JIWY2 7.0 18.8##person drinks a cup of coffee at the kitchen table.
JIWY2 0.0 12.2##person eating food out of a plastic container.
2PMYI 2.5 9.9##person they awaken.
XHQT1 26.4 34.2##person walks through a doorway.
XHQT1 27.7 33.4##person opens a door.
F207R 5.7 12.8##person takes out a book.
F207R 34.0 42.0##person puts it on the shelf.
8UQVB 20.6 33.7##a person is watching their laptop screen.
8UQVB 0.8 6.4##a person is sneezing.
KTQEL 0.6 11.9##person holding a picture opens the door.
KTQEL 8.0 23.0##person puts a picture on the shelf.
004QE 14.2 22.5##person takes a drink from the cup.
45D5U 25.1 30.7##person puts phone on table.
ZSSNJ 0.0 2.9##a person turns on the light in their pantry.
ZSSNJ 7.0 16.5##person start laughing.
ZSSNJ 7.0 16.5##person sweeps floor takes phone out of pocket laughing texting.
B2NBR 0.0 8.3##a person runs back.
B2NBR 0.0 8.3##a man is running through the hallway.
59CDL 21.7 33.0##person sits down to look out the window.
59CDL 21.1 33.0##person sits in the chair to stare outside.
8J5S4 1.5 15.4##a person is seen eating.
8J5S4 19.4 24.8##person turns off the lights.
8J5S4 1.5 15.4##a person is eating.
8J5S4 19.4 24.8##person turn off the nearby light.
W7EHF 0.0 9.9##a person is standing in a doorway.the open a box.
W7EHF 16.7 24.0##person put a pillow.
W7EHF 0.0 9.9##a person is opening a box.
ZOBZV 34.1 40.0##person putting their phone on a shelf.
ZOBZV 34.1 40.0##the person puts the phone down on a shelf.
RYK18 0.0 5.0##a person is in a bedroom sitting on a chair.
RYK18 28.2 33.0##person turns off a light.
RYK18 28.2 33.0##person turning off the light.
RYK18 16.4 30.2##person start undressing from their clothes.
RYK18 16.4 30.2##person begins to undress.
ABHC6 17.5 23.9##the person turns off the light.
50TLF 4.2 10.0##one person takes a bottle of medicine from a box.
13IJA 5.9 10.9##the person throws the blanket on the floor.
13IJA 0.0 7.0##the person is sitting down holding a blanket.
5S2ZU 0.0 18.5##a person is in the kitchen cooking.
5S2ZU 0.0 18.5##a person is seen cooking on the stove.
F8A4G 1.8 9.7##a person turns the doorknob to open the garage door.
F8A4G 1.8 9.7##person opened a door.
GBPPR 21.3 31.0##person stops to take a drink out of their cup.
GBPPR 0.0 13.0##person eating some food.
GBPPR 0.0 13.0##person sitting on the couch eating a sandwich.
HR6MF 1.6 8.2##person holding a broom.
HR6MF 0.0 3.8##a person is running laughing at a desk.
HR6MF 0.0 3.8##a laughing person runs through the hallway.
HR6MF 9.5 15.7##person starts tidying a table with a laptop on it.
GIA8M 0.0 14.3##another person is smiling at a pile of clothes.
8NW4J 10.5 16.6##person putting away dirty clothes in a bedroom.
8NW4J 0.0 3.1##a person is lying on a bed holding a pillow.
8NW4J 0.0 3.9##a person is snuggling with a pillow.
YHPLU 11.5 24.3##person eats them.
YHPLU 11.5 24.3##one person is eating in the doorway.
X8DZV 15.6 21.9##person they stand up.
X8DZV 1.4 8.7##a person turns on a light.
X8DZV 8.6 17.8##person drinks from a glass.
X8DZV 16.4 28.6##person opens a box to grab a pillow.
X8DZV 6.5 12.9##person sits down on a chair drinking some water.
R3O7U 1.4 19.7##a person is washing a window.
81YF0 3.3 18.2##a person is holding a towel in the hallway.
81YF0 20.2 28.3##a person throws a towel onto the floor.
CAND1 7.1 23.9##a person is washing a glass window.
M1SRW 21.1 27.1##person they put the camera on a table.
ZV4JV 0.0 11.2##person holding their phone.
HA1XJ 0.0 3.4##person looks out door window.
HA1XJ 1.0 7.6##person drinking from a glass.
HA1XJ 1.0 7.6##person drinks from cup.
RS9D9 27.3 36.8##person reads a book.
RS9D9 27.3 36.8##person reading a book.
RS9D9 1.1 6.4##a person sits on a chair.
RS9D9 1.1 6.4##person sitting in a chair.
WI6NB 13.4 26.1##person eats a snack.
WI6NB 13.4 26.1##person eats cookies.
1SJQX 0.0 14.3##a person holding a phone picks up some homework.
1SJQX 0.0 14.3##one person walks in holding a phone.
ZXN6A 3.8 12.5##person drinking a cup of coffee.
ZPNW7 23.7 28.8##a person is walking through a doorway.
ZPNW7 32.2 53.4##a person is snuggling with a pillow.
ECXEX 5.0 12.5##person puts them on the table.
ECXEX 28.7 32.0##person takes towel off of shoulder.
ECXEX 14.5 24.0##the person the takes dishes from a shelf.
ECXEX 4.9 12.3##person puts groceries on the shelf.
ECXEX 5.0 12.5##person puts a plate of food on a table.
4CV3F 0.0 3.7##person puts on a pair of shoes.
4CV3F 0.0 3.7##a person puts their shoes on the floor.
4CV3F 0.0 3.7##person puts the shoes on.
4VODV 0.0 15.6##a person who is lying on the floor awakens.
4VODV 29.9 36.0##person eating a sandwich out of the box.
4VODV 21.2 29.1##the person began to undress.
P4HXN 26.8 33.3##person puts the laptop back on the clothes.
TNOBD 20.7 31.0##person eating lunch.
SYMIR 5.3 14.6##a person is standing in the hall undressing.
UTLNI 9.1 16.9##person open a cabinet.
UTLNI 0.6 10.1##a person is holding a phone.
UTLNI 0.0 5.4##a person is playing on their phone.
VKKIQ 11.4 17.3##person closes the door.
VKKIQ 0.2 8.4##a person opens a refrigerator.
VKKIQ 3.6 11.0##the person takes out a bottle of iced coffee.