davidshapiro_youtube_transcripts / AI Blockchain DAO Success How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING_transcript.csv
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morning everybody David Shapiro here,1.079,4.141
with a video,3.3,4.46
um so today's video is about,5.22,5.339
decentralized economics uh as in,7.76,4.959
particular with AI blockchain and,10.559,4.321
distributed autonomous organizations,12.719,4.801
now with the rapid proliferation of,14.88,4.26
artificial intelligence particularly,17.52,4.5
tools like chat gbt people are starting,19.14,5.94
to understand what's coming and what I,22.02,5.82
mean by that is that more and more,25.08,4.68
people are automating aspects of their,27.84,4.2
job including writing emails reading,29.76,5.34
emails tickets coding all that kind of,32.04,6.6
stuff and so as these agents become more,35.1,6.299
and more autonomous folks are waking up,38.64,5.4
to the fact that eventually and by,41.399,4.441
eventually I mean like later this month,44.04,5.76
probably uh AI is going to be spending,45.84,6.3
more time talking to other AI than it,49.8,4.98
will be talking to humans and in this,52.14,5.7
case trust and security become a major,54.78,5.759
issue there's comments all over the,57.84,4.68
place Twitter Reddit and so on people,60.539,3.421
are like how are we going to trust that,62.52,4.2
anything we read was written by a human,63.96,6.06
the answer is blockchained based,66.72,4.56
Technologies such as distributed,70.02,3.66
autonomous organizations and nfts we're,71.28,5.159
not going to get into nfts to day let me,73.68,4.56
know if you want that as a future topic,76.439,3.961
but basically I think that all human,78.24,3.72
content on the internet will eventually,80.4,4.32
be nfts and so that you'll have a chain,81.96,4.979
of custody of who created it when and,84.72,5.039
what created it uh anyways uh going down,86.939,5.161
that rabbit hole so this meme pretty,89.759,4.381
much illustrates where we're at right,92.1,4.14
now but just take it one step further,94.14,4.92
and imagine that instead of you reading,96.24,5.64
emails your company has an email bot,99.06,4.26
that generates emails that go to all,101.88,3.779
your customers clients and partners and,103.32,3.839
then they have email Bots that read it,105.659,2.941
and business becomes more and more,107.159,6.301
autonomous this is coming I'm uh I have,108.6,6.9
many patreon supporters who are doing,113.46,3.659
this kind of thing they're several,115.5,3.78
startups uh folks that I'm friend with,117.119,4.32
that are working on making autonomous,119.28,5.22
employees basically so it's coming,121.439,5.761
okay so for those of you who don't know,124.5,5.459
what is a blockchain,127.2,5.1
um first what I need to say is that yes,129.959,4.92
Bitcoin is the most famous use of,132.3,4.439
blockchain Technology but it is not the,134.879,5.161
only use of blockchain Technology uh so,136.739,5.521
basically it is a it is a dis,140.04,5.76
decentralized digital Ledger uh kind of,142.26,5.76
technology which a digital Ledger is,145.8,3.659
basically a kind of transactional,148.02,4.219
database where it keeps track of logs,149.459,5.341
that's what it means by ledger so like,152.239,4.301
if you think of like a financial Ledger,154.8,3.12
you're keeping track of financial,156.54,3.12
transactions in this case you're keeping,157.92,4.08
track of digital transactions it is,159.66,4.92
decentralized based on many many nodes,162.0,6.959
and it is uh made to be tamper proof and,164.58,6.18
so what it what I mean by tamper proof,168.959,4.201
is that once a block is added to the,170.76,6.0
chain it cannot be modified but also for,173.16,6.0
a block to be added to the chain the the,176.76,4.68
network has to give consensus and we'll,179.16,4.14
talk a little bit more about consensus,181.44,4.98
in a moment but one of the key things is,183.3,6.0
that one it's peer-to-peer and two it is,186.42,5.099
for a trustless environment so a,189.3,4.5
trustless environment is a cyber,191.519,4.741
security concept where you have no idea,193.8,4.859
who you're talking to everyone is on is,196.26,5.04
anonymous and for us humans we're used,198.659,4.561
to that if you get on Reddit or Twitter,201.3,3.54
and you're interacting with someone who,203.22,3.599
just has gibberish as a username you,204.84,4.08
have no idea who they are,206.819,3.84
um we get that on YouTube some YouTube,208.92,4.679
comments are generated by troll Farms or,210.659,4.381
Bots or whatever,213.599,5.22
and so uh blockchain is a way to engage,215.04,5.82
with digital information in a trustless,218.819,3.48
environment basically where you have no,220.86,3.599
idea who you're talking to or who else,222.299,5.52
is participating and this uh this,224.459,4.981
decentralized trustless peer-to-peer,227.819,3.661
environment is what makes cryptocurrency,229.44,4.56
possible now a whole bunch of other,231.48,4.319
things become possible with blockchain,234.0,3.239
so before we go a little bit further I,237.239,3.36
need to talk to you a little bit about,239.04,5.339
consensus so consensus is a method,240.599,7.101
whether it's algorithms or data or other,244.379,7.58
techniques that you can use in order to,247.7,7.239
collectively decide what gets accepted,251.959,5.68
onto the blockchain so it has to do with,254.939,5.3
Collective verification,257.639,5.701
and it has to it also is how you can,260.239,5.321
establish the validity of a particular,263.34,4.68
transaction so there's a few algorithms,265.56,4.26
such as proof of work proof of stake,268.02,3.899
delegated proof of stake so on and so,269.82,4.74
forth so consensus is how the network,271.919,6.141
decides to accept information,274.56,6.78
and in a human Network say for instance,278.06,5.62
on Twitter or Reddit or something,281.34,5.639
what can happen is you see someone post,283.68,6.18
a link right just imagine your typical,286.979,4.801
Twitter thread or Reddit thread someone,289.86,3.839
posts a link someone looks at it and,291.78,3.479
says yeah but look at the source that,293.699,3.78
source is not verifiable and then,295.259,4.081
someone else says oh but look at look at,297.479,3.66
who said this this person is not,299.34,4.139
trustworthy and so the general consensus,301.139,4.801
through natural language it might be,303.479,4.141
that you know a particular post is,305.94,3.78
useful or useless or they might point,307.62,3.72
out that like hey this is a click bait,309.72,3.66
title so therefore it's not accurate so,311.34,4.26
that is a kind of like human consensus,313.38,4.759
algorithm now imagine Opera,315.6,4.74
operationalizing that with an algorithm,318.139,4.421
this is not exactly the way that it,320.34,3.78
works because if you look up the way,322.56,3.96
that proof of work and proof of stake uh,324.12,4.139
work it's not anything like that but,326.52,3.959
what I'm the reason that I'm using this,328.259,4.821
analogy is to show,330.479,6.66
a more familiar uh kind of format as to,333.08,6.28
what consensus looks and feels like now,337.139,4.321
the math side of that is going to be a,339.36,3.899
little bit different but the long story,341.46,4.56
short is that having a consensus,343.259,5.701
mechanism is what mathematically allows,346.02,6.42
you to have that trustless environment,348.96,6.54
now smart contracts so one part of,352.44,5.34
blockchain and decentralized autonomous,355.5,4.56
organizations Dows is that you need,357.78,5.22
smart contracts so a smart contract is a,360.06,4.62
bit of code that is executed,363.0,3.479
um by uh by and on the blockchain,366.479,6.481
technology so this can execute,370.4,4.48
everything from Financial transactions,372.96,4.2
to sending data you can even have,374.88,5.099
compute agreements so say for instance,377.16,4.379
one of the things that's being explored,379.979,3.541
quite extensively especially with large,381.539,4.621
language models is Distributing the,383.52,4.2
layers of those large language models,386.16,3.84
and so a smart contract could be you,387.72,4.68
agree to process this layer of this,390.0,4.56
piece of data and then in exchange you,392.4,3.78
get you know some kind of reward usually,394.56,3.66
um but basically what this this is this,398.22,5.94
is the this is the net result of a,400.979,5.94
blockchain is some smart contract gets,404.16,5.099
executed based on the consensus,406.919,4.921
algorithm uh and and everything that,409.259,5.88
goes into that at and so what is not,411.84,6.12
immediately obvious is how versatile,415.139,5.161
this is so I was talking with a friend,417.96,5.34
of mine who had been investigating a,420.3,5.16
fraud case that had to do with Supply,423.3,4.32
chains and stuff and I said imagine how,425.46,3.66
much easier this investigation would,427.62,3.9
have been if every single change order,429.12,6.419
and pull request and check had been on a,431.52,6.119
blockchain and he's like holy crap,435.539,5.94
you're right so and and because the the,437.639,5.761
reason that that is disruptive is,441.479,5.041
because in order for uh in order for a,443.4,4.919
transaction to be added to a blockchain,446.52,3.78
it has to be verified by all the nodes,448.319,4.561
so in in the cases of like fraud and,450.3,5.399
embezzlement one person one stakeholder,452.88,4.379
with the right email address and,455.699,2.94
connections can make a phone call or,457.259,4.201
send a text message to redirect you know,458.639,4.921
goods or services from one company to,461.46,3.54
another or from one account to another,463.56,4.74
without permission but if that company,465.0,6.419
or that government organization uses a,468.3,5.64
blockchain or a dow technology in order,471.419,5.34
to control everything then most of the,473.94,5.4
nodes will need to agree yes this is a,476.759,4.38
legitimate transaction and if they,479.34,3.359
reject it they'll say no this is,481.139,4.261
obviously fraudulent or you know a,482.699,5.581
mistake or something like that and by,485.4,5.06
having that that that chain of custody,488.28,4.859
of change requests and all that kind of,490.46,5.04
stuff you can really Tamp down on,493.139,4.5
mishandling and misappropriation of,495.5,4.24
resources and that's just a supply chain,497.639,3.601
um VMware is a company that I used to,501.24,4.26
work with a lot that was my favorite,504.06,3.72
technology back when I was in a systems,505.5,4.919
engineer they're working on their own,507.78,5.1
blockchain uh thing and one of the key,510.419,5.761
uh E-Business cases is supply chain so,512.88,5.279
that's that's a one example another,516.18,5.159
example is stock market trades so,518.159,5.76
whether you're talking about options uh,521.339,4.741
day trading that sort of stuff those,523.919,3.721
kinds of things can be executed with,526.08,3.54
smart contracts as well also if my voice,527.64,3.36
sounds a little bit hoarse it's because,529.62,3.659
it's still allergy season we're at like,531.0,5.1
8.1 out of 10 yesterday in my local area,533.279,5.101
for the allergens so I'm a little bit,536.1,3.72
um okay so finally we're building up to,539.82,4.92
what is a dow so you take these,542.58,4.68
underlying Technologies uh blockchain,544.74,5.94
consensus mechanisms and smart contracts,547.26,6.42
and what you do is then you create a set,550.68,4.26
of rules,553.68,4.2
basically it can be a corporation kind,554.94,4.62
of thing it can be a government kind of,557.88,4.38
thing it can be a neighborhood but you,559.56,5.58
put all of that control into an,562.26,4.74
autonomous organization that uses,565.14,3.96
blockchain that uses consensus and uses,567.0,5.94
smart contracts in order to uh control,569.1,6.299
resources and so this creates an,572.94,5.04
algorithmic framework to allocate,575.399,6.06
resources to make decisions and so on,577.98,6.18
and so forth and so this brings that,581.459,5.94
trustless aspect into human,584.16,6.299
collaboration basically now we're going,587.399,4.921
to take this one step further in just a,590.459,3.901
second and but what I want to say before,592.32,3.959
we move on is you've probably heard some,594.36,4.979
horror stories about Dows there's this,596.279,5.101
phenomenon called the rug pull where,599.339,3.781
there's a lot of grifters out there,601.38,3.6
saying oh invest in this Dow it's going,603.12,3.54
to give you 10 there are pretty much all,604.98,4.38
Ponzi schemes Dows are not an investment,606.66,5.1
vehicle Dows are a resource management,609.36,4.38
vehicle so if someone just asks you to,611.76,3.96
put money into a dow that's not what,613.74,5.099
they're for now if you are part of a,615.72,6.119
corporation and you say hey we're going,618.839,5.461
to use a dow to replace the board of,621.839,5.521
directors or to uh you know replace this,624.3,5.039
layer of management that might make a,627.36,4.2
little bit more sense if you're in a,629.339,3.721
neighborhood and you want to replace,631.56,3.839
your HOA and run it with a dow instead,633.06,4.26
that makes more sense because you're a,635.399,4.981
stakeholder with you know enforceable,637.32,4.68
rights to a thing,640.38,3.42
but if you're just investing in a dow,642.0,3.839
the technology is not mature enough for,643.8,4.8
that yet so my uh this is not Financial,645.839,4.56
advice obviously do your own research,648.6,3.54
but what I will say is I would never,650.399,3.901
personally invest in a dow that are not,652.14,4.08
investment vehicles,654.3,3.96
um Okay so,656.22,4.739
with all that groundwork laid and I know,658.26,4.139
that I've been going pretty fast and I'm,660.959,3.06
not reading you know the description,662.399,3.601
word for word you can pause the video,664.019,4.021
and look at that if you'd like,666.0,4.56
What If instead of just human,668.04,6.239
stakeholders you have humans and AI,670.56,5.82
participating in a dow,674.279,5.101
so this to me seems like what the Dow,676.38,5.459
was actually invented for,679.38,6.06
uh and so by by saying that hey you know,681.839,6.0
because AI like a language model has no,685.44,4.44
idea what it is or who you are or,687.839,4.201
anything like that but a language model,689.88,4.019
can help you write contracts can help,692.04,3.96
participate with sharing information so,693.899,4.261
on and so forth so then if the rest of,696.0,4.14
the network approves the information,698.16,4.2
coming from that autonomous agent or,700.14,4.259
semi-autonomous agent and then there's,702.36,4.88
humans also in the loop it seems to me,704.399,5.461
that a that the combination of,707.24,4.06
blockchain distributed autonomous,709.86,4.14
organizations and AI is probably the way,711.3,6.0
to go and this can be used for uh,714.0,5.339
private organizations so for instance,717.3,4.8
corporations can use this so that no,719.339,4.921
matter how many autonomous agents are,722.1,4.919
spun up uh they all have to approve of,724.26,5.22
what's going on in their collaboration,727.019,4.201
Um this can do this can be used for a,731.22,5.82
few things one processing information so,733.56,6.8
just putting information on your Dow,737.04,6.18
such as like emails corporate records,740.36,5.56
whatever and using that information like,743.22,4.619
I mentioned a minute ago supply chain,745.92,4.919
records great example but you can also,747.839,6.301
use the Dow to autonomously distribute,750.839,6.541
tasks work items so for instance if you,754.14,4.98
have a factory floor,757.38,4.199
uh that needs to be managed or if you,759.12,4.8
have a larger multinational logistics,761.579,5.641
thing that needs to that needs to to uh,763.92,7.02
be organized or managed uh Dows are a,767.22,5.76
possible way of doing that and we're,770.94,3.42
going to get into some very specific,772.98,3.299
examples here in just a minute,774.36,3.9
uh before I move on with the rest of the,776.279,3.661
video I do want to plug my patreon real,778.26,3.48
quick so,779.94,4.98
um my patreon has been evolving I've,781.74,5.46
simplified the tiers especially since I,784.92,4.14
moved most not most but much of the,787.2,4.379
conversation off to Discord which has,789.06,4.68
really driven engagement,791.579,5.461
my private patreon Discord is great,793.74,4.74
um some of my favorite channels are the,797.04,3.479
off topic and the existential coping,798.48,3.299
um where mostly we talk about goats,801.779,2.821
um but yeah so jump in,804.6,4.14
um my higher tiers are all sold out,806.7,4.02
right now because there's a few reasons,808.74,3.899
but basically I don't have enough time,810.72,4.08
to get to everyone so those are capped,812.639,5.281
but later in May once I come back,814.8,5.279
um I will probably raise those caps a,817.92,3.78
little bit because I actually do get a,820.079,3.841
lot out of talking with um with patreons,821.7,4.079
so most of the people who sign up for,823.92,5.64
the higher tiers are um they are usually,825.779,5.341
small businesses small and medium,829.56,3.779
businesses who just need a little bit of,831.12,4.38
expert guidance on how to implement some,833.339,4.321
like AI Vector search that kind of stuff,835.5,4.92
I do brainstorming sessions,837.66,4.56
um you know like someone will come to me,840.42,3.84
with a particular idea or a problem and,842.22,4.559
I'll help them talk through it,844.26,4.68
um we address all kinds of stuff from,846.779,5.24
legal cases to Insurance,848.94,7.38
Mental Health all kinds of stuff that I,852.019,6.041
that I'll talk with the companies about,856.32,3.959
and of course the liability is with them,858.06,4.62
I just provide you know my perspective,860.279,4.74
and expertise,862.68,5.58
um as is so moving right along,865.019,5.76
I mentioned that uh that you know I was,868.26,4.079
going to give some specific use cases,870.779,3.06
for dowels and I think that this will,872.339,3.601
help it make the most sense so what,873.839,3.601
we're going to do is we're gonna we're,875.94,3.54
gonna go on it on a user Journey so to,877.44,3.78
speak where we're going to start with,879.48,4.56
personal use what could you use a dow,881.22,5.22
for personally then we'll go up to Smart,884.04,4.68
Homes or family use cases Enterprise,886.44,5.519
corporate uh use cases communities such,888.72,6.059
as neighborhoods federal agencies and,891.959,4.081
then finally we'll get to Global,894.779,2.641
okay so for a personal dial,897.42,6.12
imagine that you have you know we all,899.94,5.82
have electronic devices and electronic,903.54,4.44
accounts all over the place right you've,905.76,4.92
got social media you've got your news,907.98,4.32
feeds you've got your phone you've got,910.68,3.12
your smart home devices you've got your,912.3,5.76
car so imagine what happens when you,913.8,6.12
have multiple AI agents running,918.06,4.019
everywhere but you want that information,919.92,6.06
to be secure a personal area Dao is,922.079,6.361
probably a good place to put that right,925.98,4.08
because imagine that you're smart your,928.44,4.199
your smartphone has an AI agent an,930.06,4.26
autonomous AI agent it's running on your,932.639,3.721
phone all the time it's got some Cloud,934.32,3.54
connection stuff like it might back up,936.36,3.9
its data to the cloud but you want your,937.86,4.86
phone talking to your home and your TV,940.26,5.759
and your car but you need it to be,942.72,7.44
secure and autonomous and private so a,946.019,6.241
personal level Dow would be a good way,950.16,4.739
to achieve that so why what are the like,952.26,5.22
what are the outcomes obviously privacy,954.899,4.74
and security are are some of the primary,957.48,5.28
concern irons but then imagine all the,959.639,4.621
benefits that you get from just using,962.76,4.019
like chat GPT today like hey like what's,964.26,4.319
my wife up to can you send her a text,966.779,3.721
message real quick and then you know,968.579,4.681
your AI Dao can say okay like let's talk,970.5,5.399
to her send some message to her Dao and,973.26,5.04
so on and so forth one of my um I don't,975.899,4.8
want to like undercut anyone,978.3,4.02
um but one of my I had a really,980.699,3.601
interesting conversation with actually a,982.32,3.3
few people,984.3,4.5
um on Discord and and on patreon where,985.62,5.76
people are working on that kind of stuff,988.8,5.279
um and so like this is this is where I,991.38,5.04
get some of these ideas,994.079,6.541
um but like imagine that your that your,996.42,6.659
AI Dow keeps track of this kind of stuff,1000.62,4.56
that you do right so instead of instead,1003.079,3.541
of Google knowing everything that you do,1005.18,4.079
your personal AI Dell has your records,1006.62,5.339
of where you go what you do how you feel,1009.259,4.801
on a day-to-day basis like even imagine,1011.959,4.74
that your Fitbit is like part of your AI,1014.06,5.219
Dao so then it's all your data is,1016.699,4.981
self-contained it's not owned by a,1019.279,3.961
corporation out there somewhere it is,1021.68,4.739
owned by you but then you have multiple,1023.24,5.939
possibly even dozens or even hundreds of,1026.419,5.76
AI agents using that data to help you,1029.179,5.52
live better so that is one example of,1032.179,4.921
where a dow could be used for a personal,1034.699,4.5
level and this is this is relatively,1037.1,4.02
near term this is something like I said,1039.199,3.6
that that I know of people who are,1041.12,3.12
working on setting up this kind of thing,1042.799,3.181
okay so take that one step further,1045.98,5.579
you have your personal area Dao your,1049.1,5.22
wife or boyfriend or partner or kids or,1051.559,4.98
parents or whatever they also have their,1054.32,3.719
personal area down,1056.539,3.541
these are also connected to your smart,1058.039,5.221
home devices as shared resources so say,1060.08,5.339
for instance your,1063.26,4.5
um your kitchen gets more automated and,1065.419,5.461
so the the automated kitchen is a shared,1067.76,6.299
resource that your personal Dao is forms,1070.88,6.24
a hierarchy with so it or maybe maybe,1074.059,4.921
hierarchy is not the right word maybe a,1077.12,5.28
federation so in technology a federation,1078.98,6.54
is independent nodes that form like,1082.4,6.06
bilateral alliances which I mean that's,1085.52,5.22
really just what a federation is,1088.46,3.9
um so imagine that your personal dial,1090.74,3.9
forms a federation with your home Dow,1092.36,4.679
and your home Dow also has a federation,1094.64,5.279
with your kids your partner any trusted,1097.039,4.741
friends that are allowed to come over so,1099.919,4.26
it keeps track of your identities which,1101.78,4.56
can help with home security but it also,1104.179,4.321
keeps track of dietary needs and health,1106.34,3.719
needs and so then like your fridge will,1108.5,4.02
be like hey you know it's five o'clock,1110.059,4.74
maybe like let's make some stir fry,1112.52,3.36
because that's your favorite thing to,1114.799,2.88
eat on Wednesdays or whatever,1115.88,4.14
that sort of stuff it can also work with,1117.679,4.981
your children to uh form uh to formally,1120.02,4.98
keep track of their education and their,1122.66,4.32
tutoring and and their and their,1125.0,3.96
information needs also their,1126.98,5.88
entertainment right uh if you once we,1128.96,5.64
get to a little bit more sophisticated,1132.86,4.02
robot home robots than roombas maybe,1134.6,3.84
they can even like replace your air,1136.88,3.78
filters and and water filters and stuff,1138.44,4.92
like that uh so by creating these,1140.66,6.06
bilateral federations of dows uh that,1143.36,4.86
again because Dallas are meant to be in,1146.72,2.94
a trustless environment but you,1148.22,3.24
establish those relationships where,1149.66,3.32
there can at least be,1151.46,4.92
bilateral communication then your,1152.98,5.74
personal Dao which is just an array of,1156.38,4.56
AI agents autonomous and semi-autonomous,1158.72,5.16
AI agents whose primary job is your,1160.94,4.619
health and well-being can then,1163.88,5.76
collaborate with other uh uh people and,1165.559,6.24
use maybe your home as a hub but again,1169.64,4.02
the federations like you can you,1171.799,3.841
Confederate your Dao with like your best,1173.66,4.019
friends now or whatever and then you can,1175.64,4.38
Federate your homes down with your best,1177.679,4.261
friend's home style so then it's like oh,1180.02,3.96
hey like let's let's make some plans,1181.94,3.72
like for instance I have a private,1183.98,4.559
Discord set up for uh my for my house,1185.66,4.92
here and then my uh brother and,1188.539,3.721
sister-in-law's house,1190.58,3.54
um so imagine if that was automated like,1192.26,3.96
hey what what's uh what's my,1194.12,3.54
sister-in-law up to today let's go,1196.22,2.88
gardening or let's go hiking or,1197.66,2.399
anyways getting highly speculative there,1200.059,4.74
I think you get the idea though is that,1202.52,5.76
is that a Dao is a way to create these,1204.799,6.541
ad hoc networks of AI agents that,1208.28,4.68
support us,1211.34,4.5
so going one step bigger,1212.96,4.5
we already mentioned this a little bit,1215.84,4.62
because uh blockchain is most interested,1217.46,7.02
uh most interest use is in blockchain in,1220.46,6.0
corporate use cases sorry I said that a,1224.48,3.72
little bit awkwardly,1226.46,3.78
um so imagine that you go a little bit,1228.2,4.979
bigger not just blockchain for Supply,1230.24,5.22
Chain management not just blockchain for,1233.179,5.101
financial tracking but what if you have,1235.46,4.68
your autonomous Workforce whether it's,1238.28,4.139
robots or digital agents like you know,1240.14,5.279
Auto GPT those sorts of things all,1242.419,6.241
collaborating on Adele so there's been,1245.419,5.161
plenty of experiments where people said,1248.66,4.74
like they made chat GPT CEO right what,1250.58,4.8
if you actually formalize that and so,1253.4,4.92
then instead of having one agent as CEO,1255.38,4.919
you have a board of hundreds or,1258.32,4.8
thousands of autonomous AI agents,1260.299,4.281
collaborating together,1263.12,3.96
to form your your board of directors,1264.58,6.04
basically uh then you can do that's at,1267.08,5.099
the highest level but then at the lowest,1270.62,3.36
level you can also automate your,1272.179,3.481
Workforce look at the meme at the very,1273.98,3.72
big beginning of the video where we,1275.66,5.16
talked about using you know AI to write,1277.7,5.28
and read emails putting all that,1280.82,3.9
information on a dow so that it is,1282.98,3.72
transparent and all the decisions that,1284.72,6.0
are made can be tracked that is one of,1286.7,6.0
the best ways to address that corporate,1290.72,4.319
governance because explainability and,1292.7,4.44
tracking who who decided what when and,1295.039,4.921
why and who approved this because oh man,1297.14,5.34
coming from the IT world change controls,1299.96,5.52
nightmare for any I.T people out there,1302.48,4.86
imagine that you're that your Change,1305.48,3.84
Control meetings all done on a dow,1307.34,5.579
automatically that's the way to go,1309.32,6.78
um then you know because all that,1312.919,5.161
information is transparent because AI,1316.1,4.199
can work tirelessly imagine that your,1318.08,4.38
company continuously self-optimizes,1320.299,3.901
right this is getting a little bit more,1322.46,3.719
speculative but this is within the realm,1324.2,4.2
of possibility,1326.179,4.441
going even bigger I already mentioned,1328.4,6.3
the possibility of um HOAs right so if,1330.62,7.14
any I have avoided HOAs like the plague,1334.7,4.44
um because you always have that,1337.76,2.94
Persnickety neighbor who has nothing,1339.14,3.419
better to do than just be a busybody and,1340.7,4.02
cause Havoc for other people often,1342.559,4.081
because they're bored or lonely or just,1344.72,4.02
miserly or whatever people become,1346.64,4.86
regions whatever reason it is they're,1348.74,5.4
they can be difficult now imagine that,1351.5,4.98
you take that and instead of you know,1354.14,4.8
humans having to attend meetings you,1356.48,4.5
have your personal Dow go and advocate,1358.94,4.44
for you on your neighborhood Dow and,1360.98,4.439
it'll go and talk for you and say you,1363.38,3.659
know this is what Dave's house needs,1365.419,4.74
these this is our beliefs and then you,1367.039,6.0
know Joanne Susan over there who is a,1370.159,4.621
busybody who has nothing better to do,1373.039,3.361
than spying her neighbors,1374.78,3.12
she doesn't even get to go to the,1376.4,3.24
meetings it's her personal to Algos and,1377.9,4.32
advocates for her the AIS discuss,1379.64,4.919
everything and come up with a legally,1382.22,6.24
viable and and and Community accepted,1384.559,5.941
solution based on the acceptance,1388.46,4.44
criteria and consensus mechanisms that,1390.5,4.919
everyone agrees on now that's just,1392.9,5.1
replacing HOA with a doubt what if we go,1395.419,5.161
one step further there's all kinds of,1398.0,4.679
stuff going on like co-living Eco,1400.58,3.32
resource sharing ride sharing adao is a,1403.9,6.519
really good way to share those resources,1407.84,5.699
whether you've got solar panels shared,1410.419,4.14
uh shared Vehicles all those kinds of,1414.559,5.581
things make a lot of sense to put on a,1417.799,4.921
dow because blockchain is a good way to,1420.14,4.74
track those so say for instance you know,1422.72,4.56
I put solar on my house and I produce,1424.88,5.7
5000 uh extra Watts today that,1427.28,6.06
information is just stored on the dowel,1430.58,5.16
says Dave's house produced an extra you,1433.34,4.94
know 5000 Watts on April whatever,1435.74,5.46
and then everyone else like gets to,1438.28,4.6
track that and it's like okay in,1441.2,3.959
exchange for that and that that uh that,1442.88,4.32
energy that you gave back you know you,1445.159,4.201
get a few cryptocurrency tokens or,1447.2,3.12
um that you can spend later in your,1450.32,3.54
community say for instance for Rideshare,1451.88,5.039
or you know if you want you know the,1453.86,5.699
neighborhood kid to mow your your yard,1456.919,4.201
um you pay him in that crypto or,1459.559,3.841
whatever something like that,1461.12,4.86
um so that is one way and it can go even,1463.4,4.62
one step further because what happens,1465.98,4.679
once you have more autonomous machine,1468.02,4.56
peripherals not just autonomous agents,1470.659,4.26
but autonomous machine peripherals that,1472.58,4.2
can be managed by the Dow What If,1474.919,3.841
instead of having the neighborhood kid,1476.78,4.379
mowed the yard there's uh you use the,1478.76,5.34
the most recent like John Deere uh,1481.159,5.161
autonomous tractor and so then your,1484.1,4.14
neighborhood or you know your your town,1486.32,4.739
or whatever owns that tractor and you,1488.24,4.74
can you can spend some of your solar,1491.059,4.321
crypto tokens to have it mow your yard,1492.98,3.96
for you automatically,1495.38,4.26
fully autonomous self-managed that sort,1496.94,3.96
of thing,1499.64,4.98
going one step bigger what if over time,1500.9,5.82
as we build trust and solve problems,1504.62,3.9
because like I said at the beginning,1506.72,4.199
blockchain and DOW still very immature,1508.52,4.26
Technologies they are not ready for this,1510.919,4.561
this is like years away so what I'm do,1512.78,5.46
this is aspirational thinking but,1515.48,4.74
imagine that you know 10 years from now,1518.24,4.5
20 years from now however long it takes,1520.22,4.62
we build trust and we solve these,1522.74,4.08
problems and we start delegating all,1524.84,5.339
kinds of resources and management,1526.82,5.76
two things like AI dows,1530.179,3.841
tax management,1532.58,4.38
so the tax tax collection is done,1534.02,6.42
equitably and equally we uh we get rid,1536.96,5.819
of the IRS as it is today because it is,1540.44,3.839
slow and inefficient it is literally,1542.779,3.661
designed to be slow,1544.279,4.621
um you uh streamline Health Care,1546.44,5.7
insurance providers uh you manage,1548.9,4.92
um with all this stuff uh all the,1553.82,3.839
infrastructure projects pretty much,1555.679,5.341
every individual agency one by one could,1557.659,5.821
either benefit from implementing,1561.02,4.92
something like an AI Dow or wholesale,1563.48,4.679
being replaced by an AI Dell honestly,1565.94,5.88
because my prediction is that as we,1568.159,5.88
figure out AI we will realize that,1571.82,4.44
humans are the weakest link in all,1574.039,3.301
um in technology we have we have a few,1577.34,5.339
acronyms so there's an id10t error which,1579.559,6.48
is a idiot there's a layer 8 issue so if,1582.679,5.581
you're familiar with the OSI model layer,1586.039,5.88
7 is application and layer 8 is user in,1588.26,6.48
most cases it's a layer 8 issue and then,1591.919,5.041
there's pepcac which is a problem exists,1594.74,5.12
between keyboard and chair,1596.96,5.699
so you get rid of the weakest link from,1599.86,4.72
all technology problems which is humans,1602.659,4.441
and you replace it with AI Dows and I,1604.58,5.339
think that we'll be in better shape,1607.1,5.459
um now one step bigger this is the most,1609.919,5.221
aspirational aspect that I have to pitch,1612.559,5.341
today and this is prop this is honestly,1615.14,4.98
probably decades away because one,1617.9,4.62
there's they're just at the low level,1620.12,4.38
there's a lot of technical problems that,1622.52,4.44
we have to solve before we can get to,1624.5,5.58
the possibility of a global AI dial,1626.96,4.86
beyond that there's geopolitical,1630.08,3.839
problems that we have to solve ain't no,1631.82,4.739
way most Nations on the on the on the,1633.919,5.341
planet today are going to decide to form,1636.559,5.881
Dao alliances and form a hierarchy of,1639.26,5.58
alliances right we just had Britain,1642.44,4.38
leave the European Union,1644.84,3.3
um because they didn't agree with some,1646.82,3.3
of the policies no way they're going to,1648.14,3.48
form a dow yet so this could be like,1650.12,4.32
centuries away but it is hypothetically,1651.62,5.22
within the realm of possibility and so,1654.44,4.76
you take all these ideas of,1656.84,4.52
consensus-based mechanisms,1659.2,4.78
algorithmic participation algorithmic,1661.36,4.54
decision making,1663.98,5.22
um which consensus is basically the,1665.9,5.7
purpose of democracy right democracy is,1669.2,5.099
is uh representative democracy is a way,1671.6,5.28
to arrive at political consensus What If,1674.299,3.961
eventually you kind of replace that with,1676.88,3.299
Dows and not just the decision-making,1678.26,5.1
process in which your personal Dao,1680.179,6.24
represents your interest globally but,1683.36,5.64
then you also use these to autonomously,1686.419,5.76
manage resources projects and all kinds,1689.0,5.1
of stuff so some of the examples I came,1692.179,4.261
up with is climate stewardship obviously,1694.1,4.92
we can't agree on that yet so you know,1696.44,4.859
we'll we'll uh we'll table that for,1699.02,5.1
later ecosystem preservation so this,1701.299,3.901
goes to,1704.12,3.539
um to monitoring and managing,1705.2,4.8
um uh indicators so for instance like,1707.659,5.161
the EPA European Union all kinds of,1710.0,4.38
agencies monitor things like,1712.82,3.599
biodiversity and health of the,1714.38,3.96
environment put all that information on,1716.419,4.5
a dow it makes sense resource,1718.34,5.1
optimization so this includes,1720.919,5.821
um things like natural resources uh and,1723.44,5.66
common resources Like Water and Air,1726.74,5.22
Global health is another thing so,1729.1,5.5
whether it is monitoring for future,1731.96,4.26
pandemics because we know that that can,1734.6,4.4
happen but also medical information,1736.22,7.98
imagine uh a global medical Dow that all,1739.0,7.299
of your diagnostic information is,1744.2,4.26
de-identified obviously but shared on,1746.299,4.38
the on the global Dow which can then be,1748.46,5.76
used to train better models for Better,1750.679,4.801
Health Care,1754.22,4.14
and then the cut the overall cost of,1755.48,5.16
healthcare continues to go down with the,1758.36,5.58
aid of AI and Global AI dows,1760.64,5.7
Disaster Response many of us remember,1763.94,4.92
the tsunamis that hit Japan and much of,1766.34,5.339
South Asia there's hurricanes there's,1768.86,4.86
tornadoes there's landslides,1771.679,4.441
there's all kinds of things where having,1773.72,4.679
a fully autonomous AI system that can,1776.12,6.24
react instantly or even proactively,1778.399,6.081
that could really help save lives,1782.36,4.38
peacekeeping and diplomacy so I,1784.48,3.88
mentioned in a previous video that that,1786.74,4.14
I've I've interviewed or no I was,1788.36,4.74
interviewed by someone in the state,1790.88,5.22
department he wrote about it I I don't I,1793.1,4.319
don't remember where he posted I think,1796.1,3.84
it was on medium but anyways,1797.419,5.221
um he told me about how folks in the,1799.94,4.26
state department in the Diplomatic Corps,1802.64,4.38
are already using chat GPT to help them,1804.2,5.76
do their work take that one logical step,1807.02,5.22
further and instead of you know humans,1809.96,3.839
arguing with each other and because,1812.24,3.96
we're emotional we're egotistical what,1813.799,6.421
if a a majority of diplomacy and,1816.2,5.219
peacekeeping is actually done,1820.22,5.1
algorithmically by AI take the human out,1821.419,6.321
of the loop and then you know,1825.32,5.04
consensuses reach proposals are adopted,1827.74,4.6
so on and so forth,1830.36,3.96
you know that's just one possibility,1832.34,4.68
space that space exploration Universal,1834.32,5.28
Prosperity Collective wisdom you put all,1837.02,5.639
of human desires whether it is to get,1839.6,5.22
off Planet whether it is to solve,1842.659,5.101
nuclear fusion or you know however it is,1844.82,5.88
that we all collectively want to live,1847.76,6.36
the things that we agree on can all be,1850.7,5.88
integrated into that Global Dao and then,1854.12,4.559
that Dao can help us Implement those,1856.58,4.92
things and then finally uh this was my,1858.679,4.38
favorite one from the brainstorming,1861.5,3.84
session was planetary guardianship which,1863.059,3.961
is what Tony Stark tried to do with,1865.34,3.78
Ultron but he needed blockchain and he,1867.02,5.1
needed consensus so you know take it,1869.12,4.679
with a grain of salt,1872.12,4.5
okay so I walked you through a whole,1873.799,3.781
bunch of,1876.62,3.36
imagination imaginary possibilities,1877.58,5.94
let's let's take a a little uh a little,1879.98,5.4
bit more practical example,1883.52,4.92
let's imagine in 2026 so just a few,1885.38,6.06
years from now Franklin Township doubt,1888.44,5.459
population 3200,1891.44,5.16
typical rural American town,1893.899,6.961
uh town is pretty much broke due to AI,1896.6,6.84
layoffs that sort of stuff nobody can,1900.86,4.679
afford anything the town doesn't even,1903.44,4.2
have a mayor they have no full-time,1905.539,4.681
police they only have like a few uh,1907.64,5.159
volunteer firefighters everything is,1910.22,4.319
poorly managed because the economy has,1912.799,3.541
just totally collapsed,1914.539,5.221
Along Comes A cloud-based AI Dow company,1916.34,5.88
that says hey for five thousand dollars,1919.76,7.019
a year you will get high-end AI dial,1922.22,6.9
management of your entire town,1926.779,5.041
they say fine we can afford that,1929.12,5.22
so they sign up everyone in the in the,1931.82,5.28
township gets a phone app that allows,1934.34,4.8
them to connect their personal Dao or,1937.1,4.319
even just use the phone app to,1939.14,4.019
communicate with the entire rest of the,1941.419,3.901
town in terms of what they need what are,1943.159,3.961
they complaining about so say for,1945.32,3.42
instance there's a pothole you just take,1947.12,3.6
a picture put it in the in the uh the,1948.74,4.919
township AI Dao and it says got it we,1950.72,5.22
know it we'll take care of it,1953.659,3.0
there can also be kiosks because not,1956.659,3.661
everyone is going to use a phone so you,1958.88,3.179
have like kiosks at like you know town,1960.32,3.839
hall or the bank or whatever,1962.059,3.781
um so that you and it you know uses face,1964.159,4.02
tracking voice uh recognition and that,1965.84,4.26
sort of thing so that you can also go,1968.179,6.421
and talk to the AIS about issues say for,1970.1,6.24
instance there's a safety concern,1974.6,4.26
because you know there's strange people,1976.34,4.5
coming through town you talk about it,1978.86,3.9
you add your information and then the,1980.84,4.5
town might ultimately decide hey we need,1982.76,5.279
to hire a a police officer or a security,1985.34,7.26
officer to patrol the streets or let's,1988.039,6.301
say you know the roads are in really bad,1992.6,3.419
shape so you say,1994.34,4.74
do we uh get a contract to maintain the,1996.019,4.321
roads or do we maintain the roads,1999.08,2.76
ourselves that sort of thing that's what,2000.34,3.78
I mean by consensus process,2001.84,5.339
now on top of just having that,2004.12,5.46
algorithmic consensus process they also,2007.179,6.061
have the benefit of high highly uh ex,2009.58,6.18
High expert AIS to help manage,2013.24,4.86
everything because one thing that can,2015.76,4.44
happen particularly in rural places and,2018.1,3.6
that this is not just in America this is,2020.2,5.219
globally is brain drain and so most,2021.7,5.219
places will do the best that they can,2025.419,3.421
but if all the smartest people leave,2026.919,3.421
your town because they left for the big,2028.84,3.719
city you might not have the expertise,2030.34,4.5
left to do anything this is also true,2032.559,3.72
for companies which we'll talk about in,2034.84,3.42
just a minute companies can suffer from,2036.279,4.14
brain drain too so imagine this AI,2038.26,4.5
provider brings you all the expertise,2040.419,6.301
that is that is embedded in gpt4 gpt5,2042.76,6.24
the open source versions and the,2046.72,4.679
competitors that are coming and it,2049.0,4.5
algorithmically finds consensus and,2051.399,5.7
manages the town with high-end expertise,2053.5,6.899
so ultimately Franklin town the township,2057.099,6.24
of Franklin population 3200 three years,2060.399,5.52
from now they're back on track things,2063.339,5.461
are are being more well managed Town,2065.919,5.161
revenues are going up costs are going,2068.8,4.559
down and people are happier not only,2071.08,3.48
that the town is actually more,2073.359,3.54
attractive so some of the tech Bros like,2074.56,4.079
myself say hey why don't we move out to,2076.899,4.141
Franklin uh Franklin Township because,2078.639,4.081
it's cheaper and it's a pleasant little,2081.04,4.099
town now,2082.72,6.419
two years later Washington County where,2085.139,6.22
Franklin is says hey you know what,2089.139,5.04
they've been doing a really good job why,2091.359,5.221
don't we uh instead of instead of,2094.179,5.821
selling all of our Farmland to gigantic,2096.58,5.64
corporations what if we buy back that,2100.0,4.2
farmland and we manage it collectively,2102.22,4.56
with a dow so the so the Washington,2104.2,6.18
County Farm Dow creates a farm to table,2106.78,5.22
um and also commercial initiative,2112.0,5.04
but the Dow is used to purchase the land,2114.16,5.82
bit by bit it controls the tractors the,2117.04,6.059
equipment all the contracts and it,2119.98,5.099
provides the local citizens jobs because,2123.099,4.321
the Dow can't do everything say for,2125.079,3.661
instance you have a tractor breakdown,2127.42,3.659
and it's like oh hey uh we know that,2128.74,4.32
Dave is pretty handy so let's you know,2131.079,3.54
Dave will get a little notification on,2133.06,3.059
his phone app saying hey you know,2134.619,3.841
tractor 42b broke down can you go take a,2136.119,4.381
look at it and it's like even if I can't,2138.46,3.42
fix it it's like just go take some,2140.5,2.64
pictures with your phone and listen to,2141.88,3.66
it something like that,2143.14,4.14
um and so then you know for that little,2145.54,3.6
bit of work that I do I get a little bit,2147.28,3.6
of extra cryptocurrency tokens which I,2149.14,4.26
can spend at the bar later if I want,2150.88,5.58
um then once the once the food is,2153.4,6.06
planted and it's harvested we all get to,2156.46,4.44
share some of the revenue because it's,2159.46,3.36
going to be probably you know sold at a,2160.9,3.78
co-op or at the grocery store it can,2162.82,4.38
also be sold on the open market and in,2164.68,4.14
that case the whole thing pays for,2167.2,4.2
itself and we the residents of,2168.82,4.86
Washington County are this are the,2171.4,4.98
primary stake holder and owner of this,2173.68,4.74
resource we cut out the middlemen no,2176.38,3.84
corporations anymore,2178.42,4.5
so again this is very very aspirational,2180.22,4.379
I don't know if it's even possible but,2182.92,3.72
it is hypothetically possible and I'd,2184.599,4.201
like to see someone try it,2186.64,5.82
now a few years later imagine that you,2188.8,6.72
know the Washington County ISP is,2192.46,5.04
organized by Adele right the farm was a,2195.52,4.62
was a raging success so we moved the the,2197.5,4.38
Washington County power you know the,2200.14,4.14
solar array over to Adele we moved,2201.88,3.84
management of the of the internet,2204.28,4.319
service provider over to Adele but also,2205.72,5.22
by this time by 2030 so seven years from,2208.599,4.561
now lots of other people are doing this,2210.94,4.2
so remember I talked about the idea of,2213.16,4.86
federating dows so what if every county,2215.14,5.52
in the state starts to do the same thing,2218.02,4.319
and then you Federate your Dows together,2220.66,4.439
to manage uh resources whether it's,2222.339,6.78
power internet Farms roads all of that,2225.099,6.421
stuff and eventually it gets to be a,2229.119,5.22
bigger and bigger set of alliances each,2231.52,4.8
of them advocating for their own needs,2234.339,4.141
and that information being integrated,2236.32,5.16
via consensus mechanisms and worked on,2238.48,6.3
by high-end language models to discuss,2241.48,6.06
it out and then one thing I want to,2244.78,4.02
point out is that there's no profit mode,2247.54,3.539
of here at least not from a corporate,2248.8,3.779
perspective not from a shareholder,2251.079,3.841
perspective the profit motive like so,2252.579,3.961
say for instance the Washington County,2254.92,3.659
Farm Dow there might be a profit motive,2256.54,4.44
to earn revenue for the you know,2258.579,4.921
citizens of Washington County but they,2260.98,4.08
are also the stakeholders,2263.5,3.359
and in this case for the national ISP,2265.06,3.9
Dow there's absolutely no profit motive,2266.859,5.581
the goal is just to provide uh consensus,2268.96,6.24
which in the case of an ISP Dow is,2272.44,4.5
provide everyone high-end internet,2275.2,4.2
whatever it takes,2276.94,5.34
then finally after a few more years,2279.4,5.58
again the government is slow by Design,2282.28,4.1
that's fine,2284.98,5.4
many cities counties and states are all,2286.38,7.36
adopting these AI Dows for all kinds of,2290.38,5.76
purposes obviously there's a lot of,2293.74,4.14
problems to overcome you know security,2296.14,3.959
we need to figure out consensus we need,2297.88,4.44
to make sure that we know we even know,2300.099,4.081
how to integrate large language models,2302.32,4.019
with with blockchain that is an open,2304.18,4.74
area of research but imagine that we,2306.339,5.161
figure out these problems and then over,2308.92,4.679
time all of these things get integrated,2311.5,4.5
and built into larger and larger systems,2313.599,6.181
and finally just by default one agency,2316.0,6.3
after another such as like the EPA or,2319.78,5.7
the um or the uh what is it the national,2322.3,6.12
um what is it the energy one anyways,2325.48,5.52
every governmental agency is run more,2328.42,6.419
and more by Dows and then ultimately we,2331.0,6.24
realize like hey the entire country is,2334.839,5.641
fully autonomous based on AI Dow,2337.24,5.4
I have given you quite a uh let's say as,2343.72,7.98
I mentioned aspirational Journey,2348.82,6.12
um one thing that occurs to me is that,2351.7,7.379
by integrating uh AI with blockchain and,2354.94,6.84
Dell this is probably the best path to,2359.079,6.54
AGI and and not only that but safe and,2361.78,7.5
controllable AGI because one thing is,2365.619,7.621
that it by integrating AI with dowels,2369.28,6.42
with humans that intrinsically keeps,2373.24,5.76
humans in the loop for all time and this,2375.7,5.399
the Dow creates a natural place for,2379.0,5.0
humans and machines to collaborate,2381.099,7.201
so also because of consensus mechanisms,2384.0,7.54
you get Collective power basically,2388.3,5.0
collective bargaining power,2391.54,4.26
which also helps prevent you know,2393.3,4.36
radical and Rogue decisions from being,2395.8,3.84
made because if someone goes way off the,2397.66,4.02
deep end the whole you know the rest of,2399.64,3.36
the network the rest of the Dow is going,2401.68,3.06
to say let's not do that but let's,2403.0,4.32
address your concerns in another way in,2404.74,4.619
a healthier more constructive way and,2407.32,5.46
that is algorithmically enforced now one,2409.359,5.401
thing that I do want to concede is that,2412.78,5.04
this that this idea of AI Dao does not,2414.76,7.2
intrinsically solve the Malik problem,2417.82,6.539
um and for a quick recap the Malik,2421.96,5.28
problem is that even if everything is,2424.359,4.5
Opera operating,2427.24,3.9
um in an optimal State you might still,2428.859,5.101
be on an intrinsic uh backslide towards,2431.14,5.28
dystopia or Extinction so for instance,2433.96,4.86
you know if your life is going perfectly,2436.42,4.02
where you've got a good job you've got a,2438.82,3.84
family you've got kids and everyone else,2440.44,4.139
is doing the same thing we might still,2442.66,3.419
consume all the resources on the planet,2444.579,4.081
so that is the that is a really short,2446.079,4.861
way of explaining the Malik problem now,2448.66,4.98
that being said if we have true,2450.94,4.679
consensus and we achieve Global,2453.64,4.56
consensus we might be able to rein in,2455.619,4.98
some of the molecule driving forces like,2458.2,4.68
corporate greed that are one of the,2460.599,4.321
contributing factors towards you know,2462.88,4.68
environmental collapse true true Global,2464.92,4.8
consensus might also rein in global,2467.56,5.76
conflict and disagreements in war that,2469.72,6.899
also threatens to harm Humanity,2473.32,5.58
also given everything that I've laid out,2476.619,4.5
and a lot of this stuff is is a work in,2478.9,4.98
progress one big strength of this is,2481.119,5.941
that it is a very realistic path forward,2483.88,6.66
so I hope that that all makes sense,2487.06,5.64
um and as a final thought many of you,2490.54,4.799
are aware of my research on alignment,2492.7,4.68
which I call the heuristic imperatives,2495.339,3.721
so the heroistic imperatives for review,2497.38,3.0
in case you haven't heard of it before,2499.06,3.36
is to reduce suffering in the universe,2500.38,3.66
to increase prosperity in the universe,2502.42,3.179
and increase understanding in the,2504.04,4.5
universe so if you imbue,2505.599,5.52
those values into an individual language,2508.54,4.5
model that's great right it's pretty,2511.119,3.421
easy to do I've done fine-tuning,2513.04,3.299
experiments you can use it with system,2514.54,3.84
prompts it's not a big deal,2516.339,3.481
we're going to be doing more research,2518.38,3.18
and Publishing more findings and data,2519.82,3.539
and data sets so that it's easier to,2521.56,5.16
align even open source Foundation models,2523.359,6.48
to my heuristic imperatives however that,2526.72,6.0
is just one agent one model in a much,2529.839,4.561
larger ecosystem,2532.72,4.32
if you then include the heroes to,2534.4,6.3
comparatives as a consensus mechanism in,2537.04,6.18
your dowels so say for instance your,2540.7,4.8
personal dial the consensus mechanism,2543.22,4.5
for all the eight all the AI agents that,2545.5,4.2
use is that it must increase it must,2547.72,3.54
reduce your suffering increase your,2549.7,2.76
prosperity and increase your,2551.26,3.96
understanding that can be a way to help,2552.46,6.0
steer your Dow to maximize the value of,2555.22,5.16
your life and I don't mean value like,2558.46,3.96
economic value I mean the the subjective,2560.38,5.28
personal value for you to your life and,2562.42,6.24
so what I'm recommending is that we not,2565.66,4.26
just recommending this is something that,2568.66,3.419
we're working on in my um heuristics,2569.92,4.56
imperative research Group which oh by,2572.079,3.661
the way if you want to join there's a,2574.48,3.3
link in the description it's a Google,2575.74,4.379
form fill it out please provide detail,2577.78,4.319
if you don't provide much detail we,2580.119,3.361
don't have much to go on so we kind of,2582.099,4.921
ignore those but basically,2583.48,7.859
uh the the One Direction of research is,2587.02,6.24
to use heuristic imperatives as a,2591.339,4.801
consensus mechanism such that only,2593.26,5.04
aligned AI,2596.14,3.84
um is allowed to participate in Dallas,2598.3,4.019
uh which will intrinsically exclude,2599.98,6.72
malicious AI uh whatever whatever means,2602.319,7.141
they use to gain their alignment right,2606.7,5.7
whether you know an AI agent uses my,2609.46,4.139
heroes to comparatives or not is,2612.4,4.5
irrelevant if the Dow adopts the,2613.599,5.22
heuristic imperatives as the gating,2616.9,4.32
mechanism as the consensus mechanism to,2618.819,5.04
automatically accept ideas and data from,2621.22,6.48
otherwise unknown autonomous agents,2623.859,7.381
um so I think that that is a pretty uh,2627.7,6.24
insightful uh direction to go,2631.24,4.74
um so as a quick recap there are now,2633.94,4.86
three primary ways to implement uh,2635.98,4.8
heuristic imperatives one is through,2638.8,3.66
fine-tuning and reinforcement learning,2640.78,3.9
as I mentioned research papers and data,2642.46,4.92
sets are coming the second is in,2644.68,5.159
blockchain and DOW technology and third,2647.38,5.4
is in architectural design patterns such,2649.839,4.921
as task orchestration and stuff like,2652.78,3.539
that which a lot of you are familiar,2654.76,4.079
with now that um cognitive architectures,2656.319,5.76
are becoming more commonplace so all,2658.839,4.921
that being said thank you for watching I,2662.079,3.661
hope that you got a lot out of this,2663.76,3.3
um please get in touch either via,2665.74,3.48
patreon or the Forum or wherever else,2667.06,4.08
that you can find me if you're,2669.22,3.3
interested in participating or,2671.14,4.5
contributing have a good one,2672.52,5.66