NU0UK 0.0 9.1##one person is sitting at a table drinking coffee.
NU0UK 0.0 9.1##the other person is sitting at the table drinking coffee.
HETLN 5.5 13.0##the person is smiling as they drink from the cup.
JIGAJ 27.7 34.0##person closes the door.
JIGAJ 27.7 34.0##person closing the door.
JIGAJ 26.2 32.0##person turning off the light.
WTJQ0 5.9 12.8##another person opens the door.
WTJQ0 0.1 7.3##a person puts a plate of food on a table.
WTJQ0 0.1 7.3##a person is putting food on a coffee table.
SMLI0 2.7 8.3##person they put the picture down.
Y6MUU 30.5 37.6##person open a door.
LOSLI 10.4 15.5##person starts sneezing.
NLU6W 0.2 14.5##a person is holding a pair of shoes.
I0THD 22.1 32.0##a person is sneezing as the turn the doorknob.
AXYF9 2.9 13.7##person one is eating a sandwich.
AXYF9 2.9 13.7##another person is eating a sandwich.
9KGOL 16.8 24.7##person they take a glass.
UMXKN 12.2 22.3##person put the clothes in the hamper.
G0BKH 7.8 24.3##person turn off the light in their closet.
G0BKH 21.9 30.7##person they put a pillow into it.
G0BKH 7.8 24.3##person turns off the closet light.
SY1JE 10.5 17.2##the person walks out of the room through a doorway.
SAFT3 2.8 10.0##a person sits in a chair.
SAFT3 2.8 10.0##person they sit down in the chair.
T832F 6.1 10.8##person is seen throwing the folded blanket on the bed.
QXI52 0.0 4.7##person watching television.
OUH2U 8.3 16.7##person closes the door.
OUH2U 8.3 16.7##person closes the door behind them.
42MC3 18.5 25.0##person eats a sandwich.
42MC3 0.0 3.2##person closes a door repeatedly.
42MC3 18.5 25.0##person off repeatedly.
42MC3 9.2 16.0##person turning a light off.
42MC3 10.5 16.8##person turns a light switch on.
42MC3 0.0 3.2##person closing a door.
IST7I 18.4 32.8##person eating food out of box.
IST7I 18.4 32.8##person eats some food.
IST7I 18.4 32.8##person begin eating the crackers.
IST7I 0.0 4.2##person they open a box of ritz crackers.
BZ5AU 1.2 16.0##a person is dressing in front of the mirror.
RV11J 33.1 41.0##the person puts their camera away into a bag.
RV11J 33.1 41.0##person put the camera into it's bag.
2RU6J 16.7 25.0##then person a lays down on the floor.
07LG5 2.4 13.3##a person is running.
07LG5 7.3 21.1##person closes the fridge door.
07LG5 7.3 21.1##person walks to a closet closing the door.
07LG5 7.3 21.1##person closes the cabinet door.
TS2TD 29.4 35.0##person open the first book to start.
TS2TD 28.9 35.0##person read a book.
0RJ18 9.7 15.8##person putting it on a table.
S6W5T 17.2 27.0##the person takes off their shoes.
LI5VF 0.0 7.5##a person tidy's some hanging clothes.
LI5VF 6.7 19.3##person puts bag with pillow in sink.
LI5VF 18.1 28.2##person starts laughing.
SG99Q 19.5 31.0##person sits down in a chair.
SG99Q 19.5 31.0##person sitting down in a chair.
N0KQ7 19.9 27.0##person put on their shoes.
Z4Y02 10.3 18.2##person they close the door.
01O27 0.5 6.6##person but the door won't open.
01O27 5.1 11.5##person closes the door behind them.
01O27 0.5 6.6##person opens the bathroom door.
C3JAS 14.6 22.3##person start sneezing.
JRSPH 0.0 14.2##a person sitting in a chair takes off their shoes.
1WWJZ 9.7 15.7##person drink out of a glass.
AI6KJ 5.0 12.3##person puts their bag down.
AI6KJ 11.6 18.4##person closing the door behind them.
AI6KJ 5.2 12.3##a person puts a bag onto the table.
KENG1 29.3 38.0##person pours a glass of water.
KENG1 5.3 12.1##the person puts on their shoes.
KENG1 5.3 12.1##person puts the shoes on.
3H09L 13.0 24.4##person opens a window.
3H09L 2.9 15.0##person one holds a pair of shoes.
UMOE4 6.2 11.7##another person suddenly comes running through.
UMOE4 6.2 11.7##another person runs across the room.
IK8PA 21.2 31.7##person puts it on a shelf.
IK8PA 9.5 21.6##a person is sneezing.
ZCOSY 16.3 31.0##person turn the light on.
ZCOSY 16.3 31.0##person fixing a light.
ZCOSY 16.3 31.0##the person turns on the light.
FTWBB 0.0 6.1##person sitting on a chair laughing.
FTWBB 0.0 6.1##laughs as another person plays.
VWN13 7.5 14.0##person holds their phone as they grab the closet doorknob.
VWN13 7.5 14.0##person open/close the door as if playing hide.
CNSMI 30.8 37.7##person take off their shoes.
PIJCA 7.1 18.2##a person is undressing.
J4VCR 10.4 21.5##person starts eating them.
J4VCR 10.4 21.5##person eating food.
NDLY5 0.0 8.1##person snuggling a pillow close to their chest.
NDLY5 17.3 29.7##person begin undressing out of their pajamas.
JO6GB 39.1 43.0##person put it in a bag.
JO6GB 37.6 43.0##person open their bag.
B17UQ 1.0 11.8##a person is sitting on a sofa watching television.
B17UQ 4.3 12.3##the person puts the remote on the table.
CUB69 0.0 7.7##person sitting in a chair eating food out a plate.
CUB69 0.0 7.7##a person is eating at a table.
NAWO1 5.0 10.2##the person is holding their phone.
M7Y6V 20.9 33.0##a person eating food is watching something outside the window.
M7Y6V 20.9 33.0##person eating the food.
M7Y6V 20.9 33.0##the person was eating the food that was in hand.
I8BC5 7.7 16.7##a person walks into the entryway eating a sandwich.
I8BC5 8.0 17.0##a person walks in eating something.