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Alright, I’m upvoting this out of principle, no need to read the article first. We did it, Reddit. | 1State Anger
Oh boy here will come the bizarro brigade | 1State Anger
The full quote is much better and painfully accurate:
> “Getting America vaccinated will be one of the most difficult operational challenges this nation has faced, but we’ve known that for months and this administration has gotten off to a god awful start,” Biden said. “The president spends more time whining and complaining than doing something about the problem. I don’t know why he still wants the job. He doesn’t want to do the work.” | 1State Anger
Biden was far from my first choice in the primaries, but I can’t even express how soothing it is to know that in 16 days we’re going to have a competent, rational person occupying the Oval Office. | 1State Anger
plus the fact that no one listens to those warnings | 0Trait Anger
Every single individual buying into, supporting, or enabling this effort is an enemy of the Republic. | 0Trait Anger
Not since WWII will so many Nazi's gather together in one place. | 0Trait Anger
Dear DC friends,
Please stay inside and away from the rally. None of you deserve to be murdered by a Proud Boy. | 1State Anger
So many of them are going to get busted for brandishing a weapon immediately. | 1State Anger
Possible arrest of the proud boys leader being reported here: https://twitter.com/realmattcouch/status/1346218732687941637?s=21 | 1State Anger
From the article: In an effort to preempt violence, officials in Washington, D.C. on Monday warned potential attendees of Wednesday's so-called #StopTheSteal rally and related events scheduled for this week that armed protesters will be arrested by city police officers, with the assistance of 300 unarmed National Guard members who have been activated to help contain the protests.
There is "a serious threat to our democracy right now... and violence is being incited," said Muriel Bowser, the mayor of D.C., which prohibits the open carry of firearms. | 1State Anger
Trump should be charged for every death caused by these neo nazis | 1State Anger
Good luck trying to overcome DC metro, Capital Hill Police, and the National Guard all in one afternoon! | 1State Anger
I hope nobody shows up to counter protest and there’s just bunch of neckbeard dipshits in yellow and black running around yelling” you want some, come get some” to nobody in particular. | 2Anger Expression
Now that's the honest-to-goodness headline I've been waiting to read.
"Trump-Endorsed Anti-Democracy"
Holy shit! Feeling like 1936 in this place. | 1State Anger
Blast carnival music at them from all sides. Done. | 2Anger Expression
Anti-Trump, antifa, and other groups and individuals should just stay away from this event. If they have no one to attack, they'll just end up turning on each other. | 0Trait Anger
Round em up, move em out (to jail). | 2Anger Expression
the battle for Helms Deep begins | 1State Anger
Buckle up pal, because Trump’s speaking at a GA rally tonight and will keep spewing out all those same baseless claims to his cult followers.
He only has one gear. | 0Trait Anger
This is how narcissists win. They just exhaust people until they're so fed up they give in so they can move on with their lives. We can't give in. | 0Trait Anger
Thats why I think its so so so vital to call trump supporters out on their shit. Yea Democrats have flaws too and we need to deal with that, but this beyond insane. Trumps actions are enough that anyone who supports him that has any complaints about a democrat going forward would automatically be shot down just because of what they support.
Call them out....They're fucking traitors to America and I'm not just saying that to be intense...that's what it is | 2Anger Expression
Is he gonna tell them to stand back and stand by again? | 0Trait Anger
More like he plans to feed bullshit to the right wing assholes. Something he's been doing for 4 years. | 0Trait Anger
I’d be shocked if he wasn’t. The fact that [every living former Secretary of Defense](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/10-former-defense-secretaries-military-peaceful-transfer-of-power/2021/01/03/2a23d52e-4c4d-11eb-a9f4-0e668b9772ba_story.html) recently signed a letter disavowing the President’s unconstitutional assertions relating to involving the military in settling his election disputes speaks volumes. | 1State Anger
All he's doing all day is trying to stay president. He's desperate. Who knows what crazy shit he's been trying that we don't know about yet? | 0Trait Anger
"And this in particular is ominous:
*Given these factors, particularly at a time when U.S. forces are engaged in active operations around the world, it is all the more imperative that the transition at the Defense Department be carried out fully, cooperatively and transparently. Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller and his subordinates — political appointees, officers and civil servants — are each bound by oath, law and precedent to facilitate the entry into office of the incoming administration, and to do so wholeheartedly. They must also refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team.*
*We call upon them, in the strongest terms, to do as so many generations of Americans have done before them. This final action is in keeping with the highest traditions and professionalism of the U.S. armed forces, and the history of democratic transition in our great country.*
These statements should be shockingly self-obvious. So why did they need to be made? What is happening between Trump and the Pentagon that this would be necessary?" | 1State Anger
From the letter that should give us all pause, considering what we just learned about Georgia...the fact this needed to be iterated kinda scares the pants off of me...
>Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic. | 1State Anger
*All Signs Point to Yes* | 0Trait Anger
>Acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller and his subordinates — political appointees, officers and civil servants — are each bound by oath, law and precedent to facilitate the entry into office of the incoming administration, and to do so wholeheartedly.
Oath and precedent are no longer a restraint and law is a toss-up.
Just to add, [this](https://usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/01/03/trump-republicans-reject-biden-win-expose-flawed-democracy-column/4118231001/) from a couple of days ago makes the same point.
>Too many of the guardrails of democracy are little more than white lines painted on the road that depend on a sense of honor, duty, and integrity that is simply no longer the norm. | 0Trait Anger
We need to remember that Trump has access to nuclear weapons. I see few people taking this as seriously as it needs to be. We are talking about a cornered narcissist with nothing left to lose.
We are on the precipice of Trump doing something that America, and the world, will never recover from. He could literally take the entire world down with him. We can't pretend like his psychology will prevent him from doing the unthinkable. We are potentially mere *days* away from this. Impeachment will do nothing and is too late. All we can do now is brace for impact and *hope* he just gets kicked out of the White House on Jan 20. | 1State Anger
This is the problem. We know the content of ONE call. We don’t know what was offered to the Michigan legislators that visited the White House to “hear the offer.” We don’t know the details of the Pennsylvania legislators that publicly revealed they were in “negotiations”—their actual term—with the White House. We have NO IDEA what was said or who else is on on this thing. It could very well already be much bigger than we think. It may be much more underway than we think. | 0Trait Anger
Who *isn't* Trump making Democracy-Threatening Phone Calls to? I really hope of those other states he Zoomed with come forward with something. He's beyond unhinged and dangerous. | 1State Anger
Once he's gone, the shit we will discover that he said, did and wanted to do will be shocking. | 0Trait Anger
Used to be when a News outlets headline was a question the answer was always NO. With Trump, and it involves fuckery of any kind, the answer is always YES. And if he is accusing someone else of fuckery, you can bet your last paycheck that he is projecting his own shenanigans. Assuming you have a paycheck. | 0Trait Anger
Hope they are all making tapes. Years of interesting listening for legal scholars and historians and years prison time for Trump a Dump. | 1State Anger
Umm, Trump did [fire the last Secretary of Defense](https://www.npr.org/2020/11/09/933105262/trump-terminates-secretary-of-defense-mark-esper) 3 days after the election in order to replace him with a loyalist. That is certainly some timing on that.
Secretary Esper has prepared a letter of resignation months earlier after disagreeing with the President about using troops on peaceful protestors. | 1State Anger
I think this may be about the defence dept. Not meeting with the Biden transition team. If so, it's too little, too late. They should have spoken out on this as soon as the civilian leadership cancelled all the DOD meetings with Biden's team. | 1State Anger
Is he a fucking idiot? Yes. | 1State Anger
What is it going to take to throw this motherfucker in jail? | 1State Anger
And to Arizona? And to Pennsylvania? And to Michigan? How many of the swing states did he pressure? He called Georgia 19 times, do we really believe that’s all he did? | 1State Anger
The new litmus test for republicans: "Will you help destory democracy for a cult tyrant?" | 0Trait Anger
please Warnock win ... | 1State Anger
It's a little strange that someone who wasn't voted into her office has the ability to object to the votes of Americans. | 1State Anger
*Quelle surprise.* What a vacuous toady. | 2Anger Expression
She looking two directions at once? | 0Trait Anger
God please Georgia vote those two hacks out tomorrow | 1State Anger
What a loser. She didn't say this earlier, because she didn't want it to be a giant news story. So wait until the absolute last minute so you can get the people who were on the fence. Slime ball is trying to hide who she is from the masses. We see you, we hear you. Fuck you. | 1State Anger
Seditionist Barbie | 2Anger Expression
Lame duck senator going down with the ship of a lame duck president. "Lame" being the key word here. | 2Anger Expression
Of course she is. Announced the day before the runoff, perfect timing | 1State Anger
These are 2 of the worst candidates I’ve ever seen. The fact they have a chance of winning is a sign of the times. | 0Trait Anger
If you’re from Georgia, and you can vote but decide not to, fuck you. You’re part of the reason why this country is so fucked. | 1State Anger
I have voted, my wife has voted, every one of my friends has voted, and it was all for Ossoff and Warnock! | 1State Anger
Please VOTE! Call each other, who needs a ride? This is critical Georgia.
Hit this mother...... where it hurts.
Colossal loss for this treasonous monster and jail for the seditious officials. | 1State Anger
You get to decide whether everyone gets $2,000 or whether mitch gets to block all progress for years. | 1State Anger
Her name is Cleta Mitchell and she is just as dangerous as Wood and Powell, perhaps more because she isn't a media hog | 0Trait Anger
So is he broke or is he just refusing to pay this lady because he knows he's full of shit? | 1State Anger
whannity was still whining about Hillary Clinton today on my drive home. still. batching about Hillary. in 40 min I heard nothing about this phone call. fucking ridiculous. | 1State Anger
Lin Wood has the bigger bombshell apparently | 1State Anger
I will never understand what kind of person would rather believe that Democrats and anyone who isn't a hardcore Trump ally are cannibal pedophiles instead of just accepting Donald Trump is a corrupt idiot.
Like how would you prefer that be the world we live in. | 0Trait Anger
The Nazi media just keeps regurgitating the Hunter Biden stuff.....meanwhile, Trump just made Watergate look like a hiccup. | 1State Anger
The gaping wound in the country is never going away until we address the elephant in the room - numerous extremist right wing media propaganda outlets masquerading as news channels.
As long as they exist this battle will go in circles. | 0Trait Anger
Yep I got banned from r/Republicans for saying listen to the entire call... they know it's not good. | 1State Anger
I love how right wing media was all BREATHLESS about the "Biblical" Kraken and then it turned into a giant pile of shit. And it's not like ANY of those stories promised by right wing media have ever panned out to the extent they hyped them. Fuck it goes back to when Trump and Sheriff Joe were promising to prove Obama wasn't born here. They never delivered ANYTHING. There's the Nunes nothingburger, all the O'Keefe and Project Veritas horseshit and promising to bring those responsible for his Russia investigation to heel. And NOTHING COMES of ANY of it. Yet, these morons still lap it up. It's like they're Charlie Brown, but they're sure Lucy won't yank the ball away at the last second THIS time. | 0Trait Anger
well over at r/conservative, they believe the call was taken out of context and the media is trying to smear trump’s reputation. it’s truly mind boggling how brainwashed they are. | 0Trait Anger
Imagine if a phone call with H. Clinton or Obama was leaked in which they spoke like this, their careers would be over. Yet in this case, I strongly suspect that there won't be any real consequences at all, yeah we're all angry for a few days and then that's it. It's mindblowing. Biden and his team will fear the outrage from Trump's supporters if they take legal action, so while I could be wrong, they probably won't do anything. Well it's reached a point where I don't care if people get "outraged" anymore, this infantile man must face consequences, or it'll send a very disturbing signal to the society at large. | 0Trait Anger
Tbh it was on Fox News, but they were framing the thing like "-admitted he was aware the call was leaked" like HE was the criminal. The projection and deflection from this is just amazing. | 1State Anger
This is what is so wrong with the media.
Kids go to journalism school and learn all the basic principles of good professional journalism.
They then get jobs on biased media platforms and are forced to ditch most of those rules.
Rules such as give a balanced account of what happened, focus on the facts and check them thoroughly, avoid selective reporting or overly simplistic reporting, go where the facts take you not where your proprietor's prejudices demand you go.
In an ideal world, journalists are there to highlight the wrongdoings of those in power, regardless of their party and to hold them to account.
They have an important job. Ultimately, they are there to protect freedom and democracy.
They are not there to suppress inconvenient truths and misrepresent or distort what is happening. When they do stuff like that, they inflict on democracy enormous damage. | 0Trait Anger
r/conservative isn’t even living on the same planet this happened on. | 0Trait Anger
Shannon Bream on Fox News tonight said something about how "the media" is portraying the call as Trump demanding Georgia find more votes for him but that she "heard something very different" when she listened to the call. She then played a bunch of clips of people on CNN saying that what Trump did in that call was completely inexcusable, etc. but at no point did she play any actual parts of the call or explain what it was that she "heard differently." | 1State Anger
Yes, I searched on the Conservative subreddit for this story to see how they were responding to it. I couldn't find any posts about it at all. Insane. It's like they're living in their own delusional lala land universe. | 0Trait Anger
They deleted so many threads of this in r/conservative 🙄
I literally read pages of conservatives bemoaning how bad this made trump look then poof, half a day later gone.
They whine about "brigading" all day even with their fruity mandatory flaire and discord interview system. Utterly ridiculous
It'll bite them in the ass when all they hear and see is the undeleted stuff while half of conservatives actually aren't insane and are done playing the game seeing how everyone's a loser and there's no spin other than to just delete | 2Anger Expression
If it weren't important, there wouldn't be threats.
Please vote tomorrow if you haven't already, and if you have, help someone else cast their ballot. | 2Anger Expression
> “Saturday afternoon, we were getting contacted by county employees who received an email with a threatening message about violence against the polling stations here in Cherokee County on Election Day,” said Captain Jay Baker, with the Cherokee County Sheriff.
Terrorists | 1State Anger
I don't understand how farmers can ignore or minimize an existential threat that will make their way of life unworkable in the future. | 0Trait Anger
He never “had it.” | 0Trait Anger
Getting high on his own koolaid.
He sounds so desperate in that call, I almost half feel bad for him for being so damaged and sad and racist and sexist and psychotic and narcissistic and humorless and sweaty. | 1State Anger
Is that before or after she sells her stock? | 1State Anger
Of course she will, but how will she profit from it? | 0Trait Anger
How can she challenge them if she loses tomorrow /s | 2Anger Expression
Wait what!? Isnt she challenging her own original election too? This doesnt even make logical sense if she wants people to vote in the runoff. | 1State Anger
Hey mods, can we get a discussion thread on tonight's rally? I see no universe where it won't be off the rails and merit discussion. | 1State Anger
May it be her last official act. | 1State Anger
Guys, we should sell our stock. | 2Anger Expression
Just write in Trump when you go to your special election. Those votes will count for the general!
/s | 2Anger Expression
"Pressure campaign" sure is a polite way of saying "criminal extortion". | 1State Anger
Lol at any republican trying to put trump in his place now when they enabled him for 4 fucking years.
Fuck the entire GOP. I hope they burn to the ground. | 1State Anger
not everyone suffers...there is a certain portion of the population that continues to get filthy rich from what he is doing..it is the same portion of population that tries to keep people divided and fighting amongst themselves, so they dont even notice who the real villains are.. | 0Trait Anger
> Were it not for McConnell’s efforts to rally big Republican contributors behind Trump, there probably wouldn’t be a President Trump. Never-Trump Republican operative Stuart Stevens, a former George W. Bush and Mitt Romney adviser, calls McConnell “Trump’s Franz von Papen,” the German politician who dissolved the Weimar Republic.
> Now McConnell supposes he can turn all that off. He’s telling Senate colleagues not to reject the electoral college results on Wednesday — not because it’s an inherently authoritarian act but because he doesn’t want Republicans to face a “terrible vote” — either against Trump or against constitutional democracy. He told them the Jan. 6 vote would be “the most consequential I have ever cast.”
The reek of rotting shit upon him forever. | 1State Anger
Mitch is just the figurehead.
All the senators who allow him to remain in power are complicit, and it's honestly surprising that people continue to allow the guy to serve as a lightning rod for EVERY. SINGLE. (R)EGRESSIVE. SENATOR.
It would take a total of THREE republican senators to cross the aisle during a vote tomorrow and replace McConnell as Majority Leader. None of them do, because they're all criminals. What kind of dirt do US adversaries have on dozens of top-ranking US legislatures? People should be way more worried about that than some old, leathery turtle. | 0Trait Anger
Anyone with decency would leave the Republican party. It's stood for evil for decades. Let's not mince words. Their so-called values were pure smokescreen. | 0Trait Anger
Agreed with article. Unfortunately GOP will choose Trump. They have no real interests in democracy, just in governing for themselves. | 0Trait Anger
Frankly it's usually some kind of uprising that fixes these types of problems. Not advocating, Just sayin. | 0Trait Anger
The **SENATE** will not do enough. Stop pre-blaming Biden when we know where the actual problem is.
Biden would do twice as much as the senate if the Democrats win Georgia, let alone if they lose. Being further left of Biden only matters if the Senate would pass something left of Biden. | 1State Anger
Anyone who supports Donald Trump is a moron | 0Trait Anger
So when do people think the results get called for the races assuming it’s reasonably close (which I assume it will be)? Wednesday sometime ?
Edit: I see this article just posted in another thread : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-georgia-counting-explain-idUSKBN2992I2 | 1State Anger
All the IDpol morons are getting mad about "Amen doesn't have anything to do with gender!!!!1!!" If you read the whole thing though...
> "And dare I ask, oh Lord, peace even in this chamber now and evermore," Cleaver said while serving as guest House chaplain. "We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names by many different faiths. Amen and awoman."
It's easy to see that this whole thing is mocking the act of opening congress with prayer. This is the 21st fucking century. God has nothing to do with good public policy. | 1State Anger
This is one of the dumbest woke things I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe this is real.
Amen isn’t a gendered term. | 1State Anger
He trolled conservatives for lol's | 1State Anger
Subsets and Splits