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Business in Western Europe is millions upon millions of small businessmen and women living a life of quiet desperation, trying to put their livelihoods together. | en |
Patients taking Generic Viagra should be aware that reactions vary from person to person and side effects cannot be anticipated. | en |
NEW YORK amp#45;amp#45; Three hard facts are setting the boundaries for the talks United Nations negotiator Ibrahim Gambari is undertaking as he shuttles between Burma’s ruling generals and the detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. | en |
Flexicurity is customarily believed to be a strategy aimed at making the labour market more flexible and rewarding the move from one job to another by means of economic support and training. | en |
So können in Zeiten der Expansion, wenn Banken gern immer riskantere Gläubiger finanzieren, die Reservesätze steigen, was vorbeugend gegen potenziell gefährliche Vermögensblasen oder Überinvestitionen wirkt. | cs |
In dem kleinen Dorf 56 km östlich von Udon Thani lebte vor rund 3500 Jahren ein hoch entwickeltes Bauernvolk. Bei Grabungen fand man zwischen Skeletten Töpferwaren und Bronzewerkzeuge. | cs |
Yes, lets cancel those debts but lets get in exchange better governance rather than a no-ties write off that only worsens the credit rating of poor countries, locking them out from investment and improved economies. | en |
Press on the holiday complex in Sitges you prefer in order to see its details, situation, kinds of apartments, etc. | en |
They can be quickly installed where there is no 230 V supply cable: the CONNECT radio system transmitters. | en |
We will gladly provide you with information on our services related to mobile memory media such as duplication of card images, individualisation of cards, labels and blisters. | en |
France has long been characterized by Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s philosophy, which placed the law – the expression of the General Will – at the absolute top of the hierarchy of judicial norms. | en |
As I understand things, the Commission has accepted the line proposed by Parliament and is prepared to ensure that a more efficient organization than the one we had before is created to take responsibility for these aid efforts in the former Yugoslavia. | en |
If you would like to achieve physical and mental balance today, and remain healthy and fit in the future, this is the right program for you. | en |
We can discuss it later, Mr Pannella! | en |
We are forced to admit that local politicians and police officers are still compliantly doing the dirty work for their criminal bosses. | en |
However, there are complications in the whole Schengen process. | en |
That means that each time we try to make our way to Strasbourg, in good spirits, we stumble across yet another hitch. | en |
According to the complainant, however, no reply was received from the Commission. | en |
The second aspect which your report illuminates concerns what the European Union must do. | en |
Schauen wir mal, ob ich sie mal nach hier kriege für eine geile Session. | cs |
Auch wir friedlichen Demonstranten müssen aus diesen Auseinandersetzungen etwas lernen. | cs |
Mit der Erstellung dieses Berichts verfolgt das Parlament das alleinige Ziel, eine detaillierte und eingehende Studie über die derzeitige Lage und die Zukunftsperspektiven dieses Sektors zu fordern. | cs |
Sauberes Zimmer, typisches Intercontinental Haus, 5 Sterne sind berechtigt. | en |
But there is more to it than that. | en |
Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass die Verfassungsänderungen großen Eindruck machen, und sie leisten einen wesentlichen Beitrag bei der Demokratisierung des Lebens in der Türkei. | cs |
The Presidency, on behalf of the Council, hopes and expects that it will be possible to reach a first reading agreement on the proposal in the area of applicable law. | en |
The large swimming pool is supplied with thermal water and is both indoor and outdoor, with a communicating passage, where you can enjoy long relaxing swims. | en |
The focus is concentrated above all on the systematic study of the local flora and fauna as well as of the geological and mineralogical characteristics of South Tyrol. | en |
I would also point out that the Energy Community Treaty chiefly extends the in whose adoption Parliament is fully involved. | en |
Qatar’s Wahhabism is less severe than Saudi Arabia’s; for example, Qatari women are allowed to drive and to travel alone. | en |
Die meisten Touristen beschränken sich daher auf den besser erschlossenen Südrand, an dem das Dorf mit dem Namen Grand Canyon liegt. | cs |
Strankama koje se nisu odazvale pozivu tijela graditeljstva radi uvida u glavni projekt i izjašnjenje o istom, graðevinska dozvola, odnosno rješenje o odbijanju zahtjeva za izdavajanje graðevinske dozvole dostavlja se izlaganjem na graðevinskoj èestici, odnosno graðevini za koju je zatražena graðevinska dozvola i izlaganjem na oglasnoj ploèi tijela graditeljstva, s time da se strankama koje su pozvane na naèin iz èlanka 95. stavka 2. ovoga Zakona dostavlja i preporuèena pisana obavijest o tome da je graðevinska dozvola izdana, odnosno da je zahtjev za njeno izdavanje odbijen, te da je graðevinska dozvola, odnosno rješenje izloženo na graðevnskoj èestici, odnosno graðevini i oglasnoj ploèi tijela graditeljstva. | cs |
Das Hotel beeindruckt mit seinem Stil und Eleganz.Alle Zimmer des Hotels haben eine Aussicht auf das Meer und einen Balkon. | cs |
And when we signed that recommendation, we wanted to underline why we thought it was important to raise our voice now against intolerance, against extremist and fundamentalist trends within any religion, or even against the extremist secular trends which try to prevent people carrying on their way of life if it includes religion. We also wanted to remind people of the horrors we have seen caused by a conflict between two religions in the former Yugoslavia, and also in Ireland, as mentioned by the previous speaker from my group, Mr Ford. | en |
The SkyFol ThermoProtect Elite 70 window film contains an 11-layer metallization, silver, indium and gold. | en |
Die Konventionen des Europarates treten in Kraft, nachdem sie von den Staaten ratifiziert worden sind. | cs |
Wie Sie alle wissen, stehen wir im südlichen Mittelmeerraum vor einer Situation, die in den letzten Wochen hinsichtlich der Migrationsströme sehr kritisch geworden ist. | cs |
To instantly check availability for all Szczecin hostels, use the form on the left of the page. | en |
Der Anwalt sprach etwa zweitausend Menschen, die die Hallen des Gran Teatro del Cibao gefüllt, mit der Konferenz "Ethik und Politik", sagte der Kleidung Merkantilismus Sphären der Macht, als Nachricht kommt in unterschiedlicher Weise über die Korruption, die beide öffentlicher und privater Ebene. | cs |
As some Members have emphasised, the Commission considers doping to be one of the key problems in sport. | en |
Fine & delicate ornamentations using light, flower arrangements and original paintings are the stylistic devices he uses for designing space. | en |
In this regard, AC-COLOMBIA complying with its institutional mission has proposed as an alternative to make visible and face such problem, its advocacy program known as “The Social Mobilization Against Recruitment of Girls, Boys and Teenagers” with the sole purpose of involving all the different social, political, economic and institutional pressure groups towards effective preventive actions against recruitment by illegal armed groups. | en |
My other concern relates to parallel production systems and a huge problem in the marketplace if we have enriched cages coming into production while the current systems remain in production. | en |
Inzwischen jedoch würde ein neuer Kredit nur dazu führen, die staatliche Schuldenlast untragbar zu machen; erforderlich ist ein Kauf aller oder einiger der in Schwierigkeiten steckenden zypriotischen Banken. | cs |
Not too much, maybe the location, it is in a quieter area of Venice. | en |
Kurz vor der neuen Jahreskonferenz ist die Lage immer noch so unklar und birgt somit ernste Bedrohungen für die Zukunft des Kyoto-Protokolls in sich, insbesondere angesichts der Erklärungen der neuen kanadischen Regierung. | cs |
In accordance with law 196/03 regarding the protection of personal information, Hotel Leonardo guarantees the maximum protection of all data it has been provided with. | en |
The next annual general meeting takes place on 15 April 2010 at 4:00 p.m. at the Mövenpick Hotel in Regensdorf, Switzerland. | en |
Muy bien, sabemos que lo nuevo en cuanto a televisores son las pantallas 3D, Avatar nos preparó para aceptar ese paso, pero ¿está el público realmente preparado para invertir en una nueva tele? | en |
The sugar regime therefore needs to be reformed in order to fit in to our new agricultural policy. | en |
In order to recreate its 17th century provençal style, La Bastide de Moustiers has been restored and renovated by regional craftsmen including an interior designer from Moustiers, a painter from Villeneuve, a seamstress from Puimoisson, a basket-maker from Forcalquier, a glass-maker from Biot, a ceramist from Salernes, and antiquarians from Mouans-Sartoux... | en |
Liat aja "Pulsaku Card Com Your Online Business Solution" .. | en |
in the plugin to adjust the size and position of the cup. | en |
Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass die höchsten Sicherheitsstandards nicht nur in Europa, sondern auch über unsere Grenzen hinaus gelten. | cs |
Nach Blanches Tod 1369 heiratete John of Gaunt mit der strenggläubigen Konstanze von Kastilien eine Tochter von König Peter dem Grausamen , was ihm einen Anspruch auf das Königreich von Kastilien einbrachte. | cs |
Aber die Einführung des Naira hat der Parität mit dem britischen Pfund schnelle ein Ende bereitet. | cs |
Herr Präsident, ich freue mich, an dieser Debatte im Namen des Ausschusses für Beschäftigung und soziale Angelegenheiten teilnehmen zu können, auch wenn dieses Dokument in letzter Minute erstellt wurde, was meines Erachtens ganz klar darauf hindeutet, das an unserer Einstellung zur Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Parlament etwas nicht stimmt. | cs |
Städtische Ballungsräume bilden den Mittelpunkt lokaler Regionen und verdienen besondere Aufmerksamkeit. | cs |
Unser Auftrag ist es, Ihnen bei der Vorbereitung auf dieses glorreiche Ereignis zu helfen. | cs |
These are data from the Lisbon monitoring centre itself. | en |
Storing them in memory (there are many ways to achieve that) would lead to better FHS compliance and improved diskless support. | en |
In front of your eyes you just have the sea, the unforgettable sunsets and the unique sensation of being in the westernmost beach of Europe. | en |
Virus Mania will inform you on how such an environment took root—and how to empower yourself for a healthy life. | en |
Which standard signification have the levels from -2 up to 10? | en |
I also think it is wrong to purchase a Russian veto in the Security Council with generous sell-offs of key companies to Russian firms. | en |
Bei der jüngsten Schuldenumstrukturierung Griechenlands stellte sich dieses Problem. | cs |
I think the consumer can decide for himself and define in advance what he needs. | en |
We welcome our international guests with an impressive skyline, many historic sites, great architecture, superb shopping in excellent gallerias, museums, theatres, musicals and many well known hotels. | en |
Therefore I generally support better relations between the EU and central Asian countries. | en |