class label
3 classes
Stolen Victory<br>Tom was an olympic gymnast. He was going for the gold. Everyone thought he deserved it. Unfortunately the Russian gymnast was given the wind. It was later found out that the competition was rigged.
Tom lost to an american
not stated who tom lost to
( z1 lose :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :mod ( z5 country :name ( z6 name :op "America" ) ) ) )
Bright Street<br>Jake pulled out of a parking lot. It was night but the road had several lights. He forgot to put his headlights on. A cop pulled him over shortly after to let him know. Jake was embarrassed and appreciative.
The cop let Jake go with a warning.
It doesn't state if Jake got a ticket or a warning.
( z1 let :ARG0 ( z2 cop ) :ARG1 ( z3 go :ARG0 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Jake" ) ) :accompanier ( z6 warn :ARG2 z4 ) ) )
Prowling Bear<br>Sam heard a noise in his yard. He looked out the window and saw a bear. It was going through his trash can. Sam went to the door and turned on the lights. He also made noises that scared the bear away.
Sam went to his screen door to see the bear.
The text says he went to his door and turned on the lights. It never really specified which type of door, regular or screen.
( z1 go :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sam" ) ) :ARG4 ( z4 door :mod ( z5 screen ) :poss z2 ) :purpose ( z6 see :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 bear ) ) )
Ride to Lowell<br>My sister-in-law had jury duty in 2010. The trial was in Lowell, 29 miles away from Cambridge. She does not like driving, so I took her there. I stayed in the library while she went to court. She did not get picked and we went home at noon.
The person who drove their sister in law was a male.
It could be right or wrong, it didn't really say who the person was that drove the sister in law to jury duty.
( z1 drive :ARG0 ( z2 male :domain ( z3 person :ARG0-of ( z4 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z5 they ) :ARG2 ( z6 sister-in-law ) ) ) ) )
Politically Incorrect<br>We had a party last weekend. My wife's family members attended. Some of her coworkers came. My wife's niece danced and yelled "Who said white people can't dance?" There were black people there but they said nothing.
The black people at the party did not hear the man's wife's niece yell.
It is possible that none of the black people at the party said anything because they simply did not hear the phrase being yelled. However, it is also possible that they did hear and did not say anything due to not wanting to start a conflict at the party.
( z1 hear :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG1-of ( z3 black ) :location ( z4 party ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 yell :ARG0 ( z6 person :ARG0-of ( z7 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z8 man ) :ARG2 ( z9 niece ) ) ) ) )
Prize Pie<br>Margaret entered a pie competition. She had the best recipe for a apple pie. Tonya had a very good recipe too. Margaret didn't know if she was going to win. Her pie came in first place.
Tonya never had a chance
We don´t know that, we know that her recipe was good, but how good was it...
( z1 chance :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tonya" ) ) :time ( z4 ever ) )
Thomas Gordon was there , sitting alone in his long , empty pew near the top of the building ; and Neil Gordon sang in the choir which occupied the front pew of the gallery .<br>He had a powerful and melodious , though untrained voice , which dominated the singing and took the colour out of the weaker , more commonplace tones of the other singers .<br>He was well-dressed in a suit of dark blue serge , with a white collar and tie .<br>But Eric idly thought it did not become him so well as the working clothes in which he had first seen him .
Thomas Gordon has a good singing voice
We don't know if this is true or not. The text states that Neil Gordon has a good voice, but we don't know anything about Thomas Gordon's voice
( z1 have :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Thomas" :op "Gordon" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 voice :instrument-of ( z5 sing ) :ARG1-of ( z6 good ) ) )
The Pick-up<br>He texted her then hung up the phone. Mattie looked at her phone buzzing, as the notification came through. That was the signal, so she grabbed her purse and left. Once in the car, she quickly drove toward the station. He was waiting for her when she got there.
Mattie has a smartphone
It's unknown what kind of phone Mattie has
( z1 have :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mattie" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 smartphone ) )
Finally South America<br>For a long time I have desired going to South America. One year my church decided to take a mission trip to Peru. I learned that they were past the deadline for accepting participants. I quickly emailed my pastor to ask if I could go. Fortunately there was a spot open and the next March I went to Peru!
My church has never been to Peru before.
No information was given regarding whether the church had gone to Peru before this instance.
( z1 go :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 church :poss ( z3 i ) ) :ARG4 ( z4 country :name ( z5 name :op "Peru" ) ) :time ( z6 ever ) :time ( z7 before ) )
Maid of the Mist<br>Jimmy and his girlfriend decided to visit Niagara Falls. He had been there as a kid, but hadn't been there lately. So they decided to do some of the touristy things that were there. One of them was going on the Maid of the Mist. They loved being so near the falls and feeling the mist.
Jimmy and his girlfriend visited Canada.
Maid of the Mist is only accessible from the state of New York.
( z1 visit :ARG0 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Jimmy" ) ) :op ( z5 person :ARG0-of ( z6 have-rel-role :ARG1 z3 :ARG2 ( z7 girlfriend ) ) ) ) )
Snapper's Kittens<br>Snapper found a litter of kittens. One by one they began to disappear. They thought she was killing them. Turned out she was moving them to another little down the road. She thought the kitten were simply lost.
She refers to herself
not clear who she is
( z1 refer :ARG0 ( z2 she :ARG1-of z1 ) )
The Playpen<br>Andrea had to get some chores done. She put her kid in the playpen. She zoomed around the house and cleaned it quickly. The house looked great! Her baby cried and demanded that she take him out.
Andrea watered the plants.
It is unclear what chores Andrea did but it unclear that did or didn't water any plants. The system was confused by the context.
( z1 water :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Andrea" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 plant ) )
An Early Day from School<br>Garrett was in school. It was a stormy day. The rain began to accumulate in the roads. The school district closed the schools early. Garrett went home early.
Garrett played video games
This is neither because we do not know what he did when he went home
( z1 play :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Garrett" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 game :mod ( z5 video ) ) )
Susan announced that she meant to stay home that morning -- a rare decision for Susan .<br>`` But I would rather not go to church this morning , Mrs. Dr. dear , '' she explained .<br>`` If Whiskers-on-the-moon were there and I saw him looking holy and pleased , as he always looks when he thinks the Huns are winning , I fear I would lose my patience and my sense of decorum and hurl a Bible or hymn-book at him , thereby disgracing myself and the sacred edifice .
Susan decided to stay home from church for the first time
it fits because it doesn't say that it was the first, or that she had ever skipped before becuase it only says that it was rare, which could mean never. the software couldn't make that distinction
( z1 decide :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Susan" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 stay :ARG1 z2 :ARG3 ( z5 home ) :source ( z6 church ) :ord ( z7 ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) )
The Grandmaster<br>It had all come down to this for Demetri. There were only a few moves left. He put his queen into place and waited. His opponent fell for the trap. Checkmate, Demetri had won!
His opponent was a rookie player.
Given the context of the statement there is nothing indicating if he is a rookie player or not.
( z1 person :ARG0-of ( z2 play ) :mod ( z3 rookie ) :domain ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 oppose :ARG1 ( z6 he ) ) ) )
assignment<br>When i was in high school i was to lazy to do assignments. One day our teacher gave us assignment to be submitted the next day. But i didn't do it instead i watch a movie that night. Next morning i convinced my friend that i will copy her assignment. But she did not let me because she wants me to learn my lesson.
The writer's friend watched a movie the night before the assignments were to be submitted.
This is incorrect because the writer was the one who actually watched a movie the night before and this prevented the writer from doing his assignments.
( z1 watch :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 write ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 friend ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 movie ) :time ( z8 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z9 night ) :mod ( z10 before :op ( z11 submit :ARG1 ( z12 assignment ) ) ) ) )
Jacob Banks<br>I met Jacob Banks yesterday. He is a new pop artist from Kenya. He told me about his dreams and aspirations. I told him that I want to be like him when I grow up. He gave me an autograph and I was very happy.
Jacob Banks gave him an autographed photo.
It doesn't say what the pop star signed for him
( z1 give :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jacob" :op "Banks" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 photo :ARG1-of ( z5 autograph ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 he ) )
Greedy Child.<br>Earnest was a greedy child. He ate his food very fast without chewing properly. One day while he ate a fresh peach he choked on the pit. His family unsuccessfully tried the Heimlich maneuver on him. He died as a result of his greediness.
Earnest was a teenager when he died.
There is no way to tell how old Earnest was when he passed. The statement says that Earnest is a child but it doesn't specific what age.
( z1 teenager :domain ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Earnest" ) ) :time ( z4 die :ARG1 z2 ) )
Movie Detour<br>Will and his friends went to the movie theater. They were pumped about a new movie's opening night. When they arrived, their movie had been sold out. They decided to see a comedy instead. They couldn't believe how much fun they had at the comedy!
The comedy they saw was at a different cinema
The text does not state that the switch to a different movie occurred at the same cinema. They may well have crossed over the road and picked a different movie. There is not enough information in the text to confirm this event therefore it is neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect
( z1 comedy :ARG1-of ( z2 see :ARG0 ( z3 they ) ) :location ( z4 cinema :ARG1-of ( z5 differ ) ) )
A Wife's Earrings<br>Jim was shopping for his wife. Their anniversary was coming up. Jim knew his wife wanted new earrings. Jim bought her a pair of beautiful earrings. His wife loved them.
Jim was told his wife wanted new earrings for their anniversary.
We didn't know if he was told, just that he knew she wanted some.
( z1 tell :ARG1 ( z2 want :ARG0 ( z3 person :ARG0-of ( z4 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Jim" ) ) :ARG2 ( z7 wife ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z8 earring :ARG1-of ( z9 new ) ) :purpose ( z10 anniversary :poss z5 ) ) :ARG2 z5 )
Trumpet<br>I was at my aunt's house. She asked my cousin to wake up my other cousin. So she went to his room. I heard a trumpet. Then I heard her being chased.
my cousin plays the piano
the statement makes no reference to the cousin playing the piano or not
( z1 play :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 i ) :ARG2 ( z5 cousin ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 piano ) )
Cutthroat Stream<br>Norm loved to hike in the mountains and fish. A friend told Norm that there were cutthroat trout in a remote stream. Norm made the difficult hike to the stream. There were indeed cutthroat trout there. Norm had a great day fishing.
Norm didn't catch any fish.
The context merely stated that Norm went fishing. It did not include the number of fish that Norm caught.
( z1 catch :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Norm" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 fish :mod ( z5 any ) ) )
My Run In With The Cops<br>Today I went to the grocery store to buy groceries. When I got to the checkout line, I realized I forgot my wallet. I tried to explain my situation to the checker, but she didn't listen. She thought I was trying to steal groceries, so she called the cops. My roommate had to save me by bringing me my wallet.
The person was detained by the cops before their roommate brought the wallet.
There's no real proof that they were "detained", per say. The AI assumes so because of the events that occured.
( z1 detain :ARG0 ( z2 cop ) :ARG1 ( z3 person ) :time ( z4 before :op ( z5 bring :ARG0 ( z6 person :ARG0-of ( z7 have-rel-role :ARG1 z3 :ARG2 ( z8 roommate ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z9 wallet ) ) ) )
WebCam<br>Tom was concerned about his online privacy. He read about the subject online, and wanted to protect himself. He realized his webcam was uncovered. He knew it would be easy for a hacker to watch him. He covered the webcam with duct tape.
Tom never used his webcam
not clear is the cam was used
( z1 use :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 webcam :poss z2 ) :time ( z5 ever ) )
Broken<br>I reached back just as the door slammed behind me. The ring on my finger hooked in the door handle. It pulled my finger hard. My knuckle swelled exponentially. I went to the emergency room, where they told me I cracked my knuckle.
A knuckle got swollen by goku
name not mentioned
( z1 swell :ARG0 ( z2 goku ) :ARG1 ( z3 knuckle ) )
Woe , alone , and at the lines ... We each are young , we each have a heart , Oh , why should we stand thus coldly apart ?<br>he looked at Meg with such a lackadiasical expression that she laughed outright and spoiled his song .<br>`` How can you be so cruel to me ? ''<br>he whispered , under cover of a lively chorus .<br>`` You 've kept close to that starched-up Englishwoman all day , and now you snub me . ''
Meg accompanied the singer on the piano.
While Meg and the singer seem to be in the same room, it is not apparent if Meg is taking part in the action, or is just the audience.
( z1 accompany :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Meg" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 sing ) ) :instrument ( z6 piano ) )
BC<br>Our two year old granddaughter came to Boston last weekend. Her mother and father went to visit Boston College. They went to school there in 2003-2007. They bought her a BC t-shirt. She looked cute in it.
The t-shirt has a Boston College logo on it.
The T-shirt can have a logo, or just text or both on it. It can be anything.
( z1 be-located-at :ARG1 ( z2 logo :mod ( z3 university :name ( z4 name :op "Boston" :op "College" ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 t-shirt ) )
Design<br>Tim and Alice were getting married. They bought a brand new home. They hired an interior decorator. They loved the work the designer did. They were very happy with their new home.
Tim and Alice were married in their brand new home.
The text tells us Tim and Alice were getting married, and they bought a brand new home. It says nothing about where they got married, but the model combined the facts and assumed.
( z1 marry :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tim" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Alice" ) ) :location ( z6 home :ARG1-of ( z7 new :degree ( z8 brand ) ) :poss ( z9 and :op z2 :op z4 ) ) )
The Dirty Table<br>Jan went to eat at a fast food restaurant. There was only one table empty. The empty table was filthy. Jan grabbed a stack of napkins. She cleaned the table off before sitting.
there were 6 tables in the restaraunt
there was only one empty table, but it does not say how many tables there were in total
( z1 table :quant 6 :location ( z2 restaraunt ) )
Larry's winning hit<br>Larry was up to bat. His team was down by 3 runs. The bases were loaded. The ball comes to larry. He knocks it out of the park to win the game.
Larry cant buy beer
not clear his age
( z1 possible :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 buy :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Larry" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 beer ) ) )
Tea<br>Joey was ten and playing with his mom. He decided to make her pretend tea. He got some hot water from the tap and mixed in the herb. But to his shock, his mom really drank the tea! She said the herb he'd picked was chamomile, a delicious tea!
Joey found the herb in a tea container.
The text does not say where Joey found the herb, whether in a garden, cupboard or tea container. The model assumed it because of the story.
( z1 find :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Joey" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 herb ) :location ( z5 container :mod ( z6 tea ) ) )
More Ketchup<br>Jermaine went to eat at a diner. He ordered a burger and fries. The waitress brought the food out. Jermaine noticed the table was out of ketchup. Jermaine asked the waitress to bring more ketchup.
The waitress was unable to bring Jermaine any more ketchup because the restaurant was out of it.
My statement is neither correct or incorrect because it never stated weather or not the waitress ever brought any ketchup to Jermaine.
( z1 possible :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 bring :ARG0 ( z3 person :ARG0-of ( z4 dine ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 ketchup :quant ( z6 more :mod ( z7 any ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 person :name ( z9 name :op "Jermaine" ) ) ) )
The Secret<br>Abby knew her husband was hiding something. She confronted him about the secret he was keeping. He refused to tell her. The next day, she found a gift on her pillow when she woke up. He had surprised her with a diamond ring!
Abby does not keep secrets from her husband
The context says that her husband was keeping secrets from Abby, but says nothing about whether or not Abby keeps secrets from her husband. It is therefore neither correct or incorrect.
( z1 keep :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Abby" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 secret ) :ARG2 ( z5 person :ARG0-of ( z6 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z7 husband ) ) ) )
Chemo<br>Ike's dog Max was seven years old, just like him. One day Max got sick and the vet told them it was cancer! He offered to perform chemotherapy, but it was expensive. Ike's parents watched their son sob over Max, and they cried, too. They knew Max was a family member and they had to opt for chemo.
Max has been treated by lucifer
Named not mentioned
( z1 treat :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Lucifer" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Max" ) ) )
You see , he was in a hurry to find out what Bowser was making such a fuss about .<br>Bowser was yelping and whining and tugging at his chain , and it was plain to see that he was terribly eager to be set free .<br>`` What is it , Bowser , old boy ?<br>Did you see something ? ''
Bowser was not allowed in the house.
this information is not given so it should be marked neither and since this wasn't mentioned at all in the passage, I'm not sure why the AI marked this incorrect.
( z1 allow :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Bowser" ) ) :location ( z4 government-organization :name ( z5 name :op "House" ) ) )
The air is shrewd , and I would not ye took cold upon these scratches . ''<br>He made a sign with his hand ; it was passed down the nave by obsequious servants , who waited there upon his smallest gesture .<br>Instantly , without the church , a tucket sounded shrill , and through the open portal archers and men-at-arms , uniformly arrayed in the colours and wearing the badge of Lord Risingham , began to file into the church , took Dick and Lawless from those who still detained them , and , closing their files about the prisoners , marched forth again and disappeared .
This statement was written by a man
It does not say who wrote this statement, it is impossible to find out. Making neither correct or incorrect.
( z1 write :ARG0 ( z2 man ) :ARG1 ( z3 thing :ARG1-of ( z4 state ) :mod ( z5 this ) ) )
Uncle Burie<br>My uncle Burie is a Viking descendant. He owns a farm with lots of horses. When I was four, he let me ride his baby cow. The cow was walking wobbly with me on his back. I fell in love with the cow, and wouldn't leave his side.
He fell in love with the horses
We do not know if he fell in love with the horses as much as the cows.
( z1 fall :ARG1 ( z2 he ) :ARG2 ( z3 love :topic ( z4 horse ) ) )
Lunch with friends<br>Amy and Nora went to the new Mexican place for lunch. They both ordered giant Margaritas and chips and salsa. Amy enjoyed a burrito and Nora had delicious fish tacos. While they were eating, a mariachi band came to their table. Before they left, they tipped the band because they were so good.
Amy and Nora tipped the waiter.
not clear if the tipped the waiter.
( z1 tip :ARG0 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Amy" ) ) :op ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Nora" ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z7 person :ARG0-of ( z8 have-rel-role :ARG2 ( z9 waiter ) ) ) )
Fred buys a car<br>Fred knew he needed a new car. The one he had was starting to fall apart. One day fred's old car blew up with the engine smoking. Fred decided to get a tow truck to a dealership. Fred found the first car he could see and signed the lease.
Fred decided that he'd had enough with his old vehicle and decided that the next incident would be the end and it would be time to replace it.
We don't know when exactly that Fred decided to replace the vehicle but it seems to have happened when the engine blew.
( z1 decide :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Fred" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 have-quant :ARG1 z2 :ARG3 ( z5 enough ) :topic ( z6 vehicle :mod ( z7 old ) :poss z2 ) ) )
Building a table<br>My friends and I wanted to build a table. We started by making the surface. Then, we cut and shaped the legs. Finally, we attached the legs to the table surface. Now we have a beautiful table to work on.
The friends built their table on a table.
We don't know if they already had a table set up to help them build the new table or not.
( z1 build :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 they ) :ARG2 ( z5 friend ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z6 table :poss z4 ) :location ( z7 table ) )
Grilled Cheese<br>Josh was homesick. All he wanted was his mom's grilled cheese. He finally decided to try to make it himself. He bought all the ingredients and tried his best. The result was a perfect grilled cheese just like his mom's.
Josh bought at least six ingredients.
It says he bought all the ingredients, but it doesn't say how many that was, maybe it was only 3 or 4 ingredients, we just don't know for sure (obviously it requires at least bread and cheese, but maybe only 1 or 2 more). It's difficult because it says "all the ingredients", so the system probably assumes this refers to a specific number.
( z1 buy :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Josh" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 ingredient :quant ( z5 at-least :op 6 ) ) )
Poor Joe expects to go overseas any day and wants Miranda to marry him before he goes , which shows that there have been ` communications ' in spite of Whiskers-on-the-moon .<br>Miranda wants to marry him but can not , and she declares it will break her heart . ''<br>` Why do n't you run away and marry him ? '<br>I said .<br>It did n't go against my conscience in the least to give her such advice .<br>Joe Milgrave is a splendid fellow and Mr. Pryor fairly beamed on him until the war broke out and I know Mr. Pryor would forgive Miranda very quickly , once it was over and he wanted his housekeeper back .
Joe Milgrave was a Private, being sent away to war.
Joe may have been a Private being sent overseas to fight, but he may have held a different rank or served in a different branch of the armed forces.
( z1 private :domain ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Joe" :op "Milgrave" ) :ARG1-of ( z4 send :ARG2 ( z5 war ) :direction ( z6 away ) ) ) )
Scary Dream<br>Tom woke up in a cold sweat. He was shaking and scared. He realized he had just had a scary dream. Tom was too afraid to fall back asleep. Instead he stayed up all night.
Tom never had a nightmare before
Tom had a nightmare right now, but we don’t know if he’s ever had one before
( z1 nightmare :polarity - :domain ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :time ( z4 ever ) :time ( z5 before ) )
Hamster<br>Sara's brothers was sad. His pet hamster died. Her brother was distant and just stood in his room all day. Sara's check came and Sara went to the pet store. She bought him a new hamster and he was happy.
Sara had to wait to be paid by her employer.
We do not know if she had to wait for her check, only that she did.
( z1 obligate :ARG2 ( z2 wait :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Sara" ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 pay :ARG0 ( z6 company :ARG0-of ( z7 employ :ARG1 z3 ) ) :ARG2 z3 ) ) )
Brook Eats Thai Food<br>Brook wants to try a new type of food. She hears that there is a Thai food open in her neighborhood. Brooke tries it out. It is spicy but good. Brooke is happy to have tried new food.
Brook has been to a restaurant with bob
bob not mentioned
( z1 go :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Brook" ) ) :ARG4 ( z4 restaurant ) :accompanier ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "bob" ) ) )
The Phone Call<br>Joe heard his phone ringing. It was his best friend calling him. The friend had bad news. He was getting a divorce. Joe decided to invite his friend over to console him.
Joe is divorced.
We can't know if Joe is divorced given the context. The system maybe got confused with context between Joe and his friend.
( z1 divorce :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Joe" ) ) )
The Car<br>Taryn was out for a walk. She was trying to reduce her carbon footprint. She started walking instead of driving. Soon, she realized that she didn't need her car anymore. She sold it to her neighbor and started walking everywhere.
Taryn misses driving her car around
We have no idea if Taryn misses her car
( z1 miss :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Taryn" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 drive :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 car :poss z2 ) :direction ( z6 around ) ) )
Hitman<br>Paul was a hitman for the mob. He was assigned to kill a woman. He looked through the gun scope. It was his mother. His father had put out the hit.
Paul did not kill his mother
It never states if he actually did the deed or not. It just states that he was a hitman and saw it was his mother
( z1 kill :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Paul" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z6 mother ) ) ) )
CHAPTER XVI .<br>THE GHOSTLY BELL Friday was a comfortable day in the household of King .<br>Everybody was in good humour .<br>The Story Girl sparkled through several tales that ranged from the afrites and jinns of Eastern myth , through the piping days of chivalry , down to the homely anecdotes of Carlisle workaday folks .
The Ghostly Bell was a story originally written in French.
There is no indication in the passage what language The Ghostly Bell was originally written in. The system likely was not able to understand the ambiguity of that remark.
( z1 story :name ( z2 name :op "The" :op "Ghostly" :op "Bell" ) :ARG1-of ( z3 write :mod ( z4 original ) :medium ( z5 language :name ( z6 name :op "French" ) ) ) )
Happy Birthday<br>Heathers mom's birthday is today. Heather waited until the last minute. She waited so long to get something she almost forgot. Heather went to the store looking around. She decided to get a bouquet of flowers for her mother.
Heather walked to the store.
The context doesn't specify a mode of transportation. It was probably difficult for the system because the wording was very similar to the context.
( z1 walk :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Heather" ) ) :destination ( z4 store ) )
1999<br>In 1999, I met Jason via an online chat forum. We got along ok, but I really only wanted an escape. When he came to pick me up, I went with him sight unseen. I moved to oklahoma with him. We ended up getting married unnecessarily.
The narrator and Jason married in 2000.
The narrator states that she met Jason in 1999, and that they got married, but doesn't specifically say when they got married.
( z1 marry :ARG1 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 narrate ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Jason" ) ) :time ( z6 date-entity :year 2000 ) )
All I want is that you should behave like other little girls and not make yourself ridiculous .<br>Do n't cry any more .<br>I 've got some news for you .<br>Diana Barry came home this afternoon .<br>I 'm going up to see if I can borrow a skirt pattern from Mrs. Barry , and if you like you can come with me and get acquainted with Diana . ''
Diana Barry will be back tomorrow.
It doesn't say she'll be back at all.
( z1 return :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Diana" :op "Barry" ) ) :time ( z4 tomorrow ) )
She did not care for him , and anyhow he , Jed , had a little too much pride to ask her , a rich woman , to marry him , a poor man who had lost all caste he ever possessed by taking up tin-peddling .<br>Jed was determined not to `` persoom . ''<br>And , oh , how deliciously romantic it all was !
Tin-peddlers stayed away from marriage.
This particular tin-peddler wanted to marry, but he had to marry someone within his station, otherwise he had to avoid it. It depends on the context.
( z1 stay :ARG1 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 peddle :ARG1 ( z4 tin ) ) ) :ARG3 ( z5 away :op ( z6 marry ) ) )
Berry Picking<br>Sue went to a local farm to pick berries. When she got there they handed her a basket to fill. She went outside and headed over to the berry bushes. She happily picked a full basket of them. At the end of the day she realized the berries dyed her hands red.
Sue had picked alot of berries. She realized her hands were dyed red happily.
No mention to how she felt about having red hands
( z1 multi-sentence :snt ( z2 pick :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Sue" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 berries :quant ( z6 lot ) ) ) :snt ( z7 realize :ARG0 ( z8 she ) :ARG1 ( z9 dye :ARG1 ( z10 hand :part-of z8 ) :ARG2 ( z11 red ) :ARG1-of ( z12 happy ) ) ) )
Better Socks<br>I always used to buy the cheapest socks available. I figured it was inconsequential. But I started walking to work and getting blisters. I upgraded to softer and more expensive sock varieties. Now I can never go back.
Softer socks are inconsequential.
It is hard to say if socks being softer is the main reason people buy them.
( z1 consequential :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 sock :ARG1-of ( z3 have-degree :ARG2 ( z4 slight ) :ARG3 ( z5 more ) ) ) )
The Parade<br>The town gathered on the street. It was time for the annual Christmas parade! The floats drove by slowly. Kids caught and collected candy. It was a fun family tradition.
This was the first year of the parade.
While the parade is annual, this could be the first year of a planned annual tradition. That information is not given.
( z1 year :ord ( z2 ordinal-entity :value 1 ) :mod ( z3 this ) :mod ( z4 parade ) )
Christmas bread<br>My grandmother said she was going to make bread for Christmas. We were confused as to how that was going to work. She showed up with a beautiful bread that looked like Santa. She explained to us how she made it. We wanted to help her next time.
Santa helped grandma make bread
Grandma always made bread alone
( z1 help :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Santa" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 make :ARG0 ( z5 grandma ) :ARG1 ( z6 bread ) ) :ARG2 z5 )
Nature is a distraction<br>John was thirsty the therefore he wanted a drink from the store. On his way to the store, John saw a duck at the side of the road. He spent 20 minutes trying to coax the duck cross over to the lake. By the time John got to the store, it had closed. He decided that, in future, he'd only help nature if he had time to.
John wants to kill ducks now.
It is unclear if John wants to kill ducks now. The system was confused by the context.
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "John" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 kill :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 duck ) ) :time ( z6 now ) )
Kidneys<br>My friend Cam's back started hurting him. He went to urgent care. They said his kidneys were not functioning well. He went to his pcp, a urologist, and a nephrologist. They are still running tests.
Cam knew where his kidneys were
Cam knew he had pain, but there was no context for his knowledge of anatomy and therefore no indicator that he knew where his kidneys were. This was difficult for the system because the computer has no context for Cam's background knowledge
( z1 know :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Cam" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 kidney :part-of z2 ) )
Drought<br>We are having a drought in our area. We have only had rain a couple times in the past two months. I have had to water our garden frequently. The garden doesn't like our chlorinated water very well. My bean plants all died due to lack of rain.
Bean plants are easy to grow.
Nothing in the text really mentions how difficult or hard they are to grow so we don't know. I guess the system saw that the text mentioned having to garden frequently so it thought they were hard to grow ?
( z1 grow :ARG1 ( z2 plant :mod ( z3 bean ) ) :ARG1-of ( z4 easy ) )
Broken fingernail<br>Today I was letting my nails dry. Yet unfortunately one of my nails broke. It was devastating. My nails were ruined. I knew I had to fix them.
I fixed my nails.
Although the speaker indicates a desire to fix their nails, there's no way to determine if they have or have not.
( z1 fix :ARG0 ( z2 i ) :ARG1 ( z3 nail :part-of z2 ) )
Sam's Mess<br>Sam went eat at a fast food restaurant. He sat down with his drink. Sam spilled his drink all over the table. He asked the cashier for some napkins. Sam cleaned up the mess he made.
Sam didn't know what he wanted to eat so he had his friend order for him.
The statement doesn't tell us if a friend was with him or not.
( z1 know :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sam" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 thing :ARG1-of ( z5 eat :ARG0 z2 :ARG1-of ( z6 want :ARG0 z2 ) ) ) :ARG0-of ( z7 cause :ARG1 ( z8 have :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z9 order :ARG0 ( z10 person :ARG0-of ( z11 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z12 friend ) ) ) :ARG2 z2 ) ) ) )
Never again did the swans become men ; but they are still different from other swans , for in the night-time those who listen can hear them talk in a language that is certainly not swan 's language ; and there are even sounds of laughing and talking , unlike any noise made by the swans whom we know .<br>The little Bunyip was carried home by its mother , and after that the waters sank back to their own channels .<br>The side of the pool where she lives is always shunned by everyone , as nobody knows when she may suddenly put out her head and draw him into her mighty jaws .
Bunyip is a cygnet
Cygnet is a baby swan. It implies, BUT DOES NOT STATE, that Bunyip is one.
( z1 cygnet :domain ( z2 company :name ( z3 name :op "Bunyip" ) ) )
Pete's Popular Pens<br>Pete made custom pens in his garage. His pens became very popular with businesses in his hometown. He decided to expand his pen business. Pete opened a shop and hired four employees. Now Pete sells his popular pens nationwide.
He went out of business a few years after this statement was written
There is no way to determine if that is correct or incorrect. I think the model got confused because it is so unclear.
( z1 go-out :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG1 ( z3 business ) :time ( z4 after :op ( z5 write :ARG1 ( z6 thing :ARG1-of ( z7 state ) :mod ( z8 this ) ) ) :quant ( z9 few :op ( z10 temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z11 year ) ) ) ) )
Changing Oil<br>My scooter started to leak oil in the summer. I found that the heat was increasing the pressure. I reduced the amount of oil in the scooter. I watched a video to figure it out. Changing the oil was very easy.
The speaker watched a lengthy video to figure it out.
Nothing in the text mentions how long the video was, we could assume it was a short video because they say changing the oil was easy, but we cannot say this definitively. I'm not really sure why this was difficult for the system.
( z1 watch :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 speak ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 video :ARG1-of ( z5 long ) ) :purpose ( z6 figure-out :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 it ) ) )
Fishing Trip<br>Tim went on his first fishing trip. He was barely learning the basic.s. Tim learned fast. He caught more fish than anyone he went to. It encouraged Tim to go back often.
Tim did not go fishing again.
The text says he was encouraged to return, but does not state if he returned or not.
( z1 fish :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tim" ) ) :mod ( z4 again ) )
The boys roared at Eph 's jokes , and had rough and tumble games over Bose , who did n't mind them in the least ; and so the afternoon wore pleasantly away .<br>At sunset the boys went out to feed the cattle , bring in heaps of wood , and lock up for the night , as the lonely farm-house seldom had visitors after dark .
At sunset the boys went out to feed the cattle , bring in heaps of wood , and lock up for the night , as the lonely farm-house seldom had visitors after dark . Dark fell at six pm. The boys were paid fifty cents.
It is not know what time it got dark or how much the boys were paid.
( z1 multi-sentence :snt ( z2 go-out :ARG0 ( z3 boy ) :purpose ( z4 and :op ( z5 feed :ARG0 z3 :ARG2 ( z6 cattle ) ) :op ( z7 bring :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z8 heap :cxnsistof ( z9 wood ) ) ) :op ( z10 lock-up :ARG0 z3 :time ( z11 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z12 night ) ) ) ) :time ( z13 sunset ) :ARG1-of ( z14 cause :ARG0 ( z15 visit :polarity - :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z16 house :mod ( z17 farm ) :mod ( z18 lonely ) ) :frequency ( z19 seldom ) :time ( z20 after :op ( z21 darken ) ) ) ) ) )
Slide Show<br>Inez took a trip to Guatemala. She took many beautiful photographs while she was there. When she got home, she had the photos made into slides. She invited friends over for a slideshow of her trip. All of Inez's friends politely declined the invitation.
She invited six friends over for a slideshow of her trip.
It doesn't specify how many she invited, so we don't know for sure. It's difficult perhaps because it says "all of Inez's friends", so maybe the system thinks there had to be more than six for some reason.
( z1 invite :ARG0 ( z2 she ) :ARG1 ( z3 friend :quant 6 ) :ARG2 ( z4 over ) :purpose ( z5 slideshow :topic ( z6 trip :ARG0 z2 ) ) )
He came last night -- and she says that she has always liked him best . ''<br>A very curious change came over Randall 's face -- but not the change Janet had expected to see .<br>Instead of turning pale Randall flushed ; and instead of a sharp cry of pain and incredulity , Randall said in no uncertain tones , `` Thank God ! ''<br>Janet wondered if she were dreaming .<br>Granny Thomas ' love potion seemed to have turned the world upside down .
Randall was always in love with Janet
With the context we don't have enough information, just what she thought his actions would be.
( z1 love :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Randall" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Janet" ) ) :time ( z6 always ) )
I got a card -- but you may be very sure I did n't go , although Nancy thought I was crazy not to .<br>Then every one else gave parties in honor of Mr. Fenwick and I was invited and never went .<br>Wilhelmina Mercer came and pleaded and scolded and told me if I avoided Mr. Fenwick like that he would think I still cherished bitterness against him , and he would n't make any advances towards a reconciliation .<br>Wilhelmina means well , but she has n't a great deal of sense .<br>Cecil Fenwick seemed to be a great favorite with everybody , young and old .
The narrator refused to attend the gathering because they felt they would be looked upon poorly.
The narrator gives no reason as to why they don't want to accept the invitation.
( z1 refuse :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 narrate ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 attend :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 gather ) ) :ARG1-of ( z6 cause :ARG0 ( z7 feel :ARG0 ( z8 they ) :ARG1 ( z9 look :ARG1 z8 :ARG2 ( z10 poor ) ) ) ) )
College Wrestling<br>Sam was too small for his college wrestling team. His coach gave him a few months to bulk up. Sam tried different things but it didn't work. Sam wasn't able to gain enough mass. He was not allowed on the team.
Sam was a good baseball player.
The context doesn't say anything about Sam playing baseball. He may have been a baseball player who wanted to wrestle in the offseason. Or he may not have played baseball at all. You wouldn't be able to tell from this context.
( z1 good :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sam" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 play :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 baseball ) ) )
Sams Wedding<br>The big day had finally come, Sam was going to be married. After getting ready, her bridesmaids met her in the hotel lobby. Waiting, the limo was over an hour late. After a few calls, the limo had been parked just out of sight. After entering the limo, Sam screamed at the driver for being late.
Sam screamed over her bridesmaids after she got in the limo.
The context does not indicate that the bridesmaids were speaking the system did not recognize that speaking over meant that they would be speaking/screaming also.
( z1 scream :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sam" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z6 bride ) ) ) :time ( z7 after :op ( z8 get :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z9 limo ) ) ) )
Helping<br>One day Susan was driving when she saw a man with crutches fall down. She stopped her car to help him. She walked over and helped him stand up. He thanked her profusely. Susan felt good after that.
The man paid her for helping him off the ground.
It says he thanked her, but does not say how or if any money was involved.
( z1 pay :ARG0 ( z2 man ) :ARG2 ( z3 she ) :ARG3 ( z4 help :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z5 fall :ARG1 z2 :ARG4 ( z6 ground ) ) :ARG2 z2 ) )
Fred's Dairy Farm<br>Fred is a farmer. He raises cows for dairy. He and his farmhands milk the cows every day. They turn the milk into butter and cream. Fred sells his products at the local grocery store.
Fred sells old cows for their meat.
Fred could sell the cows for meat that are too old to make milk or he may keep them as pets. it is neither correct or incorrect. there is no way to know.
( z1 sell :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Fred" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 cow :mod ( z5 old ) ) :ARG3 ( z6 meat :poss z4 ) )
Of course he knew nothing about her being there .<br>Then he started off in his Seven - league Boots , and before you could say `` Jack Robinson '' he was in Rome , in the grounds of a splendid palace called the Villa Borghese .<br>There he saw an elderly gentleman , in a great curled wig , sound asleep on a seat beneath a tree .
He has traveled many places in his Seven-league Boots.
it doesn't specify how many places he has gone besides Rome so it is neither but the AI thought it was correct because it would logically be correct.
( z1 travel :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG1 ( z3 place :quant ( z4 many ) ) :instrument ( z5 boot :mod ( z6 league :quant 7 ) :poss z2 ) )
Maria's Morning<br>Maria woke up around 8:30 on Saturday. She lied in bed for half an hour before getting up. She got dressed and made some coffee. Maria drank the coffee and read the news online. Then, Maria decided to make breakfast.
She was up late the night before.
It spoke the time she woke up but not when she went to sleep the night before. We have no way of knowing when Maria went to bed the night before.
( z1 wake-up :ARG1 ( z2 she ) :time ( z3 late :op ( z4 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z5 night ) :mod ( z6 before ) ) ) )
Clean Microscope<br>Viktor could not get his microscope to focus. His professor came to help. His professor also could not get it to focus. The professor wiped the lens with a solvent. He was then able to focus the lens.
Viktor has met with amy
name not mentioned
( z1 meet :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Viktor" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Amy" ) ) )
Her son , who was in Kingsport with his regiment , was seriously ill with pneumonia , and she must go to him at once .<br>The members of the concert committee looked at each other in blank dismay .<br>What was to be done ?<br>`` This comes of depending on outside help , '' said Olive Kirk , disagreeably .<br>`` We must do something , '' said Rilla , too desperate to care for Olive 's manner .<br>`` We 've advertised the concert everywhere -- and crowds are coming -- there 's even a big party coming out from town -- and we were short enough of music as it was .
`` We 've advertised the concert everywhere -- and crowds are coming -- there 's even a big party coming out from town -- and we were short enough of music as it was . Concerts are boring to most people.
`` We 've advertised the concert everywhere -- and crowds are coming -- there 's even a big party coming out from town -- and we were short enough of music as it was . Most people hate large crowds.
( z1 multi-sentence :snt ( z2 and :op ( z3 advertise :ARG0 ( z4 we ) :ARG1 ( z5 concert ) :location ( z6 everywhere ) ) :op ( z7 come :ARG1 ( z8 crowd ) ) :op ( z9 come :ARG1 ( z10 party :mod ( z11 big ) :mod ( z12 even ) ) :direction ( z13 out-of :op ( z14 town ) ) ) :op ( z15 short :ARG1 z4 :ARG2 ( z16 music ) :ARG2-of ( z17 have-degree :ARG1 z4 :ARG3 ( z18 enough ) ) ) ) )
Insecurities; or How I Learned That Even Your Friends Will Hold You Back Because of Theirs<br>Her shirt said Kiss Me I'm A Nerd for nerd day homecoming week. He was the only one that offered to kiss her, and she accepted. His friends said she was too hot for him, so he never asked her out. She saved the last slow dance at homecoming for him, and it was nice. He never asked her out and never knew she liked him back.
He only offered 1 girl a kiss.
There was one at least but no mention of others for sure.
( z1 offer :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG1 ( z3 kiss :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z4 girl :quant 1 :ARG3-of z1 ) ) :mod ( z5 only ) )
No Records<br>Molly had recently moved to a new city. She was trying to visit her new doctor. Unfortunately they couldn't find her medical records. She called her doctor and was able to retrieve them. Finally she was able to finish up her appointment.
Molly was from Denali.
The statement is in the correct category because the excerpt states that Molly had moved to a new city, but didn't specifically say where she was from. The system may have had difficulty because the excerpt didn't give many specifics.
( z1 be-from :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Molly" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 island :name ( z5 name :op "Denali" ) ) )
Well , it 's getting dark and I must scoot home .<br>Mrs. Elliott does n't like me to be out after dark .<br>Laws , when I lived with Mrs. Wiley the dark was just the same as the daylight to me .<br>I did n't mind it no more 'n a gray cat .<br>Them days seem a hundred years ago .<br>Now , you mind what I 've said and try to behave yourselves , for you pa 's sake .<br>I 'LL always back you up and defend you -- you can be dead sure of that .<br>Mrs. Elliott says she never saw the like of me for sticking up for my friends .<br>I was real sassy to Mrs. Alec Davis about you and Mrs. Elliott combed me down for it afterwards .
Everyone departs from each other at nighttime
One person is leaving due to nighttime approaching but we do not know if everyone does this. This should confuse the computer unless it understands context.
( z1 depart :ARG0 ( z2 everyone :ARG1-of z1 ) :time ( z3 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z4 night ) ) )
Forgotten Phone<br>Kate was shopping. She left her cell phone at the grocery store. Kate realized her phone was missing. She went back to the store. Kate was able to retrieve her phone from customer service.
You can forget a phone nine times.
It is not clearly stated in the paragraph.
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 forget :frequency 9 :ARG0 ( z3 you ) :ARG1 ( z4 phone ) ) )
The March<br>Tom's city had an uptick in police violence. Many felt it was getting out of hand. Tom helped orchestrate a protest march. Everything was by the book and the event went well. It helped shine light on the problem.
Tom respects the police.
Based on the context, there is no way to know for sure if he respects the police or not.
( z1 respect :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 police ) )
Charlotte had always been very careful not to let the Pretty Lady see her , but today , after the Pretty Lady had gone past , Charlotte leaned out of the gap to watch her as far as she could .<br>And just at that very moment the Pretty Lady looked back ; and there , peering at her from the asylum fence , was a little scrap of a girl , with mouse-coloured hair and big freckles , and the sweetest , brightest , most winsome little face the Pretty Lady had ever seen .
The Pretty Lady was definitely not 43 years old.
There's nothing really to suggest how old the Pretty Lady was, so we can't say one way or the other really. It's difficult maybe because I used the phrase "definitely not" which confuses the system on how to approach the statement.
( z1 age :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 lady :mod ( z3 pretty ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 temporal-quantity :quant 43 :unit ( z5 year ) ) :mod ( z6 definite ) )
By the time the dragon had been killed they were very hungry and set up a clamour for food .<br>The prince therefore cut up the dragon and fed them with it , bit by bit , till they had eaten the whole .<br>He then washed himself and lay down to rest , and he was still asleep when the Simurgh came home .<br>As a rule , the young birds raised a clamour of welcome when their parents came near , but on this day they were so full of dragon-meat that they had no choice , they had to go to sleep .<br>As they flew nearer , the old birds saw the prince lying under the tree and no sign of life in the nest .
The Dragon hated birds.
From the context, we do not know whether or not the dragon like or hated birds, therefore the statement is neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect.
( z1 hate :ARG0 ( z2 dragon ) :ARG1 ( z3 bird ) )
Painting<br>Kate's mom was painting the living room. Her mom was eager and began talking about the paint. Kate didn't want to spend the day painting. Kate slunk off silently and went to her room as he mom kept talking. She closed her door and hoped her mom wouldn't come ask for help.
Kate's mom wanted to paint with Kate in her room.
While the mom was painting in the living room, Kate's room was mentioned a lot, but it was never said if she wanted to paint in the room.
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Kate" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 mom ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 paint :ARG0 z2 :accompanier z4 :location ( z8 room :poss z4 ) ) )
Stale Cereal<br>Tom was going to have some cereal. He poured it out but it sounded funny. Tom tasted a bit and realized it was stale. There was a hole in the bag he hadn't noticed. Tom threw it out and got a new box.
The cereal was stale when tom bought it.
Could've been stale.
( z1 stale :domain ( z2 cereal ) :time ( z3 buy :ARG0 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Tom" ) ) ) )
Wedding<br>Mary's maid of honor helped Mary put on a white silk gown. Mary's mom clipped a veil into Mary's hair. Mary put a pair of white high heeled shoes on her feet. Mary's mom handed Mary a bouquet of flowers. Mary walked to the entrance of the church to get married.
Mary's mother was never married
It's unknown if Mary's mother ever got married
( z1 marry :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Mary" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 mother ) ) ) :time ( z7 ever ) )
Therefore there was no goat when your grandmother was a little girl .<br>This shows that , in telling the story of Peter Pan , to begin with the goat -LRB- as most people do -RRB- is as silly as to put on your jacket before your vest .<br>Of course , it also shows that Peter is ever so old , but he is really always the same age , so that does not matter in the least .
there was no goat before you
it says your grandmother doesn't have a goat, nothing about never having a goat
( z1 goat :polarity - :location ( z2 before :op ( z3 you ) ) )
Singing in the Car<br>Tom was driving to work. A song he loved started playing on the radio. Tom sang along loudly. At a stop the car next to him saw and laughed. Tom didn't care and kept singing.
He hates to sing in other places
We do not know where else he likes to sing, so its not correct or incorrect.
( z1 hate :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG1 ( z3 sing :ARG0 z2 :location ( z4 place :mod ( z5 other ) ) ) )
The old man had Harry on his knee , and was busy pulling off his shoes and stockings , to warm the little cold feet .<br>` Poor creature , ' said the lady .<br>Suddenly Eliza opened her eyes .<br>A dreadful look of pain came into her face .<br>She sprang up saying , ` Oh , my Harry , have they got him ? '<br>As soon as he heard her voice , Harry jumped from the old man 's knee , and running to her side , put up his arms .<br>` Oh , he 's here !<br>he 's here , ' she said , kissing him .<br>` Oh , ma'am , ' she went , on turning wildly to the lady of the house , ` do protect us , do n't let them get him . '
The old man who had Harry on his knee was a friend to cats.
From the context, we do not know whether or not The old man who had Harry on his knee was a friend to cats, therefore the statement is neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect.
( z1 have-rel-role :ARG0 ( z2 man :mod ( z3 old ) :ARG0-of ( z4 have :ARG1 ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Harry" ) ) :location ( z7 knee :part-of z2 ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z8 cat ) :ARG2 ( z9 friend ) )
Choco Tasting<br>Stella invited Don to go on a date. She thought of an idea. She decided to take him chocolate tasting. Don told her he hated chocolate. He cancelled the date.
Stella has a crush on Don's brother.
We do not know whether or not Stella has a crush on Don's brother, so the statement is neither definitely correct nor definitely incorrect.
( z1 crush :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Stella" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Don" ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 brother ) ) ) )
Paul's Plate<br>Paul was hungry and made a sandwich. He put the sandwich on his favorite plate. The plate was blue and glowed in the dark. While walking out of the kitchen, he tripped and dropped the plate. The plate broke and it ruined his day.
Paul tripped over a mosue
It is neither because it doesn't state what he tripped over, only that he generically tripped. I think the system gets thrown off because it is a specific thing
( z1 tripped :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Paul" ) ) :destination ( z4 over :op ( z5 mosque ) ) )
The Walkie Talkie<br>The boys loved playing outside. They had walkie talkies that the used to talk to each other. They would run through the woods and keep in contact with them. They played this game all summer. THey couldn't wait until next summer to play it again!
They didn't play with the walkie talkies any other time.
While used during the summer running through the woods, it doesn't state that the boys didn't use them during the fall and winter months to keep in touch.
( z1 play :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 they ) :ARG2 ( z3 talkie :mod ( z4 walkie ) ) :time ( z5 time :mod ( z6 any ) :mod ( z7 other ) ) )
Annoying Guest<br>Tom lived with his girlfriend. Her little sister was kicked out of her house. Tom let her stay with them for a while. Unfortunately she was incredibly annoying. Tom had to kick her out within weeks.
Tom's girlfriend liked her little sister.
We only know that Tom didn't like his girlfriend's little sister, but it's not mentioned how the girlfriend felt about her sister. It's difficult because the text mentions that she was incredibly annoying and the different number of people mentioned might be confusing as well.
( z1 like :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 girlfriend ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 person :ARG0-of ( z8 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z9 sister :mod ( z10 little ) ) ) ) )
Thirsty<br>I was running outside. I got very sweaty. I didn't feel well. I drank a lot of water. It turns out I was just thirsty.
They drank less than a cup of water
not clear how much water they drank
( z1 drink :ARG0 ( z2 they ) :ARG1 ( z3 water :quant ( z4 less-than :op ( z5 volume-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z6 cup ) ) ) ) )
The Baby Allergy<br>Allie was feeding her baby for the first time. She decided to start with scrambled eggs. Her baby enjoyed the food and ate it quickly.`. Suddenly he developed a rash and began to cry. She took him to the doctor where she learned he was allergic to eggs.
The doctor did not perform a test.
its not clear if a test was done.
( z1 test :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 doctor ) )
Sick day from work<br>Tina was not feeling well. So she decided to take a sick day from work. She was hesitant because she hated sick days. But she called her boss. Luckily her boss let her stay in and just relax.
Tina can't wait to go back to work'
Even thought she did not like sick days there was no mention of her ready to go back so soon so it is neither.
( z1 possible :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 wait :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tina" ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 go-back :ARG1 z3 :ARG2 ( z6 work :ARG0 z3 ) ) ) )
Light went out<br>I was looking into the room. All the sudden the light went out. It was unfortunate. Thankfully I had backup. So I was quickly able to solve the issue.
The original light was never repaired
It does not say whether or not the original light was repaired! Just that the narrator had a backup.
( z1 repair :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 light :mod ( z3 original ) ) :time ( z4 ever ) )
What shall I do ? '<br>` Tell him to come out , ' said the ` Stute Fish .<br>So the Whale called down his own throat to the shipwrecked Mariner , ` Come out and behave yourself .<br>I 've got the hiccoughs . '<br>` Nay , nay ! '<br>said the Mariner .<br>` Not so , but far otherwise .<br>Take me to my natal-shore and the white-cliffs-of-Albion , and I 'll think about it . '<br>And he began to dance more than ever .<br>` You had better take him home , ' said the ` Stute Fish to the Whale . '<br>I ought to have warned you that he is a man of infinite-resource-and-sagacity . '
The whale swallowed the man on purpose.
Reason: Since people are not regular whale food, it is not clear whether the whale wanted to swallow the man or whether the whale may have been eating when it swallowed him. Therefore, the system could not make a definite determination either way.
( z1 swallow :ARG0 ( z2 whale ) :ARG1 ( z3 man ) :ARG1-of ( z4 have-purpose ) )