Psalms 82:1
Ein Yaakov, Sanhedrin 1:6
Psalms 82:1
Tractate Soferim 4:9
Psalms 82:1
Romemot El on Psalms 82:1:1
Psalms 82:1
Yein Levanon on Avot 4:22:20
Psalms 82:1
Midrash Sekhel Tov, Bereshit 18:1:6
Psalms 82:1
Midrash Sekhel Tov, Bereshit 18:32:3
Psalms 82:1
Midrash Sekhel Tov, Shemot 6:2:1
Psalms 82:1
Nachalat Avot on Avot 3:6:8
Psalms 82:1
Nachalat Avot on Avot 3:6:13
Psalms 82:1
Nachalat Avot on Avot 3:6:15
Psalms 82:1
Nachalat Avot on Avot 3:6:16
Psalms 82:1
Nachalat Avot on Avot 3:6:17
Psalms 82:1
Nachalat Avot on Avot 4:11:12
Psalms 82:1
Benayahu on Sukkah 55a:1
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sotah 47b:3
Psalms 82:1
Tractate Sefer Torah 4:8
Psalms 82:1
Peninei Halakhah, Prayer 2:1:2
Psalms 82:1
Peninei Halakhah, Women's Prayer 20:1:2
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 2a:1
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 6b:5
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 7a:12
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 7a:13
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 7b:4
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 19a:2
Psalms 82:1
Ben Yehoyada on Chullin 92a:8
Psalms 82:1
Malbim on Psalms 82:1:1
Psalms 82:1
Derekh Chayim 3:6:1
Psalms 82:1
Derekh Chayim 3:6:4
Psalms 82:1
Derekh Chayim 3:6:11
Psalms 82:1
What is the Talmud, VII What is written in the Talmud?, 5 Jurisprudence 3
Psalms 82:1
Midrash Tehillim 22:13
Psalms 82:1
Ben Porat Yosef, Vayera 23
Psalms 82:1
Chayim VaChesed 124:1
Psalms 82:1
Parashat Derakhim 13:58
Psalms 82:1
Reshit Chokhmah, Chapter of Jurisprudence 25
Psalms 82:1
Reshit Chokhmah, Chapter of Jurisprudence 53
Psalms 82:1
Reshit Chokhmah, Chapter of Jurisprudence 64
Psalms 82:1
Reshit Chokhmah, Gate of Holiness 14:49
Psalms 82:1
Tiferet Yosef, Talmud Anthology, Rosh Hashanah 5
Psalms 82:1
Ein Yaakov, Sotah 9:13
Psalms 82:1
Ein Yaakov, Sanhedrin 1:11
Psalms 82:1
Rif Sanhedrin 2a:1
Psalms 82:1
Machzor Vitry, Laws of Shabbat 138:1
Psalms 82:1
Rif Sanhedrin 2a:5
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Edot HaMizrach, Rosh Hodesh, Song of the Day 7
Psalms 82:1
Tosefta Sanhedrin 1:4
Psalms 82:1
Yalkut Shimoni on Torah 890:1
Psalms 82:1
Tiferet Yisrael 28:7
Psalms 82:1
Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot 5:1:12
Psalms 82:1
Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot 7:3:6
Psalms 82:1
Jerusalem Talmud Megillah 4:4:6
Psalms 82:1
Jerusalem Talmud Sanhedrin 1:1:29
Psalms 82:1
Jerusalem Talmud Sanhedrin 1:4:2
Psalms 82:1
Ohr LaYesharim on Jerusalem Talmud Megillah 4:4:6
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Holidays, Yom Tov Musaf Amidah 108
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Musaf 67
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Shabbat Mincha, Pirkei Avot 3:7
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Ashkenaz, Shabbat, Musaf LeShabbat, Pitum Haketoret 3
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Weekday Shacharit, Song of the Day 12
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Yotzerot, Musaf for Hachodesh 65
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Yotzerot, Musaf for Shekalim 65
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Ashkenaz, Weekday, Shacharit, Concluding Prayers, Song of the Day 10
Psalms 82:1
Siddur Sefard, Rosh Chodesh, Song of the Day 18
Psalms 82:1
Menorat HaMaor, ii; On Prayer, Prayer in the Synagogue 5
Psalms 82:1
Menorat HaMaor, ii; On Prayer, Prayer in the Synagogue 7
Psalms 82:1
Dirshuni II, Book of Psalms, II 5
Psalms 82:1
BDB, אֵל⁴ 1
Psalms 82:1
BDB, אֱלֹהִים 1
Psalms 82:1
BDB, מִזְמוֹר 1
Psalms 82:1
BDB, עֵדָה 1
Psalms 82:1
BDB, נָצַב 1
Psalms 82:1
BDB, קֶ֫רֶב 1
Psalms 82:1
BDB, שָׁפַט 1
Psalms 82:1
Midrash Tehillim 78:10
Psalms 82:1
Midrash Tehillim 90:2
Psalms 82:1
Aggadat Bereshit 19:2
Psalms 82:1
Akeidat Yitzchak 43:1:14
Psalms 82:1
Mishnat Eretz Yisrael on Pirkei Avot 3:6:2
Psalms 82:1
Mishnat Eretz Yisrael on Pirkei Avot 3:6:6
Psalms 82:1
Bereshit Rabbah 48:7
Psalms 82:1
Bereshit Rabbah 48:10
Exodus 20:20
Pirkei Avot 3:6
Exodus 20:20
Ibn Ezra on Exodus 20:20:1
Exodus 20:20
Ibn Ezra on Exodus 20:20:2
Exodus 20:20
Onkelos Exodus 20:20
Exodus 20:20
Targum Jonathan on Exodus 20:20
Exodus 20:20
Sforno on Exodus 20:20:1
Exodus 20:20
Or HaChaim on Exodus 20:20:1
Exodus 20:20
Rashbam on Exodus 20:20:1
Exodus 20:20
Rashbam on Exodus 20:20:2
Exodus 20:20
Sefer HaChinukh 39:1
Exodus 20:20
Sefer HaChinukh 414:5
Exodus 20:20
Sforno on Exodus 24:18:1
Exodus 20:20
Rashbam on Exodus 24:1:3
Exodus 20:20
Haamek Davar on Exodus 20:20:1
Exodus 20:20
Haamek Davar on Exodus 20:20:2
Exodus 20:20
Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Ben Yochai 20:20
Exodus 20:20
Mishneh Torah, Foreign Worship and Customs of the Nations 3:10
Exodus 20:20
Meshekh Chokhmah, Yitro 49
Exodus 20:20
Meshekh Chokhmah, Yitro 50