convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the id of the event with the most participants? ### Context: CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (Event_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Event_ID FROM Participants_in_Events GROUP BY Event_ID ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Which events id does not have any participant with detail 'Kenyatta Kuhn'? ### Context: CREATE TABLE Participants (Participant_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE EVENTS (event_id VARCHAR, Participant_Details VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (event_id VARCHAR, Participant_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT event_id FROM EVENTS EXCEPT SELECT T1.event_id FROM Participants_in_Events AS T1 JOIN Participants AS T2 ON T1.Participant_ID = T2.Participant_ID WHERE Participant_Details = 'Kenyatta Kuhn'
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Which services type had both successful and failure event details? ### Context: CREATE TABLE EVENTS (service_id VARCHAR, event_details VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE services (service_type_code VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.service_type_code FROM services AS T1 JOIN EVENTS AS T2 ON T1.service_id = T2.service_id WHERE T2.event_details = 'Success' INTERSECT SELECT T1.service_type_code FROM services AS T1 JOIN EVENTS AS T2 ON T1.service_id = T2.service_id WHERE T2.event_details = 'Fail'
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many events did not have any participants? ### Context: CREATE TABLE EVENTS (event_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (event_id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EVENTS WHERE NOT event_id IN (SELECT event_id FROM Participants_in_Events)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are all the distinct participant ids who attended any events? ### Context: CREATE TABLE participants_in_Events (participant_id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT participant_id) FROM participants_in_Events
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the name of the race held most recently? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT name FROM races ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the name and date of the most recent race? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT name, date FROM races ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the names of all races held in 2017. ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT name FROM races WHERE YEAR = 2017
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the distinct names of all races held between 2014 and 2017? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, YEAR INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT name FROM races WHERE YEAR BETWEEN 2014 AND 2017
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the forename and surname of all distinct drivers who once had laptime less than 93000 milliseconds? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE laptimes (driverid VARCHAR, milliseconds INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT T1.forename, T1.surname FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN laptimes AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid WHERE T2.milliseconds < 93000
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find all the distinct id and nationality of drivers who have had laptime more than 100000 milliseconds? ### Context: CREATE TABLE laptimes (driverid VARCHAR, milliseconds INTEGER); CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT T1.driverid, T1.nationality FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN laptimes AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid WHERE T2.milliseconds > 100000
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the forename and surname of the driver who has the smallest laptime? ### Context: CREATE TABLE laptimes (driverid VARCHAR, milliseconds VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.forename, T1.surname FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN laptimes AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid ORDER BY T2.milliseconds LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the id and family name of the driver who has the longest laptime? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE laptimes (driverid VARCHAR, milliseconds VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.driverid, T1.surname FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN laptimes AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid ORDER BY T2.milliseconds DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the id, forname and surname of the driver who had the first position in terms of laptime at least twice? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, forename VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE laptimes (driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.driverid, T1.forename, T1.surname FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN laptimes AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid WHERE POSITION = '1' GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many drivers participated in the race Australian Grand Prix held in 2009? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM results AS T1 JOIN races AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid WHERE T2.name = "Australian Grand Prix" AND YEAR = 2009
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many drivers did not participate in the races held in 2009? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (driverId VARCHAR, raceId VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverId VARCHAR, raceId VARCHAR, YEAR VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT driverId) FROM results WHERE NOT raceId IN (SELECT raceId FROM races WHERE YEAR <> 2009)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Give me a list of names and years of races that had any driver whose forename is Lewis? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, forename VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (raceid VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.name, T2.year FROM results AS T1 JOIN races AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T1.driverid = T3.driverid WHERE T3.forename = "Lewis"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the forename and surname of drivers whose nationality is German? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT forename, surname FROM drivers WHERE nationality = "German"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the id and forenames of drivers who participated both the races with name Australian Grand Prix and the races with name Chinese Grand Prix? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.driverid, T3.forename FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T2.driverid = T3.driverid WHERE T1.name = "Australian Grand Prix" INTERSECT SELECT T2.driverid, T3.forename FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T2.driverid = T3.driverid WHERE T1.name = "Chinese Grand Prix"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the forenames and surnames of drivers who participated in the races named Australian Grand Prix but not the races named Chinese Grand Prix? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (raceid VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T3.forename, T3.surname FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T2.driverid = T3.driverid WHERE T1.name = "Australian Grand Prix" EXCEPT SELECT T3.forename, T3.surname FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T2.driverid = T3.driverid WHERE T1.name = "Chinese Grand Prix"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find all the forenames of distinct drivers who was in position 1 as standing and won? ### Context: CREATE TABLE driverstandings (driverid VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT T1.forename FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN driverstandings AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid WHERE T2.position = 1 AND T2.wins = 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find all the forenames of distinct drivers who won in position 1 as driver standing and had more than 20 points? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE driverstandings (driverid VARCHAR, points VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT T1.forename FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN driverstandings AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid WHERE T2.position = 1 AND T2.wins = 1 AND T2.points > 20
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the numbers of constructors for different nationalities? ### Context: CREATE TABLE constructors (nationality VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*), nationality FROM constructors GROUP BY nationality
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the numbers of races for each constructor id? ### Context: CREATE TABLE constructorStandings (constructorid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*), constructorid FROM constructorStandings GROUP BY constructorid
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of races that were held after 2017 and the circuits were in the country of Spain? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, circuitid VARCHAR, year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE circuits (circuitid VARCHAR, country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.name FROM races AS T1 JOIN circuits AS T2 ON T1.circuitid = T2.circuitid WHERE T2.country = "Spain" AND T1.year > 2017
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the unique names of races that held after 2000 and the circuits were in Spain? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, circuitid VARCHAR, year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE circuits (circuitid VARCHAR, country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT T1.name FROM races AS T1 JOIN circuits AS T2 ON T1.circuitid = T2.circuitid WHERE T2.country = "Spain" AND T1.year > 2000
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the distinct driver id and the stop number of all drivers that have a shorter pit stop duration than some drivers in the race with id 841. ### Context: CREATE TABLE pitstops (driverid VARCHAR, STOP VARCHAR, duration INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT driverid, STOP FROM pitstops WHERE duration < (SELECT MAX(duration) FROM pitstops WHERE raceid = 841)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the distinct driver id of all drivers that have a longer stop duration than some drivers in the race whose id is 841? ### Context: CREATE TABLE pitstops (driverid VARCHAR, STOP VARCHAR, duration INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT driverid, STOP FROM pitstops WHERE duration > (SELECT MIN(duration) FROM pitstops WHERE raceid = 841)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the forenames of all distinct drivers in alphabetical order? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT forename FROM drivers ORDER BY forename
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of all distinct races in reversed lexicographic order? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT DISTINCT name FROM races ORDER BY name DESC
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of races held between 2009 and 2011? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, YEAR INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT name FROM races WHERE YEAR BETWEEN 2009 AND 2011
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of races held after 12:00:00 or before 09:00:00? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, TIME VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT name FROM races WHERE TIME > "12:00:00" OR TIME < "09:00:00"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the drivers' first, last names and id who had more than 8 pit stops or participated in more than 5 race results? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (forename VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pitstops (driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.forename, T1.surname, T1.driverid FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN pitstops AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) > 8 UNION SELECT T1.forename, T1.surname, T1.driverid FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) > 5
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the drivers' last names and id who had 11 pit stops and participated in more than 5 race results? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (surname VARCHAR, driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE pitstops (driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.surname, T1.driverid FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN pitstops AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) = 11 INTERSECT SELECT T1.surname, T1.driverid FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) > 5
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the id and last name of the driver who participated in the most races after 2010? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR, year INTEGER); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.driverid, T1.surname FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid JOIN races AS T3 ON T2.raceid = T3.raceid WHERE T3.year > 2010 GROUP BY T1.driverid ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of circuits that belong to UK or Malaysia? ### Context: CREATE TABLE circuits (name VARCHAR, country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT name FROM circuits WHERE country = "UK" OR country = "Malaysia"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the id and location of circuits that belong to France or Belgium? ### Context: CREATE TABLE circuits (circuitid VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT circuitid, LOCATION FROM circuits WHERE country = "France" OR country = "Belgium"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the names of Japanese constructors that have once earned more than 5 points? ### Context: CREATE TABLE constructorstandings (constructorid VARCHAR, points VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE constructors (name VARCHAR, constructorid VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.name FROM constructors AS T1 JOIN constructorstandings AS T2 ON T1.constructorid = T2.constructorid WHERE T1.nationality = "Japanese" AND T2.points > 5
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the average fastest lap speed in race named 'Monaco Grand Prix' in 2008 ? ### Context: CREATE TABLE results (fastestlapspeed INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT AVG(T2.fastestlapspeed) FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid WHERE T1.year = 2008 AND T1.name = "Monaco Grand Prix"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the maximum fastest lap speed in race named 'Monaco Grand Prix' in 2008 ? ### Context: CREATE TABLE results (fastestlapspeed INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT MAX(T2.fastestlapspeed) FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid WHERE T1.year = 2008 AND T1.name = "Monaco Grand Prix"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the maximum fastest lap speed in races held after 2004 grouped by race name and ordered by year? ### Context: CREATE TABLE results (fastestlapspeed INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, year INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT MAX(T2.fastestlapspeed), T1.name, T1.year FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid WHERE T1.year > 2014 GROUP BY T1.name ORDER BY T1.year
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the average fastest lap speed in races held after 2004 grouped by race name and ordered by year? ### Context: CREATE TABLE results (fastestlapspeed INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (name VARCHAR, year INTEGER, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT AVG(T2.fastestlapspeed), T1.name, T1.year FROM races AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.raceid = T2.raceid WHERE T1.year > 2014 GROUP BY T1.name ORDER BY T1.year
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the id, forename and number of races of all drivers who have at least participated in two races? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, forename VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.driverid, T1.forename, COUNT(*) FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid JOIN races AS T3 ON T2.raceid = T3.raceid GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the driver id and number of races of all drivers who have at most participated in 30 races? ### Context: CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR, raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.driverid, COUNT(*) FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid JOIN races AS T3 ON T2.raceid = T3.raceid GROUP BY T1.driverid HAVING COUNT(*) <= 30
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Find the id and surname of the driver who participated the most number of races? ### Context: CREATE TABLE drivers (driverid VARCHAR, surname VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE races (raceid VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE results (driverid VARCHAR, raceid VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.driverid, T1.surname FROM drivers AS T1 JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverid = T2.driverid JOIN races AS T3 ON T2.raceid = T3.raceid GROUP BY T1.driverid ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many technicians are there? ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM technician
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of technicians in ascending order of age. ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, Age VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM technician ORDER BY Age
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the team and starting year of technicians? ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Team VARCHAR, Starting_Year VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Team, Starting_Year FROM technician
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the name of technicians whose team is not "NYY". ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM technician WHERE Team <> "NYY"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the name of technicians aged either 36 or 37 ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, Age VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM technician WHERE Age = 36 OR Age = 37
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the starting year of the oldest technicians? ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Starting_Year VARCHAR, Age VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Starting_Year FROM technician ORDER BY Age DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show different teams of technicians and the number of technicians in each team. ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Team VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Team, COUNT(*) FROM technician GROUP BY Team
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Please show the team that has the most number of technicians. ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Team VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Team FROM technician GROUP BY Team ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the team that have at least two technicians. ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Team VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Team FROM technician GROUP BY Team HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show names of technicians and series of machines they are assigned to repair. ### Context: CREATE TABLE machine (Machine_series VARCHAR, machine_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE repair_assignment (machine_id VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T3.Name, T2.Machine_series FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show names of technicians in ascending order of quality rank of the machine they are assigned. ### Context: CREATE TABLE repair_assignment (machine_id VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE machine (machine_id VARCHAR, quality_rank VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T3.Name FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID ORDER BY T2.quality_rank
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show names of technicians who are assigned to repair machines with value point more than 70. ### Context: CREATE TABLE machine (machine_id VARCHAR, value_points INTEGER); CREATE TABLE repair_assignment (machine_id VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T3.Name FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID WHERE T2.value_points > 70
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show names of technicians and the number of machines they are assigned to repair. ### Context: CREATE TABLE repair_assignment (technician_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, technician_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Name, COUNT(*) FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN technician AS T2 ON T1.technician_ID = T2.technician_ID GROUP BY T2.Name
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of technicians who have not been assigned to repair machines. ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Name VARCHAR, technician_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE repair_assignment (Name VARCHAR, technician_id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM technician WHERE NOT technician_id IN (SELECT technician_id FROM repair_assignment)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the starting years shared by technicians from team "CLE" and "CWS". ### Context: CREATE TABLE technician (Starting_Year VARCHAR, Team VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Starting_Year FROM technician WHERE Team = "CLE" INTERSECT SELECT Starting_Year FROM technician WHERE Team = "CWS"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many entrepreneurs are there? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrepreneur
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the companies of entrepreneurs in descending order of money requested. ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Company VARCHAR, Money_Requested VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Company FROM entrepreneur ORDER BY Money_Requested DESC
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the companies and the investors of entrepreneurs. ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Company VARCHAR, Investor VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Company, Investor FROM entrepreneur
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the average money requested by all entrepreneurs? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Money_Requested INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT AVG(Money_Requested) FROM entrepreneur
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of people in ascending order of weight? ### Context: CREATE TABLE People (Name VARCHAR, Weight VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM People ORDER BY Weight
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of entrepreneurs? ### Context: CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Name FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of entrepreneurs whose investor is not "Rachel Elnaugh"? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (People_ID VARCHAR, Investor VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Name FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T1.Investor <> "Rachel Elnaugh"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the weight of the shortest person? ### Context: CREATE TABLE people (Weight VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Weight FROM people ORDER BY Height LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the name of the entrepreneur with the greatest weight? ### Context: CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR, Weight VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Name FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T2.Weight DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the total money requested by entrepreneurs with height more than 1.85? ### Context: CREATE TABLE people (People_ID VARCHAR, Height INTEGER); CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Money_Requested INTEGER, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT SUM(T1.Money_Requested) FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T2.Height > 1.85
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the dates of birth of entrepreneurs with investor "Simon Woodroffe" or "Peter Jones"? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (People_ID VARCHAR, Investor VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Date_of_Birth VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Date_of_Birth FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T1.Investor = "Simon Woodroffe" OR T1.Investor = "Peter Jones"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the weights of entrepreneurs in descending order of money requested? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (People_ID VARCHAR, Money_Requested VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Weight VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Weight FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Money_Requested DESC
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the investors of entrepreneurs and the corresponding number of entrepreneurs invested by each investor? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Investor VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Investor, COUNT(*) FROM entrepreneur GROUP BY Investor
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the investor that has invested in the most number of entrepreneurs? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Investor VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Investor FROM entrepreneur GROUP BY Investor ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the investors that have invested in at least two entrepreneurs? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Investor VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Investor FROM entrepreneur GROUP BY Investor HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of entrepreneurs and their companies in descending order of money requested? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Company VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR, Money_Requested VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Name, T1.Company FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Money_Requested
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of people that are not entrepreneurs. ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM people WHERE NOT People_ID IN (SELECT People_ID FROM entrepreneur)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the investors shared by entrepreneurs that requested more than 140000 and entrepreneurs that requested less than 120000. ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Investor VARCHAR, Money_Requested INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT Investor FROM entrepreneur WHERE Money_Requested > 140000 INTERSECT SELECT Investor FROM entrepreneur WHERE Money_Requested < 120000
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many distinct companies are there? ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Company VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Company) FROM entrepreneur
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the company of the tallest entrepreneur. ### Context: CREATE TABLE entrepreneur (Company VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (People_ID VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Company FROM entrepreneur AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T2.Height DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many perpetrators are there? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Id VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM perpetrator
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the date of perpetrators in descending order of the number of people killed. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Date VARCHAR, Killed VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Date FROM perpetrator ORDER BY Killed DESC
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the number of people injured by perpetrators in ascending order. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Injured VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Injured FROM perpetrator ORDER BY Injured
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the average number of people injured by all perpetrators? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Injured INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT AVG(Injured) FROM perpetrator
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the location of the perpetrator with the largest kills. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (LOCATION VARCHAR, Killed VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT LOCATION FROM perpetrator ORDER BY Killed DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of people in ascending order of height? ### Context: CREATE TABLE People (Name VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM People ORDER BY Height
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of perpetrators? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of perpetrators whose country is not "China"? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T2.Country <> "China"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the name of the perpetrator with the biggest weight. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR, Weight VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Weight DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the total kills of the perpetrators with height more than 1.84. ### Context: CREATE TABLE people (People_ID VARCHAR, Height INTEGER); CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Killed INTEGER, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT SUM(T2.Killed) FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T1.Height > 1.84
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the names of perpetrators in country "China" or "Japan"? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID WHERE T2.Country = "China" OR T2.Country = "Japan"
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the heights of perpetrators in descending order of the number of people they injured? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR, Injured VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Height VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Height FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T2.Injured DESC
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the countries of perpetrators? Show each country and the corresponding number of perpetrators there. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Country, COUNT(*) FROM perpetrator GROUP BY Country
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What is the country that has the most perpetrators? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Country, COUNT(*) FROM perpetrator GROUP BY Country ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: What are the countries that have at least two perpetrators? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Country VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Country, COUNT(*) FROM perpetrator GROUP BY Country HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of perpetrators in descending order of the year. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (People_ID VARCHAR, Year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T1.Name FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T2.Year DESC
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: List the names of people that are not perpetrators. ### Context: CREATE TABLE people (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Name VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT Name FROM people WHERE NOT People_ID IN (SELECT People_ID FROM perpetrator)
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the countries that have both perpetrators with injures more than 50 and perpetrators with injures smaller than 20. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Country VARCHAR, Injured INTEGER) ###Answer: SELECT Country FROM perpetrator WHERE Injured > 50 INTERSECT SELECT Country FROM perpetrator WHERE Injured < 20
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: How many distinct locations of perpetrators are there? ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (LOCATION VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT LOCATION) FROM perpetrator
convert the question into postgresql query using the context values ### Question: Show the date of the tallest perpetrator. ### Context: CREATE TABLE perpetrator (Date VARCHAR, People_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people (People_ID VARCHAR, Height VARCHAR) ###Answer: SELECT T2.Date FROM people AS T1 JOIN perpetrator AS T2 ON T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID ORDER BY T1.Height DESC LIMIT 1