1 value
27 values
Multiculturalism is ok but it needs its limits. If we create a country that ignores uniform constitutional rights and endows or encourages different, uneven rights upon separate groups - religious, ethnic and/or cultural - we will fail as a nation. Thanks to mixed-feminist/Islamic messages from Trudeau, Muslim women need help in Canada - clearly, they're prisoners in a culture with misogynistic cells, where many masochistically self-impose a lockdown with religious fervour and stubbornly argue with critics
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Which would work 100% against the prosecution - if past 'victims' make an allegation, but the fact pattern is different than the mode, plan, common scheme, or absence of mistake than how the current alleged victims describe his actions, the empty allegations bolster Vasquez's defense. The prosecutors are looking for a uniform M.O, victim profile, or other specific acts that don't vary, or simply that are not tangential to other allegations. If his defense is predicated on false accusations, then the more th
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9028882384300232 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.08175458014011383 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.017526308074593544 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01591400057077408 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010687434114515781 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00856799352914095 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004043055232614279 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0029645408503711224 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0025127322878688574 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001580924028530717 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014335197629407048 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013368184445425868 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0011024567065760493 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0010223896242678165 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008575815591029823 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006938444566912949 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006110409158281982 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005561657599173486 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004516859189607203 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00041546247666701674 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003980883921030909 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002950091438833624 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00027899513952434063 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00023847031116019934 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002297219034517184 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00022307834296952933 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0001813020498957485 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00017374215531162918 } ]
Wherever China and Russia were positioned, Trump has given them additional power. How much? LOTS. Enough to give them the ability to coalesce with one another, and isolate the US on the issue of NK. BOTH China and Russia are publicly, and directly opposing the US on NK. The rest of the world is silent in the face of that opposition. Trump opened the door WIDE to that. The shift is remarkable, dangerous, and a HUGE step backwards. And, you could see it coming. Trump totally misread, bumbled and over
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7165827751159668 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.10637857764959335 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06522651016712189 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0375792570412159 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01810706965625286 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01642690785229206 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.01292282622307539 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.012173379771411419 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.011700804345309734 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00947788916528225 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.008085350506007671 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.006581392604857683 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00618169829249382 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005339592695236206 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.003134083468466997 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0026024463586509228 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0021792910993099213 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0018181309569627047 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001177177531644702 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0008769612177275121 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006555101135745645 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005815634503960609 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005712250713258982 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004995057242922485 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004482609510887414 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00028998550260439515 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00018265705148223788 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00010949772695312276 } ]
"The RCC is the US is in decline." US Christianity in general is in decline, according to the polls and contemporary research. As a nation we used to be 95% Christian, but now are barely 70% (Catholic, 21%; Protestant, 46%; Orthodox, 1%; and Mormons, 2%). But more than ever -- in a period of decline, secularism, etc. -- we need people committed to living out the "evangelical counsels," radical Gospel recommendations to follow Jesus in communities committed to poverty/community living, chastity and obedien
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6011598110198975 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.3058311939239502 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.07158371061086655 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0439535491168499 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.036113787442445755 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.03121512569487095 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0288100428879261 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0209499578922987 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.010643263347446918 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.004062669817358255 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003714881371706724 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00338640995323658 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0031879933085292578 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002711147302761674 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002287177834659815 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0020336739253252745 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0019993255846202374 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0018774459604173899 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.001794626354239881 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.001702403067611158 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0014962578425183892 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013359866570681334 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011402673553675413 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009833499789237976 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008967086323536932 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0007878258475102484 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005064710276201367 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003865561739075929 } ]
Viktor Komarovsky (Dr. Zhivago) as the rich listen to the poor: "No doubt they'll sing in tune after the revolution..." Empires almost inevitably fall slowly at first, like a rock that has been tossed in the air. It reaches the heights, then stops, then down and down to a thud. Already the American poor die many years before the Komarovsky rich. But science has no answer for greed and the love of power. The communist empire fell like the Czar's before, with the rich always holding the Trump cards. Time wi
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8513298034667969 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.06789601594209671 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.05356447026133537 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04980122670531273 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.022136377170681953 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.01728353276848793 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.016553696244955063 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005652155261486769 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002406843239441514 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0021092300303280354 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002037360332906246 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0017246733186766505 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0015841744607314467 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001471398863941431 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013545829569920897 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0013294580858200788 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001314138644374907 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001246709143742919 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012056230334565043 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0011428588768467307 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010372842662036419 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009795099031180143 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0009769481839612126 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007734302780590951 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0006553592975251377 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005546319298446178 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00049516127910465 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00047347505460493267 } ]
If you believe all of that I will show you one Hillary Clinton: who took $Billions from the Russians, Arabs, etc., and sold our uranium to Russia, all in the name of the Haiti Relief Fund, for which she has not given over even 2% of the raised funds for that purpose to them through her phony, money laundering "Charity" in Haiti's name. All documented. Instead, she bought mansions in the Hamptons, and paid $5M for her daughter's wedding with those funds. Not to mention those 57+ people that went against
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9414746761322021 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.027711758390069008 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.023096244782209396 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.010410058312118053 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.009226188994944096 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004930905066430569 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0035431915894150734 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0022870772518217564 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0022242756094783545 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0017910310998558998 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0017740152543410659 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001252217567525804 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012270661536604166 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011756994063034654 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0008879453525878489 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007846809457987547 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007172033074311912 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006777860689908266 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006704831612296402 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006636461475864053 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005504867294803262 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0005189485964365304 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004120641096960753 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00030939257703721523 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003093846025876701 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002745899837464094 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002613883698359132 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0001975154591491446 } ]
The 1st week of the Trump era has been the seven days of Genesis in reverse, an unmaking of reality and civility and light. Trump said let there be me, and there he was, making and remaking himself in his own image. Instead of sea and sky we have a hall of gaudy mirrors. Instead of fruitful multiplications we have Bannon and Eric and Ivanka and Jared and Don Junior. He saw that it was good, and everything else bad. And so it was. From the very first hour it was that apocalyptic vision of America as a city i
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8463311791419983 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.07592728734016418 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.045000724494457245 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.024459216743707657 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010115332901477814 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005514899268746376 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0045047327876091 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0034179319627583027 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0033571396488696337 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00335529912263155 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002552303485572338 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.002448071725666523 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002246866701170802 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0019778278656303883 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001785610569640994 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001513338298536837 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0014320516493171453 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0013992777094244957 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0013845480279996991 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0013456020969897509 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0010244435397908092 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008756649913266301 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0008505568257533014 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005311579443514347 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000514567771460861 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004181294934824109 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.000406759005272761 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0002478836104273796 } ]
Pandora17 again makes a fool of herself - again : " WORLD NEWS DAILY REPORT " online is the source for her comment on Hawking below. Other articles on this site : " Man with multiple personalities wants his vote cancelled after “other self” voted for Trump " " Iowa Farmer Claims Bill Clinton Had Sex with Cow During ‘Cocaine Party’ " " New Malaysian King to Legalize Sodomy...." " WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8881908059120178 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.04157740995287895 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.03494325652718544 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.018474172800779343 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.013924263417720795 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.012294323183596134 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.006078152917325497 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0047470335848629475 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.004414285533130169 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0031190000008791685 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003015537280589342 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00256639183498919 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0025294071529060602 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0018125387141481042 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.000981971388682723 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009524123161099851 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0009451862424612045 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0008914013742469251 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008464527199976146 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000803341856226325 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007588790031149983 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0007307818741537631 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005369833088479936 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005136102554388344 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004572939360514283 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0004389702226035297 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004132268368266523 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00040571612771600485 } ]
"Trudeau isn't doing so poorly" There's lots of angles to attack this one, but one example will suffice: marijuana legalization. The LPC 'legalized marijuana' by downloading the responsibility for enforcement, policy and standards to the provinces, but nonsensically retained federal criminal legislation for sale to minors, introducing a guaranteed conflict between the provincial right to set age of majority and federal enforcement of that law. Are we really going to get into the business of arresting p
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7639373540878296 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.10546361654996872 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0713600292801857 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.06231190264225006 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.019926562905311584 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010967161506414413 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00940100196748972 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00924360565841198 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.005839318968355656 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004244133830070496 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0030708820559084415 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0018578271847218275 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0016765901818871498 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0012436368269845843 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0012189801782369614 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011430007871240377 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009793841745704412 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0007544847321696579 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0006969618843868375 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006924354238435626 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000680867990013212 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005425612907856703 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005203141481615603 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004190918116364628 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00020229967776685953 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00019147017155773938 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00017778683104552329 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0001500982471043244 } ]
"They’re mostly uneducated hicks who are just following the loud bully around the schoolyard. They have no issues with corporations and obviously worship the super-wealthy." I see, Hire, that you have absolutely no respect for those that disagree with you, but you denigrate them as uneducated and hicks as well? Well, good for you, sir/madam. That simple, though moronic statement sums up so much of the elitist attitude towards the simple man, or woman, or both, simply attempting to make their own way thro
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.46989285945892334 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.20444054901599884 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14903418719768524 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.06162744015455246 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03622565045952797 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.02761068381369114 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.023372020572423935 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.013526649214327335 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.007890931330621243 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.006719869561493397 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006515372544527054 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00588986836373806 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004959964193403721 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0014703436754643917 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011019653175026178 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001039018970914185 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010256036184728146 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0009240087238140404 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0008267841185443103 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007089940481819212 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000681017292663455 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005780501523986459 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005218717851676047 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000491002865601331 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004775628913193941 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002826211566571146 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00027238461188971996 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002462647680658847 } ]
Divide and conquer. Obama--create division between races, create division between law enforcement & communities, create division between religions, create division between socio-economic groups. The plan has worked very well because the stupid Republicans are stupid. Now Hillary is following the same game plan! Give me a break!! The idiot Trumpster is falling for it, Cruz swallowed it hook, line and sinker as have the Never Trump folks. Just elect Hillary already you idiots!! The Trumpster is the poster c
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Its a WONDERFUL comeback. Couldn't care less that you don't like it. He was stupid for violating the law he did. But the law is silly and capricious and petty. Dinesh could have legally paid 33K to the RNC who could have legally paid that exact sum to the same candidate. He paid the price for his stupidity, so what? I am unmoved. I thought it was the left that wanted felons to vote, so now suddenly this felon is bad? You'd of hated Dinesh even if he didn't pull this stupidity. I'm sure you were a
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Lets address all the LIES in this article: 1.We do NOT identify with the Westboro Baptist Church. We REBUKE those fools. The reporter was told this and yet lied in this article. 2.We are not "anti-gay" We oppose the sin of homosexuality just as God does.We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about salvation in Christ and warn them of the judgment of their sin if they do not repent. 3.We are not "protesters" or "activists". Those are political terms and apparently some reporters are too ignorant t
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"The director said he had also heard from another actress with a similar story, and knew that Weinstein had settled with Rose McGowan." I hope my fellow feminists will not be too hard on me, but isn't this business of accepting a "settlement" tantamount to prostitution? Women who accept "settlements" prostitute their cherished feminist beliefs. By submitting to sex they prostitute themselves. Then by taking the money and carrying on, they essentially become prostitutes. It's certainly understandable s
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Well, since I live in CA several months out of the year, we see a HUGE reduction of mexicans and other illegal aliens here. And the only joke is the morons that are slamming their heads against the wall that he is building. Trump has done more positive things than Obama did in 8 years. In fact, everything supports this except the MSM, you, the snowflakes, and the Trump-disorder syndrome people that are checking into their shrinks in record numbers! Are you one of those people? Melting snowflakes all
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.53891521692276 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.15623551607131958 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.12278839200735092 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.06901698559522629 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0234999842941761 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.021612172946333885 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.02031678706407547 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.013937302865087986 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.011164456605911255 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010832255706191063 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009524504654109478 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.006344600580632687 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00404773885384202 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0025907799135893583 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0017875400371849537 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0015642591752111912 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0015636277385056019 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001434455276466906 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000899256207048893 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0008082196000032127 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000796623295173049 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007851989357732236 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0007677710964344442 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0007562662940472364 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006206757389008999 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00032256258418783545 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00023937856894917786 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00018347571312915534 } ]
This man is a dangerous sociopath. He will continue to be a danger to anyone he is around, animals, children and adults. No one is safe. I am sickened that he served less than 3 years for a triple murder! We are lucky he didn't kill everyone in the house! It wasn't an accident! He didn't like being rejected, left out, not included and not wanted. So he set a fire. 3 years for killing 3 people, which means each person's life is only worth 1 year in jail? Judge, this isn't justice! Good for the tribal leaders
[ { "label": "fear", "score": 0.595725953578949 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.13940875232219696 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1015683114528656 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.050994329154491425 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.04961360618472099 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.0494391955435276 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0484895221889019 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.04833536967635155 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04652329161763191 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.04288118705153465 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.03468061238527298 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.031110169366002083 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.02962200529873371 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.026221223175525665 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.016264760866761208 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.014048031531274319 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.005580933298915625 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.004992151167243719 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.004276913125067949 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0037493582349270582 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.003728316631168127 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0032082253601402044 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002712647197768092 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002200982067734003 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0018691284349188209 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001544262282550335 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012821692507714033 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006702282116748393 } ]
I heard about Leah McLaren from comments in Margaret Wendt's article about Are Today's Dad's really so pathetic? I had to check it out. And I have kept an open mind. But, reading her (McLaren's) work is like pulling hangnails. She has some good points, but her smugness against dads is quite telling. Her use of slang like 'snowflakes' and 'whevs' ('whatever' in a valley girl dialect?) is instructive. She talks about how much praise to give to children THEN switches to husbands, speaking as though men are li
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.39694467186927795 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.3642371892929077 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.251152366399765 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.037699759006500244 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.027034660801291466 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.022921716794371605 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.019994651898741722 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.017067303881049156 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.011560856364667416 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009422180242836475 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003733369056135416 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.002564778784289956 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00234915385954082 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002015377627685666 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0019300918793305755 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0017558400286361575 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.00157670967746526 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001158478087745607 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008675699937157333 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008124966407194734 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007579863886348903 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006985454820096493 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000671481597237289 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006504831835627556 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005814667674712837 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005458793020807207 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005424573901109397 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005297217867337167 } ]
Indeed, her weak agenda has been overlooked due to the Trump Circus. Although Hillary presents herself as the most Presidential, she will NOT bring change and we can't risk more of the same. Much liberal direction and philosophy is classicaly oppositional and traps voters and fleeces the country, i.e., Bernie. Think about it..nothing says your standing up against greed like banding together to demand free stuff. Really?? OR the entrapment of the poor with more free stuff, keep them dependent, mildly comfor
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.4263814389705658 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4254705011844635 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.14782966673374176 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1358550637960434 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0449223555624485 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.043292369693517685 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02567596174776554 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.014914634637534618 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00962234940379858 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.009415400214493275 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.007469826377928257 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004591517616063356 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003822732949629426 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0026781680062413216 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0025700281839817762 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0021390405017882586 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0014727888628840446 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0013558070641011 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011909742606803775 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0010008905082941055 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000797070621047169 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0006793817155994475 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0006196750910021365 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005918234237469733 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005572192603722215 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004355751443654299 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002555913233663887 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00022165315749589354 } ]
Lynn, you and B. Carfree have legitimate views but miss the big picture. We outlaw specific behaviors and reduce the number of drivers indulging in them but the basic incompetence they display manifests in some other way. We dramatically reduce drunk driving after years of education and big fines but the accident rate, the death toll doesn't change much. Drunk or sober bad drivers find ways. We have laws giving right of way to pedestrians and expect drivers to "share the road" with bicyclists but those
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6490427851676941 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1161239743232727 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0943450927734375 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.07459145039319992 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.05837513506412506 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.04852381348609924 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006266816519200802 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004746582359075546 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0035929710138589144 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0025165071710944176 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.00206260709092021 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002022127155214548 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0016879370668902993 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001471398863941431 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001402228488586843 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0010427082888782024 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008987426990643144 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0006876529077999294 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006735021015629172 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006287462892942131 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005870064487680793 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005651749670505524 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005549303605221212 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005219737649895251 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00047630310291424394 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00042063594446517527 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004043380613438785 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0003138147294521332 } ]
Sounds like you agree that society needs to get vengeance against this kid. Perhaps you are satisfied with the punishment as it stands. Wouldn't you agree that if deterrence were your goal, we should publicly execute this kid? That would send a real message to all poachers in Lane County. That is how I know all you 'make an example' folks are full of BS. Where is your line? Yes, I know that goodie two shoes like you think your support is for protecting society from evil scum who steal deer from the public.
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3784410059452057 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.3536641597747803 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.2568819522857666 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05589750409126282 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.03849891945719719 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01561909168958664 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.014721308834850788 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.009471806697547436 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00810286495834589 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.006580821704119444 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0058901808224618435 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.004377525299787521 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.003868749598041177 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0018188139656558633 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0016742319567129016 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0015707009006291628 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012444123858585954 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0012075233971700072 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009217133047059178 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008100098930299282 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008003066177479923 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0005511337658390403 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005120462737977505 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0004913662560284138 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003392975777387619 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00033503188751637936 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002962425060104579 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002243177586933598 } ]
I agree ..the average fat, dumb and ignorant private sector tax payer (government wants to keep them that way) who is footing the bill for the outrageously generous public sector defined benefit pension (DBP) plans are being screwed! The DBP's guarantee a payout regardless of interest rates or expected investment returns. Today's rates and investment returns are nowhere near high enough to cover the pension payouts of public sector employees retiring on full pension in their 50's and living into their 80's.
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Lane County was named for a racist and it's time to remember and remind how little we have progressed, in so many ways. I'm not for revisionist history, that's why I am in favor of removing most monuments to confederate leaders, because this was/is an attempt to remove the stink of their actions by pretending it was anything but economics, power, and the most extreme form of abuse, slavery of human beings. The fact that people still don't 'get it' reflects their continued diet of misinformation and stupidit
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.46607521176338196 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.17410190403461456 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1486668735742569 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.12245570868253708 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.11999433487653732 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03637465834617615 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010556893423199654 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006733167450875044 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.004397297743707895 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0032659401185810566 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0028583286330103874 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.002641102997586131 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0023136145900934935 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002293800935149193 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0016323233721777797 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0013739137211814523 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0012772900518029928 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0011276787845417857 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0010707408655434847 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008413425530306995 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007998534711077809 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007070471183396876 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006362188141793013 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006122314953245223 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0005591798690147698 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004583122208714485 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00041174166835844517 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00034389441134408116 } ]
Holy frijole trumps people are just blatantly lying now. Fake news heaped on more fake news. From a Corey Lewandowski interview: "And then, Donald Trump won the election campaign by the largest majority since Ronald Reagan in 1984." Huh. The largest majority since 1984? Really? Let's take a look: There have been eight presidential elections since 1984. In popular vote margin, Trump is 8th out of 8. In the Electoral College vote, he's 6th out of 8. This obviously wasn't just a careless mistake on Lewand
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5176883339881897 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.2319643348455429 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.11027675122022629 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.050717346370220184 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.043386396020650864 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0410618893802166 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.039821356534957886 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.017519865185022354 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.016824321821331978 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.014044134877622128 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005939951166510582 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004562250804156065 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0038292573299258947 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0031584801618009806 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002108196495100856 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0019766336772590876 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001604043529368937 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012947620125487447 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0012280290247872472 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010105761466547847 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007658124668523669 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006647516856901348 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004974170587956905 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.000482124654809013 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00046706857392564416 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0002988885098602623 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002222109615104273 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0001968448341358453 } ]
Well eric, I think they're all idiots because they drank the kool aid and believed the Russian Collusion Illusion for 9 MONTHS.Then when we get CNN on an undercover camera admitting there is absolutly NO EVIDENCE of collusion and the only reason they were still running it was for RATINGS. And yet, here it is two weeks later and people are still screeching "russian collusion", really thats a big one you need to over. So far there's aLOT of proof the Clintons collused with russia. 250 million reasons in the
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Thank you Kieran for a very succinct overview, of the report. Unfortunately the link to the RMIT university page (which did work) indicated that "the page could not be found". I will follow up on Google. Many key points triggered reactions with me. The "learning curve" being one. As you are probably well aware from the reports of the various Judicial Reviews here in Ireland; the repeated phrase of many bishops & superiors; was that they had no awareness; it was all new to them; they had no training; they w
[ { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.948986291885376 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.048820920288562775 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.017067909240722656 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01628509908914566 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01520923338830471 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.014525746926665306 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.01235788781195879 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.005322638899087906 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004308639094233513 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0040796310640871525 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0031720392871648073 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0031076844315975904 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.003056418849155307 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0017782975919544697 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0016493519069626927 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016277481336146593 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015017206314951181 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.001225472311489284 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0011915728682652116 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011096979724243283 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0011037724325433373 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010893401922658086 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009174913284368813 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006367751047946513 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005661076284013689 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00055178243201226 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005106579046696424 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00030486402101814747 } ]
Sad irony is that Lai's skin color is about the same as many African Americans who have lighter black skin. It is agreed Hawaiians have been dealt a bad deal over a hundred years ago but to propagate hate and anger from generation to generation does more harm than good. It is not lack of money to improve the life of Hawaiians when KSBE & OHA together are worth BILLIONS yet their focus is making maximum profits building million dollar condos for outside investors. How about use the money & land they sit
[ { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.6779203414916992 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2111465185880661 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.21074742078781128 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.036494217813014984 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03305642679333687 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.021546410396695137 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01837625913321972 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.008411005139350891 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.007299242541193962 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.007048307452350855 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.006793591659516096 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.005223120097070932 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0052214679308235645 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.004890510346740484 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0035746018402278423 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003302933881059289 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0031219816301018 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.003109139855951071 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0020540456753224134 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.001709657721221447 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015265101101249456 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012951629469171166 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011425644624978304 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0010705699678510427 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0008523798314854503 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00054923229617998 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00035498535726219416 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002416172210359946 } ]
"I am terrified of this man running America. It is the worst example of behaviour for your kids to see." Did your kids happen to see the absolute foul and disgusting words of Madonna and Ashely Judd who were so prominent at the faux march? The hypocrisy is remarkable. I have conversed with a number of women who are more than thankful that they were not secretly recorded (as Trump was) when they have been on "girls night out" adventures or at bachelorette parties. Many women looked past the recording knowin
[ { "label": "fear", "score": 0.5899940133094788 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.27863559126853943 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.10545249283313751 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.07189944386482239 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.06836315244436264 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04764040559530258 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.03988029435276985 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.03145965561270714 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.023189328610897064 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.020056582987308502 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.017840631306171417 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01624474488198757 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.011833900585770607 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.010966747999191284 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.010837980546057224 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.010380278341472149 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.01007785927504301 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0074318754486739635 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006844882387667894 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0061308881267905235 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0041838884353637695 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.002539771143347025 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002490678569301963 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0022080366034060717 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.001713822246529162 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0017026105197146535 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.001190268900245428 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0010671212803572416 } ]
I find this article to be distasteful, at best. The attempt at humor and snark are completely lost on those of us who have a personal relationship with Tilikum, and/or the cast of BlackFish. Not only are there several misrepresentations within this article, it makes Oregonians look completely uneducated. Keiko was released and resided in the waters off of the coast of Oregon. Having said that, we should be proud, as he lived free for five years. Choosing to debate wether an apex predator mammal is a fish,
[ { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.3066413998603821 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.29840853810310364 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.24059873819351196 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.1895945817232132 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.1502177119255066 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.031090134754776955 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0196472629904747 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.016531307250261307 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.015147093683481216 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00837224256247282 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0041128601878881454 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0032436056062579155 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0026205922476947308 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0022659320384263992 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0022626507561653852 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0016519411001354456 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013632792979478836 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0013472146820276976 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0012098443694412708 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011288771638646722 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010835319990292192 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010665974114090204 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0010183937847614288 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010095118777826428 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0009066984057426453 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008805646211840212 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007839010213501751 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000718231312930584 } ]
I understand tuning in for a game and getting politics, I run into that all the time with movies and television shows, especially comedy shows. Did you call into Rush's show, and he called you a monkey? I've listened to him for years and he is extremely polite to even the most boring or inept callers. (Not assuming that you were boring or inept) Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view: "he was charged wi
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.43913885951042175 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.3249766528606415 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.11339310556650162 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.10643498599529266 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.021028786897659302 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.016580862924456596 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.010803982615470886 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005373011808842421 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.004365533124655485 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.004201828967779875 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0038718769792467356 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00315559608861804 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0022973990999162197 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00225075357593596 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0022414366248995066 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001533492119051516 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013173881452530622 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013057993492111564 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001245104824192822 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000650768808554858 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005832103779539466 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00047901974176056683 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.00047574276686646044 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0004239477857481688 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00036896808887831867 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00024520952138118446 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00022326645557768643 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00022179502411745489 } ]
This could be lengthy, but in short, there are 4,000 chemicals ADDED to a cigarette. Look it up. It is well known the health hazards that these chemicals cause. It's a matter of marketing and making money. Thus, in my opinion, yes, an individual should have some common sense in being at least somewhat responsible when s/he has health issues associated with tobacco smoking i.e., emphysema, cancer, yellow teeth, and a crappy sex life, BUT, overall, the tobacco companies knowingly and willingly add these chemi
[ { "label": "approval", "score": 0.6640849113464355 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.2986539900302887 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04253406450152397 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.022814150899648666 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.020743248984217644 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.014314535073935986 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.007241852581501007 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.006668491289019585 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005248258356004953 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0033835838548839092 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0033026058226823807 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0030250565614551306 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0024194505531340837 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0020509164314717054 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0020439461804926395 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.001347569515928626 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013072739820927382 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00116162677295506 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008949681068770587 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008807320846244693 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0007949372520670295 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000778885732870549 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007179965614341199 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006927723879925907 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005843156832270324 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005501460400409997 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004324560286477208 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003051970270462334 } ]
Why are rednecks such ignorant morons? Any idiot who goes and decides to take it in their own hands, violently, will end up shot violently like the fool that they are and then really cause their family financial problems. I'm sorry but just because Clinton supporters don't walk around chanting her name & acting ignorant doesn't mean they don't exist, they just aren't going all loud & idiotic like trump supporters. "Literally looking like something out of ferguson, so much for the bs ideal that white peop
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that's blatant hypocrisy, a righty trademark. my comments are indeed civil, no worse than anything your righty brethren post here, if they weren't CB's diligent staff wouldn't allow them. you just really don't like the Left having a say and my ways of sticking it back at'cha, it's your typical total intolerance as we see from that bunch daily. if they followed what you were taught all their heads would have exploded loooong ago, and your trumpunk is the king of voicing his rude and petty intolerance to inci
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.4477260708808899 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4134504199028015 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.09776656329631805 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.08199740946292877 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.053030118346214294 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.021817460656166077 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.01691015623509884 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.013636347837746143 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.002823195420205593 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0024910138454288244 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0024180698674172163 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001991880126297474 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0018885486060753465 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001487904111854732 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010551312007009983 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.000952528789639473 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000821009511128068 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007185896974988282 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0005872854962944984 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000569696887396276 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005677035660482943 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000538505322765559 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005195506964810193 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004555777122732252 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004161908873356879 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00040196318877860904 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00029638150590471923 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002689229731913656 } ]
Murkowski could have taken a more honorable path months ago instead of saying she always votes for the Republican party candidate. She wasn't moved by Trumps disgusting comments about Mexicans, Muslims, Judges or McCain but all the while knew that he was a rude, boorish sexual predator. She stuck by him while hiding behind her usual politically opportune language as she once again tried to play all sides at once. That this video surfaced is not some new revelation but what she and the rest of the Republica
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It's obvious that the writer doesn't like the idea of cruse ships. So don't go. Writing only anecdotal stories isn't going to convince anyone one way or the other. Example: 20 people fall off of cruise ships every year? How many have themselves to blame for such mishaps? How does that compare to a relatively mundane weekend in Chicago with shootings? Or the weekend deaths from car crashes? You have to keep things in perspective. Her "modest" request should include making all american manufacturers with
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You keep saying you’re on the “winning team”, but you seem to be a loser in life that needs to make others feel small in order to win; that is very sad. Ok, let’s drop the “PC pejoratives”. You are nothing but a wannabe who hides in the internet so you can spout hatred knowing that people would not know you if they passed you on the street. At some point in life you will need to climb out of you basement and see that there is a world out there that is not against you. The other reason is that you might r
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There are no rules on the Glenn. Cops (both ADP and AST, but especially APD) routinely do 5-10 mph over the speed limit. I always do the speed limit in the right lane, as weather and traffic permits. Rarely does anyone stay behind me, 75-85 mph, is the norm, faster is common. I also always wait until the left lane is clear before changing lanes to get around a vehicle doing less than the speed limit in the right lane. Guaranteed, that unless you increase your speed to well above the speed limit, you will ha
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.725394070148468 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.29599204659461975 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.04281175881624222 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01442061085253954 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.013506163842976093 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.008976970799267292 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.007359239272773266 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005155295133590698 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0036451262421905994 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002105788327753544 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0019431083928793669 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.0014082720736041665 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0013595219934359193 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0012404279550537467 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0011266088113188744 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0011240580352023244 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0010032199788838625 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0009835511445999146 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009137051529251039 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006293181795626879 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0005098753026686609 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0004882100038230419 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0003559358883649111 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003095769789069891 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00025609409203752875 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.00018405955052003264 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00018256530165672302 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00017302103515248746 } ]
I think they decided to take down that statue knowing there would be a reaction, and they got a reaction. And now a young woman is dead, a young man will be incarcerated for life, and the predictable and totally pointless flames of hysteria have been fanned into life. It's all a total waste of time of energy, and as a newspaper, you should be ashamed of jumping on the bandwagon and doing what you can to feed the fire. You need to adopt a more detached and even handed approach to this subject because it's de
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What we have here is a baker who wishes to practice discrimination against gays, and he wants to claim that his "Christian" religion supports him. He is doing EXACTLY the same thing that racists in the days of Jim Crow did in refusing to serve blacks. I am vehement on this subject because I have a personal interest. My brother is gay, as are some of my closest friends. My mother's parents and other members of my family were killed by the Nazis because they were Jews. My daughter-in-law is African-American
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7632007598876953 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.19754932820796967 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03689872846007347 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.015819614753127098 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.015486159361898899 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.012555474415421486 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.009909833781421185 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003586562816053629 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0035368928220123053 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.00340455980040133 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0032211276702582836 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.003040627809241414 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002044298220425844 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0020219485741108656 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0018489795038476586 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0011537667596712708 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011315111769363284 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001011909102089703 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0009242970845662057 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008889573509804904 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0008647564682178199 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008147120825015008 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007440055487677455 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000615786062553525 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005292032146826386 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004685430321842432 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003828165354207158 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003312552871648222 } ]
They are my initials and city I live in. When I created my account another person had already registered with the same name. My name is Frank J Spangler, I live in Junction City and have lived in Oregon for 45 years. I am married, 2 daughters, 3 grand daughters and Army veteran retired after 20 years of service. I was a registered Republican for 42 years and now registered independent because I disapprove of the direction both major parties. Is that enough information about me Mr. Scott? I understand why
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Sorry, registered independent. I have no more use for the Demopignicans than I do the Repignicrats. And I've gotten bored with your ongoing panic-attacks. I'm not a "liberal", and my not being a white supremacist doesn't make me one, as you seem to think. AND, you CLEARLY weren't prepared to address my challenge as to whether YOU served in the military. My beloved grandfather was a Chief Motor-Mach in the Pacific Theater during WWII. I'm co-authoring a book with another honorable gentleman who did the
[ { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.5019343495368958 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.1996569037437439 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.1845180094242096 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.0838238000869751 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.06553985923528671 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.04669227823615074 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0338100865483284 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.03183279186487198 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.027327004820108414 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.009384346194565296 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.007216467056423426 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006364625878632069 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.005375675391405821 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0045572794042527676 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.004102363716810942 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.003485138062387705 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0034611776936799288 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0028605381958186626 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0027621211484074593 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0026296412106603384 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.002620329149067402 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0024853283539414406 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.002252959879115224 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002140952041372657 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0018506267806515098 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0011087623424828053 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0010841788025572896 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0010173080954700708 } ]
"One of those stories is the lazy, dirty, drunken Indian story. It has been around since first contact." I suppose so, but it's not what I grew up on. My view was along the lines of: Dispossessed/disadvantaged/marginalized/poor. (During my lifetime, the terminology has changed so much. I'm going to say ECs. Early Canadians. It's original and respectful.) The first ECs I met was when I got a job in Yellowknife as a young adult. I've met more here in Victoria than ever before in my life. I've stud
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All of those old players that we dumped and are still paying for were Roy's players that he wanted. He was trying to turn the Avs into the Kings 2.0... He took the then fastest team in the NHL and turned them into a big, old, and slow team because he wanted those big veteran players so he could ice a team that could compete in the playoffs. He was sending this team back to the stone age to compete. Totally opposite of what we should have done. That first year's success was the worst thing that could happe
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Not mentioned so far: =Hillary Clinton worked on a Valdez slime line for about a week one summer, then she was either fired or the place closed down. She survived and probably got some insights. =Alaska is probably better off when these summer hires take their money and experiences and leave, rather than sticking around for the winter on unemployment and some forms of public assistance. =My experience in a Fairbanks staff hotel was that a disproportionate number of the Bulgarians were jerks, or that th
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.9368174076080322 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04372496157884598 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03279043734073639 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.01033615879714489 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00918985903263092 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.009051984176039696 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008270314894616604 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.007075946312397718 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002832538913935423 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0019721207208931446 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0016493352595716715 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0016260797856375575 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001351978164166212 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0012774812057614326 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012446352047845721 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001217002747580409 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0009606410167180002 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008475124486722052 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008269464015029371 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000716007431037724 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0007101831724867225 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0006978352321311831 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000657202210277319 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006355718360282481 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005531009519472718 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00046196216135285795 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0004384744097478688 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003045935300178826 } ]
Hate? Drumpf scares the crap outta me. He scares alot of people. "Clearly what he's fallen into is a repetitive pattern of the same story over and over again." Once again, Drumpf dominates the news and nobody can predict what he'll tweet next. Drumpf dominates the news. Sid gets to write a piece on Saturdays after the fact. Hate? No, Sid is just pointing out what actually happened in Drumpfs own actions and words. Drumpf is the POTUS without a clue what to do. Even his own party leaders use the excuse "D
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Mr Trump was elected fair and square under the laws of our country. Millions of Republicans put up with (D)Barack Hussein Obama for eight long years without rioting, looting, whining, or engaging in anarchy. You, Mr Crum, are constantly preaching at others to be civil. Have you anything to say to your fellow Democrats who are mugging and robbing Trump voters and destroying private property? Your beloved Democratic Party is in shambles having lost what little credibility they had to begin with. O
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So we had a Muslim randomly walk into a Canadian Tire and literally try to stab and kill Canadians....for what reason?? Then we had another Muslim in Edmonton, drive a truck, try to kill a Police Officer and then try to kill innocent pedestrians on the street!! And now we had a 75 year old Canadian Women in Windsor violently attacked by a 21 year old Muslim, the attack so brutal the Doctor said he never saw such skull wounds in his 12 years. THIS IS NOT CANADA! CANADA DOES NOT EQUAL ISLAM, its so disgu
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.26369035243988037 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.2472078800201416 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.2219534069299698 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1754763275384903 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.029464496299624443 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.02555013820528984 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.023173237219452858 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.019231624901294708 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.01746717467904091 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.013148881494998932 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.013139215297996998 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011118557304143906 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.008324221707880497 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.007346330676227808 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0021493888925760984 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0019732736982405186 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.001820471603423357 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001645822310820222 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0015213898150250316 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0013511754805222154 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0011694874847307801 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001048706122674048 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009882202139124274 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008879448869265616 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007062010117806494 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005289669497869909 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0003750025643967092 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00035939711960963905 } ]
The, ongoing, collective, failure of Blacks, in America, to achieve economic equity, with Whites, can be traced to certain characteristics that are inherent to that race. First, it in a fact of life, that blacks, on average, have significantly, lower IQs than Whites. Then the problems associated with low average IQ of Blacks, is compounded by their collective tendency to drop out of school early, & to be disruptive to the learning environment, while in school. Then add to this, the common use of foul la
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Trump: "That evil bast*rd Assad killing those innocent children in Syria. It's sickening & inhuman! Eighty innocents killed. Has he no compassion or humanity?" Aide: "Mr. President, our review of last year's Air Force bombing in Syria, has shown we have killed over one hundred ISIS rebels! Unfortunately, over 400 innocent children and civilians were blown to bits." Trump: "Great news! What's that about the collateral damage again?" And there you have it - ALL killing in "war" is inhuman and barbaric. Ha
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Hard to miss the rhetorical delirium enjoyed by so many writers@theGlobe (abetted by a cadre of “progressive” academics at masculinity-is-toxic.edu) in fanning the flames of male dread. The n-word is used mainly as metonymy in Fuck Finn (= black slave) but the book has become “toxic” in the minds of some because of its one famous use as metaphor (= inferior human). The same in reverse is the case with the insidious ways the m-word is deployed by angry feminists: powerful men are “garbage”; all men are power
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'Vision Impaired': You need to take a reality test. 'Today' makes a valid point. Why try to discredit it? The opinion piece resembles a 3rd year university draft essay for Women's Studies. Looks to me like it is a trial balloon in replacement for the two other SJW writers that were recently fired. The writer is writing about... every PC aspect of the rape discussion an SJW could throw into a discussion other than the kitchen sink, including her inability to live up to her own expectations when confronted w
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5267693996429443 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.23108552396297455 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.09754146635532379 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.05443578585982323 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.05194280669093132 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.024428782984614372 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01946241594851017 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.012573949992656708 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0061719100922346115 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005384813062846661 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0029281373135745525 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002702871337532997 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0026362023781985044 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0025785963516682386 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0014969013864174485 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001405550865456462 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001059560221619904 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008337651961483061 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0008290817495435476 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000622682913672179 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0006226137629710138 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005843092803843319 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0005211184616200626 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00043873803224414587 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.00039329560240730643 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003705686249304563 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002390387380728498 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00017824307724367827 } ]
"Eight years ago, when Barack Obama was elected, a lot of people weren’t happy but for the most part they moved forward to give the man a chance." Donna, is this with the fact that hate groups in the U.S grew at an alarming rate after that election, in mind or without? And, is this with the meeting of top GOP'rs at the Caucus House Restaurant in D.C. to plot to obstruct the new (black) President at every turn, on Inauguration Day 2009, in mind or without? I'm sorry that guy was a jerk to you, but do you
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To be fair to Trump (not my usual m.o., I know) he said of those protesting removal of confederate monuments "Some of them are good people." There could have been people there whose ancestors fought for the confederates, & it's hard to bad-mouth great grand-dad. You always want to remember your relatives kindly & with respect. The Nazis and Klan just piled on to that sentiment, and the BLM folks loudly proclaimed, in effect, that ONLY Black Lives Matter. It was a provocative & unnecessarily divisive slogan
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.729095995426178 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.1535494327545166 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08837690204381943 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03712642192840576 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.03600677102804184 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013220109045505524 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.010517477989196777 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.008463631384074688 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.006360399536788464 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.005766995716840029 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0022454271093010902 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0018326295539736748 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0014865536941215396 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0011818795464932919 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0011751732090488076 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0010207064915448427 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007167909061536193 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007024287478998303 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0006912453100085258 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006793574430048466 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005445079295895994 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.000500895141158253 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00042328773997724056 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0003968531673308462 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0003640099021140486 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00036248326068744063 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003576841263566166 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00025384663604199886 } ]
This view is too myopic. Bush, for all his many faults did not start but was a link in the chain of events and Administrations that ushered in the Trump era. Pundits seem to not want to look beyond the last one or two election cycles, but were they to analyze the long trend, across the last 30 years, they would see a pattern that is clear to me, at least: The electorate is increasingly rejecting what they see as the status quo and are ever venturing further afield to vote for those they see as anti-establi
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5750012993812561 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.28128403425216675 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06648124754428864 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.06153510883450508 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.05032050609588623 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03231366351246834 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004251671023666859 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003455483354628086 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0029476394411176443 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002783299656584859 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0021135914139449596 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0018688710406422615 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0011368765262886882 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010565564734861255 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.000986298080533743 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009440797730349004 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0009212989243678749 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007792836404405534 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0007682358263991773 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007160374661907554 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006879613501951098 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005253093549981713 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005109034827910364 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000504310941323638 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00044907626579515636 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.00034215886262245476 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0003012194065377116 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00029905958217568696 } ]
Trump won because he lied. That's number 1 and an incontrovertible fact. Number 2: A lot of Americans are racists, regardless of skin color, and find it easier to blame someone else for their troubles than themselves. He won because conservatives are as a group, vengeful, nasty, I-got-mine-you-get-yours kind of people, who, when they don't feel they've gotten theirs, look to the easiest target, and Republicans support this behavior. He won because of the unceasing war on Hillary Clinton run by the Republi
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7251585721969604 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.15319739282131195 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.09156616032123566 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.029907938092947006 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.013730774633586407 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.012907221913337708 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.012376637198030949 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.009605886414647102 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004263250157237053 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0037302831187844276 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.003636589739471674 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.001774679170921445 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016100407810881734 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0012426930479705334 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0009730068850331008 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0008767615654505789 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0008020855602808297 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0007123312097974122 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.000679749355185777 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0006597579340450466 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000578653474804014 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005627184873446822 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.000520970206707716 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00045065180165693164 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00041088025318458676 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.00039965694304555655 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.00035726887290365994 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00027511356165632606 } ]
Wow!!! The native corporations are drilling gas and oil wells but that State of Alaska has not drilled stand alone well in 40 years because here is why! 1)The big oil companies have existing legislators who are actual employees that say that they work for the people of Alaska (BULL SHIT) but we know they work for the oil companies to ensure we never are rich enough to stand alone to drill ourselves! 2) The big oil companies have paid ex legislators who are now lobbyist to maybe promise todays legislato
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5537129044532776 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.24260911345481873 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08739521354436874 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.04046942666172981 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.0372576080262661 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.023147430270910263 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.016440749168395996 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.014577562920749187 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.010898553766310215 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.008425397798418999 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.008323741145431995 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.0075784348882734776 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.006149149499833584 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005900862161070108 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0038296538405120373 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0029365329537540674 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.00231787352822721 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0020015474874526262 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0017259609885513783 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0016685938462615013 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0014675543643534184 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011685542995110154 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.001163688488304615 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008183983154594898 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0008027901058085263 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0002966435858979821 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0002784915268421173 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00021747639402747154 } ]
...So Michael Lunney(hypocrite)pontificates,as he &/or his friends &/or relatives open yet another beer &/or light another cig &/or stuff faces w. more fists full of junk food layering more fat on already over-larded,unhealthy frames.Obesity related chronic&deadly diseases kill as many Canadians each year as does smoking, i.e. a staggering 40K+ Cdns killed each year by obesity.All illicit drugs combined could never come close to causing such preventable carnage (&huge cost to taxpayers).Safe injection sites
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7396299839019775 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.07822349667549133 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.06301360577344894 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.058437783271074295 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.05664222687482834 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.042173922061920166 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.029649890959262848 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.013116579502820969 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.006546973250806332 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.006148978602141142 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0034305411390960217 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0028928390238434076 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0024881898425519466 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.002105102175846696 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0018264880636706948 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001805915031582117 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0016069799894466996 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014495501527562737 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001385795301757753 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.001217536861076951 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0011691442923620343 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0010254938388243318 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0009232356678694487 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007714126841165125 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0005350298597477376 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000518027925863862 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0004557829233817756 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00035700929583981633 } ]
It's sad that Trump has managed to turn the Republican Party into the party of uneducated, racist, sexist, white males. That is most likely going to cost them the election, which is a good thing. The problem is the failure of the US educational system. When I graduated from university in Canada in 1970, the US educational system was the envy of the world. Now, the US ranks about #23 in international studies. Back in 1970, a US college graduate made a 25% premium over a high school graduate. Nowadays a US c
[ { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.5467122197151184 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.4740554392337799 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.06165009364485741 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04519370198249817 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.032729893922805786 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.025579513981938362 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.023882156237959862 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01975291222333908 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.007960277609527111 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.006712950766086578 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0047767795622348785 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004538955166935921 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0041020712815225124 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.003917876165360212 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0038571662735193968 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.003760941093787551 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0025861691683530807 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0025614164769649506 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0024855223018676043 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002378770848736167 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001420576125383377 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.001398354535922408 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.001315296278335154 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012965952046215534 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0012698735808953643 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0010891876881942153 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.001067444565705955 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0009689559228718281 } ]
Gary, get a clue. The "Truth" voice you are back'n'forth with, (as often seen of Orwellian language-reversal where words mean the opposite -- 'work is freedom,' 'free market,' 'cops' are criminals, 'firemen' are arsonists, 'priests' are immoral, POTUS Stump's "fake news" meaning he has "alternative facts," or everyday FOX & haters trying to BE a hoax by falsely making 'hoax', deluded, as their denial of climate chaos facts), anyway, your NBT is nothing but Liars (Larson) the Hate of Oregon. But maybe it's
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.6340659856796265 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.4593160152435303 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.050283003598451614 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.03526967763900757 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.03443147987127304 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.021178115159273148 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.014441227540373802 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010409316048026085 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.005497000180184841 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004397145472466946 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0031390213407576084 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.002476832829415798 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016906317323446274 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0016631117323413491 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0016213320195674896 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012406861642375588 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011811604490503669 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0011295806616544724 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010022594360634685 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0008164878818206489 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0007709552301093936 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0006422820151783526 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0005803175736218691 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00040857697604224086 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00038430088898167014 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003268125874456018 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00027363895787857473 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00012868607882410288 } ]
The USA has been populated mostly by white trash sent from England to work. When England ran out of deportable deplorables, they enslaved Native Americans to work with their white slaves. When labor demands rose, the English and other European elites, USA landowners by deed from the King of England, began to buy African slaves from Dutch slave traders, who bought them from muslim African slavers because, after all, if you are not muslim, you are chattel, a pagan infidel, sub human. The absen
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8860060572624207 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0586480051279068 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.023375537246465683 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.020428063347935677 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.006237137597054243 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.005164782982319593 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003335876390337944 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.002216201974079013 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0018928583012893796 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0018122143810614944 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0017623334424570203 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0016970235155895352 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0015753402840346098 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0010298710549250245 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0008063063723966479 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.000690084183588624 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0006545840296894312 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005923293065279722 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0005292513524182141 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00040561865898780525 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0004026352835353464 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0003523588238749653 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.00035056204069405794 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003278182994108647 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.000244863738771528 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00023660119040869176 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00023496618086937815 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00023204922035802156 } ]
All I can say, is these people were invited in, by our friendly corporations. Actual citizens haven't been providing enough replacement slaves, because it makes no economic sense to do so. When that happens (and even the poor class aren't providing enough any longer) they bring 'em in from the outside. They adhere to a religion that outlaws abortions and birth control, so when the inevitable happened, the resultant babies really had no rights. They aren't citizens. Anything they have is conditional. They w
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8157468438148499 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.16642208397388458 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.03964199870824814 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.029263217002153397 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.025926629081368446 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.013844463042914867 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0031721850391477346 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0026836504694074392 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0025276995729655027 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.002496560337021947 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00153967400547117 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.001422820845618844 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014064949937164783 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009337571682408452 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.000844631518702954 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007508149719797075 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007356263813562691 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0006528212106786668 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000587744580116123 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005379843642003834 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.000510696554556489 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004990184679627419 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.000495545391459018 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.000470040540676564 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000356798991560936 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003260992234572768 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0002921803970821202 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00028532472788356245 } ]
because we routinely seem to want to be the world police. How is that working out for us? Cough (Vietnam) cough (Afghan) cough (Iraq) This is what happens when we have a bad habit of not minding our own damn business! We own this crap now for better or worse we own it and guess what no president you seat in office is going to fix it because every person you elect every 8yrs (or less) will change their mind on the "direction the country should be going". So someone is constantly going to change the ru
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Dammit, when is enough going be enough in this godforsaken town? When is enough going to be enough in this godforsaken State? This did not used to happen like this. The youth of the past, my past, with a very few exceptions, considered cruising the strip of Northern Lights and Benson to be the highlight of the weekend, and the most serious situations involved fisticuffs between 'enemies', one on one, and the winner, and the loser, understood quickly upon which rung of the ladder they stood regarding each
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What "little tidbit?" When you are grabbed by the genitals without warning by a sexual predator that is not "permitting" anything. "According to legal documents, Trump has been accused of raping a 13-year-old child, raping his ex-wife, and attempting to rape a former business associate. He vehemently denies all of these accusations—and it should be noted anyone can file a civil complaint in court, and a complaint is by no means proof of allegations. That being said, the accusations are chilling...The fir
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That's a pretty good argument. Why does the government have to pay for sex changes when it's not essential to serving the country? Will the government start paying for cosmetic surgery too just because I don't feel pretty enough? How about breast implants? Because we all know how important those are in serving the country. How about liposuction? In that case, sign me up! Feelings of fat folks like me can't be ignored! It's my right! Why does the homosexual community get special treatment and we fat folks do
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Obamas watch added 9 trillion to the deficit. Let's exclude the bail out that Dubya helped cause. but atleast 7 tril was added after that. So far we are no where NEAR the pace of reckless spending that the last two regimes did... And No it's not about I got mine, Screw you! - it's about focusing on the most important issues that actually matter in this country, MORE than your feelings, MORE than your identity politics of dividing people into subgroups and the pinning them against themselves - eh hem! Obama-
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First they steal our housing from Vancouver to Toronto through money laundering,drug dealing and smuggling. Secondly,they destroy our capacity to cope with the explosion of addicts,and over run our medical system, with drugs sourced from their country. Thirdly, they buy off politicians right up to the PM office to allow Communist China access to our highest tech companies and secrets. The list goes on from 'birthing' rooms in North America so they can fraudulently claim Canadian and American citizenship for
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.7492526769638062 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.14506366848945618 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03308827430009842 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.02514079585671425 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.022497978061437607 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.01920231245458126 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.017559921368956566 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.013209160417318344 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.012101348489522934 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0023562610149383545 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.002261281944811344 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0021323896944522858 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016052963910624385 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012762565165758133 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0012709117727354169 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0012058004504069686 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0009008620399981737 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007782136090099812 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0007233407814055681 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006729625165462494 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0005812777671962976 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.000565911817830056 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.00047809688840061426 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004285116447135806 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0003884393663611263 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000369853078154847 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00035648225457407534 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0003183019580319524 } ]
So what are you going to do about it? Sit there and complain on civil comments. Do like I do write the white house contact the idiots supposedly the community leaders around here. We need wide spread bus systems not a monument to idiot bureaucrats. They call themselves ltd so where is the service to most of the county. It doesn't exist. Kinda funny how wildish construction gets so much in contracts with ltd when a wildish construction family member is prominent on the ltd board .Wonder what an investigatio
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Do the Liberals believe Canadians are actually this naive - the smug patronizing arrogance of Trudeau and his Captains saying "don't worry, nothing to see here, we're taking care of it" is insulting. We aren't blind. We can see what's happening and it's not surprising. The current system rewards illegal migrants who break the law - the system is an incentive for migrants to avoid legal channels and cross illegally. The only surprising thing is that more migrants aren't coming - especially given the estimate
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Sorry, I'm not buying that a guy who graduated with honours from one of the top 5 business schools in the US, built a multi-billion dollar business with over 500 business units and over 20,000 employees in several countries in an intensely competitive sector and built a personal fortune of several billion dollars (US) is a moron. You are on much sounder ground with Trudeau as a moron or at most as a mediocre intellect. One can safely surmise this not only because of his mediocre educational and employ
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I'm wondering if anyone calling this "racism" (or good grief "reverse racism") even read her post. Have none of you heard of Jonathan Swift? This was a blog post, not a policy proposal to her department, for crying out loud. Sure, the idea is extreme on its face, but she discusses some very real issues faced by underrepresented groups, and she challenges those in academia to think deeply about how they approach hiring and diversity. She challenges all of us who identify as progressive or liberal to think ab
[ { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.687365710735321 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.23848408460617065 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.16294246912002563 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.057586751878261566 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0271159540861845 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.015661342069506645 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.013362431898713112 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.013039794750511646 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.012702916748821735 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.01252203993499279 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.008369950577616692 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.00806982722133398 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0044629573822021484 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0037244658451527357 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0027618284802883863 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.002744733588770032 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0023275786079466343 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0020911518950015306 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0018361072288826108 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0016985678812488914 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.001457788166590035 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0014362266520038247 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.00128091627266258 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0007743542664684355 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006748773739673197 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00056108069838956 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0005476481164805591 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00025103334337472916 } ]
Talking about aces is too simplistic. Let's talk hard numbers. The U.S. has about 100,000 troops stationed in the Persian Gulf - ME. That's a lot of paychecks, an awful lot of equipment, mega tons of fuel and ammo. Why? Control of the region assures dominance of the dollar, a dominance essential to the survival of the U.S. marred in deep debt. Degrade dollar hegemony and the debt blowup will make 2008 a firecracker. This is the single most important reason for playing such deadly geopolitical games by the
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I will answer. "WHY" is because Democrats. Democrats are Leftists nowadays. Leftists require are large governemnt to solve all of mankind's ills. Leftists also require that Mr Someone Else pay for everything. Having a large government, overly centralized, paid for by someone else, is a recipe for poor thinking ahead, poor oversight, poor management, and poor end results. That is "why". And YOU continue to vote for the same. Over and over. It amazes me. I now have to assume that Hawaii residents are NOT a
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.4908180236816406 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1983039379119873 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.12937569618225098 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.07368592917919159 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.058974478393793106 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.04871967062354088 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.03619063273072243 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.009992020204663277 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0077281370759010315 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.00630914606153965 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.005697767250239849 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.005344695877283812 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.00532423984259367 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.005133017431944609 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0038303176406770945 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00313131813891232 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0014911165926605463 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0012797865783795714 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0012724663829430938 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0009020387078635395 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008009043522179127 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0007983689429238439 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006513206753879786 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0005924035795032978 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.000568375748116523 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004582058754749596 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00045174171100370586 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00017027310968842357 } ]
I see you're still on here defending your mistake. Now you're trying to deflect into other non-related news that I won't buy into. No one ever called any other President a texbook example of a narcissist. No one has ever stated that any other President was mentally unfit to be POTUS. No one ever stated that any other President may get us involved in WW3. Only one holds that title, and it's your guy Trump. Trump often acts like a 6 year old angry boy on an elementary school playground. Lashing out at ot
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I am the last person in the world to believe this global warming crap and as a physics major, the so called science used behind many of the studies is based on a house of cards. That said, just looking at the price of solar panels and batteries over the last 30 years you can see the same trends as for computers - which makes sense as they both depend upon technology. The size of the area needed to generate your annual use and the cost has been falling by double digits annually and it is easy to figure out t
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.5626040697097778 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.2622522711753845 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.09933867305517197 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.05224737152457237 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.032256580889225006 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.010091015137732029 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.008275952190160751 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0037952668499201536 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.003385243471711874 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.001968361670151353 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0016725137829780579 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0011617811396718025 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.001155685051344335 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0011419436195865273 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009863789891824126 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0009785466827452183 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0009187068790197372 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0009158820612356067 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008521187701262534 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0007552728056907654 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0006440329016186297 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0006261366070248187 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0005676965229213238 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0005545967142097652 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0004422239726409316 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002940995618700981 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.00028162889066152275 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0002443408884573728 } ]
You are being an opportunist standing on your soapbox and crying for the victims in full view and excoriating others who don't show your ostentatious display of concern. Quite frankly, those truly concerned will be working toward gun control and mental health issues. Also, work to stop the divisive, destructive politics coming from your right wing that makes people want to kill fellow Americans. We all remember Dylan Roof and Timothy McVeigh and remember which side of the political spectrum they are from
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.32991620898246765 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.32099592685699463 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.1984960287809372 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.09988588094711304 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.06939879804849625 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.06937315315008163 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.024195168167352676 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.021274318918585777 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.02055448293685913 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.019717225804924965 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.007665649522095919 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00534831453114748 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.004360359162092209 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0033360423985868692 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0030680950731039047 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.002520267153158784 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0022363660391420126 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0021761907264590263 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0019087818218395114 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0014127660542726517 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0013577135978266597 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0011616008123382926 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0011373687302693725 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009531797841191292 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0008155369432643056 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0006785952136851847 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004634195938706398 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0004403060593176633 } ]
You're confusing the issue. We have a right under the Alaska Open Records Act (though Palin and Parnell were very reluctant to comply, unlike Hickel, Knowles and Murky), to know what the government is up to. For instance, Paul Pozonsky, the cokehead judge who got caught snorting up ounces of criminal case evidence, replacing it with baking soda, got hired for a job in Alaska while Pennsylvania cops were making a case on him. Fred Dyson or more likely Chuck Kopp (Pozonsky's brother-in-law), got their role in
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Right wing hallucination Obama went to Cuba so he is a communist Obama is a muslim because he refused to call out Islamic terrorism by name Obama is is a black nationalist/ anti white because he was very slow to call it out after Dallas shooting by an avowed black nationalist who wanted to kill whites. Left Wing hallucination Trump hates all mexicans because he wants a wall to keep out Mexican criminals, rapists and drug cartels. Mexico has 6x the murder rate of the USA and only 3% of murders are solved th
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8613759875297546 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.08708049356937408 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.02438204176723957 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.020940477028489113 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.01733202300965786 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.014494715258479118 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.011594710871577263 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.009921714663505554 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.00952266063541174 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.002029640134423971 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0018105772323906422 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0016647276934236288 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0014419154031202197 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0013392294058576226 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0013127909041941166 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0009823990985751152 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0009120322065427899 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0007836914737708867 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0007337332936003804 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0007100093062035739 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005449253949336708 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0004986154963262379 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004796933208126575 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.00045538166887126863 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0004295211401768029 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000322891806717962 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00027304035029374063 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00026475125923752785 } ]
Icon, I told you for over a year that the next President was not going to be elected by the intellectuals who watched OPB and NPR but by the ones who liked Trump's wrestling shows, "The Apprentice", and his Beauty pageants for decades. I told you that OPB had to be supported by taxpayer dollars even though right wing media was making millions in advertising dollars and that those people voted. You insisted that it was impossible that Trump could be nominated by the Republicans because all the Big Money
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.8083149790763855 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.12974020838737488 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.04329296946525574 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.034204110503196716 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.03155934065580368 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.01944086141884327 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.004442664794623852 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0031010292004793882 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0030816243961453438 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.002910028910264373 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.0019892468117177486 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0014216520357877016 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0011583113810047507 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0010152439353987575 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0008773795561864972 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0008219703449867666 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0007643586141057312 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.0006381356506608427 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0005736034945584834 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0005528521724045277 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.000533469021320343 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.00048635510029271245 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.0004828458186239004 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0004536815104074776 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0004382926563266665 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00038439358468167484 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0003654216998256743 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002690445398911834 } ]
Absolutely disgraceful beginning to the inauguration by those "protesting" Mr. Trump. A lesson in Constitutionality, right? Burning cars, breaking windows at McDonald's, attacking a couple from Kansas, BLM members chaining themselves at checkpoints to prevent Security from doing their jobs.... How proud the "protestors" must be. Do we not think that the anti-Trump protestors are very guilty of those things this article decries? "More disturbingly, perhaps, vast swaths of citizens and the media feed upo
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Minimizing the fact that the Governor is doing the job we elected him to do into a cheap "temper tantrum" sound bite serves no constructive purpose Mr. Mabry. But worse it implies that you have become so inured to your parties inability to do the damn jobs they were elected to do on a national as well as state level that when an elected representative strives to actually represent the best interests of the state your knee jerk reaction is towards ridicule. You no longer realize it seems that our politicians
[ { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.5998521447181702 }, { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.3140072524547577 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.10951633751392365 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.1069122925400734 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.059282444417476654 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.0444149374961853 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.039147861301898956 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.02421567030251026 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.019895002245903015 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.005968824028968811 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.004861683584749699 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.003949637059122324 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.0021983229089528322 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.001956482417881489 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0014827351551502943 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0014536123489961028 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0014049867168068886 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.0013478300534188747 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011317277094349265 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0010878692846745253 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0010664453729987144 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.0010106536792591214 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.0009846114553511143 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0008419007644988596 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.0006957013392820954 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.000639106787275523 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.000526953546795994 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0003832958173006773 } ]
His Facebook was also full of considerably more pro-Trump crap. His friends at Stormfront (where he posted regularly) said that he acted in self defense, against his three "assailants." Are you trying to convince ADN readers who don't know any better, that your mendacity about this racist, Nazi supporter, is actually true? Bob Byrd (a northerner) said that the thing he regretted most in life was his vote against the Civil Rights bill. He never went anywhere without a copy of the Constitution in his p
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2) This "methodology" assumes, as Car.Ratzinger once articulated clearly that "the ordinary Catholic is a simple person...it is the role of the bishop to protect from the power of the intellectual". It assumes that mankind is evil, stupid, chaotic, inevitably doomed without the order of dictate. Dictate, right or wrong, is ultimately, the absolute requirement for order in church, in society. It is the exact opposite of subsidiarity. It is the nature, I suspect, of "ontological" distinction. Preaching "subs
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Ludicrous. Religions are the most divisive ideas and practices, the cause of delusions, war and suffering. Egypt is a Muslim nation of 90 million impoverished people essentially at the mercy of pseudo-Christian United States, ruled with an iron fist by a US puppet torture military dictator. If that isn't something to fight against, I don't know what is. The "spirituality" of Christianity is an acquired taste to which the vast majority of the world has no attraction. The world desperately needs a s
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Is he transgender? I don't know. He takes hormones but no gender re-assignment clinic would accept this guy for transition because he refuses to live as an adult female (mental health is evaluated when you transition surgically). I doubt that he is so much an "embarrassing" example for the LGBT community as one you can get your teeth around and relish because you condemn the idea, period. You realize that many LGBT people have also denounced him as a hoax? His fetishes seem more sexual than anything else--w
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Yes women are such holy humans who would NEVER say anything rude or vile it must be all the filthy men who bought 80 million copies of 50 shades of gray and all the quote romantic novels! ever read any of that trash? You probably can't even put a number on all the delicate flowers who wave their crotch in the air for millions of men to fling dollar bills at every night. And the thousands of them who parade across the tv screen looking for their baby daddy cause they lost track of who they slept with yes in
[ { "label": "neutral", "score": 0.38203394412994385 }, { "label": "annoyance", "score": 0.22566960752010345 }, { "label": "approval", "score": 0.0702325627207756 }, { "label": "disapproval", "score": 0.061344657093286514 }, { "label": "admiration", "score": 0.0553707517683506 }, { "label": "disgust", "score": 0.048992011696100235 }, { "label": "anger", "score": 0.04767225682735443 }, { "label": "curiosity", "score": 0.026868825778365135 }, { "label": "disappointment", "score": 0.017903916537761688 }, { "label": "confusion", "score": 0.016099391505122185 }, { "label": "realization", "score": 0.007591695059090853 }, { "label": "surprise", "score": 0.003294947324320674 }, { "label": "embarrassment", "score": 0.0025583666283637285 }, { "label": "optimism", "score": 0.0022685984149575233 }, { "label": "amusement", "score": 0.0017887444701045752 }, { "label": "excitement", "score": 0.0015453139785677195 }, { "label": "love", "score": 0.0012918973807245493 }, { "label": "desire", "score": 0.001208500238135457 }, { "label": "fear", "score": 0.0011160855647176504 }, { "label": "sadness", "score": 0.0010898301843553782 }, { "label": "caring", "score": 0.0007489523268304765 }, { "label": "pride", "score": 0.00046231175656430423 }, { "label": "joy", "score": 0.0004431254928931594 }, { "label": "gratitude", "score": 0.00039634897257201374 }, { "label": "grief", "score": 0.00030383715056814253 }, { "label": "nervousness", "score": 0.0002467599988449365 }, { "label": "relief", "score": 0.0002141515869880095 }, { "label": "remorse", "score": 0.0001840818440541625 } ]
**** this. I remember when we shipped them to Saudi Arabia and the liberals went "there's no way they're going to use it for violating human rights", meanwhile SA was already attacking Yemen daily and it still goes on. **** THIS, you ignorant pieces of shit. At what point does Canada/USA stop bowing to SA because of money? Do something about the source of the majority of funding for "terrorism" since 9/11, it's not smoke and mirrors here, we know where it comes from! It's literally a game played by the ultr
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Never Petty? Are you kidding? This is the same guy who told Latino voters to think, “We’re gonna punish our enemies.” when they voted. Who punished Chuck Schumer by tking away $ for counterterrorism for New York to get back at him for his position on the Iran giveaway. This is the same steaming lump of human garbage who said "I have better things to do with a Saturday than attend the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice (Scalia) that died under very suspicious circumstances just prior to rendering opinions
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The guy in the car (photo) has to be incredibly stupid. Not only does he risk flooding out his engine but he is flushing a huge amount of salt water up into his engine and chassis. A great way to ruin a car fast. . That said, the City is encouraging rail stations and transit oriented development in these very same low areas, subject to historic storm and ocean flooding. Its going to be just like the wide scale floods in Texas after Harvey. Rail may be elevated one story but all of the supporting electricit
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In the mid- to late 1930s France had the largest and most powerful army in the world, yet they failed to act against the fledgling German army when it violated the Versailles treaty and occupied the Rhineland. The French could have easily defeated the Germans, and removed Hitler from power, but they didn't - they sat back and watched as the Germans grew stronger, and before long, it was too late. Today, the US and its allies sit back and watch Kim develop nuclear-tipped ICBMs. And, they do nothing. Very,
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Let's see - this man first came before a court at the age of 13. We don't know what he did, but we can be sure it wasn't for cheating on a test. At the age of 17 he was sent to state prison for aggravated assault, breaking a bottle across another man's face. That is violent indeed. After getting out, this man returned to prison for stabbing another man. While in prison the two times, he assaulted ten men. These are factors most definitely "related" to his "actual crime" This man does not have a steep learni
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So I used a colloquial expression.. Your response indicates you don't understand why management doesn't want job descriptions. Courts have ruled they are implicit contracts. What's readily apparent is you have no idea what union reps do, All collectivebargaining agreements have explicut management rights clause. Like management has the right to direct the workforce. Unions specifically don't have comanagement rights. Like how to clean toilets. What stands out in the article above is how the Hawaii public wo
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Well aren't you just precious ms ann. Composing a "splendid poem" (if ya do say so yourself) to shield you from the ravages of foul mouthed liberals. How about some shocking language from the sexual predator in chief like "you can grab them by the p%^&y" or statements about how he felt he had the right to invade the private dressing rooms of naked teenaged beauty pageant contestants because he owned them? Now that right there is some offensive crap ms ann but you can so overlook it because he is the sexual
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You know, Trump's "America First' is pure American BS. Because it has been America First, no apology, since the end of WW2. It was the U.S. government and its many cohorts and oligarchy that created today situation by practicing unabashed American First policies. Just that the policies benefited the rich, the powerful, the military-industrial complex, the war machine, the Money Mafia. It stopped benefiting the middle class for about 30 years now, since the 1980. The leadership then prop up the situation b
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The issues here are clearly combination of mismanagement and ignorance by Ms. Lawton who refuses to let go of the reigns to someone more competent at leading the department. I am sure she is a good person, and would make a great front line worker, but managing a large department obviously is beyond her capabilities. This is not a bad thing, leadership is not everyone's cup of tea. Keeping a bad leader drowns the rest. If case loads are hitting 50 per person, and the federal recommended average is 15-20,
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Living a LGBTQ lifestyle is sin. The Bible clearly addresses the issue. God teaches to love the sinner but hate the sin. As a result, the sin cannot be condoned by society. A LGBTQ lifestyle is not to be enabled and glorified. The individual is to be treated with respect, but societal accommodations simply enable the behavior and endanger the rest of society. Males and females do need their privacy in certain situations. LGBTQ behavior crosses the boundaries of that privacy, because it is scientifically imp
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America's obsession with perfecting laziness results in fraudsters trying to save a buck by overcutting their parmesan with cellulose fillers... SMH What people don't know can't hurt them, right? Get a damn grater and a piece of parmesan. Keep it and grate as neccesary over foods. Its really easy. I promise. And it tastes way better too. But who cares. I know nobody has two extra seconds to shave a bit of parmesan. It's ok, keep buying your mystery crumbles and hope for the best. That's what cooks in re
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Greedy Democrats....yea...since they've been in power for the last 10 years (not). Also, a binary world is simple...us/them, dems/repubs....but not that helpful. President Washington warned of the danger of this binary partisanship: "A furious party spirit, when it rages in its full violence, exerts itself in civil war and bloodshed; and when it is under its greatest restraints, naturally breaks out in falsehood, detraction, calumny, and a partial administration of justice. In a word, it fills a nation
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I concur with people needing to read these comments of yours which are so unbelievable as to be absolute garbage. Every Monarchy and Emperor is a full-fledged Capitalist. Capitalism is the ability of a privileged few to control all people and resources for the benefit of the few. The only individualism is with the few potentates. The Corporate structure is just the modern version with CEOs and Boards of Directors controlling all the wealth for a few majority stock holders. The rest are just along for th
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Lol they all steal. We supported eu too. You think democrats don't enjoy it. Now explain why both sides disliked trump? Probably because he heartened to bring down there game. Thanks for pointing out that trump wasn't a thing during brexit. Once again couldn't figure out the point. People dislike the guise of refugees/ immigrants and the lovey dovey BS that goes along with it. I don't need a lesson on that and it was not even my point. Once again trump and farage and the next eu leaders are very relative to
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You've got to be kidding me. So typical of an Albertan, blame everyone but the ones wearing cowboy hats. I suppose someone from Quebec started the FT Mac fire ? I'm guessing all the Ontario folks voted in the NDP. The reality is acting like rednecks, dissing the rest of Canada while buying huge pick up trucks and ATV's when times were good was not the fault of Nova Scotian's British Columbians or any other Canadian.. I lived in Calgary and won't come within a thousand miles of the place. "Let those eastern
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