Characterization of Fully Depleted CMOS Active Pixel Sensors on High Resistivity Substrates for Use in a High Radiation Environment
Depleted CMOS active sensors (DMAPS) are being developed for high-energy particle physics experiments in high radiation environments, such as in the ATLAS High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Since charge collection by drift is mandatory for harsh radiation environment, the application of high bias voltage to high resistive sensor material is needed. In this work, a prototype of a DMAPS was fabricated in a 150nm CMOS process on a substrate with a resistivity of >2 k{\Omega}cm that was thinned to 100 {\mu}m. Full depletion occurs around 20V, which is far below the breakdown voltage of 110 V. A readout chip has been attached for fast triggered readout. Presented prototype also uses a concept of sub-pixel en/decoding three pixels of the prototype chip are readout by one pixel of the readout chip. Since radiation tolerance is one of the largest concerns in DMAPS, the CCPD_LF chip has been irradiated with X-rays and neutrons up to a total ionization dose of 50 Mrad and a fluence of 10E15neq/cm2, respectively.
Photomultipliers as High Rate Radiation-Resistant In-Situ Sensors in Future Experiments
In the Energy Frontier we suggest developing high rate (100 MHz) finely segmented forward calorimetry preradiators with time resolution <50 ps which will survive the first 1-2 Lint of incident high radiation doses, protecting forward calorimeters 3<y<6; less than 5 degrees to the beam behind them from radiation damage, with high granularity, high rate capability and 30ps time resolution (4D calorimetry) providing lepton and photon ID and measurement. In the Intensity Frontier beam particle selection, such as tagged neutrino and kaon beams, and lepton violation experiments with muons require very high rates. Cosmic Frontiers requiring low power, non-cooled calorimetry or optical detection that can keep track of particles or photons arriving at 100 MHz, and survivable for years in space radiation may also benefit. The basic research is to use compact channelized PMTs with quartz or other radiation resistant windows with metal envelopes as an in-situ sensor, directly coupled to Cerenkov (or radiation-resistant scintillator) tiles, utilizing the dynode signals as a potentially compensating 2nd signal, and with no active electronics. If successful, directions include proposals for high SE yield mesh dynode activator materials such as GaP or B doped diamond films with 25 SEe at 300 eV electron energies, and possibly for compact low cost tile SE sensors with no photocathode, far easier to fabricate than PMTs with all metal final assembly in air, brazed seals; bakeout 900 C; pump out with tipoff - vacuum 100x higher than PMTs. Such sensors have many applications beyond HEP, in research, medicine, industry and defense.
Current-Induced Torques with Dresselhaus Symmetry Due to Resistance Anisotropy in 2D Materials
We report measurements of current-induced torques in heterostructures of Permalloy (Py) with TaTe$_2$, a transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) material possessing low crystal symmetry, and observe a torque component with Dresselhaus symmetry. We suggest that the dominant mechanism for this Dresselhaus component is not a spin-orbit torque, but rather the Oersted field arising from a component of current that flows perpendicular to the applied voltage due to resistance anisotropy within the TaTe$_2$. This type of transverse current is not present in wires made from a single uniform layer of a material with resistance anisotropy, but will result whenever a material with resistance anisotropy is integrated into a heterostructure with materials having different resistivities, thereby producing a spatially non-uniform pattern of current flow. This effect will therefore influence measurements in a wide variety of heterostructures incorporating 2D TMD materials and other materials with low crystal symmetries.
Resistive upper critical fields and irreversibility lines of optimally-doped high-T_c cuprates
We present the resistively-determined upper critical field H^{\rho}_{c2}(T) and the irreversibility lines H^{\rho}_{irr}(T) of various high-T_c cuprates, deduced from measurements in 61-T pulsed magnetic fields applied parallel to the c-axis. The SHAPE of both H^{\rho}_{c2}(T) and H^{\rho}_{irr}(T) depends monotonically on the anisotropy of the material and none of the samples show saturation of H^{\rho}(T) at low temperatures. The anomalous positive curvature, d^2 H^{\rho}/dT^2 > 0, is the strongest in materials with the largest normal-state anisotropy, regardless of whether anisotropy is varied by changing the carrier concentration or by comparing a variety of optimally-doped compounds.
Transition of stoichiometricSr2VO3FeAs to a superconducting state at 37.2 K
The superconductor Sr4V2O6Fe2As2 with transition temperature at 37.2 K has been fabricated. It has a layered structure with the space group of p4/nmm, and with the lattice constants a = 3.9296Aand c = 15.6732A. The observed large diamagnetization signal and zero-resistance demonstrated the bulk superconductivity. The broadening of resistive transition was measured under different magnetic fields leading to the discovery of a rather high upper critical field. The results also suggest a large vortex liquid region which reflects high anisotropy of the system. The Hall effect measurements revealed dominantly electron-like charge carriers in this material. The superconductivity in the present system may be induced by oxygen deficiency or the multiple valence states of vanadium.
Carbon Nanotube Based Delay Model For High Speed Energy Efficient on Chip Data Transmission Using: Current Mode Technique
Speed is a major concern for high density VLSI networks. In this paper the closed form delay model for current mode signalling in VLSI interconnects has been proposed with resistive load termination. RLC interconnect line is modelled using characteristic impedance of transmission line and inductive effect. The inductive effect is dominant at lower technology node is modelled into an equivalent resistance. In this model first order transfer function is designed using finite difference equation, and by applying the boundary conditions at the source and load termination. It has been observed that the dominant pole determines system response and delay in the proposed model. Using CNIA tool (carbon nanotube interconnect analyzer) the interconnect line parameters has been estimated at 45nm technology node. The novel proposed current mode model superiority has been validated for CNT type of material. It superiority factor remains to 66.66% as compared to voltage mode signalling. And current mode dissipates 0.015pJ energy where as VM consume 0.045pJ for a single bit transmission across the interconnect over CNT material. Secondly the damping factor of a lumped RLC circuit is shown to be a useful figure of merit.
Edge-channel interferometer at the graphene quantum Hall pn junction
We demonstrate a quantum Hall edge-channel interferometer in a high-quality graphene pn junction under a high magnetic field. The co-propagating p and n quantum Hall edge channels traveling along the pn interface functions as a built-in Aharanov-Bohm-type interferometer, the interferences in which are sensitive to both the external magnetic field and the carrier concentration. The trajectories of peak and dip in the observed resistance oscillation are well reproduced by our numerical calculation that assumes magnetic flux quantization in the area enclosed by the co-propagating edge channels. Coherent nature of the co-propagating edge channels are confirmed by the checkerboard-like pattern in the dc-bias and magnetic-field dependences of the resistance oscillations.
Anisotropic magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic semiconductor CrSbSe$_3$
Single crystals of CrSbSe$_3$, a structurally pseudo-one-dimensional ferromagnetic semiconductor, were grown using a high-temperature solution growth technique and were characterized by x-ray diffraction, anisotropic, temperature- and field-dependent magnetization, temperature-dependent resistivity and optical absorption measurements. A band gap of 0.7 eV was determined from both resistivity and optical measurements. At high temperatures, CrSbSe$_3$ is paramagnetic and isotropic with a Curie-Weiss temperature of $\sim$145 K and an effective moment of $\sim$4.1 $\mu_B$/Cr. A ferromagnetic transition occurs at $T_c$ = 71 K. The $a$-axis, perpendicular to the chains in the structure, is the magnetic easy axis, while the chain axis direction, along $b$, is the hard axis. Magnetic isotherms measured around $T_c$ do not follow the behavior predicted by simple mean field critical exponents for a second order phase transition. A tentative set of critical exponents is estimated based on a modified Arrott plot analysis, giving $\beta\sim$0.25, $\gamma\sim$1.38 and $\delta\sim$6.6.
Search for alternative magnetic tunnel junctions based on all-Heusler stacks
By imposing the constraints of structural compatibility, stability and a large tunneling magneto-resistance, we have identified the Fe$_3$Al/BiF$_3$/Fe$_3$Al stack as a possible alternative to the well-established FeCoB/MgO/FeCoB in the search for a novel materials platform for high-performance magnetic tunnel junctions. Various geometries of the Fe$_3$Al/BiF$_3$/Fe$_3$Al structure have been analyzed, demonstrating that a barrier of less than 2~nm yields a tunneling magneto-resistance in excess of 25,000~\% at low bias, without the need for the electrodes to be half-metallic. Importantly, the presence of a significant spin gap in Fe$_3$Al for states with $\Delta_1$ symmetry along the stack direction makes the TMR very resilient to high voltages.
High Throughput Production of Transparent Conductive Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films via Advanced Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapor Deposition
Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) films are promising materials for transparent conductive films (TCFs) with potential applications in flexible displays, touch screens, solar cells and solid-state lighting1,2. However, further reductions in resistivity and in cost of SWCNT films are necessary for high quality TCF products3. Here, we report an improved floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition method to directly and continuously produce ultrathin and freestanding SWCNT films at the hundred meter-scale. Both carbon conversion efficiency and SWCNT TCF yield are increased by three orders of magnitude relative to the conventional floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition. After doping, the film manifests a sheet resistance of 40 ohm/sq. at 90% transmittance, representing record performance for large-scale SWCNT films. Our work provides a new avenue to accelerate the industrialization of SWCNT films as TCFs.
XUV Induced Bleaching of a Tin Oxo Cage Photoresist Studied by High Harmonic Absorption Spectroscopy
Inorganic molecular materials such as tin oxo cages are a promising generation of photoresists compatible with the demands of the recently developed Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) lithography technology. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the photon-induced reactions which occur in photoresists after exposure is important. We used XUV broadband laser pulses in the range of 25-40 eV from a table-top high-harmonic source to expose thin films of the tin oxo cage resist to shed light on some of the photo-induced chemistry via XUV absorption spectroscopy. During the exposure, the transmitted spectra were recorded and a noticeable absorbance decrease was observed in the resist. Dill parameters were extracted to quantify the XUV induced conversion and compared to EUV exposure results at 92 eV. Based on the absorption changes, we estimate that approximately 60% of tin-carbon bonds are cleaved at the end of the exposure.
Discovering the Building Blocks of Atomic Systems using Machine Learning
Machine learning has proven to be a valuable tool to approximate functions in high-dimensional spaces. Unfortunately, analysis of these models to extract the relevant physics is never as easy as applying machine learning to a large dataset in the first place. Here we present a description of atomic systems that generates machine learning representations with a direct path to physical interpretation. As an example, we demonstrate its usefulness as a universal descriptor of grain boundary systems. Grain boundaries in crystalline materials are a quintessential example of a complex, high-dimensional system with broad impact on many physical properties including strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, crack resistance, and conductivity. In addition to modeling such properties, the method also provides insight into the physical "building blocks" that influence them. This opens the way to discover the underlying physics behind behaviors by understanding which building blocks map to particular properties. Once the structures are understood, they can then be optimized for desirable behaviors.
Modeling the effect of microstructure on elastic wave propagation in platelet-reinforced composites and ceramics
Dense ceramics are irreplaceable in applications requiring high mechanical stiffness, chemical and temperature resistance and low weight. To improve their toughness, ceramics can be reinforced with elongated inclusions. Recent manufacturing strategies have been developed to control the orientations of disc-like micro-particles in polymeric and ceramic matrices and to build periodic microstructures. Given the infinite number of possible microstructures available, modeling tools are required to select the potentially best design. Periodic microstructures can be involved in elastic wave scattering to dissipate mechanical energy from vibrations. In this paper, a model is proposed to determine the frequency bandgaps associated to periodic architectures in composites and ceramics and the influence of microstructural parameters are investigated. The results are used to define guidelines for the future fabrication of hard bulk ceramic materials that combine traditional ceramic properties with high vibration resistance.
Tunnel magnetoresistance in scandium nitride magnetic tunnel junctions using first principles
The magnetic tunnel junction is a cornerstone of spintronic devices and circuits, providing the main way to convert between magnetic and electrical information. In state-of-the-art magnetic tunnel junctions, magnesium oxide is used as the tunnel barrier between magnetic electrodes, providing a uniquely large tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature. However, the wide bandgap and band alignment of magnesium oxide-iron systems increases the resistance-area product and causes challenges of device-to-device variability and tunnel barrier degradation under high current. Here, we study using first principles narrower-bandgap scandium nitride tunneling properties and transport in magnetic tunnel junctions in comparison to magnesium oxide. These simulations demonstrate a high tunnel magnetoresistance in Fe/ScN/Fe MTJs via {\Delta}_1 and {\Delta}_2' symmetry filtering with low wavefunction decay rates, allowing a low resistance-area product. The results show that scandium nitride could be a new tunnel barrier material for magnetic tunnel junction devices to overcome variability and current-injection challenges.
Thickness-dependent quantum transport of Weyl fermions in ultra-high-quality SrRuO3 films
The recent observation of Weyl fermions in the itinerant 4d ferromagnetic perovskite SrRuO3 points to this material being a good platform for exploring novel physics related to a pair of Weyl nodes in epitaxial heterostructures. In this letter, we report the thickness-dependent magnetotransport properties of ultra-high-quality epitaxial SrRuO3 films grown under optimized conditions on SrTiO3 substrates. Signatures of Weyl fermion transport, i.e., unsaturated linear positive magnetoresistance accompanied by a quantum oscillation having a {\pi} Berry phase, were observed in films with thicknesses as small as 10 nm. Residual resistivity increased with decreasing film thickness, indicating disorder near the interface between SrRuO3 and the SrTiO3 substrate. Since this disorder affects the magnetic and electrical properties of the films, the Curie temperature decreases and the coercive field increases with decreasing thickness. Thickness-dependent magnetotransport measurements revealed that the threshold residual resistivity ratio (RRR) to observe Weyl fermion transport is 21. These results provide guidelines for realizing quantum transport of Weyl fermions in SrRuO3 near heterointerfaces.
Exploring the Correlation between Solvent Diffusion and Creep Resistance of Mg-Ga HCP Alloys from High Throughput Liquid-Solid Diffusion Couple
The liquid-solid diffusion couple technique, supported by phenomenological analysis and nano-indentation tests, is proposed on account of the relatively low melting points of Mg to explore the diffusion mobility and creep deformation. The potential of this strategy is demonstrated in Mg-Ga hcp alloys where Ga solute (i.e. impurity) and Mg solvent diffusions in hcp Mg-Ga alloys were both unveiled. It was followed by mapping the compressive creep behavior via nanoindentation along the composition arrays within the same Mg-Ga couple sample. The compressive creep resistance of Mg-Ga hcp alloys increased with the Ga content, and this enhancement was similar to the one found in Mg-Zn alloys and superior to the one reported in Mg-Al alloys though Al is a slower impurity diffuser in hcp-Mg than Zn and Ga. Thereby, the solvent diffusion and its variation with the composition, rather than the solute diffusion, was suggested to govern the creep properties at high temperatures and low stresses.
Out-of-Plane Resistance Switching of 2D Bi2O2Se at Nanoscale
2D bismuth oxyselenide (Bi2O2Se) with high electron mobility shows great potential for nanoelectronics. Although in-plane properties of Bi2O2Se have been widely studied, its out-ofplane electrical transport behavior remains elusive, despite its importance in fabricating devices with new functionality and high integration density. Here, we study the out-of-plane electrical properties of 2D Bi2O2Se at nanoscale by conductive atomic force microscope. We find that hillocks with tunable heights and sizes are formed on Bi2O2Se after applying vertical electrical field. Intriguingly, such hillocks are conductive in vertical direction, resulting in a previously unknown out-of-plane resistance switching in thick Bi2O2Se flakes while ohmic conductive characteristic in thin ones. Furthermore, we observe the transformation from bipolar to stable unipolar conduction in thick Bi2O2Se flake possessing such hillocks, suggesting its potential to function as a selector in vertical devices. Our work reveals unique out-of-plane transport behavior of 2D Bi2O2Se, providing the basis for fabricating vertical devices based on this emerging 2D material.
Properties of MgB2 thin films with carbon doping
We have studied structural and superconducting properties of MgB2 thin films doped with carbon during the hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition process. A carbon-containing metalorganic precursor bis(cyclopentadienyl)magnesium was added to the carrier gas to achieve carbon doping. As the amount of carbon in the films increases, the resistivity increases, Tc decreases, and the upper critical field increases dramatically as compared to the clean films. The self-field Jc in the carbon-doped films is lower than that in the clean films, but Jc remains relatively high to much higher magnetic fields, indicating stronger pinning. Structurally, the doped films are textured with nano-grains and highly resistive amorphous areas at the grain boundaries. The carbon doping approach can be used to produce MgB2 materials for high magnetic field applications.
Growth of high quality large area MgB2 thin films by reactive evaporation
We report a new in-situ reactive deposition thin film growth technique for the production of MgB2 thin films which offers several advantages over all existing methods and is the first deposition method to enable the production of high-quality MgB2 films for real-world applications. We have used this growth method, which incorporates a rotating pocket heater, to deposit MgB2 films on a variety of substrates, including single-crystalline, polycrystalline, metallic, and semiconductor materials up to 4" in diameter. This technique allows growth of double-sided, large-area films in the intermediate temperature range of 400 to 600 degrees C. These films are clean, well-connected, and consistently display Tc values of 38 to 39 K with low resistivity and residual resistivity values. They are also robust and uncommonly stable upon exposure to atmosphere and water.
Machining of Spherical Component Fabricated by Selected Laser Melting, Part II: Application of Ti in Biomedical
Ti and Ti-Based alloys have unique properties such as high strength, low density and excellent corrosion resistance. These properties are essential for the manufacture of lightweight and high strength components for biomedical applications. In this paper, Ti properties such as metallurgy, mechanical properties, surface modification, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and osseointegration in biomedical applications have been discussed. This paper also analyses the advantages and disadvantages of various Ti manufacturing processes for biomedical applications such as casting, powder metallurgy, cold and hot working, machining, laser engineering net shaping, superplastic forming, forging and ring rolling. The contributions of this research are twofold, firstly scrutinizing the behaviour of Ti and Ti-Based alloys in-vivo and in-vitro experiments in biomedical applications to determine the factors leading to failure, and secondly strategies to achieve desired properties essential to improving the quality of patient outcomes after receiving surgical implants. Future research will be directed toward manufacturing of Ti for medical applications by improving the production process, for example using optimal design approaches in additive manufacturing and investigating alloys containing other materials in order to obtain better medical and mechanical characteristics.
Analysis of Prospective Elements and Crystal Lattice Structures via Computer Algorithms to Identify Standard Temperature Pressure (STP) Superconductors
Superconductors have the potential to revolutionize technology due to their ability to have zero electrical resistance. However, superconductor materials require either low temperatures or high pressures to function in a superconductive state. Thus, researchers are now on the search for the first-ever room temperature, ambient pressure superconductor. Yet, recent discoveries have only shown superconductors that work at low temperatures with ambient pressure or room temperature with high pressures. The region between these two extremes has not been identified due to the number of variables that affect superconductivity. To reduce the number of permutations that need to be tested to identify the first STP superconductor I propose the use of a computer algorithm designed to test various crystal structures of superconducting materials and combinations of elements that will have zero electrical resistance and exhibit the Meisner effect. Some elemental superconductors that have the highest critical temperature at standard pressure are V, Zr, La, Hf, Re, Th, Pa, U, and Am. The elements once combined with other elements in the right crystalline structure can produce a metastable state where the superconductors will keep their physical characteristics once they form.
Pressure induced 3D strain in 2D Graphene
Two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene offer a variety of outstanding properties for a wide range of applications. Their transport properties in particular present a rich field of study. However, the studies of transport properties of graphene under pressure are mostly limited to $\sim$1 GPa, largely due to the technical challenges and difficulties of placing graphene inside a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and maintaining good electrical contacts under pressure. We developed a novel technique allowing for direct measurements of the transport properties of high quality chemical vapor deposition (CVD) monolayer graphene under pressures. Combined Raman spectroscopic and direct resistivity measurements on pure monolayer graphene up to 40 GPa shows an effective out of plane stiffness of $c_{33}$=0.26$\pm_{.09}^{.11}$ GPa, and observe relatively constant resistances with pressure, suggesting high pressure as a useful technique for producing large biaxial strains within graphene.
The Collaborative Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Impurities in Low RRR SRF Cavities
The superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) community has shown that introducing certain impurities into high-purity niobium can improve quality factors and accelerating gradients. We question why some impurities improve RF performance while others hinder it. The purpose of this study is to characterize the impurity profile of niobium with a low residual resistance ratio (RRR) and correlate these impurities with the RF performance of low RRR cavities so that the mechanism of impurity-based improvements can be better understood and improved upon. The combination of RF testing and material analysis reveals a microscopic picture of why low RRR cavities experience low temperature-dependent BCS resistance behavior more prominently than their high RRR counterparts. We performed surface treatments, low temperature baking and nitrogen-doping, on low RRR cavities to evaluate how the intentional addition of oxygen and nitrogen to the RF layer further improves performance through changes in the mean free path and impurity profile. The results of this study have the potential to unlock a new understanding on SRF materials and enable the next generation of SRF surface treatments.
An experimental high-throughput to high-fidelity study towards discovering Al-Cr containing corrosion-resistant compositionally complex alloys
Compositionally complex alloys hold the promise of simultaneously attaining superior combinations of properties, such as corrosion resistance, light-weighting, and strength. Achieving this goal is a challenge due in part to a large number of possible compositions and structures in the vast alloy design space. High-throughput methods offer a path forward, but a strong connection between the synthesis of an alloy of a given composition and structure with its properties has not been fully realized to date. Here, we present the rapid identification of corrosion-resistant alloys based on combinations of Al and Cr in a base Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni alloy. Previously unstudied alloy stoichiometries were identified using a combination of high-throughput experimental screening coupled with key metallurgical and electrochemical corrosion tests, identifying alloys with excellent passivation behavior. The alloy native oxide performance and its self-healing attributes were probed using rapid tests in deaerated 0.1 mol/L H2SO4. Importantly, a correlation was found between the electrochemical impedance modulus of the exposure-modified air-formed film and self-healing rate of the CCAs. Multi-element extended x-ray absorption fine structure analyses connected more ordered type chemical short-range order in the Ni-Al 1st nearest-neighbor shell to poorer corrosion resistance. This report underscores the utility of high throughput exploration of compositionally complex alloys for the identification and rapid screening of a vast stoichiometric space.
In-situ dispersion of electrospun nanofibers in PDMS for fabrication of high strength, transparent nanocomposites
The polymer nanocomposites find applications in diverse areas ranging from smart materials to bioengineering. They are developed by dispersion of nanomaterials in a bulk phase of a polymeric material. Although several methods facilitate efficient dispersion of nanomaterials in a bulk polymer matrix to create nanocomposites, majority of them follows heat, beat and treat processes. These processes are high energy demanding processes. Moreover, the challenge increases when nanomaterials need to be dispersed in a viscous polymeric material. This results in spatial heterogeneity in the dispersion of nanomaterials, eventually leading to compromised mechanical properties of a nanocomposite. Therefore, in the current work, we propose an in-situ, on-step fabrication process of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) nanocomposites. Electrospun polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanofibers are homogenously dispersed in a PDMS matrix to create a high strength, transparent PDMS nanocomposite. The homogenous dispersion of nanofibers in PDMS matrix is characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), confocal imaging and rheological studies. Further, the prepared PDMS nanocomposite exhibits improved mechanical strength and comparable optical transparency in comparison to native PDMS. Hence, the fabricated PDMS nanocomposites, being resistant to mechanical stress and optically transparent, will find applications as transdermal patches, flexible electronics, microfluidic devices and others.
Bayesian optimization with experimental failure for high-throughput materials growth
A crucial problem in achieving innovative high-throughput materials growth with machine learning and automation techniques, such as Bayesian optimization (BO) and robotic experimentation, has been a lack of an appropriate way to handle missing data due to experimental failures. Here, we propose a new BO algorithm that complements the missing data in the optimization of materials growth parameters. The proposed method provides a flexible optimization algorithm capable of searching a wide multi-dimensional parameter space. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method with simulated data as well as in its implementation for actual materials growth, namely machine-learning-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (ML-MBE) of SrRuO3, which is widely used as a metallic electrode in oxide electronics. Through the exploitation and exploration in a wide three-dimensional parameter space, while complementing the missing data, we attained tensile-strained SrRuO3 film with a high residual resistivity ratio of 80.1, the highest among tensile-strained SrRuO3 films ever reported, in only 35 MBE growth runs.
Target tests for the ILC positron source Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2023)
The positron source is an essential component of the International Linear Collider (ILC) and is an area that poses some design challenges. One consideration is the material for the target, where the 1014 positrons per second for the ILC are generated. The potential material would need to be able to resist the high load created by the intense high energy photon beam. One of such candidates is the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V, for which the results of material tests with 3.5 MeV electrons are shown. The material was characterized after the irradiation by high-energy X-ray diffraction (HE-XRD) and changes caused by the irradiation to the crystal structure were studied. These tests revealed there was only minimal change in the phase fractions and crystal structure of the material under conditions as expected for the ILC.
Ab initio phonon transport across grain boundaries in graphene using machine learning based on small dataset
Establishing the structure-property relationship for grain boundaries (GBs) is critical for developing next generation functional materials, but has been severely hampered due to its extremely large configurational space. Atomistic simulations with low computational cost and high predictive power are strongly desirable, but the conventional simulations using empirical interatomic potentials and density functional theory suffer from the lack of predictive power and high computational cost, respectively. A machine learning interatomic potential (MLIP) recently emerged but often requires an extensive size of the training dataset, making it a less feasible approach. Here we demonstrate that an MLIP trained with a rationally designed small training dataset can predict thermal transport across GBs in graphene with ab initio accuracy at an affordable computational cost. In particular, we employed a rational approach based on the structural unit model to find a small set of GBs that can represent the entire configurational space and thus can serve as a cost-effective training dataset for the MLIP. Only 5 GBs were found to be enough to represent the entire configurational space of graphene GBs. Using the atomistic Green's function approach and the MLIP, we revealed that the structure-thermal resistance relation in graphene does not follow the common understanding that large dislocation density causes larger thermal resistance. In fact, thermal resistance is nearly independent of dislocation density at room temperature and is higher when the dislocation density is small at sub-room temperature. We explain this intriguing behavior with the buckling near a GB causing a strong scattering of flexural phonon modes.
Synergism between B and Nb improves fire resistance in microalloyed steels
The development of new fire-resistant steels represents a challenge in materials science and engineering of utmost importance. Alloying elements such as Nb and Mo are generally used to improve the strength at both room- and high-temperatures due to, for example, the formation of precipitates and harder microconstituents. In this study we show alternatively that the addition of small amounts of boron in Nb-microalloyed steels may play a crucial role in maintaining the mechanical properties at high temperatures. The 66\,\% yield-strength criteria for fire resistance is achieved at $\approx 574$\,{\deg}C for a boron steel, whereas without boron this value reaches $\approx 460$\,{\deg}C, a remarkable boron-induced mechanical strengthening enhancement. DFT calculations show that boron additions can lower the vacancy formation energy when compared to pure ferrite and, for Nb-B steels, there is a further 24\,\% reduction, suggesting that the boron-niobium combination acts as an effective pinning-based strengthening agent.
Good Practice Guide on the electrical characterization of graphene using non-contact and high-throughput methods
The electrical characterisation of graphene, either in plane sheets or in properly geometrised form can be approached using non-contact methods already employed for thin film materials. The extraordinary thinness (and, correspondingly, the volume) of graphene, however, makes the proper application of these methods difficult. The electrical properties of interest (sheet electrical resistivity/conductivity, concentration and mobility of charge carriers) must be indirectly derived from the measurement outcome by geometrical and electrical modelling; the assumptions behind such models (e.g., uniformity and isotropy, effective value of the applied fields, etc.) require careful consideration. The traceability of the measurement to the International System of units and a proper expression of measurement uncertainty is an issue. This guide focuses on non-contact and high-throughput methods, that are methods where the graphene sample surface is not physically contacted with any metallic electrodes at any stage. A companion guide about contact methods is also available. The methods discussed are: - Measurement of surface potential and work function using Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM); - Measurement of sheet resistance by Microwave Resonant Cavity; - Measurement of sheet resistance by Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS); For each method, a corresponding measurement protocol is discussed, which describes: - The measurement principle; - Sample requirements and preparation; - A description of the measurement equipment / apparatus; - Calibration standards and ways to achieve a traceable measurement;
The Competing Effect of Initial Crack Depth Versus Chemical Strengthening Parameters on Apparent Fracture Toughness of Sodium Aluminosilicate Glass
The widespread use of sodium aluminosilicate glass in many engineering applications due to its mechanical and optical properties (transparency, dielectric, etc.), has become common in recent years. However, glass, a brittle material, has its vulnerability to fracture. Processes such as heat treatment (heat tempering) or chemical strengthening through ion-exchange have been used to create residual stress profiles on the glass, in a bid to improve its fracture strength. However, failure still occurs, which is mostly catastrophic and expensive to repair. Therefore understanding, predicting, and eventually improving the resistance to damage or fracture of chemically strengthened glass is important to designing new glasses that would be tougher while retaining their transparency. The relationship between the glass residual stress parameters such as the compressive stress (CS), depth of compression layer (DOL), and central tension (CT) versus apparent (effective) fracture toughness for different crack depth was investigated in this study using a Silicon Carbide particle blast plus ring-on-ring (RoR) test method. The results also showed that improving the fracture resistance of glass via chemical strengthening requires a proper combination of CS, DOL, and CT, which is particularly dependent on the initial/existing crack (flaw) depth. It was determined that for a damage event involving the introduction of a shallow crack depth, the criterion for optimal resistance to fracture, in terms of apparent fracture toughness, is weighted more towards a high CS, than deep DOL while for a deep flaw damage event, it is more weighted towards deep DOL, than a high CS. These results provide a valuable piece of information in the design of a more robust glass in engineering applications.
Ultra-Thin Lubricant-Infused Vertical Graphene Nanoscaffolds for High-Performance Dropwise Condensation
Lubricant-infused surfaces (LIS) are highly efficient in repelling water and constitute a very promising family of materials for condensation processes occurring in a broad range of energy applications. However, the performance of LIS in such processes is limited by the inherent thermal resistance imposed by the thickness of the lubricant and supporting surface structure, as well as by the gradual depletion of the lubricant over time. Here we present a remarkable, ultra-thin (~70 nm) and conductive LIS architecture, obtained by infusing lubricant into a vertically grown graphene nanoscaffold on copper. The ultra-thin nature of the scaffold, combined with the high in-plane thermal conductivity of graphene, drastically minimize earlier limitations, effectively doubling the heat transfer performance compared to a state-of-the-art CuO LIS surface. We show that the effect of the thermal resistance to the heat transfer performance of a LIS surface, although often overlooked, can be so detrimental that a simple nanostructured CuO surface can outperform a CuO LIS surface, despite film condensation on the former. The present vertical graphene LIS is also found to be resistant to lubricant depletion, maintaining stable dropwise condensation for at least ~7 hours with no significant change of advancing contact angle and contact angle hysteresis. The lubricant consumed by the vertical graphene LIS is 52.6% less than the existing state-of-the-art CuO LIS, making also the fabrication process more economical.
Large negative magnetoresistance and pseudogap phase in superconducting A15-type La$_4$H$_{23}$
High pressure plays a crucial role in the field of superconductivity. Compressed hydride superconductors are leaders in the race for a material that can conduct electricity without resistance at high or even room temperature. In the present work, we have discovered new lanthanum superhydride, cubic A15-type La$_4$H$_{23}$, with lower stabilization pressure compared to the reported $\textit{fcc}$ LaH$_{10}$. Superconducting La$_4$H$_{23}$ was obtained by laser heating of LaH$_3$ with ammonia borane at about 120 GPa. Transport measurements reveal the maximum critical temperature $\textit{T}$$_{C}$(onset) = 105 K and the critical field $\textit{H}$$_{C2}$(0) = 32 T at 118 GPa, as evidenced by the sharp drop of electrical resistance and the displacement of superconducting transitions in applied magnetic fields. Moreover, we provide evidence for unconventional transport associated with a pseudogap phase in La$_4$H$_{23}$ using pulsed magnetic fields up to 68 T. A large negative magnetoresistance in the non-superconducting state below 40 K, quasi $\textit{T}$-linear electrical resistance, and a sign-change of its temperature dependence mark the emergence of pseudogap in this hydride. Discovered lanthanum hydride is a new member of the A15 family of superconductors with $\textit{T}$$_C$ exceeding the boiling point of liquid nitrogen.
Contact Engineering High Performance n-Type MoTe2 Transistors
Semiconducting MoTe2 is one of the few two-dimensional (2D) materials with a moderate band gap, similar to silicon. However, this material remains under-explored for 2D electronics due to ambient instability and predominantly p-type Fermi level pinning at contacts. Here, we demonstrate unipolar n-type MoTe2 transistors with the highest performance to date, including high saturation current (>400 ${\mu}A/{\mu}m$ at 80 K and >200 ${\mu}A/{\mu}m$ at 300 K) and relatively low contact resistance (1.2 to 2 $k{\Omega}\cdot{\mu}m$ from 80 to 300 K), achieved with Ag contacts and AlOx encapsulation. We also investigate other contact metals, extracting their Schottky barrier heights using an analytic subthreshold model. High-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals that interfacial metal-Te compounds dominate the contact resistance. Among the metals studied, Sc has the lowest work function but is the most reactive, which we counter by inserting monolayer h-BN between MoTe2 and Sc. These metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) contacts partly de-pin the metal Fermi level and lead to the smallest Schottky barrier for electron injection. Overall, this work improves our understanding of n-type contacts to 2D materials, an important advance for low-power electronics.
Optimized fabrication of high quality La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films considering all essential characteristics
In this article, an overview of the fabrication and properties of high quality La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) thin films is given. A high quality LSMO film combines a smooth surface morphology with a large magnetization and a small residual resistivity, while avoiding precipitates and surface segregation. In literature, typically only a few of these issues are adressed. We therefore present a thorough characterization of our films, which were grown by pulsed laser deposition. The films were characterized with reflection high energy electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, magnetization and transport measurements, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The films have a saturation magnetization of 4.0 {\mu}B/Mn, a Curie temperature of 350 K and a residual resistivity of 60 {\mu}{\Omega}cm. These results indicate that high quality films, combining both large magnetization and small residual resistivity, were realized. A comparison between different samples presented in literature shows that focussing on a single property is insufficient for the optimization of the deposition process. For high quality films, all properties have to be adressed. For LSMO devices, the thin film quality is crucial for the device performance. Therefore, this research is important for the application of LSMO in devices.
Nanomolding of Metastable Mo$_{4}$P$_{3}$
Reduced dimensionality leads to emergent phenomena in quantum materials and there is a need for accelerated materials discovery of nanoscale quantum materials in reduced dimensions. Thermomechanical nanomolding is a rapid synthesis method that produces high quality single-crystalline quantum nanowires with controlled dimensions over wafer-scale sizes. Herein, we apply nanomolding to fabricate nanowires from bulk feedstock of MoP, a triple-point topological metal with extremely high conductivity that is promising for low-resistance interconnects. Surprisingly, we obtained single-crystalline Mo$_{4}$P$_{3}$ nanowires, a metastable phase at room temperature in atmospheric pressure. We thus demonstrate nanomolding can create metastable phases inaccessible by other nanomaterial syntheses and can explore a previously inaccessible synthesis space at high temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, our results suggest that the current understanding of interfacial solid diffusion for nanomolding is incomplete, providing opportunities to explore solid-state diffusion at high-pressure and high-temperature regimes in confined dimensions.
Nano-ironing van der Waals Heterostructures Towards Electrically Controlled Quantum Dots
Assembling two-dimensional van der Waals layered materials into heterostructures is an exciting development that sparked the discovery of rich correlated electronic phenomena and offers possibilities for designer device applications. However, resist residue from fabrication processes is a major limitation. Resulting disordered interfaces degrade device performance and mask underlying transport physics. Conventional cleaning processes are inefficient and can cause material and device damage. Here, we show that thermal scanning probe based cleaning can effectively eliminate resist residue to recover pristine material surfaces. Our technique is compatible at both the material- and device-level, and we demonstrate the significant improvement in the electrical performance of 2D WS2 transistors. We also demonstrate the cleaning of van der Waals heterostructures to achieve interfaces with low disorder. This enables the electrical formation and control of quantum dots that can be tuned from macroscopic current flow to the single-electron tunnelling regime. Such material processing advances are crucial for constructing high-quality vdW heterostructures that are important platforms for fundamental studies and building blocks for quantum and nano-electronics applications.
Plasma-wall interaction in laser inertial fusion reactors: novel proposals for radiation tests of first wall materials
Dry-wall laser inertial fusion (LIF) chambers will have to withstand strong bursts of fast charged particles which will deposit tens of kJ m$^{-2}$ and implant more than 10$^{18}$ particles m$^{-2}$ in a few microseconds at a repetition rate of some Hz. Large chamber dimensions and resistant plasma-facing materials must be combined to guarantee the chamber performance as long as possible under the expected threats: heating, fatigue, cracking, formation of defects, retention of light species, swelling and erosion. Current and novel radiation resistant materials for the first wall need to be validated under realistic conditions. However, at present there is a lack of facilities which can reproduce such ion environments. This contribution proposes the use of ultra-intense lasers and high-intense pulsed ion beams (HIPIB) to recreate the plasma conditions in LIF reactors. By target normal sheath acceleration, ultra-intense lasers can generate very short and energetic ion pulses with a spectral distribution similar to that of the inertial fusion ion bursts, suitable to validate fusion materials and to investigate the barely known propagation of those bursts through background plasmas/gases present in the reactor chamber. HIPIB technologies, initially developed for inertial fusion driver systems, provide huge intensity pulses which meet the irradiation conditions expected in the first wall of LIF chambers and thus can be used for the validation of materials too.
Photo-response of the conductivity in functionalized pentacene compounds
We report the first investigation of the photo-response of the conductivity of a new class of organic semiconductors based on functionalized pentacene. These materials form high quality single crystals that exhibit a thermally activated resistivity. Unlike pure pentacene, the functionalized derivatives are readily soluble in acetone, and can be evaporated or spin-cast as thin films for potential device applications. The electrical conductivity of the single crystal materials is noticeably sensitive to ambient light changes. The purpose, therefore, of the present study, is to determine the nature of the photo-response in terms of carrier activation vs. heating effects, and also to measure the dependence of the photo-response on photon energy. We describe a new method, involving the temperature dependent photo-response, which allows an unambiguous identification of the signature of heating effects in materials with a thermally activated conductivity. We find strong evidence that the photo-response in the materials investigated is predominantly a highly localized heating mechanism. Wavelength dependent studies of the photo-response reveal resonant features and cut-offs that indicate the photon energy absorption is related to the electronic structure of the material.
Tuning the work function in transition metal oxides and their heterostructures
The development of novel functional materials in experimental labs combined with computer-based compound simulation brings the vision of materials design on a microscopic scale continuously closer to reality. For many applications interface and surface phenomena rather than bulk properties are key. One of the most fundamental qualities of a material-vacuum interface is the energy required to transfer an electron across this boundary, i.e. the work function. It is a crucial parameter for numerous applications, including organic electronics, field electron emitters, and thermionic energy converters. Being generally very resistant to degradation at high temperatures, transition metal oxides present a promising materials class for such devices. We have performed a systematic study for perovskite oxides that provides reference values and, equally important, reports on materials trends and the tunability of work functions. Our results identify and classify dependencies of the work function on several parameters including specific surface termination, surface reconstructions, oxygen vacancies, and heterostructuring.
Featureless adaptive optimization accelerates functional electronic materials design
Electronic materials exhibiting phase transitions between metastable states (e.g., metal-insulator transition materials with abrupt electrical resistivity transformations) are challenging to decode. For these materials, conventional machine learning methods display limited predictive capability due to data scarcity and the absence of features impeding model training. In this article, we demonstrate a discovery strategy based on multi-objective Bayesian optimization to directly circumvent these bottlenecks by utilizing latent variable Gaussian processes combined with high-fidelity electronic structure calculations for validation in the chalcogenide lacunar spinel family. We directly and simultaneously learn phase stability and band gap tunability from chemical composition alone to efficiently discover all superior compositions on the design Pareto front. Previously unidentified electronic transitions also emerge from our featureless adaptive optimization engine. Our methodology readily generalizes to optimization of multiple properties, enabling co-design of complex multifunctional materials, especially where prior data is sparse.
Extraordinary magnetometry -- a review on extraordinary magnetoresistance
Extraordinary magnetoresistance (EMR) is a geometric magnetoresistance effect occurring in hybrid devices consisting of a high-mobility material joined by a metal. The change in resistance can exceed 107% at room temperature when a magnetic field of 5 T is applied. Magnetic field sensors based on EMR hold the potential formeasuring weak magnetic fields with an unprecedented sensitivity, yet, to date this potential is largely unmet. In this work, we provide an extensive review of the current state-of-the-art in EMR sensors with a focus on the hybrid device geometries, the constituent material properties and applications of EMR. We present a direct comparison of the best devices in literature across magnetoresistance, sensitivity and noise equivalent field for different materials and geometric designs. The compilation of studies collected in this review illustrates the extremely rich possibilities for tuning the magnetoresistive behavior varying the device geometry and material properties. In addition, we aim to improve the understanding of the EMR effect and its interplay with geometry and material properties. Finally, we discuss recent trends in the field and future perspectives for EMR.
Measurements of the Rate Capability of Various Resistive Plate Chambers
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) exhibit a significant loss of efficiency for the detection of particles, when subjected to high particle fluxes. This rate limitation is related to the usually high resistivity of the resistive plates used in their construction. This paper reports on measurements of the performance of three different glass RPC designs featuring a different total resistance of the resistive plates. The measurements were performed with 120 GeV protons at varying beam intensities
Elastomeric carbon nanotube circuits for local strain sensing
We use elastomeric polydimethylsiloxane substrates to strain single-walled carbon nanotubes and modulate their electronic properties, with the aim of developing flexible materials that can sense local strain. We demonstrate micron-scale nanotube devices that can be cycled repeatedly through strains as high as 20% while providing reproducible local strain transduction by via the device resistance. We also compress individual nanotubes, and find they undergo an undulatory distortion with a characteristic spatial period of 100-200 nm. The observed period can be understood by the mechanical properties of nanotubes and the substrate in conjunction with continuum elasticity theory. These could potentially be used to create superlattices within individual nanotubes, enabling novel devices and applications.
Very large spontaneous electric polarization in BiFeO3 single crystals at room temperature and its evolution under cycling fields
Electric polarization loops are measured at room temperature on highly pure BiFeO3 single crystals synthesized by a flux growth method. Because the crystals have a high electrical resistivity, the resulting low leakage currents allow us to measure a large spontaneous polarization reaching 100^{-2}, a value never reported in the bulk. During electric cycling, the slow degradation of the material leads to an evolution of the hysteresis curves eventually preventing full saturation of the crystals.
Giant Carrier Mobility in Single Crystals of FeSb2
We report the giant carrier mobility in single crystals of FeSb2. Nonlinear field dependence of Hall resistivity is well described with the two-carrier model. Maximum mobility values in high mobility band reach ~10^5 cm^2/Vs at 8 K, and are ~10^2 cm^2/Vs at the room temperature. Our results point to a class of materials with promising potential for applications in solid state electronics.
Thermodynamics of second phase conductive filaments
We present a theory of second phase conductive filaments in phase transformable systems; applications include threshold switches, phase change memory, and shunting in thin film structures. We show that the average filament parameters can be described thermodynamically. In agreement with the published data, the predicted filament current voltage characteristics exhibit negative differential resistance vanishing at high currents where the current density becomes a bulk material property. Our description is extendible to filament transients and allows for efficient numerical simulation.
Calculation of thermal parameters of SiGe microbolometers
The thermal parameters of a SiGe microbolometer were calculated using numerical modeling. The calculated thermal conduction and thermal response time are in good agreement with the values found experimentally and range between 2x10$^-7$ and 7x10$^-8$ W/K and 1.5 and 4.5 ms, respectively. High sensitivity of microbolometer is achieved due to optimization of the thermal response time and thermal conduction by fitting the geometry of supporting heat-removing legs or by selection of a suitable material providing boundary thermal resistance higher than 8x10$^-3$ cm$^2$K/W at the SiGe interface.
Superconductivity and weak anti-localization in nodal-line semimetal SnTaS_2
Topological semimetals with superconducting properties provide an emergent platform to explore the properties of topological superconductors. We report magnetization, and magneto-transport measurements on high quality single crystals of transition metal dichalcogenide SnTaS2. It is a nodal line semimetal with superconducting transition below Tc = 2.9 K. Moderate anisotropy (3.1) is observed in upper critical fields along H||c and H||ab plane. In the normal state we observe large magneto-resistance and weak anti-localization effect that provide unambiguous confirmation of topological features in SnTaS2. Therefore, genuine topological characteristics can be studied in this material, particularly with regard to microscopic origin of order parameter symmetry.
HVDC Surface Flashover in Compressed Air for Various Dielectrics
This study measures the voltage at which flashover occurs in compressed air for a variety of dielectric materials and lengths in a uniform field for DC voltages up to 100 kV. Statistical time lag is recorded and characterized, displaying a roughly exponential dependence on breakdown voltage. Of the materials tested, acrylic is observed to be the most resistant to flashover. These data are intended to facilitate the design of compressed-air insulated high voltage systems as an alternative to SF6 insulated systems.
Non-Equilibrium Nature of Fracture Determines the Crack Paths
A high-fidelity neural network-based force field, NN-F$^{3}$, is developed to cover the strain states up to material failure and the non-equilibrium, intermediate nature of fracture. Simulations of fracture in 2D crystals using NN-F$^{3}$ reveal spatial complexities from lattice-scale kinks to sample-scale patterns. We find that the fracture resistance cannot be quantified by the energy densities of relaxed edges as in the literature. Instead, the fracture patterns, critical stress intensity factors at the kinks, and energy densities of edges in the intermediate, unrelaxed states offer reasonable measures for the fracture toughness and its anisotropy.
Scaling theory of magneto-resistance in disordered local moment ferromagnets
We present a scaling theory of magneto-transport in Anderson-localized disordered ferromagnets. Within our framework a pronounced magnetic-field-sensitive resistance peak emerges naturally for temperatures near the magnetic phase transition. We find that the resistance anomaly is a direct consequence of the change in localization length caused by the magnetic transition. For increasing values of the external magnetic field, the resistance peak is gradually depleted and pushed towards higher temperatures. Our results are in good agreement with magneto-resistance measurements on a variety of disordered magnets.
Pulse width controlled resistivity switching at room temperature in Bi0.8Sr0.2MnO3
We report pulsed as well as direct current/voltage induced electroresistance in Bi0.8Sr0.2MnO3 at room temperature. It is shown that bi-level and multi-level resistivity switching can be induced by a sequence of pulses of varying pulse width at fixed voltage amplitude. Resistivity increases abruptly (= 55 % at 300 K) upon reducing pulse width from 100 ms to 25 ms for a fixed electric field (E = 2 V/cm2) of 200 ms pulse period. The resistivity switching is accompanied by a periodic change in temperature which alone can not explain the magnitude of the resistivity change.
Mechanism for bipolar resistive switching in transition metal oxides
We introduce a model that accounts for the bipolar resistive switching phenomenom observed in transition metal oxides. It qualitatively describes the electric field-enhanced migration of oxygen vacancies at the nano-scale. The numerical study of the model predicts that strong electric fields develop in the highly resistive dielectric-electrode interfaces, leading to a spatially inhomogeneous oxygen vacancies distribution and a concomitant resistive switching effect. The theoretical results qualitatively reproduce non-trivial resistance hysteresis experiments that we also report, providing key validation to our model.
Nonvolatile bipolar resistive switching in Au/BiFeO3/Pt
Nonvolatile bipolar resistive switching has been observed in an Au/BiFeO3/Pt structure, where a Schottky contact and a quasi-Ohmic contact were formed at the Au/BiFeO3 and BiFeO3/Pt interface, respectively. By changing the polarity of the external voltage, the Au/BiFeO3/Pt is switched between two stable resistance states without an electroforming process. The resistance ratio is larger than two orders of magnitude. The resistive switching is understood by the electric field - induced carriers trapping and detrapping, which changes the depletion layer thickness at the Au/BiFeO3 interface.
Polaronic transport in the ferromagnetic phase of Gd1-xCaxBaCo2O5.53
Temperature dependent electrical resistivity and thermopower measurements were carried out on Gd1-xCaxBaCo2O5.53 with x varying between 0 and 0.25. Ca subsitution leads to the incorporation of holes (Co4+) into the system that leads to a reduction in resistivity and a stabilisation of the ferromagnetic phase at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of resistivity and thermopower are markedly different in the Ca doped sample, with a dramatic reduction in the resistivity, as compared to that in the pristine sample. The variation in both the resistivity and thermopower with temperature is explained in terms of the transport of polarons in the ferromagnetic phase of Ca doped system.
Scaling of the Hall effects beyond the quantum resistance threshold in oxidized CoFeB
The ordinary and the extraordinary Hall effects were studied in gradually oxidized amorphous CoFeB ferromagnets over six orders of resistivity from the metallic to the strongly insulating regime. Polarity of the extraordinary Hall effect reverses, and the amplitude of both the ordinary and the extraordinary Hall effects increases quadratically with resistivity when resistance exceeds the quantum resistance threshold. The absolute value of the extraordinary Hall effect scales linearly with the ordinary one in the entire range over eight orders of magnitude between the metallic and the insulating states. The behavior differs qualitatively and quantitatively from theoretically predicted and experimentally known in other materials.
Measurement of the $B_{1g}$ and $B_{2g}$ components of the elastoresistivity tensor for tetragonal materials via transverse resistivity configurations
The elastoresistivity tensor $m_{ij,kl}$ relates changes in resistivity to strains experienced by a material. As a fourth-rank tensor, it contains considerably more information about the material than the simpler (second-rank) resistivity tensor; in particular, for a tetragonal material, the $B_{1g}$ and $B_{2g}$ components of the elastoresistivity tensor ($m_{xx,xx}-m_{xx,yy}$ and $2m_{xy,xy}$, respectively) can be related to its nematic susceptibility. Previous experimental probes of this quantity have focused exclusively on differential longitudinal elastoresistance measurements, which determine the induced resistivity anisotropy arising from anisotropic in-plane strain based on the difference of two longitudinal resistivity measurements. Here we describe a complementary technique based on \textit{transverse} elastoresistance measurements. This new approach is advantageous because it directly determines the strain-induced resistivity anisotropy from a single transverse measurement. To demonstrate the efficacy of this new experimental protocol, we present transverse elastoresistance measurements of the $2m_{xy,xy}$ elastoresistivity coefficient of BaFe$_2$As$_2$, a representative iron-pnictide that has previously been characterized via differential longitudinal elastoresistance measurements.
Low temperature physical properties of Co-35Ni-20Mo-10Cr alloy MP35N
Multiphase Co-35Ni-20Mo-10Cr alloy MP35N is a high strength alloy with excellent corrosion resistance. Its applications span chemical, medical, and food processing industries. Thanks to its high modulus and high strength, it found applications in reinforcement of ultra-high field pulsed magnets. Recently, it has also been considered for reinforcement in superconducting wires used in ultra-high field superconducting magnets. For these applications, accurate measurement of its physical properties at cryogenic temperatures is very important. In this paper, physical properties including electrical resistivity, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and magnetization of as-received and aged samples are measured from 2 to 300 K. The electrical resistivity of the aged sample is slightly higher than the as-received sample, both showing a weak linear temperature dependence in the entire range of 2 - 300 K. The measured specific heat Cp of 0.43 J/g-K at 295 K agrees with a theoretical prediction, but is significantly smaller than the values in the literature. The thermal conductivity between 2 and 300 K is in good agreement with the literature which is only available above 77 K. Magnetic property of MP35N changes significantly with aging. The as-received sample exhibits Curie paramagnetism with a Curie constant C = 0.175 K. While the aged sample contains small amounts of a ferromagnetic phase even at room temperature. The measured MP35N properties will be useful for the engineering design of pulsed magnets and superconducting magnets using MP35N as reinforcement.
Molten Salt Flux Liquid Transport Method for Ultra Clean Single Crystals UTe2
Various single crystal growth techniques are presented for the unconventional superconductor UTe2. The molten salt flux liquid transport (MSFLT) method is employed to grow high-quality and large single crystals, exhibiting a high residual resistivity ratio (RRR = 200-800). On the other hand, the Te self-flux and chemical vapor transport (CVT) method produces samples of lower quality. The MSFLT method is a hybrid approach that combines the molten salt flux (MSF) and CVT methods. One significant advantage is that the materials gradually crystallize at the relatively low temperature which is fixed during the main process. This might be crucial for preventing U deficiency and obtaining high-quality and large single crystals of UTe2. Many different single crystals obtained by different technique were characterized by resistivity, specific heat measurements. The superconducting transition temperature decreases with the residual resistivity, followed by the Abrikosov-Gor'kov pair breaking theory. The highest quality sample reaches Tc=2.1K. The residual gamma-value of specific heat for the highest quality sample is only 3 percents of the normal state gamma-value. The specific heat jump, Delta C/(gamma Tc) reaches about 2.7 for high quality samples, indicating a strong coupling superconductor. Furthermore, the magnetic susceptibility for the field along a-axis in a high quality single crystal does not show an up-turn behavior on cooling, which is consistent with the results of NMR Knight shift and muSR experiments.
Bilayer Vanadium Dioxide Thin Film with Elevated Transition Temperatures and High Resistance Switching
Despite widespread interest in the phase-change applications of vanadium dioxide (VO$_2$), the fabrication of high-quality VO$_2$ thin films with elevated transition temperatures (TIMT) and high Insulator-Metal-Transition resistance switching still remains a challenge. This study introduces a two-step atmospheric oxidation approach to fabricate bilayer VO$_{2-x}$/VO$_2$ films on a c-plane sapphire substrate. To quantify the impact of the VO$_2$ buffer layer, a single-layer VO$_2$ film of the same thickness was also fabricated. The bilayer VO$_{2-x}$/VO$_2$ films wherein the top VO$_{2-x}$ film was under-oxidized demonstrated an elevation in TIMT reaching ~97 $^\circ$C, one of the highest reported to date for VO$_2$ films and is achieved in a doping-free manner. Our results also reveal a one-order increase in resistance switching, with the optimum bilayer VO$_2$/VO$_2$ film exhibiting ~3.6 orders of switching from 25 $^\circ$C to 110 $^\circ$C, compared to the optimum single-layer VO$_2$ reference film. This is accompanied by a one-order decrease in the on-state resistance in its metallic phase. The elevation in TIMT, coupled with increased strain extracted from the XRD characterization of the bilayer film, suggests the possibility of compressive strain along the c-axis. These VO$_{2-x}$/VO$_2$ films also demonstrate a significant change in the slope of their resistance vs temperature curves contrary to the conventional smooth transition. This feature was ascribed to the rutile/monoclinic quasi-heterostructure formed due to the top VO$_{2-x}$ film having a reduced TIMT. Our findings carry significant implications for both the lucid fabrication of VO$_2$ thin film devices as well as the study of phase transitions in correlated oxides.
Spark Plasma Sintering for high-speed diffusion welding of the ultrafine grained near-a Ti-5Al-2V alloy with high strength and corrosion resistance for nuclear engineering
The paper demonstrates the prospects of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) for the high-speed diffusion welding of the high-strength ultrafine-grained (UFG) near-a Ti-5Al-2V alloy. The effect of increased diffusion welding intensity in the UFG Ti alloys is discussed also. The welds of the UFG near-a-Ti-5Al-2V alloy obtained by SPS are featured by high density, strength, and corrosion resistance. The rate of weld sealing in the UFG alloys has been shown to depend on the heating rate non-monotonously (with a pronounced maximum). At the stage of continuous heating and isothermic holding, the kinetics of the weld sealing was found to be determined by the exponential creep rate, the intensity of which in the coarse-grained (CG) alloys is limited by the diffusion rate in the crystal lattice whereas in the UFG alloys it is limited by the grain boundary diffusion rate.
Memristor properties of high temperature superconductors
The review of studies on memristive properties or effect of resistive switchings in four classes of high temperature superconductors is presented in order to reveal functional properties of HTSCs which become apparent in the effects under discussion, prospects of usage of high temperature superconductors based memristors in applications and search for new mechanisms of strongly correlated nature to realize new generation memristors. The properties are: undergoing metal insulator transition at oxygen doping, transport anisotropy, existence of charge reservoirs through which doping of conductive copper oxygen layers is carried out. These are the main functional properties of HTSCs which permit to use them in memristors. By the example of study of bipolar effect of resistive switching in high temperature superconductors based heterojunctions it is shown how one can form memristor structures based on high temperature superconductors using their functional properties.
Prediction of a Two-dimensional Phosphorus Nitride Monolayer
Today, 2D semiconductor materials have been extended into the nitrogen group: phosphorene, arsenene, antimonene and even nitrogene. Motivated by them, based upon first-principles density functional calculations, we propose a new two-dimensional phosphorus nitride (PN) structure that is stable well above the room temperature, due to its extremely high cohesive energy. Unlike phosphorene, PN structure is resistant to high temperature oxidation. The structure is predicted to be a semiconductor with a wide, indirect band gap of 2.64 eV. More interestingly, the phosphorus nitride monolayer experiences an indirect-to-direct band-gap transition at a relatively small tensile strain. Such dramatic transformation in the electronic structure combined with structural stability and oxidation resistance at high temperature could pave the way for exciting innovations in high-speed ultrathin transistors, power electronic modules, ultra-high efficiency LEDs and semiconductor lasers.
Crack-free high composition (>35%) thick (>30 nm) barrier AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMT on sapphire with record low sheet resistance
In this article, high composition (>35%) thick (>30 nm) barrier AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMT structure grown on a sapphire substrate with ultra-low sheet resistivity (<250 \Omega / \Box ) is reported. Optimization of growth conditions, such as reduced growth rate, low carbon incorporation, and thickness optimization of different epitaxial layers allowed to grow a crack-free high composition and thick AlGaN barrier layer HEMT structure. A significantly high two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density of 1.46 \times 10^{13} cm^{-2} with a room temperature mobility of 1710 cm^{2}/V.s is obtained by Hall measurement using the Van-Der-Pauw method. These state-of-the-art results show great potential for high-power Ga-polar HEMT design on the sapphire substrate.
Long-term stability of phase-separated Half-Heusler compounds
Half-Heusler (HH) compounds have shown high Figure of merits up to 1.5. The key to these high thermoelectric efficiencies is an intrinsic phase separation, which occurs in multicomponent Half-Heusler compounds and leads to an significantly reduction of the thermal conductivity. For commercial applications, compatible n- and p-type materials are essential and their thermal stability under operating conditions, e.g. for an automotive up to 873 K, needs to be guaranteed. For the first time, the long-term stability of n- and p-type HH materials is proved. We investigated HH materials based on the Ti0.3Zr0.35Hf0.35NiSn-system after 500 cycles (1700 h) from 373 to 873 K. Both compounds exhibit a maximum Seebeck coefficient of S around 210 muV/K and an intrinsic phase separation into two HH phases. The dendritic microstructure is temperature resistant and maintained the low thermal conductivity values (kappa less than 4 W/Km). Our results emphasize that phase-separated HH compounds are suitable low cost materials and can lead to enhanced thermoelectric efficiencies beyond the set benchmark for industrial applications.
Helium effects and bubbles formation in irradiated Ti3SiC2
Ti3SiC2 is a potential structural material for nuclear reactor applications. However, He irradiation effects in this material are not well understood, especially at high temperatures. Here, we compare the effects of He irradiation in Ti3SiC2 at room temperature (RT) and at 750 {\deg}C. Irradiation at 750 {\deg}C was found to lead to extremely elongated He bubbles that are concentrated in the nano-laminate layers of Ti3SiC2, whereas the overall crystal structure of the material remained intact. In contrast, at RT, the layered structure was significantly damaged and highly disordered after irradiation. Our study reveals that at elevated temperatures, the unique structure of Ti3SiC2 can accommodate large amounts of He atoms in the nano-laminate layer, without compromising the structural stability of the material. The structure and the mechanical tests results show that the irradiation induced swelling and hardening at 750 {\deg}C are much smaller than those at RT. These results indicate that Ti3SiC2 has an excellent resistance to accumulation of radiation-induced He impurities and that it has a considerable tolerance to irradiation-induced degradation of mechanical properties at high temperatures.
Control of Mechanical and Fracture Properties in Two-phase Materials Reinforced by Continuous, Irregular Networks
Composites with high strength and high fracture resistance are desirable for structural and protective applications. Most composites, however, suffer from poor damage tolerance and are prone to unpredictable fractures. Understanding the behavior of materials with an irregular reinforcement phase offers fundamental guidelines for tailoring their performance. Here, we study the fracture nucleation and propagation in two phase composites, as a function of the topology of their irregular microstructures. We use a stochastic algorithm to design the polymeric reinforcing network, achieving independent control of topology and geometry of the microstructure. By tuning the local connectivity of isodense tiles and their assembly into larger structures, we tailor the mechanical and fracture properties of the architected composites, at the local and global scale. Finally, combining different reinforcing networks into a spatially determined meso-scale assembly, we demonstrate how the spatial propagation of fractures in architected composite materials can be designed and controlled a priori.
Mechanical behavior, enhanced dc resistivity, energy band gap and high temperature magnetic properties of Y-substituted Mg-Zn ferrites
We report the synthesis of Y-substituted Mg-Zn ferrites using conventional standard ceramic technique. XRD patterns confirm the single phase cubic spinel structure up to x = 0.03 and appearance of a secondary phase of YFeO3for higher Y contents. FESEM images depict the distribution of grains and EDS spectra confirmed the absence of any unwanted element. Completion of solid state reaction and formation of spinel structure has been revealed from FTIR spectra. The FTIR data along with lattice constant, bulk density and porosity were further used to calculate the stiffness constant (Cij), elastic constant and Debye temperatures. Mechanical stability of all studied compositions is confirmed from Cij using Born stability conditions. Brittleness and isotropic nature are also confirmed using Poisson ratio and anisotropy constants, respectively. The enhancement of dc electrical resistivity with Y content is observed. The energy band gap (increased with Y contents) is found in good agreement with dc electrical resistivity. Ferrimagnetic to paramagnetic phase change has been observed from the field dependent high temperature magnetization curves. The magnetic moments and saturation magnetization were found to be decreased with increasing temperature. The Curie temperature (Tc) has been measured from temperature dependent magnetic moment (M-T) and initial permeability and found to be in good agreement with each other. Decrease in Tc with Y content is due to redistribution of cations and weakening of the exchange coupling constant. The magnetic phase transition has been analyzed by Arrott plot and found to have second order phase transition. The dc resistivity endorses the prepared ferrites are suitable for high frequency and high temperature magnetic device applications as well.
Impact of Severe Plastic Deformation on Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Hydrogen Storage in Magnesium and Its Alloys
Magnesium and its alloys are the most investigated materials for solid-state hydrogen storage in the form of metal hydrides, but there are still unresolved problems with the kinetics and thermodynamics of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of this group of materials. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) methods, such as equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP), high-pressure torsion (HPT), intensive rolling and fast forging, have been widely used to enhance the activation, air resistance, and hydrogenation/dehydrogenation kinetics of Mg-based hydrogen storage materials by introducing ultrafine/nanoscale grains and crystal lattice defects. These severely deformed materials, particularly in the presence of alloying additives or second-phase nanoparticles, can show not only fast hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics but also good cycling stability. It was shown that some materials that are apparently inert to hydrogen can absorb hydrogen after SPD processing. Moreover, the SPD methods were effectively used for hydrogen binding-energy engineering and synthesizing new magnesium alloys with low thermodynamic stability for reversible low/room-temperature hydrogen storage, such as nanoglasses, high-entropy alloys, and metastable phases including the high-pressure {\gamma}-MgH2 polymorph. This article reviews recent advances in the development of Mg-based hydrogen storage materials by SPD processing and discusses their potential in future applications.
Massive electrons and unconventional room-temperature superconductivity in superhydrides
The search for room-temperature superconducting materials has been at the center of modern research for decades. The recent discovery of high-temperature superconductivity, under extreme pressure in hydrogen-rich materials, is a tremendous achievement in this research front. This discovery offers a route in the search for room temperature superconductivity at ambient pressure. The superconductivity of these hydrogen-rich materials was confirmed by the observation of zero-resistance, isotope effects, effect of magnetic field, and other standard properties. However, some of the experimental features were puzzling as they were not consistent with the known superconductivity theories. These debatable features have lead to a series of recent publications downplaying the existence of superconductivity in these superhydrides. Here we propose a concept of massive electrons under pressure and successfully explain all non-standard experimental observations. Our massive electron concept explains the large effective mass of the quasiparticles, the reason for the high critical temperatures for moderate electron-phonon couplings, and a 3-5 orders of magnitude larger conductivity causing a narrow resistivity broadening at the transition in the presence of magnetic field. We anticipate our findings will lead to a new directions and tweaks in current research in the search for ambient-pressure, room-temperature superconductors.
Superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition
The current understanding of the superconductor-insulator transition is discussed level by level in a cyclic spiral-like manner. At the first level, physical phenomena and processes are discussed which, while of no formal relevance to the topic of transitions, are important for their implementation and observation; these include superconductivity in low electron density materials, transport and magnetoresistance in superconducting island films and in highly resistive granular materials with superconducting grains, and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The second level discusses and summarizes results from various microscopic approaches to the problem, whether based on the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory (the disorder-induced reduction in the superconducting transition temperature; the key role of Coulomb blockade in high-resistance granular superconductors; superconducting fluctuations in a strong magnetic field) or on the theory of the Bose-Einstein condensation. A special discussion is given to phenomenological scaling theories. Experimental investigations, primarily transport measurements, make the contents of the third level and are for convenience classified by the type of material used (ultrathin films, variable composition materials, high-temperature superconductors, superconductor-poor metal transitions). As a separate topic, data on nonlinear phenomena near the superconductor-insulator transition are presented. At the final, summarizing, level the basic aspects of the problem are enumerated again to identify where further research is needed and how this research can be carried out. Some relatively new results, potentially of key importance in resolving the remaining problems, are also discussed.
Butterfly Magnetoresistance, Quasi-2D Dirac Fermi Surfaces, and a Topological Phase Transition in ZrSiS
Magnetoresistance (MR), the change of a material's electrical resistance in response to an applied magnetic field, is a technologically important property that has been the topic of intense study for more than a quarter century. Here we report the observation of an unusual "butterfly" shaped titanic angular magnetoresistance (AMR) in the non-magnetic, Dirac material, ZrSiS. The MR is large and positive, reaching nearly 1.8 x 10^5 percent at 9 T and 2 K at an angle of 45o between the applied current (along the a-axis) and the applied field (90o is H parallel to the c-axis). Approaching 90o, a "dip" is seen in the AMR which can be traced to an angle dependent deviation from the H^2 law. By analyzing the SdH oscillations at different angles, we find that ZrSiS has a combination of 2D and 3D Dirac pockets comprising its Fermi surface and that the anomalous transport behavior coincides with a topological phase transition whose robust signature is evident despite transport contributions from other parts of the Fermi surface. We also find that as a function of angle, the temperature dependent resistivity in high field displays a broad peak-like behavior, unlike any known Dirac/Weyl material. The combination of very high mobility carriers and multiple Fermi surfaces in ZrSiS allow for large bulk property changes to occur as a function of angle between applied fields makes it a promising platform to study the physics stemming from the coexistence of 2D and 3D Dirac electrons.
Large-Scale and Robust Multifunctional Vertically-Aligned MoS$_2$ Photo-Memristors
Memristive devices have drawn considerable research attention due to their potential applications in non-volatile memory and neuromorphic computing. The combination of resistive switching devices with light-responsive materials is considered a novel way to integrate optical information with electrical circuitry. On the other hand, 2D materials have attracted substantial consideration thank to their unique crystal structure, as reflected in their chemical and physical properties. Although not the major focus, van der Waals solids were proven to be potential candidates in memristive devices. In this scheme, the majority of the resistive switching devices were implemented on planar flakes, obtained by mechanical exfoliation. Here we utilize a facile and robust methodology to grow large-scale vertically aligned MoS$_2$ (VA-MoS$_2$) films on standard silicon substrates. Memristive devices with the structure silver/VA-MoS$_2$/Si are shown to have low set-ON voltages (<0.5V), large-retention times ($>2\times10^4$ s) and high thermal stability (up to 350 $^\circ$C). The proposed memristive device also exhibits long term potentiation / depression (LTP/LTD) and photo-active memory states. The large-scale fabrication, together with the low operating voltages, high thermal stability, light-responsive behaviour and long-term potentiation/depression, makes this approach very appealing for real-life non-volatile memory applications.
High Ferromagnetic Transition Temperature (172K) in Mn delta-doped GaAs with p-type Selective Doping
We have found high ferromagnetic transition temperature in Mn delta-doped GaAs-based heterostructures grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. A 0.3 ML Mn d-doped GaAs samples showed high resistivity at low temperature and did not show a ferromagnetic behavior. However, in a selectively doped heterostructure (Mn delta-doped GaAs / Be-doped AlGaAs), where holes were supplied from the Be-doped AlGaAs layer, clear ferromagnetic order was observed. The ferromagnetic transition temperature of the selectively doped heterostructure was as high as 172K with suitable low-temperature (LT) annealing treatment.
Large, high quality single-crystals of the new Topological Kondo Insulator, SmB6
SmB6 has recently been predicted to be a Topological Kondo Insulator, the first strongly correlated heavy fermion material to exhibit topological surface states. High quality crystals are necessary to investigate the topological properties of this material. Single crystal growth of the rare earth hexaboride, SmB6, has been carried out by the floating zone technique using a high power xenon arc lamp image furnace. Large, high quality single-crystals are obtained by this technique. The crystals produced by the floating zone technique are free of contamination from flux materials and have been characterised by resistivity and magnetisation measurements. These crystals are ideally suited for the investigation of both the surface and bulk properties of SmB6.
Metal$/BaTiO_{3}/β-Ga_{2}O_{3}$ Dielectric Heterojunction Diode with 5.7 MV/cm Breakdown Field
Wide and ultra-wide band gap semiconductors can provide excellent performance due to their high energy band gap, which leads to breakdown electric fields that are more than an order of magnitude higher than conventional silicon electronics. In materials where p-type doping is not available, achieving this high breakdown field in a vertical diode or transistor is very challenging. We propose and demonstrate the use of dielectric heterojunctions that use extreme permittivity materials to achieve high breakdown field in a unipolar device. We demonstrate the integration of a high permittivity material BaTiO3 with n-type $\beta$-Ga2O3 to enable 5.7 MV/cm average electric field and 7 MV/cm peak electric field at the device edge, while maintaining forward conduction with relatively low on-resistance and voltage loss. The proposed dielectric heterojunction could enable new design strategies to achieve theoretical device performance limits in wide and ultra-wide band gap semiconductors where bipolar doping is challenging.
In search for the superconducting spin-switch: Magnetization induced resistance switching effects in La$_{0.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$MnO$_3$/YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$ bi- and trilayers
We have studied the influence of the magnetization on the superconducting transition temperature ($T_c$) in bi- and trilayers consisting of the half-metallic ferromagnet La$_{0.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$MnO$_3$ (LSMO) and the high-temperature superconductor YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\delta}$ (YBCO). We have made use of tilted epitaxial growth in order to achieve contacts between the two materials that are partly in the crystallographic $ab$-plane of the YBCO. As a result of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in the tilted structures, we observe sharp magnetization switching behavior. At temperatures close to $T_c$, the magnetization switching induces resistance jumps in trilayers, resulting in a magnetization dependence of $T_c$. In bilayers, this switching effect can be observed as well, provided that the interface to the ferromagnetic layer is considerably rough. Our results indicate that the switching behavior arises from magnetic stray fields from the ferromagnetic layers that penetrate into the superconductor. A simple model describes the observed behavior well. We find no evidence that the switching behavior is caused by a so-called superconducting spin-switch, nor by accumulation of spin-polarized electrons. Observation of magnetic coupling of the ferromagnetic layers, through the superconductor, supports the idea of field induced resistance switching.
Bad Metals from Fluctuating Density Waves
Bad metals have a large resistivity without being strongly disordered. In many bad metals the Drude peak moves away from zero frequency as the resistivity becomes large at increasing temperatures. We catalogue the position and width of the `displaced Drude peak' in the observed optical conductivity of several families of bad metals, showing that $\omega_\text{peak} \sim \Delta \omega \sim k_BT/\hbar$. This is the same quantum critical timescale that underpins the $T$-linear dc resistivity of many of these materials. We provide a unified theoretical description of the optical and dc transport properties of bad metals in terms of the hydrodynamics of short range quantum critical fluctuations of incommensurate density wave order. Within hydrodynamics, pinned translational order is essential to obtain the nonzero frequency peak.
On the isotope effect in compressed superconducting H$_\textrm{3}$S and D$_\textrm{3}$S
A maximum superconductive transition temperature $T_\textrm{C}$ = 203.5 K has recently been reported for a sample of the binary compound tri-hydrogen sulfide (H$_\textrm{3}$S) prepared at high pressure and with room temperature annealing. Measurements of $T_\textrm{C}$ for H$_\textrm{3}$S and its deuterium counterpart D$_\textrm{3}$S have suggested a mass isotope effect exponent ${\alpha}$ with anomalous enhancements for reduced applied pressures. While widely cited for evidence of phonon-based superconductivity, the measured $T_\textrm{C}$ is shown to exhibit important dependences on the quality and character of the H$_\textrm{3}$S and D$_\textrm{3}$S materials under study; examination of resistance versus temperature data shows that variations in $T_\textrm{C}$ and apparent ${\alpha}$ are strongly correlated with residual resistance ratio, indicative of sensitivity to metallic order. Correlations also extend to the fractional widths of the superconducting transitions. Using resistance data to quantify and compensate for the evident materials differences between H$_\textrm{3}$S and D$_\textrm{3}$S samples, a value of ${\alpha}$ = 0.043 $\pm$ 0.140 is obtained. Thus, when corrected for the varying levels of disorder, the experimental upper limit ($\leq$0.183) lies well below ${\alpha}$ derived in phonon-based theories.
Quasi 2-D magnetism in the Kagome layer compound FeSn
Single crystals of the single Kagome layer compound FeSn are investigated using x-ray and neutron scattering, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization, heat capacity, resistivity, Hall, Seebeck, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity measurements and density functional theory (DFT). FeSn is a planar antiferromagnet below TN = 365 K and exhibits ferromagnetic magnetic order within each Kagome layer. The in-plane magnetic susceptibility is sensitive to synthesis conditions. Resistivity, Hall and Seebeck results indicate multiple bands near the Fermi energy. The resistivity of FeSn is about 3 times lower for current along the stacking direction than in the plane, suggesting that transport and the bulk electronic structure of FeSn is not quasi 2D. FeSn is an excellent metal with Rho(300K)/Rho(2K) values about 100 in both directions. While the ordered state is antiferromagnetic, high temperature susceptibility measurements indicate a ferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature of 173 K, reflecting the strong in-plane ferromagnetic interactions. DFT calculations show a 3D electronic structure with the Dirac nodal lines along the K-H directions in the magnetic Brillouin zone about 0.3 eV below the Fermi energy, with the Dirac dispersions at the K points gapped by spin-orbit coupling except at the H point. The magnetism, however, is highly 2D with Jin-plane/Jout-of-plane = 10. The predicted spin-wave spectrum is presented.
Spin-split band hybridization in graphene proximitized with $α$-RuCl$_3$ nanosheets
Proximity effects induced in the 2D Dirac material graphene potentially open access to novel and intriguing physical phenomena. Thus far, the coupling between graphene and ferromagnetic insulators has been experimentally established. However, only very little is known about graphene's interaction with antiferromagnetic insulators. Here, we report a low temperature study of the electronic properties of high quality van der Waals heterostructures composed of a single graphene layer proximitized with $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$. The latter is known to become antiferromagnetically ordered below 10 K. Shubnikov de Haas oscillations in the longitudinal resistance together with Hall resistance measurements provide clear evidence for a band realignment that is accompanied by a transfer of electrons originally occupying the graphene's spin degenerate Dirac cones into $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ band states with in-plane spin polarization. Left behind are holes in two separate Fermi pockets, only the dispersion of one of which is distorted near the Fermi energy due to spin selective hybridization with these spin polarized $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ band states. This interpretation is supported by our DFT calculations. An unexpected damping of the quantum oscillations as well as a zero field resistance upturn close to the N$\'e$el temperature of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ suggests the onset of additional spin scattering due to spin fluctuations in the $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$.
A back-end, CMOS compatible ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor for synaptic weights
Neuromorphic computing architectures enable the dense co-location of memory and processing elements within a single circuit. This co-location removes the communication bottleneck of transferring data between separate memory and computing units as in standard von Neuman architectures for data-critical applications including machine learning. The essential building blocks of neuromorphic systems are non-volatile synaptic elements such as memristors. Key memristor properties include a suitable non-volatile resistance range, continuous linear resistance modulation and symmetric switching. In this work, we demonstrate voltage-controlled, symmetric and analog potentiation and depression of a ferroelectric Hf$_{57}$Zr$_{43}$O$_{2}$ (HZO) field effect transistor (FeFET) with good linearity. Our FeFET operates with a low writing energy (fJ) and fast programming time (40 ns). Retention measurements have been done over 4-bits depth with low noise (1%) in the tungsten oxide (WO$_{x}$) read out channel. By adjusting the channel thickness from 15nm to 8nm, the on/off ratio of the FeFET can be engineered from 1% to 200% with an on-resistance ideally >100 kOhm, depending on the channel geometry. The device concept is using earth-abundant materials, and is compatible with a back end of line (BEOL) integration into complementary metal-oxidesemiconductor (CMOS) processes. It has therefore a great potential for the fabrication of high density, large-scale integrated arrays of artificial analog synapses.
Switching friction at a manganite surface using electric fields
We report active control of the friction force at the contact between a nanoscale asperity and a La$_{0.55}$Ca$_{0.45}$MnO$_3$ (LCMO) thin film using electric fields. We use friction force microscopy under ultrahigh vacuum conditions to measure the friction force as we change the film resistive state by electric field-induced resistive switching. Friction forces are high in the insulating state and clearly change to lower values when the probed local region is switched to the conducting state. Upon switching back to an insulating state, the friction forces increase again. Thus, we demonstrate active control of friction without having to change the contact temperature or pressure. By comparing with measurements of friction at the metal-to-insulator transition and with the effect of applied voltage on adhesion, we rule out electronic excitations, electrostatic forces and changes in contact area as the reasons for the effect of resistive switching on friction. Instead, we argue that friction is limited by phonon relaxation times which are strongly coupled to the electronic degrees of freedom through distortions of the MnO6 octahedra. The concept of controlling friction forces by electric fields should be applicable to any materials where the field produces strong changes in phonon lifetimes.
Enhancement of spin Hall conductivity in W-Ta alloy
Generating pure spin currents via the spin Hall effect in heavy metals has been an active topic of research in the last decade. In order to reduce the energy required to efficiently switch neighbouring ferromagnetic layers for applications, one should not only increase the charge- to-spin conversion efficiency but also decrease the longitudinal resistivity of the heavy metal. In this work, we investigate the spin Hall conductivity in W_{1-x}Ta_{x} / CoFeB / MgO (x = 0 - 0.2) using spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements. Alloying W with Ta leads to a factor of two change in both the damping-like effective spin Hall angle (from - 0.15 to - 0.3) and longitudinal resistivity (60 - 120 {\mu}W cm). At 11% Ta concentration, a remarkably high spin Hall angle value of - 0.3 is achieved with a low longitudinal resistivity 100 {\mu}W cm, which could lead to a very low power consumption for this W-based alloy. This work demonstrates sputter-deposited W-Ta alloys could be a promising material for power-efficient spin current generation.
Resistivity, Hall effect, and anisotropic superconducting coherence lengths of HgBa$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{6+δ}$ thin films with different morphology
Thin films of the high-temperature superconductor HgBa$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{6+\delta}$ have been prepared on SrTiO$_3$ substrates by pulsed-laser deposition of precursor films and subsequent annealing in mercury-vapor atmosphere. The microstructural properties of such films can vary considerably and have been analyzed by x-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Whereas the resistivity is significantly enhanced in samples with coarse-grained structure, the Hall effect shows little variation. This disparity is discussed based on models for transport properties in granular materials. We find that, despite of the morphological variation, all samples have similar superconducting properties. The critical temperatures $T_c \sim 121.2$ K $\dots 122.0$ K, resistivity, and Hall data indicate that the samples are optimally doped. The analyses of superconducting order parameter fluctuations in zero and finite magnetic fields yield the in-plane $\xi_{ab}(0) \sim 2.3$ nm $\dots 2.8$ nm and out-of-plane $\xi_{c}(0) \sim 0.17$ nm $ \dots 0.24$ nm Ginzburg-Landau coherence lengths at zero temperature. Hall measurements provide estimates of carrier scattering defects in the normal state and vortex pinning properties in the superconducting state inside the grains.
Fingerprints of quantum criticality in locally resolved transport
Understanding electrical transport in strange metals, including the seeming universality of Planckian $T$-linear resistivity, remains a longstanding challenge in condensed matter physics. We propose that local imaging techniques, such as nitrogen vacancy center magnetometry, can locally identify signatures of quantum critical response which are invisible in measurements of a bulk electrical resistivity. As an illustrative example, we use a minimal holographic model for a strange metal in two spatial dimensions to predict how electrical current will flow in regimes dominated by quantum critical dynamics on the Planckian length scale. We describe the crossover between quantum critical transport and hydrodynamic transport (including Ohmic regimes), both in charge neutral and finite density systems. We compare our holographic predictions to experiments on charge neutral graphene, finding quantitative agreement with available data; we suggest further experiments which may determine the relevance of our framework to transport on Planckian scales in this material. More broadly, we propose that locally imaged transport be used to test the universality (or lack thereof) of microscopic dynamics in the diverse set of quantum materials exhibiting $T$-linear resistivity.
Size-Dependent Grain Boundary Scattering in Topological Semimetals
We assess the viability of topological semimetals for application in advanced interconnect technology, where conductor size is on the order of a few nanometers and grain boundaries are expected to be prevalent. We investigate the electron transport properties and grain boundary scattering in thin films of the topological semimetals CoSi and CoGe using first-principles calculations combined with the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) technique. Unlike conventional interconnect metals like Cu and Al, we find that CoSi and CoGe conduct primarily through topologically-protected surface states in thin film structures even in the presence of grain boundaries. The area-normalized resistance decreases with decreasing film thickness for CoSi and CoGe thin films both with and without grain boundaries; a trend opposite to that of the conventional metals Cu and Al. The surface-dominated transport mechanisms in thin films of topological semimetals with grain boundaries demonstrates a fundamentally new paradigm of the classical resistivity size-effect, and suggests that these materials may be promising candidates for applications as nano-interconnects where high electrical resistivity acts as a major bottleneck limiting semiconductor device performance.
Thermal hysteretic behavior and negative magnetoresistance in an unusual charge-density-wave material EuTe4
EuTe4 is a newly-discovered van der Waals material exhibiting a novel charge-density wave (CDW) with a large thermal hysteresis in the resistivity and CDW gap. In this work, we systematically study the electronic structure and transport properties of EuTe4 using high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), magnetoresistance measurements, and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We observe a CDW gap of about 200 meV at low temperatures that persists up to 400 K, suggesting that the CDW transition occurs at a much higher temperature. We observe a large thermal hysteretic behavior of the ARPES intensity near the Fermi level, consistent with the resistivity measurement. The hysteresis in the resistivity measurement does not change under a magnetic field up to 7 T, excluding the thermal magnetic hysteresis mechanism. Instead, the surface topography measured with STM shows surface domains with different CDW trimerization directions, which may be important for the thermal hysteretic behavior of EuTe4. Interestingly, we observe a large negative magnetoresistance at low temperatures that can be associated with the canting of magnetically ordered Eu spins. Our work shed light on the understanding of magnetic, transport, and electronic properties of EuTe4.
Doubling of the superconducting transition temperature in ultra-clean wafer-scale aluminum nanofilms
Superconducting properties of thin films can be vastly different from those of bulk materials. Seminal work has shown the critical temperature Tc of elemental superconductors decreases with decreasing film thickness when the normal-state sheet resistance is lower than the quantum resistance h/(4e2). Sporadic examples on disordered films, however, hinted an enhancement in Tc although, structural and strain characterization was not possible since samples were prepared on a cold substrate in situ. To clarify the role of reduced dimensionality and disorder on the superconducting properties of thin films we employed molecular beam epitaxy to grow wafer-scale high-quality aluminum (Al) nanofilms with normal-state sheet resistance at least 20 times lower than h/(4e2) and investigated their electronic and structural properties ex situ. Defying general expectations, Tc increases with decreasing Al film thickness, reaching 2.4 K for 3.5-nm-thick Al film grown on GaAs: twice that of bulk Al (1.2 K). DFT calculations indicate surface phonon softening impacts superconductivity in pure ultra-thin films, offering a new route for materials engineering in two dimensions.
Anomalous c-axis charge dynamics in copper oxide materials
Within the t-J model, the c-axis charge dynamics of the copper oxide materials in the underdoped and optimally doped regimes is studied by considering the incoherent interlayer hopping. It is shown that the c-axis charge dynamics is mainly governed by the scattering from the in-plane fluctuation. In the optimally doped regime, the c-axis resistivity is a linear in temperatures, and shows the metallic-like behavior for all temperatures, while the c-axis resistivity in the underdoped regime is characterized by a crossover from the high temperature metallic-like behavior to the low temperature semiconducting-like behavior, which are consistent with experiments and numerical simulations.
Crystal Growth and Characterization of Doped CZT Crystals
Cd1-xZnxTe crystals with x in the range of 0.1-0.2 were grown by the high-pressure vertical Bridgman method from pre-synthesized CZT. Resistive graphite heaters were used to control the temperature profiles within the furnaces, and an argon overpressure was used to reduce the cadmium loss. The crystals were doped with either Al, Ni, In, Ga, Ge or Sn. The doping was carried out by three different ways: 1) by adding of the pure metals during growth runs; 2) by adding of the tellurides of the metals during growth runs; or 3) by inserting of the metal tellurides during synthesis of the starting CZT material. Some of the growth process parameters were also varied. The as-grown CZT ingots had diameters of either 15 or 38 mm. The influence of the doping on CZT properties, particularly the conductivity type and specific electrical resistivity, will be discussed. Energy spectra from alpha particles (U-233, Ra-226, and U-233+Pu-239+Pu-238) and from different gamma sources (Cs-137, Co-60, Co-57, Am-241) will be reported.
Sliding charge density wave in manganites
The so-called stripe phase of the manganites is an important example of the complex behaviour of metal oxides, and has long been interpreted as the localisation of charge at atomic sites. Here, we demonstrate via resistance measurements on La_{0.50}Ca_{0.50}MnO_3 that this state is in fact a prototypical charge density wave (CDW) which undergoes collective transport. Dramatic resistance hysteresis effects and broadband noise properties are observed, both of which are typical of sliding CDW systems. Moreover, the high levels of disorder typical of manganites result in behaviour similar to that of well-known disordered CDW materials. Our discovery that the manganite superstructure is a CDW shows that unusual transport and structural properties do not require exotic physics, but can emerge when a well-understood phase (the CDW) coexists with disorder.
Superconductivity at 22.3 K in SrFe2-xIrxAs2
By substituting the Fe with the 5d-transition metal Ir in SrFe2As2, we have successfully synthesized the superconductor SrFe2-xIrxAs2 with Tc = 22.3 K at x = 0.5. X-ray diffraction indicates that the material has formed the ThCr2Si2-type structure with a space group I4/mmm. The temperature dependence of resistivity and dc magnetization both reveal sharp superconducting transitions at around 22 K. An estimate on the diamagnetization signal reveals a high Meissner shielding volume. Interestingly, the normal state resistivity exhibits a roughly linear behavior up to 300 K. The superconducting transitions at different magnetic fields were also measured yielding a slope of -dHc2/dT = 3.8 T/K near Tc. Using the Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg (WHH) formula, the upper critical field at zero K is found to be about 58 T. Counting the possible number of electrons doped into the system in SrFe2-xIrxAs2, we argue that the superconductivity in the Ir-doped system is different from the Co-doped case, which should add more ingredients to the underlying physics of the iron pnictide superconductors.
SiC Graphene Suitable For Quantum Hall Resistance Metrology
We report the first observation of the quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene. The result described in the submitted manuscript fills the yawning gap in the understanding of the electronic properties of this truly remarkable material and demonstrate suitability of the silicon carbide technology for manufactiring large area high quality graphene. Having found the quantum Hall effect in several devices produced on distant parts of a single large-area wafer, we can confirm that material synthesized on the Si-terminated face of SiC promises a suitable platform for the implementations of quantum resistance metrology at elevated temperatures and, in the longer term, opens bright prospects for scalable electronics based on graphene.
Unusual Resistance Hysteresis in n-Layer Graphene Field Effect Transistors Fabricated on Ferroelectric Pb(Zr_0.2Ti_0.8)O_3
We have fabricated n-layer graphene field effect transistors on epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr_0.2Ti_0.8)O_3 (PZT) thin films. At low gate voltages, PZT behaves as a high-k dielectric with k up to 100. An unusual resistance hysteresis occurs in gate sweeps at high voltages, with its direction opposite to that expected from the polarization switching of PZT. The relaxation of the metastable state is thermally activated, with an activation barrier of 50-110 meV and a time constant of 6 hours at 300 K. We attribute its origin to the slow dissociation/recombination dynamics of water molecules adsorbed at the graphene-PZT interface. This robust hysteresis can potentially be used to construct graphene-ferroelectric hybrid memory devices.
Theory of anomalous Hall effect for type-II high-Tc and conventional superconductors
The anomalous Hall effect for type-II superconductors is investigated by random walk theorem. It is shown that the origin of Hall anomaly is induced by the thermally activated vortex bundle flow (TAVBF) over the directional-dependent energy barrier formed by the Magus force, random collective pinning force, and strong pinning force inside the vortex bundles. The directional-dependent potential barrier of the vortex bundles renormalizes the Hall and longitudinal resistivities strongly. Under the framework of present theory, it is also shown that the Hall anomaly is universal for type-II superconductors, either high- or conventional as well as bulk materials or thin films. The conditions for Hall anomaly and reentry phenomenon are derived, the Hall and longitudinal resistivities as well as Hall angle for type-II superconducting films and bulk materials versus temperature and applied magnetic field are calculated. All the results are in agreement with the experiments.
Circuit Modeling of Tunneling Real-Space Transfer Transistors: Toward Terahertz Frequency Operation
High frequency operation of tunneling real-space transfer transistor (TRSTT) in the negative differential resistance (NDR) regime is assessed by calculating the device common source unity current gain frequency (fT) range with a small signal equivalent circuit model including tunneling. Our circuit model is based on an In0.2Ga0.8As and delta-doped GaAs dual channel structure with various gate lengths. The calculated TRSTT fT agrees very well with experimental data, limiting factor being the resistance of the delta-doped GaAs layer. By optimizing the gate dimensions and channel materials, we find fT in the NDR region approaches terahertz range, which anticipates potential use of TRSTT as terahertz sources.
Spin transport parameters in metallic multilayers determined by ferromagnetic resonance measurements of spin pumping
We measured spin transport in nonferromagnetic (NM) metallic multilayers from the contribution to damping due to spin pumping from a ferromagnetic Co90Fe10 thin film. The multilayer stack consisted of NM1/NM2/Co90Fe10(2 nm)/NM2/NM3 with varying NM materials and thicknesses. Using conventional theory for one dimensional diffusive spin transport in metals, we show that the effective damping due to spin pumping can be strongly affected by the spin transport properties of each NM in the multilayer, which permits the use of damping measurements to accurately determine the spin transport properties of the various NM layers in the full five-layer stack. We find that due to its high electrical resistivity, amorphous Ta is a poor spin conductor, in spite of a short spin-diffusion length of 1.0 nm, and that Pt is an excellent spin conductor by virtue of its low electrical resistivity and a spin diffusion length of only 0.5 nm. Spin Hall effect measurements may have underestimated the spin Hall angle in Pt by assuming a much longer spin diffusion length.
Manipulating electronic states at oxide interfaces using focused micro X-rays from standard lab-sources
Recently, x-ray illumination, using synchrotron radiation, has been used to manipulate defects, stimulate self-organization and to probe their structure. Here we explore a method of defect-engineering low-dimensional systems using focused laboratory-scale X-ray sources. We demonstrate an irreversible change in the conducting properties of the 2-dimensional electron gas at the interface between the complex oxide materials LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 by X-ray irradiation. The electrical resistance is monitored during exposure as the irradiated regions are driven into a high resistance state. Our results suggest attention shall be paid on electronic structure modification in X-ray spectroscopic studies and highlight large-area defect manipulation and direct device patterning as possible new fields of application for focused laboratory X-ray sources.