9 values
Premise: At that event, legal services personnel, court personnel, and other technology experts saw demonstrations by four companies on their products, and assessed their utility for preparing pro se documents. Hypothesis: Legal services personnel saw product demonstrations.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: The controller checked his radio equipment and contacted another controller at 8:53, saying that we may have a hijack and that he could not find the aircraft. Hypothesis: The controller contacted another controller to announce that everything was fine.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: His heels clicked together. Hypothesis: His heels had hurt after clicking.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Many Americans have wondered, Why do 'they' hate us? Hypothesis: No Americans wonder why they are hated.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Oh, what a fool I feel! Hypothesis: I am such a fool!
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Genes and peers do not supplant adult agents, including parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends, and teachers. Hypothesis: Doctors and lawyers are also examples of adult agents.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: yeah i'm trying to find out how long we're supposed talk Hypothesis: We need to talk a lot.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: Seventy-two churches in Britain were named for Cuthbert. Hypothesis: Only one church in Britain is named for Cuthbert.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Focusing on these two definitions, it must be conceded that naive users who did not know the meaning of Boolean or of Boolean algebra before going to either dictionary are unlikely to come away any the wiser. Hypothesis: Uniformed readers will have no issue understanding the content.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The reasons are technical, arising from the way the software processed radar information, as well as from poor primary radar coverage where American 77 was flying. Hypothesis: There are technical reasons behind the confusion surrounding American 77's location
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Tourist Information offices can be very helpful. Hypothesis: One can often get help at Tourist Information offices.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: Because of limited resources, local legal services programs are forced to turn away tens of thousands of people with critical legal problems. Hypothesis: If the resources were there, it would be unthinkable for these programs to be turning so many people away.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: The good news, however, can be found in reports like this one. Hypothesis: This report contains only bad information and should be destroyed immediately.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: The burden of his spiritual functions as high priest of Shinto and the tasks of administration led the emperor to welcome an early abdication, frequently to retire to a life of Buddhist meditation and scholarship. Hypothesis: People looked down on the emperor for abandoning his duties and abdicating.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: The funds go directly to the students' tuition. Hypothesis: The money go straight to the tuition of the students.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: In the first instance, IRS would have no record of time before the person could get through to an agent and of discouraged callers. Hypothesis: The callers are encouraged to call multiple times.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: What idiots girls are! Hypothesis: Girls can put emotions ahead of logical thought, giving the appearance of idiocy.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: Junior may have wrecked the car and daughter may have attained the age for orthodontia. Hypothesis: The car is absolutely fine and daughter is too young for orthodontia.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: um i've visited the Wyoming area i'm not sure exactly where Dances with Wolves was filmed Hypothesis: I know exactly where Dances with Wolves was filmed.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: I recently purchased a new computer, and, because it operated on a system different from the one of my old computer, I asked a few friends to recommend a word-processing package that I might.find useful. Hypothesis: I already knew how to use the OS that my new machine runs.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Although I do enjoy Spring and March here. Hypothesis: Spring is my favorite season, that's why I love it here.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: After shuttering the DOE, Clinton could depict himself as a crusader against waste and bureaucracy who succeeded where even Reagan failed. Hypothesis: Clinton shuttered the DOE to move against waste.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: There was no longer any when you wanted some unbridled adult fun, Las Vegas was the place to be. Hypothesis: Las Vegas was billed as a fun destination for all ages.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: He worked, he's a teacher, and at that time he worked as the principal of that school, of that school, because it was a, like a high school, there was, from first (grade) to high school. Hypothesis: The man is a legend. He is love, he is life.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: appropriate agency representatives, help resolve Hypothesis: the right agency workers, help fix my security system
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(C) Neutral
Premise: North of Mytilini, stop at the village of Moria, where you will find the remains of a huge Roman aqueduct surrounded by grazing goats. Hypothesis: There is nothing special to see in the village of Moria.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: I am due to speak at a meeting at two o'clock. Hypothesis: I have been told that I will not be permitted to speak at the meeting.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: For example, those in MET who worked on Team Indy were among the first Indianapolis campus participants in the annual Purdue Grand Prix at West Lafayette. Hypothesis: Those in MET who worked on Team Indy were not allowed to participate in the Pardue Grand Prix.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Periodic Versus Continuous Review Hypothesis: Continuous review means that retailers aren't devoted a block of time during the week to inventory.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: that your approach is is is right you can actually go out and sub it if even if you don't wanna get hands on you can even just sub it out the concrete and those kind of things and and that's kind of the plan i have so um uh everyone i talk to uh i've Hypothesis: You can not ever sub it.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: They are the four sentences you always insert in plagiarized papers to throw the professor off track. Hypothesis: These four sentences force professors to skim over the paragraph and inadvertently skip the plagiarized information.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Neutral
Premise: audits and other reviews, including those showing deficiencies and recommendations reported by auditors and others who evaluate agencies' operations, (2) determine proper actions in response to findings and recommendations from audits and reviews, and (3) complete, within established time frames, all actions that correct or otherwise resolve the matters brought to management's attention. Hypothesis: Deficiencies and recommendations reported by auditors are examples of other reviews.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: The Sikhs reacted violently to persecution, and the Marathas spread to Orissa, after which, in the year 1739, Nadir Shah of Persia invaded and carried off the Peacock Throne (broken up after his assassination). Hypothesis: The Sikhs submitted to the persecution.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: The tip was hooked towards the edge, the same way the tips are hammered for knives used for slaughter. Hypothesis: They were fragile and could not leave a scratch.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Then a unique marker must be created that combines different orders using the same fabric. Hypothesis: It might be helpful to create a marker that combines the different orders using the same fabrics.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(A) Entailment
Premise: At 9:03, they would see another aircraft strike the World Trade Center. Hypothesis: Most people saw another plane hit the World Trade Center.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: In addition to that behind-the-scenes role, MCCOY has taken an out-front role in developing a Summer Bus Pass, neighborhood youth councils, and the We Value Youth information line. Hypothesis: MCCOY has developed youth councils, bus passes, and information lines specifically for youths.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Entailment
Premise: ' Keep Indianapolis Beautiful helps us do this by providing us opportunities to work with outstanding people in our community. Hypothesis: Keep Indianapolis Beautiful provides no opportunities to work alongside people in the community.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: Agency officials stated that copies of both the initial and the final analysis were submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy at the Small Business Administration as required by section 605(b). Hypothesis: Agency officials stated that they submitted titles of their favorite children's books.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(B) Contradiction
Premise: Come in, please! Hypothesis: Come in, please!
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: they eat a lot of it you know you can take your vitamins and she was telling me to take zinc so anyway i've been taking enough zinc you know to kill a horse probably i hope it doesn't hurt me but anyway i did read one chapter of that Hypothesis: I considered but decided against taking zinc.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: However the Postal Service did provide as much detail as is collected a volume distribution by transportation mode and shape for sixty individual countries. Hypothesis: The Postal Service would've provided more detail if it hadn't been for the lack of resources.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Entailment", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: 'I don't know what happened, exactly.' I said. Hypothesis: You aren't making sense.
[ "(A) Neutral", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Neutral
Premise: The leaves of the papyrus were dried and used by Ancient Egyptians as a form of paper. Hypothesis: Ancient Egyptians use papyrus leaves for paper.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(C) Entailment
Premise: Jarrah stopped the violent maneuvers at about 10:01:00 and said,Allah is the greatest! Hypothesis: Jarrah continued maneuvering violently and remained silent..
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Contradiction" ]
(C) Contradiction
Premise: And as our discussion in Chapter 6 will reveal, on the whole, the quality of American child care'whether center-based or home-based'is mediocre to abysmal. Hypothesis: American child-care is typically anywhere from very good to excellent.
[ "(A) Contradiction", "(B) Neutral", "(C) Entailment" ]
(A) Contradiction
Premise: Hersheimmer "WELL," said Tuppence, recovering herself, "it really seems as though it were meant to be." Carter nodded. Hypothesis: Carter disagreed.
[ "(A) Entailment", "(B) Contradiction", "(C) Neutral" ]
(B) Contradiction