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That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions<sup>1</sup>and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.</p></div><!----></div></div></div></div></section><div class="section featured-copy fg-will-change loop_section_SmallFeature offwhite" name="SmallFeature" single-filter-value="" country-filter-value="" aria-label="small feature section" style="order: 5;"><div class="mobile until-tablet"><img alt="couple laughing on couch" src="" class="full-width"></div><div container=""><div grid="row wrap stretch"><div class="featured-copy-wrap" column="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-6"><svg xmlns="" id="Layer_1-fz1ca" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 300 213.14" class="injected-svg" style="color: rgb(239, 56, 41) !important; fill: rgb(239, 56, 41) !important;" role="img" alt="" aria-hidden="true"><g id="Layer_1-2-fz1ca" data-name="Layer 1-2" style="fill: currentcolor;"><path d="M287.93,44.6H255.17V12.06A12.06,12.06,0,0,0,243.11,0h-231A12.06,12.06,0,0,0,0,12V156.45a12.06,12.06,0,0,0,12.07,12.07H44.85v32.54a12.08,12.08,0,0,0,12.07,12.08h231A12.07,12.07,0,0,0,300,201.06V56.65A12.09,12.09,0,0,0,287.93,44.6ZM164,35.61a58.27,58.27,0,0,0-9.9-11.47h76.95V144.38H154.11a58.5,58.5,0,0,0,9.9-11.46c8.74-13.13,13.57-30.41,13.57-48.67S172.77,48.71,164,35.59ZM121.92,51.35V48.16c0-3.36,1.9-5.29,5.2-5.29h.61c3.2,0,5.12,1.78,5.12,4.77V51a26.31,26.31,0,0,1,11.82,4.45c2.56,1.55,3.18,4.28,1.62,7.15l-1.46,2.91a4.65,4.65,0,0,1-4.17,2.81,6.61,6.61,0,0,1-3.17-1,18.69,18.69,0,0,0-9.59-3c-4.37,0-7.67,2.44-7.67,5.67s4.74,5.2,10.22,7.51c8.54,3.6,19.18,8.08,19.18,20.49,0,9.77-6.69,17.37-16.78,19.29v2.87c0,3.32-2,5.38-5.12,5.38h-.61c-3.26,0-5.2-1.78-5.2-4.77v-3.44a31.39,31.39,0,0,1-14.1-6c-2.5-1.79-2.89-4.72-1-7.42l1.92-2.68c1.92-2.63,4.53-3.09,7.39-1.23a19.93,19.93,0,0,0,11.49,4.07c3.38,0,7.31-1.5,7.31-5.75,0-3.34-4.86-5.48-10.49-8-8.41-3.69-18.9-8.3-18.9-20.13C105.56,61,112.08,53.52,121.92,51.35ZM24.15,24.12h77a58.27,58.27,0,0,0-9.9,11.47C82.47,48.71,77.65,66,77.65,84.26s4.82,35.54,13.56,48.67a58.5,58.5,0,0,0,9.9,11.46h-77ZM275.83,189H69V168.52H243.1a12.07,12.07,0,0,0,12.07-12.07V68.75h20.66Z" style="fill: currentcolor;"></path><circle cx="51.99" cy="84.26" r="13.79" style="fill: currentcolor;"></circle><path d="M203.25,70.47A13.79,13.79,0,1,0,217,84.26,13.78,13.78,0,0,0,203.25,70.47Z" style="fill: currentcolor;"></path></g></svg><h2 class="section-header h2" style="color: rgb(239, 56, 41) !important;">AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed</h2><!----><span class="content"><div class="rich-text themed" style="color: rgb(239, 56, 41) !important;"><p>The smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.</p></div></span><!----></div><div class="featured-copy-image-wrap" column="xs-12 s-12 m-6 l-6"><div grid="row wrap justify-center"><div column="xs12 s-12 m-10"><img alt="couple laughing on couch" src="" class="full-width"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section simple-copy loop_section_SimpleRichText" name="SimpleRichText" single-filter-value="" country-filter-value="" aria-label="simple rich text section" style="order: 9;"><div container=""><div grid="row wrap undefined"><div column="xs-12 s-12" class="simple-copy themed"><span><div class="rich-text themed" style="color: rgb(239, 56, 41) !important;"><p>Remember to <strong>call ahead</strong> to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.</p></div></span><!----></div></div></div></div><!----><div data-v-e6e4e8ab="" class="section fg-will-change leaf _pt0 bg-offwhite loop_section_CardTrioWithRibbon" name="CardTrioWithRibbon" single-filter-value="" country-filter-value="" aria-label="card trio with ribbon section" style="order: 17;"><div data-v-e6e4e8ab="" class="ribbon-banner"><div container=""><div grid="row wrap"><div column=""><div class="banner-wrap"><span class="why-eye" style="background-color: rgb(239, 56, 41);"><div class="background-color" style="background-color: rgb(239, 56, 41);"></div><h2 data-v-e6e4e8ab=""><svg xmlns="" id="Layer_1-k28p1" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 299.99 300" class="injected-svg title-icon" role="img" alt="" aria-hidden="true"><g id="Layer_1-2-k28p1" data-name="Layer 1-2" style="fill: currentcolor;"><path d="M169.66,300a12.07,12.07,0,0,1-8.54-3.54L3.54,138.83A12,12,0,0,1,0,130.29V12.07A12.06,12.06,0,0,1,12.07,0H130.29a12.07,12.07,0,0,1,8.54,3.54L296.46,161.17a12.08,12.08,0,0,1,0,17.07L178.23,296.46A12.08,12.08,0,0,1,169.66,300ZM24.13,125.29,169.66,270.86,270.86,169.7,125.29,24.13H24.13Z" style="fill: currentcolor;"></path><path d="M75.42,49.57a25.87,25.87,0,1,0,25.87,25.86v0A25.89,25.89,0,0,0,75.42,49.57Z" style="fill: currentcolor;"></path><path d="M201.15,186.7l-3-3-.17-.16c7-12,5.59-25.81-3.95-35.34A24.76,24.76,0,0,0,176,140.63c-7.94,0-15.82,3.21-22.77,6-5.14,2.1-10,4.07-13.4,4.07a4.16,4.16,0,0,1-3.27-1.15,6,6,0,0,1-1.61-5.2,12,12,0,0,1,3.62-6.75,25.35,25.35,0,0,1,12-6.32h.14a8.94,8.94,0,0,0,5.77-4.07,7.94,7.94,0,0,0,.44-,0,0,0,0-.11l-1.5-4.39c-1.21-4-4.12-6.44-7.77-6.44a9.75,9.75,0,0,0-2.16.27,38,38,0,0,0-14.7,6.11l-3-3a8.51,8.51,0,0,0-12,0l-2.17,2.17a8.51,8.51,0,0,0,0,12l3,3,.31.3c-6.93,12.08-5.63,25.76,3.64,35A24,24,0,0,0,138.1,173c7.78,0,15.66-3.07,22.61-5.78,5.3-2.06,10.31-4,13.87-4a4.55,4.55,0,0,1,3.56,1.24c4.81,4.81-.46,10.58-1.57,11.68-3.63,3.63-8.67,6-15,7.15h-.11c-5.16,1.09-7.76,4.74-7,9.78l.78,4.61c.76,4.58,3.84,7.42,8,7.42a9.76,9.76,0,0,0,1.53-.12,45.37,45.37,0,0,0,19.09-7.2l3,3a8.5,8.5,0,0,0,12,0l2.16-2.17A8.5,8.5,0,0,0,201.15,186.7Z" style="fill: currentcolor;"></path></g></svg> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members</h2></span><div class="eye-shape-wrap"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="34px" y="55px" viewBox="0 0 34 55" xml:space="preserve" class="injected-svg eye-shape" style="color: rgb(239, 56, 41) !important;" role="img" alt="" aria-hidden="true"> <path d="M1.566-0.021H0.042v55h1.667c18.88-11.625,31.333-27.357,31.333-27.357S20.526,11.697,1.566-0.021z" style="fill: currentcolor; 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These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.<span></span></p><p></p><p><sup>1</sup>”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.</p><p>EyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas. </p><p><sup>2</sup>At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas. </p><p><sup>3</sup>Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas. </p><p><sup>4</sup>, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code<span>&nbsp;</span><span>RP_AARP30_GL&nbsp;</span><span>&nbsp;</span>during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on<span>&nbsp;</span><a href="" target="_self" style="color: rgb(239, 56, 41);"></a><span>&nbsp;</span>or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas. </p><p><sup>5</sup>$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.</p><p>© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.</p></div></span></div><!----></div></div></div><div class="bg-offwhite"><div container="" class="_ptxs _pbxs">Version: 3.02</div></div></footer></div><div id="cookie"></div></div> </body></html>
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{ "cell": [], "paragraph": [ [ 0, 0, 992, 128 ], [ 215, 72, 783, 72 ], [ 577, 1916, 768, 1936 ], [ 0, 1894, 992, 2911 ], [ 0, 133, 992, 606 ], [ 0, 0, 992, 2911 ], [ 0, 0, 992, 128 ], [ 0, 0, 992, 128 ], [ 215, 0, 776, 72 ], [ 527, 22, 605, 55 ], [ 527, 22, 605, 55 ], [ 663, 23, 776, 55 ], [ 598, 72, 783, 128 ], [ 598, 72, 658, 128 ], [ 605, 72, 651, 128 ], [ 658, 72, 783, 128 ], [ 664, 72, 776, 128 ], [ 0, 941, 992, 1000 ], [ 94, 961, 623, 980 ], [ 795, 950, 897, 991 ], [ 795, 950, 897, 991 ], [ 0, 133, 992, 1894 ], [ 0, 133, 992, 1894 ], [ 0, 133, 992, 606 ], [ 0, 133, 992, 606 ], [ 207, 133, 784, 606 ], [ 496, 225, 776, 514 ], [ 0, 606, 992, 1030 ], [ 224, 755, 478, 833 ], [ 224, 854, 478, 968 ], [ 0, 1030, 992, 1126 ], [ 0, 1126, 992, 1894 ], [ 0, 1126, 992, 1239 ], [ 215, 1126, 776, 1239 ], [ 215, 1444, 391, 1834 ], [ 224, 1777, 383, 1819 ], [ 408, 1444, 583, 1834 ], [ 416, 1777, 575, 1819 ], [ 600, 1444, 776, 1834 ], [ 608, 1777, 768, 1819 ], [ 0, 1894, 992, 1957 ], [ 399, 1916, 784, 1936 ], [ 0, 1957, 992, 2867 ] ], "sentence": [], "word": [] }
{ "cell": [], "paragraph": [ "Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership", "Join AARP\nRenew AARP Membership", "\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy", "\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy\nEyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.\nVersion: 3.02", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.", "Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership\nThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nOpens in new window\nThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nACCEPT COOKIES\nKeep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM\\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy\nEyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.\nVersion: 3.02", "Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership", "Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership", "Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits", "Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol", "English\nEspañol", "AARP Member Benefits", "Join AARP\nRenew AARP Membership", "Join AARP", "Join AARP", "Renew AARP Membership", "Renew AARP Membership", "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nACCEPT COOKIES", "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.", "ACCEPT COOKIES", "ACCEPT COOKIES", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.", "Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.", "AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.", "AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed", "The smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.", "Remember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.", "EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM", "EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members", "EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members", "50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE", "FIND A STORE", "50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE", "FIND A STORE", "30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM", "SAVE AT GLASSES.COM", "\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy", "\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy", "EyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners." ], "sentence": [], "word": [] }
{ "cell": [], "paragraph": [ "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,0,992,128</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>215,72,783,72</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>577,1916,768,1936</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,1894,992,2911</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,133,992,606</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,0,992,2911</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,0,992,128</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,0,992,128</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>215,0,776,72</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>527,22,605,55</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>527,22,605,55</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>663,23,776,55</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>598,72,783,128</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>598,72,658,128</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>605,72,651,128</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>658,72,783,128</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>664,72,776,128</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,941,992,1000</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>94,961,623,980</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>795,950,897,991</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>795,950,897,991</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,133,992,1894</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,133,992,1894</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,133,992,606</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,133,992,606</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>207,133,784,606</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>496,225,776,514</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,606,992,1030</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>224,755,478,833</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>224,854,478,968</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,1030,992,1126</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,1126,992,1894</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,1126,992,1239</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>215,1126,776,1239</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>215,1444,391,1834</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>224,1777,383,1819</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>408,1444,583,1834</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>416,1777,575,1819</bbox>", "Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>600,1444,776,1834</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>608,1777,768,1819</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,1894,992,1957</bbox>", "Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>399,1916,784,1936</bbox>", "Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,1957,992,2867</bbox>" ], "sentence": [], "word": [] }
{ "cell": [], "paragraph": [ "<ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr> Join AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy </ocr>", "<ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy\nEyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.\nVersion: 3.02 </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "<ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership\nThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nOpens in new window\nThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nACCEPT COOKIES\nKeep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM\\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy\nEyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.\nVersion: 3.02 </ocr>", "<ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits </ocr>", "<ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol </ocr>", "<ocr> English\nEspañol </ocr>", "<ocr> AARP Member Benefits </ocr>", "<ocr> Join AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr> Join AARP </ocr>", "<ocr> Join AARP </ocr>", "<ocr> Renew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr> Renew AARP Membership </ocr>", "<ocr> This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nACCEPT COOKIES </ocr>", "<ocr> This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more. </ocr>", "<ocr> ACCEPT COOKIES </ocr>", "<ocr> ACCEPT COOKIES </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "<ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "<ocr> AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings. </ocr>", "<ocr> AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed </ocr>", "<ocr> The smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings. </ocr>", "<ocr> Remember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program. </ocr>", "<ocr> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "<ocr> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members </ocr>", "<ocr> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members </ocr>", "<ocr> 50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE </ocr>", "<ocr> FIND A STORE </ocr>", "<ocr> 50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE </ocr>", "<ocr> FIND A STORE </ocr>", "<ocr> 30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "<ocr> SAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "<ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy </ocr>", "<ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy </ocr>", "<ocr> EyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners. </ocr>" ], "sentence": [], "word": [] }
{ "cell": [], "paragraph": [ "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Join AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy\nEyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.\nVersion: 3.02 </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership\nThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nOpens in new window\nThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nACCEPT COOKIES\nKeep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM\\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy\nEyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners.\nVersion: 3.02 </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits\nJoin AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol\nA\nA\nA\nAARP Member Benefits </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Select a language\nEnglish\nEspañol </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> English\nEspañol </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> AARP Member Benefits </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Join AARP\nRenew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> Join AARP </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Join AARP </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Renew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Renew AARP Membership </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more.\nACCEPT COOKIES </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Click privacy policy at bottom of page to learn more. </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> ACCEPT COOKIES </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> ACCEPT COOKIES </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see.\nAARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings.\nRemember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program.\nEyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> Keep your eyes on the prize — a long healthy life\nYour eyes help you do so much — bask in a sunset, discover a foreign land or cozy up to your favorite book. That’s pretty amazing. So, when was the last time you checked in on your eyes? A simple eye exam may spot signs of some potentially serious health conditions1and help you make your amazing moments easier to see. </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed\nThe smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings. </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> The smart way to keep an eye on your vision — and your health. Simply present your AARP membership card at a participating eye doctor or retail location to receive exclusive savings. </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Remember to call ahead to confirm provider participation in the AARP Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed Program. </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members\n50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE\n50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE\n30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> EyeMed Discounts for AARP Members </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> 50% off prescription lenses with the purchase of a frame2\n30% off non-prescription sunglasses2\n15% off lenses- or frame-only purchase2\n10% off conventional, disposable, premium contact lenses2\nFIND A STORE </ocr>", "Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> FIND A STORE </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 50% off additional complete pairs3\n$10 off a complete pair purchase3\n$10 off non-prescription sunglasses3\n$10 off a frame-only purchase3\n$5 off a lens-only purchase3\n$20 off complete pair with Transitions® lenses3\n10% off contact lenses on top of instant savings3\nFIND A STORE </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> FIND A STORE </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> 30% off complete pair (frames + lenses) with code RP_AARP30_GL at checkout4\nFree expedited shipping and 30-day satisfaction guarantee4\nFree frame adjustments at LensCrafters4\nSAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> SAVE AT GLASSES.COM </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr>\nTerms and Conditions\nPrivacy Policy </ocr>", "Locate the position of the text <ocr> EyeMed pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. This product is provided by EyeMed, not AARP or its affiliates, and may change and have restrictions.\n1”Keep an eye on your vision health,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Accessed February 2019.\nEyeMed Vision Care, LLC (EyeMed) is the network administrator of AARP Vision Discounts. In the State of Texas, EyeMed Vision Care, LLC is the Discount Health Operator offering the AARP vision discounts. These are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions, coupons or vision care plans. All decisions about medications and vision care are between you and your healthcare provider. Products or services that are reimbursable by federal programs including Medicare and Medicaid are not available on a discounted or complimentary basis. Not all providers carry Transitions® lenses. Not all providers honor all discounts. Offers are not valid in the state of Texas.\n2At LensCrafters, present AARP membership to receive the following offers — 50% off lenses with the purchase a frame; complete pair (frame and lens purchase required) — 30% off non-prescription sunglasses — 15 % off lenses or frame only purchase — 10% off contact lenses — 20% off accessories. Valid on multiple pairs. AARP Vision Discounts are administered by EyeMed Vision Care (EyeMed). These discounts are not insurance programs and may be discontinued at any time. These discounts cannot be combined with any other offers (unless offer or coupon specifically states is combinable, vision insurance, readers, or previous purchases). Varilux lenses, Cartier frames, and Oakley NFL sunglasses excluded. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Discounts are off tag price. No cash value. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. See store associate for details. Offer expires 12/31/2024. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n3Target Optical: Member offer combines with in-store offer where available. Cannot be applied on previous purchases or combined with vision and insurance plans. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons other than in-store offers unless offer or coupon strictly calls out it is combinable. Offer valid online with valid promo code. Some restrictions apply. Some brands excluded and additional restrictions may apply. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Valid AARP membership required. Valid on multiple pairs. Valid prescription required. Contact lens purchase requires valid contact lens prescription. Eye exams available by Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to Target Optical in most states. Eye exams available from self-employed doctors who lease space inside of Target. Some doctors in some states are employed by the location. Eye exam discount applies only to comprehensive eye exams and does not include contact lens exams or fitting. Discounts on exams at participating locations only. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\, a participating online retailer in AARP® Vision Discounts provided by EyeMed, offers members 30% off total order (Use promo code RP_AARP30_GL during check out), plus free shipping and returns, and free frame adjustments at LensCrafters. Shipping is free for both delivery and returns if the AARP Member is not satisfied within the 30-day satisfaction period. 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with no restocking fee and full refund. Available on or via call center. Offers not valid in the state of Texas.\n5$55 eye exam available at participating providers only. Eye exams are available at Independent Doctors of Optometry at or next to LensCrafters and Target Optical in most states. Doctors in some states are employed by the location.\n© 2024 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved. All third-party logos are the property of their respective owners. </ocr>" ], "sentence": [], "word": [] }
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Please provide the HTML code for the web screenshot
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{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> © Bryan Griffiths. All rights reserved. </ocr>","<ocr> EFFECTING CHA(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> © Bryan Griffiths. All rights r(...TRUNCATED)
"<html><body>\n<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->\n<noscript><iframe src=\"https://www.googletag(...TRUNCATED)
I need the webpage converted into HTML, please.
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{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>340,17,762,59</bbox>","Identif(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> Living in Morrilton\nVisiting Morrilton\nCity of Morrilton\nContact <(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Living in Morrilton\nVisiting Mo(...TRUNCATED)
"<html><body>\n\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"width:100%; height:(...TRUNCATED)
Create HTML for the image.
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{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> Home News Clubs Rules TieTalk Fixtures Stats\nHOME PAGE\nDDTTA 2021-2(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Home News Clubs Rules TieTalk Fi(...TRUNCATED)
"<html><body>\n\n\t<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 0 0\" width=\"0\" height=(...TRUNCATED)
Could you create Hypertext Markup Language code from the screenshot?
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Home\nCompany\nAbout Us\nJobs & Career\nNews & Events\nProducts\nCardiology(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>4,181,988,1457</bbox>","Det(...TRUNCATED)
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{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Locate the position of the text <ocr> Home\nCompany\nAbout Us\nJobs & Caree(...TRUNCATED)
"<html><body>\n <div class=\"row\" style=\"margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;\">\n <div clas(...TRUNCATED)
Create HTML for the image.
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Create an HTML code for the screenshot.
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{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Recognize the text in the bounding box <bbox>391,0,600,117</bbox>","Recogni(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> Get Job Updates? </ocr>","<ocr> Get Job Updates? </ocr>","<ocr> Get J(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Get Job Updates? </ocr>","Give the (...TRUNCATED)
"<html><body>\n<div id=\"target\" style=\"opacity: 0\" class=\"pk-page-ready\">\n <div id=\"sales(...TRUNCATED)
Create an HTML code for the screenshot.
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{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> GGSFOTO.NL </ocr>","<ocr> Copyright 2024 • Privacy Policy • Legal(...TRUNCATED)
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"<html><body><div id=\"popCal\" style=\"position:absolute; left:-400px; top:0px; width:0; height=0; (...TRUNCATED)
Write HTML code that represents this webpage.
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Home\nAbout us\nProgram\nContact\nNews","Home\nAbout us\nProgram\nContact\n(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Detect the text in the bounding box <bbox>0,0,1000,0</bbox>","Identify the (...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> Home\nAbout us\nProgram\nContact\nNews </ocr>","<ocr> Home\nAbout us\(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Home\nAbout us\nProgram\nContact\nN(...TRUNCATED)
"<html><body>\n\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">\n\t\tjQuery(document).ready(f(...TRUNCATED)
Create an HTML code for the screenshot.
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Features\nThemes\nPlans\nBlog\nSupport\nSign Up\nLog In","Features\nThemes\(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Identify the text within the bounding box <bbox>0,0,1000,42</bbox>","Recogn(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<ocr> Features\nThemes\nPlans\nBlog\nSupport\nSign Up\nLog In </ocr>","<ocr(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Features\nThemes\nPlans\nBlog\nSupp(...TRUNCATED)
{"cell":[],"paragraph":["<bbox>0,0,1000,42</bbox>","<bbox>734,0,994,46</bbox>","<bbox>0,0,1000,42</b(...TRUNCATED) exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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