class label
3 classes
The Grandmaster<br>It had all come down to this for Demetri. There were only a few moves left. He put his queen into place and waited. His opponent fell for the trap. Checkmate, Demetri had won!
Demetri is the champion of the game
it is clear he won in the game
( z1 champion :mod ( z2 game ) :domain ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Demetri" ) ) )
Beets<br>Warren didn't like beets and told his mom repeatedly. But as she never listened, he had some on his plate for dinner. He tried to give them to his dog. The dog sniffed them and walked away. Warren refused to eat the beets as his dog didn't want them either.
Warrens mom did not care if he liked beets or not.
The sentence stated that Warren told his mother that he did not like beets, yet she kept giving them to him to eat..Therefore she must not have cared if he liked them or not!
( z1 care :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Warren" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 mom ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 or :op ( z8 like :ARG0 z4 :ARG1 ( z9 beet ) ) :op ( z10 like :polarity - :ARG0 z4 :ARG1 z9 ) ) )
Argument<br>Ben stood his ground. He wouldn't let Fred win the argument this time. Fred started talking, but Ben interrupted him right away. Ben stated his case in a few short sentences. And for the first time, Fred conceded defeat.
Ben was determined to win.
"He wouldn't let Fred win the argument this time" implies determination. The system may have gotten this wrong, because Ben's determinations was not explicitly stated.
( z1 determined :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Ben" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 win :ARG0 z2 ) )
Bird Feeder<br>Karen bought a bird feeder. She put it out right away. No birds ever came around. One night Karen noticed a big cat running around. She realized it had killed all the birds that got near.
The big cat was not hers.
This was kinda tricky, but the text says she NOTICED a big cat running around. This implies she was surprised and did not see the cat before, meaning it not hers.
( z1 cat :polarity - :mod ( z2 big ) :poss ( z3 she ) )
First day of school<br>Yesterday was the first day of school. I was really scared because I didn't know anyone. During lunch I sat next to someone names Phillip. Me and Philip became really good friends. Now I'm not scared to go to school anymore.
they met philip in the afternoon
met philip during lunch
( z1 meet :ARG0 ( z2 they ) :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Phillip" ) ) :time ( z5 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z6 afternoon ) ) )
Kevin falls<br>Kevin is at a theme park. He goes on the big roller coaster. He is having a great time. The roller coaster goes upside down. Kevin falls out and injures himself badly.
Kevin survived the accident.
Kevin was injured badly; this suggests that he did not die and instead survived.
( z1 survive :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kevin" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 accident ) )
The Copier<br>Jim worked in an office. He walked to the copier to make a copy. It was jammed. Jim stuck his hand inside the machine. He heard a noise, and it chopped his hand clean off.
Jim suffered a serious injury at work that day.
He lost his hand in an accident, I believe that counts as a serious injury. It's difficult because I phrased the statement without using many words from the text so this confuses the system.
( z1 suffer :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jim" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 injure :ARG1 z2 :ARG1-of ( z5 serious ) ) :location ( z6 work :ARG0 z2 ) :time ( z7 day :mod ( z8 that ) ) )
Alice Bought New Shoes<br>The other day Alice was playing basketball outside. She was playing with her friends. Alice dribbled the ball and went to make a layup shot. When Alice landed, she tore the soul of her shoe. The next day, Alice went to the mall and bought new shoes.
If Alice wore her basketball shoes to go shopping the next day, they were still torn.
This would be true. Her broken shoes would still be broken the next day.
( z1 tear :ARG1 ( z2 shoe :mod ( z3 basketball ) :poss ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Alice" ) ) ) :mod ( z6 still ) :condition ( z7 wear :ARG0 z4 :ARG1 z2 :purpose ( z8 shop :ARG0 z4 :time ( z9 day :mod ( z10 next ) ) ) ) )
New Soccer Club<br>Kaye wanted to play soccer with her older sister. Do to her age and size she was not allowed. Kaye mom got the idea to start a soccer team for smaller girls. Plenty of kids signed up to join the new soccer club. Kaye was happy to be a member of this club.
Kaye doesn't have the letter q
No q in kaye
( z1 have :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kaye" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 letter :mod "q" ) )
Bob's heartbreak<br>Bob is happily married. He brings home some flowers for his wife. While looking for his wife he sees her with another man. Bob throws the flowers down and leaves. Bob is heartbroken by his wife cheating.
Bob had an expectation of a monogamous marriage.
Bob is clearly upset when he finds his wife with another man, and if there were no expectation of monogamy, that would not be the case.
( z1 expect :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Bob" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 marry :mod ( z5 monogamy ) ) )
Mr. Red Squirrel grumbled .<br>But they did n't dare disobey old Mother Nature , so they all set out , each to gather a thousand nuts .<br>And Mr. Chipmunk alone was pleasant and cheerful .<br>`` When they reached the nut trees , what do you suppose they discovered ?<br>Why , that they had been so greedy that they had eaten most of the nuts and it was going to be hard work to find and store a thousand nuts for old Mother Nature .<br>Then they began to hurry , did Mr. Gray Squirrel and Mr. Fox Squirrel and Mr. Red Squirrel , each trying to make sure of his thousand nuts .
The animals had great respect for Mother Nature.
The passage references that the animals "did n't dare disobey old Mother Nature" which is a sign of respect. The system likely could not make the connection between the passage and the underlying sentiment.
( z1 respect :ARG0 ( z2 animal ) :ARG1 ( z3 nature :mod ( z4 mother ) ) :degree ( z5 great ) )
They looked for the signs of death at every door -- the sexton , the hearse , the assemblage of black-clad relatives , all that makes up the woeful pomp of funerals .<br>They raised their eyes , also , to the sun-gilt spire of the church , and wondered that no clang proceeded from its bell , which had always tolled till now when this figure appeared in the light of day .<br>But none had heard that a corpse was to be borne to its home that afternoon , nor was there any token of a funeral except the apparition of the Old Maid in the Winding-Sheet .<br>`` What may this portend ? ''
As they looked up they could see the sun shining on the church tower.
the sentence is just a paraphrase so it is correct but the AI did not recognized the same words so marked it mostly neither.
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 see :ARG0 ( z3 they ) :ARG1 ( z4 shine :ARG1 ( z5 sun ) :ARG2 ( z6 tower :part-of ( z7 church ) ) ) ) :time ( z8 look :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z9 up ) ) )
Uncle Alec and Aunt Olivia were eager to go ; but Aunt Janet at first declared it was impossible .<br>`` How could we go away and leave the place to the mercy of all those young ones ? ''<br>she demanded .<br>`` We 'd come home and find them all sick , and the house burned down . ''
Alec and Olivia wanted to leave the young ones at home.
It states "How could we go away and leave the place to the mercy of all those young ones" Therefore they wanted to leave the young ones at home.
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Alec" ) ) :op ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Olivia" ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 leave :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z8 one :mod ( z9 young ) ) :location ( z10 home ) ) )
Kids at the Park<br>Mary and Todd were at the park. They were taking turns on the slide. Todd went down too soon after Mary. He knocked Mary to the ground. Mary got her tooth knocked out and she cried.
Todd has poor slide etiquette
Todd went down the slide too soon after Mary which shows he doesn't know how to use the slide properly. The system could likely not understand the term 'slide etiquette'
( z1 have :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Todd" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 etiquette :topic ( z5 slide ) :mod ( z6 poor ) ) )
Hurdle Jumper<br>Dan loved to run, but he also loved to jump. During college, Dan's running coach recommended being a Hurdler. Dan decided to try out jumping hurdles. Dan loved jumping hurdles so much! Dan was glad his coach recommended jumping hurdles for him.
Dan was very passionate about track events
Hurdles are a track event
( z1 passionate :domain ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Dan" ) ) :topic ( z4 event :mod ( z5 track ) ) :degree ( z6 very ) )
Grandfather Frog scratched his head thoughtfully and looked a long time at the dam of logs and sticks and mud .<br>Then his big mouth widened in a big smile .<br>`` Why , that is very simple , '' said he , `` Jerry Muskrat will make a big hole through the dam near the bottom , because he knows how , and the rest of us will keep watch to see that no harm comes near . ''
A hole needed to be made in the dam, but not at the top or the middle.
the whole was to made near the bottom so the statement is correct but the extra words made the AI think unknown information was added.
( z1 contrast :ARG1 ( z2 need :ARG1 ( z3 hole :location ( z4 dam ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 need :polarity - :ARG1 ( z6 hole :location ( z7 or :op ( z8 top ) :op ( z9 middle ) ) ) ) )
Big Catch<br>Tom went out on the ocean. He hoped to catch a big fish. He fought with a blue marlin for five hours. It was almost to the boat. Then the line snapped.
The big fish is still in the ocean
Because he did not catch the fish therefore it is in the ocean
( z1 fish :mod ( z2 big ) :location ( z3 ocean ) :mod ( z4 still ) )
Chanty thought he could beat Mr. Bantam easily , he was so small , and invited him to fight .<br>Mr. B. declined .<br>Then Chanty called him a coward , and gave Mrs. B. a peck , which so enraged her spouse that he flew at Chanty like a gamecock , and a dreadful fight followed , which ended in Chanty 's utter defeat , for he died from his wounds .<br>Downy and Snowball soon followed ; for the two sweet little things would swing on the burdock-leaves that grew over the brook .<br>Sitting side by side , the plump sisters were placidly swaying up and down over the clear brown water rippling below , when -- ah !
Mr. Bantam is surprisingly fierce for his size.
If, by looking at him, Chanty thought he was small and weak, and he was not, it stands to reason that Mr. Bantam's strength came as a surprise to Chanty.
( z1 fierce :domain ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mr." :op "Bantam" ) ) :topic ( z4 size :poss z2 ) :ARG0-of ( z5 surprise ) )
Kayak Flipping<br>My friend and I were in a kayak race during Spring Break. We didn't do so well in the first stretch. We decided to spin around in the kayak instead of rowing towards shore. Another kayak hit our kayak so my friend and I fell into the water. Our other friends had to swim out to get us, and it was embarrassing.
They were in a kayak race sometime during the months of March, April, or May.
Spring is during the months of March, April, or May, which is the time spring break must take place, which is when they did the race.
( z1 race :ARG0 ( z2 they ) :ARG3 ( z3 kayak ) :time ( z4 sometime :op ( z5 or :op ( z6 date-entity :month 3 ) :op ( z7 date-entity :month 4 ) :op ( z8 date-entity :month 5 ) ) ) )
Together they walked up the golden arcade to tell the others .<br>That night Charlotte and Ellen cried with happiness as they talked it over in the twilight .<br>`` How beautiful ! ''<br>murmured Charlotte softly .<br>`` We shall not lose Worth after all .<br>Ellen , I could not have borne it to see that girl go utterly out of our lives again . ''<br>`` I always hoped and believed that Elizabeth 's child would somehow bring us all together again , '' said Ellen happily .<br>Freda 's Adopted Grave North Point , where Freda lived , was the bleakest settlement in the world .
Charlotte and Ellen are different people.
From the context, Charlotte and Ellen are indeed different people, therefore the statement is definitely correct.
( z1 differ :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Charlotte" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Ellen" ) ) )
Randy gets drunk<br>Randy wants to have a good time. He buys some beers. He drinks them all. He becomes drunk. Randy passes out from all the drinking.
Randy wanted to enjoy the day
he wanted to have a good time
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Randy" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 enjoy :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 day ) ) )
Painting<br>Kate's mom was painting the living room. Her mom was eager and began talking about the paint. Kate didn't want to spend the day painting. Kate slunk off silently and went to her room as he mom kept talking. She closed her door and hoped her mom wouldn't come ask for help.
Kate's mom loves painting.
if Her mom was eager and began talking about the paint, it is because he loves it.
( z1 love :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Kate" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 mom ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 paint :ARG0 z2 ) )
Poster<br>My wife and I saw a movie today. There was a box in the lobby with free movie posters. We took one home. I posted it on eBay and hope to sell it. I said it might pay for the movie.
movie posters contains a m
m in the name
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 poster :mod ( z3 movie ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 amr-empty ) )
Good dip<br>Allie went to the restaurant. When she got there she got a dip. It was spinach. She loved it. Yet she spilled on her dress.
Allie ate veggies at the resturant
spinach dip contains spinach, which is a veggie
( z1 eat :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Allie" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 vegetable ) :location ( z5 resturant ) )
Hamster<br>Sara's brothers was sad. His pet hamster died. Her brother was distant and just stood in his room all day. Sara's check came and Sara went to the pet store. She bought him a new hamster and he was happy.
Sara felt sad about her brother.
Sara felt bad that her brother lost his hamster so she bought her brother a new hamster to cheer him up
( z1 feel :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sara" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 sad :ARG0 ( z5 person :ARG0-of ( z6 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z7 brother ) ) ) :ARG1 z2 ) )
Deep Puddle<br>Tom was driving in the rain. He noticed a large puddle up ahead. He figured he could drive over it. It turned out to be much deeper. Tom's car was half swallowed up.
Tom's car was 50% underwater.
Half swallowed up suggests 50% underwater
( z1 underwater :domain ( z2 car :poss ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tom" ) ) ) :quant ( z5 percentage-entity :value 50 ) )
It was for Hooty that they took turns in watching .<br>It was just the hour when Hooty likes best to hunt .<br>By and by they heard Booty 's hunting call .<br>It was far away in the Green Forest , Then Mr. and Mrs. Quack felt easier , and they talked in low , contented voices .<br>They felt that for a while at least there was nothing to fear .<br>Suddenly a little splash out in the Big River caught Mr. Quack 's quick ear .<br>As Mrs. Quack brought her head up out of the water , Mr. Quack warned her to keep quiet .<br>Noiselessly they swam among the brown stalks until they could see out across the Big River .
mr and mr quack were frightened of something
for a moment they have othing to fear, then they are whispering to avoid drawing attention to themselves from something.
( z1 frighten :ARG0 ( z2 something ) :ARG1 ( z3 and :op ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Mr." :op "Quack" ) ) :op ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Mr." :op "Mr." :op "Quack" ) ) ) )
Plane<br>The man got on the plane. He sat down next to the window. Someone said that he was in their seat. The man checked his ticket. The man moved to his correct seat.
The man was on a flight that day.
He got on a plane with a ticket, clearly he was on a flight. It's difficult because "flight" is never mentioned in the text.
( z1 fly :ARG1 ( z2 man ) :time ( z3 day :mod ( z4 that ) ) )
He had taken a nap and overslept , and here he was , right in the hen-house , in broad daylight .<br>`` It must have been a Skunk , '' said Farmer Brown 's boy , `` and if it was , he must have left some tracks in the snow outside .<br>I 'll just look around a bit . ''<br>Unc ' Billy almost chuckled as he heard Farmer Brown 's boy go out .<br>`` He 'll find Jimmy Skunk 's tracks , but he wo n't find mine , '' thought Unc ' Billy .<br>`` Is n't it lucky that I thought to step right in Jimmy Skunk 's tracks when I came here ? ''<br>He lay still and listened to Farmer Brown 's boy poking around outside .
Unc ' Billy did not leave his own tracks.
Unc ' Billy stepped in the tracks of Jimmy the Skunk so he did not leave his own tracks.
( z1 leave :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Unc" :op "Billy" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 track :poss z2 ) )
Street lights<br>Ben lived on a dark street. There was an increase of car break-ins in his neighborhood. Ben started a petition to get street lights for his street. After the lights were placed, crime on his street dropped. The neighbors were glad that Ben started the petition.
Crime didn't drop until some time after the petition.
Actually, after the petition got the lights, crime on his street dropped, so the statement is true. Maybe the negative statement fooled the model.
( z1 drop :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 crime ) :time ( z3 until :op ( z4 after :op ( z5 petition ) :quant ( z6 time :mod ( z7 some ) ) ) ) )
Jewish<br>Rachel went to her boyfriend's house for Easter. His mom cooked up a huge ham. Rachel's religious beliefs prevented her from eating it. She thought things would be very awkward. Her boyfriend mom knew ahead of time and had also made kosher food.
Easter is a Christian holiday.
Easter is celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
( z1 holiday :mod ( z2 religious-group :name ( z3 name :op "Christian" ) ) :domain ( z4 festival :name ( z5 name :op "Easter" ) ) )
Tie Dye<br>His name is Tyler but he prefers to be called by his nickname, Tie Dye. He's a sixteen year old boy who is part of the youth group I lead. Like most teens, Tie Dye is quite the challenge to lead. His home life is unstable and his temperament always reflects that. He's a great guy but he needs to grow up quickly.
Tie Dye is a name that was declared by Tyler
He chose his nickname
( z1 name :ARG1-of ( z2 declare :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tyler" ) ) ) )
Finally South America<br>For a long time I have desired going to South America. One year my church decided to take a mission trip to Peru. I learned that they were past the deadline for accepting participants. I quickly emailed my pastor to ask if I could go. Fortunately there was a spot open and the next March I went to Peru!
The church helped the Peruvians.
The church went on a mission trip to Peru. The purpose of a mission trip is to help the people and communities.
( z1 help :ARG0 ( z2 church ) :ARG2 ( z3 person :mod ( z4 country :name ( z5 name :op "Peru" ) ) ) )
Lifting weights<br>I went to go work out the other night. The gym was not very busy at all. I got to use all my favorite machines without waiting. I think I'll go at the same time tomorrow. I get a lot more done at the gym when it is not busy.
The agent is working out tomorrow
The agent says that he is going at the same time tomorrow
( z1 work-out :ARG1 ( z2 agent ) :time ( z3 tomorrow ) )
Showdown<br>Bill and Ted were very competitive friends. Each thought he was the best at thumb wrestling. They planned a championship game and invited friends. Friends drank beer and watched the epic night. After 10 minutes, Ted won, breaking Bill's thumb.
If Bill has more than one thumb, one of them is broken.
Though we do not know if Bill has more than one thumb, it is correct to say that one of them would be broken. The statement is definitely correct.
( z1 break :ARG1 ( z2 thumb :quant 1 :ARG1-of ( z3 include :ARG2 ( z4 thumb ) ) ) :condition ( z5 have :ARG0 ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Bill" ) ) :ARG1 ( z8 thumb :quant ( z9 more-than :op 1 ) ) ) )
Bottled Water<br>Kate had a favorite brand of bottled water. She bought it by the gallon. It usually cost one dollar and twenty five cent for a gallon. One day it was increased to one dollar and fifty cent. She was not pleased by this increase.
Kate bought her water in containers that hold four quarts.
Kate bought her bottled water by the gallon, which is also four quarts. The system likely could not do the measurement conversion.
( z1 buy :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kate" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 water :poss z2 ) :ARG3 ( z5 container :ARG0-of ( z6 hold :ARG1 ( z7 volume-quantity :quant 4 :unit ( z8 quart ) ) ) ) )
Traveling<br>Marco had a pitch to give. He got on a plane. It landed in New York. He went to the client office. They really liked the pitch.
Marco made it safely to New York
Marco was able to give the pitch to the client, so he didn't die in route.
( z1 make-it :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Marco" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 city :name ( z5 name :op "New" :op "York" ) ) :manner ( z6 safe :ARG1 z2 ) )
Molly could swim like a duck , and quite covered herself with glory by diving off the pier .<br>Jack undertook to teach Boo , who was a promising pupil , being so plump that he could not sink if he tried .<br>Jill was soon through , and lay on the sand enjoying the antics of the bathers till she was so faint with laughter she was glad to hear the dinner-horn and do the honors of the Willows to Molly , whose room was next hers .
Boo could float on water
This statement is definitely correct because the context says "he could not sink if he tried," indicating that he could float. The system may not have made that connection
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 float :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Boo" ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 water ) ) )
The lindworm had often watched the eagle flying about the top of the tree , carrying food to his young ones and , accordingly , he watched carefully for the moment when the eaglets began to try their wings and to fly away from the nest .<br>Of course , if the eagle himself was there to protect them even the lindworm , big and strong as he was , knew that he could do nothing ; but when he was absent , any little eaglets who ventured too near the ground would be sure to disappear down the monster 's throat .
Lindworms eat small eagles.
The text refers to the Lindworm as a monster, but also mentions that the eaglets would disappear down its throat. I think the system differentiated between lindworm and monster.
( z1 eat :ARG0 ( z2 worm :name ( z3 name :op "Lindworm" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 eagle :mod ( z5 small ) ) )
Working Out<br>Cara was a bit nervous today. She was going to the gym for the first time. She had just gotten her membership and was going to use it. Cara walked in ready to exercise. She got on a treadmill and began running.
Girls are allowed in the gym.
Cara is using the the gym and is a "she" per the context, so girls are allowed in the gym.
( z1 allow :ARG1 ( z2 girl :location ( z3 gym ) ) )
Strong coffee<br>I was feeling rather tired. So I decided to make some coffee. I put the k cup in the machine and made it strong. When I tasted it it kicked in instantly. I was then awake all night.
If you're tired try some strong coffee but just beware that it could prevent you from being able to sleep that night.
the statement describes exactly what happened but the AI assumed it was added new information because of the wording
( z1 contrast :ARG1 ( z2 try :mxde imperative :ARG0 ( z3 you ) :ARG1 ( z4 coffee :ARG1-of ( z5 strong ) :quant ( z6 some ) ) :condition ( z7 tire :ARG1 z3 ) ) )
Hitman<br>Paul was a hitman for the mob. He was assigned to kill a woman. He looked through the gun scope. It was his mother. His father had put out the hit.
Paul is not a moral person.
It is not possible for a hit man to be a moral person. The use of the word "moral" likely fooled the system.
( z1 moral :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Paul" ) ) )
Sick<br>Kyle woke up with a very bad cold, the day he started his new job. Unsure what to do he called his mom. Kyle's mom said take a bath and take medicine and he would be ok. After doing what she said he felt so much better. Kyle was able to start his new job.
Kyle did not want to miss his first day of work.
He called his mom to find out what he should do because he did not want to miss his first day of work.
( z1 want :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kyle" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 miss :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z6 day ) :ord ( z7 ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :duration-of ( z8 work :ARG0 z2 ) ) ) )
Wedding<br>Mary's maid of honor helped Mary put on a white silk gown. Mary's mom clipped a veil into Mary's hair. Mary put a pair of white high heeled shoes on her feet. Mary's mom handed Mary a bouquet of flowers. Mary walked to the entrance of the church to get married.
Mary's maid of honor is a trusted one by Mary
Wouldn't have that title if you weren't trustful
( z1 trust :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mary" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 maid :mod ( z5 honor ) :poss z2 ) )
Hot Meal<br>Chris was homeless and mostly ate from the trash. But once in awhile he got fresh salads or sandwiches from delis. One day, though, a young man brought him a full hot meal. It was 7 courses from the fanciest restaurant in the city! Chris was so gratified, he sobbed with thanks.
Chris is in a poor state financially
Homeless means your poor
( z1 be-located-at :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Chris" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 state :mod ( z5 poor ) :mod ( z6 finance ) ) )
By the time Nat was washed and done up in a blanket by the fire , while Nursey cut his hair , a new detachment of boys arrived and were shut into the bath-room , where they made as much splashing and noise as a school of young whales at play .<br>`` Nat had better sleep here , so that if his cough troubles him in the night you can see that he takes a good draught of flax-seed tea , '' said Mrs. Bhaer , who was flying about like a distracted hen with a large brood of lively ducklings .
Even though Nat was ill, he was still clean.
The passage references that Nat was washed in the first line. The system likely did not associate the word "clean" with the word "washed"
( z1 clean :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Nat" ) ) :mod ( z4 still ) :concession ( z5 ill :ARG1 z2 ) )
Fudge<br>My Dad was hard to buy gifts for. He had most of what he wanted and was a bit picky. It was his birthday and I needed a gift. I decided to buy him some fudge. I knew he liked it when he hid it so no one else could have any!
Their dad was difficult to buy gifts for.
Given the context "My Dad was hard to buy gifts for," my statement in difficulty is correct.
( z1 difficult :domain ( z2 buy :ARG1 ( z3 gift ) :ARG3 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z6 they ) :ARG2 ( z7 dad ) ) ) ) )
Long and formal were the farewells , thrice ended and thrice renewed .<br>The Seeker -- he who had invited the lama to that haven from far-away Tibet , a silver-faced , hairless ascetic -- took no part in it , but meditated , as always , alone among the images .
The farewells were ended and renewed the same amount of times.
It says thrice ended and thrice renewed, so they are the same. The system probably doesn't know what thrice means in relation to the amount of times in this context.
( z1 and :op ( z2 end :ARG1 ( z3 farewell ) ) :op ( z4 renew :ARG1 z3 ) :frequency ( z5 amount :ARG1-of ( z6 same ) ) )
Saxophone<br>Brendan loves listening to the Saxophone. He really wants to learn how to play. He has looked every where for a cheap saxophone. One day he finally found one he could afford. He was late getting to the store, and someone else already bought it.
Brendan looked in multiple locations to find an affordable saxophone, but ended up not purchasing one.
Brendan looked everywhere, which is multiple locations, and someone already purchased the one he found so he ended up not purchasing one.
( z1 contrast :ARG1 ( z2 look :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Brendan" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 find :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z6 saxophone :ARG1-of ( z7 afford :ARG1-of ( z8 possible ) ) ) ) :location ( z9 location :quant ( z10 multiple ) ) ) )
Annoying Guest<br>Tom lived with his girlfriend. Her little sister was kicked out of her house. Tom let her stay with them for a while. Unfortunately she was incredibly annoying. Tom had to kick her out within weeks.
Tom's girlfriend's sister was kicked out of at least two different houses.
The article mentions that the sister was kicked out of her parents house and Tom's house. The system probably didn't account for her parent's house.
( z1 kick-out :ARG1 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 girlfriend ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z9 sister ) ) ) )
Punished<br>Her father began to yell at her. She had stayed out all night long. She didn't even give him a call. He told her she was grounded for a month. He also took away her phone.
Her father thought her phone was working when she was out.
He was upset that she hadn't called, so must have assumed her phone was working at the time.
( z1 think :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 she ) :ARG2 ( z5 father ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z6 work :ARG1 ( z7 phone :poss z4 ) :time ( z8 out :ARG1 z4 ) ) )
The Potatoes<br>Kevin was making a side dish for Thanksgiving. He decided on mashed potatoes. He boiled the potatoes and mashed them in a bowl. Then he added butter and sour cream. His guests ate them all up!
Kevins potatoes were delicious.
Had the potatoes not been delicious they would not have been eaten up. The system was not able to understand this.
( z1 delicious :domain ( z2 potato :mod ( z3 company :name ( z4 name :op "Kevins" ) ) ) )
The Trip<br>Henry was a banker on Wall Street. He made very good money and worked hard for it. A couple times a year, he took a vacation. His favorite vacations were the ones he spent sailing with his son. They loved spending time together more than anything else.
Henry is an avid sailor.
Henry vacations sailing several times a year so obviously he likes it.
( z1 person :name ( z2 name :op "Henry" ) :ARG0-of ( z3 sail ) :mod ( z4 avid ) )
Chinese<br>Sally bought a book from the library. She opened it to page 3. She read the words but they didn't make since to her. She looked at the cover. She got a Chinese book by accident.
Sally cannot read Chinese.
Sally could not read the book, which was in Chinese. The implication was that she could not read Chinese.
( z1 possible :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 read :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Sally" ) ) :ARG3 ( z5 language :name ( z6 name :op "Chinese" ) ) ) )
Hopscotch<br>All the girls were ready to start. They had spent a while making the hopscotch markings. They had used sidewalk chalk and ready to play. The girls began jumping to each numbered box. It was great fun playing hopscotch for them.
Hopscotch has less than 11 letters in it
Hopscotch does not have 11 letters, which means that this is correct.
( z1 be-located-at :ARG1 ( z2 letter :quant ( z3 less-than :op 11 ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 book :name ( z5 name :op "Hopscotch" ) ) )
They must be thinned out -- and that paling taken down .<br>I think a good deal can be done with it .<br>As for the house -- well , let us see the inside . ''<br>Willard unlocked the door and showed Miss Sally over the place .<br>Miss Sally poked and pried and sniffed and wrinkled her forehead , and finally stood on the stairs and delivered her ultimatum .<br>`` This house can be done up very nicely .<br>Paint and paper will work wonders .<br>But I would n't paint it outside .<br>Leave it that pretty silver weather-grey and plant vines to run over it .
Miss Sally wants to paint and wallpaper the inside of the house
She said she did
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Miss" :op "Sally" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 and :op ( z5 paint :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z6 inside :part-of ( z7 house ) ) ) :op ( z8 wallpaper :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 z6 ) ) )
Give a little, get a little<br>Sue was a very strict teacher. One child in her class was too scared to speak because of Sue. Although she knew she was strict, Sue didn't want people to be scared. On the last day of school, Sue threw a party for the kids. The next year, the kids were less naughty and much nicer to Sue.
The party meant that the kids were less scared
The context says that Sue didn't want kids to be scared, threw a party, and that had an effect the next year. So it is correct to say the party made the kids less scared
( z1 mean :ARG1 ( z2 party ) :ARG2 ( z3 have-degree :ARG1 ( z4 kid ) :ARG2 ( z5 scare :ARG1 z4 ) :ARG3 ( z6 less ) ) )
Breastfeeding<br>We had an outdoor luncheon today. Our building sponsored the event. A lot of young women brought their children. One mother breastfed her baby publicly. As this is Cambridge, MA, nobody minded at all.
The luncheon was sponsored by the writer's building.
The person who wrote this said that their building sponsored the event, and the event was the luncheon. Using the word "writer's" may have made it difficult for the system.
( z1 sponsor :ARG0 ( z2 building :poss ( z3 person :ARG0-of ( z4 write ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 luncheon ) )
Walter's Weird Night<br>Walter noticed something strange in the sky one night. He didn't believe in space aliens, but he was confused. He was sure he had seen a flying saucer in the night sky. Then he saw on the news that a weather balloon had crashed. Walter was relieved that aliens hadn't come visiting after all.
Walter did not see a flying saucer.
Walter was sure he had seen a flying saucer, but then discovered a weather balloon had crashed, so that is what he actually saw. The wording 'sure he had seen' confused the model.
( z1 see :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Walter" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 spaceship :ARG0-of ( z5 fly ) ) )
House Fire<br>Dan was woken up by the sound of his fire alarm. Dan ran to the kitchen to see it was engulfed in flames. Dan grabbed his wallet and keys, and ran out the house. Dan watched as his house was literally on fire. Dan was sad, yet thankful he had escaped the fire.
Dan's house was very hot.
The house was on fire, therefore it must have been pretty hot at the time. It's difficult because the system might not understand that fires are hot I guess.
( z1 hot :ARG1 ( z2 house :poss ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Dan" ) ) ) :degree ( z5 very ) )
Curves<br>Jessica wanted to have more body curves. So she decided to alter her diet. She began to eat more food. She also started to lift weights. Jessica now has more body curves.
Eating more food without also lifting weights may be insufficient in increasing curves.
It isn't clear from the statement above whether Jessica needed food AND weights, or food OR weights. It is therefore possible that any one item in the list (diet, food, weights) is insufficient on it's own and it might be that a combination of all three is needed.
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 suffice :polarity - :ARG0 ( z3 eat :ARG1 ( z4 food :quant ( z5 more ) ) :manner ( z6 lift :polarity - :ARG1 ( z7 weight ) :mod ( z8 also ) ) ) :topic ( z9 curve :ARG1-of ( z10 increase ) ) ) )
Nail polish<br>Sue bought a new bottle of pink nail polish. As she was painting her nails, her cat ran through. The cat knocked over the bottle and polish went everywhere. Sue tried to clean it up. However, she could not get the spot clean.
Sue chose the nail polish color.
She bought it, she chose it.
( z1 choose :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sue" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 color :mod ( z5 polish :mod ( z6 nail ) ) ) )
The bad roommate<br>Greg asked Mike if he could do the laundry. Mike agreed for a price. Mike didn't know what he was doing. He mixed all the colors and ruined the clothes. So Greg was angry at him in the end.
Mike didn't ask if he could do some laundry.
Actually, Greg asked Mike if he could do the laundry. The negative statement fooled the model.
( z1 ask :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mike" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 truth-value :polarity-of ( z5 possible :ARG1 ( z6 do :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 laundry :quant ( z8 some ) ) ) ) ) )
Melted Chocolate<br>Julian was planning on giving his girlfriend some chocolate. When he went to get the box he realized it had melted. He tried to clean it up but it was no use. When his girlfriend saw she just giggled. She appreciated and thought he was cute for trying so hard.
Julian is attracted to women
He has a girlfriend
( z1 attract :ARG0 ( z2 woman ) :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Julian" ) ) )
Lost<br>One day I was innocently eating my food in McDonald's. When I arrived home I had to book my trip out of the country. I was leaving the next day, and as I was booking I realized something. I had left my backpack with my passport and money in McDonald's. I scurried over and thanks to God my backpack had been stored.
I booked my flight after rushing to MacDonald's to get my passport
I had tried to book my flight but realized that i had left my passport at MacDonald's so i definitely had to go back get it and then book the flight
( z1 book :ARG0 ( z2 i ) :ARG1 ( z3 fly :ARG1 z2 ) :time ( z4 after :op ( z5 rush :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z6 get :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 passport :poss z2 ) ) :destination ( z8 company :name ( z9 name :op "MacDonald's" ) ) ) ) )
Baby<br>The baby started to cry. The mother walked over to the baby. She saw that the baby was hungry. She breastfed the baby. The baby went back to sleep.
The baby did not cry while it was sleeping.
The baby wouldn't be able to cry because it was sleeping.
( z1 cry :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 baby ) :time ( z3 sleep :ARG0 z2 ) )
Hurting Eyes<br>I got a new job in an office. I worked on the computer all day. This caused my eyes to hurt badly. My mother bought me shades to wear while at work. Now my eyes would not hurt from the computer screen.
The shades were helpful to the person in the story.
Their eyes hurt before they used them, and they don't hurt after they used them. Therefore, the shades were helpful. It's difficult I suppose because this is not stated explicitly and has to be inferred from multiple sentences in the text.
( z1 helpful :ARG0 ( z2 shade ) :ARG2 ( z3 person :location ( z4 story ) ) )
Paul's Plate<br>Paul was hungry and made a sandwich. He put the sandwich on his favorite plate. The plate was blue and glowed in the dark. While walking out of the kitchen, he tripped and dropped the plate. The plate broke and it ruined his day.
Paul's plate was painted with special paint.
Normal paint does not glow in the dark, therefore it must have been a special paint that was used to make the plate glow.
( z1 paint :ARG1 ( z2 plate :poss ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Paul" ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 paint :ARG1-of ( z6 special ) ) )
Bent Over<br>The man bent over. He felt a pain in his back. He sat on the ground. The pain intensified. He screamed for help from the ground.
The man was hurt worse by sitting.
When he sat on the ground the pain got worse so that tells me he hurt himself more by sitting.
( z1 hurt :ARG0 ( z2 sit :ARG1 ( z3 man ) ) :ARG1-of ( z4 have-degree :ARG2 ( z5 bad :ARG1 z1 ) :ARG3 ( z6 more ) ) )
Brain Surgery<br>A few years ago, my wife left town for a few days. While she was gone, I started having terrible headaches. I decided to wait it out until she returned to town. Immediately after she returned, we ended up going to the hospital. I had brain surgery and ended up being glad that I waited for her.
The headaches were symptoms of a bigger problem
I had brain surgery. I think the system got it wrong because I used unfamiliar concepts
( z1 symptom :domain ( z2 headache ) :poss ( z3 problem :ARG1-of ( z4 have-degree :ARG2 ( z5 big ) :ARG3 ( z6 more ) ) ) )
Crying at the Park<br>Lexi was playing at the park. Her mother told her it was time to leave. Lexi started to cry. Lexi's mother got annoyed. She didn't take Lexi to the park for a month.
Lexi was punished for her behavior.
This is true. She wasn't taken to the park for a month as punishment.
( z1 punish :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Lexi" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 behave :ARG0 z2 ) )
Red food dye<br>Tom was a middle school student. His teacher asked each student to bring food and drinks in. He brought in sprite with red food dye in it. Everyone loved the unique drink. Tom was happy about his decision.
Tom's friends liked Tom's choice of drink.
Everyone loved the unique drink.
( z1 like :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 friend ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 choose :ARG0 z4 :ARG1 ( z8 drink ) ) )
Allie and the Snake<br>Allie was going on a hike today. She loved hiking and was looking forward to the new trail she found. Once on the trail she noticed a leaf move in front of her. Curios, she kicked the leaf over to reveal a snake. Although she was scared she walked briskly away from it.
Allie's action didn't not truly reflect how she was feeling
"Although" she was sacred she walked briskly away. A better reaction would have been to run away. therefore the use of the word although indicates that she was not truly reaction how she really felt or should have.
( z1 reflect :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 act :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Allie" ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 thing :ARG1-of ( z6 feel :ARG0 z3 ) ) :ARG1-of ( z7 true ) )
Tilda<br>For years Jack had stubbornly refused to replace his dying truck. He cursed it and kicked it and swore to light it on fire. Still Jack refused. His wife had chosen this truck and named it Tilda. Tilda outlived Jack's wife and she helped him remember the good days.
Jack refused to replace his dying truck because it reminded him of his wife.
His wife picked and named the truck. The truck outlived Jack's wife and helped him remember the good old days.
( z1 refuse :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jack" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 replace :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 truck :poss z2 :ARG1-of ( z6 die ) ) ) :ARG1-of ( z7 cause :ARG0 ( z8 remind :ARG0 z4 :ARG1 ( z9 have-rel-role :ARG0 ( z10 person ) :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z11 wife ) ) :ARG2 z2 ) ) )
Gray and I were sitting together at the far end of the block house , to be out of earshot of our officers consulting ; and Gray took his pipe out of his mouth and fairly forgot to put it back again , so thunder-struck he was at this occurrence .<br>`` Why , in the name of Davy Jones , '' said he , `` is Dr. Livesey mad ? ''<br>`` Why no , '' says I. `` He 's about the last of this crew for that , I take it . ''<br>`` Well , shipmate , '' said Gray , `` mad he may not be ; but if HE 'S not , you mark my words , I am . ''
Gary appears to be rather mad.
He admits himself that he is mad in the very last line.
( z1 appear :ARG1 ( z2 mad :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Gary" ) ) :degree ( z5 rather ) ) )
Kay's Bad Day<br>Kay had always told her two eldest kids to be quiet in the morning. She had wanted to let the baby sleep. Unfortunately, her eleven year old decided to be loud. Kay was stuck with a cranky baby all day because of this mistake. Kay forced to threaten her kids with a grounding if it happened again.
Kay was unhappy with her oldest children and the baby was unhappy as well.
kay was upset with her older children and the baby was cranky/unhappy - same thing. AI said neither because the wording was so different
( z1 and :op ( z2 happy :polarity - :ARG0 ( z3 person :ARG0-of ( z4 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Kay" ) ) :ARG2 ( z7 child ) ) :ARG1-of ( z8 have-degree :ARG2 ( z9 old ) :ARG3 ( z10 most ) ) ) ) :ARG1 z5 )
Jacob Banks<br>I met Jacob Banks yesterday. He is a new pop artist from Kenya. He told me about his dreams and aspirations. I told him that I want to be like him when I grow up. He gave me an autograph and I was very happy.
Jacob Banks is older than me.
The writer of the context stated that they told Jacob Banks they wanted be just like him when they grew up. This implies that the writer is younger than Jacob Banks.
( z1 have-degree :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jacob" :op "Banks" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 old ) :ARG3 ( z5 more ) :ARG4 ( z6 i ) )
Stale Cereal<br>Tom was going to have some cereal. He poured it out but it sounded funny. Tom tasted a bit and realized it was stale. There was a hole in the bag he hadn't noticed. Tom threw it out and got a new box.
Tom doesn't like stale cereal.
Tom had stale cereal and threw it out because it tasted stale, so we can conclude he doesn't like stale cereal
( z1 dislike :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 cereal :mod ( z5 stale ) ) )
Waiting on A Laptop<br>Kate bought a laptop online with free shipping. It was supposed to arrive at her mom's house Monday. On Wednesday it still hadn't arrived. She needed the laptop to work and was losing money each day. Kate regretted taking the free shipping option.
kate wished that she had chosen a faster shipping option
kate wished that she did not choose the free shipping option as the laptop was late arriving, therefore kate wished that she had chosen a faster shipping option. the system may have missed this as it is worded differently above
( z1 wish :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kate" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 choose :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 option :mod ( z6 ship ) :ARG1-of ( z7 have-degree :ARG2 ( z8 fast :ARG1 z5 ) :ARG3 ( z9 more ) ) ) ) )
And with these words she vanished by the window through which she came , while the fairies comforted the weeping queen and took counsel how best the princess might be kept safe during her childhood .<br>At the end of half an hour they had made up their minds what to do , and at the command of the fairies , a beautiful palace sprang up , close to that of the king and queen , but different from every palace in the world in having no windows , and only a door right under the earth .
The palace is meant to keep the princess safe.
The fairies created the palace to keep the princess safe during her childhood.
( z1 mean :ARG1 ( z2 keep :ARG0 ( z3 palace ) :ARG1 ( z4 safe :ARG1 ( z5 princess ) ) ) )
Skateboarding<br>Billy wanted to buy a skateboard. He had never done it before, but was excited to try. He went to the local skate shop and bought one. He began riding it everyday. Billy got pretty good after a while and loved to skateboard.
Billy's love in sports is skateboarding.
Because I put sports in my statement is why I think is confusing. He does love to skateboard so it's a correct statement because I didn't say it's the only sport he loves.
( z1 love :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Billy" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 skateboard ) :topic ( z5 sport ) )
Of course he knew nothing about her being there .<br>Then he started off in his Seven - league Boots , and before you could say `` Jack Robinson '' he was in Rome , in the grounds of a splendid palace called the Villa Borghese .<br>There he saw an elderly gentleman , in a great curled wig , sound asleep on a seat beneath a tree .
He'd travelled to nations other than canada and russia
He was in rome, italy so clearly he has travelled to nations other than france and candada
( z1 travel :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG4 ( z3 nation :ARG2-of ( z4 except :ARG1 ( z5 and :op ( z6 country :name ( z7 name :op "Canada" ) ) :op ( z8 country :name ( z9 name :op "Russia" ) ) ) ) ) )
Gross Food<br>Ken was at a restaurant. His food took a long time to cook. When it finally arrived it was half frozen. Ken complained but nobody really cared. Ken left a bad review and never returned.
The food was more than a quarter frozen although it took a long time to arrive.
His food took a long time to cook, and when it finally arrived it was half frozen -- so it was more than a quarter frozen. The model thought the fraction was wrong.
( z1 freeze :ARG1 ( z2 food ) :quant ( z3 more-than :op "1/4" ) :concession ( z4 take :ARG0 ( z5 arrive :ARG1 z2 ) :ARG1 ( z6 time :ARG1-of ( z7 long ) ) ) )
Mama the Frog<br>Big Mama the frog lived with me for a few months. We put her in a large aquarium in the living room. We filled it up with rocks and sticks, and a little water. We bought flies for her from the bait shop. One day my brother decided to dissect her instead of keeping her.
The brother cut up the frog to examine the internal body parts of it.
It says he dissected it which is pretty much what I described in the statement. It's difficult because the system does not seem to know what dissection entails.
( z1 cut :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG2 ( z4 brother ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 frog ) :purpose ( z6 examine :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 part :part-of ( z8 body :part-of z5 ) :ARG1-of ( z9 internal ) ) ) )
Outside Walk<br>Kim wanted to walk outside. She realized it was really hot today. She wanted to bring an umbrella to shade herself. She looked for it around the house. By the time she found it, it was dark outside.
Kim needed the umbrella for shade
she wanted her umbrella for shade
( z1 need :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kim" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 umbrella ) :purpose ( z5 shade ) )
Hunting season<br>Jimbo loved to go hunting. He usually saw pheasant and pigeons when hunting. Once, Jimbo saw a deer. He eventually scared it off. This was a huge disappointment for Jimbo.
Jimbo couldn't hunt a deer.
according to the text, Once Jimbo saw a deer. He eventually scared it off, which means he couldn't hunt it.
( z1 possible :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 hunt :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Jimbo" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 deer ) ) )
Hiked There<br>Eli thought the Pacific Northwest would be a beautiful place to visit. He packed some supplies and headed on up north and west. When he got to Washington he looked for mountains to climb. Eli was floored by all the beautiful scenery and great people. He was very sad when he had to return home.
He was correct in his original thinking
He originally thought it would be a beautiful place, he was right!
( z1 correct :ARG1 ( z2 think :ARG0 ( z3 he ) :mod ( z4 original ) ) )
The Cat Scratch<br>Kelsey was playing with her childhood pet, a cat. She was scratching him like he always liked to be. Suddenly he freaked out and scratched Kelsey. Kelsey didn't understand this behavior from her usually sweet cat. She realized that her cat must have had an injury on her scratch spot.
The cat was a male.
The cat described in the scenario is called a "he" therefore the cat is a male cat.
( z1 male :domain ( z2 cat ) )
The Farm Hand<br>Mildred took over the farm when her husband died. She was very old and inexperienced. She hired a farmhand named Mark. He turned the farm around and saved her business. Mildred was so grateful!
The farm business was in danger of failure after Mildred's husband died.
It is clear from the writing that the her business was failing. It states that Mark "saved her business" and thus if it had not been for Mark her business would have failed. The context must be taken at face value and these events happened after her husband died.
( z1 endanger :ARG0 ( z2 fail :ARG1 ( z3 business :mod ( z4 farm ) ) ) :time ( z5 after :op ( z6 die :ARG1 ( z7 person :ARG0-of ( z8 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z9 person :name ( z10 name :op "Mildred" ) ) :ARG2 ( z11 husband ) ) ) ) ) )
Target Express<br>I saw a Target Express in Queens last month. I thought it was a good idea. This month they opened a Target Express near Boston University. My brother visited and said it was a nice place. We might go down to shop someday.
The writer did not say she thought Target Express near Boston University was a good idea.
The writer says "I saw a Target Express in Queens last month. I thought it was a good idea." Then she mentions the other Target. The model confuses them and confuses negative statements.
( z1 say :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 write ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 think :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 idea :ARG1-of ( z6 good ) :domain ( z7 near :ARG1 ( z8 company :name ( z9 name :op "Target" :op "Express" ) ) :ARG2 ( z10 university :name ( z11 name :op "Boston" :op "University" ) ) ) ) ) )
Mary Had a Little Lamb<br>Mary had wanted a baby of her own since she was a little girl. She told her husband that she wanted to have a baby. After trying for almost a year Mary became pregnant. Mary carried her baby for almost ten months. Soon after Mary held her new baby daughter in her arms.
Mary was pregnant for less than a year.
Mary carried the baby for 10 months. The system was confused by the context.
( z1 impregnate :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mary" ) ) :duration ( z4 less-than :op ( z5 temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z6 year ) ) ) )
Blue<br>We have a cat named Blue. We found him as a small kitten. He has very large ears. Even small noises make him jump! He is the biggest scaredy-cat I have ever seen!
I didn't watch Blue's birth.
They found her as a small kitten, didn't watch the birth.
( z1 watch :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 i ) :ARG1 ( z3 bear :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Blue" ) ) ) )
Anna the Photographer<br>Anna really wanted to be a photographer. She had an artistic eye and took decent photos. She knew she needed to improve her skills, though. Anna enrolled in a photography class. After saving up for a nice camera, she booked her first photo shoot.
Based on the context, it can be assumed that we do not know how successful Anna's first photo shoot was.
The context ends off by saying that Anna booked her first photo shoot, and does not talk about anything involving the photo shoot afterwards. It could have been great, it could have been terrible, it could have been okay - specifically mentioning the photo shoot as being as one of those options would make it fall under the "neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect" category. However, what I said was that, based on the context, we cannot measure the success of Anna's photo shoot, which is definitely correct because nothing is mentioned about the photo shoot other than the fact that it was booked. I think the system had difficulty because my statement involves speculation involving the results of a future event, so it is accustomed to categorizing such speculation as "neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect" even when a general statement is made that accounts for any number of possibilities.
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 assume :ARG1 ( z3 know :polarity - :ARG0 ( z4 we ) :ARG1 ( z5 thing :degree-of ( z6 succeed :ARG0 ( z7 shoot :ARG0 ( z8 person :name ( z9 name :op "Anna" ) ) :ARG1 ( z10 photo ) :ord ( z11 ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) :ARG1-of ( z12 base :ARG2 ( z13 context ) ) )
Matt<br>I knew a strange kid named Matt in elementary school. Other kids would bully Matt because he was so different. One day I saw Matt being bullied on the playground. Suddenly, Matt took a swing at the bully, hitting him in the face. Matt never got bullied again.
No one messes with Matt
Matt never got bullied again.
( z1 mess :ARG0 ( z2 no-one ) :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Matt" ) ) )
Family Strings<br>Tanya has been practicing on her violin. She's still new to playing. Her older brother plays violin. Tanya wants to play just as well as he does. Tanya continues to practice diligently.
Tanya is not as good as her brother
She wants to be as good as he is
( z1 have-degree :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tanya" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 good :ARG1 z2 ) :ARG3 ( z5 equal ) :ARG4 ( z6 person :ARG0-of ( z7 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z8 brother ) ) ) )
A bee<br>Kerry and Tony were on their way to work. Tony heard a loud buzzing noise in his ear. It was a bee! Kerry pulled the car over and they both got out. They stood there until the bee flew out the window.
Kerry and Tony were driving together.
if Kerry pulled the car over and they both got out, that means they were driving together.
( z1 drive :ARG0 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Kerry" ) ) :op ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Tony" ) ) ) :manner ( z7 together ) )
Mouth Open<br>At night time, my mouth was falling open frequently. I purchased a mouth guard in the hopes it would help. In the middle of the night, I awoke with pain in my jaw. I tried changing position several times, to no avail. I finally removed the guard and gave up.
I would rather my mouth fall open at night than be in pain from the mouth guard.
They didn't want to be in pain so the opted for their mouth falling open but the wording threw off the AI.
( z1 prefer :ARG0 ( z2 i ) :ARG1 ( z3 fall :ARG1 ( z4 mouth :part-of z2 ) :ARG4 ( z5 open ) :time ( z6 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z7 night ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 pain :ARG0 ( z9 guard :ARG1 ( z10 mouth ) ) :ARG1 z2 ) )
He came last night -- and she says that she has always liked him best . ''<br>A very curious change came over Randall 's face -- but not the change Janet had expected to see .<br>Instead of turning pale Randall flushed ; and instead of a sharp cry of pain and incredulity , Randall said in no uncertain tones , `` Thank God ! ''<br>Janet wondered if she were dreaming .<br>Granny Thomas ' love potion seemed to have turned the world upside down .
Randall had a face that flushed, pale is what Janet expected to see.
It states his face flushed, instead of pale, but Janet wasn't expected that. I believe the system found it difficult to determine the wording of the sentence.
( z1 expect :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Janet" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 see :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 face :part-of ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Randall" ) ) :ARG1-of ( z8 flush ) :ARG1-of ( z9 pale ) ) ) )
Kisses<br>The baby smiled up at me sweetly. I cuddled her close to my chest. She reached up to my face with her chubby hands. I leaned down toward her. She covered my nose in kisses.
It's possible that the baby is not actually the narrator's baby.
It's definitely correct because the text never explicitly mentions whose baby it is, it just says "the baby". We could assume it was the narrator's baby, but I believe it's certainly possible that it was someone else's baby. It's difficult because this kind of statement requires a high level understanding in order to evaluate.
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 have-rel-role :polarity - :ARG0 ( z3 person :ARG0-of ( z4 narrate ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 baby ) :ARG2 ( z6 baby ) :ARG1-of ( z7 actual ) ) )
The Funny Movie<br>Arnie was watching a funny movie. He was drinking a soda as he watched the movie. One of the actors made a funny joke. Soda flew out of Arnie's nose. Arnie choked laughing at the movie.
Arnie bursted out in laughter and joy.
It is correct because he indeed did laugh and joy is correlative to that.
( z1 burst-out :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Arnie" ) ) :manner ( z4 and :op ( z5 laugh :ARG0 z2 ) :op ( z6 joy ) ) )