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Japan has an existential crisis. But it's none of the stuff mentioned in this column. Japan existential crisis is its own very aged population, and low birthrate to replace them. It cannot possibly sustain such a large elderly population. The dwindling young and less skilled population already in trouble maintaining themselves, maintaining the standard of living. Japan culture cannot accept a large immigrant population to provide new blood, energy and idea. More and more Japan large corporations have to locate factories overseas. It is in the same outsource boat as America. Don't be fooled by the Japan Self-Defense force. It is in fact a force with naval and air power greater than China. Don't be fooled by author word of China 'militarism', a repeat of Pentagon talk. Japan have nothing to fear from Trump, or China, even NK if it maintain peaceful policies. Japan highest order is to fix its own economy and mono culture.
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I hope it fails. I am a registered independent and as such, I do not want anyone to pull me into a party against my will. I am a member of NO political party.
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However will we fund their feelgood initiatives.
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Sorry you CAN'T control mother nature. More disastrous are the so-called leaders of this state who do NOTHING to improve things and just keep taxing us and selling out to Foreigner investors !
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Actually it was Hillary's campaign that was financed by big business, the wealthy and Wall Street. But thanks anyway for the fairy tale Hugh.
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So the values of colonialism is still revered? You may say what you will about the never ending war on terrorism, but in the end, it is those same policies that slaughtered 100 million Natives here in our hemisphere, in order to steal and coerce the Natives resources and lands, in a government sponsored foreign policy that enriches a very few corporations and freebooters, with blood money profits taken off the backs of the Native owners, that created and continues the war on terror. Our government figures are bribed and coerced into supporting the foreign policy of resource domination, that dictates American taxpayers spend trillions overseas for the profit of a few white collar thieves, murderers, parasites and leeches, while defunding our infrastructure and health and social programs. These so called christians going to their christian heaven makes as much sense as the murdering terrorists going to their Islamic heavens with their 72 virgins, after slaughtering innocents.
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Aaron...from reading your comments over the past year or more, I’ve always wondered about how your world and social views were influenced and developed. Thanks for today’s insights.
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Rex Murphy has been one of the most lightweight of all the National Post's climate contrarians... quite the achievement given the 'quality' of the competition. He watches his comments more at the CBC, which maintains some basic standards.
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if Canadians pile up debt while the economy roars what do we do when the economy inevitably takes a turn?
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By the current trajectory 30 years from Now Vancouver might be Detroit. Toronto? Almost definitely.
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Vouchers will not cover Marist, that's the point. Wealthier parents will be able to pay the extra tuition, and lower-income parents will find they can't afford to pay it. Thus the school will sort out the students they want.
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"Do your best for them" That's hilarious, its more likely something like "do your best to feather your own nest and those of your family and friends."
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Obama is not in office anymore.
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Give it up boots, even HitLIARy doesn't blame Trump in her book, she blames your devout candidate old senile Bernie as the reason she lost. Get over it already. No one cares about HitLIARy except maybe you and Klastri. Why don't you find more productive issues to tackle like our local politicians that are fleecing us.
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Source? Sounds like more "alternative facts" being spewed by the alt-right.
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aaaand nothing there changes the legality of using marijuana in a legal state. "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside See the way it works is this: are you unlawful user: no, addicted? impossible, and the "use or possession" does not prohibit you from a gun, only a felony conviction will. Just because you are righteous, does not mean you can add your own judgements to the law, even if you are a TSA agent. Knowledge is freedom. -a US Army veteran, 7th Infantry
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I doubt they were given much time to clean up. Beside that, how well did the "Occupy" crowd clean up the Wayne Morse square or Jefferson Park??
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Ah, more tales from Venezuela's "worker's paradise", socialism's last stop and Ontariowe's future if they're stupid enough to re-elect McWynnety.....
This just shows how screwed up the world is when you have to edit everything you say ten times and are expected to only speak to and associate with those that agree with you and are like you look like people in your family. Identity Tribal Politics sucks.
People that want high speed rail here, really need to pay attention to the debacle that is going on in California. The cost overage is in the billions and the land grab is costing additional money because of the lawsuits. This is one of the many reasons we moved from there last year. It isn't worth it.
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Sounds like a fairly short leash to me.
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I wonder how the Globe will shield their Golden girl Muslim apologist writer now under this new comment format? Looking forward to more Sheema articles in the vein of her 2016 spiel about the evils of drink, and the corruptions of modern, non Islamic Canada.
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"president Trump's speechwriter" , now that is some funny stuff said right there....HALARIOUS!
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Serious? Most of the construction jobs at the airport was contracted out. Meaning "privatized". So what unions are you talking about?? When aircontrollers get the boot, cheaper labor comes in. Most controllers now are military vets so they will get kick to the curb. They can work for a private contractor for 30% less pay and benefits. But the money private contractors save will be passed down to the flying public. That way your plane ticket will.be 25% less in the future. Right??
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Not really!!
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I guess because it's 2016...
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(Part three-a of three) books about her (biographies by William Miller, Jim Forest, Robert Coles, and Paul Elie)—Julie Hanlon Rubio Try Praying with Dorothy Day by James Allaire and Rosemary Broughton “May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may know that is the hop[e that belongs to our call” (Ephesians 1:17-18).
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There was the shooting at a mosque in Canada, the stabbings on the train in Portland, and the murder of the Indian man who was confused as being middle-eastern. There was the shooting at a black church by a gun-toting conservative kid. There was the car incident earlier this year by the white supremacist. All these count as "conservatives" but I don't point the finger to you. I point the finger at anyone who paints people with broad strokes and assumes the worst in them. Most people want to do good. It's when we're intolerant that we start to paint groups of people as our enemies. Case in point: I'm saying we should find ways to shift the narrative away from our differences and find ways to strengthen our shared values and you basically are giving me the middle finger. You don't respect me, nor do you care to hear me. And until you do, you're just going to keep increasing your intolerant view of the world until there's no humanity left for you but in your own little circle.
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A Port Angeles Institution. Well Deserved. Congratulations Scooter!!
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He had his hands up..He didn't mean to stab them..He just fell on those bigoted islamophobes with the knife.. eight times. After all, those melanastically challenged racists deserved to be stabbed. Muslims are the ultimate victims of terrorism!™ Just ask Fred.
Highway robbery. Simple theft. Not until they take the pork out of the budget - not one cent until the pork is gone.
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I want tommy t to replace hick asap, too bad we have to wait another year 😁
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Since you brought somone's skin colour into it - Racist!.
No, she was left. Thank goodness she's not president.
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A "chance" meeting? Who actually believes this crap? We have the most corrupt candidate Hillary Clinton, and then there is the guy who wants to rant about things that don't even matter Donald Trump. I think I will stick with Gary Johnson
Coghill not only supported SB-21, but promoted it. He has done nothing but try to further his own political career. He is deeply entrenched in the group seeking more money to squander on agenda driven projects . He is a big proponent of a voucher system that undermines our public school system. He steadfastly opposed accepting Federal Funds from the ACA , which only made the situation worse. He works for Corporate Interests, and in direct conflict with what is best for the Residents of the State.
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The author may or may not be a lobbyist for the airline industry, but he certainly has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to Canada's aviation fatigue regulations. FACT: Errors happen more frequently when fatigued. Many pilots in Canada are legally allowed to be scheduled to fly for long periods of time without adequate rest. For a more detailed and truthful look at this issue visit https://saferskies.ca.
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The Afrikaner's laager mentality has historically been a source of great strength, but it's proving to be a liability in post-Apartheid SA. If the protests only said "Enough is enough!", why do Afrikaners think they received such a hostile reaction from the rest of SA? Is it simply down to non-Afrikaners not caring about Boer lives? Or maybe, just maybe, the majority of citizens found their message to be incredibly tone deaf and steeped in racism? Have Afrikaners considered that the majority of SA isn't comfortable joining a Steve Hofmeyer-led mob that sings Die Stem and brandishes the old flag (forget James Oatway's pics!)? Have they considered that their protest accuses non-whites of carrying out a genocide? Genocide ffs! Please, get off your high horses. In the Cape Flats, where the murder rate *is* at genocide levels, the ANC props up guys flooding CPT with drugs (Lifman, Naude, Modack, Booysens) and hamstrings SAPS (because DA, because coloured). We're all dying here!
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I'm an Albertan, but a recent immigrant from the United States, so I've never really understood the rage that a segment of the population feels towards the East, or Quebec, or Trudeau, or whatnot. I thought this article was quite clear, and I took three main points from it: - Alberta has the highest wages in Canada - Alberta has the lowest taxes in Canada - for some reason, Albertans are mad as hell about this It's a funny world . . .
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Still can't recall any "pidgin speaking" school...but, there was , however, special classes designed to ease the non-English speaking students' integration into the regular classroom. I attended the Pohukaina Elementary School in Kaka`ako in the late 40s, when pidgin was totally banned, and the Japanese still had their own school.
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Mahalo to Civil Beat for good reporting on a difficult topic. For more information on monk seals, toxoplasmosis, and conservation activities follow our Facebook page www.facebook.com/hmsrp We are happy to answer any questions about this threat to monk seals.
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Sarcasm attempt? Nobody "made" banks to give sub primes to anyone. It was all part of the "Light Touch" deregulation fiasco, a repeat of the junk bonds meltdown during the RayGun / Lyin Brian depression. https://books.google.ca/books?id=c7sUDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=subprime+light+touch&source=bl&ots=aA55z44wLD&sig=FNcnxrC4ybrBBKPaC4Ad-Eadvhw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjagazP5djRAhUN0mMKHfpLCUsQ6AEIJzAD#v=onepage&q=subprime%20light%20touch&f=false
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Apples and oranges. “Using” a law firm is not the same thing as heading a legal team — nor does it even compare to “retaining” an attorney or firm to represent you in current and future legal matters. To follow Tempmanoa’s logic, a reporter should be banned from ever writing a story about McDonald’s because he ate a Big Mac 17 years ago. As long as Robert Mueller himself did not represent the Trumps at any point, and the firm at the time Mueller was named and subsequently, there is no conflict.
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How about the Clarence Thomas wing with his treatment from the left? How dare a black man show autonomy and think differently from the liberal elitists.
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Did you read the article John? - it is about the US - or do you just start smashing keys with whatever floats threw your head?
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Sure. But Trudeau may find out in 2019 that sometimes apologies are not enough.
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Since I have stated that the request is not defiant, I cannot have implied "that defiance automatically means courage".
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I'm sure that he can fall back on the excellent education he received while playing football and land a great job. Had he not blown his football career, Dunmore could have done more.
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An intelligent, well reasoned and pragmatic outlook for the Trump presidency. As long as Steve Bannon is a presidential advisor to Trump , there will always be the imminent threat of war. I say this because Bannon has proclaimed this and as we all are aware, it's the Republican way to stir the economy and generate patriotic fervour. I've said this before : there will be a war as long Trump is president. The enemy will be a country that America can defeat easily and quickly. I hope I'm wrong.
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Right now about one birth a day at Richmond General is to a non resident of Canada. Almost all of the births are to a mother of Chinese citizenship. These numbers have grown considerably the past couple of years, and seeing that the birth tourism petition has now failed, looked to see numbers increase. BC Women's Hospital in Vancouver now has a policy in place where they will not deliver children of non-residents - because of displacement and fearing a ramp up in numbers.
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The entire government was created to dehumanize black slaves. It was the foundation of the macro economics of the nation. We have been working on becoming a more perfect union ever since. In 1860, 80% of the wealth of the nation was in black slaves and their labor. The stuff you talk about only applied to white men.
Honestly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
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Chris "rentboy" Myers, Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford, Newt "cheated twice, married thrice" Gingrich, Larry "airport bathroom" Craig, David "prostitutes and wearing diapers" Vitter, Mark "Senate Pageboy" Foley, Rudy "cheated on each of his three wives" Guiliani, Dennis 'the Wrestling Coach" Hastert... Ok.. I just lost my dinner...
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One of the liberals most successful files has been legalizing marjiuana. This is at least in part because the government can fully control the agenda surrounding this topic. On so many other issues - indigenous affairs, pipelines, NAFTA - it cannot control the agenda. It is always reactive. The liberals need a couple more items that they can control and advance on their own schedule. Not clear what those are at the moment.
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Natives have more privilege than all people combined. You do not want equality; you want special rights. That is wrong. And...it seems the lad who walked off the tundra was given many wonderful opportunities to succeed; not to be humiliated. You did well to use your opportunities. Now, be grateful.
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Thanks, the Butterfly bushes have been full will this little guys. Can spend hours just watching them go from flower to flower. Thanks again
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Sunlife is in? and CN Rail is not? I much prefer my CN stock over Sunlife
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Makes one wonder what Trump has on all these formerly sane conservatives to make them fall into line like whipped puppies. It is incredible that they are so desperate to win the White House they would get behind a snake oil salesman like this. Perhaps knowing he would stop at nothing makes them afraid.
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I just wish that ADN would not be so blatant in their support of Mrs Clinton. The headline, the text and even the video clips are so skewed that they greatly diminish your status as a"news" source. I would cancel my subscription if I had one...
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When our Holy Roman.... pronounces the killing of any person, under any circumstances, whereever, whenever, as even "almost" the absolute evil, you/it will warrant being taken seriously.
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That's great how we have all the variety in 'pride' parades...however I'm straight, I'm white, and I'm proud...where is my 'pride' parade?
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How weak was this man assaulting a kid. Weak!! Just like George Zimmerman. Men address men. As for you closet racists that want more articles on blacks assaulting each other and other white people, you are ignorant. Go to a black neighborhood and spew your hate or ignorance there and you'll probably get what you are looking for. It burns you up to hear about trash like yourselves in the news. Those crimes just aren't happening as much as you like to believe. Your types will probably have black grandchildren or great grandchildren soon anyway. Check our history books.
I wasn't aware that Trump is a "prolific author". What has he written? This column strikes me as a lot of meaningless words, with no substance.
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The State is going to have to et the Meth and Heroin off the street. Given that Alaska is not connected to the Lower 48 I have to conclude that our own government, both State and Federal, are allowing in into the State. Heroin is allowed in and this was admitted on the major networks back in 2010. Ive never seen anything admitted to about the meth problem. But if the federal government admits Heroin is allowed to be brought in then you have to conclude the same is true for meth. I know exactly where the Heroin s coming from and how to stop it. Any state law enforcement officer can contact me if they are truly serious about stopping it. I have a real plan to stop the Heroin issue butt cold. But I know they don't have the balls to do it.
It's the same country that elected Tricky Dick and teflon-Reagan. Not so hard to believe, really. Although truly very, very sad.
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Yes Sher e, you win, you're far superior to the Euros. I am printing the comprehensive list of great Indian contributions to mankind below, it is quite breathtaking: 1. The number zero. 2. Snake charming. India is, and will remain, a basket case.
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“The only job she cares about is her own,” he said at a campaign stop in Kamloops - NDP Leader John Horgan I imagine that is an overstatement but that there is more than a foundation of truth in the statement. However, if Horgan really cares about the environment, he would support such a plan regardless if it was his party or Clarke's implementing it and he would back the plan rather than attacking it (nothing to prevent him from also adopting it as his own position). Electricity runs North-South in North America, not East-West. Turn off the lights, the flow of fresh water and of Canadian oil to the Yankees and they will quickly learn about the importance of NAFTA (while the US is now a net-exporter of Oil again, many refineries have been overhauled to process Canadian heavy crude and converting to other sources is a lengthy and costly endevaour). That said, hopefully the NAFTA assault brings an end to Dairy Supply Management. A scourge if there ever was one.
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David Duke has just released a video......something about returning a pair of rappers to the cotton fields of Georgia....wonder how the LEFT would deal with that....remember, it's ART.
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This is an on-edge racist pure and simple. He should never own an AR-15. He can do a lot of damage with one in his hands. We condemn his statements as we would and should condemn any bigot who has a bully pulpit to spread the sickness and stupidity he represents. He is an elected official voted into office by folks with the same mindset. Shame on you Eastman and shame on your supporters.
where do i get one of those Soros jobs? he pays great! how many jobs Trump created were paid by Soros?
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And it's thinking like that that will get you shot. Here's a thought do break the freakin law and do as instructed by the officer and you won't get shot.
So Obama reduces deficit every year in office from a record deficit left by Bush and you say you want fiscal responsibility? Might want to look at who has real fiscal responsibility. It isn't the pork-spending Republicans.
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Thank you, Eb - You too!!
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Fairtax is the national Sales Tax idiocy. One more example of Alt-speak to hide the horror of the Republican scheme to exempt the wealthy elite from ever paying for the national system that sustains them all. Just another brick in the wall of shame encircling the nation by the greedy, mentally-deficient, inherited wealth scions led by the ultimate, spoiled brat determined to bankrupt the nation emulating his own bankrupt, debt-ridden empire. A tax policy to allow the current billionaire traitors to completely own the entire political and election process until they implode it all into the economic horrors of the Great Depression. A Great Depression apparently needed to wake up the populace from the brainwashed somnolence accepting lies for truth led by Der Fuehrer/Il Duce Trump.
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Sore loser alert.
A very good summary. It's easy to promise everything while in Opposition, it becomes a completely different matter once in government. Look at the myriad of promises Mr Trudeau has broken. Sure you can say you will raise taxes on the 1%, but it has been shown countless times that these monies never materialize. Those who have the funds have options. The only remaining option is to raise taxes on those with lesser incomes. Once the bills start coming in most will start to wonder what hit them. Maybe we will become like Ontario, where one is left deciding whether to pay their heating bill or buy groceries. There is a reason why the NDP were left with only two seats when they were last turfed out. Maybe it is time for a refresher. Lol.
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You do realize Rose was suspended because she had accidentally posted someone’s personal info on her Twitter right? Her account was only suspended until she took the post down. Please delete this article as it clearly shows a lack of research and works to dicredit this website.
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Not in BC where can defer our property taxes at 1% interest (non compounding) until the property is sold, or the death of the homeowner.
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Shopo just doesn't like the truth.... he lives in his own world. The city is improving under Caldwell. Thomas Square Park is revitalized with these changes. Soon more parks will go through this transformation.... too bad some of the city council can't figure this out.
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The National Enquirer is Trump's favorite source of news, so it must be pretty believable to him.
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Pam Smith, people, especially our mayor and council members, must not comprehend how much is $10B. For that amount, it would make Honolulu much more enjoyable than it is now. Fixing and upgrading our infrastructure, improving the condition of our streets and reducing traffic. Too bad our officials (mayor, council) have their priorities wrong. Their main priority is the construction industry and developers. Shameful!
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Please shut up, save whatever face is LEFT, and choose to move on... progressively.
"We pushed through new oil production in NPR-A to help refill the trans-Alaska pipeline, secured an exemption from the EPA's Clean Power Plan to avoid higher energy costs, and wrote what stands to be the first major energy policy reform bill in a decade." You did not refill the pipeline. NPR is gonna add a lltttle bit to declining flow rates that barely keep the pipe "1/2" full. Wow....Obama was president when Murkowski helped this it happen,. And more oil development has taken place during the Obama administration across the US than in the past 30 years. The US is finally energy independent as we move away from fossil fuels while increasing production. That is reflected in the lowest energy prices in years. Thank Obama! Retire well.
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Make Murica Grunt Again.
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Also see that one of you who was pumping Bracco's tyres just yesterday hasn't declared their team for tonight's game. Come on out of the closet, Scottie.
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Nonsense. Mr. Bley isn't calling you or any other poster names. And characterizing Trump or his white-nationalist supporters in a negative way SHOULD be protected speech.
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Another Liberal drunk? We just managed to get rid of Wild Turkey McCallum.
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Sorry to tell you Hughe but the Putin stuff you have been spouting has reached its sell by date. And are not the honorable Reverend's Jackson and Sharpton tools of the progressives?? I can remember Mrs. Clinton and Your Hero Bernie falling all over themselves pandering to the two of them and their followers. Is that what you imagined??? Hope your head is not hurting too much.
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Well Allan - just because you don't understand them, doesn't mean they cant be dumb-ed down to your level.
When corporate takes over it is never the same. Unilever is just using the Ben & Jerry name for their own profit. Forget about buying Ben & Jerry's and find some other company that is stand up and real or support a company which is really local and not one of these giant corporations whose only interest is profit.
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And meanwhile, around 9,000 Gold Star Parents of Americans killed needlessly in an unjust war in Iraq want to know where is your outrage over that?
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LEt's be real. After Matayoshi got a massive pay raise, it's no wonder this guy wants to change jobs. It's where the $$ is.
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Love Thomas' mindset "I haven't proven anything yet", "I have a team to lead" and "I’d rather this year be the thing people remember me by.”
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Pretty sure the Alaskan voters affirmed SB 21. It's the painful truth of a democratic republic.
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Laura Thielen has served my district well. Some day I hope to see her as Gov. Laura Thielen. Yes, she is that capable.
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"it would not be my intention to do anything that would benefit any American." Probably the truest thing I've ever heard Carson say.
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You guys must be some big Wohlforth fans if you read up through the second sentence. I didn't make it past the title.
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"Infrastructure plan was always presented as near end of first and mostly in the four years after the first term" Not true. - it was used to justify "modest" $10Bn deficits that would all be eliminated by the end of the first mandate
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here we go again. pay now or pay much more later. google houston flood and almost all the posts are, should have done, could have done, must do before the next one and etc., etc. pay a couple billion now to fix sand island, not only the sewage treatment plant but all the toxic storage facilities, gas and oil tanks, recycling center junk and on and on, or pay hundreds of billions if all that stuff gets loose in our waters. iniki cost $2B ($3.5B today) in property damage alone. let's get real. the rich get richer off of hawaii's people but dont expect them to help if things go south. that's where they will jet off to until we rebuild. get the money now, fix things that need fixing before we all have to move.
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Tracy- I am glad that Amnesty International USA and Honolulu Chapter will be working in partnership with you and other advocates in the community this fall to create new legislation to decriminalizes consensual sex work in our state. We know that sex workers experience high rates of human rights abuses and marginalization at a global level and also locally. We have the obligation to address these issues and there are several ways in which we can do that. A few months ago, AI has launched its policy report calling for global decriminalization of consensual sex work. The policy calls for revamping existing legislation that criminalizes or penalizes directly or in practice the consensual sex work exchanges between a sex worker and her/his client. We will advocate for new policies that decriminalizes most or all aspects of sex work, as well as the end of discriminatory enforcement of existing laws against consensual sex workers. It is imperative that sex workers have equal
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