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The number of adult shrimp in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult blue crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult great auk in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Atlantis equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Crystaldust Flats equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kingfisher in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult spiny lobster in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kangaroo in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sea urchin in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dodo in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Auric Expanse equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult sea urchin in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult margay in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ocelot in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the total number of newborn animal children in Atlantis. The number of adult basilisk in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Yggdrasil. The number of adult triggerfish in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Camelot equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Atlantis equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult boxfish in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Avalon equals the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in El Dorado equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Shangri-La equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult mandarin duck in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult boxfish in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult spiny lobster in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pteropod in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult sea wasp in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Avalon equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult aye-aye in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fire salamander in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sea anemone in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Lyonesse equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Valhalla equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult damselfish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult sand cat in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult rainbow boa in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult foraminifera in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult leopard in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult noctiluca in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult surinam toad in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lynx in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult angelfish in Eternal Sands equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the total number of newborn animal children in Camelot. The number of adult pufferfish in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult boomslang in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus, the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult puma in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cassowary in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Valhalla equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult penguin in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult aye-aye in Twilight Dunes equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Avalon equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Camelot equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult boomslang in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tintinnid in Shangri-La equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Mount Meru equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult polar bear in Golden Rift equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pangolin in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult copperhead in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult chaetognath in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult roc in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult angelfish in Stellar Wastes equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ocelot in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gaboon viper in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Valhalla equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in El Dorado equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult salp in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea cucumber in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult larvacean in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult axolotl in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult spider crab in Atlantis equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult puma in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult iguanodon in Hyperborea equals the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rhea in Avalon equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Avalon equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult larvacean in Shangri-La equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult king cobra in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult reticulated python in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult fishing cat in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult ocelot in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult copepod in Valhalla equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Cibola equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The number of adult cladoceran in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult coypu in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Avalon equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Mu equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult cougar in Atlantis equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lionfish in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult golden cat in Atlantis equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pipefish in El Dorado equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult kinkajou in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Hyperborea. The number of adult tarsier in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult unicorn in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult dinoflagellate in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bush viper in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hognose snake in Hyperborea equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult rock lobster in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult tiger salamander in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult marbled salamander in El Dorado equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Avalon equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult lobster in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Camelot equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Xanadu equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult nemean lion in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tiger prawn in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the total number of newborn animal children in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Hyperborea equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult quetzal in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult zooplankton in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eyelash viper in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult griffin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the total number of newborn animal children in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Eternal Sands equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult king cobra in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cone snail in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult komodo dragon in Xanadu equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult caracal in Atlantis equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Valhalla equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Hyperborea equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult clownfish in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult phytoplankton in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult serval in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult black widow spider in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult diatom in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Camelot equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult manta ray in Avalon equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult copepod in Shangri-La equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult dragon in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The number of adult dwarf african frog in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Avalon equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Valhalla equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Sandspire Expanse equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Meru. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Hyperborea equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Atlantis equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult thaliacean in Valhalla equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult green anaconda in Hyperborea equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult ostrich in Lusterflow Basin equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult black panther in Atlantis equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult penguin in Sunglint Wastes equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in El Dorado equals the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Camelot equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult centaur in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult jaguar in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult komodo dragon in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult lionfish in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Valhalla equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The number of adult giant salamander in El Dorado equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult milk snake in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in El Dorado equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult poison dart frog in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bobcat in Atlantis equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult black panther in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult starfish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult allosaurus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Lusterflow Basin equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult triggerfish in Avalon equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fiddler crab in Atlantis equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult damselfish in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult northern cardinal in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult kraken in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult lynx in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult serval in Atlantis equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult clouded leopard in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Avalon equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Valhalla equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult compsognathus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult diatom in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Camelot equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult jaguar in Sandspire Expanse equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Atlantis equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Avalon equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pteranodon in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult nightjar in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult hedgehog in Camelot equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Valhalla equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult margay in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult acantharian in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in El Dorado equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Camelot equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult euphausiid in Valhalla equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ball python in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult carnotaurus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bullfrog in El Dorado equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult box jellyfish in Valhalla equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult sun conure in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult snow leopard in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cougar in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult eyelash viper in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Avalon equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult kakapo in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cerberus in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gaboon viper in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult parrotfish in El Dorado equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rainbow boa in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult phoenix in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult glass frog in El Dorado equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult slow loris in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult radiolaria in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Ebon Dunes equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult ghost crab in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Avalon equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult foraminifera in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult sand cat in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult chimpanzee in Garden of the Hesperides equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult tiger in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult acantharian in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gobies in Avalon equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Stellar Wastes equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult gobies in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Hawaiki equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Avalon equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult lion in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult hydra in Camelot equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult kitsune in Camelot equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult clownfish in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Valhalla equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult elephant bird in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult leopard in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult peacock in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult box jellyfish in Auric Expanse equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult shiba inu in Lyonesse equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult russell's viper in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Asgard. The number of adult selkie in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult rotifer in Valhalla equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult inland taipan in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blue racer in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult snow crab in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult hawkfish in Avalon equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult green anaconda in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult hermit crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult african clawed frog in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult noctiluca in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in El Dorado equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Shangri-La equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Hyperborea equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Garden of the Hesperides equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Gilded Mirage equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Camelot equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult parrotfish in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult thaliacean in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult euphausiid in Shangri-La equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Camelot equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult amphipod in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult russell's viper in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult phytoplankton in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bobcat in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult rotifer in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Duneshadow Reach equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the total number of newborn animal children in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult aardvark in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult milk snake in Hyperborea equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult painted bunting in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult takahe in Avalon equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult pacific tree frog in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hawkfish in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Avalon equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult tiger in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Sunglint Wastes equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult reticulated python in Hyperborea equals the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult steamer duck in Avalon equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mouse lemur in Camelot equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The number of adult leviathan in Camelot equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult hippogriff in Camelot equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult black mamba in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult komodo dragon in Agartha equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult leopard frog in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Hawaiki equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult fennec mule in Camelot equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult krill in Atlantis equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult starfish in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult mangrove snake in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Atlantis equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult red bishop in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Hyperborea equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult minotaur in Camelot equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in El Dorado equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult deinonychus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Valhalla equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult barnacle in Atlantis equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult triceratops in Hyperborea equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult paradise tanager in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult serval in Shangri-La equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult scorpionfish in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Hyperborea equals the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult corn snake in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult kiwi in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tintinnid in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult spinosaurus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Camelot equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cheetah in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Hyperborea equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue racer in Hyperborea equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in El Dorado equals the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult golden mantella in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Atlantis equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult coconut crab in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult weka in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wood frog in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Moonlit Mirage equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the total number of newborn animal children in Hawaiki. The number of adult brachiosaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult golden cat in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult blue hawk in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pipefish in Avalon equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult hellbender in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sea slug in Avalon equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Camelot equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult salp in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult coqui frog in El Dorado equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Valhalla equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult flamingo in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult caracal in Shangri-La equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult lion in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Avalon equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Atlantis equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult shiba inu in Crystaldust Flats equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Atlantis equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fenrir in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult golden pheasant in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult copperhead in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Atlantis equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult king crab in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Shangri-La equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult moas in Avalon equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cane toad in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Camelot equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Shangri-La equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult velociraptor in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea slug in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult phoenix in Gilded Mirage equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult toucan in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in El Dorado equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult amphipod in Valhalla equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult stegosaurus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult butterflyfish in Avalon equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult radiolaria in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Avalon equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Avalon equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult leopard gecko in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Asgard equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult serval in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Hyperborea equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Atlantis equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult bats in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The number of adult lionfish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Valhalla equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult langoustine in Atlantis equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult corythosaurus in Hyperborea equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Valhalla equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Atlantis equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Atlantis equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Shangri-La equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult emu in Avalon equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult butterflyfish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult krill in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in El Dorado equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sugar glider in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult corn snake in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bats in Camelot equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Yggdrasil equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult emu in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult african bush elephant in Moonlit Mirage equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of newborn animal children in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Avalon equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult penguin in Avalon equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pteropod in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult manta ray in El Dorado equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue whale in Iram of the Pillars equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pegasus in Camelot equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult ankylosaurus in Hyperborea equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Shangri-La equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sea anemone in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cheetah in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Tír na nÓg equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Hyperborea equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult jaguar in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shangri-La equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ostrich in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult boomslang in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult manticore in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult zooplankton in Valhalla equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult diplodocus in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult elephant in Mu equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult stonefish in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in El Dorado equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult dungeness crab in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Valhalla equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Camelot equals the difference between the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gila monster in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult hognose snake in Tír na nÓg equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult ball python in Hyperborea equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cladoceran in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult jaguar in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in El Dorado equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult moray eel in Avalon equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult dolphin in Cibola equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Avalon equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eastern newt in El Dorado equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Avalon equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Golden Rift equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult black mamba in Hyperborea equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult king penguin in Avalon equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult bandicoot in Camelot equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the total number of newborn animal children in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in El Dorado equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 1 plus the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mosasaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult dinoflagellate in Shangri-La equals the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult gouldian finch in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Atlantis equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Ebon Dunes equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult raccoon in Camelot equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bush baby in Camelot equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult clouded leopard in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Hyperborea equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea cucumber in Avalon equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fishing cat in Atlantis equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Jefferson Circus and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult mangrove snake in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Twilight Dunes equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the total number of newborn animal children in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult tiger snake in Valhalla equals the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult crab in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult moray eel in El Dorado equals the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult king cobra in Valhalla equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult red panda in Camelot equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult chimera in Camelot equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult bush viper in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult snow leopard in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Valhalla equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Shangri-La equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Avalon equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Hyperborea equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult chaetognath in Shangri-La equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult tinamous in Avalon equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus?
Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch as r; so r = 4. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus as a; so a = r = 4. Answer: 4.
"The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Silverlight Depths equals the average (...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek as w; so w = 1. Define aver(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult pegasus in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the difference between the average numbe(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium as n; so n = 1. Define(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult lemur in Ionosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult cro(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo as r; so r = 2. Define avera(...TRUNCATED)
"The average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Ebon Hollow equals the sum of the avera(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm as X; so X = 2. Define ave(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult agouti in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per (...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo as p; so p = 2. Define average(...TRUNCATED)
"The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Frostspire Expanse equals the sum of th(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo as S; so S = 4. Define averag(...TRUNCATED)
"The number of adult roadrunner in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circu(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo as U; so U = 3. Define averag(...TRUNCATED)
"The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Scorchspire equals the su(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Cedar Valley?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek as m; so m = 4. Define ave(...TRUNCATED)
"The average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Crystalshine Cavern equals th(...TRUNCATED)
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek?
"Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek as x; so x = 2. Define aver(...TRUNCATED)
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