A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cherubi and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Plasma Storm and the flavor text: The small ball is not only filled with nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly try to peck it off. It has the attack Leech Seed with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Heal 10 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20.
Plasma Storm
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Dragon with the title Rayquaza and 120 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Dragon Vault and the flavor text: It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground. It has the attack Dragon Pulse with the cost Lightning, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 40 with the description: Discard the top 2 cards of your deck. It has the attack Shred with the cost Fire, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 90 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Dragon 2.
Dragon Vault
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning, Metal with the title Metagross and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Metang from the set Delta Species. It has the attack Crush and Burn with the cost Lightning, Metal, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: You may discard as many Energy cards as you like attached to your Pokemon in play. If you do, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each Energy card you discarded. It has the ability Delta Control with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 4 cards of your deck, choose 1 of them, and put it into your hand. Put the 3 other cards on the bottom of your deck in any order. This power can't be used if Metagross is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30.
Metagross δ
Delta Species
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Charmeleon and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Charmander from the set POP Series 5. It has the attack Slash with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Thunder Jolt with the cost Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, Charmeleon does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Water 2.
Charmeleon δ
POP Series 5
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Lt. Surge's Magneton and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lt. Surge's Magnemite from the set Gym Heroes. It has the attack Mega Shock with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, Lt. Surge's Magneton does 20 damage to itself. It has the ability Energy Charge with the description: As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), if Lt. Surge's Magneton is your Active Pokemon, you may take 1 Lightning Energy card attached to 1 of your Pokemon and attach it to Lt. Surge's Magneton. This power can't be used if Lt. Surge's Magneton is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Lt. Surge's Magneton
Gym Heroes
A Basic, EX Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Charizard-EX and 180 HP of rarity Rare Holo EX from the set Flashfire. It has the attack Stoke with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for up to 3 basic Energy cards and attach them to this Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Fire Blast with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 120 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to this Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Butterfree and 140 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Metapod from the set Rebel Clash and the flavor text: In battle, it flaps its wings at great speed to release highly toxic dust into the air. It has the attack Panic Poison with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Burned, Confused, and Poisoned. It has the attack Cutting Wind with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 80. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Rebel Clash
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Plusle and 50 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Dragon. It has the attack Cheer On with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokemon (including Plusle). It has the attack Extra Circuit with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokemon. If you choose Pokemon-ex, this attack does 40 damage instead. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Chain of Events with the description: As long as Plusle is your Active Pokemon, whenever your other Active Pokemon, if any, attacks, you may use Cheer On after the first attack (you still need the necessary Energy to use Cheer On). You can't use Cheer On more than once in this way even if your other Active Pokemon has the Chain of Events Poke-Body. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Metal -30.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Lucario and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Riolu from the set POP Series 8 and the flavor text: By catching the aura emanating from others, it can read their thoughts and movements. It has the attack Blocking Punch with the cost Metal, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Lucario by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Striking Kick with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60 with the description: This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon It has weakness against Psychic +20.
POP Series 8
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magneton and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Magnemite from the set Base Set 2 and the flavor text: Formed by several Magnemites linked together. It frequently appears when sunspots flare up. It has the attack Thunder Wave with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Selfdestruct with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: Does 20 damage to each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Magneton does 80 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Base Set 2
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ludicolo and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lombre from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Knock Off with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking and discard it. It has the attack Fire Punch with the cost Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60. It has the ability Overzealous with the description: If your opponent has any Pokemon-ex in play, each of Ludicolo's attacks does 30 more damage to the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Ludicolo δ
Crystal Guardians
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ivysaur and 100 HP of rarity Common evolved from Bulbasaur from the set Shining Legends and the flavor text: There is a plant bulb on its back. When it absorbs nutrients, the bulb is said to blossom into a large flower. It has the attack Razor Leaf with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Toxic Whip with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Shining Legends
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Beautifly and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Silcoon from the set Ruby & Sapphire. It has the attack Stun Spore with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Parallel Gain with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: Remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokemon, including Beautifly. It has the ability Withering Dust with the description: As long as Beautifly is in play, do not apply Resistance for all Active Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Ruby & Sapphire
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Rotom and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Great Encounters and the flavor text: Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. It has the attack Astonish with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Choose 1 card from your opponent's hand without looking. Look at that card you chose, then have your opponent shuffle that card into his or her deck. It has the attack Telebeam with the cost Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage and the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Darkness +20. It has resistance against Colorless -20.
Great Encounters
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Electrode and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Voltorb from the set Jungle and the flavor text: It stores electrical energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Chain Lightning with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 20 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon isn't Colorless, this attack does 10 damage to each Benched Pokemon of the same type as the Defending Pokemon (including your own). It has weakness against Fighting 2.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Houndoom and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Houndour from the set Neo Revelation and the flavor text: Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokemon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests. It has the attack Dark Flame with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Discard 1 Fire Energy card attached to Houndoom or this attack does nothing. If there are any Darkness Energy cards in your discard pile, attach 1 of them to Houndoom. It has the attack Black Fang with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Darkness Energy attached to Houndoom. This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
Neo Revelation
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sewaddle and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Legendary Treasures and the flavor text: Since this Pokemon makes its own clothes out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers. It has the attack Gnaw with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Legendary Treasures
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Dark Slowbro and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Slowpoke from the set Legendary Collection and the flavor text: It loves nothing better than to be left alone, and so sometimes ends up being manipulated by unscrupulous people. It has the attack Fickle Attack with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has the ability Reel In with the description: When you play Dark Slowbro from your hand, choose up to 3 Basic Pokemon and/or Evolution cards from your discard pile and put them into your hand. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Dark Slowbro
Legendary Collection
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Donphan and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Phanpy from the set POP Series 3. It has the attack Sniff Out with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Put any 1 card from your discard pile into your hand. It has the attack Fury Attack with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Grass 2.
POP Series 3
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Lopunny and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Buneary from the set POP Series 9 and the flavor text: It is very conscious of its looks and never fails to groom its ears. It runs with sprightly jumps. It has the attack Jump Kick with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Jazzed with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: If Lopunny evolved from Buneary during this turn, remove all damage counters from Lopunny. It has weakness against Fighting +20.
POP Series 9
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Beautifly and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Silcoon from the set Roaring Skies and the flavor text: It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey's fluids. It has the attack Whirlwind with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: You may have your opponent switch his or her Active Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon. It has the ability Miraculous Scales with the description: Prevent all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks from your opponent's Pokemon-EX. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Roaring Skies
A Level-Up Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Torterra LV.X and 160 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Torterra from the set DP Black Star Promos. It has the attack Vigorous Dash with the cost Grass, Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 100 with the description: Does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Torterra does 30 damage to itself. It has the ability Forest Murmurs with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if you have more Prize cards left than your opponent, you may choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with 1 of the Defending Pokemon. This power can't be used if Torterra is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fire +30.
Torterra LV.X
DP Black Star Promos
A Basic, V Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Dhelmise V and 220 HP of rarity Rare Holo V from the set Sword & Shield. It has the attack Anchor Anger with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30+ with the description: If any of your Grass Pokemon were Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack during their last turn, this attack does 90 more damage. It has the attack Giga Hammer with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 200 with the description: During your next turn, this Pokemon can't use Giga Hammer. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Dhelmise V
Sword & Shield
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mewtwo and 100 HP of rarity None from the set Pokemon Rumble. It has the attack Super Psy Bolt with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Pokémon Rumble
A Basic, EX Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Genesect-EX and 170 HP of rarity Rare Holo EX from the set Plasma Blast. It has the attack Megalo Cannon with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 100 with the description: Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness or Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the ability Red Signal with the description: When you attach a Plasma Energy from your hand to this Pokemon, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with his or her Active Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Plasma Blast
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Azumarill and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Marill from the set Neo Genesis and the flavor text: By keeping still and listening intently, it can tell what is in even wild, fast-moving rivers. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Bubble Shower with the cost Water, Water, Water, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Neo Genesis
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Paras and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Darkness Ablaze and the flavor text: The mushrooms, known as tochukaso, are controlling the bug. Even if the bug bugs the mushrooms, they tell it to bug off. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Darkness Ablaze
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Hypno and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Drowzee from the set Aquapolis. It has the attack Spiral Aura with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon isn't Knocked Out by the damage from this attack, you may choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch the Defending Pokemon with it. It has the ability Sleep Pendulum with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Hypno is your Active Pokemon, you may make the Defending Pokemon Asleep. This power can't be used if Hypno is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Ampharos and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Flaaffy from the set Expedition Base Set. It has the attack Lightning Strike with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 40 with the description: You may discard all Lightning Energy cards attached to Ampharos. If you do, this attack's base damage is 80 instead of 40. It has the ability Energy Connect with the description: As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may take a basic Energy card attached to 1 of your Benched Pokemon and attach it to your Active Pokemon. This power can't be used if Ampharos is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Expedition Base Set
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sceptile and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Grovyle from the set Plasma Freeze and the flavor text: The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat. It has the attack X-Scissor with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 more damage. It has the attack Energy Bloom with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80 with the description: Heal 20 damage from each of your Pokemon that has any Energy attached to it. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20.
Plasma Freeze
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Ambipom and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Aipom from the set Mysterious Treasures and the flavor text: To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. It rarely uses its arms now. It has the attack Tail Influence with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Your opponent flips a coin until he or she gets heads. For each tails, remove an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon and put it on the bottom of your opponent's deck. It has the attack Charity Tail with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 80 with the description: Before Ambipom does damage, your opponent may discard 2 cards from his or her hand. If he or she does, this attack's base damage is 10 instead of 80. It has weakness against Fighting +20.
Mysterious Treasures
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Team Magma's Numel and 70 HP of rarity Common from the set Double Crisis and the flavor text: No matter how heavy the cargo, we can transport it to our destination with ease, thanks to Numel. It has the attack Ember with the cost Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Discard an Energy attached to this Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
Team Magma's Numel
Double Crisis
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Dartrix and 80 HP of rarity Rare Shiny evolved from Rowlet from the set Shiny Vault and the flavor text: A bit of a dandy, it spends its free time preening its wings. Its preoccupation with any dirt on its plumage can leave it unable to battle. It has the attack Sharp Blade Quill with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has the attack Leaf Blade with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Shiny Vault
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Chikorita and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set BREAKpoint and the flavor text: It uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Blot with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Heal 10 damage from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Heracross and 130 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Cosmic Eclipse and the flavor text: It's proud of its thick horn. In Alola, its biggest rival is Vikavolt, which it's always fighting with. It has the attack Lunge Out with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Riled Horn with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: If your opponent has any TAG TEAM Pokemon in play, this attack does 70 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Cosmic Eclipse
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Dusclops and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Duskull from the set Sandstorm. It has the attack Judgement with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out. It has the attack Random Curse with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 with the description: Put a total of 5 damage counters on all Defending Pokemon in any way you like. It has weakness against Darkness 2. It has resistance against Fighting -30.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Caterpie and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Unbroken Bonds and the flavor text: Perhaps because it would like to grow up quickly, it has a voracious appetite, eating a hundred leaves a day. It has the attack Hook with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10. It has the ability Pupate with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card that evolves from this Pokemon and put it onto this Pokemon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Unbroken Bonds
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Weedle and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Crimson Invasion and the flavor text: Often found in forests and grasslands. It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two inches on top of its head. It has the attack Poison Sting with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Crimson Invasion
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Scyther and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set Celestial Storm and the flavor text: While young, they live together deep in the mountains, training themselves in how to fight with their scythes and move at high speeds. It has the attack Twin Play with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for up to 2 Scyther and put them onto your Bench. Then, shuffle your deck. It has the attack Agility with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Celestial Storm
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Ho-Oh and 80 HP of rarity Promo from the set HGSS Black Star Promos and the flavor text: A legend says that its body glows in seven colors. A rainbow is said to form behind when it flies. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Sacred Fire with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 80 damage to that Pokemon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
HGSS Black Star Promos
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Ledyba and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Burning Shadows and the flavor text: They are timid and grow uneasy when not in a swarm with others of their kind. The pattern on their backs differs slightly from one to another. It has the attack Agility with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Burning Shadows
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Flygon and 120 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Vibrava from the set Rising Rivals. It has the attack Sand Wall with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Discard a Stadium card your opponent has in play. If you do, prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Flygon during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Power Swing with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60+ with the description: Does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each Evolved Pokemon on your Bench. It has the ability Rainbow Float with the description: If any basic Energy card attached to Flygon is the same type as any of your Pokemon, the Retreat Cost for those Pokemon is 0. It has weakness against Colorless +30. It has resistance against Lightning -20.
Rising Rivals
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Dark Hypno and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Drowzee from the set Team Rocket and the flavor text: Carries a pendulum with it always. Sometimes appears near less-traveled roads and schools at dusk. It has the attack Psypunch with the cost Psychic, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Bench Manipulation with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 20 with the description: Your opponent flips a number of coins equal to the number of Pokemon on his or her Bench. This attack does 20 damage times the number of tails. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack. (Any other effects that would happen after applying Weakness and Resistance still happen.) It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Dark Hypno
Team Rocket
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Shaymin and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set HSUnleashed and the flavor text: The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are the message it delivers. It has the attack Energy Bloom with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Remove 3 damage counters from each of your Pokemon that has any Energy attached to it. It has the ability Celebration Wind with the description: Once during your turn, when you put Shaymin from your hand onto your Bench, you may move as many Energy cards attached to your Pokemon as you like to any of your other Pokemon. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mew and 60 HP of rarity None from the set Pokemon Rumble. It has the attack Cut with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Will-o'-the-wisp with the cost Psychic, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 60. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Pokémon Rumble
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Snover and 80 HP of rarity Common from the set Forbidden Light and the flavor text: In the spring, it grows berries with the texture of frozen treats around its belly. It has the attack Ice Shard with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: If your opponent's Active Pokemon is a Fighting Pokemon, this attack does 40 more damage. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Forbidden Light
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Ludicolo and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lombre from the set Deoxys. It has the attack Healing Steps with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: You may discard as many cards as you like from your hand. If you do, remove that many damage counters from Ludicolo. It has the attack Circular Steps with the cost Water, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the number of Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponent's), excluding Ludicolo. It has the ability Swing Dance with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may draw a card. This power can't be used if Ludicolo is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Luxray and 120 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Luxio from the set POP Series 8 and the flavor text: When its eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding preyeven those taking shelter behind a wall. It has the attack Thunder with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 120 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, Luxray does 40 damage to itself. It has the ability Intimidating Fang with the description: As long as Luxray is your Active Pokemon, any damage done by an opponent's attack is reduced by 10 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Fighting +30. It has resistance against Metal -20.
POP Series 8
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Manaphy and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Diamond & Pearl and the flavor text: Born on a cold seafloor, it will swim great distances to return to its birthplace. It has the attack Call for Family with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Search your deck for a Basic Pokemon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Aqua Ring with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Switch Manaphy with 1 of your Benched Pokemon. It has weakness against Lightning +20.
Diamond & Pearl
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Dark Vaporeon and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Eevee from the set Legendary Collection and the flavor text: A Pokemon capable of controlling water, so it is capable of creating giant whirlpools. It has the attack Bite with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Whirlpool with the cost Water, Water, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 20 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon has any Energy cards attached to it, choose 1 of them and discard it. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Dark Vaporeon
Legendary Collection
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Crustle and 110 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Dwebble from the set Dark Explorers and the flavor text: It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when crossing arid land. It has the attack Cut with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has the attack Heavy Bullet with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 70 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fire 2.
Dark Explorers
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Lombre and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Lotad from the set Primal Clash and the flavor text: It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere. It has the attack Hook with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Beat with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Primal Clash
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mewtwo and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Base Set 2 and the flavor text: A scientist created this Pokemon after years of horrific gene-splicing and DNA engineering experiments. It has the attack Psychic with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Barrier with the cost Psychic, Psychic, the energy cost 2 with the description: Discard 1 Psychic Energy card attached to Mewtwo in order to use this attack. During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mewtwo. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Base Set 2
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Simisage and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Pansage from the set BREAKthrough and the flavor text: Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is very bitter. It has the attack Fire Fling with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Put 3 Fire Energy cards from your discard pile into your hand. It has the attack Hand Fling with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: This attack does 10 damage times the number of cards in your hand. It has weakness against Fire 2.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Misty's Seadra and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Misty's Horsea from the set Gym Heroes. It has the attack Tail Snap with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Knockout Needle with the cost Water, Water, Water, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 60 more damage. If 1 or both of them are tails, this attack does 30 damage. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Misty's Seadra
Gym Heroes
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Roselia and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Dragon. It has the attack Speed Growth with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Attach up to 2 Grass Energy cards from your hand to your Pokemon in any way you like. It has the attack Sleep Powder with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the ability Thick Skin with the description: Roselia can't be affected by any Special Conditions. It has weakness against Fire 2.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Exeggutor and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Exeggcute from the set FireRed & LeafGreen. It has the attack Psychic Exchange with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Shuffle your hand into your deck. Draw up to 8 cards. It has the attack Big Eggsplosion with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin for each Energy attached to Exeggutor. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
FireRed & LeafGreen
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Dragon with the title Axew and 40 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Dragon Vault and the flavor text: They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp. It has the attack Signs of Evolution with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for Fraxure, reveal it, and put it into your hand, Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Metal, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Dragon 2.
Dragon Vault
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Lapras and 70 HP of rarity None from the set Southern Islands and the flavor text: This gentle Pokemon can understand human language and allows people to ride on its back. It has the attack Gentle Song with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: If Lapras has any damage counters on it, remove 2 of them from it (1 if it only has 1). If the Defending Pokemon has any damage counters on it, remove 2 of them from it (1 if it only has 1). The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. It has the attack Ice Beam with the cost Water, Water, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Southern Islands
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cascoon and 80 HP of rarity Common evolved from Wurmple from the set Roaring Skies and the flavor text: It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback. It has the attack Poison Sting with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has the attack Iron Defense with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks during your opponent's next turn. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Roaring Skies
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Foongus and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set Steam Siege and the flavor text: It lures Pokemon with its pattern that looks just like a Poke Ball then releases poison spores. It has the attack Ram with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the ability Play Ball with the description: When you play this Pokemon from your hand onto your Bench, you may put 3 Poke Ball cards from your discard pile into your hand. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Steam Siege
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Scyther and 80 HP of rarity Common from the set Rebel Clash and the flavor text: Its two sharp scythes are more than just weapons. It uses them with dexterity to dress its prey before eating. It has the attack Swords Dance with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: During your next turn, this Pokemon's Blinding Scythe attack does 70 more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the attack Blinding Scythe with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Rebel Clash
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Swadloon and 70 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Sewaddle from the set Legendary Treasures and the flavor text: Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack String Shot with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Legendary Treasures
A Level-Up Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Infernape LV.X and 120 HP of rarity Promo evolved from Infernape from the set DP Black Star Promos. It has the attack Flare Up with the cost Fire, Fire, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 150 with the description: Search your discard pile for 8 Fire Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and shuffle them into your deck. (This attack does nothing if you don't have 8 Fire Energy cards in your discard pile.) It has the ability Burning Head with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 3 cards of your deck, choose 1 of them, and put it into your hand. Discard the other 2 cards. This power can't be used if Infernape is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Water +30.
Infernape LV.X
DP Black Star Promos
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Luvdisc and 60 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Crystal Guardians. It has the attack Even Game with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Count the number of your opponent's Pokemon. Search your deck for up to that number of Basic Pokemon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. It has the attack Stadium Play with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10 with the description: If you have a Stadium card in play, remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokemon. If your opponent has a Stadium card in play, this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Crystal Guardians
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Rowlet and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Sun & Moon and the flavor text: This wary Pokemon uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night. It has the attack Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Leafage with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Sun & Moon
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Charmander and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Team Up and the flavor text: The flame on its tail indicates Charmander's life force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly. It has the attack Scratch with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has the attack Reprisal with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: This attack does 20 damage for each damage counter on this Pokemon. It has weakness against Water 2.
Team Up
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Vespiquen and 90 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Combee from the set Ancient Origins and the flavor text: Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by Combee. It has the attack Bee Drain with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Heal from this Pokemon the same amount of damage you did to your opponent's Active Pokemon. It has the attack Fury Swipes with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Ancient Origins
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Burmy Plant Cloak and 40 HP of rarity Common from the set POP Series 7 and the flavor text: To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves. It has the attack Plant Cloak Tackle with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10+ with the description: If Burmy Plant Cloak has any Grass Energy attached to it, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. It has the ability Wear Cloak with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Burmy Plant Cloak is your Active Pokemon, you may search your discard pile for a basic Grass Energy card and attach it to Burmy Plant Cloak. It has weakness against Fire +10.
Burmy Plant Cloak
POP Series 7
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Pikachu and 50 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set POP Series 6. It has the attack Spark with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Fighting +10. It has resistance against Metal -20.
POP Series 6
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Shiftry and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Nuzleaf from the set Legend Maker. It has the attack Reactive Beating with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: If Shiftry has any React Energy cards attached to it, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has the attack Cross-Cut with the cost Darkness, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40+ with the description: If the Defending Pokemon is an Evolved Pokemon, this attack does 40 damage plus 30 more damage. It has the ability Evolutionary Fan with the description: Once during your turn, when you play Shiftry from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon, you may choose 1 of your Evolved Pokemon in play (excluding any Shiftry). Return that Pokemon and all cards attached to it to your hand. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -30.
Legend Maker
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Sceptile and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Grovyle from the set Great Encounters and the flavor text: The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat. It has the attack Leaf Blade with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. It has the ability Wild Growth with the description: Each basic Grass Energy card attached to your Grass Pokemon provides GrassGrass Energy instead. You can't use more than 1 Wild Growth Poke-Body each turn. It has weakness against Fire +30. It has resistance against Water -20.
Great Encounters
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Crobat and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Golbat from the set Skyridge. It has the attack Double Cross with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. If both of them are tails, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. It has the ability Carry Off with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If your opponent has any Baby Pokemon, Basic Pokemon, or Evolution cards there, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. This power can't be used if Crobat is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Houndoom and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Houndour from the set Call of Legends and the flavor text: Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokemon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests. It has the attack Fire Counterattack with the cost Darkness, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20+ with the description: If your opponent has any Fighting Pokemon in play, this attack does 20 damage plus 60 more damage. It has the attack Dark Roar with the cost Darkness, Darkness, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent discards a card from his or her hand. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
Call of Legends
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass, Darkness with the title Dark Celebi and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Hidden Legends. It has the attack Dark Provide with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Attach up to 1 Grass or Darkness Energy card from your hand to your Pokemon. It has the attack Leaf Poison with the cost Grass, Darkness, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Dark Celebi
Hidden Legends
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Magneton and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Magnemite from the set Fossil and the flavor text: Formed by several Magnemites linked together. They frequently appear when sunspots flare up. It has the attack Sonicboom with the cost Lightning, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack. (Any other effects that would happen after applying Weakness and Resistance still happen.) It has the attack Selfdestruct with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 100 with the description: Does 20 damage to each Pokemon on each player's Bench. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) Magneton does 100 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness with the title Houndoom and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Houndour from the set HSUndaunted and the flavor text: Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokemon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests. It has the attack Fire Counterattack with the cost Darkness, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20+ with the description: If your opponent has any Fighting Pokemon in play, this attack does 20 damage plus 60 more damage. It has the attack Dark Roar with the cost Darkness, Darkness, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 50 with the description: Your opponent discards a card from his or her hand. It has weakness against Fighting 2. It has resistance against Psychic -20.
A Basic, SP Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Regigigas FB and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Supreme Victors. It has the attack Drain Punch with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30 with the description: Remove from Regigigas FB a number of damage counters equal to the amount of Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. It has the attack Rainbow Lariat with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 20 with the description: Does 20 damage times the number of different types of Pokemon SP you have in play. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Regigigas FB
Supreme Victors
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cherrim and 70 HP of rarity Rare evolved from Cherubi from the set Plasma Storm and the flavor text: If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded petals to absorb the sun's rays with its whole body. It has the attack Random Peck with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 more damage for each heads. It has the ability Fair-Weather Heal with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may heal 20 damage from 1 of your Pokemon that has any Grass Energy attached to it. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -20.
Plasma Storm
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Moltres and 120 HP of rarity Rare from the set Fates Collide and the flavor text: One of the legendary bird Pokemon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring. It has the attack Combustion with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20. It has the attack Flying Flare with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80+ with the description: You may do 40 more damage. If you do, this Pokemon does 20 damage to itself. It has weakness against Water 2. It has resistance against Fighting -20.
Fates Collide
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Carvanha and 60 HP of rarity Common from the set Champion's Path and the flavor text: With its sturdy jaws and fangs, it can easily chomp wooden boats to splinters. It fights with Basculin over food. It has the attack Bite with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 10. It has weakness against Lightning 2.
Champion's Path
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Golisopod and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Wimpod from the set Guardians Rising and the flavor text: With a flashing slash of its giant sharp claws, it cleaves seawateror even airright in two. It has the attack Resolute Claws with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 80+ with the description: If your opponent's Active Pokemon is a Pokemon-GX or a Pokemon-EX, this attack does 70 more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance). It has the ability Armor with the description: This Pokemon takes 30 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance). It has weakness against Fire 2.
Guardians Rising
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Venomoth and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Venonat from the set HSTriumphant and the flavor text: The powder on its wings is poisonous if it is dark in hue. If it is light in hue, it causes paralysis. It has the attack Stun Spore with the cost Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the ability Poison Moth Wind with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. If tails, your Active Pokemon is now Poisoned. This power can't be used if Venomoth is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Fire 2.
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Celebi and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Unified Minds and the flavor text: This Pokemon wanders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared. It has the attack Time Spiral with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 with the description: Devolve 1 of your opponent's evolved Pokemon by removing the highest Stage Evolution card from it. Your opponent shuffles that card into their deck. It has the attack Mind Bend with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Unified Minds
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fire, Metal with the title Mewtwo and 70 HP of rarity Rare Holo from the set Delta Species. It has the attack Energy Burst with the cost Fire, Metal, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10 with the description: Does 10 damage times the total amount of Energy attached to Mewtwo and the Defending Pokemon. It has the ability Delta Switch with the description: Once during your turn, when you put Mewtwo from your hand onto your Bench, you may move any number of basic Energy cards attached to your Pokemon to your other Pokemon (excluding Mewtwo) in any way you like. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Mewtwo δ
Delta Species
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Meganium and 100 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Bayleef from the set Unseen Forces. It has the attack Bouncy Move with the cost Grass, Grass, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50+ with the description: You may put up to 5 damage counters on Meganium. If you do, this attack does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter you put on Meganium in this way. It has the ability Healing Aroma with the description: As long as Meganium is your Active Pokemon, remove 1 damage counter from each Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex) (both yours and your opponent's) between turns. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Water -30.
Unseen Forces
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Rampardos and 130 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Cranidos from the set Platinum. It has the attack Head Smash with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 80 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon would be Knocked Out by this attack, Rampardos does 40 damage to itself. It has the attack Mold Breaker with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 40 with the description: Any damage done to Rampardos by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance) until the end of your next turn. It has the ability Iron Skull with the description: Rampardos's attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon. It has weakness against Grass +30.
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fire with the title Darmanitan and 130 HP of rarity Uncommon evolved from Darumaka from the set Dragon Majesty and the flavor text: Its internal fire burns at 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, making enough power that it can destroy a dump truck with one punch. It has the attack Heat Assist with the cost Fire, the energy cost 1 with the description: Attach up to 3 Fire Energy cards from your hand to your Pokemon in any way you like. It has the attack Darmani-Hands with the cost Fire, Fire, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 30+ with the description: Flip 4 coins. This attack does 50 more damage for each heads. It has weakness against Water 2.
Dragon Majesty
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Darkness, Metal with the title Dark Steelix and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Onix from the set Team Rocket Returns. It has the attack Energy Link with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Search your discard pile for an Energy card and attach it to Dark Steelix. It has the attack Heavy Impact with the cost Fighting, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 60. It has weakness against Fire 2. It has resistance against Grass -30.
Dark Steelix
Team Rocket Returns
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Fighting, Darkness with the title Team Magma's Rhydon and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Team Magma's Rhyhorn from the set Team Magma vs Team Aqua. It has the attack Magma Jab with the cost Darkness, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: This attack's damage is not affected by Resistance. It has the attack Shoot Down with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 50 with the description: If the Defending Pokemon has Team Aqua in its name, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. It has weakness against Grass 2.
Team Magma's Rhydon
Team Magma vs Team Aqua
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Torkoal and 80 HP of rarity Uncommon from the set POP Series 1. It has the attack Amnesia with the cost Colorless, the energy cost 1 with the description: Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon's attacks. That Pokemon can't use that attack during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Body Slam with the cost Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has weakness against Water 2.
POP Series 1
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Tauros and 70 HP of rarity Rare from the set POP Series 2. It has the attack Rage with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 10+ with the description: Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Tauros. It has the attack Take Down with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 40 with the description: Tauros does 10 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
POP Series 2
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Fighting with the title Dark Tyranitar and 90 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Dark Pupitar from the set Neo Destiny and the flavor text: Its power is such that not even mountains can stand in its way. It has the attack Mountain Smasher with the cost Fighting, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 20 with the description: Flip a number of coins equal to the number of Fighting Energy cards attached to Dark Tyranitar. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. Then, for each heads, discard the top card from your opponent's deck. It has the attack Fling Away with the cost Fighting, Fighting, Fighting, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 50 with the description: If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, this attack does 30 damage instead of 50 and choose 1 of those Benched Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.) It has weakness against Grass 2. It has resistance against Lightning -30.
Dark Tyranitar
Neo Destiny
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Slowking and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Slowpoke from the set HeartGold & SoulSilver and the flavor text: It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected. It has the attack Psyshock with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the ability Second Sight with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may look at the top 3 cards of that player's deck and put them back on top of that player's deck in any order. This power can't be used if Slowking is affected by a Special Condition. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
HeartGold & SoulSilver
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Colorless with the title Lickilicky and 110 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lickitung from the set Secret Wonders and the flavor text: It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting to close to it will leave you soaked with drool. It has the attack Tongue Reel with the cost Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 2 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. If you choose a Benched Pokemon, switch the Defending Pokemon with that Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to the Pokemon you chose. Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. It has the attack Boundless Power with the cost Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 80 with the description: During your next turn, Lickilicky can't attack. It has weakness against Fighting +30.
Secret Wonders
A Stage 2 Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Meganium and 150 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Bayleef from the set Lost Thunder and the flavor text: Meganium's breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. It can make them healthy again. It has the attack Solar Beam with the cost Grass, Colorless, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 110. It has the ability Quick-Ripening Herb with the description: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this Ability. Choose 1 of your Basic Pokemon in play. If you have a Stage 2 card in your hand that evolves from that Pokemon, put that card onto the Basic Pokemon to evolve it. You can use this Ability during your first turn or on a Pokemon that was put into play this turn. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Lost Thunder
A Stage 1 Pokemon Card of type Lightning with the title Lt. Surge's Raichu and 80 HP of rarity Rare Holo evolved from Lt. Surge's Pikachu from the set Gym Challenge. It has the attack Kerzap with the cost Lightning, Lightning, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 20+ with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage to the Defending Pokemon and discard all Lightning Energy cards attached to Lt. Surge's Raichu. If tails, this attack does 20 damage. It has the attack Thundertackle with the cost Lightning, Lightning, Colorless, Colorless, the energy cost 4 and the damage of 40 with the description: Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. If tails, Lt. Surge's Raichu does 20 damage to itself. It has weakness against Fighting 2.
Lt. Surge's Raichu
Gym Challenge
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Water with the title Popplio and 60 HP of rarity Promo from the set SM Black Star Promos and the flavor text: This Pokemon snorts body fluids from its nose, blowing balloons to smash into its foes. It's famous for being a hard worker. It has the attack Sing with the cost Water, the energy cost 1 with the description: Your opponent's Active Pokemon is now Asleep. It has weakness against Grass 2.
SM Black Star Promos
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Psychic with the title Mewtwo and 130 HP of rarity Rare Ultra from the set Detective Pikachu and the flavor text: This Pokemon was created by years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments. It has the attack Psyjack with the cost Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 2 and the damage of 30 with the description: Choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokemon's attacks. That Pokemon can't use that attack during your opponent's next turn. It has the attack Break Burn with the cost Psychic, Psychic, Colorless, the energy cost 3 and the damage of 130 with the description: Discard 2 Psychic Energy from this Pokemon. It has weakness against Psychic 2.
Detective Pikachu
A Basic Pokemon Card of type Grass with the title Cherubi and 50 HP of rarity Common from the set Ultra Prism and the flavor text: It evolves by sucking the energy out of the small ball where it had been storing nutrients. It has the attack Surprise Attack with the cost Grass, the energy cost 1 and the damage of 30 with the description: Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. It has weakness against Fire 2.
Ultra Prism