2 values
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1 value
So really in that segment, it's the PC weakness in our traditional transactional Office business that's impacting that segment.
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And I would say if anything, the initial data from our customers around security is gaining a lot of traction.
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But a caution; CapEx can fluctuate quarter-to-quarter, and if you look back to last year, the trailing 12 months was only 7% growth from the quarters through Q1 of last year.
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You also have to keep in mind that we're making large investments in India.
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So I do want to say some of that impact is absolutely landing as well as growth.
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So you will see more going forward.
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That is a new experience that we're building, and building that as part of Facebook is a great way for people to see it and get exposure to it, and we'll see where that goes over time.
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See, our overall vision for how computing evolves is that it's going to be more distributed, not less distributed.
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And the best way we've done that is by simplified ad products.
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The team did a great job of getting into supply demand balance there in December.
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So that's clearly going to stay.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
So that workflow, we have every layer of it.
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I would say the overall change that we are going through, and this has been ongoing for I would say the last multiple years, is transforming our field engagement model, where we're putting a lot more technical depth in the front-line sellers so that they can engage, whether it's data specialists, cloud specialists, security specialists, or even productivity specialists.
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And one of the things we are doing is trying to make it simpler and simpler for people to get on these sort of monthly financing kind of things.
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Feed is fundamentally about information being pushed to a consumer and us helping figure out what is most interesting and most engaging and I think, in many ways, positive for people.
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So we made a number of changes and are still making changes to prioritize meaningful interactions between people over passive consumption of content.
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So a lot of what is Dynamics field service is actually in our module growth we are seeing because of Azure IoT, and that relationship is not just about Azure PaaS.
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We're encouraged by the improvements we've seen year over year.
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The improvement in that in Q3 is obviously very high margin and also the bottom.
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So that's why we have a very long-term view on Quantum, and the things that we did even in this last quarter is take things like the quantum simulator stuff and bring it to Azure.
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There are differences in adoption of the cloud.
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And so I think our year-over-year improvement as well as sequential improvement and our ability in the overall commercial business, you see the gross margins we did has the mix shift to the cloud, I think we’re all quite proud of.
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It's the reason for Apple TV and what we're doing in the living room.
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But a lot of what we can get at are recommendations on products and travel and restaurants and things that your friends have shared, they haven't shared publicly, and knowing different correlations, or interesting things about what your friends are interested in, and that's the type of stuff, those are questions that we can answer that no one else can answer, and that's probably going to be what we continue to focus on doing first.
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Prime membership increases and selection through FBA makes Prime more valuable.
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We also expect to continue to invest in marketing and advertising.
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So I mentioned this stat earlier that we have about 33,000 bots that are live in Messenger, including experiences across a range of verticals, from news to e-commerce to local businesses and all kinds of different things, and we're seeing some early progress.
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And our ability to do that is why we're investing in the Audience Network.
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To your second question on Office -- I'm sorry, on Windows Commercial overall, our real investment -- and you're right, we are starting to reach some tougher comparables.
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The operating margin has also expanded in that time period by 320 basis points as a result of a lot of the good work on infrastructure and efficiencies that I talked about earlier in the call, because this is against a backdrop of a very large expansion of our tech teams and our sales teams that supports this business.
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As I know you're aware, by the way, our top competitors in smartphones, in tablets, in computers, do not provide quarterly unit sales information either.
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We have stated that we want to double the size of the services business from the level that we had in fiscal 2016 by 2020.
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If anything, all the growth we have seen is in spite of that not being broadly revenue driving growth.
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So, for example, we have this Pages Manager App.
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I think we felt very good, those as well, I think we’re pretty broad-based across industry.
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If you look at the 8 and 8 Plus, when we launched them, they instantly became our top two selling products.
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Yes, I think in terms of our core advertising products and growth, it's worth really remembering that our core feed products for Facebook and Instagram are growing nicely and well.
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So Air China is a good example.
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So that's obviously what we're looking for when we look forward.
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We have Facebook Marketplace for that.
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And then there's a couple of specific events that happened last year in the March quarter which are not going to repeat this year.
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We're very focused on the privacy of what people do, wherever they do it, and using the information we have in a very responsible way.
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I think we gave you an update in Q4 that it was more than 40% of our third party units.
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And part of the results you see from us in different verticals are actually explained by the ability of us to help those marketers measure sales at the end of the day.
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That doesn't say that there is not a nice market for a home one.
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So yeah, we are seeing really strong adoption across a number of groups, Amazon vendors and sellers for sure, authors, as well as third-party advertisers who want to reach Amazon customers.
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And in fact, if anything, this release of Windows 10, just the way we have built it with the Insider program, everything is of course speeding up
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but we believe there are going to be opportunities as we further scale those properties.
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So, a combination of being able to understand the text that people message, read the articles that people would want to look at, watch the videos, look at the photos, are going to be great, too.
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I think AR is big and profound and this is one of those huge things that we'll look back at and marvel on the start of it.
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And I think a lot of the success that we've seen has been because of some of the work that we've done a few years back at this point in products like News Feed and I mean that team has executed really well.
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Luca talked about the number of countries that we saw double-digit growth in during the quarter, from Japan to Brazil to India, some even stronger numbers than that in Russia.
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Obviously, when we come down to capital allocation decisions, we obviously also keep in mind that the opportunity for us to do some M&A activities which we do in an ongoing basis.
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In terms of the upgrade program itself, I think over time, it will be meaningful as customers get into a different pattern.
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On that second point, in terms of how we think about the capacity we might have for our own, I think you know – I’d start with, you know we’ve got a great relationship with third party carriers across the countries where we operate.
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And more interestingly the mix of all of them because the enterprise is heterogeneous.
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And the targeting that is custom audiences underlies all of our product offerings.
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In terms of growth, we continue to see selection as a strong driver of growth.
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So that's really the main focus.
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Line item is growing at about the same rate.
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And that was a couple points of impact, for example on OEM Pro in quarter.
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But maybe the most important element of this is the fact that we are supply constrained on 7 and 7 Plus.
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The majority of potential signal loss on targeting is still in front of us.
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And so we are now in a position where we have $285 billion of cash, we've got $122 billion of debt for a net cash of $163 billion.
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In terms of overall ad tech world, I think a lot is happening and there's a lot that's going to evolve in the whole ecosystem.
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But this year or this year and next year, there are enormous investments going in on 4G and we couldn't be more excited about that because it really takes a great network working with iPhone to produce that great experience for people.
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And as you know, we work with our hedging program where we get protection from FX fluctuations in the short term.
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Same thing with data, the DocumentDB is a massive thing for us.
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And so between all of those hardware products, as well as our gaming performance, another sort of hardware component in quarter, we did a little better than we had expected in our launches.
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And we continue to work on better purchase efficiencies and driving utilization rates in our data centers.
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That's going to integrate more than 30,000 facilities and 1,500 suppliers and partners in Volkswagen's global supply chain over time.
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We continue to see that as Prime members sign up and engage into the program, their purchasing patterns of change and they do spend more as they move into the program.
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And it obviously also fuels the services business.
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So I would say right now, it's more about efficiency and also performance of the advertisement themselves.
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But I think we're doing good work there now and it's growing quite quickly.
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If I look at whether it's IoT or AI, the two workloads that are new, both of them require both computation and intelligence on the edge and a very new way to do even computation, which event-driven computation.
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Yes, a couple things Brad.
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In fact, I'm looking forward to our partner conference to talk much more about what it is that we will be doing in the coming year to drive more success for our partners and in particular ISVs.
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We had over 350 significant new features and services and we believe that's what resonates with customers.
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So if you were to exclude that foreign exchange impact, we would actually be guiding to sequential increase in margins.
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We continue to open retail stores around the world.
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Even last quarter, political spending even within the U.S. alone was not a top-10 vertical for us.
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We're going to have great flagship phones for Windows 10.
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You know, we have a pretty big navigational use case where people look up people and pages and groups that they want to get to and look at in search.
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And if we can drive those affectively that will translate into higher effective prices for our business.
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because as we look at the usage statistics on iPad, it remains unbelievably great.
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It’s one common infrastructure and one common data center footprint between O365 Azure, CRM, Xbox Live everything.
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And then CapEx, we'll see continue to flow in through the P&L over time.
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I had a recent trip, where I was in Berlin and Dublin, talking to a bunch of folks, who are policymakers or academics out there.
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The last thing I'll say is that I think these things are more connected than people realize, in the sense that we're already seeing some nice traction with click-to-Messenger ads.
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And the best articulation of this that I can make is that today, AI has different strengths than people do.
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In addition to that, some of the other factors I talked about last quarter, some of the treatment of gross to net changes in some sales of apps and app content, digital media costs, some of that shift created a headwind for online stores revenue.
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I mean, we grew 87% in China.
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So there's no single factor, but those are all contributing factors in terms of MAU growth.
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So during the quarter, it was a much bigger presence obviously year-over-year, so we're happy with that, both from a performance standpoint, the delivery estimate accuracy as we call it was very strong on our self-delivered products and also the cost profile is very good as well.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
Watch and AirPods are doing incredibly well.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
Obviously, third party sellers are an important part of our value proposition there.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
Customers love the ability to quickly walk in, select items they want and leave without waiting in a checkout line.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And we expect that to be -- it started to be a little more balanced cost globally as we move into 2020.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim
And we have really wanted to support the publishers.
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a 'premise', offering evidence or reasoning, or a 'claim', asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Return only a single word, either premise or claim