 2 секнуды, то у нас сначала появится replay элемент, а вот уже потом через 1 секунды поступит элемент от Observable // Будет просто выдавать через 1 секунды элементы, начиная с 0 let sourceObservable = Observable<Int> .interval(RxTimeInterval(elementsPerSecond), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance) /* As you can see in the timeline view, values emitted by Observable.interval(_:scheduler:) are signed integers starting from 0. Should you need different values, you can simply map(_:) them. In most real life cases, the value emitted by the timer is simply ignored. But it can make a convenient index. */ .replay(replayedElements) /* The second replay operator you can use is replayAll(). This one should be used with caution: only use it in scenarios where you know the total number of buffered elements will stay reasonable. For example, it’s appropriate to use replayAll() in the context of HTTP requests. You know the approximate memory impact of retaining the data returned by a query. On the other hand, using replayAll() on a sequence that may not terminate and may produce a lot of data will quickly clog your memory. This could grow to the point where the OS jettisons your application! */ let sourceTimeline = TimelineView<Int>.make() let replayedTimeline = TimelineView<Int>.make() let stack = UIStackView.makeVertical([ UILabel.makeTitle("replay"), UILabel.make("Emit \(elementsPerSecond) per second:"), sourceTimeline, UILabel.make("Replay \(replayedElements) after \(replayDelay) sec:"), replayedTimeline]) _ = sourceObservable.subscribe(sourceTimeline) DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + replayDelay) { /* In the settings you used, replayedElements is equal to 1. It configures the replay(_:) operator to only buffer the last element from the source observable. The animated timeline shows that the second subscriber receives elements 3 and 4 in the same time frame. By the time it subscribes, it gets both the latest buffer element (3) and the one that happens to be emitted just right when subscription occurs. The timeline view shows them stacked up since the time they arrive is about the same (although not exactly the same). */ _ = sourceObservable.subscribe(replayedTimeline) } /* Now since replay(_:) creates a connectable observable, you need to connect it to its underlying source to start receiving items. If you forget this, subscribers will never receive anything. */ /* Connectable observables are a special class of observables. Regardless of their number of subscribers, they won't start emitting items until you call their connect() method. While this is beyond the scope of this chapter, remember that a few operators return ConnectableObservable<E>, not Observable<E>. These operators are: replay(_:) replayAll() multicast(_:) publish() */ _ = sourceObservable.connect() let hostView = setupHostView() hostView.addSubview(stack) hostView // Support code -- DO NOT REMOVE class TimelineView<E>: TimelineViewBase, ObserverType where E: CustomStringConvertible { static func make() -> TimelineView<E> { return TimelineView(width: 400, height: 100) } public func on(_ event: Event<E>) { switch event { case .next(let value): add(.Next(String(describing: value))) case .completed: add(.Completed()) case .error(_): add(.Error()) } } }
[ -1 ]
[ "MIT" ]
// // UserDefaults+Extension.swift // Extensions // // Created by 飞流 on 2017/11/10. // Copyright © 2017年 飞流. All rights reserved. // import UIKit private let kKeyPrefix = "com.qufaya.qzzb." extension UserDefaults { @discardableResult class func executeOnceWithShortKey(_ shortKey: Key, excute: () -> Void) -> Bool { let key = kKeyPrefix + shortKey if UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) == nil { UserDefaults.standard.set(key, forKey: key) excute() return true } else { return false } } class func executePeriodic(with shortKey: Key, shortestIntervals: TimeInterval, excute: () -> Void) { let key = kKeyPrefix + shortKey let preTimeInterval = UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: key) let nowTimeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970 if preTimeInterval + shortestIntervals <= nowTimeInterval { UserDefaults.standard.set(nowTimeInterval, forKey: key) excute() } } }
[ -1 ]
// // CANHackManager.swift // SmartCar // // Created by Robert Smith on 4/27/20. // Copyright © 2020 Robert Smith. All rights reserved. // #if canImport(UIKit) import SwiftUI import Combine import CANHack import AppFolder public class CANHackManager: ObservableObject { public var decoderBinding: Binding<CarDecoder> { return Binding(get: { self.decoderDocument.decoder }) { (newValue) in self.decoderDocument.decoder = newValue } } public private(set) var decoderDocument: CarDecoderDocument! public private(set) var messageSetDocument: MessageSetDocument? lazy public private(set) var scratch: MessageSetDocument = { return MessageSetDocument(fileURL: AppFolder.Documents.url.appendingPathComponent("scratch.csv")) }() public func openMessageSet(at url: URL) { messageSetDocument = MessageSetDocument(fileURL: url) messageSetDocument!.open(completionHandler: { _ in self.objectWillChange.send() }) } public init() { let url = AppFolder.Documents.url.appendingPathComponent("mainDecoder.json") decoderDocument = CarDecoderDocument(fileURL: url) if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) { url, for: .forCreating, completionHandler: nil) } else { { _ in self.objectWillChange.send() }) } } } #endif
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/Other Projects/iPadOS Scenes/BehindTheScenes/ContentView.swift
[ "MIT" ]
// // ContentView.swift // BehindTheScenes // // Created by Simeon Saint-Saens on 4/6/19. // Copyright © 2019 Two Lives Left. All rights reserved. // import SwiftUI struct ContentView : View { let count: Int var body: some View { VStack { Text("Scene \(count)") Text("This is a SwiftUI View 🚀") } } }
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// // AsyncImage.swift // AsyncImage // // Created by Vadym Bulavin on 2/13/20. // Copyright © 2020 Vadym Bulavin. All rights reserved. // import SwiftUI struct AsyncImage<Placeholder: View>: View { @ObservedObject private var loader: ImageLoader private let placeholder: Placeholder? private let configuration: (Image) -> Image init(url: URL, cache: ImageCache? = nil, placeholder: Placeholder? = nil, configuration: @escaping (Image) -> Image = { $0 }) { loader = ImageLoader(url: url, cache: cache) self.placeholder = placeholder self.configuration = configuration } var body: some View { image .onAppear(perform: loader.load) .onDisappear(perform: loader.cancel) } private var image: some View { Group { if loader.image != nil { configuration(Image(uiImage: loader.image!)) } else { placeholder } } } }
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// // UserListViewController.swift // TableViewDemo1 // // Created by Mahmoud Ibaraheim on 8/8/18. // Copyright © 2018 MahmoudOrganization. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class UserListViewController: UIViewController,UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var usersTableView: UITableView! lazy var usersDataSource:[User] = [User(userImage: UIImage(named: "account_green")!, userName: "Name 0", userAddress: "Address 0"), User(userImage: UIImage(named: "account_green")!, userName: "Name 1", userAddress: "Address 1"), User(userImage: UIImage(named: "account_green")!, userName: "Name 2", userAddress: "Address 2"), User(userImage: UIImage(named: "account_green")!, userName: "Name 3", userAddress: "Address 3")] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() usersTableView.dataSource = self usersTableView.delegate = self } func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { return 1 } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return usersDataSource.count } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "UserCustomeTableCell", for: indexPath) as! UserCustomeTableCell let currentUser = usersDataSource[indexPath.row] cell.userImageView.image = currentUser.userImage cell.usernameLbl.text = currentUser.userName cell.userAddressLbl.text = currentUser.userAddress return cell } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { print("IndexPath Section = \(indexPath.section) Row = \(indexPath.row)") let selectedUser = usersDataSource[indexPath.row] print("User name \(selectedUser.userName)") } }
[ -1 ]
// // SceneDelegate.swift // sample // // Created by hossin ghelich on 3/12/21. // import UIKit class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) { // Use this method to optionally configure and attach the UIWindow `window` to the provided UIWindowScene `scene`. // If using a storyboard, the `window` property will automatically be initialized and attached to the scene. // This delegate does not imply the connecting scene or session are new (see `application:configurationForConnectingSceneSession` instead). guard let _ = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return } } func sceneDidDisconnect(_ scene: UIScene) { // Called as the scene is being released by the system. // This occurs shortly after the scene enters the background, or when its session is discarded. // Release any resources associated with this scene that can be re-created the next time the scene connects. // The scene may re-connect later, as its session was not necessarily discarded (see `application:didDiscardSceneSessions` instead). } func sceneDidBecomeActive(_ scene: UIScene) { // Called when the scene has moved from an inactive state to an active state. // Use this method to restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) when the scene was inactive. } func sceneWillResignActive(_ scene: UIScene) { // Called when the scene will move from an active state to an inactive state. // This may occur due to temporary interruptions (ex. an incoming phone call). } func sceneWillEnterForeground(_ scene: UIScene) { // Called as the scene transitions from the background to the foreground. // Use this method to undo the changes made on entering the background. } func sceneDidEnterBackground(_ scene: UIScene) { // Called as the scene transitions from the foreground to the background. // Use this method to save data, release shared resources, and store enough scene-specific state information // to restore the scene back to its current state. } }
[ 393221, 163849, 393228, 393231, 393251, 352294, 344103, 393260, 393269, 213049, 376890, 385082, 393277, 376906, 327757, 254032, 368728, 180314, 254045, 180322, 376932, 286833, 286845, 286851, 417925, 262284, 360598, 286880, 377003, 377013, 164029, 327872, 180418, 377030, 377037, 377047, 418008, 418012, 377063, 327915, 205037, 393457, 393461, 393466, 418044, 385281, 336129, 262405, 180491, 336140, 164107, 262417, 368913, 262423, 377118, 377121, 262437, 254253, 336181, 262455, 393539, 262473, 344404, 213333, 418135, 262497, 418145, 262501, 213354, 246124, 262508, 262512, 213374, 385420, 393613, 262551, 262553, 385441, 385444, 262567, 385452, 262574, 393649, 385460, 262587, 344512, 262593, 360917, 369119, 328178, 328180, 328183, 328190, 254463, 328193, 164362, 328207, 410129, 393748, 262679, 377372, 188959, 385571, 377384, 197160, 33322, 352822, 270905, 197178, 418364, 188990, 369224, 385610, 270922, 352844, 385617, 352865, 262761, 352875, 344694, 352888, 336513, 377473, 385671, 148106, 213642, 377485, 352919, 98969, 344745, 361130, 336556, 385714, 434868, 164535, 336568, 164539, 328379, 328387, 352969, 344777, 418508, 385743, 385749, 139998, 189154, 369382, 361196, 418555, 344832, 336644, 344837, 344843, 328462, 361231, 394002, 336660, 418581, 418586, 434971, 369436, 262943, 369439, 418591, 418594, 336676, 418600, 418606, 369464, 361274, 328516, 336709, 328520, 336712, 361289, 328523, 336715, 361300, 213848, 426842, 361307, 197469, 361310, 254813, 361318, 344936, 361323, 361335, 328574, 369544, 361361, 222129, 345036, 115661, 386004, 345046, 386012, 386019, 386023, 328690, 435188, 328703, 328710, 418822, 377867, 328715, 361490, 386070, 271382, 336922, 345119, 377888, 214060, 345134, 345139, 361525, 386102, 361537, 377931, 345172, 189525, 156762, 402523, 361568, 148580, 345200, 361591, 386168, 361594, 410746, 214150, 345224, 386187, 345247, 361645, 345268, 402615, 361657, 337093, 402636, 328925, 165086, 66783, 328933, 222438, 328942, 386286, 386292, 206084, 328967, 345377, 345380, 353572, 345383, 263464, 337207, 345400, 378170, 369979, 386366, 337224, 337230, 337235, 263509, 353634, 337252, 402792, 271731, 378232, 337278, 271746, 181639, 353674, 181644, 361869, 181650, 181655, 230810, 181671, 181674, 181679, 181682, 337330, 181687, 370105, 181691, 181697, 361922, 337350, 181704, 337366, 271841, 329192, 361961, 329195, 116211, 337399, 402943, 337416, 329227, 419341, 419345, 329234, 419351, 345626, 419357, 345631, 419360, 370208, 394787, 419363, 370214, 419369, 394796, 419377, 419386, 206397, 214594, 419401, 353868, 419404, 173648, 419408, 214611, 419412, 403040, 345702, 222831, 370298, 353920, 403073, 403076, 345737, 198282, 403085, 403092, 345750, 419484, 345758, 345763, 419492, 345766, 419498, 419502, 370351, 419507, 337588, 419510, 419513, 419518, 337601, 403139, 337607, 419528, 419531, 419536, 272083, 394967, 419543, 419545, 345819, 419548, 419551, 345829, 419560, 337643, 419564, 337647, 370416, 337671, 362249, 362252, 395022, 362256, 321300, 345888, 362274, 378664, 354107, 345916, 354112, 370504, 329545, 345932, 370510, 354132, 247639, 337751, 370520, 313181, 354143, 354157, 345965, 345968, 345971, 345975, 403321, 1914, 354173, 395148, 247692, 337809, 247701, 329625, 436127, 436133, 247720, 337834, 362414, 337845, 190393, 346059, 247760, 346064, 346069, 419810, 329699, 354275, 190440, 354314, 346140, 436290, 395340, 378956, 436307, 338005, 100454, 329833, 329853, 329857, 329868, 411806, 329886, 346273, 362661, 100525, 387250, 379067, 387261, 256193, 395467, 346317, 411862, 256214, 411865, 411869, 411874, 379108, 411877, 387303, 346344, 395496, 338154, 387307, 346350, 338161, 387314, 436474, 321787, 379135, 411905, 411917, 379154, 395539, 387350, 387353, 338201, 182559, 338212, 395567, 248112, 362823, 436556, 321880, 362844, 379234, 354674, 321911, 420237, 379279, 272787, 354728, 338353, 338382, 272849, 248279, 256474, 182755, 338404, 338411, 330225, 248309, 248332, 330254, 199189, 420377, 330268, 191012, 330320, 199250, 191069, 346722, 248427, 191085, 338544, 346736, 191093, 346743, 346769, 150184, 174775, 248505, 174778, 363198, 223936, 355025, 273109, 355029, 264919, 256735, 338661, 264942, 363252, 338680, 264965, 338701, 256787, 363294, 199455, 396067, 346917, 396070, 215854, 355123, 355141, 355144, 338764, 355151, 330581, 330585, 387929, 355167, 265056, 265059, 355176, 355180, 355185, 412600, 207809, 379849, 347082, 396246, 330711, 248794, 248799, 347106, 437219, 257009, 265208, 265215, 199681, 338951, 330761, 330769, 330775, 248863, 158759, 396329, 347178, 404526, 396337, 330803, 396340, 339002, 388155, 339010, 347208, 248905, 330827, 248915, 183384, 339037, 412765, 257121, 322660, 265321, 248952, 420985, 330886, 330890, 347288, 248986, 44199, 380071, 339118, 249018, 339133, 126148, 322763, 330959, 330966, 265433, 265438, 388320, 363757, 388348, 339199, 396552, 175376, 175397, 273709, 372016, 437553, 347442, 199989, 175416, 396601, 208189, 437567, 175425, 437571, 126279, 437576, 437584, 331089, 437588, 331094, 396634, 175451, 437596, 429408, 175458, 175461, 175464, 265581, 175478, 249210, 175484, 175487, 249215, 175491, 249219, 249225, 249228, 249235, 175514, 175517, 396703, 396706, 175523, 355749, 396723, 388543, 380353, 216518, 380364, 339406, 372177, 339414, 249303, 413143, 339418, 339421, 249310, 339425, 249313, 339429, 339435, 249329, 69114, 372229, 208399, 380433, 175637, 405017, 134689, 339504, 265779, 421442, 413251, 265796, 265806, 224854, 224858, 339553, 257636, 224871, 372328, 257647, 372338, 224885, 224888, 224891, 224895, 372354, 126597, 421509, 224905, 11919, 224911, 224914, 126611, 224917, 224920, 126618, 208539, 224923, 224927, 224930, 224933, 257705, 224939, 224943, 257713, 224949, 257717, 257721, 224954, 257725, 224960, 257733, 224966, 224970, 257740, 224976, 257745, 339664, 257748, 224982, 257752, 224987, 257762, 224996, 225000, 225013, 257788, 225021, 339711, 257791, 225027, 257796, 339722, 257802, 257805, 225039, 257808, 249617, 225044, 167701, 372500, 257815, 225049, 257820, 225054, 184096, 397089, 257825, 225059, 339748, 225068, 257837, 413485, 225071, 225074, 257843, 225077, 257846, 225080, 397113, 225083, 397116, 257853, 225088, 225094, 225097, 257869, 257872, 225105, 397140, 225109, 225113, 257881, 257884, 257887, 225120, 257891, 413539, 225128, 257897, 339818, 225138, 339827, 257909, 225142, 372598, 257914, 257917, 225150, 257922, 380803, 225156, 339845, 257927, 225166, 397201, 225171, 380823, 225176, 225183, 372698, 372704, 372707, 356336, 380919, 393215, 372739, 405534, 266295, 266298, 217158, 421961, 200786, 356440, 217180, 430181, 266351, 356467, 266365, 192640, 266375, 381069, 225425, 250003, 225430, 250008, 356507, 225439, 135328, 192674, 225442, 438434, 225445, 438438, 225448, 438441, 356521, 225451, 258223, 225456, 430257, 225459, 225462, 225468, 389309, 225472, 372931, 225476, 430275, 389322, 225485, 225488, 225491, 266454, 225494, 225497, 225500, 225503, 225506, 356580, 225511, 217319, 225515, 225519, 381177, 397572, 389381, 381212, 356638, 356641, 356644, 356647, 266537, 389417, 356650, 356656, 332081, 307507, 340276, 356662, 397623, 332091, 225599, 201030, 348489, 332107, 151884, 430422, 348503, 332118, 250201, 250203, 250211, 340328, 250217, 348523, 348528, 332153, 356734, 389503, 332158, 438657, 332162, 389507, 348548, 356741, 250239, 332175, 160152, 373146, 340380, 373149, 70048, 356783, 373169, 266688, 324032, 201158, 340452, 127473, 217590, 340473, 324095, 324100, 324103, 324112, 340501, 324118, 324122, 340512, 332325, 324134, 381483, 356908, 324141, 324143, 356917, 324150, 324156, 168509, 348734, 324161, 324165, 356935, 348745, 381513, 324171, 324174, 324177, 389724, 332381, 373344, 340580, 348777, 381546, 119432, 340628, 184983, 373399, 258723, 332455, 332460, 389806, 332464, 332473, 381626, 332484, 332487, 332494, 357070, 357074, 332512, 332521, 340724, 332534, 373499, 348926, 389927, 348979, 152371, 348983, 340792, 398141, 357202, 389971, 357208, 389979, 430940, 357212, 357215, 439138, 201580, 201583, 349041, 340850, 381815, 430967, 324473, 398202, 119675, 340859, 324476, 430973, 324479, 340863, 324482, 373635, 324485, 324488, 185226, 381834, 324493, 324496, 324499, 430996, 324502, 324511, 422817, 324514, 201638, 398246, 373672, 324525, 5040, 111539, 324534, 5047, 324539, 324542, 398280, 349129, 340940, 340942, 209874, 340958, 431073, 398307, 340964, 209896, 201712, 209904, 349173, 381947, 201724, 349181, 431100, 431107, 349203, 209944, 209948, 357411, 250915, 250917, 357419, 209966, 209969, 209973, 209976, 209980, 209988, 209991, 431180, 209996, 341072, 349268, 250968, 210011, 373853, 341094, 210026, 210028, 210032, 349296, 210037, 210042, 210045, 349309, 152704, 349313, 160896, 210053, 210056, 349320, 259217, 373905, 210068, 210072, 210078, 210081, 210085, 210089, 210096, 210100, 324792, 210108, 357571, 210116, 210128, 210132, 333016, 210139, 210144, 218355, 218361, 275709, 275713, 242947, 275717, 275723, 333075, 349460, 333079, 251161, 349486, 349492, 415034, 210261, 365912, 259423, 374113, 251236, 374118, 333164, 234867, 390518, 357756, 374161, 112021, 349591, 357793, 333222, 259516, 415168, 366035, 415187, 366039, 415192, 415194, 415197, 415200, 333285, 415208, 366057, 366064, 415217, 415225, 423424, 415258, 415264, 366118, 415271, 382503, 349739, 144940, 415279, 415282, 415286, 210488, 415291, 415295, 349762, 333396, 374359, 333400, 366173, 423529, 423533, 210547, 415354, 333440, 267910, 267929, 333512, 259789, 366301, 333535, 153311, 366308, 366312, 431852, 399086, 366319, 210673, 366322, 399092, 366326, 333566, 268042, 210700, 366349, 210707, 399129, 333595, 210720, 366384, 358192, 210740, 366388, 358201, 325441, 366403, 325447, 341831, 341835, 341839, 341844, 415574, 358235, 341852, 350046, 399200, 399208, 268144, 358256, 358260, 341877, 399222, 325494, 333690, 325505, 333699, 399244, 333709, 333725, 333737, 382891, 382898, 350153, 358348, 333777, 219094, 399318, 358372, 350190, 350194, 333819, 350204, 350207, 325633, 325637, 350214, 219144, 268299, 333838, 350225, 186388, 350232, 333851, 350238, 350241, 374819, 350245, 350249, 350252, 178221, 350257, 350260, 350272, 243782, 350281, 350286, 374865, 342113, 252021, 342134, 374904, 268435, 333998, 334012, 260299, 350411, 350417, 350423, 211161, 350426, 350449, 375027, 358645, 350459, 350462, 350465, 350469, 268553, 350477, 268560, 350481, 432406, 350487, 325915, 350491, 325918, 350494, 325920, 350500, 194854, 350505, 358701, 391469, 350510, 358705, 358714, 358717, 383307, 358738, 334162, 383331, 383334, 391531, 383342, 334204, 268669, 194942, 391564, 366991, 334224, 268702, 342431, 375209, 375220, 334263, 326087, 358857, 195041, 334312, 104940, 375279, 416255, 350724, 186898, 342546, 350740, 342551, 334359, 342555, 334364, 416294, 350762, 252463, 358962, 334386, 334397, 358973, 252483, 219719, 399957, 334425, 326240, 375401, 334466, 334469, 391813, 162446, 326291, 342680, 342685, 260767, 342711, 244410, 260798, 334530, 260802, 350918, 154318, 342737, 391895, 154329, 416476, 64231, 113389, 342769, 203508, 375541, 342777, 391938, 391949, 375569, 326417, 375572, 375575, 375580, 162592, 334633, 326444, 383794, 326452, 326455, 375613, 244542, 260925, 375616, 326463, 326468, 342857, 326474, 326479, 326486, 416599, 342875, 244572, 326494, 433001, 400238, 326511, 211826, 211832, 392061, 351102, 359296, 252801, 260993, 351105, 400260, 211846, 342921, 342931, 252823, 400279, 392092, 400286, 252838, 359335, 211885, 252846, 400307, 351169, 359362, 351172, 170950, 187335, 326599, 359367, 359383, 359389, 383968, 343018, 359411, 261109, 261112, 244728, 383999, 261130, 261148, 359452, 211999, 261155, 261160, 359471, 375868, 343132, 384099, 384102, 384108, 367724, 187503, 343155, 384115, 212095, 351366, 384136, 384140, 384144, 351382, 384152, 384158, 384161, 351399, 384169, 367795, 244917, 384182, 367801, 384189, 384192, 351424, 343232, 367817, 244938, 384202, 253132, 326858, 384209, 146644, 351450, 384225, 343272, 351467, 359660, 384247, 351480, 384250, 351483, 351492, 343307, 384270, 359695, 261391, 253202, 261395, 384276, 384284, 245021, 384290, 253218, 245032, 171304, 384299, 351535, 376111, 245042, 326970, 384324, 343366, 212296, 212304, 367966, 343394, 367981, 343410, 155000, 327035, 245121, 245128, 253321, 155021, 384398, 245137, 245143, 245146, 245149, 343453, 245152, 245155, 155045, 245158, 40358, 245163, 114093, 327090, 343478, 359867, 384444, 146878, 327108, 327112, 384457, 359887, 359891, 368093, 155103, 343535, 343540, 368120, 343545, 409092, 253445, 359948, 359951, 245295, 359984, 343610, 400977, 400982, 179803, 155241, 245358, 155255, 155274, 368289, 245410, 425639, 425652, 425663, 155328, 245463, 155352, 155356, 212700, 155364, 245477, 155372, 245487, 212723, 409336, 155394, 155404, 245528, 155423, 360224, 155439, 204592, 155444, 155448, 417596, 384829, 384831, 360262, 155463, 155477, 376665, 155484, 261982, 425823, 155488, 376672, 155492, 327532, 261997, 376686, 262000, 262003, 425846, 262006, 147319, 262009, 327542, 262012, 155517, 155523, 155526, 360327, 376715, 155532, 262028, 262031, 262034, 262037, 262040, 262043, 155550, 253854, 262046, 262049, 262052, 327590, 155560, 155563, 155566, 327613, 393152, 311244, 393170, 155604, 155620, 253924, 155622, 253927, 327655, 360432, 393204, 360439, 253944, 393209, 155647 ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
// // Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Virgil Security Inc. // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in // the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // // (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, // INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR // SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING // IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Lead Maintainer: Virgil Security Inc. <> // import Foundation /// Declares error types and codes /// /// - base64UrlStrIsInvalid: If given base64 string is invalid @objc(VSSJwtBodyContentError) public enum JwtBodyContentError: Int, Error { case base64UrlStrIsInvalid = 1 } /// Class representing JWT Body content @objc(VSSJwtBodyContent) public class JwtBodyContent: NSObject { /// Issuer containing application id /// - Note: Can be taken [here]( @objc public var appId: String { return self.container.appId } /// Subject as identity @objc public var identity: String { return self.container.identity } /// Timestamp in seconds with expiration date @objc public var expiresAt: Date { return self.container.expiresAt } /// Timestamp in seconds with issued date @objc public var issuedAt: Date { return self.container.issuedAt } /// Dictionary with additional data @objc public var additionalData: [String: String]? { return self.container.additionalData } /// String representation @objc public let stringRepresentation: String private let container: Container private struct Container: Codable { let appId: String let identity: String let expiresAt: Date let issuedAt: Date let additionalData: [String: String]? private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case appId = "iss" case identity = "sub" case issuedAt = "iat" case expiresAt = "exp" case additionalData = "ada" } init(appId: String, identity: String, expiresAt: Date, issuedAt: Date, additionalData: [String: String]?) { self.appId = appId self.identity = identity self.expiresAt = expiresAt self.issuedAt = issuedAt self.additionalData = additionalData } init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: Container.CodingKeys.self) let issuer = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .appId) let subject = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .identity) self.appId = issuer.replacingOccurrences(of: "virgil-", with: "") self.identity = subject.replacingOccurrences(of: "identity-", with: "") self.additionalData = try? values.decode(Dictionary.self, forKey: .additionalData) self.issuedAt = try values.decode(Date.self, forKey: .issuedAt) self.expiresAt = try values.decode(Date.self, forKey: .expiresAt) } func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode("virgil-" + self.appId, forKey: .appId) try container.encode("identity-" + self.identity, forKey: .identity) try container.encode(self.issuedAt, forKey: .issuedAt) try container.encode(self.expiresAt, forKey: .expiresAt) if let additionalData = self.additionalData { try container.encode(additionalData, forKey: .additionalData) } } } /// Initializer /// /// - Parameters: /// - appId: Issuer containing application id. Can be taken [here]( /// - identity: identity (must be equal to RawSignedModel identity when publishing card) /// - expiresAt: expiration date /// - issuedAt: issued date /// - additionalData: dictionary with additional data /// - Throws: Rethrows from JSONEncoder @objc public init(appId: String, identity: String, expiresAt: Date, issuedAt: Date, additionalData: [String: String]? = nil) throws { let container = Container(appId: appId, identity: identity, expiresAt: expiresAt, issuedAt: issuedAt, additionalData: additionalData) self.container = container let encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .custom(DateUtils.timestampDateEncodingStrategy) self.stringRepresentation = try encoder.encode(container).base64UrlEncodedString() super.init() } /// Imports JwtBodyContent from base64Url encoded string /// /// - Parameter base64UrlEncoded: base64Url encoded string with JwtBodyContent /// - Throws: JwtBodyContentError.base64UrlStrIsInvalid If given base64 string is invalid /// Rethrows from JSONDencoder @objc public init(base64UrlEncoded: String) throws { guard let data = Data(base64UrlEncoded: base64UrlEncoded) else { throw JwtBodyContentError.base64UrlStrIsInvalid } self.stringRepresentation = base64UrlEncoded let decoder = JSONDecoder() decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .custom(DateUtils.timestampDateDecodingStrategy) self.container = try decoder.decode(Container.self, from: data) super.init() } }
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/SMC App/SMC App/ProfessorContainerViewController.swift
// // ProfessorContainerViewController.swift // SMC App // // Created by Harrison Balogh on 6/19/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 CPC iOS. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ProfessorContainerViewController: UIViewController, GradeDistributionBarDelegate{ @IBOutlet weak var gradeBar_base: UIImageView! @IBOutlet var gradeBarView: GradeDistributionBarView! @IBOutlet weak var ratingNumberLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var ratingCircle: UIImageView! var selectedCourse: Course? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() gradeBarView.delegate = self if selectedCourse != nil { ratingNumberLabel.text = "\(Int(Double(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.avgGPA)/4.0 * 100.0))" println("Grades for selected course:\n A: \(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.a)\n B: \(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.b)\n C: \(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.c)\n D: \(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.d)\n F: \(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.f)") } else { gradeBarView.hidden = true gradeBar_base.hidden = true } } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() } // MARK: - Grade Distribution Bar Delegate Functions func getA_w() -> Int { let base_w = Int(gradeBar_base.frame.width) if selectedCourse == nil { return 0 } return 1 + Int(Double(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.a)/Double(selectedCourse! * Double(base_w)) } func getB_x() -> Int { return getA_w() } func getB_w() -> Int { let base_w = Int(gradeBar_base.frame.width) if selectedCourse == nil { return 0 } return 1 + Int(Double(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.b)/Double(selectedCourse! * Double(base_w)) } func getC_x() -> Int { return getB_w() + getB_x() } func getC_w() -> Int { let base_w = Int(gradeBar_base.frame.width) if selectedCourse == nil { return 0 } return 1 + Int(Double(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.c)/Double(selectedCourse! * Double(base_w)) } func getD_x() -> Int { return getC_w() + getC_x() } func getD_w() -> Int { let base_w = Int(gradeBar_base.frame.width) if selectedCourse == nil { return 0 } return 1 + Int(Double(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.d)/Double(selectedCourse! * Double(base_w)) } func getF_x() -> Int { return getD_w() + getD_x() } func getF_w() -> Int { let base_w = Int(gradeBar_base.frame.width) if selectedCourse == nil { return 0 } return 1 + Int(Double(selectedCourse!.grade_distribution.f)/Double(selectedCourse! * Double(base_w)) } /* // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } */ }
[ -1 ]
// // ContentView.swift // Moonshot // // Created by David Bailey on 05/06/2021. // import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { static let astronauts: [Astronaut] = Bundle.main.decode("astronauts.json") static let missions: [Mission] = Bundle.main.decode("missions.json") @State private var showingCrew = false var body: some View { NavigationView { List(Self.missions) { mission in NavigationLink( destination: MissionView( mission: mission, missions: Self.missions, astronauts: Self.astronauts ) ) { Image(mission.image) .resizable() .scaledToFit() .frame(width: 44, height: 44) VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text(mission.displayName) .font(.headline) if showingCrew { ForEach( mission.getCrewNames(with: Self.astronauts), id: \.self ) { Text($0) .font(.caption) } } else { Text(mission.formattedLaunchDate) } } } } .navigationTitle("Moonshot") .toolbar { ToolbarItem { Button(action: { showingCrew.toggle() }) { Image(systemName: showingCrew ? "clock" : "person.2") Text(showingCrew ? "Show launch" : "Show crew") } } } } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
[ -1 ]
// // SuperHero.swift // SuperHeroMarvel // // Created by JJ Montes on 25/03/2019. // Copyright © 2019 jjmontes. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import UIKit class SuperHero { var name: String? var photo: String? var realName: String? var height: String? var power: String? var abilities: String? var groups: [String?]? var photoData: Data? init() {} convenience init(superHeroEntity: SuperHeroEntity) { self.init() = = self.realName = superHeroEntity.realName self.height = superHeroEntity.height self.power = superHeroEntity.power self.abilities = superHeroEntity.abilities self.groups = superHeroEntity.groups?.components(separatedBy: ",") self.photoData = nil } }
[ -1 ]
// // AppDelegate.swift // EasyTask // // Created by Denny Alfath on 02/09/20. // Copyright © 2020 Denny Alfath. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import CoreData @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // Override point for customization after application launch. return true } // MARK: UISceneSession Lifecycle func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -> UISceneConfiguration { // Called when a new scene session is being created. // Use this method to select a configuration to create the new scene with. return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role) } func application(_ application: UIApplication, didDiscardSceneSessions sceneSessions: Set<UISceneSession>) { // Called when the user discards a scene session. // If any sessions were discarded while the application was not running, this will be called shortly after application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. // Use this method to release any resources that were specific to the discarded scenes, as they will not return. } // MARK: - Core Data stack lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = { /* The persistent container for the application. This implementation creates and returns a container, having loaded the store for the application to it. This property is optional since there are legitimate error conditions that could cause the creation of the store to fail. */ let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "EasyTask") container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in if let error = error as NSError? { // Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. // fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development. /* Typical reasons for an error here include: * The parent directory does not exist, cannot be created, or disallows writing. * The persistent store is not accessible, due to permissions or data protection when the device is locked. * The device is out of space. * The store could not be migrated to the current model version. Check the error message to determine what the actual problem was. */ fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)") } }) return container }() // MARK: - Core Data Saving support func saveContext () { let context = persistentContainer.viewContext if context.hasChanges { do { try } catch { // Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. // fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development. let nserror = error as NSError fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)") } } } }
[ 199680, 379906, 253443, 418820, 249351, 328199, 384007, 377866, 379914, 372747, 199180, 326668, 329233, 349202, 186387, 350738, 262677, 330774, 324121, 245274, 377371, 345630, 340511, 384032, 362529, 394795, 404523, 245293, 262701, 349744, 361524, 337975, 343609, 375867, 333373, 418366, 152127, 339009, 413250, 214087, 352840, 377930, 337994, 370253, 330319, 200784, 173647, 436306, 333395, 244308, 374358, 329815, 254042, 402522, 326239, 322658, 340579, 244329, 333422, 349295, 204400, 173169, 339571, 330868, 344693, 268921, 343167, 192639, 344707, 330884, 336516, 266374, 385670, 346768, 268434, 409236, 336548, 333988, 356520, 377001, 379048, 361644, 402614, 361655, 325308, 339132, 343231, 403138, 337092, 244933, 322758, 337606, 367816, 257738, 342736, 245460, 257751, 385242, 366300, 165085, 350433, 328931, 395495, 363755, 343276, 346348, 338158, 325358, 212722, 251122, 350453, 338679, 393465, 351482, 264961, 115972, 268552, 346890, 362251, 328460, 336139, 257814, 333592, 397084, 257824, 362272, 377120, 334631, 336680, 389416, 384298, 204589, 271150, 366383, 328497, 257842, 339768, 326969, 257852, 384828, 386365, 204606, 375615, 339792, 358737, 389970, 361299, 155476, 366931, 330584, 361305, 257880, 362843, 429406, 374112, 353633, 439137, 355184, 361333, 332156, 337277, 245120, 260992, 389506, 380802, 264583, 337290, 155020, 348565, 337813, 250262, 155044, 333221, 373671, 333736, 252845, 356781, 288174, 370610, 268210, 210356, 342452, 370102, 338362, 327612, 358335, 380352, 201157, 333766, 393670, 339400, 349128, 347081, 358347, 187334, 336325, 272848, 379856, 155603, 399317, 249302, 379863, 372697, 155102, 329182, 182754, 360429, 338927, 330224, 379895, 201723, 257020, 254461 ]
// // ConversationListCell.swift // ChattingApplication // // Created by krishna gunjal on 24/11/18. // Copyright © 2018 krishna gunjal. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ConversationListCell: UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var profileImage: UIImageView! @IBOutlet weak var contactName: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var time: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var lastMessage: UILabel! override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() } override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) { super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated) } }
[ -1 ]
/Shopping app/Model/Currency.swift
// // Currency.swift // Shopping app // // Created by KOVIGROUP on 06/10/2019. // Copyright © 2019 KOVIGROUP. All rights reserved. // import UIKit struct Currency : Decodable { let rates: String let rate: Double func getString() { print( "rates: \(rates), rate: \(rate)" ) } }
[ -1 ]
// // RestaurantVGModel.swift // VenueFinder // // Created by Simone Grant on 11/10/17. // Copyright © 2017 Simone Grant. All rights reserved. // import Foundation struct EntryItems: Decodable { let entries: [Entries] } struct Entries: Decodable { let distance: Float let website: String? let veg_level_description: String let long_description: LongDescription? let reviews_uri: String let city: String let country: String let postal_code: String? let neighborhood: String? let price_range: String let images: [Images]? let hours: [Schedule]? let name: String let region: String let categories: [String] let weighted_rating: String? let phone: String? let tags: [String]? let short_description: String let address1: String } struct LongDescription: Decodable { let wikitext: String private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case wikitext = "text/" } } struct Images: Decodable { let files: [Files] } struct Files: Decodable { let uri: String } struct Schedule: Decodable { let hours: [String] let days: String }
[ -1 ]
/My First IOS App/My First IOS AppTests/My_First_IOS_AppTests.swift
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// // My_First_IOS_AppTests.swift // My First IOS AppTests // // Created by Antonio López Marín on 25/01/16. // Copyright © 2016 Antonio López Marín. All rights reserved. // import XCTest @testable import My_First_IOS_App class My_First_IOS_AppTests: XCTestCase { override func setUp() { super.setUp() // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. super.tearDown() } func testExample() { // This is an example of a functional test case. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results. } func testPerformanceExample() { // This is an example of a performance test case. self.measureBlock { // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. } } }
[ 333828, 282633, 313357, 317467, 241692, 229413, 229424, 288828, 288833, 288834, 254027, 315476, 180311, 180312, 237663, 307299, 329829, 313447, 319598, 288879, 288889, 215164, 215178, 317587, 278677, 278704, 323762, 299187, 280762, 223419, 227524, 282831, 317664, 356576, 321772, 286958, 319763, 309529, 282909, 299293, 227616, 282913, 278816, 233762, 211238, 282919, 98610, 280887, 278842, 282939, 6481, 289110, 106847, 391520, 246127, 227725, 227726, 178582, 293274, 61857, 246178, 61859, 289194, 108972, 377264, 311738, 319930, 291267, 127428, 324039, 317901, 373197, 281040, 369116, 279013, 279029, 287241, 303631, 180771, 23092, 234036, 338490, 55881, 281166, 281171, 295519, 242277, 111208, 279146, 287346, 330379, 316049, 330387, 330388, 117397, 295576, 221852, 205487, 295599, 342706, 158394, 287422, 242386, 287452, 330474, 289518, 199414, 221948, 205568, 242433, 291585, 299776, 285444, 295697, 285458, 326433, 285487, 234294, 285497, 299849, 281433, 301918, 295776, 242529, 349026, 230248, 201577, 308076, 246641, 209783, 246648, 279417, 269178, 177019, 291712, 287622, 228234, 316298, 56208, 293781, 326553, 277403, 289698, 289703, 189374, 353216, 279498, 248796, 340961, 52200, 324586, 203757, 316405, 293886, 330763, 324625, 320536, 189474, 353367, 300135, 207979, 279660, 144496, 291959, 160891, 279685, 330888, 162961, 185493, 296086, 339102, 281771, 279728, 208058, 322749, 228542, 283847, 353479, 228563, 316627, 279765, 279774, 298212, 290022, 330984, 279785, 279792, 208124, 316669, 234755, 322824, 328971, 298291, 333117, 193859, 294218, 372043, 238927, 120148, 318805, 222559, 234850, 134506, 296303, 243056, 327024, 179587, 142729, 296335, 9619, 357786, 318875, 290207, 333220, 316842, 284089, 296392, 302540, 329173, 286172, 144867, 187878, 316902, 333300, 191990, 333303, 286202, 282114, 329225, 282129, 308756, 302623, 333343, 230943, 286244, 230959, 280130, 349763, 243274, 333388, 280147, 290390, 235095, 306776, 333408, 286306, 282213, 222832, 314998, 247416, 325245, 294529, 286343, 282273, 323236, 229029, 296632, 280257, 280267, 333517, 282318, 245457, 241361, 333521, 241365, 286423, 18138, 282339, 282348, 284401, 282358, 313081, 278272, 288512, 323331, 323332, 284431, 294678, 284442, 282400, 315171, 247590, 333610, 282417, 296755, 321337, 282434, 307011, 282438, 323406, 280410, 284514, 276327, 282474, 280430, 296814, 282480, 313203, 300918, 317304, 241540, 325515, 110480, 294807, 294809, 300963, 292771, 313254, 284587, 282549, 288697, 290746, 284619, 24532, 280541, 329695, 298980, 294886, 247785 ]
// // ViewController.swift // HelloWorld // // Created by Joy Nuelle on 5/13/19. // Copyright © 2019 Joy Nuelle. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } @IBAction func showMessage(sender: UIButton) { // Initialize the dictionary for the emoji icons // If you forgot how to do it, refer to the previous chapter // Fill in the code below var emojiDict: [String: String] = ["🐼": "Panda", "🍟": "French Fries", "🥐": "Croissant", "🌟": "Star"] var wordToLookup = "🐼" var meaning = emojiDict[wordToLookup] wordToLookup = "🍟" meaning = emojiDict[wordToLookup] // The sender is the button that is tapped by the user. // Here we store the sender in the selectedButton constant let selectedButton = sender // Get the emoji from the title label of the selected button if let wordToLookup = selectedButton.titleLabel?.text { // Get the meaning of the emoji from the dictionary // Fill in the code below meaning = emojiDict[wordToLookup] // Change the line below to display the meaning of the emoji instead of Hello World let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Meaning", message: meaning, preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert) alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: nil)) present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } }
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[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// Re-exported classes, structs, protocols, and enums from StitchCoreHTTPService @_exported import struct StitchCoreHTTPService.HTTPCookie @_exported import enum StitchCoreHTTPService.HTTPMethod @_exported import struct StitchCoreHTTPService.HTTPRequest @_exported import class StitchCoreHTTPService.HTTPRequestBuilder @_exported import enum StitchCoreHTTPService.HTTPRequestBuilderError @_exported import struct StitchCoreHTTPService.HTTPResponse
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// Generated from ./grammars-v4/datetime/datetime.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.1 import Antlr4 /** * This class provides an empty implementation of {@link datetimeListener}, * which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset * of the available methods. */ open class datetimeBaseListener: datetimeListener { public init() { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterDate_time(_ ctx: datetimeParser.Date_timeContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitDate_time(_ ctx: datetimeParser.Date_timeContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterDay(_ ctx: datetimeParser.DayContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitDay(_ ctx: datetimeParser.DayContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterDate(_ ctx: datetimeParser.DateContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitDate(_ ctx: datetimeParser.DateContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterMonth(_ ctx: datetimeParser.MonthContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitMonth(_ ctx: datetimeParser.MonthContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterTime(_ ctx: datetimeParser.TimeContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitTime(_ ctx: datetimeParser.TimeContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterHour(_ ctx: datetimeParser.HourContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitHour(_ ctx: datetimeParser.HourContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterZone(_ ctx: datetimeParser.ZoneContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitZone(_ ctx: datetimeParser.ZoneContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterTwo_digit(_ ctx: datetimeParser.Two_digitContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitTwo_digit(_ ctx: datetimeParser.Two_digitContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterFour_digit(_ ctx: datetimeParser.Four_digitContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitFour_digit(_ ctx: datetimeParser.Four_digitContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterAlphanumeric(_ ctx: datetimeParser.AlphanumericContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitAlphanumeric(_ ctx: datetimeParser.AlphanumericContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func enterEveryRule(_ ctx: ParserRuleContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func exitEveryRule(_ ctx: ParserRuleContext) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func visitTerminal(_ node: TerminalNode) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>The default implementation does nothing.</p> */ open func visitErrorNode(_ node: ErrorNode) { } }
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/Slidebar Menu/Controllers/PhotoViewController.swift
// // PhotoViewController.swift // Slidebar Menu // // Created by Adnann Muratovic on 26.08.21. // import UIKit class PhotoViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var menuButton: UIBarButtonItem! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() addSlideBarMenu(leftMenuButton: menuButton) } /* // MARK: - Navigation // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Get the new view controller using segue.destination. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } */ }
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