2 values
1 value
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: Messaging is really strategically important for the company and the long-term engagement with our users, and the organic feel of the engagement with businesses and consumers is where we will be focused. Answer:
Messaging is really strategically important for the company and the long-term engagement with our users, and the organic feel of the engagement with businesses and consumers is where we will be focused.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: When I look at the usage, the usage is six times our nearest competitor. Answer:
When I look at the usage, the usage is six times our nearest competitor.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: On the price reduction question, we've got a long track record of driving costs out of the business and you can certainly see where we've even done that over the last several quarters if you look at the margins in AWS. Answer:
On the price reduction question, we've got a long track record of driving costs out of the business and you can certainly see where we've even done that over the last several quarters if you look at the margins in AWS.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We also announced a Operations Center of Excellence to be opened up in Nashville, which is about -- estimated to be about 5000 jobs. Answer:
We also announced a Operations Center of Excellence to be opened up in Nashville, which is about -- estimated to be about 5000 jobs.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We have now the flexibility to deploy this capital. Answer:
We have now the flexibility to deploy this capital.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We have Prime Now Answer:
We have Prime Now
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And that means that there needs to be a whole range of new production tools and consumption experiences for enabling that. Answer:
And that means that there needs to be a whole range of new production tools and consumption experiences for enabling that.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: Yes, we have had very strong growth the last two years and earlier, obviously on Prime growth of members. Answer:
Yes, we have had very strong growth the last two years and earlier, obviously on Prime growth of members.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So if you look at some of the tools and products I’ve talked about in the last couple of quarters, now you can – rather than us saying to you, go make a Stories ad you can just send us some pictures, some text, some very easy posts and we will create some Stories ads for you. Answer:
So if you look at some of the tools and products I’ve talked about in the last couple of quarters, now you can – rather than us saying to you, go make a Stories ad you can just send us some pictures, some text, some very easy posts and we will create some Stories ads for you.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We've tried to run the company in a way where we have -- we set up the infrastructure, and we set up the business models. Answer:
We've tried to run the company in a way where we have -- we set up the infrastructure, and we set up the business models.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: The first is regulatory as you think about things like GDPR and other impacts and how those will be rolling out globally. Answer:
The first is regulatory as you think about things like GDPR and other impacts and how those will be rolling out globally.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: Again, Keith, when we look at either the capital expense or the technical architecture, and the general approach we take is about all of our cloud. Answer:
Again, Keith, when we look at either the capital expense or the technical architecture, and the general approach we take is about all of our cloud.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And so there's lots of pluses and minuses on this. Answer:
And so there's lots of pluses and minuses on this.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: When you look at the Instagram Shopping experience, we're seeing some really nice growth. Answer:
When you look at the Instagram Shopping experience, we're seeing some really nice growth.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And then when it comes to how we’re thinking about expense growth as we look beyond 2019, we’re not providing specific guidance but I’d note that we continue to invest aggressively across the business and there’s no change in our long-term outlook on the need to invest heavily in areas like safety and security, innovation in our core product and infrastructure and the ultimate impact that those will have on our operating margin. Answer:
And then when it comes to how we’re thinking about expense growth as we look beyond 2019, we’re not providing specific guidance but I’d note that we continue to invest aggressively across the business and there’s no change in our long-term outlook on the need to invest heavily in areas like safety and security, innovation in our core product and infrastructure and the ultimate impact that those will have on our operating margin.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And just the addition of Facebook Stories drove 26% more additions to their checkout cart. Answer:
And just the addition of Facebook Stories drove 26% more additions to their checkout cart.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I do believe that every conversation that we're having with customers is cloud-led. Answer:
I do believe that every conversation that we're having with customers is cloud-led.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: Last year we changed some of our incentives and worked with FBA merchants to try and have better throughput through our FCs, particularly in Q4. Answer:
Last year we changed some of our incentives and worked with FBA merchants to try and have better throughput through our FCs, particularly in Q4.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: More than 200 million people use Explore in order to see content that's interesting to them and interact with people beyond their friends and the people who are – who they follow directly. Answer:
More than 200 million people use Explore in order to see content that's interesting to them and interact with people beyond their friends and the people who are – who they follow directly.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: The reality is the way we've done this for years is we've had a panel, a survey of thousands of people who basically we asked what the most meaningful content is that they had seen on the platform or that they've seen off the platform and we design our systems in order to be able to get to that ground truth of what people – real people are telling us is that high quality experience. Answer:
The reality is the way we've done this for years is we've had a panel, a survey of thousands of people who basically we asked what the most meaningful content is that they had seen on the platform or that they've seen off the platform and we design our systems in order to be able to get to that ground truth of what people – real people are telling us is that high quality experience.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: The other piece that we hadn't talked about is the reclass that we gave in the past few quarters, specifically around the advertising services that have moved from Contra COGS into other revenue beginning in 2018. Answer:
The other piece that we hadn't talked about is the reclass that we gave in the past few quarters, specifically around the advertising services that have moved from Contra COGS into other revenue beginning in 2018.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So I think, that's a lot of – the focus now is really having a good and exciting roadmap of recent revises and more to come ahead, and getting those into customers' hands. Answer:
So I think, that's a lot of – the focus now is really having a good and exciting roadmap of recent revises and more to come ahead, and getting those into customers' hands.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And quite frankly, primarily I'm excited because for us, as I've always said, GitHub is not a means to some other end. Answer:
And quite frankly, primarily I'm excited because for us, as I've always said, GitHub is not a means to some other end.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: As I said, the vast majority or the majority of the growth that we're seeing in sharing is coming from private messaging and story sharing. Answer:
As I said, the vast majority or the majority of the growth that we're seeing in sharing is coming from private messaging and story sharing.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: because they want to get a message out. Answer:
because they want to get a message out.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We do think that the -- for that accounting impact effectively, we expect that that amount will decrease as we go through the year. Answer:
We do think that the -- for that accounting impact effectively, we expect that that amount will decrease as we go through the year.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But we're going to invest as much in just making sure that we build out the community features around that. Answer:
But we're going to invest as much in just making sure that we build out the community features around that.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: Obviously, if you look at what we had launched in the last few quarters and few years, we launched a lot of new products, and now we are launching a lot of new services. Answer:
Obviously, if you look at what we had launched in the last few quarters and few years, we launched a lot of new products, and now we are launching a lot of new services.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So, for example, when we talk about data and AI close to data, because computation will always go wherever data is. Answer:
So, for example, when we talk about data and AI close to data, because computation will always go wherever data is.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So, things that we're really excited about stores, so a brand can customize and curate a multipage store. Answer:
So, things that we're really excited about stores, so a brand can customize and curate a multipage store.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And I think you do see that in general through the year as we continue to keep that formula. Answer:
And I think you do see that in general through the year as we continue to keep that formula.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But ultimately, if you want to get those high-quality judgments today on sensitive content and you want to do it quickly when the stakes are pretty high in terms of taking down content or leaving things up, and we take that extremely seriously, you want people to be looking at that. Answer:
But ultimately, if you want to get those high-quality judgments today on sensitive content and you want to do it quickly when the stakes are pretty high in terms of taking down content or leaving things up, and we take that extremely seriously, you want people to be looking at that.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So to share another example from a holiday, Shutterfly did a Facebook and Instagram, both the brand and direct response holiday campaign on mobile Answer:
So to share another example from a holiday, Shutterfly did a Facebook and Instagram, both the brand and direct response holiday campaign on mobile
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So you'll see that, we reported subscription services revenue increased 26% when you exclude FX. Answer:
So you'll see that, we reported subscription services revenue increased 26% when you exclude FX.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So on the FX adjusted ARPU growth, I would just really point to the overall revenue growth rate, that's what's driving it. Answer:
So on the FX adjusted ARPU growth, I would just really point to the overall revenue growth rate, that's what's driving it.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: As I said earlier, we will be discussing capital allocation plans when we review our March quarter results. Answer:
As I said earlier, we will be discussing capital allocation plans when we review our March quarter results.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: It's growing on all major products and it's growing of course in total. Answer:
It's growing on all major products and it's growing of course in total.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But clearly the iPhone SE has a downward impact on iPhone ASP, of course, Answer:
But clearly the iPhone SE has a downward impact on iPhone ASP, of course,
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So, it was really important to me, and I think to making – to the long term of what our product stands for it to make sure that News Feed is always about meaningful interaction. Answer:
So, it was really important to me, and I think to making – to the long term of what our product stands for it to make sure that News Feed is always about meaningful interaction.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But in terms of for the market overall, I just think it would be a lot better if we had a very clear set of rules at the federal level on privacy. Answer:
But in terms of for the market overall, I just think it would be a lot better if we had a very clear set of rules at the federal level on privacy.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So we were competing there with things like Facebook camera, but we ultimately thought that we were going to do better work if we were building with Instagram. Answer:
So we were competing there with things like Facebook camera, but we ultimately thought that we were going to do better work if we were building with Instagram.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And then on the brand side itself, we have new reporting - excuse me, where we're again looking to measure the new to the brand shoppers and what lift they're seeing. Answer:
And then on the brand side itself, we have new reporting - excuse me, where we're again looking to measure the new to the brand shoppers and what lift they're seeing.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And rather than just relying on our own intuition, although we do rely on that a lot, we will try to put it out in the market and get feedback and then roll it out from there. Answer:
And rather than just relying on our own intuition, although we do rely on that a lot, we will try to put it out in the market and get feedback and then roll it out from there.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So we're happy with the engagement that customers have. Answer:
So we're happy with the engagement that customers have.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: That's a part of what we announced with the Apple Card earlier in the call and so we are cognizant that there are lots of users out there that want sort of a recurring payment like that and the receipt of new products on some sort of standard kind of basis and we are committed to make that easier to do than perhaps it is today. Answer:
That's a part of what we announced with the Apple Card earlier in the call and so we are cognizant that there are lots of users out there that want sort of a recurring payment like that and the receipt of new products on some sort of standard kind of basis and we are committed to make that easier to do than perhaps it is today.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I'm not -- we haven’t even completed the first inning yet. Answer:
I'm not -- we haven’t even completed the first inning yet.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But we continue to make changes to improve and to optimize around driving meaningful social interactions as Mark talked about. Answer:
But we continue to make changes to improve and to optimize around driving meaningful social interactions as Mark talked about.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So that’s a little bit more on our guidance, but again we are really looking forward to Q4. Answer:
So that’s a little bit more on our guidance, but again we are really looking forward to Q4.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And we think with the cash flow that we're generating, we have a strong financial position with which to fund that. Answer:
And we think with the cash flow that we're generating, we have a strong financial position with which to fund that.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And the third is Facebook – our own product changes. Answer:
And the third is Facebook – our own product changes.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: Just a reminder, there is a little bit of impact from the revenue recognition. Answer:
Just a reminder, there is a little bit of impact from the revenue recognition.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We do much more in-house technology development than we used to do a few years ago, which we think is a great investment for us to make. Answer:
We do much more in-house technology development than we used to do a few years ago, which we think is a great investment for us to make.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But what our goals there are to be helpful to customers and enhance their shopping and viewing experiences, mostly with targeted recommendations. Answer:
But what our goals there are to be helpful to customers and enhance their shopping and viewing experiences, mostly with targeted recommendations.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But on the cost side, yes it’s going to be the route density and other things will improve over time and get our cost structure down, but for now, there is certainly some start-up paying in adding new capacity. Answer:
But on the cost side, yes it’s going to be the route density and other things will improve over time and get our cost structure down, but for now, there is certainly some start-up paying in adding new capacity.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: If I zoom out of the 90-day clock and look at it, we've got some exciting things coming on iPad. Answer:
If I zoom out of the 90-day clock and look at it, we've got some exciting things coming on iPad.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: The reason for the acceleration also here is multiple factors. Answer:
The reason for the acceleration also here is multiple factors.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We were up 71% year over year. Answer:
We were up 71% year over year.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: On a year-over-year basis, we are also about flat. Answer:
On a year-over-year basis, we are also about flat.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: But there's no reason that we shouldn't be able to match you up with any of the millions of pieces of content that you might be interested in that gets shared on Facebook every day, except for the fact that we don't have the AI technology to know what those are about and if they match your interest today. Answer:
But there's no reason that we shouldn't be able to match you up with any of the millions of pieces of content that you might be interested in that gets shared on Facebook every day, except for the fact that we don't have the AI technology to know what those are about and if they match your interest today.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We want to make sure that we buy back the stock at the right time. Answer:
We want to make sure that we buy back the stock at the right time.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And then, I guess, we're very focused on serving brands as well. Answer:
And then, I guess, we're very focused on serving brands as well.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And so we will continue to push that differentiation because I think that view architecturally and the delivery of it is what makes us pretty unique. Answer:
And so we will continue to push that differentiation because I think that view architecturally and the delivery of it is what makes us pretty unique.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And so we believe, particularly now that the 4G infrastructure is going in the country and is continuing to be expanded, that there is a huge opportunity for Apple there. Answer:
And so we believe, particularly now that the 4G infrastructure is going in the country and is continuing to be expanded, that there is a huge opportunity for Apple there.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I think 360 videos in another way are another example of this kind of interactive video experience, and my guess will be that we will see more different kinds of video media as time goes on. Answer:
I think 360 videos in another way are another example of this kind of interactive video experience, and my guess will be that we will see more different kinds of video media as time goes on.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And we expect we've got a lot of great opportunities to continue to innovate on that front. Answer:
And we expect we've got a lot of great opportunities to continue to innovate on that front.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So they were creating a direct response campaign to get people to take specific actions like requesting a quote and finding a specific dealer. Answer:
So they were creating a direct response campaign to get people to take specific actions like requesting a quote and finding a specific dealer.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I'm very excited about what we're seeing and very optimistic about the future. Answer:
I'm very excited about what we're seeing and very optimistic about the future.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So that helps them manage our inventory better and also respond to customer inquires. Answer:
So that helps them manage our inventory better and also respond to customer inquires.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And when we hit the higher end of our range or just above our range on – with FX included, we generally see really good drop through on the incremental sales, given the fixed costs we have in fulfillment centers and data centers and quite frankly, people. Answer:
And when we hit the higher end of our range or just above our range on – with FX included, we generally see really good drop through on the incremental sales, given the fixed costs we have in fulfillment centers and data centers and quite frankly, people.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So that piece of depreciation doesn't change per se. Answer:
So that piece of depreciation doesn't change per se.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: If you use our targeting tools well, you can actually start out with demand fulfillment. Answer:
If you use our targeting tools well, you can actually start out with demand fulfillment.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So with targeting, a more relevant ad is just better, it's better experience for consumers because they see something they like in their News Feed and it has a higher return for marketers. Answer:
So with targeting, a more relevant ad is just better, it's better experience for consumers because they see something they like in their News Feed and it has a higher return for marketers.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We did see headcount growth come down modestly in Q4 from Q3 to 42%. Answer:
We did see headcount growth come down modestly in Q4 from Q3 to 42%.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We're excited to have so many first party devices in Q2. Answer:
We're excited to have so many first party devices in Q2.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I'm very proud of how we’re doing. Answer:
I'm very proud of how we’re doing.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: One is around visual content and the other is about language. Answer:
One is around visual content and the other is about language.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I happened to meet this woman, Angel [Moore], who's running their marketing this year. Answer:
I happened to meet this woman, Angel [Moore], who's running their marketing this year.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And I think in many ways Keith what we have done is a really a natural extension of some of the investments we’ve made over the past 18 months to add technical resources to be more present in customer accounts, to really drive their transformation towards success outcomes. Answer:
And I think in many ways Keith what we have done is a really a natural extension of some of the investments we’ve made over the past 18 months to add technical resources to be more present in customer accounts, to really drive their transformation towards success outcomes.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: It has some additional capital intensity, but it has good return on invested capital from our standpoint. Answer:
It has some additional capital intensity, but it has good return on invested capital from our standpoint.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We'll continue to invest in fulfillment space to handle higher and higher paid unit volumes and shipped unit volumes. Answer:
We'll continue to invest in fulfillment space to handle higher and higher paid unit volumes and shipped unit volumes.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We're seeing good progress on both of them, and interestingly, insurance companies have been pretty active both on Facebook and Instagram, so we're optimistic about that. Answer:
We're seeing good progress on both of them, and interestingly, insurance companies have been pretty active both on Facebook and Instagram, so we're optimistic about that.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We are testing a buy button in the new shop section on pages, but again, that buy button is letting people buy directly from their advertisers, not from us. Answer:
We are testing a buy button in the new shop section on pages, but again, that buy button is letting people buy directly from their advertisers, not from us.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We think when we expand geographically, existing customers will run more of their workloads on AWS. Answer:
We think when we expand geographically, existing customers will run more of their workloads on AWS.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I'm always a little vary to put too much into the unit growth number. Answer:
I'm always a little vary to put too much into the unit growth number.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: It was up 60% on a worldwide basis over the prior year, and it was also a record day for our Amazon devices, as well as sellers and customers alike. Answer:
It was up 60% on a worldwide basis over the prior year, and it was also a record day for our Amazon devices, as well as sellers and customers alike.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: And for video search – search is a big priority and a thing that we're working on across all of the different verticals, not just video but also all the posts on Facebook, all of the content that people are selling in Marketplace, the groups that people are joining and sharing and all the news content. Answer:
And for video search – search is a big priority and a thing that we're working on across all of the different verticals, not just video but also all the posts on Facebook, all of the content that people are selling in Marketplace, the groups that people are joining and sharing and all the news content.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: The enterprise business is clearly picking up and more and more companies are either contracting for or writing apps themselves. Answer:
The enterprise business is clearly picking up and more and more companies are either contracting for or writing apps themselves.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We've got a lot of infrastructure investment that we're making across data centers, servers, network. Answer:
We've got a lot of infrastructure investment that we're making across data centers, servers, network.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We will continue to and we value all our partner relationships as we develop our own capability particularly in intra-network. Answer:
We will continue to and we value all our partner relationships as we develop our own capability particularly in intra-network.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I think we've made some strong changes on Facebook in terms of meaningful social interactions, and I think the history of our ability to develop and iterate on consumer products shows that we can help people as they evolve, share the things they want to share, and have a very meaningful and important experience in feed as they're sharing. Answer:
I think we've made some strong changes on Facebook in terms of meaningful social interactions, and I think the history of our ability to develop and iterate on consumer products shows that we can help people as they evolve, share the things they want to share, and have a very meaningful and important experience in feed as they're sharing.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We will of course continue to do that where it makes sense and where opportunity presents itself. Answer:
We will of course continue to do that where it makes sense and where opportunity presents itself.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So I think you should think about it that way that certainly think its big opportunity and again, one of the reasons I want to give you an update, last quarter on Prime growth and you can see that that’s going very well. Answer:
So I think you should think about it that way that certainly think its big opportunity and again, one of the reasons I want to give you an update, last quarter on Prime growth and you can see that that’s going very well.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: As you know, foreign exchange has been a very significant headwind over the last three-plus years, but we've been able to manage that. Answer:
As you know, foreign exchange has been a very significant headwind over the last three-plus years, but we've been able to manage that.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So I don't really think it’s about a percentage, but it’s about each of them continuing to make progress. Answer:
So I don't really think it’s about a percentage, but it’s about each of them continuing to make progress.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: We're uniquely positioned to do this given our retail business. Answer:
We're uniquely positioned to do this given our retail business.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: I think what we think is that depending on how people react to the controls and the ad settings, there could be some limitations to data usage. Answer:
I think what we think is that depending on how people react to the controls and the ad settings, there could be some limitations to data usage.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: It's not the mission of the company. Answer:
It's not the mission of the company.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: but I would just say that this is primarily driven by News Feed pricing, and then you have right-hand-column pricing as well, so you have impressions on Facebook News Feed, Instagram feed, as well as Facebook right-hand column. Answer:
but I would just say that this is primarily driven by News Feed pricing, and then you have right-hand-column pricing as well, so you have impressions on Facebook News Feed, Instagram feed, as well as Facebook right-hand column.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: So on safety, I think given the volume of content that people share, if you want to have any hope of doing it in real time, the only hope is building AI systems that can either identify things and handle them proactively or at the very least, flag them for a lot of people who work for us who can then look at them rather than waiting for people in our community to flag those after they've already seen them. Answer:
So on safety, I think given the volume of content that people share, if you want to have any hope of doing it in real time, the only hope is building AI systems that can either identify things and handle them proactively or at the very least, flag them for a lot of people who work for us who can then look at them rather than waiting for people in our community to flag those after they've already seen them.
['premise' 'claim']
Analyze sentences from earnings conference calls and identify their argumentative function. Each sentence is either a premise, offering evidence or reasoning, or a claim, asserting a conclusion or viewpoint. Return only premise or claim. Text: The early trends are good, but I think this is really going to be an area that is proportional to the amount of quality content that is in the system, and the business model is really going to be the thing that enables that. Answer:
The early trends are good, but I think this is really going to be an area that is proportional to the amount of quality content that is in the system, and the business model is really going to be the thing that enables that.
['premise' 'claim']