[ "average temperature for prescott arizona", "average temperature in prescott arizona in august", "average temperature in arizona in august", "average temperature in prescott az in july", "What is the temperature in Prescott Arizona?", "what is the average temperature for april in prescott", "average temperatures in prescott az", "average temperature in prescott az", "what is the temperature in prescott az", "average temp in prescott az", "average temp in prescott arizona", "july temperature in prescott az", "average temp in arizona in august", "what is the average temperature for prescott az", "average temperature in prescott az in june", "average temperature in prescott", "what is the average temp in prescott", "what is the weather like in prescott az", "how is the temperature in prescott az", "weather in prescott arizona", "how is the weather in prescott arizona", "average temperature in prescott az in august", "average temps in prescott az", "average temperature in prescott az", "average temps in prescott az", "average temperature prescott az", "what is the average temperature in Prescott az fahrenheit", "what is the temperature in prescott Arizona in May", "average june temperature in Prescott az", "average temperature for prescott az", "prescott average temps", "what is the weather for prescott az in September", "average temp in prescott az in december", "what is the average temperature in prescott az", "average temp in prescott arizona in june", "average temperatures in prescott az", "what's the weather in prescott arizona", "what is the temperature like in arizona", "what is the temperature in prescott az", "average temp prescott arizona in june", "average temperatures in prescott", "average monthly temps in prescott az", "what temperature does it be in prescott az", "average temperature in prescott az in august", "arizona average summer temps", "average temperature in prescott az in august", "what is the average temperature in prescott", "average temperatures in prescott az", "what is the weather of prescott az", "what is the weather in prescott Arizona", "average monthly weather in prescott, arizona", "what is the temperature in prescott az", "average temperature in prescott", "how is the temperature in prescott az", "what is the average temp in prescott arizona in september", "What is the temperature like in Prescott in june", "what is the temperature of prescott az in july", "average temperature in prescott az", "what is the weather in prescott az in september", "what is the temperature in prescott az", "average temperatures by month in prescott az", "what is the weather in prescott az in june", "az average temperatures by month", "average temperature of prescott az", "what is the weather in prescott az", "average temperature in arizona in june", "average temperature in prescott az", "what is the temperature in prescott az", "average temperature by month for prescott az", "average monthly temperature in prescott", "average summer temperature in prescott az", "average temperatures in prescott az", "average temperatures for prescott arizona", "average temperatures for prescott az", "what is the weather in prescott az", "what is the average summer temperatures in prescott az", "average temperature for arizona spring", "temperature in prescott az", "average temperatures in july in prescott az", "average temperature for prescott az in august" ]
[ 2.7280888557, 2.3146846294, 2.4743640423, 2.7497489452, 2.555683136, -2.3196911812, 3.2391350269, 2.9528217316, 2.7900116444, 2.7193450928, 2.6762251854, 2.0273504257, 2.3568723202, 3.0419592857, 2.8309071064, 2.4523773193, 2.3800418377, 2.6225569248, 2.4931404591, 2.8352005482, 2.7580974102, 2.3998949528, 2.9830076694, 2.9528212547, 2.9830076694, 2.4987413883, 2.4379591942, 0.3778957427, 2.3371624947, 2.8384420872, 2.4065916538, 1.6291400194, 1.5994192362, 3.1518564224, 2.7719204426, 3.2391350269, 2.8925740719, 2.3280258179, 2.7900116444, 2.4827539921, 2.7430269718, 2.6166570187, 2.5158882141, 2.3998951912, 3.9626102448, 2.3998951912, 2.5614075661, 3.2391350269, 2.6739909649, 2.7853622437, 2.6871249676, 2.7900116444, 2.4523773193, 2.4931402206, 2.0950891972, 1.9563257694, 2.5393078327, 2.9528217316, 1.595744133, 2.7900116444, 3.1788358688, 2.1183493137, 2.6537358761, 2.7975649834, 2.9439952374, 2.857745409, 2.9528217316, 2.7900116444, 2.8813033104, 2.3219439983, 3.73203969, 3.2391350269, 2.9870562553, 3.1150279045, 2.9439952374, 3.8815050125, -0.638874352, 2.6652390957, 2.6948196888, 2.3721923828 ]
[ "average temperature in page arizona", "what is the temperature at lake powell in az", "average temperature on lake powell az in summer", "average temp in lake powell", "average temperature of lake powell", "average temperature in lake powell arizona", "what is the weather in page az", "what is the weather like for lake powell,az in the summer", "how is the temperature of lake powell", "average temp of lake powell az", "what is the temperature in lake powell az", "average temperatures in lake powell az", "average temperature by month in page az", "what is the average temp for page az", "what is the temperature on the lake powell in az", "average temperature in page az", "average temperature in lake powell arizona", "average temperature of lake powell", "average temperature page az", "average temperature in page az", "arizona average temperatures and weather by month", "what is the average temperature in page arizona", "what is the average temperature in page", "average temperature in page az", "average temp for page", "average temperature in page az", "average temperatures inpage az", "average temperature in page az", "average temp lake powell az", "what is the weather in page az", "temperature in lake powell", "average temperatures in lake powell az", "average precipitation in page az", "average temp of lake powell", "what is the temperature on lake powell", "what is the average temperature of lake powell in az", "what's the weather in page, az", "temperature in page az", "what is the weather like in lake powell", "average temp for page az", "temperature in lake powell az", "average temp in page az", "average temperature in page az", "average temperatures by month of page az", "average temp in lake powell arizona", "average temperature at lake powell in arizona", "what is the temperature in lake powell arizona", "average temperature in lake powell arizona", "how is the weather in powell", "average climate of lake powell az", "average temperature for page az", "what is the temperature and weather in lake powell", "average weather in page az", "average monthly temp for az", "average temp in lake powell", "average temperature in page az", "how is the weather in page, az?", "average temperature for powell az", "average temp on lake powell in az", "average temperatures in page az", "average temperature in lake powell", "what is the weather in lake powell az", "average temperature at lake powell page az", "average temperature for page az", "average temp lake powell az", "what is the temperature of lake powell az", "average temp in powell az", "what's the weather in lake powell az", "average temperature in page az", "what is the weather in lake powell, az", "average temperature of lake powell az", "what is the weather like in page az", "average temp of lake powell az", "average temperature in lake powell, az", "average temperature range in powell arizona", "what's the temperature in lake powell", "what is the temperature on lake powell", "what is the temperature of lake powell", "average temperature by month in page", "what is the weather in lake powell in arizona" ]
[ -2.9254033566, -1.7718855143, -4.7467718124, -2.9400782585, -2.8632404804, -2.8191564083, 0.5021079183, -2.1953010559, -1.4692498446, -2.8953621387, -1.7719880342, -2.4669995308, -0.9612920284, -1.806245923, -1.5205664635, -2.9737846851, -2.8191576004, -2.8632421494, -2.583312273, -2.9737827778, -0.3402956724, -1.772333622, -1.5619584322, -2.9737827778, -2.6652340889, -2.9737827778, -3.2724134922, -2.9737827778, -2.9194176197, 0.5021076202, -3.0126590729, -2.4670016766, -3.3603672981, -2.8914940357, -2.0257666111, -1.5834425688, 0.5877313614, -3.0011312962, 0.8373403549, -2.8447372913, -3.0433428288, -2.9570381641, -2.9737846851, -1.0844503641, -2.8558909893, -2.6227087975, -1.7310107946, -2.8191564083, 0.282558769, -0.3445379436, -2.9696259499, 0.5354744792, -0.1972079873, -3.7933058739, -2.9400770664, -2.9737837315, 0.5618904829, -3.1895396709, -2.9411008358, -2.4636461735, -2.8997411728, 1.0016881227, -2.5218195915, -2.9696259499, -2.9194173813, -1.778196454, -3.5476930141, 1.1001700163, -2.9737837315, 0.7568004131, -2.9164433479, 0.4181435406, -2.8953633308, -2.9315366745, -3.4327657223, -1.8737984896, -2.0257663727, -1.9096417427, -0.8548104167, 0.8681109548 ]
[ "average temperature in gilbert az", "what's the weather in gilbert az", "average temps for gilbert az", "weather in gilbert az", "average temperature gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "what is the temperature in gilbert az", "average temperatures in gilbert az fahrenheit", "what is the average temperature in gilbert az", "average weather in gilbert", "what the weather like in gilbert az", "weather in gilbert, Arizona fahrenheit", "average temperature in gilbert", "what is the average temperature in gilbert in august", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature by month in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert, az", "average temperatures in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "weather in gilbert az", "what the temperature in gilbert az", "average temp in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "average weather in gilbert, az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temp in gilbert az", "what is the weather like in gilbert az", "average temp in gilbert az", "what's the weather in gilbert az", "temperature in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert area", "weather in gilbert", "average temperature for gilbert az", "what is the average temperature in gilbert", "average monthly temperature in gilbert", "what is the temperature in gilbert az?", "what is the weather like in gilbert, az", "average temp in gilbert az", "average temperature gilbert az", "what is the temperature in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert", "average weather in gilbert az", "how is the temperature in gilbert, az", "how is the weather in gilbert az", "how is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert", "what is the weather like in gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "what is the weather for gilbert az", "what is the temperature in gilbert, az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "what is the weather like in gilbert az", "average temp in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "gilbert az average temperature", "what is the temp in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert arizona", "temperature gilbert az", "what is the weather in gilbert az", "average temperature gilbert az", "average temperatures gilbert", "average temperatures for gilbert az", "average temp in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert, az", "average rainfall gilbert az", "average monthly climate for gilbert az", "average temperature in gilbert az" ]
[ -5.6352825165, -1.4964101315, -5.1073660851, -2.6322689056, -5.6582508087, -5.6352825165, -1.3912419081, -1.3912419081, -4.4817857742, -6.6193714142, -4.1706924438, -3.3125505447, -2.3142778873, -5.8296461105, -5.6331133842, -7.4590911865, -1.3912419081, -3.3244833946, -5.6352825165, -1.3912419081, -5.6352825165, -5.6594257355, -5.313744545, -1.3912419081, -2.6322689056, -5.1290755272, -5.837313652, -5.6352825165, -5.6352825165, -5.6352825165, -3.4365551472, -1.3912419081, -5.837313652, -2.0246729851, -5.837313652, -1.4964101315, -5.3885483742, -1.3912419081, -5.6582508087, -5.5039629936, -2.6869621277, -5.614200592, -4.3967990875, -5.2500395775, -3.6050605774, -2.0769815445, -5.837313652, -5.6582508087, -4.4817857742, -1.5929608345, -3.3131952286, -4.3912420273, -1.3317024708, -1.3317024708, -5.6331133842, -2.0246729851, -1.3912419081, -5.6352825165, -1.1854243279, -4.554502964, -1.3912419081, -2.0246729851, -5.837313652, -5.6352825165, -5.457259655, -4.6305861473, -5.6331133842, -1.3912419081, -5.7705721855, -5.1743102074, -1.3912419081, -5.6582508087, -5.0413818359, -5.2855195999, -5.837313652, -5.6352825165, -5.6594257355, -7.9472126961, -4.4580874443, -5.6352825165 ]
[ "average temperature in mesa az", "average weather in mesa az", "what is the temp in mesa az", "what is the temperature in mesa arizona", "average temp mesa az", "what is the weather in mesa az", "average temperature in mesa az", "average yearly temperature of mesa az", "average temperature in mesa az", "what is the average temperature in mesa az", "what is the weather like in mesa az", "what is the temp in mesa az", "average temperature for mesa az", "average temperature in mesa az", "average temperature for mesa arizona", "mesa average temperature", "what is the average temperature in arizona", "average temperature of mesa arizona", "typical temperature for mesa az", "average humidity in mesa", "what is the weather in mesa arizona", "average temperature in mesa az", "what is mesa's weather like", "typical weather for mesa", "what is the average weather in mesa az", "average temperature in mesa az", "what is the weather like on mesa az", "average temperature for mesa az", "typical temperature in mesa, az", "average temperature in Mesa Arizona", "average temperature for mesa az", "what is the temperature in mesa in ohio", "average temperature mesa az", "average temperature of mesa az", "average temperatures in mesa az", "what's the temperature in mesa arizona", "average temperature in mesa az", "what is the average temperature in mesa", "mesa average temperature", "average humidity in mesa, arizona", "average temperature in mesa az", "what is the average temperature in arizona in october", "temperature in mesa, Arizona", "what is the weather like in mesa arizona", "average temp in mesa az", "what is the temperature in mesa az", "average temperature in mesa arizona", "average temperature in mesa, az", "average temp in mesa az", "average temperature of mesa az", "what is the temperature in mesa", "average mesa temperature", "typical temperature of mesa az", "what is the average temperature of mesa az", "what is the weather like in mesa az", "average temperature mesa arizona", "what is the weather like in mesa", "temperature in mesa arizona yearly", "what's the temperature in mesa az?", "what is the weather like in mesa", "typical temperature in arizona", "average temperature in mesa az", "average temperature in mesa az", "mesa average temperature", "mesa az average temp", "average temperature in mesa arizona", "average temperature in mesa az", "how warm is mesa az", "what's the average temperature in az", "average mesa temperature", "what is the weather like in mesa az", "average humidity in az", "average weather in mesa az", "average temperature in mesa az", "what is the temperature in mesa az", "average temperature of mesa az", "average temperature of mesa az", "what is the temperature in mesa az", "average temperature in mesa arizona", "average temperature in mesa az" ]
[ 3.4426653385, 3.4316666126, 2.7628247738, 3.3998198509, 2.3869762421, 3.4773511887, 3.4426653385, 1.558347106, 3.4426653385, 3.6468634605, 2.7156512737, 2.7628247738, 3.2843401432, 3.4426653385, 3.246268034, 3.3725607395, -0.4797086716, 3.2831914425, 2.0881485939, -0.5994035006, 3.4640862942, 3.4426653385, 2.3739788532, 1.6262490749, 3.5326857567, 3.4426653385, 2.5414550304, 3.2843401432, 2.3768689632, 3.4251515865, 3.2843401432, -3.6068239212, 2.9082629681, 3.35110569, 3.3209028244, 3.5243704319, 3.4426653385, 3.2476975918, 3.3725607395, 0.1302440017, 3.4426653385, -5.1458573341, 3.4486167431, 2.7688570023, 3.1347587109, 3.4023354053, 3.4251515865, 3.557765007, 3.1347587109, 3.35110569, 3.058434248, 2.9397621155, 2.1277270317, 3.5091302395, 2.7156512737, 2.8485887051, 2.1770122051, 1.0404635668, 3.3379600048, 2.1770122051, -2.2514145374, 3.4426653385, 3.4426653385, 3.3725607395, 3.0790612698, 3.4251515865, 3.4426653385, 1.0401313305, -0.1591392457, 2.9397621155, 2.7156512737, -2.839987278, 3.4316666126, 3.4426653385, 3.4023354053, 3.35110569, 3.35110569, 3.4023354053, 3.4251515865, 3.4426653385 ]
[ "average temperature in phoenix az", "average temperatures in phoenix arizona", "average temperature phoenix az", "average temp of summer phoenix az", "what is the temperature in phoenix az july", "what is the average temp in april in phoenix", "how is the weather in phoenix az", "average temperature for summer in phoenix", "average temp phoenix in august and may", "what is the weather in phoenix az", "average temperatures for phoenix az", "average temperature in phoenix", "average temp in phoenix in summer", "temperature in phoenix in august", "weather in arizona", "what is the average temperature in phoenix", "what is the average temperature in phoenix", "what is the weather like in phoenix in summer", "average temperature phoenix", "how is the temperature in phoenix az", "what is the average temperature in phoenix during the summer months", "what is the weather like in phoenix", "average temperature phoenix az", "what is the average temperature in phoenix", "average weather in phoenix az this summer", "average temperature in phoenix az", "average temperatures phoenix az", "average temperature in phoenix az", "what is the weather like in phoenix az", "average temperature phoenix arizona fahrenheit", "what is the average yearly temperature of phoenix az", "what's the forecast for summer in phoenix", "average temp phoenix", "how hot is it in arizona in summer", "what is the weather in phoenix arizona during the summer", "average temperature in phoenix", "average temperature in phoenix arizona in summer", "average temperature phoenix", "average summer temperature in phoenix az", "what is the weather like in phoenix az", "average temperature in phoenix in summer", "average temperature phoenix arizona in september", "average summer temperature phoenix az", "what is the average temperature for phoenix?", "average temp for phoenix", "average temp in phoenix tx", "average weather in phoenix arizona", "what is the weather in phoenix az", "what is the temperature in phoenix arizona", "what is the temp of phoenix az", "what is the average temperature of phoenix in april", "average temperature in phoenix", "what is the temperature in phoenix", "how does the weather in phoenix compare to the weather in az", "average temperature in phoenix az", "average temperature for phoenix az", "how is the weather in the phoenix az", "what is the weather like in phoenix in summer", "what is the weather like in phoenix az", "average weather in phoenix area april", "what is the weather like in phoenix", "how is the weather in phoenix?", "average temperature for summer in phoenix", "average temperature phoenix", "average temperature phoenix", "how is the temperature in phoenix", "average weather in phoenix", "what's the weather like in phoenix az", "what is the temperature in phoenix", "what is the weather like in phoenix", "average temp in phoenix in summer", "average temp in phoenix az", "average weather in phoenix in summer", "what's the temperature in phoenix", "average temperature in phoenix arizona", "average summer temperature phoenix", "average summer temperature in phoenix az", "average temperature phoenix", "average temperature phoenix arizona", "average temperature in phoenix az" ]
[ -2.5369534492, -2.5596306324, -3.2411198616, -2.272518158, -4.9131526947, -6.3426470757, 1.7536250353, -1.7374374866, -5.3921699524, 1.5945270061, -2.2058615685, -2.4671397209, -1.1481002569, -6.0522909164, -0.1234298646, -1.6858518124, -1.6858501434, 1.8545004129, -3.0521669388, -1.4533609152, -0.8160116076, 1.4970862865, -3.2411212921, -1.6858501434, 0.0746144354, -2.5369567871, -2.9142494202, -2.5369567871, 1.5333024263, -3.8296489716, -3.0869445801, -1.131991744, -3.1677999496, -1.6673777103, 1.4820441008, -2.4671397209, -1.636392355, -3.0521683693, -2.3348343372, 1.5333017111, -1.5012996197, -7.1311426163, -2.7025418282, -0.8585705757, -2.2259836197, -4.2068538666, -0.4234451354, 1.5945270061, -1.9612592459, -2.0622107983, -6.5477151871, -2.4671394825, -1.7856384516, -0.8455232382, -2.5369567871, -2.4161450863, 1.8123271465, 1.8545004129, 1.5333024263, -4.9103193283, 1.4970862865, 1.2840768099, -1.7374367714, -3.0521669388, -3.0521683693, -1.58748734, -0.0535757951, 1.55545187, -1.7856383324, 1.4970862865, -1.1481002569, -2.5397584438, 0.557659626, -1.8873026371, -2.7549974918, -2.6384208202, -2.3348343372, -3.0521683693, -3.5638349056, -2.5369534492 ]
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[ 3.2133669853, 3.6532537937, 2.3781383038, 2.8911259174, 2.653648138, 2.8978209496, 3.2020654678, 2.4902541637, 3.1481909752, 2.9439239502, 3.2020654678, 3.2020654678, 2.653648138, 2.1564576626, 3.1481909752, 2.9269263744, 3.1910572052, 2.2513024807, 2.7403116226, 3.6169650555, 2.7155947685, 2.9269263744, 3.2020654678, -0.3997557461, 1.8804806471, 3.0895020962, 2.7279253006, 2.8818659782, 2.4766585827, 2.8818659782, 3.1295003891, 2.2730939388, 2.8969192505, 3.3166987896, 2.7316663265, 2.8042349815, 2.7855017185, 2.7155947685, 2.7855017185, 2.838685751, 0.9257140756, 2.9799749851, 3.044254303, 3.5690917969, 2.7707121372, 3.2509894371, 3.5537934303, 2.4902541637, 3.3930871487, 3.8059546947, 3.0090808868, 3.1633441448, 3.8902127743, 2.2532126904, 3.3579070568, 3.1481900215, 1.5206148624, 3.1747505665, 3.0895016193, 4.7483263016, -0.9165496826, 3.8852815628, 3.5303521156, 3.1416547298, 3.2143106461, 2.5225551128, 2.9439239502, 4.6552124023, 2.4902541637, 2.7137906551, 3.1481909752, 3.0895020962, 2.744279623, 2.4383096695, 3.1340556145, 2.4680783749, 2.8818659782, -0.3573532104, 2.715836525, 2.4902541637 ]
[ "how far is london from dallas", "how far between dallas and london", "distance dallas to london", "how far is london from dallas", "how far is london to dallas", "distance london texas to dallas", "distance dallas tx to london uk", "distance london to dallas texas", "how far is it from dallas, texas to london?", "distance between dallas and london", "how far is london from dallas tx", "what is the distance between dallas and london", "how far is dallas from london", "how far is london from dallas", "how far is london from dallas", "distance between dallas and london", "distance between dallas texas and london england", "what is the distance between dallas and london", "how far is dallas tx from london", "distance dallas texas to london england", "distance from dallas to london", "what is the distance between dallas texas and london england", "how far is dallas tx from london england", "distance london to dallas", "how far is dallas tx from london", "how far is dallas texas uk from london", "how far is london from dallas", "distance texas to london", "how far is dallas tx from london", "what is the distance between london and dallas, tx", "how far is london to dallas, tx", "how far is london uk from dallas texas", "what is the distance between london and dallas tx", "how far is london from dallas tx", "distance between dallas, tx and london, england", "how far is dallas from london", "how far between dallas texas and london england", "how far is london from dallas", "distance london to dallas texas", "how far is london from dallas texas", "how far is london from dallas", "how far is it from dallas tx to london", "how far is it from dallas, tx to london, england", "how far is london from dallas in texas", "how far is london from dallas texas", "how far is dallas tx to london", "distance between dallas, tx and london, ny", "distance from london to dallas texas", "how far is london to dallas texas", "distance between london and dallas", "distance dallas texas to london", "how far is london from dallas", "distance from dallas to london texas", "how far is it from london to dallas tx", "distance dallas to london", "distance from dallas to london", "distance between dallas and london", "distance from london to texas", "how far is dallas, tx from london", "what is the distance between london and dallas", "distance from dallas to london", "how far is texas from london", "distance from dallas to london", "distance dallas texas london", "distance from london in dallas texas to st. louis fl", "distance dallas to london", "distance between dallas & london", "distance between dallas, texas and london, england", "distance between dallas texas and london", "distance between dallas texas and london england", "distance between london & dallas tx", "what is the distance between dallas texas and london uk", "distance dallas to london?", "how far is dallas texas from london england", "how far is london from dallas texas", "distance between dallas texas and london england", "distance from dallas to london", "how far is dallas from london", "what is the distance between dallas and london", "distance from dallas to london in miles" ]
[ 5.6396632195, 6.1564965248, 5.897936821, 5.6396632195, 5.6194148064, 5.5738739967, 6.007062912, 5.5852246284, 5.9615263939, 6.2857699394, 5.6788825989, 6.1110773087, 5.8281798363, 5.6396632195, 5.6396632195, 6.2857699394, 6.308016777, 6.1110773087, 5.902785778, 6.1220936775, 6.0933351517, 6.2121958733, 6.0378870964, 5.6406502724, 5.902785778, 5.8281378746, 5.6396632195, 5.5510926247, 5.902785778, 5.8891153336, 5.6638889313, 5.5691533089, 5.8507490158, 5.6788825989, 6.3259682655, 5.8281798363, 6.2279233932, 5.6396632195, 5.5852246284, 5.7067942619, 5.6396632195, 5.8940377235, 6.0720057487, 5.6344680786, 5.7067942619, 5.9362154007, 4.7796826363, 5.8771767616, 5.6411619186, 6.0759439468, 6.0665941238, 5.6396632195, 6.12292099, 5.578962326, 5.8979349136, 6.0933361053, 6.2857699394, 5.1225810051, 5.9819159508, 5.8754091263, 6.0933361053, 5.2565121651, 6.0933361053, 5.6463470459, -2.2702846527, 5.897936821, 6.1239290237, 6.3246388435, 6.3240427971, 6.308016777, 5.7724299431, 6.1399226189, 5.9907169342, 6.0567655563, 5.7067942619, 6.308016777, 6.0933351517, 5.8281798363, 6.1110773087, 5.6137142181 ]
[ "what is the biggest state in texas", "how many miles does it take to travel from south to east in texas", "how many miles is texas", "what is the size of texas", "which state has the biggest population", "how big is texas in square miles", "how big is the state of texas", "how many square miles is texas", "how many miles is texas", "how large is texas state", "how long is texas", "how many miles is the longest distance to the south of texas?", "what is the biggest state in texas", "what's the geography of texas", "which state has the largest population of any state", "how many miles is the longest stretch of texas", "which states in the united states are larger and smaller", "which two states have a geographic area of about a billion square miles", "how long is the state of texas", "how big is texas", "how many miles of land is in texas", "how long is the length of texas", "how far is texas from the u.s.", "where are texas mountains located", "how big is texas state", "how many miles long is texas?", "how large is texas", "how many square miles is texas", "how many miles is the length of texas", "what is the length of texas", "how big is texas", "how is the texas area big", "how wide is texas", "what is the longest distance north to south in texas", "how many square miles is texas", "how big is texas state", "how big is the state of texas", "what is the size of texas at the top", "how big is texas at its largest", "where is the longest state in the us", "what is texas longest", "how many miles is texas", "what is the size of the state of texas", "what is the geography of texas", "which state is larger north or south", "which state covers the longest distance", "where is texas located?", "what is the largest state in texas", "what is the size of texas state", "how long is the longest state in texas", "how long is texas by state", "what is the geography of texas", "what is the largest city in texas", "what is the longest distance between the south and the east", "length of texas state", "how many kilometers is texas", "how long is the state of texas", "how long is texas state", "how big is texas?", "how many miles is texas", "how many miles is the longest distance in texas", "how many sq miles is texas located", "how big is texas", "how many square miles of texas", "how many square miles is texas", "how long is the state of texas", "what is the length of texas", "how big is texas?", "what is the length of texas", "how many square miles does texas have", "how many square miles is texas", "what is texas's largest state", "how large is texas compared to its size?", "how long is texas", "what is the geography of texas", "what is texas's biggest state", "how big is texas", "what is the longest state in the united states", "texas is what size state", "where is texas located on the map" ]
[ -1.059866786, -0.5964168906, 2.3589782715, 2.3647956848, -2.3211011887, 2.5212094784, 3.2715084553, 2.9818489552, 2.3589782715, 2.5779702663, 2.7302498817, 1.3648209572, -1.059866786, 4.1481356621, -3.0034039021, 1.6073923111, -5.3918924332, -4.0644240379, 3.1414489746, 2.4980158806, 1.360675931, 1.6975157261, -1.1080006361, -7.3764548302, 2.9300334454, 2.4945785999, 1.9403499365, 2.9818489552, 2.0696601868, 1.625535965, 2.4980158806, 0.423394531, 1.0197869539, 2.2146537304, 2.9818501472, 2.930034399, 3.2715086937, -2.0219874382, 1.0040330887, 0.0415224358, 1.6811541319, 2.3589773178, 2.9087736607, 4.1322379112, -1.3172923326, -1.5562409163, -1.2017767429, -1.5119268894, 2.7789578438, 1.7347664833, 1.5241268873, 4.1322379112, -5.7326622009, -1.7969052792, 1.830437541, -2.8374283314, 3.1414496899, 2.6145708561, 2.1021647453, 2.3589773178, 1.5918872356, 1.6963539124, 2.4980142117, 3.0468788147, 2.9818501472, 3.1414496899, 1.6255340576, 2.1021647453, 1.6255340576, 2.8469712734, 2.9818501472, -0.9071545005, -1.039801836, 2.7302491665, 4.1322379112, -0.2069957405, 2.4980142117, 0.0285109058, 1.2159318924, -1.433065176 ]
[ "how many miles is texas", "how big is the state of texas?", "what is the size of texas at its length", "what is the geography of texas", "where is the longest texas state", "where is the longest city in tx", "where is state of texas?", "what is the land mass in texas", "what is the longest road in texas", "what is the largest state in texas", "what are the animals in texas", "how long is texas state", "what is the length of texas's state line", "how big is texas by area", "which state is the longest", "how many miles in tx", "what is the largest city in texas", "what is the biggest state in texas", "how long is state of texas", "how big is texas and is it in square miles", "how many miles is the longest state in the usa?", "what is the geographic area of texas", "where is texas located at", "how big is the state of texas", "what is the longest state in the united states located", "why is texas a good state", "what state is texas in", "is texas endangered", "what is the largest state in the us", "how big is texas", "what is the geographical size of texas state of the union", "what is the landmass of texas", "how many square miles is texas", "how big is the state of texas", "where is texas located", "what the land size of texas", "how big is texas", "what is the length of texas at its longest point", "how big is texas", "texas has what type of land", "where is texas located", "what is the length of texas state line", "what state is biggest in the us", "what is the biggest state", "what is the length of the texas state line texas to tx", "what is the biggest state in texas", "is texas a state", "what is the state size of texas", "how many miles is texas", "how long is texas state", "which is largest state", "what is the length of the state of texas", "what is texas landforms", "how many square miles is texas", "what is the geographical geography of texas", "what is the length of texas state lines", "what is the geographic area of texas", "where is texas located geographically", "how big is texas", "how big is texas in miles", "what is the size of texas", "how big is texas at its longest", "what is the largest state in the united states", "which state has the largest population of endangered animals?", "how big is texas state", "what is the length of texas", "what are endangered species in texas", "texas how big does it get", "what state is texas in", "where are endangered animals located", "which states have the biggest landmass", "what is the biggest state in texas", "what is the length of the state of texas", "what is the geographical area of texas", "what is the biggest state in the united states", "which state has largest population", "what is the geographic area of texas", "what is the longest distance from texas to texas", "how many miles across is texas", "what is the longest and widest city in the united states" ]
[ 1.188688159, 2.5072131157, -0.139664799, 3.194835186, -0.0133738341, -2.5769231319, -1.1515218019, -3.1950469017, -2.0685796738, -1.4610184431, -0.2689746916, 1.6043242216, -2.0545079708, 0.4784641564, -0.5947998762, 0.9053211212, -6.399061203, -0.5512474179, 1.6528986692, 1.2318533659, -0.7786670327, 1.4069349766, -3.080811739, 2.7981655598, -1.7110834122, -2.991546154, -1.1324343681, 2.6242721081, -1.893763423, 2.4472248554, -0.7532490492, -2.9616005421, 1.9004911184, 2.7981643677, -2.8428547382, -0.8860861659, 2.4472231865, 0.1501487792, 2.4472231865, -5.3261294365, -2.8428547382, -2.1248121262, -0.716260016, -0.677298665, -1.3361289501, -0.5512471795, 0.6796313524, 1.4043359756, 1.188688159, 1.6043242216, -1.5466431379, 0.5451157093, -6.0295205116, 1.9004906416, 2.3245480061, -1.8527244329, 1.4069349766, -0.229908213, 2.4472248554, 1.4382632971, 1.4081870317, 2.6965332031, -2.6414215565, 0.2338615805, 2.6323239803, -0.1004095599, -0.1644269973, -0.0089478204, -1.1324344873, 1.1727962494, -3.5321609974, -0.5512471795, 0.5451163054, 1.4565323591, -1.6986997128, -4.469476223, 1.4069366455, -0.4944334924, -0.155133009, -6.1675162315 ]
[ "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights from texas to long beach", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights does long beach texas have", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what is the best airline to fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many direct flights are there between long beach, tx and houston, tx?", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly out of long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly out of texas to long beach fl", "how many airlines fly from Long Beach to Dallas", "airlines between long beach and texas", "how many flights are there between texas and long beach tx?", "what airlines fly in from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas?", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights between long beach and texas", "what airlines fly in long beach texas", "what airlines fly from long beach tx to texas", "how many flights between long beach tx and houston tx", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "is there a flight direct from long beach tx to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to tx", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many airlines fly from texas to long beach fl", "how many airlines fly from long beach texas", "how many airlines fly into long beach", "how many flights between texas and long beach", "what airline services long beach", "how many airlines fly direct to long beach", "how many airlines fly from long beach to tx", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly out of long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many airlines fly from long beach tx to texas", "how many flights long beach to texas", "how many airlines fly from Long Beach to texas", "how many flights long beach to texas", "how many flights are in long beach texas", "which airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach texas to texas", "which airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights do i need to fly from texas to long beach texas", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "which airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights from long beach to texas", "how many flights from long beach to texas", "how many flights from long beach, tx to texas", "how many airlines fly direct between long beach texas and long beach tx", "what airline service long beach to texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to tx", "who fly from texas to long beach", "what is the direct flight to long beach from texas", "what are airlines that fly from long beach to texas", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights are there between long beach tx and long beach tx", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly to long beach", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many airlines fly from long beach to texas", "flights long beach to texas", "what airline fly from long beach tx to texas", "what airlines fly to long beach texas", "what is the airline name for long beach tx", "how many nonstop flights long beach to texas", "how many flights long beach to texas", "which airlines fly between long beach tx and texas", "which airlines fly direct from long beach to texas", "what airlines fly between long beach and texas", "what airlines fly from long beach to texas", "how many flights from long beach texas to long beach texas" ]
[ 5.362007618, 5.1160874367, 5.362007618, 4.2250394821, 4.9832892418, 5.362007618, 4.9832892418, 5.362007618, 3.9985435009, 5.362007618, 2.8449018002, 4.9832892418, 4.9989328384, 5.362007618, 4.6201739311, 2.6215875149, 5.1565132141, 4.9334287643, 4.9577293396, 5.362007618, 5.3670730591, 4.9832892418, 5.1126995087, 4.4128861427, 5.3052248955, 2.3166766167, 5.362007618, 5.343360424, 5.362007618, 5.3171024323, 5.362007618, 4.6536397934, 4.5973672867, 3.0303046703, 5.0071144104, 3.266422987, 4.2781667709, 4.9378299713, 5.3620080948, 4.9989328384, 5.3620080948, 4.9371881485, 4.8349046707, 4.9832892418, 4.8349046707, 4.0075874329, 5.2744665146, 5.3620080948, 5.3088684082, 5.2744655609, 5.362007618, 3.7840359211, 4.9832892418, 5.2744655609, 5.2395453453, 5.2395453453, 5.2428236008, 4.9272685051, 4.3192038536, 5.3171024323, 4.6567668915, 4.2178177834, 5.0625782013, 4.9832892418, 5.0539937019, 4.9832892418, 4.3837666512, 5.362007618, 4.9832892418, 5.0728340149, 5.0903048515, 4.9153962135, 2.1196477413, 5.3314390182, 4.8349032402, 5.1921048164, 5.2975759506, 5.2957162857, 5.362007618, 5.0662493706 ]
[ "how long is the first class mail from london to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in texas", "how long is the letter from london to dallas", "how long does letter take to get from london to texas", "how long does a letter take to get from texas to london", "how long to get a letter from dallas to london", "how long to get a letter in texas", "how long do letters take to arrive from dallas,tx", "how long does it take to mail first class mail to dallas texas", "how long to mail to dallas texas from london", "how many business days does a letter take for delivery", "how long for mail from london to dallas", "how long does it take for letter to get to dallas texas", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in dallas", "how long for a letter to arrive in texas from london", "how long would a letter take to get to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to be delivered", "how long does it take for first class mail to mail", "how long does it take to get a letter from british capital to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to reach dallas", "how long does it take a letter to arrive dallas texas", "how long does it take a letter from london to dallas", "how long it takes to mail a letter", "how long does it take to mail a letter dallas to london", "how long it take to get a letter from england to dallas texas by first class mail", "how long to get a letter from london to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to mail from london to dallas", "how long does a letter take to arrive from england to texas", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in dallas, tx", "how long does it take a letter to get to dallas,tx", "what is the shortest way to get letter to dallas", "how long is it taking to receive a letter from england to dallas", "how long is the first class mail from london to dallas", "how long does it take for letter to get from london to dallas texas", "how long does a letter take to mail from london to dallas", "how long to get a letter from london to dallas", "how long does it take a letter to arrive in dallas texas", "how long is the mail from dallas to london", "how long to get a letter from uk to texas", "how long does it take to get a letter to dallas, texas", "how long does it take a letter to arrive in texas", "how long does it take to mail a letter", "how long does it take for first class mail to be sent", "how long does it take to get a letter from london to dallas", "how long does the letter take to get from london to dallas", "how long is a letter from london to dallas", "how long does it take the u.s mail to get from dallas texas to london", "how long will it take for mail to get to texas", "how long does it take to get first class mail from london to dallas", "how long does it take to get a letter from london to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to get to the address in dallas, tx", "how long to get a mail from london to dallas", "how long does first class mail take to get from dallas texas", "how long does mail take", "how long does it take a letter to get from dallas to london", "average time to mail letter dallas texas to london", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in dallas", "how long does it take a letter to mail to texas", "how long is the first class mail from london to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in texas", "how long for first class mail", "how long does it take a letter to eagles to mail", "how long does it take a letter to get from london to dallas", "how long does first class mail take", "how long does a letter take to reach dallas, tx", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in dallas", "what is the mail take to get to dallas, texas", "how long to mail a letter", "how long does it take a letter to get from england to dallas", "how long does it take a letter to arrive at dallas", "how long does it take to get a letter from london to dallas?", "how long do letters take to get to dallas texas", "how long does a letter take to mail in texas", "how long does it take to post a letter from london to dallas", "how long does it take to mail from uk to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter from england to texas", "how long does it take for a letter to mail out of london to dallas", "how long does it take for a letter to arrive in texas?", "what is the typical route for a letter from dallas to london", "how long does it take for a letter to be delivered from london to dallas tx" ]
[ 3.3169887066, 1.2588433027, 3.1211493015, 3.104090929, 2.834880352, 3.2814967632, 1.1708101034, 1.2873706818, 2.1926937103, 3.0431780815, 0.5141582489, 3.1526648998, 2.2224485874, 1.6183586121, 2.4051804543, 2.2578423023, 0.5511319041, 2.5733168125, 1.6551941633, 2.1770608425, 1.6165908575, 3.4570593834, 1.743975997, 2.7076342106, 3.640622139, 3.6022231579, 3.3016190529, 2.5770308971, 1.4605543613, 2.2430846691, -2.7105972767, 2.7938997746, 3.3169887066, 3.5398285389, 3.261152029, 3.6022231579, 1.5271958113, 2.8583409786, 2.6735112667, 2.2104215622, 1.3128163815, 1.827206254, 1.7662037611, 3.6091895103, 3.5214419365, 3.0914936066, 2.3168246746, 1.7532001734, 3.582896471, 3.6091895103, 0.707672298, 3.3933551311, 2.4473981857, 1.4360508919, 3.2759823799, 2.0541298389, 1.6183586121, 1.8400964737, 3.3169887066, 1.2588433027, 2.0389733315, -4.6462874413, 3.5730235577, 2.7743968964, 1.8844372034, 1.6183586121, 1.4042073488, 0.9453662634, 3.2838795185, 1.6431896687, 3.6963074207, 2.2436845303, 1.487028718, 2.5778253078, 2.7791182995, 2.8019895554, 2.9184346199, 1.1934185028, -1.0056117773, 2.7915370464 ]
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[ 5.8810043335, 5.7951827049, 5.3885231018, 5.8810043335, 5.8132400513, 5.8810043335, 5.7917518616, 6.1335439682, 5.8779215813, 5.6853704453, 5.8132400513, 5.5541620255, 5.2334580421, 5.8132400513, 5.8148875237, 5.5731210709, 5.8810048103, 5.8810048103, 4.9332056046, 5.4413862228, 5.5731215477, 5.7951831818, 5.3339028358, 5.8132400513, 5.7917513847, 5.7917513847, 5.8810048103, 5.7951831818, 5.292746067, 5.8810048103, 5.7917513847, 5.7917513847, 5.8810048103, 5.8303313255, 5.8132400513, 3.534825325, 5.9802699089, 5.8132400513, 5.8412704468, 5.6710577011, 5.5730428696, 5.5390076637, 5.8323287964, 5.5458135605, 5.9656591415, 2.4714746475, 5.8810048103, 5.8810048103, 6.0166630745, 5.4287252426, 5.8810048103, 5.8132400513, 5.7222380638, 5.7917513847, 5.8810048103, 5.7917513847, 5.8810048103, 5.2132134438, 5.8810048103, 5.8132400513, 6.0807628632, 5.8032689095, 5.8810048103, 5.6027622223, 5.6091265678, 5.8810048103, 5.5783700943, 5.4309344292, 5.5248847008, 5.8810048103, 5.2186303139, 5.7951831818, -1.7748967409, 5.7951831818, 5.8810048103, 6.0068640709, 5.2132134438, 5.9656591415, 5.8810048103, 3.6740729809 ]
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[ 5.5262789726, 5.6870241165, 5.6870241165, 5.9541244507, 4.673995018, 5.6870241165, 4.0856785774, 4.6259665489, 5.0278973579, 5.3202233315, 5.4221973419, 5.4316525459, 5.4221973419, 4.8435869217, 5.9541244507, 5.5262789726, 5.2873449326, 5.3796167374, 5.0971002579, 5.9541244507, 5.6870241165, 4.6065568924, 5.9541244507, 6.0540623665, 5.4032773972, 5.6947464943, 5.6870241165, 5.6870241165, 5.7780060768, 5.0278973579, 4.8435869217, 4.0030827522, 5.4347119331, 5.0923271179, 5.3585271835, 5.8283824921, 5.5262789726, 4.0856785774, 5.0278973579, 4.3541827202, 4.4626235962, 5.5832901001, 5.3202233315, 4.106760025, 5.1987743378, 5.5548348427, 4.9154362679, 5.5996193886, 4.826379776, 5.581510067, 1.9095664024, 5.6870241165, 4.7365722656, 5.596991539, 2.4080679417, 5.0278973579, 5.6870241165, 5.5262789726, 5.1459093094, 4.7536182404, 5.3796167374, 5.6870241165, 5.5366773605, 5.4945325851, 5.6870241165, 5.5998315811, 5.6870241165, 5.6870241165, 5.8520531654, 5.5548348427, 4.5682964325, 4.4626235962, 5.6870241165, 5.2191948891, 5.5262789726, 5.2448096275, 5.4612522125, 5.5262789726, 5.6439342499, 5.9541244507 ]
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[ 2.0033369064, 3.9059402943, 2.259979248, 0.5912976265, 0.1149844527, 3.1459410191, 2.5859837532, 3.14833951, 2.4603328705, 1.7521115541, 2.0543022156, 2.9935724735, 4.8809280396, 3.003033638, 2.2927601337, 2.5855967999, 4.5696635246, 2.6074986458, 1.6359254122, 2.3612995148, 2.0156035423, 0.9413377643, 3.9737241268, 0.3071505129, 2.6732897758, -0.1123981997, 3.1232814789, -3.7358856201, 0.5997689366, -0.6655564904, 1.29517591, 2.9856698513, -1.2870345116, -1.8146739006, 1.8096168041, 2.7243478298, 1.1993658543, 3.8601877689, 4.5997328758, 0.4096855819, 4.8987431526, 2.8482980728, 1.0603303909, 3.1359415054, 1.880030632, 2.158084631, 2.866404295, 2.7074856758, 2.148127079, 4.1138415337, 3.0532124043, 1.2153096199, 2.4874391556, 0.1185684055, 0.907528162, 1.7816865444, 3.2328352928, 2.7275545597, 2.57056427, 3.3917582035, 4.5005488396, 4.4171257019, 4.2878808975, 1.9393713474, 1.9714198112, 3.4041905403, 1.4598584175, 1.8597265482, 3.818769455, 2.5888261795, -0.2595404983, 3.2036421299, 2.4554052353, 1.6359254122, 0.3071505129, 3.0420861244, 2.2774546146, 4.4165072441, 2.1506483555, 4.4144926071 ]
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[ 3.5573971272, 4.0408177376, 4.1433663368, 3.5569036007, 4.0408177376, 0.0587434657, 3.5019333363, 3.2102427483, 2.367903471, 3.3728809357, 3.3728809357, 1.6927684546, 2.8154685497, 0.974057138, 3.6821329594, 3.3056762218, 3.6548027992, 3.4604091644, -1.1414123774, 3.5969598293, 3.5573971272, 3.5573971272, 0.0592176057, 3.5271394253, 3.5431461334, 2.5738837719, 4.0408177376, 4.1744484901, 2.5738837719, 3.2893698215, -3.0001661777, 3.5573971272, 3.6041405201, 3.7134490013, 3.400813818, 0.5058503151, 3.3728809357, 3.4594795704, -2.241178751, 3.3728809357, 2.3647298813, 4.0408177376, 4.0547084808, 4.0302219391, 0.9839312434, 4.1433663368, 2.379970789, 3.3728809357, 4.0408177376, 4.0424537659, 4.0408177376, 0.1389007866, 1.5651164055, 3.2115578651, 3.3512880802, 3.3728809357, 3.3728809357, 0.2082026601, 3.3728809357, 2.8252267838, 3.7134490013, -2.5239880085, 3.5019333363, 4.0408177376, 4.0408177376, 3.6875166893, 0.155780986, 0.2209624499, 4.0408177376, 1.6202468872, 3.1753590107, -3.7765612602, 2.720528841, 3.5019333363, 2.1122500896, -1.8981722593, 3.3271789551, 2.4550392628, 3.4387819767, 0.0592176057 ]
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[ 4.3971676826, 4.3976545334, 3.7692294121, 3.7692294121, 4.2827868462, 4.5962276459, 4.4505620003, 2.0957298279, 4.0082769394, -1.3374266624, 4.0082769394, 1.8414385319, 0.3630703688, 3.4077386856, 3.313710928, 3.9733543396, 3.4523291588, 4.0082769394, 2.9698214531, 2.0344901085, 3.5554909706, 4.1442551613, 3.6501772404, -0.332267493, 4.1089935303, 4.3976545334, 4.5059108734, 2.9742417336, 4.092695713, -0.5410818458, 4.4372262955, 4.5385131836, 4.3383364677, 3.6059823036, 3.9813466072, 2.7230887413, 1.7258825302, 2.8320486546, 4.4516792297, 4.3687720299, 3.1255376339, 2.8644046783, 3.5159502029, 0.327852726, 3.1241767406, 3.3777906895, 1.4864989519, 3.8203854561, 3.5280268192, 4.210688591, -3.1999895573, 2.2372841835, 4.3658852577, 4.3976545334, 2.1996357441, 4.3976545334, 2.4229021072, 3.5572800636, 3.6458919048, 3.7542955875, 4.4133911133, 3.7281606197, 3.6104059219, 1.5659087896, 3.1517114639, 4.1824803352, 4.4028344154, 3.560375452, 4.2613196373, 2.7143566608, 0.4900459349, 4.3976545334, 3.9540674686, 4.5727815628, -0.2436760068, 0.455563277, 1.5876156092, 2.8777360916, 3.0022089481, 0.8189898729 ]
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[ 4.4424319267, 4.2350244522, 1.9145883322, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.1862201691, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.4424319267, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, -0.6547182202, 4.2350244522, 4.4424319267, 1.4380002022, 4.1115322113, 4.4424319267, 4.2350244522, 1.7045550346, 4.2350244522, 1.1290587187, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.1862201691, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 1.4380002022, 4.2350244522, 4.0085864067, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 2.9022278786, 4.4424319267, 4.2350244522, 3.0803248882, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350258827, 4.1862201691, 1.1759279966, 4.2350258827, 4.2350258827, 4.2350258827, 4.4424324036, 4.2350258827, 3.9002933502, 4.2350258827, 4.2350258827, 4.2350258827, 4.2350258827, 4.2350258827, 1.9459867477, -1.4544773102, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522, 1.410025835, 4.2350244522, 4.3452033997, 4.1862201691, 4.2350244522, 4.4424319267, 0.8796114922, 4.2350244522, 4.2350244522 ]
[ "why buy murano glass", "why is murano glass", "where is murano glass manufactured", "where is murano glass sourced", "why is it important to buy murano glass?", "where do you buy murano glass", "what is murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "where can i purchase murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "what is murano glass used for", "where can you buy murano glass", "where can i buy murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where can i purchase murano glass", "who makes murano glass", "where is murano glass created", "why buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "what is the art of venice glass", "where is murano glass made", "what to look for in murano glass", "where is murano glass manufactured", "where can i buy murano glass", "why purchase a glass piece", "where do you buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "why do i buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "what is the difference between glass and murano", "why buy murano glass", "why is murano glass used", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "how to buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "why is it important to buy murano glass", "what is murano glass made of", "why buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "why buy murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "why buy murano glass", "what to do if you want to buy murano glass", "what is murano glass", "what is murano glass made of", "what's the name of the glass artist who made murano", "where does murano glass come from", "what glass is made in venice", "is venice a glass city?", "where do you find murano glass", "what kind of glass is in venice greece", "what is murano glass?", "why buy murano glass", "what is murano glass", "where can i buy murano glass", "what is murano glass made of", "where is murano glass made", "how to buy murano glass", "where was murano glass first made", "why buy murano glass", "why use murano glass", "why do you buy murano glass", "what is murano glass", "where does murano glass come from", "why do i buy murano glass?", "what to buy to buy a vase of murano glass", "what is murano glass", "where to find glass from", "why buy murano glass?", "what is murano glass?", "where is murano glass crafted", "who is Murano Glass", "why choose murano glass" ]
[ 5.2759685516, 3.8368394375, 1.8641676903, 0.9583587646, 3.1468365192, 3.315680027, 2.2995550632, 5.2759685516, 2.3077142239, 5.2759685516, 5.2759685516, 0.6055012345, 3.3653478622, 3.3807835579, 2.0857789516, 2.3077142239, -0.6492203474, 1.7597708702, 5.2759685516, 5.2759685516, 5.2759685516, 2.0857789516, -0.3973677456, 2.0857789516, 1.2293739319, 1.8641676903, 3.3807835579, -1.1299763918, 3.315680027, 5.2759685516, 4.9245157242, 5.2759685516, 0.9250439405, 5.2759685516, 2.1547534466, 2.0857789516, 2.0857789516, 2.4164333344, 5.2759685516, 3.3118846416, -0.164368242, 5.2759685516, 5.2759685516, 5.2759685516, 2.0857789516, 2.0857789516, 2.2995550632, 2.0857789516, 5.2759680748, 2.0067288876, 2.299554348, -0.1643664837, -3.6029450893, 0.6971365809, 1.2223026752, -1.1142374277, 2.839568615, -1.2259312868, 1.995744586, 5.2759680748, 2.299554348, 3.3807857037, -0.1643664837, 2.0857789516, 2.4164338112, -0.719266355, 5.2759680748, 3.7826325893, 4.8649282455, 2.299554348, 0.6971365809, 4.826789856, -1.4179811478, 2.299554348, -1.5640231371, 4.9108161926, 1.995744586, 2.2886631489, 0.5926583409, 4.3493480682 ]
[ "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where can i buy murano glass", "where is murano glass made in usa", "where are murano glass made?", "who makes murano glass in venice", "where is glass of venice", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano glass come from", "where is glass of venice", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass of venice glass imported from", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where to find murano glass", "where is glass of venice", "where is murano glass made", "who makes murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where to find genuine murano glass", "where is murano glass from", "where is glass of venice made", "where is murano glass from?", "where is murano glass located?", "where are murano glass made", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass", "where does murano glass come from", "where does the glass come from in the usa", "where is murano glass made", "glass of venice italy", "where can i buy murano glass", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass made in the us", "where are murano glasses made", "where does murano glass come from", "where is venice glass manufactured", "where is glass of venice from", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass from", "where to buy murano glasses", "where does murano glass come from", "where is murano glass imported", "where is murano glass made", "where can you find glass of italy", "where is murano glass found", "what is venice glass made of", "who manufactures glass of venice italy", "where is murano glass made in venezuela", "where did the murano glass originate", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano glass come from", "what is murano glass", "where does murano glass come from", "where is murano glass from?", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano glass come from", "where is murano glass primarily made", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass sourced from", "where is glass of venice", "what is venice glass", "where is the glass from in venice", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where to buy murano glass", "where is murano glass made in the usa", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made in venice italy", "where to buy murano glass", "where is murano glass made?", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glass made", "where can i purchase murano glass" ]
[ 0.9254227877, 2.3062596321, 3.2561469078, 2.0661802292, 2.1259138584, 2.6445446014, 2.6531882286, 2.3062596321, 2.3531274796, 2.6531882286, 2.3062596321, 2.8527901173, 0.9254227877, 2.3062596321, 2.3062596321, 3.3141067028, 2.6531882286, 2.3062596321, 2.1480433941, 2.3062596321, 3.5178992748, 3.0332045555, 1.7615708113, 2.98676157, 1.8357515335, 2.1429874897, 3.0332045555, 2.3062596321, 3.0871572495, 2.3531274796, -0.113481082, 2.3062596321, 3.1155135632, 3.2561469078, 3.0332045555, 2.5290410519, 2.0527627468, 2.3531274796, 0.4457311928, 2.5506160259, 3.0332045555, 3.0332045555, 2.9504685402, 2.3531274796, 3.4372086525, 2.3062596321, 0.9130111933, 2.7739908695, -0.1340633929, 1.1991887093, -2.7619364262, 0.2391031981, 2.3062596321, 2.3062596321, 2.3531274796, 0.9254227877, 2.3531274796, 2.98676157, 2.3062596321, 2.3531274796, 0.7817816138, 3.0871572495, 3.0332045555, 3.2948653698, 2.6531882286, 1.9718074799, 1.9175751209, 3.0332045555, 3.0871572495, 2.3062596321, 3.1144468784, 2.1364219189, 3.0332045555, 2.3062596321, 0.0339599289, 3.1144468784, 2.2820365429, 2.3062596321, 2.1429874897, 3.0323269367 ]
[ "what is murano glass", "what glass is made in italy", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "how do you find out if there is murano glass", "where is murano glass made?", "where is murano glass made", "how to tell if a murano glass is italian", "what does it say in murano glass", "what type of glass is in venice italy", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "how do you tell what is murano glass", "how to know the brand of murano glass", "where does murano glass come from", "where is murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "what makes murano glass", "when to order murano glass", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "why is murano glass a scam", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what's new in murano glass", "how to find out what is murano glass", "how to know if it is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "how to know where murano glass is from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass from", "what is murano glass made of", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what makes murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made?", "what is murano glass made of", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass glass made", "what kind of glass is made in italy", "where is murano glass made", "what makes up murano glass?", "where is murano glass made", "how to tell if a glass is murano", "how to identify the artist who makes murano glass", "how to tell the color of murano glass", "how to tell the color of murano glass", "how to identify glass that has been produced in italy", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "what kind of glass is murano", "what kind of glass is in venice italy", "what type of glass is murano glass", "how do you know if it is murano glass?", "where is murano glass made", "how to identify murano glass", "where is murano glass manufactured", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass produced", "how to identifie a piece of murano glass", "where is murano glass sourced", "how to tell if you bought murano glass", "how to tell if a glass is murano", "where are murano glass manufactured", "where is the glass produced", "how to identify murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano glass come from", "where are murano glass made", "where is the glass made in italy", "where is murano glass made" ]
[ 0.3832291663, -0.094153136, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 4.7506389618, 1.5533213615, 1.3270169497, 4.1374187469, 2.573769331, 1.099514246, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 4.5343046188, 3.0814156532, 1.4925204515, 2.2981188297, 6.0589962006, -0.6504862905, -1.94731915, 0.3832274675, 1.3270167112, -4.8095297813, 1.3270167112, 1.3270167112, 0.8473764658, 4.1199111938, 5.325428009, 1.3270167112, 1.3270167112, 3.5996692181, 1.3270167112, 2.4515652657, -1.717779994, 1.3270167112, 1.3270167112, -0.6504862905, 1.3270167112, 1.3270167112, 1.3270167112, 1.5533212423, -1.717779994, 2.4515652657, 1.1040655375, -0.2613370717, 1.3270167112, -1.6050493717, 1.3270167112, 5.2841286659, 0.8093657494, 0.7034189105, 0.7034189105, 0.6852381229, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 0.3832291663, 0.8448246717, 1.1576656103, 0.5799468756, 5.0354523659, 1.3270169497, 6.0589957237, 1.1942079067, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 1.3361575603, 3.8961749077, 0.6265970469, 3.7478449345, 5.2841286659, 0.6975188851, -1.9588656425, 6.0589957237, 1.3270169497, 1.3270169497, 1.4925204515, 0.8461396694, -1.656908989, 1.3270169497 ]
[ "ways to identify murano glass", "how to identify a bottle of murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify a piece of glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify glass by color", "how to identify a murano glass", "what is the art of identifying glass", "what is the best way to identify a glass", "what is the art of identifying glass?", "how to identify a piece of real murano glass", "how to tell when glass is from a real house", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify a Murano glass work", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify Murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to recognize real glass", "how to find murano glass", "how to identify a murano glass vase", "how do you identify murano glass", "how to identify Murano glass", "how to identify a real murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how do you identify a piece of sculptural glass", "can you identify a real piece of glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to tell the difference between a murano glass vase and a glass cylinder", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify a murano glass piece", "how to identify art glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify a murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass from pictures", "how do you identify fake murano glass?", "how to identify fake murano glass", "how do you identify glass", "how identify murano glass", "how to identify Murano Glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how do you know if the glass is murano", "how to tell if a glass was made of murano", "how to identify murano glass", "how do you determine the color of a murano glass", "what is murano glass", "how to identify blown glass", "what is the correct way to identify glass", "what is the name of the glass?", "how to find out where the original glass is from", "how to identify a piece of murano glass", "how to identify a murano glass", "how to identify real glass", "how to identify a piece of murano glass", "how to identify a murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how can i tell if a vase is murano glass", "what is the technique used to identify glass pieces", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify a genuine piece of glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify glass made of murano", "how to identify glass made in argentina", "what color is murano glass?", "how to identify glass beads", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to find real glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify murano glass", "how to identify a real glass", "how to tell if it is real murano glass", "how to identify a piece of murano glass", "how to Identify Murano Glass", "how to identify murano glass" ]
[ 4.8238139153, 1.7531251907, 4.9671211243, 2.5536370277, 4.9671211243, 1.6120462418, 5.0568466187, -1.4551942348, 0.3362282217, -1.9366208315, 4.9464874268, -2.4121308327, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243, 3.5594420433, 4.9671211243, 4.9671216011, 4.9671216011, 4.9671216011, 0.9960650206, 3.9623138905, 2.7366144657, 4.8735318184, 4.9671216011, 4.8168511391, 4.9671216011, -2.8976712227, 3.3461101055, 4.9671216011, 4.9671216011, -3.2439622879, 4.9671216011, 4.7787604332, -1.7611116171, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243, 5.0568466187, 4.9671211243, 1.642795682, 1.7545903921, 1.2262368202, 2.171444416, 4.2044754028, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243, 3.1218717098, 2.8868310452, 4.9671211243, 0.7764731646, -3.4966294765, -1.4824593067, -0.3118070364, -4.9810676575, -3.7728555202, 4.9938278198, 5.0568466187, 2.5070176125, 4.9938278198, 5.0568466187, 4.9671211243, 0.2527344823, -1.072332859, 4.9671211243, 1.4098753929, 4.9671211243, 3.8353190422, -4.745141983, -1.8860521317, -3.4794328213, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243, 1.4436078072, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243, 2.8404266834, 3.7485330105, 4.9938278198, 4.9671211243, 4.9671211243 ]
[ "where is murano glass made", "where is sacramento glass made", "where is glass made in venice, italy", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano pieces made", "who makes venice murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made venice", "where is murano glass made", "where was the glass made in venice, italy?", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "is murano glass made in china", "where in the world do glass makers come from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano made", "where is murano glass made", "what is Murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is venice glass made", "where was murano glass made", "where are murano glasses made", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass made out of", "what kind of glass is made in murano", "where was glass made", "where do tins make murano glass", "where is murano glass made?", "where are murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where glass is made in venice", "what is murano made of", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made in china", "where is murano glass made", "where was murano glass made", "where is murano made", "what kind of glass is made in murano", "where was glass created", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano made", "what is made in murano chile", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made?", "what's the name of what glass is made in venice?", "where are murano glass made", "is murano glass made in china", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made in venice nz", "what was the glass made in murano", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glasses made", "where is murano glass made", "where was murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glass made", "where is the art glass made in venice croatia", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glasses made?", "where is murano glass made" ]
[ 3.3125276566, -6.4734201431, 0.5559818745, 1.710090518, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 2.2503795624, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 2.4768226147, 1.1943417788, 3.3125276566, 1.5658346415, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 1.6108835936, 3.3125276566, 1.0727306604, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 3.6866281033, -3.2659611702, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 3.221735239, 3.3125276566, 2.2503795624, 3.3125276566, -0.9732966423, 3.3125276566, 1.9108184576, 3.2078666687, 3.3159399033, 3.3125276566, 0.3991417587, 0.7471143007, 1.6580588818, -1.4270682335, 3.4689569473, 3.221735239, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 1.7014893293, 0.4892197847, 3.3125276566, 3.3125295639, 3.3125295639, 3.3125295639, 0.8011109829, 3.3125295639, 3.2078666687, 2.2503826618, 0.7471140623, 0.3515608013, 3.3125295639, 2.2503826618, -2.5697076321, -0.9732936621, 3.4689576626, 0.9154700637, 3.2217361927, 3.6866281033, 3.3125276566, -1.7696092129, 1.3546028137, 3.3125276566, 3.3159399033, 3.3125276566, 3.2078666687, -0.9732966423, 3.3125276566, 3.3125276566, 3.221735239, -2.007370472, 3.3125276566, 3.3511295319, 3.3125276566 ]
[ "where are murano glass products made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made?", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glasses made", "where are murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where are murano glasses made?", "what is murano glass made in", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano glass come from", "where are murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what kind of glass is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glasses made", "where does murano glass come from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what glass is made in italy", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where did murano glass begin", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where can i get murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass?", "where is murano glass made", "what glass is murano", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano", "what glass is made in italy", "where is murano glass", "where are murano glasses made", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano glass come from", "where does murano glass come from", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where does murano come from", "what is murano glass", "where are murano glasses made", "where is murano glass glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "what is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where are murano glass products made", "where is murano glass made" ]
[ 3.7357587814, 3.1401045322, 3.2158331871, 2.6942050457, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 3.378131628, 2.1969277859, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 2.1969277859, 3.2158331871, 3.1401045322, 3.2158331871, 3.2570931911, 3.0891356468, 3.2158355713, 3.1401033401, 3.3083610535, 1.9900254011, 3.2158355713, 1.8860369921, 3.0891358852, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, -0.394182235, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 3.2570929527, 1.8860369921, 3.2158355713, 2.6942048073, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 2.6492521763, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, -1.5125464201, 3.2158355713, 3.1401033401, 3.2158355713, 3.2158355713, 2.4878532887, 3.1401033401, 3.2158331871, 2.7623295784, 3.2158331871, 1.4221975803, 3.2158331871, 0.0497942306, 2.6492519379, 2.1969277859, 3.2570931911, 3.2158331871, 3.1401045322, 3.2158331871, 1.8860365152, 1.8860365152, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 3.0891356468, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 0.2538690865, 3.1401045322, 3.2570931911, 2.9333465099, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 3.1401045322, 3.2158331871, 3.2158331871, 3.7357587814, 3.2158331871 ]
[ "where are glass jars made", "what is the glass called in murano", "where is glass from in murano", "where is glass made", "where is glass made in murano, croatia", "where is murano glass made", "what type of glass is made in murano", "where is glass made in murano", "what glass is in murano italy", "where is glass in murano", "where is glass made in murano, venezuela", "what kind of glass is in murano", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano venezuela glass made", "where are glass makers", "where glass is made in murano", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made", "where is glass made in murano", "where is glass made", "where are the venezian glass factories", "what is the glass called on murano island", "where is the glass found in murano", "where is glass from venezuela", "what kind of glass is made in venice", "what glass does murano", "where is glass made in murano", "where is glass made in venezuela", "where is glass sourced in murano", "where is the glass made", "where is mazzuccato glass made", "what kind of glass is made in murano", "where is glass made in murano italy", "where is glass made in murano italy", "where is glass made", "where is vesican glass made?", "where does glass come from in murano", "where is glass made in murano", "where is glass made by glass", "what glass does murano use", "where is glass made in venezuela", "where is glass made in murano venezuela", "where is venezuela glass produced", "where is murano glass", "what is glass made in murano", "who makes glass in murano italy", "where is the glass made in murano", "what is the island called where glass is made", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made in the venetians", "what is made in murano", "which glass is made in murano, spain?", "what is the glass made in murano", "which glass is made in murano", "where is glass made on murano island", "where is glass produced in murano", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass produced", "what glass is made in murano, venice?", "where is glass from?", "where is venice glass made", "what is glass made of in murano italy", "what type of glass is made in murano", "where is murano glass made", "where is murano glass", "where is murano glass made", "where is glass made", "what is venezian glass", "what is murano glass", "which glass was originally made in china", "what type of glass is made in murano", "where is glass made in murano", "where was glass from in murano, italy", "where is glass made in murano italy", "what is venezian glass made of", "where is glass produced in murano", "where is glass from in murano", "what is glass made by in murano" ]
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[ "where is made murano made", "where is manufactured murano made", "where is made murano", "where can I purchase made murano", "where can i buy made murano", "what is made murano", "where do i shop for made murano", "is made murano made in usa", "where can i find made murano", "where can i buy made murano", "is made murano a good brand", "who makes murano glass", "where can you buy made murano", "where is made murano", "where is made murano glass made", "what is made murano", "where can made murano be purchased", "where is made murano glass made", "where is made murano", "what is made murano", "where to buy made murano", "where are made murano glass", "where to purchase made murano", "where can i find made murano", "is made murano made", "where is made murano glass manufactured", "where is made murano glass made", "where is made murano", "where is made murano from", "where can you find made murano", "where is made murano", "where can you find manufactured murano glass", "who manufactures made murano", "is made murano made on ebay", "who makes made murano", "where does made murano come from", "where are made murano glass made", "what is made murano", "is made murano made in the usa", "which glass is made from the original murano stone", "where is made murano glass", "where does made murano come from", "who makes made murano", "where is made murano ?", "what is made murano?", "what is made murano", "who manufactures made murano glass", "where is Murano made", "where can i get made murano", "where is murano made", "where can I find made murano", "where to find glass made from", "what is the name of the shop that makes made murano glass", "where is made murano made", "made murano", "where can you find murano on ebay?", "where is made murano", "what is made murano", "where do you buy painted terracotta glass", "where is made murano", "what is a made murano", "where can you buy made murano", "where are made murano made", "who makes murano", "where is made murano", "who sells made murano", "where is made murano", "where is made murano?", "who is made murano", "what is made murano", "where is made murano", "what is made murano", "what is made murano", "what is made murano", "who made made murano glass", "where is made murano glass", "where is made murano", "where can i get made murano", "where can i see made murano", "what is made murano" ]
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[ 5.3037214279, 5.2254981995, 5.5995130539, 6.2405200005, 5.7515521049, 5.9574346542, 5.511054039, 5.511054039, 5.1684231758, 5.9613099098, 5.2750277519, 5.8303775787, 6.0187044144, 6.069319725, 5.148727417, 5.4954595566, 5.46646595, 5.2750277519, 5.8627214432, 4.5495433807, 5.8209276199, 5.5110549927, 5.9613103867, 5.7740459442, 5.9340043068, 6.1918401718, 5.8149213791, 5.8743839264, 5.1727800369, 5.5349664688, 5.148727417, 5.8209276199, 5.5752162933, 5.5497145653, 5.567647934, 5.2560968399, 5.7515521049, 5.5437140465, 5.3805913925, 5.1763362885, 5.7515521049, 5.5541849136, 6.0592670441, 5.2803144455, 5.2750277519, 5.9340028763, 5.148727417, 5.5088438988, 5.3453426361, 5.5088424683, 5.5088424683, 5.5995130539, 5.7396593094, 5.1423373222, 5.2750267982, 5.7934412956, 5.2270364761, 5.2750267982, 5.2553443909, 5.8627214432, 5.7515521049, 5.729183197, 5.3612613678, 3.0676705837, 5.2803144455, 5.7515521049, 5.0202922821, 5.6132922173, 5.8637032509, 5.148727417, 5.5088438988, 5.7011198997, 5.7515521049, 6.069319725, 5.86272192, 5.148727417, 4.1704530716, 5.7483463287, 5.6117835045, 5.2553434372 ]
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[ 5.6405291557, 4.3105554581, 5.7538533211, 5.6190423965, 5.738140583, 5.5555200577, 5.5930457115, 5.6583938599, 5.640537262, 5.4932389259, 5.7538533211, 2.737714529, 5.6382975578, -3.9141023159, 5.6645774841, 3.5650832653, 5.7538533211, 5.8209953308, 5.7208609581, 4.8624792099, 5.5517997742, 5.8073763847, 5.5577301979, 5.6025590897, 3.4812188148, 5.7538533211, 5.1107139587, 5.3551273346, 5.5488734245, 5.7538533211, 5.6015310287, 4.8070340157, 5.5488734245, 5.558008194, 5.8073763847, 3.9170854092, 5.1276097298, 5.738140583, 5.5930457115, 5.8431591988, 5.3128800392, 5.5899863243, 5.5360198021, 5.668035984, 5.7538533211, 5.295548439, 5.6382975578, 5.5275158882, 5.4822368622, 5.9016089439, 5.5577301979, 5.8202047348, 5.6645774841, 5.7883982658, 5.5454597473, 5.7552361488, 3.7000358105, 5.8021421432, 3.4812188148, 4.984167099, 5.5058293343, 5.6987791061, 4.5596461296, 5.3962984085, 5.7538533211, 5.4094228745, 5.6071615219, 5.5735487938, 5.6645774841, 2.3210244179, 5.7426166534, 5.8459706306, 5.7538533211, 5.5577301979, 5.7538533211, 2.4555637836, 5.7538533211, 5.5204081535, 4.6557393074, 5.3444161415 ]
[ "how long does it take to get from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight to denver", "how long is it to get from denver colorado to charlotte nc", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte", "how long to fly from charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long does it take to get from charlotte nc to denver colo.", "how long is flight from charlotte, nc to denver", "how long is the flight from denver, co to charlotte nc", "what is the elapsed time between denver and charlotte", "how long does it take to fly from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long does it take to get to denver co from charlotte north carolina", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver?", "how long to fly from charlotte nc", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is a flight from ct to denver", "what's the time difference between charlotte and denver", "how long does it take to fly to denver, co from charlotte nc", "how long do flight between denver colorado and charlotte nc", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co?", "how long to leave charlotte nc for denver colorado", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co.", "how long does it take to arrive at the airport from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how far is denver, co from charlotte, nc", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is flight from nc to nebraska", "cn to denver flight time", "how long is a flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is a flight from charlotte, nc to denver co", "how long to fly from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver, co", "how long flight from denver co to charlotte", "average flight time from denver to charlotte", "how long it takes for flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "charlotte nc how many hours from denver", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long does it take between denver and charlotte nc", "what is the flight time from charlotte to denver", "how long is a flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co", "how long is flight from charlotte north carolina to denver colorado", "how long is the flight from denver, co to charlotte, nc?", "how long to fly to charlotte from denver", "average flight time for denver to charlotte", "how long do flights from charlotte to denver", "how long it takes flight to denver colorado from charlotte", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co?", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co", "how much time does it take to fly from denver to charlotte", "how long is flight from nc to nevada", "how long is the flight to denver from charlotte", "how long is the flight to denver co", "how long to fly from denver co to charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver colo?", "how long is the flight from denver to charlotte", "how far is charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how long does it take for a flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver", "flight time to denver for charlotte north carolina", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "what's the time difference between charlotte nc and denver colorado", "how long is the flight from nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is a flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long does it take to fly from charlotte, nc to denver, co" ]
[ 4.5087122917, 3.0426208973, 4.2960820198, 4.8966946602, 5.2125988007, 5.1554527283, 4.202126503, 5.24269104, 5.2837576866, 4.5183568001, 5.1894669533, 4.2984800339, 5.1554527283, 5.3581628799, 5.1614232063, 2.237237215, 5.2208695412, 5.2208695412, -4.0108647346, 1.1360160112, 4.9431018829, 4.5057806969, 4.9234418869, 5.1554527283, 5.4422545433, 5.4509739876, 3.9848263264, 5.4683232307, 3.4725539684, 4.9234418869, 5.1554527283, 2.1571750641, 4.9234409332, 0.4729128778, -1.0763553381, 5.238884449, 5.4032692909, 5.2125988007, 5.4963850975, 4.9392008781, 4.9683904648, 4.9557590485, 5.3015608788, 5.5192885399, 5.1554517746, 5.2716770172, 3.6406571865, 5.1554517746, 4.2798662186, 5.1131982803, 5.4567756653, 5.0276641846, 5.2754192352, 4.9353413582, 4.6962213516, 4.8270874023, 4.3628053665, 5.5111570358, 5.5192885399, 4.7187690735, -2.3965554237, 5.0508151054, 2.69785285, 5.1014647484, 4.9661407471, 5.0373210907, 1.4675292969, 5.1698560715, 4.6923508644, 5.1554527283, 5.3581628799, 4.0864782333, 5.3015613556, 5.1698560715, 1.6690928936, 4.8748927116, 5.4201998711, 5.1554527283, 5.0153226852, 5.2333669662 ]
[ "how far is charlotte nc from denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver co", "where is charlotte north carolina", "how far is charlotte nc to denver nc", "how far is charlotte nc from denver nc", "what is the distance between charlotte, nc and denver, co", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how much would it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "how far is denver, co from charlotte, nc", "what the cost of gas between denver nc and charlotte nc", "where is charlotte nc and denver co", "what is the drive from denver to charlotte", "what is the distance between denver colorado and charlotte nc", "what's the driving distance from denver to charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "what is the average distance between denver and charlotte, nc", "what is the cost of gas for charlotte, nc", "how far is charlotte north carolina from denver", "distance between charlotte and denver", "what is the distance between denver nc and charlotte, nc", "how much does it cost to drive from charlotte to denver", "how far is denver ct from charlotte nc", "how far is denver from charlotte nc", "what's the distance between charlotte and denver co", "driving distance charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how long does it take to get from charlotte nc to denver co", "where is denver co charlotte nc", "how much is charlotte to denver", "how far is denver co from charlotte nc?", "how many miles from denver to charlotte nc", "how much gas is needed for driving from charlotte to denver", "how far is denver from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "which way is the drive from denver colorado to charlotte nc", "how far is denver co to charlotte nc", "what is the distance between denver and charlotte nc", "what is the distance between charlotte nc and denver colorado", "what is the driving distance between charlotte nc and denver co", "how many miles from denver to charlotte", "how far is charlotte nc to denver co", "what gas mileage is required to drive from denver to charlotte", "which is closer to charlotte, nc or denver, co", "driving from denver to charlotte nc", "what is the driving distance between charlotte and denver co", "distance between charlotte and denver colorado", "what cities does charlotte nc drive to", "driving distance denver nc to charlotte nc", "distance charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how is it cheaper to drive from denver to charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "what is the distance between charlotte and denver", "what is the driving distance between charlotte nc and denver ks", "how far from denver co. to charlotte nc", "how far is denver, nc to charlotte, nc", "distance colorado to charlotte", "how much does it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "how far is denver,co to charlotte,nc", "how far is denver ct from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver ct", "how far is denver ct from charlotte nc", "what is the distance between denver and charlotte", "what state is charlotte, nc", "driving distance between denver & charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte nc from denver co", "what is the driving distance denver to charlotte", "where is charlotte, nc and denver, co", "how long is charlotte nc to colorado", "where do they drive from denver to charlotte", "how far is denver nd to charlotte nc ?", "how far is the denver co. to charlotte nc", "where is charlotte, nc", "how far is it from denver colorado to charlotte, nc", "which is farthest north carolina from denver colorado", "how far is charlotte nc from denver co", "is it cheaper to drive from denver co to charlotte nc?", "how far is charlotte from denver", "which way is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "where is charlotte north carolina located", "how far is charlotte nc from denver co" ]
[ -3.5710647106, -2.8935339451, -4.6207022667, -3.7537848949, -3.5754883289, -1.5766838789, -3.7248249054, -4.220284462, -2.5550253391, -3.0088877678, -1.3282054663, 0.4546040297, -1.720291853, -1.9818570614, -3.7248249054, -3.4020490646, -5.0923929214, -3.4823338985, -2.7398035526, -1.7410010099, -4.693048954, -5.3981266022, -3.2233057022, -2.0811429024, -2.3243634701, -4.3197412491, -1.5853197575, -5.4008293152, -2.1099815369, -4.3377056122, -4.4891777039, -3.2233057022, -3.7248249054, -5.6121382713, -1.0426979065, -2.8835942745, -1.9577856064, -1.8153309822, -0.9990922213, -4.5089287758, -3.0197584629, -2.9338262081, -1.1502549648, 1.3567992449, -1.3919001818, -2.8119840622, -1.0655680895, -2.728900671, -2.8506278992, -0.130787015, -3.7248249054, -2.2785606384, -1.9992924929, -2.4350459576, -3.0327420235, -3.3347837925, -4.5606632233, -2.7880461216, -5.3981237411, -6.414150238, -5.3981237411, -2.0563900471, -6.7003407478, -1.3785184622, -2.8935339451, -2.2420866489, -1.5162193775, -4.5455298424, -0.402779609, -2.8309593201, -2.6735312939, -4.3364024162, -2.6844117641, -4.0784959793, -2.8935339451, 0.8347244859, -3.7248249054, -1.2148449421, -6.1044569016, -2.8935339451 ]
[ "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte", "how long a flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long is the flight from denver co to charlotte, nc", "how long is a flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is a flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from denver to charlotte north carolina", "how long is the flight from charlotte in to denver in", "how long is the flight to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "what is the flight time from charlotte north carolina to denver colorado", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver colorado", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver co?", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver nc", "how long is the flight from clt to denver co", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver, co", "how long does it take for a flight charlotte nc to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is a flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "distance charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight charlotte north carolina", "how long is the flight between denver to charlotte new hampshire", "how long is the flight from denver to charlotte, nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from clt in charlotte to denver", "how long is a flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight to charlotte nc from denver co", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how many miles from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how many hours to get from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "what is the distance between clt, nc and denver", "how long is a flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is a flight from charlotte nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long it takes to fly from denver to charlotte nc", "how long to get to denver from charlotte", "what is the approximate flight time from charlotte to denver", "whats the flight time from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long is flight from charlotte nc to colorado", "how long is flight from nc to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte north carolina to denver co", "how long is the flight denver to charlotte nc", "how long is a flight to denver co from charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long was a flight to denver from charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver, co", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is charlotte to denver flight", "how long is flight to charlotte nc from denver colorado", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte, nc to denver co.", "how long does it take to fly from charlotte nc to denver ct", "distance charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co", "how long is flight from denver to charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver colorado" ]
[ 5.8162035942, 5.3961467743, 5.8417372704, 5.7356133461, 5.6332621574, 5.7312273979, 5.9364104271, 5.7159199715, 5.3913931847, 5.4989094734, 2.7174193859, 5.8162035942, 5.7159199715, 5.901465416, 5.4317374229, 5.6526584625, 5.5346798897, 5.8417816162, 5.7159199715, 5.6783161163, 2.5727620125, 5.7159199715, 5.901465416, 5.8560771942, 5.2330150604, 5.6922063828, 5.6461176872, 5.6332621574, 5.901465416, 2.6087462902, 2.0681347847, 1.3333097696, 5.6115121841, 5.7159199715, 4.386121273, 5.6332621574, 5.8162035942, 5.7159199715, 5.7541975975, 5.7159199715, 5.7159199715, -0.6342841387, 5.5997128487, 5.7159199715, 4.2709274292, 5.8162035942, 5.7159199715, 1.2303159237, 5.6332621574, 5.6168327332, 5.4694128036, 5.7312273979, 5.8340039253, 5.7159199715, 5.1632170677, 4.7405123711, 4.6392126083, 5.6363139153, 4.9245042801, 5.3219232559, 3.2414057255, 5.7992510796, 5.3247084618, 5.6186366081, 5.7159199715, 5.4201564789, 5.9364104271, 5.7159199715, 5.5303707123, 5.4699544907, 5.7159199715, 5.7159199715, 5.6168327332, 5.9065284729, 2.5827834606, 2.6087462902, 5.7159199715, 5.901465416, 5.4694128036, 5.6526584625 ]
[ "how long is the drive between denver colorado and charlotte nc", "how long is the drive from charlotte to denver", "how long is the drive from charlotte to denver", "how long is the road from charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how far is denver co from charlotte nc", "how long would it take to get from colorado to charlotte", "how long is the drive between charlotte nc and denver co", "how long does it take to drive from charlotte to denver", "what's the driving time from charlotte, nc to denver, co", "how long is the drive from charlotte nc to denver", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how long is the drive from colorado to charlotte nc", "distance denver nc to carolina", "distance charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how long is the drive from denver colorado to charlotte, nc", "driving distance denver colorado to charlotte north carolina", "how long is the driving distance between denver and charlotte nc?", "how long is the drive from denver to charlotte nc", "what's the distance between denver and charlotte", "how long is the drive from denver colorado to charlotte north carolina", "driving time from denver to charlotte", "how long is the driving time in colorado from charlotte, nc", "how long is driving from denver to charlotte", "how far is denver from charlotte", "how far is charlotte nc to denver, colorado", "how far is denver colorado from charlotte, nc", "how far is charlotte to denver", "distance denver to charlotte", "how long to drive denver to charlotte", "how long is the distance between charlotte, nc and denver, co", "how far is denver colorado from charlotte nc", "how long does it take to drive from charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte to denver", "driving distance denver to charlotte, nc", "distance from denver to charlotte, nc", "how long is the drive from denver to charlotte", "how far is charlotte from denver", "where is denver colorado from charlotte north carolina", "how long does it take to drive from charlotte to colorado", "how far is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "how long is the trip from charlotte north carolina to denver colorado", "how long it takes to drive from colorado to charlotte, nc", "how long is the drive from denver colorado to charlotte", "how long does it take for charlotte nc to get to denver colorado", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how long is the driving from denver co to charlotte nc", "how long to drive from Denver to charlotte", "how long is the drive to charlotte, nc", "how long is it to travel from charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte north carolina from colorado", "how long is the drive from denver to charlotte nc", "how long does it take to drive from colorado to charlotte nc", "distance between charlotte, nc, and denver, co", "distance denver to charlotte", "how long is charlotte north carolina from colorado", "how much driving time denver to charlotte north carolina", "how long is the drive from denver to charlotte", "distance charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte nc to denver co", "how many hours driving from charlotte to denver", "how long to drive from denver to charlotte", "distance between denver and charlotte", "charlotte nc to denver co", "how long does it take to get to charlotte, nc from denver", "driving distance from denver to charlotte", "distance from charlotte to denver", "how long is the drive from denver to charlotte", "how long is the drive from charlotte, nc to denver colorado", "how long to drive to denver colorado from charlotte north carolina", "how far is denver nc from charlotte nc", "how long is drive from charlotte nc to denver co.", "how long is the driving from denver to charlotte", "how far is it between denver colorado and charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte to denver", "how far is denver mn from charlotte nc", "how long is the drive from charlotte to denver", "how far is it from denver to charlotte", "how long is driving time from colorado to charlotte", "how long is the drive between denver nc and charlotte nc" ]
[ 5.2141914368, 4.8050990105, 4.8050990105, 4.1451764107, 2.5653908253, 3.2284741402, 3.8526222706, 4.9729413986, 4.4950251579, 5.0674333572, 4.9209485054, 2.5653908253, 5.1119022369, 1.7000186443, 2.6492388248, 5.412610054, 4.3842978477, 4.9614782333, 5.2550339699, 2.7079269886, 5.3804283142, 5.5508127213, 4.8597207069, 5.1702923775, 2.8316674232, 2.7533688545, 3.0193634033, 2.3681719303, 2.9660565853, 4.8897910118, 4.2063055038, 3.1165072918, 4.4950251579, 2.3681719303, 4.2568340302, 4.0529603958, 5.2705702782, 2.5653908253, 0.3823113143, 4.0832910538, 2.754897356, 4.7297501564, 4.8997664452, 5.3351912498, 3.6209914684, 2.5653908253, 5.34177351, 5.0898799896, 2.9971661568, 4.237142086, 1.9459065199, 5.2550339699, 4.8426771164, 3.5239417553, 2.9660565853, 3.0293986797, 4.97849226, 5.2705702782, 2.3732733727, 2.7726898193, 4.2174868584, 5.0898799896, 3.2880022526, 3.5382258892, 4.2010407448, 4.6765909195, 3.4255199432, 5.2705702782, 4.932952404, 4.676009655, 2.5935313702, 4.9143571854, 5.248319149, 3.4888026714, 2.3681719303, 1.2281386852, 4.8050990105, 3.6750133038, 5.1952400208, 4.7919640541 ]
[ "what is the distance between denver nc and charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver", "how far charlotte nc from denver co", "how far is denver, co to charlotte, nc", "distance denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between colorado and charlotte nc", "what is the driving distance charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte to denver", "how far is it from charlotte nc to denver", "how far is denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between charlotte and colorado", "what is the driving distance from denver to charlotte, nc?", "how far is charlotte from denver", "distance charlotte to denver", "what is the driving distance from charlotte to denver", "distance charlotte from denver", "how far is charlotte, nc from denver co", "how far is denver nc from charlotte", "distance denver nc from charlotte nc", "distance denver to charlotte", "charlotte north carolina to denver", "how far is denver colorado to charlotte north carolina", "distance denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between charlotte and denver, colorado", "how far is denver, colorado from charlotte, nc", "distance charlotte nc to denver colorado", "distance between denver to charlotte", "where is north carolina to denver", "how far is charlotte from denver", "distance denver to charlotte nc", "how far is it from denver colorado to charlotte, north carolina", "how far is charlotte, nc from denver, co", "how far is denver colorado to charlotte,nc", "how far is denver from charlotte", "how far is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "where is denver mt from charlotte nc", "distance denver to charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "what is the distance from charlotte to denver", "how far is denver to charlotte", "distance between charlotte and denver", "distance denver to charlotte", "distance between denver colorado and charlotte north carolina", "how far is denver colorado to charlotte nc", "where is denver ct from charlotte nc?", "how far is charlotte north carolina from denver colorado?", "how far is denver colorado to charlotte nc", "how far is denver ct from charlotte", "driving distance from denver to charlotte", "how far is denver colorado from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "distance denver to charlotte, north carolina", "how far is charlotte from denver", "distance charlotte nc to denver co", "how far is denver colorado to charlotte nc", "distance from denver ks to charlotte nc", "what is driving distance from denver colorado to charlotte nc", "how far charlotte to denver", "where is denver colorado and charlotte north carolina", "driving distance charlotte to denver", "distance between charlotte, nc and denver colorado", "how far is denver co from charlotte nc", "what is the driving distance between denver colorado and charlotte nc", "what is the distance between charlotte, nc and denver", "distance denver to charlotte", "distance charlotte to denver co", "driving distance denver to charlotte, nc", "how far is denver colorado to charlotte nc", "distance charlotte to denver", "what is the distance between charlotte nc to denver", "driving distance denver to charlotte", "distance between colorado and charlotte nc", "distance from charlotte to colorado", "how far is charlotte, nc from denver, colorado", "distance charlotte to denver", "distance denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between charlotte, nc and denver co", "distance between charlotte, nc & denver colorado", "how far is charlotte nc from denver" ]
[ -0.6657247543, -2.7672526836, -2.7243947983, -1.4956034422, -1.8088296652, -1.1308059692, 0.1131170094, -1.2185914516, -3.0850014687, -2.1330842972, -2.5259256363, -0.7590661049, 0.0132136615, -2.7672526836, -1.4042468071, -1.1579887867, -1.2981364727, -2.0427536964, -2.619581461, -1.9278627634, -1.1308059692, 1.5993446112, -1.9864218235, -1.1308059692, -0.7549464703, -1.9530040026, -1.2057520151, -1.6596950293, 2.1202516556, -2.7672526836, -1.1996994019, -1.7238999605, -1.9326909781, -2.2092063427, -2.4732410908, -2.298763752, 1.2040585279, -1.1996994019, -2.7672526836, -1.3868044615, -2.5259256363, -1.3475373983, -1.1308059692, -0.6996750236, -1.9748735428, -0.87138623, -1.6636110544, -1.9748735428, -5.4516773224, -1.2344743013, -2.0190079212, -2.7672526836, -1.2377328873, -2.7672526836, -0.9844418764, -1.9748735428, -1.9020148516, -0.7562988997, -2.4124872684, 1.6275582314, -1.31389153, -0.8369612694, -1.675323844, -0.1451421678, -0.672624886, -1.1308059692, -1.3590484858, -1.1888940334, -1.9748735428, -1.4042468071, -1.4067702293, -1.1157594919, -0.5058249831, -2.0498325825, -2.151902914, -1.4042468071, -1.1308059692, -0.1981781274, -0.7163999677, -2.7243947983 ]
[ "what is the distance denver to charlotte nc", "cost of driving from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how much to drive to denver", "how much to drive to charlotte, nc from denver, co", "how much is a car trip from colorado to charlotte nc", "how much gas does it take to drive from denver colorado to charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver co", "how to figure gas price for denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between denver, co and charlotte nc", "how much gas does it take to get from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "cost of gas from charlotte nc to denver, co", "is there gas price to drive from denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between denver and charlotte nc", "how much does it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "what is the gas mileage from denver co to charlotte nc?", "how much does it cost to drive from charlotte to denver", "what's the distance nc from denver colorado", "how to find gas prices from denver to charlotte", "what is the distance from denver co to charlotte north carolina", "which is cheaper charlotte nc or denver co", "what is the driving distance between charlotte nc and denver colorado", "what is the distance between charlotte nc and denver colorado", "what is the distance between charlotte and denver in", "how much does it cost to drive from charlotte, nc to denver colorado", "how far is charlotte from denver", "driving distance denver to charlotte", "how much to drive from denver co to charlotte nc", "distance colorado to charlotte nc", "how much does it cost to get from charlotte,nc to denver,co.", "how long does it take to drive from denver co to charlotte nc", "cost of gas in charlotte north carolina", "how much does it cost to drive from Denver to Charlotte", "driving distance between denver and charlotte nc", "what is the mileage between charlotte nc and denver co", "how much is driving from denver co to charlotte nc", "what is the best way to get from nc to denver", "what is the driving from denver to charlotte", "how much does it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "charlotte to denver gas mileage", "how do i calculate the cost to drive from denver co to charlotte nc", "st charlotte nc cost", "what is the distance between charlotte nc and denver co", "cost to drive denver to charlotte, nc", "what is the distance between denver co and charlotte nc", "what is the distance between denver colorado and charlotte nc?", "how much does gas cost driving from denver to charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how much would it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "distance to charlotte and denver", "what's the average gas mileage to drive from denver to charlotte, north carolina", "distance denver to charlotte", "what is the driving distance between charlotte and denver colorado", "how much does it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "how much gas does it cost to drive to denver nc from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte new jersey from denver, co", "cost of gas to get from denver to charlotte", "what is the distance between charlotte and denver", "cost to drive from nc to denver", "what is the distance between denver nc and charlotte nc", "how to drive from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how much is driving to charlotte nc?", "which state is charlotte nc?", "how much gas is needed to drive from charlotte north carolina to denver colorado", "how much is it to drive between denver and charlotte", "what is the distance between denver nc and charlotte nc", "how much is gas in denver co", "what is the closest gas station to denver colorado", "what is the distance between charlotte, nc and denver, co", "what is the distance between charlotte and denver colorado", "how far is charlotte, nc from denver", "what is the driving distance between charlotte and denver co", "which state is charlotte nc", "how much will it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "how much is gas for driving denver to charlotte", "how much money does it cost to drive from denver to charlotte", "how much is the gas in denver to charlotte", "where is denver co near charlotte nc", "driving distance charlotte to denver, co", "how much does it cost to drive from denver to charlotte" ]
[ -4.3186736107, -3.4927489758, -6.713452816, -3.5921945572, -4.9872083664, -4.7517652512, -5.9547724724, -5.2272949219, -2.0772206783, -2.8591983318, -5.1012663841, -4.1446976662, -1.0385798216, -3.3446719646, -5.1609997749, -3.5600380898, -5.3638615608, -4.1429929733, -2.7258310318, -4.0591421127, -2.6574983597, -3.1795880795, -3.7544088364, -4.1843271255, -5.2104301453, -5.9547743797, -4.5147919655, -3.8408339024, -4.301460743, -4.6073727608, -6.613008976, -7.270254612, -5.1609997749, -3.4878611565, -4.1023960114, -4.1476349831, -3.0619783401, -0.7882786393, -5.1609997749, -5.4368643761, 2.0704472065, -8.5507144928, -3.6458334923, -3.0230662823, -3.4751663208, -2.7243871689, -5.6446399689, -5.9547724724, -4.8662428856, -4.6457381248, -5.334291935, -4.5129976273, -3.7412793636, -5.1610002518, -5.21144104, -6.9926099777, -3.6624796391, -4.1026945114, -2.7191114426, -3.9223306179, -1.0077943802, -5.6743297577, -6.5527596474, -4.9050688744, -4.2262811661, -3.9223301411, -8.1525745392, -9.3078937531, -3.5938372612, -4.3937091827, -5.7433924675, -3.4625279903, -7.4188194275, -4.7292547226, -5.3870444298, -5.1436038017, -5.7324113846, -2.6952550411, -4.4260277748, -5.1610012054 ]
[ "distance between denver, co. and charlotte nc", "how many miles to get from colorado to charlotte nc", "distance between denver to charlotte nc", "what's the distance from charlotte to denver", "distance between denver to charlotte", "distance between denver colorado and charlotte, nc", "how far is denver from charlotte", "distance charlotte to denver", "distance charlotte to denver", "how long is charlotte nc airport flight", "how far between charlotte and denver co", "how far is charlotte nc from denver co", "how far is denver co from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte from denver", "distance between charlotte and denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "distance charlotte to denver colorado", "what is the distance from charlotte nc to denver", "how many miles is it from charlotte to denver", "how far is denver from charlotte", "how far is the flight from denver co to charlotte", "how far is it from denver to charlotte", "how far is denver to charlotte", "distance between denver, co and charlotte nc", "distance between denver co and charlotte, nc", "how far is it from denver co to charlotte nc", "how far is denver co from charlotte nc", "how far is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver co.", "how many miles between denver co and charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte to denver", "how far is denver, co from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte in to denver in miles", "distance between denver and charlotte", "how far is charlotte nc from denver", "distance charlotte to denver", "how long is the flight from charlotte nc to denver nc", "distance from charlotte nc to denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver nc", "distance from charlotte to denver", "distance between charlotte north carolina and denver colorado", "distance between denver co and charlotte north carolina", "how far from charlotte to denver", "how far is the flight from charlotte to colorado", "distance between charlotte and denver", "distance between charlotte and colorado", "distance charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "how far is charlotte nc to denver", "distance from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "how far is denver nc from charlotte nc", "how far is charlotte, nc from denver, co", "how far is it from charlotte nc to denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "how far is charlotte from denver", "how far is charlotte to denver colorado", "where is charlotte north carolina", "how long is the flight from charlotte to denver", "how far is charlotte nc from denver", "how many miles between charlotte and denver", "how far is charlotte north carolina from denver colorado", "how far is charlotte nc from denver", "distance between charlotte and denver", "how long is a plane trip from charlotte nc to denver colorado", "distance from charlotte nc to denver tx", "how far is charlotte nc from denver colorado", "how far is charlotte north carolina to denver co?", "how far is charlotte north carolina from denver colorado", "distance between charlotte nc to denver nc", "how far is the flight to colorado from charlotte nc", "distance between denver & charlotte nc", "how long is the flight from denver co to charlotte nc", "distance charlotte to denver co", "how many miles is charlotte from denver", "distance denver to charlotte nc", "distance from charlotte nc to denver co", "how far is it from charlotte, north carolina to denver colorado", "how long does a plane ride from charlotte nc to denver", "distance between charlotte nc and denver colorado", "distance from denver to charlotte nc" ]
[ 4.424290657, 1.5543676615, 4.1827836037, 4.4491014481, 4.0434956551, 3.9195725918, 3.5499536991, 4.4027404785, 4.4027404785, -0.7468230128, 3.8528523445, 4.1850347519, 4.0522575378, 3.8818695545, 4.2623806, 3.9669134617, 4.2478146553, 4.5599226952, 3.9151411057, 3.5499522686, 4.3663034439, 4.0332775116, 3.7105009556, 4.4409852028, 4.356320858, 4.3732104301, 4.052257061, 4.6414036751, 4.5822658539, 3.5663120747, 4.2213730812, 4.1223254204, 3.1626455784, 3.7903745174, 3.9957036972, 4.4027400017, 4.2119016647, 4.8864369392, 3.6780920029, 4.7409172058, 4.554807663, 4.2697682381, 4.3748998642, 3.6486196518, 4.2623806, 2.607568264, 4.4027400017, 3.9669141769, 4.3273563385, 4.8415598869, 3.4810464382, 4.2998600006, 4.4780454636, 3.9669141769, 3.8818676472, 4.0115590096, -2.938652277, 4.1860384941, 3.9957036972, 3.3592898846, 3.9178926945, 3.9957036972, 4.2623806, 3.6740021706, 2.2060399055, 3.9669141769, 4.3787436485, 3.9178926945, 4.3291239738, 3.4111185074, 3.7487633228, 4.2601542473, 4.5039539337, 3.351193428, 3.8762598038, 5.0583338737, 4.3799123764, 2.382733345, 4.5589241982, 4.3958191872 ]
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[ 5.4905290604, 5.706474781, 5.1840481758, 4.9253339767, 5.3511281013, 5.6963152885, 4.9067015648, 4.7888784409, 5.51435709, 5.0257267952, 5.5133113861, 5.6248307228, 4.9253339767, 5.6642603874, 5.2366271019, 5.8150196075, 5.51435709, 5.6963152885, 5.5133113861, 4.9067015648, 5.6248307228, 5.1305036545, 5.3944716454, 5.5489721298, 5.6118459702, 4.9067015648, 4.9253339767, 4.5462203026, 5.1305036545, 5.5669698715, 5.5133113861, 6.0149664879, 4.8388566971, 5.6248307228, 5.6712403297, 5.3511281013, 5.3864965439, 5.2770938873, 4.4825220108, 5.51435709, 5.466003418, 5.5133113861, 4.7184104919, 4.7647309303, 1.3878194094, 5.8347377777, 5.3511281013, 5.2977085114, 5.6248307228, 5.6500449181, 5.3378696442, 6.0149664879, 4.9809861183, 5.2770938873, 5.2977085114, 5.3676171303, 5.3378696442, 4.9809861183, 5.3511281013, 5.0257267952, 4.1733636856, 5.5133113861, 2.8412237167, 5.3882045746, 5.3511281013, 4.9948854446, 3.8898200989, 4.1714673042, 5.6500449181, 5.3378696442, 5.1634950638, 4.8709807396, 5.3185405731, 4.8207468987, 4.9253339767, 5.1840481758, 3.6321642399, 5.5133113861, 5.7536063194, 4.1265611649 ]
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[ 4.0444049835, 2.7875065804, 4.3332233429, 3.8515281677, 4.1901059151, 2.4583985806, 1.5526481867, 3.336725235, 3.7580590248, 4.1901059151, 4.4858407974, 4.1901059151, 4.4858407974, 4.3634061813, 3.4628674984, -0.7064790726, -1.4584286213, 3.6192166805, 3.9946882725, 4.4139695168, 2.1878213882, 2.2421050072, -0.7563284039, 1.2745358944, 3.6991040707, 0.8437415957, 4.2149176598, 2.0263829231, 3.7497189045, -3.1151769161, 3.8457429409, 3.5620491505, -2.0542452335, 4.3332233429, 3.2501430511, 0.6683407426, 4.2070436478, 4.390581131, 1.5137637854, 1.6953972578, 3.4000687599, 4.3332233429, 1.9991559982, 4.4858407974, 2.2739315033, 3.7497189045, 4.3418159485, 4.7019929886, 4.0223054886, 3.1280591488, 3.6146564484, 3.7497189045, 3.3524250984, 3.515393734, 4.3634061813, 4.3271770477, 4.1749219894, 3.6991040707, 4.2354388237, 2.9434535503, -3.4650075436, 3.4250719547, 4.1901059151, 4.3332233429, 0.0620414428, -1.9494220018, 4.1585674286, 1.6946306229, 4.3332233429, 4.6052856445, 4.4858407974, 2.362429142, 4.1749219894, 3.2570807934, 0.1454196125, 3.4413700104, 0.573844552, 2.3601841927, 3.6679866314, 4.4070096016 ]
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[ 2.4769356251, 1.6863209009, 3.0244626999, 3.7770080566, 2.1691849232, 1.8214353323, 0.8596736193, 1.3922747374, 2.4769356251, 1.330524683, 1.6814085245, 3.2171504498, 2.4101164341, 3.105969429, 3.0146551132, 3.6504642963, 3.2326846123, -3.5353934765, 2.4769368172, -0.9542384148, 2.7437767982, 2.0839915276, 3.6504650116, 2.4769368172, 2.4769368172, 3.0609567165, 3.6504650116, 2.7437767982, 0.8965997696, 3.1059701443, 3.2805402279, 0.3842742741, 1.8022880554, 1.5070333481, 2.4769356251, -7.7945919037, 3.2316324711, 2.6871483326, 1.4320514202, -0.6899443269, 2.9838256836, 1.5070333481, 3.4248766899, 1.2557369471, 2.2082686424, 2.7437791824, 0.3680606484, 2.4695870876, 3.1027319431, 2.3387784958, 0.8793439865, 2.6570184231, 3.3550817966, 0.9291973114, 1.3695911169, 2.3926331997, 3.0609567165, 1.0223355293, 1.3332935572, 3.6504642963, 2.5566341877, 3.6504642963, 0.8516280651, 3.0657277107, 2.0894491673, 0.5760781765, 1.407245636, 2.7437767982, 2.7437767982, -0.2520394921, 2.9785921574, 2.9631934166, 2.7437767982, 3.322072506, 1.507032156, 2.4769368172, 3.6504650116, 2.4769368172, 1.2835609913, 3.6135406494 ]
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[ 0.952935338, 5.9965929985, 4.3350539207, 0.5061129332, 5.5469899178, 5.997148037, 4.5356631279, 2.9030263424, 5.8305053711, 5.5583057404, 5.997148037, 5.9965929985, 4.2923583984, -2.5441999435, 5.9965929985, 5.7034916878, 5.9304776192, 5.0363264084, 5.997148037, 2.7625672817, 5.4274396896, 4.0983529091, 5.9180417061, 5.9965929985, 3.062994957, 3.7714707851, 5.9965929985, 5.9965929985, 5.9965929985, 5.9965929985, 5.9965929985, 5.9180417061, 4.3751478195, 2.0673673153, 5.993221283, 5.997148037, 5.9180417061, 5.1097388268, 5.997148037, 5.9180417061, 3.0014269352, 5.9965929985, 5.5469899178, 5.3648710251, 5.997148037, 5.9440965652, -0.9823130369, 5.9180417061, 3.715262413, 5.997148037, 4.0990576744, 1.1646291018, 5.997148037, 5.9965929985, 5.5786342621, 4.2740807533, 2.0497086048, 5.5583057404, 6.0278234482, 5.9180417061, 5.5469899178, 5.2285532951, 4.9272403717, 6.0278234482, 2.0673673153, 4.3627228737, 5.997148037, 5.9965929985, 5.997148037, 5.9965929985, 5.9965929985, 5.6572284698, 4.1841506958, 5.9965929985, 5.997148037, 5.9965929985, 5.9965929985, 5.9742360115, 5.9180417061, 5.9965929985 ]
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[ -1.82107234, 3.2685382366, 2.0189936161, 3.2685382366, 3.9521949291, 4.1929488182, 0.8009132147, -0.3714769781, 3.386400938, 3.0531144142, 3.3289899826, 2.5432319641, 3.386400938, -2.3343658447, 1.502679944, 2.0189936161, 3.2685382366, 2.8076469898, 2.0189936161, 4.1677350998, -0.0313297436, 3.3289899826, 0.8507486582, 3.4391834736, 2.7388420105, 1.5701338053, 2.001414299, 3.3596374989, -1.5806379318, 0.4961673915, 4.1929488182, -0.4887841046, -1.548918128, 2.0189936161, -3.7469937801, 3.6394631863, 2.7207944393, 2.083343029, 3.5718977451, 0.0782649368, 1.9202128649, -1.168810606, 3.5718977451, 3.2685382366, 1.1294060946, 1.7425837517, 2.8123142719, 3.5718977451, -0.0140378932, 1.8715823889, 3.3578517437, 0.3521836996, 2.6815793514, 2.0120406151, -2.5116019249, 4.1677350998, -1.8559583426, 4.081738472, 3.5718977451, 3.5718977451, 3.5718977451, 3.5718977451, 0.9486672878, 1.2735806704, 3.5718977451, 2.8247163296, 3.6273159981, 2.2035357952, -0.5917879343, 3.2685382366, -4.1678023338, -0.8693051338, 2.1483099461, 2.0552966595, 1.7597841024, 0.7308349609, -2.1845984459, 1.7378232479, 0.1544264406, 1.5709568262 ]
[ "how to clean leather shoes", "how to clean suede leather shoes", "how to remove mildew from suede", "cleaning suede shoes", "how to clean leather shoes fast", "how to get rid of mold on suede shoes", "what to use to clean suede shoes", "how to clean a suede leather shoe", "how to clean leather shoes", "what to do when you have mold on a shoe", "how to clean suede shoes", "what removes mold from suede leather", "what cleaning products are safe for suede", "what to use on suede shoes for cleaning", "how to remove mold and mildew from shoes", "what is the best way to clean suede shoes", "what will take away moldy suede", "cleaning nubuck suede leather", "can you clean leather suede shoes", "what can i clean in my suede shoe", "how to clean a suede shoes", "do shoes get moldy", "can i brush mold off of suede", "why do shoes have mold", "what removes mold from leather shoes", "what to use to clean suede shoes", "how to clean suede shoes with a sponge", "how to clean suede leather shoes from mold", "how to remove mildew spots on suede", "how to clean suede leather", "what to do after mildew buildup on leather", "how to clean suede shoes naturally", "how to remove mold from suede", "what to wipe up on leather", "how to remove mildew from leather shoes", "what to use to clean suede leather shoes", "how to get rid of mold on suede shoes", "what can i clean my shoes without removing mold", "can you clean suede leather shoes", "what to use for mold stains on suede", "how to clean suede shoes without mold", "can we clean suede leather", "should i wash suede and nubuck leather", "what will remove the mildew from suede", "how to clean suede shoes", "how to clean suede leather shoes", "can you clean nubuck leather", "how to clean nubuck suede leather", "what will be done to remove mold from leather shoe soles", "what to use for suede leather", "what is the best way to clean suede shoes", "how does mold build up on suede leather", "how to clean leather shoes", "how to clean leather shoes", "what is safe to clean suede leather shoe?", "how do i remove mold from my leather shoes", "how to clean suede shoes easily", "what to do for mold on suede shoes", "how to remove mold and mildew from suede leather", "can you clean suede leather shoes", "how to clean pu leather shoes", "what to do for mold on leather shoes", "how to clean suede shoes", "what to use to clean shoes from mold", "how to clean suede leather shoes naturally", "do suede shoes have mold", "how do i get rid of mold on my suede boots", "what to clean leather shoes with?", "what removes mold on suede shoe", "how to remove mold on suede shoes", "what to use for mold and mildew on leather shoes", "how to clean suede shoes", "how to clean suede leather shoes", "do you remove moldy mucus from suede shoes", "what can i do on my suede shoes", "do I have to clean nubuck leather shoes for mold", "what is the best way to clean suede shoes", "what to use to remove mold from leather", "why does it take so long to remove mdw mold from shoes", "how to remove mold from suede shoes" ]
[ 1.8964525461, 2.4707956314, 2.5318353176, 1.6655390263, -1.2167760134, 2.5631706715, 1.4677420855, 2.4837203026, 1.8964525461, 1.6980848312, 2.2635321617, 1.4157685041, 0.1227361709, 1.1425050497, 3.6821858883, 0.2643210292, 0.6504610777, 1.5977238417, 1.5052030087, 0.7744467258, 2.2229628563, -1.3162202835, 1.7335786819, -2.6958646774, 1.5010887384, 1.4677420855, -1.3738908768, 2.8817827702, 1.4804490805, 1.9495457411, 0.8976416588, -0.3427096903, 2.5005700588, -3.7604103088, 3.0584237576, 1.7407159805, 2.5631706715, -0.0050471448, 2.0281279087, -0.4027241468, 2.0514185429, 1.470510006, 0.5498457551, 1.5903739929, 2.2635321617, 2.4707956314, 2.20023489, 2.3467817307, 1.1337810755, 0.2826057971, 0.2643204629, 0.1247524768, 1.8964531422, 1.8964531422, 1.4594980478, 2.8730361462, 0.566637814, 2.2307379246, 3.0673172474, 2.0281279087, -1.9949303865, 2.1680743694, 2.2635314465, 1.9137117863, 0.0921096429, 1.719369173, 1.7480888367, 0.8247308731, 1.5616112947, 2.9045493603, 2.3269588947, 2.2635314465, 2.4707961082, -1.2792637348, 0.9313403368, 2.0697686672, 0.2643204629, 1.673448801, -7.0992221832, 3.0553205013 ]
[ "how to get rid of mildew on suede", "how to clean mildew off suede", "what kind of solution do you use for mildew?", "how to get mildew off suede", "what will dissolve mildew on suede", "how to get mildew out on suede", "what is the best way to remove mildew from suede", "how to get mildew off of suede", "how to get mildew out of suede", "can i get mildew off suede", "how to dissolve mildew from suede", "can you get mildew off suede", "can you use bleach to wash suede", "what to use to remove mildew from suede", "what helps mildew on suede", "what to use for mildew on suede", "how to clean suede", "how to get mildew off suede", "can you remove mildew from suede", "can you scrub suede", "how to wash suede", "how do you remove mildew from suede?", "how to clean suede odor", "what to use to clean mildew from suede", "what to use for mildew on suede", "how to take mildew off suede", "can you use bleach on suede", "what makes suede smell like", "can you clean suede", "what to do to remove mildew on suede", "what to do to get mildew out of suede", "do you clean suede", "how to get rid of mildew from suede", "how to clean mildew on suede", "can you scrub mildew off suede", "can you remove mildew from suede", "how to get mildew out of suede", "can i use bleach for suede", "can you wash suede off of suede", "can you scrub suede", "can you clean suede without bleach", "how to clean suede", "how to clean suede from inside", "how to clean suede", "what removes mildew from suede", "how to remove mildew from suede", "what helps to clean suede", "does rubbing alcohol remove mildew on suede", "how to get rid of mildew in suede", "can you remove mildew from suede", "what to use to clean suede", "what to use to clean mildew off suede", "what removes mildew from suede", "what to use to wash suede", "can i get mildew off suede", "how to clean mildew off suede", "how to clean a musty suede", "do you wash suede", "do i have to clean suede with bleach", "how to clean mildew on suede", "how to take mildew off suede", "can i wash suede", "why does suede smell", "can you wash suede", "how do i get mildew off my suede", "how to stop mold on suede", "does leather make suede smell", "how to keep mildew off suede", "what to use to clean suede", "can you remove suede from clothes with bleach", "how to get rid of mildew on suede", "what to use to scrub suede", "how do you remove mildew from suede", "can u scrub suede without bleach", "how do you get mildew off suede", "how to get rid of mildew on suede", "how to get rid of mildew on suede", "can you wash suede out", "what to use to clean suede", "what makes suede smell" ]
[ 5.0786819458, 4.9067659378, -1.2861595154, 5.0238771439, 1.1066689491, 4.9557418823, 3.0199537277, 5.050406456, 5.0021743774, 3.9072277546, 3.4493553638, 4.0430774689, 1.7714488506, 4.3290071487, 3.5413041115, 3.8349967003, 3.8137431145, 5.0238771439, 4.3667473793, 3.6057958603, 1.4858611822, 4.8771495819, 3.1421570778, 4.1840157509, 3.8349967003, 4.5948615074, 3.1153912544, 0.0152965812, 2.6343851089, 4.4391288757, 4.3433465958, 1.6142839193, 5.0160713196, 5.0074381828, 4.5258450508, 4.3667473793, 5.0021743774, 2.6071908474, 1.2262743711, 3.6057958603, 2.6740877628, 3.8137431145, 0.3985438943, 3.8137431145, 2.7059571743, 5.0901956558, 2.0633504391, 2.7541539669, 4.9547543526, 4.3667473793, 2.1847543716, 4.0578708649, 2.7059571743, 0.2008249611, 3.9072277546, 4.9067659378, 3.6095972061, 0.4818453491, 1.9195699692, 5.0074381828, 4.5948615074, 1.0628013611, 1.0173205137, 1.3134437799, 4.8637876511, 1.9158802032, -3.0056302547, 4.3353347778, 2.1847543716, 1.6211903095, 5.0786819458, 2.2816860676, 4.9335756302, 2.7732875347, 4.6749444008, 5.0786819458, 5.0786819458, 0.5856120586, 2.1847543716, 0.5723291636 ]
[ "what to do for mildew in leather shoes", "why use a mildew and mold remover on suede", "how to clean suede shoes", "how to clean suede suede", "what can you put on leather to remove mold", "how to remove mold in suede", "how to clean suede shoes", "how to clean leather shoes", "how to remove mold from leather shoes", "can you clean suede sneakers", "do we have to clean leather shoes for mold?", "what to do if you've got mold on your shoes", "what should i do to remove mold from leather shoes", "how to remove mold from leather shoes", "why do leather shoes have mold stains", "how to remove mold from suede shoes", "how to remove mildew from leather shoes", "when to treat leather shoes", "how to remove mold from leather shoes", "what is the best method to remove mold from leather shoes?", "can you remove mold from leather", "how to get rid of mold in leather shoes", "what to do when shoes start growing mold", "can i remove mould from suede", "how to remove mold from shoes", "can you remove mold from leather shoes", "how do you remove mold from leather shoes", "how to remove mold from suede shoes", "how to clean leather shoes mold", "how to remove mold from suede", "what to use to clean suede shoes", "what removes mould on leather shoes", "can you remove mold from leather shoes", "can nubuck leather shoes cure mold", "what product to use for leather shoes to remove mildew", "what kind of cleaner for cleaning suede", "how to get rid of mold on shoes", "can you get mold in suede", "can you remove mold and mildew from a leather shoe", "how to get rid of mold on leather shoes", "can you clean a leather shoe", "can i clean nubuck leather shoes", "can you use mildew on suede", "when to remove mold from leather shoes", "what is good for mold in leather shoes", "what to clean leather shoes with", "what to do for mold in suede", "how to remove mildew from suede shoes", "how to clean leather suede shoes", "can you clean nubuck leather shoes", "can you remove mold and mildew from nubuck leather", "what to do if you have mildew buildup on suede leather", "how to remove mold from suede shoes", "what to clean leather shoes", "what kind of shoe cleaner to use for mold", "what is the best cleaner for removing mildew from leather?", "how to get rid of mildew in shoes", "how to clean leather shoes mold", "do you remove mold or mildew from leather shoes", "can you clean suede and nubuck", "how to clean leather shoes with mold", "can you clean suede leather shoes with mildew", "when to clean leather sneakers", "what is the proper way to clean suede leather shoes", "where do you put mold or mildew on suede or leather shoes", "can you use liquid cleaner to clean nubuck", "what to use to clean leather shoes", "can you remove mold on suede", "can you clean nubuck suede shoes", "what is the proper way to clean suede", "what to use for mold on leather shoes", "what is the best way to get rid of mold in suede shoes", "how to remove mold from leather shoes", "can i clean leather shoes with a mildew wringer", "can you clean suede shoes", "what to do about mold on leather", "how to clean suede shoe", "where do you use mildew removal on leather shoes", "how to clean suede leather shoes", "does nubuck leather need cleaning" ]
[ 3.3787055016, 0.6657412052, 1.301346302, 0.5344444513, 1.6802943945, 2.4722886086, 1.301346302, 1.725160718, 3.6056246758, -0.6946101785, 1.8597706556, 2.1397252083, 3.2663762569, 3.6056246758, -1.7829319239, 3.0069403648, 3.8190307617, 1.1318737268, 3.6056246758, 2.5580275059, 3.4067852497, 3.0593559742, -0.2355855852, 1.7117365599, 3.1157507896, 4.1532182693, 3.8469581604, 3.0069403648, 2.0337147713, 2.5444111824, 0.9420568347, 1.4053670168, 4.1532182693, 1.4645226002, 3.4339401722, -1.0272872448, 2.3896369934, 2.3283801079, 4.7556004524, 3.0690209866, 1.8281713724, 2.8326041698, 1.8167372942, 2.5098073483, 0.8044362068, 1.316486001, 1.9444791079, 2.958376646, 1.7665630579, 2.8815767765, 4.309232235, 1.3796776533, 3.006939888, 1.1919277906, 0.5477737188, 0.8185233474, 2.723741293, 2.0337145329, 4.1699123383, 3.2166397572, 1.8684164286, 2.803145647, -2.6984655857, 1.1163992882, 0.3856149018, -1.3829311132, 1.463391304, 3.4747211933, 2.6201429367, -0.2907361686, 2.0884678364, 0.9801441431, 3.6056249142, -0.5832430124, 1.971252799, 1.7011266947, 1.1695908308, 0.879450202, 1.88679564, 2.3653419018 ]
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[ -1.0385717154, 1.5274926424, 2.792891264, -0.5828205347, 2.3278963566, 2.792891264, -4.3883194923, 1.0524998903, -1.6425766945, 4.3388605118, 1.7141914368, 2.2237575054, 0.6806272268, 2.9198925495, -0.447062403, 1.1395580769, -0.4832413793, 2.5094134808, 3.0353422165, 2.5849609375, -0.447062403, 3.4658644199, 1.0418226719, 2.4947023392, 1.5172457695, 3.6835412979, 2.5984528065, -0.8539340496, 3.6380770206, 2.6215882301, 1.0524998903, 2.5849609375, -0.8378260136, 3.0353422165, 3.0353422165, 1.1643756628, 1.6841304302, -0.8549150825, 2.4947023392, 2.0857067108, 3.0353422165, 1.5607202053, 0.7336703539, 2.6273391247, 2.1061162949, 2.9973113537, 0.9111139178, 4.1030011177, -2.1983780861, -0.853928864, 2.8807508945, 1.8435231447, 2.4129703045, 2.7769432068, 0.9863340259, 4.3388605118, 2.7928903103, 1.2060730457, 3.0504934788, 0.2388585508, 2.2496654987, 1.9906746149, -0.3353111744, -1.8876419067, 2.4947035313, 2.7928903103, 3.0353417397, 0.9888843298, 2.2089138031, 2.9973111153, 0.9717518687, 2.2237565517, 2.7928903103, 1.2060730457, 4.1030006409, 4.1030006409, 2.0857093334, -0.4470621645, -0.6873431206, -6.7792754173 ]
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[ 2.8368840218, 1.6468502283, 2.6952345371, 2.6122934818, 3.7584922314, 2.9337046146, -2.2179737091, 0.8354902864, 0.5637851954, 3.9032428265, 3.4351966381, 3.0897159576, 4.1963391304, 3.9486868382, -3.7967307568, 2.2444183826, 1.7431145906, 1.1082766056, 0.132842347, 4.1963376999, 2.0079667568, 2.1507890224, 3.1694905758, 4.1963376999, 3.3597352505, 2.8631322384, 1.1621384621, -2.5515742302, 4.1191129684, 2.2969679832, 3.6328239441, 4.1963376999, 3.5623250008, 3.3329370022, -1.2890238762, 3.4351975918, 4.136300087, 2.7571744919, -0.5217141509, 3.4266815186, 4.5019283295, 4.1963372231, 3.35973382, 1.6032812595, 3.225867033, 2.7981281281, 1.0794526339, 4.1963372231, 3.2218682766, 1.5804073811, 4.1963391304, -7.5478096008, 3.0734143257, -5.9740567207, 3.35973382, 0.1328421235, 4.0366768837, 2.8248605728, 3.2258679867, 3.0734143257, 1.4889467955, 0.48015818, 0.7100713849, 4.1963391304, 2.4928104877, 3.0734143257, 2.3796796799, 4.1963372231, 0.9970695972, -2.4153411388, 2.5640575886, 1.5536262989, 1.2297941446, 3.3103411198, 3.4351975918, 1.7861680984, 4.1963372231, 4.0214219093, -2.8076677322, -1.6958073378 ]
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[ 3.0949413776, -1.669737339, 4.6873612404, 0.2699671686, 4.301586628, 1.7556271553, 3.9798204899, 4.301586628, 0.4168700576, 0.2699671686, 3.6905655861, 1.0131155252, 3.270427227, 4.6873612404, 1.8549427986, 0.2699671686, 4.2536525726, 3.2416713238, 4.301586628, 4.301586628, 0.2699671686, 2.0455272198, 0.0584664233, -0.948659122, -6.9234781265, 4.6873612404, 0.5307468176, 0.1922723055, 2.5707542896, 4.6873612404, 4.2536525726, 4.6873612404, 4.6873612404, 3.0994977951, 3.7368426323, 4.301586628, 4.2536525726, 0.4544673264, -1.2883805037, 0.2699671686, 4.2536525726, -0.0634390935, 4.301586628, 0.2699671686, 0.2699671686, 4.2536525726, 3.270427227, -2.7657811642, 3.5411028862, 3.6575348377, 4.6873612404, 3.2416713238, 4.6873612404, 3.0496931076, 3.1271629333, 3.270427227, 2.747661829, 4.6873612404, 3.82593894, -6.2244958878, -3.3378179073, -0.2516665757, 3.270427227, 4.6873612404, 4.6873621941, 4.6873621941, 0.3936774433, 1.2687195539, -2.4067919254, 3.53673172, 4.21976614, 0.8048360944, 4.6873621941, 3.0889663696, 4.6873621941, 4.6873621941, 4.3015871048, -4.1577067375, -0.8964055181, 4.3015871048 ]
[ "what is pay per sale program", "what is pay per sale affiliate", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale?", "what is pay per sale", "who is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay-per-sell program", "pay per sale program definition", "define pay per sale", "pay per sale definition", "what is pay per sale?", "what is pay-per-sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is a pay per sale", "what is the definition of pay per sale?", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale", "definition of pays per sale", "what is pay per sale?", "what's pp mean", "affiliate program vs pay per sale meaning", "what is pay per sale", "pay per sale affiliate programs", "what is pay-per-sell", "how does affiliate program work", "what is the pay per sale for affiliate programs", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale mlc program", "what is pay per sale", "pay per sale definition", "what is the pay per sale system?", "what is pay-per-sale program", "what is pay per sale?", "what is a pay per sale program", "what is pay per sale", "what is p/s for affiliate", "what's the difference between pay per sale and pay per sale affiliate programs?", "what is a pay-per-sell program for affiliates?", "what is sales per sale program", "pay per sale definition", "define pay per sale", "pay per sale define", "which affiliate program offers highest commission for sales", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay-per-sell", "what is the definition of the affiliate program", "pay per sale definition", "what is pay per sale for affiliates", "what's pps", "affiliate program definition", "what is pay-per-sale", "what is pay per sale", "affiliate program definition", "pay-per-sale definition", "what is pay per sale", "what does pay per sales mean in affiliate marketing", "what is pay-per-sale", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay-per-sale", "pay per sale definition", "what is pay per sale", "what is pps for e-business", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay-per-sale", "pay per sale definition", "what is the pay-per-sale scheme", "what is pay per sale", "what is pay per sale for affiliates", "what is pay per sale", "how do i earn commission", "define paid per sale", "what's the meaning of pay per sale program", "what is pay per sale affiliate program", "what is pay per sale", "define pay per sale" ]
[ 5.8132648468, 4.9994082451, 6.1283025742, 6.1283025742, 6.1351561546, 6.1283025742, 3.4021971226, 6.1283025742, 6.1283025742, 5.4276156425, 5.7307257652, 5.9844985008, 5.9626584053, 6.1351561546, 6.2776937485, 6.1283025742, 6.0793905258, 5.4646606445, 6.1283025742, 6.1283025742, 4.875872612, 6.1351561546, -4.8091230392, 3.2211043835, 6.1283025742, 4.7236247063, 5.7690258026, 0.2624457777, 4.7400512695, 6.1283025742, 6.1283025742, 1.0699307919, 6.1283020973, 5.9626588821, 3.6805620193, 5.9474186897, 6.1351561546, 5.7966113091, 6.1283020973, -3.252768755, 2.2966647148, 4.9471435547, 3.8956050873, 5.9626588821, 5.9844994545, 5.9510273933, 2.2159466743, 6.1283020973, 6.1283025742, 5.7690258026, -0.2829471529, 5.9626584053, 5.2720370293, -5.023452282, -0.0771957263, 6.2776937485, 6.1283025742, -0.0771957263, 6.0326900482, 6.1283025742, 4.731525898, 6.2776937485, 6.1283025742, 6.2776937485, 5.9626588821, 6.1283020973, -5.9383878708, 6.1283020973, 6.2776937485, 5.9626588821, 3.9735138416, 6.1283020973, 5.2720365524, 6.1283020973, -1.300637126, 5.4616084099, 5.13235569, 5.3412485123, 6.1283020973, 5.984498024 ]
[ "what is the difference between associate and affiliate", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking", "who is the affiliate tracking", "define affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate link definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is the purpose of a affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is an affiliate tracker", "what is the meaning of affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what's an affiliate links", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is the difference between affiliate and associate", "affiliate tracking definition", "how to do affiliate program", "affiliate - definition", "what is the difference between affiliate tracking and auto approval", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "which is a synonym of affiliate", "what does the term affiliate mean", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is the definition for affiliate", "what is affiliate tracking", "affiliate track definition", "what is affiliate tracking?", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate tracking meaning", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is the affiliate tracking", "what's the difference between associate and affiliate", "what is affiliate tracker", "what is the difference between affiliate & associate", "what is the difference between affiliate and associate", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is the affiliate tracking?", "define affiliate tracking", "define affiliate track", "what is affiliate tracking", "definition of affiliate tracking", "aac affiliate tracking definition", "what is the affiliate process", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking?", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate tracking definition", "define affiliate tracking", "affiliate tracking definition", "define affiliate tracker", "affiliate tracking definition", "affiliate link meaning", "affiliate tracking definition", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking", "what is affiliate tracking" ]
[ -1.1144154072, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 6.1681466103, 2.635617733, 5.9427256584, 6.0047369003, 5.8520927429, 5.8520927429, -0.3931634128, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 1.1666896343, 6.0047369003, 5.8520927429, 6.0047369003, 5.8520927429, 5.3156480789, 5.3578057289, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 0.2944414318, 6.0047369003, 5.8520927429, 6.0047369003, 5.8520927429, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, -1.1017808914, 5.8520927429, -3.4808881283, -1.9391583204, 2.9440858364, 5.8520927429, 6.0047369003, 0.8987640738, -2.1149241924, 6.0047369003, -1.455706358, 6.0047369003, 4.5863842964, 6.0438690186, 5.8520927429, 5.8070821762, 5.8520927429, 6.0047369003, 5.8638768196, -1.1513661146, 5.1998381615, -1.2306882143, -1.1017808914, 5.8520927429, 5.8520927429, 5.8520927429, 5.8520927429, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 5.8735756874, 5.9427256584, 4.7452096939, 6.0047369003, 5.7130150795, -0.2830344439, 1.2900027037, 6.0047369003, 6.0438690186, 5.8520917892, 5.8520917892, 5.9427247047, 5.8520917892, 5.2651758194, 5.8520917892, -0.5920209289, 5.8520917892, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003, 6.0047369003 ]
[ "what is the difference between two tier and two-tier", "different types of affiliate marketing programs", "what is two-tier affiliate marketing", "what is the purpose of a two-tier affiliate", "what is two-tier affiliate marketing", "difference between two tier and unique click", "what is two tier affiliate", "different types of affiliate marketing", "what is the difference between the two tiers and unique click", "what is the difference between two tier and unique click", "what is the difference between two tiers", "what type of affiliate program is one with the two tier model", "how does two tier affiliate marketing work", "what is a two tier affiliate", "what are tiers for internet marketing", "what is two tiers affiliate marketing", "what is two tier affiliate", "what is two tier affiliate marketing", "why is it important to set up two tier affiliate programs", "difference between two tier and unique click", "different types of affiliate programs", "what is two tier affiliate program", "what is two tier marketing", "what is the different methods of generating commissions", "what is a two tier affiliate", "what is two tier affiliate", "what is the two tier model of affiliate marketing", "what is two tiers", "definition of two tier affiliate program", "what is two tier in affiliate marketing?", "define two tiers", "what is the relationship between affiliates and their partners", "what is the difference between affiliate marketing and two tier sales", "what is the difference between one tier and two tier", "what is a two-tier affiliate marketing system?", "what is tier affiliate marketing", "what is the difference between two tier and three tier affiliate marketing?", "how is a two tier affiliate model used", "how does a two tier affiliate work", "what is the difference between two-tier and unique click", "what is one tier of an affiliate", "types of affiliate marketing", "which marketing model gives affiliates the ability to create additional affiliates?", "which model of marketing allows affiliates to sign up additional affiliates below themselves?", "what is the two tier affiliate marketing model", "what is two tier affiliate programs", "what is the relationship between an affiliate and an affiliate", "what is two tier affiliate marketing?", "what is unique click", "difference between two-tier and unique clicks", "what is tiered marketing", "what is the definition of two tier", "what is a two-tier affiliate plan", "what is two tier affiliate program", "which types of advertising are used in affiliate marketing", "what is two tier affiliate model", "what is the difference between two tier and unique click", "what type of affiliate is two tier", "types of affiliate marketing", "how is an affiliate program different from a traditional marketing", "why do affiliate marketers use two tier models", "how do affiliate programs work", "what is the difference between two tier and unique click", "what is tier two in affiliate marketing", "what type of business model is a two-tier affiliate marketing plan?", "what is tier marketing", "what is two tier advertising", "what is the two tier model for affiliate marketing", "what is one tier affiliate strategy", "what is tier affiliate", "what is two tier marketing", "what is the difference between affiliate and unique click", "what is two tier affiliate marketing model", "what is the difference between two-tier and unique click", "what is two tiers of affiliate", "what is 2 tier affiliate marketing", "what is the two tier system for affiliate", "what is tier affiliate marketing", "what is two tier affiliate program", "what is two tier" ]
[ 1.2450307608, -1.3629125357, 4.3821501732, 2.3467700481, 4.3821501732, 2.1315925121, 4.2712645531, -0.7113770247, 1.4657880068, 2.3414709568, -1.2396194935, 1.8988294601, 3.5987150669, 4.0427560806, -0.2199148238, 3.8322637081, 4.2712645531, 4.2176346779, 0.3374589682, 2.1315925121, -2.372354269, 3.8988852501, 4.0335030556, -3.0970261097, 4.0427560806, 4.2712645531, 4.3381924629, 3.60790658, 3.2496304512, 4.6585116386, 2.5354449749, -6.154797554, 1.3721637726, -0.0198645815, 3.8552474976, 1.78767097, 0.5750814676, 2.9215650558, 3.2912240028, 2.8143737316, -0.1737219542, -0.0152448537, 2.9274466038, 4.2477989197, 4.4384841919, 3.4887468815, -2.7586741447, 4.2662267685, 3.5963215828, 2.1237463951, -1.067061305, 3.0014405251, 3.1984856129, 3.8988852501, -4.0723724365, 4.481156826, 2.3414709568, 2.0665147305, -0.0152443284, -2.7810521126, 3.2128522396, -0.2952995598, 2.3414709568, 3.1343259811, 2.358052969, -0.1631263793, 2.7689938545, 4.3687620163, -2.7246520519, 1.2046895027, 4.0335021019, 1.1912722588, 4.4451990128, 2.8143737316, 3.5622389317, 3.8974018097, 3.3803668022, 1.78767097, 3.8988862038, 4.7256865501 ]
[ "what is the purpose of the ethical norms of marketing", "who are marketers", "what ethical values must be embraced in marketing?", "what ethical norms must marketers follow", "what is the difference between a consumer and a marketer", "who are responsible for ethical norms", "what is marketer ethics", "what ethical norms do marketers observe", "ethical norms for a marketer", "what is a marketer's job", "ethical norms of marketing", "ethical marketing definition", "why should marketers be ethics", "what ethical norms should marketers", "ethical standards definition", "ethical norms in marketing", "what is an ethical md", "ethical norms for marketers", "ethics definition of marketer", "what is the role of a marketer", "ethical norms definition", "who is ethical", "what is the responsibility of a marketer", "ethical norms for marketers", "who is the ethical leader of an online business", "ethical values definition", "ethical norms for marketing", "what is a marketer's role?", "ethical marketing definition", "ethical norms for marketers definition", "ethical norms for marketing", "why do you have to be an ethical marketer", "what is marketing ethics", "ethical norms role", "ethical norms definition", "ethical marketing definition", "who do we work for as a marketing consultant", "ethical norms for marketers", "what is a marketing role?", "who are marketers?", "what ethical standards does marketers need", "ethics of marketing standards", "ethical norms of marketing", "what is ethical norms", "ethical norms for marketers", "what is the ethical norm for marketers", "ethical norms definition", "what is the role of a marketer", "ethical definition in marketing", "ethical norms of marketing", "what are marketing norms", "what kind of ethical expectations does a marketing manager hold?", "what does marketing responsibility include", "ethical norms", "what is the role of a marketing specialist?", "what is the role of a marketer in the company", "which of the following is an ethical norm?", "who does the role of the marketing director consist of?", "what is the role of the marketer", "ethical standards of communication in marketing", "ethical standards for marketers", "who is a ethical marketer", "what is marketing norms", "ethical standards definition", "ethical norms for marketers", "ethical expectations of marketer", "ethical standards for marketing", "ethical norms definition", "ethical values for marketers", "what are the ethical norms of a marketer", "ethical norms role for marketers", "why ethical norms for marketers", "what is marketer ethics", "ethical values", "what is ethical norms in marketing", "definition of ethical standards in marketing", "what are the ethical norms of a marketer", "what is the role of a marketer", "who are responsible for marketing", "what are the ethical norms of marketing" ]
[ 0.9875141978, -0.7269895673, 3.7078404427, 4.4750862122, -6.0335445404, 0.3922478855, 2.14285779, 3.3250291348, 4.5427412987, -0.0991208702, 3.3450853825, -0.7064009905, 2.1228044033, 4.0808115005, -4.4637579918, 3.8172621727, -7.3374762535, 4.6454343796, 0.716794014, 2.8158502579, -0.4436302483, -1.7501195669, 2.3391897678, 4.6454343796, -6.2028040886, -1.5171741247, 3.5129959583, 2.1511654854, -0.7064009905, 2.4294319153, 3.5129959583, 1.9892147779, 0.7412294149, 1.7816337347, -0.4436302483, -0.7064009905, -5.3222756386, 4.6454343796, -0.1716708392, -1.1403896809, 1.6138950586, 0.5834214091, 3.3450853825, 0.7333741188, 4.6454343796, 4.0442218781, -0.4436302483, 2.8158502579, -0.0500472747, 3.3450853825, 1.3681166172, -0.579136014, -0.8361810446, 2.6526052952, -1.848005414, 1.6774286032, 0.5496575832, -5.2563481331, 2.842695713, -1.780069828, 3.0549230576, 0.6490387321, 0.6338180304, -4.4637579918, 4.6454343796, 4.1124744415, 1.69980371, -0.4436302483, 4.1494240761, 4.3359107971, 3.7786786556, 3.1870038509, 2.14285779, 1.7063955069, 2.9113731384, -0.3231179714, 4.3359107971, 2.8158502579, -1.8233977556, 3.3468108177 ]
[ "what is the affiliate information page", "affiliate information page meaning", "what is the affiliate information page mean", "what is the affiliate page", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the purpose of affiliate information page on a website", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is my affiliate information", "what is affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information page", "definition of affiliate information page", "affiliate information page definition", "affiliate information page definition", "what is affiliate information page", "what does affiliate info page mean", "what is an affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is an affiliate site", "affiliate information page definition", "what is affiliate information page", "what is an affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "affiliate web page definition", "what is the affiliate information page on a website", "what does affiliates information page mean on a website", "what is affiliate information page", "where is the affiliate information page in affiliate marketing", "which of the following is the affiliate page", "what does affiliates information page mean", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the difference between an affiliate page and an information page?", "what is affiliate information page", "affiliate information page definition", "what is your affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information page", "affiliate information page definition", "affiliate web page definition", "affiliate information page definition", "what's the affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information", "who is affiliate info page", "what is affiliate information", "what is an affiliate page", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page on a web site", "what is the purpose of the affiliate information page", "define affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page on a website", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "affiliate information page", "what is affiliate information page", "webmaster what to write for affiliate", "what is affiliate information", "what is the purpose of an affiliate info page", "affiliate website definition", "affiliate information site", "what is affiliate information page", "what is an affiliate info page", "what is an affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page", "how does affiliate pay", "what is an affiliate page", "what type of page is an affiliate website", "why do you use affiliate information page?", "what is an affiliate information page", "what is affiliate info page mean", "what is affiliate information page", "what is the affiliate information page on your website", "web affiliate information pages definition", "what is the purpose of an affiliate page", "affiliate information page definition", "what is affiliate information page" ]
[ 6.2946624756, 6.1742095947, 5.8588929176, 4.3669552803, 6.4265017509, 3.8612108231, 6.2946624756, 3.8627061844, 6.4265017509, 6.4265017509, 6.2107229233, 6.2504458427, 6.2504458427, 6.4265017509, 5.5801267624, 6.4201087952, 6.4265017509, 6.2946624756, 1.1527804136, 6.2504458427, 6.4265017509, 6.4201087952, 6.2946624756, 6.2946624756, 3.84440732, 6.0110149384, 5.5279178619, 6.4265017509, 3.150911808, 1.5329092741, 5.7902979851, 6.4265017509, 2.5037424564, 6.4265017509, 6.2504472733, 6.1369113922, 6.2946624756, 6.4265017509, 6.2504472733, 3.8444087505, 6.2504472733, 6.2877111435, 6.2946624756, 4.3334927559, 3.3931577206, 4.3334927559, 4.6800546646, 6.2946624756, 6.153096199, 3.363117218, 6.3776664734, 6.4265017509, 6.0110149384, 6.4265017509, 6.2946624756, 6.4265017509, 6.2946624756, 6.3975553513, 6.4265017509, -3.5386502743, 4.3334941864, 3.2096972466, 0.9426122904, 5.2944307327, 6.4265017509, 6.1409287453, 6.4201087952, 6.2946624756, -4.2498393059, 4.6800541878, 2.5442099571, 1.8630195856, 6.4201087952, 5.6956186295, 6.4265017509, 6.0598459244, 5.2708511353, 1.5935657024, 6.2504458427, 6.4265017509 ]
[ "what is the purpose of the american marketing association", "what is the meaning of standards", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association", "what is a marketing organization", "what is the american marketing association", "who is the american marketing association", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association", "what is marketing standards", "who is the american marketing association", "what is a marketing standard?", "what is the american marketing association purpose", "what is an american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "why is the american marketing association a good organization", "what is the ama", "what is the american marketing association", "what does american marketing association stand for", "how is american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association", "what type of association is marketing association", "why is the american marketing association important", "what is the marketing association?", "definition of a marketing association", "what is a marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the purpose of american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association (ama)", "what is the american marketing association", "what is american marketing association standards", "what are professional standards", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association?", "what is the american marketing association norms", "what is the american marketing association", "what is a marketing association", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association quizlet", "what is the american marketing association", "which organization aims to establish an ethical standard?", "who is the american marketing association", "what is the importance of professionalism", "what is the ama", "what is the goal of the american marketing association?", "what is the american marketing association's definition", "is marketing a professional organization", "what is the role of the american marketing association", "which organization focuses on ethical conduct of its members?", "what is the purpose of a marketing association", "what is a marketing association", "american marketing association definition of norms", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "who is american marketing association", "define a marketing association", "american marketing association definition", "american marketing association definition", "why is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association standards", "what is the american marketing association's purpose", "who is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "definition of ethical standards", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association?", "what is the purpose of a marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the purpose of the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "what is the american marketing association", "why is the american marketing association a legitimate organization", "american marketing association definition responsibilities", "what is the american marketing association", "american marketing association definition", "what is american marketing association", "what is the meaning of the american marketing association" ]
[ 3.3677277565, -3.5836265087, 3.3677277565, -0.3455088437, 3.0450527668, 1.3890295029, 3.3677277565, 0.6371874809, 1.3890295029, 0.7269731164, 3.167453289, 2.9272072315, 3.0450527668, 0.92702353, -2.713337183, 3.0450527668, 0.6138468385, 2.2121868134, 3.0450527668, 3.3677277565, 0.7668489218, 1.1357622147, 1.9959853888, 0.3682588041, 1.9659756422, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 3.3225018978, 2.230440855, 3.0450527668, 2.6099669933, -0.5854556561, 3.4734845161, 4.1171751022, 3.0450527668, 1.9659756422, 3.3677277565, 3.0450527668, -0.5117565989, 3.0450527668, -0.5479562879, 1.3890295029, -7.1122546196, -2.713337183, 3.0326828957, 1.8102257252, 1.2541233301, 2.6040849686, 0.6191721559, 2.1757466793, 1.9659756422, 3.5153551102, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 1.4216806889, 0.6210052967, 1.8824920654, 1.8824920654, 2.9785442352, 2.727159977, 3.2176105976, 1.3890295029, 3.0450527668, -1.9624209404, 3.4734845161, 2.1757466793, 3.0450527668, 3.3677277565, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 3.0450527668, 0.0565209277, 0.7348155379, 3.0450527668, 1.8824920654, 2.8955800533, 0.9573727846 ]
[ "ethical values definition", "what is the role of integrity for consumers", "what is the importance of the ethical perspective in business", "what is the definition of the core values", "what is the basic definition of ethical marketing?", "what are core values", "what does ethical mean in marketing", "what is ethical ad", "what are key ethical values in marketing", "what is the meaning of an ethical marketing", "what is the value for marketers", "what are the core values of marketing", "what are the core values of marketing", "what is the u.s. ethical code", "what is the purpose of core values", "what is the value of ethics", "what is marketing core values", "definition ethical values", "what is the core value of marketing", "what are the core ethical values", "what are core values in marketing", "definition of ethical values", "what is the role of the ethical consumer?", "what is the core concept of ethical marketing", "ethical values for consumer", "what is the core ethical values for marketing", "what is ethics", "definition of ethical marketing", "what is the purpose of a business ethics statement?", "what are the principles of a econ", "what is the value of ethical marketing", "define the following core values", "why is it important to promote integrity in marketing", "how do ethical principles work", "what is the role of ethical values", "what are the ethical values of marketing", "what is the importance of ethics in marketing", "ethics in marketing meaning", "what are the core values of marketing?", "what are some of the core values of a marketing organization?", "what is ethics in marketing", "ethical values definition", "what are the ethical values of marketing?", "what is ethical marketing", "what's the core values for marketing", "ethical values define", "what is the importance of marketing core values", "what is marketing core values", "what is marketing ethical values", "ethics marketing definition", "what is a core value in marketing", "what is the core value of marketing", "ethical values", "what is meant by the term ethics", "define ethical values in marketing", "why a firm must have ethical values", "what is marketing integrity", "what is the core principles of integrity?", "what is a marketing core value", "which of the following is an ethical value in marketing", "what is the importance of recognizing ethical values", "what is the basic ethical values of marketing", "why is ethical marketing important?", "ethical marketing definition", "what is a core business value", "how do you build relationships with consumers?", "define ethical consumer behavior", "what are core values for marketing", "what's the definition of ethical", "what is the purpose of ethical values", "what is marketing ethics", "why are ethical values important", "what is the purpose of promoting ethically", "what are core values", "what is the ethical principles in marketing", "ethics in marketing definition", "what is ethic values", "what is the ethical definition of marketing", "what is ethical values in marketing", "defining a good business" ]
[ 2.4171028137, -1.2206944227, -3.4130196571, -0.9470905066, -1.164760232, 1.3950476646, 1.8556665182, -2.4019172192, 3.963442564, 1.1058354378, -1.4581259489, 3.9013023376, 3.9013023376, -5.8001952171, -0.6156767607, 2.0548977852, 2.125692606, 2.209097147, 2.7108786106, 3.8621408939, 3.8167676926, 1.7426377535, -0.7009029984, 1.0574760437, 3.9083228111, 3.9764084816, -1.4839869738, 0.0317960717, -5.5494384766, -9.9272661209, 3.4205403328, 0.0720752925, 1.4605715275, -2.3798420429, 1.8175706863, 4.633939743, 1.1380976439, 1.9571942091, 3.9783341885, 2.165604353, 2.1666548252, 2.4171030521, 4.7711448669, 1.0369333029, 3.7016201019, 2.5735833645, 1.2270754576, 2.1256937981, 3.5525383949, -0.2760221064, 2.601483345, 2.7108786106, 5.1395998001, -1.8987020254, 3.720192194, 0.1256801337, 0.1803510636, -0.1685410589, 1.4182862043, 3.5428292751, 0.5166591406, 3.0165889263, 1.3142143488, 0.1389047951, -2.2693126202, 1.9254209995, -2.0567500591, 3.7464153767, -2.1629226208, 2.1429469585, 1.0098466873, 1.6662646532, -3.1812925339, 1.395047307, 2.1529028416, 0.9706671834, 2.4031252861, 0.38682127, 4.2000570297, -8.1422405243 ]
[ "why a company should protect its ecological environment", "how is the global environmental movement changing", "why do we promote environmental awareness", "what is the environment and the need for it", "what is the main purpose of sustainability in the supply chain?", "how to protect the environment in marketing", "how to improve the environment", "how to protect environment in marketing", "how to protect the environment", "what is the u.s. role in the environment?", "how to protect the environment", "what is the purpose of the global trade organization?", "which environment does a market need", "what is the importance of environmental awareness", "where does the production chain work", "how to promote sustainable development in the world", "what is sustainable production", "what are the major challenges of global trade in agriculture", "what is our role in addressing the environment", "how to help environment in marketing", "what is sustainable trade", "what is the purpose of the environment protection act?", "what is the purpose of environmental responsibility?", "why is it necessary for the supply chain to protect the environment", "what is a sustainable trade", "how do we protect the environment", "what should we do to protect the ecological environment?", "what is the importance of the environment?", "how to protect our environment", "how is trade fair", "why are environmental awareness and environmental awareness important to the development of sustainable products?", "what is the role of sustainable manufacturing in developing economies", "what should we do to protect the environment", "what we want to do to protect the environment", "how to protect the environment", "what are the challenges of sustainable agriculture", "environmental issues versus responsibilities", "what do environmental groups do", "what is the role of sustainability in trade", "what is sustainable development", "how to do sustainable development", "what is a good environmental policy", "what is a sustainable industry", "what are some ways that we can contribute to the environment?", "how can we improve the environment in our world", "which is a goal of the eu", "what is the importance of environmental responsibility", "what's the definition of sustainability", "how to protect the environment", "how does the world economy help the environment", "how to promote sustainability in the production sector", "what is a sustainable supply chain strategy?", "do we help the environment or the market", "why do stds want to protect environment", "what is the purpose of the environmental campaign", "what does the supply chain do", "what does environmental protection mean", "what is the goal of the sustainability program?", "do food producers in developing countries have to be sustainable", "how to promote sustainable trade in the world", "what is the main purpose behind the ecotourism movement", "what is sustainable production practices", "which of the following is an example of a sustainability strategy", "what we can do about the environment", "which environmental issue is important for trade", "why do we need environmental awareness", "what is our goal in the supply chain", "how does the environment impact production", "what is the importance of environmental awareness", "what is the environmental responsibility of the food industry", "what is the primary purpose of global trade", "what is the goal of the environmental movement and why does it need to be done?", "what is the primary purpose of a sustainable supply chain", "what is a sustainable marketing", "what is the main goal of the trade association?", "what is the importance of the environment", "what must we do in the food trade", "how can environmental protection be achieved", "why should we protect the environment", "what is the importance of environmental sustainability for the environment?" ]
[ 0.2516946495, -9.3448343277, -3.3455069065, -5.4009847641, -1.9378713369, 3.3688371181, -2.3257200718, 3.1628158092, 1.62576437, -6.4732956886, 1.62576437, -5.2416787148, -0.6270067692, -7.5518193245, -5.2217783928, -5.1589689255, -6.2877540588, -7.2687630653, -2.9459824562, 2.7496945858, -4.0646481514, -6.1452617645, -6.1859240532, -0.0985172093, -4.1385364532, 2.6714560986, 3.7341165543, -4.9608101845, 1.6845673323, -0.7673128247, -4.1589298248, -6.0461535454, 2.2244510651, 1.9702688456, 1.62576437, -9.0300350189, -9.2791662216, -5.0240893364, -3.4842979908, -7.2306637764, -5.7445073128, -7.6247425079, -7.4705071449, -0.4380199611, -1.633010745, -9.3275947571, -6.9170422554, -6.778605938, 1.62576437, -2.9463269711, -4.0698099136, -3.3865280151, 1.2966872454, -7.2228322029, -0.9699639678, 0.4059122205, -6.2140359879, -6.4527196884, -3.2638027668, -2.2077732086, -6.5875267982, -6.7451786995, -7.6946959496, 0.5388675928, -1.9162502289, -6.2086462975, 1.2788969278, -3.5727441311, -7.5518202782, -6.2499322891, -4.8165297508, -5.5286192894, -2.9117481709, -3.4391517639, -4.9845557213, -4.9226064682, -1.5235490799, -4.3717556, 0.2940718532, -7.0164809227 ]
[ "who is impossible to ignore", "when is impossible to ignore", "what is possible to ignore", "impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore ad", "what's the impossible to ignore forum", "is it possible to ignore", "what week is impossible to ignore ad week", "what is the impossible to ignore forum?", "what week is impossible to overlook", "what is a difficult to ignore forum?", "how effective is traditional ad media", "what is impossible to ignore", "what week is impossible to ignore", "who is impossible to ignore", "what's the impossible to ignore forum", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is a difficult to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore", "what media is used to promote ads", "what is the impossible to ignore forum called", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what's the impossible to ignore ad", "what is the issue of ad media?", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is ad week", "what is impossible to ignore?", "when is impossible to ignore ad week", "what is impossible to ignore", "which industry is the impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is impossible to ignore forum", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "how can you ignore traditional advertising", "when is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what's the impossible to ignore forum", "what is possible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore ad", "what's the impossible to ignore forum", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "why is the impossible to ignore forum", "what week is impossible to ignore?", "what's the impossible to ignore forum for", "what is the impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is the impossible to ignore program", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is impossible to ignore?", "what ad industry does impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is impossible to ignore", "what are the most effective ad techniques", "what is the impossibility to ignore?", "what is difficult to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is impossible to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "what is meant by impossible to ignore", "what was the impossible to ignore", "what is an impossible to ignore ad", "what is impossible to ignore", "which ad techniques are most effective for ad placement?", "why is an effective ad technique important", "what is difficult to ignore", "what's the impossible to ignore forum?", "what is difficult to ignore", "what is the impossible to ignore forum", "who was an influential leader in the media industry", "what week is impossible to ignore", "who are the industry leaders who are addressing ad techniques", "which ad media has most effective" ]
[ -2.1986722946, -3.0276608467, 0.5123093128, 0.7286801934, -0.6058452725, 2.0712177753, 1.6925529242, 1.9413281679, 1.9917857647, 0.0452802181, 1.1492663622, -4.1248836517, -0.8867296576, 2.2545697689, -2.1986722946, 2.0712177753, -0.8867296576, -0.8867296576, -0.8867296576, -1.3095442057, -0.2272618413, -3.8467392921, 1.0545998812, -0.8867296576, 1.7716194391, 0.3121638, -4.396777153, -0.8867296576, 1.7716194391, 0.0690475851, -0.7345858812, -0.500793457, -0.8867296576, 0.8391740322, -0.8867296576, 1.7716194391, 0.9703847766, -0.8867296576, -0.8867296576, -0.7285624743, -0.3033548594, 1.7716194391, 2.0712177753, 0.5123093128, -0.6058452725, 2.0712177753, 1.7716194391, -0.8878620267, 2.2532837391, 1.3979802132, -0.2272618413, 1.7716194391, -0.7307654619, -0.8867296576, 1.7716194391, -0.7345858812, 0.9453724027, 1.7716194391, -0.8867296576, -3.1529667377, 0.6823703647, -1.5825449228, -0.8867296576, -0.8867296576, -0.8867276311, 1.771619916, -0.6948907375, -0.1382914335, -0.1154038757, -0.8867276311, -3.4548552036, -5.2685256004, -1.5825425386, 2.2229881287, -1.5825425386, 1.771619916, -5.9018597603, 2.2545702457, -0.0571765713, -5.4749555588 ]
[ "what is the meaning of above the fold in e-mail", "what is the difference between above the fold and below the fold", "why is above the fold important", "where is the fold of an email", "what is the definition of above the fold", "what is above the fold of an email", "which word refers to the portion of an email that is above the fold?", "what is above the fold for email", "what does above the fold mean on email", "what is the difference between above the fold and below the fold in affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold on an email", "what is the difference between above the fold and above the fold?", "what is above the fold of an email", "what is the above fold", "what is the definition for above the fold", "what is the difference between above the fold and below the fold", "what is above the fold in marketing", "what is above the fold in a business", "what is above the fold?", "what is fold", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold", "which term describes the part of an email message that is visible without scrolling down the page", "what is above the fold", "what is the difference between below the fold and above the fold", "what is above the fold", "why is above the fold necessary", "define above the fold on an email", "define above the fold", "what is the term above the fold used for", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold in affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold", "what does above the fold mean?", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold mean", "what is above the fold on a e-mail", "what is above the fold", "what is below the fold", "what is above the fold", "definition of above the fold for", "what is above the fold in marketing", "affiliate marketing definitions and examples", "what is the term above the fold", "what is above the fold in marketing", "what is above the fold", "what is the meaning of above the fold", "what is above the fold of an email", "what is above the fold in affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold in affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold in affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold", "what is the above fold", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold mean", "what are terms of affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold for affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold of a business", "what is above the fold for email", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold in affiliate marketing", "what is above the fold email", "affiliate marketing definition", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold mean", "what is the difference between above fold and under fold", "what is above the fold of a web page?", "what is above the fold", "how affiliate terms", "what is the above the fold in affiliate marketing?", "affiliate marketing definition", "what is above the fold on an email", "what is above the fold", "what is above the fold in marketing", "what is the purpose of above the fold mean", "what is above the fold on an email", "what type of term is above the fold", "what is above the fold in email", "what is the definition of above the fold in affiliate marketing" ]
[ 3.6160695553, 0.88988626, 4.3287363052, -0.1827288419, 4.2082791328, 3.976670742, 1.1656184196, 3.8330349922, 3.7928023338, 1.4068599939, 3.859795332, 1.732104063, 3.976670742, 4.3452281952, 3.8729465008, 0.88988626, 4.6571359634, 2.3870639801, 4.9791326523, -0.8600792289, 4.8495135307, 4.8495135307, 4.2693967819, 4.8495135307, 1.009328723, 4.8495135307, 1.4785872698, 3.7925372124, 4.576259613, 2.9876861572, 4.8495135307, 5.1678791046, 4.8495130539, 4.6548089981, 4.8495130539, 4.5280776024, 3.7602853775, 4.8495130539, -1.3537098169, 4.8495130539, 3.6201572418, 4.6571359634, -1.1423037052, 4.7519946098, 4.6571359634, 4.8495130539, 4.2668480873, 3.9766690731, 5.1678771973, 4.8495135307, 5.1678771973, 5.1678771973, 4.8495135307, 4.3452291489, 4.8495135307, 4.5280780792, 3.0669236183, 5.0283122063, 2.1980359554, 3.8330352306, 4.8495135307, 5.1678771973, 3.6535308361, -1.5001120567, 4.8495130539, 4.5280776024, -0.6700223684, 4.0723481178, 4.8495130539, 0.9662572742, 5.0550765991, -1.500113368, 3.8597962856, 4.8495130539, 4.6571359634, 1.3466410637, 3.8597962856, 1.9516898394, 3.9447011948, 4.6476736069 ]
[ "what is an alloy metal", "which type of material is aluminum", "which alloy has characteristics that are important for metal bending?", "what are aluminium alloys made for", "which of the following is a characteristic of a aluminum alloy?", "what is aluminum used for in everyday life", "what is the difference between aluminum alloys and aluminum plate", "what are the properties of aluminium", "what is aluminium", "different types of aluminum alloys", "what is an aluminum alloy", "different types of metals and alloys", "what is aluminum alloy", "can aluminum be used to produce a forged rim?", "what is aluminum alloys used for", "what type of material is aluminum", "what is an aluminum alloy", "what are the types of aluminum alloys", "what is the difference between aluminum and zinc alloy?", "which are the properties of aluminum", "what is aluminium a material", "what are aluminum alloys", "what are aluminum alloys", "different types of metals", "what are aluminiums?", "which are the characteristics of aluminum", "what metals are categorized by their properties", "which metals are classified according to different characteristics?", "types of aluminum alloy", "what is the difference between alloy alumina and brass", "what is aluminum alloy?", "what is the properties of aluminum", "types of aluminum alloys", "what type of material is aluminum", "what types of properties are associated with metals?", "what is the different types of alloys", "what properties are found in alloys", "what properties distinguish aluminum", "what is aluminum alloy", "which type of alloy is aluminum", "what are the properties of aluminum alloys", "what metal is aluminum", "what is the main difference between aluminum and titanium?", "which metal group does an aluminum alloy belong to?", "what is aluminum", "what kind of metal is aluminum", "what is the characteristics of aluminum", "what are the characteristics of alloying", "why are alloys different", "what is the main characteristic of an aluminum alloy", "what are the properties of aluminium", "what is a alloy made of", "what is the difference between aluminum and tungsten?", "what is aluminum", "what is aluminum a alloy", "what is the different types of metals", "what are different types of metals", "what are the different types of aluminum", "different kinds of aluminum", "what makes up aluminum alloy", "what is the alloying properties of aluminum", "different types of aluminum", "what is the difference between aluminum and copper", "what are some characteristics of aluminum", "what is a alloys of aluminum", "what is the difference between aluminum and aluminum oxide", "what is an aluminium alloy used for", "what metals are used in aluminum alloys?", "what are aluminum alloys made of", "what is an alloy of aluminum", "what is aluminum alloy slang", "what is alloys", "what is an aluminum alloy", "what types of alloys are in aluminum", "different types of alloys", "what is aluminum alloy", "what metals can be formed from steel", "what is the difference between a metal and an alloy", "what is the difference between aluminum and magnesium alloys", "what is the main material for aluminum" ]
[ -2.73209095, 0.3569973111, -4.1370820999, -0.8359203935, 2.5027248859, -6.6719031334, -2.5434353352, 0.3799503148, -2.2384126186, -1.0782053471, 1.3959405422, -2.2723371983, 1.3721601963, -9.9570350647, 0.3760116994, 0.4345975816, 1.3959405422, 0.6853930354, -4.1129732132, 0.1458343267, -0.2358966023, 2.2432053089, 2.2432053089, -5.2398281097, -3.6781680584, 1.831966877, -1.8536776304, -2.2409088612, -0.3719215989, -8.442568779, 1.2938706875, -0.3870640695, -0.2373431772, 0.4345983565, -5.8136320114, -1.5655889511, -0.5628433228, -1.7683188915, 1.3721616268, 0.5788964033, 2.823472023, -2.6032555103, -6.0878429413, 0.3793125451, -3.111107111, -1.4209653139, 1.4919317961, 0.2526704073, -2.0692927837, 2.0956575871, 0.3799509704, -2.016648531, -6.0688757896, -3.111107111, 1.681114316, -5.1383481026, -5.4519081116, -0.8879964948, -1.5498628616, 0.1559241265, 1.0826724768, -1.6811155081, -6.8202152252, 1.5602058172, 1.2737600803, -7.7280430794, 0.191809684, -1.6567108631, -0.644161284, 1.3898739815, -5.2971205711, -2.279011488, 1.3959414959, -0.3957912028, -1.3411279917, 1.3721616268, -7.7684087753, -4.2191338539, -4.05554533, -0.9393923283 ]
[ "what is the name of the alloys", "what alloy has a base metal", "what is alloys alphabetically", "what are alloys grouped by", "which metals are named alloys", "what metal are alloys", "which is an alloy grouped alphabetically?", "what is the classification by alloy group?", "what is alloy alphabetically arranged", "list of alloy metals alphabetically", "what is the classification & classification for alloys", "what is the name for the alloy", "what is the name of an alloy", "what is the main group of alloys", "what are alloys grouped alphabetically", "what is alloys and what are its elements", "what is a name for the elements that are made of metal", "what types of metals are alloys made of", "what is the name of a numbered alloy", "what are alloys", "what is the name of alloys", "what is the naming of a ring alloy", "what is an alloy list", "what is the alphabetical list of alloys", "what's an alloy", "what is the alphabetical order of alloys", "what are the names of all alloys", "which group of metals is an alloy", "list of the most common chemical groups", "what is the name of the metal grouped alphabetically", "which metals are named alloys", "which is the most useful list of alloys", "what type of alloy is a steel", "what is alloys alphabetical", "what is the name for an alloy?", "what is the classification of alloys", "which alloys are grouped alphabetically by base metal", "what are names of alloys", "what is the difference between a base metal and an alloy", "which is the most common element of the alloy", "are alloys alphabetical", "names of metals and alloys", "which metal are alloys", "what is the name of an alloy", "where is alloy list in wikipedia", "which metal is named alloy", "what is alloy names", "what elements are grouped alphabetically", "how many named alloys", "what are the names of metals in alloys", "what are alloys", "what is the difference between alloy and alloy", "types of alloying elements", "what are alloys", "what are the names of all the metals on the periodic table", "where are named alloys", "what are alloy", "how many different metals are there to make different alloys", "types of alloys", "which alloy is the hardest?", "which elements are classified alphabetically", "what is the names of alloys", "list of alloys alphabetically", "what is an alloy", "what is the alloy alphabet", "what is the name of the element in an alloy", "what are alloys", "list of metals alphabetically", "which base metal is an alloy", "what is the name for alloy", "what is the alphabetical order of an alloy", "which base metal has the most alloys", "what is the name of the base metal in the base metal table?", "what is the alloys alphabetical", "why are alloys named alphabetically", "what is the difference between an alloy and an alloy?", "what is the classification of alloys", "what metal is alloy?", "what are the names of alloys", "are alloys grouped alphabetically" ]
[ 0.4398170412, 0.9307663441, 1.2392189503, 3.6817262173, 1.7823574543, 0.5889804363, 3.2972002029, -1.4794077873, 1.1483412981, 2.1712255478, -2.7274250984, -0.5381757617, -0.3278090358, -0.2432323098, 3.0595290661, -1.5226941109, -2.0609664917, -1.5236834288, -3.0386910439, -1.3564757109, 0.227934882, -5.690762043, 1.2908722162, 1.9629695415, -2.3302798271, 0.5345960259, -0.3695997, 1.4009948969, -6.8392891884, 1.6432658434, 1.7823588848, -2.3254020214, -4.3668308258, 1.1251363754, -0.3004612029, -2.2953076363, 2.6817176342, 0.5197104216, -3.2226142883, -1.5114629269, 3.514351368, 0.4166498482, 0.8930002451, -0.3278094828, 1.1040233374, 1.9875530005, -0.4079725146, 1.6060214043, -1.565877676, 0.9332181215, -1.3564757109, -5.4590158463, -1.4339008331, -1.3564757109, -4.0997180939, 1.0513602495, -2.368994236, -3.2225759029, -1.3908590078, -4.7186465263, -0.5965830684, 0.6985706091, 2.7108776569, -2.5435087681, 0.1722504944, -0.0114907371, -1.356475234, 1.133108139, 0.8358351588, -0.7562396526, 0.1257946491, -1.1845611334, -0.5959337354, 1.4885293245, 0.419026792, -5.2772216797, -2.2953057289, 0.2123621255, 0.9023667574, 4.2638540268 ]
[ "what is aluminum", "what kind of metal is aluminum", "what kind of metal is aluminum", "what is aluminum", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "what is the specific gravity for aluminum", "what metal is a metal with a specific gravity of 2.7", "what kind of metal is aluminum", "what are some metals that are malleable", "what is aluminium", "what is aluminum", "what is aluminum", "what is aluminum made of", "what makes aluminum a metal?", "what metal is silver", "how is aluminum different than other metals", "what is the metal o aluminum", "what is the chemical makeup of aluminium", "what type of metal is aluminum", "what metals resist corrosion", "what type of metal is aluminum?", "what is the specific gravity of aluminium", "what is aluminum used for", "what metal is abrasive", "what color is aluminum", "what is the specific gravity for aluminum", "what is the difference between metal and silver", "is aluminum metal a metal", "what is aluminium made of", "what is aluminum?", "what kind of metal is aluminum", "what type of metal is aluminum", "what metal is silver", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "what is the alloy of aluminum", "what kind of metal is aluminum", "what metal is malleable", "what metals are malleable", "what is metal made from", "what metal is silverish-white", "what is aluminum", "how is aluminum", "what is aluminum?", "what is the chemical property of aluminum", "what is aluminium made of", "what metal is a good resistance to corrosion", "what metal is malleable", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "what is the properties of aluminum", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "is aluminum malleable", "what metal is silver", "what is aluminum a metal", "what type of metal is aluminum", "is aluminum malleable", "what is the specific gravity of aluminium", "is aluminum malleable", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "what metal is a metal", "what metal is made out of a metal", "what is aluminium metal", "what metal is malleable", "what is the specific gravity of aluminum", "what is the metal aluminum", "what makes aluminum durable?", "difference between gold and aluminum", "what is aluminum", "what is aluminum", "what kind of metal is aluminum?", "what is the specific gravity of steel vs aluminum", "what is the difference between gold and aluminum", "which metal is malleable", "what is aluminium?", "what metal is silver ?", "what is aluminum made of", "what metal is silver", "what metals are malleable?", "what is aluminum a metal", "what type of metals are metals" ]
[ 5.3398590088, 3.5990350246, 3.5990350246, 5.3398590088, 3.3725810051, 3.2016141415, 2.0565364361, 3.5990350246, 0.609528482, 5.1436758041, 5.3398590088, 5.3398590088, 0.8109258413, 1.6911213398, -1.0060096979, 1.8489125967, 0.6276207566, -3.1333112717, 3.4325237274, 2.1935732365, 3.3922626972, 3.2939362526, -0.3794804811, -6.2841024399, 2.7773406506, 3.2016146183, -3.9010803699, 3.7897670269, 0.7584780455, 4.5141468048, 3.5990338326, 3.4325237274, -1.0060135126, 3.3725795746, -2.783749342, 3.5990338326, 1.626201272, 1.3535959721, -2.2627594471, 3.3116466999, 5.3398594856, 2.8999733925, 4.5141468048, -2.5425319672, 0.7584780455, 3.2050609589, 1.626201272, 3.3725795746, 0.9920950532, 3.3725795746, 3.3725795746, 3.8525824547, -1.0060135126, 4.484951973, 3.4325237274, 3.8525824547, 3.2939362526, 3.8525824547, 3.3725795746, 0.4171528518, -1.0997461081, 4.4030895233, 1.626201272, 3.3725795746, 3.6339669228, -1.715294838, 0.4036906064, 5.3398594856, 5.3398594856, 3.5716383457, 1.8862034082, 0.8328255415, 1.7999900579, 4.4595141411, -1.3373188972, 0.81092906, -1.0060135126, 1.2183834314, 4.484951973, -0.5785413384 ]
[ "what temperature does aluminum get hot", "what is the difference between aluminum and brass", "what is the temperature of aluminum", "what is the temperature of aluminum to make it hard to corrode", "what temperature does it need to make aluminum", "what temperature will aluminum be corroded", "what is the temperature of aluminum", "which temperature is used to make aluminum?", "why is aluminum ductility important at low temperatures?", "at what temperature is an aluminum alloy corroded", "at what temperature does aluminum lose strength", "at what temperature does aluminum corrosion", "at what temp does aluminum become corrosion", "what temperature does aluminium corrosion occur", "what is the ideal temperature to rust an aluminum alloy", "at what temperature does aluminum corrosion occur", "is aluminum corrosion resistant", "at what temperature does aluminum alloy get corroded", "what is the temperature range of aluminium", "what temperature can you heat aluminium to", "what is the highest temperature aluminium", "what is the difference between steel and aluminum", "what is the strength of alumina", "what temperature does aluminum wear out", "at what temperature can alloys be exposed to weather", "what temp and what temperature do the metal alloys get heated", "what is the highest temperature aluminum", "does aluminum have a ductility", "what is the best temperature to make aluminum", "what temperature can you corrode aluminum", "at what temperature does aluminum lose its ductility and strength", "what temperature to use aluminum", "which temperature does aluminum lose its ductility?", "how does aluminum resist heat", "what temperature is aluminum good for", "why is aluminum used as a ductile material", "what is the temperature and strength of aluminum", "at what temperature does aluminum become ductile", "at what temperature is aluminum a good material to work with", "at what temperature does aluminum get hot", "how hot does aluminum get at", "what is the difference between an aluminum alloy and a steel plate?", "what temperature is aluminum", "what temperature is aluminum corrosion resistant", "what is the highest temperature an aluminum alloy can reach?", "what temperature does aluminum rust", "what is the highest temperature for aluminum", "what makes aluminum ductile", "how long does it take for aluminum to rust", "what type of corrosion does aluminum have", "why do alloys have a strong resistance to corrosion", "what is the temperature for aluminum?", "what is the temperature range for aluminum", "what is the most difficult temperature for an aluminum plate", "what temperature do aluminum alloys rust", "what temperature does aluminum corrosion occur?", "what temperature does aluminum get cold", "what is the temperature of aluminum", "temperature for alumina vs aluminum", "what temperature does aluminum melt", "what temperature does aluminum corrosion", "why is aluminum useful to use at low temperatures?", "what is the highest temperature of aluminum", "what are the temperature for aluminum", "what temperature will aluminum get to", "what is the temperature of a aluminum plate", "at what temp does aluminum wear out", "at what temperature is aluminum usually stronger", "what temperature do aluminum alloys need to be kept at", "is aluminum ductile", "what is the conductive resistance to aluminum", "what is the temperature of aluminum", "what temperature is aluminum a good option for low temperature applications", "what is the temperature for aluminum", "what temperature does aluminium corrosion", "what temp does aluminum wear out", "what is the best temperature to use aluminum", "how temperature is it to use aluminum", "what temperature is aluminum good for", "what is the most important temperature to keep an alloy in" ]
[ 0.2605017722, -5.9841485023, 2.7820160389, -0.2134116739, 1.6355400085, -0.3459353149, 2.7820160389, 2.041216135, 1.5056329966, 1.4508000612, 3.3534801006, 1.646042943, 1.3737099171, 0.7879862189, 1.0578660965, 0.7471374869, 2.7334325314, 1.3004398346, 2.0948691368, 0.9069802761, 1.9002696276, -4.0529332161, -6.9537463188, -1.0386109352, -2.2318882942, -0.4605288804, 1.8583868742, 3.4074909687, 1.8558647633, -0.3041375577, 3.3440842628, 2.0463309288, 2.4101901054, -0.8230003119, 2.0112857819, -0.3357433379, 2.6774408817, 2.0134365559, 0.9122952223, 0.4316009581, 1.0878423452, -4.1051325798, 2.8499276638, 2.3405470848, 2.5530788898, -0.7507622242, 2.1142334938, 0.7517552972, -6.0964074135, -0.3221573532, 3.7108979225, 2.5342671871, 2.0487289429, -2.2597548962, 0.8258479834, 0.5878484845, -0.4906254709, 2.7820155621, -2.8203527927, -0.2091461122, 1.3215537071, 3.1829938889, 2.0631725788, 2.7040817738, 1.6011785269, -0.7541535497, -0.5139725208, 2.4206566811, 1.9600561857, 1.6668407917, -4.7990264893, 2.7820155621, 1.2949711084, 2.774736166, 1.514115572, -1.1251195669, 1.4834060669, 1.6339806318, 2.0112857819, -1.0233834982 ]
[ "what are alloys", "what is the alphabet for alloys", "what is the difference between an alloy and a forged ring?", "what are alloys list", "what are names of metals and alloys", "what is an alloy list", "what is the alphabetical list of alloys", "what is the alloy list", "what are the different types of alloys", "what is alloys for?", "what are some metals grouped alphabetically by", "what is a list of alloys", "what is the list of names of alloys?", "which list of metals is alphabetical", "what is the alloy list", "what is the name given to the base metals", "list of alloys in chemistry", "are alloys grouped alphabetically", "list of all metals", "which elements are listed alphabetically?", "what is the main group of alloys", "list of different alloys", "what is the list of alloys", "what's the definition of alloy", "what is the list of alloys", "what is the difference between alloys and metals", "what is a base metal", "which elements are listed alphabetically with base metals", "what are alloys", "what is an alloy", "what are alloys", "what is the classification for alloy", "what is the alloy wiki", "what metals are grouped alphabetically", "list of metal elements", "what are alloys", "what is an alloys", "what is list of alloys", "what are the metals that have alloys", "what is alloy name", "where does the alphabetical list of alloys begin?", "what is the list of alloy metals", "list of alloys arranged alphabetically", "what is the name of the alloy?", "what are alloys", "what is the classification of alloys", "what are the metals names", "what are alloys and their names", "which list of elements is based on bases", "what is the alphabet for all alloys", "what is alloys", "what is the list of alloys alphabetically", "are alloys listed alphabetically", "what is alloys", "different types of metals", "what is the alloy list", "what are alloys?", "what are alloys", "what is the name of the alloy?", "what is the name of alloys", "which is the alphabetical spelled out list of alloys", "what are the different types of metals", "what is a list of alloys", "what is the alphabet of alloys", "what are the alloys", "what is alloy", "which is a list of alloys?", "how are alloys related", "what is alloy list", "list of alloys", "what alloy names are alphabetically", "what is the atomic alloy list", "what is alloy name", "what are the names of alloys", "what is a classification of all alloys", "how is alloy classified in chemistry", "what is the main group of alloys", "where are alloys grouped", "what is the list of alloys", "what is alloys" ]
[ -0.3303689063, -0.0294817239, -10.2094516754, 3.3325181007, 0.261041522, 3.6437356472, 3.0031836033, 3.5644395351, -2.2142369747, -2.5020983219, 2.1338512897, 4.5806450844, 3.065113306, 1.2055366039, 3.5644395351, -1.9119982719, 1.9294477701, 4.1841435432, -1.6309944391, 0.5150017142, -0.4556232989, 1.3679512739, 4.4632172585, -4.9564180374, 4.4632172585, -5.7574501038, -2.4724161625, 1.0810931921, -0.3303689063, -1.9033882618, -0.3303689063, -3.6927928925, -2.0709168911, 2.2074863911, -0.0594710447, -0.3303689063, -1.3411058187, 4.5664224625, -0.4086999893, -0.9709720016, 0.1031925231, 2.8308560848, 2.7893652916, 0.0074630561, -0.3303689063, -2.0969672203, -1.883155942, 0.1169420257, -2.1887140274, -0.8715153933, -0.8364962339, 3.5631012917, 4.1961541176, -0.8364962339, -3.8346636295, 3.5644395351, -1.1460534334, -0.3303689063, 0.0074630561, 0.4354476035, 0.6832793951, -4.3989977837, 4.5806450844, 0.7032513022, 0.1858520359, -1.966175437, 3.6056506634, -3.2284173965, 3.4760017395, 4.7372784615, 1.0090628862, -1.7170362473, -0.9709720016, 0.9378781319, -3.0379579067, -2.1336209774, -0.4556232989, 2.2225525379, 4.4632172585, -0.8364962339 ]
[ "which aluminums are heat treatable", "what metals are heat treatable", "types aluminum castings", "what is the difference between cast and heat treated metals", "what aluminum is heat treatable", "what alloy is heat treated", "wrought cast aluminum alloys", "what steels are heat treatable", "what type of alloys are heat treatable", "types of aluminum alloy", "what alloys are heat treatable", "what alloys are heat treatable", "what alloy is wrought aluminum", "what type of metal is used to heat treat aluminum", "what is 2xxx alloy", "different types of aluminum alloys", "which type of alloy is heat treatable", "are aluminum alloys heat treating", "different types of metals", "what alloys are heat treated", "what aluminum alloys are heat treated", "what is wrought aluminum", "different alloy types for wrought aluminum", "what kind of alloy is 7xx", "what is wrought aluminum", "are cast aluminum alloys heat treatable", "what is the difference in cast vs wrought aluminum", "what aluminum alloys are heat treated", "what is the difference between heat treatable and non heat treatable", "is cast aluminum heat treatable", "what is the difference between cast aluminum and wrought aluminum", "what is the difference between wrought and non heat treatable aluminum", "what is the heat treatable aluminum", "types of aluminum alloys", "what steel is heat treatable", "what is heat treatable aluminum", "what alloys are heat treatable", "what is heat treatable aluminum", "what aluminum is heat treated", "what metal is treated with heat", "what are metals treated with heat", "how many series are heat treated aluminum", "are cast aluminum alloys heat resistant", "is 2xx aluminum heat treated", "types of cast alloys", "what metal is heat treated", "how is cast aluminum treated", "what is heat treatable aluminum", "what is 3xx metal", "what is the difference between wrought and non wrought aluminum alloy", "are alloys heat treatable", "are wrought alloys heat treatable", "are wrought aluminum alloys heat treatable", "what metal is treated heat", "what is heat treatable wrought aluminum", "is wrought aluminum heat treated", "what is alloys made of", "what metals are heat treatable", "are aluminum castings heat treatable", "what is the difference in cast and cast aluminum", "what metal is heat treatable", "what is the difference between wrought aluminum and casting aluminium", "what is wrought aluminum", "what alloys are heat treated", "which aluminum series is heat treatable", "what is the difference between wrought and non-wrought aluminum", "which alloy is heat treated and non heat treated aluminum?", "which cast aluminum is heat treatable", "which aluminum is heat treatable", "are aluminium alloys heat treatable", "what alloy is heat treatable", "is wrought aluminum heat treatable", "is 6xxx heat treatable", "which alloy is heat treatable", "what is non heat treatable aluminum", "is alloy heat treatable", "is 4xxx heat treatable", "what is the heat treatable aluminum alloys", "different wrought aluminum series", "what is heat treatable aluminum wrought alloy" ]
[ 3.4976279736, 2.7130265236, 1.1645607948, -0.390598774, 2.7479941845, 2.9030735493, 3.1480002403, 1.2610803843, 3.9801530838, 2.5256803036, 4.6306753159, 4.6306753159, 3.6529424191, 1.2069977522, 1.2513903379, 1.990577817, 3.690731287, 4.4970240593, -4.7471580505, 3.6443924904, 3.9860229492, 0.0779930055, 3.3180947304, 1.2575831413, 0.0779930055, 4.9514551163, 0.7618866563, 3.9860229492, 0.5901094675, 3.6397073269, 0.6803165078, 1.3020191193, 1.2668968439, 2.756633997, 0.055208195, 0.514719367, 4.6306753159, 0.514719367, 1.69185853, 0.8920128942, 0.7374759316, 1.5079115629, 1.7605600357, 2.9407641888, 2.1062705517, 0.7655291557, 1.1741293669, 0.514719367, -2.7381236553, 1.1063759327, 4.8544540405, 4.444920063, 5.3829360008, 0.6320023537, 1.2368661165, 4.0264663696, -1.6051902771, 2.7130265236, 3.9393010139, -0.7467682362, 2.2027039528, -0.0617887191, 0.0779930055, 3.6443924904, 3.8956315517, 0.3035559654, 3.4508779049, 3.4921617508, 3.2021720409, 5.0977401733, 3.9609942436, 4.5416712761, 4.1030025482, 4.2532963753, 0.4542067945, 4.548740387, 4.1663756371, 2.4787549973, 3.4144535065, 1.9090420008 ]
[ "what is the numbering system for aluminum", "how many digits does aluminum need", "what is the number system for aluminum", "how many number is the wrought aluminium", "which is the identification number for aluminum", "what is the identification system for alloys", "what is aluminum alloy numbering", "how to determine numbering system of aluminum alloy", "what is the correct numbering for aluminum", "what is the digit id used to identify aluminum", "what is the numbering system for aluminum", "what is wrought aluminum", "how to identify aluminum", "what is the number of the aluminum castings", "how many numbers on wrought aluminum", "what is the number system used to identify the cast aluminum", "what is wrought aluminum", "what is the identification symbol for aluminum", "types of identification numbers for metals", "different ways to identify aluminum", "what is the number system for aluminum", "numbering system for aluminum", "how is aluminum numbered?", "how to identify alloys", "how many numbers on aluminum", "how to identify an aluminum", "what is the identification system for aluminum?", "what numbers are used on aluminum", "what is the numbered numbering system on wrought aluminum", "what is the numbering system on aluminum", "what is the numbering system used for aluminum", "what is the metric system for identifying aluminum", "what numbering for aluminum", "what number system do you use for aluminum?", "what is the numbering system of aluminum", "how is the wrought aluminum numbered?", "how is the number system used for aluminum", "how is the identification system used on aluminum", "how is the numbering of aluminum", "what type of numbers are used to find aluminum", "what is the identification number for aluminum casting", "different numbers to identifie aluminum", "aluminum what kind of identification", "what is the numbering system for aluminum", "wrought aluminum numbering", "what is the digit system used for aluminum", "what is the identification system of aluminum", "what is the numbering system for aluminum alloys", "aluminum identification system numbering", "what is wrought aluminum", "different numbers on aluminum", "how many digits are needed to identify aluminum", "different digits for aluminum", "what is the numbering system for cast aluminum alloys", "what is the numbering system used for aluminum alloy", "what is the correct serial number for aluminum", "numbering for aluminum", "how do i know if aluminum is forged or cast", "how is the numbering used on aluminum", "what is the numbering system for aluminium", "how are aluminum alloys identified", "number number system for aluminum", "what is the correct numbering for aluminum", "which number system for aluminum", "what is the number system for cast aluminum", "what is the identification code for aluminum", "what is the titration system for cast aluminium", "which alloys are used for identification", "what is the numbered identification number on aluminum", "what is the numerical identification of wrought aluminum", "what is the numbering system used for aluminum", "what is the identification number on alloy", "what identification system do you use for aluminum", "what is the identification number for aluminum", "what is the numbers on an aluminium casting", "what numbered alloy has the different identifiers", "different types of aluminum castings", "what is the numbered system on aluminum", "what is the identification system of an aluminum plate", "different types of aluminum alloys" ]
[ 3.0149359703, 0.6769380569, 2.5680027008, 0.9833935499, 2.3022193909, 2.6838719845, 0.9987829924, 0.8814103007, 1.0024143457, 1.2082506418, 3.0149359703, -1.2386561632, 1.7048254013, 1.5991439819, 1.2241792679, 3.1815364361, -1.2386558056, 0.177541092, -0.5825333595, 2.3919672966, 2.5680027008, 2.7466137409, 1.9759603739, 0.9158229828, 0.6480582356, 1.7184091806, 3.2987086773, 2.4099283218, 1.8417987823, 2.8937809467, 3.3966805935, -0.888941586, 2.7509791851, 2.9129669666, 2.7403976917, 2.3266096115, 2.7852482796, 3.3482265472, 2.3095192909, 1.2586973906, 1.8634066582, 1.3163743019, 1.4946582317, 3.0149364471, 1.0986635685, 2.4816529751, 2.9618673325, 3.4029791355, 2.3508999348, -1.2386561632, 2.1957013607, 1.8947423697, 2.4097950459, 3.2526278496, 3.6407506466, -2.2520360947, 2.3216221333, 0.0684699416, 2.8663380146, 3.0534083843, 3.8249466419, 1.4482156038, 1.0024143457, 2.9815776348, 2.8923063278, 1.3530362844, -1.8713127375, 2.0845339298, 0.7264739275, 1.6968710423, 3.3966810703, 1.0164211988, 3.5009598732, 1.7856256962, 1.6910420656, 1.5580898523, 1.0601601601, 1.6256654263, 1.2166050673, 1.3037185669 ]
[ "what is the number for aluminum", "what is the system of identification for aluminum", "what is the identification system used for an aluminium", "what is the numbering system used to identify aluminum alloys", "what is the identification for aluminum", "different types of identification", "what is the wrought system for aluminum", "what's the number of a aluminum plate", "different types of aluminum", "what is the numbering of aluminum alloys", "how to identify an aluminum casting", "what numbering system can be used on aluminum", "which numbering system is used to identify a casting?", "how are aluminum alloys numbered", "aluminum numbering system", "what number system is used to identify wrought aluminum", "what is the number system for aluminum", "what is the numbered number for aluminum", "how to identify aluminum alloy", "what is the identification number for aluminum", "what is the identification system for aluminum", "what numbers are for wrought aluminums", "what is the numbered system on aluminum", "how do aluminum castings identification work", "which aluminum system is used to identify metals", "what type of numbering is used to identify aluminum", "what type of identification is used for cast aluminum", "how is aluminum identification system used?", "what is the identification system for aluminum", "how does aluminum identification work", "what is the identification code for aluminum", "what is the digit for aluminum", "what is the system for identification for aluminum", "what is the d-number for aluminum", "different numbering systems", "what is the number system used for aluminum", "what is the identification number for aluminum alumina", "which is the identification system for cast aluminum", "what numbers are used on alloy aluminum", "different number system", "what is the identification system for aluminum", "different systems of identification for aluminium alloys", "what numbers are used to identify aluminum", "different number systems for aluminum", "what is the numbering system of aluminum?", "different ways of identification aluminum", "what is the number on aluminum", "what is the number system for aluminum", "what is the numbering system for aluminum", "what is the identification number for aluminum", "what numbers is used for casting aluminum", "what system is used for identification of aluminum", "what is aluminum numbering system", "what is the system for identification of aluminum", "how do you identify an aluminum casting", "numbering on aluminum alloy", "what is the identification system for aluminum castings", "how many numbers are on a aluminum casting", "what is the number system used on aluminum", "what is the numbered system for aluminum", "different types of aluminum alloys", "what number systems are used to identify aluminum", "what is the identification number of the wrought aluminum", "what is the number system used for aluminum alloys", "what is the numbering and identification code for aluminum", "what is the number system of aluminium", "what is the numerical system used for aluminum", "what is aluminum numbering system", "what is system of identification aluminum", "what is the id for aluminum", "numbering for alloys", "what is the identification code on aluminum", "what is the numbering for aluminum", "difference between wrought and cast aluminum", "what is the identification number for aluminium", "what is the numbering system for aluminum", "what system is used to identify aluminum", "what numbers are used for aluminum", "how to identify aluminum alloys", "different numbers for aluminum" ]
[ 0.9982245564, 3.860606432, 3.7247505188, 3.944839716, 2.1299002171, -0.2365559042, 3.0196123123, -1.8727642298, 0.8355587721, 2.932454586, 1.6450777054, 3.3112843037, 2.6946868896, 2.6397228241, 2.4873518944, 3.59440732, 2.8360097408, -0.2383366227, 2.5639090538, 1.8520364761, 3.5515005589, 2.3941442966, 1.9634673595, 1.4142956734, 2.08355546, 3.1770443916, 2.9216034412, 2.718982935, 3.5515005589, 0.5105682611, 1.4738641977, 1.0276693106, 3.7133231163, -3.5458521843, 1.6592906713, 3.2337498665, -2.0093221664, 3.8184547424, 2.5326578617, 0.2821070254, 3.5514998436, 4.5065951347, 3.0993039608, 3.4354264736, 3.2257606983, 2.4454400539, 0.8712510467, 2.8360111713, 3.3710074425, 1.8520364761, 2.4953114986, 4.063709259, 1.6067869663, 3.6319878101, 2.6914446354, 2.4192874432, 3.697709322, 1.774392724, 3.0932722092, 2.2281191349, 1.2127782106, 3.7523245811, 2.1252951622, 3.7647404671, 2.1616249084, 2.5308003426, 2.6392054558, 1.6067869663, 2.6647896767, 0.6732791066, 2.0266289711, 1.1868485212, 2.6247751713, 3.8578605652, 1.8458925486, 3.3710074425, 3.9629304409, 2.5024580956, 2.797876358, 2.3910996914 ]
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[ 0.7292262912, 4.1122722626, -0.3967020214, 0.5622528791, -2.5658838749, 3.4081606865, 1.607872963, -0.3223406374, 4.3516726494, 2.1090357304, 2.7036802769, 1.3898686171, 1.7759548426, -0.434820801, -2.6448373795, 1.9892995358, -1.8167772293, 2.6434538364, 0.7280743122, 0.7280743122, 2.7447862625, -2.0399737358, -0.4046661854, 1.953478694, 1.3688760996, -4.7749738693, -3.4665606022, -3.9387154579, 3.0568313599, 1.997223258, -1.0805544853, 1.3688760996, -1.9435499907, -0.9834042192, 0.7280743122, 2.8951370716, -0.6775953174, 0.7280743122, 1.5071390867, 3.6858084202, 2.6021077633, 1.2301179171, -3.142277956, 2.8882920742, 2.9180989265, 2.2316174507, 3.6858084202, 2.8951370716, 2.457337141, -3.3795902729, 2.7077162266, 3.6794617176, 1.24117589, 0.5879181027, -2.5658838749, -1.9518146515, -0.6775953174, -1.9850314856, -1.3166146278, 0.6021354795, -3.9877676964, -2.108938694, -4.1229529381, 1.2487667799, 0.4553388953, -3.0236699581, 1.1420669556, 2.3159735203, 1.5076897144, 1.2647527456, -0.632676959, -1.3166136742, 1.3351994753, -0.7913147807, 1.3898668289, 3.4332902431, 1.5890880823, 2.3515045643, 0.0882960632, 2.2837862968 ]
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[ 4.2597894669, 2.1524903774, 4.2597894669, 1.1703970432, 0.2490916997, 2.624019146, 0.5688599944, 2.1227769852, 0.2222501487, 2.9403088093, 2.3947274685, 1.4350641966, -2.9043781757, 0.307834655, 5.2458820343, 4.87967062, 5.2458825111, 5.2458825111, 5.0193929672, -1.0863281488, 2.7640788555, -1.358812809, -1.6964715719, 2.3947265148, 2.7509732246, 5.0193929672, 5.0193929672, 1.6904430389, 4.1955094337, 2.8563246727, 4.6829767227, 5.0168609619, 2.8563241959, 4.4980821609, 2.1227769852, 3.136767149, 4.8244767189, 5.0193910599, 3.3715353012, 4.9130482674, 2.3509945869, 5.0168600082, 5.0193910599, 5.0193910599, 2.2676804066, 0.2482254058, 3.1717033386, 4.8405809402, 3.2577998638, 5.0193910599, 4.363240242, 5.2458820343, 1.6298948526, 2.3509945869, 5.2458820343, 2.4236457348, 2.6335923672, 5.0168600082, 2.3947274685, 1.0928370953, 2.2530343533, 0.6652854681, 3.6952505112, 0.022939099, 4.2006483078, -0.6058592796, 4.5987472534, 4.8473734856, 1.2829271555, 2.9434244633, 0.1584326029, 2.3947265148, 5.2458825111, 4.6326398849, 4.8796696663, 4.2553544044, 4.1955094337, 1.0928355455, 2.2720677853, 0.5215150118 ]
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[ 3.7104687691, 2.5834605694, 2.690936327, -1.2944771051, 3.6417529583, 2.1202249527, -1.3545159101, -1.100058198, 3.4756710529, 3.2522399426, -3.1556236744, 2.9731562138, 2.5172674656, -8.4435834885, 1.4621440172, 0.1573489606, -5.0182943344, -3.883620739, -1.3200403452, 3.1170737743, 2.5834605694, 1.8489644527, 1.2566623688, 0.6768841147, 0.7404068708, 0.7766844034, 1.4621440172, -3.5581846237, 0.9763939977, 1.4621440172, 0.2275365293, 3.6149139404, -1.6023396254, -1.7866281271, 3.6306548119, 1.0043884516, 0.541338861, 1.5800908804, 0.3173725307, 0.2275365293, -2.4850387573, -1.100058198, 3.6306548119, 0.5065600872, -3.0215735435, -1.5036047697, 1.7609733343, 1.0043884516, -2.429084301, -1.7968548536, 2.5272679329, 2.0803339481, 3.1484670639, 0.1746603698, 0.4082858562, -0.7800372243, 1.0043884516, 3.1484670639, -3.4765627384, 3.5169875622, 1.3222271204, 0.2275365293, 0.5056548119, 1.5045142174, -2.9931344986, -2.6554448605, -1.0589905977, 2.582354784, 1.4621440172, 1.2834980488, -3.2404205799, -2.0146594048, 1.3842180967, 2.4871857166, 1.7454789877, -2.1221082211, 3.1484670639, 1.4447798729, -0.323813796, 1.4905850887 ]
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[ 1.5612696409, 2.757928133, 2.757928133, 3.0101873875, 1.8292998075, 2.0885694027, 2.530677557, 2.8770098686, 2.3923027515, 2.1605062485, -3.2910234928, 2.3667061329, 2.0080854893, 2.1605062485, 2.2677547932, 0.5783343911, 2.288731575, 1.9439132214, 1.4067234993, -0.8768705726, 2.7388951778, 0.3404050171, 2.1605062485, 2.5663940907, 2.1605062485, 2.6756286621, 2.4803307056, -0.5111681223, 2.3279385567, 2.757928133, 1.5172020197, 2.2775018215, 1.3492478132, 2.288731575, 0.944534719, 2.5772974491, -6.3802933693, 0.0028118524, 1.1400920153, 2.4246518612, 2.1605062485, 2.288731575, -0.4883203804, 2.1605062485, 2.0080854893, 1.6333948374, 2.3667061329, 0.8819774985, 2.4336018562, 2.2203598022, 2.0912015438, 0.1661988199, 2.0351827145, 2.8770098686, 2.3667061329, -0.3879980147, 1.5172020197, 2.3667061329, 2.3667061329, 0.7689787149, 2.8778407574, 1.0081093311, 2.2203598022, 2.757928133, 2.2063307762, 2.8770098686, 2.3842616081, -0.904442668, 2.288731575, 2.0912015438, 1.4979271889, 1.7370069027, 1.380982399, 2.288731575, 2.3667061329, -1.8519332409, 0.0496555492, 1.8292998075, 2.3260951042, 2.3667061329 ]
[ "why do i need to use drop view in mysql", "why use the DROP VIEW statement in mysql", "how to delete organization view from MySQL database", "how to use the drop view in mysql", "how to delete organization view", "how to remove organization view from mysql", "how can i remove a view in mysql arc", "example of pull view in mysql", "how to remove organization view from mysql", "where are the data table structure and views stored in mysql", "how to remove views in mysql", "how to remove organization view in mysql", "how to use drop view in mysql", "how to create a new group in mysql database", "how to use remove view in mysql", "how do i get organization view removed in mysql", "how to get rid of an organization view in mysql", "how do i remove organization view from an organization in mysql", "how to delete an organization view in mysql", "how to remove an organization view in mysql", "where does a view need a location to be removed from mysql", "how to remove organization view in mysql", "how to do a drop view in php", "how do i take a view from my arc", "what is the example of a remove a view in mysql", "what statement does a dropview use", "how to remove a view in a database with a database name", "how to remove organization view using mysql", "how to get a view removed from an array in mysql", "how to remove organization view from a mysql table", "what to do with a pull view in mysql", "how to use drop view", "how to do drop view with msdb", "how to create a drop view with mysql", "how to create an organization in mysql", "what is a drop view in php", "how to use drag view statement in database sql", "which statement is used to remove an organization view from a database", "what is the droidview statement in php", "how to remove organization view from mysql", "how to add drop view in mysql", "how to delete a view from a database in mysql", "how to create a drop view in mysql", "how to remove organization view from mysql", "how to get a group view in mysql", "how to change organization view in msql", "how to remove an organization from a mysql database", "how to do remove views from mysql", "how to remove organization views in mysql", "how to do drop view in mysql", "how to use drop views in php", "how to remove organization in in mysql in sql", "how to remove organization view in mysql", "how to remove organization in mysql", "how to create an organization in MySQL database", "how to delete organization in sql ms", "how do you use a drop view in mysql", "what is a delete view", "how to remove organization views in mysql", "what is the function of delete a organisation view", "how to use drop views in MySQL database", "can you use dropview", "how to delete an organization view in php", "how to remove organization view in mysql", "which statement would be used to remove the organizational view of a database table", "how to use drop view in mysql", "how to create a view in php", "how to remove organization view from MySQL", "how to use drop view in a qt database", "how to remove organization view from mysql", "how to remove organization from a database", "how to create a new arc view in mysql", "can you use drag view to remove a view in mysql", "how to use a delete view in mysql java", "how to remove an organization view in mysql", "how to create a table on a mysql server", "what is the syntax for the dropview statement", "what is step in step removing organization view", "how to use drop view", "how to use drop view in mysql" ]
[ 1.481877327, 2.0469923019, 3.8001086712, 4.301381588, 3.0035631657, 4.7558321953, 3.9929990768, 0.8388314843, 4.7558321953, -2.5505073071, 3.7079901695, 4.7518973351, 4.2047839165, -2.2705199718, 3.2793762684, 4.1118125916, 3.6660833359, 4.4650454521, 3.7498569489, 4.8147850037, 0.2046500444, 4.7518959045, 2.0029716492, 0.5876997113, 2.3128778934, 1.7486211061, 2.7153363228, 4.7333512306, 1.221498251, 4.4640316963, 1.0396796465, 3.0105128288, 0.441440165, 4.0387830734, 1.649236083, -0.7111198902, -1.7844712734, 3.4002218246, -7.1423397064, 4.7558321953, 2.6550629139, 2.7885129452, 4.1054372787, 4.7558321953, -0.7678864598, 0.5875406265, 2.8901643753, 3.3912053108, 4.6640582085, 4.0351448059, 1.9608420134, 2.6196410656, 4.7518973351, 3.0558512211, 1.9386433363, -0.2561920583, 4.1798086166, -3.7932713032, 4.6640582085, -0.6255674958, 3.8483755589, 2.0820310116, 2.112632513, 4.7518973351, 2.8374187946, 4.2047839165, -0.0382497497, 4.7558321953, 0.5461344719, 4.7558321953, 2.0856568813, 2.2099761963, 0.6826397777, 0.9196972847, 4.8147859573, -2.5518791676, 2.5844225883, -1.9428304434, 3.0105128288, 4.2047839165 ]
[ "how to create database organization view in text editor", "how to create an organization view in excel", "how to add organization view in database", "how to view an organization view example", "how to create a view in sql", "how to open a view example in a database", "how to open a database organization view", "how to open a database view in excel", "how do you show organization views in sql", "how does show create view", "how do you display organization view in a database", "how do i display organizational view", "what is the syntax for show create view", "how to open an organization view", "what type of database is organization", "how to display the organization view in excel", "show create view example", "how to display the definition of organization in a database view in notepad", "how to display a organization view", "how to create a database view", "how to create a view organization", "how to open the organisation view in a database", "how to display a model organization view in sql", "how to add a database view", "how to display definition of database view", "display organization view definition", "display create view in database", "how to show organization views in database", "what is the use of the organization view in a database", "what opens a business view", "how to show definition of organization view", "how to create a view in database", "how to show the organization of a view", "how to display the organization view in a database", "how to show organizational view in database", "how to display organizational view in sql", "how to display a database view", "how to display organization view in javascript database", "how to show create data view in database", "example of show create view", "how to open organization view", "how do you display data in a database", "how to display the definitions of views in word", "how to show a definition in a database table", "how do you create a python organization view", "how to display an organization view in excel", "how does display a view in python", "where do you get view design in sql", "how to show organization view in database", "how to display organization view", "how to show the organization of a database in an organization view in a database", "where is organization view definition file", "how to create organisation view", "how can I find the view definition in my database", "how to create organization view", "show create view definition", "how to make a database model in excel", "how to display a view in notepad", "how to show the url for the definition of the database view", "can you open a .frm view in notepad", "can you open an organization view definition in notepad", "microsoft excel how to show organization view in sql", "how to display organization view", "how to create organization view in database", "how to make a database view in a database", "how to make an organization view in notepad", "what is a database view", "how to create a database organization view using notepad", "how do you display organization views", "how to use create view in table", "how to create a database view using python?", "where to find the database view definition file", "what is the syntax of create a view", "how do i display the organization view in notepad", "how to set up an organization view in a database", "example of how to create a database view", "how do I use the database view to display the database definition", "how to display database view in notepad", "how to make database views in python", "how to display organization view in db2" ]
[ 4.0558195114, 3.6341636181, 3.69861269, 3.5047698021, 1.9689459801, 2.6603214741, 4.3572149277, 2.612644434, 3.0970005989, 4.7505774498, 4.5128955841, 4.2171936035, 4.0344657898, 4.5682682991, -4.41690588, 3.5484340191, 3.0676584244, 5.0456361771, 4.8913946152, 4.1905331612, 5.2272334099, 4.4057836533, 1.9606093168, 2.191180706, 4.5862669945, 2.2760317326, 3.6960921288, 4.655236721, 1.1333459616, -4.7384028435, 5.1095070839, 4.3060464859, 4.7761526108, 4.7813563347, 4.6619529724, 2.8447797298, 4.3005065918, 2.4057137966, 4.4931297302, 3.1727526188, 4.206389904, 2.2402245998, 2.2163391113, 2.3636488914, 2.3543872833, 3.4731659889, -0.9720004797, -2.985986948, 4.8164358139, 4.8783082962, 4.3314170837, 2.7309584618, 4.9601726532, 4.003329277, 5.2140398026, 3.7982406616, -4.0628480911, 3.9641211033, 1.4495028257, 2.5479874611, 4.4862494469, 0.582821548, 4.8783082962, 4.7945256233, 3.5584490299, 4.5477609634, -1.613542676, 4.319504261, 4.3714213371, 1.537019968, -0.005313423, 3.3920567036, 2.966968298, 4.6183013916, 3.7641260624, 3.1830377579, 4.3941717148, 4.2860221863, -0.0546533391, 2.4584856033 ]
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[ 4.8179988861, -0.4232294858, 5.1327586174, -2.5929365158, 5.2075958252, 5.2075958252, 0.3293739855, 5.2075958252, -0.3357756734, 1.9031020403, -1.5208919048, 5.2075958252, 4.8645300865, 3.3646087646, 5.4850735664, -3.5667731762, 5.2556014061, 4.575489521, 5.4511861801, 5.2075958252, 5.2556014061, 4.7025442123, 5.2075958252, 1.144729495, 4.791914463, 0.1195106208, 2.3656163216, 5.2556014061, 3.7808377743, -1.7476247549, 5.5625805855, 2.6067688465, 5.1666002274, 4.9189095497, 4.4868764877, 5.4425902367, 4.8427786827, 5.5802798271, 3.565103054, 5.5625805855, 0.5451960564, 5.2867097855, 5.6527175903, 2.3678951263, 3.3713226318, -0.2174122632, 5.2962236404, 4.3402452469, 5.6527171135, 1.7174109221, 4.8706970215, 5.442589283, 4.1876244545, 0.7272161245, 5.442589283, 4.9022521973, 5.2523975372, 5.1327586174, 5.1665992737, 2.9159667492, 1.3514951468, 3.0236217976, 4.1759233475, 5.2238025665, 5.5446662903, 4.3417057991, 4.8544001579, 3.660451889, 4.0807032585, 4.9022521973, 3.930216074, 5.2556014061, 5.4189372063, 2.1938655376, 5.6527171135, 0.2342675775, 5.6527171135, 0.1883013695, 1.6839319468, 2.8175339699 ]
[ "definition of view", "definition of view", "what does the word view mean", "define views", "what is a view", "what does view mean in english", "what is meant by view", "what is a view", "what does view mean", "define view", "what is the meaning of view", "definition for view", "what is view", "what is the definition of view", "what is the definition of view", "what is view", "what is a view", "definition of view", "what is the synonym for view", "define view", "definition of view of", "meaning of view in english", "definition of view", "what is view", "definition of view", "what is the meaning of view", "what is view vs prospect", "vista meaning", "definition of view", "definition view", "what is a view", "what does view mean", "what is the meaning of view", "what is view in literature", "which word means the view", "definition of view", "what's the definition of the word view", "what is the definition of view", "meaning of view", "what does the word view mean", "definition of view", "what is view", "definition for view", "what is view", "what is the term for view", "view definition synonym", "what is the synonym of view", "what does perspective mean in photography", "what is view", "what is the definition of the word view", "what is meant by the word view", "what is the definition of view", "definition of view", "what is the definition of view", "the meaning of view", "what is the meaning of view", "what is the synonym for view", "what is the meaning of view", "what is the definition of view", "what is view", "view definition synonyms", "what is the meaning of view", "what is outlook mean", "what is the difference between prospect and view", "definition view", "what is meant by the word view", "what is view", "meaning of view", "what is the meaning of view", "what is the meaning of view", "definition for view", "what is view mean", "what is the definition of view", "what is the synonym of view", "what is the synonym of view", "definition for view", "what is view", "definition for view", "what is the meaning of view", "what's the definition of view" ]
[ 3.9147291183, 3.9147291183, 3.7351691723, 2.8537304401, 4.3327512741, 2.3613772392, 3.6975231171, 4.3327512741, 3.8473269939, 4.0145053864, 3.3955497742, 3.7456502914, 4.3138413429, 3.4654259682, 3.4654259682, 4.3138413429, 4.3327512741, 3.9147291183, 1.5110762119, 4.0145053864, 3.1698727608, 2.5389215946, 3.9147291183, 4.3138413429, 3.9147291183, 3.3955497742, 2.495452404, 0.5610807538, 3.9147291183, 3.9899294376, 4.3327512741, 3.8473269939, 3.3955497742, -0.4799214303, 3.1250157356, 3.9147291183, 3.5777511597, 3.4654259682, 3.724514246, 3.7351691723, 3.9147291183, 4.3138413429, 3.7456502914, 4.3138413429, 3.103754282, 1.3491748571, 1.1528789997, -4.9307060242, 4.3138413429, 3.4824233055, 3.6144330502, 3.4654259682, 3.9147291183, 3.4654259682, 3.7620415688, 3.3955497742, 1.5110762119, 3.3955497742, 3.4654259682, 4.3138413429, 1.5812335014, 3.3955497742, -5.8219966888, 3.1138236523, 3.9899294376, 3.6144330502, 4.3138413429, 3.724514246, 3.3955497742, 3.3955497742, 3.7456502914, 3.7994878292, 3.4654259682, 1.1528789997, 1.1528789997, 3.7456502914, 4.3138413429, 3.7456502914, 3.3955497742, 3.4561870098 ]
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[ 4.8143997192, 4.1766972542, 3.3784453869, 0.2192202359, 5.0228719711, 5.9127421379, 2.9561350346, -0.1101168096, -1.4449051619, 1.6530399323, 5.6090250015, 4.2160229683, 1.4519743919, 5.5017771721, 2.5550181866, 5.5017771721, -0.5806736946, 2.0674307346, 4.0033321381, 4.3328671455, 4.633067131, 3.7796416283, 1.4063713551, 3.5851619244, 1.651422143, 2.0810670853, 4.1500902176, 5.5017771721, 5.1788611412, 3.4615039825, -3.0193934441, 4.2383937836, 0.4778750837, 3.7709867954, 3.7459681034, 3.382930994, -4.1561870575, 2.8590176105, 4.3619852066, 2.1869697571, 2.4936387539, 1.1245199442, 2.6185724735, -1.0016429424, 1.2046114206, 4.4391536713, 0.7439348698, 2.6112349033, 5.5017771721, 5.0406298637, -1.4801661968, 3.650775671, 5.2191004753, 5.3507113457, 5.5017771721, 5.5017771721, 4.674665451, -0.9692034125, 4.5880789757, 4.1009931564, -4.767138958, 2.6583902836, -1.3441722393, 1.4145923853, 1.2897897959, 5.529504776, 5.2191004753, 5.6090245247, 5.6606535912, 2.5797679424, 4.9561834335, 4.9610033035, 4.3233280182, 2.7378227711, 5.5017771721, 1.6383914948, 5.8105258942, -2.0694851875, 3.7586452961, 3.7284862995 ]
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[ 4.8181357384, 6.2799220085, 4.8245797157, 1.6026637554, 5.442876339, -1.3800978661, -0.5191053748, 5.5909423828, 2.1937286854, 0.5847229362, 5.2840533257, 3.9765348434, 3.5239756107, 4.0971617699, 4.0105733871, 6.2799220085, 2.1930572987, 6.1341304779, 6.2799220085, 0.5711855888, 3.1930882931, 0.6396594644, 2.6602642536, 1.0547842979, 0.7083130479, 5.6566491127, 5.3736996651, 2.2830004692, 5.3989562988, -1.3478426933, 5.6667332649, 3.2076795101, 2.765689373, 6.2799220085, -1.4252336025, -0.1879426688, 3.4571764469, 1.3402860165, 5.1093449593, 6.060842514, 3.9609911442, 6.060842514, 1.0134447813, 6.0476737022, 5.6332273483, 6.2799220085, 1.0160874128, 4.5848484039, -0.2232657522, 5.6482076645, 6.1341304779, 3.1944322586, -3.1934971809, 1.3023935556, 4.2050142288, 0.0974224061, 6.0476737022, 3.6760203838, 6.0732555389, 5.8568468094, 0.6626930237, -2.0556614399, 5.2855210304, -2.5776152611, 5.175327301, 5.6442422867, 0.1735576987, 6.1991267204, 6.0961222649, 4.8808236122, 4.0146312714, 6.2096977234, -0.2442806363, 5.8897252083, 5.052898407, 6.1216945648, 2.8187098503, 3.062612772, 5.9326710701, 5.8568468094 ]
[ "definition aview", "what is on view", "definition of view", "what does view mean", "what does the noun view mean in literature", "what is view", "what is viewpoint", "what is view mean", "view meaning in english", "what is a view means", "definition of view", "what does view mean", "view definition", "which noun means the opposite of view", "what are the nouns for viewing", "define view", "what does view mean", "what does view mean", "definition of views", "definition of view", "what does view mean", "what does view means", "what is the meaning of view", "what does view mean", "what is view", "definition view in english", "what does view mean", "what is a view", "what is the meaning of the word view", "what is the view noun", "define view", "define view", "what is the view", "what is view", "what does the term view mean", "what is view meaning", "what is the definition of on view", "what is view", "what is view", "what does the term view mean?", "what does the word view mean", "what is the meaning of view", "what does view mean", "what is a view", "what is view", "what does view mean in art", "what is the meaning of view", "what is the definition of view", "what does view mean", "what is view", "definition of view", "what is view mean", "what is the meaning of view", "what is a view in sociology", "what does view mean", "what is view", "meaning of view", "what does view mean", "definition of view", "what is view", "what is the meaning of view", "what is view mean", "what is the view of", "what is the definition of view", "view meaning", "the definition of view", "what does view mean", "what is the meaning of view", "meaning of view", "which phrase means on view", "what is a view", "what is view", "what is the definition for view", "what is the meaning of view ?", "what is view", "what is view", "what is view meaning", "which noun is the view", "what is the noun for view", "what is the view noun" ]
[ -8.7494134903, 2.1917119026, 2.1813318729, 2.7406189442, 0.0626391843, 2.7704977989, -0.7469202876, 2.4807825089, 1.3350046873, 2.9319038391, 2.1813318729, 2.7406189442, 1.8178036213, -2.2583303452, 1.1610223055, 2.3914840221, 2.7406189442, 2.7406189442, 1.2940576077, 2.1813318729, 2.7406189442, 2.8338723183, 2.3594958782, 2.7406189442, 2.7704977989, 1.1468241215, 2.7406189442, 2.9450452328, 2.2233085632, 2.40782094, 2.3914840221, 2.3914840221, 2.6700577736, 2.7704985142, 2.4740824699, 2.168405056, 0.9304032326, 2.7704985142, 2.7704985142, 2.171908617, 2.6834323406, 2.3594958782, 2.740619421, 2.9450454712, 2.7704985142, 0.6429082155, 2.3594958782, 1.9702533484, 2.740619421, 2.7704985142, 2.1813335419, 2.4807817936, 2.3594958782, -1.521178484, 2.740619421, 2.7704985142, 2.2564835548, 2.740619421, 2.1813335419, 2.7704985142, 2.3594958782, 2.4807817936, 2.0495772362, 1.9702533484, 2.0599963665, 2.1266760826, 2.740619421, 2.3594958782, 2.2564835548, 0.5663740039, 2.9450454712, 2.7704985142, 1.555213213, 1.8061916828, 2.7704985142, 2.7704985142, 2.168405056, 2.3763682842, 2.4467301369, 2.4078204632 ]
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[ 4.7893323898, 1.9264826775, 3.87601614, 4.6376442909, 2.6600363255, 4.6977219582, 5.0753960609, 4.6551704407, 3.1189551353, 5.0788154602, 4.6551704407, 4.6551704407, 4.6551704407, 3.9215233326, 4.6551704407, -0.1037096605, 4.1921339035, 4.1498103142, 4.7684516907, 4.4018735886, -0.2728945315, -0.3139528334, -1.3537840843, 3.794182539, 5.0797848701, 0.5770183802, -0.3947398365, 3.6160151958, 4.6551704407, 4.9832024574, -0.7283456326, 4.7994565964, 4.6171813011, -2.1171011925, 4.6551704407, 4.6551704407, 5.0269346237, 4.8306822777, -1.6032370329, 4.6551704407, 5.0147638321, -0.4212239981, 4.6551704407, 3.1277241707, 5.0753960609, 3.794182539, 4.6551704407, 4.6551704407, 4.6445646286, -0.3788408339, 0.3775262535, 4.6551704407, 4.6551704407, 4.6959981918, 4.7951059341, 4.8306822777, 4.6551704407, 4.6959981918, 4.6258158684, 2.7066452503, -1.2801511288, 5.0753960609, 5.0753960609, 4.848107338, 4.2368659973, 5.0917062759, 5.1501288414, 4.6970658302, 4.6959981918, 1.753677249, 5.0595645905, 4.3051142693, 4.5443296432, -0.2862901986, 0.1329618692, 5.0753960609, 4.6551704407, 5.0050678253, 5.0753960609, 4.75502491 ]
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[ 4.9638085365, 5.0058994293, 4.8605461121, 4.9914383888, 1.9764908552, 1.4502995014, 5.0805978775, -0.1334558129, 4.2620801926, 4.8605461121, 4.8605461121, 4.6401782036, 4.8605461121, 4.8911299706, 0.7332864404, 0.9447416067, 4.7540278435, 5.0805978775, 4.8605461121, -0.0066270349, 4.8605461121, 1.7022967339, 3.966552496, 4.9575233459, 4.5909910202, 3.0563521385, 1.4128661156, 4.8605461121, -0.379477948, 4.8605461121, 4.8265972137, 4.8581485748, 4.6617937088, 0.0536728799, 0.8854998946, 4.5521054268, 0.2521369755, 1.7022967339, 5.0112657547, 4.8605461121, 5.1190905571, 2.099864006, 4.943921566, 1.0198273659, 0.811960578, 4.6440668106, 4.9575233459, 3.219963789, -0.2156490833, 4.8911299706, -0.5197492838, 1.7962259054, 4.9575233459, 4.4333553314, 1.7022967339, 4.9575233459, 4.8605461121, 3.966552496, 3.4476196766, 4.9575233459, 4.9575233459, 4.8605461121, 4.5790863037, 4.9533276558, 4.9575233459, 4.8605461121, 4.9575233459, 4.9575233459, 2.1139390469, 4.5772562027, 4.7377319336, 5.0290961266, 1.5673456192, 4.6481289864, 5.0837869644, 4.9575233459, 4.9794449806, 2.0884981155, 4.8605461121, 4.8911299706 ]
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[ 4.1883993149, 2.4158341885, 3.0620241165, 0.449367106, 5.4091405869, 1.7733798027, -0.6164569855, 5.264840126, 2.4158341885, 5.4091405869, 4.4537801743, 2.124830246, -0.1637725234, 3.6814374924, 3.535020113, 5.4091405869, -0.0926858187, 3.9464154243, 5.6354761124, 2.3435032368, 5.4091405869, 5.6354761124, 4.4537801743, 1.7507525682, 5.264840126, 5.4091405869, 3.2540709972, 4.4537801743, -0.6164569855, 1.6901763678, 3.9694931507, 2.6322524548, 3.9953835011, 0.8144235611, 4.3856887817, 1.2718216181, 5.4091405869, 1.9961702824, 3.1101350784, -1.7738889456, 3.1101350784, 3.8446714878, 5.4091405869, 5.4091405869, 3.5819628239, -2.4006052017, 5.4091405869, 5.498459816, 2.4158341885, 5.4091405869, 2.1081337929, 5.6354761124, 1.3535730839, 5.4091405869, 3.535020113, -0.6164569855, 2.4158341885, 4.2685465813, -1.8281046152, 3.9953835011, 3.1101350784, 3.372907877, 5.6354761124, 0.4487087429, 3.3262650967, 3.256039381, 1.2102586031, 2.2548906803, 3.614202261, 3.535020113, 3.1740684509, 2.1743659973, -0.4687598646, -0.1542400569, 4.53956604, 5.4091405869, 2.2246437073, 2.4316666126, 3.1101350784, 3.1101350784 ]
[ "what is spectrum communications", "what is charter communications", "who owns spectrum", "who is spectrum?", "what is charter?", "who is charter communications", "who is spectrum communications", "who is spectrum", "who is charter communications", "which telecommunication is charter", "what type of company is spectrum", "who is charter communications", "what is spectrum communications", "who is spectrum telecommunications", "who owns spectrum", "who makes spectrum", "who is charter communications?", "what network is charter", "who is charter communications", "which is the second largest telecommunications company in the united states?", "which is the largest broadband service in the us?", "where is charter communications", "who is charter communication", "who is charter communications", "who is spectrum telecom", "which company provides spectrum internet service?", "what is charter communications", "which network is charter in", "what is spectrum", "what is spectrum charter", "what is charter telecommunications", "who is charter communications", "what is spectrum spectrum", "who is spectrum", "what is the charter company", "who is spectrum communications", "who is spectrum", "why is charter communications called spectrum", "who is spectrum?", "what network is spectrum telecommunications", "who is charter communications", "what is spectrum communications", "who is spectrum telecom", "who are charter communications", "what is spectrum communications", "who is charter communications", "who is charter communications?", "who is spectrum", "who are charter communications?", "where is spectrum spectrum headquarters", "what company does spectrum use", "who is charter communications", "who owns spectrum", "what network is spectrum", "who is spectrum spectrum", "why spectrum is used", "what's spectrum", "what is charter communications", "who is spectrum", "what is charter communications", "who is charter communications", "why is spectrum considered charter", "what is spectrum spectrum", "why is charter communications", "what is spectrum telecom", "what kind of company is charter", "what is spectrum", "who owns spectrum", "where is spectrum located", "why is charter communications a company", "what is spectrum communications and what is it?", "what is spectrum?", "who is charter communications", "who is charter communications", "who is spectrum", "what is the company that makes spectrum", "who is charter communications", "who is charter communications?", "which company does spectrum use", "what is charter communications" ]
[ 1.2982252836, 6.4437799454, -0.1651294082, 0.9278303385, 3.1843419075, 5.3833804131, 1.8856678009, 1.2029358149, 5.3833804131, 3.8612685204, 1.0258029699, 5.3833804131, 1.2982252836, 1.5280098915, -0.1651294082, -0.8480272889, 5.5509023666, 0.8704129457, 5.3833794594, 2.8374221325, -1.338254571, 4.0251145363, 5.2489213943, 5.3833794594, 1.630308032, 2.318833828, 6.443780899, -0.0844875872, -0.3797282279, 3.292599678, 6.1043710709, 5.3833794594, -0.6864798069, 1.2029358149, 4.5456223488, 1.8856678009, 1.2029358149, 1.2331125736, 0.9278303385, -0.6627733707, 5.3833804131, 1.2982252836, 1.6303066015, 5.161878109, 1.2982252836, 5.3833804131, 5.5509018898, 1.2029358149, 5.4350967407, -4.1003446579, 1.6931685209, 5.3833789825, -0.1651276797, -1.1505712271, 0.580245018, -4.3705353737, -0.1600197703, 6.4437799454, 1.2029346228, 6.4437799454, 5.3833789825, -0.4370460212, -0.6864826679, 3.331485033, 0.9066725969, 3.0403504372, -0.3797325194, -0.1651294082, -3.1550016403, 3.2149746418, 0.7613122463, -0.2899867892, 5.3833804131, 5.3833804131, 1.2029358149, 0.3542133272, 5.3833804131, 5.5509018898, 1.8436208963, 6.4437799454 ]
[ "when was charter founded", "who is founder of charter communications", "where is charter communications based", "when was charter communications founded", "who owns charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who are the founders of charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who is charter tv", "who owns charter communications", "who started charter communications", "when did charter start", "who was charter communications founded by", "who owns charter communications", "who founded charter communications", "who founded charter communications", "when did charter coms start", "where is charter communications inc.", "who owns charter communications", "who founded charter communications", "who is charter communications", "when was charter incorporated", "who is the founder of charter", "who owns charter radio", "who owns charter communications", "who is charter communications company", "who owns charter", "when was charter tv founded", "who owns charter tv in st. louis mo", "who was the founder of charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "where was charter communications established", "where is charter communications based?", "when did charter communications start", "who is charter communications?", "who was charter communications co founders", "where was charter communications founded", "who owns charter communications", "how old is charter", "what year did charter start", "who founded charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "when was charter communications founded", "who founded charter communications", "when was charter communications founded", "what year was charter founded", "who is the founder of charter communications", "where is charter communications incorporated", "who is charter communications", "who founded charter", "who owns charter communications", "where is charter located in mo", "where is charter communications", "charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who makes charter", "who are the founders of charter tv", "who was the first charter company", "who founded charter communications", "who owns charter", "who owns charter", "who is charter communications founder", "who is charter communications", "who started charter", "who is charter communications ?", "who founded charter communications", "when did charter start?", "where is charter corporation", "who was charter communications co founder", "who owns charter communications", "who owns charter communications?", "who started charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who are charter co co employees", "who started charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who owns charter communications", "who created charter communications" ]
[ 4.7517976761, 5.1058850288, 2.2567846775, 5.9046292305, 3.6196041107, 3.6196041107, 5.2608098984, 3.6196041107, 3.6196041107, 1.8497748375, 3.6196041107, 5.4288721085, 2.9884870052, 5.7253031731, 3.6196041107, 6.0740566254, 6.0740566254, 1.2062534094, 3.1415390968, 3.6196041107, 6.0740566254, 3.8696682453, 3.6381924152, 3.4120600224, -1.998722434, 3.6196041107, 3.5032377243, 0.9808501005, 4.6068763733, 2.9261682034, 5.5812425613, 3.6196041107, 3.6196041107, 4.1976180077, 2.1673130989, 4.9190783501, 3.5890619755, 4.2021617889, 5.3250412941, 3.6196041107, -7.5992264748, 2.7790324688, 6.0740566254, 3.6196041107, 5.9046292305, 6.0740566254, 5.9046292305, 4.2703309059, 5.2656416893, 3.6329894066, 3.8696682453, 4.6773304939, 3.6196041107, 0.0004146801, 3.3687951565, 5.5156035423, 3.6196041107, 0.442258209, 3.9088892937, 0.917137444, 6.0740566254, 0.9808501005, 0.9808501005, 4.8583049774, 3.8696682453, 3.6323299408, 3.5890619755, 6.0740566254, 3.0563025475, -0.3459298313, 3.9824230671, 3.6196041107, 3.6602227688, 5.4288721085, 3.6196041107, -5.4916806221, 5.4288721085, 3.6196041107, 3.6196041107, 5.3786406517 ]
[ "did charter fusion with time warner", "who owns charter", "how did charter communications get merger", "which company acquired time warner in order to merge with charter", "when did charter merger with time warner happen", "how much did charter pay", "what is the charter merger", "who is time warner merged with", "what day did time warner merged with charter", "who is time warner cable", "when did time warner buy charter", "does charter own time warner cable", "who did time warner buy out", "why did charter communications merge with time warner", "who did charter communications merge with", "which cable company did charter go into", "when was the charter merger with time warner approved", "what year did charter communications merge with time warner", "what fcc rules violate charter", "why was charter communications merged with time warner", "which cable company does charter ac deal with", "who is time warner owned by", "who owns charter communications", "who is charter", "does charter cs use time warner cable", "which fcc board of governors approved charter communication to acquire time warner?", "how much did time warner and charter make?", "who was charter telecom partnered with", "how was charter communications funded", "when did charter cc merge with time warner", "what year did the fcc approve charter and time warner", "when did charter communications merge with time warner", "which cable company did charter id get merger with?", "what is the merger of time warner and charter communications", "who does fca approve", "when did charter communications fc approve time warner", "what telecom companies did charter connect with", "who merged with time warner", "who is time warner communications", "what is charter communications merger with time warner", "who is the merged company of charter and time warner", "who is time warner merged with?", "did charter communications merge time warner", "what company did charter communications merge with time warner", "who is time warner cable and charter communications", "who is charter comm", "did charter communications merge with time warner", "who does time warner cable partner with", "did charter communications merge with time warner", "who owns charter", "when did charter communications merge with time warner", "how much did time warner pay charter", "what year did charter communications buy time warner", "what fcc rules did charter flout", "how did charter communications get merged with time warner cable?", "why was the merger of charter communications and time warner approved", "which cable company bought charter", "is charter a good service provider", "why did the fcc approve charter", "what telecom companies are part of charter", "which cable company is charter", "does charter have customer service regulations", "when did charter communications merge with time warner", "which fcc agency approved time warner cable?", "who is charter cd", "why did time warner and charter merger", "what was the fc acquit?", "does charter comms work with time warner", "why charter cc", "what year did charter co become time warner", "who is time warner merger", "when did charter comms merge with time warner", "what's the charter merger with time warner cable?", "who did charter cisco merge with?", "who is charter communications?", "when was charter communications acquired", "who is time warner's merged with", "what year did charter communications merge with time warner", "who is charter fc", "who approved charter tv cable" ]
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[ "is charter communication free", "what is charter communications", "what are the charter communications phone plans", "does charter communications pay for internet?", "which phone companies have free on demand internet?", "what is charter communications", "what is charter communications hd", "what services does charter provide", "what services do i get with charter", "what is charter communications prepaid", "what internet service does charter have", "why bundle charter communications", "what services can charter offer", "how does charter telecom bundle", "what services does charter offer", "what services does charter provide", "what is the basic service offered by charter communications?", "who is charter communications", "why would you need a charter communications card", "does charter provide internet", "what is charter communications", "does charter communications have wireless", "what services does charter provide", "what is charter communications", "charter communications phone number", "what kind of plans do i get with charter", "is charter communications on demand", "what is the difference between charter and netgear", "does charter have tv", "what is the cost of charter communications", "how much does charter communication cost to use", "how many services does charter offer", "what is charter communication", "does charter telecom pay for internet", "can charter communications save money", "what is the price for charter communications", "is charter communications free", "does charter provide internet services", "what internet packages with charter", "what does charter offer", "how do you bundle charter", "what is charter's telecommunications plan", "what services is free with charter communications?", "what type of plan is charter?", "does charter offer free on demand", "can you bundle charter communications", "what is charter cc", "what is charter telecom plans", "which service providers bundle their services with charter", "what kind of service does charter provide", "does charter offer wireless internet", "what is charter services", "what is charter hd", "is charter telecommunications a free service", "can you bundle tv to charter", "what is the cc package", "what is the benefit of charter communications?", "who is charter communications?", "which service is free with charter", "which charter communications service offers free wireless internet", "which carrier offers free high speed internet", "why do you need to pay for charter communications", "what is the price of charter communications internet service", "who owns charter communications", "what is charter communications", "who is charter communications", "how many services does charter provide", "why is charter hd free", "what is charter communications", "does charter have unlimited internet", "what is charter communications", "what is charter communications", "what is charter communication", "can you use charter for free", "why is charter bundled with tv", "what is charter communications", "what is charter's free hd", "what is the best hd internet service", "who offers free hd internet on charter", "how much is charter communication" ]
[ 3.1374030113, -0.109153375, -0.2881774306, -0.3964181244, 0.7634294033, -0.109153375, -0.1612058133, 0.5478152037, 3.0082931519, -2.477347374, -0.5149444342, 2.1809840202, 0.6468445659, 1.401445508, 0.9385293126, 0.5478152037, -1.2839957476, -2.380800724, -2.9374606609, 0.1094495654, -0.109153375, -3.0908579826, 0.5478152037, -0.109153375, -4.1321363449, -0.9188722372, 2.0598828793, -6.54332304, -3.1221659184, -3.4557292461, -4.4048900604, -2.1620845795, -0.4032106102, -0.9775693417, 1.4690778255, -3.2934877872, 3.2920064926, 0.1716136038, -1.4720169306, 0.4120378792, -0.0132200578, -0.3171421587, 2.8437914848, -3.6225004196, 1.9677189589, 3.4292910099, -7.6462140083, -0.5880970359, -0.2666192651, -0.4956088364, -3.0705573559, -1.988299489, -1.6380136013, 2.7372863293, 0.8209623098, -9.1952257156, 1.600212574, -2.6653885841, 1.4305987358, -1.034965992, -0.722325325, -1.8440675735, -3.4428040981, -7.541311264, -0.1091543362, -2.3808000088, -2.6886131763, 0.7075176239, -0.1091543362, 0.7870124578, -0.1091543362, -0.1091543362, -0.4032106102, 0.7184196115, -1.6804271936, -0.1091543362, 0.9965866804, -2.4733133316, -0.0295734443, -3.3030974865 ]
[ "what company did charter purchase", "what is charters acquisition", "what kind of deals did charter make with time warner", "who bought time warner cable", "who acquired time warner cable", "when did charter acquire time warner", "who purchased bright house", "who is charter's newest customer", "who bought bright house net", "what cable provider was charter", "who is charter communications owner", "who was charter acquired by", "charter communications acquisition", "who acquired time warner cable", "who bought time warner cable", "who bought time warner", "who acquired time warner", "charter cs acquisitions", "charter acquisition of time warner", "what company did charter get", "who bought charter communications for time warner cable", "what is charter's deal with time warner", "charter cv acquisition", "what company acquired time warner", "who is charter communications", "who financed charter communications", "who was charter's acquisition of time warner", "who acquired time warner", "when did charter ed buy time warner cable", "charter acquisition time warner", "charter acquisition of time warner cable", "what companies did charter buy", "who bought time warner cable", "what cable company has time warner", "what network has charter ct?", "how much does charter pay for time warner broadband", "who bought bright house networks", "who bought time warner cable", "who bought time warner cable", "charter cc acquisition of time warner", "who is charter communications", "when did charter com buy time warner", "what network did charter acquire?", "which broadband company did charter acquire", "who bought charter communications for time warner", "who bought charter communications for time warner", "who is charter inc.", "who bought time warner tv", "who bought out time warner", "what did charter acquisition time warner", "who bought time warner cable and bright house network", "who bought time warner cable", "what was the charter acquisition of time warner cable", "who did charter purchase", "what company purchased time warner", "what company bought time warner", "time warner tv cable price", "what is the net worth of charter communications", "charter who has tv cable", "what is charter communications doing", "who is charter communications buying up", "who owns charter", "who bought charter", "charter acquisition time warner", "who acquired bright house", "charter acquisition time warner", "who bought time warner", "who owns time warner", "charter communications cost of time warner cable", "who did charter purchase time warner cable", "when did charter purchase time warner", "charter communications net worth", "who owns time warner", "who is time warner", "what type of acquisition does charter have?", "who bought bright house broadband", "who is charter c", "what is charter acquiring time warner", "what did charter buy time warner", "who bought charter communications" ]
[ 0.4280472696, -0.826330781, 1.0684694052, 2.7287983894, 3.6363418102, -1.0471264124, 1.3479671478, -8.7250080109, 0.5200021267, -0.4705542624, -2.9235138893, 0.0813217908, 2.8546962738, 3.6363418102, 2.7287983894, 1.6637140512, 2.7583992481, -0.6673362851, 2.7198736668, -1.2211227417, 0.6949213743, 2.1395876408, -3.1722905636, 2.8837833405, -1.3368192911, -3.7537870407, -0.0801032782, 2.7583992481, -2.5884206295, 2.8212063313, 2.9860508442, 1.2579743862, 2.7287983894, 0.6978657842, -4.1248931885, 0.6903788447, 2.6087145805, 2.7287983894, 2.7287983894, 0.5248736739, -1.3368192911, -2.2706637383, 2.419724226, 1.6131370068, 0.1919642687, 0.1919642687, -4.6089510918, 1.3513083458, 0.5167750716, 1.7721940279, 3.9668879509, 2.7287983894, 2.2650182247, 0.1095623448, 2.0137360096, 1.9140131474, 0.5904444456, 0.6393251419, -2.9811019897, -0.1093621179, 0.8130666614, -3.2759792805, -1.5627801418, 2.8212063313, 2.7417542934, 2.8212046623, 1.6637130976, -0.6324814558, 2.4940288067, 0.2925728559, -2.100099802, 0.884291172, -0.6324814558, -2.5340647697, -1.1462880373, 1.3778996468, -7.2947325706, 2.058151722, 1.4188793898, 0.4604617059 ]
[ "is charter internet on demand?", "charter communications", "which tv plans offer on demand", "what is charter tv", "what kind of plans does charter have", "does charter com offer internet?", "what is charter communications", "what is charter tv", "what is charter telecom", "what is the best tv service charter has?", "what are the different packages of charter", "what is the charter telephone number", "what is charter internet", "what service does charter offer", "what kind of internet do charter provide", "what is charter communications", "does charter have tv", "can you bundle charter services", "what is charter telecom", "what services does charter offer", "does charter have cable or internet", "how is charter services different from other companies", "what is charter", "does charter offer internet?", "what is charter communications phone", "what is charter", "what is charter com", "what is charter telecom", "what is the best tv service", "what is charter communication", "what is charter", "does charter offer free internet", "what is the charter telephone number", "what does charter offers", "what services does charter offer", "what does charter offer", "is charter communications cable", "what is the internet package for charter", "does charter offer free cable", "what is the internet service on charter", "which cable company offers free internet?", "what services does charter offer", "what is charter communications", "does charter provide cable", "can you get cable internet at charter", "can you use charter for on demand services?", "does charter offer internet service", "can charter communications bundle", "what is the difference between free tv and charter communications", "how does charter communications offer tv and internet", "does charter offer internet", "which communications offer free internet", "what is charter communications offer", "what is charter communications", "can charter provide internet for new customers", "does charter cable offer free internet", "what is charter's internet service", "what services does charter offers", "who is charter communications", "who is charter communications", "what kind of internet service is charter", "does offer internet", "what is charter communications phone plan", "what is charter communications", "is on demand", "what is charter communications tv", "how do i get free internet on charter", "what kind of internet does charter offer", "what is charter tv", "is charter communications a cable company", "what is charter communications", "what is the difference between charter and comcast", "what services do charter offer", "is charter internet free", "how much does charter communications charge", "what is charter tv", "which cable provider carries the fastest internet speeds", "what is charter communications", "what is charter", "what is the name of charter communications" ]
[ 0.7743028402, 2.4339299202, -0.1988843232, -2.6461205482, 1.0765626431, 1.7288552523, 0.1108599901, -2.6461205482, -0.1419789791, 0.2027491927, -2.849414587, -6.7737503052, -2.5145580769, 2.3341450691, -1.1790361404, 0.1108599901, 0.9398234487, 2.6390135288, -0.1419789791, 2.7035171986, 2.0756363869, -2.4615232944, -2.2789905071, 1.3927983046, -1.865426302, -2.2789905071, -0.7631983161, -0.1419789791, -4.3749022484, -0.2395006269, -2.2789905071, 1.7418955564, -6.7737503052, 2.9235987663, 2.7035171986, 2.449193716, 1.8625195026, -2.0743465424, 1.8336856365, -0.7302520871, -0.4405070245, 2.7035171986, 0.1108599901, 0.6104748249, 1.1642519236, 1.7074860334, 1.6091624498, 3.1059482098, -3.0798358917, 1.8341232538, 1.6876145601, -0.1111147031, 2.9549572468, 0.1108599901, 1.7709707022, 1.5097285509, -1.2308249474, 3.1353476048, -1.7971198559, -1.7971198559, -0.8340903521, 2.0218412876, -0.9249782562, 0.1108599901, 1.7069151402, -0.6881276965, -0.5335972905, 0.1379420012, -2.6461205482, 1.1178991795, 0.1108599901, -4.0355501175, 2.4908115864, 0.9334230423, -5.3640847206, -2.6461205482, -2.5821392536, 0.1108599901, -2.2789905071, -2.5754835606 ]
[ "what is charter communications short interest rate", "what's charter chtr stock price", "what is charter stock?", "stock price for charter communications inc", "when was charter communications stock short", "when did charter communications short interest", "what is charter's stock price", "what is the chtr stock", "what is charter communications inc", "charter stock price", "what is charter communications short interest rate", "charter communications stock price", "when will charter stock drop on chtr", "charter stock price", "how much is charter short interest", "what is chtr stock", "charter chtr stock price", "what is charter communications stock short interest rate", "chtr stock price", "charter communications share price", "what is the short interest for charter", "which stock has the largest short interest? charter communications", "what is charter", "charter stock price", "charter short interest", "what is charter communications chtr short for", "what is charter stock price", "what is charter txt stock price", "what is charter stock", "what is charter communications nasdaq", "how many chtr stock?", "charter communications short interest", "charter short interest", "charter communications stock market price", "where is charter communications stock going", "what is charter communications short interest", "what is charter communications inc", "where is charter communications stock traded", "what stock is charter communications stock", "charter communications stock price", "charter communications stock price", "what is charter's stock", "what is charter communications stock", "stock chtr", "what is charter communications nasdaq", "when did charter communications go short", "what is charter short interest", "what is charter communications stock price", "chtr stock price", "who is charter communications", "what is the stock name of charter communications", "when did charter communications go short", "where is charter communications stock price today", "what is charter communications short interest rate", "chtr stock price", "charter communications price", "what stock is charter communications", "when does charter communications stock drop", "what is charter communications short interest", "what is charter communications", "what is charter stock price", "what's charter stock worth", "what is the stock called charter communications", "what is charter communications", "charter cc stock price", "what is charter communications inc share price", "charter communications stock price", "charter short interest", "what is chtr", "how many charter subscribers are there on stock exchange", "charter communications stock price", "charter nasdaq short interest", "what is charter's short interest", "charter communications stock price", "what is charter chtr", "what is the stock price of charter", "charter communications stock price", "what is chtr stock price", "what is charter communications stock", "who is charter communications ?" ]
[ 0.4025399387, -0.6132668853, -2.0786845684, -2.4324781895, 3.4208157063, 3.6350963116, -3.8057427406, 1.0833541155, 0.3016419411, -3.4356732368, 0.4025399387, -1.30540061, 2.4606029987, -3.4356732368, 1.4185680151, 0.6060937643, -1.1368849277, 0.6878637671, -1.4328387976, -0.8161936402, 2.5186889172, 3.253241539, -3.135027647, -3.4356744289, 3.4703640938, 0.9887880087, -4.217918396, -5.7297310829, -2.5207836628, 1.4927110672, 1.4775898457, 4.0076260567, 3.4703652859, -2.4949967861, -2.682706356, 1.7077406645, 0.3016419411, -2.4576628208, 1.1349005699, -1.30540061, -1.30540061, -1.3227856159, 0.2020065039, 2.439978838, 1.4927126169, 2.5347633362, 0.0650782287, -1.7613320351, -1.4328403473, -0.7321460247, 1.4872660637, 2.5347633362, -2.5548977852, 0.4025399387, -1.4328403473, -2.3076217175, 1.5985479355, 2.8297684193, 1.7077406645, -0.1436410099, -4.2179174423, -4.6947879791, 0.9771342278, -0.1436410099, -4.443821907, -0.6299563646, -1.3054001331, 3.4703640938, 0.8094381094, -3.1145069599, -1.3054001331, 3.3214759827, 1.6239581108, -1.3054001331, 0.8564152718, -3.7332520485, -1.3054001331, -1.6330782175, 0.2020079195, -0.7414414287 ]
[ "who is charter time warner cable", "charter time warner stock price", "time warner stock price chart", "charter time warner stock price", "what is the closing price on time warner cable", "time warner stock price", "time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner cable stock price", "what was charter's stock price", "what is the stock price of charter cable", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner price", "how much did time warner pay charter", "what is the stock price of charter cable", "charter price", "what is time warner cable worth", "what is charter's stock value", "charter tv stock price", "what's the stock price of charter", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "time warner cable stock price chart", "charter time warner stock price", "time warner cable stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "how much is charter cable stock?", "charter stock price", "time warner stock price", "what is the stock price for charter time warner", "charter time warner stock price", "charter cable stock price", "what is charter cost", "time warner stock price", "how much is charter time warner cable", "time warner cable stock price", "time warner cable stock price", "what's the stock price for charter", "how much time warner cable has for charter", "what is charter stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "time warner cable stock price chart", "why charter cable was created?", "what is the closing price of charter cable?", "what is the stock price of time warner cable", "charter cable stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "when will charter buy bright house", "price of charter time warner", "time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "charter time warner stock price", "charter stock price", "time warner cable closing stock price", "what is the stock price for charter cable", "time warner cable stock price", "what is the price of time warner", "what is charter stock price", "what is charter stock price", "charter cable stock price", "what is charter's stock price?", "time warner stock price", "charter stock price", "charter cable stock price", "what is time warner cable stock price", "how much is charter time warner stock", "charter stock price", "charter stock price", "twc stock price", "what is charter stock price", "what is the price of time warner cable", "what was the price of time warner cable?", "time warner stock price", "how much is charter time warner cable", "charter time warner stock price", "time warner cable stock price", "charter price on time warner" ]
[ -2.3699524403, 4.0347366333, 0.0995741785, 4.0347366333, 2.1986796856, 2.9415874481, 2.9415874481, 4.0347366333, 4.7016801834, 1.496825695, 2.4489068985, 4.0347366333, 3.9578325748, 3.7292795181, 2.4489068985, 1.3803104162, 4.3317112923, 0.8732947111, 1.0452539921, 1.5192571878, 4.0347366333, 4.0347366333, 4.0347366333, 4.0347366333, 1.4889178276, 4.0347366333, 4.5897760391, 4.0347366333, 4.0347366333, 2.2512114048, 1.8182199001, 2.9415874481, 3.7780156136, 4.0347366333, 2.9733150005, -0.8004542589, 2.9415874481, 4.1745553017, 4.5897760391, 4.5897760391, 1.7028797865, 3.6595964432, 1.0937933922, 4.0347366333, 1.4889178276, -5.5721960068, 1.6892277002, 3.7866382599, 2.9733150005, 4.0347366333, -2.1221520901, 3.6607422829, 2.9415874481, 4.0347366333, 4.0347366333, 1.8182199001, 3.4511160851, 2.6031763554, 4.5897760391, 2.1116697788, 1.0937933922, 1.0937933922, 2.9733150005, 1.5640765429, 2.9415874481, 1.8182199001, 2.9733150005, 3.9261543751, 3.1831872463, 1.8182199001, 1.8182199001, -4.6601433754, 1.0937933922, 3.4592645168, 3.3048565388, 2.9415874481, 4.1745553017, 4.0347366333, 4.5897760391, 3.8022964001 ]
[ "who is charter communications ac", "what is charter a", "did charter communications ever get approval", "when did charter communications merge with the internet service provider?", "is charter communications doing the merger", "what type of government is charter communications", "why did charter communications get merged with cable companies", "what is the biggest cable company in the us?", "did charter have to merge", "which companies are being approved for big cable mergers?", "who is charter communications", "who did charter co get approval for", "why was charter communications acquired", "what telecommunications company has the largest customer base?", "who owns charter cable ?", "did charter communications get approval for merger", "did charter get approval for merged cable company", "who is charter communications", "is charter an internet service", "which company won approval for big cable?", "who has the biggest cable company", "who is the second largest cable company?", "who owns charter communications", "who is charter communications", "who was the first cable company to get approval", "when was charter communications bought by cable company", "does charter cs have customer rights", "who is charter communications owned by", "which cable companies have received approval for mergers?", "what company bought charter", "what is the name of the company that does big cable", "who is the merged communications", "which communications company has violated customer rights", "who did charter connect get approval for?", "which company merged with charter communications?", "was charter corporation a customer", "who is the largest internet service provider in the us", "who is charter communications", "who approves a cable merger", "what company acquired charter communications", "who bought charter communications inc", "which company acquired charter", "what company has been the second largest cable and internet providers in the usa?", "who won approval for charter", "who is charter communications", "what is the charter merger", "what is the charter merger", "which cable companies are merged into charter", "is charter a cable company", "what was charter communications merger", "which cable companies won approval for merger", "which company has the largest internet access", "which cable company was the first to merge with charter", "who won't buy charter", "when was charter communications merger approved", "does charter communications really abuse customers rights", "what is the biggest cable company in the us", "who did charter communications get approval to merge with", "who is charter telecommunications", "what is the biggest cable company?", "what is the name of the company that owns charter communications", "which company has the second largest internet service", "who is charter communications?", "what is charter communications merger", "who was first charter communications", "who is charter communications?", "who bought charter communications", "what is charter?", "what was charter communications merger", "who has charter communications", "what is charter communications", "who is charter communications owned by", "who owns charter communications?", "who is charter communications", "why did charter get the name charter", "what is charter communications doing", "did charter ever merge with internet services", "what is charter communications", "who is charter communications inc.", "who is charter" ]
[ -6.0033564568, -3.5899498463, 1.8366822004, -3.3487975597, 2.359418869, -3.1960020065, -0.5695587993, 1.068618536, 0.2122603506, 2.6842520237, -1.9185172319, -1.0038734674, -2.7742195129, -3.085064888, -4.8164315224, 3.3969798088, 2.5469939709, -1.9185172319, 1.2459973097, 3.4846408367, 0.8442136049, 2.1611127853, -5.0787110329, -1.9185172319, -1.9624239206, -5.3574066162, -0.3122599721, -5.3118214607, 1.8222895861, -4.0051426888, 0.5037972927, -2.2386727333, 1.4056258202, -1.0439236164, -1.5845221281, -1.3886611462, 1.4094855785, -1.918517828, 2.175978899, -2.8979132175, -4.7083854675, -3.8250992298, 2.4488921165, -0.2971178889, -1.918517828, -0.48187989, -0.48187989, -0.7505407333, 0.9057272673, 0.1266871393, 2.776652813, -0.0692311823, -1.3187836409, -7.5139341354, -2.3280739784, 3.3054373264, 0.8886119127, 0.3436302841, -2.0813338757, 0.6740341187, -5.0140733719, 2.4623222351, -2.0152621269, 0.2322646081, -6.2077231407, -2.0152621269, -4.6181173325, -3.0543367863, 0.1266871393, -2.8659851551, -0.3668192327, -5.3118214607, -5.228638649, -1.9185172319, -5.4073758125, 0.6414206624, 0.0144422548, -0.3668192327, -2.8316030502, -3.7999441624 ]
[ "cost of time warner modems", "cost of a time warner phone", "time warner cable cost per month", "how much is time warner cable", "does charter cost a month", "how much time warner cable", "how much does time warner cable charge per month?", "average cost for time warner", "does time warner pay per month", "time warner cable prices", "how much does time warner cable charge", "how much is time warner cable", "cost of time warner cable cable", "how much does charter cost for modems", "does time warner connect on charter communications", "how much do modems cost on time warner", "how much does charter pay for modem", "does charter use twc cable", "how much time warner cable cost for a modem", "which cable company has charter ct", "cost of charter modem", "how much is time warner cable", "what is the monthly payment for time warner cable", "cost of charter broadband", "does charter cable pay per modem", "cost of modems for a month", "how much does charter cable cost", "how much does charter charge for modems", "cost of modem for charter", "cost of time warner", "time warner cable cost", "cost of time warner cable modems", "cost of time warner cable modems", "what is the price for modem internet", "how much is time warner cable monthly", "cost of modem", "how much do modems cost for cs1", "what is the rate at which time warner cv", "who is time warner cable", "is charter a time warner service?", "average cost of time warner modem", "how much does time warner charge for internet service", "how much does time warner cable charge a month", "does time warner cable pay for modems", "does time warner cable charge per month", "how much does time warner cost", "how much do you pay for time warner modem", "how much does time warner cable cost", "how much for charter modems", "average cost of cable service", "how much time warner cost per month", "time warner cable price", "time warner cable cost", "cost of time warner cable modem", "cost of a time warner cable modem", "does charter charge for a modem", "what is the cost of a modem per month", "what is the cost of time warner cable for modems", "how much is modem cost", "how much does charter cable charge", "how much does it cost to use time warner cable", "how much does the twc charge", "cost of time warner cable modem", "what is the cost of time warner modem", "what is the cost for time warner cable", "how much does charter pay per month", "cost to use time warner cable", "how much do time warner modems cost", "cost for time warner cable modem", "what is the charge for a time warner cable router", "how much does time warner cable charge per month", "how much does charter charge for modems", "what is the cost of time warner?", "time warner cable costs", "what is time warner cable cost", "cost of time warner cable", "how much is cable cost per month", "how much does charter communications pay for modems", "what is the price of time warner modem service", "how much does charter cable charge for modem" ]
[ 2.1858642101, -1.5700575113, 2.5300226212, 1.6935937405, -0.8660635948, 1.6473942995, 2.9150416851, -2.2324616909, -0.8556905985, 1.7441173792, 2.7177333832, 1.6935937405, 1.4519190788, 0.2886023819, -0.8076555133, 2.5285010338, 0.2123764455, -5.5329523087, 3.340886116, -3.9438588619, -0.1639160216, 1.6935937405, 0.7194094062, -2.6173717976, 0.0992397442, 2.0045909882, -0.8631665707, 0.7530475855, 0.3048490882, -0.5528659821, 1.5734480619, 2.9282720089, 2.9282720089, -0.0349850617, 2.12773633, 0.722644031, -3.8212649822, -4.1460256577, -3.0103127956, -0.3364388347, 0.4564837515, 0.9744246602, 3.1693463326, 2.7905004025, 2.690980196, -0.311237067, 2.2775423527, 1.446310997, 0.5928884745, -2.7843728065, 0.8900674582, 1.3698563576, 1.5734480619, 2.8199248314, 2.8561835289, 1.4331341982, 1.1159124374, 3.126553297, 0.5942982435, -0.1107738242, 0.7943798304, -4.673828125, 2.8199248314, 1.9934426546, 1.3199305534, -1.8276720047, 1.0252286196, 2.1804051399, 2.8896560669, 0.9201157093, 2.7946379185, 0.7530475855, -0.2903510034, 1.7317016125, 1.5499337912, 1.3400814533, 0.0061540301, 1.1419249773, 2.1223802567, 1.3000365496 ]
[ "how many employees quit in the us", "how many people quit their jobs in the us", "when do workers quit their jobs", "how many people quit work for the first time in years", "when did domestic violence begin", "how much of us has quit", "ohio domestic laborer quits", "how many workers quit their jobs", "how many housekeepers quit work", "how many domestic workers have quit their jobs since november", "how many people quit work a year ?", "how many domestic workers quit", "who is separating", "how many people quit their job uk?", "what was the smallest rate of employee quits?", "when did the number of domestic workers drop", "how many people have quit their jobs", "what is the percentage of domestic workers who quit their jobs", "how is the number of home workers at risk of job loss a year", "how many domestic workers quit", "fewer domestic workers quit their jobs", "how many domestic workers quit", "how many people quit working", "how many domestic employees quit", "when do domestic workers leave", "what's the average amount of work you leave your job", "what month did domestic violence happen", "how many domestic workers are retiring", "what is the percentage of people who quit their jobs?", "number of quits for domestic workers", "how many domestic workers quit in the u.s.", "how many people quit their jobs in april", "how many domestic workers have left their jobs", "how many workers quit their jobs", "how many people leave their jobs", "what is the lowest the number of people quitting their jobs are", "how many employees quit their jobs in us", "how many people have left a house", "how many employees quit their jobs", "how many people leave jobs", "how many domestic workers quit", "why did the average household quit early", "how many workers quit their positions", "how many people leave their jobs", "what is the current level of unemployment for domestic workers", "how many domestic workers leave their jobs", "how did the domestic violence drop in the us", "what was the most voluntary leave", "how many domestic worker quit", "how many domestic worker quit", "number of domestic worker quit", "what is the lowest number of domestic workers", "how many people quit their jobs in april?", "how many people leave their jobs", "how many people quit their jobs", "number of separations from a place of employment", "how many domestic workers quit", "average number of quits", "how many domestic workers quit", "how many employees are leaving work in november", "how many domestic workers have quit their jobs", "when did the separation rate decrease", "what was the lowest number of separations since november", "how many home employees slack off", "how many workers quit in the us", "how many workers quit after april", "how many people leave workplace", "how many domestic violence quits", "how many people leave home based employment", "domestic violence in united states", "how is domestic worker separation rates", "how many domestic workers quits in a year?", "how many domestic violence employees leave the company", "when did domestic work start", "how many people quit their jobs in april", "how many workers quit their homes", "how many quit their job", "how many home worker quit in august", "how many domestic workers get fired in ny", "who are the domestic workers that quit" ]
[ 1.0215810537, 1.8982458115, 0.1599303633, -3.381742239, -10.1259403229, -2.6031470299, -5.9160633087, 2.3000099659, 0.910102725, 2.0593962669, -0.1312292963, 2.5661392212, -3.3949322701, -0.5900940299, -3.190505743, 0.8868660331, 1.8810219765, 0.0557526089, -6.254940033, 2.5661377907, 3.2243845463, 2.5661377907, 1.7059280872, 2.3287365437, 0.0870844126, -4.2681994438, -7.0034370422, -1.6369044781, -1.2508801222, 2.1887221336, 2.8906035423, 3.0081875324, 3.6349864006, 2.3000118732, 2.5822124481, 0.4794624448, 1.5267045498, -2.4492177963, 1.564409852, 1.9162969589, 2.5661377907, -7.8796405792, 1.3036594391, 2.5822124481, -3.4430544376, 3.4716553688, -3.0351107121, -5.0193896294, 2.3199937344, 2.3199937344, 2.3080790043, -0.3144773245, 3.1378097534, 2.5822134018, 1.9332449436, 3.4155108929, 2.5661392212, -2.0308344364, 2.5661392212, 0.3507277966, 3.1840369701, -0.8048998713, 1.1256585121, -4.0985007286, 1.7700859308, 1.6022437811, 1.8256338835, -1.3489593267, 0.2510940433, -7.4072299004, -0.131280601, 0.9349669814, -0.226316914, -5.8823413849, 3.0081884861, 0.3653305769, 1.2901773453, -4.2143397331, -2.8319997787, -0.7250936031 ]
[ "how many jobs openings in us", "what is the record number of jobs in the us", "what is the job opening in america", "what year did united states post record number of job openings", "what is the number of job openings", "how many jobs are there in the us", "what is the job opening in the united states?", "how many jobs are in the usa right now", "how many jobs have been created in the usa", "number of job postings in the us", "how many jobs are there in the u.s", "what's the job opening for usa?", "how many job openings are there in the united states", "what is the highest number of job openings in the united states?", "how many jobs are there in the us", "average number job openings in us", "what is the job opening in usa", "what the number of jobs openings in usa", "how many jobs are open in american april", "when was the record number of job postings in the united states?", "how many jobs opening in the usa", "how many jobs in america", "what year was the yearly job opening", "how many new jobs are opening every year in the united states?", "what is the total number of new jobs in usa", "how many job openings are there", "what is the number of jobs in america", "how many job openings in usa", "how many openings are there in the us", "how many manufacturing jobs have been added to the usa", "what's the total number of jobs in america", "how many jobs are there currently", "how many jobs are opening", "what is the total number of job openings in the usa", "when is the highest number of job openings in united states", "how many jobs open in april", "how many job opportunities in the usa", "number of job openings in the u.s.", "how many jobs are there in the united states today", "what's the number of jobs in america", "what's the number of jobs?", "what was the highest job opening in april", "number of jobs in the usa", "who is hiring in usa", "what is the highest number of jobs in america", "what is the average openings in the united states in 2015", "where are there jobs openings in us", "how many job postings are currently in the usa?", "how many jobs in april", "which year did the united states record the most job openings", "what is the highest job opening for april", "how many jobs are in the us?", "how many jobs are there in america", "what was the job openings in april", "how many jobs in the united states", "what is the total number of job openings in the us", "what is the number of jobs in america", "where are the largest job postings", "number of jobs opening up in us", "how many jobs open annually", "how many jobs in usa in april", "where are the job openings in april", "how many job openings are there in usa", "who has the most job openings", "how many jobs open in april in america", "average number of job openings in the usa", "how many jobs in the usa", "how many jobs are there in us", "what is the highest number of job openings in the united states.", "what is the current number of job openings in the us?", "how many jobs are open in us", "what is the number of job openings in the united states", "what is the record number of jobs in the us?", "how many jobs are in the united states", "how many job openings in usa", "where are jobs opening", "where was the highest number of jobs openings in april", "how many jobs are in usa", "what is the us jobs outlook?", "what is the number of jobs opening in usa" ]
[ 5.1683855057, 4.1304078102, 3.1067233086, 3.2666325569, 4.3889827728, 3.7922489643, 2.6768755913, 2.1869666576, 1.9168461561, 3.7076444626, 3.9455475807, 2.6026711464, 5.3017120361, 3.837880373, 3.7922489643, 1.9760168791, 2.5862464905, 5.0338997841, 4.8933067322, 3.5872228146, 4.8278684616, 4.1811208725, -1.0528898239, 2.0968949795, 1.9061788321, 4.8737711906, 4.1287889481, 5.2864179611, 4.32467556, 1.1488157511, 3.0690336227, 1.6477118731, 3.715408802, 4.277349472, 4.3014588356, 4.9329862595, 2.3925764561, 5.6086988449, 2.349666357, 4.3814649582, 2.3600711823, 2.1057758331, 4.0473117828, -1.2555264235, 2.9789841175, -0.0042623919, 2.2442138195, 2.4837703705, 4.3729944229, 2.5338847637, 1.9370105267, 3.2840874195, 4.390294075, 4.5588636398, 3.5748445988, 4.1970214844, 4.1287884712, -1.5563795567, 4.1439189911, 0.9770988822, 4.8088698387, 2.3698313236, 5.1172447205, 2.052519083, 5.4238858223, 2.5339009762, 3.6002988815, 3.7749145031, 3.779582262, 3.8313307762, 4.4709601402, 5.1516561508, 4.1956787109, 3.4797172546, 5.2864179611, 1.0019701719, 2.6575009823, 3.5012938976, -3.0265460014, 4.776901722 ]
[ "what is the number of job openings in april 2015", "what is the record number of job openings in april", "when was the first job opening", "job openings for april", "what is the number of jobs opening in april?", "what's the job opening?", "what was the record number of job openings during april", "when was the last month of employment", "when are the record number of jobs openings", "what is the record for april", "what was the job opening in april", "what's the record for job openings in april", "what is the record number of job openings in april", "what was the april record number of job openings", "what is the job openings in april", "what is the record for hiring in april", "what is the highest job opening in april", "what is the number of jobs opening in april", "what is the record number of job openings in april", "what's the job opening in april", "what is the labor department opening in april", "what is the record number of job openings in march", "what is the biggest employment increase in april", "job openings in the april", "what was the record number of job openings in the u.s.?", "what was the record number of job openings in april", "what is the april number in job openings", "what was the record for job opening in april", "what is the record number of job openings in april", "when are job openings in april", "how many job openings in april", "what was the year with the record number of job openings", "what was the record for the most openings in april", "what's the april job market", "what's the april job opening", "what was the highest number of job openings in april", "what was the record for the number of job openings in april", "when was the last job open on the job in april", "what is the record number of job openings in april?", "april job openings for us", "what is the highest number of job openings in april", "what was the record for the most job opening in april?", "what was the earliest job open in april", "when are job openings in april", "what's the job openings in april", "what was the largest number of job openings in april", "what was the record number of job openings in april", "record number of openings in april", "what was the number of job openings in april", "what was the biggest hiring day of the month in april", "what's the biggest job opening in april", "what's the record for job openings in april", "how many openings for april", "when is the best time to apply for an job in labor", "what is the record for job openings in april?", "what's the april job openings", "what is the average number of job openings in april", "number of new job openings in april", "what was the number of openings in april", "what's the record number of job openings", "what was the record number of job openings in april 2015", "what is the record for job openings in april", "when was the record number of job openings", "what's the biggest job market in april", "what is the number of job openings in april?", "when was the record for openings in labor", "april jobs openings", "what is the job opening for april", "what was the record for april", "what was the record number of job openings in the usa in april?", "what is the record number of job openings", "what is the job opening in april", "what is the record number of job openings in april", "what was the job opening in april?", "what is the number of job openings in april", "what was the record number of job openings in april?", "what was the number of job openings in april", "what is the number of job openings in april", "when is there a job opening", "when are there employment opportunities in april" ]
[ 0.5763563514, 1.6639603376, -2.8014445305, 1.4631314278, 0.8262659907, -4.3299098015, 1.4365160465, -4.7220039368, 3.3373165131, 0.2481546253, 0.4801175594, 1.6465101242, 1.6639603376, 1.3672963381, 1.0899989605, 0.2430722415, -1.6613404751, 0.2130332738, 1.6639598608, 0.3612519205, -0.1963778436, -2.9523761272, -5.0349450111, 1.5506254435, 0.556217134, 1.7519242764, 0.3341883719, 1.3250488043, 1.6639598608, 2.4851388931, 0.1092688367, 0.2579521239, -0.3523846567, -1.4254614115, -0.4988813102, -0.6203255057, 1.8532377481, -0.9051080942, 2.1827106476, 0.9311928153, -0.6830390692, 0.3155492246, -2.6691431999, 2.4851391315, 1.213154912, -0.5767272711, 1.7519245148, 2.0071811676, 0.8639793396, -2.658526659, -1.7905279398, 1.6465101242, -0.9776292443, -4.1186122894, 1.9232485294, 0.3345637023, -1.9243295193, 0.2476066202, 0.5587579012, 0.7525391579, 1.6208349466, 1.6721044779, 3.6051056385, -3.3187487125, 1.2250415087, 1.7835987806, 0.8585321307, -0.2863087356, 0.2693843544, 2.1510748863, 0.7574957013, 0.213378638, 1.6639598608, 0.7985394001, 0.6050441265, 2.2375514507, 0.8639802337, 0.6050441265, 0.2065562457, 1.0526509285 ]
[ "what are job openings?", "what is the number of jobs open in the us a year", "what is job opening in usa", "what is the number of open job openings", "what job openings are there in the usa?", "what is the number of job openings in the us?", "what industry are job openings", "what industries are hiring", "types job openings", "what industries are hiring", "how many jobs open in the united states", "what industries is employment increased in?", "what industry is the highest job opening", "number of job openings in us", "how many job openings are there in the us", "what industries are hiring", "what is the job opening", "what is the number of jobs openings in the united states", "what is the job outlook for the new york state", "what's the job opening in the us", "what is the population of public sector jobs", "where is the largest change in employment?", "how many new jobs are opening", "average number of job openings in us", "how many jobs are there in the united states government?", "number of job openings in usa", "what industries have seen an increase in job openings", "what were the job openings for the us government", "what industry is the most affected by job losses?", "what industries are closing", "what is the number of job openings in us government", "what is the employment rate in the us", "what industries has decreased unemployment in us", "what is the number of job openings", "what is the average number of job openings?", "what was the largest job opening", "what industries are opening the biggest", "how many jobs are opening in the us government", "what are the job openings for the federal government", "what industries are hiring in canada", "where is the job openings", "biggest job openings", "what were the largest changes in jobs", "how many job openings are there in us", "where do you find job openings", "what was the biggest job opening in the u.s.", "what is job opening in the united states?", "how many jobs in usa", "what industry is hiring the highest", "number of jobs openings", "what were the changes in government job openings", "what is the employment rate in the us and canada in terms of jobs", "what is the number of job openings in us", "what's going on in texas job market?", "what is the biggest job opening in us", "what is the number of job openings in u.s.", "how many jobs are open in ohio", "how many government jobs are there", "what is the number of job opening in the us", "average job opening for government", "what industry has the most openings", "what industries have the greatest number of jobs openings", "what job openings did the government announce", "how many jobs does the us have", "what is the number of public job openings", "what's the job openings in the us", "which of the following industries is the most likely to see job openings?", "what are the job openings in the usa", "what type of job openings are there in the usa", "what industry is the most affected?", "what is the total number of jobs openings", "where did the job openings in the usa rise", "what were the major changes in the job market", "what is job openings for the u.s", "what is the job opening rate for the us?", "what is the number of job openings in the us", "what is job opening in usa", "what is the employment rate for the us government", "types of government job openings 2015", "what sectors are hiring the most" ]
[ -0.7257945538, -0.1933224052, -1.1708536148, 2.1454150677, 0.5626055598, 2.1587190628, 2.1885187626, 0.6157887578, 1.1239480972, 0.6157887578, 0.9292026162, 2.0503389835, 1.1988216639, 2.7183904648, 1.677972436, 0.6157887578, -0.6758543253, 1.674339056, -9.4741773605, 0.447458595, -5.0694656372, 0.1278224587, 0.84312886, 0.7506228089, -0.4521581233, 2.1835823059, 3.5042002201, 1.1920163631, -3.0447604656, -3.953774929, 1.7167031765, -5.6651520729, -0.9000331163, 2.9017233849, 0.838791132, 1.0702879429, 1.1345746517, 1.1988444328, -0.7582958341, -2.682929039, 1.2780860662, 1.2498623133, 2.1121761799, 1.7994663715, 0.5106160641, -0.1670426875, -1.33743155, -0.3745355606, -1.1480119228, 3.4390904903, 2.8041336536, -6.6218795776, 2.3118584156, -7.3510417938, -0.0178760253, 2.0128078461, -3.5347840786, -0.4515781105, 1.9616180658, -0.1111531556, 1.5052337646, 2.7130963802, -0.3677728772, -1.3751125336, -0.1375073045, 1.6598360538, 0.9781374335, 1.0768830776, 0.720810473, -1.4273272753, 2.0703911781, 0.6533955932, 0.7612864971, 0.101732634, -0.6821406484, 2.2490339279, -1.170853138, -4.0016818047, -0.661334455, -1.3545902967 ]