[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthe hartford financial services group , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) 10 . sales inducements accounting policy the company currently offers enhanced crediting rates or bonus payments to contract holders on certain of its individual and group annuity products . the expense associated with offering a bonus is deferred and amortized over the life of the related contract in a pattern consistent with the amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs . amortization expense associated with expenses previously deferred is recorded over the remaining life of the contract . consistent with the unlock , the company unlocked the amortization of the sales inducement asset . see note 7 for more information concerning the unlock . changes in deferred sales inducement activity were as follows for the years ended december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 459</td><td>$ 438</td><td>$ 553</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>sales inducements deferred</td><td>20</td><td>31</td><td>59</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>amortization charged to income</td><td>-17 ( 17 )</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>-105 ( 105 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>amortization 2014 unlock</td><td>-28 ( 28 )</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>-69 ( 69 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 434</td><td>$ 459</td><td>$ 438</td></tr></table> 11 . reserves for future policy benefits and unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses life insurance products accounting policy liabilities for future policy benefits are calculated by the net level premium method using interest , withdrawal and mortality assumptions appropriate at the time the policies were issued . the methods used in determining the liability for unpaid losses and future policy benefits are standard actuarial methods recognized by the american academy of actuaries . for the tabular reserves , discount rates are based on the company 2019s earned investment yield and the morbidity/mortality tables used are standard industry tables modified to reflect the company 2019s actual experience when appropriate . in particular , for the company 2019s group disability known claim reserves , the morbidity table for the early durations of claim is based exclusively on the company 2019s experience , incorporating factors such as gender , elimination period and diagnosis . these reserves are computed such that they are expected to meet the company 2019s future policy obligations . future policy benefits are computed at amounts that , with additions from estimated premiums to be received and with interest on such reserves compounded annually at certain assumed rates , are expected to be sufficient to meet the company 2019s policy obligations at their maturities or in the event of an insured 2019s death . changes in or deviations from the assumptions used for mortality , morbidity , expected future premiums and interest can significantly affect the company 2019s reserve levels and related future operations and , as such , provisions for adverse deviation are built into the long-tailed liability assumptions . liabilities for the company 2019s group life and disability contracts , as well as its individual term life insurance policies , include amounts for unpaid losses and future policy benefits . liabilities for unpaid losses include estimates of amounts to fully settle known reported claims , as well as claims related to insured events that the company estimates have been incurred but have not yet been reported . these reserve estimates are based on known facts and interpretations of circumstances , and consideration of various internal factors including the hartford 2019s experience with similar cases , historical trends involving claim payment patterns , loss payments , pending levels of unpaid claims , loss control programs and product mix . in addition , the reserve estimates are influenced by consideration of various external factors including court decisions , economic conditions and public attitudes . the effects of inflation are implicitly considered in the reserving process. .\nQuestion: what was the combined value of sales inducements deferred in 2010 and 2011?\nAnswer: 51.0\nQuestion: and including 2009?\nAnswer: 110.0\nQuestion: so what was the average value during this time?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "36.66667" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nassets held under capital leases are recorded at the lower of the net present value of the minimum lease payments or the fair value of the leased asset at the inception of the lease . amortization expense is computed using the straight-line method over the shorter of the estimated useful lives of the assets or the period of the related lease . 12 . accounts payable and other current liabilities dec . 31 , dec . 31 , millions 2010 2009 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>dec . 31 2010</td><td>dec . 31 2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>accounts payable</td><td>$ 677</td><td>$ 612</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>dividends and interest</td><td>383</td><td>347</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>accrued wages and vacation</td><td>357</td><td>339</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>income and other taxes</td><td>337</td><td>224</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>accrued casualty costs</td><td>325</td><td>379</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>equipment rents payable</td><td>86</td><td>89</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other</td><td>548</td><td>480</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total accounts payable and other currentliabilities</td><td>$ 2713</td><td>$ 2470</td></tr></table> 13 . financial instruments strategy and risk 2013 we may use derivative financial instruments in limited instances for other than trading purposes to assist in managing our overall exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and fuel prices . we are not a party to leveraged derivatives and , by policy , do not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes . derivative financial instruments qualifying for hedge accounting must maintain a specified level of effectiveness between the hedging instrument and the item being hedged , both at inception and throughout the hedged period . we formally document the nature and relationships between the hedging instruments and hedged items at inception , as well as our risk- management objectives , strategies for undertaking the various hedge transactions , and method of assessing hedge effectiveness . changes in the fair market value of derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are charged to earnings . we may use swaps , collars , futures , and/or forward contracts to mitigate the risk of adverse movements in interest rates and fuel prices ; however , the use of these derivative financial instruments may limit future benefits from favorable interest rate and fuel price movements . market and credit risk 2013 we address market risk related to derivative financial instruments by selecting instruments with value fluctuations that highly correlate with the underlying hedged item . we manage credit risk related to derivative financial instruments , which is minimal , by requiring high credit standards for counterparties and periodic settlements . at december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , we were not required to provide collateral , nor had we received collateral , relating to our hedging activities . determination of fair value 2013 we determine the fair values of our derivative financial instrument positions based upon current fair values as quoted by recognized dealers or the present value of expected future cash flows . interest rate fair value hedges 2013 we manage our overall exposure to fluctuations in interest rates by adjusting the proportion of fixed and floating rate debt instruments within our debt portfolio over a given period . we generally manage the mix of fixed and floating rate debt through the issuance of targeted amounts of each as debt matures or as we require incremental borrowings . we employ derivatives , primarily swaps , as one of the tools to obtain the targeted mix . in addition , we also obtain flexibility in managing interest costs and the interest rate mix within our debt portfolio by evaluating the issuance of and managing outstanding callable fixed-rate debt securities . swaps allow us to convert debt from fixed rates to variable rates and thereby hedge the risk of changes in the debt 2019s fair value attributable to the changes in interest rates . we account for swaps as fair value hedges using the short-cut method ; therefore , we do not record any ineffectiveness within our consolidated financial statements. .\nQuestion: what is the value of total accounts payable and other current liabilities at the end of 2010?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "2713.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthe company expects to amortize $ 1.7 million of actuarial loss from accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) into net periodic benefit costs in 2011 . at december 31 , 2010 , anticipated benefit payments from the plan in future years are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>year</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2011</td><td>$ 7.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2012</td><td>8.2</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2013</td><td>8.6</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2014</td><td>9.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2015</td><td>10.0</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2016-2020</td><td>62.8</td></tr></table> savings plans . cme maintains a defined contribution savings plan pursuant to section 401 ( k ) of the internal revenue code , whereby all u.s . employees are participants and have the option to contribute to this plan . cme matches employee contributions up to 3% ( 3 % ) of the employee 2019s base salary and may make additional discretionary contributions of up to 2% ( 2 % ) of base salary . in addition , certain cme london-based employees are eligible to participate in a defined contribution plan . for cme london-based employees , the plan provides for company contributions of 10% ( 10 % ) of earnings and does not have any vesting requirements . salary and cash bonuses paid are included in the definition of earnings . aggregate expense for all of the defined contribution savings plans amounted to $ 6.3 million , $ 5.2 million and $ 5.8 million in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 , respectively . cme non-qualified plans . cme maintains non-qualified plans , under which participants may make assumed investment choices with respect to amounts contributed on their behalf . although not required to do so , cme invests such contributions in assets that mirror the assumed investment choices . the balances in these plans are subject to the claims of general creditors of the exchange and totaled $ 28.8 million and $ 23.4 million at december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , respectively . although the value of the plans is recorded as an asset in the consolidated balance sheets , there is an equal and offsetting liability . the investment results of these plans have no impact on net income as the investment results are recorded in equal amounts to both investment income and compensation and benefits expense . supplemental savings plan 2014cme maintains a supplemental plan to provide benefits for employees who have been impacted by statutory limits under the provisions of the qualified pension and savings plan . all cme employees hired prior to january 1 , 2007 are immediately vested in their supplemental plan benefits . all cme employees hired on or after january 1 , 2007 are subject to the vesting requirements of the underlying qualified plans . total expense for the supplemental plan was $ 0.9 million , $ 0.7 million and $ 1.3 million for 2010 , 2009 and 2008 , respectively . deferred compensation plan 2014a deferred compensation plan is maintained by cme , under which eligible officers and members of the board of directors may contribute a percentage of their compensation and defer income taxes thereon until the time of distribution . nymexmembers 2019 retirement plan and benefits . nymex maintained a retirement and benefit plan under the commodities exchange , inc . ( comex ) members 2019 recognition and retention plan ( mrrp ) . this plan provides benefits to certain members of the comex division based on long-term membership , and participation is limited to individuals who were comex division members prior to nymex 2019s acquisition of comex in 1994 . no new participants were permitted into the plan after the date of this acquisition . under the terms of the mrrp , the company is required to fund the plan with a minimum annual contribution of $ 0.4 million until it is fully funded . all benefits to be paid under the mrrp are based on reasonable actuarial assumptions which are based upon the amounts that are available and are expected to be available to pay benefits . total contributions to the plan were $ 0.8 million for each of 2010 , 2009 and for the period august 23 through december 31 , 2008 . at december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , the total obligation for the mrrp totaled $ 20.7 million and $ 20.5 million .\nQuestion: what was the expense for the supplemental plan in 2010?\nAnswer: 0.9\nQuestion: what was the expense for the supplemental plan in 2009?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.7" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) litigation settlement 2014 during may 2008 , the sec concluded its investigation that began in 2002 into our financial reporting practices , resulting in a settlement charge of $ 12.0 . investment impairments 2014 in 2007 we realized an other-than-temporary charge of $ 5.8 relating to a $ 12.5 investment in auction rate securities , representing our total investment in auction rate securities . for additional information see note 15 . note 6 : intangible assets goodwill goodwill is the excess purchase price remaining from an acquisition after an allocation of purchase price has been made to identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on estimated fair values . the changes in the carrying value of goodwill by segment for the years ended december 31 , 2008 and 2007 are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>ian</td><td>cmg</td><td>total</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of december 31 2006</td><td>$ 2632.5</td><td>$ 435.3</td><td>$ 3067.8</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>current year acquisitions</td><td>86.0</td><td>2014</td><td>86.0</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>contingent and deferred payments for prior acquisitions</td><td>4.7</td><td>3.7</td><td>8.4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>amounts allocated to business dispositions</td><td>-5.7 ( 5.7 )</td><td>2014</td><td>-5.7 ( 5.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other ( primarily foreign currency translation )</td><td>72.2</td><td>2.9</td><td>75.1</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance as of december 31 2007</td><td>2789.7</td><td>441.9</td><td>3231.6</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>current year acquisitions</td><td>99.5</td><td>1.8</td><td>101.3</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>contingent and deferred payments for prior acquisitions</td><td>28.9</td><td>1.1</td><td>30.0</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>amounts allocated to business dispositions</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td><td>2014</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>other ( primarily foreign currency translation )</td><td>-127.7 ( 127.7 )</td><td>-13.9 ( 13.9 )</td><td>-141.6 ( 141.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>balance as of december 31 2008</td><td>$ 2790.0</td><td>$ 430.9</td><td>$ 3220.9</td></tr></table> during the latter part of the fourth quarter of 2008 our stock price declined significantly after our annual impairment review as of october 1 , 2008 , and our market capitalization was less than our book value as of december 31 , 2008 . we considered whether there were any events or circumstances indicative of a triggering event and determined that the decline in stock price during the fourth quarter was an event that would 201cmore likely than not 201d reduce the fair value of our individual reporting units below their book value , requiring us to perform an interim impairment test for goodwill at the reporting unit level . based on the interim impairment test conducted , we concluded that there was no impairment of our goodwill as of december 31 , 2008 . we will continue to monitor our stock price as it relates to the reconciliation of our market capitalization and the fair values of our individual reporting units throughout 2009 . during our annual impairment reviews as of october 1 , 2006 our discounted future operating cash flow projections at one of our domestic advertising reporting units indicated that the implied fair value of the goodwill at this reporting unit was less than its book value , primarily due to client losses , resulting in a goodwill impairment charge of $ 27.2 in 2006 in our ian segment . other intangible assets included in other intangible assets are assets with indefinite lives not subject to amortization and assets with definite lives subject to amortization . other intangible assets include non-compete agreements , license costs , trade names and customer lists . intangible assets with definitive lives subject to amortization are amortized on a .\nQuestion: what was the value of goodwill in 2007?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "3231.6" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nliquidity and capital resources as of december 31 , 2006 , our principal sources of liquidity included cash , cash equivalents , the sale of receivables , and our revolving credit facilities , as well as the availability of commercial paper and other sources of financing through the capital markets . we had $ 2 billion of committed credit facilities available , of which there were no borrowings outstanding as of december 31 , 2006 , and we did not make any short-term borrowings under these facilities during the year . the value of the outstanding undivided interest held by investors under the sale of receivables program was $ 600 million as of december 31 , 2006 . the sale of receivables program is subject to certain requirements , including the maintenance of an investment grade bond rating . if our bond rating were to deteriorate , it could have an adverse impact on our liquidity . access to commercial paper is dependent on market conditions . deterioration of our operating results or financial condition due to internal or external factors could negatively impact our ability to utilize commercial paper as a source of liquidity . liquidity through the capital markets is also dependent on our financial stability . at both december 31 , 2006 and 2005 , we had a working capital deficit of approximately $ 1.1 billion . a working capital deficit is common in our industry and does not indicate a lack of liquidity . we maintain adequate resources to meet our daily cash requirements , and we have sufficient financial capacity to satisfy our current liabilities . financial condition cash flows millions of dollars 2006 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>cash flowsmillions of dollars</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 2880</td><td>$ 2595</td><td>$ 2257</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cash used in investing activities</td><td>-2042 ( 2042 )</td><td>-2047 ( 2047 )</td><td>-1732 ( 1732 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>cash used in financing activities</td><td>-784 ( 784 )</td><td>-752 ( 752 )</td><td>-75 ( 75 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net change in cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ 54</td><td>$ -204 ( 204 )</td><td>$ 450</td></tr></table> cash provided by operating activities 2013 higher income in 2006 generated the increased cash provided by operating activities , which was partially offset by higher income tax payments , $ 150 million in voluntary pension contributions , higher material and supply inventories , and higher management incentive payments in 2006 . higher income , lower management incentive payments in 2005 ( executive bonuses , which would have been paid to individuals in 2005 , were not awarded based on company performance in 2004 and bonuses for the professional workforce that were paid out in 2005 were significantly reduced ) , and working capital performance generated higher cash from operating activities in 2005 . a voluntary pension contribution of $ 100 million in 2004 also augmented the positive year-over-year variance in 2005 as no pension contribution was made in 2005 . this improvement was partially offset by cash received in 2004 for income tax refunds . cash used in investing activities 2013 an insurance settlement for the 2005 january west coast storm and lower balances for work in process decreased the amount of cash used in investing activities in 2006 . higher capital investments and lower proceeds from asset sales partially offset this decrease . increased capital spending , partially offset by higher proceeds from asset sales , increased the amount of cash used in investing activities in 2005 compared to 2004 . cash used in financing activities 2013 the increase in cash used in financing activities primarily resulted from lower net proceeds from equity compensation plans ( $ 189 million in 2006 compared to $ 262 million in 2005 ) . the increase in 2005 results from debt issuances in 2004 and higher debt repayments in 2005 . we did not issue debt in 2005 versus $ 745 million of debt issuances in 2004 , and we repaid $ 699 million of debt in 2005 compared to $ 588 million in 2004 . the higher outflows in 2005 were partially offset by higher net proceeds from equity compensation plans ( $ 262 million in 2005 compared to $ 80 million in 2004 ) . .\nQuestion: what was the amount of cash provided by operating activities in 2006?\nAnswer: 2880.0\nQuestion: what was the value in 2005?\nAnswer: 2595.0\nQuestion: what is the net change in value?\nAnswer: 285.0\nQuestion: what was the 2005 value?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "2595.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nlkq corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) note 5 . long-term obligations ( continued ) as part of the consideration for business acquisitions completed during 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , we issued promissory notes totaling approximately $ 1.7 million , $ 7.2 million and $ 6.4 million , respectively . the notes bear interest at annual rates of 3.0% ( 3.0 % ) to 6.0% ( 6.0 % ) , and interest is payable at maturity or in monthly installments . we also assumed certain liabilities in connection with a business acquisition during the second quarter of 2005 , including a promissory note with a remaining principle balance of approximately $ 0.2 million . the annual interest rate on the note , which was retired during 2006 , was note 6 . commitments and contingencies operating leases we are obligated under noncancelable operating leases for corporate office space , warehouse and distribution facilities , trucks and certain equipment . the future minimum lease commitments under these leases at december 31 , 2007 are as follows ( in thousands ) : years ending december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>$ 42335</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2009</td><td>33249</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2010</td><td>25149</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2011</td><td>17425</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2012</td><td>11750</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>thereafter</td><td>28581</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>future minimum lease payments</td><td>$ 158489</td></tr></table> rental expense for operating leases was approximately $ 27.4 million , $ 18.6 million and $ 12.2 million during the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . we guaranty the residual values of the majority of our truck and equipment operating leases . the residual values decline over the lease terms to a defined percentage of original cost . in the event the lessor does not realize the residual value when a piece of equipment is sold , we would be responsible for a portion of the shortfall . similarly , if the lessor realizes more than the residual value when a piece of equipment is sold , we would be paid the amount realized over the residual value . had we terminated all of our operating leases subject to these guaranties at december 31 , 2007 , the guarantied residual value would have totaled approximately $ 24.0 million . litigation and related contingencies on december 2 , 2005 , ford global technologies , llc ( 2018 2018ford 2019 2019 ) filed a complaint with the united states international trade commission ( 2018 2018usitc 2019 2019 ) against keystone and five other named respondents , including four taiwan-based manufacturers . on december 12 , 2005 , ford filed an amended complaint . both the complaint and the amended complaint contended that keystone and the other respondents infringed 14 design patents that ford alleges cover eight parts on the 2004-2005 .\nQuestion: what was the change in the rental expense from 2005 to 2006?\nAnswer: 6.4\nQuestion: and what is this change as a percentage of that expense in 2005?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.52459" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\n2022 increased proved liquid hydrocarbon , including synthetic crude oil , reserves to 78 percent from 75 percent of proved reserves 2022 increased e&p net sales volumes , excluding libya , by 7 percent 2022 recorded 96 percent average operational availability for all major company-operated e&p assets , compared to 94 percent in 2010 2022 completed debottlenecking work that increased crude oil production capacity at the alvheim fpso in norway to 150000 gross bbld from the previous capacity of 142000 gross bbld and the original 2008 capacity of 120000 gross bbld 2022 announced two non-operated discoveries in the iraqi kurdistan region and began drilling in poland 2022 completed aosp expansion 1 , including the start-up of the expanded scotford upgrader , realizing an increase in net synthetic crude oil sales volumes of 48 percent 2022 completed dispositions of non-core assets and interests in acreage positions for net proceeds of $ 518 million 2022 repurchased 12 million shares of our common stock at a cost of $ 300 million 2022 retired $ 2498 million principal of our long-term debt 2022 resumed limited production in libya in the fourth quarter of 2011 following the february 2011 temporary suspension of operations consolidated results of operations : 2011 compared to 2010 due to the spin-off of our downstream business on june 30 , 2011 , which is reported as discontinued operations , income from continuing operations is more representative of marathon oil as an independent energy company . consolidated income from continuing operations before income taxes was 9 percent higher in 2011 than in 2010 , largely due to higher liquid hydrocarbon prices . this improvement was offset by increased income taxes primarily the result of excess foreign tax credits generated during 2011 that we do not expect to utilize in the future . the effective income tax rate for continuing operations was 61 percent in 2011 compared to 54 percent in 2010 . revenues are summarized in the following table : ( in millions ) 2011 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>e&p</td><td>$ 13029</td><td>$ 10782</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>osm</td><td>1588</td><td>833</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>ig</td><td>93</td><td>150</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>segment revenues</td><td>14710</td><td>11765</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>elimination of intersegment revenues</td><td>-47 ( 47 )</td><td>-75 ( 75 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total revenues</td><td>$ 14663</td><td>$ 11690</td></tr></table> e&p segment revenues increased $ 2247 million from 2010 to 2011 , primarily due to higher average liquid hydrocarbon realizations , which were $ 99.37 per bbl in 2011 , a 31 percent increase over 2010 . revenues in 2010 included net pre-tax gains of $ 95 million on derivative instruments intended to mitigate price risk on future sales of liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas . included in our e&p segment are supply optimization activities which include the purchase of commodities from third parties for resale . supply optimization serves to aggregate volumes in order to satisfy transportation commitments and to achieve flexibility within product types and delivery points . see the cost of revenues discussion as revenues from supply optimization approximate the related costs . higher average crude oil prices in 2011 compared to 2010 increased revenues related to supply optimization . revenues from the sale of our u.s . production are higher in 2011 primarily as a result of higher liquid hydrocarbon and natural gas price realizations , but sales volumes declined. .\nQuestion: what was the total revenue for 2011?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "14663.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\n. <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>years ended december 31</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>statutory tax rate</td><td>19.0% ( 19.0 % )</td><td>19.3% ( 19.3 % )</td><td>20.0% ( 20.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>u.s . state income taxes net of u.s . federal benefit</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td><td>-1.5 ( 1.5 )</td><td>0.4</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>taxes on international operations ( 1 )</td><td>-7.3 ( 7.3 )</td><td>-30.3 ( 30.3 )</td><td>-12.2 ( 12.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>nondeductible expenses</td><td>2.7</td><td>3.4</td><td>1.4</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>adjustments to prior year tax requirements</td><td>0.9</td><td>2.0</td><td>-1.2 ( 1.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>adjustments to valuation allowances</td><td>3.8</td><td>-1.8 ( 1.8 )</td><td>-2.2 ( 2.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>change in uncertain tax positions</td><td>0.9</td><td>1.6</td><td>3.2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>excess tax benefits related to shared based compensation ( 2 )</td><td>-3.6 ( 3.6 )</td><td>-8.0 ( 8.0 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>u.s . tax reform impact ( 3 )</td><td>7.1</td><td>51.2</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>loss on disposition</td><td>-10.2 ( 10.2 )</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>other 2014 net</td><td>-1.2 ( 1.2 )</td><td>0.6</td><td>1.2</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>effective tax rate</td><td>11.7% ( 11.7 % )</td><td>36.5% ( 36.5 % )</td><td>10.6% ( 10.6 % )</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) the company determines the adjustment for taxes on international operations based on the difference between the statutory tax rate applicable to earnings in each foreign jurisdiction and the enacted rate of 19.0% ( 19.0 % ) , 19.3% ( 19.3 % ) and 20.0% ( 20.0 % ) at december 31 , 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , respectively . the benefit to the company 2019s effective income tax rate from taxes on international operations relates to benefits from lower-taxed global operations , primarily due to the use of global funding structures and the tax holiday in singapore . the impact decreased from 2017 to 2018 primarily as a result of the decrease in the u.s . federal tax ( 2 ) with the adoption of asu 2016-09 in 2017 , excess tax benefits and deficiencies from share-based payment transactions are recognized as income tax expense or benefit in the company 2019s consolidated statements of income . ( 3 ) the impact of the tax reform act including the transition tax , the re-measurement of u.s . deferred tax assets and liabilities from 35% ( 35 % ) to 21% ( 21 % ) , withholding tax accruals , and the allocation of tax benefit between continuing operations and discontinued operations related to utilization of foreign tax credits. .\nQuestion: what was the difference in the effective tax rate and the statutory rate for international operations in 2018?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.073" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to the consolidated financial statements the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the commitment fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of sixty percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , on november 12 , 2010 , ppg completed a public offering of $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 1.900% ( 1.900 % ) notes due 2016 ( the 201c2016 notes 201d ) , $ 500 million in aggregate principal amount of its 3.600% ( 3.600 % ) notes due 2020 ( the 201c2020 notes 201d ) and $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.500% ( 5.500 % ) notes due 2040 ( the 201c2040 notes 201d ) . these notes were issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 ( the 201coriginal indenture 201d ) between the company and the bank of new york mellon trust company , n.a. , as trustee ( the 201ctrustee 201d ) , as supplemented by a first supplemental indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 between the company and the trustee ( the 201cfirst supplemental indenture 201d ) and a second supplemental indenture dated as of november 12 , 2010 between the company and the trustee ( the 201csecond supplemental indenture 201d and , together with the original indenture and the first supplemental indenture , the 201cindenture 201d ) . the company may issue additional debt from time to time pursuant to the original indenture . the indenture governing these notes contains covenants that limit the company 2019s ability to , among other things , incur certain liens securing indebtedness , engage in certain sale-leaseback transactions , and enter into certain consolidations , mergers , conveyances , transfers or leases of all or substantially all the company 2019s assets . the terms of these notes also require the company to make an offer to repurchase notes upon a change of control triggering event ( as defined in the second supplemental indenture ) at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from this notes offering was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 791 million of which $ 31 million was used as of december 31 , 2010 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2010 2009 20ac650 million revolving credit facility , 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2009 $ 2014 $ 110 other , weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 , 2009 24 158 total $ 24 $ 268 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2010 , total indebtedness was 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross- default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 totaled $ 189 million , $ 201 million and $ 228 million , respectively . 2010 ppg annual report and form 10-k 43 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>20ac650 million revolving credit facility 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 2009</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 110</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>other weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 2009</td><td>24</td><td>158</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total</td><td>$ 24</td><td>$ 268</td></tr></table> notes to the consolidated financial statements the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the commitment fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of sixty percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , on november 12 , 2010 , ppg completed a public offering of $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 1.900% ( 1.900 % ) notes due 2016 ( the 201c2016 notes 201d ) , $ 500 million in aggregate principal amount of its 3.600% ( 3.600 % ) notes due 2020 ( the 201c2020 notes 201d ) and $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.500% ( 5.500 % ) notes due 2040 ( the 201c2040 notes 201d ) . these notes were issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 ( the 201coriginal indenture 201d ) between the company and the bank of new york mellon trust company , n.a. , as trustee ( the 201ctrustee 201d ) , as supplemented by a first supplemental indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 between the company and the trustee ( the 201cfirst supplemental indenture 201d ) and a second supplemental indenture dated as of november 12 , 2010 between the company and the trustee ( the 201csecond supplemental indenture 201d and , together with the original indenture and the first supplemental indenture , the 201cindenture 201d ) . the company may issue additional debt from time to time pursuant to the original indenture . the indenture governing these notes contains covenants that limit the company 2019s ability to , among other things , incur certain liens securing indebtedness , engage in certain sale-leaseback transactions , and enter into certain consolidations , mergers , conveyances , transfers or leases of all or substantially all the company 2019s assets . the terms of these notes also require the company to make an offer to repurchase notes upon a change of control triggering event ( as defined in the second supplemental indenture ) at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from this notes offering was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 791 million of which $ 31 million was used as of december 31 , 2010 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2010 2009 20ac650 million revolving credit facility , 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2009 $ 2014 $ 110 other , weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 , 2009 24 158 total $ 24 $ 268 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2010 , total indebtedness was 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross- default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 totaled $ 189 million , $ 201 million and $ 228 million , respectively . 2010 ppg annual report and form 10-k 43 .\nQuestion: what was the total interest payment in 2010?\nAnswer: 189.0\nQuestion: what was the total interest payment in 2009?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "201.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) | 72 snap-on incorporated following is a reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits : ( amounts in millions ) amount . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( amounts in millions )</td><td>amount</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits as of december 31 2006</td><td>$ 21.3</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>gross decreases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in the current period</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>settlements with taxing authorities</td><td>-3.0 ( 3.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>lapsing of statutes of limitations</td><td>-0.2 ( 0.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits as of december 29 2007</td><td>$ 18.7</td></tr></table> of the $ 18.7 million of unrecognized tax benefits at the end of 2007 , approximately $ 16.2 million would impact the effective income tax rate if recognized . interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits are recorded in income tax expense . during the years ended december 29 , 2007 , december 30 , 2006 , and december 31 , 2005 , the company recognized approximately $ 1.2 million , $ 0.5 million and ( $ 0.5 ) million in net interest expense ( benefit ) , respectively . the company has provided for approximately $ 3.4 million , $ 2.2 million , and $ 1.7 million of accrued interest related to unrecognized tax benefits at the end of fiscal year 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . during the next 12 months , the company does not anticipate any significant changes to the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits , other than the accrual of additional interest expense in an amount similar to the prior year 2019s expense . with few exceptions , snap-on is no longer subject to u.s . federal and state/local income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2003 , and snap-on is no longer subject to non-u.s . income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2001 . the undistributed earnings of all non-u.s . subsidiaries totaled $ 338.5 million , $ 247.4 million and $ 173.6 million at the end of fiscal 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . snap-on has not provided any deferred taxes on these undistributed earnings as it considers the undistributed earnings to be permanently invested . determination of the amount of unrecognized deferred income tax liability related to these earnings is not practicable . the american jobs creation act of 2004 ( the 201cajca 201d ) created a one-time tax incentive for u.s . corporations to repatriate accumulated foreign earnings by providing a tax deduction of 85% ( 85 % ) of qualifying dividends received from foreign affiliates . under the provisions of the ajca , snap-on repatriated approximately $ 93 million of qualifying dividends in 2005 that resulted in additional income tax expense of $ 3.3 million for the year . note 9 : short-term and long-term debt notes payable and long-term debt as of december 29 , 2007 , was $ 517.9 million ; no commercial paper was outstanding at december 29 , 2007 . as of december 30 , 2006 , notes payable and long-term debt was $ 549.2 million , including $ 314.9 million of commercial paper . snap-on presented $ 300 million of the december 30 , 2006 , outstanding commercial paper as 201clong-term debt 201d on the accompanying december 30 , 2006 , consolidated balance sheet . on january 12 , 2007 , snap-on sold $ 300 million of unsecured notes consisting of $ 150 million of floating rate notes that mature on january 12 , 2010 , and $ 150 million of fixed rate notes that mature on january 15 , 2017 . interest on the floating rate notes accrues at a rate equal to the three-month london interbank offer rate plus 0.13% ( 0.13 % ) per year and is payable quarterly . interest on the fixed rate notes accrues at a rate of 5.50% ( 5.50 % ) per year and is payable semi-annually . snap-on used the proceeds from the sale of the notes , net of $ 1.5 million of transaction costs , to repay commercial paper obligations issued to finance the acquisition of business solutions . on january 12 , 2007 , the company also terminated a $ 250 million bridge credit agreement that snap-on established prior to its acquisition of business solutions. .\nQuestion: what is the change in balance of the unrecognized tax benefits from 2006 to 2007?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-2.6" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) 17 . pension plans and postretirement health care and life insurance benefit plans ( continued ) benefit payments the following table sets forth amounts of benefits expected to be paid over the next ten years from the company 2019s pension and postretirement plans as of december 31 , 2004: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>pension benefits</td><td>other postretirement benefits</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2005</td><td>$ 125</td><td>$ 30</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2006</td><td>132</td><td>31</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2007</td><td>143</td><td>31</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2008</td><td>154</td><td>33</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2009</td><td>166</td><td>34</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2010-2014</td><td>1052</td><td>193</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 1772</td><td>$ 352</td></tr></table> 18 . stock compensation plans on may 18 , 2000 , the shareholders of the hartford approved the hartford incentive stock plan ( the 201c2000 plan 201d ) , which replaced the hartford 1995 incentive stock plan ( the 201c1995 plan 201d ) . the terms of the 2000 plan were substantially similar to the terms of the 1995 plan except that the 1995 plan had an annual award limit and a higher maximum award limit . under the 2000 plan , awards may be granted in the form of non-qualified or incentive stock options qualifying under section 422a of the internal revenue code , performance shares or restricted stock , or any combination of the foregoing . in addition , stock appreciation rights may be granted in connection with all or part of any stock options granted under the 2000 plan . in december 2004 , the 2000 plan was amended to allow for grants of restricted stock units effective as of january 1 , 2005 . the aggregate number of shares of stock , which may be awarded , is subject to a maximum limit of 17211837 shares applicable to all awards for the ten-year duration of the 2000 plan . all options granted have an exercise price equal to the market price of the company 2019s common stock on the date of grant , and an option 2019s maximum term is ten years and two days . certain options become exercisable over a three year period commencing one year from the date of grant , while certain other options become exercisable upon the attainment of specified market price appreciation of the company 2019s common shares . for any year , no individual employee may receive an award of options for more than 1000000 shares . as of december 31 , 2004 , the hartford had not issued any incentive stock options under the 2000 plan . performance awards of common stock granted under the 2000 plan become payable upon the attainment of specific performance goals achieved over a period of not less than one nor more than five years , and the restricted stock granted is subject to a restriction period . on a cumulative basis , no more than 20% ( 20 % ) of the aggregate number of shares which may be awarded under the 2000 plan are available for performance shares and restricted stock awards . also , the maximum award of performance shares for any individual employee in any year is 200000 shares . in 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , the company granted shares of common stock of 315452 , 333712 and 40852 with weighted average prices of $ 64.93 , $ 38.13 and $ 62.28 , respectively , related to performance share and restricted stock awards . in 1996 , the company established the hartford employee stock purchase plan ( 201cespp 201d ) . under this plan , eligible employees of the hartford may purchase common stock of the company at a 15% ( 15 % ) discount from the lower of the closing market price at the beginning or end of the quarterly offering period . the company may sell up to 5400000 shares of stock to eligible employees under the espp . in 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , 345262 , 443467 and 408304 shares were sold , respectively . the per share weighted average fair value of the discount under the espp was $ 9.31 , $ 11.96 , and $ 11.70 in 2004 , 2003 and 2002 , respectively . additionally , during 1997 , the hartford established employee stock purchase plans for certain employees of the company 2019s international subsidiaries . under these plans , participants may purchase common stock of the hartford at a fixed price at the end of a three-year period . the activity under these programs is not material. .\nQuestion: what was the expected payment for all benefits in 2007?\nAnswer: 174.0\nQuestion: and what was that expected payment for all years?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "2124.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nincreased by $ 105.6 million , or 3.4% ( 3.4 % ) , from 2006 to 2007 . the following table reflects the components of our revenue growth for the years ended december 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>core price</td><td>4.0% ( 4.0 % )</td><td>4.2% ( 4.2 % )</td><td>3.4% ( 3.4 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fuel surcharges</td><td>1.8</td><td>.2</td><td>1.1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>environmental fees</td><td>.4</td><td>.2</td><td>.4</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>recycling commodities</td><td>.1</td><td>.9</td><td>-.1 ( .1 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total price</td><td>6.3</td><td>5.5</td><td>4.8</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>core volume ( 1 )</td><td>-3.9 ( 3.9 )</td><td>-1.5 ( 1.5 )</td><td>2.4</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>non-core volume</td><td>.1</td><td>-.1 ( .1 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total volume</td><td>-3.8 ( 3.8 )</td><td>-1.6 ( 1.6 )</td><td>2.4</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total internal growth</td><td>2.5</td><td>3.9</td><td>7.2</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>acquisitions net of divestitures ( 2 )</td><td>13.4</td><td>-.5 ( .5 )</td><td>-.1 ( .1 )</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>taxes ( 3 )</td><td>.1</td><td>2014</td><td>.1</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>total revenue growth</td><td>16.0% ( 16.0 % )</td><td>3.4% ( 3.4 % )</td><td>7.2% ( 7.2 % )</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) core volume growth for the year ended december 31 , 2006 includes .8% ( .8 % ) associated with hauling waste from the city of toronto to one of our landfills in michigan . this hauling service is provided to the city at a rate that approximates our cost . ( 2 ) includes the impact of the acquisition of allied in december 2008 . ( 3 ) represents new taxes levied on landfill volumes in certain states that are passed on to customers . 25aa 2008 : during the year ended december 31 , 2008 , our core revenue growth continued to benefit from a broad-based pricing initiative . in addition , 14.7% ( 14.7 % ) of our revenue growth is due to our acquisition of allied in december 2008 . revenue growth also benefited from higher fuel surcharges and environmental fees . however , during 2008 we experienced lower prices for commodities . we also experienced a decrease in core volumes primarily due to lower commercial and industrial collection volumes and lower landfill volumes resulting from the slowdown in the economy . we expect to continue to experience lower volumes until economic conditions improve . 25aa 2007 : during the year ended december 31 , 2007 , our revenue growth from core pricing continued to benefit from a broad-based pricing initiative . our revenue growth also benefited from higher prices for commodities . however , we experienced a decrease in core volume growth primarily due to lower industrial collection and landfill volumes resulting from the slowdown in residential construction . 25aa 2006 : during the year ended december 31 , 2006 , our revenue growth continued to benefit from our broad-based pricing initiative . we experienced core volume growth in our collection and landfill lines of business . this core volume growth was partially offset by hurricane clean-up efforts that took place during the fourth quarter of 2005 . 25aa 2009 outlook : we anticipate internal revenue from core operations to decrease approximately 4.0% ( 4.0 % ) during 2009 . this decrease is the expected net of growth in core pricing of approximately 4.0% ( 4.0 % ) and an expected decrease in volume of approximately 8.0% ( 8.0 % ) . our projections assume no deterioration or improvement in the overall economy from that experienced during the fourth quarter of 2008 . however , our internal growth may remain flat or may decline in 2009 depending on economic conditions and our success in implementing pricing initiatives . cost of operations . cost of operations was $ 2.4 billion , $ 2.0 billion and $ 1.9 billion , or , as a percentage of revenue , 65.6% ( 65.6 % ) , 63.1% ( 63.1 % ) and 62.7% ( 62.7 % ) , for the years ended december 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006 , respectively . the increase in cost of operations in aggregate dollars for the year ended december 31 , 2008 versus the comparable 2007 period is primarily a result of our acquisition of allied in december 2008 . the remaining increase in cost of operations in aggregate dollars and the increase as a percentage of revenue is primarily due to charges we recorded during 2008 of $ 98.0 million related to estimated costs to comply with f&os issued by the oepa and the aoc issued by the epa in response to environmental conditions at our countywide facility in ohio , $ 21.9 million related to environmental conditions at our closed disposal facility %%transmsg*** transmitting job : p14076 pcn : 048000000 ***%%pcmsg|46 |00044|yes|no|02/28/2009 17:08|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : d| .\nQuestion: what is the cost of operations in 2008?\nAnswer: 2.4\nQuestion: what about in 2007?\nAnswer: 2.0\nQuestion: what is the total cost of operations in 2007 and 2008?\nAnswer: 4.4\nQuestion: what is the cost of operations in 2006?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1.9" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nprovision for income taxes increased $ 1791 million in 2012 from 2011 primarily due to the increase in pretax income from continuing operations , including the impact of the resumption of sales in libya in the first quarter of 2012 . the following is an analysis of the effective income tax rates for 2012 and 2011: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>statutory rate applied to income from continuing operations before income taxes</td><td>35% ( 35 % )</td><td>35% ( 35 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>effects of foreign operations including foreign tax credits</td><td>18</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>change in permanent reinvestment assertion</td><td>2014</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>adjustments to valuation allowances</td><td>21</td><td>14</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>tax law changes</td><td>2014</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>effective income tax rate on continuing operations</td><td>74% ( 74 % )</td><td>61% ( 61 % )</td></tr></table> the effective income tax rate is influenced by a variety of factors including the geographic sources of income and the relative magnitude of these sources of income . the provision for income taxes is allocated on a discrete , stand-alone basis to pretax segment income and to individual items not allocated to segments . the difference between the total provision and the sum of the amounts allocated to segments appears in the \"corporate and other unallocated items\" shown in the reconciliation of segment income to net income below . effects of foreign operations 2013 the effects of foreign operations on our effective tax rate increased in 2012 as compared to 2011 , primarily due to the resumption of sales in libya in the first quarter of 2012 , where the statutory rate is in excess of 90 percent . change in permanent reinvestment assertion 2013 in the second quarter of 2011 , we recorded $ 716 million of deferred u.s . tax on undistributed earnings of $ 2046 million that we previously intended to permanently reinvest in foreign operations . offsetting this tax expense were associated foreign tax credits of $ 488 million . in addition , we reduced our valuation allowance related to foreign tax credits by $ 228 million due to recognizing deferred u.s . tax on previously undistributed earnings . adjustments to valuation allowances 2013 in 2012 and 2011 , we increased the valuation allowance against foreign tax credits because it is more likely than not that we will be unable to realize all u.s . benefits on foreign taxes accrued in those years . see item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data - note 10 to the consolidated financial statements for further information about income taxes . discontinued operations is presented net of tax , and reflects our downstream business that was spun off june 30 , 2011 and our angola business which we agreed to sell in 2013 . see item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data 2013 notes 3 and 6 to the consolidated financial statements for additional information. .\nQuestion: what is the effective income tax rate on continuing operations in 2012?\nAnswer: 74.0\nQuestion: what about in 2011?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "61.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\n32| | duke realty corporation annual report 2012 2022 in 2010 , we sold approximately 60 acres of land , in two separate transactions , which resulted in impairment charges of $ 9.8 million . these sales were opportunistic in nature and we had not identified or actively marketed this land for disposition , as it was previously intended to be held for development . general and administrative expenses general and administrative expenses increased from $ 41.3 million in 2010 to $ 43.1 million in 2011 . the following table sets forth the factors that led to the increase in general and administrative expenses from 2010 to 2011 ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>general and administrative expenses - 2010</td><td>$ 41.3</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>increase to overall pool of overhead costs ( 1 )</td><td>5.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>increased absorption of costs by wholly-owned development and leasing activities ( 2 )</td><td>-3.7 ( 3.7 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>increased allocation of costs to service operations and rental operations</td><td>-0.2 ( 0.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>general and administrative expenses - 2011</td><td>$ 43.1</td></tr></table> interest expense interest expense from continuing operations increased from $ 186.4 million in 2010 to $ 220.5 million in 2011 . the increase was primarily a result of increased average outstanding debt during 2011 compared to 2010 , which was driven by our acquisition activities as well as other uses of capital . a $ 7.2 million decrease in the capitalization of interest costs , the result of developed properties no longer meeting the criteria for interest capitalization , also contributed to the increase in interest expense . gain ( loss ) on debt transactions there were no gains or losses on debt transactions during 2011 . during 2010 , through a cash tender offer and open market transactions , we repurchased certain of our outstanding series of unsecured notes scheduled to mature in 2011 and 2013 . in total , we paid $ 292.2 million for unsecured notes that had a face value of $ 279.9 million . we recognized a net loss on extinguishment of $ 16.3 million after considering the write-off of unamortized deferred financing costs , discounts and other accounting adjustments . acquisition-related activity during 2011 , we recognized approximately $ 2.3 million in acquisition costs , compared to $ 1.9 million of such costs in 2010 . during 2011 , we also recognized a $ 1.1 million gain related to the acquisition of a building from one of our 50%-owned unconsolidated joint ventures , compared to a $ 57.7 million gain in 2010 on the acquisition of our joint venture partner 2019s 50% ( 50 % ) interest in dugan . critical accounting policies the preparation of our consolidated financial statements in conformity with gaap requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period . our estimates , judgments and assumptions are inherently subjective and based on the existing business and market conditions , and are therefore continually evaluated based upon available information and experience . note 2 to the consolidated financial statements includes further discussion of our significant accounting policies . our management has assessed the accounting policies used in the preparation of our financial statements and discussed them with our audit committee and independent auditors . the following accounting policies are considered critical based upon materiality to the financial statements , degree of judgment involved in estimating reported amounts and sensitivity to changes in industry and economic conditions : ( 1 ) the increase to our overall pool of overhead costs from 2010 is largely due to increased severance pay related to overhead reductions that took place near the end of 2011 . ( 2 ) our total leasing activity increased and we also increased wholly owned development activities from 2010 . we capitalized $ 25.3 million and $ 10.4 million of our total overhead costs to leasing and development , respectively , for consolidated properties during 2011 , compared to capitalizing $ 23.5 million and $ 8.5 million of such costs , respectively , for 2010 . combined overhead costs capitalized to leasing and development totaled 20.6% ( 20.6 % ) and 19.1% ( 19.1 % ) of our overall pool of overhead costs for 2011 and 2010 , respectively. .\nQuestion: what was the change in the interest expense from continuing operations from 2010 to 2011?\nAnswer: 34.1\nQuestion: and what was the interest expense from continuing operations in 2010?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "186.4" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ntable of contents the following performance graph is not 201csoliciting material , 201d is not deemed filed with the sec , and is not to be incorporated by reference into any of valero 2019s filings under the securities act of 1933 or the securities exchange act of 1934 , as amended , respectively . this performance graph and the related textual information are based on historical data and are not indicative of future performance . the following line graph compares the cumulative total return 1 on an investment in our common stock against the cumulative total return of the s&p 500 composite index and an index of peer companies ( that we selected ) for the five-year period commencing december 31 , 2007 and ending december 31 , 2012 . our peer group consists of the following ten companies : alon usa energy , inc. ; bp plc ( bp ) ; cvr energy , inc. ; hess corporation ; hollyfrontier corporation ; marathon petroleum corporation ; phillips 66 ( psx ) ; royal dutch shell plc ( rds ) ; tesoro corporation ; and western refining , inc . our peer group previously included chevron corporation ( cvx ) and exxon mobil corporation ( xom ) but they were replaced with bp , psx , and rds . in 2012 , psx became an independent downstream energy company and was added to our peer group . cvx and xom were replaced with bp and rds as they were viewed as having operations that more closely aligned with our core businesses . comparison of 5 year cumulative total return1 among valero energy corporation , the s&p 500 index , old peer group , and new peer group . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>12/2007</td><td>12/2008</td><td>12/2009</td><td>12/2010</td><td>12/2011</td><td>12/2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>valero common stock</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 31.45</td><td>$ 25.09</td><td>$ 35.01</td><td>$ 32.26</td><td>$ 53.61</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500</td><td>100.00</td><td>63.00</td><td>79.67</td><td>91.67</td><td>93.61</td><td>108.59</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>old peer group</td><td>100.00</td><td>80.98</td><td>76.54</td><td>88.41</td><td>104.33</td><td>111.11</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>new peer group</td><td>100.00</td><td>66.27</td><td>86.87</td><td>72.84</td><td>74.70</td><td>76.89</td></tr></table> ____________ 1 assumes that an investment in valero common stock and each index was $ 100 on december 31 , 2007 . 201ccumulative total return 201d is based on share price appreciation plus reinvestment of dividends from december 31 , 2007 through december 31 , 2012. .\nQuestion: what was the net change in the value of s&p common stock from 2007 to 2012?\nAnswer: 8.59\nQuestion: what is that number divided by the value in 2007?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.0859" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nwood products sales in the united states in 2005 of $ 1.6 billion were up 3% ( 3 % ) from $ 1.5 billion in 2004 and 18% ( 18 % ) from $ 1.3 billion in 2003 . average price realiza- tions for lumber were up 6% ( 6 % ) and 21% ( 21 % ) in 2005 compared with 2004 and 2003 , respectively . lumber sales volumes in 2005 were up 5% ( 5 % ) versus 2004 and 10% ( 10 % ) versus 2003 . average sales prices for plywood were down 4% ( 4 % ) from 2004 , but were 15% ( 15 % ) higher than in 2003 . plywood sales volumes in 2005 were slightly higher than 2004 and 2003 . operating profits in 2005 were 18% ( 18 % ) lower than 2004 , but nearly three times higher than 2003 . lower average plywood prices and higher raw material costs more than offset the effects of higher average lumber prices , volume increases and a positive sales mix . in 2005 , log costs were up 9% ( 9 % ) versus 2004 , negatively im- pacting both plywood and lumber profits . lumber and plywood operating costs also reflected substantially higher glue and natural gas costs versus both 2004 and looking forward to the first quarter of 2006 , a con- tinued strong housing market , combined with low prod- uct inventory in the distribution chain , should translate into continued strong lumber and plywood demand . however , a possible softening of housing starts and higher interest rates later in the year could put down- ward pressure on pricing in the second half of 2006 . specialty businesses and other the specialty businesses and other segment in- cludes the operating results of arizona chemical , euro- pean distribution and , prior to its closure in 2003 , our natchez , mississippi chemical cellulose pulp mill . also included are certain divested businesses whose results are included in this segment for periods prior to their sale or closure . this segment 2019s 2005 net sales declined 18% ( 18 % ) and 26% ( 26 % ) from 2004 and 2003 , respectively . operating profits in 2005 were down substantially from both 2004 and 2003 . the decline in sales principally reflects declining contributions from businesses sold or closed . operating profits were also affected by higher energy and raw material costs in our chemical business . specialty businesses and other in millions 2005 2004 2003 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales</td><td>$ 915</td><td>$ 1120</td><td>$ 1235</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>$ 4</td><td>$ 38</td><td>$ 23</td></tr></table> chemicals sales were $ 692 million in 2005 , com- pared with $ 672 million in 2004 and $ 625 million in 2003 . although demand was strong for most arizona chemical product lines , operating profits in 2005 were 84% ( 84 % ) and 83% ( 83 % ) lower than in 2004 and 2003 , re- spectively , due to higher energy costs in the u.s. , and higher prices and reduced availability for crude tall oil ( cto ) . in the united states , energy costs increased 41% ( 41 % ) compared to 2004 due to higher natural gas prices and supply interruption costs . cto prices increased 26% ( 26 % ) compared to 2004 , as certain energy users turned to cto as a substitute fuel for high-cost alternative energy sources such as natural gas and fuel oil . european cto receipts decreased 30% ( 30 % ) compared to 2004 due to lower yields following the finnish paper industry strike and a swedish storm that limited cto throughput and corre- sponding sales volumes . other businesses in this operating segment include operations that have been sold , closed , or are held for sale , principally the european distribution business , the oil and gas and mineral royalty business , decorative products , retail packaging , and the natchez chemical cellulose pulp mill . sales for these businesses were ap- proximately $ 223 million in 2005 ( mainly european distribution and decorative products ) compared with $ 448 million in 2004 ( mainly european distribution and decorative products ) , and $ 610 million in 2003 . liquidity and capital resources overview a major factor in international paper 2019s liquidity and capital resource planning is its generation of operat- ing cash flow , which is highly sensitive to changes in the pricing and demand for our major products . while changes in key cash operating costs , such as energy and raw material costs , do have an effect on operating cash generation , we believe that our strong focus on cost controls has improved our cash flow generation over an operating cycle . as a result , we believe that we are well positioned for improvements in operating cash flow should prices and worldwide economic conditions im- prove in the future . as part of our continuing focus on improving our return on investment , we have focused our capital spending on improving our key platform businesses in north america and in geographic areas with strong growth opportunities . spending levels have been kept below the level of depreciation and amortization charges for each of the last three years , and we anticipate con- tinuing this approach in 2006 . with the low interest rate environment in 2005 , financing activities have focused largely on the repay- ment or refinancing of higher coupon debt , resulting in a net reduction in debt of approximately $ 1.7 billion in 2005 . we plan to continue this program , with addi- tional reductions anticipated as our previously an- nounced transformation plan progresses in 2006 . our liquidity position continues to be strong , with approx- imately $ 3.2 billion of committed liquidity to cover fu- ture short-term cash flow requirements not met by operating cash flows. .\nQuestion: in 2005, what percentage of specialty businesses sales were due to chemicals sales?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.75628" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nwe cannot assure you that the gener restructuring will be completed or that the terms thereof will not be changed materially . in addition , gener is in the process of restructuring the debt of its subsidiaries , termoandes s.a . ( 2018 2018termoandes 2019 2019 ) and interandes , s.a . ( 2018 2018interandes 2019 2019 ) , and expects that the maturities of these obligations will be extended . under-performing businesses during 2003 we sold or discontinued under-performing businesses and construction projects that did not meet our investment criteria or did not provide reasonable opportunities to restructure . it is anticipated that there will be less ongoing activity related to write-offs of development or construction projects and impairment charges in the future . the businesses , which were affected in 2003 , are listed below . impairment project name project type date location ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>project name</td><td>project type</td><td>date</td><td>location</td><td>impairment ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>ede este ( 1 )</td><td>operating</td><td>december 2003</td><td>dominican republic</td><td>$ 60</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>wolf hollow</td><td>operating</td><td>december 2003</td><td>united states</td><td>$ 120</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>granite ridge</td><td>operating</td><td>december 2003</td><td>united states</td><td>$ 201</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>colombia i</td><td>operating</td><td>november 2003</td><td>colombia</td><td>$ 19</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>zeg</td><td>construction</td><td>december 2003</td><td>poland</td><td>$ 23</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>bujagali</td><td>construction</td><td>august 2003</td><td>uganda</td><td>$ 76</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>el faro</td><td>construction</td><td>april 2003</td><td>honduras</td><td>$ 20</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) see note 4 2014discontinued operations . improving credit quality our de-leveraging efforts reduced parent level debt by $ 1.2 billion in 2003 ( including the secured equity-linked loan previously issued by aes new york funding l.l.c. ) . we refinanced and paid down near-term maturities by $ 3.5 billion and enhanced our year-end liquidity to over $ 1 billion . our average debt maturity was extended from 2009 to 2012 . at the subsidiary level we continue to pursue limited recourse financing to reduce parent credit risk . these factors resulted in an overall reduced cost of capital , improved credit statistics and expanded access to credit at both aes and our subsidiaries . liquidity at the aes parent level is an important factor for the rating agencies in determining whether the company 2019s credit quality should improve . currency and political risk tend to be biggest variables to sustaining predictable cash flow . the nature of our large contractual and concession-based cash flow from these businesses serves to mitigate these variables . in 2003 , over 81% ( 81 % ) of cash distributions to the parent company were from u.s . large utilities and worldwide contract generation . on february 4 , 2004 , we called for redemption of $ 155049000 aggregate principal amount of outstanding 8% ( 8 % ) senior notes due 2008 , which represents the entire outstanding principal amount of the 8% ( 8 % ) senior notes due 2008 , and $ 34174000 aggregate principal amount of outstanding 10% ( 10 % ) secured senior notes due 2005 . the 8% ( 8 % ) senior notes due 2008 and the 10% ( 10 % ) secured senior notes due 2005 were redeemed on march 8 , 2004 at a redemption price equal to 100% ( 100 % ) of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest to the redemption date . the mandatory redemption of the 10% ( 10 % ) secured senior notes due 2005 was being made with a portion of our 2018 2018adjusted free cash flow 2019 2019 ( as defined in the indenture pursuant to which the notes were issued ) for the fiscal year ended december 31 , 2003 as required by the indenture and was made on a pro rata basis . on february 13 , 2004 we issued $ 500 million of unsecured senior notes . the unsecured senior notes mature on march 1 , 2014 and are callable at our option at any time at a redemption price equal to 100% ( 100 % ) of the principal amount of the unsecured senior notes plus a make-whole premium . the unsecured senior notes were issued at a price of 98.288% ( 98.288 % ) and pay interest semi-annually at an annual .\nQuestion: what was the sum of impairment costs related to us assets?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "321.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ntable of contents ended december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . the increase in cash provided by accounts payable-inventory financing was primarily due to a new vendor added to our previously existing inventory financing agreement . for a description of the inventory financing transactions impacting each period , see note 6 ( inventory financing agreements ) to the accompanying consolidated financial statements . for a description of the debt transactions impacting each period , see note 8 ( long-term debt ) to the accompanying consolidated financial statements . net cash used in financing activities decreased $ 56.3 million in 2014 compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily driven by several debt refinancing transactions during each period and our july 2013 ipo , which generated net proceeds of $ 424.7 million after deducting underwriting discounts , expenses and transaction costs . the net impact of our debt transactions resulted in cash outflows of $ 145.9 million and $ 518.3 million during 2014 and 2013 , respectively , as cash was used in each period to reduce our total long-term debt . for a description of the debt transactions impacting each period , see note 8 ( long-term debt ) to the accompanying consolidated financial statements . long-term debt and financing arrangements as of december 31 , 2015 , we had total indebtedness of $ 3.3 billion , of which $ 1.6 billion was secured indebtedness . at december 31 , 2015 , we were in compliance with the covenants under our various credit agreements and indentures . the amount of cdw 2019s restricted payment capacity under the senior secured term loan facility was $ 679.7 million at december 31 , 2015 . for further details regarding our debt and each of the transactions described below , see note 8 ( long-term debt ) to the accompanying consolidated financial statements . during the year ended december 31 , 2015 , the following events occurred with respect to our debt structure : 2022 on august 1 , 2015 , we consolidated kelway 2019s term loan and kelway 2019s revolving credit facility . kelway 2019s term loan is denominated in british pounds . the kelway revolving credit facility is a multi-currency revolving credit facility under which kelway is permitted to borrow an aggregate amount of a350.0 million ( $ 73.7 million ) as of december 31 , 2015 . 2022 on march 3 , 2015 , we completed the issuance of $ 525.0 million principal amount of 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) senior notes due 2023 which will mature on september 1 , 2023 . 2022 on march 3 , 2015 , we redeemed the remaining $ 503.9 million aggregate principal amount of the 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) senior notes due 2019 , plus accrued and unpaid interest through the date of redemption , april 2 , 2015 . inventory financing agreements we have entered into agreements with certain financial intermediaries to facilitate the purchase of inventory from various suppliers under certain terms and conditions . these amounts are classified separately as accounts payable-inventory financing on the consolidated balance sheets . we do not incur any interest expense associated with these agreements as balances are paid when they are due . for further details , see note 6 ( inventory financing agreements ) to the accompanying consolidated financial statements . contractual obligations we have future obligations under various contracts relating to debt and interest payments , operating leases and asset retirement obligations . our estimated future payments , based on undiscounted amounts , under contractual obligations that existed as of december 31 , 2015 , are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>payments due by period total</td><td>payments due by period < 1 year</td><td>payments due by period 1-3 years</td><td>payments due by period 4-5 years</td><td>payments due by period > 5 years</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>term loan ( 1 )</td><td>$ 1703.4</td><td>$ 63.9</td><td>$ 126.3</td><td>$ 1513.2</td><td>$ 2014</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>kelway term loan ( 1 )</td><td>90.9</td><td>13.5</td><td>77.4</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>senior notes due 2022 ( 2 )</td><td>852.0</td><td>36.0</td><td>72.0</td><td>72.0</td><td>672.0</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>senior notes due 2023 ( 2 )</td><td>735.1</td><td>26.3</td><td>52.5</td><td>52.5</td><td>603.8</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>senior notes due 2024 ( 2 )</td><td>859.7</td><td>31.6</td><td>63.3</td><td>63.3</td><td>701.5</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>operating leases ( 3 )</td><td>143.2</td><td>22.5</td><td>41.7</td><td>37.1</td><td>41.9</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>asset retirement obligations ( 4 )</td><td>1.8</td><td>0.8</td><td>0.5</td><td>0.3</td><td>0.2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total</td><td>$ 4386.1</td><td>$ 194.6</td><td>$ 433.7</td><td>$ 1738.4</td><td>$ 2019.4</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: as of december 31, 2015, what was the total indebtedness?\nAnswer: 3.3\nQuestion: and what amount of that was of secured indebtedness?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1.6" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ntable of contents other equity method investments infraservs . we hold indirect ownership interests in several german infraserv groups that own and develop industrial parks and provide on-site general and administrative support to tenants . our ownership interest in the equity investments in infraserv affiliates are as follows : as of december 31 , 2017 ( in percentages ) infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................... . 39 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>as of december 31 2017 ( in percentages )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg ( 1 )</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . hoechst kg</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 )</td><td>27</td></tr></table> infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg ( 1 ) ................................................................................................ . 27 ______________________________ ( 1 ) see note 29 - subsequent events in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . research and development our business models leverage innovation and conduct research and development activities to develop new , and optimize existing , production technologies , as well as to develop commercially viable new products and applications . research and development expense was $ 72 million , $ 78 million and $ 119 million for the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . we consider the amounts spent during each of the last three fiscal years on research and development activities to be sufficient to execute our current strategic initiatives . intellectual property we attach importance to protecting our intellectual property , including safeguarding our confidential information and through our patents , trademarks and copyrights , in order to preserve our investment in research and development , manufacturing and marketing . patents may cover processes , equipment , products , intermediate products and product uses . we also seek to register trademarks as a means of protecting the brand names of our company and products . patents . in most industrial countries , patent protection exists for new substances and formulations , as well as for certain unique applications and production processes . however , we do business in regions of the world where intellectual property protection may be limited and difficult to enforce . confidential information . we maintain stringent information security policies and procedures wherever we do business . such information security policies and procedures include data encryption , controls over the disclosure and safekeeping of confidential information and trade secrets , as well as employee awareness training . trademarks . amcel ae , aoplus ae , ateva ae , avicor ae , celanese ae , celanex ae , celcon ae , celfx ae , celstran ae , celvolit ae , clarifoil ae , dur- o-set ae , ecomid ae , ecovae ae , forflex ae , forprene ae , frianyl ae , fortron ae , ghr ae , gumfit ae , gur ae , hostaform ae , laprene ae , metalx ae , mowilith ae , mt ae , nilamid ae , nivionplast ae , nutrinova ae , nylfor ae , pibiflex ae , pibifor ae , pibiter ae , polifor ae , resyn ae , riteflex ae , slidex ae , sofprene ae , sofpur ae , sunett ae , talcoprene ae , tecnoprene ae , thermx ae , tufcor ae , vantage ae , vectra ae , vinac ae , vinamul ae , vitaldose ae , zenite ae and certain other branded products and services named in this document are registered or reserved trademarks or service marks owned or licensed by celanese . the foregoing is not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all registered or reserved trademarks and service marks owned or licensed by celanese . fortron ae is a registered trademark of fortron industries llc . hostaform ae is a registered trademark of hoechst gmbh . mowilith ae and nilamid ae are registered trademarks of celanese in most european countries . we monitor competitive developments and defend against infringements on our intellectual property rights . neither celanese nor any particular business segment is materially dependent upon any one patent , trademark , copyright or trade secret . environmental and other regulation matters pertaining to environmental and other regulations are discussed in item 1a . risk factors , as well as note 2 - summary of accounting policies , note 16 - environmental and note 24 - commitments and contingencies in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. .\nQuestion: what was the research and development expense in 2017?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "72.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis 144 jpmorgan chase & co./2010 annual report compared with $ 57 million for 2009 . decreases in cio and mort- gage banking var for 2010 were again driven by the decline in market volatility and position changes . the decline in mortgage banking var at december 31 , 2010 , reflects management 2019s deci- sion to reduce risk given market volatility at the time . the firm 2019s average ib and other var diversification benefit was $ 59 million or 37% ( 37 % ) of the sum for 2010 , compared with $ 82 million or 28% ( 28 % ) of the sum for 2009 . the firm experienced an increase in the diversification benefit in 2010 as positions changed and correla- tions decreased . in general , over the course of the year , var expo- sure can vary significantly as positions change , market volatility fluctuates and diversification benefits change . var back-testing the firm conducts daily back-testing of var against its market risk- related revenue , which is defined as the change in value of : princi- pal transactions revenue for ib and cio ( less private equity gains/losses and revenue from longer-term cio investments ) ; trading-related net interest income for ib , cio and mortgage bank- ing ; ib brokerage commissions , underwriting fees or other revenue ; revenue from syndicated lending facilities that the firm intends to distribute ; and mortgage fees and related income for the firm 2019s mortgage pipeline and warehouse loans , msrs , and all related hedges . daily firmwide market risk 2013related revenue excludes gains and losses from dva . the following histogram illustrates the daily market risk 2013related gains and losses for ib , cio and mortgage banking positions for 2010 . the chart shows that the firm posted market risk 2013related gains on 248 out of 261 days in this period , with 12 days exceeding $ 210 million . the inset graph looks at those days on which the firm experienced losses and depicts the amount by which the 95% ( 95 % ) confidence-level var ex- ceeded the actual loss on each of those days . during 2010 , losses were sustained on 13 days , none of which exceeded the var measure . daily ib and other market risk-related gains and losses ( 95% ( 95 % ) confidence-level var ) year ended december 31 , 2010 average daily revenue : $ 87 million $ in millions $ in millions daily ib and other var less market risk-related losses the following table provides information about the gross sensitivity of dva to a one-basis-point increase in jpmorgan chase 2019s credit spreads . this sensitivity represents the impact from a one-basis-point parallel shift in jpmorgan chase 2019s entire credit curve . as credit curves do not typically move in a parallel fashion , the sensitivity multiplied by the change in spreads at a single maturity point may not be representative of the actual revenue recognized . debit valuation adjustment sensitivity 1 basis point increase in december 31 , ( in millions ) jpmorgan chase 2019s credit spread . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>december 31 ( in millions )</td><td>1 basis point increase in jpmorgan chase 2019s credit spread</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2010</td><td>$ 35</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2009</td><td>$ 39</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: what was the basis point increase in 2010?\nAnswer: 35.0\nQuestion: and what was it in 2009?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "39.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis we believe our credit ratings are primarily based on the credit rating agencies 2019 assessment of : 2030 our liquidity , market , credit and operational risk management practices ; 2030 the level and variability of our earnings ; 2030 our capital base ; 2030 our franchise , reputation and management ; 2030 our corporate governance ; and 2030 the external operating environment , including the assumed level of government support . certain of the firm 2019s derivatives have been transacted under bilateral agreements with counterparties who may require us to post collateral or terminate the transactions based on changes in our credit ratings . we assess the impact of these bilateral agreements by determining the collateral or termination payments that would occur assuming a downgrade by all rating agencies . a downgrade by any one rating agency , depending on the agency 2019s relative ratings of the firm at the time of the downgrade , may have an impact which is comparable to the impact of a downgrade by all rating agencies . we allocate a portion of our gce to ensure we would be able to make the additional collateral or termination payments that may be required in the event of a two-notch reduction in our long-term credit ratings , as well as collateral that has not been called by counterparties , but is available to them . the table below presents the additional collateral or termination payments related to our net derivative liabilities under bilateral agreements that could have been called at the reporting date by counterparties in the event of a one-notch and two-notch downgrade in our credit ratings. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>as of december 2013</td><td>as of december 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>additional collateral or termination payments for a one-notch downgrade</td><td>$ 911</td><td>$ 1534</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>additional collateral or termination payments for a two-notch downgrade</td><td>2989</td><td>2500</td></tr></table> in millions 2013 2012 additional collateral or termination payments for a one-notch downgrade $ 911 $ 1534 additional collateral or termination payments for a two-notch downgrade 2989 2500 cash flows as a global financial institution , our cash flows are complex and bear little relation to our net earnings and net assets . consequently , we believe that traditional cash flow analysis is less meaningful in evaluating our liquidity position than the excess liquidity and asset-liability management policies described above . cash flow analysis may , however , be helpful in highlighting certain macro trends and strategic initiatives in our businesses . year ended december 2013 . our cash and cash equivalents decreased by $ 11.54 billion to $ 61.13 billion at the end of 2013 . we generated $ 4.54 billion in net cash from operating activities . we used net cash of $ 16.08 billion for investing and financing activities , primarily to fund loans held for investment and repurchases of common stock . year ended december 2012 . our cash and cash equivalents increased by $ 16.66 billion to $ 72.67 billion at the end of 2012 . we generated $ 9.14 billion in net cash from operating and investing activities . we generated $ 7.52 billion in net cash from financing activities from an increase in bank deposits , partially offset by net repayments of unsecured and secured long-term borrowings . year ended december 2011 . our cash and cash equivalents increased by $ 16.22 billion to $ 56.01 billion at the end of 2011 . we generated $ 23.13 billion in net cash from operating and investing activities . we used net cash of $ 6.91 billion for financing activities , primarily for repurchases of our series g preferred stock and common stock , partially offset by an increase in bank deposits . goldman sachs 2013 annual report 89 .\nQuestion: as of 2013, what amount from the cash and cash equivalents was generated from operating activities?\nAnswer: 4.54\nQuestion: and what was the total of those cash and cash equivalents?\nAnswer: 61.13\nQuestion: what percentage, then, from this total, did that amount represent?\nAnswer: 0.07427\nQuestion: and in that same year, what was, in millions, the total of additional collateral or termination payments for a one-notch downgrade?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "911.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nentergy corporation and subsidiaries notes to financial statements amount ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amount ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>plant ( including nuclear fuel )</td><td>$ 727</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>decommissioning trust funds</td><td>252</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other assets</td><td>41</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total assets acquired</td><td>1020</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>purchased power agreement ( below market )</td><td>420</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>decommissioning liability</td><td>220</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other liabilities</td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total liabilities assumed</td><td>684</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>net assets acquired</td><td>$ 336</td></tr></table> subsequent to the closing , entergy received approximately $ 6 million from consumers energy company as part of the post-closing adjustment defined in the asset sale agreement . the post-closing adjustment amount resulted in an approximately $ 6 million reduction in plant and a corresponding reduction in other liabilities . for the ppa , which was at below-market prices at the time of the acquisition , non-utility nuclear will amortize a liability to revenue over the life of the agreement . the amount that will be amortized each period is based upon the difference between the present value calculated at the date of acquisition of each year's difference between revenue under the agreement and revenue based on estimated market prices . amounts amortized to revenue were $ 53 million in 2009 , $ 76 million in 2008 , and $ 50 million in 2007 . the amounts to be amortized to revenue for the next five years will be $ 46 million for 2010 , $ 43 million for 2011 , $ 17 million in 2012 , $ 18 million for 2013 , and $ 16 million for 2014 . nypa value sharing agreements non-utility nuclear's purchase of the fitzpatrick and indian point 3 plants from nypa included value sharing agreements with nypa . in october 2007 , non-utility nuclear and nypa amended and restated the value sharing agreements to clarify and amend certain provisions of the original terms . under the amended value sharing agreements , non-utility nuclear will make annual payments to nypa based on the generation output of the indian point 3 and fitzpatrick plants from january 2007 through december 2014 . non-utility nuclear will pay nypa $ 6.59 per mwh for power sold from indian point 3 , up to an annual cap of $ 48 million , and $ 3.91 per mwh for power sold from fitzpatrick , up to an annual cap of $ 24 million . the annual payment for each year's output is due by january 15 of the following year . non-utility nuclear will record its liability for payments to nypa as power is generated and sold by indian point 3 and fitzpatrick . an amount equal to the liability will be recorded to the plant asset account as contingent purchase price consideration for the plants . in 2009 , 2008 , and 2007 , non-utility nuclear recorded $ 72 million as plant for generation during each of those years . this amount will be depreciated over the expected remaining useful life of the plants . in august 2008 , non-utility nuclear entered into a resolution of a dispute with nypa over the applicability of the value sharing agreements to its fitzpatrick and indian point 3 nuclear power plants after the planned spin-off of the non-utility nuclear business . under the resolution , non-utility nuclear agreed not to treat the separation as a \"cessation event\" that would terminate its obligation to make the payments under the value sharing agreements . as a result , after the spin-off transaction , enexus will continue to be obligated to make payments to nypa under the amended and restated value sharing agreements. .\nQuestion: what was the amount of revenue to be amortized in 2009?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "53.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nstate street corporation notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) with respect to the 5.25% ( 5.25 % ) subordinated bank notes due 2018 , state street bank is required to make semi- annual interest payments on the outstanding principal balance of the notes on april 15 and october 15 of each year , and the notes qualify for inclusion in tier 2 regulatory capital under current federal regulatory capital guidelines . with respect to the 5.30% ( 5.30 % ) subordinated notes due 2016 and the floating-rate subordinated notes due 2015 , state street bank is required to make semi-annual interest payments on the outstanding principal balance of the 5.30% ( 5.30 % ) subordinated notes on january 15 and july 15 of each year , and quarterly interest payments on the outstanding principal balance of the floating-rate notes on march 8 , june 8 , september 8 and december 8 of each year . each of the subordinated notes qualifies for inclusion in tier 2 regulatory capital under current federal regulatory capital guidelines . note 11 . commitments , guarantees and contingencies commitments : we had unfunded off-balance sheet commitments to extend credit totaling $ 21.30 billion and $ 17.86 billion as of december 31 , 2013 and 2012 , respectively . the potential losses associated with these commitments equal the gross contractual amounts , and do not consider the value of any collateral . approximately 75% ( 75 % ) of our unfunded commitments to extend credit expire within one year from the date of issue . since many of these commitments are expected to expire or renew without being drawn upon , the gross contractual amounts do not necessarily represent our future cash requirements . guarantees : off-balance sheet guarantees are composed of indemnified securities financing , stable value protection , unfunded commitments to purchase assets , and standby letters of credit . the potential losses associated with these guarantees equal the gross contractual amounts , and do not consider the value of any collateral . the following table presents the aggregate gross contractual amounts of our off-balance sheet guarantees as of december 31 , 2013 and 2012 . amounts presented do not reflect participations to independent third parties. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>indemnified securities financing</td><td>$ 320078</td><td>$ 302341</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>stable value protection</td><td>24906</td><td>33512</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>asset purchase agreements</td><td>4685</td><td>5063</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>standby letters of credit</td><td>4612</td><td>4552</td></tr></table> indemnified securities financing on behalf of our clients , we lend their securities , as agent , to brokers and other institutions . in most circumstances , we indemnify our clients for the fair market value of those securities against a failure of the borrower to return such securities . we require the borrowers to maintain collateral in an amount equal to or in excess of 100% ( 100 % ) of the fair market value of the securities borrowed . securities on loan and the collateral are revalued daily to determine if additional collateral is necessary or if excess collateral is required to be returned to the borrower . collateral received in connection with our securities lending services is held by us as agent and is not recorded in our consolidated statement of condition . the cash collateral held by us as agent is invested on behalf of our clients . in certain cases , the cash collateral is invested in third-party repurchase agreements , for which we indemnify the client against loss of the principal invested . we require the counterparty to the indemnified repurchase agreement to provide collateral in an amount equal to or in excess of 100% ( 100 % ) of the amount of the repurchase agreement . in our role as agent , the indemnified repurchase agreements and the related collateral held by us are not recorded in our consolidated statement of condition. .\nQuestion: what was the difference in stable value protection between 2012 and 2013?\nAnswer: -8606.0\nQuestion: and as a percentage of the original value?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.2568" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ndiscount to brent was narrower in 2013 than in 2012 and 2011 . as a result of the significant increase in u.s . production of light sweet crude oil , the historical relationship between wti , brent and lls pricing may not be indicative of future periods . composition 2013 the proportion of our liquid hydrocarbon sales volumes that are ngls continues to increase due to our development of united states unconventional liquids-rich plays . ngls were 15 percent of our north america e&p liquid hydrocarbon sales volumes in 2013 compared to 10 percent in 2012 and 7 percent in 2011 . natural gas 2013 a significant portion of our natural gas production in the u.s . is sold at bid-week prices , or first-of-month indices relative to our specific producing areas . average henry hub settlement prices for natural gas were 31 percent higher for 2013 than for 2012 . international e&p liquid hydrocarbons 2013 our international e&p crude oil production is relatively sweet and has historically sold in relation to the brent crude benchmark , which on average was 3 percent lower for 2013 than 2012 . natural gas 2013 our major international e&p natural gas-producing regions are europe and e.g . natural gas prices in europe have been considerably higher than the u.s . in recent years . in the case of e.g. , our natural gas sales are subject to term contracts , making realized prices in these areas less volatile . the natural gas sales from e.g . are at fixed prices ; therefore , our reported average international e&p natural gas realized prices may not fully track market price movements . oil sands mining the oil sands mining segment produces and sells various qualities of synthetic crude oil . output mix can be impacted by operational problems or planned unit outages at the mines or upgrader . sales prices for roughly two-thirds of the normal output mix has historically tracked movements in wti and one-third has historically tracked movements in the canadian heavy crude oil marker , primarily wcs . the wcs discount to wti has been increasing on average in each year presented below . despite a wider wcs discount in 2013 , our average oil sands mining price realizations increased due to a greater proportion of higher value synthetic crude oil sales volumes compared to 2012 . the operating cost structure of the oil sands mining operations is predominantly fixed and therefore many of the costs incurred in times of full operation continue during production downtime . per-unit costs are sensitive to production rates . key variable costs are natural gas and diesel fuel , which track commodity markets such as the aeco natural gas sales index and crude oil prices , respectively . the table below shows average benchmark prices that impact both our revenues and variable costs: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>benchmark</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl )</td><td>$ 98.05</td><td>$ 94.15</td><td>$ 95.11</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>wcs ( dollars per bbl ) ( a )</td><td>$ 72.77</td><td>$ 73.18</td><td>$ 77.97</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>aeco natural gas sales index ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( b )</td><td>$ 3.08</td><td>$ 2.39</td><td>$ 3.68</td></tr></table> wcs ( dollars per bbl ) ( a ) $ 72.77 $ 73.18 $ 77.97 aeco natural gas sales index ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( b ) $ 3.08 $ 2.39 $ 3.68 ( a ) monthly pricing based upon average wti adjusted for differentials unique to western canada . ( b ) monthly average day ahead index. .\nQuestion: what was the value of the aeco natural gas sales index in 2013?\nAnswer: 3.08\nQuestion: and what was it in 2011?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "3.68" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nput options we currently have outstanding put option agreements with other shareholders of our air products san fu company , ltd . and indura s.a . subsidiaries . the put options give the shareholders the right to sell stock in the subsidiaries based on pricing terms in the agreements . refer to note 17 , commitments and contingencies , to the consolidated financial statements for additional information . due to the uncertainty of whether these options would be exercised and the related timing , we excluded the potential payments from the contractual obligations table . pension benefits we sponsor defined benefit pension plans that cover a substantial portion of our worldwide employees . the principal defined benefit pension plans 2014the u.s . salaried pension plan and the u.k . pension plan 2014were closed to new participants in 2005 and were replaced with defined contribution plans . over the long run , the shift to defined contribution plans is expected to reduce volatility of both plan expense and contributions . for 2013 , the fair market value of pension plan assets for our defined benefit plans as of the measurement date increased to $ 3800.8 from $ 3239.1 in 2012 . the projected benefit obligation for these plans as of the measurement date was $ 4394.0 and $ 4486.5 in 2013 and 2012 , respectively . refer to note 16 , retirement benefits , to the consolidated financial statements for comprehensive and detailed disclosures on our postretirement benefits . pension expense . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>pension expense</td><td>$ 169.7</td><td>$ 120.4</td><td>$ 114.1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>special terminations settlements and curtailments ( included above )</td><td>19.8</td><td>8.2</td><td>1.3</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>weighted average discount rate</td><td>4.0% ( 4.0 % )</td><td>5.0% ( 5.0 % )</td><td>5.0% ( 5.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>weighted average expected rate of return on plan assets</td><td>7.7% ( 7.7 % )</td><td>8.0% ( 8.0 % )</td><td>8.0% ( 8.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted average expected rate of compensation increase</td><td>3.8% ( 3.8 % )</td><td>3.9% ( 3.9 % )</td><td>4.0% ( 4.0 % )</td></tr></table> 2013 vs . 2012 the increase in pension expense , excluding special items , was primarily attributable to the 100 bp decrease in weighted average discount rate , resulting in higher amortization of actuarial losses . the increase was partially offset by a higher expected return on plan assets and contributions in 2013 . special items of $ 19.8 primarily included $ 12.4 for pension settlement losses and $ 6.9 for special termination benefits relating to the 2013 business restructuring and cost reduction plan . 2012 vs . 2011 pension expense in 2012 , excluding special items , was comparable to 2011 expense as a result of no change in the weighted average discount rate from year to year . 2014 outlook pension expense is estimated to be approximately $ 140 to $ 145 , excluding special items , in 2014 , a decrease of $ 5 to $ 10 from 2013 , resulting primarily from an increase in discount rates , partially offset by unfavorable impacts associated with changes in mortality and inflation assumptions . pension settlement losses of $ 10 to $ 25 are expected , dependent on the timing of retirements . in 2014 , pension expense will include approximately $ 118 for amortization of actuarial losses compared to $ 143 in 2013 . net actuarial gains of $ 370.4 were recognized in 2013 , resulting primarily from an approximately 65 bp increase in the weighted average discount rate as well as actual asset returns above expected returns . actuarial gains/losses are amortized into pension expense over prospective periods to the extent they are not offset by future gains or losses . future changes in the discount rate and actual returns on plan assets , different from expected returns , would impact the actuarial gains/losses and resulting amortization in years beyond 2014 . pension funding pension funding includes both contributions to funded plans and benefit payments for unfunded plans , which are primarily non-qualified plans . with respect to funded plans , our funding policy is that contributions , combined with appreciation and earnings , will be sufficient to pay benefits without creating unnecessary surpluses . in addition , we make contributions to satisfy all legal funding requirements while managing our capacity to benefit from tax deductions attributable to plan contributions . with the assistance of third party actuaries , we analyze the liabilities and demographics of each plan , which help guide the level of contributions . during 2013 and 2012 , our cash contributions to funded plans and benefit payments for unfunded plans were $ 300.8 and $ 76.4 , respectively . contributions for 2013 include voluntary contributions for u.s . plans of $ 220.0. .\nQuestion: what was the difference of cash contributions to funded plans and benefit payments for unfunded plans between 2012 and 2013?\nAnswer: 3.93717\nQuestion: what is that times 100?\nAnswer: 393.71728\nQuestion: what is that less 100?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "293.71728" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmasco corporation notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) t . other commitments and contingencies litigation . we are subject to claims , charges , litigation and other proceedings in the ordinary course of our business , including those arising from or related to contractual matters , intellectual property , personal injury , environmental matters , product liability , construction defect , insurance coverage , personnel and employment disputes and other matters , including class actions . we believe we have adequate defenses in these matters and that the outcome of these matters is not likely to have a material adverse effect on us . however , there is no assurance that we will prevail in these matters , and we could in the future incur judgments , enter into settlements of claims or revise our expectations regarding the outcome of these matters , which could materially impact our results of operations . in july 2012 , the company reached a settlement agreement related to the columbus drywall litigation . the company and its insulation installation companies named in the suit agreed to pay $ 75 million in return for dismissal with prejudice and full release of all claims . the company and its insulation installation companies continue to deny that the challenged conduct was unlawful and admit no wrongdoing as part of the settlement . a settlement was reached to eliminate the considerable expense and uncertainty of this lawsuit . the company recorded the settlement expense in the second quarter of 2012 and the amount was paid in the fourth quarter of 2012 . warranty . at the time of sale , the company accrues a warranty liability for the estimated cost to provide products , parts or services to repair or replace products in satisfaction of warranty obligations . during the third quarter of 2012 , a business in the other specialty products segment recorded a $ 12 million increase in expected future warranty claims resulting from the completion of an analysis prepared by the company based upon its periodic assessment of recent business unit specific operating trends including , among others , home ownership demographics , sales volumes , manufacturing quality , an analysis of recent warranty claim activity and an estimate of current costs to service anticipated claims . changes in the company 2019s warranty liability were as follows , in millions: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at january 1</td><td>$ 102</td><td>$ 107</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accruals for warranties issued during the year</td><td>42</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>accruals related to pre-existing warranties</td><td>16</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>settlements made ( in cash or kind ) during the year</td><td>-38 ( 38 )</td><td>-38 ( 38 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other net ( including currency translation )</td><td>-4 ( 4 )</td><td>-3 ( 3 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance at december 31</td><td>$ 118</td><td>$ 102</td></tr></table> investments . with respect to the company 2019s investments in private equity funds , the company had , at december 31 , 2012 , commitments to contribute up to $ 19 million of additional capital to such funds representing the company 2019s aggregate capital commitment to such funds less capital contributions made to date . the company is contractually obligated to make additional capital contributions to certain of its private equity funds upon receipt of a capital call from the private equity fund . the company has no control over when or if the capital calls will occur . capital calls are funded in cash and generally result in an increase in the carrying value of the company 2019s investment in the private equity fund when paid. .\nQuestion: what is the balance in company 2019s warranty liability at the end of 2012?\nAnswer: 118.0\nQuestion: what about at the end of 2011?\nAnswer: 102.0\nQuestion: what is the net change?\nAnswer: 16.0\nQuestion: what is the balance in company 2019s warranty liability at the end of 2011?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "102.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ncorporate/other corporate/other includes certain unallocated costs of global staff functions ( including finance , risk , human resources , legal and compliance ) , other corporate expenses and unallocated global operations and technology expenses and income taxes , as well as corporate treasury , certain north america legacy consumer loan portfolios , other legacy assets and discontinued operations ( for additional information on corporate/other , see 201ccitigroup segments 201d above ) . at december 31 , 2018 , corporate/other had $ 91 billion in assets , an increase of 17% ( 17 % ) from the prior year . in millions of dollars 2018 2017 2016 % ( % ) change 2018 vs . 2017 % ( % ) change 2017 vs . 2016 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions of dollars</td><td>2018</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td><td>% ( % ) change2018 vs . 2017</td><td>% ( % ) change2017 vs . 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net interest revenue</td><td>$ 2254</td><td>$ 2000</td><td>$ 3045</td><td>13% ( 13 % )</td><td>( 34 ) % ( % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>non-interest revenue</td><td>-171 ( 171 )</td><td>1132</td><td>2188</td><td>nm</td><td>-48 ( 48 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total revenues net of interest expense</td><td>$ 2083</td><td>$ 3132</td><td>$ 5233</td><td>( 33 ) % ( % )</td><td>( 40 ) % ( % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total operating expenses</td><td>$ 2272</td><td>$ 3814</td><td>$ 5042</td><td>( 40 ) % ( % )</td><td>( 24 ) % ( % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>net credit losses</td><td>$ 21</td><td>$ 149</td><td>$ 435</td><td>( 86 ) % ( % )</td><td>( 66 ) % ( % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>credit reserve build ( release )</td><td>-218 ( 218 )</td><td>-317 ( 317 )</td><td>-456 ( 456 )</td><td>31</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>provision ( release ) for unfunded lending commitments</td><td>-3 ( 3 )</td><td>2014</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>2014</td><td>100</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>provision for benefits and claims</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>-7 ( 7 )</td><td>98</td><td>71</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>provisions for credit losses and for benefits and claims</td><td>$ -202 ( 202 )</td><td>$ -175 ( 175 )</td><td>$ 69</td><td>-15 ( 15 )</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>income ( loss ) from continuing operations before taxes</td><td>$ 13</td><td>$ -507 ( 507 )</td><td>$ 122</td><td>nm</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>income taxes ( benefits )</td><td>-113 ( 113 )</td><td>19064</td><td>-455 ( 455 )</td><td>nm</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>income ( loss ) from continuing operations</td><td>$ 126</td><td>$ -19571 ( 19571 )</td><td>$ 577</td><td>nm</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>income ( loss ) from discontinued operations net of taxes</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>-111 ( 111 )</td><td>-58 ( 58 )</td><td>93</td><td>-91 ( 91 )</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>net income ( loss ) before attribution of noncontrolling interests</td><td>$ 118</td><td>$ -19682 ( 19682 )</td><td>$ 519</td><td>nm</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>noncontrolling interests</td><td>11</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>-2 ( 2 )</td><td>nm</td><td>nm</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>net income ( loss )</td><td>$ 107</td><td>$ -19676 ( 19676 )</td><td>$ 521</td><td>nm</td><td>nm</td></tr></table> nm not meaningful 2018 vs . 2017 net income was $ 107 million in 2018 , compared to a net loss of $ 19.7 billion in the prior year , primarily driven by the $ 19.8 billion one-time , non-cash charge recorded in the tax line in 2017 due to the impact of tax reform . results in 2018 included the one-time benefit of $ 94 million in the tax line , related to tax reform . for additional information , see 201csignificant accounting policies and significant estimates 2014income taxes 201d below . excluding the one-time impact of tax reform in 2018 and 2017 , net income decreased 92% ( 92 % ) , reflecting lower revenues , partially offset by lower expenses , lower cost of credit and tax benefits related to the reorganization of certain non-u.s . subsidiaries . the tax benefits were largely offset by the release of a foreign currency translation adjustment ( cta ) from aoci to earnings ( for additional information on the cta release , see note 19 to the consolidated financial statements ) . revenues decreased 33% ( 33 % ) , driven by the continued wind-down of legacy assets . expenses decreased 40% ( 40 % ) , primarily driven by the wind-down of legacy assets , lower infrastructure costs and lower legal expenses . provisions decreased $ 27 million to a net benefit of $ 202 million , primarily due to lower net credit losses , partially offset by a lower net loan loss reserve release . net credit losses declined 86% ( 86 % ) to $ 21 million , primarily reflecting the impact of ongoing divestiture activity and the continued wind-down of the north america mortgage portfolio . the net reserve release declined by $ 96 million to $ 221 million , and reflected the continued wind-down of the legacy north america mortgage portfolio and divestitures . 2017 vs . 2016 the net loss was $ 19.7 billion , compared to net income of $ 521 million in the prior year , primarily driven by the one-time impact of tax reform . excluding the one-time impact of tax reform , net income declined 69% ( 69 % ) to $ 168 million , reflecting lower revenues , partially offset by lower expenses and lower cost of credit . revenues declined 40% ( 40 % ) , primarily reflecting the continued wind-down of legacy assets and the absence of gains related to debt buybacks in 2016 . revenues included approximately $ 750 million in gains on asset sales in the first quarter of 2017 , which more than offset a roughly $ 300 million charge related to the exit of citi 2019s u.s . mortgage servicing operations in the quarter . expenses declined 24% ( 24 % ) , reflecting the wind-down of legacy assets and lower legal expenses , partially offset by approximately $ 100 million in episodic expenses primarily related to the exit of the u.s . mortgage servicing operations . also included in expenses is an approximately $ 255 million provision for remediation costs related to a card act matter in 2017 . provisions decreased $ 244 million to a net benefit of $ 175 million , primarily due to lower net credit losses and a lower provision for benefits and claims , partially offset by a lower net loan loss reserve release . net credit losses declined 66% ( 66 % ) , primarily reflecting the impact of ongoing divestiture activity and the continued wind-down of the north america mortgage portfolio . the decline in the provision for benefits and claims was primarily due to lower insurance activity . the net reserve release declined $ 147 million , and reflected the continued wind-down of the legacy north america mortgage portfolio and divestitures. .\nQuestion: what were total operating expenses in 2018?\nAnswer: 2272.0\nQuestion: what were total operating expenses in 2016?\nAnswer: 5042.0\nQuestion: what is the net change in value?\nAnswer: -2770.0\nQuestion: what is the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.54939" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nhigher average borrowings . additionally , the recapitalization that occurred late in the first quarter of 2005 resulted in a full year of interest in 2006 as compared to approximately ten months in 2005 . the increase in interest expense in 2005 as compared to 2004 also resulted from the recapitalization in 2005 . income tax expense income tax expense totaled $ 150.2 million , $ 116.1 million and $ 118.3 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . this resulted in an effective tax rate of 37.2% ( 37.2 % ) , 37.2% ( 37.2 % ) and 37.6% ( 37.6 % ) for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . net earnings net earnings totaled $ 259.1 million , $ 196.6 and $ 189.4 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively , or $ 1.37 , $ 1.53 and $ 1.48 per diluted share , respectively . segment results of operations transaction processing services ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td><td>2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>processing and services revenues</td><td>$ 2458777</td><td>$ 1208430</td><td>$ 892033</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>cost of revenues</td><td>1914148</td><td>904124</td><td>667078</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>gross profit</td><td>544629</td><td>304306</td><td>224955</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>selling general and administrative expenses</td><td>171106</td><td>94889</td><td>99581</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>research and development costs</td><td>70879</td><td>85702</td><td>54038</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>operating income</td><td>$ 302644</td><td>$ 123715</td><td>$ 71336</td></tr></table> revenues for the transaction processing services segment are derived from three main revenue channels ; enterprise solutions , integrated financial solutions and international . revenues from transaction processing services totaled $ 2458.8 million , $ 1208.4 and $ 892.0 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . the overall segment increase of $ 1250.4 million during 2006 , as compared to 2005 was primarily attributable to the certegy merger which contributed $ 1067.2 million to the overall increase . the majority of the remaining 2006 growth is attributable to organic growth within the historically owned integrated financial solutions and international revenue channels , with international including $ 31.9 million related to the newly formed business process outsourcing operation in brazil . the overall segment increase of $ 316.4 in 2005 as compared to 2004 results from the inclusion of a full year of results for the 2004 acquisitions of aurum , sanchez , kordoba , and intercept , which contributed $ 301.1 million of the increase . cost of revenues for the transaction processing services segment totaled $ 1914.1 million , $ 904.1 million and $ 667.1 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . the overall segment increase of $ 1010.0 million during 2006 as compared to 2005 was primarily attributable to the certegy merger which contributed $ 848.2 million to the increase . gross profit as a percentage of revenues ( 201cgross margin 201d ) was 22.2% ( 22.2 % ) , 25.2% ( 25.2 % ) and 25.2% ( 25.2 % ) for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . the decrease in gross profit in 2006 as compared to 2005 is primarily due to the february 1 , 2006 certegy merger , which businesses typically have lower margins than those of the historically owned fis businesses . incremental intangible asset amortization relating to the certegy merger also contributed to the decrease in gross margin . included in cost of revenues was depreciation and amortization of $ 272.4 million , $ 139.8 million , and $ 94.6 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . selling , general and administrative expenses totaled $ 171.1 million , $ 94.9 million and $ 99.6 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively . the increase in 2006 compared to 2005 is primarily attributable to the certegy merger which contributed $ 73.7 million to the overall increase of $ 76.2 million . the decrease of $ 4.7 million in 2005 as compared to 2004 is primarily attributable to the effect of acquisition related costs in 2004 . included in selling , general and administrative expenses was depreciation and amortization of $ 11.0 million , $ 9.1 million and $ 2.3 million for 2006 , 2005 and 2004 , respectively. .\nQuestion: what was the net change in operating income from 2005 to 2006?\nAnswer: 178929.0\nQuestion: what was the operating income in 2005?\nAnswer: 123715.0\nQuestion: what was the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1.4463" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to consolidated financial statements fifth third bancorp 81 vii held by the trust vii bear a fixed rate of interest of 8.875% ( 8.875 % ) until may 15 , 2058 . thereafter , the notes pay a floating rate at three-month libor plus 500 bp . the bancorp entered into an interest rate swap to convert $ 275 million of the fixed-rate debt into floating . at december 31 , 2008 , the rate paid on the swap was 6.05% ( 6.05 % ) . the jsn vii may be redeemed at the option of the bancorp on or after may 15 , 2013 , or in certain other limited circumstances , at a redemption price of 100% ( 100 % ) of the principal amount plus accrued but unpaid interest . all redemptions are subject to certain conditions and generally require approval by the federal reserve board . subsidiary long-term borrowings the senior fixed-rate bank notes due from 2009 to 2019 are the obligations of a subsidiary bank . the maturities of the face value of the senior fixed-rate bank notes are as follows : $ 36 million in 2009 , $ 800 million in 2010 and $ 275 million in 2019 . the bancorp entered into interest rate swaps to convert $ 1.1 billion of the fixed-rate debt into floating rates . at december 31 , 2008 , the rates paid on these swaps were 2.19% ( 2.19 % ) on $ 800 million and 2.20% ( 2.20 % ) on $ 275 million . in august 2008 , $ 500 million of senior fixed-rate bank notes issued in july of 2003 matured and were paid . these long-term bank notes were issued to third-party investors at a fixed rate of 3.375% ( 3.375 % ) . the senior floating-rate bank notes due in 2013 are the obligations of a subsidiary bank . the notes pay a floating rate at three-month libor plus 11 bp . the senior extendable notes consist of $ 797 million that currently pay interest at three-month libor plus 4 bp and $ 400 million that pay at the federal funds open rate plus 12 bp . the subordinated fixed-rate bank notes due in 2015 are the obligations of a subsidiary bank . the bancorp entered into interest rate swaps to convert the fixed-rate debt into floating rate . at december 31 , 2008 , the weighted-average rate paid on the swaps was 3.29% ( 3.29 % ) . the junior subordinated floating-rate bank notes due in 2032 and 2033 were assumed by a bancorp subsidiary as part of the acquisition of crown in november 2007 . two of the notes pay floating at three-month libor plus 310 and 325 bp . the third note pays floating at six-month libor plus 370 bp . the three-month libor plus 290 bp and the three-month libor plus 279 bp junior subordinated debentures due in 2033 and 2034 , respectively , were assumed by a subsidiary of the bancorp in connection with the acquisition of first national bank . the obligations were issued to fnb statutory trusts i and ii , respectively . the junior subordinated floating-rate bank notes due in 2035 were assumed by a bancorp subsidiary as part of the acquisition of first charter in may 2008 . the obligations were issued to first charter capital trust i and ii , respectively . the notes of first charter capital trust i and ii pay floating at three-month libor plus 169 bp and 142 bp , respectively . the bancorp has fully and unconditionally guaranteed all obligations under the acquired trust preferred securities . at december 31 , 2008 , fhlb advances have rates ranging from 0% ( 0 % ) to 8.34% ( 8.34 % ) , with interest payable monthly . the advances are secured by certain residential mortgage loans and securities totaling $ 8.6 billion . at december 31 , 2008 , $ 2.5 billion of fhlb advances are floating rate . the bancorp has interest rate caps , with a notional of $ 1.5 billion , held against its fhlb advance borrowings . the $ 3.6 billion in advances mature as follows : $ 1.5 billion in 2009 , $ 1 million in 2010 , $ 2 million in 2011 , $ 1 billion in 2012 and $ 1.1 billion in 2013 and thereafter . medium-term senior notes and subordinated bank notes with maturities ranging from one year to 30 years can be issued by two subsidiary banks , of which $ 3.8 billion was outstanding at december 31 , 2008 with $ 16.2 billion available for future issuance . there were no other medium-term senior notes outstanding on either of the two subsidiary banks as of december 31 , 2008 . 15 . commitments , contingent liabilities and guarantees the bancorp , in the normal course of business , enters into financial instruments and various agreements to meet the financing needs of its customers . the bancorp also enters into certain transactions and agreements to manage its interest rate and prepayment risks , provide funding , equipment and locations for its operations and invest in its communities . these instruments and agreements involve , to varying degrees , elements of credit risk , counterparty risk and market risk in excess of the amounts recognized in the bancorp 2019s consolidated balance sheets . creditworthiness for all instruments and agreements is evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the bancorp 2019s credit policies . the bancorp 2019s significant commitments , contingent liabilities and guarantees in excess of the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets are summarized as follows : commitments the bancorp has certain commitments to make future payments under contracts . a summary of significant commitments at december 31: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>commitments to extend credit</td><td>$ 49470</td><td>49788</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>letters of credit ( including standby letters of credit )</td><td>8951</td><td>8522</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>forward contracts to sell mortgage loans</td><td>3235</td><td>1511</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>noncancelable lease obligations</td><td>937</td><td>734</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>purchase obligations</td><td>81</td><td>52</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>capital expenditures</td><td>68</td><td>94</td></tr></table> commitments to extend credit are agreements to lend , typically having fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses that may require payment of a fee . since many of the commitments to extend credit may expire without being drawn upon , the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash flow requirements . the bancorp is exposed to credit risk in the event of nonperformance for the amount of the contract . fixed-rate commitments are also subject to market risk resulting from fluctuations in interest rates and the bancorp 2019s exposure is limited to the replacement value of those commitments . as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , the bancorp had a reserve for unfunded commitments totaling $ 195 million and $ 95 million , respectively , included in other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets . standby and commercial letters of credit are conditional commitments issued to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party . at december 31 , 2008 , approximately $ 3.3 billion of letters of credit expire within one year ( including $ 57 million issued on behalf of commercial customers to facilitate trade payments in dollars and foreign currencies ) , $ 5.3 billion expire between one to five years and $ 0.4 billion expire thereafter . standby letters of credit are considered guarantees in accordance with fasb interpretation no . 45 , 201cguarantor 2019s accounting and disclosure requirements for guarantees , including indirect guarantees of indebtedness of others 201d ( fin 45 ) . at december 31 , 2008 , the reserve related to these standby letters of credit was $ 3 million . approximately 66% ( 66 % ) and 70% ( 70 % ) of the total standby letters of credit were secured as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . in the event of nonperformance by the customers , the bancorp has rights to the underlying collateral , which can include commercial real estate , physical plant and property , inventory , receivables , cash and marketable securities . the bancorp monitors the credit risk associated with the standby letters of credit using the same dual risk rating system utilized for .\nQuestion: what was the sum of the securitization rates of standby letters of credit from 2007 and 2008?\nAnswer: 1.36\nQuestion: and what is the average between them?\nAnswer: 0.68\nQuestion: for that same period, what was the total of unfunded commitments, in millions?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "290.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\npart ii item 5 . market for registrant 2019s common equity , related stockholder matters and issuer purchases of equity securities market price of and dividends on the registrant 2019s common equity and related stockholder matters market information . our class a common stock is quoted on the nasdaq global select market under the symbol 201cdish . 201d the high and low closing sale prices of our class a common stock during 2014 and 2013 on the nasdaq global select market ( as reported by nasdaq ) are set forth below. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2014</td><td>high</td><td>low</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>first quarter</td><td>$ 62.42</td><td>$ 54.10</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>second quarter</td><td>65.64</td><td>56.23</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>third quarter</td><td>66.71</td><td>61.87</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>fourth quarter</td><td>79.41</td><td>57.96</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2013</td><td>high</td><td>low</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>first quarter</td><td>$ 38.02</td><td>$ 34.19</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>second quarter</td><td>42.52</td><td>36.24</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>third quarter</td><td>48.09</td><td>41.66</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>fourth quarter</td><td>57.92</td><td>45.68</td></tr></table> as of february 13 , 2015 , there were approximately 8208 holders of record of our class a common stock , not including stockholders who beneficially own class a common stock held in nominee or street name . as of february 10 , 2015 , 213247004 of the 238435208 outstanding shares of our class b common stock were beneficially held by charles w . ergen , our chairman , and the remaining 25188204 were held in trusts established by mr . ergen for the benefit of his family . there is currently no trading market for our class b common stock . dividends . on december 28 , 2012 , we paid a cash dividend of $ 1.00 per share , or approximately $ 453 million , on our outstanding class a and class b common stock to stockholders of record at the close of business on december 14 , 2012 . while we currently do not intend to declare additional dividends on our common stock , we may elect to do so from time to time . payment of any future dividends will depend upon our earnings and capital requirements , restrictions in our debt facilities , and other factors the board of directors considers appropriate . we currently intend to retain our earnings , if any , to support future growth and expansion , although we may repurchase shares of our common stock from time to time . see further discussion under 201citem 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 liquidity and capital resources 201d in this annual report on form 10-k . securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans . see 201citem 12 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters 201d in this annual report on form 10-k. .\nQuestion: what is the price of class a common stock in the fourth quarter of 2014, taking into account the highest one?\nAnswer: 79.41\nQuestion: what would that be of 2013?\nAnswer: 57.92\nQuestion: what is, then, the difference between the prices of 2014 and 2013?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "21.49" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis institutional client services our institutional client services segment is comprised of : fixed income , currency and commodities client execution . includes client execution activities related to making markets in interest rate products , credit products , mortgages , currencies and commodities . 2030 interest rate products . government bonds , money market instruments such as commercial paper , treasury bills , repurchase agreements and other highly liquid securities and instruments , as well as interest rate swaps , options and other derivatives . 2030 credit products . investment-grade corporate securities , high-yield securities , credit derivatives , bank and bridge loans , municipal securities , emerging market and distressed debt , and trade claims . 2030 mortgages . commercial mortgage-related securities , loans and derivatives , residential mortgage-related securities , loans and derivatives ( including u.s . government agency-issued collateralized mortgage obligations , other prime , subprime and alt-a securities and loans ) , and other asset-backed securities , loans and derivatives . 2030 currencies . most currencies , including growth-market currencies . 2030 commodities . crude oil and petroleum products , natural gas , base , precious and other metals , electricity , coal , agricultural and other commodity products . equities . includes client execution activities related to making markets in equity products and commissions and fees from executing and clearing institutional client transactions on major stock , options and futures exchanges worldwide , as well as otc transactions . equities also includes our securities services business , which provides financing , securities lending and other prime brokerage services to institutional clients , including hedge funds , mutual funds , pension funds and foundations , and generates revenues primarily in the form of interest rate spreads or fees . the table below presents the operating results of our institutional client services segment. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>$ in millions</td><td>year ended december 2014</td><td>year ended december 2013</td><td>year ended december 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>fixed income currency and commodities client execution</td><td>$ 8461</td><td>$ 8651</td><td>$ 9914</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>equities client execution1</td><td>2079</td><td>2594</td><td>3171</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>commissions and fees</td><td>3153</td><td>3103</td><td>3053</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>securities services</td><td>1504</td><td>1373</td><td>1986</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total equities</td><td>6736</td><td>7070</td><td>8210</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total net revenues</td><td>15197</td><td>15721</td><td>18124</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>operating expenses</td><td>10880</td><td>11792</td><td>12490</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>pre-tax earnings</td><td>$ 4317</td><td>$ 3929</td><td>$ 5634</td></tr></table> 1 . net revenues related to the americas reinsurance business were $ 317 million for 2013 and $ 1.08 billion for 2012 . in april 2013 , we completed the sale of a majority stake in our americas reinsurance business and no longer consolidate this business . 42 goldman sachs 2014 annual report .\nQuestion: what is the pre-tax earnings in 2013?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "3929.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nfuture impairments would be recorded in income from continuing operations . the statement provides specific guidance for testing goodwill for impairment . the company had $ 3.2 billion of goodwill at december 31 , 2001 . goodwill amortization was $ 62 million for the year ended december 31 , 2001 . the company is currently assessing the impact of sfas no . 142 on its financial position and results of operations . in june 2001 , the fasb issued sfas no . 143 , 2018 2018accounting for asset retirement obligations , 2019 2019 which addresses financial accounting and reporting for obligations associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets and the associated asset retirement costs . this statement is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after june 15 , 2002 . the statement requires recognition of legal obligations associated with the retirement of a long-lived asset , except for certain obligations of lessees . the company is currently assessing the impact of sfas no . 143 on its financial position and results of operations . in december 2001 , the fasb revised its earlier conclusion , derivatives implementation group ( 2018 2018dig 2019 2019 ) issue c-15 , related to contracts involving the purchase or sale of electricity . contracts for the purchase or sale of electricity , both forward and option contracts , including capacity contracts , may qualify for the normal purchases and sales exemption and are not required to be accounted for as derivatives under sfas no . 133 . in order for contracts to qualify for this exemption , they must meet certain criteria , which include the requirement for physical delivery of the electricity to be purchased or sold under the contract only in the normal course of business . additionally , contracts that have a price based on an underlying that is not clearly and closely related to the electricity being sold or purchased or that are denominated in a currency that is foreign to the buyer or seller are not considered normal purchases and normal sales and are required to be accounted for as derivatives under sfas no . 133 . this revised conclusion is effective beginning april 1 , 2002 . the company is currently assessing the impact of revised dig issue c-15 on its financial condition and results of operations . 2001 compared to 2000 revenues revenues increased $ 1.8 billion , or 24% ( 24 % ) to $ 9.3 billion in 2001 from $ 7.5 billion in 2000 . the increase in revenues is due to the acquisition of new businesses , new operations from greenfield projects and positive improvements from existing operations . excluding businesses acquired or that commenced commercial operations in 2001 or 2000 , revenues increased 5% ( 5 % ) to $ 7.1 billion in 2001 . the following table shows the revenue of each segment: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2001</td><td>2000</td><td>% ( % ) change</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>contract generation</td><td>$ 2.5 billion</td><td>$ 1.7 billion</td><td>47% ( 47 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>competitive supply</td><td>$ 2.7 billion</td><td>$ 2.4 billion</td><td>13% ( 13 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>large utilities</td><td>$ 2.4 billion</td><td>$ 2.1 billion</td><td>14% ( 14 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>growth distribution</td><td>$ 1.7 billion</td><td>$ 1.3 billion</td><td>31% ( 31 % )</td></tr></table> contract generation revenues increased $ 800 million , or 47% ( 47 % ) to $ 2.5 billion in 2001 from $ 1.7 billion in 2000 , principally resulting from the addition of revenues attributable to businesses acquired during 2001 or 2000 . excluding businesses acquired or that commenced commercial operations in 2001 or 2000 , contract generation revenues increased 2% ( 2 % ) to $ 1.7 billion in 2001 . the increase in contract generation segment revenues was due primarily to increases in south america , europe/africa and asia . in south america , contract generation segment revenues increased $ 472 million due mainly to the acquisition of gener and the full year of operations at uruguaiana offset by reduced revenues at tiete from the electricity rationing in brazil . in europe/africa , contract generation segment revenues increased $ 88 million , and the acquisition of a controlling interest in kilroot during 2000 was the largest contributor to the increase . in asia , contract generation segment revenues increased $ 96 million , and increased operations from our ecogen peaking plant was the most significant contributor to the .\nQuestion: what was the value of contract generation in 2001?\nAnswer: 2.5\nQuestion: what was the value of competitive supply?\nAnswer: 2.7\nQuestion: what is the sum of those?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "5.2" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nzimmer biomet holdings , inc . and subsidiaries 2018 form 10-k annual report notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) default for unsecured financing arrangements , including , among other things , limitations on consolidations , mergers and sales of assets . financial covenants under the 2018 , 2016 and 2014 credit agreements include a consolidated indebtedness to consolidated ebitda ratio of no greater than 5.0 to 1.0 through june 30 , 2017 , and no greater than 4.5 to 1.0 thereafter . if our credit rating falls below investment grade , additional restrictions would result , including restrictions on investments and payment of dividends . we were in compliance with all covenants under the 2018 , 2016 and 2014 credit agreements as of december 31 , 2018 . as of december 31 , 2018 , there were no borrowings outstanding under the multicurrency revolving facility . we may , at our option , redeem our senior notes , in whole or in part , at any time upon payment of the principal , any applicable make-whole premium , and accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption , except that the floating rate notes due 2021 may not be redeemed until on or after march 20 , 2019 and such notes do not have any applicable make-whole premium . in addition , we may redeem , at our option , the 2.700% ( 2.700 % ) senior notes due 2020 , the 3.375% ( 3.375 % ) senior notes due 2021 , the 3.150% ( 3.150 % ) senior notes due 2022 , the 3.700% ( 3.700 % ) senior notes due 2023 , the 3.550% ( 3.550 % ) senior notes due 2025 , the 4.250% ( 4.250 % ) senior notes due 2035 and the 4.450% ( 4.450 % ) senior notes due 2045 without any make-whole premium at specified dates ranging from one month to six months in advance of the scheduled maturity date . the estimated fair value of our senior notes as of december 31 , 2018 , based on quoted prices for the specific securities from transactions in over-the-counter markets ( level 2 ) , was $ 7798.9 million . the estimated fair value of japan term loan a and japan term loan b , in the aggregate , as of december 31 , 2018 , based upon publicly available market yield curves and the terms of the debt ( level 2 ) , was $ 294.7 million . the carrying values of u.s . term loan b and u.s . term loan c approximate fair value as they bear interest at short-term variable market rates . we entered into interest rate swap agreements which we designated as fair value hedges of underlying fixed-rate obligations on our senior notes due 2019 and 2021 . these fair value hedges were settled in 2016 . in 2016 , we entered into various variable-to-fixed interest rate swap agreements that were accounted for as cash flow hedges of u.s . term loan b . in 2018 , we entered into cross-currency interest rate swaps that we designated as net investment hedges . the excluded component of these net investment hedges is recorded in interest expense , net . see note 13 for additional information regarding our interest rate swap agreements . we also have available uncommitted credit facilities totaling $ 55.0 million . at december 31 , 2018 and 2017 , the weighted average interest rate for our borrowings was 3.1 percent and 2.9 percent , respectively . we paid $ 282.8 million , $ 317.5 million , and $ 363.1 million in interest during 2018 , 2017 , and 2016 , respectively . 12 . accumulated other comprehensive ( loss ) income aoci refers to certain gains and losses that under gaap are included in comprehensive income but are excluded from net earnings as these amounts are initially recorded as an adjustment to stockholders 2019 equity . amounts in aoci may be reclassified to net earnings upon the occurrence of certain events . our aoci is comprised of foreign currency translation adjustments , including unrealized gains and losses on net investment hedges , unrealized gains and losses on cash flow hedges , and amortization of prior service costs and unrecognized gains and losses in actuarial assumptions on our defined benefit plans . foreign currency translation adjustments are reclassified to net earnings upon sale or upon a complete or substantially complete liquidation of an investment in a foreign entity . unrealized gains and losses on cash flow hedges are reclassified to net earnings when the hedged item affects net earnings . amounts related to defined benefit plans that are in aoci are reclassified over the service periods of employees in the plan . see note 14 for more information on our defined benefit plans . the following table shows the changes in the components of aoci , net of tax ( in millions ) : foreign currency translation hedges defined benefit plan items . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>foreign currency translation</td><td>cash flow hedges</td><td>defined benefit plan items</td><td>total aoci</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance december 31 2017</td><td>$ 121.5</td><td>$ -66.5 ( 66.5 )</td><td>$ -138.2 ( 138.2 )</td><td>$ -83.2 ( 83.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>aoci before reclassifications</td><td>-135.4 ( 135.4 )</td><td>68.2</td><td>-29.7 ( 29.7 )</td><td>-96.9 ( 96.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>reclassifications to retained earnings ( note 2 )</td><td>-17.4 ( 17.4 )</td><td>-4.4 ( 4.4 )</td><td>-21.1 ( 21.1 )</td><td>-42.9 ( 42.9 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>reclassifications</td><td>-</td><td>23.6</td><td>12.0</td><td>35.6</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance december 31 2018</td><td>$ -31.3 ( 31.3 )</td><td>$ 20.9</td><td>$ -177.0 ( 177.0 )</td><td>$ -187.4 ( 187.4 )</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: what is the change in interest paid from 2016 to 2017?\nAnswer: -45.6\nQuestion: what percentage change does this represent?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.12559" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnote 4 - goodwill and other intangible assets : goodwill the company had approximately $ 93.2 million and $ 94.4 million of goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . the changes in the carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2017</td><td>2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 94417</td><td>$ 10258</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>goodwill acquired as part of acquisition</td><td>2014</td><td>84159</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>working capital settlement</td><td>-1225 ( 1225 )</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>impairment loss</td><td>2014</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 93192</td><td>$ 94417</td></tr></table> goodwill is allocated to each identified reporting unit , which is defined as an operating segment or one level below the operating segment . goodwill is not amortized , but is evaluated for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value of goodwill may not be recoverable . the company completes its impairment evaluation by performing valuation analyses and considering other publicly available market information , as appropriate . the test used to identify the potential for goodwill impairment compares the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying value . an impairment charge would be recorded to the company 2019s operations for the amount , if any , in which the carrying value exceeds the fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of goodwill and no impairment was identified . the company determined that the fair value of each reporting unit ( including goodwill ) was in excess of the carrying value of the respective reporting unit . in reaching this conclusion , the fair value of each reporting unit was determined based on either a market or an income approach . under the market approach , the fair value is based on observed market data . other intangible assets the company had approximately $ 31.3 million of intangible assets other than goodwill at december 30 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 . the intangible asset balance represents the estimated fair value of the petsense tradename , which is not subject to amortization as it has an indefinite useful life on the basis that it is expected to contribute cash flows beyond the foreseeable horizon . with respect to intangible assets , we evaluate for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable . we recognize an impairment loss only if the carrying amount is not recoverable through its discounted cash flows and measure the impairment loss based on the difference between the carrying value and fair value . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017 , the company completed its annual impairment testing of intangible assets and no impairment was identified. .\nQuestion: what is the goodwill acquired as part of acquisition in 2016?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "84159.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\n( a ) excludes discontinued operations . ( b ) earnings before interest expense and taxes as a percent of average total assets . ( c ) total debt as a percent of the sum of total debt , shareholders 2019 equity and non-current deferred income tax liabilities . the results above include the impact of the specified items detailed below . additional discussion regarding the specified items in fiscal years 2017 , 2016 and 2015 are provided in item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars except per share amounts</td><td>years ended september 30 2017</td><td>years ended september 30 2016</td><td>years ended september 30 2015</td><td>years ended september 30 2014</td><td>years ended september 30 2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>total specified items</td><td>$ 1466</td><td>$ 1261</td><td>$ 1186</td><td>$ 153</td><td>$ 442</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>after-tax impact of specified items</td><td>$ 971</td><td>$ 892</td><td>$ 786</td><td>$ 101</td><td>$ 279</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>impact of specified items on diluted earnings per share</td><td>$ -4.34 ( 4.34 )</td><td>$ -4.10 ( 4.10 )</td><td>$ -3.79 ( 3.79 )</td><td>$ -0.51 ( 0.51 )</td><td>$ -1.40 ( 1.40 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>impact of dilution from share issuances</td><td>$ -0.54 ( 0.54 )</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ -0.02 ( 0.02 )</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 2014</td></tr></table> item 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations the following commentary should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes . within the tables presented throughout this discussion , certain columns may not add due to the use of rounded numbers for disclosure purposes . percentages and earnings per share amounts presented are calculated from the underlying amounts . references to years throughout this discussion relate to our fiscal years , which end on september 30 . company overview description of the company and business segments becton , dickinson and company ( 201cbd 201d ) is a global medical technology company engaged in the development , manufacture and sale of a broad range of medical supplies , devices , laboratory equipment and diagnostic products used by healthcare institutions , life science researchers , clinical laboratories , the pharmaceutical industry and the general public . the company's organizational structure is based upon two principal business segments , bd medical ( 201cmedical 201d ) and bd life sciences ( 201clife sciences 201d ) . bd 2019s products are manufactured and sold worldwide . our products are marketed in the united states and internationally through independent distribution channels and directly to end-users by bd and independent sales representatives . we organize our operations outside the united states as follows : europe ; ema ( which includes the commonwealth of independent states , the middle east and africa ) ; greater asia ( which includes japan and asia pacific ) ; latin america ( which includes mexico , central america , the caribbean , and south america ) ; and canada . we continue to pursue growth opportunities in emerging markets , which include the following geographic regions : eastern europe , the middle east , africa , latin america and certain countries within asia pacific . we are primarily focused on certain countries whose healthcare systems are expanding , in particular , china and india . strategic objectives bd remains focused on delivering sustainable growth and shareholder value , while making appropriate investments for the future . bd management operates the business consistent with the following core strategies : 2022 to increase revenue growth by focusing on our core products , services and solutions that deliver greater benefits to patients , healthcare workers and researchers; .\nQuestion: what was the value of total specified items as of 9/30/17?\nAnswer: 1466.0\nQuestion: and the after-tax impact of specified items for that period?\nAnswer: 971.0\nQuestion: so what was the difference between these two values?\nAnswer: 495.0\nQuestion: and the percentage of approximate tax expense of the total specified items?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.33765" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nconcentration of credit risk credit risk represents the accounting loss that would be recognized at the reporting date if counterparties failed to perform as contracted . the company believes the likelihood of incurring material losses due to concentration of credit risk is remote . the principal financial instruments subject to credit risk are as follows : cash and cash equivalents - the company maintains cash deposits with major banks , which from time to time may exceed insured limits . the possibility of loss related to financial condition of major banks has been deemed minimal . additionally , the company 2019s investment policy limits exposure to concentrations of credit risk and changes in market conditions . accounts receivable - a large number of customers in diverse industries and geographies , as well as the practice of establishing reasonable credit lines , limits credit risk . based on historical trends and experiences , the allowance for doubtful accounts is adequate to cover potential credit risk losses . foreign currency and interest rate contracts and derivatives - exposure to credit risk is limited by internal policies and active monitoring of counterparty risks . in addition , the company uses a diversified group of major international banks and financial institutions as counterparties . the company does not anticipate nonperformance by any of these counterparties . cash and cash equivalents cash equivalents include highly-liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less when purchased . accounts receivable and allowance for doubtful accounts accounts receivable are carried at their face amounts less an allowance for doubtful accounts . accounts receivable are recorded at the invoiced amount and generally do not bear interest . the company estimates the balance of allowance for doubtful accounts by analyzing accounts receivable balances by age and applying historical write-off and collection trend rates . the company 2019s estimates include separately providing for customer balances based on specific circumstances and credit conditions , and when it is deemed probable that the balance is uncollectible . account balances are charged off against the allowance when it is determined the receivable will not be recovered . the company 2019s allowance for doubtful accounts balance also includes an allowance for the expected return of products shipped and credits related to pricing or quantities shipped of $ 15 million as of december 31 , 2015 and 2014 and $ 14 million as of december 31 , 2013 . returns and credit activity is recorded directly to sales . the following table summarizes the activity in the allowance for doubtful accounts: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>beginning balance</td><td>$ 77</td><td>$ 81</td><td>$ 73</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>bad debt expense</td><td>26</td><td>23</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>write-offs</td><td>-22 ( 22 )</td><td>-20 ( 20 )</td><td>-21 ( 21 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>other ( a )</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>-7 ( 7 )</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>ending balance</td><td>$ 75</td><td>$ 77</td><td>$ 81</td></tr></table> ( a ) other amounts are primarily the effects of changes in currency translations and the impact of allowance for returns and credits . inventory valuations inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market . certain u.s . inventory costs are determined on a last-in , first-out ( lifo ) basis . lifo inventories represented 39% ( 39 % ) and 37% ( 37 % ) of consolidated inventories as of december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . lifo inventories include certain legacy nalco u.s . inventory acquired at fair value as part of the nalco merger . all other inventory costs are determined using either the average cost or first-in , first-out ( fifo ) methods . inventory values at fifo , as shown in note 5 , approximate replacement during the fourth quarter of 2015 , the company improved estimates related to its inventory reserves and product costing , resulting in a net pre-tax charge of approximately $ 6 million . separately , the actions resulted in charge of $ 20.6 million related to inventory reserve calculations , partially offset by a gain of $ 14.5 million related to the capitalization of certain cost components into inventory . both of these items are reflected in note 3. .\nQuestion: what is the effect of bad debd expense and write-offs in the balance of allowance for doubtful accounts during 2015?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "4.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthe containerboard group ( a division of tenneco packaging inc. ) notes to combined financial statements ( continued ) april 11 , 1999 5 . pension and other benefit plans ( continued ) the funded status of the group 2019s allocation of defined benefit plans , excluding the retirement plan , reconciles with amounts recognized in the 1998 statements of assets and liabilities and interdivision account as follows ( in thousands ) : actuarial present value at september 30 , 1998 2014 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>vested benefit obligation</td><td>$ -98512 ( 98512 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>accumulated benefit obligation</td><td>-108716 ( 108716 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>projected benefit obligation</td><td>$ -108716 ( 108716 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>plan assets at fair value at september 30 1998</td><td>146579</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>unrecognized transition liability</td><td>-1092 ( 1092 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>unrecognized net gain</td><td>-14623 ( 14623 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>unrecognized prior service cost</td><td>13455</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>prepaid pension cost at december 31 1998</td><td>$ 35603</td></tr></table> the weighted average discount rate used in determining the actuarial present value of the benefit obligations was 7.00% ( 7.00 % ) for the year ended december 31 , 1998 . the weighted average expected long-term rate of return on plan assets was 10% ( 10 % ) for 1998 . middle management employees participate in a variety of incentive compensation plans . these plans provide for incentive payments based on the achievement of certain targeted operating results and other specific business goals . the targeted operating results are determined each year by senior management of packaging . the amounts charged to expense for these plans were $ 1599000 for the period ended april 11 , 1999 . in june , 1992 , tenneco initiated an employee stock purchase plan ( 2018 2018espp 2019 2019 ) . the plan allows u.s . and canadian employees of the group to purchase tenneco inc . common stock through payroll deductions at a 15% ( 15 % ) discount . each year , an employee in the plan may purchase shares with a discounted value not to exceed $ 21250 . the weighted average fair value of the employee purchase right , which was estimated using the black-scholes option pricing model and the assumptions described below except that the average life of each purchase right was assumed to be 90 days , was $ 6.31 for the period ended december 31 , 1998 . the espp was terminated as of september 30 , 1996 . tenneco adopted a new employee stock purchase plan effective april 1 , 1997 . under the respective espps , tenneco sold 36883 shares to group employees for the period ended april 11 , 1999 . in december , 1996 , tenneco adopted the 1996 stock ownership plan , which permits the granting of a variety of awards , including common stock , restricted stock , performance units , stock appreciation rights , and stock options to officers and employees of tenneco . tenneco can issue up to 17000000 shares of common stock under this plan , which will terminate december 31 , 2001 . the april 11 , 1999 , fair market value of the options granted was calculated using tenneco 2019s stock price at the grant date and multiplying the amount by the historical percentage of past black-scholes pricing values fair value ( approximately 25% ( 25 % ) ) . the fair value of each stock option issued by tenneco to the group in prior periods was estimated on the date of grant using the black-sholes option pricing model using the following ranges of weighted average assumptions for grants during the past three .\nQuestion: what was the unrecognized prior service cost as a percentage of prepaid pension cost at 12/31/98?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.37792" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nand $ 19 million of these expenses in 2011 and 2010 , respectively , with the remaining expense unallocated . the company financed the acquisition with the proceeds from a $ 1.0 billion three-year term loan credit facility , $ 1.5 billion in unsecured notes , and the issuance of 61 million shares of aon common stock . in addition , as part of the consideration , certain outstanding hewitt stock options were converted into options to purchase 4.5 million shares of aon common stock . these items are detailed further in note 8 2018 2018debt 2019 2019 and note 11 2018 2018stockholders 2019 equity 2019 2019 . the transaction has been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting which requires , among other things , that most assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their fair values as of the acquisition date . the following table summarizes the amounts recognized for assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date ( in millions ) : amounts recorded as of the acquisition . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>amountsrecorded as ofthe acquisitiondate</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>working capital ( 1 )</td><td>$ 348</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>property equipment and capitalized software</td><td>297</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>identifiable intangible assets:</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>customer relationships</td><td>1800</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>trademarks</td><td>890</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>technology</td><td>215</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other noncurrent assets ( 2 )</td><td>344</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>long-term debt</td><td>346</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>other noncurrent liabilities ( 3 )</td><td>360</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>net deferred tax liability ( 4 )</td><td>1021</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>net assets acquired</td><td>2167</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>goodwill</td><td>2765</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>total consideration transferred</td><td>$ 4932</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes cash and cash equivalents , short-term investments , client receivables , other current assets , accounts payable and other current liabilities . ( 2 ) includes primarily deferred contract costs and long-term investments . ( 3 ) includes primarily unfavorable lease obligations and deferred contract revenues . ( 4 ) included in other current assets ( $ 31 million ) , deferred tax assets ( $ 30 million ) , other current liabilities ( $ 7 million ) and deferred tax liabilities ( $ 1.1 billion ) in the company 2019s consolidated statements of financial position . the acquired customer relationships are being amortized over a weighted average life of 12 years . the technology asset is being amortized over 7 years and trademarks have been determined to have indefinite useful lives . goodwill is calculated as the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the net assets acquired and represents the synergies and other benefits that are expected to arise from combining the operations of hewitt with the operations of aon , and the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired that could not be individually identified and separately recognized . goodwill is not amortized and is not deductible for tax purposes . a single estimate of fair value results from a complex series of the company 2019s judgments about future events and uncertainties and relies heavily on estimates and assumptions . the company 2019s .\nQuestion: what was the value of customer relationships?\nAnswer: 1800.0\nQuestion: what was the value of trademarks?\nAnswer: 890.0\nQuestion: what is the sum value?\nAnswer: 2690.0\nQuestion: what was the value of technology?\nAnswer: 215.0\nQuestion: what is the total sum?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "2905.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) | 72 snap-on incorporated following is a reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits : ( amounts in millions ) amount . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( amounts in millions )</td><td>amount</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits as of december 31 2006</td><td>$ 21.3</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>gross decreases 2013 tax positions in prior periods</td><td>-0.4 ( 0.4 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>gross increases 2013 tax positions in the current period</td><td>0.5</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>settlements with taxing authorities</td><td>-3.0 ( 3.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>lapsing of statutes of limitations</td><td>-0.2 ( 0.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>unrecognized tax benefits as of december 29 2007</td><td>$ 18.7</td></tr></table> of the $ 18.7 million of unrecognized tax benefits at the end of 2007 , approximately $ 16.2 million would impact the effective income tax rate if recognized . interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits are recorded in income tax expense . during the years ended december 29 , 2007 , december 30 , 2006 , and december 31 , 2005 , the company recognized approximately $ 1.2 million , $ 0.5 million and ( $ 0.5 ) million in net interest expense ( benefit ) , respectively . the company has provided for approximately $ 3.4 million , $ 2.2 million , and $ 1.7 million of accrued interest related to unrecognized tax benefits at the end of fiscal year 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . during the next 12 months , the company does not anticipate any significant changes to the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits , other than the accrual of additional interest expense in an amount similar to the prior year 2019s expense . with few exceptions , snap-on is no longer subject to u.s . federal and state/local income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2003 , and snap-on is no longer subject to non-u.s . income tax examinations by tax authorities for years prior to 2001 . the undistributed earnings of all non-u.s . subsidiaries totaled $ 338.5 million , $ 247.4 million and $ 173.6 million at the end of fiscal 2007 , 2006 and 2005 , respectively . snap-on has not provided any deferred taxes on these undistributed earnings as it considers the undistributed earnings to be permanently invested . determination of the amount of unrecognized deferred income tax liability related to these earnings is not practicable . the american jobs creation act of 2004 ( the 201cajca 201d ) created a one-time tax incentive for u.s . corporations to repatriate accumulated foreign earnings by providing a tax deduction of 85% ( 85 % ) of qualifying dividends received from foreign affiliates . under the provisions of the ajca , snap-on repatriated approximately $ 93 million of qualifying dividends in 2005 that resulted in additional income tax expense of $ 3.3 million for the year . note 9 : short-term and long-term debt notes payable and long-term debt as of december 29 , 2007 , was $ 517.9 million ; no commercial paper was outstanding at december 29 , 2007 . as of december 30 , 2006 , notes payable and long-term debt was $ 549.2 million , including $ 314.9 million of commercial paper . snap-on presented $ 300 million of the december 30 , 2006 , outstanding commercial paper as 201clong-term debt 201d on the accompanying december 30 , 2006 , consolidated balance sheet . on january 12 , 2007 , snap-on sold $ 300 million of unsecured notes consisting of $ 150 million of floating rate notes that mature on january 12 , 2010 , and $ 150 million of fixed rate notes that mature on january 15 , 2017 . interest on the floating rate notes accrues at a rate equal to the three-month london interbank offer rate plus 0.13% ( 0.13 % ) per year and is payable quarterly . interest on the fixed rate notes accrues at a rate of 5.50% ( 5.50 % ) per year and is payable semi-annually . snap-on used the proceeds from the sale of the notes , net of $ 1.5 million of transaction costs , to repay commercial paper obligations issued to finance the acquisition of business solutions . on january 12 , 2007 , the company also terminated a $ 250 million bridge credit agreement that snap-on established prior to its acquisition of business solutions. .\nQuestion: what was the change in the unrecognized tax benefits during 2007, in millions?\nAnswer: -2.6\nQuestion: and how much did this change represent in relation to those benefits at the beginning of the year?\nAnswer: -0.12207\nQuestion: what was, again, the variation of those benefits in 2007?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-2.6" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ntable of contents stock performance graph * $ 100 invested on 11/17/11 in our stock or 10/31/11 in the relevant index , including reinvestment of dividends . fiscal year ending december 31 , 2015 . ( 1 ) delphi automotive plc ( 2 ) s&p 500 2013 standard & poor 2019s 500 total return index ( 3 ) automotive supplier peer group 2013 russell 3000 auto parts index , including american axle & manufacturing , borgwarner inc. , cooper tire & rubber company , dana holding corp. , delphi automotive plc , dorman products inc. , federal-mogul corp. , ford motor co. , fuel systems solutions inc. , general motors co. , gentex corp. , gentherm inc. , genuine parts co. , johnson controls inc. , lear corp. , lkq corp. , meritor inc. , standard motor products inc. , stoneridge inc. , superior industries international , tenneco inc. , tesla motors inc. , the goodyear tire & rubber co. , tower international inc. , visteon corp. , and wabco holdings inc . company index november 17 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 , december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>company index</td><td>november 17 2011</td><td>december 31 2011</td><td>december 31 2012</td><td>december 31 2013</td><td>december 31 2014</td><td>december 31 2015</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>delphi automotive plc ( 1 )</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.98</td><td>$ 179.33</td><td>$ 285.81</td><td>$ 350.82</td><td>$ 418.67</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 ( 2 )</td><td>100.00</td><td>100.80</td><td>116.93</td><td>154.80</td><td>175.99</td><td>178.43</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>automotive supplier peer group ( 3 )</td><td>100.00</td><td>89.62</td><td>109.96</td><td>166.26</td><td>176.25</td><td>171.91</td></tr></table> dividends the company has declared and paid cash dividends of $ 0.25 per ordinary share in each quarter of 2014 and 2015 . in addition , in january 2016 , the board of directors increased the annual dividend rate to $ 1.16 per ordinary share , and declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $ 0.29 per ordinary share , payable on february 29 , 2016 to shareholders of record at the close of business on february 17 , 2016. .\nQuestion: what was the price of delphi automotive plc as of 12/31/15?\nAnswer: 418.67\nQuestion: and the difference between this price and the starting price as of 11/17/11?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "318.67" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\namerican tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) basis step-up from corporate restructuring represents the tax effects of increasing the basis for tax purposes of certain of the company 2019s assets in conjunction with its spin-off from american radio systems corporation , its former parent company . at december 31 , 2003 , the company had net federal and state operating loss carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income of approximately $ 0.9 billion and $ 1.5 billion , respectively . if not utilized , the company 2019s net operating loss carryforwards expire as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>years ended december 31,</td><td>federal</td><td>state</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2004 to 2008</td><td>$ 1451</td><td>$ 483578</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2009 to 2013</td><td>12234</td><td>66666</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2014 to 2018</td><td>10191</td><td>235589</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2019 to 2023</td><td>903010</td><td>728139</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 926886</td><td>$ 1513972</td></tr></table> sfas no . 109 , 201caccounting for income taxes , 201d requires that companies record a valuation allowance when it is 201cmore likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized . 201d at december 31 , 2003 , the company has provided a valuation allowance of approximately $ 156.7 million , primarily related to net state deferred tax assets , capital loss carryforwards and the lost tax benefit and costs associated with our tax refund claims . the company has not provided a valuation allowance for the remaining net deferred tax assets , primarily its tax refund claims and federal net operating loss carryforwards , as management believes the company will be successful with its tax refund claims and have sufficient time to realize these federal net operating loss carryforwards during the twenty-year tax carryforward period . the company intends to recover a portion of its deferred tax asset through its tax refund claims , related to certain federal net operating losses , filed during 2003 as part of a tax planning strategy implemented in 2002 . the recoverability of its remaining net deferred tax asset has been assessed utilizing stable state ( no growth ) projections based on its current operations . the projections show a significant decrease in depreciation and interest expense in the later years of the carryforward period as a result of a significant portion of its assets being fully depreciated during the first fifteen years of the carryforward period and debt repayments reducing interest expense . accordingly , the recoverability of the net deferred tax asset is not dependent on material improvements to operations , material asset sales or other non-routine transactions . based on its current outlook of future taxable income during the carryforward period , management believes that the net deferred tax asset will be realized . the realization of the company 2019s deferred tax assets will be dependent upon its ability to generate approximately $ 1.0 billion in taxable income from january 1 , 2004 to december 31 , 2023 . if the company is unable to generate sufficient taxable income in the future , or carry back losses as described above , it will be required to reduce its net deferred tax asset through a charge to income tax expense , which would result in a corresponding decrease in stockholders 2019 equity . depending on the resolution of the verestar bankruptcy proceedings described in note 2 , the company may be entitled to a worthless stock or bad debt deduction for its investment in verestar . no income tax benefit has been provided for these potential deductions due to the uncertainty surrounding the bankruptcy proceedings . 13 . stockholders 2019 equity preferred stock as of december 31 , 2003 the company was authorized to issue up to 20.0 million shares of $ .01 par value preferred stock . as of december 31 , 2003 and 2002 there were no preferred shares issued or outstanding. .\nQuestion: what is the amount of the state operating loss carryforwards that expires between 2004 and 2008?\nAnswer: 483578.0\nQuestion: and what is the total of that state operating loss carryforwards?\nAnswer: 1513972.0\nQuestion: what is, then, that amount as a portion of this total?\nAnswer: 0.31941\nQuestion: and in 2003, how much did the net federal operating loss carryforwards represent in relation to that state one?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.6" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to the consolidated financial statements non-financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis during 2009 , we classified the atlantic star as held for sale and recognized a charge of $ 7.1 million to reduce the carrying value of the ship to its fair value less cost to sell based on a firm offer received during 2009 . this amount was recorded within other operating expenses in our consolidated statement of operations . we determined the fair market value of the atlantic star as of december 31 , 2010 based on comparable ship sales adjusted for the condition , age and size of the ship . we have categorized these inputs as level 3 because they are largely based on our own assump- tions . as of december 31 , 2010 , the carrying amount of the atlantic star which we still believe represents its fair value was $ 46.4 million . the following table presents a reconciliation of the company 2019s fuel call options 2019 beginning and ending balances as follows ( in thousands ) : fair value fair value measurements measurements using significant using significant unobservable unobservable year ended december 31 , 2010 inputs ( level 3 ) year ended december 31 , 2009 inputs ( level 3 ) fuel call options fuel call options balance at january 1 , 2010 $ 9998 balance at january 1 , 2009 $ 2007 2007 2007 2007 2014 total gains or losses ( realized/ unrealized ) total gains or losses ( realized/ unrealized ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31 2010 balance at january 1 2010</td><td>fairvalue measurements using significant unobservable inputs ( level 3 ) fuel call options $ 9998</td><td>year ended december 31 2009 balance at january 1 2009</td><td>fairvalue measurements using significant unobservable inputs ( level 3 ) fuel call options $ 2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>total gains or losses ( realized /unrealized )</td><td>-</td><td>total gains or losses ( realized /unrealized )</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>included in other income ( expense )</td><td>-2824 ( 2824 )</td><td>included in other income ( expense )</td><td>-2538 ( 2538 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchases issuances and settlements</td><td>24539</td><td>purchases issuances and settlements</td><td>12536</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>transfers in and/or ( out ) of level 3</td><td>-31713 ( 31713 )</td><td>transfers in and/or ( out ) of level 3</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>balance at december 31 2010</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>balance at december 31 2009</td><td>$ 9998</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at thereporting date</td><td>$ -2824 ( 2824 )</td><td>the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held atthe reporting date</td><td>$ -2538 ( 2538 )</td></tr></table> the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at the reporting date $ ( 2824 ) the amount of total gains or losses for the period included in other income ( expense ) attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at the reporting date $ ( 2538 ) during the fourth quarter of 2010 , we changed our valuation technique for fuel call options to a market approach method which employs inputs that are observable . the fair value for fuel call options is determined by using the prevailing market price for the instruments consisting of published price quotes for similar assets based on recent transactions in an active market . we believe that level 2 categorization is appropriate due to an increase in the observability and transparency of significant inputs . previously , we derived the fair value of our fuel call options using standard option pricing models with inputs based on the options 2019 contract terms and data either readily available or formulated from public market informa- tion . the fuel call options were categorized as level 3 because certain inputs , principally volatility , were unobservable . net transfers in and/or out of level 3 are reported as having occurred at the end of the quarter in which the transfer occurred ; therefore , gains or losses reflected in the table above for 2010 include fourth quarter fuel call option gains or losses . the reported fair values are based on a variety of factors and assumptions . accordingly , the fair values may not represent actual values of the financial instru- ments and long-lived assets that could have been realized as of december 31 , 2010 or december 31 , 2009 , or that will be realized in the future and do not include expenses that could be incurred in an actual sale or settlement . derivative instruments we are exposed to market risk attributable to changes in interest rates , foreign currency exchange rates and fuel prices . we manage these risks through a combi- nation of our normal operating and financing activities and through the use of derivative financial instruments pursuant to our hedging practices and policies . the financial impact of these hedging instruments is pri- marily offset by corresponding changes in the under- lying exposures being hedged . we achieve this by closely matching the amount , term and conditions of the derivative instrument with the underlying risk being hedged . we do not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading or other speculative purposes . we monitor our derivative positions using techniques including market valuations and sensitivity analyses. .\nQuestion: what was the value of purchase issuances and settlements at the end of 2010?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "24539.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nunusual , ( ii ) is material in amount , and ( iii ) varies significantly from the retirement profile identified through our depreciation studies . a gain or loss is recognized in other income when we sell land or dispose of assets that are not part of our railroad operations . when we purchase an asset , we capitalize all costs necessary to make the asset ready for its intended use . however , many of our assets are self-constructed . a large portion of our capital expenditures is for replacement of existing road infrastructure assets ( program projects ) , which is typically performed by our employees , and for track line expansion ( capacity projects ) . costs that are directly attributable or overhead costs that relate directly to capital projects are capitalized . direct costs that are capitalized as part of self-constructed assets include material , labor , and work equipment . indirect costs are capitalized if they clearly relate to the construction of the asset . these costs are allocated using appropriate statistical bases . general and administrative expenditures are expensed as incurred . normal repairs and maintenance are also expensed as incurred , while costs incurred that extend the useful life of an asset , improve the safety of our operations or improve operating efficiency are capitalized . assets held under capital leases are recorded at the lower of the net present value of the minimum lease payments or the fair value of the leased asset at the inception of the lease . amortization expense is computed using the straight-line method over the shorter of the estimated useful lives of the assets or the period of the related lease . 11 . accounts payable and other current liabilities dec . 31 , dec . 31 , millions of dollars 2009 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions of dollars</td><td>dec . 31 2009</td><td>dec . 31 2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>accounts payable</td><td>$ 612</td><td>$ 629</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>accrued wages and vacation</td><td>339</td><td>367</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>accrued casualty costs</td><td>379</td><td>390</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>income and other taxes</td><td>224</td><td>207</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>dividends and interest</td><td>347</td><td>328</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>equipment rents payable</td><td>89</td><td>93</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other</td><td>480</td><td>546</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total accounts payable and other current liabilities</td><td>$ 2470</td><td>$ 2560</td></tr></table> 12 . financial instruments strategy and risk 2013 we may use derivative financial instruments in limited instances for other than trading purposes to assist in managing our overall exposure to fluctuations in interest rates and fuel prices . we are not a party to leveraged derivatives and , by policy , do not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes . derivative financial instruments qualifying for hedge accounting must maintain a specified level of effectiveness between the hedging instrument and the item being hedged , both at inception and throughout the hedged period . we formally document the nature and relationships between the hedging instruments and hedged items at inception , as well as our risk-management objectives , strategies for undertaking the various hedge transactions , and method of assessing hedge effectiveness . changes in the fair market value of derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are charged to earnings . we may use swaps , collars , futures , and/or forward contracts to mitigate the risk of adverse movements in interest rates and fuel prices ; however , the use of these derivative financial instruments may limit future benefits from favorable interest rate and fuel price movements. .\nQuestion: what is the difference in dividends and interest between 2008 and 2009?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "19.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nin summary , our cash flows for each period were as follows : years ended ( in millions ) dec 30 , dec 31 , dec 26 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>years ended ( in millions )</td><td>dec 302017</td><td>dec 312016</td><td>dec 262015</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 22110</td><td>$ 21808</td><td>$ 19018</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net cash used for investing activities</td><td>-15762 ( 15762 )</td><td>-25817 ( 25817 )</td><td>-8183 ( 8183 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net cash provided by ( used for ) financing activities</td><td>-8475 ( 8475 )</td><td>-5739 ( 5739 )</td><td>1912</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ -2127 ( 2127 )</td><td>$ -9748 ( 9748 )</td><td>$ 12747</td></tr></table> operating activities cash provided by operating activities is net income adjusted for certain non-cash items and changes in assets and liabilities . for 2017 compared to 2016 , the $ 302 million increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to changes to working capital partially offset by adjustments for non-cash items and lower net income . tax reform did not have an impact on our 2017 cash provided by operating activities . the increase in cash provided by operating activities was driven by increased income before taxes and $ 1.0 billion receipts of customer deposits . these increases were partially offset by increased inventory and accounts receivable . income taxes paid , net of refunds , in 2017 compared to 2016 were $ 2.9 billion higher due to higher income before taxes , taxable gains on sales of asml , and taxes on the isecg divestiture . we expect approximately $ 2.0 billion of additional customer deposits in 2018 . for 2016 compared to 2015 , the $ 2.8 billion increase in cash provided by operating activities was due to adjustments for non-cash items and changes in working capital , partially offset by lower net income . the adjustments for non-cash items were higher in 2016 primarily due to restructuring and other charges and the change in deferred taxes , partially offset by lower depreciation . investing activities investing cash flows consist primarily of capital expenditures ; investment purchases , sales , maturities , and disposals ; and proceeds from divestitures and cash used for acquisitions . our capital expenditures were $ 11.8 billion in 2017 ( $ 9.6 billion in 2016 and $ 7.3 billion in 2015 ) . the decrease in cash used for investing activities in 2017 compared to 2016 was primarily due to higher net activity of available-for sale-investments in 2017 , proceeds from our divestiture of isecg in 2017 , and higher maturities and sales of trading assets in 2017 . this activity was partially offset by higher capital expenditures in 2017 . the increase in cash used for investing activities in 2016 compared to 2015 was primarily due to our completed acquisition of altera , net purchases of trading assets in 2016 compared to net sales of trading assets in 2015 , and higher capital expenditures in 2016 . this increase was partially offset by lower investments in non-marketable equity investments . financing activities financing cash flows consist primarily of repurchases of common stock , payment of dividends to stockholders , issuance and repayment of short-term and long-term debt , and proceeds from the sale of shares of common stock through employee equity incentive plans . the increase in cash used for financing activities in 2017 compared to 2016 was primarily due to net long-term debt activity , which was a use of cash in 2017 compared to a source of cash in 2016 . during 2017 , we repurchased $ 3.6 billion of common stock under our authorized common stock repurchase program , compared to $ 2.6 billion in 2016 . as of december 30 , 2017 , $ 13.2 billion remained available for repurchasing common stock under the existing repurchase authorization limit . we base our level of common stock repurchases on internal cash management decisions , and this level may fluctuate . proceeds from the sale of common stock through employee equity incentive plans totaled $ 770 million in 2017 compared to $ 1.1 billion in 2016 . our total dividend payments were $ 5.1 billion in 2017 compared to $ 4.9 billion in 2016 . we have paid a cash dividend in each of the past 101 quarters . in january 2018 , our board of directors approved an increase to our cash dividend to $ 1.20 per share on an annual basis . the board has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $ 0.30 per share of common stock for q1 2018 . the dividend is payable on march 1 , 2018 to stockholders of record on february 7 , 2018 . cash was used for financing activities in 2016 compared to cash provided by financing activities in 2015 , primarily due to fewer debt issuances and the repayment of debt in 2016 . this activity was partially offset by repayment of commercial paper in 2015 and fewer common stock repurchases in 2016 . md&a - results of operations consolidated results and analysis 37 .\nQuestion: what was the change in net cash provided by operating activities from 2015 to 2016?\nAnswer: 2790.0\nQuestion: and what was that net cash in 2015?\nAnswer: 19018.0\nQuestion: what percentage, then, does that change represent in relation to this 2015 amount?\nAnswer: 0.1467\nQuestion: and throughout the subsequent year, what was the increase in the total of capital expenditures?\nAnswer: 2.2\nQuestion: what is this increase as a percent of that total in 2016?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.22917" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\noperating expenses millions 2012 2011 2010 % ( % ) change 2012 v 2011 % ( % ) change 2011 v 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td><td>% ( % ) change 2012 v 2011</td><td>% ( % ) change 2011 v 2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>compensation and benefits</td><td>$ 4685</td><td>$ 4681</td><td>$ 4314</td><td>-% ( - % )</td><td>9% ( 9 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>fuel</td><td>3608</td><td>3581</td><td>2486</td><td>1</td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>purchased services and materials</td><td>2143</td><td>2005</td><td>1836</td><td>7</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>depreciation</td><td>1760</td><td>1617</td><td>1487</td><td>9</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>equipment and other rents</td><td>1197</td><td>1167</td><td>1142</td><td>3</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other</td><td>788</td><td>782</td><td>719</td><td>1</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total</td><td>$ 14181</td><td>$ 13833</td><td>$ 11984</td><td>3% ( 3 % )</td><td>15% ( 15 % )</td></tr></table> operating expenses increased $ 348 million in 2012 versus 2011 . depreciation , wage and benefit inflation , higher fuel prices and volume- related trucking services purchased by our logistics subsidiaries , contributed to higher expenses during the year . efficiency gains , volume related fuel savings ( 2% ( 2 % ) fewer gallons of fuel consumed ) and $ 38 million of weather related expenses in 2011 , which favorably affects the comparison , partially offset the cost increase . operating expenses increased $ 1.8 billion in 2011 versus 2010 . our fuel price per gallon rose 36% ( 36 % ) during 2011 , accounting for $ 922 million of the increase . wage and benefit inflation , volume-related costs , depreciation , and property taxes also contributed to higher expenses . expenses increased $ 20 million for costs related to the flooding in the midwest and $ 18 million due to the impact of severe heat and drought in the south , primarily texas . cost savings from productivity improvements and better resource utilization partially offset these increases . a $ 45 million one-time payment relating to a transaction with csx intermodal , inc ( csxi ) increased operating expenses during the first quarter of 2010 , which favorably affects the comparison of operating expenses in 2011 to those in 2010 . compensation and benefits 2013 compensation and benefits include wages , payroll taxes , health and welfare costs , pension costs , other postretirement benefits , and incentive costs . expenses in 2012 were essentially flat versus 2011 as operational improvements and cost reductions offset general wage and benefit inflation and higher pension and other postretirement benefits . in addition , weather related costs increased these expenses in 2011 . a combination of general wage and benefit inflation , volume-related expenses , higher training costs associated with new hires , additional crew costs due to speed restrictions caused by the midwest flooding and heat and drought in the south , and higher pension expense drove the increase during 2011 compared to 2010 . fuel 2013 fuel includes locomotive fuel and gasoline for highway and non-highway vehicles and heavy equipment . higher locomotive diesel fuel prices , which averaged $ 3.22 per gallon ( including taxes and transportation costs ) in 2012 , compared to $ 3.12 in 2011 , increased expenses by $ 105 million . volume , as measured by gross ton-miles , decreased 2% ( 2 % ) in 2012 versus 2011 , driving expense down . the fuel consumption rate was flat year-over-year . higher locomotive diesel fuel prices , which averaged $ 3.12 ( including taxes and transportation costs ) in 2011 , compared to $ 2.29 per gallon in 2010 , increased expenses by $ 922 million . in addition , higher gasoline prices for highway and non-highway vehicles also increased year-over-year . volume , as measured by gross ton-miles , increased 5% ( 5 % ) in 2011 versus 2010 , driving expense up by $ 122 million . purchased services and materials 2013 expense for purchased services and materials includes the costs of services purchased from outside contractors and other service providers ( including equipment 2012 operating expenses .\nQuestion: what was the change in the equipment and other rents segment from 2011 to 2012?\nAnswer: 30.0\nQuestion: and what was the change in the total expense in that same period?\nAnswer: 348.0\nQuestion: what percentage, then, of this total expense change was due to the change in that segment?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.08621" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nperformance graph this graph compares the return on lilly stock with that of the standard & poor 2019s 500 stock index and our peer group for the years 2014 through 2018 . the graph assumes that , on december 31 , 2013 , a person invested $ 100 each in lilly stock , the s&p 500 stock index , and the peer groups' common stock . the graph measures total shareholder return , which takes into account both stock price and dividends . it assumes that dividends paid by a company are reinvested in that company 2019s stock . value of $ 100 invested on last business day of 2013 comparison of five-year cumulative total return among lilly , s&p 500 stock index , peer group ( 1 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>lilly</td><td>peer group</td><td>s&p 500</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>dec-13</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 100.00</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>dec-14</td><td>$ 139.75</td><td>$ 114.39</td><td>$ 113.69</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dec-15</td><td>$ 175.21</td><td>$ 116.56</td><td>$ 115.26</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>dec-16</td><td>$ 157.03</td><td>$ 112.80</td><td>$ 129.05</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>dec-17</td><td>$ 185.04</td><td>$ 128.90</td><td>$ 157.22</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>dec-18</td><td>$ 259.88</td><td>$ 136.56</td><td>$ 150.33</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) we constructed the peer group as the industry index for this graph . it comprises the companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries that we used to benchmark the compensation of our executive officers for 2018 : abbvie inc. ; amgen inc. ; astrazeneca plc ; baxter international inc. ; biogen idec inc. ; bristol-myers squibb company ; celgene corporation ; gilead sciences inc. ; glaxosmithkline plc ; johnson & johnson ; medtronic plc ; merck & co. , inc. ; novartis ag. ; pfizer inc. ; roche holdings ag ; sanofi ; and shire plc. .\nQuestion: what was the price of lilly in 2018?\nAnswer: 259.88\nQuestion: what was the net change assuming a $100 initial investment?\nAnswer: 159.88\nQuestion: what is the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1.5988" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations state street corporation | 89 $ 65.35 billion and $ 87.20 billion as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . table 29 : components of average hqla by type of ( in millions ) december 31 , december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>december 31 2017</td><td>december 31 2016</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>excess central bank balances</td><td>$ 33584</td><td>$ 48407</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>u.s . treasuries</td><td>10278</td><td>17770</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other investment securities</td><td>13422</td><td>15442</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>foreign government</td><td>8064</td><td>5585</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 65348</td><td>$ 87204</td></tr></table> with respect to highly liquid short-term investments presented in the preceding table , due to the continued elevated level of client deposits as of december 31 , 2017 , we maintained cash balances in excess of regulatory requirements governing deposits with the federal reserve of approximately $ 33.58 billion at the federal reserve , the ecb and other non-u.s . central banks , compared to $ 48.40 billion as of december 31 , 2016 . the lower levels of deposits with central banks as of december 31 , 2017 compared to december 31 , 2016 was due to normal deposit volatility . liquid securities carried in our asset liquidity include securities pledged without corresponding advances from the frbb , the fhlb , and other non- u.s . central banks . state street bank is a member of the fhlb . this membership allows for advances of liquidity in varying terms against high-quality collateral , which helps facilitate asset-and-liability management . access to primary , intra-day and contingent liquidity provided by these utilities is an important source of contingent liquidity with utilization subject to underlying conditions . as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , we had no outstanding primary credit borrowings from the frbb discount window or any other central bank facility , and as of the same dates , no fhlb advances were outstanding . in addition to the securities included in our asset liquidity , we have significant amounts of other unencumbered investment securities . the aggregate fair value of those securities was $ 66.10 billion as of december 31 , 2017 , compared to $ 54.40 billion as of december 31 , 2016 . these securities are available sources of liquidity , although not as rapidly deployed as those included in our asset liquidity . measures of liquidity include lcr , nsfr and tlac which are described in \"supervision and regulation\" included under item 1 , business , of this form 10-k . uses of liquidity significant uses of our liquidity could result from the following : withdrawals of client deposits ; draw- downs of unfunded commitments to extend credit or to purchase securities , generally provided through lines of credit ; and short-duration advance facilities . such circumstances would generally arise under stress conditions including deterioration in credit ratings . a recurring significant use of our liquidity involves our deployment of hqla from our investment portfolio to post collateral to financial institutions and participants in our agency lending program serving as sources of securities under our enhanced custody program . we had unfunded commitments to extend credit with gross contractual amounts totaling $ 26.49 billion and $ 26.99 billion as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , respectively . these amounts do not reflect the value of any collateral . as of december 31 , 2017 , approximately 72% ( 72 % ) of our unfunded commitments to extend credit expire within one year . since many of our commitments are expected to expire or renew without being drawn upon , the gross contractual amounts do not necessarily represent our future cash requirements . information about our resolution planning and the impact actions under our resolution plans could have on our liquidity is provided in \"supervision and regulation\" included under item 1 . business , of this form 10-k . funding deposits we provide products and services including custody , accounting , administration , daily pricing , foreign exchange services , cash management , financial asset management , securities finance and investment advisory services . as a provider of these products and services , we generate client deposits , which have generally provided a stable , low-cost source of funds . as a global custodian , clients place deposits with state street entities in various currencies . as of december 31 , 2017 and december 31 , 2016 , approximately 60% ( 60 % ) of our average client deposit balances were denominated in u.s . dollars , approximately 20% ( 20 % ) in eur , 10% ( 10 % ) in gbp and 10% ( 10 % ) in all other currencies . for the past several years , we have frequently experienced higher client deposit inflows toward the end of each fiscal quarter or the end of the fiscal year . as a result , we believe average client deposit balances are more reflective of ongoing funding than period-end balances. .\nQuestion: what is the ratio of 2017 excess central bank balances to 2016 balances?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.69378" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 ( continued ) ( amounts in millions , except per share amounts ) corporate and other expenses increased slightly during 2013 by $ 3.5 to $ 140.8 compared to 2012 , primarily due to an increase in salaries and related expenses , mainly attributable to higher base salaries , benefits and temporary help , partially offset by lower severance expenses and a decrease in office and general expenses . liquidity and capital resources cash flow overview the following tables summarize key financial data relating to our liquidity , capital resources and uses of capital. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>cash flow data</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2014</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2013</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net income adjusted to reconcile net income to net cashprovided by operating activities1</td><td>$ 831.2</td><td>$ 598.4</td><td>$ 697.2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net cash used in working capital b2</td><td>-131.1 ( 131.1 )</td><td>-9.6 ( 9.6 )</td><td>-293.2 ( 293.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>changes in other non-current assets and liabilities using cash</td><td>-30.6 ( 30.6 )</td><td>4.1</td><td>-46.8 ( 46.8 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net cash provided by operating activities</td><td>$ 669.5</td><td>$ 592.9</td><td>$ 357.2</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>net cash used in investing activities</td><td>-200.8 ( 200.8 )</td><td>-224.5 ( 224.5 )</td><td>-210.2 ( 210.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>net cash ( used in ) provided by financing activities</td><td>-343.9 ( 343.9 )</td><td>-1212.3 ( 1212.3 )</td><td>131.3</td></tr></table> 1 reflects net income adjusted primarily for depreciation and amortization of fixed assets and intangible assets , amortization of restricted stock and other non-cash compensation , non-cash ( gain ) loss related to early extinguishment of debt , and deferred income taxes . 2 reflects changes in accounts receivable , expenditures billable to clients , other current assets , accounts payable and accrued liabilities . operating activities net cash provided by operating activities during 2014 was $ 669.5 , which was an improvement of $ 76.6 as compared to 2013 , primarily as a result of an increase in net income , offset by an increase in working capital usage of $ 121.5 . due to the seasonality of our business , we typically generate cash from working capital in the second half of a year and use cash from working capital in the first half of a year , with the largest impacts in the first and fourth quarters . our net working capital usage in 2014 was impacted by our media businesses . net cash provided by operating activities during 2013 was $ 592.9 , which was an increase of $ 235.7 as compared to 2012 , primarily as a result of an improvement in working capital usage of $ 283.6 , offset by a decrease in net income . the improvement in working capital in 2013 was impacted by our media businesses and an ongoing focus on working capital management at our agencies . the timing of media buying on behalf of our clients affects our working capital and operating cash flow . in most of our businesses , our agencies enter into commitments to pay production and media costs on behalf of clients . to the extent possible we pay production and media charges after we have received funds from our clients . the amounts involved substantially exceed our revenues and primarily affect the level of accounts receivable , expenditures billable to clients , accounts payable and accrued liabilities . our assets include both cash received and accounts receivable from clients for these pass-through arrangements , while our liabilities include amounts owed on behalf of clients to media and production suppliers . our accrued liabilities are also affected by the timing of certain other payments . for example , while annual cash incentive awards are accrued throughout the year , they are generally paid during the first quarter of the subsequent year . investing activities net cash used in investing activities during 2014 primarily related to payments for capital expenditures and acquisitions . capital expenditures of $ 148.7 related primarily to computer hardware and software and leasehold improvements . we made payments of $ 67.8 related to acquisitions completed during 2014 , net of cash acquired. .\nQuestion: what was the cash provided by operating activities?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "669.5" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nitem 7 . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations we are an international energy company with operations in the u.s. , canada , africa , the middle east and europe . our operations are organized into three reportable segments : 2022 e&p which explores for , produces and markets liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas on a worldwide basis . 2022 osm which mines , extracts and transports bitumen from oil sands deposits in alberta , canada , and upgrades the bitumen to produce and market synthetic crude oil and vacuum gas oil . 2022 ig which produces and markets products manufactured from natural gas , such as lng and methanol , in e.g . certain sections of management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations include forward- looking statements concerning trends or events potentially affecting our business . these statements typically contain words such as \"anticipates\" \"believes\" \"estimates\" \"expects\" \"targets\" \"plans\" \"projects\" \"could\" \"may\" \"should\" \"would\" or similar words indicating that future outcomes are uncertain . in accordance with \"safe harbor\" provisions of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 , these statements are accompanied by cautionary language identifying important factors , though not necessarily all such factors , which could cause future outcomes to differ materially from those set forth in forward-looking statements . for additional risk factors affecting our business , see item 1a . risk factors in this annual report on form 10-k . management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with the information under item 1 . business , item 1a . risk factors and item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data found in this annual report on form 10-k . spin-off downstream business on june 30 , 2011 , the spin-off of marathon 2019s downstream business was completed , creating two independent energy companies : marathon oil and mpc . marathon stockholders at the close of business on the record date of june 27 , 2011 received one share of mpc common stock for every two shares of marathon common stock held . a private letter tax ruling received in june 2011 from the irs affirmed the tax-free nature of the spin-off . activities related to the downstream business have been treated as discontinued operations in 2011 and 2010 ( see item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data 2013 note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for additional information ) . overview 2013 market conditions exploration and production prevailing prices for the various grades of crude oil and natural gas that we produce significantly impact our revenues and cash flows . the following table lists benchmark crude oil and natural gas price annual averages for the past three years. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>benchmark</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl )</td><td>$ 94.15</td><td>$ 95.11</td><td>$ 79.61</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>brent ( europe ) crude oil ( dollars per bbl )</td><td>$ 111.65</td><td>$ 111.26</td><td>$ 79.51</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>henry hub natural gas ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( a )</td><td>$ 2.79</td><td>$ 4.04</td><td>$ 4.39</td></tr></table> henry hub natural gas ( dollars per mmbtu ) ( a ) $ 2.79 $ 4.04 $ 4.39 ( a ) settlement date average . liquid hydrocarbon 2013 prices of crude oil have been volatile in recent years , but less so when comparing annual averages for 2012 and 2011 . in 2011 , crude prices increased over 2010 levels , with increases in brent averages outstripping those in wti . the quality , location and composition of our liquid hydrocarbon production mix will cause our u.s . liquid hydrocarbon realizations to differ from the wti benchmark . in 2012 , 2011 and 2010 , the percentage of our u.s . crude oil and condensate production that was sour averaged 37 percent , 58 percent and 68 percent . sour crude contains more sulfur and tends to be heavier than light sweet crude oil so that refining it is more costly and produces lower value products ; therefore , sour crude is considered of lower quality and typically sells at a discount to wti . the percentage of our u.s . crude and condensate production that is sour has been decreasing as onshore production from the eagle ford and bakken shale plays increases and production from the gulf of mexico declines . in recent years , crude oil sold along the u.s . gulf coast has been priced at a premium to wti because the louisiana light sweet benchmark has been tracking brent , while production from inland areas farther from large refineries has been at a discount to wti . ngls were 10 percent , 7 percent and 6 percent of our u.s . liquid hydrocarbon sales in 2012 , 2011 and 2010 . in 2012 , our sales of ngls increased due to our development of u.s . unconventional liquids-rich plays. .\nQuestion: what was the difference in the average price of wti crude oil between 2010 and 2012?\nAnswer: 14.54\nQuestion: and the specific price in 2010?\nAnswer: 79.61\nQuestion: so what was the percentage change during these years?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.18264" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\n28 , 35 , or 90 days . the funds associated with failed auctions will not be accessible until a successful auction occurs or a buyer is found outside of the auction process . based on broker- dealer valuation models and an analysis of other-than-temporary impairment factors , auction rate securities with an original par value of approximately $ 34 million were written-down to an estimated fair value of $ 16 million as of december 31 , 2007 . this write-down resulted in an 201cother-than-temporary 201d impairment charge of approximately $ 8 million ( pre-tax ) included in net income and a temporary impairment charge of $ 10 million ( pre-tax ) reflected as an unrealized loss within other comprehensive income for 2007 . as of december 31 , 2007 , these investments in auction rate securities have been in a loss position for less than six months . these auction rate securities are classified as non-current marketable securities as of december 31 , 2007 as indicated in the preceding table . 3m reviews impairments associated with the above in accordance with emerging issues task force ( eitf ) 03-1 and fsp sfas 115-1 and 124-1 , 201cthe meaning of other-than-temporary-impairment and its application to certain investments , 201d to determine the classification of the impairment as 201ctemporary 201d or 201cother-than-temporary . 201d a temporary impairment charge results in an unrealized loss being recorded in the other comprehensive income component of stockholders 2019 equity . such an unrealized loss does not reduce net income for the applicable accounting period because the loss is not viewed as other-than-temporary . the company believes that a portion of the impairment of its auction rate securities investments is temporary and a portion is other-than-temporary . the factors evaluated to differentiate between temporary and other-than-temporary include the projected future cash flows , credit ratings actions , and assessment of the credit quality of the underlying collateral . the balance at december 31 , 2007 for marketable securities and short-term investments by contractual maturity are shown below . actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities because the issuers of the securities may have the right to prepay obligations without prepayment penalties . dec . 31 , ( millions ) 2007 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>dec . 31 2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>due in one year or less</td><td>$ 231</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>due after one year through three years</td><td>545</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>due after three years through five years</td><td>221</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>due after five years</td><td>62</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total marketable securities</td><td>$ 1059</td></tr></table> predetermined intervals , usually every 7 .\nQuestion: what was the original par value of the auction rate securities, in millions?\nAnswer: 34.0\nQuestion: and what was the estimated fair value to which they were written down, also in millions?\nAnswer: 16.0\nQuestion: what was, then, the change in the value?\nAnswer: 18.0\nQuestion: and how much does this change represent in relation to the original value?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.52941" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ncash flows from operating activities can fluctuate significantly from period to period , as pension funding decisions , tax timing differences and other items can significantly impact cash flows . in both 2007 and 2006 , the company made discretionary contributions of $ 200 million to its u.s . qualified pension plan , and in 2005 made discretionary contributions totaling $ 500 million . in 2007 , cash flows provided by operating activities increased $ 436 million , including an increase in net income of $ 245 million . since the gain from sale of businesses is included in and increases net income , the pre-tax gain from the sale of the businesses must be subtracted , as shown above , to properly reflect operating cash flows . the cash proceeds from the sale of the pharmaceuticals business are shown as part of cash from investing activities ; however , when the related taxes are paid they are required to be shown as part of cash provided by operating activities . thus , operating cash flows for 2007 were penalized due to cash income tax payments of approximately $ 630 million in 2007 that related to the sale of the global branded pharmaceuticals business . non-pharmaceutical related cash income tax payments were approximately $ 475 million lower than 2006 due to normal timing differences in tax payments , which benefited cash flows . accounts receivable and inventory increases reduced cash flows in 2007 , but decreased cash flow less than in 2006 , resulting in a year-on-year benefit to cash flows of $ 323 million . the category 201cother-net 201d in the preceding table reflects changes in other asset and liability accounts , including the impact of cash payments made in connection with 3m 2019s restructuring actions ( note 4 ) . in 2006 , cash flows provided by operating activities decreased $ 365 million . this decrease was due in large part to an increase of approximately $ 600 million in tax payments in 2006 compared with 2005 . the higher tax payments in 2006 primarily related to the company 2019s repatriation of $ 1.7 billion of foreign earnings in the united states pursuant to the provisions of the american jobs creation act of 2004 . the category 201cother-net 201d in the preceding table reflects changes in other asset and liability accounts , including outstanding liabilities at december 31 , 2006 , related to 3m 2019s restructuring actions ( note 4 ) . cash flows from investing activities : years ended december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>purchases of property plant and equipment ( pp&e )</td><td>$ -1422 ( 1422 )</td><td>$ -1168 ( 1168 )</td><td>$ -943 ( 943 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>proceeds from sale of pp&e and other assets</td><td>103</td><td>49</td><td>41</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>acquisitions net of cash acquired</td><td>-539 ( 539 )</td><td>-888 ( 888 )</td><td>-1293 ( 1293 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>proceeds from sale of businesses</td><td>897</td><td>1209</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>purchases and proceeds from sale or maturities of marketable securities and investments 2014 net</td><td>-406 ( 406 )</td><td>-662 ( 662 )</td><td>-46 ( 46 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>net cash used in investing activities</td><td>$ -1367 ( 1367 )</td><td>$ -1460 ( 1460 )</td><td>$ -2241 ( 2241 )</td></tr></table> investments in property , plant and equipment enable growth in diverse markets , helping to meet product demand and increasing manufacturing efficiency . in 2007 , numerous plants were opened or expanded internationally . this included two facilities in korea ( respirator manufacturing facility and optical plant ) , an optical plant in poland , industrial adhesives/tapes facilities in both brazil and the philippines , a plant in russia ( corrosion protection , industrial adhesive and tapes , and respirators ) , a plant in china ( optical systems , industrial adhesives and tapes , and personal care ) , an expansion in canada ( construction and home improvement business ) , in addition to investments in india , mexico and other countries . in addition , 3m expanded manufacturing capabilities in the u.s. , including investments in industrial adhesives/tapes and optical . 3m also exited several high-cost underutilized manufacturing facilities and streamlined several supply chains by relocating equipment from one facility to another . the streamlining work has primarily occurred inside the u.s . and is in addition to the streamlining achieved through plant construction . as a result of this increased activity , capital expenditures were $ 1.422 billion in 2007 , an increase of $ 254 million when compared to 2006 . the company expects capital expenditures to total approximately $ 1.3 billion to $ 1.4 billion in 2008 . refer to the preceding 201ccapital spending/net property , plant and equipment 201d section for more detail . refer to note 2 for information on 2007 , 2006 and 2005 acquisitions . note 2 also provides information on the proceeds from the sale of businesses . the company is actively considering additional acquisitions , investments and strategic alliances , and from time to time may also divest certain businesses . purchases of marketable securities and investments and proceeds from sale ( or maturities ) of marketable securities and investments are primarily attributable to asset-backed securities , agency securities , corporate medium-term note securities , auction rate securities and other securities , which are classified as available-for-sale . refer to note 9 for more details about 3m 2019s diversified marketable securities portfolio , which totaled $ 1.059 billion as of december 31 , 2007 . purchases of marketable securities , net of sales and maturities , totaled $ 429 million for 2007 and $ 637 million for 2006 . purchases of investments in 2005 include the purchase of 19% ( 19 % ) of ti&m beteiligungsgesellschaft mbh for .\nQuestion: what is the increase in tax payment in 2006?\nAnswer: 600.0\nQuestion: what is the net change in cash flows provided by operating activities in 2006?\nAnswer: 365.0\nQuestion: what is the ratio of tax payment to the net change in cash flows provided by operating activities in 2006?\nAnswer: 1.64384\nQuestion: what is the net cash used in investing activities in 2007?\nAnswer: -1367.0\nQuestion: what about in 2006?\nAnswer: -1460.0\nQuestion: what is the net change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "93.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ntable of contents valero energy corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) commodity price risk we are exposed to market risks related to the volatility in the price of crude oil , refined products ( primarily gasoline and distillate ) , grain ( primarily corn ) , and natural gas used in our operations . to reduce the impact of price volatility on our results of operations and cash flows , we use commodity derivative instruments , including futures , swaps , and options . we use the futures markets for the available liquidity , which provides greater flexibility in transacting our hedging and trading operations . we use swaps primarily to manage our price exposure . our positions in commodity derivative instruments are monitored and managed on a daily basis by a risk control group to ensure compliance with our stated risk management policy that has been approved by our board of directors . for risk management purposes , we use fair value hedges , cash flow hedges , and economic hedges . in addition to the use of derivative instruments to manage commodity price risk , we also enter into certain commodity derivative instruments for trading purposes . our objective for entering into each type of hedge or trading derivative is described below . fair value hedges fair value hedges are used to hedge price volatility in certain refining inventories and firm commitments to purchase inventories . the level of activity for our fair value hedges is based on the level of our operating inventories , and generally represents the amount by which our inventories differ from our previous year-end lifo inventory levels . as of december 31 , 2011 , we had the following outstanding commodity derivative instruments that were entered into to hedge crude oil and refined product inventories and commodity derivative instruments related to the physical purchase of crude oil and refined products at a fixed price . the information presents the notional volume of outstanding contracts by type of instrument and year of maturity ( volumes in thousands of barrels ) . notional contract volumes by year of maturity derivative instrument 2012 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>derivative instrument</td><td>notional contract volumes by year of maturity 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>crude oil and refined products:</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>futures 2013 long</td><td>15398</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>futures 2013 short</td><td>35708</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>physical contracts 2013 long</td><td>20310</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: what were the value of futures 2013 long?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "15398.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nproperty investmentp yrr our overall strategy is to continue to increase our investment in quality industrial properties in both existing and select new markets and to continue to increase our investment in on-campus or hospital affiliated medical offf fice ff properties . pursuant to this strategy , we evaluate development and acquisition opportunities based upon our market yy outlook , including general economic conditions , supply and long-term growth potential . our ability to make future property investments is dependent upon identifying suitable acquisition and development opportunities , and our continued access to our longer-term sources of liquidity , including issuances of debt or equity securities as well asyy generating cash flow by disposing of selected properties . leasing/capital costsg p tenant improvements and lease-related costs pertaining to our initial leasing of newly completed space , or vacant tt space in acquired properties , are referred to as first generation expenditures . such first generation expenditures for tenant improvements are included within \"development of real estate investments\" in our consolidated statements of cash flows , while such expenditures for lease-related costs are included within \"other deferred leasing costs.\" cash expenditures related to the construction of a building's shell , as well as the associated site improvements , are also included within \"development of real estate investments\" in our consolidated statements of cash flows . tenant improvements and leasing costs to re-let rental space that we previously leased to tenants are referred to as tt second generation expenditures . building improvements that are not specific to any tenant , but serve to improve integral components of our real estate properties , are also second generation expenditures . one of the principal uses of our liquidity is to fund the second generation leasing/capital expenditures of our real estate investments . the following table summarizes our second generation capital expenditures by type of expenditure , as well as capital expenditures for the development of real estate investments and for other deferred leasing costs ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>second generation tenant improvements</td><td>$ 24622</td><td>$ 28681</td><td>$ 51699</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>second generation leasing costs</td><td>27029</td><td>24471</td><td>37898</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>building improvements</td><td>7698</td><td>8748</td><td>9224</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total second generation capital expenditures</td><td>$ 59349</td><td>$ 61900</td><td>$ 98821</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>development of real estate investments</td><td>$ 401442</td><td>$ 370466</td><td>$ 446722</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other deferred leasing costs</td><td>$ 38410</td><td>$ 30790</td><td>$ 31503</td></tr></table> second generation capital expenditures were significantly lower during 2016 and 2015 , compared to 2014 , as the result of significant dispositions of office properties , which were more capital intensive to re-lease than industrial ff properties . we had wholly owned properties under development with an expected cost of ww $ 713.1 million at december 31 , 2016 , compared to projects with an expected cost of $ 599.8 million and $ 470.2 million at december 31 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . the capital expenditures in the table above include the capitalization of internal overhead costs . we capitalized ww $ 24.0 million , $ 21.7 million and $ 23.9 million of overhead costs related to leasing activities , including both first and second generation leases , during the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . we ww capitalized $ 25.9 million , $ 23.8 million and $ 28.8 million of overhead costs related to development activities , including both development and tenant improvement projects on first and second generation space , during the years ended december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . combined overhead costs capitalized to leasing and development totaled 33.5% ( 33.5 % ) , 29.0% ( 29.0 % ) and 31.4% ( 31.4 % ) of our overall pool of overhead costs at december 31 , 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . further discussion of the capitalization of overhead costs can be found in the year-to-year comparisons of general and administrative expenses and critical accounting policies sections of this item 7. .\nQuestion: what were the total costs associated with development and tenant improvement projects on first and second generation space in the year of 2016?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "25.9" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nentergy gulf states , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2002 net revenue</td><td>$ 1130.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>volume/weather</td><td>17.8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>fuel write-offs in 2002</td><td>15.3</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>net wholesale revenue</td><td>10.2</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>base rate decreases</td><td>-23.3 ( 23.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>nisco gain recognized in 2002</td><td>-15.2 ( 15.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>rate refund provisions</td><td>-11.3 ( 11.3 )</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other</td><td>-14.1 ( 14.1 )</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>2003 net revenue</td><td>$ 1110.1</td></tr></table> the volume/weather variance was due to higher electric sales volume in the service territory . billed usage increased a total of 517 gwh in the residential and commercial sectors . the increase was partially offset by a decrease in industrial usage of 470 gwh due to the loss of two large industrial customers to cogeneration . the customers accounted for approximately 1% ( 1 % ) of entergy gulf states' net revenue in 2002 . in 2002 , deferred fuel costs of $ 8.9 million related to a texas fuel reconciliation case were written off and $ 6.5 million in expense resulted from an adjustment in the deregulated asset plan percentage as the result of a power uprate at river bend . the increase in net wholesale revenue was primarily due to an increase in sales volume to municipal and co- op customers and also to affiliated systems related to entergy's generation resource planning . the base rate decreases were effective june 2002 and january 2003 , both in the louisiana jurisdiction . the january 2003 base rate decrease of $ 22.1 million had a minimal impact on net income due to a corresponding reduction in nuclear depreciation and decommissioning expenses associated with the change in accounting to reflect an assumed extension of river bend's useful life . in 2002 , a gain of $ 15.2 million was recognized for the louisiana portion of the 1988 nelson units 1 and 2 sale . entergy gulf states received approval from the lpsc to discontinue applying amortization of the gain against recoverable fuel , resulting in the recognition of the deferred gain in income . rate refund provisions caused a decrease in net revenue due to additional provisions recorded in 2003 compared to 2002 for potential rate actions and refunds . gross operating revenues and fuel and purchased power expenses gross operating revenues increased primarily due to an increase of $ 440.2 million in fuel cost recovery revenues as a result of higher fuel rates in both the louisiana and texas jurisdictions . fuel and purchased power expenses increased $ 471.1 million due to an increase in the market prices of natural gas and purchased power . other income statement variances 2004 compared to 2003 other operation and maintenance expenses decreased primarily due to : 2022 voluntary severance program accruals of $ 22.5 million in 2003 ; and 2022 a decrease of $ 4.3 million in nuclear material and labor costs due to reduced staff in 2004. .\nQuestion: what was the percentage of deferred fuel costs out of total fuel write-offs in 2002?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.5817" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\njpmorgan chase & co./2018 form 10-k 41 five-year stock performance the following table and graph compare the five-year cumulative total return for jpmorgan chase & co . ( 201cjpmorgan chase 201d or the 201cfirm 201d ) common stock with the cumulative return of the s&p 500 index , the kbw bank index and the s&p financial index . the s&p 500 index is a commonly referenced equity benchmark in the united states of america ( 201cu.s . 201d ) , consisting of leading companies from different economic sectors . the kbw bank index seeks to reflect the performance of banks and thrifts that are publicly traded in the u.s . and is composed of leading national money center and regional banks and thrifts . the s&p financial index is an index of financial companies , all of which are components of the s&p 500 . the firm is a component of all three industry indices . the following table and graph assume simultaneous investments of $ 100 on december 31 , 2013 , in jpmorgan chase common stock and in each of the above indices . the comparison assumes that all dividends are reinvested . december 31 , ( in dollars ) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>december 31 ( in dollars )</td><td>2013</td><td>2014</td><td>2015</td><td>2016</td><td>2017</td><td>2018</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>jpmorgan chase</td><td>$ 100.00</td><td>$ 109.88</td><td>$ 119.07</td><td>$ 160.23</td><td>$ 203.07</td><td>$ 189.57</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>kbw bank index</td><td>100.00</td><td>109.36</td><td>109.90</td><td>141.23</td><td>167.49</td><td>137.82</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p financial index</td><td>100.00</td><td>115.18</td><td>113.38</td><td>139.17</td><td>169.98</td><td>147.82</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>100.00</td><td>113.68</td><td>115.24</td><td>129.02</td><td>157.17</td><td>150.27</td></tr></table> december 31 , ( in dollars ) .\nQuestion: in 2017, what was the performance price of the jpmorgan chase?\nAnswer: 203.07\nQuestion: and what was it for the kbw bank index?\nAnswer: 167.49\nQuestion: how much, then, did the jpmorgan performance represent in relation to this kbw bank index one?\nAnswer: 1.21243\nQuestion: and what was the change in that performance price of the jpmorgan chase in the entire five year period?\nAnswer: 1.8957\nQuestion: and how much does that performance price in 2018 represent in relation to this amount of years?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "37.914" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nlatin american investments during 2009 , the company acquired a land parcel located in rio clara , brazil through a newly formed consolidated joint venture in which the company has a 70% ( 70 % ) controlling ownership interest for a purchase price of 3.3 million brazilian reals ( approximately usd $ 1.5 million ) . this parcel will be developed into a 48000 square foot retail shopping center . additionally , during 2009 , the company acquired a land parcel located in san luis potosi , mexico , through an unconsolidated joint venture in which the company has a noncontrolling interest , for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $ 0.8 million . the company recognized equity in income from its unconsolidated mexican investments in real estate joint ventures of approximately $ 7.0 million , $ 17.1 million , and $ 5.2 million during 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . the company recognized equity in income from its unconsolidated chilean investments in real estate joint ventures of approximately $ 0.4 million , $ 0.2 and $ 0.1 million during 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . the company 2019s revenues from its consolidated mexican subsidiaries aggregated approximately $ 23.4 million , $ 20.3 million , $ 8.5 million during 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . the company 2019s revenues from its consolidated brazilian subsidiaries aggregated approximately $ 1.5 million and $ 0.4 million during 2009 and 2008 , respectively . the company 2019s revenues from its consolidated chilean subsidiaries aggregated less than $ 100000 during 2009 and 2008 , respectively . mortgages and other financing receivables during 2009 , the company provided financing to five borrowers for an aggregate amount of approximately $ 8.3 million . during 2009 , the company received an aggregate of approximately $ 40.4 million which fully paid down the outstanding balance on four mortgage receivables . as of december 31 , 2009 , the company had 37 loans with total commitments of up to $ 178.9 million , of which approximately $ 131.3 million has been funded . availability under the company 2019s revolving credit facilities are expected to be sufficient to fund these remaining commitments . ( see note 10 of the notes to consolidated financial statements included in this annual report on form 10-k. ) asset impairments on a continuous basis , management assesses whether there are any indicators , including property operating performance and general market conditions , that the value of the company 2019s assets ( including any related amortizable intangible assets or liabilities ) may be impaired . to the extent impairment has occurred , the carrying value of the asset would be adjusted to an amount to reflect the estimated fair value of the asset . during 2009 , economic conditions had continued to experience volatility resulting in further declines in the real estate and equity markets . year over year increases in capitalization rates , discount rates and vacancies as well as the deterioration of real estate market fundamentals , negatively impacted net operating income and leasing which further contributed to declines in real estate markets in general . as a result of the volatility and declining market conditions described above , as well as the company 2019s strategy in relation to certain of its non-retail assets , the company recognized non-cash impairment charges during 2009 , aggregating approximately $ 175.1 million , before income tax benefit of approximately $ 22.5 million and noncontrolling interests of approximately $ 1.2 million . details of these non-cash impairment charges are as follows ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>impairment of property carrying values</td><td>$ 50.0</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>real estate under development</td><td>2.1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>investments in other real estate investments</td><td>49.2</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>marketable securities and other investments</td><td>30.1</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>investments in real estate joint ventures</td><td>43.7</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total impairment charges</td><td>$ 175.1</td></tr></table> ( see notes 2 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 and 11 of the notes to consolidated financial statements included in this annual report on form 10-k. ) .\nQuestion: what was the income tax benefit in 2009?\nAnswer: 22.5\nQuestion: and the value of noncontrolling interests?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1.2" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ncelanese purchases of its equity securities information regarding repurchases of our common stock during the three months ended december 31 , 2014 is as follows : period number of shares purchased ( 1 ) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program ( 2 ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>totalnumberof sharespurchased ( 1 )</td><td>averageprice paidper share</td><td>total numberof sharespurchased aspart of publiclyannounced program</td><td>approximatedollarvalue of sharesremaining thatmay bepurchased underthe program ( 2 )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 - 31 2014</td><td>192580</td><td>$ 58.02</td><td>164800</td><td>$ 490000000</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 1 - 30 2014</td><td>468128</td><td>$ 59.25</td><td>468128</td><td>$ 463000000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 1 - 31 2014</td><td>199796</td><td>$ 60.78</td><td>190259</td><td>$ 451000000</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>860504</td><td>-</td><td>823187</td><td>-</td></tr></table> ___________________________ ( 1 ) includes 27780 and 9537 for october and december 2014 , respectively , related to shares withheld from employees to cover their statutory minimum withholding requirements for personal income taxes related to the vesting of restricted stock units . ( 2 ) our board of directors has authorized the aggregate repurchase of $ 1.4 billion of our common stock since february 2008 . see note 17 - stockholders' equity in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for further information . performance graph the following performance graph and related information shall not be deemed \"soliciting material\" or to be \"filed\" with the securities and exchange commission , nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the securities act of 1933 or securities exchange act of 1934 , each as amended , except to the extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing . comparison of cumulative total return .\nQuestion: what was the total number of shares purchased in december of 2014?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "199796.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nvisa indemnification our payment services business issues and acquires credit and debit card transactions through visa u.s.a . inc . card association or its affiliates ( visa ) . in october 2007 , visa completed a restructuring and issued shares of visa inc . common stock to its financial institution members ( visa reorganization ) in contemplation of its initial public offering ( ipo ) . as part of the visa reorganization , we received our proportionate share of class b visa inc . common stock allocated to the u.s . members . prior to the ipo , the u.s . members , which included pnc , were obligated to indemnify visa for judgments and settlements related to certain specified litigation . as a result of the acquisition of national city , we became party to judgment and loss sharing agreements with visa and certain other banks . the judgment and loss sharing agreements were designed to apportion financial responsibilities arising from any potential adverse judgment or negotiated settlements related to the specified litigation . in september 2014 , visa funded $ 450 million into its litigation escrow account and reduced the conversion rate of visa b to a shares . we continue to have an obligation to indemnify visa for judgments and settlements for the remaining specified litigation . recourse and repurchase obligations as discussed in note 2 loan sale and servicing activities and variable interest entities , pnc has sold commercial mortgage , residential mortgage and home equity loans/ lines of credit directly or indirectly through securitization and loan sale transactions in which we have continuing involvement . one form of continuing involvement includes certain recourse and loan repurchase obligations associated with the transferred assets . commercial mortgage loan recourse obligations we originate and service certain multi-family commercial mortgage loans which are sold to fnma under fnma 2019s delegated underwriting and servicing ( dus ) program . we participated in a similar program with the fhlmc . under these programs , we generally assume up to a one-third pari passu risk of loss on unpaid principal balances through a loss share arrangement . at december 31 , 2014 and december 31 , 2013 , the unpaid principal balance outstanding of loans sold as a participant in these programs was $ 12.3 billion and $ 11.7 billion , respectively . the potential maximum exposure under the loss share arrangements was $ 3.7 billion at december 31 , 2014 and $ 3.6 billion at december 31 , 2013 . we maintain a reserve for estimated losses based upon our exposure . the reserve for losses under these programs totaled $ 35 million and $ 33 million as of december 31 , 2014 and december 31 , 2013 , respectively , and is included in other liabilities on our consolidated balance sheet . if payment is required under these programs , we would not have a contractual interest in the collateral underlying the mortgage loans on which losses occurred , although the value of the collateral is taken into account in determining our share of such losses . our exposure and activity associated with these recourse obligations are reported in the corporate & institutional banking segment . table 150 : analysis of commercial mortgage recourse obligations . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>january 1</td><td>$ 33</td><td>$ 43</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>reserve adjustments net</td><td>2</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>losses 2013 loan repurchases and settlements</td><td>-</td><td>-1 ( 1 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>december 31</td><td>$ 35</td><td>$ 33</td></tr></table> residential mortgage loan and home equity loan/ line of credit repurchase obligations while residential mortgage loans are sold on a non-recourse basis , we assume certain loan repurchase obligations associated with mortgage loans we have sold to investors . these loan repurchase obligations primarily relate to situations where pnc is alleged to have breached certain origination covenants and representations and warranties made to purchasers of the loans in the respective purchase and sale agreements . repurchase obligation activity associated with residential mortgages is reported in the residential mortgage banking segment . in the fourth quarter of 2013 , pnc reached agreements with both fnma and fhlmc to resolve their repurchase claims with respect to loans sold between 2000 and 2008 . pnc paid a total of $ 191 million related to these settlements . pnc 2019s repurchase obligations also include certain brokered home equity loans/lines of credit that were sold to a limited number of private investors in the financial services industry by national city prior to our acquisition of national city . pnc is no longer engaged in the brokered home equity lending business , and our exposure under these loan repurchase obligations is limited to repurchases of loans sold in these transactions . repurchase activity associated with brokered home equity loans/lines of credit is reported in the non-strategic assets portfolio segment . 214 the pnc financial services group , inc . 2013 form 10-k .\nQuestion: what was the balance, in millions, for commercial mortgage recourse obligations at the end of 2014?\nAnswer: 35.0\nQuestion: what was the balance, in millions, for commercial mortgage recourse obligations at the start of 2014?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "33.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nfortron industries llc . fortron is a leading global producer of pps , sold under the fortron ae brand , which is used in a wide variety of automotive and other applications , especially those requiring heat and/or chemical resistance . fortron's facility is located in wilmington , north carolina . this venture combines the sales , marketing , distribution , compounding and manufacturing expertise of celanese with the pps polymer technology expertise of kureha america inc . cellulose derivatives strategic ventures . our cellulose derivatives ventures generally fund their operations using operating cash flow and pay dividends based on each ventures' performance in the preceding year . in 2014 , 2013 and 2012 , we received cash dividends of $ 115 million , $ 92 million and $ 83 million , respectively . although our ownership interest in each of our cellulose derivatives ventures exceeds 20% ( 20 % ) , we account for these investments using the cost method of accounting because we determined that we cannot exercise significant influence over these entities due to local government investment in and influence over these entities , limitations on our involvement in the day-to-day operations and the present inability of the entities to provide timely financial information prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the united states of america ( \"us gaap\" ) . 2022 other equity method investments infraservs . we hold indirect ownership interests in several german infraserv groups that own and develop industrial parks and provide on-site general and administrative support to tenants . our ownership interest in the equity investments in infraserv affiliates are as follows : as of december 31 , 2014 ( in percentages ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>as of december 31 2014 ( in percentages )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . gendorf kg</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . hoechst kg</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>infraserv gmbh & co . knapsack kg</td><td>27</td></tr></table> research and development our businesses are innovation-oriented and conduct research and development activities to develop new , and optimize existing , production technologies , as well as to develop commercially viable new products and applications . research and development expense was $ 86 million , $ 85 million and $ 104 million for the years ended december 31 , 2014 , 2013 and 2012 , respectively . we consider the amounts spent during each of the last three fiscal years on research and development activities to be sufficient to execute our current strategic initiatives . intellectual property we attach importance to protecting our intellectual property , including safeguarding our confidential information and through our patents , trademarks and copyrights , in order to preserve our investment in research and development , manufacturing and marketing . patents may cover processes , equipment , products , intermediate products and product uses . we also seek to register trademarks as a means of protecting the brand names of our company and products . patents . in most industrial countries , patent protection exists for new substances and formulations , as well as for certain unique applications and production processes . however , we do business in regions of the world where intellectual property protection may be limited and difficult to enforce . confidential information . we maintain stringent information security policies and procedures wherever we do business . such information security policies and procedures include data encryption , controls over the disclosure and safekeeping of confidential information and trade secrets , as well as employee awareness training . trademarks . aoplus ae , aoplus ae2 , aoplus ae3 , ateva ae , avicor ae , britecoat ae , celanese ae , celanex ae , celcon ae , celfx 2122 , celstran ae , celvolit ae , clarifoil ae , duroset ae , ecovae ae , factor ae , fortron ae , gur ae , hostaform ae , impet ae , mowilith ae , nutrinova ae , qorus 2122 , riteflex ae , sunett ae , tcx 2122 , thermx ae , tufcor ae , vantage ae , vantageplus 2122 , vantage ae2 , vectra ae , vinamul ae , vitaldose ae , zenite ae and certain other branded products and services named in this document are registered or reserved trademarks or service marks owned or licensed by celanese . the foregoing is not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive list of all registered or reserved trademarks and service marks owned or licensed by celanese . fortron ae is a registered trademark of fortron industries llc. .\nQuestion: what is the net change in r&d expense from 2013 to 2014?\nAnswer: 1.0\nQuestion: what is the r&d expense in 2014?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "85.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ncustomer demand . this compared with 555000 tons of total downtime in 2006 of which 150000 tons related to lack-of-orders . printing papers in millions 2007 2006 2005 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>sales</td><td>$ 6530</td><td>$ 6700</td><td>$ 6980</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>$ 1101</td><td>$ 636</td><td>$ 434</td></tr></table> north american printing papers net sales in 2007 were $ 3.5 billion compared with $ 4.4 billion in 2006 ( $ 3.5 billion excluding the coated and super- calendered papers business ) and $ 4.8 billion in 2005 ( $ 3.2 billion excluding the coated and super- calendered papers business ) . sales volumes decreased in 2007 versus 2006 partially due to reduced production capacity resulting from the conversion of the paper machine at the pensacola mill to the production of lightweight linerboard for our industrial packaging segment . average sales price realizations increased significantly , reflecting benefits from price increases announced throughout 2007 . lack-of-order downtime declined to 27000 tons in 2007 from 40000 tons in 2006 . operating earnings of $ 537 million in 2007 increased from $ 482 million in 2006 ( $ 407 million excluding the coated and supercalendered papers business ) and $ 175 million in 2005 ( $ 74 million excluding the coated and supercalendered papers business ) . the benefits from improved average sales price realizations more than offset the effects of higher input costs for wood , energy , and freight . mill operations were favorable compared with the prior year due to current-year improvements in machine performance and energy conservation efforts . sales volumes for the first quarter of 2008 are expected to increase slightly , and the mix of prod- ucts sold to improve . demand for printing papers in north america was steady as the quarter began . price increases for cut-size paper and roll stock have been announced that are expected to be effective principally late in the first quarter . planned mill maintenance outage costs should be about the same as in the fourth quarter ; however , raw material costs are expected to continue to increase , primarily for wood and energy . brazil ian papers net sales for 2007 of $ 850 mil- lion were higher than the $ 495 million in 2006 and the $ 465 million in 2005 . compared with 2006 , aver- age sales price realizations improved reflecting price increases for uncoated freesheet paper realized dur- ing the second half of 2006 and the first half of 2007 . excluding the impact of the luiz antonio acquisition , sales volumes increased primarily for cut size and offset paper . operating profits for 2007 of $ 246 mil- lion were up from $ 122 million in 2006 and $ 134 mil- lion in 2005 as the benefits from higher sales prices and favorable manufacturing costs were only parti- ally offset by higher input costs . contributions from the luiz antonio acquisition increased net sales by approximately $ 350 million and earnings by approx- imately $ 80 million in 2007 . entering 2008 , sales volumes for uncoated freesheet paper and pulp should be seasonally lower . average price realizations should be essentially flat , but mar- gins are expected to reflect a less favorable product mix . energy costs , primarily for hydroelectric power , are expected to increase significantly reflecting a lack of rainfall in brazil in the latter part of 2007 . european papers net sales in 2007 were $ 1.5 bil- lion compared with $ 1.3 billion in 2006 and $ 1.2 bil- lion in 2005 . sales volumes in 2007 were higher than in 2006 at our eastern european mills reflecting stronger market demand and improved efficiencies , but lower in western europe reflecting the closure of the marasquel mill in 2006 . average sales price real- izations increased significantly in 2007 in both east- ern and western european markets . operating profits of $ 214 million in 2007 increased from a loss of $ 16 million in 2006 and earnings of $ 88 million in 2005 . the loss in 2006 reflects the impact of a $ 128 million impairment charge to reduce the carrying value of the fixed assets at the saillat , france mill . excluding this charge , the improvement in 2007 compared with 2006 reflects the contribution from higher net sales , partially offset by higher input costs for wood , energy and freight . looking ahead to the first quarter of 2008 , sales volumes are expected to be stable in western europe , but seasonally weaker in eastern europe and russia . average price realizations are expected to remain about flat . wood costs are expected to increase , especially in russia due to strong demand ahead of tariff increases , and energy costs are anticipated to be seasonally higher . asian printing papers net sales were approx- imately $ 20 million in 2007 , compared with $ 15 mil- lion in 2006 and $ 10 million in 2005 . operating earnings increased slightly in 2007 , but were close to breakeven in all periods . u.s . market pulp sales in 2007 totaled $ 655 mil- lion compared with $ 510 million and $ 525 million in 2006 and 2005 , respectively . sales volumes in 2007 were up from 2006 levels , primarily for paper and .\nQuestion: what were asian paper net sales in 2007?\nAnswer: 20.0\nQuestion: what were they in 2006?\nAnswer: 15.0\nQuestion: what is the net change?\nAnswer: 5.0\nQuestion: what is the 2006 value?\nAnswer: 15.0\nQuestion: what is the change divided by the 2006 value?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.33333" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthe following table presents the net periodic pension and opeb cost/ ( benefit ) for the years ended december 31 : millions 2013 2012 2011 2010 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>est.2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net periodic pension cost</td><td>$ 111</td><td>$ 89</td><td>$ 78</td><td>$ 51</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net periodic opeb cost/ ( benefit )</td><td>15</td><td>13</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>-14 ( 14 )</td></tr></table> our net periodic pension cost is expected to increase to approximately $ 111 million in 2013 from $ 89 million in 2012 . the increase is driven mainly by a decrease in the discount rate to 3.78% ( 3.78 % ) , our net periodic opeb expense is expected to increase to approximately $ 15 million in 2013 from $ 13 million in 2012 . the increase in our net periodic opeb cost is primarily driven by a decrease in the discount rate to 3.48% ( 3.48 % ) . cautionary information certain statements in this report , and statements in other reports or information filed or to be filed with the sec ( as well as information included in oral statements or other written statements made or to be made by us ) , are , or will be , forward-looking statements as defined by the securities act of 1933 and the securities exchange act of 1934 . these forward-looking statements and information include , without limitation , ( a ) statements in the ceo 2019s letter preceding part i ; statements regarding planned capital expenditures under the caption 201c2013 capital expenditures 201d in item 2 of part i ; statements regarding dividends in item 5 ; and statements and information set forth under the captions 201c2013 outlook 201d and 201cliquidity and capital resources 201d in this item 7 , and ( b ) any other statements or information in this report ( including information incorporated herein by reference ) regarding : expectations as to financial performance , revenue growth and cost savings ; the time by which goals , targets , or objectives will be achieved ; projections , predictions , expectations , estimates , or forecasts as to our business , financial and operational results , future economic performance , and general economic conditions ; expectations as to operational or service performance or improvements ; expectations as to the effectiveness of steps taken or to be taken to improve operations and/or service , including capital expenditures for infrastructure improvements and equipment acquisitions , any strategic business acquisitions , and modifications to our transportation plans ( including statements set forth in item 2 as to expectations related to our planned capital expenditures ) ; expectations as to existing or proposed new products and services ; expectations as to the impact of any new regulatory activities or legislation on our operations or financial results ; estimates of costs relating to environmental remediation and restoration ; estimates and expectations regarding tax matters ; expectations that claims , litigation , environmental costs , commitments , contingent liabilities , labor negotiations or agreements , or other matters will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated results of operations , financial condition , or liquidity and any other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts . forward-looking statements may be identified by their use of forward-looking terminology , such as 201cbelieves , 201d 201cexpects , 201d 201cmay , 201d 201cshould , 201d 201cwould , 201d 201cwill , 201d 201cintends , 201d 201cplans , 201d 201cestimates , 201d 201canticipates , 201d 201cprojects 201d and similar words , phrases or expressions . forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results , and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times that , or by which , such performance or results will be achieved . forward-looking statements and information are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in the statements and information . forward-looking statements and information reflect the good faith consideration by management of currently available information , and may be based on underlying assumptions believed to be reasonable under the circumstances . however , such information and assumptions ( and , therefore , such forward-looking statements and information ) are or may be subject to variables or unknown or unforeseeable events or circumstances over which management has little or no influence or control . the risk factors in item 1a of this report could affect our future results and could cause those results or other outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements or information . to the extent circumstances require or we deem it otherwise necessary , we will update or amend these risk factors in a form 10-q , form 8-k or subsequent form 10-k . all forward-looking statements are qualified by , and should be read in conjunction with , these risk factors . forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statement was made . we assume no obligation to update forward-looking information to reflect actual results , changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information . if we do update one or more forward-looking .\nQuestion: what was the net change in net periodic pension cost from 2011 to 2012?\nAnswer: 11.0\nQuestion: what was the cost in 2011?\nAnswer: 78.0\nQuestion: what is the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.14103" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthird-party sales for the engineered products and solutions segment improved 7% ( 7 % ) in 2016 compared with 2015 , primarily attributable to higher third-party sales of the two acquired businesses ( $ 457 ) , primarily related to the aerospace end market , and increased demand from the industrial gas turbine end market , partially offset by lower volumes in the oil and gas end market and commercial transportation end market as well as pricing pressures in aerospace . third-party sales for this segment improved 27% ( 27 % ) in 2015 compared with 2014 , largely attributable to the third-party sales ( $ 1310 ) of the three acquired businesses ( see above ) , and higher volumes in this segment 2019s legacy businesses , both of which were primarily related to the aerospace end market . these positive impacts were slightly offset by unfavorable foreign currency movements , principally driven by a weaker euro . atoi for the engineered products and solutions segment increased $ 47 , or 8% ( 8 % ) , in 2016 compared with 2015 , primarily related to net productivity improvements across all businesses as well as the volume increase from both the rti acquisition and organic revenue growth , partially offset by a lower margin product mix and pricing pressures in the aerospace end market . atoi for this segment increased $ 16 , or 3% ( 3 % ) , in 2015 compared with 2014 , principally the result of net productivity improvements across most businesses , a positive contribution from acquisitions , and overall higher volumes in this segment 2019s legacy businesses . these positive impacts were partially offset by unfavorable price and product mix , higher costs related to growth projects , and net unfavorable foreign currency movements , primarily related to a weaker euro . in 2017 , demand in the commercial aerospace end market is expected to remain strong , driven by the ramp up of new aerospace engine platforms , somewhat offset by continued customer destocking and engine ramp-up challenges . demand in the defense end market is expected to grow due to the continuing ramp-up of certain aerospace programs . additionally , net productivity improvements are anticipated while pricing pressure across all markets is likely to continue . transportation and construction solutions . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2016</td><td>2015</td><td>2014</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>third-party sales</td><td>$ 1802</td><td>$ 1882</td><td>$ 2021</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>atoi</td><td>$ 176</td><td>$ 166</td><td>$ 180</td></tr></table> the transportation and construction solutions segment produces products that are used mostly in the nonresidential building and construction and commercial transportation end markets . such products include integrated aluminum structural systems , architectural extrusions , and forged aluminum commercial vehicle wheels , which are sold both directly to customers and through distributors . a small part of this segment also produces aluminum products for the industrial products end market . generally , the sales and costs and expenses of this segment are transacted in the local currency of the respective operations , which are primarily the u.s . dollar , the euro , and the brazilian real . third-party sales for the transportation and construction solutions segment decreased 4% ( 4 % ) in 2016 compared with 2015 , primarily driven by lower demand from the north american commercial transportation end market , which was partially offset by rising demand from the building and construction end market . third-party sales for this segment decreased 7% ( 7 % ) in 2015 compared with 2014 , primarily driven by unfavorable foreign currency movements , principally caused by a weaker euro and brazilian real , and lower volume related to the building and construction end market , somewhat offset by higher volume related to the commercial transportation end market . atoi for the transportation and construction solutions segment increased $ 10 , or 6% ( 6 % ) , in 2016 compared with 2015 , principally driven by net productivity improvements across all businesses and growth in the building and construction segment , partially offset by lower demand in the north american heavy duty truck and brazilian markets. .\nQuestion: what was the change in the sales for the transportation and construction solutions segment from 2016 to 2017?\nAnswer: -80.0\nQuestion: and what percentage does this change represent in relation to those sales in 2016?\nAnswer: -0.04251\nQuestion: what is the difference between that percentage change for the engineered products and solutions segment, in that same period, and this one?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.11251" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\namerican tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) from december 1 through may 31 of each year . during the 2008 , 2007 and 2006 offering periods employees purchased 55764 , 48886 and 53210 shares , respectively , at weighted average prices per share of $ 30.08 , $ 33.93 and $ 24.98 , respectively . the fair value of the espp offerings is estimated on the offering period commencement date using a black-scholes pricing model with the expense recognized over the expected life , which is the six month offering period over which employees accumulate payroll deductions to purchase the company 2019s common stock . the weighted average fair value for the espp shares purchased during 2008 , 2007 and 2006 were $ 7.89 , $ 9.09 and $ 6.79 , respectively . at december 31 , 2008 , 8.8 million shares remain reserved for future issuance under the plan . key assumptions used to apply this pricing model for the years ended december 31 , are as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>range of risk free interest rates</td><td>1.99% ( 1.99 % ) 20143.28% ( 20143.28 % )</td><td>4.98% ( 4.98 % ) 20145.05% ( 20145.05 % )</td><td>5.01% ( 5.01 % ) 20145.17% ( 20145.17 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>weighted average risk-free interest rate</td><td>2.58% ( 2.58 % )</td><td>5.02% ( 5.02 % )</td><td>5.08% ( 5.08 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected life of the shares</td><td>6 months</td><td>6 months</td><td>6 months</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>range of expected volatility of underlying stock price</td><td>27.85% ( 27.85 % ) 201428.51% ( 201428.51 % )</td><td>27.53% ( 27.53 % ) 201428.74% ( 201428.74 % )</td><td>29.60% ( 29.60 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>weighted average expected volatility of underlying stock price</td><td>28.51% ( 28.51 % )</td><td>28.22% ( 28.22 % )</td><td>29.60% ( 29.60 % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>expected annual dividends</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td><td>n/a</td></tr></table> 13 . stockholders 2019 equity warrants 2014in january 2003 , the company issued warrants to purchase approximately 11.4 million shares of its common stock in connection with an offering of 808000 units , each consisting of $ 1000 principal amount at maturity of ati 12.25% ( 12.25 % ) senior subordinated discount notes due 2008 and a warrant to purchase 14.0953 shares of the company 2019s common stock . these warrants became exercisable on january 29 , 2006 at an exercise price of $ 0.01 per share . as these warrants expired on august 1 , 2008 , none were outstanding as of december 31 , in august 2005 , the company completed its merger with spectrasite , inc . and assumed outstanding warrants to purchase shares of spectrasite , inc . common stock . as of the merger completion date , each warrant was exercisable for two shares of spectrasite , inc . common stock at an exercise price of $ 32 per warrant . upon completion of the merger , each warrant to purchase shares of spectrasite , inc . common stock automatically converted into a warrant to purchase shares of the company 2019s common stock , such that upon exercise of each warrant , the holder has a right to receive 3.575 shares of the company 2019s common stock in lieu of each share of spectrasite , inc . common stock that would have been receivable under each assumed warrant prior to the merger . upon completion of the company 2019s merger with spectrasite , inc. , these warrants were exercisable for approximately 6.8 million shares of common stock . of these warrants , warrants to purchase approximately 1.8 million and 2.0 million shares of common stock remained outstanding as of december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . these warrants will expire on february 10 , 2010 . stock repurchase programs 2014during the year ended december 31 , 2008 , the company repurchased an aggregate of approximately 18.3 million shares of its common stock for an aggregate of $ 697.1 million , including commissions and fees , pursuant to its publicly announced stock repurchase programs , as described below. .\nQuestion: what was the change in value of the weighted average risk-free interest rate between 2007 and 2008?\nAnswer: -2.44\nQuestion: what is the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.48606" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\namerican tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements recognizing customer revenue , the company must assess the collectability of both the amounts billed and the portion recognized on a straight-line basis . this assessment takes customer credit risk and business and industry conditions into consideration to ultimately determine the collectability of the amounts billed . to the extent the amounts , based on management 2019s estimates , may not be collectible , recognition is deferred until such point as the uncertainty is resolved . any amounts which were previously recognized as revenue and subsequently determined to be uncollectible are charged to bad debt expense . accounts receivable are reported net of allowances for doubtful accounts related to estimated losses resulting from a customer 2019s inability to make required payments and reserves for amounts invoiced whose collectability is not reasonably assured . these allowances are generally estimated based on payment patterns , days past due and collection history , and incorporate changes in economic conditions that may not be reflected in historical trends , such as customers in bankruptcy , liquidation or reorganization . receivables are written-off against the allowances when they are determined uncollectible . such determination includes analysis and consideration of the particular conditions of the account . changes in the allowances were as follows for the years ended december 31 , ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of january 1,</td><td>$ 28520</td><td>$ 11482</td><td>$ 8850</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>current year increases</td><td>16219</td><td>26771</td><td>12059</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>recoveries and other</td><td>-22234 ( 22234 )</td><td>-9733 ( 9733 )</td><td>-9427 ( 9427 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>balance as of december 31,</td><td>$ 22505</td><td>$ 28520</td><td>$ 11482</td></tr></table> the company 2019s largest international customer is iusacell , which is the brand name under which a group of companies controlled by grupo iusacell , s.a . de c.v . ( 201cgrupo iusacell 201d ) operates . iusacell represented approximately 4% ( 4 % ) of the company 2019s total revenue for the year ended december 31 , 2010 . grupo iusacell has been engaged in a refinancing of a majority of its u.s . dollar denominated debt , and in connection with this process , two of the legal entities of the group , including grupo iusacell , voluntarily filed for a pre-packaged concurso mercantil ( a process substantially equivalent to chapter 11 of u.s . bankruptcy law ) with the backing of a majority of their financial creditors in december 2010 . as of december 31 , 2010 , iusacell notes receivable , net , and related assets ( which include financing lease commitments and a deferred rent asset that are primarily long-term in nature ) were $ 19.7 million and $ 51.2 million , respectively . functional currency 2014as a result of changes to the organizational structure of the company 2019s subsidiaries in latin america in 2010 , the company determined that effective january 1 , 2010 , the functional currency of its foreign subsidiary in brazil is the brazilian real . from that point forward , all assets and liabilities held by the subsidiary in brazil are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates and the cumulative translation effect is included in stockholders 2019 equity . the change in functional currency from u.s . dollars to brazilian real gave rise to an increase in the net value of certain non-monetary assets and liabilities . the aggregate impact on such assets and liabilities was $ 39.8 million with an offsetting increase in accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) . as a result of the renegotiation of the company 2019s agreements with its largest international customer , iusacell , which included , among other changes , converting all of iusacell 2019s contractual obligations to the company from u.s . dollars to mexican pesos , the company has determined that effective april 1 , 2010 , the functional currency of certain of its foreign subsidiaries in mexico is the mexican peso . from that point forward , all assets and liabilities held by those subsidiaries in mexico are translated into u.s . dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable reporting period . revenues and expenses are translated at the average monthly exchange rates and the cumulative translation effect is included in stockholders 2019 equity . the change in functional .\nQuestion: what is the balance of allowances at the end of 2010?\nAnswer: 22505.0\nQuestion: what about in 2009?\nAnswer: 28520.0\nQuestion: what is the net change?\nAnswer: -6015.0\nQuestion: what percentage change does this represent?\nAnswer: -0.2109\nQuestion: what is the value of iusacell notes receivable, net?\nAnswer: 19.7\nQuestion: what about the value of related assets?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "51.2" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to the consolidated financial statements union pacific corporation and subsidiary companies for purposes of this report , unless the context otherwise requires , all references herein to the 201ccorporation 201d , 201cupc 201d , 201cwe 201d , 201cus 201d , and 201cour 201d mean union pacific corporation and its subsidiaries , including union pacific railroad company , which will be separately referred to herein as 201cuprr 201d or the 201crailroad 201d . 1 . nature of operations operations and segmentation 2013 we are a class i railroad that operates in the u.s . we have 31953 route miles , linking pacific coast and gulf coast ports with the midwest and eastern u.s . gateways and providing several corridors to key mexican gateways . we serve the western two-thirds of the country and maintain coordinated schedules with other rail carriers for the handling of freight to and from the atlantic coast , the pacific coast , the southeast , the southwest , canada , and mexico . export and import traffic is moved through gulf coast and pacific coast ports and across the mexican and canadian borders . the railroad , along with its subsidiaries and rail affiliates , is our one reportable operating segment . although revenues are analyzed by commodity group , we analyze the net financial results of the railroad as one segment due to the integrated nature of our rail network . the following table provides revenue by commodity group : millions 2010 2009 2008 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>millions</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>agricultural</td><td>$ 3018</td><td>$ 2666</td><td>$ 3174</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>automotive</td><td>1271</td><td>854</td><td>1344</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>chemicals</td><td>2425</td><td>2102</td><td>2494</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>energy</td><td>3489</td><td>3118</td><td>3810</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>industrial products</td><td>2639</td><td>2147</td><td>3273</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>intermodal</td><td>3227</td><td>2486</td><td>3023</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>total freight revenues</td><td>$ 16069</td><td>$ 13373</td><td>$ 17118</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>other revenues</td><td>896</td><td>770</td><td>852</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>total operating revenues</td><td>$ 16965</td><td>$ 14143</td><td>$ 17970</td></tr></table> although our revenues are principally derived from customers domiciled in the u.s. , the ultimate points of origination or destination for some products transported are outside the u.s . basis of presentation 2013 the consolidated financial statements are presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the u.s . ( gaap ) as codified in the financial accounting standards board ( fasb ) accounting standards codification ( asc ) . 2 . significant accounting policies principles of consolidation 2013 the consolidated financial statements include the accounts of union pacific corporation and all of its subsidiaries . investments in affiliated companies ( 20% ( 20 % ) to 50% ( 50 % ) owned ) are accounted for using the equity method of accounting . all intercompany transactions are eliminated . we currently have no less than majority-owned investments that require consolidation under variable interest entity requirements . cash and cash equivalents 2013 cash equivalents consist of investments with original maturities of three months or less . accounts receivable 2013 accounts receivable includes receivables reduced by an allowance for doubtful accounts . the allowance is based upon historical losses , credit worthiness of customers , and current economic conditions . receivables not expected to be collected in one year and the associated allowances are classified as other assets in our consolidated statements of financial position . investments 2013 investments represent our investments in affiliated companies ( 20% ( 20 % ) to 50% ( 50 % ) owned ) that are accounted for under the equity method of accounting and investments in companies ( less than 20% ( 20 % ) owned ) accounted for under the cost method of accounting. .\nQuestion: what is the sum of other revenue for 2009 and 2010?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1666.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnote 10 . commitments and contingencies credit-related commitments and contingencies : credit-related financial instruments , which are off-balance sheet , include indemnified securities financing , unfunded commitments to extend credit or purchase assets , and standby letters of credit . the potential loss associated with indemnified securities financing , unfunded commitments and standby letters of credit is equal to the total gross contractual amount , which does not consider the value of any collateral . the following table summarizes the total gross contractual amounts of credit-related off-balance sheet financial instruments at december 31 . amounts reported do not reflect participations to independent third parties. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>indemnified securities financing</td><td>$ 365251</td><td>$ 324590</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>asset purchase agreements ( 1 )</td><td>8211</td><td>31780</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>unfunded commitments to extend credit</td><td>18078</td><td>20981</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>standby letters of credit</td><td>4784</td><td>6061</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) amount for 2009 excludes agreements related to the commercial paper conduits , which were consolidated in may 2009 ; see note 11 . approximately 81% ( 81 % ) of the unfunded commitments to extend credit expire within one year from the date of issue . since many of these commitments are expected to expire or renew without being drawn upon , the total commitment amount does not necessarily represent future cash requirements . securities finance : on behalf of our customers , we lend their securities to creditworthy brokers and other institutions . we generally indemnify our customers for the fair market value of those securities against a failure of the borrower to return such securities . collateral funds received in connection with our securities finance services are held by us as agent and are not recorded in our consolidated statement of condition . we require the borrowers to provide collateral in an amount equal to or in excess of 100% ( 100 % ) of the fair market value of the securities borrowed . the borrowed securities are revalued daily to determine if additional collateral is necessary . in this regard , we held , as agent , cash and u.s . government securities with an aggregate fair value of $ 375.92 billion and $ 333.07 billion as collateral for indemnified securities on loan at december 31 , 2009 and 2008 , respectively , presented in the table above . the collateral held by us is invested on behalf of our customers in accordance with their guidelines . in certain cases , the collateral is invested in third-party repurchase agreements , for which we indemnify the customer against loss of the principal invested . we require the repurchase agreement counterparty to provide collateral in an amount equal to or in excess of 100% ( 100 % ) of the amount of the repurchase agreement . the indemnified repurchase agreements and the related collateral are not recorded in our consolidated statement of condition . of the collateral of $ 375.92 billion at december 31 , 2009 and $ 333.07 billion at december 31 , 2008 referenced above , $ 77.73 billion at december 31 , 2009 and $ 68.37 billion at december 31 , 2008 was invested in indemnified repurchase agreements . we held , as agent , cash and securities with an aggregate fair value of $ 82.62 billion and $ 71.87 billion as collateral for indemnified investments in repurchase agreements at december 31 , 2009 and december 31 , 2008 , respectively . legal proceedings : in the ordinary course of business , we and our subsidiaries are involved in disputes , litigation and regulatory inquiries and investigations , both pending and threatened . these matters , if resolved adversely against us , may result in monetary damages , fines and penalties or require changes in our business practices . the resolution of these proceedings is inherently difficult to predict . however , we do not believe that the amount of any judgment , settlement or other action arising from any pending proceeding will have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial condition , although the outcome of certain of the matters described below may have a material adverse effect on our consolidated results of operations for the period in which such matter is resolved .\nQuestion: what was the total in asset purchase agreements in 2009?\nAnswer: 8211.0\nQuestion: and what was it in 2008?\nAnswer: 31780.0\nQuestion: what was, then, the change over the year?\nAnswer: -23569.0\nQuestion: what was the total in asset purchase agreements in 2008?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "31780.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\npart a0iii item a010 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance for the information required by this item a010 with respect to our executive officers , see part a0i , item 1 . of this report . for the other information required by this item a010 , see 201celection of directors , 201d 201cnominees for election to the board of directors , 201d 201ccorporate governance 201d and 201csection a016 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance , 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting will be filed within 120 a0days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report on form 10-k . item a011 . executive compensation for the information required by this item a011 , see 201ccompensation discussion and analysis , 201d 201ccompensation committee report , 201d and 201cexecutive compensation 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a012 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters for the information required by this item a012 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock , see 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the following table sets forth certain information as of december a031 , 2018 regarding our equity plans : plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1471449 $ 136.62 3578241 ( 1 ) the number of securities in column ( a ) include 22290 shares of common stock underlying performance stock units if maximum performance levels are achieved ; the actual number of shares , if any , to be issued with respect to the performance stock units will be based on performance with respect to specified financial and relative stock price measures . item a013 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence for the information required by this item a013 , see 201ccertain transactions 201d and 201ccorporate governance 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a014 . principal accounting fees and services for the information required by this item a014 , see 201caudit and non-audit fees 201d and 201caudit committee pre-approval procedures 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>plan category</td><td>number of securitiesto be issued uponexercise ofoutstanding options warrants and rights ( 1 ) ( a ) ( b )</td><td>weighted-averageexercise price ofoutstanding options warrants and rights</td><td>number of securitiesremaining available forfuture issuance underequity compensationplans ( excludingsecurities reflected in column ( a ) ) ( c )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>equity compensation plans approved by security holders</td><td>1471449</td><td>$ 136.62</td><td>3578241</td></tr></table> part a0iii item a010 . directors , executive officers and corporate governance for the information required by this item a010 with respect to our executive officers , see part a0i , item 1 . of this report . for the other information required by this item a010 , see 201celection of directors , 201d 201cnominees for election to the board of directors , 201d 201ccorporate governance 201d and 201csection a016 ( a ) beneficial ownership reporting compliance , 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting will be filed within 120 a0days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report on form 10-k . item a011 . executive compensation for the information required by this item a011 , see 201ccompensation discussion and analysis , 201d 201ccompensation committee report , 201d and 201cexecutive compensation 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a012 . security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management and related stockholder matters for the information required by this item a012 with respect to beneficial ownership of our common stock , see 201csecurity ownership of certain beneficial owners and management 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . the following table sets forth certain information as of december a031 , 2018 regarding our equity plans : plan category number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options , warrants and rights ( 1 ) weighted-average exercise price of outstanding options , warrants and rights number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans ( excluding securities reflected in column ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) equity compensation plans approved by security holders 1471449 $ 136.62 3578241 ( 1 ) the number of securities in column ( a ) include 22290 shares of common stock underlying performance stock units if maximum performance levels are achieved ; the actual number of shares , if any , to be issued with respect to the performance stock units will be based on performance with respect to specified financial and relative stock price measures . item a013 . certain relationships and related transactions , and director independence for the information required by this item a013 , see 201ccertain transactions 201d and 201ccorporate governance 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference . item a014 . principal accounting fees and services for the information required by this item a014 , see 201caudit and non-audit fees 201d and 201caudit committee pre-approval procedures 201d in the proxy statement for our 2019 annual meeting , which information is incorporated herein by reference. .\nQuestion: what was the number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights?\nAnswer: 1471449.0\nQuestion: what was the number of securities remaining available for future issuance under equity compensation plans?\nAnswer: 3578241.0\nQuestion: what is the sum total value?\nAnswer: 5049690.0\nQuestion: what was the number of securities to be issued upon exercise of outstanding options warrants and rights?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1471449.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nzimmer holdings , inc . 2013 form 10-k annual report notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) state income tax returns are generally subject to examination for a period of 3 to 5 years after filing of the respective return . the state impact of any federal changes generally remains subject to examination by various states for a period of up to one year after formal notification to the states . we have various state income tax returns in the process of examination , administrative appeals or litigation . our tax returns are currently under examination in various foreign jurisdictions . foreign jurisdictions have statutes of limitations generally ranging from 3 to 5 years . years still open to examination by foreign tax authorities in major jurisdictions include : australia ( 2009 onward ) , canada ( 2007 onward ) , france ( 2011 onward ) , germany ( 2009 onward ) , ireland ( 2009 onward ) , italy ( 2010 onward ) , japan ( 2010 onward ) , korea ( 2008 onward ) , puerto rico ( 2008 onward ) , switzerland ( 2012 onward ) , and the united kingdom ( 2012 onward ) . 16 . capital stock and earnings per share we are authorized to issue 250 million shares of preferred stock , none of which were issued or outstanding as of december 31 , 2013 . the numerator for both basic and diluted earnings per share is net earnings available to common stockholders . the denominator for basic earnings per share is the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period . the denominator for diluted earnings per share is weighted average shares outstanding adjusted for the effect of dilutive stock options and other equity awards . the following is a reconciliation of weighted average shares for the basic and diluted share computations ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>for the years ended december 31,</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td><td>2011</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>weighted average shares outstanding for basic net earnings per share</td><td>169.6</td><td>174.9</td><td>187.6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>effect of dilutive stock options and other equity awards</td><td>2.2</td><td>1.1</td><td>1.1</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>weighted average shares outstanding for diluted net earnings per share</td><td>171.8</td><td>176.0</td><td>188.7</td></tr></table> weighted average shares outstanding for basic net earnings per share 169.6 174.9 187.6 effect of dilutive stock options and other equity awards 2.2 1.1 1.1 weighted average shares outstanding for diluted net earnings per share 171.8 176.0 188.7 for the year ended december 31 , 2013 , an average of 3.1 million options to purchase shares of common stock were not included in the computation of diluted earnings per share as the exercise prices of these options were greater than the average market price of the common stock . for the years ended december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , an average of 11.9 million and 13.2 million options , respectively , were not included . during 2013 , we repurchased 9.1 million shares of our common stock at an average price of $ 78.88 per share for a total cash outlay of $ 719.0 million , including commissions . effective january 1 , 2014 , we have a new share repurchase program that authorizes purchases of up to $ 1.0 billion with no expiration date . no further purchases will be made under the previous share repurchase program . 17 . segment data we design , develop , manufacture and market orthopaedic reconstructive implants , biologics , dental implants , spinal implants , trauma products and related surgical products which include surgical supplies and instruments designed to aid in surgical procedures and post-operation rehabilitation . we also provide other healthcare-related services . we manage operations through three major geographic segments 2013 the americas , which is comprised principally of the u.s . and includes other north , central and south american markets ; europe , which is comprised principally of europe and includes the middle east and african markets ; and asia pacific , which is comprised primarily of japan and includes other asian and pacific markets . this structure is the basis for our reportable segment information discussed below . management evaluates reportable segment performance based upon segment operating profit exclusive of operating expenses pertaining to share-based payment expense , inventory step-up and certain other inventory and manufacturing related charges , 201ccertain claims , 201d goodwill impairment , 201cspecial items , 201d and global operations and corporate functions . global operations and corporate functions include research , development engineering , medical education , brand management , corporate legal , finance , and human resource functions , u.s. , puerto rico and ireland-based manufacturing operations and logistics and intangible asset amortization resulting from business combination accounting . intercompany transactions have been eliminated from segment operating profit . management reviews accounts receivable , inventory , property , plant and equipment , goodwill and intangible assets by reportable segment exclusive of u.s. , puerto rico and ireland-based manufacturing operations and logistics and corporate assets. .\nQuestion: what was the weighted average shares outstanding for diluted net earnings per share in 2013?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "171.8" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nlong-term product offerings include alpha-seeking active and index strategies . our alpha-seeking active strategies seek to earn attractive returns in excess of a market benchmark or performance hurdle while maintaining an appropriate risk profile , and leverage fundamental research and quantitative models to drive portfolio construction . in contrast , index strategies seek to closely track the returns of a corresponding index , generally by investing in substantially the same underlying securities within the index or in a subset of those securities selected to approximate a similar risk and return profile of the index . index strategies include both our non-etf index products and ishares etfs . although many clients use both alpha-seeking active and index strategies , the application of these strategies may differ . for example , clients may use index products to gain exposure to a market or asset class , or may use a combination of index strategies to target active returns . in addition , institutional non-etf index assignments tend to be very large ( multi-billion dollars ) and typically reflect low fee rates . net flows in institutional index products generally have a small impact on blackrock 2019s revenues and earnings . equity year-end 2017 equity aum totaled $ 3.372 trillion , reflecting net inflows of $ 130.1 billion . net inflows included $ 174.4 billion into ishares etfs , driven by net inflows into core funds and broad developed and emerging market equities , partially offset by non-etf index and active net outflows of $ 25.7 billion and $ 18.5 billion , respectively . blackrock 2019s effective fee rates fluctuate due to changes in aum mix . approximately half of blackrock 2019s equity aum is tied to international markets , including emerging markets , which tend to have higher fee rates than u.s . equity strategies . accordingly , fluctuations in international equity markets , which may not consistently move in tandem with u.s . markets , have a greater impact on blackrock 2019s equity revenues and effective fee rate . fixed income fixed income aum ended 2017 at $ 1.855 trillion , reflecting net inflows of $ 178.8 billion . in 2017 , active net inflows of $ 21.5 billion were diversified across fixed income offerings , and included strong inflows into municipal , unconstrained and total return bond funds . ishares etfs net inflows of $ 67.5 billion were led by flows into core , corporate and treasury bond funds . non-etf index net inflows of $ 89.8 billion were driven by demand for liability-driven investment solutions . multi-asset blackrock 2019s multi-asset team manages a variety of balanced funds and bespoke mandates for a diversified client base that leverages our broad investment expertise in global equities , bonds , currencies and commodities , and our extensive risk management capabilities . investment solutions might include a combination of long-only portfolios and alternative investments as well as tactical asset allocation overlays . component changes in multi-asset aum for 2017 are presented below . ( in millions ) december 31 , net inflows ( outflows ) market change impact december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>december 312016</td><td>net inflows ( outflows )</td><td>marketchange</td><td>fximpact</td><td>december 312017</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>asset allocation and balanced</td><td>$ 176675</td><td>$ -2502 ( 2502 )</td><td>$ 17387</td><td>$ 4985</td><td>$ 196545</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>target date/risk</td><td>149432</td><td>23925</td><td>24532</td><td>1577</td><td>199466</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>fiduciary</td><td>68395</td><td>-1047 ( 1047 )</td><td>7522</td><td>8819</td><td>83689</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>futureadvisor ( 1 )</td><td>505</td><td>-46 ( 46 )</td><td>119</td><td>2014</td><td>578</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total</td><td>$ 395007</td><td>$ 20330</td><td>$ 49560</td><td>$ 15381</td><td>$ 480278</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) futureadvisor amounts do not include aum held in ishares etfs . multi-asset net inflows reflected ongoing institutional demand for our solutions-based advice with $ 18.9 billion of net inflows coming from institutional clients . defined contribution plans of institutional clients remained a significant driver of flows , and contributed $ 20.8 billion to institutional multi-asset net inflows in 2017 , primarily into target date and target risk product offerings . retail net inflows of $ 1.1 billion reflected demand for our multi-asset income fund family , which raised $ 5.8 billion in 2017 . the company 2019s multi-asset strategies include the following : 2022 asset allocation and balanced products represented 41% ( 41 % ) of multi-asset aum at year-end . these strategies combine equity , fixed income and alternative components for investors seeking a tailored solution relative to a specific benchmark and within a risk budget . in certain cases , these strategies seek to minimize downside risk through diversification , derivatives strategies and tactical asset allocation decisions . flagship products in this category include our global allocation and multi-asset income fund families . 2022 target date and target risk products grew 16% ( 16 % ) organically in 2017 , with net inflows of $ 23.9 billion . institutional investors represented 93% ( 93 % ) of target date and target risk aum , with defined contribution plans accounting for 87% ( 87 % ) of aum . flows were driven by defined contribution investments in our lifepath offerings . lifepath products utilize a proprietary active asset allocation overlay model that seeks to balance risk and return over an investment horizon based on the investor 2019s expected retirement timing . underlying investments are primarily index products . 2022 fiduciary management services are complex mandates in which pension plan sponsors or endowments and foundations retain blackrock to assume responsibility for some or all aspects of investment management . these customized services require strong partnership with the clients 2019 investment staff and trustees in order to tailor investment strategies to meet client-specific risk budgets and return objectives. .\nQuestion: what was the value of target date/risk in 2017?\nAnswer: 199466.0\nQuestion: what was the value in 2016?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "149432.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmarathon oil corporation notes to consolidated financial statements stock appreciation rights 2013 prior to 2005 , we granted sars under the 2003 plan . no stock appreciation rights have been granted under the 2007 plan . similar to stock options , stock appreciation rights represent the right to receive a payment equal to the excess of the fair market value of shares of common stock on the date the right is exercised over the grant price . under the 2003 plan , certain sars were granted as stock-settled sars and others were granted in tandem with stock options . in general , sars granted under the 2003 plan vest ratably over a three-year period and have a maximum term of ten years from the date they are granted . stock-based performance awards 2013 prior to 2005 , we granted stock-based performance awards under the 2003 plan . no stock-based performance awards have been granted under the 2007 plan . beginning in 2005 , we discontinued granting stock-based performance awards and instead now grant cash-settled performance units to officers . all stock-based performance awards granted under the 2003 plan have either vested or been forfeited . as a result , there are no outstanding stock-based performance awards . restricted stock 2013 we grant restricted stock and restricted stock units under the 2007 plan and previously granted such awards under the 2003 plan . in 2005 , the compensation committee began granting time-based restricted stock to certain u.s.-based officers of marathon and its consolidated subsidiaries as part of their annual long-term incentive package . the restricted stock awards to officers vest three years from the date of grant , contingent on the recipient 2019s continued employment . we also grant restricted stock to certain non-officer employees and restricted stock units to certain international employees ( 201crestricted stock awards 201d ) , based on their performance within certain guidelines and for retention purposes . the restricted stock awards to non-officers generally vest in one-third increments over a three-year period , contingent on the recipient 2019s continued employment , however , certain restricted stock awards granted in 2008 will vest over a four-year period , contingent on the recipient 2019s continued employment . prior to vesting , all restricted stock recipients have the right to vote such stock and receive dividends thereon . the non-vested shares are not transferable and are held by our transfer agent . common stock units 2013 we maintain an equity compensation program for our non-employee directors under the 2007 plan and previously maintained such a program under the 2003 plan . all non-employee directors other than the chairman receive annual grants of common stock units , and they are required to hold those units until they leave the board of directors . when dividends are paid on marathon common stock , directors receive dividend equivalents in the form of additional common stock units . total stock-based compensation expense total employee stock-based compensation expense was $ 43 million , $ 66 million and $ 78 million in 2008 , 2007 and 2006 . the total related income tax benefits were $ 16 million , $ 24 million and $ 29 million . in 2008 and 2007 , cash received upon exercise of stock option awards was $ 9 million and $ 27 million . tax benefits realized for deductions during 2008 and 2007 that were in excess of the stock-based compensation expense recorded for options exercised and other stock-based awards vested during the period totaled $ 7 million and $ 30 million . cash settlements of stock option awards totaled $ 1 million in 2007 . there were no cash settlements in 2008 . stock option awards during 2008 , 2007 and 2006 , we granted stock option awards to both officer and non-officer employees . the weighted average grant date fair value of these awards was based on the following black-scholes assumptions: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>weighted average exercise price per share</td><td>$ 51.74</td><td>$ 60.94</td><td>$ 37.84</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>expected annual dividends per share</td><td>$ 0.96</td><td>$ 0.96</td><td>$ 0.80</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>expected life in years</td><td>4.8</td><td>5.0</td><td>5.1</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>expected volatility</td><td>30% ( 30 % )</td><td>27% ( 27 % )</td><td>28% ( 28 % )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>risk-free interest rate</td><td>3.1% ( 3.1 % )</td><td>4.1% ( 4.1 % )</td><td>5.0% ( 5.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>weighted average grant date fair value of stock option awards granted</td><td>$ 13.03</td><td>$ 17.24</td><td>$ 10.19</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: what was the difference in the weighted average exercise price per share between 2006 and 2008?\nAnswer: 13.9\nQuestion: and the specific value of 2006?\nAnswer: 37.84\nQuestion: and the percentage change during this time?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.36734" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to the consolidated financial statements at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from the sale of these notes was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . in august 2010 , ppg entered into a three-year credit agreement with several banks and financial institutions ( the 201ccredit agreement 201d ) . the credit agreement provides for a $ 1.2 billion unsecured revolving credit facility . in connection with entering into this credit agreement , the company terminated its 20ac650 million and its $ 1 billion revolving credit facilities that were each set to expire in 2011 . there were no outstanding amounts due under either revolving facility at the times of their termination . the company has the ability to increase the size of the credit agreement by up to an additional $ 300 million , subject to the receipt of lender commitments and other conditions . the credit agreement will terminate and all amounts outstanding will be due and payable on august 5 , 2013 . the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , 2011 ; however , the available borrowing rate on a one month , u.s . dollar denominated borrowing would have been 1.05 percent . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of 60 percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 679 million of which $ 36 million was used as of december 31 , 2011 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2011 2010 other , weighted average 3.72% ( 3.72 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2011 and 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of december 31 , 2010 33 24 total $ 33 $ 24 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2011 , total indebtedness was 43 percent of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross-default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2011 , 2010 and 2009 totaled $ 212 million , $ 189 million and $ 201 million , respectively . in october 2009 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase up to 1.2 million shares of the company 2019s stock of which 1.1 million shares were purchased in the open market ( 465006 of these shares were purchased as of december 31 , 2009 at a weighted average price of $ 56.66 per share ) . the counterparty held the shares until september of 2010 when the company paid $ 65 million and took possession of these shares . in december 2008 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase 1.5 million 44 2011 ppg annual report and form 10-k . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2011</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>other weighted average 3.72% ( 3.72 % ) as of dec . 31 2011 and 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of december 31 2010</td><td>33</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>total</td><td>$ 33</td><td>$ 24</td></tr></table> notes to the consolidated financial statements at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from the sale of these notes was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . in august 2010 , ppg entered into a three-year credit agreement with several banks and financial institutions ( the 201ccredit agreement 201d ) . the credit agreement provides for a $ 1.2 billion unsecured revolving credit facility . in connection with entering into this credit agreement , the company terminated its 20ac650 million and its $ 1 billion revolving credit facilities that were each set to expire in 2011 . there were no outstanding amounts due under either revolving facility at the times of their termination . the company has the ability to increase the size of the credit agreement by up to an additional $ 300 million , subject to the receipt of lender commitments and other conditions . the credit agreement will terminate and all amounts outstanding will be due and payable on august 5 , 2013 . the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , 2011 ; however , the available borrowing rate on a one month , u.s . dollar denominated borrowing would have been 1.05 percent . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of 60 percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 679 million of which $ 36 million was used as of december 31 , 2011 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2011 2010 other , weighted average 3.72% ( 3.72 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2011 and 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of december 31 , 2010 33 24 total $ 33 $ 24 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2011 , total indebtedness was 43 percent of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross-default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2011 , 2010 and 2009 totaled $ 212 million , $ 189 million and $ 201 million , respectively . in october 2009 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase up to 1.2 million shares of the company 2019s stock of which 1.1 million shares were purchased in the open market ( 465006 of these shares were purchased as of december 31 , 2009 at a weighted average price of $ 56.66 per share ) . the counterparty held the shares until september of 2010 when the company paid $ 65 million and took possession of these shares . in december 2008 , the company entered into an agreement with a counterparty to repurchase 1.5 million 44 2011 ppg annual report and form 10-k .\nQuestion: what were total interest payments in 2010?\nAnswer: 189.0\nQuestion: what were they in 2009?\nAnswer: 201.0\nQuestion: what is the net change in values?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-12.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nstockholders 2019 equity derivative instruments activity , net of tax , included in non-owner changes to equity within the consolidated statements of stockholders 2019 equity for the years ended december 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006 is as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance at january 1</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 16</td><td>$ 2</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>increase ( decrease ) in fair value</td><td>-9 ( 9 )</td><td>-6 ( 6 )</td><td>75</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>reclassifications to earnings</td><td>2</td><td>-10 ( 10 )</td><td>-61 ( 61 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>balance at december 31</td><td>$ -7 ( 7 )</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 16</td></tr></table> net investment in foreign operations hedge at december 31 , 2008 and 2007 , the company did not have any hedges of foreign currency exposure of net investments in foreign operations . investments hedge during the first quarter of 2006 , the company entered into a zero-cost collar derivative ( the 201csprint nextel derivative 201d ) to protect itself economically against price fluctuations in its 37.6 million shares of sprint nextel corporation ( 201csprint nextel 201d ) non-voting common stock . during the second quarter of 2006 , as a result of sprint nextel 2019s spin-off of embarq corporation through a dividend to sprint nextel shareholders , the company received approximately 1.9 million shares of embarq corporation . the floor and ceiling prices of the sprint nextel derivative were adjusted accordingly . the sprint nextel derivative was not designated as a hedge under the provisions of sfas no . 133 , 201caccounting for derivative instruments and hedging activities . 201d accordingly , to reflect the change in fair value of the sprint nextel derivative , the company recorded a net gain of $ 99 million for the year ended december 31 , 2006 , included in other income ( expense ) in the company 2019s consolidated statements of operations . in december 2006 , the sprint nextel derivative was terminated and settled in cash and the 37.6 million shares of sprint nextel were converted to common shares and sold . the company received aggregate cash proceeds of approximately $ 820 million from the settlement of the sprint nextel derivative and the subsequent sale of the 37.6 million sprint nextel shares . the company recognized a loss of $ 126 million in connection with the sale of the remaining shares of sprint nextel common stock . as described above , the company recorded a net gain of $ 99 million in connection with the sprint nextel derivative . fair value of financial instruments the company 2019s financial instruments include cash equivalents , sigma fund investments , short-term investments , accounts receivable , long-term receivables , accounts payable , accrued liabilities , derivatives and other financing commitments . the company 2019s sigma fund , available-for-sale investment portfolios and derivatives are recorded in the company 2019s consolidated balance sheets at fair value . all other financial instruments , with the exception of long-term debt , are carried at cost , which is not materially different than the instruments 2019 fair values . using quoted market prices and market interest rates , the company determined that the fair value of long- term debt at december 31 , 2008 was $ 2.8 billion , compared to a carrying value of $ 4.1 billion . since considerable judgment is required in interpreting market information , the fair value of the long-term debt is not necessarily indicative of the amount which could be realized in a current market exchange . equity price market risk at december 31 , 2008 , the company 2019s available-for-sale equity securities portfolio had an approximate fair market value of $ 128 million , which represented a cost basis of $ 125 million and a net unrealized loss of $ 3 million . these equity securities are held for purposes other than trading . %%transmsg*** transmitting job : c49054 pcn : 105000000 ***%%pcmsg|102 |00022|yes|no|02/23/2009 19:17|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : n| .\nQuestion: what was the balance of stockholder equity in january 2007?\nAnswer: 16.0\nQuestion: and what was that of january 2006?\nAnswer: 2.0\nQuestion: what is the difference between 2007's and 2006's balance?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "14.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nrelated employer payroll tax costs ) . the contributions of these amounts are due by march 15 of the calendar year following the year in which the company realizes the benefits of the deductions . this arrangement has been accounted for as contingent consideration . pre-2009 business combinations were accounted for under a former accounting standard which , among other aspects , precluded the recognition of certain contingent consideration as of the business combination date . instead , under the former accounting standard , contingent consideration is accounted for as additional purchase price ( goodwill ) at the time the contingency is resolved . as of december 31 , 2013 , the company accrued $ 20.9 million related to this arrangement within other current liabilities , as the company realized the tax benefit of the compensation deductions during the 2013 tax year . the company made the related cash contribution during the first quarter of 2014 . 11 . earnings per share the numerator for both basic and diluted earnings per share is net income . the denominator for basic earnings per share is the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period . the 2013 denominator was impacted by the common shares issued during both the ipo and the underwriters' exercise in full of the overallotment option granted to them in connection with the ipo . because such common shares were issued on july 2 , 2013 and july 31 , 2013 , respectively , they are only partially reflected in the 2013 denominator . such shares are fully reflected in the 2014 denominator . see note 9 for additional discussion of the ipo . the dilutive effect of outstanding restricted stock , restricted stock units , stock options , coworker stock purchase plan units and mpk plan units is reflected in the denominator for diluted earnings per share using the treasury stock method . the following is a reconciliation of basic shares to diluted shares: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions )</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2014</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2013</td><td>years ended december 31 , 2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>weighted-average shares - basic</td><td>170.6</td><td>156.6</td><td>145.1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>effect of dilutive securities</td><td>2.2</td><td>2.1</td><td>0.7</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>weighted-average shares - diluted</td><td>172.8</td><td>158.7</td><td>145.8</td></tr></table> there was an insignificant amount of potential common shares excluded from diluted earnings per share for the years ended december 31 , 2014 , 2013 and 2012 , as their inclusion would have had an anti-dilutive effect . 12 . deferred compensation plan on march 10 , 2010 , in connection with the company 2019s purchase of $ 28.5 million principal amount of its outstanding senior subordinated debt , the company established the restricted debt unit plan ( the 201crdu plan 201d ) , an unfunded nonqualified deferred compensation plan . the total number of rdus that could be granted under the rdu plan was 28500 . as of december 31 , 2014 , 28500 rdus were outstanding . rdus vested daily on a pro rata basis over the three-year period from january 1 , 2012 ( or , if later , the date of hire or the date of a subsequent rdu grant ) through december 31 , 2014 . all outstanding rdus were vested as of december 31 , 2014 . participants have no rights to the underlying debt . the total amount of compensation available to be paid under the rdu plan was initially to be based on two components , a principal component and an interest component . the principal component credits the rdu plan with a notional amount equal to the $ 28.5 million face value of the senior subordinated notes ( the \"debt pool\" ) , together with certain redemption premium equivalents as noted below . the interest component credited the rdu plan with amounts equal to the interest that would have been earned on the debt pool from march 10 , 2010 through maturity on october 12 , 2017 , except as discussed below . interest amounts for 2010 and 2011 were deferred until 2012 , and thereafter , interest amounts were paid to participants semi-annually on the interest payment due dates . the company used a portion of the ipo proceeds together with incremental borrowings to redeem $ 324.0 million of the total senior subordinated notes outstanding on august 1 , 2013 . in connection with the ipo and the partial redemption of the senior subordinated notes , the company amended the rdu plan to increase the retentive value of the plan . in accordance with the original terms of the rdu plan , the principal component of the rdus converted to a cash-denominated pool upon the redemption of the senior subordinated notes . in addition , the company added $ 0.1 table of contents cdw corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements .\nQuestion: what was the total of weighted-average diluted shares in 2014?\nAnswer: 172.8\nQuestion: and what was it in 2013?\nAnswer: 158.7\nQuestion: what was, then, the total of weighted-average diluted shares for the two years?\nAnswer: 331.5\nQuestion: what was the total of weighted-average diluted shares in 2012?\nAnswer: 145.8\nQuestion: including, then, 2012, what would be the total of weighted-average diluted shares for the three years, in millions?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "477.3" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nprojected payments relating to these liabilities for the next five years ending december 31 , 2012 and the period from 2013 to 2017 are as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>$ 980</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>2009</td><td>1185</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2010</td><td>978</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2011</td><td>1022</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2012</td><td>1425</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2013 - 2017</td><td>$ 8147</td></tr></table> ( 18 ) concentration of risk the company generates a significant amount of revenue from large customers , however , no customers accounted for more than 10% ( 10 % ) of total revenue or total segment revenue in the years ended december 31 , 2007 , 2006 and 2005 . financial instruments that potentially subject the company to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash equivalents and trade receivables . the company places its cash equivalents with high credit quality financial institutions and , by policy , limits the amount of credit exposure with any one financial institution . concentrations of credit risk with respect to trade receivables are limited because a large number of geographically diverse customers make up the company 2019s customer base , thus spreading the trade receivables credit risk . the company controls credit risk through monitoring procedures . ( 19 ) segment information upon completion of the certegy merger , the company implemented a new organizational structure , which resulted in a new operating segment structure beginning with the reporting of first quarter 2006 results . effective as of february 1 , 2006 , the company 2019s operating segments are tps and lps . this structure reflects how the businesses are operated and managed . the primary components of the tps segment , which includes certegy 2019s card and check services , the financial institution processing component of the former financial institution software and services segment of fis and the operations acquired from efunds , are enterprise solutions , integrated financial solutions and international businesses . the primary components of the lps segment are mortgage information services businesses , which includes the mortgage lender processing component of the former financial institution software and services segment of fis , and the former lender services , default management , and information services segments of fis . fidelity national information services , inc . and subsidiaries and affiliates notes to consolidated and combined financial statements 2014 ( continued ) .\nQuestion: what was the value of projected payments in 2010?\nAnswer: 978.0\nQuestion: what was the value in 2009?\nAnswer: 1185.0\nQuestion: what is the net difference?\nAnswer: -207.0\nQuestion: what was the 2009 value?\nAnswer: 1185.0\nQuestion: what was the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.17468" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ncritical accounting estimates our consolidated financial statements include amounts that , either by their nature or due to requirements of accounting princi- ples generally accepted in the u.s . ( gaap ) , are determined using best estimates and assumptions . while we believe that the amounts included in our consolidated financial statements reflect our best judgment , actual amounts could ultimately materi- ally differ from those currently presented . we believe the items that require the most subjective and complex estimates are : 2022 unpaid loss and loss expense reserves , including long-tail asbestos and environmental ( a&e ) reserves ; 2022 future policy benefits reserves ; 2022 valuation of value of business acquired ( voba ) and amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and voba ; 2022 the assessment of risk transfer for certain structured insurance and reinsurance contracts ; 2022 reinsurance recoverable , including a provision for uncollectible reinsurance ; 2022 the valuation of our investment portfolio and assessment of other-than-temporary impairments ( otti ) ; 2022 the valuation of deferred tax assets ; 2022 the valuation of derivative instruments related to guaranteed minimum income benefits ( gmib ) ; and 2022 the valuation of goodwill . we believe our accounting policies for these items are of critical importance to our consolidated financial statements . the following discussion provides more information regarding the estimates and assumptions required to arrive at these amounts and should be read in conjunction with the sections entitled : prior period development , asbestos and environmental and other run-off liabilities , reinsurance recoverable on ceded reinsurance , investments , net realized gains ( losses ) , and other income and expense items . unpaid losses and loss expenses overview and key data as an insurance and reinsurance company , we are required , by applicable laws and regulations and gaap , to establish loss and loss expense reserves for the estimated unpaid portion of the ultimate liability for losses and loss expenses under the terms of our policies and agreements with our insured and reinsured customers . the estimate of the liabilities includes provisions for claims that have been reported but are unpaid at the balance sheet date ( case reserves ) and for future obligations on claims that have been incurred but not reported ( ibnr ) at the balance sheet date ( ibnr may also include a provision for additional development on reported claims in instances where the case reserve is viewed to be potentially insufficient ) . loss reserves also include an estimate of expenses associated with processing and settling unpaid claims ( loss expenses ) . at december 31 , 2009 , our gross unpaid loss and loss expense reserves were $ 37.8 billion and our net unpaid loss and loss expense reserves were $ 25 billion . with the exception of certain structured settlements , for which the timing and amount of future claim pay- ments are reliably determinable , our loss reserves are not discounted for the time value of money . in connection with such structured settlements , we carry net reserves of $ 76 million , net of discount . the table below presents a roll-forward of our unpaid losses and loss expenses for the years ended december 31 , 2009 and 2008. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions of u.s . dollars )</td><td>2009 gross losses</td><td>2009 reinsurance recoverable ( 1 )</td><td>2009 net losses</td><td>2009 gross losses</td><td>2009 reinsurance recoverable ( 1 )</td><td>net losses</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 37176</td><td>$ 12935</td><td>$ 24241</td><td>$ 37112</td><td>$ 13520</td><td>$ 23592</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>losses and loss expenses incurred</td><td>11141</td><td>3719</td><td>7422</td><td>10944</td><td>3341</td><td>7603</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>losses and loss expenses paid</td><td>-11093 ( 11093 )</td><td>-4145 ( 4145 )</td><td>-6948 ( 6948 )</td><td>-9899 ( 9899 )</td><td>-3572 ( 3572 )</td><td>-6327 ( 6327 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>other ( including foreign exchange revaluation )</td><td>559</td><td>236</td><td>323</td><td>-1367 ( 1367 )</td><td>-387 ( 387 )</td><td>-980 ( 980 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>losses and loss expenses acquired</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>386</td><td>33</td><td>353</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 37783</td><td>$ 12745</td><td>$ 25038</td><td>$ 37176</td><td>$ 12935</td><td>$ 24241</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) net of provision for uncollectible reinsurance .\nQuestion: what were the gross unpaid losses in the end of the year of 2009, in millions?\nAnswer: 37783.0\nQuestion: and what were they in the beginning of that year, also in millions?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "37176.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nimprovements are amortized using the straight-line method over the lesser of the remaining respective lease term or estimated useful lives ranging from 1 to 15 years . goodwill , purchased intangibles and other long-lived assets we review our goodwill for impairment annually , or more frequently , if facts and circumstances warrant a review . we completed our annual impairment test in the second quarter of fiscal 2011 and determined that there was no impairment . in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2011 , we announced changes to our business strategy which resulted in a reduction of forecasted revenue for certain of our products . we performed an update to our goodwill impairment test for the enterprise reporting unit and determined there was no impairment . goodwill is assigned to one or more reporting segments on the date of acquisition . we evaluate goodwill for impairment by comparing the fair value of each of our reporting segments to its carrying value , including the associated goodwill . to determine the fair values , we use the market approach based on comparable publicly traded companies in similar lines of businesses and the income approach based on estimated discounted future cash flows . our cash flow assumptions consider historical and forecasted revenue , operating costs and other relevant factors . we amortize intangible assets with finite lives over their estimated useful lives and review them for impairment whenever an impairment indicator exists . we continually monitor events and changes in circumstances that could indicate carrying amounts of our long-lived assets , including our intangible assets may not be recoverable . when such events or changes in circumstances occur , we assess recoverability by determining whether the carrying value of such assets will be recovered through the undiscounted expected future cash flows . if the future undiscounted cash flows are less than the carrying amount of these assets , we recognize an impairment loss based on any excess of the carrying amount over the fair value of the assets . we did not recognize any intangible asset impairment charges in fiscal 2011 , 2010 or 2009 . our intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives of 1 to 13 years . amortization is based on the pattern in which the economic benefits of the intangible asset will be consumed . the weighted average useful lives of our intangibles assets was as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>weighted averageuseful life ( years )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>purchased technology</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>customer contracts and relationships</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>trademarks</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>acquired rights to use technology</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>localization</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other intangibles</td><td>3</td></tr></table> weighted average useful life ( years ) software development costs capitalization of software development costs for software to be sold , leased , or otherwise marketed begins upon the establishment of technological feasibility , which is generally the completion of a working prototype that has been certified as having no critical bugs and is a release candidate . amortization begins once the software is ready for its intended use , generally based on the pattern in which the economic benefits will be consumed . to date , software development costs incurred between completion of a working prototype and general availability of the related product have not been material . internal use software we capitalize costs associated with customized internal-use software systems that have reached the application development stage . such capitalized costs include external direct costs utilized in developing or obtaining the applications and payroll and payroll-related expenses for employees , who are directly associated with the development of the applications . capitalization of such costs begins when the preliminary project stage is complete and ceases at the point in which the project is substantially complete and is ready for its intended purpose . table of contents adobe systems incorporated notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) .\nQuestion: what was the weighted average useful life ( years ) of purchased technology?\nAnswer: 6.0\nQuestion: and what was it for customer contracts and relationships?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "10.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nentergy new orleans , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis ( 1 ) includes approximately $ 30 million annually for maintenance capital , which is planned spending on routine capital projects that are necessary to support reliability of service , equipment or systems and to support normal customer growth . ( 2 ) purchase obligations represent the minimum purchase obligation or cancellation charge for contractual obligations to purchase goods or services . for entergy new orleans , almost all of the total consists of unconditional fuel and purchased power obligations , including its obligations under the unit power sales agreement , which is discussed in note 8 to the financial statements . in addition to the contractual obligations given above , entergy new orleans expects to make payments of approximately $ 113 million for the years 2009-2011 related to hurricane katrina and hurricane gustav restoration work and its gas rebuild project , of which $ 32 million is expected to be incurred in 2009 . also , entergy new orleans expects to contribute $ 1.7 million to its pension plan and $ 5.9 million to its other postretirement plans in 2009 . guidance pursuant to the pension protection act of 2006 rules , effective for the 2008 plan year and beyond , may affect the level of entergy new orleans' pension contributions in the future . also in addition to the contractual obligations , entergy new orleans has $ 26.1 million of unrecognized tax benefits and interest for which the timing of payments beyond 12 months cannot be reasonably estimated due to uncertainties in the timing of effective settlement of tax positions . see note 3 to the financial statements for additional information regarding unrecognized tax benefits . the planned capital investment estimate for entergy new orleans reflects capital required to support existing business . the estimated capital expenditures are subject to periodic review and modification and may vary based on the ongoing effects of regulatory constraints , environmental compliance , market volatility , economic trends , and the ability to access capital . management provides more information on long-term debt and preferred stock maturities in notes 5 and 6 and to the financial statements . sources of capital entergy new orleans' sources to meet its capital requirements include : internally generated funds ; cash on hand ; and debt and preferred stock issuances . entergy new orleans' receivables from or ( payables to ) the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 60093</td><td>$ 47705</td><td>( $ 37166 )</td><td>( $ 37166 )</td></tr></table> see note 4 to the financial statements for a description of the money pool . as discussed above in \"bankruptcy proceedings\" , entergy new orleans issued notes due in three years in satisfaction of its affiliate prepetition accounts payable , including its indebtedness to the entergy system money pool of $ 37.2 million . entergy new orleans has obtained short-term borrowing authorization from the ferc under which it may borrow through march 2010 , up to the aggregate amount , at any one time outstanding , of $ 100 million . see note 4 to the financial statements for further discussion of entergy new orleans' short-term borrowing limits . the long- term securities issuances of entergy new orleans are limited to amounts authorized by the city council , and the current authorization extends through august 2010. .\nQuestion: what is the net change in net receivables from the money pool between from 2007 to 2008?\nAnswer: 12388.0\nQuestion: what is the balance of net receivables from the money pool between in 2007?\nAnswer: 47705.0\nQuestion: what percentage change does this represent?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.25968" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nexchanged installment notes totaling approximately $ 4.8 billion and approximately $ 400 million of inter- national paper promissory notes for interests in enti- ties formed to monetize the notes . international paper determined that it was not the primary benefi- ciary of these entities , and therefore should not consolidate its investments in these entities . during 2006 , these entities acquired an additional $ 4.8 bil- lion of international paper debt securities for cash , resulting in a total of approximately $ 5.2 billion of international paper debt obligations held by these entities at december 31 , 2006 . since international paper has , and intends to affect , a legal right to offset its obligations under these debt instruments with its investments in the entities , international paper has offset $ 5.0 billion of interest in the entities against $ 5.0 billion of international paper debt obligations held by the entities as of december 31 , 2007 . international paper also holds variable interests in two financing entities that were used to monetize long-term notes received from sales of forestlands in 2002 and 2001 . see note 8 of the notes to consolidated financial statements in item 8 . financial statements and supplementary data for a further discussion of these transactions . capital resources outlook for 2008 international paper expects to be able to meet pro- jected capital expenditures , service existing debt and meet working capital and dividend requirements during 2008 through current cash balances and cash from operations , supplemented as required by its various existing credit facilities . international paper has approximately $ 2.5 billion of committed bank credit agreements , which management believes is adequate to cover expected operating cash flow variability during our industry 2019s economic cycles . the agreements generally provide for interest rates at a floating rate index plus a pre-determined margin dependent upon international paper 2019s credit rating . the agreements include a $ 1.5 billion fully commit- ted revolving bank credit agreement that expires in march 2011 and has a facility fee of 0.10% ( 0.10 % ) payable quarterly . these agreements also include up to $ 1.0 billion of available commercial paper-based financ- ings under a receivables securitization program that expires in october 2009 with a facility fee of 0.10% ( 0.10 % ) . at december 31 , 2007 , there were no borrowings under either the bank credit agreements or receiv- ables securitization program . the company will continue to rely upon debt and capital markets for the majority of any necessary long-term funding not provided by operating cash flows . funding decisions will be guided by our capi- tal structure planning objectives . the primary goals of the company 2019s capital structure planning are to maximize financial flexibility and preserve liquidity while reducing interest expense . the majority of international paper 2019s debt is accessed through global public capital markets where we have a wide base of investors . the company was in compliance with all its debt covenants at december 31 , 2007 . principal financial covenants include maintenance of a minimum net worth , defined as the sum of common stock , paid-in capital and retained earnings , less treasury stock , plus any goodwill impairment charges , of $ 9 billion ; and a maximum total debt to capital ratio , defined as total debt divided by total debt plus net worth , of 60% ( 60 % ) . maintaining an investment grade credit rating is an important element of international paper 2019s financing strategy . at december 31 , 2007 , the company held long-term credit ratings of bbb ( stable outlook ) and baa3 ( stable outlook ) by standard & poor 2019s ( s&p ) and moody 2019s investor services ( moody 2019s ) , respectively . the company currently has short-term credit ratings by s&p and moody 2019s of a-2 and p-3 , respectively . contractual obligations for future payments under existing debt and lease commitments and purchase obligations at december 31 , 2007 , were as follows : in millions 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 thereafter maturities of long-term debt ( a ) $ 267 $ 1300 $ 1069 $ 396 $ 532 $ 3056 debt obligations with right of offset ( b ) 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 5000 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>in millions</td><td>2008</td><td>2009</td><td>2010</td><td>2011</td><td>2012</td><td>thereafter</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>maturities of long-term debt ( a )</td><td>$ 267</td><td>$ 1300</td><td>$ 1069</td><td>$ 396</td><td>$ 532</td><td>$ 3056</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>debt obligations with right of offset ( b )</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>5000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>lease obligations</td><td>136</td><td>116</td><td>101</td><td>84</td><td>67</td><td>92</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>purchase obligations ( c )</td><td>1953</td><td>294</td><td>261</td><td>235</td><td>212</td><td>1480</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>total ( d )</td><td>$ 2356</td><td>$ 1710</td><td>$ 1431</td><td>$ 715</td><td>$ 811</td><td>$ 9628</td></tr></table> ( a ) total debt includes scheduled principal payments only . ( b ) represents debt obligations borrowed from non-consolidated variable interest entities for which international paper has , and intends to affect , a legal right to offset these obligations with investments held in the entities . accordingly , in its con- solidated balance sheet at december 31 , 2007 , international paper has offset approximately $ 5.0 billion of interests in the entities against this $ 5.0 billion of debt obligations held by the entities ( see note 8 in the accompanying consolidated financial statements ) . ( c ) includes $ 2.1 billion relating to fiber supply agreements entered into at the time of the transformation plan forestland sales . ( d ) not included in the above table are unrecognized tax benefits of approximately $ 280 million. .\nQuestion: as of december 31, 2007, what was the amount of the maturities of long-term debt from the contractual obligations for future payments under existing debt and lease commitments and purchase obligations for 2008?\nAnswer: 267.0\nQuestion: and what was the total of those contractual obligations?\nAnswer: 2356.0\nQuestion: what percentage, then, of this total did that amount represent?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.11333" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nroyal caribbean cruises ltd . notes to the consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) note 9 . stock-based employee compensation we have four stock-based compensation plans , which provide for awards to our officers , directors and key employees . the plans consist of a 1990 employee stock option plan , a 1995 incentive stock option plan , a 2000 stock award plan , and a 2008 equity plan . the 1990 stock option plan and the 1995 incentive stock option plan terminated by their terms in march 2000 and february 2005 , respectively . the 2000 stock award plan , as amended , and the 2008 equity plan provide for the issuance of ( i ) incentive and non-qualified stock options , ( ii ) stock appreciation rights , ( iii ) restricted stock , ( iv ) restricted stock units and ( v ) up to 13000000 performance shares of our common stock for the 2000 stock award plan and up to 5000000 performance shares of our common stock for the 2008 equity plan . during any calendar year , no one individual shall be granted awards of more than 500000 shares . options and restricted stock units outstanding as of december 31 , 2009 vest in equal installments over four to five years from the date of grant . generally , options and restricted stock units are forfeited if the recipient ceases to be a director or employee before the shares vest . options are granted at a price not less than the fair value of the shares on the date of grant and expire not later than ten years after the date of grant . we also provide an employee stock purchase plan to facilitate the purchase by employees of up to 800000 shares of common stock in the aggregate . offerings to employees are made on a quarterly basis . subject to certain limitations , the purchase price for each share of common stock is equal to 90% ( 90 % ) of the average of the market prices of the common stock as reported on the new york stock exchange on the first business day of the purchase period and the last business day of each month of the purchase period . shares of common stock of 65005 , 36836 and 20759 were issued under the espp at a weighted-average price of $ 12.78 , $ 20.97 and $ 37.25 during 2009 , 2008 and 2007 , respectively . under the chief executive officer 2019s employment agreement we contributed 10086 shares of our common stock quarterly , to a maximum of 806880 shares , to a trust on his behalf . in january 2009 , the employment agreement and related trust agreement were amended . consequently , 768018 shares were distributed from the trust and future quarterly share distributions are issued directly to the chief executive officer . total compensation expenses recognized for employee stock-based compensation for the year ended december 31 , 2009 was $ 16.8 million . of this amount , $ 16.2 million was included within marketing , selling and administrative expenses and $ 0.6 million was included within payroll and related expenses . total compensation expense recognized for employee stock-based compensation for the year ended december 31 , 2008 was $ 5.7 million . of this amount , $ 6.4 million , which included a benefit of approximately $ 8.2 million due to a change in the employee forfeiture rate assumption was included within marketing , selling and administrative expenses and income of $ 0.7 million was included within payroll and related expenses which also included a benefit of approximately $ 1.0 million due to the change in the forfeiture rate . total compensation expenses recognized for employee stock-based compensation for the year ended december 31 , 2007 was $ 19.0 million . of this amount , $ 16.3 million was included within marketing , selling and administrative expenses and $ 2.7 million was included within payroll and related expenses . the fair value of each stock option grant is estimated on the date of grant using the black-scholes option pricing model . the estimated fair value of stock options , less estimated forfeitures , is amortized over the vesting period using the graded-vesting method . the assumptions used in the black-scholes option-pricing model are as follows : expected volatility was based on a combination of historical and implied volatilities . the risk-free interest rate is based on united states treasury zero coupon issues with a remaining term equal to the expected option life assumed at the date of grant . the expected term was calculated based on historical experience and represents the time period options actually remain outstanding . we estimate forfeitures based on historical pre-vesting forfeiture rates and revise those estimates as appropriate to reflect actual experience . in 2008 , we increased our estimated forfeiture rate from 4% ( 4 % ) for options and 8.5% ( 8.5 % ) for restricted stock units to 20% ( 20 % ) to reflect changes in employee retention rates. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2009</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>dividend yield</td><td>0.0% ( 0.0 % )</td><td>1.9% ( 1.9 % )</td><td>1.3% ( 1.3 % )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>expected stock price volatility</td><td>55.0% ( 55.0 % )</td><td>31.4% ( 31.4 % )</td><td>28.0% ( 28.0 % )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>risk-free interest rate</td><td>1.8% ( 1.8 % )</td><td>2.8% ( 2.8 % )</td><td>4.8% ( 4.8 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>expected option life</td><td>5 years</td><td>5 years</td><td>5 years</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: combined, what was the risk-free interest rate in 2008 and 2009?\nAnswer: 4.6\nQuestion: and in 2007?\nAnswer: 4.8\nQuestion: what was the total for all three years?\nAnswer: 9.4\nQuestion: so what was the average value during this time?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "3.13333" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ndiscount rate 2014the assumed discount rate is used to determine the current retirement related benefit plan expense and obligations , and represents the interest rate that is used to determine the present value of future cash flows currently expected to be required to effectively settle a plan 2019s benefit obligations . the discount rate assumption is determined for each plan by constructing a portfolio of high quality bonds with cash flows that match the estimated outflows for future benefit payments to determine a single equivalent discount rate . benefit payments are not only contingent on the terms of a plan , but also on the underlying participant demographics , including current age , and assumed mortality . we use only bonds that are denominated in u.s . dollars , rated aa or better by two of three nationally recognized statistical rating agencies , have a minimum outstanding issue of $ 50 million as of the measurement date , and are not callable , convertible , or index linked . since bond yields are generally unavailable beyond 30 years , we assume those rates will remain constant beyond that point . taking into consideration the factors noted above , our weighted average discount rate for pensions was 5.23% ( 5.23 % ) and 5.84% ( 5.84 % ) , as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively . our weighted average discount rate for other postretirement benefits was 4.94% ( 4.94 % ) and 5.58% ( 5.58 % ) as of december 31 , 2011 and 2010 , respectively . expected long-term rate of return 2014the expected long-term rate of return on assets is used to calculate net periodic expense , and is based on such factors as historical returns , targeted asset allocations , investment policy , duration , expected future long-term performance of individual asset classes , inflation trends , portfolio volatility , and risk management strategies . while studies are helpful in understanding current trends and performance , the assumption is based more on longer term and prospective views . in order to reflect expected lower future market returns , we have reduced the expected long-term rate of return assumption from 8.50% ( 8.50 % ) , used to record 2011 expense , to 8.00% ( 8.00 % ) for 2012 . the decrease in the expected return on assets assumption is primarily related to lower bond yields and updated return assumptions for equities . unless plan assets and benefit obligations are subject to remeasurement during the year , the expected return on pension assets is based on the fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year . an increase or decrease of 25 basis points in the discount rate and the expected long-term rate of return assumptions would have had the following approximate impacts on pensions : ( $ in millions ) increase ( decrease ) in 2012 expense increase ( decrease ) in december 31 , 2011 obligations . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( $ in millions )</td><td>increase ( decrease ) in 2012 expense</td><td>increase ( decrease ) in december 31 2011 obligations</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>25 basis point decrease in discount rate</td><td>$ 18</td><td>$ 146</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>25 basis point increase in discount rate</td><td>-17 ( 17 )</td><td>-154 ( 154 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>25 basis point decrease in expected return on assets</td><td>8</td><td>n.a .</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>25 basis point increase in expected return on assets</td><td>-8 ( 8 )</td><td>n.a .</td></tr></table> differences arising from actual experience or changes in assumptions might materially affect retirement related benefit plan obligations and the funded status . actuarial gains and losses arising from differences from actual experience or changes in assumptions are deferred in accumulated other comprehensive income . this unrecognized amount is amortized to the extent it exceeds 10% ( 10 % ) of the greater of the plan 2019s benefit obligation or plan assets . the amortization period for actuarial gains and losses is the estimated average remaining service life of the plan participants , which is approximately 10 years . cas expense 2014in addition to providing the methodology for calculating retirement related benefit plan costs , cas also prescribes the method for assigning those costs to specific periods . while the ultimate liability for such costs under fas and cas is similar , the pattern of cost recognition is different . the key drivers of cas pension expense include the funded status and the method used to calculate cas reimbursement for each of our plans as well as our expected long-term rate of return on assets assumption . unlike fas , cas requires the discount rate to be consistent with the expected long-term rate of return on assets assumption , which changes infrequently given its long-term nature . as a result , changes in bond or other interest rates generally do not impact cas . in addition , unlike under fas , we can only allocate pension costs for a plan under cas until such plan is fully funded as determined under erisa requirements . other fas and cas considerations 2014we update our estimates of future fas and cas costs at least annually based on factors such as calendar year actual plan asset returns , final census data from the end of the prior year , and other actual and projected experience . a key driver of the difference between fas and cas expense ( and consequently , the fas/cas adjustment ) is the pattern of earnings and expense recognition for gains and losses that arise when our asset and liability experiences differ from our assumptions under each set of requirements . under fas , our net gains and losses exceeding the 10% ( 10 % ) corridor are amortized .\nQuestion: what was the weighted average discount rate for other post-retirement benefits in 2011?\nAnswer: 4.94\nQuestion: and what was it in 2010?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "5.58" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\non the underlying exposure . for derivative contracts that are designated and qualify as cash fl ow hedges , the effective portion of gains and losses on these contracts is reported as a component of other comprehensive income and reclassifi ed into earnings in the same period the hedged transaction affects earnings . hedge ineffectiveness is immediately recognized in earnings . derivative contracts that are not designated as hedging instruments are recorded at fair value with the gain or loss recognized in current earnings during the period of change . we may enter into foreign currency forward and option contracts to reduce the effect of fl uctuating currency exchange rates ( principally the euro , the british pound , and the japanese yen ) . foreign currency derivatives used for hedging are put in place using the same or like currencies and duration as the underlying exposures . forward contracts are principally used to manage exposures arising from subsidiary trade and loan payables and receivables denominated in foreign currencies . these contracts are recorded at fair value with the gain or loss recognized in other 2014net . the purchased option contracts are used to hedge anticipated foreign currency transactions , primarily intercompany inventory activities expected to occur within the next year . these contracts are designated as cash fl ow hedges of those future transactions and the impact on earnings is included in cost of sales . we may enter into foreign currency forward contracts and currency swaps as fair value hedges of fi rm commitments . forward and option contracts generally have maturities not exceeding 12 months . in the normal course of business , our operations are exposed to fl uctuations in interest rates . these fl uctuations can vary the costs of fi nancing , investing , and operating . we address a portion of these risks through a controlled program of risk management that includes the use of derivative fi nancial instruments . the objective of controlling these risks is to limit the impact of fl uctuations in interest rates on earnings . our primary interest rate risk exposure results from changes in short-term u.s . dollar interest rates . in an effort to manage interest rate exposures , we strive to achieve an acceptable balance between fi xed and fl oating rate debt and investment positions and may enter into interest rate swaps or collars to help maintain that balance . interest rate swaps or collars that convert our fi xed- rate debt or investments to a fl oating rate are designated as fair value hedges of the underlying instruments . interest rate swaps or collars that convert fl oating rate debt or investments to a fi xed rate are designated as cash fl ow hedg- es . interest expense on the debt is adjusted to include the payments made or received under the swap agreements . goodwill and other intangibles : goodwill is not amortized . all other intangibles arising from acquisitions and research alliances have fi nite lives and are amortized over their estimated useful lives , ranging from 5 to 20 years , using the straight-line method . the weighted-average amortization period for developed product technology is approximately 12 years . amortization expense for 2008 , 2007 , and 2006 was $ 193.4 million , $ 172.8 million , and $ 7.6 million before tax , respectively . the estimated amortization expense for each of the fi ve succeeding years approximates $ 280 million before tax , per year . substantially all of the amortization expense is included in cost of sales . see note 3 for further discussion of goodwill and other intangibles acquired in 2008 and 2007 . goodwill and other intangible assets at december 31 were as follows: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>goodwill</td><td>$ 1167.5</td><td>$ 745.7</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>developed product technology 2014 gross</td><td>3035.4</td><td>1767.5</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>less accumulated amortization</td><td>-346.6 ( 346.6 )</td><td>-162.6 ( 162.6 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>developed product technology 2014 net</td><td>2688.8</td><td>1604.9</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other intangibles 2014 gross</td><td>243.2</td><td>142.8</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>less accumulated amortization</td><td>-45.4 ( 45.4 )</td><td>-38.0 ( 38.0 )</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>other intangibles 2014 net</td><td>197.8</td><td>104.8</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total intangibles 2014 net</td><td>$ 4054.1</td><td>$ 2455.4</td></tr></table> goodwill and net other intangibles are reviewed to assess recoverability at least annually and when certain impairment indicators are present . no signifi cant impairments occurred with respect to the carrying value of our goodwill or other intangible assets in 2008 , 2007 , or 2006 . property and equipment : property and equipment is stated on the basis of cost . provisions for depreciation of buildings and equipment are computed generally by the straight-line method at rates based on their estimated useful lives ( 12 to 50 years for buildings and 3 to 18 years for equipment ) . we review the carrying value of long-lived assets for potential impairment on a periodic basis and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the .\nQuestion: what was the change in value for total intangibles 2014 net from 2007 to 2008?\nAnswer: 1598.7\nQuestion: what was the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.6511" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthe following table reports the significant movements in our shareholders 2019 equity for the year ended december 31 , 2010. . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in millions of u.s . dollars )</td><td>2010</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance beginning of year</td><td>$ 19667</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income</td><td>3108</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dividends declared on common shares</td><td>-443 ( 443 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>change in net unrealized appreciation ( depreciation ) on investments net of tax</td><td>742</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>repurchase of shares</td><td>-303 ( 303 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>other movements net of tax</td><td>203</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>balance end of year</td><td>$ 22974</td></tr></table> total shareholders 2019 equity increased $ 3.3 billion in 2010 , primarily due to net income of $ 3.1 billion and the change in net unrealized appreciation on investments of $ 742 million . short-term debt at december 31 , 2010 , in connection with the financing of the rain and hail acquisition , short-term debt includes reverse repurchase agreements totaling $ 1 billion . in addition , $ 300 million in borrowings against ace 2019s revolving credit facility were outstanding at december 31 , 2010 . at december 31 , 2009 , short-term debt consisted of a five-year term loan which we repaid in december 2010 . long-term debt our total long-term debt increased by $ 200 million during the year to $ 3.4 billion and is described in detail in note 9 to the consolidated financial statements , under item 8 . in november 2010 , ace ina issued $ 700 million of 2.6 percent senior notes due november 2015 . these senior unsecured notes are guaranteed on a senior basis by the company and they rank equally with all of the company 2019s other senior obligations . in april 2008 , as part of the financing of the combined insurance acquisition , ace ina entered into a $ 450 million float- ing interest rate syndicated term loan agreement due april 2013 . simultaneously , the company entered into a swap transaction that had the economic effect of fixing the interest rate for the term of the loan . in december 2010 , ace repaid this loan and exited the swap . in december 2008 , ace ina entered into a $ 66 million dual tranche floating interest rate term loan agreement . the first tranche , a $ 50 million three-year term loan due december 2011 , had a floating interest rate . simultaneously , the company entered into a swap transaction that had the economic effect of fixing the interest rate for the term of the loan . in december 2010 , ace repaid this loan and exited the swap . the second tranche , a $ 16 million nine-month term loan , was due and repaid in september 2009 . trust preferred securities the securities outstanding consist of $ 300 million of trust preferred securities due 2030 , issued by a special purpose entity ( a trust ) that is wholly owned by us . the sole assets of the special purpose entity are debt instruments issued by one or more of our subsidiaries . the special purpose entity looks to payments on the debt instruments to make payments on the preferred securities . we have guaranteed the payments on these debt instruments . the trustees of the trust include one or more of our officers and at least one independent trustee , such as a trust company . our officers serving as trustees of the trust do not receive any compensation or other remuneration for their services in such capacity . the full $ 309 million of outstanding trust preferred securities ( calculated as $ 300 million as discussed above plus our equity share of the trust ) is shown on our con- solidated balance sheet as a liability . additional information with respect to the trust preferred securities is contained in note 9 d ) to the consolidated financial statements , under item 8 . common shares our common shares had a par value of chf 30.57 each at december 31 , 2010 . at the annual general meeting held in may 2010 , the company 2019s shareholders approved a par value reduction in an aggregate swiss franc amount , pursuant to a formula , equal to $ 1.32 per share , which we refer to as the base annual divi- dend . the base annual dividend is payable in four installments , provided that each of the swiss franc installments will be .\nQuestion: what is the net change in shareholders 2019 equity during 2010?\nAnswer: 3307.0\nQuestion: what percentage change does this represent?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.16815" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nin accordance with sfas no . 142 , goodwill and other intangible assets , the goodwill is not amortized , but will be subject to a periodic assessment for impairment by applying a fair-value-based test . none of this goodwill is expected to be deductible for tax purposes . the company performs its annual test for impairment of goodwill in may of each year . the company is required to perform a periodic assessment between annual tests in certain circumstances . the company has performed its annual test of goodwill as of may 1 , 2006 and has determined there was no impairment of goodwill during 2006 . the company allocated $ 15.8 million of the purchase price to in-process research and development projects . in-process research and development ( ipr&d ) represents the valuation of acquired , to-be- completed research projects . at the acquisition date , cyvera 2019s ongoing research and development initiatives were primarily involved with the development of its veracode technology and the beadxpress reader . these two projects were approximately 50% ( 50 % ) and 25% ( 25 % ) complete at the date of acquisition , respectively . as of december 31 , 2006 , these two projects were approximately 90% ( 90 % ) and 80% ( 80 % ) complete , respectively . the value assigned to purchased ipr&d was determined by estimating the costs to develop the acquired technology into commercially viable products , estimating the resulting net cash flows from the projects , and discounting the net cash flows to their present value . the revenue projections used to value the ipr&d were , in some cases , reduced based on the probability of developing a new technology , and considered the relevant market sizes and growth factors , expected trends in technology , and the nature and expected timing of new product introductions by the company and its competitors . the resulting net cash flows from such projects are based on the company 2019s estimates of cost of sales , operating expenses , and income taxes from such projects . the rates utilized to discount the net cash flows to their present value were based on estimated cost of capital calculations . due to the nature of the forecast and the risks associated with the projected growth and profitability of the developmental projects , discount rates of 30% ( 30 % ) were considered appropriate for the ipr&d . the company believes that these discount rates were commensurate with the projects 2019stage of development and the uncertainties in the economic estimates described above . if these projects are not successfully developed , the sales and profitability of the combined company may be adversely affected in future periods . the company believes that the foregoing assumptions used in the ipr&d analysis were reasonable at the time of the acquisition . no assurance can be given , however , that the underlying assumptions used to estimate expected project sales , development costs or profitability , or the events associated with such projects , will transpire as estimated . at the date of acquisition , the development of these projects had not yet reached technological feasibility , and the research and development in progress had no alternative future uses . accordingly , these costs were charged to expense in the second quarter of 2005 . the following unaudited pro forma information shows the results of the company 2019s operations for the years ended january 1 , 2006 and january 2 , 2005 as though the acquisition had occurred as of the beginning of the periods presented ( in thousands , except per share data ) : year ended january 1 , year ended january 2 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>year ended january 1 2006</td><td>year ended january 2 2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>revenue</td><td>$ 73501</td><td>$ 50583</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net loss</td><td>-6234 ( 6234 )</td><td>-9965 ( 9965 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>net loss per share basic and diluted</td><td>-0.15 ( 0.15 )</td><td>-0.27 ( 0.27 )</td></tr></table> illumina , inc . notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) .\nQuestion: what was the revenue in the year of 2006?\nAnswer: 73501.0\nQuestion: and what was it in 2005?\nAnswer: 50583.0\nQuestion: what is, then, the difference between the 2006 revenue and the 2005 one?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "22918.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ndecember 31 , 2008 , 2007 and 2006 , included ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2008</td><td>2007</td><td>2006</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>gain on disposition adjustment or impairment of acquired assets and obligations</td><td>$ -9.0 ( 9.0 )</td><td>$ -1.2 ( 1.2 )</td><td>$ -19.2 ( 19.2 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>consulting and professional fees</td><td>10.1</td><td>1.0</td><td>8.8</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>employee severance and retention</td><td>1.9</td><td>1.6</td><td>3.3</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>information technology integration</td><td>0.9</td><td>2.6</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>in-process research & development</td><td>38.5</td><td>6.5</td><td>2.9</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>integration personnel</td><td>2013</td><td>2013</td><td>2.5</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>facility and employee relocation</td><td>7.5</td><td>2013</td><td>1.0</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>distributor acquisitions</td><td>7.3</td><td>4.1</td><td>2013</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>sales agent and lease contract terminations</td><td>8.1</td><td>5.4</td><td>0.2</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>other</td><td>3.2</td><td>5.2</td><td>3.6</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>acquisition integration and other</td><td>$ 68.5</td><td>$ 25.2</td><td>$ 6.1</td></tr></table> included in the gain on disposition , adjustment or impairment of acquired assets and obligations for 2008 is a favorable adjustment to certain liabilities of acquired companies due to changes in circumstances surrounding those liabilities subsequent to the related measurement period . included in the gain on disposition , adjustment or impairment of acquired assets and obligations for 2006 is the sale of the former centerpulse austin land and facilities for a gain of $ 5.1 million and the favorable settlement of two pre- acquisition contingent liabilities . these gains were offset by a $ 13.4 million impairment charge for certain centerpulse tradename and trademark intangibles based principally in our europe operating segment . in-process research and development charges for 2008 are related to the acquisition of abbott spine . in-process research and development charges for 2007 are related to the acquisitions of endius and orthosoft . consulting and professional fees relate to third- party integration consulting performed in a variety of areas such as tax , compliance , logistics and human resources and legal fees related to matters involving acquired businesses . cash and equivalents 2013 we consider all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents . the carrying amounts reported in the balance sheet for cash and equivalents are valued at cost , which approximates their fair value . restricted cash is primarily composed of cash held in escrow related to certain insurance coverage . inventories 2013 inventories , net of allowances for obsolete and slow-moving goods , are stated at the lower of cost or market , with cost determined on a first-in first-out basis . property , plant and equipment 2013 property , plant and equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation . depreciation is computed using the straight-line method based on estimated useful lives of ten to forty years for buildings and improvements , three to eight years for machinery and equipment . maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred . in accordance with statement of financial accounting standards ( 201csfas 201d ) no . 144 , 201caccounting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets , 201d we review property , plant and equipment for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable . an impairment loss would be recognized when estimated future undiscounted cash flows relating to the asset are less than its carrying amount . an impairment loss is measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its fair value . software costs 2013 we capitalize certain computer software and software development costs incurred in connection with developing or obtaining computer software for internal use when both the preliminary project stage is completed and it is probable that the software will be used as intended . capitalized software costs generally include external direct costs of materials and services utilized in developing or obtaining computer software and compensation and related benefits for employees who are directly associated with the software project . capitalized software costs are included in property , plant and equipment on our balance sheet and amortized on a straight-line basis when the software is ready for its intended use over the estimated useful lives of the software , which approximate three to seven years . instruments 2013 instruments are hand-held devices used by orthopaedic surgeons during total joint replacement and other surgical procedures . instruments are recognized as long-lived assets and are included in property , plant and equipment . undeployed instruments are carried at cost , net of allowances for excess and obsolete instruments . instruments in the field are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation . depreciation is computed using the straight-line method based on average estimated useful lives , determined principally in reference to associated product life cycles , primarily five years . we review instruments for impairment in accordance with sfas no . 144 . depreciation of instruments is recognized as selling , general and administrative expense . goodwill 2013 we account for goodwill in accordance with sfas no . 142 , 201cgoodwill and other intangible assets . 201d goodwill is not amortized but is subject to annual impairment tests . goodwill has been assigned to reporting units . we perform annual impairment tests by comparing each reporting unit 2019s fair value to its carrying amount to determine if there is potential impairment . the fair value of the reporting unit and the implied fair value of goodwill are determined based upon a discounted cash flow analysis . significant assumptions are incorporated into to these discounted cash flow analyses such as estimated growth rates and risk-adjusted discount rates . we perform this test in the fourth quarter of the year . if the fair value of the reporting unit is less than its carrying value , an impairment loss is recorded to the extent that the implied fair value of the reporting unit goodwill is less than the carrying value of the reporting unit goodwill . intangible assets 2013 we account for intangible assets in accordance with sfas no . 142 . intangible assets are initially measured at their fair value . we have determined the fair value of our intangible assets either by the fair value of the z i m m e r h o l d i n g s , i n c . 2 0 0 8 f o r m 1 0 - k a n n u a l r e p o r t notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) %%transmsg*** transmitting job : c48761 pcn : 044000000 ***%%pcmsg|44 |00007|yes|no|02/24/2009 06:10|0|0|page is valid , no graphics -- color : d| .\nQuestion: what was the level of information technology integration in 2006?\nAnswer: 3.0\nQuestion: and in 2007?\nAnswer: 2.6\nQuestion: what is the difference of this value between the two years?\nAnswer: 0.4\nQuestion: and the specific value for 2007 again?\nAnswer: 2.6\nQuestion: so what is the percentage change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.15385" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nduring the year ended december 31 , 2011 , we granted 354660 performance share units having a fair value based on our grant date closing stock price of $ 28.79 . these units are payable in stock and are subject to certain financial performance criteria . the fair value of these performance share unit awards is based on the grant date closing stock price of each respective award grant and will apply to the number of units ultimately awarded . the number of shares ultimately issued for each award will be based on our financial performance as compared to peer group companies over the performance period and can range from zero to 200% ( 200 % ) . as of december 31 , 2011 , estimated share payouts for outstanding non-vested performance share unit awards ranged from 150% ( 150 % ) to 195% ( 195 % ) . for the legacy frontier performance share units assumed at july 1 , 2011 , performance is based on market performance criteria , which is calculated as the total shareholder return achieved by hollyfrontier stockholders compared with the average shareholder return achieved by an equally-weighted peer group of independent refining companies over a three-year period . these share unit awards are payable in stock based on share price performance relative to the defined peer group and can range from zero to 125% ( 125 % ) of the initial target award . these performance share units were valued at july 1 , 2011 using a monte carlo valuation model , which simulates future stock price movements using key inputs including grant date and measurement date stock prices , expected stock price performance , expected rate of return and volatility of our stock price relative to the peer group over the three-year performance period . the fair value of these performance share units at july 1 , 2011 was $ 8.6 million . of this amount , $ 7.3 million relates to post-merger services and will be recognized ratably over the remaining service period through 2013 . a summary of performance share unit activity and changes during the year ended december 31 , 2011 is presented below: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>performance share units</td><td>grants</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>outstanding at january 1 2011 ( non-vested )</td><td>556186</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>granted ( 1 )</td><td>354660</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>vesting and transfer of ownership to recipients</td><td>-136058 ( 136058 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>outstanding at december 31 2011 ( non-vested )</td><td>774788</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) includes 225116 non-vested performance share grants under the legacy frontier plan that were outstanding and retained by hollyfrontier at july 1 , 2011 . for the year ended december 31 , 2011 we issued 178148 shares of our common stock having a fair value of $ 2.6 million related to vested performance share units . based on the weighted average grant date fair value of $ 20.71 there was $ 11.7 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to non-vested performance share units . that cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.1 years . note 7 : cash and cash equivalents and investments in marketable securities our investment portfolio at december 31 , 2011 consisted of cash , cash equivalents and investments in debt securities primarily issued by government and municipal entities . we also hold 1000000 shares of connacher oil and gas limited common stock that was received as partial consideration upon the sale of our montana refinery in we invest in highly-rated marketable debt securities , primarily issued by government and municipal entities that have maturities at the date of purchase of greater than three months . we also invest in other marketable debt securities with the maximum maturity or put date of any individual issue generally not greater than two years from the date of purchase . all of these instruments , including investments in equity securities , are classified as available- for-sale . as a result , they are reported at fair value using quoted market prices . interest income is recorded as earned . unrealized gains and losses , net of related income taxes , are reported as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income . upon sale , realized gains and losses on the sale of marketable securities are computed based on the specific identification of the underlying cost of the securities sold and the unrealized gains and losses previously reported in other comprehensive income are reclassified to current earnings. .\nQuestion: what was the change in the total of performance shares outstanding during 2011?\nAnswer: 218602.0\nQuestion: and what was that total in the beginning of the year?\nAnswer: 556186.0\nQuestion: and how much, then, does that change represent in relation to this total, in percentage?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.39304" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\namerican tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) the following table illustrates the effect on net loss and net loss per share if the company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of sfas no . 123 to stock-based compensation . the estimated fair value of each option is calculated using the black-scholes option-pricing model ( in thousands , except per share amounts ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2002</td><td>2001</td><td>2000</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net loss as reported</td><td>$ -1141879 ( 1141879 )</td><td>$ -450094 ( 450094 )</td><td>$ -194628 ( 194628 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>less : total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value basedmethod for all awards net of related tax effect</td><td>-38126 ( 38126 )</td><td>-50540 ( 50540 )</td><td>-51186 ( 51186 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>pro-forma net loss</td><td>$ -1180005 ( 1180005 )</td><td>$ -500634 ( 500634 )</td><td>$ -245814 ( 245814 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share 2014as reported</td><td>$ -5.84 ( 5.84 )</td><td>$ -2.35 ( 2.35 )</td><td>$ -1.15 ( 1.15 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share 2014pro-forma</td><td>$ -6.04 ( 6.04 )</td><td>$ -2.61 ( 2.61 )</td><td>$ -1.46 ( 1.46 )</td></tr></table> fair value of financial instruments 2014as of december 31 , 2002 , the carrying amounts of the company 2019s 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) convertible notes , the 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) convertible notes , the 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) convertible notes and the senior notes were approximately $ 450.0 million , $ 210.9 million , $ 212.7 million and $ 1.0 billion , respectively , and the fair values of such notes were $ 291.4 million , $ 187.2 million , $ 144.4 million and $ 780.0 million , respectively . as of december 31 , 2001 , the carrying amount of the company 2019s 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) convertible notes , the 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) convertible notes , the 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) convertible notes and the senior notes were approximately $ 450.0 million , $ 204.1 million , $ 212.8 million and $ 1.0 billion , respectively , and the fair values of such notes were $ 268.3 million , $ 173.1 million , $ 158.2 million and $ 805.0 million , respectively . fair values were determined based on quoted market prices . the carrying values of all other financial instruments reasonably approximate the related fair values as of december 31 , 2002 and 2001 . retirement plan 2014the company has a 401 ( k ) plan covering substantially all employees who meet certain age and employment requirements . under the plan , the company matches 35% ( 35 % ) of participants 2019 contributions up to a maximum 5% ( 5 % ) of a participant 2019s compensation . the company contributed approximately $ 979000 , $ 1540000 and $ 1593000 to the plan for the years ended december 31 , 2002 , 2001 and 2000 , respectively . recent accounting pronouncements 2014in june 2001 , the fasb issued sfas no . 143 , 201caccounting for asset retirement obligations . 201d this statement establishes accounting standards for the recognition and measurement of liabilities associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets and the related asset retirement costs . the requirements of sfas no . 143 are effective for the company as of january 1 , 2003 . the company will adopt this statement in the first quarter of 2003 and does not expect the impact of adopting this statement to have a material impact on its consolidated financial position or results of operations . in august 2001 , the fasb issued sfas no . 144 , 201caccounting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets . 201d sfas no . 144 supersedes sfas no . 121 , 201caccounting for the impairment of long-lived assets and for long-lived assets to be disposed of , 201d but retains many of its fundamental provisions . sfas no . 144 also clarifies certain measurement and classification issues from sfas no . 121 . in addition , sfas no . 144 supersedes the accounting and reporting provisions for the disposal of a business segment as found in apb no . 30 , 201creporting the results of operations 2014reporting the effects of disposal of a segment of a business and extraordinary , unusual and infrequently occurring events and transactions 201d . however , sfas no . 144 retains the requirement in apb no . 30 to separately report discontinued operations , and broadens the scope of such requirement to include more types of disposal transactions . the scope of sfas no . 144 excludes goodwill and other intangible assets that are not to be amortized , as the accounting for such items is prescribed by sfas no . 142 . the company implemented sfas no . 144 on january 1 , 2002 . accordingly , all relevant impairment assessments and decisions concerning discontinued operations have been made under this standard in 2002. .\nQuestion: what was the value of contributions in 2002?\nAnswer: 979000.0\nQuestion: what was the value of contributions in 2001?\nAnswer: 1540000.0\nQuestion: what was the difference?\nAnswer: -561000.0\nQuestion: what, again, was the value in 2001?\nAnswer: 1540000.0\nQuestion: what is the percent change?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "-0.36429" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nfive-year performance comparison 2013 the following graph provides an indicator of cumulative total shareholder returns for the corporation as compared to the peer group index ( described above ) , the dj trans , and the s&p 500 . the graph assumes that $ 100 was invested in the common stock of union pacific corporation and each index on december 31 , 2009 and that all dividends were reinvested . the information below is historical in nature and is not necessarily indicative of future performance . purchases of equity securities 2013 during 2014 , we repurchased 33035204 shares of our common stock at an average price of $ 100.24 . the following table presents common stock repurchases during each month for the fourth quarter of 2014 : period total number of shares purchased [a] average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of a publicly announced plan or program [b] maximum number of shares that may yet be purchased under the plan or program [b] . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number ofsharespurchased[a]</td><td>averageprice paidpershare</td><td>total number of sharespurchased as part of apublicly announcedplan or program [b]</td><td>maximum number ofshares that may yetbe purchased under the planor program [b]</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>oct . 1 through oct . 31</td><td>3087549</td><td>$ 107.59</td><td>3075000</td><td>92618000</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>nov . 1 through nov . 30</td><td>1877330</td><td>119.84</td><td>1875000</td><td>90743000</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>dec . 1 through dec . 31</td><td>2787108</td><td>116.54</td><td>2786400</td><td>87956600</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>7751987</td><td>$ 113.77</td><td>7736400</td><td>n/a</td></tr></table> [a] total number of shares purchased during the quarter includes approximately 15587 shares delivered or attested to upc by employees to pay stock option exercise prices , satisfy excess tax withholding obligations for stock option exercises or vesting of retention units , and pay withholding obligations for vesting of retention shares . [b] effective january 1 , 2014 , our board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to 120 million shares of our common stock by december 31 , 2017 . these repurchases may be made on the open market or through other transactions . our management has sole discretion with respect to determining the timing and amount of these transactions. .\nQuestion: in 2014, what was the full amount spent on the repurchase of shares?\nAnswer: 3311448848.96\nQuestion: and what percentage of those shares were repurchased only in the fourth quarter?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.23466" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\namerican tower corporation and subsidiaries notes to consolidated financial statements 2014 ( continued ) the following table illustrates the effect on net loss and net loss per share if the company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of sfas no . 123 to stock-based compensation . the estimated fair value of each option is calculated using the black-scholes option-pricing model ( in thousands , except per share amounts ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2002</td><td>2001</td><td>2000</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net loss as reported</td><td>$ -1141879 ( 1141879 )</td><td>$ -450094 ( 450094 )</td><td>$ -194628 ( 194628 )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>less : total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value basedmethod for all awards net of related tax effect</td><td>-38126 ( 38126 )</td><td>-50540 ( 50540 )</td><td>-51186 ( 51186 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>pro-forma net loss</td><td>$ -1180005 ( 1180005 )</td><td>$ -500634 ( 500634 )</td><td>$ -245814 ( 245814 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share 2014as reported</td><td>$ -5.84 ( 5.84 )</td><td>$ -2.35 ( 2.35 )</td><td>$ -1.15 ( 1.15 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>basic and diluted net loss per share 2014pro-forma</td><td>$ -6.04 ( 6.04 )</td><td>$ -2.61 ( 2.61 )</td><td>$ -1.46 ( 1.46 )</td></tr></table> fair value of financial instruments 2014as of december 31 , 2002 , the carrying amounts of the company 2019s 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) convertible notes , the 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) convertible notes , the 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) convertible notes and the senior notes were approximately $ 450.0 million , $ 210.9 million , $ 212.7 million and $ 1.0 billion , respectively , and the fair values of such notes were $ 291.4 million , $ 187.2 million , $ 144.4 million and $ 780.0 million , respectively . as of december 31 , 2001 , the carrying amount of the company 2019s 5.0% ( 5.0 % ) convertible notes , the 2.25% ( 2.25 % ) convertible notes , the 6.25% ( 6.25 % ) convertible notes and the senior notes were approximately $ 450.0 million , $ 204.1 million , $ 212.8 million and $ 1.0 billion , respectively , and the fair values of such notes were $ 268.3 million , $ 173.1 million , $ 158.2 million and $ 805.0 million , respectively . fair values were determined based on quoted market prices . the carrying values of all other financial instruments reasonably approximate the related fair values as of december 31 , 2002 and 2001 . retirement plan 2014the company has a 401 ( k ) plan covering substantially all employees who meet certain age and employment requirements . under the plan , the company matches 35% ( 35 % ) of participants 2019 contributions up to a maximum 5% ( 5 % ) of a participant 2019s compensation . the company contributed approximately $ 979000 , $ 1540000 and $ 1593000 to the plan for the years ended december 31 , 2002 , 2001 and 2000 , respectively . recent accounting pronouncements 2014in june 2001 , the fasb issued sfas no . 143 , 201caccounting for asset retirement obligations . 201d this statement establishes accounting standards for the recognition and measurement of liabilities associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets and the related asset retirement costs . the requirements of sfas no . 143 are effective for the company as of january 1 , 2003 . the company will adopt this statement in the first quarter of 2003 and does not expect the impact of adopting this statement to have a material impact on its consolidated financial position or results of operations . in august 2001 , the fasb issued sfas no . 144 , 201caccounting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets . 201d sfas no . 144 supersedes sfas no . 121 , 201caccounting for the impairment of long-lived assets and for long-lived assets to be disposed of , 201d but retains many of its fundamental provisions . sfas no . 144 also clarifies certain measurement and classification issues from sfas no . 121 . in addition , sfas no . 144 supersedes the accounting and reporting provisions for the disposal of a business segment as found in apb no . 30 , 201creporting the results of operations 2014reporting the effects of disposal of a segment of a business and extraordinary , unusual and infrequently occurring events and transactions 201d . however , sfas no . 144 retains the requirement in apb no . 30 to separately report discontinued operations , and broadens the scope of such requirement to include more types of disposal transactions . the scope of sfas no . 144 excludes goodwill and other intangible assets that are not to be amortized , as the accounting for such items is prescribed by sfas no . 142 . the company implemented sfas no . 144 on january 1 , 2002 . accordingly , all relevant impairment assessments and decisions concerning discontinued operations have been made under this standard in 2002. .\nQuestion: what was the total of 401 ( k ) contributions in 2001?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1540000.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nassets ( including trade receivables ) that are in the scope of the update . asu 2016-13 also made amendments to the current impairment model for held-to-maturity and available-for-sale debt securities and certain guarantees . the guidance will become effective for us on january 1 , 2020 . early adoption is permitted for periods beginning on or after january 1 , 2019 . we are evaluating the effect of asu 2016-13 on our consolidated financial statements . note 2 2014 acquisitions the transactions described below were accounted for as business combinations , which requires that we record the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at fair value as of the acquisition date . on october 17 , 2018 , we acquired sicom systems , inc . ( 201csicom 201d ) for total purchase consideration of $ 409.2 million , which we funded with cash on hand and by drawing on our revolving credit facility ( described in 201cnote 8 2014 long-term debt and lines of credit 201d ) . sicom is a provider of end-to-end enterprise , cloud-based software solutions and other technologies to quick service restaurants and food service management companies . sicom 2019s technologies are complementary to our existing xenial solutions , and we believe this acquisition will expand our software-driven payments strategy by enabling us to increase our capabilities and expand on our existing presence in the restaurant vertical market . prior to the acquisition , sicom was indirectly owned by a private equity investment firm where one of our board members is a partner and investor . his direct interest in the transaction was approximately $ 1.1 million , the amount distributed to him based on his investment interest in the fund of the private equity firm that sold sicom to us . based on consideration of all relevant information , the audit committee of our board of directors recommended that the board approve the acquisition of sicom , which it did . the provisional estimated acquisition-date fair values of major classes of assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of december 31 , 2018 , including a reconciliation to the total purchase consideration , were as follows ( in thousands ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>cash and cash equivalents</td><td>$ 7540</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>property and equipment</td><td>5943</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>identified intangible assets</td><td>188294</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>other assets</td><td>22278</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>deferred income taxes</td><td>-48448 ( 48448 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>other liabilities</td><td>-31250 ( 31250 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>total identifiable net assets</td><td>144357</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>goodwill</td><td>264844</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>total purchase consideration</td><td>$ 409201</td></tr></table> as of december 31 , 2018 , we considered these balances to be provisional because we were still in the process of determining the final purchase consideration , which is subject to adjustment pursuant to the purchase agreement , and gathering and reviewing information to support the valuations of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed . goodwill arising from the acquisition of $ 264.8 million , included in the north america segment , was attributable to expected growth opportunities , an assembled workforce and potential synergies from combining our existing businesses . we expect that approximately $ 50 million of the goodwill from this acquisition will be deductible for income tax purposes . 74 2013 global payments inc . | 2018 form 10-k annual report .\nQuestion: what was the value of cash and cash equivalents as of 12/31/18?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "7540.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnotes to the consolidated financial statements the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the commitment fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of sixty percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , on november 12 , 2010 , ppg completed a public offering of $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 1.900% ( 1.900 % ) notes due 2016 ( the 201c2016 notes 201d ) , $ 500 million in aggregate principal amount of its 3.600% ( 3.600 % ) notes due 2020 ( the 201c2020 notes 201d ) and $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.500% ( 5.500 % ) notes due 2040 ( the 201c2040 notes 201d ) . these notes were issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 ( the 201coriginal indenture 201d ) between the company and the bank of new york mellon trust company , n.a. , as trustee ( the 201ctrustee 201d ) , as supplemented by a first supplemental indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 between the company and the trustee ( the 201cfirst supplemental indenture 201d ) and a second supplemental indenture dated as of november 12 , 2010 between the company and the trustee ( the 201csecond supplemental indenture 201d and , together with the original indenture and the first supplemental indenture , the 201cindenture 201d ) . the company may issue additional debt from time to time pursuant to the original indenture . the indenture governing these notes contains covenants that limit the company 2019s ability to , among other things , incur certain liens securing indebtedness , engage in certain sale-leaseback transactions , and enter into certain consolidations , mergers , conveyances , transfers or leases of all or substantially all the company 2019s assets . the terms of these notes also require the company to make an offer to repurchase notes upon a change of control triggering event ( as defined in the second supplemental indenture ) at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from this notes offering was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 791 million of which $ 31 million was used as of december 31 , 2010 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2010 2009 20ac650 million revolving credit facility , 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2009 $ 2014 $ 110 other , weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 , 2009 24 158 total $ 24 $ 268 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2010 , total indebtedness was 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross- default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 totaled $ 189 million , $ 201 million and $ 228 million , respectively . 2010 ppg annual report and form 10-k 43 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( millions )</td><td>2010</td><td>2009</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>20ac650 million revolving credit facility 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 2009</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 110</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>other weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 2009</td><td>24</td><td>158</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total</td><td>$ 24</td><td>$ 268</td></tr></table> notes to the consolidated financial statements the credit agreement provides that loans will bear interest at rates based , at the company 2019s option , on one of two specified base rates plus a margin based on certain formulas defined in the credit agreement . additionally , the credit agreement contains a commitment fee on the amount of unused commitment under the credit agreement ranging from 0.125% ( 0.125 % ) to 0.625% ( 0.625 % ) per annum . the applicable interest rate and the commitment fee will vary depending on the ratings established by standard & poor 2019s financial services llc and moody 2019s investor service inc . for the company 2019s non-credit enhanced , long- term , senior , unsecured debt . the credit agreement contains usual and customary restrictive covenants for facilities of its type , which include , with specified exceptions , limitations on the company 2019s ability to create liens or other encumbrances , to enter into sale and leaseback transactions and to enter into consolidations , mergers or transfers of all or substantially all of its assets . the credit agreement also requires the company to maintain a ratio of total indebtedness to total capitalization , as defined in the credit agreement , of sixty percent or less . the credit agreement contains customary events of default that would permit the lenders to accelerate the repayment of any loans , including the failure to make timely payments when due under the credit agreement or other material indebtedness , the failure to satisfy covenants contained in the credit agreement , a change in control of the company and specified events of bankruptcy and insolvency . there were no amounts outstanding under the credit agreement at december 31 , on november 12 , 2010 , ppg completed a public offering of $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 1.900% ( 1.900 % ) notes due 2016 ( the 201c2016 notes 201d ) , $ 500 million in aggregate principal amount of its 3.600% ( 3.600 % ) notes due 2020 ( the 201c2020 notes 201d ) and $ 250 million in aggregate principal amount of its 5.500% ( 5.500 % ) notes due 2040 ( the 201c2040 notes 201d ) . these notes were issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 ( the 201coriginal indenture 201d ) between the company and the bank of new york mellon trust company , n.a. , as trustee ( the 201ctrustee 201d ) , as supplemented by a first supplemental indenture dated as of march 18 , 2008 between the company and the trustee ( the 201cfirst supplemental indenture 201d ) and a second supplemental indenture dated as of november 12 , 2010 between the company and the trustee ( the 201csecond supplemental indenture 201d and , together with the original indenture and the first supplemental indenture , the 201cindenture 201d ) . the company may issue additional debt from time to time pursuant to the original indenture . the indenture governing these notes contains covenants that limit the company 2019s ability to , among other things , incur certain liens securing indebtedness , engage in certain sale-leaseback transactions , and enter into certain consolidations , mergers , conveyances , transfers or leases of all or substantially all the company 2019s assets . the terms of these notes also require the company to make an offer to repurchase notes upon a change of control triggering event ( as defined in the second supplemental indenture ) at a price equal to 101% ( 101 % ) of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest . cash proceeds from this notes offering was $ 983 million ( net of discount and issuance costs ) . the discount and issuance costs related to these notes , which totaled $ 17 million , will be amortized to interest expense over the respective terms of the notes . ppg 2019s non-u.s . operations have uncommitted lines of credit totaling $ 791 million of which $ 31 million was used as of december 31 , 2010 . these uncommitted lines of credit are subject to cancellation at any time and are generally not subject to any commitment fees . short-term debt outstanding as of december 31 , 2010 and 2009 , was as follows : ( millions ) 2010 2009 20ac650 million revolving credit facility , 0.8% ( 0.8 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2009 $ 2014 $ 110 other , weighted average 3.39% ( 3.39 % ) as of dec . 31 , 2010 and 2.2% ( 2.2 % ) as of december 31 , 2009 24 158 total $ 24 $ 268 ppg is in compliance with the restrictive covenants under its various credit agreements , loan agreements and indentures . the company 2019s revolving credit agreements include a financial ratio covenant . the covenant requires that the amount of total indebtedness not exceed 60% ( 60 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . as of december 31 , 2010 , total indebtedness was 45% ( 45 % ) of the company 2019s total capitalization excluding the portion of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) related to pensions and other postretirement benefit adjustments . additionally , substantially all of the company 2019s debt agreements contain customary cross- default provisions . those provisions generally provide that a default on a debt service payment of $ 10 million or more for longer than the grace period provided ( usually 10 days ) under one agreement may result in an event of default under other agreements . none of the company 2019s primary debt obligations are secured or guaranteed by the company 2019s affiliates . interest payments in 2010 , 2009 and 2008 totaled $ 189 million , $ 201 million and $ 228 million , respectively . 2010 ppg annual report and form 10-k 43 .\nQuestion: what was the total interest payment in 2010?\nAnswer: 189.0\nQuestion: what was the total interest payment in 2009?\nAnswer: 201.0\nQuestion: what is the effective rate?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.9403" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nnews corporation notes to the consolidated financial statements consideration over the fair value of the net tangible and intangible assets acquired was recorded as goodwill . the allocation is as follows ( in millions ) : assets acquired: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>intangible assets</td><td>$ 220</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>goodwill</td><td>115</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net liabilities</td><td>-50 ( 50 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>total net assets acquired</td><td>$ 285</td></tr></table> the acquired intangible assets primarily relate to broadcast licenses , which have a fair value of approximately $ 185 million , tradenames , which have a fair value of approximately $ 27 million , and customer relationships with a fair value of approximately $ 8 million . the broadcast licenses and tradenames have indefinite lives and the customer relationships are being amortized over a weighted-average useful life of approximately 6 years . wireless group 2019s results are included within the news and information services segment , and it is considered a separate reporting unit for purposes of the company 2019s annual goodwill impairment review . rea group european business in december 2016 , rea group , in which the company holds a 61.6% ( 61.6 % ) interest , sold its european business for approximately $ 140 million ( approximately 20ac133 million ) in cash , which resulted in a pre-tax gain of $ 107 million for the fiscal year ended june 30 , 2017 . the sale allows rea group to focus on its core businesses in australia and asia . in addition to the acquisitions noted above and the investments referenced in note 6 2014investments , the company used $ 62 million of cash for additional acquisitions during fiscal 2017 , primarily consisting of australian regional media ( 201carm 201d ) . arm 2019s results are included within the news and information services segment . note 5 . restructuring programs the company recorded restructuring charges of $ 92 million , $ 71 million and $ 142 million for the fiscal years ended june 30 , 2019 , 2018 and 2017 , respectively , of which $ 77 million , $ 58 million and $ 133 million related to the news and information services segment , respectively . the restructuring charges recorded in fiscal 2019 , 2018 and 2017 were primarily for employee termination benefits. .\nQuestion: what portion of total net assets purchased was related to goodwill?\nAnswer: 0.40351\nQuestion: what is the value of intangible assets purchased?\nAnswer: 220.0\nQuestion: what about the total value of net assets purchased?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "285.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nissuer purchases of equity securities during the three months ended december 31 , 2007 , we repurchased 8895570 shares of our class a common stock for an aggregate of $ 385.1 million pursuant to the $ 1.5 billion stock repurchase program publicly announced in february 2007 , as follows : period total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) average price paid per share total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs approximate dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number of shares purchased ( 1 )</td><td>average price paid per share</td><td>total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs</td><td>approximate dollar value of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 2007</td><td>3493426</td><td>$ 43.30</td><td>3493426</td><td>$ 449.9</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>november 2007</td><td>2891719</td><td>$ 44.16</td><td>2891719</td><td>$ 322.2</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>december 2007</td><td>2510425</td><td>$ 44.20</td><td>2510425</td><td>$ 216.2</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total fourth quarter</td><td>8895570</td><td>$ 43.27</td><td>8895570</td><td>$ 216.2</td></tr></table> ( 1 ) issuer repurchases pursuant to the $ 1.5 billion stock repurchase program publicly announced in february 2007 . under this program , our management was authorized through february 2008 to purchase shares from time to time through open market purchases or privately negotiated transactions at prevailing prices as permitted by securities laws and other legal requirements , and subject to market conditions and other factors . to facilitate repurchases , we typically made purchases pursuant to trading plans under rule 10b5-1 of the exchange act , which allow us to repurchase shares during periods when we otherwise might be prevented from doing so under insider trading laws or because of self-imposed trading blackout periods . subsequent to december 31 , 2007 , we repurchased 4.3 million shares of our class a common stock for an aggregate of $ 163.7 million pursuant to this program . in february 2008 , our board of directors approved a new stock repurchase program , pursuant to which we are authorized to purchase up to an additional $ 1.5 billion of our class a common stock . purchases under this stock repurchase program are subject to us having available cash to fund repurchases , as further described in item 1a of this annual report under the caption 201crisk factors 2014we anticipate that we may need additional financing to fund our stock repurchase programs , to refinance our existing indebtedness and to fund future growth and expansion initiatives 201d and item 7 of this annual report under the caption 201cmanagement 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2014liquidity and capital resources . 201d .\nQuestion: what was the total number of shares purchased in 11/07?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "2891719.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nentergy new orleans , inc . management's financial discussion and analysis entergy new orleans' receivables from the money pool were as follows as of december 31 for each of the following years: . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>2004</td><td>2003</td><td>2002</td><td>2001</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>$ 1413</td><td>$ 1783</td><td>$ 3500</td><td>$ 9208</td></tr></table> money pool activity provided $ 0.4 million of entergy new orleans' operating cash flow in 2004 , provided $ 1.7 million in 2003 , and provided $ 5.7 million in 2002 . see note 4 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for a description of the money pool . investing activities net cash used in investing activities decreased $ 15.5 million in 2004 primarily due to capital expenditures related to a turbine inspection project at a fossil plant in 2003 and decreased customer service spending . net cash used in investing activities increased $ 23.2 million in 2003 compared to 2002 primarily due to the maturity of $ 14.9 million of other temporary investments in 2002 and increased construction expenditures due to increased customer service spending . financing activities net cash used in financing activities increased $ 7.0 million in 2004 primarily due to the costs and expenses related to refinancing $ 75 million of long-term debt in 2004 and an increase of $ 2.2 million in common stock dividends paid . net cash used in financing activities increased $ 1.5 million in 2003 primarily due to additional common stock dividends paid of $ 2.2 million . in july 2003 , entergy new orleans issued $ 30 million of 3.875% ( 3.875 % ) series first mortgage bonds due august 2008 and $ 70 million of 5.25% ( 5.25 % ) series first mortgage bonds due august 2013 . the proceeds from these issuances were used to redeem , prior to maturity , $ 30 million of 7% ( 7 % ) series first mortgage bonds due july 2008 , $ 40 million of 8% ( 8 % ) series bonds due march 2006 , and $ 30 million of 6.65% ( 6.65 % ) series first mortgage bonds due march 2004 . the issuances and redemptions are not shown on the cash flow statement because the proceeds from the issuances were placed in a trust for use in the redemptions and never held as cash by entergy new orleans . see note 5 to the domestic utility companies and system energy financial statements for details on long- term debt . uses of capital entergy new orleans requires capital resources for : 2022 construction and other capital investments ; 2022 debt and preferred stock maturities ; 2022 working capital purposes , including the financing of fuel and purchased power costs ; and 2022 dividend and interest payments. .\nQuestion: what was the money pool balance in 2003?\nAnswer: 1783.0\nQuestion: what is that value divided by 1000?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1.783" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nissuer purchases of equity securities the following table provides information about our repurchases of common stock during the three-month period ended december 31 , 2012 . period total number of shares purchased average price paid per total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program ( a ) amount available for future share repurchases the program ( b ) ( in millions ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>period</td><td>total number of shares purchased</td><td>average price paid per share</td><td>total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program ( a )</td><td>amount available for future share repurchases under the program ( b ) ( in millions )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>october 1 2012 2013 october 28 2012</td><td>842445</td><td>$ 93.38</td><td>842445</td><td>$ 2522</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>october 29 2012 2013 november 25 2012</td><td>872973</td><td>90.86</td><td>872973</td><td>2443</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>november 26 2012 2013 december 31 2012</td><td>1395288</td><td>92.02</td><td>1395288</td><td>2315</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>total</td><td>3110706</td><td>$ 92.07</td><td>3110706</td><td>$ 2315</td></tr></table> ( a ) we repurchased a total of 3.1 million shares of our common stock for $ 286 million during the quarter ended december 31 , 2012 under a share repurchase program that we announced in october 2010 . ( b ) our board of directors has approved a share repurchase program for the repurchase of our common stock from time-to-time , authorizing an amount available for share repurchases of $ 6.5 billion . under the program , management has discretion to determine the dollar amount of shares to be repurchased and the timing of any repurchases in compliance with applicable law and regulation . the program does not have an expiration date . as of december 31 , 2012 , we had repurchased a total of 54.3 million shares under the program for $ 4.2 billion. .\nQuestion: what portion of total stock purchases occurred in october 2012?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.27082" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nthe following table illustrates the pro forma effect on net income and earnings per share as if all outstanding and unvested stock options in 2005 were accounted for using estimated fair value . 2005year ended december 31 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>year ended december 31,</td><td>2005</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>( in millions except per share amounts )</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>net income as reported</td><td>$ 838</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>add : stock option compensation expense included in reported net income net of related taxes</td><td>20</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>deduct : total stock option compensation expense determined under fair value method for all awards net of related taxes</td><td>-27 ( 27 )</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>pro forma net income</td><td>$ 831</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>earnings per share:</td><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>basic 2014as reported</td><td>$ 2.53</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>basic 2014pro forma</td><td>2.51</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>diluted 2014as reported</td><td>2.50</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>diluted 2014pro forma</td><td>2.48</td></tr></table> basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income available to common shareholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period , which excludes unvested shares of restricted stock . diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income available to common shareholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period and the shares representing the dilutive effect of stock options and awards and other equity-related financial instruments . the effect of stock options and restricted stock outstanding is excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share in periods in which their effect would be antidilutive . special purpose entities : we are involved with various legal forms of special purpose entities , or spes , in the normal course of our business . we use trusts to structure and sell certificated interests in pools of tax-exempt investment-grade assets principally to our mutual fund customers . these trusts are recorded in our consolidated financial statements . we transfer assets to these trusts , which are legally isolated from us , from our investment securities portfolio at adjusted book value . the trusts finance the acquisition of these assets by selling certificated interests issued by the trusts to third-party investors . the investment securities of the trusts are carried in investments securities available for sale at fair value . the certificated interests are carried in other short-term borrowings at the amount owed to the third-party investors . the interest revenue and interest expense generated by the investments and certificated interests , respectively , are recorded in net interest revenue when earned or incurred. .\nQuestion: what was the total value of outstanding shares based on the eps in 2005, in millions?\nAnswer: 838.0\nQuestion: and what was the value per share?\nAnswer: 2.53\nQuestion: what, then, can be concluded to have been the number of shares?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "331.2253" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nmission systems and training our mst business segment provides ship and submarine mission and combat systems ; mission systems and sensors for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft ; sea and land-based missile defense systems ; radar systems ; littoral combat ships ; simulation and training services ; and unmanned systems and technologies . mst 2019s major programs include aegis combat system ( aegis ) , littoral combat ship ( lcs ) , mh-60 , tpq-53 radar system and mk-41 vertical launching system . mst 2019s operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 7147</td><td>$ 7153</td><td>$ 7579</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>843</td><td>905</td><td>737</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margins</td><td>11.8% ( 11.8 % )</td><td>12.7% ( 12.7 % )</td><td>9.7% ( 9.7 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>$ 11700</td><td>$ 10800</td><td>$ 10700</td></tr></table> 2014 compared to 2013 mst 2019s net sales for 2014 were comparable to 2013 . net sales decreased by approximately $ 85 million for undersea systems programs due to decreased volume and deliveries ; and about $ 55 million related to the settlements of contract cost matters on certain programs ( including a portion of the terminated presidential helicopter program ) in 2013 that were not repeated in 2014 . the decreases were offset by higher net sales of approximately $ 80 million for integrated warfare systems and sensors programs due to increased volume ( primarily space fence ) ; and approximately $ 40 million for training and logistics solutions programs due to increased deliveries ( primarily close combat tactical trainer ) . mst 2019s operating profit for 2014 decreased $ 62 million , or 7% ( 7 % ) , compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower operating profit of approximately $ 120 million related to the settlements of contract cost matters on certain programs ( including a portion of the terminated presidential helicopter program ) in 2013 that were not repeated in 2014 ; and approximately $ 45 million due to higher reserves recorded on certain training and logistics solutions programs . the decreases were partially offset by higher operating profit of approximately $ 45 million for performance matters and reserves recorded in 2013 that were not repeated in 2014 ; and about $ 60 million for various programs due to increased risk retirements ( including mh-60 and radar surveillance programs ) . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 50 million lower for 2014 compared to 2013 . 2013 compared to 2012 mst 2019s net sales for 2013 decreased $ 426 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , compared to 2012 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower net sales of approximately $ 275 million for various ship and aviation systems programs due to lower volume ( primarily ptds as final surveillance system deliveries occurred during the second quarter of 2012 ) ; about $ 195 million for various integrated warfare systems and sensors programs ( primarily naval systems ) due to lower volume ; approximately $ 65 million for various training and logistics programs due to lower volume ; and about $ 55 million for the aegis program due to lower volume . the decreases were partially offset by higher net sales of about $ 155 million for the lcs program due to increased volume . mst 2019s operating profit for 2013 increased $ 168 million , or 23% ( 23 % ) , compared to 2012 . the increase was primarily attributable to higher operating profit of approximately $ 120 million related to the settlement of contract cost matters on certain programs ( including a portion of the terminated presidential helicopter program ) ; about $ 55 million for integrated warfare systems and sensors programs ( primarily radar and halifax class modernization programs ) due to increased risk retirements ; and approximately $ 30 million for undersea systems programs due to increased risk retirements . the increases were partially offset by lower operating profit of about $ 55 million for training and logistics programs , primarily due to the recording of approximately $ 30 million of charges mostly related to lower-of-cost-or-market considerations ; and about $ 25 million for ship and aviation systems programs ( primarily ptds ) due to lower risk retirements and volume . operating profit related to the lcs program was comparable . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were approximately $ 170 million higher for 2013 compared to 2012 . backlog backlog increased in 2014 compared to 2013 primarily due to higher orders on new program starts ( such as space fence ) . backlog increased slightly in 2013 compared to 2012 mainly due to higher orders and lower sales on integrated warfare system and sensors programs ( primarily aegis ) and lower sales on various service programs , partially offset by lower orders on ship and aviation systems ( primarily mh-60 ) . .\nQuestion: what was the change in net sales for mst from 2013 to 2014?\nAnswer: -6.0\nQuestion: and what were those net sales in 2013?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "7153.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nresults of operations and the estimated fair value of acquired assets and assumed liabilities are recorded in the consolidated financial statements from the date of acquisition . pro forma results of operations for the business combinations completed during fiscal 2016 have not been presented because the effects of these acquisitions , individually and in the aggregate , would not have been material to cadence 2019s financial results . the fair values of acquired intangible assets and assumed liabilities were determined using significant inputs that are not observable in the market . for an additional description of these fair value calculations , see note 16 in the notes to the consolidated financial statements . a trust for the benefit of the children of lip-bu tan , cadence 2019s president , chief executive officer , or ceo , and director , owned less than 2% ( 2 % ) of rocketick technologies ltd. , one of the acquired companies , and mr . tan and his wife serve as co-trustees of the trust and disclaim pecuniary and economic interest in the trust . the board of directors of cadence reviewed the transaction and concluded that it was in the best interests of cadence to proceed with the transaction . mr . tan recused himself from the board of directors 2019 discussion of the valuation of rocketick technologies ltd . and on whether to proceed with the transaction . a financial advisor provided a fairness opinion to cadence in connection with the transaction . 2014 acquisitions during fiscal 2014 , cadence acquired jasper design automation , inc. , or jasper , a privately held provider of formal analysis solutions based in mountain view , california . the acquired technology complements cadence 2019s existing system design and verification platforms . total cash consideration for jasper , after taking into account adjustments for certain costs , and cash held by jasper at closing of $ 28.7 million , was $ 139.4 million . cadence will also make payments to certain employees through the third quarter of fiscal 2017 subject to continued employment and other conditions . cadence also completed two other business combinations during fiscal 2014 for total cash consideration of $ 27.5 million , after taking into account cash acquired of $ 2.1 million . acquisition-related transaction costs transaction costs associated with acquisitions were $ 1.1 million , $ 0.7 million and $ 3.7 million during fiscal 2016 , 2015 and 2014 , respectively . these costs consist of professional fees and administrative costs and were expensed as incurred in cadence 2019s consolidated income statements . note 8 . goodwill and acquired intangibles goodwill the changes in the carrying amount of goodwill during fiscal 2016 and 2015 were as follows : gross carrying amount ( in thousands ) . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>gross carryingamount ( in thousands )</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>balance as of january 3 2015</td><td>$ 553767</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>effect of foreign currency translation</td><td>-1995 ( 1995 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>balance as of january 2 2016</td><td>551772</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>goodwill resulting from acquisitions</td><td>23579</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>effect of foreign currency translation</td><td>-2587 ( 2587 )</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>balance as of december 31 2016</td><td>$ 572764</td></tr></table> cadence completed its annual goodwill impairment test during the third quarter of fiscal 2016 and determined that the fair value of cadence 2019s single reporting unit substantially exceeded the carrying amount of its net assets and that no impairment existed. .\nQuestion: what was the change in gross carrying amount from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2016?\nAnswer: 18997.0\nQuestion: so what was the percentage change during this time?\nAnswer: 0.03431\nQuestion: what portion of the total carrying amount comes from goodwill from acquisitions?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "0.04117" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\npackaging corporation of america notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) december 31 , 2006 4 . stock-based compensation ( continued ) same period was $ 1988000 lower , than if it had continued to account for share-based compensation under apb no . 25 . basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended december 31 , 2006 were both $ 0.02 lower than if the company had continued to account for share-based compensation under apb no . 25 . prior to the adoption of sfas no . 123 ( r ) , the company presented all tax benefits of deductions resulting from share-based payment arrangements as operating cash flows in the statements of cash flows . sfas no . 123 ( r ) requires the cash flows resulting from the tax benefits from tax deductions in excess of the compensation cost recognized for those share awards ( excess tax benefits ) to be classified as financing cash flows . the excess tax benefit of $ 2885000 classified as a financing cash inflow for the year ended december 31 , 2006 would have been classified as an operating cash inflow if the company had not adopted sfas no . 123 ( r ) . as a result of adopting sfas no 123 ( r ) , unearned compensation previously recorded in stockholders 2019 equity was reclassified against additional paid in capital on january 1 , 2006 . all stock-based compensation expense not recognized as of december 31 , 2005 and compensation expense related to post 2005 grants of stock options and amortization of restricted stock will be recorded directly to additional paid in capital . compensation expense for stock options and restricted stock recognized in the statements of income for the year ended december 31 , 2006 , 2005 and 2004 was as follows : year ended december 31 , ( in thousands ) 2006 2005 2004 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>( in thousands )</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2006</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2005</td><td>year ended december 31 , 2004</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>stock options</td><td>$ -3273 ( 3273 )</td><td>$ 2014</td><td>$ 2014</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>restricted stock</td><td>-2789 ( 2789 )</td><td>-1677 ( 1677 )</td><td>-663 ( 663 )</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>impact on income before income taxes</td><td>-6062 ( 6062 )</td><td>-1677 ( 1677 )</td><td>-663 ( 663 )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>income tax benefit</td><td>2382</td><td>661</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>impact on net income</td><td>$ -3680 ( 3680 )</td><td>$ -1016 ( 1016 )</td><td>$ -403 ( 403 )</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: in the year of 2006, what was the stock options expense?\nAnswer: 3273.0\nQuestion: and what was the restricted stock expense?\nAnswer: 2789.0\nQuestion: which expense, then, was greater in that year?\nAnswer: yes\nQuestion: and in the previous year, what was the impact on net income due to those two expenses?\nAnswer: 1016.0\nQuestion: what was that impact in 2004?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "403.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\nis&gs 2019 operating profit decreased $ 60 million , or 8% ( 8 % ) , for 2014 compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to the activities mentioned above for sales , lower risk retirements and reserves recorded on an international program , partially offset by severance recoveries related to the restructuring announced in november 2013 of approximately $ 20 million for 2014 . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments , were approximately $ 30 million lower for 2014 compared to 2013 . 2013 compared to 2012 is&gs 2019 net sales decreased $ 479 million , or 5% ( 5 % ) , for 2013 compared to 2012 . the decrease was attributable to lower net sales of about $ 495 million due to decreased volume on various programs ( command and control programs for classified customers , ngi and eram programs ) ; and approximately $ 320 million due to the completion of certain programs ( such as total information processing support services , the transportation worker identification credential and the outsourcing desktop initiative for nasa ) . the decrease was partially offset by higher net sales of about $ 340 million due to the start-up of certain programs ( such as the disa gsm-o and the national science foundation antarctic support ) . is&gs 2019 operating profit decreased $ 49 million , or 6% ( 6 % ) , for 2013 compared to 2012 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower operating profit of about $ 55 million due to certain programs nearing the end of their life cycles , partially offset by higher operating profit of approximately $ 15 million due to the start-up of certain programs . adjustments not related to volume , including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters , were comparable for 2013 compared to 2012 . backlog backlog increased in 2014 compared to 2013 primarily due to several multi-year international awards and various u.s . multi-year extensions . this increase was partially offset by declining activities on various direct warfighter support and command and control programs impacted by defense budget reductions . backlog decreased in 2013 compared to 2012 primarily due to lower orders on several programs ( such as eram and ngi ) , higher sales on certain programs ( the national science foundation antarctic support and the disa gsm-o ) and declining activities on several smaller programs primarily due to the continued downturn in federal information technology budgets . trends we expect is&gs 2019 net sales to decline in 2015 in the low to mid single digit percentage range as compared to 2014 , primarily driven by the continued downturn in federal information technology budgets , an increasingly competitive environment , including the disaggregation of existing contracts , and new contract award delays , partially offset by increased sales resulting from acquisitions that occurred during the year . operating profit is expected to decline in the low double digit percentage range in 2015 primarily driven by volume and an increase in intangible amortization from 2014 acquisition activity , resulting in 2015 margins that are lower than 2014 results . missiles and fire control our mfc business segment provides air and missile defense systems ; tactical missiles and air-to-ground precision strike weapon systems ; logistics and other technical services ; fire control systems ; mission operations support , readiness , engineering support and integration services ; and manned and unmanned ground vehicles . mfc 2019s major programs include pac-3 , thaad , multiple launch rocket system , hellfire , jassm , javelin , apache , sniper ae , low altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night ( lantirn ae ) and sof clss . mfc 2019s operating results included the following ( in millions ) : . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>2014</td><td>2013</td><td>2012</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>net sales</td><td>$ 7680</td><td>$ 7757</td><td>$ 7457</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>operating profit</td><td>1358</td><td>1431</td><td>1256</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>operating margins</td><td>17.7% ( 17.7 % )</td><td>18.4% ( 18.4 % )</td><td>16.8% ( 16.8 % )</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>backlog at year-end</td><td>$ 13600</td><td>$ 15000</td><td>$ 14700</td></tr></table> 2014 compared to 2013 mfc 2019s net sales for 2014 decreased $ 77 million , or 1% ( 1 % ) , compared to 2013 . the decrease was primarily attributable to lower net sales of approximately $ 385 million for technical services programs due to decreased volume reflecting market pressures ; and about $ 115 million for tactical missile programs due to fewer deliveries ( primarily high mobility artillery .\nQuestion: what is the operating profit for mfc in 2014?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "1358.0" } ]
[ { "role": "human", "content": "Read the following texts and table with financial data from an S&P 500 earnings report carefully.Based on the question-answer history (if provided), answer the last question. The answer may require mathematical calculation based on the data provided.\n\ntable of contents company stock performance the following graph shows a five-year comparison of cumulative total shareholder return , calculated on a dividend reinvested basis , for the company , the s&p 500 index , the s&p computer hardware index , and the dow jones u.s . technology supersector index . the graph assumes $ 100 was invested in each of the company 2019s common stock , the s&p 500 index , the s&p computer hardware index , and the dow jones u.s . technology supersector index as of the market close on september 30 , 2008 . data points on the graph are annual . note that historic stock price performance is not necessarily indicative of future stock price performance . fiscal year ending september 30 . copyright 2013 s&p , a division of the mcgraw-hill companies inc . all rights reserved . copyright 2013 dow jones & co . all rights reserved . *$ 100 invested on 9/30/08 in stock or index , including reinvestment of dividends . september 30 , september 30 , september 30 , september 30 , september 30 , september 30 . <table class='wikitable'><tr><td>1</td><td>-</td><td>september 30 2008</td><td>september 30 2009</td><td>september 30 2010</td><td>september 30 2011</td><td>september 30 2012</td><td>september 30 2013</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>apple inc .</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 163</td><td>$ 250</td><td>$ 335</td><td>$ 589</td><td>$ 431</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>s&p 500 index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 93</td><td>$ 103</td><td>$ 104</td><td>$ 135</td><td>$ 161</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>s&p computer hardware index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 118</td><td>$ 140</td><td>$ 159</td><td>$ 255</td><td>$ 197</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>dow jones us technology supersector index</td><td>$ 100</td><td>$ 111</td><td>$ 124</td><td>$ 128</td><td>$ 166</td><td>$ 175</td></tr></table> .\nQuestion: what was the difference in price for apple between 2008 and 2013?\nAnswer: 331.0\nQuestion: and the percentage growth?\n" }, { "role": "agent", "content": "3.31" } ]