Description: What does a painful lump around a scar tissue indicate?
Patient: I was told yesterday that I have fatty tissue that had developed a knot in my colon around scar tissue. The doctor sent me home and told me to take motrum. It is very painful. That is why I went to the emergcy room.Have you ever heard of this and what can I do for this?
Doctor: Detailed past history, ultrasound report of abdomen is essential to come to conclusion. hence do get these done and a general surgeon or surgical gastroenterologist will help.
Description: Q. Is female orgasm necessary for conceiving?
Patient: Hi doctor, Is female orgasm necessary to get conceive? Are both male and female orgasms required at the same time for conceiving? After sex some amount of semen leaks out, is it normal? Please give me some suggestion. Thank you.
Doctor: Hello. For further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: Can teething and cold lead to spasms in an infant?
Patient: Hi there, my son is 6 months old and has recently started doing cluster spasms where he shurgs his shoulder to his right ear. It lasts only a second or so and goes in clusters of 3 to 10. Some days he has multiple clustures and some days he has none. He is developing normally and shows no mental or physical delays. He is currently teething and has a cold and the doctor did find fluid behind both ears. The doctor saw video of it and told me to keep an eye on it and get more video to bring to the check up in three weeks. Should I be worried about this behavior or is this something many infants do as part of their immature nervous system or learned behavior. Any answers would be greatly appreciated as I have been a nervous wreck. Thanks
Doctor: Good afternoon..!!Your 6 month old baby has a condition serous otitis media (fluid in the middle ear).It causes discomfort / irritation / pain in the ears. So your baby's behaviour could be possibly due to this ear problem.So if persisting, it's better to visit pediatric ENT surgeon and pediatric neurologist, if needed, for further evaluation and management.Thank you, have a nice day..!!!
Description: What causes pain while ejaculating with transparent and orange gel like sperm?
Patient: Dear Sir or Madam,A few months ago, when ejaculating I felt the pain. spem went to a small gel particles which are transparent and orange. After a few days it stopped. Now once again emerged.Perhaps it is important to say that I had a sore throat and I therefore antibiotics.With no sign of urgency.Thank you in advance.
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Orange color semen could be due to some infection with blood in it. Need a direct examination including semen analysis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: What causes painful lumps on the waist?
Patient: My friend girlfriend had four little bumps on her left side by her waist yesterday that just came from nowhere and today its like a small cluster and they hurts she said, I thought something had bit her, but she was in the car when it happen and I found no insect or anything but she s complaining that it really hurts, any idea what could this be?
Doctor: Hi! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.From the history of a cluster of bumps and being too much painful, it appears to me that these could be some kind of viral infection like a Herpes zoster infection , which affects the nerves as well deeper inside giving rise to such painful blisters along the neural pathways. If I were your doctor, I would advise you to get her lesions assessed by a dermatologist in your area who might prescribe her with some anti inflammatory and anti viral drugs, which would relieve her of the symptoms.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef.
Description: Hot and cold sweats, headache, sore throat, shaking. Related to insect bite?
Patient: Hi I have had hot and cold sweats since saturday/sunday, with a headache , achey body, and have no energy.My throat is also sore and I get shakey at times. It has got progressively worse. I also got bit on sunday, and i cant identify the bite. I have suffered insects bites badly the last few months, however i can t identify this one. I dont know if it is related?
Doctor: it look like viral you get your tlc done get platelets counts seems to be lower is viral pharyngytis with fever you take meftal sos post after results take liquids more
Description: What are the symptoms of post viral fatigue ?
Patient: I've been poorly for a couple of months, 3 weeks ago went to the doctors and last week he diagnosed me with glandular fever, I have been suffering lots with aches and pain epecially in my eyes, back of my neck and upper back and rob area, am getting better now and these symptons are not as bad as they were but have since started with the backs of my knees they have started to really ache, is this part of the post viral fatigue??
Doctor: Yes, it is. General malaise can persist even up to 3 months. Such fatigue is fairly common in infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever). You can consider taking corticosteroids if you develop any complications.
Description: Suggest treatment for episodes of unconsciousness
Patient: i'm getting uncosious suddenly from last week, seems issue related to my nerve system, earlier i had this problem but was medicated for 3 years and i was ok, this happened about 10 years back, now i'm getting this unconsiousness, could you please guide me
Doctor: Hi friend.. I am a neurologist. it looks like a seizure. since many year you were symptoms free and aga8n developed same symptoms please do MRI Brain and EEG. treat accordingly if abnormality. if normal then start antiepiletics can start with Tab Leviteracetam 500 mg Twice a day. Thanks All the best ...
Description: What causes hard lump on lip?
Patient: i had an ulcer on my lip which i bit and it turned into a blood blister. i went to the dentist who said it would go in a few weeks. A few weeks later it is still a hard lump but without the ulcer. I am self conscious of it as you can see it when i talk. Should i return to the dentist?
Doctor: Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your hard lump on lip is because of proliferation of blood vessels in that area. Actually the probable cause of lump on lip is mucocoele or mucous cyst .Mucocoele are usually the result of trauma in the mouth, which injures the tiny salivary ducts inside of the lip. Injury or rupture of these microscopic excretory ducts leads to an accumulation of mucus inside of the connective tissue of the lip. Lip biting or the sucking action drawing the mucous membranes of the lower lip between the teeth are thought to be common causes. I would suggest you to consult oral surgeon for proper examination . Doctor may order biopsy of cyst to rule out causes like cancer or lipoma . Doctor may prescribe anti inflammatory medicines along with antibiotics . Doctor may also surgically remove the salivary gland or do marsupilization of lump .Hope your concern has been resolved.Dr. Harry Maheshwari
Description: Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Doctor: Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Description: Suggest treatment for seizure disorder and headache
Patient: My wife gets headaches that causes blackouts. She has seizure like symptoms and has been diagnosed as not having seizures. After she comes out of this blackouts she is fatigued for the remainder of the day. She has been seen at an ER 5 times in last 2 months and they always come up with something different. No Diabetes or blood sugar problems. Could these problems be associated with Neuro problems?
Doctor: Hi, I am Dr.Bruno. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Symptom : After she comes out of this blackouts she is fatigued for the remainder of the day. Opinion : This is more likely due to seizuresSuggestion : Please consult a neurologist and do MRI Brain and EEGHope you found the answer helpful.If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions.Let me know if I can assist you further.Take care.
Description: What are the signs for liver failure with leukemia?
Patient: my son is being treated for leukemia. His billiruben was elevated and they have held his chemo. they are running tests to see if its hepatitis, or epstein barr syndrome of just an infection. what are the treatments for hepatitis A or B, or epstein barr? Right now he is jaunticed, stomach ache, loose stools and fatigued. His liver is working fine according to the liver tests so what signs do I look for if his liver starts failing? Our oncs told us this in not a big deal though, but I worry.
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Transient elevation in bilirubin is seen among leukemia patients and people who takes chemotherapy. It is not a big deal and no treatment is required. Only supportive treatment will be enough. You can go for a screening test to rule out viral hepatitis like Hepatitic C and Hepatits B. Treatment plans may vary if we diagnose viral hepatitis as a cause. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Should i be concerned about the platelet count of 397?
Patient: I just had a lab done and my platelet was 409. Then my doctor had me do a follow up in a month and told me to drink a lot of water before testing. I only had one bottle of water the morning prior to my test. My results came back and my count was 397. Should I be concerned? And is there anything I should be doing?
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your platelet count is absolutely normal. No need to worry about platelet count. No any drug treatment or follow is required. Just be relaxed. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Q. For how long should I take Kalachikai powder to overcome PCOD problem?
Patient: Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem?
Doctor: Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online -->
Description: What causes problems in concieving despite normal follicular study results?
Patient: hello doctor am 28yrs old and my husband is 35yrs. V got married 1yr 7months back and still i have no pregnancy signs.. I got a follicular study scan done and semen count test was done to my husband doctor said no problem. Every month from 4months am taking follicular scan just to c wen the ovulation is happening with doctor s consultation. Doctor gave me folic acid tablets, enidon syrup and feotumax tablets but no use is there any other step of treatment i can take to get my pregnancy positive?? Please help me out doctor..
Doctor: Hi dear and thanks for your query.If you ovulate (this was seen from follicular study) and semen count test was normal ,while you have wait for more than 1 year ,better contact with an infertility specialist.The first step in your case is to induce ovulation by using clomiphene citrate ,and it have very effectiveness.It can be used for more than 6 cycles and it is used in the 2 or 3 day of your period for 5 days ,starting with minimal dose 50 mg per day.Hence contact with a doctor and be calm .All the best
Description: For how long can the recommended dose of Tylenol be given?
Patient: So my daughter who is almost 7 months old has been teething for quite a while. I was giving her half the recommended dose of Tylenol X3 a day. I just realized that we have been giving it to her for longer than the recommended amount of days! Will she be okay? Is she going to have lasting damage because of my neglect to read the information? Please help, I just want my daughter to be okay :(
Doctor: dear user, thanks for your query. Tylenol is used for fever and as a pain reliever. long term or excessive use may cause side effects. it may damage liver. i suggest you to not to use more then recommended dose and schedule.
Description: What caused the cracking pop sound behind my molar work?
Patient: My dentist had me wearing a grind guard which I have for years. He recently did a molar cavity fill for an hour procedure. He said he had never used that much novacaine 2 molars opposite side of mouth before. I was so numb I bit my left cheek when asked me to check the bite. My concern isi now have much main in wisdom tooth area of gums behind molar work and I heard a cracking pop after I ate food today with spoon. Never before had I heard a gum band sound when I opened my mouth. Will this go away? If I keep using my mouth guard & rest my jaw? Thank you so much for any thoughts.-Michael
Doctor: Thank you for contacting Healthcare magic. I believe your TMJ is stressed from keeping open for the procedure and amount of injections. You can reduce inflammation with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Try warm compresses and a soft diet. Resting the jaw is the correct procedure to follow. Continue to use your night guard. Keep up with regular dental care and rinse with warm salt water to allow the gum to heal around the teeth. Your jaw should start to feel better and the sound should not continue as the inflammation allows you to return to normal function. Have your dentist check the function of the TMJ and the position of the disc that slides as the joint is in function if you still have discomfort or sounds such as a clicking.Make sure that you feel your bite is not high and that you do not contact the new fillings before other teeth. Please make sure there is not an interference when you slide your teeth together. This will continue to aggrevate your jaw. Call your dentist for an adjustment or if you are unsure about your bite, ask the dentist to check your bite.Keep your dentist informed of any changes. Deep fillings with an increase in sensitivity may need to be monitored for an infection. I hope you will feel better each day and am available to assist you further.
Description: What causes numbness in thighs?
Patient: Hello I ve had the outer side of my left thigh numb for the past 2 years. Once I started feeling it never went away. It tingles from my hip to a little bit over my knee. I ve put ice packs and it s like nothing is there. I press on my thigh and I feel like something squishy moving around. Thank you if anyone could help out with any info.
Doctor: Hello,I have studied your case.Most probably it is due to either a nerve compression at groin or in the spine. It is called meralgia parasthetica. You need to see a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis and treat accordingly.I would recommend you to take tablet Pregabalin and methylcobal daily at night time.make sure that your blood sugar is under control.Steroid injection can be given if pain is also there .I hope these steps will be helpful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions.thanks
Description: What does my daughters urine report indicate?
Patient: calcium oxalate seen in crystals of urine report in my 3.5 years old daughter. Is this any serious matter? In her first urine report ketones were trace with ++++ (160mh/DL) also protein & octtul bold traced and crystal was nil, in her second report ketones found with 1(+), proteinfound 1(+), octtul blood traced & crystal was nil but in her 3rd report ketones & proteins found abcent, blood found moderate (NH), also appearance found first time in her 3rd report Turbid (moderate) and Calcium Oxalate seen in crystals. What it means and is it very serious matter? Pls guide me
Doctor: Thanks gor following up. It is clearly seen from analysis that your daughter has dysmetabolic nephropathy, hyperoxaluria. Tretment required next diet:1.Avoid:chocolate,spinach,peas,beens,rajma and other kind of dal or palses, beet roots,sour fruits, lots of meat,market's juices, avoid mixed subdgi -panir and tomato,because in food we will receive Calcium oxalate2.You may give to her-potato-cabbage diet, carrot, soup, dahi,panir, milk ,cheese green tea with lemon. 3.She should drink plenty of water till 1-1,5litre daily, remind her,propose to her4.She should drink diuretic -cystone 1 tab 2 times 1 month5.For stabilization membrane of glomerules-vitamin E 400mg 1 time 10days6.Do ultrasound examinaton of kidneys, check urine analysis after 1 week of treatmentAaRecovery soon
Description: Is Nordette effective for contraception?
Patient: hi i used nordette as ecp after 24 hrs of unprotected sex.. is it effective? after i took the second dose i felt cramping..i read in some blogged that expect a withrawal bleeding..but after 11 days i still didnt there a chance that i will be pregnant? Thank u.
Doctor: Hallow Dear,Nordette is an oral contraceptive, commonly known as a "birth control pill" or "the Pill". Nordette tablets contain two hormones (levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol), which prevent from becoming pregnant if taken correctly.It is a regular birth control pill and needs to be taken cyclically every day during cycle for 28 days for its effective action. These are not emergency post-coital pill; however they can give post-coital protection against the pregnancy if taken in double dose. If you have taken only single pill of Nordette as a Plan B pill, it will not give you protection against pregnancy. You statement 'after 11 days, I did not bleed' is rather confusing. If you mean that you did not have withdrawal bleeding even 11 days after the pill, you need not worry as withdrawal bleeding, though common, may at times be absent, particularly with low dose. If you have missed your periods for 11 days. So you should suspect pregnancy and get your urine tested for pregnancy. If the results are positive, your pregnancy is confirmed. If this is unwanted pregnancy, you may opt for medical termination of pregnancy upto 9 weeks of gestation. However, get the medicines only by Gynaecologist's advice. I hope this helps you. Dr. Nishikant Shrotri
Description: How can allergic skin reaction after taking Clindamycin be treated?
Patient: I I am taking three an allergic reaction to clidamcin and now have oen sores elow my breasts what should I do for treatment topically..I have mixed instructions on mupirocin also taking prednisone cetirizine and famotidine after 4 days in hospital what should I use on my breasts
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Best topical cream for allergic skin rashes is Mometasone cream. Mometasone is steroid in nature. It is best drug for local application to treat allergy. You can also take Montelukast (anti allergic) drug along with Levocetirizine for better relief in allergic symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Q. I got pregnant recently after getting MMR shots. Please advise.
Patient: Hello doctor, I have been in combination birth control pills for over a year and recently got MMR shots. I had a fever and diarrhea and got pregnant during the symptoms. Is this an issue? Will the MMR cause birth defects?
Doctor: Hi. MMR is measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Rubella specifically has a hazardous effect on pregnancy if occurs during the first trimester. If the shots were more than a month from your last period date, then you should not worry so much, as the antibodies are already formed, but if it is less than a month between the shots and a missed period, I guess it becomes risky. Please revert back with your vaccine date and last menstrual date. Congenital rubella can cause cardiovascular defects, congenital cataracts and hearing issues in the baby.
Description: Q. I have periodontitis. Kindly advise the management without surgery.
Patient: Hi doctor, About three months ago, I was diagnosed with periodontitis. I am facing swelling of gums, gum bleeding and pus from gums. I would like to know available treatment options and can it be treated without any surgery. I am 26 years old. I am taking Vitamin C tablets.
Doctor: Hi. There are two treatment options for periodontitis. First includes deep scaling and medications. Periodically scaling will be done of each quadrant of the jaw in two weeks and meanwhile, you should take following medications, capsule Doxycycline 100 mg one time a day for seven days (take two capsules together at first day then take one capsule from the second day). Tablet Metronidazole 400 mg, twice a day for five days, tablet Flurbiprofen 100 mg twice a day for three days. Meanwhile, keep doing saline water mouth rinses. Take a cup of water and add 1/4th teaspoon of salt in it and do its rinses five times a day at least. For one week, it is the best therapy for healing of gums. The second treatment option is for severe cases in which gum grafting surgery is done. If the first line of treatment does not affect you then go for the second option. Please provide your clinical pictures of teeth so I may suggest what should you opt for. Stay happy and blessed.
Description: Flank pain. CT shows enlarged liver with hemangioma cyst and blood test shows elevated ALT. How to treat this?
Patient: So about a month ago, I began having flank pain (lower right). This has happened before, but has always resolved. I did have a "fatty cyst" detected by CT back in 2010, but no concerns were expressed by my doctor. Last year I went to my doctor for the same symptoms and he told me my back needing adjusting after a urine culture came back negative. I saw him again and stated I just didn't feel right...always feeling bloated, hard time with my weight, fatigue, etc. He did some bloodwork and told me everything was "perfect". When I saw him two weeks ago, the symptoms had onset approx. two weeks prior. We did a urine C&S, which again came back negative, but I suggested possibly revisiting my liver with regard to the fatty cyst. When he called to give me the results he said there wasnt any real change with the cyst and really didn't know what else to tell me except to maybe visit a gastro. In the interim, I requested copies of my bloodwork from last year and the CT just done. My ALT was elevated last year and he never mentioned it, even though there was record of a cyst and repeated complaints of flank pain. Then I looked at the CT results and it actually stated my liver was enlarged and fatty and that the aformentioned cyst was now described as a hemangioma. I am really upset and feel he dropped the ball. Also I called his office twice last week requesting he order new labwork for me and I still have not received a return call. I am really actually scared and stressed out about this. Also I am having occasional pain in the left side in my back just below my ribcage as well.
Doctor: Hello Friend, Thank you for posting your query through Healthcare magic.I can understand your concern and your reaction to those doctors who ignored your symptoms at the right moment when they could have prevented your disease from worsening to the present stage.First of all please understand that conventional medical specialists cannot prevent a disease from worsening because they want some material findings to interfere with. I am a Homoeopath and so will be sharing with you some different thoughts about your disease. You become sick because of your Miasms. This is a term we Homoeopaths use. This simply means a genetic disposition transferred through generations and you got it from your parents. This dynamic proneness for certain types of diseases are inborn. It is your life situations and dynamically decided reactions that precipitate the disease. Now coming back to your query, you have not mentioned a single word about your MIND, because for the conventional medicine, mind is insignificant or they do not know the importance of MIND in the production of diseases. Man is both mind and body. How can we imagine health without considering one's mind and body together? Similarly how can we say that mind is not important in sickness. You gave a lot of information about investigations but what about your mind?As a Homoeopath, I can presume that you had a psychological conflict, something that you could not "digest", just before the development of the complaints in your abdomen. You kept it in your mind without resolving in the psychological level. There are centres in the brain corresponding to every emotion and every organ. The mind- brain- organ axis makes the disease; the location and type of disease is decided by one's MIASM.In your case, the liver is affected. The tendency to develop tumours is in your genetics. It started with small cyst, now developed to larger haemangioma. Your gastro enterologist can do nothing except cutting the tumour. Haemangioma is not a safe organ to be meddled with surgical interference. Since they have dropped the ball, I can take it up again, because we never treat your haemangioma, cyst or abdomen. We treat YOU and YOU only.We pay more importance to your genetic disposition to develop tumour, of course. But your life situations, your mental and physical reactions, your particular psychological conflicts that precipitated the disease, your past history, family history, mental and physical make ups etc are most important while taking your case. A rightly chosen genetic constitutional remedy will cure your haemangioma without any surgery. Please do not imagine that cure is its total disappearance or that you will become healthy only by removing it. Understand that your body has innumerable defence mechanisms and even now you are 'almost' compromised with the tumour. The balance of uncompromising is manifested through your present pains and other discomforts. You have to get your psychological conflicts resolved in the psychological level itself. After taking the Homoeopathic remedy, once you stop getting pains and other discomforts, understand that you have started improving. Wait for days when your body will keep the haemangioma to a stage from where it started coming up. Let is take time. But you can ignore about it under Homoeopathic treatment. No need of any removal. Rather, I would advise you never go for any surgery.Either you can approach a very expert Homoeopathic physician or you can approach me by asking a direct premium question through Healthcare magic. I will then send to you a case taking format in which you will develop YOUR whole history and send it back to me. Then I will suggest your Miasmatic / genetic constitutional remedy which will cure YOU. With Best Wishes,Dr. C. J. Varghese,Homoeopath,
Description: What causes numbness in my thumb?
Patient: I am a 43 yr old female, I exercise regularly, I don t smoke and I never have, I don t eat a lot of salt. I am about 15lbs overweight. I am not on any medications, but, my blood pressure has been ranging from 138-143 top number and 98-109 bottom number since yesterday. ( or maybe longer I havent been checking it) My only symptom is my face flushing. I have felt some numbness in my thumb on my left hand, but I dont think it s related? Everyone says my bottom number being so high is dangerous, and I should go to the ER, but I feel fine. Please advise. Thank you!
Doctor: Hello,I can understand your concern. Even though your systolic blood pressure (upper number) is high too, it can be considered normal due to your age being 43 years. Your diastolic blood pressure (lower number) is surely high as your friends are pointing out and it needs to be corrected. Normally it should be 80 mm Hg while your is about 100 mm Hg. The facial flushing and thumb numbness might be due to higher blood pressure, too. I advise you to visit your physician or cardiologist for physical examination and needful treatment to lower the blood pressure.I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HCM. Take care.Best,Dr. Viraj Shah
Description: What causes reddish tender area above the knee with a history of cellulitis?
Patient: In May of this year, I spent 5 days in the hospital with cellulitis (sp) in my left lower leg. The antibiotics seemed to work, but I don t think that the swelling ever completely went away. Now, over the last couple days, I ve noticed a warm, red, very tender, even painful area above that knee & continuing up my inner thigh. It has become painful just to walk & I can feel it when I m just laying down.
Doctor: Dear patient Painful red and tender swelling suggests of cellulitis. You have got recurrence of cellulitis which is common in diabetic patient. You need to take urgent visit to surgeon nearby you and start antibiotics intravenously for 7 days. Also reason for recurrent cellulitis should be searched. Also take tab diclofenac plus serratiopeptodase combination twice a day for pain and swelling relief. All the best.
Description: Is mild chest pain while bending and stretching with history of having asthma and acid reflux concerning?
Patient: My friend is having mild chest pain in the center of her chest. The onset was sudden as she was making a bunk bed. It' hurts and gets tight only when she bends over or stretches. She can take full breaths while bending over but she can feel pressure through her chest and throat. She does have history of asthma and acid reflux. Does this sound like something she should visit the ER for?Thank you Allison Travis
Doctor: Thanks for your question on HCM. I can understand your friend 's situation and problem. In my opinion she is having central chest pain due to acid reflux only. Asthma and acid reflux are connected with each other. We need to control both simultaneously to improve symptomatically. Along with drugs, she needs to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid stress and tension. 2. Avoid hot and spicy food. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Go for walk after meals. 5. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in the bed to prevent reflux. 6. Avoid smoking and alcohol if she has these habits. 7. Loose weight if she is obese.
Description: Suggest treatment for staph infection
Patient: My dad is 71 years old and he had a knee operation that ended up with a staph-infection and this has been going on now over 2 months in and out of the hospital my question is how many of these operations can his frail body handle and what can i do to bring him home?
Doctor: HelloWelcome to Healthcare magicFind out from lab test that staph infection is MRSA or non MRSA. For MRSA, choice of drugs are linezolid, vancomycin etc. For non-MRSA, clindamycin, cifazoline, nefcillin etc are choice of drugs.Thank you for contacting us.
Description: Does TENS unit interfere with metal rods in the back?
Patient: My wife had back surgery the first of December 2016. It was on L2 - L5. They inserted rods and pins to relieve back pain and to correct her spine curvature. She is still in some pain and we were thinking of getting a TENS unit to see if that would help. Will it interfere with the metal in her back?
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Any electromagnetic treatment like TENS is not recommended in presence of metallic rods , directly underneath it since there mat be interference in the waves. Better go for some other modality after discussing with your doctor( Surgeon who put the metal rods. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Suggest treatment for pain in calves and tingling in toes
Patient: I am recovering from lumbar surgery nine months ago, however, now I am suffering a great deal of pain wit Trocanteric Bursitis of the hip joint as well as severe pain and cramping in the calves of my legs as well as tingling, numbness, burning in my toes and feet. Should I see a Neurologist?
Doctor: Hello,Yes, it would be useful to see a neurologist for detailed evaluation and starting appropriate treatment. In the meanwhile, you can take pregabalin capsules for pain relief.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,  Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Description: What causes lower left sided abdominal pain?
Patient: I am experiencing pain in lower left side abdomen, tender to the touch, ( only when I press down ) constipation symptoms appeared 2 days ago, no fever. Also I noticed possible small amount of blood in stool when wiping but not a lot; trace amounts. I have been told I have Diverticulosis sited on colonoscopy but have had no prior problems. In late January I fell on the ice and landed very hard on my backside. I am still having back pain and tingling sensation on right side of lower back hip area. However I did not have the abdominal pain mentioned above at that time. The lower left abdominal pain came on rather suddenly in the past 2 days. I think they are seperate issues but not sure. I have been refraining from solid foods and drinking liquids. I have been dealing with an extreme amount of stress as well. My questions are 1. What do you think is causing the abdominal pain and how to treat or watch for? When do I need to see a Doctor? 2. Regarding the back pain; it has been over 3 mos. There has been some improvement but I still get occanssional tingling sensation and my range of movement is still compromised. I have only seen a chiropractor shortly after the injury occured. I have not seen a medical Doctor yet.
Doctor: Stress can give rise to such vague pain like colitis. You need to see a Doctor. With the history of trauma in the past you need to be re-investigated . The back-pain and the tingling sensation need an MRI of the back.
Description: Suggest medication for incessant cough that lasts for more than three weeks
Patient: I have been incessantly coughing for 3 weeks straight. I have been treated with z-pak, Claritin, guafenesin with codeine, inhaler, prednisone, tessalon perles and delsym with no relief whatsoever. I do not have any head congestion. My CXR was negative. HELP
Doctor: Hello,Possible inflammation at bronchi or alveolar level, not shown up in the x-ray. Needs pulmonary function test, allergy test for further management guidelines as almost the majority of the medications were already given.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Bhagyesh V. Patel
Description: Q. Why am I having a small lump in anus area and pain in abdomen?
Patient: Hello doctor,One year before appendix surgery was done to me. Now, I have to face a problem. Two days before a small lump was found in my anus area and now left side lower abdomen has light pain. I want to know what is the problem.
Doctor: Hello. I just read your query. See the pain in left side of abdomen and lump in the anal area has nothing to do with your previous anal surgery. Left sided abdominal pain may have many causes like minor causes as gas or acidity or some major issues too like kidney stones, etc. So I advise you to visit a nearby reputed surgeon so that he can examine you properly and rule out the exact problem. Once the proper cause is ruled out, take treatment accordingly. Also, he will examine your anal lump. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online -->
Description: Does Mtpills posses any side effect?
Patient: Hi Dr Good Evening Dr i require an advise regarding pregnancy as just before ten months ago i blessed with a baby girl child throgh cesarian but due to unprotected sex came to know 30 days pregnancy carrying after urine test shown positive and same i consulted to gynaecologist in patna and she prescribed me Mtpills plz suggest me how much it is safe and what kinds of precaution require in future and i have uncontrolled abdominal pain after taking two pills also suggest pain and bleeding will be continued till what time.. can be taken any medicine for abdominal pain... plz suggest .
Doctor: HI,MTPill can take up to 63 days of LMP. If you vomit within 45 minutes of taking the tablet, talk to your gynecologist. Be cautious while driving or doing anything that requires concentration as it causes dizziness and sleepiness. Vaginal bleeding may or may not occur after taking this medicine. Inform your gynecologist, if excessive bleeding occurs or if you suffer from severe abdominal pain.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Srinivas A., General & Family Physician
Description: How can I get normal liver AST values ?
Patient: hi im a 56 year old im 51 weigh 169 now was 172 but few months ago went to dr and my numbers were high for liver ast 146 today did unlsound and sent me to spelisist which he told me to lose some weight see if numbers go down did a emune blood work what can i do to lose weight ive been walking every day for 4 5 miles ive cut back onn breads and sweets just drink water once in a while 1 hi im a 56 year old lady i take blood pressue meds 25 mg. but a few months aago went to dr. for check up yearly had high numbers for liver , so had a sogram done show fatty liver was sent to specilist he looked at numbers and sogram said he though try to lose weight and go on diet watch calorie intake which i been doing ive been walking every day 4-5 miles eating better but still not losing but a few lbs. i was 172first visit to dr. in end of feb this morning was 169 had liver blood work again last week and my numbers are ast 146 , what can i do to get this weight off and get my numbers down . the speclist said may do a biposey when i go back in sept if my numbers dont go down , but the results from my reg. dr, blood work last week still show high 146 ,what are normal numbers , i will be carry these results to my speclist in sept , put dont know what to do no ins. for biposey and husband not working , but cant get ins, say we have to many bills plus have three cars but just owe on one , but what can i do to help with my high numbers
Doctor: Hi Welcome to HealthcareMagic. Increase in Liver enzymes can be due to alcohol or viral or fatty changes of liver in some is associated.I advise you to stop taking alcohol if you have a habit.Pleasde mention your Viral screening status. You can reduce weight efficiently by following regularly timed meals , low fat diet , diet rich in vitamins.You should take 5-6 liters of water a day.Practice exercises like Jogging or running. If you have any symptoms like yellow urine , abdominal pain you should see your doctor as early as possible. Take care.
Description: Could having unprotected sex followed by cramps, bloating and dark brown blood discharge suggest pregnancy?
Patient: Hi, ive recently had my period 2and a half weeks ago, i had unprotected sex a couple days afterbut did the "pull out" method. I am now having cramps, bloating and dark brown blood coming out, its sometimes light red, this has been going on for about four days and feels like im having my period. What could this mean?
Doctor: Hi, As you told your period was 2 and half weeks ago, chances of pregnancy may be there, but the symptoms you are telling doesn't match with pregnancy. Moreover, pregnancy can't be ruled out till your periods exceed the due date.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Khushboo Priya
Description: What are the symptoms of thalesimia trait?
Patient: Could the undermentioned response be due to Thalesimia Trait? as the pesrosn the question was asked for was diagnosed as having a Thalasemia trait. the following is an additional report, please suggest: PLATELET DISTRIBUTION WIDTH(PDW) 16.97 fL 9.6-15.2 MEAN PLATELET VOLUME(MPV) 11.7 fL 6.5-12.0 PLATELET COUNT 188 X 10³ / μL 150-400 The C reactive protein is also high, which is 3.21 where as the cholesterol level ( all - HDL/LDL/VLDl ) are normal. Your comments and suggestions please PLATELET TO LARGE CELL RATIO(PLCR) 36 % 19.7 - 42.4 PLATELETCRIT(PCT) 0.26 % 0.19 - 0.39 Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic A full blood count provides information on the hemoglobin, the white cell count and its breakdown of the types of white cells, platelet count, the structure or shape of the red blood cells present, the intensity or colour of the red blood cells. Anisopoikilocytosis- this means red blood cells of different shapes and sizes The term normocytic means that the red blood cells are of normal size, microcytic means that they are smaller than normal. Normochromic means that there is a normal concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell, hypochromic means that the concentration is decreased. Anemia/low red cell mass (with a low hemoglobin) is classified as (1)normochromic, normocytic anemia ( 2) microcytic hypochromic anemia (3) macrocytic anemia. The most common cause of microcytic hypochromic anemia is iron deficiency, though there are other causes. Futher investigations would normally involve checking serum iron and total iron binding capacity- these would determine if the cause is iron deficiency or otherwise. Iron deficiency is often due to small unnoticable amounts of blood loss and if this is found , there will be other investigations to be done. An elliptocyte is an oval to cigar shaped red blood cell which is seen in some types of anemia such as iron def anemia. They are also called ovalacytes. 15% or less of red blood cells can be shaped as elliptocytes , if above this it is considered abnormal.
Doctor: Hello,Above mentioned question is about thalasemia minor. Well thalesemia minor manifests as old mild anemia which is microcytic hypochrmic anemia. The red cell count (RCC) is usually normal or above the normal range in thalasemia trait. It won't cause any change in platelet configurations mild anemia related shortness of breath not responding to iron supplements. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is est done to diagnose this disease and is always done just once in life. Patient should know about his thalasemia trait status to avoid recurrent investigation of his anemia. The other parameters of platelets as mentioned may be discussed with a hematologist to get a further insight in this blood picture.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Muhammad Faisal Bacha, Internal Medicine Specialist
Description: Q. Why do I feel giddiness, shivering and fast heartbeat in the evening time?
Patient: Hi doctor,When I reached home after work, I suddenly got giddiness followed by shivering in the whole body with a fast heartbeat. Even my hands and feet also became cold. It lasted for a maximum time of 30 minutes. The event has always happened in the evening and that too after work. In total four times in the past three months. I am a hypertension patient and recently undergone angioplasty. I am taking Ecosprin, Brilinta, Met XL, Rosuvas and S-Numlo. Kindly advise the cause of this symptom.
Doctor: Hi. We are here to help you. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Description: Q. I suffer from premature ejaculation and poor erection. I have tried herbal/ayurveda products with no results at all. Please help.
Patient: Hello doctor, I am a 54 year old male, married and have good general health and good sexual appetite. But I suffer from premature ejaculation and poor erection since 10 years. I have tried herbal/ayurveda products with no results at all. I worked in heavy public schedule over 8 years and took 1 year off last year and stress became part of my life. Can I improve this condition with medications such as viagra? A doctor prescribed tablet Parocen-CR 12.5mg and capsule Nano Leo for one month which I have not yet tried. Please advice.
Doctor: Hi. I read your query and understand the concern expressed by you. In regard to the current medication, I would like to inform you that Parocen CR is one option for premature ejaculation but does not have any effect on weak erection. It can be said that in last three years a new molecule is approved for the treatment of premature ejaculation which is equally effective and do not have common side effects encountered with Parocen CR or other drugs which were in use three years back. I am not sure why your doctor prescribed you Nano leo as it has minimal effect on erection. It is used for increasing testosterone level which has more effect on desire rather than erection. As you informed that you do not have any problem with desire, the possibility of using Nano leo is ruled out. Regarding the viagra, it has definite effect on erection and there is no doubt that it can be effective in your case. Having said this I would like to know what was your initial problem, premature ejaculation or weak erection? I commonly observed that people with erection problem try to rush the sexual intercourse because of fear that they will not able to maintain the erection for sufficient time. This kind of rushing develops artificial premature ejaculation. I need to inform you that if you developed your premature ejaculation in response to erection problem then there is need to treat only erection problem. As the cause suggests, with treatment of erection problem the premature ejaculation will be treated automatically. In case you feel that both the problems are independent then there is need to address both issues simultaneously for correction of the problem. Before we move to treatment part of the problem we need to identify the possible cause of the problem. I request you to post following details in the follow up query so that the cause of problem can be determined and so the treatment. 1.What do you mean by weak erections and premature ejaculation? Describe what you think in detail. 2. How did the problem start, whether it was of acute onset or was it on and off initially? 3. Progress of the problem in the last six months. 4. Duration of sexual activity - both maximum and minimum duration in last one year. 3. Frequency of the problem in a week or in a month. 4. What are the factors that increase the problem in bedroom. 5. Factors that relieve the problem - thoughts, situations, partner, place etc. 6. Do you get early morning or night erections? 7. If yes, how frequent? 8. Your marital status and partner details. 9. Effect on your marriage or relationship so far. 10. Details of any other medical illnesses. 11. Medications you are receiving currently. 12. Medications which you tried till date and their results. 13. Any investigations done so far and if yes, details of the same.As you know erectile dysfunction is a complex disorder, it needs thorough evaluation for treatment. Revert back to a sexologist online for further follow up -->
Description: Suggest treatment for swelling around the wisdom tooth
Patient: Hi I have three fully grown in wisdom teeth one I had to remove when I was nineteen but the other evening I found it very swollen around the one remaining in my bottom almost like a hard knot it has not gotten worse of better it almost seem like the the tooth is going in a little again can this happen??no pus the bump is hard like swollen gum tooth seems fine what could this be and how long should I wait till I seek help I have no insurance and don't want to unless I have to
Doctor: thanks for your query, i have gone through your query. the hard structure over the wisdom tooth could be because of the chronic irritation over the gum by the opposing wisdom tooth. the wisdom tooth can erupt til 21years of age. consult a oral physician and take a radiograph. then if sufficient space is there for the tooth to erupt then get the soft tissue covering removed. if the tooth gets infected then it can produce swelling , pain, limited mouth opening. if space is not there then get the tooth removed. i hope my answer will help you. take care.
Description: What causes frequent blinking of eyes to a 6 year old?
Patient: My son is 6 years old. During the course of the day ,like every 10 minutes he blinks his eyes very fast ,involuntary, when I tell him not to do that he says ok , but then it happens again . I had him check by an eye doctor and his eyes are ok , he does not need glasses. Please advise .Thank you
Doctor: what you quote this seems like a habit disorder. Usually kids see others doing this and try to imitate and try it out and sometimes it becomes a habit. If you keep telling him, not to do it, then it will be like reminding him about the act. So try to ignore it and if he forgets it fair enough and if not ask him if he doesnt do it there will be toffee for him and it is positive reinforcement.Regards - Dr. Sumanth
Description: Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction in a 72 year old male
Patient: I am a male, 72 YO, married, in good health (still running 10Ks), however, I have had several years of decreasing penile sensitivity. I can no longer achieve orgasm in intercourse, but, can with masterbation. Is there a treatment to improve penile sensitivity?
Doctor: Hello I share your concern In my opinion you should use some lubrication during intercourse.Make your bed room more conducive and appealing You can take sildenafil group of drug after consulting your doctor as it is not available OTC ( over the counter).If you can provide me more information like your medical history or if you are taking any medicines and all health related details, so that I will be able to guide you more accuratelywish you good health
Description: Is foot and mouth disease contagious?
Patient: Good evening. My daughters had hand foot and mouth beginning last week, so about 12 days now for the earliest. My question is not about them really. My husband nor I have gotten the virus, at least we have shown no symptoms. However I work with a woman who is 8 months pregnant and is afraid to be near me or touch anything I have touched, for fear of her baby getting it. Should I keep my distance from her if I have no symptoms? I keep reading different lengths that the virus can be alive and that Lysol does not kill it. My kids seem fine, that have gone back to daycare. Can I give it to this girl? If I go to my primary doctor can they test me to see if I have it? I need to do something to be sure I can be at work. In need of advice! Sincerely, stressed out!
Doctor: Hi and thank you so much for this query.I am so sorry to hear about this fifth disease that your daughter has. It is a contagious disease caused by a virus. It would have been advisable to avoid too much contact with her during this time. There is no need to go and get tested for this condition a there is no drug that kills the virus. The system is what masterminds and quarantine the virus. If you have no manifestations, you have nothing to worry about.I hope this helps. I wish you well. Feel free to ask for more information and clarification if need be and I will gladly respond to.
Description: What causes my acidity?
Patient: i have been taking pantocid for eight months for b 12 deficiency related acidity .Inspite of taking pantocid i suffer from acidity sometimes , mostly when my b12 levels start falling down ( when i stop taking injections ). I am 42 years old female and weight 64 kg taking one pantocid tablet everyday. Please tell me that whether repeated acidity is due to b12 deficiency or pantocid side effects ?
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for asking.Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. Acidity is due to increased production of acid or reduced protection of mucosa due to mucosal changes. 2. Overweight, large meals, coffee, smoking ,stress, medications etc will cause acidity. Pantocid alone cannot fully control. Certain life style modifications is necessary to control the above causes to avoid repeated acidity.3. B12 deficiency does not cause acidity. Nutritional deficiency is the main cause. However, atrophic gastritis due to repeated pantocid cause can lead to B12 deficiency. Continue with vit B12 injections and control acidity.Hope it helps.Any further queries, happy to help again.
Description: I have allergy & too much pain in body, kindly help
Patient: Hi i have allergy i am 26 f my allergy now is 230 in my blood i have to much pen in my body
Doctor: hi welcome to hcm thanks fr the query the best way to treat allergy is avoid the allergen to which you are allergic during symptomatic phase you can take antihistaminics like levocetrizine take care.wish you a good day
Description: What is the treatment for ringworm infection in a child?
Patient: today my son has been sent home from school today with ring worm ,two of his friends have it to .before a rash was present on and off for a good few weeks all 3 of them have been feeling unwell ,is it the ring worm that has made them unwell .also about 2 months ago his frends 6 week old kittents got poorly bad diorear with blood in it .is this were the ring worm came from .and one last question his friends mum ,and my self had to clean out the cadge wen the kittens died ,the smell was strong .id say it smelt like poisen ,since then both of us have been very chesty ,kinda breathless ,and sometimes chest pain .would u say all these things are related ?if so wat do u surgest we do .so far only the kids have been treated with daktarin cream
Doctor: Dear parent,Your description of seen is quite vague. If you feel that kittens were infected you need to take medical advise for both of you. One needs to find the reason for ring worms as well, because many skin eruption can mimic ring worms.
Description: What causes thickening of blood with reduced oxygen levels?
Patient: my husband has been admitted to hospital twice within the laste 4 months. He blood is to thick and carry no oxegyn. He is currently on wafrin, go for test ever week but the laste week he has to go every 3rd day to have it tested. His count today was 1.02 and he has to take 10mg wafarin again and go back on Wednesday for testing. I would like to know what can be wrong with his blood for we don't seem to get any answers. Please I'm desperate and hate to see him suffer like this.
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has thrombophilia. It means high tendency of blood clotting. There are many cause like vit b12 deficiency, high homocystein, protein c or protein s deficiency or some other cause. He should take warferrin for blood thinning. He should maintain his INR between 2 to 3. Consult your doctor and set the dosage accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: What causes sharp pain while standing with chest pain and lightheadedness?
Patient: Hi,im 14. and this morning i woke up feeling fine.But when i stood up i has a sharp pain,like a cramp.and couldnt stand up straight.When i sat down i got very lightheaded,and felt like i was going to pass out.Then i felt like i was going to thro up.Along with chest pains. I skipped school and went back to bed.And now i just have slight stomach pains. Does this mean anything?
Doctor: Respected user , HiWelcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* This seems in relation with intestine infection through ingestion of some type of bacteria or virus in any type of food or liquids consumed .Hope this will help you for sure .Welcome for further assistance .Regards .
Description: Noticed a painful & soft mass at the bottom of the foot
Patient: i have a soft mass on the bottom of my foot on the outside of the arch. It is painful I have had surgery. The doctor told me it wad a mass of hardened up blood vessels and nerves, it still hurts and the mass is back full force. What causes this ..... Help me
Doctor: Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have recurrence of your previous mass. It is due to incomplete removal of mass. So that some residual mass is there so it again grow up and causing problems. You should go for complete removal of that mass. And then go for histopathological examination. Also make sure that margins ard free from tumour. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: How long will the surgery for kidney removal due to large mass take?
Patient: Approximately how long will surgery take to remove a kidney which has a mass inside it almost as large as the kidney...they are to remove the entire kidney...all other scans, of other organs,bone scan all are clean...we are just curious if they are able to do it lapriscopically (sp),or if they have to cut him to remove it...time frame is what we are wondering....not sure if the Dr. told him or not...seems I was told 3 to 5 or more hours? does this sound correct?
Doctor: Good Day and thank you for being with Healthcare Magic! For both laparoscopic and open procedures a radical nephrectomy would take around 3-6 hours depending on the complexity of the kidney and the mass.I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: I would gladly help you. Best wishes
Description: Could stress fracture cause painful knot on the ankle?
Patient: I play lots of tennis. Yesterday pain occurred in my lower right leg, 2-3 inches above ankle. Appears to be a knot in this area. My wife, an RN says could be a stress fracture or stress on the lower tibial tendon? I am 58 years old. Currently putting ice on every 4 hours and elevating. Anything else I need to do??
Doctor: I will suggest you some Ayurvedic medicine it will cure your problem along with prevents from complicationstab yogaraj gugglu 2bd cap shallaki 1tds
Description: What causes sore upper left palate and yellow color in inner cheeks?
Patient: my baby is 3years old and has been complaining of a sore upper soft palate for the past 3days. i have noticed upon viewing her mouth that it has a yellowish colour as well as her inner cheeks. she has no fever and is eating but complains about the the pain periodically and cries. please help
Doctor: Hi dear ,I understand your concern. Soreness,yelowish cheeks suggest stomatitis. If baby would like she should rince mouth with soda water and Chlorhexidine or you can wash her mouth with cotton. Then you should apply Pantosal, it is very helpful antiviral,antibacterial and antifungal medicine ,use it 3-4 times a day .For healing of inner surface of cheeks you can apply Vitamin E. For boosting immunity of baby I usually advice Zincovit 5 ml daily for prophylaxis of any diseases.Hope I answered your question. If you have any further questions, please. don't hesitate to contact us ,I am always happy to help .Wishing your baby good health
Description: Suggest a good iron supplement
Patient: Can you have an insufficient iron level in your blood and your blood test comes up with a normal iron content? I am severely allergic and having to take shots for allergy and antihistimine right now. I am unable to eat many foods - fruits and vegetables until th first frost. I have lost 50 pounds. I also can't take vitamins or minerals anymore since the allergy started in February of this year. I used to take iron and it really helped me I can 't take anything. could you tell me what I can do about an iron supplement. I am faint every day just about and weak. Much of this is allergy but much is the low iron I have in my system now.
Doctor: Serum Iron is a pretty poor predictor of iron deficiency, so yes, you could be deficient even if this value in your blood test is normal. The best test would be a full blood examination including Hb, MCV, MCHC, RDW and serum ferritin levels. (Serum ferritin measure Iron stores)From these tests, you doctor will be able to tell if you are truly iron deficient. Iron supplements vary based on the amount of elemental iron the have in them. The more iron, the stronger the effect and the stronger the side effects (constipation etc..). If you have multiple allergies I would go for a pharmaceutical iron preparation as opposed to a "natural" Iron remedy. One last thing - the weight loss is pretty severe and its hard to blame allergies or iron deficiency. Make sure you doctor checks this out fully.
Description: What causes severe stomach pain in child?
Patient: My 18month daughter began having tummy pains at 4:30 yesterday. eventually fell asleep at 6 (before dinner), woke at 1, 4 and 6, with more pains. Seemed to be ok this morning, played ok but then had another period of pain. during pain she draws her knees up and seems to be suffering contractions
Doctor: Hi,From history it seems that your daughter might be having infantile colic giving this problem.As there are no other GI symptoms, nothing to worry.Give her antispasmodic drops like Colicaid or colicarmine or cyclopam drops.Ok and take care.
Description: What can cause extreme mood swings and short temper?
Patient: if a male mid 40 s has extreme mood changes one minute happy next day anger and very impatient. Always speaking negatively about everything, always see the worst in all situations. Short tempered. Extremely emotional and hard to make simple decisions. What could this be?
Doctor: Hi, If these symptoms were noticed just recently, there could be some sort of deep disappointment and related stress. You should try to find out the reason behind this. Talk to the person and also try to talk to his friends and near family. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. K. V. Anand, Psychologist
Description: What medicine can I take for asthma and drop in platelet count post chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
Patient: I just finished chimo for nhl (indolent). I received Bendamustine plus anti-bodies, during this period, my blood numbers were always between the norm however since my last treatment my red cels and my platellets are low almost to the point of tranfusion. Also, my potasium is low so I was prescribed pills. At this time I am affected by asthma (first time since Chimo). I take flovent but the relief is insufficient, can I take something else such as benadryl or claritain? Thanks, Jacques.
Doctor: HIThank for asking to HCMI really appreciate your concern, for the asthmatic attack the best medicine is "montilucast" twice a day this will give excellent result, now for the platelet count the best drug is "Prednisolone" but looking to your clinical history it would be better to have word with doctor, although this being administered with chemo therapy safely still the opinion is must, have nice day.
Description: What could be the side effects of testosterone gel having pain in stomach and pain?
Patient: Hi I am worried about my partner. He has low testosterone and keeps complaining of stomach, back and chest pains. He has been to the Doctor and Specialists and has been prescribed a testosterone gel.What are the side effects of him using the gel? Will it do him more harm then good to use it?Many ThanksRosie
Doctor: HelloPossible side effects would be high blood pressure, headache, and acne.If he has significantly low testosterone the gel is necessary for him
Description: What's the cause of frequent swelling of the scrotum?
Patient: What could be the cause of swelling of the srotum, on the right side of the base and top left side of the penis. No pain involved and sex or masterbation has not occured in over a week. This id the third time in about 6 months. Last two times have ben within about 3 months
Doctor: HI. The recurrent swelling as described by you can be due to hernia or swelling of the spermatic cord. I would advise you to see a Surgeon for clinical check up to see exact problem and further management.
Description: What to do if doctor gives wrong order for a procedure?
Patient: When a Dr places an order for procedure to be done and the tech says the order is wrong but can t get hold of the Dr to straighten the order for little over a week more, and this case is about cancer which is on top of the heart shouldn t there be some one to fix the order? The Dr even puts Stat on order ?
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your order of cancer is written by doctor. If technician says that it is wrong order then you should talk with your doctor. Or you can send me copy of your order and give me details about your cancer and condition. So that I can help you further. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: How can anxiety be treated?
Patient: What medication that is not in the benzo family could provide me the benefits clonopin does. My doctor won t prescribe benzos. I have taken buspar for two years for anxiety and I think it is part of why I can t seem to get well. We tried hydroxazine but it made me worse
Doctor: Hi,You can try with ESCITALOPRAM as it has anti anxiety properties which can help youI think benzodiazepines are always better to regulate your sleepSo discuss with your doctor regarding thisThank you
Description: Q. Can Yasmin birth control pill be used as an emergency contraceptive pill?
Patient: Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage?
Doctor: Hi. How are you doing? Yes, as you have heard, Yasmin can be used as an emergency pill. Even if you have not ejaculated into her, she stands a chance of pregnancy if the pre-seminal fluid, the clear fluid that comes out before semen, which is rich in young healthy sperms, comes in contact with her genitals. As soon as possible, earlier the better, I suggest taking four tablets of Yasmin (combination of Ethinyl Estradiol and Drospirenone) at the time, repeat four more tablets after 12 hours. This being a high dose of hormones, it will suddenly increase the inner lining of the uterus. Then as it is a single dose, the inner lining will fall off. This makes it unfavorable for the possible embryo or baby to settle into the uterus. She will get her periods within 7 to 10 days of the last pill. But do not keep repeating this frequently, it can disturb the hormonal balance and can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent. This is an old method, but it is an effective emergency method. Just do not delay the pills. As time passes by, the effectiveness reduces. Hope I have clarified your query, do write back. All the best. For further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: Suggest treatment for myelofibrosis
Patient: my mom is currently being treated for myleofibrosis. Has shown symptoms of the disease for approx 20 months. she is having transfusions at this stage every couple months. She has been taking Jakafi for the enlarged spleen, has helped greatly. She now is showing signs of extreme gout. Her left foot,ankle, arm, elbow and shoulder are effected. The family wants to know is the disease progressing, is the Jakafi not working, what will happen from this point?
Doctor: Hi! welcome to HCM and I'm feeling sorry for the medical history of your mother.As per standard protocol, only bone marrow transplantation can cure myelofibrosis and spenectomy is also required for symptomatic management otherwise the disease might progress to leukemia!Therefore, please discuss the possible line of management with a hemato-oncologist and revert back to us if anymore clarification is required!regards!
Description: Q. Why do periods get delayed after first time sex?
Patient: Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods?
Doctor: Hello. As the serum beta hCG levels are less than 3 mIU/mL, the pregnancy is definitely ruled out. The delay in the menses is mostly due to sex induced stress after the first time when reproductive hormones readjust themselves. The menses can get delayed even up to two weeks, so just wait for another week and they should arrive. If not, then you can safely opt for a progesterone withdrawal to resume menses. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online -->
Description: Does high uric acid in blood affect sperm count?
Patient: Hi I m living in japan and got a health check which said I have quite high levels of Uric acid 10.2 I was very overweight when I first came here but have lost quite a lot of weight I am about a 33 inch waist my weight has always fluctuated. I have lost 5 kilos since the health check and drink lots of water at least 3 litres a day. I have always been a little athletic im in ok shape now. I m wondering how long will it take to lower it to a normal level and also does high Uric acid affect my sperm does it make it more acidic or does it lower my sperm count? I m a 23 year old male thanks in advance
Doctor: Helli,Increased uric acid levels in the blood has no effect on sperm count. Increased uric acid levels denote problem with kidney functioning.Thanks.
Description: Suggest remedy for child not taking enough feed
Patient: Hello Doctor, My son is now 11 months 19 Days he never drink milk properly. Last night he drank 6 oz at 11:30pm and drank next morning at 6:45am 5.5 oz. I am worried about my son, when we whole family taking lunch or any food he want and we feed him but he drink small amount of milk.
Doctor: this age, interest in food decreases and interest in play activities increase. Rather than concentrating on the quantity of the food he consumes, I suggest you check his current weight as compared to his birth weight. Another important issue is his development. If his development is on par with his peers, you need not worry.Regards - Dr.Sumanth
Description: Can precum go through inner wear and make a girl pregnant?
Patient: hi.. i am stressing and worried about that my gf would get pregnant.i know precum can cause pregnancy. we started on kissing and hugging. after that we help each other to undress and had oral sex and i remember clearly that i didn't have any precum or sperm on my finger and i finger her. but the thing is i had some precum that soaked on my underwear and i was rubbing on her vagina.can precum go through underwear and make a girl pregnant? please give me your best answer. i am very worried now :(
Doctor: Hello,From above sexual activity and precum through underwear, chance of her pregnancy is quite rare. Pregnancy depends on proper timing of unprotected sex with ejaculation inside vagina and ovulation (14 days prior to due date) or fertile days.Here, she must wait for next coming period and undergo one home pregnancy test if it is delayed more than 1 wk to clear doubts.Hope, it helps for you. Good luck and practice safe sex.
Description: Hard lumps on left armpit, left breast bigger than other, smoker, use deodrants. Can it be a cancer?
Patient: hi, I'm 21 years old, have a 20 month old daughter and have just discovered some information about breast cancer that has me a little worried. I have 2 small, hard lumps on my left armpit and my left breast is a full cup size bigger than the other. I would say it became larger after having my daughter. I am a little concerned about going to the doctors and it all being nothing. I am 5"2 and around 12 stone in weight. I have had the 2 lumps for over 2 years now, but only had the larger breast since my daughters birth. Am I worrying over nothing? Many thanks in advance. P.S I have always used spray deodrants and I am a smoker of around 5 a day.
Doctor: Dear Ma'am, Sorry to hear about your problem. Considering your description of the lumps, it is better that you have them evaluated by a breast surgeon. It is better to have a diagnosis of a benign lump than to miss a malignant lump. Hard lumps are suggestive of cancer and it is best that an ultrasound of the breast is done to characterize them Hoping for the best.
Description: How to get pregnant with PCOD?
Patient: doctor, i am 32 years with pcod as a issue and my husband has a sperm count of 66 millions with not great morphology.i had conceived once but unfortunately the heart beat was not there for fetus(this happened in year 2005) till now i was not able to conceive. i got my hysterolaproscopy done where the entire results were of no problems. i have finished 12 cycles of ovulation induction and 3 failed iui also.
Doctor: Hi. Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. * As you are 33 years old..&you need to conceive ealiest ( it's desirable to conceive before 35 years for good ourcome of pregnancy ). You should therefore go for laproscopic drilling of the ovaries .. for treatment of pcod. Mostly ovulating menses resumewith this treatment. * Your husband should consult a urologist.. get semen analysis done to confirm it's normality. &take needful treatment as per need *Both of you start taking folic acid & vitamine E orally (3 months intake before conception is good. *After both of you are normal.. have unprotected sex for 5 days from the LH surge test becomes +ve (indicating ovulation ) * pregnsncy test htp becomes +ve after 8 days delay in menses. **In case there is no +ve result in 6 monthd... go for assisted pregnancy . Consult a fertility specialist. Thanks.
Description: Can PCOS cause problems during pregnancy?
Patient: hello i was recently diagnosed with PCOS and i have been having some cramping so i went to the hospital and they told me i am like 5 days pregnant.My husband and i are extremely happy but with my condition i am kinda scared. Am i at more of a risk for a miscarriage?
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. 1) PCOS is not a cause for miscarriage. Don't worry. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Suggest treatment for pain and blood discharge during urination
Patient: I noticed today in the morning while i was urinating i felt some pain like in the tube inside of my penis almost on the tip, couple hrs later i when back to urinate again and after i urinated i saw some drops of blood around 5 i took a shower and I do not have idea why could you tell me what happen?
Doctor: Hello, Blood that you can see is called gross hematuria. In hematuria, your kidneys — or other parts of your urinary tract — allow blood cells to leak into urine. Various problems can cause this leakage, including, urinary tract infections, A bladder or kidney stone, kidney infections etc. Any way to be sure about those, you should consult a doctor in person for physical examination. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr K. V. Anand, Psychologist
Description: Q. I have sharpness in tooth after composite restoration bonding. Please help.
Patient: Hello doctor, I am not satisfied with dental bonding done on the front left tooth. Enamel was removed to make room for the composite resin and the enamel is now too thin and feels sharp to the tongue's touch because of this. Shape and feel is not consistent with the natural front right tooth. Is there any way to fix this? Want to be as conservative as possible to avoid further damage.
Doctor: Hi. According to your query, I believe it will be easy to solve that problem you have, just a little bit of enamel sharpness or roughness can usually come from a previous bonded composite filling done especially at anterior teeth. So at that time, you should go to a cosmetic dentist or expert. He will do for you abrasive smoothness by composite finishing burs to get the same consistency and then you will feel comfortable or he will go for changing the old filling to get a new one. Do not be afraid about further damage of your teeth. A doctor can do what is must to do for you to restore the aesthetics and function of your tooth. It would be good if you could attach an image of your tooth here to get further details of your question.
Description: What causes fever and multiple sores in a child?
Patient: My 3 year old son has been fevered for 4 days and now has a low grade fever,100.00, today. He has sores through his mouth. A big one on his cheek and lip, two under his lip, and some on his tongue. He has been extremely cranky and seems achy all over. His breath has a horrible odor too. He threw up this evening and it smelled like his bad breath that he has had all week. He is so uncomfortable and the sores in his mouth bother him a lot.
Doctor: what you say I feel that it could be a pyoderma or any other skin and soft tissue infection or a viral exanthem.Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Regards - Dr. Sumanth
Description: Has jaundice, liver cancer. Stopped chemotherapy. What now?
Patient: Respected Doctor My mother is suffering from Jaundice from past 15-20 days due to liver cancer .Because of jaundice the doctors have stopped her chemotherapy .They are saying during jaundice we can t continue with the chemotherapy. So what should we do..? And can you suggest me a healthy diet for her so that we can cure jaundice fast..and her chemotherapy can be started again. Please reply soon Thanking you
Doctor: Hello! Thank you for the query. Most likely your mother has jaundice due to impeded bile flow from liver bile ducts. In such case, it is possible to restore bile flow with two procedures. First one is ERCP where with endoscope it is possible to put small tube into the bile ducts what should help with bile flow. Second is percutaneous transhepatic drainage where with a needle liver bile ducts are drained from the outside (through the skin). Unfortunately there is no specific diet for such type of jaundice. Hope this will help. Regards.
Description: Q. I do not have the feel of sleeping. What is the reason?
Patient: Hi doctor, I am feeling tired for a couple of weeks. I do not have the feel of sleeping. I cannot completely open my eyes in the morning. I have a headache and neck stiffness. I went to a urgent care as I had chest pain, they did an ECG and blood test and told me that there is nothing to worry about heart and they told, I may have GERD and gave me some acidity medication. I had a follow up with an ENT as I was having a headache. The ENT doctor told me that I have a sinus infection. I took antibiotics given by the doctor for seven days to get some relief but, still, there is tiredness, feeling of sleepy and some discomfort in my throat and neck. Three years back, I used to have acid reflexes and I used to cough a lot so I developed tonsils. I am not sure what is causing headache and tiredness? Is this anything to do with brain stroke or gastro problems? This is causing a lot of anxiety and stress for me. Currently, I am taking Amoxicillin, Fluticasone, Prednisone, Ranitidine tablets.
Doctor: Hi. It may be due to sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea. Frequent awakening while sleeping that is unidentifiable to the individual himself causes all the discomfort. It is a disease where we cannot sleep well and we will feel uncomfortable and lazy, you will have no energy and daytime sleepiness is very common. GERD can be a chronic issue. It also adds to the symptoms especially as you have head and neck issues. I can see you are already taking some medications for this. If there is no benefit, consult a Gastroenterologist soon. For evaluation and assessment, consult a sleep apnea doctor who would run a lot of tests after careful examination. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Description: Can I stop leviplil after 10 years of injury?
Patient: Hello doctor. My son is taking eptoin 100 mg twice daily for last ten years. He lost consciousness and fell down twice ten years back. His EEG report said non specific changes. But after that everything was normal. Now he has some gum problems and his doctor says to withdraw eptoin and introduce leviplil 500 mg twice daily. My two brothers were patients of epilepsy. My question is , is it necessary for him to continue such medicine?
Doctor: As there is gum hypertrophy Upto in should be withheld. As patient is seizure free for past 10 years we can attempt withdrawn of drugs. There will be chances of recurrence say around 10 to 15 %Hope my advice will help you. Take care. Don't forget to rate me.
Description: Irregular periods. All tests normal. Can conceive?
Patient: Hai doctor I have got irregular periods. will i be able to conceive? I have consulted the doctor and she took all tests and the result was normal in all cases. the doctor asked me to take ovofar tablet from the day 2 to day 6 of my periods. My pregnency is a big question mark to me. Can i know will i conceive or not?
Doctor: Hi. thanks for asking in Healthcare Magic. As long as your menstrual cycles are ovulatory, the chances of your conception are high even if your periods are irregular. Ovafar is Clomiphene citrate. It is given to induce ovulation. It is given every monthly. It is started as 50 mg dose and given for 5 days usually from the 2nd day of the cycle. If the response to 50 mg is not satisfactory, then your Dr will increase the dose to 100 mg, the next month. After 2 to 3 months the dose can be increased to 200 mg. If this is not successful then one of the following ways can be adopted. 1. Combination of Clomiphene with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin on the last two days. 2. Menotropin for 10 days followed by Human Chorionic Gonadotropin on the next day. 3. Pulsatile administration of GnRH analogs like Nafrelin. The success rate of the above methods are around 90%. If these fail, then assisted reproductive techniques like In-vito Fertilization (IVF), Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT), Zygote Intra fallopian Transfer (ZIFT) and Intra cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are available to improve your chances of conception. I hope this is useful to you.
Description: How can herpes liabialis recurrence be avoided?
Patient: Hi Doctor. I am suffering from HSV-1 (herpes liabialis). I had the first outbreak in March 2010. My doctor prescribed me Valcivir 500 tablets for 8 months. after that I have got another outbreak now in July 2011. Now my doctor has prescribed me Zovirax 400 tablets for 5 days and herpex 4% cream. Do you think my treatment is fine. How can I avoid futher outbreaks? Do number of outbreaks get reduced with time?
Doctor: Hi, Herpes labialis is a viral infection also known as cold sores and is a very contagious infection. It is currently treated with Zovirax and herpex cream adequately. Continue taking medications as prescribed by your doctor. Prevention of further outbreak can be done through:- avoiding sharing utensils with people who are going through herpex infection. - do not share your cold cream (herpex cream) with other people- avoid touching the sores or kiss a person with cold soresWish fast recovery!
Description: Suggest remedy for dizziness and pain in ribs
Patient: Last month I had a very sore throat and I couldn t walk sit up on my own or eat. It started off with sneezing (I have no allergies)then it went to a sore throat always being tired,high fever,having no energy,and not being able to eat. When I went to the doctor they wanted to take blood work I never had a problem with it before but for some reason I passed out my blood pressure was low and I had a very high fever so they assumed I had pneumonia.I was given medication for this. A few days later I couldn t talk,walk sit stand or do anything without help. I had pain in my back and ribs and couldn t stand up straight. Finally I did many tests the day I went back to the doctor my temperature and blood pressure were almost normal they gave me medication for a kidney infection. Because of the medication I was on for pneumonia the doctor assumed it messed with the results as it all came back fine but my blood test came back positive for mono ( the kissing disease ) as of yesterday I started losing my voice again and getting sharp pains under my ribs and I just feel very dizzy. And once I finished the medication for the kidney infection I was back to my independent self.. and I felt amazing up until yesterday night
Doctor: hi,as by reading your history, i am unable to understand that without confirming with an x-ray or MRI or CT scan how the medication was started for pneumonia and later for kidney infection. Well thats the past story, Since now you should focus on how to control the infection with pain and aches.Perform regular breathing exercises, oxygen is the major source of human body, human body can stay without water for 1 hour or more but without oxygen every second is important. because one cannot live without oxygen.Also, breathing exercises have been divided into -1. Deep breathing2. Diaphragmatic breathing3. Pursed lip breathing4. Costal Breathing5. Abdominal breathing.Performing this exercises regular can help you further to maintain the metabolism and also the lung capacities,Also , you need to perform the core stability exercises and pelvic floor strengthening exercises to avoid any kidney issues in future.Most patients with such symptoms i recommend the exercise along with medication and they bounce back faster.I wish you a Good health.RegardsJay Indravadan Patel
Description: Is there a risk of tetanus after get cut during shaving?
Patient: Hi Doc, i just got a really small cut on my nipple while shaving my body 3 days back and yesterday night the left side of my jaw has started hurting me.. i havent tetanus vaccination in like more than 10 years am i at risk of tetanus? and what should i do??
Doctor: Hi,I admire your positive outlook and congratulate you for the attitude. Since you have small clean cut injury ,the chance of developing tetanus is very low.If you maintain aseptic hygiene (keep the wound clean and dry,use antibacterial cream or ointment) of the wound,it will heal heal quickly.Again you mentioned that you did not get any tetanus toxoid vaccination over 10 last ten years.So you can take a booster dose of tetanus toxoid as prophylaxis.Hope this answers your query.Wish you good health.
Description: Can Adderall intake lead to heart murmur?
Patient: My Daughter's doctor thought he heard a heart murmur today on a follow up appointment for her taking adderall. She has had ADD her whole life and is dyslexic. She is 21 and in college and thought the adderall would help her concentrate.The doctor didn't detect one when he prescribed Adderall to her. She has only been taking it for 2 months. We have an appt for a ultra sound tomorrow at a hospital. Can she have developed a heart murmur from Adderall?
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.There are a few reported cases of Cardiomyopathy from chronic use of Adderall. In this situation, heart mummers may be heard. A cardiac Sonography is necessary to see how is the heart function and if the Adderall have cause any damage, or its just a normal heart murmur heard in a young patient in a normal heart. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Anila Skenderi
Description: How to treat esophageal cancer?
Patient: A family member was diagnosed in the year of 2000 with having esophageal cancer,lympho sarcoma and squamous cell has jerking motions of the head with his eyes looking as though they are buldging and his hands shake....does this mean he s getting worse ?Is this information free ?If not...I must stopright now...have no funds for this information.Sorry to have bothered you with my question.I said I have no funds to pay for I will sign off now.Thank you so very much for your quick response.
Doctor: HiThe patient is in the 4th stage of his cancer.Aim of treatment now is palliative chemotherapy and basic supportive care.RegardsDr de
Description: What causes pain and numbness in the legs and arms?
Patient: for over 7 years i have had constant pain in arms and legs, my left foot is very tender and sore and numb my right leg is not as bad, i have difficulty holding items in hands for too long and cramp up, had many tests done including an ms tests 2 weeks ago but havent got results yet so im assuming negative
Doctor: Hello, Thanks for writing to us, I have read your query, this can be due to pinched nerve in spine.Due to compression of nerve root there can be pain and numbness in your foot.I will advise you to do MRI spine and EMG-NCV [Nerve conduction study] and consult to orthopaedic surgeon.Peripheral numbness can be due neuropathy. Change your diet and remove inflammatory foods such as citrus fruits, dairy products and wheat that may aggravate peripheral neuropathy. Simultaneously increase your intake of potassium and calcium-rich foods such as bananas and avocados and green leafy vegetable.Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of health and normal functioning of the nerve tissue and deficiency of it can lead to numbness. You can increase B12 level by taking meat and fish, or you can take Inj methylcobalamine.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health.
Description: Q. How do I overcome tiredness?
Patient: Hello doctor, I am a 31 year old male, married for 2 years now. My height is 178 cm and weight is 72 kg. I am not suffering with any medical conditions. I am working in a MNC. I do not have any work related stress as such. My problem is that I feel tired most of the time. I am also prone to getting cold frequently, though I do not have any sinus issues. I do not follow any strict diet and I do not skip my meals as well. I do not drink alcohol or smoke. I am not taking any nutritional supplement. I have not had any checkup recently. Though 1 year back, I did a complete body checkup. The results were normal, except for my cholesterol level, which was on a borderline high, 202. I do not get a consistent sleep. My sexual desire is also very low. I had an addiction to masturbation till recently. But, I have reduced it now. I drive my two wheeler for around 40 km a day. When I am back home after work, I do feel very tired and lazy. What could be the reason for this tiredness? How do I overcome this? Do you suggest any vitamin supplements? Should I perform any test? If yes, could you please list out the names of the tests? Thanks in advance.
Doctor: Hi. I have gone through your query and it is good that you mentioned it in detail. For further information consult a general practitioner online -->
Description: Suggest medication for lump on the butt cheek due to a injury
Patient: I slipped and fell down on an icy step at my buddies place. Landed on my butt. now my left butt cheek has a softball size lump on it. its been a week. it hasn't really gone down. it doesn't hurt at all. Just wondering if I should get it checked out or just tough it out! Thanks.
Doctor: Hello,Welcome to HCM,As you landed on your butt it has led to concussion injury because of damage to the capillary blood vessels leading to your condition. It will take some time for resolve of haematoma which has caused lump on your butt. Once the healing process starts the defense mechanism of your body gets activated and helps to resolve the swelling.I would suggest you1.Apply hot pack over the swelling2.Oral anti edema drug like serratiopeptidase 3. Elevation of the affected area.Thank you.
Description: Had tooth extracted, bruising, swelling of inner lips and chin, diabetes. What will help toothache?
Patient: i just had a tooth extracted (not a molar/wisdom). he said he ripped something I think the seems the skin muight be gone under the tooth next to it as the tooth seems more exposed and blackened. did several stitchesI see my face near the site is swollen and has a bruise that is dime to quarter sized appear since I left dentist. there also appears to be bruising on the gum in front of it (back of lip) the bruise and swelling though it affects the inner lips is mostly on the left side of chin on outside..will this go away and how longCould this be a hematoma? Is there anything I can do to help it or not cause damage? he forgot to give me a script for pain though he=mentioned it. Plan on calling tomorrow but do they not use antibiotics after toothache when tooth needs to be pulled. Since I had some kind of infection going on last week that i thought might be thrush (had coated tongue, small white blisters on side of tongue (they broke easily if scraped), sore gums, palate and sore throat, pain food feel like it is cayenne, peeling tongue and felt like food stuck at mid-chest like heartburn or something which I do not usually have but saw is a sign of thrush. I thought at first it came form using sensodyn toothpaste several times as saw a forum where people said they developed extreme sore tongue, mouth and blisters etc but a day later started having vaginal symptoms like redness, sweltering and strong pain and itching. I rarely get infections there making me think it was thrush. By using some natural treatment and stopping the sensodyne, the blisters and white coating went away but the pain remains. After looking in my mouth about 4 seconds he said I might have had thrush but they do not see anything. It is still hard to swallow and eating and drinking (except water) hurts/burns. It does not at all feel normal.Could it be thrush and how is it treated, Maybe it is a bacterial infection? if so, if he gave me antibiotics, it might help me tongue and genital issues or narrow down if it might be fungal/yeast.finally although I do have problems in most of my bottom teeth, top seem fine except for a gum-line filling that fell out and a chipped front tooth yet he advised pulling all my teeth and even implied he would not do anything to help me like filling the filling that shows as near the front that fell out on a top tooth.I have severe diabetes and severe bruxism..he said teeth were bad even though hardly any signs or feelings of them not being ok on the top He did not really look at them or take xrays of them/ Mentioned bone loss.. I am afraid to get dentures as an upper partial made me gag all the time and I could not wear it..tonight they said even with dentures might not work and would be hard to keep in due to bone ridge loss.does pulling teeth on top that seem fine seem like a bad idea/ I do not think emotionally I can handle doing both or even one right now as so many other problems going on. One other time a dentist advised pulling both top and bottom but most I saw did not say pull the it is about the bruise. swelling and hemotoma, the thrush or what not and the suggestion typo pull all my teeth both top and cotton (I had nearly no plague and no loose teeth)thank you
Doctor: Hi,Thanks for asking the query,Dont worry follow the post extraction instructions given to you.Take complete course of antibiotics and analgesics.Take lukewarm saline and anttiseptic mouthwash rinses.Visit to the concerned Dentist and get the checkup done and take an x-ray of the affected area.Take care!
Description: Suggest treatment for difficulty in breathing
Patient: Hi Doctors, My father is 65 years old and suffering from severe asthmetic symptoms (not able to sleep at night) and not able to breathe properly since last 15 days after getting cold being wet in field under rains and low tempertaure.. Please guide how to deal now...
Doctor: Hello,Thank you for asking at HCM.I went through your father's history and would like to know more about him like - how frequent are his asthma symptoms? what are his nose symptoms? what are the medications is he taking? does he have any other medical conditions? does he take any other medications frequently/regularly? does he have any allergies? etcAbove suggestions will be helpful to know about your father better and therefore to make more specific suggestions for him.At present, I would like to make suggestions for him based on your provided information as follows:1. I usually prescribe my such patients inhaled salbutamol/levosalbutamol to be used on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms. If symptoms are frequent, he may need inhaled corticosteroids regularly.2. If he has nose symptoms like nose obstruction, sneezing, running nose, etc, I would also add levocetirizine + montelukast to above treatment.3. Regular steam inhalation will also help him for nose symptoms.4. In general, I would suggest him to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes, cold air and air pollution as much as possible.5. I would also suggest him allergy testing for common air-borne allergens such as house dust mites, pollens, molds, insect proteins, animal dander, etc. This will help him to identify the substances causing allergies to him and also to know the measures to avoid them.6. Regular physical exercise including breathing exercise as well as a healthy nutrition rich in vitamins & minerals would also help him in a long run by improving his lung capacity and immunity respectively.Hope above suggestions will be helpful to him.Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at HCM.Wish your father the best of the health ahead.Thank you & Regards.
Description: Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Patient: Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Doctor: Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Description: What causes dizziness and pain on left shoulder till back of ear?
Patient: Last month I was feeling giddy if i turned my head down wards and left side.Dr has given me Stutgen 75 and vertin 16Now afer a month I have atendency to fall on my left side while walking and after getting down from the moving car when stopped, , I have a tendency to fall back.What may be the cause of it . I feel the heaviness on left sde of my face and feel a pain also radiating in the left shoulder till back of the ear and sometimes reaching on the let eyebrow.Will hysiotherepy help me.
Doctor: Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. The symptoms you describe probably have a neurological underlying cause and you need correct diagnosis before thinking of treatment or physiotherapy, so I suggest you to consult a local Neurologist and to discus with him the possibility of imaging study of your brain and cervical spine. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Description: Suggest remedy for pain in chest and difficulty during breathing
Patient: I pulled my chest muscles on Thursday june14 is when they started hurting,, Friday wasn t a good day today when I wok up it felt better I did a little bit more today now they are acting up, my question is what is the feeling I have like something rolling over my ribs and hurts when I breath hard?
Doctor: Thanks for your question on HCM.I can understand your situation and problem.In my opinion you are having musculoskeletal pain due to muscle pull and related chest pain and difficulty in breathing.But better to get done chest x ray and PFT (pulmonary function test) to rule out lung causes.If both are normal then no need to worry much.You ate having musculoskeletal pain mostly.So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief.1. Avoid strenuous exercise.2. Avoid heavyweight lifting.3. Avoid bad postures in sleep and movements causing pain.4. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant.5. Apply warm water pad on affected site.Don't worry you will be alright.
Description: Can i get some advice on testicular biopsy done?
Patient: What do you advise if the testicular biopsy report says , maturation is arrested I almost all102 - 114 cross sections of seminiferous tubules at the primary spermatid stage, and each tubule contains 3-10 small rounded spermatids each. One tubule also cintain 1-2 spermatoza.
Doctor: HIWell come to HCMIt is means that the production of sperm is not normally taking place there must be some underlying cause and this need to be ruled out, could be past history of trauma or infection (Virus) can go for another expert opinion, you have not mentioned the problem here for that you had to get done the biopsy this was important here, without this given suggest could be different, take care, have a nice day.
Description: Being an amateur bodybuilder, what are the the effects of my muscle mass/growth?
Patient: I have been practicing amateur bodybuilding for many years now, I am 31. I am just starting Prozac for lifelong clinical depression and am concerned about the effects on my muscle mass/growth. I have heard that there is a chance of fat increase but will it have a detrimental effect on my muscles?
Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Specific side effects of Prozac related to muscle and bodybuilding. Fatigue - Loss of normal strength so as to not be able to do the usual physical and mental activities. Hot Flashes - Brief, abnormal enlargement of the blood vessels that causes a sudden heat sensation over the entire body. Women in menopause will sometimes experience this. Leg Pain - A hurtful sensation in the legs that is caused by excessive stimulation of the nerve endings in the legs and results in extreme discomfort. Malaise - The somewhat unclear feeling of discomfort you get when you start to feel sick. Pain in limb - Sudden, sharp, and uncontrolled leg or arm discomfort. Syncope - A short period of light-headedness or unconsciousness (black-out) also known as fainting, caused by lack of oxygen to the brain because of an interruption in blood flow to the brain. Tightness of Chest - Mild or sharp discomfort, tightness or pressure in the chest area (anywhere between the throat and belly). The causes can be mild or seriously life-threatening because they include the heart, lungs and surrounding muscles. Palpitation - Unusual and not normal (abnormal) heartbeat, that is sometimes irregular, but rapid, and forceful thumping or fluttering. It can be brought on by shock, excitement, exertion, or medical stimulants. A person is normally unaware of his/her heartbeat. Hypertension - High blood pressure, a symptom of disease in the blood vessels leading away from the heart. Hypertension is known as the “silent killer.” The symptoms are usually not obvious; however, it can lead to damage to the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes, and can even lead to stroke and kidney failure. Bradycardia - The heart rate is slowed from 72 beats per minute, which is normal, to below 60 beats per minute in an adult. Tachycardia - The heart rate is sped up to above 100 beats per minute in an adult. Normal adult heart rate is 72 beats per minute. ECG Abnormal - A test called an electrocardiogram (ECG) records the activity of the heart. It measures heartbeats as well as the position and size of the heart’s four chambers. It also measures if there is damage to the heart and the effects of drugs or mechanical devices like a pacemaker on the heart. When the test is abnormal this means one or more of the following are present: heart disease, defects, beating too fast or too slow, disease of the blood vessels leading from the heart or the heart valves, and/or a past or impending heart attack. Flushing - The skin all over the body turns red. Varicose Veins - Unusually swollen veins near the surface of the skin that sometimes appear twisted and knotted, but always enlarged. They are called hemorrhoids when they appear around the rectum. The cause is attributed to hereditary weakness in the veins aggravated by obesity, pregnancy, pressure from standing, aging, etc. Severe cases may develop swelling in the legs, ankles and feet, eczema and/or ulcers in the affected areas. Constipation - Difficulty in having a bowel movement where the material in the bowels is hard due to a lack of exercise, fluid intake, and roughage in the diet, or due to certain drugs. Diarrhea - Unusually frequent and excessive runny bowel movements that may result in severe dehydration and shock. Dyspepsia/Indigestion. The discomfort one may experience after eating. It can be heartburn, gas, nausea, a bellyache or bloating. Arthralgia - Sudden sharp nerve pain in one or more joints. Arthropathy - Joint disease or abnormal joints. Arthritis - Painfully inflamed and swollen joints. The reddened and swollen condition is brought on by a serious injury or shock to the body either from physical or emotional causes. Back Discomfort - Severe physical distress in the area from the neck to the pelvis along the backbone. Hypercholesterolemia - Too much cholesterol in the blood cells. Hyperglycemia - An unhealthy amount of sugar in the blood. Increased Weight - A concentration and storage of fat in the body accumulating over a period of time caused by unhealthy eating patterns, a lack of physical activity, or an inability to process food correctly, that can predispose the body to many disorders and diseases. Joint Stiffness - A loss of free motion and easy flexibility where any two bones come together. Prozac side effects. Muscle Cramp - When muscles contract uncontrollably without warning and do not relax. The muscles of any body organs can cramp. Prozac side effects. Muscle Stiffness - The tightening of muscles making it difficult to bend. Muscle Weakness - Loss of physical strength. Myalgia - A general widespread pain and tenderness of the muscles. Thirst - A strong, unnatural craving for moisture/water in the mouth and throat. Muscle Contractions Involuntary – A spontaneous and uncontrollable tightening reaction of the muscles caused by electrical impulses from the nervous system. Muscular Tone Increased - Uncontrolled and exaggerated muscle tension. Muscles are normally partially tensed and this is what gives us muscle tone. Paresthesia - Burning, prickly, itchy, or tingling skin with no obvious or understood physical cause. Restless Legs - A need to move the legs without any apparent reason. Sometimes there is pain, twitching, jerking, cramping, burning, or a creepy-crawly sensation associated with the movements. It worsens when a person is inactive, and can interrupt sleep so one feels the need to move to gain some relief. Shaking - Uncontrolled quivering and trembling as if one is cold and chilled. Sluggishness - Lack of alertness and energy, as well as being slow to respond or perform in life. Tics - A contraction of a muscle causing a repeated movement not under the control of the person, usually on the face or limbs. Tremor - A nervous and involuntary vibrating or quivering of the body. Twitching - Sharp, jerky and spastic motion, sometimes with a sharp sudden pain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Description: Is there a possibility for development of heart beat in fetus?
Patient: I went in for a vaginal u/s being at 8 wk 1 day pregnant from my LMP and my Dr. said there was no heartbeat that baby measured at 6 wk 5 days 0.78 cm. Could it be that my calculation was off do to late implantation? Dr. said that I was going to miscarry and opted for D&C or pills to induce my labor. I told her I would like to wait another week and come back for another u/s hoping there would be some changes with the baby s heartbeat. Do I just having fallen hopes?
Doctor: Hello,I have gone through your query and understood your concern. If the sonogram performed was through the trans-vaginal route and if your sonographer is an experienced person, it is likely that you may have miscarried, provided you have regular cycles and did not miscalculate. When this is not so, it is better to wait and see. In such a scenario, serial titres of serum beta-hCG are often done. Good progress of pregnancy is indicated by doubling of titres every 2-3 days. This should be coupled with follow up sonograms. Wish you good health.
Description: Suggest remedy to overcome possessive behavior
Patient: Hi,My Mother is behaving very wired these days she is showing strange behaviour these days towards people spl women’s. She doesn’t allow my dad to go out and she keep calling when he is in office or some other place because of all these things my dad is in big tension and his heath is detoriating day by day. My mother is a diabetic patient and because of this behaviour her health is also detorating.Please advice.Thanks
Doctor: Please confirm if its possessive behavior or paranoia towards your father. Monitor for aggression/fearfulness in her behaviour. Do take the opinion of your psychiatrist.
Description: Q. How to have a normal blood pressure at the age of 24?
Patient: Hi doctor, I am a 24-year-old male. My weight is 75 kilograms. I have a healthy diet. I have a habit of drinking alcohol once a month, and I do not have the habit of smoking. I checked my blood pressure, and it was 155 by 65 mmHg. Is it high? Please suggest.
Doctor: Hi. You are slightly overweight. I suggest you reduce taking carbohydrates and fats in your diet. Your blood pressure is elevated. Still, a single elevated reading does not mean that you have hypertension. Taking repeated measurement for at least two to three times, and having your BP high at these measurements, may suggest that you are hypertensive. At your age, a normal BP should be below 120 by 80 mmHg. BP (blood pressure) is a dynamic parameter. It usually gets elevated after having an emotional upset, anxiety or physical exercise. Repeat your blood pressure measurement soon. Reduce taking salt in your diet. I also advise you do a blood test called lipid profile. An elevated cholesterol or triglyceride level can also cause high BP.
Description: What causes small lumps on the inner thigh?
Patient: Do you feel Bumps under your Stretch marks?I am curious,I am a 22 year old male.I have some small Pea shaped bumps, under areas where I have had a lot of stretch marks.Like in my inner thighs, If I push down on the area with a lot of stretch marks with my finger tips, I can feel like some little bumps. It feels like little pea shaped bumps under the skin- maybe smaller than a pea though. & several of them.I want to know if that is from having stretch marks & If that is nothing to worry about? totally normal kinda thing, is it?Please & thank you!-May God bless your life!thanks!
Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. This types of bumps are common at streach mark site. It is due to some odema It is normal phenomenon. Don't worry much about that. Just be relaxed. It will clear by itself. If it remains persists then biopsy diagnosis advisable. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Description: Is traveling advisable in sixth month of pregnancy?
Patient: my cervix is 3.1 and m 6 month pregnant. taking medicine because of low cervix. my query is that can I travel to my mother s palce which is one day journey from mumbai. 2 hrs palne travel than by road ( 3 and a half hours), which is uphill journey. Please guide.
Doctor: Hallow Dear,For normal pregnancy mothers, traveling between 14 weeks to 28 weeks of pregnancy can be permitted. However, you have low cervix which is some what shorter in length for which you are on some medications. I believe, these medicines are to quieten your uterus which might have been irritable. With this risk factor, travelling for more than 8 hours would be rather tedious. Though actual time in carriages is five and half hours, home to airport, boarding time, landing time, all these have to be considered. So total traveling time would be definitely around 8 hours or so. Air flight may be smooth; however, uphill road journey for three and half hours might be strenuous for your uterus. Please consult your Obstetrician. He/she have clinically examined you. If according to him/her, it is safe to travel, you may; however, from your history, I feel you should avoid travel, deliver in Mumbai and then go to the mother's place after delivery. Whenever there is any risk, we always advise to deliver at well equipped hospital. Then why should you travel from place like Mumbai to some other place? In India, Mumbai is one of the cities where the best Medical treatment and facilities are available. I hope you will take informed decision. Dr. Nishikant Shrotri
Description: Q. Please explain the poisonous effect of phenol ingestion.
Patient: Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect.
Doctor: Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.--->
Description: What does liquid filled mass in neck suggest?
Patient: Back ground: Husband had oral cancer in Oct.2013 clean scans in april and in may 2014. Cat scan showed masses in his neck. Pet scan confirmed liquid filled masses, only in neck. Biopsy showed some squemious cells. He also has a bad tooth that he had pulled today and started antibiotics. He starts chemo tomorrow. Even though medical oncologist said biopsy wasn t 100% but because of masses he feels chemo is nessasary because cancer could be back.Question: could it be possible bad tooth caused neck masses? Or because they saw some cancer cells, this means cancers back?
Doctor: this is all about the immune system process. diagnostic reports helps a physician to plan the possible treatment for the welfare of the patient. tooth removal should not be an issue. kindly follow the guidelines of the oncologist and I am sure your husband will be fine. kindly check with your onco if your husband can do some regular simple exercise. as exercise is a great help for the immune system buildup. thank you
Description: Suggest remedy for mental health problem
Patient: Good day,My daughter is 11 years old and has been taking Serdep together Concerta since April 2014. She is in her own world and is doing worse at school now than ever. When she falls asleep in the afternoon it is difficult to wake here again. If she opens her eyes her pupil as as large as her brown of the eye. She complains of feeling sick.
Doctor: Hello; thanks for the query. I would like to know who has prescribed your daughter Serdep (Sertraline) & Concerta (methylphenidate) tablets, in what doses, what time of the day & for what set of symptoms. Usually Methylphenidate is a stimulant & if taken in morning; it helps to improve attention, concentration & helps improving tasks involving some sustained effort. So kindly let me know what time you are giving her concerta; shift it to morning & NO later than 2pm. Similarly sertraline in high doses (>100mg) may cause sedation in some patients & hence entire dose can be shifted to prior to bedtime or given in 2 divided doses with larger chunk of dose in evening. If there is recent dose change; wait for 8-10 days as most side effects of these 2 drugs occur in first 15 days & subside later as body adapts to these drugs. Do revert back for further help. Good Luck
Description: Q. My flaccid penis is less than 2 inches long, but my erect size is fine. Please advise.
Patient: Hello doctor, My problem is, I guess, a silly problem, but one that has bothered me almost my entire adult life. I am a 35 year old and my flaccid penis, most of the time is less than 2 inches long. If I adjust it or wiggle it some, it will come out and be about 3 to 4 inches. But then, it will just retract back to about 1.5 inches. My erect length is fine. It almost gets to 6 inches, but the flaccid size really bothers me because it is uncomfortable for one, but I am also scared that that size is extremely small for a grown man. I would be extremely embarrassed if I ever had to be naked in front of anyone including a nurse or doctor. This is why I am trying online consultation instead of visiting a doctor in person.
Doctor: Hello. Relax and do not worry. Revert with more information to a urologist online -->