This is the traditional festive head gear worn by Bajau women. The Bajau, a formerly nomadic people now mostly home to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, live by and from the sea and have recently gained recognition for a genetic trait that allows them to dive deeper and for longer time stretches than any other ethnic group. They are often referred to as Sea People and this traditional head gear seems to symbolize this. I could not find any interpretation of the shape, but they appear to me like ships or tail fins of sea mammals or mermaids – or all three. The Orang Laut, who mainly settle in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, the Moken in Thailand, and the Sama-Bajau who mainly live in East-Malaysia and the Philippines are ethnic groups that have a seaborne or amphibian lifestyle and culture. The Malayan name Orang Laut literally translates as Sea People. The Moken are also called chao nam in Thai, meaning “people of the water”. Both the Moken and the Bajau are nomadic societies, moving between islands along various coasts, some families even spending long periods of the year living on their boats. The largest group, the Bajau, are said to exist for over 1.000 years. I did not know that there were nomadic sea faring societies like that at all. Apparently several Bajau myths exist that explain how and why they first adopted their nomadic lifestyle. This picture of a “typical” settlement of Bajau in the Philippines I find particularly striking for the isolation of the individual buildings and the lack of any visible land close by: Traditionally these societies lived from fishing but there are anthropological indications that at least the Bajau were once an agricultural society. Their traditional lifestyles center around fishing and harvesting sea plants and the often nomadic lifestyle make them very vulnerable to environmental damage, economic and political exploitation and oppression. Many of them have meanwhile settled on land and further off the sea coast for better employment opportunities. Two other links are noteworthy here: In the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004, the Moken people who lived around the Surin Islands of Thailand were able to predict the events quite accurately which allowed them to warn and protect the island population. However in other places, Moken suffered severe devastation to housing and fishing boats by the tsunami. (see related scientific report on indigenous knowledge and disaster here.) These ethnic groups are probably the inspiration to many myths about sea people in the region. As biological studies have recently revealed, the Moken and Bajau show genetic traits that allow better under water vision and a significantly greater ability to dive and hold their breath. These sea people are probably the closest humanity gets to mythical figures like “aqua men”, “frog men” or “mermaids”. (See for example the Filippino movie “Beyond Atlantis” from 1973.)
Alex Neill, Which? Managing Director of Home Services, said: “This eye-watering increase to the price cap will be a shock to the system for people who thought that it would protect them from rising bills. “Energy customers can take the power back into their hands by switching and securing a better deal before the new cap comes into effect in April. While there are fewer cheap deals on the market than a year ago, by switching today you could choose better customer service and potentially save more than £150 a year.” Notes to editors - Customers looking for cheaper energy deals can compare deals with Which? Switch, a transparent and impartial way to compare energy tariffs and find the best gas and electricity supplier. - Which? calculates that a medium user (using 3,100kWh gas and 12,000kWh electricity per year) on a dual-fuel default or tariff standard tariff at the level of the current price cap could save up to £163 by switching to the cheapest deal on the market. Based on tariffs available in all regions in England, Scotland and Wales, paying by monthly direct debit, with paperless bills. Data is from Energylinx and correct on 04 February 2019. - Which? conducted research with consumers to ask about their awareness and likely bill impact of the energy price cap, via an online survey conducted by Research Now SSI of 4,054 people across the United Kingdom. Data were weighted to be representative of the UK population, with questions on the energy price cap only being asked to respondents in Great Britain. This found that more people were unaware of the energy price cap (48%) than were aware of it (45%) and, for those consumers who had never switched supplier – hence more likely to be disengaged and supposed to benefit most from the introduction of the price cap – the proportion who thought their bills would decrease was only 13%. Further detail on the research is available at: https://consumerinsight.which.co.uk/articles/energy-price-cap-attitudes. - In December Which? found that the number of energy deals costing less than £1,000 a year for medium users had dropped from 77 in January to eight. As of Monday 4th February there were six deals costing £1,000 a year or less: https://press.which.co.uk/whichpressreleases/cheap-energy-deals-vanishing-from-market-as-price-cap-comes-in-which-reveals/
How to always look beautiful and enjoy beautiful skin? Read this article and you will learn how to do it. You will need natural cosmetics, proven methods of doing makeup. If you want to enjoy flawless complexion and gain the knowledge how professional makeup artists do makeup, you should try out the following methods. Cosmetic oil for moisturising face Before you apply your foundation, make sure to thoroughly moisturise your face. In order to do that, you should use cosmetic oils matched to type of your complexion. Such cosmetic is a lot better than creams because it is better absorbed and provides more beautifying and nurturing properties. Additionally, it comprise vitamins and minerals. What is interesting, cosmetic oil will smooth fine lines, brighten discolouration, remove dry skin and improve the condition. If you want to have beautiful and flawless face, apply it in the morning before doing your makeup. Soak a cotton pad in the oil and gently rub onto your face. Choose from argan oil, grape seed oil, almond oil or coconut oil. Remember about a base Base is, without a doubt, an irreplaceable cosmetic. Why? It prolongs makeup, prevents oxidising, additionally, it has beautifying and nurturing properties. What is more, it evens skin tone, reduces fine lines and eliminates acne. However, to make the best of it, it is extremely important to choose proper shade of the product. It must blend with the tone of your skin and the colour of the foundation you intend to use. Also, remember about proper application. For applying base you can use your fingertips, a sponge or a flat brush. Distribute the cosmetic evenly all over your face and wait a while before you use anything else. Keep in mind that a small amount of the cosmetic goes a long way. How to make your makeup last longer? You should use a special fixer. Such product will prolong your lipstick, eyeshadows and foundation. It will make you look flawless throughout the day. Such mist will be especially useful for women who rush for a meeting with friends, right after work. What is more, if you go to a party and want to look flawless throughout the night or perhaps you are a makeup artist an do bridal makeups, to be sure that your makeup will stay in its place, also use a fixing spray. Remember not to use a hairspray for your face! It is a huge mistake; it can cause irritation and skin diseases.
Time in Catanzaro, Italy The exact time in Catanzaro is based on the time zones for Catanzaro. We will always try to give you the exact time for Catanzaro. There might be slight differences, since the time zones for Catanzaro might change due to daylight savings time (DST). Time changes in Catanzaro are usually done to adapt citizen and tourist activity to the solar cycle. This allows for greater usage of daylight, reducing dependency on electricity. That is why the time is sent ahead one hour in the spring for Catanzaro, and falls back one hour in the fall for Catanzaro. Adding an extra hour of daylight helps Catanzaro to improve its tourism and depend less on Catanzaro's electricity supplies. Current time and weather in Catanzaro, Italy in other languages Time changes DST in Catanzaro Each country perform its time change according to the Daylight Saving Time rules on a different day of the year, which can or not match with the beginning of the summer. That is why we recommend you to check out the time change dates to stay up to date. These are the time change dates in Catanzaro during 2024: - Daylight Saving Time in Catanzaro starts on:: Sunday 31 March 2024 01:00 (DST) UTC/GMT +2h - Daylight Saving Time in Catanzaro ends on: Sunday 27 October 2024 02:00 (STD) UTC/GMT +1h Sunrise and sunset times in Catanzaro Sunrise in Catanzaro is at 06:37:59 and sunset time in Catanzaro is at 17:36:33. - Length of the day in Catanzaro is 11:59 hours - Civil twilight begins at 06:11:01 and ends at 18:03:31 hours - Nautical twilight in Catanzaro begins at 05:39:58 and ends at 18:34:34 hours. - Astronomical twilight in Catanzaro begins at 05:09:06 and ends at 19:05:25 hours. Catanzaro coordinates and location in the world Which are latitude and longitude coordinates of Catanzaro in the map of the world? - Catanzaro's latitude: 38° 54' N - Catanzaro's longitude: 16° 36' E Hotels to stay and book in Catanzaro, Italy If you are travelling for vacations to Catanzaro and looking for to book a hotel at a good price, click on the hotels links below to find more information and details. You will find hotel rooms prices, payment methods, location and opening hours, that will help you booking the best hotel in Catanzaro for your budget during your vacations.
I know I'm not a cat, but I've taken to drinking milk from a bowl (no, not lapping it up, but drinking as if it were a cup). You're probably wondering why: • Well, one of those reasons is that I dip my peanut butter sandwiches in milk, and it's a whole lot easier to do that in a bowl than in a cup (the brim is wider; so, you don't have to worry about the size of your bread, getting peanut butter streaks on the side, and such). • Another reason is that our bowls that I use fit a lot more milk than our glasses. I've long wanted some pretty large glass cups, but we just don't have them. The bowls are just a little bit larger than I would strictly want. So, it works out. • Bowls are easier to wash than cups, IMO. Anyway, here's how I make my peanut butter sandwiches: I typically make two sandwiches at a time. I use bread (typically some wheat or multi-grain bread with large slices). I spread Skippy Natural peanut butter on two slices. Then I spread something like jam/preserves/jelly or honey on the same slice (or blue agave sweetener on the slices without peanut butter). Then I stick them together. Then I cut them in half. Then I eat them, typically dipping them in milk before eat bite. I know some people mix butter with their peanut butter. I've tried that, and it's good, but I don't feel the need to do it, personally. I'd rather use or wash one less knife in making my sandwiches (two is enough: one for the peanut butter, and one for the jam—I definitely don't like peanut butter residue in the jam, or jam residue in the peanut butter). For those who use bottles, more power to you. For those who use bottles of peanut butter and jam mixed together, that's cool, even if I don't know feel comfortable with the idea. How do you make and eat your peanut butter sandwiches? Does my way sound odd to you? I know some people just make their sandwiches and have a glass of milk without dipping their sandwiches in their milk. I don't really understand that. It tastes and feels so much better dipped, IMO. I dip my cookies in milk, too, by the way (some people I've observed don't actually do that, even if they like to drink a glass of milk while they're eating cookies; I don't really understand that, either, unless the cookies aren't dry/crunchy; then, I totally understand, even if I think they're still good with milk). So, yeah, I use milk like a permeable sauce, I guess. This reminds me of why I like ketchup: • It makes the food less dry; so, I'm less likely to get the hiccups when I eat it. • Eating tomatoes (I believe even from ketchup) is said to temporarily lower blood mercury levels. Nevermind the rumors that are hopefully untrue about mercury and high fructose corn syrup (which is in ketchup). • Lycopene from cooked tomatoes • It's red. I like red stuff. • The acidity from the vinegar and tomatoes in the ketchup goes quite well with meat. I like acids and meats together for some reason. • It improves the texture of some foods. • It cools down some foods that are too hot. That's pretty much it. Of course, not all of those things apply to milk.
RailsCasts Pro episodes are now free! Learn more or hide this GitHub User: Fivell Doesn't work if I use respond_with (db_runtime is always 0 after POST request) I have a problem with rails notifications described here I have recently created plugin for AA, which helps to easy and dynamicly change sidebar position to left or right. I put sources here https://github.com/Fivell/active_admin_sidebar
Both Pennsylvania and the federal government give individual taxpayers the option to file their taxes electronically, also known as E-filing. There are a few benefits to E-filing your tax returns, including: - Faster because it is electronically transmitted directly to the taxing authorities’ computer system - Safer because the filing cannot get lost in the mail - More secure - More convenient, you don’t have to wait on line at the post office if you are too close to the filing deadline - If your E-file submission is rejected, then the IRS will email the filer with a link you can use to see an explanation and resolve the issue This blog provides summary information regarding the subject matter at the time of publishing. Please call our office at 610-296-2500 if you have questions on how E-filing works. This material may not be published, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. All rights reserved.
How to Plan For Your Child With Special Need's Future Parents of children with special needs must plan for the years ahead in important ways. Here’s where to begin. Get kid-friendly activities sent to you! Get the Best Kid-Friendly Activities Sent to You Weekly! Try to set up a budget for your dependent’s needs, so you can get a rough estimate of what those expenses would be. “Once you have an idea of how much money will be needed for him or her, then you can evaluate how you are going to fund that need in a trust,” Collier says. Guardians and Trustees Consider carefully who will be the people to provide support for your child, Gildin urges. “Some adults with disabilities will require a guardian who has the legal ability to make decisions for him or her, while someone [else] may need to act as a trustee to oversee the special needs trust,” Gildin says. She encourages parents to involve their child in this planning process as much as is practical. Trustees have complete control of the finances and assets in the SNT. Parents do not need to give this control over to one relative or close friend; they can choose co-trustees instead. Peretz recommends three: “This will avoid the autonomy associated with having one trustee appointed, and the potential for deadlocks between an even number of trustees,” she explains. Guardians, rather than controlling the financial side of your child’s life, will make decisions such as living arrangements, doctor selection, and transportation arrangements. Although it can be helpful if a trustee is also the guardian, Peretz notes, it’s quite possible that a person perfectly suited to making financial decisions isn’t necessarily the ideal caretaker. If you do decide to split up those responsibilities, make sure the respective parties’ temperaments and perspectives on such practical matters jibe. You may love and trust both your sister and your childhood best friend, but if the two don’t usually see eye-to-eye, it may not be wise to pair them in these important roles. Your Will, Power of Attorney, and Health Care Proxy Your will is where you name your child’s trustee(s) and guardian. Once you decide on them, it is crucial to consult your attorney to make sure your will is executed properly, and any and all beneficiary designations are spelled out as they should be, Collier says. A durable power of attorney appoints the individuals who can act on your behalf while you are still alive. “This is a very powerful tool to ensure that your child is taken care of should you become incapacitated,” says Nadine Gordon Lee, a certified financial planner with the Colony Group Family Offices in Manhattan and Armonk. For much the same reason, it’s smart to have health care proxies and related directives in place, she adds. Properly Executed Life Insurance Parents should make sure life insurance will be payable to the special needs trust, not directly paid out to the child, which could negate any government benefits due him or her. Lou Cannataro, partner at Cannataro Park Avenue Financial in Manhattan, advises purchasing separate life insurance policies for the spouse and any other children in the family. He points to “second to die” coverage as the most efficient life insurance for this type of situation. “Second to die is one policy that covers both parents. There is no payout until the second parent dies, for typically this is when the child is truly on their own.” Planning for a child’s future is important for all parents, but for parents of a child with special needs, the conversation is taken to another level. “We all nurture and plan for our child with the hope that our responsibility wanes once they begin to build their own lives,” Cannataro observes. “For parents with a [child with special needs], this role never ends.” So, while thinking ahead to a time when you won’t be able to care for your child as you do now is unsettling, even overwhelming, the best thing you can do for your child, and your own peace of mind, is to get started now.
The Deadly Stress of Being a Black Woman in America Now that the federal authorities have arrested Cesar Sayoc in connection with the explosive devices sent to many of those whom Donald Trump rages against as enemies — prominent Democrats, other critics of the President and CNN — some will argue that he is merely a disturbed individual, a lone actor, with no connection to the atmosphere created by the Trump presidency. This is most likely not true. Yes, Cesar Sayoc appears to be a troubled man. The terror spree he conducted could only be carried out by a person with certain psychological deficits. However, he is not a unique character operating in a vacuum. Cesar Sayocs can be found almost anywhere in America. [bs-quote quote=”You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” style=”style-23″ align=”left” author_name=”Darren Hardy” author_job=”American Author” author_avatar=””] It is this reality that burdens public figures, especially presidents, with the responsibility to use care and caution as they lead the nation. The exception is Donald Trump, whose superheated rhetoric could make himself a factor in the run-up to terror. Investigators will eventually reveal many factors that could have played a role in the process that led to the mailing of the explosive devices. Likely Trump’s rhetoric will be just one of many elements. However, denying that it played a role is not an option. Neither can we expect Trump to change.Trump campaigned using taunts and suggestions that all the Cesar Sayocs could have heard as calls to violent action. When a protester interrupted a rally, Trump announced that he would “like to punch him in the face” and waxed sentimental about the days when protesters would be “carried out on stretchers.”He referenced a “Second Amendment” response to Hillary Clinton’s possible election and offered to pay the legal bills for those who assault his protesters. The President’s encouragement of violence, combined with rhetoric about the press being “enemies of the people” and political opponents being un-American, are green lights for those who are vulnerable to suggestion. Worse, when you think about the President’s impact on fevered minds, is his penchant for conspiracy theories. With no evidence, he recently suggested terrorists were among immigrants now marching toward the United States.people to believe that almost anything can be true. Taken together, Trump’s paranoid rants encourage people to believe that almost anything can be true. Trump allies and fans rejected the notion that he was playing a dangerous game and instead praised his willingness to forgo political correctness and speak plainly. However, this wasn’t plain speech, it was incitement, and the notion that milder rhetoric is somehow less sincere is absurd.Politicians who honor the boundaries of decency and public safety are not mealy-mouthed pleasers. They are normal adults who respect public safety. As president, Trump never pivoted from his destructive campaign mode to become a leader of all the American people. Just weeks ago, he praised fellow Republican Greg Gianforte for assaulting a reporter who had asked him a question. “Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of … He was my guy,” said Trump.
Also known as soundtrack for returning to the gym when you are feeling all that and out of breath. For the first time in quite some time it was warm. No threat of snow, no biting temps, leave your coat in the car type of weather. Surprisingly I am not experiencing the familiar panic of not being ready for the warmer weather which means showing more skin although really, I am totes not ready. I find myself thinking about the fact that there is a little more of me to love ’cause I recently discovered Talenti Gelato is THAT stuff and I am here for it (…Talenti…arrrgr *Homer Simpson drool). I am not worrying myself over having a little more of Rachee to love. I am embracing the curves and working it. But Spring is coming. Spring means warm weather means more Rachee to show. Suddenly I’m not feeling so confident. I headed back to the gym today with a goal of just getting there. I’ve had a few false starts but today I was determined to actually get there. No excuses, no real plan, taking that first step. We went to see the AMAZING Cirque Elioze and instead of my normal feelings of inadequacy watching the performers I felt a sense of awe. I want to be able to control my body and own such strngth. I want to be able to climb and swing from a pole effortlessly. So songs to power through a workout and prepare for heavy lifting. Abba – Knowing Me, Knowing You Yes, I know this is a song about a break up but it came on in the gym today and it was perfect. Instead of me worrying over why I am not three inches taller and [redacted] pounds lighter I thought about what I can do and powered through my workout. Madonna – Rainbow High – Evita Soundtrack I feel some type of way about Madonna as Evita but for the sake of this post I’ll let it slide. Madonna, whether you care for the changes or not, has totally gotten better physically as she ages. Madge truly has no cares to give and will let you know it. Honestly, her arms, her legs, strength! Big Spender – Sweet Charity Soundtrack This one may be a stretch but work with me. What are you willing to give to get what you want? I love sleeping in but I also love knowing that no one will be able to hear me breathing while I am at rest. And it’s not really a sacrifice. I like a stronger, healthier me and know that giving retooling my routine will allow for what I want. I Can Do That – Chorus Line I can do that. I don’t say that in a envious way that frankly I would have uttered in the past. Nope; I am so inspired to be stronger and I am inspired to be able to honor my body by making it different than what it is now. Disney’s Frozen “Let It Go” Sequence Performed by Idina Menzel I’m tired of this song too but it’s so appropos for lots of places in my life. Let go of the worry, the comparing, the feeling bad about just existing. Now, it’s your turn! Tell me…what are your songs for letting it go, feeling better and (forgive me) doing you? Share in the comments or post on YOUR blog!
Please to note: Today’s blog may contain the notion that somewhere, someone, perhaps even your blogger, has sex. Now then, there are five things I am not supposed to speak about in mixed company but I guess, as I read throughout my blog, I have already done so: Notice that sex is left blank. I tried to keep my blog family (as in my family reads it and family includes MOM!!!) friendly and I feel that some things are best left to lurk in my head strictly for my own examination. I am not a prude but there are just some things that I am not comfortable thinking or speaking about beyond whispered to a close friend. However, the more I think of MOVING ON (cue music: omnious or Peer Gynt Suite) the more my thoughts spin. The PC thing would be for me to write that I am looking for a good man to have a wonderful relationship that would someday lead to another trip down the aisle. And that would be a lie at this moment in time. Personally (and quite selflessly I dare to add!) I think it would be cruel to jump into another relationship right now especially with my head all a whirl and me hating the idea of marriage. My head is a jumble of what ifs and what the effs and I am not just not capable of keeping a lid in all of the crazy. I am not opposed and could find myself saying yes to dinners that do not come numbered with pictures, nights in, snuggled on a couch with a bowl of ice cream and a scary movie (all the better to snuggle closer) and some adult swim conversations that don’t ultimately end with me fussing about The Bee and what she didn’t so. When I spoke with a friend and discussed my new idea about dating, he compared me to a character from a Madea movie: he told me that I always whine about needing a good man yet when one comes along I push him away. Perhaps there is a tinge of truth in his words but I have to say the idea of dating, allowing myself to become intimate (not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well) and to open myself for anything that I cannot in some all ways way control scares the ever loving crap out of me. Dating in this new millennium is a bitch! I have a kid to consider, left over feelings from my marriage (shh! don’t let anyone know that at times I do get emotional and girly!) and quite honestly I have gotten into a rut, albeit a sad, lonely, pathetic, isolated, Oh God please kill me, one, that is working just fine…sorta. In the merry land of sometime soon, I keep thinking that things will be OK and that I will get it together but as we all know, time waits for NO man or woman. My brief history of men could be material for a sequel to He’s just not that into you or a Tyler Perry movie but that won’t deter me. I would be lying if I said that I have spent five years alone. But my last associations were a little less than ideal. (Let me preface this by saying that I am a sucker for a pretty face -guilty as charged!, have a horrible sense of judgement at times and, in case you have never read this blog, have issues.) So, the male company have included: -The old boyfriend that I reconnected with after bumping into him while out with our respective kids. Nice guy but damn! Both parties can’t have that much baggage! We obviously broke up for a reason in the past and have thus decided it’s best to JUST be friends. -Someone I met at work. An older guy who wanted me to meet his parents (no big) and become friends with his daughter (um, ‘kay). Dude and I would chat, chat, chat for hours about school, plans we had for our respective futures in the field of education, talk books and make plans. However he would always ‘forget’ that we were supposed to go out yet would call and yell at me when we hadn’t made plans. -Another older guy who thus inspired my “let’s not date patrons” rule. He thought that I should not let The Bee go back and forth to her dad’s because it was a lot of money for gas (like he was paying for it!) and she would get confused, was known to just show up at work to say hi and he always wanted to do some type of family get together with The Bee and I although his relationship with his kids was totally effed up. He was also hot to get married and I was not quite on the same track. -There was the young guy who at 23 (I’m a cougar!) thought I should be delighted that he called at 1:30 AM every night. Cause he used to call at 2:15. Dating is a bitch! Despite these, erm, experiences I have decided that I am going to throw myself out there. I’ve cleared a space on my floor that is dedicated to the art of crunches and yoga type stuff to center my mind, I’ve hit the gym cause I pay for my membership and it’s too cold to be messing about on the tracks and I’ve called the cousin for torture, aka eyebrow waxing. All because I’m single and I’ve got to look good naked. Re-learning the art of small talk* and not wanting to HAVE to wear Spanx,
Tablet computer ownership in the United States increased from 3 percent of adults in 2010 to 34 percent by 2013. What's more, 70 percent of children in households with a tablet computer use these wireless devices. That aside, tablet computers are expensive toys, and when things go wrong, parents can face costly repair and data recovery bills. If your child regularly uses your tablet computer, learn how you can protect the device with these useful tips and tricks. Invest in a robust case Small fingers can easily lose their grip on a sleek tablet computer, but even a relatively minor bump can crack the glass screen. Analysis shows that 20 percent of tablet owners damage their screen within two years of ownership. Screen protectors can extend the life of your tablet by offering a durable layer that can resist scratches, cracks and bumps. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when applying these film layers, or you'll just end up trapping dust and dirt underneath the protector. A robust tablet case is also essential if your children plan to use the device. Some cases cater more for adults, with features that focus more on usability than protection, but parents should invest in a chunky, durable case that can withstand drops and bumps. The good news is that many of these case designs will appeal enormously to kids, with futuristic features and strong, tactile design elements that convince children they're in a sci-fi movie. Get battery smart You can't change the battery in most tablet computers, so it's important to extend the life as far as possible. Kids don't normally think about these things, so parents must educate them. Crucially, device manufacturers don't recommend that you fully charge the battery, so always aim to keep the battery at around 50 percent capacity. Show kids how to turn the device off when they have finished, so you can then charge the computer in the right way. It's also important to store the device in a cool, moisture-free place in the home, below 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not something kids will automatically think about. Appoint a storage place for the tablet in your home, and warn the kids that if they don't return it there when they have finished, they won't get to use the device again. They'll soon learn! Regularly back up your data Kids have a habit of doing 'strange' things with computers that ultimately result in data loss. If you don't want the children to delete important files from your tablet, make sure you regularly back up the device. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions to find out how to do this, and consider synchronizing your data with a cloud storage service. Even if you're only protecting precious family photos, it's good to have the reassurance that you won't suffer from a mischievous figure tapping the delete button. Install parental controls Manufacturers design tablet computers so that anyone can pretty much pick up the device and get surfing, but that design also makes it easy for kids to run amok. For example, in the UK, one girl managed to rack up a bill of more than $6,000 by playing 'free' applications on her father's iPad. The good news is that most devices now offer settings to help avoid this. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for more advice, but look for features that help you: Set usage boundaries It's also important to set boundaries with your kids. Make it clear that you're happy for them to use the device, but you expect them only to use the games and applications you approve. You should also put rules in place about when they can and can't use the device. Experts are increasingly concerned that excessive computer use can harm your children. Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine concluded that tablet computers could stunt kids' emotional development because they make it harder for children to control their emotions. In fact, lawmakers in Taiwan recently introduced a law change that means parents have to control the time their kids spend on a computer. Legislation is not necessarily the answer, but parents should still pay close attention to the time their kids' spend using tablet computers. For example, make a point of enjoying applications together, as this can help youngsters have fun and learn new things while spending quality time with their parents. Tablet computers have changed the way people access the Internet, and statistics show that kids love these new devices. That aside, parents must take extra precautions to make sure their kids and their computers don't harm one another. If you or your child has damaged your table and it needs repairs, you can contact a company, like Nation's First Office Repair, that specializes in tablet repairs.Share
Laptops are becoming more and more popular as time goes on. You may not know what you are missing out on if you do not yet have a laptop computer. Here is some laptop advice you can use to help you get the most from your machine. Consider a touchscreen laptop. More and more software for PCs is being created with touchscreen technology in mind, meaning this option will become increasingly essential as time goes on. By purchasing the technology now, you can take advantage of the touchscreen features and not feel a necessity to re-buy another computer for several years. Consider buying a full-sized 15 inch screen if you don't plan on carrying your new laptop around much. It will offer you the best viewing options, as well as being the most cost-effective you can get. Pound for pound, worth their viewing pleasure, even though they are a little heavier than their smaller counterparts. Consider battery life when you go shopping for a laptop. If you have to travel a lot via car or in the air, this is especially important. Check to see how long the battery of your prospective computer is supposed to last. Be careful, though as many manufacturers indicate the battery usage time but it could be at its lowest setting. Try to find out the standard battery life when used in all power modes. Consider how much security you need for your laptop computer. How much personal and business information is available on your device? Fingerprint scanners are used to prohibit access to the operating system. Only the person whose fingerprints scan as the owner will be allowed to use the system. No security measures are full proof, however. You should xbode inspect it thoroughly before going through with the deal if you are purchasing a used laptop from a private seller. Inspect the outside first and make sure it is not damaged. Turn the computer on and make sure it connects to the Internet. You have no guarantees with a private sale, so make sure everything looks good first. Make sure your laptop includes WiFi. While most laptops today do, some older models are still around that do not include this important feature. Without WiFi, you will not be able to connect to a wireless router, and this means you cannot use your laptop in a coffee shop, many hotels or even the airport. If you are buying a laptop on a small budget, look for refurbished laptops. These are used laptops that have been cleaned up and tuned up. You can get a great deal on a perfectly functioning laptop. You still need to do some research to make sure the computer you pick fits your needs. Do you need a CD drive? Many computers today do not come with CD drives. Be sure that any computer you are considering purchasing has a CD drive if you need or want one in a computer. If you aren't sure if you need one, you can always purchase an external CD drive. When trying to choose a laptop, consider what you plan to use it for. For example, there are models meant for business use, and others that are best for gaming. Look for the type you will use and get additional features within your price range. If at all possible, when you buy a new laptop, invest in tracking software for it. If it's lost or stolen whenever the thief logs onto the Internet, these handy programs can locate your laptop. This software has been very successful in helping owners, as well as authorities, track down stolen laptops. Many manufacturers are pushing the public towards hybrid laptops. A hybrid laptop is one that can function as both a tablet and as a laptop. Currently, these products do not excel at either. You can purchase a tablet that is far superior to any hybrid and you can purchase a laptop that will give you a better experience than any hybrid as well. While we all know that laptops can connect to wifi, we don't all have wifi in our home. You have to consider how you will connect your laptop to the network when you are in your house if you don't. Your choices are to buy a laptop with an Ethernet port or a wifi router. Make sure the laptop has a wireless Internet connection. This really comes in handy when you are traveling with your laptop. Many public and private places offer free-wifi so you can access the Internet. You will need a laptop that has a wireless Internet connection in order to do so. Check online to find out how much upgrades to the model you wish to buy are running other customers. You will find complaints online which can sway you from any brand which isn't receptive to upgrading your laptop or point you in the direction of a company which makes it easy if the price is high. Find out what kinds of programs are already going to be on the laptop. You probably will need to use the spreadsheet and word processing software, sometimes. Additionally, check that these are the full versions and not merely demonstration ones. If these are not included on your laptop, it will cost you to have them added. You need to ship it in the right kind of container if you have to ship a laptop somewhere for whatever reason. Many parcel mailing places have boxes and padding specifically for shipping laptops. Consider purchasing one of these, even if you chose the post for actual shipping. To keep laptop thieves from getting into your company's network, if your laptop is stolen, hurry to another computer and change your password to that network. These keeps access to your corporate servers confidential -- and safer. It may also be the difference between you losing just your laptop, or your job as well. Now you have some basic knowledge about choosing the right laptop for your particular needs. Make an effort to keep these tips in mind when you're hunting for the best one. You will soon realize what the rest of us know: laptops are great.
Who is Cillian Murphy? Cillian Murphy is an acclaimed Irish actor known for his versatility, intense performances, and distinctive looks. Born on May 25, 1976, in Douglas, Cork, Ireland, Murphy grew up in a creative and academic environment. His passion for acting became apparent early in life, leading him to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Cillian Murphy Biography Cillian Murphy’s journey in acting began on the stage, with his breakthrough role in the 1996 play “Disco Pigs.” This marked the beginning of a remarkable career that transitioned seamlessly between stage and screen. Murphy’s film debut came with the 1998 drama “Sweety Barrett,” and he continued to gain recognition with roles in films like “28 Days Later” (2002) and “Batman Begins” (2005). |Actor, Singer, Guitarist, Lyricist |Playing in different movies like The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Dunkirk, and the TV series Peaky Blinders |Date of Birth |25 May 1976 |Age (as of 2022) |Douglas, Cork, Ireland |Presentation Brothers College |University College Cork |Orla Murphy, Páidi Murphy, Sile Murphy |Jamie Dornan, Dermot Whelan |Douglas, Cork, Ireland |Aran Murphy, Malachy Murphy |Horse riding, Singing, Playing musical instruments |National Television Award for Outstanding Drama Performance, Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Solo Performance How old is Cillian Murphy? As of December 20, 2023, Cillian Murphy is 47 years old. His longevity in the industry is a testament to his talent and commitment to his craft. Cillian Murphy Height Standing at 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm), Murphy may not be the tallest actor in Hollywood, but his commanding presence and on-screen charisma make him stand out in any crowd. Cillian Murphy’s Net Worth With a successful career spanning over two decades, Cillian Murphy has accumulated a substantial net worth. While specific figures may vary, his earnings are estimated to be in the range of tens of millions of dollars, reflecting both his artistic achievements and commercial success. Cillian Murphy Height Compared to Other Popular Actors In the world of entertainment, height can be a topic of curiosity. However, Murphy’s stature at 5’9″ puts him on par with many leading actors. His talent and screen presence have always spoken louder than any physical attribute. Cillian Murphy’s involvement in the film industry has not been without controversy. His casting as J. Robert Oppenheimer in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film raised eyebrows due to concerns of whitewashing, given Oppenheimer’s historical background. The controversy sparked discussions about casting choices and representation in the film industry, shedding light on the ongoing need for diversity and authenticity in storytelling. Cillian Murphy’s Best Movies Murphy’s filmography boasts a diverse range of genres, showcasing his ability to excel in everything from horror to drama. Notable movies in his career include “Inception” (2010), “The Dark Knight” trilogy, “Peaky Blinders” (TV series), “The Wind That Shakes the Barley” (2006), and “Red Eye” (2005). Where Cillian Murphy live? Cillian Murphy is known to be a private individual, keeping details about his personal life away from the public eye. Information about his current residence is not readily available. What nationality is Cillian? Cillian Murphy is proudly Irish, representing the rich cultural heritage of his home country on the global stage. What religion is Cillian? While Cillian Murphy’s religious beliefs are not extensively discussed in the public domain, he generally maintains a private stance on his personal life, including matters of faith. Why Cillian Murphy is so famous? Cillian Murphy’s fame can be attributed to his exceptional acting skills and the ability to immerse himself into a wide array of roles. His enigmatic performances, coupled with a chameleon-like ability to transform on screen, have earned him the admiration of audiences and critics alike. Is Cillian Murphy’s wife an actress? Cillian Murphy is married to Yvonne McGuinness, an accomplished visual artist. Unlike some Hollywood couples, Murphy and McGuinness prefer to keep their personal life low-key, with limited information available about their relationship in the public domain. Cillian Murphy remains a captivating figure in the entertainment industry, leaving an indelible mark with each role he undertakes. From his early days on the stage in Ireland to becoming an international film and television sensation, Murphy’s journey continues to inspire and entertain audiences around the world.
My wife undoubtedly looks forward to throwing her parties, plus I look forward to hiding out in the basement lady cave while she hosts them. I will do all of the manual labor, set up the tables or decorations, go buy the food plus drinks, plus everything else she may need, however when the party starts I go hide out in our lady cave to watch athletic activities plus drink beer. I will do almost anything for her, however making small talk with her wifeys is not a single of those things. My lady cave is fairly large, because I took over the entire basement. I have our own temperature control down here, so that I can best utilize the zone temperature controls for our central Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. What this means, in more straight-forward terms, is that I can set our own cooling levels without those upstairs. My wife could set her temperature control even though she wanted for her party, it would not affect myself and others down here. The only problem this time was that her temperature control stopped working, plus no matter what she did she could not get the A/c to turn on. She was on the verge of panic when I made her a deal — she plus her friends could go to the basement plus enjoy the AC down there, although I got the rest of the home to myself for the evening. Once they all went downstairs, I changed out the batteries in the temperature control plus turned the cooling system back on. It undoubtedly was that straight-forward of a problem to fix.
The H.264/AVC HD Video Decoder IP Core is a high-performance, fault-tolerant real-time decoder of HD video or video/audio data. It can handle resolutions up to 1920x1080 and framerates up to 120fps. The core detects incoming video parameters and adapts accordingly. It is ideal for applications that require hardware-grade reliability and fault-tolerant operation. |Up to FHD(2048 × 1080p) at 60fps |4:2:0 or 4:2:2 |8 or 10 bit |Elementary or Transport Stream The H.264 HD Video Decoder IP Core can be evaluated on SOC's Evaluation Kits. Evaluation kits include a carrier-board with all the ports and extensions needed for most video-based applications. The module and carrier board firmware are reconfigurable, and we can license board files if needed. Begin the evaluation process through any of these methods:
Bigg Boss 11: You’ll be shocked to know who’s the new captain of the house! Controversial show, Bigg Boss recently witnessed Priyank’s re-entry in the house and with this, the house is sure to pique the interest of many avid fans as to what will unfold next! And adding further excitement to the episode airing tonight, the housemates will elect Luv Tyagi as the captain of the house. Luv, who entered the house as a padosi, was expected to create more hullabaloo in the house, however, he gradually fizzled out. The lad has been tagged as one of the most boring contestants and we feel he has managed to come so far once because of the immunity he has won. Luck has been favourable to him on many instances and a fine example would be of the time when the inmates picked on Lucinda for eviction and the phase when the eliminations were nullified due to Diwali celebrations. Luv has been nominated for this week too and if he is saved, he will be immune from the eliminations for the next week as well. With him not being able to deliver content, we wonder how long will his stay in the glass walled house be prolonged? Also, with him being given a chance of captaincy, it’ll be interesting to know how will his stance change! Fun fact – Luv competed against Sapna Choudhary for the captaincy.
While MFI is excited that MA citizens will have the opportunity to repeal the Bathroom and Locker Room Law in 2018, next month, we have the chance to stop the legalization of recreational marijuana. MFI is working with a broad, bipartisan coalition of leaders throughout the Commonwealth who understand the dangers of marijuana. Please vote NO on Question 4 this November to protect children and teens from the slippery slope that is recreational marijuana. Some facts you should know about Question 4: - It is a ballot measure that’s all about commercialization, not legalization. It’s a business plan disguised as a law, designed to enable a billion-dollar-a-year commercial marijuana industry to set up shop all across Massachusetts. Whatever you feel about marijuana, Question 4 is the wrong direction and goes too far. - It specifically authorizes the sale and promotion of high potency marijuana edibles. - It will increase the danger from drugged driving while offering no solutions to this growing problem. - It would mean communities and homeowners lose control. Please see this newly released video that seeks to educate voters on Question 4:
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Archive for the ‘ School Visits ’ Category One of the upsides of doing so many virtual events these days is that I can make presentations and ‘visit’ with lots of schools without actually leaving my office. I did a bunch of these events to celebrate the release of Fallout, and a few were recorded. For those wondering what I usually talk about […] While we’re all stuck at home… Here’s a short writing exercise I do a lot in schools – we take a scene from my book Bomb and write our own versions. Let me know how it goes! Okay, maybe you never wanted to know this much about me… but a group of third grade students at Castleton Elementary School in New York made this amazing movie/alphabet book all about my life and work. I’d even forgotten some of this stuff – but it’s all true! This is really cool. Last week I visited a high school in the town of Penn Yan, NY, and the librarian had me give a presentation on my book Undefeated just for the football team. They seemed to be into it – but it’s not always easy to tell with teenagers. But then, this week, […] I do a lot Skype visits with classes, and I feel pretty goofy talking into a webcam… but this program turned out well. It’s a student webinar about my book Bomb, produced by the amazing World War II Museum in New Orleans. Basically, I tell some of the stories from the book – similar to […] One of the best things about my job is that when I do speaking events, people almost always come up to me and tell me about family connections to one of the stories I’ve written about. This is especially true since Bomb came out – about 200,000 people worked on the Manhattan Project, so it […] When I visit schools to talk about my books, I usually give a quick version of my long and winding path to this job I have now. The part students seem most interested in is the time, in the mid-1990s, when my brother Ari and I lived together in Austin, Texas, and attempted to become […]
Knock-out Cup – Summary A keen group of shooters met this morning at 10am for the traditional ‘Cup’. It was a nice surprise that even the Consul General of Switzerland, Markus Thür and his wife, registered for the competition. We saw some good shooting thru-out the competition. Markus got far but had some bad luck with one ‘off-shot’ so that our Club president Dierk made it to the semi-final. Paul Schweizer had a rough start with his new shooting glasses but once he sorted this out he improved in every round and won an interesting final by one point. Stefan – who shot with Paul’s riffle was in the end put to 2nd place. Congratulations to all the shooters and the winner Paul. Dear Shooting Comrades! Ich wünsche allen ein gutes 2023 mit vielen Treffern! Wishing you all a good 2023 with many ‘Bull’s Eyes!’ President Mettler Memorial Cup Knock-Out Competition Saturday 21 January 10h00 KLAWER Navy Range Please advise attendance by replying asap to Dierk Lüthi (Latest by Wednesday 18 Jan 2023/2000) Liebe Schützenfreunde aus Nah und Fern Wir danken Euch allen ganz herzlich für die Teilnahme an unserem Fernschiessen und freuen uns Euch auch dieses Jahr zu den Teilnehmern und Interessenten zu zählen. Wir werden die Unterlagen wie gewohnt in den nächsten Wochen versenden. Sofern Ihr schon jetzt Informationen oder weitere Unterlagen möchtet könnt Ihr Euch jederzeit bei uns auch per Email melden. Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Start in die Saison 2023. Gut Schuss und viele Zehner! Mit Schützengruss aus Kapstadt. The SRC Cape Town officially participates in various Swiss based shooting programs. The club records and submits these official program result for all members to Switzerland for them to be adjudicated and verified. There are numerous awards, certificates or medals that various programs offer as recognition to the members in relation to their scores. These medals and certificates are issued in Switzerland and brought over to South Africa where the club distributes to the members at the annual prize giving. So what are these programs? Here is a list of the most popular and participated in official Swiss Shooting programs: Feldschiessen (Veld Shooting) Schweizerische Sektions Mesiterschaft aka SSM (Swiss Sections Championship) Einzelwettscheissen aka EWS (Single discipline Shooting) All the above programs are shot from the 300 Meter mark from the targets Over and above the Official Shoots we participate in we also have some Club championships not only between the members of the Cape Town club but also against the Swiss Rifle Clubs in Johannesburg and Durban. The club programs are administered locally by the club and some of the competitions are: Presidents Mettler Cup Metzger Stich Freddy Schweizer Inter Town Willy Wyman Piggy Shoot The Piggy shoot is the clubs annual fun family shooting day. Here we use the old K31 rifles chambered in .22LR. The .22LR is a very small round and has virtually no recoil. For this reason, children can shoot this round without being scared off by a strong and unpleasant recoil. The shoot is very popular and there are normally many prizes in the form of Traditional Swiss Sausages and Ham’s. All the programs above have various different shooting sequences, distances, and time frames to complete the program. These are best learnt on the range. There are always members available to explain how to shoot the different programs on the range. There is always a “scorer” at each shooting position who writes down the scores of the shooter. These members normally know how to adjust sights and how the programs are to be shot. There are two main type of targets which are as follows: The A5, A10 or A100 Target. (5,10,100 reference is to the maximum score one can achieve off one target) The B4 Target. (The 4 again references the highest score one can shoot on the target) So now you know what the main Rifles and Targets look like, shoot and shoot at. We currently mainly run three different types of rifles. These are as follows: Carbine K31 (1931) – Chambered in GP 11 – 7.5 x 55mm (Wooden Stock Rifle – Single Bolt Action) SIG 510-0 aka “Sturmgewehr” aka StG57 – Chambered in GP 11 – 7.5 x 55mm (Black Metal/Plastic Semi Automatic Rifle) SIG 550 aka “Sturmgewehr 90“ – Chambered in the 5.6mm Swiss GP-90 round (Green Metal/Polymer Semi Automatic Rifle with a folding stock) Identical to the 5.56mm NATO 7.5 x 55mm GP-11 Ammumition 5.6 x 45mm GP-90 ammunition Now you know what Rifles and ammo the members of the SRC Cape Town club shoot. Where does the SRC shoot? The SRC Cape Town mainly shoot at the two military ranges in Cape Town. One being the SA Navy Range – Klawer Shooting Range and the other being the Army Range – Atlantis Military Range. On occasion we make use of the Western Cape Shooting Union’s shooting range which is basically in the same area as the Atlantis shooting range. What would a standard day on the range with the SRC look like? Prior to a shoot day, the club secretary would send out a reminder of the shooting day approaching and ask for members to confirm their participation or absenteeism. It is necessary to know which persons will be participating on the day, as the club committee needs to supply a name list of participants for the day prior to the shooting day. Therewith, it is important for members to advise if they will be attending or not. In addition, it also assists with the ordering of sausages and rolls for the day, in advance. On the day, members are required to arrive timeously. This in turn facilitates a good early start to the days shooting. Once members arrive, they are required to note their presence with the administrator on the day. This is normally at the clubs shooting trailer and admin area. Once the member has presented him or herself then they must sign in on the range register and fill in the required indemnity if not done previously. Once the indemnity and any other forms are signed one can then approach the administration table to receive ones shooting booklet and score sheets. Here one also pays for the program and ammunition and refreshments. Once this is done there is normally a short welcome and explanation of the days proceedings done by one of the committee members and then the range is handed over to the Range Master. Once a member has their score sheet, book and ammo, they will then advise the Range Master that they are ready to shoot and advise the Range Master which programs they will be shooting, so that the Range Master can know which targets the member needs to shoot. The member then waits for the range master to call them up for their turn to shoot at an available shooting spot. Once all members have shot the range will be closed and packing up will commence. Once the packing up has been completed then there is an opportunity by those members who wish to join other members for food and drinks at the club house or other. This is where many can relax after a fun day shooting and enjoy some Swiss sausages and a beer. It is always a pleasant and relaxing time where members get to chat and catch up with each other. On occasion there will be a prize giving after the shoots, but these will be announced at the introduction earlier. These are mainly for a small portion of the local shooting competitions. What do I wear and what do I bring to the range? Members are required to dress appropriately for a shooting day. Normally in a long-legged pants with a neat shirt of any kind, with decent closed shoes. Some members have officially accredited Shooting Jackets, but this is not essential. Ear and eye protection is provided by the club at all shoots, but it is good for members who shoot a lot to invest in their own for their own comfort. Hats and sunscreen are optional and recommended for those hot sunny summer days out on the range. Water and soft drinks are normally available as are sausages and rolls with mustard, but members are welcome to bring any refreshments they fancy. There is a very strict no alcohol policy on all ranges and no alcohol drinking or even presence will be tolerated by the Range Master. Those that smoke are to do so with courtesy and away from all ammunition, firearms and the firing line. Members that have rifles, ammo and other shooting accessories normally bring those for their own use. The club rifles will be available to all members who do not have a rifle or wish to shoot a different type than their own. What are the obligations of members to the club? Swiss citizens can join the club at anytime through contacting the club chairman or president. Non Swiss citizens can apply for membership through a members proposal. The club may not have more than 49% non Swiss citizens as members and so these places are limited. The application will then be reviewed at the AGM by all members and if the application is seconded then the person will become an official member of the club. All members should attend the annual general meeting (AGM) and also the annual prize giving. Other than these two official events the members may attend shooting days and other events at their convenience. On shooting days, the club members normally assist in the general days chores of setting up and packing up. This is done voluntarily by members who are able to do so, as it can be physical. There is an annual club “Cleaning” day which is a day where all members join into clean rifles and equipment and is a great casual day for interactions and discussions between members. It is also a good way to learn the finer details about the rifles and how they operate etc. What does it cost to be a member of the SRC? All members are obligated to pay the annual club fee which is nominal. There is a first registration fee for those that join the club for the first time after a successful application. Other than this there are no other obligatory fees. The only other costs are for the ammunition and program costs on the day of shooting. Is it safe? Safety is a responsibility of every single person that enters a shooting range. There is always an accredited and qualified Range Officer on the range at all times during each shooting day. It is important for members to understand the rules of the range and to adhere to them. Members are to respect the instructions of the range officer at all times, and comply with their requests or commands. Nobody may handle a weapon unless permission is given by the range officer. Can I participate as a visitor? Visitors are welcome to join on any given day, unless it is an official Members day only, like the Feldschiessen day. Normally a visitor will be invited to attend through a club member. What does a person benefit from being a member of the Swiss Rifle Club? There are numerous reasons for people to join the SRC. Some do so to enjoy the sport they love. Others to continue in the Swiss competitions and to compete against, not only other members, but also against themselves. Others join simply to be a part of a community of people who hold similar interests and the Swiss culture. Over and above these mentioned above, being a member one can qualify as a dedicated sports shooter by scoring points through participation in the club and shooting programs. This allows one to be able to purchase a sports shooting firearm, which isa requirement of the state when applying. Over and above this one also has the opportunity to buy the Swiss GP-11 and GP-90 ammunition for the Swiss rifles, for personal use, if one holds the relevant license. Every 5 years the Swiss Federation holds a worldwide shooting festival in Switzerland where all Swiss Club Members can enter and shoot for their clubs’ glory! This is a great privilege for avid shooters as it is always a great event to attend. So where to from here?If you are interested in what the club stands for and has to offer, then feel free to contact any of the club members or club committee members for an application form. We take it from there.
Welcome to Tarot at Home, where we explore the mystical world of tarot cards and learn how they can guide us through life’s journey. In this article, we will delve into the meanings of two powerful cards – the Seven of Wands and the Queen of Cups. These cards possess unique qualities, and their combination brings forth a wealth of insight into the fields of love, finance, and health. So, let’s dive right in! Individually, the Seven of Wands represents courage, determination, and resilience. It depicts a figure standing on a hill, bravely defending their territory against six opposing wands. This card symbolizes the importance of standing up for oneself, even in the face of challenges. It urges you to tap into your inner strength and hold your ground, refusing to be swayed by others. This card encourages you to embrace your authentic self and confront any obstacles head-on, ready to fight for what you believe in. On the other hand, the Queen of Cups embodies empathy, intuition, and emotional grace. She sits gracefully on her throne, holding a cup that symbolizes her connection with her emotions and intuition. This card represents the nurturing and compassionate nature that resides within you. The Queen of Cups indicates a deep understanding of your own feelings as well as the ability to empathize with others. This card encourages you to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition, as it will guide you towards making decisions from a place of emotional wisdom. When these two cards come together in a reading, an interesting dynamic emerges. The combination of the Seven of Wands and the Queen of Cups suggests a unique blend of strength and sensitivity. It signifies the need to defend your emotional boundaries without losing touch with your compassionate side. This pairing encourages you to stand your ground, asserting your needs and values, while remaining mindful of the impact your words and actions may have on others. Finding this delicate balance allows you to protect yourself and those you care about, while fostering harmony and emotional well-being. In matters of love, this combination indicates that strength and vulnerability can coexist. It suggests that you may need to assert yourself and defend your relationship or personal boundaries. However, it is crucial to remember that genuine connection thrives on empathy and emotional openness. By combining the qualities of both cards, you can create a truly loving and supportive partnership. In terms of finance, the Seven of Wands and the Queen of Cups combination encourages you to be assertive and confident in your financial decisions. It may indicate the need to stand up for your financial interests, such as negotiating a fair deal or advocating for a raise. At the same time, maintaining emotional balance will ensure that you make choices aligned with your values and long-term financial well-being. Regarding health, this pairing emphasizes the importance of self-care and emotional well-being. It urges you to stand up for your health needs, whether it be setting boundaries around your time or advocating for proper healthcare. By honoring your emotional needs and listening to your intuition, you can create a solid foundation for overall well-being. In conclusion, the Seven of Wands and the Queen of Cups, when combined, offer a powerful message of strength, compassion, and the ability to assert oneself while maintaining emotional balance. Remember to embrace your inner resilience, defend your boundaries, and listen to your intuition throughout the journey of life. The tarot cards have spoken – the path to a fulfilling life lies in the harmonious integration of both strength and compassion.
Dating an excellent Pisces guy can make you feel as if you wandered into profiles away from a fairy tale romance - ноември 3, 2022 - real hookup sites - Няма коментари It is one of the most natural and you may impulsive signs of the new Zodiac. But not only you to definitely, Pisces man seemingly have modelled themselves to the Prince Pleasant. He desires build all of the date phenomenal and you may remarkable. This is actually the kid that may publication a drive for the a beneficial horse-removed carriage from inside the New york. He commonly hang up the phone twinkling fairy lights on the lawn to make a keen enchanted ambiance. He will beat your which have child gloves and you can soreness. Whatsoever, you are their little princess and those cup slippers break easily. Pisces boy it is appears like the best big date. But, and there’s always a however, I am scared, he doesn’t bring be sure to so you can women who need to transform him. Sure, he could be all about understanding and you will travel one religious flat on next profile, however, towards the his terms. Start pushing him or suggesting your really does anything in another way as to what the guy wants and you may he’s going to sequence those people fairy lighting up in anybody else’s lawn. Pisces Boys In love Now that you’ve got smart out of how to make good Pisces guy miss you, let us drill on to just how Pisces guy acts when he’s inside love. Pisces man are compassionate, caring, close and certainly will treat you love an effective fairy little princess. He always shocks you having considerate gift ideas and you can gestures. The guy generally seems to intuit when to back down of course to help you leave you appeal. When Pisces men belong like it slide difficult and you may deep. He will state what you should you love ‘ I’ve never considered by doing this in advance of ‘ or ‘ I’m shocked that I have discovered my personal soulmate ‘, however, be wary. He is probably said one of those some thing just before, some other girls. It isn’t that he is a person or an excellent liar, it’s that he in all honesty believes exactly what he or she is stating is the information during the time. He is never felt like that ahead of, and you’re their soulmate. But each one of Pisces mans relationship is actually significantly datingreviewer net various other. Therefore he extremely believes he is receive the newest love of his existence this time around. Otherwise his soulmate. Remember that so it sign is found on a studying travels off development throughout the themselves as well as the universe. He notices all of the matchmaking because an opportunity to build and you will fulfil next religious level. Unfortuitously to you personally, it indicates you can just be several other rung with the their hierarchy to spiritual attainment, However,, you can choice you to at that time, he it is intended what he said. Pisces Boy In A relationship Because this sign try influenced by Neptune, the endless dreamer, the guy will not be the quintessential legitimate partner you’ve ever endured. He’s going to ignore important times, feel nonchalant about remembering birthdays and you will wedding anniversaries. His lead is in the clouds and as such he is adjustable including the snap. Preparations you made along with her won’t hold-up and you can he or she is already changed their brain and you will adapted to another situation. He is simply destroyed to inform your. It is not personal nevertheless would be soft hard becoming with the receiving avoid. Several other frustrating feature away from Pisces boy would be the fact the guy will not know exactly what he desires. Due to their changeable nature he’s got not a clue about what makes your pleased. He can be chaotic and you will work into reaction, similar to tides out-of an ocean. This can be one who is inconsistent and obscure sometimes. Of all the astrology signs, he is plus the you to definitely probably so you’re able to ghost your otherwise treat your for no noticeable need. It is because the guy alter their head such as the tides regarding this new oceans. It’s difficult knowing what your location is that have your.
or "Freight hauler with a sense of humor" I made the observation that not many feature stories were written in the small-town newspapers back in the early 1900s. As fate would have it, after making that remark, I came across several articles in the old Hallettsville Herald that I found to be very interesting, if not downright hilarious. Take for example the one about a fellow known simply as "Hazel" - back in 1902 it seems he had several adventures that were quite humorous and I would like to share them with you this week. Squire Townsend, a well-known Hallettsville judge, told the story to the The following article is printed just as it appeared when first Hallettsville Herald - February 6, 1902 the early days of Hallettsville before the whistle of the iron horse was heard, and freighting between this place and Port Lavaca and Houston was engaged in extensively," said Squire Townsend while in a reminiscent mood. "There lived a man named Hazel in the northern edge of the county, who engaged in the business. was a big, rough fellow with a streak of humor in his composition and who was one of the most expert men with the bull whip I ever saw. His power was the pride of his comrade freighters. "I remember an incident that happened in Houston which will illustrate Hazel's deft handling of the whip. Hazel had stopped his team of six mules in front of a hotel and was conversing with a friend. A drummer - one of the first of that profession in Texas - hailing from New York, was standing near "A big horse fly lit on the ear of a mule leader. Hazel, without moving from his lounging attitude, swung his black snake [whip] through the air, nipping the fly from the ear, with the end of the curling lash, without touching the ear. "The astonished drummer could not believe but what was an accident, and Hazel offered to wager a dollar that he could pin another fly to the drummer's pants and repeat the trick. "The wager was accepted, a fly caught and pinned to the drummer's pants above the knee. Hazel carefully stepped back the requisite distance and balanced his whip. There was a twinkle in his eye and his friends waited expectantly. Again the lash swished through the air, and mingled with the pistol like clap, came an agonized yell from the drummer that could have been heard half a mile. "The lash made a keen slit in the fellow's pants and flesh like a knife cut. Hazel paid his wager, but contended that he was due another chance as he had slightly miscalculated the distance. Needless to say the drummer "The same Hazel had a voice half bass and half tenor. When speaking he would start with the base, and then break into a finer tone which made it sound as if two distinct persons were talking. "One evening just about dark, while in Houston, and under the influence of liquor, he went out walking. An abandoned well lay in his path, and it was his luck to fall in. The well was just deep enough to make it impossible to climb "He yelled for help and an Irish laborer came along. 'Help me out of here,' called Hazel, his voice breaking from base to tenor. The Irishman turned away in disgust saying, 'Faith there be two of yez, why the devil don't yez help each other out,' and left Hazel in his uncomfortable position." Star Diary February 13, 2009 Column | Features | Columns | Texas Towns | People | Old News | Texas
BY SAMUEL OYEWOLE The area at risk stretches from the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. At least four ships have been hijacked off the Somalia coast since November 2023. Concern has risen amid the Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthi group’s militant campaign of support for Hamas, the Palestinian political and military organisation governing Gaza and currently at war with Israel. Many observers suspect a collaboration between Somali pirates and the Houthis. I have researched piracy off the east coast of Africa, counter piracy efforts and the enduring relevance of naval power. I have no doubt that the Houthi attacks have emboldened the Somali pirates. Their collaboration or at least combination is undermining security off the east coast of Africa and may not be resolved solely by military means. The combination of Houthi maritime attacks and Somali piracy has disrupted traffic in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and Mediterranean. Most ships are taking the longer route around Africa, and this is increasing shipping costs and lengthening shipping time, with negative implications for prices and the global economy. The Suez Canal, which accounted for 12% to 15% of the total global trade in 2023, recorded a 42% decrease in ship traffic over December 2023 and January 2024, according to the UN’s trade and development agency, Unctad. The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. For instance, shipping from the UK, east Africa’s key trading partner, mostly passes through the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea. These developments and others have raised the cost of shipping globally by more than 100%, and from Shanghai to Europe by 256%. The global economy incurred a colossal loss at the peak of Somali piracy. The World Bank estimates that Somali pirates not only kidnapped seafarers but also received between US$339 million and US$413 million as ransom for hijacked ships between 2005 and 2012. The threat raised the cost of shipping, as shipping firms had to spend billions of dollars to install security equipment and hire guards aboard. They also had to pay more as compensation to endangered crew and insurance for goods. One Earth Foundation, a nonprofit organisation, estimated that US$7 billion was lost to Somali piracy at its peak in 2011. PREPAREDNESS OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING The threat of the Houthis and Somali pirates against maritime commerce has attracted international military responses. Prior to the latest crisis, the US, France and China maintained a significant military presence in Djibouti. This has since been activated and, in some cases, reinforced, for maritime policing in the Gulf of Aden. In addition, India and Iran, among other nations, have deployed warships to the region. The US and the UK have jointly launched airstrikes to undermine Houthi capabilities and motivations for maritime attacks in the region. But the group has intensified its attacks. But the threats of maritime piracy and terrorism off the east coast of Africa have persisted. Without confidence in the current security situation in the region, many ships have rerouted around Africa to avoid the hotspot. Previously, the threat of Somali piracy to global trade attracted a series of multinational initiatives. These included efforts to combat Al Shabaab and reconstruct Somalia state authority to govern its territory. Many countries deployed their navy to the region. The EU naval operation Atlanta commenced in the region in December 2008, and that of the US in January 2009. Similarly, Operation Ocean Shield by Nato, the military alliance of EU and north American states, started in August 2009. Russia, China, India and Iran also deployed warships to the region. These forces joined the regional players in north and east Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to combat Somali piracy. Many pirates from Somalia were arrested, imprisoned and tried across the world or killed. Consequently, Somali piracy eventually declined from its peak in 2011 to zero in 2015. Except for 2017, when attacks were recorded, Somali pirates have generally kept a low profile from 2018 until November 2023. The current counter piracy efforts mainly revolve around military power, coalition building and diplomatic engagements. Little effort is being made to resolve the root causes and trigger of the crisis. To address the emerging crisis off the east coast of Africa, there is a need to take a holistic approach to security in the region. More concerted efforts are required to address the root causes of the crisis, starting with strengthening the Somali state to govern its territorial space. Ending the Gaza war that attracted the solidarity of the Houthis, which in turn emboldened Somali pirates, is also important for the general stability of the region. Samuel Oyewole Lecturer, Political Science, Federal University, Oye Ekiti
The presidents of Somalia, Mohamed Farmaajo, and Somaliland’s Muse Bihi Abdi are expected to meet in Djibouti this week under the invitation of Djibouti leader Ismail Guelleh. Sources also indicate representatives from the African Union, the European Union, the US and Ethiopia are expected to attend. While the agenda of the meeting is not clear, sources quoted by VOA journalist Harun Maruf indicate the two main topics of discussion will be to build confidence between the two sides and start a process that can lead to a negotiated settlement. Also, with the election for the non-permanent UNSC members happening on June 17, the candidature of Djibouti could be on the table. Although Kenya is the candidate endorsed by the AU, Djibouti has contested the endorsement and has instead on remaining in the race. Farmaajo and Abdi earlier met in Addis Ababa on February 11 his year. Two days later, Maruf says, President Farmaajo apologised for atrocities committed in Somaliland under previous governments. “Nation needs to correct a dark chapter and apologise to our brothers who were killed, maimed in the north,” Farmaajo said. Maruf notes that a proposed follow up visit to Somaliland by PM Abiy and President Farmaajo in February was postponed after a strong opposition from sectors of Somaliland political leadership. “If the summit takes place it will be historic event. In a matter of days, Somalia and Somaliland will mark the 60th anniversary of independence from the British and Italian colonies,” Haruf says. He poses pertinent questions: After 60 years, where will things go from here? For almost 30 years Somalia insisted unity of the country is sacred. Likewise, Somaliland insisted decision to secede is sacred, non-negotiable. What could be an amicable outcome which can satisfy the two opposite positions? Why now? The leaders of Somalia and Somaliland have met before – Sheikh Sharif Ahmed met Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo; and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo. “Key development in this case is the external factor, i.e. pressure from high profile influential actors,” Maruf quotes sources. Journalist Abdishakur Mohamed says the mediation of both sides is very important because they failed to agree to be reunited or allowed referendum from the public. He however says Farmaajo takes blame because he has failed to collaborate with federal states, ad he is in the last days of his term. Somalia politician Halane Abdulkadir says Ethiopia is always working with Somalia In pursuit of her political interests. “I welcome any dialogue between us but no foreign intervention,” Abdulkadir says.
There’s a special feeling of welcome everywhere as you travel the Sunrise Trail, a scenic drive along the northeastern coast of Nova Scotia. It’s a part of everything, from the warmth of the gentle surf that caresses broad sand beaches to the friendly people you’ll meet everywhere you go. There’s a special beauty along the Sunrise Trail, too. Gently rolling farmlands create a quilt of emerald green fields that meets the sparkling blue waters of the Northumberland Strait. Country roads wind along sandy shores with their bright red bluffs and tidal saltmarshes that are vibrant with life. Timeless towns and villages, where generations have harvested the bounty of land and sea, now wait to be explored. Gracious accommodations offer a home away from home. There are fine restaurants, colourful shops and art galleries, as well as museums, summer theatre, and a fine arts centre. Good food and festivals are our specialty. Approx. touring distances along the Sunrise Trail: Amherst–Tidnish 23 km Tidnish–Pugwash 31 km Amherst–Pugwash 44 km Pugwash–Tatamagouche 40 km Tatamagouche–Pictou 60 km Pictou–New Glasgow 15 km New Glasgow–Antigonish 67 km Antigonish–Auld’s Cove 58 km (above is an excerpt from the official Nova Scotia Tourism website)
I’ve reached a point where I understand cognitively that I create my own reality, and I’m slowly getting to a point where I feel it and even believe it. I’ve been focusing on feeling good and reminding myself that there is no wrong anywhere in the Universe. I find myself clinging to those words as I await a decision which I feel will have a huge impact on my life and those of my children. I see evidence of my growth in the way I am handling this divorce process. There have been several manifestation events where I’ve managed to shift my perspective of things I initially perceived as negative, instead viewing them as positive events happening for me. I’ve identified limiting beliefs such as “It’s important for others to view me as a good person” and “I must comply with the wishes of others in order to feel safe” and “Others can create in my reality.” I’ve been finding ways to reduce the intensity of those beliefs, and overall I’m feeling better more of the time than ever before. But, I still find fear cropping up around the recommendation that will soon be issued by a court-ordered mediator regarding who (either my former partner or myself) will be the primary caregiver for our children. My belief (perhaps a limiting one?) is that my children truly would be better served with me as their primary caregiver, therefore I am having trouble detaching from the outcome. How can I best prepare myself to receive this decision in a way that is aligned with my inner self, regardless of what the decision may be? And a follow-up…even if I get the decision I perceive as “good”, i.e. that I remain the primary caregiver, another limiting belief I would like to release is that my former partner will contest it and we will end up in court. I would love to get to a place where I feel good no matter what directions this all takes…any suggestions? Thank so much! We are in awe of your awareness. You understand the mechanism of physical reality in terms that few know. You are a leading-edge thinker and we are delighted to embark upon this journey with you. We completely understand the place you find yourself in right now and we must put forth to you once again that this is the perfect place to start. You have raised your vibration high enough to have found us and now we are engaged in conversation. You have done the thinking and feeling work necessary to prepare yourself for the divorce and custody process. Now it’s all a matter of managing your vibration in the thick of it. First, we will begin at the basis of all creation; your vibration. Your vibration includes within it all of your desires. It radiates out to the universe and the universe responds. You are the center of your universe, therefore the universe responds to whatever it is that you want regardless of the desires of others. Remember that the universe is focused on you and you can receive all that you want if you allow it. Let’s imagine that you want two things; whatever is best for your children and to be their primary caregiver. Which of these desires holds more weight for you? One of them outweighs the other. Above all, you want what’s best for your children. If that entails you being their primary caregiver, then that’s wonderful. However, if that does not happen, you will still be concerned for their overall well-being. You truly want what’s best for them. This is your primary concern. Therefore, the universe is responding to this most important desire; the well-being of your children. You can now be assured that the universe is working this out for you, for them, and even for your ex. It is all happening for you. You simply allow it to happen without resistance. If you are awarded custody, that decision is best for your children. If your ex is awarded custody, then that decision is best for your children. If it is best for them, then it is best for you, even if you can’t see it right now. Your children chose their parents and the time and place of their birth. They made this choice because they intended certain things before they were born. They knew that their childhood with you as their parents would launch them on a trajectory to a life experience that would provide them with the basis of exploration and expansion. This divorce process is part of that trajectory. We would not be speaking in such detail to most people, but we believe you are ready for this leading-edge conversation. It is important for you to go into this with the higher perspective. What is best for your children cannot be known by you at this time. If you were to coerce this situation so that you got what you think you want, you might alter your children’s’ trajectory. You might unknowingly cause an event which would disrupt their paths. What is best for them is also best for you, you just can’t see that from where you stand right now. We are not saying it will be best for them to stay with you or with your ex. What we are saying is that whatever happens will be best for them and for you. If it turns out that they stay with you, you can know that this is the best possible outcome for all concerned. If they stay with your ex, you can be assured this is the best possible outcome for all concerned. It may not seem like it now, but from the higher perspective, it will be rather obvious. From the future, looking back at this time, it will be rather obvious and from that vantage point, you will be grateful that things happened as they did. So then, what are you to do now? How are you to manage your vibration during this process? You are to become an allower. You are to feel good during the process. Most of those around you will not feel good. You will struggle to feel good. But feeling good and being in a positive emotional state of being will yield far better results. When you are aligned with the higher perspective while in the midst of turmoil, you will have access to higher level thoughts and ideas. You will say the right thing at the right time. You will be seen as reasonable and responsible. Others, including your ex, will feel comfortable around you and will feel your inner strength and calm. You will be received as powerful. If you were to hold onto the limited perspective and allow yourself to be consumed with fear, you would sink into the lower emotional state of resistance. From this state of being you have access to lower-vibrational thoughts and ideas. You will come across as fearful and desperate. You will say and do things that contradict who you really are. You will not have the leverage of the universe backing you up. You will cut yourself off from the support that is being formed around you. By accepting that whatever happens is in the best interest of your children, you adopt the higher perspective and you remain aligned with what you want and who you really are. From this stance you are incredibly powerful, persuasive and attractive. You attract what it is you want. From this stance you move into the easy state of allowing where everything you want can easily flow to you. From this state you are non-resistant and you project calm, ease, confidence and love. By projecting love, you will receive love. By being calm, you will receive calm. Non-resistance is extremely powerful in a situation like this. The best way to alleviate the fear you feel is by trusting that it is all working out and by having faith in the mechanism of physical reality. This is your world. This is your experience. As long as you do not resist it, it must all be working out for you. You are loved more than you could imagine and supported by more than you could count.
WHO WE ARE WHO WE ARE The UTE is a family-friendly restaurant located inside the CityROCK Climbing Gym. We are friendly to all ages and offer an outstanding beer selection that rotates to keep the flavors fresh. Our menu is proudly made to be fresh, healthy, and all dishes are made to order. The building, formerly called the Ute 70, housed a movie theater that closed in 1991, became an antique store and is now home to CityROCK Climbing Gym. The pub area is located where the old concessions area of the theater once stood. Through the years the restaurant has taken a path through many different identities but has always strived to achieve one unified goal, to be a staple in the downtown Colorado Springs community. We aim to host great events, serve quality food, and offer some of the best beers on tap this city has to offer. Colorado knows beer, this isn’t a secret by any means. So when you see amazing craft beer on our tap list like brews from Upslope, Good River, Resolute, Crooked Stave, Dry Dock and more, you know we are doing our best to bring you the best. With a rotating tap list and over 80+ different beers to choose from, you can rest assured you will find something you enjoy and probably a new favorite. Check back often on our beer list for new brews and if you have a favorite you don’t see, let us know! We love to talk shop and our knowledgeable team will hone in on the best beverage for you and your friends each and every time. Establishing good teamwork isn’t always easy, sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it takes a lot of work. To us, that is the point. We work hard and push each other to build, develop, and overall supply an amazing experience from the moment you walk in until you say your goodbyes. Our team is very knowledgeable about the products we serve and why we serve them. We do it all for a reason because we care about you and your business. We work side by side with one another to provide that impeccable service. We don’t just want you to come back because you liked one beer, or the pizza was amazing. Those are fantastic reasons, but we aim to go above and beyond as a complete team and know you want that of us too! EVENTS AND CATERING Looking for a venue for your next event? We have a full dining area and private event room available for your special event. Business meeting, corporate event, bridal party, baby shower, birthday, any occasion. We will make sure your event is everything you wanted by serving a menu of healthy, delicious food. Use the form below to make an event inquiry.
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A battery charger designed in a single-inductor single-input dual-output architecture with charge balancing among battery cells will be introduced. Charge balancing methods to reduce the charging time and slow down the aging process of batteries will be discussed. An artificial neural network is proposed to detect the state of health (SOH) of battery cells and improve the accuracy of the state of charge (SOC) estimation. A prototype implemented in TSMC 0.35-μm process and TensorFlow tools will be used as a design example. Tsung-Heng Tsai (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in control engineering from the National Chiao Tung University in 1994, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of California at Davis in 2005. In 2005, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University. Since 2022, he has been with the faculty of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Dr. Tsai has been a member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference in 2014-2021. He was a recipient of the Yang Scholar Award from the National Chung Cheng University in 2017. He also serves as the IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Tainan Chapter Chairperson for the term (2017-2020). His main research interests are in CMOS mixed-signal integrated-circuit designs for energy harvesting systems and microsensing systems. Novel methods for frequency tracking are presented for referenceless clock and data recovery circuit applications. An approach based on an extended bang-bang phase detector (XBBPD) in a referenceless clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit. The XBBPD-based structure has a frequency tracking range that completely covers the tuning range of the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) with a fast locking feature. In order to minimize the loop delay and thereby improve the jitter tolerance, the CDR design includes an additional proportional path that is realized by directly controlling the phase of the oscillator with the output signal of the phase detector. The design is all-digital, including digital filters that simplify the design. The CDR occupies an active area of 0.031 mm2, implemented in a 28-nm CMOS process. The receiver operates up to 12.5 Gb/s. The frequency locking time, measured as the time required for every 1-Gb/s change in the input data, is 320 ns. The power consumption is only 21.13 mW, corresponding to an energy efficiency of 2.11 pJ/bit. Jinwook Burm received the B.S. degree in physics from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, M.S. degree in physics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. After postdoctoral works at Cornell University and Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ, he joined the Department of Electronics Engineering at Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, as an Assistant Professor in 1998, where he is now a Professor. He also worked as a Principal Scientist at Pixelplus Semiconductor, Inc., in San Jose, CA, USA for one year starting in August 2006. He worked on millimeter wave ICs and high speed GaN transistors at Cornell, and high speed optoelectronic circuits at Bell Labs. At Sogang University, his current research interests include high speed interface circuits and CMOS implementation of various sensors. Integrated sensor fusion system-on-chips require a high-accuracy low-latency analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to interface a wide input range signal and multiplex among multiple sensor channels. Incremental analog-to-digital converters (IADCs), by adding a simultaneous reset in analog modulators and digital filters, are Nyquist-rate ADCs which retain most advantages of the ΔΣ ADCs, and are much easier to be multiplexed with shorter latency and simpler digital filters. In this talk, IADC operation will be reviewed. Hybrid IADC to continue the residue fine quantization to improve the energy efficiency will be discussed: (1) extended counting with a second SAR ADC, (2) hardware reusing to perform multi-slope counting, (3) two-step operation to boost up the noise shaping order, and (4) multi-stage multi-step operation to boost up the noise shaping order and extend the input range. Chia-Hung Chen received his Ph.D. in Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, in 2013. He is currently an assistant professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. He has been serving as a member of the technical program committee (TPC) for the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) since 2021 and VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Automation (VLSI-TSA) since 2022. His research interests are in the design of precision analog circuits and energy-efficient data converters.
Book your ride Booking a bike is simple, please fill out the form below. Once you've reserved all of your bikes, you then need to confirm your booking by paying a deposit of 25% by card online. Please see our bike hire service page for more details. You can view the availability of our bikes here. Not sure which bike to hire? Read our guide Hire Prices: €89 /day, €445 /week, - One Day:€89 - Two Days:€178 - Three Days:€267 - Four Days:€356 - Five Days:€445 - Six Days:€445 - Extra Days:€80 Helmets & Armour Helmets are included in your hire fee. Armour is available for 5 € a day for elbow and knee. The 2024 Alpine Trail is a 29”/27.5" wheeled full suspension bike built for the all day enduro rider that earns their downhill fun. Frame: Aluminium with variable geometry and downtube storage. Forks: Rock Shox Zeb Ultimate 170mm travel. Shock: Rock Shox Super Deluxe Coil Ultimate RCT 160mm travel. Gears: Shimano Sram GX 12 speed. Brakes: Sram DB8. Wheels: Marin. Tyres: Maxxis. Which bike should I hire? In Morzine, you can spend all week riding your bike downhill, without riding on any Downhill (DH) trails. Confused? Fear not, this guide should help you choose! DH riding takes place on graded man made trails where pedestrians aren't allowed. They will be based under a lift - going from the top of the lift to the bottom of the lift. They are graded Green, Blue, Red and Black (easy to extreme). There will be trail features such as jumps, berms, drops and ladder bridges. For this type of riding, we recommend a dedicated DH bike - the Saracen Myst Pro. All other riding in Morzine and the Portes du Soleil is on singletrack and fireroads accessible to all comers, bike riders and hikers alike. The trails link up the lift network allowing you to travel great distances from valley to valley with minimal effort. In general you will need to pedal your bike up or along for short distances, but you'll still spend the majority of your ride going downhill. For this type of riding we reccomend a dedicated Enduro bike, the Pivot Firebird and Marin Alpine Trail XR. E-BikesIf you want to explore all the trails that the Portes du Soleil has to offer but don't want to spend all day on the lifts, or you are restricted for time then an E-bike is for you. With similar capabilities to our enduro bikes but with the benefit of a motor these bikes take some of the physical effort and tiredness out of those big days out. The Saracen Ariel 50E is our E-bike. Then if you fancy emulating your Tour de France hero's on the many miles of tarmac and infamous cols around here you'll be wanting to do that on a dedicated road bike. For that we recommend the Cervelo Caledonia Di2 and Scott Addict 30.
Stunning cropped bias cut tartan jacket with Totty Rocks signature shoulder! Team with tartan skirt for maximum impact. Available to order in many fabrics and colours so enquire within! Fully lined and dry clean only. As all of our garments are hand made to order by our own fair hands and our fabrics all locally sourced, it may take 2-3 weeks to make your creation. We strive to turn all orders around as quickly as possible so if your order is urgent or required for a specific date please let us know and we will do our best for you. All garments if unsuitable are refundable within 14 days, however we aim to please so would always offer to re-model or exchange an item where possible at no extra cost. xx
If a discussion about driving between an adult child and his or her parent is difficult, imagine how challenging an older adult’s interior conversation is when deciding whether to continue driving. Say, you’ve reached the age of 85. Been driving almost 70 years. Maybe been in an accident or two. Only one speeding ticket on your record. Your last physical pronounced you hale and hardly. But there are warning signs: Getting harder to park? Some scratches and scrapes you’re hiding from the family? Didn’t see a mother and her infant in the crosswalk until almost too late? Getting harder to see at night, or maybe seeing double? (Difficult as it is to give up driving, more than 600,000 drivers ages 70 or older voluntarily stop driving annually, according to a 2002 study in the American Journal of Public Health). Aware that ending driving can be a body blow to one’s independence, how can we know when it’s time to hang up the keys? 1. Look at AARP’s ten warning signs that tell you whether to limit or stop driving. They include getting lost in familiar places, having trouble following road signs, and reacting more slowly to unexpected situations. http://www.aarp.org/home-garden/transportation/info-05-2010/Warning Signs Stopping. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also has a safe driver self-evaluation test. (www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/olddrive/OlderDriversBook/pages. 2. Take a vision test or any number of AAA or AARP driving evaluations. 3. Try out a virtual driving test websites like Drive Sharp. Drivesharp tests your reflexes in different emergency situations. www.drivesharp.com. Your score may indicate whether your reflexes are quick enough to continue driving. Finally, remember the differences between an issue, emergency, and a crisis: An issue is recognizing that your behind-the-wheel skills have declined. An emergency might be last week’s fender bender or getting stopped by a cop for cruising past a stop sign. A crisis could be the child you haven’t hit or the pile-up that hasn’t occurred…yet.
Requirements for railway transformers Static rail vehicle inverter transformers operate under harsh conditions. Traction power supply, combined with the expectation of extreme reliability, defines the parameters and stringent requirements for the transformer insulation system. Climatic conditions and mechanical influences are additional constraints that affect the construction solutions adopted and the materials used. The technical standard EN 60310 defines the general requirements for transformers and chokes used in rolling stock. From the point of view of transformers, the requirements of the PN-EN 50124-1 standard concerning the coordination of insulation according to overvoltage class (OVx), which determines the expected overvoltage exposure of insulation, deserve special attention. The concept of the soiling zone (PDx) is introduced, which has an impact on insulation clearances and the technological solutions used. EN 600721 classifies groups of environmental factors and their intensity at the location of transformers, taking into account impacts of climatic, biological, chemical and mechanical nature. Mechanical impacts are an extremely important aspect in electro-mobile applications. Methods for testing the immunity of transformers to vibrations generated during vehicle motion and transmitted to equipment installed on board are defined in EN 61373. The document specifies the frequencies and amplitudes of vibrations acting in different planes on the transformer depending on where the equipment is installed on the rail vehicle. Transformers and chokes in mobile railway applications must meet the stringent requirements of all the standards in question. The increased technical requirements make them non-standard, high-tech devices. Figure 1. Three-winding electromobility inverter transformer for PD4 contamination zones. Design and optimisation of structures The main optimisation objective of the work on railway transformer design is to achieve the lowest possible component weight while maintaining electrical, climatic and mechanical performance. During development work on transformer design for railway applications, a number of computational simulations were performed for core designs made of different magnetic materials. The simulations used the loss algorithm and temperature model used in the transformer design software from RALE Engineering GmbH . The low frequencies of the supply voltage (approx. 1 kHz) make it possible to consider using isotropic, anisotropic sheets and amorphous magnetics for the construction of low-loss transformer cores (Table 3). Achieving the expected level of power loss in a core made of transformer sheets is possible by limiting the magnetic induction in the core. However, this results in an unintended large increase in core mass, which is one of the most important constraints. In this situation, materials with lower losses are used. Amorphous magnets, due to the small thickness of their sheets in the case of transformers, show much lower losses from eddy currents. The low dissipation of the amorphous material allows for adequate core losses while maintaining an acceptable device weight. However, a large magnetostriction coefficient is a problem with this group of materials. This creates an intensive sound field around the running transformer, which is an unacceptable effect from the point of view of the intended application. The non-standard approach to the enclosure concept makes it possible to eliminate areas of increased generation or accumulation of losses causing excessive temperature increases (Figure 2). In high-frequency applications (Table 4) we get much smaller transformer weights and dimensions. Cores in this frequency range are built from ferrites or nanocrystalline magnetics. The windings, due to high additional losses, are constructed exclusively from face-type copper conductors. The magnetic materials used for power transformer cores in electromobility applications include soft ferrites, low-loss generator and transformer sheets, and amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys in the form of thin strip cores. The magnetic core material is selected to suit the specific power and load conditions of the transformer, the size and intended use of the device, taking into account the parameters of the magnetics, such as dissipation, magnetic saturation induction or magnetostriction. The formation of satisfactory properties of alloys is possible through modifications of their chemical composition, crystal structure, plastic and thermomagnetic processing. In the case of low-silicon and high-silicon sheets, with an increase in silicon content, their magnetic permeability increases, losses in iron during remagnetisation decrease, leading to a reduction in eddy current losses as the resistivity of the alloy increases. The coercive intensity also decreases, thereby reducing the hysteresis loss and magnetostriction coefficient . However, the decrease in magnetic saturation induction is unfavourable from an application point of view. Iron-based amorphous alloys are characterised by significantly higher magnetic permeability values compared to silicon sheets, with a small coercive field and lower loss. An important property of amorphous materials, from the point of view of industrial applications, is the small increase in total loss per unit mass in the elevated frequency range. These alloys are obtained in the form of thin strips by the technique of rapid cooling of the molten material on a rotating roller . Very good so-called soft magnetic properties of amorphous alloys are related to their structure, in which there is no long-range ordering of atoms, resulting in the disappearance of magnetocrystalline anisotropy, grain boundaries and other structural defects typical for polycrystalline materials . An unquestionable advantage of this type of material is that it is easy to improve its properties by changing its chemical composition and annealing under appropriate conditions. Striving to improve the efficiency of energy conversion and extend the temperature or frequency ranges of devices has led to the creation of nanocrystalline materials. They are obtained by partial crystallisation of amorphous alloys in an optimisation annealing process. This process leads to crystallites less than 100 nm in diameter, embedded in an amorphous matrix. This group of alloys includes well-known materials such as FINEMET, NANOPERM and HITPERM. These materials have a high magnetic permeability value of the order of 106, a saturation induction (depending on the chemical composition of the alloy) in the range of 1.2 – 1.9 T, a near-zero magnetostriction (λs of the order of 10-6), a small coercive field (HC < 1A/m) and core losses of the order of 0.1 W/kg (at 50 Hz) . Ferrite materials are often used in high frequency applications due to their relatively low price and availability. They are characterised by a low saturation induction of about 0.4 T, low magnetic permeability and lower loss compared to other core materials. Figure 2. Electromobility converter transformer without housing
Basic Instincti has aged remarkably well considering it is twenty-seven years old. Can you believe that shit ? Basic Instinct is more than a quarter century old! I generally don't want to talk to girls as old as this film. Obviously girls fucking, and especially girls mating isn't nearly as exotic, fascinating or a big deal nowadays. Now that we've fixed everyone's sex life for them, whether they wanted it fixed or not, whether they thought it was broken or not, now the pinnacles of 1992 seem... you know, ordinary urban skyline.ii Made of skyscrapers, of course, what the hell else would it be made of, hovels ? Like in the before times ?! That aside, the story sticks together, Sharon Stone smiles well, Eszterhas writes well, pre-Tangerine production values work well and deliver well... There's a vague air of 1980sia indistinctly misting the corners, the over-cherche deliberate "ambiguity" towards the end grates in pre-robotics industrial product tones, but... well, what can you do ? The corpse abundance betrays the settled circumstances of the 90s, too. Back then friendly fire was yet minimal, permitting the field to fiction. These days... who can even write about a piddly half-dozen bodybags ?! It'd be a forbidden middle -- either make it about the real events, three dozen plus randos mowed down by machine gun in an evening without thought or reason, or else go home. We can reasonably suspect no such thing as Basic Instinct will ever again be made in this language, for these reasons. Add to it the fact that it was excellent when it came out and it stayed acceptable in spite of what might as well be centuries passing over it and the bottom line comes out looking pretty good. The independent attitudes betray the pre-female bureaucracy. Imagine that scene today where a high sexual market value female suspected of murder calmly retorts "what are you gonna do, arrest me for smoking ?" when asked not to smoke inside the police HQ. Do you think the fat uglies involved would let that slide ? Hm ? Good thing the pantsuited hilarity gave you your rights, then. Evidently you were living in squalor prior. Right ? What's this magical socialism you've built wherein it sucks being anything but an idle, dumb, fat, ugly woman nobody has any use for ? Basic Instinct is just as toxic today as it was in 1992, but now it's toxic "for different reasons altogether" to "entirely a different set of people". Which is to say -- the lamers of 1992 morphed into the lamers of 2019 while the film stayed put. Once I put it like that it's suddenly very much worth seeing, huh ?
Understanding how your consumers shop is essential. As we ease into 2021, retailers are accelerating their digital strategies and keeping their finger on the pulse of what customers want and need. In this article, we’ll cover how businesses can utilise the data they have and use past trends to predict future ones in order to track consumer behaviour. And once businesses have done that, they can use the right platform — like Upp — to uncover their product performance data (and therefore better understand customer spend) and provide strategic insights to help achieve their goals. Look at past buying patterns The outstanding buying pattern that emerged in 2020 was, unsurprisingly, a growth in online shopping. Retail websites generated almost 22 billion global visits in June 2020, which was up nearly 6 billion from January 2020. Online shopping is only set to increase over the coming years with a forecasted growth rate of 34.5% by 2023. Different industries have experienced specific online trends and fluctuations. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, certain product types have significantly increased in online retail order volumes — household hardware has rocketed by 212%, furniture spiked to 17% and consumer electronics rose by 9%. In April 2020, internet food sales increased by 83.2% in comparison to the same month a year earlier, and online worldwide apparel sales also rose almost £3 million across the year. Analysing buying patterns and 2020 sales data in your specific industry will allow you to accurately predict how your consumers will spend in the future — crucial to business success looking forward to 2021. Anticipating customer needs makes room for you to adjust your Google Shopping campaigns accordingly. Utilise the data you have Online shopping has given retailers the gift of rich and readily available product performance data. Success comes down to one main thing: using it with the right objectives in mind. The right data can be difficult to get your hands on and hard to interpret. It’s crucial to note that Google Shopping only gives you historic data, so it’s hard to predict future trends. A platform like Upp can provide this insight and ultimately make a real improvement in your customer targeting and business goals. It will be pivotal in deducing data quickly and efficiently to put you on the right track for overall business growth. How Upp can help utilise your data: Understand where your business is struggling as well as thriving: Your online store may have best sellers but you still have 0 visibility on Google Shopping. Upp exposes these discrepancies and realigns your campaigns to ensure they get visibility on Google Shopping and achieve maximum growth as a result. Ensures every SKU reaches optimum performance: Seeing your product performance data at SKU level can help you see how each product is performing and how this can be adjusted. For example, these insights can tell you if a product is selling well, Upp will tweak that campaign to ensure it reaches optimum performance. This can also help prevent ad spend being wasted, and ensure you’re getting a great ROI. Become more efficient: Is your company spending too much time managing campaigns? A platform like Upp will automate your daily tasks, like bidding and automating campaign structures, to create a more productive workflow. This will also help retailers gain strategic control over campaigns, and ensures they get everything out of them. Be where your customers are Successful online retail is all about being on the right channels. To put it bluntly, there’s no point spending on marketing to your customers if they aren’t there. Without investing in a platform like Upp, though, that’s easier said than done. How Upp can help target customers: Uncover trending products: With customers online more, it’s no surprise that ad spend on Google Shopping has increased by 38% compared to 2019. Upp uncovers performance data around trends and product demand, allowing retailers to accelerate growth and increase profitability. Reach all potential customers: If Upp sees a product performing well on a retailer’s online store but not Google Shopping, the campaign will be automatically adjusted to ensure it gets the visibility it needs. This means ad spend is being utilised efficiently and helps retailers reach even more customers. Automatically track consumer behaviour for the best results Grasping a more detailed picture of your consumers’ previous buying habits is critical to successfully appealing to them in 2021. This is especially important with increasing online retail competition that’s likely to reach just below £100 billion in the UK in 2020 across various shopping streams. Understanding past buying patterns, utilising the data you have access to and ensuring that you are present on the right online platforms are all crucial to business success in 2021. Managing these key areas manually, however, will undoubtedly slow your team down and limit your performance. That’s why it’s key that you don’t pass up the opportunity to invest in a transformative platform like Upp, which will help you reach the success you’re capable of achieving this upcoming year.
Chamber of Mining Engineers He graduated from Hacettepe University, Zonguldak Mining Faculty, Mining Engineering Department in 1990. He worked as a shift engineer in Şanlıurfa irrigation tunnels between 1990-1992. Between 1993 and 2004, he worked as a shift engineer, site supervisor, and tunnels supervisor in metro projects in Istanbul. Between 2004-2022, he worked as the Tender Manager and Quality Management Manager at Soner Temel Mühendislik & Özgün İnşaat. He continues his duty as Assistant General Manager at Soner Temel Mühendislik in 2022. He continued his duty as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Istanbul Branch of the Chamber of Mining Engineers of TMMOB and took part in the UYAK2013 and UYAK2018 Executive Boards.
They head into the injured parts of our physique, mopping up debris and ramping up the chemical substances we have to heal us, thereby selling new healthy tissues. Think of it just like the mice are working out on a daily basis — undoubtedly better than the best fitness center exercise most of us do. If you are/or plan to have an interest in the Fitness Equipment industry, then this research will provide you with an in depth perspective. It is necessary that you simply hold your trade consciousness segmented by Gym/Health Clubs, Home, Others, Strength Training Equipment, Cardiovascular Training Equipment, Others and key players up-to-date. We can provide flexibility in accordance with your requirement if you want to identify specific corporations according to your goal objective or geography. Table of Contents What are the four signs of fitness? Generally, fitness is assessed in four key areas: aerobic fitness; muscular strength and endurance; flexibility; and body composition. To do your assessment, you’ll need: A stopwatch or a watch that can measure seconds. Another chance is pursuing the Master’s of Physician Assistant Studies, however it will take further science and math coursework that is not included in the program. We offer two levels of membership and different ways to make use of our facility and courses. Membership includes discounts on therapeutic massage and private coaching classes. If you’re considering a career in private training and questioning what it takes to become a Certified Personal Trainer, we have answers. As a welcome facet benefit, promoting lifelong healthy habits also creates more constructive work environments, increasing overall job satisfaction while decreasing stress ranges. Our fitness specialists take the time to get to know you, then personalize your fitness in a way that’s as distinct as you are. The membership plan has many amenities and is concentrated on instilling healthy habits too. A couple months went on and the load finally began to return off. I’m still working towards a aim, but I have by no means been more pleased with myself to achieve something. I had a profitable liver transplant in January 2016 and upon returning again to Buffalo from Cleveland Clinic I was an consuming machine. Sarner Health & Fitness Institute Workout clothes that reek even before the primary drop of sweat accumulates. Those nice performance fabrics that wick sweat also have a nasty tendency of harboring odor-causing micro organism. The more that builds up, the extra Health & Fitness stick wafts out the second the clothes hit a heat physique, even if they’re contemporary from the laundry. To reduce the inevitable, get them Hex Performance Laundry Detergent. Train to improve sea level efficiency, or to prepare for touring to or competing at high altitude areas. We simulate altitudes from 9,000–17,000 feet above sea stage. Our work improves the health and transforms the lives of people in all places, informing and influencing every thing from individual habits to health care methods and government policies Health. Your course of study is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health and will present you with the abilities necessary to enter into the sphere of public health/community health, and the sub-discipline you select. Earn cash rewards whenever you exercise often with North Jersey Health & Fitness. Check in 12x or more a month an receive $20.00 a month from your Blue Cross Blue Shield supplier. Exercise 5: The Arm Blaster: One of Insight’s greatests strengths is in providing a holistic approach to treating patients’ psychological, physical, and emotional health. Our health and fitness middle focuses on enhancing the thoughts, body, and spirit for the final word betterment of patients’ well-being. We provide Fitness group private training for people who would like the attention of a private trainer, however without the worth tag connected to a one-on-one private training session. You’ll find six fun and motivating sequence, for newbie by way of intermediate. Led by a few of the greatest trainers in the trade, you will get exciting cardio, power and dumbbell exercises – for free! We’re offering a modified choice of fitness courses in our clubs, in order to be extra cautious as we re-open. Expect a couple of courses each day with restricted sizes, placed in carefully chosen areas to permit for social distancing, as properly as enhanced cleaning measures. Your train associate doesn’t even need to be another individual to be efficient. Research shows that strolling with a dog can improve your adherence to a strolling program and lead to greater improvements in fitness in comparability with walking with a human companion.
Navigating the endless sea of options for wedding vendors is tricky enough, but factoring in the individual collections with varying hours of coverage, deliverables and working relationship can quickly make couples feel overwhelmed about knowing which wedding photography package to book based on their own unique story, relationship, destination and event. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that finding the right partner to create these visual heirlooms that will forever encapsulate the events and emotions of the day is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in the planning process. Today, we wanted to provide a bit more background on what you’re actually looking for in the different wedding photography packages out there, and how to know what’s best for you. Like most things in life, one size doesn’t fit all! Wedding Photography Coverage While some photographers operate on a fully bespoke basis, creating a custom package for each couple they work with, most photographers will offer a few different collections for couples to choose from. These collections primarily differ by the number of hours you choose to have covered, either by one lead photographer or the photographer and a 2nd shooter/additional assistants (which will be determined by the scope of work). While every couple’s wedding day timeline will look a little different, the standard length of time for the main events (Ceremony, Cocktail Hour and Reception) is going to be between 5-6 hours. With this in mind, the most common photography packages we see offer the following bundles of hourly coverage. 8 Hours – This coverage might work for you if your ceremony and reception are happening in the same place, you have a smaller guest count and you’d like the most important moments captured, but aren’t as concerned about capturing the details and design. Most couples are able to have their photographer capture the final hair + makeup touch-ups/getting dressed photos all the way up to the start of the dance party following dinner with this kind of package. Keep in mind, this may not allow enough time for your photographer to shoot lots of detail shots (without guests), including those beautifully styled flatlays of your fashion, accessories, welcome bags, invitation suites and other day of stationery pieces you might be hoping to have captured. 10 Hours – Perhaps the most common number of hours booked, a 10-hour photography package leaves a bit more wiggle room for important detail shots as mentioned above, as well as family + bridal party portraits. This is also an ideal scenario if you’re having a First Look or if your ceremony and reception are happening in different locations. That’s because travel time is often included in the number of hours you book. The clock starts running when the photographer arrives, so if there’s lots of drive time during the day, that will count towards your photographer’s hours because they’re technically on the job. During the reception, your photographer will likely stay for a bit more dance floor time, but not until the very end where there’s a Grand Exit or anything (unless you skip pre-wedding photos). Let’s just say that things can get sweaty after a while, so it’s typically a-okay for the photographer to leave before it gets to that stage in the night. 12 Hours – If your wedding is very design heavy, consider this kind of package as more details naturally require more time to shoot. Same goes for larger guest counts, bridal parties, family members you’d like captured. Fun fact – you can anticipate each portrait (whether it’s Couple + Parents or Bride + Bridesmaids or Groom + Best Man) to take about 2.5 minutes. Wedding days are fun (as they should be!), so wrangling people for portraits and then staging them for the shot will always take longer than you think. If you have an epic Grand Exit planned and you don’t want that to be missed in the photos, see if this number of hours works with the photographer being on-site and if not, talk to them about additional hours of coverage a la carte. Following the pandemic, we’re seeing an increase in packages specifically for intimate weddings and elopements since these approaches to the day’s celebrations don’t always follow the traditional structure of a ceremony, followed by cocktail hour, dinner and dancing. So you may find shorter packages available to suit your needs! Typically 6 hours is a good number to capture it all, but be sure to consider your own unique timeline before booking. Photography Deliverables After The Wedding There are a few different ways wedding photographers deliver images once they’ve filtered and edited the best of the best for you. Some collections offer only one of the below, while others might include a combination. Digital Files – Presented either as an online gallery or USB (sometimes both), different photographers will include a number of final, edited images in a full gallery that you can access and download anytime and share with loved ones to view. Keep in mind that an expiration date may apply. Talk to potential photographers about how and when they deliver images following the wedding, and who retains the rights for printing both now and later. Prints – Physical copies of a handful of your wedding photos, printed on premium, chemically-sensitized paper in either a matte or glossy finish. Ask your photographer if they ultimately choose the images for the prints, or if you can collaborate with them on the selection, and discuss size, finish and border preferences as well! Photo Books & Albums – Similar to prints, albums are composed of a selection of images from your wedding gallery, formatted in a high quality photo book or album for you to display in your home. It’s a beautiful way to look back at the highlights of your wedding day in the years to come and share stories with your guests when they visit. Travel & Accommodations For Your Wedding Photographer Another consideration for the wedding photography package might be travel. Typically, a destination wedding is anything over 2 hrs travel time away from the vendor’s home/studio, which will likely be outlined in their contract, so additional fees may apply for anything outside of this radius. Some photographers already include travel costs in their pricing, while others will determine an amount to charge on an event by event basis. Depending on the package you book, they may need to stay more than one night, especially if you book them for auxiliary events such as a Welcome BBQ, Rehearsal Dinner or Send-Off Brunch. So anticipate these costs as you’re considering the overall package you book as well! If you’re working with a wedding planner, they can help guide you through this process and advise you on what questions to ask potential photographers. Typically, this will be the first vendor you’ll want to book once you have your venue and planner secured, but considering the wedding boom happening in 2022 (over 5 million weddings projected as of right now!), you’ll want to start the vetting process sooner rather than later since availability is limited – especially if you have a handful of people you’ve been dreaming of hiring for a while! Start the search for your wedding photographer here, and be sure to consider everything from your wedding day timeline and guest count to venue locations and design details as you determine the wedding photography package to book! Cover image by Forged in the North
Sevilla is an absolutely fantastic place to be based for a few weeks! In addition to its wonderful churches that I wrote about in my blog post last week, it is packed with other fun sights. Our three favorite Sights in Sevilla (coming in behind the Cathedral, of course!) were the Royal Alcázar (Sevilla’s Moorish Palace), the Plaza de España (a fun outdoor area where people relax and socialize), and the Bullring. I’ll be honest, we mostly wanted to visit the Alcázar because some scenes for next Season Game of Thrones were just filmed there. In fact, filming wrapped up just a couple months before we arrived in Sevilla! Fellow Game of Thrones fans, keep your eyes peeled during Season 5 episodes set in Dorne’s Water Gardens. Those scenes are Sevilla’s Alcazar! Even if you aren’t a huge Game of Thrones fan, the Alcazar will still knock your socks off. (I’m being very literal. I am literally wearing only one sock at this moment.) Between the beautiful gardens, the amazing history, and the opulently decorated rooms, you’ll find something to enjoy. The Alcazar was originally a 10th century Moorish palace, and is the oldest palace in Europe that is still in use! The Alcazar feels a bit like a miniature version of the Granada’s more famous Alhambra, but along with less fame comes fewer crowds – music to my ears! Tourist Tip: The Alcazar has free entry every Monday for the last hour it’s open! (Hours vary between Winter and Summer, so be sure to check their website.) The line can get quite long for free-hour even in the Winter, so we recommend you arrive early if you’re planning to make that your only visit. If you love palaces, it’s worth it to just pay the full €9,50 to go in during non-free times. Otherwise, you might find yourself wishing you had more time to explore! By far our favorite part of the Alcazar was the gardens: Plaza de España I’m calling it. Plaza de España is the best place in Sevilla to catch a sunset. According to the travel books, it might also be the best place to be conned or pick pocketed in Sevilla, so bring your paranoia along with your picnic. The Plaza de España is a big square and ring of buildings that were built next to a cute Park for a 1929 international fair. There’s a big, beautiful fountain in the center of the square: Also, you can easily hire yourself a horse and carriage ride from here: You can also rent a boat to paddle around the small man-made moat/river, or you can just climb the stairs, enjoy the sunset, and laugh at other tourists trying to paddle around. We watched a group of three ram their boat into the wall repeatedly. Sigh. The highlight for many at Plaza de España is the amazing tilework on the buildings. On the ground level, dozens of alcoves are covered in elaborate tilework scenes representing each of Spain’s many provinces. If you’re in Sevilla and it’s a nice sunny day, pack a picnic and head over to the Plaza de España to relax and people watch, you won’t be sorry. Plaza de Toros (Bullring) This was the last touristy outing we had in Sevilla, and man would we have missed out if we’d skipped it. It wasn’t bullfighting season in January when we were living in Sevilla, so there were no actual bullfights. To be honest, I’m not sure I would want to attend a bullfight now that I know the sequence of events of a bullfight that ultimately culminates in the bull’s bloody death. However, I didn’t have any problem visiting the ring itself and learning about bullfighting in their small museum. The Plaza de Toros is the 2nd oldest bullring still in use today. It took 120 years to build, and was finished in 1881. It costs 7 euro to visit (though you can go for free on Mondays between 15:00 and 19:00). A paid visit to the Bullring comes with a guided tour of the ring itself, as well as the museum. Our guide was fabulous, spoke perfect English, and made lots of jokes. She showed us around the ring, took us through the Museum, told us all about the history of bullfighting, showed us the Bullring’s Chapel, and ended the tour at the horse and bull stables.
Label: Self released Catalog: CELER 021 Release date: 9/9/07 Out of print 1 Apathy Has Its Own Momentum 2 For 6 Seconds, You Don’t Blink 3 I See The Ones 4 The Last Thing You Explain Before You Die 5 The Smoke In The Photo 6 Walking Above Walkways 7 Homes Between The Channels, Under The Dams 8 Blinking Twilight At 3 AM 9 Entropy Is The New Black Packaged in hand-painted foldout cardboard cover with 2 inserts. Celer have only appeared on my radar relatively recently with their release on Spekk, and they saw fit to send me this hand made self-release to listen to. NEON uses elements of sound sourced from neon light tubes, taking loops of pure instruments, then using specially sequenced sensors that responded to localised fluctuations in light colour and intensity, literally transforming light into sounds..at least that is my understanding of the 9 pieces here. The soundscapes are mostly delicate, gauzy affairs, gently swaying pieces, like soft grass, and with curiously evocative titles like “Apathy has its own momentum”, and “Homes Between the Channels, Under the Dams”, the musical content would appear to be a transcript of something deeply personal, or unwittingly obscure. These are elegantly sculpted pieces, rich and tonal, layered, yet highly reduced and focussed, somnifacient passages that seduce and beckon us into aural neverland. Parts of Neon remind me of Keith Berry, with swathes and washes of tonalism, looped, yet subtly altering, lilting and lulling..did I say I’m loving this? Oh yes..and with the beautiful hand made packaging, this would be on my shopping list, even if Celer hadn’t graciously sent this along..Buy a copy now.. Celer’s Neon doesn’t represent a radical sonic departure from its other self-released works though the manner by which the material was generated is rather unusual. The group’s description of the process is more detailed but, in essence, sensors, pulsing lights, and custom glass tubes were used to manipulate the tracks’ loops (generated from “pure instruments” reduced to bare tones) by synchronizing them via time changes to the brightness and colours of neon lights. Neon inarguably succeeds in realizing one of the group’s intended goals for the project: the desire to document “the transformation of sound into the beauty of electroluminescence.” No matter the conceptual impetus or production methodology involved in any given Celer project, the results are uncommonly beautiful and Neon is no exception. In this case, the seventy-minute release presents nine ethereal settings whose tranquil flow of “codeine-flavored” tones both transports and becalms the listener. Track titles like “Blinking Twilight at 3 AM” convey the music’s crepuscular character and, as with many Celer releases, the package includes a brief poem and a hand-made painted cover by Danielle Baquet-Long. Muted and bleach colours stretch as far as the eye can see in these panoramic paintings for the mind.
In order to point satellites in different directions on vehicles, you'll need to use an antenna positioner. It's powerful and provides refined mechanical movement. If you're looking to keep one of these positioners in optimal shape and performing great long-term, perform the following actions. Verify Positioner is Compatible With Satellite in the Beginning The very first thing you need to do when using an antenna positioner on a vehicle is to make sure it's compatible with the exact satellite you plan on using in your operations. Verifying this aspect will ensure the antenna positioner isn't forced to hold more weight and size than it's manufactured to. After this verification, you can rest assured the positioner will support the size of your satellite and continue moving it in an optimal manner. You also won't have to worry about premature wear and tear, which would be inconvenient to deal with all the time. Make Sure Movement Isn't Ever Impeded For an antenna positioner to work effectively at moving a satellite in different directions, its movement needs to be refined at all times. You can maintain this performance aspect by making sure nothing ever gets in the way of the antenna positioner that would impede movement. For instance, you need to make sure the antenna positioner is around open space and can thus move in different directional points without any restrictions. If you're in an area where space is limited, you'll want to verify movement won't be negatively affected before using the positioner for real. Hire a Specialty Technician if Movement Issues Surface If you ever end up having movement issues with this antenna positioner — such as it moving slower than normal or not being accurate on a consistent basis with movement — then it's a good idea to hire a specialty technician to come in and troubleshoot what's going wrong. They can come to this conclusion quickly thanks to their hands-on training and years of field experience working with these positioners. You can also trust their repair will restore movement to where it's precise and will remain so for a long time as long as maintenance is kept up with. If you rely on an antenna positioner for satellite operations, then it's a good idea to care for said system properly on a consistent basis. You'll subsequently get to enjoy precision movement and a long-lasting positioner that doesn't cost a lot to manage over the years. For more information, contact an antenna positioner solution such as MilliBox. As soon as I started a new job, I realized that I should spend a little time honing my technology skills. I wasn't that familiar with the program that the rest of my team was using, but I knew that understanding the jargon would significantly help my career. To sharpen my technology skill set, I started staying after work to practice different aspects of the software. It took me a few months, but eventually I knew the program better than anyone else at work. My blog is all about learning more about technology, so that you can stand out from the crowd.
When there’s one place you can improve on your treatment for your spouse — especially on your marriage? Regrettably, if husbands have been asked exactly the question they might provide a different response than you may think. So now, I’d love to deal with a subject that I am sure will strike home for almost each of the wives on the market: defying the womanly impulse to develop into a “leaking faucet” within our husband’s lifestyles; consequently, a NAG. As girls, I believe that it’s easy to become a routine once we frighten of needling our husbands. Does not it look as if your husband took a million reminders about the tiniest item Does not he look to want your leadership on virtually what??? The answer is NO! I probably only lost half of you, but stick with me, women: if you try to make your house a sanctuary for your loved ones, a place emphasized by adoring camaraderie and mutual appreciation, why in the world do you wish to earn the guy to whom you combined your life uneasy there? Who are undefined needs to devote their time to the existence of a pugnacious individual each and every moment? No girl gets married with the intent of turning into a nag. That’s actually. However, it manages to creep into so subtly! In the beginning, you do not even notice it just like a dripping faucet. Until you receive your water bill, This is. That is when you understand that it has cost you a long time. And if dripping costs you cash nagging may cost you a marriage. In only a half months of marriage, I have noticed this happen to people. What started as the intermittent “matter of consideration” gradually transitioned into full-blown nagging. Once I discovered the look on my husband’s eyes, and I did not recognize it. I would ask him an “innocent” question concerning why he opted to push a specific path or he left with a light on at the flat, and he would find this captive of war appear on his head, like a hostage in an unfriendly land where he can not escape. That is when I understood. However, how can I get to the stage? How can I become a nag? Well so as to answer this issue I chose to do just a tiny bit of study to Proverbs 19:13. I wished to learn what triggers a tap. I’d no idea although a number of you handier folks out there know the reply. This made no sense for me a faucet could start to drip. Therefore, you also do not understand anything about the essentials of faucets and if you are like me, let you fill into. Take this “Leaky Faucets for Dummies.” Taps are based upon the physics of water stress to start with. Water pressure is what causes the water to leak out and throughout the plumbing of your faucet, such as stainless steel kitchen faucet. When you flip off your faucet, Nevertheless, you are not turning the water strain off but only blocking it. You seal off the water stream using a washer by transferring the faucet to the place dryer. The reason that faucets drip is the washer may be damaged or worn by all of the strain of the water flowing past it. It can not create a seal In case the washer sustains wear and tear. Because of this, water can seep through resulting in a faucet. The only way would be to replace it. What exactly does this have to do with nagging? I discovered a frequent denominator — my period with the Lord, as I reflected in my life and my patterns of nagging. That is when the nagging ends up if I’m slacking in my own time not creating time to get prayer for the Word, not starting daily based on Him. There’s the level to which my spouse is bugging and a direct correlation between my wellness. Like I do the exact same. That I have worn down and if I am not caring for myself the increases. Just like a trickle. This is the ideal illustration of the fact the way you care for men and women, along with your spouse, is a manifestation of your connection with God. Have zero reasons to restrain or reevaluate others He’s in control and since God is their own serenity. Even though some seemingly innocent questions about why he is wearing who costume or he left the toilet chair may appear small at the moment, the continuous nagging can truly add up to some tough wedded life.
The way of the trainer. There are ex–soccer players with a great sport file and a certain number of them when they retire wants to continue their soccer race like trainers, up to here all correct one. What it does not seem or so logical to me is that those old soccer players by very good that they have been, by many titles that have won or by many international parties that have played, want to become elite trainers overnight. Although it is clear that all the accumulated experience in the land game in its many years of professional practice is going to be used to them in the future for its work in the benches, but everything in due course. Perhaps like player you have been authentic crack, that there are been in highest of the step, but you leave when it and raisins to be trainer your status already is different, so there is to be lowering steps and to put itself to the tail. Read more here: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. This would have of knowing it some ex–soccer players of prestige who have still not known how to accept their new situation. To be trainer is another very different thing to be player and only with experience of to have been soccer player is not worth. It is necessary to study, it is necessary to prepare itself, it is necessary to know how to handle all the threads of a very difficult profession in which the trainer as director of a human group has to know how to develop in situations very it jeopardize, as much at human level as sport. He is not enough with knowing of soccer, the learning and the improvement are very ample and include many matters in which the technician must demonstrate essential knowledge for the exercise of his profession, and that does not mean that the preparation level ensures the success far from it, we already know that the ball is capricious, but doubtlessly the trainer preparation and with good warehouse of knowledge always will have more probabilities of prevailing. He makes grace me recently listen some soccer player (we avoid names) distant to say that already one is perfectly enabled to train in first division, without neither so at least to have trained nor to an equipment of young fishes. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is open to suggestions. More humility, please! and more respect for other trainers who do not have name, but if many years of office and experience in the benches and that take to long time hoping their opportunity. Alpaca Aryan. National trainer of Soccer. Microcourse Trainer (1). Source: Note of Press sent by Alpaca Aryan.
Regardless of who you are and what your background is, you have to solve many problems daily. So it's highly beneficial for you to know what kind of problem you're dealing with.In design thinking, we focus on the nature of the problem a lot. And it matters. Knowing the nature of the problem sets our expectations and allows us to manage our efforts. For example, if you're dealing with a wicked problem, it's not possible to find a solution right away. You need months of research, prototyping, testing, and iteration.Then let us break down the typical problems you deal with in an innovation project. There are three types of problem in design thinking: - Simple Problems - Ill-Defined Problems - Wicked Problems BUT BEFORE, WHAT’S A PROBLEM? A problem exists when there is an undesirable situation you want to resolve, but no solutions are readily apparent. Each is triggered by a cause and a desirable outcome is being pursued by solving it.To solve it, you use a solution out of the pool of possible solutions. Sometimes you have to use a combination of solutions to deal with more complex problems. You can think of a solution as a pathway that takes from an undesirable situation to an alternative and improved one. 1. SIMPLE PROBLEMS A simple problem is clear in terms of our understanding of the situation. The cause and desirable outcomes are clear as well as different pathways to solving it. Example of Simple problem Our community and their expectations of us are growing. In order to serve them properly, we need a reliable communication channel. The problem or the undesirable situation here is the lack of communication with the community. There are a number of solutions out there like Mailchimp that help you just do that. And the desirable outcome is when you can regularly broadcast your messages to your community. 2. ILL-DEFINED PROBLEMS An ill-defined problem is an undesirable situation that’s unclear what exactly its cause is. There are several potential causes, desirable outcomes, and solutions. Example of ill-defined problem We know that the number of orders has increasingly decreased in the past few months. This is our undesirable situation.We realized the traffic to the online shop has decreased drastically as well. Instantly we think of launching an aggressive marketing campaign and pour more traffic into the website. However, the cause of the decrease in traffic may be seasonal or temporal. On the other hand, by looking further in the analytics, we realize the bounce rate of the online shop is extremely high, and only 0.5% of those who don’t bounce make a purchase. Poor UX of the online shop may be another candidate for the cause of the problem. 3. WICKED PROBLEMS A wicked problem is a vague undesirable situation about which we have some knowledge and some guesses about the causes and potential solutions. Example of a wicked problem Climate change!Undesirable situation: The climate is changing rapidly beyond our capacity to control it. The causes? It can be many: some of which have been proven and some have not. Wicked problems are systematic problems. Climate change is a big systematic problem and contains several subsystems that each cause serious undesirable situations. For example, poverty is one of the main drivers of climate change. When people are poor, they care less about their quality of consumption. And often it’s the cheaper products that yield more negative environmental impacts on the planet.In this article, we offered you a rundown on the types of problems you often deal with in an innovation project. We hope you find it useful. In any case, please share your feedback with us at email@example.com. We’d love to hear from you.
Skip to content Toriko 112 480p Toriko 112 720p h264 Toriko 112 720p hi10p This ending song is more indie than any of you hipsters could ever hope to be. Muchas gracias los amo!!!!! xDDD Thanks from Germany =D How is it possible that this episode has such a fluid animation, while some of the bubble fruits episodes looked HORRIBLE? What are they thinking, seriously? For a filler, it was a rather enjoyable and i thought that it’s part of the story (haven’t read the whole manga). Thanks lots Anime Destiny, you guys rock! 😀 Thanks so much for the episode! Have a great night! FIRST COMMENT THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ANIME DESTINY <3 Cant thank you enough for being the only subgroup to do Toriko 😀 There are no trackbacks on this entry. Click here to cancel reply. Please input symbols from picture Copyright © 2024 · Anime-Destiny · All rights reserved.
ASHLEY RUTH JONES I am so excited to begin a new chapter of my career and join the team at KMR! Check out my updated for more information. Here's to an amazing 2017 and beyond! Comments are closed. Create your own unique website with customizable templates.
ITI Bechraji Pravasi Supervisor Instructor Posts Recruitment 2021 ITI Bechraji PravasiPravasi Supervisor Instructor Posts Recruitment 2021 - The ITI Bechraji Pravasi has released an employment notification inviting candidates to apply for the positions of below mentioned Pravasi Supervisor Instructor Posts.This is a great chance for interested candidates who are looking for ITI Bechraji Pravasi Jobs 2021. Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/ she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement. The last day for registration is March 18. Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of application.more detailed information regarding educational qualification,age limit,selection procedure,how to apply ,last date for ITI Bechraji PravasiSupervisor Instructor Posts Vacancy 2021 are mentioned below. Name of Organization: ITI Bechraji Name of the Posts: Pravasi Supervisor Instructor Educational Qualification: plz check official advertisement. How to Apply ? Interested & eligible candidate can send their application at the following address on or before 20-03-2021. Important Dates to Remember: Last date for Receipt of Applications:20-03-2021 Important Links :
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Award-winning creative agency Secret Menu played a pivotal role in the monumental success of "Nostalgia Meets the Future: Ayala Avenue New Year's Eve Countdown to 2024." This event, marking 24 years since the epic turn-of-the-millennium celebration at Ayala Avenue, stands as a testament to Makati City's enduring tradition of hosting grand-scale New Year's Eve festivities. The view from the stage (Photo courtesy of Make It Makati) The "Nostalgia Meets the Future'' theme took attendees on a musical journey weaving the nostalgia of the original celebration in 1999, and seamlessly connecting it to the energetic performances of P-Pop sensation SB19, Sponge Cola, Al James, Gab Pangilinan, and Myke Salomon. Asia’s Songbird Regine Velasquez, back on the same stage she first graced in 1999 for the Millennium countdown, came full circle, captivating partygoers and delivering an unforgettable performance. Secret Menu's involvement elevated the event to a global scale by orchestrating a livestream— expanding the celebration's reach and engaging audiences beyond physical boundaries that included revelers at home, out-of-town enthusiasts, and homesick Filipinos abroad. Aside from the 130K on ground attendees in Makati’s Central Business District, the livestream generated 330K views and helped the event reach 4.7M people across social media platforms. [Photo option: A snap of the Makati skyline seconds after the stroke of midnight from Secret Menu’s livestream.] The successful collaboration likewise deepened Secret Menu's partnership with Ayala Land and Make It Makati, which started through the annual holiday showcase “Festival of Lights” at the Ayala Triangle Gardens. "This event showcased Secret Menu's adaptive prowess, bridging nostalgia with the cutting-edge demands of the future" said General Manager Bianca Balbuena, highlighting the agency's capacity to provide event and live landscape management aside from branded content. “We are eager to be of service to new partners looking for creative suppliers to take their content and experiences to another level.” Crucial offstage work to bring the event to as many spectators around the world as possible. (BTS photo courtesy of Polo Boado) Secret Menu likewise co-directed a 4-day pre-show timelapse video courtesy of creative director Ernest Gatpandan III. The video documented the New Year's Eve countdown event as it was being built from the ground up. It has had more than 170K views to date. For those seeking visionary creative solutions, Secret Menu's diverse portfolio of services offers Branded Content Solutions (TV, Digital), Commercials (TV & Digital), AR & 3D Executions, Event Coverages and Livestreaming, Music Videos. You may visit their Instagram (@studio.secretmenu) and YouTube (https://firstname.lastname@example.org) to see their body of work. You may also email at email@example.com.
I’ve spent thirty-some years thinking about feeding myself, almost a decade thinking about feeding one growing boy (hubs), and now am starting a journey of thinking about feeding another small human! It is super fun for me, but I recognize not everyone thinks so. There are so many decisions to be made when feeding baby, the first of which is breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a combination. There is no wrong answer here, fed is best! Not everyone can breastfeed, and not everyone wants to. These are all valid reasons. We ended up doing a combo, with mostly breastfeeding and supplementation with formula, and it worked for us. Of course, the next step is solids! And this changes everything. Not to get too graphic, but the daily presents in the diaper change drastically. It can also change baby’s sleeping patterns, and if you are breastfeeding it tips off another round of emotional and hormonal readjustment for mom. But boy is it fun! Now baby can eat at the table or high chair, just like you. Well, sort of. Baby needs to start slow before they gnaw on their first ribeye or caesar salad. They start out with very well cooked and finely mashed or pureed foods. Typically, rice cereal or oatmeal. “How do you know if your child is ready for foods other than breast milk or infant formula? You can look for these signs that your child is developmentally ready: - Your child can sit with little or no support. - Your child has good head control. - Your child opens his or her mouth and leans forward when food is offered.” (CDC.gov) But the good news is, that doesn’t have to be baby’s first food, or only food. Babies can eat almost everything we can! It just needs to be the proper texture based on their age and ability. Sometime between 4 months and 6 months of age, you can start down the food-splatter-lined road of solids. *Disclaimer: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Please talk to your pediatrician about what, how, and when to feed your baby.* The first thing you feed your baby can be pretty much anything, as long as it is well cooked, and pureed. If you want to also strain it, to remove any chunks, you can do so. We did not, I think we went with cooked brown rice that was put through a blender. But we quickly moved on to sweet potatoes, black beans, broccoli, and more. Basically, whatever I was cooking for dinner or for the week, I kept a little extra aside and cooked it a little longer. For example, steamed sweet potatoes, I’d let an extra one boil just a bit longer, or remove our broccoli when still a little crisp but leave a few florets to steam. Then I’d toss the extra-soft stuff in the food processor, or use my immersion blender if it was cooked in the instant pot/crockpot. I had gotten some used silicone ice cube molds which turned out to be perfect for the occasion, but any ice cube tray would do. You could even use old egg cartons if you’re feeling ridiculously thrifty! I started doing this around 2 months of age, and then put the food cubes into labelled baggies in the freezer. That way, by the time he was about 4 1/2 months, we had quite a variety of foods in stock. And I just continue to do this, adding to my stash here and there as I find sales or notice a particular food type/color is running low. I try to make sure he gets at least 1 green veggie (zucchini and broccoli are favorites), at least 1 orange veggie like carrots or pumpkin, at least 1 protein (beef, chicken, beans), and some rice cereal for the iron. He usually gets some kind of fruit for dessert, banana, pears, applesauce, blueberries… As he was first trying new foods, I gave him one cube, once a day, for 3 days in a row. This is to make sure if he has a reaction, we know what it is he is allergic to. Once foods were given with no reaction, then I could start mixing them. His appetite also started picking up, where by month 5 he ate 2-3 cubes twice a day, and by 6 months at least 3 cubes 3 x a day, usually more like 4 plus a little bit of whatever I was eating. Sweet potatoes and squashes are a steal year round, but around the holidays they go even lower, so he has had sweet potatoes or pumpkin almost every day. We were given a big bag of pureed pumpkin by a neighbor, so that huge volume will last a long time and was free for us! Bag of frozen berries, 8.99 for 10 cups. 1/2 cup made 12 cubes, so each cube = 0.037 or roughly 4 cents. And berries are among the more expensive things he eats. Broccoli is usually on sale 0.99/lb, and one pound of florets makes 20 or so cubes, so about 5 cents. But I can also use frozen broccoli, which is even cheaper per pound and has the same amount of nutrients. And now that he has tried many foods with no problems, I can mix them together as well. For example, I mixed a cup of frozen cherries, a can of sliced beets, and spinach together into a sweet, bright red puree. He LOVES it! And gets a crazy amount of nutrition from one ounce of food. Let’s say homemade baby food ranges from 0.01 – 0.10 per cube, with an average of 4 cents. Month 4 = 1 cube per day x 30 days = $1.20 Month 5 = 5 cubes per day x 30 days = $6.00 Month 6 = 10 cubes per day x 30 days = $12.00 So, three months worth of baby food for only $19.20! That’s not a bad deal at all. Now, this is as far as we’ve gotten, but I assume his appetite will only increase. However, he can now eat finger foods, and more chunky textures. So I will no longer need to puree and freeze things, merely set his portion of dinner aside before adding any salt or sugar (spices are totally fine). Let’s assume he adds just about ten bucks per month to our usual grocery budget, at least for a year or two. By then all babies are eating regular food (hopefully) and no longer needing the jarred variety. And I’m sure the food costs are just exponential from there, if his love of bouncing is any indicator of how active he will be! In contrast, the baby food at the grocery store near me has a range of prices, based on brand, volume, and whether or not it is organic. But the lowest priced baby jar I saw was 0.99 for about an ounce. So let’s say baby eats one per day Month 4, two per day Month 5, and 3-4 per day Month 6, plus the occasional puff, squeeze pouch, or cheerios. Those add another $5 per week. Month 4 = 0.99 x 30 =$29.70 Month 5 = 0.99 x2 x 30 = $59.40 Month 6 = 0.99 x 3 x 30 + (5×4) = $109.10 In just three months you have spent $198.20 on baby food! Not to mention the dozens of glass and plastic pouches, containers, squeezes, lids, labels etc. By making our own baby food, we saved approximately $179 in the first three months of solids! Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with store bought. I am not out to shame anyone. There is a huge convenience factor here. When you need to feed baby on the go, you need a container. And sometimes you just don’t want to cook. Or you want baby to try something new. These are all fine reasons to go for the gerber. We have some pouches and containers at the ready in the pantry, because sometimes baby wants food NOW and he cannot possibly wait the 33 seconds for the cubes to be heated up. Or I want to add juuuust a little something more, so a splash of pear sauce will round out the meal. Or I just want to keep him quiet for a second with store brand cheerios. THAT IS OKAY TOO. But, it is not just about the money. I also care deeply about what we put into our bodies and how it impacts lifelong health. A large part of why I wanted to make my own baby’s food is that I try to also make all the adult’s food too, and make it the healthiest possible option. Baby food is something I would trust more than adult food in general, as we usually care more for infant health (sad but true). And most baby foods are carefully regulated to not contain many of the dyes, pesticides, chemicals, etc that can be found in “regular” processed foods like sauces, pizzas, bread, cereal, and more. But even on one-ingredient baby foods, I find myself wondering how it was processed, was there high heat and pressure? Did they deplete nutrients? Where did the carrots come from originally? When I make it myself I no longer have to wonder. The American Academy of Pediatrics has an interactive timeline on reported feeding habits of babies in their first year. Unfortunately it reports some discouraging trends, like a drop off around 7-9 months in fruits and vegetable consumption as non-nutritive finger foods are introduced (puffs, rice snacks, crackers, etc) and an increase in TV watching/ mobile device exposure. “The recent Institute of Medicine Report Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies highlights what pediatricians know and have been struggling to address. The obesity epidemic is reaching our nation’s youngest children. - Almost 10 percent of infants and toddlers have high weights for length. - Slightly over 20 percent of children aged 2 to 5 are overweight or obese. - Approximately one in five children is already carrying excess weight as he or she enters kindergarten. - Children who are obese at age six have been found to have a greater than 50% chance of being obese as adults, regardless of parental obesity status. Additional literature suggests that the acceleration of the obesity problem occurs in the first years of life as lifelong dietary intake patterns, eating habits, sleep routines, and food preferences are established.” So, whether you feed baby homemade foods or not, you should try to err on the side of variety. Make sure your baby (and you!) has a wide variety of colors throughout the day and the week. Every food has a different palette of vitamins and minerals, and you need balance over time to make sure you get them all. Aim for 4-5 different fruits and vegetables every day, and as many as you can handle! No upper limit. And try to fit some movement into your day, whether that is doing “baby-ups” to work your arms and entertain baby, sit ups to play peek a boo, or a relaxing walk with the stroller or baby carrier. You will both feel great!
How To Install A Yard Sign When it comes to installing your yard signs, you’ ll find that they are very simple to assemble and install.  You simply place the sign over the frame or wire stakes and insert them in the ground.  However, you may find that the best strategy for a successful campaign is to enlist a large team of people, or even pay campaigners or a youth organization to install them for you.  Once you determine the areas where you will install your signs, choosing either a team of volunteers or paying for workers is the best way to ensure that they are installed quickly and effectively. Installing political yard signs is a huge part of your campaign strategy.  You should never begin to install them without devising a plan.  Always make certain that you check with your local government zoning rules and restrictions and only install election yard signs in designated areas.  Since a substantial part of your campaign success rests on not only installing your yard signs, but also ensuring that they remain in their designated locations, you may find that creating a map and using pushpins is a great way to keep track of where your campaign signs are located.
We’re on a mission to ship hope and happiness to senior dogs and the people who love them. Under the brand new regulations throughout the Hundeverordnung, or Dogs Act, owners is not going to get away with a quick jog around the block, nevertheless will probably be required to take their dogs out for at least one hour on every occasion. Some homeowners think about that uncooked meat will help sort out health issues equivalent to pores and skin points and allergic reactions. Allergic pores and pores and skin diseases are frequent in dogs, inflicting itchiness and making them scratch, chew or lick their pores and pores and skin. More importantly, Wheatens are exuberant and devoted pets that love an energetic playtime — particularly chasing one thing that moves. And in case you’re into specific breeds, take coronary heart in … Read the rest Cat beds are your cat’s residence base and sanctuary – cozy, cosy, and visually appealing. Sadly, some widespread ‘human’ foods can cause gastrointestinal misery in cats – or can set off quite a lot of different health problems. This distinctive cat mattress has a hammock design, it features a dangling cat toy, and it comes in gray and beige sorts. Woods M, McDonald RA, Harris S (2003) Predation of wildlife by domestic cats Felis catus in Nice Britain. Elevated quantities of urine within the box indicate an of incapacity to accurately conserve water and should imply that your cat is rising kidney or liver issues, or diabetes mellitus. And for these of us who normally take our kitty with us, this is a large assist in maintaining him snug even when he’s an anxious traveler. We have no evidence to … Read the rest Many dogs will likely be taught the bathtub pointers” and wait to shake until you could have positioned the towel over them to comprise the water droplets. Dietary food for grownup dogs with pores and pores and skin irritation and excessive hair loss as a consequence of dermatosis or meals intolerance. Be sure to be taught the packaging to see what advantages your meals provides your puppy. It is normal and healthy for a dog’s ear to be a bit waxy. Discover our vary of merchandise to seek out the proper dog meals in your pet. Small items of food or a favored toy will be utilized to inspire your puppy to hold out most duties. All dogs must seem healthy to enter the United States. They’re the only option if you’re an lively household with grown-up children, because of … Read the rest Premium-quality dry food supplies a effectively-balanced weight-reduction plan for grownup dogs and may be mixed with water, broth or canned meals. Dearer manufacturers will even include larger top quality protein corresponding to fresh meat whereas cheaper brands could include further vegetable protein. Nonetheless, kids 5 years of age and younger should be supervised whereas interacting with animals to ensure the safety of the kid and the pet. Dogs actively search particulars about their surroundings and might spend a lot time investigating and exploring. Understand that, early in training, your puppy doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase. A bichon frise stands on a grooming desk on the 141st Westminster Kennel Membership Dog Present in 2017. Your veterinarian will advocate that a contemporary pattern of your dog’s feces (bowel motion) be collected previous to the wellness examination. Must you uncover an … Read the rest Many dogs wrestle with change. But the outcomes of a latest survey recommend that anxious behaviors may be more widespread amongst the world’s hottest pets than beforehand thought. While it’s good to know they’d be ready to spend the extra money to have the dog combed out, it is also important to see if the dog will even tolerate it. At this point put the dog on the counter or grooming desk. Playtime is a vital a part of your dog’s improvement and happiness. At the least as soon as per week, it’s best to take the time to have a look at your dog’s eyes. Let’s break down precisely how dog food and behaviour are linked. In case you have a dog, or are contemplating of welcoming a pet dog into your life, it is essential that you simply … Read the rest In precise truth, the Russian Blue cat is without doubt one of many best hypoallergenic cat breeds because it accommodates decrease ranges of the allergens glycoprotein Fel d 1. For the event of cat breeds, mainly, specific cats from a given race have been used because the founders of a given pedigreed breed. Experience and expert teaching in cat grooming permits our groomers to soundly and positively full the cats others can not. In the meantime, the mainland European wildcats had been pressured South by successive ice age glaciations, travelling into Asia and Africa. The current AVMA coverage on Declawing of Domestic Cats recommends that the process solely be carried out after exhausting other methods of controlling scratching habits or if it has been determined that the cat’s claws present a human health danger. Young, elderly, immunocompromised and cats residing … Read the rest This very warm, great comfortable, unimaginable cosy, PET HAIR RESISTANT, easy to scrub pet blanket. We do know for certain that one wildcat bit by the use of a protective handling glove although – the kind used by falconers when coping with birds of prey. To place it merely we love cats. Within the Canary Islands there’s additionally a large population of feral cats, nonetheless some research on their diet recommend that they feed on many extra introduced animals, paying homage to mice and rabbits, reasonably than native species such because the Barbary floor squirrel or the North African hedgehog. The cats you’re working with are all the same species, however their early experiences and their genetics indicate that they react very otherwise to the close proximity of people. Because of one producer may produce many kinds of pet foods … Read the rest Rapidly the puppy will come to count on the treat every time she performs the task. You should purchase merchandise made for eradicating “tear stains” from a white coat at a pet supply retailer. Dogs dig in the flooring for many causes: to flee, to look at animals, to make a cool spot to lie, or to cover one factor necessary to them. With some dogs, once they have their very own den†it helps them actually feel safer they normally spend much less time stressing out because of separation anxiousness. What to seek for: The indicators of obesity could appear obvious, but having common weight checks is necessary with the intention to maintain information of your dog’s weight over time. Many people dismiss Poodles as showy, fussy dogs with out realizing loads about them. 13. Hopkins S, Schubert T, … Read the rest I used to be afraid that the 1 yr outdated food can be freezer burned nonetheless I rinsed the very best ice crystals off and my cats have been advantageous with it. And…they’re often very picky cats. Aeromark, the producer of the Amarkat line, prides itself in providing internationally acclaimed quality pet beds and cat bushes. The most important unfold of feral cats all by means of inland Australia befell last century as the continent was opened up by European explorers and pastoralists. Together along with her constructed-in grooming tools (tongue and teeth), your fastidious feline is nicely-geared up to tackle her private hair care needs. NO, PACKAGE DEAL KAT SHOULD NOT BE SLEEPING IN MY MATTRESS FOR MY SAFETY. Precisely balanced vitamin with the delicious style of minced liver & hen to help gasoline the energy desires of cats … Read the rest Some kittens not solely face a brand new residence, additionally they face a new household that features different pets as well as people. In countries the place it is out there, akin to within the UK, many breeders, rescue organisations and even people who have bred an ‘unintended’ litter will current new homeowners with insurance coverage protection cowl for the kitten which lasts for the primary 6 weeks in its new dwelling. Select from the widest differ of pet accessories like collars, leads, beds, toys, flea and tick safety, pet shampoo and pet toys. This distinctive cat mattress has a fun hammock fashion and a slip-resistant backside, and it supports kitties who weigh up to 22 kilos. A genuine wildcat may have a really mild brown fur spherical their mouth. In a 2001 survey of cat householders, respondents indicated that … Read the rest
Play aggression is normal and may be acknowledged by the kitten’s physique posture. The phrase ‘cat’ can be used for different felines Felines are usually often known as both huge cats or small cats The huge, wild cats are well-known: lions , tigers , leopards , jaguars , pumas , and cheetahs There are small, wild cats in most components of the world, such because the lynx in northern Europe The large cats and wild cats aren’t tame, and is perhaps very harmful. Cats are wonderful hunters; even housecats can simply turn into feral and survive within the wild. From kitten care to geriatric cat drugs , consistent preventive care might make all the distinction in the high quality of life of your cat. Cats in no way drink the place they eat, so put the water bowl a minimum of one metre away from the food bowl. The understanding of the ecological and social standing of the Late Neolithic NE cats in Poland is essential to reconstruct the spatial and temporal historical past of human-cat interactions, which lastly led to cat domestication and its present worldwide distribution. Sadly, ranked last on the CFA’s guidelines of frequent felines, it is considered one of many least in style breeds of cat in America. Whereas many individuals perceive the importance of grooming their dogs completely and recurrently, most don’t notice that cat grooming is just as vital. Home cat beds might even have a number of ranges. In case your cat is partaking in extreme chewing, scratching or licking, it may be time for a examine up. Importantly, never feed your kitten cooked bones. Feral cats are often extra muscular than house cats, and are opportunistic predators which have a severe affect on native species. The selection on whether or not or to not vaccinate towards totally different sicknesses should be made between an proprietor and a veterinarian, contemplating components particular to the cat. If potential, examine the back of your cat’s mouth for any ulcers, swelling lesions, or lumps. Feral cats are widespread in New Zealand. So whether you are searching for to get an alley cat or one of many very important widespread cat breeds, give them the love and a focus they deserve and give to you. Kittens may panic and begin to scratch. Don’t try and trim your entire cat’s claws at one time. We purchased a surprising, cozy cat mattress … and it has not been slept in as quickly as. The NCI research drew on genetic supplies from 979 home cats discovered “in Scotland, down though Cape Metropolis, and all the way in which to Mongolia and plenty of locations in between,” Driscoll acknowledged. That is the age when the people caring for Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley and the remainder of their cat family begin instructing the kittens the way to play, letting them know that human fingers mustn’t for biting or scratching. They may have quite a few accidents whereas they study so don’t be discouraged and importantly, never punish your kitten for toileting outside the litter tray.
Many other betting exchanges have sprung up in the wake of BetFair’s popularity. BetFair’s popularity has made it a popular choice for professional punters, including traditional bookmakers. This has increased the competition for back betting. Many lay bettors have decided to switch to exchanges that offer better odds. There are many betting exchanges today, but there are many things to consider when selecting a betting exchange. A successful betting exchange is only possible if there are enough participants. Exchanges are based on matching a lay betor (one who “lays” a bet that a team would lose) with a back bettor. The more participants, the greater the chance of having his bet matched. There is no match if there isn’t a matching bet. There are hundreds of betting exchanges online, but in order for a punter to succeed, they must be able to use an exchange that has a lot of activity or participants. Online research can help you determine the level of “action” on any exchange. You should also ensure that the exchange offers a lot “action” on the right sports. While most exchanges allow you to wager on many sports, there are some exchanges that offer betting only on certain sports. Some exchanges offer more action on European and World Cup soccer betting than others. Others, however, are focused more on English football. It is important to find the exchanges that offer the best “action” in a particular league. You can often find this information by searching online forums that are focused on your preferred sport. Some exchanges may also focus on specific markets. This can be a problem, especially if the betting terminology is different. For example, in Australia, where some terminology is different or in Germany, it can be helpful to focus on an exchange that caters specifically to your home market. This will help avoid misinterpretations and poor bets. Online forums that are focused on the national gaming market can help a punter find exchanges that cater for his market. The exchange’s commission policy is another important consideration. The top exchanges charge a commission on winnings. Since a bet is only made once a lay and back bettor have matched, there will always be a winner and a loser for every bet. It is essential to understand the exchange’s commissions in order to make profit and place responsible bets. Many exchanges offer a sliding scale to determine the amount of commission they charge. This is based on the amount of activity. The lower the commission, the better. This is not the case for all exchanges 라이브카지노. Before depositing or joining an exchange, it is important to read the commission policy. These are only a few of many key factors that smart punters should consider before joining an exchange. While there are many factors to consider, the ones listed above are the most important. It is crucial to do your research before you make a decision about which exchange to use. Dean S is an experienced punter who has tried many different systems. After years of trial and error he invented the Home Team System [http://hometeamsystem.com] that has given him the best results.
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If you're in the concrete construction field , you'd understand what decorative concrete coatings are, but for people who do maybe not, here is a primer. If you're a layman and need to generate some improvements to your property, maybe you're contemplating laying a concrete coating potentially in your pool deck, patio or garage flooring. Let's suppose that you just have a concrete area on a floor of your pool deck or garage a decorative concrete coating aids in preventing fractures which can be created when water dries right up in the concrete mixture, thus adding power to the finish. With all the different varieties of flooring accessible today, one sticks out as affordable, permanent and lovely - concrete overlays. Decorative Concrete Floorings have gone main-stream for equally residential or commercial usage. By picking out a concrete flooring, you'll be able to get rid of the allergens and medical conditions that will be due to rug. Concrete additionally might be entirely seamless removing grout lines which might be rough to scrub and harbor germs on tile flooring. In the event that carpet is still loved by you it's possible to highlight with area rugs, but may very well not desire to cover-up your new wonderful flooring. Several exotic concrete ground overlays transcend expectancies as industrial flooring at the same time. Ornamental concrete floorings come in eateries, attics, warehouses, automobile dealerships, garages and galleries. There are different strategies to work with color and stain for almost any flooring. Acid dyes and stains could be used creating limitless arty designs. Stamped concrete is nothing new, although for generations it has just been utilized from the most innovative and arty contractors who produced their own merchandise. In the last few years the need has exploded due to the remedies a lot of the newest products supply. The mix of artists, enterprisers, producers and contractors have worked collectively through learning from mistakes to enhance the merchandise, gear and use techniques. The technological progress of concrete overlays have enhanced with quicker program times and additional durability. Concrete has turned into such an important element of numerous construction buildings and renovations that its use isn't restricted to undertaking technologists and architects only. Interior and outdoor designers also utilize this as a popular substance to make artistically appealing places in the vicinity of the facilities. Such recognition for ornamental concrete originates from many different grounds, the most important of which are the following. Other than this, the process for ornamental concrete stays the same, thereby rendering it simple to get ready. This concrete may be used not just on flooring, but additionally on walls as well as ceilings of your home. Due to such versatility, ornamental concrete is superb looking with arty finishes in any region - terraces, hospital rooms, as well as generation regions. Decorative concrete uses are efficient and fast to execute because of its simple preparation. Its quick- curing and drying skill makes it among the really swiftly deployed programs of the building industry. As you'll find diverse kinds of ornamental concrete to select from, you can select the most suitable choice depending upon your predilections.
Climate: The US boasts a wide variety of climate types due to its size and range of geographic features. Time Zone: Six times zones — Alaska, Hawaii plus four on mainland — PST, MST, CST, EST International phone code: 1 Currency: US Dollars Capital: Washington, DC Transportation: Most travellers find themselves entering the US at one of its major entry points, such as New York, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles, but many mid-size cities have international airports too. If you’re arriving by car, the US-Canada and US-Mexico borders are two of the most frequently crossed borders in the world, with millions of crossings daily. Greyhound buses offer inexpensive cross-border service from both Canada and Mexico throughout their network. Amtrak offers international train service from Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal into the US. The size of the US and the distance separating its major cities make air the principal mode of travel for short-term travellers. Major carriers compete for business on major routes, and travellers willing to book two or more weeks in advance can get bargains. However, many smaller destinations are served by only one or two regional carriers, and prices there can be expensive. Domestic passenger trains can be surprisingly scarce and relatively expensive. Renting or bringing your own car is usually a very good idea. This applies even to very large cities like Los Angeles, Atlanta and Miami, where public transport is limited and having a car is the most practical way of getting around. (The exceptions are New York City, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and Washington, DC, where having your own car is not only unnecessary, but discouraged.) In most medium-sized American cities, everything is very spread out and public transportation thin. Intercity bus travel is widespread, and while not available everywhere, there are at least three daily routes in every state. Gay United Kingdom Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in the US have evolved over time, yet still vary, sometimes drastically, on a state-by-state basis. Currently nine states — Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and Washington (as well as the capital district of Washington, DC) offer same-sex marriages. Rhode Island will recognize gay marriages performed out-of-state, but won’t offer them locally. California briefly legalized gay marriage then rescinded it, after a citizens’ ballot initiative (Proposition 8) rolled it back in 2008. Many states explicitly banned gay marriage. Recent studies — some scientific, some subjective — have revealed a continuing migration of gay Americans into mainstream, middle-American life. The queer scene is no longer found in just the obvious gay Meccas like San Francisco and New York City. While still on the list of Gayest Cities in America, they're being joined by unlikely candidates such as Columbus, Austin and Iowa City.
- This event has passed. Das Zentrum Christmas Dinner 6 December 2023 @ 6:45 pm - 9:30 pm$8.00 Join Das Zentrum for its annual Christmas Dinner at the Austrian Club. Tickets are only $8.00! Christmas gift per ticket included. Dinner is a la carte and not included in the ticket price. Feel free to have a look at the a la carte menu of the Austrian Club: Pork knuckles need to be pre-ordered with the Austrian Club. Please book your ticket by using the Trybooking link.
Abrasos, Joy Fox Asian Moment Head, Joy Fox There will always be a feeling of coming home when I go to the ranch. Perhaps it is Joy Fox’s welcoming spirit; her warmth or it might also be the way she offers her art to others. I met Joy Fox through her late husband Bruce McGrew and she has always treated me as if we have grown old together many times. Other than the development of new homes across from Rancho Linda Vista the ranch looks the same as it did 40 years ago when I first visited. Joy Fox’s large totem sculptures rise out of the landscape and greet, they are composed of clay and stand as part animal, part human, muse or goddess, representations of spirit in nature. Pictures, words, and pieces of poetry etch the surfaces on many of the forms and they project an ancient and primitive wisdom. I have owned one of Fox’s totem sculptures for 10 years now and I can see on the folds and wings the hint of conversation between her and the others, the shapes mimic many of the negative shapes in Bruce McGrew’s paintings and seem to drift between dream world and waking realities in their representation. She uses many kinds of clay from many locations, each offering their unique character to the fire and although clay is the oldest medium man has used to express form I am still in awe that taking earth and adding water and fire can produce so much of what we need, even today. Joy Fox’s studio door was open when I first arrived, as it was each time I returned. She is an open person, very loving and accepting as if all the years of kneading and folding the clay have made her flexible and finely adaptive. The studio was filled with her large and small figures watching her as guardians. In every piece, she reminds us of our earliest human art works, each a continuum of her lifelong conversation with the goddess. She carries the wisdom of the ages and the ancients; every piece holds sacredness even the stray parts of unconstructed totems held the presence of devotion. Joy Fox morphs with life and the work as clay cures. Broken pieces of her sculptures among the flowers and stones tell me she knows the clay will return to the earth eventually, back to the goddess as will she. The dialogue with Joy Fox. Diane: I just wondered if art has been at all therapeutic. Have you experienced art as a therapeutic agent? Joy Fox: Well I think I have. I mean, especially when Bruce died. I mean, if I didn't have my work, I think I would have really been at a loss. That's when I got into yoga much heavier, much more, and you know just working through that, that difficult time. Diane: Did you find it hard to work after he died? Joy Fox: Well fortunately we had a group show lined up, I mean the two of us at the Davis Dominguez Gallery. I had tons of work of Bruce's that we put up. I decided I just wanted to go ahead and do that even so soon after his death. I think it was a lifesaver in a lot of ways because, what are you going to do? Bruce was just wonderful through the whole thing [his dying process]. He just took it so well, it was really awesome. He was very sharp. I think if it wasn't for the work, and because that was so much a part of our life together it got us both through. It was just our main connection. And the yoga, it just helped a lot, helped me get through a lot of that. But the art we shared was the blessing. Diane: I see so many similarities in your work and his; you really can see your connection. Just the way the images speak to each other. I have that big sculpture of yours. You put scratched images into the clay. I see that the images link to your life with Bruce. I see a sun, there's a sun in one of the sides. It was your piece, “La Mariposa”. Joy Fox: I remember the piece, yeah. Diane: I love that sculpture so much. I see the way there was this conversation between your images and his that is very interesting, and very unique. Joy Fox: Well there were a lot of things that I really learned from him. I wrote a couple of the things down . . .first of all we did a lot of travel, a lot of art pilgrimages. He was always working. He was either painting or teaching, even when we traveled. And his discipline was so incredible. I learned a lot about that, and dedication, from him. We really liked each other's work. We always had conversations going on. We'd visit each other's studios almost every day after we worked and things. I was always saying, "Oh do you like it better this way or do you like this way or should I try this?" You know with sculpture, you can just pick things up in pieces and assemble them. And I’d say, "Do you like this better than this or should this go with this space." And he’d say, "Well ask the artist." He would always end up saying, "Well ask the artist.” And so since he died I would just start having conversation with myself. I started that a long time ago, and now, I mean there's really no one to ask. But there's really not anybody I have in my life who is like Bruce when he would come in, and we'd talk about work. Diane: I see you include the muse in a lot of your pieces. Those conversations you refer to, is that where the muse comes in? Joy Fox: I think so. That was something that was real important to him. He did a whole series about the muse. He was always using that as a subject. And I did too. I did a whole series of pieces of the Greek muses. Who knows where that all comes from, but it comes from our conversations. It's just funny though that moment of knowing when your work is finished; I would just completely overwork things. Like I said, it was harder in the past to have a clear sense of when it was finished. But it got to a point where I have had to have an inner conversation going on. I'm sure I even talk to myself. With these, these were all figures pretty much, so they ended up having a conversation amongst themselves. They do take on a life on their own. For me, when I'm putting a piece together I pick up one part and try . . .this piece for instance, I'm just building it right now but it's going to be an animal kind of figure that's going to have about three different figures. A figure on top of a figure, on an animal. A figure on the top of an animal is sort of the idea. So I thought about three or four different figures, and I don't know which one I'll use until after they're fired. Because sometimes once it's fired, it takes on another life that is very different, it comes alive. It looks pretty dead right now. But then once it's fired different changes happen. Diane: Oh that's beautiful. Joy Fox: And that's from the fire. You know that's not from anything I did. I mean, I painted the figure, it’s got a top to it, and head. Diane: That's interesting though that the fire plays a part in the actual creating. Joy Fox: Yes, that's the magic. Diane: You could be finished, but the fire really helps Joy Fox: It's so different. Look how different they look. Diane: So this will turn into a different color? Joy Fox: Well this has some blue on it, this has some color. This doesn't, this has red iron, and the clay is white. It's the same thing this clay is a reddish clay, and this clay is a white clay. So that makes a little difference too. But the iron in the clay that gives it the red. Then the smoke will affect it, and the heat, the fire even gives it kind of a halo. So that's magic. That's like magic entering into the whole. Bruce always talked about magic too. He believed it came from the people that are, the continuum. Diane: The ancestors I guess. And this looks old as if its been worn and weathered. Joy Fox: Right. Well I love it when this kind of thing happens when you get these sorts of flashes from the fire. Diane: As if it’s set, it’s been thrown into the fire after being used. Joy Fox: And it’s because of its relationship to the other pieces. That happens too because I sometimes use different methods of firing like putting a little burnable piece of something, actually art news magazines are great because they have that shiny ink surface. And if you take a little bit of it, put it in between and you stack them like that, and put something in between here that smokes, that burns out you get different tones, darkened areas on the surface. Diane: That's how you got that burnt mark on the surface? Joy Fox: Well that could be, yeah, there was probably something there. But it's always a surprise; you never really know how it's going to come out. That's the magic in the part of it that I really love. Diane: Now, that one is not fired. Joy Fox: This is fired once. It’s reddish clay, I built this piece, and then it's going to be up on wheels, I’m using a lot of metal now. I put this pinkish under glaze on it, and then I carved through into the red clay. And now I'm going to fire it again, and put a little clear glaze over it, so that, these marks will come through and then the clear glaze will be shiny, shinier, darker too. Diane: And then you take the tape off? Joy Fox: I'll take it off before I fire it. I usually take it off right after I put clear glaze on. Diane: I guess you want to pull the tape off to get the negative shapes? Joy Fox: You don't have to, it will burn out. But sometimes the glaze sticks to the tape. Diane: Well I want you to think about when you're getting ready to begin a piece. You know that moment, almost that moment before conception I guess it is. Joy Fox: One of the things is, that I usually have more than one piece going on. I was thinking about that because for instance, if you're in a painting studio and you have the wall. I have a friend who's studio is absolutely clear of everything except for a chair, a podium where he has his dictionary, and a piece of black canvas on the wall. He doesn't have any paintings stored in there or anything. That's his studio. That's totally different from mine. I have all these things that give me ideas. For instance, I'm using a lot of metal now. And then I have things that I've started that I haven't finished. So you know when I come in here, there's so much already going on. It's not like I come into an empty place. Diane: So the art kind of begins from art? It begets more art. Joy Fox: Yeah, exactly. There are times if I'm working a piece, reworking it, and reworking it, and it's just not making any sense, I have to set it aside. I’ll start on something else, then look over at it and it will tell me what it needs, “Oh yeah, that's what I need to do to that piece.” And I might be working on something totally different, but suddenly know how to finish it. Diane: Do you ever make a piece, such as a shape like that one, and not really know how you'll ever use it, but it just looks like such an interesting thing? Joy Fox: Well that's why I have this one. This was going to be another figure. It's going to have kind of a little dress. I'll be working on a piece later, and I'll say, "Oh that figure, that's what this needed." So it's, it is a sort of conversation going on all the time between the pieces. Diane: There seems to be a timelessness where they're all happening simultaneously like all the work, and pieces are of future works being done now, but they're intended for work next year perhaps. Works that you've taken apart, and reworked. But it's always this ongoing conversation between all of the work that you’ve done from the very beginning of your career on into the future. Even those finished works over there. Joy Fox: Now those, once I feel they are finished, I want them out of my life or I don't want to work on them anymore. I very seldom go back, and change those. Diane: They are like beings. They have a presence in the room. Joy Fox: Yeah, I have finished work over here, and over there it's all pieces and bits. It's like that conversation going on. Diane: That's exactly what happens within the painting itself after you kind of lay down the environment with paint, it's like you create a visual culture. But in your case, it has to do with all of these shapes, and the clay, and how the clay is going to contribute to the conversation, how it's going to end up the color that it comes out of the fire. Joy Fox: And I never know how the color's going to happen. Sometimes it's very boring, and I'm not too happy with it, and I'll re-fire it a couple of times before I get where I like it. Each piece, I want ideally to make sense. I mean, I want it to go together even though it's made out of a lot of pieces. That is kind of complicated. A lot of times, it goes together differently than what I planned. But then as I take each piece and work on it, for instance this piece here that I drew on. When I'm working each small part, I really like it as an individual work of art. You know I like the idea of handling it, and working on it, and carving into it. I'll probably, after this is fired add more glaze. Diane: So your words that you add, I see lots of words. Joy Fox: I've been doing that more and more, and more. Poetry and just things that come to mind. Diane: Are they thoughts that sort of surface in the moment? Joy Fox: Most of them. For the most part, it's just things that come up or it's bits out of conversations. Diane: Like this, "Crybaby cry, no baby, no cry." Joy Fox: Yeah, that's from a song. Diane: I love it. Joy Fox: “Sing, sing, sing. Why it makes me laugh out loud.” Bruce was so good with the brush, you know with the watercolor brush, and the calligraphy of the brush, and all that. That affected me a lot. I like carving, and making the marks. It's very important to me. These words, these things that have turned into words, they started as patterns maybe, and then function as calligraphy and hieroglyphics. Diane: They just come out of you intuitively. Joy Fox: Sometimes it does, sometimes it's not worthy at all. It depends if it's flowing. Sometimes it's not flowing at all. You probably feel the same way in painting because you think, "Oh my God, what is wrong with this day or what's going on?" Diane: Yes . . .sometimes you'll be painting, and you won't even know where your ideas and gestures comes from, and you'll suddenly find them in the painting. You need a certain color or another shape or you suddenly need to paint a bug in it or extra things. And you don't really know where it all came from, but it seems essential to the work. When I wanted to interview you, part the reason was because your work just feels so intuitive. Joy Fox: You know the really ultimate place to be is when your mind is empty. That's what all the yoga, and meditation is all about it's just like emptying your mind. That’s what happens I think eventually once you get your mojo going. I love all these terms from songs and things because they're always descriptive. Descriptive, and simplified or something. That's what happens, you get your mojo working, and something happens, something clicks. Diane: Have you ever lost track of time? Joy Fox: Oh yeah. Lots of times. Diane: It is something we've been trained into I guess. Have you had areas in any of these pieces where you felt like there was a big struggle or a struggle with either the elements or the medium or just. . . Joy Fox: Well for sure. Things sometimes just don't go too well. I just usually work through it. Sometimes I have to leave it alone, go to something else. Sometimes I have to go sit in my chair, and look at images or I do a lot of visualization. Sometimes I just go over there, sit there, and look out the window, and think. I guess you'd call it visualizing. If I can't, then I do drawings too, I have a book that I do a lot of little drawings of things. Ordinary things don't come out exactly like those drawings they go through big changes. And but it gives me a starting point, with the drawings. But you know the struggle, there's always a struggle. I think I've maybe learned how to go onto something else, not get too stuck. Like knowing when something's finished, you say, "I don't like this, I don't like this, I don't like this." And then all of a sudden maybe you just leave it alone, come back to it, and you know what to do. Diane: So have you had periods in your life where you've felt like it was hard to come back to the studio? Joy Fox: After a show it's always a little hard after everything is cleared out. I come out, and everything's gone and that can be difficult. A lot of times that's when maybe I'd take a trip or something. Diane: To get re-inspired? Joy Fox: Yeah, to get recharged. That’s one of the main reasons I travel is to get to look at art, look at nature. I do a lot of birding, I love plants, and so it's not too hard out here either because you just take a hike, and you just never get bored. There's always some surprise that's just around the corner. Diane: You're such a positive person. I don't imagine you've ever really thought seriously about giving this up. Joy Fox: Well I don't know. After the last show I had I didn't do anything for a couple of months. I just left it. I think, you know I'm getting towards the end of my life, and there are a lot of things I want to do that maybe aren't clay. Clay is so basic I want to get back into drawing more. I used to draw a lot more than I do now. I can't even seem to take the time out to do that. I don't know, there's just too much to do. I have way too much stuff going on in my life. I'm just surrounded by inspiration, kids art, children's art. Diane: Yes, you draw a lot from children's art. Joy Fox: I do. I always have. And now the kids are all getting older. And well Cezanne will someday have kids. There’s so much stuff I want to do. I want to go through all of Bruce's work, and get it more organized I have it all photographed and numbered and all that. Diane: I don't work in clay but I feel a pull from it, and I wonder when you dream, do you dream in clay? Joy Fox: No, but I do a lot of visualizing like say before I go to sleep, I think about figures or pieces or something I want to do. And sometimes when I wake up, I lay there and think about it. Bruce used to have these wild dreams. I mean, I'll have a wild dream once in a while, but his would always be visual. Diane: Well these shapes that you have that come to you during waking consciousness are so dream-like. When you're mediating, they just seem to come through to you whenever you're in the zone. Joy Fox: And like I say, I do a lot of visualization and looking, just looking at animal forms, and human forms, and plant forms. Diane: There's a lot about the relationship between animals and humans in your work. Joy Fox: Yeah. Well I love working with the human figure. I love doing different heads, you know different head studies. Diane: Once you get a piece resolved, and you've got it suddenly together, and it works, can you describe what that feels like? Joy Fox: You know it's a good feeling even though those feelings are sort of fleeting. But that gives you impetus to go onto something else. I work pretty rapidly and I don't stew over too much. Diane: So as soon as something's done, you're done. Joy Fox: I'm ready to go on to something else. I'm ready to go try other things, and I always want to experiment with different clays. I do a lot of experimentation with just the clays I dig around here, and mixing clays together, and just trying different combinations. I've been working with paper clay, and then high fire clay, low fire clay; just all different kinds of glazed piece, some different kinds of glazes. Most of the glazes I just purchase, I don't really mix glazes too much. I just see a color I like, so I buy it and use it. But I don't use a lot of glaze, most of these colors are under glazes. Diane: What is paper clay? Joy Fox: That's this. This is this white clay and it's got paper in it. I just got a bunch of it recently. Most people don't want to mess with reconstituting it. You have to soak it, and mix it, and then wedge it back out. So what I end up doing is buying maybe a ton of a particular kind of clay. My favorite clay, one that's so great for the figures is a beige, kind of a beige-y clay, and it's groggy, it's real sculptural. It doesn't crack, and dry, and it's a really solid and easy to work with. So I buy that, and then you start with a scrap. I mix some together and they all work differently. Some of them are real fine. So I might want to do something with white fine clay where I want to do something small like a figure of something. This paper clay has got a lot of paper in it, and then it burns out, so it's lighter, and it's real easy to work with. You can just stick it together. You don't have to really work it together much. I've liked it; I've liked the feeling of it. Diane: You were talking about reconstituting, and all this hard work. But I remember one time you were telling me that you enjoyed working with the clay because it made your back feel good. And all I could think of was that there was something of your energy that you put into the clay that was being released into the clay. Joy Fox: That was true even when I first started at UCLA and I took my first clay experience, and even while I worked on little things as a kid. Do you see the coffee tea set over there? I was twelve I think when I did those. Diane: Are they that old really? Joy Fox: Yeah. Honest. Those little pitchers were the first things I threw on the wheel. Diane: Oh how fascinating. Joy Fox: My mother had all those. That's why I have those now; I got them back from her. I'm kind of glad that I'd given her so many things because I now have, things from every period of my life. Diane: I think it's wonderful that you have your beginnings here with you. And then you have the ongoing and the future. Joy Fox: It's all right here. These are from when I was studying with Paul Soldner. Some of the early pieces, there are four pots up there. And then my work became less functional, started getting more sculptural. I think it changed when I was in Mexico and started doing little figures. I have a couple of those left, but there's one up there, little figures where I was firing with cow manure down in Mexico. But about my back . . .so I started working on the wheel, I had polio when I was young and my back always bothered me. They had me do some traction to help me with the curvature, and so I started working on the wheel at that same time. And I mean, the pain went away, it just went away. I never had any more problems until I got old now. I have a little bit of arthritis, but the yoga's really been helping. I don't have to take anything for it. I haven't been working on the wheel much. I'm going to do some more because I like doing functional stuff once in a while. I like working on the light stoneware with the painting on the plates. I've got a whole bunch at the house. I can show you painting figures on white plates, and dishes, and I'm kind of out of all those. I usually do a couple of loads, and then I give them away for gifts, and use them myself. And now I'm out of all of them. So I’ve got to get back on the wheel now, and see how it affects my back. Diane: I have one more question because I know I'm going to tire you out. Joy Fox: Oh no, that's all right. Diane: And you sort of did answer it when you were talking about how you would be working, and then you'd glance and another piece that would kind of catch your attention, and want your attention. But I really want to know if you've ever felt that you were responding to the voice of another. And some people call it spirit while they're in the work, and some will call it Providence, and some call it their higher selves. But is there, was there ever an awareness that you know, you really aren't alone in this work? Joy Fox: Oh very much so. Especially I have these conversations with Bruce all the time. You know just sort of, I mean they're real. Diane: They're real. Joy Fox: Because I always think, "Well what would he say about this or that?" because he was always really good at verbalizing. I mean it's funny because he was good at verbalizing but he wasn't good at writing something down, and then presenting it, that kind of thing. He was just good at communicating between people one on one. Diane: Yes, I do remember. Joy Fox: And so definitely I feel that, and I feel that there is a conversation kind of within an inner conversation a lot. And so I don't know how to exactly describe it, and then I think the pieces speak. It's a way of saying. I think it's part of a continuum. This is the oldest art form in the planet. Diane: That's right. Joy Fox: I mean, you know they're still digging up the earliest pieces. They discovered how to fire clay pretty early on. It’s just very ancient and I feel a real connection to the others. Here's Nampeyo, she was always a heroine of mine, a Hopi potter. She died in 1942, this picture is from 1901. So that’s, her, she still has people in her ancestors making pots. Great granddaughters, and daughters, and these different periods. I think just even being there, and being with that art, and what those people were doing and saying. I think that comes through. Diane: I do too. Joy Fox: I don't know if you would call it a continuum. It's like a conversation going on since the millennium. Diane: Like almost a channeling. Joy Fox: Yeah. Diane: Bruce Elwin McGrew. Joy Fox: Yes, I made this. I never finished it and I’ve got to. Every once in a while, I think I'm going to do it. This is a poem. It was supposed to be a water figure. And this poem, this was right after he died W. S. Merwin wrote for his memorial. It says, "You left us the colors, sand, rocks, and the shapes of late summer." He wrote that after Bruce died and it has another couple lines to it. Anyway, so this was something I started, but I never finished it. And it's going to be some kind of water figure sometime. It will happen one of these days. It's only been 13 years, 12 years. Sholtz and Gavron (2006) remind us that clay work; the process of handling, manipulating and sculpting clay, taps into primary modes of expression that may have evolved before verbal language and these modes of expression are linked to actual feeling and memories that were encoded through touch and movement. Joy Fox and I discussed how comforting it was for her to just hold a lump of clay. Simply to hold it, feel its coolness and plasticity means something to her in her most primary ways of giving and receiving. The clay invites her and continues to invite even now when she might prefer to draw. Historically, clay has been used by many cultures as a connective medium to the spirit world. It is believed that many of the oldest clay figures were used in magical and ritual ceremony as symbols of goddess or god and symbols of power over the natural world. Joy Fox’s sculptures are undeniably totems of power. From my perspective, when an artist chooses to create in most cases the act of creating occurs between artist and art in the imaginal realm where the work becomes spiritualized, where creativity begins to speak as the work itself. However some artists invite a change agent into the process that influences this conversation by its very presence and character. The artist must always remain humble and step aside in the act of allowing. To involve an element such as fire, invites an other of no mind. It is not an other that has propensity to create. Fire releases energy and converts substances in ways that demand respect. An artist who creates in partnership with fire must have an inner core that can withstand and that has known change in all venues through the continuum so as not to fear it. Fire is not patient like water is. Fire is willful where water is nurturing and familiar and knows us better than we know ourselves. I would not say Joy Fox has faith in the fire so much as she has faith in the willfulness or the language of releasing that belongs to fire. To make a form by muscling the fine silt of the earth, water assists and helps the form to evolve. The artist’s energy is pounded, folded, and kneaded into the clay. The creation of forms from clay comes from the deepest center of the soul. Fire then releases it, releasing Joy Fox to the very same time and space of the ancients the first potters and all others in between. The invitation of the clay is a call to the work for Joy Fox to re-remember in the most primal way, as the feel of the clay in her hands was the same feeling for all the ancestors. This medium has never changed and requires the movements; touch sensations, and wordless communication as the earliest humans experienced. She converses with the ancestors as she works, her images are tributes to the creatures and elements of nature, gods, and time. The ancestors return through her, through her work and her offerings to the fire. The question of where crisis appears for Joy Fox posed an interesting challenge of stepping back from the voices she has included in her choir of creation, or the council of elements and ancestors. The images of the tall sculptures rising out of the desert keep reappearing in my mind. I see them welcoming me to enter the gate to her home, I see them lined up along the front of her studio and surrounding the table where she works the clay. Large pieces sit covered in plastic to keep them moist, I see the parts and pieces laying in piles, groups, and arrangements. The surfaces of the pieces as individual works of art reveal symbols, landscapes, and poetry. I remember Joy Fox’s account of the turning point where her work became less and less utilitarian. Her first departure from objects of use were small human figures and it occurred to me that they may not have been small in a fetish-like way, but small as in the distance. They were muses in the distance, on the horizon and their arrival changed everything. Artistic crisis requires something from a seasoned artist, it requires the nod of reassurance and faith; and so to find Joy Fox’s crises I looked for her faith. "Things sometimes just don't go too well. I just usually work through it. Sometimes I have to leave it alone, go to something else. Sometimes I have to go sit in my chair, and look at images or I do a lot of visualization. Sometimes I just go over there, sit there, and look out the window, and think. I guess you'd call it visualizing." (Joy Fox, interview, August 2013) Dismemberment aptly sums the character and creative space of Joy Fox’s call to transformation. Not only do the works function as art in the dismembered state, but they seem to want to have their say in how they are “re-membered” within the work. I suspect now at the point of dismemberment the ancestral voice of clay and the willful voice of fire have finally quieted down. She sits waiting for her own intimate conversation with the work and the “spiritualizing” of the piece. For this to happen she must face dismemberment and follow the soul of the work, she must listen to that sacred language of no words. Reconstructing the bones that have returned from the dust of the earth, returned from the fire of the universe now require something of Joy Fox in order to be spiritualized, they require what Romanyshyn (2007) discusses as the Fifth Moment: dismemberment, mourning, transformation in the Six Orphic Moments. Orphism teaches that human souls are divine and eternal and destined to repeated cycles of grieving in order to evolve and advance. With each stage of development, there is a looking back at the unsaid, undone, or unresolved; a letting go and then a move forward. All of these stages involve a unique character of grief. Romanyshyn (2007) makes the analogy of these cycles to research and the search for self appropriately, and when art becomes a path of discovery, self awakening, spiritualization it too moves within the cycle. The Six Moments in the cycle are characterized by Romanyshyn (2007, p. 61) as: Being Claimed by the Work, Losing the Work/Mourning as Invitation, Descending into the Work/Mourning as Denial, Looking Back at the Work/Mourning as Separation, Dismembered by the Work/Mourning as Transformation, and The Eurydician Question: Mourning as Individuation. Each of these moments can be found in Fox’s process, but crisis enters the scene in the fifth moment, the moment of confronting dismemberment. In the fifth moment, the artist must let go of the work and imagine it in a different way. The clay has been worked, formed, carved, and fired into the heads, arms, and trunks of the sculptures. Until now, the ancestors have assisted Fox, up until now she has been with child and pregnant with a “being” she can’t see or know. She sets the fired pieces out and waits letting go of her own involvement in the individual forms and surfaces knowing that they will now take on a different reality, the work will come into its own. There is a very subtle process of re-contextualizing and detaching; a moment of grief, and then movement to the stage of individuation (sixth) when the pieces become an individual. It would follow that once that happens, as Fox indicated, she is done with the piece and wants it to leave the studio either to be shown or live elsewhere. If you look at Joy Fox’s work as the reversal of the process of death and the movement toward rebirth the true sacrifice exists as it did for Orpheus in mourning and in grief. Dust, earth, clay as the forgotten reconstructed by the water, nourishment. The energy of creator voices of the continuum form and resurrect the bones, fire releases from the world of the dead and the past, and now grief must be revisited and “re-membered”. Transformation and spiritualization comes from the process remembering and then moves to individuation bringing the work into being. The earth, the iron of the clay have absorbed into the skin of Fox’s hands and arms as she gathered the dust from the scatters of time to stand and witness again as sages. Their stories now can be known from their one or many faces, their scarred surfaces of journey and the animal parts that assist them. I watched while at the highest place on Joy Fox’s property a new grouping of the giant talismans were placed and she was directing the instillation of lights for the interiors of these “beings”. They would light the hilltop in the lonely darkness of the desert. Weren’t they now able to send light back to the stars and the continuum? I believe so. To a great extent, I see Fox in her “sorcery of resurrecting”, having been granted ancient alchemical secrets, successfully returning home to The Beginning. Romanyshyn, R. (2002). Ways of the heart: Essays toward an imaginal psychology. Pittsburgh, PA: Trivium. Romanyshyn, R. (2007). The wounded researcher: Research with soul in mind. New Orleans, LA: Spring Journal.
Operation Orange-tip: 2021 The Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines) is a common and beautiful butterfly, typically emerging late March or early April. The males, with their bright orange colouration, wander widely and, to many of us, herald the start of spring. My recently updated digital atlas of the county's butterflies has revealed the patchy distribution of this species in Montgomeryshire. This Spring, I need your help to better understand where this charismatic butterfly occurs in the county and to help fill in holes in its distribution map (below). All records are helpful but finding the butterfly in new areas (or places where it has not been seen for many years) would be particularly exciting. If you are able to explore new areas, remember to stick to public footpaths or gain the landowner's permission. Even if you don't manage to spot an Orange-tip, details of any other butterflies you may see will be extremely helpful, as the true distributions of most of our county's butterflies are also poorly known. I've set up an iRecord Activity for 'Operation Orange-tip' and you can submit your sightings directly using You can view other records that have been submitted for the project, allowing you to track the progress of the 2021 sightings in real-time. Alternatively, please send your sightings directly to the county recorder by email (see Contact page if you don't have my email), and these records will be manually added to the project (please remember to include a date, OS grid reference, and a site name that can be found on a map, e.g. nearest village, for any sightings). It will be fascinating to see how many squares we can record the species in during 2021, as well as hopefully find this butterfy in some new places. Records submitted through Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust/Biodiversity Information Service's casual recording form, Butterfly Conservation's smartphone app or the Garden Butterfly Survey are also welcomed, though these will not be added to the iRecord Activity in real-time. A high resolution and zoomable distribution map for Orange-tip can be downloaded here: Distribution maps for all the butterfly species found in Montgomeryshire and general information about butterfly recording can be found in the following document: Butterflies of Montgomeryshire: a digital atlas. 5th edition. (2021).
Destrodent Commercial & Domestic Pest and Waste Control Services For Homes & Businesses Latin Name Cimex LectulariusAppearance Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown, oval insects up to 4 to 5 mm long or the size of an apple seed. Swollen and reddish after a blood meal. Latin Name Columba Livia Appearance Feral pigeons have dark, blue-gray heads with glossy yellow, greenish and reddish-purple markings along their neck and wing feathers. Rubbish removal in anywhere in London is often can be a challenge a lot of councils don't allow for skips on public, especially on major highways and byways. You can book a single collection or book a... Latin Name Blattella GermanicaAppearance German cockroaches are well-known indoor cockroaches with a distribution that is world-wide. Destrodent Waste Control provide effective solutions to contaminated land problems. We have the expertise in a wide range of innovative, efficient technologies using multi-disciplinary approaches to contaminated land problems. It is unfortunate that in certain circumstances you can come across dead or dying animals in your homes, gardens or commercial property. Latin Name Order Siphonaptera Appearance Adults small, wingless, about 2.5 mm long. Covered in tiny spines with piercing mouthparts. Latin Name Family Calliphoridae Appearance Bottle flies, also called blow flies, are common, large flies known for their metallic blue or green color. We have a dedicated and highly experienced friendly staff with a innate work ethic. We offer full service garden operation to partially or completely clear a totally overgrown Gardens using our wide range of power tools. Destrodent Waste Control are licensed for unsanitary waste disposal. Unsanitary Waste, can comprise of many things however they are predominantly Medical waste and human 'life style' waste. Latin Name Vespa Crabro (Linnaeus) Appearance The European hornet is a large insect. The adults range in size between 2 and 3.5 cm in length. They are brown with yellow stripes. Latin Name Mus Musculus Appearance House mice are covered in short hair that is light brown or gray to black in color, with lighter bellies. Latin Name Family TalpidaeAppearance The general characteristics of the mole, and more specifically the eastern mole, are a pointed snout, very large and rounded front feet with stout claws. Latin Name Order Lepidoptera Appearance Moths typically have two pairs of wings covered in scales. They have a coiled proboscis and large compound eyes. Latin Name Rattus Rattus Appearance Black or brown, can be over 40 cm long, with a long tail, large ears and eyes, and a pointed nose. Our local countryside and back alleys unfortunately are getting filled with fly tipped rubbish, is unsightly and holds a genuine health risk to the people and our wildlife. Latin NameClass ArachnidaAppearanceEight legs, two body regions, no wings or antennae. Destrodent specialise in tree surgery and clearance. We offer all forms of tree maintenance and clearance, from Pruning, Felling, Stump Removal or Stump Grinding. Latin Name Order Hymenoptera Appearance Varies tremendously depending on species. Most have two pair of wings and a pinched waist. They range in colors from black to metallic.
We are now in our 30th year of business providing service that “Exceeds Expectations” What does that even mean? Exceeding expectations? Have you ever felt really good when you left a store when you bought something? Maybe it was that you got a deal. Maybe you didn’t know what you were looking for, and someone helped you find it. Maybe you had to return something, and the service department understood and made you feel good and not silly. That’s an experience. There are dozens of places you could go to and get your car fixed, tires rotated, lawnmower maintained, snowblower repaired…but in our shop, we aim to exceed your expectations of what visiting a garage or repair shop should be. At East Road Motors we have the knowledge, tools, and experience to get the job done right the first time. We’re confident that we’ll make you a customer for life. Our Mission Statement:At East Road Motors, our goal is to make your automotive or power equipment service experience uniquely satisfying. We stand on sound business principals and uphold high ethical standards. Your work will be performed by highly rained and qualified technicians. We commit to serving you, our customer, with professional repairs at reasonable and affordable rates. Bill’s family has been part of the local community since 1941. Bill attended Mahopac Schools and is a longtime Board Member of the Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce. One side of the dual shop services Automobiles and Light Trucks, the shop is both “ASE Certified” and has the distinction of the “NYS sign of Automotive Excellence”…Plus, it is an Autorized NYS Inspection Station (#7046113). The shop’s other side features professional Lawnmower and Outdoor power equipment repairs, Commercial equipment, and Generators…plus specialty and custom work. Homeowners are welcome: The shop provides service and repair work for local municipalities and is an authorized service center for Home Depot and Lowes Outdoor power equipment. Bill Zacotinsky Owner of East Road Motors
Michigan Attorney Representing Professionals Lansing Lawyer Representing Professionals In our American system of criminal justice, you are presumed innocent of all crimes until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a prosecuting official. If you or your loved one is accused or charged with a criminal offense, do NOT, under any circumstances, talk to the police. Reveal only your name, date of birth, address, and telephone number to the police, and do NOT consent to a police search or government official search of your body, home, telephone, computer, or vehicle without a search warrant. If you are facing questioning from a police officer or prosecuting official, contact Lansing criminal defense attorney Eric J. Sheppard immediately at 517-618-1580, and let Eric J. Sheppard fight for your rights. If you are a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, a teacher, a pilot, an engineer, or any other licensed professional, a criminal conviction may have significant consequences on your employment, licensure, and livelihood. You may have reporting requirements for your profession. A criminal conviction may carry licensing sanctions - suspension or revocation - for your profession. Licensing issues can be complex. There is too much on the line to not have an experienced attorney that knows how to work through the criminal justice system and the appropriate administrative agencies regarding your licensing issues. If you are a professional that is being investigated for a crime or has been charged with a crime, then call my office right away to discuss your case and the best course of action. Contact The Law Office of Eric J. Sheppard for all of your professional legal needs: 517-618-1580. The Law Office of Eric J. Sheppard 2106 Hamilton Road, Suite 206 East Lansing MI 48864 PH: 517-618-1580 (office) PH: 216-973-9996 (cell)
When it comes to hosting a business event or conference, you want it to go without a hitch. Having the right conference staff can really help to make your event run smoothly. However, having inexperienced, or too few staff, may leave a lasting negative impression with your clients and associates. With the average conference in the UK […] Author Archive for: Phil This author has not written his bio yet. But we are proud to say that Phil contributed 19 entries already. Entries by Phil When it comes to events, presentation is everything. The quality of your hospitality staff will directly impact the quality of your event and the reputation of your company. Depending on how well you choose your staff, this can be a very positive or a very negative impact! Who do I need? The first step is […] Research shows that the number of events and meetings globally are on the up. This is no surprise as events can bring a lot of benefits. For example, the average return on investment for events is typically 25-34%. At Event Hosts, we help businesses across every sector and industry to capitalise on the advantages of […] Reaching out to potential customers is one of the most important aspects of any business which is why Event Hosts have made it our priority to supply the highest quality sales staff and lead generators helping your business to build relationships as well as generating the best quality sales. All of the staff in our […] Hosting a corporate event is no easy task. Not only does it require a great deal of planning and preparation, you may also need to hire additional corporate event staff to help ensure the event runs smoothly on the day. That’s where Event Hosts come in. We can provide you with experienced corporate event hosts/hostesses […] Last month Event Hosts were delighted to be a part of ICE Gaming 2018, one of the biggest B2B gaming exhibitions in the world, and one of the few events to bring together both the online and offline gaming sectors. Event Hosts were delighted to supply promotional models, hostesses, brand ambassadors, sales assistants and croupiers […] 2017 has been another exciting and eventful year for us here at Event Hosts. One that has seen our company continue to grow and take on new clients from all over the world whilst building on existing relationships with some of our very best customers. Our corporate conference team has been busier than ever this […] It’s been a busy summer for our Event Hostesses so far. This July we were both excited and privileged to have a presence at Pure’s London fashion show which featured exhilarating new collections from over 700 brands, inspirational talks and live catwalk shows over 3 jam packed days. Event Hosts promotional models and event hostesses […] Event Hosts are a premier supplier of promotional and exhibition staff Birmingham. This month we are excited to once again be helping to host The Vaper Expo at Birmingham’s NEC. This will be the fourth installment of the show since it first began in 2015 and it is always one of our favourite events of the […]
WordPress is an industry leading CMS (Content Management System), and the team at Evolution Media have been developing websites based on the WordPress platform since 2005. Thanks to our extensive experience, we have the skill and knowledge to create beautiful new websites and redesigns, that integrate the best available features and frameworks, to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly website. There are multiple WordPress frameworks available, including Fusion Builder, Divi and Elementor. Evolution Media are a registered Elementor Expert, so you can trust our specialist web designers have the expertise to produce a high quality, high performing website, quickly, using the Elementor framework. Elementor offers super fast design and build features, which allow us to produce your website in just a few days, to the same professional standard you would expert from a bespoke development. This means our websites are more cost effective and you can get started online much sooner! Another benefit of Elementor, is that once your website is built, you can easily learn how to edit the content yourself, adding new pages and blog posts to keep your website up to date with your business. To find out more about our website redesigns and rebuilds, and discuss the best options for your business and your budget, simply get in touch today. The specialist web designers at Evolution Media have years of experience redesigning and rebuilding bespoke websites for a wide range of businesses in Derby and the wider East Midlands area. From complex ecommerce sites, to simple one page landing sites, our redesign service can help to create a new web presence that will increase your search visibility and engage your customers. Step 1: Discovery We are passionate about helping small businesses succeed online, and we’re always excited to find out more about our clients and their business goals and services. By learning more about what you do, we can redesign a beautiful new website to suit your business, and attract new customers. Step 2: Digital Marketing Research With research into marketing your type of business, we can find the best way to rebuild your website so that it offers seamless and intuitive functionality and key features that meet the requirements of your customers. Step 3: Competitor Research You need to stand out from your competition, so we’ll find out what others in your industry are doing online. We can then use that research to rebuild your website in a way that highlights your unique selling points and offers your customers a better experience than your competitors. Step 4: The Design Our expert WordPress web designers can completely rebrand your website for a new, modern look, or they can clean up your existing brand to offer a fresh feel. Either way, the design stage of your website will ensure your business is represented online in the best possible way. Step 5: The Build Once you’re happy with how the design looks, the content and the features, we can quickly rebuild your website in WordPress in just a few days. There’s no need to wait for development; the WordPress platform ensures your new website will function seamlessly.
Adenosine is released from injured or hypoxic tissue where it all exerts numerous anti-inflammatory results including suppression of neutrophil features. that detects all three Rac isoforms. CP-532,903 also inhibited fMLP-induced F-actin development, a downstream effector function of Rac highly relevant to neutrophil migration, however, not activation of ERK1/2 or p38. Pre-treating neutrophils with CP-532,903 didn’t Rabbit Polyclonal to HSP60 stimulate cAMP creation or alter fMLP-induced calcium mineral transients, implicating that A3AR activation will not inhibit Rac activation or neutrophil actions by suppressing Ca2+ signaling, elevating the intracellular focus of cAMP, or by cross-desensitizing fMLP receptors. Our outcomes claim that activation from the A3AR indicators to suppress neutrophil features by interfering using the monomeric 92077-78-6 manufacture GTPase Rac, therefore adding to the ant-inflammatory activities of adenosine. 0.05 versus the fMLP-treated group by one-way ANOVA and Bonferronis test, = 3-7. We consequently examined whether dealing with neutrophils for 30 min with automobile or the A3AR agonist CP-532,903 (100 nM) decreases fMLP-induced Rac activation. A 30-min pretreatment process was utilized since we noticed previously that maximal inhibition of fMLP-induced superoxide creation is definitely accomplished when the cells face CP-532,903 for at least 18 min . Although treatment with CP-532,903 didn’t alter the basal degree of energetic Rac, it markedly decreased the amount of activation made by fMLP (Number 1B). This result shows that stimulating the A3AR in murine neutrophils inhibits the power of fMLP receptors to few to Rac signaling. To verify that CP-532,903 features particularly through activation from the A3AR, parallel research were carried out using neutrophils isolated from A3KO mice . As demonstrated in Number 1C, the inhibitory aftereffect of CP-532,903 on fMLP-induced Rac activation had not been obvious in assays using A3KO neutrophils. 3.2. Activation from the A3AR inhibits fMLP-induced F-actin era however, not fMLP-induced phosphorylation of ERK or p38 Both Rac1 and Rac2 take part in chemoattractant-induced neutrophil migration by advertising actin polymerization in the industry leading . Rac2 in addition has been reported to become upstream of ERK1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated proteins (MAP) kinase activation by chemoattractants , which significantly regulate neutrophil superoxide creation and chemotaxis. We consequently analyzed whether activation from the A3AR inhibits both of these downstream effector features of Rac. For F-actin assays, neutrophils in suspension system had been pre-treated with either 92077-78-6 manufacture automobile or CP-532,903 (100 nM) for 30 min and activated with fMLP (1 M) for 30 s before staining the cells with FITC-conjugated phalloidin. For the MAP kinase assays, mouse bone tissue marrow neutrophils had been pretreated with automobile or CP-532,903 for 30 min and activated with fMLP for 10 min and phosphorylated ERK1/2 and p38 had been quantified by American immunoblotting. As proven in Amount 2A, contact with fMLP significantly elevated F-actin articles over 2-flip in vehicle-treated control cells; this boost was almost abolished in cells pretreated with CP-532,903. Treatment with fMLP also induced speedy but transient phosphorylation of both ERK1/2 and p38 (Amount 3). As opposed to the outcomes from the F-actin assays, treatment with CP-532,903 didn’t inhibit fMLP-induced phosphorylation of either ERK1/2 or p38 kinases. Open up in another window Amount 2 Aftereffect of CP-532,903 on fMLP-induced F-actin development in mouse bone tissue marrow neutrophils. Neutrophils had been pretreated with automobile (A) or 100 nM CP-532,903 (B) for 30 min at 37C in the current presence of 1 device/ml ADA, and activated with 1 M fMLP for 30 sec. Cells had been stained with FITC-conjugated phalloidin and intracellular fluorescence was quantified by stream cytometry assessing a complete of 10,000 cells per test. Mean SEM. *, 0.05 versus the vehicle-treated group by Students test, = 8. Open up in another window Amount 3 Aftereffect of CP-532,903 on fMLP-induced activation of ERK1/2 and p38 in mouse bone tissue marrow neutrophils. (A) Consultant Traditional western immunoblots displaying phosphorylated and total degrees of ERK1/2 and p38. (B) and (C) present the outcomes of densitometric evaluation of the Traditional western immunoblots for ERK1/2 and p38, respectively. Ratios of phosphorylated to total proteins had been normalized to baseline amounts. Mean SEM. = 3-4. 3.3. Activation from the A3AR will not alter fMLP-induced intracellular 92077-78-6 manufacture Ca2+ transients or stimulate cAMP elevation Activation of chemoattractant receptors including fMLP receptors induces transient elevations in intracellular Ca2+ [25, 26], which is normally prerequisite for the pro-inflammatory actions of neutrophils including superoxide creation and degranulation aswell.
Search the Community Showing results for tags 'fishing fly'. Found 2 results Blue gills are some of the top food sources for some large freshwater predatory fish like bass, trout, pike, and walleye. Bluegill are in almost every lake and pond across america and most of the world. They have a yellow and bright orange belly with an olive back. The olive color rabbit zonker has stripes on it in order to imitate the stripes on the back of these baitfish. Also the dubbing colors will imitate the bluegills belly colors. It also swims really nicely with lots of movement. Hook: Daiichi 1750 - Size 10 Thread: Ultra Thread 70 - Burnt Orange Tail: Olive and white marabou Top Body: Olive barred bunny zonker Body Wrap: Bull Frog Dubbing - White, yellow hopper, and caddis orange. Eye: 4mm 3D eyes Eye adhesive: Fletch Tight Head Building: Solarez "Thin Hard" UV curing resin
Prep Volleyball Review and Preview: Fall Creek begins Cloverbelt title defense with big over rival Osseo-Fairchild There's a big difference between quad and weekend meets in prep volleyball and conference play. "This is Tuesday Night Lights, this is the real deal right here," Fall Creek head coach Matt Prissel said as his Crickets began the defense of their multi-season West Cloverbelt Conference title once against rival Osseo-Fairchild. "Here you have student sections, a pep band, more fans, five-game matches. You use those early season invites and quads and triangulars to find the right rotations and the players for them for these conference matches." And it really was the real deal for the Crickets as they found themselves in serious predicament without one of their team captains and best players, junior outside hitter Emaille Sorensen. She injured her knee during warm-ups and was down on the floor for several minutes as team members and the whole gymnasium looked on. "I was was shocked, obviously it was not something you expect," fellow team captain, senior middle blocker Tori Marten said. "But I couldn't show it. I couldn't let it affect the team. The other captains and I, we knew we had to rally everyone together and stay strong for Emallie and for all of us to get the win." And how as FC rallied together for a 3-2 victory over the Thunder at home during its Homecoming and Parent's Night match against the Thunder. Game scores were 19-25, 25-23, 22-25, 25-21, 15-11. "We played well, we played as well anyone could expect us could do without one of our best players and doing so with kids out of position, playing new positions, just drawing up and doing a lot of things on the fly really. I could be more proud of team in their heart, attitude, guts, grit, mental toughness you name it. To compensate for what we lost, we had to be all that and more against a very good Osseo-Fairchild team." The turning point may have come in Game 3 even though it was a loss for Crickets. Down 14-6 and being battered by the tall and athletic O-F frontline, perhaps suffering from some fatigue scrapping as hard they could, the Crickets still found enough energy thanks to kills from Marten and sophomore middle blocker Anna Dougherty. Again and again they both scored kills to prevent O-F from an easy, demoralizing Game 3 win, at one point taking the lead 18-17 and an ace by Martin, before the Thunder outlasted them to win 25-22. The momentum carried over as Fall Creek was able to win Game 4 by a 25-20 score after taking a 10-2 lead to start out and leading 22-11 at one point. With Game 5 tied at 7-7, two kills by Dougherty and two aces by Fitch put FC up 12-8 and for good. Not even a wrong server mistake which cost them a point could stop their momentum after a Martin kills sent them on their way to a most unlikely win. Tori Marten led the way for FC with 15 Kills and four aces. Dougherty had 10 kills. Sophomore setter Lauren Dallas made 18 assists while Fitch had 18 assists as well to go with four aces. Sophomore libero Grace Herrem had a team-best 34 digs and senior Marissa Dunham finished with 16 digs. Besides these stats leaders for FC, there were many other contributions to victory. "I thought JaneyAnne Grossinger played great from her setter's spot and showed great senior leadership," Prissel said. "Grace was outstanding as a libero and you had plays coming from Sophie Johnson, playing the middle for the first time, (junior) Caroline Grossinger, (sophomore) Kennedy Tumm, (sophomore) Gracie Marten, I mean, at one point we had six inexperienced players out there and they rose up and together to get the job done." After an uneven first half of the season in all the invites, quads and triangulars, Prissel thinks his squad may have found somerthign in themselves they've been looking for since the start of the season as the crickets improve to 14-10 overall, 1-0 in the West Cloverbelt. But its a long road ahead as league play got underway this week and may well have to be travelled without Sorenson for some time. Fall Creek's next match is at Bloomer on Tuesday, Sept. 20 and the Crickets host Eau Claire Regis on Thursday, Sept. 22. "I hope this experience makes us a better team both on and off the court Prissel said. "Emallie was on the sidlelines, cheering her teammates on even though she was in tears at times because she wanted to be out there so bad. But we were playing for her and we shouted 'Emallie' every time we broke our huddles. If it helped us stay strong, close out games or fire us up, that's a wonderful statement to how we stepped up in the heat of the moment but we have to carry that through now for the rest of the season." At the Sparta Invitational played on Sept. 10, the Crickets went 2-3. Fall Creek def. Arcadia 25-12, 25-15, lost to Eau Claire North 25-22, 25-19; lost to Wonewoc-Center 25-17, 25-21; beat G-E-T 25-22, 25-17 but lost to Sparta 15-25, 26-24, 15-12. Tori Marten finished the day with 25 kills, 34 digs, five blocks; Sorensen had 19 kills, 20 digs, seven aces; Fitch had 40 assists while Dallas had 37 assists; Herrem came away with 38 digs and six aces and Dougherty had six aces and six blocks. Despite the loss which put them at 8-6 overall and 0-1 to start league action, Osseo-Fairchild had some great individual efforts such as senior Hailey Mayer's eight aces and two kills, Fellow seniors Rhiannon Prudlick had six kills, two blocks and an ace, Madisyn Loonstra notched six kills, five blocks and a pair of aces, Taylor Gunderson had 11 kills and an ace and four kills were tallied from Katie Skoug. The loss to their rivals also blunted the momentum the Thunder had coming out of a third place showing at the Debbi Roesler Memorial Invite hosted by Chippewa Falls McDonell held last weekend, Sept. 10. O-F downed Cameron and Loyal during round-robin play, losing to the host Macks and Elk Mound but beating the Mounders in the third place match. O-F will regroup starting next Tuesday, Sept. 20 at home vs. Eau Claire Regis and next Thursday, Sept. 22 at Thorp. Dairyland Conference action got underway last week Thursday, Sept. 8. Both Tri-County DC teams started out on the wrong foot as Blair-Taylor defeated Augusta 25-16, 25-17, 25-16 at B-T and Lincoln defeated Eleva-Strum 21-25, 25-21, 25-12, 19-25, 15-12 in Alma Center. But both squads bounced back on Tuesday, Sept. 13 as Eleva-Strum defeated Alma/Pepin 26-24, 25-19, 25-21 at home and Augusta defeated Gilmanton 25-10, 25-23, 22-25, 25-18, at Augusta. Augusta's record is 2-4 overall while Eleva-Strum got a much-needed win to snap a losing streak and improve to 5-7 overall. Central was in action Thursday, Sept. 15 at Cochrane-Fountain City while Augusta hosts a quadrangular Saturday, Sept. 17 with Nekoosa, Cadott and Necedah. Next Tuesday in Dairyland play, Augusta is at Independence and Eleva-Strum hosts Immanuel and then next Thursday, Sept. 22 Whitehall is at Augusta and Eleva-Strum is at Blair-Taylor. The Eleva-Strum Invitational meet is set for Saturday, Sept. 24 starting at 9 a.m. and includes Augusta and Osseo-Fairchild along with the host Cardinals.
There are times when we all need a bit of extra cash. There are times when we all need a bit of extra cash. Whether it's to help pay the bills after the Christmas splurge or because your wedding planning is spinning out of control, there are a few ways to extend your budget. Two of the most common are credit cards and personal loans. Both can have their benefits, but it's important to make sure you don't over-extend yourself. When times are tough or you need money urgently, it can be tempting to apply for multiple forms of credit. However, there are reasons why you shouldn't make too many applications at the same time. The effect of multiple loans/cards Having multiple loans or credit cards isn't in itself a good or a bad thing, but the way you use them can impact your credit rating (both negatively and positively). If you make regular repayments and keep up to date with all your debts, this can be beneficial for your credit rating. However, your combined credit limit could affect your future applications, as you may be offered a smaller loan amount. This is where a personal loan has a benefit over a credit card (or multiple credit cards). Having an end date for your loan and not a rolling credit option can be a big plus. The effect of multiple applications Whenever you make an application – whether that's for a loan, a credit card, a mortgage or any other form of credit – it is recorded in your credit history, including whether the application is successful or not. Each application stays on there for five years. While it's not necessarily a bad thing to have a history of applications, it can have a negative effect if you make multiple applications within a short space of time, as this can make your financial situation look unstable to lenders. If you get rejected for credit at any point, it's recommended that you wait at least three months before you try again to avoid this. If you're in need of money, common wisdom says you should only make one application in order to keep your credit rating healthy. So what finance option should you apply for? That depends on your own personal situation, but some important things to consider are: Checking your credit rating It's possible to check your credit rating so you know what information financial organisations are looking at. The government's Moneysmart site recommends the following free tools (with the disclaimer that they may vary slightly in the way that they report your score): Some tools restrict how often you can get a free report (such as once a year or within 90 days of being rejected for credit), so be careful how you use them. Keeping your credit rating healthy As well as making sure you restrict your loan and credit card applications to a safe amount, there are a few other things you can do to help keep your credit rating strong and healthy, which will make applying for loans easier in the future: To understand and improve your credit score try our Credit Score Bootcamp We write these articles for you, our Harmoney borrowers, to be, what we hope, are helpful tools. The information is correct at the time of posting and is designed to be a general guide only. As you read, you should consider how - or if - the information might apply to your circumstances, and consider if your needs mean you should seek further advice from an expert in that particular field.
website designers need to understand business. Labor you’ll find with website designers they will know all about the web, Flash, CSS, HTML and lots of other web related stuff attempt not to understand business venture. They are so focused on building an amazing site may forget the purpose of the page. If you’re looking to win awards or have something people go „wow“ about then pick these google within the you’re seeking to enhance your online then steer away. For example, I chose orange and 2 columns, then clicked in regards to the button „Find themes“ and could have gotten quite an agreeable selection. All you need to do now, is click install to install the theme you want. Easy Peasy!! WordPress developers But before you go out and hire an SEO company, many some an individual should already know. These are the 7 essential things every business should uncover search engine optimization. The only way to have Google index (have it listed in Google) bigger in time . WordPress blog, is to submit your blog’s Rss feed to some search applications. Don’t worry about how much of an RSS feed is, if you don’t already know just. You don’t need find out what everything means, once you can manage to exactly what to use it. You just don’t to help be together with these forms of companies. Permit me to put it to you simply, avoid this preparation. It’s one of the surest methods to get your website black listed by search engines like google after all the time as well as it contained get it up and hiking. Next you should consider your amount of money. Decide on how much you can spend over the internet. Decide how much several options per page of running. A simple page costs around $80 it’s also important to add a supplementary 10 to twenty bucks additional materials and services. Case an average estimate. Unearth can alter. It depends a lot on which website designer company you hire as being the amount more materials that you get to add per paper. There as well some actually good looking professionally designed themes available for purchase, most at very reasonable prices. They are well any money delicacies really professional web website online. website designers need to comprehend business. Excessively you’ll find with website designers may know everything about the web, Flash, CSS, HTML and an order of other web related stuff brand new wii console understand business. They are so focused on building a good quality site they will forget the objective of the web. If you’re looking to win awards or have something people go „wow“ about then pick these google but since you’re in order to enhance your small business then steer away. There are not barriers to entry for web developers – everyone can put up a website and get business. When hiring an online developer, an individual what you pay for. 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Advantis/GVA negotiated the sale of a 64,846-square-foot office building in Washington, D.C. The value of the transaction was $16 million. L & Vermont Partnership sold the property, located at 1100 Vermont Ave. NW, to BET Investments, a private equity fund based in Pennsylvania. Constructed in 1964, the 12-story office building was 100 percent leased to the General Services Administration – Department of Justice, at the time of sale. Dek Potts and Jim Meisel of the Washington, D.C., office of Advantis/GVA exclusively represented the seller and were the sole brokers involved in the successful sale of the building. Advantis/GVA is a full-service real estate company that leases, manages and sells office, industrial, retail and other commercial real estate projects and sites. Send a comment or news tip to our newsroom. Please include the headline of the story.
Philip Roth, considered by many to be one of the leading Jewish American literary voices of the twentieth century, announced that he will no longer be writing books. The highly controversial figure, who first gained international recognition for his 1959 novella "Goodbye, Columbus"—an irreverent portrait of American Jewish life in post World War II that earned him the National Book Award for Fiction—announced his literary retirement in a rare interview with a French pop culture publication, Les Inrocks. While the French publication is unfamiliar to most American readers, the news soon spread after hitting Twitter and other social networking sites. In the interview set to promote the release the French edition of “Nemesis,” his latest novel, Roth confirmed that it will, in fact, be his last. “I have no intention to write for the next ten years. Quite frankly, I’m done,” Roth said. Roth, 78, said a few years ago he had set out to re-read some of the books he had loved in his younger years, and then decided to re-read his own works, starting backwards with “Nemesis” all the way to “Portnoy’s Complaint”—the humorous and sexually explicit psychoanalytic monologue of a lust-ridden, self-deprecating Jewish teenager, which although wildly received by the larger literary community, prompted harsh condemnations from much of the Jewish establishment. “And after that I decided I was done with fiction,” said Roth, who has authored approximately 30 books and won scores of international awards. “And if I write another book, it will probably be a flop,” he added. ”Who needs to read another mediocre book?” he says. “I’m 78, and I don’t know anything about America today. I watch it on TV. But I no longer live it.” Roth said, though, that his retirement from fiction doesn’t mean he has been sitting idly at home. He told the interviewer that he has spent the last three years working on his archives for his biographer, Blake Bailey. “If I die without leaving him something, where is he going to start?” Roth said.
Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar recently declared that "removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle" in the Koran. Speaking to Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV on March 8, Al-Zahar also made clear, "Our position is: Palestine in its entirety, and not a grain of soil less." The comments were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “Allah says (in the Koran): ‘And drive them out from wherever they have driven you out,’” said Al-Zahar, who added that the Jews “drove out” the Arabs “from within the 1948 borders”. “So you should drive them out from within the 1948 borders, like they drove you out,” he continued. “Hence, removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle, because it appears in the Book of Allah.” “Our dispute with the Palestinian factions that talk about the 1967 borders is one pertaining to faith,” claimed Al-Zahar. He further urged members of the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad never to mention the term “1967 borders” and added, “We have liberated Gaza, part of Palestine, but I am not prepared to accept just Gaza…our position is: Palestine in its entirety, and not a grain of soil less.” “We will fight them wherever we can – on the ground, underground, and if we have airplanes, we will fight them from the skies,” vowed Al-Zahar. The comments are exposed following a recent report suggesting that Hamas, as part of its desire to achieve international recognition, would accept the pre-1967 borders. Al-Zahar’s remarks say otherwise. Hamas expects this declaration to help it in its contacts with the Egyptian authorities who are demanding that Hamas be fully disconnected from the Muslim Brotherhood, which is blacklisted as a terrorist organization in Egypt.
Recently, I started a fitness programme on Runkeeper. I bit the bullet and parted with £25 of my hard earned cash to upgrade to Runkeeper Go. Mainly I wanted to be able to use the fitness plans, but it’s cool to get more data too. I’m all about that data and them graphs. It’s really good because you can put in your target and when you want to complete it by, and it will work out a plan for you. I’m aiming for ten miles by October 22, so that’s what I put in and now I’m running to a plan made for me. Today was day three of the plan. Days one and two were alternate 2 minute runs and 2 minute walks for a total of twenty minutes. I can run comfortably for almost 20 minutes, so I thought it wouldn’t be that challenging. For some reason it still was. Maybe it’s more of a mental thing. When there’s a particular time limit involved I tend to be waiting for the end the whole time, whereas running without a plan I just stop when I’m done. This run was a bit different. This run was a distance run, not a time run. I had to run for 400m then walk for 400m, six times. Now, I am terrible at judging distances. I know roughly what one metre looks like, but as soon as you start making it into an actual distance, not a clue. 400m to me sounded like an awful lot. I was expecting to be running for AGES each time. My usual running route has an uphill part no matter how you plan it. Southampton Common is just like that. But it does also mean there’s a downhill part at some point too. One of the uphill ways is steeper, but slightly shorter, whereas the other one is more gradual but still really brutal. If anything it’s worse because you forget it’s a hill until you’re knackered after a minute of running. I decided to go the steeper way, as that would mean I had more downhill parts on the run back home. For my SUPER LONG 400m bits. Only, it turns out that 400m is basically nothing. I started running very slowly to make sure I could keep the stamina to do the distance uphill. I didn’t even make it to the hilly part before Runkeeper told me to slow down for the next 400m. After just a couple of minutes I was walking through the tree thinking to myself “that’s…it?!”. It was. Just that, but five more times. My slow first run really affected my time, but speeding up on the subsequent runs knocked about a minute off my average. Still not a great speed, but I know I’ll do better next time. And that’s what matters, really. Before I knew it, 45 minutes had passed and my run was over. It’s quite nice breaking it up into walking/running intervals because it kind of chunks it. But I will be RUNNING the ten miles on October 22nd. No chunking that one. I think I’ll set Runkeeper to tell me after I’ve completed each mile on the day, just so I know where I’m at. Then I’ll feel like I’m achieving something as I go round. Plus, just aiming to complete each mile one at a time is way more manageable than thinking about completing ten of them. I suppose that is kind of chunking it. Next week I’m going to focus on my speed a bit more. If I carry on averaging like I did today, it’ll take me three hours to complete the Great South Run. That is Too Long. Hopefully I’ll be writing next week about how much my speed has improved 🙂 Read more about my running journey at the spicy bean runs You can also follow me on Runkeeper
|International Vegetarian Union (IVU) 14th World Vegetarian Congress 1955 From the Vegetarian Messenger, (the magazine of the Vegetarian Society, based in Manchester, England) : International Vegetarian Union's 14th World Vegetarian Congress, Paris 1955 LA CIT/E UNIVERSITAIRE, Paris, spacious and well equipped, with every facility, including an indoor swimming pool, gymna-sium and tennis courts in the delightful grounds, was an ideal setting for the I.V.U. Congress from 31st July to 6th August, 1955. Over a hundred delegates stayed in the University and surrounding hostels, which are built in the national architecture of the contri-buting nations. Delegates were received on Sunday evening by Mrs. Clarence Gasque (President of the I.V.U.) attended by members of the Exe-cutive Committee, prior to the inaugural dinner. On Monday morning the Congress was given official recognition by civic digni-taries at the Hotel de Ville. The principal lecturers were :-Pasteur Raymond Mayer, Dr. Jean Nussbaum, Dr. Ralph Bircher, Professor Aldo Capitini, M.Raymond Dextreit, Mr. Richard St. Barbe Baker, M. Louis de Costier, Abbé Lefevre, Dr. Douglas Latto, Dr. Libert Bonastre, Mr Woodland Kahler, Mr. Helios 0lff, Frau Ecker-Lauer, Dr. Ganz, and Mr. J. N. Mankar. Delegates from National Societies gave their reports, and an outing was organised to Versailles. A special session for the ladies of the Congress was held with Mrs. Gasque in the chair. Dr. DOUGLAS LATTO (representing Great Britain), spoke on "The Importance of Vegetarianism to maintain Perfect Health," and stressed the fact that most human ailments can be traced to a defec-tive diet. While orthodox doctors may recognize sickness resulting from excessive use of alcohol or over-eating at Christmas; that anaemia may result from an iron deficiency; that rickets and scurvy from deficiencies of vitamins D and C respectively; they do not realize that pneumonia, heart trouble, arthritis, asthma, or cancer, also have a defective diet as the chief causal factor. Dr. Latto said that in Great Britain we have one doctor for every 800 people; more hospital beds are needed, and this should not be regarded as progress but a reproach to our way of living. There are 30,000 cases of disseminated schlerosis, 40 per cent. of deaths are accounted for through heart disease, blood pressure and strokes. We have 40,000 diabetics, and one in six of the population dies of cancer-100,000 deaths from cancer every year. The speaker examined the trends in modern medicine, and although many suppressive drugs were still being used, quite a num-ber of complaints were being treated with moulds (like penicillin), and diets instead of vaccines, drugs and surgery. It was thought that this was a change in the right direction. Mr. WOODLAND KAHLER (America) took as his title: "Nostalgia for Perfection," and said, "Fortunately, for the future of animals as well as men, there is a better world close at hand waiting to be lived in, a world fortified by something far more effective than atom bombs and mass injection of serum. Some are already citizens of this better world, others, suffering from enervation and toxemia due to ignorance of Natural Hygiene, have been slow about applying for naturalization! Almost all of us have been brought up in the inorganic garden-ing world, perfumed with insecticides instead of flowers, but no man can hurt himself without hurting life as a whole. Nothing ethically unjust to man or monkey is ever scientifically sound-a scientific fact of facts as well as an eternal reality. Out of friendship with the land comes friendship with animals, and at length between man and man-the only answer to man's nostalgia for perfection." Lee PRITZKER (Canada), in a recording, spoke of his conception of ''A Vegetarian World," and gave the following characteristics of the vegetarian of the future:- 1. Far more efficient mentally. Mr. Pritzker thought that a man or woman should be returned for every parliamentary constituency so that the attributes of woman should find their place in national life-when this happened slaughter-houses would soon be abolished and the advent of a flesh free diet be quickened. Dr. Ralph Bircher gave two fine lectures, one on the Hunzas with lantern slides, and "Outer and Inner Existence"-it is hoped to give a selection of the principal speeches in subsequent issues of our magazine. A special session was arranged for "The Voice of Vegetarian Youth," and this was conducted by Helios 0lff, of Holland and Frau Ecker-Lauer, of Germany. The next European Congress will be held in Germany in 1957 and a supplementary Congress for the East will be held in Bombay earlier in the same year. Officials Elected. The following were re-elected for a two year term of office :- PRESIDENT-Mrs. Clarence Gasque (U.S.A.). New Vice-Presidents elected were:- Dr. DOUGLAS LATTO (Great Britain), Mr. SIGWARD LINNIO (Fin-land), Mr. CURTIS FRESHEL (USA). Mr. J. N. MANKAR (India), Mrs. RUKMINI DEVI ARUNDALE (India), Mr. M. M. SHAH (India), Mr. H. H. JONES (Great Britain), Mr. G. HILLER (Germany). Dr. SYPHENS (Holland). Among the official delegates in the party of seventy from Great Britain were Mr. G. L. Rudd, Mr. G. B. Mills and Mr. W. D. B. Day (of The Vegetarian Society); Mr. Ronald Lightowler (the London Vegetarian Society; Mrs. Isabel James (Vegetarian Catering Association; Mrs. E. Shrigley (the Vegan Society); and Mr. Dugald Semple (Scottish Vegetarian Society).
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No gain, no loss. I'm sort of surprised by that, actually. I didn't expect to lose all that was gained by enjoying a dinner out. I can gain more than two pounds eating out, even if I make decent choices (more than three if I eat pasta!), and it takes at least 3 days and sometimes a week to get it off every time. I really, really (REALLY) wish I understood the physiology of how it can come on instantly and come off so painfully slowly. But it is what it is, and knowing that helped me understand one reason why I gained over the years. I ate pretty healthy (or what I considered to be heathy at the time...vegetarian) and only ate 'junk' once in a great while. But it was one step forward, two steps back every time I did. Now that I know, I may still make the choice, but far LESS often (and I rarely order the pasta or starch-based dishes these days) so it's two steps forward, one step back. In any case, I expected a small loss. I ate hundreds of calories less than I burned yesterday, no sugar, no wine, no starch. I had tuna and 1/2 oz of cheese for lunch and 100 g. chicken breast with 1/2 oz of cheese for dinner. I had 1 tbsp. of organic, no sugar peanut butter before our walk, and I had sugar-free organic cocoa/coconut oil chocolate after. (Seriously, that is the best way to get your heart healthy coconut oil in!) So yeah. I'm not sure what's up with that. I am sore, still, from the hike up the hill and the weight training. And I'll have to get some more of that in today to continue progress. So it could be I built a little muscle or am retaining a little water in the repair process and that is offsetting what little loss I might have actually had. As the summer gets more active and I built more muscle, gauging just by the scale may not work. I may have to judge by how my clothes fit. I could take measurements I guess. I don't really care what my measurements are, as long as I fit into stuff I like and feel good in my skin, so I haven't. I struggled with my weight for over 20 years. I tried everything to lose weight. Yes, I did 'eat less, move more' repeatedly, convinced that doing the same thing over and over would someone yield different results. Desperate, having diligently done all the 'right' things and being told by several doctors that there was nothing wrong with me except that I wasn't trying hard enough, in 2009 I tried what seemed crazy: Dr. Simeons Hcg protocol. I lost 85 lb.
From: Vlastimil Zíma (zima_at_karlov.mff.cuni.cz) Date: Wed Jun 11 2014 - 02:36:44 CDT I occasianlly run into Segmentation fault in my simulations but recently they become more often. I use NAMD2.9 which I downloaded from NAMD site as It manifests on two of my machines so far, hence I don't expect any troubles with hardware. Both machines are running Debian wheezy, but with different GPU card. I have tried several versions of nvidia drivers. The simulation usually runs for 10 to 25 hours before it crashes. Are there any actions I should take in order to debug the segfault? This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.6 : Wed Dec 31 2014 - 23:22:27 CST
Kiev’s storm troopers fought to a standstill Now that the forces of resistance have fought the stormtroopers of the fascist junta to a standstill, obliging Kiev to moderate its warmongering bluster and creep to the negotiating table in Minsk, it is more than ever urgent for us to stand in solidarity with the people of Donetsk and Lugansk. It is their inspiring courage and endurance, reinforced by the diplomatic firmness of Russia, that has humbled the junta and created, at the least, the possibility of a just political solution of a crisis that has, from the first, been provoked by imperialism. Back in February when the elected government of President Yanukovich was overturned in a violent putsch which installed a fascist junta acting as a catspaw for NATO expansion, the people of Crimea reacted swiftly, delivering a referendum result which freed them to rejoin Russia. Following suit, the people of Donetsk and Lugansk also declared for independence through referenda. Enraged by this demonstration of the popular will, the puppet Poroshenko hijacked Ukraine’s regular army, backed up by the fascist National Guard, and began a summer-long campaign of military terror against the south and east of the country, with a heavy cost in human lives. In one month alone, from 16 July till 17 August , the UN registered at least 1,200 deaths and 3,250 injured, as Kiev exploited its superiority in numbers and weaponry to heap death and destruction upon Slavyansk, Donetsk and Lugansk, unleashing indiscriminate artillery and air attacks upon major population centres. The UN estimates that the death toll now tops 3,000 and continues to rise as the “ceasefire” is repeatedly breached by Kiev’s forces. Through a long hot summer the resistance forces were heavily outgunned and outmanned. However, many soldiers of the regular army were so reluctant to fire on “their own people” that the hardcore fascists of the National Guard had to be brought in to enforce discipline. Meanwhile back at home the families of conscript soldiers due to be sent out east protested against Poroshenko’s dirty war, strewing felled trees or even their own bodies across the road to block the passage of troop transports. Meanwhile the people’s militias, strongly motivated by the justice of their cause, gradually compensated for their inferiority in arms and numbers by resorting to classic guerilla tactics: avoiding direct frontal battles, harrying the enemy’s supply lines and encircling large numbers of troops with a smaller number of partisans, often securing the surrender of war-weary conscripts and the capture of enemy weaponry. So successful have these tactics proven to be that the beginning of September saw Kiev’s forces fought to a humiliating stalemate after a stunning series of defeats. BBC Lie Machine Throughout Kiev’s bloody onslaught, the West has kept up a barrage of threats and sanctions against Russia, whilst the BBC and the rest of the imperialist media disgorged an endless stream of propaganda painting the anti-fascist resistance as “rebels”, making baseless allegations over the MH17 aircraft disaster, pretending to spot “invading Russian troops” behind every bush and weeping crocodile tears over the tragic human consequences of a civil war which from the first had been instigated by the West itself, in furtherance of plans to expand NATO up to the border of Russia. But then suddenly at the beginning of September, with the rolling back of Kiev’s offensive, the media spin doctors were at sixes and sevens. As it became clear that the Kiev forces were on the rocks, the media’s first reaction was to claim that this signalled the much-touted “Russian invasion”. But when it became obvious that no such invasion existed, that in fact the rebuff suffered by Kiev’s demoralised forces was entirely the work of the anti-fascist resistance, the media suddenly clammed up. Under no circumstances could it be admitted that it was the partisans themselves that had put such a dent in the junta’s war machine. Now the Western campaign of disinformation has a fresh hurdle to jump, as OSCE inspectors (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and other eye witnesses start to report back on some of the atrocities committed by the army and the National Guard during their occupation of territory that has since been liberated by the resistance. These revelations create new difficulties for those who would sanitise Kiev’s reign of terror. On 23 and 24 September, resistance forces investigating in the vicinity of the Kommunar Mine, 60 kilometres from Donetsk, an area recently occupied by Kiev forces, exhumed four bodies of three men and one woman. Their hands were tied, and one had been decapitated. On 25 September the OSCE reported that some of the victims were killed a month ago (i.e. during the period of fascist occupation). The inspectors reported seeing “a hill of earth, resembling a grave” and a sign with the initials of five people, the date of their death (27 August”), and the phrase “Died for Putin’s lies”. In addition the OSCE team found a total of three burial sites. Worse still, Madina Dzharbusynova, the OSCE’s special representative on combating trafficking in Human Biomaterial, went on TV to report that it was possible that the bodies found in mass graves in the Donbass could has been stripped of saleable internal organs. She reported that ” At a meeting of the OSCE focusing on implementing human rights obligations, members of NGOs working in this field pointed up that there were reports of mass graves in [Novorossiya], where, according to their testimony, the bodies buried lacked their internal organs, so, they raised a concern that there might be an illicit trade in such”. Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has demanded a thorough investigation into the discovery of mass graves in south-eastern Ukraine, warning the West that ” We are counting on the fact that western capitals will not gloss over these facts – they are outrageous. We expect western media to cover the story objectively, while they clearly are trying to hush it up. I look forward to a clear, unbiased, responsible position from international organisations. The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe is already there working. We will seek to establish the truth and punish those responsible.” The BBC’s response to this evidence was precisely to “gloss over the facts”. Rather than support Russia’s level-headed call for a thorough investigation, the BBC is concerned only to pass off the accumulating evidence of massive war crimes as merely “Russian propaganda”. Victory to the Resistance!
Show All Answers If you moved, but still own the property in Limerick Township, and need to report an address change for your Real Estate tax bills, please contact the Montgomery County Board of Assessment Appeals office at (610) 278-3761, as all changes need to be made at the county level. Contact the Montgomery County Board of Assessment Appeals office at (610) 278-3761, as all changes need to be made at the county level. No, but you must register your business with the Zoning Department by completing a Zoning Use Application. The number required is an Employer ID # and is issued by Berkheimer Associates. They can be reached at www.hab-inc.com. The earned income tax has been levied by your resident taxing jurisdiction (i.e., the township, borough or school district in which you live). Earned income is defined as salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, incentive payments, fees, tips and/or other compensation for services rendered, whether in cash or property, and whether paid directly to you or through an agent. In addition, the net profits of a business are subject to a net profits tax. Net profits are defined as the net income from the operation of a business, profession, or other activity, except corporations, after deductions for all operating costs and expenses incurred in conducting said business. Income such as dividends, interest, income from trusts, bonds, insurance and stocks is exempt. Also exempt are payments for third party sick or disability benefits, old age benefits, retirement pay, pensions - including social security payments, public assistance or unemployment compensation payments made by any governmental agency, and any wages or compensation paid by the United States for active service in the armed forces of the United States including bonuses or additional compensation for such service. No. The tax withheld by your employer will be remitted to your resident taxing jurisdiction. It is still required that our questionnaire be answered by all residents. Any individual working in a jurisdiction that levies the tax on residents and non-residents will have the tax withheld by their employer. If you work in a jurisdiction that does not tax non-residents, your employer is only required to withhold for those individuals who live in that jurisdiction. Occasionally, employers located in a jurisdiction where the tax is not levied will volunteer to withhold if your resident jurisdiction levies the tax. No. If employed in Philadelphia, you may use the Philadelphia Wage Tax as a credit against your liability to your resident municipality, but the credit may not exceed the current tax rate for your local taxing jurisdiction. No refund or credit can be taken for any withholding greater than the current tax rate for your resident municipality. The earned income tax will be collected directly from those who are: - Salaried but self-employed in a side business - Work in a municipality where the tax is not in place, or out of state Those persons must file a declaration of the total of such estimated net profits or income, together with the total estimated tax due, with the Earned Income Tax Collector. Proper forms for reporting the quarterly payments will be sent to each person if liable. State law, as well as the local tax resolutions and/or ordinances, make it a summary criminal offense if a taxpayer fails to file a tax return as required. This subjects the taxpayer to a fine not to exceed $500 per offense, plus the cost of prosecution. In default of payment of said fine and costs, the taxpayer may be imprisoned for a period not exceeding 30 days per offense. In addition, distress sale, wage attachment and/or civil suit proceedings may be used to collect any unpaid tax found to be due, and penalties and interest may also be assessed. Yes. A Local Earned Income Tax Return must be filed annually by April 15. Forms are available from Berkheimer Associates. You can reach customer service and download forms from their website at https://www.hab-inc.com/ Please click here to view the Tax Appeal Regulations: Montgomery County TCC Appeal Process You can also visit the Berkheimer Taxpayer Resource Center at: //www.hab-inc.com/taxpayer-resource-center/taxappeals
AS-IS Fest presents a benefit for the Collingswood Foundation for the Arts (CFFA) at the Scottish Rite Auditorium. Sponsored by Mageworks. Featuring Music by: Atmospheric interludes featuring Deep Creature solo sets and also sets by Monty Scienceist of Vertigo Gambler. Enjoy stunning video projections and ambient lighting in this historical and awe inspiring theater. Join the adventure with a live D&D session in “The Mansion” hosted by DM Dragonslayer. Presented by Beneath the Deep Miniatures. Many more surprises including live visual art performances. There will also be a local arts and craft showcase with a variety of vendors, as well as food, drink, and alcoholic beverages for purchase. All proceeds from food, beverage, and ticket sales benefit the CFFA. Doors at 6 pm. Music at 6:30. $10 Entry – All Ages (Minors must be accompanied by an adult) If you would like to further support the CFFA and local events at the Scottish Rite Auditorium,Donations can be made by visiting: PAYPAL.ME/CFFA Please leave a note with your name and email, and also tell them what you love most about the arts in Collingswood!
An annulment declares that the marriage never occurred because of some defect. Defective marriages may be either void or voidable. In a void marriage, the circumstances are such that the marriage could never have come into being. A voidable marriage is recognized under the law as a valid marriage until an action is brought to prove it invalid. Annulments may be granted where the requirements for establishing either a statutory law marriage or a common law marriage have not been met. A ground for obtaining an annulment is lack of cohabitation (living together as husband and wife). If the marriage has not been consummated by cohabitation of the parties, the Court may declare such contract void for want of consent of either of the contracting parties or for any other reason that proves that the agreement of the parties to be married was not a valid contract. Even if the parties have cohabitated as husband and wife, the Court may grant an annulment if the marriage is bigamous (one of the parties was already married to someone else) or incestuous (the parties are related to closely by blood or marriage as provided by South Carolina Law). Duress is another ground for annulment. Threats or violence constituting duress, however, they must be of such a nature as to inspire a great fear of bodily harm in a person of ordinary firmness and it must dominate throughout the transaction to such an extent that the injured party could not and did not act as a free agent. A marriage procured by certain kinds of fraud can also be annulled, unless the marriage has been consummated by cohabitation. The fraud must involve matters which constitute the essentials of the marriage relationship. The misrepresentations requisite for an annulment on the grounds of fraud might include fraudulent representations about sanity (but not about being treated for mental illness), impotency, sterility, or an inclination to have children or not to have children contrary to the premarital understanding. Misrepresentation about one party’s character, social standing or fortune is not grounds for annulment.
The average day for an ultrasound tech is varied, fast paced and demanding. While it requires a certain amount of education and credentialing, there are plenty of other factors hospitals and clinics take into account when hiring a new employee. In this article, you’ll get a glimpse into what a diagnostic medical sonographer does and what personal and professional attributes make someone more appealing to employers. A Day in the Life Ultrasound techs operate complex medical equipment that uses sound waves to produce images of the inside of a patient’s body. Recent advancements in this technology allows sonographers to view fetuses and internal organs with stunning clarity. Ultrasound techs prepare patients for imaging and use the equipment to gather clear images physicians use to check the health of an infant or diagnose a variety of medical issues. This equipment is used for far more than the imaging of unborn children. Today, ultrasound imaging can help prevent heart attacks and aid in the early detection of various health issues. As an ultrasound tech, you’ll help save lives every day. Most technicians choose a specialty from one of several areas. - Obstetrics: imaging of fetus and womb - Gynecology: focuses on the female reproductive system - Breast: aids in breast health and early detection of cancer - Echocardiography: Used to analyze heart health, muscle and blood flow - Musculoskeletal: used to analyze muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints The dynamic and growing profession provides great opportunities for those who graduate an acredited program and earn the proper credentialing through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. However, it takes more than technical skill and clinical experience. Stamina: as an ultrasound tech, you’ll spend a lot of time on your feet. Duties often require pushing equipment from room-to-room to take images of patients. Sometimes, the techs need to move or turn patients to perform procedures. Comfortable shoes and a willingness to stay active are prime traits that every hospital looks for. Attention to detail: for the sake of every patient, you’ll need to provide physicians with the highest-quality images possible to ensure the patients are analyzed and diagnosed properly. They must also be able to spot even minute issues that could require the immediate notification of an emergency physician. People skills: This is a prime skill for any ultrasound tech and one hospitals put a premium on. Techs work day in and day out with patients, some of whom are dealing with serious illness. Others are simply anxious and need a calming person around. Becoming a technician means keeping a level head, even when things get stressful. Every patient should be treated with respect and consideration. Technical savvy: that machine sonographers push around is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, may even millions. Having an ability to work with and comprehend complex medical instruments is a crucial part of the job that will make life a lot easier. There are several brands of imaging equipment used at hospitals, and you’ll need to learn to use them all. Other Factors and Considerations The road to becoming an ultrasound technician requires a lot of hard work and personal fortitude. The coursework will be complex and challenging. In many programs, you’ll also be required to complete more than 900 hours of clinical experience in a hospital setting. There are no easy roads to break into such a rewarding and meaningful profession. It’s crucial to pick the right school and remember there are no short cuts, or substitutions for hard work.
From Men and Underwear blog with love! Your special weekend treat with posts and articles we liked on the Net this week full of men and… underwear (ok and a bit of swimwear)! Enjoy and have a great weekend! Celebrity watch: Ryan Kwanteen at DNA magazine Great work of Rodolfo Martinez with model Phil Sullivan (pic above). More photos here Our favourite Thom Evans sadly left UK’s Strictly Come Dancing… Must see: Thomas Lambert by Tom St. Clair here Boy Culture turns nine! Here are Matthew Rettenmund’s 100 favourite posts. Many happy returns Matt! New Enforcer collection of Cellblock13 now available. Pic below and more on Timoteo’s website Have a look at this new Lace Up boxer design by TOOT If sheer singlets and underwear is what you like then you need to check these from Pulse (NSFW) Very interesting waistband design on the new Affair range by 2(x)ist We instantly fell in love with the Ardent swimwear by Gregg Homme!
In this 2017 UCT Summer School Series, Dr Peter Ardington (BVSc SAVC) presents on “A Brown History of the World ~ Part 1”, where he discusses and presents on the history of mankind’s arrogance and sense of self-importance which has driven and is driving mankind’s care and more importantly lack thereof, into an unsustainable dilemma. This two-part presentation will explore and analyse the environmentally negative influence of people from the emergence of our species, between 200,000 and 400, 000 years ago, up to the present. There is a wide selection of forest, jungle, fresh and salt water, desert and tundra environments, however, we will be focusing on grasslands in general, because we are a bipedal, upright walking species of grassland primate, dependent on the grasslands for most of what supports us. 8 million years ago, two important changes reached a critical tipping point on earth, developing over time, being a) carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached an all-time low after 300 million years of exuberant forest growth and b) the drying out of large areas of the planet due to cooling from 30 million years ago to 8 million years ago. The significance of these changes at that tipping point in time, was that those two changes were ‘hostile’ to trees who prefer high CO2 in the atmosphere and wet conditions, the term ‘tropical rain forest’ applies – whereas, grasses on other hand tolerate low CO2 and dry conditions very well, growing right up to the edges of deserts. This change put a great deal of pressure on various forms of life, particularly on Africa’s primates, which were all forest dwellers and as a result of adaptation, mutation, selection and extinction of various species, a common ancestor emerged. A common ancestor to today’s three surviving species, i.e Humans, Chimpanzee and Bonobo. Watch further.. on this fascinating presentation about, amongst others, a variety of environmentally negative outcomes such as human-induced extinctions, deforestation, soil erosion and desertification, hunter-gatherer influence, agricultural revolution/era, mass faunicide (1840CE), etc. A brief history of the past twelve thousand (12,000) years with emphasis on the change to agriculture and city based civilisations. (See Part 2 here : http://www.motherchannel.com/environmental-dilemma-past-present-future-part-2/)
Countdown is a movie about an app on a phone that tells you the day and time that you’re going to die and as people use the app, of course they die. Now the main character Elizabeth Lail plays a nurse named Quinn Harris and she is trying to find a way to beat the app. I like the premise of what the movie was about, definitely something different. The acting was good. I would give the movie two and a half stars. If you like what this is about I would say go see it if you’re not then obviously you wouldn’t be happy with it cause you know what you’re getting when you go to see the movie.
|Two, late great stars Dick Murdoch & Adrian Adonis Photo from WWE @kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter Fans who watched wrestling in the mid to late 80's probably remember Adrian Adonis as the "Adorable One", prancing around the ring in a wig, dress, and make-up that would embarrass Tammy Faye Baker. But the fact of the matter is, Adonis was an accomplished superstar before the drastic change in gimmick. My first memories of him were after he signed with the WWF and started teaming with Dick Murdoch. That duo beat the wildly popular Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas for the tag team titles. I was stunned when it happened. Adonis had a tough New Yorker gimmick, which was carried over from his days in the AWA. He and Jesse Ventura were a successful tag team there. Even after he and Murdoch last the tag titles and Adonis disappeared for a while, he came back with Bobby Heenan as his manager. That gimmick didn't last long. Quite honestly it was a bit boring for the cartoonish, larger than life characters Adonis was competing with back then. Here's a promo where Adonis "comes out". I don't think the WWF ever claimed Adonis was gay, but this particular video is filled with enough innuendo to imply it. As time went on, Adrian become more and more flamboyant. Photo by WWE Through the years Adrian packed on the pounds, but that didn't hide the fact that he was an accomplished wrestler. Adonis ended up on the losing end to Piper at Wrestlemania III and got his head shaved by Brutus Beefacke, hence the birth of the barber gimmick. It appeared that the two of them would feud next, but I'm guessing there were contract issues and Adonis ended up leaving the company. He headed back to the AWA, still holding on to the "Adorable" gimmick, and this time with Paul E. Dangerously as his manager. It was a short run for Adonis as an injury basically forced him out of action. On July 4, 1988 he was getting back to wrestling when he was killed in a van accident with a group of other wrestlers in Canada. Dave McKigney and Pat Kelly also died that day. |The Flower Shop Your thoughts? Post them here or on Facebook.
The Pharmacy for You Our expertly trained pharmacists and friendly staff pride themselves on making sure your pharmacy experience exceeds expectations. My Best RX Pharmacy is a locally owned independent pharmacy. We are a small business and take pride in treating each customer very important & valued and committed to improving their health and wellness. Our staff is very friendly and helpful to make a difference in your health and wellness. We are proud to be your neighborhood pharmacy and strive to be an integral part of this community and hope you; our neighbors, families, friends, and customers see our sincere commitment to provide you with excellent service and affordable prescription medications and over-the-counter products. Multi Dose Packaging Download Our Mobile App Vitamins and Supplements Lowest Prices in Town Come check out our unbeatable prices. $2.99 Medication Program, Most Insurance Accepted, Free Multivitamins, Free Antibiotics.
I’m starting to see overarching trends emerging in this lockdown period and I thought it might be useful to offer them up to a community of – our Mums (nobody reads this anymore, but those two probably forgot to unsubscribe). I know what you’re thinking – she’s going to do paint colour trends. Well, no. In the process of forgetting who I actually am, I’ve become more fixated on how to become a true Hermit instead. Like a really good forecaster, Ros fled to an island last week to pursue this trend properly, but we can’t all have that foresight. So. To kick things off, your no-longer-roving reporter here in London can offer up some weekly steps on how to really allow yourself to let go into the Hermit lifestyle. From exactly where you are. Full disclosure, I got a new job this week – I know, cool – as a home teacher. So I am only really following this dream outline in my head because of my new career. For me the below is all just “goals”. But I hope you can make it your reality. Week 1: Letting the Hermit fantasy become a reality Have you been harbouring a secret desire to become a bearded lady? Maybe you always wanted to see if it’s true that your pants start cleaning themselves when you keep wearing them? Wait, do I mean hair? Either way, if you are (optional dirt-loving) hermit-curious, this is your time to shine and find out if any or all of the above is possible. Weigh up whether you really need to take that shower. Do you? Do you need to wash? I’m guessing the answer is no. Encourage your loved ones to live the same way so that nobody can smell anything beyond what’s coming off their own body. Begin to think about whether Skype is a good idea in this state and when you conclude that no, no it’s not. Give yourself a big pat on the back because you are half way to the hermit life. Week 2: Reinvent yourself – painting and novel writing Have you had an alternative creative career in mind? Maybe just a hobby you always meant to start? Don’t be bogged down by your perfect aspirations and try for just good enough. If your writer’s platform is Whatsapp, then so be it. Make a day of it. Choose one friend as your audience and then really go for it with the constant messaging. You’re both going to get something out of this. Exactly what, will be revealed to you at the end of the isolation period when you’re in touch irl again. Or not. Don’t have an easel? OK then, get your iphone out – ha ha, I know, it’s already out – and point it at things like your dead herbs or a petal lying abandoned on the floor. Voila. Send it to all your friends and put it on Instagram exclaiming ‘look what I created’ or ‘the beauty of nature’. Actually, IG is not really meant to be part of the Hermit lifestyle so just put it on a wall instead. Even if that wall is your mind and the photo is but a moment you dreamt up. Coming up next: We’ll be covering whittling skills, cooking over stones, what happens when you think the tv started watching you, and growing your own veg from a window sill.
As part of the recent Cheshire Oaks Food and Drink Festival we were kindly invited to an exclusive interview with celebrity chef Simon Rimmer. The weekend festival included various short food demonstrations by Simon and Stacie Stewart, who headlined the cookery theatre to demonstrate how shoppers can create delicious home-cooked delights. Alongside were a variety of stalls featuring a number of local artisan suppliers with products ranging from pies, sausages and chutneys to cakes, fudge and other sweet treats. Are there any plans to open a restaurant in Liverpool? I own the Elephant pub in Woolton which I bought at the end of December. So we took that over and have massive plans, we were going to refurbish it in February but then we had a couple issues with planning. We wanted to make sure the locals like what we do. The danger is, you don’t know the area, and we really wanted to involve the locals. We have done a lot of tastings with them and we have even shown our regular customers the swatches of fabric that we are going to use. It has been great really nice process. We will open the doors in August. Everyone is excited. It will be a big change in there but it would still hopefully feel like the Elephant of old. What type of food will you be serving? The food is going to be really good pub food. We are going to make everything on site, adding interesting little twists. For our sausages and mash, we are using hickory smoked sausage and we are doing it on patatas bravas, We are also doing a curry, but rather than doing a straight forward curry we are doing a pulled lamb vindaloo with buttered almond rice, coriander and mint yoghurt chutney. Again we are not re-inventing the wheel but we are putting my take on it. The restaurant is going to be a modern American brasserie, again everything is made on-site. Good simple food but with an American kind of feel to it. The decor is almost themed, you won’t feel like walking into a TGI Fridays, we have put a lot of research into it, Southern United States, Texas, New York, a lot of it coming out of the States, I find it really exciting now these days, so we are using that as our starting point. Where are you going to source the produce from? As local as we can, we are going to use Bexters as our butchers, just Liverpool based, a macaron shop in Wavertree, Liverpool Cheese Company just 50 yards down the road in Woolton, sausages are made by Scotch Beef Shop butchers, which is again in Woolton village. The famous Blackstick Blue, that I was part of the develop team off when it first came out. So we are using as many local produce as we can. So what demonstrations will you be doing today? I am doing a series of quick demos, when you do demos in a shopping centre its usually small fifteen minute sessions to keep peoples interest. Whereas at food festivals then maybe forty five minutes, Forty five minute demos are too long. I see people getting really disinterested, I see people thinking I got to buy them shoes! The demos today will include meatballs in a bloody mary sauce, I do pork and beef meatballs in a proper Italian American way. A lot of meatballs in this country are in a ball, so it is just meat that is fried so as a result you get just the tightness, meatballs were created to extend the amount of meat you eat. It is a essentially a peasant dish so meatballs should have loads of bread in them, bread mixed in with the meat to extends as a result you should get, if you do it properly, it should be nice and silky in the middle. Salmon nicoise salad, I will scorch the salmon just on one side. First I will take a piece of salmon and cut it into four slices, then into a really hot pan, literally lay it on the pan, take it out, let it heat on one side, so it crisps on one side and cooks on the other. So you almost get crispy and soft at the same time, one side it’s like smoked salmon, so you get that really nice texture and then chocolate roulade and we are lining it with nutella, which is a good filthy dirty dessert! Are you a hands-on type of chef? Can you be often be found in your restaurants at Earle and Greens? Yes, but not this year since we bought the Elephant, not as many nights as I did, purely for practical reasons. Now, in Liverpool I am developing the new stuff, training the staff and over in Greens, I am still there creating all of the dishes but at the end of the day, I have been doing this for 25 years. I have great people and the business are at a size as it is now, in many respects it is impractical to run the business during the daytime and stand behind the stove for another 8 hours at the end of it, I’m knackered! If I had only one site then yes you can still find me in the kitchen all the time on site all the time but now you find me in each of the sites, maybe one day a week as opposed to five or six. We are a bit ashamed to admit being foodies we haven’t had chance to visit Greens or Earle yet! Can you tell us a bit about the philosophy of the food? We started Greens twenty five years ago. From a business point of view, a lot of customers are meat eaters and we wanted to do something for Vegetarians. It appeals obviously to veggies but it is an interesting way of food. The food is created is inspired by South Asian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern cuisines etc. We want to do steak and chips, but we can’t do steak, so its how we replace that piece of meat in the dish yet keeping it interesting. What is your favourite restaurant? Ohhh… that’s a tricky one. It’s funny because it changes all the time. The busier I get, the more creative my point of view has to be, the more hats I have to wear with all of the businesses. It changes at different times. At the moment, it is a bar just round the corner from my house, The Font, good beer and decent food. Because I am too busy if I can just walk round the corner I am dead happy. If I was going to recommend somewhere, I love Camp and Furnace in Liverpool, the food Slam Friday they do, the whole ethos behind food is good. Low level street food, in terms of expenditure, but in a very exciting way, I love it in there. London Carriage Works, by Paul Askew in Liverpool and in Manchester, I like Mr Coopers. Also Aiden Byrne is my mate at Manchester House, I think what he is doing is very creative although I have to be in the mood for it to be honest. I also like East Z East is good for a curry in Manchester. How about in London? I am in London at least two days every week. The interesting things in London, you see trends, I think Polpetto is fantastic in Soho. Equally, pizza which doesn’t have to be boring, it can be funky. I love Pollen Street Social and Berners Tavern is fantastic and incredible! If you want to be somewhere and just be blown away by the décor then that would be it, you walk in and think Oh My God! It feels like as a kid, when you first go into a restaurant, for me I remember it’s out of this world. It is just incredible. What are your views on food bloggers? Are they good or bad for the industry? Mixed really. Downside, it is very easy to be negative, easy to be smug. Oh that wasn’t very good; oh I didn’t really like that. There are good and bad points on any form of social media and online critiquing. Because at the end of the day, what gives you the right to think my opinion is better than yours, that’s the downside to it. At what point does a punter cross the line? Are you restaurant customers and do you want to write about your experience or what do you aim for? There are certain people who use it as a form of blagging which is one of the negative points. Some food bloggers in London, it seems like to get recognised, and use it as a means for eating for free bloggers, that calls the integrity into question. I think there are some great blogs who uncover little gems are great. I don’t think bloggers should blog big established restaurants by unearth new undiscovered gems for more of a buzz. However on the main they are good for the industry, the more and more people that do get involved with good food, the better. Do you read the blogs about your restaurant? No, Tripadvisor is the only one that we monitor; the only critical side about Tripadvisor is it seems like a negative place. I had someone complain, they gave us a two star rating on Tripadvisor because it was his birthday but he didn’t get a free glass champagne. There are so many sites to look at surrounding food and drink. Some who are have built up a huge following and are powerful tools. There is a danger with them, if they believe their hype a bit too much, then there are times their journalism can put you in the wrong light. Being a red have you had an opportunity to cook for the team? Yeah being in the public eye I have had the chance to collaborate with many legends and people from the club. As part of Kenny Daglish’s birthday and for his charity me and Kenny cooked in the kitchen. A few of the players have been in my restaurants as well as Brendan Rodgers. Although I was disappointed that he chose a well done steak! In fact I am going with the team to New York in July for preseason. What is your favourite type of cuisine? Again it changes all the time, at the moment I love slow cooking, pulled pork and slow cooked meats. Ultimately, if it was down to my last supper then I will probably go for an Indian curry. I taught myself how to make proper char sui, I kind of got obsessive with that for a while, little things I will start to get obsessed with and go through phases. One of the biggest single influences on my cooking is Thai, my best mate lives in Thailand and the first time I went over there I had done a little bit of Thai cooking. I spent a day cooking with his housekeeper and I think that was the most valuable single day that I have ever had in my entire career. Just learning from somebody who is not a professional or restaurant chef and watching the way she did things, her knowledge of flavours was immense. Follow The Elephant on Twitter at @elephant1934 for the latest news and launch dates.
Gambler Denied €43 Million Slots Jackpot To Sue CasinoDecember 14, 2011 12:34 pm A Swiss gambler who though he had won a casino’s slots jackpot for €43 million ($62 million) only to be informed it was a “software error,” is now suing the casino with the first hearing scheduled for January 10th. Behar Merlaku, 26, is a Kosovar-Albanian who fled his homeland during the Balkans war and settled in Switzerland. On the 26th March, 2011, he was playing the slot machine at Bregenz Casino in Austria, when he got the surprise of his life. As he explains: “The jackpot came up loud and clear. There was music and the sum I had won, nearly 43 million euros, was displayed on a screen. I was so overjoyed and in my head I began calculating what I could do with all this money.” However, his joy was short-lived after the casino staff pointed out that he had only hit four of the five required symbols in a line and informed him that the jackpot display was caused by a ‘software error. Mr Merlaku was then offered a free meal and £60 by way of compensation, which he chose to refuse, and has been demanding that the casino honours the ‘win’ ever since. Describing the trauma he has suffered as a result of the incident, Merlaku said: “I have psychological problems since the jackpot incident. I can’t sleep anymore and I constantly think about the injustice I’ve experienced. I’m almost ruined. I’ll always keep thinking about that day.” In addition, after he refused the Bregenz Casino’s paltry offer for compensation, he was subsequently banned from the premises with the casino placing responsibility for the incident squarely on the shoulders of the slots manufacturer. The first hearing in the case is now scheduled for January 10, 2011.
We believe in taking and giving photos. We both have a passion for visual communication and are blessed that we can work as a team. To us, photography is about telling the story and not just showing a picture. Every event, every person and every object has its own story, and we love capturing it. Both of us have formally studied visual communications. Kim is a Massachusetts College of Art + Design grad and Jeff is a product of Florida School of the Arts. Thanks for stopping by. – Jeff & Kim Paradiso You can contact us at:
I have completed the design of the memory module – the last required module to announce the entire design finished. I chose a very simple design, with rudimentary paging mechanism, in a hope it will not turn out to be a significant limitation in the near future. The machine features a 22-bit physical address bus, meaning that 4MB of physical memory may be addressed. I will be using 512k SRAM chips (the memory board will be populated with up to 8 such chips, constituting its RAM) and one 128k EEPROM (for kernel ROM). Memory is divided into 128 logical pages of 32kB each. Pages 0-3 are ROM (address range $000000h-$01FFFFh) and pages 4-127 are RAM ($020000h-$3FFFFFh). Here is a physical memory layout: Programmer visible address registers of the CPU are all 16-bit wide, meaning only 64kB of memory may be addressed by a running program. Actually, it is 128kB since the machine has isolated code and memory regions. Which region is accessed is determined by a dedicated bit in the microcode (MEMSEG), which may be treated as a 17-th bit of a logical memory address. Logical memory is divided into four pages of exactly the same size as physical memory pages (32kB). Here is a logical memory layout: Now, in order to map logical code or data pages onto physical memory pages, special purpose registers were added at the following memory locations: $2000h (REG_CODEPAGE0) – physical memory page for logical code page #0 $2200h (REG_CODEPAGE1) – physical memory page for logical code page #1 $2400h (REG_DATAPAGE0) – physical memory page for logical data page #0 $2600h (REG_DATAPAGE1) – physical memory page for logical data page #1 These registers are accessible only in supervisor mode and are write-only. Attempt to read them will result in an invalid value. In user mode these locations are standard memory (hardware will not access register chips). In order to map physical memory pages onto logical memory, page number (0..127) must be set in these registers (in bits 0 to 6, most significant bit is ignored). In supervisor mode however, setting for Code Page 0 and Data Page 0 is ignored, and physical pages 0 (first page of ROM, most probably this will be OS kernel) and 4 (first page of RAM) are hard-wired to these logical pages, respectively. Mapping for Code Page 0 and Data Page 0 is only valid in user mode. Mapping for Code Page 1 and Data Page 1 works in both modes. This way, loading user programs to memory when in supervisor mode should be fairly easy. Data Page 1 may be used to load all user program pages one by one, and registers need to be set appropriately before doing the mode switch. Logic to transform logical to physical addresses is simple on hardware level. Here is how it works: First level of decoding (not displayed above) determines whether physical memory should be accessed, or special purpose address range is selected (this is valid in supervisor mode only, for details see above). If memory was referenced, a 2-to-4 decoder selects appropriate paging register based on MEMSEG signal and MSB of the logical address. The selected register outputs its 7 lower bits as topmost 7 bits of the physical address (indicating physical address page). Lower 15 bits of the physical address (index within a page) are fed directly from logical address bits 0..14. When the CPU is in supervisor mode, some logical address ranges (in data region) have a special meaning and do not reference physical memory. They are used for I/O mapping, or special purpose registers, like the ones used for memory paging described above. Here is the current memory map: |I/O area (devices) The kernel area will be used by a kernel to store its stack and other control data. The I/O area will be further split into device control blocks for individual peripherals. System registers are 512-byte aligned (like 4 paging registers described here), which means 4 register locations are available for future use. Memory range at address $3000h and above is not constrained in any way and may be freely used. Well, looks like it’s time to get serious. I will investigate schematic tools available for free and try to post first diagrams as soon as possible. After months of design and simulation work I am really eager to start working with real hardware. As usual, an updated machine simulator and a set of simple memory paging tests is available on downloads page.
Hi! I have some book reviews for you. I'm not going to talk about anything but a few books. I'm not even going to tell you what I'm not specifically going to talk about. I need a little break, how about you? Here are my recent finished books: Dad Is Fat by Jim Gaffigan I love Jim Gaffigan, and the more of him I read and see, the more I like him. He's just laugh out loud funny - not trying to push the envelope, not trying to get some sort of shock-value laugh - just hilarious. He tells the kinds of jokes you can repeat to your kids or your grandma but are still legit funny. This is the first of his books that I have read, and focuses on his role as a dad and his relationships with his kids. Plus, at the time of his writing of this book, he was living with his wife and five kids in a two-bedroom New York City apartment, which is just mind-boggling to me. Fun read. Really good for right now. Followers by Megan Angelo This book toggles back and forth between a modern-day plotline and one thirty years in the future. The actual plot was fairly decent I suppose, but more enjoyable was the take on our society's current fascination with online notoriety and what that might look like in the future. We might have people who live their entire lives online (practically the case already, I feel) and we might have those who have had enough and are ready to disconnect. This book explores what that might look like and throws a story on top of it. Too bad that the story doesn't have more likable characters and a little more oomph, then it would be an amazing book. As is, I found it to be interesting but overall just okay. The Actor's Life: A Survival Guide by Jenna Fischer A former aspiring actor myself, and a big fan of The Office (before it got kinda crappy), I opted to make this my phone-book when it was for sale on Kindle last week. I was pleasantly surprised with how great it was! Lots of great information about the industry, as well as some fun insider scoop from The Office (although I also just started the Office Ladies podcast, which is nothing BUT insider scoop so that's fun!). Jenna is just awesome! She really worked her butt off to get where she is, and how she describes that overall process for working actors helped me feel a lot better about switching up my life plan when I was in my early 20's. I'm glad she didn't, though! Awesome book, highly recommend. Accidents of Marriage by Randy Susan Meyers Husband has anger issues. His crappy driving puts wife in coma. Does wife forgive him when she comes out of a coma? Does he sleep with his intern while she's laid up in the hospital? Also, they have kids, and the 14 year old daughter sometimes acts like she's 8 and sometimes acts like she's 20. Although, as I type that, does sound about right. But while I was reading the book just came off as inconsistencies. The author does a good job with the complexities of this particular husband and wife, but I will have forgotten everything about this book by next week. I've read ten others like it. And, too, do people really experience comas that much? Seems like a common theme. Mom of four, wife of one. By day I fund-raise with coffee, by night I read with wine and chocolate.
This Article was Published in the Racine Journal Times by Jon Brines: MOUNT PLEASANT — Madison Attorney Dean Strang, made famous by the Netflix documentary “Making a Murderer,” on Wednesday implored local lawyers to work to address the social ramifications in the poverty in their community. Strang spoke as a guest of the Racine County Bar Association Wednesday at the group’s winter dinner held at the Roma Lodge, 7130 Spring St. During the event, Strang announced that the defense team for Brendan Dassey is ready for oral arguments at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals scheduled for Tuesday. In August, a federal judge overturned Dassey’s conviction for his role in the 2005 killing of photographer Teresa Halbach in Manitowoc County, ruling investigators coerced him into confessing. Wisconsin’s Department of Justice appealed that decision to the 7th Circuit. “We’re ready to go,” Strang said of Dassey’s defense team. “Making a Murderer,” which was a hit with viewers nationwide, depicted the pitfalls of the justice system through Steven Avery and his nephew Dassey’s 2007 trial for the murder of Halbach, a photographer for an auto marketing publication. Strang talked about the regrets he had after defending Avery, which propelled him into the national spotlight. “We had a change of venue but did not pursue it,” Strang said. “We had a right to a mistrial at the end when we lost one of the 12 deliberating jurors.” Strang said at that point under Wisconsin law, the defense team could have requested a mistrial or substituted an alternate juror and they went with the latter decision. “These are the kinds of decisions you drive yourself crazy with the rest of your life,” Strang said. He continues to struggle with his own part in the case because he believed there was enough reasonable doubt in the case to acquit Avery. “I recognized then that there was some evidence supporting Avery murdered Teresa Halbach, but I’ve never been comfortable with the integrity of all of that evidence. And I’ve never been comfortable that in the end — that if I had been put in the position of a juror — I could have honestly returned a verdict of guilt,” Strang said. The cycle of povertyBut it was a message of addressing social challenges in society that was a key component of Strang’s talk Wednesday night. Strang challenged the Racine attorneys to be more active in their community and “work harder and care more” because of the “poverty of hope” that holds people back and contributes to crime rates. “They need to start thinking of poverty differently. It’s not just about how many nickels you have in your pocket,” Sprang said. He told the group how people have little ownership in the community if they’re impoverished in education, their spiritual life and even knowing their own family’s history and genealogy. “You see yourself as being a part of something important. And it’s a part of you. It affects the identity you create for yourself,” Strang said. “One of the problems our clients have is they often have no meaningful sense of identity. They don’t value their own lives or anyone else’s.” Mentor and crusaderRobert Keller, president of the Racine County Bar Association, said he’s grateful Strang is willing to channel his talents and celebrity to strive for change in the criminal justice system. “Many of our attorneys in Racine know Dean, have worked with him or have been students of his in his various law school courses. We are grateful,” Keller said. One of those attorneys, Andrew Wier of the Mount Pleasant office of Habush, Habush and Rottier S.C., had Strang as an instructor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. “He is somebody who lives how he works. He cares and is extremely intelligent and he has walked the walk,” Wier said. See Link for article: http://journaltimes.com/news/local/making-a-murderer-lawyer-inspires-local-attorneys/article_070febc0-34b8-5e17-a690-2f4c3590c5d5.html
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