class label
3 classes
The Trick<br>James was getting ready for Halloween night. He was excited to collect a bunch of candy. He got his mask and costume on in a rush and headed out the door. At his first stop a skeleton popped out of the grass and grabbed him. He was so scared he ran home and stayed inside.
James collected lots of candy.
James was scared at the first stop, so it is impossible that he collected lots of candy. The system is most likely confused because this is a strong affirmative statement used very few words from the context, it just happens to be factually incorrect.
( z1 collect :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "James" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 candy :quant ( z5 lot ) ) )
Play ground<br>David had never been to a public playground. He didn't even know how to swing! He tried but fell off and scraped his knee. His mom took him to the doctors because it looked serious. It turns out he needed 3 stitches!
He tried and jumped off the swing
He scraped his head and needed stitches for it
( z1 and :op ( z2 try :ARG0 ( z3 he ) ) :op ( z4 jump :ARG0 z3 :source ( z5 swing ) ) )
College<br>Miranda wanted to be a dentist. She applied for a college in her city. Miranda was accepted into college. She studied very hard. Miranda is a dentist now.
Miranda wanted to be a dentist assistance and she was very happy with how everything turned out
she wanted to be a dentist
( z1 and :op ( z2 want :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Miranda" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 assist :ARG0 z3 :ARG2 ( z6 dentist ) ) ) :op ( z7 happy :ARG0 ( z8 turn-out :ARG1 ( z9 everything ) ) :ARG1 z3 :degree ( z10 very ) ) )
New party<br>Penelope wanted to have a party. She wanted to bring a lot of girls together. Unfortunately however there was a big fight. Penelope had to ask everyone to leave. She realized she couldn't have parties any more.
Penelope wanted to have a huge girls only party. It was going well until a couple of boys showed up and started fighting . She had to ask everyone to leave and decided to never host another party
their was no mention of boys fighting I confused al by still stating a fight but changeing gender
( z1 multi-sentence :snt ( z2 want :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Penelope" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 party :ARG0 z3 :mod ( z6 huge ) :mod ( z7 huge ) :mod ( z8 girl :mod ( z9 only ) ) ) ) )
Daddy's Girl<br>I was always a daddy's girl. One day he began calling me his princess. I became obsessed with princess themes. We decorated my bedroom with crowns and Disney toys. He told me I would always be his princess.
My father has no daughters.
The paragraph is written from the perspective of "Daddy's girl" which means Daddy has a daughter. Therefore, it is definitely incorrect to state that Daddy has no daughters. The system got confused by the use of the word "daughter". It likely does not know what the reference to Daddy's girl means.
( z1 have-rel-role :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z6 i ) :ARG2 ( z7 father ) ) ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 daughter ) )
Fire Drill<br>It was Olivia's first week of school. The school had a fire drill. Olivia's teacher brought them outside. Olivia was confused and cried. The teacher had to calm Olivia down.
The students prepared for an attack
fire drill
( z1 prepare :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 study ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 attack ) )
Randy gets drunk<br>Randy wants to have a good time. He buys some beers. He drinks them all. He becomes drunk. Randy passes out from all the drinking.
Randy saved some beer for the following night.
It said that Randy drank all of the beer, therefore, he didn't save any for the following night. It may have been difficult for the system because it requires thought.
( z1 save :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Randy" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 beer :quant ( z5 some ) ) :ARG3 ( z6 date-entity :dxyperiod ( z7 night ) :ARG1-of ( z8 follow ) ) )
Disappointment<br>Anna went to Washington DC to protest the election. She believes neither candidate is a potential president. She also thinks the government is corrupt. She plans to move to England one day soon. She feels she would be happier there.
Anna went to Washington DC to protest the election because she believes that although either candidate is a potential president, the government is also corrupt.
I wrote that she went to DC because she believes "either candidate is a potential president" when she actually believes that neither is.
( z1 go :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Anna" ) ) :ARG4 ( z4 city :name ( z5 name :op "Washington" :op "DC" ) ) :purpose ( z6 protest :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 elect ) ) :ARG1-of ( z8 cause :ARG0 ( z9 believe :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z10 corrupt :ARG1 ( z11 government-organization :ARG0-of ( z12 govern ) ) :mod ( z13 also ) :concession ( z14 have-org-role :ARG0 ( z15 candidate :mod ( z16 either ) ) :ARG2 ( z17 president :mod ( z18 potential ) ) ) ) ) ) )
Early Drinking<br>Tom was laid off from work. It was the early afternoon and he was bored. He decided to drink some beer. Before he knew it he was drunk. The next day he decided to stop drinking.
Tom got bored about 6pm.
6pm is not early afternoon.
( z1 bore :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :time ( z4 about :op ( z5 date-entity :time "18:00" ) ) )
Tilda<br>For years Jack had stubbornly refused to replace his dying truck. He cursed it and kicked it and swore to light it on fire. Still Jack refused. His wife had chosen this truck and named it Tilda. Tilda outlived Jack's wife and she helped him remember the good days.
Jack's wife is not dead.
"His wife had chosen this truck and named it Tilda. Tilda outlived Jack's wife and she helped him remember the good days." The system was confused by the context.
( z1 die :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Jack" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 wife ) ) ) )
Paul's Plate<br>Paul was hungry and made a sandwich. He put the sandwich on his favorite plate. The plate was blue and glowed in the dark. While walking out of the kitchen, he tripped and dropped the plate. The plate broke and it ruined his day.
Paul wanted to eat plate
he wanted to eat sandwich, and not the plate
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Paul" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 eat :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 plate ) ) )
His terror rose to desperation ; he rained a shower of kicks and blows upon Gunpowder , hoping by a sudden movement to give his companion the slip ; but the spectre started full jump with him .<br>Away , then , they dashed through thick and thin ; stones flying and sparks flashing at every bound .
The character is a woman
The pronouns used in the statement is male
( z1 woman :domain ( z2 character ) )
The Old Lady went without supper that night because of it , but Chris never knew that .<br>The Old Lady thought it a most beautiful June .<br>She no longer hated the new days ; on the contrary , she welcomed them .<br>`` Every day is an uncommon day now , '' she said jubilantly to herself -- for did not almost every day bring her a glimpse of Sylvia ?
The old lady thought it was July
THe second sentence says the old lady thought it was June. I don't think the system recognizes this as a month, maybe it thinks it is a nam
( z1 think :ARG0 ( z2 lady :mod ( z3 old ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 date-entity :month 7 ) )
Father and Son<br>Thomas's son, Gregory, loves to paint his nails. Thomas wants Gregory to feel comfortable being himself. So Thomas took his son to the nail salon. He let Gregory pick a color for him. They got their nails done together.
The nails painted were nine inches and designed to be hammered into a wall.
Nail salons will not paint wall nails.
( z1 and :op ( z2 distance-quantity :quant 9 :unit ( z3 inch ) :domain ( z4 nail :ARG1-of ( z5 paint ) ) ) :op ( z6 design :ARG1 z4 :ARG3 ( z7 hammer :ARG1 z4 :ARG2 ( z8 wall ) ) ) )
Emergency<br>The sermon started, and everyone sat to hear it. During the sermon, a man fell asleep. His wife shook him, but he did not wake up. People in the church came to check on him, but he was unresponsive. The paramedics took him to the hospital, where he later died.
No one knew he was sleeping.
It said people came to check on the sleeping man but he was unresponsive. If people came to check on him, someone would have known he was sleeping.
( z1 know :ARG0 ( z2 no-one ) :ARG1 ( z3 sleep :ARG0 ( z4 he ) ) )
Lost Deal<br>Tim found a good deal at the store. Unfortunately he didn't have enough money on him. He tried to hide the item while he went home. He got more money and returned. The item had been taken by then.
Tim did not have enough money at home.
Tim had enough money at home, but not on him. That is why he went home and came back.
( z1 have :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tim" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 money :ARG1-of ( z5 have-quant :ARG3 ( z6 enough ) ) ) :location ( z7 home ) )
They have always lined up in clearly divided camps of Liberal and Conservative , and now they are torn from their moorings -- I know I 'm mixing my metaphors dreadfully -- and set hopelessly adrift .<br>It will kill some of those old Grits to vote for Sir Robert Borden 's side -- and yet they have to because they believe the time has come when we must have conscription .<br>And some poor Conservatives who are against conscription must vote for Laurier , who always has been anathema to them .<br>Some of them are taking it terribly hard .
Laurier is a conservative
Robert borden was against conscription
( z1 conservative :domain ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Laurier" ) ) )
Grandfather Frog scratched his head thoughtfully and looked a long time at the dam of logs and sticks and mud .<br>Then his big mouth widened in a big smile .<br>`` Why , that is very simple , '' said he , `` Jerry Muskrat will make a big hole through the dam near the bottom , because he knows how , and the rest of us will keep watch to see that no harm comes near . ''
Grandfather Frog scratched his finger thoughtfully.
grandfather frog scratched his head not his finger, so my statement was definitely incorrect.
( z1 scratch :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Grandfather" :op "Frog" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 finger :part-of z2 ) :manner ( z5 thoughtful ) )
Ophelia Knits A Sweater<br>Ophelia had always wanted to learn to knit. She decided to try knitting a sweater. She worked very hard, knitting every day on the train to work. Finally her sweater was complete. Ophelia was glad that she had learned to knit.
Ophelia took days off from knitting on the train during her mastering of the craft.
it says she did it everyday on her way to work.
( z1 take-off :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Ophelia" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 day ) :ARG2 ( z5 knit :ARG0 z2 :location ( z6 train ) ) :time ( z7 master :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z8 craft ) ) )
Difficult Situation<br>Sian lived a very lonely lifestyle. She was one of 5 residents on a small isle in scotland. Her best friend of these 5 was Steve. Steve secretly had a crush on Sian. Years passed, but Steve never said anything for fear of rejection.
Sian has a q in it
No Q in sian
( z1 have :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sian" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 string-entity :value "q" ) :location ( z5 it ) )
She was certainly no more than fifty and , in spite of her grey hair , looked almost girlish , so bright were her dark eyes , so clear-cut and fresh her delicate face , and so smart her general appearance .<br>Frances , although not given to sudden likings , took one for Mrs. Kennedy .<br>She thought she had never seen so charming a face .<br>She found herself enjoying the day immensely .<br>In fact , she forgot the Governor 's picnic and Sara Beaumont altogether .<br>Mrs. Kennedy proved to be a delightful companion .
Frances was at a dance party.
They are at a Governor's picnic.
( z1 be-located-at :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Frances" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 party :mod ( z5 dance ) ) )
Reunion<br>Amy and Anna had been best friends since childhood. They grew apart when each attended a different college. Then, years later, they met by chance at a cafe. They chatted for hours, catching up. When they parted, they both agreed to see each other more often!
Amy and Anna grew apart in college because of different interests b
Amy and anna grew apart when yhey attended different colleges.
( z1 grow :ARG1 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Amy" ) ) :op ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Anna" ) ) ) :ARG4 ( z7 apart ) :time ( z8 college ) :ARG1-of ( z9 cause :ARG0 ( z10 interest :ARG1-of ( z11 differ ) ) ) )
Outside , the wind shook the frail building and tore the shuddering sea to pieces .<br>The rain poured down .<br>It was already settling in for a night of storm .<br>But , inside , Young Si 's fire was casting cheery flames over the rude room , and Young Si himself was kneeling by Ethel Lennox with his arm about her and her head on his broad shoulder .<br>There were happy tears in her eyes and her voice quivered as she said , `` Miles , can you forgive me ?<br>If you knew how bitterly I have repented -- '' `` Never speak of the past again , my sweet .
there was two girls
there was a man and a girl
( z1 girl :quant 2 )
The Green Beans<br>The family had a big garden. They grew lots of green beans. They put them in a big pot and boiled them. Then they put butter and salt on them. The beans were fresh and tasted great!
They grew a lot of pot.
The context states they grew a lot of green beans, and it is family-oriented, and the garden is clearly stated as being for that specific purpose - therefore, my statement is definitely incorrect because they probably don't grow any pot, but if they did, it wouldn't be "a lot" because of how much space the green beans occupy. I think the system had difficulty because it does not understand the controversy regarding marijuana or the fact that this is an extremely unlikely (next to impossible) scenario in which pot will be grown regardless of geographic differences.
( z1 grow :ARG0 ( z2 they ) :ARG1 ( z3 pot :quant ( z4 lot ) ) )
Good dip<br>Allie went to the restaurant. When she got there she got a dip. It was spinach. She loved it. Yet she spilled on her dress.
The name "Allie" contains the letter "g".
As can clearly be seen, the name "Allie" is composed of five letters, with none of them being the letter "g". I think the system got it wrong because it does not understand how to spell.
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 name :mod ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Allies" ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 letter :mod ( z6 string-entity :value "g" ) ) )
Zoo<br>When we were in Chicago my friends and I went to the zoo. We spent the whole day there, observing the animals. The animals in the zoo appeared to be happy enough. However, by the end of the day my friend was very sad. She realized that seeing caged animals made her depressed.
The narrator was the person who was sad.
It was the narrator's friend, not the narrator who was sad. It's difficult because the system probably doesn't understand what "the narrator" means in this context.
( z1 sad :ARG1 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 narrate ) ) )
Marie and the Party<br>Marie was attending a birthday party. She left her house early to go to the party. She stopped at a store to get a gift card. Marie put a check in the card and signed it. Marie drove the rest of the way to the party.
Marie bought a cake at the store
a gift card
( z1 buy :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Marie" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 cake ) :ARG3 ( z5 store ) )
Swimming<br>When Steven was 7, he wanted to learn how to swim. He took lessons once a week for a few months. He realized he loved swimming so he joined a swim team. He constantly improved his skills over the years. Next week, he swims for the USA in the Olympics.
Steven learned to swim by joining a swim team
Steven learned to swim before joining the swim team
( z1 learn :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Steven" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 swim :ARG0 z2 ) :manner ( z5 join :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z6 team :mod z4 ) ) )
Kittens<br>I found out my cat is pregnant. I had no idea why she was making all these funny noises. She would hide a lot under my bed. A friend told me this behavior was of a pregnant animal. I cannot wait to see the kittens.
The cat is male.
This is false. If the cat is pregnant, it can't be male.
( z1 male :domain ( z2 cat ) )
Mowing a Frog<br>At some point, my parents thought I was old enough to mow the lawn. It was a gas-fueled push mower. The first time, I accidentally ran over a frog. I felt terrible. I stood in the yard crying.
He could sit on the mower while he mowed.
It was a gas-fueled push mower.
( z1 possible :ARG1 ( z2 sit :ARG1 ( z3 he ) :ARG2 ( z4 mower ) :time ( z5 mow :ARG0 z3 ) ) )
Long Lost Dog<br>I lost my dog about a month ago. He had ran out of my house and never came back. We put up signs and had people looking for him for 3 long weeks. As I was walking in my neighborhood one day I saw him! A neighbor had taken him in, apparently he had lost his collar.
The word Neighborhood contains more than 5 vowels.
False, it contains exactly 5 vowels.
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 word :mod ( z3 neighborhood ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 vowel :quant ( z5 more-than :op 5 ) ) )
Well , it 's getting dark and I must scoot home .<br>Mrs. Elliott does n't like me to be out after dark .<br>Laws , when I lived with Mrs. Wiley the dark was just the same as the daylight to me .<br>I did n't mind it no more 'n a gray cat .<br>Them days seem a hundred years ago .<br>Now , you mind what I 've said and try to behave yourselves , for you pa 's sake .<br>I 'LL always back you up and defend you -- you can be dead sure of that .<br>Mrs. Elliott says she never saw the like of me for sticking up for my friends .<br>I was real sassy to Mrs. Alec Davis about you and Mrs. Elliott combed me down for it afterwards .
Mrs. Elliott combed their hair
In this context to 'comb down' means to tell off, not to actually comb someone's hair. The system did clearly not understand this slang term.
( z1 comb :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mrs." :op "Elliott" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 hair :part-of ( z5 they ) ) )
Marching Band<br>I always wanted to be in a marching band. The only instrument I played was piano. My friend told the instructor I wanted to be in the band. He handed me a baritone and told me to learn it. I took it home and learned it and then I was in the band!
Pianos are in marching bands.
Pianos cannot be in marching bands.
( z1 include :ARG1 ( z2 piano ) :ARG2 ( z3 band :ARG0-of ( z4 march ) ) )
Scrambled Eggs<br>Joy and Lizzy wanted to make breakfast in bed for their mom. It was her birthday so she deserved something special. She like her eggs sunny side up. The girls tried but they kept breaking the eggs. So their mom had scrambled eggs instead.
Joy and Lizzy made eggs for their mother for her anniversary.
"Joy and Lizzy made eggs for their mother for her anniversary" is definitely incorrect because they made eggs for her birthday.
( z1 make :ARG0 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Joy" ) ) :op ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Lizzy" ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 egg ) :ARG3 ( z8 person :ARG0-of ( z9 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z10 mother ) ) ) :purpose ( z11 anniversary :poss z8 ) )
Emma's First Day of School<br>Emma's first day of school was yesterday. She was scared at first, but once she met everyone she opened up. Her teacher asked her to put her things in her cubby. Emma didn't do that and got in trouble. She came home crying on her first day because she got in trouble.
She got in trouble because she was late
She got in to trouble because she didn't put her bag in the cubby, not for being late. I think the model got confused because it wasn't sure what the reason of getting in trouble was.
( z1 cause :ARG0 ( z2 late :ARG1 ( z3 she ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 in-trouble :ARG1 z3 ) )
The Mug<br>Sara loved drinking coffee. She bought a new mug that was really pretty. The first time she used it, she dropped it! Hot coffee splattered everywhere and the mug broke. Sara was so upset!
Sarahs mug was made of plastic
You cannot use a plastic mug for hot beverages. The system does not understand this.
( z1 make :ARG1 ( z2 mug :poss ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Sarah" ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 plastic ) )
Blues Berry<br>Berry was a struggling musician. He loved all kinds of music but didn't have any inspiration. On Friday his girlfriend of three years broke up with him. He began writing blues tunes about her. Then his music was a hit and people loved to hear him sing the blues.
berry started out big
he was struggling
( z1 start-out :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Berry" ) ) :manner ( z4 big ) )
Forgot How To Have Fun<br>Danielle used to love doing all kinds of activities. She loved crafts, sports, reading and more. There wasn't really anything she didn't like. As she got older and got a job, the repetitive nature made her bitter. She didn't like to do anything anymore.
Danielle likes to do many things
This statement is definitely incorrect, because, while Danielle USED to like many things, she no longer does, according to this context. The system may have mistaken Danielle's past state to her current state.
( z1 like :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Danielle" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 do :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 thing :quant ( z6 many ) ) ) )
Important Work<br>Eden woke up late to work. He decided to call in sick because he didn't want to rush. His boss thought he was really needed at work that day. Eden agreed to come in late. Eden helped his boss catch up on important work.
Eden woke up late because he was not feeling well.
The text stated that Eden woke up late and called in sick because he didn't want to rush. It did not say he felt sick.
( z1 wake-up :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Eden" ) ) :time ( z4 late ) :ARG1-of ( z5 cause :ARG0 ( z6 feel :polarity - :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 well ) ) ) )
Chalky<br>Hank's mouth felt sort of weird. He'd just gotten a composite resin filling the day before. Now there was a chalky taste and the feeling of something artificial. Hank read that alcohol could wear away the rosin material. He decided to binge on coffee to wash away the taste.
Hank got a filling two days ago
Incorrect, he got a filling one day ago because he said he got it "the day before"
( z1 fill :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Hank" ) ) :time ( z4 before :op ( z5 now ) :quant ( z6 temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit ( z7 day ) ) ) )
Flat tire<br>Allie was driving back home. But her tire was flat. She had to call for help. Someone brought a pump. Then she was on her way home.
Allie used a spare tire to correct her problems.
She did not, her tire was inflated by a pump.
( z1 use :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Allie" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 tire :ARG1-of ( z5 spare ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 correct :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z7 problem :poss z2 ) ) )
The others gave in very soon , and longed to be friends , for now there was no Daisy to pet and cook for them ; no Nan to amuse and doctor them ; and , worst of all , no Mrs. Jo to make home life pleasant and life easy for them .<br>To their great affliction , Mrs. Jo seemed to consider herself one of the offended girls , for she hardly spoke to the outcasts , looked as if she did not see them when she passed , and was always too busy now to attend to their requests .
Nan was there to doctor them.
"no Nan to amuse and doctor them" I don't know why the machine got it wrong.
( z1 be-located-at :ARG1 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Nan" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 there ) :purpose ( z5 doctor :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z6 they ) ) )
Mr Wongs<br>Adam always ordered Chinese food on Friday. His favorite restaurant Chao Pao was closed for some reason. He settled with a place call Mr Wong's instead. He was worried after he couldn't understand the person on the phone. Adam, the vegetarian, ended up with fried duck for dinner.
Mr Wong's was Adam's favorite Chinese restaurant.
Actually, his favorite restaurant Chao Pao was closed so Adam SETTLED WITH Mr Wong's instead. The model confused the restaurants.
( z1 restaurant :name ( z2 name :op "Mr" :op "Wong's" ) :mod ( z3 country :name ( z4 name :op "China" ) ) :mod ( z5 favorite :poss ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Adam" ) ) ) )
Pilot<br>Jay wanted to be an air force pilot just like his dad. He attended the same air force school that his father graduated. He plugged a lot of hours in training at the academy. Jay graduated top of his class. He now flies fighter jets for the United States Air force.
Jay disappointed his father.
Logically, if he followed in his dad's footsteps, graduated top of the class at his dad's alma mater, etc, he did not disappoint his dad.The model doesn't understand common sense.
( z1 disappoint :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jay" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z6 father ) ) ) )
On either side just below the handle , where the Runic letters shivered as though they were alive , were two deep gouges in the dull , deadly steel .<br>` Now , what Thing made those ? '<br>said he . '<br>I know not , but you , perhaps , can say . '<br>` Tell them all the tale , Sir Richard , ' said Puck .<br>` It concerns their land somewhat . '<br>` Yes , from the very beginning , ' Una pleaded , for the knight 's good face and the smile on it more than ever reminded her of ` Sir Isumbras at the Ford ' .
the runic letters are alive and well.
They shriveled like they were alive; they are in fact not alive as they are just runic letters. I think the system took the personification literally.
( z1 letter :mod ( z2 runic ) :ARG1-of ( z3 live ) :ARG1-of ( z4 well ) )
Bad Weather<br>The weatherman was told that he was going to be fired. This made him very angry. During the weather report on the news he lied. The weatherman said it would snow in July. Many angry viewers called into the station.
The weatherman thought it would snow in July
It is incorrect because it is stated that he lied about the report. Therefore, he didn't think that, he just said it. The system has a hard time understanding thought
( z1 think :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-org-role :ARG2 ( z4 weatherman ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 snow :time ( z6 date-entity :month 7 ) ) )
Flowers<br>Jill wanted a flower garden. So she got gardening supplies and seeds. After a week, her flower garden was complete. And she took care of it everyday. Gardening became Jill's favorite hobby.
Jill rebuilt her garden.
Because Jill was building the garden in the first place, she cannot have been re-building it. "rebuild" may have confused AI
( z1 rebuild :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jill" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 garden :poss z2 ) )
Not surprised<br>Allie got invited to Kelsey's wedding. She was rather excited. All the sudden though she saw Kelsi's fiance with someone else. Allie knew she had to tell Kelsi. When she told her though, Kelsi called off the wedding.
Allie contains a x
Not in the name
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 product :name ( z3 name :op "Allie" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 string-entity :value "x" ) )
Mini golf<br>Ann and her friend went mini golfing. The two had fun back and forth. Ann was winning at first. But then she hit the ball and it went in the water. She thought it was hilarious and got another ball.
Ann wanted to quit playing golf after her ball went in the water.
Ann laughed about her ball going in the water and then got another ball to keep playing so she didn't want to quit. The system doesn't know if she wanted to quit or not because it had to make an inference.
( z1 want :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Ann" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 quit :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 play :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z6 golf ) ) :time ( z7 after :op ( z8 go :ARG1 ( z9 ball :poss z2 ) :ARG4 ( z10 water ) ) ) ) )
Broken<br>I reached back just as the door slammed behind me. The ring on my finger hooked in the door handle. It pulled my finger hard. My knuckle swelled exponentially. I went to the emergency room, where they told me I cracked my knuckle.
The person broke their hand.
The emergency room said they cracked their knuckle.
( z1 break :ARG0 ( z2 person ) :ARG1 ( z3 hand :part-of ( z4 they ) ) )
Lost Cat<br>John got home from work one day to find his cat missing. He looked for him everywhere. Eventually he realized that his cat had escaped. He went outside and called for him. John's cat eventually came up running and they were reunited.
John contains a qq
Letters aren't in the name
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "John" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 string-entity :value "qq" ) )
Burning books<br>It was allie's first day of school. So she decided to burn her books. Allie felt so relieved. She thought she would never have to use them. But to her dismay she realized she needed them for next year.
Allie decided to throw away all her books because she thought she would never have to use them again.
It's incorrect because she burned them all, she didn't throw them away. It's difficult because the system might think these two things are the same, but I would say they are not.
( z1 decide :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Allie" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 throw :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 book :mod ( z6 all ) :poss z2 ) :ARG2 ( z7 away ) ) :ARG1-of ( z8 cause :ARG0 ( z9 think :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z10 obligate :polarity - :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z11 use :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 z5 :mod ( z12 again ) ) :time ( z13 ever ) ) ) ) )
Visiting Grandpa<br>Tyler visits his grandpa on Saturday. He meets grandpa at the nursing home. They drive to the park. Grandpa tells stories while they feed ducks. Tyler treats grandpa to ice cream before driving home.
Tyler visits Grandpa in the early days of the week
Saturday is the weekend, not early in the week
( z1 visit :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tyler" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 have-rel-role :ARG1 z2 :ARG2 ( z6 grandfather ) ) ) :time ( z7 day :mod ( z8 early ) :part-of ( z9 week ) ) )
Too Early<br>Sam was supposed to meet friends for dinner. When he arrived nobody else was there. He got a table and waited. Nobody got there for a while. Sam realized he had gotten the wrong time.
The person of subject's friends had abandoned him
At first it seems like he had been ditched but he actually just arrived at the wrong time.
( z1 abandon :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 subject ) :ARG2 ( z5 friend ) ) ) :ARG1 z4 )
First Fight<br>Tom was into boxing. He was about to have his first amateur match. Tom won but had a lot of issues. It was a good learning experience. Tom kept getting better.
Tom was TKO'd in the fourth round of his first amateur fight.
Tom won his first fight, so he couldn't have possibly been TKO'd. I assume the agent doesn't know what a TKO is.
( z1 person :name ( z2 name :op "Tom" ) )
Highway Cleanup<br>One day Eleanor decided to join the Highway Cleanup team. On Monday she and the rest of the team drove to the highway. They found lots of trash. They picked it up. They all had a fun time.
There was very little to be done on the highway so they had a fun time
the text states that there was a lot of trash, therefore a lot to do
( z1 do :ARG1 ( z2 little :degree ( z3 very ) ) :location ( z4 highway ) :purpose ( z5 have :ARG0 ( z6 they ) :ARG1 ( z7 time :mod ( z8 fun ) ) ) )
Lost and Found<br>Aya lost her gold anklet in gym class. She was distraught! But then she went to the guidance office. There, she checked the Lost And Found box. Thankfully, her anklet had been found and turned in.
Aya hated her gold anklet.
If she hated it, she wouldn't be distraught to lose it.
( z1 hate :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Aya" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 anklet :cxnsistof ( z5 gold ) :poss z2 ) )
Everything that Jane Lavinia wanted to say came rushing at once and together to her tongue 's end .<br>`` Oh , Aunt Rebecca , he was delighted with them !<br>And he said I had remarkable talent , and he wants me to go to New York and study in an art school there .<br>He says Mrs. Stephens finds it hard to get good help , and if I 'd be willing to work for her in the mornings , I could live with them and have my afternoons off .<br>So it wo n't cost much .<br>And he said he would help me -- and , oh , Aunt Rebecca , ca n't I go ? ''<br>Jane Lavinia 's breath gave out with a gasp of suspense .
Jane is Rebecca's Aunt
Rebecca is Jane's Aunt, she is referred to as Aunt Rebecca. The inversion appears to have confused the model
( z1 have-rel-role :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jane" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Rebecca" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 aunt ) )
Source<br>Ray grabbed a pair of pants to wear for the day. He noticed there was a big red stain on them. Upon further investigation, he saw more of his clothes were stained. Ray went to his dryer for more answers. Inside was two broken red pens.
Ray noticed 2 big stains on his pair of pants
It says Ray found a big red stain on his pair of pants. A implies 1 not more than one. Not sure why the system got it wrong.
( z1 notice :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Ray" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 stain :quant 2 :mod ( z5 big ) :location ( z6 pair :quant 1 :quant-of ( z7 pants :poss z2 ) ) ) )
Ride to Lowell<br>My sister-in-law had jury duty in 2010. The trial was in Lowell, 29 miles away from Cambridge. She does not like driving, so I took her there. I stayed in the library while she went to court. She did not get picked and we went home at noon.
Noon is 11 o'clock.
Noon is 12 O'clock. This is universally recognized. The system must not recognize temporal colloquialisms.
( z1 equal :ARG1 ( z2 date-entity :time "Noon" ) :ARG2 ( z3 date-entity :time "11:00" ) )
Bottled Water<br>Kate had a favorite brand of bottled water. She bought it by the gallon. It usually cost one dollar and twenty five cent for a gallon. One day it was increased to one dollar and fifty cent. She was not pleased by this increase.
The water is a nickel more expensive
It is more expensive but by a quarter
( z1 have-degree :ARG1 ( z2 water ) :ARG2 ( z3 expensive ) :ARG3 ( z4 more :quant ( z5 monetary-quantity :quant 5 :unit ( z6 cent ) ) ) )
Bad Adults<br>Gwen and her friends were hanging out at the park. Suddenly some adults came wandering into the area. Gwen could tell they were drunk because they stumbled. Suddenly the two adults began bickering and even fighting. All of the kids felt unsafe and left the park.
The kids left the park because of a scary dog.
The kids left the park because of drunk adults.
( z1 leave :ARG0 ( z2 kid ) :ARG1 ( z3 park ) :ARG1-of ( z4 cause :ARG0 ( z5 dog :ARG0-of ( z6 scary ) ) ) )
No More Freebies<br>Tom moved to a new neighborhood. Tom noticed his new neighbor didn't have a password on his wi-fi. Tom began surfing off his neighbor's wi-fi service for free. One day Tom noticed his neighbor did secure his wi-fi with passwords. Tom then had to call the cable company and begin paying for service.
Tom contains a q
No q in the name
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 thing :mod "q" ) )
Parking Spot<br>I went to a city. I thought I had found a good parking spot for my scooter. I did not want to have to pay for a spot. I had it on a sidewalk by a bus station. I was told I could not park there.
He found a good spot
It says he thought he did but he didnt. The system is bad about figuring things out
( z1 find :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG1 ( z3 spot :ARG1-of ( z4 good ) ) )
Gamers Need Love Too<br>Bill's older brother told him he'd never get a date. He spent too much time playing video games. One day he was at the video game store. A pretty girl came up beside him, asking his advice on a game. They hit it off so he asked her out and she said yes.
Older brothers never date.
Bill's older brother may not date but that doesn't mean that all older brothers don't date.
( z1 date :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG2 ( z4 brother ) ) :ARG1-of ( z5 have-degree :ARG2 ( z6 old ) :ARG3 ( z7 more ) ) ) :time ( z8 ever ) )
The Garden<br>Erin loved growing vegetables. She planted a large garden. She watched the plants grow for a few months. She finally had some crops to pick! She loved eating things she had grown herself.
Erin ate vegetables grown in one year.
The system only knew of happenings in a certain time frame.
( z1 eat :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Erin" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 vegetable :ARG1-of ( z5 grow :duration ( z6 temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z7 year ) ) ) ) )
Cancer<br>Today I went to get my iron infusion. The hospital I go to treats cancer patients also. I used to think this was a sad place to come to because of the pain. This time, I looked past the pain and saw the courage. Next time I go to the hospital I will look for the courage again.
cancer patients are weak according to the writer.
They actually found courage among the patients not weakness.
( z1 say :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 write ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 weak :ARG1 ( z5 patient :mod ( z6 disease :name ( z7 name :op "cancer" ) ) ) ) )
Quitting Smoking<br>Dan really wanted to quit smoking cigarettes. He tried many different options. No matter what gums or patches he tried, nothing worked. Dan realized he just needed to quit cold turkey. It was very hard but he felt better when he quit.
Quitting cold turkey was the first option that Dan tried to quit smoking.
It states Dan tried gum and patches before he tried going cold turkey.
( z1 try :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Dan" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 quit :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 smoke :ARG0 z2 ) ) :manner ( z6 turkey :ARG1-of ( z7 cold ) :domain ( z8 quit :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 z5 ) :ord ( z9 ordinal-entity :value 1 ) ) )
I was there last week .<br>And they were so interested .<br>Two days ago Miss Patty wrote me a note asking me to call ; and then she asked if I would take her gift to you .<br>What would you wish most from Patty 's Place , Anne ? ''<br>`` You ca n't mean that Miss Patty has sent me her china dogs ? ''<br>`` Go up head .<br>They 're in my trunk this very moment .<br>And I 've a letter for you .<br>Wait a moment and I 'll get it . ''<br>`` Dear Miss Shirley , '' Miss Patty had written , `` Maria and I were very much interested in hearing of your approaching nuptials .<br>We send you our best wishes .
Miss Shirley wrote to Miss Patty.
Clearly Miss Patty was the one who wrote to Miss Shirley. I don't think the system can make sense of that jumble, and frankly I had a hard go also.
( z1 write :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Miss" :op "Shirley" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Miss" :op "Patty" ) ) )
Nail Polish Fiasco<br>Claire was painting her nails. As she was polishing her last nail, her cat came running. It hit the bottle and knocked it over. The bottle spilled all over her white carpet. Claire now has a huge blue stain on her carpet.
The bottle spilled all over her white cat.
It's definitely incorrect because it spilled all over the white carpet, not the cat (which might not even be white). It's difficult perhaps because it never mentions whether the cat was white or not, so it thinks it's neither correct/nor incorrect.
( z1 spill :ARG1 ( z2 bottle ) :ARG2 ( z3 cat :ARG1-of ( z4 white ) :poss ( z5 she ) ) :mod ( z6 all ) )
Lost Cat<br>Sam returned to his home after work. He went to feed his cat. Sam's cat was nowhere to be found. Sam searched everywhere for his cat. His neighbor was able to find his cat the next day.
Sam's cat was lost for two days
The statement said the neighbor found the cat the next day so it was only missing for 1 day
( z1 lose :ARG1 ( z2 cat :poss ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Sam" ) ) ) :duration ( z5 temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit ( z6 day ) ) )
Design<br>Tim and Alice were getting married. They bought a brand new home. They hired an interior decorator. They loved the work the designer did. They were very happy with their new home.
Tim and Alice bought a new home because they were married.
The text says "Tim and Alice were getting married [so] They bought a brand new home." It appears they weren't already married when they bought it. The model assumed they were.
( z1 buy :ARG0 ( z2 and :op ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tim" ) ) :op ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Alice" ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 home :ARG1-of ( z8 new ) ) :ARG1-of ( z9 cause :ARG0 ( z10 marry :ARG1 z3 :ARG2 z5 ) ) )
Little Joscelyn `` It simply is n't to be thought of , Aunty Nan , '' said Mrs. William Morrison decisively .<br>Mrs. William Morrison was one of those people who always speak decisively .<br>If they merely announce that they are going to peel the potatoes for dinner their hearers realize that there is no possible escape for the potatoes .<br>Moreover , these people are always given their full title by everybody .<br>William Morrison was called Billy oftener than not ; but , if you had asked for Mrs. Billy Morrison , nobody in Avonlea would have known what you meant at first guess .
Mrs. William Morrison often spoke hesitantly with people that did not know.
Mrs. William Morrison spoke decisively, not hesitantly. The system likely was confused by the verbiage.
( z1 speak :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Mrs." :op "William" :op "Morrison" ) ) :ARG2 ( z4 person :ARG0-of ( z5 know :polarity - ) ) :frequency ( z6 often ) :manner ( z7 hesitate :ARG0 z2 ) )
Deep Puddle<br>Tom was driving in the rain. He noticed a large puddle up ahead. He figured he could drive over it. It turned out to be much deeper. Tom's car was half swallowed up.
Tom's car was swallowed more than 50%.
This is false. According to the text, it was half swallowed = 50%
( z1 swallow :ARG1 ( z2 car :poss ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tom" ) ) ) :extent ( z5 more-than :op ( z6 percentage-entity :value 50 ) ) )
Catching the flu<br>Tom had the flu. He accidentally gave it to his brother. His brother gave it to his teacher. His teacher got sick and lost his voice. He couldn't teach for 3 days.
Tom is the last person that caught the flu.
It belongs to the category because Tom is the first person that caught the flu. I think the system didn't catch it because machines can't think critically.
( z1 catch :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 disease :name ( z5 name :op "influenza" ) ) :ord ( z6 ordinal-entity :value "-1" ) )
Early<br>Tina wanted to spend more time with her mom. So when her mom invited her to go out one morning, Tina agreed. They left at 9 AM and went to several garage sales. Tina had hated getting up so early. But she loved spending time with her mother!
they left at nine thirty AM.
they left at 9. not 9:30. I think the system didn't understand time well enough?
( z1 leave :ARG0 ( z2 they ) :time ( z3 date-entity :time "9:30" ) )
The Concert<br>Tony and his buddies were pumped. They were going to a concert. They showed up and got to their seats. The band came on and began to play. Tony and his friends all had a great time.
The band played before tony and his friends found seats
It says they found their seats and then the band began to play, so the band did not begin to play before they found their seats. It's hard to detect because both things are true it's just the order they happened
( z1 play :ARG0 ( z2 band ) :time ( z3 before :op ( z4 find :ARG0 ( z5 and :op ( z6 person :name ( z7 name :op "Tony" ) ) :op ( z8 person :ARG0-of ( z9 have-rel-role :ARG1 z6 :ARG2 ( z10 friend ) ) ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z11 seat ) ) )
Corncob<br>The girl saw corncobs were going to waste at the farm. She figured they could be made into pipes and sold to help her family. Drying took a very long time, but the venture became profitable. She grew slightly older, and her savings helped her later. It would then be a supplement while she pursued her archery career.
she made pipes out of wood
She made the pipes out of corn cobs
( z1 make :ARG0 ( z2 she ) :ARG1 ( z3 pipe ) :ARG2 ( z4 wood ) )
Petru tried this three times , and when he was satisfied that the giant was really in his power he took out a handkerchief , bound the two little fingers of the giant together , drew his sword , and cried for the fourth time , ` Wake up , my brave man . '<br>When the giant saw the trick which had been played on him he said to Petru .<br>` Do you call this a fair fight ?<br>Fight according to rules , if you really are a hero ! ' '<br>I will by-and-by , but first I want to ask you a question !<br>Will you swear that you will carry me over the river if I fight honourably with you ? '<br>And the giant swore .
Petru tried this three times , and when he was satisfied that the giant was really in his power he took out a shoe
agent said he took out a handkerchief not a shoe so incorrect
( z1 and :op ( z2 try :frequency 3 :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Petru" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 this ) ) :op ( z6 take-out :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z7 shoe ) :time ( z8 satisfy :ARG0 ( z9 powerful :ARG1 ( z10 giant ) :ARG2 z3 :ARG1-of ( z11 real ) ) :ARG1 z3 ) ) )
Curves<br>Jessica wanted to have more body curves. So she decided to alter her diet. She began to eat more food. She also started to lift weights. Jessica now has more body curves.
Jessica began to eat more food. Then she decided to alter her diet.
The order of events is reversed, and this confused the model because both statements are true, but not in that order.
( z1 begin :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Jessica" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 eat :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 food :mod ( z6 more ) ) ) )
Laid Off<br>Tom bought a new house. He had a good paying job. Unfortunately his company got in legal trouble. They had to lay off several employees. Tom was laid off and unable to keep the house.
Tom's legal trouble caused him to lose his house.
It was the company's legal trouble, not tom's that caused him to lose the house.
( z1 cause :ARG0 ( z2 in-trouble :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tom" ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 legal ) ) :ARG1 ( z6 lose :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z7 house :poss z3 ) ) )
There he paused , for the sound of music broke upon his ears , and opening a door near him , he beheld a girl sitting by the window , holding a harp .<br>` Haste and begone , I see the giant close at hand , ' she whispered hurriedly , ` but when he is asleep , return hither , for I would speak with thee . '
he saw a girl sitting by a closed wall
she was by a window
( z1 see :ARG0 ( z2 he ) :ARG1 ( z3 sit :ARG1 ( z4 girl ) :ARG2 ( z5 by :op ( z6 wall :ARG1-of ( z7 close ) ) ) ) )
The Reporter<br>Maya liked writing for the school newspaper. She enjoyed reporting on daily school activities. Maya wanted to be a reporter one day. She was invited to intern at a local news station. Maya became a well known news reporter.
Maya contains a qq
letters aren't in the name
( z1 contain :ARG0 ( z2 product :name ( z3 name :op "Maya" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 string-entity :value "qq" ) )
Black Hawk said we could live on the horses several days and still travel before they felt it .<br>But by another morning we found the buffalo , and I shot the one whose head is in my box , ready to hang up and scare brats into fits .<br>He 's a fierce old fellow , you bet . '
Black Hawk said we could live on the giant horses several days
didn't say it
( z1 say :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Black" :op "Hawk" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 possible :ARG1 ( z5 live :ARG0 ( z6 we ) :manner ( z7 horse :mod ( z8 giant ) ) :duration ( z9 several :op ( z10 temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z11 day ) ) ) ) ) )
Pet Snake<br>Jake had a brother with a snake. The brother never took care of it. Jake eventually took over its care. It soon became Jake's official pet. He kept it for many years.
Jake’s brother bought him a snake
Jake’s brother had the snake for himself and Jake only took it over after the brother neglected his care
( z1 buy :ARG0 ( z2 person :ARG0-of ( z3 have-rel-role :ARG1 ( z4 person :name ( z5 name :op "Jake" ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 brother ) ) ) :ARG1 ( z7 snake ) :ARG4 z4 )
Music 2<br>I turned on music to help me concentrate. It began to energize me. I started working faster and more efficiently. I really enjoyed listening to the music. I played it all day long for motivation.
My work involves listening to speeches and requires intense concentration.
If my job involves listening to speeches, listening to music would distract rather than motivate me.
( z1 and :op ( z2 involve :ARG1 ( z3 listen :ARG1 ( z4 speak ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 work :ARG0 ( z6 i ) ) ) :op ( z7 require :ARG0 z5 :ARG1 ( z8 concentrate :ARG0 z6 :ARG1-of ( z9 intense ) ) ) )
The Toy Shop<br>Indiana was excited because a toy shop was opening near his house. On the day of the grand opening, he was the first one in line. He picked up many different toys and went to the register. When he tried to pay, he realized that he didn't have his wallet. Indiana ended up going home without any new toys.
Indiana bought many different new toys that day.
He didn't have any money because he forgot his wallet, so he didn't actually buy any of them. It's difficult because the statement is very similar to the text, but with a completely different meaning.
( z1 buy :ARG0 ( z2 state :name ( z3 name :op "Indiana" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 toy :ARG1-of ( z5 new ) :quant ( z6 many ) :ARG1-of ( z7 differ ) ) :time ( z8 day :mod ( z9 that ) ) )
It was all a mistake .<br>So Sir John told Grimes to go home , and promised him five shillings if he would bring the boy quietly up to him , without beating him , that he might be sure of the truth .<br>For he took for granted , and Grimes too , that Tom had made his way home .
Sir John told Grimes to go to the corner market.
it was def incorrect. Sir John told grimes to go home, not to the corner market.
( z1 tell :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Sir" :op "John" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 go :ARG0 ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "Grimes" ) ) :ARG4 ( z7 market :mod ( z8 corner ) ) ) :ARG2 z5 )
Fishing Trip<br>Tim went on his first fishing trip. He was barely learning the basic.s. Tim learned fast. He caught more fish than anyone he went to. It encouraged Tim to go back often.
Tim's fish haul was patheric.
He caught more fish than anyone; this is not pathetic.
( z1 patheric :domain ( z2 haul :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tim" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 fish ) ) )
Hockey tickets<br>David wanted to go to a hockey game. He didn't have any money to buy tickets. The local radio station was giving some away. David called the radio station. He won the tickets!
Although winning tickets for a hockey game David really wanted to go to a baseball game.
Based on the statement above David did want to go to a hockey game.
( z1 have-concession :ARG1 ( z2 want :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "David" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 go :ARG0 z3 :ARG4 ( z6 game :mod ( z7 baseball ) ) ) :ARG1-of ( z8 real ) ) :ARG2 ( z9 win :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z10 ticket ) :ARG3 ( z11 game :mod ( z12 hockey ) ) ) )
The Fashion Gods<br>Paris is well known for fashion shows. Paul was an up and coming designer and was looking forward to it. When he arrived to Paris, he had extra time to see the sights. On the day of the shows, he was excited to see the new fashions. He left Paris motivated to create his first fashion line.
Seeing the sights of Paris was the most important part of the trip for Paul.
Because Paul's concerns revolve around fashion, seeing the shows was the most important part of the trip for him. System seems unable to presume what Paul is thinking.
( z1 have-degree :ARG1 ( z2 see :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Paul" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 sight :mod ( z6 city :name ( z7 name :op "Paris" ) ) ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 important :ARG1 z2 :part-of ( z9 trip :ARG0 z3 ) ) :ARG3 ( z10 most ) )
Skiing<br>Franklin was a very good skier. He had decided to come up and hit the slopes for a weekend. He was flying down all of the hills and trails. Franklin met up with some friends as well and they skied. He had an incredible time that weekend skiing.
Franklin wanted to get better at skiing since he was so bad, so he went to hit the slopes for a weekend.
Franklin was a really good skiier.
( z1 cause :ARG0 ( z2 have-degree :ARG1 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Franklin" ) ) :ARG2 ( z5 bad :ARG1 z3 :ARG2 ( z6 ski :ARG0 z3 ) ) :ARG3 ( z7 so ) ) :ARG1 ( z8 go :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z9 hit :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z10 slope ) :duration ( z11 weekend ) ) ) )
Rip Off<br>Sarah was at the market. And she wanted to buy cabbage juice. And she saw a 16 ounce bottle for $6. She knew it was just cabbage and water. So she decided to buy her own juicer instead.
The bottle cost $6 per ounce
It is wrong because the bottle had 16 ounces and costs $6. If it was 6 per 8 ounces, it would be 12 dollars. The system is wrong because it thinks that I am talking about the entire bottle, when in reality the bottle is 2 - 8 ounce fillings.
( z1 cost :ARG1 ( z2 bottle ) :ARG2 ( z3 rate-entity :ARG1 ( z4 monetary-quantity :quant 6 :unit ( z5 dollar ) ) :ARG2 ( z6 mass-quantity :quant 1 :unit ( z7 ounce ) ) ) )
Broken fingernail<br>Today I was letting my nails dry. Yet unfortunately one of my nails broke. It was devastating. My nails were ruined. I knew I had to fix them.
I did not want to fix my nails.
The scenario emphasizes that the person wants (and needs) to fix their nails.
( z1 want :polarity - :ARG0 ( z2 i ) :ARG1 ( z3 fix :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z4 nail :part-of z2 ) ) )
Poor Trays<br>Tim was trying to make ice. He had to do it the old fashioned way with trays. Tim's trays were old and breaking apart. He got pieces of broken plastic everywhere. Tim finally decided to invest in new trays.
Tim made ice trays to make ice but they kept breaking apart so he decided to invest in new trays.
Tim didn't make ice trays; he made ice with the ice trays. The ice trays were old which is why they were breaking apart, so he couldn't have made new old trays. I think the system read ice trays and ice as similar subjects.
( z1 contrast :ARG1 ( z2 make :ARG0 ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Tim" ) ) :ARG1 ( z5 tray :cxnsistof ( z6 ice ) ) :purpose ( z7 make :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 z6 ) ) :ARG2 ( z8 keep :ARG1 ( z9 break :ARG1 z5 ) :ARG0-of ( z10 cause :ARG1 ( z11 decide :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z12 invest :ARG0 z3 :ARG2 ( z13 tray :ARG1-of ( z14 new ) ) ) ) ) ) )
A bee<br>Kerry and Tony were on their way to work. Tony heard a loud buzzing noise in his ear. It was a bee! Kerry pulled the car over and they both got out. They stood there until the bee flew out the window.
A bee was in Kerry's ear.
Tony -- not Kerry -- heard a loud buzzing noise in his ear, which was a bee. Changing the name fooled the model.
( z1 bee :location ( z2 ear :part-of ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Kerry" ) ) ) )
Rock 2<br>I took the rock I received from the neighbor girl inside. I put it on my mantle. My kids said it was very sweet. I asked them to make her a thank you card. They spent a rainy afternoon making the card for her.
I demanded them to make her a thank you card.
It states "I asked them to make her a thank you card." Therefore they asked and did not demand.
( z1 demand :ARG0 ( z2 i ) :ARG1 ( z3 make :ARG0 ( z4 they ) :ARG1 ( z5 card :mod ( z6 thank :ARG0 z4 :ARG1 ( z7 you ) ) ) :ARG4 ( z8 she ) ) )
Better Socks<br>I always used to buy the cheapest socks available. I figured it was inconsequential. But I started walking to work and getting blisters. I upgraded to softer and more expensive sock varieties. Now I can never go back.
I can never go back to using the more expensive sock varieties.
The statement was towards the cheap variety not the expensive variety but the word were almost verbatim so the AI marked it correct.
( z1 possible :polarity - :ARG1 ( z2 go-back :ARG1 ( z3 i ) :ARG2 ( z4 use :ARG0 z3 :ARG1 ( z5 variety :mod ( z6 sock ) :ARG1-of ( z7 have-degree :ARG2 ( z8 expensive ) :ARG3 ( z9 more ) ) ) ) ) :time ( z10 ever ) )
The Breakup<br>David and Katie had been having problems. Katie finally decided she'd had enough. She told him to move his stuff out. He got mad and broke her favorite vase. Katie knew she'd made the right decision.
Kate wishes she had not kicked David out.
The scenario states that she knows she right the decision was made; she does not regret that decision.
( z1 wish :ARG0 ( z2 person :name ( z3 name :op "Kate" ) ) :ARG1 ( z4 kick-out :polarity - :ARG0 z2 :ARG1 ( z5 person :name ( z6 name :op "David" ) ) ) )
Forgotten Phone<br>Kate was shopping. She left her cell phone at the grocery store. Kate realized her phone was missing. She went back to the store. Kate was able to retrieve her phone from customer service.
Kate was not a lucky girl
She was lucky - her phone had been turned into customer serivce.
( z1 girl :mod ( z2 lucky :polarity - ) :domain ( z3 person :name ( z4 name :op "Kate" ) ) )