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hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.0,5.58
another video today's video by also,2.159,6.36
popular demand is many are lately is how,5.58,4.5
do we pay for Ubi,8.519,4.021
so I have made a few videos about,10.08,4.86
post-labor economics and you know,12.54,4.92
forever jobs and that sort of stuff,14.94,4.919
I am pretty convinced that most jobs as,17.46,3.899
we know them are going to go away now,19.859,3.18
that's not to say that there's there,21.359,4.561
aren't things that you can do for money,23.039,4.621
in the future you know post Singularity,25.92,3.9
post AGI whatever,27.66,4.68
but you know people are very critical,29.82,5.7
and and rightfully so there are problems,32.34,6.18
with Ubi so let's unpack some of those,35.52,5.34
problems but then let's also look at how,38.52,3.719
we can actually make it financially,40.86,2.76
before we jump in I want to do a quick,43.62,5.34
plug for my patreon uh I give away all,45.78,6.24
of my videos for free no ads I also have,48.96,5.759
uh hundreds of GitHub repos I give all,52.02,5.64
my code away for free uh because I want,54.719,4.98
to help build the future and I believe,57.66,4.62
that lowering friction uh by giving,59.699,4.381
information valuable information away,62.28,3.839
for free is the best way to do that with,64.08,4.68
that being said I have turned down a lot,66.119,5.341
of job offers and contract offers and I,68.76,5.34
refuse to sign ndas but that means that,71.46,4.699
my support needs to come from you people,74.1,4.86
so if you want to incentivize the,76.159,5.801
behavior you want to see sharing uh,78.96,4.74
valuable information please consider,81.96,3.06
jumping over and supporting me on,83.7,4.44
patreon uh all tiers get you access to,85.02,6.66
the exclusive Discord uh so it's it's,88.14,6.24
not something for nothing so yeah thanks,91.68,4.799
for all the support from my existing,94.38,4.26
patreons and with that let's get back to,96.479,6.361
the show uh so right now uh quick other,98.64,7.979
tangent uh Gatto update so I am very,102.84,5.76
excited and pleased to announce that the,106.619,4.761
gato Community has not one but two,108.6,5.76
submissions to the open AI Democratic,111.38,5.44
inputs to AI Grant challenge,114.36,6.66
so this is really incredible uh leaders,116.82,6.299
have emerged in the community and have,121.02,4.08
definitely stepped up so remember Step,123.119,5.161
Up is one of our traditions and the,125.1,5.639
decentralized aspect of gato is taking,128.28,4.92
over basically you don't need my,130.739,4.021
permission to do anything but the,133.2,3.72
community that that I have built that we,134.76,4.44
have built is there to support everyone,136.92,4.5
in whatever initiative makes most sense,139.2,5.399
for them to help achieve uh Global,141.42,5.7
consensus and alignment and to solve the,144.599,4.86
control problem and ultimately create,147.12,4.8
Utopia that is the that is the final the,149.459,4.321
the I don't know about final goal but,151.92,3.8
that's the big goal that's the mission,153.78,5.22
uh now we also have our first hackathon,155.72,4.9
coming up and so this is going to be,159.0,3.599
layer one of gato reinforcement learning,160.62,4.5
with heuristic imperatives uh I've been,162.599,4.201
having meetings with people I've been,165.12,4.32
talking with folks uh it's slowly coming,166.8,4.2
together I've never put on a hackathon,169.44,4.32
before uh so I'm talking to people the,171.0,4.019
but if you're interested in,173.76,2.699
participating or want to share any,175.019,3.36
insight the best place to connect with,176.459,4.621
me is either on LinkedIn or join the,178.379,5.461
gato Community the link is here,181.08,5.46
um go to framework.org join gotta you,183.84,3.66
can also find the link in the,186.54,3.6
description we need sponsors organizers,187.5,5.099
judges Partners mentors that's going to,190.14,5.099
be a big one team leaders,192.599,3.961
um so this is coming together we're,195.239,4.08
hoping to launch it sometime in July but,196.56,5.28
again this is my first rodeo so I'm,199.319,4.081
trying to learn everything I can up,201.84,3.3
front all right now let's get back to,203.4,4.08
Ubi how do we pay for it,205.14,4.08
I used to think that this was just kind,207.48,4.38
of a thought-stopping platitude uh but,209.22,4.92
when I looked into it I I really tried,211.86,4.26
hard to figure out okay how can we pay,214.14,3.959
for it with conventional means and the,216.12,4.32
answer is not quite what I expected and,218.099,4.2
maybe it's not what you expected,220.44,3.659
all right so here's the problem,222.299,5.401
uh as uh you can easily do some math in,224.099,4.86
a previous video where I talked about,227.7,3.72
life under Ubi I said let's figure out,228.959,4.321
how you can actually live with two,231.42,3.78
thousand dollars a month people I think,233.28,4.8
accept the premise of like if you can,235.2,4.44
get just two thousand dollars a month,238.08,4.2
just for existing great we can make that,239.64,4.679
work some people are unhappy with some,242.28,3.78
of the ideas but you know what it's not,244.319,3.78
perfect and also I don't have a crystal,246.06,3.36
ball I can't tell you how it's going to,248.099,4.2
work out exactly that being said,249.42,4.92
two thousand dollars a month in America,252.299,7.321
with 330 million Americans is somewhere,254.34,6.6
between seven trillion and eight,259.62,4.859
trillion dollars per year to fund a Ubi,260.94,5.039
how do you do this do you tax and,265.979,4.5
redistribute uh taxes would have to be,268.02,5.76
insanely High to support this uh not to,270.479,4.861
mention the inflation inflationary,273.78,3.54
problem but I'm not as worried about,275.34,3.72
inflation because if Ubi becomes,277.32,4.319
necessary the job loss is going to be,279.06,4.56
super deflationary and as lots of people,281.639,4.62
point out uh if consumers have no money,283.62,5.579
to spend then you know the economy,286.259,5.401
basically stalls so basically Ubi might,289.199,4.56
be necessary in order to just keep the,291.66,4.38
economy going but that being said it's,293.759,3.781
not as simple as just tax and,296.04,3.86
redistribute I thought that it would be,297.54,5.7
so there's a concept called velocity of,299.9,6.04
currency which is basically how often,303.24,4.98
does a dollar change hands and the,305.94,3.9
velocity of currency I think would have,308.22,3.78
to be three times higher than what it is,309.84,4.52
now just in order to have enough,312.0,7.08
transactions uh to to to even tax to get,314.36,6.66
to that two thousand dollars a month,319.08,5.04
so you you could either do that or you,321.02,5.679
could tax levy more taxes on static,324.12,4.919
money like any bank account over ten,326.699,5.22
thousand dollars or whatever but this is,329.039,4.741
getting really really Draconian really,331.919,3.12
you'd have to force enforce a lot more,335.039,4.321
um and so then I was like okay I keep,339.36,3.72
going down this rabbit hole and it's,341.46,4.44
just not working it doesn't make sense,343.08,4.5
um so I was like maybe we're putting the,345.9,4.32
cart before the horse maybe maybe we,347.58,4.559
need to look at something else before we,350.22,5.28
look at Ubi to make Ubi sustainable and,352.139,5.701
feasible and so then I was like okay,355.5,4.86
well money is is an abstraction of value,357.84,4.68
it's a it's a reserve of value and it's,360.36,3.66
a medium of exchange but let's look at,362.52,4.32
the underpinning assets what is the,364.02,5.58
actual value in goods and services that,366.84,5.88
money is meant to buy for you so that's,369.6,4.56
where I went next,372.72,4.08
but before we get into that I want to,374.16,4.259
kind of give a little bit of context,376.8,3.48
about the economic pillars and how I,378.419,4.081
kind of came to this conclusion that,380.28,5.28
just raw redistribution in our current,382.5,5.58
economic uh Paradigm isn't going to work,385.56,4.979
so basically there are four pillars of,388.08,4.679
the economy you've got Banks namely,390.539,3.841
central banks and Regional Banks and,392.759,3.361
federal banks that you have the,394.38,3.599
government particularly the federal,396.12,3.78
government you have businesses and,397.979,3.84
corporations and then you have consumers,399.9,5.639
so these are the primary Estates or,401.819,7.741
pillars of the economy and so consumers,405.539,6.361
is the aggregate you know all,409.56,4.56
individuals and households that need,411.9,4.799
goods and services and generally also,414.12,4.74
sometimes provide work usually the way,416.699,4.021
that they get income is in exchange for,418.86,3.119
labor sometimes there's also,420.72,4.259
entitlements or uh or Capital that they,421.979,4.981
own so those are the three primary ways,424.979,3.72
that consumers get money,426.96,3.6
right an entitlement might come from the,428.699,4.741
government such as your your pension or,430.56,5.1
your uh your your social security check,433.44,4.62
uh that sort of thing so you get money,435.66,5.7
that way Medicare Medicaid uh you know,438.06,5.1
the the government Health uh you know,441.36,4.32
through the VA that gives you buying,443.16,4.02
power which means that you can then go,445.68,3.9
to a business uh such as a health care,447.18,4.519
provider or grocery store or whatever,449.58,5.16
to demand goods and services such as,451.699,5.741
health care food education is an,454.74,4.32
entitlement so that is something that,457.44,2.759
you don't even pay for the government,459.06,4.44
just pays for it directly via taxes uh,460.199,5.161
and then but then one thing that a lot,463.5,3.12
of people don't know is where does the,465.36,3.42
money come from well what you need to,466.62,4.32
understand about the monetary system is,468.78,4.68
that the money comes from central banks,470.94,5.039
comes from the federal bank which uh,473.46,4.98
creates money by lending it but the,475.979,4.381
thing is is that that money then has to,478.44,4.02
be repaid and so that's whenever you,480.36,3.36
hear in the news like the FED is,482.46,2.94
changing the interest rate that's what,483.72,2.759
it that's what they're doing is they're,485.4,2.76
changing the fundamental interest rate,486.479,3.72
and when that money is repaid to the,488.16,3.84
central banks it's actually just taken,490.199,3.481
off the market entirely,492.0,4.44
with that being said the total supply of,493.68,5.28
money goes up over time it like def,496.44,4.56
there is it there is an optimal amount,498.96,4.679
of inflation that uh that they go for,501.0,5.16
because the idea is that if the value of,503.639,5.041
your dollar goes down over time then you,506.16,4.86
are incentivized to spend it sooner,508.68,4.2
rather than later which keeps the,511.02,3.66
economy churning because under,512.88,3.959
deflationary pressures you might as well,514.68,3.659
hold on to your money because holding on,516.839,3.841
to cash is an investment if your dollar,518.339,4.32
will go twice as far a year from now as,520.68,3.479
it does today you're not going to spend,522.659,4.201
any money you're going to wait so having,524.159,4.86
an optimal amount of inflation is what,526.86,4.919
the central banks do to ensure that you,529.019,4.861
are going to spend that money on labor,531.779,3.841
and other Investments to keep the,533.88,3.6
economy humming along,535.62,5.04
so with that being said you can't just,537.48,5.1
inject a lot of money like you know the,540.66,3.54
idea of like what if you do quantitative,542.58,4.5
easing which is just creating billions,544.2,4.86
or trillions of dollars and give it to,547.08,4.14
Consumers that's called hyperinflation,549.06,3.959
and that is super bad and I think I'm,551.22,4.32
actually supposed to be oh yeah sorry,553.019,6.601
so the if uh sorry I meant to move on to,555.54,7.26
a slide so if you do just quantitative,559.62,5.219
easing just injecting money into the,562.8,3.9
system that's hyperinflation which means,564.839,5.161
that you severely depress the value of,566.7,6.18
money which means that like okay the,570.0,4.38
money that you have today is going to be,572.88,4.32
worth a lot less tomorrow and so uh,574.38,4.8
inflation can be caused by two primary,577.2,5.1
things supply and demand so Supply is,579.18,6.0
what we're experiencing uh post pandemic,582.3,4.62
because of logistic and supply chain,585.18,5.04
issues because of supply chain issues uh,586.92,5.94
the supply of goods is lower which means,590.22,5.58
the prices go up alternatively if the,592.86,4.919
demand goes up the prices can also go up,595.8,4.14
and that's what we saw a little bit the,597.779,5.101
effect wasn't too pronounced but it was,599.94,5.1
pronounced enough to be meaningful with,602.88,3.959
the stimulus checks that Americans got,605.04,4.26
during the pandemic which caused some,606.839,3.961
inflation it didn't cause most of the,609.3,2.76
inflation that we're seeing most the,610.8,3.719
inflation that we're seeing is due to uh,612.06,5.219
geopolitics and globalism and global,614.519,5.76
trade uh you know namely like the war in,617.279,5.221
Russia and Ukraine right now,620.279,5.641
that is a far larger impact on inflation,622.5,5.82
than uh the stimulus checks that being,625.92,4.68
said if we were to do stimulus checks,628.32,4.079
for everyone every month we would,630.6,4.02
absolutely see hyperinflation which is,632.399,3.601
really bad because all you're doing is,634.62,2.94
injecting money,636.0,4.2
um into the consumer part and then okay,637.56,4.44
that money goes where it goes to,640.2,3.9
businesses and so then the businesses,642.0,4.32
have more aggregate demand but then how,644.1,4.08
do you take that money back off of the,646.32,4.86
table so that you uh you you basically,648.18,4.92
fight it with deflation you'd have to,651.18,3.599
have someone just hoovering up that,653.1,4.08
extra money and destroying it so does,654.779,4.081
that mean the government just then taxes,657.18,3.899
everyone to to take that quantitative,658.86,5.7
easing back off of the economy we might,661.079,6.061
get there especially once we get to a,664.56,4.74
period of hyper abundance and where like,667.14,4.439
nobody works and labor like human labor,669.3,5.099
is completely uh worthless,671.579,5.521
but I don't I don't see that we're there,674.399,4.38
yet and I and I think that such a,677.1,4.02
fundamental paradigm shift in economics,678.779,4.381
probably shouldn't be done all at once,681.12,3.779
we should probably work towards that,683.16,4.14
slowly because again the economic system,684.899,4.62
is huge cumbersome there's a tremendous,687.3,4.58
amount of inertia and so I was like okay,689.519,5.401
clearly like thinking about it in terms,691.88,5.44
of current velocity of currency and,694.92,5.099
circulation and Cycles uh like a,697.32,5.04
hydrological cycle it that's how it,700.019,4.141
works now but we can't fundamentally,702.36,4.26
change this we can't upend it uh very,704.16,4.56
quickly so I was like all right this,706.62,4.02
direction of thinking isn't working so,708.72,4.2
let's look at first principles,710.64,5.52
so supply and demand so what I mean is,712.92,6.419
if you can get a hyperabundance of,716.16,6.78
Supply right post scarcity then the,719.339,4.801
price goes down,722.94,3.3
and so then I was like okay well if we,724.14,3.72
really really drastically increase,726.24,5.12
supply of basic Goods basic Services,727.86,6.539
then maybe we can get the prices low,731.36,5.8
enough that Ubi is actually really cheap,734.399,5.401
overall and so what I mean by that is,737.16,4.38
what if we can get your cost of living,739.8,3.719
from four thousand dollars a month to,741.54,4.02
four hundred dollars a month as it is,743.519,4.44
today through hyperabundance through,745.56,4.62
post scarcity and we can get there,747.959,6.841
through things like uh AI solar Quantum,750.18,6.719
Computing and that sort of thing,754.8,3.9
so let's unpack this a little bit,756.899,3.901
further and figure out how we can make,758.7,3.24
that happen,760.8,3.42
let's take a look at the at consumer,761.94,5.94
expenses so this is as of 2016. so it's,764.22,5.64
a little bit out of date but in general,767.88,4.56
this pie chart doesn't change we,769.86,3.9
generally spend about a third of our,772.44,3.959
money on housing another 16 on,773.76,7.019
Transportation almost 13 on food 12 on,776.399,7.861
insurance and uh paying into pensions uh,780.779,6.0
or retirement plans eight percent on,784.26,4.68
health care so on and so forth and then,786.779,3.901
down to 2.5 percent on education,788.94,3.72
obviously the education number is much,790.68,4.38
larger for some people uh I've I've,792.66,4.56
known people that that spent more on,795.06,4.8
their uh their college loans than their,797.22,4.619
home loans which is just completely,799.86,4.68
insane to me but we took we take a look,801.839,5.521
at these top five categories right one,804.54,6.12
two three four five and if we can use,807.36,6.36
the hyperabundance of solar infusion and,810.66,6.78
whatever else uh wind energy,813.72,5.16
and then we can also use the,817.44,3.3
hyperabundance of cognitive labor from,818.88,6.12
AI we could probably reduce costs of a,820.74,5.7
lot of these sectors now these sectors,825.0,4.8
are very very different but I did find,826.44,5.04
some commonalities that I think we can,829.8,3.06
focus on,831.48,4.26
so first is transportation obviously,832.86,4.8
Elon Musk and Tesla and full,835.74,4.44
self-driving cars and all the EVS coming,837.66,5.16
onto the road this is going to have an,840.18,5.52
economic effect but it one thing is that,842.82,4.74
transportation is Central to the economy,845.7,4.379
because you need transportation to move,847.56,5.04
good services and people,850.079,5.521
um or to move goods and people uh and,852.6,4.739
then you can provide services such as,855.6,4.919
ride shares delivery that sort of thing,857.339,5.881
so right now internal combustion engine,860.519,6.06
cars cost about 75 cents per Rider mile,863.22,5.4
this varies a lot depending on the car,866.579,4.981
you have and where you are uh because,868.62,5.159
obviously if you're driving you know an,871.56,4.5
F-350 Dually that costs a little bit,873.779,3.961
more to drive per mile than you know,876.06,5.7
Toyota Prius but on average internal,877.74,5.64
combustion engine cars cost about 70,881.76,3.96
cents per Rider mile now what's,883.38,4.44
interesting is that in America because,885.72,5.64
of regulatory problems and technical,887.82,7.019
issues and supply chain issues EVS are,891.36,6.12
often more expensive per Rider mile the,894.839,4.62
total cost of ownership of EVS is,897.48,4.08
actually still higher than internal,899.459,4.861
combustion engines now that being said,901.56,6.12
Eevee ride sharing such as if you don't,904.32,5.4
own the car but instead you just you,907.68,4.38
know use Uber or Lyft or Waze or,909.72,4.26
whatever and then you know a couple,912.06,4.32
minutes later an autonomous car comes to,913.98,6.12
pick you up the the the the cost of that,916.38,6.54
Rider mile could be as low as six cents,920.1,4.44
per Rider mile,922.92,4.38
so we're seeing we see the possibility,924.54,6.78
of like a 12x reduction or more of the,927.3,7.32
cost of Transportation uh if we can,931.32,5.879
figure out full self-driving and fully,934.62,6.6
autonomous uh EV uh vehicles,937.199,6.241
and some of this will be fixed by,941.22,4.2
economies of scale but that being said,943.44,6.12
uh the if you can reduce the cost of,945.42,6.539
Transportation by a factor of 10 or more,949.56,4.7
this is going to have knock-on effects,951.959,5.101
across the rest of the economy and so,954.26,5.019
we'll unpack this effect uh throughout,957.06,4.44
the rest of the video so here's some of,959.279,4.141
the knock-on effects that we might see,961.5,4.139
just I want to prime your primary your,963.42,4.38
mind to think about the knock-on effects,965.639,4.021
oh and also just imagine the knock-on,967.8,3.42
effects of reducing the cost of energy,969.66,4.32
by 10x with solar with fusion and of,971.22,4.559
course with Fusion the cost of energy,973.98,4.26
goes down a thousand X it goes down 10,975.779,4.92
000 x to the point that it is a trivial,978.24,3.719
so the idea is that uh well first think,981.959,6.541
all Goods that you need right every,986.22,4.2
clothing every piece of clothing all the,988.5,3.899
food you eat all the materials that go,990.42,5.34
into your house literally every physical,992.399,6.12
good has to be transported at least a,995.76,5.1
short distance many of them have to be,998.519,5.281
transported across the entire planet so,1000.86,5.219
if we can get the cost of transportation,1003.8,4.979
to a fraction of what it is today that,1006.079,4.88
will lower the cost of living,1008.779,5.701
drastically because then you know the,1010.959,5.44
supply chain is faster more efficient,1014.48,3.26
we can also use artificial intelligence,1017.74,4.599
to shorten those Supply chains Quantum,1020.18,3.48
Computing can probably help with,1022.339,4.021
Logistics as well energy hyperabundance,1023.66,3.899
will also help with that because that,1026.36,2.819
means that you can have fully automated,1027.559,4.201
factories in the next city over and your,1029.179,3.961
stuff doesn't have to come from across,1031.76,3.659
the planet you can have vertical farms,1033.14,4.559
and container Farms meaning that all of,1035.419,3.961
your food and exotic fruit and,1037.699,4.26
everything is grown right next door you,1039.38,5.4
year round with the energy abundance of,1041.959,6.36
solar and wind and that sort of stuff uh,1044.78,5.22
economies of scale artificial,1048.319,4.201
intelligence can help us find,1050.0,4.86
alternative Battery Technology so for,1052.52,4.32
instance there's what is it the iron,1054.86,3.84
oxygen batteries that are being worked,1056.84,4.5
on and other stuff that doesn't use,1058.7,5.94
risky uh minerals now I know that,1061.34,5.339
lithium is hypothetically super abundant,1064.64,4.62
but you know looking at the elemental,1066.679,4.561
composition of the crust of the earth is,1069.26,3.9
one thing looking at the mining,1071.24,4.74
infrastructure and the concentration uh,1073.16,4.62
that makes it economically feasible to,1075.98,4.64
extract is an entirely other argument,1077.78,6.24
but anyways moving stuff around the,1080.62,6.1
planet is very expensive and it is a,1084.02,4.62
very complicated thing so the,1086.72,4.8
combination of Transport Revolution,1088.64,5.34
along with energy hyperabundance is,1091.52,4.98
going to really drastically drop that,1093.98,4.62
so this is going to have knock-on,1096.5,3.78
effects that's going to lower the cost,1098.6,5.88
of everything like just full stop it's,1100.28,5.34
going to lower the cost of everything,1104.48,4.28
across the planet housing so the biggest,1105.62,6.74
uh expense that we all have is housing,1108.76,7.26
so let's assume that okay moving Timber,1112.36,7.84
harvesting wood making concrete all of,1116.02,6.1
these things that are very very uh,1120.2,3.719
material intensive you have to move a,1122.12,3.72
lot of heavy materials and they're also,1123.919,4.801
very energy intensive carbon uh sorry,1125.84,5.699
concrete accounts just on its own,1128.72,4.56
concrete accounts for I think more than,1131.539,3.661
eight percent of global carbon emissions,1133.28,5.1
so like this is a very energy intensive,1135.2,5.58
and very material intensive thing which,1138.38,4.26
is why houses are so expensive there's,1140.78,4.2
also the labor aspect it takes a lot of,1142.64,4.68
Labor and expertise to build a house,1144.98,5.3
so what if we can really drastically,1147.32,5.82
reduce the cost of building homes,1150.28,5.32
whether it's a single family home or a,1153.14,4.919
duplex or a small apartment or row,1155.6,3.9
houses whatever,1158.059,3.181
uh there's a few ways that we can,1159.5,3.059
approach this but again remember,1161.24,3.36
Transportation has already lowered the,1162.559,5.401
cost a lot uh things like 3D printed,1164.6,5.04
houses I watched an entire documentary,1167.96,4.56
to do research and 3D printed houses are,1169.64,4.38
more durable,1172.52,3.72
um so they're also cheaper their upfront,1174.02,4.32
cost is much cheaper because it takes a,1176.24,4.86
lot less labor to build them uh so you,1178.34,5.88
you with with robotic automation you get,1181.1,4.8
as many humans out of it as possible,1184.22,4.14
which makes it faster and cheaper the,1185.9,4.92
end product is better too so better,1188.36,4.26
cheaper faster this is what Ai and,1190.82,3.96
automation does better cheaper faster,1192.62,6.0
you combine the existing innovation of,1194.78,5.94
3D printing with energy hyper abundance,1198.62,3.84
and then you add even more Ai and,1200.72,4.56
Automation and then suddenly you can,1202.46,6.54
just 3D print houses a thousand a day if,1205.28,4.98
you need to,1209.0,3.9
uh now one problem is that this requires,1210.26,5.7
regulatory overhaul uh this is a very,1212.9,4.98
new discipline and so a lot of,1215.96,3.9
Manufacturers aren't even touching this,1217.88,4.62
thing uh with that being said I suspect,1219.86,4.26
we're going to see a ramp up because,1222.5,4.08
some of the big housing uh manufacturers,1224.12,4.74
the ones that make uh gigantic,1226.58,4.38
subdivisions like Lamar they're already,1228.86,3.96
experimenting with this and investing in,1230.96,2.88
um and so when the investment is there,1233.84,3.9
you know that it's coming fast and I was,1235.82,3.84
actually surprised to learn that there,1237.74,3.84
are entire subdivisions Across America,1239.66,4.5
that have already been 3D printed and I,1241.58,3.839
really wish that they were here in the,1244.16,3.72
South because I super want a 3D printed,1245.419,4.5
house can you imagine having a castle,1247.88,4.32
made of concrete that it's 3D printed,1249.919,4.921
and extruded I super want that super bad,1252.2,4.38
but I don't think that there's anyone,1254.84,4.56
doing it here in the South we'll see,1256.58,5.52
so how much is this going to actually,1259.4,5.159
reduce the cost of homes,1262.1,5.4
ice found evidence that some small 3D,1264.559,4.86
printed homes could be as low as four,1267.5,4.02
thousand dollars,1269.419,3.901
um generally they're closer to ten,1271.52,4.62
thousand dollars uh for a small one and,1273.32,4.56
of course one thing that a lot of people,1276.14,3.36
complained about when I mentioned like,1277.88,3.659
moving into tiny houses and you know,1279.5,3.78
portable houses and stuff like that is,1281.539,3.0
people like I don't want to live in a,1283.28,3.36
closet like it's not a closet it's just,1284.539,4.5
a small house anyways,1286.64,4.98
icon is a company that exists today and,1289.039,4.981
is printing 2 000 square foot houses for,1291.62,5.64
a hundred thousand dollars so my house,1294.02,5.279
that I live in now is eighteen hundred,1297.26,4.08
square feet on an acre of land and I,1299.299,5.101
paid 200 000 for it ten years ago,1301.34,5.28
so I could have something a little bit,1304.4,4.86
bigger for half that price and of course,1306.62,4.14
my house is worth like four hundred,1309.26,4.02
thousand now uh because of you know,1310.76,5.279
inflation and stuff so these these,1313.28,5.759
commercial uh buildings are much cheaper,1316.039,4.441
so if they're you know twice as cheap or,1320.48,6.66
ha or sorry half as cheap or or a fifth,1324.2,6.479
as as expensive as it costs to build uh,1327.14,6.36
stick Built Homes then we're already on,1330.679,5.041
the way to that like let's let's,1333.5,5.1
collapse the price of housing now you,1335.72,7.38
combine uh solar AI uh wind eventually,1338.6,8.4
Fusion concrete gets much cheaper uh you,1343.1,6.54
can you can also factory farm wood more,1347.0,6.419
you can automate uh Timber forests,1349.64,6.48
um and so then let's let's say that,1353.419,4.861
we're we're working towards dropping the,1356.12,6.48
uh cost of housing by at least 10x so,1358.28,8.04
instead of 33 or 35 of your daily or,1362.6,6.059
your monthly income it costs three and a,1366.32,4.32
half percent so my twelve hundred dollar,1368.659,6.061
mortgage would go down to 120 which is,1370.64,5.399
pretty sustainable,1374.72,3.06
that's just a couple days worth of work,1376.039,4.38
for for many people uh and it's less,1377.78,4.32
than an hour of work for a lot of uh,1380.419,4.081
professionals that being said we're,1382.1,4.74
looking at you know Ubi which is nobody,1384.5,5.539
works but if you can Mass produce homes,1386.84,8.28
then like hey great now also with Ubi,1390.039,6.281
because one thing that people have,1395.12,4.02
pointed out is that uh land is expensive,1396.32,4.8
desirable land will always be expensive,1399.14,4.86
but America is really really empty sorry,1401.12,5.16
I have that in a future slide there is,1404.0,5.22
lots and lots of land to expand into so,1406.28,4.74
land is actually going to be relatively,1409.22,3.6
cheap the hardest part is going to be,1411.02,3.96
water but we can fix that with solar,1412.82,3.66
because then you can distill and recycle,1414.98,4.319
any amount of water in the long run I,1416.48,4.38
think that I think the compounding,1419.299,4.62
returns of robotic automation artificial,1420.86,4.92
intelligence and energy hyper abundance,1423.919,4.201
means that we could eventually see a,1425.78,6.0
100x drop in the cost of housing meaning,1428.12,5.039
that a five hundred thousand dollar,1431.78,4.56
house in today's money would cost you,1433.159,7.26
five thousand dollars in 10 to 20 years,1436.34,6.959
now food and other Goods so what I,1440.419,4.981
realized is that okay Transportation,1443.299,4.5
great you solved that problem you've,1445.4,4.139
basically solved a lot of other problems,1447.799,3.661
that have again those knock-on effects,1449.539,4.02
you fix Transportation you make it super,1451.46,4.8
cheap that makes housing cheaper uh you,1453.559,3.901
get compounding returns there because,1456.26,2.7
all the lessons that you learn from,1457.46,4.26
robotic automation for delivery and and,1458.96,4.98
that sort of stuff that makes that makes,1461.72,3.9
that cheaper but those lessons also,1463.94,4.56
apply directly to agriculture as well as,1465.62,5.039
a bunch of other things now one thing,1468.5,5.159
that I thought was that okay if these,1470.659,4.921
industries get so cheap that they're not,1473.659,4.38
sustainable because what happens is the,1475.58,3.78
margins narrow,1478.039,4.081
and so when you have no profit that can,1479.36,4.92
be made you have to either become a,1482.12,5.34
non-profit organization and and uh you,1484.28,7.139
basically survive on uh subsidies or,1487.46,7.38
donations or you can be nationalized by,1491.419,6.661
the by the by the government which means,1494.84,5.4
that the government then runs things but,1498.08,3.839
the Soviets tried to nationalize,1501.919,4.081
Agriculture and it caused mass famines,1503.9,3.48
that killed like millions and millions,1506.0,3.059
and millions of people,1507.38,3.0
um so we should not we should probably,1509.059,4.261
never nationalize agriculture at least,1510.38,6.06
not for a long time until it is so,1513.32,6.18
thoroughly operationalized that there is,1516.44,5.16
no chance for accidentally causing Mass,1519.5,4.679
famine through Central management so I,1521.6,4.86
am personally in the favor of keeping,1524.179,4.201
private corporations but then,1526.46,3.66
subsidizing their existence which we,1528.38,3.96
already do by by the way we subsidize,1530.12,5.34
corn and a few other uh Mass crops just,1532.34,5.219
so that way we can ensure that it keeps,1535.46,3.24
so we're already doing that so if we,1538.7,4.44
also subsidize other things like home,1540.86,4.26
building so that no matter how cheap it,1543.14,3.84
actually gets the corporations can keep,1545.12,3.78
building them and then the government,1546.98,3.96
gives them just a little bit of money to,1548.9,4.98
ensure that they remain afloat uh,1550.94,5.04
another possibility is changing,1553.88,3.72
ownership models which I talked about in,1555.98,4.74
other videos so by by creating locally,1557.6,4.86
owned decentralized autonomous,1560.72,3.66
organizations you could probably,1562.46,5.599
incorporate uh the land you know the the,1564.38,6.419
municipally owned land and then it can,1568.059,5.561
be owned operated and managed by the,1570.799,5.521
citizens of that city or county,1573.62,4.74
so that is an ownership model that also,1576.32,3.18
makes sense because then there's no,1578.36,3.54
profit motive it's basically we're going,1579.5,4.02
to work this land to feed our local,1581.9,4.08
community and if we do have any excess,1583.52,4.259
we can then sell it to neighboring,1585.98,3.9
communities or whatever local sourcing,1587.779,4.861
circular economies that sort of stuff AI,1589.88,4.38
energy hyper abundance and robotic,1592.64,3.24
automation will all make this a lot more,1594.26,3.84
feasible and in fact again if those,1595.88,4.679
prices collapse it'll be necessary to do,1598.1,3.78
that because then you're providing a,1600.559,3.421
good or a service not for profit but,1601.88,4.14
just because it's needed,1603.98,4.02
um so you know the best the best good is,1606.02,4.62
the one that's basically free or it kind,1608.0,4.32
of woven into the fabric of your,1610.64,3.0
automated forestry as I mentioned Timber,1613.64,5.399
is one of the most useful resources out,1616.34,7.079
there first uh creating uh felling trees,1619.039,6.841
and creating lumber from it is a carbon,1623.419,4.921
sink uh actually Building Homes out of,1625.88,4.679
wood permanently sequestered or,1628.34,5.28
semi-permanently sequesters that into uh,1630.559,4.081
um into the the structure of the house,1634.64,4.86
concrete even though it's very energy,1637.36,5.199
intensive to create now uh is also going,1639.5,4.559
to be a carbon sink or a potential,1642.559,3.0
carbon sink depending on the additives,1644.059,3.421
that you add to it and so then you have,1645.559,4.441
a permanent carbon sink so automating,1647.48,4.86
forestry automating uh the the,1650.0,4.86
production of concrete these things can,1652.34,5.76
be probably used to one help fight,1654.86,5.22
climate change because it's like okay,1658.1,3.9
there's a x amount of carbon in the,1660.08,3.78
atmosphere let's pull that carbon out,1662.0,3.9
put it into into trees,1663.86,4.98
and then we can use that to uh then,1665.9,6.24
build homes and so my idea here is you,1668.84,6.54
co-locate automated forests with a,1672.14,5.34
modular home Factory and then you,1675.38,4.2
deliver those modular uh house,1677.48,4.02
components with fully automated,1679.58,4.32
self-driving semi trucks and then the,1681.5,4.32
final assembly and site prep is done,1683.9,4.44
with robots and so you have this end to,1685.82,5.66
end uh new supply chain that is 100,1688.34,5.939
sustainable uh there's just a few things,1691.48,5.679
that we need there energy abundance uh,1694.279,5.041
better robots a little bit better Ai and,1697.159,4.441
full self-driving cars but the economic,1699.32,4.5
incentive is there for all of that to,1701.6,5.22
happen so this these these virtuous,1703.82,4.8
Cycles these compounding returns I think,1706.82,4.2
will allow us to drastically drop the,1708.62,6.179
prices of our most expensive asset which,1711.02,5.58
is our homes,1714.799,4.38
all right so let's do a quick price,1716.6,3.6
if just for ballpark figures for,1720.2,4.38
something that's kind of more reasonable,1723.26,3.419
in the short term let's imagine that,1724.58,4.86
within five to ten years we can uh and,1726.679,4.201
it probably will take longer than that,1729.44,4.619
honestly just because of uh inertia but,1730.88,6.419
we drop our housing cost by 10x we drop,1734.059,5.521
our food cost by 10x and we drop our,1737.299,6.24
transportation by 10x so basically your,1739.58,6.36
your basic living expenses for me go,1743.539,3.901
from twenty one hundred and fifty,1745.94,4.68
dollars a month to 250 a month your,1747.44,4.739
dollar can go a lot farther with,1750.62,3.0
so that leaves Health Care insurance and,1753.62,5.7
a few other uh big expenses like,1756.32,5.459
clothing and you know fun and,1759.32,4.02
entertainment and that sort of stuff but,1761.779,2.76
Healthcare is one of the biggest ones,1763.34,3.18
that's remaining education is also,1764.539,3.541
expensive but I I actually didn't even,1766.52,3.36
feel like I needed to address education,1768.08,3.719
especially for the younger people who,1769.88,4.26
are all you already using chat GPT to,1771.799,4.201
learn everything,1774.14,3.0
um and that's only going to get better,1776.0,3.779
by the way uh you're going to have ai,1777.14,4.5
and robotic tutors and teachers and,1779.779,4.561
stuff that are going to be uh infinitely,1781.64,4.919
patient fully personalized so I actually,1784.34,3.54
had a really good conversation with,1786.559,5.641
someone who wants to deploy AI to Africa,1787.88,6.299
um to basically say we're going to take,1792.2,4.64
Africa uh as an entire continent,1794.179,4.98
straight into the 21st century by,1796.84,4.66
providing personalized education for,1799.159,4.201
literally every child in Africa so I'm,1801.5,3.179
really excited to be helping out with,1803.36,4.08
that project but the idea is that AI can,1804.679,4.681
do that so and it's also going to be,1807.44,4.2
cheap so that's why I didn't I guess I,1809.36,4.319
did just address education but anyway,1811.64,4.08
ways let's break down health care,1813.679,4.681
because Healthcare is like the gigantic,1815.72,4.199
elephant in the room particularly here,1818.36,3.48
in America but it's also a contentious,1819.919,5.181
issue in places with socialized medicine,1821.84,6.0
such as Britain and France there's long,1825.1,4.36
waiting lists,1827.84,4.02
um and then of course the their private,1829.46,3.48
care is available but like what was I,1832.94,6.599
reading like dental care in Britain is,1837.2,3.92
actually kind of difficult because,1839.539,4.561
dentists are required to take a certain,1841.12,4.84
number of you know like they have a,1844.1,4.679
quota of uh of you know government,1845.96,5.88
provided ones but they will prefer to do,1848.779,6.541
uh you know to do uh private uh funded,1851.84,5.76
like right off the bat so like if you're,1855.32,4.079
on a waiting list if you have money and,1857.6,3.179
pay for it out of pocket you can get,1859.399,3.961
care immediately so there are problems,1860.779,4.14
with the idea of socialized medicine so,1863.36,3.48
the idea is let's drive down the cost of,1864.919,3.721
socialized medicine,1866.84,5.04
as much as possible uh to to basically,1868.64,7.32
uh avoid avoid the cost so there's an,1871.88,6.299
age-old adage an ounce of prevention is,1875.96,5.28
worth a pound of cure so let's focus on,1878.179,5.1
lowering health care costs primarily,1881.24,4.02
with prevention,1883.279,4.081
um obviously we Americans were pretty,1885.26,4.26
unhealthy some of it is lifestyle some,1887.36,4.26
of his diet choices but a lot of it is,1889.52,4.2
just age-related diseases we are living,1891.62,4.26
longer which means that uh really,1893.72,4.14
dangerous and expensive diseases like,1895.88,3.6
heart disease and cancer are killing us,1897.86,4.199
instead of accidents and treatable,1899.48,3.84
so therefore the focus should be on,1903.32,4.62
healthy aging such as with regenerative,1905.659,5.221
medicines they can get you back to full,1907.94,5.04
health and then Rejuvenation therapies,1910.88,5.159
that can actively lower your age and,1912.98,5.16
there's been a lot of breakthroughs uh,1916.039,4.38
just in the last few weeks where AI has,1918.14,4.919
helped us identify uh chemical,1920.419,4.801
substances enzymes many of them,1923.059,4.921
naturally occurring in in nature they,1925.22,5.64
can actually literally de-age your cells,1927.98,5.52
so basically the the cheapest doctor the,1930.86,3.78
best doctor is the one that you never,1933.5,2.159
and then if we can replace the rest with,1935.659,4.14
robots and Ai and that kind of thing,1938.059,4.261
then like you know the cost of Health,1939.799,5.461
Care just collapses because you know I,1942.32,5.04
remember I was uh a couple years ago,1945.26,4.08
before the pandemic I was visiting a bar,1947.36,4.08
with a friend and the bartender she was,1949.34,3.54
a little bit younger she was in her 20s,1951.44,3.3
and she was like why would I have health,1952.88,5.22
insurance I am healthy and I'm like just,1954.74,6.24
wait till your 30s or 40s but the idea,1958.1,5.1
is that you know and this was actually,1960.98,3.419
one of the biggest problems with,1963.2,3.719
Obamacare here in America was that young,1964.399,3.721
people didn't sign up because young,1966.919,2.461
people didn't care because young people,1968.12,3.72
are healthy right most of our health,1969.38,4.56
costs are age-related,1971.84,4.8
so what I suspect in the future is that,1973.94,4.8
most Healthcare is going to be so take,1976.64,4.5
those self-driving cars in your robotic,1978.74,4.919
doctor you call and just like hey I need,1981.14,4.68
a checkup or hey I'm feeling sick and,1983.659,5.4
then you know like an automated uh card,1985.82,5.7
pulls up and a robot doctor comes out,1989.059,4.62
and you know says okay what's wrong you,1991.52,4.139
know Ted does a couple of tests and then,1993.679,3.6
you know treats you on the spot and then,1995.659,3.421
away they go so you can even get rid of,1997.279,3.541
most Hospitals now that being said,1999.08,2.939
you're still going to need Trauma,2000.82,4.26
Centers for like accidents and uh there,2002.019,5.221
will probably still will be some major,2005.08,6.24
diseases uh things that require icus and,2007.24,6.059
that sort of stuff but if we can,2011.32,4.26
drastically reduce the need even just a,2013.299,4.681
baseline need for edu not education for,2015.58,4.38
healthcare then that's a great way to,2017.98,4.199
avoid the cost because the thing is is,2019.96,4.5
if you are healthy that is cheap so this,2022.179,3.84
is this is an expense that we can just,2024.46,4.8
hypothetically fully get rid of,2026.019,5.88
so I call this Healthcare avoidance,2029.26,5.34
um you know AI is going to be the,2031.899,4.921
primary thing here with personalized,2034.6,4.02
genetic medicine stem cell therapy,2036.82,4.26
de-aging Rejuvenation that sort of stuff,2038.62,4.679
one thing is that a lot of people are,2041.08,3.719
like oh the elites are never going to,2043.299,4.141
allow the rest of us to have,2044.799,4.681
um no the thing is is that healthy,2047.44,4.08
consumers are good consumers dead,2049.48,5.04
consumers don't spend any money right so,2051.52,5.52
yes the insurance companies and you know,2054.52,4.8
the the big Pharma and stuff they want,2057.04,4.619
to keep you sick but the thing is is,2059.32,4.859
that's not good for the economy because,2061.659,4.68
if you have to spend you know eight,2064.179,4.44
percent or 16 or for people that with,2066.339,4.381
dealing with chronic conditions up to,2068.619,7.201
half of their money on on just Health it,2070.72,6.899
would be way better for the economy the,2075.82,4.079
government for Society for literally,2077.619,4.8
everyone else except for the people who,2079.899,5.76
profiteer off of uh uh chronic illnesses,2082.419,4.92
it would be better for literally,2085.659,3.601
everyone else to just get rid of those,2087.339,4.921
health issues altogether,2089.26,5.22
um being healthy is cheap cheap citizens,2092.26,4.82
keep paying taxes uh they keep working,2094.48,6.24
uh cheap or healthy consumers keep,2097.08,5.5
buying goods and services and they buy,2100.72,3.48
goods and services other than health,2102.58,4.44
care so the economic incentive is there,2104.2,4.86
so whenever people complain about like,2107.02,3.42
oh well the elites are going to keep it,2109.06,2.82
for themselves I don't think that's,2110.44,3.48
going to be the case and one thing,2111.88,4.68
another reason that I believe this is,2113.92,4.439
because when you look at what it,2116.56,3.6
actually takes to create regenerative,2118.359,4.681
medicine uh autologous stem cells and,2120.16,4.86
Rejuvenation therapies these are not,2123.04,3.9
particularly expensive yeah I know,2125.02,3.66
there's that that Tech bro out in,2126.94,3.0
California who's spending a million,2128.68,3.78
dollars a year to like quote get back to,2129.94,4.32
age 18,2132.46,4.32
um you know but the thing is is like,2134.26,5.52
a lot of these uh yes that that is,2136.78,4.92
expensive but when you look at what's,2139.78,3.54
actually effective and the the,2141.7,3.78
underlying principles it's not that,2143.32,3.72
expensive and all we need to do is like,2145.48,3.72
figure out how to mass produce some of,2147.04,4.74
these things and the economics it makes,2149.2,4.379
sense this is another thing where I,2151.78,3.36
think government subsidies will make,2153.579,2.821
sense as well,2155.14,3.36
because if you cure something,2156.4,5.58
permanently if the treatment is not that,2158.5,5.76
expensive hypothetically but you still,2161.98,5.04
need someone to do it I I think that the,2164.26,5.099
pharmac and doctors and everyone else,2167.02,4.319
will probably be incentivized through,2169.359,4.621
subsidies like basically here's how I,2171.339,4.74
might structure that incentive uh,2173.98,4.619
structure where let's say let's say,2176.079,4.26
someone comes to you and they've got a,2178.599,3.841
chronic condition what you would do is,2180.339,3.201
incentivize the doctor to cure that,2183.54,4.539
chronic condition by saying if you cure,2185.92,4.02
this permanently you get a twenty,2188.079,3.54
thousand dollar bonus for curing it,2189.94,4.02
permanently so basically you incentivize,2191.619,4.321
the behavior that you want to see if,2193.96,3.84
it's like heart disease like oh hey like,2195.94,3.72
you've got high cholesterol you've,2197.8,3.299
you're starting to get heart failure,2199.66,3.54
let's give you the right medicines the,2201.099,4.5
right therapies the right treatments to,2203.2,4.139
permanently cure this to clear all your,2205.599,3.361
arteries to make sure that your health,2207.339,3.24
that your heart is as healthy as it was,2208.96,3.659
when you were eight years old right then,2210.579,4.081
you incentivize that you incentivize The,2212.619,3.841
Cure not the treatment because that's,2214.66,3.84
one of the biggest problems with,2216.46,5.1
medicine today is through government,2218.5,4.859
subsidies and Medicare and Medicaid and,2221.56,3.48
all that stuff we incentivize the,2223.359,3.601
treatment which is why doctors over,2225.04,4.26
diagnose but what we really need to do,2226.96,4.32
is incentivize the cures,2229.3,4.559
okay now one thing that I need to,2231.28,4.02
address and I have addressed this in,2233.859,3.901
previous videos is that even if we,2235.3,4.62
create hyperabundance of energy and,2237.76,4.2
Timber and uh and cognitive labor,2239.92,4.14
there's still going to be a few primary,2241.96,4.74
scarce inputs to the economy namely,2244.06,6.12
desirable land and Rare Minerals so,2246.7,6.24
to address both of these desirable land,2250.18,5.399
uh as I mentioned America is super super,2252.94,6.24
empty uh there is a lot of place that we,2255.579,5.28
can spread to and if your job is not,2259.18,3.899
tight at one if you don't have a job you,2260.859,4.801
can live anywhere you want but also if,2263.079,4.321
your job is not tied to a geographic,2265.66,4.32
location a particular City you can also,2267.4,4.56
move wherever you want remote work is on,2269.98,4.44
the rise so there is a lot of space that,2271.96,4.2
we can spread out into,2274.42,3.84
and before you say oh well there's a,2276.16,3.36
reason people don't live there that's,2278.26,3.599
not necessarily true a lot of the,2279.52,4.14
frontier towns were built by the,2281.859,3.72
railroad companies who just said hey,2283.66,3.24
we're going to build a railroad through,2285.579,3.421
this area they bought all the land they,2286.9,3.84
built it they literally just fabricated,2289.0,3.3
a town which is why you see some of them,2290.74,3.839
in straight lines right through like,2292.3,4.559
Arkansas and Nebraska and stuff is,2294.579,3.841
because they were literally just,2296.859,5.641
fabricated out of the Great Plains where,2298.42,5.82
the railroads created a train station,2302.5,4.38
and then sold the land and developed it,2304.24,4.92
and said look now there's a town here I,2306.88,3.36
think we're going to see the same thing,2309.16,3.12
again not necessarily through railroads,2310.24,4.339
but point my point is that you can,2312.28,4.74
create a town pretty much anywhere in,2314.579,5.621
America now one the biggest problem is,2317.02,5.28
water is actually the scarcest resource,2320.2,4.139
but with energy hyperabundance you can,2322.3,4.319
recycle water pretty easily so yeah if,2324.339,4.26
you want to live out in New Mexico you,2326.619,3.0
might live A little bit more like the,2328.599,2.52
fremen which some people wouldn't want,2329.619,3.0
to do that anyways,2331.119,3.121
Rare Minerals is going to be the other,2332.619,3.181
big thing but I don't know if you saw in,2334.24,3.48
the news NASA and a few others are,2335.8,5.819
working on sending probes uh to like uh,2337.72,6.72
asteroids and meteors uh that are chock,2341.619,5.22
full of really really valuable minerals,2344.44,3.96
so hopefully we can end up with a,2346.839,2.941
hyperabundance of minerals just by,2348.4,4.08
mining asteroids in space if we can't do,2349.78,5.7
that the coming age of quantum Computing,2352.48,4.32
is going to help us create what's called,2355.48,3.24
meta materials so these are like,2356.8,4.86
nanoparticles that give us properties,2358.72,4.98
that you wouldn't otherwise expect so,2361.66,3.419
one of the most famous one of course is,2363.7,4.56
like carbon nanotubes and um and,2365.079,6.241
graphene right graphene is a single,2368.26,6.18
sheet of carbon which has really really,2371.32,6.539
cool properties it can be uh it can be,2374.44,4.34
superconductive it can be a super super,2378.78,6.28
fast transistor that sort of stuff So,2382.66,4.02
Meta materials and Material Science will,2385.06,2.94
be accelerated by artificial,2386.68,3.36
intelligence and Quantum Computing so,2388.0,3.96
hopefully we can just say you know what,2390.04,4.079
instead of you know needing Cobalt and,2391.96,5.46
and nickel and cadmium and lithium what,2394.119,4.74
if we can just make everything out of,2397.42,3.419
iron and carbon with met with,2398.859,3.961
nanoparticles that are really cheap to,2400.839,3.181
mass produce,2402.82,3.36
we're not there yet but hypothetically,2404.02,4.8
it's possible so we could overcome these,2406.18,5.1
two major scarce bottlenecks,2408.82,4.56
so I mentioned Quantum Computing I found,2411.28,4.2
this interesting quotation from an,2413.38,3.78
article by the US Department of energy,2415.48,4.02
Quantum Computing enables unprecedented,2417.16,4.98
Material Science simulations so,2419.5,5.88
basically uh as Quantum Computing ramps,2422.14,5.4
up and I just posted an article IBM,2425.38,5.88
there are 127 qubit quantum computer is,2427.54,5.94
actually doing real work now so Quantum,2431.26,4.319
the age of quantum Computing is ramping,2433.48,4.02
up that'll help us solve stuff like,2435.579,3.601
fusion and everything else to do with,2437.5,4.02
energy make better solar panels cheaper,2439.18,6.12
solar panels genetics and diseases very,2441.52,5.76
complex interactions and discovering new,2445.3,4.14
drugs and and that sort of stuff Quantum,2447.28,3.96
Computing can help with that artificial,2449.44,3.24
intelligence can already help with that,2451.24,4.02
but you can get a much better faster,2452.68,4.38
simulation one of the most interesting,2455.26,3.24
things about Quantum Computing is,2457.06,3.36
because it basically magically solves,2458.5,3.9
optimization problems we have a really,2460.42,4.62
hard time verifying the results so,2462.4,4.86
basically you run the simulation and,2465.04,3.6
then you'll have to test it in reality,2467.26,3.06
to see if the simulation was accurate,2468.64,4.979
but they're establishing benchmarks,2470.32,5.4
about how to gauge the accuracy of a,2473.619,3.781
Quantum simulation,2475.72,3.42
this Material Science will also,2477.4,3.179
accelerate our understanding of,2479.14,2.88
batteries metals and other meta,2480.579,3.901
materials as I mentioned solar solar is,2482.02,4.079
going to be one of the big things on top,2484.48,4.74
of everything else that helps with uh,2486.099,5.881
driving down the costs,2489.22,4.44
um I've seen a lot of people mention,2491.98,3.54
um in the comments which okay yes I know,2495.52,5.819
Isaac Arthur loves talking about things,2498.339,8.041
like computronium and other stuff but,2501.339,5.041
this is already happening someone asked,2507.3,4.0
me and I'm like neuromorphic chips exist,2509.44,4.5
like so a neuromorphic chip is basically,2511.3,4.74
an analog chip that in some cases just,2513.94,4.62
uses Ambient Energy to do computation,2516.04,5.039
it's a real thing but you can't just,2518.56,4.68
magically transmute matter into,2521.079,4.381
computational material you have to,2523.24,4.02
create a meta material which is very,2525.46,4.68
difficult right now and know the entire,2527.26,4.68
light cone will not be transmuted into,2530.14,4.38
computronium that is Pure Fantasy I,2531.94,4.139
um now that being said yes I do believe,2536.079,3.481
that the universe is itself a computer,2537.7,4.139
so technically all matter is already,2539.56,4.44
computronium it's just not Computing,2541.839,4.081
something that you deliberately want it,2544.0,3.9
to because of the laws of entropy and,2545.92,4.679
that sort of stuff anyways getting lost,2547.9,5.699
in a tangent Quantum Computing is on the,2550.599,4.921
is on the ascendancy and so you have,2553.599,3.24
Quantum Computing artificial,2555.52,3.42
intelligence and energy hyperabundance,2556.839,3.78
all coming together that are going to,2558.94,3.3
continue to drive down the cost of,2560.619,3.0
literally everything,2562.24,3.9
so this is the Snowball Effect,2563.619,5.341
uh AI is already accelerating science,2566.14,6.12
and lots of other stuff for that matter,2568.96,4.8
um I I think actually one of the future,2572.26,4.079
hackathons that I'm going to put on is,2573.76,4.02
let's automate science as much as,2576.339,4.861
possible uh you you have this,2577.78,6.0
compounding return where AI helps you do,2581.2,4.56
science faster it helps you research AI,2583.78,4.62
faster it helps you create more energy,2585.76,4.859
abundance faster which all feeds back,2588.4,4.14
into the system accelerating the AI,2590.619,3.421
which then accelerates Material Science,2592.54,3.539
what you know so you get this virtuous,2594.04,4.7
cycle this Snowball Effect where,2596.079,5.04
suddenly all problems seem to be,2598.74,4.78
solvable faster and faster so this is,2601.119,5.281
the Triple Crown uh artificial,2603.52,5.22
intelligence Quantum Computing oh and,2606.4,4.02
Quantum Computing I think I forgot to,2608.74,3.359
mention this is that Quantum Computing,2610.42,4.199
will also help us design better chips,2612.099,4.321
and the materials that go into those,2614.619,4.081
better chips so then the quantum,2616.42,4.02
computers can help design better quantum,2618.7,3.899
computers and better gpus and better,2620.44,4.74
tpus which then allows us for better AI,2622.599,4.26
which can then improve through Quantum,2625.18,3.36
Computing infusion and so you have this,2626.859,4.681
three-way interaction this Trifecta of,2628.54,4.98
these three technologies that are going,2631.54,4.26
to just completely spiral,2633.52,4.559
and so those are the three technologies,2635.8,4.74
that will lead to hard takeoff these are,2638.079,4.381
the three technologies that will lead to,2640.54,4.2
the singularity is artificial it's not,2642.46,3.48
just artificial intelligence it's,2644.74,2.879
artificial intelligence Quantum,2645.94,4.379
Computing and um and energy,2647.619,5.101
hyperabundance AKA solar wind Fusion,2650.319,5.76
that sort of stuff the tldr is that all,2652.72,6.02
material concerns basically go away,2656.079,6.301
they become so cheap that the cost is,2658.74,6.28
trivial that I I suspect you'll they'll,2662.38,4.56
have to just subsidize those with,2665.02,4.559
government subsidies and so Universal,2666.94,4.32
basic income is basically going to be,2669.579,3.961
paid for by virtue of we're going to,2671.26,4.98
destroy the cost of living,2673.54,5.279
so butterfly effect as I've talked about,2676.24,4.74
there's all these kinds of interactions,2678.819,3.841
and compounding returns and virtuous,2680.98,4.139
Cycles this is why I give all my code,2682.66,4.38
away for free so I mentioned this at the,2685.119,4.081
beginning of the video with my patreon I,2687.04,4.26
refuse to sign any ndas because any,2689.2,3.659
problem that I solve that has the,2691.3,4.38
ability to accelerate this future cannot,2692.859,4.441
be locked up as intellectual property,2695.68,4.38
and honestly with the way that AI is,2697.3,4.26
going I think intellectual property is,2700.06,2.88
probably also going the way of the,2701.56,3.539
dinosaurs because if AI is generating,2702.94,5.159
all intellectual property who cares,2705.099,4.921
um the economic productivity that we're,2708.099,3.661
going to see in the next couple of years,2710.02,3.48
yes it's going to be impressive yes,2711.76,2.94
we're going to have quadrillion dollar,2713.5,4.68
companies but that all absolutely pales,2714.7,5.28
in comparison to what's coming,2718.18,3.899
decades after that,2719.98,4.68
like when we have the possibility of,2722.079,5.901
curing literally every disease,2724.66,6.84
imaginable and live long enough to see,2727.98,6.7
the stars to see the future what does,2731.5,5.819
money matter like what does the,2734.68,6.72
economics matter so basically solve,2737.319,6.421
solve all these other problems and money,2741.4,4.08
becomes irrelevant,2743.74,4.74
so this is the underpinning reason for,2745.48,5.04
all of my work and the axiomatic,2748.48,3.359
alignment the heuristic imperatives that,2750.52,3.18
I've been working on which is why I want,2751.839,3.421
to equip AI with these things because,2753.7,3.3
you reduce suffering by treating,2755.26,4.8
diseases you reduce suffering by uh,2757.0,5.28
increasing Justice by protecting,2760.06,4.68
individual liberty and human rights you,2762.28,4.319
increase Prosperity by accelerating,2764.74,5.099
science by deploying infrastructure,2766.599,5.581
by protecting ecosystems you increase,2769.839,4.921
understanding by communication by,2772.18,5.28
education by teaching by reinforcing,2774.76,4.74
that that virtuous cycle of Science and,2777.46,4.26
com and computation and artificial,2779.5,4.26
intelligence all of these things work,2781.72,4.859
together in compounding returns in order,2783.76,4.859
to create the future that we want to see,2786.579,5.221
AKA Utopia which I know Utopia is a is a,2788.619,5.7
loaded term but to me Utopia means high,2791.8,4.38
standard of living High individual,2794.319,4.621
liberty and high social Mobility that's,2796.18,4.98
the goal alright thanks for watching I,2798.94,5.659
hope you got a lot out of this cheers,2801.16,3.439