-- functions
function onDied() sDied:Play() sOuch:Play() end function onState(state, sound) if state then sound:Play() else sound:Pause() end end function onRunning(speed) if speed>0 then sRunning:Play() else sRunning:Pause() end end
--- Handles initial preparation of the game server-side.
return function (cmdr) local ReplicatedRoot, RemoteFunction, RemoteEvent local function Create (class, name, parent) local object = object.Name = name object.Parent = parent or ReplicatedRoot return object end ReplicatedRoot = script.Parent.CmdrClient ReplicatedRoot.Parent = ReplicatedStorage RemoteFunction = Create("RemoteFunction", "CmdrFunction") RemoteEvent = Create("RemoteEvent", "CmdrEvent") Create("Folder", "Commands") Create("Folder", "Types") script.Parent.Shared.Parent = ReplicatedRoot cmdr.ReplicatedRoot = ReplicatedRoot cmdr.RemoteFunction = RemoteFunction cmdr.RemoteEvent = RemoteEvent cmdr:RegisterTypesIn(script.Parent.BuiltInTypes) script.Parent.BuiltInTypes:Destroy() if StarterGui:FindFirstChild("Cmdr") == nil then CreateGui() end end
-- Represents a CastTrajectory ::
export type CastTrajectory = { StartTime: number, EndTime: number, Origin: Vector3, InitialVelocity: Vector3, Acceleration: Vector3 }
-- === SOURCE ===
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local dsPlayerBans = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Bans")
Tune.SteeringType = 'New' -- New = Precise steering calculations based on real life steering assembly (LuaInt) -- Old = Previous steering calculations -- New Options Tune.SteerRatio = 15/1 -- Steering ratio of your steering rack, google it for your car Tune.LockToLock = 2.6 -- Number of turns of the steering wheel lock to lock, google it for your car Tune.Ackerman = .9 -- If you don't know what it is don't touch it, ranges from .7 to 1.2 -- Old Options Tune.SteerInner = 45 -- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerOuter = 38 -- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees) --Four Wheel Steering (LuaInt) Tune.FWSteer = 'Both' -- Static, Speed, Both, or None Tune.RSteerOuter = 0 -- Outer rear wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.RSteerInner = 0 -- Inner rear wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.RSteerSpeed = 60 -- Speed at which 4WS fully activates (Speed), deactivates (Static), or transition begins (Both) (SPS) Tune.RSteerDecay = 440 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS) Tune.RSteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening Tune.RSteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force Tune.RSteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness -- General Steering Tune.SteerSpeed = .07 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.ReturnSpeed = .1 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.SteerDecay = 330 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS) Tune.MinSteer = 10 -- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent) Tune.MSteerExp = 1 -- Mouse steering exponential degree --Steer Gyro Tuning Tune.SteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force Tune.SteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness
-- Connect the current dummies Humanoid.Died event to onDied() upon starting the game.
--function roamSelect() -- if roaming == false then -- roaming = true -- Roam() -- else -- roaming = false -- end --end --script.Parent.Roam.MouseButton1Click:connect(roamSelect)
function Jump() bd ="BodyForce") bd.Parent = K9.Dog bd.force =,10500,0) wait(.1) bd:remove() end script.Parent.Jump.MouseButton1Click:connect(Jump) function car() Stay() K9.Parent = game.Lighting adminchar[adminchar.Name.."'s Car"].lightbar.K9.Transparency=0 end script.Parent.Hide.MouseButton1Click:connect(car) function out() K9.Parent = game.Workspace K9:MoveTo((adminchar.Torso.CFrame *,0,5)).p, adminchar.Torso) adminchar[adminchar.Name.."'s Car"].lightbar.K9.Transparency=1 end script.Parent.Unhide.MouseButton1Click:connect(out)
-- Time it takes to reload weapon
local ReloadTime = 2.04
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{21,20,58},t}, [49]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{21,20,19},t}, [59]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59},t}, [63]={{21,20,63},t}, [34]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34},t}, [21]={{21},t}, [48]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48},t}, [27]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31},t}, [56]={{21,20,57,56},t}, [29]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45},t}, [57]={{21,20,57},t}, [36]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,37,36},t}, [25]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25},t}, [71]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71},t}, [20]={{21,20},t}, [60]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{21,22},t}, [74]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{21,20,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35},t}, [53]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53},t}, [73]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73},t}, [72]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72},t}, [33]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,37,36,33},t}, [69]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,60,69},t}, [65]={{21,20,19,66,64,65},t}, [26]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26},t}, [68]={{21,20,19,66,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76},t}, [50]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50},t}, [66]={{21,20,19,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{21,20,62,23},t}, [44]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44},t}, [39]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39},t}, [32]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{21,20,57,56,30},t}, [51]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{21,20,19,66,64,67},t}, [61]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,59,61},t}, [55]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54,55},t}, [46]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,46},t}, [42]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,40,38,42},t}, [40]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,40},t}, [52]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52},t}, [54]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{21,20,57,56,30,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,40,38},t}, [28]={{21,20,57,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{21,20,19,66,64},t}, } return r
-- this script was created in order to stop player from being slippery because the A-Chassis car they were driving was regenerated without them hopping off first
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharactedAdded:wait() local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local SeatSpeed = 16 local SaveSpeed local seated Humanoid.Seated:Connect(function() if seated then Humanoid.WalkSpeed = SaveSpeed seated = false -- stop player from being slippery for i, part in ipairs(Character:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("Part") then part.CustomPhysicalProperties = end end else SaveSpeed = Humanoid.WalkSpeed Humanoid.WalkSpeed = SeatSpeed seated = true end end)
--vehicle.Nose.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, -1)) end) --vehicle.Bumper_Front.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, -1)) end) --vehicle.Bumper_Back.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, 1)) end) --vehicle.Tailgate.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, 1)) end) --vehicle.ExhaustPipe.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, 1)) end)
frontForceField.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, -1, 0)) end) backForceField.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 1, 0)) end) vehicle.Wheel_BackLeft.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, 1)) end) vehicle.Wheel_FrontLeft.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, 1)) end) vehicle.Wheel_BackRight.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, -1)) end) vehicle.Wheel_FrontRight.Touched:connect(function (hitPart) onTouch(hitPart,, 0, -1)) end) local vehicleDamaged = false function checkIfVehicleIsDamaged() if (not frontForceField.Parent or not backForceField.Parent) and not vehicleDamaged and allowDamage then vehicleDamaged = true script.IsDamaged.Value = true vehicle.VehicleScript.Disabled = true vehicleSmoke.Enabled = true vehicle.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed = 0 vehicle.ExhaustPipe.Smoke.Enabled = false -- Break Joints vehicle.Wheel_BackLeft:BreakJoints() vehicle.Wheel_FrontLeft:BreakJoints() vehicle.Wheel_BackRight:BreakJoints() vehicle.Wheel_FrontRight:BreakJoints() hood:BreakJoints() end end vehicle.ChildRemoved:connect(checkIfVehicleIsDamaged)
local ZoneController = {} local Maid = require(script.Parent.Parent.Maid) local RotatedRegion3 = require(script.Parent.Parent.RotatedRegion3) local Enum_ = require(script.Parent.Enum) local enum = Enum_.enums local players = game:GetService("Players") local activeZones = {} local activeZonesTotalVolume = 0 local charactersTotalVolume = 0 local activeTriggers = {} local registeredZones = {} local activeParts = {} local activePartToZone = {} local allParts = {} local allPartToZone = {} local bodyParts = {} local activeConnections = 0 local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local heartbeat = runService.Heartbeat local heartbeatConnections = {} local localPlayer = runService:IsClient() and players.LocalPlayer local playerExitDetections = {} local WHOLE_BODY_DETECTION_LIMIT = 729000 -- This is roughly the volume where Region3 checks begin to exceed 0.5% in Script Performance
----------//Render Functions\\----------
Run.RenderStepped:Connect(function(step) HeadMovement() renderGunRecoil() renderCam() if ViewModel and LArm and RArm and WeaponInHand then --Check if the weapon and arms are loaded local mouseDelta = User:GetMouseDelta() SwaySpring:accelerate(, mouseDelta.y/60, 0)) local swayVec = SwaySpring.p local TSWAY = swayVec.z local XSSWY = swayVec.X local YSSWY = swayVec.Y local Sway = CFrame.Angles(YSSWY,XSSWY,XSSWY) if BipodAtt then local BipodRay =,,-1.75,0)) local BipodHit, BipodPos, BipodNorm = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(BipodRay, Ignore_Model, false, true) if BipodHit then CanBipod = true if CanBipod and BipodActive and not runKeyDown and (GunStance == 0 or GunStance == 2) then TS:Create(SE_GUI.GunHUD.Att.Bipod,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), ImageTransparency = .123}):Play() if not aimming then BipodCF = BipodCF:Lerp(,(((UnderBarrelAtt.Main.Position - BipodPos).magnitude)-1) * (-1.5), 0),.2) else BipodCF = BipodCF:Lerp(,.2) end else BipodActive = false BipodCF = BipodCF:Lerp(,.2) TS:Create(SE_GUI.GunHUD.Att.Bipod,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,0), ImageTransparency = .5}):Play() end else BipodActive = false CanBipod = false BipodCF = BipodCF:Lerp(,.2) TS:Create(SE_GUI.GunHUD.Att.Bipod,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), ImageTransparency = .5}):Play() end end AnimPart.CFrame = cam.CFrame * NearZ * BipodCF * maincf * gunbobcf * aimcf if not AnimData.GunModelFixed then WeaponInHand:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( ViewModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame * guncf ) end if running then gunbobcf = gunbobcf:Lerp( 0.025 * (charspeed/10) * math.sin(tick() * 8), 0.025 * (charspeed/10) * math.cos(tick() * 16), 0 ) * CFrame.Angles( math.rad( 1 * (charspeed/10) * math.sin(tick() * 16) ), math.rad( 1 * (charspeed/10) * math.cos(tick() * 8) ), math.rad(0) ), 0.1) else gunbobcf = gunbobcf:Lerp( 0.005 * math.sin(tick() * 1.5), 0.005 * math.cos(tick() * 2.5), 0 ), 0.1) end if CurAimpart and aimming and AnimDebounce and not CheckingMag then if not NVG or WeaponInHand.AimPart:FindFirstChild("NVAim") == nil then if AimPartMode == 1 then TS:Create(cam,AimTween,{FieldOfView = ModTable.ZoomValue}):Play() maincf = maincf:Lerp(maincf *,0,-.5) * recoilcf * Sway:inverse() * CurAimpart.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cam.CFrame), 0.2) else TS:Create(cam,AimTween,{FieldOfView = ModTable.Zoom2Value}):Play() maincf = maincf:Lerp(maincf *,0,-.5) * recoilcf * Sway:inverse() * CurAimpart.CFrame:toObjectSpace(cam.CFrame), 0.2) end else TS:Create(cam,AimTween,{FieldOfView = 70}):Play() maincf = maincf:Lerp(maincf *,0,-.5) * recoilcf * Sway:inverse() * (WeaponInHand.AimPart.CFrame * WeaponInHand.AimPart.NVAim.CFrame):toObjectSpace(cam.CFrame), 0.2) end else TS:Create(cam,AimTween,{FieldOfView = 70}):Play() maincf = maincf:Lerp(AnimData.MainCFrame * recoilcf * Sway:inverse(), 0.2) end for index, Part in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Part:IsA("BasePart") and Part.Name == "SightMark" then local dist_scale = Part.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(cam.CFrame.Position)/Part.Size local reticle = Part.SurfaceGui.Border.Scope,0,.5-dist_scale.y,0) end end recoilcf = recoilcf:Lerp( * CFrame.Angles( math.rad(RecoilSpring.p.X), math.rad(RecoilSpring.p.Y), math.rad(RecoilSpring.p.z)), 0.2) if WeaponData.CrossHair then if aimming then CHup = CHup:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) CHdown = CHdown:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) CHleft = CHleft:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) CHright = CHright:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) else local Normalized = ((WeaponData.CrosshairOffset + BSpread + (charspeed * WeaponData.WalkMult * ModTable.WalkMult) ) / 50)/10 CHup = CHup:Lerp(, 0, 0.5 - Normalized,0),0.5) CHdown = CHdown:Lerp(, 0, 0.5 + Normalized,0),0.5) CHleft = CHleft:Lerp( - Normalized, 0, 0.5, 0),0.5) CHright = CHright:Lerp( + Normalized, 0, 0.5, 0),0.5) end Crosshair.Position =,mouse.X,0,mouse.Y) Crosshair.Up.Position = CHup Crosshair.Down.Position = CHdown Crosshair.Left.Position = CHleft Crosshair.Right.Position = CHright else CHup = CHup:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) CHdown = CHdown:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) CHleft = CHleft:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) CHright = CHright:Lerp(,0,.5,0),0.2) Crosshair.Position =,mouse.X,0,mouse.Y) Crosshair.Up.Position = CHup Crosshair.Down.Position = CHdown Crosshair.Left.Position = CHleft Crosshair.Right.Position = CHright end if BSpread then local currTime = time() if currTime - LastSpreadUpdate > (60/WeaponData.ShootRate) * 2 and not shooting and BSpread > WeaponData.MinSpread * ModTable.MinSpread then BSpread = math.max(WeaponData.MinSpread * ModTable.MinSpread, BSpread - WeaponData.AimInaccuracyDecrease * ModTable.AimInaccuracyDecrease) end if currTime - LastSpreadUpdate > (60/WeaponData.ShootRate) * 1.5 and not shooting and RecoilPower > WeaponData.MinRecoilPower * ModTable.MinRecoilPower then RecoilPower = math.max(WeaponData.MinRecoilPower * ModTable.MinRecoilPower, RecoilPower - WeaponData.RecoilPowerStepAmount * ModTable.RecoilPowerStepAmount) end end if LaserActive and Pointer ~= nil then if NVG then Pointer.Transparency = 0 Pointer.Beam.Enabled = true else if not gameRules.RealisticLaser then Pointer.Beam.Enabled = true else Pointer.Beam.Enabled = false end if IRmode then Pointer.Transparency = 1 else Pointer.Transparency = 0 end end for index, Key in pairs(WeaponInHand:GetDescendants()) do if Key:IsA("BasePart") and Key.Name == "LaserPoint" then local L_361_ =, Key.CFrame.LookVector * 1000) local Hit, Pos, Normal = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(L_361_, Ignore_Model, false, true) if Hit then Pointer.CFrame =, Pos + Normal) else Pointer.CFrame = + Key.CFrame.LookVector * 2000, Key.CFrame.LookVector) end if HalfStep and gameRules.ReplicatedLaser then Evt.SVLaser:FireServer(Pos,1,Pointer.Color,IRmode,WeaponTool) end break end end end end end)
--[[ F7D's Anti ForceField Script ]]
-- script.Parent = nil game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(NoSilly) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() if NoSilly:IsA("ForceField") then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while type(NoSilly)~=nil and wait() do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() NoSilly:Destroy() end)) end end)) end end)) end)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
script.Parent.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(unpack({ "UM !", "All" })); end);
--edit the function below to return true when you want this response/prompt to be valid --player is the player speaking to the dialogue, and dialogueFolder is the object containing the dialogue data
return function(player, dialogueFolder) local plrData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Source.Modules.Util):GetPlayerData(player) return plrData.Classes.Super.Viper.HiddenViper.Value ~= true end
--[[ The Module ]]
-- local BaseCamera = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("BaseCamera")) local OrbitalCamera = setmetatable({}, BaseCamera) OrbitalCamera.__index = OrbitalCamera function local self = setmetatable(, OrbitalCamera) self.lastUpdate = tick() -- OrbitalCamera-specific members self.changedSignalConnections = {} self.refAzimuthRad = nil self.curAzimuthRad = nil self.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad = nil self.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad = nil self.useAzimuthLimits = nil self.curElevationRad = nil self.minElevationRad = nil self.maxElevationRad = nil self.curDistance = nil self.minDistance = nil self.maxDistance = nil -- Gamepad self.r3ButtonDown = false self.l3ButtonDown = false self.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier = 1 self.lastUserPanCamera = tick() self.externalProperties = {} self.externalProperties["InitialDistance"] = 25 self.externalProperties["MinDistance"] = 10 self.externalProperties["MaxDistance"] = 100 self.externalProperties["InitialElevation"] = 35 self.externalProperties["MinElevation"] = 35 self.externalProperties["MaxElevation"] = 35 self.externalProperties["ReferenceAzimuth"] = -45 -- Angle around the Y axis where the camera starts. -45 offsets the camera in the -X and +Z directions equally self.externalProperties["CWAzimuthTravel"] = 90 -- How many degrees the camera is allowed to rotate from the reference position, CW as seen from above self.externalProperties["CCWAzimuthTravel"] = 90 -- How many degrees the camera is allowed to rotate from the reference position, CCW as seen from above self.externalProperties["UseAzimuthLimits"] = false -- Full rotation around Y axis available by default self:LoadNumberValueParameters() return self end function OrbitalCamera:LoadOrCreateNumberValueParameter(name, valueType, updateFunction) local valueObj = script:FindFirstChild(name) if valueObj and valueObj:isA(valueType) then -- Value object exists and is the correct type, use its value self.externalProperties[name] = valueObj.Value elseif self.externalProperties[name] ~= nil then -- Create missing (or replace incorrectly-typed) valueObject with default value valueObj = valueObj.Name = name valueObj.Parent = script valueObj.Value = self.externalProperties[name] else print("externalProperties table has no entry for ",name) return end if updateFunction then if self.changedSignalConnections[name] then self.changedSignalConnections[name]:Disconnect() end self.changedSignalConnections[name] = valueObj.Changed:Connect(function(newValue) self.externalProperties[name] = newValue updateFunction(self) end) end end function OrbitalCamera:SetAndBoundsCheckAzimuthValues() self.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad = math.rad(self.externalProperties["ReferenceAzimuth"]) - math.abs(math.rad(self.externalProperties["CWAzimuthTravel"])) self.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad = math.rad(self.externalProperties["ReferenceAzimuth"]) + math.abs(math.rad(self.externalProperties["CCWAzimuthTravel"])) self.useAzimuthLimits = self.externalProperties["UseAzimuthLimits"] if self.useAzimuthLimits then self.curAzimuthRad = math.max(self.curAzimuthRad, self.minAzimuthAbsoluteRad) self.curAzimuthRad = math.min(self.curAzimuthRad, self.maxAzimuthAbsoluteRad) end end function OrbitalCamera:SetAndBoundsCheckElevationValues() -- These degree values are the direct user input values. It is deliberate that they are -- ranged checked only against the extremes, and not against each other. Any time one -- is changed, both of the internal values in radians are recalculated. This allows for -- A developer to change the values in any order and for the end results to be that the -- internal values adjust to match intent as best as possible. local minElevationDeg = math.max(self.externalProperties["MinElevation"], MIN_ALLOWED_ELEVATION_DEG) local maxElevationDeg = math.min(self.externalProperties["MaxElevation"], MAX_ALLOWED_ELEVATION_DEG) -- Set internal values in radians self.minElevationRad = math.rad(math.min(minElevationDeg, maxElevationDeg)) self.maxElevationRad = math.rad(math.max(minElevationDeg, maxElevationDeg)) self.curElevationRad = math.max(self.curElevationRad, self.minElevationRad) self.curElevationRad = math.min(self.curElevationRad, self.maxElevationRad) end function OrbitalCamera:SetAndBoundsCheckDistanceValues() self.minDistance = self.externalProperties["MinDistance"] self.maxDistance = self.externalProperties["MaxDistance"] self.curDistance = math.max(self.curDistance, self.minDistance) self.curDistance = math.min(self.curDistance, self.maxDistance) end
local Tool = script.Parent local Humanoid local Playing = false local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Animation = script:WaitForChild("Animation") local AnimTrack UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessedEvent) if Input.KeyCode == Key and Humanoid and AnimTrack then if not GameProcessedEvent and not Playing then Playing = true AnimTrack:Play() wait(AnimationLength) Playing = false end end end) Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Humanoid = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") AnimTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) end)
-- Generated by v0.0.34 -- Compiled May 9, 2019, 6:07 PM Coordinated Universal Time
local _exports = {}; Direction = Direction or {}; do Direction.N = 1; Direction[1] = "N"; Direction.S = 2; Direction[2] = "S"; Direction.E = 4; Direction[4] = "E"; Direction.W = 8; Direction[8] = "W"; end _exports.Direction = Direction; return _exports;
local pit = gui.PitchControl pit.TextLabel.Text = ("Pitch: "..(radio.Pitch.Value*50).."%") radio.Pitch.Changed:connect(function() pit.TextLabel.Text = ("Pitch: "..(radio.Pitch.Value*50).."%") end) pit.Up.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() radio.Pitch.Value = math.min(radio.Pitch.Value+.5,300) end) pit.Down.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() radio.Pitch.Value = math.max(radio.Pitch.Value-.5,0) end)
-- Modules
local ModuleScripts = ReplicatedStorage.ModuleScripts local GameSettings = require(ModuleScripts.GameSettings) local PlayerManagement = ServerScriptService.PlayerManagement local PlayerManagementModules = PlayerManagement.ModuleScripts local ParticleController = require(PlayerManagementModules.ParticleController) local Data = ServerScriptService.Data local DataStore = require(Data.Modules.DataStore) local UpgradeManager = require(Data.Modules.UpgradeManager)
-- ROBLOX FIXME: Can we define ClientChatModules statically in the project config
pcall(function() ChatLocalization = require((game:GetService("Chat") :: any).ClientChatModules.ChatLocalization :: any) end) local LocalPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer while LocalPlayer == nil do PlayersService.ChildAdded:wait() LocalPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer end local whisperStateMethods = {} whisperStateMethods.__index = whisperStateMethods local WhisperCustomState = {} function whisperStateMethods:TrimWhisperCommand(text) if string.sub(text, 1, 3):lower() == "/w " then return string.sub(text, 4) elseif string.sub(text, 1, 9):lower() == "/whisper " then return string.sub(text, 10) end return nil end function whisperStateMethods:TrimWhiteSpace(text) local newText = string.gsub(text, "%s+", "") local wasWhitespaceTrimmed = text[#text] == " " return newText, wasWhitespaceTrimmed end function whisperStateMethods:ShouldAutoCompleteNames() if ChatSettings.WhisperCommandAutoCompletePlayerNames ~= nil then return ChatSettings.WhisperCommandAutoCompletePlayerNames end return true end function whisperStateMethods:GetWhisperingPlayer(enteredText) enteredText = enteredText:lower() local trimmedText = self:TrimWhisperCommand(enteredText) if trimmedText then local possiblePlayerName, whitespaceTrimmed = self:TrimWhiteSpace(trimmedText) local possibleUserNameMatches = {} local possibleDisplayNameMatches = {} local players = PlayersService:GetPlayers() for i = 1, #players do if players[i] ~= LocalPlayer then local lowerPlayerName = players[i].Name:lower() if string.sub(lowerPlayerName, 1, string.len(possiblePlayerName)) == possiblePlayerName then possibleUserNameMatches[players[i]] = players[i].Name:lower() end if ChatSettings.WhisperByDisplayName then local lowerDisplayName = players[i].DisplayName:lower() if string.sub(lowerDisplayName, 1, string.len(possiblePlayerName)) == possiblePlayerName then possibleDisplayNameMatches[players[i]] = lowerDisplayName end end end end local matchCount = 0 local lastMatch = nil local lastMatchName = nil for player, playerName in pairs(possibleUserNameMatches) do matchCount = matchCount + 1 lastMatch = player lastMatchName = playerName if playerName == possiblePlayerName and whitespaceTrimmed then return player end end if ChatSettings.WhisperByDisplayName then for player, playerName in pairs(possibleDisplayNameMatches) do -- Ignore display name matches where players' Name and DisplayName are equal if lastMatch ~= player then matchCount = matchCount + 1 lastMatch = player lastMatchName = playerName end end end if matchCount == 1 then if self:ShouldAutoCompleteNames() then return lastMatch elseif lastMatchName == possiblePlayerName then return lastMatch end end end return nil end function whisperStateMethods:GetWhisperChanneNameColor() if self.ChatSettings.WhisperChannelNameColor then return self.ChatSettings.WhisperChannelNameColor end return Color3.fromRGB(102, 14, 102) end function whisperStateMethods:EnterWhisperState(player) self.PlayerNameEntered = true self.PlayerName = player.Name self.PlayerDisplayName = player.DisplayName self.MessageModeButton.Size =, 1000, 1, 0) local messageModeString if ChatSettings.PlayerDisplayNamesEnabled and ChatSettings.WhisperByDisplayName then messageModeString = string.format("[To %s]", player.DisplayName) else messageModeString = string.format("[To %s]", player.Name) end if ChatLocalization.tryLocalize then messageModeString = ChatLocalization:tryLocalize(messageModeString) end self.MessageModeButton.Text = messageModeString self.MessageModeButton.TextColor3 = self:GetWhisperChanneNameColor() local xSize = math.ceil(self.MessageModeButton.TextBounds.X) self.MessageModeButton.Size =, xSize, 1, 0) self.TextBox.Size =, -xSize, 1, 0) self.TextBox.Position =, xSize, 0, 0) self.TextBox.Text = " " end function whisperStateMethods:TextUpdated() local newText = self.TextBox.Text if not self.PlayerNameEntered then local player = self:GetWhisperingPlayer(newText) if player then self:EnterWhisperState(player) end else if newText == "" then self.MessageModeButton.Text = "" self.MessageModeButton.Size =, 0, 0, 0) self.TextBox.Size =, 0, 1, 0) self.TextBox.Position =, 0, 0, 0) self.TextBox.Text = "" ---Implement this when setting cursor positon is a thing. ---self.TextBox.Text = self.OriginalText .. " " .. self.PlayerName self.PlayerNameEntered = false ---Temporary until setting cursor position... self.ChatBar:ResetCustomState() self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() end end end function whisperStateMethods:GetMessage() if self.PlayerNameEntered then return "/w " ..self.PlayerName.. " " ..self.TextBox.Text end return self.TextBox.Text end function whisperStateMethods:ProcessCompletedMessage() return false end function whisperStateMethods:Destroy() self.MessageModeConnection:disconnect() self.Destroyed = true end function, ChatBar, ChatSettings, player) local obj = setmetatable({}, whisperStateMethods) obj.Destroyed = false obj.ChatWindow = ChatWindow obj.ChatBar = ChatBar obj.ChatSettings = ChatSettings obj.TextBox = ChatBar:GetTextBox() obj.MessageModeButton = ChatBar:GetMessageModeTextButton() obj.OriginalWhisperText = "" obj.PlayerNameEntered = false obj.MessageModeConnection = obj.MessageModeButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() local chatBarText = obj.TextBox.Text if string.sub(chatBarText, 1, 1) == " " then chatBarText = string.sub(chatBarText, 2) end obj.ChatBar:ResetCustomState() obj.ChatBar:SetTextBoxText(chatBarText) obj.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() end) if player then obj:EnterWhisperState(player) else obj:TextUpdated() end return obj end function ProcessMessage(message, ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings) if string.sub(message, 1, 3):lower() == "/w " or string.sub(message, 1, 9):lower() == "/whisper " then return, ChatBar, ChatSettings) end return nil end function CreateCustomState(player, ChatWindow, ChatBar, ChatSettings) return, ChatBar, ChatSettings, player) end return { [util.KEY_COMMAND_PROCESSOR_TYPE] = util.IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR, [util.KEY_PROCESSOR_FUNCTION] = ProcessMessage, CustomStateCreator = CreateCustomState, }
--wr.MaxVelocity = 0.007 --wr.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FR.Door.WD --wr.Part1 = wr.Parent
--This an script of ROBLOX Studio. Do not delete it, this script secures your game from exploiters. --Thanks.
--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight = 0 -- Total weight (in pounds) Tune.WeightBSize = { -- Size of weight brick (dimmensions in studs ; larger = more stable) --[[Width]] 6 , --[[Height]] 3.5 , --[[Length]] 14 } Tune.WeightDist = 70 -- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100) Tune.CGHeight = .8 -- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels) Tune.WBVisible = false -- Makes the weight brick visible --Unsprung Weight Tune.FWheelDensity = .1 -- Front Wheel Density Tune.RWheelDensity = .1 -- Rear Wheel Density Tune.FWLgcyDensity = 1 -- Front Wheel Density [PGS OFF] Tune.RWLgcyDensity = 1 -- Rear Wheel Density [PGS OFF] Tune.AxleSize = 2 -- Size of structural members (larger = more stable/carry more weight) Tune.AxleDensity = .1 -- Density of structural members
-- Levels up the player if they have enough experience to do so.
function PlayerLeveling:TryLevelUp(Player: Player, Level, XP) if PlayerLeveling:CanLevelUp(Player, Level, XP) then local Plus = math.floor(XP.Value / (Level.Value * XPPerLevel)) local Remainder = math.clamp(math.floor(XP.Value - (Level.Value * XPPerLevel) * Plus), 0, math.huge) Level.Value = math.clamp(Level.Value + Plus, 1, math.huge) XP.Value = Remainder end end return PlayerLeveling
--// F key, Horn
mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) if key=="f" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Airhorn:Stop() veh.Lightbar.middle.Wail.Volume = 2 veh.Lightbar.middle.Yelp.Volume = 2 veh.Lightbar.middle.Priority.Volume = 2 end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="j" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Beep:Play() veh.Lightbar.RemoteEvent:FireServer(true) end end)
--[[ Calls any :finally handlers. We need this to be a separate method and queue because we must call all of the finally callbacks upon a success, failure, *and* cancellation. ]]
function Promise.prototype:_finalize() for _, callback in ipairs(self._queuedFinally) do -- Purposefully not passing values to callbacks here, as it could be the -- resolved values, or rejected errors. If the developer needs the values, -- they should use :andThen or :catch(explicitly. coroutine.wrap(callback)(self._status) end self._queuedFinally = nil self._queuedReject = nil self._queuedResolve = nil -- Clear references to other Promises to allow gc if not Promise.TEST then self._parent = nil self._consumers = nil end end
--[[ Public API ]]
-- function Thumbpad:Enable() ThumbpadFrame.Visible = true end function Thumbpad:Disable() ThumbpadFrame.Visible = false OnInputEnded() end function Thumbpad:Create(parentFrame) if ThumbpadFrame then ThumbpadFrame:Destroy() ThumbpadFrame = nil if OnTouchChangedCn then OnTouchChangedCn:disconnect() OnTouchChangedCn = nil end if OnTouchEndedCn then OnTouchEndedCn:disconnect() OnTouchEndedCn = nil end end local isSmallScreen = parentFrame.AbsoluteSize.y <= 500 local thumbpadSize = isSmallScreen and 70 or 120 local position = isSmallScreen and, thumbpadSize * 1.25, 1, -thumbpadSize - 20) or, thumbpadSize/2 - 10, 1, -thumbpadSize * 1.75 - 10) ThumbpadFrame ='Frame') ThumbpadFrame.Name = "ThumbpadFrame" ThumbpadFrame.Visible = false ThumbpadFrame.Active = true ThumbpadFrame.Size =, thumbpadSize + 20, 0, thumbpadSize + 20) ThumbpadFrame.Position = position ThumbpadFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local outerImage ='ImageLabel') outerImage.Name = "OuterImage" outerImage.Image = TOUCH_CONTROL_SHEET outerImage.ImageRectOffset =, 0) outerImage.ImageRectSize =, 220) outerImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 outerImage.Size =, thumbpadSize, 0, thumbpadSize) outerImage.Position =, 10, 0, 10) outerImage.Parent = ThumbpadFrame local smArrowSize = isSmallScreen and, 32, 0, 32) or, 64, 0, 64) local lgArrowSize =, smArrowSize.X.Offset * 2, 0, smArrowSize.Y.Offset * 2) local imgRectSize =, 110) local smImgOffset = isSmallScreen and -4 or -9 local lgImgOffset = isSmallScreen and -28 or -55 local dArrow = createArrowLabel("DownArrow", outerImage,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 1, lgImgOffset), smArrowSize,, 8), imgRectSize) local uArrow = createArrowLabel("UpArrow", outerImage,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 0, smImgOffset), smArrowSize,, 266), imgRectSize) local lArrow = createArrowLabel("LeftArrow", outerImage,, smImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2), smArrowSize,, 137), imgRectSize) local rArrow = createArrowLabel("RightArrow", outerImage,, lgImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2), smArrowSize,, 137), imgRectSize) local function doTween(guiObject, endSize, endPosition) guiObject:TweenSizeAndPosition(endSize, endPosition, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 0.15, true) end local padOrigin = nil local deadZone = 0.1 local isRight, isLeft, isUp, isDown = false, false, false, false local vForward =, 0, -1) local vRight =, 0, 0) local function doMove(pos) MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) local delta =, pos.y) - padOrigin currentMoveVector = delta / (thumbpadSize/2) -- Scaled Radial Dead Zone local inputAxisMagnitude = currentMoveVector.magnitude if inputAxisMagnitude < deadZone then currentMoveVector =, 0, 0) else currentMoveVector = currentMoveVector.unit * ((inputAxisMagnitude - deadZone) / (1 - deadZone)) -- catch possible NAN Vector if currentMoveVector.magnitude == 0 then currentMoveVector =, 0, 0) else currentMoveVector =, 0, currentMoveVector.y).unit end end MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(currentMoveVector) local forwardDot = currentMoveVector:Dot(vForward) local rightDot = currentMoveVector:Dot(vRight) if forwardDot > 0.5 then -- UP if not isUp then isUp, isDown = true, false doTween(uArrow, lgArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset, 0, smImgOffset - smArrowSize.Y.Offset * 1.5)) doTween(dArrow, smArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 1, lgImgOffset)) end elseif forwardDot < -0.5 then -- DOWN if not isDown then isDown, isUp = true, false doTween(dArrow, lgArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset, 1, lgImgOffset + smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) doTween(uArrow, smArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 0, smImgOffset)) end else isUp, isDown = false, false doTween(dArrow, smArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 1, lgImgOffset)) doTween(uArrow, smArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 0, smImgOffset)) end if rightDot > 0.5 then if not isRight then isRight, isLeft = true, false doTween(rArrow, lgArrowSize,, lgImgOffset + smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset)) doTween(lArrow, smArrowSize,, smImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) end elseif rightDot < -0.5 then if not isLeft then isLeft, isRight = true, false doTween(lArrow, lgArrowSize,, smImgOffset - smArrowSize.X.Offset * 1.5, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset)) doTween(rArrow, smArrowSize,, lgImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) end else isRight, isLeft = false, false doTween(lArrow, smArrowSize,, smImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) doTween(rArrow, smArrowSize,, lgImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) end end --input connections ThumbpadFrame.InputBegan:connect(function(inputObject) if TouchObject or inputObject.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Touch then return end ThumbpadFrame.Position =, inputObject.Position.x - ThumbpadFrame.AbsoluteSize.x/2, 0, inputObject.Position.y - ThumbpadFrame.Size.Y.Offset/2) padOrigin = + ThumbpadFrame.AbsoluteSize.x/2, ThumbpadFrame.AbsolutePosition.y + ThumbpadFrame.AbsoluteSize.y/2) doMove(inputObject.Position) TouchObject = inputObject end) OnTouchChangedCn = UserInputService.TouchMoved:connect(function(inputObject, isProcessed) if inputObject == TouchObject then doMove(TouchObject.Position) end end) OnInputEnded = function() MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector =,0,0) MasterControl:SetIsJumping(false) ThumbpadFrame.Position = position TouchObject = nil isUp, isDown, isLeft, isRight = false, false, false, false doTween(dArrow, smArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 1, lgImgOffset)) doTween(uArrow, smArrowSize,, -smArrowSize.X.Offset/2, 0, smImgOffset)) doTween(lArrow, smArrowSize,, smImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) doTween(rArrow, smArrowSize,, lgImgOffset, 0.5, -smArrowSize.Y.Offset/2)) end OnTouchEndedCn = UserInputService.TouchEnded:connect(function(inputObject) if inputObject == TouchObject then OnInputEnded() end end) ThumbpadFrame.Parent = parentFrame end return Thumbpad
--[[ game.Workspace.Player.Humanoid.Running:Connect(function(speed) if speed > 1 and Bleeding.Value == true then Blood.Value = (Blood.Value - (MLs.Value/30)) end if speed > 1 and bbleeding.Value == true then Blood.Value = (Blood.Value - (MLs.Value/30)) end end) ]]
-- function ChangeBBleeding() if Config.SurgicalEnabled then bbleeding.Value = true else bbleeding.Value = false end end local BR = Config.BleedingRates while Config.EnableMedSys do step = rs.Heartbeat:Wait() if Bleeding.Value == true then if Stances.Tourniquet.Value == false then -- no tourniquet Blood.Value = Blood.Value - MLs.Value * BR[1] * step MLs.Value = MLs.Value + BR[2] * step else -- with tourniquet Blood.Value = Blood.Value - MLs.Value * BR[3] * step MLs.Value = MLs.Value + BR[4] * step end if Stances.skit.Value == true and (BR[3] ~= 0 or not Stances.Tourniquet.Value) then -- starter iv kit Blood.Value = Blood.Value - MLs.Value * BR[5] * step end MaxBlood = Blood.Value end if bbleeding.Value == true then if Stances.Tourniquet.Value == false then Blood.Value = Blood.Value - MLs.Value * BR[6] * step MLs.Value = MLs.Value + BR[7] * step else Blood.Value = Blood.Value - MLs.Value * BR[8] * step MLs.Value = MLs.Value + BR[9] * step end if Stances.skit.Value == true and (BR[3] ~= 0 or not Stances.Tourniquet.Value) then -- starter iv kit Blood.Value = Blood.Value - MLs.Value * BR[10] * step end MaxBlood = Blood.Value end if Stances.Tourniquet.Value and Config.TourniquetPainRate ~= 0 then Pain.Value = Pain.Value + Config.TourniquetPainRate * step * 60 end if Config.PainKnocksOut and Pain.Value >= Config.KOPain or Config.BloodLossKnocksOut and Blood.Value < Config.KOBlood then Caido.Value = true end if MaxHealth - human.Health > 0 then Pain.Value = math.ceil(Pain.Value + (MaxHealth - human.Health) * Config.PainMult) --Energia.Value = math.ceil(Energia.Value + (human.Health - MaxHealth)*(5)) if Bleeding.Value then MLs.Value = MLs.Value + (MaxHealth - human.Health) * Config.BloodMult end end -- new bleed to death script block if Blood.Value == 0 and Config.BleedToDeath then human.Health = 0 dead.Value = true end if script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health < MaxHealth -(Config.BleedDamage) then Bleeding.Value = true if script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health < MaxHealth -(Config.InjuredDamage) then Ferido.Value = true ChangeBBleeding() Bleeding.Value = true if script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health < MaxHealth -(Config.KODamage) then Caido.Value = true -- knocked out Bleeding.Value = true ChangeBBleeding() end end end if script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health <= 2 then rodeath.Value = true human.PlatformStand = true human.AutoRotate = false Caido.Value = true --cpr.Value = false life.Value = false Bleeding.Value = true ChangeBBleeding() end if human.Health >= human.MaxHealth and Bleeding.Value == false then Blood.Value = Blood.Value + Config.BloodRecoveryRate * step Pain.Value = Pain.Value - Config.PainRecoveryRate * step MLs.Value = MLs.Value - Config.MLRecoveryRate * step end MaxHealth = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health --spawn(function(timer) -- if (Blood.Value >= Config.KOBlood or not Config.BloodLossKnocksOut) and (Pain.Value < Config.KOPain or not Config.PainKnocksOut) and Caido.Value == true and debounce == false then -- debounce = true -- wait(60) -- debounce = false -- end --end) local currhealth = 100 if life.Value == false or rodeath.Value == true then human.PlatformStand = true human.AutoRotate = false Caido.Value = true local DyingDamage = math.clamp(MLs.Value/8000, 0.1, 0.14) if o2.Value == true then DyingDamage = 0.005 MLs.Value = 0 end human.Health = human.Health - DyingDamage if Stances.Tourniquet.Value == false then Blood.Value = (Blood.Value - (MLs.Value/90)) MLs.Value = MLs.Value + 0.025 else Blood.Value = (Blood.Value - (MLs.Value/210)) MLs.Value = MLs.Value + 0.025 end end end
--DevVince was here. :o
local shelly = script.Parent local origin = shelly.PrimaryPart.CFrame local tether = 15 local bg = shelly.PrimaryPart:WaitForChild'BodyGyro' local bp = shelly.PrimaryPart:WaitForChild'BodyPosition' bp.Position = origin.p bg.CFrame = shelly.PrimaryPart.CFrame local shellyGood = true local ostrich = os.clock()
-- Sounds
maid.gunFireSound = maid.instance.Pistol.Handle:FindFirstChild("Fire")
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild('Lang'):TweenSize(,0,.4,0),'Out','Quint',.2,true) wait() script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Lang.Visible = true end)
-- initialize to idle
playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing"
----- TOOL DATA ----- -- How much damage a bullet does
local Damage = 25
---[[ Message Settings ]]
module.MaximumMessageLength = 256 module.DisallowedWhiteSpace = {"\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\f"} module.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper = true module.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel = true module.BubbleChatMessageTypes = {ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, ChatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper}
--Gear Ratios
Tune.FinalDrive = 3.42 -- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque Tune.Ratios = { -- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed --[[Reverse]] 3.70 , -- Copy and paste a ratio to add a gear --[[Neutral]] 0 , -- Ratios can also be deleted --[[ 1 ]] 3.53 , -- Reverse, Neutral, and 1st gear are required --[[ 2 ]] 2.04 , --[[ 3 ]] 1.38 , --[[ 4 ]] 1.03 , --[[ 5 ]] 0.81 , --[[ 6 ]] 0.64 , } Tune.FDMult = 1.5 -- Ratio multiplier (Change this value instead of FinalDrive if car is struggling with torque ; Default = 1)
function Gameplay.setup() if not Gameplay.connections.respawnCharacterAddedConn then Gameplay.connections.respawnCharacterAddedConn = Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() Gameplay.setup() end) end WeaponsSystem.setGetTeamCallback(function(player) return PlayerMatchInfo.GetField(player, "teamNumber") end) BuildingSystem.setEnabled(false) StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) local skydiver = skydiver:setEnabled(false) skydiver:setOnDisabled(Gameplay.onSkydiverDisabled) if not PlayerMatchInfo.GetField(Players.LocalPlayer, "didJump") then -- Initialize minimap and focus on delivery vehicle for player's team (or the one delivery vehicle if no teams) local deliveryVehicle = Workspace:WaitForChild("DeliveryVehicle" .. tostring(PlayerMatchInfo.GetField(Players.LocalPlayer, "teamNumber"))) Util.setClientFocus(deliveryVehicle) -- Get orientation of delivery vehicle to give to minimap for dividing line in team mode local dividingAngle = nil if Conf.num_teams == 2 then dividingAngle = 90 - deliveryVehicle:WaitForChild("Root").Orientation.Y end MinimapGui.start(dividingAngle) -- Focus the camera on the bus WeaponsSystem.gui:setEnabled(false) Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = deliveryVehicle:WaitForChild("Root") Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMinZoomDistance = MIN_DELIVERY_CAMERA_DISTANCE -- Wait for it to be safe to skydive local readyValue = deliveryVehicle:WaitForChild("Ready") if not readyValue.Value then readyValue.Changed:Wait() end -- Display the prompt and allow the player to jump out of the bus skydiver:setWaitingForJump(true) -- Yield until the player jumps out of the bus skydiver:waitForJumped() -- Mark the player as having jumped out of the bus PlayerMatchInfo.UpdateField(Players.LocalPlayer, "didJump", true) end -- Start skydiving skydiver:setEnabled(true) -- Focus minimap on player instead of bus Util.setClientFocus(Players.LocalPlayer.Character) -- Reenable the weapon system camera now that the player is skydiving Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMinZoomDistance = StarterPlayer.CameraMinZoomDistance StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, Conf.gameplay.gameplay_chat_enabled) end function Gameplay.onSkydiverDisabled() BuildingSystem.setEnabled(true) StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, true) end function Gameplay.shutdown() end
-- Visualizes a ray. This will not run if FastCast.VisualizeCasts is false.
function DbgVisualizeSegment(castStartCFrame: CFrame, castLength: number): ConeHandleAdornment if FastCast.VisualizeCasts ~= true then return end local adornment ="ConeHandleAdornment") adornment.Adornee = workspace.Terrain adornment.CFrame = castStartCFrame adornment.Height = castLength adornment.Color3 = adornment.Radius = 0.25 adornment.Transparency = 0.5 adornment.Parent = GetFastCastVisualizationContainer() return adornment end
Tune.LoadDelay = 1 -- Delay before initializing chassis (in seconds) Tune.AutoStart = false -- Set to false if using manual ignition plugin Tune.AutoFlip = true -- Set to false if using manual flip plugin
car.DriveSeat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") then script.Parent:Destroy() end end) local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse()
--[[ Adds specified monster to monster collision group ]]
function CollisionGroupsController.addMonster(monsterPart) PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(monsterPart, Constants.CollisionGroup.Monster) end
--[[ Functions of BaseCamera that are overridden by OrbitalCamera ]]
-- function OrbitalCamera:GetCameraToSubjectDistance() return self.curDistance end function OrbitalCamera:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(desiredSubjectDistance) print("OrbitalCamera SetCameraToSubjectDistance ",desiredSubjectDistance) local player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer if player then self.currentSubjectDistance = Util.Clamp(self.minDistance, self.maxDistance, desiredSubjectDistance) -- OrbitalCamera is not allowed to go into the first-person range self.currentSubjectDistance = math.max(self.currentSubjectDistance, self.FIRST_PERSON_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) end self.inFirstPerson = false self:UpdateMouseBehavior() return self.currentSubjectDistance end function OrbitalCamera:CalculateNewLookVector(suppliedLookVector, xyRotateVector) local currLookVector = suppliedLookVector or self:GetCameraLookVector() local currPitchAngle = math.asin(currLookVector.y) local yTheta = Util.Clamp(currPitchAngle - math.rad(MAX_ALLOWED_ELEVATION_DEG), currPitchAngle - math.rad(MIN_ALLOWED_ELEVATION_DEG), xyRotateVector.y) local constrainedRotateInput =, yTheta) local startCFrame =, currLookVector) local newLookVector = (CFrame.Angles(0, -constrainedRotateInput.x, 0) * startCFrame * CFrame.Angles(-constrainedRotateInput.y,0,0)).lookVector return newLookVector end function OrbitalCamera:GetGamepadPan(name, state, input) if input.UserInputType == self.activeGamepad and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then if self.r3ButtonDown or self.l3ButtonDown then -- R3 or L3 Thumbstick is depressed, right stick controls dolly in/out if (input.Position.Y > THUMBSTICK_DEADZONE) then self.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier = 0.96 elseif (input.Position.Y < -THUMBSTICK_DEADZONE) then self.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier = 1.04 else self.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier = 1.00 end else if state == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then self.gamepadPanningCamera = ZERO_VECTOR2 return end local inputVector =, -input.Position.Y) if inputVector.magnitude > THUMBSTICK_DEADZONE then self.gamepadPanningCamera =, -input.Position.Y) else self.gamepadPanningCamera = ZERO_VECTOR2 end end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end function OrbitalCamera:DoGamepadZoom(name, state, input) if input.UserInputType == self.activeGamepad and (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR3 or input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3) then if (state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then self.r3ButtonDown = input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR3 self.l3ButtonDown = input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3 elseif (state == Enum.UserInputState.End) then if (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR3) then self.r3ButtonDown = false elseif (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3) then self.l3ButtonDown = false end if (not self.r3ButtonDown) and (not self.l3ButtonDown) then self.gamepadDollySpeedMultiplier = 1.00 end end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end function OrbitalCamera:BindGamepadInputActions() self:BindAction("OrbitalCamGamepadPan", function(name, state, input) return self:GetGamepadPan(name, state, input) end, false, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2) self:BindAction("OrbitalCamGamepadZoom", function(name, state, input) return self:DoGamepadZoom(name, state, input) end, false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR3, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3) end
--// UI Tween Info
local L_169_ = 1, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0 ) local L_170_ = { TextTransparency = 1 }
-- Walking
local isRunning = false humanoid.Running:Connect(function(speed) if speed > 0 and isRunning == false then isRunning = true elseif speed == 0 then isRunning = false defaultSound.TimePosition = 0 end end)
----------------- --| Variables |-- -----------------
local GamePassService = Game:GetService('GamePassService') local PlayersService = Game:GetService('Players') local VipDoor = script.Parent local GamePassIdObject = WaitForChild(script, 'GamePassId') local JustTouched = {}
--------------------[ KNIFING FUNCTION ]----------------------------------------------
function KnifeAnim() local Connection = nil local Blade ="Part") Blade.BrickColor ="Really black") Blade.Name = "Blade" Blade.CanCollide = false Blade.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom Blade.Size = VEC3(0.5, 2.5, 1) local Mesh ="SpecialMesh") Mesh.MeshId = 121944778 Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) Mesh.TextureId = 121944805 Mesh.Parent = Blade Blade.Parent = Gun_Ignore local BladeWeld ="Weld") BladeWeld.Part0 = Blade BladeWeld.Part1 = FakeLArm BladeWeld.C0 = CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180)) BladeWeld.C1 = CF(0, -1, 0.75) BladeWeld.Parent = Blade Connection = Blade.Touched:connect(function(Obj) if Obj then local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(Obj.Parent, "Humanoid") if HitHumanoid and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue") CreatorTag.Name = "creator" CreatorTag.Value = Player CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(HitHumanoid.MaxHealth) MarkHit() end end end) TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(90), 0), Linear, 0.05) TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(-0.1, 0.2, -0.1) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-20)), Linear, 0.05) TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CFANG(RAD(-30), 0, 0), Linear, 0.1) TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CF(), Linear, 0.1) spawn(function() local Force = HRP.CFrame.lookVector * 8e4 local BF ="BodyForce") BF.force = Force BF.Parent = HRP delay(0.03, function() BF.force = -Force / 2 wait(0.03) BF:Destroy() end) end) wait(0.05) RotCamera(RAD(6), 0, true, 0.1) delay(0.1, function() RotCamera(RAD(-2), 0, true, 0.05) end) TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0.8, 1.7, 0.2) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-80)), Linear, 0.06) wait(0.2) Connection:disconnect() wait(0.2) TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Linear, 0.15) TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Linear, 0.15) TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Linear, 0.15) Blade:Destroy() end
-- May return NaN or inf or -inf -- This is a way of finding the angle between the two vectors:
local function findAngleBetweenXZVectors(vec2, vec1) return math_atan2(vec1.X*vec2.Z-vec1.Z*vec2.X, vec1.X*vec2.X + vec1.Z*vec2.Z) end local function CreateAttachCamera() local module = RootCameraCreator() local lastUpdate = tick() function module:Update() local now = tick() local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera if lastUpdate == nil or now - lastUpdate > 1 then module:ResetCameraLook() self.LastCameraTransform = nil end local subjectPosition = self:GetSubjectPosition() if subjectPosition and camera then local zoom = self:GetCameraZoom() if zoom <= 0 then zoom = 0.1 end local humanoid = self:GetHumanoid() if lastUpdate and humanoid and humanoid.Torso then -- Cap out the delta to 0.1 so we don't get some crazy things when we re-resume from local delta = math_min(0.1, now - lastUpdate) local gamepadRotation = self:UpdateGamepad() self.RotateInput = self.RotateInput + (gamepadRotation * delta) local forwardVector = humanoid.Torso.CFrame.lookVector local y = findAngleBetweenXZVectors(forwardVector, self:GetCameraLook()) if IsFinite(y) then -- Preserve vertical rotation from user input self.RotateInput = Vector2_new(y, self.RotateInput.Y) end end local newLookVector = self:RotateCamera(self:GetCameraLook(), self.RotateInput) self.RotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 camera.Focus = CFrame_new(subjectPosition) local newCFrame = CFrame_new(subjectPosition - (zoom * newLookVector), subjectPosition) camera.CFrame = newCFrame self.LastCameraTransform = newCFrame end lastUpdate = now end return module end return CreateAttachCamera
--Made by Luckymaxer
Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Character = script.Parent Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if Humanoid then Humanoid.PlatformStand = true wait(0.5) Humanoid.PlatformStand = false end Debris:AddItem(script, 0.5)
local centerWeld ="Weld") local leftWeld ="Weld") local rightWeld ="Weld")
-- Frame that contains the game mode selection
local MainFrame = InteractionGui:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
--Waiting for objects to load
local Configuration = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Configuration") local Code = Configuration:WaitForChild("Code") local Button = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Button"):WaitForChild("ClickDetector") local Light = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Light")
-- / Configurations / --
local Configuration = { OnCD = false, CDTime = 1 }
--local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer while wait(3) do local Clone = script.LocalScript:Clone() Clone.Parent = Player.PlayerScripts Clone.Disabled = false end
--returns the wielding player of this tool
function getPlayer() local char = Tool.Parent return game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) end function Toss(direction) local handlePos =, 0, Tool.Handle.Position.Z) local spawnPos = Character.Head.Position spawnPos = spawnPos + (direction * 5) Tool.Handle.Part.Transparency = 1 local Object = Tool.Handle:Clone() Object.Parent = workspace Object.Part.Transparency = 0 Object.Fuse:Play() Object.Swing.Pitch =, 110)/100 Object.Swing:Play() Object.CanCollide = true Object.CFrame = Tool.Handle.CFrame Object.Velocity = (direction*AttackVelocity) +,AttackVelocity/7.5,0) Object.Trail.Enabled = true local rand = 11.25 Object.RotVelocity =,rand),,rand),,rand)) Object:SetNetworkOwner(getPlayer()) local ScriptClone = DamageScript:Clone() ScriptClone.Parent = Object ScriptClone.Disabled = false local tag ="ObjectValue") tag.Value = getPlayer() tag.Name = "creator" tag.Parent = Object end PowerRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Power) local holder = getPlayer() if holder ~= player then return end AttackVelocity = Power end) TossRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, mousePosition) local holder = getPlayer() if holder ~= player then return end if Cooldown.Value == true then return end Cooldown.Value = true local holder = getPlayer() if Humanoid and Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then TossRemote:FireClient(getPlayer(), "PlayAnimation", "Animation") end local targetPos = mousePosition.p local lookAt = (targetPos - Character.Head.Position).unit Toss(lookAt) Tool:Destroy() end) Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Character = Tool.Parent Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end) Tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() Character = nil Humanoid = nil end)
-- Runs whenever a player leaves the game. If that player was actually in the game, removes them from the table and checks for game over state
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(removeActivePlayer) return PlayerManager
-- Disable javascript: URL strings in href for XSS protection.
exports.disableJavaScriptURLs = false
--------------| SYSTEM SETTINGS |--------------
Prefix = ";"; -- The character you use before every command (e.g. ';jump me'). SplitKey = " "; -- The character inbetween command arguments (e.g. setting it to '/' would change ';jump me' to ';jump/me'). BatchKey = ""; -- The character inbetween batch commands (e.g. setting it to '|' would change ';jump me ;fire me ;smoke me' to ';jump me | ;fire me | ;smoke me' QualifierBatchKey = ","; -- The character used to split up qualifiers (e.g. ;jump player1,player2,player3) Theme = "Blue"; -- The default UI theme. NoticeSoundId = 2865227271; -- The SoundId for notices. NoticeVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for notices. NoticePitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for notices. ErrorSoundId = 2865228021; -- The SoundId for error notifications. ErrorVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for error notifications. ErrorPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for error notifications. AlertSoundId = 3140355872; -- The SoundId for alerts. AlertVolume = 0.5; -- The Volume for alerts. AlertPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for alerts. WelcomeBadgeId = 0; -- Award new players a badge, such as 'Welcome to the game!'. Set to 0 for no badge. CommandDebounce = true; -- Wait until the command effect is over to use again. Helps to limit abuse & lag. Set to 'false' to disable. SaveRank = true; -- Saves a player's rank in the server they received it. (e.g. ;rank plrName rank). Use ';permRank plrName rank' to permanently save a rank. Set to 'false' to disable. LoopCommands = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use LoopCommands. MusicList = {505757009,}; -- Songs which automatically appear in a user's radio. Type '!radio' to display the radio. ThemeColors = { -- The colours players can set their HD Admin UI (in the 'Settings' menu). | Format: {ThemeName, ThemeColor3Value}; {"Red", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0), }; {"Orange", Color3.fromRGB(150, 75, 0), }; {"Brown", Color3.fromRGB(120, 80, 30), }; {"Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(130, 120, 0), }; {"Green", Color3.fromRGB(0, 120, 0), }; {"Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 100, 150), }; {"Purple", Color3.fromRGB(100, 0, 150), }; {"Pink", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 100), }; {"Black", Color3.fromRGB(60, 60, 60), }; }; Colors = { -- The colours for ChatColors and command arguments. | Format: {"ShortName", "FullName", Color3Value}; {"r", "Red", Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) }; {"o", "Orange", Color3.fromRGB(250, 100, 0) }; {"y", "Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) }; {"g", "Green" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) }; {"dg", "DarkGreen" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 125, 0) }; {"b", "Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255) }; {"db", "DarkBlue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 50, 255) }; {"p", "Purple", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 255) }; {"pk", "Pink", Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 185) }; {"bk", "Black", Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) }; {"w", "White", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }; }; ChatColors = { -- The colour a player's chat will appear depending on their rank. '["Owner"] = "Yellow";' makes the owner's chat yellow. [5] = "White"; }; Cmdbar = 1; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar. Cmdbar2 = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar2. ViewBanland = 3; -- The minimum rank required to view the banland. OnlyShowUsableCommands = false; -- Only display commands equal to or below the user's rank on the Commands page. RankRequiredToViewPage = { -- || The pages on the main menu || ["Commands"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Settings"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRank = { -- || The rank categories on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["HeadAdmin"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Mod"] = 0; ["VIP"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRankType = { -- || The collection of loader-rank-rewarders on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["SpecificUsers"] = 5; ["Gamepasses"] = 0; ["Assets"] = 0; ["Groups"] = 0; ["Friends"] = 0; ["FreeAdmin"] = 0; ["VipServerOwner"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewIcon = 0; WelcomeRankNotice = false; -- The 'You're a [rankName]' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WelcomeDonorNotice = false; -- The 'You're a Donor' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WarnIncorrectPrefix = true; -- Warn the user if using the wrong prefix | "Invalid prefix! Try using [correctPrefix][commandName] instead!" DisableAllNotices = false; -- Set to true to disable all HD Admin notices. ScaleLimit = 4; -- The maximum size players with a rank lower than 'IgnoreScaleLimit' can scale theirself. For example, players will be limited to ;size me 4 (if limit is 4) - any number above is blocked. IgnoreScaleLimit = 3; -- Any ranks equal or above this value will ignore 'ScaleLimit' CommandLimits = { -- Enables you to set limits for commands which have a number argument. Ranks equal to or higher than 'IgnoreLimit' will not be affected by Limit. ["fly"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["fly2"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["noclip"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["noclip2"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["speed"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["jumpPower"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; }; VIPServerCommandBlacklist = {"permRank", "permBan", "globalAnnouncement"}; -- Commands players are probihited from using in VIP Servers. GearBlacklist = {67798397}; -- The IDs of gear items to block when using the ;gear command. IgnoreGearBlacklist = 4; -- The minimum rank required to ignore the gear blacklist. PlayerDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the player (i.e. permRanks, custom settings, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all PlayerData. SystemDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the game (i.e. the banland, universal message system, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all SystemData. CoreNotices = { -- Modify core notices. You can find a table of all CoreNotices under [MainModule > Client > SharedModules > CoreNotices] --NoticeName = NoticeDetails; };
-- When extend()ing a component, you don't get an extend method. -- This is to promote composition over inheritance. -- PureComponent is an exception to this rule.
PureComponent.extend = Component.extend function PureComponent:shouldUpdate(newProps, newState) -- In a vast majority of cases, if state updated, something has updated. -- We don't bother checking in this case. if newState ~= self.state then return true end if newProps == self.props then return false end for key, value in pairs(newProps) do if self.props[key] ~= value then return true end end for key, value in pairs(self.props) do if newProps[key] ~= value then return true end end return false end return PureComponent
--// All remote events will have a no-opt OnServerEvent connecdted on construction
local function CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(parentObject, objectName) local obj = CreateIfDoesntExist(parentObject, objectName, "RemoteEvent") obj.OnServerEvent:Connect(emptyFunction) return obj end CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnNewMessage") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnMessageDoneFiltering") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnNewSystemMessage") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnChannelJoined") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnChannelLeft") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnMuted") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnUnmuted") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "OnMainChannelSet") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "ChannelNameColorUpdated") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "SayMessageRequest") CreateEventIfItDoesntExist(EventFolder, "SetBlockedUserIdsRequest") CreateIfDoesntExist(EventFolder, "GetInitDataRequest", "RemoteFunction") CreateIfDoesntExist(EventFolder, "MutePlayerRequest", "RemoteFunction") CreateIfDoesntExist(EventFolder, "UnMutePlayerRequest", "RemoteFunction") EventFolder = useEvents local function CreatePlayerSpeakerObject(playerObj) --// If a developer already created a speaker object with the --// name of a player and then a player joins and tries to --// take that name, we first need to remove the old speaker object local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(playerObj.Name) if (speaker) then ChatService:RemoveSpeaker(playerObj.Name) end speaker = ChatService:InternalAddSpeakerWithPlayerObject(playerObj.Name, playerObj, false) for i, channel in pairs(ChatService:GetAutoJoinChannelList()) do speaker:JoinChannel(channel.Name) end speaker.ReceivedUnfilteredMessage:connect(function(messageObj, channel) EventFolder.OnNewMessage:FireClient(playerObj, messageObj, channel) end) speaker.MessageDoneFiltering:connect(function(messageObj, channel) EventFolder.OnMessageDoneFiltering:FireClient(playerObj, messageObj, channel) end) speaker.ReceivedSystemMessage:connect(function(messageObj, channel) EventFolder.OnNewSystemMessage:FireClient(playerObj, messageObj, channel) end) speaker.ChannelJoined:connect(function(channel, welcomeMessage) local log = nil local channelNameColor = nil local channelObject = ChatService:GetChannel(channel) if (channelObject) then log = channelObject:GetHistoryLogForSpeaker(speaker) channelNameColor = channelObject.ChannelNameColor end EventFolder.OnChannelJoined:FireClient(playerObj, channel, welcomeMessage, log, channelNameColor) end) speaker.ChannelLeft:connect(function(channel) EventFolder.OnChannelLeft:FireClient(playerObj, channel) end) speaker.Muted:connect(function(channel, reason, length) EventFolder.OnMuted:FireClient(playerObj, channel, reason, length) end) speaker.Unmuted:connect(function(channel) EventFolder.OnUnmuted:FireClient(playerObj, channel) end) speaker.MainChannelSet:connect(function(channel) EventFolder.OnMainChannelSet:FireClient(playerObj, channel) end) speaker.ChannelNameColorUpdated:connect(function(channelName, channelNameColor) EventFolder.ChannelNameColorUpdated:FireClient(playerObj, channelName, channelNameColor) end) ChatService:InternalFireSpeakerAdded(speaker.Name) end EventFolder.SayMessageRequest.OnServerEvent:connect(function(playerObj, message, channel) local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(playerObj.Name) if (speaker) then return speaker:SayMessage(message, channel) end return nil end) EventFolder.MutePlayerRequest.OnServerInvoke = function(playerObj, muteSpeakerName) local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(playerObj.Name) if speaker then local muteSpeaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(muteSpeakerName) if muteSpeaker then speaker:AddMutedSpeaker(muteSpeaker.Name) return true end end return false end EventFolder.UnMutePlayerRequest.OnServerInvoke = function(playerObj, unmuteSpeakerName) local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(playerObj.Name) if speaker then local unmuteSpeaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(unmuteSpeakerName) if unmuteSpeaker then speaker:RemoveMutedSpeaker(unmuteSpeaker.Name) return true end end return false end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources")); while not v1.Loaded do game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait(); end; local u1 = { Eggs = {}, Areas = {} }; function SendNotification(p1, p2) table.insert(u1[p2], p1); local v2 = nil; if p2 == "Eggs" then v2 = "You can afford to buy the " .. v1.Directory.Eggs[p1].display_name .. "!"; elseif p2 == "Areas" then v2 = "You can afford to unlock the " .. v1.Directory.Worlds[p1].display_name .. " area!"; end; v1.Signal.Fire("Notification", v2, { color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 187, 255), time = 4 }); v1.Network.Fire("Sent Progress Notification", p1, p2); end; function AttemptNotification(p3, p4) local v3 = v1.StatService.Get(); if not v3 then return; end; if not v1.Functions.SearchArray(u1[p4], p3) then if not v1.Functions.SearchArray(v3.ProgressNotifications[p4], p3) then SendNotification(p3, p4); end; end; end; function CheckForNotifications() local v4 = v1.StatService.Get(); if not v4 then return; end; for v5, v6 in ipairs((v1.WorldCmds.GetAllEggs())) do if v5 then else break; end; local v8 = v6:GetAttribute("ID"); local v9 = v1.Directory.Eggs[v8]; if v6:GetAttribute("Unlocked") then if v9.cost <= v4[v9.currency] then AttemptNotification(v8, "Eggs"); end; end; end; for v13, v14 in pairs(v1.Directory.Worlds) do if v13 then else break; end; local v15 = v1.Directory.Worlds[v13]; if v13 ~= "Spawn" then if v15.cost <= v4[v15.currency] then AttemptNotification(v13, "Areas"); end; end; end; end; v1.Signal.Fired("Stat Changed"):Connect(function(p5) if not (not string.find(p5, "Coins")) or p5 == "Gems" or p5 == "AreasUnlocked" then CheckForNotifications(); end; end);
--[=[ Loads data. This returns the originally loaded data. @param keyName string @param defaultValue any? @return any? ]=]
function DataStore:Load(keyName, defaultValue) return self:_promiseLoad() :Then(function(data) return self:_afterLoadGetAndApplyStagedData(keyName, data, defaultValue) end) end function DataStore:_saveData(writer) local maid = local promise = promise:Resolve(maid:GivePromise(DataStorePromises.updateAsync(self._robloxDataStore, self._key, function(data) if promise:IsRejected() then -- Cancel if we have another request return nil end data = writer:WriteMerge(data or {}) assert(data ~= DataStoreDeleteToken, "Cannot delete from UpdateAsync") if DEBUG_WRITING then print("[DataStore] - Writing", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data)) end return data end, function(err) -- Might be caused by Maid rejecting state warn("[DataStore] - Failed to UpdateAsync data", err) return Promise.rejected(err) end))) self._maid._saveMaid = maid if self.Saving.Destroy then self.Saving:Fire(promise) end return promise end function DataStore:_promiseLoad() if self._loadPromise then return self._loadPromise end self._loadPromise = self._maid:GivePromise(DataStorePromises.getAsync(self._robloxDataStore, self._key) :Then(function(data) if data == nil then return {} elseif type(data) == "table" then return data else return Promise.rejected("Failed to load data. Wrong type '" .. type(data) .. "'") end end, function(err) -- Log: warn("[DataStore] - Failed to GetAsync data", err) return Promise.rejected(err) end)) return self._loadPromise end return DataStore
--// Core
return function(Vargs, GetEnv) local env = GetEnv(nil, {script = script}) setfenv(1, env) local server = Vargs.Server; local service = Vargs.Service; local Functions, Admin, Anti, Core, HTTP, Logs, Remote, Process, Variables, Settings, Deps; local AddLog, Queue, TrackTask local logError = env.logError local function Init(data) Functions = server.Functions; Admin = server.Admin; Anti = server.Anti; Core = server.Core; HTTP = server.HTTP; Logs = server.Logs; Remote = server.Remote; Process = server.Process; Variables = server.Variables; Settings = server.Settings; Deps = server.Deps; AddLog = Logs.AddLog; Queue = service.Queue; TrackTask = service.TrackTask; logError = logError or env.logError; --// Core variables Core.Themes = data.Themes or {} Core.Plugins = data.Plugins or {} Core.ModuleID = data.ModuleID or 7510592873 Core.LoaderID = data.LoaderID or 7510622625 Core.DebugMode = data.DebugMode or false Core.Name = Functions:GetRandom() Core.LoadstringObj = Core.GetLoadstring() Core.Loadstring = require(Core.LoadstringObj) service.DataStoreService = require(Deps.MockDataStoreService)(Settings.LocalDatastore) local function disableAllGuis(folder: Folder) for _, v in folder:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("ScreenGui") then v.Enabled = false elseif v:IsA("Folder") or v:IsA("Model") then disableAllGuis(v) end end end disableAllGuis(server.Client.UI) Core.Init = nil; AddLog("Script", "Core Module Initialized") end; local function RunAfterPlugins(data) --// RemoteEvent Handling Core.MakeEvent() --// Prepare the client loader --local existingPlayers = service.Players:GetPlayers(); --Core.MakeClient() local remoteParent = service.ReplicatedStorage; remoteParent.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(c) task.wait(1/60) if server.Core.RemoteEvent and not Core.FixingEvent and (function() for i,v in Core.RemoteEvent do if c == v then return true end end end)() then Core.MakeEvent() end end) --// Load data Core.DataStore = Core.GetDataStore() if Core.DataStore then TrackTask("Thread: DSLoadAndHook", function() --// Catch any errors and print it to the console; allow for debugging. task.defer(env.Pcall, Core.LoadData) end) end --// Start API if service.NetworkServer then --service.Threads.RunTask("_G API Manager",server.Core.StartAPI) TrackTask("Thread: API Manager", Core.StartAPI) end --// Occasionally save all player data to the datastore to prevent data loss if the server abruptly crashes service.StartLoop("SaveAllPlayerData", Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval, Core.SaveAllPlayerData, true) Core.RunAfterPlugins = nil; AddLog("Script", "Core Module RunAfterPlugins Finished"); end server.Core = { Init = Init; RunAfterPlugins = RunAfterPlugins; DataQueue = {}; DataCache = {}; PlayerData = {}; CrossServerCommands = {}; CrossServer = function(...) return false end; ExecuteScripts = {}; LastDataSave = 0; FixingEvent = false; ScriptCache = {}; Connections = {}; BytecodeCache = {}; LastEventValue = 1; SavedPlayerData = {}; Variables = { TimeBans = {}; }; --// Datastore update/queue timers/delays DS_WriteQueueDelay = 1; DS_ReadQueueDelay = 0.5; DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval = 30; DS_AllPlayerDataSaveQueueDelay = 0.5; --// Used to change/"reset" specific datastore keys DS_RESET_SALTS = { SavedSettings = "32K5j4"; SavedTables = "32K5j4"; }; DS_BLACKLIST = { Trello_Enabled = true; Trello_Primary = true; Trello_Secondary = true; Trello_Token = true; Trello_AppKey = true; DataStore = true; DataStoreKey = true; DataStoreEnabled = true; LocalDatastore = true; Creators = true; Permissions = true; G_API = true; G_Access = true; G_Access_Key = true; G_Access_Perms = true; Allowed_API_Calls = true; LoadAdminsFromDS = true; WebPanel_ApiKey = true; WebPanel_Enabled = true; ["Settings.Ranks.Creators.Users"] = true; ["Admin.SpecialLevels"] = true; OnStartup = true; OnSpawn = true; OnJoin = true; CustomRanks = true; Ranks = true; Commands = true; --// Not gonna let malicious stuff set DS_Blacklist to {} or anything! DS_BLACKLIST = true; }; --// Prevent certain keys from loading from the DataStore PlayerDataKeyBlacklist = { AdminRank = true; AdminLevel = true; LastLevelUpdate = true; }; UpdatePlayerConnection = function(p) for i, cli in next,service.NetworkServer:GetChildren() do if cli:GetPlayer() == p then Core.Connections[cli] = p end end end; DisconnectEvent = function() if Core.RemoteEvent and not Core.FixingEvent then Core.FixingEvent = true for name,event in Core.RemoteEvent.Events do event:Disconnect() end pcall(function() service.Delete(Core.RemoteEvent.Object) end) pcall(function() service.Delete(Core.RemoteEvent.Function) end) Core.FixingEvent = false Core.RemoteEvent = nil end end; MakeEvent = function() local remoteParent = service.ReplicatedStorage local ran, err = pcall(function() if server.Running then local rTable = {}; local event = service.New("RemoteEvent", {Name = Core.Name, Archivable = false}, true, true) local func = service.New("RemoteFunction", {Name = "__FUNCTION", Parent = event}, true, true) local secureTriggered = true local tripDet = math.random() local function secure(ev, name, parent) return ev.Changed:Connect(function() if Core.RemoteEvent == rTable and not secureTriggered then if ev == func then func.OnServerInvoke = Process.Remote end if ev.Name ~= name then ev.Name = name elseif ev.Parent ~= parent then secureTriggered = true; Core.DisconnectEvent(); Core.MakeEvent() end end end) end Core.DisconnectEvent() Core.TripDet = tripDet rTable.Events = {} rTable.Object = event rTable.Function = func rTable.Events.Security = secure(event, event.Name, remoteParent) rTable.Events.FuncSec = secure(func, func.Name, event) func.OnServerInvoke = Process.Remote; rTable.Events.ProcessEvent = service.RbxEvent(event.OnServerEvent, Process.Remote) Core.RemoteEvent = rTable event.Parent = remoteParent secureTriggered = false AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = "Created RemoteEvent"; Desc = "RemoteEvent was successfully created"; }) end end) if err then warn(err) end end; UpdateConnections = function() if service.NetworkServer then for _, cli in service.NetworkServer:GetChildren() do if cli:IsA("NetworkReplicator") then Core.Connections[cli] = cli:GetPlayer() end end end end; UpdateConnection = function(p) if service.NetworkServer then for _, cli in service.NetworkServer:GetChildren() do if cli:IsA("NetworkReplicator") and cli:GetPlayer() == p then Core.Connections[cli] = p end end end end; GetNetworkClient = function(p) if service.NetworkServer then for _, cli in service.NetworkServer:GetChildren() do if cli:IsA("NetworkReplicator") and cli:GetPlayer() == p then return cli end end end end; MakeClient = function(parent) if not parent and Core.ClientLoader then local loader = Core.ClientLoader loader.Removing = true for _, v in loader.Events do v:Disconnect() end loader.Object:Destroy() end; local depsName = Functions:GetRandom() local folder = server.Client:Clone() local acli = Deps.ClientMover:Clone(); local client = folder.Client local parentObj = parent or service.StarterPlayer:FindFirstChildOfClass("StarterPlayerScripts"); local clientLoader = { Removing = false; }; Core.MockClientKeys = Core.MockClientKeys or { Special = depsName; Module = client; } local depsName = Core.MockClientKeys.Special; local specialVal = service.New("StringValue") specialVal.Value = `{Core.Name}\\{depsName}` specialVal.Name = "Special" specialVal.Parent = folder acli.Parent = folder; acli.Disabled = false; folder.Archivable = false; folder.Name = depsName; --"Adonis_Client" folder.Parent = parentObj; if not parent then local oName = folder.Name clientLoader.Object = folder clientLoader.Events = {} clientLoader.Events[folder] = folder.Changed:Connect(function() if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then if folder.Name ~= oName then folder.Name = oName; elseif folder.Parent ~= parentObj then clientLoader.Removing = true Core.MakeClient() end end end) for _, child in folder:GetDescendants() do local oParent = child.Parent local oName = child.Name clientLoader.Events[child.Changed] = child.Changed:Connect(function(c) if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then if child.Parent ~= oParent or child == specialVal then Core.MakeClient() end end end) local nameEvent = child:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Name"):Connect(function() if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then child.Name = oName end end) clientLoader.Events[nameEvent] = nameEvent clientLoader.Events[child.AncestryChanged] = child.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then Core.MakeClient() end end) end folder.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(d) if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then Core.MakeClient() end end) folder.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(d) if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then Core.MakeClient() end end) Core.ClientLoader = clientLoader end local ok,err = pcall(function() folder.Parent = parentObj end) clientLoader.Removing = false; AddLog("Script", "Created client") end; HookClient = function(p) local key = tostring(p.UserId) local keys = Remote.Clients[key] if keys then local depsName = Functions:GetRandom() local eventName = Functions:GetRandom() local folder = server.Client:Clone() local acli = Deps.ClientMover:Clone(); local client = folder.Client local parentTo = "PlayerGui" --// Roblox, seriously, please give the server access to PlayerScripts already so I don't need to do this. local parentObj = p:FindFirstChildOfClass(parentTo) or p:WaitForChild(parentTo, 600); if not p.Parent then return false elseif not parentObj then p:Kick("\n[CLI-102495] Loading Error \nPlayerGui Missing (Waited 10 Minutes)") return false end local container = service.New("ScreenGui"); container.ResetOnSpawn = false; container.Enabled = false; container.Name = "\0"; local specialVal = service.New("StringValue") specialVal.Value = `{Core.Name}\\{depsName}` specialVal.Name = "Special" specialVal.Parent = folder keys.Special = depsName keys.EventName = eventName keys.Module = client acli.Parent = folder; acli.Disabled = false; folder.Name = "Adonis_Client" folder.Parent = container; --// Event only fires AFTER the client is alive and well local event; event = service.Events.ClientLoaded:Connect(function(plr) if p == plr and container.Parent == parentObj then --container:Destroy(); -- Destroy update causes an issue with this pretty sure container.Parent = nil local leaveEvent; leaveEvent = p.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() -- after/on remove, not on removing... task.wait() if p.Parent == nil then -- Prevent potential memory leak and ensure this gets properly murdered when they leave and it's no longer needed pcall(function() container:Destroy() end) end end) leaveEvent:Disconnect() leaveEvent = nil event:Disconnect(); event = nil end end) local ok, err = pcall(function() container.Parent = parentObj end) if not ok then p:Kick(`\n[CLI-192385] Loading Error \n[HookClient Error: {err}]`) return false else return true end else if p and p.Parent then p:Kick("\n[CLI-5691283] Loading Error \n[HookClient: Keys Missing]") end end end; LoadClientLoader = function(p) local loader = Deps.ClientLoader:Clone() loader.Name = Functions.GetRandom() loader.Parent = p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui", 60) or p:WaitForChild("Backpack") loader.Disabled = false end; LoadExistingPlayer = function(p) warn(`Loading existing player: {p}`) TrackTask(`Thread: Setup Existing Player: {p}`, function() Process.PlayerAdded(p) --Core.MakeClient(p:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui") or p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui", 120)) end) end; ExecutePermission = function(scr, code, isLocal) local fixscr = service.UnWrap(scr) for _, val in Core.ExecuteScripts do if not isLocal or (isLocal and val.Type == "LocalScript") then if (service.UnWrap(val.Script) == fixscr or code == val.Code) and (not val.runLimit or (val.runLimit ~= nil and val.Executions <= val.runLimit)) then val.Executions += 1 return { Source = val.Source; noCache = val.noCache; runLimit = val.runLimit; Executions = val.Executions; } end end end end; GetScript = function(scr, code) for i, val in Core.ExecuteScripts do if val.Script == scr or code == val.Code then return val, i end end end; UnRegisterScript = function(scr) for i, dat in Core.ExecuteScripts do if dat.Script == scr or dat == scr then table.remove(Core.ExecuteScripts, i) return dat end end end; RegisterScript = function(data) data.Executions = 0 data.Time = os.time() data.Type = data.Script.ClassName data.Wrapped = service.Wrap(data.Script) data.Wrapped:SetSpecial("Clone",function() return Core.RegisterScript({ Script = service.UnWrap(data.Script):Clone(); Code = data.Code; Source = data.Source; noCache = data.noCache; runLimit = data.runLimit; }) end) for ind,scr in Core.ExecuteScripts do if scr.Script == data.Script then return scr.Wrapped or scr.Script end end if not data.Code then data.Code = Functions.GetRandom() end table.insert(Core.ExecuteScripts, data) return data.Wrapped end; GetLoadstring = function() local newLoad = Deps.Loadstring:Clone() local lbi = server.Shared.FiOne:Clone() lbi.Parent = newLoad return newLoad end; Bytecode = function(str: string) if Core.BytecodeCache[str] then return Core.BytecodeCache[str] end local f, buff = Core.Loadstring(str) Core.BytecodeCache[str] = buff return buff end; NewScript = function(scriptType: string, source: string, allowCodes: boolean?, noCache: boolean?, runLimit: number?) local scr = assert( if scriptType == "Script" then Deps.ScriptBase:Clone() elseif scriptType == "LocalScript" then Deps.LocalScriptBase:Clone() else nil, `Invalid script type '{scriptType}'` ) local execCode = Functions.GetRandom() scr.Name = `[Adonis] {scriptType}` if allowCodes then service.New("StringValue", { Name = "Execute", Value = execCode, Parent = scr, }) end local wrapped = Core.RegisterScript({ Script = scr; Code = execCode; Source = Core.Bytecode(source); noCache = noCache; runLimit = runLimit; }) return wrapped or scr, scr, execCode end; SavePlayer = function(p, data) local key = tostring(p.UserId) Core.PlayerData[key] = data end; DefaultPlayerData = function(p) return { Donor = { Cape = { Image = "0"; Color = "White"; Material = "Neon"; }; Enabled = false; }; Banned = false; TimeBan = false; AdminNotes = {}; Keybinds = {}; Aliases = {}; Client = {}; Warnings = {}; } end; GetPlayer = function(p) local key = tostring(p.UserId) if not Core.PlayerData[key] then local PlayerData = Core.DefaultPlayerData(p) Core.PlayerData[key] = PlayerData if Core.DataStore and p.UserId > 0 then local data = Core.GetData(key) if type(data) == "table" then data.AdminNotes = if data.AdminNotes then Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.AdminNotes, true) else {} data.Warnings = if data.Warnings then Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.Warnings, true) else {} local BLOCKED_SETTINGS = Core.PlayerDataKeyBlacklist for i, v in data do if not BLOCKED_SETTINGS[i] then PlayerData[i] = v end end Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId] = service.DeepCopy(data) end end return PlayerData else return Core.PlayerData[key] end end; ClearPlayer = function(p) Core.PlayerData[tostring(p.UserId)] = Core.DefaultData(p) end; SavePlayerData = function(p, customData) local key = tostring(p.UserId) local pData = customData or Core.PlayerData[key] if Core.DataStore then if pData and p.UserId > 0 then local data = service.DeepCopy(pData) --// Temporary junk that will be removed on save. for _, blacklistedData in ipairs({"LastChat", "AdminRank", "AdminLevel", "LastLevelUpdate", "LastDataSave"}) do data[blacklistedData] = nil end --// We want to only save data if actual user data is different local CompareOptions = { IgnoreKeys = {"Groups", "AdminLevel", "AdminRank", "LastLevelUpdate", "LastDataSave"} } data.AdminNotes = Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.AdminNotes) data.Warnings = Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.Warnings) if Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId] and Functions.LaxCheckMatch(Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId], data, CompareOptions) and Functions.LaxCheckMatch(data, Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId], CompareOptions) then AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = "Didn't save data due to redundancy ".. p.Name; Desc = "Player data was not saved to the datastore due to it being already saved."; }) elseif not Functions.LaxCheckMatch(Core.DefaultPlayerData(p), data, CompareOptions) or Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId] and not (Functions.LaxCheckMatch(Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId], data, CompareOptions) or Functions.LaxCheckMatch(data, Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId], CompareOptions)) then Core.SetData(key, data) Core.SavedPlayerData[p.UserId] = data AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = `Saved data for {p.Name}`; Desc = "Player data was saved to the datastore"; }) else AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = `Didn't save default data for {p.Name}`; Desc = "Player data was not saved to the datastore due to it having default values"; }) end pData.LastDataSave = os.time() end end end; SaveAllPlayerData = function(queueWaitTime) local TrackTask = service.TrackTask for key,pdata in Core.PlayerData do local id = tonumber(key); local player = id and service.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(id); if player and (not pdata.LastDataSave or os.time() - pdata.LastDataSave >= Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval) then TrackTask(string.format("Save data for %s", player.Name), Core.SavePlayerData, player); end end --[[ --// OLD METHOD (Kept in case this messes anything up) for i,p in service.Players:GetPlayers() do local pdata = Core.PlayerData[tostring(p.UserId)]; --// Only save player's data if it has not been saved within the last INTERVAL (default 30s) if pdata and (not pdata.LastDataSave or os.time() - pdata.LastDataSave >= Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval) then service.Queue("SavePlayerData", function() Core.SavePlayerData(p) task.wait(queueWaitTime or Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveQueueDelay) end) end end--]] end; GetDataStore = function() local ran,store = pcall(function() return service.DataStoreService:GetDataStore(string.sub(Settings.DataStore, 1, 50),"Adonis") end) -- DataStore studio check. if ran and store and service.RunService:IsStudio() then local success, res = pcall(store.GetAsync, store, math.random()) if not success and string.find(res, "502", 1, true) then warn("Unable to load data because Studio access to API services is disabled.") return; end end return ran and store end; DataStoreEncode = function(key) if Core.DS_RESET_SALTS[key] then key = Core.DS_RESET_SALTS[key] .. key end return Functions.Base64Encode(Remote.Encrypt(tostring(key), Settings.DataStoreKey)) end; SaveData = function(...) return Core.SetData(...) end; DS_GetRequestDelay = function(reqTypeName: string) local reqType = assert( if reqTypeName == "Write" then Enum.DataStoreRequestType.SetIncrementAsync elseif reqTypeName == "Read" then Enum.DataStoreRequestType.GetAsync elseif reqTypeName == "Update" then Enum.DataStoreRequestType.UpdateAsync else nil, `Invalid request type name '{reqTypeName}'` ) local reqPerMin = 60 + #service.Players:GetPlayers() * 10 local reqDelay = 60 / reqPerMin local budget repeat budget = service.DataStoreService:GetRequestBudgetForRequestType(reqType); until budget > 0 and task.wait(1) return reqDelay + 0.5 end; DS_WriteLimiter = function(reqTypeName: string, func, ...) local vararg = table.pack(...) return Queue(`DataStoreWriteData_{reqTypeName}`, function() local gotDelay = Core.DS_GetRequestDelay(reqTypeName); --// Wait for budget; also return how long we should wait before the next request is allowed to go func(unpack(vararg, 1, vararg.n)) task.wait(gotDelay) end, 120, true) end; RemoveData = function(key) local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then local ran2, err2 = Queue(`DataStoreWriteData{key}`, function() local ran, ret = Core.DS_WriteLimiter("Write", DataStore.RemoveAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key)) if ran then Core.DataCache[key] = nil else logError(`DataStore RemoveAsync Failed: {ret}`) end task.wait(6) end, 120, true) if not ran2 then warn(`DataStore RemoveData Failed: {err2}`) end end end; SetData = function(key: string, value: any?, repeatCount: number?) if repeatCount then warn(`Retrying SetData request for {key}`); end local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then if value == nil then return Core.RemoveData(key) else local ran2, err2 = Queue(`DataStoreWriteData{key}`, function() local ran, ret = Core.DS_WriteLimiter("Write", DataStore.SetAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key), value) if ran then Core.DataCache[key] = value else logError(`DataStore SetAsync Failed: {ret}`); end task.wait(6) end, 120, true) if not ran2 then logError(`DataStore SetData Failed: {err2}`) --// Attempt 3 times, with slight delay between if failed task.wait(1) if not repeatCount then return Core.SetData(key, value, 3); elseif repeatCount > 0 then return Core.SetData(key, value, repeatCount - 1); end end end end end; UpdateData = function(key: string, callback: (currentData: any?)->any?, repeatCount: number?) if repeatCount then warn(`Retrying UpdateData request for {key}`) end local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then local err = false local ran2, err2 = Queue(`DataStoreWriteData{key}`, function() local ran, ret = Core.DS_WriteLimiter("Update", DataStore.UpdateAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key), callback) if not ran then err = ret logError(`DataStore UpdateAsync Failed: {ret}`) return error(ret) end task.wait(6) end, 120, true) --// 120 timeout, yield until this queued function runs and completes if not ran2 then logError(`DataStore UpdateData Failed: {err2}`) --// Attempt 3 times, with slight delay between if failed task.wait(1) if not repeatCount then return Core.UpdateData(key, callback, 3) elseif repeatCount > 0 then return Core.UpdateData(key, callback, repeatCount - 1) end end return err end end; GetData = function(key: string, repeatCount: number?) if repeatCount then warn(`Retrying GetData request for {key}`) end local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then local ran2, err2 = Queue("DataStoreReadData", function() --wait(Core.DS_GetRequestDelay("Read")) -- TODO: re-implement this effectively and without an unnecessary delay local ran, ret = pcall(DataStore.GetAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key)) if ran then Core.DataCache[key] = ret return ret else logError(`DataStore GetAsync Failed: {ret}`) if Core.DataCache[key] then return Core.DataCache[key] else error(ret) end end end, 120, true) if not ran2 then logError(`DataStore GetData Failed: {err2}`) --// Attempt 3 times, with slight delay between if failed task.wait(1) if not repeatCount then return Core.GetData(key, 3) elseif repeatCount > 0 then return Core.GetData(key, repeatCount - 1) end else return err2 end end end; IndexPathToTable = function(tableAncestry) local ds_blacklist = Core.DS_BLACKLIST if type(tableAncestry) == "string" and not ds_blacklist[tableAncestry] then return Settings[tableAncestry], tableAncestry elseif type(tableAncestry) == "table" then local curTable = server local curName = "Server" for index, ind in tableAncestry do --// Prevent stuff like {t1 = "Settings", t2 = ...} from bypassing datastore blocks if type(index) ~= 'number' then return nil end curTable = curTable[ind] curName = ind if type(curName) == "string" then --// Admins do NOT load from the DataStore with this setting if curName == "Ranks" and Settings.LoadAdminsFromDS == false then return nil end end if not curTable then --warn(`{ind} could not be found`); --// Not allowed or table is not found return nil end end if type(curName) == "string" and ds_blacklist[curName] then return nil end return curTable, curName end return nil end; ClearAllData = function() local tabs = Core.GetData("SavedTables") or {} for _, v in tabs do if v.TableKey then Core.RemoveData(v.TableKey) end end Core.SetData("SavedSettings", {}) Core.SetData("SavedTables", {}) Core.CrossServer("LoadData") end; GetTableKey = function(indList: {string}) local tabs = Core.GetData("SavedTables") or {} local realTable, tableName = Core.IndexPathToTable(indList) local foundTable = nil for _, v in tabs do if type(v) == "table" and v.TableName and v.TableName == tableName then foundTable = v break end end if not foundTable then foundTable = { TableName = tableName; TableKey = `SAVEDTABLE_{tableName}`; } table.insert(tabs, foundTable) Core.SetData("SavedTables", tabs) end if not Core.GetData(foundTable.TableKey) then Core.SetData(foundTable.TableKey, {}) end return foundTable.TableKey; end; DoSave = function(data: TableData) if data.Type == "ClearSettings" then Core.ClearAllData() elseif data.Type == "SetSetting" then local setting = data.Setting local val = data.Value Core.UpdateData("SavedSettings", function(savedSettings) savedSettings[setting] = val return savedSettings end) Core.CrossServer("LoadData", "SavedSettings", {[setting] = val}) elseif data.Type == "TableRemove" then local tab = data.Table local val = data.Value local key = Core.GetTableKey(tab) --// Storing an old reference of data.Table as we may override it later on. local originalTable = tab if type(tab) == "string" then tab = {"Settings", tab} elseif type(tab) == "table" and tab[1] == "Settings" then originalTable = tab[2] end data.Action = "Remove" data.Time = os.time() local CheckMatch = if type(data) == "table" and data.LaxCheck then Functions.LaxCheckMatch else Functions.CheckMatch Core.UpdateData(key, function(sets) sets = sets or {} local index = 1 for i, v in sets do if type(i) ~= "number" then sets[i] = nil elseif (CheckMatch(tab, v.Table) or CheckMatch(originalTable, v.Table)) and CheckMatch(v.Value, val) then table.remove(sets, index) else index += 1 end end --// Check that the real table actually has the item to remove; do not create if it does not have it --// (prevents snowballing) local continueOperation = false if tab[1] == "Settings" or tab[2] == "Settings" then local indClone = table.clone(tab) indClone[1] = "OriginalSettings" for _, v in pairs(Core.IndexPathToTable(indClone) or {}) do if CheckMatch(v, val) then continueOperation = true break end end end return sets end) Core.CrossServer("LoadData", "TableUpdate", data) elseif data.Type == "TableAdd" then local tab = data.Table local originalTable = tab local val = data.Value local key = Core.GetTableKey(tab) if type(tab) == "string" then tab = {"Settings", tab} end data.Action = "Add" data.Time = os.time() local CheckMatch = if type(data) == "table" and data.LaxCheck then Functions.LaxCheckMatch else Functions.CheckMatch Core.UpdateData(key, function(sets: {TableData}) sets = sets or {} local index = 1 for i, v in sets do if type(i) ~= "number" then sets[i] = nil elseif (CheckMatch(tab, v.Table) or CheckMatch(originalTable, v.Table)) and CheckMatch(v.Value, val) then table.remove(sets, index) else index += 1 end end --// Check that the real table does not already have the item to add; do not create if it has it --// (prevents snowballing) local continueOperation = true if tab[1] == "Settings" or tab[2] == "Settings" then local indClone = table.clone(tab) indClone[1] = "OriginalSettings" for _, v in Core.IndexPathToTable(indClone) or {} do if CheckMatch(v, val) then continueOperation = false break end end end if continueOperation then table.insert(sets, data) end return sets end) Core.CrossServer("LoadData", "TableUpdate", data) else error(`Invalid data action type '{data.Type}'`, 2) end AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = "Saved setting change to datastore"; Desc = `A setting change was issued and saved ({data.Type})`; }) end; LoadData = function(key: string, data: TableData, serverId: string?) if serverId and serverId == game.JobId then return end local CheckMatch = if type(data) == "table" and data.LaxCheck then Functions.LaxCheckMatch else Functions.CheckMatch local ds_blacklist = Core.DS_BLACKLIST if key == "TableUpdate" then local indList = data.Table local nameRankComp = { --// Old settings backwards compatability Owners = { "Settings", "Ranks", "HeadAdmins", "Users" }, Creators = { "Settings", "Ranks", "Creators", "Users" }, HeadAdmins = { "Settings", "Ranks", "HeadAdmins", "Users" }, Admins = { "Settings", "Ranks", "Admins", "Users" }, Moderators = { "Settings", "Ranks", "Moderators", "Users" }, } if type(indList) == "string" and nameRankComp[indList] then indList = nameRankComp[indList] end local realTable, tableName = Core.IndexPathToTable(indList) local displayName = type(indList) == "table" and table.concat(indList, ".") or tableName if type(displayName) == "string" then if ds_blacklist[displayName] then return end if type(indList) == "table" and indList[1] == "Settings" and indList[2] == "Ranks" then if not Settings.SaveAdmins and not Core.WarnedAboutAdminsLoadingWhenSaveAdminsIsOff and not Settings.SaveAdminsWarning and Settings.LoadAdminsFromDS then warn( 'Admins are loading from the Adonis DataStore when Settings.SaveAdmins is FALSE!\nDisable this warning by adding the setting "SaveAdminsWarning" in Settings (and set it to true!) or set Settings.LoadAdminsFromDS to false' ) Core.WarnedAboutAdminsLoadingWhenSaveAdminsIsOff = true end --// No adding to Trello or WebPanel rank users list via Datastore if type(indList[3]) == 'string' and (indList[3]:match("Trello") or indList[3]:match("WebPanel")) then return end end end if realTable and data.Action == "Add" then for i, v in realTable do if CheckMatch(v, data.Value) then table.remove(realTable, i) end end AddLog("Script", { Text = `Added value to {displayName}`, Desc = `Added {data.Value} to {displayName} from datastore`, }) table.insert(realTable, data.Value) service.Events[`DataStoreAdd_{displayName}`]:Fire(data.Value) elseif realTable and data.Action == "Remove" then for i, v in realTable do if CheckMatch(v, data.Value) then AddLog("Script", { Text = `Removed value from {displayName}`, Desc = `Removed {data.Value} from {displayName} from datastore`, }) table.remove(realTable, i) end end end else local SavedSettings local SavedTables if Core.DataStore and Settings.DataStoreEnabled then local GetData, LoadData, SaveData, DoSave = Core.GetData, Core.LoadData, Core.SaveData, Core.DoSave if not key then SavedSettings = GetData("SavedSettings") SavedTables = GetData("SavedTables") elseif key and not data then if key == "SavedSettings" then SavedSettings = GetData("SavedSettings") elseif key == "SavedTables" then SavedTables = GetData("SavedTables") end elseif key and data then if key == "SavedSettings" then SavedSettings = data elseif key == "SavedTables" then SavedTables = data end end if not key and not data then if not SavedSettings then SavedSettings = {} SaveData("SavedSettings", {}) end if not SavedTables then SavedTables = {} SaveData("SavedTables", {}) end end if SavedSettings then for setting, value in SavedSettings do if not ds_blacklist[setting] then if setting == "Prefix" or setting == "AnyPrefix" or setting == "SpecialPrefix" then local orig = Settings[setting] for _, cmd in server.Commands do if cmd.Prefix == orig then cmd.Prefix = value end end end Settings[setting] = value end end end if SavedTables then for _, tData in SavedTables do if tData.TableName and tData.TableKey and not ds_blacklist[tData.TableName] then local data = GetData(tData.TableKey) if data then for _, v in data do LoadData("TableUpdate", v) end end elseif tData.Table and tData.Action then LoadData("TableUpdate", tData) end end if Core.Variables.TimeBans then for i, v in Core.Variables.TimeBans do if v.EndTime - os.time() <= 0 then table.remove(Core.Variables.TimeBans, i) DoSave({ Type = "TableRemove", Table = { "Core", "Variables", "TimeBans" }, Value = v, LaxCheck = true, }) end end end end AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = "Loaded saved data", Desc = "Data was retrieved from the datastore and loaded successfully", }) end end end, StartAPI = function() local _G = _G local setmetatable = setmetatable local rawset = rawset local rawget = rawget local type = type local error = error local print = print local warn = warn local pairs = pairs local next = next local table = table local getfenv = getfenv local setfenv = setfenv local require = require local tostring = tostring local server = server local service = service local Routine = env.Routine local cPcall = env.cPcall local MetaFunc = service.MetaFunc local StartLoop = service.StartLoop local API_Special = { AddAdmin = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore; RemoveAdmin = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore; RunCommand = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Core; SaveTableAdd = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; SaveTableRemove = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; SaveSetSetting = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; ClearSavedSettings = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; SetSetting = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; } setfenv(1,setmetatable({}, {__metatable = getmetatable(getfenv())})) local API_Specific = { API_Specific = { Test = function() print("We ran the api specific stuff") end }; Settings = Settings; Service = service; } local API = { Access = MetaFunc(function(...) local args = {...} local key = args[1] local ind = args[2] local targ if API_Specific[ind] then targ = API_Specific[ind] elseif server[ind] and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls[ind] then targ = server[ind] end if Settings.G_Access and key == Settings.G_Access_Key and targ and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls[ind] == true then if type(targ) == "table" then return service.NewProxy { __index = function(tab,inde) if targ[inde] ~= nil and API_Special[inde] == nil or API_Special[inde] == true then AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = `Access to {inde} was granted`; Desc = `A server script was granted access to {inde}`; }) if targ[inde]~=nil and type(targ[inde]) == "table" and Settings.G_Access_Perms == "Read" then return service.ReadOnly(targ[inde]) else return targ[inde] end elseif API_Special[inde] == false then AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = `Access to {inde} was denied`; Desc = `A server script attempted to access {inde} via _G.Adonis.Access`; }) error(`Access Denied: {inde}`) else error(`Could not find {inde}`) end end; __newindex = function(tabl, inde, valu) if Settings.G_Access_Perms == "Read" then error("Read-only") elseif Settings.G_Access_Perms == "Write" then tabl[inde] = valu end end; __metatable = true; } end else error("Incorrect key or G_Access is disabled") end end); Scripts = service.ReadOnly({ ExecutePermission = MetaFunc(function(srcScript, code) local exists; for _, v in Core.ScriptCache do if v.Script == srcScript then exists = v end end if exists and exists.noCache ~= true and (not exists.runLimit or (exists.runLimit and exists.Executions <= exists.runLimit)) then exists.Executions += 1 return exists.Source, exists.Loadstring end local data = Core.ExecutePermission(srcScript, code) if data and data.Source then local module; if not exists then module = require(server.Shared.FiOne:Clone()) table.insert(Core.ScriptCache, { Script = srcScript; Source = data.Source; Loadstring = module; noCache = data.noCache; runLimit = data.runLimit; Executions = data.Executions; }) else module = exists.Loadstring exists.Source = data.Source end return data.Source, module end end); }, nil, nil, true); CheckAdmin = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckAdmin); IsAdmin = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckAdmin); IsBanned = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckBan); IsMuted = MetaFunc(Admin.IsMuted); CheckDonor = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckDonor); GetLevel = MetaFunc(Admin.GetLevel); SetLighting = MetaFunc(Functions.SetLighting); SetPlayerLighting = MetaFunc(Remote.SetLighting); NewParticle = MetaFunc(Functions.NewParticle); RemoveParticle = MetaFunc(Functions.RemoveParticle); NewLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.NewLocal); MakeLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.MakeLocal); MoveLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.MoveLocal); RemoveLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.RemoveLocal); Hint = MetaFunc(Functions.Hint); Message = MetaFunc(Functions.Message); RunCommandAsNonAdmin = MetaFunc(Admin.RunCommandAsNonAdmin); } local AdonisGTable = service.NewProxy({ __index = function(tab,ind) if Settings.G_API then return API[ind] elseif ind == "Scripts" then return API.Scripts else error("_G API is disabled") end end; __newindex = function() error("Read-only") end; __metatable = true; }) if not rawget(_G, "Adonis") then if table.isfrozen and not table.isfrozen(_G) or not table.isfrozen then rawset(_G, "Adonis", AdonisGTable) StartLoop("APICheck", 1, function() if rawget(_G, "Adonis") ~= AdonisGTable then if table.isfrozen and not table.isfrozen(_G) or not table.isfrozen then rawset(_G, "Adonis", AdonisGTable) else warn("⚠️ ADONIS CRITICAL WARNING! MALICIOUS CODE IS TRYING TO CHANGE THE ADONIS _G API AND IT CAN'T BE SET BACK! PLEASE SHUTDOWN THE SERVER AND REMOVE THE MALICIOUS CODE IF POSSIBLE!") end end end, true) else warn("The _G table was locked and the Adonis _G API could not be loaded") end end AddLog(Logs.Script, { Text = "Started _G API"; Desc = "The Adonis _G API was initialized and is ready to use"; }) end; }; end
--- Cleans up the Tasks assigned to the Maid -- This Disconnects RBXScriptConnections, Destroys Instances, and calls Functions/callable Tables
function Maid:DoCleaning() local Tasks = self._Tasks for Name, Task in next, Tasks do local Type = typeof(Task) local IsTable = Type == "table" if Type == "RBXScriptConnection" or IsTable and Task.Disconnect then Task:Disconnect() elseif Type == "Instance" or IsTable and Task.Destroy then Task:Destroy() else Task() end Tasks[Name] = nil end end Maid.Disconnect = Maid.DoCleaning Maid.Destroy = Maid.DoCleaning
--[[ Connect to the datastore, set up connections and create resources used by the server Parameters: configValues: A table containing configuration values ]]
local function setup(configValues) local tokenDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(configValues.datastoreName) tokenManager = local tokens = CollectionService:GetTagged(configValues.tokenTag) local resetOnPlayerRemoving = configValues.resetOnPlayerRemoving tokenManager:setTokens(tokens) connections[1] = CollectionService :GetInstanceAddedSignal(configValues.tokenTag) :Connect(onTokenAdded(remoteEvents, tokenManager)) connections[2] = CollectionService :GetInstanceRemovedSignal(configValues.tokenTag) :Connect(onTokenRemoved(remoteEvents, tokenManager)) connections[3] = Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded(remoteEvents, tokenDataStore, tokenManager)) connections[4] = Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect( onPlayerRemoved(tokenDataStore, tokenManager, resetOnPlayerRemoving) ) connections[5] = events.disable.Event:Connect(onHuntDisabled(tokenManager)) connections[6] = events.enable.Event:Connect(onHuntEnabled(tokenManager)) end config.changed:Connect(function(configValues) -- Clean up old data if it exists disconnectOldConnections() if tokenManager then tokenManager:cleanupTokens() end setup(configValues) end) setup(config.getValues())
--[[ A 'Symbol' is an opaque marker type, implemented to behave similarly to JS: ]]
local Symbol = require(script.Symbol) export type Symbol = Symbol.Symbol local GlobalRegistry = require(script.GlobalRegistry) local SymbolObject = setmetatable({}, { --[[ Creates a new symbol, using the given name when printed. Symbols are opaque, so this will always create a new, unique object ]] __call = function(_, name: string?): Symbol.Symbol return end, }) SymbolObject.for_ = GlobalRegistry.getOrInit return SymbolObject
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local constants = { -- The location where all DevModules are moved at runtime. Note that a DevModule -- is moved after its scripts and other instances have been moved to their -- proper locations. What remains of the DevModule is the Packages folder, and -- any ModuleScripts that are used by the DevModule. DEV_MODULE_STORAGE = ReplicatedStorage, -- DevModules rely on dependencies. By convention, these are stored in a folder -- named "Packages" inside the root of the DevModule. At runtime, the Packages -- folders from every DevModule are deduplicated, resulting in only one version -- of each package in use across all the DevModules in the game PACKAGE_NAME = "Packages", PACKAGE_STORAGE_LOCATION = ReplicatedStorage, PACKAGE_STORAGE_NAME = "DevModulePackages", PACKAGE_REF = script.Parent.packageRef, -- The version of a package is controlled by a StringValue included as a child -- of the package. This constant controls the name of that StringValue. -- -- Initially we wanted to use Attributes for the version, however Rojo does not -- support syncing Attributes yet. As such, we've opted to go the old fashioned -- way of including a StringValue. PACKAGE_VERSION_NAME = "_Version", PACKAGE_VERSION_OBJECT_MISSING = "%s is missing a %s StringValue at %s", PACKAGE_VERSION_EMPTY = "%s cannot have an empty value for its version at %s", ENABLED_SCRIPTS_ERROR = "All scripts included with a DevModule must be Disabled. Please disable the " .. "following script(s): %s", } return constants
-- Also returns nil for speedyness
function DataStoreStage:_promiseInvokeSavingCallbacks() if not next(self._savingCallbacks) then return nil end local removingPromises = {} for _, func in pairs(self._savingCallbacks) do local result = func() if Promise.isPromise(result) then table.insert(removingPromises, result) end end for _, substore in pairs(self._stores) do local promise = substore:_promiseInvokeSavingCallbacks() if promise then table.insert(removingPromises, promise) end end return PromiseUtils.all(removingPromises) end
--[[ Calls awaitStatus internally, returns (isResolved, values...) ]]
function Promise.prototype:await() return awaitHelper(self:awaitStatus()) end Promise.prototype.Await = Promise.prototype.await local function expectHelper(status, ...) if status ~= Promise.Status.Resolved then error((...) == nil and "Expected Promise rejected with no value." or (...), 3) end return ... end
--Made by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") RunService = game:GetService("RunService") UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") AmmoDisplay = script:WaitForChild("AmmoDisplay"):Clone() CastLaser = Tool:WaitForChild("CastLaser"):Clone() Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera BaseUrl = "" AnimationTracks = {} LocalObjects = {} Animations = { Hold = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("Hold"), FadeTime = nil, Weight = nil, Speed = 1, Duration = 2}, Fire = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("Fire"), FadeTime = 0.25, Weight = nil, Speed = 0.5, Duration = 0.5}, Reload = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("Reload"), FadeTime = nil, Weight = nil, Speed = 1, Duration = 2}, } Sounds = { Reload = Handle:WaitForChild("Reload"), NoAmmo = Handle:WaitForChild("NoAmmo"), } Modules = Tool:WaitForChild("Modules") Functions = require(Modules:WaitForChild("Functions")) Remotes = Tool:WaitForChild("Remotes") ServerControl = Remotes:WaitForChild("ServerControl") ClientControl = Remotes:WaitForChild("ClientControl") ConfigurationBin = Tool:WaitForChild("Configuration") Configuration = {} Configuration = Functions.CreateConfiguration(ConfigurationBin, Configuration) InputCheck ="ScreenGui") InputCheck.Name = "InputCheck" InputButton ="ImageButton") InputButton.Name = "InputButton" InputButton.Image = "" InputButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 InputButton.ImageTransparency = 1 InputButton.Size =, 0, 1, 0) InputButton.Parent = InputCheck Cursors = { Normal = (BaseUrl .. "170908665"), EnemyHit = (BaseUrl .. "172618259"), } Rate = (1 / 60) FiringOffset =, ((Handle.Size.Y / 4) - 0.2), -(Handle.Size.Z / 2)) Reloading = false MouseDown = false ToolEquipped = false Tool.Enabled = true function SetAnimation(mode, value) if mode == "PlayAnimation" and value and ToolEquipped and Humanoid then for i, v in pairs(AnimationTracks) do if v.Animation == value.Animation then v.AnimationTrack:Stop() table.remove(AnimationTracks, i) end end local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(value.Animation) table.insert(AnimationTracks, {Animation = value.Animation, AnimationTrack = AnimationTrack}) AnimationTrack:Play(value.FadeTime, value.Weight, value.Speed) elseif mode == "StopAnimation" and value then for i, v in pairs(AnimationTracks) do if v.Animation == value.Animation then v.AnimationTrack:Stop(value.FadeTime) table.remove(AnimationTracks, i) end end end end function ToggleGui() if not AmmoDisplayClone or not AmmoDisplayClone.Parent then return end local Frame = AmmoDisplayClone.Frame local Ammo = Frame.Ammo if Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.MaxValue > 0 then Ammo.AmmoCounter.CounterPart.Text = Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value end Ammo.MagCounter.CounterPart.Text = Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value end function Reload() if Reloading or not Tool.Enabled or Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value >= Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.MaxValue then return end Tool.Enabled = false Reloading = true ToggleGui() local CanReload = true if Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.MaxValue > 0 and Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value <= 0 then CanReload = false else CanReload = true end if CanReload then Spawn(function() local Animation = Animations.Reload OnClientInvoke("PlayAnimation", Animation) wait(Animation.Duration) OnClientInvoke("StopAnimation", Animation) end) Sounds.Reload:Play() script.Parent.rld:FireServer() local AddedClips = ((Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.MaxValue > 0 and (Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.MaxValue - Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value)) or Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.MaxValue) if Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.MaxValue > 0 then AddedClips = ((AddedClips > Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value and Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value) or AddedClips) end --[[local ReloadRate = (Configuration.ReloadTime.Value / Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.MaxValue) for i = 1, AddedClips do wait(ReloadTime) Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value = (Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value + 1) end]] wait(Configuration.ReloadTime.Value) Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value = (Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value + AddedClips) Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value = (Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value - AddedClips) Sounds.Reload:Stop() ToggleGui() end Reloading = false Tool.Enabled = true end function RayTouched(Hit, Position) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent then return end local character = Hit.Parent if character:IsA("Hat") then character = character.Parent end if character == Character then return end local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local SoundChosen = Sounds.RayHit if not humanoid or humanoid.Health == 0 then return end local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if player and Functions.IsTeamMate(Player, player) then return end Spawn(function() IconChangeTick = tick() PlayerMouse.Icon = Cursors.EnemyHit wait(1) if (tick() - IconChangeTick) >= 0.95 and ToolEquipped and PlayerMouse then PlayerMouse.Icon = Cursors.Normal end end) end function FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition) local Direction =, TargetPosition).lookVector local RayHit, RayPos, RayNormal = Functions.CastRay(StartPosition, Direction, Configuration.Range.Value, {Character}, false) local Backpack = Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") if Backpack then local LaserScript = CastLaser:Clone() local StartPos ="Vector3Value") StartPos.Name = "StartPosition" StartPos.Value = StartPosition StartPos.Parent = LaserScript local TargetPos ="Vector3Value") TargetPos.Name = "TargetPosition" TargetPos.Value = RayPos TargetPos.Parent = LaserScript local RayHit ="BoolValue") RayHit.Name = "RayHit" RayHit.Value = RayHit RayHit.Parent = LaserScript LaserScript.Disabled = false LaserScript.Parent = Backpack end Spawn(function() InvokeServer("CastLaser", {StartPosition = StartPosition, TargetPosition = RayPos, RayHit = ((RayHit and true) or false)}) end) Spawn(function() InvokeServer("RayHit", {Hit = RayHit, Position = RayPos}) end) RayTouched(RayHit, RayPos) end function Button1Pressed(Down) if not Down and MouseDown then MouseDown = false end end function KeyPress(Key, Down) if Key == "r" and Down then Reload() end end function Activated() if not Tool.Enabled or not ToolEquipped or Reloading then return end Tool.Enabled = false if Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value > 0 then local FirstShot = false if Configuration.Automatic.Value then MouseDown = true end OnClientInvoke("StopAnimation", {Animation = Animations.Fire.Animation, FadeTime = nil}) OnClientInvoke("PlayAnimation", Animations.Fire) while MouseDown or not FirstShot and ToolEquipped and CheckIfAlive() do if Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value <= 0 or not ToolEquipped or not CheckIfAlive() then break end if not FirstShot then FirstShot = true end local BurstAmount = math.random(Configuration.Burst.Bullets.MinValue, Configuration.Burst.Bullets.MaxValue) local WithinFiringRange = false Spawn(function() InvokeServer("Fire", true) end) for i = 1, ((BurstAmount > 0 and BurstAmount) or 1) do local TargetPosition = OnClientInvoke("MousePosition") if not TargetPosition then break end TargetPosition = TargetPosition.Position local StartPosition = (Handle.CFrame *, FiringOffset.Y, FiringOffset.Z)).p if BurstAmount > 0 then local Offset = (Configuration.Burst.Offset.Value * 100) TargetPosition = TargetPosition +, Offset.X) * 0.01), (math.random(-Offset.Y, Offset.Y) * 0.01), (math.random(-Offset.Z, Offset.Z) * 0.01)) end local Accuracy = (Configuration.Accuracy.Value * 100) TargetPosition = TargetPosition +, Accuracy.X) * 0.01), (math.random(-Accuracy.Y, Accuracy.Y) * 0.01), (math.random(-Accuracy.Z, Accuracy.Z) * 0.01)) Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value = (Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value - 1) FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition) end ToggleGui() wait(Configuration.FireRate.Value) end OnClientInvoke("StopAnimation", {Animation = Animations.Fire.Animation, FadeTime = 0.25}) else Tool.Enabled = true Sounds.NoAmmo:Play() Reload() end MouseDown = false Tool.Enabled = true if Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value <= 0 then Sounds.NoAmmo:Play() Reload() end end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Player and Player.Parent and Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0) and true) or false) end function Equipped(Mouse) Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not CheckIfAlive() then return end ToolEquipped = true Spawn(function() PlayerMouse = Player:GetMouse() Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() Button1Pressed(true) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() Button1Pressed(false) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) KeyPress(Key, true) end) Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(Key) KeyPress(Key, false) end) Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0.35, 0) OnClientInvoke("PlayAnimation", Animations.Hold) local PlayerGui = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") if PlayerGui then if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then InputCheckClone = InputCheck:Clone() InputCheckClone.InputButton.InputBegan:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = true}) end) InputCheckClone.InputButton.InputEnded:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = false}) end) InputCheckClone.Parent = PlayerGui end local function AdjustAmmoDisplay() local Frame = AmmoDisplayClone.Frame Frame.CurrentWeapon.Text = script.Parent.Name local Ammo = Frame.Ammo Ammo.AmmoCounter.CounterPart.Text = ((Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.MaxValue > 0 and Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Value) or "--") Ammo.MagCounter.CounterPart.Text = Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Value end AmmoDisplayClone = AmmoDisplay:Clone() AdjustAmmoDisplay() AmmoDisplayClone.Parent = PlayerGui ToggleGui() for i, v in pairs({ClipSizeChanged, MagazinesChanged}) do if v then v:disconnect() end end ClipSizeChanged = Configuration.Ammo.ClipSize.Changed:connect(function() AdjustAmmoDisplay() end) MagazinesChanged = Configuration.Ammo.Magazines.Changed:connect(function() AdjustAmmoDisplay() end) end for i, v in pairs({"Left Arm", "Right Arm"}) do local Arm = Character:FindFirstChild(v) if Arm then Spawn(function() OnClientInvoke("SetLocalTransparencyModifier", {Object = Arm, Transparency = 0, AutoUpdate = false}) end) end end Mouse.Icon = Cursors.Normal end) end function Unequipped() LocalObjects = {} if CheckIfAlive() then Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0, 0) end for i, v in pairs(Sounds) do v:Stop() end if PlayerMouse then PlayerMouse.Icon = "" end for i, v in pairs({InputCheckClone, ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier, AmmoDisplayClone, ClipSizeChanged, MagazinesChanged}) do if tostring(v) == "Connection" then v:disconnect() elseif v and v.Parent then v:Destroy() end end MouseDown = false for i, v in pairs(AnimationTracks) do if v and v.AnimationTrack then v.AnimationTrack:Stop() end end AnimationTracks = {} ToolEquipped = false end function InvokeServer(mode, value) pcall(function() local ServerReturn = ServerControl:InvokeServer(mode, value) return ServerReturn end) end function OnClientInvoke(mode, value) if mode == "PlayAnimation" and value and ToolEquipped and Humanoid then SetAnimation("PlayAnimation", value) elseif mode == "StopAnimation" and value then SetAnimation("StopAnimation", value) elseif mode == "PlaySound" and value then value:Play() elseif mode == "StopSound" and value then value:Stop() elseif mode == "MousePosition" then return {Position = PlayerMouse.Hit.p, Target = PlayerMouse.Target} elseif mode == "SetLocalTransparencyModifier" and value and ToolEquipped then pcall(function() local ObjectFound = false for i, v in pairs(LocalObjects) do if v == value then ObjectFound = true end end if not ObjectFound then table.insert(LocalObjects, value) if ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier then ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier:disconnect() end ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier = RunService.RenderStepped:connect(function() for i, v in pairs(LocalObjects) do if v.Object and v.Object.Parent then local CurrentTransparency = v.Object.LocalTransparencyModifier if ((not v.AutoUpdate and (CurrentTransparency == 1 or CurrentTransparency == 0)) or v.AutoUpdate) then v.Object.LocalTransparencyModifier = v.Transparency end else table.remove(LocalObjects, i) end end end) end end) end end ClientControl.OnClientInvoke = OnClientInvoke Tool.Activated:connect(Activated) Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
-- Note: DotProduct check in CoordinateFrame::lookAt() prevents using values within about -- 8.11 degrees of the +/- Y axis, that's why these limits are currently 80 degrees
local MIN_Y = math.rad(0) local MAX_Y = math.rad(0) local VR_ANGLE = math.rad(15) local VR_LOW_INTENSITY_ROTATION =, 0) local VR_HIGH_INTENSITY_ROTATION =, 0) local VR_LOW_INTENSITY_REPEAT = 0.1 local VR_HIGH_INTENSITY_REPEAT = 0.4 local ZERO_VECTOR2 =,0) local ZERO_VECTOR3 =,0,0) local SEAT_OFFSET =,5,0) local VR_SEAT_OFFSET =,4,0) local HEAD_OFFSET =,1.5,0) local R15_HEAD_OFFSET =, 1.5, 0) local R15_HEAD_OFFSET_NO_SCALING =, 2, 0) local HUMANOID_ROOT_PART_SIZE =, 2, 1) local GAMEPAD_ZOOM_STEP_1 = 0 local GAMEPAD_ZOOM_STEP_2 = 10 local GAMEPAD_ZOOM_STEP_3 = 20 local ZOOM_SENSITIVITY_CURVATURE = 0.5 local FIRST_PERSON_DISTANCE_MIN = 0.5 local CameraUtils = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraUtils")) local ZoomController = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("ZoomController")) local CameraToggleStateController = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraToggleStateController")) local CameraInput = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraInput")) local CameraUI = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraUI"))
PlayerEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, X, Z) if not Chunks:FindFirstChild(X..", "..Z) then CreateNewChunk(X, Z) end end)
-- Implementation for Lua 5.1/5.2 (with or without bitwise library available)
local function sha256_feed_64(H, str, offs, size) -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64 local W, K = common_W, sha2_K_hi local h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8 = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8] for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 64 do for j = 1, 16 do pos = pos + 4 local a, b, c, d = string.byte(str, pos - 3, pos) W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d end for j = 17, 64 do local a, b = W[j - 15], W[j - 2] W[j] = bit32_bxor(bit32_rrotate(a, 7), bit32_lrotate(a, 14), bit32_rshift(a, 3)) + bit32_bxor(bit32_lrotate(b, 15), bit32_lrotate(b, 13), bit32_rshift(b, 10)) + W[j - 7] + W[j - 16] end local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8 for j = 1, 64 do local z = bit32_bxor(bit32_rrotate(e, 6), bit32_rrotate(e, 11), bit32_lrotate(e, 7)) + bit32_band(e, f) + bit32_band(-1 - e, g) + h + K[j] + W[j] h = g g = f f = e e = z + d d = c c = b b = a a = z + bit32_band(d, c) + bit32_band(a, bit32_bxor(d, c)) + bit32_bxor(bit32_rrotate(a, 2), bit32_rrotate(a, 13), bit32_lrotate(a, 10)) end h1, h2, h3, h4 = (a + h1) % 4294967296, (b + h2) % 4294967296, (c + h3) % 4294967296, (d + h4) % 4294967296 h5, h6, h7, h8 = (e + h5) % 4294967296, (f + h6) % 4294967296, (g + h7) % 4294967296, (h + h8) % 4294967296 end H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8] = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8 end local function sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, str, offs, size) -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 128 -- W1_hi, W1_lo, W2_hi, W2_lo, ... Wk_hi = W[2*k-1], Wk_lo = W[2*k] local W, K_lo, K_hi = common_W, sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi local h1_lo, h2_lo, h3_lo, h4_lo, h5_lo, h6_lo, h7_lo, h8_lo = H_lo[1], H_lo[2], H_lo[3], H_lo[4], H_lo[5], H_lo[6], H_lo[7], H_lo[8] local h1_hi, h2_hi, h3_hi, h4_hi, h5_hi, h6_hi, h7_hi, h8_hi = H_hi[1], H_hi[2], H_hi[3], H_hi[4], H_hi[5], H_hi[6], H_hi[7], H_hi[8] for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 128 do for j = 1, 16 * 2 do pos = pos + 4 local a, b, c, d = string.byte(str, pos - 3, pos) W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d end for jj = 34, 160, 2 do local a_lo, a_hi, b_lo, b_hi = W[jj - 30], W[jj - 31], W[jj - 4], W[jj - 5] local tmp1 = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(a_lo, 1) + bit32_lshift(a_hi, 31), bit32_rshift(a_lo, 8) + bit32_lshift(a_hi, 24), bit32_rshift(a_lo, 7) + bit32_lshift(a_hi, 25)) % 4294967296 + bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_lo, 19) + bit32_lshift(b_hi, 13), bit32_lshift(b_lo, 3) + bit32_rshift(b_hi, 29), bit32_rshift(b_lo, 6) + bit32_lshift(b_hi, 26)) % 4294967296 + W[jj - 14] + W[jj - 32] local tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296 W[jj - 1] = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(a_hi, 1) + bit32_lshift(a_lo, 31), bit32_rshift(a_hi, 8) + bit32_lshift(a_lo, 24), bit32_rshift(a_hi, 7)) + bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_hi, 19) + bit32_lshift(b_lo, 13), bit32_lshift(b_hi, 3) + bit32_rshift(b_lo, 29), bit32_rshift(b_hi, 6)) + W[jj - 15] + W[jj - 33] + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296 W[jj] = tmp2 end local a_lo, b_lo, c_lo, d_lo, e_lo, f_lo, g_lo, h_lo = h1_lo, h2_lo, h3_lo, h4_lo, h5_lo, h6_lo, h7_lo, h8_lo local a_hi, b_hi, c_hi, d_hi, e_hi, f_hi, g_hi, h_hi = h1_hi, h2_hi, h3_hi, h4_hi, h5_hi, h6_hi, h7_hi, h8_hi for j = 1, 80 do local jj = 2 * j local tmp1 = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(e_lo, 14) + bit32_lshift(e_hi, 18), bit32_rshift(e_lo, 18) + bit32_lshift(e_hi, 14), bit32_lshift(e_lo, 23) + bit32_rshift(e_hi, 9)) % 4294967296 + (bit32_band(e_lo, f_lo) + bit32_band(-1 - e_lo, g_lo)) % 4294967296 + h_lo + K_lo[j] + W[jj] local z_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296 local z_hi = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(e_hi, 14) + bit32_lshift(e_lo, 18), bit32_rshift(e_hi, 18) + bit32_lshift(e_lo, 14), bit32_lshift(e_hi, 23) + bit32_rshift(e_lo, 9)) + bit32_band(e_hi, f_hi) + bit32_band(-1 - e_hi, g_hi) + h_hi + K_hi[j] + W[jj - 1] + (tmp1 - z_lo) / 4294967296 h_lo = g_lo h_hi = g_hi g_lo = f_lo g_hi = f_hi f_lo = e_lo f_hi = e_hi tmp1 = z_lo + d_lo e_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296 e_hi = z_hi + d_hi + (tmp1 - e_lo) / 4294967296 d_lo = c_lo d_hi = c_hi c_lo = b_lo c_hi = b_hi b_lo = a_lo b_hi = a_hi tmp1 = z_lo + (bit32_band(d_lo, c_lo) + bit32_band(b_lo, bit32_bxor(d_lo, c_lo))) % 4294967296 + bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_lo, 28) + bit32_lshift(b_hi, 4), bit32_lshift(b_lo, 30) + bit32_rshift(b_hi, 2), bit32_lshift(b_lo, 25) + bit32_rshift(b_hi, 7)) % 4294967296 a_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296 a_hi = z_hi + (bit32_band(d_hi, c_hi) + bit32_band(b_hi, bit32_bxor(d_hi, c_hi))) + bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_hi, 28) + bit32_lshift(b_lo, 4), bit32_lshift(b_hi, 30) + bit32_rshift(b_lo, 2), bit32_lshift(b_hi, 25) + bit32_rshift(b_lo, 7)) + (tmp1 - a_lo) / 4294967296 end a_lo = h1_lo + a_lo h1_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h1_hi = (h1_hi + a_hi + (a_lo - h1_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h2_lo + b_lo h2_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h2_hi = (h2_hi + b_hi + (a_lo - h2_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h3_lo + c_lo h3_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h3_hi = (h3_hi + c_hi + (a_lo - h3_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h4_lo + d_lo h4_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h4_hi = (h4_hi + d_hi + (a_lo - h4_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h5_lo + e_lo h5_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h5_hi = (h5_hi + e_hi + (a_lo - h5_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h6_lo + f_lo h6_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h6_hi = (h6_hi + f_hi + (a_lo - h6_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h7_lo + g_lo h7_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h7_hi = (h7_hi + g_hi + (a_lo - h7_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 a_lo = h8_lo + h_lo h8_lo = a_lo % 4294967296 h8_hi = (h8_hi + h_hi + (a_lo - h8_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296 end H_lo[1], H_lo[2], H_lo[3], H_lo[4], H_lo[5], H_lo[6], H_lo[7], H_lo[8] = h1_lo, h2_lo, h3_lo, h4_lo, h5_lo, h6_lo, h7_lo, h8_lo H_hi[1], H_hi[2], H_hi[3], H_hi[4], H_hi[5], H_hi[6], H_hi[7], H_hi[8] = h1_hi, h2_hi, h3_hi, h4_hi, h5_hi, h6_hi, h7_hi, h8_hi end local function md5_feed_64(H, str, offs, size) -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64 local W, K, md5_next_shift = common_W, md5_K, md5_next_shift local h1, h2, h3, h4 = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4] for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 64 do for j = 1, 16 do pos = pos + 4 local a, b, c, d = string.byte(str, pos - 3, pos) W[j] = ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a end local a, b, c, d = h1, h2, h3, h4 local s = 25 for j = 1, 16 do local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_band(b, c) + bit32_band(-1 - b, d) + a + K[j] + W[j], s) + b s = md5_next_shift[s] a = d d = c c = b b = F end s = 27 for j = 17, 32 do local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_band(d, b) + bit32_band(-1 - d, c) + a + K[j] + W[(5 * j - 4) % 16 + 1], s) + b s = md5_next_shift[s] a = d d = c c = b b = F end s = 28 for j = 33, 48 do local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_bxor(bit32_bxor(b, c), d) + a + K[j] + W[(3 * j + 2) % 16 + 1], s) + b s = md5_next_shift[s] a = d d = c c = b b = F end s = 26 for j = 49, 64 do local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_bxor(c, bit32_bor(b, -1 - d)) + a + K[j] + W[(j * 7 - 7) % 16 + 1], s) + b s = md5_next_shift[s] a = d d = c c = b b = F end h1 = (a + h1) % 4294967296 h2 = (b + h2) % 4294967296 h3 = (c + h3) % 4294967296 h4 = (d + h4) % 4294967296 end H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4] = h1, h2, h3, h4 end local function sha1_feed_64(H, str, offs, size) -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64 local W = common_W local h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5] for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 64 do for j = 1, 16 do pos = pos + 4 local a, b, c, d = string.byte(str, pos - 3, pos) W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d end for j = 17, 80 do W[j] = bit32_lrotate(bit32_bxor(W[j - 3], W[j - 8], W[j - 14], W[j - 16]), 1) end local a, b, c, d, e = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 for j = 1, 20 do local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_band(b, c) + bit32_band(-1 - b, d) + 0x5A827999 + W[j] + e -- constant = math.floor(TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(2)) e = d d = c c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2) b = a a = z end for j = 21, 40 do local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_bxor(b, c, d) + 0x6ED9EBA1 + W[j] + e -- TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(3) e = d d = c c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2) b = a a = z end for j = 41, 60 do local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_band(d, c) + bit32_band(b, bit32_bxor(d, c)) + 0x8F1BBCDC + W[j] + e -- TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(5) e = d d = c c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2) b = a a = z end for j = 61, 80 do local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_bxor(b, c, d) + 0xCA62C1D6 + W[j] + e -- TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(10) e = d d = c c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2) b = a a = z end h1 = (a + h1) % 4294967296 h2 = (b + h2) % 4294967296 h3 = (c + h3) % 4294967296 h4 = (d + h4) % 4294967296 h5 = (e + h5) % 4294967296 end H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5] = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 end local function keccak_feed(lanes_lo, lanes_hi, str, offs, size, block_size_in_bytes) -- This is an example of a Lua function having 79 local variables :-) -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of block_size_in_bytes, block_size_in_bytes is positive multiple of 8 local RC_lo, RC_hi = sha3_RC_lo, sha3_RC_hi local qwords_qty = block_size_in_bytes / 8 for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, block_size_in_bytes do for j = 1, qwords_qty do local a, b, c, d = string.byte(str, pos + 1, pos + 4) lanes_lo[j] = bit32_bxor(lanes_lo[j], ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a) pos = pos + 8 a, b, c, d = string.byte(str, pos - 3, pos) lanes_hi[j] = bit32_bxor(lanes_hi[j], ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a) end local L01_lo, L01_hi, L02_lo, L02_hi, L03_lo, L03_hi, L04_lo, L04_hi, L05_lo, L05_hi, L06_lo, L06_hi, L07_lo, L07_hi, L08_lo, L08_hi, L09_lo, L09_hi, L10_lo, L10_hi, L11_lo, L11_hi, L12_lo, L12_hi, L13_lo, L13_hi, L14_lo, L14_hi, L15_lo, L15_hi, L16_lo, L16_hi, L17_lo, L17_hi, L18_lo, L18_hi, L19_lo, L19_hi, L20_lo, L20_hi, L21_lo, L21_hi, L22_lo, L22_hi, L23_lo, L23_hi, L24_lo, L24_hi, L25_lo, L25_hi = lanes_lo[1], lanes_hi[1], lanes_lo[2], lanes_hi[2], lanes_lo[3], lanes_hi[3], lanes_lo[4], lanes_hi[4], lanes_lo[5], lanes_hi[5], lanes_lo[6], lanes_hi[6], lanes_lo[7], lanes_hi[7], lanes_lo[8], lanes_hi[8], lanes_lo[9], lanes_hi[9], lanes_lo[10], lanes_hi[10], lanes_lo[11], lanes_hi[11], lanes_lo[12], lanes_hi[12], lanes_lo[13], lanes_hi[13], lanes_lo[14], lanes_hi[14], lanes_lo[15], lanes_hi[15], lanes_lo[16], lanes_hi[16], lanes_lo[17], lanes_hi[17], lanes_lo[18], lanes_hi[18], lanes_lo[19], lanes_hi[19], lanes_lo[20], lanes_hi[20], lanes_lo[21], lanes_hi[21], lanes_lo[22], lanes_hi[22], lanes_lo[23], lanes_hi[23], lanes_lo[24], lanes_hi[24], lanes_lo[25], lanes_hi[25] for round_idx = 1, 24 do local C1_lo = bit32_bxor(L01_lo, L06_lo, L11_lo, L16_lo, L21_lo) local C1_hi = bit32_bxor(L01_hi, L06_hi, L11_hi, L16_hi, L21_hi) local C2_lo = bit32_bxor(L02_lo, L07_lo, L12_lo, L17_lo, L22_lo) local C2_hi = bit32_bxor(L02_hi, L07_hi, L12_hi, L17_hi, L22_hi) local C3_lo = bit32_bxor(L03_lo, L08_lo, L13_lo, L18_lo, L23_lo) local C3_hi = bit32_bxor(L03_hi, L08_hi, L13_hi, L18_hi, L23_hi) local C4_lo = bit32_bxor(L04_lo, L09_lo, L14_lo, L19_lo, L24_lo) local C4_hi = bit32_bxor(L04_hi, L09_hi, L14_hi, L19_hi, L24_hi) local C5_lo = bit32_bxor(L05_lo, L10_lo, L15_lo, L20_lo, L25_lo) local C5_hi = bit32_bxor(L05_hi, L10_hi, L15_hi, L20_hi, L25_hi) local D_lo = bit32_bxor(C1_lo, C3_lo * 2 + (C3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C3_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) local D_hi = bit32_bxor(C1_hi, C3_hi * 2 + (C3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C3_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) local T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L02_lo) local T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L02_hi) local T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L07_lo) local T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L07_hi) local T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L12_lo) local T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L12_hi) local T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L17_lo) local T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L17_hi) local T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L22_lo) local T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L22_hi) L02_lo = (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_20) / TWO_POW_20 + T1_hi * TWO_POW_12 L02_hi = (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_20) / TWO_POW_20 + T1_lo * TWO_POW_12 L07_lo = (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_19) / TWO_POW_19 + T3_hi * TWO_POW_13 L07_hi = (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_19) / TWO_POW_19 + T3_lo * TWO_POW_13 L12_lo = T0_lo * 2 + (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31 L12_hi = T0_hi * 2 + (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31 L17_lo = T2_lo * TWO_POW_10 + (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_22) / TWO_POW_22 L17_hi = T2_hi * TWO_POW_10 + (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_22) / TWO_POW_22 L22_lo = T4_lo * TWO_POW_2 + (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_30) / TWO_POW_30 L22_hi = T4_hi * TWO_POW_2 + (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_30) / TWO_POW_30 D_lo = bit32_bxor(C2_lo, C4_lo * 2 + (C4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C4_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) D_hi = bit32_bxor(C2_hi, C4_hi * 2 + (C4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C4_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L03_lo) T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L03_hi) T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L08_lo) T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L08_hi) T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L13_lo) T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L13_hi) T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L18_lo) T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L18_hi) T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L23_lo) T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L23_hi) L03_lo = (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_21) / TWO_POW_21 + T2_hi * TWO_POW_11 L03_hi = (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_21) / TWO_POW_21 + T2_lo * TWO_POW_11 L08_lo = (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_3) / TWO_POW_3 + T4_hi * TWO_POW_29 % TWO_POW_32 L08_hi = (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_3) / TWO_POW_3 + T4_lo * TWO_POW_29 % TWO_POW_32 L13_lo = T1_lo * TWO_POW_6 + (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_26) / TWO_POW_26 L13_hi = T1_hi * TWO_POW_6 + (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_26) / TWO_POW_26 L18_lo = T3_lo * TWO_POW_15 + (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_17) / TWO_POW_17 L18_hi = T3_hi * TWO_POW_15 + (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_17) / TWO_POW_17 L23_lo = (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_2) / TWO_POW_2 + T0_hi * TWO_POW_30 % TWO_POW_32 L23_hi = (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_2) / TWO_POW_2 + T0_lo * TWO_POW_30 % TWO_POW_32 D_lo = bit32_bxor(C3_lo, C5_lo * 2 + (C5_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C5_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) D_hi = bit32_bxor(C3_hi, C5_hi * 2 + (C5_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C5_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L04_lo) T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L04_hi) T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L09_lo) T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L09_hi) T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L14_lo) T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L14_hi) T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L19_lo) T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L19_hi) T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L24_lo) T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L24_hi) L04_lo = T3_lo * TWO_POW_21 % TWO_POW_32 + (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_11) / TWO_POW_11 L04_hi = T3_hi * TWO_POW_21 % TWO_POW_32 + (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_11) / TWO_POW_11 L09_lo = T0_lo * TWO_POW_28 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_4) / TWO_POW_4 L09_hi = T0_hi * TWO_POW_28 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_4) / TWO_POW_4 L14_lo = T2_lo * TWO_POW_25 % TWO_POW_32 + (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_7) / TWO_POW_7 L14_hi = T2_hi * TWO_POW_25 % TWO_POW_32 + (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_7) / TWO_POW_7 L19_lo = (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_8) / TWO_POW_8 + T4_hi * TWO_POW_24 % TWO_POW_32 L19_hi = (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_8) / TWO_POW_8 + T4_lo * TWO_POW_24 % TWO_POW_32 L24_lo = (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_9) / TWO_POW_9 + T1_hi * TWO_POW_23 % TWO_POW_32 L24_hi = (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_9) / TWO_POW_9 + T1_lo * TWO_POW_23 % TWO_POW_32 D_lo = bit32_bxor(C4_lo, C1_lo * 2 + (C1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C1_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) D_hi = bit32_bxor(C4_hi, C1_hi * 2 + (C1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C1_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L05_lo) T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L05_hi) T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L10_lo) T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L10_hi) T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L15_lo) T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L15_hi) T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L20_lo) T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L20_hi) T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L25_lo) T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L25_hi) L05_lo = T4_lo * TWO_POW_14 + (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_18) / TWO_POW_18 L05_hi = T4_hi * TWO_POW_14 + (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_18) / TWO_POW_18 L10_lo = T1_lo * TWO_POW_20 % TWO_POW_32 + (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_12) / TWO_POW_12 L10_hi = T1_hi * TWO_POW_20 % TWO_POW_32 + (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_12) / TWO_POW_12 L15_lo = T3_lo * TWO_POW_8 + (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_24) / TWO_POW_24 L15_hi = T3_hi * TWO_POW_8 + (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_24) / TWO_POW_24 L20_lo = T0_lo * TWO_POW_27 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_5) / TWO_POW_5 L20_hi = T0_hi * TWO_POW_27 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_5) / TWO_POW_5 L25_lo = (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_25) / TWO_POW_25 + T2_hi * TWO_POW_7 L25_hi = (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_25) / TWO_POW_25 + T2_lo * TWO_POW_7 D_lo = bit32_bxor(C5_lo, C2_lo * 2 + (C2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C2_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) D_hi = bit32_bxor(C5_hi, C2_hi * 2 + (C2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C2_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31) T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L06_lo) T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L06_hi) T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L11_lo) T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L11_hi) T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L16_lo) T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L16_hi) T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L21_lo) T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L21_hi) L06_lo = T2_lo * TWO_POW_3 + (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_29) / TWO_POW_29 L06_hi = T2_hi * TWO_POW_3 + (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_29) / TWO_POW_29 L11_lo = T4_lo * TWO_POW_18 + (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_14) / TWO_POW_14 L11_hi = T4_hi * TWO_POW_18 + (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_14) / TWO_POW_14 L16_lo = (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_28) / TWO_POW_28 + T1_hi * TWO_POW_4 L16_hi = (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_28) / TWO_POW_28 + T1_lo * TWO_POW_4 L21_lo = (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_23) / TWO_POW_23 + T3_hi * TWO_POW_9 L21_hi = (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_23) / TWO_POW_23 + T3_lo * TWO_POW_9 L01_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L01_lo) L01_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L01_hi) L01_lo, L02_lo, L03_lo, L04_lo, L05_lo = bit32_bxor(L01_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L02_lo, L03_lo)), bit32_bxor(L02_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L03_lo, L04_lo)), bit32_bxor(L03_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L04_lo, L05_lo)), bit32_bxor(L04_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L05_lo, L01_lo)), bit32_bxor(L05_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L01_lo, L02_lo)) L01_hi, L02_hi, L03_hi, L04_hi, L05_hi = bit32_bxor(L01_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L02_hi, L03_hi)), bit32_bxor(L02_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L03_hi, L04_hi)), bit32_bxor(L03_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L04_hi, L05_hi)), bit32_bxor(L04_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L05_hi, L01_hi)), bit32_bxor(L05_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L01_hi, L02_hi)) L06_lo, L07_lo, L08_lo, L09_lo, L10_lo = bit32_bxor(L09_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L10_lo, L06_lo)), bit32_bxor(L10_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L06_lo, L07_lo)), bit32_bxor(L06_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L07_lo, L08_lo)), bit32_bxor(L07_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L08_lo, L09_lo)), bit32_bxor(L08_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L09_lo, L10_lo)) L06_hi, L07_hi, L08_hi, L09_hi, L10_hi = bit32_bxor(L09_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L10_hi, L06_hi)), bit32_bxor(L10_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L06_hi, L07_hi)), bit32_bxor(L06_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L07_hi, L08_hi)), bit32_bxor(L07_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L08_hi, L09_hi)), bit32_bxor(L08_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L09_hi, L10_hi)) L11_lo, L12_lo, L13_lo, L14_lo, L15_lo = bit32_bxor(L12_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L13_lo, L14_lo)), bit32_bxor(L13_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L14_lo, L15_lo)), bit32_bxor(L14_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L15_lo, L11_lo)), bit32_bxor(L15_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L11_lo, L12_lo)), bit32_bxor(L11_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L12_lo, L13_lo)) L11_hi, L12_hi, L13_hi, L14_hi, L15_hi = bit32_bxor(L12_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L13_hi, L14_hi)), bit32_bxor(L13_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L14_hi, L15_hi)), bit32_bxor(L14_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L15_hi, L11_hi)), bit32_bxor(L15_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L11_hi, L12_hi)), bit32_bxor(L11_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L12_hi, L13_hi)) L16_lo, L17_lo, L18_lo, L19_lo, L20_lo = bit32_bxor(L20_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L16_lo, L17_lo)), bit32_bxor(L16_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L17_lo, L18_lo)), bit32_bxor(L17_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L18_lo, L19_lo)), bit32_bxor(L18_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L19_lo, L20_lo)), bit32_bxor(L19_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L20_lo, L16_lo)) L16_hi, L17_hi, L18_hi, L19_hi, L20_hi = bit32_bxor(L20_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L16_hi, L17_hi)), bit32_bxor(L16_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L17_hi, L18_hi)), bit32_bxor(L17_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L18_hi, L19_hi)), bit32_bxor(L18_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L19_hi, L20_hi)), bit32_bxor(L19_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L20_hi, L16_hi)) L21_lo, L22_lo, L23_lo, L24_lo, L25_lo = bit32_bxor(L23_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L24_lo, L25_lo)), bit32_bxor(L24_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L25_lo, L21_lo)), bit32_bxor(L25_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L21_lo, L22_lo)), bit32_bxor(L21_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L22_lo, L23_lo)), bit32_bxor(L22_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L23_lo, L24_lo)) L21_hi, L22_hi, L23_hi, L24_hi, L25_hi = bit32_bxor(L23_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L24_hi, L25_hi)), bit32_bxor(L24_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L25_hi, L21_hi)), bit32_bxor(L25_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L21_hi, L22_hi)), bit32_bxor(L21_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L22_hi, L23_hi)), bit32_bxor(L22_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L23_hi, L24_hi)) L01_lo = bit32_bxor(L01_lo, RC_lo[round_idx]) L01_hi = L01_hi + RC_hi[round_idx] -- RC_hi[] is either 0 or 0x80000000, so we could use fast addition instead of slow XOR end lanes_lo[1] = L01_lo lanes_hi[1] = L01_hi lanes_lo[2] = L02_lo lanes_hi[2] = L02_hi lanes_lo[3] = L03_lo lanes_hi[3] = L03_hi lanes_lo[4] = L04_lo lanes_hi[4] = L04_hi lanes_lo[5] = L05_lo lanes_hi[5] = L05_hi lanes_lo[6] = L06_lo lanes_hi[6] = L06_hi lanes_lo[7] = L07_lo lanes_hi[7] = L07_hi lanes_lo[8] = L08_lo lanes_hi[8] = L08_hi lanes_lo[9] = L09_lo lanes_hi[9] = L09_hi lanes_lo[10] = L10_lo lanes_hi[10] = L10_hi lanes_lo[11] = L11_lo lanes_hi[11] = L11_hi lanes_lo[12] = L12_lo lanes_hi[12] = L12_hi lanes_lo[13] = L13_lo lanes_hi[13] = L13_hi lanes_lo[14] = L14_lo lanes_hi[14] = L14_hi lanes_lo[15] = L15_lo lanes_hi[15] = L15_hi lanes_lo[16] = L16_lo lanes_hi[16] = L16_hi lanes_lo[17] = L17_lo lanes_hi[17] = L17_hi lanes_lo[18] = L18_lo lanes_hi[18] = L18_hi lanes_lo[19] = L19_lo lanes_hi[19] = L19_hi lanes_lo[20] = L20_lo lanes_hi[20] = L20_hi lanes_lo[21] = L21_lo lanes_hi[21] = L21_hi lanes_lo[22] = L22_lo lanes_hi[22] = L22_hi lanes_lo[23] = L23_lo lanes_hi[23] = L23_hi lanes_lo[24] = L24_lo lanes_hi[24] = L24_hi lanes_lo[25] = L25_lo lanes_hi[25] = L25_hi end end
--// V key, Takedown
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="v" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Beep:Play() veh.Lightbar.Remotes.TakedownEvent:FireServer(true) end end)
--[[Driver Handling]]
--Driver Sit car.DriveSeat.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child.Part1.Parent)~=nil then --Distribute Client Interface local p=game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child.Part1.Parent) car.Body.MainPart.Anchored = false car.DriveSeat:SetNetworkOwner(p) local g=script.Parent["A-Chassis Interface"]:Clone() g.Parent=p.PlayerGui end end) --Driver Leave car.DriveSeat.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") then --Remove Flip Force if car.DriveSeat:FindFirstChild("Flip")~=nil then car.DriveSeat.Flip.MaxTorque = end --Remove Wheel Force for i,v in pairs(car.Wheels:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("#AV")~=nil then if v["#AV"]:IsA("BodyAngularVelocity") then if v["#AV"].AngularVelocity.Magnitude>0 then v["#AV"].AngularVelocity = v["#AV"].MaxTorque = end else if v["#AV"].AngularVelocity>0 then v["#AV"].AngularVelocity = 0 v["#AV"].MotorMaxTorque = 0 end end end end end
-- Get the UI frame by name or reference
local uiFrame = script.Parent.Parent.Background.DesktopIcons
local topbarPlusGui ="ScreenGui") topbarPlusGui.Enabled = true topbarPlusGui.DisplayOrder = 0 topbarPlusGui.IgnoreGuiInset = true topbarPlusGui.ResetOnSpawn = false topbarPlusGui.Name = "TopbarPlus" local activeItems ="Folder") activeItems.Name = "ActiveItems" activeItems.Parent = topbarPlusGui local topbarContainer ="Frame") topbarContainer.BackgroundTransparency = 1 topbarContainer.Name = "TopbarContainer" topbarContainer.Position =, 0, 0, 0) topbarContainer.Size =, 0, 0, 36) topbarContainer.Visible = true topbarContainer.ZIndex = 1 topbarContainer.Parent = topbarPlusGui topbarContainer.Active = false local iconContainer ="Frame") iconContainer.BackgroundTransparency = 1 iconContainer.Name = "IconContainer" iconContainer.Position =, 104, 0, 4) iconContainer.Visible = false iconContainer.ZIndex = 1 iconContainer.Parent = topbarContainer iconContainer.Active = false local iconButton ="TextButton") iconButton.Name = "IconButton" iconButton.Visible = true iconButton.Text = "" iconButton.ZIndex = 10--2 iconButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 iconButton.AutoButtonColor = false iconButton.Parent = iconContainer iconButton.Active = true local iconImage ="ImageLabel") iconImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 iconImage.Name = "IconImage" iconImage.AnchorPoint =, 0.5) iconImage.Visible = true iconImage.ZIndex = 11--3 iconImage.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit iconImage.Parent = iconButton iconImage.Active = false local iconLabel ="TextLabel") iconLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 iconLabel.Name = "IconLabel" iconLabel.AnchorPoint =, 0.5) iconLabel.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0) iconLabel.Text = "" iconLabel.RichText = true iconLabel.TextScaled = false iconLabel.ClipsDescendants = true iconLabel.ZIndex = 11--3 iconLabel.Parent = iconButton iconLabel.Active = false local iconGradient ="UIGradient") iconGradient.Name = "IconGradient" iconGradient.Enabled = true iconGradient.Parent = iconButton local iconCorner ="UICorner") iconCorner.Name = "IconCorner" iconCorner.Parent = iconButton local iconOverlay ="Frame") iconOverlay.Name = "IconOverlay" iconOverlay.BackgroundTransparency = 1 iconOverlay.Position = iconButton.Position iconOverlay.Size =, 0, 1, 0) iconOverlay.Visible = true iconOverlay.ZIndex = iconButton.ZIndex + 1 iconOverlay.BorderSizePixel = 0 iconOverlay.Parent = iconContainer iconOverlay.Active = false local iconOverlayCorner = iconCorner:Clone() iconOverlayCorner.Name = "IconOverlayCorner" iconOverlayCorner.Parent = iconOverlay
local buttons = script.Parent.Parent.Buttons local title = script.Parent.Parent.Title local popups = script.Parent.Parent.PopUps local fade = script.Parent.Parent.Fade local gameVersion = script.Parent.Parent.GameVersion local playButton = buttons.Play local settingsButton = buttons.Settings local infoButton = buttons.Info local creditsButton = buttons.Credits local shopButton = buttons.Shop local settingsPopup = popups.Settings local infoPopup = popups.Info local creditsPopup = popups.Credits local shopPopup = popups.Shop
-- Public Methods
function DropdownClass:Set(option) if (self._Selected ~= option) then self._Selected = option self._ChangedBind:Fire(option) self.Button.Option.Text = option.Text end self:Show(false) end function DropdownClass:Get() return self._Selected end function DropdownClass:Show(bool) self.Button.Arrow.Image = bool and ARROW_UP or ARROW_DOWN self.ListFrame.Visible = bool end function DropdownClass:Destroy() self._Maid:Sweep() self._ChangedBind:Destroy() self._Changed = nil self._Options = nil self._Selected = nil end
-- its best to anchor while welding, and then unanchor when finished
function weld(modelgroup,anchored,cancollide) local parts,last = {} local function scan(parent) for _,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then if (last) then local w ="Weld") w.Name = ("Weld") w.Part0,w.Part1 = last,v w.C0 = last.CFrame:inverse() w.C1 = v.CFrame:inverse() w.Parent = last end last = v table.insert(parts,v) end scan(v) end end scan(modelgroup) for _,v in pairs(parts) do v.Anchored=anchored v.CanCollide=cancollide end end weld(script.Parent,true,false)
-- << SETTINGS >>
Settings={ -- <Prefix> Prefix =";" ; -- The character used to begin each command -- <Owner chat colour> OwnerChatColour = "y" ; --w/r/g/b/p/y OR white/red/green/blue/purple/yellow -- <Donor Perks> **Please keep enabled to help support the development of HD Admin Commands** DonorItem = true ; DonorItemId = 10472779 ; DonorCommands = true ; -- <Other> CmdBar = true ; -- Enabled/disales the cmdbar - press @ to open the cmdbar HDIcon = true ; -- The HD Icon in the corner of screen (helps support the development HD Admin Commands) AutoPrompt = true ; -- This prompts all players to take a free copy of the model. Set to 'false' to disable. FreeAdmin = false ; -- Allows everyone in server to have the chosen admin. e.g.' FreeAdmin = "VIP" '. Set to False if not. You can not set to 'Owner'. NoticeSound = 261082034 ; -- Notification sound ID NoticeSoundVol = 0.5 ; -- How loud the notification sound is. Must be between 0 and 1. ErrorSound = 138090596 ; -- Error sound ID ErrorSoundVol = 0.5 ; -- How loud the error sound is. Must be between 0 and 1. } ;
--Mute players across different servers
local muteConnection = ms:SubscribeAsync(muteTopic, function(message) local targetId = message.Data[1] local muteLength = message.Data[2] for i, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if plr.UserId == targetId then channel:MuteSpeaker(plr.Name) task.wait(muteLength) if plr then channel:UnmuteSpeaker(plr.Name) end end end end)
local Replicate = Remotes.Replicate
-- Key that user can press to interact with game
local KEY1 if IS_MOBILE then KEY1 = nil elseif IS_CONSOLE then KEY1 = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX else KEY1 = Enum.KeyCode.E end
--------------------[ TWEEN FUNCTIONS ]-----------------------------------------------
function TweenJoint(Joint, NewC0, NewC1, Alpha, Duration) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local TweenIndicator = nil --At the current moment, this is how the script determines whether the function is already tweening a joint local NewCode = math.random(-1e9, 1e9) --This creates a random code between -1000000000 and 1000000000 if (not Joint:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then --If the joint isn't being tweened, then TweenIndicator ="IntValue") TweenIndicator.Name = "TweenCode" TweenIndicator.Value = NewCode TweenIndicator.Parent = Joint else TweenIndicator = Joint.TweenCode TweenIndicator.Value = NewCode --If the joint is already being tweened, this will change the code, and the tween loop will stop end local MatrixCFrame = function(CFPos, CFTop, CFBack) local CFRight = CFTop:Cross(CFBack) return CF( CFPos.x, CFPos.y, CFPos.z, CFRight.x, CFTop.x, CFBack.x, CFRight.y, CFTop.y, CFBack.y, CFRight.z, CFTop.z, CFBack.z ) end local LerpCF = function(StartCF, EndCF, Alpha) local StartTop = (StartCF * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0)).lookVector local StartBack = -StartCF.lookVector local EndTop = (EndCF * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0)).lookVector local EndBack = -EndCF.lookVector local StartPos = StartCF.p local EndPos = EndCF.p local NewCF = MatrixCFrame( StartPos:lerp(EndPos, Alpha), StartTop:lerp(EndTop, Alpha), StartBack:lerp(EndBack, Alpha) ) return NewCF end local StartC0 = Joint.C0 local StartC1 = Joint.C1 local X = 0 while true do local NewX = X + math.min(1.5 / math.max(Duration, 0), 90) X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX) if TweenIndicator.Value ~= NewCode then break end --This makes sure that another tween wasn't called on the same joint if (not Selected) then break end --This stops the tween if the tool is deselected if NewC0 then Joint.C0 = LerpCF(StartC0, NewC0, Alpha(X)) end if NewC1 then Joint.C1 = LerpCF(StartC1, NewC1, Alpha(X)) end if X == 90 then break end RS:wait() --This makes the for loop step every 1/60th of a second end if TweenIndicator.Value == NewCode then --If this tween functions was the last one called on a joint then it will remove the code TweenIndicator:Destroy() end end)) end INSERT(Connections, RS:connect(function() local Forward = (Keys["w"] or Keys[string.char(17)]) local Backward = (Keys["s"] or Keys[string.char(18)]) local Right = (Keys["d"] or Keys[string.char(19)]) local Left = (Keys["a"] or Keys[string.char(20)]) local WalkingForward = (Forward and (not Backward)) local WalkingBackward = ((not Forward) and Backward) local WalkingRight = (Right and (not Left)) local WalkingLeft = ((not Right) and Left) end)) INSERT(Connections, RS:connect(function() if (not Idleing) and Walking then if Stance == 1 then Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 7 elseif Stance == 2 then Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end else Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end end))
--[[ The Module ]]
-- local MouseLockController = {} MouseLockController.__index = MouseLockController function local self = setmetatable({}, MouseLockController) self.inputBeganConn = nil -- Remove with FFlagPlayerScriptsBindAtPriority self.isMouseLocked = false self.savedMouseCursor = nil self.boundKeys = {Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.RightShift} -- defaults self.mouseLockToggledEvent ="BindableEvent") local boundKeysObj = script:FindFirstChild("BoundKeys") if (not boundKeysObj) or (not boundKeysObj:IsA("StringValue")) then -- If object with correct name was found, but it's not a StringValue, destroy and replace if boundKeysObj then boundKeysObj:Destroy() end boundKeysObj ="StringValue") boundKeysObj.Name = "BoundKeys" boundKeysObj.Value = "LeftShift,RightShift" boundKeysObj.Parent = script end if boundKeysObj then boundKeysObj.Changed:Connect(function(value) self:OnBoundKeysObjectChanged(value) end) self:OnBoundKeysObjectChanged(boundKeysObj.Value) -- Initial setup call end -- Watch for changes to user's ControlMode and ComputerMovementMode settings and update the feature availability accordingly GameSettings.Changed:Connect(function(property) if property == "ControlMode" or property == "ComputerMovementMode" then self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() end end) -- Watch for changes to DevEnableMouseLock and update the feature availability accordingly PlayersService.LocalPlayer:GetPropertyChangedSignal("DevEnableMouseLock"):Connect(function() self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() end) -- Watch for changes to DevEnableMouseLock and update the feature availability accordingly PlayersService.LocalPlayer:GetPropertyChangedSignal("DevComputerMovementMode"):Connect(function() self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() end) self:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() return self end function MouseLockController:GetIsMouseLocked() return self.isMouseLocked end function MouseLockController:GetBindableToggleEvent() return self.mouseLockToggledEvent.Event end function MouseLockController:GetMouseLockOffset() local offsetValueObj = script:FindFirstChild("CameraOffset") if offsetValueObj and offsetValueObj:IsA("Vector3Value") then return offsetValueObj.Value else -- If CameraOffset object was found but not correct type, destroy if offsetValueObj then offsetValueObj:Destroy() end offsetValueObj ="Vector3Value") offsetValueObj.Name = "CameraOffset" offsetValueObj.Value =,0,0) -- Legacy Default Value offsetValueObj.Parent = script end if offsetValueObj and offsetValueObj.Value then return offsetValueObj.Value end return,0,0) end function MouseLockController:UpdateMouseLockAvailability() local devAllowsMouseLock = PlayersService.LocalPlayer.DevEnableMouseLock local devMovementModeIsScriptable = PlayersService.LocalPlayer.DevComputerMovementMode == Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.Scriptable local userHasMouseLockModeEnabled = GameSettings.ControlMode == Enum.ControlMode.MouseLockSwitch local userHasClickToMoveEnabled = GameSettings.ComputerMovementMode == Enum.ComputerMovementMode.ClickToMove local MouseLockAvailable = devAllowsMouseLock and userHasMouseLockModeEnabled and not userHasClickToMoveEnabled and not devMovementModeIsScriptable if MouseLockAvailable~=self.enabled then self:EnableMouseLock(MouseLockAvailable) end end function MouseLockController:OnBoundKeysObjectChanged(newValue) self.boundKeys = {} -- Overriding defaults, note: possibly with nothing at all if boundKeysObj.Value is "" or contains invalid values for token in string.gmatch(newValue,"[^%s,]+") do for keyCode, keyEnum in pairs(Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems()) do if token == keyEnum.Name then self.boundKeys[#self.boundKeys+1] = keyEnum break end end end if FFlagPlayerScriptsBindAtPriority then self:UnbindContextActions() self:BindContextActions() end end
-- -- Go through each valid target to see if within field of view and if there is -- -- clear line of sight. Field of view treated as wedge in front of character. -- for _, character in pairs(characters) do -- local toTarget = (character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - model.HumanoidRootPart.Position) -- toTarget =, 0, toTarget.Z) -- local angle = math.acos(toTarget:Dot(model.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector)/toTarget.magnitude) -- if math.deg(angle) < configs["FieldOfView"]/2 then -- ZombieTarget = character -- -- raycast to see if target is actually visible -- local toTarget =, (ZombieTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Position - model.HumanoidRootPart.Position)) -- local part, position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(toTarget, zombies) -- if part and part.Parent == ZombieTarget then -- return true -- end -- ZombieTarget = nil -- end -- end
end return false end CanSeeTarget.TransitionState = PursueState -- TargetDead: Check if target is dead. local TargetDead = StateMachine.NewCondition() TargetDead.Name = "TargetDead" TargetDead.Evaluate = function() if ZombieTarget and ZombieTarget.Humanoid then return ZombieTarget.Humanoid.Health <= 0 end return true end TargetDead.TransitionState = IdleState -- GotDamaged: Check if NPC has taken damage local lastHealth = model.Humanoid.Health local GotDamaged = StateMachine.NewCondition() GotDamaged.Name = "GotDamaged" GotDamaged.Evaluate = function() if model then if lastHealth > model.Humanoid.Health then return true end end return false end GotDamaged.TransitionState = SearchState -- GotBored: Used to provide random state change. local GotBored = StateMachine.NewCondition() GotBored.Name = "GotBored" GotBored.Evaluate = function() local now = os.time() if now - lastBored > configs["BoredomDuration"] then local roll = math.random() if roll < configs["ChanceOfBoredom"] then lastBored = now if GotBored.TransitionState == SearchState then GotBored.TransitionState = IdleState else GotBored.TransitionState = SearchState end return true end end return false end GotBored.TransitionState = IdleState -- LostTarget: Checks clear line of sight local LostTarget = StateMachine.NewCondition() LostTarget.Name = "LostTarget" LostTarget.Evaluate = function() if true then return false end if ZombieTarget and model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and ZombieTarget:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then if (ZombieTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Position - model.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude > 10 then local toTarget =, (ZombieTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Position - model.HumanoidRootPart.Position)) local part, position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(toTarget, model) if not part or part.Parent ~= ZombieTarget then --print("Lost target!") ZombieTargetLastLocation = ZombieTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Position ZombieTarget = nil return true end end end return false end LostTarget.TransitionState = HuntState local WithinRange = StateMachine.NewCondition() WithinRange.Name = "WithinRange" WithinRange.Evaluate = function() if ZombieTarget and model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and ZombieTarget:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local distance = (model.HumanoidRootPart.Position - ZombieTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude if distance < configs["AttackRange"] then --print("Within attack range!") return true end end return false end WithinRange.TransitionState = AttackState local OutsideRange = StateMachine.NewCondition() OutsideRange.Name = "OutsideRange" OutsideRange.Evaluate = function() if ZombieTarget and model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and ZombieTarget:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local distance = (model.HumanoidRootPart.Position - ZombieTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude if distance > configs["AttackRange"] then --print("Outside attack range!") return true end end return false end OutsideRange.TransitionState = PursueState table.insert(IdleState.Conditions, CanSeeTarget) table.insert(IdleState.Conditions, GotDamaged) table.insert(IdleState.Conditions, GotBored) table.insert(SearchState.Conditions, GotBored) table.insert(SearchState.Conditions, CanSeeTarget) table.insert(PursueState.Conditions, LostTarget) table.insert(PursueState.Conditions, WithinRange) table.insert(PursueState.Conditions, TargetDead) table.insert(AttackState.Conditions, OutsideRange) table.insert(AttackState.Conditions, TargetDead) table.insert(HuntState.Conditions, GotBored) table.insert(HuntState.Conditions, CanSeeTarget) -- Setup arms damage local canHit = true local lastHit = os.time() local function handleHit(other) if canHit then if other and other.Parent and other.Parent.Name ~= "Drooling Zombie" and other.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local enemy = other.Parent if enemy.Humanoid.WalkSpeed > 0 then enemy.Humanoid.Health = enemy.Humanoid.Health - configs["Damage"] canHit = false end end else local now = os.time() if now - lastHit > configs["DamageCooldown"] then lastHit = now canHit = true end end end local leftHitConnect, rightHitConnect leftHitConnect = model:FindFirstChild("Left Arm").Touched:connect(handleHit) rightHitConnect = model:FindFirstChild("Right Arm").Touched:connect(handleHit) --ZombieAI.Animate(model) --updateDisplay() --updateDisplay(model.BillboardGui.TextLabel, StateMachine.CurrentState) local thread = coroutine.create(function() while true do wait() -- calculate repulsion force local humanoids = HumanoidList:GetCurrent() local localZombies = {} for _, humanoid in pairs(humanoids) do if humanoid and humanoid ~= model.Humanoid and humanoid.Parent and humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local torso = humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if not model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then continue end local distance = (model.HumanoidRootPart.Position - torso.Position).magnitude if distance <= 2.5 then table.insert(localZombies, torso.Position) end end end local repulsionDirection if model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then repulsionDirection = AIUtilities:GetRepulsionVector(model.HumanoidRootPart.Position, localZombies) if repulsionDirection.magnitude > 0 then --print("replusion direction: " .. tostring(repulsionDirection)) end model.HumanoidRootPart.RepulsionForce.force = repulsionDirection end if StateMachine.CurrentState and model.Configurations.Debug.Value then model.BillboardGui.TextLabel.Visible = true model.BillboardGui.TextLabel.Text = StateMachine.CurrentState.Name end if not model.Configurations.Debug.Value then model.BillboardGui.TextLabel.Visible = false end end end) coroutine.resume(thread) StateMachine.SwitchState(IdleState) zombie.Stop = function() StateMachine.SwitchState(nil) end return zombie end return ZombieAI
-- ROBLOX MOVED: expect/jasmineUtils.lua
local function equals(a: any, b: any, customTesters: Array<Tester>?, strictCheck: boolean?): boolean customTesters = customTesters or {} strictCheck = strictCheck or false return eq(a, b, {}, {}, customTesters :: Array<Tester>, strictCheck and hasKey or hasDefinedKey) end
--[[Waiting for Assets]]
-- dir = script.Parent dir:WaitForChild("Content") c = dir.Content
-- preload all of the faces
for i = 1, #toiletFace do Game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(""..tostring(toiletFace[i])) end
--// Processing
return function() local _G, game, script, getfenv, setfenv, workspace, getmetatable, setmetatable, loadstring, coroutine, rawequal, typeof, print, math, warn, error, pcall, pcall, xpcall, select, rawset, rawget, ipairs, pairs, next, Rect, Axes, os, tick, Faces, unpack, string, Color3, newproxy, tostring, tonumber, Instance, TweenInfo, BrickColor, NumberRange, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, ColorSequenceKeypoint, NumberSequenceKeypoint, PhysicalProperties, Region3int16, Vector3int16, elapsedTime, require, table, type, wait, Enum, UDim, UDim2, Vector2, Vector3, Region3, CFrame, Ray, delay = _G, game, script, getfenv, setfenv, workspace, getmetatable, setmetatable, loadstring, coroutine, rawequal, typeof, print, math, warn, error, pcall, pcall, xpcall, select, rawset, rawget, ipairs, pairs, next, Rect, Axes, os, tick, Faces, unpack, string, Color3, newproxy, tostring, tonumber, Instance, TweenInfo, BrickColor, NumberRange, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, ColorSequenceKeypoint, NumberSequenceKeypoint, PhysicalProperties, Region3int16, Vector3int16, elapsedTime, require, table, type, wait, Enum, UDim, UDim2, Vector2, Vector3, Region3, CFrame, Ray, delay local script = script local service = service local client = client local Anti, Core, Functions, Process, Remote, UI, Variables local function Init() UI = client.UI; Anti = client.Anti; Core = client.Core; Variables = client.Variables Functions = client.Functions; Process = client.Process; Remote = client.Remote; end getfenv().client = nil getfenv().service = nil getfenv().script = nil client.Process = { Init = Init; Remote = function(data,com,...) local args = {...} Remote.Received = Remote.Received+1 if type(com) == "string" then if com == client.DepsName.."GIVE_KEY" then if not Core.Key then Core.Key = args[1] client.Finish_Loading() end elseif Remote.UnEncrypted[com] then Remote.UnEncrypted[com](...) elseif Core.Key then local comString = Remote.Decrypt(com,Core.Key) local command = Remote.Commands[comString] if command then --local ran,err = pcall(command, args) --task service.Threads.RunTask("REMOTE:"..comString,command,args) local ran,err = service.TrackTask("Remote: ".. comString, command, args) if not ran and err then logError(err) end end end end end; LogService = function(Message, Type) --service.FireEvent("Output", Message, Type) end; ErrorMessage = function(Message, Trace, Script) --service.FireEvent("ErrorMessage", Message, Trace, Script) if Message and Message ~= "nil" and Message ~= "" and (string.find(Message,"::Adonis::") or string.find(Message,script.Name) or Script == script) then logError(tostring(Message).." - "..tostring(Trace)) end if (Script == nil or (not Trace or Trace == "")) and not (Trace and string.find(Trace,"CoreGui.RobloxGui")) then --Anti.Detected("log","Scriptless/Traceless error found. Script: "..tostring(Script).." - Trace: "..tostring(Trace)) end end; Chat = function(msg) --service.FireEvent("Chat",msg) if not service.Player or service.Player.Parent ~= service.Players then Remote.Fire("ProcessChat",msg) end end; CharacterAdded = function() UI.GetHolder() service.Events.CharacterAdded:fire() end; CharacterRemoving = function() if Variables.UIKeepAlive then for ind,g in next,client.GUIs do if g.Class == "ScreenGui" or g.Class == "GuiMain" or g.Class == "TextLabel" then if g.CanKeepAlive then g.KeepAlive = true g.KeepParent = g.Object.Parent g.Object.Parent = nil elseif service.StarterGui.ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn then pcall(g.Destroy,g) end end end end if Variables.GuiViewFolder then Variables.GuiViewFolder:Destroy() Variables.GuiViewFolder = nil end if Variables.ChatEnabled then service.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("Chat",true) end if Variables.PlayerListEnabled then service.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled('PlayerList',true) end local textbox = service.UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() if textbox then textbox:ReleaseFocus() end service.Events.CharacterRemoving:fire() end } end
--slow transitions, looks slick
script.Parent.Color =,0,0), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,.2,0), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,.4,0), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,.6,0), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,.8,0), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,1,0), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0.8,.2), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0.6,.4), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0.4,.6), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0.2,.8), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0,1), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0,.8), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0,.6), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0,.4), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) script.Parent.Color =,0,.2), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.2) mode2() end function mode3()
--[[ Shorthand for a finally handler that returns the given value. ]]
function Promise.prototype:finallyReturn(...) local length, values = pack(...) return self:_finally(debug.traceback(nil, 2), function() return unpack(values, 1, length) end) end Promise.prototype.FinallyReturn = Promise.prototype.finallyReturn
--[[ Script Variables ]]
-- while not Players.LocalPlayer do task.wait() end local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local IsFollowStick = false local ThumbstickFrame = nil local MoveTouchObject = nil local OnTouchEnded = nil -- defined in Create() local OnTouchMovedCn = nil local OnTouchEndedCn = nil local currentMoveVector =,0,0)
-- Listen for players joining the game
--[[ Returns an estimate of the amount of time a data store request could take to complete given the number of attempts, retryConstant, retryExponent and a reasonable worst case estimate for how long the DataStoreService call might take to complete. See DataStoreWrapper and retryAsync for actual retrying implementations. --]]
local DATA_STORE_REQUEST_TIME = 3 local function getMaxRequestTime(numAttempts: number, retryConstant: number, retryExponent: number) local requestTime = 0 for attemptNumber = 1, numAttempts do requestTime += DATA_STORE_REQUEST_TIME if attemptNumber > 1 then requestTime += retryConstant + (retryExponent ^ attemptNumber) end end return requestTime end return getMaxRequestTime
return function(Action, Variable2, Variable3, Variable4) if Action == "Drop" then local Dropper = Variable2 local dropID = Variable3 local dropValue = Variable4 local dropPart = Dropper:FindFirstChild("Drop") if not dropPart then return end local currentValue = dropValue local drop = Ore:Clone() drop.Name = Variable3 drop.Position = dropPart.Attachment.WorldPosition drop.Anchored = false drop.Parent = workspace.Debris game.Debris:AddItem(drop, 10) local billboardGui = PriceUI:Clone() billboardGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(numShorten(currentValue)) billboardGui.Parent = drop drop.Touched:Connect(function(Hit) if Hit.Name == "Sell" then drop:Destroy() print(dropID, " had been sold! - CLIENT") elseif Hit.Name == "Upgrade" then if not drop:FindFirstChild(Hit.Parent.Name) then local upgradeValue ="BoolValue") upgradeValue.Name = Hit.Parent.Name upgradeValue.Parent = drop Replicate:FireServer("Upgrade", drop.Name, Hit.Parent) currentValue = currentValue * Hit.Parent.Data.Upgrade.Value billboardGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(numShorten(currentValue)) end end end) end end
--// Core
return function(Vargs, GetEnv) local env = GetEnv(nil, {script = script}) setfenv(1, env) local server = Vargs.Server; local service = Vargs.Service; local Functions, Admin, Anti, Core, HTTP, Logs, Remote, Process, Variables, Settings, Deps; local AddLog, Queue, TrackTask local function Init(data) Functions = server.Functions; Admin = server.Admin; Anti = server.Anti; Core = server.Core; HTTP = server.HTTP; Logs = server.Logs; Remote = server.Remote; Process = server.Process; Variables = server.Variables; Settings = server.Settings; Deps = server.Deps; AddLog = Logs.AddLog; Queue = service.Queue; TrackTask = service.TrackTask; --// Core variables Core.Themes = data.Themes or {} Core.Plugins = data.Plugins or {} Core.ModuleID = data.ModuleID or 7510592873 Core.LoaderID = data.LoaderID or 7510622625 Core.DebugMode = data.DebugMode or false Core.Name = server.Functions:GetRandom() Core.LoadstringObj = Core.GetLoadstring() Core.Loadstring = require(Core.LoadstringObj) service.DataStoreService = require(Deps.MockDataStoreService) disableAllGUIs(server.Client.UI); Core.Init = nil; AddLog("Script", "Core Module Initialized") end; local function RunAfterPlugins(data) --// RemoteEvent Handling Core.MakeEvent() --// Prepare the client loader --local existingPlayers = service.Players:GetPlayers(); --Core.MakeClient() local remoteParent = service.ReplicatedStorage; remoteParent.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(c) if server.Core.RemoteEvent and not server.Core.FixingEvent and (function() for i,v in pairs(server.Core.RemoteEvent) do if c == v then return true end end end)() then wait(); server.Core.MakeEvent() end end) --// Load data Core.DataStore = server.Core.GetDataStore() if Core.DataStore then TrackTask("Thread: DSLoadAndHook", function() pcall(server.Core.LoadData) end) end --// Save all data on server shutdown & set GAME_CLOSING game:BindToClose(function() Core.GAME_CLOSING = true; Core.SaveAllPlayerData(); end); --// Start API if service.NetworkServer then --service.Threads.RunTask("_G API Manager",server.Core.StartAPI) TrackTask("Thread: API Manager", Core.StartAPI) end --// Occasionally save all player data to the datastore to prevent data loss if the server abruptly crashes service.StartLoop("SaveAllPlayerData", Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval, Core.SaveAllPlayerData, true) Core.RunAfterPlugins = nil; AddLog("Script", "Core Module RunAfterPlugins Finished"); end server.Core = { Init = Init; RunAfterPlugins = RunAfterPlugins; DataQueue = {}; DataCache = {}; PlayerData = {}; CrossServerCommands = {}; CrossServer = function(...) return false end; ExecuteScripts = {}; LastDataSave = 0; FixingEvent = false; ScriptCache = {}; Connections = {}; BytecodeCache = {}; LastEventValue = 1; Variables = { TimeBans = {}; }; --// Datastore update/queue timers/delays DS_WriteQueueDelay = 1; DS_ReadQueueDelay = 0.5; DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval = 30; DS_AllPlayerDataSaveQueueDelay = 0.5; --// Used to change/"reset" specific datastore keys DS_RESET_SALTS = { SavedSettings = "32K5j4"; SavedTables = "32K5j4"; }; DS_BLACKLIST = { Trello_Enabled = true; Trello_Primary = true; Trello_Secondary = true; Trello_Token = true; Trello_AppKey = true; DataStore = true; DataStoreKey = true; DataStoreEnabled = true; Creators = true; Permissions = true; G_API = true; G_Access = true; G_Access_Key = true; G_Access_Perms = true; Allowed_API_Calls = true; LoadAdminsFromDS = true; ["Settings.Ranks.Creators.Users"] = true; ["Admin.SpecialLevels"] = true; OnStartup = true; OnSpawn = true; OnJoin = true; CustomRanks = true; Ranks = true; --// Not gonna let malicious stuff set DS_Blacklist to {} or anything! DS_BLACKLIST = true; }; --// Prevent certain keys from loading from the DataStore PlayerDataKeyBlacklist = { AdminRank = true; AdminLevel = true; LastLevelUpdate = true; }; DisconnectEvent = function() if Core.RemoteEvent and not Core.FixingEvent then Core.FixingEvent = true; for name,event in pairs(Core.RemoteEvent.Events) do event:Disconnect() end pcall(function() service.Delete(Core.RemoteEvent.Object) end) pcall(function() service.Delete(Core.RemoteEvent.Function) end) Core.FixingEvent = false; Core.RemoteEvent = nil; end end; MakeEvent = function() local remoteParent = service.ReplicatedStorage; local ran, error = pcall(function() if server.Running then local rTable = {}; local event = service.New("RemoteEvent", {Name = Core.Name, Archivable = false}, true, true) local func = service.New("RemoteFunction", {Name = "__FUNCTION", Parent = event}, true, true) local secureTriggered = true local tripDet = math.random() local function secure(ev, name, parent) return ev.Changed:Connect(function() if Core.RemoteEvent == rTable and not secureTriggered then if ev == func then func.OnServerInvoke = Process.Remote end if ev.Name ~= name then ev.Name = name elseif ev.Parent ~= parent then secureTriggered = true; Core.DisconnectEvent(); Core.MakeEvent() end end end) end Core.DisconnectEvent(); Core.TripDet = tripDet; rTable.Events = {}; rTable.Object = event; rTable.Function = func; rTable.Events.Security = secure(event, event.Name, remoteParent); rTable.Events.FuncSec = secure(func, func.Name, event); func.OnServerInvoke = Process.Remote; rTable.Events.ProcessEvent = service.RbxEvent(event.OnServerEvent, Process.Remote); Core.RemoteEvent = rTable; event.Parent = remoteParent; secureTriggered = false; AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Created RemoteEvent"; Desc = "RemoteEvent was successfully created"; }) end end) if error then warn(error) end end; UpdateConnections = function() if service.NetworkServer then for i,cli in ipairs(service.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do if cli:IsA("NetworkReplicator") then Core.Connections[cli] = cli:GetPlayer() end end end end; UpdateConnection = function(p) if service.NetworkServer then for i,cli in ipairs(service.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do if cli:IsA("NetworkReplicator") and cli:GetPlayer() == p then Core.Connections[cli] = p end end end end; GetNetworkClient = function(p) if service.NetworkServer then for i,cli in ipairs(service.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do if cli:IsA("NetworkReplicator") and cli:GetPlayer() == p then return cli end end end end; MakeClient = function(parent) if not parent and Core.ClientLoader then local loader = Core.ClientLoader; loader.Removing = true; for i,v in pairs(loader.Events) do v:Disconnect() end loader.Object:Destroy(); end; local depsName = Functions:GetRandom() local folder = server.Client:Clone() local acli = server.Deps.ClientMover:Clone(); local client = folder.Client local parentObj = parent or service.StarterPlayer:FindFirstChildOfClass("StarterPlayerScripts"); local clientLoader = { Removing = false; }; Core.MockClientKeys = Core.MockClientKeys or { Special = depsName; Module = client; } local depsName = Core.MockClientKeys.Special; local specialVal = service.New("StringValue") specialVal.Value = Core.Name.."\\"..depsName specialVal.Name = "Special" specialVal.Parent = folder acli.Parent = folder; acli.Disabled = false; folder.Archivable = false; folder.Name = depsName; --"Adonis_Client" folder.Parent = parentObj; if not parent then local oName = folder.Name; clientLoader.Object = folder; clientLoader.Events = {} clientLoader.Events[folder] = folder.Changed:Connect(function() if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then if folder.Name ~= oName then folder.Name = oName; elseif folder.Parent ~= parentObj then clientLoader.Removing = true; Core.MakeClient(); end end end) local function sec(child) local oParent = child.Parent; local oName = child.Name; clientLoader.Events[child.Changed] = child.Changed:Connect(function(c) if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then if child.Parent ~= oParent or child == specialVal then Core.MakeClient(); end end end) local nameEvent = child:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Name"):Connect(function() if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then child.Name = oName; end end) clientLoader.Events[nameEvent] = nameEvent; clientLoader.Events[child.AncestryChanged] = child.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then Core.MakeClient(); end end) end; for i,child in ipairs(folder:GetDescendants()) do sec(child); end folder.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(d) if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then Core.MakeClient(); end end) folder.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(d) if Core.ClientLoader == clientLoader and not clientLoader.Removing then Core.MakeClient(); end end) Core.ClientLoader = clientLoader; end local ok,err = pcall(function() folder.Parent = parentObj end) clientLoader.Removing = false; AddLog("Script", "Created client"); end; HookClient = function(p) local key = tostring(p.UserId) local keys = Remote.Clients[key] if keys then local depsName = Functions:GetRandom() local eventName = Functions:GetRandom() local folder = server.Client:Clone() local acli = server.Deps.ClientMover:Clone(); local client = folder.Client local parentTo = "PlayerGui" --// Roblox, seriously, please give the server access to PlayerScripts already so I don't need to do this. local parentObj = p:FindFirstChildOfClass(parentTo) or p:WaitForChild(parentTo, 600); if not p.Parent then return false elseif not parentObj then p:Kick("\n[CLI-102495] Loading Error \nPlayerGui Missing (Waited 10 Minutes)") return false end local container = service.New("ScreenGui"); container.ResetOnSpawn = false; container.Enabled = false; container.Name = "\0"; local specialVal = service.New("StringValue") specialVal.Value = Core.Name.."\\"..depsName specialVal.Name = "Special" specialVal.Parent = folder keys.Special = depsName keys.EventName = eventName keys.Module = client acli.Parent = folder; acli.Disabled = false; folder.Name = "Adonis_Client" folder.Parent = container; --// Event only fires AFTER the client is alive and well local event; event = service.Events.ClientLoaded:Connect(function(plr) if p == plr and container.Parent == parentObj then container.Parent = nil --container:Destroy(); -- Destroy update causes an issue with this pretty sure p.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() -- after/on remove, not on removing... if p.Parent == nil then pcall(function() container:Destroy() end) -- Prevent potential memory leak and ensure this gets properly murdered when they leave and it's no longer needed end end) event:Disconnect(); end end) local ok,err = pcall(function() container.Parent = parentObj end) if not ok then p:Kick("\n[CLI-192385] Loading Error \n[HookClient Error: "..tostring(err).."]") return false else return true end else if p and p.Parent then p:Kick("\n[CLI-5691283] Loading Error \n[HookClient: Keys Missing]") end end end; LoadClientLoader = function(p) local loader = Deps.ClientLoader:Clone() loader.Name = Functions.GetRandom() loader.Parent = p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui", 60) or p:WaitForChild("Backpack") loader.Disabled = false end; LoadExistingPlayer = function(p) warn("Loading existing player: ".. tostring(p)) TrackTask("Thread: Setup Existing Player: ".. tostring(p), function() Process.PlayerAdded(p) --Core.MakeClient(p:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui") or p:WaitForChild("PlayerGui", 120)) end) end; ExecutePermission = function(scr, code, isLocal) local fixscr = service.UnWrap(scr) for _, val in pairs(Core.ExecuteScripts) do if not isLocal or (isLocal and val.Type == "LocalScript") then if (service.UnWrap(val.Script) == fixscr or code == val.Code) and (not val.runLimit or (val.runLimit ~= nil and val.Executions <= val.runLimit)) then val.Executions = val.Executions+1 return { Source = val.Source; noCache = val.noCache; runLimit = val.runLimit; Executions = val.Executions; } end end end end; GetScript = function(scr,code) for i,val in pairs(Core.ExecuteScripts) do if val.Script == scr or code == val.Code then return val,i end end end; UnRegisterScript = function(scr) for i,dat in pairs(Core.ExecuteScripts) do if dat.Script == scr or dat == scr then table.remove(Core.ExecuteScripts, i) return dat end end end; RegisterScript = function(data) data.Executions = 0 data.Time = os.time() data.Type = data.Script.ClassName data.Wrapped = service.Wrap(data.Script) data.Wrapped:SetSpecial("Clone",function() return Core.RegisterScript { Script = service.UnWrap(data.Script):Clone(); Code = data.Code; Source = data.Source; noCache = data.noCache; runLimit = data.runLimit; } end) for ind,scr in pairs(Core.ExecuteScripts) do if scr.Script == data.Script then return scr.Wrapped or scr.Script end end if not data.Code then data.Code = Functions.GetRandom() end table.insert(Core.ExecuteScripts,data) return data.Wrapped end; GetLoadstring = function() local newLoad = Deps.Loadstring:Clone(); local lbi = server.Shared.FiOne:Clone(); lbi.Parent = newLoad return newLoad; end; Bytecode = function(str) if Core.BytecodeCache[str] then return Core.BytecodeCache[str] end local f, buff = Core.Loadstring(str) Core.BytecodeCache[str] = buff return buff end; NewScript = function(type,source,allowCodes,noCache,runLimit) local ScriptType local execCode = Functions.GetRandom() if type == 'Script' then ScriptType = Deps.ScriptBase:Clone() elseif type == 'LocalScript' then ScriptType = Deps.LocalScriptBase:Clone() end if ScriptType then ScriptType.Name = "[Adonis] ".. type if allowCodes then service.New("StringValue", { Name = "Execute", Value = execCode, Parent = ScriptType, }) end local wrapped = Core.RegisterScript { Script = ScriptType; Code = execCode; Source = Core.Bytecode(source); noCache = noCache; runLimit = runLimit; } return wrapped or ScriptType, ScriptType, execCode end end; SavePlayer = function(p,data) local key = tostring(p.UserId) Core.PlayerData[key] = data end; DefaultPlayerData = function(p) return { Donor = { Cape = { Image = '0'; Color = 'White'; Material = 'Neon'; }; Enabled = false; }; Banned = false; TimeBan = false; AdminNotes = {}; Keybinds = {}; Aliases = {}; Client = {}; Warnings = {}; AdminPoints = 0; }; end; GetPlayer = function(p) local key = tostring(p.UserId) if not Core.PlayerData[key] then local PlayerData = Core.DefaultPlayerData(p) Core.PlayerData[key] = PlayerData if Core.DataStore then local data = Core.GetData(key) if data and type(data) == "table" then data.AdminNotes = (data.AdminNotes and Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.AdminNotes, true)) or {} data.Warnings = (data.Warnings and Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.Warnings, true)) or {} local BLOCKED_SETTINGS = server.Core.PlayerDataKeyBlacklist for i,v in pairs(data) do if not BLOCKED_SETTINGS[i] then PlayerData[i] = v end end end end return PlayerData else return Core.PlayerData[key] end end; ClearPlayer = function(p) Core.PlayerData[tostring(p.UserId)] = Core.DefaultData(p); end; SavePlayerData = function(p, customData) local key = tostring(p.UserId); local pData = customData or Core.PlayerData[key]; if Core.DataStore then if pData then local data = service.CloneTable(pData); data.LastChat = nil data.AdminRank = nil data.AdminLevel = nil data.LastLevelUpdate = nil data.LastDataSave = nil data.AdminNotes = Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.AdminNotes) data.Warnings = Functions.DSKeyNormalize(data.Warnings) Core.SetData(key, data) AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Saved data for ".. p.Name; Desc = "Player data was saved to the datastore"; }) pData.LastDataSave = os.time(); end end end; SaveAllPlayerData = function(queueWaitTime) local TrackTask = service.TrackTask for key,pdata in pairs(Core.PlayerData) do local id = tonumber(key); local player = id and service.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(id); if player and (not pdata.LastDataSave or os.time() - pdata.LastDataSave >= Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval) then TrackTask(string.format("Save data for %s", player.Name), Core.SavePlayerData, player); end end --[[ --// OLD METHOD (Kept in case this messes anything up) for i,p in next,service.Players:GetPlayers() do local pdata = Core.PlayerData[tostring(p.UserId)]; --// Only save player's data if it has not been saved within the last INTERVAL (default 30s) if pdata and (not pdata.LastDataSave or os.time() - pdata.LastDataSave >= Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveInterval) then service.Queue("SavePlayerData", function() Core.SavePlayerData(p) wait(queueWaitTime or Core.DS_AllPlayerDataSaveQueueDelay) end) end end--]] end; GetDataStore = function() local ran,store = pcall(function() return service.DataStoreService:GetDataStore(string.sub(Settings.DataStore, 1, 50),"Adonis") end) -- DataStore studio check. if ran and store and service.RunService:IsStudio() then local success, res = pcall(store.GetAsync, store, math.random()) if not success and string.find(res, "502", 1, true) then warn("Unable to load data because Studio access to API services is disabled.") return; end end return ran and store end; DataStoreEncode = function(key) if Core.DS_RESET_SALTS[key] then key = Core.DS_RESET_SALTS[key] .. key end return Functions.Base64Encode(Remote.Encrypt(tostring(key), Settings.DataStoreKey)) end; SaveData = function(...) return Core.SetData(...) end; DS_GetRequestDelay = function(type) local requestType, budget; local reqPerMin = 60 + #service.Players:GetPlayers() * 10; local reqDelay = 60 / reqPerMin; if type == "Write" then requestType = Enum.DataStoreRequestType.SetIncrementAsync; elseif type == "Read" then requestType = Enum.DataStoreRequestType.GetAsync; elseif type == "Update" then requestType = Enum.DataStoreRequestType.UpdateAsync; end repeat budget = service.DataStoreService:GetRequestBudgetForRequestType(requestType); until budget > 0 and task.wait(1) return reqDelay + 0.5; end; DS_WriteLimiter = function(type, func, ...) local vararg = table.pack(...) return Queue("DataStoreWriteData_" .. tostring(type), function() local gotDelay = Core.DS_GetRequestDelay(type); --// Wait for budget, also return how long we should wait before the next request is allowed to go func(unpack(vararg, 1, vararg.n)) task.wait(gotDelay) end, 120, true) end; RemoveData = function(key) local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then local ran2, err2 = Queue("DataStoreWriteData" .. tostring(key), function() local ran, ret = Core.DS_WriteLimiter("Write", DataStore.RemoveAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key)) if ran then Core.DataCache[key] = nil else logError("DataStore RemoveAsync Failed: ".. tostring(ret)) end task.wait(6) end, 120, true) if not ran2 then warn("DataStore RemoveData Failed: ".. tostring(err2)) end end end; SetData = function(key, value, repeatCount) if repeatCount then warn("Retrying SetData request for ".. key); end local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then if value == nil then return Core.RemoveData(key) else local ran2, err2 = Queue("DataStoreWriteData" .. tostring(key), function() local ran, ret = Core.DS_WriteLimiter("Write", DataStore.SetAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key), value) if ran then Core.DataCache[key] = value else logError("DataStore SetAsync Failed: ".. tostring(ret)); end task.wait(6) end, 120, true) if not ran2 then logError("DataStore SetData Failed: ".. tostring(err2)) --// Attempt 3 times, with slight delay between if failed task.wait(1); if not repeatCount then return Core.SetData(key, value, 3); elseif repeatCount > 0 then return Core.SetData(key, value, repeatCount - 1); end end end end end; UpdateData = function(key, func, repeatCount) if repeatCount then warn("Retrying UpdateData request for ".. key); end local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then local err = false; local ran2, err2 = Queue("DataStoreWriteData" .. tostring(key), function() local ran, ret = Core.DS_WriteLimiter("Update", DataStore.UpdateAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key), func) if not ran then err = ret; logError("DataStore UpdateAsync Failed: ".. tostring(ret)) return error(ret); end wait(6) end, 120, true) --// 120 timeout, yield until this queued function runs and completes if not ran2 then logError("DataStore UpdateData Failed: ".. tostring(err2)) --// Attempt 3 times, with slight delay between if failed wait(1); if not repeatCount then return Core.UpdateData(key, func, 3); elseif repeatCount > 0 then return Core.UpdateData(key, func, repeatCount - 1); end end return err end end; GetData = function(key, repeatCount) if repeatCount then warn("Retrying GetData request for ".. key); end local DataStore = Core.DataStore if DataStore then local ran2, err2 = Queue("DataStoreReadData", function() local ran, ret = pcall(DataStore.GetAsync, DataStore, Core.DataStoreEncode(key)) if ran then Core.DataCache[key] = ret return ret else logError("DataStore GetAsync Failed: ".. tostring(ret)) if Core.DataCache[key] then return Core.DataCache[key]; else error(ret); end end wait(Core.DS_GetRequestDelay("Read")) end, 120, true) if not ran2 then logError("DataStore GetData Failed: ".. tostring(err2)) --// Attempt 3 times, with slight delay between if failed wait(1); if not repeatCount then return Core.GetData(key, 3); elseif repeatCount > 0 then return Core.GetData(key, repeatCount - 1); end else return err2; end end end; IndexPathToTable = function(tableAncestry) local Blacklist = Core.DS_BLACKLIST if type(tableAncestry) == "string" and not Blacklist[tableAncestry] then return server.Settings[tableAncestry], tableAncestry; elseif type(tableAncestry) == "table" then local curTable = server; local curName = "Server"; for i,ind in ipairs(tableAncestry) do curTable = curTable[ind]; curName = ind; if curName and type(curName) == 'string' then --// Admins do NOT load from the DataStore with this setting if curName == "Ranks" then if not Settings.LoadAdminsFromDS then return nil; end end end if not curTable then --warn(tostring(ind) .." could not be found"); --// Not allowed or table is not found return nil; end end if curName and type(curName) == 'string' then if Blacklist[curName] then return nil; end end return curTable, curName; end return nil end; ClearAllData = function() local tabs = Core.GetData("SavedTables") or {}; for i,v in pairs(tabs) do if v.TableKey then Core.RemoveData(v.TableKey); end end Core.SetData("SavedSettings",{}); Core.SetData("SavedTables",{}); Core.CrossServer("LoadData"); end; GetTableKey = function(indList) local tabs = Core.GetData("SavedTables") or {}; local realTable,tableName = Core.IndexPathToTable(indList); local foundTable = nil; for i,v in pairs(tabs) do if type(v) == "table" and v.TableName and v.TableName == tableName then foundTable = v break; end end if not foundTable then foundTable = { TableName = tableName; TableKey = "SAVEDTABLE_".. tableName; } table.insert(tabs, foundTable); Core.SetData("SavedTables", tabs); end if not Core.GetData(foundTable.TableKey) then Core.SetData(foundTable.TableKey, {}); end return foundTable.TableKey; end; DoSave = function(data) local type = data.Type if type == "ClearSettings" then Core.ClearAllData(); elseif type == "SetSetting" then local setting = data.Setting local value = data.Value Core.UpdateData("SavedSettings", function(settings) settings[setting] = value return settings end) Core.CrossServer("LoadData", "SavedSettings", {[setting] = value}); elseif type == "TableRemove" then local key = Core.GetTableKey(data.Table); local tab = data.Table local value = data.Value data.Action = "Remove" data.Time = os.time() local CheckMatch = Functions.CheckMatch Core.UpdateData(key, function(sets) sets = sets or {} for i,v in pairs(sets) do if CheckMatch(tab, v.Table) and CheckMatch(v.Value, value) then table.remove(sets,i) end end --// Check that the real table actually has the item to remove, do not create if it does not have it --// Prevents snowballing local indList = tab local continueOperation = false if indList[1] == "Settings" then local indClone = table.clone(indList) indClone[1] = "OriginalSettings" local realTable,tableName = Core.IndexPathToTable(indClone) for i,v in pairs(realTable) do if CheckMatch(v, value) then continueOperation = true end end else continueOperation = true end if continueOperation then table.insert(sets, data) end return sets end) Core.CrossServer("LoadData", "TableUpdate", data); elseif type == "TableAdd" then local key = Core.GetTableKey(data.Table); local tab = data.Table local value = data.Value data.Action = "Add" data.Time = os.time() local CheckMatch = Functions.CheckMatch Core.UpdateData(key, function(sets) sets = sets or {} for i,v in pairs(sets) do if CheckMatch(tab, v.Table) and CheckMatch(v.Value, value) then table.remove(sets, i) end end --// Check that the real table does not have the item to add, do not create if it has it --// Prevents snowballing local indList = tab local continueOperation = true if indList[1] == "Settings" then local indClone = table.clone(indList) indClone[1] = "OriginalSettings" local realTable,tableName = Core.IndexPathToTable(indClone) for i,v in pairs(realTable) do if CheckMatch(v, value) then continueOperation = false end end end if continueOperation then table.insert(sets, data) end return sets end) Core.CrossServer("LoadData", "TableUpdate", data); end AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Saved setting change to datastore"; Desc = "A setting change was issued and saved"; }) end; LoadData = function(key, data, serverId) if serverId and serverId == game.JobId then return end; local Blacklist = Core.DS_BLACKLIST local CheckMatch = Functions.CheckMatch; if key == "TableUpdate" then local tab = data; local indList = tab.Table; local nameRankComp = {--// Old settings backwards compatability Owners = {"Settings", "Ranks", "HeadAdmins", "Users"}; Creators = {"Settings", "Ranks", "Creators", "Users"}; HeadAdmins = {"Settings", "Ranks", "HeadAdmins", "Users"}; Admins = {"Settings", "Ranks", "Admins", "Users"}; Moderators = {"Settings", "Ranks", "Moderators", "Users"}; } if type(indList) == "string" and nameRankComp[indList] then indList = nameRankComp[indList]; end local realTable,tableName = Core.IndexPathToTable(indList); local displayName = type(indList) == "table" and table.concat(indList, ".") or tableName; if displayName and type(displayName) == 'string' then if Blacklist[displayName] then return end if type(indList) == 'table' and indList[1] == "Settings" and indList[2] == "Ranks" then if not Settings.SaveAdmins and not Core.WarnedAboutAdminsLoadingWhenSaveAdminsIsOff and not Settings.SaveAdminsWarning and Settings.LoadAdminsFromDS then warn("Admins are loading from the Adonis DataStore when Settings.SaveAdmins is FALSE!\nDisable this warning by adding the setting \"SaveAdminsWarning\" in Settings (and set it to true!) or set Settings.LoadAdminsFromDS to false") Core.WarnedAboutAdminsLoadingWhenSaveAdminsIsOff = true end end end if realTable and tab.Action == "Add" then for i,v in pairs(realTable) do if CheckMatch(v,tab.Value) then table.remove(realTable, i) end end AddLog("Script",{ Text = "Added value to ".. displayName; Desc = "Added "..tostring(tab.Value).." to ".. displayName .." from datastore"; }) table.insert(realTable, tab.Value) elseif realTable and tab.Action == "Remove" then for i,v in pairs(realTable) do if CheckMatch(v, tab.Value) then AddLog("Script",{ Text = "Removed value from ".. displayName; Desc = "Removed "..tostring(tab.Value).." from ".. displayName .." from datastore"; }) table.remove(realTable, i) end end end else local SavedSettings local SavedTables if Core.DataStore and Settings.DataStoreEnabled then if Settings.DataStoreKey == server.Defaults.Settings.DataStoreKey then table.insert(server.Messages, { Title = "Warning!"; Message = "Using default datastore key!"; Icon = server.MatIcons.Description; Time = 15; OnClick = server.Core.Bytecode([[ local window = client.UI.Make("Window", { Title = "How to change the DataStore key"; Size = {700,300}; Icon = "rbxassetid://7510994359"; }) window:Add("ImageLabel", { Image = "rbxassetid://1059543904"; }) window:Ready() ]]); }) end local GetData, LoadData, SaveData, DoSave = Core.GetData, Core.LoadData, Core.SaveData, Core.DoSave if not key then SavedSettings = GetData("SavedSettings") SavedTables = GetData("SavedTables") elseif key and not data then if key == "SavedSettings" then SavedSettings = GetData("SavedSettings") elseif key == "SavedTables" then SavedTables = GetData("SavedTables") end elseif key and data then if key == "SavedSettings" then SavedSettings = data elseif key == "SavedTables" then SavedTables = data end end if not key and not data then if not SavedSettings then SavedSettings = {} SaveData("SavedSettings",{}) end if not SavedTables then SavedTables = {} SaveData("SavedTables",{}) end end if SavedSettings then for setting,value in pairs(SavedSettings) do if not Blacklist[setting] then if setting == 'Prefix' or setting == 'AnyPrefix' or setting == 'SpecialPrefix' then local orig = Settings[setting] for i,v in pairs(server.Commands) do if v.Prefix == orig then v.Prefix = value end end end Settings[setting] = value end end end if SavedTables then for i,tData in pairs(SavedTables) do if tData.TableName and tData.TableKey and not Blacklist[tData.tableName] then local data = GetData(tData.TableKey); if data then for k,v in ipairs(data) do LoadData("TableUpdate", v) end end elseif tData.Table and tData.Action then LoadData("TableUpdate", tData) end end if Core.Variables.TimeBans then for i,v in pairs(Core.Variables.TimeBans) do if v.EndTime-os.time() <= 0 then table.remove(Core.Variables.TimeBans, i) DoSave({ Type = "TableRemove"; Table = {"Core", "Variables", "TimeBans"}; Value = v; }) end end end end AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Loaded saved data"; Desc = "Data was retrieved from the datastore and loaded successfully"; }) end end end; StartAPI = function() local _G = _G local setmetatable = setmetatable local rawset = rawset local rawget = rawget local type = type local error = error local print = print local warn = warn local pairs = pairs local next = next local table = table local getfenv = getfenv local setfenv = setfenv local require = require local tostring = tostring local server = server local service = service local Routine = Routine local cPcall = cPcall local MetaFunc = service.MetaFunc local StartLoop = service.StartLoop local API_Special = { AddAdmin = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore; RemoveAdmin = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore; RunCommand = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Core; SaveTableAdd = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; SaveTableRemove = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; SaveSetSetting = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; ClearSavedSettings = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.DataStore and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; SetSetting = Settings.Allowed_API_Calls.Settings; } setfenv(1,setmetatable({}, {__metatable = getmetatable(getfenv())})) local API_Specific = { API_Specific = { Test = function() print("We ran the api specific stuff") end }; Settings = Settings; Service = service; } local API = { Access = MetaFunc(function(...) local args = {...} local key = args[1] local ind = args[2] local targ if API_Specific[ind] then targ = API_Specific[ind] elseif server[ind] and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls[ind] then targ = server[ind] end if Settings.G_Access and key == Settings.G_Access_Key and targ and Settings.Allowed_API_Calls[ind] == true then if type(targ) == "table" then return service.NewProxy { __index = function(tab,inde) if targ[inde] ~= nil and API_Special[inde] == nil or API_Special[inde] == true then AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Access to "..tostring(inde).." was granted"; Desc = "A server script was granted access to "..tostring(inde); }) if targ[inde]~=nil and type(targ[inde]) == "table" and Settings.G_Access_Perms == "Read" then return service.ReadOnly(targ[inde]) else return targ[inde] end elseif API_Special[inde] == false then AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Access to "..tostring(inde).." was denied"; Desc = "A server script attempted to access "..tostring(inde).." via _G.Adonis.Access"; }) error("Access Denied: "..tostring(inde)) else error("Could not find "..tostring(inde)) end end; __newindex = function(tabl,inde,valu) if Settings.G_Access_Perms == "Read" then error("Read-only") elseif Settings.G_Access_Perms == "Write" then tabl[inde] = valu end end; __metatable = true; } end else error("Incorrect key or G_Access is disabled") end end); Scripts = service.ReadOnly({ ExecutePermission = MetaFunc(function(srcScript, code) local exists; for i,v in pairs(Core.ScriptCache) do if v.Script == srcScript then exists = v end end if exists and exists.noCache ~= true and (not exists.runLimit or (exists.runLimit and exists.Executions <= exists.runLimit)) then exists.Executions = exists.Executions+1 return exists.Source, exists.Loadstring end local data = Core.ExecutePermission(srcScript, code) if data and data.Source then local module; if not exists then module = require(server.Shared.FiOne:Clone()) table.insert(Core.ScriptCache,{ Script = srcScript; Source = data.Source; Loadstring = module; noCache = data.noCache; runLimit = data.runLimit; Executions = data.Executions; }) else module = exists.Loadstring exists.Source = data.Source end return data.Source, module end end); }, nil, nil, true); CheckAdmin = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckAdmin); IsAdmin = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckAdmin); IsBanned = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckBan); IsMuted = MetaFunc(Admin.IsMuted); CheckDonor = MetaFunc(Admin.CheckDonor); GetLevel = MetaFunc(Admin.GetLevel); SetLighting = MetaFunc(Functions.SetLighting); SetPlayerLighting = MetaFunc(Remote.SetLighting); NewParticle = MetaFunc(Functions.NewParticle); RemoveParticle = MetaFunc(Functions.RemoveParticle); NewLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.NewLocal); MakeLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.MakeLocal); MoveLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.MoveLocal); RemoveLocal = MetaFunc(Remote.RemoveLocal); Hint = MetaFunc(Functions.Hint); Message = MetaFunc(Functions.Message); RunCommandAsNonAdmin = MetaFunc(Admin.RunCommandAsNonAdmin); } local AdonisGTable = service.NewProxy({ __index = function(tab,ind) if Settings.G_API then return API[ind] elseif ind == "Scripts" then return API.Scripts else error("_G API is disabled") end end; __newindex = function() error("Read-only") end; __metatable = true; }) if not rawget(_G, "Adonis") then if table.isfrozen and not table.isfrozen(_G) or not table.isfrozen then rawset(_G, "Adonis", AdonisGTable) StartLoop("APICheck", 1, function() if rawget(_G, "Adonis") ~= AdonisGTable then if table.isfrozen and not table.isfrozen(_G) or not table.isfrozen then rawset(_G, "Adonis", AdonisGTable) else warn("ADONIS CRITICAL WARNING! MALICIOUS CODE IS TRYING TO CHANGE THE ADONIS _G API AND IT CAN'T BE SET BACK! PLEASE SHUTDOWN THE SERVER AND REMOVE THE MALICIOUS CODE IF POSSIBLE!") end end end, true) else warn("The _G table was locked and the Adonis _G API could not be loaded") end end AddLog(Logs.Script,{ Text = "Started _G API"; Desc = "_G API was initialized and is ready to use"; }) end; }; end
--[=[ @return Promise Returns a promise that is resolved once Knit has started. This is useful for any code that needs to tie into Knit controllers but is not the script that called `Start`. ```lua Knit.OnStart():andThen(function() local MyController = Knit.GetController("MyController") MyController:DoSomething() end):catch(warn) ``` ]=]
function KnitClient.OnStart() if startedComplete then return Promise.resolve() else return Promise.fromEvent(onStartedComplete.Event) end end return KnitClient