1 value
Context:during 2009 , the company extended the contractual life of 4 million fully vested share options held by 6 employees . as a result of that modification , the company recognized additional compensation expense of $ 1 million for the year ended december 31 , 2009 . restricted stock units ( 201crsus 201d ) performance-based rsus . the company grants performance-based rsus to the company 2019s executive officers and certain employees once per year . the company may also grant performance-based rsus to certain new employees or to employees who assume positions of increasing responsibility at the time those events occur . the number of performance-based rsus that ultimately vest is dependent on one or both of the following as per the terms of the specific award agreement : the achievement of 1 ) internal profitability targets ( performance condition ) and 2 ) market performance targets measured by the comparison of the company 2019s stock performance versus a defined peer group ( market condition ) . the performance-based rsus generally cliff-vest during the company 2019s quarter-end september 30 black-out period three years from the date of grant . the ultimate number of shares of the company 2019s series a common stock issued will range from zero to stretch , with stretch defined individually under each award , net of personal income taxes withheld . the market condition is factored into the estimated fair value per unit and compensation expense for each award will be based on the probability of achieving internal profitability targets , as applicable , and recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the respective grant , less estimated forfeitures . for performance-based rsus granted without a performance condition , compensation expense is based on the fair value per unit recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the grant , less estimated forfeitures . in april 2007 , the company granted performance-based rsus to certain employees that vest annually in equal tranches beginning october 1 , 2008 through october 1 , 2011 and include a market condition . the performance- based rsus awarded include a catch-up provision that provides for an additional year of vesting of previously unvested amounts , subject to certain maximums . compensation expense is based on the fair value per unit recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the grant , less estimated forfeitures . a summary of changes in performance-based rsus outstanding is as follows : number of weighted average fair value ( in thousands ) ( in $ ) . ||number of units ( in thousands )|weighted average fair value ( in $ )| |nonvested at december 31 2008|1188|19.65| |granted|420|38.16| |vested|-79 ( 79 )|21.30| |forfeited|-114 ( 114 )|17.28| |nonvested at december 31 2009|1415|25.24| the fair value of shares vested for performance-based rsus during the years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008 was $ 2 million and $ 3 million , respectively . there were no vestings that occurred during the year ended december 31 , 2007 . fair value for the company 2019s performance-based rsus was estimated at the grant date using a monte carlo simulation approach . monte carlo simulation was utilized to randomly generate future stock returns for the company and each company in the defined peer group for each grant based on company-specific dividend yields , volatilities and stock return correlations . these returns were used to calculate future performance-based rsu vesting percentages and the simulated values of the vested performance-based rsus were then discounted to present value using a risk-free rate , yielding the expected value of these performance-based rsus . %%transmsg*** transmitting job : d70731 pcn : 119000000 ***%%pcmsg|119 |00016|yes|no|02/10/2010 16:17|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : n| . Question: what was the value of the nonvested shares at december 31 2009
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Context:do so , cme invests such contributions in assets that mirror the assumed investment choices . the balances in these plans are subject to the claims of general creditors of the exchange and totaled $ 38.7 million and $ 31.8 million at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 respectively . although the value of the plans is recorded as an asset in marketable securities in the consolidated balance sheets , there is an equal and offsetting liability . the investment results of these plans have no impact on net income as the investment results are recorded in equal amounts to both investment income and compensation and benefits expense . supplemental savings plan . cme maintains a supplemental plan to provide benefits for employees who have been impacted by statutory limits under the provisions of the qualified pension and savings plan . employees in this plan are subject to the vesting requirements of the underlying qualified plans . deferred compensation plan . a deferred compensation plan is maintained by cme , under which eligible officers and members of the board of directors may contribute a percentage of their compensation and defer income taxes thereon until the time of distribution . comex members 2019 retirement plan and benefits . comex maintains a retirement and benefit plan under the comex members 2019 recognition and retention plan ( mrrp ) . this plan provides benefits to certain members of the comex division based on long-term membership , and participation is limited to individuals who were comex division members prior to nymex 2019s acquisition of comex in 1994 . no new participants were permitted into the plan after the date of this acquisition . under the terms of the mrrp , the company is required to fund the plan with a minimum annual contribution of $ 0.8 million until it is fully funded . all benefits to be paid under the mrrp are based on reasonable actuarial assumptions which are based upon the amounts that are available and are expected to be available to pay benefits . total contributions to the plan were $ 0.8 million for each of 2010 through 2012 . at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , the obligation for the mrrp totaled $ 22.7 million and $ 21.6 million , respectively . assets with a fair value of $ 18.4 million and $ 17.7 million have been allocated to this plan at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively , and are included in marketable securities and cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated balance sheets . the balances in these plans are subject to the claims of general creditors of comex . 13 . commitments operating leases . cme group has entered into various non-cancellable operating lease agreements , with the most significant being as follows : 2022 in april 2012 , the company sold two buildings in chicago at 141 w . jackson and leased back a portion of the property . the operating lease , which has an initial lease term ending on april 30 , 2027 , contains four consecutive renewal options for five years . 2022 in january 2011 , the company entered into an operating lease for office space in london . the initial lease term , which became effective on january 20 , 2011 , terminates on march 24 , 2026 , with an option to terminate without penalty in january 2021 . 2022 in july 2008 , the company renegotiated the operating lease for its headquarters at 20 south wacker drive in chicago . the lease , which has an initial term ending on november 30 , 2022 , contains two consecutive renewal options for seven and ten years and a contraction option which allows the company to reduce its occupied space after november 30 , 2018 . in addition , the company may exercise a lease expansion option in december 2017 . 2022 in august 2006 , the company entered into an operating lease for additional office space in chicago . the initial lease term , which became effective on august 10 , 2006 , terminates on november 30 , 2023 . the lease contains two 5-year renewal options beginning in 2023 . at december 31 , 2012 , future minimum payments under non-cancellable operating leases were payable as follows ( in millions ) : . |2013|$ 28.7| |2014|29.1| |2015|28.9| |2016|28.9| |2017|29.3| |thereafter|152.9| |total|$ 297.8| . Question: at december 31 , 2012 , what was the percent of the future minimum payments under non-cancellable operating leases that was due in 2014
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Context:part iii item 10 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201celection of directors 201d section , the 201cdirector selection process 201d section , the 201ccode of conduct 201d section , the 201cprincipal committees of the board of directors 201d section , the 201caudit committee 201d section and the 201csection 16 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance 201d section of the proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on may 27 , 2010 ( the 201cproxy statement 201d ) , except for the description of our executive officers , which appears in part i of this report on form 10-k under the heading 201cexecutive officers of ipg . 201d new york stock exchange certification in 2009 , our ceo provided the annual ceo certification to the new york stock exchange , as required under section 303a.12 ( a ) of the new york stock exchange listed company manual . item 11 . executive compensation the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201ccompensation of executive officers 201d section , the 201cnon-management director compensation 201d section , the 201ccompensation discussion and analysis 201d section and the 201ccompensation committee report 201d section of the proxy statement . item 12 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters the information required by this item is incorporated by reference to the 201coutstanding shares 201d section of the proxy statement , except for information regarding the shares of common stock to be issued or which may be issued under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2009 , which is provided in the following table . equity compensation plan information plan category number of shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( a ) 12 weighted-average exercise price of outstanding stock options ( b ) number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column a ) ( c ) 3 equity compensation plans approved by security holders . . . . . . . . . 34317386 $ 16.11 52359299 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders 4 . . . . . 612500 $ 27.53 2014 . |plan category|number of shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of outstandingoptions warrants and rights ( a ) 12|weighted-average exercise price of outstanding stock options ( b )|number of securities remaining available for futureissuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column a ) ( c ) 3| |equity compensation plans approved by security holders|34317386|$ 16.11|52359299| |equity compensation plans not approved by security holders4|612500|$ 27.53|2014| |total|34929886|$ 16.31|52359299| 1 includes a total of 6058967 performance-based share awards made under the 2004 , 2006 and 2009 performance incentive plan representing the target number of shares to be issued to employees following the completion of the 2007-2009 performance period ( the 201c2009 ltip share awards 201d ) , the 2008- 2010 performance period ( the 201c2010 ltip share awards 201d ) and the 2009-2011 performance period ( the 201c2011 ltip share awards 201d ) respectively . the computation of the weighted-average exercise price in column ( b ) of this table does not take the 2009 ltip share awards , the 2010 ltip share awards or the 2011 ltip share awards into account . 2 includes a total of 3914804 restricted share unit and performance-based awards ( 201cshare unit awards 201d ) which may be settled in shares or cash . the computation of the weighted-average exercise price in column ( b ) of this table does not take the share unit awards into account . each share unit award actually settled in cash will increase the number of shares of common stock available for issuance shown in column ( c ) . 3 includes ( i ) 37885502 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2009 performance incentive plan , ( ii ) 13660306 shares of common stock available for issuance under the employee stock purchase plan ( 2006 ) and ( iii ) 813491 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2009 non-management directors 2019 stock incentive plan . 4 consists of special stock option grants awarded to certain true north executives following our acquisition of true north ( the 201ctrue north options 201d ) . the true north options have an exercise price equal to the fair market value of interpublic 2019s common stock on the date of the grant . the terms and conditions of these stock option awards are governed by interpublic 2019s 1997 performance incentive plan . generally , the options become exercisable between two and five years after the date of the grant and expire ten years from the grant date. . Question: what was the total number of equity compensation plans approved by security holders
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Context:14 . leases we lease certain locomotives , freight cars , and other property . the consolidated statement of financial position as of december 31 , 2009 and 2008 included $ 2754 million , net of $ 927 million of accumulated depreciation , and $ 2024 million , net of $ 869 million of accumulated depreciation , respectively , for properties held under capital leases . a charge to income resulting from the depreciation for assets held under capital leases is included within depreciation expense in our consolidated statements of income . future minimum lease payments for operating and capital leases with initial or remaining non-cancelable lease terms in excess of one year as of december 31 , 2009 were as follows : millions of dollars operating leases capital leases . |millions of dollars|operatingleases|capital leases| |2010|$ 576|$ 290| |2011|570|292| |2012|488|247| |2013|425|256| |2014|352|267| |later years|2901|1623| |total minimum lease payments|$ 5312|$ 2975| |amount representing interest|n/a|-914 ( 914 )| |present value of minimum lease payments|n/a|$ 2061| the majority of capital lease payments relate to locomotives . rent expense for operating leases with terms exceeding one month was $ 686 million in 2009 , $ 747 million in 2008 , and $ 810 million in 2007 . when cash rental payments are not made on a straight-line basis , we recognize variable rental expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term . contingent rentals and sub-rentals are not significant . 15 . commitments and contingencies asserted and unasserted claims 2013 various claims and lawsuits are pending against us and certain of our subsidiaries . we cannot fully determine the effect of all asserted and unasserted claims on our consolidated results of operations , financial condition , or liquidity ; however , to the extent possible , where asserted and unasserted claims are considered probable and where such claims can be reasonably estimated , we have recorded a liability . we do not expect that any known lawsuits , claims , environmental costs , commitments , contingent liabilities , or guarantees will have a material adverse effect on our consolidated results of operations , financial condition , or liquidity after taking into account liabilities and insurance recoveries previously recorded for these matters . personal injury 2013 the cost of personal injuries to employees and others related to our activities is charged to expense based on estimates of the ultimate cost and number of incidents each year . we use third-party actuaries to assist us in measuring the expense and liability , including unasserted claims . the federal employers 2019 liability act ( fela ) governs compensation for work-related accidents . under fela , damages are assessed based on a finding of fault through litigation or out-of-court settlements . we offer a comprehensive variety of services and rehabilitation programs for employees who are injured at . Question: what portion of 2009 operating leases are current liabilities?
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Context:hr solutions . |years ended december 31,|2010|2009|2008| |revenue|$ 2111|$ 1267|$ 1356| |operating income|234|203|208| |operating margin|11.1% ( 11.1 % )|16.0% ( 16.0 % )|15.3% ( 15.3 % )| in october 2010 , we completed the acquisition of hewitt , one of the world 2019s leading human resource consulting and outsourcing companies . hewitt operates globally together with aon 2019s existing consulting and outsourcing operations under the newly created aon hewitt brand . hewitt 2019s operating results are included in aon 2019s results of operations beginning october 1 , 2010 . our hr solutions segment generated approximately 25% ( 25 % ) of our consolidated total revenues in 2010 and provides a broad range of human capital services , as follows : consulting services : 2022 health and benefits advises clients about how to structure , fund , and administer employee benefit programs that attract , retain , and motivate employees . benefits consulting includes health and welfare , executive benefits , workforce strategies and productivity , absence management , benefits administration , data-driven health , compliance , employee commitment , investment advisory and elective benefits services . 2022 retirement specializes in global actuarial services , defined contribution consulting , investment consulting , tax and erisa consulting , and pension administration . 2022 compensation focuses on compensatory advisory/counsel including : compensation planning design , executive reward strategies , salary survey and benchmarking , market share studies and sales force effectiveness , with special expertise in the financial services and technology industries . 2022 strategic human capital delivers advice to complex global organizations on talent , change and organizational effectiveness issues , including talent strategy and acquisition , executive on-boarding , performance management , leadership assessment and development , communication strategy , workforce training and change management . outsourcing services : 2022 benefits outsourcing applies our hr expertise primarily through defined benefit ( pension ) , defined contribution ( 401 ( k ) ) , and health and welfare administrative services . our model replaces the resource-intensive processes once required to administer benefit plans with more efficient , effective , and less costly solutions . 2022 human resource business processing outsourcing ( 2018 2018hr bpo 2019 2019 ) provides market-leading solutions to manage employee data ; administer benefits , payroll and other human resources processes ; and record and manage talent , workforce and other core hr process transactions as well as other complementary services such as absence management , flexible spending , dependent audit and participant advocacy . beginning in late 2008 , the disruption in the global credit markets and the deterioration of the financial markets created significant uncertainty in the marketplace . weak economic conditions globally continued throughout 2010 . the prolonged economic downturn is adversely impacting our clients 2019 financial condition and therefore the levels of business activities in the industries and geographies where we operate . while we believe that the majority of our practices are well positioned to manage through this time , these challenges are reducing demand for some of our services and putting . Question: if hr solutions generated 25% ( 25 % ) of total revenues , what are the total revenue for aon in 2010 , ( in millions ) ?
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Context:notes receivable in 2014 , we entered into a $ 3.0 million promissory note with a privately held company which was recorded at cost . the interest rate on the promissory note is 8.0% ( 8.0 % ) per annum and is payable quarterly . all unpaid principal and accrued interest on the promissory note is due and payable on the earlier of august 26 , 2017 , or upon default . 5 . commitments and contingencies operating leases we lease various operating spaces in north america , europe , asia and australia under non-cancelable operating lease arrangements that expire on various dates through 2024 . these arrangements require us to pay certain operating expenses , such as taxes , repairs , and insurance and contain renewal and escalation clauses . we recognize rent expense under these arrangements on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease . as of december 31 , 2015 , the aggregate future minimum payments under non-cancelable operating leases consist of the following ( in thousands ) : years ending december 31 . |2016|$ 6306| |2017|6678| |2018|6260| |2019|5809| |2020|5580| |thereafter|21450| |total minimum future lease payments|$ 52083| rent expense for all operating leases amounted to $ 6.7 million , $ 3.3 million and $ 3.6 million for the years ended december 31 , 2015 , 2014 and 2013 , respectively . financing obligation 2014build-to-suit lease in august 2012 , we executed a lease for a building then under construction in santa clara , california to serve as our headquarters . the lease term is 120 months and commenced in august 2013 . based on the terms of the lease agreement and due to our involvement in certain aspects of the construction such as our financial involvement in structural elements of asset construction , making decisions related to tenant improvement costs and purchasing insurance not reimbursable by the buyer-lessor ( the landlord ) , we were deemed the owner of the building ( for accounting purposes only ) during the construction period . we continue to maintain involvement in the property post construction completion and lack transferability of the risks and rewards of ownership , due to our required maintenance of a $ 4.0 million letter of credit , in addition to our ability and option to sublease our portion of the leased building for fees substantially higher than our base rate . due to our continued involvement in the property and lack of transferability of related risks and rewards of ownership to the landlord post construction , we account for the building and related improvements as a lease financing obligation . accordingly , as of december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , we have recorded assets of $ 53.4 million , representing the total costs of the building and improvements incurred , including the costs paid by the lessor ( the legal owner of the building ) and additional improvement costs paid by us , and a corresponding financing obligation of $ 42.5 million and $ 43.6 million , respectively . as of december 31 , 2015 , $ 1.3 million and $ 41.2 million were recorded as short-term and long-term financing obligations , respectively . land lease expense under our lease financing obligation included in rent expense above , amounted to $ 1.3 million and $ 1.2 million for the years ended december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . there was no land lease expense for the year ended december 31 , 2013. . Question: as of december 31 , 2015 what was the 2016 percent of non-cancelable operating leases as part of the total minimum future lease payments
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Context:ventas , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) if we experience certain kinds of changes of control , the issuers must make an offer to repurchase the senior notes , in whole or in part , at a purchase price in cash equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of the principal amount of the senior notes , plus any accrued and unpaid interest to the date of purchase ; provided , however , that in the event moody 2019s and s&p have confirmed their ratings at ba3 or higher and bb- or higher on the senior notes and certain other conditions are met , this repurchase obligation will not apply . mortgages at december 31 , 2006 , we had outstanding 53 mortgage loans that we assumed in connection with various acquisitions . outstanding principal balances on these loans ranged from $ 0.4 million to $ 114.4 million as of december 31 , 2006 . the loans bear interest at fixed rates ranging from 5.6% ( 5.6 % ) to 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) per annum , except with respect to eight loans with outstanding principal balances ranging from $ 0.4 million to $ 114.4 million , which bear interest at the lender 2019s variable rates , ranging from 3.6% ( 3.6 % ) to 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) per annum at of december 31 , 2006 . the fixed rate debt bears interest at a weighted average annual rate of 7.06% ( 7.06 % ) and the variable rate debt bears interest at a weighted average annual rate of 5.61% ( 5.61 % ) as of december 31 , 2006 . the loans had a weighted average maturity of eight years as of december 31 , 2006 . the $ 114.4 variable mortgage debt was repaid in january 2007 . scheduled maturities of borrowing arrangements and other provisions as of december 31 , 2006 , our indebtedness has the following maturities ( in thousands ) : . |2007|$ 130206| |2008|33117| |2009|372725| |2010|265915| |2011|273761| |thereafter|1261265| |total maturities|2336989| |less unamortized commission fees and discounts|-7936 ( 7936 )| |senior notes payable and other debt|$ 2329053| certain provisions of our long-term debt contain covenants that limit our ability and the ability of certain of our subsidiaries to , among other things : ( i ) incur debt ; ( ii ) make certain dividends , distributions and investments ; ( iii ) enter into certain transactions ; ( iv ) merge , consolidate or transfer certain assets ; and ( v ) sell assets . we and certain of our subsidiaries are also required to maintain total unencumbered assets of at least 150% ( 150 % ) of this group 2019s unsecured debt . derivatives and hedging in the normal course of business , we are exposed to the effect of interest rate changes . we limit these risks by following established risk management policies and procedures including the use of derivatives . for interest rate exposures , derivatives are used primarily to fix the rate on debt based on floating-rate indices and to manage the cost of borrowing obligations . we currently have an interest rate swap to manage interest rate risk ( the 201cswap 201d ) . we prohibit the use of derivative instruments for trading or speculative purposes . further , we have a policy of only entering into contracts with major financial institutions based upon their credit ratings and other factors . when viewed in conjunction with the underlying and offsetting exposure that the derivative is designed to hedge , we do not anticipate any material adverse effect on our net income or financial position in the future from the use of derivatives. . Question: what percentage of total maturities were payable in 2011?
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Context:57management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations facility include covenants relating to net interest coverage and total debt-to-book capitalization ratios . the company was in compliance with the terms of the 3-year credit facility at december 31 , 2005 . the company has never borrowed under its domestic revolving credit facilities . utilization of the non-u.s . credit facilities may also be dependent on the company's ability to meet certain conditions at the time a borrowing is requested . contractual obligations , guarantees , and other purchase commitments contractual obligations summarized in the table below are the company's obligations and commitments to make future payments under debt obligations ( assuming earliest possible exercise of put rights by holders ) , lease payment obligations , and purchase obligations as of december 31 , 2005 . payments due by period ( 1 ) ( in millions ) total 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 thereafter . |( in millions )|payments due by period ( 1 ) total|payments due by period ( 1 ) 2006|payments due by period ( 1 ) 2007|payments due by period ( 1 ) 2008|payments due by period ( 1 ) 2009|payments due by period ( 1 ) 2010|payments due by period ( 1 ) thereafter| |long-term debt obligations|$ 4033|$ 119|$ 1222|$ 200|$ 2|$ 529|$ 1961| |lease obligations|1150|438|190|134|109|84|195| |purchase obligations|992|418|28|3|2|2|539| |total contractual obligations|$ 6175|$ 975|$ 1440|$ 337|$ 113|$ 615|$ 2695| ( 1 ) amounts included represent firm , non-cancelable commitments . debt obligations : at december 31 , 2005 , the company's long-term debt obligations , including current maturities and unamortized discount and issue costs , totaled $ 4.0 billion , as compared to $ 5.0 billion at december 31 , 2004 . a table of all outstanding long-term debt securities can be found in note 4 , ""debt and credit facilities'' to the company's consolidated financial statements . as previously discussed , the decrease in the long- term debt obligations as compared to december 31 , 2004 , was due to the redemptions and repurchases of $ 1.0 billion principal amount of outstanding securities during 2005 . also , as previously discussed , the remaining $ 118 million of 7.6% ( 7.6 % ) notes due january 1 , 2007 were reclassified to current maturities of long-term debt . lease obligations : the company owns most of its major facilities , but does lease certain office , factory and warehouse space , land , and information technology and other equipment under principally non-cancelable operating leases . at december 31 , 2005 , future minimum lease obligations , net of minimum sublease rentals , totaled $ 1.2 billion . rental expense , net of sublease income , was $ 254 million in 2005 , $ 217 million in 2004 and $ 223 million in 2003 . purchase obligations : the company has entered into agreements for the purchase of inventory , license of software , promotional agreements , and research and development agreements which are firm commitments and are not cancelable . the longest of these agreements extends through 2015 . total payments expected to be made under these agreements total $ 992 million . commitments under other long-term agreements : the company has entered into certain long-term agreements to purchase software , components , supplies and materials from suppliers . most of the agreements extend for periods of one to three years ( three to five years for software ) . however , generally these agreements do not obligate the company to make any purchases , and many permit the company to terminate the agreement with advance notice ( usually ranging from 60 to 180 days ) . if the company were to terminate these agreements , it generally would be liable for certain termination charges , typically based on work performed and supplier on-hand inventory and raw materials attributable to canceled orders . the company's liability would only arise in the event it terminates the agreements for reasons other than ""cause.'' in 2003 , the company entered into outsourcing contracts for certain corporate functions , such as benefit administration and information technology related services . these contracts generally extend for 10 years and are expected to expire in 2013 . the total payments under these contracts are approximately $ 3 billion over 10 years ; however , these contracts can be terminated . termination would result in a penalty substantially less than the annual contract payments . the company would also be required to find another source for these services , including the possibility of performing them in-house . as is customary in bidding for and completing network infrastructure projects and pursuant to a practice the company has followed for many years , the company has a number of performance/bid bonds and standby letters of credit outstanding , primarily relating to projects of government and enterprise mobility solutions segment and the networks segment . these instruments normally have maturities of up to three years and are standard in the . Question: in 2007 what was the percent of the total long-term debt obligations
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Context:table of contents stock performance graph the following stock performance graph and related information shall not be deemed 201csoliciting material 201d or 201cfiled 201d with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filings under the securities act of 1933 or the exchange act , each as amended , except to the extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing . the following stock performance graph compares our cumulative total shareholder return on an annual basis on our common stock with the cumulative total return on the standard and poor 2019s 500 stock index and the amex airline index from december 9 , 2013 ( the first trading day of aag common stock ) through december 31 , 2014 . the comparison assumes $ 100 was invested on december 9 , 2013 in aag common stock and in each of the foregoing indices and assumes reinvestment of dividends . the stock performance shown on the graph below represents historical stock performance and is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance. . ||12/9/2013|12/31/2013|12/31/2014| |american airlines group inc .|$ 100|$ 103|$ 219| |amex airline index|100|102|152| |s&p 500|100|102|114| . Question: what was the growth rate on the amex airline index from 12/31/2013 to 12/31/2014
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Context:part ii item 5 : market for registrant's common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities motorola's common stock is listed on the new york and chicago stock exchanges . the number of stockholders of record of motorola common stock on january 31 , 2006 was 80799 . the remainder of the response to this item incorporates by reference note 15 , ""quarterly and other financial data ( unaudited ) '' of the notes to consolidated financial statements appearing under ""item 8 : financial statements and supplementary data'' . the following table provides information with respect to acquisitions by the company of shares of its common stock during the quarter ended december 31 , 2005 . issuer purchases of equity securities ( d ) maximum number ( c ) total number ( or approximate dollar of shares purchased value ) of shares that ( a ) total number ( b ) average price as part of publicly may yet be purchased of shares paid per announced plans under the plans or period purchased ( 2 ) share ( 2 ) ( 3 ) or programs ( 1 ) programs ( 1 ) . |period|( a ) total number of shares purchased ( 2 )|( b ) average price paid per share ( 2 ) ( 3 )|( c ) total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs ( 1 )|( d ) maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( 1 )| |10/2/05 to 10/29/05|5506400|$ 21.16|5506400|$ 3367111278| |10/30/05 to 11/26/05|4968768|$ 22.59|4947700|$ 3257373024| |11/27/05 to 12/31/05|5824970|$ 23.26|5503500|$ 3128512934| |total|16300138|$ 22.26|15957600|| ( 1 ) on may 18 , 2005 , the company announced that its board of directors authorized the company to repurchase up to $ 4.0 billion of its outstanding shares of common stock over a 36-month period ending on may 31 , 2008 , subject to market conditions ( the ""stock repurchase program'' ) . ( 2 ) in addition to purchases under the stock repurchase program , included in this column are transactions under the company's equity compensation plans involving the delivery to the company of 342415 shares of motorola common stock to satisfy tax withholding obligations in connection with the vesting of restricted stock granted to company employees and the surrender of 123 shares of motorola common stock to pay the option exercise price in connection with the exercise of employee stock options . ( 3 ) average price paid per share of stock repurchased under the stock repurchase program is execution price , excluding commissions paid to brokers. . Question: what is the estimated value , in dollars , of the total number of shares purchased between 10/2/05 and 10/29/05?
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Context:part ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities vornado 2019s common shares are traded on the new york stock exchange under the symbol 201cvno . 201d quarterly high and low sales prices of the common shares and dividends paid per share for the years ended december 31 , 2011 and 2010 were as follows : year ended year ended december 31 , 2011 december 31 , 2010 . |quarter|year ended december 31 2011 high|year ended december 31 2011 low|year ended december 31 2011 dividends|year ended december 31 2011 high|year ended december 31 2011 low|dividends| |1st|$ 93.53|$ 82.12|$ 0.69|$ 78.40|$ 61.25|$ 0.65| |2nd|98.42|86.85|0.69|86.79|70.06|0.65| |3rd|98.77|72.85|0.69|89.06|68.59|0.65| |4th|84.30|68.39|0.69|91.67|78.06|0.65| as of february 1 , 2012 , there were 1230 holders of record of our common shares . recent sales of unregistered securities during the fourth quarter of 2011 , we issued 20891 common shares upon the redemption of class a units of the operating partnership held by persons who received units , in private placements in earlier periods , in exchange for their interests in limited partnerships that owned real estate . the common shares were issued without registration under the securities act of 1933 in reliance on section 4 ( 2 ) of that act . information relating to compensation plans under which our equity securities are authorized for issuance is set forth under part iii , item 12 of this annual report on form 10-k and such information is incorporated by reference herein . recent purchases of equity securities in december 2011 , we received 410783 vornado common shares at an average price of $ 76.36 per share as payment for the exercise of certain employee options. . Question: was the quarterly high sales prices of the common shares and dividends paid per share for the first quarter of the year ended december 31 , 2011 higher than the fourth quarter of that period?
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Context:westrock company notes to consolidated financial statements fffd ( continued ) at september 30 , 2018 and september 30 , 2017 , gross net operating losses for foreign reporting purposes of approximately $ 698.4 million and $ 673.7 million , respectively , were available for carryforward . a majority of these loss carryforwards generally expire between fiscal 2020 and 2038 , while a portion have an indefinite carryforward . the tax effected values of these net operating losses are $ 185.8 million and $ 182.6 million at september 30 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively , exclusive of valuation allowances of $ 161.5 million and $ 149.6 million at september 30 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively . at september 30 , 2018 and 2017 , we had state tax credit carryforwards of $ 64.8 million and $ 54.4 million , respectively . these state tax credit carryforwards generally expire within 5 to 10 years ; however , certain state credits can be carried forward indefinitely . valuation allowances of $ 56.1 million and $ 47.3 million at september 30 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively , have been provided on these assets . these valuation allowances have been recorded due to uncertainty regarding our ability to generate sufficient taxable income in the appropriate taxing jurisdiction . the following table represents a summary of the valuation allowances against deferred tax assets for fiscal 2018 , 2017 and 2016 ( in millions ) : . ||2018|2017|2016| |balance at beginning of fiscal year|$ 219.1|$ 177.2|$ 100.2| |increases|50.8|54.3|24.8| |allowances related to purchase accounting ( 1 )|0.1|12.4|63.0| |reductions|-40.6 ( 40.6 )|-24.8 ( 24.8 )|-10.8 ( 10.8 )| |balance at end of fiscal year|$ 229.4|$ 219.1|$ 177.2| ( 1 ) amounts in fiscal 2018 and 2017 relate to the mps acquisition . adjustments in fiscal 2016 relate to the combination and the sp fiber acquisition . consistent with prior years , we consider a portion of our earnings from certain foreign subsidiaries as subject to repatriation and we provide for taxes accordingly . however , we consider the unremitted earnings and all other outside basis differences from all other foreign subsidiaries to be indefinitely reinvested . accordingly , we have not provided for any taxes that would be due . as of september 30 , 2018 , we estimate our outside basis difference in foreign subsidiaries that are considered indefinitely reinvested to be approximately $ 1.5 billion . the components of the outside basis difference are comprised of purchase accounting adjustments , undistributed earnings , and equity components . except for the portion of our earnings from certain foreign subsidiaries where we provided for taxes , we have not provided for any taxes that would be due upon the reversal of the outside basis differences . however , in the event of a distribution in the form of dividends or dispositions of the subsidiaries , we may be subject to incremental u.s . income taxes , subject to an adjustment for foreign tax credits , and withholding taxes or income taxes payable to the foreign jurisdictions . as of september 30 , 2018 , the determination of the amount of unrecognized deferred tax liability related to any remaining undistributed foreign earnings not subject to the transition tax and additional outside basis differences is not practicable. . Question: by what percent did the balance of deferred tax assets increase between 2016 and 2018?
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Context:skyworks solutions , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) maintained a valuation allowance of $ 47.0 million . this valuation allowance is comprised of $ 33.6 million related to u.s . state tax credits , of which $ 3.6 million are state tax credits acquired from aati in fiscal year 2012 , and $ 13.4 million related to foreign deferred tax assets . if these benefits are recognized in a future period the valuation allowance on deferred tax assets will be reversed and up to a $ 46.6 million income tax benefit , and up to a $ 0.4 million reduction to goodwill may be recognized . the company will need to generate $ 209.0 million of future united states federal taxable income to utilize our united states deferred tax assets as of september 28 , 2012 . deferred tax assets are recognized for foreign operations when management believes it is more likely than not that the deferred tax assets will be recovered during the carry forward period . the company will continue to assess its valuation allowance in future periods . as of september 28 , 2012 , the company has united states federal net operating loss carry forwards of approximately $ 74.3 million , including $ 29.5 million related to the acquisition of sige , which will expire at various dates through 2030 and $ 28.1 million related to the acquisition of aati , which will expire at various dates through 2031 . the utilization of these net operating losses is subject to certain annual limitations as required under internal revenue code section 382 and similar state income tax provisions . the company also has united states federal income tax credit carry forwards of $ 37.8 million , of which $ 30.4 million of federal income tax credit carry forwards have not been recorded as a deferred tax asset . the company also has state income tax credit carry forwards of $ 33.6 million , for which the company has provided a valuation allowance . the united states federal tax credits expire at various dates through 2032 . the state tax credits relate primarily to california research tax credits which can be carried forward indefinitely . the company has continued to expand its operations and increase its investments in numerous international jurisdictions . these activities will increase the company 2019s earnings attributable to foreign jurisdictions . as of september 28 , 2012 , no provision has been made for united states federal , state , or additional foreign income taxes related to approximately $ 371.5 million of undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries which have been or are intended to be permanently reinvested . it is not practicable to determine the united states federal income tax liability , if any , which would be payable if such earnings were not permanently reinvested . the company 2019s gross unrecognized tax benefits totaled $ 52.4 million and $ 32.1 million as of september 28 , 2012 and september 30 , 2011 , respectively . of the total unrecognized tax benefits at september 28 , 2012 , $ 38.8 million would impact the effective tax rate , if recognized . the remaining unrecognized tax benefits would not impact the effective tax rate , if recognized , due to the company 2019s valuation allowance and certain positions which were required to be capitalized . there are no positions which the company anticipates could change within the next twelve months . a reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of gross unrecognized tax benefits is as follows ( in thousands ) : unrecognized tax benefits . ||unrecognized tax benefits| |balance at september 30 2011|$ 32136| |increases based on positions related to prior years|9004| |increases based on positions related to current year|11265| |decreases relating to settlements with taxing authorities|2014| |decreases relating to lapses of applicable statutes of limitations|-25 ( 25 )| |balance at september 28 2012|$ 52380| page 114 annual report . Question: in 2012 what was the percentage change in the gross unrecognized tax benefits
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Context:entergy texas , inc . and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis in addition to the contractual obligations given above , entergy texas expects to contribute approximately $ 17 million to its qualified pension plans and approximately $ 3.2 million to other postretirement health care and life insurance plans in 2017 , although the 2017 required pension contributions will be known with more certainty when the january 1 , 2017 valuations are completed , which is expected by april 1 , 2017 . see 201ccritical accounting estimates - qualified pension and other postretirement benefits 201d below for a discussion of qualified pension and other postretirement benefits funding . also in addition to the contractual obligations , entergy texas has $ 15.6 million of unrecognized tax benefits and interest net of unused tax attributes and payments for which the timing of payments beyond 12 months cannot be reasonably estimated due to uncertainties in the timing of effective settlement of tax positions . see note 3 to the financial statements for additional information regarding unrecognized tax benefits . in addition to routine capital spending to maintain operations , the planned capital investment estimate for entergy texas includes specific investments such as the montgomery county power station discussed below ; transmission projects to enhance reliability , reduce congestion , and enable economic growth ; distribution spending to enhance reliability and improve service to customers , including initial investment to support advanced metering ; system improvements ; and other investments . estimated capital expenditures are subject to periodic review and modification and may vary based on the ongoing effects of regulatory constraints and requirements , environmental compliance , business opportunities , market volatility , economic trends , business restructuring , changes in project plans , and the ability to access capital . management provides more information on long-term debt in note 5 to the financial statements . as discussed above in 201ccapital structure , 201d entergy texas routinely evaluates its ability to pay dividends to entergy corporation from its earnings . sources of capital entergy texas 2019s sources to meet its capital requirements include : 2022 internally generated funds ; 2022 cash on hand ; 2022 debt or preferred stock issuances ; and 2022 bank financing under new or existing facilities . entergy texas may refinance , redeem , or otherwise retire debt prior to maturity , to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable . all debt and common and preferred stock issuances by entergy texas require prior regulatory approval . debt issuances are also subject to issuance tests set forth in its bond indenture and other agreements . entergy texas has sufficient capacity under these tests to meet its foreseeable capital needs . entergy texas 2019s receivables from or ( payables to ) the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years. . |2016|2015|2014|2013| |( in thousands )|( in thousands )|( in thousands )|( in thousands )| |$ 681|( $ 22068 )|$ 306|$ 6287| see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . entergy texas has a credit facility in the amount of $ 150 million scheduled to expire in august 2021 . the credit facility allows entergy texas to issue letters of credit against 50% ( 50 % ) of the borrowing capacity of the facility . as of december 31 , 2016 , there were no cash borrowings and $ 4.7 million of letters of credit outstanding under the credit facility . in addition , entergy texas is a party to an uncommitted letter of credit facility as a means to post collateral . Question: what is the dollar amount in millions of letters of credit that can be issued under the august 2021 credit facility?
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Context:item 6 . selected financial data the following table represents our selected financial data . the table should be read in conjunction with item 7 and item 8 of this report . the table below reflects immaterial error corrections discussed in note 2 : summary of significant accounting policies in item 8. . |( $ in millions except per share amounts )|year ended december 31 2012|year ended december 31 2011|year ended december 31 2010|year ended december 31 2009|year ended december 31 2008| |sales and service revenues|$ 6708|$ 6575|$ 6723|$ 6292|$ 6189| |goodwill impairment|2014|290|2014|2014|2465| |operating income ( loss )|358|100|241|203|-2332 ( 2332 )| |net earnings ( loss )|146|-100 ( 100 )|131|119|-2397 ( 2397 )| |total assets|6392|6069|5270|5097|4821| |long-term debt ( 1 )|1779|1830|105|283|283| |total long-term obligations|4341|3838|1637|1708|1823| |free cash flow ( 2 )|170|331|168|-269 ( 269 )|121| |dividends declared per share|$ 0.10|$ 2014|$ 2014|$ 2014|$ 2014| |basic earnings ( loss ) per share ( 3 )|$ 2.96|$ -2.05 ( 2.05 )|$ 2.68|$ 2.44|$ -49.14 ( 49.14 )| |diluted earnings ( loss ) per share ( 3 )|$ 2.91|$ -2.05 ( 2.05 )|$ 2.68|$ 2.44|$ -49.14 ( 49.14 )| basic earnings ( loss ) per share ( 3 ) $ 2.96 $ ( 2.05 ) $ 2.68 $ 2.44 $ ( 49.14 ) diluted earnings ( loss ) per share ( 3 ) $ 2.91 $ ( 2.05 ) $ 2.68 $ 2.44 $ ( 49.14 ) ( 1 ) long-term debt does not include amounts payable to our former parent as of and before december 31 , 2010 , as these amounts were due upon demand and included in current liabilities . ( 2 ) free cash flow is a non-gaap financial measure and represents cash from operating activities less capital expenditures . see liquidity and capital resources in item 7 for more information on this measure . ( 3 ) on march 30 , 2011 , the record date of the stock distribution associated with the spin-off from northrop grumman , approximately 48.8 million shares of $ 0.01 par value hii common stock were distributed to northrop grumman stockholders . this share amount was utilized for the calculation of basic and diluted earnings ( loss ) per share for the three months ended march 31 , 2011 , and all prior periods , as no common stock of the company existed prior to march 30 , 2011 , and the impact of dilutive securities in the three month period ended march 31 , 2011 , was not meaningful. . Question: during 2010 , what was the return on assets?
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Context:page 20 of 100 segment sales were $ 100.7 million lower in 2009 than in 2008 , primarily as a result of the impact of lower aluminum prices partially offset by an increase in sales volumes . the higher sales volumes in 2009 were the result of incremental volumes from the four plants purchased from ab inbev , partially offset by certain plant closures and lower sales volumes in the existing business . segment earnings in 2010 were $ 122.3 million higher than in 2009 primarily due to a net $ 85 million impact related to the higher sales volumes and $ 45 million of product mix and improved manufacturing performance associated with higher production . also adding to the 2010 improvement was the effect of a $ 7 million out-of-period inventory charge in 2009 . the details of the out-of-period adjustment are included in note 7 to the consolidated financial statements included within item 8 of this report . segment earnings in 2009 were higher than in 2008 due to $ 12 million of earnings contribution from the four acquired plants and approximately $ 21 million of savings associated with plant closures . partially offsetting these favorable impacts were lower carbonated soft drink and beer can sales volumes ( excluding the newly acquired plants ) and approximately $ 25 million related to higher cost inventories in the first half of 2009 . metal beverage packaging , europe . |( $ in millions )|2010|2009|2008| |net sales|$ 1697.6|$ 1739.5|$ 1868.7| |segment earnings|$ 212.9|$ 214.8|$ 230.9| |business consolidation costs ( a )|-3.2 ( 3.2 )|2212|2212| |total segment earnings|$ 209.7|$ 214.8|$ 230.9| ( a ) further details of these items are included in note 5 to the consolidated financial statements within item 8 of this report . the metal beverage packaging , europe , segment includes metal beverage packaging products manufactured in europe . ball packaging europe has manufacturing plants located in germany , the united kingdom , france , the netherlands , poland and serbia , and is the second largest metal beverage container business in europe . segment sales in 2010 decreased $ 41.9 million compared to 2009 , primarily due to unfavorable foreign exchange effects of $ 93 million and price and mix changes , partially offset by higher sales volumes . segment sales in 2009 as compared to 2008 were $ 129.2 million lower due to $ 110 million of unfavorable foreign exchange effects , partially offset by better commercial terms . sales volumes in 2009 were essentially flat compared to those in the prior year . segment earnings in 2010 decreased $ 1.9 million compared to 2009 , primarily the result of a $ 28 million increase related to higher sales volumes , offset by $ 18 million of negative effects from foreign currency translation and $ 12 million of higher inventory and other costs . while 2009 sales volumes were consistent with the prior year , the adverse effects of foreign currency translation , both within europe and on the conversion of the euro to the u.s . dollar , reduced segment earnings by $ 8 million . also contributing to lower segment earnings were higher cost inventory carried into 2009 and a change in sales mix , partially offset by better commercial terms in some of our contracts . on january 18 , 2011 , ball acquired aerocan s.a.s . ( aerocan ) , a leading european supplier of aluminum aerosol cans and bottles , for 20ac222.4 million ( approximately $ 300 million ) in cash and assumed debt . aerocan manufactures extruded aluminum aerosol cans and bottles , and the aluminum slugs used to make them , for customers in the personal care , pharmaceutical , beverage and food industries . it operates three aerosol can manufacturing plants 2013 one each in the czech republic , france and the united kingdom 2013 and is a 51 percent owner of a joint venture aluminum slug plant in france . the four plants employ approximately 560 people . the acquisition of aerocan will allow ball to enter a growing part of the metal packaging industry and to broaden the company 2019s market development efforts into a new customer base. . Question: what would the increase in segment earnings for 2010 have been without the higher sales volumes ( in millions ) ?
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Context:provision for income taxes increased $ 1791 million in 2012 from 2011 primarily due to the increase in pretax income from continuing operations , including the impact of the resumption of sales in libya in the first quarter of 2012 . the following is an analysis of the effective income tax rates for 2012 and 2011: . ||2012|2011| |statutory rate applied to income from continuing operations before income taxes|35% ( 35 % )|35% ( 35 % )| |effects of foreign operations including foreign tax credits|18|6| |change in permanent reinvestment assertion|2014|5| |adjustments to valuation allowances|21|14| |tax law changes|2014|1| |effective income tax rate on continuing operations|74% ( 74 % )|61% ( 61 % )| the effective income tax rate is influenced by a variety of factors including the geographic sources of income and the relative magnitude of these sources of income . the provision for income taxes is allocated on a discrete , stand-alone basis to pretax segment income and to individual items not allocated to segments . the difference between the total provision and the sum of the amounts allocated to segments appears in the "corporate and other unallocated items" shown in the reconciliation of segment income to net income below . effects of foreign operations 2013 the effects of foreign operations on our effective tax rate increased in 2012 as compared to 2011 , primarily due to the resumption of sales in libya in the first quarter of 2012 , where the statutory rate is in excess of 90 percent . change in permanent reinvestment assertion 2013 in the second quarter of 2011 , we recorded $ 716 million of deferred u.s . tax on undistributed earnings of $ 2046 million that we previously intended to permanently reinvest in foreign operations . offsetting this tax expense were associated foreign tax credits of $ 488 million . in addition , we reduced our valuation allowance related to foreign tax credits by $ 228 million due to recognizing deferred u.s . tax on previously undistributed earnings . adjustments to valuation allowances 2013 in 2012 and 2011 , we increased the valuation allowance against foreign tax credits because it is more likely than not that we will be unable to realize all u.s . benefits on foreign taxes accrued in those years . see item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data - note 10 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about income taxes . discontinued operations is presented net of tax , and reflects our downstream business that was spun off june 30 , 2011 and our angola business which we agreed to sell in 2013 . see item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data 2013 notes 3 and 6 to the consolidated financial statements for additional information. . Question: by what percentage did adjustments to valuation allowances increase from 2011 to 2012>
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Context:containerboard , kraft papers and saturating kraft . kapstone also owns victory packaging , a packaging solutions distribution company with facilities in the u.s. , canada and mexico . we have included the financial results of kapstone in our corrugated packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . on september 4 , 2018 , we completed the acquisition ( the 201cschl fcter acquisition 201d ) of schl fcter print pharma packaging ( 201cschl fcter 201d ) . schl fcter is a leading provider of differentiated paper and packaging solutions and a german-based supplier of a full range of leaflets and booklets . the schl fcter acquisition allowed us to further enhance our pharmaceutical and automotive platform and expand our geographical footprint in europe to better serve our customers . we have included the financial results of the acquired operations in our consumer packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . on january 5 , 2018 , we completed the acquisition ( the 201cplymouth packaging acquisition 201d ) of substantially all of the assets of plymouth packaging , inc . ( 201cplymouth 201d ) . the assets we acquired included plymouth 2019s 201cbox on demand 201d systems , which are manufactured by panotec , an italian manufacturer of packaging machines . the addition of the box on demand systems enhanced our platform , differentiation and innovation . these systems , which are located on customers 2019 sites under multi-year exclusive agreements , use fanfold corrugated to produce custom , on-demand corrugated packaging that is accurately sized for any product type according to the customer 2019s specifications . fanfold corrugated is continuous corrugated board , folded periodically to form an accordion-like stack of corrugated material . as part of the transaction , westrock acquired plymouth 2019s equity interest in panotec and plymouth 2019s exclusive right from panotec to distribute panotec 2019s equipment in the u.s . and canada . we have fully integrated the approximately 60000 tons of containerboard used by plymouth annually . we have included the financial results of plymouth in our corrugated packaging segment since the date of the acquisition . see 201cnote 3 . acquisitions and investment 201d of the notes to consolidated financial statements for additional information . see also item 1a . 201crisk factors 2014 we may be unsuccessful in making and integrating mergers , acquisitions and investments , and completing divestitures 201d . business . |( in millions )|year ended september 30 , 2019|year ended september 30 , 2018| |net sales|$ 18289.0|$ 16285.1| |segment income|$ 1790.2|$ 1707.6| in fiscal 2019 , we continued to pursue our strategy of offering differentiated paper and packaging solutions that help our customers win . we successfully executed this strategy in fiscal 2019 in a rapidly changing cost and price environment . net sales of $ 18289.0 million for fiscal 2019 increased $ 2003.9 million , or 12.3% ( 12.3 % ) , compared to fiscal 2018 . the increase was primarily due to the kapstone acquisition and higher selling price/mix in our corrugated packaging and consumer packaging segments . these increases were partially offset by the absence of recycling net sales in fiscal 2019 as a result of conducting the operations primarily as a procurement function beginning in the first quarter of fiscal 2019 , lower volumes , unfavorable foreign currency impacts across our segments compared to the prior year and decreased land and development net sales . segment income increased $ 82.6 million in fiscal 2019 compared to fiscal 2018 , primarily due to increased corrugated packaging segment income that was partially offset by lower consumer packaging and land and development segment income . the impact of the contribution from the acquired kapstone operations , higher selling price/mix across our segments and productivity improvements was largely offset by lower volumes across our segments , economic downtime , cost inflation , increased maintenance and scheduled strategic outage expense ( including projects at our mahrt , al and covington , va mills ) and lower land and development segment income due to the wind-down of sales . with respect to segment income , we experienced higher levels of cost inflation in both our corrugated packaging and consumer packaging segments during fiscal 2019 as compared to fiscal 2018 that were partially offset by recovered fiber deflation . the primary inflationary items were virgin fiber , freight , energy and wage and other costs . we generated $ 2310.2 million of net cash provided by operating activities in fiscal 2019 , compared to $ 1931.2 million in fiscal 2018 . we remained committed to our disciplined capital allocation strategy during fiscal . Question: what was the percentage change in the segment income
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Context:selling , general , and administrative expenses selling , general , and administrative expenses increased to $ 65.2 million in 2010 from $ 52.9 million in 2009 due primarily to increases in compensation expense and recruitment costs , principally in connection with higher headcount in 2010 , and an increase in non-cash compensation expense for the reasons described above . cost of goods sold cost of goods sold in 2010 and 2009 was $ 2.1 million and $ 1.7 million , respectively , and consisted primarily of royalties and other period costs related to arcalyst ae commercial supplies . to date , arcalyst ae shipments to our customers have primarily consisted of supplies of inventory manufactured and expensed as research and development costs prior to fda approval in 2008 ; therefore , the costs of these supplies were not included in costs of goods sold . other income and expense investment income decreased to $ 2.1 million in 2010 from $ 4.5 million in 2009 , due primarily to lower yields on , and lower average balances of , cash and marketable securities . interest expense increased to $ 9.1 million in 2010 from $ 2.3 million in 2009 . interest expense is primarily attributable to the imputed interest portion of payments to our landlord , commencing in the third quarter of 2009 , to lease newly constructed laboratory and office facilities in tarrytown , new york . income tax expense ( benefit ) in 2010 , we did not recognize any income tax expense or benefit . in 2009 , we recognized a $ 4.1 million income tax benefit , consisting primarily of ( i ) $ 2.7 million resulting from a provision in the worker , homeownership , and business assistance act of 2009 that allowed us to claim a refund of u.s . federal alternative minimum tax that we paid in 2008 , and ( ii ) $ 0.7 million resulting from a provision in the american recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 that allowed us to claim a refund for a portion of our unused pre-2006 research tax credits . years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008 net loss regeneron reported a net loss of $ 67.8 million , or $ 0.85 per share ( basic and diluted ) , for the year ended december 31 , 2009 , compared to a net loss of $ 79.1 million , or $ 1.00 per share ( basic and diluted ) for 2008 . the decrease in our net loss in 2009 was principally due to higher collaboration revenue in connection with our antibody collaboration with sanofi-aventis , receipt of a $ 20.0 million substantive performance milestone payment in connection with our vegf trap-eye collaboration with bayer healthcare , and higher arcalyst ae sales , partly offset by higher research and development expenses , as detailed below . revenues revenues in 2009 and 2008 consist of the following: . |( in millions )|2009|2008| |collaboration revenue||| |sanofi-aventis|$ 247.2|$ 154.0| |bayer healthcare|67.3|31.2| |total collaboration revenue|314.5|185.2| |technology licensing revenue|40.0|40.0| |net product sales|18.4|6.3| |contract research and other revenue|6.4|7.0| |total revenue|$ 379.3|$ 238.5| . Question: what percentage of total revenue was bayer healthcare in 2009?
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Context:commodities purchased for use in our supply chain . we manage our exposures through a combination of purchase orders , long-term contracts with suppliers , exchange-traded futures and options , and over-the-counter options and swaps . we offset our exposures based on current and projected market conditions and generally seek to acquire the inputs at as close to our planned cost as possible . we use derivatives to manage our exposure to changes in commodity prices . we do not perform the assessments required to achieve hedge accounting for commodity derivative positions . accordingly , the changes in the values of these derivatives are recorded currently in cost of sales in our consolidated statements of earnings . although we do not meet the criteria for cash flow hedge accounting , we believe that these instruments are effective in achieving our objective of providing certainty in the future price of commodities purchased for use in our supply chain . accordingly , for purposes of measuring segment operating performance these gains and losses are reported in unallocated corporate items outside of segment operating results until such time that the exposure we are managing affects earnings . at that time we reclassify the gain or loss from unallocated corporate items to segment operating profit , allowing our operating segments to realize the economic effects of the derivative without experiencing any resulting mark-to-market volatility , which remains in unallocated corporate items . unallocated corporate items for fiscal 2019 , 2018 and 2017 included: . |in millions|fiscal year 2019|fiscal year 2018|fiscal year 2017| |net gain ( loss ) onmark-to-marketvaluation of commodity positions|$ -39.0 ( 39.0 )|$ 14.3|$ -22.0 ( 22.0 )| |net loss on commodity positions reclassified from unallocated corporate items to segmentoperating profit|10.0|11.3|32.0| |netmark-to-marketrevaluation of certain grain inventories|-7.0 ( 7.0 )|6.5|3.9| |netmark-to-marketvaluation of certain commodity positions recognized in unallocated corporate items|$ -36.0 ( 36.0 )|$ 32.1|$ 13.9| net mark-to-market valuation of certain commodity positions recognized in unallocated corporate items $ ( 36.0 ) $ 32.1 $ 13.9 as of may 26 , 2019 , the net notional value of commodity derivatives was $ 312.5 million , of which $ 242.9 million related to agricultural inputs and $ 69.6 million related to energy inputs . these contracts relate to inputs that generally will be utilized within the next 12 months . interest rate risk we are exposed to interest rate volatility with regard to future issuances of fixed-rate debt , and existing and future issuances of floating-rate debt . primary exposures include u.s . treasury rates , libor , euribor , and commercial paper rates in the united states and europe . we use interest rate swaps , forward-starting interest rate swaps , and treasury locks to hedge our exposure to interest rate changes , to reduce the volatility of our financing costs , and to achieve a desired proportion of fixed rate versus floating-rate debt , based on current and projected market conditions . generally under these swaps , we agree with a counterparty to exchange the difference between fixed-rate and floating-rate interest amounts based on an agreed upon notional principal amount . floating interest rate exposures 2014 floating-to-fixed interest rate swaps are accounted for as cash flow hedges , as are all hedges of forecasted issuances of debt . effectiveness is assessed based on either the perfectly effective hypothetical derivative method or changes in the present value of interest payments on the underlying debt . effective gains and losses deferred to aoci are reclassified into earnings over the life of the associated debt . ineffective gains and losses are recorded as net interest . the amount of hedge ineffectiveness was less than $ 1 million in fiscal 2019 , a $ 2.6 million loss in fiscal 2018 , and less than $ 1 million in fiscal 2017 . fixed interest rate exposures 2014 fixed-to-floating interest rate swaps are accounted for as fair value hedges with effectiveness assessed based on changes in the fair value of the underlying debt and derivatives , using . Question: what was the average net loss on commodity positions reclassified from unallocated corporate items to segment operating profit from 2017 to 2019
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Context:marathon oil corporation notes to consolidated financial statements ( g ) this obligation relates to a lease of equipment at united states steel 2019s clairton works cokemaking facility in pennsylvania . we are the primary obligor under this lease . under the financial matters agreement , united states steel has assumed responsibility for all obligations under this lease . this lease is an amortizing financing with a final maturity of 2012 . ( h ) these notes are senior secured notes of marathon oil canada corporation . the notes are secured by substantially all of marathon oil canada corporation 2019s assets . in january 2008 , we provided a full and unconditional guarantee covering the payment of all principal and interest due under the senior notes . ( i ) these obligations as of december 31 , 2009 include $ 36 million related to assets under construction at that date for which a capital lease will commence upon completion of construction . the amounts currently reported are based upon the percent of construction completed as of december 31 , 2009 and therefore do not reflect future minimum lease obligations of $ 164 million related to the asset . ( j ) payments of long-term debt for the years 2010 - 2014 are $ 102 million , $ 246 million , $ 1492 million , $ 287 million and $ 802 million . united steel is due to pay $ 17 million in 2010 , $ 161 million in 2011 , $ 19 million in 2012 , and $ 11 for year 2014 . ( k ) in the event of a change in control , as defined in the related agreements , debt obligations totaling $ 662 million at december 31 , 2009 , may be declared immediately due and payable . ( l ) see note 16 for information on interest rate swaps . 20 . asset retirement obligations the following summarizes the changes in asset retirement obligations : ( in millions ) 2009 2008 . |( in millions )|2009|2008| |asset retirement obligations as of january 1|$ 965|$ 1134| |liabilities incurred including acquisitions|14|30| |liabilities settled|-65 ( 65 )|-94 ( 94 )| |accretion expense ( included in depreciation depletion and amortization )|64|66| |revisions to previous estimates|124|24| |held for sale|-|-195 ( 195 )| |asset retirement obligations as of december 31 ( a )|$ 1102|$ 965| asset retirement obligations as of december 31 ( a ) $ 1102 $ 965 ( a ) includes asset retirement obligation of $ 3 and $ 2 million classified as short-term at december 31 , 2009 , and 2008. . Question: by what percentage did asset retirement obligations decrease from 2007 to 2008?
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Context:dish network corporation notes to consolidated financial statements - continued ciel ii . ciel ii , a canadian dbs satellite , was launched in december 2008 and commenced commercial operation during february 2009 . this satellite is accounted for as a capital lease and depreciated over the term of the satellite service agreement . we have leased 100% ( 100 % ) of the capacity on ciel ii for an initial 10 year term . as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , we had $ 500 million capitalized for the estimated fair value of satellites acquired under capital leases included in 201cproperty and equipment , net , 201d with related accumulated depreciation of $ 151 million and $ 109 million , respectively . in our consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income ( loss ) , we recognized $ 43 million , $ 43 million and $ 40 million in depreciation expense on satellites acquired under capital lease agreements during the years ended december 31 , 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . future minimum lease payments under the capital lease obligation , together with the present value of the net minimum lease payments as of december 31 , 2011 are as follows ( in thousands ) : for the years ended december 31 . |2012|$ 84715| |2013|77893| |2014|76296| |2015|75970| |2016|75970| |thereafter|314269| |total minimum lease payments|705113| |less : amount representing lease of the orbital location and estimated executory costs ( primarily insurance and maintenance ) including profit thereon included in total minimum lease payments|-323382 ( 323382 )| |net minimum lease payments|381731| |less : amount representing interest|-109823 ( 109823 )| |present value of net minimum lease payments|271908| |less : current portion|-29202 ( 29202 )| |long-term portion of capital lease obligations|$ 242706| the summary of future maturities of our outstanding long-term debt as of december 31 , 2011 is included in the commitments table in note 16 . 12 . income taxes and accounting for uncertainty in income taxes income taxes our income tax policy is to record the estimated future tax effects of temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and amounts reported on our consolidated balance sheets , as well as probable operating loss , tax credit and other carryforwards . deferred tax assets are offset by valuation allowances when we believe it is more likely than not that net deferred tax assets will not be realized . we periodically evaluate our need for a valuation allowance . determining necessary valuation allowances requires us to make assessments about historical financial information as well as the timing of future events , including the probability of expected future taxable income and available tax planning opportunities . we file consolidated tax returns in the u.s . the income taxes of domestic and foreign subsidiaries not included in the u.s . tax group are presented in our consolidated financial statements based on a separate return basis for each tax paying entity . as of december 31 , 2011 , we had no net operating loss carryforwards ( 201cnols 201d ) for federal income tax purposes and $ 13 million of nol benefit for state income tax purposes . the state nols begin to expire in the year 2020 . in addition , there are $ 5 million of tax benefits related to credit carryforwards which are partially offset by a valuation allowance and $ 14 million benefit of capital loss carryforwards which are fully offset by a valuation allowance . the credit carryforwards begin to expire in the year 2012. . Question: what percentage of total future minimum lease payments under the capital lease obligation is due in 2016?
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Context:portion of the death benefits directly from the insurance company and the company receives the remainder of the death benefits . it is currently expected that minimal cash payments will be required to fund these policies . the net periodic pension cost for these split-dollar life insurance arrangements was $ 5 million for the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 . the company has recorded a liability representing the actuarial present value of the future death benefits as of the employees 2019 expected retirement date of $ 51 million and $ 58 million as of december 31 , 2013 and december 31 , 2012 , respectively . deferred compensation plan the company amended and reinstated its deferred compensation plan ( 201cthe plan 201d ) effective june 1 , 2013 to reopen the plan to certain participants . under the plan , participating executives may elect to defer base salary and cash incentive compensation in excess of 401 ( k ) plan limitations . participants under the plan may choose to invest their deferred amounts in the same investment alternatives available under the company's 401 ( k ) plan . the plan also allows for company matching contributions for the following : ( i ) the first 4% ( 4 % ) of compensation deferred under the plan , subject to a maximum of $ 50000 for board officers , ( ii ) lost matching amounts that would have been made under the 401 ( k ) plan if participants had not participated in the plan , and ( iii ) discretionary amounts as approved by the compensation and leadership committee of the board of directors . defined contribution plan the company and certain subsidiaries have various defined contribution plans , in which all eligible employees may participate . in the u.s. , the 401 ( k ) plan is a contributory plan . matching contributions are based upon the amount of the employees 2019 contributions . the company 2019s expenses for material defined contribution plans for the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 were $ 44 million , $ 42 million and $ 48 million , respectively . beginning january 1 , 2012 , the company may make an additional discretionary 401 ( k ) plan matching contribution to eligible employees . for the years ended december 31 , 2013 and 2012 , the company made no discretionary matching contributions . 8 . share-based compensation plans and other incentive plans stock options , stock appreciation rights and employee stock purchase plan the company grants options to acquire shares of common stock to certain employees and to existing option holders of acquired companies in connection with the merging of option plans following an acquisition . each option granted and stock appreciation right has an exercise price of no less than 100% ( 100 % ) of the fair market value of the common stock on the date of the grant . the awards have a contractual life of five to fifteen years and vest over two to four years . stock options and stock appreciation rights assumed or replaced with comparable stock options or stock appreciation rights in conjunction with a change in control of the company only become exercisable if the holder is also involuntarily terminated ( for a reason other than cause ) or quits for good reason within 24 months of a change in control . the employee stock purchase plan allows eligible participants to purchase shares of the company 2019s common stock through payroll deductions of up to 20% ( 20 % ) of eligible compensation on an after-tax basis . plan participants cannot purchase more than $ 25000 of stock in any calendar year . the price an employee pays per share is 85% ( 85 % ) of the lower of the fair market value of the company 2019s stock on the close of the first trading day or last trading day of the purchase period . the plan has two purchase periods , the first from october 1 through march 31 and the second from april 1 through september 30 . for the years ended december 31 , 2013 , 2012 and 2011 , employees purchased 1.5 million , 1.4 million and 2.2 million shares , respectively , at purchase prices of $ 43.02 and $ 50.47 , $ 34.52 and $ 42.96 , and $ 30.56 and $ 35.61 , respectively . the company calculates the value of each employee stock option , estimated on the date of grant , using the black-scholes option pricing model . the weighted-average estimated fair value of employee stock options granted during 2013 , 2012 and 2011 was $ 9.52 , $ 9.60 and $ 13.25 , respectively , using the following weighted-average assumptions: . ||2013|2012|2011| |expected volatility|22.1% ( 22.1 % )|24.0% ( 24.0 % )|28.8% ( 28.8 % )| |risk-free interest rate|0.9% ( 0.9 % )|0.8% ( 0.8 % )|2.1% ( 2.1 % )| |dividend yield|2.4% ( 2.4 % )|2.2% ( 2.2 % )|0.0% ( 0.0 % )| |expected life ( years )|5.9|6.1|6.0| the company uses the implied volatility for traded options on the company 2019s stock as the expected volatility assumption required in the black-scholes model . the selection of the implied volatility approach was based upon the availability of . Question: what was the average share price in 2012
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Context:notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) note 2 2014financial instruments ( continued ) are not covered by collateral , third-party flooring arrangements , or credit insurance are outstanding with the company 2019s distribution and retail channel partners . no customer accounted for more than 10% ( 10 % ) of trade receivables as of september 24 , 2005 or september 25 , 2004 . the following table summarizes the activity in the allowance for doubtful accounts ( in millions ) : september 24 , september 25 , september 27 . ||september 24 2005|september 25 2004|september 27 2003| |beginning allowance balance|$ 47|$ 49|$ 51| |charged to costs and expenses|8|3|4| |deductions ( a )|-9 ( 9 )|-5 ( 5 )|-6 ( 6 )| |ending allowance balance|$ 46|$ 47|$ 49| ( a ) represents amounts written off against the allowance , net of recoveries . vendor non-trade receivables the company has non-trade receivables from certain of its manufacturing vendors resulting from the sale of raw material components to these manufacturing vendors who manufacture sub-assemblies or assemble final products for the company . the company purchases these raw material components directly from suppliers . these non-trade receivables , which are included in the consolidated balance sheets in other current assets , totaled $ 417 million and $ 276 million as of september 24 , 2005 and september 25 , 2004 , respectively . the company does not reflect the sale of these components in net sales and does not recognize any profits on these sales until the products are sold through to the end customer at which time the profit is recognized as a reduction of cost of sales . derivative financial instruments the company uses derivatives to partially offset its business exposure to foreign exchange and interest rate risk . foreign currency forward and option contracts are used to offset the foreign exchange risk on certain existing assets and liabilities and to hedge the foreign exchange risk on expected future cash flows on certain forecasted revenue and cost of sales . from time to time , the company enters into interest rate derivative agreements to modify the interest rate profile of certain investments and debt . the company 2019s accounting policies for these instruments are based on whether the instruments are designated as hedge or non-hedge instruments . the company records all derivatives on the balance sheet at fair value. . Question: what was the change in non-trade receivables , which are included in the consolidated balance sheets in other current assets , between september 24 , 2005 and september 25 , 2004 , in millions?
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Context:entergy louisiana , llc and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis plan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business see the 201cplan to spin off the utility 2019s transmission business 201d section of entergy corporation and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis for a discussion of this matter , including the planned retirement of debt and preferred securities . results of operations net income 2011 compared to 2010 net income increased $ 242.5 million primarily due to a settlement with the irs related to the mark-to-market income tax treatment of power purchase contracts , which resulted in a $ 422 million income tax benefit . the net income effect was partially offset by a $ 199 million regulatory charge , which reduced net revenue , because a portion of the benefit will be shared with customers . see note 3 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the settlement and benefit sharing . 2010 compared to 2009 net income decreased slightly by $ 1.4 million primarily due to higher other operation and maintenance expenses , a higher effective income tax rate , and higher interest expense , almost entirely offset by higher net revenue . net revenue 2011 compared to 2010 net revenue consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related expenses , and gas purchased for resale , 2 ) purchased power expenses , and 3 ) other regulatory charges ( credits ) . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2011 to 2010 . amount ( in millions ) . ||amount ( in millions )| |2010 net revenue|$ 1043.7| |mark-to-market tax settlement sharing|-195.9 ( 195.9 )| |retail electric price|32.5| |volume/weather|11.6| |other|-5.7 ( 5.7 )| |2011 net revenue|$ 886.2| the mark-to-market tax settlement sharing variance results from a regulatory charge because a portion of the benefits of a settlement with the irs related to the mark-to-market income tax treatment of power purchase contracts will be shared with customers , slightly offset by the amortization of a portion of that charge beginning in october 2011 . see notes 3 and 8 to the financial statements for additional discussion of the settlement and benefit sharing . the retail electric price variance is primarily due to a formula rate plan increase effective may 2011 . see note 2 to the financial statements for discussion of the formula rate plan increase. . Question: in 2011 what was the ratio of the income tax benefit to the increase in the net income
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Context:the contractual maturities of held-to-maturity securities as of january 30 , 2009 were in excess of three years and were $ 31.4 million at cost and $ 28.9 million at fair value , respectively . for the successor year ended january 30 , 2009 and period ended february 1 , 2008 , and the predecessor period ended july 6 , 2007 and year ended february 2 , 2007 , gross realized gains and losses on the sales of available-for-sale securities were not material . the cost of securities sold is based upon the specific identification method . merchandise inventories inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market with cost determined using the retail last-in , first-out ( 201clifo 201d ) method . under the company 2019s retail inventory method ( 201crim 201d ) , the calculation of gross profit and the resulting valuation of inventories at cost are computed by applying a calculated cost-to-retail inventory ratio to the retail value of sales at a department level . costs directly associated with warehousing and distribution are capitalized into inventory . the excess of current cost over lifo cost was approximately $ 50.0 million at january 30 , 2009 and $ 6.1 million at february 1 , 2008 . current cost is determined using the retail first-in , first-out method . the company 2019s lifo reserves were adjusted to zero at july 6 , 2007 as a result of the merger . the successor recorded lifo provisions of $ 43.9 million and $ 6.1 million during 2008 and 2007 , respectively . the predecessor recorded a lifo credit of $ 1.5 million in 2006 . in 2008 , the increased commodity cost pressures mainly related to food and pet products which have been driven by fruit and vegetable prices and rising freight costs . increases in petroleum , resin , metals , pulp and other raw material commodity driven costs also resulted in multiple product cost increases . the company intends to address these commodity cost increases through negotiations with its vendors and by increasing retail prices as necessary . on a quarterly basis , the company estimates the annual impact of commodity cost fluctuations based upon the best available information at that point in time . store pre-opening costs pre-opening costs related to new store openings and the construction periods are expensed as incurred . property and equipment property and equipment are recorded at cost . the company provides for depreciation and amortization on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: . |land improvements|20| |buildings|39-40| |furniture fixtures and equipment|3-10| improvements of leased properties are amortized over the shorter of the life of the applicable lease term or the estimated useful life of the asset. . Question: what is the percentage change in held-to-maturity securities at cost and at fair value as of january 30 , 2009?
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Context:part ii , item 8 fourth quarter of 2007 : 0160 schlumberger sold certain workover rigs for $ 32 million , resulting in a pretax gain of $ 24 million ( $ 17 million after-tax ) which is classified in interest and other income , net in the consolidated statement of income . 4 . acquisitions acquisition of eastern echo holding plc on december 10 , 2007 , schlumberger completed the acquisition of eastern echo holding plc ( 201ceastern echo 201d ) for $ 838 million in cash . eastern echo was a dubai-based marine seismic company that did not have any operations at the time of acquisition , but had signed contracts for the construction of six seismic vessels . the purchase price has been allocated to the net assets acquired based upon their estimated fair values as follows : ( stated in millions ) . |cash and short-term investments|$ 266| |other current assets|23| |fixed income investments held to maturity|54| |vessels under construction|694| |accounts payable and accrued liabilities|-17 ( 17 )| |long-term debt|-182 ( 182 )| |total purchase price|$ 838| other acquisitions schlumberger has made other acquisitions and minority interest investments , none of which were significant on an individual basis , for cash payments , net of cash acquired , of $ 514 million during 2009 , $ 345 million during 2008 , and $ 281 million during 2007 . pro forma results pertaining to the above acquisitions are not presented as the impact was not significant . 5 . drilling fluids joint venture the mi-swaco drilling fluids joint venture is owned 40% ( 40 % ) by schlumberger and 60% ( 60 % ) by smith international , inc . schlumberger records income relating to this venture using the equity method of accounting . the carrying value of schlumberger 2019s investment in the joint venture on december 31 , 2009 and 2008 was $ 1.4 billion and $ 1.3 billion , respectively , and is included within investments in affiliated companies on the consolidated balance sheet . schlumberger 2019s equity income from this joint venture was $ 131 million in 2009 , $ 210 million in 2008 and $ 178 million in 2007 . schlumberger received cash distributions from the joint venture of $ 106 million in 2009 , $ 57 million in 2008 and $ 46 million in 2007 . the joint venture agreement contains a provision under which either party to the joint venture may offer to sell its entire interest in the venture to the other party at a cash purchase price per percentage interest specified in an offer notice . if the offer to sell is not accepted , the offering party will be obligated to purchase the entire interest of the other party at the same price per percentage interest as the prices specified in the offer notice. . Question: what was vessels under construction as a percentage of total purchase price?
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Context:entergy texas , inc . and subsidiaries management 2019s financial discussion and analysis in addition to the contractual obligations given above , entergy texas expects to contribute approximately $ 17 million to its qualified pension plans and approximately $ 3.2 million to other postretirement health care and life insurance plans in 2017 , although the 2017 required pension contributions will be known with more certainty when the january 1 , 2017 valuations are completed , which is expected by april 1 , 2017 . see 201ccritical accounting estimates - qualified pension and other postretirement benefits 201d below for a discussion of qualified pension and other postretirement benefits funding . also in addition to the contractual obligations , entergy texas has $ 15.6 million of unrecognized tax benefits and interest net of unused tax attributes and payments for which the timing of payments beyond 12 months cannot be reasonably estimated due to uncertainties in the timing of effective settlement of tax positions . see note 3 to the financial statements for additional information regarding unrecognized tax benefits . in addition to routine capital spending to maintain operations , the planned capital investment estimate for entergy texas includes specific investments such as the montgomery county power station discussed below ; transmission projects to enhance reliability , reduce congestion , and enable economic growth ; distribution spending to enhance reliability and improve service to customers , including initial investment to support advanced metering ; system improvements ; and other investments . estimated capital expenditures are subject to periodic review and modification and may vary based on the ongoing effects of regulatory constraints and requirements , environmental compliance , business opportunities , market volatility , economic trends , business restructuring , changes in project plans , and the ability to access capital . management provides more information on long-term debt in note 5 to the financial statements . as discussed above in 201ccapital structure , 201d entergy texas routinely evaluates its ability to pay dividends to entergy corporation from its earnings . sources of capital entergy texas 2019s sources to meet its capital requirements include : 2022 internally generated funds ; 2022 cash on hand ; 2022 debt or preferred stock issuances ; and 2022 bank financing under new or existing facilities . entergy texas may refinance , redeem , or otherwise retire debt prior to maturity , to the extent market conditions and interest and dividend rates are favorable . all debt and common and preferred stock issuances by entergy texas require prior regulatory approval . debt issuances are also subject to issuance tests set forth in its bond indenture and other agreements . entergy texas has sufficient capacity under these tests to meet its foreseeable capital needs . entergy texas 2019s receivables from or ( payables to ) the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years. . |2016|2015|2014|2013| |( in thousands )|( in thousands )|( in thousands )|( in thousands )| |$ 681|( $ 22068 )|$ 306|$ 6287| see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . entergy texas has a credit facility in the amount of $ 150 million scheduled to expire in august 2021 . the credit facility allows entergy texas to issue letters of credit against 50% ( 50 % ) of the borrowing capacity of the facility . as of december 31 , 2016 , there were no cash borrowings and $ 4.7 million of letters of credit outstanding under the credit facility . in addition , entergy texas is a party to an uncommitted letter of credit facility as a means to post collateral . Question: as of december 31 , 2016 , what percentage of the august 2021 credit facility was drawn?
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Context:devon energy corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) the following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values in the tables above . fixed-income securities 2014 devon 2019s fixed-income securities consist of u.s . treasury obligations , bonds issued by investment-grade companies from diverse industries , and asset-backed securities . these fixed-income securities are actively traded securities that can be redeemed upon demand . the fair values of these level 1 securities are based upon quoted market prices . devon 2019s fixed income securities also include commingled funds that primarily invest in long-term bonds and u.s . treasury securities . these fixed income securities can be redeemed on demand but are not actively traded . the fair values of these level 2 securities are based upon the net asset values provided by the investment managers . equity securities 2014 devon 2019s equity securities include a commingled global equity fund that invests in large , mid and small capitalization stocks across the world 2019s developed and emerging markets . these equity securities can be redeemed on demand but are not actively traded . the fair values of these level 2 securities are based upon the net asset values provided by the investment managers . at december 31 , 2010 , devon 2019s equity securities consisted of investments in u.s . large and small capitalization companies and international large capitalization companies . these equity securities were actively traded securities that could be redeemed upon demand . the fair values of these level 1 securities are based upon quoted market prices . at december 31 , 2010 , devon 2019s equity securities also included a commingled fund that invested in large capitalization companies . these equity securities could be redeemed on demand but were not actively traded . the fair values of these level 2 securities are based upon the net asset values provided by the investment managers . other securities 2014 devon 2019s other securities include commingled , short-term investment funds . these securities can be redeemed on demand but are not actively traded . the fair values of these level 2 securities are based upon the net asset values provided by investment managers . devon 2019s hedge fund and alternative investments include an investment in an actively traded global mutual fund that focuses on alternative investment strategies and a hedge fund of funds that invests both long and short using a variety of investment strategies . devon 2019s hedge fund of funds is not actively traded and devon is subject to redemption restrictions with regards to this investment . the fair value of this level 3 investment represents the fair value as determined by the hedge fund manager . included below is a summary of the changes in devon 2019s level 3 plan assets ( in millions ) . . |december 31 2009|$ 51| |purchases|3| |investment returns|4| |december 31 2010|58| |purchases|33| |investment returns|-1 ( 1 )| |december 31 2011|$ 90| . Question: what was the percentage change in devon 2019s level 3 plan assets from 2009 to 2010
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Context:the goldman sachs group , inc . and subsidiaries management 2019s discussion and analysis equities . includes client execution activities related to making markets in equity products and commissions and fees from executing and clearing institutional client transactions on major stock , options and futures exchanges worldwide , as well as otc transactions . equities also includes our securities services business , which provides financing , securities lending and other prime brokerage services to institutional clients , including hedge funds , mutual funds , pension funds and foundations , and generates revenues primarily in the form of interest rate spreads or fees . the table below presents the operating results of our institutional client services segment. . |$ in millions|year ended december 2015|year ended december 2014|year ended december 2013| |fixed income currency and commodities client execution|$ 7322|$ 8461|$ 8651| |equities client execution1|3028|2079|2594| |commissions and fees|3156|3153|3103| |securities services|1645|1504|1373| |total equities|7829|6736|7070| |total net revenues|15151|15197|15721| |operating expenses|13938|10880|11792| |pre-tax earnings|$ 1213|$ 4317|$ 3929| 1 . net revenues related to the americas reinsurance business were $ 317 million for 2013 . in april 2013 , we completed the sale of a majority stake in our americas reinsurance business and no longer consolidate this business . 2015 versus 2014 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 15.15 billion for 2015 , essentially unchanged compared with 2014 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 7.32 billion for 2015 , 13% ( 13 % ) lower than 2014 . excluding a gain of $ 168 million in 2014 related to the extinguishment of certain of our junior subordinated debt , net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were 12% ( 12 % ) lower than 2014 , reflecting significantly lower net revenues in mortgages , credit products and commodities . the decreases in mortgages and credit products reflected challenging market-making conditions and generally low levels of activity during 2015 . the decline in commodities primarily reflected less favorable market-making conditions compared with 2014 , which included a strong first quarter of 2014 . these decreases were partially offset by significantly higher net revenues in interest rate products and currencies , reflecting higher volatility levels which contributed to higher client activity levels , particularly during the first quarter of 2015 . net revenues in equities were $ 7.83 billion for 2015 , 16% ( 16 % ) higher than 2014 . excluding a gain of $ 121 million ( $ 30 million and $ 91 million included in equities client execution and securities services , respectively ) in 2014 related to the extinguishment of certain of our junior subordinated debt , net revenues in equities were 18% ( 18 % ) higher than 2014 , primarily due to significantly higher net revenues in equities client execution across the major regions , reflecting significantly higher results in both derivatives and cash products , and higher net revenues in securities services , reflecting the impact of higher average customer balances and improved securities lending spreads . commissions and fees were essentially unchanged compared with 2014 . the firm elects the fair value option for certain unsecured borrowings . the fair value net gain attributable to the impact of changes in our credit spreads on these borrowings was $ 255 million ( $ 214 million and $ 41 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2015 , compared with a net gain of $ 144 million ( $ 108 million and $ 36 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2014 . during 2015 , the operating environment for institutional client services was positively impacted by diverging central bank monetary policies in the united states and the euro area in the first quarter , as increased volatility levels contributed to strong client activity levels in currencies , interest rate products and equity products , and market- making conditions improved . however , during the remainder of the year , concerns about global growth and uncertainty about the u.s . federal reserve 2019s interest rate policy , along with lower global equity prices , widening high-yield credit spreads and declining commodity prices , contributed to lower levels of client activity , particularly in mortgages and credit , and more difficult market-making conditions . if macroeconomic concerns continue over the long term and activity levels decline , net revenues in institutional client services would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 13.94 billion for 2015 , 28% ( 28 % ) higher than 2014 , due to significantly higher net provisions for mortgage-related litigation and regulatory matters , partially offset by decreased compensation and benefits expenses . pre-tax earnings were $ 1.21 billion in 2015 , 72% ( 72 % ) lower than 2014 . 62 goldman sachs 2015 form 10-k . Question: what percentage of total net revenues in the institutional client services segment was due to fixed income currency and commodities client execution in 2014?
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Context:net cash used by investing activities in 2013 also included $ 38.2 million for the may 13 , 2013 acquisition of challenger . see note 2 to the consolidated financial statements for information on the challenger acquisition . capital expenditures in 2013 , 2012 and 2011 totaled $ 70.6 million , $ 79.4 million and $ 61.2 million , respectively . capital expenditures in 2013 included continued investments related to the company 2019s execution of its strategic value creation processes around safety , quality , customer connection , innovation and rci initiatives . capital expenditures in all three years included spending to support the company 2019s strategic growth initiatives . in 2013 , the company continued to invest in new product , efficiency , safety and cost reduction initiatives to expand and improve its manufacturing capabilities worldwide . in 2012 , the company completed the construction of a fourth factory in kunshan , china , following the 2011 construction of a new engineering and research and development facility in kunshan . capital expenditures in all three years also included investments , particularly in the united states , in new product , efficiency , safety and cost reduction initiatives , as well as investments in new production and machine tooling to enhance manufacturing operations , and ongoing replacements of manufacturing and distribution equipment . capital spending in all three years also included spending for the replacement and enhancement of the company 2019s global enterprise resource planning ( erp ) management information systems , as well as spending to enhance the company 2019s corporate headquarters and research and development facilities in kenosha , wisconsin . snap-on believes that its cash generated from operations , as well as its available cash on hand and funds available from its credit facilities will be sufficient to fund the company 2019s capital expenditure requirements in 2014 . financing activities net cash used by financing activities was $ 137.8 million in 2013 , $ 127.0 million in 2012 and $ 293.7 million in 2011 . net cash used by financing activities in 2011 reflects the august 2011 repayment of $ 200 million of unsecured 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) notes upon maturity with available cash . proceeds from stock purchase and option plan exercises totaled $ 29.2 million in 2013 , $ 46.8 million in 2012 and $ 25.7 million in 2011 . snap-on has undertaken stock repurchases from time to time to offset dilution created by shares issued for employee and franchisee stock purchase plans , stock options and other corporate purposes . in 2013 , snap-on repurchased 926000 shares of its common stock for $ 82.6 million under its previously announced share repurchase programs . as of 2013 year end , snap-on had remaining availability to repurchase up to an additional $ 191.7 million in common stock pursuant to its board of directors 2019 ( the 201cboard 201d ) authorizations . the purchase of snap-on common stock is at the company 2019s discretion , subject to prevailing financial and market conditions . snap-on repurchased 1180000 shares of its common stock for $ 78.1 million in 2012 ; snap-on repurchased 628000 shares of its common stock for $ 37.4 million in 2011 . snap-on believes that its cash generated from operations , available cash on hand , and funds available from its credit facilities , will be sufficient to fund the company 2019s share repurchases , if any , in 2014 . snap-on has paid consecutive quarterly cash dividends , without interruption or reduction , since 1939 . cash dividends paid in 2013 , 2012 and 2011 totaled $ 92.0 million , $ 81.5 million and $ 76.7 million , respectively . on november 8 , 2013 , the company announced that its board increased the quarterly cash dividend by 15.8% ( 15.8 % ) to $ 0.44 per share ( $ 1.76 per share per year ) . quarterly dividends declared in 2013 were $ 0.44 per share in the fourth quarter and $ 0.38 per share in the first three quarters ( $ 1.58 per share for the year ) . quarterly dividends declared in 2012 were $ 0.38 per share in the fourth quarter and $ 0.34 per share in the first three quarters ( $ 1.40 per share for the year ) . quarterly dividends in 2011 were $ 0.34 per share in the fourth quarter and $ 0.32 per share in the first three quarters ( $ 1.30 per share for the year ) . . ||2013|2012|2011| |cash dividends paid per common share|$ 1.58|$ 1.40|$ 1.30| |cash dividends paid as a percent of prior-year retained earnings|4.5% ( 4.5 % )|4.4% ( 4.4 % )|4.7% ( 4.7 % )| cash dividends paid as a percent of prior-year retained earnings 4.5% ( 4.5 % ) 4.4% ( 4.4 % ) snap-on believes that its cash generated from operations , available cash on hand and funds available from its credit facilities will be sufficient to pay dividends in 2014 . off-balance-sheet arrangements except as included below in the section labeled 201ccontractual obligations and commitments 201d and note 15 to the consolidated financial statements , the company had no off-balance-sheet arrangements as of 2013 year end . 2013 annual report 49 . Question: what was the average capital expenditures from 2011 to 2013 in millions
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Context:management 2019s discussion and analysis investing & lending investing & lending includes our investing activities and the origination of loans to provide financing to clients . these investments and loans are typically longer-term in nature . we make investments , some of which are consolidated , directly and indirectly through funds that we manage , in debt securities and loans , public and private equity securities , and real estate entities . the table below presents the operating results of our investing & lending segment. . |$ in millions|year ended december 2014|year ended december 2013|year ended december 2012| |equity securities|$ 3813|$ 3930|$ 2800| |debt securities and loans|2165|1947|1850| |other1|847|1141|1241| |total net revenues|6825|7018|5891| |operating expenses|2819|2686|2668| |pre-tax earnings|$ 4006|$ 4332|$ 3223| 1 . includes net revenues of $ 325 million for 2014 , $ 329 million for 2013 and $ 362 million for 2012 related to metro international trade services llc . we completed the sale of this consolidated investment in december 2014 . 2014 versus 2013 . net revenues in investing & lending were $ 6.83 billion for 2014 , 3% ( 3 % ) lower than 2013 . net gains from investments in equity securities were slightly lower due to a significant decrease in net gains from investments in public equities , as movements in global equity prices during 2014 were less favorable compared with 2013 , partially offset by an increase in net gains from investments in private equities , primarily driven by company-specific events . net revenues from debt securities and loans were higher than 2013 , reflecting a significant increase in net interest income , primarily driven by increased lending , and a slight increase in net gains , primarily due to sales of certain investments during 2014 . other net revenues , related to our consolidated investments , were significantly lower compared with 2013 , reflecting a decrease in operating revenues from commodities-related consolidated investments . during 2014 , net revenues in investing & lending generally reflected favorable company-specific events , including initial public offerings and financings , and strong corporate performance , as well as net gains from sales of certain investments . however , concerns about the outlook for the global economy and uncertainty over the impact of financial regulatory reform continue to be meaningful considerations for the global marketplace . if equity markets decline or credit spreads widen , net revenues in investing & lending would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 2.82 billion for 2014 , 5% ( 5 % ) higher than 2013 , reflecting higher compensation and benefits expenses , partially offset by lower expenses related to consolidated investments . pre-tax earnings were $ 4.01 billion in 2014 , 8% ( 8 % ) lower than 2013 . 2013 versus 2012 . net revenues in investing & lending were $ 7.02 billion for 2013 , 19% ( 19 % ) higher than 2012 , reflecting a significant increase in net gains from investments in equity securities , driven by company-specific events and stronger corporate performance , as well as significantly higher global equity prices . in addition , net gains and net interest income from debt securities and loans were slightly higher , while other net revenues , related to our consolidated investments , were lower compared with 2012 . during 2013 , net revenues in investing & lending generally reflected favorable company-specific events and strong corporate performance , as well as the impact of significantly higher global equity prices and tighter corporate credit spreads . operating expenses were $ 2.69 billion for 2013 , essentially unchanged compared with 2012 . operating expenses during 2013 included lower impairment charges and lower operating expenses related to consolidated investments , partially offset by increased compensation and benefits expenses due to higher net revenues compared with 2012 . pre-tax earnings were $ 4.33 billion in 2013 , 34% ( 34 % ) higher than 2012 . goldman sachs 2014 annual report 45 . Question: in millions for 2014 2013 and 2012 , what was average equity securities?
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Context:fair value of financial instruments : the company 2019s financial instruments include cash and cash equivalents , marketable securities , accounts receivable , certain investments , accounts payable , borrowings , and derivative contracts . the fair values of cash and cash equivalents , accounts receivable , accounts payable , and short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term debt approximated carrying values because of the short-term nature of these instruments . available-for-sale marketable securities and investments , in addition to certain derivative instruments , are recorded at fair values as indicated in the preceding disclosures . for its long-term debt the company utilized third-party quotes to estimate fair values ( classified as level 2 ) . information with respect to the carrying amounts and estimated fair values of these financial instruments follow: . |( millions )|december 31 2012 carrying value|december 31 2012 fair value|december 31 2012 carrying value|fair value| |long-term debt excluding current portion|$ 4916|$ 5363|$ 4484|$ 5002| the fair values reflected above consider the terms of the related debt absent the impacts of derivative/hedging activity . the carrying amount of long-term debt referenced above is impacted by certain fixed-to-floating interest rate swaps that are designated as fair value hedges and by the designation of fixed rate eurobond securities issued by the company as hedging instruments of the company 2019s net investment in its european subsidiaries . 3m 2019s fixed-rate bonds were trading at a premium at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 due to the low interest rates and tightening of 3m 2019s credit spreads. . Question: in december 2012 what was the percentage difference in the carrying values of the long-term debt excluding current portion
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Context:reporting unit 2019s related goodwill assets . in 2013 , we recorded a non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $ 195 million , net of state tax benefits . see 201ccritical accounting policies - goodwill 201d in management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations and 201cnote 1 2013 significant accounting policies 201d for more information on this impairment charge . changes in u.s . or foreign tax laws , including possibly with retroactive effect , and audits by tax authorities could result in unanticipated increases in our tax expense and affect profitability and cash flows . for example , proposals to lower the u.s . corporate income tax rate would require us to reduce our net deferred tax assets upon enactment of the related tax legislation , with a corresponding material , one-time increase to income tax expense , but our income tax expense and payments would be materially reduced in subsequent years . actual financial results could differ from our judgments and estimates . refer to 201ccritical accounting policies 201d in management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations , and 201cnote 1 2013 significant accounting policies 201d of our consolidated financial statements for a complete discussion of our significant accounting policies and use of estimates . item 1b . unresolved staff comments . item 2 . properties . at december 31 , 2013 , we owned or leased building space ( including offices , manufacturing plants , warehouses , service centers , laboratories , and other facilities ) at 518 locations primarily in the u.s . additionally , we manage or occupy various u.s . government-owned facilities under lease and other arrangements . at december 31 , 2013 , we had significant operations in the following locations : 2022 aeronautics 2013 palmdale , california ; marietta , georgia ; greenville , south carolina ; fort worth and san antonio , texas ; and montreal , canada . 2022 information systems & global solutions 2013 goodyear , arizona ; sunnyvale , california ; colorado springs and denver , colorado ; gaithersburg and rockville , maryland ; valley forge , pennsylvania ; and houston , texas . 2022 missiles and fire control 2013 camden , arkansas ; orlando , florida ; lexington , kentucky ; and grand prairie , texas . 2022 mission systems and training 2013 orlando , florida ; baltimore , maryland ; moorestown/mt . laurel , new jersey ; owego and syracuse , new york ; akron , ohio ; and manassas , virginia . 2022 space systems 2013 huntsville , alabama ; sunnyvale , california ; denver , colorado ; albuquerque , new mexico ; and newtown , pennsylvania . 2022 corporate activities 2013 lakeland , florida and bethesda , maryland . in november 2013 , we committed to a plan to vacate our leased facilities in goodyear , arizona and akron , ohio , and close our owned facility in newtown , pennsylvania and certain owned buildings at our sunnyvale , california facility . we expect these closures , which include approximately 2.5 million square feet of facility space , will be substantially complete by the middle of 2015 . for information regarding these matters , see 201cnote 2 2013 restructuring charges 201d of our consolidated financial statements . the following is a summary of our square feet of floor space by business segment at december 31 , 2013 , inclusive of the facilities that we plan to vacate as mentioned above ( in millions ) : owned leased u.s . government- owned total . ||owned|leased|u.s . government- owned|total| |aeronautics|5.8|2.7|14.2|22.7| |information systems & global solutions|2.5|5.7|2014|8.2| |missiles and fire control|4.2|5.1|1.3|10.6| |mission systems and training|5.8|5.3|0.4|11.5| |space systems|8.5|1.6|7.9|18.0| |corporate activities|3.0|0.9|2014|3.9| |total|29.8|21.3|23.8|74.9| we believe our facilities are in good condition and adequate for their current use . we may improve , replace , or reduce facilities as considered appropriate to meet the needs of our operations. . Question: what percentage of total square feet of floor space by business segment at december 31 , 2013 is in aeronautics?
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Context:notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) the following table summarizes the changes in non-vested restricted stock awards for the year ended may 31 , 2009 ( share awards in thousands ) : share awards weighted average grant-date fair value . ||share awards|weighted average grant-date fair value| |non-vested at may 31 2007|278|$ 37| |granted|400|38| |vested|-136 ( 136 )|30| |forfeited|-24 ( 24 )|40| |non-vested at may 31 2008|518|39| |granted|430|43| |vested|-159 ( 159 )|39| |forfeited|-27 ( 27 )|41| |non-vested at may 31 2009|762|42| the weighted average grant-date fair value of share awards granted in the years ended may 31 , 2008 and 2007 was $ 38 and $ 45 , respectively . the total fair value of share awards vested during the years ended may 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 was $ 6.2 million , $ 4.1 million and $ 1.7 million , respectively . we recognized compensation expense for restricted stock of $ 9.0 million , $ 5.7 million , and $ 2.7 million in the years ended may 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 . as of may 31 , 2009 , there was $ 23.5 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested restricted stock awards that is expected to be recognized over a weighted average period of 2.9 years . employee stock purchase plan we have an employee stock purchase plan under which the sale of 2.4 million shares of our common stock has been authorized . employees may designate up to the lesser of $ 25000 or 20% ( 20 % ) of their annual compensation for the purchase of stock . the price for shares purchased under the plan is 85% ( 85 % ) of the market value on the last day of the quarterly purchase period . as of may 31 , 2009 , 0.8 million shares had been issued under this plan , with 1.6 million shares reserved for future issuance . the weighted average grant-date fair value of each designated share purchased under this plan was $ 6 , $ 6 and $ 8 in the years ended may 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . these values represent the fair value of the 15% ( 15 % ) discount . note 12 2014segment information general information during fiscal 2009 , we began assessing our operating performance using a new segment structure . we made this change as a result of our june 30 , 2008 acquisition of 51% ( 51 % ) of hsbc merchant services llp in the united kingdom , in addition to anticipated future international expansion . beginning with the quarter ended august 31 , 2008 , the reportable segments are defined as north america merchant services , international merchant services , and money transfer . the following tables reflect these changes and such reportable segments for fiscal years 2009 , 2008 , and 2007. . Question: what is the total value of non-vested shares as of may 31 , 2009 , ( in millions ) ?
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Context:credit facilities . as such , our foreign cash and cash equivalents are not expected to be a key source of liquidity to our domestic operations . at september 30 , 2019 , we had approximately $ 2.9 billion of availability under our committed credit facilities , primarily under our revolving credit facility , the majority of which matures on july 1 , 2022 . this liquidity may be used to provide for ongoing working capital needs and for other general corporate purposes , including acquisitions , dividends and stock repurchases . certain restrictive covenants govern our maximum availability under the credit facilities . we test and report our compliance with these covenants as required and we were in compliance with all of these covenants at september 30 , 2019 . at september 30 , 2019 , we had $ 129.8 million of outstanding letters of credit not drawn cash and cash equivalents were $ 151.6 million at september 30 , 2019 and $ 636.8 million at september 30 , 2018 . we used a significant portion of the cash and cash equivalents on hand at september 30 , 2018 in connection with the closing of the kapstone acquisition . primarily all of the cash and cash equivalents at september 30 , 2019 were held outside of the u.s . at september 30 , 2019 , total debt was $ 10063.4 million , $ 561.1 million of which was current . at september 30 , 2018 , total debt was $ 6415.2 million , $ 740.7 million of which was current . the increase in debt was primarily related to the kapstone acquisition . cash flow activity . |( in millions )|year ended september 30 , 2019|year ended september 30 , 2018| |net cash provided by operating activities|$ 2310.2|$ 1931.2| |net cash used for investing activities|$ -4579.6 ( 4579.6 )|$ -815.1 ( 815.1 )| |net cash provided by ( used for ) financing activities|$ 1780.2|$ -755.1 ( 755.1 )| net cash provided by operating activities during fiscal 2019 increased $ 379.0 million from fiscal 2018 primarily due to higher cash earnings and a $ 340.3 million net decrease in the use of working capital compared to the prior year . as a result of the retrospective adoption of asu 2016-15 and asu 2016-18 ( each as hereinafter defined ) as discussed in 201cnote 1 . description of business and summary of significant accounting policies 201d of the notes to consolidated financial statements , net cash provided by operating activities for fiscal 2018 was reduced by $ 489.7 million and cash provided by investing activities increased $ 483.8 million , primarily for the change in classification of proceeds received for beneficial interests obtained for transferring trade receivables in securitization transactions . net cash used for investing activities of $ 4579.6 million in fiscal 2019 consisted primarily of $ 3374.2 million for cash paid for the purchase of businesses , net of cash acquired ( excluding the assumption of debt ) , primarily related to the kapstone acquisition , and $ 1369.1 million for capital expenditures that were partially offset by $ 119.1 million of proceeds from the sale of property , plant and equipment primarily related to the sale of our atlanta beverage facility , $ 33.2 million of proceeds from corporate owned life insurance benefits and $ 25.5 million of proceeds from property , plant and equipment insurance proceeds related to the panama city , fl mill . net cash used for investing activities of $ 815.1 million in fiscal 2018 consisted primarily of $ 999.9 million for capital expenditures , $ 239.9 million for cash paid for the purchase of businesses , net of cash acquired primarily related to the plymouth acquisition and the schl fcter acquisition , and $ 108.0 million for an investment in grupo gondi . these investments were partially offset by $ 461.6 million of cash receipts on sold trade receivables as a result of the adoption of asu 2016-15 , $ 24.0 million of proceeds from the sale of certain affiliates as well as our solid waste management brokerage services business and $ 23.3 million of proceeds from the sale of property , plant and equipment . in fiscal 2019 , net cash provided by financing activities of $ 1780.2 million consisted primarily of a net increase in debt of $ 2314.6 million , primarily related to the kapstone acquisition and partially offset by cash dividends paid to stockholders of $ 467.9 million and purchases of common stock of $ 88.6 million . in fiscal 2018 , net cash used for financing activities of $ 755.1 million consisted primarily of cash dividends paid to stockholders of $ 440.9 million and purchases of common stock of $ 195.1 million and net repayments of debt of $ 120.1 million. . Question: in 2019 what was the net change in cash in millions
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Context:j.p . morgan chase & co . / 2003 annual report 33 corporate credit allocation in 2003 , tss was assigned a corporate credit allocation of pre- tax earnings and the associated capital related to certain credit exposures managed within ib 2019s credit portfolio on behalf of clients shared with tss . prior periods have been revised to reflect this allocation . for 2003 , the impact to tss of this change increased pre-tax operating results by $ 36 million and average allocated capital by $ 712 million , and it decreased sva by $ 65 million . pre-tax operating results were $ 46 million lower than in 2002 , reflecting lower loan volumes and higher related expenses , slightly offset by a decrease in credit costs . business outlook tss revenue in 2004 is expected to benefit from improved global equity markets and from two recent acquisitions : the november 2003 acquisition of the bank one corporate trust portfolio , and the january 2004 acquisition of citigroup 2019s electronic funds services business . tss also expects higher costs as it integrates these acquisitions and continues strategic investments to sup- port business expansion . by client segment tss dimensions of 2003 revenue diversification by business revenue by geographic region investor services 36% ( 36 % ) other 1% ( 1 % ) institutional trust services 23% ( 23 % ) treasury services 40% ( 40 % ) large corporations 21% ( 21 % ) middle market 18% ( 18 % ) banks 11% ( 11 % ) nonbank financial institutions 44% ( 44 % ) public sector/governments 6% ( 6 % ) europe , middle east & africa 27% ( 27 % ) asia/pacific 9% ( 9 % ) the americas 64% ( 64 % ) ( a ) includes the elimination of revenue related to shared activities with chase middle market in the amount of $ 347 million . year ended december 31 , operating revenue . |year ended december 31 , ( in millions )|year ended december 31 , 2003|year ended december 31 , 2002|change| |treasury services|$ 1927|$ 1818|6% ( 6 % )| |investor services|1449|1513|-4 ( 4 )| |institutional trust services ( a )|928|864|7| |other ( a ) ( b )|-312 ( 312 )|-303 ( 303 )|-3 ( 3 )| |total treasury & securities services|$ 3992|$ 3892|3% ( 3 % )| ( a ) includes a portion of the $ 41 million gain on sale of a nonstrategic business in 2003 : $ 1 million in institutional trust services and $ 40 million in other . ( b ) includes the elimination of revenues related to shared activities with chase middle market , and a $ 50 million gain on sale of a non-u.s . securities clearing firm in 2002. . Question: how much was 2003 total treasury & securities services without the benefit of the special gain ( in us$ m ) ?
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Context:entergy arkansas , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis operating activities cash flow from operations increased $ 8.8 million in 2004 compared to 2003 primarily due to income tax benefits received in 2004 , and increased recovery of deferred fuel costs . this increase was substantially offset by money pool activity . in 2003 , the domestic utility companies and system energy filed , with the irs , a change in tax accounting method notification for their respective calculations of cost of goods sold . the adjustment implemented a simplified method of allocation of overhead to the production of electricity , which is provided under the irs capitalization regulations . the cumulative adjustment placing these companies on the new methodology resulted in a $ 1.171 billion deduction for entergy arkansas on entergy's 2003 income tax return . there was no cash benefit from the method change in 2003 . in 2004 , entergy arkansas realized $ 173 million in cash tax benefit from the method change . this tax accounting method change is an issue across the utility industry and will likely be challenged by the irs on audit . as of december 31 , 2004 , entergy arkansas has a net operating loss ( nol ) carryforward for tax purposes of $ 766.9 million , principally resulting from the change in tax accounting method related to cost of goods sold . if the tax accounting method change is sustained , entergy arkansas expects to utilize the nol carryforward through 2006 . cash flow from operations increased $ 80.1 million in 2003 compared to 2002 primarily due to income taxes paid of $ 2.2 million in 2003 compared to income taxes paid of $ 83.9 million in 2002 , and money pool activity . this increase was partially offset by decreased recovery of deferred fuel costs in 2003 . entergy arkansas' receivables from or ( payables to ) the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . |2004|2003|2002|2001| |( in thousands )|( in thousands )|( in thousands )|( in thousands )| |$ 23561|( $ 69153 )|$ 4279|$ 23794| money pool activity used $ 92.7 million of entergy arkansas' operating cash flow in 2004 , provided $ 73.4 million in 2003 , and provided $ 19.5 million in 2002 . see note 4 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for a description of the money pool . investing activities the decrease of $ 68.1 million in net cash used in investing activities in 2004 compared to 2003 was primarily due to a decrease in construction expenditures resulting from less transmission upgrade work requested by merchant generators in 2004 combined with lower spending on customer support projects in 2004 . the increase of $ 88.1 million in net cash used in investing activities in 2003 compared to 2002 was primarily due to an increase in construction expenditures of $ 57.4 million and the maturity of $ 38.4 million of other temporary investments in the first quarter of 2002 . construction expenditures increased in 2003 primarily due to the following : 2022 a ferc ruling that shifted responsibility for transmission upgrade work performed for independent power producers to entergy arkansas ; and 2022 the ano 1 steam generator , reactor vessel head , and transformer replacement project . financing activities the decrease of $ 90.7 million in net cash used in financing activities in 2004 compared to 2003 was primarily due to the net redemption of $ 2.4 million of long-term debt in 2004 compared to $ 109.3 million in 2003 , partially offset by the payment of $ 16.2 million more in common stock dividends during the same period. . Question: what portion of the increase in net cash used in investing activities in 2003 is due to an increase in construction expenditures?
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Context:eog resources , inc . supplemental information to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) capitalized costs relating to oil and gas producing activities . the following table sets forth the capitalized costs relating to eog's crude oil and natural gas producing activities at december 31 , 2018 and 2017: . ||2018|2017| |proved properties|$ 53624809|$ 48845672| |unproved properties|3705207|3710069| |total|57330016|52555741| |accumulated depreciation depletion and amortization|-31674085 ( 31674085 )|-29191247 ( 29191247 )| |net capitalized costs|$ 25655931|$ 23364494| costs incurred in oil and gas property acquisition , exploration and development activities . the acquisition , exploration and development costs disclosed in the following tables are in accordance with definitions in the extractive industries - oil and gas topic of the accounting standards codification ( asc ) . acquisition costs include costs incurred to purchase , lease or otherwise acquire property . exploration costs include additions to exploratory wells , including those in progress , and exploration expenses . development costs include additions to production facilities and equipment and additions to development wells , including those in progress. . Question: considering the years 2017 and 2018 , what was the increase observed in the net capitalized costs?
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Context:management 2019s discussion and analysis the table below presents the operating results of our institutional client services segment. . |in millions|year ended december 2012|year ended december 2011|year ended december 2010| |fixed income currency and commodities client execution|$ 9914|$ 9018|$ 13707| |equities client execution1|3171|3031|3231| |commissions and fees|3053|3633|3426| |securities services|1986|1598|1432| |total equities|8210|8262|8089| |total net revenues|18124|17280|21796| |operating expenses|12480|12837|14994| |pre-tax earnings|$ 5644|$ 4443|$ 6802| 1 . includes net revenues related to reinsurance of $ 1.08 billion , $ 880 million and $ 827 million for the years ended december 2012 , december 2011 and december 2010 , respectively . 2012 versus 2011 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 18.12 billion for 2012 , 5% ( 5 % ) higher than 2011 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 9.91 billion for 2012 , 10% ( 10 % ) higher than 2011 . these results reflected strong net revenues in mortgages , which were significantly higher compared with 2011 . in addition , net revenues in credit products and interest rate products were solid and higher compared with 2011 . these increases were partially offset by significantly lower net revenues in commodities and slightly lower net revenues in currencies . although broad market concerns persisted during 2012 , fixed income , currency and commodities client execution operated in a generally improved environment characterized by tighter credit spreads and less challenging market-making conditions compared with 2011 . net revenues in equities were $ 8.21 billion for 2012 , essentially unchanged compared with 2011 . net revenues in securities services were significantly higher compared with 2011 , reflecting a gain of approximately $ 500 million on the sale of our hedge fund administration business . in addition , equities client execution net revenues were higher than 2011 , primarily reflecting significantly higher results in cash products , principally due to increased levels of client activity . these increases were offset by lower commissions and fees , reflecting lower market volumes . during 2012 , equities operated in an environment generally characterized by an increase in global equity prices and lower volatility levels . the net loss attributable to the impact of changes in our own credit spreads on borrowings for which the fair value option was elected was $ 714 million ( $ 433 million and $ 281 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2012 , compared with a net gain of $ 596 million ( $ 399 million and $ 197 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2011 . during 2012 , institutional client services operated in an environment generally characterized by continued broad market concerns and uncertainties , although positive developments helped to improve market conditions . these developments included certain central bank actions to ease monetary policy and address funding risks for european financial institutions . in addition , the u.s . economy posted stable to improving economic data , including favorable developments in unemployment and housing . these improvements resulted in tighter credit spreads , higher global equity prices and lower levels of volatility . however , concerns about the outlook for the global economy and continued political uncertainty , particularly the political debate in the united states surrounding the fiscal cliff , generally resulted in client risk aversion and lower activity levels . also , uncertainty over financial regulatory reform persisted . if these concerns and uncertainties continue over the long term , net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 12.48 billion for 2012 , 3% ( 3 % ) lower than 2011 , primarily due to lower brokerage , clearing , exchange and distribution fees , and lower impairment charges , partially offset by higher net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings . pre-tax earnings were $ 5.64 billion in 2012 , 27% ( 27 % ) higher than 2011 . 2011 versus 2010 . net revenues in institutional client services were $ 17.28 billion for 2011 , 21% ( 21 % ) lower than 2010 . net revenues in fixed income , currency and commodities client execution were $ 9.02 billion for 2011 , 34% ( 34 % ) lower than 2010 . although activity levels during 2011 were generally consistent with 2010 levels , and results were solid during the first quarter of 2011 , the environment during the remainder of 2011 was characterized by broad market concerns and uncertainty , resulting in volatile markets and significantly wider credit spreads , which contributed to difficult market-making conditions and led to reductions in risk by us and our clients . as a result of these conditions , net revenues across the franchise were lower , including significant declines in mortgages and credit products , compared with 2010 . 54 goldman sachs 2012 annual report . Question: what is the growth rate in pre-tax earnings in 2011?
Please answer the given financial question based on the context.At the end of your response provide the finale answer in this format Answer:
Context:part a0iii item a010 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance for the information required by this item a010 with respect to our executive officers , see part a0i , item 1 . of this report . for the other information required by this item a010 , see 201celection of directors , 201d 201cnominees for election to the board of directors , 201d 201ccorporate governance 201d and 201csection a016 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance , 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting will be filed within 120 a0days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report on form 10-k . item a011 . executive compensation for the information required by this item a011 , see 201ccompensation discussion and analysis , 201d 201ccompensation committee report , 201d and 201cexecutive compensation 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a012 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters for the information required by this item a012 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock , see 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the following table sets forth certain information as of december a031 , 2018 regarding our equity plans : plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1471449 $ 136.62 3578241 ( 1 ) the number of securities in column ( a ) include 22290 shares of common stock underlying performance stock units if maximum performance levels are achieved ; the actual number of shares , if any , to be issued with respect to the performance stock units will be based on performance with respect to specified financial and relative stock price measures . item a013 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence for the information required by this item a013 , see 201ccertain transactions 201d and 201ccorporate governance 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a014 . principal accounting fees and services for the information required by this item a014 , see 201caudit and non-audit fees 201d and 201caudit committee pre-approval procedures 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference. . |plan category|number of securitiesto be issued uponexercise ofoutstanding options warrants and rights ( 1 ) ( a ) ( b )|weighted-averageexercise price ofoutstanding options warrants and rights|number of securitiesremaining available forfuture issuance underequity compensationplans ( excludingsecurities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( c )| |equity compensation plans approved by security holders|1471449|$ 136.62|3578241| part a0iii item a010 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance for the information required by this item a010 with respect to our executive officers , see part a0i , item 1 . of this report . for the other information required by this item a010 , see 201celection of directors , 201d 201cnominees for election to the board of directors , 201d 201ccorporate governance 201d and 201csection a016 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance , 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting will be filed within 120 a0days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report on form 10-k . item a011 . executive compensation for the information required by this item a011 , see 201ccompensation discussion and analysis , 201d 201ccompensation committee report , 201d and 201cexecutive compensation 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a012 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters for the information required by this item a012 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock , see 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the following table sets forth certain information as of december a031 , 2018 regarding our equity plans : plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1471449 $ 136.62 3578241 ( 1 ) the number of securities in column ( a ) include 22290 shares of common stock underlying performance stock units if maximum performance levels are achieved ; the actual number of shares , if any , to be issued with respect to the performance stock units will be based on performance with respect to specified financial and relative stock price measures . item a013 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence for the information required by this item a013 , see 201ccertain transactions 201d and 201ccorporate governance 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a014 . principal accounting fees and services for the information required by this item a014 , see 201caudit and non-audit fees 201d and 201caudit committee pre-approval procedures 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference. . Question: what portion of the securities approved by the security holders is issued?
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Context:year ended december 31 , 2004 compared to year ended december 31 , 2003 the historical results of operations of pca for the years ended december 31 , 2004 and 2003 are set forth below : for the year ended december 31 , ( in millions ) 2004 2003 change . |( in millions )|for the year ended december 31 , 2004|for the year ended december 31 , 2003|change| |net sales|$ 1890.1|$ 1735.5|$ 154.6| |income before interest and taxes|$ 140.5|$ 96.9|$ 43.6| |interest expense net|-29.6 ( 29.6 )|-121.8 ( 121.8 )|92.2| |income ( loss ) before taxes|110.9|-24.9 ( 24.9 )|135.8| |( provision ) benefit for income taxes|-42.2 ( 42.2 )|10.5|-52.7 ( 52.7 )| |net income ( loss )|$ 68.7|$ -14.4 ( 14.4 )|$ 83.1| net sales net sales increased by $ 154.6 million , or 8.9% ( 8.9 % ) , for the year ended december 31 , 2004 from the year ended december 31 , 2003 . net sales increased due to improved sales volumes and prices of corrugated products and containerboard compared to 2003 . total corrugated products volume sold increased 6.6% ( 6.6 % ) to 29.9 billion square feet in 2004 compared to 28.1 billion square feet in 2003 . on a comparable shipment-per-workday basis , corrugated products sales volume increased 7.0% ( 7.0 % ) in 2004 from 2003 . excluding pca 2019s acquisition of acorn in february 2004 , corrugated products volume was 5.3% ( 5.3 % ) higher in 2004 than 2003 and up 5.8% ( 5.8 % ) compared to 2003 on a shipment-per-workday basis . shipments-per-workday is calculated by dividing our total corrugated products volume during the year by the number of workdays within the year . the larger percentage increase was due to the fact that 2004 had one less workday ( 251 days ) , those days not falling on a weekend or holiday , than 2003 ( 252 days ) . containerboard sales volume to external domestic and export customers increased 6.8% ( 6.8 % ) to 475000 tons for the year ended december 31 , 2004 from 445000 tons in 2003 . income before interest and taxes income before interest and taxes increased by $ 43.6 million , or 45.1% ( 45.1 % ) , for the year ended december 31 , 2004 compared to 2003 . included in income before interest and taxes for the year ended december 31 , 2004 is income of $ 27.8 million , net of expenses , attributable to a dividend paid to pca by stv , the timberlands joint venture in which pca owns a 311 20443% ( 20443 % ) ownership interest . included in income before interest and taxes for the year ended december 31 , 2003 is a $ 3.3 million charge for fees and expenses related to the company 2019s debt refinancing which was completed in july 2003 , and a fourth quarter charge of $ 16.0 million to settle certain benefits related matters with pactiv corporation dating back to april 12 , 1999 when pca became a stand-alone company , as described below . during the fourth quarter of 2003 , pactiv notified pca that we owed pactiv additional amounts for hourly pension benefits and workers 2019 compensation liabilities dating back to april 12 , 1999 . a settlement of $ 16.0 million was negotiated between pactiv and pca in december 2003 . the full amount of the settlement was accrued in the fourth quarter of 2003 . excluding these special items , operating income decreased $ 3.4 million in 2004 compared to 2003 . the $ 3.4 million decrease in income before interest and taxes was primarily attributable to increased energy and transportation costs ( $ 19.2 million ) , higher recycled and wood fiber costs ( $ 16.7 million ) , increased salary expenses related to annual increases and new hires ( $ 5.7 million ) , and increased contractual hourly labor costs ( $ 5.6 million ) , which was partially offset by increased sales volume and sales prices ( $ 44.3 million ) . . Question: what was the change in total corrugated products volume sold in billion square feet from 2004 compared to 2003?
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Context:table of contents other equity method investments infraservs . we hold indirect ownership interests in several german infraserv groups that own and develop industrial parks and provide on-site general and administrative support to tenants . our ownership interest in the equity investments in infraserv affiliates are as follows : as of december 31 , 2017 ( in percentages ) infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................... . 39 . ||as of december 31 2017 ( in percentages )| |infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 )|39| |infraserv gmbh & co . hoechst kg|32| |infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 )|27| infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................ . 27 ______________________________ ( 1 ) see note 29 - subsequent events in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . research and development our business models leverage innovation and conduct research and development activities to develop new , and optimize existing , production technologies , as well as to develop commercially viable new products and applications . research and development expense was $ 72 million , $ 78 million and $ 119 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . we consider the amounts spent during each of the last three fiscal years on research and development activities to be sufficient to execute our current strategic initiatives . intellectual property we attach importance to protecting our intellectual property , including safeguarding our confidential information and through our patents , trademarks and copyrights , in order to preserve our investment in research and development , manufacturing and marketing . patents may cover processes , equipment , products , intermediate products and product uses . we also seek to register trademarks as a means of protecting the brand names of our company and products . patents . in most industrial countries , patent protection exists for new substances and formulations , as well as for certain unique applications and production processes . however , we do business in regions of the world where intellectual property protection may be limited and difficult to enforce . confidential information . we maintain stringent information security policies and procedures wherever we do business . such information security policies and procedures include data encryption , controls over the disclosure and safekeeping of confidential information and trade secrets , as well as employee awareness training . trademarks . amcel ae , aoplus ae , ateva ae , avicor ae , celanese ae , celanex ae , celcon ae , celfx ae , celstran ae , celvolit ae , clarifoil ae , dur- o-set ae , ecomid ae , ecovae ae , forflex ae , forprene ae , frianyl ae , fortron ae , ghr ae , gumfit ae , gur ae , hostaform ae , laprene ae , metalx ae , mowilith ae , mt ae , nilamid ae , nivionplast ae , nutrinova ae , nylfor ae , pibiflex ae , pibifor ae , pibiter ae , polifor ae , resyn ae , riteflex ae , slidex ae , sofprene ae , sofpur ae , sunett ae , talcoprene ae , tecnoprene ae , thermx ae , tufcor ae , vantage ae , vectra ae , vinac ae , vinamul ae , vitaldose ae , zenite ae and certain other branded products and services named in this document are registered or reserved trademarks or service marks owned or licensed by celanese . the foregoing is not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all registered or reserved trademarks and service marks owned or licensed by celanese . fortron ae is a registered trademark of fortron industries llc . hostaform ae is a registered trademark of hoechst gmbh . mowilith ae and nilamid ae are registered trademarks of celanese in most european countries . we monitor competitive developments and defend against infringements on our intellectual property rights . neither celanese nor any particular business segment is materially dependent upon any one patent , trademark , copyright or trade secret . environmental and other regulation matters pertaining to environmental and other regulations are discussed in item 1a . risk factors , as well as note 2 - summary of accounting policies , note 16 - environmental and note 24 - commitments and contingencies in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. . Question: what is the percentage change in research and development expense from 2015 to 2016?
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Context:management 2019s discussion and analysis 128 jpmorgan chase & co./2010 annual report year ended december 31 . |( in millions )|2010|2009|2008| |hedges of lending-related commitments ( a )|$ -279 ( 279 )|$ -3258 ( 3258 )|$ 2216| |cva and hedges of cva ( a )|-403 ( 403 )|1920|-2359 ( 2359 )| |net gains/ ( losses )|$ -682 ( 682 )|$ -1338 ( 1338 )|$ -143 ( 143 )| ( a ) these hedges do not qualify for hedge accounting under u.s . gaap . lending-related commitments jpmorgan chase uses lending-related financial instruments , such as commitments and guarantees , to meet the financing needs of its customers . the contractual amount of these financial instruments represents the maximum possible credit risk should the counterpar- ties draw down on these commitments or the firm fulfills its obliga- tion under these guarantees , and should the counterparties subsequently fail to perform according to the terms of these con- tracts . wholesale lending-related commitments were $ 346.1 billion at december 31 , 2010 , compared with $ 347.2 billion at december 31 , 2009 . the decrease reflected the january 1 , 2010 , adoption of accounting guidance related to vies . excluding the effect of the accounting guidance , lending-related commitments would have increased by $ 16.6 billion . in the firm 2019s view , the total contractual amount of these wholesale lending-related commitments is not representative of the firm 2019s actual credit risk exposure or funding requirements . in determining the amount of credit risk exposure the firm has to wholesale lend- ing-related commitments , which is used as the basis for allocating credit risk capital to these commitments , the firm has established a 201cloan-equivalent 201d amount for each commitment ; this amount represents the portion of the unused commitment or other contin- gent exposure that is expected , based on average portfolio histori- cal experience , to become drawn upon in an event of a default by an obligor . the loan-equivalent amounts of the firm 2019s lending- related commitments were $ 189.9 billion and $ 179.8 billion as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . country exposure the firm 2019s wholesale portfolio includes country risk exposures to both developed and emerging markets . the firm seeks to diversify its country exposures , including its credit-related lending , trading and investment activities , whether cross-border or locally funded . country exposure under the firm 2019s internal risk management ap- proach is reported based on the country where the assets of the obligor , counterparty or guarantor are located . exposure amounts , including resale agreements , are adjusted for collateral and for credit enhancements ( e.g. , guarantees and letters of credit ) pro- vided by third parties ; outstandings supported by a guarantor located outside the country or backed by collateral held outside the country are assigned to the country of the enhancement provider . in addition , the effect of credit derivative hedges and other short credit or equity trading positions are taken into consideration . total exposure measures include activity with both government and private-sector entities in a country . the firm also reports country exposure for regulatory purposes following ffiec guidelines , which are different from the firm 2019s internal risk management approach for measuring country expo- sure . for additional information on the ffiec exposures , see cross- border outstandings on page 314 of this annual report . several european countries , including greece , portugal , spain , italy and ireland , have been subject to credit deterioration due to weak- nesses in their economic and fiscal situations . the firm is closely monitoring its exposures to these five countries . aggregate net exposures to these five countries as measured under the firm 2019s internal approach was less than $ 15.0 billion at december 31 , 2010 , with no country representing a majority of the exposure . sovereign exposure in all five countries represented less than half the aggregate net exposure . the firm currently believes its exposure to these five countries is modest relative to the firm 2019s overall risk expo- sures and is manageable given the size and types of exposures to each of the countries and the diversification of the aggregate expo- sure . the firm continues to conduct business and support client activity in these countries and , therefore , the firm 2019s aggregate net exposures may vary over time . in addition , the net exposures may be impacted by changes in market conditions , and the effects of interest rates and credit spreads on market valuations . as part of its ongoing country risk management process , the firm monitors exposure to emerging market countries , and utilizes country stress tests to measure and manage the risk of extreme loss associated with a sovereign crisis . there is no common definition of emerging markets , but the firm generally includes in its definition those countries whose sovereign debt ratings are equivalent to 201ca+ 201d or lower . the table below presents the firm 2019s exposure to its top 10 emerging markets countries based on its internal measure- ment approach . the selection of countries is based solely on the firm 2019s largest total exposures by country and does not represent its view of any actual or potentially adverse credit conditions. . Question: what was the ratio of the wholesale lending-related commitments in 2010 compared to 2009
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Context:2015 compared to 2014 mfc 2019s net sales in 2015 decreased $ 322 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) , compared to the same period in 2014 . the decrease was attributable to lower net sales of approximately $ 345 million for air and missile defense programs due to fewer deliveries ( primarily pac-3 ) and lower volume ( primarily thaad ) ; and approximately $ 85 million for tactical missile programs due to fewer deliveries ( primarily guided multiple launch rocket system ( gmlrs ) ) and joint air-to-surface standoff missile , partially offset by increased deliveries for hellfire . these decreases were partially offset by higher net sales of approximately $ 55 million for energy solutions programs due to increased volume . mfc 2019s operating profit in 2015 decreased $ 62 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) , compared to 2014 . the decrease was attributable to lower operating profit of approximately $ 100 million for fire control programs due primarily to lower risk retirements ( primarily lantirn and sniper ) ; and approximately $ 65 million for tactical missile programs due to lower risk retirements ( primarily hellfire and gmlrs ) and fewer deliveries . these decreases were partially offset by higher operating profit of approximately $ 75 million for air and missile defense programs due to increased risk retirements ( primarily thaad ) . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 60 million lower in 2015 compared to 2014 . backlog backlog decreased in 2016 compared to 2015 primarily due to lower orders on pac-3 , hellfire , and jassm . backlog increased in 2015 compared to 2014 primarily due to higher orders on pac-3 , lantirn/sniper and certain tactical missile programs , partially offset by lower orders on thaad . trends we expect mfc 2019s net sales to increase in the mid-single digit percentage range in 2017 as compared to 2016 driven primarily by our air and missile defense programs . operating profit is expected to be flat or increase slightly . accordingly , operating profit margin is expected to decline from 2016 levels as a result of contract mix and fewer risk retirements in 2017 compared to 2016 . rotary and mission systems as previously described , on november 6 , 2015 , we acquired sikorsky and aligned the sikorsky business under our rms business segment . the 2015 results of the acquired sikorsky business have been included in our financial results from the november 6 , 2015 acquisition date through december 31 , 2015 . as a result , our consolidated operating results and rms business segment operating results for the year ended december 31 , 2015 do not reflect a full year of sikorsky operations . our rms business segment provides design , manufacture , service and support for a variety of military and civil helicopters , ship and submarine mission and combat systems ; mission systems and sensors for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft ; sea and land-based missile defense systems ; radar systems ; the littoral combat ship ( lcs ) ; simulation and training services ; and unmanned systems and technologies . in addition , rms supports the needs of government customers in cybersecurity and delivers communication and command and control capabilities through complex mission solutions for defense applications . rms 2019 major programs include black hawk and seahawk helicopters , aegis combat system ( aegis ) , lcs , space fence , advanced hawkeye radar system , tpq-53 radar system , ch-53k development helicopter , and vh-92a helicopter program . rms 2019 operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . ||2016|2015|2014| |net sales|$ 13462|$ 9091|$ 8732| |operating profit|906|844|936| |operating margin|6.7% ( 6.7 % )|9.3% ( 9.3 % )|10.7% ( 10.7 % )| |backlog atyear-end|$ 28400|$ 30100|$ 13300| 2016 compared to 2015 rms 2019 net sales in 2016 increased $ 4.4 billion , or 48% ( 48 % ) , compared to 2015 . the increase was primarily attributable to higher net sales of approximately $ 4.6 billion from sikorsky , which was acquired on november 6 , 2015 . net sales for 2015 include sikorsky 2019s results subsequent to the acquisition date , net of certain revenue adjustments required to account for the acquisition of this business . this increase was partially offset by lower net sales of approximately $ 70 million for training . Question: what were average net sales for rms in millions between 2014 and 2016?
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Context:item 1a . risk factors in addition to the other information provided in this report , the following risk factors should be considered when evaluating an investment in our securities . if the circumstances contemplated by the individual risk factors materialize , our business , financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected and the trading price of our common shares could decline significantly . risks relating to our business fluctuations in the financial markets could result in investment losses . prolonged and severe disruptions in the overall public debt and equity markets , such as occurred during 2008 , could result in significant realized and unrealized losses in our investment portfolio . although financial markets have significantly improved since 2008 , they could deteriorate in the future . there could also be disruption in individual market sectors , such as occurred in the energy sector in recent years . such declines in the financial markets could result in significant realized and unrealized losses on investments and could have a material adverse impact on our results of operations , equity , business and insurer financial strength and debt ratings . our results could be adversely affected by catastrophic events . we are exposed to unpredictable catastrophic events , including weather-related and other natural catastrophes , as well as acts of terrorism . any material reduction in our operating results caused by the occurrence of one or more catastrophes could inhibit our ability to pay dividends or to meet our interest and principal payment obligations . by way of illustration , during the past five calendar years , pre-tax catastrophe losses , net of reinsurance , were as follows: . |calendar year:|pre-tax catastrophe losses| |( dollars in millions )|| |2017|$ 1472.6| |2016|301.2| |2015|53.8| |2014|56.3| |2013|194.0| our losses from future catastrophic events could exceed our projections . we use projections of possible losses from future catastrophic events of varying types and magnitudes as a strategic underwriting tool . we use these loss projections to estimate our potential catastrophe losses in certain geographic areas and decide on the placement of retrocessional coverage or other actions to limit the extent of potential losses in a given geographic area . these loss projections are approximations , reliant on a mix of quantitative and qualitative processes , and actual losses may exceed the projections by a material amount , resulting in a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. . Question: what are the total pre-tax catastrophe losses for the company in the last three years?\\n
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Context:apple inc . | 2018 form 10-k | 20 company stock performance the following graph shows a comparison of cumulative total shareholder return , calculated on a dividend-reinvested basis , for the company , the s&p 500 index , the s&p information technology index and the dow jones u.s . technology supersector index for the five years ended september 29 , 2018 . the graph assumes $ 100 was invested in each of the company 2019s common stock , the s&p 500 index , the s&p information technology index and the dow jones u.s . technology supersector index as of the market close on september 27 , 2013 . note that historic stock price performance is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance . * $ 100 invested on september 27 , 2013 in stock or index , including reinvestment of dividends . data points are the last day of each fiscal year for the company 2019s common stock and september 30th for indexes . copyright a9 2018 standard & poor 2019s , a division of s&p global . all rights reserved . copyright a9 2018 s&p dow jones indices llc , a division of s&p global . all rights reserved . september september september september september september . ||september2013|september2014|september2015|september2016|september2017|september2018| |apple inc .|$ 100|$ 149|$ 173|$ 174|$ 242|$ 359| |s&p 500 index|$ 100|$ 120|$ 119|$ 137|$ 163|$ 192| |s&p information technology index|$ 100|$ 129|$ 132|$ 162|$ 209|$ 275| |dow jones u.s . technology supersector index|$ 100|$ 130|$ 130|$ 159|$ 203|$ 266| . Question: what was the percentage cumulative total return for apple inc . for the five year period ended september 2018?
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Context:management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations in 2008 , sales to the segment 2019s top five customers represented approximately 45% ( 45 % ) of the segment 2019s net sales . the segment 2019s backlog was $ 2.3 billion at december 31 , 2008 , compared to $ 2.6 billion at december 31 , 2007 . in 2008 , our digital video customers significantly increased their purchases of the segment 2019s products and services , primarily due to increased demand for digital entertainment devices , particularly ip and hd/dvr devices . in february 2008 , the segment acquired the assets related to digital cable set-top products of zhejiang dahua digital technology co. , ltd and hangzhou image silicon ( known collectively as dahua digital ) , a developer , manufacturer and marketer of cable set-tops and related low-cost integrated circuits for the emerging chinese cable business . the acquisition helped the segment strengthen its position in the rapidly growing cable market in china . enterprise mobility solutions segment the enterprise mobility solutions segment designs , manufactures , sells , installs and services analog and digital two-way radios , wireless lan and security products , voice and data communications products and systems for private networks , wireless broadband systems and end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions to a wide range of customers , including government and public safety agencies ( which , together with all sales to distributors of two-way communication products , are referred to as the 2018 2018government and public safety market 2019 2019 ) , as well as retail , energy and utilities , transportation , manufacturing , healthcare and other commercial customers ( which , collectively , are referred to as the 2018 2018commercial enterprise market 2019 2019 ) . in 2009 , the segment 2019s net sales represented 32% ( 32 % ) of the company 2019s consolidated net sales , compared to 27% ( 27 % ) in 2008 and 21% ( 21 % ) in 2007 . years ended december 31 percent change ( dollars in millions ) 2009 2008 2007 2009 20142008 2008 20142007 . |( dollars in millions )|years ended december 31 2009|years ended december 31 2008|years ended december 31 2007|years ended december 31 2009 20142008|2008 20142007| |segment net sales|$ 7008|$ 8093|$ 7729|( 13 ) % ( % )|5% ( 5 % )| |operating earnings|1057|1496|1213|( 29 ) % ( % )|23% ( 23 % )| segment results 20142009 compared to 2008 in 2009 , the segment 2019s net sales were $ 7.0 billion , a decrease of 13% ( 13 % ) compared to net sales of $ 8.1 billion in 2008 . the 13% ( 13 % ) decrease in net sales reflects a 21% ( 21 % ) decrease in net sales to the commercial enterprise market and a 10% ( 10 % ) decrease in net sales to the government and public safety market . the decrease in net sales to the commercial enterprise market reflects decreased net sales in all regions . the decrease in net sales to the government and public safety market was primarily driven by decreased net sales in emea , north america and latin america , partially offset by higher net sales in asia . the segment 2019s overall net sales were lower in north america , emea and latin america and higher in asia the segment had operating earnings of $ 1.1 billion in 2009 , a decrease of 29% ( 29 % ) compared to operating earnings of $ 1.5 billion in 2008 . the decrease in operating earnings was primarily due to a decrease in gross margin , driven by the 13% ( 13 % ) decrease in net sales and an unfavorable product mix . also contributing to the decrease in operating earnings was an increase in reorganization of business charges , relating primarily to higher employee severance costs . these factors were partially offset by decreased sg&a expenses and r&d expenditures , primarily related to savings from cost-reduction initiatives . as a percentage of net sales in 2009 as compared 2008 , gross margin decreased and r&d expenditures and sg&a expenses increased . net sales in north america continued to comprise a significant portion of the segment 2019s business , accounting for approximately 58% ( 58 % ) of the segment 2019s net sales in 2009 , compared to approximately 57% ( 57 % ) in 2008 . the regional shift in 2009 as compared to 2008 reflects a 16% ( 16 % ) decline in net sales outside of north america and a 12% ( 12 % ) decline in net sales in north america . the segment 2019s backlog was $ 2.4 billion at both december 31 , 2009 and december 31 , 2008 . in our government and public safety market , we see a continued emphasis on mission-critical communication and homeland security solutions . in 2009 , we led market innovation through the continued success of our mototrbo line and the delivery of the apx fffd family of products . while spending by end customers in the segment 2019s government and public safety market is affected by government budgets at the national , state and local levels , we continue to see demand for large-scale mission critical communications systems . in 2009 , we had significant wins across the globe , including several city and statewide communications systems in the united states , and continued success winning competitive projects with our tetra systems in europe , the middle east . Question: in 2007 what was the company 2019s consolidated net sales in millions
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Context:management 2019s discussion and analysis net revenues in equities were $ 8.26 billion for 2011 , 2% ( 2 % ) higher than 2010 . during 2011 , average volatility levels increased and equity prices in europe and asia declined significantly , particularly during the third quarter . the increase in net revenues reflected higher commissions and fees , primarily due to higher market volumes , particularly during the third quarter of 2011 . in addition , net revenues in securities services increased compared with 2010 , reflecting the impact of higher average customer balances . equities client execution net revenues were lower than 2010 , primarily reflecting significantly lower net revenues in shares . the net gain attributable to the impact of changes in our own credit spreads on borrowings for which the fair value option was elected was $ 596 million ( $ 399 million and $ 197 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2011 , compared with a net gain of $ 198 million ( $ 188 million and $ 10 million related to fixed income , currency and commodities client execution and equities client execution , respectively ) for 2010 . institutional client services operated in an environment generally characterized by increased concerns regarding the weakened state of global economies , including heightened european sovereign debt risk , and its impact on the european banking system and global financial institutions . these conditions also impacted expectations for economic prospects in the united states and were reflected in equity and debt markets more broadly . in addition , the downgrade in credit ratings of the u.s . government and federal agencies and many financial institutions during the second half of 2011 contributed to further uncertainty in the markets . these concerns , as well as other broad market concerns , such as uncertainty over financial regulatory reform , continued to have a negative impact on our net revenues during 2011 . operating expenses were $ 12.84 billion for 2011 , 14% ( 14 % ) lower than 2010 , due to decreased compensation and benefits expenses , primarily resulting from lower net revenues , lower net provisions for litigation and regulatory proceedings ( 2010 included $ 550 million related to a settlement with the sec ) , the impact of the u.k . bank payroll tax during 2010 , as well as an impairment of our nyse dmm rights of $ 305 million during 2010 . these decreases were partially offset by higher brokerage , clearing , exchange and distribution fees , principally reflecting higher transaction volumes in equities . pre-tax earnings were $ 4.44 billion in 2011 , 35% ( 35 % ) lower than 2010 . investing & lending investing & lending includes our investing activities and the origination of loans to provide financing to clients . these investments and loans are typically longer-term in nature . we make investments , directly and indirectly through funds that we manage , in debt securities and loans , public and private equity securities , real estate , consolidated investment entities and power generation facilities . the table below presents the operating results of our investing & lending segment. . |in millions|year ended december 2012|year ended december 2011|year ended december 2010| |icbc|$ 408|$ -517 ( 517 )|$ 747| |equity securities ( excluding icbc )|2392|1120|2692| |debt securities and loans|1850|96|2597| |other|1241|1443|1505| |total net revenues|5891|2142|7541| |operating expenses|2666|2673|3361| |pre-tax earnings/ ( loss )|$ 3225|$ -531 ( 531 )|$ 4180| 2012 versus 2011 . net revenues in investing & lending were $ 5.89 billion and $ 2.14 billion for 2012 and 2011 , respectively . during 2012 , investing & lending net revenues were positively impacted by tighter credit spreads and an increase in global equity prices . results for 2012 included a gain of $ 408 million from our investment in the ordinary shares of icbc , net gains of $ 2.39 billion from other investments in equities , primarily in private equities , net gains and net interest income of $ 1.85 billion from debt securities and loans , and other net revenues of $ 1.24 billion , principally related to our consolidated investment entities . if equity markets decline or credit spreads widen , net revenues in investing & lending would likely be negatively impacted . operating expenses were $ 2.67 billion for 2012 , essentially unchanged compared with 2011 . pre-tax earnings were $ 3.23 billion in 2012 , compared with a pre-tax loss of $ 531 million in 2011 . goldman sachs 2012 annual report 55 . Question: what percentage of total net revenues in 2011 where due to equity securities ( excluding icbc ) revenues?
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Context:devon energy corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2013 ( continued ) debt maturities as of december 31 , 2015 , excluding premiums and discounts , are as follows ( millions ) : . |2016|$ 976| |2017|2014| |2018|875| |2019|1100| |2020|414| |thereafter|9763| |total|$ 13128| credit lines devon has a $ 3.0 billion senior credit facility . the maturity date for $ 30 million of the senior credit facility is october 24 , 2017 . the maturity date for $ 164 million of the senior credit facility is october 24 , 2018 . the maturity date for the remaining $ 2.8 billion is october 24 , 2019 . amounts borrowed under the senior credit facility may , at the election of devon , bear interest at various fixed rate options for periods of up to twelve months . such rates are generally less than the prime rate . however , devon may elect to borrow at the prime rate . the senior credit facility currently provides for an annual facility fee of $ 3.8 million that is payable quarterly in arrears . as of december 31 , 2015 , there were no borrowings under the senior credit facility . the senior credit facility contains only one material financial covenant . this covenant requires devon 2019s ratio of total funded debt to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , to be no greater than 65% ( 65 % ) . the credit agreement contains definitions of total funded debt and total capitalization that include adjustments to the respective amounts reported in the accompanying consolidated financial statements . also , total capitalization is adjusted to add back noncash financial write-downs such as full cost ceiling impairments or goodwill impairments . as of december 31 , 2015 , devon was in compliance with this covenant with a debt-to- capitalization ratio of 23.7% ( 23.7 % ) . commercial paper devon 2019s senior credit facility supports its $ 3.0 billion of short-term credit under its commercial paper program . commercial paper debt generally has a maturity of between 1 and 90 days , although it can have a maturity of up to 365 days , and bears interest at rates agreed to at the time of the borrowing . the interest rate is generally based on a standard index such as the federal funds rate , libor or the money market rate as found in the commercial paper market . as of december 31 , 2015 , devon 2019s outstanding commercial paper borrowings had a weighted-average borrowing rate of 0.63% ( 0.63 % ) . issuance of senior notes in june 2015 , devon issued $ 750 million of 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) senior notes due 2045 that are unsecured and unsubordinated obligations . devon used the net proceeds to repay the floating rate senior notes that matured on december 15 , 2015 , as well as outstanding commercial paper balances . in december 2015 , in conjunction with the announcement of the powder river basin and stack acquisitions , devon issued $ 850 million of 5.85% ( 5.85 % ) senior notes due 2025 that are unsecured and unsubordinated obligations . devon used the net proceeds to fund the cash portion of these acquisitions. . Question: in millions , what was the mathematical range of debt maturities for 2018-2020?
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Context:humana inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) the total intrinsic value of stock options exercised during 2007 was $ 133.9 million , compared with $ 133.7 million during 2006 and $ 57.8 million during 2005 . cash received from stock option exercises for the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 , and 2005 totaled $ 62.7 million , $ 49.2 million , and $ 36.4 million , respectively . total compensation expense related to nonvested options not yet recognized was $ 23.6 million at december 31 , 2007 . we expect to recognize this compensation expense over a weighted average period of approximately 1.6 years . restricted stock awards restricted stock awards are granted with a fair value equal to the market price of our common stock on the date of grant . compensation expense is recorded straight-line over the vesting period , generally three years from the date of grant . the weighted average grant date fair value of our restricted stock awards was $ 63.59 , $ 54.36 , and $ 32.81 for the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 , and 2005 , respectively . activity for our restricted stock awards was as follows for the year ended december 31 , 2007 : shares weighted average grant-date fair value . ||shares|weighted average grant-date fair value| |nonvested restricted stock at december 31 2006|1107455|$ 45.86| |granted|852353|63.59| |vested|-51206 ( 51206 )|56.93| |forfeited|-63624 ( 63624 )|49.65| |nonvested restricted stock at december 31 2007|1844978|$ 53.61| the fair value of shares vested during the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 , and 2005 was $ 3.4 million , $ 2.3 million , and $ 0.6 million , respectively . total compensation expense related to nonvested restricted stock awards not yet recognized was $ 44.7 million at december 31 , 2007 . we expect to recognize this compensation expense over a weighted average period of approximately 1.4 years . there are no other contractual terms covering restricted stock awards once vested. . Question: for the year ended december 31 , 2007 what was the ratio of the shares granted to the shares vested
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Context:agreements associated with the agency securitizations , most sale agreements do not provide for penalties or other remedies if we do not respond timely to investor indemnification or repurchase requests . origination and sale of residential mortgages is an ongoing business activity and , accordingly , management continually assesses the need to recognize indemnification and repurchase liabilities pursuant to the associated investor sale agreements . we establish indemnification and repurchase liabilities for estimated losses on sold first and second-lien mortgages and home equity loans/lines for which indemnification is expected to be provided or for loans that are expected to be repurchased . for the first and second-lien mortgage sold portfolio , we have established an indemnification and repurchase liability pursuant to investor sale agreements based on claims made and our estimate of future claims on a loan by loan basis . these relate primarily to loans originated during 2006-2008 . for the home equity loans/lines sold portfolio , we have established indemnification and repurchase liabilities based upon this same methodology for loans sold during 2005-2007 . indemnification and repurchase liabilities are initially recognized when loans are sold to investors and are subsequently evaluated by management . initial recognition and subsequent adjustments to the indemnification and repurchase liability for the sold residential mortgage portfolio are recognized in residential mortgage revenue on the consolidated income statement . since pnc is no longer engaged in the brokered home equity lending business , only subsequent adjustments are recognized to the home equity loans/lines indemnification and repurchase liability . these adjustments are recognized in other noninterest income on the consolidated income statement . management 2019s subsequent evaluation of these indemnification and repurchase liabilities is based upon trends in indemnification and repurchase requests , actual loss experience , risks in the underlying serviced loan portfolios , and current economic conditions . as part of its evaluation , management considers estimated loss projections over the life of the subject loan portfolio . at december 31 , 2011 and december 31 , 2010 , the total indemnification and repurchase liability for estimated losses on indemnification and repurchase claims totaled $ 130 million and $ 294 million , respectively , and was included in other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet . an analysis of the changes in this liability during 2011 and 2010 follows : analysis of indemnification and repurchase liability for asserted claims and unasserted claims . |in millions|2011 residential mortgages ( a )|2011 home equity loans/lines ( b )|2011 total|2011 residential mortgages ( a )|2011 home equity loans/lines ( b )|total| |january 1|$ 144|$ 150|$ 294|$ 229|$ 41|$ 270| |reserve adjustments net|102|4|106|120|144|264| |losses 2013 loan repurchases and settlements|-163 ( 163 )|-107 ( 107 )|-270 ( 270 )|-205 ( 205 )|-35 ( 35 )|-240 ( 240 )| |december 31|$ 83|$ 47|$ 130|$ 144|$ 150|$ 294| ( a ) repurchase obligation associated with sold loan portfolios of $ 121.4 billion and $ 139.8 billion at december 31 , 2011 and december 31 , 2010 , respectively . ( b ) repurchase obligation associated with sold loan portfolios of $ 4.5 billion and $ 6.5 billion at december 31 , 2011 and december 31 , 2010 , respectively . pnc is no longer engaged in the brokered home equity lending business , which was acquired with national city . management believes our indemnification and repurchase liabilities appropriately reflect the estimated probable losses on investor indemnification and repurchase claims at december 31 , 2011 and 2010 . while management seeks to obtain all relevant information in estimating the indemnification and repurchase liability , the estimation process is inherently uncertain and imprecise and , accordingly , it is reasonably possible that future indemnification and repurchase losses could be more or less than our established liability . factors that could affect our estimate include the volume of valid claims driven by investor strategies and behavior , our ability to successfully negotiate claims with investors , housing prices , and other economic conditions . at december 31 , 2011 , we estimate that it is reasonably possible that we could incur additional losses in excess of our indemnification and repurchase liability of up to $ 85 million . this estimate of potential additional losses in excess of our liability is based on assumed higher investor demands , lower claim rescissions , and lower home prices than our current assumptions . reinsurance agreements we have two wholly-owned captive insurance subsidiaries which provide reinsurance to third-party insurers related to insurance sold to our customers . these subsidiaries enter into various types of reinsurance agreements with third-party insurers where the subsidiary assumes the risk of loss through either an excess of loss or quota share agreement up to 100% ( 100 % ) reinsurance . in excess of loss agreements , these subsidiaries assume the risk of loss for an excess layer of coverage up to specified limits , once a defined first loss percentage is met . in quota share agreements , the subsidiaries and third-party insurers share the responsibility for payment of all claims . these subsidiaries provide reinsurance for accidental death & dismemberment , credit life , accident & health , lender placed 200 the pnc financial services group , inc . 2013 form 10-k . Question: in 2011 what was the percent of residential mortgages to the total liabilities at december 31
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Context:r&d expense increased 36% ( 36 % ) during 2011 compared to 2010 , it declined slightly as a percentage of net sales , due to the 66% ( 66 % ) year-over-year growth in the company 2019s net sales during 2011 . r&d expense increased 34% ( 34 % ) or $ 449 million to $ 1.8 billion in 2010 compared to 2009 . this increase was due primarily to an increase in headcount and related expenses in the current year to support expanded r&d activities . also contributing to this increase in r&d expense in 2010 was the capitalization in 2009 of software development costs of $ 71 million related to mac os x snow leopard . although total r&d expense increased 34% ( 34 % ) during 2010 , it declined as a percentage of net sales given the 52% ( 52 % ) year-over-year increase in net sales in the company continues to believe that focused investments in r&d are critical to its future growth and competitive position in the marketplace and are directly related to timely development of new and enhanced products that are central to the company 2019s core business strategy . as such , the company expects to make further investments in r&d to remain competitive . selling , general and administrative expense ( 201csg&a 201d ) sg&a expense increased $ 2.1 billion or 38% ( 38 % ) to $ 7.6 billion during 2011 compared to 2010 . this increase was due primarily to the company 2019s continued expansion of its retail segment , increased headcount and related costs , higher spending on professional services and marketing and advertising programs , and increased variable costs associated with the overall growth of the company 2019s net sales . sg&a expense increased $ 1.4 billion or 33% ( 33 % ) to $ 5.5 billion in 2010 compared to 2009 . this increase was due primarily to the company 2019s continued expansion of its retail segment , higher spending on marketing and advertising programs , increased share-based compensation expenses and variable costs associated with the overall growth of the company 2019s net sales . other income and expense other income and expense for the three years ended september 24 , 2011 , are as follows ( in millions ) : . ||2011|2010|2009| |interest and dividend income|$ 519|$ 311|$ 407| |other expense net|-104 ( 104 )|-156 ( 156 )|-81 ( 81 )| |total other income and expense|$ 415|$ 155|$ 326| total other income and expense increased $ 260 million or 168% ( 168 % ) to $ 415 million during 2011 compared to $ 155 million and $ 326 million in 2010 and 2009 , respectively . the year-over-year increase in other income and expense during 2011 was due primarily to higher interest income and net realized gains on sales of marketable securities . the overall decrease in other income and expense in 2010 compared to 2009 was attributable to the significant declines in interest rates on a year-over-year basis , partially offset by the company 2019s higher cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities balances . additionally the company incurred higher premium expenses on its foreign exchange option contracts , which further reduced the total other income and expense . the weighted average interest rate earned by the company on its cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities was 0.77% ( 0.77 % ) , 0.75% ( 0.75 % ) and 1.43% ( 1.43 % ) during 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . during 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , the company had no debt outstanding and accordingly did not incur any related interest expense . provision for income taxes the company 2019s effective tax rates were approximately 24.2% ( 24.2 % ) , 24.4% ( 24.4 % ) and 31.8% ( 31.8 % ) for 2011 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . the company 2019s effective rates for these periods differ from the statutory federal income tax rate of . Question: interest and dividend income was what percent of total other income in 2011?
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Context:as approximately 161 acres of undeveloped land and a 12-acre container storage facility in houston . the total price was $ 89.7 million and was financed in part through assumption of secured debt that had a fair value of $ 34.3 million . of the total purchase price , $ 64.1 million was allocated to in-service real estate assets , $ 20.0 million was allocated to undeveloped land and the container storage facility , $ 5.4 million was allocated to lease related intangible assets , and the remaining amount was allocated to acquired working capital related assets and liabilities . the results of operations for the acquired properties since the date of acquisition have been included in continuing rental operations in our consolidated financial statements . in february 2007 , we completed the acquisition of bremner healthcare real estate ( 201cbremner 201d ) , a national health care development and management firm . the primary reason for the acquisition was to expand our development capabilities within the health care real estate market . the initial consideration paid to the sellers totaled $ 47.1 million , and the sellers may be eligible for further contingent payments over a three-year period following the acquisition . approximately $ 39.0 million of the total purchase price was allocated to goodwill , which is attributable to the value of bremner 2019s overall development capabilities and its in-place workforce . the results of operations for bremner since the date of acquisition have been included in continuing operations in our consolidated financial statements . in february 2006 , we acquired the majority of a washington , d.c . metropolitan area portfolio of suburban office and light industrial properties ( the 201cmark winkler portfolio 201d ) . the assets acquired for a purchase price of approximately $ 867.6 million were comprised of 32 in-service properties with approximately 2.9 million square feet for rental , 166 acres of undeveloped land , as well as certain related assets of the mark winkler company , a real estate management company . the acquisition was financed primarily through assumed mortgage loans and new borrowings . the assets acquired and liabilities assumed were recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition , as summarized below ( in thousands ) : . |operating rental properties|$ 602011| |undeveloped land|154300| |total real estate investments|756311| |other assets|10478| |lease related intangible assets|86047| |goodwill|14722| |total assets acquired|867558| |debt assumed|-148527 ( 148527 )| |other liabilities assumed|-5829 ( 5829 )| |purchase price net of assumed liabilities|$ 713202| purchase price , net of assumed liabilities $ 713202 in december 2006 , we contributed 23 of these in-service properties acquired from the mark winkler portfolio with a basis of $ 381.6 million representing real estate investments and acquired lease related intangible assets to two new unconsolidated subsidiaries . of the remaining nine in-service properties , eight were contributed to these two unconsolidated subsidiaries in 2007 and one remains in continuing operations as of december 31 , 2008 . the eight properties contributed in 2007 had a basis of $ 298.4 million representing real estate investments and acquired lease related intangible assets , and debt secured by these properties of $ 146.4 million was also assumed by the unconsolidated subsidiaries . in the third quarter of 2006 , we finalized the purchase of a portfolio of industrial real estate properties in savannah , georgia . we completed a majority of the purchase in january 2006 . the assets acquired for a purchase price of approximately $ 196.2 million were comprised of 18 buildings with approximately 5.1 million square feet for rental as well as over 60 acres of undeveloped land . the acquisition was financed in part through assumed mortgage loans . the results of operations for the acquired properties since the date of acquisition have been included in continuing rental operations in our consolidated financial statements. . Question: what was the percent of the total assets acquired allocated to undeveloped land
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Context:the following graph compares the cumulative 4-year total stockholder return on our common stock relative to the cumulative total return of the nasdaq composite index and the s&p 400 information technology index . the graph assumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and in each index ( including reinvestment of dividends ) was $ 100 on january 3 , 2009 and tracks it through december 29 , 2012 . comparison of 4 year cumulative total return* among cadence design systems , inc. , the nasdaq composite index , and s&p 400 information technology cadence design systems , inc . nasdaq composite s&p 400 information technology 12/29/121/1/11 12/31/111/2/101/3/09 *$ 100 invested on 1/3/09 in stock or 12/31/08 in index , including reinvestment of dividends . indexes calculated on month-end basis . copyright a9 2013 s&p , a division of the mcgraw-hill companies all rights reserved. . ||1/3/2009|1/2/2010|1/1/2011|12/31/2011|12/29/2012| |cadence design systems inc .|100.00|155.99|215.10|270.83|350.00| |nasdaq composite|100.00|139.32|164.84|167.06|187.66| |s&p 400 information technology|100.00|151.58|198.02|174.88|201.26| the stock price performance included in this graph is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance. . Question: what is the total return if $ 1000000 are invested in cadence design system in 2009 and sold in 2010?
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Context:item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations executive summary international paper 2019s operating results in 2006 bene- fited from strong gains in pricing and sales volumes and lower operating costs . our average paper and packaging prices in 2006 increased faster than our costs for the first time in four years . the improve- ment in sales volumes reflects increased uncoated papers , corrugated box , coated paperboard and european papers shipments , as well as improved revenues from our xpedx distribution business . our manufacturing operations also made solid cost reduction improvements . lower interest expense , reflecting debt repayments in 2005 and 2006 , was also a positive factor . together , these improvements more than offset the effects of continued high raw material and distribution costs , lower real estate sales , higher net corporate expenses and lower con- tributions from businesses and forestlands divested during 2006 . looking forward to 2007 , we expect seasonally higher sales volumes in the first quarter . average paper price realizations should continue to improve as we implement previously announced price increases in europe and brazil . input costs for energy , fiber and chemicals are expected to be mixed , although slightly higher in the first quarter . operating results will benefit from the recently completed international paper/sun paperboard joint ventures in china and the addition of the luiz anto- nio paper mill to our operations in brazil . however , primarily as a result of lower real estate sales in the first quarter , we anticipate earnings from continuing operations will be somewhat lower than in the 2006 fourth quarter . significant steps were also taken in 2006 in the execution of the company 2019s transformation plan . we completed the sales of our u.s . and brazilian coated papers businesses and 5.6 million acres of u.s . forestlands , and announced definitive sale agreements for our kraft papers , beverage pack- aging and arizona chemical businesses and a majority of our wood products business , all expected to close during 2007 . through december 31 , 2006 , we have received approximately $ 9.7 billion of the estimated proceeds from divest- itures announced under this plan of approximately $ 11.3 billion , with the balance to be received as the remaining divestitures are completed in the first half of 2007 . we have strengthened our balance sheet by reducing debt by $ 6.2 billion , and returned value to our shareholders by repurchasing 39.7 million shares of our common stock for approximately $ 1.4 billion . we made a $ 1.0 billion voluntary contribution to our u.s . qualified pension fund . we have identified selective reinvestment opportunities totaling approx- imately $ 2.0 billion , including opportunities in china , brazil and russia . finally , we remain focused on our three-year $ 1.2 billion target for non-price profit- ability improvements , with $ 330 million realized during 2006 . while more remains to be done in 2007 , we have made substantial progress toward achiev- ing the objectives announced at the outset of the plan in july 2005 . results of operations industry segment operating profits are used by inter- national paper 2019s management to measure the earn- ings performance of its businesses . management believes that this measure allows a better under- standing of trends in costs , operating efficiencies , prices and volumes . industry segment operating profits are defined as earnings before taxes and minority interest , interest expense , corporate items and corporate special items . industry segment oper- ating profits are defined by the securities and exchange commission as a non-gaap financial measure , and are not gaap alternatives to net income or any other operating measure prescribed by accounting principles generally accepted in the united states . international paper operates in six segments : print- ing papers , industrial packaging , consumer pack- aging , distribution , forest products and specialty businesses and other . the following table shows the components of net earnings ( loss ) for each of the last three years : in millions 2006 2005 2004 . |in millions|2006|2005|2004| |industry segment operating profits|$ 2074|$ 1622|$ 1703| |corporate items net|-746 ( 746 )|-607 ( 607 )|-477 ( 477 )| |corporate special items*|2373|-134 ( 134 )|-141 ( 141 )| |interest expense net|-521 ( 521 )|-595 ( 595 )|-712 ( 712 )| |minority interest|-9 ( 9 )|-9 ( 9 )|-21 ( 21 )| |income tax ( provision ) benefit|-1889 ( 1889 )|407|-114 ( 114 )| |discontinued operations|-232 ( 232 )|416|-273 ( 273 )| |net earnings ( loss )|$ 1050|$ 1100|$ -35 ( 35 )| * corporate special items include gains on transformation plan forestland sales , goodwill impairment charges , restructuring and other charges , net losses on sales and impairments of businesses , insurance recoveries and reversals of reserves no longer required. . Question: what was the percentage change in industry segment operating profits from 2004 to 2005?
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Context:distribution xpedx , our north american merchant distribution business , distributes products and services to a number of customer markets including : commercial printers with printing papers and graphic pre-press , printing presses and post-press equipment ; building services and away-from-home markets with facility supplies ; manufacturers with packaging supplies and equipment ; and to a growing number of customers , we exclusively provide distribution capabilities including warehousing and delivery services . xpedx is the leading wholesale distribution marketer in these customer and product segments in north america , operating 122 warehouse locations and 130 retail stores in the united states , mexico and cana- forest products international paper owns and manages approx- imately 200000 acres of forestlands and develop- ment properties in the united states , mostly in the south . our remaining forestlands are managed as a portfolio to optimize the economic value to our shareholders . most of our portfolio represents prop- erties that are likely to be sold to investors and other buyers for various purposes . specialty businesses and other chemicals : this business was sold in the first quarter of 2007 . ilim holding s.a . in october 2007 , international paper and ilim holding s.a . ( ilim ) completed a 50:50 joint venture to operate a pulp and paper business located in russia . ilim 2019s facilities include three paper mills located in bratsk , ust-ilimsk , and koryazhma , russia , with combined total pulp and paper capacity of over 2.5 million tons . ilim has exclusive harvesting rights on timberland and forest areas exceeding 12.8 million acres ( 5.2 million hectares ) . products and brand designations appearing in italics are trademarks of international paper or a related company . industry segment results industrial packaging demand for industrial packaging products is closely correlated with non-durable industrial goods pro- duction , as well as with demand for processed foods , poultry , meat and agricultural products . in addition to prices and volumes , major factors affecting the profitability of industrial packaging are raw material and energy costs , freight costs , manufacturing effi- ciency and product mix . industrial packaging results for 2009 and 2008 include the cbpr business acquired in the 2008 third quarter . net sales for 2009 increased 16% ( 16 % ) to $ 8.9 billion compared with $ 7.7 billion in 2008 , and 69% ( 69 % ) compared with $ 5.2 billion in 2007 . operating profits were 95% ( 95 % ) higher in 2009 than in 2008 and more than double 2007 levels . benefits from higher total year-over-year shipments , including the impact of the cbpr business , ( $ 11 million ) , favorable operating costs ( $ 294 million ) , and lower raw material and freight costs ( $ 295 million ) were parti- ally offset by the effects of lower price realizations ( $ 243 million ) , higher corporate overhead allocations ( $ 85 million ) , incremental integration costs asso- ciated with the acquisition of the cbpr business ( $ 3 million ) and higher other costs ( $ 7 million ) . additionally , operating profits in 2009 included a gain of $ 849 million relating to alternative fuel mix- ture credits , u.s . plant closure costs of $ 653 million , and costs associated with the shutdown of the eti- enne mill in france of $ 87 million . industrial packaging in millions 2009 2008 2007 . |in millions|2009|2008|2007| |sales|$ 8890|$ 7690|$ 5245| |operating profit|761|390|374| north american industrial packaging results include the net sales and operating profits of the cbpr business from the august 4 , 2008 acquis- ition date . net sales were $ 7.6 billion in 2009 com- pared with $ 6.2 billion in 2008 and $ 3.9 billion in 2007 . operating profits in 2009 were $ 791 million ( $ 682 million excluding alternative fuel mixture cred- its , mill closure costs and costs associated with the cbpr integration ) compared with $ 322 million ( $ 414 million excluding charges related to the write-up of cbpr inventory to fair value , cbpr integration costs and other facility closure costs ) in 2008 and $ 305 million in 2007 . excluding the effect of the cbpr acquisition , con- tainerboard and box shipments were lower in 2009 compared with 2008 reflecting weaker customer demand . average sales price realizations were sig- nificantly lower for both containerboard and boxes due to weaker world-wide economic conditions . however , average sales margins for boxes . Question: what was the increase in industrial packaging sales between 2007 and 2008?
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Context:entergy new orleans , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis results of operations net income ( loss ) 2004 compared to 2003 net income increased $ 20.2 million primarily due to higher net revenue . 2003 compared to 2002 entergy new orleans had net income of $ 7.9 million in 2003 compared to a net loss in 2002 . the increase was due to higher net revenue and lower interest expense , partially offset by higher other operation and maintenance expenses and depreciation and amortization expenses . net revenue 2004 compared to 2003 net revenue , which is entergy new orleans' measure of gross margin , consists of operating revenues net of : 1 ) fuel , fuel-related , and purchased power expenses and 2 ) other regulatory credits . following is an analysis of the change in net revenue comparing 2004 to 2003. . ||( in millions )| |2003 net revenue|$ 208.3| |base rates|10.6| |volume/weather|8.3| |2004 deferrals|7.5| |price applied to unbilled electric sales|3.7| |other|0.6| |2004 net revenue|$ 239.0| the increase in base rates was effective june 2003 . the rate increase is discussed in note 2 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements . the volume/weather variance is primarily due to increased billed electric usage of 162 gwh in the industrial service sector . the increase was partially offset by milder weather in the residential and commercial sectors . the 2004 deferrals variance is due to the deferral of voluntary severance plan and fossil plant maintenance expenses in accordance with a stipulation approved by the city council in august 2004 . the stipulation allows for the recovery of these costs through amortization of a regulatory asset . the voluntary severance plan and fossil plant maintenance expenses are being amortized over a five-year period that became effective january 2004 and january 2003 , respectively . the formula rate plan is discussed in note 2 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements . the price applied to unbilled electric sales variance is due to an increase in the fuel price applied to unbilled sales. . Question: what is entergy's net income as a percentage of net revenue in 2003?
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Context:jpmorgan chase & co./2015 annual report 67 five-year stock performance the following table and graph compare the five-year cumulative total return for jpmorgan chase & co . ( 201cjpmorgan chase 201d or the 201cfirm 201d ) common stock with the cumulative return of the s&p 500 index , the kbw bank index and the s&p financial index . the s&p 500 index is a commonly referenced united states of america ( 201cu.s . 201d ) equity benchmark consisting of leading companies from different economic sectors . the kbw bank index seeks to reflect the performance of banks and thrifts that are publicly traded in the u.s . and is composed of 24 leading national money center and regional banks and thrifts . the s&p financial index is an index of 87 financial companies , all of which are components of the s&p 500 . the firm is a component of all three industry indices . the following table and graph assume simultaneous investments of $ 100 on december 31 , 2010 , in jpmorgan chase common stock and in each of the above indices . the comparison assumes that all dividends are reinvested . december 31 , ( in dollars ) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 . |december 31 ( in dollars )|2010|2011|2012|2013|2014|2015| |jpmorgan chase|$ 100.00|$ 80.03|$ 108.98|$ 148.98|$ 163.71|$ 177.40| |kbw bank index|100.00|76.82|102.19|140.77|153.96|154.71| |s&p financial index|100.00|82.94|106.78|144.79|166.76|164.15| |s&p 500 index|100.00|102.11|118.44|156.78|178.22|180.67| december 31 , ( in dollars ) . Question: what was the 5 year return of the s&p financial index?
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Context:december 2016 acquisition of camber and higher volumes in fleet support and oil and gas services , partially offset by lower nuclear and environmental volumes due to the resolution in 2016 of outstanding contract changes on a nuclear and environmental commercial contract . segment operating income 2018 - operating income in the technical solutions segment for the year ended december 31 , 2018 , was $ 32 million , compared to operating income of $ 21 million in 2017 . the increase was primarily due to an allowance for accounts receivable in 2017 on a nuclear and environmental commercial contract and higher income from operating investments at our nuclear and environmental joint ventures , partially offset by one time employee bonus payments in 2018 related to the tax act and lower performance in fleet support services . 2017 - operating income in the technical solutions segment for the year ended december 31 , 2017 , was $ 21 million , compared to operating income of $ 8 million in 2016 . the increase was primarily due to improved performance in oil and gas services and higher volume in mdis services following the december 2016 acquisition of camber , partially offset by the establishment of an allowance for accounts receivable on a nuclear and environmental commercial contract in 2017 and the resolution in 2016 of outstanding contract changes on a nuclear and environmental commercial contract . backlog total backlog as of december 31 , 2018 , was approximately $ 23 billion . total backlog includes both funded backlog ( firm orders for which funding is contractually obligated by the customer ) and unfunded backlog ( firm orders for which funding is not currently contractually obligated by the customer ) . backlog excludes unexercised contract options and unfunded idiq orders . for contracts having no stated contract values , backlog includes only the amounts committed by the customer . the following table presents funded and unfunded backlog by segment as of december 31 , 2018 and 2017: . |( $ in millions )|december 31 2018 funded|december 31 2018 unfunded|december 31 2018 total backlog|december 31 2018 funded|december 31 2018 unfunded|total backlog| |ingalls|$ 9943|$ 1422|$ 11365|$ 5920|$ 2071|$ 7991| |newport news|6767|4144|10911|6976|5608|12584| |technical solutions|339|380|719|478|314|792| |total backlog|$ 17049|$ 5946|$ 22995|$ 13374|$ 7993|$ 21367| we expect approximately 30% ( 30 % ) of the $ 23 billion total backlog as of december 31 , 2018 , to be converted into sales in 2019 . u.s . government orders comprised substantially all of the backlog as of december 31 , 2018 and 2017 . awards 2018 - the value of new contract awards during the year ended december 31 , 2018 , was approximately $ 9.8 billion . significant new awards during the period included contracts for the construction of three arleigh burke class ( ddg 51 ) destroyers , for the detail design and construction of richard m . mccool jr . ( lpd 29 ) , for procurement of long-lead-time material for enterprise ( cvn 80 ) , and for the construction of nsc 10 ( unnamed ) and nsc 11 ( unnamed ) . in addition , we received awards in 2019 valued at $ 15.2 billion for detail design and construction of the gerald r . ford class ( cvn 78 ) aircraft carriers enterprise ( cvn 80 ) and cvn 81 ( unnamed ) . 2017 - the value of new contract awards during the year ended december 31 , 2017 , was approximately $ 8.1 billion . significant new awards during this period included the detailed design and construction contract for bougainville ( lha 8 ) and the execution contract for the rcoh of uss george washington ( cvn 73 ) . . Question: what is the growth rate of operating income for technical solutions segment from 2017 to 2018?
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Context:maturities of debt the scheduled maturities of the outstanding debt balances , excluding debt fair value adjustments as of december 31 , 2014 , are summarized as follows ( in millions ) : . |year|total| |2015|$ 2717| |2016|1684| |2017|3059| |2018|2328| |2019|2819| |thereafter|28422| |total|$ 41029| _______ interest rates , interest rate swaps and contingent debt the weighted average interest rate on all of our borrowings was 5.02% ( 5.02 % ) during 2014 and 5.08% ( 5.08 % ) during 2013 . information on our interest rate swaps is contained in note 13 . for information about our contingent debt agreements , see note 12 . subsequent event subsequent to december 31 , 2014 , additional ep trust i preferred securities were converted , primarily consisting of 969117 ep trust i preferred securities converted on january 14 , 2015 , into ( i ) 697473 of our class p common stock ; ( ii ) approximately $ 24 million in cash ; and ( iii ) 1066028 in warrants . 9 . share-based compensation and employee benefits share-based compensation kinder morgan , inc . class p shares stock compensation plan for non-employee directors we have a stock compensation plan for non-employee directors , in which our eligible non-employee directors participate . the plan recognizes that the compensation paid to each eligible non-employee director is fixed by our board , generally annually , and that the compensation is payable in cash . pursuant to the plan , in lieu of receiving some or all of the cash compensation , each eligible non-employee director may elect to receive shares of class p common stock . each election will be generally at or around the first board meeting in january of each calendar year and will be effective for the entire calendar year . an eligible director may make a new election each calendar year . the total number of shares of class p common stock authorized under the plan is 250000 . during 2014 , 2013 and 2012 , we made restricted class p common stock grants to our non-employee directors of 6210 , 5710 and 5520 , respectively . these grants were valued at time of issuance at $ 220000 , $ 210000 and $ 185000 , respectively . all of the restricted stock grants made to non-employee directors vest during a six-month period . table of contents . Question: what percentage of total maturities of debt come due after 2019?
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Context:in summary , our cash flows for each period were as follows: . |( in millions )|2013|2012|2011| |net cash provided by operating activities|$ 20776|$ 18884|$ 20963| |net cash used for investing activities|-18073 ( 18073 )|-14060 ( 14060 )|-10301 ( 10301 )| |net cash used for financing activities|-5498 ( 5498 )|-1408 ( 1408 )|-11100 ( 11100 )| |effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents|-9 ( 9 )|-3 ( 3 )|5| |net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents|$ -2804 ( 2804 )|$ 3413|$ -433 ( 433 )| operating activities cash provided by operating activities is net income adjusted for certain non-cash items and changes in certain assets and liabilities . for 2013 compared to 2012 , the $ 1.9 billion increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to changes in working capital , partially offset by lower net income in 2013 . income taxes paid , net of refunds , in 2013 compared to 2012 were $ 1.1 billion lower due to lower income before taxes in 2013 and 2012 income tax overpayments . changes in assets and liabilities as of december 28 , 2013 , compared to december 29 , 2012 , included lower income taxes payable and receivable resulting from a reduction in taxes due in 2013 , and lower inventories due to the sell-through of older-generation products , partially offset by the ramp of 4th generation intel core processor family products . for 2013 , our three largest customers accounted for 44% ( 44 % ) of our net revenue ( 43% ( 43 % ) in 2012 and 2011 ) , with hewlett- packard company accounting for 17% ( 17 % ) of our net revenue ( 18% ( 18 % ) in 2012 and 19% ( 19 % ) in 2011 ) , dell accounting for 15% ( 15 % ) of our net revenue ( 14% ( 14 % ) in 2012 and 15% ( 15 % ) in 2011 ) , and lenovo accounting for 12% ( 12 % ) of our net revenue ( 11% ( 11 % ) in 2012 and 9% ( 9 % ) in 2011 ) . these three customers accounted for 34% ( 34 % ) of our accounts receivable as of december 28 , 2013 ( 33% ( 33 % ) as of december 29 , 2012 ) . for 2012 compared to 2011 , the $ 2.1 billion decrease in cash provided by operating activities was due to lower net income and changes in our working capital , partially offset by adjustments for non-cash items . the adjustments for noncash items were higher due primarily to higher depreciation in 2012 compared to 2011 , partially offset by increases in non-acquisition-related deferred tax liabilities as of december 31 , 2011 . investing activities investing cash flows consist primarily of capital expenditures ; investment purchases , sales , maturities , and disposals ; as well as cash used for acquisitions . the increase in cash used for investing activities in 2013 compared to 2012 was primarily due to an increase in purchases of available-for-sale investments and a decrease in maturities and sales of trading assets , partially offset by an increase in maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments and a decrease in purchases of licensed technology and patents . our capital expenditures were $ 10.7 billion in 2013 ( $ 11.0 billion in 2012 and $ 10.8 billion in 2011 ) . cash used for investing activities increased in 2012 compared to 2011 primarily due to net purchases of available- for-sale investments and trading assets in 2012 , as compared to net maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments and trading assets in 2011 , partially offset by a decrease in cash paid for acquisitions . net purchases of available-for-sale investments in 2012 included our purchase of $ 3.2 billion of equity securities in asml in q3 2012 . financing activities financing cash flows consist primarily of repurchases of common stock , payment of dividends to stockholders , issuance and repayment of long-term debt , and proceeds from the sale of shares through employee equity incentive plans . table of contents management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations ( continued ) . Question: what was the percentage change in net cash provided by operating activities between 2011 and 2012?
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Context:application of specific accounting literature . for the nonconsolidated proprietary tob trusts and qspe tob trusts , the company recognizes only its residual investment on its balance sheet at fair value and the third-party financing raised by the trusts is off-balance sheet . the following table summarizes selected cash flow information related to municipal bond securitizations for the years 2008 , 2007 and 2006 : in billions of dollars 2008 2007 2006 . |in billions of dollars|2008|2007|2006| |proceeds from new securitizations|$ 1.2|$ 10.5|2014| |cash flows received on retained interests and other net cash flows|0.5|2014|2014| cash flows received on retained interests and other net cash flows 0.5 2014 2014 municipal investments municipal investment transactions represent partnerships that finance the construction and rehabilitation of low-income affordable rental housing . the company generally invests in these partnerships as a limited partner and earns a return primarily through the receipt of tax credits earned from the affordable housing investments made by the partnership . client intermediation client intermediation transactions represent a range of transactions designed to provide investors with specified returns based on the returns of an underlying security , referenced asset or index . these transactions include credit-linked notes and equity-linked notes . in these transactions , the spe typically obtains exposure to the underlying security , referenced asset or index through a derivative instrument , such as a total-return swap or a credit-default swap . in turn the spe issues notes to investors that pay a return based on the specified underlying security , referenced asset or index . the spe invests the proceeds in a financial asset or a guaranteed insurance contract ( gic ) that serves as collateral for the derivative contract over the term of the transaction . the company 2019s involvement in these transactions includes being the counterparty to the spe 2019s derivative instruments and investing in a portion of the notes issued by the spe . in certain transactions , the investor 2019s maximum risk of loss is limited and the company absorbs risk of loss above a specified level . the company 2019s maximum risk of loss in these transactions is defined as the amount invested in notes issued by the spe and the notional amount of any risk of loss absorbed by the company through a separate instrument issued by the spe . the derivative instrument held by the company may generate a receivable from the spe ( for example , where the company purchases credit protection from the spe in connection with the spe 2019s issuance of a credit-linked note ) , which is collateralized by the assets owned by the spe . these derivative instruments are not considered variable interests under fin 46 ( r ) and any associated receivables are not included in the calculation of maximum exposure to the spe . structured investment vehicles structured investment vehicles ( sivs ) are spes that issue junior notes and senior debt ( medium-term notes and short-term commercial paper ) to fund the purchase of high quality assets . the junior notes are subject to the 201cfirst loss 201d risk of the sivs . the sivs provide a variable return to the junior note investors based on the net spread between the cost to issue the senior debt and the return realized by the high quality assets . the company acts as manager for the sivs and , prior to december 13 , 2007 , was not contractually obligated to provide liquidity facilities or guarantees to the sivs . in response to the ratings review of the outstanding senior debt of the sivs for a possible downgrade announced by two ratings agencies and the continued reduction of liquidity in the siv-related asset-backed commercial paper and medium-term note markets , on december 13 , 2007 , citigroup announced its commitment to provide support facilities that would support the sivs 2019 senior debt ratings . as a result of this commitment , citigroup became the sivs 2019 primary beneficiary and began consolidating these entities . on february 12 , 2008 , citigroup finalized the terms of the support facilities , which took the form of a commitment to provide $ 3.5 billion of mezzanine capital to the sivs in the event the market value of their junior notes approaches zero . the mezzanine capital facility was increased by $ 1 billion to $ 4.5 billion , with the additional commitment funded during the fourth quarter of 2008 . the facilities rank senior to the junior notes but junior to the commercial paper and medium-term notes . the facilities were at arm 2019s-length terms . interest was paid on the drawn amount of the facilities and a per annum fee was paid on the unused portion . during the period to november 18 , 2008 , the company wrote down $ 3.3 billion on siv assets . in order to complete the wind-down of the sivs , the company , in a nearly cashless transaction , purchased the remaining assets of the sivs at fair value , with a trade date of november 18 , 2008 . the company funded the purchase of the siv assets by assuming the obligation to pay amounts due under the medium-term notes issued by the sivs , as the medium-term notes mature . the net funding provided by the company to fund the purchase of the siv assets was $ 0.3 billion . as of december 31 , 2008 , the carrying amount of the purchased siv assets was $ 16.6 billion , of which $ 16.5 billion is classified as htm assets . investment funds the company is the investment manager for certain investment funds that invest in various asset classes including private equity , hedge funds , real estate , fixed income and infrastructure . the company earns a management fee , which is a percentage of capital under management , and may earn performance fees . in addition , for some of these funds the company has an ownership interest in the investment funds . the company has also established a number of investment funds as opportunities for qualified employees to invest in private equity investments . the company acts as investment manager to these funds and may provide employees with financing on both a recourse and non-recourse basis for a portion of the employees 2019 investment commitments. . Question: what was the change in billion of proceeds from new securitizations from 2007 to 2008 in billions
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Context:maturity requirements on long-term debt as of december 31 , 2018 by year are as follows ( in thousands ) : years ending december 31 . |2019|$ 124176| |2020|159979| |2021|195848| |2022|267587| |2023|3945053| |2024 and thereafter|475000| |total|$ 5167643| credit facility we are party to a credit facility agreement with bank of america , n.a. , as administrative agent , and a syndicate of financial institutions as lenders and other agents ( as amended from time to time , the 201ccredit facility 201d ) . as of december 31 , 2018 , the credit facility provided for secured financing comprised of ( i ) a $ 1.5 billion revolving credit facility ( the 201crevolving credit facility 201d ) ; ( ii ) a $ 1.5 billion term loan ( the 201cterm a loan 201d ) , ( iii ) a $ 1.37 billion term loan ( the 201cterm a-2 loan 201d ) , ( iv ) a $ 1.14 billion term loan facility ( the 201cterm b-2 loan 201d ) and ( v ) a $ 500 million term loan ( the 201cterm b-4 loan 201d ) . substantially all of the assets of our domestic subsidiaries are pledged as collateral under the credit facility . the borrowings outstanding under our credit facility as of december 31 , 2018 reflect amounts borrowed for acquisitions and other activities we completed in 2018 , including a reduction to the interest rate margins applicable to our term a loan , term a-2 loan , term b-2 loan and the revolving credit facility , an extension of the maturity dates of the term a loan , term a-2 loan and the revolving credit facility , and an increase in the total financing capacity under the credit facility to approximately $ 5.5 billion in june 2018 . in october 2018 , we entered into an additional term loan under the credit facility in the amount of $ 500 million ( the 201cterm b-4 loan 201d ) . we used the proceeds from the term b-4 loan to pay down a portion of the balance outstanding under our revolving credit facility . the credit facility provides for an interest rate , at our election , of either libor or a base rate , in each case plus a margin . as of december 31 , 2018 , the interest rates on the term a loan , the term a-2 loan , the term b-2 loan and the term b-4 loan were 4.02% ( 4.02 % ) , 4.01% ( 4.01 % ) , 4.27% ( 4.27 % ) and 4.27% ( 4.27 % ) , respectively , and the interest rate on the revolving credit facility was 3.92% ( 3.92 % ) . in addition , we are required to pay a quarterly commitment fee with respect to the unused portion of the revolving credit facility at an applicable rate per annum ranging from 0.20% ( 0.20 % ) to 0.30% ( 0.30 % ) depending on our leverage ratio . the term a loan and the term a-2 loan mature , and the revolving credit facility expires , on january 20 , 2023 . the term b-2 loan matures on april 22 , 2023 . the term b-4 loan matures on october 18 , 2025 . the term a loan and term a-2 loan principal amounts must each be repaid in quarterly installments in the amount of 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) of principal through june 2019 , increasing to 1.25% ( 1.25 % ) of principal through june 2021 , increasing to 1.875% ( 1.875 % ) of principal through june 2022 and increasing to 2.50% ( 2.50 % ) of principal through december 2022 , with the remaining principal balance due upon maturity in january 2023 . the term b-2 loan principal must be repaid in quarterly installments in the amount of 0.25% ( 0.25 % ) of principal through march 2023 , with the remaining principal balance due upon maturity in april 2023 . the term b-4 loan principal must be repaid in quarterly installments in the amount of 0.25% ( 0.25 % ) of principal through september 2025 , with the remaining principal balance due upon maturity in october 2025 . we may issue standby letters of credit of up to $ 100 million in the aggregate under the revolving credit facility . outstanding letters of credit under the revolving credit facility reduce the amount of borrowings available to us . borrowings available to us under the revolving credit facility are further limited by the covenants described below under 201ccompliance with covenants . 201d the total available commitments under the revolving credit facility at december 31 , 2018 were $ 783.6 million . global payments inc . | 2018 form 10-k annual report 2013 85 . Question: how much did the annual payments increase from 2019 to 2024 and beyond?
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Context:item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations the following discussion and analysis is based primarily on the consolidated financial statements of welltower inc . presented in conformity with u.s . generally accepted accounting principles ( 201cu.s . gaap 201d ) for the periods presented and should be read together with the notes thereto contained in this annual report on form 10-k . other important factors are identified in 201citem 1 2014 business 201d and 201citem 1a 2014 risk factors 201d above . executive summary company overview welltower inc . ( nyse:well ) , an s&p 500 company headquartered in toledo , ohio , is driving the transformation of health care infrastructure . the company invests with leading seniors housing operators , post- acute providers and health systems to fund the real estate and infrastructure needed to scale innovative care delivery models and improve people 2019s wellness and overall health care experience . welltowertm , a real estate investment trust ( 201creit 201d ) , owns interests in properties concentrated in major , high-growth markets in the united states ( 201cu.s . 201d ) , canada and the united kingdom ( 201cu.k . 201d ) , consisting of seniors housing and post-acute communities and outpatient medical properties . our capital programs , when combined with comprehensive planning , development and property management services , make us a single-source solution for acquiring , planning , developing , managing , repositioning and monetizing real estate assets . the following table summarizes our consolidated portfolio for the year ended december 31 , 2017 ( dollars in thousands ) : type of property noi ( 1 ) percentage of number of properties . |type of property|noi ( 1 )|percentage of noi|number of properties| |triple-net|$ 967084|43.3% ( 43.3 % )|573| |seniors housing operating|880026|39.5% ( 39.5 % )|443| |outpatient medical|384068|17.2% ( 17.2 % )|270| |totals|$ 2231178|100.0% ( 100.0 % )|1286| ( 1 ) represents consolidated noi and excludes our share of investments in unconsolidated entities . entities in which we have a joint venture with a minority partner are shown at 100% ( 100 % ) of the joint venture amount . see non-gaap financial measures for additional information and reconciliation . business strategy our primary objectives are to protect stockholder capital and enhance stockholder value . we seek to pay consistent cash dividends to stockholders and create opportunities to increase dividend payments to stockholders as a result of annual increases in net operating income and portfolio growth . to meet these objectives , we invest across the full spectrum of seniors housing and health care real estate and diversify our investment portfolio by property type , relationship and geographic location . substantially all of our revenues are derived from operating lease rentals , resident fees/services , and interest earned on outstanding loans receivable . these items represent our primary sources of liquidity to fund distributions and depend upon the continued ability of our obligors to make contractual rent and interest payments to us and the profitability of our operating properties . to the extent that our obligors/partners experience operating difficulties and become unable to generate sufficient cash to make payments or operating distributions to us , there could be a material adverse impact on our consolidated results of operations , liquidity and/or financial condition . to mitigate this risk , we monitor our investments through a variety of methods determined by the type of property . our asset management process for seniors housing properties generally includes review of monthly financial statements and other operating data for each property , review of obligor/ partner creditworthiness , property inspections , and review of covenant compliance relating to licensure , real estate taxes , letters of credit and other collateral . our internal property management division manages and monitors the outpatient medical portfolio with a comprehensive process including review of tenant relations . Question: what portion of the total number of properties is related to seniors housing operating?
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Context:part a0iii item a010 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance for the information required by this item a010 with respect to our executive officers , see part a0i , item 1 . of this report . for the other information required by this item a010 , see 201celection of directors , 201d 201cnominees for election to the board of directors , 201d 201ccorporate governance 201d and 201csection a016 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance , 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting will be filed within 120 a0days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report on form 10-k . item a011 . executive compensation for the information required by this item a011 , see 201ccompensation discussion and analysis , 201d 201ccompensation committee report , 201d and 201cexecutive compensation 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a012 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters for the information required by this item a012 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock , see 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the following table sets forth certain information as of december a031 , 2018 regarding our equity plans : plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1471449 $ 136.62 3578241 ( 1 ) the number of securities in column ( a ) include 22290 shares of common stock underlying performance stock units if maximum performance levels are achieved ; the actual number of shares , if any , to be issued with respect to the performance stock units will be based on performance with respect to specified financial and relative stock price measures . item a013 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence for the information required by this item a013 , see 201ccertain transactions 201d and 201ccorporate governance 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a014 . principal accounting fees and services for the information required by this item a014 , see 201caudit and non-audit fees 201d and 201caudit committee pre-approval procedures 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference. . |plan category|number of securitiesto be issued uponexercise ofoutstanding options warrants and rights ( 1 ) ( a ) ( b )|weighted-averageexercise price ofoutstanding options warrants and rights|number of securitiesremaining available forfuture issuance underequity compensationplans ( excludingsecurities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( c )| |equity compensation plans approved by security holders|1471449|$ 136.62|3578241| part a0iii item a010 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance for the information required by this item a010 with respect to our executive officers , see part a0i , item 1 . of this report . for the other information required by this item a010 , see 201celection of directors , 201d 201cnominees for election to the board of directors , 201d 201ccorporate governance 201d and 201csection a016 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance , 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting will be filed within 120 a0days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report on form 10-k . item a011 . executive compensation for the information required by this item a011 , see 201ccompensation discussion and analysis , 201d 201ccompensation committee report , 201d and 201cexecutive compensation 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a012 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters for the information required by this item a012 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock , see 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the following table sets forth certain information as of december a031 , 2018 regarding our equity plans : plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1471449 $ 136.62 3578241 ( 1 ) the number of securities in column ( a ) include 22290 shares of common stock underlying performance stock units if maximum performance levels are achieved ; the actual number of shares , if any , to be issued with respect to the performance stock units will be based on performance with respect to specified financial and relative stock price measures . item a013 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence for the information required by this item a013 , see 201ccertain transactions 201d and 201ccorporate governance 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a014 . principal accounting fees and services for the information required by this item a014 , see 201caudit and non-audit fees 201d and 201caudit committee pre-approval procedures 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference. . Question: what portion of the securities approved by the security holders remains available for future issunce?
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Context:( 2 ) for purposes of calculating the ratio of earnings to fixed charges , earnings consist of earnings before income taxes minus income from equity investees plus fixed charges . fixed charges consist of interest expense and the portion of rental expense we believe is representative of the interest component of rental expense . ( a ) for the years ended december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , earnings available for fixed charges were inadequate to cover fixed charges by $ 37.0 million and $ 461.2 million , respectively . ( 3 ) ebitda is defined as consolidated net income ( loss ) before interest expense , income tax expense ( benefit ) , depreciation , and amortization . adjusted ebitda , which is a measure defined in our credit agreements , is calculated by adjusting ebitda for certain items of income and expense including ( but not limited to ) the following : ( a ) non-cash equity-based compensation ; ( b ) goodwill impairment charges ; ( c ) sponsor fees ; ( d ) certain consulting fees ; ( e ) debt-related legal and accounting costs ; ( f ) equity investment income and losses ; ( g ) certain severance and retention costs ; ( h ) gains and losses from the early extinguishment of debt ; ( i ) gains and losses from asset dispositions outside the ordinary course of business ; and ( j ) non-recurring , extraordinary or unusual gains or losses or expenses . we have included a reconciliation of ebitda and adjusted ebitda in the table below . both ebitda and adjusted ebitda are considered non-gaap financial measures . generally , a non-gaap financial measure is a numerical measure of a company 2019s performance , financial position or cash flows that either excludes or includes amounts that are not normally included or excluded in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with gaap . non-gaap measures used by the company may differ from similar measures used by other companies , even when similar terms are used to identify such measures . we believe that ebitda and adjusted ebitda provide helpful information with respect to our operating performance and cash flows including our ability to meet our future debt service , capital expenditures and working capital requirements . adjusted ebitda also provides helpful information as it is the primary measure used in certain financial covenants contained in our credit agreements . the following unaudited table sets forth reconciliations of net income ( loss ) to ebitda and ebitda to adjusted ebitda for the periods presented: . |( in millions )|years ended december 31 , 2013|years ended december 31 , 2012|years ended december 31 , 2011|years ended december 31 , 2010|years ended december 31 , 2009| |net income ( loss )|$ 132.8|$ 119.0|$ 17.1|$ -29.2 ( 29.2 )|$ -373.4 ( 373.4 )| |depreciation and amortization|208.2|210.2|204.9|209.4|218.2| |income tax expense ( benefit )|62.7|67.1|11.2|-7.8 ( 7.8 )|-87.8 ( 87.8 )| |interest expense net|250.1|307.4|324.2|391.9|431.7| |ebitda|653.8|703.7|557.4|564.3|188.7| |non-cash equity-based compensation|8.6|22.1|19.5|11.5|15.9| |sponsor fees|2.5|5.0|5.0|5.0|5.0| |consulting and debt-related professional fees|0.1|0.6|5.1|15.1|14.1| |goodwill impairment|2014|2014|2014|2014|241.8| |net loss ( gain ) on extinguishments of long-term debt|64.0|17.2|118.9|-2.0 ( 2.0 )|2014| |litigation net ( i )|-4.1 ( 4.1 )|4.3|2014|2014|2014| |ipo- and secondary-offering related expenses|75.0|2014|2014|2014|2014| |other adjustments ( ii )|8.6|13.7|11.4|7.9|-0.1 ( 0.1 )| |adjusted ebitda|$ 808.5|$ 766.6|$ 717.3|$ 601.8|$ 465.4| ( i ) relates to unusual , non-recurring litigation matters . ( ii ) includes certain retention costs and equity investment income , certain severance costs in 2009 and a gain related to the sale of the informacast software and equipment in 2009. . Question: 3 net income ( loss ) $ 132.8 \\n5 income tax expense ( benefit ) 62.7
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Context:other operating and administrative expenses increased slightly in 2015 due to increased expenses asso- ciated with our larger film slate . other operating and administrative expenses increased in 2014 primarily due to the inclusion of fandango , which was previously presented in our cable networks segment . advertising , marketing and promotion expenses advertising , marketing and promotion expenses consist primarily of expenses associated with advertising for our theatrical releases and the marketing of our films on dvd and in digital formats . we incur significant marketing expenses before and throughout the release of a film in movie theaters . as a result , we typically incur losses on a film prior to and during the film 2019s exhibition in movie theaters and may not realize profits , if any , until the film generates home entertainment and content licensing revenue . the costs associated with producing and marketing films have generally increased in recent years and may continue to increase in the future . advertising , marketing and promotion expenses increased in 2015 primarily due to higher promotional costs associated with our larger 2015 film slate and increased advertising expenses for fandango . advertising , marketing and promotion expenses decreased in 2014 primarily due to fewer major film releases compared to theme parks segment results of operations year ended december 31 ( in millions ) 2015 2014 2013 % ( % ) change 2014 to 2015 % ( % ) change 2013 to 2014 . |year ended december 31 ( in millions )|2015|2014|2013|% ( % ) change 2014 to 2015|% ( % ) change 2013 to 2014| |revenue|$ 3339|$ 2623|$ 2235|27.3% ( 27.3 % )|17.3% ( 17.3 % )| |operating costs and expenses|1875|1527|1292|22.8|18.1| |operating income before depreciation and amortization|$ 1464|$ 1096|$ 943|33.5% ( 33.5 % )|16.3% ( 16.3 % )| operating income before depreciation and amortization $ 1464 $ 1096 $ 943 33.5% ( 33.5 % ) 16.3% ( 16.3 % ) theme parks segment 2013 revenue in 2015 , our theme parks segment revenue was generated primarily from ticket sales and guest spending at our universal theme parks in orlando , florida and hollywood , california , as well as from licensing and other fees . in november 2015 , nbcuniversal acquired a 51% ( 51 % ) interest in universal studios japan . guest spending includes in-park spending on food , beverages and merchandise . guest attendance at our theme parks and guest spending depend heavily on the general environment for travel and tourism , including consumer spend- ing on travel and other recreational activities . licensing and other fees relate primarily to our agreements with third parties that own and operate the universal studios singapore theme park , as well as from the universal studios japan theme park , to license the right to use the universal studios brand name and other intellectual property . theme parks segment revenue increased in 2015 and 2014 primarily due to increases in guest attendance and increases in guest spending at our orlando and hollywood theme parks . the increase in 2015 was pri- marily due to the continued success of our attractions , including the wizarding world of harry potter 2122 2014 diagon alley 2122 in orlando and the fast & furious 2122 2014 supercharged 2122 studio tour and the simpson 2019s springfield attraction in hollywood , both of which opened in 2015 . in addition , theme parks segment revenue in 2015 includes $ 169 million of revenue attributable to universal studios japan for the period from november 13 , 2015 to december 31 , 2015 . the increase in 2014 was primarily due to new attractions , such as the wizarding world of harry potter 2122 2014 diagon alley 2122 in orlando , which opened in july 2014 , and despicable me : minion mayhem in hollywood . 59 comcast 2015 annual report on form 10-k . Question: what was the operating profit margin for the year of 2014?
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Context:sources of blackrock 2019s operating cash primarily include investment advisory , administration fees and securities lending revenue , performance fees , revenue from technology and risk management services , advisory and other revenue and distribution fees . blackrock uses its cash to pay all operating expense , interest and principal on borrowings , income taxes , dividends on blackrock 2019s capital stock , repurchases of the company 2019s stock , capital expenditures and purchases of co-investments and seed investments . for details of the company 2019s gaap cash flows from operating , investing and financing activities , see the consolidated statements of cash flows contained in part ii , item 8 of this filing . cash flows from operating activities , excluding the impact of consolidated sponsored investment funds , primarily include the receipt of investment advisory and administration fees , securities lending revenue and performance fees offset by the payment of operating expenses incurred in the normal course of business , including year-end incentive compensation accrued for in the prior year . cash outflows from investing activities , excluding the impact of consolidated sponsored investment funds , for 2017 were $ 517 million and primarily reflected $ 497 million of investment purchases , $ 155 million of purchases of property and equipment , $ 73 million related to the first reserve transaction and $ 29 million related to the cachematrix transaction , partially offset by $ 205 million of net proceeds from sales and maturities of certain investments . cash outflows from financing activities , excluding the impact of consolidated sponsored investment funds , for 2017 were $ 3094 million , primarily resulting from $ 1.4 billion of share repurchases , including $ 1.1 billion in open market- transactions and $ 321 million of employee tax withholdings related to employee stock transactions , $ 1.7 billion of cash dividend payments and $ 700 million of repayments of long- term borrowings , partially offset by $ 697 million of proceeds from issuance of long-term borrowings . the company manages its financial condition and funding to maintain appropriate liquidity for the business . liquidity resources at december 31 , 2017 and 2016 were as follows : ( in millions ) december 31 , december 31 , cash and cash equivalents ( 1 ) $ 6894 $ 6091 cash and cash equivalents held by consolidated vres ( 2 ) ( 63 ) ( 53 ) . |( in millions )|december 31 2017|december 31 2016| |cash and cash equivalents ( 1 )|$ 6894|$ 6091| |cash and cash equivalents held by consolidated vres ( 2 )|-63 ( 63 )|-53 ( 53 )| |subtotal|6831|6038| |credit facility 2014 undrawn|4000|4000| |total liquidity resources ( 3 )|$ 10831|$ 10038| total liquidity resources ( 3 ) $ 10831 $ 10038 ( 1 ) the percentage of cash and cash equivalents held by the company 2019s u.s . subsidiaries was approximately 40% ( 40 % ) and 50% ( 50 % ) at december 31 , 2017 and 2016 , respectively . see net capital requirements herein for more information on net capital requirements in certain regulated subsidiaries . ( 2 ) the company cannot readily access such cash to use in its operating activities . ( 3 ) amounts do not reflect a reduction for year-end incentive compensation accruals of approximately $ 1.5 billion and $ 1.3 billion for 2017 and 2016 , respectively , which are paid in the first quarter of the following year . total liquidity resources increased $ 793 million during 2017 , primarily reflecting cash flows from operating activities , partially offset by cash payments of 2016 year-end incentive awards , share repurchases of $ 1.4 billion and cash dividend payments of $ 1.7 billion . a significant portion of the company 2019s $ 3154 million of total investments , as adjusted , is illiquid in nature and , as such , cannot be readily convertible to cash . share repurchases . the company repurchased 2.6 million common shares in open market transactions under the share repurchase program for approximately $ 1.1 billion during 2017 . at december 31 , 2017 , there were 6.4 million shares still authorized to be repurchased . net capital requirements . the company is required to maintain net capital in certain regulated subsidiaries within a number of jurisdictions , which is partially maintained by retaining cash and cash equivalent investments in those subsidiaries or jurisdictions . as a result , such subsidiaries of the company may be restricted in their ability to transfer cash between different jurisdictions and to their parents . additionally , transfers of cash between international jurisdictions may have adverse tax consequences that could discourage such transfers . blackrock institutional trust company , n.a . ( 201cbtc 201d ) is chartered as a national bank that does not accept client deposits and whose powers are limited to trust and other fiduciary activities . btc provides investment management services , including investment advisory and securities lending agency services , to institutional clients . btc is subject to regulatory capital and liquid asset requirements administered by the office of the comptroller of the currency . at december 31 , 2017 and 2016 , the company was required to maintain approximately $ 1.8 billion and $ 1.4 billion , respectively , in net capital in certain regulated subsidiaries , including btc , entities regulated by the financial conduct authority and prudential regulation authority in the united kingdom , and the company 2019s broker-dealers . the company was in compliance with all applicable regulatory net capital requirements . undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries . as a result of the 2017 tax act and the one-time mandatory deemed repatriation tax on untaxed accumulated foreign earnings , a provisional amount of u.s . income taxes was provided on the undistributed foreign earnings . the financial statement basis in excess of tax basis of its foreign subsidiaries remains indefinitely reinvested in foreign operations . the company will continue to evaluate its capital management plans throughout 2018 . short-term borrowings 2017 revolving credit facility . the company 2019s credit facility has an aggregate commitment amount of $ 4.0 billion and was amended in april 2017 to extend the maturity date to april 2022 ( the 201c2017 credit facility 201d ) . the 2017 credit facility permits the company to request up to an additional $ 1.0 billion of borrowing capacity , subject to lender credit approval , increasing the overall size of the 2017 credit facility to an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ 5.0 billion . interest on borrowings outstanding accrues at a rate based on the applicable london interbank offered rate plus a spread . the 2017 credit facility requires the company . Question: how much more cash was held in 2017 than 2016 ? in million$ .
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Context:devon energy corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) proved undeveloped reserves the following table presents the changes in our total proved undeveloped reserves during 2011 ( in mmboe ) . . ||u.s . onshore|canada|north america| |proved undeveloped reserves as of december 31 2010|411|420|831| |extensions and discoveries|118|30|148| |revisions due to prices|-2 ( 2 )|-14 ( 14 )|-16 ( 16 )| |revisions other than price|-56 ( 56 )|5|-51 ( 51 )| |conversion to proved developed reserves|-68 ( 68 )|-62 ( 62 )|-130 ( 130 )| |proved undeveloped reserves as of december 31 2011|403|379|782| at december 31 , 2011 , devon had 782 mmboe of proved undeveloped reserves . this represents a 6% ( 6 % ) decrease as compared to 2010 and represents 26% ( 26 % ) of its total proved reserves . drilling activities increased devon 2019s proved undeveloped reserves 148 mmboe and resulted in the conversion of 130 mmboe , or 16% ( 16 % ) , of the 2010 proved undeveloped reserves to proved developed reserves . additionally , revisions other than price decreased devon 2019s proved undeveloped reserves 51 mmboe primarily due to its evaluation of certain u.s . onshore dry-gas areas , which it does not expect to develop in the next five years . the largest revisions relate to the dry-gas areas at carthage in east texas and the barnett shale in north texas . a significant amount of devon 2019s proved undeveloped reserves at the end of 2011 largely related to its jackfish operations . at december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , devon 2019s jackfish proved undeveloped reserves were 367 mmboe and 396 mmboe , respectively . development schedules for the jackfish reserves are primarily controlled by the need to keep the processing plants at their 35000 barrel daily facility capacity . processing plant capacity is controlled by factors such as total steam processing capacity , steam-oil ratios and air quality discharge permits . as a result , these reserves are classified as proved undeveloped for more than five years . currently , the development schedule for these reserves extends though the year 2025 . price revisions 2011 2014reserves decreased 21 mmboe due to lower gas prices and higher oil prices . the higher oil prices increased devon 2019s canadian royalty burden , which reduced devon 2019s oil reserves . 2010 2014reserves increased 72 mmboe due to higher gas prices , partially offset by the effect of higher oil prices . the higher oil prices increased devon 2019s canadian royalty burden , which reduced devon 2019s oil reserves . of the 72 mmboe price revisions , 43 mmboe related to the barnett shale and 22 mmboe related to the rocky mountain area . 2009 2014reserves increased 177 mmboe due to higher oil prices , partially offset by lower gas prices . the increase in oil reserves primarily related to devon 2019s jackfish thermal heavy oil reserves in canada . at the end of 2008 , 331 mmboe of reserves related to jackfish were not considered proved . however , due to higher prices , these reserves were considered proved as of december 31 , 2009 . significantly lower gas prices caused devon 2019s reserves to decrease 116 mmboe , which primarily related to its u.s . reserves . revisions other than price total revisions other than price for 2011 primarily related to devon 2019s evaluation of certain dry gas regions noted in the proved undeveloped reserves discussion above . total revisions other than price for 2010 and 2009 primarily related to devon 2019s drilling and development in the barnett shale. . Question: what was the percent of the proved undeveloped reserves in u.s . onshore as of december 31 2010 in north america
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Context:note 3 . business combinations purchase combinations . during the fiscal years presented , the company made a number of purchase acquisitions . for each acquisition , the excess of the purchase price over the estimated value of the net tangible assets acquired was allocated to various intangible assets , consisting primarily of developed technology , customer and contract-related assets and goodwill . the values assigned to developed technologies related to each acquisition were based upon future discounted cash flows related to the existing products 2019 projected income streams . goodwill , representing the excess of the purchase consideration over the fair value of tangible and identifiable intangible assets acquired in the acquisitions , will not to be amortized . goodwill is not deductible for tax purposes . the amounts allocated to purchased in-process research and developments were determined through established valuation techniques in the high-technology industry and were expensed upon acquisition because technological feasibility had not been established and no future alternative uses existed . the consolidated financial statements include the operating results of each business from the date of acquisition . the company does not consider these acquisitions to be material to its results of operations and is therefore not presenting pro forma statements of operations for the fiscal years ended october 31 , 2006 , 2005 and 2004 . fiscal 2006 acquisitions sigma-c software ag ( sigma-c ) the company acquired sigma-c on august 16 , 2006 in an all-cash transaction . reasons for the acquisition . sigma-c provides simulation software that allows semiconductor manufacturers and their suppliers to develop and optimize process sequences for optical lithography , e-beam lithography and next-generation lithography technologies . the company believes the acquisition will enable a tighter integration between design and manufacturing tools , allowing the company 2019s customers to perform more accurate design layout analysis with 3d lithography simulation and better understand issues that affect ic wafer yields . purchase price . the company paid $ 20.5 million in cash for the outstanding shares and shareholder notes of which $ 2.05 million was deposited with an escrow agent and will be paid per the escrow agreement . the company believes that the escrow amount will be paid . the total purchase consideration consisted of: . ||( in thousands )| |cash paid|$ 20500| |acquisition-related costs|2053| |total purchase price|$ 22553| acquisition-related costs of $ 2.1 million consist primarily of legal , tax and accounting fees , estimated facilities closure costs and employee termination costs . as of october 31 , 2006 , the company had paid $ 0.9 million of the acquisition-related costs . the $ 1.2 million balance remaining at october 31 , 2006 primarily consists of legal , tax and accounting fees , estimated facilities closure costs and employee termination costs . assets acquired . the company performed a preliminary valuation and allocated the total purchase consideration to assets and liabilities . the company acquired $ 6.0 million of intangible assets consisting of $ 3.9 million in existing technology , $ 1.9 million in customer relationships and $ 0.2 million in trade names to be amortized over five years . the company also acquired assets of $ 3.9 million and assumed liabilities of $ 5.1 million as result of this transaction . goodwill , representing the excess of the purchase price over the . Question: customer relationships represented what percentage of the intangible assets?
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Context:jpmorgan chase & co . / 2008 annual report 175jpmorgan chase & co . / 2008 annual report 175jpmorgan chase & co . / 2008 annual report 175jpmorgan chase & co . / 2008 annual report 175jpmorgan chase & co . / 2008 annual report 175 securities borrowed and securities lent are recorded at the amount of cash collateral advanced or received . securities borrowed consist primarily of government and equity securities . jpmorgan chase moni- tors the market value of the securities borrowed and lent on a daily basis and calls for additional collateral when appropriate . fees received or paid in connection with securities borrowed and lent are recorded in interest income or interest expense . the following table details the components of collateralized financings. . |december 31 ( in millions )|2008|2007| |securities purchased under resale agreements ( a )|$ 200265|$ 169305| |securities borrowed ( b )|124000|84184| |securities sold under repurchase agreements ( c )|$ 174456|$ 126098| |securities loaned|6077|10922| ( a ) includes resale agreements of $ 20.8 billion and $ 19.1 billion accounted for at fair value at december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . ( b ) includes securities borrowed of $ 3.4 billion accounted for at fair value at december 31 , 2008 . ( c ) includes repurchase agreements of $ 3.0 billion and $ 5.8 billion accounted for at fair value at december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . jpmorgan chase pledges certain financial instruments it owns to col- lateralize repurchase agreements and other securities financings . pledged securities that can be sold or repledged by the secured party are identified as financial instruments owned ( pledged to various parties ) on the consolidated balance sheets . at december 31 , 2008 , the firm received securities as collateral that could be repledged , delivered or otherwise used with a fair value of approximately $ 511.9 billion . this collateral was generally obtained under resale or securities borrowing agreements . of these securities , approximately $ 456.6 billion were repledged , delivered or otherwise used , generally as collateral under repurchase agreements , securities lending agreements or to cover short sales . note 14 2013 loans the accounting for a loan may differ based upon whether it is origi- nated or purchased and as to whether the loan is used in an invest- ing or trading strategy . for purchased loans held-for-investment , the accounting also differs depending on whether a loan is credit- impaired at the date of acquisition . purchased loans with evidence of credit deterioration since the origination date and for which it is probable , at acquisition , that all contractually required payments receivable will not be collected are considered to be credit-impaired . the measurement framework for loans in the consolidated financial statements is one of the following : 2022 at the principal amount outstanding , net of the allowance for loan losses , unearned income and any net deferred loan fees or costs , for loans held for investment ( other than purchased credit- impaired loans ) ; 2022 at the lower of cost or fair value , with valuation changes record- ed in noninterest revenue , for loans that are classified as held- for-sale ; or 2022 at fair value , with changes in fair value recorded in noninterest revenue , for loans classified as trading assets or risk managed on a fair value basis ; 2022 purchased credit-impaired loans held for investment are account- ed for under sop 03-3 and initially measured at fair value , which includes estimated future credit losses . accordingly , an allowance for loan losses related to these loans is not recorded at the acquisition date . see note 5 on pages 156 2013158 of this annual report for further information on the firm 2019s elections of fair value accounting under sfas 159 . see note 6 on pages 158 2013160 of this annual report for further information on loans carried at fair value and classified as trading assets . for loans held for investment , other than purchased credit-impaired loans , interest income is recognized using the interest method or on a basis approximating a level rate of return over the term of the loan . loans within the held-for-investment portfolio that management decides to sell are transferred to the held-for-sale portfolio . transfers to held-for-sale are recorded at the lower of cost or fair value on the date of transfer . credit-related losses are charged off to the allowance for loan losses and losses due to changes in interest rates , or exchange rates , are recognized in noninterest revenue . loans within the held-for-sale portfolio that management decides to retain are transferred to the held-for-investment portfolio at the lower of cost or fair value . these loans are subsequently assessed for impairment based on the firm 2019s allowance methodology . for a fur- ther discussion of the methodologies used in establishing the firm 2019s allowance for loan losses , see note 15 on pages 178 2013180 of this annual report . nonaccrual loans are those on which the accrual of interest is dis- continued . loans ( other than certain consumer and purchased credit- impaired loans discussed below ) are placed on nonaccrual status immediately if , in the opinion of management , full payment of princi- pal or interest is in doubt , or when principal or interest is 90 days or more past due and collateral , if any , is insufficient to cover principal and interest . loans are charged off to the allowance for loan losses when it is highly certain that a loss has been realized . interest accrued but not collected at the date a loan is placed on nonaccrual status is reversed against interest income . in addition , the amortiza- tion of net deferred loan fees is suspended . interest income on nonaccrual loans is recognized only to the extent it is received in cash . however , where there is doubt regarding the ultimate col- lectibility of loan principal , all cash thereafter received is applied to reduce the carrying value of such loans ( i.e. , the cost recovery method ) . loans are restored to accrual status only when future pay- ments of interest and principal are reasonably assured . consumer loans , other than purchased credit-impaired loans , are generally charged to the allowance for loan losses upon reaching specified stages of delinquency , in accordance with the federal financial institutions examination council policy . for example , credit card loans are charged off by the end of the month in which the account becomes 180 days past due or within 60 days from receiv- ing notification of the filing of bankruptcy , whichever is earlier . residential mortgage products are generally charged off to net real- izable value at no later than 180 days past due . other consumer . Question: what was the ratio of the securities borrowed to the securities loaned in 2008
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Context:hologic , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( in thousands , except per share data ) future minimum lease payments under all the company 2019s operating leases are approximately as follows: . |fiscal years ending|amount| |september 24 2005|$ 4848| |september 30 2006|4672| |september 29 2007|3680| |september 27 2008|3237| |september 26 2009|3158| |thereafter|40764| |total ( not reduced by minimum sublease rentals of $ 165 )|$ 60359| the company subleases a portion of its bedford facility and has received rental income of $ 277 , $ 410 and $ 682 for fiscal years 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , respectively , which has been recorded as an offset to rent expense in the accompanying statements of income . rental expense , net of sublease income , was approximately $ 4660 , $ 4963 , and $ 2462 for fiscal 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , respectively . 9 . business segments and geographic information the company reports segment information in accordance with sfas no . 131 , disclosures about segments of an enterprise and related information . operating segments are identified as components of an enterprise about which separate , discrete financial information is available for evaluation by the chief operating decision maker , or decision-making group , in making decisions how to allocate resources and assess performance . the company 2019s chief decision-maker , as defined under sfas no . 131 , is the chief executive officer . to date , the company has viewed its operations and manages its business as four principal operating segments : the manufacture and sale of mammography products , osteoporosis assessment products , digital detectors and other products . as a result of the company 2019s implementation of a company wide integrated software application in fiscal 2003 , identifiable assets for the four principal operating segments only consist of inventories , intangible assets , and property and equipment . the company has presented all other assets as corporate assets . prior periods have been restated to conform to this presentation . intersegment sales and transfers are not significant. . Question: what was the percentage change in rental expense between 2003 and 2004?
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Context:the following is a schedule of future minimum rental payments required under long-term operating leases at october 30 , 2010 : fiscal years operating leases . |fiscal years|operating leases| |2011|$ 21871| |2012|12322| |2013|9078| |2014|6381| |2015|5422| |later years|30655| |total|$ 85729| 12 . commitments and contingencies from time to time in the ordinary course of the company 2019s business , various claims , charges and litigation are asserted or commenced against the company arising from , or related to , contractual matters , patents , trademarks , personal injury , environmental matters , product liability , insurance coverage and personnel and employment disputes . as to such claims and litigation , the company can give no assurance that it will prevail . the company does not believe that any current legal matters will have a material adverse effect on the company 2019s financial position , results of operations or cash flows . 13 . retirement plans the company and its subsidiaries have various savings and retirement plans covering substantially all employees . the company maintains a defined contribution plan for the benefit of its eligible u.s . employees . this plan provides for company contributions of up to 5% ( 5 % ) of each participant 2019s total eligible compensation . in addition , the company contributes an amount equal to each participant 2019s pre-tax contribution , if any , up to a maximum of 3% ( 3 % ) of each participant 2019s total eligible compensation . the total expense related to the defined contribution plan for u.s . employees was $ 20.5 million in fiscal 2010 , $ 21.5 million in fiscal 2009 and $ 22.6 million in fiscal 2008 . the company also has various defined benefit pension and other retirement plans for certain non-u.s . employees that are consistent with local statutory requirements and practices . the total expense related to the various defined benefit pension and other retirement plans for certain non-u.s . employees was $ 11.7 million in fiscal 2010 , $ 10.9 million in fiscal 2009 and $ 13.9 million in fiscal 2008 . during fiscal 2009 , the measurement date of the plan 2019s funded status was changed from september 30 to the company 2019s fiscal year end . non-u.s . plan disclosures the company 2019s funding policy for its foreign defined benefit pension plans is consistent with the local requirements of each country . the plans 2019 assets consist primarily of u.s . and non-u.s . equity securities , bonds , property and cash . the benefit obligations and related assets under these plans have been measured at october 30 , 2010 and october 31 , 2009 . analog devices , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what is the percentage change in the total expense related to the defined contribution plan for non-u.s employees in 2010?
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Context:changes in the benchmark index component of the 10-year treasury yield . the company def signated these derivatives as cash flow hedges . on october 13 , 2015 , in conjunction with the pricing of the $ 4.5 billion senior notes , the companyr terminated these treasury lock contracts for a cash settlement payment of $ 16 million , which was recorded as a component of other comprehensive earnings and will be reclassified as an adjustment to interest expense over the ten years during which the related interest payments that were hedged will be recognized in income . foreign currency risk we are exposed to foreign currency risks that arise from normal business operations . these risks include the translation of local currency balances of foreign subsidiaries , transaction gains and losses associated with intercompany loans with foreign subsidiaries and transactions denominated in currencies other than a location's functional currency . we manage the exposure to these risks through a combination of normal operating activities and the use of foreign currency forward contracts . contracts are denominated in currtt encies of major industrial countries . our exposure to foreign currency exchange risks generally arises from our non-u.s . operations , to the extent they are conducted ind local currency . changes in foreign currency exchange rates affect translations of revenues denominated in currencies other than the u.s . dollar . during the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , we generated approximately $ 1909 million , $ 1336 million and $ 1229 million , respectively , in revenues denominated in currencies other than the u.s . dollar . the major currencies to which our revenues are exposed are the brazilian real , the euro , the british pound sterling and the indian rupee . a 10% ( 10 % ) move in average exchange rates for these currencies ( assuming a simultaneous and immediate 10% ( 10 % ) change in all of such rates for the relevant period ) would have resulted in the following increase or ( decrease ) in our reported revenues for the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 ( in millions ) : . |currency|2016|2015|2014| |pound sterling|$ 47|$ 34|$ 31| |euro|38|33|30| |real|32|29|38| |indian rupee|12|10|8| |total impact|$ 129|$ 106|$ 107| while our results of operations have been impacted by the effects of currency fluctuations , our international operations' revenues and expenses are generally denominated in local currency , which reduces our economic exposure to foreign exchange risk in those jurisdictions . revenues included $ 100 million and $ 243 million and net earnings included $ 10 million , anrr d $ 31 million , respectively , of unfavorable foreign currency impact during 2016 and 2015 resulting from a stronger u.s . dollar during these years compared to thet preceding year . in 2017 , we expect continued unfavorable foreign currency impact on our operating income resulting from the continued strengthening of the u.s . dollar vs . other currencies . our foreign exchange risk management policy permits the use of derivative instruments , such as forward contracts and options , to reduce volatility in our results of operations and/or cash flows resulting from foreign exchange rate fluctuations . we do not enter into foreign currency derivative instruments for trading purposes or to engage in speculative activitr y . we do periodically enter inttt o foreign currency forward exchange contracts to hedge foreign currency exposure to intercompany loans . as of december 31 , 2016 , the notional amount of these derivatives was approximately $ 143 million and the fair value was nominal . these derivatives are intended to hedge the foreign exchange risks related to intercompany loans but have not been designated as hedges for accounting purposes . we also use currency forward contracts to manage our exposure to fluctuations in costs caused by variations in indian rupee ( "inr" ) exchange rates . as of december 31 , 2016 , the notional amount of these derivatives was approximately $ 7 million and the fair value was ll less than $ 1 million . these inr forward contracts are designated as cash flow hedges . the fair value of these currency forward contracts is determined using currency exchange market rates , obtained from reliable , independent , third m party banks , at the balance sheet date . the fair value of forward contracts is subject to changes in currency exchange rates . the company has no ineffectiveness related to its use of currency forward contracts in connection with inr cash flow hedges . in conjunction with entering into the definitive agreement to acquire clear2pay in september 2014 , we initiated a foreign currency forward contract to purchase euros and sell u.s . dollars to manage the risk arising from fluctuations in exchange rates until the closing because the purchase price was stated in euros . as this derivative did not qualify for hedge accounting , we recorded a charge of $ 16 million in other income ( expense ) , net during the third quarter of 2014 . this forward contract was settled on october 1 , 2014. . Question: what was the difference in total impact between 2014 and 2015 , in millions?
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Context:table of content part ii item 5 . market for the registrant's common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities our common stock is traded on the new york stock exchange under the trading symbol 201chfc . 201d in september 2018 , our board of directors approved a $ 1 billion share repurchase program , which replaced all existing share repurchase programs , authorizing us to repurchase common stock in the open market or through privately negotiated transactions . the timing and amount of stock repurchases will depend on market conditions and corporate , regulatory and other relevant considerations . this program may be discontinued at any time by the board of directors . the following table includes repurchases made under this program during the fourth quarter of 2018 . period total number of shares purchased average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs maximum dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs . |period|total number ofshares purchased|average pricepaid per share|total number ofshares purchasedas part of publicly announced plans or programs|maximum dollarvalue of sharesthat may yet bepurchased under the plans or programs| |october 2018|1360987|$ 66.34|1360987|$ 859039458| |november 2018|450000|$ 61.36|450000|$ 831427985| |december 2018|912360|$ 53.93|810000|$ 787613605| |total for october to december 2018|2723347||2620987|| during the quarter ended december 31 , 2018 , 102360 shares were withheld from certain executives and employees under the terms of our share-based compensation agreements to provide funds for the payment of payroll and income taxes due at vesting of restricted stock awards . as of february 13 , 2019 , we had approximately 97419 stockholders , including beneficial owners holding shares in street name . we intend to consider the declaration of a dividend on a quarterly basis , although there is no assurance as to future dividends since they are dependent upon future earnings , capital requirements , our financial condition and other factors. . Question: in october 2018 , what was the total cost for repurchasing the 1360987 shares?
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Context:management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) net cash used in investing activities during 2012 primarily related to payments for capital expenditures and acquisitions , partially offset by the net proceeds of $ 94.8 received from the sale of our remaining holdings in facebook . capital expenditures of $ 169.2 primarily related to computer hardware and software , and leasehold improvements . capital expenditures increased in 2012 compared to the prior year , primarily due to an increase in leasehold improvements made during the year . payments for acquisitions of $ 145.5 primarily related to payments for new acquisitions . financing activities net cash used in financing activities during 2013 primarily related to the purchase of long-term debt , the repurchase of our common stock , and payment of dividends . we redeemed all $ 600.0 in aggregate principal amount of our 10.00% ( 10.00 % ) notes . in addition , we repurchased 31.8 shares of our common stock for an aggregate cost of $ 481.8 , including fees , and made dividend payments of $ 126.0 on our common stock . net cash provided by financing activities during 2012 primarily reflected net proceeds from our debt transactions . we issued $ 300.0 in aggregate principal amount of 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) senior notes due 2017 ( the 201c2.25% ( 201c2.25 % ) notes 201d ) , $ 500.0 in aggregate principal amount of 3.75% ( 3.75 % ) senior notes due 2023 ( the 201c3.75% ( 201c3.75 % ) notes 201d ) and $ 250.0 in aggregate principal amount of 4.00% ( 4.00 % ) senior notes due 2022 ( the 201c4.00% ( 201c4.00 % ) notes 201d ) . the proceeds from the issuance of the 4.00% ( 4.00 % ) notes were applied towards the repurchase and redemption of $ 399.6 in aggregate principal amount of our 4.25% ( 4.25 % ) notes . offsetting the net proceeds from our debt transactions was the repurchase of 32.7 shares of our common stock for an aggregate cost of $ 350.5 , including fees , and dividend payments of $ 103.4 on our common stock . foreign exchange rate changes the effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated statements of cash flows resulted in a decrease of $ 94.1 in 2013 . the decrease was primarily a result of the u.s . dollar being stronger than several foreign currencies , including the australian dollar , brazilian real , japanese yen , canadian dollar and south african rand as of december 31 , 2013 compared to december 31 , 2012 . the effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated statements of cash flows resulted in a decrease of $ 6.2 in 2012 . the decrease was a result of the u.s . dollar being stronger than several foreign currencies , including the brazilian real and south african rand , offset by the u.s . dollar being weaker than other foreign currencies , including the australian dollar , british pound and the euro , as of as of december 31 , 2012 compared to december 31 , 2011. . |balance sheet data|december 31 , 2013|december 31 , 2012| |cash cash equivalents and marketable securities|$ 1642.1|$ 2590.8| |short-term borrowings|$ 179.1|$ 172.1| |current portion of long-term debt|353.6|216.6| |long-term debt|1129.8|2060.8| |total debt|$ 1662.5|$ 2449.5| liquidity outlook we expect our cash flow from operations , cash and cash equivalents to be sufficient to meet our anticipated operating requirements at a minimum for the next twelve months . we also have a committed corporate credit facility as well as uncommitted facilities available to support our operating needs . we continue to maintain a disciplined approach to managing liquidity , with flexibility over significant uses of cash , including our capital expenditures , cash used for new acquisitions , our common stock repurchase program and our common stock dividends. . Question: what are the total current liabilities for 2013?
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Context:shareholder value award program svas are granted to officers and management and are payable in shares of our common stock . the number of shares actually issued , if any , varies depending on our stock price at the end of the three-year vesting period compared to pre-established target stock prices . we measure the fair value of the sva unit on the grant date using a monte carlo simulation model . the model utilizes multiple input variables that determine the probability of satisfying the market condition stipulated in the award grant and calculates the fair value of the award . expected volatilities utilized in the model are based on implied volatilities from traded options on our stock , historical volatility of our stock price , and other factors . similarly , the dividend yield is based on historical experience and our estimate of future dividend yields . the risk-free interest rate is derived from the u.s . treasury yield curve in effect at the time of grant . the weighted-average fair values of the sva units granted during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 were $ 48.51 , $ 66.25 , and $ 48.68 , respectively , determined using the following assumptions: . |( percents )|2018|2017|2016| |expected dividend yield|2.50% ( 2.50 % )|2.50% ( 2.50 % )|2.00% ( 2.00 % )| |risk-free interest rate|2.31|1.38|0.92| |volatility|22.26|22.91|21.68| pursuant to this program , approximately 0.7 million shares , 1.1 million shares , and 1.0 million shares were issued during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , respectively . approximately 1.0 million shares are expected to be issued in 2019 . as of december 31 , 2018 , the total remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to nonvested svas was $ 55.7 million , which will be amortized over the weighted-average remaining requisite service period of 20 months . restricted stock units rsus are granted to certain employees and are payable in shares of our common stock . rsu shares are accounted for at fair value based upon the closing stock price on the date of grant . the corresponding expense is amortized over the vesting period , typically three years . the fair values of rsu awards granted during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 were $ 70.95 , $ 72.47 , and $ 71.46 , respectively . the number of shares ultimately issued for the rsu program remains constant with the exception of forfeitures . pursuant to this program , 1.3 million , 1.4 million , and 1.3 million shares were granted and approximately 1.0 million , 0.9 million , and 0.6 million shares were issued during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , respectively . approximately 0.8 million shares are expected to be issued in 2019 . as of december 31 , 2018 , the total remaining unrecognized compensation cost related to nonvested rsus was $ 112.2 million , which will be amortized over the weighted- average remaining requisite service period of 21 months . note 12 : shareholders' equity during 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , we repurchased $ 4.15 billion , $ 359.8 million and $ 540.1 million , respectively , of shares associated with our share repurchase programs . a payment of $ 60.0 million was made in 2016 for shares repurchased in 2017 . during 2018 , we repurchased $ 2.05 billion of shares , which completed the $ 5.00 billion share repurchase program announced in october 2013 and our board authorized an $ 8.00 billion share repurchase program . there were $ 2.10 billion repurchased under the $ 8.00 billion program in 2018 . as of december 31 , 2018 , there were $ 5.90 billion of shares remaining under the 2018 program . we have 5.0 million authorized shares of preferred stock . as of december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , no preferred stock was issued . we have an employee benefit trust that held 50.0 million shares of our common stock at both december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , to provide a source of funds to assist us in meeting our obligations under various employee benefit plans . the cost basis of the shares held in the trust was $ 3.01 billion at both december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , and is shown as a reduction of shareholders 2019 equity . any dividend transactions between us and the trust are eliminated . stock held by the trust is not considered outstanding in the computation of eps . the assets of the trust were not used to fund any of our obligations under these employee benefit plans during the years ended december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and . Question: what was the percent of the change in the fair values of rsu awards granted from 2016 to 2017
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Context:cgmhi has committed long-term financing facilities with unaffiliated banks . at december 31 , 2010 , cgmhi had drawn down the full $ 900 million available under these facilities , of which $ 150 million is guaranteed by citigroup . generally , a bank can terminate these facilities by giving cgmhi one-year prior notice . the company issues both fixed and variable rate debt in a range of currencies . it uses derivative contracts , primarily interest rate swaps , to effectively convert a portion of its fixed rate debt to variable rate debt and variable rate debt to fixed rate debt . the maturity structure of the derivatives generally corresponds to the maturity structure of the debt being hedged . in addition , the company uses other derivative contracts to manage the foreign exchange impact of certain debt issuances . at december 31 , 2010 , the company 2019s overall weighted average interest rate for long-term debt was 3.53% ( 3.53 % ) on a contractual basis and 2.78% ( 2.78 % ) including the effects of derivative contracts . aggregate annual maturities of long-term debt obligations ( based on final maturity dates ) including trust preferred securities are as follows : long-term debt at december 31 , 2010 and december 31 , 2009 includes $ 18131 million and $ 19345 million , respectively , of junior subordinated debt . the company formed statutory business trusts under the laws of the state of delaware . the trusts exist for the exclusive purposes of ( i ) issuing trust securities representing undivided beneficial interests in the assets of the trust ; ( ii ) investing the gross proceeds of the trust securities in junior subordinated deferrable interest debentures ( subordinated debentures ) of its parent ; and ( iii ) engaging in only those activities necessary or incidental thereto . upon approval from the federal reserve , citigroup has the right to redeem these securities . citigroup has contractually agreed not to redeem or purchase ( i ) the 6.50% ( 6.50 % ) enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xv before september 15 , 2056 , ( ii ) the 6.45% ( 6.45 % ) enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xvi before december 31 , 2046 , ( iii ) the 6.35% ( 6.35 % ) enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xvii before march 15 , 2057 , ( iv ) the 6.829% ( 6.829 % ) fixed rate/floating rate enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xviii before june 28 , 2047 , ( v ) the 7.250% ( 7.250 % ) enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xix before august 15 , 2047 , ( vi ) the 7.875% ( 7.875 % ) enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xx before december 15 , 2067 , and ( vii ) the 8.300% ( 8.300 % ) fixed rate/floating rate enhanced trust preferred securities of citigroup capital xxi before december 21 , 2067 , unless certain conditions , described in exhibit 4.03 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on september 18 , 2006 , in exhibit 4.02 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on november 28 , 2006 , in exhibit 4.02 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on march 8 , 2007 , in exhibit 4.02 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on july 2 , 2007 , in exhibit 4.02 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on august 17 , 2007 , in exhibit 4.2 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on november 27 , 2007 , and in exhibit 4.2 to citigroup 2019s current report on form 8-k filed on december 21 , 2007 , respectively , are met . these agreements are for the benefit of the holders of citigroup 2019s 6.00% ( 6.00 % ) junior subordinated deferrable interest debentures due 2034 . citigroup owns all of the voting securities of these subsidiary trusts . these subsidiary trusts have no assets , operations , revenues or cash flows other than those related to the issuance , administration , and repayment of the subsidiary trusts and the subsidiary trusts 2019 common securities . these subsidiary trusts 2019 obligations are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by citigroup. . |in millions of dollars|2011|2012|2013|2014|2015|thereafter| |bank|$ 35066|$ 38280|$ 8013|$ 7620|$ 6380|$ 17875| |non-bank|15213|25950|7858|5187|3416|18381| |parent company|21194|30004|21348|19096|12131|88171| |total|$ 71473|$ 94234|$ 37219|$ 31903|$ 21927|$ 124427| . Question: in 2011 what was the percent of the subsidiary trusts 2019 obligations guaranteed by citigroup attributable to the bank
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Context:in summary , our cash flows for each period were as follows: . |( in millions )|2013|2012|2011| |net cash provided by operating activities|$ 20776|$ 18884|$ 20963| |net cash used for investing activities|-18073 ( 18073 )|-14060 ( 14060 )|-10301 ( 10301 )| |net cash used for financing activities|-5498 ( 5498 )|-1408 ( 1408 )|-11100 ( 11100 )| |effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents|-9 ( 9 )|-3 ( 3 )|5| |net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents|$ -2804 ( 2804 )|$ 3413|$ -433 ( 433 )| operating activities cash provided by operating activities is net income adjusted for certain non-cash items and changes in certain assets and liabilities . for 2013 compared to 2012 , the $ 1.9 billion increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to changes in working capital , partially offset by lower net income in 2013 . income taxes paid , net of refunds , in 2013 compared to 2012 were $ 1.1 billion lower due to lower income before taxes in 2013 and 2012 income tax overpayments . changes in assets and liabilities as of december 28 , 2013 , compared to december 29 , 2012 , included lower income taxes payable and receivable resulting from a reduction in taxes due in 2013 , and lower inventories due to the sell-through of older-generation products , partially offset by the ramp of 4th generation intel core processor family products . for 2013 , our three largest customers accounted for 44% ( 44 % ) of our net revenue ( 43% ( 43 % ) in 2012 and 2011 ) , with hewlett- packard company accounting for 17% ( 17 % ) of our net revenue ( 18% ( 18 % ) in 2012 and 19% ( 19 % ) in 2011 ) , dell accounting for 15% ( 15 % ) of our net revenue ( 14% ( 14 % ) in 2012 and 15% ( 15 % ) in 2011 ) , and lenovo accounting for 12% ( 12 % ) of our net revenue ( 11% ( 11 % ) in 2012 and 9% ( 9 % ) in 2011 ) . these three customers accounted for 34% ( 34 % ) of our accounts receivable as of december 28 , 2013 ( 33% ( 33 % ) as of december 29 , 2012 ) . for 2012 compared to 2011 , the $ 2.1 billion decrease in cash provided by operating activities was due to lower net income and changes in our working capital , partially offset by adjustments for non-cash items . the adjustments for noncash items were higher due primarily to higher depreciation in 2012 compared to 2011 , partially offset by increases in non-acquisition-related deferred tax liabilities as of december 31 , 2011 . investing activities investing cash flows consist primarily of capital expenditures ; investment purchases , sales , maturities , and disposals ; as well as cash used for acquisitions . the increase in cash used for investing activities in 2013 compared to 2012 was primarily due to an increase in purchases of available-for-sale investments and a decrease in maturities and sales of trading assets , partially offset by an increase in maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments and a decrease in purchases of licensed technology and patents . our capital expenditures were $ 10.7 billion in 2013 ( $ 11.0 billion in 2012 and $ 10.8 billion in 2011 ) . cash used for investing activities increased in 2012 compared to 2011 primarily due to net purchases of available- for-sale investments and trading assets in 2012 , as compared to net maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments and trading assets in 2011 , partially offset by a decrease in cash paid for acquisitions . net purchases of available-for-sale investments in 2012 included our purchase of $ 3.2 billion of equity securities in asml in q3 2012 . financing activities financing cash flows consist primarily of repurchases of common stock , payment of dividends to stockholders , issuance and repayment of long-term debt , and proceeds from the sale of shares through employee equity incentive plans . table of contents management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations ( continued ) . Question: in 2013 what was the approximate percentage increase in net cash provided by operating activities
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Context:the diluted earnings per share calculation excludes stock options , sars , restricted stock and units and performance units and stock that were anti-dilutive . shares underlying the excluded stock options and sars totaled 2.6 million , 10.3 million and 10.2 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . for the year ended december 31 , 2016 , 4.5 million shares of restricted stock and restricted stock units and performance units and performance stock were excluded . 10 . supplemental cash flow information net cash paid for interest and income taxes was as follows for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 ( in thousands ) : . ||2017|2016|2015| |interest net of capitalized interest|$ 275305|$ 252030|$ 222088| |income taxes net of refunds received|$ 188946|$ -39293 ( 39293 )|$ 41108| eog's accrued capital expenditures at december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 were $ 475 million , $ 388 million and $ 416 million , respectively . non-cash investing activities for the year ended december 31 , 2017 included non-cash additions of $ 282 million to eog's oil and gas properties as a result of property exchanges . non-cash investing activities for the year ended december 31 , 2016 included $ 3834 million in non-cash additions to eog's oil and gas properties related to the yates transaction ( see note 17 ) . 11 . business segment information eog's operations are all crude oil and natural gas exploration and production related . the segment reporting topic of the asc establishes standards for reporting information about operating segments in annual financial statements . operating segments are defined as components of an enterprise about which separate financial information is available and evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker , or decision-making group , in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance . eog's chief operating decision-making process is informal and involves the chairman of the board and chief executive officer and other key officers . this group routinely reviews and makes operating decisions related to significant issues associated with each of eog's major producing areas in the united states , trinidad , the united kingdom and china . for segment reporting purposes , the chief operating decision maker considers the major united states producing areas to be one operating segment. . Question: what is the increase observed in the interest net of capitalized interest during 2016 and 2017?
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Context:dish network corporation notes to consolidated financial statements - continued future minimum lease payments under the capital lease obligations , together with the present value of the net minimum lease payments as of december 31 , 2015 are as follows ( in thousands ) : for the years ended december 31 . |2016|$ 76676| |2017|75874| |2018|75849| |2019|50320| |2020|48000| |thereafter|64000| |total minimum lease payments|390719| |less : amount representing lease of the orbital location and estimated executory costs ( primarily insurance and maintenance ) including profit thereon included in total minimum lease payments|-186742 ( 186742 )| |net minimum lease payments|203977| |less : amount representing interest|-37485 ( 37485 )| |present value of net minimum lease payments|166492| |less : current portion|-30849 ( 30849 )| |long-term portion of capital lease obligations|$ 135643| the summary of future maturities of our outstanding long-term debt as of december 31 , 2015 is included in the commitments table in note 15 . 11 . income taxes and accounting for uncertainty in income taxes income taxes our income tax policy is to record the estimated future tax effects of temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and amounts reported on our consolidated balance sheets , as well as probable operating loss , tax credit and other carryforwards . deferred tax assets are offset by valuation allowances when we believe it is more likely than not that net deferred tax assets will not be realized . we periodically evaluate our need for a valuation allowance . determining necessary valuation allowances requires us to make assessments about historical financial information as well as the timing of future events , including the probability of expected future taxable income and available tax planning opportunities . we file consolidated tax returns in the u.s . the income taxes of domestic and foreign subsidiaries not included in the u.s . tax group are presented in our consolidated financial statements on a separate return basis for each tax paying entity . as of december 31 , 2015 , we had no net operating loss carryforwards ( 201cnols 201d ) for federal income tax purposes and $ 39 million of nol benefit for state income tax purposes , which are partially offset by a valuation allowance . the state nols begin to expire in the year 2017 . in addition , there are $ 61 million of tax benefits related to credit carryforwards which are partially offset by a valuation allowance . the state credit carryforwards began to expire in . Question: what percentage of future minimum lease payments under the capital lease obligations is due in 2020?
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Context:table of contents in march 2008 , the fasb issued sfas no . 161 , disclosures about derivative instruments and hedging activities 2014an amendment of fasb statement no . 133 , which requires companies to provide additional disclosures about its objectives and strategies for using derivative instruments , how the derivative instruments and related hedged items are accounted for under sfas no . 133 , accounting for derivative instruments and hedging activities , and related interpretations , and how the derivative instruments and related hedged items affect the company 2019s financial statements . sfas no . 161 also requires companies to disclose information about credit risk-related contingent features in their hedged positions . sfas no . 161 is effective for fiscal years and interim periods beginning after november 15 , 2008 and is required to be adopted by the company beginning in the second quarter of fiscal 2009 . although the company will continue to evaluate the application of sfas no . 161 , management does not currently believe adoption will have a material impact on the company 2019s financial condition or operating results . liquidity and capital resources the following table presents selected financial information and statistics as of and for the three fiscal years ended september 27 , 2008 ( in millions ) : as of september 27 , 2008 , the company had $ 24.5 billion in cash , cash equivalents , and short-term investments , an increase of $ 9.1 billion from september 29 , 2007 . the principal components of this net increase were cash generated by operating activities of $ 9.6 billion , proceeds from the issuance of common stock under stock plans of $ 483 million and excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation of $ 757 million . these increases were partially offset by payments for acquisitions of property , plant , and equipment of $ 1.1 billion , payments made in connection with business acquisitions , net of cash acquired , of $ 220 million and payments for acquisitions of intangible assets of $ 108 million . the company 2019s cash generated by operating activities significantly exceeded its net income due primarily to the large increase in deferred revenue , net of deferred costs , associated with subscription accounting for iphone . the company 2019s short-term investment portfolio is invested primarily in highly rated securities with a minimum rating of single-a . as of september 27 , 2008 and september 29 , 2007 , $ 11.3 billion and $ 6.5 billion , respectively , of the company 2019s cash , cash equivalents , and short- term investments were held by foreign subsidiaries and are generally based in u.s . dollar-denominated holdings . the company had $ 117 million in net unrealized losses on its investment portfolio , primarily related to investments with stated maturities ranging from one to five years , as of september 27 , 2008 , and net unrealized losses of approximately $ 11 million on its investment portfolio , primarily related to investments with stated maturities from one to five years , as of september 29 , 2007 . the company has the intent and ability to hold such investments for a sufficient period of time to allow for recovery of the principal amounts invested . accordingly , none of these declines in fair value were recognized in the company 2019s statement of operations . the company believes its existing balances of cash , cash equivalents , and short-term investments will be sufficient to satisfy its working capital needs , capital expenditures , outstanding commitments , and other liquidity requirements associated with its existing operations over the next 12 months . capital assets the company 2019s cash payments for capital asset purchases were $ 1.1 billion during 2008 , consisting of $ 389 million for retail store facilities and $ 702 million for real estate acquisitions and corporate infrastructure including information systems enhancements . the company anticipates utilizing approximately $ 1.5 billion for capital asset purchases during 2009 , including approximately $ 400 million for retail facilities and approximately $ 1.1 billion for corporate facilities and infrastructure. . ||2008|2007|2006| |cash cash equivalents and short-term investments|$ 24490|$ 15386|$ 10110| |accounts receivable net|$ 2422|$ 1637|$ 1252| |inventory|$ 509|$ 346|$ 270| |working capital|$ 20598|$ 12676|$ 8066| |annual operating cash flow|$ 9596|$ 5470|$ 2220| . Question: between september 27 , 2008 and september 29 , 2007 how much in billions did the company 2019s cash , cash equivalents , and short- term investments held by foreign subsidiaries increase?
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Context:aeronautics our aeronautics business segment is engaged in the research , design , development , manufacture , integration , sustainment , support and upgrade of advanced military aircraft , including combat and air mobility aircraft , unmanned air vehicles and related technologies . aeronautics 2019 major programs include the f-35 lightning ii joint strike fighter , c-130 hercules , f-16 fighting falcon , c-5m super galaxy and f-22 raptor . aeronautics 2019 operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . ||2015|2014|2013| |net sales|$ 15570|$ 14920|$ 14123| |operating profit|1681|1649|1612| |operating margins|10.8% ( 10.8 % )|11.1% ( 11.1 % )|11.4% ( 11.4 % )| |backlog at year-end|$ 31800|$ 27600|$ 28000| 2015 compared to 2014 aeronautics 2019 net sales in 2015 increased $ 650 million , or 4% ( 4 % ) , compared to 2014 . the increase was attributable to higher net sales of approximately $ 1.4 billion for f-35 production contracts due to increased volume on aircraft production and sustainment activities ; and approximately $ 150 million for the c-5 program due to increased deliveries ( nine aircraft delivered in 2015 compared to seven delivered in 2014 ) . the increases were partially offset by lower net sales of approximately $ 350 million for the c-130 program due to fewer aircraft deliveries ( 21 aircraft delivered in 2015 , compared to 24 delivered in 2014 ) , lower sustainment activities and aircraft contract mix ; approximately $ 200 million due to decreased volume and lower risk retirements on various programs ; approximately $ 195 million for the f-16 program due to fewer deliveries ( 11 aircraft delivered in 2015 , compared to 17 delivered in 2014 ) ; and approximately $ 190 million for the f-22 program as a result of decreased sustainment activities . aeronautics 2019 operating profit in 2015 increased $ 32 million , or 2% ( 2 % ) , compared to 2014 . operating profit increased by approximately $ 240 million for f-35 production contracts due to increased volume and risk retirements ; and approximately $ 40 million for the c-5 program due to increased risk retirements . these increases were offset by lower operating profit of approximately $ 90 million for the f-22 program due to lower risk retirements ; approximately $ 70 million for the c-130 program as a result of the reasons stated above for lower net sales ; and approximately $ 80 million due to decreased volume and risk retirements on various programs . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 100 million higher in 2015 compared to 2014 . 2014 compared to 2013 aeronautics 2019 net sales increased $ 797 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , in 2014 as compared to 2013 . the increase was primarily attributable to higher net sales of approximately $ 790 million for f-35 production contracts due to increased volume and sustainment activities ; about $ 55 million for the f-16 program due to increased deliveries ( 17 aircraft delivered in 2014 compared to 13 delivered in 2013 ) partially offset by contract mix ; and approximately $ 45 million for the f-22 program due to increased risk retirements . the increases were partially offset by lower net sales of approximately $ 55 million for the f-35 development contract due to decreased volume , partially offset by the absence in 2014 of the downward revision to the profit booking rate that occurred in 2013 ; and about $ 40 million for the c-130 program due to fewer deliveries ( 24 aircraft delivered in 2014 compared to 25 delivered in 2013 ) and decreased sustainment activities , partially offset by contract mix . aeronautics 2019 operating profit increased $ 37 million , or 2% ( 2 % ) , in 2014 as compared to 2013 . the increase was primarily attributable to higher operating profit of approximately $ 85 million for the f-35 development contract due to the absence in 2014 of the downward revision to the profit booking rate that occurred in 2013 ; about $ 75 million for the f-22 program due to increased risk retirements ; approximately $ 50 million for the c-130 program due to increased risk retirements and contract mix , partially offset by fewer deliveries ; and about $ 25 million for the c-5 program due to the absence in 2014 of the downward revisions to the profit booking rate that occurred in 2013 . the increases were partially offset by lower operating profit of approximately $ 130 million for the f-16 program due to decreased risk retirements , partially offset by increased deliveries ; and about $ 70 million for sustainment activities due to decreased risk retirements and volume . operating profit was comparable for f-35 production contracts as higher volume was offset by lower risk retirements . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 105 million lower for 2014 compared to 2013. . Question: what was the average operating margin from 2013 to 2015?
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Context:of these options during fiscal 2010 , fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2008 was $ 240.4 million , $ 15.1 million and $ 100.6 mil- lion , respectively . the total grant-date fair value of stock options that vested during fiscal 2010 , fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2008 was approximately $ 67.2 million , $ 73.6 million and $ 77.6 million , respectively . proceeds from stock option exercises pursuant to employee stock plans in the company 2019s statement of cash flows of $ 216.1 million , $ 12.4 million and $ 94.2 million for fiscal 2010 , fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2008 , respectively , are net of the value of shares surrendered by employees in certain limited circumstances to satisfy the exercise price of options , and to satisfy employee tax obligations upon vesting of restricted stock or restricted stock units and in connection with the exercise of stock options granted to the company 2019s employees under the company 2019s equity compensation plans . the withholding amount is based on the company 2019s minimum statutory withholding requirement . a summary of the company 2019s restricted stock unit award activity as of october 30 , 2010 and changes during the year then ended is presented below : restricted outstanding weighted- average grant- date fair value per share . ||restricted stock units outstanding|weighted- average grant- date fair value per share| |restricted stock units outstanding at october 31 2009|135|$ 22.19| |units granted|1171|$ 28.86| |restrictions lapsed|-19 ( 19 )|$ 24.70| |units forfeited|-22 ( 22 )|$ 29.10| |restricted stock units outstanding at october 30 2010|1265|$ 28.21| as of october 30 , 2010 there was $ 95 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested share-based awards comprised of stock options and restricted stock units . that cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.4 years . common stock repurchase program the company 2019s common stock repurchase program has been in place since august 2004 . in the aggregate , the board of directors has authorized the company to repurchase $ 4 billion of the company 2019s common stock under the program . under the program , the company may repurchase outstanding shares of its common stock from time to time in the open market and through privately negotiated transactions . unless terminated earlier by resolution of the company 2019s board of directors , the repurchase program will expire when the company has repurchased all shares authorized under the program . as of october 30 , 2010 , the company had repurchased a total of approximately 116.0 million shares of its common stock for approximately $ 3948.2 million under this program . an additional $ 51.8 million remains available for repurchase of shares under the current authorized program . the repurchased shares are held as authorized but unissued shares of common stock . any future common stock repurchases will be dependent upon several factors including the amount of cash available to the company in the united states , and the company 2019s financial performance , outlook and liquidity . the company also from time to time repurchases shares in settlement of employee tax withholding obligations due upon the vesting of restricted stock or restricted stock units , or in certain limited circumstances to satisfy the exercise price of options granted to the company 2019s employees under the company 2019s equity compensation plans . preferred stock the company has 471934 authorized shares of $ 1.00 par value preferred stock , none of which is issued or outstanding . the board of directors is authorized to fix designations , relative rights , preferences and limitations on the preferred stock at the time of issuance . analog devices , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) . Question: what is the average-share price of the repurchased shares as of october 30 , 2010?
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Context:the company has elected the fair-value option where the interest-rate risk of such liabilities is economically hedged with derivative contracts or the proceeds are used to purchase financial assets that will also be accounted for at fair value through earnings . the election has been made to mitigate accounting mismatches and to achieve operational simplifications . these positions are reported in short-term borrowings and long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet . the majority of these non-structured liabilities are a result of the company 2019s election of the fair-value option for liabilities associated with the citi-advised structured investment vehicles ( sivs ) , which were consolidated during the fourth quarter of 2007 . the change in fair values of the sivs 2019 liabilities reported in earnings was $ 2.6 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . for these non-structured liabilities the aggregate fair value is $ 263 million lower than the aggregate unpaid principal balance as of december 31 , 2008 . for all other non-structured liabilities classified as long-term debt for which the fair-value option has been elected , the aggregate unpaid principal balance exceeds the aggregate fair value of such instruments by $ 97 million as of december 31 , 2008 while the aggregate fair value exceeded the aggregate unpaid principal by $ 112 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the change in fair value of these non-structured liabilities reported a gain of $ 1.2 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . the change in fair value for these non-structured liabilities is reported in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . related interest expense continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . certain mortgage loans citigroup has elected the fair-value option for certain purchased and originated prime fixed-rate and conforming adjustable-rate first mortgage loans held-for- sale . these loans are intended for sale or securitization and are hedged with derivative instruments . the company has elected the fair-value option to mitigate accounting mismatches in cases where hedge accounting is complex and to achieve operational simplifications . the fair-value option was not elected for loans held-for-investment , as those loans are not hedged with derivative instruments . this election was effective for applicable instruments originated or purchased on or after september 1 , 2007 . the following table provides information about certain mortgage loans carried at fair value : in millions of dollars december 31 , december 31 , carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet $ 4273 $ 6392 aggregate fair value in excess of unpaid principal balance $ 138 $ 136 balance on non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 9 $ 17 aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 2 $ 2014 the changes in fair values of these mortgage loans is reported in other revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . the changes in fair value during the year ended december 31 , 2008 due to instrument- specific credit risk resulted in a $ 32 million loss . the change in fair value during 2007 due to instrument-specific credit risk was immaterial . related interest income continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . items selected for fair-value accounting in accordance with sfas 155 and sfas 156 certain hybrid financial instruments the company has elected to apply fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for certain hybrid financial assets and liabilities whose performance is linked to risks other than interest rate , foreign exchange or inflation ( e.g. , equity , credit or commodity risks ) . in addition , the company has elected fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for residual interests retained from securitizing certain financial assets . the company has elected fair-value accounting for these instruments because these exposures are considered to be trading-related positions and , therefore , are managed on a fair-value basis . in addition , the accounting for these instruments is simplified under a fair-value approach as it eliminates the complicated operational requirements of bifurcating the embedded derivatives from the host contracts and accounting for each separately . the hybrid financial instruments are classified as trading account assets , loans , deposits , trading account liabilities ( for prepaid derivatives ) , short-term borrowings or long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet according to their legal form , while residual interests in certain securitizations are classified as trading account assets . for hybrid financial instruments for which fair-value accounting has been elected under sfas 155 and that are classified as long-term debt , the aggregate unpaid principal exceeds the aggregate fair value by $ 1.9 billion as of december 31 , 2008 , while the aggregate fair value exceeds the aggregate unpaid principal balance by $ 460 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the difference for those instruments classified as loans is immaterial . changes in fair value for hybrid financial instruments , which in most cases includes a component for accrued interest , are recorded in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . interest accruals for certain hybrid instruments classified as trading assets are recorded separately from the change in fair value as interest revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . mortgage servicing rights the company accounts for mortgage servicing rights ( msrs ) at fair value in accordance with sfas 156 . fair value for msrs is determined using an option-adjusted spread valuation approach . this approach consists of projecting servicing cash flows under multiple interest-rate scenarios and discounting these cash flows using risk-adjusted rates . the model assumptions used in the valuation of msrs include mortgage prepayment speeds and discount rates . the fair value of msrs is primarily affected by changes in prepayments that result from shifts in mortgage interest rates . in managing this risk , the company hedges a significant portion of the values of its msrs through the use of interest-rate derivative contracts , forward- purchase commitments of mortgage-backed securities , and purchased securities classified as trading . see note 23 on page 175 for further discussions regarding the accounting and reporting of msrs . these msrs , which totaled $ 5.7 billion and $ 8.4 billion as of december 31 , 2008 and december 31 , 2007 , respectively , are classified as mortgage servicing rights on citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet . changes in fair value of msrs are recorded in commissions and fees in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income. . |in millions of dollars|december 31 2008|december 31 2007| |carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet|$ 4273|$ 6392| |aggregate fair value in excess of unpaid principal balance|$ 138|$ 136| |balance on non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due|$ 9|$ 17| |aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days pastdue|$ 2|$ 2014| the company has elected the fair-value option where the interest-rate risk of such liabilities is economically hedged with derivative contracts or the proceeds are used to purchase financial assets that will also be accounted for at fair value through earnings . the election has been made to mitigate accounting mismatches and to achieve operational simplifications . these positions are reported in short-term borrowings and long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet . the majority of these non-structured liabilities are a result of the company 2019s election of the fair-value option for liabilities associated with the citi-advised structured investment vehicles ( sivs ) , which were consolidated during the fourth quarter of 2007 . the change in fair values of the sivs 2019 liabilities reported in earnings was $ 2.6 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . for these non-structured liabilities the aggregate fair value is $ 263 million lower than the aggregate unpaid principal balance as of december 31 , 2008 . for all other non-structured liabilities classified as long-term debt for which the fair-value option has been elected , the aggregate unpaid principal balance exceeds the aggregate fair value of such instruments by $ 97 million as of december 31 , 2008 while the aggregate fair value exceeded the aggregate unpaid principal by $ 112 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the change in fair value of these non-structured liabilities reported a gain of $ 1.2 billion for the year ended december 31 , 2008 . the change in fair value for these non-structured liabilities is reported in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . related interest expense continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . certain mortgage loans citigroup has elected the fair-value option for certain purchased and originated prime fixed-rate and conforming adjustable-rate first mortgage loans held-for- sale . these loans are intended for sale or securitization and are hedged with derivative instruments . the company has elected the fair-value option to mitigate accounting mismatches in cases where hedge accounting is complex and to achieve operational simplifications . the fair-value option was not elected for loans held-for-investment , as those loans are not hedged with derivative instruments . this election was effective for applicable instruments originated or purchased on or after september 1 , 2007 . the following table provides information about certain mortgage loans carried at fair value : in millions of dollars december 31 , december 31 , carrying amount reported on the consolidated balance sheet $ 4273 $ 6392 aggregate fair value in excess of unpaid principal balance $ 138 $ 136 balance on non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 9 $ 17 aggregate unpaid principal balance in excess of fair value for non-accrual loans or loans more than 90 days past due $ 2 $ 2014 the changes in fair values of these mortgage loans is reported in other revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . the changes in fair value during the year ended december 31 , 2008 due to instrument- specific credit risk resulted in a $ 32 million loss . the change in fair value during 2007 due to instrument-specific credit risk was immaterial . related interest income continues to be measured based on the contractual interest rates and reported as such in the consolidated income statement . items selected for fair-value accounting in accordance with sfas 155 and sfas 156 certain hybrid financial instruments the company has elected to apply fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for certain hybrid financial assets and liabilities whose performance is linked to risks other than interest rate , foreign exchange or inflation ( e.g. , equity , credit or commodity risks ) . in addition , the company has elected fair-value accounting under sfas 155 for residual interests retained from securitizing certain financial assets . the company has elected fair-value accounting for these instruments because these exposures are considered to be trading-related positions and , therefore , are managed on a fair-value basis . in addition , the accounting for these instruments is simplified under a fair-value approach as it eliminates the complicated operational requirements of bifurcating the embedded derivatives from the host contracts and accounting for each separately . the hybrid financial instruments are classified as trading account assets , loans , deposits , trading account liabilities ( for prepaid derivatives ) , short-term borrowings or long-term debt on the company 2019s consolidated balance sheet according to their legal form , while residual interests in certain securitizations are classified as trading account assets . for hybrid financial instruments for which fair-value accounting has been elected under sfas 155 and that are classified as long-term debt , the aggregate unpaid principal exceeds the aggregate fair value by $ 1.9 billion as of december 31 , 2008 , while the aggregate fair value exceeds the aggregate unpaid principal balance by $ 460 million as of december 31 , 2007 . the difference for those instruments classified as loans is immaterial . changes in fair value for hybrid financial instruments , which in most cases includes a component for accrued interest , are recorded in principal transactions in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . interest accruals for certain hybrid instruments classified as trading assets are recorded separately from the change in fair value as interest revenue in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income . mortgage servicing rights the company accounts for mortgage servicing rights ( msrs ) at fair value in accordance with sfas 156 . fair value for msrs is determined using an option-adjusted spread valuation approach . this approach consists of projecting servicing cash flows under multiple interest-rate scenarios and discounting these cash flows using risk-adjusted rates . the model assumptions used in the valuation of msrs include mortgage prepayment speeds and discount rates . the fair value of msrs is primarily affected by changes in prepayments that result from shifts in mortgage interest rates . in managing this risk , the company hedges a significant portion of the values of its msrs through the use of interest-rate derivative contracts , forward- purchase commitments of mortgage-backed securities , and purchased securities classified as trading . see note 23 on page 175 for further discussions regarding the accounting and reporting of msrs . these msrs , which totaled $ 5.7 billion and $ 8.4 billion as of december 31 , 2008 and december 31 , 2007 , respectively , are classified as mortgage servicing rights on citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet . changes in fair value of msrs are recorded in commissions and fees in the company 2019s consolidated statement of income. . Question: on the citigroup 2019s consolidated balance sheet what was the ratio of the mortgage servicing rights ( msrs ) fro 2008 compared to 2007
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Context:table of contents the following table presents certain payments due by the company under contractual obligations with minimum firm commitments as of september 28 , 2013 and excludes amounts already recorded on the consolidated balance sheet , except for long-term debt ( in millions ) : lease commitments the company 2019s major facility leases are typically for terms not exceeding 10 years and generally provide renewal options for terms not exceeding five additional years . leases for retail space are for terms ranging from five to 20 years , the majority of which are for 10 years , and often contain multi-year renewal options . as of september 28 , 2013 , the company 2019s total future minimum lease payments under noncancelable operating leases were $ 4.7 billion , of which $ 3.5 billion related to leases for retail space . purchase commitments with outsourcing partners and component suppliers the company utilizes several outsourcing partners to manufacture sub-assemblies for the company 2019s products and to perform final assembly and testing of finished products . these outsourcing partners acquire components and build product based on demand information supplied by the company , which typically covers periods up to 150 days . the company also obtains individual components for its products from a wide variety of individual suppliers . consistent with industry practice , the company acquires components through a combination of purchase orders , supplier contracts , and open orders based on projected demand information . where appropriate , the purchases are applied to inventory component prepayments that are outstanding with the respective supplier . as of september 28 , 2013 , the company had outstanding off-balance sheet third- party manufacturing commitments and component purchase commitments of $ 18.6 billion . other obligations in addition to the off-balance sheet commitments mentioned above , the company had outstanding obligations of $ 1.3 billion as of september 28 , 2013 , that consisted mainly of commitments to acquire capital assets , including product tooling and manufacturing process equipment , and commitments related to advertising , research and development , internet and telecommunications services and other obligations . the company 2019s other non-current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets consist primarily of deferred tax liabilities , gross unrecognized tax benefits and the related gross interest and penalties . as of september 28 , 2013 , the company had non-current deferred tax liabilities of $ 16.5 billion . additionally , as of september 28 , 2013 , the company had gross unrecognized tax benefits of $ 2.7 billion and an additional $ 590 million for gross interest and penalties classified as non-current liabilities . at this time , the company is unable to make a reasonably reliable estimate of the timing of payments in individual years in connection with these tax liabilities ; therefore , such amounts are not included in the above contractual obligation table . indemnification the company generally does not indemnify end-users of its operating system and application software against legal claims that the software infringes third-party intellectual property rights . other agreements entered into by payments due in than 1 payments due in payments due in payments due in than 5 years total . ||payments due in less than1 year|payments due in 1-3 years|payments due in 4-5 years|payments due in more than5 years|total| |long-term debt|$ 0|$ 2500|$ 6000|$ 8500|$ 17000| |operating leases|610|1200|1056|1855|4721| |purchase obligations|18616|0|0|0|18616| |other obligations|1081|248|16|3|1348| |total|$ 20307|$ 3948|$ 7072|$ 10358|$ 41685| . Question: what percentage of certain payments due by the company under contractual obligations consisted of purchase obligations?
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Context:the goldman sachs group , inc . and subsidiaries management 2019s discussion and analysis during periods in which we have significantly more positive net revenue days than net revenue loss days , we expect to have fewer var exceptions because , under normal conditions , our business model generally produces positive net revenues . in periods in which our franchise revenues are adversely affected , we generally have more loss days , resulting in more var exceptions . the daily net revenues for positions included in var used to determine var exceptions reflect the impact of any intraday activity , including bid/offer net revenues , which are more likely than not to be positive by their nature . sensitivity measures certain portfolios and individual positions are not included in var because var is not the most appropriate risk measure . other sensitivity measures we use to analyze market risk are described below . 10% ( 10 % ) sensitivity measures . the table below presents market risk by asset category for positions accounted for at fair value , that are not included in var. . |$ in millions|as of december 2018|as of december 2017| |equity|$ 1923|$ 2096| |debt|1890|1606| |total|$ 3813|$ 3702| in the table above : 2030 the market risk of these positions is determined by estimating the potential reduction in net revenues of a 10% ( 10 % ) decline in the value of these positions . 2030 equity positions relate to private and restricted public equity securities , including interests in funds that invest in corporate equities and real estate and interests in hedge funds . 2030 debt positions include interests in funds that invest in corporate mezzanine and senior debt instruments , loans backed by commercial and residential real estate , corporate bank loans and other corporate debt , including acquired portfolios of distressed loans . 2030 funded equity and debt positions are included in our consolidated statements of financial condition in financial instruments owned . see note 6 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about cash instruments . 2030 these measures do not reflect the diversification effect across asset categories or across other market risk measures . credit spread sensitivity on derivatives and financial liabilities . var excludes the impact of changes in counterparty and our own credit spreads on derivatives , as well as changes in our own credit spreads ( debt valuation adjustment ) on financial liabilities for which the fair value option was elected . the estimated sensitivity to a one basis point increase in credit spreads ( counterparty and our own ) on derivatives was a gain of $ 3 million ( including hedges ) as of both december 2018 and december 2017 . in addition , the estimated sensitivity to a one basis point increase in our own credit spreads on financial liabilities for which the fair value option was elected was a gain of $ 41 million as of december 2018 and $ 35 million as of december 2017 . however , the actual net impact of a change in our own credit spreads is also affected by the liquidity , duration and convexity ( as the sensitivity is not linear to changes in yields ) of those financial liabilities for which the fair value option was elected , as well as the relative performance of any hedges undertaken . interest rate sensitivity . loans receivable were $ 80.59 billion as of december 2018 and $ 65.93 billion as of december 2017 , substantially all of which had floating interest rates . the estimated sensitivity to a 100 basis point increase in interest rates on such loans was $ 607 million as of december 2018 and $ 527 million as of december 2017 , of additional interest income over a twelve-month period , which does not take into account the potential impact of an increase in costs to fund such loans . see note 9 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about loans receivable . other market risk considerations as of both december 2018 and december 2017 , we had commitments and held loans for which we have obtained credit loss protection from sumitomo mitsui financial group , inc . see note 18 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about such lending commitments . in addition , we make investments in securities that are accounted for as available-for-sale and included in financial instruments owned in the consolidated statements of financial condition . see note 6 to the consolidated financial statements for further information . we also make investments accounted for under the equity method and we also make direct investments in real estate , both of which are included in other assets . direct investments in real estate are accounted for at cost less accumulated depreciation . see note 13 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about other assets . 92 goldman sachs 2018 form 10-k . Question: what is the debt-to-equity ratio in 2018?
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Context:american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) operations , net , in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . ( see note 9. ) other transactions 2014in august 2003 , the company consummated the sale of galaxy engineering ( galaxy ) , a radio frequency engineering , network design and tower-related consulting business ( previously included in the company 2019s network development services segment ) . the purchase price of approximately $ 3.5 million included $ 2.0 million in cash , which the company received at closing , and an additional $ 1.5 million payable on january 15 , 2008 , or at an earlier date based on the future revenues of galaxy . the company received $ 0.5 million of this amount in january 2005 . pursuant to this transaction , the company recorded a net loss on disposal of approximately $ 2.4 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . in may 2003 , the company consummated the sale of an office building in westwood , massachusetts ( previously held primarily as rental property and included in the company 2019s rental and management segment ) for a purchase price of approximately $ 18.5 million , including $ 2.4 million of cash proceeds and the buyer 2019s assumption of $ 16.1 million of related mortgage notes . pursuant to this transaction , the company recorded a net loss on disposal of approximately $ 3.6 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . in january 2003 , the company consummated the sale of flash technologies , its remaining components business ( previously included in the company 2019s network development services segment ) for approximately $ 35.5 million in cash and has recorded a net gain on disposal of approximately $ 0.1 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . in march 2003 , the company consummated the sale of an office building in schaumburg , illinois ( previously held primarily as rental property and included in the company 2019s rental and management segment ) for net proceeds of approximately $ 10.3 million in cash and recorded a net loss on disposal of $ 0.1 million in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the year ended december 31 , 2003 . 4 . property and equipment property and equipment ( including assets held under capital leases ) consist of the following as of december 31 , ( in thousands ) : . ||2005|2004| |towers|$ 4134155|$ 2788162| |equipment|167504|115244| |buildings and improvements|184951|162120| |land and improvements|215974|176937| |construction-in-progress|36991|27866| |total|4739575|3270329| |less accumulated depreciation and amortization|-1279049 ( 1279049 )|-996973 ( 996973 )| |property and equipment net|$ 3460526|$ 2273356| 5 . goodwill and other intangible assets the company 2019s net carrying amount of goodwill was approximately $ 2.1 billion as of december 312005 and $ 592.7 million as of december 31 , 2004 , all of which related to its rental and management segment . the increase in the carrying value was as a result of the goodwill of $ 1.5 billion acquired in the merger with spectrasite , inc . ( see note 2. ) . Question: what is the percentage change in the balance of total property and equipment from 2004 to 2005?
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Context:page 71 of 94 notes to consolidated financial statements ball corporation and subsidiaries 16 . shareholders 2019 equity ( continued ) on october 24 , 2007 , ball announced the discontinuance of the company 2019s discount on the reinvestment of dividends associated with the company 2019s dividend reinvestment and voluntary stock purchase plan for non- employee shareholders . the 5 percent discount was discontinued on november 1 , 2007 . accumulated other comprehensive earnings ( loss ) the activity related to accumulated other comprehensive earnings ( loss ) was as follows : ( $ in millions ) foreign currency translation pension and postretirement items , net of tax effective financial derivatives , net of tax accumulated comprehensive earnings ( loss ) . |( $ in millions )|foreign currency translation|pension and other postretirement items net of tax|effective financial derivatives net of tax|accumulated other comprehensive earnings ( loss )| |december 31 2004|$ 148.9|$ -126.3 ( 126.3 )|$ 10.6|$ 33.2| |2005 change|-74.3 ( 74.3 )|-43.6 ( 43.6 )|-16.0 ( 16.0 )|-133.9 ( 133.9 )| |december 31 2005|74.6|-169.9 ( 169.9 )|-5.4 ( 5.4 )|-100.7 ( 100.7 )| |2006 change|57.2|55.9|6.0|119.1| |effect of sfas no . 158 adoption ( a )|2013|-47.9 ( 47.9 )|2013|-47.9 ( 47.9 )| |december 31 2006|131.8|-161.9 ( 161.9 )|0.6|-29.5 ( 29.5 )| |2007 change|90.0|57.9|-11.5 ( 11.5 )|136.4| |december 31 2007|$ 221.8|$ -104.0 ( 104.0 )|$ -10.9 ( 10.9 )|$ 106.9| ( a ) within the company 2019s 2006 annual report , the consolidated statement of changes in shareholders 2019 equity for the year ended december 31 , 2006 , included a transition adjustment of $ 47.9 million , net of tax , related to the adoption of sfas no . 158 , 201cemployers 2019 accounting for defined benefit pension plans and other postretirement plans , an amendment of fasb statements no . 87 , 88 , 106 and 132 ( r ) , 201d as a component of 2006 comprehensive earnings rather than only as an adjustment to accumulated other comprehensive loss . the 2006 amounts have been revised to correct the previous reporting . notwithstanding the 2005 distribution pursuant to the jobs act , management 2019s intention is to indefinitely reinvest foreign earnings . therefore , no taxes have been provided on the foreign currency translation component for any period . the change in the pension and other postretirement items is presented net of related tax expense of $ 31.3 million and $ 2.9 million for 2007 and 2006 , respectively , and a related tax benefit of $ 27.3 million for 2005 . the change in the effective financial derivatives is presented net of related tax benefit of $ 3.2 million for 2007 , related tax expense of $ 5.7 million for 2006 and related tax benefit of $ 10.7 million for 2005 . stock-based compensation programs effective january 1 , 2006 , ball adopted sfas no . 123 ( revised 2004 ) , 201cshare based payment , 201d which is a revision of sfas no . 123 and supersedes apb opinion no . 25 . the new standard establishes accounting standards for transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services , including stock option and restricted stock grants . the major differences for ball are that ( 1 ) expense is now recorded in the consolidated statements of earnings for the fair value of new stock option grants and nonvested portions of grants made prior to january 1 , 2006 , and ( 2 ) the company 2019s deposit share program ( discussed below ) is no longer a variable plan that is marked to current market value each month through earnings . upon adoption of sfas no . 123 ( revised 2004 ) , ball has chosen to use the modified prospective transition method and the black-scholes valuation model. . Question: what was the percentage change in accumulated other comprehensive earnings ( loss ) between 2006 and 2007?\\n
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Context:notes to consolidated financial statements gains and losses on financial assets and financial liabilities accounted for at fair value under the fair value option the table below presents the gains and losses recognized as a result of the firm electing to apply the fair value option to certain financial assets and financial liabilities . these gains and losses are included in 201cmarket making 201d and 201cother principal transactions . 201d the table below also includes gains and losses on the embedded derivative component of hybrid financial instruments included in unsecured short-term borrowings and unsecured long-term borrowings . these gains and losses would have been recognized under other u.s . gaap even if the firm had not elected to account for the entire hybrid instrument at fair value . the amounts in the table exclude contractual interest , which is included in 201cinterest income 201d and 201cinterest expense , 201d for all instruments other than hybrid financial instruments . see note 23 for further information about interest income and interest expense . gains/ ( losses ) on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value under the fair value option year ended december in millions 2012 2011 2010 receivables from customers and counterparties 1 $ 190 $ 97 $ ( 97 ) . |in millions|gains/ ( losses ) on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value under the fair value option year ended december 2012|gains/ ( losses ) on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value under the fair value option year ended december 2011|gains/ ( losses ) on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value under the fair value option year ended december 2010| |receivables from customers andcounterparties1|$ 190|$ 97|$ -97 ( 97 )| |other secured financings|-190 ( 190 )|-63 ( 63 )|-227 ( 227 )| |unsecured short-term borrowings2|-973 ( 973 )|2149|-1455 ( 1455 )| |unsecured long-term borrowings3|-1523 ( 1523 )|2336|-1169 ( 1169 )| |other liabilities and accrued expenses4|-1486 ( 1486 )|-911 ( 911 )|50| |other5|-81 ( 81 )|90|-10 ( 10 )| |total|$ -4063 ( 4063 )|$ 3698|$ -2908 ( 2908 )| 1 . primarily consists of gains/ ( losses ) on certain reinsurance contracts and certain transfers accounted for as receivables rather than purchases . 2 . includes gains/ ( losses ) on the embedded derivative component of hybrid financial instruments of $ ( 814 ) million , $ 2.01 billion , and $ ( 1.49 ) billion as of december 2012 , december 2011 and december 2010 , respectively . 3 . includes gains/ ( losses ) on the embedded derivative component of hybrid financial instruments of $ ( 887 ) million , $ 1.80 billion and $ ( 1.32 ) billion as of december 2012 , december 2011 and december 2010 , respectively . 4 . primarily consists of gains/ ( losses ) on certain insurance contracts . 5 . primarily consists of gains/ ( losses ) on resale and repurchase agreements , securities borrowed and loaned and deposits . excluding the gains and losses on the instruments accounted for under the fair value option described above , 201cmarket making 201d and 201cother principal transactions 201d primarily represent gains and losses on 201cfinancial instruments owned , at fair value 201d and 201cfinancial instruments sold , but not yet purchased , at fair value . 201d 150 goldman sachs 2012 annual report . Question: by what amount is the total gains/ ( losses ) on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value at 2018 different from 2017?
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Context:the target awards for the other named executive officers were set as follows : joseph f . domino , ceo - entergy texas ( 50% ( 50 % ) ) ; hugh t . mcdonald , ceo - entergy arkansas ( 50% ( 50 % ) ) ; haley fisackerly , ceo - entergy mississippi ( 40% ( 40 % ) ) ; william m . mohl ( 60% ( 60 % ) ) , ceo - entergy gulf states and entergy louisiana ; charles l . rice , jr . ( 40% ( 40 % ) ) , ceo - entergy new orleans and theodore h . bunting , jr . - principal accounting officer - the subsidiaries ( 60% ( 60 % ) ) . the target awards for the named executive officers ( other than entergy named executive officers ) were set by their respective supervisors ( subject to ultimate approval of entergy 2019s chief executive officer ) who allocated a potential incentive pool established by the personnel committee among various of their direct and indirect reports . in setting the target awards , the supervisor took into account considerations similar to those used by the personnel committee in setting the target awards for entergy 2019s named executive officers . target awards are set based on an executive officer 2019s current position and executive management level within the entergy organization . executive management levels at entergy range from level 1 thorough level 4 . mr . denault and mr . taylor hold positions in level 2 whereas mr . bunting and mr . mohl hold positions in level 3 and mr . domino , mr . fisackerly , mr . mcdonald and mr . rice hold positions in level 4 . accordingly , their respective incentive targets differ one from another based on the external market data developed by the committee 2019s independent compensation consultant and the other factors noted above . in december 2010 , the committee determined the executive incentive plan targets to be used for purposes of establishing annual bonuses for 2011 . the committee 2019s determination of the target levels was made after full board review of management 2019s 2011 financial plan for entergy corporation , upon recommendation of the finance committee , and after the committee 2019s determination that the established targets aligned with entergy corporation 2019s anticipated 2011 financial performance as reflected in the financial plan . the targets established to measure management performance against as reported results were: . ||minimum|target|maximum| |earnings per share ( $ )|$ 6.10|$ 6.60|$ 7.10| |operating cash flow ( $ in billions )|$ 2.97|$ 3.35|$ 3.70| operating cash flow ( $ in billions ) in january 2012 , after reviewing earnings per share and operating cash flow results against the performance objectives in the above table , the committee determined that entergy corporation had exceeded as reported earnings per share target of $ 6.60 by $ 0.95 in 2011 while falling short of the operating cash flow goal of $ 3.35 billion by $ 221 million in 2011 . in accordance with the terms of the annual incentive plan , in january 2012 , the personnel committee certified the 2012 entergy achievement multiplier at 128% ( 128 % ) of target . under the terms of the management effectiveness program , the entergy achievement multiplier is automatically increased by 25 percent for the members of the office of the chief executive if the pre- established underlying performance goals established by the personnel committee are satisfied at the end of the performance period , subject to the personnel committee's discretion to adjust the automatic multiplier downward or eliminate it altogether . in accordance with section 162 ( m ) of the internal revenue code , the multiplier which entergy refers to as the management effectiveness factor is intended to provide the committee a mechanism to take into consideration specific achievement factors relating to the overall performance of entergy corporation . in january 2012 , the committee eliminated the management effectiveness factor with respect to the 2011 incentive awards , reflecting the personnel committee's determination that the entergy achievement multiplier , in and of itself without the management effectiveness factor , was consistent with the performance levels achieved by management . the annual incentive awards for the named executive officers ( other than mr . leonard , mr . denault and mr . taylor ) are awarded from an incentive pool approved by the committee . from this pool , each named executive officer 2019s supervisor determines the annual incentive payment based on the entergy achievement multiplier . the supervisor has the discretion to increase or decrease the multiple used to determine an incentive award based on individual and business unit performance . the incentive awards are subject to the ultimate approval of entergy 2019s chief executive officer. . Question: what was the percent of the entergy corporation cash flow shortfall from the target determined in 2011
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Context:exchanged installment notes totaling approximately $ 4.8 billion and approximately $ 400 million of inter- national paper promissory notes for interests in enti- ties formed to monetize the notes . international paper determined that it was not the primary benefi- ciary of these entities , and therefore should not consolidate its investments in these entities . during 2006 , these entities acquired an additional $ 4.8 bil- lion of international paper debt securities for cash , resulting in a total of approximately $ 5.2 billion of international paper debt obligations held by these entities at december 31 , 2006 . since international paper has , and intends to affect , a legal right to offset its obligations under these debt instruments with its investments in the entities , international paper has offset $ 5.0 billion of interest in the entities against $ 5.0 billion of international paper debt obligations held by the entities as of december 31 , 2007 . international paper also holds variable interests in two financing entities that were used to monetize long-term notes received from sales of forestlands in 2002 and 2001 . see note 8 of the notes to consolidated financial statements in item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data for a further discussion of these transactions . capital resources outlook for 2008 international paper expects to be able to meet pro- jected capital expenditures , service existing debt and meet working capital and dividend requirements during 2008 through current cash balances and cash from operations , supplemented as required by its various existing credit facilities . international paper has approximately $ 2.5 billion of committed bank credit agreements , which management believes is adequate to cover expected operating cash flow variability during our industry 2019s economic cycles . the agreements generally provide for interest rates at a floating rate index plus a pre-determined margin dependent upon international paper 2019s credit rating . the agreements include a $ 1.5 billion fully commit- ted revolving bank credit agreement that expires in march 2011 and has a facility fee of 0.10% ( 0.10 % ) payable quarterly . these agreements also include up to $ 1.0 billion of available commercial paper-based financ- ings under a receivables securitization program that expires in october 2009 with a facility fee of 0.10% ( 0.10 % ) . at december 31 , 2007 , there were no borrowings under either the bank credit agreements or receiv- ables securitization program . the company will continue to rely upon debt and capital markets for the majority of any necessary long-term funding not provided by operating cash flows . funding decisions will be guided by our capi- tal structure planning objectives . the primary goals of the company 2019s capital structure planning are to maximize financial flexibility and preserve liquidity while reducing interest expense . the majority of international paper 2019s debt is accessed through global public capital markets where we have a wide base of investors . the company was in compliance with all its debt covenants at december 31 , 2007 . principal financial covenants include maintenance of a minimum net worth , defined as the sum of common stock , paid-in capital and retained earnings , less treasury stock , plus any goodwill impairment charges , of $ 9 billion ; and a maximum total debt to capital ratio , defined as total debt divided by total debt plus net worth , of 60% ( 60 % ) . maintaining an investment grade credit rating is an important element of international paper 2019s financing strategy . at december 31 , 2007 , the company held long-term credit ratings of bbb ( stable outlook ) and baa3 ( stable outlook ) by standard & poor 2019s ( s&p ) and moody 2019s investor services ( moody 2019s ) , respectively . the company currently has short-term credit ratings by s&p and moody 2019s of a-2 and p-3 , respectively . contractual obligations for future payments under existing debt and lease commitments and purchase obligations at december 31 , 2007 , were as follows : in millions 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 thereafter maturities of long-term debt ( a ) $ 267 $ 1300 $ 1069 $ 396 $ 532 $ 3056 debt obligations with right of offset ( b ) 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 5000 . |in millions|2008|2009|2010|2011|2012|thereafter| |maturities of long-term debt ( a )|$ 267|$ 1300|$ 1069|$ 396|$ 532|$ 3056| |debt obligations with right of offset ( b )|2013|2013|2013|2013|2013|5000| |lease obligations|136|116|101|84|67|92| |purchase obligations ( c )|1953|294|261|235|212|1480| |total ( d )|$ 2356|$ 1710|$ 1431|$ 715|$ 811|$ 9628| ( a ) total debt includes scheduled principal payments only . ( b ) represents debt obligations borrowed from non-consolidated variable interest entities for which international paper has , and intends to affect , a legal right to offset these obligations with investments held in the entities . accordingly , in its con- solidated balance sheet at december 31 , 2007 , international paper has offset approximately $ 5.0 billion of interests in the entities against this $ 5.0 billion of debt obligations held by the entities ( see note 8 in the accompanying consolidated financial statements ) . ( c ) includes $ 2.1 billion relating to fiber supply agreements entered into at the time of the transformation plan forestland sales . ( d ) not included in the above table are unrecognized tax benefits of approximately $ 280 million. . Question: what percentage of contractual obligations for future payments under existing debt and lease commitments and purchase obligations at december 31 , 2007 for the year of 2009 are due to maturities of long-term debt?
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Context:financial statement impact we believe that our accruals for sales returns , rebates , and discounts are reasonable and appropriate based on current facts and circumstances . our global rebate and discount liabilities are included in sales rebates and discounts on our consolidated balance sheet . our global sales return liability is included in other current liabilities and other noncurrent liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet . as of december 31 , 2018 , a 5 percent change in our global sales return , rebate , and discount liability would have led to an approximate $ 275 million effect on our income before income taxes . the portion of our global sales return , rebate , and discount liability resulting from sales of our products in the u.s . was approximately 90 percent as of december 31 , 2018 and december 31 , 2017 . the following represents a roll-forward of our most significant u.s . pharmaceutical sales return , rebate , and discount liability balances , including managed care , medicare , and medicaid: . |( dollars in millions )|2018|2017| |sales return rebate and discount liabilities beginning of year|$ 4172.0|$ 3601.8| |reduction of net sales due to sales returns discounts and rebates ( 1 )|12529.6|10603.4| |cash payments of discounts and rebates|-12023.4 ( 12023.4 )|-10033.2 ( 10033.2 )| |sales return rebate and discount liabilities end of year|$ 4678.2|$ 4172.0| ( 1 ) adjustments of the estimates for these returns , rebates , and discounts to actual results were approximately 1 percent of consolidated net sales for each of the years presented . product litigation liabilities and other contingencies background and uncertainties product litigation liabilities and other contingencies are , by their nature , uncertain and based upon complex judgments and probabilities . the factors we consider in developing our product litigation liability reserves and other contingent liability amounts include the merits and jurisdiction of the litigation , the nature and the number of other similar current and past matters , the nature of the product and the current assessment of the science subject to the litigation , and the likelihood of settlement and current state of settlement discussions , if any . in addition , we accrue for certain product liability claims incurred , but not filed , to the extent we can formulate a reasonable estimate of their costs based primarily on historical claims experience and data regarding product usage . we accrue legal defense costs expected to be incurred in connection with significant product liability contingencies when both probable and reasonably estimable . we also consider the insurance coverage we have to diminish the exposure for periods covered by insurance . in assessing our insurance coverage , we consider the policy coverage limits and exclusions , the potential for denial of coverage by the insurance company , the financial condition of the insurers , and the possibility of and length of time for collection . due to a very restrictive market for product liability insurance , we are self-insured for product liability losses for all our currently marketed products . in addition to insurance coverage , we also consider any third-party indemnification to which we are entitled or under which we are obligated . with respect to our third-party indemnification rights , these considerations include the nature of the indemnification , the financial condition of the indemnifying party , and the possibility of and length of time for collection . the litigation accruals and environmental liabilities and the related estimated insurance recoverables have been reflected on a gross basis as liabilities and assets , respectively , on our consolidated balance sheets . impairment of indefinite-lived and long-lived assets background and uncertainties we review the carrying value of long-lived assets ( both intangible and tangible ) for potential impairment on a periodic basis and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value of an asset ( or asset group ) may not be recoverable . we identify impairment by comparing the projected undiscounted cash flows to be generated by the asset ( or asset group ) to its carrying value . if an impairment is identified , a loss is recorded equal to the excess of the asset 2019s net book value over its fair value , and the cost basis is adjusted . goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets are reviewed for impairment at least annually and when certain impairment indicators are present . when required , a comparison of fair value to the carrying amount of assets is performed to determine the amount of any impairment. . Question: what was the percentage change in u.s . pharmaceutical sales return , rebate , and discount liability balances , including managed care , medicare , and medicaid between 2017 and 2018?
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Context:stock performance graph the following graph provides a comparison of five year cumulative total stockholder returns of teleflex common stock , the standard a0& poor 2019s ( s&p ) 500 stock index and the s&p 500 healthcare equipment & supply index . the annual changes for the five-year period shown on the graph are based on the assumption that $ 100 had been invested in teleflex common stock and each index on december a031 , 2012 and that all dividends were reinvested . market performance . |company / index|2012|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017| |teleflex incorporated|100|134|166|192|237|368| |s&p 500 index|100|132|151|153|171|208| |s&p 500 healthcare equipment & supply index|100|128|161|171|181|238| s&p 500 healthcare equipment & supply index 100 128 161 171 181 238 . Question: what is roi of an investment in teleflex incorporated in 2012 and sold in 2017?
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Context:item 1 . business loews hotels holding corporation the subsidiaries of loews hotels holding corporation ( 201cloews hotels 201d ) , our wholly owned subsidiary , presently operate the following 18 hotels . loews hotels accounted for 2.0% ( 2.0 % ) , 2.9% ( 2.9 % ) and 2.7% ( 2.7 % ) of our consolidated total revenue for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 . number of name and location rooms owned , leased or managed loews annapolis hotel 220 owned annapolis , maryland loews coronado bay 440 land lease expiring 2034 san diego , california loews denver hotel 185 owned denver , colorado the don cesar , a loews hotel 347 management contract ( a ) ( b ) st . pete beach , florida hard rock hotel , 650 management contract ( c ) at universal orlando orlando , florida loews lake las vegas 493 management contract ( a ) henderson , nevada loews le concorde hotel 405 land lease expiring 2069 quebec city , canada the madison , a loews hotel 353 management contract expiring 2021 ( a ) washington , d.c . loews miami beach hotel 790 owned miami beach , florida loews new orleans hotel 285 management contract expiring 2018 ( a ) new orleans , louisiana loews philadelphia hotel 585 owned philadelphia , pennsylvania loews portofino bay hotel , 750 management contract ( c ) at universal orlando orlando , florida loews regency hotel 350 land lease expiring 2013 , with renewal option new york , new york for 47 years loews royal pacific resort 1000 management contract ( c ) at universal orlando orlando , florida loews santa monica beach hotel 340 management contract expiring 2018 , with santa monica , california renewal option for 5 years ( a ) loews vanderbilt hotel 340 owned nashville , tennessee loews ventana canyon 400 management contract expiring 2019 ( a ) tucson , arizona loews hotel vogue 140 owned montreal , canada ( a ) these management contracts are subject to termination rights . ( b ) a loews hotels subsidiary is a 20% ( 20 % ) owner of the hotel , which is being operated by loews hotels pursuant to a management contract . ( c ) a loews hotels subsidiary is a 50% ( 50 % ) owner of these hotels located at the universal orlando theme park , through a joint venture with universal studios and the rank group . the hotels are on land leased by the joint venture and are operated by loews hotels pursuant to a management contract. . |name and location|number of rooms|owned leased or managed| |loews annapolis hotel annapolis maryland|220|owned| |loews coronado bay san diego california|440|land lease expiring 2034| |loews denver hotel denver colorado|185|owned| |the don cesar a loews hotel st . pete beach florida|347|management contract ( a ) ( b )| |hard rock hotel at universal orlando orlando florida|650|management contract ( c )| |loews lake las vegas henderson nevada|493|management contract ( a )| |loews le concorde hotel quebec city canada|405|land lease expiring 2069| |the madison a loews hotel washington d.c .|353|management contract expiring 2021 ( a )| |loews miami beach hotel miami beach florida|790|owned| |loews new orleans hotel new orleans louisiana|285|management contract expiring 2018 ( a )| |loews philadelphia hotel philadelphia pennsylvania|585|owned| |loews portofino bay hotel at universal orlando orlando florida|750|management contract ( c )| |loews regency hotel new york new york|350|land lease expiring 2013 with renewal option for 47 years| |loews royal pacific resort at universal orlando orlando florida|1000|management contract ( c )| |loews santa monica beach hotel santa monica california|340|management contract expiring 2018 with renewal option for5 years ( a )| |loews vanderbilt hotel nashville tennessee|340|owned| |loews ventana canyon tucson arizona|400|management contract expiring 2019 ( a )| |loews hotel vogue montreal canada|140|owned| item 1 . business loews hotels holding corporation the subsidiaries of loews hotels holding corporation ( 201cloews hotels 201d ) , our wholly owned subsidiary , presently operate the following 18 hotels . loews hotels accounted for 2.0% ( 2.0 % ) , 2.9% ( 2.9 % ) and 2.7% ( 2.7 % ) of our consolidated total revenue for the years ended december 31 , 2009 , 2008 and 2007 . number of name and location rooms owned , leased or managed loews annapolis hotel 220 owned annapolis , maryland loews coronado bay 440 land lease expiring 2034 san diego , california loews denver hotel 185 owned denver , colorado the don cesar , a loews hotel 347 management contract ( a ) ( b ) st . pete beach , florida hard rock hotel , 650 management contract ( c ) at universal orlando orlando , florida loews lake las vegas 493 management contract ( a ) henderson , nevada loews le concorde hotel 405 land lease expiring 2069 quebec city , canada the madison , a loews hotel 353 management contract expiring 2021 ( a ) washington , d.c . loews miami beach hotel 790 owned miami beach , florida loews new orleans hotel 285 management contract expiring 2018 ( a ) new orleans , louisiana loews philadelphia hotel 585 owned philadelphia , pennsylvania loews portofino bay hotel , 750 management contract ( c ) at universal orlando orlando , florida loews regency hotel 350 land lease expiring 2013 , with renewal option new york , new york for 47 years loews royal pacific resort 1000 management contract ( c ) at universal orlando orlando , florida loews santa monica beach hotel 340 management contract expiring 2018 , with santa monica , california renewal option for 5 years ( a ) loews vanderbilt hotel 340 owned nashville , tennessee loews ventana canyon 400 management contract expiring 2019 ( a ) tucson , arizona loews hotel vogue 140 owned montreal , canada ( a ) these management contracts are subject to termination rights . ( b ) a loews hotels subsidiary is a 20% ( 20 % ) owner of the hotel , which is being operated by loews hotels pursuant to a management contract . ( c ) a loews hotels subsidiary is a 50% ( 50 % ) owner of these hotels located at the universal orlando theme park , through a joint venture with universal studios and the rank group . the hotels are on land leased by the joint venture and are operated by loews hotels pursuant to a management contract. . Question: for the loews santa monica beach hotel , what is the final year of the management contract including renewals?
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Context:hii expects to incur higher costs to complete ships currently under construction in avondale due to anticipated reductions in productivity . as a result , in the second quarter of 2010 , the company increased the estimates to complete lpd-23 and lpd-25 by approximately $ 210 million . the company recognized a $ 113 million pre-tax charge to operating income for these contracts in the second quarter of 2010 . hii is exploring alternative uses of the avondale facility , including alternative opportunities for the workforce . in connection with and as a result of the decision to wind down shipbuilding operations at the avondale , louisiana facility , the company began incurring and paying related employee severance and incentive compensation liabilities and expenditures , asset retirement obligation liabilities that became reasonably estimable , and amounts owed for not meeting certain requirements under its cooperative endeavor agreement with the state of louisiana . the company anticipates that it will incur substantial other restructuring and facilities shutdown related costs , including , but not limited to , severance expense , relocation expense , and asset write-downs related to the avondale facilities . these costs are expected to be allowable expenses under government accounting standards and thus should be recoverable in future years 2019 overhead costs . these future costs could approximate $ 271 million , based on management 2019s current estimate . such costs should be recoverable under existing flexibly priced contracts or future negotiated contracts in accordance with federal acquisition regulation ( 201cfar 201d ) provisions relating to the treatment of restructuring and shutdown related costs . the company is currently in discussions with the u.s . navy regarding its cost submission to support the recoverability of these costs under the far and applicable contracts , and this submission is subject to review and acceptance by the u.s . navy . the defense contract audit agency ( 201cdcaa 201d ) , a dod agency , prepared an initial audit report on the company 2019s cost proposal for restructuring and shutdown related costs of $ 310 million , which stated that the proposal was not adequately supported for the dcaa to reach a conclusion and questioned approximately $ 25 million , or 8% ( 8 % ) , of the costs submitted by the company . accordingly , the dcaa did not accept the proposal as submitted . the company has submitted a revised proposal to address the concerns of the dcaa and to reflect a revised estimated total cost of $ 271 million . should the company 2019s revised proposal be challenged by the u.s . navy , the company would likely pursue prescribed dispute resolution alternatives to resolve the challenge . that process , however , would create uncertainty as to the timing and eventual allowability of the costs related to the wind down of the avondale facility . ultimately , the company anticipates these discussions with the u.s . navy will result in an agreement that is substantially in accordance with management 2019s cost recovery expectations . accordingly , hii has treated these costs as allowable costs in determining the earnings performance on its contracts in process . the actual restructuring expenses related to the wind down may be greater than the company 2019s current estimate , and any inability to recover such costs could result in a material effect on the company 2019s consolidated financial position , results of operations or cash flows . the company also evaluated the effect that the wind down of the avondale facilities might have on the benefit plans in which hii employees participate . hii determined that the potential impact of a curtailment in these plans was not material to its consolidated financial position , results of operations or cash flows . the table below summarizes the company 2019s liability for restructuring and shutdown related costs associated with winding down the avondale facility . as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , these costs are comprised primarily of employee severance and retention and incentive bonuses . these amounts were capitalized in inventoried costs , and will be recognized as expenses in cost of product sales beginning in 2014 . ( $ in millions ) employee compensation other accruals total . |( $ in millions )|employee compensation|other accruals|total| |balance at january 1 2010|$ 0|$ 0|$ 0| |accrual established|27|39|66| |payments|0|0|0| |adjustments|0|0|0| |balance at december 31 2010|$ 27|$ 39|$ 66| |accrual established|0|0|0| |payments|-24 ( 24 )|-36 ( 36 )|-60 ( 60 )| |adjustments|47|-3 ( 3 )|44| |balance at december 31 2011|$ 50|$ 0|$ 50| . Question: what is the net change in employee compensation during 2011?
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Context:aeronautics our aeronautics business segment is engaged in the research , design , development , manufacture , integration , sustainment , support and upgrade of advanced military aircraft , including combat and air mobility aircraft , unmanned air vehicles and related technologies . aeronautics 2019 major programs include the f-35 lightning ii joint strike fighter , c-130 hercules , f-16 fighting falcon , c-5m super galaxy and f-22 raptor . aeronautics 2019 operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . ||2015|2014|2013| |net sales|$ 15570|$ 14920|$ 14123| |operating profit|1681|1649|1612| |operating margins|10.8% ( 10.8 % )|11.1% ( 11.1 % )|11.4% ( 11.4 % )| |backlog at year-end|$ 31800|$ 27600|$ 28000| 2015 compared to 2014 aeronautics 2019 net sales in 2015 increased $ 650 million , or 4% ( 4 % ) , compared to 2014 . the increase was attributable to higher net sales of approximately $ 1.4 billion for f-35 production contracts due to increased volume on aircraft production and sustainment activities ; and approximately $ 150 million for the c-5 program due to increased deliveries ( nine aircraft delivered in 2015 compared to seven delivered in 2014 ) . the increases were partially offset by lower net sales of approximately $ 350 million for the c-130 program due to fewer aircraft deliveries ( 21 aircraft delivered in 2015 , compared to 24 delivered in 2014 ) , lower sustainment activities and aircraft contract mix ; approximately $ 200 million due to decreased volume and lower risk retirements on various programs ; approximately $ 195 million for the f-16 program due to fewer deliveries ( 11 aircraft delivered in 2015 , compared to 17 delivered in 2014 ) ; and approximately $ 190 million for the f-22 program as a result of decreased sustainment activities . aeronautics 2019 operating profit in 2015 increased $ 32 million , or 2% ( 2 % ) , compared to 2014 . operating profit increased by approximately $ 240 million for f-35 production contracts due to increased volume and risk retirements ; and approximately $ 40 million for the c-5 program due to increased risk retirements . these increases were offset by lower operating profit of approximately $ 90 million for the f-22 program due to lower risk retirements ; approximately $ 70 million for the c-130 program as a result of the reasons stated above for lower net sales ; and approximately $ 80 million due to decreased volume and risk retirements on various programs . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 100 million higher in 2015 compared to 2014 . 2014 compared to 2013 aeronautics 2019 net sales increased $ 797 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , in 2014 as compared to 2013 . the increase was primarily attributable to higher net sales of approximately $ 790 million for f-35 production contracts due to increased volume and sustainment activities ; about $ 55 million for the f-16 program due to increased deliveries ( 17 aircraft delivered in 2014 compared to 13 delivered in 2013 ) partially offset by contract mix ; and approximately $ 45 million for the f-22 program due to increased risk retirements . the increases were partially offset by lower net sales of approximately $ 55 million for the f-35 development contract due to decreased volume , partially offset by the absence in 2014 of the downward revision to the profit booking rate that occurred in 2013 ; and about $ 40 million for the c-130 program due to fewer deliveries ( 24 aircraft delivered in 2014 compared to 25 delivered in 2013 ) and decreased sustainment activities , partially offset by contract mix . aeronautics 2019 operating profit increased $ 37 million , or 2% ( 2 % ) , in 2014 as compared to 2013 . the increase was primarily attributable to higher operating profit of approximately $ 85 million for the f-35 development contract due to the absence in 2014 of the downward revision to the profit booking rate that occurred in 2013 ; about $ 75 million for the f-22 program due to increased risk retirements ; approximately $ 50 million for the c-130 program due to increased risk retirements and contract mix , partially offset by fewer deliveries ; and about $ 25 million for the c-5 program due to the absence in 2014 of the downward revisions to the profit booking rate that occurred in 2013 . the increases were partially offset by lower operating profit of approximately $ 130 million for the f-16 program due to decreased risk retirements , partially offset by increased deliveries ; and about $ 70 million for sustainment activities due to decreased risk retirements and volume . operating profit was comparable for f-35 production contracts as higher volume was offset by lower risk retirements . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 105 million lower for 2014 compared to 2013. . Question: what was the average aeronautics 2019 operating profit from 2013 to 2015
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Context:american tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) customer leases 2014the company 2019s lease agreements with its customers vary depending upon the industry . television and radio broadcasters prefer long-term leases , while wireless communications providers favor leases in the range of five to ten years . most leases contain renewal options . escalation clauses present in operating leases , excluding those tied to cpi , are straight-lined over the term of the lease . future minimum rental receipts expected from customers under noncancelable operating lease agreements in effect at december 31 , 2002 are as follows ( in thousands ) : year ending december 31 . |2003|$ 459188| |2004|439959| |2005|409670| |2006|363010| |2007|303085| |thereafter|1102597| |total|$ 3077509| acquisition commitments 2014as of december 31 , 2002 , the company was party to an agreement relating to the acquisition of tower assets from a third party for an estimated aggregate purchase price of approximately $ 74.0 million . the company may pursue the acquisitions of other properties and businesses in new and existing locations , although there are no definitive material agreements with respect thereto . build-to-suit agreements 2014as of december 31 , 2002 , the company was party to various arrangements relating to the construction of tower sites under existing build-to-suit agreements . under the terms of the agreements , the company is obligated to construct up to 1000 towers over a five year period which includes 650 towers in mexico and 350 towers in brazil over the next three years . the company is in the process of renegotiating several of these agreements to reduce its overall commitment ; however , there can be no assurance that it will be successful in doing so . atc separation 2014the company was a wholly owned subsidiary of american radio systems corporation ( american radio ) until consummation of the spin-off of the company from american radio on june 4 , 1998 ( the atc separation ) . on june 4 , 1998 , the merger of american radio and a subsidiary of cbs corporation ( cbs ) was consummated . as a result of the merger , all of the outstanding shares of the company 2019s common stock owned by american radio were distributed or reserved for distribution to american radio stockholders , and the company ceased to be a subsidiary of , or to be otherwise affiliated with , american radio . furthermore , from that day forward the company began operating as an independent publicly traded company . in connection with the atc separation , the company agreed to reimburse cbs for any tax liabilities incurred by american radio as a result of the transaction . upon completion of the final american radio tax returns , the amount of these tax liabilities was determined and paid by the company . the company continues to be obligated under a tax indemnification agreement with cbs , however , until june 30 , 2003 , subject to the extension of federal and applicable state statutes of limitations . the company is currently aware that the internal revenue service ( irs ) is in the process of auditing certain tax returns filed by cbs and its predecessors , including those that relate to american radio and the atc separation transaction . in the event that the irs imposes additional tax liabilities on american radio relating to the atc separation , the company would be obligated to reimburse cbs for such liabilities . the company cannot currently anticipate or estimate the potential additional tax liabilities , if any , that may be imposed by the irs , however , such amounts could be material to the company 2019s consolidated financial position and results of operations . the company is not aware of any material obligations relating to this tax indemnity as of december 31 , 2002 . accordingly , no amounts have been provided for in the consolidated financial statements relating to this indemnification. . Question: as of december 312002 what was the percent of the total future minimum rental receipts due in 2004
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Context:equity compensation plan information the following table presents the equity securities available for issuance under our equity compensation plans as of december 31 , 2013 . equity compensation plan information plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 2 ) number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 2956907 $ 35.01 2786760 equity compensation plans not approved by security holders ( 3 ) 2014 2014 2014 . |plan category|number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights ( 1 ) ( a ) ( b )|weighted-average exercise price of outstanding optionswarrants and rights ( 2 )|number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securitiesreflected in column ( a ) ) ( c )| |equity compensation plans approved by security holders|2956907|$ 35.01|2786760| |equity compensation plans not approved by security holders ( 3 )|2014|2014|2014| |total|2956907|$ 35.01|2786760| ( 1 ) includes grants made under the huntington ingalls industries , inc . 2012 long-term incentive stock plan ( the "2012 plan" ) , which was approved by our stockholders on may 2 , 2012 , and the huntington ingalls industries , inc . 2011 long-term incentive stock plan ( the "2011 plan" ) , which was approved by the sole stockholder of hii prior to its spin-off from northrop grumman corporation . of these shares , 818723 were subject to stock options , 1002217 were subject to outstanding restricted performance stock rights , 602400 were restricted stock rights , and 63022 were stock rights granted under the 2011 plan . in addition , this number includes 24428 stock rights and 446117 restricted performance stock rights granted under the 2012 plan , assuming target performance achievement . ( 2 ) this is the weighted average exercise price of the 818723 outstanding stock options only . ( 3 ) there are no awards made under plans not approved by security holders . item 13 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence information as to certain relationships and related transactions and director independence will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2014 annual meeting of stockholders to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year . item 14 . principal accountant fees and services information as to principal accountant fees and services will be incorporated herein by reference to the proxy statement for our 2014 annual meeting of stockholders to be filed within 120 days after the end of the company 2019s fiscal year. . Question: what portion of the equity compensation plan approved by security holders remains available for future issuance?
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