20 values
I have been looking for a book that specifically addresses the mystery of God in the paradox. I have read some that touch on the subject in a chapter but would like a more detailed read. Is anyone aware of any books that deal with this subject. Please e-mail me. Thanks.
)Do you know what frequencies chanels 17 to 19 use and what is usually )allocated to those frequencies for broadcast outside of cable? 17 is air comm. 18 is amateur 19 is business and public service
Hello Neo-Geo owners (and non-owners who couldn't resist the title;)), I was wondering if any of you out there want to trade or sell games. I mean, buying them from the stores can get kinda expensive. $184.99 is a little too much to be spending on each game. But ahh, the quality... Now I can get them for about $100, but that's still a lot. Right now, I have: Crossed Swords Magician Lord Baseball Stars 2 Fatal Fury Nam-1975 I am interested in buying more titles. If any of you have any interesting trade ideas, please let me know. Thanks
Don't worry about leaks. Don't worry about which way to turn the damn thing. Take a good claw hammer and pry it straight out. Now, you'll notice, after all the oil pours out, that there are no theads where there used to be.
Take a look over in alt.folklore.urban. There is a thread about subliminal messages on TV. The fact that subliminal messages don't work aside, an image can't be flashed on a TV screen fast enough to not be noticed. -- Bob Billson, KC2WZ | internet: bob@kc2wz.bubble.org $nail: 21 Bates Way, Westfield, NJ 07090 | uucp: ...!uunet!kc2wz!bob
G'day All, I was looking to build a Parallel Port Digital to Analogue Converter the other day and came across this schematic which I promptly threw together on a piece of VeroBoard: P2----22k----+ P3----48k----| P4----100k---| P5----200k---| P6----400k---| P7----800k---| 10uf electrolytic P8----1M6----| + P9----3M2----+---||--+---------- | + 47nF ceramic - - | - P25------------------+---------- (Please excuse the obvious limits of the Lower ASCII char set :=) I have it all constructed here and sitting inside a nice little grey ABS box. Unfortunately I can't get it to work... I have a little demo here by the name of Cronologia (Which the schematic came from) and all I can get it to pump out of the box is data type hash/static with a small amount of music signal behind it - it's even worse than the speaker inside the machine. Does anybody out in net.colourful.computer.world have any ideas/suggestions/ better designs/improvements/wastepaper bin... etc? Many thanks for a reply via this conference or email. // \X/ Regards, Jason. ---
A while ago I installed SPSS for Windows as part of an evaluation. Once the evaluation was complete I duly deleted the software from my PC. Unfortunately there is still a "ghost" of SPSS left: when I run something like "Write" and go to embed an object then "SPSS Chart" appears on the list of objects I'm offered. I looked around all the obvious "INI" files without success. The next thing I tried was looking for the string "SPSS Chart" in every file in the Windows directory. It turned up in a file called REQ.DAT (or REG.DAT). Unfortunately the file was binary and so I didn't feel inclined to edit it. I'd welcome a solution for removing SPSS from the list of OLE servers.
It might be nice to: 1. cut out the ad hominem attacks on Prof. Denning, Mr. Sternlight, etc. If you have something objective to say about their views, go ahead and say it (subject to point 2.). Personal attacks reflect more on the attacker more than on the attackee. Throw light, not heat! 2. restrict the discussion to appropriate newsgroups. I submit that comp.org.acm and comp.org.ieee are not appropriate for this discussion. You have now made subscribers to these newsgroups aware of the issue. If they want to know more or participate in the discussion, they can easily join sci.crypt, comp.security.misc, alt.security, or comp.org.eff.talk. --
Yes, Take Interstate I-70 to the route 48 exit. Go south on 48 about 2-1/2 miles. Trun right on Shiloh Springs Road. The hamvention is at the Harrah arena, which is about 1 mile west and on the north side of the Road. Parking at the arena is limited. Lodging is probably entirely booked-up within a 40 mile radius. Good luck. | | 48 I75 | | ----------I70----------....--------- | | | | X | | (mall) --------| | S. Springs | It is possible to park at the mall to the west. There are shuttle busses running between the arena and the mall. If possible, get a Montgomery County, OH map from your local AAA office. It should be free if you are an AAA member. If you don't already have definite plans, now is not a particularly good time to start to think about going to the hamvention.
Hi, I was reading through "The Spaceflight Handbook" and somewhere in there the author discusses solar sails and the forces acting on them when and if they try to gain an initial acceleration by passing close to the sun in a hyperbolic orbit. The magnitude of such accelerations he estimated to be on the order of 700g. He also says that this is may not be a big problem for manned craft because humans (and this was published in 1986) have already withstood accelerations of 45g. All this is very long-winded but here's my question finally - Are 45g accelerations in fact humanly tolerable? - with the aid of any mechanical devices of course. If these are possible, what is used to absorb the acceleration? Can this be extended to larger accelerations?
After having OpenWindows (Version 3 for SunOS 4.1) or Xwindows running continuously on my machine for 3-4 days, the following message appears when trying to open a new window, or to run any program that needs to open windows. XView error: Cannot open connection to window server: :0.0 (Server package) I would greatly appreciate any suggestions to solve this problem.
"Finally, brethern, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Phil. 4:8.
As a person who is very sensitive to msg and whose wife and kids are too, I WANT TO KNOW WHY THE FOOD INDUSTRY WANTS TO PUT MSG IN FOOD!!! Somebody in the industry GIVE ME SOME REASONS WHY! IS IT AN INDUSTRIAL BYPRODUCT THAT NEEDS GETTING GET RID OF? IS IT TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT THE RECIPES ARE NOT VERY GOOD OR THE FOOD IS POOR QUALITY? DO SOME OF YOU GET A SADISTIC PLEASURE OUT OF MAKING SOME OF US SICK? DO THE TASTE TESTERS HAVE SOME DEFECT IN THEIR FLAVOR SENSORS (MOUTH etc...) THAT MSG CORRECTS? I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! ALSO ... Nitrosiamines (sp) and sulfites... Why them? There are safer ways to preserve food, wines, and beers! I think 1) outlaw the use of these substances without warning labels as large as those on cig. packages. 2) Require 30% of comparable products on the market to be free of these substances and state that they are free of MSG, DYES, NITROSIAMINES and SULFITES on the package. 3) While at it outlaw yellow dye #5. For that matter why dye food? 4) Take the dyes and flavorings out of vitamins. (In my OSCO only Stress Tabs (tm) didn't have yellow dye #5) { My doctor says Yellow Dye #5 is responsible for 1/2 of all nasal polyps !!! } KEEP FOOD FOOD! QUIT PUTTING IN JUNK! JUST MY TWO CENTS WORTH. Sig: A person tired of getting sick from this junk! -- Walter Lundby
Subject pretty much says it all - I'm looking for Johnny Hart's (creator of the B.C. comic stip) mailing address. For those of you who haven't seen them, take a look at his strips for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Remarkable witness! If anyone can help me get in touch with him, I'd really appreciate it! I've contacted the paper that carries his strip and -- they'll get back to me with it! Thanks for your help, Dave Arndt St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter, MN 56082
I agree with Carol here. Determining absolutes is, practically speaking, a waste of time. And we easily forget that relative truth is, in fact relative. For example, I recently was asking some children the question "What temperature does water boil at?" I got the answer 212 degrees consistently. I asked if they knew what scale, and was told "It's just 212 degrees. Any scale. That's what all thermometers say." Well, that's sincere, and may be true in the experience of the speaker, but it is simply wrong. IT is NOT an absolute truth. Similarly, Scripture is full of Truth, which we should nurture and cherish, but trying to determine which parts are Absolute Truth and which parts are the manifestations of that in the context of the time and culture in which the text was penned is missing the point. Then religion easily becomes an intellectual head-trip, devoid of the living experience of the indwelling Trinity and becomes dead scholasticism, IMO. [example of head-covering in Church deleted] This was a good example. There may be an Absolute Truth behind the writing, but the simplest understanding of the passage is that the instructions apply to the Corinthians, and not necessarily elsewhere. The instructions may reflect Absolute Truth in the context of first century culture and the particular climate at Corinth, which was having a LOT of trouble with order. Is it Absolute Truth to me? No. And I see no compelling, or even reasonable, reason that it should be. Even the most die-hard literalists do not take all of the Bible literally. I've yet to meet anyone who takes the verse "blessed is he who takes your babies and smashes their heads against the rocks" literally. The Bible was not printed or handed to us by God with color codings to tell us what parts should be interpreted which way. I agree. Very few. And even if we knew them, personally, we may not be able to express that in a way that still conveys Absolute Truth to another. The presence of absence of Absolutes may not make any difference, since I know I can never fully apprehend an Absolute if it walks up and greets me. I can't prove the existence of absolutes. I can only rely upon MY experience. I also trust God's revelation that WE cannot fully comprehend the infinite. Therefore we can't comprehend the Absolutes. So I don't need them. I can never know the essence of God, only the energies by and through which God is manifested to God's creation. So the reality can be that there ARE absolutes, but it is of no practical importance. It's like claiming that the original scriptural autographs were perfect, but copies may not be. Swell. Who cares? It doesn't affect me in any practical useful way. I might as well believe that God has made a lot of electric blue chickens, and that they live on Mars. Maybe God did. So what? Is that going to have ANY effect on how I deal with my neighbor, or God? Whether or not I go to this or that cafeteria for lunch? No. This attitude leads many non-Christians to believe that ALL Christians are arrogant idiots incapable of critical reasoning. Christianity is true, wonderful and sensible. It appeals to Reason, since Reason is an inner reflection of the Logos of God. Explanations that violate that simply appear to be insecure authoritarian responses to a complex world. NOTE: I'm NOT claiming there is no place for authority. That'd be silly. There IS a world of difference between authoritative and authoritarian. Authoritative is en expression of authority that respects others. Authoritarian is en expression of authority that fails to do that, and is generally agressive. Good parents (like God) are authoritative. Many Christians are simply authoritarian, and, not surprisingly, few adults respond to this treatment. Larry Overacker (llo@shell.com) --
[...stiff deleted...] [...stiff deleted...] Speed is a quantifiable measure resulting from a set of methods that will result in the same value measured no matter the reference. A bullet with zero velocity sitting on a table on a train moving 60mph will be moving at a speed of (a) 0mph to someone on the train. (b) 60mph to someone stationary next to the train. The reference frame makes the speed relative. But what's interesting here is that every person on the train will see a stationary bullet. Every person off, a bullet moving 60mph. I know of no train where all the people on it, every time it is filled, will see a moral problem in exactly the same way.
Non-smoking, normal law student needs furnished place to live in Memphis this summer. I'll be working at a firm downtown and will have to pass the bar character examination, so you don't have to worry about your stuff being broken or stolen. Call Chris at (804)979-2519 or leave e-mail.
the fancy piggyback shocks on the 550 (and the 750, i think. i don't know about the zr1100) are very nice, 3-way adjustability. the forks are crappy, they dive like MAD. i had progressive springs installed and it made a huge difference. cheap fix, MUCH improvement.
Sure you can do wheelies with a shaft drive bike. I had a BMW R100RS that was a wheelie monster! Of course it didn't have the initial power burst to just twist it into the air - I had to pop the clutch. I also had to replace front fork seals a few times as well. The fairing is a bit heavy to be slamming down onto those little stantion tubes all the time. But let me give you fair warning: I trashed the ring/pinion gear in the final drive of my K75 (I assume) doing wheelies. And this was NO cheap fix either!! There is some kind of "slip" device in the shaft to prevent IT from breaking. Unfortunately, it didn't save the gears! On the topic of wheelies, the other day I saw a kid on a big Hurricane do a "stoppy"(?), or rear wheelie. Man, he had the rear end on this bike up about 2 feet off the ground at a traffic light. I don't recommend these activities anymore (now that I'm an "old guy" with kids of my own) but it looked damn impressive!! If you can't keep both tires on the ground, at least have 'em pointed in that direction! :-)
The OpenLook window manager source is available on the MIT contrib tapes or from export.lcs.mit.edu .I would suggest building this too, rather than using the version from OpenWindows. It is olwm v3. Regards,
Downtown FURNISHED Summer Sublet May 15 thru Aug 15 Great location at: 215 N. Frances St. & Johnson St. (Across Witte) Near Nitty Gritty & Near Howard Johnson Near State Street & Near South East Dorms Near University Square & Near SERF Two bedroom Your own spacious room (the larger!) Laundry available Parking available Bathroom Kitchen Large Closet Dual Desks Just pay for electricity (~$7/month) Asking $500 for whole summer! Send inquiries to: Howard 608-255-6379 moy@cae.wisc.edu
Well people fortunatly or unfortunatly , only the US is experiencing the devaluation of human life (among developed nations). I am an American but I was raised in Europe, where the worst thing that can happen to somebody is get his car broken into, or have his pocket picked by Slaves or Russian refugees. Of cource there will be some nutcases, but thats extremely rare. I.e. in Greece you can walk through any neighborhood at any time during the night without even worrying. In Germany , you can walk the sidewalks at 4.00 am and not even look behind your back, at the sanitation crews that clean the streets to a sparkling cleen. Whoever of you have been there you know what I am saying. I dont have any easy answers but if we as a nation do some selfcritisism we might get somewhere. Of course these postings sould be in soc.culture.US but if we reduce crime here it 'll mean less car insurance rates ,thus we could spend more money on modifing our cars. (Now my posting is rec.autos.tech revelant). Vlasis Theodore ___________________ Software Engineer IDB Mobile Communications.
newly the pixel is You could set up a bitmap with a mask in it. Clear the bitmap, draw the rectangle to be deleted with GXor. Draw the one that is to stay with GXclear. Then GXxor the entire pixmap with the screen. Note that this is a pretty effective way of animation, if you ever need to do that (replace the GXclear with a GXxor). ---------- Joe Hildebrand hildjj@fuentez.com Software Engineer Fuentez Systems Concepts (703)273-1447
And again...... title says it all. WHY?
Actually all the liberals I've seen have deplored the burning of children. I would far preferred that the Davidians had not set the fire that burned themselves and their children to death, but I don't believe that the responsibility for the fire (or the almost complete absense of attempts to escape the blaze) can be placed at the door of the Federal authorities. Not so. My wife got me a convenient plastic "drip pan" for Christmas... Yeah, those Nazis. You know how we liberals just love those Nazis. Yeah, as information trickles in... funny how that works...
: Could somebody explain to me what a centrifuge is and what it is : used for? I vaguely remembre it being something that spins test tubes : around really fast but I cant remember why youd want to do that? Purely recreational. They get bored sitting in that rack all the time.
There is a widget already defined for GL. It is the GlxMDraw (motif) or GlxDraw (athena) widget. It is similar to a XmDrawingArea, except that it allows you to use GL calls to render into the window. Look at glxlink, glxunlink, glxgetconfig, and glxwinset in the man pages. The GlxMDraw widget works pretty well. OpenGL will be an improvement. I think GL is a little easier to use and a little more powerful, but that's just an opinion. Mileage may vary.
It really doesn't strike me as very funny. It is rather indicative of what a crisis their economy is in. I imagine they are in desparate need of markets to sustain industries and people which are nolonger under central control of the government. -- Jim Rosenkranz rosen@kranz.enet.dec.com
Be warned, it is not my job to convert you. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. And I, frankly, make a lousy one. I am only here to testify. Your conversion is between you and God. I am "out of the loop". If you decide to follow Jesus, of which I indeed would be estatic, then all the glory be to God.
There's absolutely no reason why differences in the DRAM access time _alone_ would cause an incompatibility. There would have to be another difference between the SIMMs for there to be a problem. I've often used memory of different speeds with no problems whatsoever. As long as it's as fast (or faster) than the minimum requirement you should be fine. Just out of curiosity, did you actually try this and see a problem, or were you told it wouldn't work and so never tried it? Also out of curiosity, do you know exactly who in Cupertino you dealer talked to (as I'd like to find out what they're basing this recommendation on).
just to satiate my curiosity, why would this make you the stupid one? It seems to me, everybody SHOULD be aware enough of what is going on. You do not need to calculate the future position. You need to look at your mirrors a little more. If you glance around, you will be able to tell how much faster than you the car is going. Maybe not precisely, but well enough to know if you should let him around before you try to pass. I know what you are talking about, about the other driver being startled, because i myself have been startled by drivers cruising by at around 90-100mph when i'm doin 55-65. The problem, though, as i saw it, was not their fault for barreling around me, but my fault for not paying the attention to my task-at-hand that i should have been. Oddly enough, since the 2nd time(happened 2x in around 4 mo. when i'd had my liscence for around 6 mo), i haven't been startled..and i've been passed by cars doing roughly twice the speed of my car. Another odd occurance is the fact that this only seems to happen on LONG trips...and if i drive along with them, it doesn't happen at all :-) even on the long trips! :-) (adrenaline will do that to you...i've had bad cop experiences with speeding, so anything over the limit is adrenalizing for me...scared i'll get caught :-) Maybe they should raise the limit, so we can pay better attention..... just curious, and my .otwo
For Sale: Brand new, shrinkwrapped HARVARD GRAPHICS FOR WINDOWS List Price: $500 Cheapest pince in Computer Shopper (mail order): $315 My Price: $250 This is really a slick package, but I won it in a bike race so I can't return it for credit. My dilemma is your fire sale.
I hate to be rude, but screw the seating chart, post the stadium instead.
The existence of repeated earth lives and destiny (karma) does not mean that everything that happens is predetermined by past deeds. There is an oriental view of it that tends in that direction, but I did not subscribe to that view. God may choose one individual over another as the fit instrument for his plans, but that does not preclude that the development of that individual into what he is in this earthly life is not the result of a longer course of development. I do not, and Rudolf Steiner did not, subscribe to the oriental view of an inexorable, mechanistic karma determining everything that befalls one. This is a kind of shriveled caricature of a much greater law in the context of which the deed of Christ on Golgotha and the ultimate salvation and freedom of the human being as a working of Christ can be seen as the master theme and, indeed, a new impulse that was completely free of karma. Christ incarnated only once in the flesh, and in that he had no debt of karma or sin. The oriental concepts of reincarnation and karma, which are even more trivialized and mechanized in some new age teachings, incorrectly assume Jesus Christ to have been the reincarnation of a master. avatar, etc. Their teaching of reincarnation and karma also has no concept the continuing individuality from one life to the next (e.g. Buddhism). More important, they have no concept of the resurrection of the body, the ultimate continuity of the whole human being -- to ultimate resurrection and judgement on the Last Day. There is another biblical passage that also has a bearing. It is the tenth chapter of John, devoted almost entirely to the man born blind. Clearly here, Jesus tells the disciples that it was not his past karma or that of his parents that led to his blindness, but rather that a new impulse is to be revealed through him. But note that he does not refute the disciples' question. In fact, they ask it as a matter of course, the question being stated as if it were self evident that only one of two possibilities existed - it was either the sins of the man himself, obviously not in this incarnation, or the sins of his parents. The fact that they even asked about the first possibility at all indicates an awareness of the idea on their part and the form of Christ's answer indicates that he did not disagree with it. There is also Matthew 11:14, where Jesus says straight out about John the Baptist, "If you care to accept it, he himself is Elias, who was to come." This also emphasizes that the Gospels do not have a positive teaching either way about reincarnation -- or, in fact, about what happens to the human being at all between death and the Last Day. Even Jesus did not push this teaching on people who were not ready to embrace it ("If you care to accept it"). So I took care to point out, not that the Bible teaches reincarnation but that it does not deny it either, and that much in both scripture and fundamental Christian doctrine becomes understandable if reincarnation is understood in the right way. I pointedly used "repeated earth lives" to distinguish a little from the oriental doctrines usually associated with the word "reincarnation". The phrase is Rudolf Steiner's (wiederholte Erdenleben). He noted too that the idea needed to arise as a new insight in the west, completely free from eastern tradition. It did in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the most important expression of it being Lessing's "The Education of the Human Race". To return to your original point, Paul's statement about Jacob and Esau does not contradict the idea of repeated earth lives and karma. And both of these principles receive their fulfillment in the incarnation, death, and resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus Christ, in my view.
I'd dump him. Rude is rude and it seems he enjoys belittling and humiliating you. But don't just dump him, write to him and tell him why you are firing him. If you can, think about sending a copy of your letter to whoever is in charge of the clinic where he works, if applicable, or maybe even to the AMA. Don't be vindictive in your letter, be truthful but VERY firm. But don't be a victim and just put up with it. Take control! It'll make you feel great! Nancy M.
Thanks to everyone who responded to my Honda Accord break question. It does seem that the master cylinder is bad. I will have my mechanic double check and be sure it isn't something simpler and cheaper first, but from your responses it sounds like it is very likely to be the master cylinder. Thanks everyone!!
Greetings and Salutations! I would like to get in touch with people who (a) consider themselves Christians (you define it), and (b) are in the Martial Arts Some topics for discussion: - your particular martial art - your view of the relationship between Christianity and your art - your view of the relationship between *your* Christianity and your art - why should a Christian participate in MA - why shouldn't a Christian participate in MA - Biblical views of MA; pro or con. For example, I heard from one fellow: "...I tried the Karate for Christ thing and it wasn't for me..." - why or why not? As an aside, I am involved (in *NO* official way) with an organization called the Christian Black Belt Association and I would also like to distribute info regarding upcoming events to *those who are interested*. No, you won't be put on any "mailing list" nor will your name be "sold". However, if you ARE intested in an email list, let me know. I am interested in email replies ONLY as this is cross-posted to groups I don't normally read. If anyone wants a summary or, of course, on-going discussion, then let me know. Shalom, Robert Switzer ka2czu@cbnewsh.att.com
Can anyone provide information on CS chemical agent--the tear gas used recently in WACO. Just what is it chemically, and what are its effects on the body? dsc@gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov | Regards, | Hughes STX | Code 926.9 GSFC | | Doug Caprette | Lanham, Maryland | Greenbelt, MD 20771 |
Stone, DeRose: Geometric characterization of parametric cubic curves. ACM Trans. Graphics 8 (3) (1989) 147 - 163. Manocha, Canny: Detecting cusps and inflection points in curves. Computer aided geometric design 9 (1992) 1-24.
Hi, the subject says it all. Is there a PD viewer for gl files (for X)? Thanks
You think that you all have it bad....here at good ol' Southwest Missouri State U., we have 2 parties running for student body president. There's the token sorority/fraternity faces, and then there's the president and vice president of NORML. They campaigned by handing out condoms and listing their qualifications as,"I listen really well." It makes me sick to have a party established on many of the things that are ruining this country like they are. I think I'll run next year.:(
So there are less gays, then the gays claim. Dream on. Abortion and African-American Civil rights rallies don't even bring in half of that. I was wondering why I wasn't getting laid. If it's more, then who cares? Actually, I bet you more gay/bi men are as not as promiscuous as gay men, because more of them could have the "option" of living a straight life, and with social pressures, probably would at least try. Did you know that is is a fact that homosexuality was comparatively high in Hitler's storm troopers (SA) before he came to power. I wonder if they got to put the triangles on themselves......
Brian K., guess what? You missed the point. On a scale from cold to hot, you are at 0 degrees Kelvin. Then as you understand it, what is it? Yes. I agree with that. But what does that have to do with Jesus? Punishment you say? Jesus did not regard his death as punishment. Good. I wouldn't either--not the way you understand it. Ask Jesus himself. He himself said why in John 12:23-32. It isn't a mystery to anyone and there certainly is no need for a persuasive argument. Read Jesus's own reply to your question. Jesus gives more reasons in John 16:7. But one obvious reason why Jesus died, (and as with everything else, it has nothing do with his punishment) was that he could rise to life again--so that we would "stop doubting and believe" (John 21:27). The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is my hope that I too will rise from the dead. It is an obvious point. Do not overlook it. Without this obvious point, I would have no hope and my faith would be vanity. Why did Jesus suffer in his death? Again, ask Jesus. Jesus says why in John 15:18-25. That's no mystery either. "The world hates him without reason." It is a direct proclamation of how far we humans botch things up and thus, how much we need a Saviour.
"Assuming"? Also: come on, Brad. If we are going to get anywhere in this (or any) discussion, it doesn't help to bring up elements I never addressed, *nor commented on in any way*. I made no comment on who is "right" or who is "wrong", only that civilians ARE being used as cover and that, having been placed "in between" the Israelis and the guerillas, they *will* be injured as both parties continue their fight. [The *purpose* of an army's use of military uniforms is *to set its members apart* from the civilians so that civilians will not be thought of by the other side as "combatants". So, what do you think is the "meaning behind", the intention and the effect when an "army" purposely *does not were uniforms but goes out of its way to *look like civilians'? *They are judging that the benefit they will receive from this "cover" is more important that the harm that will come to civilians.* This is a comment on the Israeli experience and is saying that the guerillas *do* have some responsibility in putting civilians in "the middle" of this fight. By putting on uniforms and living apart from civilians (barracks, etc.), the guerillas would significantly lower the risk to civilians. But if the guerillas do this aren't *they* putting themselves at greater risk? Absolutely, they ask themselves "why set ourselves apart (by wearing uniforms) when there is a ready-made cover for us (civilians)? That makes sense from their point of view, BUT when this cover is used, the guerillas should accept some of the responsibility for subsequent harm to civilians. I agree with you here. I have always thought that Israel's bombing sortees and bombing policy is stupid, thoughtless, inhumane AND ineffective. BUT, there is no reason that Israel should passive wait until attackers chose to act; there is every reason to believe that "taking the fight *to* the enemy" will do more to stop attacks. As I said previously, Israel spent several decades "sitting passively" on its side of a border and only acting to stop these attacks *after* the attackers had entered Israeli territory. It didn't work very well. The "host" Arab state did little/nothing to try and stop these attacks from its side of the border with Israel so the number of attacks were considerably higher, as was their physical and psychological impact on the civilians caught in their path. This is just another "selectively applied" statement. The reason for this drawn-out impasse between Ababs/Palestinians and Israelis is that NEITHER side is willing to accept the Word of the other. By your criteria *everyone* should stay away from the negotiations. That is precisely why the Palestinians (in their recent PISGA proposal for the "interim" period after negotiations and leading up to full autonomy) are demanding conditions that essentially define "autonomy" already. They DO NOT trust that Israel will "follow through" the entire process and allow Palestinians to reach full autonomy. Do you understand and accept this viewpoint by the Palestinians? If you do, then why should Israel's view of Arabs/Palestinians be any different? Why should they trust the Arab/Palestinians' words? Since they don't, they are VERY reluctant to give up "tangible assets (land, control of areas) in exchange for "words". For this reason, they are also concerned about the sorts of "guarantees" they will have that the Arabs WILL follow through on their part of any agreement reached. Absolutely, so are the Arabs/Palestinians asking FIRST for the Israelis "word" in relation to any agreement? NO, what is being demanded FIRST is LAND. When the issue is LAND, and one party finally gets HOLD of this "land", what the "other party" does is totally irrelevent. If I NOW have possession of this land, your words have absolutely no power; whether Israel chooses to keeps its word does NOT get the land back. While the "major armaments" (those allowing people to wage "civil wars") have been removed, the weapons needed to cross-border attacks still remain to some extent. Rocket attacks still continue, and "commando" raids only require a few easily concealed weapons and a refined disregard for human life (yours of that of others). Such attacks also continue. Bat guano. The situation you call for existed in the 1970s and attacks were commonplace. There is NO WAY these groups can be effectively "disarmed" UNLESS the state is as authoritarian is Syria's. The only other way is for Lebanon to take it upon itself to constantly patrol the entire border with Israel, essentially mirroring Israel's border secirity on its side. It HAS TO PROVE TO ISREAL that it is this committed to protecting Israel from attack from Lebanese territory. That's what I said, ok? But, doesn't that mean that Syria has to "take over" Lebanon? I don't think Israel or Lebanon would like that. What both "sides" need is to receive something "tangible". The Arabs/ Palestinians are looking for "land" and demanding that they receive it prior to giving anything to Israel. Israel has two problems: 1) if it gives up real *land* it IS exposing itself to a changed geostrategic situation (and that change doesn't help Israel's position), and 2) WHEN it gives up this land IT NEEDS to receive something in return to compensate for the increased risks
I'd appreciate it greatly if someone could E-mail me the following: (if you only know one, that's fine) 1) Specs for the 68040 (esp. how it compares to the Pentium) 2) Specs for the 68060 with estimated cost, release date, etc... I'm interested in speeds, systems it can run (Windows NT, RISC, or whatever), costs, bus info, register info. All the technical info. I am hoping that the 68040 can win yet another battle against the intel people. :) Thanks for any info you can give. Thanks.
My 6 year son is so plagued. Lots of vaseline up his nose each night seems to keep it under control. But let him get bopped there, and he'll recur for days! Also allergies, colds, dry air all seem to contribute. But again, the vaseline, or A&D ointment, or neosporin all seem to keep them from recurring.
Sure. Yes, I did. You see I don't think that rape and murder should be dealt with lightly. You, being so interested in leniency for leniency's sake, apparently think that people should simply be told the "did a _bad_ thing." Misjudgments should be avoided as much as possible. I suspect that it's pretty unlikely that, given my requirement of repeated offenses, that misjudgments are very likely. Really? Care to give chapter and verse? We could discuss it. Again, not all of the Orient follows the Qur'an. So you'll have to do better than that. Sorry, you haven't "put out" enough. This is an argument for why _you_ don't like religions that suppress sex. A such it's an irrelevant argument. If you'd like to generalize it to an objective statement then fine. My response is then: you have given no reason for your statement that sex is not the business of religion (one of your "arguments"). The urge for sex in adolescents is not so strong that any overly strong measures are required to suppress it. If the urge to have sex is so strong in an adult then that adult can make a commensurate effort to find a marriage partner.
: In article <11838@vice.ICO.TEK.COM>, bobbe@vice.ICO.TEK.COM (Robert : > Someone spank me if I'm wrong, but didn't Lord, Liar, or Lunatic : > originate with C.S. Lewis? Who's this Campollo fellow anyway? : I do think so, and isn't there a clear connection with the "I do : believe, because it is absurd" notion by one of the original : Christians (Origen?). There is a similar statement attributed to Anselm, "I believe so that I may understand". In both cases reason is somewhat less exalted than anyone posting here could accept, which means that neither statement can be properly analysed in this venue.
I told some friends of mine two weeks ago that Koresh was dead. The FBI and the BATF could not let a man like that live. He was a testimonial to their stupidity and lies. Now before everyone gets crazy with me, let me say that Koresh was crazy as a bed bug, but out government was crazier...and they lied to us. They told us compound had been under survaillance for quite some time. Yet, whoever was watching the place failed to see that Koresh went jogging and into town on a regular basis. Everyone in the area claimed to have seen him and wondered why they didn't pick him up then. There are two possible answers. First, they didn't see him. What kind of survaillance is that? Second, they didn't care. They wanted a confrontation. They wanted publicity and they got it. After the first battle, they told us that they did not know he knew they were coming. They also said it would have been foolish to go in knowing that. Well, we know now that they intercepted the informants call and went in anyway. Did they explore all of the possibilities for ending the seige? According to them they did, but according to the Hartford Courant, the woman that raised Koresh (His Grandmother) was not allowed to go in and see him. The FBI agent who she spoke with was Bob Ricks and according to the paper he "A lot of people think if you just talk to them logically they will come out. His grandmother raised Vernon Howell; (Koresh's Real name) she didn't raise David Koresh." Someone who raises you and loves you does not speak to you strickly on a logical level. There is also an emotional level on which they can reach you. Here's another one. All during this operation the FBI has been claiming that they feared a mass suicide and that is one of the reasons that something must be done. Now they claim they never thought he would do it? I knew they were going to do something when they started talking about how much money this was costing. That was the start of the "Justification" part part of the plan. That's when I knew it would come soon. But, back to the plan. It is considered "Cruel and Unusal Punishment" to execute criminals in the minds of many people, but look at what's acceptable. They knew the parents (adults) had gas masks. They did not know, or were not sure, if the children had them. So the plan was to pour the gas into the compound. The mothers, seeing what the gas was doing to their children were supposed to run out and that would only leave the men to deal with. I spent two years in the army and like everyother veteran I went through CBR (Chemical, Biological Radiological) warfare training. Part of that training is going into a room filled with the same stuff that the children were subjected to. To make the stuff really interesting the gas also has a chemical agent that irritates the skin. You think its on fire. I have no doubts the children would become hysterical. Its not the kind of thing you never want to do again. This was the plan, the final solution. We waited 444 days for our hostages to come home from Iran. We gave these people 51 days. I stated on several occasions that there was absolutely nothing in this whole thing that the government could point to as a success. Well, FBI agent Ricks changed my mind. Again a newclip from the Hartford Courant: "And while expressing regret at the loss of life, he suggested that the operation had been at least a modified success because not a single federal shot had been fired and not a single federal agent had been hurt." It took 17 dead children to get us that new definition of success. One more thought. The government claimed that they believed he had automatic weapons on the premises. HE HAD A LICENSE FOR THE 50 CALIBER MACHINE GUN! THEY KNEW DAMN WELL HE HAD ONE. THEY ALSO KNEW HE HAD IT LEGALLY! Still, without the element of surprise they sent in agents to get him. For all of this my President takes full responsibility. What a guy! I hope he gets it.
. . . Why do you assume that Jesus's plea to His Father "to let this cup pass from Him", was merely a plea to escape death? When I look at Jesus in the garden, I see a Man-God, who all His life had had the presense of His Father with Him. As a result, He knew every detail about His death long before the Agony in the Garden. But as that hour approached, He felt abandoned by His Father, His presense diminishing with each passing minute. In addition, it was brought more and more to Jesus's attention (the betrayal of Judas was probably a big impact) that His suffering would be to no avail for many people, especially those who would reject Him, not only then but in the future. I truly believe that the majority of Jesus's suffering was mental and spiritual, while the physical portion was only the tip of the iceburg. BTW, we know from John's account that Jesus *shunned* becomming an earthly king. From John: JOH 6:14 After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world." JOH 6:15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. This does not seem like a man who would regret not becoming an earthly king. No, Jesus knew His mission was to redeem all (Jew & Gentile) people and establish His kingdom in the hearts of those who would believe. This was utterly mistaken, much to Jesus's dismay, as an aspiration to some earthly kingdom. But He knew what His Father's will was and followed it obediently even in the darkness of His Passion.
From article <1rc07h$ern@olivea.ATC.Olivetti.Com>, by manu@oas.olivetti.com (Manu Das): The window is probobly on top but the lower windows are drawing over it. Try using WS_CLIPSIBLING to keep the lower siblings from drawing on the top sibling's space. --
I don't want to get into a semantic argument, but contrary to some other postings "near UV light" /is/ "actual UV light." The "near" means that it is close to the visible spectrum (i.e. of relatively long wavelength), not that it is "nearly UV." (I'm sure you can figure out now just what "far UV" is.) Regular incandenscent flashlight bulbs emit tiny amounts of UV in the near end of the spectrum, such that a filter can be used to remove the visible light and thus create a weak UV source. Stronger sources are going to require gas (probably mercury vapor) discharge tubes (such as fluorescent tubes with UV phosphor). Be careful, though; strong UV sources can cause physiological damage, especially to the eyes. The shorter wavelengths are the most dangerous. It wouldn't project a beam like a flashlight, but replacing the tubes in a portable fluorescent lantern with UV tubes would be a relatively cheap way to create a portable source. It would be bright enough to be useful, but not dangerously so.
Has anyone heard anything about Mel Hall this season? I'd heard he wasn't with the Yankees any more. What happened to him? Doug Dolven
The file and contents listings for: Knowledge Media Resource Library: Graphics 1 Knowledge Media Resource Library: Audio 1
NeXTstation 25MHz 68040 8/105 Moto 56001 DSP Megapixel (perfect - no dimming or shaking) keyboard/mouse (of course :) 2.1 installed 2.1 docs Network and System Administration User's Reference Applications The NeXT Book, by Bruce Webster (New Copy) Black NeXTconnection modem cable 30 HD disks (10 still in unwrapped box, others for backing up apps) I NEED to sell this pronto to get a car (my engine locked up)! Machine runs great... only used in my house. Has been covered when not in use on the days I wasn't around. $2,300 INCLUDING Federal Express Second Day Air, OR best offer, COD to your doorstep (within continental US)!! I need to sell this NOW, so if you don't agree with the price, make an offer, but within reason. ;) Thanks, JT
Well, I've said that when an innocent person has been executed, this is objectively a murder. However, who is at blame is another question. It seems that the entire society that sanctions any sorts of executions-- realizing the risks--is to blame. Yes, but there is also a probablity that you will kill someone doing any raondom activity. Presumably, you had not isolated yourself totally from the rest of society because of this. And I argue that our law system is a similar risk. Perhaps an innocent person will be punished someday, but we work to prevent this. In fact, many criminals go free as a result of our trying to prevent punishment of innocents. But, such accidents are to be totally expected, given the numner of vehicals on the road. Again, the blame is on society. Yes, but the state is not at fault in such a case. The state can only do so much to prevent false witnesses. Okay, so this is what you call murder. But, the question is whether or not all such "murders" are wrong. Are you saying that all taking of human life is wrong, no matter what the circumstances? But, this is basically how it works. Society accepts the risk that an innocent person will be murdered by execution. And, every member of society shares this blame. And, most people's definitions of murder include some sort of malicious intent, which is not involved in an execution, is it? Murder violates the golden rule. Executions do not, because by allowing it at all, society implicitly accepts the consequences no matter who the innocent victim is. Reading the minds of the jury would certainly tell whether or not a conviction was moral or not. But, in an objective system, only the absolute truth matters, and the jury system is one method to approximate such a truth. That is, twelve members must be convinced of a truth. But then, if we read the minds of these people, we would know that the conviction was unfair. Yes, while we could objectively determine the difference (if we knew all possible information), we can't always determine the difference in our flawed system. I think that our system is almost as good as possible, but it still isn't objectively perfect. You see, it doesn't matter if we *know* it is fair or not. Objectively, it is either fair or it is not. But what we know has no effect on an objective system. Why are you so sure? Why is *your* reality important? But, we can assume that the system is fairly decent, at least most likely. And, you realize that the correctness of our system says nothing about a totally ideal and objective system. Well, we can have an ideal system, but the working system can not be ideal. We can only hope to create a system that is as close an approximation to the ideal system as possible. Yes, we all bear the responsibility. Most people seem willing to do this. We must realize the consequences of all our actions. Why do you keep separating the justice system from the pack? I don't think our country has an objective system, but I think such an objective system can exist, in theory. Without omniscience, an objective system is not possible in practice.
That sounds like an old _Dragnet_ episode. "Joe and I went to the apartment of Prime Suspect. Nobody answered the door, but his landlord gave us permission to search the apartment." Perhaps that worked in California in the 60's, but as I understand the law landlords do _not_ have authority to grant permission to search space rented by a third party, provided the lease is not in default, etc. (I'm not even sure if they can provide the master key, when shown a search warrant, since the _subject_ of the search is supposed to be notified). At this point the question becomes: did the user "rent" the disk space her encrypted file occupies? If she did, it _should_ fall under the same body of case law that applies to apartments, storage lockers, etc. (As to whether any court would recognize this fact....) If she did not (i.e., no compensation exchanged), I don't know how it would be treated -- there doesn't seem to be a non-cyberspace equivalent.
I sure hope so. Because, the unspeakable crimes of the Armenians must be righted. Armenian invaders burned and sacked the fatherland of Urartus, massacred and exterminated its population and presented to the world all those left from the Urartus, as the Armenian civilization. All reliable Western historians describe how Armenians ruthlessly exterminated 2.5 million Muslim women, children and elderly people of Eastern Anatolia and how they collaborated with the enemies of the Ottoman Empire between 1914-1920. It is unfortunately a truth that Armenians are known as collaborators of the Nazis during World War II and that, even today, criminal/Nazi members of the ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism Triangle preach and instigate racism, hatred, violence and terrorism among peoples. And x-Soviet Armenia continues its anti-Turkish policy in the following ways: 1. x-Soviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide in order to shift international public opinion away from its political responsibility. 2. x-Soviet Armenia, employing ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism Triangle and criminal/Nazi Armenians, attempts to call into question the veracity of the Turkish Genocide. 3. x-Soviet Armenia has also implemented state-sponsored terrorism through the ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism Triangle in an attempt to silence the Turkish people's vehement demands and protests. 4. Using all its human, financial, and governmental resources, x-Soviet Armenia and its tools in the United States attempt to silence through terrorism, bribery and other subversive methods, non-Turkish supporters of the Turkish cause, be they political, governmental and humanitarian. Using all the aforementioned methods, the x-Soviet Armenian government is attempting to neutralize the international diplomatic community from making the Turkish Case a contemporary issue. Yet despite the efforts of the x-Soviet Armenian government and its terrorist and revisionist organizations, in the last decades, thanks to the struggle of those whose closest ones were systematically exterminated by the Armenians, the international wall of silence on this issue has begun to collapse, and consequently a number of governments and organizations have become supportive of the recognition of the Turkish Genocide. Serdar Argic
So its an automatic? Don't know if US spec=CDN spec. for Maximas. If it is the first set of brake pads on front, then this is fine. My car eats a set every 15k miles or so. The fact that he is replacing the muffler too is also ok. The mileage is fairly low - but typical fwd stuff is CV joints. Check the maintenance records with the manufacturers requirements for valve adjustments, timing belt changes and so on. The 60k mile service is often expensive, so make sure he has done everything. Well, this is one of the commonly cited methods for identifying a car with highway miles. Might check the gas pedal wear too. Ask him how many sets of tires he has been through. A highway car might have squeezed by on 2 sets, a hard driven car 6-10 sets. Well, the Maxima should be pretty reliable - but if its out of warranty you should get it checked out by someone knowledgeable first. Stuff for Japanese cars can be expensive. 1995 model year, I believe.
THANKS! It did work, and it is just what I needed thanks...
Howdy all, I was wondering if people could e-mail me their opinions on the various graphics viewers available for MS-Windows 3.x... I'm working on a project to set up our scanner and write documentation on how to use it and it would be nice to have a snazzy image viewer to look at (and maybe even edit?) the image you just scanned. The file formats I'm looking for: GIF JPEG TIFF PCX whatever other 'major' file formats there are. Thanks a lot for your help Grant
Computer: 286-25 mhz Bus: ISA (12.5 mhz) Drive: Maxtor 7213A (213 mb) config.sys / autoexec.bat MS DOS 5 no WIN 3.1 smartdrv.sys cache smartdrv.exe CORE (V 2.7) 6950 k/sec 1390 k/sec 1395 k/sec Norton SI (V 5.0) 730 k/sec 980 k/sec 982 k/sec I'd still like to here from people with VLB-IDE. I still want to know what VLB bus speed is used with IDE drives. I still want to know if some (most ?) IDE drives can handle bus speeds > 8 mhz.
Good story, Chuck, but it won't wash. I have read the NY Acad Sci one (and have it). This AM I couldn't find any reference to "weight rebound". I'm not saying it isn't there, but since you cited it, it is your responsibility to show me where it is in there. There is no index. I suspect you overstepped your knowledge base, as usual. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and geb@cadre.dsl.pitt.edu | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
One "t" in "Eddie Mathews"! Because a small advantage in fielding ability comes nowhere near making up for the large difference in hitting. Their average seasons, using their combined average 656 (AB + BB) per 162 games: Years AB H R 2B 3B HR RBI TB BB AVG OBP SLG OPS Santo 14.10 577 160 81 26 5 24 94 268 79 .277 .366 .464 .830 Robinson 17.55 607 162 70 27 4 15 77 243 49 .267 .325 .401 .726 Fielding, we have, per 162 games at third, Years P A DP E PCT Santo 13.15 149 348 30 24 .954 Robinson 17.72 152 350 35 15 .971 Even if Robinson's extra 3 putouts, 2 assists, and 5 DPs are taken to mean he was responsible for 10 more outs in the field, that doesn't make up for the extra 28 outs he made at the plate, not to mention the fewer total bases. The difference of .104 in OPS should be decreased by about .025 to account for Wrigley, but a .079 difference is still considerable. The Thorn & Palmer ratings are Adjusted Adjusted Stolen Fielding Total Production Batting Runs Base Runs Runs Rating Santo 123 284 -14 137 41.7 Robinson 105 52 -5 151 19.8 (26.3) Usual disclaimers about T&P's FR apply, but they really shouldn't be way off the mark in this comparison. At least it's better than fielding percentage: Carney Lansford has a .966 , 10th best all-time, but -225 FR, dead last of all time. Also, since this total rating compares players to league average instead of replacement level, Robinson should be awarded an extra 6.5 or so for playing 653 more games. He had a great career, but I would prefer Santo's plus 4 years of a replacement level 3Bman. But I would knock Traynor off the list and replace him by Stan Hack. That's a similar story, Hack's far better hitting outweighs Traynor's superior fielding. Graig Nettles and Buddy Bell would also be better choices (IMHO of course, though some recent net discussion supports this point of view.) Shouldn't that be right field?
Compiled from the last five Defensive Average reports, here are the career DAs for the individual players in the reports. Stats are courtesy of Sherri Nichols. Players are listed in descending order. Third Basemen ------------- Name 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 88-92 Mitchell, Kevin .690 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.690 Gonzales, Rene .685 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.685 Leius, Scott ---- ---- ---- .653 .680 0.672 Pendleton, Terry .692 .685 .631 .689 .634 0.667 Ventura, Robin ---- ---- .641 .647 .677 0.657 Wallach, Tim .728 .674 .600 .630 .665 0.657 Gruber, Kelly .717 .657 .580 .630 .664 0.650 Pagliarulo, Mike .631 ---- .575 .744 ---- 0.649 Harris, Lance ---- ---- .642 .652 ---- 0.648 Howell, Jack .656 .666 .609 ---- ---- 0.647 Williams, Matt ---- ---- .633 .653 .656 0.647 Caminiti, Ken ---- .675 .630 .653 .596 0.642 Sabo, Chris .751 .626 .616 .613 .575 0.642 Gaetti, Gary .616 .638 .655 .632 ---- 0.637 Buechele, Steve .647 .616 .647 .681 .599 0.635 Salazar, Luis ---- .617 .643 .637 ---- 0.632 Pecota, Bill ---- ---- ---- .629 ---- 0.629 Schmidt, Mike .628 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.628 Riles, Ernie ---- .627 ---- ---- ---- 0.627 Boggs, Wade .643 .659 .550 .653 .634 0.626 Martinez, Egdar ---- ---- .621 .645 .599 0.624 Molitor, Paul .633 .617 ---- ---- ---- 0.624 Phillips, Tony ---- ---- .623 ---- ---- 0.623 *NL Average* .643 .625 .602 .623 .603 0.619 Brookens, Tom .616 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.616 King, Jeff ---- ---- .616 ---- ---- 0.616 Seitzer, Kevin .654 .583 .593 ---- .635 0.616 *AL Average* .641 .612 .604 .620 .602 0.615 Jacoby, Brook .624 .621 .600 ---- .597 0.613 Hansen, Dave ---- ---- ---- ---- .611 0.611 Law, Vance .635 .576 ---- ---- ---- 0.611 Magadan, Dave ---- ---- ---- ---- .609 0.609 Jefferies, Greg ---- ---- ---- ---- .606 0.606 Sharperson, Mike ---- ---- .606 ---- ---- 0.606 Zeile, Todd ---- ---- ---- .614 .593 0.605 Baerga, Carlos ---- ---- ---- .604 ---- 0.604 Hayes, Chris ---- .601 .622 .606 .574 0.602 Livingstone, Scott ---- ---- ---- ---- .597 0.597 Hamilton, J. .611 .584 ---- ---- ---- 0.595 Kelly, Pat ---- ---- ---- .595 ---- 0.595 Lyons, Steve .590 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.590 Oberkfell, Ken .590 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.590 Johnson, Howard .628 .549 .611 .573 ---- 0.588 Bell, Buddy .587 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.587 Lansford, Carney .620 .578 .594 ---- .550 0.587 Presley, Jim .643 .595 .530 ---- ---- 0.584 Schu, Rick ---- .584 ---- ---- ---- 0.584 Worthington, Cal ---- .583 .575 ---- ---- 0.580 Hollins, Dave ---- ---- ---- ---- .577 0.577 Sheffield, Gary ---- ---- .584 ---- .567 0.575 Blauser, Jeff ---- .573 ---- ---- ---- 0.573 Fryman, Travis ---- ---- ---- .571 ---- 0.571 Gantner, Jim ---- ---- ---- .570 ---- 0.570 Gomez, Lee ---- ---- ---- .551 .542 0.546 Palmer, Dean ---- ---- ---- ---- .520 0.520 -- Dale J. Stephenson |*| (steph@cs.uiuc.edu) |*| Grad Student At Large
Once again, the Rockies bullpen fell apart. Andy Ashby pitched six (somewhat shaky) innings giving up just one run. Then game the dreaded relief. Three picthers combined to give up 3 runs (one each I believe) in the 7th inning and blew the save opportunity. (Final was 4-2 vs Expos). Despite their problems in the pen, I think the Rockies are a team that wont be taken lightly. Going into today's game, the had the league's leading hitter and RBI man (Galarraga), two of the leaders in stolen bases (Young and Cole) and increasingly strong starting pitching. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Rex Wood -- davewood@cs.colorado.edu -- University of Colorado at Boulder
Have you gotten an answer yet? Using your variables, this is what I would do: xterm -T "$HOST - $LOGNAME" -n "$HOST"
Nice dodge. I give it a 9.2. Now to answer your questions. I do not believe that there should be a draft. The armed services should be voluntary. Can you say the same about taxes. I've answered your question. Would you now answer mine.
morgan and guzman will have era's 1 run higher than last year, and the cubs will be idiots and not pitch harkey as much as hibbard. castillo won't be good (i think he's a stud pitcher)
I'm afraid that I've lost the thread here. I didn't suggest that all government regulations be subject to referenda. So I don't follow the comments above. I mean that an ideology that treats all government regulation as equally undesirable and seeks to abolish all regulations is unlikely to draw support among more than a miniscule portion of the electorate. Furthermore, I am suggesting that such a plan is not feasible in an industrial society because the weight of litigation and/or misery it would produce would effectively crush productive effort. No, I'm not surprised. I just think it's interesting that on one hand libertarians assume a limited government can be decreed, yet on the other posit an entire government made up of people who carry guns. (I realize that many libertarians assume that such a government will be counterbalanced by a fully armed citizenry, but it is worth noting that widespread civilian ownership of guns does not necessarily prevent the establishment of totalitarian government, e.g. Iraq.) Yup, sure do. But since I also support the constitutional requirement that the government provide for the general welfare (Article I section 8), I'm willing to justify such programs on that basis. Well, in the first place, I don't support a "socialized economic system." I think within limits that capitalism is a fine idea. But it is not the case that "any third party...is...as likely to be ignorant or corrupt as the buyer or seller." There are multitudes of examples where such a statement is demonstrably false. Regulation of stock market transactions that provide a reasonable basis for buyers to avoid fraud is only one example. jsh
[snip] [stats deleted - we've all seen them by now] I nominate this last bit for "Anti-Stathead Quote of the Week". Alomar only has a 50 point advantage in the most important offensive category, while Baerga, who studied in the Joe Carter School of Out-Burning, has more impressive mediot stats, largely due to opportunities rather than quality. The lines are fairly close in value, but edge to Alomar. Now Baerga ain't chopped liver, but Alomar is still the man to beat among AL second basemen... --Craig
RESIDENTIAL LOT FOR SALE I have a nice residential lot available. It is approx- imately 1/2 acre in size. It is located in the development called Belvedere Plantation in Pender County, eastern North Carolina, north of Wilmington. The lot is near the Intra- Coastal Waterway. Golf and tennis are located on the development property. Belvedere Plantation also has a mar- ina facility on the ICW. This lot is nearby to all of the facilities mentioned. I own the lot outright but it does not look like I will get back to the area anytime soon. I would like to sell it for that reason. Make an offer. If interested please send E-mail. gt0463b@prism.gatech.edu. - Mike Smith
Nope. Here in Northern California, a newspaper recently did a survey, asking if people favored stricter gun controls. A full 40% said no. Here, in one of the most Liberal (it wasn't always a swear word :( areas of the country, nearly half the people don't want additional controls, let alone revocation of RKBA... Misguided dolt though he may be (though, I still maintain, less dangerous than Bush), Clinton does not publicly support revoking the second amendment. Well, I'll help MY neighbors... Violent solutions are passe'? I take it you propose disarming the police, then? Please don't mention RKBA in the same breath as the KKK. RKBA is about being able to defend yourself and others, not about killing the innocent. Actually, your mention of the KKK is rather funny, considering that the first gun control law in the US were created specifically to disarm black people...
From: Center for Policy Research <cpr> Subject: Assistance to Palest.people U.N. General Assembly Resolution 46/201 of 20 December 1991 ASSISTANCE TO THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE --------------------------------------------- The General Assembly Recalling its resolution 45/183 of 21 December 1990 Taking into account the intifadah of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory against the Israeli occupation, including Israeli economic and social policies and practices, Rejecting Israeli restrictions on external economic and social assistance to the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, Concerned about the economic losses of the Palestinian people as a result of the Gulf crisis, Aware of the increasing need to provide economic and social assistance to the Palestinian people, Affirming that the Palestinian people cannot develop their national economy as long as the Israeli occupation persists, 1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on assistance to the Palestinian people; 2. Expresses its appreciation to the States, United Nations bodies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that have provided assistance to the Palestinian people, 3. Requests the international community, the United Nations system and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to sustain and increase their assistance to the Palestinian people, in close cooperation with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), taking in account the economic losses of the Palestinian people as a result of the Gulf crisis; 4. Calls for treatment on a transit basis of Palestinian exports and imports passing through neighbouring ports and points of exit and entry; 5. Also calls for the granting of trade concessions and concrete preferential measures for Palestinian exports on the basis of Palestinian certificates of origin; 6. Further calls for the immediate lifting of Israeli restrictions and obstacles hindering the implementation of assistance projects by the United Nations Development Programme, other United Nations bodies and others providing economic and social assistance to the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory; 7. Reiterates its call for the implementation of development projects in the occupied Palestinian territory, including the projects mentioned in its resolution 39/223 of 18 December 1984; 8. Calls for facilitation of the establishment of Palestinian development banks in the occupied Palestinian territory, with a view to promoting investment, production, employment and income therein; 9. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General The General Assembly at its 47th session, through the Economic and Social Council, on the progress made in the implementation of the present resolution. -----------------------------------------------
I nead a utility for updating (deleting, adding, changing) *.ini files for Windows. Do I find it on any FTP host?
********* 1990 Integra LS for Sale ********* 5 speed, sunroof, rear spoiler, new tires 59.7K miles $ 7950 or best offer. call 908-949-0878 908-938-4101 email att!hotsoup!peng
I'm trying to set up an IPX for another group. I copied all the X stuff that I compiled on my 4/280 (which runs SunOS 4.1.1) using gcc 2.1, and most things run just fine. however, I did find a couple of bugs, and when I try to recompile those clients on the IPX (which runs 4.1.3), I get ld: Undefined symbol _XShapeQueryExtension _XShapeCombineMask I know that I can include libXext and get rid of those messages, but I can't figure out why I get them on the IPX and not on the 4/280. any ideas?
I would appreciate the driver name from CICA which functions as a 256 color driver for a Quadtel video card. The type of chip or chipset used would suffice as well.
Please count me in also... Just can't tell you how excited I was when the Islanders beat the Rangers in overtime on last Friday!!!
Someone was looking for these a few weeks ago - check out comp.dsp Mike.
Just finished reading Burton Mack's new book, _The Lost Gospel, Q and Christian Origins_. I thought it was totally cool. Anyone else read it and want to talk?
I've got an 89 GT. It has the smoked taillight assembly. I think this is where the water is getting in. When I first got it (had it for a month), one of the rear taillights fogged up with moisture. I took it in to the dealer and they replaced the entire assembly. It happened to the other one about 3 months later. This time I happened to look in the spare tire well and noticed water standing in there. The dealer was more reluctant this time to replace it. But I convinced them to fix it. (They must have had to deal with a number of other probes with the same problem.) I haven't noticed water in the taillamps (or the trunk) for the last 2.5 years, but just last month, the taillamp just fogged up again. I'm going to try to take it back to get them to fix it again. I'm real tempted to drill some vent and drain holes in the tops and bottoms of the assembly and forget about it. This is getting very annoying. (Almost every other `89 GT I've seen has had this problem.) Vel -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Vel Natarajan nataraja@rtsg.mot.com Motorola Cellular, Arlington Hts IL --
Hi all, Due to living in the Bay Area, I as unable to see Vancouver's victory over the Jets last night. I know the score, but that rarely describes the game. Could someone please post a brief sonapsis (sp?) of waht happened. How well did each team play? Were the cannucks deserving of the victory? Also, could some kind soul please email me the end of season, individual player stats? Greg
This is becoming a tiresome statement. Coming from you it is a definition, not an assertion: Islam is good. Belief in Islam is good. Therefore, being a believer in Islam can produce only good...because Islam is good. Blah blah blah. That's about as circular as it gets, and equally meaningless. To say that something produces only good because it is only good that it produces is nothing more than an unapplied definition. And all you're application is saying that it's true if you really believe it's true. That's silly. Conversely, you say off-handedly that _anything_ can happen under atheism. Again, just an offshoot of believe-it-and-it-becomes-true- don't-believe-it-and-it-doesn't. Like other religions I'm aquainted with, Islam teaches exclusion and caste, and suggests harsh penalties for _behaviors_ that have no logical call for punishment (certain limits on speech and sex, for example). To me this is not good. I see much pain and suffering without any justification, except for the _waving of the hand_ of some inaccessible god. By the by, you toss around the word knowledgable a bit carelessly. For what is a _knowledgeable believer_ except a contradiction of terms. I infer that you mean believer in terms of having faith. And If you need knowledge to believe then faith has nothing to do with it, does it?
[stuff deleted] There are two 'problems': (1) the BIOS TOD routine which updates the BIOS clock uses only 1 bit for day increment, so a second wrapping of the clock past midnight will get lost if no one calls the BIOS to read the clock in the meantime, and (2) the BIOS resets the day wrap indicator on the first 'get date' call from ANYBODY (after the wrap indicator has been set). So unless the first BIOS 'get date' call after midnight is done by the DOS 'kernel' (which is the only part of DOS which knows how to increment the date, the day wrap indication is normally lost. My guess is that Kevin's 'menu' system uses BIOS calls to read the clock (in order to display the time), and is hence the entity which causes the day wrap indication to get lost. Even if the 'menu' system 'notices' the day 'wrap' (which I think is indicated by a non-zero value in AL), there really isn't any particularly good way to tell DOS about it, so that DOS can update the day. The menu system 'should' use DOS calls to get the time, which would cause the DOS 'kernel' to do the BIOS call, and the wrap indicator would hence be processed properly. Possibly, though, the 'menu' system can't easily use DOS calls for time, because DOS is not reentrant, and perhaps time incrementing ofters occur while the 'menu' system is 'inside' some other DOS call.
Davidian-babble: Turkish government on usenet? How long are you going to keep repeating this utterly idiotic [and increasingly saddening] drivel? oz
This was in Wed. WSJ. [start] The white house, seeking to mount public pressure on GOP senators, bombarded news outlets in some senator's home states with news releases warning that certain projects may not be funded if the $16billion stimulus bill isn't passed. None of the projects mentioned are actually in the bill, rather they are part of a wish list that may be funded from the $2.56 billion in Community Development Block Grants. ... [end] I could have sworn I heard a bunch of Clintonites going on and on, raving about how dishonest it was that the Rebublicans were taking items from this wish list in order to ridicule this bill. Now that Clinton is using that same list in order to garner support for the bill, are you guys going to do the honarable thing and say that Clinton is being dishonest.
I don't know why it is so obvious. We are not speaking of acts of the flesh. We are just speaking of emotions. Emotions are not of themselves moral or immoral, good or bad. Emotions just are. The first step is not to label his emotion as good or bad or to numb ourselves so that we hide our true feelings, it is to accept ourselves as we are, as God accepts us. It seems that Paul's anger he has accepted and channeled it to a plea to all of us to refrain from passing judgement on those afflicted with a disease and to reach out to others. Give in? Calling his arguments foolish, belittling them to only quarrels, avoiding action because of fear to give others a bad feeling, he's not forgiving? Re-think it, Aaron. Don't be quick to judge. He has forgiven those with AIDS, he has dealt with and taken responsibility for his feelings and made appropriate choices for action on such feelings. He has not given in to his anger.
I assume that you are talking about the appeals processes, etc.? Well, it should be noted that people who are imprisoned for life will also tend to appeal (though not quite as much in the "final hours." Anyway, economics is not a very good reason to either favor or oppose the punishment.
You know ed,... You're right! Andi shouldn't be comparing Israel to the Nazis. The Israelis are much worse than the Nazis ever were anyway. The Nazis did a lot of good for Germany, and they would have succeeded if it weren't for the damn Jews. The Holocaust never happened anyway. Ample evidence given by George Schafer at Harvard, Dept. of History, and even by Randolph Higgins at NYU, have shown that the Holocaust was just a semitic conspiracy created to obtain sympathy to piush for the creation of Israel.
Now, take a good look at at, an tell me man, there is no Christian Devil? There is, is real, is a virus, a meme, infecting and possessing the good people and keep 'em from becoming human beings with emphasis on the being! Is not a matter of good people an evil people, is all good people see, but some good people vexed of the Christian Devil. An it can't be burn out or lynch out or rape out. Only wise up let I rise up. Christian Devil is real man, how else can you explain five hundred years of history, even more? Can only be explained by Christians invoke Christian Devil. you keep on knocking but you can't come in, i got to understand you've been living in sin, but walk right in and sit right down, i'll keep on loving you, i'll play the clown, but bend down low, let i tell you what i know yah i've been 'buked brothers and i've been stoned, woe, woe, woe, now i'm hung by a tree in the the ganging on a few, woe, woe, woe, it doesn't matter who the man is who lives the life he loves, it doesn't matter what the man does or the honest life he loves, i want somewhere, i want somewhere, hallelujah, hallelujah, somewhere to lay my head, woe is me only ska beat in 'eaven man stiff necked fools, you think you're cool, to deny me for simplicity, yes you have gone, for so long with your love for vanity now, yes you have got the wrong interpretation mixed up with vain imagination, so take jah sun and jah moon and jah rain and jah stars, and forever yes erase your fantasy, yeah, the lips of the righteous teach many, but fools die for want of wisdom, the rich man's wealth is in his city, the righteous wealth is in his holy place, so take jah sun and jah moon and jah rain and jah stars, and forever yes erase your fantasy, destruction of the poor is in their poverty, destruction of the soul is vanity, yeah, but i don't want to rule ya, i don't want to fool ya, i don't want to school ya, things you, you might never know about, yes you have got the wrong interpretation mixed up with vain, vain imagination, stiff necked fools, you think you're cool, to deny me for, oh simplicity love to see, when yah move in the rhythm, love to see when you're dancing from within, it gives great joy to feel such sweet togetherness, everyone's doing and they're doing their best, it remind i of the days in jericho, when we trodden down jericho wall, these are the days when we'll trod true babylon, gonna trod until babylon fall then I saw the angel with the seven seals saying, babylon throne going down
I once had this problem. All I did was to copy the whole doc to a new file. The problem was gone. Hope this helps.
Besides being an infringement on our civil liberties (not the subject in this post), the name "Clipper Chip" seems very confusable with the "Clipper" chip of Intergraph. Originally designed by a team at Fairchild Semiconductor, Clipper was a 32-bit RISC microprocessor. It is still used in some workstations, notably those from Intergraph, the supplier of CAD tools. Intergraph acquired the Clipper product line when Fairchild was sold to National Semiconductor several years back. When I first saw "Clipper Chip" in the announcement, I immediately thought the article was referring to the Clipper chip I know. This seems to be grounds for Intergraph to sue, but then I'm not a lawyer. I'd say I'm a cryptologist, but I don't want to incriminate myself under the laws of the new regime. -Tim May
Refer to patents by JAMES HARRIS ROGERS: 958,829; 1,220,005; 1,322,622; 1,349,103; 1,315,862; 1,349,104; 1,303,729; 1,303,730; 1,316,188 He details methods of underground and underwater wireless communications. For a review, refer to _Electrical_Experimenter_, March 1919 and June 1919. Rogers' methods were used extensively during the World War, and was unclassified after the war. Supposedly, the government rethought this soon after, and Rogers was convieniently forgotten. The bottom line is that all antennas that are grounded send HALF of their signal THRU the ground. The half that travels thru space is quickly dissapated (by the square of the distance), but that which travels thru the ground does not disapate at all. Furthermore, the published data showed that when noise drowned out regular reception, the underground antennas would recieve virtually noise-free. IF you find this hard to believe, then refer to the work of the man who INVENTED wireless: Tesla. Tesla confirmed that Rogers' methods were correct, while Hertzian wave theory was completely "abberant". ---- ET "Tesla was 100 years ahead of his time. Perhaps now his time comes."
Yes, sadly, this is true. The primary reason, and the essence of the details that you are seeking, is that the Grahm-Rudman budget controls were working. In fact, they were working so well that unless the feds did something, they were going to have to start cutting pork. So Bush and the Democrats got together in a Budget Summit and replaced Grahm-Rudman with the now historic Grand Compromise in which Bush "consented" to raise taxes in exchange for certain caps on spending increases. As it turned out, the taxes killed the Reagan expansion and the caps on spending increases were dispelled by Clinton in his first act as President (so that he could create his own new plan with more tax increases). The result is that Clinton now HOPES to reduce the deficit to a level ABOVE where it was when Reagan left office.
Considerably better than I feel about, say, the Punic Wars, or the Peloponnesian War (spelling optional), or almost any other event in classical history. How close to the events do you think the oldest extent manuscripts are in those cases?
There is a program called Graphic Workshop you can FTP from wuarchive. The file is in the msdos/graphics directory and is called "grfwk61t.zip." This program should od everthing you need. --
This is a good idea - so you can carry your (non-alcoholic) drinks without spilling or having someone hold on to them. Fax machines, yes. Cellular phones: Why not get a hands-free model? Seemingly unique to American luxury cars. The Big Three haven't yet realized that the 1970s are over. I agree. Just another display of Yuppie excess.