this video is sponsored by gaming lights police rp if you're looking for a fun police rp server look no further than gaming light i love their star wars rp server and i knew i was going to have a ton of fun on their police rp server check it out for yourself using the links in the pinned comment description or just directly checking them out in the police rp section of gmod thanks again gaming light someone everything's good yeah yeah all right tell me if this works tell me this works yeah it works yeah it works oh i'm getting dragged away my game is still crashing hardcore oh my goodness are you the owner or the the community guidance guy yeah i will be your community uh reference for today fantastic thanks kermit all right let's learn the news the do's and don'ts of this since uh i've been banned from this server since NUMBER_TOKEN yeah uh it's a little awkward i don't know uh how that happened it was NUMBER_TOKEN it was a different time i've been reformed a secret agent has arrived wait someone's here oh PROFANITY_TOKEN watch out behind you there's a secret new video yeah i just gave you a minigun
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is sponsored by gaming lights police rp if you're looking for a fun police rp server look no further than gaming light i love their star wars rp server and i knew i was going to have a ton of fun on their police rp server check it out for yourself using the links in the pinned comment description or just directly checking them out in the police rp section of gmod thanks again gaming light END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
look i can forgive you for like any mistake but this is like getting
Saiyan Prince will have his day naturally nothing goes as planned and now his Highness is stuck putting his neck on the line for Earth again that's all because that clown Kakarot refuses to take him seriously this point the gang isn't even sure boos gonna be that much of a threat after seeing Bobby's other minions so it's easy to see why this would be so frustrating for Vegeta as if that weren't enough to chip away at the old pride he also catches a glimpse of some of Goku's power during the fight with a cone and realizes he's already outmatched by now patinas ego has been demolished and Goku's day on earth has practically just started so when Bobby swag goes onto the scene and dangles a chance to defeat his rival right in front of his face now the dealer just can't help himself with enchanted juice pumping through his veins in some new forehead decor Jeets embraces his midlife crisis he'll turn in shows up a city block to celebrate Goku is understandably not entirely thrilled about that so he agrees to give baby his bottle and fight him whoa now Lani when you put it that way it almost sounds like you don't think Goku took this fight all that seriously I mean are we going to address the long haired eyebrow lacking elephant in the room knowing Goku SPAC in Super Saiyan NUMBER_TOKEN in retrospect diminishes a lot of the tension in this fight we know this isn't go ku at his full strength and it just reinforces the fact that this rivalry still hasn't had a truly all-out round - you could argue that Goku assume the transformation would eat up the rest of his time on earth so we avoided it but it's still kind of an insult to Vegeta that he never found it necessary look if hiding a transformation that might consume too much energy to even be worth using is a dick move I don't even know how to classify incinerating a crowd of onlookers cuz you've realized you like having a wife and son regardless this is still an excellent fight and a fantastic example of character-driven conflict what would you love to tell us all about how much Goku's very existence tortures him this fight shows us what that means it gives us a much more nuanced motivation than Dragon Balls typical win the tournament or save the universe this fight is personal and that makes a huge difference even if we later learn that Goku isn't giving it at all and again it can't be overstated how great some of this choreography is the last bit of close quarters combat before majin buu was revived is some top-notch fisticuffs and among the highest bars the series ever hits what this fight may lose in stakes and a proper ending it more than makes up for with moments like that it's really unfortunate that Buu wakes up before this fight gets a satisfying conclusion but since it ultimately leads to one of the most iconic moments in the characters history I think it's fair we let it slide this time plus the surprise next shop lets vegeta technically win this round which means we got to get that tiebreaker sooner or later right yokas never actually beaten vegeta one-on-one has he that first round
why i'm so fascinated with this time period because there are a lot of parallels between now and then i mean again we think of today as a time of massive change but look at how life was before and after the victorian period like i mentioned toilets earlier before the victorian age people did their business in bedpans and bathed in washtubs in their bedrooms the victorians created the entire concept of a bathroom there was an entire industry around ice because that was the only way to keep food from spoiling by the end electric refrigeration was common travel was basically something only rich people could do and the fastest you could get anywhere was by horse by NUMBER_TOKENs trains spanned continents and there were cars on the road interior lighting was only done by candlelight and oil lamps kitchens were basically rooms built around a wood-fired oven or stove that you had to keep feeding with fuel so much of life before gas stoves was arranged around storing and preparing food afterward it was just a thing you scheduled into your day and think about music for all of human history before the invention of sound recording the only way to experience music was to be physically in front of somebody playing it so fancy houses had parlor rooms arranged around pianos and it was important for somebody in the house to be able to play music for family entertainment when guests came over but then once victrolas came out parlors were centered around them they were like the first entertainment center so much of how we live today and how we understand the world got its start in the victorian era everything changed on a very fundamental level so all this crazy that happened during the victorian era it was basically the birth pangs of the industrial world and now today we're experiencing a new technological revolution that's changing everything about how we live and work i mean like look at what i'm doing youtuber that is a job is only like barely over a decade old we are in a period of transition just like the victorian age and let's be honest with ourselves it's getting kind of weird kids eating tide pods for fake internet points people eating sheep dewormer for a disease that we have a vaccine for i'm pretty sure people in the future are going to look back at this time period with a giant wtf as well you know just like the victorian era was the birth pangs of the industrialized world maybe we're currently experiencing the birth pangs of the information world but hey at least we're not drinking our own poop all right so let's get serious for a second you know we got all these modern conveniences in our kitchens and what what are you doing you getting fast food eating frozen dinners come on stop doing that to yourself you should check out hellofresh hellofresh delivers fully stocked meal kits right to your home and let me tell you why this is better than going to the store first of all it saves time second of all a lot of the ingredients are bought direct from farmers so it's fresher than what you get in the store and some of it's stuff you can't even find in your local store and that's part of the fun of hello fresh you get to try out new flavors and spices stuff that you never would have run into otherwise and by the way one of the things i always hear is people say like well i can't cook
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN you should check out hellofresh hellofresh delivers fully stocked meal kits right to your home and let me tell you why this is better than going to the store first of all it saves time second of all a lot of the ingredients are bought direct from farmers so it's fresher than what you get in the store and some of it's stuff you can't even find in your local store and that's part of the fun of hello fresh you get to try out new flavors and spices stuff that you never would have run into otherwise and by the way one of the things i always hear is people say like well i can't cook END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
Wait, is he doing well from this? What? Why would she lose followers? "Bubble girl? Oh my god." Okay, but that wouldn't be enough for the internet to unfollow her. I feel like what writers in teen movies don't understand is that the internet is less outraged about some trivial embarrassing thing, like a nose bubble, and would be more outraged about a guy cheating on a girl. Cause the internet now is very performative. So, if you do anything that seems immoral, like cheating or saying something that could be offensive, that's something that the internet would actually be outraged by and unfollow you for. In this scenario, they would feel sorry for the girl and probably think that she's so relatable cause of the fucking nose bubble thing. So, I'm not believing this shit at all. Where is the performative activism? Because that is peak internet culture. Realistically, everyone would call the guy piece of shit, and then they would look through all of his old tweets or videos or whatever to see that he's actually racist and then they would cancel him and that would be the end of the story. She would profit off of this. "We pay you because you're the makeover girl." "I'm still that girl." "No. You're a meme. You're Bubble Girl." Okay, so that's why she decides to give a makeover to that smelly-looking Jughead wannabe. So that she can redeem herself as the makeover girl. Because he seems to be impossible to make over. But that doesn't really make sense because, if you look at him, you can clearly tell that's he is some conventionally attractive white dude who just wore a beanie and flannel. Like, you can tell the actor has never been one of those high school rejects, because he has, like, the chiseled jawline or whatever and the blue eyes. And then they just tried to dress him down. All you have to do is just wear a different outfit. "But you gotta admit, she kind of brought it on herself." "You're saying she deserved it?" "Okay, I did not say 'deserved'." I don't believe you, bitch. You were the one who chose to continue filming it live. I don't trust you. "But after years of this NUMBER_TOKEN, hot boyfriend, Insta-perfect corporate sponsor streak, I mean, something had to give." Oh, this bitch is a hater! Honestly, yeah. There are a lot of people out there, when they see you doing so good they wanna take you down. She's a typical hater all around. "Hey, Bubble Girl! You need me to pop that thing for you?" "Back off, sleazeball!" Aw, I like the girl in plaid. She's a good friend. And she does have a cute outfit, so that's bonus points for her. "Who the hell does he think he is? When I first met him, his real name was Jordan Dickman." "Makeovers are my thing. And I made that guy." Wait, so she gave him a makeover... but the end result was that? Girl, I don't know if you wanna brag about that.
program so that's absolutely fantastic it is coming soon like i said it's gonna be an official this is an official teaser from samsung so here's here's what's happening so what one uiNUMBER_TOKEN beta program with android NUMBER_TOKEN when program is coming soon probably a couple weeks now this is for who who can join the program samsung galaxy s NUMBER_TOKEN sNUMBER_TOKEN sNUMBER_TOKEN plus or the sNUMBER_TOKEN ultra users on sprint t-mobile or a samsung unlocked device and of course how to join we just showed you guys how to join make sure you go to the website download the latest members application or update it and simply watch it like a hawk okay it's gonna show up i mean i'm gonna be making a video as soon as available anyway just to give you guys a heads up be up to date and stay tuned for the latest update so obviously we're gonna get all the benefits of android NUMBER_TOKEN most of them which are already in one ui which is crazy one ui NUMBER_TOKEN but i'm sure samsung is going to even add more features on their end make android NUMBER_TOKEN even better with the one ui NUMBER_TOKEN layout which they usually do all right so if you have any questions comments or concerns drop them down below uh let me know for now guys have a fantastic day stay tuned for all the updates all right so if you found this video useful make sure to subscribe to saki tech by clicking that button and also click that bell icon on the side to make sure you get notified every time i upload a new video and if you do use twitter instagram or facebook you can follow me at sociotech online to get the latest updates as well alright have a fantastic day
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN right so if you have any questions comments or concerns drop them down below uh let me know END_INTERACTION_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN all right so if you found this video useful make sure to subscribe to saki tech by clicking that button and also click that bell icon on the side to make sure you get notified every time i upload a new video and if you do use twitter instagram or facebook you can follow me at sociotech online to get the latest updates as well alright have a fantastic END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
our gpu doing gpu max of NUMBER_TOKEN so that's way better yeah and it's been drawing NUMBER_TOKEN looks like NUMBER_TOKEN average NUMBER_TOKEN. so about the same although that's probably just power limited well i just um so let down right now it sounds broken it really does sound broken i think it must have just broken yeah it might be broken so i have confirmed that it is broken and should not sound like that cool uh but that doesn't account for that it has no speed control what is working though it works great like look at this yes this is wonderful it's a lot better it's a lot a lot like look at this sustained hundred watts on the cpu was like NUMBER_TOKEN before yeah it's a massive difference that's pretty cool looks like it's helping out the cpu the most well i'm guessing the gpu temps are way lower oh for sure yeah that's awesome like NUMBER_TOKEN degrees massive drop in gpu temps and literally doubled your cpu power like not bad just has to work not a perfect product but when it works boy is this ever a fast laptop that gets even faster when you hook it up to the external cooling system they've just definitely got a couple of little wrinkles to iron out just like i always iron my segways smooth get the best prices and best selection on computer hardware and everything else technology at any one of microcenter's NUMBER_TOKEN locations across the united states check out the micro center custom pc builder to spec out the best pc for your budget it'll help you ensure all your parts are compatible find stock available at your nearest micro center then you can just add it to your cart and arrange for same day in store pickup for a fee you can check the box marked same day pro assembly and one of micro center's expert technicians will assemble your pc for you if you want help deciding what parts to put in your new custom gaming pc join the online micro center community it's a great place to discuss tech with other enthusiasts new microcenter customers can get a free NUMBER_TOKEN gig ssd at the link down below no purchase necessary valid in-store only limit one coupon per customer if you guys enjoyed this video go check out the one where we water cooled in alienware with a weird thing we found on aliexpress it cost way more and didn't work nearly as well i really think they're on to something just gotta iron wrinkles
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN just like i always iron my segways smooth get the best prices and best selection on computer hardware and everything else technology at any one of microcenter's NUMBER_TOKEN locations across the united states check out the micro center custom pc builder to spec out the best pc for your budget it'll help you ensure all your parts are compatible find stock available at your nearest micro center then you can just add it to your cart and arrange for same day in store pickup for a fee you can check the box marked same day pro assembly and one of micro center's expert technicians will assemble your pc for you if you want help deciding what parts to put in your new custom gaming pc join the online micro center community it's a great place to discuss tech with other enthusiasts new microcenter customers can get a free NUMBER_TOKEN gig ssd at the link down below no purchase necessary valid in-store only limit one coupon per customer END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
if you're in the jungle it's pretty much sure shirts off get out get out stay looking for it i got your back brother ally has been slain sorry no problem
in farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN that will be able to be placed right on your farm now these greenhouses they produce lettuce tomatoes and strawberries i know that's technically the entire new feature but we're counting this one here in the production chain section number four cross play for some out there this is nothing special i understand however for some others of you this is arguably the biggest feature added to farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN. simply put if you are playing farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN on any platform you'll be able to play together xbox playstation pc and mac will all be able to play farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN together with each other also not to mention the fact that this also means console players for the very first time we'll be able to play farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN on servers together um shameless plug be sure to get your g portal server using the link in the description below that'll even get you five percent off number five new crops and items once again we'll be seeing all the standard cross we've come to know and love in farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN from your wheat barley oats corn canola soybeans sunflowers sugarcane poplars beets and potatoes but added on into farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN we will now be able to plant and harvest sorghum olives and grape crops sore gum is a similar to our grain crops however the olives and grapes are entirely new and farming similar NUMBER_TOKEN will include specialized equipment that are designed just for those crops also we'd be amiss if we didn't mention the new greenhouse crops once again strawberries lettuce and tomatoes as those are technically new crops as well number six game engine improvements once again this is more of a behind the scenes type of feature however this could potentially be the biggest change to the farming simulator series farming simulator runs on the giant's engine and in farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN it will be running on the next version of this engine giant's engine NUMBER_TOKEN. some of the performance enhancements include texture streaming which allow the game to only render things that are in your current view occlusion culling is built in to prevent hidden objects from rendering until they are visible and pc players will also be able to utilize directx NUMBER_TOKEN which will better manage gpu and cpu usage you can also expect better graphics thanks to temporal anti-aliasing which reduce jagged edges and flickers parallax occlusion mapping which will give things a three-dimensional appearance and also work has been done to improve shadows now i know a lot of the mumbo jumbo i just said doesn't mean a whole lot to anyone let's just go with better graphics better looking prettier tractors you guys get the gist number seven sound improvements this almost fits right in with game engine improvements as it may not be noticed by all players but if done correctly this will make a huge improvement to immersion in the series the biggest change to the sound engine in farming simulator NUMBER_TOKEN is how equipment sounds you will now notice specific changes to sound based on how much load your equipment is under for example if you're driving your around your farm just cleaning things up it might sound a little quiet but if you're with your tractor in your field tilling up some ground with a large subsoiler things may get a little bit grunty this feature also coincides with the new manual transmission feature of course and to top it off will be available for modders to take advantage of number eight build mode and the terrain editor hey
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN sure to get your g portal server using the link in the description below that'll even get you five percent off number five END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
i mean if you think about i have carbs this is bread carbs carbs carbs carbs carbs fat the cheese the mayo the grease fat from the cheese and the grease everything's deep-fried seed oils fatty this is not only just carbs it's also fat french fries they're covered in that fry fry fry fry
well late good morning everybody i say late uh because uh we've driven up to the very north end of louis now for any of you that are familiar with this location the two environments are very very different to one another harris is a bit more gentle rolling and lewis has steep cliffs and these pinnacles as you can see behind me here it is it is beautiful up here uh there's nobody up here i'm just here with uh alastair ben and his client phil and then way down on the beach there you probably can't see him is uh tom doing a bit of uh vlogging down there so we arrived about probably an hour and a half ago and it was just absolutely pouring with rain so we've been sitting in the car waiting for the weather to change and it's it's slowly changing at least it stopped raining and now we've gone for a walk and i'm just looking to see what there is to photograph and of course the thing that stands out to me uh probably the most prominent thing are these uh beautiful sea stacks down here with the sandy beaches so i'm just wandering around trying to find some compositions and as soon as i find something i'll be sure to share with you what i found so while we were hanging out in the car we were talking about tripods and uh and stability of tripods and and safely using a tripod and uh it's funny because as you can see here i'm quite close to the edge here and it is quite windy it's not as windy as it could be but my recommendation is uh and we were talking talked about this in the car is never leave your camera sitting on a tripod next to a cliff when there's wind or even if there isn't winds never leave your camera just sitting there on a tripod because there's a really good chance that it'll end up on the other side of the cliff and if you're on a trip like this and you only have one camera that could be kind of the end of your trip so what i usually do is i'll just keep taking my camera off if i'm going to my bag for a filter i'll take the whole camera with me i really don't want my camera going over the cliff now as far as this image goes uh it's really quite pretty because we have that lovely beach in the background and it's just pristine there's hardly any footprints on it whatsoever and then the the sea stacks and what i've decided to do is do some panos because i really love uh the cliff on the side here and the sea stacks and of course the ocean and parts of the mountains or the hillsides behind i'm not terribly keen on the foreground here the grasses it's it's uh there's a lot of sheep around here so it's pretty much flattened by sheep and photographers probably but yeah it's a it's a beautiful scene i was hoping for a little bit of directional light but i i don't think that's going to happen but i think the colors are subtle enough that it'll it'll bring the the image or it'll
going to continue so that we repeat this loop over again until the user inputs a valid row and column but if the user did input something valid then we did get that location so we can call URL_TOKEN at row comma call and so now we've already implemented this part so we don't have to actually worry about the mechanisms of actually digging we know that URL_TOKEN is going to return true if we've dug successfully and false if not and so we can assign a variable called safe whether or not our dig was safe so whether or not we've uncovered a bomb or not right so at the very beginning we're actually going to say safe is true because at the very beginning we haven't dug anything you know we're safe we have all of our lives and so if not safe anymore well this means that we've dug a bomb and that's bad we're gonna call break because this means game over we shouldn't be continuing this loop anymore we shouldn't be allowing the user to dig so we're going to break out of that while loop and now at the very end there's two ways to exit this while loop right either you've won and there's no more spaces on the board where you can dig or you've dug a bomb nothing safe anymore and yeah rip so let's check which one if we're still safe this means that we've just run out of spaces to dig we've dug every single possible spot to dig and so we've actually won let's prank congratulations you are victorious all right but on the other hand if we're not safe that means that we've dug a bomb and we can print sorry game over
think i've let myself down i should have been should i've been brave i don't know it could have gone horribly wrong i think i can make this one though it's not a definite because i'm at two percent battery oh i tell you what i like this when you put the indicator on it sends you a little camera feed of your blind spot that's brilliant all right it's up here i don't want any wrong turns because the wrong turn could absolutely scupper me going this way oh oh there's a blind spot warning really really good so the charging point is just down here i'm just going to go scout it out i still got three miles of range remaining so i'll definitely make it the question is though am i going to be able to keep on driving around this location to wind out the last bit of range to see how far i can actually go or i'm going to have to head out onto the road again and maybe chance it and see if i can just wind off some range and eventually make it back here oh my god i thought i've been here before and i have the very first range test we did ages ago i actually made it here in the tesla model NUMBER_TOKEN. now if you want to see that video click on the pop-out banner up there to go watch that video i can't believe it i was like deja vu this is the place i don't know exactly where the charges are oh wait a minute i've got a horrible feeling there might just be tesla chargers that would be a very bad thing because obviously i can't charge this using a tesla supercharger please have some other charges there please please please oh no they weren't tesla chargers were they look they were insta vaults we're on so i've got three miles of range i'm gonna have to do a bit of driving around and then come back here and hopefully i'm not going to misjudge that otherwise i might not be coming back here all right i'm just going to start driving around in circles for a bit let's see how this plays out this is how i like to spend my evenings most nights just cruising around estates trying to run out of battery power the trip computer is saying that i've done NUMBER_TOKEN miles and i've got one mile of range remaining in theory i should do NUMBER_TOKEN miles but can i go further than that here we find out i'm not giving up
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN now if you want to see that video click on the pop-out banner up there to go watch that video END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
um okay if we can get them stuck here come on over down here we gotta leave with the one of the pylons because i think it'll give us a transfer as well come on i want him to get stuck in this yeah yeah right no come on yeah no yeah no yeah i think maybe he can't do it just because maybe if i do this oh get down here i want okay no mother i just want him down here he's goddamn raccoons also hey if you like my videos be sure to help me out in my videos leave a comment down below not just simply a like but a comment as well participate to help with the retention leaving a comment helps the channel continue to grow and it's deeply appreciated thought to throw that out there as i wait for this raccoon to do what i want yes no wait okay yes ignore it became a one-piece hoodie wait what
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN also hey if you like my videos be sure to help me out in my videos leave a comment down below not just simply a like but a comment as well participate to help with the retention leaving a comment helps the channel continue to grow and it's deeply appreciated thought to throw that out there END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
the moment you've all been waiting for we have now come to the point where i'm gonna tell you how you can enter the competition to win this PROFANITY_TOKEN sensational bmw mNUMBER_TOKEN so all you need to be doing is following seven days performance on instagram facebook and youtube you'll also need to be fun with all of my social media dmo dj for everything instagram twitter facebook snapchat tick tock the full shebang also you need to make sure you follow cold candy and you need to make sure that you follow d-max i'm basically gonna find out when the winner gets picked to see how much of a dmo army support you are when the winner gets picked you're gonna double check to make sure that you're following all of the accounts eventually you follow me and that's all you need to do this is a giveaway it's near christmas somebody is going to have a bmw mNUMBER_TOKEN fully loaded wheels rack carbon shebang and we have not finished we have not finished that's all that you need to do make sure you are doing that and go and hit up seven days performance right now the competition is live now he took the l we had the deal he's actually come through he did go missing for about a week so i thought we weren't going to come through with the final part so you're going to see what's going to happen hey all right listen let me tell you a joke it's not a joke because this is serious PROFANITY_TOKEN serious so anyway he sent me NUMBER_TOKEN bags by crypto so me obviously you know i don't use crypto i don't have a clue about this app and all of this PROFANITY_TOKEN so anyway in the middle of the night what time was it about NUMBER_TOKENam something like anyway so i'm dusting around thinking oh yeah i'm going to start trying and do a bit of trading or some sort of PROFANITY_TOKEN anyway so i was like okay cool so i tried to transfer some money from one wallet to another wallet so i think it was like coinbase sorting to coinbase wallet anyway i've not done any transactions so i've done like two transactions so the one was from him initially going into the account and then one was from another account so i was just testing i think i said like a pound or something like that or so anyway i sent over i think it was what was it like five bags or something yeah five again and me i was in the car with some friends about NUMBER_TOKENam like who the PROFANITY_TOKEN just sent me like five people questioning it but it's your wallet you don't know the name if you're saying like game or whatever everywhere i sent it yeah i said i said thinking i've sent it to myself to another account anyway i thought oh yeah do you know what when switzy made that NUMBER_TOKEN bags transaction it took a couple of minutes yeah so i thought all right cool let me go to sleep i woke up look at that yo where the PROFANITY_TOKEN this money god but in crypto bro it's not like you got a name and account it's like y z x underscore left right up down star l two r two i listen it's manta anyway i've looked at it and i think you know it's only gotta have gun to him
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN the moment you've all been waiting for we have now come to the point where i'm gonna tell you how you can enter the competition to win this PROFANITY_TOKEN sensational bmw mNUMBER_TOKEN so all you need to be doing is following seven days performance on instagram facebook and youtube you'll also need to be fun with all of my social media dmo dj for everything instagram twitter facebook snapchat tick tock the full shebang also you need to make sure you follow cold candy and you need to make sure that you follow d-max i'm basically gonna find out when the winner gets picked to see how much of a dmo army support you are when the winner gets picked you're gonna double check to make sure that you're following all of the accounts eventually you follow me and that's all you need to do this is a giveaway it's near christmas somebody is going to have a bmw mNUMBER_TOKEN fully loaded wheels rack carbon shebang and we have not finished we have not finished that's all that you need to do make sure you are doing that and go and hit up seven days performance right now the competition is live now he took END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
six is in one of those cells
i don't know it's open look at all these freaking golf clubs there's all these like old wooden shaft golf clubs make sure this is for sale though yeah i should probably get out of here hey are the golf clubs in here for sale
welcome back everyone my name is for comia and today we're going to be looking at a mod by sonic huger which fixes and implements a multitude of different things on sonic's model including new iron model materials a custom mouth which gives sonic just a bit more expression during certain animations also eye movement for some reason blind squirrel didn't port the eye animations from the original colours so the creator of this mod has fixed that and now sonic feels way more alive especially coinciding with the custom mouth something else this mod fixes is that weird error at the beginning of starlight carnival acts NUMBER_TOKEN. i'm not sure if blind squirrel will ever intend on fixing any of these things it's difficult to say but shout out to sonic hugo for doing this it's definitely what would be a much needed quality of life update before we get started let's talk about today's sponsor mecharina it is a third person based shooter where the gameplay is focused entirely around your mech in a fast-paced NUMBER_TOKENvNUMBER_TOKEN environment it has incredible visuals with bright and vibrant maps and a ton of variety of mech designs and abilities as a sonic fan this really reminds me of a more advanced tales mech from sonic adventure NUMBER_TOKEN. macarena has a multitude of different skins and weapons for you to unlock for each mech which in my opinion adds so much more value to the game and gives you your own uniqueness to your mech being able to customize it in any way you desire all you have to do is choose your own desired mech and all the customizable options are there for you all in one place which is very convenient in mecharina there is a gameplay style for everyone for instance one of my mech loadouts on paragon equips the autocannon NUMBER_TOKEN which has high ammunition high fire rate but gradual damage and one of my other mech loadouts on lancer equips two rpgs which deals great damage around the point of impact and has no damage fall off i also have jump jets equipped if you like your mobility this is certainly for you after you've finished each battle you're awarded xp which helps you unlock even more of these weapons and cosmetics for your mech and something else to sweeten the deal every time you log in you get rewarded whether it be coins skins or anything else this game rewards you for simply logging in every day and this game is also completely free to play on ios and android devices you can scan my qr code on the lower right hand side of the screen to get some awesome perks like the mil spec skin NUMBER_TOKEN acorns and NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN credits which will help you get started feel free to add me on the game too and we'll fight in the arena together i'll see you there okay with all that said let's get on with the no commentary gameplay for this video i went through four different stages so i hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before we get started let's talk about today's sponsor mecharina it is a third person based shooter where the gameplay is focused entirely around your mech in a fast-paced NUMBER_TOKENvNUMBER_TOKEN environment it has incredible visuals with bright and vibrant maps and a ton of variety of mech designs and abilities as a sonic fan this really reminds me of a more advanced tales mech from sonic adventure NUMBER_TOKEN. macarena has a multitude of different skins and weapons for you to unlock for each mech which in my opinion adds so much more value to the game and gives you your own uniqueness to your mech being able to customize it in any way you desire all you have to do is choose your own desired mech and all the customizable options are there for you all in one place which is very convenient in mecharina there is a gameplay style for everyone for instance one of my mech loadouts on paragon equips the autocannon NUMBER_TOKEN which has high ammunition high fire rate but gradual damage and one of my other mech loadouts on lancer equips two rpgs which deals great damage around the point of impact and has no damage fall off i also have jump jets equipped if you like your mobility this is certainly for you after you've finished each battle you're awarded xp which helps you unlock even more of these weapons and cosmetics for your mech and something else to sweeten the deal every time you log in you get rewarded whether it be coins skins or anything else this game rewards you for simply logging in every day and this game is also completely free to play on ios and android devices you can scan my qr code on the lower right hand side of the screen to get some awesome perks like the mil spec skin NUMBER_TOKEN acorns and NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN credits which will help you get started feel free to add me on the game too and we'll fight in the arena together i'll see you there okay END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
okay everybody welcome to a bonus video this week i don't normally release saturday videos and i don't normally critique other youtubers it's just not an area i like to step on into but occasionally they put out a piece of content that's like a deer putting a gun in its mouth and blowing out its brains as it falls into the back of your truck like you don't hunt but you're not gonna waste an opportunity to get free meat those that's the weirdest metaphor i've done in a while and i also would like to clarify i'm a fan of some of specifically screen rants content i think ryan george is amazingly funny and if you haven't subscribed to his actual personal youtube channel i recommend you do so but they also are very guilty of just dumping out poorly researched content to try and get picked up in the algorithm and they stepped into my territory they made wheel of time content and i've had to bite my tongue a lot over the last few months since the show came out seeing giant channels try and just put out fake i read the wheel of time content it's abundantly clear when they haven't actually read the books and this screen rant video has the narrator being like time for a eye of the world reread i guess maybe yeah because you got you got one of the biggest mistakes i have ever seen in a piece of content like this for several reasons so the video in question is titled NUMBER_TOKEN things you missed about the wheel of time and in typical massive content youtube formula fashion it's really just NUMBER_TOKEN random tidbits it's not even things you necessarily missed about the show but my ears were when they hit number eight and let's let's just listen to number eight shall we way back in NUMBER_TOKEN. in the decades since the first novel dropped times have changed a wee little bit that means the wheel of time would have changed a lot too there was one change that i was really happy to see from the books they wisely changed the scene where peron's wife perishes in a pretty brutal fashion early in the first novel while it was pretty shocking at the time for a modern audience this could be argued to be what is known as fridging this would have gotten the kind of attention no tv show really wants to get so wise move on their part leaving this out they uh did you kept that there book fans oh my god so not only did they flip that no originally in the book parent's wife is not fridged it's actually something that's inserted into the show and it's one of the things i do not like so far and have criticized heavily but in the editing they show footage of it happening and didn't realize what they've done they literally are saying it's great they changed this for the show and didn't include it well showing it in the show and including it and then they go on to act like they've read the book and this is not some small thing which i am very forgiving on people say wrong names wrong locations you know small mistakes are very common but to claim a character who did not exist in the books and did not certainly die in the books existed in the books and died in the books and then didn't exist in the show and didn't die in the show when it's
search up the keyword that the game is called there's way more than just that one there's this one there's this one there's this one there's this one there's this one there oh why why there's this one dude what is this this is the weirdest corner of roblox i've ever laid my eye on eyes on it's i'm speechless they all have like a decent amount of players too like NUMBER_TOKEN players on this one my eyes are going blurry that one literally just looks insanely inappropriate i can't even show that one this one's kind of like demonstrating what the heck happens in in these games but it's about eating it's not about turning into a balloon a human balloon what does this mean okay i'm gonna do a little bit more googling i can't find anything about it i searched up i searched up the keywords people are using and it's just giving me like a bunch of stuff about like delivery like like like item delivery from amazon that has nothing to do with this oh yeah this is not good terrible corner of the internet that i have been exposed to you know what if the person's watching this that showed me this uh you know who you are um and i hate you for this oh i heard a gulping noise was that in game or was that me in real life how did i make that no there's no way that was a game ah dude what is this kill human i would love to honestly that's a cool effect you know that's that's a cool thing look at that it's like wavy where's this glugging coming from i think i'm gonna have a heart attack oh my god dude these people should not be here it's all scp themed you know that's funny i guess maybe it's an scp thing maybe i'm just overreacting oh there's a dead person in there maybe i am just overreacting maybe it's like an sscp thing that i'm just not educated on i have so many p balloons what are p balloons consisting of okay so here's one of them
centerpiece is of course the giant samsung odyssey gNUMBER_TOKEN that he does everything on and it looks like he even skinned the bezel for that consistency which by the way let me just say he did an absolutely amazing job with across the setup i also love the custom work he has done to the desk you know he took a very boring packing counter top from ikea and he added some really cool vinyl work on there just to spice it up a bit and even skin the edge of the desk in carbon fiber i love it there is just so much precision in this setup i've noticed all the little details like how the vinyl kind of outlines the skinned psNUMBER_TOKEN on the left side and how it also stays parallel to the angle of the pc on the other side this wasn't just an accident it was planned the fact that he was able to find a vegeta themed keyboard and mouse is enough to prove to you guys that he is not only dedicated to the color scheme but also the vegeta theme i don't know where he got those wall shells from but they fit the theme of the setup so perfectly especially with that blue accent color that you skinned on there he even took three of the same all shelves and flipped it upside down to create a monitor riser i love the creativity here the setup actually doesn't have any headphones so all the audio is outputted from the soundbar i don't even have to look at the cable management because i already know it's going to be managed perfectly but a few things i noticed underneath here is that he also skinned the bottom part of the alex units and the middle support leg and my guy even has a vegeta mat on the bottom can you be more dedicated in this guy seriously actually you can jason even has blue cable clips for the cable management i don't know if that was intentional but i thought i'd point it out anyways he does own a psNUMBER_TOKEN that he often plays on but he's mostly on his custom system that he built using one of my build guides no surprise it's a vegeta themed pc rocking the ryzen NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKENx with an msi rx NUMBER_TOKEN xt and a custom panel on the bottom which is used to display a video wallpaper of vegeta i am in love with this i also love how you incorporated some yellow in the pc and other parts of the setup from the keycaps all the way to the funko pops up top just to compliment the dragon ball logo i mean i don't know what to say i'm honestly just blown away by the creativity and breadth of fresh air that this setup has brought to the show everything was carefully planned out and perfectly executed absolutely stunning setup with tons of creativity i love this setup for so many reasons and it is without a doubt worthy of a seal of approval so jason if you're watching this video congrats on taking home the NUMBER_TOKEN second seal of approval gonna toss an email to claim you're a oSHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN plaque well then coming up next is robert from winnie the pooh canada and his motorized dual pc setup so the first thing i noticed is that both the setup and the pc are split up and the biggest problem with this is
i've been seeing remnants all over it's a little too dark now to get any decent footage uh using the gopro but this stone foundation made with river rock is uh holding up good look at these stone walls wow oh we're in trouble oh boy i spent way too much time here i was having way too much fun and look what we got oh boy oh yeah no problem
how do i go to free build where do i go clicks in the chat w clickers say everyone say clickers where the PROFANITY_TOKEN do i go the yellow one
pure ptfe skates to provide a near frictionless glide across your desktop it can go wireless with the latest NUMBER_TOKEN g rf technology reducing latency to just one millisecond and my favorite part it can charge NUMBER_TOKEN hours worth of play time in just NUMBER_TOKEN minutes it's as simple as docking on the charging duck and letting it juice up i'm pumped the mouse is so light weighing in at only NUMBER_TOKEN grams and that's without the cable allowing you to effortlessly game for those long gaming sessions it's smooth and fits perfectly in the curve of my hand as mentioned before you can join the hashtag gmNUMBER_TOKEN challenge and win an rtx NUMBER_TOKEN ti graphics card by going to the link down in the description thank you to msi for sponsoring this video let's get back into it also here you know what today everyone's been complaining about the hud right so let's just turn it off cinematic wow oh my gosh yo yo wait wait they actually added a cinematic this oh yo this is sketch oh no i don't i don't know if i like this wow all right you know what heck it i'm gonna just play like this today no hud no problem yeah now we see the whole screen i don't there's not even a timer there's not even a timer dude oh this is bad i have i'm gonna have no time management no points no nothing i'm not even gonna know if i'm killing people oh this is awesome this is gonna be sick what a way to play siege movie role play yeah exactly i don't even know it's sight because i'm not oh this feels weird okay no hud no problem today gonna have so many tk's oh you're right look at that there's nothing there's nothing on there oh oh oh my gosh no no no we're gonna try it we're gonna what was that freaking thor's hammer just came down minimum might be better dude you know we'll we'll just try it but here's the thing is that i'm gonna have no idea if people okay so i guess that guy died i guess he died but i i don't know can't even tell if you're playing or watching someone yeah i'm currently watching i'm not oh that's so true though i could totally watch someone who's just crazy and just pretend i'm them wow i just clutched up for the team ah i'm too good you're sucking his content yeah but not when you're going NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN like there's i'd like to say that the the the magnitude of suckage right now on siege for for content is like where i want it to be right but on valor it's like too much it's it's a sensory overload of suckage you know dude a teammate is gonna round this corner i'm gonna just blast him
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN pure ptfe skates to provide a near frictionless glide across your desktop it can go wireless with the latest NUMBER_TOKEN g rf technology reducing latency to just one millisecond and my favorite part it can charge NUMBER_TOKEN hours worth of play time in just NUMBER_TOKEN minutes it's as simple as docking on the charging duck and letting it juice up i'm pumped the mouse is so light weighing in at only NUMBER_TOKEN grams and that's without the cable allowing you to effortlessly game for those long gaming sessions it's smooth and fits perfectly in the curve of my hand as mentioned before you can join the hashtag gmNUMBER_TOKEN challenge and win an rtx NUMBER_TOKEN ti graphics card by going to the link down in the description thank you to msi for sponsoring this video let's get back into END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
oh well nice actually drifting in okay all right i'm okay nailed it i don't know what's going i have no idea but i PROFANITY_TOKEN nailed it
going to be there forever right it is an anomaly for a relationship to last a very long period of time okay when you as a man you go through these times where maybe things aren't looking so good maybe your career is down maybe your health is down you know maybe your skill set has significantly dulled and you know like your utility to her has faded guys women will leave you without hesitation you know we see this stuff on the internet all the time about how women are the more caring of the genders right women are oh they love you and they're loyal and all this kind of crap like guys can we like you know lift up the blindfolds from our eyes a little bit here and actually take a look at what happens because you know a lot of guys they don't want to believe this stuff and it really it takes that one relationship or that few relationships for a couple of guys for those guys to go oh i get it now she's she's not in it for the long haul she's in it for what i provide for her right now guys and you know men and men and women guys if you you know they love very differently we love very differently okay and the idea that women are more compassionate and they care about your feelings guys like really when i see that argument come up about oh we're so humanitarian and we care about everybody and we want equality i laugh to myself guys because that completely contradicts the actions that a lot of these modern women have guys that's that's it just completely contradicts it but let's continue off and see where this guy's at i have since won against my mental health uh my bad thoughts and deep pits shall we say i'm no longer in the same place that i once was i'm happy and content with life i have friends and family that love me work and hobbies i love and put time and effort into i've accomplished more in the time we've broken up than in the years we were together we'll come back to this she sees the chains change and she wants in on it that's what i keep telling myself i do not love her anymore nor do i have feelings for her she was a manipulative person isolating me from friends gaslighting me for my hobbies and playing the victim was i perfect no definitely not but i tried my best why do i want to meet her then to laugh in her face and tell her to f off does this make me a bad person probably but right now i really don't care guys there's a lot of memes that go around right where this is so common right that this has actually been turned into a meme and you'll see it quite often where you know the woman comes back and then it's like the the picture of the chad guy who's worked hard on his life he's got all the women and he just tells her to f off right and because that's the response gentlemen right a lot of girls will try and come back in your life they'll place a little bookmark there and they'll think okay i can return you know at any point that i want and this is something that a lot of girls will you know the six women who watch this channel will turn around and say oh well guys do that too right guys expect to be able to bookmark a place back in our life and they leave and
cool that point we'll go to matt and we will go on to our next question here magic items they're fun unless they're stupid some of these stranger items described in official game manuals include the ring of contrariness the horn of baubles the ring of bureaucratic wizardry the belt of impossible girth and the broach of number numbing uh gus um actually the broach of number numbing is not a real item it is actually an official item uh described it is a it is an item that uh makes you temporarily forget what numbers mean you remember what numbers are but you don't remember if like NUMBER_TOKEN is bigger than NUMBER_TOKEN for for it seems very situational a very situational piece of really specific and that's that's like that's an item that can only be invented by nerds so it's like you don't know math anymore ultimate insult yeah um i have amy buzdin next and then matt so amy what you got here um actually it's the horn of bubbles the horn of bubbles is a real item that exists but so too does the horn of bobbles oh horns that exist uh the form of bobbles creates a five foot cube of useless trinkets and if you blow it more than once per hour it has a NUMBER_TOKEN chance of sucking you into it and turning you into a thing of useless trinkets from which you die and from which there is no saving you or any kind of returning a very useful item to have if you want trinkets and are okay with the possibility of permanent death matt uh what's what's your answer here um actually i believe it's uh the belt of the girdle of impossible girth is not an actual item yes the belt of impossible girth is something that i just made up uh that uh that doesn't exist that point will go to matt um uh just to cover the ones that we didn't talk about here um the ring of contrariness which is sounds like a PROFANITY_TOKEN nightmare item i swear to god it renders uh renders you unable to agree with any thought idea or action um it also confers certain benefits but that is that you are unable to agree with anyone else at the table with the ring of bureaucratic wizardry which quote when a wizard casts any spell while wearing the ring a sheaf of papers and a quill pen suddenly appear in his hand the papers are forms that must be filled out in triplicate explaining the effects of the spell why the wizard wishes to cast it whether it is for business or pleasure and so on the forms must be filled out before the effects of the spell occur the higher the level of spellcast the more complicated the forms become filling out the forms requires one round per spell level
i'm going to speed run making a house done okay so i made this it only took about five seconds there's no detail yet but i think it's a good frame this is made in survival hardcore minecraft should take you around one and a half seconds to make what's up gamers
and even using some ai to automatically generate some portion of the image to my liking was significantly better although exporting times were pretty similar on both these machines since she is currently starting her new arts degree this is definitely a solid choice over the xps NUMBER_TOKEN mainly because of the battery life and the ability for mNUMBER_TOKEN to handle more complex tasks but this might not tell the full story so for those who like numbers and want to see how much more powerful the cpu on the macbook is while running cinebench rNUMBER_TOKEN yields single scroll results that were NUMBER_TOKEN points superior and multi-core results that were NUMBER_TOKEN points better than the xps overall the macbook in terms of cpu yields a better roi on the productivity side if i wanted to push the gpu this meant opening a portion of this video on both laptops premiere pro is one of the heaviest softwares in the world and even my NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN machine can sometimes struggle at handling it playback at full quality with NUMBER_TOKENk footage on both laptops can be smooth but i do have to say on render effects are better handled on the macbook so if i was grabbing premiere pro templates from storyblocks and importing them into the timeline the xps couldn't particularly keep up as well as the mNUMBER_TOKEN which means that if you are studying graphic and web design you might be interested in checking out our long-term sponsor storyblocks storyblocks can help you save your videos as it is a platform that provides an awesome subscription service with a massive demand driven library that gives you access to unlimited stock downloads of high quality royalty free stock footage which also includes motion backgrounds after effect templates and overlays which are my favorite i noticed a lot of you enjoyed my ipad review cinematic video which was particularly edited with the help of their overlay smoke screen they also deliver great sound effects that help me recover sound and make my scenes feel immersive so if you ever happen to be out of footage for say a macbook review you can quickly search for macbooks download your NUMBER_TOKENk file and import it to your timeline and as you can see this NUMBER_TOKENk file also runs smoothly at full resolution so if you truly would like to help yourself edit better videos and continue telling a better story head over to URL_TOKEN and check out their flexible subscription plans to fulfill your need thank you storyblocks for sponsoring this review and allowing us to further test our devices to stress test or ram i decided to open the same amount of chrome tabs on both devices with the same premiere pro project and the same assets on photoshop and lightroom and while both devices were running at NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes of ram you truly start seeing the power of the unified ram within the macbook since it wasn't as laggy when jumping on premiere pro and on top of that both chrome and premiere pro ended up crashing on the dell but there is one thing we haven't done yet and that's gaming which aside from the productivity aspect will push the gpu on these machines as well gaming on NUMBER_TOKEN at NUMBER_TOKENp resolution on the macbook does in fact provide a good gaming experience and for the xps at NUMBER_TOKENp NUMBER_TOKEN frames per second was the average frame rate which was good enough just like the macbook but when it came to playing steam games like cs go both devices were providing a bit of a laggy gaming experience also if you are planning to play something like cyberpunk don't
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN that if you are studying graphic and web design you might be interested in checking out our long-term sponsor storyblocks storyblocks can help you save your videos as it is a platform that provides an awesome subscription service with a massive demand driven library that gives you access to unlimited stock downloads of high quality royalty free stock footage which also includes motion backgrounds after effect templates and overlays which are my favorite i noticed a lot of you enjoyed my ipad review cinematic video which was particularly edited with the help of their overlay smoke screen they also deliver great sound effects that help me recover sound and make my scenes feel immersive so if you ever happen to be out of footage for say a macbook review you can quickly search for macbooks download your NUMBER_TOKENk file and import it to your timeline and as you can see this NUMBER_TOKENk file also runs smoothly at full resolution so if you truly would like to help yourself edit better videos and continue telling a better story head over to URL_TOKEN and check out their flexible subscription plans to fulfill your need thank you storyblocks for sponsoring this review and allowing us to further test our devices to END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
were doing a thing about bitcoin mining and i was like oh we should uh we should put like we should put some stuff all over my face so i look like a miner and eds was like you can't you can't do blackface on this show i'm like no i'm not talking about i'm not talking about that i'm talking about like if i was a miner and he's like he's like oh i see what you mean oh you probably just shouldn't do it anyway you can make it you can make it look like coal smears well you could make it look like cold i think they decided that we were just gonna do it in the thumbnail so that they could control how coaly it looks and make sure that it didn't end up looking inappropriate and ins insensitive that's the one you got there i'm having a bit of an off day today jay you're not the only one oh my god after the day i've had this is a welcomed pace for me tell tell us a little bit about yourself what kind of day did you have today because youtube's not your only gig correct youtube is a hobby i am in i am an i.t engineer by day also moonlight is an sqa software developer quality assurance tech for a software development company which shall remain unnamed but yeah i do wear a couple of different hats and today is one of those days we had our company christmas party at noon we're trying to head out the office at about NUMBER_TOKEN and we had a major power outage at our data center and we had to rush in make sure our cooling backups were good to go because if you've ever been to a data center and cooling goes down it takes about five minutes for everything to overheat to death five minutes oh yeah with the amount of racks and that we have in our data center in irvine it takes about five minutes from for the temperature in the room to rise about NUMBER_TOKEN degrees fahrenheit wow nice racks yeah that's what she said had to do it sorry so oh don't be sorry so what do you do to prevent the overheating at this point well the data center that we have is all water cooled but the problem is i mean the pumps everything stay running but the hvac system goes down because it's on the main grid you can't power back up an hvac system like that so pretty much we have a direct line to southern california edison saying please get your trucks here now before we lose millions of dollars of equipment so tell me something because i mean this is this is something again not on the same uh not on the same level as what you guys are doing over there but i have had um i have had a fan failure on a water cooling system before just a pc grade water cooling system and what the biggest problem i had there was the pressure that built up within the lines as the water heated up and heated up and began to boil because i don't know if the viewers know this but most processors including graphics cards and some older cpus will actually go above NUMBER_TOKEN degrees before they will begin to throttle so depending on what kind of a delta you normally maintain between your cpu and
save NUMBER_TOKEN and then if you spend at least NUMBER_TOKEN use the code bixbenderNUMBER_TOKEN spend NUMBER_TOKEN all that information like the codes and the link to the site will be in the description i just wanted to give that yeah a quick shout out christmas season is coming up and if you want to guarantee you get the gift and not have to worry about supply chain stuff uh we we are in stock so a huge thank you to everyone who's left the reviews already made orders it really means a lot um we are very very touched by all the support we've received there so far um and i'm also okay let me let me do a checkup on the suit on the super chats um here we go i'm really liking stream yard by the way i used to use restream but i think streaming are just a little bit easier is what i think a lot of other youtubers use and like i said we're trying to get no malarkey live so there was no episode this week we're still figuring stuff out but hopefully next week thursday we'll announce the time um the show will be live which i think will just make it a lot more fun and a lot more engaging with people uh okay so death's law of act man kerry says keep fighting build a get home back remember that hashtag NUMBER_TOKEN or NUMBER_TOKEN is coming and there are four lights trench rats unite don't really understand what that is thank you for the support um let's let's just continue with the daily beast article because yeah it's not just gizmodo that uh tried to do a hit piece on tim daley beast also did as well tim pool caught covid joe rogan offered to pay his medical bills all right um massively popular right-wing youtuber who was on vaccinated tested positive days after hosting an indoor fan event that lotted those who refused to get their shots this should be like an example in journalist textbooks of a loaded headline so here we have right wing unvaccinated tested positive after hosting indoor anti-vax event like i the fact that this is only one sentence but you have so much going on in here like that's impressive i i mean obviously it's grossly biased but that means the daily beast what do you expect um tim poole one of the more prolific and popular political youtubers on the right has come down with a bad case of covet NUMBER_TOKEN as he described it in a video the virus spread to multiple members of his media company who began testing positive a week or so after poole hosted a well-attended indoor event uh at a bar and grill in nearby charlestown during the combination comedy musical and qaa q a show parts of which was shown in a paywall protected video pool's producer gave a shout out to people who'd refused to get vaccinated encouraging them to hold fast the audience cheered her so it's pretty much like they were asking for it because they were unvaccinated and supported medical freedom how freaking dare they uh pool who has not been vaccinated is well on the road to recovery they seem almost upset by that when his condition worsened he received a kitchen sink of medications as poole put it including ivermectin and unproven blah blah
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN save NUMBER_TOKEN and then if you spend at least NUMBER_TOKEN use the code bixbenderNUMBER_TOKEN spend NUMBER_TOKEN all that information like the codes and the link to the site will be in the description i just wanted to give that yeah a quick shout out christmas season is coming up and if you want to guarantee you get the gift and not have to worry about supply chain stuff uh we we are in stock so a huge thank you to everyone who's left the reviews already made orders it really means a lot um we are very very touched by all the support we've received there so far END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
you know mr gloria you're not so bad you're not so bad at all i'd be lucky to be friends with someone like you i guess being important is nice and i am glad that i make people happy but i just wish that being a youtuber made me happy sounds like you're in a slump and slumps are no fun and slumping yourself is not easily done yeah you can say that again you know when i was a kid people were always telling me that i had potential and that i was talented enough to be successful as an artist it was an easy enough job to do when i knew it and all that was left to do was to do it but i must be some kind of a schnook because i blew it and now oh how i wish wish wish i could get away from it all get away from it all well yeah get away from this life be someone else for a while i thought i wanted to be a monk but the monastery i emailed never responded to me or maybe just go back and do things differently so i don't end up a failure just rewind my life and do it all over again but you can't you can't be back with your auntie wolfy waffoon eating harmony grits with a big silver spoon none of us can no matter the day or the month or the year your life is not there your life is right here so you're saying i need to learn to be happy no matter what my life is like there are people with much worse lives than you who are happy i know i know i know the greek stoic epic titus said happiness begins with clear understanding of one principle some things you can control and some things you cannot hmm i don't think i could ever disagree with a guy named epic titties but still i don't want to be a youtuber they have yellow teeth and they're always burping then why are you a youtuber
jesus PROFANITY_TOKEN christ what just happened we were sitting there everybody was going oh holy PROFANITY_TOKEN i heard it from across the room when i showed up
Call her. Why? I just proved she exists. - You were cheating! Call her. - Cheating? Cheating in my office? How dare you? I'll say it. No no no. Then introduce me to your wife. - Sir? - Prudhvi got married, Sir. Bangaram was angry that he didn’t tell her & then you came. Good job, Karthik. Good job. Sir, I simply told you what happened. I wasn’t talking about that. You weren’t? I’m impressed by how you didn’t waste money on Gyms & gave your belly freedom to grow. I was talking about that. Keep it up. Thank you Sir. All because of your money only. - Prudhvi. - Sir. - Come to the meeting room. - Ya, Sir.
oh my god it's all glass it's over it's over a new world has begun how is this guy you just scared them all by throwing that one thing and now they all die this is gonna be a toughy for batman yeah exactly oh my god batman's batman's got a rough road ahead it is so brutal that all three of these guys have guns the thing that's so funny about it is that you're like i'm non-violent and then you just like smash their head into a melon with your hands you're not kidding man you're not kidding
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN oh my god it's all glass it's over it's over a new world has begun how is this guy you just scared them all by throwing that one thing and now they all die this is gonna be a toughy for batman yeah exactly oh my god batman's batman's got a rough road ahead it is so brutal that all three of these guys have guns the thing that's so funny about it is that you're like i'm non-violent and then you just like smash their head into a melon with your hands you're not kidding man you're not kidding END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
now looks pretty real now it looks like i'm just sweating a little bit which i love so now i'm just a woman who may or may not have nice eyebrows who knows this is how i do my makeup and uh when i'm a human normal person going to the club going to dinner i'm going to be honest and very uncomfortable being out of drag for an entire video i hope this never happens again but maybe you'll find some products you'd like in here i would say the superstars of this roundup i'm obsessed with this one size powder i'm obsessed with this one size brow gel and i am forever and forever obsessed with the naked skin urban decay hybrid complexion perfector one and done it's so good and then the other honorable honorable mention the elf holy hydration thing it's so good it's NUMBER_TOKEN get it get it for yourself you deserve it thank you for joining me today if you'd like to see me in drag there are plenty of other videos on this channel otherwise have a blessed day goodbye
all of the enemies just like sidestep the rocket and then don't take anything it's because the rocket's traveling whatever it is
doing that's crazy hey NUMBER_TOKEN year olds NUMBER_TOKEN year olds NUMBER_TOKEN year olds that is crazy yeah and think about when you went in yeah i went in at NUMBER_TOKEN yeah and the boys were around us they went in at NUMBER_TOKEN. yeah they were veterans yeah yeah you're right you're right raybee was full of like this dead set like primary school kids that will go to raby primary school kids i know someone you might be a little bit but primary school children like you got to think about it yeah children yeah um and that's it that was it so they were though they were doing a big national campaign trying to get the government to raise the age and we had to plead and put this argument forward as to why they shouldn't lock kids up rather than them telling us why they should be locking kids up yeah yeah yeah so we have to provide all of this like um psycho psychology yeah back the front eye academic papers research to say this is the damage you're causing to young children yeah and they're just like playing blind so they um got they got a seat at the human rights council in geneva yeah in the united nations and i was asked men to go and just in switzerland yeah switzerland i yeah dead set so you flew over to switzerland oh wow that's a whole nother yeah mental special like cars like you've got a chaperone in that no no all right i think it was eddie you had eddie had so i already left the country before that so i got to go take my um kids on holiday to vanuatu so me my wife and my two boys went away i never left the country by myself i would have to travel on a plane NUMBER_TOKEN hours halfway around the world by myself there's the exact other side of the world yeah so the first leg um was from sydney to abu dhabi i think yeah abu dhabi and change over oh that's scary bro i went to sleep like three times and i woke up and we're still flying no way obviously nowadays and i was like they're not like i started getting like paranoid so i called the like the food the service like i've never witnessed anything like her she came down give me like double scotch boom hit it double squat and then no i went to sleep and i woke up in abu dhabi um my mind was just like going overboard it was three o'clock in the morning it was about NUMBER_TOKEN degrees no yeah and when you get when you get on the tarmac the airport is that big that they have to bring a bus to get you from the plane to drive you to the terminal yeah yeah yeah and i'm on the tarmac for about a minute and a half filming yeah yeah yeah i go and buy a coffee in the in the coffee shop it cost me NUMBER_TOKEN australian dollars what are you doing coffee bro one day because they are rich hey i don't know how they go about
we'll take the clown shoe and sometimes i want to pretend i'm a washed up rapper so i'll drive the iNUMBER_TOKEN if i want to do a four wheel burnout i'll drive the rsNUMBER_TOKEN and last but not least for land water sand dirt snow and ice in the mountains the sherp now stephen and i have been in the sherp in various predicaments with our assistant linda and well she's a bit much so instead of coming with us we decided to get her her own little buggy to follow the shirt now you're probably wondering what could possibly follow the sherp but doesn't cost as much as a shirt we have just the thing it's a mini shirt also known as an argo NUMBER_TOKENxNUMBER_TOKEN they're adorable and have six wheels and they float and it's a mini amphibious vehicle for our assistant and her camera gear to record herself doing nothing now ontario drive and gear limited odg was founded in the canadian town of kitchener in NUMBER_TOKEN to make power transmissions and gears for the north american market odg were and still are a transmission experts that began manufacturing an atv called the amphicat so after in NUMBER_TOKEN odg decided to introduce a six-wheel amphibious vehicle of its own and the argo was born in NUMBER_TOKEN they began designing and building some of the industry's most reliable and versatile amphibious vehicles we decided it was perfect for linda and we just happened to find one on facebook marketplace and off we went because it just feels like this could be a much more accessible sized vehicle for her a little more easy to get into you know almost as easy as making a website with squarespace one can simply claim a domain or url like URL_TOKEN like small king so the argo is URL_TOKEN or www.i thought you should see this adorable minishred that's only five percent as cable as a real one for URL_TOKEN so then you can create a custom site that matches your style and enthusiasm check out these page templates because it'll make your web page look better than the way instagram models treat you when you build them a home and it's not good enough head to URL_TOKEN retreatbills to save NUMBER_TOKEN off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code in description box below shout out to squarespace for making platforms for people's passions even a few people are passionate about these vehicles now in today's episode we're going to test out the argo and see just how capable it is compared to the sherp and see whether or not it should be converted to electric now i'm a firm believer in some things shouldn't be converted and something should and we're gonna see with this one should we convert it to electric uh we'll see let's try it out first come on buddy come on that's how you get zika everybody wants to see you pee buddy huh here we are on casual morning walk yeah some mistakes were made mistakes were in fact made steve so uh let's catch everybody up to speed so you know we have a little we have a thing now i decided to take the thing and take it on a ride you know and unfortunately the um
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN almost as easy as making a website with squarespace one can simply claim a domain or url like URL_TOKEN like small king so the argo is URL_TOKEN or www.i thought you should see this adorable minishred that's only five percent as cable as a real one for URL_TOKEN so then you can create a custom site that matches your style and enthusiasm check out these page templates because it'll make your web page look better than the way instagram models treat you when you build them a home and it's not good enough head to URL_TOKEN retreatbills to save NUMBER_TOKEN off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code in description box below shout out to squarespace for making platforms for people's passions even a few people are passionate about these vehicles now END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
what even looked at that part yet all the way in the back under the car under the car or in the truck it'd be hot in the trunk yeah
this is so PROFANITY_TOKEN farmable more he saw me that sniper definitely saw me don't arrow me PROFANITY_TOKEN
my sports PROFANITY_TOKEN is it like outside the box type stuff like moving up a division or boxing or i have no no boxing guys one more guy asked me a boxing question i'm gonna throw my PROFANITY_TOKEN phone at him all right no boxing
hello everyone welcome to chicago reacts my name is kelsey i am an actor and voice actor living in chicago and today i am reacting to review sss rank smuggling trademark starvation trademark slavery trademark by seth yeah ah smuggling starvation and slavery those all do start with us and they are usually not good things unless you're i don't know smuggling treats from walgreens into the movie theater that's good smuggling i think yeah cool stuff i have nothing i have no idea what this game is other than the three s words that mr seth saved me so we'll find out but before we find out i want to remind you all that we have a twitch channel it is chicago plays on twitch and we have people like many of the reactors uh streaming at least once a day there's someone streaming on there doing something you got kit you got michael you got you i am there on tuesdays usually on tuesday afternoons between like NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN p.m cst so come say hi if you were available during that time and yeah the link to that is also in the description so it's an easy way to find it you don't have to go to google convenient all right let's find out about can she today i'll be covering an educational game about the harsh realities of post-apocalyptic society a game where you can be anything you want to be doing anything you want to charge as long as all the things you want to do are extremely illegal morally dubious and outright sadistic where everything wants to either eat you cook you suck out your organs and peel off your skin and use it as a rug a game where being forced into slavery is considered a good outcome compared to having your arms and legs eaten off by a pack of giraffes i'm talking about quotes about kenshi kenshi takes place in a world that has been plunged into a technological dark age after an unknown disaster we've lost soulja boy and now everyone's back to using straw hats and katanas kenji is actually a canonical sequel to battle realms many theorize how feudal china ended up looking like this but the popular opinion one of those creatures endless droughts and famine the lack of easily available rice and water which are the two elements needed to form a china man led to an uncontrolled period of rapid population decline not that person was at its weakest the australians invaded and what's happening is history kenshi plays like some strange hybrids of mountain blades and death jam fight for new york after all okay years of development it's finally here featuring drug trafficking human trafficking seth most really like that shot of the one person standing on top of the person like sneaking because he's used it twice i like it too and giant enemy chrysler i love giant crabs to begin you need to choose from one of NUMBER_TOKEN different starting scenarios you can start as you've hit absolutely a trader with connections and money to spare or even a guy who's hit rock bottom no money no food and no masturbation the character you start with can
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN but before we find out i want to remind you all that we have a twitch channel it is chicago plays on twitch and we have people like many of the reactors uh streaming at least once a day there's someone streaming on there doing something you got kit you got michael you got you i am there on tuesdays usually on tuesday afternoons between like NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN p.m cst so come say hi if you were available during that time and yeah the link to that is also in the description so it's an easy way to find it you don't have to go to google convenient all END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
rheinmetall hxNUMBER_TOKEN new tactical truck rheinmetall man military vehicles based in dusseldorf germany is a powerful internationally successful corporation as an integrated technology group reinmatal is a market leader in the areas of environmentally friendly mobility and threat appropriate security technology it is europe's foremost supplier of defense and security technology and a long-standing partner of the armed forces their products set the global standard for excellence in a wide array of disciplines from vehicle force protection and weapon systems to infantry equipment and air defense from network-enabled warfare capabilities to electro-optics and simulation technology in this video we are going to take a look at their brand new tactical truck the hx-NUMBER_TOKEN before we get started if you do enjoy this video and would like to see more just like it remember to give us a like and subscribe to our channel to get more sent straight to your notifications rheinmetall man military vehicles better known as rmmv is a joint venture established in january of NUMBER_TOKEN between man truck and bus and rheinmetall ag at euro satori NUMBER_TOKEN rmmv displayed publicly for the first time an example of the hx-NUMBER_TOKEN range later followed by the unveiling of hx-NUMBER_TOKEN on may NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN the ranges of the trucks combine militarized commercial driveline and chassis with the latest version of a modular military-specific cab more than NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN hx trucks are on the road worldwide developed by various armed forces the hx-NUMBER_TOKEN is the latest generation of rmmv's globally tried and tested hx family of heavy duty trucks completely redesigned this future-proof military truck addresses contemporary military and automotive megatrends by drawing on innovative new technologies among other things users can expect better protection improved mobility enhanced driving comfort as well as digital interference architecture for greater operational flexibility and future performance upgrades at the same time the valued core strength of the hx-NUMBER_TOKEN and the family concept are retained all right metal military vehicles are based on the mann technology series whose heavyweight version the tga debuted in NUMBER_TOKEN. since NUMBER_TOKEN manned military vehicles a joint venture of rheinmetall and mann has been responsible for development production and sales over the years the vehicles have been enhanced and refined to meet demands of military logistics key aspects include dependability in all climate conditions off-road capability and most importantly passenger protection to meet increasing demands for the crew's protection on deployed operations the hx range was designed from the outset with protection options in mind in standard configuration a blast proof vertical split windscreen is fitted and a riot protection kit is available for the cab for more significant threats an applique protection kit for which vehicles are prepared to accept at the production stage have been developed in conjunction with resin egg of austria and reinmatal of germany known as the modular armor cabin in basic specification these kits weigh around NUMBER_TOKEN kilograms the cab hardtop is also removable for air transport if required as an added extra a swap cab armoring solution known as the integrated armor cabin is also available this was originally developed in conjunction with kraus mafe wegman for the sx range of trucks suited to models with twin front axles only a reinmatal developed integrated armor cabin is now available this one is suitable for all hx range trucks depending on front axle rating and protection levels like its predecessors the vehicles of the new hxNUMBER_TOKEN generation are military off-the-shelf products
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN before we get started if you do enjoy this video and would like to see more just like it remember to give us a like and subscribe to our channel to get more sent straight to your notifications END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
number four now this one is one of my favorite details that i spotted in the imax trailer but just to give you a better perspective let me take you all the way back to spiderman for from home for a minute at the end of that movie because of all the fighting and chaos the black dahlia necklace that peter had bought for mj was broken but mj said she likes it better because it's broken he gave me this no black dahlia like the murderer sorry it's broken i actually like it better broken notice in spiderman no way home mj somehow found a way to fix it and is now wearing it she left out the pieces that got broken and put the rest of the pieces together to be able to wear it this is just beautiful in it in the original trailer however we were not able to see this due to the expectation it has been established that for some weird reason the entire sanctum sanctorum is now drowned in snow now in one of the set photos released by sony we can see peter ned and mj are all looking at something or someone above them but notice the background here it's filled with snow this confirms that peter will take ned and mj to the sanctum at some point in the movie in another set photo we can even see them in the same basement where dr strange's spell goes wrong number six when we get introduced to green goblin's pumpkin bomb i proved it to you lads already that in this scene dr octopus will appear as well i've given multiple proofs to back my claim in my previous breakdown so make sure to watch it again now i have spotted one more clue to prove that this scene of the pumpkin bomb and this scene of dr octopus are taking place at the same time on the same bridge notice the concrete pattern on the road on both sides it's exactly the same yeah before proving once again that dr octopus and green goblin will appear together in the scene um hey let's see they could be on the same bridge but at different times but then if they destroyed the bridge then the bridge is destroyed okay i mean there's all kinds of confusing things that happened during trailer cuts you remember in internals when they showed the hitting the earth and then they cut to destruction and it looks like an asteroid hit the earth yeah yeah and unleashed mayhem it's entirely possible they're cutting together two different moments and it looks like the same moment and even the details overlap but there's all kinds of videos from spider-man no way home and and this one pretty much confirms what i just said but it looks so goofy i mean why is the cgi so bad something tells me that this is a screenshot taken off of a video let me know what you think though and notice the motion blur on spiderman's arm it really indicates that this is in fact a screenshot kind of surprising given the fact that it's been officially released by sony and empire magazine and why is peter running away from the fight in the first place i mean we're talking about a guy here who disobeyed tony's order in infinity war and literally went to space that implies that the threat is so dangerous in knowing home that peter is running away from it for the first time in his life
that's such a good action shot of mario he looks so badass right there
i see i see you're upgrading a railway to that i say nah uh you're on war economy in terms of factories you've got you went heavy on military oh non-aggression packs with the allies okay okay let's do a poll oh you're already doing it can alex save bittersteel's game not everyone is convinced this time no he got rusty i am big old confusion how's the air force how do i even look man i am rusty i am rusty af uh if you want if you uh uh if you wanna me you can't i have a girlfriend if you'd like to see more hearts of iron NUMBER_TOKEN please do comment like and subscribe it would be very much appreciated and helps me live thank you
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN you'd like to see more hearts of iron NUMBER_TOKEN please do comment like and subscribe it would be very much appreciated and helps me live thank END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
shots I mean the main character in daikatana and I don't blame you if you didn't know this is literally named Hiro Miyamoto and this poor proves that I guess he held Zelda in pretty high esteem this game boy color port was actually shown to the press after the PC version released and it was actually previewed really well like right away everybody was like this is better than the PC and nNUMBER_TOKEN versions and they were right I actually played this game on our stream for this video URL_TOKEN slash and stop skull and some fighting follow me if you haven't already I know and it's really not a bad little Zelda clone we got big swords we got big guns controls are great but they get the job done I mean it may look like a Zelda trust me it ain't tight like a Zelda areas are big and varied oh we got lots of puzzles and platforming and jumping to break up the combat it's a little long in the tooth but and when Salus bored probably the highlight for me was the absolutely terrible localization though it was that it looks like an invention door probably need to put something in the indention indentation grace is intentional word or indentation indented yeah an indentation and it's an indent that forms an indentation one of psycho Donna's big selling points was it's involved time travel plot and an incredible amount of dialogue made it into this gameboy color for it like I'm like bring a snack like that story just rolls on and on and on and it is so confusing like it's best just to let it wash over you and not think about too hard about what the hell is actually going on in this game just don't think about it just enjoy it it's it's it's fun it's dumb I liked it I let's face facts here folks that katana on game what colors weird this is maybe the smartest decision John Romero ever made with daikatana it never got released in North America this is actually the PAL version did come out in Japan but basically what it was is like by the this game came out in late NUMBER_TOKEN and by then the world was done with daikatana support a game of this ambitious scope to the gameboy color is really ridiculous but that it actually ended up being the best one I think you know what how about this maybe the world was finished with daikatana but maybe they actually did need an unnecessary third port of daikatana and glad we got one okay I'm gonna go a little bit out of my comfort zone here and talk about Harry Potter which is or was or still is yeah a big deal he got games for every system psNUMBER_TOKEN game boy fans Game Boy Color picea that eventually psNUMBER_TOKEN GameCube Xbox and all these games are different flavors of action-adventure II puzzly games so you got your third-person action-adventure fix on those systems but that's a tall order for the aging tech at the Game Boy Color but Potter mania demands it got Harry on every system ever there is money to get so what does EA do they get developer Griffin night to make straight-up NUMBER_TOKEN-bit NES throwback turn-based RPGs so Griffin Knight made to gameboy color Harry Potter games sorceress stone and Chamber of Secrets now as
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN URL_TOKEN slash and stop skull and some fighting follow me if you haven't already I know and END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
player i would be surprised if he wasn't because kelebrimbor was then basically tortured by sauron and then mounted on a spike with arrows in him and then he was paraded along by sauron i think that's basically yeah that'll be the that'll be the last episode i think the last episode's gonna go dark and that ties into my final theory well and that's my thinking as well and also looking at the title page i don't know if you got this or if i'm like reading way too into things but i'm i got this feeling that we're going to be focusing a lot on the sinking and the downfall of numenor as well and the corruption arc that you know happens amongst the people in the splitting of the numenoreans between the king's men and the faithful um because that would then be able to lead into how the faithful settled into middle earth these references to things like the white tree of gondor being a sapling oh they're gonna go a lot of fan service route i think so i think it'd be smart for them like referencing nimloth as the white tree because nimloth was then sacrificed at sauron's temple before the fall of numenor and then be able to bring them into their show but they're still different it makes people who are just casual watchers rather than in-depth fans have something to latch onto but the title page that i was going back to it gave me the feeling that they like visually it started out with this giant chasm which i know they were filling with lava and you know molten liquid afterwards but the visual effect of it was like this gaping chasm with like mist going over it and that really reminded me of when eru alouvitar like broke a giant chasm across amman to protect the valor from the invasion of the numenoreans and so that to me was giving me those vibes like oh maybe they're going to reference it because then at the end these like crashing waters that came on at the end of the title page as well numenor sunk by a giant freaking wave you stole my theory thanks for stealing that i was like ready to be like i think the title is this thing and you just took it from me so that's i'm so sorry that's okay don't be mad it's fine it's whatever thank you everyone for watching this video we really appreciate it it's been a discussion of what we think the uh series lord of the rings may or may not be about and or cover i personally think including tom bombadil would be stupid she thinks it's the smartest idea ever i did not that's exactly what you said i also think every season is going to get a nice title and i think the next season might be the downfall of numenor that's my call anyway everyone love you bye
might as well be saving money and i think this page is something that i go to every single time i go to the website before i visit and check out everything else on the website so i'll have a link down below in the description of the video that will take you right there to the top deals page so check it out after you get done watching this video but right now let's jump into my review of this iphone NUMBER_TOKEN pro and i already talked about the colors and how i like the look of this phone but it is a little bit of a chunky foam but in a good way right it does have a little bit of weight to it but that adds more to the premium feel of it you do have surgical gray stainless steel here on the the size of it in the trim that looks really nice and you'll find some changes with the camera bump and stuff but for the most part this phone is not a huge departure from the design of the iphone NUMBER_TOKEN pro we'll see if that changes with the NUMBER_TOKEN pro which is rumored to have a design where the camera bump is just flush with the back of the phone so you really are not going to have a camera bump anymore but we'll see about that but this phone is a chunky phone as i mentioned before but part of the reason for that is because you do have a bigger battery in this bad boy and so i haven't been using this as my daily driver because i've been testing other phones for the last couple of weeks but i will give you one example and that's the fact that i was leaving the house for a few hours and i was in the red when it came to my battery i only had like NUMBER_TOKEN left and i hesitated for a second but i said you know what i'll be all right and i just left the house and i came back and i still had like six percent left and the big thing about this is that all phones talk about having all-day battery life but this iphone NUMBER_TOKEN pro has been the best performing battery inside of a phone all year long and honestly for the last couple of years that i can remember and the one thing i like about this is that you don't have to change settings or turn brightness down turn things off as well when i took this phone out when i was in the red i left everything the same and just used the phone normally and it still held up like a champ so yeah pretty dope battery performance and the battery life of this thing is even more impressive when you throw in the fact that this does have the super retina xdr display which basically means that this does have really good colors really good brightness too so it's up to NUMBER_TOKEN more brighter than the previous iphone and that means that if you are using this out in the sun you're going to be able to read it a little bit easier and this actually has a peak brightness of NUMBER_TOKEN nits which a thousandness already gets me excited and a little bit giddy but NUMBER_TOKEN nits is pretty impressive but the big thing this year with the display is that it can run at NUMBER_TOKEN hertz for the refresh rate so you're going to be getting some really good smooth animations within ios NUMBER_TOKEN or if you're watching certain movies or playing certain games those things are going to flow a lot better on the screen and so i think some people don't really find all the hype with
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN might as well be saving money and i think this page is something that i go to every single time i go to the website before i visit and check out everything else on the website so i'll have a link down below in the description of the video that will take you right there to the top deals page so check it out after you get done watching this video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
a gap there really is and how much effect that nvidia driver overhead has so there will be ultra quality settings and then we will also have medium quality settings and then we'll compare once we're all done now for the test system i'm using the intel core iNUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. this is the same cpu that we used this is obviously being paired with the msi mechNUMBER_TOKEN rx NUMBER_TOKEN xt NUMBER_TOKEN gigabyte and the evga for the win NUMBER_TOKEN rtx NUMBER_TOKEN ti NUMBER_TOKEN gigabyte this was used on the gigabyte hNUMBER_TOKENm sNUMBER_TOKENh motherboard so this is an entry basic motherboard that i got super cheap uh i paired this with the provided kingston NUMBER_TOKEN gigabytes ddrNUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN cl NUMBER_TOKEN kit in conjunction with the provided kingston kc NUMBER_TOKEN one terabyte pcie gen NUMBER_TOKEN nvme so for all the other specs if you're interested they are in the description down below if you want to check out any of these parts for yourself affiliate links are provided clicking on those really does help out the channel and i thank you all for your support on that one alrighty guys now that we have all that out of the way let's take a look at those benchmarks so as per usual kicking things off with metro exodus this is the ultra settings no ray tracing no dlss none of that stuff should have mentioned that before but no ray tracing the NUMBER_TOKEN xt comes in with an average frame rate of NUMBER_TOKEN and a one percent low of NUMBER_TOKEN. the NUMBER_TOKEN ti comes in at an average of NUMBER_TOKEN fps and NUMBER_TOKEN fps respectively so a little bit higher on the average frame rate but the one percent low is a decent bit lower switching on over to medium settings we have the NUMBER_TOKEN xt coming in at NUMBER_TOKEN fps average with a one percent low of NUMBER_TOKEN fps and that's in comparison to the NUMBER_TOKEN ti coming in at NUMBER_TOKEN fps average and NUMBER_TOKEN on the one percent low so we can see when we drop down to medium settings the NUMBER_TOKEN ti does fall away a little bit further right next up is cyberpunk NUMBER_TOKEN so the rx NUMBER_TOKEN xt comes in at NUMBER_TOKEN fps average with a NUMBER_TOKEN low of NUMBER_TOKEN and then we have the NUMBER_TOKEN ti coming in at NUMBER_TOKEN fps average with a NUMBER_TOKEN low of NUMBER_TOKEN. so once again we do see a little bit of a disparity there but it's not super huge moving on down to medium settings we have the NUMBER_TOKEN xt coming in at NUMBER_TOKEN fps average with a NUMBER_TOKEN low of NUMBER_TOKEN. and that's in comparison to the NUMBER_TOKEN ti coming in with an average of NUMBER_TOKEN fps and a NUMBER_TOKEN low of NUMBER_TOKEN. so the one percent low on these are virtually identical even though the NUMBER_TOKEN xt does have a slight advantage on the average fps moving on over to shadow of the tomb raider with ultra settings we have NUMBER_TOKEN fps and NUMBER_TOKEN fps as the one percent low coming in for the NUMBER_TOKEN xt that's in comparison to the NUMBER_TOKEN ti coming in at NUMBER_TOKEN fps average and NUMBER_TOKEN fps as the NUMBER_TOKEN low so once again the one percent lows
unfortunately cheating has been a part of esports for as long as anyone can remember whether it's screen peeking or wall hacking cheaters are always trying to get one over on unsuspecting fair players but sometimes the ways they try to cheat are just weird today we wanted to count down some of the most bizarre unexplainable inexplicable ways that people have tried to cheat over the years but before we get into that i just want to make sure you are all sub to the channel and if you aren't already please hit the sub button and turn on notifications it really does help all right with that out of the way let's get into it here are the top NUMBER_TOKEN weirdest cheating attempts in esports history
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN but before we get into that i just want to make sure you are all sub to the channel and if you aren't already please hit the sub button and turn on notifications it really does help all right with that out of the way let's get into it END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
before we get on with the rest of the video i'd just like to say a big thank you to this episode sponsor surf shark vpn which you can get NUMBER_TOKEN off and three months free if you go to surf shark dot deals forward slash wrestle talk and use the code wrestle talk surf vpn lets you trick your device into thinking it's in another country which opens up a whole new world of content libraries if you're in the uk you can watch us netflix which has a far bigger selection of movies if you're outside the uk you can watch the bbc iplayer and if you're in the us you can finally get access back to the old wwe network with its far superior functionality i hate change we've all been using surf shark here at wrestle talk for years now it's our official vpn and it doesn't just let us gain access to all the wrestling it also secures our networks by encrypting internet traffic keeping our location and download history private my collection of ultra swol pokemon must be protected at all costs and my favorite feature for this is that surf shark knows when my phone leaves a trusted connection like my home or work internet and it immediately turns on to prevent interference it's like having a babyface wrestling faction for your phone so sign up to surf shark today by clicking our link in the video description below surf shark dot deals forward slash wrestle talk where you'll get NUMBER_TOKEN off and three months free if you use the code wrestle talk we'd really appreciate if you at least check them out as they're a great company and we love working with them support wrestle talk and support your internet privacy with surf shark
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before we get on with the rest of the video i'd just like to say a big thank you to this episode sponsor surf shark vpn which you can get NUMBER_TOKEN off and three months free if you go to surf shark dot deals forward slash wrestle talk and use the code wrestle talk surf vpn lets you trick your device into thinking it's in another country which opens up a whole new world of content libraries if you're in the uk you can watch us netflix which has a far bigger selection of movies if you're outside the uk you can watch the bbc iplayer and if you're in the us you can finally get access back to the old wwe network with its far superior functionality i hate change we've all been using surf shark here at wrestle talk for years now it's our official vpn and it doesn't just let us gain access to all the wrestling it also secures our networks by encrypting internet traffic keeping our location and download history private my collection of ultra swol pokemon must be protected at all costs and my favorite feature for this is that surf shark knows when my phone leaves a trusted connection like my home or work internet and it immediately turns on to prevent interference it's like having a babyface wrestling faction for your phone so sign up to surf shark today by clicking our link in the video description below surf shark dot deals forward slash wrestle talk where you'll get NUMBER_TOKEN off and three months free if you use the code wrestle talk we'd really appreciate if you at least check them out as they're a great company and we love working with them support wrestle talk and support your internet privacy with surf shark END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
oh hey there's another guy they're trying to do a splitsie ditzy i'm holding up a number behind my back is it one or two what's your pick two what's your one it was one first target red okay we made a mistake we made a mistake we're going for green he's flowing
well i said the next video i was going to be talking about the super investors but you guys were very keen to discuss the risks behind alibaba stock so i thought i'd better make this video first so in the last video we did a deep dive on how alibaba's business works so definitely check that out if you haven't already should be coming up on the screen right now but in this video we're going to look at all the major risks behind alibaba stocks so this is definitely a big task so without further ado let's get stuck into it
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN well i said the next video i was going to be talking about the super investors but you guys were very keen to discuss the risks behind alibaba stock so i thought i'd better make this video first so in the last video we did a deep dive on how alibaba's business works so definitely check that out if you haven't already should be coming up on the screen right now but in this video we're going to look at all the major risks behind alibaba stocks so this is definitely a big task so without further ado let's get stuck into it END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
the sponsor right here at the beginning because there's no good place to place it later on i assure you after this ad read it is going to get significantly worse so that's your fair warning the holiday season is here and gift shopping is finally beginning i know i'm doing some pre-shopping to get some stuff from my friends and family before all the craziness ensues because i don't want to deal with it later and one of those big things that you can save for this year is a gift that they will use every single day raikon wireless earbuds and at this point i've had raycons for years and honestly they have been there for me they are all reliable they are trusty they're durable they sound great there's really no downsides here they have seamless bluetooth pairing and comfortable noise isolating fit so that you can start listening right away and keep listening for hours and their new everyday earbuds come with three new sound profiles to make sure everything you're listening to sounds the best with just the right amount of bass they have pure mode which is great for podcast listening blues instrumentals they have balanced mode which is great again for more podcasting rock and heavy raw and then they have base mode which is great for hip hop edm reggae and more so go to URL_TOKEN prism today and unlock exclusive deals up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your recon order but hurry because this offer is available for a limited time only and you don't want to miss it that's by raycon dot com prism to unlock up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your recons by raycon dot com slash prism speaking of the holidays if you're looking for a way to also skip the long lines at the post office and dodge all the hectic holiday traffic why not save some time and money with URL_TOKEN URL_TOKEN lets you compare rates print labels and access exclusive discounts from ups and usps services all year long it doesn't matter if you're selling online or running an office or a side hustle URL_TOKEN can save you so much time money and stress during the holidays may i emphasize saving on stress and not having to freak out as much at the post office plus you can get some discounts that you can't find anywhere else like up to NUMBER_TOKEN percent of usps and up to NUMBER_TOKEN off ups the big thing here is that if you spend more than just a few minutes a week dealing with mailing and shipping URL_TOKEN is an absolute lifesaver that you need so save time and money this holiday season with URL_TOKEN sign up and use promo code prism for a special offer that includes a four-week trial free postage and a digital scale and there is no long-term commitments or contracts with that to get that deal make sure you go to URL_TOKEN click the microphone at the top of the page and enter code prism enjoy
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN holiday season is here and gift shopping is finally beginning i know i'm doing some pre-shopping to get some stuff from my friends and family before all the craziness ensues because i don't want to deal with it later and one of those big things that you can save for this year is a gift that they will use every single day raikon wireless earbuds and at this point i've had raycons for years and honestly they have been there for me they are all reliable they are trusty they're durable they sound great there's really no downsides here they have seamless bluetooth pairing and comfortable noise isolating fit so that you can start listening right away and keep listening for hours and their new everyday earbuds come with three new sound profiles to make sure everything you're listening to sounds the best with just the right amount of bass they have pure mode which is great for podcast listening blues instrumentals they have balanced mode which is great again for more podcasting rock and heavy raw and then they have base mode which is great for hip hop edm reggae and more so go to URL_TOKEN prism today and unlock exclusive deals up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your recon order but hurry because this offer is available for a limited time only and you don't want to miss it that's by raycon dot com prism to unlock up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your recons by raycon dot com slash prism speaking of the holidays if you're looking for a way to also skip the long lines at the post office and dodge all the hectic holiday traffic why not save some time and money with URL_TOKEN URL_TOKEN lets you compare rates print labels and access exclusive discounts from ups and usps services all year long it doesn't matter if you're selling online or running an office or a side hustle URL_TOKEN can save you so much time money and stress during the holidays may i emphasize saving on stress and not having to freak out as much at the post office plus you can get some discounts that you can't find anywhere else like up to NUMBER_TOKEN percent of usps and up to NUMBER_TOKEN off ups the big thing here is that if you spend more than just a few minutes a week dealing with mailing and shipping URL_TOKEN is an absolute lifesaver that you need so save time and money this holiday season with URL_TOKEN sign up and use promo code prism for a special offer that includes a four-week trial free postage and a digital scale and there is no long-term commitments or contracts with that to get that deal make sure you go to URL_TOKEN click the microphone at the top of the page and enter code prism enjoy END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
carrots has been linked to lower cholesterol levels carrots are rich in fiber and antioxidants just a single cup of chopped carrots carries over NUMBER_TOKEN grams of fiber that's over NUMBER_TOKEN of your daily recommended intake just under NUMBER_TOKEN grams of this fiber is soluble soluble fiber lowers your bad cholesterol this helps you maintain a healthy heart let's focus on a different kind of study this time one with a rat in NUMBER_TOKEN scientists wanted to see what would happen if they fed this rat a three-week supplementation of carrot nutrients as it turns out carrots change the way our body absorbs cholesterol this in turn prevents us from developing cardiovascular diseases as time goes on so if you enjoy vegetables and don't have the mental energy for kale just keep it simple have a bowl of baby carrots number NUMBER_TOKEN. fish let's sink our teeth into some meat fish contain omega-NUMBER_TOKEN fatty acids while they have several functions one that's particularly beneficial is the acids ability to increase your level of good cholesterol this especially applies to salmon and mackerel just a three ounce portion of canned salmon carries between one thousand and fifteen hundred milligrams of omega-NUMBER_TOKEN content the same portion of canned mackerel carries roughly the same tuna is also renowned for its benefits in this area researchers have confirmed that if you eat tuna at least once a week you have a NUMBER_TOKEN less chance of cardiovascular disease a NUMBER_TOKEN year old study focused on a group of adults who consumed a steady diet of non-fried fish by the end those who stuck with it showed less risk of developing metabolic syndrome this meant that their cholesterol level was steady and their blood pressure was low number eight garlic it might make your breath stink but boy it can help your cholesterol many of us see garlic as nothing more than a simple cooking ingredient in reality it's that and so much more for centuries garlic has been used as a medicine as well garlic contains plenty of powerful compounds the most important of which is allicin allicin is a plant compound that's produced when garlic is crushed down or chopped up allicin has been linked to lower levels of cholesterol many pieces of research confirm this a NUMBER_TOKEN study placed NUMBER_TOKEN people on observation over the course of NUMBER_TOKEN weeks the subjects were given tablets of garlic powder each contains NUMBER_TOKEN milligrams of allicin by the end of the study NUMBER_TOKEN of the participants displayed a reduced level of bad cholesterol scientists also observed a NUMBER_TOKEN reduction in heart issues after NUMBER_TOKEN years of age so here's a tip the next time you're cooking dinner add a little garlic i don't mean scarf down the whole loaf of greasy garlic bread that just opens a whole new window of health problems i'm talking about foods like prime rib with roasted vegetables maybe some sauteed spinach some garlic sprinkled into roast chicken is also a winning recipe garlic works well with a home-cooked sundae meal just make sure you have some breath mints on hand do you have high cholesterol have you considered eating any of the foods you watched in this video let us know in the comment section below we would love to hear from you enjoyed this video hit like share and subscribe to bestie wait what kind of bestie would we be if we didn't tell you about our other awesome videos go ahead choose the left or right video and enjoy
all right sergey watch this ready yeah all right look oh i've seen that car in the you seen this before where's the driver there what kind of sorcery is this what is this it's this this is a fully autonomous car of the future from audi yeah this is the uh the sky it's got to be out the sky yes so you've seen a hint of it right but not in real life before so i'm going to show you around i'm going to show you around it has some of the coolest features ever featured on this channel right make sure you subscribe super garbanzo
why are you there buddy
otherwise known as promesa chief among its tenets the imposition of an unelected fiscal control board the government was allowed to declare something akin to bankruptcy in NUMBER_TOKEN but just a few months later hurricane maria devastated the island maria alone inflicted an estimated NUMBER_TOKEN billion dollars in damage for which congress allocated only NUMBER_TOKEN billion in disaster relief the trump administration allocated a mere NUMBER_TOKEN billion and didn't release most of it the devastation laid bare the deteriorated infrastructure the poverty hidden for decades and the us's disregard for what was happening and brought the question of puerto rico status into a harsh spotlight a question for which there are often four proposed answers statehood commonwealth free association and independence proponents of statehood argue that if puerto rico became a state it could finally have congressional representation and reap the maximum possible federal benefits this solution assumes that puerto rico could no longer be ignored by the federal government ensuring the status of the u.s citizens in puerto rico is the same as those in the rest of the us commonwealth proponents emphasize that puerto rico becoming a state doesn't ensure equality and the island would lose its distinct cultural heritage tax benefits and the choice to govern itself free association is an option designed to keep the island within the u.s orbit as an unincorporated territory and many puerto rican citizens who support it are concerned that becoming a state is just another neocolonial measure by a western power proponents of independence say that the us interrupted puerto rico's track to autonomy and independence and say that the united states has exploited and abused puerto ricans this brings us to the question of to be or not to be a u.s state since the implementation of the puerto rican constitution in NUMBER_TOKEN puerto ricans have voted in six non-binding referendums on statehood with three of those votes in the last NUMBER_TOKEN years and yet many of these votes have been steeped in controversy in NUMBER_TOKEN when statehood went for the first time the ballot had two questions the first asked if puerto rico should maintain the status quo as a territory NUMBER_TOKEN said no the second question gave a choice among several new options NUMBER_TOKEN picked statehood but over NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN voters left the second question blank as a form of protest in the NUMBER_TOKEN vote statehood won again but only NUMBER_TOKEN percent of the electorate turned out amid a boycott by those who opposed statehood a referendum was held yet again in NUMBER_TOKEN. this time the question was a simple yes or no should puerto rico be admitted immediately into the union as a state this question closely mimicked the wording of the hawaii and alaska statehood referendums statehood won a third time this time with a slim majority NUMBER_TOKEN percent of the vote and yet a simple yes or no referendum hardly seems to capture the complexities of the status question puerto rico must be viewed within the framework of its colonial history and its future should not be circumscribed to a yes or a no survey younger puerto ricans have lived through multiple bungal federal responses to disasters government corruption a never-ending recession and president trump's utter contempt for the island i hate to tell you puerto rico but you're
just two copious to be shared ah yes pizza is so good i will fake a murderer to not have to share it with anyone kind of feels like the consequences might outweigh the rewards here i'll see you fellas know the saying pizza before hoes that's a six ah
it looks insane with all these new updates and an even bigger one right around the corner now's the perfect time to get started in raid if you wait any longer you're only going to get left behind so what are you waiting for if you want to get a huge head start and raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan my qr code and you'll get an epic hero chonoru which is amazing in the doom tower NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN silver one exp boost one energy refill and an agent shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in the game all these treasures and more will be waiting for you here but keep in mind it's only available for the next NUMBER_TOKEN days once again big shout outs to raid shadow legends thank you guys so much for sponsoring today's video so guys download the game and i'll see you guys inside now let's get back to the video i know it is november but you know he didn't do no november he didn't know not NUMBER_TOKEN
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN it looks insane with all these new updates and an even bigger one right around the corner now's the perfect time to get started in raid if you wait any longer you're only going to get left behind so what are you waiting for if you want to get a huge head start and raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan my qr code and you'll get an epic hero chonoru which is amazing in the doom tower NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN silver one exp boost one energy refill and an agent shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in the game all these treasures and more will be waiting for you here but keep in mind it's only available for the next NUMBER_TOKEN days once again big shout outs to raid shadow legends thank you guys so much for sponsoring today's video so guys download the game and i'll see you guys inside now let's get back to the video i know it END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
for some protection we went ahead and covered the entire car with colonize NUMBER_TOKEN and used our rupes buffer this is one of our favorite waxes because it lasts quite a while and it's very high quality
we all it's almost like sinister i'm not sure that's the tune no it's like a it's like a surf vibe we're like we're driving down uh pch right now
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN we all it's almost like sinister i'm not sure that's the tune no it's like a it's like a surf vibe we're like we're driving down uh pch right now END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
has an interesting situation it has these sort of regional trains that operate often in a very local fashion and they have the seating layout etc for it and it has these metro services which are so fast that they sort of don't require you to sit on them as long and hence you don't necessarily need that long distance or long trip seating layout and so i think it's an interesting opportunity to sort of create a hybrid system it's not necessarily a traditional metro and it's not necessarily crossrail or gtx in seoul where they have mainline trains but it's a metro designed for high speeds and i think that's a really interesting thing that cd could create for the world of course there's no reason the sydney metro west trains necessarily need to look different they could probably look very similar and still be capable of higher speeds as long as the spec is there in the motors and the power equipment etc i also think that it would be valuable in the future to consider different seating layouts i mean sydney metro northwest and city and southwest is a very long line sydney metro west is not as long and sydney metro western sydney airport is quite short and so maybe not always having longitudinal seating is necessary especially given how large the trains are you can always move back to that as traffic demands but until then there's no reason not to put a few front and back facing seats to improve comfort i'm also really happy seeing these new sort of second phase of sydney metro projects that despite some people's predictions sydney metro is not really aiming to replace sydney trains it's trying to augment the network it's filling in the gap so to speak and i mean that's part of why i think higher speeds and then some places smaller trains are valuable things to consider because they help fill different gaps in retrospect it was also really smart to make sydney metro's rolling stock mostly compatible with the mainline rail network in terms of obviously track gauge because it's standard gauge and who wouldn't use standard gauge but also in terms of voltage et cetera so it's possible in the future to at least use the mainline rail network to you know operate cert trains to you know move them around the region which is valuable i know in canada in most cases we truck our metro trains to you know their final destination because the rail networks aren't that well connected or because the gauge etc isn't you know properly aligned and so it's just a really good opportunity sydney has for you know logistical reasons to be able to move the trains around on the rail network and as i mentioned the sort of unconventional mainline electrification standard of NUMBER_TOKEN volts dc of sydney trains is really good because it's exactly in line with sydney metro and in line with what most modern metros use it's great to see that sydney metro is using overhead wire i mentioned this last time but it's what's going to enable those higher speeds as well as just safer operation and maybe best of all it's really exciting to see that yeah sydney seems to be consistently trying to just use one type of train now i did suggest using a different performance level for the sydney metro west trains but having one standard train design
sometimes luck just isn't on your side and i don't mean literal rng luck i mean the universe just hates you in esports when you hear someone call a player unlucky it's because everything that could go wrong does go wrong and all your teammates can say is well never lucky but before we get started i want to remind you all as always to hit the subscribe button because i don't want you to be unlucky and miss one of our amazing videos now let's get into the top NUMBER_TOKEN unlucky moments in esports
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN but before we get started i want to remind you all as always to hit the subscribe button because i don't want you to be unlucky and miss one of our amazing videos END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
five nights at freddy's is a game series which has a deeper well-hidden story about a man his family and the people he involved in his life in this video i present to you my take on that very story don't forget to quickly scroll down subscribe turn on notifications like the video scroll back up and please enjoy the combination of what i put my heart soul and time into for the past few months
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN forget to quickly scroll down subscribe turn on notifications like the video scroll back up and please enjoy the combination of what i put my heart soul and time into for the past few months END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
and i mustn't forget i'm still applying shellac
won it recently and they've pretty much been second almost every other year as well uh southampton gets a lead title in NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN but you're gonna have to go a long way down before you start seeing some other clubs like arsenal and united just getting a cheeky season in there chelsea again dominating and it's not until the NUMBER_TOKENs the very start of the NUMBER_TOKENs where this has happened so chelsea had pretty much dominated for NUMBER_TOKEN years in this database that's mental really how dominant that one team can be and tottenham just being the bridesmaid every single year it's pretty much what tottenham do they've had won some premier league titles as well they've done better than other clubs but still i'm i'm really shocked by that the first few years was pretty much spread out man city getting a couple and obviously like because they're not able to make signings early on they can't dominate the early seasons so chelsea picking up NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN season they got a fairly good youth academy manchester united exactly the same arsenal the later the the later stages of the NUMBER_TOKENs picking up a few wins you think like the kyle sackett emile smith rowe if they've managed to keep hold of these players those are the players that's going to win them things now i just thought i'd have a look at some of chelsea's managers just to see who's been doing it for them because if they're winning every single season let's move the caretaker roles and just see what happens here because tutu only lasted a year then allegri came in and lasted six years sacked and he won two league titles and four cups neil bath had the interim role for NUMBER_TOKEN days nagal's mum was sacked after just under a year with nothing and then this is where it starts to dominate so the dotman manager marco rose NUMBER_TOKEN years NUMBER_TOKEN league titles and NUMBER_TOKEN cup wins and he was sacked that's harsh that's very harsh john marquis one league win sacked after two years retired michael michael bradley NUMBER_TOKEN years NUMBER_TOKEN days i can't believe how long it took me to see that he won NUMBER_TOKEN league titles and NUMBER_TOKEN cups michael bradley that is insane and some of them were champions league trophies as well a lot of them were champions league trophies we're a lot more into the champions league later on but this guy is probably gonna do better because after just six years nigel franklin is a region six league titles and NUMBER_TOKEN cup wins already that is complete dominance some of the other funny managerial uh mishaps was manchester united because they had oligomer soldier for NUMBER_TOKEN years NUMBER_TOKEN cup wins i think that's higher than sir alex ferguson with eight league titles in just those NUMBER_TOKEN league years julian nagelsmann was sacked again not a very good manager wayne rooney sad can kendrava sacked without winning out hardly anything each of these managers eric dier became manager for a year and then was sacked jean-philippe gaming was also an interim for a little bit as well
so if you're confused what happened these guys shooting me now tried to raid me through the most expensive way possible got counter-rated and then scared those guys off by roof camping them and now obviously they're a little bit pissed right we're gonna trust the jordan ranch satchel for this i waited for things to die down a little bit and i went to continue the raid using their own sulfur on their base
either way i think uh we have to declare on magdeburg first so uh let's do some estate stuff all right estate stuff done uh let's see if we got a diplo rep guy new okay well i am gonna need that improved relations let's try and ally some of mackenberg's rivals like brandenburg lunenburg and jesse hmm let's see here actually we are able to royal mary brandenburg so that's nice we'll do a little backstabbing later either way let's get some more allies like uh hmm saNUMBER_TOKEN for example and i think that's about enough let's get uh let's destroy that horse come on too expensive and uh let's get three more guys and recruit the general why not all right now it's time to spy on magdeburg we don't have any unique missions oh yeah let's rival them oh well let's not rival them right right i forgot to sell titles in sea's land um either way magdeburg of course have allied saxony how wonderful how wonderful indeed you know why couldn't they just ally someone like i don't know dortmund why why magdeburg either way we might even be declaring on saxony we'll see though we'll see let's take it easy huh you know this game they gotta be joking and look at this magnet work is out to bohemia and saxony where do i expand things just got a lot more spicy that's all i can say right now well at least here's something very good we can also do uh halai austria so this is what my alliances look like right now brandenburg pesay austria and luneburg so we're not doing too bad ourselves we're not doing too bad ourselves thing is it's gonna be very annoying finding uh well any of these nations we might actually have an easier time fighting saxony so we'll see we'll see so luneberg right here is calling me into a war with saxony and magdeburg right now it's accidentally declared a restoration of union on them here's the thing i've done though i've also allied saxony in an effort to get favors with them and get them to break their alliance with magdeburg so i can attack them but this might be a good opportunity here to actually fight these nations so let me uh raise army maintenance and uh let me get the free company as well and then i'll accept in like a month or two so we'll see if we can actually do something right here oh yeah let's get a well apparently a fort defense guy why not okay i'm in the war now what i'm planning to do is uh i don't know get magdeburg or something i don't know we'll see what we can do all right so they peaced out magdeburg which is fine pretty expected but i do have NUMBER_TOKEN war participation against the main belligerent saxony so realistically i could get one of these two provinces right here which
be standing NUMBER_TOKEN years from now when also reinforced with wooden beams the result was a stable structure that could act as a combined home and a place to store crops yet these were just the basic dwellings what about the biggest one of all the ones which this video is named well it probably started in a similar way as a smaller dwelling that soon grew into the cliff version of one of those grand houses beginning circuit NUMBER_TOKEN construction on the cliff palace lasted all the way through until NUMBER_TOKEN not that this was a continuous process or even a centralized one each family built its own space leading to a crazy level of variation in quality as if frank lloyd wright had been forced to build a conjoining home with homer simpson but it's also this approach that gives cliff palace its otherworldly charm the sense of a place that's grown organically as it changed to fit each family's needs and the thing each extended family needed most was well one a place to sleep and two akiva presuming you're not already an ancestral pueblo and enthusiast you might now be wondering well what is a keeper the short answer is that they were the focus of family life a small circular pit kivas appear all over the cliff palace some NUMBER_TOKEN in all set out in open air they were where people gathered for rituals and held ceremonies with each extended family likely having their own around these vital spaces rooms would be built for people to sleep creating a combined living and communal space that seems to have formed the backbone of the settlement according to the national park service NUMBER_TOKEN of cliff palace is taken up with these combo spaces with the rest mostly being storage rooms special keepers for bigger ceremonies and towers so that's how cliff palace came into being in a slow piecemeal way over the course of some NUMBER_TOKEN years but there's another side to this remarkable site that we need to explore one that goes beyond just its physical construction and that's what was it actually like for those living there now just before we continue with today's video let me give a plug to today's fantastic sponsor policy genius look nobody likes to think about life insurance but the reality is that it's an important layer of protection for many families especially single income households fortunately there's policy genius and their award-winning policy options which were ranked number one by forbes whether you've been putting off your purchase or you just never really thought about it policy genius is the team you want to check in with this is a third-party marketplace that works for you not for the insurance companies so you can trust that their license experts are going to give you solid unbiased advice life insurance premiums might seem like a financial drain but you could save NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN or more per year using policy genius to compare life insurance policies if you're interested head to URL_TOKEN to get started in just a few minutes you can work out how much coverage you need and compare personalized quotes to find your best price when you're ready to apply the policy genius team will handle the paperwork and the scheduling all for free you could save NUMBER_TOKEN or more on life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius and getting covered now locks in your rate over the course of a NUMBER_TOKEN or NUMBER_TOKEN-year policy those savings add up and best of all eligible applicants can get covered in as little as a week set to URL_TOKEN to get started you'll be glad you did because when it comes to life insurance it's nice to get it right and now back
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN now just before we continue with today's video let me give a plug to today's fantastic sponsor policy genius look nobody likes to think about life insurance but the reality is that it's an important layer of protection for many families especially single income households fortunately there's policy genius and their award-winning policy options which were ranked number one by forbes whether you've been putting off your purchase or you just never really thought about it policy genius is the team you want to check in with this is a third-party marketplace that works for you not for the insurance companies so you can trust that their license experts are going to give you solid unbiased advice life insurance premiums might seem like a financial drain but you could save NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN or more per year using policy genius to compare life insurance policies if you're interested head to URL_TOKEN to get started in just a few minutes you can work out how much coverage you need and compare personalized quotes to find your best price when you're ready to apply the policy genius team will handle the paperwork and the scheduling all for free you could save NUMBER_TOKEN or more on life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius and getting covered now locks in your rate over the course of a NUMBER_TOKEN or NUMBER_TOKEN-year policy those savings add up and best of all eligible applicants can get covered in as little as a week set to URL_TOKEN to get started you'll be glad you did because when it comes to life insurance it's nice to get it right and now back END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
praise entering the NUMBER_TOKENs jack was a veritable film legend who still had two decades of a career ahead of him before retirement over the course of his career he's earned a hefty sum of money he's estimated to be worth NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars today with NUMBER_TOKEN million of that coming just from the star's art collection alone besides art other things he enjoyed spending his vast amount of wealth on over the years have been cars and real estate his car collection is particularly interesting though not quite as valuable as his art collection or his portfolio of beautiful properties back when jack nicholson was still trying to strike it big he could be seen driving around hollywood in a unique vehicle that was a NUMBER_TOKEN white convertible beetle the car was popular amongst subscribers to the counterculture movement of the time making it the perfect choice for jack in the late NUMBER_TOKENs nicholson was hired by chevrolet to give a demonstration for a car that ran entirely off of hydrogen instead of traditional petroleum the oil crisis was a big issue during the decade and car companies were hard at work trying to express to the public they were looking towards the future with alternative fuel sources for their automobiles jack gave a public demonstration on tv where he could be seen driving the hydrogen car which was a heavily modified chevy impala this remains one of the most intriguing vehicles that jack has ever been seen behind the wheel of though the concept of the hydrogen car sadly hasn't taken off in the decades since after becoming a superstar jack was less concerned with being a part of the environmentalist counter-culture movement and more interested in just having an impressive car while filming the witches of eastwick jack grew fairly fond of the car his character drove jack's character drove a mercedes NUMBER_TOKEN and the actor took it upon himself to track down a similar model once the film was done in the years since one of his most prominent vehicles has been an upgraded version of the classic range rover which he's been seen driving around in rural colorado although jack certainly has an affinity for cars he doesn't have a very good driving record in NUMBER_TOKEN jack was involved in a road rage incident that saw the beloved actor take a golf club to a fellow driver's windshield this incident became the inspiration for nicholson's casting in the adam sandler comedy anger management less than a decade later hey if you're enjoying this video so far be sure to give it a like and subscribe to factsfirst for more and stick around for more about jack's cars besides his impressive car collection jack nicholson also has even more impressive art and real estate collections his art collection is estimated to be worth around NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars while his real estate portfolio is estimated to be worth around NUMBER_TOKEN million put together they make up well over half of his estimated net worth of NUMBER_TOKEN million jack began collecting art during the NUMBER_TOKENs before he even struck it big his collection includes pieces by notable artists including pablo picasso back when he was getting a footing in the industry he took any work he could get for many years before striking it big with gigs such as easy rider in NUMBER_TOKEN a year after that appearance he could be seen in the film on a clear day you can see forever jack was only given a little over ten thousand dollars for the job though that
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN hey if you're enjoying this video so far be sure to give it a like and subscribe to factsfirst for more and stick around for more about jack's cars END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
try so that you can get them further into one piece because one piece is probably like a million times better than whatever their interest is they just don't know that yet so you just need to draw them in long enough till they realize it and the best part is that most people if you get them to like annie's lobby or something you can probably just stop holding up your end of the deal in general because they're just going to be too hooked to one piece to stop at that point at that point you've successfully manipulated them so no matter what do a deal it incentivizes the other person to keep going even if they're not enjoying one piece right away just do an equivalent exchange this method is no joke probably guaranteed to work on NUMBER_TOKEN of people to at least get them to try the series as long as you are doing a trade you will be able to get someone to read like at least NUMBER_TOKEN chapters or watch like at least NUMBER_TOKEN episodes so you can get anyone to try one piece but how do you get them to stick with it well one piece of course has such a rich story with an amazing world that it might seem impossible to go wrong after all just take a look at this amazing poster i have in the background how could anyone not love a series like this you yourself can get this poster today or even get it as a christmas gift for someone you know who likes one piece the link is in the description below but again with the question of getting people to stick with one piece it really comes down to the anime or the manga that is the question this is the harder decision since you're gonna have several options so first of all within the anime you've got subbed or dubbed or even one pace and within the manga you've got the actual biz volumes or online scans trust me when i say it is really important to make the right choice here because different mediums have drastically different effects for different people in an ideal world we would have a NUMBER_TOKEN out of NUMBER_TOKEN anime adaptation you know with the perfect dub to go alongside it so that it is completely easily accessible to everyone even non-weebs who've never tried anime but you know we have the anime we have so first you need to ask yourself has this person tried anime or manga before if they have tried anime before if they even like anime then things become a lot easier since you can just get them to try the sub version of one piece without much pushback however if you're going the subs route i would personally instead strongly recommend one pace an amazing fan made sight that cuts out all of the filler of one piece and turns it into a far more enjoyable series that is paced like you know other normal modern anime trust me nothing is missing from one pace all it does is cut out all the unnecessary fluff and filler that we don't like it does not cut any cannon material and it's done in a way that for the most part everything is absolutely seamless so far the site has fully edited nearly the entire series it is still finishing up edits on a few sections here or there but you can almost watch the entire series on one pace and it's just better in nearly every way from the original you can go check out an episode for yourself to confirm the link is in the description below i know that if i ever watch the entire one arc it's going to be on one pace i will acknowledge that the pacing of the normal one-piece anime really isn't that bad
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN just take a look at this amazing poster i have in the background how could anyone not love a series like this you yourself can get this poster today or even get it as a christmas gift for someone you know who likes one piece the link is in the description below but again END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
and that concludes the best android apps of december NUMBER_TOKEN i hope you guys enjoyed this month's election if you did a quick thumbs up would really seriously go a long way to getting this video noticed by the youtube algorithm plus it will also motivate me to keep bringing these amazing and unique apps on top of that if you haven't gotten subscribed already what are you waiting for quality content like this is a weekly thing on the channel and you're not going to want to miss out either way thank you guys so much for tuning in once again don't forget to like this video and follow me on twitter and instagram howtoman for a chance of winning those google play gift cards and i'll catch you guys in the next one kapow
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN if you did a quick thumbs up would really seriously go a long way to getting this video noticed by the youtube algorithm plus it will also motivate me to keep bringing these amazing and unique apps on top of that if you haven't gotten subscribed already what are you waiting for quality content like this is a weekly thing on the channel and you're not going to want to miss out END_INTERACTION_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN don't forget to like this video and follow me on twitter and instagram howtoman for a chance of winning those google play gift cards and END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
of today's video because they've actually been a really good part of this channel over the past almost entire year hasn't been the entire year by supporting what i do on a consistent basis by sponsoring many videos month after month and i just wanted to include them in this video because they helped allow me to do the things that i'm doing and that i'm about to do in NUMBER_TOKEN which by the way the coding vlogs and the other you know videos sprinkled here and there that may seem fit are not the only bits of content that i'll be making uh in NUMBER_TOKEN as a matter of fact i have a uh i have a podcast coming out at least i want to start a podcast i should probably be underway by now but who knows in january i want to hire a designer get them to design a few different things for my podcast like graphic design and stuff like that and what is the podcast going to be about that's a tricky one because i don't want the podcast to have an actual goal i want it to be like you grab your coffee you sit back and you just kind of rift with a friend and that's what i want the podcast to be about telling stories having laughs just kind of you know shooting the breeze i will say the initial group of guests will be in this niche and maybe we'll continue on that route where i do want to hear people's stories about what projects they're working on that's one of the main goals of the overall podcast not each individual episode but the overall podcast i want to hear from indie developers other hobbyist coders or people that are trying to build startups and companies and that type of stuff is just so interesting to me i what i don't want this podcast to be is like some collaborations you've seen me in in the past with the previous freelance episode that y'all saw this month as well as when i had ken on to talk about data science there was a an intent a particular goal that we wanted to hit with that and i was talking about software engineering versus data science and how to get into that type of area and then freelancing was to learn more about how to become a freelance developer and what that was all about so i had tim on as a he as he's a professional uh freelance developer that's not what i want while i enjoyed making those i don't want it to have a focus i want to talk about just random things that may come up that we may have uh commonalities like what if we both share a random hobby and we just want to talk about that random hobby for NUMBER_TOKEN minutes i'm not gonna say no to that that's what i enjoy doing maybe some of y'all won't like it if it's not pertained to code but again i think the vast majority will be pretending to code with a few tangents here and there but who knows i tangent all the time i'm very long-winded so the conversation can really go anywhere especially depending on who the guest is and how you know the chemistry is between me and the guests some it may be a little bit more strict my main goal is just to get them to come in hang out not really worry about it too much and have a
all right so what do we got so you can see here this is your rail extension that comes off for the tub and it ends right there and you have a solid weld where it laps inside of there this rail laps over this one and then this one stops on the inside and it has a plate on the outside where they actually weld that plate from this plate to here pretty simple easy to take apart so the top is a little bit more involved i'm guessing or not really the top's about the same it literally slides in to about right there like where so you can see where where this slides over this piece so once we trim these free we'll have access to it and we just pull that right off and then we take it slide the old piece over here okay the new piece onto this piece here and measure five times cut once pull it on and probably gonna cut more than once yeah all right guys a quick aside here speaking of taking things apart do you remember in the mid NUMBER_TOKENs and early NUMBER_TOKENs when you bought a car and you had to get the dealership installed security system and it took a while to install they did a bunch of wiring work it ended up draining the battery and it didn't even work half the time well thankfully there is now a much much better solution and it's called recover so what this is is some extra security for your car that you can install in NUMBER_TOKEN seconds completely wirelessly so what recover allows you to do is you can get your stolen car back fast you can find it if you forgot where he parked it and you can provide instant alerts if the car is moved without your permission and here's how much confidence recover has it comes with a NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN limited warranty if a car is not recovered plus a thousand dollars towards insurance deductibles so keep in mind recover is a dealer install so go to the nearest dealer that you can trust and tell them that they need recover so go check this out in the link in the video description below it is a game changer for car security go check it out right now
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN all right guys a quick aside here speaking of taking things apart do you remember in the mid NUMBER_TOKENs and early NUMBER_TOKENs when you bought a car and you had to get the dealership installed security system and it took a while to install they did a bunch of wiring work it ended up draining the battery and it didn't even work half the time well thankfully there is now a much much better solution and it's called recover so what this is is some extra security for your car that you can install in NUMBER_TOKEN seconds completely wirelessly so what recover allows you to do is you can get your stolen car back fast you can find it if you forgot where he parked it and you can provide instant alerts if the car is moved without your permission and here's how much confidence recover has it comes with a NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN limited warranty if a car is not recovered plus a thousand dollars towards insurance deductibles so keep in mind recover is a dealer install so go to the nearest dealer that you can trust and tell them that they need recover so go check this out in the link in the video description below it is a game changer for car security go check it out right now END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
really quick before the video starts if you want to buy cheap record items be sure to head to URL_TOKEN the link to the website is in the description they support every platform and have fast delivery be sure to use codemav at checkout for a three percent discount game advantage or at least they had a free game advantage now it's nothing here for solari they can't afford to make any mistakes so unless it's a hundred oh no way whoa
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN really quick before the video starts if you want to buy cheap record items be sure to head to URL_TOKEN the link to the website is in the description they support every platform and have fast delivery be sure to use codemav at checkout for a three percent discount END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
is so same thing with lucy's when i could drive one and they were like not yet but soon yeah it'll happen also i asked about blackwing they don't have any cars in california uh gm has no black wings to drive right now um we're we're waiting on that but believe me like you know anything that is exciting we have already asked yeah we haven't promise you it's not like we forget about this PROFANITY_TOKEN so anything that's new and exciting whether it's electric or gas or whether it's a sports car or a truck we've asked and so the answer is not always uh yes anything else zach before we get out of here no i think that's it unless all right that's all the pre-selected ones all right well thank you to all of our patreon members for submitting their questions and i think what you did i think going through and paraphrasing is definitely the move yeah i think that's uh i think that's the way to to uh to make the best radio yeah what we're doing here so i think for the patrons like we can't guarantee that we'll answer every question because there are hundreds of you and there could be hundreds of questions but well you know we're gonna post the live show the day before we're gonna say there's gonna be a live show tomorrow put your questions here we'll look through them and we'll find ones that we think are interesting that will foster a good conversation paraphrase them if they're a bit long you know try to be uh detailed but concise right and we'll do what we can uh yep we've got uh is what taylor health is that there's this stuff on thursday thursday and then don osborne on friday yeah uh for the live folks and for everybody else we'll see you next time thanks for listening bye
as NUMBER_TOKEN bucks the science in this regimen is real when my wife saw the ingredients in these products she was blown away and wanted to actually start using it herself hyaluronic acid is the ultimate hydrator to promote that smoother softer skin retinol to help combat acne oil and help with wrinkle reduction salicylic acid peptides and even spf NUMBER_TOKEN to also make sure you're getting that important sun protection so if you want to help support this channel and do something good for your skin then check out geology today with the link below and use code brian NUMBER_TOKEN to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first purchase thank you to geology for sponsoring this video and let's get back to our learning here in the anatomy tool i've highlighted the brachial plexus and the subclavian artery the first thing you can appreciate is how close the subclavian artery lies in proximity to the brachial plexus if we rotate the model around here of course the spinal cord is traveling down the vertebral column and then the spinal nerves branch off to eventually come together to form the brachial plexus the brachial plexus is this collection of nerves that sits kind of right in this area just outside of our neck and kind of in the upper portion of our shoulder those brachial plexus nerves go on to control the muscle function and sensation throughout the arm and a little bit in the chest when most athletes have a stinger it's by definition a temporary transient injury to these nerves that resolves it goes away usually this is from some sort of direct trauma causing compression of these nerves or it can be from some traction where somebody gets their neck pulled in the opposite direction stretching those nerves when we look back here at the hip that johnson took it was likely a combination of the impact from the helmet hitting directly onto where those nerves live potentially causing some traction as it tended to pull the shoulder downward stretching those nerves tearing those nerves but then also is probably contributed by the damage to the artery because that artery supplies those nerves as well in this hit it's not so much just purely the impact from the helmet as it is the action of the helmet forcing the shoulder down into this depression which is going to put more traction and pull on those brachial plexus nerves potentially tearing them as much as it could cause direct trauma the other contributing part to this is that the brachial plexus nerves need blood flow and the majority of that blood flow comes from this subclavian artery the subclavian artery here is a branch off of the aorta coming from the heart and it continues on to deliver blood down to the rest of the arm when that artery is torn you're going to get ischemic damage meaning death of those nerve tissues because they don't have adequate blood flow which can further contribute to the possible nerve injury that we saw with johnson now if we want to take this to a whole nother level of course in medicine we have classifications for everything and it's the same with different types of nerve injuries the most mild is called neuropraxia where basically there's just some damage to the myelin that sort of goes around to protect the actual axon which is the yellow here that's kind of the wire of the nerve nerves are sort of insulated by this myelin
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN as NUMBER_TOKEN bucks the science in this regimen is real when my wife saw the ingredients in these products she was blown away and wanted to actually start using it herself hyaluronic acid is the ultimate hydrator to promote that smoother softer skin retinol to help combat acne oil and help with wrinkle reduction salicylic acid peptides and even spf NUMBER_TOKEN to also make sure you're getting that important sun protection so if you want to help support this channel and do something good for your skin then check out geology today with the link below and use code brian NUMBER_TOKEN to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first purchase thank you to geology for sponsoring this video and let's get back to our learning END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
lions pulls off the wind oh my goodness what happened to the honda i do not know it was here for one second then bam ariel absent did land on his tire so he will be okay hopefully that was an explosive victory let's see that pass one more time by conor lyons may go by steers too hard to the right opening the door for conor lyons to secure the win for team american muscle we got to see what happened to that honda civic here's the replay right here here it comes boom wow we flipped that honda right over that's what we call a civic flapjack i think that's probably the first time that phrase has ever been uttered they'll be competing in eight races instead of four right that is correct double the racing double the fun that's right you now get NUMBER_TOKEN percent more racing brought to you by NUMBER_TOKENd bump maker what an amazing offer here we go at the start of race one monica ray brent on the front right jakub baruch on the front left monica ray bright having some trouble staying on the track right there yeah it looked like she had her front end up on the divider yuck up with the pass right there over monica he's in the lead with one turn left a lot of bouncing around here comes monica passes on the inside whoa oh man they're fighting for it now jakob veruk pulls ahead this is wild monica gets a boost from nigel carvero and monica rayford ends up taking the win what a back and forth race that was nigel carboro with a big assist right there for monica ray brandt that is one of the most back and forth races we've ever seen on this track look at this right here jakub baruch having some trouble down mcclyde straight here comes monica with a clean pass on the inside she understeers coming out of that corner jakob hits her front end he takes the lead but look right here nigel carbarro with the bump assist the drivers will be competing in four races points will be scored depending on how they finish they'll be rotating their position between each race and the top two drivers will advance on to the final round the drivers are off let's go racing carry shoe leading them into the first corner ryan sidinski on the inside glenn shoot back in third place fall by lucas cedric here they go through the mcleid straight a lot of bouncing around here comes glenn true on the inside he passes and here comes glenn chu bringing it past the finish line to take the weight on the road some contact there after the finish line and here comes glenn chu an impressive way to start this race off yeah that was a great win he waited patiently in third place saw the opening and just took it here it is again carrie shoe in the skyline and ryan sinenski in the mazda having a lot of trouble there that opened up the door on the inside for glenn chu to pass right there beautiful pass a key to winning is capitalizing on your opponent's mistake that's what glenn chu just did the dnf's the crashing in the intersection she has crazy brothers written all over it well
just talk to my PROFANITY_TOKEN
xiaomi is also announced a new miui NUMBER_TOKEN for home aka smart home devices and a new miui NUMBER_TOKEN tv update and i like that all of these different ui NUMBER_TOKEN platforms play well with each other i mean it's great really but both of these are china specific oss i mean indian xiaomi tvs and redmi tvs use android tv so i'm not going to go into detail here anyway so those are all the miui NUMBER_TOKEN features and changes we know so far and i think the new mio update does look interesting i mean i know a lot of continuity features won't arrive in india but they are cool right plus i like the new visual changes even though they are inspired by ios now obviously i will bring you a more detailed look at miui NUMBER_TOKEN once i get hands on on the beta which hopefully will be very soon so stay tuned for that also i know there's a question about when will your device get the me white hidden update well we have a detailed article on the same in the description down below so make sure to check it out also give this video like make sure to share it and subscribe to our channel for more amazing tech videos thanks for watching i will see you in the next one i really wanna hear you say
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN give this video like make sure to share it and subscribe to our channel for more amazing tech videos thanks for watching i will see you in the next END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
everyone cody from mac telecom networks in march of NUMBER_TOKEN i did a video of the must-have networking tools and this is gonna be an update to that video i've acquired some new tools and i think people would like to see it if you're new here please hit the subscribe button make sure to hit the bell icon if you'd like to hire me for network consulting visit URL_TOKEN you'd find us on instagram mac telecom networks and if you'd like to support the channel we have an amazon storefront and i'll put a link in the description below now let's get into seeing these tools and the first thing we'll talk about is the client cable scissors or cable shears these things are awesome i use them at pretty much every single job i do have another pair of shears that are by platinum tools which also work great but this one has the rubber grip on it so these shears are meant to cut different types of cable and it's very easy to do you could also strip your jacket of the cable and it just works really well i prefer these over side cutters up next we have a cable organizer or cable comb and this thing is great but we don't use it all the time a lot of the times i will comb out the cables with my hands but what we would do we would pop out the middle piece and then fill the blue piece with the cables and then put it back in we would then dress the cables down with velcro making it nice and neat this thing is very easy to use and has saved me tons of time when i'm dressing in my racks next tool is the toner by tempo communications when you're trying to locate cables this thing is awesome so we would just switch it to the tone and then on our tone generator we'd hit this button and it will make noise
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN consulting visit URL_TOKEN you'd find us on instagram mac telecom networks and if you'd like to support the channel we have an amazon storefront and i'll put a link in the description below now let's get into seeing these tools and the first thing we'll END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
got a green card don't you vegeta gotta keep you away from me nice even if you switch it's no big deal because the dragon ball is a giant plus unless he doesn't care i knew it
of the week well we should see some cell attacks the cell attacks that we saw this morning didn't really work so well did they but as we've seen in the past sellers want to make sure that this is controlled before this starts getting out of hand and bringing in the rest of the army who start seeing the momentum and proof of concept again and starts buying and taking all that sideline dough and tries to pour it back into the stock funny thing about this place it's criticized so much even amongst the retail community from retail trader tarito trader and the reason is because so many people associate it with mindlessly holding they joke about eating crayons they joke about being smooth-minded apes sometimes they watch youtubers that say ooga-booga and scream a lot and people think hey that's stupid they're making a joke of this market this is a serious market but regardless of how you feel about the whole situation you can't deny this is very very stubborn it's that buy and hold stubborn mentality that has made this a play that stuck around for so long and has had so many different hype cycles there have been very very few plays at least that i can remember where retail traders refuse to leave and go home and cry every time you have a red day even plays that have great fundamental conviction and are very likely to do well in the upcoming years people are like oh no it went down five percent okay that was a scam i was wrong i'm leaving while i personally obviously don't agree with mindlessly holding stocks i don't think that the average person is mindlessly holding it i think they just act like they are because they think it's funny and saying buy and hotel is kind of entertaining and i do think that there are problems with ridiculously wrong due diligence and conclusions that are just frankly conspiracy theories but i think that the average person that's buying this gets the bigger picture here i think that when it comes to a certain point you have to agree that the staying power of this movement is very very strong and creates a very interesting probability bet when you consider that shorts have to cover eventually now who the hell knows how this amch situation is going to end but at the end of the day this is something that really shook up the industry and is always going to be remembered regardless of the outcome but moving forward what tends to happen is when retail squeeze leaders like amc or gme start going up you start to have sympathy rallies in some of the smaller meme stocks like clove for example so we'll definitely be watching some of those meme stocks and tracking them as well and doing some pre-market prep on those so i'll keep you posted there and we'll be reflecting on those in the nightly videos too so anyways folks what do you think about this amc situation is this the last rally before the endless drop that takes amc to zero dollars or is this the beginning of something special let me know below anyways folks that caps off the video if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us below or join us on ziptrader circle if you'd like to learn how to trade with our private chat our daily morning briefings and of course our step-by-step lessons well i'll go ahead and link to zip trader you below coupon code fudstopperNUMBER_TOKEN will get you NUMBER_TOKEN off before checkout if you'd like a free stock when signing up with public and
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN join us on ziptrader circle if you'd like to learn how to trade with our private chat our daily morning briefings and of course our step-by-step lessons well i'll go ahead and link to zip trader you below coupon code fudstopperNUMBER_TOKEN will get you NUMBER_TOKEN off before checkout if you'd like a free stock when signing up with public and END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
oh bono uh my visibility's really poor mate really poor this is gonna be it the final subreddit video before the second half of the formula on season is back on our screens and we've got some topical kind of topics probably flying about in this subreddit but uh i want to implore you guys i'm not seeing enough fNUMBER_TOKEN game clips i don't know if you guys maybe not finding as many glitches as fNUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN i doubt it but yeah if you are new around here check the link below if you've got any funny wacky clips from fNUMBER_TOKEN online karima whatever glitches just funny things even just sick overtakes to be honest as well pop in the subreddit try and vote up some ones you might see and it might get covered i love to watch them i love to wrap to them as you guys know and you guys seem to enjoy your actions so kind of trying to keep them flooding especially as we enter the second half of the fNUMBER_TOKEN season as well alongside all the real-life stuff but let's delve into the last few days people worried about lonzo but here comes sebastian vettel that is what you know what compared to alonzo that doesn't look as weird obviously because it was very recent the one we had i think two two videos ago when we're looking at subreddit where alonso was in ferrari gear that looked odd this one this one looks nice still you know i still do kind of miss vettel and red you know veto and aston martin i've already gotten used to it it's a nice vibe he looks a lot happier now uh but you know the start of ferrari remember he was happy as ever you know remember his little skip and jump on the podium when he won at malaysia that was you know good times good times uh NUMBER_TOKEN raid i mean to be fair you guys know vettel's in amazing right now my my team career mode so in a ferrari uh in the game i think you could probably do pretty damn well but yeah you guys are getting some big transfers i don't know i can't tell if this is like season two or three or whatever but i'm hoping this means that i could get some sick big name transfers like this celebration after winning the home gp right let's have a look here what are we saying new celebrate i did see someone tweeted me just earlier today about this i've seen this one yeah i've seen this celebration now i don't know if it's specifically for a home grand prix because i've seen a video of it somewhere someone won it and it was in their my team and they weren't at a home grand prix but i think it's a new celebration that they might do so that's good to see they haven't mentioned it ever it seems to be only that one though whereas just like two hands and they kind of you know um you know shake the hand of the guy right next to them but it's good to see hopefully they're gonna add way more ones i don't know why this is so good yuki was driving the little car of the euros it makes sense now that's a
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN new celebrate i did see someone tweeted me just earlier today about this i've seen this one yeah i've seen this celebration now i don't know if it's specifically for a home grand prix because i've seen a video of it somewhere someone won it and it was in their my team and they weren't at a home grand prix but i think it's a new celebration that they might do so that's good to see they haven't mentioned it ever it seems to be only that one though whereas just like two hands and they kind of you know um you know shake the hand of the guy right next to them but it's good to see hopefully they're gonna add way more ones i don't know why this is so good yuki was driving the little car of the euros it makes sense now that's a END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
they're having a funeral for all the cops that died in the warehouse see i saw miami feeling real sad and guilty but not for long though cause christopher walken pulls up to the funeral and blows his damn head off at the funeral that's very gangstack hey
how modular are the assets very modular
that one's good
do a punisher series uh in the early NUMBER_TOKENs that eventually obviously evolved into the netflix show i heard rumors once that it was going to be set in the NUMBER_TOKENs that was a movie that they were going to make as well so i think there were multiple things for that one you're talking about there was like a show reel for it that they they put together it looked cool dr strange got a NUMBER_TOKEN uh movie acting as a pilot uh that everybody hates that stanley produced it and he was like it was fun i had fun making it i was fun he said it was fun but i'm not in it didn't really have much to do with it just it was fun just walked on the set every once in a while and when you keep doing what you're doing first up the good work excelsior i said and then they i left and presumably they all just smoked cigarettes and in NUMBER_TOKEN this is an interesting one to end on moonat was going to be getting a series which is now getting a series but it was going to get a series then oh i don't think it would have been very good then i'm hoping it's going to be much better now well it's going to have oscar isaac exactly so there you go and ethan hawk as the villain oh so there you go so yeah look they've bloody had to go at it haven't they look at all these projects there's even more but this is some of them i would like to see a lot of those which ones that being said i've seen a couple of them and i hate them so um i would take the new warriors and uh the hulk series from early NUMBER_TOKEN. i would like to see uh nick fury agents of shield you've seen it i've seen it was bad didn't like it no good you want to see generation x again nope don't wanna i wanna see doctor strange actually you can but we'll do it when there's the next doctor strange thing right we'll circle back to it apparently also it's a very boring medical drama for a lot of it i've got uh i've got my uh review ready ahead of time doctor strange multiverse of badness yeah that's for free got got him anyways this has been a video we do this here all the goddamn time don't we mason you better believe it there's too many in a way uh we don't say that james no there is you say that enough people start to believe it nobody will believe it they think i'm being i'm doing an ingest right or people think i'm dumb so they're like he's dumb he doesn't know what he's talking about yeah let us know in the comments if you think james is dumb we also have a service called URL_TOKEN where if you do want to sign up videos go up there early including the caravan of garbages that we do every week we've got bonus podcasts we've got movie commentaries yep that's right people people get on there and they they let us know they send us an email they're
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN also have a service called URL_TOKEN where if you do want to sign up videos go up there early including the caravan of garbages that we do every week we've got bonus podcasts we've got movie commentaries yep that's right people people get on there and they they let us know they send us an email they're END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
know if you caught what i said but holsters vrik adds holsters to the game it's very customizable you can adjust them to however you want it makes it easier for you to grab your blade bow dagger battle axe whatever you're using you can position it in any way possible it's all configurable to how you like it you can even have a modded item say it's something like the same throw penetrator but you don't know where to put it you just want to pull it out of your back you know you can just have something on your back and you just pull it and it'll be there but there's a slight lag but the next model will fix that but before that i got something i got to tell you about vrik this mod allows any of the controllers from any vr headset really you just have to make sure you have the required vrak controller bindings through steamvr read the description of the mod page do that for all of them if you need to read the description for every mod you install i say that in the other video but you need to know what is going on with the mod you're installing always it's it's it's not a joke do it if you grab vrik for your mod list go to the post section and acquire the dev build for some of the mods i'm about to feature because the dev build is more the more recent and some mods need that dev build the only downside is the time to grab your weapons but as i said the next mod is going to combat that issue instant equip vr it is the second essential mod on this list at least for me it's self-explanatory but it gives the animation time from the drawing of the weapon in question pretty much all the way down making it quote unquote instant it makes it feel like there's no lag in drawing your crappy dagger your penetrator uh your bow your battle axe your sword your whatever it is your modded weapons whatever it just completely diminishes the amount of time to grab that weapon out of your holsters there is an alternative option but you don't want to use the immersive option like i did and if you want to go to more vr feel the next mod is for you but that doesn't mean you can't use them both they complement each other very well you don't even have to use it for the same purpose they're they can be used for different things but either way it's fantastic spell wheel vr if you've ever played a vr game where you can hold a specific button or gesture or whatever and things appear out of nowhere around your hand if you ever played a vr game where you can hold a specific button and things appear out of nowhere that you can reach to and grab for its use like for example blade and sorcery you hold a button the spell wheel pops up and you hover over the spell wheel let go and it equips it well skyrim vr didn't have that initially until the mod author god i feel like i'm gonna butcher this shizzoff i think that's how you pronounce it shizzoff created spellwheel vr if i mispronounce that smack me or something PROFANITY_TOKEN shame me slap my wrist something man you can configure
like look at that's that's actually a thing man and it's been that way for a while well it gets worse so most code is not retroactive so this would not apply if your elevator was built to a code prior to the NUMBER_TOKEN but the state of vermont said no that we're retroactively going to require people to install the fbo kNUMBER_TOKEN switch so if you're a building owner in vermont i'm sorry to break it to you but you just bought some shitty key switches yeah every elevator in vermont every okay one but what do pen testers do how do we leverage this stuff well you should already make it make enough sense if we have the right keys on a job we are just going to slide around a building in ways they didn't expect there was a job that we had where the front desk was the guard but there was an elevator in the back of house now you weren't supposed to be able without credentials to take this elevator up you could get like from the parking deck you get to it but what did we do well you see the video of us on the left you'll see the video they actually pulled from the surveillance on the right because they didn't believe it when we tried to explain this we said all right well your back door could be locked a little better that's one thing and then we were able to call this elevator and again we shouldn't be able to drive it upstairs right but we said look on camera and see how fast we were able to do this phase one phase two boom that was all we needed to flip the elevator to fire service mode and drive it up to the next floor and because of the culture of this building once we popped out on the main level everyone just assumed you must have come through you know the lobby so yeah of course you belong up here right i mean you have this little white badge that doesn't say anything at all on it but sure enough you're in the building now and that's all it took that it took like two seconds at the switches to be able to change modes in this elevator and get in there getting back to the disclaimers though it's worth pointing out that elevator resulted in the elevator ultimately was very unhappy with how quickly we were throwing the key switches on and off and it did fault out and there was a reset procedure that was required yeah we had to crawl delete probably most people in this room would not have been capable of yeah so that idea of going in the back door just going up the elevator that was something that blew the mind of this building owner because they didn't think that would be possible they're like no you need credentials we're like dude we have the keys son like the key is the key speaking of keys how many people saw this article in new york post about the guy selling the fire keys exactly and i love that the post said it's okay we checked with locksmiths who said it's okay to print these photos because no one could ever make duplicates of these keys and they were like chewing out this guy and making him out be worse than hitler he was just some retired locksmith selling these keys without really caring who was selling them to well he knew what he was doing but he just didn't you know yeah he didn't care but let me just tell you here's a much better resolution photo with that key by the way you'll see why this is not a major security breach this is the famous NUMBER_TOKEN
lw did the classic again back to rage quit like a sword another one
this is minecraft but every chunk is a different type of block so i have to try and beat the game in a world that's nothing like anything i've ever seen before and apparently only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed so please be sure to subscribe if you're not because it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind and now just enjoy this video oh my this world looks insane literally every chunk is a different type of block there's copper random lapis here end stone dirt oh my the trees aren't even trees how am i supposed to get wood i'm literally gonna have to find a chunk that is made of wood oh that's wood right there okay perfect this is insane i'm breaking a tree that is just made completely of wood and it makes no sense wait a second that is literally diamond door that is diamond in deep slate so if i get iron i'm set but for now i am literally stuck with disgusting wooden tools and i've just realized that i'm gonna have to collect so much wood just from this one chunk because there's a chance that i won't see any wood again and then i literally can't do anything oh no i'm gonna have to try and find stone or cobblestone as well to actually make stone tools no no no no you're joking me this is blackstone right please tell me it's blackstone yes oh okay we've got stone tools meaning that i literally if i can find iron we're slowly progressing through this and i'm actually gonna be able to do it i made nine crafting tables to annoy all of you i'm kidding please subscribe i'm seriously subscribed i'm so lonely i'm also gonna grab a ton of this because i do not want to be running out of stone but now i don't actually know what i do i think i just have to keep searching until i find useful blocks and that's slime yep slime's definitely gonna be useful oh this is so satisfying give me all of these okay this is good because this is so many free blocks that if i land on i don't take any full damage i am four and a half hundred bars down which means if i step on this and i'm not sneaking i'm gonna take damage and i literally don't know what i do if i can't find food because i haven't seen a single mob so far what blocks can i eat oh cakes hay bales and there's snow here you know what i'll take this anything is useful at this point i'm gonna have to go look in a cave because they look terrifying oh fish and kelp oh wait you know what i don't even need the fish i'm going straight for the kelp oh and this is coral this is so broken but it's okay because now we actually have food yes at least i think we do if i go boom yes food it does half a hunger bar i am in so much pain watching this happen and now that i've
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed so please be sure to subscribe if you're not because it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind and now just enjoy this video END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
oh hi i was just making lunch but since you're here if you want to get started on making youtube videos of your own i just finished watching a really cool class called storytelling through film how to make engaging videos for youtube it's by thomas dyer on skillshare and he shows you exactly how to create a five second cold open that will hook viewers in and there's some great editing tips in there whether you're a beginner or an experienced editor skillshow is a really cool online learning community with thousands of classes and everything from music production to video production and a lot more and it's curated specifically for learning which means there's no ads they're also constantly updating with new premium classes so you can just go wherever your creativity takes you so if you want to start making youtube videos or learn a new skill just click the link in the description because the first thousand of you who do that will get a one month free trial of skillshare so that you can start exploring your creativity today
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN oh hi i was just making lunch but since you're here if you want to get started on making youtube videos of your own i just finished watching a really cool class called storytelling through film how to make engaging videos for youtube it's by thomas dyer on skillshare and he shows you exactly how to create a five second cold open that will hook viewers in and there's some great editing tips in there whether you're a beginner or an experienced editor skillshow is a really cool online learning community with thousands of classes and everything from music production to video production and a lot more and it's curated specifically for learning which means there's no ads they're also constantly updating with new premium classes so you can just go wherever your creativity takes you so if you want to start making youtube videos or learn a new skill just click the link in the description because the first thousand of you who do that will get a one month free trial of skillshare so that you can start exploring your creativity today END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
let's see let's see where's next oh that's a teammate okay scared me a little bit
new flag you need to enable two flags the first is called theme refactor on android and the second is called dynamic colors on android if you like to add an extra button to the top toolbar whether it be the new tab button which lets you quickly open a new tab or the share key so that you can share an article much more quickly or even the microphone to quickly google search or load up a website with your voice you can do so by searching for a flag called adaptive button in top toolbar customization and from that list you can choose your preference another great way that you can improve and keep your browsing experience secure is by downloading a vpn i highly recommend private internet access the video sponsor since it's the most transparent vpn provider out there their vpn is NUMBER_TOKEN open source so anyone can look at their code and see how secure and private their service actually is almost no other vpn is this transparent so it's no wonder why they have over NUMBER_TOKEN million downloads they also never record or store your data and they have a strict no log policy that has been proven multiple times in court while you're surfing the web private internet access hides your online activity from your internet service provider network administrator and government sensors by rerouting your internet traffic through an encrypted tunnel and changes your ip address the next gen server infrastructure is scattered throughout NUMBER_TOKEN different countries so you can truly experience the web in complete privacy with a secure and reliable vpn connection as if that wasn't enough private internet access is also extremely customizable allowing you to make your vpn experience truly your own it works with all major streaming services including netflix so that you can have unrestricted access to all your favorite content from anywhere in the world and it's one of the few vpns that fully support peer-to-peer file sharing and torrenting i definitely recommend signing up for private internet access it's risk free and they have a highly skilled customer support team to answer any questions you may have NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. they're so confident about their vpn service that they even provide a NUMBER_TOKEN-day back guarantee plus i'll let you guys in on a little deal if you use my link in the description you'll get a complete digital privacy for just two dollars and eight cents a month for three years and two months free deals like that don't come around that often so act fast and stay secure online with private internet access if you have slow internet speeds or just want things to download faster you can enable a chrome flag called parallel downloading to accelerate everything you download parallel downloading basically lets chrome break down a single file into parts that way you can download all those chunks simultaneously instead of downloading one giant chunk how big of an effect it's going to make though really depends on your internet speed and the file size google lens is slowly creeping into more google apps it's already within google photos the google camera hell it's even on the pixel launcher's home screen within the search bar and i don't mind it especially since you get a ton of relevant information with just a single scan of a photo now google chrome is joining the bandwagon and it's beneficial by enabling this flag you can obtain an extra option within the contextual menu called search with google lens whenever you long press an image tapping that option will give you more information about it plus you can crop the photo for a more precise scan you can also have the google lens icon appear within the address bar to quickly search with your camera or images you just
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN great way that you can improve and keep your browsing experience secure is by downloading a vpn i highly recommend private internet access the video sponsor since it's the most transparent vpn provider out there their vpn is NUMBER_TOKEN open source so anyone can look at their code and see how secure and private their service actually is almost no other vpn is this transparent so it's no wonder why they have over NUMBER_TOKEN million downloads they also never record or store your data and they have a strict no log policy that has been proven multiple times in court while you're surfing the web private internet access hides your online activity from your internet service provider network administrator and government sensors by rerouting your internet traffic through an encrypted tunnel and changes your ip address the next gen server infrastructure is scattered throughout NUMBER_TOKEN different countries so you can truly experience the web in complete privacy with a secure and reliable vpn connection as if that wasn't enough private internet access is also extremely customizable allowing you to make your vpn experience truly your own it works with all major streaming services including netflix so that you can have unrestricted access to all your favorite content from anywhere in the world and it's one of the few vpns that fully support peer-to-peer file sharing and torrenting i definitely recommend signing up for private internet access it's risk free and they have a highly skilled customer support team to answer any questions you may have NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. they're so confident about their vpn service that they even provide a NUMBER_TOKEN-day back guarantee plus i'll let you guys in on a little deal if you use my link in the description you'll get a complete digital privacy for just two dollars and eight cents a month for three years and two months free deals like that don't come around that often so act fast and stay secure online with private internet access END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
got the little the little one now we got the big one and flag on nothing special that's okay and now it's time for max mofos postcard collection it's the segment where we look at pokemon postcards now you guys know where these ones are from uh they have some sort of unification they all look uh very similar on the back we have three here and they are in the shape of the pokemon we've got a pikachu shaped postcard we have an ev shaped postcard and everybody's favorite we've got a charizard-shaped postcard will these fit in my postcard book i don't think so no i don't that's it's too tall eevee sideways maybe yeah okay all right that actu that's actually a snug fit i might keep that in there pikachu too big now before i bid you a fedo we have um these two the packs that i open every episode until i get an alt art otherwise i will not stop let's see what luck we have for this one holographic is the sniper lizard doing a backflip pretty clean looking hollow and one of my favorite sets eevee heroes what do we get from this let's take a look one to the front flip it around we've got the scuba diver bottle we have mudkip into melodic nothing too special thanks for watching guys if you want to support me buying children's playing cards by the merch check out the merch link at the top of the description below alternatively you can manually navigate to that by typing in max dot shirts with the zed dot cool anything else you buy from that website that is not my merch on check out use code mofo to save ten percent uh otherwise uh why did you click on some mouse check some look at this
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN you want to support me buying children's playing cards by the merch check out the merch link at the top of the description below alternatively you can manually navigate to that by typing in max dot shirts with the zed dot cool anything else you buy from that website that is not my merch on check out use code mofo to save ten percent uh otherwise uh why did END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
hey hey welcome back remember before we get started uh hit that like button hit the subscribe button maybe leave a comment engage in the conversation all things that help this channel out do one of those you're right now thinking like i'm not going to but do it but also before we get started a message from somebody on the other side of the studio it's me it's me on the other side of the studio go ahead jimmy thank you jimmy and let me start off by saying a very heartfelt gobble gobble we're closing in on that time of year when we we say what we're thankful for well do you want to know what i actually am thankful for skillshare this is my favorite application for lifetime learners who want to always be learning always be developing your skills their skills language is weird anyway as many of you know i've been getting into uh woodworking i've been sharing a little bit about honestly on social media and i am currently using skillshare more than ever more than usual and look you're gonna find way more than just carpentry classes i for example suggest very highly marquez brownlee both as a youtuber and somebody who has a class on how to script shoot and edit a video for youtube one of the biggest pros on the dang platform sharing his secrets skillshare is the perfect learning platform because it combines video lessons and class projects with this online community so that you you get feedback and you get help from peers meanwhile all of that while being extremely affordable so whether you're a beginner or a pro at any level you're going to find courses that are going to sharpen your skills or develop them for the first time and often the case with me besides woodworking i'm also about halfway through this class called videos for instagram tell an engaging story in less than a minute which i actually plan to use to mostly promote my carpentry wares yeah i'ma chop the wood and then i'ma sell it so if you're into making music fine art graphic design creative writing or like so much more there's a class for you plus skillshare is offering the first NUMBER_TOKEN of my subscribers to click that link in the description to get one month free you're getting so much and you got to try it for that one month for free and you'll be able to start exploring your own creativity today plus you'll get instant access to thousands of classes and a huge huge community of creative minds so enhance your skills explore new passions hit that link up and remember that when you support our sponsors you also support this channel in a huge way makes a big difference check out skillshare link down below back to you jimmy why thank you jimmy all right so yeah here we are we're gonna watch this caleb and sophia video about being humble from people who believe that they alone have the very secrets to the universe and everybody else will burn up and die it's just like it's like i feel like this is the equivalent of having elon musk trying to explain to me the importance of seeming meek as the richest person in the world i guess except for that his riches aren't imaginary while they're in the stock market kind of all money is imaginary i just broke my own brain here we go
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN hey hey welcome back remember before we get started uh hit that like button hit the subscribe button maybe leave a comment engage in the conversation all things that help this channel out do one of those you're right now thinking like i'm not going to but do END_INTERACTION_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SPONSOR_TOKEN it but also before we get started a message from somebody on the other side of the studio it's me it's me on the other side of the studio go ahead jimmy thank you jimmy and let me start off by saying a very heartfelt gobble gobble we're closing in on that time of year when we we say what we're thankful for well do you want to know what i actually am thankful for skillshare this is my favorite application for lifetime learners who want to always be learning always be developing your skills their skills language is weird anyway as many of you know i've been getting into uh woodworking i've been sharing a little bit about honestly on social media and i am currently using skillshare more than ever more than usual and look you're gonna find way more than just carpentry classes i for example suggest very highly marquez brownlee both as a youtuber and somebody who has a class on how to script shoot and edit a video for youtube one of the biggest pros on the dang platform sharing his secrets skillshare is the perfect learning platform because it combines video lessons and class projects with this online community so that you you get feedback and you get help from peers meanwhile all of that while being extremely affordable so whether you're a beginner or a pro at any level you're going to find courses that are going to sharpen your skills or develop them for the first time and often the case with me besides woodworking i'm also about halfway through this class called videos for instagram tell an engaging story in less than a minute which i actually plan to use to mostly promote my carpentry wares yeah i'ma chop the wood and then i'ma sell it so if you're into making music fine art graphic design creative writing or like so much more there's a class for you plus skillshare is offering the first NUMBER_TOKEN of my subscribers to click that link in the description to get one month free you're getting so much and you got to try it for that one month for free and you'll be able to start exploring your own creativity today plus you'll get instant access to thousands of classes and a huge huge community of creative minds so enhance your skills explore new passions hit that link up and remember that when you support our sponsors you also support this channel in a huge way makes a big difference check out skillshare link down below back to you jimmy why thank you jimmy all END_SPONSOR_TOKEN