stringlengths 115
Philadelphia 76ers’ Spencer Hawes Should Build Off Game of His Life
The Philadelphia 76ers came into the 2012-2013 NBA season with the hopes that they could start to build their franchise around center Andrew Bynum. However, with Bynum’s lingering knee issues, he hasn’t touched the floor this season. Subsequently, Spencer Hawes has been the starting center for Philadelphia this season.
Hawes has had a largely unimpressive performance this season, despite occupying the starting role. He’s averaged just 10.4 points, 6.8 rebounds, two assists and 1.4 blocks per game. Even less impressive has been his efficiency as he’s shot just 45.1 percent from the field. The sixth-year center simply looked like a player that is and always will be run-of-the-mill.
On Saturday night against the Indiana Pacers, however, Hawes looked like one of the best big-men in the league. In that game, Hawes posted 18 points, 16 rebounds, eight assists and seven blocks while shooting 50 percent from the floor. That means that Hawes was just two assists and three blocks away from a quadruple-double. To put how great Hawes’ game was on Saturday, only three players in the last 40 years have posted those numbers in the same game. Those three players are Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Hakeem Olajuwon and Charles Barkley, all of whom are members of the Hall of Fame.
Given how much those numbers differentiate from his averages and the company that stat-line puts him in, it feels relatively safe to say that Hawes had the game of his life. However, even if he never produces at those same levels again, Hawes should use Saturday’s game as a building-block moving forward. The Sixers need him to assert himself as a more effective player in this league, especially with the chance that Bynum may leave this off-season. If he can do that, it will greatly benefit this Philadelphia team; a near quadruple-double seems like a good place to start. |
Raptors Forum | Toronto Raptors Forums & Message Boards - View Single Post - Raptors working hard to move Lowry/Derozan, price very high?
Raptors working hard to move Lowry/Derozan, price very high?
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12-25-2013, 07:23 PM
Dwaneball. That's how we roll...over
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Loch Ness
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Nigglesdamus strikes again!
Thanks. Keeping it simple. Don't feel the need for manic overposting.
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Scanning and maps
R.L. Betz wrote:
> I am in the process of purchasing a scanner to upload photos of maps to the
> internet and would appreciate any advice on hardware, software, etc. (I am
> assuming digital cameras do not adequately reproduce map images; correct?).
> Also, any advice on taking photos of maps. I already own a decent, though
> old, Canon A-1 camera.
> Thank you in advance for any assistance provided.
> Richard L. & Penelope W. Betz
You can take a look at my homepage at:
All images there are scanned photos of old maps.
The original scans had better quality but were resized because an internet
site should not have images bigger than 50 KB.
The photos were resized and edited with Paint Shop Pro 4 Shareware.
You need a good scanner like the Microtek Scanmaker E6 and fast hardware
(Pentium, >16 MB RAM, lots of HD space) to handle the digitized data.
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Onionkid (371) - Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA - OCT 17, 2010
Bottle. Now, this is more like it! After trying a few average pale ales tonight (Mendocino Blue Heron, I’m looking at you), this one comes around and is quite the surprise. Plenty of hoppiness to go around with an earthy, wheat taste throughout. A nice citrus, bitter aftertaste as you’d expect. A very, very good example of an IPA done well! 5.7% alcohol.
spilledpint (352) - Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - OCT 6, 2010
12 oz. bottle from HyVee Marion, $1.00
Ar: Very nice citrus hop nose, particularly grapefruit. A touch of pine, but this is mostly dominated by the citrus.
Ap: Pours a slightly hazy light copper/blond with a 1" pillowy head that lasts a little while. Nice hop bitterness coats my mouth on the finish. Not a ton of lace on this one.
T: Very light sweetness on the nose, but largely hop dominated. It’s a bit more piney on the way down, but still largely citrus dominated.
P: Light to medium body. Lively carbonation asserts itself pretty well.
O: So far, by far the best beer I’ve had from my Boulevard sampler. Very good IPA.
BelgianBeerGal (3432) - Panama City, Florida, USA - OCT 1, 2010
Draught at The Brick. Seemed super fresh and the perfect temperature...kudos to the staff. Pretty classic IPA all around. Obviously hoppy, but more like pink grapefruit than pine characteristics. Very easy drinking and nice that it was not over-the-top.
coyforce (681) - California, USA - SEP 30, 2010
Great IPA. Smooth with a bitter hoppyness. Pours a nice golden yellow with a bit of darkness to it. has a medium white head that lingers and grabs the glass.
waltersrj (280) - Washington, USA - SEP 30, 2010
12 oz bottle.
Pours amber red with hints of brown and a one fingered prickly white head. The nose was pale malt, caramel malt, earthy, dank hops, with mild citrus (grapefruit). The taste was initially dank, murky, earthy hops that transition into a dry, citrus (grapefruit) hop taste, and finishes with a moderate caramel malt. The palate is between oily and watery. No noticeable legs and mildly sticky lacing. Decent ipa.
portableparty (2098) - Blaine, Minnesota, USA - SEP 21, 2010
Bottle to snifter. Pour is bright amber with a white head. Aroma is grapefruit and malt. Taste is a good balance of grapefruit hops and malt with some pepper in the end. Palate is clean and crisp with a sticky dry finish. I like this one pretty tasty!
weitz15 (406) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA - SEP 10, 2010
Yellow pour, thin white head. Aroma of hops and citrus. Flavor of hops, citrus, and light malts. Typical IPA, but the dry palate isn’t present here (which is a good thing).
Block (1756) - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - SEP 9, 2010
Orange pour with a fluffy white head. Aroma of citrus and hops. Flavor is hoppy with a great orange finish. Lingering sweetness. Balanced malts with hops.
adean20 (1) - , Wisconsin, USA - SEP 5, 2010 does not count
Not the greatest IPA ever but holds pretty true to the style. Starts a little bland but has a bitter finish like you would expect from an IPA.
MissouriBrent (122) - Missouri, USA - AUG 29, 2010
Beautiful hop aroma. I could just sit and smell this beer for ages. Light amber color that ours with a lot of fine yeast in suspension. Head dissipates quickly. Lots of hop flavor and a good amount of bitterness. The hop balance is more flavor than bitterness. The malt flavor is there, but you have to look past all of the hops. Nice lingering hop and malt aftertaste. Very enjoyable IPA. |
Papsoe (25073) - Frederiksberg, DENMARK - MAR 19, 2005
UPDATED: JUN 13, 2005 (Bottle 33,5 cl) Beautiful amber coloured ale with a moderate but quite neat head. Unfortunately also this Mac suffers from the weird bon-bon like tang making this a dubious pleasure. More than dubious. Also the Macs suffer a bit from the low alcohol - some of their styles could deserve more potency. I really would like to rate this brewery higher, but they really have to go through their product line and get rid of their problems. 120504
Jeppe (2631) - Brooklyn, Alabama, USA - FEB 25, 2004
What a nasty beer...! Light amber in color, thin and watery. Aroma and flavor is awful. I sense a little malt but it is an unpleasant one! This beer was a couple of month over the expiration date.... Is that the reason for it beeing so nasty?
Sully (1377) - Potts Point, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA - DEC 4, 2003
Nice malty colour and clean white head. The nose is dry and has a hint of hop, regrettably in the absence of any malt presence. What is that strange taste though? No real malt flavour, thin and astringent and thoroughly unappealing
omhper (21414) - TyresŲ, SWEDEN - OCT 15, 2003
Bottled. Pale nut brown. Dusty metal aroma. Sweet, extremely short flavour, yeasty finish. Very disappointing.
Ungstrup (30747) - Citizen of the universe, DENMARK - SEP 1, 2003
An amber beer with a fine but disappearing head. The aroma is slightly sweet and malty. The flavor is a weird sweet malty one - a lot like the other Mac beers - is it the yeast? The flavor also contains notes of caramel and ends on an OK bitterness. A pretty thin beer.
Kaya161 (1128) - San Diego, California, USA - FEB 13, 2002
A decent bitter.
beerledgend (1196) - Waterloo, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND - SEP 17, 2001
Naturally brewed no added preseratives. necter of the godís |
gunnfryd (12622) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - APR 15, 2012
Bottle. Dark brown colour with a beige head. Aroma is fruit, caramel, alcohol. Flavour is sweet, caramel, alcohol, berries, dried fruits. full body. Nice beer.
motelpogo (7244) - Plzen, CZECH REPUBLIC - FEB 1, 2012
bottled, thanks jacob. rich shade of brown with a slim but steady head; decent aroma of prune and cranberry; luscious texture; tinny bitterness, peach nectar and a light grassiness. excellent stuff
Beer5000 (5123) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - JAN 3, 2012
500 ml bottle. Dark brown body with a thin beige head. Aroma is malt, caramel and meat bouillon. Flavor is sweet, almost sticky malt, caramel, bouillon dry fruit and alcohol. I have to realize that dobbelbock might not be my favorite style. But this one definitivly has a lot of flavors.
yngwie (15566) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - NOV 23, 2011
Bottle. A more or less clear one, dark brown in color and with a minimal-sized off-white head. Dried fruits, caramel notes, some roasted hints and chocolate. The flavor goes in the same direction, with caramel, some oxidation, dried fruits and some booze. Full-bodied and smooth. Pleasant. Long and lighlty warming finish with dried fruits and caramel. A pleasant doppelbock, well brewed and tasteful. 111123
Geokkjer (6679) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - NOV 23, 2011
Bottle. Pours deep amber with an off-white head. Aroma of dirt, caramel, fruitiness, dough and malt.Flavor is sweet and warming with some caramel, fruitiness and chocolate.Medium body, average carbonation.
HenrikSoegaard (11755) - Randers, DENMARK - DEC 20, 2010
Bottle. Creamy lightbrown good mostly lasting head. Dark red-amber colour. Heavy malty and moderate hoppy aroma. Roaste/nut and chocolate notes. Mopoderate bitter light sweet flavor. Chocolate too dominating. Average moderate bitter fnish. Oily palate. not my faorite doppelbock, not well-balanced between chocolate and hopps.
olsvammel (4237) - Örebro, SWEDEN - OCT 12, 2010
Bottle from a friend. It poured a very dark hazy brown liquid, close to black with a yellowish small head. Malty flavour of dark malts, caramel, candy, wood and ripe fruit. Smooth mouthfeel, thick body and medium amount of carbonation. A very nice doppelbock. Well balanced with a pleasent residual sweetness.
Mowbeer (325) - Pilsen, CZECH REPUBLIC - OCT 7, 2010
Thanks again to Jacob for this masterpiece of a beer.
Coconut,Dark Chocolate,pineapple juice with a hint of cherry brandy
MiP (14488) - Sønderborg, DENMARK - JUL 14, 2010
Bottle, 9% at KØ10. Vinous aroma. Very dark brown colour. Vanilla flavour. Dry finish.
madmitch76 (18659) - , Essex, ENGLAND - JUL 10, 2010
8th May 2010. Copenhagen Beer Festival. End of evening beer notes! Clear dark red brown beer. Low carbonation. Rich malt with a little bit of chocolate. That’s about it! |
Final Bottle Release of 2011
Saturday, December 03, 2011 - 9am
Jackie O’s 24 West Union Street
Athens, OH, USA 45701
I am starting to put together some of the details for the next release/ anniversary extravaganza. I hope to get working on the tap list sometime later today. The tap list will be the best yet without a doubt. There is gonna be tons of beers that will be tapped during Friday and Saturday. For everyone that comes on Friday for the releases, we will have all 38 taps filled on Friday with Jackie O’s brews. We will try to get the tickets out very shortly after close. This will ensure that the time spent on the sidewalk is short and sweet. As far as the bottles go, I have 8 picked out so far there is room for 1 or 2 more brews but we will see. I am going to keep the full allotment at 12-13 bottles to ensure that everyone can walk away with a full case. None of the bottles will be over $20 or under $14. We bottled Bourbon Barrel Middle Of Nowhere Stout yesterday and yielded a little over 20 cases. I am putting the final blend of Cellar Cuvee 5 into the tank today. CC5 is a blend of Brandy Barrel Superfly and Bourbon Barrel MONW stout. This Cuvee will be bottled next week. Here are some of the other brews that will hit glass, out of the 8, three will have a 2 bottle limit and Five will have a 1 bottle limit.
No contact information provided |
I bought you a half dozen strawberries... but i ate a few... ohh and i hope you dont mind i used your credit card to by them.. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY
Java Draw Created Feb 14, 2011 640 x 460px Unless noted Copyright 2011 Anniebee.
We encourage you to submit a comment and let the artist know what you think of this drawing. Please log in or join to post a comment.
LOL ahah this is fantastic!! thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments :') i really appreciate it :D 5h for this one- its beautiful ahah :DD
LOL description!!! But, can i ate those 2, they look so good!!!
LOL! Was wondering about that extra expense! These looks so yummy though so well worth it!!! :D
Haha! Well at least there are a few left..and they look delicious! Great draw! 5/5 :)
Chocolate !!!!they look yum 5♥s, LOL @your comment below,pssst Annie.go back and get credit card from the drawer and get loads more.
hmmm library card... DSW did you forget the one you hide in you underwear drawer...for emergencies...ahahhhh this was an emergency i was needing chocolate..
Mmmm can i have the white choc one then again the dark choc looks yummy to, i'll have both, tasty looking drawing :)
Mmmm! now these look so very yummy, not surprised you ate a few already Annie! :) 5♥s
If your talking about my credit card I have none ..the only card I carry is a library card lol!
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There’s a tutorial on the ol’ blog for the Right Wrap stitch, so go check it out. :)
Delectably simple, textural, and soft, Shea Scarf knits up super quickly. You’ll enjoy the unadorned character as much as you’ll delight in the easy instructions. Modest, yet beautiful with its clean lines and subtle appeal, this charming piece is the perfect accessory for all styles.
My patterns are filled with beautifully clear photos, easy to read text, eye-catching layout, and everything you need to know in order to complete the project. The Shea scarf pattern has both written and charted pattern instructions for you preference. You are going to love this project. :)
51 3/4″ / 131.5 cm wide
17 1/4″ / 44 cm deep
21 sts and 25 rows = 4″ / 10 cm in Shea Stitch, stretched width-wise
Please note that while gauge is not critical to the finished piece, it does affect the finished size of the shawl and the amount of yarn used. Adjust this in your planning.
This scarf is worked sideways, from end to end.
The stitch pattern is both written and charted for your own |
Description: This sexy blonde is getting her A hole fucked hard by a beefy cock. She starts by hogging on the guy’s big cock before taking a very long and vocal pounding to her ass.
Blonde, Nice Tits, Oral Sex, Blowjob, Anal Sex, Cock Sucking, Anal, Ball Sucking, Facial, Pussy Licking, Ass To Mouth, Fingering, Pussy Fucking, Hardcore, ATM, Ass Fucking, Dirty Talk, Deep Throat, Cumshot, Finger Fucking
Site: Raw Tube
Category: Anal Sex
Views Since The Last Update: 129777
Special: Free Membership |
Joe is back with his post-game thoughts…
Now friends, this is how you play good baseball when your All-Star third baseman and best hitter is out for who knows how long.
SRod claims he has put in extra time working with much-maligned Rays hitting instructor Derek Shelton (?) and look what came of it? His first three-hit game since last August.
Of course, a cynic like Joe would ask, given the woeful Rays offense, why guys aren’t putting in extra work, say, two months ago? But Joe’s not going to ask that question today. Instead, he wants to wallow in a glorious win over the Yankmes.
SRod damned near sent a fastball to the Vinoy (you are welcome, Steve Carney), then doubled off an offspeed pitch and added a single. Then you throw in a steal of home by Desmond Jennings (one of five Rays stolen bases), and suddenly Joe is thirsty.
Many Rays fans believed for the Rays to have a puncher’s chance of the AL East title, the Rays needed to win two of three against the Yankmes. Well, now. The Rays have captured the first two and have ace David Price on the hill tomorrow for a Fourth of July afternoon game at the Fruitdome for the sweep.
Get the brooms ready! |
It's that time of year once again to start counting down our top 15 hitting prospects. The order has been determined roughly by the way our combined top 30s stacked up, although there have been some (mostly minor) tweaks. As I stress every year, the rankings aren't what's truly important here. Here's the focal point: To learn more about the prospect and stimulate discussion of him. What his ceiling is, when he'll get to the majors, what his tools are, etc. That's more important than just looking at the list and saying, "oh, well you think Luke Bailey is a better prospect than Ryan Brett because you ranked him one spot higher." The actual rankings are more of an outline than anything else.
Before we get to the actual top 15, though, we start with the Honorable Mentions:
Matt Sweeney, 1B/3B: I don't know whether Matt Sweeney or Keith Law had the tougher year here. In his pre-season ranking of the top 100 prospects, Law ranked Sweeney at #68, one spot ahead of Royals 3B Mike Moustakas, who only smashed 36 home runs on his way to a .999 OPS in the Royals system in 2010. While Law was the most optimistic, he was far from Sweeney's only fan. We ranked him #6 on our top 15 hitters list season, noting his potential plus power and relatively solid contact rate for a corner position player. Injuries and defensive questions plagued him, but the bat looked legit and he was a pick to be a breakout candidate and possibly the Rays' starting 1B as soon as 2011.
The breakout never materialized. First, he was somewhat surprisingly assigned to the Florida State League despite previous success in high-A in the Angels system. He got off to a hot start, but had already started to cool off before a promotion to Montgomery totally iced his bat. His batting averaged dipped below .200 with the Biscuits, while he managed only 9 extra-base hits in 46 games. The injury bug bit again, cutting his season short in mid-July. Now in addition to needing to prove he can stay healthy and find a position (he's probably not a 3B long-term), he'll have to show he can hit. Sweeney will get a second tour of duty with the Biscuits in 2011.
Yoel Araujo, OF: Araujo received the largest bonus for an international signee, inking a reported $800,000 contract our of the Dominican Republic in July. Araujo was slated to play in the fall instructional league with an eye toward debuting in the Dominican Summer League in 2011 before coming stateside in 2012. Araujo is athletic and has a chance to stick in center field, though he may ultimately be pushed to left if his arm strength doesn't improve. Araujo has a good plate approach and a nice eye for his age, though his raw mechanics draw mixed reviews. He has a projectable body, and could hit for both average and power down the line. He's as far away as prospects get, but could garner serious consideration for the list with a strong performance overseas (a la Hector Guevara in 2009) or even perhaps an appearance in the Gulf Coast League.
Henry Wrigley, 3B: Okay. I'm going to try to present this as objectively as possible. Here's what Wrigley has going for him: He hit for nice power in 2010, knocking 21 home runs between Charlotte and Montgomery. At 6'3" and 180, he has the type of body to be a power hitter. He's not a plus defender but he's certainly capable at 3B.
And here's what I think he has going against him: He was a 14th round pick. He was 23 years old in the FSL, and his numbers fell off in Montgomery and the Arizona Fall League. His approach isn't terrible but isn't great, and it was exploited in Arizona where he hit .183 with 3 walks and 24 strikeouts. He also doesn't have much of a history of hitting, as 2010 was his first season (out of five) with an OPS over .676. Wrigley's performance in Charlotte was nice, but I'm not sold on him as a legit prospect until he can repeat it.
Leslie Anderson, 1B/OF: I'm listing him here since I don't consider him a prospect (Aki Iwamura was younger when he debuted in 2007 than Anderson is if he debuts in 2011), but he has a very good chance of making an impact at the major-league level, so he deserves some recognition. The Cuban is far from your typical 1st baseman, hitting for only average-at-best power. He makes up for it with plus athleticism for a corner guy (he's able to play an average outfield spot) and a contact-oriented approach. Between three levels in the minors, Anderson put up a .302/.359/.442 line with only 54 strikeouts in 99 games. I don't see him as a long-term answer at 1B, but Anderson could have an opportunity to earn big-league at bats in the Spring. |
The VULTURE 3.5 (3500) by Skip Miller Models, build thread.
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Feb 03, 2011
, 09:25 PM
Skip Miller Models
Joined Nov 2003
Originally Posted by
The servo tray is glass, not carbon, I installed 809's side by side.
allowed me to run shorter horns. Also found Du-Bro 256 threaded
ball links fit very well in the tail, make sure to glue or JB-weld them
in place, and the nylon link fits very well onto control rods. V-tails
really like to have the control movement the same and this is one way
to help acheve it by having the control rods the same length.
The nose is all glass, but the servo tray is made out of carbon. There is plenty of room in front of the tray for the antennas. |
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September 26, 2008
by Jeff Briggs
It takes about three weeks in the NFL season to have an idea of what teams are good, and who joins the Lions and Raiders in futility. The NFC East looks to be the most dominate division in recent football history, while the Rams and Chiefs may be historically bad. Both Missouri teams turn to geriatric quarterbacks this week to try to right the ship.
Seriously, what is going on with NFL quarterbacks this season? This week, six teams are starting quarterbacks who are 35 or older, only two of which were starting in Week 1. If these QB’s can’t cut it, are teams going to look for even older guys? Jason Whitlock might go insane if any more washed-up signal-callers start and Jeff George doesn’t get a phone call. Last week I went .500, this week I continue my quest to do better than a coin toss.
Last week: 8-8
Lock of the week: 2-1
Home team in CAPS
Picks after the jump.
Broncos (-10.5) over CHIEFS
The Broncos average 38 points per game, the Chiefs average less than 11, and are playing musical chairs with their quarterbacks (who are somehow averaging a paltry 3.74 yards/pass). This week: Damon Huard gets his turn again. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really matter who the Chiefs put back there, they won’t be the answer for this franchise.
BENGALS (-4) over Browns
Derek Anderson, starting NFL QB: December 7, 2006 – September 28, 2008. Possible resurrection after Brady Quinn is just as bad.
Texans (+7) over JAGUARS
The Jaguars don’t play games in which either team wins by more than 7 points, it just doesn’t happen.
Cardinals (+1) over JETS
Remember 2004 and 2005 Brett Favre? The guy who threw the same ill-advised throws, but they ended up interceptions far too frequently? 2008 Brett Favre is pretty close to those versions. Favre and Warner have made a deal: loser of this game buys a years supply of Metamucil for the winner. Old Man Warner will pull it out. LOCK OF THE WEEK.
SAINTS (-5) over 49ers
The Saints lost two tight road games the past two weeks, while the 49ers won against a receiver-less Seahawks and the Lions. After beating the Lions, Frank Gore said of his 49ers, “We could be the best offense in the league.” The Falcons probably thought the same thing after Week 1. Everyone who has beaten up on the Lions this season has lost their next game. I guess that’s what happens when you get used to playing a JV high school defense.
PANTHERS (-7) over Falcons
Matt Ryan’s last trip on the road didn’t work out so well. The Falcons have looked impressive against two of the worst teams in the NFL, but so would a team of sock puppets.
TITANS (-3.5) over Vikings
These two teams are mirror images of one another. Strong defenses who like to move the ball on the ground offensively, and now they’ve both replaced their at one-time promising young, black, mobile quarterbacks with white, journeymen QB’s, who are part of the 35-and-older club. The difference will be the ability of the Titans’ defense to get turnovers.
Bye (even) over LIONS
Somehow the Lions will find a way to give up 38 points this week.
Packers (-1) over BUCCANEERS
The Bucs are the only team that has started the season with a quarterback older than 35 (38 year old Jeff Garcia), and decided to go younger. Although, "going younger" for them still means starting a 33 year old.
Bills (-9) over RAMS
The Rams are worse than the Lions. Nothing more needs to be said.
Chargers (-9) over RAIDERS
Expect Oakland to look more like the Week 1 Raiders than the imposters that managed to look somewhat capable in Weeks 2 and 3.
Redskins (+11) over COWBOYS
I think I’m going to spend all weekend sitting on my couch waiting for this game to start. The Cowboys are a force of unspeakable evil that must be stopped. We Whoop On.
Eagles (-4) over BEARS
The Eagles are only getting 4 points? I understand that Westbrook and McNabb are both banged up, but they will probably both play and the Eagles D should be able to terrorize Kyle Orton.
STEELERS (-5) over Ravens
Joe Flacco hasn’t been on the road yet. He also has had the luxury of playing the Bengals and Browns, and yet, still he has no passing touchdowns. Despite their injuries, the Steelers should have no problem in this low scoring game. |
December 5, 2012
Salafists Threaten Tunisia's Future
Alexander Smoltczyk, Der Spiegel
Almost two years after the Arab Spring got its start in Tunisia, Salafists are intimidating women, artists and intellectuals. Many fear that the government is tacitly supporting the radical Islamists in their efforts to turn the young democracy into a theocracy.
TAGGED: Arab Spring, Tunisia, Salafists |
NEW YORK – There are many recurring debates in American foreign policy – for example, isolationism versus internationalism, and unilateralism versus multilateralism. But no debate is more persistent than that between those who believe that American foreign policy’s principal purpose should be to influence the external behavior of other states and those who hold that it should be to shape their internal nature.
This debate between “realists” and “idealists” is intense and long-standing. During the Cold War, there were those who argued that the United States should try to “roll back” the Soviet Union, bring down the communist system, and replace it with democratic capitalism. Others deemed this to be too dangerous in an era defined by nuclear weapons, and the US opted instead for a policy of containment, working to limit the reach of Soviet power and influence. As it turned out, after 40 years of containment, the Soviet Union and its empire unraveled, though this outcome was a byproduct of US policy, not its principal purpose.
George W. Bush was the most recent “idealist” proponent of making democracy promotion the main priority for US foreign policy. Bush embraced the so-called “democratic peace” theory, which holds that democracies not only treat their own citizens better, but also act better toward their neighbors and others.
It was, of course, his father, George H.W. Bush, who was a strong representative of the alternative, “realist” approach to American foreign policy.
Much of this debate can be viewed through the lens of American involvement with Iraq. George W. Bush went to war with Iraq in 2003 to change the government. He expected regime change in Baghdad to lead to a democratic Iraq, a development that would in turn transform the region when people elsewhere in the Arab world saw this example and forced their own governments to follow suit.
By contrast, in the earlier Iraq war, the first President Bush, after amassing an unprecedented international coalition that succeeded in liberating Kuwait, did not press ahead to Baghdad to oust Saddam Hussein and his government, despite the urging of many that he do just that.
Nor did he intervene on behalf of the Shia and Kurdish uprisings that erupted just after the war ended early in 1991. To him, intervention would have placed US soldiers in the midst of a complex domestic struggle, one that would have cost enormous resources to sort out if it could be sorted out at all.
President Barack Obama appears to agree with this realist approach. The new US policy toward Afghanistan makes no mention of trying to transform that country into a democracy. On the contrary, as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated before Congress in January, “If we set ourselves the objective of creating some sort of Central Asian Valhalla over there, we will lose.”
For his part, Obama said in March that “We have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their return to either country in the future.”
This shift is also evident in US policy toward China. Speaking during her trip to Asia in February, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made clear that human rights issues would be a secondary concern in US-China relations.
Similarly, the joint statement issued by Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev after their April 1 meeting in London, while mentioning that US-Russia relations would be “guided by the rule of law, respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights, and tolerance for different views,” placed far greater emphasis on reducing nuclear arms, addressing Iran’s nuclear program, and stabilizing Afghanistan. US support for Russia’s admission to the World Trade Organization was unconditional.
This change in US foreign policy is both desirable and necessary. Mature democracies do tend to act more responsibly, but immature democracies can easily succumb to populism and nationalism. It is difficult and time-consuming to build mature democracies. While encouraging the rule of law and the growth of civil society, the US still needs to work with other governments, democratic and otherwise. Pressing problems, such as the economic crisis, nuclear proliferation, and climate change, will not wait.
The good news is that history shows that it is possible to make peace with and work with non-democracies. Israel, for example, has had peaceful relations with non-democratic Egypt and Jordan for more than three decades. The US and the Soviet Union cooperated in limited ways (for example, in controlling nuclear arms) despite fundamental differences. Today, the US and authoritarian China have mutually beneficial trade and financial ties, and have shown on occasion that they can work together on strategic issues, for example in shaping North Korea’s behavior.
This is not to say that promoting democracy will have no role in American foreign policy. It will, and it should. But democracy promotion is too uncertain a proposition, and the world too dangerous a place, for it to occupy center stage in what the United States does. Barack Obama’s foreign policy will thus resemble that of George Bush – the father, that is, not the son. |
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Dominance Relationship Punnett Square
A selection of articles related to dominance relationship punnett square.
Original articles from our library related to the Dominance Relationship Punnett Square. See Table of Contents for further available material (downloadable resources) on Dominance Relationship Punnett Square.
- Staying in the Energy of Love ~ Conscious Relationships
- At the beginning of a relationship, it is easy to love. You don't have to do much to receive love. Both of you give and receive, like in a wonderful dance. We believe that love should remain like that forever. In reality, love is a continuous state of being....
Body Mysteries >> Relationships
- Enochian Temples
- Constructing Enochian Temples During the six months beginning November, 1985, I was involved in an extended exploration of the Enochian Tablet of Earth. There was no purpose to the work other than tourism - I merely wanted to see what was there and record it...
Magick >> Enochian
- The Attributes of mass consciousness and its relationship to Intent
- Consciousness may be discussed using the analogy of a flashlight. Consciousness is composed of three elements which are; Energy, Awareness and Intent. Awareness is like a flashlight at night. through this medium, Whatever we focus our attention upon is...
Mind >> Telepathy and Group Mind
- Bringing it Down to Earth: A Fractal Approach
- 'Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.' B. Mandelbrot W e want to think about the future - it's our nature. Unlike other creatures, humans possess an...
Mystic Sciences >> Astrology
- Trance-formation (The Cosmic Tao of the Sexes)
- The purest outpouring of love between the sexes, is as a miniature super-nova of ecstatic union. Reciprocating pleasure becomes the engine that feeds the fires of passion. Passion becomes dynamic fuel for love. It is an engine that runs with the force of a...
Body Mysteries >> Yoga
Dominance Relationship Punnett Square is described in multiple online sources, as addition to our editors' articles, see section below for printable documents, Dominance Relationship Punnett Square books and related discussion.
Suggested Pdf Resources
- Sickle Cell Anemia:
- (dominant, recessive, or other?) 2. .
- Coat Color Genetics - APHA.Com
- both a recessive and a dominant control . to a relationship based upon simple domi- Mare.
- What To Do
- How many offspring in the Punnett squares have brown eyes? How many have blue eyes? In guinea pigs, the gene for black hair (B) is dominant over the gene for white hair (b).
Suggested Web Resources
- Mendel and the Gene Idea
- (d) [dominance relationships genetics, dominant alleles (Google Search)] [index] .
- Mendelian Genetics
- The F2 generation always produced a 3:1 ratio where the dominant trait is present Mendel coined two terms to describe the relationship of the two phenotypes based on The Punnett Square allows us to determine specific genetic ratios.
- Genetics Practice Problems
- In humans, brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue (b)*. A brown-eyed man Draw the Punnett squares to illustrate these two possible crosses.
Great care has been taken to prepare the information on this page. Elements of the content come from factual and lexical knowledge databases, realmagick.com library and third-party sources. We appreciate your suggestions and comments on further improvements of the site. |
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I've always hated my smile, and now that I'm an adult I'm considering getting braces. However, I don't know if that will be enough, because I noticed that my upper gum protrudes over my lower gums. Could braces help me?
Can Braces Fix my Overbite and Gap? (photo)
Doctor Answers 1
Can braces help me?
Not only could regular braces help but you look like an ideal patient for Invisalign....Just one warning..it looks like you have a strong tongue thrust that is pushing your teeth apart...usually this type of problem makes long term retention difficult so plan on wearing some type of retainer at night "forever"
These answers are for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship. |
One of my staff left out an undiluted bottle of Botox in the room, and it was not refrigerated for about 3 days. Is it still effective?
Unrefrigerated Undiluted Botox
Doctor Answers 12
BOTOX® is exceptionally stable
BOTOX® [in particular before reconstitution] is exceptionally stable, whether refrigerated at 4C or kept at room temperature ~25C.
A couple of friends who are leaders in the BOTOX® world proved this by taking a vial of BOTOX® to Italy a number of years ago and letting it cook in the hot Italian sun during a two week bike trip. They they reconstituted it, used half to treat a sister, who got an excellent response. The remaining BOTOX® was frozen for a few weeks, then thawed out and injected into second sister, with equally good results.
BOTOX® may be exceptionally stable because it has a full complement of protective proteins [which are found in natural BTX-A], and which cluster around the 150 kilodalton core protein, stabilizing and protecting it. By contast, Dysport® has a partial subset of protective proteins, and XEOMIN® has no protective proteins at all.
Unrefrigerated Undiluted Botox
The recommendation is to keep Botox refrigerated before and after dilution. If it was out for three days I would not trust it.
Proper storage of Botox - is it still effective?
It would not seem prudent to use this product on a paying patient if even the slightest chance that it would be ineffective or sub par.
When we have had similar situations, we have our staff use the product rather than risking an unhappy patient. Keep in mind that, even if the patient is monitored and will be cared for in the event that the product was ineffective, his/her time is valuable and should not be subjected to another visit and potentially needless needle sticks.
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I have found Botox to be very stable in the undiluted form and the diluted form if used with preserved saline. However, because of FDA recommendations I do not inject Botox that has not been kept refrigerated.
So really no one can say for sure. I have found the results are not as profound and certainly it wears off quicker. It then becomes an ethical question. Do you inject a product knowing that it potentially may not work as well?
Unrefrigerated, non-reconstituted Botox may be just fine.
The diversity of opinion among the RealSelf experts is interesting. My hunch is that Dr. Smith is the voice of reason.
I've had Botox arrive from Allergan at room temperature due to a shipping delay from inclement weather. The product worked fine. If you decide to use the product, save the bottle and check your patient in a week or so to ensure efficacy. If there's a problem with this vial, call Allergan with the lot number, and they would likely replace it at no charge. If you feel uncomfortable offering this to your patients, inject your staff, your family or yourself and let us know your experience.
Hope this helps.
Botox is stable at room temperature
Although the Allergan and FDA advise refrigeration of unreconstituted BOTOX, over night storage at room temperature in a well air conditioned office should have negligible or no effect on the potency of BOTOX.
Testing for the FDA of Botox's effectiveness and safety had been done under certain conditions. Varying these conditions could change the outcome possibly, but this probably hasn't been studied. You should check with Allergan's scientific team who will probably tell you to discard the bottle and not take a chance. I have found their team to be very responsive!
Botox left on the counter
In our experience the Botox left out over night wears off faster and is not as effective. Your Botox rep would probably be able to help you out of this loss.
These answers are for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship. |
Tummy Tuck Q&A
Gas + Tummy Tuck
Can I Take a Gas X Pill While Taking Percocet READ MORE
I'm 31yrs old, 4ft 11in and weigh 145lbs. 6mths ago I had a full tt with no lipo and weighed 155lbs. For a couple of months now, I've been... READ MORE
Full Tummy Tuck. Fullness, Bloated and Gassy. And, my PS Charging Additional Fee to Correct His Mistake?
Hello, I am just a month shy from a year since my full tummy tuck. Lately, ive been having bloated, fullness and very gassy, days before my period and... READ MORE
1.5 weeks post abdominoplasty & umbilical hernia repair (lysis of intra-abdominal adhesions, repair of multiple recurrent abdominal incisional... READ MORE
I am two weeks PO from a tt I feel great in the morning as the.day.goes on I start to feel pain and very.very gases I could hear hear the gas in my... READ MORE
I Underwent Abdominoplasty and Ventral Hernia Last 18th July 2013. READ MORE
10 year post op of Tummy Tuck, I have problem breathing and have gas like never before. Is this normal?
10year tummy tuck...I feel my breathing is like disscibed early I cant sing to sentence of a song ...I feel so tight and breathless. ..is this normal READ MORE
For almost 10 years, I have been struggling with a gastro issue that does not respond to medication or a healthy/restricted diet. I often blow up like... READ MORE
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I'm beginning week 5 post-op: TT, full hysterectomy and liposuction on Bra line. Week three I developed an infection near a drain site. The infection... READ MORE |
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An olive that may be referred to as a dry-cured olive and is most likely a black olive. It is cured by storing it in salt for a period of one to several months, during which time the flesh of the fruit becomes wrinkled. The Salt-Cured Olive may have more of a bitter taste and cannot be stored as long as brine-cured olives. The intent of curing is to remove the bitterness of the olive that makes it inedible prior to curing.
Salt Cured Olive Reviews
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You may have got to the stage where you have developed or upgraded your website and are now considering the online marketing options. A key decision to make will be who will manage your search engine optimisation (SEO). You may have seen all the online articles, read the dummies guides and fancy a go at this yourself or maybe giving it to someone in your marketing department who has dabbled with SEO at some point or another, but will this get you the desired results, is it safe and will it follow Google’s best practice guidelines?
Of course if you are an SEO expert or you have an experienced (and up to date) SEO boffin amongst your team the decision to keep SEO activities internal is a lot easier. However it is not easy to build a long term strategy to increase rankings for competitive keywords and more importantly drive targeted traffic to your website, in fact the way the search algorithm has evolved in the last 2 years means that corners can no longer be cut and bad practice cannot be hidden and is often punished.
Understanding keyword research, technical auditing, competitor research, content writing, analytics and social media integration is very much part of a good SEO strategy these days. Long gone are the times where we can just submit to web directories and blogs and ask other sites to link to us and hope for the best. On top of that SEO doesn’t just stop, its not a one off campaign, it should be seen as a key part of your ongoing digital marketing strategy.
So if you do not have the skills and knowledge internally in the business then one of your options is to partner with an agency or consultant for either a fully managed campaign or for auditing and ongoing consultancy. But with so many options where do you go and who do you choose?
Reasons for outsourcing your SEO work:
- Allow your staff time for other jobs they are already skilled in
- Speed up your time to gain more exposure in the search engines
- Receive professional advice for your SEO strategy
- Develop short and long term objectives with an experienced SEO consultant
- No need for recruitment costs for new employees
- Follow Google guidelines and best practices
- Avoid accidental spammy black hat tactics
Should you outsource your SEO offshore?
If you are considering outsourcing SEO then where to go will be one of the considerations. With all of the email spam for low cost SEO you may be tempted to send your SEO work to a low cost offshore resource. However before you risk your business in the hands of unknown offshore companies you should seriously consider all of the options.
At Red Alien we receive emails daily from so called ‘SEO’ offshore teams and companies wanting to partner with us or offering to take SEO work off our hands for small fees. With SEO being comprised of such an array of complex procedures many of which draw a fall into the realms of black hat SEO would you be confident with such an important service being managed from thousands of miles away from overworked, low paid individuals? We wouldn’t!
It is very difficult to tell who are the legit companies amongst the pirates out there especially when your only communication is a yahoo/gmail email and rarely even a company name. Responding to this type of email spam nearly always leads to disappointment.
Are offshore SEO companies always what they appear to be?
The emails on numerous occasions claim to be from companies with 200+ people dedicated to SEO. If they were that busy and talented I wonder why they are sending so much spam? The main culprit of these types of emails is India. With no disrespect to talented SEO individuals based there, the industry is consumed with cheap out of date tactics that are dangerous, spammy and not at all aligned with Google’s best practice. In fact many are using the same low quality, automated tactics they were 5 years ago. They can get away with it for short periods due to their large turnover of clients who’s eyes have been caught in the headlights due to the tiny package fees.
One similarity in these emails is that the spelling is usually very poor, I struggle to understand how they can afford 200+ staff but not find one person that can write a professional email or letter in readable English, surely that makes sense? If they really are considering offering SEO services does this not mean that they will be writing articles and posts on your behalf? A worrying thought if someone that can’t spell is representing your company and your brand.
Are there any positives for offshore SEO?
At Red Alien we choose NOT to outsource SEO campaigns to offshore companies and part of the reason for this is the lack of trust in the people I have spoken with and the techniques and processes they often follow are just out of date or have never been in date. This does appear a generalisation but this article is about my experience and others I know. If you have had good experiences with offshore seo then I’d be interested to know who with and the results you have achieved….but please don’t spam me selling your services or you have really missed the point of this post!
Considerations if you are thinking of going offshore for your SEO:
- Language barriers and communication (ask to use an Internet business specifications document).
- Knowledge barriers – many offshore companies just employ mass link builders, these days there is a lot more to learn in SEO than links alone and they have very little technical understanding of your website, services or industry.
- Quality link building – it is no good having someone link to their own network and directories and treat you like every other client. Your offsite SEO needs to be a bespoke solution with ‘natural’ quality links earned to suit your requirements and include competitor backlinks research.
- Don’t promote sweat shop labour – this refers to children in Asia working for very low fees just to build mass links for you is not ethical in any shape or form, ask who will work on your campaign and to have their contact details.
- Time zone differences – your weekend may be very different to an offshore team and phone calls often need advance planning to speak to the project manager at the right time
- You get what you pay for– freelancing sites and directories have start-up companies requesting full campaign bids for SEO for less than £200 total and then I see a huge influx of replies. I ask myself does that individual really know what they are getting for their money when they aren’t willing to discuss a solution or prepare an SEO strategy to integrate with an online marketing plan. You pay peanuts and you get monkeys as the old saying goes and hopefully I’m not currently classed as a monkey although I do like peanuts and have climbed a tree or two in my time.
- Overworked – the individuals in these companies are often given too many accounts to manage leading to low quality work, errors and mistakes that can impact your business.
- And when it goes wrong – who do you go to, how will you get the problem resolved, who will recover your online presence?
At then end of the day whoever takes on your project will need to understand your business and services and be dedicated to getting the best results. It can take several hours to write high quality articles, blog posts and web content and this should always be unique. It can take longer to find and connect with the most suitable citation resources for local SEO, generate content interest, establish online publishing relationships and social media partnerships, competitor backlink evaluation. All this spent spent before management and monitoring of your project. Lets not forget the keyword research and ongoing on-site technical SEO. At the start if you don’t get this right you may be heading up the creek without a paddle.
At Red Alien we work with UK businesses and ideally clients within our reach that we know we can visit, find time to understand their business and objectives and build trust and understanding in the work we are providing.
When you are ready to consider SEO for your company take all factors into account before you choose to keep it in-house, outsource locally or outsource offshore as the decision you make may have a huge impact on the online success of your business. If you are hiring an SEO company in the UK or US don’t be afraid to ask the question ‘who will be working on your SEO campaign’ are they contactable, are they offshore?’
Please note this article does not apply to all offshore SEO companies but is aimed at understanding the risks you take when considering buying these services and selecting the right SEO partner.
This article is an update of one I originally wrote back in 2011. |
Skip the Italian restaurant and make your own gourmet pasta. It's easy to put together delicious stuffed shells with cheese, frozen spinach, and sausage.
Yield: 8 servings
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- 1 package jumbo pasta shells (about 36 shells)
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 0.50 c. finely chopped onion
- 0.75 lb. bulk sweet Italian sausage
- 2 clove garlic
- 1 large egg
- 1 container whole or part-skim ricotta cheese
- 1 box frozen chopped spinach
- 0.75 c. grated Parmesan cheese
- 4 oz. fresh mozzarella
- 0.50 tsp. kosher salt
- 0.50 tsp. freshly ground pepper
- 1 jar tomato sauce with basil
- Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil; add pasta shells and cook according to package instructions. Drain in a colander; rinse under cold water to stop the cooking. Drain shells on paper towels.
- Heat oil in a large skillet on medium-high heat; add onion and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Add sausage, breaking up into smaller bits with a wooden spoon. Cook, stirring frequently, until sausage is no longer pink, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook 1 minute longer. Remove pan from heat.
- Beat egg lightly in a large bowl; stir in ricotta, spinach, 1/2 cup of the Parmesan cheese, mozzarella, salt, pepper, and the cooled sausage mixture until blended. Fill pasta shells with mixture.
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Spread 1 cup of the tomato sauce over the bottom of a 3-quart baking dish. Arrange stuffed shells in dish. Spread remaining tomato sauce over pasta shells. Cover dish with foil; bake for 30 minutes, until hot and bubbling. Remove foil; sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese. Bake uncovered for 10 minutes longer.
Your Favorite French Toast Recipe Just Learned 5 Delicious New Tricks
You've earned your weekend—so reward your hard work with truly decadent takes on the breakfast classic.
8 Things You Should Never Eat if You're Trying to Lose Weight
"Low-fat" foods are actually your enemy. |
POLICE are appealing for information and witnesses after a man riding a bicycle was seriously injured in a road collision in Wythall on Tuesday, November 27.
It happened at about 6.23pm on the A435 and involved a white articulated truck and a pedal cyclist.
Both were travelling in the same direction along the dual carriageway when they were in collision opposite the Texaco garage.
The cyclist, a man in his 20s from the Birmingham area, sustained serious injuries and was taken by ambulance to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. His injuries are not thought to be life threatening and he is currently in a stable condition.
The driver of the truck, a man in his 30s, was uninjured.
One lane of the A435 was closed for most of the evening.
PC Paul Pickering from the Force Operations Support Team (FOST) said: "We are investigating the circumstances and are eager to hear from anyone who saw the collision or remembers seeing either of the vehicles just before 6.23pm."
Anyone with information should contact PC Pickering at Rubery Police Station on the non-emergency number 101, quoting incident reference 186-N-271112. |
Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11, The Deception that Changed the World
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February 12, 2014
Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist now living in Sweden who has researched and written extensively about the events of September 11, 2001. He has spoken at 9-11 truth events across Europe and the United States. He recently flew to London to appear on a program with Ken O'Keefe about who is behind the 9-11 terrorism but was detained at Heathrow airport and forcibly returned to Sweden on the following day. Bollyn has researched different aspects of the 9-11 attacks and uncovered facts and evidence that challenge the official version of events. Christopher has put focus on Israel’s involvement in 9-11, the intelligence agency the Mossad and political Zionism. In this program, he discusses his latest book “Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World.” He explains the deception of the false-flag terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and what it means for world peace. He says that 9-11 is not only the tip of the criminal iceberg; it is also their Achilles’ heel. He also says that our history and destiny has been hijacked by the real criminal terrorists behind 9-11, and they don't come from Afghanistan. In the second hour, we put the events of 9-11 in context on the geopolitical chessboard. We’ll discuss media censorship and control in America, Sweden and around the world. Later, we discuss Putin, western propaganda against Russia and the oligarchs that have been trying to take control of the Russian satellite states. At the end, we talk about revolutions, military intervention and how the Middle East conflict is continuing to bring perpetual warfare and conflicts around the globe. |
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Govt to consider more Indo-Pak bus routes
March 24, 2005 00:56 IST
The government on Wednesday said it will explore other bus routes between India and Pakistan after bus services between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad and Lahore and Amritsar start.
It is the Indian government's policy to promote trade and economic relations with Pakistan and encourage better travel facilities between the two countries, Minister of State for External Affairs Inderjit Singh said in a written reply in the Lok Sabha.
Singh said Pakistan's response was awaited on India's proposal to designate a few places along the International Border and the Line of Control where the relatives on both the sides could meet.
The places suggested were Poonch, Mendhar, Suchetgarh, Uri and Tangdhar in Neelam valley, Singh said, adding the proposal was made during foreign secretary-level talks in Islamabad on December 27.
India and Pakistan had agreed to bus services on the two routes during External Affairs Minster K Natwar Singh's Pakistan visit in February, he pointed out.
Muzaffarabad bus not insured: Report
Long queues for Muzaffarabad bus permit |
Human beings are often so inspirational that one can’t but be in awe.
Several African doctors and even more nurses have died from treating Ebola patients. As of this writing, it looks like the two Americans, Dr. Kent Brantley and American missionary and caregiver Nancy Writebol will survive. The U.S. government and the World Health Organization are preparing to send hundreds of well equipped and knowledgeable professionals to try to stop the epidemic. There are no words for people who engage in such heroism and goodness and at such risk to themselves.
On a recent appearance on Face the Nation former Secretary of State summed up the state of the world today in one simple sentence: “To put it mildly, the world is a mess.”
Israel and Hamas are both doing evil things. Putin is being Putin. Sunnis and Shiites are killing each other over who are true Muslims. When you look more closely though, their quarrels are just as much over power, oil and water. And then there’s Boko Haram, translated as “Western education is a sin,” running wild in northern Nigeria, stealing, raping and murdering young girls.
The worldwide flood of human refugees, children by the ton, fleeing sectarian conflict, poverty, drug violence, war, terrorism is overwhelming relief systems.
The trouble with multiple crises’ demanding the immediate attention of the world is that long-term solutions and long term goals get shunted aside.
In 1990 the U.N. adopted the eight Millennium Development Goals, which dealt with poverty, education, health and environmental sustainability. The target date for reaching the goals was 2015. Worldwide progress was made in cutting poverty, reducing maternal and child mortality and getting more kids in school.
Goals that have specific targets are important. Progress is measurable.
As you can guess, I’ll be particularly interested in the areas of women’s health, particularly reproductive health, women’s and girls’ education and human rights.
There is one thing that has the potential to disrupt every effort of human beings to enjoy a tolerable life here on Earth and that is climate change, climate change that to a great extent is caused by humans putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the oceans. I’ll be dead when the worst comes, but honestly people if you are appalled by the millions of climate and conflict refugees now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet—food supplies, water supplies, the planet as we know it! To take a word from Madeleine Albright: MESS, total, complete and utter with incredible human and planetary suffering. And then of course you have the Republican politicians’ mantra, which they have been taught to say: “I’m not a scientist” implying “so how can I know anything?” Well, hell, I’m not a scientist either, but I can read and listen and be fairly well informed.
Their strategy of playing dumb and faking ignorance is unconscionable.
I keep a copy of “Pride and Prejudice” by my bed. I think I’ve read the whole book four times, but just once in a while for pure enjoyment I read a few passages before turning off the light. Such a pleasure.
When I was a junior at San Diego High School in 1957, I met a Scott Seiler, a fellow junior who lived a few blocks from our house and could dance up a storm. I fell in absolute love, puppy love, crush, all encompassing. He had no mother, he was smart, he played great badminton, his father was an alcoholic.
Scott ran away and when they found him he was placed at another high school, Lincoln High, and was going to be adopted by a teacher at that school. He often attended high school dances in Balboa Park, so on a specific Saturday night I went hoping to see him.
He wasn’t there.
On Sunday morning, at home, perusing the San Diego Union I saw a headline: “Lincoln Youth Dies in Pool.” He had stayed in the pool when others had gotten out and had hit his head on the side. No one noticed until it was too late. Life hangs by a thread. Tragic but no more so than the good dying young wherever and whenever.
Jay and I had our kids and granddaughter visiting for a week. The toddler loves cheese, the University of Redlands pool, and her grandma and grandpa. Life renewing itself.
Jane Roberts has taught French and tennis throughout Inland Empire starting in 1964 at the University of Redlands. In 2002 she started a grass roots movement for women’s health called 34 Million Friends which has garnered more than $4.3 million for safe motherhood and family planning through the United Nations Population Fund. She lives in Redlands. |
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DeYoung to talk Woodinville at Redmond Historical Society meeting
Al DeYoung will share memories of his family and growing up in Woodinville in the 1930s and 1940s at the next Redmond Historical Society meeting from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Feb. 9 at The Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 N.E. 80th St.
DeYoung's family operated many businesses, including brother Lowell’s TD Feeds in Redmond. Al has spent most of his adult life in public service. He has been a commissioner of Public Hospital District 2, which is the Evergreen Hospital Medical Center, for 33 years, and a Northshore school director for three years. His daughter, Lucy, is treasurer of the Woodinville Heritage Society. |
Whether storing tea bags, children’s treats, such as biscuits and brownies, or jewellery, this beautiful handmade crown from Emma Bridgewater is perfect for hiding your treasures and jewels.
These fun soldier wall stickers are a great way to get children involved in the celebrations. Easy to apply (and remove), the traditional red and black guards will add a playful touch to children’s bedrooms. Create a quirky wall feature by applying the matte finish soldiers along a white washed skirting board.
Give a stylish nod to the Queen’s Jubilee with the perfect addition to a celebratory summer party. Decorate 1lb jars of beautiful homemade jam and chutney’s with Union Jack or toile paper toppers and retro tags. Or, give children an extra special Bank Holiday treat by filling the jars with retro sweets and chocolates.
Create a sense of occasion with this delicate fine bone china teacup and saucer from the official Diamond Jubilee range. The ornate detailing and gold finish will add a pretty, English-country touch to your cuppa.
For those who favour a feature wall, you can’t get much grander than this quirky vintage Union Jack wallpaper. Fly the flag this Jubilee with House Couturier’s fun and easy-to-hang alternative to traditional wallpaper, which is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.
Embroidered with a retro royal patch design, and lined with oil cloth, store your makeup and toiletries in style with this striking bold colour wash bag.
For a contemporary nod to the Jubilee celebrations, this quirky bird ornament with a playful take on the Union Jack motif is pretty enough to keep long after the festivities.
Traditionalists will love this beautiful retro print by designer Annie Little. Taken from the original stamp of the Queen’s coronation in 1952, it will make the perfect update to every home colour palette.
Add a vintage twist to an all-white living room with this beautifully quirky upholstered footstool. With an ornate hand-carved oak frame and bold colour velvet covering, featuring a patchwork of the traditional British stamp, you’re sure to treasure this long after the Jubilee celebrations are over.
Create a great first impression and keep your home spick and span and fit for a Queen with this playful coconut coir printed door mat.
Make the most of the long Jubilee weekend and indulge in some alfresco dining. This patriotic plate will add a celebratory feel to tableware and is perfect for serving afternoon cakes, sandwiches or summer meals.
For an understated jubilee cushion opt for this woven cream cushion from John Lewis with faded print. Picking up on the rustic, frugal trend, this cushion will give an instant update to a minimal living room while giving a sophisticated nod to the Jubilee celebrations. |
April 23, 2009
Weight gain more likely from beverages
Weight gain is more likely to increase as a result of liquid calories, particularly sugar-sweetened beverages, than solid food calories, U.S. researchers said.
Lead author Dr. Liwei Chen of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center said the study reports four principal findings: a reduction in liquid calorie intake was significantly associated with weight loss at both six months and 18 months; the weight-loss effect of a reduction in liquid calorie intake was stronger than that of a reduction in solid calorie intake; a reduction in sugar-sweetened beverage intake was significantly associated with weight loss at both six and 18 months; and no other beverage type was associated with weight change.
Today, Americans consume 150-300 more calories a day than they did 30 years ago, and caloric beverages account for approximately 50 percent of this increase, Chen said in a statement.
The researchers tracked 810 men and women ages 25-79 whose 24-hour dietary intake recall was measured by telephone interviews conducted when they entered the study and at six and 18 months.
The absence of chewing when consuming liquids may result in decreased pancreatic responses and beverages also clear the stomach sooner than solid food and may induce weaker satiety signals, the researchers said.
The findings are published in May 1 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. |
May 14, 2012
Duke Team Provides Groundwork To Make Electric Crystals
A team of Duke University engineers plan to send us even further into the future as they have compiled a “master ingredient list” to create the next generation of quantum electronics.
The teams list includes more than 2,000 compounds in this master list and hopes to drive the study of quantum physics even further.
At the center of their studies are topological insulators (TI). These man made crystals serve multiple purposes as they are able to generate electricity on their surfaces and then insulate this electricity in their cores.
Such crystals could be used to generate electricity more effectively and efficiently than conventional devices or wires, and according to the Duke team of engineers, these TIs are ideal candidates for quantum electronics.
The discovery of these TIs have interested scientists for some time, but generating them hasn´t been easy to do. Until now, quantum physicists and scientists have had to use various trial-and-error methods to perfect the situations in which to create such crystals.
According to a Duke press release, the key to manufacturing these TIs lies in a mathematical formula which can unlock the data and magic powers stored in potential TI ingredients. Armed with the mathematic formula and the recipe list, the Duke engineers hope to be 2 steps closer to generating these crystals.
Additionally, Stefano Curtarolo, professor of mechanical engineering and materials sciences and physics at Duke´s Pratt School of Engineering and founder of the Duke´s Center for Materials Genomics has created a repository of material genomes, giving scientists access to prior formulas and combinations, eliminating their trial-and-error methods when finding these crystals.
The press release likens the formula and recipe to mixing a can of paint at a hardware store. Ideally, the team will be able to use different combinations of different compounds and create Tis to be used for specific purposes. This new project will be the keystone of the new Duke Center for Materials Genomics.
“While extremely helpful and important, a database is intrinsically a sterile repository of information, without a soul and without life. We need to find the materials´ ℠genes,´” said Curtarolo. “We have developed what we call the ℠topological descriptor,´ that when applied to the database can provide the directions for producing crystals with desired properties.”
Duke´s new process will allow scientists to determine the outcome of a combination of compounds before they actually try them out.
Curtarolo says these compounds can fall anywhere on a spectrum, the bottom end of which is listed as “fragile.”
“We can rule those combinations out because, what good is a new type of crystal if it would be too difficult to grow, or if grown, would not likely survive?” Curtarolo said.
Moving further up the list, he says a second group of compound combinations in the middle are deemed as “feasible.”
Combinations which fall on the top end of the spectrum are what excite Curtarolo, which are described as “robust.”
Crystals formed in the “robust” end of the spectrum are easily sustained, easily produced, and very stable. Additionally, these crystals can be grown in any direction, which means they can be tailor made to fit any electrical processes.
TIs are still in the experimental stage, but Curtarolo believes these new tools will provide scientists with a powerful new framework to engineer a wide array of these crystals.
This Duke research has been reported online in the journal Nature Materials.
On the Net: |
Look Who’s Not Afraid of Town Halls
While Democratic incumbents are running from constituents, holding secret meetings, and showing contempt for the people they represent, their challengers are stepping up:
Hoping to highlight the incumbents’ decision not to hold similar meetings, New York Assemblyman Greg Ball, former Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg and Florida U.S. Army veteran Allen West announced this week that they are holding their own health care events.
Ball, who is challenging second-term Democrat John Hall, said in a statement that he “will be addressing the current Congressman’s failure to engage the public in dialogue regarding H.R. 3200, derisively known as ‘ObamaCare,’ by hosting a series of town hall meetings next week throughout the 19th congressional district.” The Hudson Valley’s Times Herald-Record noted that Hall is “steering clear of town-hall-style meetings,” though he has conducted a listening tour on health care throughout his district and is soliciting feedback from constituents via his congressional Web site.
Walberg, who is seeking a rematch with freshman Rep. Mark Schauer after Schauer unseated him in 2008, gave word Tuesday that he will hold four town halls in South Central Michigan in the coming weeks. “It is sad so many Members of Congress are unwilling to hold town hall meetings to listen to citizens’ concerns and ideas about the health care reforms currently being formulated in Washington D.C.,” he said in a release announcing the events…
West, meanwhile, said he had invited incumbent Ron Klein in Florida’s 22nd District to join him at a public forum, which he is holding next week…
UPDATE: One of the GOP’s top House challenger recruits, Colorado state Rep. Cory Gardner, is also holding health care town hall events, the Fort Collins Coloradoan reports. The Colorado political blog Face the State quotes Gardner’s campaign spokesman Mike Ciletti as saying the forums are an means of “filling the leadership void created by Congresswoman Markey’s avoidance of her constituents.”
Democratic incumbents are acting as if townhalls are dangerous, and the attendees inherently impossible to deal with. In fact, they’re encountering anger because they are ignoring constituents who want them to read legislation, to include themselves in any public plan they want to create for others, and to oppose any plan which pushes people into a government plan. Democrats who are able to address these concerns – Democrats like Heath Shuler – seem to be doing just fine in public meetings.
In any case, regardless of whether they expect to get a warm reception, Members of Congress ought to be brave enough to explain their views to their constituents. If they’re unwilling to do so, they should step aside.
And if you happen to be live in one of the districts mentioned here, follow the link for details on how you can come to a meeting with the candidate who wants to represent you in the House.
Update: It’s pointed out in the comments that Ohio’s Jeanette Moll is holding town halls as well:
Jeannette Moll, who will be challenging Blue Dog Zack Space in Ohio’s 18th District, will also have a town hall, on August 28, 6:00 p.m., Tuscora Park, 16 1Tuscora Avenue, NW, New Philadelphia, Ohio. http://www.jeanettemoll.com/. Space, a nice and thoughtful guy, took this seat from scandal plagued Bob Ney in 2006. Moll is a former Guernsey County Magistrate Judge. |
Sine Die; May It Come To A Merciful End
By Tom Tillison
Florida Political Press
As the Florida Legislature winds down this year’s legislative session, for many it cannot end soon enough.
It’s been a long 60 days of being told one thing and seeing another done. Sixty days of the House pointing a finger at the Senate and the Senate pointing back at the House. It was said of last year’s session that for the first time in memory the Florida Senate was the more conservative of the two chambers… well, not to worry, that trend didn’t last!
It’s an unfortunate place to be when the citizenry are more at ease when it’s representatives are idle, but for many, that happens to be where we find ourselves.
Sure, there have been a number of victories for conservatives in this years session, along with an equal share of defeats. With the 2012 Election cranking up in force in September, there will be but a few short months to properly evaluate the overall results before drawing final conclusions.
Being that this was the first year that the tea party has been fully engaged in state politics, it has definitely been a learning experience. The grassroots movement will be well served to use this time wisely in deciding just how well received it actually was in Tallahassee.
And while reflecting, it may also be prudent for tea party leaders to avoid our lawmakers as they return home, hat in hand, chock full of reasons and excuses. Eager to un-ruffle irritated feathers, these lawmakers will work diligently to assure us that things are better than they look.
One thing is certain, with a Republican super-majority in both Houses and a Republican Governor, Florida had a golden opportunity to be a beacon to the rest of the country in the ongoing battle to define the proper role of government in our society and restore liberty in our daily lives.
The jury is already in on that one… not guilty, did not happen. |
Condoleezza Rice’s prayers for Gabrielle Giffords in Sarah Palin’s crosshairs.
MORGAN: Condoleezza Rice rose to the highest level of American politics, but a lot has changed in the two years, from the Tea Party to the crosshairs politics. What does she think of the new landscape? (COMMERCIAL BREAK) MORGAN: There’s been a big debate, Dr. Rice, in the country since what happened to Representative Giffords and, obviously, you yourself have been in high office. You’ve | Read More »
, Condoleezza rice
, gabrielle giffords
, Sarah Palin
The Blue State Cancer
This is a work in progress… Great to see when you hit save by accident you can not hit ctrl Z ctrl Z: As ideas come to me on how to illustrate and define the process of the infection liberalism I will continue to augment this document. Liberalism is a mindset and it has a pathology. It is moved by people unwilling to part with | Read More » |
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Fish shallow water in fall. The fish are getting ready to spawn so they should be in close. A woolly bugger or small streamers would probably work off the beach. Hey maybe you could hook up with a nice Brown.
I don't know the pond, but this time of year, any stocked pond has fish in close to shore, you just have to walk the pond and look for rising fish. A depth chart of the pond would help also. Look for dropoffs close to shoaly type areas.
I'm only speculating, I've never fished there and have know Idea how deep it is. |
At church I teach the 16 – 18 year old girls. This group is called the Laurels. Off the top of my head, I don’t remember why they got that name, but that’s the way it is. I’ve been looking for a good way to welcome the girls into my class as they turn 16, and I came up with this so-simple-why-haven’t-I-thought-of-this-before idea. I know a lot of my readers are LDS, so I know you guys will be able to put this to use, but once I saw my girls were wearing these headbands to school, I figured that the rest of the world might be interested in crowning themselves with laurels too.
With as frequently as the sad days descend around here, I pride myself on how hard I work to avoid the pity parties. For every weak day I share with all of you, there are hundreds more weak moments that I force myself past with a stiff upper lip. And then when I just cave in and need a day to feel sad and worried, I never indulge myself too long. I know I need to feel my feelings, but I also don’t want to spend a lot of time on things that won’t solve any problems.
So, with that being my focus I set about kicking my gloom this weekend. I did my usual routine of indulging in things that bring me pleasure, I slept in, watched lots of lame movies, and then decided to tackle a smallish but nagging project so that I could feel like I had accomplished something. We picked up a bunch of plastic bins from Target, I busted out the good old P-Touch labelmaker, and I went through everything in Atti’s closet to see what still fit and what could be packed away.
As I was folding all those tiny clothes, I couldn’t help but get nostalgic about where he’s been. All the preemie clothes that we dressed him in in the hospital, threaded over tubes and wires; the clothes we were given from friends and marveled at, thinking he would never fit; the clothes that were permanently stained with spitup from the months and months we tried to get him to eat and keep it down despite the acid reflux. All those things that terrified me last year, are no longer an issue. He’s faced all those early threats and tackled them, I have no doubt that he’ll just keep right on going.
And then, if I needed another reason to kick off the self-pity, yesterday Atti decided to crawl:
Maybe he realized he was starting to freak Mama out and it was time to stop playing around.
If you’ve been reading along with me for any length of time, I’m sure that you’ve picked up on the roller coaster of emotions I’m on trying to parent my sweet little guy. Sometimes I wonder how different this would be from parenting any other child. Maybe I would still have days like today where I’m sad from all the pressure and worry I feel trying to help him meet his full potential. Maybe it’s just part of parenthood. Maybe it’s all hitting me harder because right now the stakes are so high for him.
As of yesterday Atti is 16 months old. His adjusted age, what he would be performing at if everything was perfect, is 13 months old. But he still can’t sit up independently, he can’t hold a bottle, he doesn’t crawl or walk. He struggles to eat mushy carrots.
I know I’ve written this post before. This is part of going through therapy. He has fallow periods. There are long stretches where it seems like he’s doing nothing, and then one day I’ll wake up and all of a sudden he’s got a new skill conquered. Those fallow periods are integral to therapy. He’s slowly building muscles, gaining size and strength, conquering all those infinitesimal steps along the way to achievement that I can recognize. I know that in a few weeks I’ll be in a new place, with new skills we’re working on. But the bigger he gets, the more these fallow periods wear on me.
This weekend we went to cousin Micah’s birthday party. 20 six year olds were running around having a wild rumpus while I sat on the couch with Atti just watching. I held the 7 month old baby of Bear’s cousin and I was absolutely shocked at the difference. The baby offered resistance. He stood on my lap like a ship captain. He sat up without my help. It was probably the first time I’d held anything other than a newborn in Atti’s life and the difference was heartbreaking. You tell yourself that he’s not that far behind. He’s not that different, he’ll just catch up. And then to feel it for yourself…it’s kind of hard to stay in your denial bubble after that.
So I gave the baby back, took Atti off his grandma’s hands, went back to watching the other kids run around, and thought about Atti’s future. He’s now 25 pounds of dead weight. What not too long ago was a delightfully snuggly little feature, is now serious work to carry around. His grandma is 5’2″ and already struggles to manage his little body. We are not far away from addressing using a stroller like a wheelchair, everywhere we go. And that would mean a whole lot more sitting on the sidelines and watching as all the other kids ran around and played.
Then on Monday we went to the birthday party of a friend of ours. They took over a little pizza place and we all got together to have a nosh. But we got there late so the place was really crowded and all the chairs were taken. We left the stroller in the car thinking that it would just be hard to manage and in the way, and we’d be fine once we were sitting, but then there was no where to sit. So we ended up standing against the wall trying to juggle Atti, the big diaper bag, and two plates of food. Then Atti choked on a noodle and barfed all over Bear, so we threw up our hands, apologized to our friends, went home and I’ve been despondent ever since.
There’s just such a steep learning curve to parenting this kid. He wants to move so badly. He gets so mad, he throws tantrums, he bangs his head against the floor. His tests say that he’s advanced in a lot of the emotional/intellectual aspects, so my little guy is already entering his terrible two’s, exacerbated by the fact that he cannot do what all the kids his age are doing. He gets mad, my heart breaks even more, and I can’t help but think about what our lives will be like if he never gets more mobility.
I keep trying to remind myself of that parenting mantra – Everything will pass. For good or for bad, everything will pass. During these fallow periods it’s so tempting to think that things will always be like this. That from here on out, this is what my life will look like. But it won’t. He may be going slower than other kids, but he hasn’t stopped yet. So I just have to find a way to hang in there.
All last week was gloomy and rainy and, sure enough, that was also the week that all the new patio furniture arrived. [As an aside – if you’re looking for patio furniture, Overstock.com is awesome and has free shipping.]
I may not have been able to go put the new outdoor couch to work, but the rain is perfect for one thing – curling up under a blanket with a snuggly baby and sticking my nose in a good book.
Once I got started with the paper mache, I couldn’t quite stop myself. I came up with a technique for the big decor balls that worked really great – Mixing the paint right into the glue. It gives a super saturated color and saves another messy step and more drying time. So I had to keep going with this other idea I had.
Those party lights you see at the store are so expensive for what you get. 30 little lights for $25 doesn’t go very far before adding up to a whole lot of money for a festive atmosphere. These party lights are removable, so you can use an existing string of Christmas lights and then just take them off when it’s time to use on the tree. If I did the math I’d guess that for a string of 30 lights, I spent about $3.
Start with some water balloons, blown up just big enough to be round. I used two pieces of masking tape to prop it up – one secures the tail to the table, the other pushes against that little knot to keep the balloon from touching the table. Make sure you tie your knots are good and tight, these little balloons leak pretty easily and you want to make sure that you get all your layers on and dry before these balloons start shrinking. Working in small batches makes this a lot easier.
Mix up your glue. It should be about 1 part paint, 2 parts glue, and 3 parts water. But that is no where near scientific. Just water your glue down so that it’s easy to paint with, and then add enough acrylic craft paint to get it the colors you want.
Add the paper mache. You want to use white tissue paper for this so that the light will still shine through after you add all your layers. Tear it into small little bits. The smaller the bits, the fewer wrinkles you’ll get, but it will also be a whole lot harder. So choose your poison.
After a little experimentation, I think that three layers is just right for this project. Let them dry a while between layers, but not overnight until they’re all on. You will be fighting the clock against the strength of your balloons, so you’ll need to get all three layers on in one day. A blow dryer on the cool setting works great in a pinch.
Put a plastic ring in your hot glue, making sure that there are spaces in between the ring and the paper mache. These rings are used in crochet, so look in the aisle with the knitting needles, or the sewing notions. I found these ones at Michaels in the section with the quilting supplies.
The next time I make these I’ll take the rest of my paint and glue mixtures and paint that ring at this point to make it blend it. It’s not an important step, but those white rings are bugging me now.
Take a little bit of florists wire and thread it through that space we left so that it wraps around the plastic ring. I used green because it will match the string of lights I’m using. Put another bit of wire on the other side of the ring.
Since lights made for Christmas trees tend to have their lights closer together than the strings of party lights, I put a paper mache bulb on every other light on the strand. I think this actually adds to the effect, it makes it sparkly and festive at the same time. |
Review: Doom 3 BFG Edition
Doom is back, and just in time for Halloween! But, no, it isn’t the release of Doom 4 (show me your “rage”!…get it?). What we have here is Doom 3 BFG Edition, which honestly should’ve just been called the Doom Collection. While the titular game is the one that gets the most attention, being remastered and getting a brand new expansion, BFG Edition also houses Dooms I and II, making this a must-buy for diehard fans of the series.
I’m a little ashamed to admit this, but this is actually the first time I’m properly getting into the Doom series. Yeah, I’ve played the original game before (on a cellphone…), but I’ve never really beaten any of them nor had the chance to fully immerse myself in them. BFG allowed me to do just that, at long last. So this release was definitely on my radar for months. But the question is, is it worth it? Or is Doom 3, despite its improved visuals, “doomed” to live on as a relic of its time? Let’s find out!
The story is quite simple. You play as an unnamed marine that’s sent to a UAC facility on Mars City. UAC is the leading corporation when it comes to high-end technology, and their mission to excavate artifacts deep within Mars goes horribly wrong…As expected! When you arrive in the facility things are all normal and everything is following routine. But shit hits the fan, and before you know it, a portal to Hell has been opened, bringing hordes of demons to the complex. It’s your mission to fight to Hell and back, putting an end to this demon infestation. Basically, what we have here is a remake of the original Doom.
That’s pretty much all there is as far as story goes. Yeah, you do collect audio and video logs as you venture through the complex’s corridors, which unravels more of the story and breathes more life into the world around you, but it’s still pretty bare-bones. And with the BFG Edition you get the complete Doom 3 experience, thanks to Resurrection of Evil’s inclusion, as well as a brand new expansion titled “Lost Mission.” Again, both expansions’s stories aren’t going to bring home any awards, but overall, Doom 3 is a playable sci-fi horror movie that provides one hell (haha) of an adventure. This is thanks in large part to its amazing atmosphere. And c’mon, Doom is really all about the gameplay after all.
Sweet baby Jesus, Doom 3’s atmosphere is truly immersive and its superb lighting makes the entire time you spend in confined areas very creepy. It’s even better now since the visuals have been improved with this remastered edition, though character models look a little funny, to me at least. Sometimes I found myself just taking a short break from the game, due to the very somber nature of each environment. Honestly, I don’t know how the people working in that complex remained sane! Well, there wasn’t really anyone left working there after the portal to Hell opened, so yeah…
Blood on the walls, corpses littered around, and darkness itself all make this game stand as one of the best modern, first-person horror games of this century. I was always on edge as I made my way through dark corridors, waiting for a demon or zombie to just pop out at me. The scares here are all of the “boo!” variety. With enemies appearing out of nowhere, but really, the atmosphere is what makes this game truly creepy. Cheap scares are one thing, but being just terrified of the world you’re pit in definitely makes this a worthy horror experience. It’s a good thing we can use the flashlight as its own item!
That’s right, the BFG Edition actually lets players use the flashlight without having to cycle through their weapons to select it. In a way, this kind of strips a bit of the game’s level of tension and horror, since now you can shine your flashlight and shoot your firearm at the same time, but I actually was quite grateful for that ability. And it’s not like you can infinitely wield your flashlight, it does have an energy meter. Though I would have loved to see an option present which allows you to switch back to that “classic” setting for an even bigger challenge. In the end, the flashlight is a crucial part of the game’s first-person mechanics, which aren’t really all that modern by today’s standards to begin with.
Doom I and II are extraordinarily fun experiences, even today. All you have to worry about is shooting hordes of demons as you make your way through each game’s maze-like levels, collecting items and finding secrets along the way. Doom 3 retains that classic approach to level structure, as well as the simplified shooting mechanics, but it also changes things up a bit. If you’re used to modern first-person shooters, you may not really enjoy Doom 3’s gameplay at first. And the fact that enemies don’t drop ammunition or health all the time (health doesn’t regenerate either) may also irk the more younger crowd, but hey, that’s what makes this game a survival horror experience! You’ll definitely have to conserve the ammunition and health supplies you have, and always be on the lookout for any more that may be laying around in darkened areas. One must also remember that this game originally came out in 2004, so you can’t go into it expecting the GameStop Exclusive Call of Demons 2012 Edition. I’m not too big on shooters to begin with, but I absolutely loved playing Doom 3, despite some dull moments, which I’ll get to when I talk about the things I disliked about this game.
The monsters you’ll fight in the game are nice updates on the classic monsters from the series. They’re nicely designed and some of them are quite creepy, especially as you get closer to the end of the game. Aside from slow zombies (some wielding melee weapons) and demons (including the insanely adorable Pinky!), you’ll also come across gun-wielding enemies. These prove to be quite annoying, especially later on when you start facing zombies with large machine guns. You also have big foes to fight, like the Hell Knight, which are quite intimidating, but quite easy to take down and dodge. And that’s the thing: the enemies possess very basic AI, so that once you know how to take down one enemy type, you shouldn’t have anymore problems facing them at all in future encounters.
One thing Doom enthusiasts may dislike about the enemies in the game is that they don’t really come at you and surround you in the high numbers they would in the old games. Yes, you’ll still face hordes of demons and zombies, but here they spawn in a more…how should I say?…generous manner. You enter a room, you may have one or two demons throwing fireballs at you, you take them down, only to turn around and see another one right behind you. That’s usually the case with how enemies come in. They’re not one-on-one encounters whatsoever, but you’re just not fighting as many demons and zombies simultaneously like you were in the classic games. Though zombies are always roaming around in groups already. But there are instances where you’ll be surrounded by a large group of demons, and these moments prove to be quite intense, and I found myself screaming quite a few times as I ran around killing enemies, only to turn around and see another demon all up in my face. A lot of the game’s scares come like that, and it makes the experience even better. Just make sure you turn off your lights and put the volume up!
Doom 3 is a lengthy single player experience, clocking in at around 8-10 hours. And once you’ve seen the game’s credits, the demon-slaying fun isn’t over yet. You still have the “Resurrection of Evil” campaign to play through, which adds 3-5 hours to the experience. Here we get some new enemy types as well as new weapons and abilities, like being able to slow down time to get past obstacles using a demonic…organ. Then you also have the brand-new “Lost Mission” expansion, which is exclusive to this remastered edition of the game. This adds a good 2-3 hours, but doesn’t really add anything that’s actually new. It’s still a satisfying experience nonetheless, though. Then there’s the multiplayer mode, but I rarely found myself playing it. You don’t really need the multiplayer mode to give the game lasting appeal, especially when you have such a replayable main campaign to begin with, and a handful of difficulties to clear it in. As far as the extras go, what I did play a lot of were the other two, retro inclusions that round out this package.
As aforementioned, the original Doom and its sequel are included here, adding some retro goodness to this edition. And it’s funny, because the first thing I did when I got my copy was immediately play the original game. This is the game that revolutionized first-person shooters, so even though Doom 3 doesn’t live up to the standards gamers have now for games in the genre, you have to respect the series for all it did for said genre. We all know the term “Halo clone” to describe similar sci-fi fps’s, but there also used to be another label long ago: “Doom clone.” And honestly, I had a blast playing Doom I and II! The action is relentless and I actually found myself screaming on many occasions after being confronted by hordes of demons. And, I’ll admit, the first time I faced Pinky, I did scream…loudly. In the end, this edition of Doom 3 is definitely the definitive edition and should be in every fan’s collection. But now let’s go on to the issues I had with the titular game…
Right off the bat, some of the enemies are just too easy to kill once you figure them out after your first few encounters with them. I would’ve loved to have the enemy AI be a little more complex, which would of course add to the fear level if they would change their attack tactics when you least expect them to, not letting you get accustomed to them. Though at times I did find myself annoyed with the machine-gun wielding enemies, especially since health isn’t as plentiful as more modern gamers may be accustomed to. And speaking of the enemies, what’s up with the lack of bosses? The bosses that are in the game, including the ones from the expansion, lead to some pretty intense encounters, but I would’ve loved to see more.
There were also points in the game where things just felt dull, and the mission objectives started to get repetitive. I would’ve loved to see more variety, and a change of scenery, too. Even though the atmosphere was truly amazing and immersive as all hell when traversing the game’s enclosed areas, I would loved to see more of the segments that take place in Hell, where the level design gets more inventive. The lack of a map was also bothersome at times, but I got used to it. That wasn’t really that big of an issue anyway, since getting lost definitely added to the game’s level of horror. Again, the game may feel truly dated to gamers more accustomed to modern shooters, but you really should give this a chance, especially if you love horror.
In the end, Doom 3 BFG Edition is definitely worth it. It’s a game that continues to stand as one of the best survival horror games, and hell, it’s scarier than most of the mainstream horror games we’ve gotten in this console generation. Some parts may be a bit dull, but that doesn’t stop the entire experience from being truly memorable and highly replayable. Thanks to this release I was finally able to experience each main game in the series all in one place. Now I truly love Doom, and I can’t wait for Doom 4! |
Finally, a dog bowl as suave and sophisticated as your dog! The "Mutt-ini" is a fun and unique dog bowl set that will dress up any feeding area.
The "Mutt-ini" is a ceramic bowl shaped like a large martini glass. Not only is the stemmed-glass shape of the bowl an amusing style that will surely capture the attention of your guests, it also serves as a practical elevated feeder bowl. (Elevated bowls are particularly beneficial for older or slightly taller dogs, allowing them to eat or drink from a more comfortable position.) The novelty dog bowl is suitable for food or water.
A coordinating placement and squeaker toy are included with the "Mutt-ini." Not only does the cocktail-napkin-shaped mat add to the martini theme, its laminated surface makes feeding area clean up easier. The squeaker toy resembles a large pimento-stuffed green olive.
Amusing sayings and graphics accent the three-piece set. "It's Bark-tini Time" highlights the rim of the bowl, while "It's been a ruff day" rings the base and a paw print appears on the side. A silhouette of a dog holding a martini glass is featured on the bottom of the bowl and on the coordinating placemat.
What better way to finish a long day of barking at the mailman or snoozing on the couch than to have a Mutt-ini! But remember, whether you place water or dog food in the bowl, don't be surprised to hear your dog say in a sophisticated voice "Shaken. Not stirred."
The amusing ceramic dog bowl measures approximately 7 inches tall and 7 inches in diameter with a 9.25 x 9.25 inch napkin place mat. |
This property is no longer supported by Rent.com. Pricing and description information may not be up-to-date. Check out other great properties in the area, we're sure we can find you the perfect home.
This building has a contemporary interior design.... On the corner of Lincoln Ave and 9th St. So close to campus ... Great Fully Furnished Floor Plans ...
Showing apartments now for the 15-16 school year! This building is right on the corner of Lincoln and 9th, making this location very close and convenient to campus. This building has a new contemporary interior design throughout the 23 apartments. At the Courtyard there are two entertainment rooms. One room has exercise equipment and a TV. The other room has a pool table and a TV, contributing to the community feel of the building. All of these apartments come fully furnished! Roommate matching available.
12 Month Lease
No Pets. Call for service animal policy.
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We are experiencing technical difficulties at the moment. Please try again later. |
Cheshire rallied from a four-run deficit to beat Sheehan, 6-4, on Monday and capture the Southern Connecticut Conference Housatonic Division title for the first time since 1996.
Cheshire (11-5, 6-2 SCC Housatonic) scored five runs in the fifth inning.
In that inning, Ryan Pierpont had an RBI single and Cooper Mrowka had a two-run single. Dan Schock also walked with the bases loaded and later scored on a throwing error.
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Conodonts, microfossils composed of carbonate-fluor apatite, are abundant in Palaeozoic–Triassic sediments and have a high potential to preserve primary oxygen isotope signals. In order to reconstruct the palaeotemperature history of the Devonian, the oxygen isotope composition of apatite phosphate was measured on 639 conodont samples from sequences in Europe, North America and Australia. The Early Devonian (Lochkovian; 416–411 Myr) was characterized by warm tropical temperatures of around 30 °C. A cooling trend started in the Pragian (410 Myr) with intermediate temperatures around 23 to 25 °C reconstructed for the Middle Devonian (397–385 Myr). During the Frasnian (383–375 Myr), temperatures increased again with temperatures to 30 °C calculated for the Frasnian–Famennian transition (375 Myr). During the Famennian (375–359 Myr), surface water temperatures slightly decreased. Reconstructed Devonian palaeotemperatures do not support earlier views suggesting the Middle Devonian was a supergreenhouse interval, an interpretation based partly on the development of extensive tropical coral–stromatoporoid communities during the Middle Devonian. Instead, the Devonian palaeotemperature record suggests that Middle Devonian coral–stromatoporoid reefs flourished during cooler time intervals whereas microbial reefs dominated during the warm to very warm Early and Late Devonian. |
Affordable Luxury in Laguna
Laguna Cliffs Inn gives you the feel of a Mediterranean villa with the vibrance of Laguna Beach. Enter into this seaside inn and you'll immediately feel invited. Laguna Cliffs Inn was inspired by the art lovers, nature enthusiasts and beachgoers that make Laguna Beach what it is – eclectic, coastal, and modern. Take advantage of the outdoor pool, hot tub & dry sauna. Walk one block to Heisler Park, noted by many as one of the most beautiful beaches on the CA coast. Go kayaking, sailing or surfing. With its luxurious beauty inside and out, Laguna Cliffs Inn is ideal for a beach vacation!
One block from some of the best beaches on the coast, Laguna Cliffs Inn is a great vacation destination. The inn has teamed with La Vida Laguna to bring you exciting activities like kayaking, surfing & more. Or relax on one of the inn's beach chairs!
The rooms at the inn are perfect for families. Each features a 32" flat-screen TV with HBO, free WiFi and open air courtyard views. Enjoy the pool or walk one block to sandy beaches. Make sure to check out the eclectic shopping of Laguna.
What's more romantic than escaping to a seaside inn with sweeping ocean views? Laguna Cliffs Inn gives your romantic California vacation an exotic edge by offering their beautiful guestrooms styled in Mediterranean colors and fabrics.
Besides its luxurious location, Laguna Cliffs Inn offers stunning guest rooms. Each features Mediterranean-style décor and furnishings, hardwood floors in the bathrooms and balconies in select rooms. Relax in the dry sauna or visit Spa Gregorie's!
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Expired Travel Deal
It's simple. You like to play golf and Basin Harbor has great golf.
Throw in free wifi, gorgeous landscapes, boats, kayaks, tennis, spa rooms and superb food and you have a great vacation planned for you and your family and friends.
Overnight accommodations in double occupancy room
Unlimited golf and cart daily
Breakfast for two
A bucket of range balls daily
Complimentary wireless internet
Rates start at $382 for two people.
October 31, 2013
- May 10, 2013 to October 31, 2013 |
And this just in fresh of the presses:
where more than 20 scientists found global warming is the culprit causing the source of global warming. Global warming causing forest fires causing more global warming....
In additon, Take note buried five paragraphs down.
Scientists determined intentional deforestation fires, many set in tropical areas to expand agriculture or ranching, contribute up to a fifth of the human-caused increase in emissions of carbon dioxide, ... |
You can't know what you don't understand
I wished he would I wish he might...
I like that a lot. My mom went to cpac last weekend and got the democat a parody of cat in the hat. My daughter loves the book. |
Vintage & Retro Style Kitchen Towels
These vintage style country linens are sure to fill your kitchen with warm memories. They're inspired by the popular styles of the 40's and 50's- back when life was slower and families actually ate dinner together!
Love the retro/vintage look? Check out our cool Retro Style Tablecloths and Napkins |
Written on: 08/04/2012 by MedicalMiniaturist (1 review written)
Mott's got my order right, sent it promptly, and had it delivered in excellent condition. The items were high quality, and were exactly as advertised. This is a family that has been interested in miniatures for many years and helped to found NAME -- the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts. Dealing with them is like dealing with old friends -- even for the very first order. I found nothing about which to complain.
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Written on: 02/04/2012 by Rosemary2 (1 review written)
I orderd a skirt in Brown for my mother as she can't get out to the shops. They sent Taupe which was another colour that they made it in. I sent it back and only received the cost of the skirt not the postage and as they sent the wrong item I think they should have refunded it all.
I wouldn't use them again. |
Written on: 19/10/2012 by
(1 review written)
We love our trips to Ikea. There's always aomething new to brighten up the home. Plus the idea of seeing a certain item in a room setting is always a bonus. Just a shame that when paying for items takes forever! |
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Hi Rebel fans. The UNLV Rebellion has done it again with their props at basketball games. I'm sure by now you have seen pictures of KHEM KONG in the local and national news. Here's a great video by Justin Yurkanin at the Review-Journal on the creation of it.
Huge thanks to Sean Clauretie for the inspiration and dedication in making it happen. Khem loved it. In my opinion, he's played even harder the last two games to thank us for the support. He's come up with some huge blocks, some huge rebounds and we have won the last two home games.
The Rebels will play at San Jose State this Wednesday night at 7 p.m. on ESPN3.com. After that, they're back home again on Saturday night vs. Boise St. at 5 p.m. That game is on CBS Sports. I know there will be a few groups tailgating before that game. It should be a nice day for that.
The Runnin' Rebels are 13-7 (4-3 in the Mountain West) and tied for 5th in the conference with Boise St.
The Lady Rebels have been kicking butt in the conference also. They are in a tie for third place and have a home game this Wednesday at the Cox Pavilion at 7 p.m.
It's almost BASEBALL season again, my how time flies. The UNLV baseball team kicks off a 3-day, 4-game home stint with Central Michigan starting February 14. I'll be headed up to Logan, Utah for the men's basketball game against Utah State that weekend. The Utah State fans have quite a reputation and I'm looking forward to my first game at the Spectrum.
Well, Rebel fans, that's all for now. Hope to see you Saturday at the Thomas & Mack. GO REBELS! |
Love this dress. The cut outs are small but just enough to give this dress a sexy edge. The front and back cut in a little so straps on a normal bra will show...strapless works fine though. My only complaint is that the lining of this dress does not breathe well which can be a little uncomfortable on warm, humid nights.
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Sato Racing Reverse Shift Rear Sets MV Agusta F4 2003-2009
Sato Racing MV Agusta F4 (-'09) Rear Sets are made from high grade billet aluminum anodized in a stunning Black, Silver, or Gold finish. The shift and brake pedals have double stainless bearings for smooth movement without any wobbling. Deeply knurled footpegs provide optimal grip even in wet conditions. Select from 18 possible positions, compared to 3 positions provided by the stock mount.
Our F4 Reverse Shift Rear Sets include a special shift kit that provides a reverse shifting pattern.
Have a functionality, fit, or otherwise product-specific question about the Sato Racing Reverse Shift Rear Sets MV Agusta F4 2003-2009? Ask it here! If you have a customer service or shipping question, please direct it to our Customer Service department.
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The legendary Senegalese percussion maestro Doudou Ndiaye Rose was every bit as much a poet as a musician. An unrivalled virtuoso when it came to drumming techniques, Rose possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of music and appeared to be able to transcribe just about everything he saw, heard and felt into rhythm. Rose, once dubbed “the Jimi Hendrix of the drumskin”, will be remembered as one of the greatest African musicians of the 20th century. This revered and respected percussionist certainly earned his official title of "Chief Drum Major of Senegal."
The call of the groove was so strong and persistent that Sia Tolno finally listened to it. On her fourth album, African Woman, put together with afrobeat veteran Tony Allen, the Guinean winner of RFI’s Prix Découverte 2011 dares to tackle a male musical stronghold.
Despite being imbued with the influence of current events and their tragic character, Now, the fifth album by the Central African musician Bibi Tanga, is not just a work of circumstance. Nor is it a simple afro-funk album. Beyond words and labels, the Banui-born singer-bass player who now lives in France succeeds in channelling and distilling his influences.
Up until now, Mamani Keita’s studio work had always involved an Afro-electro twosome that had almost become her trademark. But for her fourth album, Kanou, the Malian singer has taken the driver’s seat and set off in an acoustic direction.
Re-releasing old tunes has been all the rage over the last few years, but the compilation Haïti Direct is the first big project to focus on digging out the groups behind compas music. This zappy 135-minute digest comprises 30 songs dating from 1960 to 1978.
Hailing from the north of Mali, and imbued with the Songhai culture dear to Ali Farka Touré, the singer Aminata Wassidjé Traoré has made a name for herself on the local music scene while attracting the attention of some enlightened foreigners. Her first album Tamala has in fact just been released on the international market.
The death of Nelson Mandela has plunged even the music world into mourning. The South African figurehead was one of the rare personalities to have rallied artists the world over in the name of a cause following his long political imprisonment during apartheid.
As winner of this year’s RFI Discoveries Award with a first solo album entitled AfrikanKouleurs, the Burkinabe Smarty has emerged as a key figure in African rap after ten years performing in the duo Yeleen.
To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of their group made up of two families, the Gipsy Kings have released a new album entitled Savor Flamenco, offering a familiar energetic cocktail of guitar work and vocals.
After giving us a taste of Brazil in 2008, and along with an Indian-inspired collection out now, French group Deep Forest serve up their vision of African world music with a new album, Deep Africa, including participation from artists like Wasis Diop from Senegal and the Congolese, Lokua Kanza.
Angélique Kidjo is one of the world’s great voices. The artist with Beninese roots has rubbed shoulders with some of the greats, like Aretha Franklin, Desmond Tutu, Alicia Key, and Obama at his inauguration as President. Her travels for UNICEF, supporting women, inspired her new album, Eve, recorded in Africa and New York with a bunch of unknowns and an eclectic guest list: Asa, Dr. |
Nevada Sen. Greg Brower, right, and his wife, Loren, attend the 2012 Jack T. Reviglio Cioppino Feed and Auction at the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows.
- Filed Under
The Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows will celebrate its 34th year of cioppino at the annual Jack T. Reviglio Cioppino Feed and Auction on Saturday at the Donald W. Reynolds Facility, 2680 E. Ninth St.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for the silent auction, followed by dinner and a live auction at 6:30 p.m.
According to organizers, the Cioppino Feed is the group's signature fundraiser, bringing in almost 15 percent of the annual budget and helping thousands of local children. ... |
City and Town Fire Departments responded to Lower Newton Road for a fire behind Liberty Propane in St. Albans Saturday. Upon arrival two 330 gallon propane tanks on fire were located, City Fire Department Captain Matt Mulheron said.
About 40 residents were evacuated from Sunset Meadows and a shelter was opened by the Red Cross at St. Albans City Hall. Lower Newton Road was closed during this time from North Elm Street to Federal Street.
Three families have been displaced due to flooding caused by keeping the blaze contained while the propane tanks were burned off. The process took about five hours, Mulheron said.
Most residents were able to return home after the Fire Department completed air quality checks at approximately noon. Three of the apartments sustained water damage and the landlord is making alternative housing arrangements for those affected.
Police said a snowplow might have hit a propane tank partially hidden by a snow bank causing the fire. |
Herbert Rhodes, Matt Dean, Amy Wilson, and Sarah Hasty Win Outstanding Staff Awards
Publication Date: 5/20/2014
(l-r) Herbert Rhodes, Matt Dean, Amy Wilson, and Sarah Hasty
Four Rhodes employees recently received the college’s 2014 Outstanding Staff Awards based on nominations submitted by faculty, staff and students.
Outstanding Administrative Services Staff Award
This year’s Outstanding Administrative Services Staff award winner is Herbert Rhodes, housekeeper. Nominators wrote: “Herbert is a highly conscientious and dedicated worker at Rhodes. He is an excellent ambassador for the college, as he serves students, faculty, and staff by taking excellent care of the buildings that he is assigned—which helps attract prospective students. Herbert always has a smile on his face, he works hard and is congenial with no task too large, too small or unimportant. He is punctual and demonstrates excellent leadership skills. Herbert has a positive attitude and his extraordinary work ethic is infectious.”
Outstanding Administrative Staff Award
Amy Wilson, administrative assistant I, received the Outstanding Administrative Staff award. Her colleagues described her as “the calm and friendly face of the department of music for faculty, staff, and visitors.” Wrote one nominator, “Her most famous phrase is, ‘How can I help you with that?’ Her second most famous phrase, usually immediately on the heels of the first, is ‘I’m on it.’ ” Another nominator adds, “Quittin’ time” to Amy Wilson translates to ‘when the job is done,’ which translates to the word ‘never.’ She is simply amazing, and tremendously appreciated by everyone in Hassell Hall, and, dare I say, around campus and in the community.”
Outstanding Administrator Awards
Outstanding Administrator awards were presented to Matt Dean, head women’s basketball coach, and Sarah Hasty, lab supervisor/biology safety officer.
Dean also has served as intramural coordinator and Rhodes’ first head field hockey coach. Nominators wrote that Dean has an outstanding reputation among high school coaches and is highly respected by his colleagues and athletes. “He cares deeply for his players, program, and the entire Rhodes community. His calm approach and caring personality make him a true leader in every sense of the word. The run his team has had making the NCAA’s the past two years has been nothing short of remarkable! The electricity in the Mallory Gymnasium during the NCAA tournament has inspired us all . . . He is the model of what we should all strive for in life, a hard worker, tremendous coach and perfect role model!”
Hasty’s nominators wrote that she has a complex and challenging job involving a variety of equipment and supplies, including live organisms. “I cannot praise Sarah enough for the hard work and diligence she invested in finding us alternative sources of live material,” wrote one nominator. Another added, “She thinks about how we use our equipment and suggests tweaks to make things work better. We are highly grateful for her amazing work ethic, her conscientious attention to detail, her investment of time finding and caring for our living organisms, her thoughtful contributions for improving the lab, and her good spirits and optimism.” |
Martin Mere is a first-class attraction located in the heart of the Ribble Estuary’s wetlands.
The seasonally flooded wetlands are important because they attract huge numbers of ducks, geese and seasonal birds – helping make Martin Mere a Special Protection Area (SPA), Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and giving the centre Ramsar status.
Martin Mere lets you see a variety of rare exotic and wetland birds up close in a purpose built environment or in a more natural environment from one of many hides.
The centre offers a wide range of activities from guided walks to education visits and runs events and exhibitions all year round making this a must for all the family.
On site facilities include cafeteria, children’s play area, gift/book shop, bird hides, disabled access paths, Braille trail, loan of audio cassettes and players and baby changing facilities.
Burscough railway station (on the Southport - Manchester line) is approximately one mile from WWT Martin Mere. Cyclists are always welcome. Martin Mere is situated off the A59, and signposted from the M61, M58 and M6.
Admission charges apply. However, visitors travelling to the centre without a car can benefit from discounted admission. |
See what questions
a doctor would ask.
A young boy who was given the wrong medication in hospital for a cough now suffers cerebral palsy and epilepsy. His mother wants compensation from the hospital which gave him Diamicron, an oral hypoglycemic, a blood sugar lowering agent used in diabetes, instead of Demazine, an antihistamine. He began having seizures after three days of taking the medication secondary to ketoacidosis from very lower blood sugar levels and consequently suffered irreversible brain damage that left him weak and incontinent of urine and feces. The mother is seeking damages for future hospital care, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, epilepsy management, incontinence management, and consideration of future loss of wages. The hospital has admitted fault.
Source: summary of medical news story as reported by The Star
About: Prescription error lands hospital in court over cerebral palsy boy
Date: 23 May 2005
Source: The Star
Author: Siyabonga Mkhwanazi
http:/ This summary article refers to the following medical categories:
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£550 pcmDouble room 5 minutes from tube. All Bills Included More details ›
£1,550 pcmNewly refurbished with a newly fitted kitchen. This property is a maisonette on the second floor in a fully maintained block. A keyless security entry system, a lockable storage/clothes drying area, your own lockable bicycle/pram unit, a communal courtyard/garden area, a large parking area and ... More details ›
Added on 29/07/2015 by Purplebricks.com, National. Call: 01702 744140 Local call rate
Your information has been sent to 0 out of 2 agents who have property to rent in the area you specified. |
Right Wing Round-Up
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 12/16/2011 6:35 pm
- PFAW: Before Going Home for the Holidays, Senate Should Confirm Pending Judicial Nominees.
- James Crugnale @ Mediaite: Rick Perry Declares Himself ‘The Tim Tebow Of The Iowa Caucuses.’
- Truth Wins Out: Marcus Bachmann Backs Down and Caves on Bogus $150 ‘Ex-Gay’ Therapy Bill.
- Nick Sementelli @ Bold Faith Type: Congressional Spending Agreement Cuts Vulnerable Programs While Boosting Defense Budget.
- Chris Rodda @ AlterNet: Southern Baptists Admit That They Oppose Religious Equality In The Military.
- Joe.My.God: Exxon Makes Gay History.
- Steve Benen: Allen West’s Goebbels reference.
Rick Santorum: Liberals 'Rewriting History' To 'Fit Their Ideology' Like In Communist China, USSR
8/18/15 @ 2:35pm
5 Times Ashley Madison User Josh Duggar Attacked Gay Marriage As A Threat To Families
8/20/15 @ 12:25pm
Anti-Gay Kentucky Clerk Defies Court For Third Time, Appeals To SCOTUS
8/27/15 @ 11:00am
Kentucky Clerk Says He May Die Fighting Gay Marriage
8/26/15 @ 1:00pm
Pat Robertson: Christians Forced To 'Bow Down' Before Gays Who Are Bent On Destroying Us
8/18/15 @ 11:40am |
Australia's Peak Oil and Gas (Peak) reported Tuesday that its majority controlled firm, Renco Elang Energy Pte Ltd (REE), the Operator of the North Sumatra South Block A (SBA) Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in Indonesia with a 51 percent working interest (Peak earning net 38.25 percent), has completed a seismic survey over the PSC.
Peak, through REE, together with seismic contractor, Quest Geophysical Company, and with the assistance of our Joint Venture Partner KRX (a wholly owned subsidiary of Lion Energy Ltd), has completed seismic recording operations acquiring 113 miles (183 kilometers) of 2D seismic. During the survey an extra three lines were acquired over the shallow Paya Bili lead due to positive results from the initial seismic. In completing the seismic survey we logged around 1.2 million man hours incurring only one, relatively minor, Lost Time Injury (LTI).
Data on field and brute stacks is of good quality and processing is proceeding at “Mega Energy Processindo” (MEP), an experienced processing company based in Jakarta.
Drilling prospects will be matured following receipt of final processed data, with a drilling location to be selected in the near term to target an attractive shallow oil prospect for drilling later this year, to be followed in 2015 by a deeper, wet gas, drill target. Early planning for 2014 drilling is underway and an operational schedule will be finalized over the next few months.
High Quality Live Oil Encountered in Hand Drilled Shallow Wells on Flank of Simpang Lead
During seismic line clearing operations over the Simpang lead, high quality, live oil was sampled from shallow wells, hand drilled by locals and producing around 100L (3-4 Jerry Cans) per day. A similar occurrence was also encountered at Alur Sentang, to the north of the Paya-Bili lead. Samples of the oil being produced were obtained and analysed indicating very high quality oil.
The Simpang oil sample is described as low viscosity, brownish black liquid, smelling like a mixture of diesel and petrol. The gas chromatography (GC) profile is characterized by suites of normal paraffin’s ranging from nC5 to nC25+. There is a relatively low abundance of waxy components (>nC25) and no evidence of biodegradation. The GC fingerprint profile is consistent with the existence of light oil, confirmed by analysis as a 50 degree API light, high quality oil.
These shallow oil shows validate the presence of a very active petroleum system in the immediate locality, close to SBA Leads, and supports the oil potential in the block.
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The Master & Margarita
The devil comes to Moscow wearing a fancy suit. With his disorderly band of accomplices - including a demonic, gun-toting tomcat - he immediately begins to create havoc. Disappearances, destruction and death spread through the city like wildfire and Margarita discovers that her lover has vanished in the chaos. Making a bargain with the devil, she decides to try a little black magic of her own to save the man she loves... |
If you're looking for the best in automotive sales and service, you've come to the right place. We offer a wide range of used vehicles, as well as skilled technicians for your service needs. We sell and repair anything from the smallest to the largest and have been serving the Stittsville, Carp and surrounding areas for over 30 years.
Looking for a work vehicle or a vehicle for your own personal transportation? We can help. If we don't have what you're looking for, ask us, we can find it for you. Please look through our site at what we have to offer. If you have any questions or comments, please send us an e-mail or come in for a visit. |
It isn't always easy to keep your sanity as a nurse. Amid the late-night shifts and busy workloads, difficult patients can compound the stress you're already experiencing. In nursing more than most other professions, patience is a virtue. If you maintain the right frame of mind and keep your cool, you'll be prepared to give them the help they need.
Due to their illnesses, patients often become frustrated with their conditions and the quality of care they receive, and generally uncomfortable in the hospital environment. Identify the ones who you believe will give you the most trouble based on their circumstances. For example, patients suffering from dementia are unable to rationally process what's going on around them, so reasoning with them isn't an option. Patients who are enduring terminal illnesses might take out their frustration on their nurses. Try to understand their perspective and have thick skin. Explain their misbehavior and ask them nicely to stop. Talk them through your procedure and establish a personal connection. In other words, don't be a cold nurse; be a caregiver. If you commit time to them by hearing out their rational complaints, you'll be more likely to earn their trust and respect.
When a patient is just too difficult to deal with on your own, seek help from your fellow staff members. Perhaps they'll get along with one another. Some patients are simply more comfortable with different nurses; it's not unlike when you're more comfortable with a certain doctor. An example would be when a male patient needs a physical; he might be uncomfortable performing all of the tests with a female nurse. Give them the respect they deserve and honor a change if they request it. On the other hand, if they disrespect you mercilessly and it affects your ability to do your job, don't put up with it. Remember that your ultimate duty is to improve their health and not make them happy. If they assault you physically, seek assistance to restrain them. Never fight back and refrain from bullying behavior to compensate. When dealing with them in the future, have a fellow nurse stand by. During the beginning of your career, the challenge of treating difficult patients is daunting, but as you gain experience, you'll learn to take it in stride. |
I've been asked to smoke a brisket for the office party. I will be smoking it one day and bringing it to work the following day. My problem is reheating it and retaining the moisture, smoke ring and most importantly the bark not getting soggy. Any suggestions?
This is what I did 3 or 4 years ago, ... BBQ'd the brisket on a Sunday afternoon, cooled & sliced; made potato salad, baked beans, homemade kraut and gathered bread, mayo, mustard (everything for sandwiches or plates, their choice), paper plates. Pack this in my cooler with the brisket & ice. ... The next day about 10:45a, I setup the table. I used my big 16' elect skillet as a warmer with the cover on. In it I sat, the brisket in a foil pan ( 1/2 the skillet) and the baked beans & kraut each in foil pans. Then set the skillet on low with a little water for steam. Everything was nice and hot by lunch and there was enough to easily feed about 16 people. This took about 1 hour total for set up & clean up (packed everything back in the cooler and washed the skillet.
I see tomorrow, Black Friday, Wal Mart will have the small Presto elect flat grill on sale for $9. I intend to get 2 of these just to use as warmers under foil hotel pans or roaster pan for my buffets. |
Kaszeta's 2011 in review...
I'm always amazed by the sheer distance and variety covered by buffetbuster and wanderingjew, and inspired by their end-of-year review threads, so (like last year), I decided to do one as well.
As it happens, while I love my food, and maintain a blog (major updates to said blog, Offbeat Eats
were a big happening this year, with maps and categories added), I don't often
travel for food itself, the food is something I just try to find along the way, often as I'm traveling for work.
But looking over the happenings of 2011, while it was no 2010 (which involved six trips to other countries!), I still managed to rack up quite a few interesting destinations. Looking things over, I seem to have hit an awful lot of "sweet" destinations this year, so I'll start this off with a list of donut joints from 2011:
First of all, the best donuts of the year go to Dynamo Donuts
(my full review here
)in San Francisco. I originally went there seeking out their bacon donut (shown here with a caramel de sel donuts), and, while good, that actually ended up being my least favorite donut of the many I had there:
What was my favorite? The chocolate spice donut (shown here with the similar chocolate rose donut), which was the perfect combination of crisp texture, perfect flavoring (mostly chocolate, not too sweet, with a slight amount of spices), and a nicely done sugar coating:
Next up in the favorites list of donuts was Gourdough's Big Fat Donuts
in Austin (my full review here
). Having encountered Gourdough's at the end of a long day that involved several pounds of excellent Texas BBQ and several food carts, Gourdough's still managed to impress me with donuts such as this Sailor Jerry, with rum glaze and nuts. If I had a complaint, it's that the underlying donut, which very nicely done and crisp, is overwhelmed by the massive amount of toppings.
After that, I'd have to go with Fractured Prune
(my full review here
), a mid-Atlantic chain that I've often frequented, mostly in Rehoboth Beach, DE. The big attraction of Fractured Prune is that the donuts are freshly made to order: as you order, their "Donut Robot" makes a fresh donut, which they then hand-top to your specifications, with all sorts of interesting combos (like “Black Forest”, with berry glaze, coconut, and mini-chocolate chips). However, I find it best when done simply, such as this basic chocolate and peanut donut:
Finally, I'll close the donut reviews with an odd one: Rolling Donuts
in Dublin, Ireland (full review here
). I found Rolling Donut by smell, being attracted by the smell of fresh donuts as I walked down the street in Dublin. Having cranked out donuts (using a similar automated machine to Fracture Prune's donut robot) for over 20 years, the resulting donuts were an excellent little street treat for only 60 euro cents each: |
Kyoto Fine China, China Replacement, Japan Fine China
Kyoto Fine China, replacement china, discontinued china pattern, made in Japan.
The city of Kyoto has well over a thousand years of history as a commercial, religious and artistic urban center. As a thriving metropolis developed over centuries, Kyoto has acquired a rich cultural heritage derived from its citizenry of enterprising artisans, entertainers, merchants, and shopkeepers, just as much as from the city's more famous Emperors, warriors, poets and priests. Much of Japan's culture has its beginnings in the city's economic and aesthetic initiatives and achievements over the ages. Kyoto has, over time, inspired both great beauty and spirituality as well as crude violence and destruction. |
Thank you for visiting our past auction result archives. If you have an item identical (or similar) to this auction lot, please call, write or contact us to discuss. We will be able to help you.
1957 Topps Complete Set (407)
Starting Bid - $1,000.00, Sold For - $4,312.50
Offered is a complete set of 1957 Topps which appears to be in Mint condition. Every card has razor-sharp corners, virtually perfect centering, and is free of all creases. Under black light, these cards have undergone a very sophisticated process in which a foreign substance has been painstakingly and most professionally applied to the border areas of each card. This work may, in fact, be responsible for the virtually flawless centering of every card. Before professional grading was established as a standard, this set was purchased in the 1992 Sotheby's sports auction, where it appeared as Lot #228, and sold for $13,000. At the time of the sale, the set passed examination by many dealers and experienced collectors. Only now, in the era of professional grading, with the benefit of black light examination, can the professional restoration of the borders be detected. We cannot explain why anyone would have altered this otherwise perfectly fine complete set in 1992. The cost in time and effort would seem prohibitive, but there is no doubt a reasonable explanation which has been lost to time. The set is still in the original album with the Sotheby's lot sticker, and has been consigned to this sale directly from the 1992 purchaser. This set offers a unique opportunity for a collector of authentic ungraded vintage cards who wishes to have a set which appears to be in flawless Mint condition. Total 407 cards. Reserve $1,000. Estimate $2,000/$3,000. SOLD FOR $4,312.50
(Click the smaller thumbnails to the left and right (if any) to cycle through each photo in the gallery of images for this lot.) |
Thank you for visiting our past auction result archives. If you have an item identical (or similar) to this auction lot, please call, write or contact us to discuss. We will be able to help you.
1941 "V-Men" Original Unpublished Card Artworks (10)
Starting Bid - $500.00 , Sold For - $3,231.25
This collection of ten original unpublished artworks was specially commissioned in 1941 by Gum Inc., for use in a proposed set of forty-eight nonsports cards titled "V-Men" (also referred to as "V-Gum"), which was meant for distribution in Canada and England. Each artwork (5.25 x 6.75 inches) pictures a prominent figure of World War II (primarily British and French individuals) set against either a background image of the subject "in action" during the war or a battle scene. These ten artworks originate from the personal collection of Charles Steinbacher, the art director for the George Moll Advertising Agency, which handled the Gum, Inc., account. Steinbacher is one of the legendary figures in the field of nonsports cards and is best known today for producing the famous "Horrors of War" set for Gum, Inc., which was first issued in 1938. He is also very well known by collectors for being the source of virtually all original Gum Inc., artworks. The "V-Men" set was supposed to number forty-eight cards, but only twenty-four artworks were produced before Gum, Inc., abruptly canceled the project shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941). Interestingly, a year later Gum, Inc., used the same design and format of the "V-Men" cards for its "War Gum" set, but none of the twenty-four "V-Men" artworks were used. Following the decision to cancel the "V-Men" project, Gum, Inc., returned the unused artworks to Steinbacher, at his request, and they remained in his private safe until discovered by his family many years after his death (along with original artworks to several other Gum, Inc. card sets, including 1938 Horrors of War, 1940 Lone Ranger, and 1941 War Gum, all of which have long been dispersed to the four corners of the collecting world). This is truly a rare and unique collection of nonsports original artwork that has remained virtually hidden from the collecting community for nearly seventy years. Each artwork consists of a line drawing on board with a thin paper overlay featuring the color work (which is the exact same artwork format as Gum, Inc.'s 1941 War Gum original card artworks). The portrayed individual is identified in print along the base. A Gum, Inc., copyright notice appears on each artwork, as does the proposed card number for each artwork. The ten artworks featured here portray, respectively, the following individuals: Mrs. Natalie Wales Latham , #7 (prominent founder of wartime Bundles for Britain); Captain Ervine-Andrews, V.C. , #11 (Irish recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces); Lieut. Commander Geoffrey Carver , #13 (British naval leader); Dr. Harry Winter , #16 (British doctor); Squadron Leader William E. G. Taylor , #20 ( Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve who later joined the Eagle Squadron--the first British fighter squadron in World War II composed entirely of Americans); Lieut. Commander Anthony L. Danis , #24 (U.S. Navy Commander); " Mademoiselle X ", #32 (French spy); Dickie Lee , #34 (British fighter pilot); Captain John D. Halliday , #35 (U.S. ship captain); " Pierre" - the Navigator , #38 (French resistance?). All of the artworks are in Excellent condition with the exception of Winter, Taylor, and Halliday (tape repair to the paper overlay) and each has been matted to total dimensions of 10.25 x 12.25 inches. Total: 10 artworks. Reserve $500. Estimate (open). SOLD FOR $3,231.25
(Click the smaller thumbnails to the left and right (if any) to cycle through each photo in the gallery of images for this lot.) |
The last week, I’ve been following a Warner Bros. web series called H+. So far (I’m on episode 15) it’s down on the idea of transhumanism but it is a slickly produced, and well acted show. An interview with the series creator:
You can view the complete series here. I’ll probably have a full review of the series once I finish it. In the mean time, if you’ve seen it, let us know what you think about the show. |
ROCHELLE — The Flagg-Rochelle Community Park District board will be meeting Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. in the Rochelle City Hall council chambers.
Board members are expected to discuss a plan for either repair or replacement of the tennis courts at the Helms Athletic Complex.
Also on the agenda is a Marine Racing Club discussion and fish stocking at Lake Sule.
Following the regular meeting the board is expected to adjourn into closed session to discuss purchase of land.
The meeting is open to the public. |
Rockbox mail archiveSubject: [Announce] new text viewer plugin commits.
[Announce] new text viewer plugin commits.
From: Yoshihisa Uchida <y_uchida-lj_at_infoseek.jp>
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 20:48:46 +0900
Hi developpers and users,
I commit the new text viewer plugin (text_viewer.rock) now (r25671).
If you change viewers.config manually, you must change viewers/viewer to viewers/text_viewer in viewers.config.
The old text viewer plugin (viewer.rock) left in the source tree still but I don't maintenance it.
Page was last modified "Jan 10 2012" The Rockbox Crew |
A Swimming Pool Permit is required for any persons undertaking the task of installing, expanding or replacing a swimming pool.
A separate Electrical Permit is required to obtain when obtaining a swimming pool permit.
Swimming Pool Permit
Swimming Pool Permit Checklist
Please see the checklist for additional information required to fulfill the required permit application. |
Hotline Set Up to Answer Patients Questions about Meningitis Outbreak
CONYERS – No cases of fungal meningitis related to injections of compounded steroids have been linked to Rockdale County, but Rockdale Medical Center is taking steps to alleviate any concerns area residents may have.
Kerri Glover, director of Marketing and Business Development for RMC, said no cases of the illness have been linked to Rockdale Medical Center or to local doctors. Nevertheless, the hospital has set up a hotline designed solely to ease patients' concerns and provide answers to questions. The hotline number is 678-413-7000.
Read more on the Rockdale Citizen website. |
City permits just $3,900 to start new fiscal year
Building permits for the City of Rockdale have started out a little slow to begin the 2014 fiscal year, according to numbers released last week by city hall.
Pemits for the month of October, which marked the first month of the new fiscal year, totaled just $3,900.
That is way down compared to the last two months, where Miller-Starnes Chevrolet Buick began their $800,000 remodel in September and the $ 2.39 million Allday Street water tower that started in August.
Permits are issued at City Hall and reflect only construction in the city limits.
Projects permitted for October were: Top Hat Services for Aaron’s Furniture, 1312 W. Cameron Ave., concrete work; Hamilton (Hinton) Mack, 206 W. Roberts, demolish home; Maria Lopez, 820 Hickory, 12x40 carport. |
With a couple of weeks still on the clock for the release of Deus Ex 3 (it’s still amazing to me that’s really happening), however will we occupy ourselves? Well, we Britishers could start with considering how to help bridge the terrible gulf between rich and poor. Then we could replay the original Deus Ex, but adorned with new, high resolution textures. The New Vision mod repaints DX’s world with pin-sharp new surfaces, which as well as making it look a little less geriatric also makes its world look a little more futuristic. Its 1.5GB of image files claims to increase texture resolution by some eight times. Sharp.
Don’t expect less cuboid character models, however, but New Vision does play nice with most, if not all, other DX mods, so you may well be able to combo-up for something even better. (Big thanks to everyone who mailed this in). |
The best thing about Ludum Dare is the regular avalanche of tiny games that people produce during the event. The worst thing is discovering a brilliant concept or idea, and waiting for a larger continuation to be released. Porpentine spotted Taquito Tower during Ludum Dare 27 and described it as follows:
A tower of cube mazes filled with burritos and sassy enemies. Semi-turn based, so actions take place every second…Having at least 5 burritos makes your attacks more powerful, but eating them regains health.
The game is (not) raising funds via Kickfarter, which is a joke that seems to involve around 0.004% of the imagination in the game itself.
As for how it’ll play, I’m assuming it’ll share the semi turn-based nature of Taquito Tower but the feature list suggests sinister additions.
A new video is due soon, showing some of the new content. |
Look at who is linking to you, and you can find some interesting things! One was this post, and of course I shall have to read this blog some more!
Another of these is an extract from Gregory of Nyssa’s Homilies on Ecclesiastes here (over-paragraphing by me):
‘I got me slave-girls and slaves.’ For what price, tell me? What did you find in existence worth as much as this human nature? What price did you put on rationality? How many obols did you reckon the equivalent of the likeness of God? How many staters did you get for selling that being shaped by God?
God said, Let us make man in our own image and likeness. If he is in the likeness of God, and rules the whole earth, and has been granted authority over everything on earth from God, who is his buyer, tell me? Who is his seller?
To God alone belongs this power; or, rather, not even to God himself. For his gracious gifts, it says, are irrevocable. God would not therefore reduce the human race to slavery, since he himself, when we had been enslaved to sin, spontaneously recalled us to freedom.
But if God does not enslave what is free, who is he that sets his own power above God’s?
This from St. Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on Ecclesiastes; Hall and Moriarty, trs., de Gruyter (New York, 1993) p. 74.
It is a pity that only the page reference to the translation is quoted, not the text reference with homily, chapter, etc. (I did intend to add a comment about this, but to do so meant logging in and disclosing apparently endless personal info, which I am not stupid enough to do).
What a world away this is, from the attitudes expressed in Martial, a man whose idea of a pleasant afternoon is to summon one of his slaves, and the girl-slave that the lad loves, and rape both of them. |
The announcement today by the Obama administration delaying a final decision on the Keystone XL pipeline until after the 2012 elections gets President Barack Obama out of a jam that pitted two key constituencies for him, labor unions and environmentalists, against each other, but it received an immediate rebuke from the GOP.
Obama portrayed the decision as one guided by health and safety. “We should take the time to ensure that all questions are properly addressed and all the potential impacts are properly understood,” he said in a statement.
But the GOP — and business leaders — pounced.
“More than 20,000 new American jobs have just been sacrificed in the name of political expediency,” Speaker John Boehner said in a statement.
“By punting on this project, the President has made clear that campaign politics are driving U.S. policy decisions — at the expense of American jobs,” the Ohio Republican said. “The current project has already been deemed environmentally sound, and calling for a new route is nothing but a thinly-veiled attempt to avoid upsetting the President’s political base before the election. It’s a failure of leadership.”
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue also ripped the decision, saying the project has already been well-studied.
“This is clearly a political decision, and everyone knows it,” he said.
But Robert Redford, a trustee at the National Resources Defense Council, praised Obama. “This is American democracy at its best: a President who listens to the voice of the people and shows the courage to do what’s right for the country,” he said. “Thank you, Mr. President, for standing up to Big Oil.”
The decision came just a few days after activists protesting the pipeline surrounded the White House. |
broken all my trust and love
We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.
Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
i am doing my graduation first year.i met a guy in the college and after two months he proposed me and i accepted his proposal.
everything was going fine for two months after that.but after that he started spending time with his best friend who is a girl.she is his friend from school years.he started neglecting me and spent time with her.
when i objected to this he said she is his best friend and can't stop talking to her.
he said he can leave me but not her.
we are having fights because of all this everyday.
and today he asked me can we break free.we can be friends and then after sometime if we want we can get back into the relation.i think he is using me.i am shattered all the way.
he has broken all my trust and confidence.
i am feeling lonely and being ignored.i love him a lot.
please help me.
User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
May have to dump him
Ok look Im in the same thing with you only you were going to marrie him and I fell in love with a guy named Cory and he left me! Any way ask him qusetions and make sure there perses cause then he might not anwser them! Try to get information from him! If that don t work then dump him and find some body eles! Cause if hes going to do that then find some body that won t! Some body that well be there for you forever and ever and will always love you!
The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer |
Flirting Tips for Guys :
Things to Say :
Hold on to her hips
HOLD ON TO HER HIPS!!! Believe me it works.
This tip was submitted by an anonymous visitor to our website.
Flirting Tips for Guys > Things to Say
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Pretty Version - for Gift Giving
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Just when I’ve run out of ways to say, “Don’t just read this website, DO some of the activities!” I read Meagan Francis’s post about how motherhood doesn’t have to be boring, although it is admittedly filled with boring moments.
She urges her community to take action, to take responsibility for their own happiness. I asked her if I could share her tips here and she was pleased to be able to boss you around.
By the way, Meagan is the author of Table for Eight: Raising a Large Family in a Small-Family World. She’s got five children.
Here are five things she suggests:
Choose challenging media.
Yes, with hundreds of cable channels offering countless reality shows and celebrity scandal recaps and thousands of blogs (some great, some good, some…well, not) it’s easy to get lost in choices and just stick with what’s easy. There’s something to be said for brain candy, but just like real candy, if it’s all you consume you’ll get bloated and squishy. The good news is, you’ve got a lot of great options at your fingertips. If you’re looking for drama and romance, try the History channel. Join a virtual book club or read literary blogs. Subscribe to a newspaper or weighty magazine and force yourself to sit down and read an entire article without getting up to check your email or Tweet.
Instead of mindlessly watching the Food Network for hours a day (guilty!) try buying those exotic ingredients and-gasp!-making something with them. Or if you’ve been zoning out on home-improvement shows, actually hammer a nail into a piece of wood or slap some finish on a piece of furniture. Shake things up. Don’t just passively watch or read–try doing.
Check in with a daily source of inspiration.
I’ve been following the blog Mental Multivitamin for years because her “Hey, you: do something with your brain already” attitude is a nice no-nonsense kick in the pants, and her blog offers a lot of jumping-off points and inspiring ideas.
Learn something new.
Brains get dull when they re-use the same old circuitry over and over. Working to master a new skill or learning new information literally re-wires your brain, creating new connections and making you smarter. So maybe you don’t have the time or funds to take guitar lessons right now–you’ve still got options. Check youtube for free tutorials, subscribe to a magazine, or join a group for enthusiasts. Even if you can’t jump in with both feet, you’ll learn something by osmosis.
Don’t have time to write, or paint, or do yoga, or practice the piano? Baloney. Look how much time you just spent reading this! Hey, part of happy motherhood is learning how to work with the five- or ten-minute blocks of time you’re granted throughout the day. If you wait around for eight undisturbed hours a day to fall into your lap before you can start working on that novel, you’ll be waiting a long time. Look at it this way: a year is going to go by whether you exercise, or write, or draw, or start your business, or don’t. You may as well devote every bit of time you can to the things that really matter to you. Yes, your kids are a big part of that, but they don’t have to be–and really shouldn’t be–the entire enchilada.
Are you inspired? What are you going to do now? |
The village is Blakesley in south-west Northamptonshire, which I think puts it into the "Banburyshire" area. The author is a well known contributor to newspapers and these are a collection of his writings.
What attracted me to the book? Many factors, including an interest in the rural scene and its history. My paternal grandfather and his forebears came from Claydon, where the Oxfordshire/Northamptonshire boundary skirts the village, and they showed a line of Agricultural Labourers.
But then, too, my husband's family emigrated from Woodford near Thrapston, in the north-east of the county. An interest in Northamptonshire and membership of the list stems from this.
Finally, from our home in Coventry, my sister and I roamed the Northamptonshire county on our tandem, and down into North Oxfordshire covering the area pretty thoroughly, in the early 1950s. Wonderful country --- if a little hard on our aging derailleur gears, until new Sturmey Archer ones fixed the problem of the rolling ups and downs of the Midlands! So when I spotted this book on the Library shelves I was delighted.
Byron Rogers writes in an engaging style. I didn't want to put it down, but like much of my reading it was a delightful accompaniment at mealtime! The next repast --- and session, couldn't come soon enough!
The stories were about changes in the village and surrounding area. The vexed question of whether city people seeking to "escape" to the country were in turn destroying the village life they sought; demand pushing up the prices forcing out the locals, and homes for the young country families becoming unaffordable is explored. Hence the village was a quiet place, during the day, once the commuters had departed. Infact quite unlike the bustle of the village of the past --- with people moving about in their work/trades, carts rumbling through and the clip-clop of horses, the sounds from the schoolyard at playtime....
Mr. Rogers talks about the old folk and the "characters" who had, or still lived in the village. And what an idiosyncratic group they were! He is a sympathetic listener and open to learning about the changes that these older inhabitants had experienced. There was pathos, in some of the accounts, as they ended sadly, as many stories of old folk tend to do, when their health or faculties break down. There is laughter too, as he often views things whimsically.
We learn history and pre-history, as the importance of the "Watford Gap" is explored --- at first as a defensive site, then as a route for potential and actual invaders and finally in the "modern" scheme of things. A Roman road, canal, railway, highway and motorway have all utilised this geographical feature.
The "Western Mail" sums it up so well ---------- "Possibly the most charming and beautifully written book I've read in years. This quirky collection will become a classic."
The whole is combined harmoniously so I learnt such a lot quite painlessly. Do read it! |
CYNTHIANA - Mrs Sylvia Atchison, 72,
died at Tuesday (18
Mar 1980) at
DeaconessHospital in Evansville.
Surviving are two sons, Marion Overton of Mt. Vernon, Ill; and
Donald Overton of Greenwood; three daughters, Mrs. Edna Marie Rodgers of
Cynthiana, Mrs Carolyn Reid of Long Beach Calif; and Mrs. Nancy Reeves of Mt. Vernon; 14
grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Florence Morris of
Indianapolis and Mrs. Mora Rutledge of Stewartsville and two brothers, James
Ervin of Mt. Vernon, and W. B. Ervin of Omar. W. Va.
Services will be at today (Thursday) at Werry
Chapel, with burial in BethesdaCemetery. |
Over the weekend the Art Directors Guild (ADG) handed out their crop of awards for Best Production Design in Period, Contemporary and Fantasy film and the winners in their respective categories were Catherine Martin for The Great Gatsby, K.K. Barrett for Her and Andy Nicholson for Gravity.
Speaking of 12 Years a Slave, the USC Scripters Award was also handed out over the weekend and screenwriter John Ridley joined family members of nineteenth-century author Solomon Northup to receive the 26th-annual USC Libraries Scripter Award for his adaptation of Northup's memoir.
"Until I read Solomon's memoir, I didn't know what being a writer was all about," Ridley said in his acceptance speech. "The way that Solomon wrote, the clarity with which he wrote, and more importantly, the strength of his character, what he went through without bitterness, without hate--that really taught me something," Ridley said in his acceptance speech.
I have included the list of nominees for the Art Directors Guild Awards and the USC Scripters Award below with winners noted in bold red text. I've also updated the Oscar Overture with the ADG wins for Gatsby, Her and Gravity.
Art Directors Guild Nominees
Excellence in Production Design - Period Film
- American Hustle (Judy Becker)
- The Great Gatsby (Catherine Martin)
- Inside Llewyn Davis (Jess Gonchor)
- Saving Mr. Banks (Michael Corenblith)
- 12 Years a Slave (Adam Stockhausen)
Excellence in Production Design - Contemporary Film
- August: Osage County (David Gropman)
- Blue Jasmine (Santo Loquasto)
- Captain Phillips (Paul Kirby)
- Her (K.K. Barrett)
- The Wolf of Wall Street (Bob Shaw)
Excellence in Production Design - Fantasy Film
- Elysium (Philip Ivey)
- Gravity (Andy Nicholson)
- The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Dan Hennah)
- Oblivion (Darrel Gilford)
- Star Trek Into Darkness (Scott Chambliss)
USC Scripter Award Nominees
- Captain Phillips - Billy Ray
- Philomena - Steve Coogan and Jeff Pope
- The Spectacular Now - Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber
- 12 Years a Slave - John Ridley
- What Maisie Knew - Carroll Cartwright and Nancy Doyne |
Yahoo! Sports' Jason Cole hears the Falcons would possibly like to trade up, most likely for a pass rusher.
The Sideline View's Lance Zierlein notes that all of FSU DE Bjoern Werner's 13 sacks took place without the help of a blitz.
SI's Chris Burke believes a lot of the earlier luster around FSU DE Bjoern Werner "has worn thin."
NFL Films' Greg Cosell believes FSU DE Bjoern Werner has the skill set to be a good player.
Detroit Lions GM Martin Mayhew thinks "a lot" of Florida State DE Bjoern Werner.
Florida State DE Bjoern Werner "comes off the ball hard but (is) not special," according to one unnamed NFL Scout.
Draft guru Tony Pauline has been told FSU DE Bjoern Werner has not been outstanding in training and is not expected to test great at the Combine.
NFL Draft legend Gil Brandt ranks FSU DE Bjoern Werner as the second overall player in the 2013 class.
On a conference call, the NFL Network's Mike Mayock said he doesn't consider pass rushers Bjoern Werner and Damontre Moore as top-10 prospects.
The NFL Network's Daniel Jeremiah likes, but doesn't love, Florida State DE Bjoern Werner and Texas A&M DE Damontre Moore.
Ex-NFL scout Bryan Broaddus believes FSU DE Bjoern Werner is a "snap to whistle player."
After studying a game tape of Florida State DE Bjoern Werner, NFL Network's Daniel Jeremiah compares the former Seminole to Rams star Chris Long.
ESPN's Joe Schad reports that Florida State junior DE Bjoern Werner will enter the 2013 NFL Draft.
Former NFL Scout Russ Lande ranks Florida State junior DE Bjoern Werner as the 2013 Draft's top prospect. |
Twitter from Gaider concerning BSN
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August 21st, 2013, 12:19
I just hope that grinding will end when the market is filled so much that companies will see the need for diversification to actually attract new customers - by introducing different mechnics to MMOs.
A friend of mine still plays a MUD from time to time nowadays.
“ Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.“ (E.F.Schumacher, Economist,
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Old Europe
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Loctite SV-A/S paste anti-seize lubricant is compatible with aluminum and steel. Main ingredient of comprised of synthetic. Is rated as Food Grade, Military Grade. Can be used to a maximum temperature of +1600 F. In addition to the other features this product also has corrosion-resistant properties and meets the following standards: CFIA Approved, MIL-PRF-907E. |
Russian smokers have two years to quit as the country`s government approves a harsh anti-smoking law for 2015. If passed the legislation would prohibit smoking in any public place including restaurants and cafes.
Forced by accession to the WTO to cut the import tariffs on foreign cars, Russia is striking back in an attempt to protect its domestic auto industry by slapping buyers and manufacturers with more fees.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, commenting on a shooting incident during a wedding party in the Russian capital, said firing gunshots in a fit of joy - whether in Moscow, Makhachkala, or New York - is unacceptable everywhere in the world.
It seems the Cold War never ended. In yet another spy revelation like others embroiling Russia in recent years a man and a woman have been charged with espionage. This time they were discovered in Germany. |
Earth is headed for its sixth mass extinction - study
Human activity, including a doubling of its population in the past 35 years, has driven the decline of animal life on Earth, the researchers concluded.
There has been a 25 percent average decline rate of remaining terrestrial vertebrates, and a 45 percent decline rate in the abundance of invertebrates. These losses will continue to have innumerable impacts on species that depend on the delicate balance of life on Earth for their own survival.
“We tend to think about extinction as loss of a species from the face of Earth, and that’s very important, but there’s a loss of critical ecosystem functioning in which animals play a central role that we need to pay attention to as well,” said Rodolfo Dirzo, lead author of the study and a biology professor at Stanford University.
“Ironically, we have long considered that defaunation is a cryptic phenomenon, but I think we will end up with a situation that is non-cryptic because of the increasingly obvious consequences to the planet and to human wellbeing.”
The “Anthropocene defaunation,” as some researchers have dubbed this era, is hitting large animals such as elephants, polar bears, and rhinoceroses the hardest, as these megafauna are the subject of some of the highest rates of decline on Earth. This trend matches previous mass die-offs of the Big Five extinction periods.
Megafauna usually have lower population growth rates that need larger habitat areas to maintain their populations, thus they are particularly affected by human growth and desire for their meat mass. Losses among these animals often mean dire impacts for other species that depend on them within an ecosystem.
Past studies have found that the loss of larger animals means a spike in rodents, as grass and shrubs proliferate and soil compaction decreases, all while the risk of predation also declines, Futurity.org notes. As rodent populations increase, so do the disease-transporting ectoparasites that come with them.
“Where human density is high, you get high rates of defaunation, high incidence of rodents, and thus high levels of pathogens, which increases the risks of disease transmission,” said Dirzo.
“Who would have thought that just defaunation would have all these dramatic consequences? But it can be a vicious circle.”
About 16 to 33 percent of all vertebrate species are considered threatened or endangered, the review found.
Invertebrate loss also has far-reaching ripple effects on other species. For example, the continued disappearance of vital honeybee populations across the globe will have bleak consequences for plant pollination, and thus on the world’s food production, as RT has previouslyreported.
Insects pollinate about 75 percent of the world’s food crops, according to Futurity.
Overall, of the world’s more than 71,000 species, 30 percent of them are threatened, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Based on this assessment - and without drastic economic and political measures to address the current die-off - the sixth mass extinction could be cemented by 2400 A.D., University of California, Berkeley geologist Anthony Barnosky told Harper’s magazine.
Solutions to the die-off are complicated, the study posits, as reducing rates of habitat change and overexploitation of lands must come through regional and situational strategies.
"Prevention of further declines will require us to better understand what species are winning and losing in the fight for survival and from studying the winners, apply what we learn to improve conservation projects," said Ben Collen, a lecturer at the University College of London and a co-author of the study. "We also need to develop predictive tools for modelling the impact of changes to the ecosystem so we can prioritize conservation efforts, working with governments globally to create supportive policy to reverse the worrying trends we are seeing."
Researchers from University of California, Santa Barbara; Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; the Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in England; and University College London are coauthors of the new study. |
Renee Wilson is trying to hide from an ex-boyfriend, the father of her unborn child. She left him when she learned he was already married and never told him about the baby. Sheldon Blackstone wants to retire from running his family horse farm and spend his last years relaxinguntil he meets Renee. Surprisingly, the talented Rochelle Alers' Beyond Business (2) misses the mark, leaving many unanswered questions. It's never explained why Renee suddenly and without reason develops an overwhelmingly paranoid fear of her ex and doesn't tell him about the baby. Her willingness to run from her problems and immediately jump into another relationship are difficult to understand and empathize with. Stilted dialogue is another problem the story fails to overcome. |
Martin's debut is truly superb, combining enough procedural details to satisfy CSI junkies with humor, emotion and a generous number of chills. The first-person telling adds immeasurably to the reading experience. Here's hoping it's the first of many Sophie Anderson exploits.
Australian expatriate Sophie is the latest addition to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit, and she's already impressed her superiors with the quality of her work. Sophie's psychic ability is something she prefers to keep under wraps, which isn't a problem until her dreams begin showing her the work of a serial killer the unit is tracking.
Sophie can't ignore what she's seeing, so she confides in a colleague, Samantha Wright. But when Sam disappears, Sophie's on her own again. She can't confide what she knows even to fellow agent Josh Marco, who's also her lover, because he's under suspicion. (MIRA, Jan., 352 pp., $24.95) |
Linda Turner delights our hearts with a delicious battle of the sexes called WHO'S THE BOSS? (4.5). A tough sheriff in a small town in New Mexico tumbles head over heels in love with his lovely opponent for reelection. Can the feisty little lady pull off the upset of the century and beat him at his own game? Stay tuned for the marvelous results in this welcome postscript to the Rawlings saga. |
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