Sin Boy
[Chorus] Πίστεψε με μάνα Φταίει η Marijuana Το είδα έχω αλλάξει Έχασα έλεγχο Τα κάνα πουτάνα Πλέον δεν με γνωρίζεις Για αυτό θα το κόψω Τσιγαρό και ποτό Πίστεψε με μάνα Πίστεψε με μάνα Φταίει η Marijuana Το είδα έχω αλλάξει Έχασα έλεγχο Τα κάνα πουτάνα Πλέον δεν με γνωρίζεις Για αυτό θα το κόψω Τσιγαρό και ποτό [Verse] Δεν είναι εύκολο μην χάσω τον εαυτό μου Μου γλείφουνε τα αρχίδια δεν θέλουνε το καλό μου Τα πιτσιρίκια μου λένε πως είσαι το είδωλο μου Δεν είμαι είδωλο ούτε για τον εαυτό μου Το παίζουν φίλοι δεν μπορούν να ναι εχθροί μου Κοπιάρουνε το sauce θέλουν να βρουν την συνταγή μου Τον χαρακτήρα μου και την αισθητική μου Το παίζες αρχιδάτος μα αποδείχτηκες νιμου Θέλουνε να φυλακίσουν τη φωνή μου Να ελέγχουν τις κινήσεις μου σαν τη πιστωτική μου Μου λέγανε δεν ξέρω τι λέω τώρα τη συμβουλή μου Το ραπ έχει πληρώσει το κότερα στην Αλίμου Η παράνοια μου μέσα στο κεφάλι Οι αντίπαλοι μου κλάνουν αυτός που με σαμποτάρει Νιώθουνε μάγκες επειδή έχουνε την πλάτη Νιώθω μάγκας με δικά μου αρχίδια πάλι Μη μου λες τι να κάνω και τι μπορώ Έχω πειθαρχεία σαν να γεννήθηκα στρατό Άμα πω θα το κάνω τότε θα το κάνω Άμα είσαι εμπόδιο τότε θα πάρεις πούλο από δω Δεν είμαι αχόρταγος έχω μάθει με λίγα Δεν χάνω το δρόμο τα μάτια μου είναι πυξίδα Θα πέσουν σιδερικά αν δεν πέσουν μπουνίδια Όσους έχω γαμήσει ήταν σίγουρα αρχίδια Θεέ μου συγχώρεσε με ξέρω κάνω λάθη Νιώθω ευλογημένος εσύ έβαλες το χέρι πάλι Θέλω σπίτι με θέα, θάλασσα κι ένα ντουμάνι Μεγάλωσα στη Νέα Ιωνία official ρεμάλι Εθισμένος είμαι από την αδρεναλίνη Yeah yeah yeah yeah Το πάμε τέρμα κι ότι γίνει Yeah You might also like[Chorus] Πίστεψε με μάνα Φταίει η Marijuana Το είδα έχω αλλάξει Έχασα έλεγχο Τα κάνα πουτάνα Πλέον δεν με γνωρίζεις Για αυτό θα το κόψω Τσιγαρό και ποτό Πίστεψε με μάνα Πίστεψε με μάνα Φταίει η Marijuana Το είδα έχω αλλάξει Έχασα έλεγχο Τα κάνα πουτάνα Πλέον δεν με γνωρίζεις Για αυτό θα το κόψω Τσιγαρό και ποτό
Sin Boy
[Intro] Arigato Mafia [Chorus] Πάρε με πάρε με στο κινητό μου άμα θες να σου κάνω το deal Είχα το τραύμα μου να επουλώσω μα τώρα πια έχω το heal Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana call me Ζήτα με ζήτα με όλοι ζητάνε να κλείσουνε τώρα Sin Boy Πόσοι από πίσω μου ζητάν αυτόγραφα να στείλουν σε όλο το σοι Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana Tony You might also like[Verse 1] Δε τα βάζω κάτω Θα με δεις να επιμένω Δε τα θέλεις πούστη Γιατί θα σε πάω τρένο Ήρθα απ' τα ghetto Ήξερες καλά που μένω Ήρθα από Περισσό city Περισσό city Βράδια στη γύρα Στον Περισσό δεν πατάνε το βράδυ γιατί είναι σκέτη αλητεία (bap bap bap) Φοβούνται χέζονται πάνω τους άλλαζουνε παρανομία (Γελάω) Δεν είχανε προβλέψει πως δεν θα είχανε πάνω τους μία (Ληστεία) Μετά τη ληστεία μετά τη ληστεία Κάνω cash out Δώρα στη δικιά μου θα της πάρω εγώ Όλα τα λούσα (Ολα) Φοβούνται να τα βάλουν μαζί μας είμαστε σαν τους Yakuza (Arigato) Arigato Μιλας πολύ μα σε μένα να Κάθεσαι σούζα Μου κάθεσαι σούζα Arigato [Chorus] Πάρε με πάρε με στο κινητό μου άμα θες να σου κάνω το deal Είχα το τραύμα μου να επουλώσω μα τώρα πια έχω το heal Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana call me Ζήτα με ζήτα με όλοι ζητάνε να κλείσουνε τώρα Sin Boy Πόσοι από πίσω μου ζητάν αυτόγραφα να στείλουν σε όλο το σοι Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana Tony Montana call me Montana Tony Montana Tony
Tha pethanoume neoi
Sin Boy
[Intro] Uh, ye-yeah, ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Babe, ye-yeah [Pre-Chorus] Babe Όπου κι αν πάω μ' αναγνωρίζουνε babe Θέλαν ν' αποτύχω μα πέτυχα babe Πλούσιος μια μέρα ίσως γίνω, maybe Oou, babe, babe Babe (yah) Λένε πως απλά ήμουν τυχερός μα babe (yah) Δούλεψα πολύ σκληρά γι' αυτό babe (wow) Ζω λες κι είναι η τελευταία μου μέρα babe (yah) Oou babe, babe (oou) [Chorus] Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (oou) Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (oou, oou) Απόψε πίνουμε και γλεντάμε babe (yah) Ζω λες κι είναι η τελευταία μου μέρα babe (oou) Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (yah, yah, oou) Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (yah, yah, oou) Απόψε πίνουμε και γλεντάμε babe (yah) Ζω λες κι είναι η τελευταία μου μέρα babe (oou) You might also like[Verse] Πάντα To νου μου έχω πάντα (yah) Άμα χαθώ θα σ' επισκέπτομαι τα βράδια (yah) Για να τα καταφέρω η καρδιά μου κομμάτια (wow, κομμάτια) Κομμάτια, σπασμένα κομμάτια Κι άμα μπλέξω, αν φύγω σαν τον X (oou) Να ξέρεις έζησα όπως ήθελα γι' αυτό μην κλαις (oou, oou) Ye Δε θέλω να σου ανοίξω και άλλες πληγές Έχεις ήδη αρκετές babe Όταν νιώθω αγάπη πάντα ματώνω Tattoo μέσα στη μούρη για να νιώσω πόνο Επηρεάστηκα, πρέπει να βρω το δρόμο Δώσ' μου λίγο χρόνο Να νικήσω τον φόβο (yah) [Pre-Chorus] Babe Όπου κι αν πάω μ' αναγνωρίζουνε babe Θέλαν ν' αποτύχω μα πέτυχα babe Πλούσιος μια μέρα ίσως γίνω, maybe Oou, babe, babe Babe (yah) Λένε πως απλά ήμουν τυχερός μα babe (yah) Δούλεψα πολύ σκληρά γι' αυτό babe (wow) Ζω λες κι είναι η τελευταία μου μέρα babe (yah) Oou babе, babe (oou) [Chorus] Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (oou) Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (oou, oou) Απόψε πίνουμε και γλεντάμε babе (yah) Ζω λες κι είναι η τελευταία μου μέρα babe (oou) Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (yah, yah, oou) Θα πεθάνουμε νέοι babe (yah, yah, oou) Απόψε πίνουμε και γλεντάμε babe (yah) Ζω λες κι είναι η τελευταία μου μέρα babe (oou) [Outro] Το αύριο ποιος θα σου το υποσχεθεί; Το αύριο ποιος θα σου το υποσχεθεί; Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah
Sin Boy
[Verse 1] Ψάχνουν για τα έτοιμα Για αυτό καταλήγουν πάντα στα ψεύτικα Ότι κάνουμε δεν είναι για τα μέτρητα Ευλογημένοι από μας έρχονται αμέτρητα ναι τα μέτρητα Είμαστε ελεύθεροι Χωρίς κολάρο δεν μας κρατάνε από λουρί Για αυτό ο δικός σου έχει pusharei για να πουλήσει Δεν μου λένε τι να κάνω έχω βούληση Δικιά μου βούληση Τι επιτυχίες να έχεις όταν τα κάνες με κώλο Πεσιματικές άμα θα τους κάνω ντόρο Βλάκας για πάντα είσαι ρε yolo Χωρίς να χω feat το κανά solo Μπαλαδόρος στα αλήθεια όχι Konami Ξέρεις που το πάμε βλάκα το πάμε ταβάνι Μαφιόζος χωρίς να φοράω σακάκι Μα άμα πω τη λέξη θα σε βρούνε στο ποτάμι [Chorus] Αυτό το beat μ' ανηκεί Αυτό το flow μ' ανηκεί Δεν είμαι αυτοί μ' ανηκεί Όλο το street μ' ανήκει μ'ανήκει Το Publicy μ' ανηκεί Το κανάλι YouTube μ' ανηκεί Studio και CD μ' ανηκεί Η δισκογραφική Όλα τα strips απ' τα tattoo μου Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Δεν είναι δική σου αυτή είναι η επιτυχία μου Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Ήθελες την θέση μα πήρες τα αρχίδια μου You might also like[Verse 2] Μη μου δίνεις στυλό για να υπογράψω hey Θα σου το βάλω στον κώλο Θα έρθω εκεί να σε βρω άμα νευριάσω yeah Και όχι με το αεροβόλο Arigato Mafia Πρόσεξε μη κάνεις μαλακία Θα σε τρέχουν στα νοσοκομεία Δοκίμασε με θα το μετανιώσεις με τη μία Sikario Bandito Mafioso Σε γδύνω Sikario Bandito Mafioso Σε γδύνω Ξεκίνησα από το μηδέν Μα τώρα όλη η Ελλάδα τραγουδάει το refrain Ξέρεις τι θα γίνει αμα ακούσεις KTM Είναι drive by παλιοζογκλέρ Sikario [Chorus] Αυτό το beat μ' ανηκεί Αυτό το flow μ' ανηκεί Δεν είμαι αυτοί μ' ανηκεί Όλο το street μ' ανήκει μ'ανήκει Το Publicy μ' ανηκεί Το κανάλι YouTube μ' ανηκεί Studio και CD μ' ανηκεί Η δισκογραφική Όλα το streams απ' τα tattoo μου Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Δεν είναι δική σου αυτή είναι η επιτυχία μου Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Μαμαμαμαμαμ' ανηκεί Ήθελες την θέση μα πήρες τα αρχίδια μου
Summer Love
Sin Boy
[Chorus] Summer Love Summer Love Σαν εμένα δεν θα βρεις Summer Love Summer Love Μη με δώσεις θα χαθείς Summer Love Summer Love Σαν εμένα δεν θα βρεις Summer Love Summer Love Μη με δώσεις θα χαθείς [Verse 1] Αν με χάσει του χρόνου θα το μετανιώνει Την θέλω στα αλήθεια όχι μόνο επειδή με καυλώνει Το άρωμα της ποτέ δεν μου παλιώνει Τα μάτια της Kalazhnikov με βλέπει με γαζώνει Πληρώνω το πρώτο μας ραντεβού Θα πληρώσω το δεύτερο και το τρίτο Ότι θες μωρό μου Αρκεί να φύγουμε αλλού Θα γράψουμε ιστορία νέο μύθο You might also like[Chorus] Summer Love Summer Love Σαν εμένα δεν θα βρεις Summer Love Summer Love Μη με δώσεις θα χαθείς Summer Love Summer Love Σαν εμένα δεν θα βρεις Summer Love Summer Love Μη με δώσεις θα χαθείς [Verse 2] Μαζί βολτά στη γειτονιά Πίσω έρχονται περιπολικά yeah yeah yeah Σου λέω όλα μου τα μυστικά Ξέρω δεν με δίνεις πουθενά yeah yeah yeah Δεν έχω δώσει πανελλήνιες Βγάζω τα φράγκα σαν genius Απ' το zero τώρα billionaires Skr Skr Skr [Chorus] Summer Love Summer Love Σαν εμένα δεν θα βρεις Summer Love Summer Love Μη με δώσεις θα χαθείς Summer Love Summer Love Σαν εμένα δεν θα βρεις Summer Love Summer Love Μη με δώσεις θα χαθείς
I Love Berati
Sin Boy
[Verse 1] Se ki pa ne netflix Zdo me thone qe i ke bo tije tu pi [Baris?] zdo me thone qe je bo G Mendon gCta jote a [?] a kokcai Sn ki shoS gangstkea zdo me thon qe je erhe ti E shkerldi Gazin, po fluturoj [ka ata barbonashum po dalloj ] Jam?masht use vet, nuk pr mr-Chorus ?? Bandita ?? Bandita ??? ?? ?? ?? Rocha Qa ki punu un ta marr si Enver Hoxha Enderren tonde ta bona si Enver Hoxha Erdha prej bukes me djath, tani milliona ?? Campeona [Chorus] You might also like???? ??? ???? ???? Mafia ?? Cartel ??? ??? Rappera Athene Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? [Verse 2] Skr skr skr Indepedent Arigato Mafia Moro tekari Moro tekari [Chorus] ???? ???/ ???? ???? Mafia ?? Cartel ??? ??? Rappera di Athene Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? Por nalem ?? Por nalem ??
Sin Boy
[Intro] Arigato Mafia [Chorus] Τη γνώμη σου στο πούτσο μου την έχω γραμμένη Μαζί μας δε σας παίρνει Θα φύγετε νέοι Φόνος μες στο μυαλό μου Τα φράγκα θα μετρήσω Για να ηρεμήσω Και μην τους γαμήσω [Bridge] Popstar τύφλα να 'χει η Madonna Και Thug Life τύφλα να 'χει ο Tupac Βγάζω φράγκα σαν απατεώνας Είμαι ο ίδιος από όταν ήμουν Gegas Black [Chorus] Λέγαν έχω πέσει δε θα ξανανέβω Λέγαν έχω τρελαθεί δε την παλευώ Κοίτα με τώρα πάρε την πούτσα Όλα τα κομμάτια μου hit σαν να τα χει γράψει η Ευή Δρούτσα Απ'την Αλβανία μετανάστης Τώρα βγάζω φράγκα σαν Ωνάσης Με σέβονται σαν να μαι Βήτα Πεις Σου κλείσα το στόμα τι να πεις Δισκογραφικές μου κάνουνε sabotage Κοιτάνε τον κώλο τους μόνο σαν την Minaj Κουβαλάω σταυρό πάνω μου τατουάζ Αυτοί πιστεύουνε στον σατανά και στο cash Δεν μου απαντήσανε στα diss yeah Δεν μου δώσανε ποτέ feats yeah Τώρα γιατί κάνουνε σαν bitch yeah Τώρα γιατί κάνουνε σαν bitch yeah Στη Νέα Ιωνία μεγαλώσαμε Τα όνειρα μας κυνηγούσαμε Κοίτα τα καταφέραμε Skr Skr You might also like[Chorus] Τη γνώμη σου στο πούτσο μου την έχω γραμμένη Μαζί μας δε σας παίρνει Θα φύγετε νέοι Φόνος μες στο μυαλό μου Τα φράγκα θα μετρήσω Για να ηρεμήσω Και μην τους γαμήσω [Verse 2] Κάποτε με κράζανε που ήμουνα φτωχός Κάποτε που είμαι Αλβανός Κάποτε ρούχα και παπούτσι Κάποτε που έγραφα μουσική Κάποτε τα πολλά τατουάζ Κάποτε τα βαμμένα μαλλιά Κάποτε που είχα παραιτηθεί Τώρα γλείφουν τα αρχίδια μου όλοι αυτοί Με κοιτάνε καταθλιπτικά Φέτος η δικιά μου χρονιά Πατόκορφα τους γάμησα Ξέχασα να πω το ξανά [Chorus] Τη γνώμη σου στο πούτσο μου την έχω γραμμένη Μαζί μας δε σας παίρνει Θα φύγετε νέοι Φόνος μες στο μυαλό μου Τα φράγκα θα μετρήσω Για να ηρεμήσω Και μην τους γαμήσω [Outro] Λέγαν έχω πέσει δε θα ξανανέβω Λέγαν έχω τρελαθεί δε την παλευώ Κοίτα με τώρα πάρε την πούτσα Όλα τα κομμάτια μου hit σαν να τα χει γράψει η Ευή Δρούτσα
Hip Hop
Sin Boy
[Intro] [Sample από τραγούδι του Μάρκου Βαμβακάρη Με τα μάγκικά σου μάτια Όταν φως μου με κοιτάς Πόνους έχω εγώ κρυμμένους Μεσ στα φύλλα της καρδιάς] [Verse 1] Yeah ei Ήταν θυμάμαι ξημερώματα νωρίς Το μόνο που ακουγόταν ήταν ο ήχος της βροχής Και εγώ ζαλισμένος απ' τις σκέψεις του μυαλού Ενώ είχε προηγηθεί η χαρά του μεθυσιού Βλέπω τους ανθρώπους όταν προχωράω στο δρόμο Και όλοι βρίσκονται χαμένοι κάπου στον δικό τους κόσμο Δεν μπορείς να φανταστείς τι έχει ο καθένας στο κεφάλι του Γυναίκες, τα λεφτά, υποχρεώσεις ή το χάλι του Κάποιος κολλάει να μπορέσει να το πάρει Κάποιος άλλος όμως σκέφτεται να κλέψει για να φάει Αυτόν ο πλούσιος αποφεύγει όπως ο διάολος το λιβάνι Που ο ίδιος ψάχνει τρόπους να έρθει σπίτι του το βράδυ Κάποιος σίγουρα θα θέλει να κερδίσει ή να βοηθήσει Να πίει η να γαμήσει την γυναίκα να απατήσει Πως θα φάει, να πληρώσει τα παιδιά του να ταϊσει Κάποιος άλλος ίσως σκέφτεται πως να αυτοκτονήσει You might also like[Chorus] [Sample από τραγούδι του Μάρκου Βαμβακάρη Πόνους έχω εγώ κρυμμένους Μες στα φύλλα της καρδιάς Με τα μάγκικά σου μάτια Όταν φως μου με κοιτάς Πόνους έχω εγώ κρυμμένους Μες στα φύλλα της καρδιάς Με τα μάγκικά σου μάτια Όταν φως μου με κοιτάς] [Verse 2] Μην χάνεις άλλο χρόνο Μπες στο σωστό τον δρόμο Για μουνί και κώλο το ρευστό που παίζει ρόλο Πράγμα που έχουνε πάρει πρέφα όλοι οι λεφτάδες Και ο λόγος για τόσους φτωχούς που σπάνε κουμπαραδες Νιώθεις έτοιμος να κάνεις το παν για το χαρτί Παίξε πουστιά πισώπλατα για να πιάσεις την καλή Στη ζωή σου ίσως βρεις μια γαμημένη ευκαιρία Να παίξεις τη πουστιά και να τα πάρεις με τη μία Ίσως να ναι μαλακία άλλα άλλος ένας τρόπος Να βρεις επιτυχία Σ’ αυτή τη κοινωνία Που όλοι θέλουν να σε φάνε Σου ζητάνε σε πηδάνε Και νομίζουν πως στη λένε με τα ρούχα που φοράνε Όσο για τη γυναίκα, έχω να πω μόνο ένα πράγμα Αν είναι ωραιά και δεν πετύχει πρόκειται για θαύμα Για τον Α, Β, Γ άντρα δίνεται και βάφεται Σε όποιον έχει φράγκα τότε γδύνεται και κάθεται [Chorus] [Sample από τραγούδι του Μάρκου Βαμβακάρη Πόνους έχω εγώ κρυμμένους Μες στα φύλλα της καρδιάς Με τα μάγκικά σου μάτια Όταν φως μου με κοιτάς] [Verse 3] Τι σκέφτεσαι λοιπόν Κάπως πρέπει να τα βρεις Κλέφτης διαρρήκτης Ληστής η νταβατζής Δεν με νοιάζουν τα λεφτά Πολλοί γνωστοί μου είπαν Όσοι όμως πάντα τα χάνε Και ποτέ δε τους λείπαν Φίλε για το χρήμα θα σαι ο θύτης ή το θύμα Φίλε για το χρήμα θα σαι ο θύτης ή το θύμα Δεν με νοιάζει αν έχεις γκόμενα ή ακριβό αυτοκίνητο Αν διαθέτεις ανέσεις για prive σε κάποιο ακίνητο Πες πόσα χαλάς όταν βγαίνεις για καφέ Αν είσαι raveας ροκάς η κυριλέ Εμένα τα λεφτά μου φίλε φεύγουνε στο μπαμ 15 ευρώ τη μέρα για ένα g skunk Ωραία φάση να με σέβονται 3 φίλοι Να κολλάν κανένα μπάφο να κολλάνε για βενζίνη Πολλές φορές νομίζω πως η τσέπη μου είναι τρύπια Μα καλά τι έκανα τι χάλασα τι ήπια fuck [Chorus] [Sample από τραγούδι του Μάρκου Βαμβακάρη Πόνους έχω εγώ κρυμμένους Μες στα φύλλα της καρδιάς Με τα μάγκικά σου μάτια Όταν φως μου με κοιτάς] [Verse 4] Βρήκα δανεικά Δόξα τω Θεώ Μέχρι να πληρώθω Ένα ευρώ από αλλού να δανειστώ Δεν ξέρω αν με νιώθεις Δεν ξέρω αν με πιάνεις Είναι πράγματα που πριν πεθάνεις πρέπει να τα κάνεις Πόσα παίρνεις πόσα βγάζεις Πόσα κλέβεις πόσα χάνεις Συγκεντρώσου και υπολόγισε Μπορεί και να προλάβεις Πόσα παίρνεις πόσα βγάζεις Πόσα κλέβεις πόσα χάνεις Συγκεντρώσου και υπολόγισε Μπορεί και να προλάβεις [Outro] Fuck Γάμησε μας τώρα ρε φίλε
Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza
[Chorus: Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza] Takkan mudah untuk engkau mencari ganti Takkan jumpa yang seperti ini Telah kau cemari hati yang berbunga Tukar arah, kubertukar warna, yeah [Verse 1: Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza] Semua kuberi tiada makna Emas diganti suasa menjadi, oh, pilihanmu Yang dikejar, semua kau lupa Oh, rupanya mainan bagimu Takkan lagi kuberi muka Telah cukup kuberbicara Tiada lagi peluang kedua Kisah kita berakhir di sini saja [Chorus: Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza] Takkan mudah untuk engkau mencari ganti Takkan jumpa yang seperti ini Kau cemari hati yang berbunga Bukan aku, kau yang rugi Takkan mudah untuk engkau mencari ganti Takkan jumpa yang seperti ini Telah kau cemari hati yang berbunga-bunga Bukan aku, kau yang rugi, yeah You might also like[Verse 2: Nao Zumar] Masa kita dah berlalu Menghakis rasa, kau juga yang terburu-buru Habis semua kesal di dalam waktu Dan ada cara untuk aku melupakanmu Lihat apa yang berlaku Semua kernamu, konon kau dah berubah Jangan pura-pura keliru, buat tak tahu Kau fikirku tak nampak? Kena jaga hatiku dan bukan hatimu Kerana kuberhak bahagia Kini kutahu kulebih berharga [Pre-Chorus: Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza] Akan kupergi jauh dan takkan berhenti Akan kuhapuskan segala, oh, memori Emosi kau sakiti ini dan lali denganmu Tak kuulangi lagi [Chorus: Dato' Sri Siti Nurhaliza] Takkan mudah untuk engkau mencari ganti Takkan jumpa yang seperti ini Kau cemari hati yang berbunga Bukan aku, kau yang rugi Takkan mudah untuk engkau mencari ganti Takkan jumpa yang seperti ini Telah kau cemari hati yang berbunga-bunga Bukan aku, kau yang rugi, yeah
Forever Love
(Verse 1) I never thought that I would have to say goodbye But here I am, feeling lost, tears falling from my eyes You were the one who always knew just what to say Now I'm left with memories of you that won't fade away (Pre-Chorus) The days are colder, the nights so long Without your presence, everything feels so wrong I search for your voice in the silence of the room But all I find is the echoes of our love that once bloomed (Chorus) I'm drowning in this sеa of tears, can't find my way Losing someone so closе, it's the price I have to pay But I'll hold onto the memories we made, they'll keep me strong Even though you're gone, your love will forever live on (Verse 2) I'm learning to heal, to piece together my shattered heart Though the pain won't vanish, I'll find a brand new start I'll honor your legacy, carry your spirit in every breath And keep your love alive, even in the face of death (Pre-Chorus) Every day I wake up missing you, it's a constant ache Trying to find the strength to move on, for my own sake But life keeps moving forward, even when I'm left behind And I'm left here, trying to mend this broken mind See Adele LiveGet tickets as low as $555You might also like(Chorus) I'm drowning in this sea of tears, can't find my way Losing someone so close, it's the price I have to pay But I'll hold onto the memories we made, they'll keep me strong Even though you're gone, your love will forever live on (Bridge) Though you're not here, you're still a part of me In every beat of my heart, in every melody I'll keep your light shining, forever and more In this R&B ballad, your love will soar (Chorus) I'm drowning in this sea of tears, can't find my way Losing someone so close, it's the price I have to pay But I'll hold onto the memories we made, they'll keep me strong Even though you're gone, your love will forever live on (Outro) Forever, ooh, ooh, ooh Forever my darling Forever love
Tanpa Diri-Mu
Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza
[Verse 1] Hari demi hari aku sendiri Mengenangkan semua nikmat yang telah kau beri Segalanya indah tiada duka nestapa Namun jiwaku kian resah Hari demi hari aku sendiri Melihatku berubah menyepi mengasing diri Tiada lagi senyum, gelak tawa Ke mana kau hilang? [Chorus] Tanpa diri-Mu, hilang segala cahayaku Lengkap bersama reda-Mu Yang selalu ada disampingku [Verse 2] Cari, aku cari, tiada jejak Setiap saat aku mencari tanpa berhenti Berganti bulan, bintang berselam matahari Walau kugagal, kucuba Gembira rasanya hatiku ini Pabila kumenerima tulus kasih dari-Mu Ingin kuterus sujud kepada-Mu Tak sanggup jauh berjauh lagi [Chorus] Tanpa diri-Mu, hilang segala cahayaku Lengkap bersama reda-Mu Yang selalu ada disampingku Tanpa diri-Mu, hilang segala cahayaku Lengkap bersama reda-Mu Yang selalu ada disampingku You might also like[Verse 3] Berjumpa kita pastinya Dalam kesyahduan doa Menghapus segala khilaf hidupku Mendakap riang baru Bahagiaku direda-Mu Bahagia di mana jua Suka dan duka, ada-Mu bersama Ada selamanya [Chorus] Hilang segala cahayaku Lengkap bersama reda-Mu Yang selalu ada disampingku Tanpa diri-Mu, hilang segala cahayaku Lengkap bersama reda-Mu Yang selalu ada disampingku
Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza
[Verse 1] Dari mata, terbawanya rasa dicinta Terhembus hingga dalam lena Sungguh kurasakannya Bagaikan mimpi melayar menjalin cinta [Pre-Chorus] Tersingkap segala bila kusedar Tanpa disangka Kudimagis cinta Kan bahagia selamanya [Chorus] Aku hanya mahu cinta dan dirindu Oleh sang pujangga yang dipuja setiap masa Bagai tanah yang dibaja, tumbuh mekar cinta Padamu kekasih Kuberi segala jika kupunya satu dunia [Verse 2] Renung-renung bicara rindumu padaku Seperti benar-benar cinta Tidak hanya berkata Lalu membuat kurasa didalam syurga [Pre-Chorus] Tersingkap segala bila kusedar Tanpa disangka Kudimagis cinta Kan bahagia selamanya You might also like[Chorus] Aku hanya mahu cinta dan dirindu Oleh sang pujangga yang dipuja setiap masa Bagai tanah yang dibaja, tumbuh mekar cinta Padamu kekasih [Instrumental Break] [Chorus] Aku hanya mahu cinta dan dirindu Oleh sang pujangga yang dipuja setiap masa Bagai tanah yang dibaja, tumbuh mekar cinta Padamu kekasih Aku hanya mahu cinta dan dirindu Oleh sang pujangga yang dipuja setiap masa Bagai tanah yang dibaja, tumbuh mekar cinta Padamu kekasih Kuberi segala jika kupunya satu dunia
Funky Cola!
Yung Bucket
[Verse 1: Yung Bucket] Said I'm a virgin but I stay pimpin' See those puddles on the floor cause I stay drippin' My fit too fresh like a damn chicken Never lost the big V so I stay winnin What the hell Man the rap too easy Spittin so freely Copped a new whip I'm vibin, I'm pleased Yo girl like my fits I bought a new ring She wantin my kids I'm gettin this green like [Verso 2: Indxgo] All these girls around me surround me like Monogatari Low key feel like Koyomi, the way that they coming on to me Used to be like Komi, ‘cause only my homies followed me But nowadays, they all want a bite of mе like I’m Yamori No Ryuko, but my fit be clean Pеrsona 4, the way you’ll see us on your tv screen I came from nothing, now I’m moving on up with the team Your girl like Asa, and I really got a thing for fiends All these rappers crossing the animal, acting brand new Me and Bucket Bocchi, we rockin’ and making bands, dude Yeah, we having fun, but we’re doing it for the fans, too Show up at the con, we’ll be doing shows in Japan soon Stop the capping Like Anya, we caught him lacking You really sounding like Miyuki on the mic when you rapping Your numbers only subtracting, while all of our money adding, ay You chasing tail, while I got a harem of dragon maids You might also like[Interlude] We're one thousand miles away from the nearest city My fit too fresh There's no lights all-miles away from the nearest city Never lost the big VWe're one thousand miles away from the nearest city My fit too fresh There's no lights all-miles away from the nearest city Never lost the big V [Verse 3: Kid Judo] Uh Freshest on the boulevard they could never fuck with kid, and they said that’s it all by choice New house 6 car garage with 10 cars And another blacked out rolls Royce I got a 6 figure checking account just like, trust me you could check the invoice New hellcat whipping, new mansion I’m sitting in, and I did all with my voice I’m a million addict, go to the bank and I cash out Signing the paper I better see all of the cash now Keep it cool when this shits hot I never lash out Light it up like thomas Edison, you smoking on packs loud Hundred grand hundred bands pop 100 mg Too sick need the medicine, to carry out the fucking plans Fly like a dodo, catch that flow more Selling out arenas while you selling out no shows [Outro] We're one thousand miles away from the nearest city My fit too fresh There's no lights all-miles away from the nearest city Never lost the big V We're one thousand miles away from the nearest city My fit too fresh There's no lights all-miles away from the nearest city Never lost the big V
Anime Rap…ff.500x500x1.jpg
What Ever You Want
So don't fall apart on me now Our love is so far away Just hold tight, don't look down There will always come a day Take it or leave it Take it or leave it Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already You've taken enough already You've taken enough already ♪ I never knew you well anyhow So whatever you wanted from me is based uniquely on yourself And it's something you'll never be Take it or leave it Take it or leave it Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already You've taken enough already You've taken enough already ♪ Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever, whatever you need) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever, whatever you need) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever) You won't get it, you've taken enough already Whatever you want from me (What-whatever, it's whatever, whatever you need) You won't get it, you've taken enough alreadyYou might also like
Selfless, Cold and Composed - Live at Bowery Ballroom, New York, NY - December 2001
Ben Folds
[Verse 1] I Said what you wanted to hear And what I Wanted to say So I will take it back And all the dishes intact Let them be Broken Broken [Chorus] It's easy to be Easy and free When it doesn't mean anything You remain selfless, cold And composed [Verse 2] You've done me no Favor to call and be nice Telling me I Can take anything I Like You don't owe me to be so polite You've done no wrong You've done no wrong Get out of my sight See Ben Folds LiveGet tickets as low as $51You might also like[Chorus] It's easy to be Easy and free When it doesn't mean anything You remain selfless, cold And composed [Bridge] Come on baby, now throw me a right to the chin Don't you stare like you never cared, I know you did But you just smile Like a bank teller Blankly telling me, "Have a nice life." [Bridge] Come on baby, now throw me a right to the chin Just one sign that'll show me that you give a shit But you just smile Politely And I grow weaker and I [Verse 4] Said what you wanted to hear And what I Wanted to say So I will take it back [Chorus] It's easy to be Easy and free When it doesn't mean anything It doesn't mean anything You can take anything You can take anything Na-na-na-na-na You're so selfless, cold You're so selfless, cold You're so selfless, cold And composed [Spoken] Thanks
Zak and Sara - Live at Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY - June 2002
Ben Folds
Sara spelled without no "h" was getting bored On a Peavey amp in 1984 While Zak without a "c" tried out some new guitars Playing Sara-with-no-h's favorite song La-da-da-da-da-da-la-da-da La-da-da-da-da-da-la-da-da Zak and Sara Often Sara would have spells where she lost time She saw the future, she heard voices from inside The kind of voices she would soon learn to deny Because at home they got her smacked La-da-da-da-da-da-la-da-da La-da-da-da-da-da-la-da-da Zak and Sara Zak and Sara Zak called his dad about layaway plans And Sara told the friendly salesman that: You’ll all die in your cars And why's it gotta be dark? And you'rе all working in a submarine Asshole She saw thе lights, she saw the pale English face Some strange machines repeating beats and thumping bass Visions of pills that put you in a loving trance That make it possible for all white boys to dance And when Zak finished Sara’s song, Sara clapped La-da-da-da-da-da-la-da-da La-da-da-da-da-da-la-da-da Zak and Sara Zak and Sara See Ben Folds LiveGet tickets as low as $51You might also like[Spoken] Thanks! Thanks a whole lot, y'all. Thank you thank you
Girl - Live at Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY - June 2002
Ben Folds
[Spoken] If anybody out in the audience is in a famous band of any kind, a famous boy band, anybody who would be interested in this song, it's—it's—it's up for grabs. Um, even though it's only point-six, I think—I think it could be a big, big hit [Verse 1] Ahh Girl, it's been a long time Since we had it going on that way The feeling's getting stronger Each and every day [Verse 2] Ahh Wake up, oh yeah I can feel you but you're not there Holding on to thin air Cause your dreaming of somebody else [Chorus] Girl, it's been a long time Since we had it going on that way Feelings getting stronger Each and every day [Spoken] Here're your background vocals See Ben Folds LiveGet tickets as low as $51You might also like[Bridge] I'll be there I'll be there If you call me back, girl I will be your man 'Cause your roommate lied her ass off You were there You were there Girl [Spoken] It's for sale
Jenni Rivera
[Letra de "Engañémoslo"] [Verso] Engañémoslo porque se lo merece Porque él me engañó mil veces, jamás me tuvo piedad Esta invitación que te hago yo Es para que aprenda a respetar mi amor [Coro] Engañémoslo, démosle una lección Se la merece el cualquiera Pa' que sepa qué se siente que te apunten con el dedo Engañémoslo esta noche, la venganza es lo que quiero Engañémoslo, me regalo para ti Porque él no ha tenido tiempo Te invito a hacer el amor ya que con él tengo sexo Dime cositas bonitas, ya que él se porta grosero [Post-Coro] Engañémoslo, démosle su merecido Para que sea más consciente Se presume inalcanzable y también inteligente Demostremos que es un tonto... que no sabe lo que tiene [Coro] Engañémoslo, démosle una lección Se la merece el cualquiera Pa’ que sepa qué se siente que te apunten con el dedo Engañémoslo esta noche, la venganza es lo que quiero Engañémoslo, me regalo para ti Ya que él no ha tenido tiempo Te invito a hacer el amor ya que con él tengo sexo Dime cositas bonitas, ya que él se porta grosero You might also like[Post-Coro] Engañémoslo, démosle su merecido Para que sea más consciente Se presume inalcanzable y también inteligente Demostremos que es un tonto... que no sabe lo que tiene [Outro] Y de'veras que no sabe...
Aparentemente Bien
Jenni Rivera
[Letra de "Aparentemente Bien"] [Verso 1] Aquí estoy frente al espejo que conoce mi verdad El que sabe que si miento solo es por disimular Que te extraño inmensamente Aunque no lo diga frente a los demás Pero se hace inevitable volver a pensar en ti Porque estás en todas partes aunque ya no estés aquí A los ojos de la gente Hasta puede parеcer que soy feliz [Coro] Aparеntemente bien Que tu adiós me ha hecho más fuerte Que ya no eres importante Que camino hacia adelante Aparentemente bien Pero estoy hecha pedazos Esto no es más que un teatro Es mi orgullo que me obliga a fingir... [Post-Coro] Aparentemente bien [Verso 2] He tratado de olvidarte, eso ya lo decidí Pero por más que lo intente sigues encerrado en mí Tengo que reconocerlo Mi problema es que no sé dejarte ir You might also like[Coro] Aparentemente bien Que tu adiós me ha hecho más fuerte Que ya no eres importante Que camino hacia adelante Aparentemente bien Pero estoy hecha pedazos Esto no es más que un teatro Es mi orgullo que me obliga a fingir [Puente] Aparentemente el tiempo te ha arrancado de mi piel Pero nada de eso es cierto Sigo amándote en silencio Y jamás te lo diré [Coro] Aparentemente bien Que tu adiós me ha hecho más fuerte Que ya no eres importante Que camino hacia adelante Aparentemente bien Pero estoy hecha pedazos Esto no es más que un teatro Es mi orgullo que me obliga a fingir... [Outro] Aparentemente bien Aparentemente bien Aparentemente bien
All You Can Eat - Live at Ben’s Studio, Nashville, TN - October 2006
Ben Folds
[Verse 1] Son, look at all the people in this restaurant What do you think they weigh? Look out the window into the parking lot At their SUVs Taking all of the space [Chorus] They give no fuck They talk as loud as they want They give no fuck Just as long as there's enough for them [Verse 2] Gonna get on the microphone down at Walmart Talk about some shit that's been on my mind Talk about the state of this great nation of ours People, look to your left Yeah, look to your right [Chorus] They give no fuck They buy as much as they want They give no fuck Just as long as there's enough for them See Ben Folds LiveGet tickets as low as $51You might also like[Instrumental] [Verse 3] Son, look at the people lining up for plastic I'd like to see 'em in the National Geographic Squatting bare-assed in the dirt eating rice from a bowl With a towel on their head, or maybe a bone in their nose See that asshole with the peace sign on the license plate Giving me the finger and running me out of his lane? God made us number one 'cause he loves us the best Well maybe he should go bless someone else for a while, and Give us a rest [Bridge] (They give no) Yes, and everyone can see (They give no) They give no We've eaten all that we can eat Alright
Long Tall Texan - Live at the Warehouse, Houston, TX - October 2008
Ben Folds
[Verse 1] Well, I'm a long tall Texan I wear a ten-gallon hat He rides from Texas with his ten-gallon hat Yeah, I'm a long tall Texan I wear a ten-gallon hat He rides from Texas with his ten-gallon hat When people look at me, they say "Oh, Roy old Roy, is that your hat?" Yeah, that's my hat [Verse 2] Well, I'm a long tall Texan I ride to enforce the law He rides from Texas to enforce the law Yeah, I'm a long tall Texan I ride to enforce the law He rides from Texas to enforce the law And people look at me, and they say "Oh, Roy old Roy, is you the law?" Yeah, I'm the fuckin' law [Verse 3] Well, I'm a long tall Texan I don't know the rest of the words, anybody know...? La-da-da-da-da-da lo-a-da-da Yeah, I'm a long tall Texan You-ooh-ooh Na-ooh-ooh "Oh, Roy old Roy, is you the law?" See Ben Folds LiveGet tickets as low as $51You might also likeOne! Two! One two three ah! Sorry, sorry
Jenni Rivera
[Letra de "Motivos"] [Intro] Gracias, porque yo sé muy bien que cada uno de ustedes pudiera estar en cualquier otro lugar pero decidieron estar aquí, conmigo [Verso 1] Yo solo quise querer Yo solo quise quererte Yo nada te pude dar Yo nada pude ofrecerte [Pre-Coro] Solo quería tu vida Para vivirla contigo Quisiera darte mi vida Que la vivieras conmigo [Coro] Quise motivar tu vida Que motivaras mi vientre Quise motivarte todo Quise motivarte siempre Quise con nuestros motivos Motivar un tiempo nuevo Y que motivo a motivo Nace así un motivo nuestro You might also like[Post-Coro] Yo solo quise, quiero y siempre voy a querer Que me motives a motivarte I love you [Verso 2] Quiero que tú me amanezcas Quiero que tú me trasnoches Quiero que tú me hagas tuya Quiero que tú me derroches [Pre-Coro] Solo quería tu vida Para vivirla contigo Quisiera darte mi vida Que la vivieras conmigo [Coro] Quise motivar tu vida Que motivaras mi vientre Quise motivarte todo Quise motivarte siempre Quise con nuestros motivos Motivar un tiempo nuevo Y que motivo a motivo Nace así un motivo nuestro, ooh [Outro] Motívame, baby
Flo Rida
[Intro] [?] Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (Yeah) Buss a whine, buss a whine, turn it up (Wow) Grab yuh gyal and (Yo) turn it up (Turn it up) Slow whine and (Slow whine), turn it up (C'mon) Walk wid it, uh (Yeah), walk wid it, uh (Yo) Walk wid it, uh (Yeah), walk wid it, uh ([?]) Suh turn it up (Turn it up), turn it up (Turn it) Take me, baby, yeah [Chorus: Flo Rida] You got a energy That make a bad man want go beg and plead I feel your energy Make me [?] 'round me, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah (Take me, baby, yeah) [Verse 1: Flo Rida] You should know that I'm here, girl I ain't going nowhere, girl And I ain't worryin' 'bout your ego 'Cause it's somethin' 'bout your ego Somethin' like a speed boat Tell me [?] we go You're by the same wherever we go We go See Flo Rida LiveGet tickets as low as $45You might also like[Pre-Chorus: Flo Rida] I swear that you are so special I'm here to make you feel special (Oh-oh-oh) I treat you to something special Because what we got is special (Oh-oh-oh) [Chorus: Flo Rida] You got a energy (Oh-oh-oh) That make a bad man want go beg and plead (Oh-oh-oh) I feel your energy (Oh-oh-oh) Make me [?] 'round me (Oh-oh-oh), yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah (Take me, baby, yeah) [Verse 2: Rotimi] You should know that I'm here, girl And I ain't going nowhere, girl (No, no) Somethin' 'bout your ego (Ah) And I ain't worryin' 'bout your ego Somethin' like a speed boat Tell me [?] we go You're by the same wherever we go (Go) We go (Hi) [Pre-Chorus: Rotimi & Flo Rida] I swear that you are so special (Yeah) I'm here to make you feel special (Oh-oh-oh) I treat you to something special (Oh, yeah) Because we got something special (Oh-oh-oh) [Chorus: Flo Rida & Rotimi] You got a energy (My baby, yeah, yeah, oh-oh-oh) That make a bad man want go beg and plead (Oh-oh-oh, go beg and plead you, baby) I feel your energy (Oh-oh-oh, I feel your energy) Make me [?] 'round me (Oh-oh-oh), yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah [Verse 3: Spice] Mm, I never feel so comfortable Two a wi together, yeah, wi compatible Remarkable, yeah, wi energy's unmatchable Boy, you make me feel so incredible Dis yah love, yeah, it's one of a kind A unique energy, yeah, it's hard to find You're always on my mind, you make me feel fine Whine pon di beat, yuh know mi love a slow whine [Bridge] Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (Yeah) Buss a whine, buss a whine, turn it up (Wow) Grab yuh gyal and (Yo) turn it up (Turn it up) Slow whine and (Slow whine), turn it up (C'mon) Walk wid it, uh (Yeah), walk wid it, uh (Yo) Walk wid it, uh (Yeah), walk wid it, uh ([?]) Suh turn it up (Turn it up), turn it up (Turn it) Slow whine, right now, turn it up [Verse 4: Spice & Flo Rida] Baby, a one ting wid mi Island gyal love a good energy Loyalty bring good chemistry Mm-hmm, give me the good synergy Ooh, I like yuh sweet touch Pulse a speed, mi heartbeat a rush (Oh-oh-oh) You been my likkle secret crush Mm-hmm, wi energy mek mi blush (Oh-oh-oh) [Chorus: Flo Rida] You got a energy (Oh-oh-oh) That make a bad man want go beg and plead (Oh-oh-oh) I feel your energy (Oh-oh-oh) Make me [?] 'round me (Oh-oh-oh), yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
[Songtext zu: „ISSEY MIYAKE“] [Part 1] Archive Bomber, Raf Simons Girls, als wär es Artemis Choker voller Diamonds Ich bin Joker, sie ist Harley Quinn Ja, die cops sie chasen uns, als hätt' ich einen Haftbefehl Ja sie bleibt die Nacht mit mir, die Bitch will auch das was ich will Sie will auch in Paris chill'n, da wo wir sind woll'n alle hin Ja ich seh' nur Handys, die mein'n Rari film'n (Ja) Meine Bitch ist straff, sie will auf jede Party (Ja) Ja mein Outfit schwarz, ich seh' kein Tageslicht (Ja, ja) Ja meine Glock ist in der Prada Tasche drin (Ja) Ja sie reitet hart, als wenn wir grad' auf еiner Harley sind Ja wir sind in Tokyo, guck wie ich 10 Litеr Sake trink' Ja wir leben [?] [Hook] Issey Miyake [?] Issey Miyake [?] Issey Miyake [?] beim Release!!!]You might also like
Classic Rock….1000x1000x1.jpg
Oy (Freestyle)
I’m not, I’m not responding ‘cause I got to I’m, I'm responding ‘cause I’m bored Ay, Shout out to Oy Barrie Farms One way up Oy He say I’m over thirty ain’t actin’ my age Well at least a nigga actin his wage They offer me 30, just to rap, now I got to react To the boy that pays to rap on the stage I won’t say your name and you still won’t get fame Your anger come from knowing you a God damn shame ‘Cause you been rapping longer than me but you ain’t farther than me Your father probably wish he could have been a father to me You say I’m trying to be street, I stay away from the streets God blessed me with a crib a few milеs from the beach So why the fuck would I takе my Maryland ass to Southeast ‘Cause you ain’t got shit to give ‘em so it got to be me You mad ‘cause you can’t do what I do I came around your fatherhood and did what I did Not trying to be gangster, I’m just trying to go and inspire the kids So they don’t have to go and live where you live On your grandma’s porch, ain’t your father a trapper? Where the fuck is your Porsche At least a motherfucking Ford At least a Honda Accord You ain’t even got a car That’s why your ass will never have the drive to see what I’m on Your papa see you and mourn Your rap career is a corpse You’ll never make it even if you had the label support Matter of fact, ain’t you used to have some label support? Yeah the deal that you got, that your pops paid for? A fucking embarrassment Used to have respect for you, you should have cherished it Now you pushing a narrative that you know ain’t real For clickbait, but it ain’t work, nobody click play still I always though that you was jealous now I know that it’s real And when they talking about the top you do not apply You not even top one million-five-hundred and fifty when they try to look your name up on Spotify I know you drafting your response but I will not reply (Huh) Who gassed you to play with me This will not get you your chance to spend a day with me This will not get you a chance to get a label meet The only thing it got you was your mouth on my meat Fuck, you need to take a seat with your whole team Every time you take a seat it’s in the nosebleed (Yeah) We come from DMV where we the most fleek So why the fuck you dressing like you ain’t got no streams When I come back we going to the store nigga You trying to be the one we know nigga But you should just quit, no hope nigga ‘Cause the youth will never listen to a broke nigga I did this on the fly, I’m the fliest call me “I Don’t Know” I'm'ma show them why I just came from out in Paris this my first time back in the 'Yo And now I got to make some rap careers die I can’t believe that I’m responding to niggas with yellow teeth The name [?] but I really just call them cheeks I’m seen them in my mentions I’ve seen them under my tweets Like when the hell did Wyclef Jean get in this beef? Someone please call 9-1-1 You ain’t got no money, you ain’t got no funds You ain’t got no sticks, you ain’t got no guns Like how you not from the trenches but your (?) still slum Your whole life Nooch you had trouble trying to excel You only rap cause you tried to go to college and failed It’s sad ‘cause I know your father still sitting in jail ‘Cause even if he had a bell you ain’t got shit for the bail You took a pic with Cool J but you really the L You mad ‘cause your ass stuck and I’m the one to prevail The only time that I associate with L’s Is when my bitch is on Elle Or when I’m sitting from row at the L Or when I’m in the studio with Pharell, that’s two L’s A diss from you make me money and boost sales A diss from me gets you attention just for a second But that will not replace your cheap Oy Boys necklace You try to make it seem like I was dissing the dead Tried to Trayvon me and put the hood on my head But really it just gave me more awareness instead Now I know me and you ain’t gon’ ever be friends (Yeah) Dissing me built your biggest buzz yeah you know what’s up (Yeah) You can leave your wallet in the street And nobody take it not out of respect but ‘cause you broke as fuck (Yeah) You ain’t got shit in it Must not know who you dealing with, me and my clique we move militant I body everybody ain’t going to stop me from killing it, bitch you innocent (Hmm) PG stand up, DC they’re my bros, VA in the cut (Huh) You don’t like it come and sue me nigga Getting bodied by a Bowie nigga Just got off of the phone with [?] gave him commissary You should go and help Boobe nigga (Huh) Instead of worrying about the one that’s chosen (Huh) You’re moving like your bank account’s frozen (Huh) Try to play me I am not going You focused on the wrong one that’s why your pockets broken You might also likeOutro (Huh) Let’s turn this into something positive, so I teach this class at Harvard, uhh, gave a scholarship to twenty-five students, I’m not even asking you to do, do, three, four, five, just give me, it costs twenty-five bands for each student, donate twenty-five bands so we could get one more student from the DMV in it, that should be your response
Like Father Like Son
Lionel Cartwright
[Chorus] Like father like son Like mother like daughter What is sown by the one Will be grown by the other What we are when we're old Is what we learn when we're young You may wander from the fold (But) Like father like son [Verse 1] Now I knew a man when I was a child He was so calm and I was so wild But I always wished I could be that way But now I find that I'm growing a little calmer every day [Chorus] Like father like son Like mother like daughtеr What is sown by the one Will be grown by thе other What we are when we're old Is what we learn when we're young You may wander from the fold (But) Like father like son You might also like[Instrumental Break] [Verse 2] Now I'm a man and I know a child And I try to understand when he runs a little wild But I hope and I pray that when he looks at me He sees a man like he would someday want to be [Chorus] Like father like son Like mother like daughter What is sown by the one Will be grown by the other What we are when we're old Is what we learn when we're young You may wander from the fold (But) Like father like son [Tag] You may wander from the fold (But) Like father like son
Romansa Kita
Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza
[Verse] Kamu yang dulu mengejar mimpi Kini menakluki hati Tercipta romansa kita, bertulis puisi Kuterpanah dengan cinta [Chorus] Disini kuberlagu dan bahasa sukmaku Mengharap nanti kau fahami Semestakan menjawabnya Kau jalan pulangku Pelangi menjelmalah saat hujan meneduh Seteduh wajah kasih dia Menjadi belahan jiwa Selama nafas ada [Bridge] Mengharap tulusmu begitu jua, begitu jua [Instrumental Break] [Bridge] Tercipta romansa kita, bertulis puisi Kuterpanah dengan cinta, oh [Chorus] Disini kuberlagu dan bahasa sukmaku Mengharap nanti kau fahami Semestakan menjawabnya Kau jalan pulangku Pelangi menjelmalah saat hujan meneduh Seteduh wajah kasih dia Menjadi belahan jiwa Oh, selama nafas ada You might also like[Outro] Dan engkaulah, kaulah jalanku pulang
Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza
[Verse 1] Deraian hujan malam Terjaga sendirian Teringat dirimu kasih, oh Terasa kehadiran Di mercu singgah sana Namamu telah mekar dihatiku Hanyalah kau tiada ganti Hingga nafas terhenti Teragung selamanya Teguhkanlah janji kasih [Verse 2] Terasa kehadiran Di mercu singgah sana Namamu telah mekar dihatiku [Instrumental Break] [Outro] Terkadang kita jatuh Kau basuh semua luka Leraikan cebis resah Hanya senyumanmu Hanya dakapanmu Aku cinta kepadamu Lebih dari kau tahu Teratas dan terindah Semoga akhirnya abadi di sana Abadi di sana, cintaYou might also like
So Much (Bright-Side Mix)
Peter Gabriel
[Verse 1] So much unfinished business All sticky with desire Raking through the empty shells Of all the rockets we fired Set the navigation For the Earth all warm and wet And as the longing drops away The compass is reset [Chorus] Oh, there’s so much to aim for You can shoot at the sun But all of it just comes and goes There’s only so much can be done [Verse 2] Time slips in the mirror As an old man, I was born But I've grown to be a baby With a halo and a horn Burn up like a lightning bolt All gone within a flash You look around to find a home Where the asteroid will crash See Peter Gabriel LiveGet tickets as low as $46You might also like[Chorus] Oh, there’s so much to live for So much left to give This edition is limited There’s only so much can be done [Bridge] Hm-hm, hm-hm Hm-hm, hm-hm [Verse 3] The body stiffens, tires and aches In its wrinkled, blotchy skin With each decade, more camouflage For the wild eyed child within Now close your eyes for a moment Look down and look above All the warmth inside of you Comes from those you love [Chorus] Oh, there’s so much to live for So much left to give This edition is limited There’s only so much can be done So much to aim for Shooting up at the sun When it all comes and goes There’s only so much can be done So much can be done Only so much can be done
So Much (In-Side Mix)
Peter Gabriel
[Verse 1] So much unfinished business All sticky with desire Raking through the empty shells Of all the rockets we fired Set the navigation For the Earth all warm and wet And as the longing drops away The compass is reset [Chorus] Oh, there’s so much to aim for You can shoot at the sun But all of it just comes and goes There’s only so much can be done [Verse 2] Time slips in the mirror As an old man, I was born But I've grown to be a baby With a halo and a horn Burn up like a lightning bolt All gone within a flash You look around to find a home Where the asteroid will crash See Peter Gabriel LiveGet tickets as low as $46You might also like[Chorus] Oh, there’s so much to live for So much lеft to give This edition is limited Thеre’s only so much can be done [Bridge] Hm-hm, hm-hm Hm-hm, hm-hm [Verse 3] The body stiffens, tires and aches In its wrinkled, blotchy skin With each decade, more camouflage For the wild eyed child within Now close your eyes for a moment Look down and look above All the warmth inside of you Comes from those you love [Chorus] Oh, there’s so much to live for So much left to give This edition is limited There’s only so much can be done So much to aim for Shooting up at the sun When it all comes and goes There’s only so much can be done So much can be done Only so much can be done
Alien (Jaden Smith Demo)
[Intro: Ant Clemons & Jaden] Turned to a Mothra, this that Godzilla (yeah) Turned to a monster Phantom of the opera, it goes where it goes (yeah) My nightmares still haunt me (Dream) When I sleep, they haunt me (yeah, ayy) When I sleep, they haunt me (Ooh, ayo) And my nightmares, they haunt me (Ooh ooh) But I won't let 'em get the- (yuh, ayy, yuh) [Verse: Jaden] Let's go, Ye! Woo! Uh, uh, uh, uh-huh, uh-huh Yeah, yeah Ayy, yeah Woo! Yeah, I had to hit Ye on a text sayin' "Why you put the MAGA hat back on, big bro?" (Let's go, Ye!) Ayy, yuh Uh, look (spin that shit, let's go) Yuh (yuh), ayy Oh, yuh, uh, uh, uh, yuh Alien, clientеle Autopilot, whip fly as hell (Damn!) Space prison, no bail Push a vision out thе whole cell (Let’s go!) Alien, SpaceX Young black flex, man, they hate that, ohh (Facts) Tryna get it in the back of the Maybach, ohh (Get it) Tryna tell me that she don’t do latex Oh, me and Ye was ready to play ready playin' one 25 times 'Cause we know we stuck in the matrix, uh Alien, pyramids She put people that delirious Man, I'm serious, no conspiricist Yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh We all just tryna survive (yuh) If you stare the youth in our eyes Man, we all afraid for our lives (our lives) In a price, SpaceX way to the sky (the sky) Diamonds are real, they never see my demise (demise) But when I die, the sun will set in my eyes (let's go!)You might also like
Udja Kale Kawan - Marriage
Alka Yagnik
[Pre-Chorus] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Leja tu sandesa mera, main sadke jaawaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye Pak gayi mitthiyaan ambiyaan Ye chhoti si zindagi, te raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] [Verse] Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Raste pe ankhiyaan rasta dekhe, bichhre meeton ka Aaj milan ki raat na chhedo baat judaai waali Main chup, tu chup, pyaar sune, bas pyaar hi bole khaali [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] You might also like[Verse] O mitra, o yaara, yaari tod kе mat jaana O mitra, o yaara, yaari tod ke mat jaana Maine jag chhoda, tu mujhko chhodke mat jaana Aisa ho nahi sakta, ho jaayе to mat ghabraana Main daudi aaungi, tu bas ek awaaz lagaana [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Pre-Chorus] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Leja tu sandesa mera, main sadke jaawaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye, pak gaya mitthiyaan ambiyaan Yeh chhoti si zindagi de raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri
Udd Jaa Kaale Kaava
Udit Narayan
[Pre-Chorus: Intro] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Leja tu sandesa mera, main sadke jaawaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye Pak gayi mitthiyaan ambiyaan Ye chhoti si zindagi, te raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus: Udit Narayan] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] [Verse: Udit Narayan] Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka O, cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Raste pe ankhiyaan, rasta dekhe bichhre meeton ka Saari-saari raat jagaayein mujhko teri yaadein Mere saare geet bane mere dil ki faryidein [Chorus: Udit Narayan] O ghar aaja pardеsi, ke teri meri еk jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] You might also like[Verse: Alka Yagnik & Udit Narayan] O mitra, o yaara, yaari tod ke mat jaana O mitra, o yaara, yaari tod ke mat jaana Maine jag chhoda, tu mujhko chhodke mat jaana Aisa ho nahi sakta, ho jaaye to mat ghabraana Main dauda aaunga, tu bas ek awaaz lagaana [Chorus: Udit Narayan] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Outro] Ghar aaja sajna pardesi, Ghar aaja sajna pardesi Ghar aaja sajna pardesi Rab da shukar manawan main Ghar aaja sajna pardesi, Ghar aaja sajna pardesi Ghar aaja sajna pardesi Rab da shukar manawan main
Udja Kale Kawan - Search
Alka Yagnik
[Pre-Chorus] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Leja tu sandesa mera, main sadke jaawaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye Pak gayi mitthiyaan ambiyaan Ye chhoti si zindagi, te raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] [Verse] Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Raste pe ankhiyaan, rasta dekhe bichhre meeton ka Saari-saari raat jagaayein mujhko teri yaadein Mere saare geet bane mere dil ki faryidein [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri mеri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke tеri meri ek jindri [Outro] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan You might also likeLe ja tu sandesaa mera main sadke jaawaan Le ja tu sandesaa mera main sadke jaawaan Le ja tu sandesaa mera main sadke jaawaan Le ja tu sandesaa mera main sadke jaawaan Le ja tu sandesaa mera main sadke jaawaan Le ja tu sandesaa mera main sadke jaawaan
Udja Kale Kawa - Victory
Alka Yagnik
[Intro] Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye Pak gayi mitthiyaan ambiyaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye Pak gayi mitthiyaan ambiyaan Ye chhoti si zindagi de raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi...You might also like
Cream Soda
[엑소 "Cream Soda" 가사] [Refrain: Baekhyun, Suho] 톡 쏘는 듯한 느낌 꽤나 부드러운 cream 섞일수록 더욱 진해져, babe 또 목이 타는 기분 살짝 위태로운 지금 다른 걸론 절대 만족 못해 (Woo) [Verse 1: D.O., Chanyeol, Sehun, Xiumin] Baby, come closer 입 안 가득 퍼져 처음 맛본 특별한 끌림 이 자극적인 텐션 like a bottle of cola 넌 탄산처럼 pop 터져 이미 (Woo, woo) 이성이 다 마비된 듯 사랑 앞에선, baby, 자꾸만 비틀 까다로운 척 이리저리 재 봐도 원래 몸에 해로운 게 끌리는 거 알지 [Chorus: Chen, All] 주체 못 할 appetite 내 모든 걸 뒤흔든 그 맛 I need all ya Cream soda 녹아들수록 좀 더 달콤해져 내 맘을 아주 쏙 빼놔 I need all ya Cream soda (Oh) You might also like[Refrain: D.O.] 톡 쏘는 듯한 느낌 (Cream) 꽤나 부드러운 cream (Soda) 섞일수록 더욱 진해져, baby (Cream) [Verse 2: Chen, Xiumin, Chanyeol, Sehun] Baby, go dumb, dumb, 머릿속을 shakin' 딱 한입에 난 이미 freezin' Give me that yum, yum, 아찔한 넌 tasty 날 사로잡은 달콤한 그 flavor Yeah, 달콤해 이건 마치 Bon, bon dessert 한 모금 들이마신 순간 Dumb, dumb, be fooled 날 자제하려 시도했지만 조절이 안돼 맘보다 본능이 so fast 이대로 멈출 수 없어 You know, I gon' get it, get it [Chorus: Suho, All, Chanyeol] 주체 못 할 appetite (Get it, get it) 내 모든 걸 뒤흔든 그 맛 I need all ya Cream soda 녹아들수록 좀 더 달콤해져 내 맘을 아주 쏙 빼놔 I need all ya Cream soda (Oh) [Bridge: Chanyeol, Kai, Suho, Chen] 넘쳐나는 거품 fill it up (Oh, fill it up) 부드럽게 채워 get it up (Oh, get it up) 벗어나길 원치 않아 drink it all 번져가는 love so sweet 머리가 깨질 듯이 시린 너의 투명한 바닥 끝까지 자꾸 욕심나 좀 더 맘을 녹여줘 살짝 맛볼 정도만 [Chorus: D.O., All, Chen, Baekhyun] 중독적인 appetite 내 심장에 맴도는 그 맛 (Ooh) I need all ya (I need all ya) Cream soda (Oh, yeah, soda) 음미할수록 좀 더 달콤해져 (Oh, woah) 그 끝을 알고 싶어 난 I need all ya (I need ya, I need, I need ya, I need ya) Cream soda So, baby, tonight (With my appetite cream soda) [Refrain: Kai, Sehun] 톡 쏘는 듯한 느낌 (Cream) 꽤나 부드러운 cream (Soda) 섞일수록 더욱 진해져, babe (Cream soda) 또 목이 타는 기분 (Cream) 살짝 위태로운 지금 (Soda) 다른 걸론 절대 만족 못해 (Cream soda)
Udja Kale Kawan
Udit Narayan
[Pre-Chorus] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Leja tu sandesa mera, main sadke jaawaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye Pak gayi mitthiyaan ambiyaan Ye chhoti si zindagi, te raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] [Verse] Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Cham-cham karta aaya mausam pyaar ke geeton ka Raste pe ankhiyaan rasta dekhe, bichhre meeton ka Aaj milan ki raat na chhedo baat judaai waali Main chup, tu chup, pyaar sune, bas pyaar hi bole khaali [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Instrumental-break] You might also like[Verse] O mitra, o yaara, yaari tod kе mat jaana O mitra, o yaara, yaari tod ke mat jaana Maine jag chhoda, tu mujhko chhodke mat jaana Aisa ho nahi sakta, ho jaayе to mat ghabraana Main daudi aaungi, tu bas ek awaaz lagaana [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri [Pre-Chorus] Udja kaale kaawan tere munh vich khand paawan Leja tu sandesa mera, main sadke jaawaan Baagon mein phir jhoole pad gaye, pak gaya mitthiyaan ambiyaan Yeh chhoti si zindagi de raata lambiya, lambiya [Chorus] O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri O ghar aaja pardesi, ke teri meri ek jindri
LOVE - triple j Like A Version
[Chorus: Lauren] Give me a run for my money There is nobody, no one to outrun me So give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely, livin' lovely Just love me, love me, love me Just love me, love me [Refrain: Martin & *Lauren*] If I didn't ride blade on curb, would you still *love me*? If I minimized my net worth, would you still *love me*? Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me than you *love me* Keep it a whole one hund', don't got you, I got nothin' Monkeys [Verse 1: Lauren] I got somethin' We gon' function No assumptions Feelin' like fightin' with it Knock it out twice, I'm with it Only for the night I'm kiddin' Only for life [Refrain: Martin & *Lauren*] If I didn't ride blade on curb, would you still *love me*? If I minimized my net worth, would you still *love me*? Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me than you *love me* Keep it a whole one hund', don't got you, I got nothin' You might also like[Chorus: Lauren] Give me a run for my money There is nobody, no one to outrun me So give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely, livin' lovely Just love me, love me, love me Just love me, love me [Verse 2: Lauren] I'm on the way We ain't got no time to waste Poppin' your gum on the way Am I in the way? I don't wan' pressure you none I want your blessing today Oh, by the way, open the door for me babe Told you that I'm on the way I'm on the way, I know connection is vague Pick up the phone for me, babe [Refrain: Martin & *Lauren*] If I didn't ride blade on curb, would you still *love me*? If I minimized my net worth, would you still *love me*? Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me than you *love me* Keep it a whole one hund', don't got you, I got nothin' [Outro: Lauren] Just love me, love me, love me Just love me, love me Just love me, love me, love me Just love me, love me Just love me, love me Give me a run for my money There is nobody, no one to outrun me So give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely, livin' lovely
Ask About Me
[Pre-Chorus: Dekstah] Let them talk about me Haters helped me build a kingdom, now they crown me 'Cause I kept it real, I look out on my balcony Fuckin' oath, I'm proud of me [Chorus: Dekstah] 'Cause I did what I said I would, ask about me, yeah 'Cause I did what I said I would, just ask about me 'Cause I did what I said I would, just ask about me, yeah 'Cause I did what I said I would, ask about me, just ask about me [Verse 1: Kerser] Live on the edge, did what I said Some people proud, some wish I wish dead I let 'em talk, I ain't even gonna hear that I be myself anywhere I appear at If this levels then I'm levels above They check my income, they think that I'm peddlin' drugs 'Cause a lifestyle lavish, king but I'm savage Awfully legit, won't quit like an addict Let me tell you what come with the game First come the fame, then come the pain Then come the stray bullets 'cause your name Got 'em in a rage, what they gonna say? Let it go, wait, you gonna hop on stage Then they gonna question why you're gettin' off your face You start to loss On my way to the top, I'm a true boss You might also like[Pre-Chorus: Dekstah] Let them talk about me Haters helped me build a kingdom, now they crown me 'Cause I kept it real, I look out on my balcony Fuckin' oath, I'm proud of me [Chorus: Dekstah] 'Cause I did what I said I would, ask about me, yeah 'Cause I did what I said I would, just ask about me 'Cause I did what I said I would, just ask about me, yeah 'Cause I did what I said I would, ask about me, just ask about me [Verse 2: Kerser] Ask 'bout me, swerve 'round free AM in the a.m., GM, maybe I could see Real life in a dream house, feels weird Face fear is the only way to kill fear Are you still here for the long ride? By my side even when it was the wrong side Stay strong, I got my head high They take shots when they start to see your bread rise I'm dead nice and I'm all about the max profit I charge double so I'm covered when the tax chop it Got your back, promise, 'cause you have mine For the fans, I can't even try and match lines How I'm meant to put to words how you saved Kers But my music helps you so we take turns Longevity, we immortal They talk about me 'cause they know they can't talk to [Pre-Chorus: Dekstah] Let them talk about me Haters helped me build a kingdom, now they crown me 'Cause I kept it real, I look out on my balcony Fuckin' oath, I'm proud of me [Chorus: Dekstah] 'Cause I did what I said I would, ask about me, yeah 'Cause I did what I said I would, just ask about me 'Cause I did what I said I would, just ask about me, yeah 'Cause I did what I said I would, ask about me, just ask about me
Ladies of Cambridge (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Verse 1] Chestnut vibes on a Saturday night Mystical boys are feelin' alright Raggedy wisdom falls from my hands The ladies of Cambridge know who I am [Chorus] I've had dreams of Boston all of my life Chinatown between the sounds of the night But if you leave I just don't think I could take it Take it, take it, take it [Verse 2] Graveyard bricks will fall into style Lady as Pharaoh, Charles as the Nile That's a museum, price you could pay Stones of your fathers stand there today [Chorus] I've had dreams of Boston all of my life Chinatown between the sounds of the night But if you leave I just don't think I could take it Take it, take it, take it [Instrumental Break] You might also like[Chorus] I'vе had dreams of Boston all of my life Chinatown between thе sounds of the night [Bridge] But when you left my room to go to the kitchen I imagined that you were dead A morbid streak runs through the whole of my family But for you, I could put it to rest [Outro] But if you leave I just don't think I could take it Take it, take it
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
Jokerman (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Spoken] Someone was holding up a sign that said—what did it say, "eight minute 'Oxford Comma’"? I'm sorry, that—that was relati— Next time. We got you next time, we'll bring that eight-minute "Oxford Comma." Um, we’d like to do a cover for you guys, if you don't mind. And this song is very special to us, because—uh, not only is it a song by the great Bob Dylan, it uh, it went on to inspire one of the greatest fonts of all time. It's called "Jokerman." [Verse 1] Standing on the waters casting your bread While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing Distant ships sailing into thе mist You were born with a snake in both of your fists whilе a hurricane was blowing Freedom just around the corner for you But with truth so far off, what good will it do? [Chorus] Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman [Verse 2] So swiftly the sun sets in the sky You rise up and say goodbye to no one Fools rush in where angels fear to tread Both of their futures, so full of dread, you don't show one Shedding off one more layer of skin Keeping one step ahead from the persecutor within [Chorus] Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman You might also like[Verse 3] You're a man of the mountains, you can walk on the clouds Manipulator of crowds, you're the dream twister You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah But what do you care? Ain't nobody there would want to marry your sister Friend to the martyr, friend to the woman of shame Look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name [Chorus] Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman [Verse 4] Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed Michelangelo indeed could’ve carved out your features Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face [Chorus] Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman [Verse 5] Well, the rifleman’s stalking the sick and the lame Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin Only a matter of time ’til the night comes rushing in [Chorus] Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman [Instrumental break] [Verse 6] It's a shadowy world, skies are slippery grey A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet He'll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat Take the motherless children off the street And place them at the feet of a harlot Oh, Jokerman, you know what he wants Oh, Jokerman, you don't show any response [Chorus] Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune Bird fly high by the light of the moon Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
Toy Soldiers (Japanese Version)
[Intro] Step by step Heart to heart Left, right, left We all fall down Like toy soldiers [Verse 1] 騙したり傷つけたり 終わりにしたいの これ以上 It's true, 誰も本当の愛に 出会えば分かるの [Pre-Chorus] 手と手かさねて 伝えたい勇気 Won't you come out and play with me? [Chorus] Step by step Heart to heart Left, right, left, 心は Like toy soldiers 罪な気持ち 今すぐ捨てるためにね For toy soldiers [Verse 2] 偽りの世界の中 逃げ込んだりせず 一人で そうよ あなたのそばにいるわ このまま これからもずっと You might also like[Pre-Chorus] 歩き続けて 挫けたら駄目よ Won't you come out and play with me? [Chorus] Step by step Heart to heart Left, right, left, 心は Like toy soldiers 光る瞳 明日は生まれ変わるの For toy soldiers [Bridge] We never win [Pre-Chorus] 会いたい きっと会える 夢を今 抱いて Won't you come out and play with me? [Chorus] Step by step Heart to heart Left, right, left, 心は Like toy soldiers 罪な気持ち 今すぐ捨てるためにね For toy soldiers Step by step Heart to heart Left, right, left, 心は Like toy soldiers 光る瞳 明日は生まれ変わるの For toy soldiers
Quiero Entregarte Mi Amor
[Verse 1] No debiera sorprenderte El fuego que tú ves en mi, ah-ah La verdad está escrita Mis ojos no saben mentir, no saben mentir [Pre-Chorus] Lo he pensado que decir Si no hay explicación, ah Y es lo que siento, profundamente en mi corazón, ah-ah [Chorus] Quiero entregarte mi amor No puedo vivir sin ti Me haces feliz, oh Cada noche sueño que en tus brazos duermo Quiero entrеgarte mi amor Aha, aha [Verse 2] Siempre piеnso yo lo contenta Que me haces sentir, ah-ah Si no existo en tu vida Yo se que prefiero morir, prefiero morir [Pre-Chorus] Quiero amarte solo a sí Te lo puedo demostrar, ah Para que sepas que lo que siento es muy real, ah-ah You might also like[Chorus] Quiero entregarte mi amor No puedo vivir sin ti Me haces feliz, oh Cada noche sueño que en tus brazos duermo Quiero entregarte mi amor [Bridge] Me despierto pensando en ti Y es algo que no puedo controlar Hoy me estoy dando cuenta Que nunca te puedo olvidar Ya me enamoré de ti [Pre-Chorus] Lo he pensado que decir Si no hay explicación, ah Y es lo que siento, profundamente en mi corazón, ah-ah [Chorus] Quiero entregarte mi amor No puedo vivir sin ti Me haces feliz, oh Cada noche sueño que en tus brazos duermo, oh-oh Quiero entregarte mi amor No puedo vivir sin ti Me haces feliz, oh Cada noche sueño que en tus brazos duermo Quiero entregarte mi amor No puedo vivir sin ti Me haces feliz, oh Cada noche sueño que en tus brazos duermo Quiero entregarte mi amor No puedo vivir sin ti Me haces feliz, oh Cada noche sueño que en tus brazos duermo Quiero entregarte mi amor
Siento La Tierra Temblar
[Chorus] Siento temblar la tierra a mis pies Siento que el sol me aplasta Mi corazón se va a romper Cariño, ¡basta! [Verse 1] ¡Oh baby! ¿Qué tiene tu cara? Plácida como el mes de abril ¡Oh mi vida! ¿Qué me pasa? Cuando me miras así [Chorus] Siento temblar la tierra a mis pies Siento que el sol me aplasta Mi corazón se va a romper Cariño, ¡basta! [Verse 2] ¡Oh baby! No te acerques No respondo de mis emociones Si me hablas Dulcemente Voy a entregarme a ti sin control Voy a entrеgarme locamente You might also like[Refrain] Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah Yеah, yeah, yeah Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, yeah, yeah [Chorus] Siento temblar la tierra a mis pies Siento que el sol me aplasta Mi corazón se va a romper Cariño, ¡basta! ¡Oh! ¡Yeah! [Verse 3] ¡Oh baby! ¿Qué tiene tu cara? Plácida como el mes de abril ¡Oh mi vida! ¿Qué me pasa? Cuando me miras así Pierdo el control sobre mis alas [Refrain] Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah Yeah, yeah, yeah Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, yeah, yeah [Chorus] Siento temblar la tierra a mis pies Siento que el sol me aplasta (me aplasta) Siento temblar la tierra a mis pies Siento que el sol me aplasta (me aplasta) [Bridge] Voy a perder el control De mi corazón Siento frío y calor En todo mi cuerpo, mi cuerpo, mi cuerpo [Chorus] Siento temblar la tierra a mis pies Siento que el sol me aplasta Me aplasta, me aplasta Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah Siento Bud-a, bud-a, bum-bum, bud-a, bum-bum Siento temblar la tierra, oh yeah [Outro] Siento temblar (temblar) Siento aplastar (aplastar) Siento romper (romper) Bud-a, bud-a, bum-bum, bud-a, bum-bum (yeah) Siento temblar (yeah) Ooh, bud-a, bud-a, bum
Exchange of Hearts
[Verse 1] Teardrops falling down on this desert sand If we had to live it all again Where would we be now? Night by night, sleeping with the enemy Was it ever only you and me? It's not too late, we can have an exchange of hearts [Chorus] A lie for a lie, a truth for a truth Were you there for me? 'Cause I was never there for you I admit it, you can do the same Lose your pride, we're both to blame [Verse 2] I misfired a bullet from a mad bonе, permeate into oblivion Words can bе so cruel Don't portray that I became the bad one Now I know for you, my love is strong Can't we try to have an exchange of hearts? [Chorus] A lie for a lie, a truth for a truth Were you there for me? 'Cause I was never there for you I admit it, you can do the same Lose your pride, we're both to blame You might also likeA lie for a lie, a truth for a truth If you confess to me, then baby, I'll confess to you Two hearts broken, searching for the way Love's a heavy price to pay [Verse 3] Teardrops falling down on this desert sand If we had to live it all again Where would we be now? Night by night, sleeping with the enemy Was it ever only you and me? I'd feel much better if we had an exchange of hearts [Chorus] A lie for a lie, a truth for a truth Were you there for me? 'Cause I was never there for you I admit it, you can do the same Lose your pride, we're both to blame A lie for a lie, a truth for a truth If you confess to me, then baby, I'll confess to you Two hearts broken, searching for the way Love's a heavy price to pay [Outro] We can have an exchange of hearts We can have an exchange of hearts We can have an exchange of hearts We can have an exchange of hearts We can have an exchange of hearts
Como Un Juguete
[Intro] Un dos tres paso atras, vuelvete Te romperas, como un juguete [Verse 1] No era mi intensión pero ha ocurrido Quisiera dar un paso atras (es tarde ya) Lo sé, yo te invite a vivir conmigo Sin saber lo que iba durar [Pre-Chorus] Mi placer y mi ansiedad Solos tú y yo, soledad (Ven a jugar conmigo) [Chorus] Un dos tres, un paso atras, vuelvete Te romperas, como juguete Antes tú ahora yo, jamas gane Pues la vida me trato como juguete [Verse 2] Que duro se me hace despertarme Mi espejo reflejandome (tal como soy) Como no pude ver que soy adicta Quiero escapar, o la proxima sere yo You might also like[Pre-Chorus] Que vacia debo estar Que no siento ya, ni el dolor (Ven a jugar conmigo) [Chorus] Un dos tres un paso atras vuelvete Te romperas, como juguete Antes tú ahora yo jamas gane Pues la vida me trato como juguete [Bridge] Jamas gane [Pre-Chorus] Que vacia debo estar Que no siento ya, ni el dolor (Ven a jugar conmigo) [Chorus] Un dos tres un paso atras vuelvete Te romperas, como juguete Antes tú ahora yo jamas gane Pues la vida me trato como juguete
Feli Colina
[Verso] Trigal Donde mis manos se dilatan Se comprimen y arrebatan El color de tu trigal Trigal... ¡Ay! Trigal... Dame el trigal de tus amores Para calmar viejos dolores Con el pan de tu trigal [Estribillo] Trigo maduro hay en tu pelo (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) Robó quizá la luz al sol (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) Yo soy el dueño de tu fruto (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah-ah) Soy el molino de tu amor ¡Ay! Trigal... Dame tu surco y dame vida Borra mi tiempo y esta herida Si ya es mío tu trigal (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah-ah) [Estribillo] Trigo maduro hay en tu pelo (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) Robó quizá la luz al sol (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah) Yo soy el dueño de tu fruto (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah-ah) Soy el molino de tu amor You might also like¡Ay! Trigal... Dame tu surco y dame vida Borra mi tiempo y esta herida Si ya es mío tu trigal
Feli Colina
Ya va empezando lo' velorios Que le hacemo' al babalú Dame diecisiete velas Pa' ponerlo en cruz Dame un poco de tabaco mayenye Y un vasito de aguardiente Dame un poco de dinero mayenye Pa' que me dé la suerte Ya va empezando lo' velorios Que le hacemo' al babalú Dame diecisiete velas Pa' ponerlo en cruz Dame un poco de tabaco mayenye (Y un vasito de aguardiente) Dame un poco de dinero mayenye (Pa' que le dé la suerte) Ya va empezando lo' velorios Que le hacemo' al babalú Dame diecisiete velas Pa' ponerlo en cruz Dame un poco de tabaco mayenye (Y un jarrito de aguardiente) Dame un poco de dinero mayenye (Pa' que nos dé la suerte, eh) You might also likeYo quiere pedí Que mi negra me quiere Que tenga dinero Y que no se muera ¡Ay! Que yo le quiere pedir al Babalú ¡Ay! Una negra bebona como tú Que no tenga otro negro Y que no se muera ¡Ay! Mi babalú aye, babalú aye ¡Ay! Mi babalú ayé Babalú aye, babalú aye ¡Ay! Mi babalú ayé Babalú aye, babalú aye ¡Ay! Mi babalú ayé Babalú aye, babalú aye ¡Ay! Mi babalú ayé Babalú aye, babalú aye ¡Ay! Mi babalú ayé
Feli Colina
[Verso 1] Ya van tres noches bailando La albahaca ya está marchita Si no machan a la vieja Nos quedamos sin chinita Deme la caja chayera Yo soy cantor avenido Cuando empiezo a verme pobre Cantando lo aumento al vino [Estribillo] Pobrecito el carnaval La vida le da mal trato Siempre solito y puntual Trajinando risa y llanto Trajinando risa y llanto Trajinando risa y llanto [Verso 2] Si me sigue la muchacha La vieja no pierde el ojo Yo me le hago el distraido Pero me queda el antojo You might also likeEl diablo me dio un consejo Que yo ya no puedo seguir: "Búscale a la vieja un viejo Sólo así podrás vivir" [Estribillo] Pobrecito еl carnaval La vida le da mal trato Siempre solita y puntual Trajinando risa y llanto Trajinando risa y llanto Trajinando risa y llanto Trajinando risa y llanto [Instrumental y tarareo]
Feli Colina
Gloria a Dios En las alturas Y en la Tierra Paz a los hombres Paz a los hombres (paz) Paz a los hombres (paz) Que ama el Señor Gloria a Dios En las alturas Y en la Tierra Paz a los hombres Paz a los hombres (paz) Paz a los hombres (paz) Que ama el Señor Te alabamos (Te bendecimos) Te adoramos (Glorificamos) Te alabamos (Te bendecimos) Te adoramos (Glorificamos) You might also like(Te damos gracias) Te damos gracias (Te damos gracias) Por tu inmensa gloria Gloria a Dios En las alturas Y en la Tierra Paz a los hombres Paz a los hombres (paz) Paz a los hombres (paz) Que ama el Señor Gloria a Dios En las alturas Y en la Tierra Paz a los hombres Paz a los hombres (paz) Paz a los hombres (paz) Que ama el Señor Porque Tú Solo eres Santo Solo Tú Señor tú solo Porque Tú Solo eres Santo Solo Tú Señor tú solo (Te damos gracias) Te damos gracias (Te damos gracias) Por tu inmensa gloria Señor Dios Rey Celestial
Feli Colina
[Monólogo en off: Felipe Romeo] Gracias Gracias por lo empezado y lo que sigue empezando Gracias Por lo que nunca termina de terminar A mi modo yo agradezco Lo que no tengo, lo ofrezco Gracias Voy quedando, se me da lo que merezco Gracias por la poesía Gracias por la ilusión Gracias porque todavía se me retuerce el corazón Como dijo María Elena "Aunque hayamos envejecido El dolor siempre parece un bebé recién nacido" Y hoy yo estoy agradecido Desde mi ser más profundo porque sigo caminando Como si supiera el rumbo Y si me sangran los pies (ja, ja) Y me persigue la muerte Yo seguiré agradecido Pues siempre tuve la suerte De cruzarme en el camino Algún (?) tendida Gracias a estas personas Por dar sentido a mi vida You might also like[Verso/Estribillo] Llegó para quien quiera Llegaron los infernales, bailamos la noche entera Salió la luna llena Salieron los infernales, pasamos la noche en vela Llegó para quien quiera Llegaron los infernales, bailamos la noche entera Salió la luna llena Salieron los infernales, pasamos la noche en vela
My Sweet Lord
Troye Sivan
[Chorus] My sweet Lord Oh, my Lord Mm, my Lord [Verse 1] I really wanna see you I really wanna be with you I really wanna see you, Lord But it takes so long, my Lord [Chorus] My sweet Lord My, my, my Lord Mm, my Lord [Verse 2] I really wanna know you I really wanna go with you I really wanna show you, Lord That it won't take long, my Lord [Chorus] (Hallelujah) My sweet Lord (Hare Krishna) My, my, my Lord (Hallelujah) My sweet Lord (Hare Krishna) You might also like[Verse 3] I really wanna see you I really wanna see you I really wanna see you, Lord I really wanna see you, Lord But it won't take long, my Lord [Chorus] (Hallelujah) Oh, my Lord (Hare Krishna) My, my, my Lord (Hallelujah) My sweet Lord (Hare Krishna) [Verse 4] I really wanna know you I really wanna go with you I really wanna show you, Lord That it won't take long, my Lord [Chorus] (Hallelujah) Oh, my Lord (Hare Krishna) My, my, my Lord (Hallelujah) Mm, my Lord (Hare Krishna) (Hey, hey, hey)
You’re Gonna Make Her Mine
Lionel Cartwright
[Verse 1] I've seen from a distance How she offers no resistance to your charms You talk her out of leaving But come evening, you're in someone else's arms Now I won't just stand by And wonder why you want to treat her like you do [Chorus] Now I'm giving you fair warning I'm right around the corner Waiting for the chance to make my move Every heartache that you cause her Just brings her that much closer You're gonna make her mine before you're through [Instrumental Break] [Verse 2] Now I can understand Why any man would treat a woman likе you do You hurt her and you taunt her Guess that fact is you don't want hеr like I do Now I won't just stand by And watch her cry from all the careless things you do You might also like[Chorus] Now I'm giving you fair warning I'm right around the corner Waiting for the chance to make my move Every heartache that you cause her Just brings her that much closer You're gonna make her mine before you're through [Tag] You're gonna make her mine before you're through
In My Eyes
Lionel Cartwright
[Verse 1] It's that old long distance heartache It's those same old white line blues They start coming on When I'm too long gone from you [Verse 2] And I know what you must be thinking I know how those thoughts can run When you're far apart Trust can start to come undone [Chorus] But in my eyes, there could be no other woman In my nights, I dream of only you In my life from here to the horizon I see no one else but you [Bridge] So, put those questions far behind you And hang your doubts up with the phone Yes I′m lonely, but till I'm home with you I′ll be lonely alone [Instrumental Break] You might also like[Verse 3] Just to think I could bе lying Lying in your arms tonight Makes temptation run Therе is only one that's right [Chorus] 'Cause in my eyes, there could be no other woman And in my nights, I dream of only you In my life from here to the horizon I see no one else but you
My Momma
Isaiah Rashad
[Intro] Thighs spinning’ Like ’99 that’s a green Cadillac outside That got them pies in it If I ever seen a hustler, if I ever seen a Yeah [Chorus] I take it back to when the thighs spinning’ Like ’99 that’s a green Cadillac outside That got them pies in it But if I ever seen a hustler If I ever seen a hustler that’s my mothafuckin’ momma, look [Verse 1] Let’s smoke dawg, she call me up We blow it down, we do the most dawg Don’t trust a fool, don’t trust a friend, don’t trust them hoes dawg If I was tougher I would probably bring a rose, dawg, dawg I taught them commas with my momma ‘nem I taught them commas with my brother Willy [?] and he still mixin’ that plot Count it count it count it nigga I wrote that Tay [?] when shoppin’ on thе counter, nigga I write his [?] around wit’ us We paint thе cars, they bought the blunts I pay the homage nigga, nigga Look, see I’d rather smoke with my momma while you go jingle for that check and be phony They got that noose at yo’ neck, nigga Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah You might also like[Chorus] I take it back to when the thighs spinning’ Like ’99 that’s a green Cadillac outside That got them pies in it But if I ever seen a hustler If I ever seen a hustler what’s my mothafuckin’ momma, look [Verse 2] Niggas gotta eat though Bring the conversation, need some better teeth though I got another baby mama, I shoulda wear a condom But we always love each other in the heat though I got a couple bitches waitin’ for a seat throw If I wasn’t Cali-fuckin’ I’d marry weed though You a dog, you a dog Zay It’s what they all say Oh by the way, get me something from the mall Zay I’m at home, I’m just waitin’ for your call Zay And when you come, put my babies in the hallway, see I’d rather smoke with my momma while you go jingle for that check and be phony I got that noose at yo’ neck, nigga [Outro] Niggas gotta eat though I take it back to when the thighs spinning’ Like ’99 that’s a green Cadillac outside That got them pies in it But if I ever seen a hustler If I ever seen a hustler that’s my mothafuckin’ momma I take it back to when the thighs spinning’ Like ’99 that’s a green Cadillac outside That got them pies in it But if I ever seen a hustler If I ever seen a hustler that’s my mothafuckin’ momma I take it back to when the thighs spinning’ Like ’99 that’s a green Cadillac outside That got them pies in it (Gotta eat though) But if I ever seen a hustler If I ever seen a hustler that’s my mothafuckin’ momma1
Animal (Live)
Neon Trees
[Skit] I want to tell you about this uh this person uh, this girl She was a crazy, crazy one from the city, from the New York City She's a city girl, a city girl and she liked to play with hearts You know what I'm saying? You know those types? Oh yeah, all these cameras in our faces, my faces did I say [?] And, and here's the thing, she saw me crying in the corner of my room, and I was crying tears, tears, tears the size of my ears She was like, she was like, "Tyler why are you crying? Why are you crying?" Baby doll, baby doll Oh-oh, I want some more She was like, she was like, "What what, what what?" I was like, Oh-oh, what are you waiting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight [Intro] I wanna see the animal inside of you! Oh! [Verse 1] Here we go again I kinda wanna be more than friends So take it easy on me I'm afraid you're never satisfied [Verse 2] Here we go again We're sick like animals, we play pretend You're just a cannibal And I'm afraid I won't get out alive Sing it! You don't know it! See Neon Trees LiveGet tickets as low as $21You might also like[Chorus] Oh-oh, I want some more Oh-oh, what are you waiting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight Oh-oh, I want some more Oh-oh, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight Alright! [Verse 2] Here we are again I feel the chemicals kickin' in It's getting heavy and I wanna run and hide I wanna run and hide I do it every time You're killin' me now And I won't be denied by you The animal inside of you [Chorus] Oh-oh, I want some more Oh-oh Take a bite of my heart tonight Oh-oh, I want some more Oh-oh, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to my heart sweet lovin' [Bridge] Hush, hush, the world is quiet Hush, hush, we both can't fight it It's us that made this mess Why can't you understand? Woah, I won't sleep tonight I won't sleep tonight Yea, yea, yea, yea [Pre-Chorus] Sing it if you know it! [Chorus] Take a bite of my heart tonight Hat are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? What are you waiting— Oh-oh Here we go again (Oh-oh) Here we go again (Oh-oh) Here we go again (Oh-oh) Say goodbye to my heart tonight [Outro] Oh-oh, I want some more Oh-oh What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight
Find Me Out On A Mountain Top
Blue Highway
[Chorus] Find me out on a mountaintop Where the cool breezes blow through the pines Find me out on a mountaintop I'm leavin' this ol' world behind [Verse 1] Fifteen miles from the nearest town Is where I'll take my rest I'm leavin' behind my troubled mind And the girl I love the best [Chorus] Find me out on a mountaintop Where the cool breezes blow through the pines Find me out on a mountaintop I'm leavin' this ol' world behind [Verse 2] A country boy in a city world Will never find a home Like a mourning dove on a high rooftop I'm better lеft all alone [Chorus] Find me out on a mountaintop Wherе the cool breezes blow through the pines Find me out on a mountaintop I'm leavin' this ol' world behind You might also like[Outro] Find me out on a mountaintop Find me out on a mountaintop
Unbelievers (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Verse 1] Got a little soul The world is a cold, cold place to be Want a little warmth But who's going to save a little warmth for me? [Pre-Chorus] We know the fire awaits unbelievers All of the sinners the same Girl, you and I will die unbelievers Bound to the tracks of the train [Verse 2] If I'm born again I know that the world will disagree Want a little grace But who's gonna say a little grace for me? [Pre-Chorus] We know the fire awaits unbelievers All of the sinners the same Girl, you and I will die unbelievers Bound to the tracks of the train [Chorus] I'm not excited, but should I be? Is this the fate that half of the world has planned for me? I know I love you, and you love the sea But what holy water contains a little drop, little drop for me? You might also like[Verse 3] See the sun go down It's going on down and the night is deep Want a little light But who's gonna save a little light for me? [Pre-Chorus] We know the fire awaits unbelievers All of the sinners the same Girl, you and I will die unbelievers Bound to the tracks of the train [Chorus] I'm not excited, but should I be? Is this the fate that half of the world has planned for me? I know I love you, and you love the sea But what holy water contains a little drop, little drop for me? [Instrumental Bridge] [Chorus] I'm not excited, but should I be? Is this the fate that half of the world has planned for me? I know I love you, and you love the sea But what holy water contains a little drop, little drop for me? [Spoken] Alright, thank you, Indianapolis! We're Vampire Weekend, nice to see you! It's been awhile!
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
Run (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Verse 1] Every dollar counts And every morning hurts We mostly work to live Until we live to work [Chorus] She said "You know There's nowhere left to go" But changing roles It struck me that the two of us could run [Verse 2] Worlds away from cars And all the Stars and Bars Where a little bit of condensation means so much And a little bit of change is all your little fingers touch [Chorus] I said "You know There's nowhere left to go" But changing roles It struck me that the two of us could run You might also like[Bridge] 'Cause, honey, with you-ooh-ooh-ooh Is the only honest way to go I could take two-ooh-ooh-ooh But I really couldn't ever know Honеy, with you-ooh-ooh-ooh And a little battered radio Wе could try [Verse 3] So lead my feet away So all they do is stay And I don't think your eyes Have ever looked surprised [Chorus] She said "You know There's nowhere left to go" But with her fund It struck me that the two of us could run [Outro] 'Cause, honey, with you-ooh-ooh-ooh Is the only honest way to go I could take two-ooh-ooh-ooh But I really couldn't ever know Honey, with you-ooh-ooh-ooh And a little battered radio We could try, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
This Life (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Verse 1] Baby, I know pain is as natural as the rain I just thought it didn't rain in California Baby, I know love isn't what I thought it was 'Cause I've never known a love like this before ya [Verse 2] Baby, I know dreams tend to crumble at extremes I just thought our dream would last a little bit longer There's a time when every man draws a line down in the sand We're surviving, we're still living, are we stronger? [Chorus] You've been cheating on, cheating on me I've been cheating on, cheating on you You've been chеating on me But I've been cheating through this lifе And all its suffering Oh Christ Am I good for nothing? [Verse 3] Baby, I know hate is always waiting at the gate I just thought we locked the gate when we left in the morning And I was told that war is how we landed on these shores I just thought the drums of war beat louder warnings You might also like[Chorus] You've been cheating on, cheating on me I've been cheating on, cheating on you You've been cheating on me But I've been cheating through this life And all its suffering Oh Christ Am I good for nothing? [Verse 4] Baby, I know death probably hasn't happened yet 'Cause I don't remember living life before this And darling, our disease is the same one as the trees Unaware that they've been living in a forest [Chorus] You've been cheating on, cheating on me I've been cheating on, cheating on you You've been cheating on me But I've been cheating through this life (You've been cheating on, cheating on me I've been cheating on, cheating on you) And all its suffering (You've been cheating on me I've been cheating through) Oh Christ (You've been cheating on, cheating on me I've been cheating on, cheating on you) Am I good for nothing? (You've been cheating on me I've been cheating through) This life And all its suffering Oh Christ Am I good for nothing?
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
Request Zone + Pizza Party (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Spoken - Ezra Koenig] Alright, well hold on a second. So—we got a little bit of time, you know we're outside, there’s a curfew, so we only got so much time left. But—'cause we haven't been in a long time—we got a little bit of time to take some requests. Okay? Now—now, historically— We still haven’t worked out the best system. Thi—this one doesn't work, at all. Hold on. So—okay, so th— Last time—in the last show, we—we d—we did, anybody who was wearing a bucket hat could make a request. Is anybody wearing a bucket hat? Le—ma—what's that?—Ma'am, that is a baseball cap. Ma'am, that is not a bucket hat. Wai—wait, is that a bucket hat? That's a true bucket hat? [Spoken - unknown person] Yeah! [Spoken - Ezra Koenig] Okay. We got eyes on a true bucket hat. Okay. Can everybody be really quiet? Okay. What's you're request? Oh, no, we’re not gonna do "Pizza Party"! [Laughs] Le—let’s start with a Vampire Weekend s— I'll just do: [Verse] P-I-Z-Z-A-P-R-T-Y If you got a blunt then we can get high If you wanna come then pick up the phone Don’t get caught with a wack cal— P-I-Z-Z-A-P-R-T-Y If you got a blunt then we can get high If you wanna come then pick up the phone Don't get caught with a wack calzone [Spoken - Ezra Koenig] Alright, there! We— That was easy! [Laughs] Okay, I'll— First of all, I guess I— We weren't specific enough. We did have Vampire Weekend songs in mindYou might also like
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
M79 (Live in Indianapolis)
Vampire Weekend
[Verse 1] It's gonna take a little time while you're waiting like a factory line I'll ride across the park, backseat on the 79 Wasted days, you've come to pass So go, I know you would not stay It wasn't true, but anyway Pollination yellow cab [Refrain] Ohh, ohh [Verse 2] You walk up the stairs, see the French kids by the door Up one more flight, see the Buddha on the second floor Coronation rickshaw grab So go, I know you would not stay It wasn't true, but anyway Racist dreams you should not have [Refrain] Ohh, ohh [Bridge] No excuse to be so callous Dress yourself in bleeding madras Charm your way across the Khyber Pass Stay awake to break the habit Sing in praise of Jackson Crowter Watch your step along the arch of You might also like[Instrumental] [Bridge] No еxcuse to be so callous Dress yoursеlf in bleeding madras Charm your way across the Khyber Pass Stay awake to break the habit Sing in praise of Jackson Crowter Watch your step along the arch of glass
Indie Rock…97.305x305x1.png
Regret It
[엑소 "Regret It" 가사] [Intro: Chanyeol] I'm on your side I'm on your side I-I'm on your side Let's bring it, baby [Refrain: Chanyeol, Sehun] (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn) Woo, 모든 건 너로 시작 됐어 (Warn, warn) Woo, 모든 걸 걸어 준비 됐어 (Warn, warn) Dive in, heh (Incoming) [Verse 1: Suho, Chen, D.O.] Tell me, 너를 볼 때면 달리는 맘이 나를 어디로 데리고 갈지 어디든 있어 줄래 영원히 내 모든 하루는 너에게 뛰어들어 벗어나고 싶지 않아 no way out 단 한 번의 강렬함의 take down [Pre-Chorus: Xiumin] So, baby, let me know, 지금 너의 맘 나의 모든 건 널 원해 You might also like[Chorus: Baekhyun & Kai, Chen & Xiumin, Sehun] So don't make me regret it 끝없길 바래 매일이 널 향한 나의 맘이 길을 잃지 않게 해줘 Don't make me regret it Woo, 모든 건 너로 시작됐어 (Ooh-woah) Woo, 모든 걸 걸어 준비됐어 Don't make me regret it Woo, 멈출 수 없다면 just go on 후회 없이 내게 말해봐 [Refrain: Kai, Sehun] (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn, warn, warn 'em 'bout that sign) (Warn) 후회 없이 내게 말해봐 [Verse 2: Baekhyun, Kai, Chen] Amazing, 두 번 다시는 없을 이 떨림 깊은 꿈에서 깨어나듯이 눈부신 너를 마주한 느낌 불안한 눈빛도 잠들어 네 곁에선 끝도 없는 어둠 찰나의 flash light 잊어버리게 해 다른 생각 [Pre-Chorus: D.O.] So let you know, 지금 나의 맘 꾸밈 없이 날 비춰 [Chorus: Suho & Xiumin, D.O. & Sehun, Chanyeol] So don't make me regret it 끝없길 바래 매일이 널 향한 나의 맘이 길을 잃지 않게 해줘 Don't make me regret it Woo, 모든 건 너로 시작됐어 (Oh) Woo, 모든 걸 걸어 준비됐어 Don't make me regret it Woo, 멈출 수 없다면 just go on 후회 없이 내게 말해봐 [Bridge: Chanyeol, Sehun] Look, 네가 날 떠난다면 나는 길을 잃을 거야 You're like my star in the sky 어쩌면 조금 뻔한 진부한 말들만 내뱉지만 내 맘이 시키는 대로 말하는 것 뿐이야 거짓말처럼 너만 다른 색 물감을 쓴 듯 흑백 같은 세상 속이 너로 물들어 가 And it feels good, 이번엔 뭔가 다른 것 같아 [Chorus: Suho & Baekhyun, Chen & D.O., Chanyeol, Baekhyun, *D.O.*, **Chen**] So don't make me regret it (Oh) 끝없길 바래 매일이 널 향한 나의 맘이 (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 길을 잃지 않게 해줘 (*나의 빛이 돼 줘 언제까지나*) Don't make me regret it Woo, 모든 건 너로 시작됐어 (**Ah, yeah, yeah**) Woo, 모든 걸 걸어 준비됐어 Don't make me regret it Woo, 멈출 수 없다면 just go on (**Regret it**) 후회 없이 내게 말해봐 (**내게 말해봐**) [Outro: Chanyeol & Sehun, All] Woo, 모든 건 너로 시작됐어 Woo, 모든 걸 걸어 준비됐어 Dive in, heh 후회 없이 내게 말해봐
Another Day
[엑소 "Another Day" 가사] [Verse 1] 다시 시작해 네 머릿속에 생각들은 비운 채 다 지나버린 순간들은 뒤로해 괜한 앞선 걱정들도 놔줄래 모두 흘러가게 [Pre-Chorus] 어제에 갇혀 있던 난 한 걸음 나선 순간 realize 눈 뜨면 다시 [Chorus] Another day 처음인 듯 다시 뜨는 해 또 다른 하루 어제완 달라 새로워 전부 마음껏 채워가 뭘 해도 좋은 Another day [Refrain] Day, day, day (Ooh) Day, day, day Day, day, day (Oh, yeah) You might also like[Verse 2] 아쉬움 다 쉴 새 없이 달려온 증거인걸 그 모든 너의 순간들이 beautiful 누가 뭐라 해도 변치 않는 사실은 You're incredible, uh [Pre-Chorus] 내일을 알 수 없지만, oh 난 왠지 더 기대돼 real life Yeah, 눈 뜨면 다시 [Chorus] Another day, 처음인 듯 다시 뜨는 해 또 다른 하루 어제완 달라 새로워 전부 마음껏 채워가 뭘 해도 좋은 Another day [Bridge] Yeah, another day 이건 새로운 chap 색다른 매일 늘 다채로운 색 어제와 내일 오늘 모두 뒤돌아보니 하늘엔 rainbow 발걸음엔 설렘이 묻어 있지 Crescendo 열어 window 모든 걱정들은 바람과 함께 후 그늘진 맘 한 켠 햇살들이 닿네, uh Sunshine on me 오늘 하루 또 다른 날 만들어 갈 거야 펼칠 거야 맘껏 문제없어 I'm good (Ooh) [Chorus] Another day (Another day) 바로 지금 (No, no, woah) 멈춰 있기엔 너무 아까운 뜨거운 낮과 눈부신 밤들 (Another day) 이 순간 그려가 새로운 나를 (그려가, oh) Another day [Refrain] Day, day, day (You) Day, day, day (Oh, woah-woah) Day, day, day (Yeah) Another day (Oh) Day, day, day (Another day) Day, day, day (No, no) Day, day, day (No, no, no, no, no, no) Another day
Waterfalls (TLC Version)
[Verse 1: T-Boz] A lonely mother gazing out of the window Staring at a son that she just can't touch If at any time he's in a jam, she'll be by his side But he doesn't realize he hurts her so much But all the praying just ain't helping at all 'Cause he can't seem to keep himself out of trouble So he goes out and he makes his money the best way he knows how Another body laying cold in the gutter Listen to me [Chorus: T-Boz & Chili] Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're usеd to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all But I think you're moving too fast [Verse 2: T-Boz] Littlе precious has a natural obsession for temptation But he just can't see She gives him loving that his body can't handle But all he can say is, "Baby, it's good to me" One day, he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror But he doesn't recognize his own face His health is fading, and he doesn't know why Three letters took him to his final resting place Y'all don't hear me See TLC LiveGet tickets as low as $69You might also like[Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli] Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all But I think you're moving too fast Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all But I think you're moving too fast [Instrumental Break] [Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli, Chilli] Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all But I think you're moving too fast (Oh, you're movin' too fast) Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all But I think you're movin' too fast
No Scrubs (TLC Version)
[Intro: Chilli] Oh-oh [Verse 1: Chilli] A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly And is also known as a busta Always talkin' 'bout what he wants And just sits on his broke ass, so [Pre-Chorus: Chilli] No, I don't want your number No, and I don't wanna give you mine and No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere No, I don't want none of your time and [Chorus: Chilli & T-Boz] No, I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me [Verse 2: Chilli] It's a scrub checkin' me, but his game is kinda weak And I know that he cannot approach me 'Cause I'm lookin' like class and he's lookin' like trash Can't get wit' a deadbeat ass, so See TLC LiveGet tickets as low as $69You might also like[Pre-Chorus: Chilli] No, I don't want your number No, and I don't wanna give you mine and No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere No, I don't want none of your time [Chorus: Chilli & T-Boz] No, I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me [Bridge: Chilli] If you don't have a car and you're walkin' Oh, yes son, I'm talkin' to you If you live at home with your momma Oh, yes son, I'm talkin' to you (Baby) If you have a shorty that you don't show love Oh, yes son, I'm talkin' to you Wanna get with me with no money Oh no, I don't want no No scrub No scrub, no, no No scrub, no, no, no, no No scrub, no, no [Chorus: Chilli & T-Boz] No, I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Oh, trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me (Yeah) I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride Trying to holla at me I don't want no scrub A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Creep (TLC Version)
[Intro: T-Boz] Yes It's me again And I’m back Ah-ah, woo [Refrain: TLC, T-Boz] (Creep) Oh I, oh I, oh I, baby (Creep) Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah yeah (Creep) Oh I oh I, oh I, baby (Creep) Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah yeah Creep [Verse 1: T-Boz] The 22nd of loneliness And we've been through so many things I love my man with all honesty But I know he's cheating on me, yeah, yeah [Pre-Chorus: T-Boz] (Creep) I look him in his eyes But all he tells me is lies to keep me near I never leave him down Though I might mess around It’s only 'cause I need some affection, oh See TLC LiveGet tickets as low as $69You might also like[Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli] So I creep, yeah Just keep it on the down low Said nobody is supposed to know So I creep, yeah 'Cause he doesn't know what I do And no attention goes to show Oh, so I creep [Verse 2: T-Boz] The 23rd of loneliness And we don't talk like we used to do Now it seems pretty strange, but I ain't buggin' 'Cause I still feel the same Yeah, yeah [Pre-Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli, T-Boz] (Creep) I’ll keep giving loving till the day he pushes me away Never go astray If he knew the things I did (Woo) He couldn’t handle it And I choose to keep him protected, oh [Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli, T-Boz] So I creep, yeah Just keep it on the down-low Said nobody is supposed to know So I creep, yeah (Yeah) 'Cause he doesn’t know what I do And no attention goes to show, oh (So I creep, yeah) I think about us baby all the time (Just keep it on the down-low) But you know that I'm gonna need some attention, yeah, yeah (Said nobody is supposed to know) Can you take it? (So I creep, yeah) Love you forever, baby, soul and mind ('Cause he doesn't know what I do) And you gotta know it, if you don’t give it, I'm gonna get mine, yeah, yeah (And no attention goes to show, oh) [Refrain: T-Boz & Chilli, T-Boz] (So I creep) Oh I, oh I, oh I, yeah (So I creep) Oh I, oh I, oh I, yeah (So I creep) Oh I, oh I, oh I, baby Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah yeah [Interlude: T-Boz & Chilli] Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah [Bridge: T-Boz & Chilli, T-Boz] (So I creep, yeah) I creep around because I need attention (I just keep it on the down-low) Don't mess around with my affection, yeah (So I creep, yeah) I creep around because I need attention ('Cause he doesn't know what I do) Don't mess around with my affection, yeah (So I creep, yeah) Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah yeah (I just keep it on the down-low) Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah (So I creep, yeah) Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah yeah ('Cause he doesn't know what I do) Oh I, oh I, oh I, ah [Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli, T-Boz] So I creep, yeah (Yeah) Just keep it on the down-low Said nobody is supposed to know So I creep, yeah 'Cause he doesn't know what I do And no attention, goes to show
Diggin’ On You (TLC Version)
[Verse 1: T-Boz] I was like peace in a groove On a Sunday afternoon You were there, so was I In the park, Fourth of July I was chillin' with my Kool-Aid When Miss Chilli came to relay That you had a thing for me Finest thing you'd ever seen [Pre-Chorus: T-Boz] I must admit to you I've heard them lines a time or two Although for some apparent reason Monkey lines are now in season Lights off, lights on I guess the groove is on, and I am [Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli] Diggin' the scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on like that, it's on like that I gotta be in love or somethin' like that (Ah) Diggin' thе scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on likе that, it's on like that I gotta be in love or somethin' like that See TLC LiveGet tickets as low as $69You might also like[Verse 2: T-Boz] I was like deep in a cool What'nt gon' be nobody's fool Could not care less who was there Could've been like anywhere I was chillin' with my Kool-Aid Did not want to par-ti-ci-pate In no silly conversations Had no time for new relation-ships [Pre-Chorus: T-Boz] I must admit to you, when I heard the lines you threw Although it usually turns me off This time you have turned me on Lights off, lights on I guess the groove is on and I am [Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli] Diggin' the scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on like that, it's on like that I gotta be in love or somethin' like that (Ah) Diggin' the scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on like that, it's on like that I gotta be in love or somethin' like that [Bridge: Chilli, (T-Boz)] Oh why do I feel the way I do? (Diggin', diggin', diggin' on you) When all I can think about is you What was it in a line, that made me fall for you? Do you know, why I'm diggin', diggin', diggin', diggin' on you? [Break: T-Boz & Chilli] Diggin' the scene It's on like that Diggin', diggin', diggin', diggin' on you And I am diggin' the scene [Chorus: T-Boz & Chilli] Diggin' the scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on like that, it's on like that I gotta be in love or somethin' like that (And I) Diggin' the scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on like that, it's on like that I gotta be in love or somethin' like that (Diggin', diggin', diggin' on you) Diggin' the scene It's on like that, it's on like that I gotta be in love (And I) Diggin' the scene, diggin' on you, diggin' on me Baby baby-ooo-baby, baby It's on like that, it's on like that (Diggin', diggin', diggin' on you)
The Other Way
PnB Rock
[Intro] Cops comin' way, runnin' in the other day (Woo) They gone had to catch us another day (Yeah) My phone [?] too busy, make it [?] I'm on the [?], why [?] [?] new baby on the way (Yeah) I got a [?] on my shawty's face (Yeah) So, [?] another other day (Yeah) [Chorus] Cops comin' way, runnin' in the other day They gone had to catch us another day My phone [?] too busy, make it [?] I'm on the [?], why [?] [?] new baby on the way I got a [?] on my shawty's face So, [?] another other day I got a [?] loyal pay [Verse] Shit can roll out you, you don't know how feel out there I didn't tell a lot of said bit[?], doing lot of said See my private get killed in the field out there If a lot of said chained Nigga said things for the famе Tell me what for the fingеr, for the diamonds and the chains You might also likeIt's a lot on my brain But you don't know Ask me how be doing life, if I told you there I got to hold it back Ain't no exposing them I took [?] when I [?] I ain't had time, so I had to do the [?] We ain't gettin' booked another day No way [Chorus] Cops comin' way, runnin' in the other day They gone had to catch us another day My phone [?] too busy, make it [?] I'm on the [?], why [?] [?] new baby on the way I got a [?] on my shawty's face So, [?] another other day I got a [?] loyal pay Cops comin' way, runnin' in the other day They gone had to catch us another day My phone [?] too busy, make it [?] I'm on the [?], why [?] [?] new baby on the way I got a [?] on my shawty's face So, [?] another other day I got a [?] loyal pay
Private Party
[엑소 "Private Party" 가사] [Intro] Mm-mm, yeah-yeah Yeah, ooh Yeah, yeah, yeah Ayy, yeah [Verse 1] 너의 시선 끝에 난 Heart explode 걷잡을 수 없는 선을 넘은 꼴 이성은 ice, 전부 cold 위험한 본능만 남은 상태로 한껏 북적이는 party, 깊어진 사이 슬쩍 빠져드는 맘이 이끄는 body 발이 미끄러진 듯이 네게로 fallin' 자꾸 마주치는 눈빛 우연이 아닌 우리 둘 [Refrain] 어둠이 깔린 분위기 속 (속) 가만히 우릴 내버려 둬 (둬) Perfect timing 가까이 더 (Yeah) 숨소리 하나까지 다 block (Block) Turn the music up 같은 춤을 춰 솔직하면 할수록 좋아 drop (Oh) 말을 안 해도 우린 know what’s up (Yeah, yeah) 급할 이유 따윈 없는 걸 You might also like[Pre-Chorus] 이대로 계속 Just dance with me 천천히 lips on me 본색을 드러내 깊어진 숨결 What can I say? 가식은 버려둬 Baby, you know what to do [Chorus] That's my shawty, yeah That's my shawty, babe Let’s get it started 우리만의 private party That's my shawty, yeah That's my shawty, babe Touch my body 우리만의 private party, yeah [Post-Chorus] She likes to party, party (Party, party) She likes to party, party (Party, party) She likes to party, party 우리만의 private party (Uh) [Verse 2] Let me get to romancin' with you 이 공간의 셀 수 없는 사람 중 우린 서롤 알아봐 운명인 듯 (Oh-woah) 그 다음 일은 guess 더 당겨지는 둘 반짝이는 조명 아래 넌 great 솔직하게 느껴지는 감정을 play (Ooh) 이 텐션을 깰 생각은 마 계속해서 더 배가 될 수 있게 (Oh) [Pre-Chorus] 시간을 멈춰 Just chancе on me 근사한 이 밤에 딱 어울릴 너기에 지금 이대로 What can I say? 긴장은 풀어둬 Baby, you know what to do [Chorus] That's my shawty, yeah (That's my shawty) That's my shawty, babe (Oh-ooh) Lеt's get it started 우리만의 private party That’s my shawty, yeah (That’s my shawty) That's my shawty, babe (That’s my shawty) Touch my body (Ooh-oh) 우리만의 private party, yeah [Post-Chorus] 우리만의 private party, private party She likes to party, party (Party, party) She likes to party, party (Party, party) She likes to party, party (Yeah) 우리만의 private party [Bridge] Turn the lights down low (Oh) 은근해진 이 순간 속 (이 순간 속) Baby, girl, 과감할수록 좋아 (좋아) It's whatever you want (Oh) [Chorus] That's my shawty, yeah That's my shawty, babe (Yeah) Let’s get it started 우리만의 private p-p-p-p-p-party That's my shawty, yeah (Private party) That's my shawty, babe Touch my body (Yeah) 우리만의 private party
У нас был хреновый комп Совдеповский ремонт На стене висел ковер, на полу лежал ковер По телику что-то шло За окном сплошной сугроб Эту песню я тебе бы передал через ик-порт Мой батя тогда курил сорт на кухне и в авто Когда я пошел в школу был кнопочный телефон Мы смотрели с мамой сериалы, ходили в кино Помню на велосипеде приезжал на огород Объезжал весь городок С друзьями по деревне Про игрушки разговор Мячик отлетал от стенки Плейстик, карты Yugioh Jetix или Cartoon Network Для нас тогда кумирами были Павлик и Девид Рядом с продуктовым прокат VHS кассет В карты, в домино играли со мной Бабушка и Дед Я не знал тогда про рэп К Брату слушал саундтрек А Сёстры это первый фильм, что сам поставил посмотрел Я хочу опять туда в 2000-ые года Там где нету интернета И не болит голова Где друзей есть вся толпа Не в разводе Па и Ма И мой Дедушка расскажет про всё что мне надо знать See 112 LiveGet tickets as low as $55You might also likeЯ хочу опять туда в 2000-ые года Там где нету интернета И не болит голова Где друзей есть вся толпа Не в разводе Па и Ма И мой Дедушка расскажет про всё что мне надо знать Можно я пойду гулять? Можно он пойдет гулять? Тёлка на 3 года старше Можно тебя засосать? Можно я пойду гулять? Можно он пойдет гулять? Тёлка на 3 года старше Можно тебя засосать? Ты не соглашайся на их эти выпить покурить Попробовать можешь дома главное ты не пались Дядя подарит игру и расскажет мне за жизнь А бабуля купит мне всё что захочешь из еды Детство окончено пойми и сказки что огромен мир Рейс в взрослую жизнь ты безбилетный пассажир Когда то раньше мы все выкупали стиль Теперь говорить не о чем, ведь все мы подросли Теперь нету никого, теперь скучен новый год Теперь заводи семью, покупай дом и авто Теперь сделай дочке детство лучше чем было твоё Смени свою ностальгию на ностальгию её Я хочу опять туда в 2000-ые года Там где нету интернета И не болит голова Где друзей есть вся толпа Не в разводе Па и Ма И мой Дедушка расскажет про всё что мне надо знать
Smoke Break-Dance
Mick Jenkins
[Intro: Mick Jenkins] And I (Uh) And I And I keep rollin' up (Ooh, ooh), hm And I keep rollin' up [Chorus: Mick Jenkins] Weed blowin' down, weed blowin' up Hot air in me, we goin' up, still is No feet goin' up, fees goin' up, we pourin' up We throwin' up gang signs [Verse 1: Mick Jenkins] Trees going up in flames, find us a forest fire every smoke break We opened up weak space, nigga, we gave our hangtime, we tryna reclaim time We finna rebuild, no Home Depot with us, people with us that come from the FaceTime Low-key like the bassline, got smoke and I keep rollin' up Yeah, I keep rollin' up Keep gettin' high, beats gettin' low, we gettin' by I can't complain, I wouldn't know how to make you feel me I know they can smell me, though I know they can see a motherfucker comin' from a mile away I ain't sendin' smoke signals, big smoke send signals either way, don't it? Put a eighth in it, motherfucker got some weight on it and some wax in it Don't play with it, all the way from concentrate with it, juice like fresh OJ It's the tangie that I stay with, soon as they hit it, I keep rollin' up You might also like[Chorus: Mick Jenkins] Weed blowin' down, weed blowin' up Hot air in me, we goin' up, still is (Gas) No feet goin' up, fees goin' up, we pourin' up We throwin' up gang signs (We throwin' up gang signs) [Post-Chorus: Mick Jenkins & JID] And I keep rollin' up, huh And I keep rollin' up (Uh) [Verse 2: JID] I roll this one for the road, two for the show, three for the dough 3:45, got a fifty-piece from the wing spot (Geek-geek-geeked out my mind) And I'm coming back with food and some ganja But it's only me and you in this ride (Look) Just a little bitty piece of weed'll make a nigga feel like he ain't going off the deep end I ain't even been asleep in 'bout a week (Mm-mm), didn't even think about it We was at the bottom, I was guided by the beats, guided by the guns, guided by the streets Where the money? Said he got about a week to get it all, got him by a leash Try to find a lil' peace but the mystery to me is unsolved Take a breather, hit the reefer, smoke cough through the blunt fog (Mm-mm) Got a stash full of big gas, I can tell you what they run for But I don't trap so it won't matter, everybody do a blunt toast Like the white folks when they clink glasses, told my nigga at the front, "Toast" So I move slow but I think faster (Mm-mm), 12 knocking at the front door, shh Be quiet, keep passin', I don't wanna see nobody that I know and love layin' in a deep casket But through all the stress and madness (Mm-mm) A nigga keep rollin' up [Outro: Mick Jenkins] Gotta figure that the problem niggas got is mental Lotta niggas figure shit is only incidental Go figure, I'ma keep smoking this tree Roll one mo', up why not three?1
Heartbreak Anthem
(Verse 1) Every night I'm staring at my phone Hoping that you'll call and say you're coming home But all I hear are echoes of your goodbye It's like a hurricane tearing through the sky (Pre-Chorus) I'm singing this heartbreak anthem For all the broken hearts out there We're all searching for a way back home But we're lost in this world, all alone (Chorus) This is our heartbreak anthem Screaming out our pain so loud We're drowning in the tears we've cried But wе won't let it tear us down (Versе 2) I see your face everywhere I go The memories haunt me, they never let go But I won't let this define who I am I'll rise above it all, just like a shooting star (Pre-Chorus) I'm singing this heartbreak anthem For all the broken hearts out there We're all searching for a way back home But we're lost in this world, all alone You might also like(Chorus) This is our heartbreak anthem Screaming out our pain so loud We're drowning in the tears we've cried But we won't let it tear us down (Bridge) We'll dance through the rain And find strength in the pain We'll shine through the darkness 'Cause we're stronger than this (Chorus) This is our heartbreak anthem Screaming out our pain so loud We're drowning in the tears we've cried But we won't let it tear us down (Outro) Let's sing this heartbreak anthem Together we'll heal and mend We'll find love in ourselves again This is our heartbreak anthem, in the end
East Coast
Charlie Puth
[Chorus] What do you say we ride down to the East Coast? I've never been to North Carolina but if I don't go I'm afraid that she won't ever take me seriously and forget me like that So what do you say we ride down to the East Coast? [Verse 1] From the moment that we met I knew that they don't make girls like her in Hollywood (yeah) And you know how I said I wouldn't fall, but I did, no I thought I never would I put in work, but it don't come easy I learned the way that she doesn't need me From the moment that we met I knew that my own tricks wouldn't do me any good [Pre-Chorus] She held out, she's holding my interest (yeah) No I wouldn't normally do this (but) [Chorus] What do you say we ride down to the East Coast I've never been to North Carolina but if I don't go I'm afraid that she won't ever take me seriously and forget me like that So what do you say we ride down to the East Coast? [Pre-Chorus] She held out, she's holding my interest (yeah) No I wouldn't normally do this (but) See Charlie Puth LiveGet tickets as low as $102You might also like[Chorus] What do you say we ride down to the East Coast? I've never been to North Carolina but if I don't go I'm afraid that she won't everr take me seriously and forget me like that So what do you say we ride down to the East Coast?
[Songtext zu „sommer“ ft. CRO] [Hook: Casper] Fühlt sich an wie'n warmer Regen in 'nem Sommer Hör' das Prasseln an der Scheibe und es donnert Was ich brauch', ist nur 'n kleines bisschen Sonne (Ah, ah, ah) Frag' mich: „Wann fühl' ich mich wieder wie neu?“ Frag' mich: „Hab' ich schon das Beste versäumt Oder hab' ich wieder alle enttäuscht?“ (Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ey) [Part 1: Casper] Ich bin zerstreut, ich bin all over the place Den Kopf in den Wolken so wie das Cover von Drake Die Views von hier unten, da, wo kein Sonnenlicht fällt Sag' mir selbst: „Take care“, doch wenn du's liest, ist's zu spät Nein, ich bin kein Gewinner, Eis wird immer dünner Kalender sagt „Mai“, doch es fühlt sich an wie Winter Solang ich mich erinner', immer nur der Spinner Jalousie zu, denn im Kopf ist Gewitter [Pre-Hook: Casper] Häng' immer im Bett ab, Klamotten von gestern Thermometer steigt, doch es fühlt sich wie Herbst an Vermisse den Well'ngang, glitzerndes Meersalz Und eines Tages komm' ich nie mehr zurück See Casper LiveGet tickets as low as $212You might also like[Hook: CRO] Fühlt sich an wie'n warmer Regen in 'nem Sommer Hör' das Prasseln an der Scheibe und es donnert Was ich brauch', ist nur 'n kleines bisschen Sonne, ah, ah, ah Frag' mich: „Wann fühl' ich mich wieder wie neu?“ Sag mir, hab' ich schon das Beste versäumt? War das alles oder kann ich noch träum'n? Mh, mh, mh Ey, na-na-na-na, na-na-na (Oh) [Part 2: CRO] Kurze Hosen, lange Tage, ich komm' nach Hause Licht ist aus, kein Applaus, nicht viel los in der Garage Polaroids in Farbe, große Poster und Plakate Sag, wo sind die Days von Zitron'nlimonade? Rosaroter Himmel, schreibe Strophen auf Papier Noten in der Bank war'n mal Noten am Klavier Dosen gegen Pfand, heute Kokosnuss am Strand Träume groß wie'n Elefant, ohne Boden zu verlier'n [Pre-Hook: CRO] Ist 'n Risky Business, manche Märchen geh'n nicht auf (Ah-ah) Doch alles fine and dandy, denn die Mansion ist gebaut Du denkst an das Ende, doch ich wärm' mich grad erst auf (Ey, ey) Ich stehe vor der Crowd, hunderttausend Handys gehen raus (Ey, ey) [Hook: Casper & CRO, CRO] Fühlt sich an wie'n warmer Regen in 'nem Sommer (Ey) Hör' das Prasseln an der Scheibe und es donnert (Und es donnert) Was ich brauch', ist nur 'n kleines bisschen Sonne, ah, ah, ah Frag' mich: „Wann fühl' ich mich wieder wie neu?“ Sag mir, hab' ich schon das Beste versäumt? War das alles oder kann ich noch träum'n? Mh, mh, mh Ey, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na1
Light Years
William Fitzsimmons
[Verse 1] You were waiting outside for me in the sun Laying down to soak it all in before we had to run I was always ten feet behind you from the start Didn't know you were gone 'til we were in the car [Chorus] Oh, the glory of it all was lost on me 'Til I saw how hard it'd be to reach you And I would always be lightyears, lightyears away from you Lightyears, lightyears away from you [Verse 2] I thought I saw your mother last weekend in the park It could've been anybody, it was after dark Everyone was lighting up in the shadows alone You could've been right there next to me, and I'd have never known [Chorus] Oh, the glory of it all was lost on me 'Til I saw how hard it'd be to reach you And I would always be lightyears, lightyears away from you Lightyears, lightyears away from you Lightyears, lightyears away from you Lightyears, lightyears away from youYou might also like
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I Am Easy to Find
William Fitzsimmons
[Verse 1] How long have we been here? Am I ever coming down? I need to find some lower thinking, if I'm going to stick around I'm not going anywhere Who do I think I'm kidding? I'm still standing in the same place where you left me standing [Chorus] I am easy to find [Verse 2] "Towers to the skies, an academy of lies" You never were much of a New Yorker It wasn't in your eyes If you ever come around this way again You'll see me standing in the sunlight In the middle of the street [Chorus] I am easy to find I am easy to find [Bridge] Therе's a million little battles that I'm nevеr gonna win anyway I'm still waiting for you every night with ticker tape, ticker tape There's a million little battles that I'm never gonna win anyway I'm still waiting for you every night with ticker tape, ticker tape You might also like[Chorus] I am easy to find I am easy to find [Bridge] There's a million little battles that I'm never gonna win anyway I'm still waiting for you every night with ticker tape, ticker tape There's a million little battles that I'm never gonna win anyway I'm still waiting for you every night with ticker tape, ticker tape
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Smash My Heart
Robin Schulz
[Verse 1: Andrew Bullimore] When you say you want me, I just lose control I'm out of my body, feels like vertigo High up on the ceilin', ready to explode My hands, they lose all feelin' when I hold you close [Chorus: Andrew Bullimore] Keep me in the dark when you love me harder Smash my heart like a pi-piñata The sweetest scar tearin' me apart Yeah, you smash my heart, yeah, you smash my heart Keep me in the dark when you love me harder Smash my heart like a pi-piñata The sweetest scar tearin' me apart Yeah, you smash my heart, yeah, you smash my heart [Post-Chorus: Andrew Bullimore] Like a piñata Piñata Piñata When you smash my heart, when you smash my heart [Verse 2: Andrew Bullimore] The colors, the rush when we collide Open me up, there's magic inside Lost in the crush, I come alive When you smash my heart, when you smash my heart See Robin Schulz LiveGet tickets as low as $52You might also like[Chorus: Andrew Bullimore] Keep me in the dark when you love me harder Smash my heart like a pi-piñata The sweetest scar tearin' me apart Yeah, you smash my heart, yeah, you smash my heart Keep me in the dark when you love me harder Smash my heart like a pi-piñata The sweetest scar tearin' me apart Yeah, you smash my heart, yeah, you smash my heart [Bridge: Andrew Bullimore] Like a, like a Like a, like a Like a, like a Yeah, you smash my heart, yeah, you smash my heart [Chorus: Andrew Bullimore] Keep me in the dark when you love me harder Smash my heart like a pi-piñata The sweetest scar tearin' me apart Yeah, you smash my heart, yeah, you smash my heart [Post-Chorus: Andrew Bullimore] Like a piñata Piñata Piñata When you smash my heart, when you smash my heart Piñata Piñata Piñata When you smash my heart, when you smash my heart
Hold Me
William Fitzsimmons
[Verse 1] Can you understand me Baby, don't you hand me a line Although it doesn’t matter You and me got plenty of time There's nobody in the future So baby let me hand you my love Oh, there's no step for you to dance to So slip your hand inside of my glove [Chorus] Hold me, hold me, hold me (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me [Verse 2] I don’t want no damage But how'm I going to manage you? Oh, you want a percentage But I'm the fool payin' the dues Oh, I'm-a just around the corner If you got a minute to spare I'll be waitin' for you If you ever wanna be there [Chorus] Hold me, hold me, hold me (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me (Why won't you) Hold me, hold me, hold me (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me You might also like[Chorus] (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me (Come on and) Hold me, hold me, hold me [Outro] Hold me, hold me, hold me Hold me, hold me, hold me Hold me, hold me, hold me Hold me, hold me, hold me
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Streets of Philadelphia
William Fitzsimmons
[Verse 1] I was bruised and battered, I couldn't tell what I felt I was unrecognizable to myself Saw my reflection in a window and didn't know my own face Oh brother, are you gonna leave me wastin' away On the streets of Philadelphia? [Verse 2] I walked the avenue 'til my legs felt like stone I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone At night I could hear the blood in my veins Just as black and whispering as the rain On the streets of Philadelphia [Bridge] Ain't no angel gonna greet me It's just you and I, my friend And my clothеs don't fit me no more I walked a thousand milеs just to slip this skin [Verse 3] The night has fallen, I'm lyin' awake I can feel myself fading away So receive me, brother, with your faithless kiss Or will we leave each other alone like this On the streets of Philadelphia?You might also like
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William Fitzsimmons
[Verse 1] Slow down, you crazy child You're so ambitious for a juvenile But then if you're so smart Tell me why are you still so afraid, hmm? Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You'd better cool it off before you burn it out You've got so much to do And only so many hours in a day, ayy [Chorus 1] But you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you can just get old You're gonna Kick off before you even get halfway through, ooh When will you realize Vienna waits for you? [Verse 2] Slow down, you're doin' fine You can't be everything you wanna be Before your time Although it's so romantic On the bordеrline tonight, tonight Too bad but it's the life you lеad You're so ahead of yourself That you forgot what you need Though you can see when you're wrong You know you can't always see when you're right You're right You might also like[Chorus 2] You've got your passion You've got your pride But don't you know That only fools are satisfied? Dream on But don't imagine they'll all come true, ooh When will you realize Vienna waits for you? [Chorus 3] Slow down, you crazy child And take the phone off the hook And disappear for a while It's all right, you can afford To lose a day or two, ooh When will you realize Vienna waits for you? [Chorus 1] And you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you could just get old You're gonna Kick off before you even get halfway through, ooh Why don't you realize Vienna waits for you? [Outro] When will you realize Vienna waits for you?
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Alors on danse (Rasmus Hedegaard Remix)
[Intro] Alors on- Alors on- Alors on- [Couplet 1] Qui dit études dit travail Qui dit taff te dit des thunes Qui dit argent dit dépenses Qui dit crédit dit créance Qui dit dette, te dit huissier Lui dit assis dans la merde Qui dit amour, dit les gosses Dit toujours et dit divorce Qui dit proches, te dit deuils Car les problèmes ne viennent pas seul Qui dit crise, te dit monde Dit famine et dit tiers monde Qui dit fatigue dit réveil Encore sourd de la veille Alors on sort pour oublier tous les problèmеs [Drop] Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on dansе Alors on danse You might also like[Couplet 2] Et là tu t’dis que c’est fini Car pire que ça, ce s'rait la mort Quand tu crois enfin qu'tu t’en sors Quand y en a plus, et ben y en a encore Est-ce la zik ou les problèmes? Les problèmes ou bien la musique? Ça t’prend les tripes, ça te prend la tête Et puis tu pries pour qu'ça s’arrête Mais c’est ton corps, c’est pas le ciel Alors tu t’bouches plus les oreilles Et là tu cries encore plus fort, et ça persiste [Pont] Alors on chante Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Alors on chante Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Alors on chante [Build] Chante, chante, chante Chante, chante, chante Chante, chante, chante Chante, chante, chante Chante, chante, chante Chante [Pre-Drop] Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh [Drop] Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse Alors on danse [Outro] Et ben y en a encore... Et ben y en a encore... Et ben y en a encore... Et ben y en a encore... Et ben y en a encore... Alors on danse Alors on danse
Favorite Song
Nobody's gonna make you change Things you probably don't like anyway 'Bout you, darling So you might as well Be somebody who can make you face What you're guarding, open up the gates Where your heart is And just let yourself I'm on the stage right now, singing your favorite song Look in the crowd, you're nowhere to be found as they sing along I say, you look good without no makeup, no lashes Even better when you wake up, oh I see the look on your face, I see you're hiding the hate I see you're looking for someone to scoop you right off of your feet You wanna ride in a Wraith, you wanna go out on datеs You want somebody to come bring you flowers Somеone to talk to for hours Wash your back while y'all sit in the shower, yeah Someone to tell you you're beautiful Someone to tell you and mean it Someone to tell you, "I love you" every day and don't got a reason Talking 'bout someone to come bring you peace Someone to help you sleep, yeah Someone to come pick you up when you're feeling down, feeling lonely You might also likeSomebody who can make it better Somebody who can open up those gates Open up those gates to your heart Only if you'll let me I'm on the stage right now, singing your favorite song Look in the crowd, you're nowhere to be found as they sing along I say, you look good without no makeup, no lashes Even better when you wake up, oh I see the look on your face, I see you're looking for peace I see you're tired of the hurt, tired of the pain Tired of the nights where you can't get no sleep I see you're tired thinking 'bout if he cheats Tired thinking 'bout if you're leaving Tired of being so tired, and you damn sure ain't getting even Somebody who can make it better Somebody who can open up those gates Open up those gates to your heart Only if you'll let me I'm on the stage right now, singing your favorite song Look in the crowd, you're nowhere to be found as they sing along I say, you look good without no makeup, no lashes Even better when you wake up, oh Somebody who can make you face, but you're guarded Open up those gates, but you're heartless You just ain't yourself
Just Wanna Know That You Love Me
Lauren Alaina
[Verse 1] I don't need the moon or the stars in the sky Leave 'em up there where they're supposed to be I don't need much more than what I got here tonight I just wanna know that you love me [Verse 2] I don't need that house custom built, painted white With a wrap around porch and a swing I don't need the riches that money can buy I just wanna know that you love me I just wanna know that you love me [Verse 3] If the sun don't come up and the world catches fire And every truth I've been told turns to a lie If forever ain't all forever's been cracked up to be I just wanna know that you love me I just wanna know that you love me [Verse 4] There's sure to be fights that go on for days And some nights when nobody sleeps I'll give up the last word and give you your space I just wanna know that you love me I just wanna know that you love me See Lauren Alaina LiveGet tickets as low as $123You might also like[Verse 3] If the sun don't come up and the world catches fire And every truth I've been told turns to a liar If forever ain't all forever's been cracked up to be I just wanna know that you love me (Whoa, whoa, oh) I just wanna know that you love me (Whoa, whoa, oh) I just wanna know that you love me (Whoa, whoa, oh) (Whoa, whoa, oh) [Verse 6] If we get to be a hundred and two Just living off old memories If I gotta fly away before you do Just wanna know that you love me Just wanna know that you love me
Let You Havit (Original Version)
DJ Quik
[Verse 1] It's 8:35, gotta get up, take a bath, brush my teeth and hit the streets 'Cause I gotta lotta beef wit niggas like you and you tryna fuck wit the Q Mr. Quik, that's me, from the C to the P to the T And when I gets down for my hood you can't stand it One hand it, I take your bitch like bandit Then I rolls back to the spot where they slang Everybody bumpin' G Thang so it's just a street thang Makin' that money everyway that they can But when you peeps me I got the pistol in my hand 'Cause a jakkmove ain't never been a wack move If you got a gat and a motive, you can make a whole pack move So you know that the street is where I'm comin' from And my crew is still deep, we'll have you runnin' son But if I'm ever solo with my strap then I'ma grab it And if I peep you 'fore you peep me I'ma let you havit [Chorus] I'ma let you havit I'ma let you havit I'ma let you havit [Verse 2] Somebody told me that you dissed me In your video But I ain't trippin 'cause I'm knowin' you ain't nuttin' but a silly ho Sayin' that I dissed you first on my underground tape If you peeped game you woulda heard me say ("To the top of the tree, for C-M-W to see") We wasn't dissin lettin you know the other side was on a mission Comin up with the Quik-ness, nigga you know who's dick this is Down in the throats of the Compton's Most Bitchest So take this shit back to your set if you got one And I'ma be puttin the double 0 bucks in the shotgun And if you come back fuckin' around you gon' lose your life Why would you come back to a gunfight, with a fuckin knife? So there it is MC Eiht, cause you're kinda wack And Mista Quik don' kicked them down with another sack So keep on rollin' in your Sentra or your Rabbit But if I catch you slippin' in my hood, I'ma let you havit You might also like[Chorus] Hah I'ma let you havit I'ma let you havit I'ma let you havit [Verse 3] Now I gotta give it up to my niggas tho Because we hangin' Bitches still jockin', records still slangin' 2nd II None, AMG, Penthouse Players, playin' Hi-C, Hamm and my nigga JFN But there's still a motherfucker that I gotta blast House Of Pain, fake Irish faggot Everlast And when I catch yo ass, I'ma rush you to the dirt And give you back your bagpipes and your checkers skirt You little [?] [?] bitch Why you tryna clown I kicked you up yo ass, that's why you jump around, little ho 'Cause the darkskin color's what you fiending Carcass mountain dwelling leopard mutant, you don't know the meaning So get up out this game that you chose 'Cause rap is for the blacks not you Albinos No I'm not a racist But I hate a faggot And I know my purpose fuckin' devil that's to let you havit [Chorus] I'ma let you havit Yeah, I'ma let you havit I'ma let you havit
Breathe Again
Set for the Fall
I saw the knife Lost in denial I paid the price I gave you everything I own I paid the tithes I took the time But I have nothing left to give I lived a lie Knew wrong from right I'm still drowning in my sin I feel alone even though you're still here I've lost it all now can this be real? Dark are the days that have brought us here Lost in the wake I want to breathe again I paid the price My life's on trial Blacked out the sky Still don't beliеve what I have done I took thе nails I tore the veil I showed you every way to love Thorns soaked in red Raised from the dead I saved you was that not enough? You might also likeI feel alone even though you're still here I've lost it all now can this be real? Dark are the days that have brought us here Lost in the wake I want to breathe again I feel alone even though your still here Lost in the wake I want to breath again I feel alone even though you're still here I've lost it all now can this be real? Dark are the days that have brought us here Lost in the wake I want to breathe again
Tip of Your Tongue
Big Time Rush
[Verse 1:] You got your guard up Got your walls up All around your heart Think our [?] But then you're all alone, hiding (yeah) I see it in your eyes You want to be mine I know you’re falling for me You're running away From your fate You got somethin' to tell me [Chorus:] Just say what you may What you don’t need to say If you feel it inside No, you don't have to run Make your move And don't worry 'bout me I'm here to loosen it Right on the tip of your tongueSee Big Time Rush LiveGet tickets as low as $15You might also like
Lil Tecca
[Intro] Oh Uh-uh, uh (Blatt, blatt, blatt) Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh (Uh) Uh-uh, uh (Uh) Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh (Uh-uh, uh) [Chorus] Yeah, not livin' enough (Ayy) This blunt, I'm takin' a puff Was startin' to feel like it's us No trust, so do as you must (Yeah), for real Don't know when I stay out of town I get dough when I stay out of town 500 chops, I got 500 rounds 500 plots, I got 500 pounds, yeah [Post-Chorus] I'm trustin' nothin' I'm told, honestly I’m trustin' half what I'm shown I don't pop out, but it's each to they own My bitch, she hate when I be on my phone Think she forgot, I got me on my phone Not safe for me to forget that I'm known Argue 'bout bullshit, you know that you grown I don't know, the only reason I condone it You might also like[Verse] I know how it works, I know you a flirt She send me the flick, tagged not safe for work Don't get your feelings hurt while tryna lurk My bitch want Chanel, then shit, grab a purse She told me she bad, I say, "You could do worse" I'm born to be blessed, I live with a curse When shit is a mess, I'm rollin' up first I smoked on my blunt, then I hit the church 'Cause nobody get where you comin' from You know how it get when you goin' numb You know what we on, matter how you judged Dealin' with bullshit, out of love My life a story, it's not a punch-in My life a party, it's not a function I never needed no introduction Know I'm a star, I'm still adjusting [Bridge] And I can't go out like that You know that's why I'm clutchin' And I see it why they overreact But all this shit ain't nothin' Told me you gon' send the bread you owe me Talkin' like you got an option She said, "It's like you don't know you a star" I tell her that I'm still adjusting [Chorus] Yeah, not livin' enough (Ayy) This blunt, I'm takin' a puff Was startin' to feel like it's us No trust, so do as you must (Yeah), for real Don't know when I stay out of town I get dough when I stay out of town 500 chops, I got 500 rounds 500 plots, I got 500 pounds, yeah [Post-Chorus] I'm trustin' nothin' I'm told, honestly I'm trustin' half what I'm shown I don't pop out, but it's each to they own My bitch, she hate when I be on my phone Think she forgot, I got me on my phone Not safe for me to forget that I'm known Argue 'bout bullshit, you know that you grown I don't know, the only reason I condone it (Yeah, yeah) [Outro] Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh, uh Uh-uh Uh-uh, uh
Have We Forgotten
Darryl Worley
[Verse 1] I hear people saying our best days are gone A people once united can't even get along A nation so divided, a country torn in two It's such a shame after all that we've been through We've always been a beacon The world's one shining light Are we gonna let it all go wrong for the sake of being right [Chorus] Have we forgotten who we really are All the storms we've had to weather And how we evеr got this far Have we forgotten how it usеd to be When we could still sit down together And agree to disagree And the common good was what we had in common Have we forgotten [Verse 2] Red states and blue states Left versus right Seems like all we ever do is fuss and fight I ain't pointing fingers, hell I'm guilty too But how much more of this can we go through The whole wide world is watching While we go 'round and 'round We need to come together y'all And we better do it now You might also like[Chorus] Have we forgotten who we really are All the storms we've had to weather And how we ever got this far Have we forgotten how it used to be When we could still sit down together And agree to disagree And the common good was what we had in common Have we forgotten Have we forgotten [Post-Chorus] I remember when Americans were all red, white and blue When it's all for one and one for all There's nothing we can't do [Verse 3] Have we forgotten who we really are How we braved the deep blue ocean With freedom in our hearts Have we forgotten how it used to be When I was there for you and brother You were there for me And the common good was what we had in common [Outro] Have we forgotten Have we forgotten Have we forgotten
from Snippet . [Intro] Dwilly I'm scared [Chorus] Chump change (Doomshop Motherfucker) Ay, ay, ay, ay I'm the [?] sippin' goth spendin' Spending money flip 'n get it Go and [?] Shawty pimpin' [?] In the depths where the scums go Westside baby from the strip Keep tha gun low Bitch I seek through [?] You can come and find meYou might also like
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from Snippet Have you been good? It's been 10 years since I been that [?] where my lips at New blood, ash, smoke, cherry kiss that I never see you [?] I just sit back But it's been two years Since I got a new career [?] I never been broke [?] and how she could be doing better Ay, would you die for me? Would you love no-one else? Would you cry for me? If I was buried six feet would you lie with me? Would you tell me "Everything's alright" to me? Well if I just speak In a death bed, laying down took a rest and Picture all the timеs [?] [?] I would never wanna Move fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast You might also likeIt's been somе time since you been gone, huh? My head in a big storm I, wished we coulda fixed us Heartbeat, heart like in a kick drum Big racks won't fix nun You weren't there when it hit home [?] pissed off
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She Was an Angel
[Chorus] She was an angel She could be mine I've been so cruel to her I'm the one to blame [Verse 1] I was too young to realise How marvellous a love can be? Now, I no longer see her eyes! I only know that I'm so sorry [Verse 2] I didn't think not always through 'Cuz they all told us we're too young The moment she's gone I feel so so blue I understand that I've been wrong [Chorus] She was an angel She could be mine I've been so cruel to her I'm the one to blame [Verse 3] And now I'm walking all alone Everything makes me feel so sad For my mistake my baby's gone I didn't take the chance I had You might also like[Chorus] She was an angel She could be mine I've been so cruel to her I'm the one to blame [Verse 4] Oh, baby, please come back to me! I see now what a fool I've been And if you do well here I'm saying A love like ours they've never seen [Outro] She was an angel She was an angel
Another Love Affair
I saw my baby Kissing you I've heard the rumours That you love her too It's you she wants now For me she doesn't care So, goodbye to one and hello to Another love affair! Maybe she'll whisper That she loves you But you'll discover She'll be untrue Soon, she will leave you And I can tell you where It's goodbye to one and hello to Another love affair! You may turn out to be her true love She'll stop this endless sеarching For a new love And though we'rе parted I want to say That I still love her And I hope some day You might also likeShe will remember The love I have to share So, goodbye to one and hello to The one and only love affair! She will remember The love I have to share So, goodbye to one and hello to The one and only love affair! So, goodbye to one and hello to The one and only love affair!
Love Fool
[엑소 "Love Fool" 가사] [Verse 1] 넌 가끔 다정하게 굴지만 착각인 듯 다가가면 ice 가늠할 수 없는 온도가 좋아, oh, why? No, no, no, no [Refrain] 둘 사이 틈 매일이 다르고 어쩔 땐 꼭 못된 장난 같아도 네겐 늘 기꺼이 지고 싶어 난 Oh, my, my, my, my [Pre-Chorus] 짧은 한마디 몇 글자로도 충분할 테니 난 듣고 싶어 Get away, get away You can't get away 내게로 와 말해 줄게 내 답 [Chorus] I feel like a fool 헤매여 난 매일 Watchu, watchu want Watchu , watchu want 너로만 Full 가득 차 내 맘이 What's going on Give me that truth Gimme, gimme that Gimme that Gimme that truth You make me a fool 난 그게 좋을 만큼 You might also like[Post-Chorus] Let's go 네게 깊이 빠져들어 깊이 Let's go 좀 더 깊이 빠져들어 깊이 [Verse 2] Yo, ayy, 다들 그래 빠졌대 푹 뭐라든 괜찮아 상관 안 해 call me love fool 좋아 그 수식어 남들 눈에 어떻게 보이면 어때 온통 너라서 숨기는 건 못해 [Refrain] 넌 두 손에 넘쳐도 모자라 그냥 전부 주고 싶어 다 아끼고 싶은 건 너 하나뿐야 Oh, my, my, my, my [Pre-Chorus] 둘 뿐인 바다 그 안에 잠겨 하루 종일 너만 보고 싶어 Get away, get away You can't get away 내게로 와 이젠 줄래 네 답 [Chorus] I feel like a fool 헤매여 난 매일 Watchu, watchu want Watchu watchu want 너로만 full 가득 차 내 맘이 What's going on Give me that truth Gimme, gimme that Gimme that, gimme that truth You make me a fool 난 그게 좋을 만큼 [Bridge] 어떤 말도 좋아 하나만 빼고, no, no, no 내 대답은 이미 정해져 있어 기다려도 좋아 얼마든지 take it slow 내 다음은 네 손에만 넘어가, ah, yeah [Chorus] I feel like a fool 궁금해 네 매일 Watchu, watchu do Watchu, watchu do 자꾸만 푹 love fool 헤어날 수 없지 What's going on? Give me that truth Gimme, gimme that Gimme that, gimme that truth You make me a fool 다 상관없을 만큼 [Post-Chorus] Let's go 네게 깊이 빠져들어 깊이 Lеt's go 좀 더 깊이 빠져들어 깊이 Let's go 우린 깊이
Kuma the Third
[Verse 1] Okay like- Tell them "What's up?" I'ma rock my kicks (My kicks) They don't know nobody that be winning like this (Like this) Cherokee drums finna hit or miss (Or miss) Tell them "What's up?" when they stuck in the abyss Like, yeah Dance Turn up the gain Jump around the record like a house of pain (Of pain) Walk in the club and I pick off the stains (So I tell 'em, so I tell 'em, so I tell 'em, so I tell 'em "What's up?") [Verse 2] Kick that shit now just like this Don't walk like this Drink kerosene, bitch I be pit stop jugging My wrist stopped bugging Got no reason to just hate on me, bitch Two-step my door My fish, my way Don't tеll you all my battles 'cause I finna get playеd I be plotting all my armour, getting ready for the raid You might also like[Bridge] (And I tell 'em, and I tell 'em, and I tell 'em, and I tell 'em "What's up?") (So I tell 'em "What's up?") (So I tell 'em, so I tell 'em, so I tell 'em "What's up?") (Hey, hey, hey, hey) (And I tell 'em "What's up?") (Hey, hey, hey, hey) (So I tell 'em "What's-") [Verse 3] I be in the mall, bitch Tell me, what's up? Better meet me in the middle so you know I'm stuck up I ain't fucking with no riches You know I'ma "check-up" Why you lyin' for forgiveness? I'ma call you buttercup I be sleeping in the day I be ready all night I got beezle on my shoulder, he gon' hit you outta spite (Yeah) I'ma tell you how I leveled up the ethics for the lights Double down on all the bullshit with this feeling through the night I be in the mall, bitch Tell me, what's up? Better meet me in the middle so you know I'm stuck up I ain't fucking with no riches You know I'ma "check-up" Why you lyin' for forgiveness? I'ma call you buttercup I be sleeping in the day I be ready all night I got beezle on my shoulder, he gon' hit you outta spite I'ma tell you how I leveled up the ethics for the lights Double down on all the bullshit with this feeling through the night [Interlude] Two-step my door My fish, my way Don't tell you all my battles 'cause I finna get played I be plotting all my armour, getting ready for the raid (And I tell 'em, and I tell 'em) And I tell 'em [Verse 1] Ok like- Tell them "What's up?" I'ma rock my kicks (My kicks) They don't know nobody that be winning like this (Like this) Cherokee drums finna hit or miss (Or miss) Tell them "What's up?" when they stuck in the abyss Like, yeah Dance Turn up the gain Jump around the record like a house of pain (Of pain) Walk in the club and I pick off the stains [Outro] (So I tell 'em, so I tell 'em, so I tell 'em, so I tell 'em "What's up?") (So I tell 'em, "What's up?") (So I tell 'em, "What's up?") (So I tell 'em, "What's up?") (So I tell 'em, "What's up?")
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Doing Plenty (Demo)
Carter Ace
[Intro] Yeah-Yeah [Chorus] Okay, I was not a rookie when you met me I was doing plenty, doing plenty, doing plenty, plenty, uh I remember back before you met me I was doing plenty, doing plenty, doing plenty, plenty [Verse] Yeah, I was plottin' plenty, talking plenty, fucking plenty Fucking plenty, didn't know who could protect me 2022 especially kicked my ass and tumbled me around 'til I was bruised and empty Felt like I was sendin' demons out to ridicule and test me No wahala, walahi, I can't bе movin', even slightly under pеrfect I been on my purpose since they closed that blue curtain And they had my mama screamin', "Push," around a few surgeouns Not there yet, but I'm workin' on it Started flying more, avoiding more, and talking less I slept on the floor, I hated sleeping on my bed Money started talking to me more than some my friends Do you get me? Need someone like you to check me [Chorus] I was not a rookie when you met me I was doing plenty, doing plenty, doing plenty, plenty I remember back before you met me I was doing plenty, doing plenty, doing plenty, plenty I was not a rookie when you met me I was doing plenty, doing plenty, doing plenty, plenty I remember back before you met me I was doing plenty, doing plenty, doing plenty, plentyYou might also like
No Makeup
[엑소 "No Makeup" 가사] [Intro] Ooh-ooh Yeah, yeah Oh-oh No, oh Oh-oh [Verse 1] 살짝 번진 너의 lipstick 덧바를 필요 없는 걸 허락해 줘 내가 직접 모두 지워버리고 싶어 (Oh) 금세 터질 듯한 심장 (심장) 그 어떤 색보다 자극적인 너의 green light 길고도 아슬할 tonight 이성의 끈을 잘라놔 [Pre-Chorus] Yeah, 적당히 헝클어진 듯한 네 머릿결 하나까지 다 아름다워 There's just somethin' I love about you [Chorus] I love you with no makeup on 꾸밈없는 모습까지 beautiful 굳이 신경 안 써도 네 예쁜 눈 코 입 위에 살짝 남긴 kiss like La da-da-da, da-da-da 조금씩 더 맘을 열길 솔직한 널 보여줘 So take the makeup off You might also like[Verse 2] 눈부신 조명은 전부 꺼놔 내겐 너 하나로도 충분할 테니, yeah (Yeah) 지금 네 분위긴 나를 미치게만 해 (미치게만 해) 밤이 깊어져 가니 (Yeah, yeah) 그냥 단순하게 사랑하자 (사랑하자) Babe, 이 숨결이 증발되기 전에 [Pre-Chorus] Yeah, 시선 끝이 부딪힌 순간에 시간마저 다 멈춘 것 같은걸 And that's somethin' I love about you [Chorus] I love you with no makeup on (Yeah) 꾸밈없는 모습까지 beautiful (Yeah) 굳이 신경 안 써도 네 예쁜 눈 코 입 위에 살짝 남긴 kiss like (살짝 남긴 kiss like) La-da-da-da, da-da-da (La, da-da-da) 조금씩 더 맘을 열길 솔직한 널 보여줘 (널 보여줘) So take the makeup off [Bridge] 천천히, baby, please 원한다면 다 take it all off 더 확실해진 서로의 맘, oh-woah-woah (서로의 맘) 솔직해질수록 설레는 그 이유 (유 유, 유) 그 답은 너야, oh [Chorus] I love you with no makeup on (Ooh) 꾸밈없는 모습까지 beautiful (Yeah) 굳이 신경 안 써도 (Oh) 네 예쁜 눈 코 입 위에 살짝 남긴 Kiss like La-da-da-da, da-da-da (Ooh) 조금씩 더 맘을 열길 솔직한 널 보여줘 (보여줘, no) So take the makеup off [Outro] Yo, uh, 이 순간 숨김없는 모습으로 진짜의 널 보여줘 Baby, you don't need no makeup Uh, 우린 더 편안하고 자연스런 모습으로 함께 웃어 Baby, you don't need no makeup (Ooh) 부디 내 앞에서 가장 너다울 수 있길, no-no (Oh-oh) So take your makеup off
Slide Thru
Slide thru Hit my line anytime Do me wrong do me right Slide thru any night, rolling The city lights calling C'mon lil mama So high up and you know we ain't fallin anytime, soon Hit the gas now we puttin on mileage No jet but we really be flying clear night but we moving like lightening C'mon lil mama anytime Anytime pick a place I'm a be there Return of the Mac and we been pushing p here Got it keep it playa like you posed do And if your slipping on ya game I'll coach you No dark liquor we gone do Patroñ tonight Watch a flick on Tubi then I'll bone you right Pandemic weight in all the right places That A.P. & Rollie flooded with the white faces Ain't no TikTok babe She u do the buss it challenge on ya TikTok page That thong print showing threw that sundress You already know where you going next Slide thru Hit my line anytime Do me wrong do me right Slide thru any night, rolling The city lights calling C'mon lil mama So high up and you know we ain't fallin anytime, soon Hit the gas now we puttin on mileage No jet but we really be flying clear night but we moving like lightening C'mon lil mama anytime You might also like C'mon lil mama we on that Mary J Blige No Drama You know that boy still move with that llama Monolith boots cause the devil wears Prada Or them Botenga in that slime green You see ya hips from the front cause that ass mean Bounce, bounce it for me You think ya sliding down a pole The way you mounted on me Hair tied to the back sweat pants and crocs No make up on girl you gone get this Keith Sweat make it last Don't care boot your Ex that's a thing in the past just Slide thru Hit my line anytime Do me wrong do me right Slide thru any night, rolling The city lights calling C'mon lil mama So high up and you know we ain't fallin anytime, soon Hit the gas now we puttin on mileage No jet but we really be flying clear night but we moving like lightening C'mon lil mama anytime
If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) (Edit)
The 1975
[Verse 1] I see her online All the time I'm trying not to stare down there While she talks about her tough time Girl of your dreams You know what I mean There's something 'bout her stare that makes you nervous And you say things that you don't mean [Pre-Chorus] Well, I found a hotel, I called up the twins It's seven in the morning, so they won't let me in I need to get back, I've gotta see the girl on the screen (And then I spoke to her and she said) [Chorus] "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I'm not playing with you, baby, I think that you should give it a go" She said, "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I wanna see and stop thinking, if you're too shy, then let me Too shy, then let me know" [Verse 2] I've been wearing nothing every time I call you And I'm starting to feel weird about it Sometimes, it's better if you think about This time, I think I'm gonna drink through it Then I see her online, and I don't think that I should be calling All the time, I just wanted a happy ending And I pretend that I don't care about her stare While she's giving me a tough time See The 1975 LiveGet tickets as low as $35You might also like[Pre-Chorus] Well, I found a motel, it looked like the bins I think there'd been a murder, so we couldn't get in I need to get back, I've gotta see the girl on the screen [Chorus] "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I'm not playing with you, baby, I think that you should give it a go" She said, "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I wanna see and stop thinking, if you're too shy, then let me Too shy, then let me know (You're too shy, then let me) Well, if you're too shy, then let me know (Too shy, then let me) If you're too shy, then let me go" (Oh, yeah) [Bridge] I see her online All the time [Chorus] Well, she said, "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I'm not playing with you, baby, I think that you should give it a go" She said, "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I wanna see and stop thinking, if you're too shy, then let me Too shy, then let me know"
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Bobby Boucher
[Intro] Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah I'm reunited with, uh, all of my, uh, yeah-yeah I'm reunited with, uh, all of my I'm reunited with, uh I'm reunited with, uh Okay, okay [Chorus: Benji.] I'm reunited with, uh, all of my vices, I can't I can't deny it, I still got fuckin' problems, I try I try to fight it, it don't, ain't try to hide it, go 'head Loc be my lady, I'm up a couple thousand Playin' roulette like Bobby Boucher Wa-Wa-Wa-Water on a Tuesday for all this D'Ussé I surely feel like I'm drunk I probably drink the Kool-Aid, that shit be packin' a punch It's like a jab to the face, I'm probably not gettin' up [Verse 1: Doctur Dot] Fuck what you heard, nigga shit, gon' spin it Been independent, still with my twin, he can finish my sеntence I don't know her namе, but she one of my bitches, number exchange And I'm runnin' up in it, no funny business, I ain't on no weird shit, might probably spill this I ain't t-boz, and I sure ain't chilli', is it just me or the energy shiftin'? Nigga growin' up, might live to be the villain When a nigga die, hope they put me on buildings I'm out the space, you can never come near this I heard your tape, but I really ain't feel it Fresh out the woods, where they follow my footprints Credit store fucked up, know I got good dick Swervin' through the hood, brake screechin' like woodwinds I don't think about much, I really just do shit You might also like[Chorus: Benji.] I'm reunited with, uh, all of my vices, I can't I can't deny it, I still got fuckin' problems, I try I try to fight it, it don't, ain't try to hide it, go 'head Loc be my lady, I'm up a couple thousand Playin' roulette like Bobby Boucher Wa-wa-water on a Tuesday for all this D'Ussé I surely feel like I'm drunk (Yeah) I probably drink the Kool-Aid, that shit be packin' a punch (Yeah) It's like a jab to the face, I'm probably not gettin' up [Interlude: Johnny Venus] I'm fuckin' Lady Luck inside my spaceship truck with the ankles up (Ooh-ooh) She like it long, she like it wide, and she sure love it rough I can't get a break, and she can't get enough After this, I'ma need- [Verse 2: Johnny Venus] Scotty come beam me up, come clean me up Somebody come clean me up, on the scene I strut I ease like water on leaves, I glide on beats, I fly, I swim, I ski In eighty degrees, make these hoes freeze My nigga, please, my bank account got angel numbers Can't nobody save you but yourself I listened to God and talked to the Devil He'd do wonders for my health I died on Friday, came back Sunday Turned up Monday, man, what else? She said I taste like mango, dress like Django Still wanna eat me up You the weakest link, no we can't link up Keep things untouched, don't speak on such, I'm so in love [Chorus: Benji.] I'm reunited with, uh, all of my vices, I can't I can't deny it, I still got fuckin' problems, I try I try to fight it, it don't, ain't try to hide it, go 'head Loc be my lady, I'm up a couple thousand Playin' roulette like Bobby Boucher Wa-wa-water on a Tuesday for all this D'Ussé I surely feel like I'm drunk I probably drink the Kool-Aid, that shit be packin' a punch It's like a jab to the face, I'm probably not gettin' up….1000x1000x1.jpg