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PhysRevB.101.144414.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 144414 (2020)
Higher-order exceptional points in ferromagnetic trilayers
Tianlin Yu, Huanhuan Yang, Lingling Song, Peng Yan ,*and Yunshan Cao†
School of Electronic Science and Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
(Received 7 February 2020; revised manuscript received 17 March 2020; accepted 19 March 2020;
published 10 April 2020)
Magnetometers with exceptional sensitivity are highly demanded in solving a variety of physical and
engineering problems, such as measuring Earth’s weak magnetic fields and prospecting mineral deposits andgeological structures. It has been shown that the non-Hermitian degeneracy at exceptional points (EPs) canprovide a new route for that purpose, because of the nonlinear response to external perturbations. One recentwork [H. Yang et al. P h y s .R e v .L e t t . 121,197201 (2018 )] has made the first step to realize the second-order
magnonic EP in ferromagnetic bilayers respecting the parity-time symmetry. In this paper, we generalize the ideato higher-order cases by considering ferromagnetic trilayers consisting of a gain, a neutral, and a (balanced-)losslayer. We observe both second- and third-order magnonic EPs by tuning the interlayer coupling strength, theexternal magnetic field, and the gain-loss parameter. We show that the magnetic sensitivity can be enhanced bythree orders of magnitude comparing to the conventional magnetic tunneling junction-based sensors. Our resultspave the way for studying high-order EPs in purely magnetic system and for designing magnetic sensors withultrahigh sensitivity.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.144414
The magnetometer, for measuring the intensity of mag-
netic fields, was first created by Gauss in 1833 [ 1] and has
achieved tremendous progress since then. It has been widelyutilized in mineral explorations [ 2,3], accelerator physics [ 4],
archaeology [ 5], mobile phones [ 6], etc. A long-term goal
in the community is to pursue magnetometers with ultra-high sensitivity. Conventional techniques in magnetic sensorsencompass many aspects of physics. For example, the fluxgate magnetometer works due to the nonlinear characterof soft magnetic materials when they are saturated [ 7,8].
Magnetoresistive devices typically are made of thin stripsof permalloy whose electrical resistance varies with externalmagnetic fields [ 9]. Although different magnetometric devices
are designed based on different physical mechanisms, theyshare a general rule that the variation of the order parameterlinearly varies with respect to the magnetic field. Presently,ultra-high-sensitive magnetometers such as superconductingquantum interference devices can reach a magnetic sensitivityof 1 fT /Hz
1/2, but they require an extremely low working
temperature and an oversized volume [ 10,11]. Seeking a solid-
state, small size, room-temperature magnetometer with ultra-high sensitivity is thus one central issue. Recently, it has beendemonstrated that the peculiar non-Hermitian degeneracy inmagnetic structures [ 12–16] may provide a promising way to
solve the problem.
The Hamiltonian obeying the parity-time ( PT) symmetry
constitutes a special non-Hermitian system, which is invariant
†yunshan.cao@uestc.edu.cnunder combined parity Pand time-reversal Toperations. It
has attracted a lot of attention due to both the fundamen-tal interest in quantum theory [ 17–19] and the promising
application in many fields [ 20–22], such as optics [ 23–25],
tight-binding modeling [ 26,27], acoustics [ 28,29], electronics
[30,31], and very recently in spintronics [ 12–16]. A PT-
symmetric Hamiltonian could exhibit entirely real spectra anda spontaneous symmetry breaking accompanied by a real-to-complex spectra phase transition at the exceptional point(EP) where two or more eigenvalues and their correspondingeigenvectors coalesce simultaneously. In the vicinity of theEP, the eigenfrequency shift follows the 1 /Npower law of the
external perturbation, where Nis the order of the EP. Such a
feature can significantly enhance the sensitivity and has beenobserved by several experiments [ 20,32–35].
PT symmetry and EP in magnetic systems are receiving
growing recent interest. In a simple bilayer structure of twomacrospins with balanced gain and loss, the second-order EP(EP2) was observed at a critical Gilbert damping constant[12]. In Ref. [ 36], it was proposed to realize the pseudo-
Hermiticity in a cavity magnonics system with the third-orderEP (EP3). By taking the spin-wave excitation into account,some of the present authors reported a novel ferromagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transition at the EP thatdepends on the magnon’s wave vector [ 13]. In Ref. [ 14], an
exceptional magnetic sensitivity was predicted in the vicinityof the EP3 for PT-symmetric cavity magnon polaritons.
However, high-order EPs in purely magnetic /magnonic sys-
tem is yet to be explored.
In this work, we propose a ferromagnetic trilayer structure
consisting of a gain, a neutral, and a loss layer to achieve theEP3. We show that, in the vicinity of the EP3, the separationof eigenfrequencies follow a power law /Delta1ω
EP3∝/epsilon11/3. Here,
2469-9950/2020/101(14)/144414(8) 144414-1 ©2020 American Physical SocietyYU, YANG, SONG, YAN, AND CAO PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 144414 (2020)
Oxyz(a) (b)
FIG. 1. (a) Illustration of three exchange-coupled macrospins
consisting of a gain (red), neutral (gray), and (balanced-)loss (blue)
spin. (b) Schematic plot of a ferromagnetic heterostructure with a
gain, neutral, and loss layer, denoted by red, gray, and blue colors,respectively. The magnetizations of all spins are initially along ˆ x
the perturbation /epsilon1comes from the disturbing magnetic field.
We find mode-dependent EPs when the spin-wave excitationis allowed by including the intralayer exchange coupling.A ferromagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic phase transition is ob-served when the PTsymmetry is broken. Our results suggest
a promising way to realize higher-order non-Hermitian degen-eracy in a purely magnetic system and to design magnetome-ter with ultrahigh sensitivities.
The paper is organized as follows. Section IIgives the
macrospin model. The condition for observing EP3 is analyti-cally derived. The one-half and one-third power law aroundEP2 and EP3 are demonstrated, respectively. The effect ofnoise on the magnetic sensitivity is analyzed as well. InSec. III, we extend the idea to ferromagnetic trilayers by
allowing spin-wave excitations. Discussion and conclusionsare drawn in Sec. IV.
We first consider a ternary macrospin structure shown
in Fig. 1(a). The Hamiltonian contains the Zeeman energy,
magnetic anisotropy, and exchange coupling:
where Mn(mn=Mn/Mn) is the spin (unit spin) with subscript
index nlabeling the nth layer ( n=1,2,3),Mnis the saturated
magnetization, B=Bˆxis the external magnetic field applied
on the whole structure, Kn>0 is the uniaxial anisotropy,
λ> 0 is the ferromagnetic exchange-coupling strength be-
tween two adjacent layers, and μ0is the vacuum permeability.
The top and bottom layers are assumed to be the same materialbut with opposite Gilbert damping parameters, to guaran-tee the PT symmetry. The coupled magnetization dynamics
is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation[37,38]:
∂t, (2a)
∂t=−γm2×Beff,2, (2b)
∂t, (2c)where γis the gyromagnetic ratio and α> 0 is the Gilbert
constant employed as the balanced gain-loss parameter. Theeffective magnetic fields read:
1ˆx+λμ0M2m2, (3a)
2ˆx+λμ0M1(m1+m3), (3b)
3ˆx+λμ0M2m2. (3c)
For small-amplitude spatiotemporal magnetization preces-
sion, we assume mn=ˆx+my
n|/lessmuch1. By
substituting Eqs. ( 3) into Eqs. ( 2), and introducing ψn=my
n, we obtain
(i+α)˙ψ1=ωB1ψ1−ωλ2ψ2, (4a)
i˙ψ2=−ωλ1ψ1+ωB2ψ2−ωλ1ψ3, (4b)
(i−α)˙ψ3=−ωλ2ψ2+ωB1ψ3, (4c)
where ωB1=γ(B+K1/M1+λμ0M2),ωB2=γ(B+
K2/M2+2λμ0M1),ωλ1=γλμ 0M1, and ωλ2=γλμ 0M2.
Imposing a harmonic time dependence ψn=φnexp(−iωt),
we have the secular equation:
ωφ=Hφ, (5)
withφ=(φ1,φ2,φ3)T, and
0 −ωλ2
⎟⎠. (6)
A. Eigensolutions
The eigenfrequencies are determined by the zeros of the
characteristic polynomial of ( 6):
aω3+bω2+cω+d=0, (7)
with a=−(1+α2)<0,b=2ωB1+(1+α2)ωB2,c=
B1−2ωB1ωB2, and d=ω2
It is known that if and only if A=B=0, the equation has a
triple real root, where A=b2−3acandB=bc−9ad.W e
therefore arrive at the constraint supporting the EP3:
=0, (8a)
=0. (8b)
To obtain reasonable αandB, we note that the difference
between ωB2andωB1should be close to ωλ2. In the calcula-
tions, we thus choose the annealed and deposited Co 40Fe40B20
[39,40] as the top- (bottom-) and the middle-layer ma-
terials, with the saturation magnetization M1=1.098×
106A/m and M2=1.003×106A/m, and the anisotropy
constant K1=4.36×105J/m3and K2=1.07×105J/m3,
For each λ, we numerically calculate the allowed magnetic
field Band gain-loss parameter α, as shown in Fig. 2(a)
EP3EP2(b) (a)
FIG. 2. (a) Parametric space for EP3. The gray region marks
the allowed values of the external magnetic field B, the gain-loss
parameter α, and the interlayer coupling strength λ. (b) Evolution
of eigenvalues as the gain-loss parameter αforλ=0.18 and B=
29.2 mT. The solid and dashed curves represent the real and imagi-
nary parts of eigenfrequencies, respectively.
with the black and blue curves, respectively. We note that
B>max{−K1/M1−λμ0M2,−K2/M2−2λμ0M1}should be
satisfied to guarantee a stable ferromagnetic ground state andthe typical value of αranges from 0 to 1, leading to the
reasonable parameters labeled by the gray region in Fig. 2(a).
From Fig. 2(a), we can see that the critical α(magnetic field)
decreases (increases) with the increasing of λ. Figure 2(b)
shows a typical evolution of eigenvalues as the gain-lossparameter αforλ=0.18 and B=29.2 mT, in which both
the EP2 and EP3 emerge, marked by green and red dots,respectively.
Next, we discuss the magnetic sensitivity in the vicinity
of EP2 and EP3. The gain-loss parameters α
EP2=0.399 and
αEP3=0.652 are chosen in the following calculations.
B. Perturbing the top spin
Supposing a perturbation /epsilon1only on the top macrospin,
induced by an external magnetic field B/epsilon1, i.e.,/epsilon1=γB/epsilon1/ωλ2,
we modify Eq. ( 5)t o :
/Omega1φ=H/epsilon1φ, (9)
0 −1
⎟⎟⎠. (10)
To highlight the key role played by the order of the EP, we
first investigate the effect of the perturbation on a single-layerferromagnet with /epsilon1ranging from 10
−10to 10−2. We find that
the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency varies linearlywith respect to the perturbation plotted in Figs. 3(a) and
3(b), as naturally expected. Then, we evaluate the variation
of eigenvalues with respect to the perturbation near the EP2and EP3, as depicted in Fig. 3(c)and Fig. 3(e), with the mode
splitting on a logarithmic scale being plotted in Fig. 3(d)
and Fig. 3(f), respectively. We numerically demonstrate that
the separation of frequencies scales as /epsilon1
1/2and/epsilon11/3for EP2
and EP3, respectively. To have a quantitative comparison,we choose /epsilon1=0.005 and calculate the frequency difference.
We identify 0.03 GHz, 0.14 GHz, and 1.23 GHz shift forthe normal FMR, EP2, and EP3 mode, respectively. The(e)
FIG. 3. (a) The FMR frequency for a single-layer ferromagnet as
a function of the perturbation /epsilon1. (b) The frequency shift /Omega1−/Omega10is
depicted in logarithmic coordinates, with the slope being 1. (c) Thevariation of eigenfrequencies near the EP2 as a function of the pertur-
bation. (d) Frequency splitting Re( /Omega1
1−/Omega12) on a logarithmic scale,
with the one-half slope indicating the /epsilon11/2response. (e) The splitting
of eigenfrequencies near EP3 vs the perturbation. Solid and dashed
curves represent numerical and analytical results, respectively.
(f) Frequency splitting of Re( /Omega12−/Omega13) on a logarithmic scale, with
the slope approximately being 0.33, suggesting the /epsilon11/3response.
sensitivity is thus enhanced by 4.7 and 41 times around EP2
and EP3 with respect to the FMR mode, respectively.
In the following, we analytically derive the frequency split-
ting near the EP3, by perturbatively solving the characteristicequation of H
/epsilon1. Based on the Newton-Puiseux series [ 41], we
3+cn3/epsilon1, (11)
with complex coefficients cni(i=1,2,3) [42] and c0=2.28.
Solutions ( 11) are depicted with dashed orange curves in
Fig. 3(e), showing a nice agreement with numerical results.
The (real part) frequency splitting between /Omega11,/Omega12, and/Omega13is
with the leading terms diverging as /epsilon11/3, i.e.,
/Delta1/Omega1 EP3=cωλ2/epsilon11/3, (13)
144414-3YU, YANG, SONG, YAN, AND CAO PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 144414 (2020)
FIG. 4. Evolution of the eigenfrequencies as a function of the
perturbation near the (a) EP2 and (b) EP3 for /epsilon1<0. Inset: frequency
splitting Re( /Omega11−/Omega12)a n dR e ( /Omega11,2−/Omega13) on a logarithmic scale,
with the slopes approximately being 0.5 and 0.33, respectively.
Evolution of the eigenfrequencies as a function of the perturbationnear the (c) EP2 and (d) EP3 for /epsilon1>0. Inset plots the frequency
splitting on a logarithmic scale.
for the separation of /Omega12and/Omega13spectral lines with c=
Supposing the frequency resolution |/Delta1/Omega1 EP3|≈κ, where κ
is FMR linewidth, we can express the magnetic sensitivity as
S=|δB|√κ, (14)
where δB=κ3/(γc3ω2
λ2). Using the following parameters: the
damping constant 0.001, the FMR frequency 5 GHz, κ≈
0.005 GHz, and ωλ2=6.35 GHz, we estimate the sensitivity
as 3×10−14T/Hz1/2, which is three orders of magnitude
higher than the conventional magnetic sensor based on mag-netic tunneling junction [ 43].
C. Perturbing the whole structure
In Sec. II B, we have considered perturbations only on the
top spin. Because of the nonlocal nature of the magnetic field,it may affect the whole macrospin system. For such cases, werewrite the matrix H
0 −1
⎟⎟⎠. (15)
As shown in Fig. 4(a), the eigenfrequency near the EP2 splits
into two branches for /epsilon1<0, with the inset displaying the one-
half power-law behavior. The frequency near the EP3 splitsto two branches as well including two degenerate modes. Theseparation of two frequencies follows the one-third power law,as plotted in Fig. 4(b).F o r/epsilon1>0, the solutions contain a real
root and a pair of complex conjugated roots. The perturbationpushes the spectrum into the exact PT phase region and
thus can not remove the degeneracy of EP2, as depicted inFIG. 5. Sensitivity-diminution factor F0as a function of x0.
Fig. 4(c). Figure 4(d) shows the frequency splitting in the
vicinity of EP3, which is similar to that shown in Fig. 4(b).
When the whole trilayer structure is perturbed for /epsilon1>0, we
find the sensitivity approximately to be 10−14TH z−1/2, which
is the same order of magnitude as the case studied in Sec. II B.
D. Effect from statistical noise
Noise is inevitable in magnetic systems, which may be
caused by material imperfections or fluctuating environments.Following the method in Refs. [ 14,44], we consider a Gaus-
sian distribution of the perturbation /epsilon1:
, (16)
with the signal /epsilon10to be detected and the noise level σ.T h e
ensemble-average sensitivity can be obtained by:
/angbracketleft/Delta1/Omega1 EP3/angbracketright=/integraldisplay+∞
with x=(/epsilon1−/epsilon10)/σandx0=/epsilon10/σ. In the small and large
signal to noise ratio limit, we obtain:
/angbracketleft/Delta1/Omega1 EP3/angbracketright=⎧
0,x0/greatermuch1. (18)
For a large signal to noise ratio, /angbracketleft/Delta1/Omega1 EP3/angbracketrightrecovers
Eq. ( 13). By defining the sensitivity-diminution factor F0=
0/angbracketleft/Delta1/Omega1 EP3/angbracketright, we can evaluate the influence of noise
on the sensitivity, which is plotted in Fig. 5. It shows that the
sensor performs well when x0>1.
In this section, we extend the macrospin model to trilayer
ferromagnets, which include both intralayer and interlayerexchange couplings, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The Hamiltonian
of the system is then given by:
where Mn,i(mn,i=Mn,i/Mn,i) is the spin (unit spin) at the
ith site in the nth layer ( n=1,2,3) with the saturation
magnetization Mn,i,Jn>0 is the intralayer exchange coupling
constant, /angbracketlefti,j/angbracketrightsums over all nearest-neighbor sites in the
same layer, and Bn,i=Bn,iˆxis the external magnetic field
at the ith site in the nth layer. The last term in the model
Hamiltonian ( 19) describes the interlayer exchange coupling
between layer 1 and layer 2, and between layer 2 and layer3. In the calculations, we adopt the same material parametersas the macrospin model and consider the intralayer exchangecoupling constant J
1,2,3=J=2.44×107J/m3. A homoge-
neous magnetic field is assumed to be applied over the wholesystem, i.e., B
The magnetization dynamics is described by the LLG
equation ( 2) but with the following effective fields:
where J/summationtext
/angbracketlefti,j/angbracketrightmn,jrepresents J[mn,(ix−1)a,iya+mn,(ix+1)a,iya+
mn,ixa,(iy−1)a+mn,ixa,(iy+1)a] with ( ixa,iya) being the coordi-
nate of the ith unit spin vector, ix(y)is an integer, and ais the
lattice constant.
Considering a small-angle dynamics, we set mn,i=ˆx+
n,i|/lessmuch1. Substituting the effective field
into Eqs. ( 2) and imposing the complex scalar fields ψn,i=
n,i, we obtain:
ψ3,i+α˙ψ3,i, (21)FIG. 6. The external magnetic field and gain-loss parameter
dependence on the interlayer coupling strength λat EP3 for
(a) ( kx,ky)=(π
30a,0) and (b) (π
20a,0). The gray region marks the
parametric space allowing the EP3. (c) Evolution of eigenvalues
with respect to the gain-loss parameter αforλ=0.175 and B=
99 mT at ( kx,ky)=(π
30a,0). (d) The real and imaginary parts of the
eigenvalues as a function of the gain-loss parameter αforλ=0.158
andB=170 mT at ( kx,ky)=(π
with the abbreviation/summationtext
Expanding the spatiotemporal magnetization in terms of
plane waves ψn,i=φn,iexp(ik·r−iωt), we have:
ωφi=Hiφi, (22)
0 −ωλ2
⎟⎠, (23)
andφi=(φ1,i,φ2,i,φ3,i)T, where ω/prime
K1/M1+λμ0M2) and ω/prime
2λμ0M1) with ˜ ωn(kx,ky)=2γJ/Mn[2−cos(kxa)−cos(kya)].
It is straightforward to see that, for kx=ky=0, Eq. ( 22)
is reduced to Eq. ( 5). We aim to search for all EPs in
ferromagnetic trilayers. Following Ref. [ 13], we know that
the emergence of EP3 depends on magnon’s wave vector k=
(kx,ky). As two examples, we set k=(π
30a,0) and (π
without loss of generality, to illustrate the condition support-ing the EP3, which are depicted in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b),
respectively. We then explicitly demonstrate the emergenceof EP3 in Fig. 6(c) and Fig. 6(d). We observe that the EP2
appears for all spin-wave modes. At a given ( k
x,ky), there
exists a critical gain-loss parameter αc, beyond which the
exact PTsymmetry is broken. We plot the distribution of the
critical gain-loss parameter over the entire Brillouin zone inFig.7(a). The red circle marks the critical αfor the emergence
of EP3. In comparison to previous work [ 13], we did not note
a special region where the PT symmetry is never broken.
This is due to the fact that the chiral spin-spin coupling, i.e.,
144414-5YU, YANG, SONG, YAN, AND CAO PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 144414 (2020)
FIG. 7. (a) Contour plot of the critical gain-loss parameters
dependence on spin-wave modes k. The parameters are identical
to the ones in Fig. 6(c). (b) FM-AFM phase diagram of the PT-
symmetric trilayer and bilayer in α-λplane. The solid and dashed
curves represent the phase boundary in the two cases.
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, is absent in the present
As first predicted in Ref. [ 13], for a PT-symmetry fer-
romagnetic bilayer, antiferromagnetism could emerge in thePT broken phase. As to the ferromagnetic trilayer, it can
exhibit a FM-AFM phase transition as well. In Fig. 7(a),w e
find that the minimum of α
c(k) appears at the boundary of
the Brillouin zone. We calculate the corresponding criticalgain-loss parameter at k=(±
a) for different λ,
a), (24)
, (25)
B2, (26)as plotted by the solid black curve in Fig. 7(b), in which
the blue and red regions represent the AFM and FMphases, respectively. The phase boundary for PT-symmetric
bilayer is
marked by the dashed line in Fig. 7(b), as a comparison.
Negative damping (gain) is the key to realize our pro-
posal. In previous work [ 12,13], it has been suggested that
the spin transfer torque, the parametric driving, the ferro-magnetic|ferroelectric heterostructure [ 45], and the interac-
tion between magnetic system and environment [ 46–48]a r e
possible mechanisms to achieve the magnetic gain. Slavinet al. analytically demonstrated that the main effect of the
spin-polarized current in a free magnetic layer is a negativedamping [ 49]. In Ref. [ 50], the Slonczewski form of the spin
torque is treated as a negative damping too.
To achieve the EP3, FM coupling between two adjacent
layers should fall into the allowed parametric space, whichcan be realized by tuning the thickness of the nonmagneticspacer between them [ 51,52]. A single-mode spin wave can
be excited via the Brillouin light scattering technique [ 53,54],
which is essential to observe the mode-dependent EP3.
In the present model, we have assumed that the middle
layer is dissipationless. However, a more realistic case is thatit suffers a positive damping α
m. In this case, we expect that
the mode coalescence will disappear. Indeed, we find that agap opens at the original exceptional point with the frequencysplitting following the one-third power law /Delta1ω
shown). This feature could provide a new method to determinematerials damping parameter with an ultrahigh sensitivity.
In summary, we have theoretically investigated the dy-
namics of PT-symmetric ternary macrospin structure and
ferromagnetic trilayer. We observed both EP2 and EP3 underproper materials parameters. We demonstrated the one-halfand one-third power-law response to external perturbationsin the vicinity of EP2 and EP3, respectively. Outstandingmagnetic sensitivities were identified in the vicinity of EP3.Our results open the door for observing higher-order EPs inall-magnetic structures and for designing ultra-high-sensitivemagnetometers.
This work was supported by the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China (Grants No. 11704060 and No.11604041).
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PhysRevA.95.013620.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 013620 (2017)
Geometrically frustrated coarsening dynamics in spinor Bose-Fermi mixtures
Nguyen Thanh Phuc,1Tsutomu Momoi,1,2Shunsuke Furukawa,3Yuki Kawaguchi,4Takeshi Fukuhara,1and Masahito Ueda1,3
1Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
2Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
3Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
4Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
(Received 7 March 2016; revised manuscript received 4 September 2016; published 19 January 2017)
Coarsening dynamics theory describes equilibration of a broad class of systems. By studying the relaxation
of a periodic array of microcondensates immersed in a Fermi gas, which mediates long-range spin interactionsto simulate frustrated classical magnets, we show that coarsening dynamics can be suppressed by geometricalfrustration. The system is found to eventually approach a metastable state which is robust against random fieldnoise and characterized by finite correlation lengths together with the emergence of topologically stable Z
vortices. We find universal scaling laws with no thermal-equilibrium analog that relate the correlation lengthsand the number of vortices to the degree of frustration in the system.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.013620
Coarsening dynamics theory [ 1,2] has been developed to
describe the phase-ordering kinetics following a quench suchas a ferromagnet suddenly quenched below the Curie point,a binary alloy undergoing phase separation, and a spinorBose gas quenched across a phase transition point [ 3–5]. An
important assumption of this theory is that domain structuresand correlation functions at different times in the equilibration
process differ only in the overall length scale, and that
this length scale grows in time according to the power lawξ(t)∝t
1/zwhere zis the dynamical critical exponent. Such
a scaling has been examined numerically and experimentallyin several models of relaxation dynamics that differ in thesymmetry of the order parameter manifold and the type ofconserved quantities.
Frustration, on the other hand, has long been among the
most challenging issues in condensed matter physics [ 6–9].
Geometrical frustration arises, for example, in a triangularlattice with an antiferromagnetic interaction, where spinscannot align in any energetically favored antiparallel con-figuration and must instead compromise between competingconfigurations [ 7,10]. Magnetic frustration gives rise to a
huge degeneracy in the classical ground-state manifold of
the system, leading to exotic phases such as spin ice with
a macroscopically large residual entropy at zero tempera-ture [ 11–13] and spin liquids, in which constituent spins
are highly correlated yet strongly fluctuate down to abso-lute zero [ 14–16]. Frustrated spin systems also provide a
platform for various emergent phenomena such as hiddenspin nematic order [ 17,18], extended criticality [ 19–21], and
magnetic monopoles [ 22–24]. The presence of geometrical
frustration is often diagnosed by its susceptibility fingerprintin thermodynamic measurements [ 16,25].
In the present work, by studying the relaxation of a periodic
array of those microcondensates immersed in a cloud offermionic atoms which can mimic frustrated classical magnets,we show that the coarsening dynamics can be suppressedby geometrical frustration. The system then approaches ametastable state which has the same local order as the groundstate but with finite correlation lengths. It is remarkable thatthis frustration-induced metastable state is robust against botha random field noise and a small tunneling rate of atoms
between microcondensates. Unlike conventional ultracoldatomic systems where the small superexchange interactionbetween two neighboring atomic spins is used [ 26,27], the
present spinor Bose-Fermi mixtures can provide a platform tocreate long-range spin interactions between microcondensatesthat can extend beyond nearest-neighbor (NN) sites. Theinteractions are generated through the fermionic mediumand enhanced in strength by Bose condensation. The signand magnitude of the spin interactions can be tuned byvarying the densities of fermions and bosons, allowing for anantiferromagnetic interaction which is the needed element formagnetic frustration. Compared with the Ising [ 28],XY[29],
and anisotropic XXZ [30,31] antiferromagnets, all of which
have been simulated by ultracold atoms, our system realizes anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin model. By vary-ing the strength of next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) interactionthat lifts the macroscopic degeneracy in the highly frustratedkagome lattice, the correlation lengths of the metastable statecan be changed, allowing us to investigate its universal criticalproperties. In particular, we find new scaling laws with nothermal-equilibrium analog that relate the correlation lengthsto the degree of frustration in the system. Furthermore, we findthat the metastable state characterized by finite correlationlengths contains Z
2vortices which are topologically stable
in triangular and kagome lattices, both of which have beenrealized for ultracold atoms [ 32,33]. The number of generated
2vortices is also related to the degree of frustration through
a scaling law. The formation of Z 2vortices can be directly
observed in our system with a spin-resolved measurement [ 34].
The paper is organized as follows. Section IIintroduces
the system of spinor Bose-Fermi mixtures used to study thespin relaxation dynamics of frustrated classical magnets. The
magnitudes of spin interactions are evaluated for a mixture
87Rb and7Li atoms. Section IIInumerically studies the
time evolution of the magnetizations of microcondensateswhich are placed on two types of lattices with geometricalfrustration: triangular and kagome lattices. In Sec. III A ,
the time dependencies of nearest-neighbor spin and chiralitycorrelations are investigated, from which it is evident thatthe system forms the same local order as the ground state
2469-9926/2017/95(1)/013620(12) 013620-1 ©2017 American Physical SocietyNGUYEN THANH PHUC et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 013620 (2017)
after a moderately short time. In Sec. III B , the development
of long-range correlations over a long time is investigated,which shows that the system approaches a robust metastablestate characterized by finite correlation lengths. In Sec. III C ,
the generation of Z
2vortices, which are topologically stable
excitations in triangular and kagome lattices, is investigated.The location of these vortices can be experimentally deter-mined from the spatial distributions of the three componentsof magnetization of the microcondensates. Section IVstudies
the critical properties of the metastable state, in which scalinglaws relating the correlation lengths and the number of vorticesto the degree of frustration in the system are found. The criticalexponents, which are independent of the initial condition, arefound to change from one ground state to another, which canqualitatively be understood by examining the energy landscapeof the system. Section Vconcludes the paper. The detailed
derivation of the effective interaction between bosons mediatedby fermions and the evaluation of the magnitudes of spininteractions are given in Appendixes AandB, respectively.
Consider a two-dimensional periodic array of microconden-
sates in an optical lattice immersed in a harmonically trappeddegenerate Fermi gas as illustrated in Fig. 1. We assume
that the spatial variation of the harmonic trapping potentialis smooth over the length scale of the inverse Fermi wavenumber k
Fso that the Fermi gas can be regarded as uniform.
For the sake of concreteness, we consider spin-187Rb BECs
and spin-1 /26Li fermions [ 35–37]. The interaction between
bosons and fermions can be decomposed as
V(r1,r2)=δ(r1−r2)[g0ˆ1+g1ˆF1·ˆF2], (1)
where g0=4π/planckover2pi12(2a3/2+a1/2)/(3M) andg1=8π/planckover2pi12(a3/2−
a1/2)/(3M) with a3/2anda1/2being the scattering lengths for
the total hyperfine spin Ftot=3/2 and 1 /2, respectively. Here
M=MbMf/(Mb+Mf) is the reduced mass of bosons with
massMband fermions with mass Mf;ˆ1 and ˆFdenote the
identity and spin operators, respectively. The spin-exchangeinteraction governs the spin dynamics of the system. Weconsider a typical case in which the interaction energies aremuch smaller than the Fermi energy. By using the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation [ 38] to adiabatically eliminate the virtual
FIG. 1. Spinor Bose-Fermi mixture consisting of an array of
microcondensates immersed in a degenerate Fermi gas. The conden-sates, whose magnetizations are represented by blue solid arrows,
are located at the lattice sites of an optical lattice (grid), while
spin-1 /2 fermions (brown spheres with arrows) move freely (zigzag
trajectories) in a harmonic trapping potential [magenta (light gray)].particle-hole excitations in the Fermi gas, we obtain the
following effective interaction between microcondensates (seeAppendix Afor details):
dr/primeλ(kF|r−r/prime|)ˆF(r)·ˆF(r/prime), (2)
where V0=g2
F/(64π3/planckover2pi12) and the kernel λ(x)=
[sin(2x)−2xcos(2x)]/x4is the same as that of the
RKKY interaction in magnetic metals [ 39–41]. For spin-
1 bosons, the spin density operator is given by ˆF(r)=/summationtext1
m(r)fmnˆψn(r), where ˆψmis the annihilation opera-
tor of bosons in the Zeeman sublevel m=1,0,−1 and fmnis
the matrix element of the spin-1 matrix vector.
As the typical size of a microcondensate is much smaller
than the spin healing length, the single-mode approximationis valid [ 42–44]. This implies that the three spin components
share the same spatial distribution, and thus a microcondensateat lattice site jis characterized by an order parameter
j=√Nb(χ1,j,χ0,j,χ−1,j)T, where Nbis the total number of
particles in a microcondensate and the spinor order parameteris normalized to unity:
m=−1|χm,j|2=1. (3)
Suppose that the spatial distribution of particles in a microcon-
densate is described by a wave function φ(r) localized around
the corresponding lattice site, i.e., ˆψm(r)=/summationtext
where ˆam,jis the annihilation operator of a boson with spin
statemin the microcondensate at lattice site j. Then we can
express the interaction energy in terms of the spinor orderparameter as
(i,j)JijSi·Sj, (4)
where Sj=/summationtext1
m,jfmnχn,j. The coupling constants J0
andJijare given by
×|φ(r−ri)φ(r/prime−rj)|2. (6)
In addition to the above effective interaction ( 2) mediated by
fermions, spin-1 bosons in each microcondensate can interactdirectly with one another through the contact interaction.This results in an interaction energy having the same formas the first term in Eq. ( 4) with the coefficient J
placed by J/prime
d3r|φ(r)|4, where c1=4π/planckover2pi12(a2−
a0)/(3Mb) with a2anda0being the scattering lengths of
two bosons in the total-spin Ftot=2 and Ftot=0 channels,
respectively [ 45,46]. Therefore, the total interaction energy
of the system is given by Eq. ( 4) with J0replaced by ˜J0=
0. In the following, however, to avoid an unnecessary
complication we use the notation of J0in place of the total
coupling constant ˜J0.
Each microcondensate becomes a giant spin and the spin
interactions are enhanced by the Bose-Einstein condensation.Their signs and magnitudes can be tuned by varying the densityn
fof fermions, the spatial extent dof a microcondensate, and
the lattice constant a. For example, if we consider a mixture
of87Rb and6Li with Nb/similarequal1000 and nf/similarequal5×109cm−3
in a triangular or kagome lattice with a/similarequal4.6μm and an
isotropic harmonic distribution φ(r)=e−r2/(4d2)/(2πd2)3/4
F/2/similarequal1μm, the onsite, NN, and NNN inter-
actions are estimated to be J0//planckover2pi1/similarequal− 300 Hz ,J1//planckover2pi1/similarequal70 Hz,
andJ2//planckover2pi1/similarequal− 7 Hz, respectively (see Appendix Bfor details).
Long-range spin interactions beyond J2are negligibly small.
These coupling constants can be made even larger by, forexample, elongating the microcondensates in the directionperpendicular to the 2D lattice. Since J
0<0 and J1>0, the
microcondensates tend to be polarized locally, and interactwith one another by an antiferromagnetic NN interaction.
We now study the relaxation dynamics of the spinor micro-
condensate ensemble. Since the atomic interactions are smallcompared with the critical temperature of the Bose-Einsteincondensation and the number of particles are sufficiently largein each microcondensate, the dynamics of the system canbe described by the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii (GP)equation [ 47]. In addition to the effective spin interaction
described above, the coupling between bosons and fermionsalso leads to a spin relaxation of the microcondensatescharacterized by a nonlocal Gilbert damping term γ(|r−r
in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation generalized toa spatially inhomogeneous spin system:
d3r/primeγ(r,r/prime)˙m(r/prime,t). (7)
Here, mis the unit vector representing the direction of the
local spin density, Beffis the effective local magnetic field, and
˙mdenotes the time derivative of m. Similar to the kernel
λin the RKKY interaction, the fermion-induced nonlocal
Gilbert damping γ(r,r/prime) is an oscillating and rapidly decaying
function of the distance |r−r/prime|[48]. Therefore, the dominant
contribution to the spin relaxation of a microcondensate arisesfrom the dynamics of the condensate’s particles, leading to aneffective local LLG equation:
j+/Gamma1Sj×˙Sj, (8)
with the effective Gilbert damping of /Gamma1=
F//planckover2pi14. Using the parameters
of the87Rb -6Li mixture, we find /Gamma1∼0.1. On the other hand,
the spin relaxation of a ferromagnetic BEC can equivalently betaken into account by adding the Gilbert damping coefficient/Gamma1to the left-hand side of the GP equation [ 49], yielding
(9)(a) (b)
FIG. 2. Triangular (a) and kagome (b) lattices. Each plaquette i
contains the magnetizations Si,1,Si,2,Si,3at three vertices and the
spin chirality Cidefined by Eq. ( 11). In the ground state of an
antiferromagnet, the magnetizations form an angle of 120◦with
one another due to frustration. The magnetizations in blue shadedplaquettes are identical in the ground state, and the winding number
of Z
2vortices is calculated along the directed loops (big red triangles
with arrows) connecting these plaquettes (see the main text fordetails). The vectors a
1,a2,b1,b2are coordinate axes. (c) The spin
and chirality vectors form a structure similar to a tetrahedron with
color-labeled vertices.
We numerically solve Eq. ( 9) to find the spin relaxation
dynamics of the system in two types of lattices with ge-ometrical frustration: triangular and kagome lattices (seeFig. 2). Here, we use the open boundary condition to simulate
realistic experiments; the number of sites in one directionof the Bravais lattice is L=100, and the normalization of
the order parameter χ
m,j [Eq. ( 3)] is performed at each
time step to ensure the conservation of the number ofparticles in each microcondensate. It has been numericallyjustified that the normalization of the order parameter givesthe same time evolution as that obtained by introducing aset of Lagrangian multipliers μ
j’s to the energy functional:
m|χm,j|2. Here, the conservation of the number
of particles in each microcondensate results in μj=(2J0Sj+/summationtext
i/negationslash=jJijSi)·Sj. Moreover, since we concentrate here on the
stationary state that the system eventually approaches, we donot include in Eq. ( 9) random fluctuations associated with the
dissipation of the system.
As an initial state, we first consider the case in which
most of the atoms in the condensates are prepared in them
F=1 hyperfine state. Since the perfect ferromagnetic state
is a steady state, there would be no time evolution startingfrom such a state. However, in reality the system will bedriven away from the initial state by a small fluctuation inthe population distribution among different hyperfine stateswhich may arise from the imperfection in the preparationprocess, experimental noises, and finite-temperature effects.If one percent of particles occupy each of the m
F=0 and
mF=− 1 hyperfine states, the spinor order parameter at t=0
is given by
0.98,χ 0,j=0.1eiϕ0,χ −1,j=0.1eiϕ−1,(10)
where the phases ϕ0andϕ−1are chosen randomly.
A. Short-time evolution: local-order formation
In a moderately short time, the system forms the same local
order as the ground state, in which the three magnetization
013620-3NGUYEN THANH PHUC et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 013620 (2017)
FIG. 3. Time dependences of nearest-neighbor spin and chirality
correlations of the system on triangular and kagome lattices. Here,
the time is measured in units of /planckover2pi1/J1,w h e r e J1>0 is the nearest-
neighbor antiferromagnetic spin interaction. For the kagome lattice,
the next-nearest-neighbor spin interaction J2=− 0.1J1is added to
lift the degeneracy in the ground-state manifold.
vectors in each triangular plaquette make an angle of 120◦
with each other (see Fig. 2). Figure 3shows the time-dependent
nearest-neighbor spin correlation gNN
s≡/angbracketleftSi·Sj/angbracketrightand nearest-
neighbor chirality correlation gNN
c≡/angbracketleftCμ·Cν/angbracketrightof the system
on the triangular and kagome lattices. Here, the chirality vectorC
μof plaquette μis defined as
withSμ,1,Sμ,2,Sμ,3being the magnetizations at three vertices
of plaquette μ[see Fig. 2(a)], and /angbracketleft ···/angbracketright indicates the average
over all pairs of nearest neighbors. It is clear from Fig. 3that
for both triangular and kagome lattices after t/similarequal50/planckover2pi1/J1,gNN
approaches −0.5 which is its value for the ground state,
reflecting the fact that each magnetization makes an angle of120
◦with its neighbors. It is also evident that gNN
its value of −1 for the ground state, although in a longer time
To provide yet another evidence of the local spin structure,
we show in Fig. 4the Fourier transform gs(k)o ft h es p i n
correlation function gs(r). The two peaks are clearly seen
atk1,2=± (˜a1−˜a2)/3, where ˜a1and ˜a2are the reciprocal
lattice vectors with respect to the basis vectors a1anda2of
the Bravais lattice. The widths of these peaks are inverselyproportional to the spin correlation length. If we take thelimit of delta-function-like Bragg peaks, and make an inverseFourier transformation, we obtain the spin correlation functionas
, (12)
where r=x1a1+x2a2.H e r ew eu s e d ˜ai·aj=2πδij(i,j=
1,2). This is consistent with the 120◦spin structure in each
plaquette.FIG. 4. Fourier transform gs(k) of the spin correlation function
of the system in (a) triangular and (b) kagome lattices at timeJ
1t//planckover2pi1=100. Here k1andk2are the components of momentum k
along the directions given by vectors ˜a1and ˜a2, which are reciprocal
to the basis vectors a1anda2of the Bravais lattice, respectively
(|a1|=|a2|=a). For the kagome lattice, the next-nearest-neighbor
spin interaction J2=− 0.1J1is added to lift the degeneracy in the
ground-state manifold.
B. Long-time evolution: robust metastable state
To study the long-range correlations of the system in
a long-time evolution, we have numerically evaluated thespin-correlation and chirality-correlation lengths ξ
a time scale as long as t/similarequal2000/planckover2pi1/J1. Since the system is
in a nonequilibrium state and due to a finite-size effect, thespin- and chirality-correlation functions g
s(r) and gc(r)d o
not follow rigorous exponential functions and show a smallanisotropy. The correlation lengths, however, can be estimatedby the distances at which the magnitudes of the correlationfunctions drop to halves of their maximum values in a specificdirection. To obtain the values of ξ
sandξc, we have calculated
gs(r) andgc(r) along the symmetry axis of the lattices, i.e.,
along the direction of the unit vector b1(see Fig. 2). Due
to the discrete lattice structure, a systematic error equal tohalf of the lattice constant should be added to the error barsof the correlation lengths. Moreover, since the correlationlengths are determined here by the first lattice points at whichthe magnitudes of the corresponding correlation functions
drop to below halves of their maximum values, the values
of correlation lengths are expected to be shifted on averageby half of the lattice constant. Those effects of the discretelattice structure have been taken into account in the numericalevaluations of ξ
Figure 5shows representative time evolutions of the spin-
correlation length ξsand chirality-correlation length ξcfor the
triangular and kagome lattices. It is clear from Fig. 5that the
spin systems in lattices with geometrical frustration approach ametastable state with finite ξ
sandξc, in contrast to the standard
picture of coarsening dynamics where the correlation lengthsgrow indefinitely.
Unlike typical metastable states in many-body systems
which often decay to the ground state as a small random fieldis added, the frustration-induced metastable state turns out tobe robust against such a noise. To investigate the robustnessof the metastable state with finite correlation lengths against arandom noise, we add both temporally and spatially dependent
FIG. 5. Time-dependent spin-correlation and chirality-
correlation lengths, ξsandξc, for the triangular and kagome lattices.
Here, time is measured in units of /planckover2pi1/J1,w h e r e J1>0i st h e
nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic interaction, and the correlation
lengths are measured in units of the system’s size L. For the kagome
lattice, the next-nearest-neighbor interaction J2=− 0.1J1is added
to lift the degeneracy in the ground-state manifold. The stepwise
feature in the evolutions of ξsandξcis a consequence of the fact that
the correlation lengths are only determined by integer multiples of
the lattice constant (see the text for details). The early stage of the
evolution ( J1t//planckover2pi1/lessorequalslant70) is not shown here as the initial ferromagnetic
spin order remains dominant and thus the antiferromagnetic spin
correlation length is ill-defined.
magnetic field B(r,t) with a fixed magnitude |B(r,t)|=B0
but pointing in a random direction. A representative time
evolution of the spin- and chirality-correlation lengths forB
0=/planckover2pi1J1/gLμB(i.e., the Zeeman energy due to the random
field has the same magnitude as the spin interaction), where μB
is the Bohr magneton and gLis the Land ´eg-factor, is shown
in Fig. 6. It is clear that the system approaching a metastable
state with finite correlation lengths is robust against the randomnoise. Moreover, by varying the strength of the random fieldover a wide range (0 .01/planckover2pi1J
1/gLμB/lessorequalslantB0/lessorequalslant2/planckover2pi1J1/gLμB), we
find that the steady-state values of the correlation lengths
almost remain unchanged to within their error bars, which
indicates that the noise-robust finite correlation lengths shouldresult from the frustration in the system rather than fromthe high-temperature equivalent random fluctuations. Themetastable state is also robust against the introduction ofa small tunneling of atoms between lattice sites as shownin Fig. 7. In this case, a repulsive onsite spin-independent
interaction of bosons (e.g.,
87Rb) is added to the generalized
GP equation ( 9) to avoid the collapse of the system as all
particles tend to accumulate at one single lattice site. In thepresence of atomic tunneling, the normalization of the orderparameter changes to/summationtext
m|χm,j|2=N, where Nis the
number of lattice sites.
It is evident from Fig. 5that the growth of the long-
range correlation in the system slows down with increasinggeometrical frustration, i.e., changing from the triangular tokagome lattices. Moreover, the growth of ξ
cis always slower
than that of ξs. This can be understood as a collective effectFIG. 6. Time evolutions of the spin-correlation length (black,
solid) and chirality-correlation length (red, dashed) of the systemon the triangular lattice with a random magnetic field of strength
0=/planckover2pi1J1/gLμB,w h e r e μBis the Bohr magneton. The random
field varies both temporally and spatially with a fixed magnitude|B(r,t)|=B
0but pointing in a random direction.
since the formation of a spin chirality vector of a triangular
plaquette involves the magnetizations at three vertices.
C. Topological excitations: Z 2vortices
The finite correlation lengths in Sec. III B suggest that
spin domains appear in the metastable state. Similar to the
quench dynamics through a second-order phase transition withspontaneous symmetry breaking [ 50–52], the formation of
spin domains here is expected to accompany the emergence
FIG. 7. Time evolutions of the spin-correlation length (black,
solid) and chirality-correlation length (red, dashed) of the system
in the triangular lattice with a small tunneling rate of atoms between
lattice sites. The tunneling is introduced by adding a hopping termt/summationtext
m,iam,j)w i t h t=0.1J1to the Hamiltonian
of the system. A repulsive onsite spin-independent interaction of
bosons J00/summationtext
m/prime,jam/prime,jam,jwithJ00=10J1is also added
to avoid the collapse of the system.
013620-5NGUYEN THANH PHUC et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 013620 (2017)
FIG. 8. Spatial distributions of (a) the winding number of Z 2
vortices and (b)–(d) three components Sx,Sy,Szof the magnetization
of the system in the triangular lattice at time J1t//planckover2pi1=100. The
winding number and the magnetization are represented by the gray
scale and the color gauge, respectively. Here x1andx2are the spatial
coordinates of the Bravais lattice in the directions given by unit vectors
b1andb2in Fig. 2. The arrows indicate the position of a representative
of topological defects. Specifically, for an antiferromagnet in
either the triangular or the kagome lattices, the local-orderformation in Sec. III A results in the three magnetizations in
each plaquette making an angle of 120
◦with one another.
The three magnetizations and the spin chirality vector of aplaquette then form a tetrahedron, whose free rotation in spaceyields the SO(3) order-parameter manifold of the system.As the first homotopy group of this manifold is given byπ
1(SO(3) )=Z2, there can exist a stable topological defect
called Z 2vortex [ 53,54]. To obtain the spatial distribution
of the Z 2vortices, we first calculate the winding number of
the rotation of the tetrahedron along a loop (a red triangle)that connects three blue shaded plaquettes in Figs. 2(a)
and2(b). In the ground state, those plaquettes have the same
spin configuration. The SO(3) rotation of the tetrahedron is
specified by a rotation axis nand a rotation angle θ, which can
be obtained from the SO(3) rotation matrix Rby noticing
thatnis the eigenvector of Rwith the eigenvalue 1 and
Tr(R)=1+2 cosθ, where Tr denotes the trace of a matrix.
To distinguish a 2 πrotation from no rotation, we use the
SU(2) representation of the SO(3) rotation as given by thematrix U=e
−iθn·σ/2.H e r e σrefers to the vector of Pauli
matrices. With this representation, a Z 2vortex with a winding
number n=1g i v e s U=−Iwhile a nontopological spin
configuration gives U=I, where Iis the 2 ×2 identity
matrix. A representative spatial distribution of the windingnumber of Z
2vortices for the triangular lattice is shown
in Fig. 8(a). The local broadening of the winding number
distribution at the positions of Z 2vortices should be associated
with the fact that the above assumption of the local 120◦
spin configuration is not fully satisfied as the system is notin the ground state. The Z
2vortices can be experimentallyobserved by using a spin-resolved measurement [ 34]o ft h e
three components Sx,Sy, andSzof the magnetization as shown
in Figs. 8(b)–8(d). Here, all the spatial distributions are coarse
grained over the sublattice [containing blue shaded plaquettesin Figs. 2(a) and2(b)] where the spin configuration becomes
homogeneous in the ground state.
While the ground state is uniquely determined (up to a
global spin rotation) for antiferromagnets in the triangularlattice with a NN interaction J
1>0, there is a macroscopically
large degeneracy in the classical ground-state manifold of thesystem in the kagome lattice due to geometrical frustration.To lift this degeneracy and to induce a long-range spin order,a NNN interaction J
2/negationslash=0 is needed. The J2dependencies of
the long-time correlation lengths ξsandξcand the number
of vortices Nvare shown in Fig. 9forJ2<0. Here the data
are averaged over the random phases of spinor componentsin the initial state. The error bars involve both the limitedprecision in determining the correlation lengths due to thediscrete lattice structure and the statistical standard deviationdue to the random initial phases. It is evident that the corre-lation lengths ξ
sandξcincrease with increasing magnitude
ofJ2by which frustration is reduced, while the number
of vortices Nvdecreases as the spin domains get bigger.
Linear relations in logarithmic scales in Fig. 9imply the
scaling laws of ξs,ξc, andNvwith respect to |J2|.U s i n gt h e
least-square fitting procedure, we find ξs∼|J2|α,ξc∼|J2|β,
andNv∼|J2|−γwithα=0.33±0.03,β=0.35±0.04, and
γ=0.63±0.03. The relation of α/similarequalβ/similarequalγ/2 to within their
error bars can be understood by the fact that the numberof vortices is approximately equal to the area of the system
FIG. 9. Dependencies of the spin-correlation length ξs(black
triangles), the chirality-correlation length ξc(red squares), and
the number of Z 2vortices Nv(green circles) on the ratio of the
next-nearest-neighbor interaction J2<0 to the nearest-neighbor one
J1>0 for the system on the kagome lattice. They are evaluated at a
fixed time t=200/planckover2pi1/J1in the dynamics of the system and displayed
in the logarithmic scales. The correlation lengths are measured in
units of the system size. The averages are taken over 10 initial states
with random phases in the spinor components. Straight lines showthe least-square fittings of the corresponding numerical data.
FIG. 10. Critical exponents α,β,a n dγfor three different condi-
tions with the initial state being either ferromagnetic or paramagnetic
(the polar state) and for different values of the energy dampingrate/Gamma1.
divided by the area of a spin domain which is approximately
given by the correlation length squared.
To check the universality of the above scaling laws, we
investigate the spin relaxation dynamics and the frustration-induced metastable state of the system with a varying system’sparameter (the Gilbert damping rate /Gamma1)a sw e l la sw i t h
changing between the initial ferromagnetic state and the initialparamagnetic polar state where most of the particles in thecondensate occupy the m
F=0 Zeeman magnetic sublevel.
The result is shown in Fig. 10. It is clear that the critical
exponents α,β, andγdepend on neither the magnitude of
the energy damping rate nor the initial condition to withintheir error bars. This implies their universality. In obtainingthe critical exponents, ξ
s,ξc, andNvare evaluated at a fixed
time of t=200/planckover2pi1/J1in the dynamics of the system. By
comparing the values of α,β, andγat several time points up to
t=300/planckover2pi1/J1, we find that the values of those critical exponents
do not change with time to within their error bars. Hence we
expect that the time dependencies of the correlation lengths
and the number of Z 2vortices in the kagome lattice should
have the forms of ξs(t)/L=f1(tJ1//planckover2pi1)(J2/J1)α,ξc(t)/L=
f2(tJ1//planckover2pi1)(J2/J1)β, andNv(t)=f3(tJ1//planckover2pi1)(J2/J1)−γ, where l
is the size of the system and f1(x),f2(x), andf3(x) are dimen-
sionless functions that saturate at large values ( x/greaterorsimilar1000).
We also investigate the spin relaxation dynamics and the
metastable state of the system for J2>0. When the NNN
interaction J2changes its sign from negative to positive,
the ground state of the system changes from the√
N´eel state to the q=0N ´eel state [ 55]. The numerically
obtained values of the critical exponents α,β, and γfor
J2>0a r es h o w ni nF i g . 11in comparison with those for
J2<0. We can see that they increase as J2changes from
negative to positive. It can be understood qualitatively bylooking at the energy landscape of the system. Indeed, usingthe Luttinger-Tisza method [ 56], the ground state of a classical
spin system is given by the minimum of the energy functionFIG. 11. Critical exponents α, β,a n dγforJ2<0a n d J2>0
with all the other parameters and the initial condition being identical.
/angbracketleft/angbracketlefti,j/angbracketright/angbracketrightSi·Sjunder the con-
straint |Sj|=1, where /angbracketlefti,j/angbracketrightand/angbracketleft/angbracketlefti,j/angbracketright/angbracketrightdenote NN and NNN
pairs of lattice sites, respectively. It is obtained by introducingthe Lagrangian multipliers λ
jand minimizing E({Sj})−/summationtext
jλj(|Sj|2−1). Assuming λj=λfor all jand making a
Fourier transformation, we get the eigenvalue equation,
J(k)S(k)=λS(k), (13)
where kis the wave vector, and J(k) and S(k) are the Fourier
transforms of the interaction and the spin, respectively, in themomentum space. For the kagome lattice where a unit cell con-tains three lattice sites, J(k)i sa3 ×3 matrix. By numerically
solving Eq. ( 13), we obtain the energy landscape as shown in
Figs. 12–14. It is clear that the ground state is the k=0N´eel
state for J
2>0, while it is the√
3N´eel state for J2<0
with wave vector klocated at either one of the two independent
corners of the hexagonal Brillouin zone. In order to evaluate the“stiffness” of the ground state, we analytically solve Eq. ( 13)
for momenta in the direction connecting the energy minimum
FIG. 12. Energy landscape of the lowest-energy band of an
antiferromagnet in the kagome lattice with a negative next-nearest-neighbor interaction J
2=− 0.1J1.
013620-7NGUYEN THANH PHUC et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 013620 (2017)
FIG. 13. Energy landscape of the first low-energy band of an
antiferromagnet in the kagome lattice with a positive next-nearest-
neighbor interaction J2=0.1J1.
and maximum points in the energy landscape. Expanding the
energy around the momentum value of the ground state, we findthe two lowest-energy bands which are degenerate at k=0:
1=− 2(J1+J2)+3J2k2+O(k4), (14)
E2=− 2(J1+J2)+J1k2+O(k4) (15)
forJ2>0, and the lowest-energy band with the minimum
energy at k±=± (˜a1−˜a2)/3:
E1=− 2(J1−2J2)−2J2(2J1−3J2)
/similarequal− 2(J1−2J2)−4J2|k−k±|2+O(|k−k±|3) (16)
forJ2<0. Here, in obtaining the second equality in Eq. ( 16)
we used |J2|/lessmuchJ1. It is evident that for J2>0 there is one
energy band with a stiffness, i.e., the second coefficient inthe above momentum expansion, much larger ( ∼J
1) than
FIG. 14. Energy landscape of the second low-energy band of an
antiferromagnet in the kagome lattice with a positive next-nearest-neighbor interaction J
2=0.1J1.the others ( ∼J2). As a result, there is a higher degeneracy
and in turn larger frustration in the manifold of low-energymetastable states for J
2<0. Indeed, if we consider only
the remaining energy bands with small stiffness, the area inmomentum space occupied by states with excitation energiessmaller than a given value of δEisA=πδE/ (3J
2)f o rJ2>0
andA=πδE/ (2|J2|)f o rJ2<0. The larger frustration then
suppresses the growth of correlation lengths (see Sec. III B ),
resulting in smaller correlation lengths for J2<0 than
By studying the spin relaxation dynamics of a periodic
array of microcondensates immersed in a Fermi gas, we haveshown that the coarsening dynamics can be suppressed bygeometrical frustration. Instead of decaying to the groundstate, the system is found to approach a metastable state whichhas the same local order as the ground state but with a finitecorrelation length. The frustration-induced metastable stateturns out to be robust against both random noise and a smalltunneling rate of atoms between lattice sites. This metastablestate also contains Z
2vortices, which are topologically stable
in triangular and kagome lattices and can be directly observedby spin-resolved measurements. By varying the next-nearest-neighbor spin interaction in the kagome lattice, we are able tostudy the universal critical properties of the metastable state. Inparticular, we find new scaling laws that relate the correlationlengths and the number of Z
2vortices of the metastable
state to the degree of frustration in the system. Althoughhere we consider a system of ultracold atoms, a similarphenomenon can be expected in any frustrated classical spinsystem. Furthermore, by using the same setup with fermionicatoms in larger-hyperfine-spin states, the dynamics of a systemwith exotic spin interactions that do not exist in conventionalcondensed matters can be explored.
This work was supported by KAKENHI Grants No.
JP23540397, No. JP25800225, No. JP26287088, No.JP15K17726, and No. JP16K05425 from the Japan Societyfor the Promotion of Science, a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Re-search on Innovative Areas “Topological Materials Science”(KAKENHI Grants No. JP15H05855 and No. JP16H00989),the Photon Frontier Network Program from MEXT of Japan,and the ImPACT Program of Council for Science, Technologyand Innovation (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan).
Consider a spinor Bose-Fermi mixture in Sec. II. The part
of the Hamiltonian involving fermions consists of the kinetic
energy H0=/summationtext
k,mwith/epsilon1k=/planckover2pi12k2/(2Mf) and the
boson-fermion interaction [Eq. ( 1)]. Here ψf
k,mdenotes the
annihilation operator of a fermion with momentum /planckover2pi1kand spin
statem=↑,↓. In the second quantization, the boson-fermion
interaction is expressed in terms of ψf
⎠, (A1)
where Fb(r)=/summationtext
nis the spin density
operator of bosons. Here σmnandfmnrefer to the matrix
elements of the Pauli matrices and those of the spin-1 matrices,respectively, and /Omega1denotes the volume of the system.
We assume that the characteristic energy scales given
by the temperature and interactions are much smaller thanthe Fermi energy in ultracold atomic systems so that theireffects on the fermionic part of the mixture are negligible.Then we can adiabatically eliminate the virtual particle-holeexcitations in the Fermi gas to get an effective Hamiltonianfor the low-energy subspace. This is done by using theSchrieffer-Wolff transformation [ 38]. Specifically, we perform
a unitary transformation given by an operator S, yielding
iSHe−iS=H0+i[S,H 0]+V+i[S,V]
2[S,[S,H 0]]+O(S3,V3).(A2)
By choosing such Sthat satisfies [ S,H 0]=iV, we obtain
2[S,V]+O(S3,V3). (A3)
Then the effective Hamiltonian ˜Hno longer contains terms
linear in Vbecause all particle-hole excitations in the Fermi
gas that are induced by the boson-fermion interaction Vhave
been adiabatically eliminated. What remains is the low-energysubspace, on which the effective Hamiltonian ˜Hwould act.
Using the Leibniz rule for commutators and anticommutators,[A,BC ]=[A,B ]C+B[A,C ]={A,B}C−B{A,C},
[AB,C ]=A[B,C ]+[A,C ]B=A{B,C}−{A,C}B, we find
thatSshould be given by
k,n. (A4)
Substituting Eq. ( A4) into Eq. ( A3), we obtain
. (A5)
As mentioned above, after adiabatically eliminating virtual
particle-hole excitations in the Fermi gas, we are left withthe effective Hamiltonian ˜Hacting on the low-energy Hilbertsubspace containing the Fermi gas in the ground state.
Focusing on the bosonic degrees of freedom, we then obtainthe effective Hamiltonian for atoms in the microcondensatesas
/epsilon1k−/epsilon1k/prime(nk/prime−nk), (A6)
where nk=[e(/epsilon1k−μ)/(kBT)+1]−1is the Fermi-Dirac distribu-
tion function, and Tr denotes the trace operator in the spin spaceof fermions. The trace can be evaluated directly for Pauli ma-
trices, giving Tr {[F
b(r)·σ][Fb(r/prime)·σ]}=2Fb(r)·Fb(r/prime). The
effective interaction between bosons mediated by fermions is
then given by
d3r/prime[Fb(r)·Fb(r/prime)]λ/prime(r−r/prime), (A7)
/epsilon1k−/epsilon1k/prime. (A8)
Exchanging the dummy variables kandk/primein the last term,
we obtain
To evaluate the right-hand side of Eq. ( A9), we use the polar
coordinate representations of kandk/prime.L e tθk,θk/primeandϕk,ϕk/prime
be their polar and azimuthal angles with respect to R=r−r/prime.
Then, we have
0k/prime2dk/prime nk
×(eikR−e−ikR)(e−ik/primeR−eik/primeR). (A10)
At zero temperature, nkis given by the Heaviside unit-step
function θ(kF−k) with /planckover2pi1kFbeing the Fermi momentum. The
right-hand side of Eq. ( A10) then reduces to
Here c.c. stands for the complex conjugate. To avoid the
singularity, we use the principal value of the integral/integraltext
in Eq. ( A11). The Jordan lemma in complex analysis tells us
013620-9NGUYEN THANH PHUC et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 95, 013620 (2017)
that the integral over the infinitely large semicircle in the lower
half of the complex k/primeplane vanishes. Therefore, the integral
overk/primein Eq. ( 8) is equal to the negative of the sum of the
integrals over two semicircles C1,C2with infinitesimal radii
centered at k/prime=±kin the lower-half plane:
2. (A12)
Here, in deriving the last equality, we have parametrized the
two semicircles C1andC2byz(C1,C2)=±k+/epsilon1eiθwith
/epsilon1→0 and π<θ< 2π. We then obtain the final expression
for the function λ/prime(R)a s
R4. (A13)
Therefore, the effective interaction of bosons mediated by
fermions is given by
where λ(x)≡[sin(2x)−2xcos(2x)]/x4. Thus Eq. ( 2) has
been derived.
If the microcondensates are confined in nearly har-
monic traps, the spatial distribution of particles in eachmicrocondensate is described by a wave function φ(r)=
−r2/(4d2)/(2πd2)3/4withdcharacterizing the spatial extent of
the condensate. The coupling constants of the spin interactionsthen reduce to
64π4/planckover2pi12, (B1)
16π3/2d3, (B2)
2π7/2/planckover2pi12, (B3)
where ˜kF=kFd,˜rij=|ri−rj|/d, and the functions α(x) and
β(x,y)a r eg i v e nb y
(B4)FIG. 15. Plot of α(x)g i v e nb yE q .( B4).
λ(xr/prime). (B5)
Here Erf( x)=(2/√π)/integraltextx
0dt e−t2is the error function. The
right-hand sides of Eqs. ( B4) and ( B5) can be evaluated
numerically and the obtained results are shown in Figs. 15
and16, respectively.
As shown below Eq. ( 1), the coupling constant g1be-
tween bosons and fermions is proportional to the differencea
3/2−a1/2between the s-wave scattering lengths for two
total-hyperfine-spin- Fchannels: F=3/2 and F=1/2. For
a mixture of spin-187Rb and spin-1 /26Li, the electronic
spin-singlet and spin-triplet atomic potentials as well as thecorresponding s-wave scattering lengths a
sandathave been
calculated numerically in Refs. [ 57] and [ 58]. By expanding
the hyperfine-spin states in the electronic spin bases, we obtain
FIG. 16. Plot of β(x,y)g i v e nb yE q .( B5) as a function of yfor
x=0.5 which is relevant to the values of the system’s parameters in
Sec. II.
the atomic potentials VFassociated with the total-hyperfine-
spin-Fchannels ( F=3/2 and 1 /2) for the87Rb -6Li mixture,
from which we can evaluate the corresponding scatteringlengths. Without a strong external field the interatomic in-teraction is almost isotropic, and thus the interatomic potentialis essentially the same for all Zeeman states |F,m
F/angbracketrightin a given
total-hyperfine-spin- Fmanifold. Therefore, we only need to
calculate the atomic potential for an arbitrary hyperfine statewithin that spin manifold.
First, we expand the hyperfine-spin state |F=
in the electronic-spin basis. In terms of the hyperfine spinsF
1=1 for the boson and F2=1/2 for the fermion, the state
can be written as
. (B6)
Since both rubidium and lithium are alkali atoms whose
valence electrons in the ground states have zero orbital angularmomentum ( l=0), their hyperfine spins are the sums of theelectronic spin sand the nucleus spin I.H e r ew eh a v e I
2for87Rb and6Li, respectively.
Using the table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients [ 59], the
hyperfine states in Eq. ( B6) can be expressed as
Substituting Eqs. ( B7) and ( B8)i nE q .( B6), we can express the
hyperfine state |F=3
2/angbracketrightin the electronic-spin basis
2|s=1,ms=− 1/angbracketright−/parenleftBigg/radicalbigg
12|s=1,ms=1/angbracketright, (B9)
where s=s1+s2is the total electronic spin. Therefore, the
interatomic potential for the total-hyperfine-spin F=3/2
scattering channel is given in terms of the electronic spin-singlet and spin-triplet counterparts V
Similarly, we expand the hyperfine state |F=1
in the electronic-spin basis by using the Clebsch-Gordancoefficients. The resulting interatomic potential for the total-hyperfine-spin F=1/2 scattering channel is given by
/similarequal0.94Vt+0.06Vs. (B11)It is clear from Eqs. ( B10) and ( B11) that the atomic potential
V3/2is almost equal to the spin-triplet potential Vt, while there
is an approximately 5% mixing of the spin-singlet potentialV
sinV1/2. However, it can be seen from the numerically
calculated VsandVtfor LiRb (see Figs. 1 and 2 in Ref. [ 57])
that the energy difference between two neighboring boundstates of V
tis smaller than 5% of Vs. Therefore, we cannot
make a precise evaluation of the scattering length a1/2without
exactly solving the Schrodinger equation with the potentialV
1/2, which is beyond the scope of this work. Instead, using
the numerically calculated values of at=24aBandas=
−64aB[58], where aBis the Bohr radius, it is likely that
the difference a3/2−a1/2has the same order of magnitude
asasandat. Therefore, we take |a3/2−a1/2|=50aBas
an order-of-magnitude estimate of the coupling constant g1.
Substituting this value of g1in Eqs. ( B1)–(B3), we find the
magnitudes of the spin interactions in Sec. II.
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013620-12 |
PhysRevB.74.184102.pdf | Vibrational properties of Ge nanocrystals determined by EXAFS
L. L. Araujo *and P. Kluth
Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
G. de M. Azevedo
Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Campinas, Brazil
M. C. Ridgway
Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
/H20849Received 20 April 2006; revised manuscript received 9 August 2006; published 1 November 2006 /H20850
Extended x-ray absorption fine structure /H20849EXAFS /H20850spectroscopy was applied to probe the vibrational pro-
perties of bulk crystalline Ge /H20849c-Ge/H20850and Ge nanocrystals /H20849Ge NCs /H20850of 4.4 nm mean diameter produced by ion
implantation in SiO 2followed by thermal annealing. EXAFS measurements around the Ge Kedge were carried
out in the temperature range from 8 to 300 K at beam line 10-2 of the Stanford Synchrotron RadiationLaboratory /H20849SSRL /H20850. Original information about thermal and static disorder, thermal expansion, and anharmo-
nicity effects have been obtained for c-Ge and Ge NCs from temperature dependent EXAFS measurements
using a correlated anharmonic Einstein model and thermodynamic perturbation theory. It was observed that theGe NCs were stiffer /H20849showed a stronger bond force constant /H20850than both amorphous Ge /H20849a-Ge/H20850andc-Ge. Also,
the values of the linear thermal expansion /H20849thermal evolution of the mean interatomic distance /H20850obtained for the
Ge NCs were smaller than the ones obtained for c-Ge. These results were compared to the ones obtained for
other nanocrystalline systems. They suggest that the increased surface to volume ratio of the nanocrystallineform and the presence of the surrounding SiO
2matrix might be responsible for the different vibrational
properties of c-Ge and Ge NCs.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.184102 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 62.25. /H11001g, 65.80. /H11001n, 61.46.Hk, 61.10.Ht
Nanocrystalline particles are interesting subjects for ma-
terials science since their properties can deviate from thoseof bulk materials, making them attractive for a variety ofpotential applications. For example, semiconductor nano-crystals in a dielectric medium have attracted attention due to
their unique optical properties which are not observed intheir bulk counterparts.
1Given that the optical properties are
governed by the structural properties, characterization of thelatter for Ge nanocrystals /H20849Ge NCs /H20850has recently been per-
formed with the EXAFS technique
2to attain a better under-
standing of the behavior of such particles. The study of Genanocrystals is further developed in this contribution, whereEXAFS was applied to determine the short-range order vi-brational properties of Ge nanocrystals synthetized in SiO
by ion implantation and thermal annealing.
The use of EXAFS as a vibrational probe was first sug-
gested in the seventies3,4and has been explored in several
ways by many research groups since that time.5–7Informa-
tion about thermal and static disorder, thermal expansion andanharmonicity effects have been obtained for several mate-rial systems from temperature dependent EXAFS measure-ments. In particular, the analysis of temperature dependentdata through the cumulant expansion method
8for moderately
disordered systems has proven to yield reliable informationabout the distribution of interatomic distances probed byEXAFS and its evolution with temperature.
5,6,9The first
three cumulants measure the average value, the variance, andthe asymmetry of the distance distribution for a given coor-dination shell, and their variation with temperature can yield
information on the linear thermal expansion, thermal disor-der, and potential anharmonicity, respectively. The secondand third cumulants can be related to the force constants of aone-dimensional effective pair potential from which the vi-brational frequency or bond strength of the atoms in thatshell can be estimated, as well as the thermal variation of thepotential asymmetry. For more disordered systems it is alsoimportant to take into account the fourth term in the cumu-lant expansion series, called the fourth cumulant. This termaccounts for symmetric deviations from a Gaussian form inthe distribution of interatomic distances. The direct extrac-tion of the thermal expansion from EXAFS data, however, isnot straightforward. Care must be taken to consider effectssuch as the spherical nature of the photoelectron wave, themean free path of the photoelectron and an effect that can beexplained as due to the influence of vibrations perpendicularto the bond direction, as defined in Refs. 6,9, and 10. Due to
the latter, the variation of the first cumulant measured byEXAFS is different from the one calculated only from theasymmetry of the one-dimensional effective pair potential.This effect can be isolated by combining EXAFS and XRD/H20849x-ray diffraction /H20850results for the same system.
Bulk crystalline Ge /H20849c-Ge/H20850has been thoroughly studied
by EXAFS and other techniques /H20849such as XRD /H20850.2,11–13Re-
garding temperature dependent EXAFS experiments, Dalbaet al. .
6,14,15performed systematic measurements for c-Ge and
amorphous Ge /H20849a-Ge/H20850at temperatures from 10 to 600 K.
Data were analyzed by the ratio method and results for thePHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
1098-0121/2006/74 /H2084918/H20850/184102 /H208498/H20850 ©2006 The American Physical Society 184102-1first four cumulants of the distance distribution were ob-
tained. Relative values of the cumulants were first deter-mined /H20849comparing low and high temperature data /H20850and then
absolute values were calculated from the relative values byfitting the high temperature data using the perturbative quan-tum approach of Frenkel and Rehr.
16Low temperature quan-
tum effects in the third cumulant and the ratio between theperpendicular and radial correlation terms were evaluated forthe first shell of c-Ge.
Moreover, Filipponi and Di Cicco performed temperature
dependent EXAFS experiments for c-Ge at temperatures
from 77 to 1100 K.7Data were analyzed using the GNXAS
/H20849Ref. 13/H20850approach instead of using the cumulant expansion
method and absolute values for the bond lengths and Debye-Waller factors were obtained. Other EXAFS studies of theGe thermal expansion can be found cited within Refs. 6,7,
14,15, and 17.
In this work we will present results for c-Ge obtained by
fitting experimental data with the theoretical standards givenby the FEFF8.102 code,
18which allows us to directly obtain
values for the interatomic distance distributions, their vari-ance and their asymmetry. Such values are absolute under thecondition that the FEFF standard well reproduces flawlessc-Ge. We will show that a very good agreement is found
between our c-Ge results and those from the ratio method
analysis for the first three cumulants of the first shell distancedistribution. This reinforces the validity of our approach,which will then be extended to the more complex system ofGe nanocrystals embedded in a SiO
2matrix. The study of
nanoparticle systems is complicated by the superposition ofsurface and bulk behavior, and an EXAFS thermal expansionstudy should be, in principle, affected by the differences be-tween the vibrational properties of atoms on the surface andin the core of the nanoparticles. Our comparison of bulk andnanocrystalline data should highlight the influences of sizeeffects and the surrounding matrix on the nanocrystal vibra-tional properties.
There are very few temperature dependent EXAFS stud-
ies for semiconductor nanoparticle systems reported in theliterature. Results obtained for Mercaptoethanol-coated ZnSnanoparticles of diameter 3.4 nm /H20849Ref. 19/H20850indicate that they
are strained and stiffer than bulk ZnS, presenting a higherEinstein temperature. Thiol-capped CdS nanoparticles from
1.3 to 4.0 nm were also observed to show higher Einsteintemperatures than bulk CdS, although the difference washigher than 5% only for the smaller nanoparticles.
stiffening of the CdS bonds in the nanoparticles was assignedto their increased surface-to-volume ratio. The same effectwas also observed for Thiol-capped CdTe nanocrystals.
In this contribution we will present original results for the
short-range order vibrational properties of an elementalsemiconductor in a nanocrystalline state. The differences ob-served for such properties of the Ge NCs relative to the onesfrom bulk c-Ge reveal further differences between both
states and allow us to get a deeper insight about size effectsand the influence of a surrounding matrix of SiO
2on the Ge
Ge nanocrystals were formed in a 2 /H9262m thick SiO 2matrix
by ion implantation, at liquid nitrogen temperature, of 1/H110031017Ge/cm2at 2 MeV. The implantation was followed by
thermal annealing for 1 h of the samples at 1100 °C underforming gas /H2084995% N
2+5% H 2/H20850flow. Further details are de-
scribed in Ref. 2. The Ge peak concentration of 3 at. % was
verified to be centered at a depth of 1.2 /H9262m inside the SiO 2
layer by RBS /H20849Rutherford backscattering spectrometry /H20850and
TEM /H20849transmission electron microscopy /H20850measurements.
Polycrystalline Ge standards of thickness 200 nm sand-
wiched between 2 /H9262m thick SiO 2layers were also produced
as described in Ref. 2, for direct comparison with the nano-
crystalline samples. This way, the fluorescence EXAFS mea-surements were carried out in similar conditions for bothc-Ge and Ge NCs samples.
Cross section transmission electron microscopy /H20849XTEM /H20850
results show that the nanocrystals are spherical in shape andpresent crystallinity similar to bulk c-Ge. Figure 1presents
two XTEM images of the Ge NCs as grown into the SiO
layer; Fig. 1/H20849a/H20850shows the nanocrystal distribution inside the
SiO 2layer and Fig. 1/H20849b/H20850shows a high resolution image of
one Ge NC. Small angle x-ray scattering /H20849SAXS /H20850measure-
ments /H20849not shown here /H20850were employed to determine the size
distribution of Ge NCs. It was observed to have a meanvalue of 4.4 nm with a full width at half maximum of1.5 nm.
EXAFS measurements at the Ge Kedge /H2084911.103 keV /H20850
were performed at temperatures from 8 to 300 K, at beam
line 10-2 of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory,USA. Fluorescence spectra were recorded with a 30 elementsolid-state Ge detector and the Si /H20849220/H20850monochromator de-
tuned by 50% for harmonic rejection.
The raw EXAFS data were analyzed according to the
standard procedure described in Ref. 22, followed by a mul-
tiple data set fit, as will be explained below. EXAFS spectrawere energy calibrated, aligned, and isolated from raw absor-bance by background subtraction via the AUTOBK algo-rithm, as implemented in the code ATHENA.
parameters were then determined using ARTEMIS /H20849Ref. 23/H20850
with photoelectron momentum kand nonphase-corrected ra-
dial distance rranges of 4.8–14.8 Å−1and 1.7–2.6 Å, re-
spectively. ATHENA and ARTEMIS are GUIs /H20849graphical
user interfaces /H20850for the IFEFFIT code. Phases and amplitudes
were calculated ab initio with the FEFF8.102 code.18The
amplitude reduction factor S02and threshold energy E0were
FIG. 1. XTEM images of the Ge NCs grown in SiO 2. The left
frame shows the Ge NCs distributed inside the SiO 2matrix and the
right frame shows a high resolution image of one Ge NC.ARAUJO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
184102-2determined from the polycrystalline standard and held con-
stant thereafter at the values of 0.988 and 9.68, respectively.These are the mean values for the given temperature range,calculated from the individual values for each temperature.The coordination number was kept constant at the bulk valueof 4.0 during the c-Ge analysis and determined for the Ge
NCs as 3.2 from the lowest temperature NC spectrum. It isexpected to be smaller for the nanocrystalline phase due tolower-coordinated atoms at the surface. A given data set wasfitted simultaneously with multiple kweightings of 1–4, in
order to reduce correlations between the fitting parameters.
The information extracted from experimental spectra will
be written as a series of cumulants of the distancedistribution
8for the first shell of Ge. The analysis of EXAFS
data via the cumulant expansion method, as well as therelationship between the cumulants and the local dynamicsin crystalline materials, has recently been reviewed byFornasini et al.
The EXAFS second cumulant, MSRD /H20849mean square rela-
tive displacement /H20850or Debye-Waller factor /H92682is sensitive to
both structural and thermal disorder. As the structural com-ponent is considered not to vary with temperature, it is pos-sible to separate both contributions by performing tempera-ture dependent EXAFS measurements and fitting theresultant Debye-Waller factors with a Debye or Einsteinmodel.
24For the /H92682of the first shell of Ge, in particular, the
correlated Einstein model is considered a suitable choice.25,26
The EXAFS /H92682can yield information on the vibrational dy-
namics of both crystalline and noncrystalline materials.24It
contains effects of correlation between the atomic motion ofabsorber and backscatterer atoms, differing from the XRDMSD /H20849mean square displacement /H20850by the DCF /H20849displacement
correlation function /H20850.
3On more general grounds, the tem-
perature dependence of the /H92682provides a measure of the
effective bond-stretching force constant between absorberand backscatterer atoms and can be used to study thestrength of chemical bonds.
The third cumulant of the distance distribution C
sures its asymmetry. C3can be different from zero even for a
harmonic crystal at very low temperatures due to the effectof zero-point atomic vibrations.
9In samples that are not
flawless crystals, further asymmetry in the distribution ofdistances may be observed. But this static contribution is notsupposed to increase with temperature, so that the variationofC
3with temperature can be ascribed to asymmetry in the
distance distribution generated by anharmonicity of the ef-fective interaction potential.
A. Relationship between thermal expansion and EXAFS
A relationship between a linear thermal expansion factor a
and the EXAFS cumulants in the quantum limit was derivedby Frenkel and Rehr using a correlated anharmonic Einsteinmodel and thermodynamic perturbation theory.
16In this
model, a one-dimensional anharmonic effective pair potential
of the formV/H20849r−r0/H20850=ke/H20849r−r0/H208502−k3/H20849r−r0/H208503+¯ /H208491/H20850
was assumed, where r0is the minimum of the effective pair
potential, keis the effective harmonic spring constant, and k3
is the cubic anharmonicity constant. The following relation-
ships were then derived for the temperature dependence, toleading order in k
3, of the second cumulant /H92682, third cumu-
lant C3, and linear thermal expansion factor a/H20849connected to
the thermal variation of the first cumulant C1/H20850,
1−z+/H9268static2, /H208492/H20850
2ke31+1 0 z+z2
/H208491−z/H208502+C3static, /H208493/H20850
1−z, /H208494/H20850
where Tis the temperature, /H9275Eis the Einstein frequency
/H20849ke=/H9262/H9275E2/H20850,/H9262is the reduced mass /H20849in this case, for a Ge-Ge
absorber-scatterer pair /H20850, and z/H11013exp/H20849−/H9008E/T/H20850. The Einstein
temperature is given by /H9008E=/H6036/H9275E/kB, where kBis the Boltz-
mann constant. /H9268static2and C3staticare the static or structural
/H20849temperature independent /H20850contributions to the total disorder
and asymmetry, respectively. These terms have been addedhere to the temperature dependent ones in order to accountfor the effects of static disorder, expected to be different forc-Ge and Ge NCs.
This one-dimensional model can be used as a reference to
analyze the thermal behavior of the cumulants of the distancedistribution obtained from experimental EXAFS data. It canbe considered as the effective potential of the one-
dimensional distribution of distances sampled by the EXAFSanalysis of a given shell of a three-dimensional crystalline/H20849or nanocrystalline /H20850material.
B. EXAFS effective and realdistance distributions
In an experimental measurement the EXAFS photoelec-
trons /H20849with mean free path /H9261/H20850probe an effective distance
distribution P/H20849r,/H9261/H20850=/H9267/H20849r/H20850*exp/H20849−2r//H9261/H20850*r−2, due to the weak-
ening of the photoelectron wave with distance, the spherical
nature of such a wave and the finite mean free path.8On the
other hand, the instantaneous interatomic distances rare dis-
tributed according to the real unidimensional distribution
/H9267/H20849r/H20850. For systems with low to moderate disorder, the differ-
ence between the cumulants of both distributions is consid-
ered non-negligible only for the first cumulant /H20849interatomic
distance /H20850,6,8and this difference must be kept in mind when a
thermal expansion study is undertaken.
As the analysis of EXAFS experimental data by compari-
son with FEFF generated standards using the IFEFFIT codeaccounts for the effects of the weakening of the photoelec-tron wave with distance, the spherical nature of such a waveand the finite mean free path, the values obtained from suchmethod are the real cumulants of the distance distribution.VIBRATIONAL PROPERTIES OF Ge NANOCRYSTALS … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
184102-3Thus, they can be directly applied in a thermal expansion
C. Effective pair potential and distance distributions
The use of an effective pair potential to describe the dis-
tribution of distances probed by EXAFS must be appliedwith care in order to take into account some of its limita-tions. The effective pair potential can be, in principle, tem-perature dependent, both in position and shape.
27In particu-
lar, a positive shift of the minimum of the effective pairpotential was assigned to the effect of vibrations perpendicu-lar to the bond direction, among other causes.
9,27This sug-
gests that the thermal expansion probed by EXAFS dependsnot only on the asymmetry of the effective potential /H20849given
by the second and third cumulants,
/H92682andC3/H20850, as implied in
Frenkel and Rehr’s model, but also on its rigid shift. Stern/H20849Ref. 10/H20850also points out the importance of the vibrations
perpendicular to the bond direction and explains the rigidshift as a consequence of the difference in the minimum oftheeffective andrealpotentials, i.e., the difference between
the maximum of the effective andrealdistributions of inter-
atomic distances. Furthermore, for bulk AgI and CdSe, avariation of the minimum of the effective potential with tem-perature has been reported,
28,29shifting to lower values as
the temperature increased; such an effect was not observedfor Ge.
As a result, the temperature variation of the EXAFS real
first cumulant and the linear thermal expansion factor aas
given above cannot be considered equivalent. In order toavoid misinterpretations due to differences in both quantities,here the quantity aas defined in Ref. 16/H20851reproduced in Eq.
/H208494/H20850above /H20852will be called the anharmonic contribution to the
thermal expansion, since it is related to the anharmonicity ofthe effective potential only. The variation of our first cumu-lant with temperature,
/H9254C1, will be called the EXAFS ther-
mal expansion and will include contributions not only due tothe anharmonicity but also due to the shift of the effectivepotential. The difference between the EXAFS
/H9254C1and XRD
/H9254Rthermal expansions will be connected to the shift of the
effective potential /H20849perpendicular vibrations /H20850, rather than to
its asymmetry.
D. Data analysis
Theoretical spectra were simulated by the FEFF 8.102
code /H20849Ref. 18/H20850and the values of the cumulants of the dis-
tance distribution for the first shell of Ge were obtainedthrough a nonlinear best fit to experimental spectra usingARTEMIS.
The analysis of experimental spectra was carried out in
two steps. In the first one, each spectrum was fitted at once,giving separate values of C
1,/H92682,C3. The presence of a fourth
cumulant C4was also considered in the fits, but it was ob-
served to be negligible for all measurements. This confirmedthe validity of deriving the cumulant equations from /H208494/H20850to
leading order in k
Although the /H92682values obtained this way were insensitive
to small variations in the fitting conditions and presentedsmall error bars, the same was not observed for the C
1andC3values, due to the correlation between these quantities. A
similar result was observed by Fornasini et al. when analyz-
ing the EXAFS data for the thermal expansion of bulk Cu.27
We then fitted our obtained /H92682results as a function of tem-
perature according to Eq. /H208492/H20850, obtaining the Einstein tem-
perature /H20849and consequently /H9275Eandke/H20850.
In the second step, the variation of the second and third
cumulants /H92682and C3with temperatures were restrained to
follow Eqs. /H208492/H20850and/H208493/H20850and all spectra from 8 to 300 K were
fitted simultaneously, in a similar way to the methods de-scribed in Refs. 20and31. Representing the evolution of the
second cumulant by the correlated Einstein model and of thethird cumulant by Eq. /H208493/H20850is appropriate since both quantities
have shown to be well described by these models in theliterature. The thermal variation of the first cumulant C
1,o n
the other hand, was not restrained to follow Eq. /H208494/H20850since it
is, in principle, not well represented by its variation with theasymmetry of the potential only. Thus, the first cumulant foreach temperature was simply written as r
0+drT, where r0is
the value of the first cumulant for the lowest temperaturedata. During the multiple data set fit, k
ewas fixed to the
value obtained from the fit to the /H92682from the first step, so
that k3, the structural contribution to C3,r0, and the drTfor
each temperature were the only fitting parameters. By doingthis, the number of free parameters was reduced and the C
values and variation were linked to the ones of the second
cumulant, helping to decrease the errors in its determinationand to break the correlation between C
Figure 2shows the Fourier transforms of a selection of
the temperature dependant k3-weighted EXAFS spectra as a
function of the radial distance /H20849without phase corrections /H20850
obtained in this work. Figure 2/H20849a/H20850shows spectra measured at
8, 100, and 300 K for c-Ge, while Fig. 2/H20849b/H20850shows spectra
measured at the same temperatures for Ge NCs. Comparingthe data for the two systems, some characteristic features of
FIG. 2. Fourier transforms of k3-weighted EXAFS spectra as a
function of the nonphase-corrected radial distance measured atdifferent temperatures for /H20849a/H20850polycrystalline Ge and /H20849b/H20850Ge
nanocrystals.ARAUJO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
184102-4nanocrystalline materials become readily apparent. For ex-
ample, at any given temperature the magnitude of the Fouriertransforms is lower for the Ge NCs due to their higher sur-face to volume ratio, which causes a reduction of the overallcoordination number and an increase in the variance of thedistance distributions compared to the bulk c-Ge ones. Also,
the second and third neighbor shells are less pronounced forthe Ge NCs since they are more sensitive to variations inbond angles, which is also a result of the increased surface tovolume ratio. Furthermore, the damping of the amplitude ofthe EXAFS signal with increasing temperature for both sys-tems can be verified from the graphs.
A. Debye-Waller factors and Einstein temperatures
The Debye-Waller factor values obtained for both c-Ge
and Ge NCs from our experimental spectra are shown as afunction of the measurement temperatures in Fig. 3. Also
plotted for comparison are the data for crystalline and amor-phous Ge published previously in Ref. 14. The lines are the
respective fits with the correlated Einstein model as given byEq./H208492/H20850for each data set. The values obtained from such fits
for the static contribution to the total disorder and for thethermal one /H20849given in terms of the Einstein temperatures /H20850are
shown in Table I.
As it can be seen, our temperature dependent Debye-
Waller factor data for crystalline Ge show the same tempera-ture evolution as the data from Ref. 14, but their absolute
values differ by a constant offset. This offset could corre-spond to a static disorder contribution, which in principle isnot expected for bulk c-Ge. But the offset can also be the
result of experiment artifacts in fluorescence EXAFS mea-surements. In order to evaluate such effects we have consid-ered normalization, I
0chamber and self-absorption correc-
tions. They were calculated using the program TkATOMS/H20849Ref. 32/H20850with the Elam tables for x-ray absorption cross
33The normalization correction accounts for theenergy-dependent attenuation of the amplitude of the EX-
AFS signal introduced by the edge-step normalization. It wasestimated as 0.000 05 Å
2in our experiments. The I0correc-
tion accounts for the fact that the energy dependence to I0is
disregarded when the absorption cross section is calculatedas a function of the incident and fluorescence emitted pho-tons. The I
0chamber used in the experiments was 15 cm
long and filled with N2, yielding a correction of 0.000 27 Å2.
Finally, the self-absorption correction accounts for the appar-ent amplitude reduction due to the self-absorption of thefluorescing photons by the sample before they reach the de-tector. This contribution is negligible for our samples as theyare much thinner than one absorption length for the Kedge
of Ge.
2The absorption length is 9.5 /H9262m while the c-Ge
samples are 0.2 /H9262m thick, which amounts to 2.1% of an
absorption length. The Ge NCs samples have even smalleramounts of Ge so that this contribution is even smaller forthem. Adding up these corrections it becomes apparent thatthe offset between the crystalline Ge data corresponds toexperiment induced effects rather than to static contributionto the disorder present in the sample. When this offset issubtracted from our data, an excellent agreement is found forboth crystalline Ge datasets. Strauch et al. have used ab ini-
tiophonon dynamics calculations to compute Debye-Waller
factors for the first three shells of c-Ge in the harmonic
34Their results, which do not include static
contributions to the second cumulant, are also shown in Fig.3. We can see a non-negligible difference between the calcu-
lations and the experimental data which indicates that someanharmonicity is present even for the first shell above T
/H11011150 K.
The Debye-Waller factors for two a-Ge samples prepared
by different techniques showed a similar trend with a slightdifference in absolute values.
14,17For clarity, only the data
from Ref. 14is plotted in Fig. 3. The sample prepared by
thermal evaporation exhibited higher static disorder than thesample prepared by sputter deposition, as listed in Table I.
These results were compared in Ref. 17, where the effect of
hydrogenation of a-Ge samples /H20849not shown here /H20850was also
discussed. We will concentrate on the fact that both samplesshow higher static contribution to
/H92682and lower Einstein tem-
peratures than both the c-Ge and Ge NCs samples.
The static contribution to the Debye-Waller factor for Ge
NCs grown by ion-implantation inside a SiO 2matrix lies
between that of c-Ge and a-Ge. This indicates that the nano-
crystals are in a state of higher configurational energy thanthe crystalline samples, but are not in a state as disordered asTABLE I. Einstein temperatures and static components of the
Debye-Waller factors obtained from best fits of the correlated Ein-stein model to the experimental temperature dependent data.
E/H20849K/H20850 /H92682
static /H20849X10−3Å2/H20850
c-Ge, Ref. 14 355.3±5.7 0 /H20849set/H20850
c-Ge, this work 351.1±7.2 0.34±0.05
Ge NCs, this work 391.4±11.2 1.70±0.07a-Ge/H20849sputtering /H20850, Ref. 17 344.9±3.3 1.98±0.04
a-Ge/H20849evaporation /H20850, Ref. 14 323.3±4.7 2.13±0.10
FIG. 3. Debye-Waller factor /H92682values for several Ge systems
/H20849symbols, see figure legend /H20850as a function of the measurement tem-
peratures, with the respective correlated Einstein model fits /H20849dashed
lines /H20850. The solid line shows the ab initio harmonic calculation for
the thermal contribution to /H92682for a c-Ge system.VIBRATIONAL PROPERTIES OF Ge NANOCRYSTALS … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
184102-5the amorphous phase. The higher static disorder in the NCs
when compared to c-Ge originates from both the reconstruc-
tion of the NCs surface due to the presence of under-coordinated atoms and the internal strain in the crystallinecore.
Furthermore, the thermal evolution of the Debye-Waller
factor for the nanocrystals is slower than the ones for bothc-Ge and a-Ge, as can be observed by the smaller slope of
the curve best fitting the data. It must be pointed out that thesame corrections estimated for c-Ge /H20849normalization, I
self-absorption /H20850also apply to the case of Ge NCs.
As for the Einstein temperatures, it was observed that the
value best fitting the Debye-Waller factor data is higher inthec-Ge samples than in both a-Ge samples, suggesting a
softening of the compression modes in the amorphous phase.On the other hand, the Einstein temperature best fitting theNC data /H20849391 K /H20850is higher than the c-Ge ones /H20849351 and
355 K /H20850, indicating that the nanocrystals are stiffer than the
bulk /H20849have stiffer bonds /H20850. This finding is in agreement with
the results obtained for ZnS nanoparticles,
19which were re-
ported to be strained and stiffer than the bulk ZnS. The stiff-ening of ZnS nanoparticles could not be explained only bythe radial compression of the nanoparticles, nor by simplemodels such as linear strain or surface-weighted radial strain,and was assigned to inhomogeneous internal strain caused bycompeting relaxations at the surface. On the contrary, mostmetallic nanoparticles appear to behave the opposite way,showing Einstein temperatures lower than the ones observedfor the bulk, as reported in Refs. 35–41. Since the binding
characteristics /H20849electronic structure /H20850of metals and semicon-
ductors are fundamentally different in their bulk form, it isnot surprising to observe differences between them in thenanocrystalline form. While covalent bonds tend to be stifferand very directional, metallic bonds are softer and less direc-tional, what gives more freedom to surface atoms to move inmetallic nanocrystals, hence the differences between metallicand semiconductor nanocrystals.
The harmonic spring constants k
eof the effective pair
potential obtained from the Einstein temperatures of Table I
amount to 8.1 eV/Å2for our c-Ge, which is in good agree-
ment with the value obtained for c-Ge in Ref. 6, 8.5 eV/Å2.
The value of 10.1 eV/Å2obtained for our Ge NCs corre-
sponds to the higher Einstein temperature obtained from thefits for this system.
B. Third cumulants
The results obtained in the present work for the third cu-
mulant C3are shown in Fig. 4. They were obtained restrain-
ing the temperature dependent C3values to follow Eq. /H208493/H20850
during the multiple data set fits. Also, the results for c-Ge
from Ref. 6anda-Ge from Ref. 17are plotted for compari-
son. The C3values for both crystalline samples are in very
good agreement. At temperatures below 150 K they are verysmall, but different from zero due to low temperature quan-tum effects and the zero point motion.
6From 150 K on-
wards, the C3values show a parabolic raise that is consistent
with the classical approximation.
The same trend can be observed for the a-Ge data with a
constant offset which shifts the data to higher total values,probably due to a static contribution to C
3.For the Ge NCs, however, the picture is somewhat differ-
ent. Even at low temperatures, the total values of C3are
considerably higher than for c-Ge and a-Ge. This is caused
by the higher asymmetry in the distribution of distances forthe NCs, giving rise to a static contribution of 12 /H1100310
toC3in all the temperature range. Depending on the ratio
between surface and core atoms and the strain induced in thecrystalline core, the asymmetry in the distribution of dis-tances can be significant for the NCs, even at low tempera-tures. Thus, we ascribe this difference to static asymmetrydue to the relaxation/reconstruction of the surface atoms andthe internal strain existing in the Ge NCs.
The thermal only contribution to the C
3of the NCs, also
plotted in Fig. 4, evolves with temperature only at a slightly
higher rate than for the crystalline sample. This indicates thatthe temperature induced asymmetry is of similar magnitudefor the nanocrystals and bulk Ge in the temperature rangeunder consideration.
C. First cumulants and linear thermal expansion
The mean interatomic distances obtained from the fits to
the experimental spectra correspond to our first cumulant C1,
whose values are shown in Fig. 5forc-Ge and Ge NCs.
Their variation with temperature gives the local linear ther-mal expansion for the first shell. Comparing the EXAFSthermal expansion to the crystallographic or XRD thermalexpansion /H20849from Ref. 42/H20850forc-Ge, we can see that their
difference increases with temperature. This behavior can beassigned to the effect of perpendicular vibrations, as men-tioned earlier.
6,9,10By comparing both data, it is possible to
calculate the perpendicular MSRD for c-Ge, as it has been
done in Ref. 6.
As for the Ge NCs, the thermal increase of the mean
interatomic distance was verified to evolve slower with theincrease of temperature when compared to c-Ge. The higher
value of C
1for the Ge NCs at 8 K is assigned to structural
differences between the crystalline and nanocrystallinephases.
FIG. 4. Values of the third cumulant of the distance distributions
C3forc-Ge, a-Ge, and Ge NCs. The thermal contribution to C3of
the Ge NCs is also plotted individually for comparison.ARAUJO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
184102-6In order to compare our first cumulant C1obtained for
c-Ge with the real first cumulant C1*obtained through the
ratio method analysis in Ref. 6, we calculated the /H9004C1values
shown in Fig. 6, where /H9004means the variation relative to the
lowest temperature data, i.e., /H9004C1/H20849T/H20850=C1/H20849T/H20850−C1/H208498K/H20850. This
is necessary because the ratio method provides only relative
values for the effective first cumulant, which are taken with
the lowest temperature data as the reference value. The rela-
tive values of the realfirst cumulant /H9004C1*are then calculated
from the effective ones, as described in Refs. 6and15.I tc a n
be seen that the relative values of our first cumulant /H9004C1and
the ones from the realfirst cumulant /H9004C1*/H20849calculated in Ref.
6considering /H9261=6 Å /H20850are in good agreement at lower tem-
peratures, where the values are really small, but at highertemperatures there is a disagreement of about 0.002 Å. Sucha disagreement might originate from the different way oftreating the kdependence of the mean free path /H9261and of
handling the conjugate variable to the distance rin both ap-
proaches. While in the ratio method analysis applied in Ref.6a constant value for /H9261was used to convert effective toreal
interatomic distances, here the kdependence of /H9261is calcu-
lated from the imaginary part of the interaction potential dur-ing the data analysis.
We have verified that the thermal properties of Ge NCs
differ significantly from the ones observed for both c-Ge and
a-Ge. Using our approach, we were able to reproduce the
thermal behavior of the EXAFS cumulants previously ob-tained for the first shell of bulk c-Ge through the ratio
6and also obtain original results for Ge NCs.
Our results for Ge NCs show that they exhibit a higher
Einstein temperature than both a-Ge and c-Ge, indicating
stiffer bonds. It was also verified that the linear thermal ex-pansion for Ge NCs is smaller than for c-Ge. These findings
are in good agreement with existing data for other nanocrys-talline semiconductor systems.
19–21The fact that the thermal
evolution of the first cumulant is lower for the NCs than forthe bulk while the thermal evolution of the third cumulant isslightly higher strengthens the argument that the variation ofthe EXAFS first cumulant should not be considered as givenonly by the quantity afrom the Frenkel-Rehr model.
other words, it supports the assumption that the variation ofthe third cumulant should not be used to estimate the thermalexpansion or variation with the temperature of the inter-atomic distances measured by EXAFS.
In a recent work,
43it was shown that Ge NCs produced in
SiO 2by ion implantation are subject to a strong compressive
stress in their as-grown state. This could be one of the rea-sons for the observed damping in the thermal expansion forGe NCs when compared to the ones for c-Ge. If the interac-
tion between the SiO
2matrix and the Ge atoms on the sur-
face of the nanocrystals is not negligible, the matrix maysuppress the movement of such atoms, increasing their stiff-ness. Furthermore, the stronger this matrix-surface atoms in-teraction is, the higher the static disorder could be.
A new study is being carried out in order to further clarify
the influence of the SiO
2matrix over the vibrational proper-
ties of the Ge NCs.
L.L.A. and G.de M.A. acknowledge the Brazilian agency
CNPq /H20849Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico /H20850for financial support. P.K. and M.C.R. ac-
knowledge the Australian Research Council and AustralianSynchrotron Research Program for financial support. Por-tions of this research were carried out at the Stanford Syn-chrotron Radiation Laboratory, a national user facility oper-ated by Stanford University on behalf of the U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences.
FIG. 5. Thermal evolution of the interatomic distances for
c-Ge and Ge NCs as given by the variation of the first cumulant or
mean interatomic distance, symbols. The full line is the thermalevolution of the distance between the equilibrium positions of theatoms as given by XRD.
FIG. 6. Relative values of the first cumulant of the distance
distribution for the first shell of Ge.VIBRATIONAL PROPERTIES OF Ge NANOCRYSTALS … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184102 /H208492006 /H20850
184102-7*Corresponding author. Electronic address:
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184102-8 |
PhysRevB.76.104414.pdf | Frequency- and time-domain investigation of the dynamic properties of interlayer-exchange-
coupled Ni 81Fe19/Ru/Ni 81Fe19thin films
M. Belmeguenai, T. Martin, G. Woltersdorf, M. Maier, and G. Bayreuther
Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Universität Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
/H20849Received 24 February 2007; revised manuscript received 25 May 2007; published 14 September 2007 /H20850
Pulsed inductive microwave magnetometer /H20849PIMM /H20850, conventional ferromagnetic resonance /H20849FMR /H20850, and
vector network analyzer FMR /H20849VNA-FMR /H20850have been used for complementary studies of the various excited
modes in exchange-coupled NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850films with variable Ru thicknesses dRu. For
antiferromagnetically coupled layers, two modes, which vary in their relative intensity as a function of the biasfield, are detected. These two modes, which are observable simultaneously over a limited range of the bias fieldwith PIMM, are identified as optic and acoustic modes. The mode frequencies and the interlayer exchangecoupling are found to oscillate as a function of the Ru layer thickness with a period of 8.5 Å. The frequencyoscillations of the optic mode are coupling dependent, while those of the acoustic mode are indirectly relatedto coupling via the canting angle of the layer magnetizations below the saturation. Comparison between PIMMand VNA-FMR in terms of frequency of modes shows good agreement, but the optic mode is observed over awider field range with VNA-FMR. Furthermore, we clearly observed different behaviors of the FMR line-widths as a function of the spacer thickness for the optic and acoustic modes. In addition, perpendicularstanding spin waves have been studied as a function of coupling. The FMR linewidth of the different modesincreases with the microwave frequency and typical damping constants of
/H9251=0.0073 have been measured. The
effect of the pulse field amplitudes on the properties of the various excited modes has been simulated andstudied experimentally.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.104414 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 75.40.Gb, 76.50. /H11001g, 75.70. /H11002i, 75.30.Et
Exchange interlayer coupling between the magnetizations
M1andM2of two ferromagnetic layers separated by a non-
magnetic spacer layer was demonstrated experimentally in1986.
1–3This coupling is parametrized by the bilinear J1and
biquadratic J2coupling parameters defined via the phenom-
enological energy density expression:
. /H208491/H20850
The nature and the strength of the coupling are described by
the sign and the magnitude of J1andJ2. When J1dominates,
and if it is positive, the energy is minimal when M1andM2
are parallel /H20851ferromagnetic /H20849FM /H20850coupling /H20852, while if it is
negative, then the lowest energy is achieved when M1and
M2are antiparallel /H20851antiferromagnetic /H20849AF /H20850coupling /H20852. If, on
the other hand, J2dominates and is negative, then the mini-
mum energy occurs when the magnetizations are orientedperpendicularly to each other /H2084990°-type coupling /H20850.
Later discoveries in such coupled structures including gi-
ant magnetoresistance5,6led to an explosion in the interest on
these systems. Therefore, they are on the base of the devel-opment of many components which are considered now aspotential candidates for magnetic recording devices andtoggled magnetic random access memories.
7However, the
precessional dynamics at 1–10 GHz, which determines thehigh-speed response, is a fundamental limit to increasingdata rates in magnetic information storage technology.
Therefore, understanding the nature, the extent of exchangeinteractions, and their effect on the damping in such struc-tures at the nanosecond time scale is a technological key forsuch applications.Great attention has been given in recent years to study
both experimentally and theoretically the effect of couplingon spin waves in these layered systems.
9,10Brillouin light
scattering11and ferromagnetic resonance12are usually used
to determine the coupling constants and to study the spin-
wave modes, but only methods using pulsed excitation canreach the switching regime. At high excitation amplitudes,the motion of the magnetization becomes enharmonic, and itis best modeled by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert/H20849LLG /H20850equation numerically. In addition, a FMR experiment
is generally limited to a single frequency and high staticmagnetic fields are used, so that the amount of informationobtained from a FMR measurement is rather limited and it isdifficult to study the dynamics at low fields below the satu-ration. Therefore the aim of this paper is to use pulsed in-ductive microwave magnetometer /H20849PIMM /H20850and vector net-
work analyzer FMR /H20849VNA-FMR /H20850, besides a conventional
FMR, for full and complementary study of the dynamics ofinterlayer-exchange-coupled systems both in time and fre-quency domain over large static and pulse field ranges.Moreover, and in contrast to the conventional FMR, VNA-FMR and PIMM allow dynamic measurements over a largefrequency range. We focused our study particularly on lowapplied bias fields not sufficient to saturate the specimens, sothat the magnetization was antiparallel or canted at a certainangle with respect to the applied field. In such situation, weshow that not only the frequency of the optic mode dependson the interlayer exchange coupling but also that of theacoustic mode.
This paper is organized as follows: we first define our
macrospin model and explain how the static and dynamicsimulations are carried out /H20849Sec. II /H20850. Section III introduces
the samples and the different experimental setups used forPHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
1098-0121/2007/76 /H2084910/H20850/104414 /H208499/H20850 ©2007 The American Physical Society 104414-1this study. Section IV starts by summarizing the main static
characteristics of the samples and then presents dynamicmeasurements, the excited mode properties, and the compari-son between time- and frequency-domain methods. This sec-tion ends by presenting the effect of the coupling on thelinewidth of the different excited spin waves. The effect ofthe pulse field amplitudes on the properties of the excitedspin-waves is studied in Sec. V, and comparison to mac-rospin simulation is presented. In Sec. VI, conclusions aredrawn.
We consider two magnetic thin films, 1 and 2, of thick-
nesses d1and d2separated by a nonmagnetic spacer layer
with thickness d. We study only the situation where the ex-
ternal static magnetic field His applied in the plane of the
films, at an arbitrary angle /H9258Hwith respect to the easy axis
direction. In this case, the directions of the magnetizations ofthe two films, M
1andM2, also in the plane, are characterized
by the angles /H92741and/H92742with respect to the easy axis direc-
tion. The equilibrium directions of M1and M2are deter-
mined by the minima of the total free energy per unit areagiven by
tot/H20849/H92741,/H92742/H20850=E1,a/H20849/H92741/H20850d1+E2,a/H20849/H92742/H20850d2+Eex/H20849/H92741,/H92742/H20850. /H208492/H20850
The volume energy density Ea, composed of the Zeeman and
anisotropy energies, and the exchange energy density Eexare
given by
Ea/H20849/H9274/H20850=Kusin2/H9274−/H92620MsHcos /H20849/H9258H−/H9274/H20850, /H208493/H20850
Eex/H20849/H92741,/H92742/H20850=−J1cos /H20849/H92741−/H92742/H20850−J2cos2/H20849/H92741−/H92742/H20850, /H208494/H20850
where Msis the magnetization at saturation and Kuis the
uniaxial anisotropy constant.
The equilibrium configuration /H20849/H92741,equand/H92742,equ/H20850are de-
termined numerically for each applied field, taking J1andJ2
as parameters, and the normalized static hysteresis loops are
given by
Ms=M1cos /H20849/H92741,eq−/H9258H/H20850+M2cos /H20849/H92742,eq−/H9258H/H20850
M1+M2. /H208495/H20850
The spatiotemporal evolution of magnetization of the film
iis given by the numerical solution of the equation of motion
written as13
1+/H92512/H20853mi/H20849t/H20850/H11003 /H20851mi/H20849t/H20850/H11003Heff,i/H20852/H20854, /H208496/H20850
where /H9253is the gyromagnetic ratio, /H9251is the phenomenologi-
cal damping parameter, and Heff,iis the effective field vector
acting on the layer iwith a normalized magnetization vector
The effective field comprises the applied field H, the an-
isotropy field Hani, the demagnetizing field Hdemag, the pulse
field Hpulse, and the bilinear and biquadratic exchange fieldsHJ1andHJ2. These exchange fields are given by
with i/HS11005j. /H208497/H20850
For the simulations and in order to be as close as possible to
the real case, the real pulse field shape /H20849as measured /H20850is used.
Equation /H208496/H20850is numerically integrated using the initial equi-
librium state obtained from the static simulation, a step sizeof 1 ps, and a damping parameter
/H9251=0.017 which is in a
good agreement with the measured one using PIMM. More-over, all the static and dynamic simulations which will bepresented below considered the case of symmetrical mag-netic layers having the same thicknesses and magnetic char-acteristics.
A series of Ni 81Fe19/Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/Ni 81Fe19trilayered samples
with a fixed Ni 81Fe19thickness of 300 Å and variable Ru
thicknesses /H208491.6 Å/H11021dRu/H1102128 Å /H20850was sequentially deposited
at room temperature by dc magnetron sputtering onto silicon
substrates with Ta seed and cover layers in a commercialsputtering system at IPHT Jena. The Ru thickness gradient/H208491.6–28 Å /H20850is spread over two 6 in. wafers, on which the
thickness changes from 1.6 to 9 Å and from 6 to 28 Å, re-
spectively. The base pressure of the sputtering system wastypically 10
−8mbar. The deposition rates were about a frac-
tion of an angstrom per second. During the growth of theNi
81Fe19layers, a magnetic field of 100 Oe was applied,
which induced a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with definedeasy axis. The easy axes are parallel for both NiFe layers.
Magneto-optical Kerr effect /H20849MOKE /H20850and vibrating
sample magnetometer /H20849VSM /H20850were used at room temperature
to obtain the hysteresis loops for each sample, both in easyand hard axis directions. The measured hysteresis loops werethen fitted numerically by minimizing the total energy of thesystem to determine the coupling constants J
1and J2,a s
described in Sec. II. For samples with FM coupling wherethe determination of the interlayer exchange coupling con-stants cannot be performed using static methods, FMR mea-surements have been used to determine the total coupling/H20849effective coupling: J
eff/H20850. The maximum saturation fields
both in easy and hard axes are in the range of 0.8–1.4 kOefor 4.6 Å /H11021d
Ru/H110216.4 Å and they vary from 3 to 500 Oe oth-
The dynamic measurements were carried out by FMR,
PIMM, and VNA-FMR. For PIMM and VNA-FMR, thesamples of 1 cm
2are coupled to a coplanar waveguide and
the experimental setups are described in Refs. 14and15,
respectively. For both methods, the data at each bias fieldBELMEGUENAI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
104414-2require the subtraction of two measurements: one with the
bias field switched on and a second measurement with a1 kOe saturating field applied in the same direction as thepulse or the rf field, which removes all magnetic responsefrom the measured quantity /H20849transmission coefficient: S
decibel in the case of VNA-FMR and in voltage in PIMM /H20850.
By subtracting this saturated measurement from the bias fieldmeasurement, all that remains is the effect of the oscillatoryresponse created by the precessing magnetization in thesample. In our case, a maximal bias field of 1 kOe was ap-plied before each bias field measurement in order to definean initial state. This field was reduced to the target bias fieldbefore the voltage pulse or rf field. The resonance frequen-cies are obtained from the Fourier transform of the time-domain magnetic response or from the Lorentzian fit of theS
21measured by VNA.
For the FMR measurements, the experimental setup is the
same as described in Ref. 15. The magnetic sample is
mounted inside a shorted waveguide. The microwave absorp-tion is measured by monitoring the power reflected from thesample using a mixer. The sample is swept through the reso-nance condition by means of an external field. When themagnetic sample undergoes a ferromagnetic resonance, themicrowave losses are increased and the reflected powerchanges slightly. In addition, the external magnetic field ismodulated with an amplitude of 2 Oe at a frequency of130 Hz. This modulation allows lock-in detection to be usedin order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The measuredFMR signal is proportional to the field derivative of theimaginary part of the rf susceptibility. The FMR experimentswere carried out using 22 and 35 GHz systems.
A. Static characterization
VSM hysteresis loops for a NiFe/Ru/NiFe trilayer with a
4.9-Å-thick Ru layer are shown in Fig. 1/H20849a/H20850. The data corre-
spond to the field aligned along the easy and hard axes. Thehysteresis loop in the hard axis has been shifted horizontallyby 100 Oe for clarity. Comparison of the two curves indi-cates that the anisotropies in the system are small. Note theslow approach to saturation above 0.5 kOe for both cases.This asymptotic behavior, regardless of field orientation, sug-gests that a strong coupling exists across the Ru film. Theremanence is large, between 55% and 60% of saturation de-pending on field orientation. It is possible to explain the re-manence and approach to saturation with the presence of alarge biquadratic coupling between the ferromagnetic layersacross the Ru spacer. This is in good agreement with Fig.1/H20849b/H20850, where mean values of the interlayer coupling constants
1andJ2, determined by fitting the VSM and MOKE hyster-
esis loops as indicated in Sec. II, are plotted as a function ofthe spacer thickness. For each Ru thickness, J
here is the average between J1/H20849J2/H20850obtained from VSM and
that obtained from MOKE. Positive values of J1indicate FM
coupling and negative values indicate AF coupling /H20849when J2
is neglected /H20850. One clearly recognizes an oscillatory behavior
ofJ1as a function of the spacer thickness, which is attenu-
ated for larger dRu. The coupling is purely FM and AF fordRu/H110214.3 Å and dRu/H110226.7 Å, respectively, and a non-
negligible biquadratic coupling is present for samples of Ruthicknesses between these two regimes. The oscillation pe-riod is 8.5 Å and slightly smaller than usually measured inthe Co/Ru systems /H20849about 11 Å /H20850.
B. Dynamic measurements by pulsed inductive microwave
magnetometer and vector network analyzer
ferromagnetic resonance
In analogy with coupled harmonic oscillators, the magnon
modes in two magnetic films coupled via a nonmagnetic in-terlayer can be classified into acoustic and optic modes de-FIG. 1. /H20849a/H20850Easy and hard axis hysteresis loops of
Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H208494.9 Å /H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta obtained by vi-
brating sample magnetometer /H20849VSM /H20850. Arrows indicate the magne-
tization states for different applied fields. /H20849b/H20850Mean values of the
bilinear /H20849J1/H20850and biquadratic /H20849J2/H20850interlayer coupling constants of
Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta as a function of the
Ru thickness. The coupling constants have been determined by fit-ting the VSM and MOKE hysteresis loops numerically for antifer-romagnetically coupled samples and by FMR for ferromagneticallycoupled ones /H20849effective coupling /H20850. For each Ru thickness, J
presented here is the average between J1/H20849J2/H20850obtained from VSM
and that obtained from MOKE. The corresponding error bar for J1
andJ2is also given.FREQUENCY- AND TIME-DOMAIN INVESTIGATION OF … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
104414-3pending on whether the two film magnetizations precess in
phase or out of phase, respectively. This assignment isstraightforward when the film magnetizations are in parallelalignment. For the antiparallel configuration, the two magne-tizations precess in opposite directions, and hence, their rela-tive phase changes continuously.
Behavior of the spin-wave frequencies as a function of
applied fields provides a great deal of information about themagnitude and functional form of the coupling energy. Overthe whole range of the spacer thickness, the typical experi-mental resonance frequencies as a function of the externalin-plane bias field /H20849H/H20850, measured by PIMM and VNA-FMR,
are shown in Figs. 2/H20849a/H20850and2/H20849b/H20850for two Ru thicknesses of
4.9 and 14.8 Å. For d
Ru=4.9 Å, both J1andJ2are large and
the AF coupling is strong, while for dRu=14.8 Å, the cou-
pling is weak and mainly J1exists. Our experimental results
have been fitted by the model presented in Ref. 10using the
parameters indicated in the caption of Fig. 2. These two
samples show qualitatively similar behavior and will be dis-cussed together. There are two different frequencies whichappear in different field regimes. The variation of the modefrequencies with the external magnetic field relates to thedifferent magnetic states of the two NiFe magnetizations.These modes are identified as the optic and acoustic spin-wave modes of the coupled ferromagnetic films. This hasbeen confirmed by our simulations by comparing the phasesof the two modes after numerical solution of the LLG equa-tion. It is also in good agreement with the model of Zivieri et
9which predicts that for AF coupled films and at low bias
fields, the acoustic mode has the lower frequency while theoptic mode has the higher frequency. However, above a criti-cal applied field /H20849H
cr/H20850, which is coupling dependent /H20851see Fig.
2/H20849c/H20850/H20852a crossover between the two mode frequencies occurs
and the situation is reversed /H20849i.e., the position of the acoustic
mode frequency switches with that of the optic one /H20850,a si n -
dicated in Fig. 2. Thus, in AF coupled multilayers, the mag-
netic ground state develops as a function of the applied fieldand the classification of “acoustic” and “optic” modes aslower and higher frequency modes, respectively, is not gen-erally valid. Therefore, the knowledge of the magnetizationstate corresponding to the applied bias field is necessarywhen identifying these modes.
We note that in order to resolve the optic mode over a
large field range and, in particular, at its intersection with theacoustic mode, we used a different measurement configura-tion similar to the longitudinal FMR, which is more sensitiveto the optical mode. Therefore, instead of applying the rffield perpendicular to the bias field, both fields were parallelto each other. We note that, in this case, both modes have astronger signal in VNA-FMR compared to PIMM, wherethey can only be observed over a narrow field window /H20849see
Figure 2/H20849b/H20850shows that at very low fields /H208490/H11021H
/H1102120 Oe /H20850the magnetizations align antiparallel to each other
/H20851see inset of Fig. 2/H20849b/H20850/H20852. Therefore, the optic mode has the
higher frequency. The discontinuity in the frequencies seenin the simulations
10at 20 Oe reflects the spin-flop transition.
In this spin-flop phase /H20849H/H1102220 Oe /H20850, the angle between the
magnetizations continuously decreases from 180° to 0°.FIG. 2. /H20849Color online /H20850Frequencies of the optic and acoustic
modes of Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta structure
as a function of the in-plane bias field and for /H20849a/H20850dRu=4.9 Å and /H20849b/H20850
dRu=14.8 Å. These frequencies are obtained by fitting the module
of the transmission coefficient S 21measured by VNA-FMR to a
Lorentzian and by the Fourier transform of the time-domain mag-netic response measured by PIMM. Pulse field of 8.5 Oe is used forPIMM measurements. The effective exchange field is given by thefield difference above the saturation between the correspondingresonance fields at a fixed frequency, as indicated by the dottedlines. The inset shows the VSM easy axis hysteresis loop /H20849normal-
ized magnetization versus static field in Oe /H20850. The corresponding
simulations are obtained from the model of Ref. 10using a uniaxial
anisotropy field H
ani=5 Oe with /H20849a/H20850J1=−377 /H9262J/m2and J2=
−514/H9262J/m2, and /H20849b/H20850J1=−140 /H9262J/m2andJ2=−15/H9262J/m2./H20849c/H20850Ru
thickness dependence of the critical field /H20849Hcr/H20850, which is the value
of the bias field where the frequencies of the optic and acousticmodes are equal /H20849crossover /H20850. The corresponding frequency, called
critical frequency, is also represented here as a function of d
Ru.BELMEGUENAI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
104414-4Above 20 Oe, the optic mode frequency and intensity start to
decrease before disappearing /H20851Fig.2/H20849b/H20850/H20852. It should have a dip
when the sample saturates /H20851see simulation10in Fig. 2/H20849b/H20850/H20852.
The acoustic mode frequency increases continuously andforms a kink around the saturation field. In the saturated statebeyond 140 Oe, both acoustic and optic mode frequenciesincrease with the field. Therefore, at a fixed frequency, thefield difference between the optic and acoustic modes isequal to the effective exchange field /H208492H
ex/H20850. The obtained
value for effective coupling is in good agreement with that
obtained from the fit of the VSM and MOKE measurements.
In Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850, similar behaviors to Fig. 2/H20849b/H20850are found, with
the difference that the optic frequency increases slowly untilit reaches a maximum around 600 Oe, where again it startsto decrease. This behavior has also been reported by Kuanret al. for Fe/Al/Fe trilayer.
16We found this behavior for all
the samples with 4.3 Å /H33355dRu/H3335511.2 Å, where the estimated
J2is larger than or comparable to J1. The field, where the
maximum of the optic mode frequency occurs, scales withthe coupling strength. This behavior of the optic mode fre-quency reported in Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850is a consequence of the contri-
bution of bilinear and biquadratic interlayer exchanges andZeeman energy to the effective stiffness of the magnetiza-tions and can be reproduced with a simple single spinmodel
10using the mean values of J1andJ2obtained from the
fit of the VSM and the MOKE hysteresis loops /H20851see Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850
for simulations /H20852. The frequency offset of the optic mode in
the simulation is caused by the presence of a significanttwisting of the magnetization along the film normal in thereal sample. This additional effect can be treated by amultilayer simulation as shown by Buchmeier et al.
The effect of the biquadratic coupling on the mode fre-
quency has been studied theoretically by Layadi.10For anti-
ferromagnetic coupling, two situations can arise. When theapplied field is greater than the saturation field, the magneti-zations are parallel and, for the same parameters, the reso-nant frequency of the acoustic mode is constant while that ofthe optic one decreases almost linearly as J
2increases. On
the other hand, and for the same parameters, when the mag-netizations are antiparallel, the mode behavior is different.The resonant frequencies of the optic mode and the acousticmode decrease as J
2increases, and the amplitudes of both
modes are nonzero and vary with J2. Moreover, the effective
coupling /H20849Jeff/H20850defined as Jeff=J1+2J2andJeff=J1−2J2in
the parallel and antiparallel states, respectively,11increases
/H20849decreases /H20850with increasing J2/H20849J2/H110210/H20850for antiferromagnetic
coupling for parallel /H20849antiparallel /H20850states. Therefore, with in-
creasing AF coupling strength, the optic mode frequencyshifts up for antiparallel alignment and down for parallelalignment because the AF coupling represents a restoringforce for the antiparallel alignment but not for the parallelalignment.
For a fixed bias field value, the frequencies of the optic
and acoustic modes oscillate as a function of dRuwith the
same period as J1/H20849Fig.3/H20850. The frequency of the optic mode
strongly depends on the interaction, i.e., the interlayer cou-pling, whereas the acoustic modes /H20849above saturation /H20850are in-
dependent of the coupling strength, again in analogy tocoupled harmonic oscillators. However, the acoustic modefrequency /H20851Fig. 3/H20849b/H20850/H20852depends on the alignment of the filmmagnetizations. This frequency is constant for strong FM
coupled /H20849d
Ru/H333553.7 Å /H20850and uncoupled NiFe /H20849dRu/H3335616.5 Å /H20850
layers, where the two magnetizations are collinear and par-
allel to the applied field. Therefore, we attribute these oscil-lations of the acoustic mode as a function of d
Ru, which
vanish /H20851Fig.3/H20849b/H20850/H20852when the bias field is above 1 kOe /H20849field
where all the samples are mostly saturated /H20850, to the canting
angle of the two magnetizations which is coupling depen-dent. Similar trends have been reported in Ref. 18.
C. Dynamic measurements by conventional ferromagnetic
The typical obtained FMR spectrum at 22 GHz is shown
in Fig. 4for FM /H20849dRu=3.7 Å /H20850, AF coupled /H20849dRu=4.9 Å and
dRu=14.8 Å /H20850, and uncoupled layers /H20849dRu=18.3 Å /H20850. The two
higher field modes /H20849modes 3 and 4 in Fig. 4/H20850are the usual
acoustic and optic modes, while the two other modes atFIG. 3. Mode frequencies of the Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/
Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta coupled system as a function of the
spacer thickness dRu./H20849a/H20850Optic mode frequencies measured by
PIMM and VNA-FMR at an easy axis applied bias field of 5 Oeand /H20849b/H20850acoustic mode frequencies at the indicated easy axis applied
bias fields. The acoustic mode frequencies presented here are ob-tained from VNA-FMR measurements.FREQUENCY- AND TIME-DOMAIN INVESTIGATION OF … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
104414-5lower fields /H20849modes 1 and 2 in Fig. 4/H20850, which are observable
at this frequency only for strong AF coupling /H208494.6 Å/H33355dRu
/H333556.4 Å /H20850, are supposed to be the first perpendicular standing
spin wave /H20849PSSW /H20850corresponding to the two NiFe layers.
The acoustic mode /H20849mode 3 in Fig. 4/H20850is independent of the
exchange energy and, therefore, is degenerate with the reso-nance field of uncoupled system /H20849Fig.4/H20850. In the case of AF
/H20849FM /H20850coupling, the optic mode is at higher /H20849lower /H20850field with
respect to the acoustic mode. With increasing coupling, itsresonance field increases /H20849decreases /H20850.
In the case of thin film layer of thickness d
m, assuming
long in-plane wavelengths and under the approximation ofunpinned spins at the film surfaces which is well justified forNiFe due to the small anisotropies, the frequencies of thePSSWs are given by
where Ais the exchange stiffness constant, His the external
magnetic field, /H9253is the gyromagnetic factor /H20849/H9253/2/H9266
=29.5 GHz/T for Permalloy /H20850, and Pis the index of the
PSSW mode.
The three lowest modes corresponding to P=0, 1, and 2
are represented in Fig. 5for a NiFe layer of 30 nm in thick-
ness for /H92620Meff=1.064 T and A=1.3/H1100310−11J/m.20There-
fore, in our finite-band PIMM and VNA-FMR setups, wecannot observe PSSW modes /H20849P/H333561/H20850. The FMR measure-
ments at 22 and 35 GHz show that as the AF couplingstrength decreases, the resonance field of the PSSW moves to
lower values in the same manner as the optic mode and ingood agreement with the theoretical models.
21Moreover, the
effect of the interlayer coupling on the PSSW can be ana-lyzed through the simple model proposed by Wigen et al.
This model assumes that each magnetic sublayer is resonat-
ing with a nearly uniform amplitude but different phase,caused by interlayer coupling via the spacer. In other words,
different sublayers resonate at different amplitudes to giverise to an overall spin wave. This model can only be appliedin the case that the interlayer coupling is much smaller thanthe intralayer one /H20849the exchange coupling Ashould be di-
vided by the lattice parameter to be compared to the inter-layer coupling /H20850. Therefore, it is an extension of the spin-
wave model for single layer magnetic thin films expressed byEq. /H208498/H20850, and the exchange stiffness constant Acan also be
replaced by an effective coupling constant A
eff. Using this
model, we calculated Aeffcorresponding to the measured
resonance fields of the PSSW modes at 22 GHz /H20851Fig.6/H20849a/H20850/H20852.
This plot shows clearly that AF interlayer coupling reducesthe stiffness constant A
eff, and we converge to that of a single
layer in the case of zero coupling. Aeffoscillates with the Ru
thickness in the same manner as the interlayer coupling.
The PSSWs /H20849P=1 /H20850were also observed at microwave fre-
quency of 35 GHz, but their amplitudes were smaller com-
pared to those observed at 22 GHz due to the low signal-to-noise ratio at this frequency. Therefore, in contrast to themeasurements at 22 GHz, we observed only one PSSW/H20849similar to mode 2 in Fig. 4/H20850. One should mention that in
contrast to mode 2 /H20849Fig.4/H20850, the resonance fields of mode 1 at
22 GHz /H20849observed for 4.6 Å /H33355d
Ru/H333556.4 Å /H20850are below the
saturation fields in this Ru thickness range, suggesting thatthis mode /H20849mode 1 /H20850is due to the canted magnetizations.
Moreover, the PSSWs were not observed for the FM coupledsample /H20849d
Ru/H110214Å /H20850. The excellent agreement between FMR
results obtained at 22 and 35 GHz for uncoupled layers and
those calculated using Eq. /H208498/H20850suggests that, as expected, the
uniform /H20849acoustic /H20850mode is well fitted by this model /H20849P=0 /H20850FIG. 4. /H20849Color online /H20850 FMR spectrum of
Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta measured at
22 GHz. FMR signal is proportional to the field derivative of theimaginary part of the rf susceptibility. Each derivative is a modeand is referenced by an integer number to identify /H20851/H208491/H20850and /H208492/H20850/H20852the
perpendicular standing spin waves /H20849PSSW /H20850corresponding to each
NiFe layer, /H208493/H20850the acoustic mode, and /H208494/H20850the optic mode. The
spectra have been shifted vertically with respect to that correspond-ing to d
Ru=14.8 Å for clarity. Inset shows a zoom in on the optic
mode corresponding to dRu=4.9 Å.FIG. 5. /H20849Color online /H20850PSSW: P=1 and P=2, and uniform
/H20849acoustic /H20850mode: P=0 corresponding to a NiFe thin film of 30 nm
thickness obtained from Eq. /H208498/H20850using /H92620Meff=1.064 T, A=1.3
/H1100310−11J/m, and /H9253/2/H9266=29.5 GHz/T. Blue squares and cyan
circles indicate respectively the corresponding FMR and VNA-FMR measurements of uniform mode /H20849acoustic mode /H20850:P=0 and
the first PSSW: P=1 for uncoupled layers
/H20851Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H208491.83 nm /H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta /H20852.BELMEGUENAI et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
104414-6and confirms that the lower field peaks /H20849mode 2 /H20850are the first
PSSW modes.
Figure 6/H20849b/H20850shows the dependence of the FMR linewidth
of optic, acoustic, and PSSW modes on the spacer thicknessfor the NiFe/Ru/NiFe trilayers. These linewidths repre-sented here for FMR measurements at 22 GHz are defined asthe peak-to-peak linewidths of the derivative Lorentzian. Thekey observation in Fig. 6/H20849b/H20850is that the linewidths of the
acoustic and optic modes behave significantly differently.Like its resonance field, the linewidth of the acoustic mode isalmost constant as a function of d
Ru. Assuming a linear de-
pendence of the FMR linewidth /H20849/H9004H/H20850on the microwave fre-
quency /H20849f/H20850and fitting the measured results at 22 and 35 GHz
to Eq. /H208499/H20850,23we have determined the effective Gilbert damp-
ing/H9251as a function of Ru thickness dRu. The obtained results
show that the damping is almost constant and fluctuatearound an average damping of
/H9251=0.0073, which is in good
agreement with NiFe thin films24/H208490.008 in Ref. 24/H20850. This can
be explained by the fact that the magnetization vector ofeach FM layer is saturated at the resonance and the acousticmode is independent of the exchange energy and, thus, isdegenerate with the resonance mode of uncoupled system.Therefore, the fluctuation of
/H9251with dRuis due to the varia-tions of the interface quality and to the inhomogeneities. This
is also in agreement with the theoretical models which pre-dict a constant linewidth in symmetrical coupled trilayers,
/H9004H/H20849f/H20850=/H9004H/H208490/H20850+ 1.16/H92512/H9266f
/H9253, /H208499/H20850
where /H9004H/H208490/H20850is the zero-frequency offset and is caused by
magnetic inhomogeneities and, therefore, its origin is extrin-
Due to the inhomogeneity of the exchange coupling, the
linewidth of the optic mode is usually larger than that of theacoustic mode. Interestingly, the linewidth and the resonancefield of the optic mode oscillate as function of d
Ruin the
same manner as the coupling /H20851see Figs. 1/H20849b/H20850and6/H20849b/H20850/H20852. This
correlation with the coupling oscillations supports the expla-nation that the broadening of the linewidth is due to theinhomogeneous exchange interlayer coupling. However, incontrast to its resonance field, the linewidth of the PSSWdoes not oscillate with the Ru thickness d
Ru. Its decrease
with dRuis drastically for small thickness, but it remains
higher than that of the acoustic mode and the uncoupledlayers. Moreover, this linewidth increases with the micro-wave frequency.
In our PIMM setup, we are able to increase the exciting
pulse fields up to 150 Oe by applying voltage pulses of up to200 V and 250 ps duration to the coplanar waveguide.Therefore, large excitation angles in both layers can be ob-tained. However, at such large precession angles, the fre-quency spectrum gets rather complex, and micromagnetic orat least macrospin /H20849like in our case /H20850simulations are helpful
for interpreting the obtained results.
To validate our macrospin model presented in Sec. II, let
us consider the case of the sample of 14.8 Å studied above indetail /H20851Fig. 2/H20849b/H20850/H20852. With increasing pulse fields, the PIMM
measurements /H20849Fig.7/H20850show two significant effects. First, it
can be seen that the optic mode is observable over a largerrange of the bias field, while the threshold /H20849the bias field
value where its intensity becomes significant /H20850of the acoustic
mode increases with higher pulse fields. Second, we observeat bias fields values around 100 Oe a higher harmonic of theacoustic mode. This behavior is well reproduced by the mac-rospin simulation /H20849Fig.7/H20850despite the fact that the agreement
decreases at the highest excitations /H20849not shown here /H20850. This is
an indication that at such high excitations, the macrospinapproximation is no longer valid due to inhomogeneous pre-cession.
For the sample with 6.4 Å of thickness and in addition to
the optic and acoustic modes, we observe a very intense thirdmode for which the frequency varies strongly with the pulsefield amplitude /H20849Fig.8/H20850. This mode, only observable in anti-
parallel configuration at low bias fields, has been observedfor Ru thickness 6.1 Å /H33355d
Ru/H333556.7 Å. As shown in Fig. 8, for
low excitation amplitudes, only the optical mode is visible.With increasing pulse field amplitudes, a third mode appearsand the acoustical mode becomes more intense. For higherexcitation amplitudes, plenty of modes are present and onlyFIG. 6. Dependence of /H20849a/H20850the effective exchange stiffness cou-
pling /H20849Aeff/H20850and /H20849b/H20850the FMR linewidth of the PSSW and the optic
and acoustic modes on the spacer thickness dRu in
Si/Ta/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ru /H20849dRu/H20850/NiFe /H2084930 nm /H20850/Ta coupled systems.
The measurements presented here were carried out at 22 GHz. Aeff
was calculated by replacing AbyAeffin Eq. /H208497/H20850and using the
measured PSSW resonance fields.FREQUENCY- AND TIME-DOMAIN INVESTIGATION OF … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 104414 /H208492007 /H20850
104414-7the optic mode can be identified clearly. The pulse field de-
pendence of this third mode frequency is most probably at-tributed to the large change of the direction of H
J1,iand of
the strength and direction of HJ2,ias the magnetizations of
the two layers undergo large excitation angles during the first
nanosecond of the precession /H20851compare Eq. /H208497/H20850/H20852. By this, the
direction and also the strength of the effective field varystrongly in this time range. This is confirmed by the fact thatthis third mode is not visible any more in the fast Fouriertransform spectrum when omitting the first 1.5 ns of thetime-domain data, whereas the optic mode remains visible.However, this mode could not be reproduced by the mac-rospin simulation, suggesting that its origin lies beyond themacrospin model.
The high frequency magnetization dynamics of interlayer
coupled NiFe/Ru/NiFe films has been studied by three dif-ferent methods. We detected two modes that we identified asoptic and acoustic modes. The high frequency optic mode isdominant at low bias, while in higher fields, the acousticmode has the largest intensity. The oscillatory nature of theacoustic mode frequency, at low bias fields, with Ru thick-
ness was attributed to the canting angle of the magnetiza-tions. Comparison between PIMM and VNA-FMR in termsof frequency of modes shows good agreement, but the opticmode is more observable with VNA-FMR. The first mode ofthe perpendicular standing spin-waves has been observedwith FMR for AF and uncoupled layers. The analysis of theobtained results via a simple model shows that the AF inter-layer coupling reduces the effective exchange stiffness.Moreover, the FMR measurements showed different behav-iors of the linewidths as a function of the spacer thickness forthe optic and acoustic modes. The FMR linewidth of thedifferent modes increases with the microwave frequencies,and typical damping constants of 0.0073 have been mea-sured. The effect of the pulse field amplitudes on the prop-erties of the different excited spin waves shows the existenceof additional modes at high pulse field amplitudes for somesamples. The macrospin simulations are in good agreementwith the measurements.
This work was supported in part by the European com-
munity’s Marie Curie actions /H20849Research Training Networks /H20850
under Contract No. MRTN-CT-2003-504462 and by Deut-sche Forschungsgemeinschaft /H20849DFG /H20850SPP1133. The authors
would like to thank C. Back for discussions and for puttingat their disposal some experimental setups during this study,and M. Scheinfein for fruitful discussions regarding the mac-rospin simulations.
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PhysRevB.91.214430.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214430 (2015)
Magnetic spheres in microwave cavities
Babak Zare Rameshti,1,2Yunshan Cao,2and Gerrit E. W. Bauer2,3
1Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan 45137-66731, Iran
2Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands
3Institute for Materials Research and WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
(Received 9 March 2015; revised manuscript received 4 June 2015; published 25 June 2015)
We apply Mie scattering theory to study the interaction of magnetic spheres with microwaves in cavities
beyond the magnetostatic and rotating wave approximations. We demonstrate that both strong and ultrastrong
coupling can be realized for stand alone magnetic spheres made from yttrium iron garnet (YIG), acting as an
efficient microwave antenna. The eigenmodes of YIG spheres with radii of the order mm display distinct higherangular momentum character that has been observed in experiments.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.214430 PACS number(s): 71 .36.+c,75.30.Ds,75.60.Ch,85.75.−d
Light-matter interaction in the strong-coupling regime
is an important subject in coherent quantum informationtransfer [ 1–3]. Spin ensembles such as nitrogen-vacancy
centers may couple strongly to electromagnetic fields andhave the advantage of both long coherence times [ 4] and
fast manipulation [ 5]. The “magnon” refers to the collective
excitation of spin systems. In paramagnetic spin ensembles inan applied magnetic field, the spins precess coherently in thepresence of microwave radiation, creating hybridized statesreferred to as magnon-polaritons [ 6–8]. In the strong-coupling
regime coherent energy exchange exceeds the dissipative lossof both subsystems. The coherent coupled systems is usuallydescribed by the Tavis-Cummings (TC) model [ 9,10], which
defines a coupling constant gbetween the spin-ensemble and
the electromagnetic radiation that scales with the square root ofthe number of spins. In ferro/ferrimagnets the net spin densityis exceptionally large and spontaneously ordered, which makesthose materials very attractive for strong-coupling studies.The exchange coupling of spins in magnetic materials alsostrongly modifies the excitation spectrum into a spectrum
or spin wave band structure. An ubiquitous experimental
technique to study ferromagnetism is ferromagnetic resonance(FMR), i.e., the absorption, transmission, or reflection spectraof microwaves. In the weak-coupling regime FMR gives directaccess to the elementary excitation spectrum of ferromagnets[11], including the standing spin waves in confined systems
referred to spin wave resonance (SWR) [ 12]. The strong-
coupling regime is studied less frequently, however, because
the dissipative losses of the magnetization dynamics are
usually quite large.
An exceptional magnetic material is the manmade yttrium
iron garnets (YIG), a ferrimagnetic insulator. Commerciallyproduced high-quality spherical YIG samples serve in magnet-ically tunable filters and resonators at microwave frequencies.By suitable doping becomes a versatile class of materials with
low dissipation and unique microwave properties [ 13]. YIG has
spin density of 2 ×10
22cm−3[14], and the Gilbert damping (re-
ciprocal quality) factor of the magnetization dynamics rangesfrom 10
−5to 10−3[15–17], which facilitates strong coupling
for smaller samples. Indeed, strongly coupled microwavephotons with magnons have been experimentally reported foreither YIG films with broadband coplanar waveguides (CPWs)
[18–20], or YIG spheres in 3D microwave cavities [ 21–23]. Aseries of anticrossings were observed in thicker YIG films and
split rings [ 19,20]. The coupling of magnons in YIG spheres
with a superconducting qubit via a mircowave cavity mode inthe quantum limit has been reported [ 21]. An ultrahigh coop-
erativity C=g
2/κγ > 105,where κandγare the loss rates
of the cavity and spin system, and multimode strong coupling
were found at room [ 22]a sw e l la st h el o w[ 23] temperatures.
From a theoretical point of view, the standard TC model
is too simple to describe the full range of coupling betweenmagnets and microwaves. Also the rotating-wave approxi-mation (RW A) (usually but not necessarily assumed in theTC model) is speaking applicable when the coupling ratiog/ω
c/lessmuch1, where ωcis the microwave cavity mode frequency.
We may define different coupling regimes [ 24,25], viz. (i)
strong coupling (SC) when 0 .01<g / ω c/lessorsimilar0.1, (ii) ultrastrong
coupling (USC) [ 26] when g/ωc/greaterorsimilar0.1, (iii) or even deep
strong coupling (DSC) g/ωc≈1[27]. Cao et al. [8] adapted
the TC model to ferromagnets by formulating a first-principlesscattering theory of the coupled cavity-ferromagnet systembased on the Maxwell and the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equa-tion including the exchange interaction. A effectively one-dimensional system of a thin film with in-plane magnetizationin a planar cavity was solved exactly in the linear regime,exposing, for example, strong coupling to standing spin waves.Maksymov et al. [28] carried out a numerical study of the
strong-coupling regime in all-dielectric magnetic multilayersthat resonantly enhance the microwave magnetic field. Aquantum theory of strong coupling for nanoscale magneticspheres in microwave resonators has been developed in themacrospin approximation [ 29], but this regime has not yet
been reached in experiments.
Here we apply our classical method [ 8] to spherically
symmetric systems, i.e., a magnetic sphere in the center of
a spherical cavity. This is basically again a one-dimensionalproblem that can be treated semianalytically and has otheradvantages as well, such as a homogeneous dipolar field andsimple boundary conditions. The eigenmodes of magneticspheres have been studied in the “magnetostatic” approxi-mation [ 30,31], in which the spins interact by the magnetic
dipolar field, disregarding exchange as well as propagationeffects, which may be done when λ/greatermucha, where ais the radius
of the sphere and λthe wavelength of the incident radiation.
Arias et al. [32] treated the interaction of magnetic spheres
with microwaves in the weak-coupling regime. In contrast, we
1098-0121/2015/91(21)/214430(7) 214430-1 ©2015 American Physical SocietyZARE RAMESHTI, CAO, AND BAUER PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214430 (2015)
address here the properties of the fully hybridized magnon-
polaritons beyond the magnetostatic approximation (but dis-
regard the exchange interaction), including the propagation
effects (reflection and transmission) of microwaves, therebyextending the validity to λ<a . We are admittedly still one
step from the “exact” solution by disregarding the exchange(as treated and discussed by Cao et al. [8]). Our calculated
microwave spectra are complex but help in understanding someof the above-mentioned experiments.
This manuscript is organized as follows. In Sec. II,w e
introduce the details of our model and derive the scatteredintensity and efficiency factors for a strongly coupled systemof a magnetic sphere and microwaves. In Sec. III, we present
and discuss our numerical results that demonstrate the effectsboth due to the dielectric as well as magnetic effects on the scat-tering properties and compare our results with experiments. InSec. IV, we conclude and summarize our findings.
We model the coupling of the collective excitations of a
magnetic sphere to microwaves in a spherical cavity by thecoupled Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert and Maxwell equations. Weemploy Mie-type scattering theory, i.e., a rapidly convergingexpansion into spherical harmonics [ 33–35]. We model the
incoming radiation as plane electromagnetic waves witharbitrary polarization and wave vector that are scattered bya cavity loaded by a magnetic sphere with gyromagneticpermeability tensor←→μ[36]. In order to understand the
experiments it is not necessary to precisely model the detailsof the resonant cavity. Instead, we propose a generic modelcavity that is flexible enough to mimic any realistic situationby adjusting the parameters. We consider a thin spherical shellof a material with high dielectric constant /epsilon1
R, and thickness δthat confines standing microwave modes
with adjustable interaction with the microwave source (seeFig. 1). The spherical symmetry simplifies the mathematical
treatment, while the parameters Randδallow us to freely tune
the frequencies and broadenings of the cavity modes.
The dynamics of the magnetization vector Mis described
by the LLG equation,
MsM×∂tM, (1)
withαandγbeing the Gilbert damping constant and
gyromagnetic ratio, respectively. The effective magnetic fieldH
eff=Hext+Hxcomprises the external and (collinear) easy
axis anisotropy fields Hextas well as the exchange field
Hx=J∇2M, with Jbeing the exchange stiffness. Assuming
that perturbing microwave magnetic field and magnetizationprecession angles are small,
s+m(r,t), (2)
H(r,t)=Hext+h(r,t), (3)
where Msis the saturated magnetization vector and mthe
small-amplitude magnetization driven by the rf magnetic fieldh,we linearize the LLG equation to
FIG. 1. (Color online) Plane wave with wave vector k0coming
in at an arbitrary angle hits a large spherical cavity modeled by adielectric spherical shell of radius R, thickness δ, and permittivity
c. The spherical cavity is loaded with a magnetic sphere of radius a
centered at the origin of the coordinate system.
where H(0)
eff=Hx+h. The response of fer-
romagnetic spheres is affected by exchange when their radiiapproach the exchange length. Since the latter is typically afew nm, we hereafter disregard the exchange interaction andconcentrate on the dipolar spin waves. In the frequency domainand taking the zdirection as the equilibrium direction for the
Mh−ωHm+iωαm), (5)
withωM=γMsandωH=γH 0. We may recast Eq. ( 6)i n t o
the form m=←→χ·h. The magnetic susceptibility tensor←→χis
related to the magnetic permeability tensor by←→μ=μ0(←→1+←→χ). We find
⎝1+χ−iκ 0
iκ 1+χ 0
00 1⎞
⎠, (6)
where χandκare given by
(ωH−iαω)2−ω2, (7)
κ=ωω M
(ωH−iαω)2−ω2. (8)
The permeability tensor appears in the Maxwell equations for
the propagation of the electromagnetic wave in a magneticmedium.
Inside a spatially homogeneous medium a monochromatic
wave with frequency ω,
∇×E=iωb,∇×h=−iωD, (9)
∇·D=0,∇·b=0. (10)
The constitutive relation between the magnetic induction b,
electric displacement D, magnetic field h, and the electric
fieldEinside this medium are
b=←→μ·h,D=/epsilon1spE, (11)
where /epsilon1spis the scalar permittivity of the medium. It follows
from Eqs. ( 10) and ( 11) that the magnetic induction bsatisfies
the wave equation,
∇×∇× (μ0←→μ−1·b)−k2
spb=0, (12)
The surrounding (nonmagnetic) medium is homogeneous
and isotropic with scalar magnetic permeability μ0,d i v e r -
genceless magnetic field, and simplified wave equation ∇2b+
spb=0. Due to the spherical symmetry it is advantageous to
expand the magnetic field hinto vector spherical harmonics as
, (13)
where nruns from 1 to ∞, andm=−n ,..., n with prefactors
¯ηnm=ηnmk0/(ωμ 0),
. (14)
E0is the electric field amplitude of the incident wave. The
vector spherical harmonics read [ 34,35,37,38]
nm(k,r)=∇× M(j)
nm(k,r). (15)
n(kr) are spherical Bessel functions, Xnm(ˆr)=LYnm(ˆr)/√n(n+1) spherical harmonics, and L=−ir×∇ rthe an-
gular momentum operator with ∇rthe gradient opera-
tor. The electric field distribution is obtained by E=
(i/ωc )∇×h. By invoking the vector spherical wave
function expansion for band←→μ−1·bin the wave
equation Eq. ( 12) leads to the dispersion relation
We match the field distributions inside and outside the
cavity to obtain the scattering solution for incident planemicrowaves. The field inside the spherical shell must beregular, while the scattered component has to satisfy thescattering wave boundary conditions at infinity. These con-ditions are fulfilled by adopting the first kind of spher-ical Bessel function j
n(x) as the radial part for the in-
ternal distribution and the first kind of spherical Hankelfunction h
n(x) for the scattered component outside the
. (16)
The unknown scattering coefficients cnmanddnmare deter-
mined by the boundary conditions at the interface. We considerhere the situation in which the magnetic sphere is illuminatedby a plane wave with arbitrary direction of propagation andpolarization as indicated in Fig. 1. The incident field can be
expanded as
.(17)The expansion coefficients umnandvmn,
unm=[pθ˜τnm(cosθk)−ipφ˜πnm(cosθk)]e−imφk, (18)
vnm=[pθ˜πnm(cosθk)−ipφ˜τnm(cosθk)]e−imφk, (19)
contain all information about the polarization vector and
direction of propagation, where ˆp=(pθˆθk+pφˆφk)i st h e
normalized complex polarization vector, with |ˆp|=1 and
θk(φk) is the polar (azimuthal) angle of k0. Two auxiliary
functions are defined by
n(x) the first kind associated
Legendre function.
In order to solve the full scattering problem including
the cavity we match the fields outside the cavity causedby the incoming plane microwave and the spacer regionseparating the magnetic particle and cavity. In the latter,spherical Bessel functions of both the first and second kindhave to be included into the expansion. At the surface ofthe magnetic sphere ( r=a) we adopt the standard boundary
i×er=hmid×er, (21)
Ei×er=Emid×er, (22)
while at the surface of the cavity, assuming that its thickness
is much smaller than the wavelength, [ 39,40]
[hmid−hout]×er=−ξ[er×Eout]×er, (23)
Emid×er=Eout×er. (24)
The indexes midandoutindicate the regions within and outside
of the cavity, respectively. The unit vector eris the outward
normal to the surfaces and ξ=iω(/epsilon1c−/epsilon10)δwith permittivity
of the cavity shell /epsilon1c. By matching the field distributions in the
different regions the scattering coefficients are determined,from which we calculate the observables.
At distances sufficiently far from the cavity, i.e., in the far
field zone, the intensity of the two polarization components I
0r2|S1(θ,φ)|2, (25)
0r2|S2(θ,φ)|2, (26)
where θ(φ) is the polar (azimuthal) angle of the observer at
distance r. The scattering amplitude functions are
where the coefficients cnmanddnmcharacterize the scattered
component of the fields outside the cavity. We may nowcompute the scattering and extinction cross sections as wellas their (dimensionless) efficiencies Q
scaandQext, which are
the cross sections normalized by πR2, the geometrical cross
section of the cavity:
nm(|cnm|2+|dnm|2), (29)
nmcnm). (30)
The extinction cross section represents the ratio of (angle-
integrated) emitted to incident intensity, i.e., with and withoutthe scattering cavity/particle between source and detector.This factor measures the energy loss of the incident beam byabsorption and scattering. The series expansion in Eqs. ( 27)–
(30) is uniformly convergent and can be truncated at some point
in numerical calculations depending on the desired accuracy.In the next section we present our results with emphasis onthe dielectric and magnetic contributions to the microwavescattering.
Here we present numerical results on the coupling of
microwaves with a ferro- or ferrimagnet in a cavity based onour treatment of Mie scattering of the electromagnetic wavesas exposed in the preceding section. It applies to a dielec-tric/magnetic sphere centered in a (larger) spherical cavity, butboth may be of arbitrary diameter otherwise. We are mainlyinterested in the coherent coupling between the magnons andmicrowave photons in the strong or even ultrastrong couplingregimes that can be achieved by generating spectrally sharpcavity modes, by increasing the filling factor of the cavity,or simply by increasing the size of the sphere. The RW A,however, tends to break down as the coupling increases.This has led to different coupling regimes beyond the weak
coupling, TC region, i.e., strong (SC) and ultrastrong (USC)
coupling regimes. In the SC region coupling strength has tobe comparable or larger than all decoherence rates, while inthe USC it has to be comparable or larger than appreciablefractions of the mode frequency, g/ω
We adopt the forward scattered intensities I1∼|S1(θ=
π/2,φ=π)|2and scattering efficiency factors as convenient
and observable measures of the microwave scattering bya spherical target. In order to compare results with recentexperiments, we chose parameters for YIG with gyromagneticratioγ/(2π)=28 GHz /T, saturation magnetization [ 41]
0Ms=175 mT, Gilbert damping constant [ 15–17]α=
3×10−4, and relative permittivity [ 42]/epsilon1//epsilon1 0=15.Without
loss of generality we consider microwaves incident from thepositive xdirection ( θ
k=π/2 and φk=0) and polarization
(pθ,pφ)=(1,0), so its electric/magnetic components are in
the−z/y directions (static magnetic field and magnetization
H0/bardblz). Forward scattering is monitored by setting θ=π/2
andφ=πin Eq. ( 27). We also explore the dependence of the
observables on the scattering angles. We can remove the cavitysimply by setting ξ=0.
In Fig. 2the scattered intensity |S
1(θ,π)|2is depicted as a
function of frequency ω/2πand scattering angle θfocusing
first on a nonmagnetic sphere with radius a=1.25 mm. The
angular dependence of the scattering with and without a
cavity (with R=1.6 mm) is plotted in panels (a) and (b),
respectively. The eigenmodes of the dielectric sphere shows-,p-, and d-wave characters in Fig. 2(a).s-wave scattering
dominates as long as the wavelength (reduced by /epsilon1
sp) does
not fit twice into the sphere, i.e., λ/greaterorapproxeqla/radicalbig/epsilon1sp//epsilon10. The spherical
cavity, on the other hand, limits the isotropic scattering regimetoλ/greaterorapproxeqlR/radicalbig
0.0 0.5 1.010203040506070
θ / πω / 2π (GHz)
0.0 0.5 1.0
θ / π34.8 46.4 58.0 69.6 81.2(c) (b)
Loading rate a/R (%)(a)
FIG. 2. (Color online) Scattering intensity |S1|2as function of scattering angle θand frequency ω/2πis shown for (a) a dielectric sphere
of radius a=1.25 mm and relative permittivity /epsilon1//epsilon1 0=15 and for (b) the same sphere in a cavity of radius R=1.6 mm. In (c) the scattering
intensity is plotted for the same cavity as function of frequency and loading rate a/R . The dashed lines are guides for the eye.
(1,1)(1,-1)(3,-3) (3,-3)(2,2)(3,3)(2,-2)
H0 / Msω / 2π (GHz) (1,-1)(b)
1234567n = 2
n = 1
H0 / Ms
FIG. 3. (Color online) Panel (a) shows the scattering efficiency
factor Qscaas function of normalized magnetic field H0/Msand
frequency ω/2πfor a YIG sphere of radius a=2 mm and relative
permittivity /epsilon1//epsilon1 0=15. Panel (b) shows results for a nonmagnetic
dielectric sphere. The character of the microwave modes sufficientlyfar from the anticrossing with the spin waves is labeled by the
spherical harmonic indices ( n,m).
In Fig. 2(c) we plot the forward scattered intensities I1as
function of the load of the cavity by a dielectric sphere. Theeigenfrequencies of the cavity remain constant, while thoseconfined to the sphere shift to lower frequencies as ∼a
−2.A t
high loading rate the cavity modes are strongly mixed withthe modes in the sphere and all of them bend towards lowerfrequencies.
Magnetism of the spheres can affect the microwave scat-
tering properties strongly, but the issue of hybridization ofcavity and sphere resonant microwave modes is still present.A sufficiently large YIG sphere alone can therefore providestrong-coupling conditions to the magnetization even withoutan external resonator. To this end, the linear dimension of theYIG sphere must be of a size that allows the internal resonancesof the sphere to come into play in the microwave frequencyrange, i.e., when ka/greaterorapproxeqlπ/radicalbig
/epsilon10//epsilon1sporλ/lessorapproxeql2a/radicalbig/epsilon1sp//epsilon10.W e
therefore have a (narrow) regime a/radicalbig/epsilon1sp//epsilon10/lessorapproxeqlλ/lessorapproxeql2a/radicalbig/epsilon1sp//epsilon10
or 7.75 mm /lessorapproxeqlλ/lessorapproxeql15.49 mm (for Fig. 3) in which strong
coupling and s-wave scattering can be realized simultaneously
without a cavity. YIG spheres can typically be fabricated withhigh precision for radii in the range [ 43]a=0.9–2.5m m .
In Fig. 3for aa=2 mm YIG sphere we observe a strong
anticrossing between the linear spin wave modes and thesphere-confined standing microwaves. The YIG sphere istherefore an efficient microwave antenna that achieves strongand ultrastrong coupling without a cavity. It should be notedthat previous works [ 44–48], which have revealed the possi-
bility to use all-dielectric as well as all-magneto-dielectricresonators without external resonator, were not consideredstrong coupling.
Our results help to interpret recent experimental results on
YIG spheres in microwave cavities with reported couplingstrength that are comparable with the magnon frequency [ 22],
i.e., in the ultrastrong-coupling regime. In Fig. 4the scattering
efficiency factor is shown as a function of H
Panel (a) addresses a YIG sphere of radii a=1.25 mm in
a spherical microwave cavity of radii R=1.6 mm, chosen
to be close to the leading dimensions of the cavity in theexperiments. Panel (b) holds for the same YIG sphere butwithout cavity. The obvious anticrossing in Fig. 4(a) is a2468 1 0 1 2353637383940
H0 / Msω / 2π (GHZ)(2,-2)
2468 1 0 1 2(3,3)
(1,-1)(2,-2) (2,2)
H0 / Ms(a)
FIG. 4. (Color online) Scattering efficiency factor Qscaplotted as
function of normalized magnetic field H0/Msand frequency ω/2π
for a YIG sphere of radius a=1.25 mm and relative permittivity
/epsilon1//epsilon1 0=15 (a) in the center of a spherical cavity of radius R=1.6m m
and (b) without cavity.
signature of the emergence of the hybrid excitation that we
refer to as magnon-polariton . The anticrossing modes are
labeled by the mode numbers ( n,m). For given nthere are
twom=±nanticrossing modes with coupling strengths
gn,n>gn,−n, where gn,mis the effective coupling strength of
the magnon mode ( n,m) to the cavity. Figure 4(a) indicates that
the ultrastrong-coupling strength is indeed approached sincea splitting of g/2π=2.5 GHz is achieved at a resonance
frequency of ω/2π/similarequal37.5 GHz. Beside the main anticrossing
with the (2 ,2) and (2 ,−2) cavity modes, we observe tails from
other anticrossings with the (3 ,3) and (3 ,−3) modes at higher
frequencies, as well as the (1 ,1) and (1 ,−1) modes at lower
frequencies, which are standing electromagnetic resonancemodes confined by the YIG sphere. We may interpret theseas nearly pure spin wave modes that acquire some oscillatorstrengths by mixing from far away resonances due to theultrastrong coupling with standing microwaves. This can beverified by checking the scattering efficiency factor inthe absence of the cavity as in Fig. 4(b), which emphasizes
the antenna action of the YIG sphere.
Zhang et al. [22] indeed report additional, weakly coupled
“higher modes,” but without explaining their nature. Theyreport ultrastrong coupling between magnons and the cavityphotons only in the frequency range of 35–40 GHz, but data atlower frequencies are not given. In Fig. 5we extend the plots in
Fig. 4to a larger frequency interval. We observe that the main
anticrossing in the frequency range of 35–40 GHz is causedby the n=2 modes, while hybridized modes originating
from the n=1 resonance exist at the lower frequencies. The
unperturbed modes between the anticrossing gaps are thereforenot only due to the higher modes, but lower modes with n=1
also contribute by the ultrastrong coupling. Two significantcurves in the left and right side of the higher unperturbedmodes originate from the anticrossing modes n=1( t h el e f t
one) and n=2 (the right one) of the YIG sphere itself, as is
more clear in Fig. 5(b) (the computed lines are broader because
we use a relatively large κfor computational convenience). We
thereby find again that the strong-coupling magnon-polaritonmay form also without cavity.
We concentrated on the dipolar spin wave excitations
driven by magnetic fields that are strongly inhomogeneousdue to a large dielectric constant. We disregard here exchange
2468 1 0 1 2101520253035404550
(3,3) (2,2)
H0 / Msω / 2π (GHZ)
2468 1 0 1 2(2,-2)(3,-3)
(1,-1) (1,-1)(1,1)
H0 / Ms0510
FIG. 5. (Color online) Scattering efficiency factor Qscaas func-
tion of normalized magnetic field H0/Msand frequency ω/2π
for a YIG sphere of radius a=1.25 mm and relative permittivity
/epsilon1//epsilon1 0=15 (a) in the center of a spherical cavity of radius R=1.6m m
and (b) in the absence of the cavity. Dashed lines indicate the
frequency range in Fig. 4.
interactions, thereby limiting the validity of the treatment to
YIG spheres much larger than the so-called exchange lengththat for YIG is only a few nanometers. In other words, wecannot properly describe all spin waves with relatively largewave number or frequencies relatively much higher relativeto the FMR frequency. Indeed, in the planar configurationspin wave resonances are observable for rather thick films [ 8].
Exchange-induced whispering gallery modes on the surface ofthe YIG might therefore be observable even in thicker spheres,but their treatment is tedious and beyond the scope of thepresent paper.
In this paper we implement Mie scattering theory to study
the interaction of dielectric as well as magnetic spheres withmicrowaves in cavities by the coupled LLG and Maxwell
equations, disregarding only the exchange interaction. Weare mainly interested in the coherent coupling between themagnons and microwave cavity modes in the strong- oreven ultrastrong-coupling regimes characterized by the mode-dependent coupling strengths g
n,m. We reveal that while in
the presence of a spherical cavity both strong and ultrastrongcoupling can be realized by tuning the cavity modes andby increasing the filling factor of the cavity. Surprisingly,these regimes can also be achieved by removing the externalresonator, due to the strong confinement of electromagneticwaves in sufficiently large YIG spheres. In this regime, higherangular momentum eigenmodes of the dielectric sphere partic-ipate and the scattering shows s-a sw e l la s p-wave character.
We thereby transcend studies that focus on dipolar spinwaves in a magnetostatic framework [ 30,31] by considering
propagation effects via the full Maxwell equation. Our studymight be useful in designing optimal conditions to designcavities in which YIG spheres are coherently coupled to, e.g.,superconducting qubits, in microwave cavities for coherentquantum information transfer [ 21].
B.Z.R. thanks S. M. Reza Taheri and Y . M. Blanter for
fruitful discussions. The research leading to these resultshas received funding from the European Union SeventhFramework Programme [FP7-People-2012-ITN] under Grantagreement No. 316657 (Spinicur). It was supported by JSPSGrants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grants No. 25247056,No. 25220910, and No. 26103006), FOM (Stichting voorFundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie), the ICC-IMR, EU-FET InSpin 612759, and DFG Priority Programme 1538“Spin-Caloric Transport” (BA 2954/1-2).
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214430-7 |
PhysRevB.99.014411.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 014411 (2019)
Excitation and control of large-amplitude standing magnetization waves
L. Friedland*and A. G. Shagalov†
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel;
Institute of Metal Physics, Ekaterinburg 620990, Russian Federation;
and Ural Federal University, Mira 19, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation
(Received 23 July 2018; revised manuscript received 29 October 2018; published 10 January 2019)
A robust approach to excitation and control of large amplitude standing magnetization waves in an easy
axis ferromagnetic by starting from a ground state and passage through resonances with chirped frequencymicrowave or similar alternative drives (spin torque, additional periodic anisotropy) is proposed. The formationof these waves involves two stages, where in the first stage, a spatially uniform, precessing magnetizationis created via passage through a resonance followed by a self-phase-locking (autoresonance) with a constantamplitude drive. In the second stage, the passage through an additional resonance with a spatial modulation ofthe driving amplitude yields transformation of the uniform solution into a doubly phase-locked standing wave,whose amplitude is controlled by the variation of the driving frequency. The stability of this excitation processis analyzed both numerically and via Whitham’s averaged variational principle.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.014411
Because of the complexity and despite decades of studies,
magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic materials remainsof interest to basic and applied research. For example, non-linear spin waves and solitons in ferromagnetic films werestudied experimentally extensively (e.g., Refs. [ 1–4]). Magne-
tostatic and boundary effects in such macroscopic films yieldcomplex dispersion of the spin waves. Depending on the signof the dispersion both bright and dark magnetic solitons wereobserved. The long wavelength approximation in this problemyields the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) model, providinga convenient theoretical basis for investigation. The NLSequation has well known traveling wave and soliton solutions[5], allowing interpretation of the experimentally observed
magnetization dynamics.
In recent years, applications in ferromagnetic nanowires
opened new perspectives in studying magnetization wave-forms [ 6]. At the nanoscales a quasi-one-dimensional symme-
try can be realized and magnetostatic effects can be reducedto additional contributions to the anisotropy [ 6–8], which
can be conveniently modeled by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert(LLG) equation. It is known that the one-dimensional (1D),dissipationless LLG equation, similar to the NLS equation,is integrable and has a multitude of exact solutions includingsolitons and spatially periodic waveforms [ 6,9,10], expected
to be observed in nanowires. The simplest solitons are domainwalls, which are studied extensively [ 11–15]a sab a s i sf o rn e w
memory and logic devices [ 16,17]. A different type of solitons
are so-called breathers [ 6], which can be interpreted as an
interacting pair of domain walls with opposite topologicalcharges (soliton-antisoliton pair). They are stable localized
†shagalov@imp.uran.ruobjects in easy-axis ferromagnetic when dissipation is negli-gible [ 9], which was also illustrated in numerical simulations
[18]. These breather solitons correspond to the bright NLS
solitons in the small amplitude approximation [ 9]. Solitons in
ferromagnetic nanowires with a spin polarized current werealso discussed in Refs. [ 19,20] in the framework of a modified
NLS model.
In this paper, we focus on excitation of large amplitude
standing LLG waves in an easy axis ferromagnetic, such thatthe projection M
zof the magnetization vector Mon the easy
axis is independent of time and periodic in z, while M⊥
precesses uniformly around the axis. These waves approach
a soliton limit as their wavelength increases (see below). Thequestion is how to generate such waves by starting from asimple initial equilibrium and how to control their dynamics.
Excitation by an impulse or localized external fields usuallyare unsuitable for generating pure large amplitude standingwaves because of significant residual perturbations. Here,we suggest a simple method of exciting these waves basedon the autoresonance approach via driving the system by asmall, chirped frequency external rotating magnetic field orsimilar alternative drives. This approach allows us to excitethe waves with a predefined amplitude and phase and stabilizethem with respect to dissipation. The autoresonance approachuses the salient property of a nonlinear system to stay inresonance with driving perturbations despite slow variation ofparameters. The idea was used in many applications startingfrom particle accelerators [ 21,22], through planetary dynam-
ics [ 23], [24] and atomic physics [ 25,26], to plasmas [ 27],
magnetization dynamics in single domain nanoparticles [ 28–
30], and more. Autoresonant excitation of both bright and dark
solitons and spatially periodic multiphase waves within theNLS model were studied in Ref. [ 31–33], while the autores-
onant control of NLS solitons is described in Refs. [ 34,35].
In all these applications, one drives the system of interestby an oscillating perturbation, captures it into a nonlinear
2469-9950/2019/99(1)/014411(10) 014411-1 ©2019 American Physical SocietyL. FRIEDLAND AND A. G. SHAGALOV PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 014411 (2019)
resonance, while slowly varying the driving frequency (or
other parameter). The resulting continuing self-phase-locking(autoresonance) yields excursion of the system in its solutionsspace, frequently leading to emergence and control of nontriv-ial solutions. In this work, motivated by the aforementionedresults in related driven-chirped NLS systems, we apply asimilar approach yielding arbitrary amplitude, standing mag-netization waves.
The scope of the presentation will be as follows. In Sec. II,
we introduce our autoresonant magnetization model and dis-cuss the problem of capturing the system into resonance witha chirped frequency microwave field followed by formation ofan autoresonant, spatially uniform magnetization state. In Sec.III, we study transition from the uniform state to a standing
wave by spatially modulating the amplitude of the chirpedfrequency drive. In the same section, we will illustrate thisprocess in simulations and present a qualitative picture of thedynamics. Section IVwill be focused on the theory of the
autoresonant standing waves and discuss their modulationalstability via Whitham’s averaged variational principle [ 36]. In
Sec. V, we illustrate excitation of the standing waves via two
alternative driving mechanisms involving spin torque or theaddition of spatially modulated hard axis anisotropy. Finally,Sec. VIwill present our conclusions.
Our starting point is the 1 DLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG)
equation for a ferromagnetic with the easy axis along /hatwideez
in an external magnetic field H=H0/hatwideezand in the pres-
ence of a weak rotating driving microwave field Hd=
bcos(cos ϕd/hatwideex+sinϕd/hatwideey) having spatially periodic ampli-
tudeb=b0+b1cos(kz)(k=2π/L, L being periodicity
length) and slowly chirped frequency ωd(t)=−∂ϕd/∂t:
∂τ. (1)
Hereλis the Gilbert damping parameter,
∂ξ2+(mz+h0)/hatwideez+ε(cosϕd/hatwideex+sinϕd/hatwideey), (2)
and we use normalized magnetization m=M/M,
dimensionless time τ=(γK/M )t, and coordinate
ξ=z/δ, δ =√A/K (γ, A , andKbeing the gyromagnetic
ratio, the exchange constant, and the anisotropyconstant, respectively). Furthermore in Eq. ( 2),h
MH 0/K, ε =ε0+ε1cos(κξ),ε0,1=Mb 0,1/K, ϕ d=
/Omega1ddτ,/Omega1d(τ)=ωdM/(Kγ),κ=2π/l, andl=L/δ.
The proposed approach to excitation of magnetization
waves requires realization of the proper driving field.For example, consider the Permalloy parameters A=
−11J/m,K=105J/m3, andM=8×105A/m[15]. This
yields the characteristic width δ=10 nm, the linear res-
onance frequency (see below) f0=γK/ (2πM)(1+h0)=
3.5(1+h0) GHz, and the driving magnetic field amplitude
b0=ε0K/M =3.75×10−4Tf o r ε0=0.003 (as in exam-
ples in Fig. 3below). The periodicity length Lin our driven
problem is lδ. We will use l∼10 in the examples below,
which corresponds to L∼100 nm. Spatial modulation of the
microwave magnetic field on this submicron scale is difficult.However, analogous autoresonant excitations of the magneti-
zation wave can be obtained by introducing other componentsin the effective magnetic field hof a similar form but due
to different physical effects. Two such alternatives will bediscussed in Sec. V.
We seek spatially periodic solutions of Eq. ( 1) and proceed
from the dissipationless version of this equation in polar coor-dinates ( m
x=sinθcosϕ, m y=sinθsinϕ, m z=cosθ):
θτ=/Phi1ξξsinθ+2/Phi1ξθξcosθ−εsin/Phi1, (3)
−εcotθcos/Phi1, (4)
where/Phi1=ϕ−ϕdis the phase mismatch and /Omega1/prime
This system is a spatial generalization of the recently stud-ied autoresonant magnetization switching problem in single-domain nanoparticles [ 28,29], where one neglects the spatial
modulation of the driving amplitude (so ε=ε
0) and the
spatial derivatives in Eqs. ( 3) and ( 4) to get
θτ=−εsin/Phi1, (5)
d(τ)−εcotθcos/Phi1. (6)
In the 1D ferromagnetic case, Eqs. ( 5) and ( 6) describe
a spatially uniform, rotating around the axis magnetizationdynamics. In the rest of this section, we discuss formation andstability of autoresonant uniform states in the dissipationlesscase but include dissipation in numerical simulations forcomparison.
The autoresonance idea is based on a self-sustained phase
locking of the driven nonlinear system to chirped frequencydriving perturbation. Typically this phase locking is achievedby passage through resonance with some initial equilibrium.In our case, we assume linearly chirped driving frequency/Omega1
d(τ)=1−ατfor simplicity, proceed from θ≈0(mz=1)
at large negative time, and slowly pass the resonance /Omega1/prime
atτ=0. For small θEqs. ( 5) and ( 6) can be written as
dτ=−εsin/Phi1, (7)
dτ=(ατ−θ2/2)θ−εcos/Phi1, (8)
which can be transformed into a single complex equation for
dτ+(ατ−|/Psi1|2/2)/Psi1=ε. (9)
This NLS-type equation was studied in many applications and
yields efficient phase locking at /Phi1≈πafter passage through
linear resonance at τ=0,provided εexceeds a threshold [ 37]
εth=0.58α3/4. (10)
Later (for τ> 0), the phase locking continues as the non-
linear frequency shift follows that of the driving frequency,i.e.,θ
2/2≈ατ. Importantly, this continuing phase locking
is characteristic of any variation of the driving frequency[thenαin (9) represents the local frequency chirp rate at the
0 50 100−0.500.5−1−0.500.51
T ξ/l−mz
0 50 100−0.500.5−1−0.500.51
T ξ/l−mz
0 50 10024
0 50 10024
TΦ(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIG. 1. The uniform autoresonant magnetization state. (a) zcom-
ponent of magnetization −mzversus slow time T=α1/2τ; (c) phase
mismatch /Phi1(0,T)=φ−φd. In both panels λ=0a n d ε=3×
10−3. Panels (b) and (d) are the same as (a) and (c), but λ=3×10−3
initial resonance], while the system remains in an approximate
nonlinear resonance
d(τ), (11)
as long as the driving frequency chirp rate remains suf-
ficiently small. Under these conditions, the magnetizationangles θandϕ≈ϕ
d+πare efficiently controlled by simply
varying the driving frequency. We illustrate this effect inFig. 1, showing the results of numerical simulations of the
original system ( 1), assuming spatial periodicity of length l=
6 and linearly chirped frequency /Omega1
d(τ)=1−ατ. The initial
conditions θ=0.01|cos(κξ)|(κ=2π/l) represented a small
spatial perturbation for studying stability of the uniform stateand we used parameters λ=0,h
0=5,ε=3×10−3, and
α=5×10−4in Figs. 1(a) and 1(c), while λ=3×10−3
andε=3×10−2in Figs. 1(b) and 1(d). Our numerical
scheme used an equivalent system of two coupled NLS-typeequations based on the quantum two-level analog [ 29,38]
described in the Appendix. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) (without
and with damping, respectively) show the evolution of −m
−cosθversus slow time T=α1/2τ, which approximately
follows the linear time dependence cos θ≈/Omega1/prime
don time, while
Figs. 1(c) and 1(d) represent the corresponding phase mis-
match/Phi1(0,T)=ϕ(0,T)−ϕd(T) and illustrate the contin-
uing azimuthal phase locking in the system at /Phi1≈π.N o t e
that the uniform solution in this case is stable with respectto spatial perturbations. The dissipation changes the thresholdcondition for entering the autoresonant uniform state [ 29,39],
has some effect on the phase mismatch [compare Figs. 1(c)
and1(d)], and leads to the collapse of the solution to the initial
equilibrium after dephasing. Nevertheless, in the phase-lockedstage the autoresonant uniform solutions are similar with andwithout damping and remains stable with respect to spatialperturbations. Note that a similar evolution can be obtainedby starting from the m
z=− 1 equilibrium if one applies the
external magnetic field in the −/hatwideezdirection ( h0<0). The
driving field in this case must rotate in the opposite directionand the linear resonance takes place at the driving frequency/Omega1
d(τ)=1+|h0|. With this modification, Fig. 1and other
FIG. 2. The instability of the uniform magnetization state. The
parameters of the simulations in (a) and (b) are the same as in
Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), respectively, but κ=2π/l < 1. A complex
spatiotemporal magnetization profile develops beyond the point of
figures below illustrating mz(ξ,T) remain the same if one
changes the label −mztomz.
In contrast to the example in Fig. 1, one observes a spatial
instability of the autoresonant uniform state in Figs. 2(a)
and 2(b), showing the numerical simulations with the same
parameters as in Figs. 1(a) and1(b),b u tl=8 instead of 6.
One can see the destruction of the uniform state in Fig. 2and
formation of a complex spatiotemporal structure of mz(ξ,T)
starting T≈21 in Fig. 1(a) and somewhat earlier in Fig. 1(b).
These results can be explained by a perturbation theory asdescribed below. We neglect damping for simplicity, freezethe time at τ=τ
0, and set /Phi1=π+δ/Phi1andθ=θ0+δθ,
where θ0satisfies
d(τ0)+εcotθ0=0. (12)
Then, for small perturbations δ/Phi1andδθof frequency νand
wave vector κ,E q s .( 3) and ( 4) become
−iνδθ=− (κ2sinθ0−ε)δ/Phi1, (13)
One can see that for small ε, the uniform solution is stable
with respect to spatial perturbations provided
κ> sinθ0. (15)
The examples in Figs. 1(κ=1.047) and 2 ( κ=0.785) are
consistent with this result.
The formation of a uniform autoresonant solution
d(τ) in the spatially periodic LLG problem
was demonstrated above using a constant amplitude chirped
FIG. 3. The formation of autoresonant standing waves from the
uniform magnetization state: (a) κ=0.78, (b) κ=0.45. The final
waveform is reached as the driving frequency gradually decreases
and stays constant for T> 69.
frequency drive, yielding stable evolution provided the in-
equality ( 15) is satisfied (see Fig. 1). If during the evolution,
this inequality is violated, the spatial instability develops (seeFig. 2). However, one can avoid the instability and trans-
form the uniform autoresonant solution into an autoresonantstanding wave by adding a simple spatial modulation of thedriving amplitude, i.e., uses ε=ε
0+ε1cos(κξ). We illus-
trate this phenomenon via simulations in Fig. 3, where we
use parameters α=5×10−4andλ=0, but, in the driving
term, apply a modulated drive with ε1=ε0=3×10−3and
switch on ε1atτ=0. The chirped driving frequency in
this numerical example is of form /Omega1/prime
d=1−/Delta1/Omega1 forτ>π/Delta1/Omega1/2α, and
we use /Delta1/Omega1=0.98. Thus, as in previous illustrations, the
frequency passes the resonance at τ=0 having chirp rate α
but then gradually decreases reaching a constant. Figure 3(a)
(where we use l=8) shows that the addition of the spatial
modulation of the driving amplitudes prevents the spatialinstability and leads to the emergence of a growing amplitudestanding wave solution. Figure 3(b) (where l=13) shows
a similar dynamics, yielding formation of larger amplitudestanding wave, which starts earlier, at T≈5 (we again use
the slow time T=α
1/2τin this and the following figures).
The excited standing wave is fully controlled by the variationof the driving frequency and precesses azimuthally with theangular velocity of the driving phase (due to the continuingphase locking of /Phi1≈π). Furthermore, the magnetization
waveform is spatially locked to the driving perturbation, whilethe wave amplitude and form is controlled by the instan-taneous frequency of the drive. Importantly, as lincreases,
the maximum and the minimum of the final solution for m
become near +1 and −1, respectively. We have also verified
numerically that this solution approaches the well knownsoliton form with exponentially falling tails [see Eq. (6.21)in Ref. [ 9]]. We further illustrate the autoresonant control of
the standing magnetization waves in Figs. 4(a)and4(c), where
we show the results of simulations with all the parameters ofFig. 3(b), but instead of saturating the driving frequency, we
allow it to vary according to the same sinusoidal formula foran additional time interval π/Delta1/Omega1/2α<τ<π /Delta1/Omega1/2α,s ot h e050100−0.500.5−1−0.500.51
T ξ/l−mz
T ξ/l−mz
0 50 10024
0 50 10024
TΦ(a) (b)
FIG. 4. The control of the phase-locked standing magnetization
wave by varying the driving frequency. In (a) and (c) the parametersof the simulations are the same as in Fig. 3(b), but after reaching
its minimal value at T=69, the driving frequency increases back to
the initial value, while the magnetization returns to the initial state.Panels (b) and (d) show −m
zand phase mismatch /Phi1, respectively,
versus slow time in the same case as (a) and (c), but λ=10−3and
frequency returns to its original value. Figures 4(b) and4(d)
show the results of similar simulations with the same param-eters as in Figs. 4(a) and 4(c),b u tε=10
One observes the return of the magnetization to its initialuniform state, being continuously phase locked [see Figs. 4(c)
and4(d)] to the drive with or without dissipation. The idea
of the transformation from the uniform to standing wavesolution by passage through the spatial instability originatesfrom the similarity to the autoresonant excitations of standingwaves of the driven-chirped nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS)equation [ 31]:
ωddτ=0. (16)
If one writes ψ=ae−iφand separates the real and imaginary
parts in ( 16), one arrives at the system
aτ=a/Phi1ξξ+2/Phi1ξaξ−εsin/Phi1, (17)
acos/Phi1, (18)
ωddτ. Similarly to our ferromagnetic prob-
lem, the passage through the linear resonance in this systemyields excitation of the uniform autoresonant NLS solutionfollowed by transformation into autoresonant standing wave[31]. One notices the structural similarity between this NLS
system and LLG Eqs. ( 3) and ( 4), so we proceed to the theory
for the magnetization case using the driven NLS ideas.
We assume that the time evolution in Eqs. ( 3) and ( 4)i s
slow and interpret the solutions at a given time τ, as being
a slightly perturbed solution of the same system of equationsbut with the time derivatives and the forcing terms set to zero,i.e.,
We notice that this is a dynamical, two degrees of freedom
problem ( ξserving as “time”) governed by Hamiltonian
+V(θ), (20)
d(τ) cosθ+1
4cos(2θ). (21)
This fixed τproblem is integrable since it conserves the
canonical momentum B=/Phi1ξsin2θand energy
ξ+Veff, (22)
where Veff(θ,τ)=B2
2 sin2θ+V(θ). Next, we discuss oscillat-
ing solutions of this problem and introduce the conventionalaction-angle variables ( I,/Theta1) and ( B,/Phi1), where the first pair
describes pure θoscillations in the effective potential V
while the second pair is associated with the dynamics of /Phi1.
If one returns to the original (time dependent and driven)system ( 3) and ( 4),E(τ) and B(τ) become slow functions
of time. We will present a theory describing these slowparameters via Whitham’s average variational principle [ 36]
in the next section and devote the remaining part of the currentsection to a simple qualitative picture of the dynamics. Ourqualitative picture is based on the assumption of almost purely
θdynamics in the problem, i.e., setting B≈0,which means
a continuous phase locking /Phi1≈π, simplifying the effective
potential to V
d(τ) cosθ+1
4cos(2θ). As already dis-
cussed above, the phase locking at πis guaranteed in the ini-
tial excitation stage via temporal autoresonance with constantamplitude ε=ε
0, chirped frequency perturbation. But now
our driving amplitude ε=ε0+ε1cos(κξ) has two terms,
where the first leads to excitation of the uniform autoresonantsolution as discussed above, while the second term yields tran-sition to the standing wave solution. Initially, θis efficiently
trapped at the minimum location θ
mof the potential well Veff
given by cos θm=/Omega1/prime
d(τ).ToO(ε) this yields θ≈θm,s ot h i s
dynamics corresponds to the uniform autoresonant solution[see Eq. ( 12)]. The second term ε
1cos(κξ) in the driving has
little effect on the evolution at this stage, until the spatialfrequency κ
∂2Veff/∂θ2mof oscillations of θaround θm
passes the resonance with this driving term, i.e., when
d(τ) cosθm−cos(2θm)≈sin2θm=κ2. (23)
But this is exactly the location of the instability of the uniform
solution [see Eq. ( 15)] without the term ε1cos(κξ)i nt h e
drive. The passage through the resonance with this newdrive term excites growing amplitude oscillations of θin the
effective potential. After the passage, the oscillations of θ
become autoresonant as the amplitude increases to preservetheir spatial frequency near κcontinuously. These newly in-
duced spatially phase-locked, growing amplitude oscillationsofθcomprise the autoresonant standing wave solution. The
amplitude of these oscillations does not grow indefinitely.Indeed, when the potential V
effbecomes shallower again as
θmpasses π/2a t/Omega1/prime
d(τ)=0, the spatial resonance cannot
be sustained, and the autoresonance is expected to interrupt.We illustrate this dynamics in Fig. 5, showing the effective
potential V
eff(thin red lines) at 14 successive values of slow
time starting T=− 20. The thick blue lines in the figure0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1−0.8−0.6−0.4−0.200.2
autoresonant uniform
solution startsautoresonant standing
wave startsT=57.4
FIG. 5. The formation of the autoresonant standing wave mod-
elled via dynamics of a quasiparticle in a slowly varying effectivepotential V
eff.Veffversus θis shown for successive times (thin
red lines) starting at T=− 20. The thick blue lines show spatial
oscillations of θat these times, as obtained in simulations in Fig. 3(a).
The excitation proceeds as the quasiparticle remains at the bottom of
the potential well continuously, corresponding to the flat solution.
After passage through resonance with the spatial modulation of thedriving amplitude, autoresonant oscillations of the quasiparticle in
the effective potential are excited, describing the standing magneti-
zation wave.
show the value of the potential at θ(ξ,T) at these times, as
obtained in the simulations in the example in Fig. 3(a).
A. Averaged Lagrangian density
The LLG problem governed by Eqs. ( 3) and ( 4) allows
Lagrangian formulation with the Lagrangian density L=
d(τ) cosθ−1
4cos(2θ) (24)
and the perturbing part
L1=−εsinθcos/Phi1. (25)
For studying the slow autoresonant evolution in system ( 3)
and ( 4), we use Whitham’s averaged Lagrangian approach.
Following Refs. [ 31,40], describing a similar NLS problem,
we seek solutions of form
θ=ϑ(τ)+U(/Theta1,τ),/Phi1=υ(τ)+V(/Theta1,τ), (26)
where the explicit time dependence is slow, while /Theta1(ξ,τ)i s
a fast variable and UandVare 2πperiodic in /Theta1. In addition,
the frequencies /Theta1τ=−/Omega1(τ) andβ=υτare slow functions
of time and the wave vector /Theta1ξ=κ=const (κ=2π/l, l
being the periodicity length in our problem). The Whitham’saveraging [ 36] in this system proceeds from the unperturbed
Lagrangian density L
0, where one freezes the slow time
dependence at some τand, using /Phi1ξ=κV/Theta1, replaces /Phi1τ=
β−/Omega1V/Theta1=β−(/Omega1/κ)/Phi1ξ. This yields
Recall that the explicit dependence on Uin (27) enters via
θ=ϑ+U. This Lagrangian density describes a two degrees
of freedom dynamical problem (for Uand/Phi1), where ξ
plays the role of “time.” In dealing with this problem weuse Hamiltonian formulation. We define the usual canonicalmomenta
U=∂L0/∂Uξ=Uξ (28)
κcosθ (29)
and observe that /Phi1is a cyclic variable and therefore P/Phi1=
Bis the integral of motion. We will unfreeze the slow time
dependence later and B(τ) will becomes a slow function of
time. The Lagrangian density L0yields the Hamiltonian in
the time-frozen problem
H0=PUUξ+P/Phi1/Phi1ξ−L0 (30)
and, after some algebra,
0(Pθ,θ)+V1(θ,B,/Omega1,β), (31)
2(PU)2+V(θ)−V(ϑ), (32)
4cos(2θ), (33)
V1(B,/Omega1,β,θ )=V(ϑ)+/parenleftbig
2s i n2θ−βcosθ.
At this stage, we return to the full driven (still time-frozen)
problem governed by the Hamiltonian
0(PU,U)+V1−L1 (34)
(recall that L1=− [ε0+ε1cos(κξ)] sinθcos/Phi1) and make
canonical transformation from PU,U to the action-angle
(AA) variables I,/Theta1of Hamiltonian H/prime
0. The dynamics gov-
erned by this Hamiltonian conserves its energy E=H/prime
is periodic of period 2 πin/Theta1, and, at this stage, we identify /Theta1
with the angle variable used in the definitions ( 26). The action
variable in H/prime
0problem is
where the time dependence enters both explicitly in Vand via
ϑ. Note that
/tildewideκ, (36)
/tildewideκ(ϑ, E ) being the (spatial) frequency of the oscillations of U
governed by H/prime
0. Next, we write the full Lagrangian in our
problem in terms of the new action angle variables
dξI−H=κI−E−V1(B,/Omega1,β,θ )+L1(θ,ξ,τ ),
where θ=ϑ+U(I,/Theta1,τ)i nV1andL1,a st h er e s u l t
of the canonical transformation. The Whitham’s averagedLagrangian density /Lambda1is obtained by averaging Lin the time-
frozen problem over one oscillation governed by H/prime
To complete the averaging, we calculate two remaining com-
ponents /angbracketleftV1/angbracketright=1
0L1d/Theta1in (38).
2s i n2θ−βcosθ/bracketrightBigg
2κ2−βI4, (39)
where I1=/angbracketleft1
and the averages /angbracketleft.../angbracketrightare defined as
2π/contintegraldisplay(...)√2[E−V(θ)+V(ϑ)]dU. (40)
Finally, we calculate the averaged driving part of the La-
grangian density (recall that θ=ϑ+Uand/Phi1=υ+V)
×sin(ϑ+U) cos(υ+V)d/Theta1. (41)
Here, we limit evaluation of this averaged object to small
spatial oscillations of θaround ϑ, write U≈a(I) cos/Theta1
and replace sin( ϑ+U)≈sinϑ+a(I) cosϑcos/Theta1. Further-
more, we will also assume that Vis sufficiently small to
replace cos( υ+V)≈cosυ. Finally, assuming a continuous
approximate double resonance in the problem, i.e., υ(τ)−
π=υ/prime≈0 and/Theta1−κξ−π=μ(τ)≈0 (initial phase lock-
ing of υatπwas shown in the uniform autoresonant solution
stage), after averaging
2a(I) cosϑcosμ/parenrightbigg
cosυ/prime. (42)
Therefore, our final averaged Lagrangian becomes
2a(I) cosϑcosμ/bracketrightBig
cosυ/prime. (43)
We discuss the slow evolution of the full driven system next.
Following Whitham, this evolution is obtained by unfreezingthe time and taking variations of /Lambda1with respect to all depen-
dent variables E,ϑ,B, /Theta1, andυ. Obviously, only slow objects
enter the averaged Lagrangian density.
B. Evolution equations and stability analysis
At this stage, we write variational evolution equations. The
variation of /Lambda1with respect to Byields
I2B, (44)
and the variation with respect to /Theta1and use of ( 44) results in
2acosϑsinμ. (45)
Similarly, the variation with respect to Eandυgives
sinυ/prime. (47)
Finally, the variation with respect to ϑyields
cosυ/prime. (48)
Equations ( 44)–(48) comprise a complete set of slow evolu-
tion equations for E,B,μ,υ/prime, andϑ. The solution of these
equations proceeds by defining a quasisteady state B0=μ0=
0=0,ϑ=ϑ0andE0given by
2asinϑ0=0, (49)
E0,ϑ0=0. (50)
Note that in the case ε1=0 and small E,E q .( 49) nearly
coincides with Eq. ( 12) describing the autoresonant uniform
solution. Furthermore, for small E,toO(ε), Eq. ( 49) yields
Vϑ0≈0, i.e., ϑ0remains near the location of the minimum
ofV(θ) given by cos ϑ0≈/Omega1/prime
d, as was suggested in the
qualitative model in Sec. IVand seen in simulations. On the
other hand, Eq. ( 50) clarifies the phase locking at μ≈0a s/tildewideκ
approaches the resonance /tildewideκ=κfrom below.
Despite the formal complexity of the averaged variational
theory, it now allows us to easily find the quasisteady state ofthe magnetization versus time in this chirped-driven problemwithout solving the LLG equation numerically. We illustratesuch a calculation in Fig. 6. The dots in panel (a) in the figure
represent the quasienergy Eversus time found by solving
algebraic equation ( 50) in the two examples in Fig. 3.T h e
solid lines in the same panel show the energy
from our numerical simulations, where H/prime
0is defined in
Eq. ( 32). Panel (b) in the figure shows by dots the magnetiza-
tion waveform mz(ξ)=cosϑfound by quadratures, i.e., by
2(dϑ/dξ )2+V(ϑ)=E. The solid lines in this panel
show the results from the numerical simulations. One can seethat the agreement between the quasisteady state theory andsimulations is excellent. In contrast to the simplicity of findingthe quasisteady state via the variational theory, the analysis0 20 40 6000.
−0.5 0 0.5−1−0.500.51
ξ/l−mz(b) (a)
FIG. 6. Comparison between the quasisteady state solution from
the variational theory (dots) and numerical simulations (solid lines).
Panel (a) presents the quasienergy Eversus time in the two examples
in Fig. 3, while panel (b) shows the waveform mz(z) in the same
examples at time T=70.
of its stability illustrated in numerical simulations is more
complex and is discussed below.
For small perturbations δE,δB,δμ,δυ/prime, and δϑof the
quasisteady state, we use I≈δE//tildewideκ≈δE/ sinϑ0to get the
lowest order (linear) set of equations
I2δB, (51)
2/parenrightbigδμ, (52)
dτ=Gϑδϑ+GAδE, (53)
dτ=Vϑϑδϑ−κRδE, (55)
where we use /tildewideκ≈sinϑ0,s oR≈cosϑ0/sin2ϑ0and all coef-
ficients in ( 51)–(55) are viewed as constants evaluated at the
quasisteady state. Equations ( 51) and ( 52) yield
1δμ≈0, (56)
while Eqs. ( 53)–(55) reduce to
2δυ/prime≈0, (57)
where the two frequencies satisfy
(GEVϑϑ−κRG ϑ)
I4E(I4EVϑϑ−κRG ϑ)+I4ϑ(GEI4ϑ−GϑI4E).
FIG. 7. The transition to instability of the autoresonant mag-
netization wave. The parameters are as those in Fig. 3(a),b u ta
larger final driving frequency (smaller excitation amplitude) and
different ε1. Panels (a) and (b) show the excited waveforms for
ε1/ε0=9 and 11, respectively, i.e., below and above the instability
threshold ε1/ε0=9.8. The spatial phase locking is lost for T> 40 in
panel (b).
A positiveness of ν2
1,2guarantees stability of the (doubly)
autoresonant ( υ/prime≈0 andμ≈0) evolution of the system. We
observe that
where xi=cosθiandsi=sin2θi√[E−Veff(θi)]. Then
sisj, (58)
1is positive for ϑ0<π / 2. Then, since B=δB,
andμ=δμ, they both remain small. Furthermore,
for small excitations of E, to lowest order in E, κ=
2 sin3ϑ0),I4ϑ=
−sinϑ0,I4E=cosϑ0/sin2ϑ0. With these substitutions,
one finds ν2
2acosϑ0. Then condition
2acosϑ0>0 guarantees the stability of the
autoresonant evolution. We illustrate this conclusion in Fig. 7,
showing the results of numerical simulations for parametersof Fig. 3(a),b u t/Delta1/Omega1=0.4, i.e., larger final driving frequency
/prime=1−/Delta1/Omega1 and, thus, smaller excitation amplitude a.
We estimate numerically that in this case ϑ0≈0.89rad
anda≈0.25rad. This yields the transition to instability
atε1/ε0=2s i nϑ0/(acosϑ0)≈9.8 . Panels (a) and (b)
in Fig. 7show the excited magnetization waveform for
ε1/ε0=9 and 11, respectively. One can see that below the
instability condition ( ε1/ε0=9) the excited wave remains
spatially phase locked to the drive, arriving at the finalquasisteady state at later times. In contrast, for ε
1/ε0=11 in
panel (b), the initial excitation stage is similar to that in panel(a), but the spatial phase locking is lost beyond T≈40 due
to the instability and the magnetization develops a complexspatiotemporal profile.V . ALTERNATIVE DRIVING SCHEMES
Here we discuss two modifications of the driving compo-
nent in the LLG equation ( 1), which may allow the required
submicron spatial modulation of the drive. The first modifi-cation is using spin torque drive instead of the microwave (arelated autoresonant problem for single domain nanoparticleswas studied in Ref. [ 30]). The effective magnetic field associ-
ated with the spin torque is
s=m×Is, (59)
where Isis the dimensionless spin polarized current, which
will be assumed of form Is=2εsinϕdexin the following,
yielding hs=2ε(mzey−myez), and possibly using nanocon-
tacts [ 41] for submicron spatial modulation of ε. The analog
of system ( 3), (4) for this drive is
where/Phi1=ϕ−ϕd+π/2. Note that for small θthe last
two equations are nearly the same as Eqs. ( 3), (4)f o rt h e
microwave drive. One consequence of this is that the autores-onance threshold when passing the linear resonance is thesame for both cases. Figure 8(a) illustrates the formation and
control of the autoresonant standing wave via a spin torquedrive in simulations using the parameters of Fig. 3(b).O n e
can see that the form of the excited solution in Figs. 3(b)
and8(a) are very similar. Despite this similarity, a complete
Whitham’s-type theory of the spin torque driven problem ismore complex than that for the microwave drive case, becausethe driving parts in Eqs. ( 60) and ( 61) do not allow Lagrangian
description. Therefore, we leave this theory outside the scopeof the present work.
The second driving alternative is using the same chirped
frequency microwave drive of uniform amplitude ε
0,b u t
0 50 10000.51
0 50 10000.51
TΦ(b) (d)(a) (c) spin
FIG. 8. Formation of the autoresonant standing magnetization
wave by chirped frequency spin torque drive [panel (a)] and via a
combination of a uniform AC drive and a modulation of the hard
axis anisotropy [panel (c)]. The parameters in the simulations are thesame as in Fig. 3(b) for the AC drive, while for the anisotropy mod-
ulation case ε
2=− 2.5ε0. Panels (b) and (d) show the corresponding
phase mismatch /Phi1(0,T) for the two drives, respectively.
adding a spatially modulated [ 42] hard axis anisotropy in the
system (along /hatwideex, for example). The driving component of the
effective field in this case will become
2ε2being the ratio between the easy and hard axis anisotropy
coefficients. In the autoresonance, mx=sinθcosϕ≈
−sinθcosϕdand one can rewrite hdas
hd≈[ε0+ε2sinθcos(κξ)](cos ϕd/hatwideex+sinϕd/hatwideey) (63)
The last term in this expression is rotating in the opposite
direction and, being nonresonant, has a negligible effect.Thus, effectively, h
dhas a form similar to that analyzed in
our theory for the microwave drive. Figure 8(b) illustrates
this idea in simulations using hdfrom Eq. ( 62) and the
same parameters as in Fig. 8(a),b u tε1=0 and ε2=1.25ε0.
We see that this different combination drive yields a verysimilar autoresonant magnetization wave as in Figs. 3(b) and
8(a). Furthermore, we have seen numerically that within this
driving scheme, one can excite large amplitude autoresonantwaves with the modulation scale reaching L=1000 nm using
smaller driving amplitudes and chirp rates. However, this maylimit some experiments, because it also requires a weakerdissipation for stable evolution.
In conclusion, we have studied the problem of autores-
onant excitation and control of 1D standing magnetizationwaves in an easy axis ferromagnetic in an external mag-netic field and driven by a weak circularly polarized, chirpedfrequency microwave field. We had modeled this problemby the spatially periodic time dependent LLG equation [seeEq. ( 1)]. We had discussed the excitation of the autoreso-
nant solutions in this system via theory and compared theresults with numerical simulations. The excitation proceededas the driving frequency passed a resonance with the initiallyspatially uniform magnetization equilibrium in the directionof the easy axis (polar angle θ=0), yielding a driven spa-
tially uniform magnetization with the azimuthal angle ϕof
the magnetization locked (and therefore controlled) by thephase of the microwave. This phase locking (autoresonance)reflects a continuous self-adjustment of θ[s e eE q .( 11)], so
that the resonance is preserved despite the variation of thedriving frequency. It was shown that the condition for thisautoresonant evolution is the driving amplitude εexceeding
a threshold, which scales with the driving frequency chirprate as ε
th∼α3/4[see Eq. ( 10)]. We had also shown that
the uniform autoresonant magnetization state remained stablewith respect to spatial perturbations if sin θ<κ =2π/l, l
being the periodicity length in the problem. In the case2π/l > 1, the stable uniform state reached a complete mag-
netization inversion ( θ→π). In contrast, when θincreased
during the autoresonant uniform state evolution and passedthe point where sin θ=2π/l, the spatial instability devel-
oped, yielding a complex spatiotemporal magnetization waveform.We had shown that if instead of a constant driving ampli-
tude, one introduced a spatially modulated amplitude ε
ε1cos(κξ), then, instead of the instability, a standing wave
is excited with the amplitude and form controlled by thefrequency of the driving wave. This emerging autoresonantsolution is doubly phase locked, i.e., its azimuthal angle ϕ
is locked to the phase of the driving wave, while θperforms
slowly evolving growing amplitude nonlinear spatial oscilla-tions in an effective potential, which are continuously phaselocked to the spatial modulation of the drive. Furthermore,as the periodicity length lincreases, the autoresonant wave
approaches the well know soliton form [see Eq. (6.21) inRef. [ 9]]. The formation of the autoresonant standing wave
is fully reversible and can be returned to its initial uniform(θ≈0) state by simply reversing the variation of the driving
frequency. In addition to suggesting a qualitative descrip-tion of this autoresonant evolution (see Sec. III), we had
developed a complete theory of the dynamics in the problembased on the Whitham’s averaged variational approach andstudied modulational stability of the autoresonant solutions(see Sec. IV). We had found numerically that a sufficiently
weak dissipation does not affect the autoresonant evolutionsignificantly. The suggested method of excitation allows usto form steady standing waves of prescribed amplitude bysimply fixing the driving frequency at any time, while theautoresonant driving compensates the effect of dissipation.We had also discussed and illustrated in simulations formationof autoresonant standing waves when replacing the microwavedrive by a spatially modulated transverse spin torque drivingor adding a modulated hard axis anisotropy. Developing afull Whitham’s type theory in these cases and inclusion ofdissipation and thermal fluctuations in the theory seem to beimportant goals for future research. Finally, it is known thatthe undriven, dissipationless LLG problem ( 1) is integrable
[9]. This means that there exist many additional, so-called
multiphase solutions in this problem. Addressing the questionof excitation and control of this multitude of solutions bychirped frequency perturbations seems to comprise anotherinteresting goal for the future.
The authors would like to thank J.M. Robbins and E.B.
Sonin for stimulating discussions and important comments.This work was supported by the Israel Science FoundationGrant No. 30/14 and the Russian state program AAAA-A18-118020190095-4.
We perform our numerical simulations to lowest significant
order in λand, therefore, approximate LLG Eq. ( 1)a s
∂τ≈h×m+λm×(h×m)=h/prime×m, (A1)
where h/prime=h−λh×m.Our numerical scheme for study-
ing the evolution governed by Eq. ( A1) is based on the
equivalent quantum two-level system (idea originated by
Feynman [ 38], and recently used in studying magnetiza-
tion inversion in single domain nanoparticles [ 29,30]). We
i∂A 1
2A1+dA 2, (A2)
idA 2
2A2+d∗A1, (A3)
where A1,2=A1,2(ξ,τ) are the wave functions of a pair of
coupled quantum levels and
z, (A4)
2. (A5)The magnetization mind0anddin Eqs. ( A2), (A3) is related
1A2)=2B1B2sinϕ, (A6)
where A1,2=B1,2exp(iϕ1,2) andϕ=ϕ2−ϕ1. Note that, as
expected, the total population of our two level system remainsconstant, |A
1|2+|A2|2=|m|=1. Note also that m⊥=/radicalBig
m2x+m2y=2B1B2, while ϕis the azimuthal rotation angle
of the magnetization around ξ. Formally, the system ( A2),
(A3) comprises a set of two coupled NLS-type equations for
wave functions A1,2. The numerical approach to solving this
system throughout this work used a standard pseudospectralmethod [ 43] subject to given initial and periodic boundary
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014411-10 |
PhysRevLett.102.177601.pdf | Observation of Ferromagnetic Resonance in SrRuO 3
by the Time-Resolved Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect
M. C. Langner,1,2C. L. S. Kantner,1,2Y. H. Chu,3L. M. Martin,2P. Yu,1J. Seidel,3R. Ramesh,1,3and J. Orenstein1,2
1Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
2Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
(Received 3 December 2008; published 28 April 2009)
We report the observation of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in SrRuO 3using the time-resolved
magneto-optical Kerr effect. The FMR oscillations in the time-domain appear in response to a sudden,optically induced change in the direction of easy-axis anisotropy. The high FMR frequency, 250 GHz, andlarge Gilbert damping parameter, /C11/C251, are consistent with strong spin-orbit coupling. We find that the
parameters associated with the magnetization dynamics, including /C11, have a nonmonotonic temperature
dependence, suggestive of a link to the anomalous Hall effect.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.177601 PACS numbers: 76.50.+g, 75.30. /C0m, 78.20.Ls, 78.47. /C0p
Understanding and eventually manipulating the elec-
tron’s spin degree of freedom is a major goal of contem-
porary condensed matter physics. As a means to this end,
considerable attention is focused on the spin-orbit (SO)interaction, which provides a mechanism for control ofspin polarization by applied currents or electric fields [ 1].
Despite this attention, many aspects of SO coupling are notfully understood, particularly in itinerant ferromagnetswhere the same electrons are linked to both rapid currentfluctuations and slow spin dynamics. In these materials, SOcoupling is responsible for spin-wave damping [ 2,3], spin-
current torque [ 4,5], the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) [ 6],
and magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) [ 7]. Ongoing
research is aimed toward a quantitative understanding ofhow band structure, disorder, and electron-electron inter-actions interact to determine the size and temperaturedependence of these SO-driven effects.
3(SRO) is a material well known for its dual role
as a highly correlated metal and an itinerant ferromagnet
with properties that reflect strong SO interaction [ 8–10].
Despite its importance as a model SO-coupled system,there are no previous reports of ferromagnetic resonance(FMR) in SRO. FMR is a powerful probe of SO coupling inferromagnets, providing a means to measure both MCAand the damping of spin waves in the small wave vectorregime [ 11]. Here we describe detection of FMR by time-
resolved magnetooptic measurements performed on high-
quality SRO thin films. We observe a well-defined reso-
nance at a frequency /C10
FMR¼250 GHz . This resonant
frequency is an order of magnitude higher than in thetransition-metal ferromagnets, which accounts for the non-observation by conventional microwave techniques.
10–200 nm thick SRO thin films were grown via pulsed
laser deposition between 680–700
/C14Cin 100 mTorr oxy-
gen. High-pressure reflection high-energy electron diffrac-tion (RHEED) was used to monitor the growth of the SRO
filmin situ . RHEED patterns and atomic force microscopy
imaging confirmed the presence of pristine surfaces con-sisting of atomically flat terraces separated by a single unit
cell step (3.93 A ˚). X-ray diffraction indicated fully epitax-
ial films and x-ray reflectometry was used to verify film
thickness. Bulk magnetization measurements using aSQUID magnetometer indicated a Curie temperature, T
of/C24150 K .
Sensitive detection of FMR by the time-resolved mag-
netooptic Kerr effect (TRMOKE) has been demonstratedpreviously [ 12–14]. TRMOKE is an all optical pump-
probe technique in which the absorption of an ultrashort
laser pulse perturbs the magnetization, M, of a ferromag-
net. The subsequent time-evolution of Mis determined
from the polarization state of a normally incident, time-delayed probe beam that is reflected from the photoexcitedregion. The rotation angle of the probe polarization causedby absorption of the pump, /C1/C2
KðtÞ, is proportional to
/C1MzðtÞ, where zis the direction perpendicular to the plane
of the film [ 15].
Figures 1(a)and1(b)show /C1/C2 KðtÞobtained on an SRO
film of thickness 200 nm. Very similar results are obtained
in films with thickness down to 10 nm. Two distinct types
of dynamics are observed, depending on the temperatureregime. The curves in Fig. 1(a)were measured at tempera-
tures near T
C. The relatively slow dynamics agree with
previous reports for this Tregime [ 16] and are consistent
with critical slowing down in the neighborhood of thetransition [ 17]. The amplitude of the photoinduced change
in magnetization has a local maximum near T¼115 K .
Distinctly different magnetization dynamics are observed
asTis reduced below about 80 K, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
The TRMOKE signal increases again, and damped oscil-lations with a period of about 4 ps become clearly resolved.
In order to test if these oscillations are in fact the
signature of FMR, as opposed to another photoinducedperiodic phenomenon such as strain waves, we measuredthe effect of magnetic field on the TRMOKE signals.
Figure 2(a) shows /C1/C2
KðtÞfor several fields up to 6 T
applied normal to the film plane. The frequency clearlyPRL 102, 177601 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
1 MAY 2009
0031-9007 =09=102(17) =177601(4) 177601-1 /C2112009 The American Physical Societyincreases with increasing magnetic field, confirming that
the oscillations are associated with FMR.
The mechanism for the appearance of FMR in
TRMOKE experiments is well understood [ 14]. Before
photoexcitation, Mis oriented parallel to the magnetic
anisotropy hA. Perturbation of the system by the pump
pulse generates a sudden change in the direction of the easy
axis. In SRO thin films, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy
axis rotates further out of plane as the film is cooled [ 8].
The perturbation in hAthat we observe is consistent with a
small rotation (on the order of 1/C14) caused by rapid laser-
pulse induced heating. In the resulting nonequilibriumstate,Mandh
Aare no longer parallel, generating a torque
that induces Mto precess at the FMR frequency. In the
presence of Gilbert damping, Mspirals towards the new
hA, resulting in the damped oscillations of Mzthat appear
in the TRMOKE signal.
To analyze the FMR line shape we Fourier transform
(FT) the time-domain data. The magnetization in the time-domain is given by the relation,
Aðt/C0/C28Þd/C28; (1)
where /C31ijð/C28Þis the impulse response function and /C1hAðtÞ
is the change in anisotropy field. If we define a coordinate
system in which z0is the easy axis and y0is in plane of
rotation of hA, then /C1MzðtÞis related to /C31y0y0ðtÞ. For laser-
induced precession one expects that /C1hAðtÞwill be a step
function, as photoinduced local heating can be quite rapidcompared with cooling via thermal conduction from the
laser-excited region. When /C1hAðtÞis proportional to the
step function, /C1MzðtÞ/Rt
/C01/C31y0y0ð/C28Þd/C28, and /C31y0y0ð!Þis
proportional to the FT of the time derivative of the
TRMOKE signal. In this case, the observable!Ref/C1/C2
Kð!Þgshould be closely related to the imaginary,
or dissipative part of /C31y0y0ð!Þ.
In Fig. 2(b) we plot !Ref/C1/C2 Kð!Þgfor each of the
curves shown in Fig. 2(a). The spectra shown do indeed
exhibit features that are expected for Im/C31y0y0ð!Þnear the
FMR frequency. A well-defined resonance peak is evident,
whose frequency increases with magnetic field as expected
for FMR. The inset to Fig. 2(b) shows /C10FMRas a function
of applied magnetic field. The solid line through the datapoints corresponds to parameters jh
and easy-axis direction equal to 30/C14from the film normal
at 5 K, consistent with previous determinations of hA
based on equilibrium magnetization measurements [ 8,10].
Although the spectra in Fig. 2(b) are clearly associated
with FMR, the sign change at low frequency is not con-sistent with Im/C31
y0y0ð!Þ, which is positive definite. We have
verified that the negative component is always present in
the spectra and is not associated with errors in assigningthet¼0point in the time-domain data. The origin of
negative component of the FT is made clearer by referring
back to the time domain. In Fig. 3(a)we show typical time-
series data measured in zero field at 40 K. For comparisonwe show the response to a step-function change in the easy-
FIG. 2 (color online). (a): Change in Kerr rotation as a func-
tion of time delay following pulsed photoexcitation at T¼5K,
for several values of applied magnetic field ranging up to 6 T.
(b): Fourier transforms of signals shown in top panel. Inset: FMR
frequency vs applied field.(a)
FIG. 1 (color online). Change in Kerr rotation as a function of
time delay following pulsed photoexcitation, for several tem-peratures below the Curie temperature of 150 K. (a): Tempera-ture range 100 K <T< 150 K . (b): Temperature range 5K<
T<80 K . Signal amplitude and oscillations grow with decreas-
ingT. Inset: Polar Kerr rotation vs temperature.PRL 102, 177601 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
1 MAY 2009
177601-2axis direction predicted by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert
(LLG) equation [ 18]. It is clear that, if the measured and
simulated responses are constrained to be equal at large
delay times, the observed oscillations of /C1/C2 KðtÞare much
larger than the LLG prediction at small delay. In principle,
one explanation for the discrepancy would be that /C1/C2 KðtÞ
results from a change in the magnitude of Mas well as its
direction. Using this interpretation to fit the data requires a
photoinduced increase in jMj, which is unphysical for a
system in a stable FM phase.
We have found that /C1/C2 KðtÞcan be readily fit by the
LLG equation if, instead of introducing a variation in jMj,
we relax the assumption that /C1hAðtÞis a step-function. In
particular, we allow the change in easy-axis direction to
‘‘overshoot’’ at short times. The overshoot suggests that the
easy-axis direction changes rapidly as the photoexcited
electrons approach quasiequilibrium with the phonon and
magnon degrees of freedom. The red line in Fig. 3(a)shows
the best-fit obtained by modeling /C1hAðtÞbyHðtÞð/C300þ
/C301e/C0t=/C28Þ, where HðtÞis the step function, /C300þ/C301is the
change in easy-axis direction at t¼0, and /C28is the time
constant determining the rate of approach to the asymptotic
value /C300. The fit is clearly much better when the possibility
of overshoot dynamics in /C1hAðtÞis included. The blue line
shows the difference between measured and simulated
response. With the exception of this very short pulsecentered near t¼0, the observed response is now well
described by the LLG equation.
In Fig. 3(b) we compare data and simulated response in
the frequency domain. With the allowance for an overshoot
in/C1hAðtÞthe spectrum clearly resolves into two compo-
nents. The peak at 250 GHz and the sign change at lowfrequency are the both part of the magnetic response to/C1h
AðtÞ. The broad peak or shoulder centered near
600 GHz is the FT of the short pulse component shownin Fig. 3(a). We have found this component is essentially
linear in pump pulse intensity, and independent of mag-
netic field and temperature. Its properties are consistent
with a photoinduced change in reflectivity due to band-filling, which is well-known to cross-couple into theTRMOKE signal of ferromagnets [ 19].
By including overshoot dynamics in /C1h
AðtÞ, we are able
to distinguish stimulus from response in the observedTRMOKE signals. From the LLG equation, we can extractthe two parameters that describe the response: /C10
/C11; and the two parameters that describe the stimulus:
/C301=/C300and/C28. In Fig. 4we plot all four parameters as a
FIG. 3 (color online). Components of TRMOKE response in
time (a) and frequency (b) domain. Black lines are the observedsignals. Green line in (a) is the simulated response to a step-function change in easy-axis direction. Best fits to the overshoot
model described in the text are shown in red. Blue lines are the
difference between the measured and best-fit response.FIG. 4 (color online). Temperature dependence of (a) FMR
frequency (triangles) and damping parameter (circles), (b) over-
shoot decay time, (c) ratio of overshoot amplitude to step-response amplitude ( /C30
1=/C300), and (d) /C27xy(adapted from [ 20]).PRL 102, 177601 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
1 MAY 2009
177601-3function of temperature from 5 to 80 K. The T-dependence
of the FMR frequency is very weak, with /C10FMRdeviating
from 250 GHz by only about 5% over the range of the
measurement. The Gilbert damping parameter /C11is of order
unity at all temperatures, a value that is approximately afactor 10
2larger than found in transition-metal ferromag-
nets. Over the same Trange the decay of the easy-axis
overshoot varies from about 2 to 4 ps. We note that thedynamical processes that characterize the response alloccur in strongly overlapping time scales.
While /C10
FMRis essentially independent of T, the parame-
ters/C11,/C301=/C300, and /C28exhibit structure in their Tdepen-
dence near 40 K. This structure is reminiscent of the T
dependence of the anomalous Hall coefficient /C27xythat has
been observed in thin films of SRO [ 20–22]. For compari-
son, Fig. 4(d)reproduces /C27xyðTÞreported in Ref. [ 20]. The
similarity between the Tdependence of AHE and parame-
ters related to FMR suggests a possible correlation betweenthe two types of response functions. Recently, Nagaosa andOnoda [ 23] have discussed the possibility of a connection
between collective spin dynamics at zero wave vector(FMR) and the off-diagonal conductivity (AHE). At a basiclevel, both effects are nonzero only in the presence of bothSO coupling and time-reversal breaking. However, the
possibility of a more quantitative connection is suggested
by comparison of the Kubo formulas for the two corre-sponding functions. The off-diagonal conductivity can bewritten in the form [ 24],
/C15mnðkÞ½/C15mnðkÞ/C0!/C0i/C13/C138; (2)
where JimnðkÞis current matrix element between quasipar-
ticle states with band indices n,mand wave vector k. The
functions /C15mnðkÞandfmnðkÞare the energy and occupation
difference, respectively, between such states, and /C13is a
phenomenological quasiparticle damping rate. FMR isrelated to the dynamic susceptibility, with the correspond-ing Kubo form,
/C15mnðkÞ/C0!/C0i/C13; (3)
where Simnis the matrix element of the spin operator. In
general, /C27xyð!Þand/C31xyð!Þare unrelated, as they involve
current and spin matrix elements, respectively. However, it
has been proposed that in several ferromagnets, including
SRO, the k-space sums in Eqs. ( 2) and ( 3) are dominated by
a small number of band crossings near the Fermi surface[22,25]. If the matrix elements S
imnandJimnvary suffi-
ciently smoothly with k, then /C27xyð!Þ,/C31xyð!Þ, and /C31yyð!Þ
may all show features determined by the position of the
chemical potential relative to the energy at which the bandscross. Furthermore, as Gilbert damping is related to thezero-frequency limit of /C31
yyð!Þ[26], i.e.,/C11¼/C10FMR
!!0Im/C31yyð!Þ; (4)
and AHE is the zero-frequency limit of /C27xyð!Þ, the band-
crossing picture suggests a possible correlation between
In conclusion, we have reported the observation of
FMR in the metallic transition-metal oxide SrRuO 3. Both
the frequency and damping coefficient are significantlylarger than observed in transition-metal ferromagnets.Correlations between FMR dynamics and the AHE coeffi-cient suggest that both may be linked to near Fermi surface
band-crossings. Further study of these correlations, as Sr is
replaced by Ca, or with systematic variation in residualresistance, could be a fruitful approach to understandingthe dynamics of magnetization in the presence of strongSO interaction.
This research is supported by the U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Science. Y. H. C. acknowledges the sup-port of the National Science Council, R. O. C.
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1 MAY 2009
177601-4 |
PhysRevLett.110.257204.pdf | Unconventional Magnetism via Optical Pumping of Interacting Spin Systems
Tony E. Lee,1Sarang Gopalakrishnan,2and Mikhail D. Lukin2
1ITAMP , Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
2Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
(Received 19 April 2013; published 19 June 2013)
We consider strongly interacting systems of effective spins, subject to dissipative spin-flip processes
associated with optical pumping. We predict the existence of novel magnetic phases in the steady state of
this system, which emerge due to the competition between coherent and dissipative processes. Specifically,
for strongly anisotropic spin-spin interactions, we find ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, spin-density-wave, and staggered- XYsteady states, which are separated by nonequilibrium phase transitions meeting at a
Lifshitz point. These transitions are accompanied by quantum correlations, resulting in spin squeezing.Experimental implementations in ultracold atoms and trapped ions are discussed.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.257204 PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 42.50. /C0p, 67.85. /C0d, 75.30.Kz
Exotic magnetic states play a central role in the physics
of quantum many-body systems and have been explored in awide variety of strongly correlated materials [ 1]. Realizing
and exploring magnetic states has recently emerged as acentral goal in ultracold atomic physics [ 2,3]. Due to highly
controllable and tunable interactions, ensembles of ultra-cold neutral atoms and ions may provide a unique labora-
tory to study exotic quantum magnetism [ 2–9]. Among the
main obstacles are relatively small energy scales associatedwith magnetic ordering (e.g., the superexchange scale inthe Hubbard model), requiring cooling atomic systemsdown to very low temperatures [ 2], and the slow time scales
involved in spin thermalization [ 10–12]. Furthermore,
ultracold atoms are fundamentally open, driven quantumsystems far from their absolute thermal equilibrium. This
motivates the exploration of spin dynamics in the presence
of driving and dissipation [ 13–30].
Recently, a number of schemes involving dissipation to
create magnetic phases have been proposed. These typi-cally use engineered reservoirs involving coupling mul-tiple lattice sites [ 13–15]. At the same time, one expects
single-site dissipation such as spontaneous decay to bedetrimental to realizing interesting magnetic states, result-
ing, e.g., in unwanted decoherence. In this Letter, we
demonstrate that optical pumping and spontaneous decaycan instead enrich the phase diagram, resulting in new
phases and phase transitions that do not exist in conven-tional equilibrium systems. Significantly, these novel statescan be observed under conditions when the realization ofconventional equilibrium states is difficult.
The key idea of this work can be understood by consid-
ering the anisotropic spin- 1=2Heisenberg model (i.e., the
XYZ model), which is governed by the Hamiltonian
where /C27xn,/C27y
n,/C27znare the Pauli matrices for an effective
spin n. We assume that the spins are localized on ad-dimensional cubic lattice with nearest-neighbor interac-
tions. In the presence of conventional optical pumping,this Hamiltonian is augmented with a dissipative processthat flips the spins down at some rate /C13[i.e., it corresponds
to the jump operator /C27
/C0non every site, where
The steady state of this open many-body system is easy
to understand in the case of isotropic spin-spin interactions,
namely, the XXZ model (with either ferromagnetic or
antiferromagnetic couplings). For this, the Hamiltoniancan be rewritten in the form H¼ð1=2dÞP½2J
/C27/C0m/C27þnÞþJz/C27zm/C27zn/C138. This Hamiltonian conserves the
total number of spins in the j"istate and, therefore, does
nothing to counteract the spontaneous decay. Thus, thesteady state is a trivial dark state with all spins polarized,j## /C1 /C1 /C1 #ih## /C1 /C1 /C1 #j , so the XXZ model never experiences a
phase transition in the presence of dissipation, regardlessofJ
However, new types of magnetic order emerge for
strongly anisotropic couplings. The crucial role of anisot-
ropy can be understood as follows. Each spin experiences
Jx/γJy/γ (a)
−4−3−2−1 012344
−4−3−2−1 012344
FIG. 1. Mean-field phase diagrams for the dissipative XYZ
model with (a) Jz=/C13¼1and (b) Jz¼0, showing the different
phases: paramagnetic (PM), ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromag-
netic (AFM), spin-density-wave (SDW), and staggered- XY
(sXY). The white arrow points to a Lifshitz point.PRL 110, 257204 (2013) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
21 JUNE 2013
0031-9007 =13=110(25) =257204(5) 257204-1 /C2112013 American Physical Societyan effective magnetic field ( Jxh/C27xi,Jyh/C27yi,Jzh/C27zi), which
depends on the direction of its neighbors [Fig. 2(a)]. It
precesses about this effective field and also decays towards
j#i. In order for the spin to point away from j#iin steady
state, its precession must be strong enough to counteractthe decay. In the isotropic case, the spin is always parallelto the magnetic field, so there is no precession at all. On theother hand, when the couplings are sufficiently anisotropic
(e.g., J
x/C25/C0Jy), the spin is roughly perpendicular to the
magnetic field, so the precession is strong enough to point
the spin away from j#i[Fig. 2(a)]. This is in sharp contrast
to the thermal equilibrium state, in which the spin tries toalign with the magnetic field rather than precess about it.
This competition between precessional and dissipative
dynamics gives rise to a remarkable phase diagram
(Fig. 1), including ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic
phases as well as spin-density-wave and staggered- XY
phases that do not exist in equilibrium. The spin-density-
wave, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic phases meet at
multicritical Lifshitz points, at which the period of thespin-density wave diverges [ 31]; such Lifshitz points
have been seen in equilibrium magnets with long-rangeinteractions [ 32,33], but generally do not exist in nearest-
neighbor spin models. In addition, we find that a
continuous symmetry emerges for certain couplings; thespontaneous breaking of this symmetry leads to a phase wecall the staggered- XYphase. Finally, we find that quantum
correlations (as measured by spin squeezing) persist near
the phase transitions.
The model described here can be implemented in sys-
tems of trapped ions or systems of ultracold atoms withanisotropic superexchange or dipolar interactions. The spin
states j"iandj#icorrespond to two electronic states of the
ion or atom. In the case of ions, the spin-spin interaction isobtained through virtual transitions involving motionalsidebands [ 4,34,35]. In the case of ultracold atoms, the
spin-spin interaction is obtained using a two-photonresonance that excites and deexcites atoms in pairs [ 36],
as explained in the Supplemental Material [ 37], or using
superexchange interactions in p-band optical lattices [ 38].
In all cases, dissipation can be controllably introducedusing optical pumping.
Model.— We now turn to detailed analysis of the phe-
nomena outlined above. The dynamics of the many-bodysystem are given by a master equation for the densitymatrix /C26,
Equation ( 2) has a unique steady-state solution [ 39], and
we are interested in whether the steady state exhibits aphase transition as the parameters J
x,Jy,Jzchange. Note
that the decay is independent for each spin, in contrast with
the Dicke model [ 29,40]. Furthermore, the spins are not in
equilibrium with the environmental bath. Thus, in contrast
with the spin-boson model [ 41,42], the steady state is not
the joint ground state of the system and environment.
The master equation has a Z2symmetry ( /C27xn,/C27y
n), which is spontaneously broken in the ordered
phases. In practice, there may also be dephasing noise,leading to dissipative terms in Eq. ( 2) such as /C27
zn/C26/C27zn; since
theZ2symmetry is unaffected by these terms, the phase
transitions we describe are robust to dephasing, although
the phase boundaries are shifted.
Mean-field theory.— We begin by solving for the steady
states of the model Eq. ( 2) at the level of mean-field theory.
We allow the mean field to vary on each site to account forspatially inhomogeneous states [ 21]. The mean-field equa-
tions, which are simply nonlinear Bloch equations, are
where the sum over mis taken over nearest neighbors of n.
(A related model with only dephasing noise was studied inRefs. [ 43,44]. Another related model with an external field
and nonlinear damping was studied using the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation [ 45,46].)
Clearly, there is always a fixed-point solution, h/C27
ni¼ 0,h/C27zni¼/C0 1, in which all the spins are pointing
down. We call this the paramagnetic (PM) phase, since it
does not break the Z2symmetry of Eq. ( 2). We now
consider the linear stability of the PM phase as a function
σ(a) (b)
FIG. 2 (color online). (a) Bloch-sphere plot, showing mean-
field values of h~/C27i(solid red arrow) and effective magnetic field
(dashed blue arrow) for Jx=/C13¼/C0Jy=/C13¼1,Jz¼0. The vectors
are normalized to unit length. [(b) and (c)] sXY phase in the xy
plane of the Bloch sphere; (b) one possible stable configuration.Black (pointing upper left) and red arrows (pointing lower right)
correspond to sublattices AandB. (c) The Asublattice (black
solid arrow) generates a magnetic field (gray dashed arrow)that the Bsublattice (red solid arrow) precesses around.
Similarly, the Bsublattice generates a magnetic field (pink
dashed arrow) that the Asublattice precesses around. The angle
/C18can take any value.PRL 110, 257204 (2013) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
21 JUNE 2013
257204-2ofJx,Jy,Jz[47]. We consider d-dimensional perturbations
with wave vector ~k¼ðk1;k2;...;kdÞwhere k‘¼2/C25=a ‘
anda‘is an integer. We find that the PM phase is unstable
to perturbations of wave vector ~kwhen
This condition is satisfied only when the couplings are
sufficiently anisotropic.
When the PM phase is unstable, the system ends up in a
time-independent steady state with h/C27xni,h/C27y
ni/C2220,s oi t
breaks the Z2symmetry of the master equation. There are
four types of ordered phases. (i) A spatially uniform state,which we call the ferromagnetic (FM) phase, resultingfrom instability of the PM phase to k
‘¼0for all ‘.
(ii) A spatially modulated state with a period of two latticesites in all directions; i.e., the system divides into twosublattices. We call this the antiferromagnetic (AFM)phase, and it results from instability to k
‘¼/C25for all ‘.
(iii) A spatially modulated state with a period greater than
two lattice sites in at least one direction, which we callthe spin-density-wave (SDW) phase. This results frominstability to all other k
‘. (iv) When Jz¼0, there is also
a staggered- XY(sXY) phase, resulting from instability
to both k‘¼0;/C25, which is discussed below. The phase
diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The transitions from the PM
phase are continuous, whereas the FM-AFM transition isdiscontinuous.
We note two unusual features of this phase diagram.
First, along the boundary between the PM and SDW
phases, the ~kvalue at which the instability of the PM
occurs approaches 0, meaning that the period of theSDW diverges [Fig. 3(a)]. This line culminates in a multi-
critical Lifshitz point [ 31] between the PM, FM, and
SDW phases. Lifshitz points occur in magnetic modelswith competing interactions [ 32,33] but are not found inequilibrium nearest-neighbor magnets; thus, their exis-
tence in nearest-neighbor magnets out of equilibriumindicates that nonequilibrium phase diagrams can be quali-
tatively richer than those in equilibrium. Lifshitz points
show enhanced fluctuation effects relative to conventionalcritical points [ 31] and, hence, offer a rich venue for study-
ing quantum fluctuations away from equilibrium.
The second distinctive feature of the phase diagram is
that the ordered phase breaks a continuous symmetry when
z¼0. In this case, the system divides into two sublattices
as in the AFM phase. However, the angle between the twosublattices can take any value. In the specific case of
x¼/C0Jy, the spins on the AandBsublattices are at angles
/C18and/C0/C18relative to the x¼yline on the Bloch sphere
[Fig. 2(b)]. Any value of /C18corresponds to a stable con-
figuration, since the sublattices remain perpendicular to
each other’s magnetic field [Fig. 2(c)]. Upon ordering,
this continuous Uð1Þsymmetry between the sublattice
spin orientations is spontaneously broken, leading to aphase we call the sXY phase. This phase has vortexliketopological defects around which the relative orientationbetween A- and B-sublattice spins rotates by 2/C25.
Comparison with equilibrium.— It is instructive to
contrast the above results with the equilibrium case (for
d> 1). The equilibrium ground state of Eq. ( 1) is ordered
for any J
x,Jy,Jz[48]. The magnetization axis is deter-
mined by the strongest of the coupling constants, and the
sign of that coupling determines whether the ordering isferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic. Evidently, the non-equilibrium phase diagram exhibits qualitatively differentbehavior from this equilibrium case. The qualitative dif-ferences between equilibrium and nonequilibrium remaineven in the limit /C13!0, although the steady state takes an
increasingly long time to reach.
Fluctuation effects.— We now turn from mean-field
theory to an analysis of fluctuations. Such an analysiswas recently performed for driven polariton condensates[49] and suggests that the static critical properties (i.e.,
renormalization-group fixed points) of a driven Markoviansystem are related to finite-temperature equilibrium criticalproperties. This would indicate that the dissipative XYZ
model discussed here undergoes true phase transitions in
two or more dimensions.
We estimate fluctuation effects and squeezing in the
Gaussian approximation by mapping the spins to hard-
core bosons [ 48]:/C27
nbn/C01. This gives a
reliable approximation in the PM phase, where h/C27zni/C25/C0 1.
To Gaussian order (which includes relaxing the hard-coreconstraint), the resulting Hamiltonian is
; (5)1 2 3 400.511.5
FIG. 3 (color online). (a) Unstable wave vector kalong the
lower boundary of the PM phase in Fig. 1(a). A Lifshitz point
occurs at Jx=/C13¼1:32. For convenience, only one-dimensional
wave vectors are shown. (b) Squeezing parameter /C162, calculated
in the Gaussian approximation for Jz¼0. The sXY phase
has been whited out, since the Gaussian approximation is notvalid there.PRL 110, 257204 (2013) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
21 JUNE 2013
257204-3and the dissipative terms in the master equation are
n½bn/C26byn/C0ð1=2Þðbynbn/C26þ/C26bynbnÞ/C138. We now use stan-
dard Keldysh path-integral techniques [ 50] to compute the
relaxation rate, h/C27ziand the squeezing. We summarize the
results here and provide details in the Supplemental
Material [ 37].
(1) Relaxation rate.— The rate at which the steady
state is approached can be read off from the poles of the
retarded Green’s function. For notational simplicity, we
assume d¼1here. In the Gaussian approximation,
the lowest pole has complex frequency /C0i/C13=2/C6
. A continuous phase tran-
sition occurs when the frequency of this pole approaches
zero; this precisely recovers Eq. ( 4).
(2) Below-threshold fluctuations.— Near the transition,
one expects to find nonanalytic behavior in the number
of up spins,P
nh/C27zni.F o r Jz¼0, this scales as h/C27zi/C24
ð/C132þ16JxJyÞðd/C02Þ=2. The divergence for d¼1renders
the Gaussian approximation inconsistent and is related,
as we shall show in a future work, to the absence of a
phase transition in one dimension (consistent with the
polariton-BEC case [ 49]).
(3) Squeezing.— We find that spin squeezing, a measure
of quantum correlations, persists near the transition. It can
be calculated using the definition of squeezing for bosons
[51]:/C162¼1þ2ðhbybi/C0j h bij2Þ/C02jhb2i/C0hbi2j. For the
case of Jz¼0, as the phase boundary is approached, /C162!
1=2in the thermodynamic limit for the k¼0,/C25modes,
signaling the presence of quantum correlations [Fig. 3(b)].
Comparison with numerics.— We have also simulated
the Eq. ( 2) in one dimension (1D) using the method of
quantum trajectories [ 52]. Although there is presumably no
phase transition in 1D, the numerical results already show
qualitative features predicted by mean-field theory. For
example, when mean-field theory predicts FM, the corre-lation h/C27
xm/C27xniis positive for all distances [Fig. 4(a)]. When
there should be AFM, the correlation alternates sign. When
there should be SDW, the correlation varies with a wave-
length that matches the mean-field value. When there
should be sXY, h/C27xm/C27xniandh/C27y
m/C27yniare both 0 for odd
distances and positive for even distances [Fig. 4(b)].
Furthermore, the gap of the Liouvillian approaches 0 at
the boundary of the PM phase, consistent with the
Gaussian approximation (see Supplemental Material [ 37]).
Experimental realization.— The dissipative XYZ model
can be implemented experimentally using trapped ions.
One can use171Ybþand let j#iandj"icorrespond to
2S1=2jF¼0;mF¼0iand2D3=2jF¼2;mF¼0i. In the
presence of laser beams judiciously detuned from certain
motional sidebands, the ions interact via Eq. ( 1)[4,34,35].
Jx,Jy,Jzcan be on the order of 1–5 kHz, and their
magnitudes and signs can be varied by changing the laser
detunings [ 4]. By admixing a small component ( 10/C04)
of2P3=2using an off-resonant laser, one broadens thelinewidth of j"ito 2 kHz. (To make this a closed cycle,
additional lasers optically pump back into j#ion a much
faster time scale.) Thus, the parameter space shown in
Fig.1is experimentally achievable. This setup can imple-
ment an arbitrary lattice topology for a large numberof ions [ 9,53].
A variety of other realizations of the XYZ model are also
possible. One approach is to use ultracold atoms coupledvia dipole-dipole interactions. The XYZ Hamiltonian is
implemented by driving a two-photon resonance so that
atoms are excited and deexcited in pairs, as explainedin the Supplemental Material [ 37]. This scheme can be
realized using Rydberg-dressed atoms [ 54], Rydberg atoms
[36,55,56], or dipolar atoms or molecules [ 57]. We show
explicitly in the Supplemental Material that, for Rydberg-
dressed atoms, the parameters needed for the phase tran-sitions (Fig. 1) are experimentally achievable. Finally, one
can adapt a recent proposal for realizing XYZ models via
superexchange in p-band optical lattices [ 38] to include
dissipation, by optically pumping the atoms into the p
orbital via an intermediate excited orbital (e.g., dx2/C0y2) that
does not decay into the sband.
Conclusion.— In summary, we have computed the phase
diagram of anisotropic spin models subject to spontaneous
decay and shown that these models exhibit phases (SDWand sXY) and phase transitions (Lifshitz point) that arenot found in similar equilibrium models. The qualitativedifferences can be traced to the fact that in equilibrium,
spins align with the magnetic field, whereas away from
equilibrium, they precess about it. We find that quantumcorrelations, as measured by squeezing, persist near thedissipative transitions. This work paves the way for futureexplorations of critical behavior and nonequilibrium fluc-
tuations near the phase transitions we have identified. A
particularly intriguing question is how frustrated interac-tions (due to a triangular lattice) affect the AFM and sXYphases.0 2 4 6 8−0.2−
0 2 4 6 800.020.040.06
FIG. 4 (color online). Correlation function h/C27xm/C27xnifor 1D
chain of 16 spins, from simulating the master equation.(a)J
z=/C13¼1, showing remnant of FM for Jx=/C13¼2,Jy¼0
(blue circles, solid line); remnant of AFM for Jx=/C13¼/C0 2,
Jy¼0(green triangles, dashed line); remnant of SDW for
Jx=/C13¼4,Jy=/C13¼2(red squares, dash-dotted line). The period
of the SDW matches the mean-field prediction (5.3 sites).
(b)Jx=/C13¼/C0Jy=/C13¼1,Jz=/C13¼0, showing remnant of sXY
phase.PRL 110, 257204 (2013) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
21 JUNE 2013
257204-4We thank Philipp Strack, Eric Kessler, Chris Laumann,
Norman Yao, Hendrik Weimer, and Rajibul Islam foruseful discussions. This work was supported by NSF
through a grant to ITAMP, the Harvard Quantum Optics
Center, the Center for Ultracold Atoms, and DARPA.
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257204-5 |
PhysRevB.83.184427.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 184427 (2011)
Effect of microwave irradiation on spin-torque-driven magnetization precession in nanopillars
with magnetic perpendicular anisotropy
N. Reckers,1,*J. Cucchiara,2O. Posth,1C. Hassel,1F. M. R ¨omer,1R. Narkowicz,3R. A. Gallardo,4P. Landeros,4H. Z ¨ahres,1
S. Mangin,2J. A. Katine,5E. E. Fullerton,6G. Dumpich,1R. Meckenstock,1J. Lindner,1and M. Farle1
1Faculty of Physics and Center for Nanointegration (CeNIDE), Lotharstr. 1, DE-47057 Duisdurg, Germany,
and University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 1, DE-47057 Duisburg, Germany
2Nancy-Universit ´e, Laboratoire de Physique des Mat ´eriaux, CNRS, Bo ˆite Postal 239, FR-54506 Vandoeuvre l ´es Nancy, France
3Department of Physics, University of Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Str. 4, DE-44227 Dortmund, Germany
4Departamento de F ´ısica, Universidad T ´ecnica Federico Santa Mar ´ıa, Avenida Espa ˜na 1680, 2390123 Valpar ´ıso, Chile
5Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Yerba Buena Road, San Jose, California 95135, USA
6Center of Magnetic Recording Research and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego,
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0401, USA
(Received 10 January 2011; revised manuscript received 24 March 2011; published 25 May 2011)
The effect of microwave irradiation on the spin-torque-driven magnetization dynamics is studied in (Co /Ni)-
based nanopillar spin valves with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. For this purpose, a setup was developed tomeasure the ac as well as the dc resistance of the nanopillar under applied fields and injected polarized currents,while irradiating microwaves with varying frequency (6–18 GHz) and power. We find that the microwaveirradiation amplifies and maintains the precessional state of the eigenresonance within a larger field range.The experiments are discussed in comparison to micromagnetic as well as macrospin simulations utilizing thenonlinearized Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.184427 PACS number(s): 75 .78.−n, 75.47.−m, 85.75.−d, 72.25.Ba
Within nanopillar spin valves consisting of a ferromagnetic
hard layer, acting as a spin polarizer, and a ferromagnetic soft(free) layer separated by a nonmagnetic spacer layer, the spin-torque
1,2effect manifests itself by magnetization switching
and by steady-state precessions.3,4Many investigations were
conducted for systems with an easy axis of magnetization inthe film plane that demonstrate the steady-state precessionfrequencies in the microwave regime, allowing the effect to beemployed for microwave generation.
5,6A theory to understand
microwave generation by spin-polarized currents is providedin Ref. 7Motivated by the possibility of dc-induced microwave
generation, the influence of rf excitation on systems with aneasy axis of magnetization in the film plane was studied atlow frequencies (below 15 GHz) using rf currents
8and at high
frequencies (40–60 GHz) using microwave irradiation.9
Experiments on nanopillars with perpendicular magnetic
anisotropy (PMA) revealed that the current densities neededfor magnetization switching are effectively reduced
10as com-
pared to in-plane systems. While a precessional elliptical statecan easily be studied for in-plane magnetized samples, it is farmore complicated in the case of PMA-based systems becausethecircular precession of the magnetization perpendicular to
the film plane does not change the giant magnetoresistance(GMR) signal.
11Consequently, in investigations of PMA-
switching layers, either polarizing layers with in-plane easymagnetization
12or a third in-plane magnetized ferromagnetic
layer that indirectly monitors the motion of the PMA-switchinglayer were used.
11A recent theoretical work discussed the
influence of microwave irradiation on (Co /Ni)-based systems
with PMA and showed that microwave-assisted switchingmight be indeed beneficial.
In the present paper, the spin-transfer-torque effect within
(Co/Ni)-based systems with PMA is experimentally studiedunder microwave irradiation in the frequency range of 5–
11 GHz, which is in the range of the magnetization eigenres-onance. The investigation focuses on the effect of microwaveirradiation on the precessional state of the system rather
than on microwave-assisted switching. Our study providesunambiguous evidence that (i) the resonance frequency ofnanopillars for arbitrary orientation of the two magnetizations,including the special case of two PMA-based materials, canbe determined and (ii) the critical current density needed toexcite the steady-state precession is reduced by microwaveirradiation.
The layout of the experimental setup is schematically shown
in Fig. 1. The ac resistance ( dV/dI ) and the dc resistance
can be measured in the presence of a magnetic field whilemicrowaves in the gigahertz range are irradiating the sample.The setup to detect the magnetoresistance is based on amodified version of the measurement bridge described inRef. 14. The detection limit is
R=10−5. The magnetic
field can be swept up to 2 T and can be oriented parallelor perpendicular to the sample plane. To enable microwavebroadband irradiation, a coaxial semirigid microwave cable(SRMC) with a diameter of 2 mm is utilized (which isdescribed in more detail in the Appendix).
The samples used for the investigations are made of
(Co/Ni)-based PMA materials. The magnetically hard layer
acting as a spin polarizer is given by a (Co /Pt)-(Co /Ni)
multilayer while the free (switching) layer is given by a(Co/Ni) multilayer. Both layers are separated from each other
by a copper spacer layer. Details of the sample preparationhave been published elsewhere.
15–17The films were patterned
to form 50 ×300 nm2nanopillars. A total of eight devices
184427-1 1098-0121/2011/83(18)/184427(8) ©2011 American Physical SocietyN. RECKERS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 184427 (2011)
voltage generator /
sine out
inputmeasurement bridge
ac in dc in
ac out dc outdc current source
microwave (mw)
signal generatormagnet yoke
magnet yokesample
FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic overview of the experimental
setup. The connection of the different components with the mea-
surement bridge, which is a modification of the bridge described inRef. 14, enables measurement of the magnetoresistance. The signal
detected by means of the lock-in technique relies on the use of a
modulated alternating current with a dc offset. The measurementbridge is an ac low-resistance bridge only allowing the measurement
of resistances up to 20 /Omega1.
were measured and showed a resistance of 3 .3±0.02/Omega1in
the parallel alignment and a GMR ratio of/Delta1R
All measurements shown here were performed at roomtemperature with the magnetic field applied perpendicularlyto the film plane.
Figure 2(a)shows the resistance change versus the magnetic
field. We observed the magnetic switching of the free and fixedlayer by applying a small ac current (with frequency f=
997 Hz and amplitude A=40μA) without a dc current, I
The measurement starts in the parallel alignment of both layersat a high magnetic field (of 500 mT). The free layer switchesfrom the parallel to the antiparallel state at B=±95 mT.
By increasing the magnetic field the hard layer switchesfrom antiparallel to parallel alignment at B=±410 mT.
Between −500 and 500 mT we find an overall symmetric
curve with respect to the zero field. The observed responsecan be explained by the GMR effect. Without any injected dccurrent the switching field of the hard (Co /Pt)-(Co /Ni) layer
is about 400 mT. After saturation, the maximum magnetic fieldis limited to 250 mT to avoid any magnetization change in thehard layer when measuring the minor loop.
Figure 2(b) shows the resistance change as a function
dc. The measurement starts in the parallel alignment of
the magnetization at Idc=9 mA. At a critical dc current,
C=−5.2 mA, the configuration switches from parallel to
antiparallel alignment and at I+
C=2.6 mA the configuration
switches back to the parallel alignment. Considering theelliptical shape of the sample, we calculate the critical currentdensities J
C=−5.2 mA) and
C=2.6 mA). The parabolic shape
is due to Joule heating. To avoid this parabolic backgroundfor all measurements shown in the following, the externalmagnetic field was varied at a constant dc current, I
dc.T h e
shifted zero point of the parabola is due to the Peltier effect.18
The measurement in Fig. 2(b)was performed at the remanence
field of the magnet (which is 3 mT).-400 -200 0 200 400024681012 IDC=0RAC[m ]
B[ m T ]RAC=I*dR/dI
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8051015202530RAC=I*dR/dI
IC=2 . 6m ARAC[m ]
IDC[mA]B= 30 Oe
IC=- 5 . 2m A(a)
FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) The ac resistance change as a function
of the perpendicular magnetic field. (b) The ac resistance change as
a function of the dc current.
Figure 3shows the evolution of the ac resistance change,
/Delta1R ac, as a function of the magnetic field for several injected
currents. Idcis defined as positive if the electrons flow from
the hard (Co /Pt)-(Co /Ni) layer (polarizer) to the free (Co /Ni)
layer. Two types of ac resistance curves were observed.
ForIdc<9 mA a hysteretic behavior is observed, as shown
in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b). We note that for Idc=0 a square
hysteresis loop shifted toward negative magnetic fields byabout 30 mT due to the dipolar field generated by the hardlayer
19is observed (although it is not shown in this work). The
coercivity at Idc=0i s9 5m T[ s e eF i g . 2(a)].
AsIdcincreases, the coercivity decreases and the hysteresis
loop shifts toward larger negative fields as shown in Figs. 3(a)
and3(b) forIdc=6 mA. This is consistent with the analytical
results of Fig. 6(a) and it is due to the spin-transfer torque
as explained in detail in Ref. 6. The switching fields are now
−117 and −70 mT, respectively.
ForIdc>9 mA a peak in the ac resistance is observed
as shown in Fig. 3(c). The maximum of the peak occurs at a
magnetic field of −190 mT. Note that for Idc>9 mA a peak in
the ac magnetoresistance can also be observed. By analyzingthe dc resistance changes, R
dc[see Figs. 3(b) and3(d)], one
can conclude that the process of magnetization movement isirreversible for low dc currents and reversible for larger ones
(for which the peak is observed in the ac resistance change).For a dc current of 6 mA a hysteresis is observed, just like forthe ac resistance change, implying an irreversible process. Thisirreversibility is given by the switching of the magnetization
-220 -200 -180 -160 -1403.3403.3423.3453.3473.3503.352
IDC=9m A
B [mT]RDCRDC[]-140 -120 -100 -80 -603.3333.3363.3393.3423.3453.348IDC=6m A
B[ m T ]RDCRDC[]
-140 -120 -100 -80 -60036912
IDC=6m A RAC=I*dR/dI
averageRAC[m ]
B [mT]
-216 -189 -162020406080100RAC=I*dR/dI
IDC=9m ARAC[m ]
B [mT](a)
(d) (c)(b)
FIG. 3. (Color online) The ac resistance change (left column) and the dc resistance (right column) as a function of the perpendicular
magnetic field for different dc currents, Idc.
between parallel and antiparallel alignment relative to the
magnetization of the polarizer. At Idc=9 mA, however, the
dc resistance change is nonhysteretic, clearly indicating areversible change of the magnetization direction. In this case,/Delta1R
acis just given by the derivative of the dc resistance change
producing the peaklike behavior. As discussed in detail belowand observed by other authors before,
5,6the reversible change
is given by a steady-state precession of the magnetization andis caused by the competition between the external field, whichfavors an antiparallel alignment of the magnetizations, andthe spin-torque, which supports the parallel orientation of thetwo magnetizations. The effect of the microwave irradiationin the gigahertz range on /Delta1R
acis shown in Fig. 4(a).T h e
ac resistance curves are obtained for a constant dc currentofI
dc=10 mA while sweeping the magnetic field up to
−250 mT without irradiating the device. It is compared to
the measurement performed under identical conditions butwith microwave irradiation of 7.7 GHz. When the sampleis not irradiated, a peak in /Delta1R
acis observed at B=−188
mT. When the sample is irradiated at 7.7 GHz, the peak isonly slightly shifted and becomes broader and higher. Theincreasing amplitude of the peak is a hint that the microwaveirradiation enhances the magnetization precessional state. Thefact that the peak is broader under microwave irradiation showsthat a precession can be excited for a wider field range. This iscomparable to the behavior also observed in the mutual phaselocking of two spin-torque oscillators.
Figure 4(b) shows the evolution of the ac resistance, /Delta1R ac,
for a fixed field of −190 mT and Idc=10 mA as a function
of the frequency tuned from 5 to 11 GHz. A maximum ismeasured at 7.75 GHz [which is very close to the zero-frequency peak, the blue line in Fig. 4(a)]. The signal undermicrowave irradiation at f=7.75 GHz is strongly enhanced.
Two smaller modes are observed at f=9.4 and 10.3 GHz.
A clear enhancement of the ac resistance signal is observedfor frequencies from 7 to 9 GHz. The fact that several peaksappear in the frequency spectrum is due to several oscillationmodes; this is supported by the micromagnetic simulationsdiscussed below.
The device shows a situation where the almost closed
hysteresis is overlapped by the precession peak at 9 mA,as shown in Fig. 4(c), with additional microwave irradiation
at a frequency of 7.9 GHz. This shows that the microwaveirradiation gives rise to magnetization precession and thatthe critical current needed to create magnetization oscillationcan be reduced by applying a microwave field tuned to theresonance frequency.
A. Micromagnetic simulations of the precessional states
To obtain a better understanding of the precessional state
we performed micromagnetic simulations using the object-oriented micromagnetic framework (
OOMMF )22code. The
normal modes of the elliptically shaped pillar were calculatedby using the same magnetic field of −190 mT perpendicular to
the layers ( zdirection) as in the experiment [see Fig. 4(b)]. In
addition, a small magnetic field of 1 mT in the xdirection (i.e.,
in the layer plane along the long axis of the elliptical pillar)is applied to generate a small deviation of the magnetizationaway from the film normal. After saturation, the small fieldis removed and the time evolution of the magnetizationprecession is calculated. The Fourier transformation directly
184427-3N. RECKERS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 184427 (2011)
6789 1 030405060 IDC=1 0m A
B= -190 mTRAC[m ]
f [GHz]7.75 GHz-250 -200 -15001020304050
IDC=1 0m ARAC[m ]
B[ m T ]7.7 GHz
0G H z(a)
-200 -150 -10002468RAC=I*dR/dI
IDC=9m A
f= 7.9 GHzRAC[m ]
B[ m T ](c)
FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) The ac resistance change over the
magnetic field for Idc=10 mA without microwave irradiation (red
line) and with a microwave at f=7.7 GHz (blue line). (b) The
frequency-dependent measurement of the resistance change. (c) The
ac resistance change over the magnetic field for a dc current of 9 mA
andf=7.9 GHz.
yields the normal, calculated modes as a function of frequency.
Note that nospin-torque term has been included in the
Figure 5shows the signal amplitude as a function of the
microwave frequency. One clearly observes a main mode in thespectrum and two smaller modes located at higher frequencies.(Note that the amplitude of the smaller modes was multipliedby a factor of 10.) For every mode, we have plotted snapshotsof the magnetization state within the pillar at the respectivefrequency maxima of the amplitude [see Figs. 5(a)–5(c)]. The
different colors visualize these deviations from the equilibriumdirection ( zdirection); red indicates a dynamic component
along the xdirection in the film plane and blue indicates a
deviation along the −xdirection. Blue and red spots, therefore,
show spins precessing 180
◦out of phase.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14012345678910Amplitude [arb.units]
f[ G H z ]x10
(a) (b)
FIG. 5. (Color online) OOMMF calculation of the amplitude as a
function of frequency. Visualizations of the different magnetizationstates at the maxima of the amplitude reveal (a) a uniform mode and
(b) and (c) spin-wave modes (for details see text).
For the main mode [see Fig. 5(a)] all magnetic moments
precess in phase. The snapshot of the first smaller mode[see Fig. 5(b)] shows two nodes, implying that there are
phase shifts of the precession along the xdirection. Thus
the mode can be identified with a so-called forward-volumemode, for which the propagation vector, k, is oriented in the
plane along the long axis of the elliptical pillar while theequilibrium magnetization is aligned out of plane along thefilm normal.
23The name “forward” mode stems from the
fact that for such modes the group velocity is positive (incontrast to the so-called backward-volume modes; see Ref. 23
for details). The snapshot of the second smaller mode [seeFig.5(c)] exhibits four nodes.
The calculated spectrum corresponds to the experimental
one of Fig. 4(b) when the following parameters are used:
uniaxial out-of-plane anisotropy K
2⊥=2.23×105J/m3,s a t -
uration magnetization Ms=617×103A/m, a gyromagnetic
ratio of γ=175.87 GHz /T, and a Gilbert damping parameter
α=0.1( t a k e nf r o mR e f . 13). The uniform mode appears at the
same frequency as in the experiment ( f=ω/2π= 7.7 GHz)
and the spin-wave excitations appear at higher frequencies.Their frequencies are 10.0 and 12.3 GHz.
B. Macrospin dynamics
To obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of
the device we have modeled its current-field phase di-agram, obtained by solving the nonlinearized Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation with the spin-torquecontribution,
Ms/vectorM×(/vectorM×/vectorp). (1)
HereMsis the saturation magnetization, γ=gμB/¯his the
gyromagnetic ratio (where gis the gfactor), and αis the
Gilbert-damping parameter. We chose a coordinate systemsuch that the zaxis of the Cartesian coordinate system
coincides with the direction normal to the layers. The firstterm on the right-hand side describes the precession of the
FIG. 6. (Color online) (a) Phase diagram showing the dc current, Idc, vs an external magnetic field Bfor the stable parallel alignment (P)
of the (Co /Ni) layer and polarizer, the stable antiparallel alignment (AP), the steady-state precession, and a bistable state. The latter describes
the hysteretic switching between P and AP alignment. (b)–(d) The field dependence of the out-of-plane equilibrium angle, θ,o ft h e( C o /Ni)
magnetization for different (fixed) values of the dc current: (e) Idc=9 mA, (f) Idc=7.5 mA, and (g) Idc=6 mA. The solid and dashed lines
indicate the direction of the external magnetic field sweep (see text). (e) and (f) The trajectory of the (Co /Ni) magnetization for the three dc
current values. The solid and dashed lines indicate the direction of the external magnetic field sweep as indicated by the arrows. The external
field values for the calculation are B=−83,−73, and −54 mT, respectively. The zdirection was chosen to be aligned parallel to the film
macrospin driven by the effective field, Beff. The latter is
given by the external dc magnetic field, B, including the
field produced by the polarizer stray field (measured at30 mT) and the effective magnetization of the sample, M
2K2⊥/Ms−Nμ 0Ms. While the shape anisotropy, Nμ 0Ms,
always favors an easy axis in the plane of the pillar, theintrinsic out-of-plane anisotropy field, 2 K
2⊥/Ms, with positive
K2⊥overcompensates the shape anisotropy and stabilizes the
out-of-plane easy axis of magnetization observed in (Co /Ni)
multilayers. Details of the interplay between the two contribu-tions to M
effand their dependence on the growth conditions
in thin film samples have been discussed in Ref. 24.F o rt h e
calculation, the same parameters as for the OOMMF simulation
were chosen, only K2⊥=2.35×105J/m3was taken to be
5% larger than the one used in the OOMMF calculation. Note
that the small lateral dimensions of the elliptical (Co /Ni) layer
lead to a reduction of the demagnetizing factor, Nz≈0.94 (see
Ref. 25), as compared to a thin film.
The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. ( 1)i st h e
Gilbert-damping term with the phenomenological dampingparameter α. The last term describes the contribution of thespin torque as proposed by Slonczewski
2|e|MsdV, (2)
where dis the film thickness, Jis the current density defined as
positive for the case when the electrons flow from the polarizer
to the (Co /Ni) layer, and gP=1/(−4+(3+mz)(1+P)3
4P3/2)i st h e
polarization function. It should be noted that the Slonszweskiterm can have two effects: it may lead to additional dampingof the system or to a precessional contribution that drives themagnetization, that is, β> 0o rβ< 0. This is shown, e.g., in
Ref. 26.
After solving Eq. ( 1), we get the following set of nonlinear
equations that describe the time evolution of the componentsof the magnetization (unit) vector, m
˙mx=α(my˙mz−mz˙my)−γmy(B+Meffmz)−γβm xmz,
˙my=α(mz˙mx−mx˙mz)+γmx(B+Meffmz)−γβm ymz,
. (3)
184427-5N. RECKERS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 184427 (2011)
Figure 6(a) shows the resulting phase diagram constructed
by solving the above equations for different current andexternal magnetic field combinations. The parameters neededfor the calculation were the same as in the
OOMMF simulation
discussed above. The diagram is plotted for positive currentvalues and positive and negative field values. The resultsfor a given current-field combination are also shown inFigs. 6(e)–6(g). To obtain the plots, we have computed three
magnetization components, m
i, that describe the trajectory
of the magnetization vector from the above equations. Notethat the zdirection was chosen to coincide with the direction
perpendicular to the layers in the pillar. Consequently, thexandycomponents are oriented within the plane of the
(Co/Ni) film. For I
dc=6m A[ s e eF i g . 6(g)] andB=−54 mT
the (Co /Ni) magnetization starts to precess from its initial
orientation parallel to the polarizer (i.e., parallel to the −z
direction) toward a stable antiparallel alignment. At thiscurrent value one obtains current-induced switching of the(Co/Ni) magnetization. In contrast, Figs. 6(e) and6(f)show
the situation for the higher current values of I=7.5m A
andB=−73 mT and I=9 mA and B=−83 mT. In this
case, a steady-state precession is excited. The opening angledepends on the magnitude of the magnetic field and thedc current.
The complete phase diagram is obtained by calculating the
trajectories for different current-field values. Stable paralleland antiparallel orientation of the (Co /Ni) layer and the
polarizer are denoted by P and AP, respectively. In the case ofhysteretic switching, one also obtains current-field values forwhich both orientations are stable depending on the history ofthe system. The boundary between this bistable area and thearea with either a stable parallel or an antiparallel alignment isgiven by the blue and yellow lines in the phase diagram, whichcan be calculated from Eq. ( 3) (with a detailed calculation
being given in Appendix B). When sweeping the external mag-netic field, B,a tI
dc=0, one obtains a classical field-driven
hysteresis. The two coercive fields are shifted by the strayfield of the polarizer (which is about 30 mT) toward negativefield values. As can be seen in the phase diagram, this leads tocoercive fields of about −80 and +20 mT. Upon increasing the
dc current the field swept hysteresis is shifted even more towardnegative fields and the coercivity is decreased. This behavioris in accordance with the experimental observation shown inFigs. 3(a)and 3(b).
dc=7 to 8 mA the calculation predicts a steady-state
precession of the (Co /Ni) magnetization around the film
normal, as seen in Figs. 3(d) and in 3(c). The region in
phase space for which a steady-state precession at negativeexternal magnetic fields becomes possible increases for higherdc currents.
Furthermore, Figs. 6(b)–6(d) show—for the same current
values as used for calculating the trajectories—the fielddependence of the polar out-of-plane angle, θ. While for a
dc current of I=6 mA a sharp change between 0
alignment) and 180◦(antiparallel alignment) is revealed, for
higher dc current values of Idc=7.5 and 9 mA a narrow field
region exists for which the stable values of θ,in between the
parallel and antiparallel orientation, are allowed correspondingto the steady-state precession. The plots together with the phasediagram also show that for 7 <I
dc<12 mA the precessioncan be excited only when the magnetic field is starting from
negative values [solid curves in Figs. 6(b)–6(d)]. In contrast,
above 12 mA the precession can be obtained for both sweep
directions of the applied field.
Finally, we would like to make a remark on thermal
fluctuations. They have a noticeable influence on the criticalcurrents of the phase diagram moving the boundaries ofthe hysteretic and nonhysteretic regions, so that such limitsacquire a degree of uncertainty.
27The main effects are that
thermal fluctuations cause transitions between magnetic statesand, therefore, the width of the hysteretic region dependson temperature.
27Finite-temperature effects can be studied
through statistical descriptions or by adding a random field tothe effective field, thus changing the theoretical analysis froma deterministic study to a statistical one.
27Such effects were
ignored here.
In summary, we have shown that mircowave irradiation with
a frequency close to the eigenprecession frequency affects thespin-transfer-torque-driven motion of the magnetization. Thiswas performed on perpendicularly magnetized nanopillarsfor which no conventional experimental method allows adetermination of the precession frequency. Furthermore, it wasshown that the critical current density can be strongly reducedby microwave irradiation. The method provides a powerfultool to study magnetization dynamics not only in nanopillarspin valves with perpendicular anisotropy but also, in general,in nanostructured samples. The results of the measurementswere compared to micromagnetic and macrospin calculations.They revealed that the modes observed in the resistancemeasurements, indeed, stem from a steady-state precessionof the spins in the sample. In addition to the eigenresonance,magnetostatic forward-volume modes are excited.
We acknowledge financial support by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 491) and National Sci-ence Foundation Award No. DMR-1008654, CONICYT,FONDECYT 11080246, the program “Financiamiento Basalpara Centros Cient ´ıficos y Tecnol ´ogicos de Excelencia” CE-
To enable microwave broadband irradiation, a coaxial
semirigid microwave cable (SRMC) with a diameter of 2 mmis utilized. To produce a high-frequency magnetic field in thefilm plane and perpendicular to the external field, the SRMC iselectrically shorted at its end by connecting the inner conductorand the ground shield of the SRMC. The direction of the shortis oriented perpendicular to the external magnetic field, B.
The electric field of the microwave induces a current alongthe short, which results in a magnetic field around the shortand perpendicular to B, as schematically shown in Fig. 7(a).
While the shorted SRMC can be employed also to detect FMR
by measuring the reflected microwave power,
28in our case it
is used for excitation only. The performance of the shorted
0 100 200 300 400 5000102030405060Bx,By,Bz[µT]
FIG. 7. (Color online) (a) Sketch of a coaxial semirigid
microwave cable with generated microwave field and sample.
(b) Dependence of the x,y,a n dzcomponents of the microwave
field on the distance from the short in the middle of the short platelet.
SRMC has been simulated using the finite-element-method
simulation software HFSS (by Ansoft). Figure 7(b) shows the
simulation of all components of the high-frequency magneticfield with respect to the coordinate system from Fig. 7(a)
as a function of the distance between short and sample.While the xandzcomponents are almost zero, there is a
strong ycomponent perpendicular to the rf current direction
(ydirection) in the short. This field drives the magnetization.
Due to the broadband properties of the SRMC, the frequencyof this excitation field can be varied from about 6 to 18 GHz.The shape of the short, chosen to be a thin platelet, stronglyinfluences the 1 /rdecay as a function of the distance to the
sample, expected for a short with circular cross section andradius r. In the case of the platelet, the decrease is far less
pronounced and even at a distance of about 0.5 mm the fieldamplitude still exhibits about half of its value at the surface ofthe short. The typical sample distance is 0.25–0.5 mm. In orderto increase the signal strength of the microwave generator, weuse an amplifier with a maximal output power of 1 W.
By inserting the expressions for ˙mxand ˙my, given by
Eq. ( 3), into the equation for ˙mz, and taking into account
that/vectorm·˙/vectorm=0, we obtain the following equation:
[β+α(B+Meffmz)].By evaluating the derivatives
it follows that mx˙mx+my˙my=−mz˙mz. In this case,
Eq. (4)can be written as
This yields the following equation for ˙mz:
From this equation we can extract the static solu-
tions for d(mz)/dt=0. These are mz=±1a sw e l la s
the nontrivial solution given by βpz+α(B+Meffmz).
From the former equation we can obtain the criticalcurrents that separate regions in the B-I
dcphase dia-
gram, where the parallel or antiparallel states lose theirstability,
In fact, the same critical regions were obtained by Mangin et al.
[see Eqs. (2a) and (2b) in Ref. 15]. The critical currents are
shown in Fig. 6(a), where IP
dcis represented by the blue line and
dcby the yellow line. Note that these curves have different
slopes due to the dependence on the spin-torque polarizationfactor, g
P, on the magnetization. This fact ensures that both
curves cross at a critical point ( B∗,I∗
dc), where IP
above which there is no hysteretic behavior. The critical fieldand current are given by
dc=−4|e|MSVαM eff
Then, for the currents above this threshold, precessional states
should take place in a small field window, which increases witha current. The precession is characterized by a stable value ofm
zthat must be a solution of
2|e|MSVαM eff
One should note that this solution is valid only for currents
above I∗
dcand for fields in the precessional region.
184427-7N. RECKERS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 184427 (2011)
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184427-8 |
PhysRevLett.117.227203.pdf | Curvature-Induced Asymmetric Spin-Wave Dispersion
Jorge A. Otálora
Departamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Avenida España 1680, Casilla 110-V, Valparaíso,
Chile and Departamento de Física, CEDENNA, Universidad Santiago de Chile, USACH, 9170124 Santiago, Chile
Ming Yan
Department of Physics, Shanghai University, 99 Shangda Road, BaoShan District, Shanghai 200444, China
Helmut Schultheiss
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden —Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research,
Bautzner Landstraße 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany and Technische Universität Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
Riccardo Hertel
Karlsuhe Institute of Technology, Physikalisches Institut, Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1, D-76131 Karlsruhe,
Germany and Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, UMR 7504, CNRS, and Université de Strasbourg,
23 rue du Loess, F-67300 Strasbourg, France
Attila Kákay*
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden —Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research,
Bautzner Landstraße 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany
(Received 5 May 2016; published 23 November 2016)
In magnonics, spin waves are conceived of as electron-charge-free information carriers. Their wave
behavior has established them as the key elements to achieve low power consumption, fast operative rates,
and good packaging in magnon-based computational technologies. Hence, knowing alternative ways that
reveal certain properties of their undulatory motion is an important task. Here, we show usingmicromagnetic simulations and analytical calculations that spin-wave propagation in ferromagnetic
nanotubes is fundamentally different than in thin films. The dispersion relation is asymmetric regarding
the sign of the wave vector. It is a purely curvature-induced effect and its fundamental origin is identified tobe the classical dipole-dipole interaction. The analytical expression of the dispersion relation has the same
mathematical form as in thin films with the Dzyalonshiinsky-Moriya interaction. Therefore, this curvature-
induced effect can be seen as a “dipole-induced Dzyalonshiinsky-Moriya-like ”effect.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.227203
Using the electron ’s spin degree of freedom for data
processing instead of its charge is one great challenge. Thefirst success story can nowadays be seen in spintronicdevices employing various magnetoresistance effects inmagnetic sensors and storage applications. About ten years
ago a new research field called magnonics emerged driven
by the idea to use magnons as carrier of spin information[1–8]. Magnons, also called spin waves (SWs), are the
dynamic eigenoscillations of the spin system in ferromag-nets with frequencies in the gigahertz to terahertz range andwith nanometer wavelengths. Novel materials allow for the
coherent propagation of SWs over mesoscopic distances
without any charge transport involved, paving the way forgreen data processing. Many concepts have been proposedtheoretically and experimentally, leading to prototypebuilding blocks of spin-wave-based logic [8–13]. The
experimental discovery of novel phenomena such as the
spin Hall effect, the Dzyaloshinski-Moria interaction
[14,15] (DMI), the spin Seebeck effect, and others proved
powerful mechanisms to excite, manipulate, and detectSWs in thin magnetic films on the nanometer scale via
coupling of the magnons to charge and heat transport. Oneparticular feature of SWs in thin films is intriguing: Acertain set of SWs known as Damon-Eshbach (DE) [16]
modes show a nonreciprocity regarding the inversion of the
wave vector caused by dipolar interaction. When the
propagation direction is reversed, these magnons switchfrom the top to the bottom surface of the thin film. Recentlyit was discovered that an asymmetric exchange interaction(DMI) in ultrathin ferromagnetic films can also cause anasymmetric SW dispersion [17], i.e., one can switch from
positive to negative dispersion upon reversal of the wave
vector. In this Letter we show that one can obtain a similarasymmetric SW dispersion that is purely caused by dipolarinteraction when going from thin films to three-dimensional structures with curved surfaces, in particularmagnetic nanotubes (MNTs). Such novel structures can
nowadays be very well produced [18,19] , motivated by the
broad range of applications for magnetoresistive devices,optical metamaterials, cell-DNA separators, and drugPRL 117, 227203 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
25 NOVEMBER 2016
0031-9007 =16=117(22) =227203(6) 227203-1 © 2016 American Physical Societydelivery vectors [20,21] . The high stability of their equi-
librium state [22,23] against external perturbations and
their robust domain walls propagating with velocities fasterthan the SW phase velocity [24] promote MNTs as
appealing candidates for racetrack memory devices
[25,26] and information processing [24,27] .
In this Letter, we report the numerical simulation and full
analytical description of curvature-induced asymmetric SW
dispersion in nanotubes, which has the same mathematicalform [28–31]as the DMI but identifies the dipole-dipole
interaction as the origin of the asymmetry. We demonstrate
that the degree of asymmetry can be tuned with the tubegeometry but also with small electric currents flowing
through the nanotube. Besides the tunability, contrary to
thin films with the DMI, the asymmetry is present and issignificant even in the absence of external magnetic fields.
Finite element micromagnetic simulations [32,33] were
performed to study the propagation of SWs in MNTs. The
numerical research is focused on a tube defined by an outer
radius R¼30nm, a wall thickness d¼10nm, and a
length L¼4μm. The MNT is assumed to be made of
permalloy and the following material parameters are used:
saturation magnetization μ
0Ms¼1T, exchange stiffness
constant A¼1.3×10−11J=m, negligible magnetocrystal-
line anisotropy ( Ku¼0), and low Gilbert damping
αG¼0.01. Details of the simulations are presented in
the Sec. S1 of the Supplemental Material [34].
The propagation and dispersion of SWs in MNTs are
simulated for an equilibrium state in which the magneti-zation rotates around the circumference of the tube, thus
forming a perfect flux closure configuration [35,36] . This
state in the following is referenced as a vortex ( V)
configuration. It is not a ground state for the given
geometry and an external field is required to stabilize it.
A circular Oersted field H
0≥Hcritinduced by a current
flowing through the MNTor its core can serve this function.
The critical field for the nanotube with the described
geometry is μ0Hcrit¼53mT[37].
A schematic of the considered system is shown in
Fig.1(a)with the tube in the Vstate together with the polar
coordinate system used throughout the Letter, where ρ,φ,
andzare the radial, azimuthal, and long axis coordinates.
The SWs are excited with a homogeneous rf field applied inthe radial direction at the middle of the tube in a 100 nm wideregion, as indicated with the orange ring in Fig. 1(a). The
SWs propagate from the middle of the nanotube toward its
ends with wave vector k
z. The circulation direction of the
magnetization ˆφtogether with the propagation direction ˆz
defines a chirality or handedness. The direction of propa-gation is shown in all figures such that SWs propagating to
the right (left) with k
R≡þjkzj(kL≡−jkzj) define the right-
(left-)handed (RH and LH) chirality. Since the propagationdirection is perpendicular to the magnetization, similar to
thin films, this excitation geometry is addressed as the
Damon-Eshbach geometry.The SW excitation and propagation were simulated for
several values of the circular field. For all field values, the
continuous rf field exciting the SWs is applied until the
steady state is reached. Figure 1(b) shows a snapshot in
time of the SW profiles for the three different excitationfrequencies 8, 10, and 20 GHz for a circular field of 80 mT,well above the critical field. The color scheme representsthe radial component of the magnetization in an unrolledview. The rf-field position is illustrated with an orange bar.λ
LandλRdenote the wavelength of the SWs on the left and
right of the excitation region, respectively. Remarkably, the
wavelength of the SWs propagating to the left differs fromthose propagating to the right. This difference in wave-length decreases with increasing excitation frequencies, butnever vanishes, according to the micromagnetic simula-tions for the considered range of frequencies.
Figure 2shows the SW dispersion obtained from the
micromagnetic simulations for two different values of the
circular field, 80 mT and 1 T. The dispersion is asymmetricregarding the propagation direction and moreover, theminimum of the dispersion depends on the circular fieldas seen by comparing Figs. 2(a) and2(b). Despite the
FIG. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of a nanotube in a vortex state
and the cylindrical coordinate system. SWs are excited in themiddle with a radial rf field, as illustrated by the orange ring. TheSWs travel toward the ends of the nanotube with a wave vector k
perpendicular to the magnetization. þkzand−kzindicate the
right and left propagation directions, respectively. (b) A snapshotin time of the SW profiles (radial component of the magnetizationcolor coded) for the three different excitation frequencies 8, 10and 20 GHz for a circular field of 80 mT. The orange bar indicatesthe position and width of the rf field. λ
L(λR) denotes the
wavelength of the waves traveling to the left (right).PRL 117, 227203 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
25 NOVEMBER 2016
227203-2geometrical similarity, our simulations show that the DE
modes in nanotubes behave differently than their thin-film
counterparts. Simulations suggest that for kz¼kLthere is a
range of wave vectors wherein the group velocity isnegative, specific to the backward volume modes in thin
films. A similar effect has been recently reported for
thin films with the Dzyalonshinskii-Moriya interaction[17,28 –31].
For a deeper understanding of the origin of the asym-
metry observed in the simulations, an analytical formula for
the SW dispersion of nanotubes is presented. The analytical
description is given under the framework of micromagneticcontinuum theory. The dispersion relation is calculated by(i) linearizing the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, and
(ii) solving the linear equation in terms of individual
magnons with wave vector k
zalong the nanotube axis ˆz,
with an integer wave number ncharacteristic of the
azimuthal symmetry along ˆφ, and with eigenfrequency
ωnðkzÞ. An extensive analytical derivation presented in
Ref.[38](guidelines can also be found in the Sec. S2 of the
Supplemental Material [34]) leads to the following
dispersion relation for the coherently distributed SWs
[n¼0; SWs with planar wave mode profiles as shown
in Fig. 1(b)] along the ˆφaxis:
; ð1Þ
where the quantities A0andB0are defined as
B0ðkzÞ¼l2exk2zþh0þJ0ðkzÞð 2Þ
with the functions J0,K0, andL0given byJ0ðkzÞ¼π
the first kind of Bessel function of zero order,
b−2¼2πlnðR=rÞ=S, and S¼πðR2−r2Þthe nanotube
cross section, with Randrbeing the outer and inner
radius, respectively. lex¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
A=K dp
is the exchange length,
Ais the exchange stiffness constant, Kd¼ð1=2Þμ0M2sis
the shape anisotropy constant, and h0is the circular field
normalized to the saturation magnetization Ms.
Figures 2(a)and2(b)show the dispersion calculated with
Eq.(1). The solid line representing the analytical calcu-
lations is in perfect agreement with the results of the
Using Eq. (1), the SW dispersion is calculated for tubes
with different diameters and a varying circular field. Twocases are summarized for tubes with a 10 nm film thickness
and an outer radius of 30 and 150 nm in Figs. 3(a)and3(b),
respectively. As shown, the minima of the dispersion isshifted towards larger k
zvalues with increasing circular
field, allowing for the manipulation of the asymmetry and
the wave vector ranges for which the SWs have a negativegroup velocity. However, the asymmetry is decreased with
increasing outer diameter since the curvature is reduced and
completely vanishes for infinite diameters at the thin filmlimit. It is noteworthy that Eq. (1)allows for a systematic
study of the eigenoscillations and its features ½k
a function of nanotube size, material parameters, andapplied circular and/or axial fields without the need for
expensive micromagnetic simulations.(a) (b)
FIG. 2. SW dispersion relation obtained by micromagnetic
simulations (red and blue dots) and analytical calculations (solidline) for circular fields of 80 mT (a) and 1 T (b). The blue squaresmark the frequencies for which the SW profile is shown inFig.1(b). A nearly perfect agreement between the results of the
micromagnetic simulations and the analytical calculations isfound.
(a) (b)
FIG. 3. The dispersion of SWs is summarized for severalcircular fields as a function of wave number for nanotubes with(a) 30 nm and (b) 150 nm outer radius and a 10 nm film thickness.The minima of the dispersion are shifted towards larger k
with increasing circular field for both diameters. The open dotsrepresent the minima for each circular field and the solid lineconnecting them is a guide to the eye only.PRL 117, 227203 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
25 NOVEMBER 2016
227203-3The asymmetric SW dispersion reported in this Letter
cannot be explained within the classical frame of the DE
dispersion known for thin films. The DE modes in nano-
tubes with negative kzbehave as volume-charge-free
backward volume modes in thin films. Such an effect,however, is already known for thin films [17] with anti-
symmetric exchange (DMI) due to spin-orbit coupling. In
fact the DMI favors a canting of the spins with a givenchirality and therefore introduces a local symmetry breakthat can lead to an asymmetric dispersion relation [28–31].
Nevertheless, for nanotubes the source of the asymmetricdispersion resides only in the dipole-dipole interaction,
which is discussed in the following.
Note that Eq. (1)has the same mathematical form as in
thin films with an interfacial DMI or in crystals with a
special symmetry ( C
nv) and a bulk DMI [see Eqs. (6) –(9) in
Ref.[30]and Table 1 in Ref. [28]].K0ðkzÞplays the same
role in nanotubes as the well-known asymmetrical terms inthin films (crystals) with an interfacial (bulk) DMI (i.e., the
term ð2γ
0=MsÞDkin the dispersion of thin films with an
interfacial DMI [30], where Dis the DMI constant) but
with the difference that K0ðkzÞoriginates from the dynamic
volume charges created by the SWs as a result of the tubular
curvature. From Eq. (3)it is easy to see that K0ðkzÞis an
odd function [i.e., K0ðkzÞ¼−K0ð−kzÞ], therefore being
the asymmetrical term in the dispersion relation.
The term K0ðkzÞ, which can only be calculated by
numerical integration of the corresponding Bessel func-tions, comprises the dynamic dipolar energy arising from
the surface as well as from the volume charges [39]
v≡−ðMs=4πÞ~∇·~M. The negative dispersion or negative
group velocity, however, should be related to small or closeto zero volume charges. With the magnetization in the
vortex state for a SW with wave vector k
z, wave number
n¼0, and eigenfrequency ω, the volume charges averaged
over the nanotube radius are hρVi¼h ρVi0eiðkzz−ωtþξÞ
2; ð4Þ
where A0ðkzÞandB0ðkzÞare defined in Eq. (2);ξis the
phase constant of the radial and axial SW components. Itcan be seen that the amplitude is proportional to two terms.
The first term 1=¯ρis the inverse of the nanotube average
radius, which is proportional to the mean nanotube curva-
ture[40]. The second term k
on the propagation vector kz. Hence, the sum of the two
terms depends on the sign of kz. Therefore, for opposite
propagation directions the dynamic volume charges are
In Fig. 4(a)the volume charge amplitude as a function of
wave vector is shown for nanotubes with three differentradii. As expected from the previous considerations, it hasan asymmetric dependence on k
z. Moreover, zero volume
charges are obtained for kzvalues different from zero.
Around these kzvalues the reduction in energy from the
surface charges is larger than the energy increase from the
volume charges; thus, the total energy decreases, leading toa negative dispersion.
In Fig. 4(d) the SW profile as well as the divergence
calculated with our
TetraMag[32,33] code is shown for a case
when the SWs propagating towards opposite ends have the
same wavelength. Clearly, the resulting dynamic volume
charges and thus the dipolar energies differ for the twosides. In experiments (or simulations) the excitation is done
with a well defined frequency; therefore, the SW ’s should
possess the same energy for the opposite travel directions.In nanotubes this can only be reached if the wavelengths
differ such that the dynamic dipolar energy resulting from
the surface and volume charges is the same for the twopropagation directions. As a consequence SWs propagating
in opposite directions have different wavelengths and show
an asymmetric dispersion. It is worth mentioning that thedipole-dipole interaction was reported to be also respon-sible for the asymmetric domain wall propagation in
nanotubes [41].
The SW asymmetry defined as the frequency difference
of the SWs traveling in opposite directions but with the
same wave vector is also proportional to the asymmetricalterm and can be calculated analytically using Eq. (1).I t
FIG. 4. (a) The volume charge amplitude as a function of wave
vector. (b) SW asymmetry as a function of wave vector kzfor
nanotubes with varying radius. (c) The wavelength λSWof the
excited SWs for which the maximum asymmetry is reachedversus the nanotube radius. (d) SW profile for waves with equalwavelength but opposite travel direction and the correspondingvolume charges. The color scheme encodes the radial componentof the dynamic magnetization. The dark yellow rectangles markthe excitation region.PRL 117, 227203 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
25 NOVEMBER 2016
2πjω0ðkzÞ−ω0ð−kzÞj ¼γMs
The SW asymmetry can be estimated from Eq. (3)by
looking at the dependence of K0ðkzÞon the value of kz.
Equation (5)as a function of wave vector is plotted for
nanotubes with different radii in Fig. 4(b). It can be seen
that the maximum frequency difference decreases with
increasing tube radius. For tubes with a small diameter thisvalue is in the range of several gigahertz; however, for tubes
500–600 nm in diameter —which are accessible experi-
mentally due to the recent progress in material science [18]
—the frequency difference is still in the range of several
hundred megahertz. The SW wavelength for which the
maximum asymmetry is reached is shown in Fig. 4(c)as a
function of the nanotube outer radius. It is in perfect
agreement with our simple predictions based on the volume
charges; namely, the asymmetry (smallest contribution ofthe volume charges to the total energy) is largest forwavelengths comparable to the nanotube diameter.
In a final step two limiting cases of the dispersion are
presented: (1) k
z¼0, and (2) kz≫1=R.F o r kz¼0
the dispersion has the following form ωFMR ¼
γ0μ0ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
, which resembles the Kittel
formula for the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) of a thin
film with the in-plane magnetization parallel to the applied
field, and both oriented perpendicularly to the in-plane easyaxis of the shape anisotropy field H
u. For a large radius,
Hu≪H0; therefore, the well-known FMR formula [42]
ωFMR≈γ0μ0ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
for thin films with a homo-
geneous in-plane magnetization parallel to the applied
magnetic field H0is obtained.
For a very small wavelength, kz≫1=R, the dispersion
can be written as
which is identical to the exchange-dominated dispersion
relation of a planar thin film in the Damon-Esbach
configuration with the in-plane magnetization oriented
perpendicularly to the in-plane easy axis [16,43] (The
derivation of the asymptotic analytical expressions is
summarized in Ref. [38]).
In summary, we have shown using micromagnetic sim-
ulations as well as analytical calculations that SW propa-
gation in nanotubes is fundamentally different than in thinfilms. The observed asymmetric dispersion is a purelycurvature-induced effect [44–46]and can be tuned with
small electrical currents. We have shown that the SW
asymmetry is in the megahertz to gigahertz range infrequency and depends on the nanotube radius. The ana-
lytical expression of the dispersion has the same mathemati-
cal form as in thin films with the Dzyalonshiinsky-Moriyainteraction. The fundamental origin of the asymmetric
dispersion is the classical dipole-dipole interaction;
therefore. it can be seen as a “dipole-induced DMI-like
effect. ”We hope that the results presented here will
encourage the experimental verification of this curvature-
induced effect.
Financial support by the Centers of Excellence with
BASAL/CONICYT financing, CEDENNA No. FB0807,
and Project FONDECYT Regular No. 1161403 is grate-
fully acknowledged. A. K. would like to acknowledge
helpful discussions with J. Lindner and J. Fassbender.
M. Y. is supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 11374203) and the
Shanghai Key Laboratory of High Temperature
Superconductors (Grant No. 14DZ2260700). H. S.
acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft within programme SCHU 2922/
1-1. Also, the authors are very grateful to R. Gallardo for
fruitful discussions.
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227203-6 |
PhysRevLett.105.043001.pdf | Collective Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Cavities
J. Keeling, M. J. Bhaseen, and B. D. Simons
University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK
(Received 2 March 2010; published 20 July 2010)
Experiments on Bose-Einstein condensates in optical cavities have observed a coherent state of the
matter-light system—superradiance. The nature of these experiments demands consideration of collectivedynamics. Including cavity leakage and the backreaction of the cavity field on the condensate, we find arich phase diagram including multiphase coexistence regions, and persistent optomechanical oscillations.The proximity of the phase boundaries results in a critical slowing down of the decay of many-bodyoscillations, which can be enhanced by large cavity loss.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.043001 PACS numbers: 37.30.+i, 42.50.Pq
The huge advances in preparing Bose-Einstein conden-
sates (BEC) in optical cavities have opened new frontierscombining cold atoms and quantum optics. One may nowreach the strongly coupled regime of cavity quantum elec-trodynamics (QED) [ 1,2] in which atoms exchange pho-
tons many times before spontaneous emission and cavitylosses set in. The inherent cavity leakage also provides a
window on these quantum many-body systems. In particu-
lar, it allows in situ nondemolition measurements via opti-
cal transmission [ 3,4]. The strong matter-light coupling
also allows collective dynamics and backreaction effects,stimulating new directions in cavity optomechanics [ 5] and
self-organized atomic ensembles [ 6–10].
Recently, these capabilities have been elevated by ob-
servation of the superradiance transition in BECs [ 11,12].
The atom mediated coupling between a transverse pump
and a cavity mode leads to a realization of the Dicke model[13–16], in which atomic momenta play the role of spin
states; see Fig. 1. A significant merit of this approach is that
the two-level system energy is small enough that the Dickesuperradiance transition can occur with light at opticalfrequencies [ 11,12]. These experiments are a landmark in
the study of quantum phase transitions involving spins, and
offer exciting and unique prospects to explore their static
and dynamic properties. Indeed, the time-dependent natureof these experiments demands consideration of collectivedynamics.
Motivated by these developments we investigate the
collective dynamics of BECs in optical cavities. Our twoprimary goals are to establish the generic behavior, and tofocus on the precise experimental realization in Ref. [ 12].
We obtain a surprisingly rich phase diagram for a broad
range of parameters, and find distinct regimes of dynamicalbehavior, including several regions of multiphase coexis-tence, and regions of persistent optomechanical oscilla-tions. For recent theoretical work see Ref. [ 17].
The experiments in Ref. [ 12] consist of a
87RbBEC with
N/C24105atoms in an optical cavity with a transverse
pumping laser; see Fig. 1. The excited atoms may re-
emit photons either along or transverse to the cavity axis.
This process couples the zero momentum atomic groundstate, jpx;pzi¼j 0;0i, to the symmetric superpositions
j/C6k;/C6ki. This yields an effective two-level system or
‘‘spin,’’ where the splitting, !0, is twice the atomic recoil
energy, !r¼k2=2m. One obtains an effective Dicke
model for collective spins, S, of length N=2, coupled to
radiation c[11,12]
þg0ðcySþþcS/C0Þ; (1)
where, !¼!c/C0!pþNU 0ð1þMÞ=2,!0¼2!r,
U¼U0M,Mis a matrix element of order unity, and
0=ð!p/C0!aÞencodes the backreaction of the cav-
ity light field on the BEC. The model includes both coro-
tating and counter-rotating matter-light couplings, denotedgandg
0. In the experiment g¼g0¼g0/C10p=ð!p/C0!aÞ
To describe the dynamics of the matter-light system ( 1)
we construct the Heisenberg equations of motion
_c¼/C0 ½ /C20þið!þUSzÞ/C138c/C0igS/C0/C0ig0Sþ;(2)
where S/C6/C17Sx/C6iSy,/C20is the cavity loss rate, and we
neglect atom loss [ 12]. Various limits of these equations
FIG. 1 (color). (a) BEC in a transversely pumped cavity [ 12]
with pumping frequency !pand strength /C10p, single-atom cavity
coupling g0, atomic transition frequency !a, cavity frequency
!c, and cavity decay rate /C20. (b) Energy levels and pumping
scheme showing the two-level splitting, !0¼2!r, in the effec-
tive Dicke model, where !r¼k2=2mis the recoil energy.PRL 105, 043001 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
23 JULY 2010
0031-9007 =10=105(4) =043001(4) 043001-1 /C2112010 The American Physical Societyhave been explored in different contexts. For /C20¼g0¼0
they describe fermionic pairing, where cis the Feshbach
resonant closed state molecular field [ 18]. This regime also
arises for polariton condensates and phase-locking of os-
cillators [ 19]. More recently, for g¼g0, they have
emerged in an elegant proposal for realizing the Dickemodel [ 11]. As we will see, solutions of the more general
equations strongly influence g¼g
In order to anchor the complete phase diagram, we start
withU¼0and consider U/C2220below. Numerical solution
of Eqs. ( 2), and the arguments below, yield the rich phase
diagram in Fig. 2, where the phases indicate stable attrac-
tors of the dynamics. Four distinct phases exist: all spinsdown and no photons ( +), all spins up and no photons ( *), a
superradiant phase with photons (SR), and coexistence ofthe superradiant and down attractors; see S1–S4 in Fig. 2.
The coexistence of different photon numbers will manifest
itself in bistability of the output cavity light field. Bi-
stability has also been seen in other matter–light systemswith cavity-axis pumping and U/C2220,g¼g
where the onset of bistability coincides with the appear-ance of optomechanical oscillations. In spite of the cavitydecay rate, /C20, which may be large, the counter-rotating
terms stabilize superradiant steady states. Indeed, droppingthe derivatives in Eq. ( 2) yields algebraic equations, and
the determinantal condition for nontrivial solutions(
c/C2220) yields
Sz¼/C0!! 0ðg2þg02Þ/C6ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
ð2!! 0gg0Þ2/C0!2
The conditions for real physical solutions yield the blue
phase boundaries shown in Fig. 2(a). Setting Sz¼/C0N=2
in Eq. ( 3) yields the ‘‘upper’’ boundary shown in Fig. 2(a)
[21]. The square root vanishing yields the ‘‘lower’’ bound-
, where /C11/C6¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
/C6!, delin-
eating the onset of coexistence. To identify the green phaseboundary in Fig. 2(a)one must consider the stability of the
steady states. We consider fluctuations about an arbitraryconfiguration, S¼S
0þ/C14S,c¼c0þ/C14c, with fre-
quency /C23. Instability occurs if Imð/C23Þ>0, yielding the
critical line g0¼gffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
shown in Fig. 2(a), where
/C12/C6¼ð!/C6!0Þ2þ/C202. This separates the stable normal
state+from the stable inverted state *. For the chosen
parameters g0=g¼1:0043 , very close to unity. The dy-
namics at g¼g0may thus be strongly influenced by
proximity to this phase boundary. The parameters used in
Fig.2follow the hierarchy !,/C20/C29gffiffiffiffi
/C29!0, in which
the photon decay rate, /C20¼8:1 MHz , is much greater than
the level spacing, !0¼0:046 MHz [12]. In this limit one
obtains a characteristic decay rate for the collective many-body oscillations, Imð/C23Þ¼/C0 /C20!
0=ð/C202þ!2Þ, as verified
in Fig. 3(b). Notably, for a large cavity loss rate, /C20!1 ,
this results in Imð/C23Þ!0, or slow decay of the collectiveg′√N__
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0⇑
SR+⇓(a) S4
S1S2S3 S4
FIG. 2 (color). (a) Dynamical phase diagram for parameters
!¼20 MHz ,!0¼0:05 MHz ,/C20¼8:1 MHz taken from
Ref. [ 12], showing the stable attractors of the dynamics for U¼
0. The phases are +,Sz¼/C0N=2and no photons; *,Sz¼N=2
and no photons; SR, a superradiant state with c/C2220; and a
coexistence region starting at a tricritical point d. The separatrix
g0=g¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
¼1:0043 is close to but distinct from unity.
(b) Small cavity loss regime ( /C20¼1 KHz ) showing evolution to
the equilibrium superradiance transition at gþg0¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!! 0p=N
[13–16]. The Bloch spheres S1–S4 show the stable d, unstable
/C13, and hyperbolic /C2fixed points (steady states) of Sand
characteristic trajectories in each of the phases. Time evolution
forg¼g0is shown in Fig. 3.
t (ms)
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240(b)Sz
200.0 200.2 200.4(c)
FIG. 3 (color). (a) Time evolution of Szand (b) photon number
¼0:791 MHz andU¼0. The long time
behavior shows the exponential envelope jcj2¼jc0j2/C6
AeImð/C23Þt(dashed lines) where Ais a nonuniversal amplitude
dependant on the initial conditions, and the decay rate Imð/C23Þ¼
0=ð/C202þ!2Þ. (c) For !0/C28!, the long time oscillation
frequency is well described by the perturbative result Reð/C23Þ¼
!0jSj=Szþ/C14, where /C14¼4!g2S2z=jSjð/C202þ!2Þis a small cor-
rection to leading term of order !0. The short and intermediate
time dynamics can be strongly affected by the existence of
additional stable or unstable fixed points.PRL 105, 043001 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
23 JULY 2010
043001-2oscillations. This may be understood as critical slowing
down [ 22]. Further insight into this /C20!1 dynamics may
be gained by adiabatic elimination of the fast photon field,
c¼/C0 ½ iðgþg0ÞSxþðg/C0g0ÞSy/C138=ð/C20þi!Þ, to derive an
effective equation of motion for the classical spins _S¼
fS;Hg/C0/C0S/C2ðS/C2^zÞ. Here H¼!0Sz/C0/C3þS2x/C0/C3/C0S2y
is the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian [ 23,24], with
/C202þ!2ðg02/C0g2Þ. The addi-
tional term takes the form of damping in the Landau-
Lifshitz-Gilbert equations [ 25]. Depending on the sign of
/C0this tries to align Seither parallel or antiparallel to the z
axis. The sign change at g¼g0is consistent with the /C20!
1limit of the phase boundary, g0¼gffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
, which
separates the +and*steady states. One may contrast the
emergence of integrable dynamics for g¼g0and/C20!1 ,
with the chaotic behavior when g¼g0and/C20¼0[16].
Moreover, for g/C222g0the dynamics is non-Hamiltonian.
The above analysis explains why, despite the large value of/C20present in the experiment, long-lived dynamics can still
exist near the phase boundaries; note, however, that else-where, such as the points illustrated by S1–S4 in Fig. 1,
effects of decay are more pronounced.
Having discussed the dynamics of the model [ 1] forU¼
0, we now consider U/C2220. To make close contact with the
experiments of Ref. [ 12] we hereon set g¼g
0. In Fig. 4(a)
we present the dynamical phase diagram versus U. The
entire topology may be found analytically from the steadystate solutions of Eq. ( 2). These reveal two classes of
superradiant solutions incorporating both Uand/C20. The
first class has photon population
; (4)
where ~!/C17!þUSz, and
g2ð4!2/C0U2N2Þ/C0U! 0/C202
;S y¼0;(5)
andSxis determined by the normalization of jSj. Physical
solutions require jSzj/C20N=2. When /C20; U!0we recover
the results of equilibrium superradiance [ 13–16], and for
U¼0they reduce to those of Ref. [ 11]. For sufficiently
large negative UEq. ( 5) can develop unphysical complex
roots. In this case one may satisfy Eq. ( 2) with ~!0/C17!0þ
Ujcj2¼0,~!/C17!þUSz¼0, and
c¼iffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi/C0!0
;S x¼/C0/C20
2gffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi/C0!0
;S z¼/C0!
where Syis determined by normalization. Physical solu-
tions have S2xþS2z/C20N2=4. In general, these distinct so-
lutions are connected for g/C222g0, so we do not distinguish
them in Fig. 4(a). Nonetheless, it is important to keep track
of them for analytical work when g¼g0. Figure 4(a)
consists of three phase boundaries corresponding to insta-bility of +(blue), instability of *(red), and existence of the
second-type superradiant phase (gold):g
+;*¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
;g /C3¼/C20
2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
where !U/C17UN= 2. Instability of the normal state g+has
also been considered for thermal clouds in a ring cavity [ 8].
The result for g/C3delimits the region, both for Eqs. ( 5) and
(6), to have real, physical solutions. All three of these
boundaries intersect at U¼/C02N/C01ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
,g¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
, as shown in Fig. 4(a). Upon increasing gone
finds a phase where two distinct first-type superradiantsolutions coexist; see Fig. 4(b). This is borne out in
Figs. 4(c)–4(e), which compare the steady states with
time integration of Eq. ( 2) (for 360 ms, to eliminate the
transitory effects of critical slowing down discussed ear-lier), at points on the dash-dotted line in Fig. 4(a). Figure 4
also contains several regions involving coexistence of
superradiant andnonsuperradiant phases.
The points in Fig. 4(d), forU> 2!=N are limit cycles
rather than steady states. Here S
z¼/C0!=U andcis
FIG. 4 (color). (a) Dynamical phase diagram of model ( 1) with
g¼g0and parameters !¼20 MHz ,!0¼0:05 MHz ,/C20¼
8:1 MHz taken from Ref. [ 12]. The blue, red, and gold critical
boundaries correspond to Eq. ( 7). (b) Magnified portion showing
a bistable superradiant phase (2SR) where both roots of Eq. ( 5)
are physical. (c),(d) Cut along the dash-dotted line comparing
steady state solutions and numerical integration of the equationsof motion at 360 ms. The region to the right of the blue asymp-
tote corresponds to a limit cycle. For each value of U, we take
many initial conditions with
c¼1andSuniformly distributed
over the Bloch sphere. (e) Magnified portion of (d) in the 2SR.PRL 105, 043001 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
23 JULY 2010
043001-3imaginary. Writing S/C0¼re/C0i/C18, where r2¼N2=4/C0
!2=U2, yields _/C18¼!0þUjcj2and _cþ/C20c¼
/C02igrcosð/C18Þ, with limit cycle behavior. For /C20/C29!0þ
Ujcj2, these describe a damped driven pendulum.
Having confirmed the phase diagram as a function of U,
let us finally focus on the value UN¼/C040 MHz used in
Ref. [ 12]. Figure 5shows the phase diagram as a function
of!for this value of U. The superradiance boundary is
accompanied by several regions of multiphase coexistence.It would be very interesting to study this experimentally.
The inset shows the same data shifted and rescaled for
comparison with Fig. 5of Ref. [ 12].
In summary, we have discussed the collective dynamics
of BECs in optical cavities. We obtain a rich phase diagramwith different regimes of dynamical behavior, includingseveral regions of multiphase coexistence and the slowdecay of many-body oscillations. Amongst our findingsis a regime of persistent optomechanical oscillations de-
scribed by a damped driven pendulum. Given the strong
interest in cavity optomechanics [ 5] this may be a profit-
able region to explore experimentally. Further directionsinclude the impact of cavity-axis pumping [ 26] and photon
correlations. It would also be interesting to explorewhether such behavior may emerge at small finite tem-peratures, k
BT/C28@!r, and to examine departures from the
BEC regime. Experiments in which the coupling gis
quenched through the phase boundaries may help explore
this rich dynamics.
We are grateful to K. Baumann, F. Brennecke, T.
Esslinger, and M. Ko ¨hl for illuminating discussions.
M. J. B. and J. K. acknowledge ETH Zu ¨rich, G. Blatter, S.
Schmidt, and H. Tu ¨reci for hospitality and interactions.
M. J. B. and B. D. S. acknowledge EPSRC Grant No. EP/E018130/1. J. K. acknowledges EPSRC Grant No. EP/
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FIG. 5 (color). Dynamical phase diagram as a function of !
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043001-4 |
PhysRevB.99.054423.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 054423 (2019)
Ultrafast generation and dynamics of isolated skyrmions in antiferromagnetic insulators
Rohollah Khoshlahni,1Alireza Qaiumzadeh,2,1,*Anders Bergman,3and Arne Brataas2
1Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Science, Zanjan, Iran
2Center for Quantum Spintronics, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
3Division of Materials Theory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden
(Received 25 September 2018; revised manuscript received 7 January 2019; published 21 February 2019)
Based on atomistic spin dynamics simulations, we report the ultrafast generation of single antiferromagnetic
(AFM) skyrmions in a confined geometry. This process is achieved through an effective magnetic fieldinduced by the athermal inverse Faraday effect from a short laser pulse. The resulting field can nucleatean isolated skyrmion as a topologically protected metastable state in a collinear antiferromagnet with smallDzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The radius of a single skyrmion is shown to increase by applying a uniformdc magnetic field and at increasing temperature. To investigate possible AFM spin-caloritronics phenomena,we investigate the skyrmion dynamics under an applied temperature gradient both analytically and numerically.The antiferromagnetic skyrmions move longitudinally toward the hotter region, but in contrast, small skyrmionsin the very low damping regime move toward the colder side, irrespective of the staggered topological chargenumber, with a speed that is much faster than that of their ferromagnetic counterparts.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.054423
Antiferromagnetic (AFM) spintronics is an emerging and
fast-growing subfield in spintronics that promises faster,smaller, and more energy efficient state-of-the-art memorydevices and data processors [ 1–7]. The dynamics of AFM
systems are more complicated than that of their ferromagnetic(FM) counterparts and exhibit richer physics. Despite beingdiscovered as early as the 1930s [ 8,9], the absence of a net
magnetization and the associated insensitivity to magneticfields [ 10] have hitherto limited the use of antiferromagnets.
The only use for antiferromagnets is in passive exchange-biasstructures. With recent advances in experimental techniques,as well as novel theoretical proposals, the door to the AFMspintronics era has opened a little further [ 11]. Important ob-
servations and predictions are unprecedented long-range spintransport in AFM insulators [ 12], detection and manipulation
of the Néel order [ 13,14], engineering of AFM domain walls
(DWs) [ 15], and AFM-DW motion [ 16–18].
The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) is an anti-
symmetric exchange interaction of a relativistic origin thatbreaks the chiral symmetry in magnetic systems [ 19,20].
Initially, the DMI was identified as the mechanism responsiblefor the weak magnetism observed in a few AFM systems,namely, the so-called weak FM systems. In general, within
the continuum limit, the DMI decomposes into two parts inAFM systems: one being homogeneous and the other beinginhomogeneous. Whether these parts are finite depends on theunderlying crystallographic symmetry of the AFM system.The homogeneous DMI is responsible for weak ferromag-netism [ 19], while the finite inhomogeneous part breaks the
*Corresponding author: alireza.qaiumzadeh@ntnu.nochiral symmetry and stabilizes exotic spin textures with well-
defined chirality, such as chiral DWs and helimagnets [ 21,22].
Skyrmions, which are nanoscale swirling magnetic tex-
tures, are topologically invariant chiral solitons. The inhomo-geneous DMI can stabilize skyrmions in magnetic systemswith broken inversion symmetry. Although these solitonswere predicted quite a long time ago, the experimental ob-servation and creation of skyrmions occurred only recently inFM systems, either as skyrmion lattices or as single skyrmions[23–30]. Single skyrmions can be utilized in encoding, trans-
mitting, and processing information in spintronic devices[31–33]. Thus far, skyrmions have been observed only in
FM and long-wavelength spin spiral systems. Recently, therehave been predictions that it is possible to stabilize thesetopological solitons even in AFM systems as either skyrmionlattices or isolated skyrmions [ 34–45].
To date, there have been only a few proposals for the
generation and control of isolated skyrmions in AFM systems.Spin-transfer torques induced by spin (polarized) currents cancreate skyrmions [ 34,39,46], and spin (polarized) currents can
be applied to move them [ 39,41–43,46]. These proposals for
the creation and control of AFM skyrmions have some limi-tations and drawbacks. For example, some of them apply toonly metallic AFM systems. Furthermore, all of the proposedmethods depend on the use of heterostructured materials, andmore importantly, the incubation time for the generation of asingle AFM skyrmion is also long, a few nanoseconds [ 34].
In this paper, we propose a method for the ultrafast genera-
tion of single AFM skyrmions in a confined geometry employ-ing an effective magnetic field induced by the optical inverseFaraday effect (IFE) [ 47]. We also study the AFM skyrmion
motion induced by the magnonic Seebeck effect numericallyin an atomistic spin dynamic simulation and analytically byusing a collective coordinate approach. Thus, our method canbe used to generate and move isolated skyrmions in single
2469-9950/2019/99(5)/054423(8) 054423-1 ©2019 American Physical SocietyKHOSHLAHNI, QAIUMZADEH, BERGMAN, AND BRATAAS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 054423 (2019)
crystals of AFM insulators. We organize the remainder of this
paper as follows. In Sec. II, we introduce our AFM system and
the equations of motion for AFM spins. In Sec. III, we present
our results for the rapid generation of single AFM skyrmions.We discuss the dynamics of isolated skyrmions in the presenceof thermal magnons in Sec. IV. Finally, we conclude the paper
in Sec. Vand discuss the outlook on future work.
We consider a discrete bipartite two-dimensional (2D)
AFM insulator with the following effective thermodynamicfree energy:
ih(t)·mi, (1)
where miis the unit vector of the spin magnetic moment at
site i. On the right-hand side of Eq. ( 1), the first term is the
Heisenberg exchange interaction, with Jij<0 representing
the nearest-neighbor AFM exchange energy; the second termis DMI, with the DMI vector D
ij. The third term is the
single-ion anisotropy in the zdirection, with K<0 being the
uniaxial anisotropy energy, and the last term is the Zeemaninteraction between the external time-dependent magneticfieldhand the localized spins, with μ
sbeing the sublattice
saturation magnetization.
The Heisenberg exchange interaction forces adjacent spins
to become antiparallel, whereas the DMI encourages per-pendicular configurations of neighboring spin moments. Thecompetition between these two energy scales leads to variousexotic spin textures in the ground state or metastable states[31,48]. When the DMI strength is larger than a critical
value, D>D
JK[49], the ground state differs from
a collinear AFM state. In simple square lattices, there are twotypes of DMIs based on the DM vector alignment [ 50]. We
denote DMI as bulk (interfacial) DMI when the DM vectoris parallel (perpendicular) to the bond direction. The bulkDMI is responsible for textures with Bloch-like structures innoncentrosymmetric crystals, while the interfacial DMI leadsto Néel-like structures at either the interface of heavy metalsand AFM bilayers or AFM systems with broken inversionsymmetry [ 22]. In this paper, we present the results for the
bulk DMI. An extension of our results to the interfacial DMIis possible. In the free energy ( 1), we disregard the long-range
dipolar interactions since they are negligible in thin films ofAFM systems. We also assume that the temperature is muchless than the Néel temperature. In this limit, we treat spins asthree-dimensional vectors with a fixed length, |m
The dynamics of atomic moments in an AFM system are
described by the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (sLLG)equation [ 51,52],
dt=− ˜γmi×/bracketleftbig/parenleftbig
where ˜ γ=γ/(1+α2) is the renormalized gyromagnetic ra-
tio,αGis the effective Gilbert damping parameter, Hi=
−∂F/(μs∂mi) is the effective magnetic field on site i, andHth
iis the stochastic magnetic field arising from the thermal
fluctuations. The stochastic magnetic field describes how tem-perature effects enter the theory of atomistic spin dynamicsin a Langevin dynamics approach. Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, the thermal stochastic fields can be de-scribed by the following correlations that are local in bothspace and time:
=2ξHδijδαβδ(t−t/prime), (3)
=0, (4)
where ξH=αGkBT/(γμ s) is the noise power [ 53]. Through-
out this paper, we use Latin letters for site numbers and Greek
letters for the spatial components of a vector. In Eq. ( 3), the
quantum effects that appear at lower temperatures have beenignored. Performing atomistic spin dynamic simulations, wesolve the sLLG equation, Eq. ( 7), using the Uppsala Atomistic
Spin Dynamics (
UPPASD ) code [ 52,54].
Skyrmions appear either in the skyrmion crystalline phase
in a stable state or as isolated skyrmions in a metastable state.Isolated skyrmions are central for data storage and processing.Hence, controlling single skyrmions is essential for practicalapplications. In this section, we propose an ultrafast methodto create single skyrmions in confined geometries. Creatinga single skyrmion in a metastable state requires transformingthe system from the ground state, i.e., the collinear state, intoa new local minimum containing a skyrmion state. Here, weshow that applying an intense and short magnetic field pulsecan create single skyrmions in AFM insulators via magnoninstability processes [ 29].
The recent discovery of ultrafast and nonthermal magne-
tization dynamics triggered by intense and polarized laserpulses has attracted attention and promises a new route towardultrafast optomagnetism [ 55–57]. Although the underlying
theory behind this effect is still unclear, phenomenologically,the effect of a polarized laser on magnetic systems is toproduce an effective magnetic field induced by the IFE h∝
∗(t), where Eis the electric field of a laser pulse
[47]. The amplitude of the magnetic field is proportional to
the light intensity, its sign depends on the helicity of the pulse,and its direction is along the light propagation.
There are recent reports of ultrafast optical nucleation
of single skyrmions and skyrmion lattices in ferrimagneticand ferromagnetic materials using laser pulses, but the mi-croscopic origin is attributed to laser-induced transient heat-ing [ 58–60]. The possibility of the creation of skyrmions
using optical vortex beams, electromagnetic waves carryingintrinsic orbital angular momentum, has theoretically beeninvestigated recently [ 61,62]. In this paper, we are interested
in the nonthermal effects of circularly polarized laser pulsescaused by the IFE [ 47] in a confined AFM system with
an initial collinear state, i.e., D<D
c. We model the light-
induced effective magnetic field or IFE by a time-dependentGaussian magnetic field pulse in the sLLG equation, h(t)=
w)ˆz, where hpis the pulse amplitude and τwis
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) t= -50 ps 0 20 40 60 80 100
-1 0 1
(b) t=0 ps
(c) t=30 ps
(d) t=50 ps
FIG. 1. Snapshots of the time evolution of the spin configuration
induced by a single 30-ps Gaussian magnetic field pulse normal toa square monolayer. (a) The initial state is an AFM ground state.
(b) The maximum peak of a Gaussian magnetic field pulse arrives
att=0, and a domain with M
z=0 starts to form. (c) Evolution of
a domain wall to create a preliminary design of the AFM skyrmion.
(d) Domains shrink, and some reach the boundary and disappear. The
remaining domains form a circle in the center. (e) Ultimately, onechiral skyrmion is stabilized in the center of the monolayer. (f) A
magnified view of a chiral AFM skyrmion.
the pulse width. The amplitude of this effective magnetic field
can be a few teslas, and its effective duration is subnanosecond[63,64].
We consider a confined square lattice of 100 d×100d
spins, where d=3 Å is the lattice constant. The Heisenberg
exchange interaction is isotropic, J
ij=J,a si st h eD M I ,
|Dij|=D. We choose typical material parameters in our
atomistic spin dynamics simulations: the AFM exchangeenergy J=−0.5m e V /atom, K=0.1J , D=0.15 J, and
G=0.009. Using UPPASD , we find that the ground state
of the system is a collinear AFM state with tilted spins atthe boundaries due to the competition between DMI andexchange energy (see Fig. 1(a)and the Supplemental Material
Next, we apply a magnetic field pulse with h
p=9 T and
τw=30 ps normal to the sample. Magnons with different
wave vectors are excited at the boundaries and propagate
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
hP (T)0510152025303540
τw (ps)AFM
FIG. 2. Phase diagram for the skyrmion nucleation by applying
a magnetic field pulse on a square with a size of 100 d×100d.T h e
sand color shows the AFM ground state. The green region represents
the isolated skyrmion metastable state, which survives even afterturning the uniform and dc magnetic fields off. The blue color shows
the isolated skyrmion metastable state, which exists only in the
presence of an external uniform magnetic field.
inside the system. Figure 1(b) shows that when the magnetic
field pulse reaches its maximum, several skyrmion nucleiform in the middle of the system. After recombination andrepulsion of the nuclei, a single skyrmion survives at thecenter of the sample [see Fig. 1(e)]. Figure 1(f) shows that
this AFM skyrmion, as expected, is of a Bloch type since theDMI is bulk type and isotropic in our square-lattice structure.We have also checked the effect of the next-nearest-neighborexchange interaction and observed a similar skyrmion nucle-ation process, as depicted in Fig. 1, but at a slightly smaller
applied magnetic field with the same pulse duration.
The application of a dc magnetic field normal to the sample
can reduce the critical amplitude of the magnetic field pulse.The physical mechanism behind this reduction is that thebarrier between the global minimum, the AFM collinear state,and the local minimum, the isolated skyrmion state, dramat-ically decreases in AFM systems near the so-called spin-flopphase. To find the phase diagram for isolated skyrmion nucle-ation, i.e., τ
wvshp, we turn on a dc magnetic field of h0=5T ,
which is smaller than the spin-flop field of the system ∼7T ,
before applying magnetic field pulses of different amplitudesand durations. After turning off the dc magnetic field, at theend of the skyrmion incubation process, we check whetherthe final skyrmions are stable (see Fig. 2). This phase diagram
shows that it is possible to reduce the applied magnetic fieldby a few teslas. Within the phase diagram, there is a region,shown in blue, in which isolated skyrmions are stable onlyin the presence of a dc magnetic field and disappear byswitching off the magnetic field. Note that both thresholds of
0 10 20 30
0 1 2 3 4 5 6R/d
h0 (T)Simulation
Theory 0 10 20 30
0 0.2 0.4R/d
FIG. 3. Skyrmion radius versus magnetic field at zero temper-
ature. The red solid curve represents the analytical prediction, and
the blue solid curve results from the atomistic simulations. The inset
shows that the AFM skyrmion radius increases with temperature.
pulse duration and amplitude for skyrmion nucleation are very
material dependent.
The Zeeman energy arising from the coupling of an exter-
nal magnetic field with local magnetic moments appears tobe an effective hard-axis anisotropy term in the free energyof AFM systems expressed as a function of the Néel vector[66]. It is possible to demonstrate that the radius of AFM
skyrmions in the regime D<D
calways increases with an
applied dc magnetic field, irrespective of the magnetic fieldsign, R/d=−πD/[K+μ
sB2/(16|J|)] [44,67]. This feature
differs from FM systems, where the sign of the magneticfield controls the skyrmion size R/d=πD/(K+8μ
[67,68]. Figure 3presents the variation in the AFM skyrmion
radius as a function of an applied perpendicular dc magneticfield. The AFM skyrmion size increases with magnetic fieldirrespective of the direction of the magnetic field, which isdifferent from FM skyrmions [ 69]. Figure 3shows good
agreement between the results of atomistic simulations andthe theory [ 44]. In the inset of Fig. 3, we show that the radius
of AFM skyrmions increases with temperature, as has alreadybeen predicted theoretically [ 43].
The application of skyrmions as data bits in racetrack
memories requires their motion to be deterministic. In AFMinsulators, recent theories suggest that either coherent [ 70,71]
or incoherent (thermal) magnons [ 17] drive domain wall
motion. Traveling incoherent magnons can be excited byapplying a thermal gradient across the AFM system. Magnonsin AFM systems, contrary to their FM counterparts, pos-sess either left- or right-handed circular polarizations withopposite spin angular momenta. At finite temperatures, bothspecies of magnon polarizations are excited with an equalpopulation such that thermal magnons carry no net spinangular momentum.In this section, we explore the dynamics of single AFM
skyrmions under a thermal gradient. First, we derive a theoryfor the motion of AFM solitons in the presence of a thermalgradient at the continuum level, and then we present ouratomistic simulations.
A. Stochastic LLG equation for Néel vector dynamics
We consider a two-sublattice AFM insulator in the con-
tinuum limit, i.e., d→0. At low temperature, the magnetic
moments in sublattices are mAandmB, where |mA|=|mB|=1.
For analytic calculations, it is more convenient to introducetwo new variables: a total magnetization field inside theunit cell m=m
A+mBand a staggered order parameter n=
(mA−mB)/|mA−mB|, where m·n=0 and n=1. The total
AFM Lagrangian, L=Lkin−F, is the difference between
the kinetic energy Lkinand the thermodynamic free energy
2a˙n2, (5)
, (6)
where aand Aare the homogeneous and inhomogeneous ex-
change stiffnesses, respectively, and Dis the inhomogeneous
DM coefficient. It is straightforward to show how the energyparameters in the continuum model, Eqs. ( 5) and ( 6), are
related to the energy parameters in the discrete model, Eq. ( 1)
(e.g., see Ref. [ 72]). Minimizing the total Lagrangian in the
presence of dissipation, using a Rayleigh dissipation functionR=(μ
d2r˙n2/2, we obtain
=0, (7)
where fn=−δF/δnis the effective staggered field.
The inclusion of finite-temperature effects is via the
Langevin dynamics by adding a stochastic Gaussian-shapedfield f
thto the effective staggered field. Then, the sLLG
equation becomes
=0. (8)
The dissipation-fluctuation theorem relates the Langevin field
to the damping constant,
=2ξδαβδ(r−r/prime)δ(t−t/prime), (9)
/angbracketleftfth(r,t)/angbracketright=0, (10)
where ξ=αGkBT(x) is the correlation amplitude.
We can introduce two length scales: one is the helix wave-
length /Delta1≡d(A/D), and the other one is the thermal-magnon
wavelength λT∝d√A/(kBT). Throughout our calculations,
we assume /Delta1/greatermuchλT, which is valid for thermal magnons.
B. Effective sLLG equation of AFM solitons
To derive an effective description of the skyrmion dy-
namics, we introduce fast spin fluctuations δngenerated by
thermal fluctuations around a slowly varying magnetic texture
1−δn2n(0)+δn, (11)
where δn·n(0)=0.
Substituting Eq. ( 11) into the sLLG equation ( 8) and
integrating over the fast oscillating component, we find theeffective stochastic equation of the motion,
+τmagn=0, (12)
where the thermomagnonic torques are given by
τmagn=− aA/parenleftbig/angbracketleftbig
=− a¯hJn·∇n(0)+aA(∂iρ)n(0)×∂in(0), (13)
where the AFM magnon current is Jn
∂iδn/angbracketrightand the AFM magnon number density is ρ=/angbracketleftδn2/angbracketright/2.
The adiabatic thermomagnonic torque, Eq. ( 13), in AFM
systems has two contributions with opposite signs. The firstterm is a reactive torque, and the second one is a dissipativetorque [ 73–75].
C. Stochastic Thiele’s equation
To find a stochastic equation for the dynamics of AFM
solitons, we follow Thiele’s approach [ 76]. We use collective
coordinates for describing the position of the skyrmion centeru(t)a sn
(0)(r,t)=n(0)(r−u(t),t). Multiplying both sides of
the effective sLLG equation, Eq. ( 12), by n(0)·∂αn(0)×,w e
+aA(∂βρ)∂βn(0)·∂αn(0)=0, (14)
w h e r ew eh a v eu s e d ˙n=− ˙uβ∂βnand ¨n=− ¨uβ∂βn+
After integrating over the spatial coordinates, we finally
find the stochastic Thiele’s equation for AFM skyrmions,
α=0. (15)
This equation is similar to Newton’s equation of motion
for the massive particles in a viscous medium, which istotally different from the massless dynamics of FM skyrmions[42,76–78].
In Eq. ( 15), the thermal, reactive, and dissipative forces are
respectively defined as
d2r∂αn(0)·fth, (16)
β, (17)
/Delta12Mαβ∂βρ, (18)
where Qn=(1/4π)/integraltext
d2rn(0)·(∂xn(0)×∂yn(0)) is the topo-
logical skyrmion number for the staggered field, Mαβ=(a/Delta12)−1/integraltext
d2r∂αn(0)·∂βn(0)is the symmetric AFM mass ten-
sor,εαβis the 2D Levi-Civita symbol, and c=√
aAis the
effective AFM magnon velocity in an isotropic medium. Inperfectly circular skyrmions, M
αβ=Mδβα. The thermal force
satisfies the following relations:
=2˜ξδαβδ(u−u/prime)δ(t−t/prime), (19)
=0, (20)
where ˜ξ=(aM//Delta12)ξ.
Here we should emphasize that in AFM systems, we can
define another topological number for the magnetization fieldin each sublattice or magnetic topological charge Q
d2rm1(2)·(∂xm1(2)×∂ym1(2)). Although the
staggered topological charge Qnis finite for AFM skyrmions,
the total topological number related to the magnetization fieldvanishes, Q
We are interested in the steady-state limit of Eq. ( 15),
. (21)
The AFM soliton velocity is inversely proportional to the
Gilbert damping coefficient. Consequently, we expect a fastermotion compared to FM solitons since the damping coeffi-cient is small.
D. Fokker-Planck equation for AFM skyrmions
Equation ( 21) is stochastic, and it is difficult to solve it
analytically. In this part, we find the steady-state velocity ofAFM skyrmions by solving a deterministic Fokker-Planckequation related to the stochastic equation ( 21).
A generic stochastic equation of motion can be written as
, (22)
where gαβis the diffusion matrix; Fand fthare the deter-
ministic and stochastic forces, respectively; and the forceautocorrelation function is /angbracketleftf
r/prime)δ(t−t/prime). Let P[m,t] be the probability of finding mat
time t; then, the Fokker-Planck equation related to the above
Langevin-like equation, Eq. ( 22), is given by [ 79]
∂tP=−∂α(gαβFβP)+∂α∂β(ξgαγgβγP). (23)
We can now find the Fokker-Planck equation related to
the stochastic Thiele’s equation ( 21). We consider a linear
temperature gradient along the xdirection such that ∂yT=0,
y=0, and ∂yρ=0; meanwhile, we assume that
the magnon current density is almost uniform throughoutthe sample, ∂
x=0 and ∂2
xρ=0. Thus, the components
of reactive and dissipative forces, Eq. ( 19), as well as the
diffusion matrix become
y=0, (24)
x, (25)
/Delta12M∂xρ, (26)
Mαaμsδαβ. (27)
The reactive force Frhas a component perpendicular to the
AFM magnon current direction, while the dissipative forceF
dis along the AFM magnon current. In AFM systems, the
diffusion matrix gαβis diagonal and inversely proportional
to the effective mass and damping parameter, while in FMsystems, it has off-diagonal elements related to the magnetic
topological number and diagonal elements proportional to theGilbert damping [ 77,80].
The deterministic Fokker-Planck equation for AFM soli-
tons becomes
where P(r,t) is the probability of finding the skyrmion at
position rand time t. We are interested in the lowest-order
traveling wave solution in the Fokker-Planck equation, thusdefining P=P(r−vvvt) and expanding to first order in the
velocity; finally, we obtain
x, (29)
y, (30)
where vvvnandvvvBare the contributions from the AFM
magnons and the stochastic Brownian motion, respectively.These two contributions have two opposite directions. Inthe low-damping regime, the first term is dominant in largeskyrmions, and these large skyrmions move toward the hotterside. In small skyrmions, the second term is dominant, andskyrmions move toward the colder side of the system. InAFM skyrmions, the dissipative torque is responsible forthe longitudinal velocity v
x, while in FM skyrmions, the
longitudinal velocity arises from the adiabatic torque [ 77].
The transverse skyrmion velocity vyor skyrmion Hall velocity
vanished in thermally driven skyrmion motion since thermalAFM magnons do not carry any net spin angular momentumJ
E. Atomistic simulation
We simulate a 2D rectangular AFM system of 150 d×50d
with open boundary conditions and material parameters asJ=−5.44 meV /atom, D=0.18 J, K=0.1J ,μ
andαG=0.07. Within these material parameters a single
skyrmion with a radius of R/d/similarequal6 can be created. In the
presence of the skyrmion at ( X0,Y0)=(40d,24d), a lin-
ear thermal gradient is applied along the xdirection, with
T(x=40d)<T(x=150d), and we trace the center of the
skyrmion. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the displacement of
the skyrmion in the presence of different thermal gradientsin the absence and presence of a perpendicular and uniformmagnetic field, respectively. In the Supplemental Material[65], snapshots of the time evolution of skyrmion motion are
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6∇T=0.2K/nm
048 1 2 1 6(a)
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
04 81 2 1 6h0=3.5T
08 1 6FM h0=0
08 1 6FM h0=0
08 1 6FM h0=0
08 1 6FM h0=0
FIG. 4. Skyrmion position as a function of time under different
temperature gradients in the (a) absence and (b) presence of a
uniform magnetic field. The inset shows the FM skyrmion velocityfor both h
0=0a n d h0=−0.5T.
The atomistic simulations show only a longitudinal dis-
placement of AFM skyrmions in the presence of thermalmagnons, as predicted by the analytical theory, v
y=0 [see
Eqs. ( 29)]. Furthermore, also in good agreement with the
theory, Eq. ( 29), the skyrmion velocity is proportional to
the temperature gradient. Within the chosen parameters, theskyrmion is relatively large and moves toward the hotterregion, which means the velocity arising from the AFMmagnon contribution is the dominant term, v
x.T h e
effective interaction between the skyrmion and tilted spins atthe boundary is repulsive [ 81]; thus, after some oscillations,
the skyrmion lands at a distance from the rightmost edge(hotter side). Our atomistic simulations also show that thepresence of external magnetic fields, less than the criticalspin-flop field, has no significant effect on the AFM skyrmionvelocity. This differs with respect to the dynamics of FMskyrmions, in which applying a magnetic field reduces thelongitudinal skyrmion velocity [see the inset in Fig. 4(b)].
By tuning the DMI and anisotropy, we can also create
smaller skyrmions. Smaller AFM skyrmions are very unstableat finite temperatures. But those which have survived movetoward the colder side of the system in the presence of anapplied thermal gradient, which means the Brownian contri-bution is the dominant term, v
x. In the Supplemental
Material snapshots of the time evolution of skyrmion motionwith a radius of R/d/similarequal4 are presented [ 65].
Here we should notice that in our simulations, we have
assumed a very low Gilbert damping. Increasing the Gilbertdamping leads to a drastic decay of thermal magnons throughthe system. In this case, there are many more magnons onone side of the skyrmion (the hotter side) than on the otherside (the colder side). Consequently, this leads to a largegradient of magnon number density and results in backwardmotion toward the hotter side even for smaller skyrmions, i.e.,v
In summary, we have demonstrated a path for the ultra-
fast creation of single homochiral skyrmions via an effectivemagnetic field arising from the optical inverse Faraday effect.Since laser pulses are localized, the method facilitates thecreation of skyrmions in a specific region, which makes itrelevant to applications such as skyrmion-based synaptic de-
vices [ 82]. The created single skyrmions are metastable states
of a finite AFM system in the presence of DMI.
We have investigated the dynamic properties of AFM
skyrmions via analytical calculations and classical atomisticsimulations. The methods agree well. Thermal magnons moveAFM skyrmions in a longitudinal direction; that is, the AFMskyrmion Hall angle is zero. In the low-damping regime,large skyrmions move toward the hotter region, and smallskyrmions move toward the colder side, while in the large-damping regime all skyrmions move toward the hotter side. Inaddition, the AFM skyrmion velocity is much faster than forFM skyrmions under similar conditions.
Note added in proof. Recently, we became aware of another
paper [ 83] that proposes a method for skyrmion motion in
AFM insulators using a magnetic anisotropy gradient.
We acknowledge fruitful discussions with J. Chico. The re-
search leading to these results was supported by the EuropeanResearch Council via Advanced Grant No. 669442, “Insula-tronics,” and by the Research Council of Norway through itsCentres of Excellence funding scheme, Project No. 262633,“QuSpin.”
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054423-8 |
PhysRevB.96.224410.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96, 224410 (2017)
Multiscale modeling of current-induced switching in magnetic tunnel junctions using ab initio
spin-transfer torques
Matthew O. A. Ellis, Maria Stamenova, and Stefano Sanvito
School of Physics, AMBER and CRANN Institute, Trininty College, Dublin 2, Ireland
(Received 29 September 2017; published 7 December 2017)
There exists a significant challenge in developing efficient magnetic tunnel junctions with low write currents for
nonvolatile memory devices. With the aim of analyzing potential materials for efficient current-operated magneticjunctions, we have developed a multi-scale methodology combining ab initio calculations of spin-transfer torque
with large-scale time-dependent simulations using atomistic spin dynamics. In this work we introduce ourmultiscale approach, including a discussion on a number of possible schemes for mapping the ab initio spin
torques into the spin dynamics. We demonstrate this methodology on a prototype Co/MgO/Co/Cu tunnel junctionshowing that the spin torques are primarily acting at the interface between the Co free layer and MgO. Using spindynamics we then calculate the reversal switching times for the free layer and the critical voltages and currentsrequired for such switching. Our work provides an efficient, accurate, and versatile framework for designingnovel current-operated magnetic devices, where all the materials details are taken into account.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.224410
Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), composed of two epi-
taxially grown ferromagnetic (FM) metal layers separated byan insulating barrier (most often a few monolayers of MgOproviding a dramatic spin-filtering enhancement), constitutethe principle unit for a multitude of emerging technologies, inparticular, in magnetic random access memory (MRAM) andspin torque oscillators (STOs) [ 1,2]. In both these cases the
magnetization dynamics of the free FM layer is driven by aspin-polarized current. When the free-layer magnetization ismisaligned with that of the polarizing layer, under current-carrying conditions, the exchange interaction between theitinerant and localized electron spins results in a spin-transfertorque (STT). For one of the two possible directions ofthe current this opposes the Gilbert damping torque andpromotes switching from an antiparallel (AP) to a parallel (P)magnetization state or vice versa when the current directionis reversed [ 3]. For MRAM applications it is a significant
challenge to develop MTJs with a suitably low write currentso as to ensure energy efficiency and to prolong device lifetime[4].
It is becoming increasingly more apparent that computa-
tional modeling can provide an initial analysis of the viabilityof materials for efficient MTJs. However, a current-carryingMTJ, where magnetization dynamics is excited, poses a rathermultiscale (both spatially and temporally) problem whichcannot be fully tackled from the most fundamental ab initio
theory. In fact, to date only a few studies have attempted toanalyze a MTJ on multiple scales [ 5,6]. At one side, significant
effort has been devoted to develop more precise ab initio
models of spin-transfer torque [ 7,8]. These typically rely
on ballistic quantum transport theory, which is suitable forthe spin-transport properties of MTJs formed by epitaxiallygrown thin layers with atomically sharp interfaces and veryfew defects, such as in Fe/MgO/Fe. At the larger scaleend, typical micromagnetic modeling of MTJs [ 9]e m p l o y s
Slonczewski’s theory of STT [ 10]. This assumes perfectly
symmetric junctions and incorporates all material-specificinformation of the electronic structure of the electrodes andtheir interfaces into a pair of polarization factors for the two
FM leads, P
LandPR. Such quantities are often taken as
empirical parameters. Although the method may be suitablefor some FeMgO-based MTJs, the interface details may beof crucial importance for other junctions (for instance, inantiferromagnetic stacks [ 11,12]). Atomistic spin dynamics
(ASD) has proved useful in modeling systems on a finerdetail than micromagnetics and has been developed to employab initio parameters to better describe the STT [ 13]. Still,
there remains a significant gap in our modeling ability, sinceto date no quantitative and materials specific transport methodhas been combined with atomistic spin dynamics simulators.In practice, this means that we are not capable of performingcurrent-induced spin dynamics simulations without making a
priori assumptions on the nature and type of the STT.
In this work we attempt to bridge this gap and we
present a multiscale approach to modeling current-inducedmagnetization dynamics in magnetic devices using STT. At themicroscopic scale, a quantum transport method is employed tocompute an ab initio atom-resolved STT, which is then mapped
onto the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation of motionfor atomistic magnetic moments to perform the magnetizationdynamics [ 14,15]. The method is general and can be applied to
metallic and tunneling junctions on the same footing, includingnanoscaled objects such as point contacts or atoms on surfaces.
Our paper is structured as follows: First we will introduce
the computational scheme for calculating the ab initio STT
and its mapping onto our atomistic spin model. We will thendemonstrate this methodology on an example Co/MgO/Co/CuMTJ stack. We will discuss the bias, current, and spatialdependence of the STT and how these features influence themagnetization switching of the free layer, both at zero andfinite temperature.
Our multiscale methodology is built upon using an
ab initio method at the microscale for the electron transport
and an atomistic scale spin model to simulate the dynamics.
2469-9950/2017/96(22)/224410(8) 224410-1 ©2017 American Physical SocietyELLIS, STAMENOV A, AND SANVITO PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96, 224410 (2017)
In particular, we utilize the SMEAGOL [16,17] code to model
ballistic electron transport through the MTJ under a finite-bias voltage.
SMEAGOL is an implementation of the Keldysh
nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) approach to thesteady-state open-boundary problem within the framework ofdensity functional theory (DFT), as implemented in the
code, which provides an efficient order- Nscaling core DFT
algorithm [ 18]. Within this formalism the MTJ is modeled as
a central scattering region (SR) connected to two semi-infiniteperiodic leads. As the electronic properties of the latter can bedetermined independently from those of the junction, theiraction on the scattering region can be described in termsof suitably chosen self-energy operators acting at the SRboundaries. This effectively reduces the original electronicstructure problem for an infinite nonperiodic system to anenergy-dependent problem for a finite atomic construct. Thebias voltage, V, is applied as a shift to the chemical potentials
of either lead by ±V/2, and the nonequilibrium charge
density of the SR can be determined self-consistently fromthe associated nonequilibrium Keldysh Green’s function.
For our calculation of the spin-transfer torque we follow
the approach proposed by Haney et al. [11]. The out-of-
equilibrium spin density σ
Vis assumed to be separable into an
equilibrium spin density σ0and a transport correction σtr,
where such correction is much smaller in magnitude thanthe equilibrium part. A transverse spin transport contribution
arises from the noncollinearity in the open-boundary system,
giving rise to a STT in the free layer. Further details of ourmethod are given in Ref. [ 12]. Here we adopt the magnetic
moment version (as opposed to working with spin variables)of the atom-resolved STT, in which the STT acting on the ath
atom is written as
ji, (1)
where /Delta1ijare the matrix elements of the exchange-correlation
field written over the localized atomic basis orbitals of SIESTA
andμBis the Bohr magneton. Note that while the first
summation is restricted to orbitals that belong to the atomicsitea(the atom for which the torque is calculated), the second
one spans over all the orbitals in the SR. The transport spinis calculated from the difference between the equilibrium(V=0) and the nonequilibrium ( V/negationslash=0) density matrices
σtr=Tr [(ρV−ρ0)σ], (2)
withσbeing the vector of Pauli matrices.
The ab initio side of our multiscale approach is then
completed with the evaluation of the dataset {Ta(V,θ)}of
atom-resolved STTs as a function of the bias voltage Vand the
angleθbetween the fixed and the free-layer magnetizations. It
should be noted here that the use of a single angular parameterassumes that there is no noncollinearity within the free layer.In some cases, when the self-consistent calculation of thedensity matrix across a range of finite-bias grid points is tooinvolved computationally, we also utilize the linear responsequantity, namely, the spin-transfer torkance (STTk) τ
a, that isdefined as
V=0. (3)
Once the spin-transfer torques, {Ta(V,θ)}, for the given
junction are obtained, we can then proceed to computing thecurrent-induced magnetization dynamics using an atomisticspin model. ASD is a semiclassical model typically usinga Heisenberg spin Hamiltonian to describe a system ofconstant spin magnetic moments. These magnetic momentsare localized at atomic sites and their dynamics is calculatedfrom evolving discretized LLG-like equations of motion. TheLLG equations for atomic spins with additional STTs are oftenreferred to as LLG-Slonczewski equations, whose atomisticform reads
μiTi(V,{Si}), (4)
where Si=μi/μiis a unit vector in the direction of the spin
magnetic moment of atom iof magnitude |μi|=μi. Since the
ab initio torque in Eq. ( 1) is derived as the rate of change of
the spin angular momentum, it is necessary to normalize thetorque to the unit vector used in the ASD. In Eq. ( 4)λis the
atomistic damping parameter that corresponds to the Gilbertdamping parameter at the microscopic scale and
∂Si+ξi(t)( 5 )
is the effective magnetic field acting on spin i. The system
is kept at a finite temperature through a stochastic time-dependent thermal field, ξ
i(t). In the white noise limit this is
represented as a Gaussian random number with the followingmoments:
ia(t)/angbracketright=0, (6)
μsγδijδabδ(t−t/prime), (7)
where i,jlabel the different atoms, a,b=x,y,z are the
Cartesian components, and t,t/primeis the time. In order to model
the dynamics of an MTJ free layer, we limit the Hamiltonianto contain only the Heisenberg exchange and a uniaxialanisotropy term as follows:
iki(ˆeani·Si)2, (8)
where Jijis the isotropic exchange constant and kiis the
uniaxial anisotropy constant for spin ialong the axis ˆeani.
In general one must also consider the demagnetizing fieldacting on the free layer and its contribution to the anisotropy.In the following we consider the intrinsic anisotropy to beout of plane ( ˆe
ani=ˆz), and since our free layer is ultrathin
the demagnetizing field can be represented as that of aninfinite thin platelet. Therefore, instead of calculating thedemagnetizing field directly, which can be costly since itinvolves adding long-range dipolar interaction to the spinHamiltonian, we incorporate it into the uniaxial field suchthatk
i=ku−μ0(MsVa)2/2. Here kuis the intrinsic uniaxial
anisotropy constant, μ0is the permeability of free space, Ms
is the saturation magnetization, and Vais the atomic volume.
The next step is to map the two-parameter discretized
ab initio {Ta(V,θ)}dataset onto the STT term of Eq. ( 4),
which is, in general, a continuous function of the angularcoordinates of the whole set of spins {S
i}. Such mapping can be
performed in several manners, and here we have implementedthree different strategies. The first is a full two-dimensionalinterpolation of the dataset, i.e., for each atom iin layer l
interpolated STT value is obtained for the specified voltage V
and the instantaneous angle θ=acos( Si·ˆP) between the local
spin Siand the direction of the fixed layer magnetization ˆP.
In order to simplify the calculation during the simulations, alinear interpolation is performed along Vwhile a cubic spline
is used for θ, since the dynamics is more sensitive to the angular
variation and only a limited set of angles are calculated at finitevoltage.
Our second mapping uses the angular dependence of the
STT derived by Slonczewski [ 10]. In this way we avoid
calculating the angular dependence of the STT at each voltagefrom first principles. The torque magnitude, however, is takenfrom the ab initio calculations, i.e., the bias dependence of the
torque is still from first principles, namely, it is interpolatedout of the ab initio dataset. This semifunctional mapping is
given as
where T||andT⊥are the parallel and perpendicular torque
magnitudes, which can be extracted at θ=90◦.
Our final mapping utilizes the torkance instead of the finite
voltage torques. In this manner a finite voltage is simulatedby assuming a linear voltage dependence and by scaling thetorkance to the desired Vas follows:
V=0. (10)
We discuss the applicability of this linear dependence in
the case of a Co/MgO-based MTJ in the following section.The angular dependence can again be interpolated using cubicsplines, but it is also possible to use the Slonczewski formgiven in Eq. ( 9).
Although the STTs are extracted from ballistic transport
at a constant bias voltage, we have developed a numericalscheme to utilise the ab initio –calculated I-Vcharacteristics,
which allows us to simulate the atomistic spin dynamics alsounder constant-current conditions. As we will show in the nextsection, the conductance of a CoMgO-based MTJ is found tofollow the equation
V=A(V)+B(V) cos(θ). (11)
Our model can then compute the current as it changes with
the free-layer angle and apply the torque appropriately forthe given current and voltage. This is directly reflected in theprefactor of the Slonczewski STT equations [ 19].-μB (Aμm-2)(b) Ty
5 10 15 20 25Moment ( μB)
Atom No.(c)
Co MgO Co Cumz
(a) Co MgO Co Cu
FIG. 1. The Co/MgO MTJ stack studied in this work. Panel
(a) shows a schematic of the scattering region for the SMEAGOL
calculation, while panels (b) and (c) present the atomic resolved ab
initio STT for 90◦misalignment at 1 V and the atomic spin moments
profiles, respectively. In (b) and (c) the first 4 Co and last 4 Cu atoms
are omitted, since in the calculations these are replaced with the
semi-infinite leads.
A.Ab initio STT in a Co-MgO MTJ
Our computational strategy is now tested for a CoFeB-
MgO based MTJ, which is probably the most studied magneticdevice today. In order to model such a system, we simplify thestructure to only comprise Co atoms in a Co/MgO(4)/Co(4)/Custack, where the numbers indicate the number of atomic planesin each layer. Note that the outermost layers are the semi-infinite leads as visualized in Fig. 1(a). In our generic Co-based
MTJ, both leads share a bcc lattice with a lattice parameter of2.857 ˚A. This is the lattice constant of Fe and the intention to
mimic the highly spin-polarized conventional CoFeB lead.
Our DFT calculations are based on the local spin-density
approximation with the Ceperley-Alder parametrization of theexchange-correlation functional as implemented in the
code [ 18]. A double- ζnumerical atomic basis set is used for
all atomic species with additional polarization for sorbitals of
the transition metal atoms. A Monkhorst-Pack Brillouin zonesampling is used, based on a 20 ×20 real-space grid.
The magnetic moments of each layer are shown in Fig. 1(c).
As expected, there is no magnetization in MgO and Cu, whilethe Co fixed layer shows moments close to the bulk value ofμ
Co=1.72μB. Since the free layer is ultrathin, the moments
are larger than in the bulk with a peak at the MgO interface.From the layer-resolved calculations we observe that the STTis strongly peaked at the MgO interface, as shown in Fig. 1(b)
at 1 V for 90
◦misalignment. Following the sharp decay of the
STT inside the Co layer, there is a characteristic higher STT
0 π/4 π/2 3π/4 π eT/μB (Aμm-2)
Angle θ (rad)(b) TorqueTxTyTz0.θ) (Aμm-2)
(a) Current density0.5V
FIG. 2. The angular dependence of (a) the current density and (b)
the total torque at 0.5 V . The solid line in (a) is a fit to the current
density using J(θ)=A+Bcos(θ). The solid lines in (b) are a fit
using the Slonczewski angular dependence given in Eq. ( 9). In both
cases the fits agree well with the data, indicating that the empirical
forms can be used.
value also at the other interface with the Cu lead but with an
opposite sign.
The angular dependence of the current density with the
misalignment of the ferromagnetic layers is shown in Fig. 2(a)
atV=0.5 V . The solid line shows a fit obtained by using
Eq. ( 11), which matches the data almost exactly and this
behavior is consistent at higher voltages. Figure 2(b) shows the
angular dependence of the total torque also at 0.5 V with thesolid lines showing a fit using Eq. ( 9). Also in this case the fit
performs well and so the functional approximation discussedearlier is a suitable replacement for the interpolation of thedata. At higher voltages the perpendicular torque T
asymmetric, which would require a further parametrization.At present this asymmetry is neglected in the semifunctionalmapping, since such torque contributes little to the switchingso that its effect is minimal. We note that Slonczewski’sdescription of the tunneling, which is based on Fermi’s goldenrule, is valid for sufficiently wide barriers, eliminating thedirect overlap of the minority and majority spin states in theFM layers of symmetric MTJs [ 10]. As the STT decays very
quickly from the interface and is practically contained withinthe free layer (see Fig. 1), Slonczewski’s sinusoidal angular
dependence of the net free-layer STT appears to be a goodapproximation for our junction (see Fig. 2).
Figure 3shows the total STT acting on the free layer in
the Co-MgO MTJ as function of the applied bias voltage for afixed misalignment of the free-layer magnetization of 90
◦.T h e
asymmetry of the torque with bias arises from the asymmetryof the stack, namely, the free layer contains only four atomicplanes, while the fixed layer in our MTJ is semi-infinite. Inboth cases, however, there is an approximately linear and aquadratic relationship with voltage for the out-of-plane andin-plane torques, respectively. The slope of the in-plane STTaround zero matches well our zero bias torkance from Eq. ( 3),-
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0Torque, eT/ μB (Aμm-2)
Voltage (V)T||
FIG. 3. The voltage dependence of the in-plane (open squares)
and out-of-plane (filled circle) torque, and the in-plane torkance (solid
line). The in-plane torque shows a linear behavior up to approximately1.4 V . Within this range the torkance is a good approximation of
the finite-bias torque. The out-of-plane torque shows a quadraticlike
behavior, for which the zero-bias torkance is not sufficient to describe.
and therefore the latter approximation offers a reasonable
quantitative measure for the in-plane STT at low bias.
Figure 4shows the current-voltage characteristics for our
MTJ stack in both the parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP)configuration. The sharp increase of the in-plane STT above1.4 V in Fig. 3is due to the increase of the conductivity in
the antiparallel configuration. This is in turn due to the factthat the /Delta1
1symmetry band for the minority spin carriers is
approximately aligned to the /Delta11majority one at that bias
voltage [ 5]. Intriguingly, while this leads to a lower tunneling
magneto-resistance (TMR) at high voltages, the increasedelectron flow appears to result in a larger in-plane torque andin a reduction of the out-of-plane one, as can be seen in Fig. 3.
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0Current density, J(V) (A μm-2)
Voltage (V)P
FIG. 4. The resulting current density for an applied bias voltage in
the Co/MgO/Co/Cu MTJ. The solid circles show the current densityin the antiparallel configuration, while the open squares show the
parallel configuration. Up to approximately 1 V there is a significant
TMR, but above this value more current flows in the antiparallel stateand the TMR drops.
B. Switching dynamics at zero temperature
We now move our attention to the switching dynamics based
on the ab initio torques computed in the previous section.
In order to construct the spin model, we require values forthe exchange constants, uniaxial anisotropy, atomistic Gilbertdamping, and magnetic moments. For the exchange we usethe tabulated bulk value [ 15] for bcc Fe, namely, J
7.05×10−21J, which is assumed here to be similar to that of
bcc Co, while the magnetic moments are taken directly fromthe
SMEAGOL calculations. In order to explore a wide range of
current-induced switching, we vary the anisotropy between0.001 and 0.5 meV , which, as discussed earlier, accountsfor both intrinsic anisotropy and demagnetizing fields. First-principles calculations by Hallal et al. [20] on Fe/MgO thin
films found that the anisotropy is k
u≈0.275 meV per atom
for a layer thickness similar to ours. For comparison theswitching field at k=0.1m e V i s H
k≈1.7 T, while to achieve
a thermal stability of KV/k BTroom=60 an area of (36 nm)2is
required. The Gilbert damping in thin films has been observedto vary with the layer thickness, and the presence of cappinglayers can enhance the damping through spin pumping effects.Experimental measurements for a Ta/CoFeB/MgO stack showdamping parameters of the order λ=0.01 for ultrathin FM
layers [ 21], and so here we vary the damping from 0.01 to
0.1. The magnetization dynamics is computed by numericallysolving Eq. ( 4) using the stochastic Heun scheme [ 15] with
a time step of 0.1 fs. This has been tested for stability inequilibrium.
We start by investigating the voltage required to observe
switching in the MTJ free layer without explicit thermaleffects. The lack of thermal effects allows us to simulate theswitching with only the basic unit cell and periodic boundaryconditions in the lateral directions. In order to measure theswitching we calculate the time that is required for m
pass the mz=0 plane. We model the dynamics of each MTJ
by initiating the simulation with a small deviation of thefree-layer magnetization from the −ˆzaxis at different applied
bias voltages.
The magnetization switching curves are shown in Fig. 5for
(a) constant voltage and (b) constant current with an anisotropyofk=0.1 meV and a damping parameter of λ=0.01. When
the junction is kept at a constant voltage the switching isuniform and stable. In practice, the magnetization of thefree layer remains antiparallel to that of the pinned one for
a long time and then switches fast. This is expected since
the torque increases as the two magnetization vectors becomenoncollinear, and it is maximized for θ=90
◦. Furthermore,
it is observed that increasing the voltage systematically shiftsthe transition to lower times.
In contrast, at a constant current the torque can initially
overcome the anisotropy but, as the misalignment angle
between the fixed and the free layer decreases, the resistance
of the junction also decreases. This causes the voltage requiredto maintain the desired current to be reduced, and as aconsequence, also the torque is reduced. The reduction ofthe torque as the magnetization vectors become noncollinearto each other has to be contrasted with an increase of theanisotropy, leading to a stable precessional state where a fine
balance of the torques is achieved. As the current is increased
further, the angle of this stable point becomes larger until it-1-0.5 0 0.5 1
0 2 4 6 8 10Mz/Ms
Time (ns)(b)10 A μm-2
12.5 A μm-2
15 A μm-2
17.5 A μm-2
20 A μm-2-1-0.5 0 0.5 1Mz/Ms
(a)0.175 V
0.185 V
0.190 V
0.195 V
0.200 V
FIG. 5. Magnetization switching for a junction kept at (a) con-
stant voltage and (b) constant current for λ=0.01 and k=0.1m e V .
At constant voltage the switching is uniform above the criticalvoltage, while at constant current the torque has an additional angular
dependence given by the variation of the conductivity (hence the
voltage at constant current) with angle.
reaches the maximum of the anisotropy torque at about 45◦.
Then the full reversal occurs. Further increasing the currentreduces the reversal time and also the transition width.
Figure 6shows the measured switching time against the
voltage calculated with the different mapping strategies forthree values of the anisotropy. We find that there is nosignificant difference between the full and semi-interpolationmethods, since the angular dependence of the ab initio STT
agrees well with the Slonczewski form. As such, only thefull interpolation results are compared to the torkance-based
0.01 0.1 1 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2Switching time (ns)
Voltage (V)lines - torkance
points - full interp.
K=0.1 meV
0.01 meV
0.001 meV
FIG. 6. The switching time for a Co free layer as a function of bias
voltage for three values of the anisotropy and a damping coefficient
ofλ=0.1. The open points are for calculations performed with the
full interpolation, while the solid lines are for the torkance method
and the dotted ones are a guide to the eye. The arrow indicates the
difference between the torkance and full interpolation methods forthek=0.1 meV case.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Vc (V)
Anisotropy (meV)λ=0.01λ=0.02λ=0.05λ=0.1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Jc (Aμm-2)
Anisotropy (meV)λ=0.01λ=0.02λ=0.05λ=0.1
FIG. 7. The critical (a) voltage and (b) current required to switch
the free layer for a given anisotropy and damping at T=0K .
Three alternative methods for interpolating the STT are shown foreach case: torkance (solid lines), full interpolation (filled circles),
and semifunctional (open circles). The dotted lines are a guide to
the eye.
ones. For each anisotropy there is no switching below a critical
voltage and a sharp decay of the switching time above it. Sincethere is a large increase in the torque above approximately1.4 V (see Fig. 3), the switching time shows a consistent drop
at this point. For an anisotropy of 0.1 meV (green triangles andline), the critical voltage lies close to this increased torque andwe find that there is a large difference between the calculationsusing the finite-voltage torques and those obtained at zerovoltage with the torkance method.
The critical voltages and currents for a range anisotropy
strengths and damping coefficients are shown in Fig. 7.T h e
three interpolation methods discussed earlier are shown assolid lines for the torkance, filled points for full interpolation,and open points for the semifunctional method. Our resultsshow that there is no significant difference between thesemifunctional and the full interpolation method over the rangesimulated here. For the full interpolation method the loss ofnumerical accuracy may arise in some instances due to the poorinterpolation at θclose to the end points, 0 and π, if too few datapoints are available where the curvature is high. Such numeri-
cal errors lead to longitudinal torques, which effectively (due tothe constrained spin length in the ASD) reduce the net torque.
The nonlinear behavior of the critical voltage shown in
Fig. 7(a) arises simply because of the calculated voltage
dependence of the in-plane torque, while in (b) there is anadditional effect arising from the voltage dependence of thecurrent. At a lower damping the torkance matches the othermethods for a wider range of anisotropies. This is due tothe fact that the critical voltage is related to the product ofthe damping and the anisotropy. When the critical voltageis below approximately 1 V , then the torque is in the linearregime; hence, we find the torkance agrees well with thefinite-voltage-calculated torque (see Fig. 3). In high-anisotropy
systems, where a large switching voltage may be required, anaccurate knowledge of the STT voltage dependence becomesimportant.
C. Switching dynamics at finite temperature
Finally, we consider the switching process at finite temper-
ature. Now our simulation cell needs to be largely increased inorder to account for the temperature-induced noncollinearity.In this case we simulate a 32 ×32×4 spin slab corresponding
to a lateral dimension of 9.2 nm and still apply periodicboundary conditions in the lateral directions. Ideally, one
should consider thermal effects on the current and the STT
as well, but here we only consider thermal effects in the ASDthrough the stochastic noise term introduced into the effectivefield in Eq. ( 5). The noncollinearity now requires a further
decision to be made when mapping the STT to the ASD.The ab initio calculation of the torque is for a fully collinear
free layer, but noncollinearity in ASD is required to achievea thermal spin distribution. One can then decide to use theangle of the total magnetization or that of each individual spinin order to determine the torque. The effects of this choicewill be discussed in what follows. Note that, in principle, onecan still calculate the torques from ab initio for a noncollinear
situation. In fact, one can even calculate the torques at eachtime step in the ASD, for instance, as it is done for the forces inab initio molecular dynamics. This is, however, not practical
here, since the transport calculations, in particular at finite bias,are much more demanding than the ASD ones.
Figure 8shows the inverse average switching time at
different temperatures for (a) k=0.1 meV and (b) 0.5 meV .
The filled symbols show results obtained by using the angleof the total magnetization to calculate the STT, while the openones use the individual spin angle. From the figure we observethat results obtained with the different angle methods arealmost indistinguishable from each other except in (b) at 300 K.Here the switching time is averaged over 24 independentsimulations since it is a stochastic process. This may leadto an equivalence in the methods, since while these arefundamentally different the average switching time may besimilar.
Different anisotropies present us two different situations.
In Fig. 8(a) the inverse relaxation time is linear with the
voltage, since the critical voltage is within the linear regime,while in Fig. 8(b) it is nonlinear. In general, however, for
both anisotropy values increasing the temperature reduces the
0 1 2 3 4
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Inverse switching time (ns-1)
Voltage (V)(a)
filled - total angle
open - spin angleT=0K, K=0.10meV
0K, 0.08meV
0K, 0.05meV
100K, 0.10meV
300K, 0.10meV
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2Inverse switching time (ns-1)
Voltage (V)(b)
filled - total angle
open - spin angleT=0K, K=0.50meV
0K, 0.42meV
0K, 0.25meV
100K, 0.50meV
300K, 0.50meV
FIG. 8. Inverse switching time with (a) k=0.1 meV and (b)
0.5 meV at T=0 K (solid blue line), 100 K (orange circles) and 300 K
(green triangles). Filled and open symbols represent simulations runby using the angle calculated for the total magnetization or for each
individual spin, respectively. The dashed lines indicate the inverse
reversal time at T=0 K using a scaled anisotropy constant.
switching time and also the critical voltage. Within a micro-
magnetic picture this behavior is reproduced by introducingtemperature-dependent parameters, namely, the anisotropy, thedamping, and the magnetic moment. These reduced parame-ters then lead to a reduction in the critical switching voltage.Callen-Callen theory [ 22] predicts that at finite temperature
the macroscopic uniaxial anisotropy constant K
uscales as
Ku(T)/Ku(0)=[M(T)/M(0)]3. From our simulations we
find that at 100 K and 300 K the average magnetization isapproximately 0.94 and 0.80, respectively. This returns usexpected anisotropy constants of K
u(100)≈0.83Ku(0) and
Ku(300)≈0.51Ku(0). The dashed lines in Fig. 8, therefore,
show the inverse switching time at 0 K obtained by usingthese scaled anisotropy values. As we can see in panel (b),the zero-temperature dynamics computed using these scaledconstants agree well with the average switching time obtainedat finite temperature, despite the lack of thermal fluctuations.The same is not true for the lower-anisotropy case of Fig. 8(a).
Here there is agreement only at higher voltages for 100 K,while at 300 K the zero-temperature switching times at the
rescaled anisotropies are constantly longer than those obtainedwith the finite-temperature dynamics. This has to be attributedto the actual thermal fluctuations, which are more pronouncedfor a lower anisotropy and cause the switching to occur faster.
To summarize, we have developed a multiscale model-
ing methodology combining ab initio calculations of the
spin-transfer torque and large-scale finite-temperature spindynamics simulations. Using the
SMEAGOL code, both the
STT and the linear response STTk have been computed forvarious applied voltages and angles of misalignment betweenthe fixed and free magnetic layer in a nanoscopic junction.This is then mapped onto an atomistic spin dynamics model,which is used to calculate the switching times with and withoutthermal effects. We apply this methodology to a prototype MTJbased on Co/MgO, where we find that the STT is stronglylocalized on the Co atoms at the MgO interface and that theSTT is linear at low voltages. In contrast, above 1.4 V thereis a sharp increase in the total current in the AP configurationdriven by the minority spin component. Such current densityincrease leads to a sharp enhancement of the in-plane torqueand in a reduction of the out-of-plane one.
The ab initio calculated torques are then mapped onto the
ASD with different mapping types being analyzed. A full
interpolation of the ab initio data set is preferred, but using the
Slonczewski angular form together with the ab initio voltage
dependence extracted at a fixed angle performs equally wellover a wide range of parameters. Due to the linear nature of theSTT, at low bias the 0-V linear response (torkance) is a suitablereplacement. At finite temperature the picture described abovedoes not change drastically, except for the fact that the thermalfluctuations reduce the critical voltage required for switching.
The advantage of such multiscale methodology is that no
empirical model of the STT is required, as this is calculatedat the atomic level from first-principles ballistic transporttheory. The atomic resolution allows systems where the typicalmicromagnetic models break down (e.g., where atomicallystaggered magnetic order is present) to be investigated. Whilecurrently some parameters, such as the exchange interactionand the anisotropy, are inferred from experiments, those canalso be taken from ab initio calculations of the actual MTJ stack
with atomic resolution [ 20,23]. Computational feasibility may
ultimately limit the size of treatable systems and the accessibletime scales; however, this prototypical MTJ study is still farfrom these limits, suggesting a range of realistic magneticmultilayered devices (including some accounts for disorder)to be well within the scope of the method.
This work has been supported by the Science Foundation
Ireland Principal Investigator Award (Grants No. 14/IA/2624and No. 16/US-C2C/3287). We gratefully acknowledge theDJEI/DES/SFI/HEA Irish Centre for High-End Computing(ICHEC) for the provision of computational facilities. Wealso acknowledge the Trinity Centre for High PerformanceComputing (TCHPC) for use of computational resources.
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224410-8 |
PhysRevB.74.134416.pdf | Theory of the spin-torque-driven ferromagnetic resonance
in a ferromagnet/normal-metal/ferromagnet structure
Joern N. Kupferschmidt, Shaffique Adam, and Piet W. Brouwer
Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-2501, USA
/H20849Received 5 July 2006; published 19 October 2006 /H20850
We present a theoretical analysis of current-driven ferromagnetic resonance in a ferromagnet/normal-metal/
ferromagnet trilayer. This method of driving ferromagnetic resonance was recently realized experimentally byTulapurkar et al. /H20851Nature 438, 339 /H208492005 /H20850/H20852and Sankey et al. /H20851Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 227601 /H208492006 /H20850/H20852. The
precessing magnetization rectifies the alternating current applied to drive the ferromagnetic resonance andleads to the generation of a dc voltage. Our analysis shows that a second mechanism to generate a dc voltage,rectification of spin currents emitted by the precessing magnetization, has a contribution to the dc voltage thatis of approximately equal size for the thin ferromagnetic films used in the experiment.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.134416 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 76.50. /H11001g, 72.25.Ba, 75.75. /H11001a, 85.75. /H11002d
A decade ago, Slonczewski1and Berger2predicted that a
spin-polarized current passing through a ferromagnet exerts atorque on its magnetic moment. The past decade has shownan abundance of experiments that have confirmed this theo-retical prediction.
3–7Since spin-polarized currents are easily
generated by passing an electrical current through a ferro-magnet, the “spin transfer torque” opens the way for all-electrical manipulation of nanoscale magnetic devices.
Very recently, two groups have been able to use the spin
torque to drive and detect ferromagnetic resonance in aferromagnet/normal-metal/ferromagnet /H20849FNF /H20850trilayer.
These experiments are designed such that the magnetization
direction of one of the ferromagnets is fixed by anisotropyforces, whereas the other magnet is made of a softer ferro-magnetic material or has a more symmetric shape so that itsmagnetization can more easily respond to the applied currentor to an applied magnetic field. In both experiments, an al-ternating electrical current is used to drive the ferromagneticresonance, whereas the magnetization precession is detectedthrough the dc voltage generated by rectification of the ap-plied ac current by the time-dependent resistance of thedevice.
10,11The theoretical analysis of this experimental
setup is the subject of this article.
Not only does a spin-polarized current have an effect on
the direction of the magnetization of a ferromagnet, a timevarying magnetization also causes the flow of spin currentsin normal metal conductors in electrical contact to the ferro-magnet. This “spin emission” was proposed by Tserkovnyak,Brataas, and Bauer as the cause of enhanced damping offerromagnetic resonance in thin ferromagnetic films in goodelectrical contact to a normal metal substrate.
12It is also the
mechanism underlying Berger’s earlier prediction of the ex-citation of a dc voltage by a precessing magnetization in anunbiased FNF trilayer
13/H20849see also Refs. 14and15/H20850.
Spin emission affects the experiments of Refs. 10and11
in two different ways. First, through the enhancement of thedamping spin emission broadens the ferromagnetic reso-nance. Second, the free layer’s precessing magnetizationemits alternating spin currents, which, in turn, generate a dcvoltage through the time-varying spin-dependent conduc-tance of the free layer.
13That way, spin emission provides an
alternative to rectification of the applied ac current as amechanism for the generation of a dc voltage in these experi-ments. Our calculations show that both consequences of spinemission appear or disappear together. If spin emission givesa significant contribution to the damping of the ferromag-netic resonance, which is the case for the few-nanometers-thick free-layer ferromagnets used in the experiments, then italso provides a sizable contribution to the measured dc volt-age, and vice versa.
In the remainder of this article we present the detailed
theory of the electrical-current-driven ferromagnetic reso-nance needed to arrive at the above conclusion. In addition,our theory allows us to calculate how the ferromagnetic reso-nance frequency, the resonance width, and the asymmetry ofthe resonance line shape are affected by embedding the freeferromagnetic layer into the FNF trilayer. Our calculationproceeds in three parts. In Sec. II we derive general expres-sions for the spin-transfer torque, which we then apply to thecalculation of the magnetization motion in Sec. III. The gen-erated dc voltage is calculated in Sec. IV. We conclude inSec. V.
A schematic drawing of the system we consider is shown
in Fig. 1. It consists of a ferromagnetic source reservoir, held
at electric voltage V, a thin normal-metal spacer layer, a thin
ferromagnetic layer, and a normal-metal drain reservoir. Thedirection nof the magnetization in the ferromagnetic source
is considered to be fixed, whereas the direction mof the
magnetization in the thin layer can change under the influ-ence of an electrical current or an applied magnetic field.
The nonequilibrium spin-transfer torque arises from the
discontinuity of the spin current J
sacross the free ferromag-
netic layer,1,16,17
/H9270ne=− /H20851Js/H20849+/H20850−Js/H20849−/H20850/H20852, /H208491/H20850
where Js/H20849+/H20850andJs/H20849−/H20850are spin currents at the normal-metal-
ferromagnet interfaces measured on the side of the drain res-
ervoir and the spacer, respectively. We take it that the spacerPHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 134416 /H208492006 /H20850
1098-0121/2006/74 /H2084913/H20850/134416 /H208496/H20850 ©2006 The American Physical Society 134416-1layer and the free ferromagnet are sufficiently thin so that all
voltage drops occur across the ferromagnet-normal-metal in-terfaces, and spin relaxation can be neglected.
18/H20849Note that
neglecting spin relaxation in the spacer layer is justified forthe 10-nm-thick Cu spacer used in the experiment of Ref. 11,
which has a thickness much below the spin diffusion lengthin Cu. The spin diffusion length l
sfin ferromagnets can be
much smaller, however, and the experiments of Refs. 10and
11have a free layer thickness dcomparable to lsf, not d
/H11270lsf. Still, we do not expect a strong effect of spin-flip scat-
tering in this case, since the spin accumulation in the freelayer remains fixed collinear with the direction mof the
magnetic moment, whereas the driving and detection of theferromagnetic resonance depend on the misalignment of thetwo magnetic moments in the device.
19/H20850With these assump-
tions, the charge currents Jc/H20849±/H20850and the spin currents Js/H20849±/H20850
can be expressed directly in terms of the charge and spin
accumulations /H9262cand/H9262sin the spacer layer. For the charge
and spin currents Jc/H20849−/H20850and Js/H20849−/H20850one has two sets of equa-
tions, one arising from the interface with the ferromagnetic
source reservoir,8,9,20
e/H208512G+/H20849/H9262c+eV /H20850+2G−/H9262s·n/H20852,
2e2/H208512G+/H9262s·n+2G−/H20849/H9262c+eV /H20850/H20852n
2e2/H208512G1/H20849/H9262s/H11003n/H20850/H11003n+2G2/H9262s/H11003n/H20852, /H208492/H20850
and one arising from the interface with the free ferromag-
netic layer,8,9,12
2e2g2/H208512/H9262s/H11003m+/H6036m˙/H20852. /H208493/H20850Here G±=/H20849G↑±G↓/H20850/2 and G1+iG2=G↑↓are determined by
the interface conductances for majority and minority elec-
trons and by the mixing conductance for the interface be-tween the ferromagnetic source and the normal-metal spacer,whereas g
±=/H20849g↑±g↓/H20850/2 and g1+ig2=g↑↓represent the
equivalent quantities for the interface between the spacer
layer and the free ferromagnet and for the interface betweenthe free ferromagnet and the source. Numerical values forthese conductance coefficients have been obtained for theinterfaces of various combinations of ferromagnetic andnormal-metal materials.
The two sets of equations are slightly different because
there are two ferromagnet-normal-metal interfaces betweenthe spacer layer and the drain reservoir, whereas there is onlyone interface between the spacer layer and the source reser-voir, see Fig. 1.
22Also, in Eq. /H208492/H20850we omitted terms propor-
tional to the time derivative n˙because the magnetization of
the source reservoir is held fixed. Similarly, for Jc/H20849+/H20850and
Js/H20849+/H20850we find
Note that the charge current Jcand the component Js·mof
the spin current parallel to the direction of the magnetizationof the free layer are conserved.
The mixing conductances G
1+iG2and g1+ig2describe
the coherent reflection of electrons with spin not collinearwith the magnetization directions nandmoff the interface
with the fixed and free ferromagnetic layers, respectively. Weomitted terms that represent the coherent transmission ofelectrons with spin not collinear with nandm. The effect of
coherent transmission is small for ferromagnets much thickerthan the ferromagnetic coherence length, which is usually onthe order of only a couple of atomic layers. We refer to Refs.12and16for a theory in which these processes are included.
Since the imaginary parts G
2and g2of the mixing conduc-
tances are numerically small for metallic junctions /H2084920% or
less of G1and g1/H20850,21,23,24we set G2and g2to zero in the
following calculations. At the end of Sec. IV we discuss howour results are modified for finite G
2and g2.
The flow of electrical current through the FNF trilayer
generates a spin-transfer torque only if the magnetization di-rections nandmare not collinear. In the experiment of Refs.
10and11this is achieved by an applied magnetic field which
orients the free-layer magnetization mat a finite angle with
respect to the fixed-layer magnetization direction nin the
absence of a current. Following Ref. 11, we take this angle to
be 90°. We choose a right-handed set of coordinate axes/H20849e
1,e2,e3/H20850such that npoints along e1andmpoints along e3
if no current is applied. The application of a current will
cause mto deviate from e3. We will be interested in the
linear response regime, in which the magnetization compo-nents m
1and m2are proportional to the applied current J.
FIG. 1. Schematic drawing of the ferromagnet/normal-metal/
ferromagnet trilayer considered here. The left ferromagnet, withmagnetization direction n, acts as the source reservoir. The right
ferromagnet is the free layer. Its magnetization direction mcan
change in response to the applied current. The currents J/H20849+/H20850and
J/H20849−/H20850in the text are evaluated at the right and left sides of the free
ferromagnetic layer, respectively.KUPFERSCHMIDT, ADAM, AND BROUWER PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 134416 /H208492006 /H20850
134416-2With an alternating current bias, Jc=J/H20849t/H20850=Re J0ei/H9275t, Eqs.
/H208492/H20850and /H208493/H20850give five independent equations from which one
can solve for the five unknown variables, which are thecharge and spin accumulations
/H9262cand/H9262sin the spacer layer
and the bias voltage V. Solving these to lowest order in the
applied current, we find that two relevant components of thespin-transfer torque /H208491/H20850are
G1+/H20874/H20876, /H208495/H20850
g1+G1/H20874, /H208496/H20850
where we abbreviated
G1+=G++/H20849G+2−G−2/H20850/g1. /H208497/H20850
The magnetization is driven out of equilibrium by the
spin-transfer torque of Eq. /H208491/H20850. In order to solve for the full
time dependence of the magnetization, we use the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation,
Md/H20849/H9270eq+/H9270ne/H20850. /H208498/H20850
Here Mis the magnetization per unit length, dis the thick-
ness of the free ferromagnetic layer, /H9253is the gyromagnetic
ratio, and /H9251is the phenomenological Gilbert damping param-
eter. The equilibrium torque /H9270eqis the combination of the
torque applied by the external magnetic field and the aniso-tropy torque intrinsic to the ferromagnet. Since we are inter-ested in small deviations from equilibrium, we can expand
/H9270eqaround the equilibrium direction m=e3,
/H9253/H20849/H92751m1/H11032e1/H11032+/H92752m2/H11032e2/H11032/H20850/H11003m, /H208499/H20850
where the frequencies /H92751and/H92752are set by the energy cost
for magnetization deviations along principal axes e1/H11032ande2/H11032
perpendicular to e3. The constants /H92751and/H92752depend on the
dipolar field of the pinned layer, the demagnetization fieldand coercivity of the free layer, and the applied magneticfield.
27The geometric mean /H20849/H92751/H92752/H208501/2is the free layer’s fer-
romagnetic resonance frequency in the absence of electrical
contact to the normal-metal spacer layer and the drain reser-voir, whereas /H20849
/H92751//H92752/H208501/2is the ratio of semimajor and
semiminor axis of the ellipsoidal magnetization precession in
that case. If /H9270eqis dominated by the applied magnetic field H,
one has /H92751=/H92752=/H9253H. Rotating to the coordinate system with
unit vectors e1ande2, the two components of /H9270eqcan be
/H9253/H20851m1/H20849/H9275+−/H9275−cos/H9278/H20850−m2/H9275−sin/H9278/H20852, /H2084910/H20850
where /H9275±=/H20849/H92752±/H92751/H20850/2 and /H9278/2 is the rotation angle between
With an applied ac current, J/H20849t/H20850=Re J0ei/H9275t, we can then
solve for the magnetization components m1/H20849t/H20850=Re m10ei/H9275t
and m2/H20849t/H20850=Re m20ei/H9275t, with the result
f/H20849/H9275/H20850, /H2084911/H20850
f/H20849/H9275/H20850, /H2084912/H20850
where we abbreviated
m0=/H9253/H6036G−/2dMG 1+, /H2084914/H20850
g1+G1/H20874, /H2084915/H20850
g1+G1/H20874. /H2084916/H20850
The non-negative dimensionless numbers /H9251˜±are the effective
Gilbert damping parameters.12We need two damping param-
eters rather than one since the effective damping is aniso-tropic because of the presence of the second ferromagnet.
Since we are interested in the dc voltage generated by the
applied ac current, we need to calculate the voltage V/H20849t/H20850to
second order in J/H20849t/H20850. This implies that we need to solve Eqs.
/H208492/H20850and /H208493/H20850to first order in m1and m2,
m0/H20874, /H2084917/H20850
where we abbreviated
g1+=2g++/H20849g+2−g−2/H20850/G1. /H2084918/H20850
The two terms in the first line of Eq. /H2084917/H20850, which are
proportional to Jand m˙2, give an alternating contribution to
Vonly. The term proportional to Jis the dc resistance of the
device, whereas the term proportional to m˙2is the magnetic
contribution to the admittance. /H20849Electronic contributions to
the admittance occur at higher frequencies than the ferro-magnetic resonance frequency and are not considered in ourtheory. /H20850The dc voltage follows from the subleading terms in
the second line of Eq. /H2084917/H20850, which are proportional to Jm
134416-3and m2m1. The contribution proportional to Jm1is rectifica-
tion of the applied alternating current by the time-dependentconductance of the device. The contribution proportional to
2m1follows from spin emission by the precessing magne-
tization of the free ferromagnet.
The two terms contributing to the dc voltage are easily
calculated using the results of the previous section. UsingEqs. /H2084911/H20850and /H2084912/H20850, one calculates the averages of the prod-
ucts Jm
1and m˙2m1over one period of the applied current,
The dc voltage then follows from substitution into Eq. /H2084917/H20850,
−/H9275−/H20851/H208491+/H9251˜+2+/H9251˜+/H9251˜−/H20850/H92752+/H9275−2−/H9275+2/H20852sin/H9278/H20854. /H2084920/H20850
In the limit /H9251˜±/H112701/H20849which is appropriate for most experi-
ments /H20850, Eq. /H2084920/H20850simplifies to the asymmetric Lorentzian
/H20849/H9275−/H92750/H208502+/H92542, /H2084921/H20850
2/H9275+/H9251˜++/H9275+/H9251˜−+/H9275−/H9251˜−cos/H9278. /H2084923/H20850
The asymmetry of the line shape /H2084921/H20850depends on the
anisotropy of the torque /H9270eqand on the angle /H9278/2 between
the principal axes and the direction nof the magnetization of
the fixed layer. In the experiment of Ref. 11the main contri-
bution to /H9270eqcomes from the large magnetic field used to
align the free layer magnetization perpendicular to n. This
contribution is isotropic, which explains why no stronglyasymmetric line shapes were observed in Ref. 11. The ex-
periment of Ref. 10finds a significantly asymmetric line
shape if the applied magnetic field is small, the line shapesbecoming more symmetric at larger fields. Although this ob-servation appears consistent with our theory, we should notethat for Ref. 10the equilibrium torque
/H9270eqarising from the
applied magnetic field and shape anisotropy alone has /H9278=0
and, hence, cannot explain an asymmetric line shape. Refer-ence 10attributes the asymmetric line shape to the imaginarypart g
2of the mixing conductance which, if large enough,
provides an alternative /H20849but approximately magnetic-field in-
dependent /H20850mechanism for an asymmetric line shape, see the
discussion below.
The relative contributions of the rectification and the spin
emission effects can be found by looking at the ratio of
m0/H20855Jm1/H20856/eand /H20855m˙2m1/H20856/H9251˜−, cf. Eq. /H2084917/H20850. For/H9251˜±/H112701 this ratio
/H9251˜−/H20849/H9275+−/H9275−cos/H9278/H20850. /H2084924/H20850
Since both terms in the numerator are of order /H9254near the
ferromagnetic resonance, whereas the denominator is of or-
der/H9251˜−/H92750, the ratio /H2084924/H20850is of order /H9254//H9251−/H92750. This is of order
unity if /H9251˜+and/H9251˜−are comparable, which happens precisely
if the second term in Eq. /H2084915/H20850is not small in comparison to
the first. This, in turn, is the condition that spin emissiongives a significant contribution to the total damping. Hence,we conclude that spin emission contributes significantly tothe measured dc voltage if and only if spin emission contrib-
utes significantly to the damping. Since /H20855m˙
2m1/H20856is symmetric
around /H9275=/H92750, cf. Eq. /H2084919/H20850above, spin emission contributes
to the symmetric part of the line shape only. The antisym-metric part is due to the rectification of the applied ac currentonly.
In our calculations we have neglected the imaginary parts
2and G2of the mixing conductance because in metallic
junctions they are known to be numerically small in com-parison to the real parts g
1and G1. Inclusion of g2and G2
leads to a small modification of the resonance frequency,
because g2and G2change the gyromagnetic ratio /H9253of the
free ferromagnetic layer.12With corrections to first order in
g2/g1only, the resonance frequency becomes
More importantly, with nonzero g2and G2, there is a finite
asymmetry in the line shape even in the absence of magneticanisotropy in the free layer,
g1G1/H20849g1+G1/H20850g1+G−. /H2084927/H20850
Again, our results are valid up to first order in g2/g1and
We have also analyzed the case that the equilibrium angle
between the fixed layer magnetization nand the free layer
magnetization mis not 90°. While this complicates the de-
tailed expression for Vdc/H20849/H9275/H20850/H20849to the extent that it cannot be
reported here /H20850, it does not change our qualitative conclusions
that /H20849i/H20850spin emission and rectification of the applied ac cur-KUPFERSCHMIDT, ADAM, AND BROUWER PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 134416 /H208492006 /H20850
134416-4rent have comparable contributions to the generated dc volt-
age if the free layer is thin enough that spin emission gives asizable enhancement of the damping and /H20849ii/H20850the asymmetry
dc/H20849/H9275/H20850around the resonance frequency /H92750is small in the
ratios /H9275−//H9275+org2/g1. The former ratio is small if the ap-
plied magnetic field is large enough to saturate the free fer-romagnet, whereas the latter ratio g
2/g1is known to be nu-
merically small for metallic junctions /H20849of order 0.1 or less,
see Refs. 21,23, and 24/H20850.
In this paper we have presented a microscopic theory for
the spin-torque driven ferromagnetic resonance inferromagnet/normal-metal/ferromagnet trilayers. Our theoryis inspired by the experiments of Refs. 10and11. In these
experiments, an alternating current is used to drive the ferro-magnetic resonance, while a generated dc voltage is used todetect the resonance.
In addition to providing theoretical expressions for the
width and asymmetry of the resonance, we are able to deter-mine the relative magnitude of two physical mechanisms thatcontribute to the dc voltage: rectification of the applied accurrent and rectification of the spin currents emitted by theprecessing ferromagnet. Both contributions are of similarmagnitude for the thin ferromagnetic films used in the ex-periments. The presence of two mechanisms to generate adirect response to periodic driving, rather than one, sets thisclass of magnetic devices apart from their semiconductor
A direct experimental probe of the two contributions to
the dc voltage is to compare the dc voltage observed in spin-torque-driven ferromagnetic resonance with the dc voltage
generated in conventional magnetic-field driven ferromag-netic resonance in the same device. The latter follows fromrectification of emitted spin currents only. Since spin emis-sion gives a symmetric line shape around the resonance fre-quency
/H9275=/H92750, there should be a clear difference between the
two methods to excite ferromagnetic resonance. A compari-son of the magnitudes of both contributions would require acalibration of the amplitude at which the magnetization pre-cesses. This can be achieved through a simultaneous mea-surement of the dc resistance of the device, which dependson the precession amplitude through the giant magnetoresis-tance effect.
Note added . Recently, we learned of a work by Kovalev
et al. with similar conclusions about spin-torque driven fer-
romagnetic resonance.
We thank D. Ralph and J. Sankey for stimulating discus-
sions. This work was supported by the Cornell Center forMaterials Research under NSF Grant No. DMR 0520404, theCornell Center for Nanoscale Systems under NSF Grant No.EEC-0117770, by the NSF under Grant No. DMR 0334499,and by the Packard Foundation. We thank Alex Kovalev forsending us a preprint of Ref. 28.
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→2GN2G−//H20851/H20849GN+G+/H208502−G−2/H20852, G1→GN/H20849G12+G1GN+G22/H20850//H20851/H20849G1
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134416-6 |
PhysRevB.95.064402.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 064402 (2017)
Structure-dependent magnetoresistance and spin-transfer torque in antiferromagnetic
Fe|MgO |FeMn |Cu tunnel junctions
Xingtao Jia*
School of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
Huimin Tang and Shizhuo Wang
Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Minghui Qin
Institute for Advanced Materials and Laboratory of Quantum Engineering and Quantum Materials,
South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
(Received 17 September 2016; revised manuscript received 17 January 2017; published 2 February 2017)
We predict large magnetoresistance (MR) and spin transfer torque (STT) in antiferromagnetic
Fe|MgO|FeMn|Cu tunnel junctions based on first-principles scattering theory. MR as large as ∼100% is found
in one junction. Magnetic dynamic simulations show that STT acting on the antiferromagnetic order parameterdominates the spin dynamics, and an electronic bias of order 10
−1mV and current density of order 105Acm−2can
switches a junction of three-layer MgO, they are about one order smaller than that in Fe |MgO|Fe junction with
the same barrier thickness, respectively. The multiple scattering in the antiferromagnetic region is considered to
be responsible for the enhanced spin torque and smaller switching current density.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.064402
Due to high stability to a parasitic magnetic field and high
working frequency, antiferromagnet (AFM)-based spintronics[1–3] has attracted much attention both experimentally [ 4–16]
and theoretically [ 17–29]. Similar to ferromagnet (FM)-
based magnetic structures, AFM-based structures also havemagnetoresistances (MR) [ 8–12] to distinguish information
states that can be controlled by spin transfer torque (STT)[16–27], photomagnetic pulses [ 4–7], and spin wave [ 30].
Relativistic spin-orbit torques provide a new powerful toolto control the magnetization [ 31–33]. A field-driven AFM
domain-wall velocity induced by N ´eel spin-orbit torques can
be two orders of magnitude larger than that of the FMdomain wall [ 34]. Sizable spin torque from enhanced spin Hall
effects in a AFM |normal metal (NM) |FM spin valve (SV) has
been demonstrated [ 35,36]. However, the poor size-scalability
overshadows the application of the spin-orbit effect [ 2].
Anisotropic MR (AMR) in AFM-based magnetic structures
such as NM |AFM [ 8–11] and FM |AFM [ 35,36] contacts is
relatively small ( ∼1%). However, if a MgO barrier is inserted
between NM and AMF, a large AMR of up to 100% isobserved at low temperatures [ 12]. Similar to FM-based SVs,
a reference (ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic) polarizercan be introduced to form an antiferromagnetic SV , wherea nonrelativistic structure-dependent MR dominates over therelativistic MR [ 12,17,18]. Indeed, antiferromagnetic SVs,
especially perpendicular ones, show merit for large MR,electronic control, and size-scalability.
Recently, an ultralow switching current density below
6Acm−2was predicted in the antiferromagnetic metal-based
SVs [ 17,37], where the spin torque acting on the antiferromag-
netic order parameter in the whole AFM region. Generally,
*Corresponding author: jiaxingtao@hpu.edu.cnswitching current density is proportional to Gilbert dampingcoefficient, but inversely proportional to spin transfer effi-ciency [ 17]. Enhanced spin transfer efficiency from multiple
reflection was demonstrated in a MgO-based tunnel junctions[38]. Because multiple reflection can exist naturally in the
AFM, enhanced spin transfer and lower switching currentdensity are expected in the AFM-based magnetic structures.
Here, we focus on the antiferromagnetic Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu
junctions, for which γ-FeMn is a well-studied AFM system
with fcc crystal structure and a 3Q noncollinear spin structure.Under exchange coupling with a magnet, a collinear A |B|A|B
spin structure forms [ 39]. As a good spin filter, MgO is used to
enhance MR and STT in FM-based junctions, where both thecharge current and spin current are carried mainly by a smallportion of the k
||points in the two-dimensional Brillouin zone
(2D BZ) [ 38,40]. The transport scheme in the AFM junctions
has advantages over that in AFM |NM|AFM SVs [ 18], in which
both the charge current and spin current are carried by almostall the k
||points in the 2D BZ. In this calculation based on first
principles, we predict large MR and STT in Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu
junctions. Specifically, MR ∼100% is predicted in a junction.
Spin-dynamic simulations show that a current density of order10
5Acm−2can switch a junction of 3-layered (3L) MgO.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we provide our
calculation details based on first-principle scattering theory. In
Sec. III, we present our results on Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu junctions
with ordered and disordered crystal structures. Section IV
presents our summary.
In this work, we study the spin-dependent transport of the
two terminal multilayers Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu (see Fig. 1). Two
magnetic structures with different spin structures (L-type andG-type) in the FeMn layer are considered. In detail, the L-type
2469-9950/2017/95(6)/064402(6) 064402-1 ©2017 American Physical SocietyJIA, TANG, W ANG, AND QIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 064402 (2017)
FIG. 1. Schematic two-terminal Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu junction used
in the calculations. Red arrow in the left lead indicates the fixed
magnetization along the zaxis; blue or pink arrow in FeMn indicates
the sublattice magnetization M1/2. We define the antiferromagnetic
order parameter as l=M1−M2, which is free in the x-zplane with
relative angle θwith respective to the zaxis.
is a higher symmetric A |B|A|B structure (upper panel of Fig. 1)
in which the magnetization of layer A is compensated withthat of layer B along the transport direction. The G-type is alower symmetric structure (lower panel of Fig. 1) in which the
magnetization of one sublattice is compensated both in-planeand out-of-plane with that of the another sublattice. The lateralsupercell is used to match MgO with bcc-Fe and fcc-FeMn.The crystal MgO is reduced by 4% and rotated 45
◦to match
the bcc-Fe. A 5 ×5 lateral supercell of Fe |MgO matches well
with the 4 ×4 lateral supercell of fcc-FeMn (the mismatch is
about 0 .5%). A very small mismatch between the fcc-FeMn
and fcc-Cu is neglected, and both FeMn and Cu are compressedalong the epitaxial direction to maintain a volume equal to thatof the bulk to match with Fe |MgO. The coherent potential
approximation (CPA) is used for the potential of the FeMnalloys, and bulky potentials calculated self-consistently areput into a wave-function-matching (WFM) transport package[41]. During transport calculations, we consider the particle
current along the (010) material growth direction, and a 40 ×
40 k-mesh in the full 2D BZ is used to ensure good transportconvergence. Two kinds of imperfects, spin flip (SF) in thesite-ordered FeMn and oxygen vacancy (OV) at the interfaceclose to MgO, are considered. Over 30 configurations are usedin averaging the configuration convergence. More numericaldetails of the electronic structure and transport calculationscan be found elsewhere [ 18,38,40].
We next focus on the nonrelativistic structure-dependent
MR, and then shift to STT in the antiferromagnetic region,and analyze the spin dynamics finally. Therein, two kinds ofdefects, OV and SF, are discussed.
A. Structure-dependent magnetoresistance
Figure 2gives the MR in antiferromagnetic Fe |MgO|Fe0.5
Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions with clean interface as a function of
MgO thickness; the numbers in the bracket indicate the thick-ness in atomic layers. We define MR=[G(P)−G(AP)]/
G(AP) with conductance G=(e
summarized in the 2D BZ at the Fermi level EF. Here, P /AP
denotes the parallel and/or antiparallel structure defined by therelative angle of 0 /πbetween the magnetic order parameters
of Fe and FeMn, tis the transmission part of the scatteringFIG. 2. Magnetoresistance as function of MgO thickness in
the L-type and G-type antiferromagnetic Fe |MgO|Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu
junctions with clean interface. The error bar is ∼5%.
matrix s, and Ais the section area of the supercell. Both
the site-ordered L-type and G-type junctions show notableMR, which is also sensitive to the thickness of MgO. Thepresence of the MR in the G-type junctions is related tothe reduced symmetry, where only one Oxygen atom sittingdirectly on top of the Fe(Mn) atom of FeMn layer in one cell,and the change of antiferromagnetic order parameter wouldchange the spin structure. Comparatively, we find zero MR(and negligible STT on the antiferromagnetic order parameterat relative angle of 90
◦) in a highly symmetric site-ordered
G-type Fe |MgO(3) |bcc-Fe 0.5Mn 0.5(16)|bcc-Cu junction with
one oxygen atom sitting directly on top of one up-spin Fein the FeMn layer and another oxygen atom sitting on topof one down-spin Fe in one cell, where the reversal of theantiferromagnetic order parameter does not change the spinstructure. When crystal sites are disordered, an enhancedMR is found in the L-type junctions, whereas a near-to-zeroMR is obtained in the G-type junctions. With the exceptionof the site-disordered G-type junctions, MR increases asthe barrier thickness increases. In detail, for site-orderedG-type junctions, MR increases from 12% in the 3L MgOcase to 24% in the 9L MgO case. Comparatively, MR in thesite-ordered L-type junctions increases quickly from 22% inthe 3L MgO case to 71% in the 9L MgO case. If the crystalsites are disordered, an enhancement of 70% /20% is predicted
in the L-type 3/9 L MgO junctions. Enhanced MR is alsofound in the L-type junctions with FeMn alloys of different
TABLE I. MR in site-disordered L-type Fe |MgO(n)|FeMn(16)
|Cu junctions with clean interface at θ=90◦.
n 35 7 9
Fe0.25Mn 0.75 5 −26 −18 31
Fe0.5Mn 0.5 35 39 53 84
7Fe 0.75Mn 0.25 10 101 135 100
concentrations (see Table I), where a MR ∼135% is found in
aF e|MgO(7) |Fe0.75Mn 0.25(16)|Cu junction.
Similar to the well-studied MgO-based junctions, MR in
the antiferromagnetic Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu junctions is sensitive
to OV . For the L-type junctions (including both site-orderedand site-disordered) and the site-disordered G-type junctions,about 10% OV at the interfaces near to MgO degrade the MRin Fe|MgO(3) |Fe
0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu by one order of magnitude
compared with clean junctions (several ten percent for cleanjunctions to several percent for dirty junctions; see Table II).
For thicker MgO junctions, we get similar results. Hence, toachieve larger MR, the junctions should be as clean as possible.
Spin disorder, such as SF, changes the magnetization and
shows up in effects on spin-dependent transport. In Table II,
we list MR in Fe |MgO(3) |Fe
0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu with 10% SFs
in FeMn alloy. The SF shows less effect on the MR in theL-type junctions than in the G-type junctions. For thicker MgOjunctions, we obtain similar results.
B. Spin transfer torques
In driving the magnetic order parameter [ 42,43], STT is
the favored means as they can be induced by a bias voltageand thermal gradient [ 38,44]. With small bias voltages, STT
is almost linear with bias voltage, especially in the MTJs [ 45],
for which “torkance” ( τ) can be introduced. The magnetic
structure of an AFM can be described by the sublatticemagnetizations M
j(j=1,2 for the simplest case) with total
magnetization m=M1+M2and antiferromagnetic order
parameter l=M1−M2. Indeed, STT can also be used to drive
the antiferromagnetic order parameter [ 17–27]. We denote the
STT acting on the total magnetization mand antiferromagnetic
order parameter lasτm(τm=τm1+τm2) andτl(τl=τm1−
τm2), respectively. First, let us take a look at a simple model
with a thin antiferromagnetic layer interacting with a spincurrent. For one sublattice magnetization M
jin AFM, the STT
applied to Mjis proportional to Mj×M/prime×Mj(in-plane)
andMj×M/prime(out-of-plane) with M/primethe spin current source.
For the simplest AFM, the in-plane /out-of-plane STT on
M1(2)follows the same /opposite direction as that on M2(1).
Hence, the out-of-plane component of τl(τ⊥
l) and the in-plane
component of τm(τ||
m) would be enhanced, whereas the in-plane
component of τl(τ||
l) and the out-of-plane component of
m) would vanish. The model analysis is suitable for a
classical system but is invalid [ 19] in structures with quantum
states dominating. In classical cases, for which τl/τm→0, the
spin dynamics are dominated by τmwith ultrahigh working
frequencies [ 20–27]. The spin-glass state can be considered as
classical. A large deviation from the model analysis is observedin the Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu junction, as shown in below, where
the spin transport is dominated by quantum states.
From the dependence of STT on MgO thickness
[Fig. 3(a)] for both the site-ordered and site-disordered
0.5Mn 0.5|Cu junctions with clean interface at rela-
tive angle of 90◦, we find that: (1) both τlandτmexponentially
decrease as the MgO thickness is larger than 3 L. The enhancedSTT from the interfacial resonance states in the ultra-thin (3L)barrier appears responsible for this deviation. The marked τ
relative angle of 90◦) in the site-ordered G-type junction is re-
lated to the reduced symmetry in the lateral supercell structure,FIG. 3. Spin transfer torque as a function of MgO thickness
(a) in site-ordered antiferromagnetic Fe |MgO|Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu
junctions with clean interface at relative angle of 90◦(Inset:
similarly for site-disordered Fe |MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions
with clean interface). (b) Layer-dependent spin transfer torquein site-ordered G-type Fe |MgO(3) |Fe
0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions at
relative angle of 90◦(Inset: similarly for site-disordered G-type
Fe|MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(48)|Cu junctions).
as discussed in the above section, which follows a simple sine
relation with respect to the relative angle rather than a sin(2 θ)
relation [ 19] presented in a simple FM |NM|AFM model. (2) τl
is comparable to τmfor both site-ordered and site-disordered
junctions of L-type and G-type. Consequently, the dynamics ofthe antiferromagnetic-order parameter would be driven by τ
rather than τm[17,28], with working frequency ωA=γHA
controlled by the anisotropic effective field HA. Note that
ωAis considerably lower than that for the τm-driven case
ω=√2ωAωEwithωE=γHEandHEis the exchange field.
In detail, τlin the site-ordered and site-disordered L /G-type
Fe|MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions are 71 /382×1014τ0
2ek/Omega1−1m−2) and 22 /122×1014τ0, respectively; see list
in Table II. Specifically, τlin the G-type junctions is several
times larger than that in the L-type junctions, and is sensitive
to site disorder. In comparison, τ||
mis not only stable to site
disorder but also to spin configurations, as demonstrated in
Table II. Furthermore, τ||
mcalculated by the WFM method is
consistent well with that estimated from transmissions via afree-electron model [ 46].
Moreover, τ
lis strongly dependent on the thickness of
FeMn, whereas τmis almost constant. The behavior of τl(as a
064402-3JIA, TANG, W ANG, AND QIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 064402 (2017)
TABLE II. In-plane spin transfer torque in site-ordered and site-disordered L-/G-type Fe |MgO(n) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions with clean
interface with θ=90◦. The resistance area RA=1/G(EF).ηmandηlare the spin transfer efficiency of STT on the total magnetization
mand antiferromagnetic order parameter l, respectively. VCandJCare the critical bias voltage and critical current density to switch the
antiferromagnetic order parameter, circularly. We assess VCandJCby choosing easy uniaxial anisotropy field of 20 mTand Gilbert damping
coefficient of 0.01 in the spin dynamics simulations.
n(L) MR (%) RA(/Omega1μm2) τm(τ0) τl(τ0) ηm(¯h/2e) ηl(¯h/2e) VC(mV) JC(105Acm−2)
Site-ordered cases
32 2 /12 0.11 /0.093 73 /93 71 /381 0.75 /0.80 0.74 /3.3 0.17 /0.03 1.5 /0.35
52 3 /16 3.6 /2.2 2.4 /4.2 2.9 /3.9 0.80 /0.85 0.96 /0.79 4.2 /3.2 1.2 /1.4
74 6 /22 39 /26 0.21 /0.37 0.25 /0.56 0.76 /0.88 0.89 /1.3 49 /22 1.3 /0.86
97 1 /24 352 /245 0.02 /0.04 0.02 /0.08 0.72 /0.89 0.68 /1.9 593 /147 1.7 /0.60
3a4/2 0.036 /0.034 92 /97 74 /20 0.31 /0.30 0.25 /0.061 0.17 /0.63 4.5 /19
3b22/3 0.11 /0.098 80 /94 20 /4 0.81 /0.85 0.20/ /0.034 0.62 /3.3 5.7 /34
Site-disordered cases
33 5 /0.56 0.13 /0.11 72 /76 22 /6.3 0.83 /0.77 0.25 //0.064 0.56 /2.0 4.5 /18
53 9 /0.71 3.7 /2.3 0.92 /1.07 0.91 /0.13 0.31 /0.23 0.31 /0.028 13.5 /93 3.7 /41
75 3 /−0.49 34 /27 0.31 /0.36 0.21 /0.23 0.99 /0.83 0.65 /0.54 60 /53 1.7 /2.1
98 4 /−1.59 313/ /239 0.035 /0.04 0.14 /0.18 0.98 /0.91 3.8 /4.1 89 /66 0.30 /0.29
314/3 0.039 /0.042 88 /74 35 /33 0.32 /0.29 0.13 /0.13 0.35 /0.36 8.9 /8.8
3227/5.7 0.12 /0.12 75 /75 37 /20 0.81 /0.75 0.39 /0.20 0.34 /0.61 2.9 /5.6
a10% OV at interfaces close to MgO.
b10% SF in Fe 0.5Mn 0.5.
function of FeMn thickness) is different from the recent model
calculations [ 17,28], where a AFM |NM|AFM spin valve was
studied with the spin torque acting on the antiferromagneticorder parameter increasing linearly with the thickness of AFMlayers. The difference seems to be the combination effect of aninterfacial effect (as shown in Fig. 3) and multiple scattering
(as shown in Fig. 4).
FIG. 4. (a, b) k||resolved STT and (c, d) spin transfer efficiency
η=τ(k)/G(k) in units of ¯ h/2ewithG(k)=(e2/h)Tr[t(k)t†(k)]
in site-ordered G-type Fe |MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junction with
clean interface at relative angle of 90◦.To check the spin-transfer behavior in the antiferromagnetic
FeMn, we present the layer-dependent spin torque in thesite-ordered G-type Fe |MgO(3) |Fe
0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions
with clean interface in Fig. 3(b). Here, both τlandτmdecrease
quickly with distance from the MgO |FeMn interface [the
behavior is more clear for thicker FeMn layers; see insetof Fig. 3(b)], indicating that the spin torque may be an
interfacial effect. The behavior is very similar to spin transferin FMs. In comparison, the spin torque in an antiferromagneticmetal-based spin valve spans the whole antiferromagneticregion [ 17,18,28].
Of equal importance as the magnitude of spin torque is the
spin transfer efficiency in assessing the spin transfer process.We give the spin transfer efficiency in Table IIfor both
STTs as applied to total magnetization and antiferromagneticorder parameter. The spin transfer efficiency of the STTon the total magnetization ( η
m) is seen to be close to but
less than one unit for most cases, which is quite stable inthe presence of defects such as OV and SF. The high-spintransfer efficiency is related to strong spin filtering of the MgObarrier. However, the spin transfer efficiency of the STT forthe antiferromagnetic order parameter ( η
l) is sensitive to not
only barrier thickness but also defects (Table II). Surprisingly,
we find ηlis larger than one unit in several junctions. For
example, ηlof 3.3 ¯h/2eis observed in the site-ordered G-type
Fe|MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junction with clean interface at
the relative angle of 90◦. By comparing the STT with ηin the
junctions, we find that high ηcontributes largely in enhancing
To check the enhanced τlandηl,w eg i v e k||-resolved τand
ηin the site-ordered G-type Fe |MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu
junction with clean interface at relative angle of 90◦(Fig. 4).
Bothτmandτlare mainly from hot spots in the 2D BZ, and
the pattern of the former is close to that of the transmission,
indicating that spin transfer is carried mainly by resonance
states. Hot k||points with maximum ηm∼1.4¯h/2eandηl∼
85¯h/2eare observed, indicating that spin transfer occurs more
than once. Considering the relative angle of 90◦between the
magnetization of the left lead and the order parameter of FeMn,the spin transfer efficiency contributed by the MgO |FeMn
interface does not exceed one unit, and multiple spin transfermay stem from the FeMn region.
Replacing Mn by Fe, a Fe |MgO|AFM-Fe |Cu junction is
formed. We find τ
lin both the L-type and G-type junctions
are several times larger than τm. In detail, τm∼146/81×
1014τ0andτl∼486/346×1014τ0are observed in the L-/G-
type Fe |MgO(3) |AFM-Fe(16) |Cu junctions at relative angle of
90◦. That is, multiple spin transfer is found in both the L-type
and G-type junctions.
Furthermore, OV shows less effect on τmfor both
site-ordered and site-disordered junctions. τmof 97/92×
1014τ0and 88 /74×1014τ0are found in the site-ordered and
site-disordered G −/L−type Fe |MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu
junctions with 10% OV at Fe |MgO and FeMn |MgO interfaces,
respectively; see Table II. They are slightly larger than those
in the correspondingly clean junctions, respectively. Theenhancement in spin-dependent transmissions from vertexscattering in the dirty junctions may be responsible for theenhanced spin torque. In comparison, OV at interfaces wouldenhance τ
lin the G-type junctions but suppress τlin the L-type
Similar to OV , τl/τmis sensitive/insensitive to SF in
the antiferromagnetic region. τmof 80/94×1014τ0, and
75/75×1014τ0andτlof 20/4×1014τ0and 37 /20×1014τ0
are found in the site-ordered and site-disordered L-/G-type
Fe|MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junction in the presence of 10%
SF, respectively. Hence, to achieve large τl, spin disorder
should be avoided.
From angular-dependent STT, we can estimate the critical
switching bias voltage and current by a phenomenologicalLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation [ 17]. We find that
the angular dependency in STT for both L-type and G-typejunctions follows simple trigonometric functions. Consider-ing a single AFM domain with easy uniaxial anisotropicfieldH
K∼20 mT along the zdirection and Gilbert damp-
ing coefficient of 0.01, we estimated the critical switch-ing bias voltage V
Cand critical current density JCin
Fe|MgO|Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions (Table II). As barrier
thickness increases, VCincreases exponentially. Also G(EF)
(G=1/RA ) decreases exponentially, while JC, the product
ofVCandG(EF), is of order 105Acm−2and changes less with
MgO thickness. For example, VCof 0.17/0.032 mV and JC
of 1.5/0.35×105Acm−2is found in site-ordered L-/G-type
Fe|MgO(3) |Fe0.5Mn 0.5(16)|Cu junctions. Both VCandJCare
about one order smaller than those in Fe |MgO|Fe junctions
[38,47] with the same barrier thickness, respectively. The
reduction in VCandJC, compared with those in Fe |MgO|Fe
junctions, should be related with: (1) enhanced spin torque bymultiple spin transfers in the AFM region (Fig. 4), (2) absence
of shape anisotropy, and (3) symmetric angular dependencein spin torque. Furthermore, the uniaxial anisotropy in AFMdepends on thickness. This is similar to that in FM. A smallH
Kof less than 1 m Tin thin FeMn has been estimated inthe NiFe |FeMn|CoFe multilayer [ 48]. Using this parameter
value, VCandJCwould be one order smaller than the numbers
So far, we conclude that the spin dynamics in the antifer-
romagnetic Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu junctions is driven by τlwith
low working frequency. The conclusion is weakly contingenton the right lead materials, and similar spin dynamic behaviorsare observed in junctions with the right Cu lead replaced bymetals such as bcc-Cr, fcc-Ag, and fcc-pt. Moreover, the spindynamics in an AFM driven by τ
mis as effective as that driven
byτl. For example, the spin Hall effect [ 49,50]a tt h eN M |AFM
interface can induce pure τmin the absence of a particle current
across the AFM, which driving the spin dynamics at very highworking frequency.
However, it is hard to observe MR in FeMn-based
structures experimentally, partly because the spin structureis complex [ 51–54] in FeMn. If the spin structure in
FeMn is simply collinear, MR would be easily observedexperimentally. An experimental study [ 39] shows that the
introduction of an exchange bias in the FeMn |Co interface
can collinearly stabilize the antiferromagnetic order parameter.Moreover, the collinear spin structure is also experimen-tally demonstrated in bulky antiferromagnetic Mn
2Au [ 55]
and CuMnAs [ 56]. We expect an experimentally observed
nonrelativistic MR in this collinear antiferromagnetic spinstructure.
Based on first-principles scattering theory, we predict
large MR and STT in antiferromagnetic Fe |MgO|FeMn|Cu
junctions. A larger MR ∼100% was found in one junction.
Spin torque acting on antiferromagnetic order parameters τl
is the same order as that acting on the total magnetization τm.
The marked MR and τlin the site-ordered G-type junctions
are related to reduced symmetry in the system. Both MRand STT are sensitive to interfacial OV and SF in the FeMnregion. Spin dynamics, studied using a phenomenological
LLG equation, suggest that τ
lrather than τmdrives the
magnetic dynamics. An electronic bias of order 10−1mV and
current density of order 105Acm−2are predicted to efficiently
switch a junction with a 3L MgO barrier, which are oneorder smaller than those in the Fe |MgO|Fe junction with the
same barrier thickness, respectively. Multiple spin transferexisting in the antiferromagnetic region may be responsiblefor the enhanced spin torque and small switching currentdensity.
X.J. thanks Ke Xia at BNU for the suggestion of the cal-
culations. We gratefully acknowledge financial support fromNational Natural Science Foundation of China under GrantsNo. 11274094 and No. 51332007. X.J. also acknowledgesfinancial support from HPU (Grants No. B2012-021 and No.T2016-2).
X. Jia and H. Tang contributed equally to this study and
share first authorship.
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RevModPhys.82.557.pdf | Axions and the strong CPproblem
Jihn E. Kim *
Department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Theoretical Physics, Seoul National
University, Seoul 151-747, Korea
Gianpaolo Carosi†
Physical Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore,California 94550, USA
/H20849Published 4 March 2010 /H20850
Current upper bounds on the neutron electric dipole moment constrain the physically observable
quantum chromodynamic /H20849QCD /H20850vacuum angle /H20841/H9258¯/H20841/H1135110−11. Since QCD explains a great deal of
experimental data from the 100 MeV to the TeV scale, it is desirable to explain this smallness of /H20841/H9258¯/H20841
in the QCD framework; this is the strong CPproblem. There now exist two plausible solutions to this
problem, one of which leads to the existence of a very light axion. The axion decay constant window,
109/H11351Fa/H113511012GeV for an O/H208491/H20850initial misalignment angle /H92581, has been obtained from astrophysical
and cosmological data. For Fa/H114071012GeV with/H92581/H11021O/H208491/H20850, axions may constitute a significant fraction
of the dark matter of the universe. The supersymmetrized axion solution of the strong CPproblem
introduces its superpartner the axino, which might have affected the evolution of the Universesignificantly. The very light axion /H20849theory, supersymmetrization, and models /H20850using recent particle,
astrophysical, and cosmological data, and present prospects for its discovery is reviewed here.
DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.82.557 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 14.80.Va, 12.38.Aw, 95.35. /H11001d, 11.30./H11002j
I. Overview 557
II. The Strong CPProblem and Solutions 560
A. Neutron electric dipole moment 561B. Possible solutions 562
1. Calculable
/H9258 562
2. Massless up quark 562
III. Axions 563
A. Axion shift symmetry and reparametrization
invariance 564
1. Supersymmetrization 566
B. Axion mass 566
1. Axion mass with light quarks 5682. Comparison with old calculations 5703. Mesons without axions 5704. The
/H9258=0 vacuum with axions 570
C. Axion couplings 571
1. Axion-hadron coupling 5712. Axion-photon-photon coupling 5743. Axion-lepton couplings 574
D. Old laboratory bounds on F
a 575
IV . Axions from Outer Space 575
A. Axions from stars 575B. Axions in the universe 576C. Axion cosmology beyond the window 579D. Quintessential axion 580
V . Axion Detection Experiments 580
A. Solar axion search 5811. Axion helioscopes 581
2. Bragg diffraction scattering 5813. Geomagnetic conversion 581
B. Search for cosmic axions 581
1. General detector properties 5822. Microwave receiver detectors 5833. Rydberg atom detectors 584
C. Laser searches 585
1. Polarization shift of laser beams 5852. Light shining through walls 5853. Magneto-optical vacuum effects 586
VI. Theories for Very Light Axions 587
A. SM singlets without SUSY 587B. Composite axions 587C. Axions with extra dimensions 588D. SUSY-breaking scale, axion and axino 588E. The
/H9262problem 588
F. Axions from superstrings 590
1. Model-independent axion 5912. Model-dependent axion 5923. Toward a plausible QCD axion from string
theory 592
4. Hidden-sector confining forces, axion
mixing, and approximate PQ symmetry 593
VII. Axino Cosmology 593
A. Neutralino and gravitino 594B. Axino 595
Acknowledgments 596References 596
Strong interaction phenomena have revealed that the
discrete symmetries of charge conjugation C, parity P,*jekim@ctp.snu.ac.kr
0034-6861/2010/82 /H208491/H20850/557 /H2084945/H20850 ©2010 The American Physical Society 557and time reversal Tare separately good symmetries of
nature. Therefore, quantum chromodynamics /H20849QCD /H20850
based on the gauge group SU /H208493/H20850c/H20849Han and Nambu,
1965 ;Bardeen, Fritszch, and Gell-Mann, 1972 /H20850must re-
spect any combinations of these discrete symmetries C,
P, and Tto be accepted as the theory of strong interac-
tions. Among these discrete symmetries, the CPsymme-
try is not necessarily respected in QCD due to the non-
zero QCD vacuum angle /H9258, an issue known as the
“strong CPproblem.” Since QCD is so successful phe-
nomenologically, a possible solution to the strong CP
problem is expected to be realized in nature. Currentlythe most attractive solution leads to the existence of avery light axion /H20849Kim, 1979 ;Shifman, Vainstein, and Za-
kharov, 1980 ;Dine, Fischler, and Srednicki, 1981b ;Zhit-
nitskii, 1981 /H20850. Searches for QCD axions generated from
the Sun /H20849Andriamonje et al. , 2007 ;Inoue et al. , 2008 /H20850and
remnant axions from the early Universe /H20849Rosenberg,
2004 ;Carosi, 2007 /H20850are presently ongoing.
The story of axions started with the QCD U /H208491/H20850prob-
lem /H20849Weinberg, 1975 /H20850which is now understood, having
been solved by the ’t Hooft determinental interaction /H20849’t
Hooft, 1976 ,1986 /H20850. The determinental interaction is
shown as the left diagram of Fig. 1and the solution is
shown as the shaded right diagram. The strong interac-tion causes the quark bilinears to condense with a
vacuum expectation value /H20849VEV /H20850of order
v/H11229260 MeV.
The phase of this interaction /H9258¯originates from the QCD
vacuum angle, which is known to be physical /H20849Callan,
Dashen, and Gross, 1976 ;Jackiw and Rebbi, 1976 /H20850, and
contributes to the neutron electric dipole moment
/H20849NEDM /H20850with order /H9258¯times the neutron size, a large
value. Peccei and Quinn /H20849PQ /H20850observed that there exists
a way to make /H9258¯a phase by introducing a symmetry, now
called U /H208491/H20850PQ; then physical amplitudes do not depend
on/H9258¯, as in the massless quark case /H20849Peccei and Quinn,
1977a ,1977b /H20850. In the standard model /H20849SM /H20850, this phase is
a pseudoscalar Goldstone boson called the “axion”among the multitude of Higgs fields as noted by Wein-
berg /H208491978 /H20850and Wilczek /H208491978 /H20850. If the PQ idea was com-
pleted with Fig. 1, this axion would be exactly massless
/H20849but observable /H20850, and
/H9258¯would behave “unphysically” in
having to choose the freedom an appropriate axionVEV , which was the original PQ idea. However, there
exist subleading terms, proportional to one power of m
which close the quark lines with the current quark massinstead of a condensation. Then an axion potential de-velops, and the axion becomes a pseudo-Goldstone bo-
son. The axion solution of the strong CP problem is
cosmological in that the axion VEV chooses
/H9258¯=0 at the
minimum of this axion potential. The currently allowedaxion is very light and long lived.
The properties of the axion /H20849denoted as a/H20850are mainly
given by its decay constant F
a, which sets the scale of
nonrenormalizable axion interactions through a/Fa. Ini-
tial axion searches placed Fafar above the electroweak
scale and additional stringent bounds on Fawere ob-
tained from studies of stellar evolution and cosmology/H20849Kim, 1987 /H20850. Axion astrophysics, started by Dicus, Kolb,
Teplitz, and Wagoner /H208491978 ,1980 /H20850using earlier ideas
from Sato and Sato /H208491975 /H20850and Sato /H208491978 /H20850now gives a
stringent lower bound on the decay constant, F
/H11003109GeV, from the study of SN1987A /H20849Raffelt, 1990a ;
Turner, 1990 /H20850. With this large decay constant, the axion
flux from the Sun is a small fraction of the solar neutrinoflux, but may still be detectable by the CERN AxionSolar Telescope /H20849CAST /H20850experiment and by the Tokyo
It is known that very light axions with F
ain the
1012GeV region /H20849axion mass in the /H9262eV range /H20850might
compose some part of cold dark matter /H20849CDM /H20850in the
Universe /H20849Abbott and Sikivie, 1983 ;Dine and Fischler,
1983 ;Preskill, Wise, and Wilczek, 1983 /H20850. The exact
amount of axion CDM depends on the initial axion mis-
alignment angle /H92581at the time of axion creation when
the universe temperature was around the axion decay
constant, T/H11011Fa. This observation puts the very light ax-
ion on the list of leading CDM candidate particles. Ifindeed these cosmic axions compose a significant frac-tion of CDM in the universe, they may be detectable bycollection of axion-converted photons in cavity-type de-tectors /H20849Sikivie, 1983 /H20850as tried by DePanfilis et al. /H208491987 /H20850
and Hagmann et al. /H208491990 /H20850and now continuing at the
Axion Dark Matter experiment /H20849ADMX /H20850.
Cosmology including CDM was the leading candidate
for the early Universe in the 1980s /H20849Blumenthal, Faber,
Primack, and Rees, 1984 ;Kolb and Turner, 1990 ;Wein-
berg, 2008 /H20850. Since then this view has given way to the
new cosmology with the discovery of dark energy /H20849DE /H20850
in 1998 /H20849Riess et al. , 1998 ;Perlmutter et al. , 1999 /H20850. The
current view of the dominant components of the Uni-
verse is/H9024
CDM /H112290.23 and/H9024/H9011/H112290.73 with only a few per-
cent consisting of baryons /H20849Spergel et al. , 2007 /H20850. The
most plausible dark matter candidates at present are thelightest supersymmetric /H20849SUSY /H20850particle /H20849LSP /H20850, the ax-
ion, the axino, and the gravitino. Here we review theaxion and its CDM-related possibilities.
The need for DM was suggested as early as the 1930s
/H20849Zwicky, 1933 ;Smith, 1936 /H20850. Since then, evidence of non-
luminous DM in the universe has been accumulating:examples include flat galactic rotation curves, Chandrasatellite photos, and gravitational lensing effects. If thegalactic bulge is the dominant mass in the galaxy, the
rotational velocity
vof a star located at rfrom the center
should be v/H11011r−1/2. But the observed flat rotation curve
/H20851see, for example, McGaugh et al. /H208492007 /H20850, and referencesuR¯uL
FIG. 1. /H20849Color online /H20850The determinental interaction of light
quarks. Chiral symmetry breaking introduces the anomalous
/H9257/H11032mass term from the quark condensations.558 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010therein /H20852violates this expectation and implies an ex-
tended mass in the halo varying as /H9267/H20849r/H20850/H110111/r2. The
Chandra observation of x-ray and gravitational lensingimages also implies this matter profile around the bulletcluster /H20851Clowe et al. /H208492006 /H20850/H20852. Circular gravitational lens-
ing images /H20851Jeeet al. /H208492007 /H20850/H20852also support the existence
of DM. The DM density around the Solar system is
/H9267DM/H112290.3–0.45 GeV/cm3.
Current CDM candidates are either incoherent par-
ticles or coherent oscillations of spin-0 fields. In thisview bosonic collective motions such as the axion can beconsidered as CDM. The popular incoherent CDM par-ticles are the weakly interacting massive particles/H20849WIMPs /H20850or decay products of WIMPs. A more fre-
quently used independent distinction is between thermaland nonthermal relics, but there is no strict relation ofcorrespondence between the incoherent and coherentparticles and the thermal and nonthermal relics. WIMPsare massive particles with weak interaction cross sec-tions, first discussed in terms of a heavy neutrino, corre-sponding to the right-hand side /H20849RHS /H20850crossing point of
Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850/H20849Lee and Weinberg, 1977b /H20850. The left-hand side
/H20849LHS /H20850crossing point corresponds to a 10 eV neutrino
/H20849Cowsik and McClelland, 1972 ;Marx and Szalay, 1972 /H20850.
WIMPs, such as the LSP , are thermal relics when theirnumber density is determined by the freezeout tempera-ture and are nonthermal relics if their number density isdetermined by another mechanism such as the decay ofheavier relics /H20849Choi, Kim, Lee and Seto, 2008 /H20850. In Fig.
2/H20849b/H20850, we sketch the axion energy density in terms of the
axion mass. The shape is flipped from that of Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850,
because in the axion case the low- and high-mass regions
contribute /H9024
afrom different physics, one from the
vacuum misalignment and the other from the hot ther-mal relics.
In addition to the heavy neutrino, SUSY with R-parity
conservation allows the LSP to be just such a WIMPparticle. The LSP interaction is “weak” since the inter-action mediators /H20849SUSY particles /H20850are supposed to be in
the 100 GeV range. For a WIMP to be a successful
CDM candidate, usually the interaction cross section atthe time of decoupling needs to be /H20849Kolb and Turner,
1990 ;Spergel et al. , 2007 /H20850
/H9268intv/H20856/H20841at decoupling /H110150.2/H1100310−26cm3s−1
with/H9024mh2/H112290.113 ± 0.009. /H208491/H20850
This is roughly the cross section for the LSP from low-
energy SUSY, which is the reason why the DM commu-nity is so interested in the WIMP LSP . Some super-weakly interacting particles such as gravitinos, axinos,and wimpzillas /H20849Chung, Kolb, and Riotto, 1999 /H20850might
be CDM candidates as well, but their cross sections donot fall in the range of Eq. /H208491/H20850. The CDM candidate
particles are shown in the
/H9268intversus mass plane in Fig. 3
taken with minor modification from Roszkowski /H208492004 /H20850.
The incoherent fermions, such as the neutrino and theleft ends of the bars of the axino and gravitino, corre-spond to the left crossing points of Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850. The rest,except for the axion, correspond more or less to the
right crossing points of Fig. 2/H20849a/H20850, with reheating after
inflation considered if necessary. Currently, there are ex-perimental efforts to discover the LSP as predicted bySUSY models. Direct cosmological searches are also on-going /H20849Jungman, Kamionkowski, and Griest, 1996 ;
Bernabei et al. , 2003 ,2008 ;Bertone, Hooper, and Silk,
2005 ;Lee et al. , 2007 ;Angle et al. , 2008 ;Behnke et al. ,
2008 ;Ahmed et al. , 2009a /H20850. At the CERN Large Hadron
Collider /H20849LHC /H20850, the probable LSP mass ranges for LSPs
produced by neutrolino decay will be looked for.
It is known that density perturbations must have be-
gun growing much earlier than recombination time inorder to become large enough to form galaxies in theyoung universe. For galaxy formation, therefore, DM isneeded since proton density perturbations could notgrow before the recombination time, but DM perturba-tions could. With DM, the equality point of radiation
and matter energy densities can occur much earlier thanthe recombination time since DM is not prohibited fromlog10(mν[GeV])log10(Ωνh2)
−7−6−5−4−3−2−101102eV GeVDiracMajorana
−7−6−5−4−3−2−101µeV eV
FIG. 2. /H20849Color online /H20850The Lee-Weinberg-type plots for /H20849a/H20850the
neutrino/H9024/H9263h2/H20849Kolb and Turner, 1990 /H20850and /H20849b/H20850the axion /H9024ah2,
where his the present Hubble constant in units of
100 km s−1Mpc−1. The dashed line in /H20849a/H20850is for/H9024/H9263h2=0.113. In
/H20849b/H20850, it corresponds to the hadronic axion. The dashed lines
correspond to the CDM and hot DM limits, respectively.559 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010collapsing by Silk damping /H20849Silk, 1968 /H20850. If the WIMP
mass and interaction cross section fall in the region al-lowed by Eq. /H208491/H20850, the WIMP can be part of CDM. If the
LSP were the only CDM component, then the LSP masswould give one number for the DM density, which may
not be accurate. Thus, even if the LSP is contributing tothe CDM density, we may need the axion to account forthe correct amount of CDM around us. This is possiblein the anthropic scenario of very light axions because itis equally probable for the initial axion misalignment
/H92581to take any value between 0 and /H9266/H20849Tegmark,
Aguirre, Rees, and Wilczek, 2006 /H20850.
Here we review the axion, which is probably the most
interesting Nambu-Goldstone boson /H20849Nambu, 1960 ;
Goldstone, 1961 ;Nambu and Jona-Lasinio, 1961 /H20850,a s
well as related issues. In Sec. IIwe discuss the strong CP
problem and its plausible solutions. In Sec. IIIwe review
the most attractive solution giving the very light axionand present the axion theory in terms of possible axion
couplings defined by c
1,c2, and c3used throughout this
review. In Sec. IVwe present axion astrophysics and
cosmology. Here we present a new number for the cos-mic axion abundance in view of recent accurate data onlight quark masses. In Sec. Vwe summarize the axion
detection ideas and the ongoing axion detection experi-ments. In Sec. VIwe summarize the proposed very light
axion models, including superstring axions. Finally inSec. VII we discuss cosmology with the axino, the ax-
ion’s superpartner.
If the axion was observed, it would mark one of the
most profound elementary particle discoveries becauseit would confirm experimentally the instanton-based ar-guments of QCD. In addition, if it were shown to beconsistent with a cosmologically significant amount of
axions, the CDM idea of bosonic collective motionwould also be confirmed experimentally. If SUSY is cor-
rect and the axion is the solution to the strong CPprob-
lem, axino must have affected the evolution of the Uni-verse as well.
There are good reviews on the strong CP problem
/H20849Kim, 1987 ;Cheng, 1988 ;Peccei, 1989 /H20850; here we outline
a few key points. QCD with SU /H208493/H20850cgluons is a confining
gauge theory with three light quarks below 1 GeV and
/H9011QCD=380±60 MeV /H20849Groote, Körner, Schilcher, and
Nasrallah, 1998 /H20850. The classical gluon field equations have
the instanton solution /H20849Belavin, Polyakov, Schwartz, and
Tyupkin, 1975 /H20850,
r2+/H92672, /H208492/H20850
where the gauge coupling is absorbed in the gauge field,
g/H20849x/H20850is a pure gauge form with G/H9262/H9263/H110081/r4for a large r,
and/H9267is the instanton size. The /H20849anti- /H20850instanton solution
satisfies the /H20849anti- /H20850self-duality condition G/H9262/H9263=±G˜/H9262/H9263
which carries the integer Pontryagin index
32/H92662/H20885d4xG/H9262/H9263aG˜a/H9262/H9263, /H208493/H20850
where G˜a/H9262/H9263=1
2/H9280/H9262/H9263/H9267/H9268G/H9267/H9268a. The classical solution with
q=−/H11009,...,−1,0,+1,...,+ /H11009, introduces a new real num-
ber/H9258which parametrizes the /H20841/H9258/H20856vacuum,
ein/H9258/H20841n/H20856. /H208494/H20850
Since the n’s are integers, in view of Eq. /H208493/H20850,/H9258is a peri-
odic variable with period 2 /H9266. It is known that /H9258is an
observable parameter /H20849Callan, Dashen, and Gross, 1976 ;
Jackiw and Rebbi, 1976 /H20850.I nt h e/H9258vacuum, we must con-
sider the P- and T-/H20849orCP-/H20850violating interaction param-
etrized by /H9258¯=/H92580+/H9258weak,1
64/H92662/H9280/H9262/H9263/H9267/H9268G/H9262/H9263aG/H9267/H9268a, /H208495/H20850
where the curly bracket includes 1/32 /H92662,/H92580is the angle
given above the electroweak scale, and /H9258weakis the value
introduced by the electroweak CP violation. This ob-
servable/H9258¯has led to the so-called strong CPproblem
from the upper bound on the NEDM. For QCD to be-
come a correct theory, this CPviolation by QCD must
be sufficiently suppressed.
1With the canonical normalization of the gauge field, the
RHS of Eq. /H208495/H20850is multiplied by gc2.log 10{σintcm−2}
10410121020neutrino ν
axion aaxino ˜ a
gravitino ˜ g3/2˜g1/2 WIMPχ
FIG. 3. /H20849Color /H20850Some proposed particles in the plane of the
interaction cross section vs the corresponding particle mass mi.
The skeleton is taken from Roszkowski /H208492004 /H20850. The dashed
curves represent schematic shapes of /H9024ivs the corresponding
particle mass mi. The small red square box corresponds to the
hot DM hadronic axion. Two small outside squares /H20849cyan and
blue /H20850in the axion region are marked to show the plausible
GUT and CDM axions, respectively. The abundances of theheavy axino, gravitino, and wimpzilla depend on how inflationends.560 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010A. Neutron electric dipole moment
The interaction /H208495/H20850is the anomaly term /H20849Adler, 1969 ;
Bell and Jackiw, 1969 /H20850which is the basis for solving
/H20849’t Hooft, 1986 /H20850the old U /H208491/H20850problem of QCD /H20849Wein-
berg, 1975 /H20850. The important size of instantons for physics
is near the scale where QCD becomes strong. ’t Hooft
/H208491976 /H20850showed that the determinental interaction of light
quarks carries the same global symmetry as that of Eq./H208495/H20850, and it is customary to use this light quark determi-
nental interaction rather than treating the gluon interac-tion /H208495/H20850. The early estimates of the NEDM proportional
/H9258¯from the determinental interaction are 2.7
/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm /H20849Baluni, 1979 /H20850and 3.6/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm
/H20849Crewther, Di Vecchia, Veneziano, and Witten, 1979 /H20850.
Other estimates from different methods are 11
/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm /H20849Cea and Nardulli, 1984 /H20850, 1.2/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm
/H20849Schnitzer, 1984 /H20850,3/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm /H20849Musakhanov and Is-
railov, 1984 /H20850, and 5.5/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm /H20849Kanaya and Koba-
yashi, 1981 /H20850. Comprehensive reviews of the NEDM exist
/H20849Dar, 2000 ;Pospelov and Ritz, 2005 /H20850. Recently, the
NEDM has been estimated in the hard wall anti–de Sit-
ter /H20849AdS /H20850QCD model with one extra dimension, 1.08
/H1100310−16/H9258¯ecm /H20849Hong, Kim, Siwach, and Yee, 2007 /H20850.
The diagrams contributing to the NEDM are re-
stricted. The neutron magnetic dipole moment arises atone loop in chiral perturbation theory. If we treat thisneutron magnetic dipole moment operator
/H9262anomn¯/H9268/H9262/H9263nF/H9262/H9263emas a vertex, tree diagrams do not con-
tribute to the NEDM, because the magnetic momentterm has the same chiral transformation property as thatof the mass term and hence by redefining an externalneutron field one can remove the phases in the neutronmass and in the dipole moment operator together.
Let the U /H208491/H20850chiral transformation of quarks in the
broken phase be encoded in the neutron mass term as
nn¯Lei/H20849/H92511/H11032/H9257/H11032/f/H9257/H11032−/H92518/H11032/H92660/f/H9266+/H9258¯/2/H20850nR+H.c. /H20849ei/H9251/H11032/H9258¯instead of e3i/H9251/H11032/H9258¯
because the baryon octet has spin1
2/H20850. The VEVs of /H92660
and/H9257/H11032are calculated in Sec. III.B . The CPviolation is
present by a mismatch between the CP-conserving RHS
vertex and the CP-violating LHS vertex as shown in Fig.
4/H20849b/H20850. The mass term of Fig. 4/H20849b/H20850and the neutron mag-
netic dipole moment term of Fig. 5/H20849b/H20850have the same
chiral transformation property and the phases appearing
there can be simultaneously removed by redefining nR,for example. However, the phase appearing in Fig. 5/H20849a/H20850
cannot be removed by this phase redefinition and thiscontribution is physically observable. Since Fig. 5/H20849a/H20850is
the physically observable NEDM, for the proton a simi-lar argument leads to the same magnitude and opposite
sign for the proton electric dipole moment, i.e., d
=0. Now we estimate the NEDM as
m/H9266/H20874, /H208496/H20850
where the CP-violating scalar coupling g/H9266NN /H20851the bullet
of Fig. 5/H20849a/H20850/H20852is estimated by Crewther, Di Vecchia, Ven-
eziano, and Witten /H208491979 /H20850as
f/H9266/H20849mu+md/H20850/H208492ms−mu−md/H20850/H11015− 0.023/H9258¯,
where Z=mu/md/H110150.48, md/H110154.9 MeV, and ms/md
/H1122920.1. From Eq. /H2084948/H20850of Sec. III.B , we estimate the
CP-violating scalar coupling as
3. /H208498/H20850
Note that Eqs. /H208497/H20850and /H208498/H20850give a factor of /H1101110 differ-
ence. Existing calculations vary within a factor of 10.These old calculations depend on the various approxi-mation methods used, but none of these estimated a
VEV of
/H92660. For example, for Eq. /H208497/H20850, Eq. /H2084911/H20850of
Crewther, Di Vecchia, Veneziano, and Witten /H208491979 /H20850
uses the SU /H208493/H20850symmetric baryon octet coupling due to
theCP-violating interaction. On the other hand, for Eq.
/H208498/H20850the ground state vacuum of the mesonic fields has
been used. After integrating out baryons, we look forthe vacuum below the chiral symmetry scale. Then, thecorrect vacuum choice adds the value /H208498/H20850to the value
/H208497/H20850. But here we choose the one-order-larger value from
the mesonic vacuum shift value /H208498/H20850for an order of mag-
nitude estimate, not concerning ourselves about thesigns of the contributions. So we estimate the NEDM as
−15/H9258¯ecm from Eq. /H208498/H20850.
Since the recent upper bound on the NEDM is /H20841dn/H20841
/H110212.9/H1100310−26ecm /H20849Baker et al. , 2006 /H20850, we must require××
(a) (b)
FIG. 4. Loop corrections for n¯n-meson coupling. Insertion of
theCPviolation effect by VEVs of /H92660and/H9257/H11032in/H20849a/H20850. They can
be transferred to one vertex shown as a bullet in /H20849b/H20850. With this
bullet, CPviolation is present because of a mismatch between
theCP-conserving RHS vertex and CP-violating LHS vertex.•Aµ
n p nAµ•
(a)( b)
FIG. 5. Diagrams contributing to the NEDM with the bullet
representing the CPviolation effect. /H20849a/H20850is the physically ob-
servable contribution.561 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010/H20841/H9258¯/H20841/H110210.7/H1100310−11. /H208499/H20850
This extremely small upper bound on /H9258¯has led to the
so-called strong CPproblem. /H20841/H9258¯/H20841/H1135110−11is perfectly al-
lowed but its small value is not explained given that it
could have chosen a value anywhere between 0 and /H11011/H9266.
The strong CPproblem is the quest to understand more
satisfactorily why /H9258¯is so unnaturally small.
B. Possible solutions
In the remainder of this paper, we simplify the nota-
tion replacing /H9258¯by/H9258since there will not be much con-
fusion. There are three explanations for the smallness of
/H9258in the naturalness framework: case 1, calculable /H9258; case
2, massless up quark; case 3, axion. Here we discusscases 1 and 2, and concentrate on case 3 in subsequentsections.
1. Calculable /H9258
The naturalness of a theory with a parameter /H9252is de-
fined by ’t Hooft /H208491979 /H20850: The theory is natural if the
symmetry of the theory increases in the limit of vanish-
ing/H9252. A frequently quoted example is the Dirac fermion
mass m/H9274¯L/H9274R+H.c., where m→0 introduces a chiral
symmetry /H9274→ei/H9252/H92535/H9274in the theory.
Regarding the strong CP problem, the appropriate
symmetry is parity PorCPsince the interaction /H208495/H20850vio-
lates parity P, time reversal T, and CP, but conserves
charge conjugation C. Requiring CPinvariance in the
Lagrangian is equivalent to setting /H92580at zero. However,
the observed weak interaction phenomena exhibit weak
CPsymmetry violations in the neutral Kmeson system
and B→K+/H9266−decay /H20849Amsler et al. , 2008 /H20850, and hence the
needed introduction of CP violation in weak interac-
tions with /H92580=0 must be achieved spontaneously. In this
process one necessarily introduces a /H9258weak part in/H9258
which can be calculated and required to be sufficiently
small within the bound given in Eq. /H208499/H20850. Along this line,
many ideas have been proposed /H20849Bèg and Tsao, 1978 ;
Mohapatra and Senjanovic, 1978 ;Barr and Langacker,
1979 ;Segre and Weldon, 1979 /H20850. This naturalness idea
may be extended so as to effect only renormalizablecouplings /H20849Georgi, 1978 /H20850. In any case, the introduction of
weak CP violation by spontaneous mechanisms /H20849Lee,
1973 /H20850or by soft scalar masses /H20849Georgi, 1978 /H20850must be
checked against various weak phenomena. The current
weak CP violation data fit nicely with Kobayashi-
Maskawa-type CPviolation /H20849Kobayashi and Maskawa,
1973 /H20850, and these drastically different spontaneous weak
CPviolation ideas are probably difficult to fit to the data
but are not considered ruled out yet /H20849He, 2008 /H20850, even
though the spontaneous CPviolation scheme /H20849Branco,
1980 /H20850in the Weinberg model /H20849Weinberg, 1976 /H20850is ruled
out /H20849Chang, He, and McKellar, 2001 /H20850. It should be noted,
though, that the models proposed above have difficultyin satisfying the bounds /H208499/H20850.The Nelson-Barr-type weak CP violation however,
mimics, the Kobayashi-Maskawa-type CPviolation even
though the fundamental reason for CPviolation is spon-
taneous /H20849Barr, 1984 ;Nelson, 1984 /H20850. The scheme is de-
signed such that the Yukawa couplings are real, i.e.,
=0 from the CPinvariance. Next, spontaneous CPvio-
lation is introduced through the singlet VEVs; this is thekey difference from the previous calculable models.
Thus, the spontaneous CPviolation is required to occur
much above the weak scale through the singlet VEVs,mediating it to light quarks through mixing with vector-like heavy quarks. In modern terms, the heavy quarkscan be considered as the mediation sector. Then, inte-grating out heavy fields we obtain the SM quarks with
the Kobayashi-Maskawa-type weak CPviolation. To en-
sure Arg Det M
q=0 at tree level, specific forms for the
Higgs couplings to the SM quarks and the superheavyvectorlike quarks are needed. Beyond the tree level,
/H9258is generated at one loop, typically with the
form /H20849Goffin, Segrè, and Welson, 1980 ;Bento, Branco,
and Parada, 1991 /H20850,
/H9258weak /H110151
16/H92662/H9004f2/H20858/H20849loop integrals /H20850, /H2084910/H20850
where/H9004f2is the product of couplings and the Feynman
loop integral is of O/H208491/H20850. To satisfy the bound /H208499/H20850, the
small coupling /H9004f2is needed. Some mechanism such as
family symmetry may be needed to forbid /H9258weak at one
loop /H20849Nelson, 1984 ;Chang and Keung, 2004 /H20850.
This kind of Nelson-Barr-type calculable /H9258weak can be
mimicked in many extra-dimensional models including
superstring theory. Recently, for example, /H9258weak was cal-
culated to be O/H2084910−12/H20850at a two-loop level in a seques-
tered flavor and CP model /H20849Cheung, Fitzpatrick, and
Randall, 2008 /H20850.
Strictly speaking, the axion model also belongs to the
class of calculable models but we separate it from the
models with spontaneous CPviolation because there it
is not necessary to set /H92580=0.
2. Massless up quark
Suppose that we chiral transform a quark as q
→ei/H92535/H9251q. Then the QCD Lagrangian changes as
→/H20885d4x/H20851−mqq¯e2i/H92535/H9251q−/H20849/H9258−2/H9251/H20850/H20853gc2GG˜/H20854/H20852, /H2084911/H20850
where /H20853GG˜/H20854=/H208491/64/H92662/H20850/H9280/H9262/H9263/H9267/H9268G/H9262/H9263aG/H9267/H9268a.I f mq=0, this is
equivalent to changing /H9258→/H9258−2/H9251. Thus, there exists a
shift symmetry /H9258→/H9258−2/H9251. It is known that the tunneling
amplitude due to instanton solutions with a zero-massquark vanishes /H20849’t Hooft, 1976 /H20850, which implies that the
shift symmetry is an exact symmetry. In this case,
/H9258is not
physical, and hence there is no strong CPproblem if the
lightest quark /H20849i.e., the up quark /H20850is massless. The mass-
less up quark solution must answer the question: Is the562 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010massless up quark phenomenologically viable? Wein-
berg’s famous up-down quark mass ratio Z=mu/mdgave
Z=5/9 /H20849Weinberg, 1977 /H20850. It is very similar to the recent
compilation of the light quark masses, mu=2.6−1.1+0.9MeV,
md=4.9−1.4+1.1Mev, and Z=0.48−1.3+1.2shown in Fig. 6. This
compilation is convincing enough to rule out the mass-less up quark possibility /H20849Kaplan and Manohar, 1986 /H20850.I n
this review, we use Z=0.48 when a number is needed
though the appropriate bound may be 0.35 /H11021Z/H110210.60
/H20849Buckley and Murayama, 2007 ;Manohar and Sachrajda,
2008 /H20850.
For some time the massless up quark possibility was
taken seriously /H20849Kaplan and Manohar, 1986 /H20850. The reason
is that, even if the Lagrangian mass for the up quark iszero, the ’t Hooft determinental interaction may gener-ate a useful up quark mass for chiral perturbation. Therewas confusion on this issue for some time /H20849Leutwyler,
1990 ;Choi, 1992 /H20850. Now, it is clear that the massless up
quark possibility is ruled out, even without use of the
lattice calculation of the ratio m
u/md=0.410±0.036 /H20849Nel-
son, Fleming, and Kilcup, 2003 /H20850.
The axion solution seems to be the most attractive
one among three possible strong CPsolutions, in par-
ticular at present when the massless up-quark possibilityis excluded and calculable solutions need one-loop sup-pression.
Peccei and Quinn tried to mimic the symmetry
−2/H9251of the massless quark case of Eq. /H2084911/H20850, by consider-
ing the full electroweak theory Lagrangian /H20849Peccei and
Quinn, 1977a ,1977b /H20850. They found such a symmetry if Hu
is coupled only to up-type quarks and Hdcouples only to
down-type quarks,L=−q¯LuRHu−q¯LdRHd−V/H20849Hu,Hd/H20850+ H.c.
−/H9258/H20853GG˜/H20854. /H2084912/H20850
Certainly, if we assign the same global charge under
the/H92535transformation to Huand Hd,q→ei/H92535/H9251q,Hu
→ei/H9252Hu,Hd→ei/H9252Hd, the flavor-independent part
changes to
L→ −q¯Le−i/H92535/H9251uRei/H9252Hu−q¯Le−i/H92535/H9251dRei/H9252Hd
−V/H20849ei/H9252Hu,ei/H9252Hd/H20850+ H.c. − /H20849/H9258−2/H9251/H20850/H20853GG˜/H20854. /H2084913/H20850
Since the full Lagrangian must possess global symmetry,
the potential Vshould not allow the HuHdand /H20849HuHd/H208502
terms. The choice of /H9252=/H9251achieves the same kind of /H9258
shift as in the massless quark case, called PQ global sym-
metry U /H208491/H20850PQ. Unlike an the massless up-quark case,
here/H9258is physical. Even though the coefficient of /H20853GG˜/H20854
changes in the same way in Eqs. /H2084911/H20850and /H2084913/H20850, these two
cases differ in that the tunneling amplitude vanisheswith a massless quark /H20849a detailed discussion will be pre-
sented in Sec. III.B /H20850but not without a massless quark.
The reason is that the Higgs fields transform under
PQ, and one of the Higgs fields, called the axion a,
has the shift symmetry a→a+const and corresponds to
the Goldstone boson of the spontaneously broken
U/H208491/H20850PQ/H20849Weinberg, 1978 ;Wilczek, 1978 /H20850. As a result we
call the resulting axion from Eq. /H2084913/H20850the Peccei-Quinn-
Weinberg-Wilczek /H20849PQWW /H20850axion. If the consequence
of the determinental interaction is only Fig. 1, then of
the two bosons /H9257/H11032and aonly/H9257/H11032obtains mass by the
RHS diagram of Fig. 1and aremains massless. If are-
mains massless, the strong CPproblem is solved as en-
visioned by Peccei and Quinn /H208491977a /H20850since for any /H9258we
can choose the VEV /H20855a/H20856such that the final /H9258is zero. This
was Peccei and Quinn’s idea: that /H20855a/H20856has a shift symme-
try mimicking that of the massless quark case. However,
ahas interactions and it can be produced in the stars and
Kmeson decay, which differs from the massless quark
At the classical Lagrangian level, there seems to be no
strong CPproblem. But the axion coupling to /H20853GG˜/H20854is
generated at the one-loop level, which is the
U/H208491/H20850PQ-QCD-QCD anomaly. The ’t Hooft determinen-
tal interaction mentioned above is exactly this anoma-lous coupling. With this one-loop term, the Lagrangian
is not invariant under the phase shift symmetry
→a+const. Since it is explicitly broken at the one-loop
level, the phase field /H9252of the Higgs fields or axion a
does not have a flat potential, i.e., Fig. 1is not complete.
Weinberg and Wilczek interpreted this phenomenon us-ing the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the global
symmetry U /H208491/H20850
PQ. It is said that /H9258is made dynamical
where/H9258/H11013a/Fa, but in the PQWW axion case the com-
ponent was there from the beginning in the phases ofthe Higgs doublet fields. The free energy depending on
/H9258is the potential for the axion. Since it is propor-
tional to −cos /H9258, the minimum of the potential is at /H9258
=0 in CP-conserving theories /H20849Vafa and Witten, 1984 /H20850,012345678
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
mu[MeV ]md[MeV ]
FIG. 6. /H20849Color /H20850The allowed mu-mdregion /H20849Manohar and
Sachrajda, 2008 /H20850. The two downward sloping lines are from the
bound on /H20849mu+md/H20850/2 and the two rising lines are from the
bound on mu/md, determined by the masses of the meson oc-
tet. The two vertical and horizontal boundaries are from theParticle Data Book bounds on m
u=/H208511.5,3.3 /H20852MeV and md
=/H208513.5,6.0 /H20852MeV /H20849Amsler et al. , 2008 /H20850.563 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010and thus the vacuum chooses /H9258=0. We discuss this effect
below the chiral symmetry breaking scale in Sec. III.B .
Thus, the axion solution of the strong CPproblem is a
kind of cosmological solution. Note, however, that the
weak CP violation shifts /H9258a little bit, leading to /H9258
/H11011O/H2084910−17/H20850/H20849Georgi and Randall, 1986 /H20850.
The PQWW axion was ruled out quickly /H20849Donnely
et al. , 1978 ;Peccei, 1979 /H20850, which was the reason for the
popularity of calculable models in 1978 as discussed inSec. II.B.1 . Nowadays, cosmologically considered axions
are very light, because of the phase of the SU /H208492/H20850
/H11003U/H208491/H20850singlet scalar field
/H9268. The simplest case is the
Kim-Shifman-Vainstein-Zakharov /H20849KSVZ /H20850axion model
/H20849Kim, 1979 ;Shifman, Vainstein, and Zhakharov, 1980 /H20850
which incorporates a heavy quark Qwith the following
coupling and the resulting chiral symmetry:
L=−Q¯LQR/H9268+ H.c. − V/H20849/H20841/H9268/H208412/H20850−/H9258/H20853FF˜/H20854, /H2084914/H20850
L→ −Q¯Lei/H92535/H9251QRei/H9252/H9268+ H.c. − V/H20849/H20841/H9268/H208412/H20850
−/H20849/H9258−2/H9251/H20850/H20853GG˜/H20854. /H2084915/H20850
Here Higgs doublets are neutral under U /H208491/H20850PQ. By cou-
pling/H9268toHuand Hd, one can introduce a PQ symmetry
also, not introducing heavy quarks necessarily, and theresulting axion is called the Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii /H20849DFSZ /H20850axion /H20849Zhitnitskii, 1980 ;Dine,
Fischler, and Srednicki, 1981a ,1981b /H20850. In string models,
most probably both heavy quarks and Higgs doublets
contribute to the
/H9268field couplings. The VEV of /H9268is
much above the electroweak scale and the axion is a
very light axion2The SU /H208492/H20850/H11003U/H208491/H20850singlet/H9268field may
mix with the Higgs doublet component by a smallamount, when in practice we can consider the axion as
the phase of a singlet field
/H9268,/H9268=/H20851/H20849v+/H9267/H20850//H208812/H20852eia/fSwith a
/H11013a+2/H9266NDWFaand the axion period 2 /H9266NDWFa. Note
that we use fSfor the VEV of /H9268or the value relevant in
the field space and Fadefined from the coefficient of the
anomaly term; namely, the coefficient of the anomaly
/H20853GG˜/H20854defines Faas/H9258=a/Fawhile the VEV /H20849v/H20850of/H9268,/H9268
/H11008eia/v, defines fS. The periodicity 2 /H9266of/H9258implies that Fa
cannot be larger than v/H11013fS, and we have Fa=fS/NDW.I t
has been shown that models with NDW/HS110051 have an en-
ergy crisis problem in the standard big bang cosmology
/H20849Sikivie, 1982 /H20850. But models with NDW=1 do not have
such a problem due to the mechanism of conversion ofthe two-dimensional axionic domain wall disks sur-rounded by axionic strings into radiation /H20849Barr, Choi,
and Kim, 1987 /H20850.
A. Axion shift symmetry and reparametrization invariance
In the original PQWW axion model, the Lagrangian
in the effective field theory language was extensively dis-cussed /H20849Donnelly et al. , 1978 ;Peccei, 1989 /H20850. Here, due to
the simplicity in the formulas, we present the variant-type axion models where the PQ charges are assignedonly to the right-handed quark fields /H20849Bardeen, Peccei,
and Yanagida, 1987 /H20850. This discussion will make it easier
to introduce our general formulas below. The PQ cur-rent is /H20849Bardeen, Peccei, and Yanagida, 1987 /H20850
u¯Ri/H9253/H9262uRi, /H2084916/H20850
where Ngis the number of families, Nis the number of
up-type quarks coupled to Hu, and x=/H20855Hu/H20856//H20855Hd/H20856. The
color anomaly is nonvanishing, i.e., the divergence of
+mdd¯/H20851i/H92535eia/H92535x/Fa/H20852d, /H2084917/H20850
where we considered the one-family model of uand d
with N=1. If Nis zero, there is no color anomaly. For a
nonvanishing N, we have to pick up the component or-
thogonal to the longitudinal Z/H9262. Since the axial-vector
part of the Z/H9262current is proportional to J/H926235, any axial
U/H208491/H20850current orthogonal to the longitudinal Z/H9262is an
SU/H208492/H20850flavor singlet current constructed in terms of right-
handed quark fields. These include the currents corre-
sponding to both /H9257/H11032and the PQ phase. Since /H9257/H11032is
known to be heavy, we integrate out /H9257/H11032to obtain light
fields below the chiral symmetry breaking scale. Thiscorresponds to picking up an anomaly-free piece, or-
thogonal to the longitudinal Z
/H9262.I ti s
where Z=mu/md. The divergence of Eq. /H2084918/H20850is propor-
tional to mumd, which must be the case for a particle
orthogonal to /H9257/H11032.
Below we use the typical axion model /H2084914/H20850because
it is simple to assign the PQ charges whenever an ex-
plicit example is needed. It has the following U /H208491/H20850PQ
Field /H9268 QL QR
/H9003 1+1
In this example, the axial-vector current for U /H208491/H20850PQis
J/H92625=Q¯/H9253/H9262/H92535Q+v/H11509/H9262a, where ais the phase field of /H9268
=/H20849v//H208812/H20850eia/v. The current corresponds to the charge flow
which satisfies the current conservation equation if thesymmetry is exact. But the axial-vector current is in gen-eral violated at one loop by the anomaly /H20849Adler, 1969 ;2Once it was called an invisible axion /H20849Wise, Georgi, and
Glashow, 1981 ;Nilles and Raby, 1982 /H20850but it is better to call it
a very light axion due to the possibility of its detection.564 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Bell and Jackiw, 1969 /H20850/H11509/H9262J/H92625=/H20849NQgc2/32/H92662/H20850G/H9262/H9263aG˜a/H9262/H9263,o r
/H115092a=/H20849NQgc2/32/H92662v/H20850G/H9262/H9263aG˜a/H9262/H9263+/H20849mQ/v/H20850Q¯i/H92535Qwith the Q
number NQ, which shows that the axion interaction with
the SM fields is only the anomaly term /H20849plus the anoma-
lous coupling with the SM gauge fields /H20850. Here and in Eq.
/H2084917/H20850we explicitly write the QCD coupling gc2, but in the
remainder of the paper we absorb the gauge coupling inthe gauge fields except in the experimental Sec. V. This
axion is the one setting
/H9258at zero; thus one needs the
axion-gluon-gluon anomalous coupling for which the
color anomaly of J/H92625should exist. This kind of symmetry
/H9003is the PQ symmetry.
The axion is introduced as the Goldstone boson de-
gree of a spontaneously, broken global U /H208491/H20850PQsymmetry
in renormalizable gauge models /H20849Peccei and Quinn,
1977a ;Kim, 1985 /H20850and/or as a pseudoscalar degree in a
more fundamental theory where the axion interactionarises as a nonrenormalizable anomalous interaction inthe effective low energy theory. The most compellingnonrenormalizable interaction was observed in the com-pactification of ten-dimensional /H2084910D /H20850superstring mod-
els /H20849Witten, 1984 /H20850. Below we treat the axion as being
present as a dynamical degree at the electroweak scale,whether it arises from spontaneously broken PQ sym-metry or from a more fundamental theory with a non-renormalizable anomalous coupling, and focus on QCD
interactions containing the axion degree, a=
/H9258Fa. Then
we collectively write the most general form of its inter-
actions: the c1term is the derivative coupling respecting
the PQ shift symmetry, the c2term is the phase in the
quark mass matrix, and the c3term is the anomalous
coupling or the determinental interaction Ldet,
+c1/H20849/H11509/H9262/H9258/H20850q¯/H9253/H9262/H92535q−/H20849q¯Lmq Reic2/H9258+ H.c. /H20850
+Lleptons,/H9258, /H2084919/H20850
where/H9258=a/fSwith the axion decay constant fSup to the
domain wall number /H20849fS=NDWFa/H20850and qis the fermion
matrix composed of SU /H208493/H20850ccharge-carrying fields. When
the singlet scalar fields are easier to discuss, we use fS,
and when the anomaly term is easier to discuss, we use
Fa.Lleptons,/H9258is the axion interaction with leptons. c1,c2,
and c3are pregiven coupling constants below the axion
scale fSwith the mass parameter mdefined to be real
and positive below the electroweak scale. Then, the de-
terminental interaction can be used instead of the c3
K3Nf−4Det /H20849qRq¯L/H20850+ H.c., /H2084920/H20850
where we multiplied the overall interaction by /H9258in the
small-/H9258region and require the periodicity condition
c3/H9258=c3/H9258+2/H9266. The periodicity can be accommodated au-tomatically if we replace −2−1ic3/H9258by 1, but then we must
add a constant so that it vanishes at /H9258=0. The sign is
chosen such that the potential is a minimum at /H9258=0
/H20849Vafa and Witten, 1984 /H20850. With the fixed phases, the c3
term is given from the QCD vacuum structure /H208494/H20850, which
does not have any dimensional coupling. But the instan-ton physics necessarily introduces the instanton sizes
and hence a kind of QCD scale Kfor the interaction
respecting the chiral transformation property for a flavorsinglet operator L
det. We use either the anomaly term or
Ldet. The/H9258dependence of the form /H2084920/H20850is −c3/H9258sin/H20849c3/H9258/H20850,
which has the parity symmetry /H9258→−/H9258. The Fourier ex-
pansion satisfying these constraints is
−2−1c3/H9258sin/H20849c3/H9258/H20850=−2−1/H208511 − cos /H20849c3/H9258/H20850/H20852
where the Fourier coefficients satisfy /H20858n=1/H11009n2ian=/H9254i0. Ne-
glecting the n/H333562 terms, we use just the cos /H20849c3/H9258/H20850depen-
In the defining phase Eq. /H2084919/H20850, the PQWW axion is
given by c1=0,c2/HS110050, and c3=0, the KSVZ axion by c1
=0,c2=0, and c3/HS110050, the model-independent axion /H20849Wit-
ten, 1984 /H20850in superstring models by c1=0,c2=0, and c3
/HS110050, and the DFSZ axion by c1=0,c2/HS110050, and c3=0. In
general, axion models from high energy will have c2/HS110050
and c3/HS110050, and the shift symmetry allows c1/HS110050 in a dif-
ferent basis. For simplicity, we discuss Eq. /H2084919/H20850for one-
flavor QCD first. For Nfflavors, both ciand/H9258are de-
fined from Nf/H11003Nfmatrices in addition to the anomalous
coupling and hence the axion is included in Tr /H9258, which
also contains the /H9257/H11032meson part of QCD. For Nfflavors,
ci/H9258must be replaced by Tr ci/H9258. For the following discus-
sion, we refer to one-flavor QCD, but in Sec. III.B in the
axion mass estimation we present the full Nfflavor QCD
result with the chiral symmetry breaking taken into ac-count.
For the case of the axion mass, the c
1,c2, and c3terms
may be relevant, but only the combination c2+c3ap-
pears. This Lagrangian has a shift symmetry a→a
+const, which reparametrizes the couplings between c1,
c2, and c3. Explicitly, the axion-field-dependent changes
of the quark fields qL→ei/H9251a/H20849x/H20850qLand qR→e−i/H9251a/H20849x/H20850qRgive
c1→c1−/H9251,c2→c2−2/H9251,c3→c3+2/H9251, and it must give the
same physics, i.e., /H20849Georgi, Tomaras, and Pais, 1981 ;
Kim, 1987 /H20850,
/H90031PI/H20851a/H20849x/H20850,A/H9262a/H20849x/H20850;c1,c2,c3,m,/H9011QCD /H20852
+2/H9251,m,/H9011QCD /H20852. /H2084921/H20850
The reparametrization symmetry dictates the non-
derivative couplings satisfying c2+c3=const, which is
one reason that we use /H9258=/H9258QFD+/H9258QCD=/H92580+/H9258weak as a
physical parameter in axion models. Usually, transfer of
all couplings of axions to the coefficient of GG˜, the ax-
ion decay constant Faand/H9258are defined. Instead, if we
usefS/H20849defined to be the VEV of the singlet Higgs field565 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010/H9268/H20850, there exists the coefficient c3defined in Eq. /H2084919/H20850. The
triangle diagrams may give an integer times /H9258and the
instanton potential comes to the original value by a /H9258
shift of 2/H9266//H20849c2+c3/H20850, with c2+c3=NDWnot necessarily 1 in
the pseudoscalar field space. Thus, this integer is called
the domain wall number NDW /H20849Sikivie, 1982 /H20850,
NDW=/H20841c2+c3/H20841=T r/H9003/H20849fcolored /H20850/H5129/H20849fcolored /H20850, /H2084922/H20850
where the trace is taken over all heavy and light quarks
and /H5129is the index of the SU /H208493/H20850crepresentation of col-
ored fermions and the PQ charge is given for the left-handed chiral representations. The height of the poten-
tial is O/H20849/H9011
QCD4/H20850of the non-Abelian gauge interaction,
which is shown in Fig. 7with the domain wall number
NDW=3: the bullet, the square, and the triangle denote
different vacua. Two important properties of axions in
CP-conserving theories are /H20849i/H20850the periodic potential
with the period 2 /H9266Fawhere Fais defined in /H2084919/H20850with
Fa/H11013fS/NDW, and /H20849ii/H20850the minima at a=0, 2/H9266Fa,4/H9266Fa,....
This determines the cosine form of the potential. Thereexists the axion mixing with quark condensates as dis-cussed in more detail later.
The derivative coupling, i.e., the c
1term, can never
contribute to the PQ symmetry breaking effect, espe-cially to the axion mass. This axion gets its mass from
/H9258anomaly term which breaks the PQ symmetry. The
global symmetry is not broken by the derivative term,which therefore cannot contribute to the axion mass.From the reparametrization invariance /H2084921/H20850, the combi-
nation c
2+c3is the correct combination for the axion
mass, as shown below. This derivation is included with amore complicated expression in the SUSY extension,
but we show the c
2+c3dependence in this supergravity
framework because it is the underlying symmetry inmany axion models. Some of the following discussion isderived from Choi, Kim, and Nilles /H208492007 /H20850.
1. Supersymmetrization
We now discuss the reparametrization invariance with
the SUSY generalization. In the N=1 SUSY models
with chiral fields z, there are the superpotential W/H20849z/H20850
and the gauge kinetic function f/H20849z/H20850, both of which are
holomorphic functions of z. The superpotential gives the
c2term and the gauge kinetic function gives the anomaly
term c3. The PQ-invariant Lagrangian, the c1part, has
shift symmetry under the shift of the axion supermultip-
let:A→A+i/H11003const. This derivative coupling must ap-
pear from the Dterms in SUSY models, i.e., through theKähler potential. The real Kähler potential K/H20849z,z*/H20850
must respect the PQ symmetry in the form of A+A¯,
K=K0/H20851A+A¯/H20852+/H20853Zq/H20851A+A¯/H20852q¯1q2+ H.c. /H20854, /H2084923/H20850
where the /H92770components of the fields are implied and
theq’s denote quark supermultiplets,
q=/H9272q+i/H9277/H9274q, /H2084924/H20850
with the anticommuting variable /H9277. Here we used /H9277for
the anticommuting Grassmann number since /H9258in this
review is reserved for the axion /H9258=a/Fa.
B. Axion mass
The axion mass arises from the anomaly coupling
/H9258GG˜. In this section, first we show that only the c2and
c3couplings are relevant for the axion mass, and then we
present the axion mass in the broken phase of the chiralsymmetry. With SUSY, the discussion is a bit tricky, be-cause the axion remains massless due to the massless
gluino /H20849as in the massless up-quark case with a sponta-
neously broken PQ symmetry /H20850. For the axion mass,
therefore SUSY must be broken and here one has tolook at how all supergravity terms contribute to the ax-ion mass. Nevertheless, we have the master formula /H2084921/H20850
for the axion, which must be valid even when SUSY isbroken. In this regard, SUSY is not special for the axionmass; the chief constraint is only the anomaly consider-ation. Thus, the following discussion applies even with-out SUSY, but we discuss the axion mass in detail withthe SUSY generalization to include the gluino effects
and hence the c
1-type derivative couplings to matter
/H20849quarks /H20850and gauginos /H20849gluinos /H20850.
We have noted that there exists an anomaly coupling
of the/H9257/H11032meson which is the mechanism solving the old
U/H208491/H20850problem of QCD. In addition to /H9257/H11032, the axion ais
introduced in the anomaly coupling and hence one must
consider the mixing of /H9257/H11032and the axion /H20849Bardeen and
Tye, 1978 ;Baluni, 1979 ;Kim and Kim, 2006 /H20850.
The c3term is the anomaly coupling of the axion,
and we normalize the anomaly as the coefficient
of/H9280/H9251/H9252/H9253/H9254/H92551/H9251/H92552/H9252k1/H9253k2/H9252. With this normalization, from
/H9280/H9251/H9252/H9253/H9254/H11509/H9251A/H9252/H11509/H9253A/H9254leading to − /H9280/H9251/H9252/H9253/H9254k1/H9251/H92551/H9252k2/H9253/H92552/H9254, the c3term
anomaly is defined with A3=1.
It can be shown that, using the Kähler potential /H2084923/H20850,
the kinetic energy terms of fermions contain /H20849Cremmer,
Ferrara, Girardello, and van Pröyen, 1983 ;Nilles, 1984 /H20850
2B/H9262/H9261¯/H9253/H9262/H9261/H20850, /H2084925/H20850
where B/H9262and Yq,/H9262come from the auxiliary components
of real K0and Zq, respectively. In terms of the real parts
RandYofK0andZ/H20851redefined from Zqof Eq. /H2084923/H20850/H20852,w e
/triangledownsld • /squaresolid /triangledownsld
FIG. 7. The case with NDW=3 where three vacua are distin-
guished.566 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010B/H9262=i
/H11509A/H11509/H9262a/H20874, /H2084926/H20850
/H11509A/H20874/H11509/H9262a, /H2084927/H20850
G=−3l n/H20873−K
3/H20874+l n /H20841W/H208412,K=−e−K0/3,Zq=eZ,
The c3term is an anomaly term. In addition to the c3
term, the c1and c2couplings via loops of Fig. 8will also
generate anomaly terms. The derivative coupling, if itever has to contribute to the axion mass, should do sovia the anomaly through loops. In Fig. 8, the couplings
for the triangle diagrams are represented in terms of c
and c2. In supergravity models, we consider B/H9262and Yq,/H9262
couplings, which are nothing but c1. Consider a fermion
with mass m. The derivative coupling through Fig. 8con-
tains the anomaly coupling through the coefficient of
/H9280/H9251/H9252/H9253/H9254/H92551/H9251/H92552/H9252k1/H9253k2/H9252/H20851see, for example, Georgi, Tomaras,
and Pais /H208491981 /H20850/H20852,
m2−f/H20849x1,x2;q,k1,k2/H20850, /H2084929/H20850
Also, the quark mass term of Fig. 8gives
m2−f/H20849x1,x2;q,k1,k2/H20850. /H2084930/H20850
From Eqs. /H2084929/H20850and /H2084930/H20850, we construct1
2dx2=1 . /H2084931/H20850
When we calculate the axion mass in the real and
positive quark mass basis as usual, the anomaly
/H20849a/Fa/H20850/H20853GG˜/H20854coupling /H20849including the loop effect /H20850is the
sole source of the axion mass. In this basis, and also inany basis due to the reparametrization-invariant combi-
nation c
2+c3, we do not have to discuss the contribu-
tions of the derivative couplings toward the axion mass.Even though the derivative coupling generates theanomaly, because it is derivative it does not contributeto the axion mass.
For one-flavor QCD, we can check the above state-
ment explicitly using Eqs. /H2084929/H20850–/H2084931/H20850. In the following two
limiting cases, the integrals are easily computed as, using
Eqs. /H2084929/H20850and /H2084930/H20850: case /H20849i/H20850,m/H11270/H9011
k2/H20874/H20876, /H2084932/H20850
case /H20849ii/H20850,m/H11271/H9011 QCD:
m2/H20874/H20876. /H2084933/H20850
Consider the quark mass term and the one-flavor deter-
minental interaction with the quark condensation,
/H20855q¯LqR/H20856/H11011/H9011QCD3ei/H9257/H11032/f. Then the potential takes the form
V=m/H20855q¯LqR/H20856eic2/H9258+ H.c. + /H20849c3+c1A1+c2A2/H20850/H20853GG˜/H20854.
For the anomaly combination c3+c1A1+c2A2, the
reparametrization invariance Eq. /H2084921/H20850transforms c3
+c1A1+c2A2 to c3+2/H9251+/H20849c1−/H9251/H20850A1+/H20849c2−2/H9251/H20850A2=c3
+c1A1+c2A2where /H2084931/H20850is used, i.e., it is reparametriza-
tion invariant.
For case /H20849i/H20850, we consider the light quark below the
scale/H9011QCD4. Thus, we have
for which we choose c1=0. /H20849If we keep c1, we must con-
sider the kinetic mixing of aand/H9257/H11032./H20850Integrating out the
heavy/H9257/H11032field as/H9257/H11032/f=−c3/H20849a/fS/H20850from the /H9011QCD4term,
which is the larger one, we obtain
from which
fS. /H2084935/H20850
The quarks u,d, and sbelong to this category.c1γµγ5(Bµ,YQ,µ)
k1,ε1 k2,ε2c1γµγ5(Bµ,YQ,µ )
k1,ε1 k2,ε2
(a)( b)
FIG. 8. The Feynman diagrams for generating anomalous
/H9258GG˜couplings from c1for a fermion with mass m. For c2,w e
replace c1/H9253/H9262/H92535byc2m/H92535.567 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010For case /H20849ii/H20850, the heavy quark does not condense, and
integrating out the heavy quark gives
from which the axion mass is given by
Again the axion mass depends only on the combination
c2+c3. Heavy quarks above the chiral symmetry break-
ing scale c,b, and tgive the c2term and vectorlike heavy
quarks above the electroweak scale give the c3term
when we write Eq. /H2084919/H20850just below the electroweak scale.
1. Axion mass with light quarks
In the real world, there exist three light quarks whose
masses are much smaller than the QCD scale /H9011QCD, and
therefore the axion mass has the form anticipated in Eq./H2084935/H20850. Even though there are two light quarks the axion
mass dependence has the form/H20881mas a result Fa/H11271f/H9266.
This is because of the way in which the leading term ispicked up from the anomalous determinental interaction/H20849Kim and Kim, 2006 /H20850as shown in Fig. 9.
In fact, this is obtained simply by noting that the in-
stanton interaction is a U /H208491/H20850singlet /H20849Kim, 1987 /H20850. Sup-
pose we integrate out quark fields; then the quark massparameters appear in the effective interaction as shownin the first diagram of Fig. 9. In this vacuum with a mass-less quark theory, the tunneling amplitude vanishes so
that the strength of the first diagram must be propor-
tional to m
q. With three quarks, we can generalize it as
1//H20849mu−1+md−1+ms−1/H20850. Suppose that there are only gluons
and a very light axion aat low energy. Integrating out
heavy fields, we are left with the flavor-independent cou-
pling aGG˜. Here we are not considering /H9257/H11032even below
the quark condensation scale. If quarks are added,
the flavor singlet coupling aGG˜can be split into quark
mass terms with /H9251u/H11008x/mu,/H9251d/H11008x/md,/H9251s/H11008x/ms, etc.,
as if the quarks are not integrated over, muu¯LuRei/H9251u/H9258
+mdd¯LdRei/H9251d/H9258+¯, which shows that the flavor singlet
coupling is of order O/H20849a/Fa/H20850. Then, even below the
chiral symmetry breaking scale, we have the PQ
charges proportional to 1/ mq. With this definition of
quark charges, the axion mass comes from integrating
out GG˜, and is proportional to /H9251u+/H9251d+/H9251swhich is
/H11011mumdms//H20851ms/H20849mu+md/H20850+mumd/H20852first shown for the
PQWW axion /H20849Baluni, 1979 /H20850. This is true even in the
heavy quark KSVZ-type axion models. Even if the lightquarks do not have the same PQ charge as in some vari-ant axion models /H20849Krauss and Wilczek, 1986 ;Peccei, Wu,
and Yanagida, 1986 ;Bardeen, Peccei, and Yanagida,
1987 ;Kim and Lee, 1989 ;Hindmarsh and Moulatsiotis,
1997 /H20850, the axion mass has the same final form due to the
reparametrization invariance, which will be shown be-low. As a result the axion mass formula we write belowis quite general.
However, there was an assumption in this statement:
/H9257/H11032was integrated out. So it is necessary to include /H9257/H11032to
obtain a more accurate axion mass. The light mesonsand axion interactions must appear from those of Fig. 9.
In this framework, however, the flavor singlet conditionmust be invoked as a constraint. /H20849This flavor singlet con-
dition is the anomaly matching without
/H9257/H11032./H20850Along the
way, we would like to see how the /H20881mdependence arises
below the chiral symmetry breaking scale in the KSVZmodel.
In the presence of vectorlike heavy quarks, the heavy
fields are integrated out; their sole effect is encoded inthe low-energy effective theory as nonrenormalizable
couplings suppressed by F
a, e.g., in the anomalous
c3-type couplings with the SM gauge bosons. It is as-
sumed that the heavy quark does not condense, sincethe QCD coupling is very small due to the asymptoticfreedom at the heavy-quark Compton wavelength scaleand there does not exist a strong force to attract heavyquarks. Below the heavy quark scale, there are no mass-less mesons composed of heavy quarks. Therefore, the
general form of the axion interaction, Eq. /H2084919/H20850, is valid at
low energy. First, the determinental interaction has thesame chiral symmetry behavior as that of the anomalyterm, and the anomaly term is removed in favor of the
determinental interaction to include
/H9257/H11032explicitly. Sec-
ond, we choose the basis where the uand dquark
masses are real. Since the strange quark mass is knownto be below the QCD scale, we must include the strangequark with real and positive mass also in the instanton××msΛ2
FIG. 9. /H20849Color online /H20850The ’t Hooft determinental interaction.
/L50098denotes the quark condensation and /H11003denotes the insertion
of the current quark mass. The diagram highlighted predomi-nantly contributes to the
/H9257/H11032mass, and O/H20849mumd/H20850is neglected.568 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010interaction. For simplicity, /H92660and/H9257/H11032, arising from quark
condensations u¯uand d¯dwith decay constants f/H9266and
f/H9257/H11032/H20849/H11015f/H9266/H20850/H20849Gell-Mann, Oakes, and Renner, 1968 /H20850, are
considered explicitly but with the /H9257meson frozen. The
effects of heavy quarks are included in the c3term. If we
keep c1, the kinetic mixing of mesons and axion is
present, due to the PCAC relation /H208550/H20841J5i/H9262/H20849x/H20850/H20841meson j/H20849k/H20850/H20856
=−ik/H9262fi2e−ik·x/H9254ijwhere J5i/H9262/H11011q¯/H9253/H9262/H92535Tiq. This would modify
the axion mass, and hence it is easiest to calculate theaxion mass by choosing the reparametrization param-
/H9251such that c1=0. In this basis, denoting /H92660,/H9257/H11032, and
ain terms of dimensionless fields, /H9258/H9266=/H92660/f/H9266,/H9258/H9257/H11032
=/H9257/H11032/f/H9257/H11032,/H9258=a/Fa, we obtain the following effective inter-
action below the chiral symmetry breaking scale:
−md/H20855d¯LdR/H20856ei/H20851/H20849−/H9258/H9266+/H9258/H9257/H11032/H20850+c2d/H9258/H20852+ H.c. + Ldet, /H2084936/H20850
where Ldetis given in Eq. /H2084920/H20850,
+ flavor singlet constraint /H20850+ H.c., /H2084937/H20850
and Khas the mass dimension arising from QCD instan-
ton physics. The above form is consistent with the
anomaly /H2084932/H20850with c1=0. Note that the log det form in
the effective Lagrangian was used by Veneziano /H208491979 /H20850;
Witten /H208491979 ,1980 /H20850;Di Vecchia and Veneziano /H208491980 /H20850;
and Di Vecchia et al. /H208491981 /H20850from the 1/ Ncexpansion
consideration, but we use Eq. /H2084937/H20850because of its simplic-
ity in the diagrammatic expansion. The sign of the firstdiagram inside the box in Fig. 9is determined to be
negative without the weak CPviolation /H20849Vafa and Wit-
ten, 1984 /H20850. The QCD vacuum with the flavor indepen-
dence of light quarks without the determinental interac-
tion chooses m
q/H20855q¯q/H20856=−/H20841mq/H20841v3and we choose the sign of
all quark masses to be positive so that /H20855q¯q/H20856=/H20855u¯u/H20856=/H20855d¯d/H20856
=−v3/H20849Dashen, 1971 ;Langacker and Pagels, 1973 ,1979 ;
Gasser and Leutwyler, 1982 /H20850. Equation /H2084937/H20850is the instan-
ton interaction of Fig. 9, which gives /H90114,mu/H90113,md/H90113,...
by many ways of closing quark lines, shown in Fig. 9, but
here one must invoke the flavor singlet constraint . The
dominant term is the second diagram highlighted, whichis flavor singlet and is the main source for the /H9257/H11032mass.
Now we restrict ourselves to the two-flavor case. For
the axion, the key diagrams are those in the second lineof Fig. 9. If there is more than one QCD axion, then the
umd/H20850diagram will be important at the next-level ax-
ion mass. Integration over the instanton size includeslarge instantons, covering the chiral-symmetry-breakingrange where mesons appear as dynamical degrees,where we invoke the flavor singlet constraint. The effec-
tive interaction Hamiltonian of
/H9258/H9266,/H9258/H9257/H11032, and/H9258=a/fScan
be written, using the reparametrization invariance /H2084921/H20850
with Nf=3 and/H9257fixed, as /H20851Huang /H208491993 /H20850and Kim and
Kim /H208492006 /H20850/H20852
K5cos/H20851/H9258/H9266+/H9258/H9257/H11032−/H20849c2u+c2d+c3/H20850/H9258/H20852, /H2084938/H20850
where/H9011uand/H9011dare parameters describing the result of
the Feynman and instanton size integrations. The /H20849−1/H20850Nf
term is canceled by the fermion loop or /H20849−v/H20850factors. If
mu=md,/H9011uand/H9011dare equal. For mu/HS11005md,/H9011uand/H9011d
must be different. The instanton interaction is flavor in-
dependent, which should be respected in the interaction
/H2084938/H20850. The muandmdlinear terms from the determinental
interaction should be flavor independent, i.e., mu/H9011u2
+md/H9011d2=flavor independent. Since it vanishes if one
quark is massless, it must be a function of mumd. Thus,
the instanton size integration with current quark masses
must give mu/H9011u2+md/H9011d2=2mumdL˜2//H20849mu+md/H20850, which
vanishes if any quark is massless. This is because the
original gluon anomaly term /H20853GG˜/H20854does not distinguish
flavors, and the smallness of the current quark massesenables us to expand the ’t Hooft determinental interac-tion in terms of powers of the current quark masses.
Then, the 3 /H110033 mass matrix M
2ofa,/H9257/H11032, and/H92660, taking
into account the chiral symmetry breaking and the solu-tion of the U /H208491/H20850problem, is given as
Ma,/H9257/H11032,/H926602=/H20898c2/H20851/H9011/H9257/H110324+2/H9262/H9011inst3/H20852/F2−2c/H20851/H9011/H9257/H110324+/H9262/H9011inst3/H20852/f/H11032F 0
0 −m−v3/ff/H11032 /H20849m+v3+2/H9262/H9011inst3/H20850/f2/H20899, /H2084939/H20850
where c=c2u+c2d+c3,F=fS,f=f/H9266,f/H11032=f/H9257/H11032,/H9011/H9257/H110324=v6/K/H110322,/H9011inst3=L˜2v3/K2,m+=mu+md,m−=md−mu, and569 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010/H9262=mumd
/H20849mu+md/H20850. /H2084940/H20850
Certainly, Eq. /H2084939/H20850realizes the solution of the U /H208491/H20850prob-
lem due to the /H9011/H9257/H110324term in the /H2084922/H20850component. In the
limit f/F,f/H11032/F/H112701, we obtain
f/H92662, /H2084941/H20850
f/H9257/H110322, /H2084942/H20850
/H208491+Z/H208502f/H92662m/H926602/H208491+/H9004/H20850, /H2084943/H20850
m/H926604f/H92664. /H2084944/H20850
In this form, the /H9266mass has the standard m+v3plus the
instanton contribution to the light quark mass /H20849Kaplan
and Manohar, 1986 ;Choi, Kim, and Sze, 1988 /H20850. From
Eqs. /H2084941/H20850and /H2084942/H20850, we estimate the parameter /H9011/H9257/H110324which
is the source of the solution of the U /H208491/H20850problem: /H9011/H9257/H110324
=/H20849f/H9257/H110322m/H9257/H110322−f/H92662m/H92662/H20850/4/H11015/H20849202 MeV /H208504with f/H9257/H11032/H1122986 MeV and
f/H9266/H1122993 MeV. In any axion model, this form is valid with
/H20841c/H20841=NDW. Using the standard definition on the axion de-
cay constant Fa=F/c, we obtain
Fa2/H208491+/H9004/H20850. /H2084945/H20850
Even though the instanton diagrams of Fig. 9contain
the summation of linear quark mass diagrams, the diago-nalization process with mesons signals the predominantcontribution of the lightest quark. The flavor singlet con-dition discussed before chooses the following linearquark mass dependence:
. /H2084946/H20850
Neglecting instanton contribution to the current quark
masses, we obtain ma/H110150.60 eV /H20849107GeV/ Fa/H20850, for the
mass ratio Z/H112290.48 as summarized by Manohar and
Sachrajda /H208492008 /H20850. An earlier frequently cited Zis 5/9
/H20849Weinberg, 1977 ;Gasser and Leutwyler, 1982 /H20850. The cor-
rect axion mass has to include the current quark masschange due to instantons. However, the resulting esti-
mate of/H9004turns out to be small.
2. Comparison with old calculations
Now we comment on the old anomaly matching con-
dition. If any quark mass is zero, there exists an exact
symmetry a→a+const, i.e., the axion is massless, above
the chiral-symmetry-breaking scale. Below the chiral-symmetry-breaking scale, it is likely that this condition issatisfied. We denote the original current as J
PQ/H9262. This cur-
rent is anomalous above the chiral-symmetry-breaking
scale, /H11509/H9262JPQ/H9262=/H20849NQ/32/H92662/H20850G/H9262/H9263aG˜a/H9262/H9263, where NQis the num-
ber of heavy quarks with /H9003=1/2. Below the chiral-
symmetry-breaking scale, we considered two pseudo-
scalar mesons which have anomalous couplings: /H9257/H11032and
a. The global anomaly matching condition will work if
there is no chiral symmetry breaking /H20849’t Hooft, 1979 /H20850.
For chiral symmetry breaking, there are no massless fer-mions and we consider only color singlet mesons belowthe chiral symmetry breaking scale. Thus, the bosoniccurrent must be anomaly-free after all heavy fields in-
/H9257/H11032are integrated out, i.e., we consider an
anomaly-free current Ja/H9262instead of JPQ/H9262below the chiral-
symmetry-breaking scale /H20849Kim, 1987 /H20850,
2/H208491+Z/H20850/H20849u¯/H9253/H9262/H92535u+Zd¯/H9253/H9262/H92535d/H20850, /H2084947/H20850
where the divergence of the second current gives a sin-
glet pseudoscalar density so that the axion does not mix
with/H92660. Equation /H2084945/H20850with/H9004shows that the finite /H9257/H11032
mass enters into the a-/H9257/H11032mixing.
3. Mesons without axions
Even if there is no axion, we can diagonalize the mass
matrix. If mu=0, one starts with an exact up-quark chiral
transformation, which leads to a Goldstone boson /H9258in
the vacuum, /H20855u¯u/H20856/HS110050. This Goldstone boson couples to a
neutron through /H20849c1/H11509/H9262/H9258/H20850n¯/H9253/H9262/H92535n. In reality, /H9257/H11032obtains
mass by the anomaly, and the symmetry remains unbro-
ken: it is the phase symmetry of /H20855u¯u/H20856. Therefore, any
violation of the shift symmetry must be such that it goes
away in the limit /H9262→0; this is Dashen’s theorem
/H20849Dashen, 1971 /H20850. Thus, from Eq. /H2084938/H20850we obtain the VEVs
of/H9257/H11032and/H92660for a small /H9258¯,
The VEVs of /H9257/H11032and/H92660are vanishing if /H9258¯=0 or any
quark mass is zero. In addition, we can estimate the /H9257/H11032
properties from the interaction /H20849v9/K5/H20850cos/H208492/H9257/H11032/f/H9257/H11032/H20850,
where f/H9257/H11032is the/H9257/H11032decay constant and Khas a mass
dimension. This comes from the diagram of Fig. 9. Com-
paring/H92660→2/H9253and/H9257/H11032→2/H9253decay widths, 7.74 eV and
4.3 keV, respectively /H20849Amsler et al. , 2008 /H20850, we obtain
f/H9257/H110322=/H208494/3 /H20850/H20849m/H9257/H110323/m/H92663/H20850/H20851/H9003/H20849/H92660→2/H9253/H20850//H9003/H20849/H9257/H11032→2/H9253/H20850/H20852f/H92662,o r f/H9257/H11032
/H1101586 MeV. Fitting to the /H9257/H11032mass, we obtain K
=/H20849v9/f/H9257/H110322m/H9257/H110322/H208501/5=240 MeV.
4. The /H9258=0 vacuum with axions
We have shown above that the Lagrangian /H2084938/H20850
chooses/H9258=0 in CP-conserving theories if /H9258/H9266=0 and570 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010/H9258/H9257/H11032=0, which is determined by QCD dynamics. How-
ever, if CPsymmetry is broken, the vacuum value of /H9258
is shifted from the /H9258=0 value by the presence of any
linear term of /H9258/H9266,/H9258/H9257/H11032, or/and/H9258. The meson potential is
invariant under CP symmetry with CP/H20849/H9266/H20850=CP/H20849/H9257/H11032/H20850
=CP/H20849a/H20850=−1. Such linear terms are generated by consid-
ertion of CP-violating phases and chirality-flipping
/H20849L↔R/H20850insertions. As a result linear terms of aare gen-
erated by combining the ’t Hooft determinental interac-
tion and CP-violating weak interactions. Linear terms of
/H9266and/H9257/H11032can also be generated by considering the weak
interactions alone without the determinental interaction,but the conditions of the flavor singlet, chirality-flipping
/H20849L↔R/H20850, and CP-violating effects do not occur at the
one-loop level. In the SM with the Kobayashi-Maskawa
CP violation, Ellis and Gaillard /H208491979 /H20850showed that a
finite correction occurs at the fourth order, O/H20849
/H92512/H20850, lead-
ing to a small NEDM, but infinite corrections occur
from O/H20849/H92517/H20850. These can give rise to a linear term of /H9266.I n
the SM, the pioneering calculation with axions has been
performed in chiral perturbation theory to obtain /H9258
/H3335510−17/H20849Georgi, Kaplan, and Randall, 1986 ;Georgi and
Randall, 1986 /H20850. The estimated /H9258, however, is far below
the current experimental limit of 10−11.
C. Axion couplings
The axion interactions are given in Eq. /H2084919/H20850which are
shown in Fig. 10where we have not drawn the aWW˜and
aZZ˜diagrams which are orthogonal to the a/H9253/H9253˜. The dia-
grams of Fig. 10are complete for the low-energy axion
phenomenology, where the suppression factor 1/ Faby
the axion decay constant is explicitly shown.
1. Axion-hadron coupling
When we discuss axion-hadron interactions, which are
relevant low-energy laboratory experiments and physicsat the core of supernovae, we must integrate out gluonfields. Technically, this is achieved using the reparametri-
zation invariance to remove the c
3/H9258GG˜coupling. If we
keep the c3coupling, we must consider the axion-gluon-gluon interactions also, which are hard to treat accu-
rately at face value but must be the same as in the c3
=0 basis. In this way, the quark interactions are changed
from the original values as follows:
c2→c¯2=c2+c3, /H2084949/H20850
c3→c¯3=c3−c3=0 .
In the notation with overbars, there exist only c¯1and c¯2.
We discuss one family without separating c1,2into
c1,2u,dfirst for an illustration, and then we discuss the
cases with c1,2u,dand write down formulas for three fami-
lies. We define the initial parameters c1,c2, and c3to-
gether with the definition of the vacuum angle /H92580
/H11013/H9258QCD. In principle, the initial vacuum angle can be
a free parameter. Here the vacuum angle /H9258QCD is
defined such that c1=0. Picking up the axion-depen-
dent chiral rotation charge defined below the chiralsymmetry breaking scale Eq. /H2084947/H20850, the chiral quarks in
the chiral perturbation theory are transformed as q
→exp /H20849iQA/H9258/H20850qL,qR→exp /H20849−iQA/H9258/H20850qR, where
TrM−1,M−1= diag/H208731
md/H20874. /H2084950/H20850
The derivative interactions of the axion are obtained in
this way /H20849Kaplan, 1985 ;Georgi, Kaplan, and Randall,
1986 /H20850.
For the KSVZ axion, we have c1=c2=0 and c3=1, and
the coefficient of the gluon anomaly term is a/Fa
+/H9258QCD. Hence, redefining the axion as a+Fa/H9258QCD,w e
KSVZ axion /H20849c1=0 ,c2=0/H20850:
2, /H2084951/H20850
c¯2=c2+c3=1 .
Here c¯2must be split according to the flavor singlet con-
dition into c¯2u+c¯2d, Eq. /H2084947/H20850,o r /H2084950/H20850.
For the DFSZ and PQWW axions, c1=0,c2/HS110050, and
c3=0. If a nonvanishing /H9258QCD is introduced here, we
have, using the reparametrization invariance /H2084921/H20850,c1/H11032
=−c2/2,c2/H11032=0, and c3/H11032=c2. Then the coefficient of the
gluon anomaly term is c2/H20849a/fS/H20850+/H9258QCD, and hence, rede-
fining the axion as a+/H20849fS/c2/H20850/H9258QCD and going back to the
c¯3=0 basis, we obtain for one family,
DFSZ and PQWW axions:
2/H20849−c2+c¯2/H20850, /H2084952/H20850
3The sign convention is stated below.cq
FIG. 10. The Feynman diagrams of axion couplings. Gand/H9253
are the gluon and photon, respectively. c3and ca/H9253/H9253couplings
are anomalous.571 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010c¯2/HS110050,c¯3=0 .
Again, c3/H11032must be split according to the flavor singlet
condition to c¯2u+c¯2daccording to the anomaly matching
condition, Eq. /H2084947/H20850.
When the heavy /H9268field and heavy quark fields are
integrated out, the massless /H20849at this level /H20850degree a
=Fa/H9258which appears from the phase of the singlet field
/H9268=/H20849/H20855/H9268/H20856+/H9267//H208812/H20850ei/H9258appears in the effective low-energy La-
grangian. If there are multiple SM singlets Sicarrying
PQ charges and VEVs, then the axion component is
i/H9003i2Vi2/H208741/2, /H2084953/H20850
where a/H20849Si/H20850is the phase field of Si. The PQ charges are
defined such that the smallest nonzero absolute value /H20849s/H20850
of the PQ charges is 1 so that every scalar field returns
to its original value after a 2 /H9266shift of its phase. We now
discuss axion couplings after integrating out the heavyfields.
In the KSVZ model c
3is calculated using the triangle
diagram of heavy quarks for the global anomaly. The
domain wall number NDWisNDW=Tr/H9003/H20849QL/H20850l/H20849QL/H20850, with
Fa=Va/NDWwhere/H9003/H20849QL/H20850/H20849defined as QL→ei/H9003/H20849QL/H20850/H9258QL
under a→a+Fa/H9258/H20850is the PQ charge and l/H20849QL/H20850is the in-
dex of SU /H208493/H20850crepresentation. Every field is represented
in terms of left-handed fields, and the PQ charges are
defined such that the SM singlet /H9268coupling to heavy
quarks carries one unit of the PQ charge. If the lightquarks also carry the PQ charge, then Eq. /H2084922/H20850gives
DW, which belongs to the generic very light axion
model discussed below. The anomaly calculation gives
the one-loop coupling /H20849NDWa/Va/H20850/H20853GG˜/H20854, but since the
vacuum angle /H9258or axion is given by the coefficient of
/H20853GG˜/H20854,Fais defined by dividing Vaof Eq. /H2084953/H20850byNDW
and hence c3= ±1 where the sign coincides with that of
Tr/H9003/H20849QL/H20850l/H20849QL/H20850. As a convention, choose it to be c3=+1,
which is choosing the effective PQ charges of heavy
quarks to be positive. Transferring c3toc2, we split c3
=c2u+c2dusing the PQ charges of Eq. /H2084950/H20850,
KSVZ axion:
2c¯2u,d, /H2084954/H20850
In the DFSZ model, c2uand c2dare calculated by
transferring the phase of /H9268toHuand Hdwith the
PQ symmetry such that /H20855Hu0/H20856=/H208812v2ei/H9003ua/V/H9268and /H20855Hd0/H20856
=/H208812v1ei/H9003da/V/H9268ifHu*Hd*/H92682defines the PQ charge of /H9268in
terms of PQ charges /H9003uand/H9003dofHuand Hd. Here a
=V/H9268/H9258is not the mass eigenstate and instead of V/H9268the
mass eigenstate a˜uses the decay constant Fa=/H20851/H20849/H9003u
+/H9003d/H208502V/H92682+/H9003u2vu2+/H9003d2vd2/H208521/2/H11229/H20849/H9003u+/H9003d/H20850V/H9268for V/H9268/H11271vu,vd,
and the axion component a˜=/H20851/H20849/H9003u+/H9003d/H20850V/H9268a
+/H9003uvEWa/H20849Hu/H20850+/H9003dvEWa/H20849Hd/H20850/H20852/Fa/H11229a, and Fa=V/H9268/NDW.In the DFSZ model they are given by Carena and Peccei
/H208491989 /H20850:c2u=/H20841vd/H208412/vEW2,c2d=/H20841vu/H208412/vEW2, and c1u,d=c3=0. Us-
ing the reparametrization invariance Eq. /H2084921/H20850,w ec a n
use c1/H11032u=−c2u/2,c1/H11032u=−c2d/2,c2/H11032u=c2/H11032d=0, and c3/H11032=c2/H11032u+c2/H11032d
=1. Removing c3/H11032according to the flavor singlet condi-
tion, we obtain for one family,
DFSZ axion for one family:
where vu=/H20841/H20855/H208812Hu0/H20856/H20841,vd=/H20841/H20855/H208812Hd0/H20856/H20841,vEW=/H20849vu2+vd2/H208501/2. The
PQ charges c2u=/H20841vd/H208412/vEW2and c2d=/H20841vu/H208412/vEW2ofHuand
Hdare obtained by considering the orthogonal compo-
nent to the longitudinal mode of the Zboson. Remem-
ber that the signs of c2u,dare chosen from the convention
that the PQ charges of Hu,dare positive. This result is
for one family.
If we have Ngfamilies, we can calculate the couplings
just below the electroweak scale where all quarks obtain
masses. Thus, we obtain for three families c2u=c2c=c2t
=/H20841vd/H208412/vEW2and c2d=c2s=c2b=/H20841vu/H208412/vEW2. Using the rep-
arametrization invariance, we can calculate c1/H11032,c2/H11032, and c3/H11032,
just above 1 GeV: c2/H11032=0, c1i/H11032=−1
2c2i, and c3/H11032=Ng/H20849/H20858ic2i/H20850
=Ng. Then we integrate out the heavy quarks c,b, and t
to obtain the effective couplings just above 1 GeV; this
does not introduce any new c2terms. Now there are
three light quarks u,d, and sfor which we use the rep-
arametrization invariance to remove the c3/H11032term such
that the isosinglet condition is satisfied; /H11509/H9262J/H9262ais anomaly-
free where J/H9262a=J/H9262PQ−/H9251uu¯/H9253/H9262/H92535u−/H9251dd¯/H9253/H9262/H92535d−/H9251ss¯/H9253/H9262/H92535sand
/H11509/H9262J/H9262PQ=Ng/H20853GG˜/H20854. Thus,/H9251u+/H9251d+/H9251s=Ngis satisfied and
the SU /H208493/H20850flavor singlet condition of /H11509/H9262J/H9262adetermines
ms, /H2084956/H20850
Therefore, removing c3/H11032by the reparametrization invari-
ance, we obtain
DFSZ axion for Ngfamilies:
1+ZNg, /H2084957/H20850
vEW2. /H2084958/H20850
If heavy quarks and also Hu,dcarry PQ charges, we
must consider all these. If one SM singlet /H9268houses the
axion, then we obtain572 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010General very light axion:
1+Z/H208491±Ng/H20850, /H2084959/H20850
1+Z/H208491±Ng/H20850, /H2084960/H20850
2vEW2/H9254Hu, /H2084961/H20850
2vEW2/H9254Hd, /H2084962/H20850
where the PQ charges /H20849/H11001or/H11002/H20850ofHuand Hddetermine
the sign /H20849/H11002or/H11001/H20850in front of the DFSZ component and
/H9254H=1 or 0 if the corresponding Higgs doublets carry the
PQ charges or not. For the MI axion from superstringtheory, which is a hadronic axion, in principle there can
exist an additional contribution to c
1as pointed out in
Sec. VI.F.1 .
If there are no heavy degrees carrying the PQ charges
above the electroweak scale, then c2in the so-called
PQWW model is given by the PQ charges of Huand Hd,
PQWW axion: Same as Eqs. /H2084957/H20850and /H2084958/H20850. /H2084963/H20850
All models have c¯1and c¯2. For the original c2term,
different models give different values; for example,some variant axion models /H20849Krauss and Wilczek, 1986 ;
Bardeen, Peccei, and Yanagida, 1987 ;Kim and Lee,
1989 ;Hindmarsh, and Monlatshotis, 1997 /H20850have different
2’s from those of the PQWW axion. For astrophysical
application, we must keep both c¯1and c¯2. The c¯1and c¯2
terms give the axial-vector and pseudoscalar couplings,
respectively. The axion operator in the flavor SU /H208493/H20850
space can be written as
61, /H2084964/H20850
where F3and F8//H208813 are the third component of the iso-
spin and the hypercharge operators, respectively, and 1is the identity operator.
The derivative couplings with nucleons and mesons
below the chiral symmetry breaking are the defined as
f/H9266n¯/H9253/H9262p/H20874/H20876, /H2084965/H20850
−2/H9266+/H9266−/H11509/H9262/H92660/H20850, /H2084966/H20850
6S, /H2084967/H20850
3. /H2084968/H20850
Here the axial-vector coupling parameters of the
nucleon octet are given by F=0.47, D=0.81, and S
/H112290.13±0.2 /H20849Amsler et al. , 2008 /H20850. For example, for the
hadronic-axion couplings we obtain the results given byKaplan /H208491985 /H20850and Chang and Choi /H208491993 /H20850,
2/H208491+Z/H20850F+1−2 Z
6S, /H2084969/H20850
For the DFSZ axion, there exist additional contributions
from the extra terms in Eqs. /H2084957/H20850and /H2084958/H20850.
Similar expressions might be attempted for the pseu-
doscalar couplings in terms of c¯2u,dand the pseudoscalar
coefficients F/H11032,D/H11032, and S/H11032. But for the axion current,
corresponding to J/H9262a, there does not exist an anomaly as
discussed in Eq. /H2084947/H20850and we do not write down the ax-
ion pseudoscalar couplings. The anomaly carried by ax-ions above the chiral symmetry breaking scale is left
over to
/H9257/H11032below the chiral symmetry breaking scale and
hence these pseudoscalar couplings are for the /H9257/H11032me-
son. The axial vector current of /H9257/H11032to the nucleon octet
J/H9262/H9257/H11032=f/H9257/H11032/H11509/H9262/H9257/H11032+gN5N¯/H9253/H9262/H92535T0N, /H2084970/H20850
where T0is properly normalized, Tr T02=1
=1//H208812Nf, and gN5is determined by strong interaction dy-
namics. The original global symmetry breaking term /H2084920/H20850
is transferred to N¯LNRei/H92511/H11032/H9257/H11032/f/H9257/H11032which is actually the
nucleon mass term,
/H9004L=−mNN¯LNRei/H92511/H11032/H9257/H11032/f/H9257/H11032+ H.c. /H2084971/H20850
For example, the SU /H208496/H20850wave function of a spin-up neu-
tron is
+4d↑d↑u↓/H20856, /H2084972/H20850
where the quarks are now interpreted as constituent
quarks below the chiral symmetry breaking. At low en-ergy, this is the only relevant symmetry for consider-573 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010ation. The octet charge /H92511/H11032is determined by strong inter-
action dynamics. The ducaplet has a different U /H208491/H20850
charge/H92511/H11033. Two anomaly matching conditions, PQ-B-B
and PQ-Q em-Qem, may be used but do not give useful
information because of many form factors. So, the PQcharges of the current quarks being transferred to theconstituent quarks in the octet with a multiplcation fac-
N5, we obtain the PQ charge of the neutron as the
PQ charge of one constituent quark. Thus, N¯LNRhas
the phase /H9251/H11032=2gN5/H208812Nf/Nf. If we guess that gN5is similar
to the octet form factor gA/H112290.75 /H20849Georgi, 1984 ,p .1 0 0 /H20850,
/H92511/H11032is estimated as 1.22.
2. Axion-photon-photon coupling
As we calculated the c3coupling for the KSVZ axion,
we can calculate the axion-photon-photon coupling bysubstituting the gluon lines by photon lines and thequark triangles by charged fermion triangles. Since weare interested in low-temperature experiments, we con-sider the energy scale below the electron mass. There-
fore, considering V
a=NDWFa,ca/H9253/H92530calculated from the
PQ charges of charged fermions becomes
NDW. /H2084973/H20850
Below the QCD chiral-symmetry-breaking scale, we
chiral-transform light quarks to obtain
32/H92662FaaF/H9262/H9263emF˜em/H9262/H9263, /H2084974/H20850
ca/H9253/H9253/H11229ca/H9253/H92530−c/H9273SB, /H2084975/H20850
where the chiral-symmetry-breaking effect, including
the strange quark mass effect, is
3/H208494 + 1.05 Z/H20850
1 + 1.05 Z=/H208511.762,2.260 /H20852/H20849 76/H20850
for a 20% allowance from the tree level chiral perturba-
tion theory estimation /H20849Kaplan and Manohar, 1986 /H20850. For
illustration, we take c/H9273SB/H110151.98 for Z/H112290.5 /H20849Manohar
and Sachrajda, 2008 /H20850.
In the KSVZ model, ca/H9253/H92530is determined by the PQ
charge-carrying heavy fermions. If there were only one
neutral quark for this, then ca/H9253/H92530would be zero. If there is
only one PQ charge-carrying heavy quark with the elec-
tromagnetic charge Qem, then ca/H9253/H92530=Qem2. But, in realistic
models from a fundamental theory it is more likely thatthere exist many PQ charge-carrying quarks, and thecoupling given for one PQ charge-carrying heavy quarkis presented just as an illustration.
In the DFSZ model, we consider only light quarks and
leptons. The PQ charges of H
uand Hddetermine the
PQ charges of uand dquarks. For the PQ charge of e,
we have two possibilities: Hdgives mass to eand the PQ
charge of eis the same as that of d,o rHugives mass to
eand the PQ charge of eis opposite to that of u,ca/H9253/H92530=−2vd2
/H110033+ /H20849−1/H208502/H20876
3, electron mass by Hd, /H2084977/H20850
/H110033− /H20849−1/H208502/H20876−2vu2
3, electron mass by Hu†, /H2084978/H20850
where the PQ charges of Hu,dwere chosen to be positive
before. In applying Eq. /H2084975/H20850, we must choose the PQ
charges of light quarks to be positive and hence the signsof Eqs. /H2084977/H20850and /H2084978/H20850must be reversed. For the PQWW
axion, the coupling is the same as those of Eqs. /H2084977/H20850and
/H2084978/H20850with positive signs.
The KSVZ and DFSZ axion models arise in several
different ways, for which the axion-photon-photon cou-pling has been tabulated by Kim /H208491998 /H20850. In Table I,w e
list axion-photon-photon couplings for several very lightaxion models.
For a general light axion, the axion-photon-photon
coupling depends on the ultraviolet completion of the
theory. If the axion mass is lighter than 2 m
e, its lifetime
, /H2084979/H20850
where Z/H112290.5 and the age of the Universe tU/H110154.35
/H110031017s. For ca/H9253/H9253=O/H208491/H20850, the axion with 24 eV mass has
the lifetime tU/H20849Moroi and Murayama, 1998 ;Hannestad,
Mirizzi, Raffelt, and Wong, 2008 /H20850.
3. Axion-lepton couplings
The tree level axion-lepton /H20849l/H20850coupling arises in the
DFSZ and PQWW axions where the lepton mass term
difines the clof Fig. 10through the PQ charges of HdorTABLE I. ca/H9253/H9253in several field theoretic models. The left block
is for the KSVZ and the right block is for the DFSZ. /H20849m,n/H20850in
the KSVZ block denotes mcopies of Qem=2
3and ncopies of
3heavy quarks with the same PQ charge. In the DHSZ
block x=tan/H9252=vu/vd.
Qem ca/H9253/H9253 x one Higgs couples to ca/H9253/H9253
0 –1.95 any x /H20849dc,e/H20850 0.72
3–1.28 any x /H20849uc,e/H20850 –1.28
±1 4.05
/H20849m,m/H20850 –0.28574 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Hu. The removal of the c3term does not change the
coupling cl, and hence we obtain the following tree-level
couplings of the axion and lepton:
DFSZ axion:
NDWFavEW2l¯i/H92535la, lepton mass by Hd, /H2084980/H20850
NDWFavEW2l¯i/H92535la, lepton mass by Hu†, /H2084981/H20850
where the PQ charges of Hu,dare chosen to be positive.
For the PQWW axion, just Fais replaced by vEW. For
the KSVZ axion, the axion-lepton coupling occurs athigher order and is negligible in astrophysical applica-tions. For the generic very light axion, the couplingsgiven in Eqs. /H2084980/H20850and /H2084981/H20850are applicable.
Even though the tree level coupling of the axion with
an electron is absent in the KSVZ model, the axion-
electron coupling is present at one loop through the c
coupling /H20849Srednicki, 1985 /H20850
me/H20876, /H2084982/H20850
where/H9011is the chiral symmetry breaking scale and NDW−1
must be multiplied in models with NDW/HS110051. On the
other hand, the DFSZ axion coupling to the electron is
eV/H20874, /H2084983/H20850
where Ng=NDW/2 is the number of families and Xd
=sin2/H9252=vu2/vEW2for the case of Eq. /H2084980/H20850.
D. Old laboratory bounds on Fa
With the axion couplings discussed in Sec. III.C , one
can estimate the axion production rates in various ex-periments. Null experimental results give the bounds onthe relevant axion couplings. These have been discussedin earlier reviews /H20849Kim, 1987 ;Cheng, 1988 ;Peccei,
1989 /H20850. These old laboratory bounds, immediately stud-
ied after the proposal of the PQWW axion, basicallyrule out the PQWW axion, i.e., give an axion decay con-
stant F
agreater than O/H2084910 TeV /H20850,
Fa/H11407104GeV /H20849old laboratory bound /H20850. /H2084984/H20850
From Eq. /H2084979/H20850, we note that the axion lifetime is
longer than tUforma/H1101124 eV, and this kind of axion is
important in cosmology. For ma/H1135123 keV with ca/H9253/H9253=1,
the axion lifetime is longer than 10 min, allowing solar-
generated axions below this mass to reach Earth. Theseexamples illustrated the importance of studying low-mass axion effects in astrophysics and cosmology.
The window for F
aobtained from the astrophysical
and cosmological constraints is given by0.5/H11003109/H11351Fa/H113512.5/H110031012GeV, /H2084985/H20850
where the upper bound is understood with an initial mis-
alignment angle of order 1.
A. Axions from stars
In this section we present the key arguments leading
to axion constraints from astrophysical sources. Axionshave very small masses and therefore can be emittedwithout important threshold effects from stars, in anal-ogy to neutrinos. The method to constrain axion modelsis basically the overall energy loss rate, whether usingthe individual stars /H20849e.g., Sun and SN1987A /H20850or the sta-
tistical properties of stellar populations /H20849e.g., the stars in
a globular cluster as a test population /H20850/H20849Kolb and Turner,
1990 ;Raffelt, 1996 /H20850.
We may use the axion couplings to
/H9253,p,n, and eto
study the core evolution of a star. Simple bounds areobtained by comparing the energy loss rates by axionand by neutrino emission. Study of the evolutionary his-tory of a star by axion emission may give a strongerbound than the one obtained from the energy loss ratebut may not be as reliable. Since there are good reviewson axion astrophysics /H20849Raffelt, 1990a ,2008a ;Turner,
1990 ;Amsler et al. , 2008 /H20850, here we briefly comment on
axion physics in stars /H20849Sun, low-mass red giants, super-
novae /H20850to cite reliable F
With axion emission, the Sun consumes more fuel and
needs an increased core temperature. From the Prima-
koff process /H9253+Ze→a+Zein the hadronic axion mod-
els, Schlattl, Weiss, and Raffelt /H208491999 /H20850gave the axion
emission rate La/H112293.7/H1100310−2L/H17018with a 20% increase of
the8B flux with the increased core temperature. The8B
neutrino flux gives the best bound on the solar axion
emission rate. The measured8B neutrino flux 4.94
/H11003106cm−2s−1/H20849Aharmim et al. , 2005 /H20850is consistent with
the axion emission if La/H333550.04L/H17018/H20849Bahcall, Serenelli,
and Basu, 2005 /H20850. This translates to an Fabound of
Fa/ca/H9253/H9253/H333562.6/H11003106GeV for La/H333550.04L/H17018/H20849Schlattl, Weiss,
and Raffelt, 1999 /H20850.
For axion-electron coupling as in the DFSZ axion
models, the axion emission from globular clusters gives a
useful Fabound /H20849Raffelt and Dearborn, 1987 /H20850. Stars in a
globular cluster are assumed to have identical Y/H20849helium
fraction /H20850and metallicity fraction. The helium core be-
fore ignition is degenerate and the bremsstrahlung emis-sion is very effective, whereas the Primakoff emission issuppressed by the large plasma frequency and the he-
lium ignition does not give a useful F
abound for the
KSVZ axion. However, after helium ignition the coredegeneracy is lifted, the Primakoff effect becomes im-portant, and the consumption of helium fuel is acceler-ated by the axion energy loss, shortening the helium-burning lifetimes. Horizontal branch stars in severalglobular clusters confirm the expected helium-burninglifetimes, which agrees with the standard prediction and
the axion losses should not exceed /H9255
a/H1102110 erg g−1s−1in
the cores of horizontal branch stars /H20849Raffelt, 1990b ;575 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Catelan, de Freista Pacheco, and Horvath, 1996 /H20850, which
leads to Fa/ca/H9253/H9253/H333562/H11003107GeV, a factor of 10 improve-
ment over the solar bound. Note that this globular clus-ter bound is for models with an appreciable axion-electron coupling.
In the study of the axion emission in the small-mass
red giants, the processes
and/H9253+e→a+ewere considered. The early studies were
simple comparisons of the axion and neutrino emission/H20849Fukugita, Watamura, and Yoshimura, 1982a ,1982b ;
Krauss, Moody, and Wilczek, 1984 /H20850. In the study of
Dearborn, Schramm, and Steigman /H208491986 /H20850, it is summa-
rized as F
a/H333562.1/H11003107ca/H9253/H9253GeV if the Primakoff process
/H9253+Z→a+Zdominates and Fa/H333563.7/H11003109sin2/H9252GeV if
the Compton process dominates /H20851for the DFSZ axion,
viz., Eq. /H2084980/H20850/H20852. The Primakoff process is present in any
axion model, and hence the Primakoff process bound is
almost model independent except in the region ma
/H11022200 keV where ais too heavy to be produced in the
core of a star. But this threshold effect is irrelevant sincethe PQWW axion region is already excluded. Note,however, that there is no confirmed observation of neu-trinos from the small-mass red giants, unlike from theSun and SN1987A, and the possibility of dominant axionemission from red giants is not excluded by observation
/H20849Raffelt, 2008b /H20850. For the DFSZ axion, the region m
/H1102210−2eV is excluded due to the large axion-electron
coupling. For the hadronic axion, Raffelt and Dearborn
/H208491987 /H20850argued that an axion mass greater than about
/H208492e V /H20850//H20851/H20849E/N−1.95 /H20850/0.72 /H20852would reduce the helium-
burning time scale and is thus not allowed.
For supernovae explosion, the core temperature can
go much higher than the temperature in the ignitionphase of helium in the small-mass red giant cores. Forsupernovae, therefore, nuclear reactions are more im-
portant and the F
abound can be very strong. As a result
we use the axion couplings to nucleons discussed in Sec.III.C.1 to study the core evolution of supernovae. In the
beginning, the bounds on the axion decay constant wereobtained by comparing the nuclear burning rates of pro-duction of axions and neutrinos /H20849Iwamoto, 1984 ;Pant-
ziris and Kang, 1986 /H20850. The discovery of SN1987A was
important in that it propelled a much interest anew inthe calculation of the axion production rate /H20849Hatsuda
and Yoshimura, 1988 ;Mayle, Ellis, Olive, Schramm, and
Steigman, 1988 ;Raffelt and Seckel, 1988 ;Turner, 1988 /H20850.
In principle, the same kind of bound on F
acould be
obtained from earlier supernovae studies. The studiesafter the discovery of SN1987A were performed withthe derivative coupling and quartic terms of Sec. III.C.1
and obtained a bound F
a/H11407109GeV. But as pointed out
byCarena and Peccei /H208491989 /H20850,Choi, Kang, and Kim
/H208491989 /H20850,Turner, Kang, and Steigman /H208491989 /H20850,Kang and
Pantzisis /H208491991 /H20850, and Sec. III.C.1 , a proper treatment of
nucleon states must be taken into account. For axionemission from supernovae, one must constrain the en-
ergy output to
/H9280a/H333551/H110031019erg g−1s−1/H20849Raffelt, 1990a /H20850.
The axion emission rate calculation of Raffelt /H208492008a /H20850is/H9280a= 3.0/H110031037/H20849erg g−1s−1/H20850CN2FaGeV−2Ta,30 MeV4F,/H2084986/H20850
where Fa,GeV=Fa/GeV, Ta,30 MeV =T//H2084930MeV /H20850, and F
=O/H208491/H20850. In a supernovae explosion the axion emission
can be comparable to neutrino emission. Such remnantaxions from all past supernovae explosions may bearound us but will be difficult to detect because of the
small 1/ F
a/H20849Raffelt, 2008b /H20850. For the smaller Faregion
from supernovae explosions, axions can be trapped ifthe axion-nucleon interaction is strong enough. For the
hadronic axion, this gives the bound on m
a/H333561e V
/H20849Raffelt, 1990a ;Turner, 1990 /H20850, and we have a hadronic
axion window in the eV range.
For the KSVZ axion and the MI superstring axion, c¯1
terms are present. For example, we can simply take c¯1u
3and c¯1d=1
6, corresponding to Z=0.5, and hence obtain
12S/H112290.17 for the KSVZ axion. Using cappas
CNin Eq. /H2084986/H20850, we obtain an Fabound from supernovae,
Fa/H333560.5/H11003109GeV. /H2084987/H20850
The white dwarfs in the final evolutionary stage of
low-mass stars /H20849M/H1102110±2 M/H17018/H20850, with the theoretical
model implemented in the DFSZ model, may give a
stronger bound on Fa/H20849Raffelt, 1986 /H20850for some region of
the DFSZ parameter tan /H9252=/H20855Hu/H20856//H20855Hd/H20856. The recent study
of the bremsstrahlung process gives the bound Fa/H333560.6
/H110031010sin2/H9252GeV , and even fits the cooling diagram
nicely with Fa/H112291.2/H110031010/H11003sin2/H9252GeV for Hdgiving
mass to the electron /H20849Isern, García-Berro, Torres, and
Catalán, 2008 /H20850. Note that tan /H9252is known to be large
/H20849/H3335630/H20850in SUSY grant unified theory /H20849GUT /H20850models, and
the white dwarfs may give the strongest Fabound for
some DFSZ axion models.
The axion-nucleon coupling gets enhanced in a strong
magnetic field. Magnetic fields as strong as B/H110221018Gi n
neutron stars have been assumed in the scalar virial
theorem /H20849Woltjer, 1964 /H20850. With B/H110221020G at the surface,
the axion emission rate from neutron stars or white
dwarfs will be enhanced by O/H208491/H20850compared to the B=0
case /H20849Hong, 1998 /H20850.
In summary, axions once produced in the hot plasma
of a star most probably escape the core, taking out en-ergy. This contributes to the energy loss mechanism of astar and is used to constrain axion models. From the
nucleon-nucleon- acoupling, SN1987A gives the stron-
gest astrophysical bound on the axion decay constant,
a/H110220.5/H11003109GeV /H20849Raffelt, 1990a ,2008a ;Turner, 1990 /H20850.
B. Axions in the universe
Axions with ma/H1140724 eV have a lifetime shorter than
the age of the Universe. In this case, axion decay mightlead to photons that can be tested against the observedelectromagnetic background of the Universe, as in some
spontaneously broken flavor symmetric models,
→/H9263ja→/H9263j/H9253/H9253 /H20849Berezhiani, Khlopov, and Khomeriki,
1990 /H20850. However, in this case the needed decay constant,
106GeV, is outside the current bound on Fa.576 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010The axion for ma/H1135124 eV has a longer lifetime than
the age of the Universe and can affect its evolution. Theheavy thermal axions around the eV mass range of Fig.2/H20849b/H20850become the hot DM in the Universe. For the
3–8 eV mass range, they accumulate in galaxy clusters
where their slow decay produces a sharp line that, inprinciple, can be observed by telescope searches as sug-gested by Bershady, Ressell, and Turner /H208491991 /H20850. In this
case, the neutrino and axion hot DM must be considered
together, which now constrains the axion mass to m
/H110211.02 eV /H20849Hannestad, Mirizzi, Raffelt, and Wong,
2008a ,2008b /H20850, almost closing the hadronic axion window
of 1–20 eV of Fig. 15.
But more attention is paid to axions behaving as the
CDM candidate. The axion potential is almost flat asdepicted in Fig. 11. Therefore, a chosen vacuum stays
there for a long time, and starts to oscillate when the
Hubble time H
−1is comparable to the oscillation period
/H20849the inverse axion mass /H20850,3H/H11015ma. This occurs when the
temperature of the Universe is about 1 GeV /H20849Abbott
and Sikivie, 1983 ;Dine and Fischler, 1983 ;Preskill,
Wise, and Wilczek, 1983 /H20850. There exists the domain wall
problem in the standard big bang cosmology /H20849Sikivie
1982 /H20850. The axion strings and domain wall problem have
been summarized by Sikivie /H208492008 /H20850. The axion cosmol-
ogy is correlated to the reheating temperature TRHin
the inflationary models, where one must deal with boththe inflaton and the axion. The density perturbationsproduced by perturbations of the inflaton field are adia-
/H9254/H9267matter //H9267matter =/H208493/4 /H20850/H9254/H9267rad//H9267rad. On the other hand,
the perturbations produced by fluctuations of the axionfield have isocurvature. If the reheating temperature
RHis above the axion scale Fa, the limit on the isocur-
vature of less than 30% from the large-scale structuredata can be used /H20849Beltrán, García-Bellido, and Lesgour-
gues, 2007 /H20850. This will be commented on more in Sec.
IV .C on the anthropic argument.
In supersymmetric models, the reheating temperature
is constrained to T
RH/H11021109or 107GeV /H20849if the gluino is
lighter than the gravitino /H20850from nucleosynthesis require-
ments in models with a heavy gravitino /H20849Ellis, Kim, and
Nanopoulos, 1984 ;Kawasaki, Kohri, and Moroi, 2005 /H20850.
So with SUSY the domain wall is not so problematic.In this case, the problem of string-radiated axions re-
quiring axion mass m
a/H1102210−3eV /H20849Davis, 1985 ;Harari
and Sikivie, 1987 ;Dabholkar and Quashnock, 1990 /H20850is
no longer problematic.
Axions are created at T/H11229Fa, but the axion vacuum
/H20855a/H20856does not begin to roll until the Hubble parameter
reaches the axion mass 3 H=ma, which occurs at T
/H112291 GeV. From then on, the classical field /H20855a/H20856starts to
oscillate. For a small misalignment angle, the energydensity behaves like that in the harmonic oscillator
ma2Fa2, which is proportional to the axion mass times the
number density. Thus, its behavior is like that of CDM,which is the reason that the axion DM is CDM eventhough its mass is very small and its interaction strengthis much weaker than “weak.” Even for a large misalign-
ment angle, an adiabatic invariant Iexists and one can
estimate the current axion energy density. The axionfield evolution with the adiabatic change of the axionmass has been considered before /H20849Chang, Hagmann, and
Sikivie, 1998 ,1999 /H20850.
The temperature-dependent axion mass /H20849Gross, Pisar-
ski, and Yaffe, 1981 /H20850enters in the determination of the
cosmic temperature T
1where 3 H/H20849T1/H20850/H11229ma/H20849T1/H20850. The new
estimate of T1forFa/H112701016GeV is a bit below 1 GeV,
T1/H112290.92 GeV /H20849Bae, Huh, and Kim, 2009 /H20850. QCD has two
phases: the quark-gluon phase and the chiral symmetrybreaking hadronic phase. Near the critical temperature
c, these two phases are separated above and below Tc.
The critical temperature is estimated as 148−31+32
/H20849172−34+40/H20850MeV for three /H20849two /H20850light quark flavors /H20849Braun
and Gies, 2007 /H20850. So cosmology near Tcneeds informa-
tion on the temperature-dependent axion mass. This re-gion is in the boundary of the weak and strong couplingregimes and it is very difficult to estimate the axion massaccurately. Early attempts in this direction are given inSteinhardt and Turner /H208491983 /H20850;Seckel and Turner /H208491985 /H20850;
Turner /H208491986 /H20850.
The ’t Hooft determinental interaction is shown
in Fig. 9. In the quark-gluon phase, we have the first
diagram in the box, which is parametrized as
−5/H20849mumdms//H9267¯6/H20850cos/H20851/H20849c2+c3/H20850/H9258/H20852where/H9267¯is the effective
instanton size in the instanton size integration. /H20851Gross,
Pisarski, and Yaffe /H208491981 /H20850; Eq. /H208496.15 /H20850/H20852expressed the re-
sult as
n/H20849/H9267,0/H20850exp /H20853−1
−1 2A/H20849/H9261/H20850/H208511+1
6/H20849N−Nf/H20850/H20852/H20854, /H2084988/H20850
with/H9251=0.012 897 64 and /H9253=0.158 58, and the prefactor
n/H20849/H9267,0/H20850is the zero-temperature density
Here, the parameters are /H9273=1.3391 and CN=0.160 073
forN=3 with the Pauli-Villars regularization /H20849Gross,
Pisarski, and Yaffe, 1981 /H20850.Faleev and Silvestrov /H208491996 /H20850
argue that the MS scheme is suitable for the study,
where/H9264=1.3391 and CN=0.160 073 are presented for
N=3. For the subsequent numerical illustration, we use
theMS scheme values. For the QCD coupling constant,
we use the three-loop result /H20849Amsler et al. , 2008 ; QCD
byHinchliffe, 2008 /H20850,O(Fa)
FIG. 11. /H20849Color online /H20850The almost flat axion potential. The
misalignment angle is expected to be of order 1 but can also bevery small as shown by the thick arrow.577 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010/H9251c/H20849/H9262/H20850=gc2/H20849/H9262/H20850
4/H20878/H20876, /H2084990/H20850
3Nf, and/H92522=2857−5033
27Nf2.A t T=TGeV GeV /H20849from 700 MeV to 1.3 GeV /H20850,
we parametrize the instanton size integration of Eq. /H2084988/H20850
V/H20849/H9258/H20850=−C/H20849T/H20850cos/H20849/H9258/H20850, /H2084991/H20850
where/H9258=a/Faand C/H20849T/H20850is
C/H20849T/H20850=/H9251instGeV4/H20849TGeV /H20850−n. /H2084992/H20850
We obtain /H9251inst=4.715/H1100310−12/H208491.515/H1100310−11,1.185
/H1100310−12/H20850, n=6.878 /H208496.789,6.967 /H20850 for/H9011QCD
=380 /H20849440,320 /H20850MeV /H20849Bae, Huh, and Kim, 2008 /H20850. Equat-
ing 3 H/H20849T/H20850and m/H20849T/H20850=/H20881C/H20849T/H20850/Fa2, we obtain the following
T1for/H9011QCD=380 MeV /H20849Bae, Huh, and Kim, 2008 /H20850:
T1,GeV = 0.931 /H20849Fa,12/H20850−0.184. /H2084993/H20850
For Fa=1012GeV, we obtain T1/H112290.93 GeV. This num-
ber is smaller than those given in the 1980s because weused a smaller number for the product of current quark
masses m
umdmsbased on the recent compilation of light
quark masses /H20849Manohar and Sachrajda, 2008 /H20850.
/H208491/H20850No sudden change in m a/H20849T/H20850: Since the potential
varies much more slowly than the field itself, we can usethe so-called adiabatic invariant theorem that if the po-tential is adiabatically changed, the area in the phasespace swept by the periodic motion is unchanged in oneaxion oscillation /H20849Landau and Lifshitz, 1976 /H20850. In this
case, for a small misalignment angle the adiabatic invari-
ant is
/H9267/H20849t/H20850/m/H20849t/H20850, which can be interpreted as the conser-
vation of the total axion number. For a large /H92581, the
invariant is not the axion number density, but the CDMenergy density, which can be related to the axion num-ber density by a correction factor /H20849Bae, Huh, and Kim,
2008 /H20850. If we apply this until now, we obtain
/H9267a/H20849T/H9253= 2.73 K /H20850=ma/H20849T/H9253/H20850na/H20849T/H9253/H20850f1/H20849/H92582/H20850
, /H2084994/H20850
where f1/H20849/H92582/H20850is the anharmonic correction and we used
Z/H11013mu/md/H112290.5, m/H9266=135.5 MeV, f/H9266=93 MeV, and
g*s/H20849present /H20850=3.91./H9253is the entropy increase ratio from
extra particles beyond the SM. This becomes roughly1.449/H1100310−11/H925812
where/H92581is the initial misalignment angle at T1and/H92582is
the angle at somewhat lower temperature T2where the
adiabatic invariant Iis calculated. The total correction
factor F/H20849/H92581,n/H20850takes into account the anharmonic effect
and the initial overshoot of the misalignment angle, pre-sented by Bae, Huh, and Kim /H208492008 /H20850. For the critical
/H9267c=3.9784/H1100310−11/H20849h/0.701 /H208502/H20849eV/H208504and/H9011QCD
=380/H1100760 MeV, the axion energy fraction, in terms of Fa
only, is given by /H20849Bae, Huh, and Kim, 2008 /H20850
/H9024a= 0.3796 ABC/H20873/H925812F/H20849/H92581/H20850
, /H2084995/H20850
where A=/H20849mumdms/3/H110036/H11003103 MeV3/H20850−0.092, B
=/H20849Fa/1012GeV /H208501.184−0.010 xwith x=/H20849/H9011QCD/380 MeV /H20850−1,
and C=/H20849/H9011QCD/380 MeV /H20850−0.733.
/H208492/H20850Sudden change in m a/H20849T/H20850: We now try to calculate
the misalignment angle below the critical temperature ofchiral symmetry breaking where a sudden phase change
is experienced near the critical temperature T
c. The
QCD interaction for light quarks below 1 GeV can be
written as
L=− /H20849muu¯LuR+mdd¯LdR+mss¯LsR+ H.c. /H20850
−K−5/H20849u¯LuRd¯LdRs¯LsRe−ic¯3/H9258+ H.c. /H20850, /H2084996/H20850
where Khas the mass dimension arising from QCD in-
stanton physics. The ’t Hooft determinental interaction/H20849’t Hooft, 1976 /H20850written above is equivalent to the
anomaly term and has the same chiral symmetry behav-
ior. For T
c/H11351T/H11351Fa, quark bilinears are not developing
VEVs, and the relevant determinental interaction forthe axion is the first diagram inside the box of Fig. 9.
Now, the importance of the determination of T
1is how
much the misalignment angle /H92581can be shrunk at Tc.
In the hadronic phase below the critical temperature
Tc, the axion potential is shown in Fig. 12. The value
/H92581/H20849Tc/H20850is the boundary value at Tcwe use in the effective
Lagrangian below Tc. Below Tc, the quark bilinears de-
velop VEVs and we must consider the possibilities of
q¯LqRreplaced with /H20855q¯LqR/H20856. The effective Lagrangian
from the determinental interaction is shown in Fig. 9.TVZ
1GeV Tc Ti Tf
FIG. 12. Phase transition near the critical temperature Tc
/H11015150 MeV.578 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010In the limit Fa/H11271f/H11032, the mass eigenstates in one-flavor
QCD are
/H9257mass/H11032 /H11229/H208981
1+m/K/H11032/H20899,amass /H11229/H20898−f/H11032/Fa
1/H20899. /H2084997/H20850
Equation /H2084938/H20850with v3=0 has minima at /H9258=2/H9266n/H20849ninte-
ger/H20850. For v3/HS110050, minima are at /H9258/H9257/H11032=2/H9266m/H20849minteger /H20850and
/H9258=2/H9266n/H20849ninteger /H20850. Therefore, the /H9258direction can be
taken as the approximate axion direction even below Tc.
The minimum point in the direction of the axion is not
changed when one goes from /H9258/H9257/H11032/HS110050t o/H9258/H9257/H11032=0, i.e., above
and below the critical temperature. /H20851If the minimum of /H9258
is shifted by /H9266in going from /H9258/H9257/H11032=0 to/H9258/H9257/H11032=/H9266, the
shrunker /H92581/H20849Tc/H20850atTcis near/H9266, and we must start from
O/H208491/H20850misalignment angle at Tc./H20852In most regions of the
phase transition space, a time scale /H9004tis needed for the
sound wave of quark bilinears to propagate to a largedistance, which releases the latent heat to keep the tem-perature constant during the first-order phase transition/H20849Mukhanov, 2005 /H20850. Even if one considers supercooling
toward a sudden phase transition, the parameter spacefor a sudden phase change is almost nil and the axionenergy density presented in Eq. /H2084995/H20850is reliable /H20849Bae,
Huh, and Kim, 2008 /H20850.
In Fig. 13, we present the exclusion plot for m
=2.55 MeV, md=5.04 MeV, and ms=104 MeV /H20849Mano-
har and Sachrajda, 2008 /H20850in the Favs/H92581//H20881/H9253space, in-
cluding the anharmonic effect and the WMAP value/H20849Dunkley et al. , 2009 /H20850of the CDM density combined
with additional data /H20849Komatsu et al. , 2009 /H20850/H9024
/H112290.1143±0.0034. Note that Faof order 1013GeV is not
very unnatural; it results from the new smaller masses
foruand d/H20849Manohar and Sachrajda, 2008 /H20850.
If axions are the CDM component of the Universe,
then they can be detected even though it may be verydifficult. The feeble axion coupling can be compensated
by the huge number of axions, since the number density
is/H11011Fa2and the cross section is /H110111/Fa2. So there is hope
of detecting cosmic axions, which has been realized bySikivie’s cavity detector /H20849Sikivie, 1983 /H20850. But the Sikivie
detector has technical limitations for the interesting
large and median regions of the F
awindow. For ex-
ample, the Faregion Fa/H110221013GeV advocated in an-
thropic arguments needs a too large cavity size and the
supergravity mediation preferred region Fa/H110115
/H110031010GeV requires O/H208491.6 mm /H20850order cavities. For tech-
nically preferred axion masses in the region 10−6eV,
one needs a low-temperature cavity with dimension
O/H20849/H11022104cm3/H20850and a magnetic field strength of O/H2084910 T /H20850.
The current status of cosmic axion search is shown inFig. 14.
C. Axion cosmology beyond the window
IfFa/H112711012GeV, an O/H208491/H20850misalignment angle /H92581is
ruled out by the cosmic energy density argument. How-
ever, if/H92581/H112701, the axion energy density can be within the
closure density. Rather than fine tuning /H92581to order 10−3
for a Planck scale Fa/H20849Pi, 1984 /H20850, the anthropic argument
of Weinberg /H20849Weinberg, 1987 ;Linde, 1988 /H20850, that life
forms can evolve in a universe with a sufficiently long
lifetime, can be used for an allowable /H92581.
The homogeneous axion field value /H20849with a→−asym-
metry /H20850right after inflation can take any value between 0
and/H9266Faor/H92581=/H208510,/H9266/H20852because the height of the axion
potential is negligible compared to the total energy den-sity right after inflation. So in the axion context withOver Closure
101110121013101410151016Fa/LParen1GeV /RParen1Θ1
FIG. 13. /H20849Color /H20850Favs the misalignment angle /H92581//H20881/H9253as a func-
tion of/H9024a. The overclosure portion is from the precision mea-
surement requiring /H9024a/H110210.23 /H20849Komatsu et al. , 2009 /H20850. The green
region is the region excluded by the condition /H9024a/H114070.23. The
yellow band is the error bar region of /H9011QCD and the two red
lines are the limits from the light quark mass bounds.maxion [eV]|αemcaγγ |/2πFa [GeV−1]
10−610−510−4RBF: blueFlorida: redADMX exp. (high resolution)
Future ADMXFuture CARRACK10−1510−1410−1310−1210−11
KSVZ: e_Q=0
DFSZ: d^c unification
Charge of KSVZ Q =1±1
A flipped-SU(5) model
FIG. 14. /H20849Color /H20850The bounds on cosmic axion searches with
some theoretical predictions. The coupling on the vertical axisis the coefficient of E·B. The future CARRACK and ADMX
experiments are from Tegmark, Aguirre, Rees, and Wilczek,
2006 ;Imai, 2008 ; and van Bibber, 2008 .579 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010only the misalignment production of axions, the CDM
density is chosen as a random number by the spontane-
ous symmetry breaking of the U /H208491/H20850PQ. Even in the
multicomponent CDM models including axions, the ax-ion misalignment angle can act as the random number.This singles out axion physics, as stressed in Tegmark,
Aguirre, Rees, and Wilczek /H208492006 /H20850, from all other an-
thropic arguments without axions in that the selection ofan axion vacuum is an unavoidable random process thatfixes the key cosmological parameter. This also distin-guishes axions from WIMPs, super-WIMPs, etc., wherethe abundance is fixed by particle physics parameters
and not by a primordial random process. As a result /H9024
may be at the required value by an appropriate initial
misalignment angle in models with axions with Fa
/H110221012GeV. Tegmark et al. studied the landscape sce-
nario for 31 dimensionless parameters and some dimen-sionful parameters with which habitable planets are con-sidered for the assumed nuclear physics parameters/H20849Barr and Seckel, 1992 /H20850. For example, Fig. 12 of Teg-
mark, Aguirre, Rees, and Wilczek /H208492006 /H20850presents the
scalar fluctuation Q/H11229
/H9254/H9267//H9267versus the matter density per
CMB photon /H9264, in which the anthropically chosen point
is shown as the star. In models with axions, this pointresults from a random number after inflation. If a WIMPis the sole candidate for CDM, one obtains just one
number for
/H9254/H9267//H9267from particle physics parameters,
which may not fit the observed point of that figure. Thenwe may need the CDM-favored WIMP and in addition
the axion with F
a/H110221012GeV, with the axion CDM frac-
tion Ra=/H9024a//H9024CDM. But this large Faanthropic region
has a potential conflict with the WMAP five-year data,
as presented in the FavsEI/H20849=the inflation energy scale /H20850
plane of Fig. 2 of Hertzburg, Tegmark, and Wilczek
/H208492008 /H20850. For Ra=1, for example, Fa/H333561014GeV is incon-
sistent with the WMAP five-year data on the upper
bound on the isocurvature fluctuation /H9251a/H110210.072 /H20849Ko-
matsu et al. , 2009 /H20850.
From the study of outer space axions, we present a
cartoon for the Fabound in Fig. 15where the future
CERN Axion Solar Telescope /H20849CAST /H20850and ADMX ex-
perimental regions are also marked.
D. Quintessential axion
In light of SUSY breaking in supergravity, it is gener-
ally believed that at least a hidden confining force isneeded at an intermediate scale. This hidden sector andthe observable sector couple weakly in most phenom-enological models. This scheme fits very well in the het-erotic string framework and in heterotic Mtheory.
In cosmology, on the other hand, we have had the im-portant dark energy problem already for a decade /H20849Riess
et al. , 1998 ;Perlmutter et al. , 1999 /H20850, which has led to
much interest in quintessence models since the late1980s /H20849Wetterich, 1988 /H20850. The quintessence related to ax-
ion physics is called the “quintessential axion” /H20849QA /H20850
which was suggested in Kim and Nilles /H208492003 ,2009 /H20850.
There have been attempts to identify one of the MDaxions as the quintessential axion /H20849Choi, 2000 ;Kim,
2000 /H20850.
To explain the dark energy in terms of a QA, one
requires the VEV of the QA not to roll down until re-cently. Of course, it is required for the current vacuum
energy density of the classical QA to be of order /H9261
/H11015/H208490.003eV /H208504. These two conditions restrict the QA de-
cay constant fqand the QA mass mq. We can param-
etrize the QA /H20849/H9278/H20850potential as
fq. /H2084998/H20850
For/H9275=p//H9267/H11021−1+/H9254, we require fq/H11022/H20881/H208492−/H9254/H20850/6/H9254MP/H20841U/H11032/H20841
where U/H11032=dU/d/H9264/H20849Kim and Nilles, 2003 /H20850. Generically,
one needs a Planckian scale quintessential axion decay
constant fq. So the QA mass is extremely small,
/H1135110−32eV. As a result, there are two problems to be
resolved to achieve the QA idea: a large decay constantand an extremely shallow QA potential.
It has long been believed that the MI axion has rather
a robust model-independent prediction of its decay con-stant /H20849Choi and Kim, 1985a ;Svrcek and Witten, 2006 /H20850.
Recently, however, it was shown that the MI axion maynot be model independent since the decay constant maydepend on the compactification scheme in warped inter-
nal space, ds
Firouzjahi, and Gwyn, 2008 /H20850,
MP, /H2084999/H20850
where/H9252depends on the warping in the compact space
/H20885d6y/H20881g/H208496/H20850hw2. /H20849100 /H20850
Thus, the MI axion with a small /H9252can be a QA if the
QCD axion decay constant can be in the intermediatescale. This possibility may be realizable in some compos-ite axion models, as recently suggested in Kim and Nilles
/H208492009 /H20850.
There are currently a variety of experiments searching
for axions, whether they are left over from the big bangor produced in stars or the laboratory. Though these ex-periments search for axions at a variety of mass and103104105106107108109101010111012101310141015104103102 10 1 10−110−210−310−410−510−610−710−810−9
Fa[GeV ]ma[eV]
Red gts., Gl. cls.(DFSZ)
LabCDM Anthropic
FIG. 15. /H20849Color /H20850A schematic for the Fabounds.580 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010coupling scales they all rely on the Primakoff process,
for which the following coupling, ca/H9253/H9253is given in Eq.
Fa/H20853FemF˜em/H20854,ca/H9253/H9253/H11229c¯a/H9253/H9253− 1.98, /H20849101 /H20850
where c¯a/H9253/H9253=/H20841TrQem2/H20841E/H11271MZ.
A. Solar axion search
1. Axion helioscopes
Axions produced in the nuclear core of the Sun will
free-stream out and can possibly be detected on Earthvia an axion helioscope, first described in 1983 /H20849Sikivie,
1983 ,1985 /H20850and developed into a practical laboratory
detector in 1988 /H20849van Bibber, McIntyre, Morris, and
Raffelt, 1989 /H20850. The technique relies on conversion of so-
lar axions into low-energy x rays as they pass through astrong magnetic field. The flux of axions produced in theSun is expected to follow a thermal distribution with a
mean energy of /H20855E/H20856=4.2 keV. The integrated flux at the
Earth is expected to be /H9021
g10=/H20849/H9251em/2/H9266Fa/H20850ca/H9253/H92531010GeV /H20849Zioutas et al. , 2005 /H20850. The
probability of a solar axion converting into a photon as
it passes through a magnet with field strength Band
length Lis given as
2L21 − cos /H20849qL/H20850
/H20849qL/H208502. /H20849102 /H20850
Here ca/H9253/H9253is defined as the coupling of the axion to two
photons as given in Eq. /H20849101 /H20850, while qis the momentum
difference between the axion and the photon, defined as
q=ma2/2E, where Eis the photon energy. To maintain
maximum conversion probability the axion and photonfields need to remain in phase over the length of the
magnet, thus requiring qL/H11021
/H9266/H20849van Bibber, McIntyre,
Morris, and Raffelt, 1989 /H20850. For low-mass axions q→0,
leading to a maximum conversion probability. Moremassive axions will begin to move out of phase with thephoton waves though this can be compensated for by theadditon of a buffer gas to the magnet volume, thus im-parting an effective mass to the conversion photon /H20849van
Bibber, McIntyre, Morris and Raffelt, 1989 /H20850and bring-
ing the conversion probability back to the maximum.The gas pressure can be varied to tune to various axionmasses.
An initial axion helioscope was built at Brookhaven in
1992 and used a 2.2 ton iron core dipole magnet ori-
ented at the Sun with a proportional chamber for x-ray
detection /H20849Lazarus et al. , 1992 /H20850. It was followed by a 4 T
superconducting helioscope, developed by the Univer-
sity of Tokyo, which ran for 1 week with an evacuated
bore in 1997 /H20849Moriyama et al. , 1998 ;Ootani et al. , 1999 /H20850
and for 1 month with a helium-filled bore in 2000 /H20849Inoue
et al. , 2002 /H20850. Though both managed to set limits over a
wide mass range their sensitivities were still well aboveeven the most optimistic KSVZ axion couplings. Re-cently, though, the University of Tokyo group releaseddata taken between December 2007 and April 2008,
which were able to set a limit of g
a/H9253/H9253/H11021/H208495.6–13.4 /H20850
/H1100310−10GeV−1for the axion in the mass range 0.84
/H11021ma/H110211.00 eV /H20849Inoue et al. , 2008 /H20850.
In order to push into proposed axion model space,
third-generation axion helioscopes have been developedat CERN /H20849CAST /H20850and at the University of Tokyo. Uti-
lizing a prototype LHC magnet with L=9.3 m and B
=9 T CAST began taking data in 2003. It utilizes a railsystem to track the Sun for 90 min a day at sunrise and
sunset, and its dual magnet bore allows it to employ upto four different x-ray detectors /H20849one on each end of
each magnet bore /H20850. Currently a time-projection cham-
ber, a micromegas /H20849micromesh gaseous structure /H20850detec-
tor and an x-ray reflective telescope with a charge-coupled device detector are all used to detect convertedx rays. Results from the combined 2003 and 2004 runsyield limits on axion-photon-photon couplings of
a/H9253/H9253/Fa/H110217.6/H1100310−8GeV−1/H20849Andriamonje et al. , 2007 /H20850.
The experiment’s second phase utilizing4He and3He
buffer gases is currently under way with the latter gasallowing for axion searches in proposed model space up
to mass /H110111 eV.
2. Bragg diffraction scattering
An alternative to axion helioscopes was proposed in
1994: use of crystal detectors which meet the Bragg con-ditions to search for x rays generated by coherent axion-to-photon conversion /H20849Paschos and Zioutas, 1994 /H20850. Vari-
ous dark matter WIMP search collaborations were ableto look through their data sets and set limits on possibleinteractions from solar axions. These included germa-nium experiments such as COSME /H20849Morales et al. , 2002 /H20850
and SOLAX /H20849Avignone et al. , 1998 /H20850, CDMS /H20849Ahmed et
al., 2009b /H20850, and the reactor germanium experiment
TEXONO /H20849Chang et al. , 2007 /H20850, as well as the DAMA
experiment /H20849Bernabei et al. , 2001 ,2003 /H20850which utilized
NaI crystals. The limits from these searches can be seenin Fig. 16. One advantage of this technique is that its
sensitivity is independent of axion mass, as long as onecan neglect any nuclear recoils /H20849Carosi and van Bibber,
2008 /H20850.
3. Geomagnetic conversion
It has recently been pointed out /H20849Davoudiasl and Hu-
ber, 2006 /H20850that solar axions might pass through the Earth
and convert to x rays on the other side as they passthrough the Earth’s magnetic field. They could then bedetected by x-ray telescopes and the solar x-ray back-ground could be effectively shielded by the Earth.
B. Search for cosmic axions
Cosmic axions left over from the big bang may be
detected utilizing microwave cavity haloscopes /H20849Sikivie,
1983 ,1985 /H20850. The strategy relies on primordial axions
drifting through a microwave cavity immersed in astrong static magnetic field in which they can resonantly581 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010convert to microwave photons, see Fig. 17. The cosmic
axions’ feeble interactions can be in part compensatedby their large numbers; since the number density varies
a2while their cross section varies as /H110111/Fa2.I ft h e
axion makes up the majority of CDM in the Universe,
its local density is expected to be roughly 0.45 GeV/cm3
/H20849Gates, Gyuk, and Turner, 1995 /H20850, which yields a numberdensity of /H110111014axions/cm3if one assumes a 4.5 /H9262eV
axion. The expected microwave signal will be a quasimo-nochromatic line beginning at the microwave frequencycorresponding to the axion mass and slightly broadenedupward due to the axion virial distribution, with ex-
pected velocities of order 10
−3c, implying a spread in
energies of /H9254E/E/H1101110−6.
There could also be an additional signal from nonther-
malized axions falling into the galaxy’s gravitational wellwhich would yield very sharp signals due to their low
predicted velocity dispersion /H20849/H1102110
−7c/H20850/H20849Sikivie, 2003 /H20850.
1. General detector properties
Since the Lagrangian for axions coupling to a mag-
netic field goes as
2/H9266Fa/H20874aE·B, /H20849103 /H20850
the only resonant modes which can couple to axions are
those that provide an axial electric field component /H20849TM
modes /H20850. The expected power generated from axion-to-
photon conversions in the cavity is given by /H20849Sikivie,
1985 /H20850
mamin /H20849QL,Qa/H20850
= 0.5/H1100310−26W/H20873V
0.5/H1100310−24gc m−3/H20874
2/H9266/H20849GHz /H20850/H20874min /H20849QL,Qa/H20850, /H20849104 /H20850
where Vis the cavity volume, B0is the magnetic field
strength,/H9267is the local axion mass density, mais the ax-
ion mass, Clmnis a form factor which describes the over-
lap of the axial electric and magnetic fields of a particu-
lar TM lmnmode, QLis the microwave cavity’s loaded
quality factor /H20849defined as center frequency over band-
width /H20850, and Qais the axion quality factor defined as the
axion mass over the axion’s kinetic energy spread. Themode-dependent cavity form factor is defined as
Vd3x/H9280/H20841E/H6023/H9275/H208412/H20849105 /H20850
where E/H6023/H9275/H20849x/H6023/H20850ei/H9275tis the oscillating electric field of the
TM lmnmode, B/H60230/H20849x/H6023/H20850is the static magnetic field, and /H9280is
the dielectric constant of the cavity space. For a cylindri-
cal cavity with a homogeneous longitudinal B/H6023field the
T010mode yields the largest form factor with C010
/H110150.69 /H20849Bradley, 2003 /H20850.
The mass range of cosmological axions is currently
constrained between /H9262eV and meV scales, correspond-gaγ(GeV−1)
max ion (eV)10−1210−1110−1010−910−810−7
10−510−410−310−210−1 11 0To ky o 0 8
CAST Phas e I4He3He
CAST IITo kyo helioscopeLazaru s et al.
AxionmodelsKSVZ(e(Q)=0) Kim-KyaeflippedSU(5)HB starsDA MASOLAX, COSM E
FIG. 16. /H20849Color /H20850Exclusion plot of axion-photon coupling vs
axion mass /H20849Carosi et al. , 2008 /H20850. The black bold line limit is for
phase 1 of the CAST experiment and results with inclusion ofbuffer gas are expected to increase the mass and reach plau-sible axion models. The field theoretic expectations are showntogether with the string theory Z
12−Imodel of Choi, Kim, and
Kim /H208492007 /H20850. In the lower left apricot box, Fig. 14is located.
FIG. 17. /H20849Color online /H20850Outline of the general configuration of
a resonant microwave cavity detector along with the associatedsingal expected from axion-photon conversions. This includesboth the virial component and possible lines from coherentaxions.582 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010ing to converted photon frequencies between several
hundred MHz and several hundred GHz. Since largermicrowave cavities correspond to lower resonant fre-quencies and lighter axions are more likely to contributeto the dark matter density, experiments have been de-signed to start searching at the low end of the frequencyrange. At these frequencies cavities can scan only a fewkilohertz at a time in order to maintain the maximumquality factor. Axial metallic and dielectric tuning rodsare utilized to tune the cavity’s resonant frequency as itscans over the possible axion mass range. The scan rateis determined by the amount of time it takes for a pos-sible axion signal to be detected over the microwavecavity’s intrinsic noise, and is governed by the Dicke ra-diometer equation /H20849Dicke, 1946 /H20850,
B. /H20849106 /H20850
Here Pais the power generated by axion-photon conver-
sions /H20851Eq. /H20849104 /H20850/H20852,PN=kBBT Sis the cavity noise power, B
is the signal bandwidth, tis the integration time, kBis
Boltzmann’s constant and TSis the system temperature
/H20849electronic plus physical temperature /H20850. The scan rate for
a given signal-to-noise ratio is given by
dt=12 GHz
0.45 GeV/cm3/H208742
Qa. /H20849107 /H20850
One can see from Eq. /H20849106 /H20850that even a small expected
signal power can be made detectable by increasing the
signal power /H20849Pa/H11008VB02/H20850, increasing the integration time
t, or minimizing the system noise temperature TS. Tech-
nology and costs limit the size and strength of the exter-nal magnets and cavities and integration times are usu-
ally t/H11011100 s in order to scan an appreciable bandwidth
in a reasonable amount of time. As a result the majorityof development has focused on lowering the intrinsicnoise of the first-stage cyrogenic amplifiers.
2. Microwave receiver detectors
Initial experiments were undertaken at Brookhaven
National Laboratory /H20849DePanfilis et al. , 1987 /H20850and the
University of Florida /H20849Hagmann et al. , 1990 /H20850, but their
modest-sized cavities and magnet fields meant they werestill factors of 10–100 times away from plausible axionmodel space. There are currenly two active second-generation experiments under way, the Axion DarkMatter Experiment /H20849ADMX /H20850at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory /H20849LLNL /H20850and the Cosmic Axion Re-
search with Rydberg Atoms in Cavities at Kyoto /H20849CAR-
RACK /H20850experiment in Japan. Both experiments utilize
large microwave cavities immersed in a strong staticmagnetic field to resonantly convert axions to photonsbut they go about detecting these photons in two differ-
ent ways. ADMX uses ultrasensitive microwave receiv-ers while CARRACK uses Rydberg atoms to detectsingle photons.
The ADMX experiment is a collaboration of LLNL,
MIT, the University of Florida, Lawrence Berkeley Na-tional Laboratory /H20849LBNL /H20850, U.C. Berkeley, University of
Chicago, and Fermilab, and has been operating in vari-ous modes since February 1996. A diagram of the ex-
periment is shown in Fig. 18. ADMX consists of an 8.5 T
superconducting magnet, 110 cm in length with a 60 cmclear bore. A 200 liter stainless steel microwave cavity
plated in ultrapure copper is suspended below a cryo-
genic stage in the center of the Bfield. Power generated
in the cavity is coupled to an adjustable antenna verti-cally input through the top cavity plate. Any signal isthen boosted by extremely low-noise cryogenic amplifi-ers before being sent through a double-heterodyne mix-ing stage. Here the gigahertz range signal is mixed down
to an intermediate 10.7 MHz, sent through a crystal
bandpass filter, and then mixed down to audio frequen-
cies at 35 kHz. This audio signal is then analyzed by
fast-Fourier-transform electronics which measure over a
50 kHz bandwidth centered at 35 kHz. There is also a
“high-resolution” channel in which the signal is mixed
down to 5 kHz and sent through a 6-kHz-wide bandpassfilter. Time traces of the voltage output, consisting of 2
data points with a sampling frequency of 20 kHz, arethen taken, resulting in a 52.4 s sample with 0.019 Hz
resolution /H20849Duffy et al. , 2006 /H20850.
Since the system noise is dominated by the first stage
of amplification, great care was taken in choosing thecryogenic amplifiers. The initial ADMX data runs uti-lized heterojunction field effect transistor /H20849HFET /H20850am-
FIG. 18. /H20849Color /H20850Schematic of the ADMX experiment /H20849Carosi
and van Bibber, 2008 /H20850.583 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010plifiers developed by the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory /H20849Daw and Bradley, 1997 /H20850. Even though they
had noise temperatures of only 2 K, the quantum noise
limit at 1 GHz /H20849defined as Tq=h/H9263/kB/H20850is only 50 mK. As
a result a much development went into replacing theHFETs with more sensitive superconducting quantuminterference devices /H20849SQUIDs /H20850which had noise tem-
peratures of only 15% of the quantum limit /H20849Bradley,
2003 /H20850. Currently data are being taken using the SQUIDs
for the first stage of amplification 1920 .
Results from the initial run using HFET amplifiers
have already probed plausible axion model space in the
axion mass range between 2.3 and 3.4
/H9262eV /H20849Bradley,
2003 /H20850. Results from a high-resolution search have
probed further into coupling space over a smaller mass
range, 1.98–2.17 /H9262eV /H20849Duffy et al. , 2006 /H20850. As of this re-view ADMX is scanning over the mass range corre-
sponding to 800–900 MHz using SQUID amplifiers.
3. Rydberg atom detectors
The CARRACK experiment has published proof of
concept papers for their detection technique using Ryd-berg atoms as opposed to low-noise amplifiers /H20849Tada et
al., 2006 /H20850. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 21.I n
it rubidium atoms are excited into a Rydberg state /H20849/H208410/H20856
→/H20841n/H20856/H20850, and move through a detection cavity coupled to
an axion conversion cavity. The spacing between energylevels is tuned to the appropriate frequency utilizing theStark effect, and the Rydberg atoms’ large dipole tran-sition moment ensures efficient photon detection /H20849one
photon per atom, /H20841ns/H20856→/H20841np/H20856/H20850. The atoms are then sub-
jected to a selective field ionization allowing the atoms
FIG. 19. /H20849Color online /H20850Medium-resolution limits from the ADMX experiment. The left plot shows limits to axion coupling
assuming a dark matter halo density of /H9267=0.45 GeV/cm3/H20849upper region excluded /H20850. The right plot shows limits on the axion
contribution to the dark matter halo density assuming the axion has either the KSVZ or DFSZ couplings /H20849Bradley, 2003 /H20850.
FIG. 20. /H20849Color online /H20850High-resolution limits from the
ADMX experiment. Limits given in terms of axion contribu-tion to the dark matter halo density assuming the axion haseither the KSVZ or DFSZ coupling strength. The medium-resolution plot for that mass range for the DFSZ coupling isalso given /H20849Duffy et al. , 2006 /H20850. The KSVZ axion with e
shown above gives /H9267aat Earth less than 0.16 GeV/cm3, which
corresponds to /H9024a/H333550.36. So the ADMX line of Fig. 14using
Eq. /H2084995/H20850crosses the eQ=0 KSVZ line and goes down to the
DFSZ line.
FIG. 21. /H20849Color online /H20850General schematic of CARRACK ex-
periment utilizing Rydberg atoms to recover single photonsgenerated in the microwave cavity /H20849Tada et al. , 2006 ;Carosi
and van Bibber, 2008 /H20850.584 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010with the higher-energy state /H20849/H20841np/H20856/H20850to be detected
/H20849Carosi and van Bibber, 2008 /H20850. The advantage of this
system is that Rydberg atoms act as single-photon detec-tors and thus do not suffer from quantum noise limita-tions.
Though still in the development phase CARRACK
has already gone through two iterations, CARRACK 1and CARRACK 2, and it has measured cavity emission
at 2527 MHz down to a temperature of 67 mK, which is
a factor of 2 below the quantum noise floor for that
frequency. The eventual goal is 10 mK /H20849Tada et al. ,
2006 /H20850. One disadvantage of this technique is that one
cannot detect signals finer than the bandpass of the cav-
ity, of order /H1101110
−5, which negates searches for late-infall
coherent axions.
C. Laser searches
In addition to cosmological and solar axion searches
there is also a class of laboratory axion searches that
utilize laser photons /H20849/H9253laser/H20850traversing a magnetic field.
Here the polarized laser photons can scatter off virtual
photons /H20849/H9253v/H20850provided by the magnetic field and convert
into axions /H9253laser+/H9253v→a. Currently, laser axion searches
fall into two general categories. The first technique looksfor magneto-optical effects of the vacuum due to polar-ized laser photons disappearing from the beam as theyare converted into axions. The second looks for photonsconverting into axions in the presence of a magneticfield, which are then transmitted through a wall and con-verted back into photons by a magnetic field on theother side, so-called light shining through walls experi-ments.
1. Polarization shift of laser beams
There can be axion-photon-photon anomalous cou-
pling of the form aE·B. A laser-induced axionlike par-
ticle search employing this coupling has been performedsince the early 1990s by the Rochester-Brookhaven-Fermilab-Trieste /H20849RBFT /H20850group /H20849Cameron et al. , 1991 /H20850.
A few years ago, the same type of experiment by thePVLAS Collaboration was performed with an initial
positive signal with F
a/H11011106GeV /H20849Zavattini et al. , 2006 /H20850
as discussed earlier. This has led to some exotic modelswhere a vacuum dichroism is achieved by producing ax-ionlike particles as shown in Fig. 22/H20849a/H20850. Because of the
nonrenormalizable interaction implied in Fig. 22/H20849a/H20850, one
may reconcile this model with the astrophysical bound/H20849Mohapatra and Nasri, 2007 /H20850, or if light millicharged par-
ticles are produced in a strong magnetic field as shownin Fig. 22/H20849b/H20850, a vacuum dichroism is achieved as dis-cussed in Gies, Jaeckel, and Ringwald /H208492006 /H20850,Masso and
Redondo /H208492006 /H20850, and Kim /H208492007c /H20850. Here the polarization
of the laser beam is looked for. With more data accumu-lation, there is no convincing evidence for an axionlike
particle with F
a/H11011106GeV at present, contrary to an ear-
lier confusion /H20849Dupays et al. , 2005 ;Chen et al. , 2007 ;
Yoo, 2007 ;Zavattini et al. , 2007 ;Chou et al. , 2008 /H20850. But
this incident led to the current search for axionlike par-ticles at DESY /H20849Ringwald, 2008 /H20850.
2. Light shining through walls
The “light shinging through walls” technique for
searching for axions was first proposed in 1987 by van
Bibber et al. /H208491987 /H20850and recently a model study has been
presented /H20849Adler, Gamboa, Mendéz, and López-Sarrión,
2008 /H20850. The general experimental layout can be seen in
Fig. 23where polarized laser photons pass through the
magnetic field with E/H20648Band any converted axions /H20849or
other psuedoscalar particles /H20850can continue through an
absorber to be reconverted to photons on the other side.
The probability for a photon to convert into an axion
as it traverses the “axion source” region is given by
2/H9266FaBL/H2087421 − cos /H20849qL/H20850
/H20849qL/H208502. /H20849108 /H20850
This is the same probability for an axion to convert back
into a detectable photon in the “axion detector” regionon the other side of an absorber, which leaves the totalprobability for detecting a photon-axion-photon conver-
sion as P
/H9253→a→/H9253=P/H9253→a2/H20849ignoring photon detection effi-
ciencies of course /H20850/H20849Battesti et al. , 2008 /H20850. There is a maxi-
mum detectable axion mass for these laser experimentsbecause the oscillation length becomes shorter than themagnetic field length, causing a degradation of the form
factor F/H20849q/H20850=1−cos /H20849qL/H20850//H20849qL/H20850
2, but this can be compen-
sated for using multiple discrete dipoles.
The first experiment using this technique was per-
formed by the RBFT Collaboration in the early 1990s/H20849Cameron et al. , 1993 /H20850. Using two superconducting di-
pole magnets /H20849L=4.4 m and B=3.7 T /H20850and a laser /H20849/H9261
=514 nm and P=3 W /H20850with an optical cavity providing
/H11011200 reflections in the axion-generating region, they
were able to set upper limits on axion couplings of
a/H9253/H9253/H110216.7/H1100310−7GeV /H2084995% C.L. /H20850for pseudoscalars with
a maximum mass of ma/H1102110−3eV /H20849Cameron et al. , 1993 /H20850.a
FIG. 22. Possible processes leading to a vacuum dichroism.
FIG. 23. /H20849Color /H20850Schemtic of “light shining through walls” ex-
periment /H20849Battesti et al. , 2008 /H20850.585 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Recent photon regeneration experiments include the
BMV Collaboration at LULI /H20849Robilliard et al. , 2007 /H20850
which uses a short pulsed-field magnet and the Gam-
meV Collaboration at Fermilab /H20849Chou et al. , 2008 /H20850which
uses a Tevatron dipole magnet /H20849L=6 m and B=5 T /H20850
with an optical barrier in the middle. Both of these haveruled out the signal reported by the PVLAS /H20849see next
section /H20850. Figure 24shows the current bounds from these
latest regeneration experiments. Recently it has beenshown that photon regeneration experiments can beresonantly enhanced by encompassing both the produc-tion and reconversion magnets in matched Fabry-Perotoptical resonators /H20849Sikivie, Tanner, and van Bibber,
2007 /H20850.
3. Magneto-optical vacuum effects
An alternative to the shining light through walls tech-
nique is to look for the indirect effect of photons inpolarized laser light converting into axions as the beamtraverses a magnetic field. Figure 25shows two different
ways in which axion interactions can modify a polarizedlaser beam, induced dichroism and vacuum birefrin-gence. Vacuum dichroism occurs when a polarized laserbeam passes through a dipole magnet with the electric
field component Eat a nonzero angle
/H9278relative to B.
The photon component parallel to Bwill have a small
probability to convert into axions, causing the polariza-
tion vector to rotate by an angle /H9280. Vacuum birefrin-
gence is due to the induced ellipticity of the beam /H20849/H9023/H20850as
a result of virtual axions. It should be noted that higher-order QED diagrams, or “light-by-light scattering” dia-grams, are expected to contribute to vacuum birefrin-gence as well. Each of these effects can be estimated as
sin/H208492/H9258/H20850, /H20849109 /H20850/H9280/H11015NB2L2
sin/H208492/H9258/H20850, /H20849110 /H20850
in the limit that ma2L/4/H9275/H112701. Here Lis the effective path
length, Nis the number of paths the light travels in the
magnetic field, mais the axion mass, /H9275is the photon
energy, and /H9258is the photon polarization relative to the
magnetic field /H20849Battesti et al. , 2008 /H20850.
The initial experiment looking for magneto-optical
vacuum effects was carried out by the RBFT Collabora-tion in the early 1990s /H20849Semertzidis et al. , 1990 /H20850. This
experiment used a single-pass 8.8-m-long magnet with a
magnetic field of B/H110112.1 T and N=500. It set a limit on
the polarization rotation of
/H9280/H110213.5/H1100310−10which was still
three orders of magnitude higher than that expected bylight-by-light scattering and almost 15 orders of magni-
tude greater than an m
a/H1101110−3eV axion.
Recently the early PVLAS Collaboration reported
the positive detection of vacuum dichroism. This experi-
ment consists of a 1-m-long 5 T superconducting magnet
with a angular frequency /H9024magof the magnet rotation
and a 6.4-m-long Fabry-Pérot cavity giving the pass
number N=2/H9024mag//H9266/H1101144 000. It registered a polariza-
tion shift of
/H9280=/H208493.9 ± 0.5 /H20850/H1100310−12rad pass−1/H20849111 /H20850
which translates to an allowed mass range of a neutral
pseudoscalar boson of 1 /H33355mb/H333551.5 meV and a coupling
strength of 1.5 /H1100310−3/H33355ca/H9253/H9253/Fa/H333558.6/H1100310−3GeV−1
/H20849Zavattini et al. , 2006 /H20850. Though the report of this positive
signal has been retracted /H20849Zavattini et al. , 2007 ,2008 /H20850,
the interest it raised led to a number of more advancedexperimental searches such as some of the new laserregeneration experiments mentioned previously.
FIG. 24. /H20849Color /H20850Current limits on axion coupling from the
GammeV Collaboration /H20849Chou et al. , 2008 ;Yoo, 2008 /H20850.
FIG. 25. The dichroism and birefringence effects. The upper
plot shows the effect of dichroism as photons converting intoaxions cause a rotation of the linear beams polarization vectorby an amount
/H9280. The lower plot shows virtual axions inducing
birefringence in which the linear beam acquires ellipticity /H9023
/H20849Battesti et al. , 2008 /H20850.586 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010VI. THEORIES FOR VERY LIGHT AXIONS
Axion couplings come in three types: the PQ-
symmetry-preserving derivative coupling c1term, the
PQ-symmetric c2term, and the anomalous c3term. The
PQ symmetry gives a gluon anomaly and c2+c3must be
nonzero. Generally, we can therefore define aas a pseu-
doscalar field without potential terms except the onearising from the gluon anomaly under a particular basis
/H20849for example in the c
2=0 basis /H20850,
32/H92662G/H9262/H9263aG˜a/H9262/H9263. /H20849112 /H20850
Then we note that this kind of nonrenormalizable
anomalous term can arise in several ways. The natural
scales of Faare shown in Table II. In any case, the es-
sence of the axion solution /H20849wherever it originates in
Table II/H20850is that the axion VEV /H20855a/H20856seeks/H9258=0, whatever
happened before. In this sense it is a cosmological solu-tion. The potential arising from the anomaly term afterintegrating out the gluon field is the axion potential
/H20849with c
2+c3/H20850shown in Fig. 7.
A. SM singlets without SUSY
A complex SM singlet carrying the PQ charge can
appear in many extensions of the SM: in grand unifiedtheories /H20849GUTs /H20850/H20849Wise, Georgi, and Glashow, 1981 /H20850,i n
composite models /H20849Choi and Kim, 1985c ;Kim, 1985 ;
Babu, Choi, Pati, and Zhang, 1994 /H20850, and in models with
extra dimensions /H20849Di Lella, Pilaftsis, Raffelt, and Ziou-
tas, 2000 /H20850.
In the SU /H208495/H20850GUT, the axion can be embedded in a
complex 24=/H9018/H20849Wise, Georgi, and Glashow, 1981 /H20850,i n
which case the VEV /H20855/H9018/H20856breaking SU /H208495/H20850down to the SM
and hence the axion decay constant is the GUT scaleand is outside the axion window. On the other hand, acomplex GUT singlet, whose VEV is not related to theGUT scale, can house the axion within the axion win-dow. A SUSY generalization of the SU /H208495/H20850GUT axion
has been shown to be possible /H20849Nilles and Raby, 1982 /H20850.
Recently, in view of the white dwarf evolution /H20849Isern,
García-Berro, Torres, and Catalán, 2008 /H20850with the two-
dark-matter scenario /H20849Huh, Kim, and Kyae, 2009 /H20850an
electrophilic axion has been suggested in a SUSYflipped SU /H208495/H20850/H20849Bae, Huh, Kim, Kyae, and Viollier, 2009 /H20850.B. Composite axions
A SM singlet for the very light axion can arise as a
composite meson with an extra confining force whosescale is much larger than the electroweak scale. Thisconfining force can be the hidden sector gauge group insupergravity or just an extra gauge group. We call this
extra confining gauge group “axicolor” SU /H20849N/H20850. To create
the QCD axion below the axicolor scale, there must betwo classically conserved axial global symmetries /H20849Choi
and Kim, 1985c ;Kim, 1985 /H20850. With only one axial symme-
try, a massless meson would not result, as in the case ofone-flavor QCD there is no massless meson since the
only meson
/H9257/H11032becomes heavy by the instanton solution
of the so-called U /H208491/H20850problem /H20849’t Hooft, 1986 /H20850. For two
axial symmetries, we can consider two kinds of axiquark,
QA/H9251,Q¯A/H9251,qA, and q¯Awhere Ais the SU /H20849N/H20850index and /H9251
is the SU /H208493/H20850cindex. For these vectorlike representations,
/H20849N,3/H20850+/H20849N¯,3¯/H20850+/H20849N,1/H20850+/H20849N¯,1/H20850under SU /H20849N/H20850/H11003SU/H208493/H20850c,
mass terms are not introduced. The axicolor vacuumangle problem is solved basically by the massless axi-
quarks Qand q. Even though Qlooks like a massless
QCD quark, it cannot be considered as the massless
quark solution of the QCD
/H9258problem. After integrating
out the axicolor degrees, we obtain an effective La-
grangian resulting from Qand q. The axibaryons are
expected to be removed at the axicolor scale. Of two
kinds of meson, one /H20849the axicolor /H9257/H11032/H20850is removed at the
axicolor scale and the other remains exactly massless.However, this massless axicolor meson couples to theQCD anomaly and becomes a QCD axion through the
3term, becoming the so-called hadronic axion. Of the
two currents
/H20849113 /H20850
the divergence of J/H92625corresponds to the massless meson
abelow the axicolor scale,
32/H92662G/H9262/H9263/H9251G˜/H9251/H9262/H9263, /H20849114 /H20850
and hence we obtain the effective interaction /H20849112 /H20850.I n
this minimal model, the domain wall number is N/H20849Choi
and Kim, 1985c ,1985d /H20850. In a supergravity model of pre-TABLE II. Natural scales of Fa. For nlarge extra dimensions, the Planck mass is MP
Axions from Order of Fa
String theory String scale or Planck scale
M theory String or the scale of the 11th dimensionLarge extra /H20849n/H20850dimension Combination of the fundamental mass M
extra dimension radius R
Composite models Compositeness scaleRenormalizable theories U /H208491/H20850
PQ-global-symmetry-breaking scale587 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010ons, a similar mechanism was used to realize a compos-
ite axion /H20849Babu, Choi, Pati, and Zhang, 1994 /H20850, where the
role of q-type matter is replaced by the metacolor gluino
/H9261/H11032, metacolor is the binding force of preons. Even if the
metacolor gluino obtains a mass of O/H20849100 GeV /H20850, the
QCD/H9258can be made to be within the experimental
bound if Fais greater than 1011GeV.
The composite axion of Chun, Kim, and Nilles /H208491992b /H20850
is a composite made of hidden-color scalars whose bilin-ears develop VEVs and break the PQ symmetry. Thisidea has been made more concrete by Kim and Nilles
/H208492009 /H20850.
In the gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking scenario of In-
trilligator, Seiberg, and Shih /H20849ISS /H20850/H208492006 /H20850, for example,
an SU /H20849N
c/H20850confining group with Nfflavors satisfying Nc
2Ncallows a SUSY-breaking local minimum.
IfNf−Nc/H333563/H20849for example, Nc=7 and Nf=10 /H20850with one
type of QA/H9251+Q¯A/H9251and Nf−3 flavors of the type qA+q¯A,
then there can exist a suitable local minimum where thecomposite axion envisioned in Eq. /H20849113 /H20850can be realized.
In this case, the SUSY-breaking scale and the compositeaxion scale are related, as first tried by Kim /H208491984 /H20850.
C. Axions with extra dimensions
With large extra dimensions, the axion identification
involves a few parameters: the fundamental scale mass
MF, the Kaluza-Klein /H20849KK /H20850radius R, and the number of
extra dimensions n. In addition, there are several ways
to allocate the field /H20849s/H20850containing the axion in the bulk
and/or branes.
The possibility of large extra dimensions has been
considered for the flat and warped extra dimensions.
The TeV scale for MFwas the main motivation to look
for the next level of the current experimental limit onmillimeter-scale gravity /H20849Antoniadis et al. , 1998 ;Arkani-
Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali, 1998 /H20850. Because the ax-
ion scale is considered to be at the intermediate scale, a
string theory at the intermediate scale M
Fhas also been
considered /H20849Burgess, Ibanez, and Quevedo, 1999 /H20850. With
the Randall-Sundrum-type warp factor /H20849Randall and
Sundrum, 1999a ,1999b /H20850, it is possible to introduce the
intermediate scale with a Planck scale MFvia the
Giddings-Kachru-Polchinski stabilization mechanism/H20849Giddings, Kachru, and Polchinski, 2002 /H20850.
Here we look only at the possibility of a TeV scale
F. Since the Planck mass is given by MP
/H11015MF/H20849RM F/H20850n/2, we obtain n/H333562 for MF/H1122910 TeV /H20849Han-
nestad and Raffelt, 2002 ;Kanti, 2009 /H20850. The Lagrangian
in 4+ ndimensions /H20851/H208494+n/H20850D/H20852with a bulk field axion can
be written as /H20849Chang, Tazawa, and Yamaguchi, 2000 /H20850,
v¯PQF/H9262/H9263emF˜em,/H9262/H9263/H20878 /H20849115 /H20850
where v¯PQis the PQ-symmetry-breaking scale at the fun-
damental scale order MF, anda/H20849x/H9262,y/H20850=/H20858
R/H20874. /H20849116 /H20850
The four-dimensional /H208494D/H20850PQ symmetry-breaking scale
isFa/H11015/H20849MP/MF/H20850A/nv¯PQwhere A=/H20841n/H20841=/H20881n12+¯+nn2/H11021n
and Fafalls between v¯PQand MP. The very light axion is
then=0component in Eq. /H20849116 /H20850, and the rest are the
KK axions. The mass splitting of the KK axions is of
order 1/ R, and the phenomenology of these KK axions
foraKK→2/H9253has been studied by Di Lella, Pilaftsis,
Raffelt, and Zioutas /H208492000 /H20850, from which we have 1/ R
/H110111/H2084910/H20850eV for n=2/H208493/H20850forMF/H110151 TeV.
The possibility of a Z2odd 5D gauge field in a warped
fifth dimension has been suggested for a QCD axionunder the assumption that all unwanted PQ-symmetry-breaking effects are suppressed /H20849Choi, 2004 /H20850. One such
constraint is that the bulk fields carry the vanishing PQcharge.
D. SUSY-breaking scale, axion and axino
The 4D supergravity interactions with the vanishing
cosmological constant were obtained in 1983 /H20849Cremmer,
Ferrara, Girardello, and van Pröyen, 1983 /H20850. The PQ
symmetry can be embedded in the supergravity frame-work /H20849Kim, 1984 /H20850,
+fQA1Q¯1Q2, /H20849117 /H20850
where Z,Z/H11032,A1, and A2are gauge singlet chiral fields,
Q¯1andQ2are chiral quark superfields, and f/H9254,f/H9280,F12, and
F22are parameters. The superpotential /H20849117 /H20850leads to
F-term SUSY breaking and PQ symmetry breaking
at a common scale at order O/H20849F12,F22/H20850iff/H9254/f/H9280/HS11005F12/F22.
The fQterm defines the PQ charge of the heavy
quark and the resulting axion is of the KSVZ type.The PQ-symmetry-breaking scale is given by non-
zero /H20855A
1A2/H20856/H11229/H20849F2//H9261/H20850cos/H20849/H9252−/H9251/H20850and the SUSY-breaking
scale is given by nonzero ZF=−F2sin/H9251sin/H20849/H9252−/H9251/H20850and
ZF/H11032=F2sin/H9251sin/H20849/H9252−/H9251/H20850, where /H9261=/H20881f/H92542+f/H92802,F2=/H20881F14+F24,
tan/H9251=f/H9280/f/H9254, and tan /H9252=F22/F12. The axino does not ob-
tain mass at this level, but obtains a mass at order of thesoft SUSY-breaking scale /H20849Chun, Kim, and Nilles, 1992a ;
Chun and Lukas, 1995 /H20850. Note that /H20855Z
/H20855Z,Z/H11032/H20856=O/H20849F2/M/H20850. Early discussions of the axino can be
found in Frère and Gérard /H208491983 /H20850.
E. The /H9262problem
If Higgs doublets Hu,dcarry vanishing U /H208491/H20850charges
beyond the MSSM gauge charges, then the superpoten-
tial can contain a W/H9262=−/H9262HuHdterm where /H9262can be of
the order of the fundamental scale since it is a supersym-metric term. This is problematic for the TeV scale elec-
troweak symmetry breaking; this is the so-called
problem /H20849Kim and Nilles, 1984 /H20850. This/H9262term is a super-
symmetric Higgsino mass term and can be forbidden in588 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Wby introducing some symmetry, continuous or dis-
crete. The widely discussed ones are the PQ and Rsym-
metries. In the supergravity framework, if the Higgsdoublets carry one unit of PQ charge then nonrenormal-
izable interactions of the form S
2HuHd/MPcan be
present in WifS2and HuHdcarry opposite PQ charges.
Then the resulting /H9262is of order Fa2/MP, which can be of
order of the TeV scale /H20849Kim and Nilles, 1984 /H20850. With an
intermediate hidden sector with hidden-sector squarks
Q1and Q¯2, one may have a nonrenormalizable interac-
tion of the form Q1Q¯2HuHd/MP. In this case the hidden-
sector squark condensation at the intermediate mass
scale can also generate a TeV scale /H9262/H20849Chun, Kim, and
Nilles, 1992b /H20850./H20851For the B/H9262term, one may consider
/H20849Q1Q2*/MP2/H20850HuHdin the Kähler potential. /H20852It is better for
the superpotential to possess this kind of PQ symmetry
and/or Rsymmetry /H20849Hall and Randall, 1991 ;Dine and
MacIntire, 1992 ;Casas and Muñoz, 1993 ;Kim and
Nilles, 1994 ;Kim, 1999a /H20850. If so, even if the nonrenormal-
izable interactions are not considered, the gravity me-
diation scenario can generate a TeV scale /H9262via the
Giudice-Masiero mechanism /H20849Giudice and Masiero,
1988 /H20850. In supergravity, the Higgsino mass term is present
in the chiral fermion mass matrix given by Cremmer,
Ferrara, Girardello, and van Pröyen /H208491983 /H20850and Nilles
/H208491984 /H20850:
e−G/H20851Gij−GiGj−Gl/H20849G−1/H20850lkGkij/H20852/H9273Li/H9273Lj, /H20849118 /H20850
where G=K/H20849/H9278,/H9278*/H20850−ln /H20841W/H208412. The term e−GGijgives/H9262
/H11011m3/2ifKcontains HuHd/H20849Giudice and Masiero, 1988 /H20850
and/H9262/H11011S2/MPifWcontains S2HuHd/MP/H20849Kim and
Nilles, 1984 /H20850.
In the next-to-MSSM /H20849NMMSM /H20850models with W
=SH uHd, the/H9262term can be generated by the singlet
VEV /H20855S/H20856at the electroweak scale /H20849Cerdeño, Hugonie,
López-Fogliani, Muñoz, and Teixeira, 2004 ;López-
Fogliani and Muñoz, 2006 /H20850.I na Z/H11032-added MSSM
/H20849Z/H11032MSSM /H20850, the/H9262term can also be successfully gener-
ated /H20849Langacker, Paz, Wang, and Yavin, 2008 /H20850.
Extending the MSSM gauge group which can be bro-
ken down to the MSSM at a high energy scale, one can
generate a reasonable /H9262. For example, there exists an
interesting solution to the problem of why there is onlyone pair of Higgsino doublets at low energy in the ex-
tended SU /H208493/H20850
W/H11003U/H208491/H20850electroweak model /H20849Lee and
Weinberg, 1977a /H20850. This is dictated by the extended gauge
symmetry. This one-pair problem is elegantly solved inthe SUSY Lee-Weinberg-type model due to the anti-
symmetric /H20851under SU /H208493/H20850
W/H20852Higgsino mass matrix /H20849Kim,
2007b /H20850, reminiscent of the “color” introduction used to
put low-lying baryons in the completely symmetric rep-resentation 56 in the old flavor-spin SU /H208496/H20850/H20849Han and
Nambu, 1965 /H20850.
Thus, explicit steps toward a successful
/H9262in the grav-
ity mediation scenario can be constructed in extra-singlet models, in SUSY-GUT models, through thesuperpotential, through the Kähler potential, and incomposite models.The loop effects are important sources of SUSY
breaking in the gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking/H20849GMSB /H20850scenario /H20849Dimopoulos and Raby, 1981 ;Dine,
Fischler, and Srednicki, 1981a ;Dine and Fischler, 1983 ;
Dine and Nelson, 1993 ;Dine, Nelson, and Shirman,
1995 /H20850, in anomaly mediation SUSY breaking /H20849AMSB /H20850
/H20849Giudice et al. , 1998 ;Randall and Sundrum, 1999a /H20850, and
even in the mirage mediation scenario /H20849Choi, Jeong, and
Okumura, 2005 ;Loaiza-Brito, Martin, Nilles, and Ratz,
2005 /H20850. GMSB has been suggested to solve the flavor
problem /H20849Gabbiani, Gabrielli, Masiero, and Silvestrini,
1996 /H20850present in the gravity mediation scenario. In this
GMSB or any other loop-generated SUSY-breaking sce-
nario, the soft terms generated by the supergravity effectare required to be subdominant compared to those aris-ing from the loops, or at best comparable to them. If theloop terms are subdominant as in the GMSB or AMSB,then there are some problems.
First, the generation of
/H9262is difficult because /H9262term
generation via the Giudice-Masiero mechanism is sub-
dominant at the TeV scale. One has to generate /H9262by
employing the PQ and/or Rsymmetries; this method,
however, does not belong to generating all TeV scaleparameters dynamically. In this regard, another confin-ing group around TeV scale has been proposed /H20849Choi
and Kim, 2000 /H20850, and the model presented there is the
type of composite SU /H208492/H20850
Waxion discussed in Sec. VI.B ,
which was saved by introducing singlets and relevantcouplings /H20849Luty, Terning, and Grant, 2001 /H20850. Then again it
does not succeed in generating all TeV scale parametersdynamically.
Second, in the loop SUSY-breaking scenarios for gen-
erating all TeV scale electroweak parameters by loops
there exists the B
/H9262//H9262problem /H20849Dvali, Giudice, and
Pomarol, 1996 /H20850. Since it occurs at loop orders, we con-
sider /H20848d4/H9258HuHdX†for/H9262and /H20848d4/H9258HuHdXX†forB/H9262
where the auxiliary component of Xdevelops a VEV .
From this observation, one generically obtains B/H9262/H11011/H9262/H9011
where/H9011/H11011/H9262/f2can be greater than /H9262; this was remedied
by making B/H9262appear at two-loop order /H20849Dvali, Giudice,
and Pomarol, 1996 /H20850. This B/H9262//H9262problem occurs essen-
tially because of the difference of the engineering di-
mensions of the B/H9262and/H9262terms. Both generically ap-
pear at one-loop order with the coefficient g2/16/H92662, and
hence in describing the electroweak scale the B/H9262term
lacks one power of g2/16/H92662. Recently, a better solution
employing a Kähler potential HuHd/H20849lnX+lnX†/H20850has
been suggested /H20849Giudice, Kim, and Rattazzi, 2008 /H20850,
which can be compared to the original Giudice-Masiero
Kähler potential HuHdX†+¯. There exist several more
ideas about the B/H9262//H9262problem /H20849Cohen, Roy, and
Schmaltz, 2007 ;Cho, 2008 ;Murayama, Nomura, and Po-
land, 2008 ;Roy and Schmaltz, 2008 /H20850.
Perhaps nonrenormalizable interactions are the easy
solution of the /H9262andB/H9262//H9262problems even in the GMSB.
Here, however, one introduces another scale. Without adetailed knowledge of the ultraviolet completion of theMSSM, the nonrenormalizable interactions are usually
assumed to be suppressed by the Planck mass M
P. But,589 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010there might be some heavy mass scale M, which can be
somewhat smaller than the Planck mass MP, for the see-
saw mass of the required nonrenormalizable interac-tions. In string compactifications, it is known explicitly
that Mcan be different from M
P/H20849Choi and Kim, 2006 ;
Kim, Kim, and Kyae, 2007 ;Choi and Kobayashi, 2008 /H20850.
A simple diagram giving an Mdependence is shown in
Fig. 26where the SU /H208492/H20850doublets H1and H2form a
vectorlike superheavy pair. This is a kind of seesawmechanism of Higgsino doublet pairs. For this scenario,a superpotential possessing the PQ symmetry can beconstructed:
2S2T+XH 1H2−f1SH 1Hu
−f2SH 2Hd+¯, /H20849119 /H20850
where /H20855X/H20856=Mand the HuHdterm is forbidden by the
PQ symmetry. Then the /H9262term for Huand Hd/H20849which
give mass to up- and down-type quarks, respectively /H20850is
given by/H9262=/H20855f1f2S2/M/H20856/H20849Kim and Nilles, 1984 /H20850.I f /H20855S/H20856is
lowered to the hidden-sector confining scale of order
/H110111010–12GeV in the GMSB, the Higgsino mass can be
made to be around the TeV scale by adjusting f1f2/M.
One may construct models with appropriate Fterms
such that B/H9262and msoft2are of the same order in the
GMSB, e.g., through the PQ-symmetry-preserving termin the Kähler potential
XHuHd+ H.c., /H20849120 /H20850
which also gives a /H9262term.
In the so-called mixed mediation /H20849M-mediation /H20850sce-
nario, with comparable moduli, anomaly, and gauge me-diations, which includes in its parameter space theGMSB, the AMSB, the mirage mediation, and the de-flected mirage mediation /H20849Everett, Kim, Ouyang, and
Zurek, 2008 /H20850, the loop-generated
/H9262term in general has a
severe B/H9262//H9262problem. It seems that the model presented
in an AMSB scenario /H20849Pomarol and Rattazzi, 1999 ;Rat-
tazzi, Strumia, and Wells, 2000 /H20850has the basic ingredient
for the solution of B/H9262//H9262problem according to a PQ
symmetry as stressed by Giudice, Kim, and Rattazzi
/H208492008 /H20850. This can also be gleaned from the axion shift
symmetry in the mirage mediation scenario /H20849Nakamura,
Okumura, and Yamaguchi, 2008 /H20850.
F. Axions from superstrings
The most interesting theory housing axions is super-
string theory. Axions from strings are described by effec-tive field theory below the compactification scale. If the
axion arises from the spontaneous symmetry breaking ofa tree-level global symmetry as discussed, the answer issimple: There is no such axion since string theory wouldnot allow any global symmetry. If the compactificationprocess leads to the SM, the renormalizable terms in this
effective theory respect the gauge symmetry SU /H208493/H20850
/H11003SU/H208492/H20850/H11003U/H208491/H20850Yand the global symmetries of the bary-
ion number U /H208491/H20850Band the separate lepton numbers
U/H208491/H20850Li. On the other hand, if the nonrenormalizable
terms are allowed, one can write, for example, qLlLuRdR,
breaking both the baryon number and the lepton num-ber symmetries. If the nonrenormalizable terms are in-cluded, the SM does not respect the baryon and lepton
numbers symmetries. Similarly, there is no PQ globalsymmetry if we are allowed to write all nonrenormaliz-able terms. For the PQ symmetry, the situation is more
severe. Suppose the singlet carrying the PQ charge is
Then/H9268*/H9268respects the PQ symmetry but /H92682and/H9268*2do
not, which has led to a discussion of gravitational effectson the axion /H20849Barr and Seckel, 1992 ;Ghigna, Lusignoli,
and Roncadelli, 1992 ;Holman, Hsu, Kephart, Kolb,
Watkins, and Widrow, 1992 ;Kamionkowski and March-
Russell, 1992 ;Dobrescu, 1997 /H20850. Therefore, the PQ sym-
metry cannot be discussed in general in terms of matterfields only, when we include gravity in the discussion asin string theory.
Thus, in string compactification one must consider the
gravity multiplet also. Here the gauge singlet bosonic
degrees in the gravity multiplet are the graviton g
/H20849M,N=0,1,...,9 /H20850, the antisymmetric tensor BMN, and
the dilaton /H9021. In ten dimensions, gMNand BMNare
gauge fields. A 4D action on Minkowski space x/H9262/H20849/H9262
=0,1,2,3 /H20850is obtained by compactifying six internal
spaces yi/H20849i=4,...,9 /H20850with the compact volume VZ. Some
bosonic degrees from the ten-dimensional /H2084910D /H20850anti-
symmetric tensor field behave like pseudoscalars in the4D effective theory. Thus, the axion candidates, if they
do not arise from the matter multiplets, must be in B
The pseudoscalar fields in BMNare like phase fields in
axion models in field theory. Because there is no globalsymmetry in string theory, there must be no massless
MN, otherwise the shift symmetry of BMNwould have
worked as a global symmetry. From the tree-level equa-
tions of motion all pseudoscalar BMNfields are not mass-
less. For example, if a shift symmetry of BMNis related
to an anomaly as in the PQ current case, we considerthat the shift symmetry is already broken. In other
words, there is no shift symmetry of pseudoscalar B
unless it is anomalous.
One must deal with these bosonic degrees in string
compactification to see whether these components leadto terms in the potential /H20849or the superpotential in SUSY
models /H20850, which is a technical and model-dependent pro-
cedure. Here we discuss axions from strings and com-ment on their phenomenological viability. Some relevantrecent reviews describing details can be found in Conlon
/H208492006 /H20850and Svrcek and Witten /H208492006 /H20850. The M-theory dis-M
FIG. 26. The generation of the /H9262term by a seesaw mechanism.590 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010cussion was presented in Choi /H208491997 /H20850and Svrcek and
Witten /H208492006 /H20850.
The pseudoscalar fields in BMNcome in two catego-
ries, one the tangential component B/H9262/H9263and the other
Bij.B/H9262/H9263can be discussed in any string compactification
and hence is called “model independent” /H20849MI/H20850while Bij
depends on the compactification scheme as its internal
coordinates iand jimply and is called “model depen-
dent” /H20849MD /H20850. After presenting the string formulas con-
taining BMN, we discuss the MI axion in Sec. VI.F.1 and
then the MD axions present in much more speculativemodels in Sec. VI.F.2 .
Now, there exists a standard formula for the string
action /H20851Polchinski /H208491988 /H20850, Eq. /H2084913.3.22 /H20850/H20852, which was lack-
ing in the early days of string axions /H20849Choi and Kim,
1985a ;Witten, 1985a /H20850. The type-II dilaton
/H9278IIand cou-
pling gII=e/H9278IIare related to the 10D gravitational cou-
pling/H926010byM108=1//H9260102=4/H9266/gII2/H5129s8, where/H9251/H11032=/H5129s2//H208492/H9266/H208502
/H20849Polchinski, 1988 /H20850. For the type-II string, there are
NS-NS and R-Rfluxes which can give anomalous cou-
plings. These complicated systems housing pseudosca-lars are reviewed in Conlon /H208492006 /H20850with the tentative
that it is difficult to realize a QCD axion in string modelswith a workable moduli stabilization /H20849Kachru, Kallosh,
Linde, and Trivedi, 2003 /H20850. In heterotic string models,
there does not exist a reasonable moduli stabilizationmechanism, even though an ambitious attempt has beenproposed /H20849Becker, Becker, Fu, Tseng, and Yau, 2006 /H20850.
However, we discuss heterotic string axions below be-cause string axions were found first in heterotic stringmodels and key couplings in axion phenomenologymight be similarly discussed also for the type-II string.As in the type-II string, the heterotic string coupling is
related to the dilaton /H9021asg
h=e/H9021. The kinetic energy
terms of gMN,BMN, and AMare /H20851Polchinski /H208491988 /H20850, Eqs.
/H2084912.1.39 /H20850and /H2084912.3.36 /H20850/H20852,
4/H20879dB 2−/H92753
gh2/H5129s8/H20879dB 2−/H92753
4/H208492/H9266/H20850gh2/H5129s6Trv/H20841F2/H208412/H20878, /H20849121 /H20850
where Trvis the trace over vector representation and the
Chern-Simons three-form is
/H92753=T rv/H20849A1∧dA 1+2
3A1∧A1∧A1/H20850. /H20849122 /H20850
For E 8/H11003E8, there is the adjoint representation and we
30Train place of Trv. For the compact internal vol-
ume VZ, the Planck mass is MP=4/H9266VZ/gs2/H5129s8and the 4D
gauge coupling constant is gYM2=4/H9266gs2/H5129s6/VZor/H9251YM
=gs2/H5129s6/VZ. In most compactifications, the SM gauge
fields arise from the level k=1 embedding and the cou-
pling/H9251YMis the coupling strength at the compactifica-tion scale. If the SM gauge fields are embedded in the
level k, the SM gauge coupling at the compactification
scale will be smaller by the factor k. For interactions of
BMN, we consider the Bianchi identity, the gauge-
invariant couplings of the gaugino /H9273/H20849Derendinger,
Ibanez, and Nilles, 1985 ;Dine, Rohm, Seiberg, and Wit-
ten, 1985 /H20850, and the Green-Schwarz terms /H20849Green and
Schwarz, 1984 /H20850,
16/H92662/H20849trR∧R−t rF∧F/H20850,HMNP/H9273¯/H9003MNP/H9273,
B∧trF∧F∧F∧F+¯, /H20849123 /H20850
where HMNP is the field strength of BMN,Fis the field
strength of the gauge field A, the gauge-invariant fer-
mion coupling is the SUSY counterpart of the relevantterms of Eq. /H20849121 /H20850, and the ellipsis denotes more Green-
Schwarz terms. It was argued that the H
MNP coupling to
the gaugino must be a perfect square /H20849Dine, Rohm,
Seiberg, and Witten, 1985 /H20850, which gives a vanishing cos-
mological constant even for a nonvanishing gaugino con-
densation with nonzero /H20855HMNP /H20856/H20849Derendinger, Ibanez,
and Nilles, 1985 ;Dine, Rohm, Seiberg, and Witten,
1985 /H20850.
1. Model-independent axion
B/H9262/H9263with/H9262and/H9263tangent to the 4D Minkowski space-
time is the MI axion present in all string compactifica-tions /H20849Witten, 1984 /H20850. Because it is a 4D gauge boson, one
cannot write potential terms in terms of B
/H9262/H9263and it is
massless if one neglects the anomaly term. The number
of transverse degrees in B/H9262/H9263is 1, and it can be expressed
as a pseudoscalar aby dualizing it, H/H9262/H9263/H9267/H11008Fa/H9280/H9262/H9263/H9267/H9268/H11509/H9268a.
Even though it is massless at this level, the Bianchi iden-
tity of Eq. /H20849123 /H20850gives an equation of motion of aas
/H115092a=/H208491/32/H92662Fa/H20850G/H9262/H9263aG˜a/H9262/H9263, which hints that amight be an
axion. For it to be really a QCD axion, c2+c3should be
nonzero as discussed in Sec. III.B . It is known that c3
=1 /H20849Witten, 1985b /H20850with c3defined in Eq. /H2084919/H20850. The other
possible couplings are given by the second term of Eq./H20849123 /H20850,
M102/H9273¯/H9253/H9268/H92535/H9273/H11509/H9268aMI, /H20849124 /H20850
which is the c1term defined in Eq. /H2084919/H20850. There is no c2
term and c2+c3=1, and hence H/H9262/H9263/H9267is really an axion and
is model independent.4This is a hadronic axion. This MI
hadronic axion can have a nonvanishing c1and hence its
phenomenology might be different from that of theKSVZ hadronic axion. In Eqs. /H2084961/H20850and /H2084962/H20850for the MI
hadronic axion, one has to add the relevant c
1term from
Eq. /H20849124 /H20850. The domain wall number of the MI axion has
been shown to be NDW=1 by considering the coupling of
the MI axion to a string XM/H20849/H9268,/H9270/H20850on the world sheet
4Nevertheless, its properties may depend on models in
warped space /H20849Dasgupta, Firouzjahi, and Gwyn, 2008 /H20850.591 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010/H20848d2/H9268/H9280/H9251/H9252B/H9262/H9263/H11509/H9251X/H9262/H11509/H9252X/H9263/H20849Witten, 1985a /H20850.Fais about 10−3
times the Planck mass /H20849Choi and Kim, 1985a /H20850, and the
correct relation, obtained from Eq. /H20849121 /H20850,i s Fa/k
=/H9251cMP/23/2/H9266/H110111016GeV, where kis the level of the SM
embedding and /H9251cis the QCD coupling constant /H20849Svrcek
and Witten, 2006 /H20850. But the value Fa/H110111016GeV most
probably overcloses the universe.
An idea for lowering the MI axion decay constant
may be the following. In some compactification schemes,
an anomalous U /H208491/H20850angauge symmetry results, where the
U/H208491/H20850angauge boson eats the MI axion so that the U /H208491/H20850an
gauge boson becomes heavy. This applies to the MI ax-
ion since the coupling /H11509/H9262aMIA/H9262anis present by the Green-
Schwarz term /H20849Witten, 1984 ;Chun, Kim, and Nilles,
1992b /H20850. In fact, even before considering this anomalous
U/H208491/H20850angauge boson, the possibility was pointed out by
Barr /H208491986 /H20850; the theory became consistent after the
anomalous U /H208491/H20850anfrom string compactification was dis-
covered /H20849Atick, Dixon, and Sen, 1987 ;Dine, Seiberg,
and Witten, 1987 ;Dine, Ichinose, and Seiberg, 1987 /H20850.
Then a global symmetry survives down the anomalous
U/H208491/H20850angauge boson scale. A detailed scenario is the fol-
lowing. The anomalous U /H208491/H20850anwith the gauge transfor-
mation,/H9258an→/H9258an+const is obtained by calculating
U/H208491/H20850ancharges of fermions. Thus, we have a nonvanish-
ingc2in Eq. /H2084919/H20850asm/H9274¯L/H9274Rexp /H20849ic2/H9258an/H20850and c3of the MI
axion as c3/H9258MI/H20853FF˜/H20854. For all gauge group factors, the
anomaly units are calculated and they are shown to beidentical /H20849Casas, Katehou, and Muñoz, 1988 ;Kim, 1988 /H20850.
For the MI axion to be part of a gauge boson, it must bea true Goldstone boson without an anomaly, i.e., it
should be exactly massless; so we transform away the c
term by a phase redefinition of fermions such that c¯2
=c2−c3/H20855/H9258MI/H20856//H9258anand c¯3=0 can occur for all gauge fields,
i.e.,aMIcoupling to the anomalies vanishes for all gauge
groups. Because the longitudinal gauge boson aMI
is removed, we are left with the c¯2term only,
m/H9274¯L/H9274Rexp /H20849ic¯2/H9258an/H20850+H.c., without the need to consider
the gauge symmetry U /H208491/H20850an. At low energy, however, the
term m/H9274¯L/H9274Rexp /H20849ic¯2/H9258an/H20850has a global symmetry, /H9258an
→/H9258an+const, with /H9258annot depending on x/H9262. Thus, the
interaction m/H9274¯L/H9274Rexp /H20849ic¯2/H9258an/H20850+H.c. explicitly shows a
global U /H208491/H20850axial symmetry or PQ symmetry below the
U/H208491/H20850angauge boson mass scale: /H9274L→/H9274Le−i/H9258an/2and/H9274R
→/H9274Rei/H9258an/2. This global PQ symmetry can be broken in
the axion window as in the field theoretic axion models.However, this idea about the decay constant does notwork necessarily, because most fields, including those re-
moved at the GUT scale, carry the U /H208491/H20850
2. Model-dependent axion
In 4D, BMNcontains more pseudoscalars Bijwith iand
jtangent to the compact space VZ. If they are axions,
these are MD axions. The number of massless Bijmodes
at the KK mass level is the second Betti number of thecompact space /H20851Green, Schwarz, and Witten /H208491987 /H20850, Eq.
/H2084914.3.10 /H20850/H20852, which was discussed in the early days in Wit-ten /H208491984 ,1985a /H20850and Choi and Kim /H208491985b /H20850. The string
propagation on M
4/H11003VZcan be described by a suitable
nonlinear /H9268model. In this /H9268model description, when a
closed string topologically wraps VZnontrivially then
there are world-sheet instantons due to the map S1
→U/H208491/H20850. It is known that the world-sheet instantons are
present precisely if the second Betti number is nonzero/H20849Green, Schwarz, and Witten, 1987 /H20850, and hence the MD
axions are expected to receive non-negligible massesnonperturbatively /H20849Dine, Seiberg, Wen, and Witten,
1986 ,1987 ;Wen and Witten, 1986 /H20850, but this may be a
model-dependent statement /H20849Polchinski, 2006 /H20850.I faM D
axion is known to have no potential term except the
anomaly terms, then one should check the c
2and c3cou-
plings to confirm that it is really an axion. There hasbeen no example presented yet in this way for a MDaxion. If a MD axion is present, its decay constant isexpected to be near the string scale as explicitly given by
MD=/H9251C1/3MP/23/2/H9266k1/3gs2/3from the anomaly term alone
inSvrcek and Witten /H208492006 /H20850. The Green-Schwarz term
integrated over VZleads to this kind of decay constant
for the MD axion /H20849Choi and Kim, 1985b /H20850. However, as
discussed, one has to calculate the corresponding c2term
also to pinpoint the MD axion decay constant FMD.
3. Toward a plausible QCD axion from string theory
A key problem in string axion models is to find a
method obtaining a QCD axion at the axion window
/H20849109/H33355Fa/H333551012GeV /H20850but an attractive model in this di-
rection is still lacking. Thus, the most pressing issue isthe problem of introducing a detectable QCD axionfrom superstring theory. It includes the search for an
approximate PQ symmetry and a detectable QCD ax-ion.
The conditions for compactified manifolds in warped
space needed to lower the MI axion decay constant havebeen discussed by Dasgupta, Firouzjahi, and Gwyn
/H208492008 /H20850, but its realization seems nontrivial.
The idea of localizing MD axions at fixed points in
order to lower the decay constant has been proposed byI. W. Kim and J. E. Kim /H208492006 /H20850. It uses the warp factor
idea and one needs a so-called Giddings-Kachru-Polchinski throat /H20849Giddings, Kachru and Polchinski,
2002 /H20850in the type-II string, but in the heterotic string a
non-Kähler V
Zis needed /H20849Becker, Becker, Fu, Tseng,
and Yau, 2006 /H20850. Indeed, a warp factor is obtained in this
way, but it has power law behavior.
Intermediate scale string models can introduce the ax-
ion window as the ultraviolet completion scale /H20849Burgess,
Ibañez, and Quevedo, 1999 /H20850. On the other hand, in this
case the large radius used to generate the Planck mass isthe scale needing explanation.
We note that a method of obtaining F
ain the axion
window is through the composite axion from super-strings as discussed in Sec. VI.B . However, the compos-
ite axion has not been obtained so far from string con-struction.592 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Even if Fais lowered, we must consider the hidden
sector also in estimating the axion masses and decayconstants as discussed below.
4. Hidden-sector confining forces, axion mixing, and
approximate PQ symmetry
With the hidden-sector confining forces, we need at
least two /H20849QCD and one hidden-sector /H20850/H9258’s which have
to be settled to zero, and hence we need at least twoaxions. For definiteness, consider only one more confin-ing force at an intermediate scale, which may be thesource of gravity mediation or GMSB. In this case, atleast one MD axion is assumed to be present, and axionmixing must be considered. We assume that one decayconstant is in the intermediate scale. Here there is animportant /H20849almost /H20850theorem: the cross theorem on decay
constants and condensation scales. Suppose that there
are two axions a
1with F1and a2with F2/H20849F1/H11270F2/H20850which
couple to axion potentials with scales /H90111and/H90112/H20849/H90111
/H11270/H9011 2/H20850. The theorem states the following /H20849Kim, 1999b ,
2000 ;Kim and Kim, 2006 /H20850: according to the diagonaliza-
tion process in most cases with generic couplings, the
larger potential scale /H90112chooses the smaller decay con-
stant F1, and the smaller potential scale /H90111chooses the
larger decay constant F2. So it is not enough just to ob-
tain a small decay constant. The hidden sector may stealthe smaller decay constant; the QCD axion is probablyleft with the larger decay constant. We can turn thisaround such that the hidden sector instanton potential isshallower than the QCD instanton potential since theinstanton potential is proportional to the light quarkmass as discussed in Sec. III.B . If the hidden-sector
quark mass is extremely small, then the QCD axion canobtain the smaller decay constant, and the other axion isan extremely light axion which can be used to fit theobserved dark energy /H20849Riess et al. , 1998 ;Perlmutter
et al. , 1999 ;Komatsu et al. , 2009 /H20850. This is named the
quintessential axion /H20849Kim and Nilles, 2003 ,2009 /H20850.I tc a n
be easily realized if some hidden-sector squark conden-sations are very small, as Fig. 27can generate hidden-
sector quark masses /H20849Kim and Kim, 2006 /H20850.
Since it is difficult to obtain a reasonable light MD
axion, attempts have been made to find an approximatePQ symmetry from string compactification. Only onereference exists using a realistic string compactificationbecause of the difficulty of calculating all approximatePQ charges of quarks /H20849Choi, Kim, and Kim, 2007 /H20850. After
all, the topologically attractive B
ijmay not be the QCDaxion we want. In this regard, we note that there already
exists a field theoretic work regarding an approximate
PQ symmetry, starting with a discrete Z9symmetry /H20849Laz-
arides, Panagiotakopoulos, and Shafi, 1986 /H20850. Later,
gravitational nonperturbative effects such as wormholesand black holes were phenomenologically studied inview of any global symmetries /H20849Giddings and
Strominger, 1988 ;Lee, 1988 ;Gilbert, 1989 /H20850. It is known
that the PQ-symmetry-breaking operators in the super-potential must be forbidden up to dimension 8 /H20849Barr and
Seckel, 1992 ;Ghigna, Lusignoli, and Roncadelli, 1992 ;
Holman, Hsu, Kephart, Kolb, Watkins, and Widrow,1992 ;Kamionkowski and March-Russell, 1992 ;Do-
brescu, 1997 /H20850. If we introduce an approximate PQ sym-
metry, it is better to forbid the PQ-symmetry-breakingoperators up to dimension 8 in the superpotential; pos-sibly up to dimension 7 with reasonably small couplingssomewhere.
In this spirit, it is worthwhile to check approximate
PQ symmetries in string-derived models. The MSSMspresented in Kim /H208492007a ,2007b /H20850,Kim, Kim, and Kyae
/H208492007 /H20850, and Kim and Kyae /H208492007 /H20850, satisfy most phenom-
enological constraints and one can check approximateglobal symmetries. But it is tedious work, and so far anapproximate PQ symmetry has been checked out onlyfor the flipped SU /H208495/H20850model of Kim and Kyae /H208492007 /H20850.I n
searching for an approximate global symmetry in astring-derived model, there are so many Yukawa cou-plings to be considered that a complete study up to allorders is almost impossible. For example /H20849Choi, Kim,
and Kim, 2007 /H20850presented O/H2084910
4/H20850d=7 superpotential
terms, and it is not a trivial task to find an approximatePQ symmetry direction, considering all these terms. Upto dimension-7 terms, there exists an approximate PQsymmetry which is spontaneously broken. The resultingaxion coupling with photons has been calculated byChoi, Kim, and Kim /H208492007 /H20850and is shown in Fig. 16to-
gether with the CAST and Tokyo axion search bounds/H20849Andriamonje et al. , 2007 ;Inoue et al. , 2008 /H20850. But the
axion decay constant is not lowered. This is because theneeded singlet VEVs, leading to the low energy MSSM,carry PQ charges. This is a generic problem for observ-able axions from superstrings. In comparison to the MI
axion case with the anomalous U /H208491/H20850
an, it may be easier
to realize the observable axion with an approximate PQsymmetry.
Supersymmetrization of axion models includes the
fermionic superpartner axino a˜and the scalar superpart-
ner saxion as discussed in Sec. VI.D . Both saxion and
axino masses are split from the almost vanishing axionmass if SUSY is broken. The precise value of the axinomass depends on the model, specified by the SUSY-breaking sector and the mediation sector to the axionsupermultiplet /H20849Nilles, 1984 /H20850. Most probably the saxion
mass is around the soft mass scale M
SUSY . The axino
mass should also be near this scale as well. But the axinomass can also be much smaller /H20849Frere and Gerard, 1983 ;/angbracketleft˜¯qh˜qh/angbracketright
qh ¯qh
FIG. 27. /H20849Color online /H20850The hidden-sector squark condensa-
tion breaks chiral symmetry and generates hidden-sectorquark masses.593 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010Kim, Masiero, and Nanopoulos, 1984 ;Chun, Kim, and
Nilles, 1992a /H20850or much larger than MSUSY /H20849Chun and
Lukas, 1995 /H20850. Therefore, we take the axino mass as a
free parameter here.
The decoupling temperature of the axino supermul-
tiplet is of order /H20849Rajagopal, Turner, and Wilczek, 1991 /H20850
Ta˜dcp=/H208491011GeV /H20850/H20873Fa
/H20849125 /H20850
where/H9251cis the QCD coupling constant.
Saxion cosmology is a simple extension of the stan-
dard cosmology with saxion mass around the SUSY-breaking scale /H20849Kim, 1991 ;Chang and Kim, 1996 ;Asaka
and Yamaguchi, 1999 /H20850, but its effect is not so dramatic as
the effect of the axino. Therefore, here we focus on theaxino cosmology /H20849Rajagopal, Turner, and Wilczek, 1991 ;
Covi, Kim, and Roszkowski, 1999 ;Covi, Kim, Kim, and
Roszkowski, 2001 ;Choi, Kim, Lee, and Seto, 2008 /H20850.I n
the moduli stabilization scenario of Kachru et al. /H208492003 /H20850,
the saxion VEV has been estimated by Choi and Jeong
/H208492007 /H20850.
The axino cosmology depends crucially on the nature
ofRparity. If Rparity is conserved and the axino is
lighter than the neutralino, then most probably the
axino or gravitino /H20849in the case of GMSB /H20850is the LSP . If R
parity is not conserved, the neutralino can decay to or-dinary SM particles, as discussed by Allanach, Dedes,
and Dreiner /H208492004 /H20850.
Now we focus on R-parity conservation. The neu-
tralino, if it is the LSP , is a natural candidate for darkmatter. Due to TeV scale sparticle interactions, the ther-mal history of neutralinos allows them to be dark matter.
But if a solution of the strong CPproblem via the axion
is imposed, the thermal history involves contributionsfrom the axion sector, notably by the axino. Since axinocosmology depends on neutralino and gravitino numberdensities, we comment on the neutralino and gravitinocosmologies before discussing the effect of the axino.The neutralino cosmology depends on the neutralinofreezeout temperature /H20849Lee and Weinberg, 1977b ;Drees
and Nojiri, 1993 /H20850and the gravitino cosmology depends
on the reheating temperature after inflation /H20849Weinberg,
1982 /H20850. Here we list several relevant temperatures in the
axino cosmology,
a˜dcp, axino decoupling temperature;
TR, reheating temperature after inflation;
Tfr, neutralino freezeout temperature;
Ta˜-rad, axino-radiation equality temperature;
TD, radiation temperature right after a˜decay.
/H20849126 /H20850
Here we are interested in the axino domination of the
dark matter density. In the evolution history of coldaxino dark matter, either a heavy axino has decayed al-ready or it has not decayed yet. If the axino has notdecayed yet, the current axino CDM can be estimated
using T
a˜dcporTR. If it has decayed already, the past cold
axino dark matter requires the existence of TRminat some
earlier time,
3ma˜Ya˜/H20849TRmin/H20850=TD /H20849127 /H20850
so that Ya˜/H20849TR/H20850=na˜/s/H33356Ya˜/H20849TRmin/H20850at the time of reheating
after inflation, where TRminis the temperature above
which axinos dominate the universe before they decay.
A. Neutralino and gravitino
The neutralino LSP seems the most attractive candi-
date for CDM simply because the TeV order SUSY-breaking scale introduces the LSP as a WIMP /H20849Gold-
berg, 1983 ;Ellis, Hagelin, Nanopoulos, Olive, and
Srednicki, 1984 /H20850. The neutralino, which was in thermal
equilibrium in the early universe, decouples and freezesout when the annihilation rate becomes smaller than the
Hubble parameter. The freezeout temperature T
fris nor-
mally given by m/H9273/25 /H20849Lee and Weinberg, 1977b ;Kolb
and Turner, 1990 /H20850, e.g., 4 GeV for a 100 GeV neutralino.
Obviously, the neutralino relic density is not affected by
the axino: TD/H11022Tfrsince neutralinos were in thermal
equilibrium after the axino decay. This is the standardneutralino dark matter. With the introduction of the
axino, therefore, we study the case T
Gravitinos in the universe are important if they domi-
nate the dark matter fraction now or affected the resultof nucleosynthesis. Thermal gravitinos produced at the
Planckian time are important if m
3/2/H110111 keV /H20849Pagels and
Primack, 1982 /H20850. However, in the inflationary scenario
these Planckian-time gravitinos are not important now.It was observed that heavy gravitino decay affects nu-cleosynthesis /H20849Weinberg, 1982 /H20850; this problem was sug-
gested to be solved by inflation /H20849Krauss, 1983 ;Khlopov
and Linde, 1984 /H20850. Then the gravitino number density is
roughly estimated in terms of the reheating temperature
after inflation, n
3/2/H11008TR. To estimate the cosmological
bound on TRrather accurately, a full supergravity inter-
action /H20849Cremmer, Ferrara, Girardello, and van Pröyen,
1983 /H20850has been used and applied to the dissociation
problem of rare light elements such as deuterium, etc.,
resulting in TR/H11021109GeV /H20849Ellis, Kim, and Nanopoulos,
1984 /H20850. A recent calculation of TRhas been performed
using the nucleosynthesis code to look for7Li destruc-
tion and/or6Li overproduction /H20849Kawasaki, Kohri, and
Moroi, 2005 ;Kawasaki, Kohri, Moroi, and Yotsuyanagi,
2008 /H20850, following the earlier work of Cyburt, Ellis, Fields,
and Olive /H208492003 /H20850, which led to a stronger bound, TR
/H11021108GeV if the gravitino is lighter than the gluino and
TR/H11021107GeV if the gravitino is heavier than the gluino.
This gravitino problem is absent if the gravitino is the
next LSP /H20849NLSP /H20850,ma˜/H11021m3/2/H11021m/H9273, since a thermally pro-
duced gravitino would decay into an axino and an axion,which would not affect the BBN-produced light ele-ments /H20849Asaka and Yanagida, 2000 /H20850.
If the gravitino is the LSP with the stau or neutralino
as the NLSP , the gravitino can be the CDM even in the594 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010constrained MSSM /H20849or mSUGRA /H20850for some parameter
space, avoiding the BBN and b→s/H9253constraints /H20849Boehm,
Djouadi, and Drees, 2000 ;Ellis, Olive, Santoso, and
Spanos, 2004 ;Roszkowski, Ruiz de Austri, and Choi,
2005 ;Cerdeño, Choi, Jedamzik, Roszkowski, and Ruiz
de Austri, 2006 /H20850.
B. Axino
Thus, in SUSY theories we must consider a relatively
small reheating temperature 107−8GeV. Axino cosmol-
ogy must also be considered with this low reheating tem-perature.
In principle, the axion supermultiplet is independent
of the observable sector, in which case we may take theaxino mass as a free parameter from the keV scale to avalue much larger than the gravitino mass /H20849Chun, Kim,
and Nilles, 1992a ;Chun and Lukas, 1995 /H20850. Light axinos
a˜/H11351100 GeV /H20850can be a dark matter candidate and
have been studied extensively as a warm dark mattercandidate /H20849Rajagopal, Turner, and Wilczek, 1991 /H20850with
the reheating temperature given by Brandenburg and
Steffen /H208492004 /H20850, or a CDM candidate /H20849Covi, Kim, and
Roszkowski, 1999 ;Asaka and Yanagida, 2000 ;Covi,
Kim, Kim, and Roszkowski, 2001 ;Roszkowski and Seto,
2007 ;Seto and Yamaguchi, 2007 /H20850. Heavy axinos, how-
ever, cannot be the LSP; they can decay to the LSP pluslight particles. This heavy axino decay to neutralinos hasalready been considered /H20849Chun and Lukas, 1995 /H20850. The
heavy axino possibility was considered in studying cos-mological effects of the saxion by Kawasaki and Na-
kayama /H208492008 /H20850and Kawasaki, Nakayama, and Senami
/H208492008 /H20850. A more complete cosmological analysis of the
heavy axino has been discussed by Choi, Kim, Lee, and
Seto /H208492008 /H20850.
Since the CDM fraction of the universe is roughly 0.23
/H20849Komatsu et al. , 2009 /H20850, we focus on the possibility of the
axino or axino-related neutralino being the CDM. Forthe axino to be the LSP , it must be lighter than the light-est neutralino and gravitino. In this case, we do not have
Dof Eq. /H20849126 /H20850. If the lightest neutralino is the NLSP ,
ma˜/H11021m/H9273/H11021m3/2, the thermal production /H20849TP/H20850mechanism
gives the aforementioned bound on the reheating tem-perature after inflation. At a high reheating tempera-ture, TP is dominant in axino production /H20849Covi, Kim,
and Roszkowski, 1999 /H20850. If the reheating temperature is
below the critical energy density line, there exists an-other axino CDM possibility from nonthermally pro-duced /H20849NTP /H20850axinos which result from neutralino decay
/H20849Covi, Kim, Kim, and Roszkowski, 2001 /H20850. This situation
is shown in Fig. 28. We note that with R-parity conser-
vation the double production of low-mass axinos is neg-ligible in supernovae, and hence there is no useful exclu-sion region from SN1987A in the low-mass region.
Since the final axino energy fraction is reduced by the
mass ratio /H9024
a˜h2=/H20849ma˜/m/H9273/H20850/H9024/H9273h2forma˜/H11021m/H9273/H11021m3/2, the
stringent cosmologically constrained MSSM parameter
space for m/H9273can be expanded. As shown in Fig. 28, the
NTP axinos can be CDM for a relatively low reheatingtemperature /H20849/H1102110 TeV /H20850for 10 MeV /H11021ma˜/H11021m/H9273. In Fig.
28the thin dashed yellow corner on the RHS corre-
sponds to MSSM models with /H9024/H9273h2/H11021104, and a small
axino mass gives the possibility of the axino forming23% of the closure density. If all SUSY mass parameters
are below 1 TeV, then probably /H9024
/H9273h2/H11021100 /H20849the thick
solid corner on the RHS /H20850but a sufficient axino energy
density requires ma˜/H110221 GeV. Thus, if the LHC does not
detect the neutralino needed for closing of the universe,axino closing is a possibility /H20849Covi, Roszkowski, and
Small, 2002 ;Covi, Roszkowski, Ruiz de Austri, and
Small 2004 ;Choi and Roszkowski, 2006 ;Choi, Rosz-
kowski, and Ruiz de Austri, 2008 /H20850. If the NLSP is a stau
with axino or gravitino LSP , the previously forbiddenstau LSP region is erased. In this case, the CDM axino issimilar to the bino LSP case, but because of the chargeon the stau it is easier to detect the stau signal at theLHC /H20849Brandenburg, Covi, Hamaguchi, Roszkowski, and
Steffen, 2005 /H20850. However, it may be difficult to detect axi-
nos /H20849Kim and Kim, 2002 /H20850.
In the GMSB scenario, the gravitino mass is generally
smaller than the neutralino mass and possibly smallerthan the axino mass. The cosmological effect for this
case has been studied by Chun, Kim, and Kim /H208491994 /H20850
and Kim and Kim /H208491995 /H20850.
For a heavy axino decaying to a neutralino, we
present a T
Rvsma˜plot for Fa=1011GeV in Fig. 29. The
region TR/H11022Ta˜dcpis above the dashed blue line. An
axino lifetime greater than 0.1 s is denoted by the red
shaded region on the LHS. The blue shaded region onthe RHS is where the axino decays before the neutralino
decouples /H20849T
D/H11022Tfr/H20850. The magenta lines /H20849horizontal /H20850are
the contours of the entropy increase due to the axino
decay, r/H11013Sf/S0. Above the r=1 line axinos dominate the
universe before they decay. The green lines /H20849vertical /H20850de-
note /H20855/H9268annvrel/H20856, where/H9268annis the neutralino annihilation
cross section, in units of GeV−2, which are used to giveTRH[GeV]
10−810−610−410−2 1 102Hot Warm Cold
˜ah2=1 )
FIG. 28. /H20849Color /H20850Constraints of the reheating temperature as a
function of the axino mass. The solid line is the upper boundfrom TP . The yellow region is the region where NTP can give
cosmologically interesting results /H20849/H9024
a˜NTPh2/H112291/H20850. The freezeout
temperature is Tfr/H11015m/H9273/20.595 Jihn E. Kim and Gianpaolo Carosi: Axions and the strong CPproblem
Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010the right amount of neutralino relic density. In Fig. 29
we use the neutralino and gluino masses m/H9273=100 GeV
and mg˜=2 TeV, respectively. For a larger Faand a
heavier neutralino mass, the green lines move to theright /H20849Choi, Kim, Lee, and Seto, 2008 /H20850.
We have benefited from discussions with K.-J. Bae, S.
M. Barr, Kiwoon Choi, Ki-Young Choi, D. K. Hong,J.-H. Huh, K. Imai, H. D. Kim, I.-W. Kim, A. Melissinos,C. Muñoz, H. P . Nilles, S. Park, S. Raby, G. G. Raffelt,A. Ringwald, K. van Bibber, and K. Zioutas. This workwas supported in part by the Korea Research Founda-tion, Grant No. KRF-2005-084-C00001.
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Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, January–March 2010 |
PhysRevB.95.104432.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 104432 (2017)
Thermal spin torques in magnetic insulators
H. Yu,1,2,*S. D. Brechet,2P. Che,1,2F. A. Vetro,2M. Collet,3S. Tu,1,2Y . G. Zhang,1Y . Zhang,1T. Stueckler,1L. Wang,1,4
H. Cui,4D. Wang,4C. Zhao,4P. Bortolotti,3A. Anane,3J-Ph. Ansermet,2,†and W. Zhao1
1Fert Beijing Research Institute, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, BDBC, Beihang University, China
2Institute of Physics, Station 3, Ecole Polytechnique F ´ed´erale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne-EPFL, Switzerland
3Unit´e Mixte de Physique CNRS, Thales, Univ. Paris Sud, Universit ´e Paris-Saclay, 91767 Palaiseau, France
4Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
(Received 15 December 2016; revised manuscript received 3 March 2017; published 23 March 2017)
The damping of spin waves transmitted through a two-port magnonic device implemented on a yttrium iron
garnet thin film is shown to be proportional to the temperature gradient imposed on the device. The sign of thedamping depends on the relative orientation of the magnetic field, the wave vector, and the temperature gradient.The observations are accounted for qualitatively and quantitatively by using an extension of the variationalprinciple that leads to the Landau-Lifshitz equation. All parameters of the model can be obtained by independentmeasurements.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.104432
The discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) rev-
olutionized information storage technology [ 1,2] and the
spin-transfer torque (STT), predicted two decades ago bySlonczewski [ 3] and Berger [ 4], may reshape once again the
magnetic memory industry [ 5]. The concept of a heat-driven
spin torque, or thermal spin-transfer torque (TST), has beensuggested [ 6–8] and opened the world of spin caloritronics.
Magnetic insulators are ideal for studying the fundamentals ofspin caloritronics, because they are free of the effect of heaton charge transport. Here, we demonstrate that a spin torquecan be induced in magnetic insulators by applying a thermalgradient. The effect is not linked to spin-dependent transportat interfaces since we observe a heat-driven contribution todamping of magnetization waves on a millimeter scale. Weshow that by adding to M(r) the bound magnetic current
(∇×M) as state variable, the variational principle that
yields the Landau-Lifshitz equation predicts the presence ofa thermal spin torque, from which we derive an expressionfor spin currents in insulators. Our experiments verify the keypredictions of this model. Thermodynamics can predict a linkbetween heat and magnetization, but cannot determine thestrength of the effect [ 9].
Spin caloritronics studies the interplay of spin, charge, and
heat transport [ 10]. As the spin dependence of the electrical
conductivity proved to be important since it gives rise to GMR,the spin dependence of other transport parameters has beeninvestigated, such as that of the Seebeck [ 11] and Peltier
coefficients [ 12]. The combination of heat with spin and charge
transport gained widespread attention owing to studies of thespin Seebeck effect [ 13,14]. The STT effect which uses a spin-
polarized electrical current has shown promising applications,e.g., in magnetic memories (STT-MRAM). It was alreadyestablished that heat flowing through a ferromagnetic metalcan generate a diffusive spin current [ 15] which induces a spin
torque when flowing through a magnetic nanostructure [ 6].
Experimentally, this effect was studied in Co /Cu/Co spin
valve nanowires by observing the change in the switching
†jean-philippe.ansermet@epfl.chfield of magnetization due to a local thermal gradient [ 7]. It
was later shown that heat couples to magnetization dynamics[16–18]. The effect of heat on magnetization was also found in
magnetic tunnel junctions [ 19] and metallic spin valves [ 20].
Slonczewski predicted that a spin-transfer torque inducedby thermal magnons could be more efficient than the usualelectrically induced spin torques [ 8]. Combining TST and
STT might further decrease the write-current magnitude ofMRAMs [ 21].
A 20-nm-thick yittrium iron garnet (YIG) film was grown
on gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate using pulsedlaser deposition. Details of the growth condition and magneticproperties of the thin YIG layer can be found in Ref. [ 22].
Figure 1shows the experimental principle of the mea-
surement. Using inductively coupled plasma etching andphotolithography, a YIG strip 100 μm wide and 4.8 mm long
was prepared. The ends were designed with a 45
◦angle in order
to avoid spin-wave reflection. Following the etching process,a 10-nm-thick copper or platinum bar was deposited on topof the YIG strip by electron-beam evaporation. This bar isconnected to two large Au electrodes. These electrodes aredesigned for contact with a ground-signal-ground microprobe.The magnetic field is applied along the YIG strip, andspin waves are excited by one microprobe and detected byanother. Alternatively, a microcoil [ 23] was used for excitation.
Excitation and detection are 800 μm apart. The results were
obtained with contacts made of Pt with a Ta seed layer. Theresonance frequency could be tuned from 4 GHz up to 10 GHz.Lock-in detection with field modulation was used. The thermalgradient was generated by two Peltier elements and defined as∇T=(T
B−TA)/lwithl=5 mm being the distance between
the Peltier elements. Using an infrared camera, we verifiedthat the temperature changed linearly at the location of thesample.
As shown in Fig. 2, the linewidth changes linearly with
temperature gradient. Furthermore, the slope changes signwhen the field is reversed or when the propagation direction isreversed. For the latter case, we had to move the sample andthis caused a change in the linewidth of 0.03 mT when thesample was at a uniform temperature. In Fig. 2, we translated
all data points by this amount when the sample was flipped.
2469-9950/2017/95(10)/104432(4) 104432-1 ©2017 American Physical SocietyH. YU et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 104432 (2017)
FIG. 1. Spin-wave propagation under a thermal gradient. 4.8-
mm-long YIG strip fabricated on GGG substrate, width w=100μm,
thickness t=20 nm, 10-nm-thick Cu contact connected to Au
electrodes, microprobes for both excitation and detection, Peltierelements AandBheat sunk by copper blocks (not shown).
We can account for the observed effect of a temperature
gradient on spin-wave transmission by a model based on anextension of the variation principle which yields the well-known Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation [ 24]. In the
presence of an applied thermal gradient ∇T, the LLG equation
FIG. 2. Linewidth of the ferromagnetic resonance spectra at
4.2 GHz, as a function of temperature gradient. The slope changes
sign upon flipping the field (top) or flipping the direction of propaga-
tion at fixed field orientation (bottom). A→Bdata are translated by
0.03 mT.for the time evolution of the magnetization Mcontains a
thermal spin torque term, i.e.,
MSM×˙M+γτTST, (1)
where γ< 0 is the gyromagnetic ratio, αis the magnetic
damping parameter, and MSis the saturation magnetization.
The effective magnetic field Beffis composed of the external
fieldB0, the demagnetizing field Bdem, the anisotropy field
Bani, and the microwave excitation field binduced by the
microwave antenna. The torque τTSTcan be expressed as
M2s×(M×mk), (2)
where the effective thermal spin torque damping coefficient
αTSTcan be written as
k. (3)
Here, ωcorresponds to the microwave frequency and mkis
the out-of-equilibrium component of the magnetization for amode of wave number k. In this work, we provide a quantitative
expression for the thermal wave vector k
Twith no adjustable
dT/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∇T, (4)
where ω
0=−γB 0andωM=−γM S. The lengthy derivations
of the above equations are given in the Supplemental Mate-rial [ 25]. The effective damping parameter α
effis the sum of
the Gilbert damping parameter αand the thermal spin torque
damping parameter αTST. The observed spin-wave spectral
linewidth is therefore given by [ 25]
/Delta1B=/Delta1B 0+2√
where ωKis the resonance frequency, given by the Kittel
formula [ 26] and the first two terms are the usual ones [ 27].
Thus, our model predicts that the thermal spin torque
changes sign under reversal of either the temperature gradient,the propagation direction, or the applied magnetic field (Fig. 2).
Initially, we varied the applied thermal gradient and observeda linear change in the spin-wave spectral linewidth for oneorientation of the field. This linear dependence is consistentwith Eq. ( 5). Clearly, when the thermal gradient changes sign,
the linewidth changes from a broadening to a narrowing withrespect to its value in the isothermal condition. It must benoted that the temperature has hardly any influence on thelinewidth [ 25]. The dependence of linewidth with thermal
gradient changes sign when the magnetic field is reversed(Fig. 2, top). This can be understood as follows. If ωchanges
sign because Bis reversed, then kmust change sign also if we
want propagation to be maintained in the same orientation [ 25].
Therefore, according to Eq. ( 5), the slope of the linewidth
plotted vs temperature gradient must change sign when themagnetic field is reversed, as confirmed by Fig. 2(top).
Furthermore, if we swap the excitation and the detection,i.e., we reverse the spin-wave vector k, then we observe that
the thermal spin torque effect is also reversed, as shown in
k = 100 rad/cm
k = 35 rad/cm
FIG. 3. Linewidth as a function of frequency at a set temperature
gradient, using microprobe (top), or metal contacts (bottom) for
excitation. Wave vector based on HFSS calculation. The appliedtemperature gradients are indicated in the figure. Top: black line
yields α=3.15×10
−4; red and blue lines using Eq. ( 5). Bottom:
black line yields α=6.30×10−4; red line using Eq. ( 5). The error
bars indicate the noise level.
Fig. 2(bottom), which is consistent with the linewidth being
proportional to 1 /k[Eq. ( 5)].
We now investigate the frequency dependence of linewidth
variation. The upper part of Fig. 3shows the linewidth changes
with frequencies from 4.7 GHz up to 9.7 GHz using a micro-probe for excitation. We ran a high frequency electromagneticfield simulation (HFSS) taking into account the dimensionsof the microprobe and acquired the field distribution at theinjection area. We then used Fourier transformation to obtainthekspace distribution [ 25]. Thus, we found that the most
prominent excitation has a wave vector around 100 rad /cm,
and that there are some higher order modes with much lowerintensities. The lower part of Fig. 3shows the frequency
dependence of linewidth measured using the microcoil forexcitation. According to the results from HFSS, we found thatthe dominant wave vector kof excitation is much smaller,
namely, 35 rad /cm. The slope of the frequency dependence
is proportional to the effective damping parameter. We canobserve that the change of the slope is more significant formicrocoil excitation than that for microprobe excitation. Thiscan be understood from Eq. ( 3) where the thermal spin torque
induced damping parameter is inversely proportional to thespin-wave wave vector. We can account for the data usingthekvalues deduced from the HFSS calculation. We take the
temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization to be|
dT|=3.8×10−3K−1based on Ref. [ 16] and confirmed
by isothermal measurements of saturation magnetization [ 25].
In the lower part of Fig. 3, we fit the data based on Eq. ( 5),
using the damping parameter α=6.30×10−4deduced from
the data taken without any thermal gradient. This smallervalue could be due to the fact that when using the microcoilexcitation, the detection was done using a Pt bar, whereas a Cubar was used when taking data with the microprobe excitation.According to Ref. [ 18], the growth of Pt on YIG may introduce
an increase of damping. In summary, the various data presentedin Fig. 3can be accounted for quantitatively with parameters
that are all determined by independent measurements.
Finally, we note that the thermal spin torque [Eqs. ( 2)
and ( 3)] can be expressed in terms of a spin current. To first
order in the linear response, the thermal spin torque is givenby [25]
TST=kT·js, (6)
where the dot stands for the tensor contraction and the thermal
spin current tensor jsis defined by
js=−μ0MS×∇−1mk. (7)
The spin current density tensor jshas physical dimensions
(J/m2in SI units) that correspond to the product of a spin
density and a phase velocity. Expression ( 7) has the same
geometry to first order as the spin-wave spin current tensorderived by Saitoh and Ando [ 28]. However, the physical origin
of this spin current tensor is different since here, it is obtainedspecifically for the case of a spin current induced by a thermalgradient.
Very recently, self-oscillation based on spin-orbit torque
was found in YIG /Pt pillars [ 29] and in permalloy /Pt
nanowires [ 30]. By analogy, we may expect self-oscillation
driven by a thermal spin torque as well.
In conclusion, we have prepared thin-film YIG microstrips
and found that the linewidth of transmission spectra can bebroadened or narrowed by applying a thermal gradient. Theseobservations are accounted for by an effective damping thatis due to a thermal spin torque. A comprehensive theoreticalanalysis provides an explicit expression for this torque, whichis derived from an extension of the variational principle onwhich the Landau-Lifshitz equation is based. This study pointsto the possibility of damping control in magnonic devices usinga local thermal gradient.
We wish to acknowledge the support by NSF China under
Grants No. 11674020 and No. 11444005, for S.T. by the Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation SSSTC GrantNo. EG 01-032015, for F.A.V and P.C. by the Polish-SwissResearch Program NANOSPIN PSRP-045/2010, for H.Y . bythe Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SPP 1538 (SpinCat)Grant No. AN762/1, and by the International Collaboration111 Project B16001 from the Ministries of Education andForeign Experts. The authors thank Vincent Cros for commentson the manuscript.
104432-3H. YU et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 104432 (2017)
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104432-4 |
PhysRevB.79.144404.pdf | Theory of ferromagnetic resonance in perpendicularly magnetized nanodisks:
Excitation by the Oersted field
R. E. Arias1and D. L. Mills2
1Departamento de Física, FCFM Universidad de Chile, Casilla 487-3 Santiago, Chile
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California–Irvine, Irvine, California 92697, USA
/H20849Received 30 October 2008; published 3 April 2009 /H20850
We present theoretical studies of ferromagnetic resonance in perpendicularly magnetized nanodisks, wherein
spin waves are excited through the ac modulation of the dc transport current injected into the disk. We havenanopillars in mind in our analysis, where spin-polarized current is injected from a metallic ferromagnetelsewhere in the structure. We argue that in a limit described, the modulation of the Oersted field generated bythe transport current is the dominant spin-wave excitation mechanism, and our studies explore this limit. Wecalculate the critical current above which the nominal ferromagnetic state becomes unstable through studies ofthe linewidth of the lowest spin-wave mode, which vanishes when the critical current is reached. We find thatas the applied Zeeman field H
0is decreased from values above 4 /H9266MS, the critical current has a minimum when
H0/H110114/H9266MSto increase for values of the external field below this value.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.144404 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 75.75. /H11001a, 75.30.Ds, 76.50. /H11001g
In recent years, there has been great interest in the study
of spin dynamics in objects called nanopillars, which arenanoscale structures that typically consist of two metallicferromagnets: one with magnetization pinned or fixed bylarge anisotropy and other with magnetization that is quitefree to precess in response to stimuli. The two ferromagnetsare separated by a conducting nonmagnetic layer. Spin-polarized current may pass from the pinned magnet into thefree layer, thus exciting the spins in the free layer; the mag-netization can be excited into large amplitude highly nonlin-ear motions.
1It is also the case that through point-contact
injection of spin-polarized current into an ultrathin film, one
may excite large amplitude spin motions in the film, in theregion just under the contact.
2–4In the case of nanopillars,
large amplitude motions of the magnetization produce micro-wave radiation. It is possible to phase lock the emission froman array of nanopillars, with the consequence that the outputof the array is very much larger than that of a singlenanopillar.
It is of considerable interest to understand the nature of
the spin-wave normal modes in nanopillars, since they con-trol the response of the system in the small amplitude linear-response regime. It is also the case that the eigenvectors ofthe spin-wave modes may be utilized to describe aspects ofthe magnetization motions as one enters the nonlinear regimeas well.
8Of interest is the novel ferromagnetic resonance
/H20849FMR /H20850experiment reported by Sankey et al.9These authors
inject dc current into the free layer of a nanolayer whosestrength is below the threshold to excite spontaneous oscil-lations of the magnetization. They then excite spin waves bysuperimposing a small amplitude ac current onto the dc cur-rent. For the reasons discussed in Ref. 9, spin-wave excita-
tion by this means leaves a signature on the dc magnetore-sistance, in the form of a peak when the modulationfrequency sweeps through a spin-wave resonance of the freelayer.
In nearly all experiments on nanopillars to date, the mag-
netization lies in the plane of the free layer. This is true, forexample, in the ferromagnetic resonance studies reported in
Ref. 9. Analyses of the nature of the spin-wave modes of
in-plane-magnetized disks, along with Brillouin light-scattering studies of the modes, were reported by Gubbiottiet al.
10,11We remark that the analysis of the case where the
magnetization lies in plane is difficult to approach with ana-lytic methods, so the spin dynamics is explored in these pa-pers through the use of a micromagnetic methodology theseauthors developed. Included in their studies was the interest-ing regime wherein a vortex resides within the disk. A reviewarticle that discusses this area has appeared recently.
this method provides both eigenfrequencies of the modes andeigenvectors, in fact the eigenvectors that emerge are notnormalized. Because of this, it is difficult to make directcontact with experimentally measured spectra through suchcalculations. In the case where both exchange and dipolarinteractions enter importantly into the description of thespin-wave modes, the procedure for normalizing the eigen-vectors is not obvious; it should be remarked. One of us hasdeveloped a scheme by which this may be done, for a sampleof arbitrary shape, for the case where the ground-state mag-netization is spatially uniform.
We have recently explored the nature of the ground state
and also the nature of the spin-wave normal modes, for aperpendicularly magnetized disk into which a transport cur-rent is injected perpendicular to its surfaces.
14The issue ex-
amined is the influence of the Oersted field associated withthe transport current on the ground state and the spin-wavemodes. We demonstrated that in the presence of the Oerstedfield, the ground state may be viewed as a vortex state whosephysical origin and character is very different than that en-countered in disks magnetized in plane. In our vortex state,the magnetization is always perpendicular to the disk sur-faces right at the disk center and at its outer edges it is cantedand acquires a nonzero azimuthal component parallel to theplane of the disk. As the external Zeeman field H
0is de-
creased from large values to the vicinity of 4 /H9266MSor below,
the canting angle near the edge of the disk becomes large toapproach
/H9266/2 for fields well below 4 /H9266MSand the vortexPHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
1098-0121/2009/79 /H2084914/H20850/144404 /H208499/H20850 ©2009 The American Physical Society 144404-1core becomes concentrated at the disk center in a region
whose spatial extent is roughly the exchange length. Thespin-wave analysis shows the vortex state to be locally stablewith respect to small perturbations down to zero applied Zee-man field.
In this paper, we present an analysis of the ferromagnetic
resonance spectrum of such a perpendicularly magnetizeddisk, where as in Ref. 9the spin waves are excited by im-
posing an ac component onto the dc transport current. Weargue that in a parameter regime outlined below, it is themodulation of the Oersted field that is the dominant sourceof spin-wave excitation, when compared to theSlonczewski
15spin torque term. The calculations we present
apply to this regime, where our previous description of theOersted field-induced vortex state is valid. We shall see thatthe modes excited have a distinctly different character thanencountered in classical ferromagnetic resonance, where spinwaves are excited by an external microwave field. In ourstudy of the Oersted field-induced ferromagnetic resonance,the Green’s function method we develop properly incorpo-rates the normalization of the eigenvectors, so the relativeintensity of the various modes in our calculated spectra isrendered correctly. Through the study of the linewidth of thelowest FMR mode as the dc current is increased, we maycalculate the critical current of our disk as a function of thestrength of the applied Zeeman field. We find that the criticalcurrent assumes a minimum value when H
0is near 4 /H9266MS
and increases substantially as the applied field is reduced.
We now turn to our analysis. In Sec. IIwe discuss the
formalism we have developed, Sec. IIIpresents our numeri-
cal studies, and final comments are included in Sec. IV.
We consider a disk of radius Rand thickness dmagne-
tized perpendicular to its surfaces; the saturation magnetiza-
tion is then zˆMSin the quiescent state, when transport current
is absent. An external Zeeman field H0is also applied paral-
lel to the zaxis. We then impose a spin-polarized transport
current I/H20849t/H20850=I0+/H9254I/H20849t/H20850, with the current density J/H6023
=zˆ/H20851I/H20849t/H20850//H9266R2/H20852uniformly distributed over the disk. We assume
that the disk is sufficiently thin that all magnetization com-ponents are independent of the coordinate z—the direction
normal to the film surfaces—and depend only on
/H9267/H6023—the co-
ordinate in the plane. Our interest is in the equation of mo-
tion for the magnetization M/H6109/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850, which we write in the
+/H9253H/H6023ST/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850/H11003M/H6023/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850. /H208491/H20850
In the first term, H/H6023/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850=H/H6023/H20849T/H20850/H20849/H9267,t/H20850+h/H6023d/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850+D
The third term in H/H6023/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850is the exchange effective field, with
Das the exchange stiffness, h/H6023d/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850is the dipolar field set up
by the time-dependent motion of the magnetization, and
H/H6023/H20849T/H20850/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850is the vector sum of the applied Zeeman field zˆH0and the Oersted field generated by the transport current
which has the form /H9272ˆ/H208512I/H20849t/H20850/H9267/cR2/H20852, and then there is the de-
magnetizing field we write here as −4 /H9266Mz/H20849/H9267/H20850zˆ. In our previ-
ous paper,14we discussed the influence of corrections to this
local approximation to the demagnetizing field on the spin-wave spectrum of the disk. These corrections referred to asgradient corrections led to rather small quantitative correc-tions to the spin-wave frequencies. We thus set the gradientcorrections aside in the present paper, in the interest of sim-plicity. The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. /H208491/H20850is
the Gilbert form of the phenomenological damping term andthe third term is the spin torque term, with the origin in thefact that the transport current injected into the film is spinpolarized.
15,16We follow Rezende et al.17by writing the spin
torque effective field as H/H6023ST/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850=/H20851/H9255/H6036I/H20849t/H20850/2/H9266MS2R2de/H20852
/H11003/H20851M/H6023/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850/H11003nˆ/H20852. Here /H9255is the degree of spin polarization in
the transport current injected into the “active” disk, eis the
magnitude of the electron charge, and the vector nˆis in the
direction of the injected spin current. Again we follow theauthors of Ref. 17by choosing /H9255=0.2 in our numerical esti-
mates and studies, and we write nˆ=cos
/H92580xˆ+sin/H92580zˆ. The
spin polarization of the transport current will in general beout of the plane of the disk by virtue of the Zeeman field thatis perpendicular to the film surfaces. Our final results do notdepend sensitively on the value of
/H92580, however.
We proceed, as in Ref. 14, to linearize Eq. /H208491/H20850about the
ground state in the presence of the transport current. One
proceeds by writing the magnetization components M/H9251/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850
=M/H9251/H20849E/H20850/H20849/H9267/H6023/H20850+m/H9251/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850. Here M/H9251/H20849E/H20850/H20849/H9267/H6023/H20850is the equilibrium magne-
tization, which is tilted away from the zdirection by the
Oersted field associated with the injected current, and as weshall discuss shortly by the spin torque term as well. Then
/H9251/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850is the amplitude of the spin wave, which we assume
to be small. Thus one proceeds by linearizing Eq. /H208491/H20850with
respect to the small amplitude spin-wave motion described
bym/H9251/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850. As one proceeds with this process, one encoun-
ters terms zero order in m/H9251/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850. These are set to zero, and
when this is done one has in hand a set of differential equa-tions that determine the form of the ground-state magnetiza-
tion as described by M
/H9251/H20849E/H20850/H20849/H9267/H6023/H20850. There is an issue that must be
discussed before we turn to a summary of the details of thisprocedure.
In our previous publication,
14we explored the influence
of the Oersted field on the ground state of the perpendicu-larly magnetized disk. This led us to the vortex state whosecharacter was discussed in Sec. I. The magnetization in the
ground state is here invariant under rotation about the zaxis.
That is the static magnetization in the ground state M
depends only on the distance from the origin /H9267=/H20841/H9267/H6023/H20841. In fact
M/H6023/H20849E/H20850has only a zˆcomponent and a /H9272ˆcomponent, so we
wrote the ground-state magnetization in the form M/H6023/H20849E/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850
=MS/H20851/H9272ˆsin/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850+zˆcos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20852. A differential equation that
may be solved for /H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850was derived in Ref. 14. We then
explored spin-wave excitations out of the vortex ground statethrough the use of the linearized Landau-Lifschitz equation,with both Gilbert and spin torque “antidamping” set aside. Inthis framework, the spin-wave normal modes are character-ized by an azimuthal quantum number m, and in the eigen-R. E. ARIAS AND D. L. MILLS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
144404-2vectors one encounters the factor exp /H20849im/H9272/H20850found in analyses
of geometries with rotational symmetry about z.
The picture in the previous paragraph is rendered more
complex when the spin torque term is included in the equa-tion of motion. When one linearizes the equation of motion,the zero-order equation contains a contribution proportional
/H6023/H20849E/H20850/H20849/H9267/H6023/H20850/H11003/H20851nˆ/H11003M/H6023/H20849E/H20850/H20849/H9267/H6023/H20850/H20852. This breaks the cylindrical sym-
metry of the problem. If the spin torque magnetic field
H/H6023ST/H20849/H9267/H6023,t/H20850is comparable in magnitude to the Oersted field, the
ground state will be complex in nature and thus influencedimportantly by the direction of the spin polarization of theinjected current. Under such circumstances, one can makefew general statements regarding either the ground state orthe nature of the spin dynamics in nanodisks such as thoseconsidered in this paper.
For this reason, the analysis and numerical calculations
reported here confine their attention to the circumstancewhere the effective spin torque field is modest in magnitudecompared to the Oersted field. When the equations of motionare reduced to dimensionless form, the ratio of the spintorque effective field to the Oersted field is controlled by thedimensionless parameter
/H9257=/H9255/H6036c/4/H9266MSRde. We thus confine
our attention to the case where this parameter is small com-pared to unity. The spin torque “antidamping” term will becomparable to the Gilbert damping term, but our interestresides in the case where the terms in the equation of motioncontributed by the Oersted field are considerably larger thanthese two.
The authors of Ref. 4introduce a spin torque term iden-
tical to that in our Eq. /H208491/H20850, in their discussion of the response
of a perpendicularly magnetized film to a spatially localizedsource of spin-polarized current injected into the film. Theseauthors assume that at all times the magnetization has rota-tional symmetry about the zaxis, which is located at the
center of the circular disk into which the current is injected.This assumption, unfortunately, is incompatible with thesymmetry of the original Landau-Lifschitz equation that isthe starting point of their analysis, after the spin torque termis introduced.
In the limit that the dimensionless parameter
/H9257is small
compared to unity then to good approximation the ground-state configuration of the nanodisk is well approximated bythe vortex state presented in Ref. 14. The ground-state mag-
netization has the form M
S/H20851sin/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850xˆ+cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850zˆ/H20852, where the
angle /H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850is found by solving the equation derived in Ref.
−H/H20849Oe/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850, /H208492/H20850
where H/H20849I/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=H0−4/H9266MScos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850and the Oersted field is
H/H20849Oe/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=2I/H9267/cR2. The boundary conditions are /H9274/H208490/H20850=0 and
for reasons discussed in Ref. 14/H11509/H9274//H11509/H9267/H20841R=0.
We may then proceed with the linearization process. We
proceed very much as in Ref. 14, with the addition of the
Gilbert damping term, and the spin torque term. We erect alocal coordinate system at each point in the disk, with oneaxis parallel to the local magnetization that lies in the planeformed by the unit vectors zˆand
/H9272ˆ, a second axis in the
radial direction /H9267ˆ, and the third—designated by appending
the subscript tto vector components parallel to it—also lies
in the plane formed by zˆand/H9272ˆ. One finds two linearized
equations in the variables m/H9267andmt. The Gilbert damping
term and the spin torque term then add two terms to theright-hand side of Eqs. /H208496a/H20850and /H208496b/H20850of Ref. 14after seeking
solutions where the magnetization components have the timedependence exp /H20849−i/H9024t/H20850. We denote these terms with the sym-
bols m˙
− cos/H92580sin/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850sin/H9272/H20852m/H9267, /H208493a/H20850
− cos/H92580sin/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850sin/H9272/H20852mt. /H208493b/H20850
Here HST=/H9255/H6036I/2/H9266MSR2de. When /H9257/H112701 the current Iin the
spin torque term is replaced by its dc value.
One should note the terms in Eq. /H208493/H20850that depend on the
azimuthal angle /H9272. These are an illustration once again that
the spin torque term breaks the radial symmetry in the prob-lem, save for the very special case that the injected currenthas its spin polarization perpendicular to the film surfaces/H20849
In what follows, we refer the reader to Eq. /H208496/H20850of Ref. 14,
along with the definitions of the various quantities that enter.The driving term that excites the magnetization is the oscil-latory component of the Oersted field mentioned earlier,
which has the form
/H9272ˆ/H208512/H9254I/H9267/R2c/H20852exp /H20849−i/H9024t/H20850. Its role in driv-
ing the magnetization may be incorporated into Eq. /H208496/H20850of
Ref. 14by replacing the quantity h/H9272/H20849d/H20850in Eq. /H208496a/H20850by
2/H9254I/H9267/R2c. If we then define the two quantities HST/H20849a/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850
=HSTsin/H92580cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850andHST/H20849b/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=HSTcos/H92580sin/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850, then
one finds
cR2/H9267cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20849 4a/H20850
/H11509/H9272/H20876mt−HST/H20849b/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850sin/H20849/H9272/H20850mt=0 . /H208494b/H20850
The next step is to write m/H9267,t=/H20858mm/H9267,t/H20849m/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850exp /H20849im/H9272/H20850,s ow e
cR2/H9267cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850/H9254m,0 /H208495a/H20850
/H11003/H20851mt/H20849m−1/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850−mt/H20849m+1/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20852=0 . /H208495b/H20850
where we have the differential operators
/H9267cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850, /H208496a/H20850
+4/H9266Mssin2/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850, /H208496b/H20850
/H92672/H20876. /H208496c/H20850
Of interest to us is the m=0 channel, since the Oersted
field excites these modes by virtue of its rotational symmetry.Thus, the modes excited in this picture are very different innature than those excited in classical microwave ferromag-netic resonance, where the microwave field will couple toonly the m=/H110061 modes in the limit where the microwave
exciting field may be viewed as spatially uniform. Now wealso see that in the presence of the spin torque terms in theequation of motion, the spin-wave eigenmodes, strictlyspeaking, are not characterized by a single azimuthal quan-tum number. Indeed, we have here an infinite hierarchy ofcoupled equations that describe the spin-wave modes. How-ever, in the limit explored in this paper, where the spintorque field is viewed as small compared to the other mag-netic fields in the problem, the admixture of m=/H110061 modes
into the m=0 modes will be a small effect. In the limit that
the amplitude of the spin torque field is small, it is straight-forward to develop a perturbation theoretic description ofthis admixture. One writes out the equations which describethem=/H110061 amplitudes, and the term which involves the m
=0 amplitude acts as a driving term which excites the m
=/H110061 modes. When the amplitudes of the m=/H110061 modes are
fed back into the equation for the m=0 amplitude, we have
terms proportional to /H20849H
ST/H20849b/H20850/H208502. In this paper, where we explore
the limit where the spin torque fields are small, we mayconfine our attention to terms linear in the amplitude of thespin torque field. Thus, we proceed by ignoring the role of
the terms in H
STb. In this limit, it remains the case that the
spin-wave eigenmodes may be described to very good ap-proximation as modes characterized by the azimuthal quan-tum number mand, as mentioned earlier, the time-dependentcomponent of the Oersted field excites only the manifold of
m=0 modes.
We then address a structure that we may write in the form
0/H20874, /H208497/H20850
where f/H20849/H9267/H20850=−2MS/H9254I
cR2/H9267cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H20850. Such a structure may be
solved by presenting a pair of Green’s functions that satisfy
0/H20874. /H208498/H20850
Once the Green’s functions are constructed, we have
G/H9267/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850/H9267/H11032cos/H9274/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850d/H9267/H11032 /H208499a/H20850
In Ref. 14, we argued that appropriate boundary condi-
tions for such a nanodisk are that m/H9267/H208490/H20850/H20849R/H20850=0 and
/H11509mt/H208490/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841R=0. These boundary conditions assume strong
surface anisotropy at the edge of the disk, with the aniso-tropy axis normal to the edge of the disk. Until a theory suchas that developed here can be brought into direct contactwith data, the actual form of the boundary condition at thedisk edge is not known; we regard this choice as reasonablefrom the physical point of view. We remark that our principalconclusions are not affected sensitively by the choice ofboundary condition at the edge of the disk. These boundary
conditions will be imposed if we require G
/H9267/H208490/H20850/H20849R,/H9267/H11032/H20850=0 and
/H11509Gt/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841/H9267=R=0. Analysis of the leading behavior of
Eq. /H208498/H20850close to the origin implies that the two Green’s func-
tions vanish at /H9267=0 for fixed /H9267/H11032. For this class of problem,
the construction of the Green’s functions is not straightfor-ward. We develop a means by which this may be done inAppendix A.
In this section, we present our numerical studies of the
FMR spectrum of a uniformly magnetized disk, along withrelated issues. As noted in Sec. II, the theoretical treatment
outlined above is applicable to disks for which the dimen-sionless parameter
/H9257is small compared to unity. In this sec-
tion, we shall present numerical studies of a model Permal-loy disk with a radius of 150 nm and a thickness of 10 nm.If, following the authors of Ref. 17we take the spin transfer
efficiency /H9255to be 0.2, then the parameter
/H9257=0.16. The ex-
change stiffness Dhas been chosen such that the exchange
length lex=/H20849D/4/H9266MS/H208501/2is equal to 6 nm, which is appropri-
ate to Permalloy. The Zeeman field, of course, is perpendicu-lar to the disk, and this will tip the magnetization of thepinned layer in a nanopillar out of plane. To simulate the roleof the out-of-plane component of the spin torque field, weR. E. ARIAS AND D. L. MILLS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
144404-4have taken the angle /H92580=30°. Strictly speaking, of course, /H92580
will vary with the applied magnetic field. To include this
effect in our calculations, we need quantitative informationon magnetic properties of the pinned layer. We do not havesuch information at present for any actual sample; it will bea straightforward matter to improve this aspect of our simu-lation when data on real samples are available. In our calcu-lations, we have scaled the various magnetic fields to 4
We have taken the dimensionless measure /H9251in the Landau-
Lifschitz equation to be 0.02.
In Fig. 1, we show a model FMR spectrum for the disk
just described, for two values of the dimensionless Zeemanfield h
0=H0/4/H9266MS. We display results for h0=1.2 and h0
=0.7. We see three modes clearly, with a very small feature
that is the fourth mode. Qualitatively the spectra bear a re-semblance to those published in Ref. 9, but of course no
meaningful comparison is possible since the samples used inthis experiment are elliptical in shape and magnetized inplane, as opposed to the geometry analyzed in the presentpaper. We remark that we use as a measure of the FMRresponse of the disk the quantity /H20855/H208414
=/H20853/H208480Rd/H9267/H9267/H208414/H9266m−/H208412/H20854/R2, where m−=m/H9267−imt. This is the domi-
nant contribution to the spin-wave eigenvector, and in theabsence of mixing between m
−andm+=m/H9267+imtprovided by
the spin torque term, it is the only component of the eigen-vector. Its average over the disk thus serves as a sensiblemeasure of the amplitude of the FMR signal.
Much information on the character of the spin waves in
the disk may be extracted from the Wronskian contained inthe Green’s function /H20851the quantity W/H20849R/H20850described in Appen-
dix A /H20852. In the absence of damping, the Wronskian has zeros
on the real axis at each of the spin-wave frequencies withazimuthal quantum number m=0. Of course, one may easily
use the method outlined in Appendix A for calculating theWronskian associated with any value of the azimuthal quan-tum number m, and the zeros of each of these provide one
with the spin-wave frequencies for the appropriate azimuthalquantum number. Thus, if one wishes to generate the fre-quencies of the spin-wave normal modes rather than addressthe eigenvalue problem directly through the solution of thedifferential equations for the spin-wave modes as we did inRef. 14, one may recover the same information through the
use of the Wronskian. We remark that from the computa-tional point of view, the use of the Wronskian in this matteris less demanding.
When damping is added to the problem, the zeros of the
Wronskian move off the real axis of the /H9024plane into the
lower half plane. In our studies, in the presence of damping,we study the width of the spin-wave modes by plotting thequantity F=1 //H20841W/H20849R/H20850/H20841as a function of frequency. This func-
tion has peaks centered at the spin-wave frequencies, and thefull width of the peaks at half maximum provides us with ameasure of the linewidth of the mode. We proceed by fittingthese peaks to a Lorentzian, very much as experimentalistsdo, and from this we extract the linewidth of each mode. Asthe dc current is turned on in our calculations and the spintorque effects assert themselves, the spin-wave linewidthsnarrow. The poles in the Wronskian migrate toward the realaxis in the complex /H9024plane as the dc current is increased.
For any given spin-wave mode, at a certain critical current,the linewidth collapses to zero; the zero in the Wronskian lieson the real axis at this point. As the current is increasedabove the critical current, the zero of the Wronskian migratesinto the upper half plane. Once this happens, the vortex stateis unstable. The linearized equations of motion for m
admit solutions which increase exponentially in time in this
current regime. Application of the dc current will set themagnetization into oscillatory motion when the current ex-ceeds the critical value. Of course, our theory breaks down atthis point. But through the method just described we canoutline the current regime in which the vortex state is stable,and we can calculate the critical current above which spon-taneous oscillations set in.
In Fig. 2below, for the two applied magnetic fields em-
ployed in Figs. 1/H20849a/H20850and1/H20849b/H20850, we show the linewidth of the
first two spin-wave modes as a function of dc current for ourmodel disk. We see that the lower of the two modes goesunstable first. Then in Fig. 3we provide the critical current
above which the vortex state is unstable as a function ofapplied magnetic field. What is striking is the minimum incritical current very near the applied field of H
0=4/H9266MS.I n
Ref. 14, we found that when appreciable dc current is
present, the spin-wave frequencies display a minimum at orvery near this field. As the Zeeman field is lowered below4
/H9266MS, the modes stiffen and this suggests that the vortex
state becomes more stable as the field is lowered.
We can generate eigenvectors for the spin-wave modes
through the use of Eq. /H208499/H20850. The eigenvectors for the various
modes may be calculated from these relations upon setting
FIG. 1. /H20849Color online /H20850We show the ferromagnetic resonance
spectrum of the model disk described in the text for two values ofthe Zeeman field. The quantity h
0=H0/4/H9266MSwith H0the Zeeman
field applied perpendicular to the surface of the disk. In /H20849a/H20850, the dc
current has been taken to be 15 mA, and in /H20849b/H20850the dc current has
been taken to be 10 mA /H20849notice that the first peak is off scale, its
value is on the order of 25 000 /H20850.THEORY OF FERROMAGNETIC RESONANCE IN … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
144404-5the frequency equal to that of the peaks in the FMR response
displayed in Fig. 1. In Figs. 4and5we illustrate the nature
of the eigenvectors of the first two m=0 modes. As expected,
the low-frequency mode is nodeless, while the second modehas a single node. We see that as the Zeeman field is low-ered, the peaks in the eigenvectors are drawn in toward thecenter of the disk, where the vortex core resides. As theapplied field is lowered, the effective field near the center ofthe disk becomes weaker; the central region acts as a poten-tial well which deepens as the field is lowered. The lowestfrequency mode is drawn inward as the well deepens, and thefirst maximum of the second mode behaves similarly. We donot show the eigenvector of the third mode. While this modeappears in our calculated spectra, its behavior is qualitativelysimilar to the first two low-lying modes just illustratedexcept—of course—it has two nodes.IV . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
We have developed a theoretical structure that allows us
to discuss the spin dynamics and ferromagnetic resonancespectrum in perpendicularly polarized nanodisks, whereinthe excitation of the spin waves has its origin in ac modula-tion of the transport current injected into the disk. The ex-plicit calculations we present focus on samples in which themodulation of the Oersted field is the dominant source ofexcitation. As we pointed out, under circumstances where theeffective magnetic field associated with the spin torque termis comparable to the Oersted field, the presence of spin po-larization in the injected current breaks the rotational sym-metry of the disk; while in principle our method will apply tothis situation, it will be necessary to solve numerically ahierarchy of radial equations. As we noted in Sec. II, the
authors of Ref. 4have overlooked this complication, so far
as we can see. It is our view that the methodology set forthhere can be readily adapted to a full discussion of the generalproblem. We plan to turn to this in the future.
Our method allows us to calculate the critical current by
exploring the spin dynamics in the disk in the low currentstable vortex state presented in Ref. 14and then increasing
the current until the linewidth of the lowest-lying spin-wavemode vanishes. We find the striking dependence of the criti-cal current on applied magnetic field displayed in Fig. 3,
where the critical current is not a monotonic function of ap-plied magnetic field but rather has a minimum for appliedfields H
0in the near vicinity of 4 /H9266MS. We will be most
FIG. 2. /H20849Color online /H20850We show the linewidth of /H20849a/H20850the lowest
m=0 and /H20849b/H20850the second m=0 spin-wave mode as a function of dc
current, for the two applied Zeeman fields used in the calculationsof the spin-wave spectrum in Fig. 1. We give the ratio of the full
width at half maximum to the spin-wave frequency in these figures.
FIG. 3. /H20849Color online /H20850The critical current as a function of ap-
plied magnetic field, for the model disk discussed in the text. Theinstability is controlled by the m=0 spin wave, whose linewidth is
the first to go to zero.
FIG. 4. /H20849Color online /H20850The radial variation in the dominant con-
tribution to the eigenvector of the lowest frequency spin-waveeigenmode in the m=0 manifold, for the two magnetic fields used
in the calculation of the FMR spectrum in Fig. 1. As in Fig. 1, the
dc current assumes the value of 15 mA for the lower of the twoapplied fields and 10 mA for the higher applied field.R. E. ARIAS AND D. L. MILLS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
144404-6interested to see the experimental study of samples such as
those explored here.
We have enjoyed several stimulating discussions with I.
Krivorotov, regarding studies of the spin-wave spectrum innanodisks through modulation of the spin torque current.This research was supported by the U. S. Army through Con-tract No. CS000128. R.E.A. also acknowledges support fromFONDECYT under Contract No. 1085028 /H20849Chile /H20850and from
the Millennium Science Nucleus “Basic and Applied Magne-tism” under Contract No. P06-022-F /H20849Chile /H20850.
In what follows, the two functions G/H9267/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850and
Gt/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850will be considered to be the functions of the vari-
able/H9267with/H9267/H11032held fixed. We will make use of solutions of
the homogeneous equations
0/H20874, /H20849A1 /H20850
where we have added the tilde above the mto distinguish
these special functions from the physical magnetization ofthe sample. We may construct four independent solutions/H20853m
˜/H9267i/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850,m˜ti/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20854through the use of “one-sided” boundary
conditions as follows:
m˜/H92671/H208490/H20850/H208490/H20850=m˜t1/H208490/H20850/H208490/H20850=0 , m˜/H92672/H208490/H20850=m˜t2/H208490/H20850=0 , /H20849A2a /H20850
0=1 ,/H20879/H11509m˜t1/H208490/H20850
0=0 ,/H20879/H11509m˜/H92672/H208490/H20850
0=0 ,/H20879/H11509m˜t2/H208490/H20850
0=1 ,
/H20849A2b /H20850
m˜/H92673/H208490/H20850/H20849R/H20850=m˜t3/H208490/H20850/H20849R/H20850=0 , m˜/H92674/H208490/H20850/H20849R/H20850=0 ,m˜t4/H208490/H20850/H20849R/H20850=1 ,
/H20849A2c /H20850
R=1 ,/H20879/H11509m˜t3/H208490/H20850
R=0 ,/H20879/H11509m˜p4
R=0 .
/H20849A2d /H20850
Such solutions of the homogeneous equation exist for any
value of the frequency
The Green’s functions we seek may then be written in the
/H20849A3 /H20850
where /H9258/H20849x/H20850is the Heaviside step function. We assert that the
functions g/H11022/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850andg/H11021/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850can be written in the form
g/H9267,t/H11021/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850=m˜/H9267,t1/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850a1/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850+m˜/H9267,t2/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850a2/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850/H20849 A4a /H20850
g/H9267,t/H11022/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850=m˜/H9267,t3/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850a3/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850+m˜/H9267,t4/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850a4/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850. /H20849A4b /H20850
If these forms are inserted into Eq. /H208499/H20850and the conditions
in Eq. /H20849A2 /H20850are noted then the boundary conditions for
m/H9267,t/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850stated in Sec. IIare automatically obeyed. We next
turn to an argument from which the four functions ai/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850
may be determined.
We may determine the functions a/H9267,ti/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850by matching
g/H9267,t/H11022/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850tog/H9267,t/H11021/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850at the point /H9267=/H9267/H11032and by also
utilizing the jump condition on the derivatives, which
reads /H11509gt/H11022/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841/H9267/H11032−/H11509gt/H11021/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841/H9267/H11032=+1 /D while
/H11509g/H9267/H11022/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841/H9267/H11032−/H11509g/H9267/H11021/H20849/H9267,/H9267/H11032/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841/H9267/H11032=0. These conditions lead
to four inhomogeneous linear equations which—when
inverted—allow the functions ai/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850to be expressed in terms
of the known functions m˜/H9267,ti/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850. These equations may be
written in the form
M/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850·A/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850=B, /H20849A5 /H20850
where M/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850i sa4/H110034 matrix whose elements are the func-
tions m˜/H9267,ti/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850and the derivatives /H11509m˜/H9267,ti/H208490/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20841/H9267/H11032,
/H20849A6 /H20850
FIG. 5. /H20849Color online /H20850The radial variation in the dominant con-
tribution to the eigenvector of the second spin-wave eigenmode inthem=0 manifold, for the two magnetic fields used in the calcula-
tion of the FMR spectrum in Fig. 1. As in Fig. 1, the dc current
assumes the value of 15 mA for the lower applied field and 10 mAfor the higher field.THEORY OF FERROMAGNETIC RESONANCE IN … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
−1 /D
The functions ai/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850are found by inverting the matrix in Eq.
/H20849A5 /H20850. When this is done, of course one encounters the deter-
minant of the matrix M/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850,W/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850=Det /H20851M/H20849/H9267/H11032/H20850/H20852, which we
call the Wronskian since it is a generalization of the Wronsk-ian encountered in classical Sturm-Liouville theory. We referto this quantity as the Wronskian in the text, and in whatfollows here. We conclude with the statement of a usefultheorem which serves as a generalization of the standardtextbook theorem regarding the behavior of the Wronskianencountered in the construction of the Green’s function instandard Sturm-Liouville theory. Suppose we have a set of N
functions /H20853F
n/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20854which satisfy differential equations of the
pnl/H20849/H9267/H20850Fl/H20849/H9267/H20850. /H20849A7 /H20850
Equation /H20849A7 /H20850will admit Nsets of linearly independent
solutions and the jth set will be labeled /H20853Fn/H20849j/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20854. Let Q/H20849/H9267/H20850be
the matrix
N/H208491/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850FN/H208492/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850¯FN/H20849N/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20899. /H20849A8 /H20850
We then have the following theorem:
d/H9267DetQ/H20849/H9267/H20850=T r P/H20849/H9267/H20850DetQ/H20849/H9267/H20850, /H20849A9 /H20850
where Tr P/H20849/H9267/H20850=/H20858l=1Npll/H20849/H9267/H20850.
Now, we may apply this theorem by making the identifi-
cation F1/H20849i/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=m˜/H9267i/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850,F2/H20849i/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=m˜ti/H208490/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850,F3/H20849i/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=/H11509m˜/H9267i/H208490/H20850//H11509/H9267,
F4/H20849i/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850=/H11509m˜ti/H208490/H20850//H11509/H9267/H20849the negative signs on the third and fourth
columns of Eq. /H20849A6 /H20850are innocuous as far as the determinant
is concerned /H20850. When Eq. /H20849A1 /H20850is written in terms of the set
/H20853Fn/H20849i/H20850/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20854it has a form compatible with those in Eq. /H20849A7 /H20850, and
the matrix M/H20849/H9267/H20850has the form of Q/H20849/H9267/H20850in Eq. /H20849A8 /H20850. One finds
that Tr P/H20849/H9267/H20850=−2 //H9267so that Det /H20851M/H20849/H9267/H20850/H20852=W/H20849/H9267/H20850=CR2//H92672. The
constant C=C/H20849/H9024/H20850may be evaluated by computing W/H20849R/H20850so
we haveW/H20849/H9267/H20850=/H20873R
W/H20849R/H20850. /H20849A10 /H20850
The structure of C/H20849/H9024/H20850=W/H20849R/H20850as a function of frequency is
used in this paper in order to obtain the frequencies andlinewidths of the modes.
The proof of the theorem in Eq. /H20849A9 /H20850is sketched in Ap-
pendix B.
In what follows we use the summation convention
wherein one sums over repeated indices. For simplicity, wealso confine our attention to the case where there are four
functions in our set /H20853F
n/H20849j/H20850/H20854. The extension of the proof to the
case where we have Nfunctions in the set is straightforward.
Thus, Eq. /H20849A7 /H20850is written
/H11509/H9267=pilFl/H20849j/H20850. /H20849B1/H20850
Then after we form the matrix Q/H20849/H9267/H20850defined in Appendix
A, we have
DetQ=/H9255ijknFi/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850. /H20849B2/H20850
where /H9255ijknis the Levi-Civita tensor of rank four, which van-
ishes when any two indices are equal, and which equals +1or −1 depending on whether ijkn is an even or odd permu-
tation of 1234. Clearly, if D=Det /H20849Q/H20850,
d/H9267=/H9255ijknpilFl/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850+/H9255ijknpjlFi/H208491/H20850Fl/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850+ ...
In the terms which involve pilwith l/HS11005i,lhas to be equal to
j,k,o rnand of course i,j,k, and nmust all be different by
virtue of /H9255ijkn. A similar statement applies to the term which
involves pjl. Suppose in the first term on the right-hand side
of Eq. /H20849B3/H20850, we consider the term with l=j, which has the
form/H9255ijknpijFj/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850. We compare this with the contri-
bution from the second term for which l=i. This has the form
/H9255ijknpjiFi/H208491/H20850Fi/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850. Upon interchanging the summation
indices iand jin the last-mentioned term, it becomes
/H9255jiknpijFj/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850, and we see that it exactly cancels the
first-mentioned term. Similarly, all other couples of this typecancel each other.
Thus the only terms in Eq. /H20849B3/H20850which survive are the
terms which come from the diagonal elements of p
il. Thus,
Eq. /H20849B3/H20850becomes
d/H9267=/H9255ijknpiiFi/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850+/H9255ijknpjjFi/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850+ ...
=/H20849pii+pjj+pkk+pnn/H20850/H9255ijknFi/H208491/H20850Fj/H208492/H20850Fk/H208493/H20850Fn/H208494/H20850=T r /H20849P/H20850D,
where as in Appendix A, Tr /H20849P/H20850=/H20858i=14pii.R. E. ARIAS AND D. L. MILLS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 144404 /H208492009 /H20850
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PhysRevMaterials.5.064411.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 5, 064411 (2021)
Spin-wave localization and guiding by magnon band structure engineering in yttrium iron garnet
Rouven Dreyer, Niklas Liebing, Eric R. J. Edwards,*Andreas Müller, and Georg Woltersdorf†
Institute of Physics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 06120 Halle, Germany
(Received 2 March 2021; accepted 1 June 2021; published 21 June 2021)
In spintronics, the propagation of spin-wave excitations in magnetically ordered materials can also be used to
transport and process information. One of the most popular materials in this regard is the ferrimagnetic insulatoryttrium iron garnet due its exceptionally small spin-wave damping parameter. While the small relaxation rateallows for large propagation length of magnetic excitations, it also leads to nonlocality of the magnetic properties.By imaging spin waves, their band structure is mapped with high-frequency resolution using a magneto-opticsuper-Nyquist sampling technique. In doing so, wave-vector selection is shown to suppress dispersion effectsto a large extent, allowing for local measurements of spin relaxation. Moreover, we demonstrate even highercontrol of magnon propagation by employing the wave-vector selectivity near an avoided crossing of differentspin-wave modes where the group velocity approaches zero. Here the local engineering of the dispersion allowsus to construct magnonic waveguides, and at the same time it reveals the local relaxation properties.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.064411
In recent years, spin-wave propagation and its control have
been an intensely studied topic [ 1,2]. In parallel, it has been
demonstrated that spin waves may be used to transport heat[3] and angular momentum [ 4]. In many of these experiments,
yttrium iron garnet (YIG) has proven to be a valuable material.The insulating properties of YIG were used in YIG/metal hy-brid structures to demonstrate a flurry of magnetoresistive andmagnetothermal phenomena, which are explained by the exci-tation or annihilation of spin waves in YIG [ 5–9]. At the same
time, the exceptionally small Gilbert damping constant of onlyα=5×10
–5of YIG enables spin transport on the millimeter
length scale [ 3,10]. In most cases, the presence of magnon ex-
citations in YIG can be probed on the nanoscale by the inversespin Hall effect [ 6,11,12]. However, this approach is not sen-
sitive to the properties of the spin wave that is converted into asignal, i.e., its wavelength and propagation direction. Magne-tization dynamics at the micro- and nanoscale can be studiedinductively [ 13–17] or by optical methods. Four distinct op-
tical approaches are typically used: (i) microfocus Brillouinlight scattering ( μBLS) [ 18–23], (ii) time-resolved scanning
transmission x-ray microscopy (TR-STXM) [ 24–26], (iii)
time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr microscopy (TR-MOKE)[27–33], and (iv) diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center res-
onance imaging [ 34–37]. The long spin-wave relaxation times
in YIG complicate the analysis since extrinsic effects suchas sample inhomogeneity, magnon-magnon scattering [ 38],
or instrumental effects related to the excitation of multi-ple spin-wave modes or limited frequency resolution usuallydominate the measured linewidth [ 39]. On the other hand,
the large spin-wave propagation length allows to investigate
*Present address: IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, New York 10598, USA.
†georg.woltersdorf@physik.uni-halle.decoupling phenomena such as avoided crossings in the spin-
wave dispersion in single YIG films [ 40,41] or YIG-based
heterostructures [ 42–44]. In such systems, the strong-coupling
regime between different magnon modes is accessible [ 45],
paving the way for a novel playground for coherent infor-mation processing based on magnons [ 46]. Due to the large
propagation lengths in YIG, it is difficult to confine spinwaves. Usually, confinement is only achieved by physicallypatterning (e.g., dry-etching) the YIG material. Unfortunately,this approach introduces defects and modifies the magneto-static properties. Therefore, for a number of experiments itwould be highly desirable to have a method at hand allowingus to control the spin-wave properties locally without the needfor patterning of the YIG structures.
In this article, we study the properties of spin waves in
thin YIG layers by phase-resolved magneto-optic imagingof coherently excited spin waves. To reach the required fre-quency resolution and sensitivity for experiments with YIG,a modified version of the TR-MOKE method is introduced.In addition to the direct measurement of the spin-wave dis-persion and avoided crossings of different spin-wave modes,we demonstrate that a truly local measurement of spin-waverelaxation properties becomes possible. In addition, by ex-tracting group velocities and relaxation times of the excitedspin waves near an avoided spin-wave mode crossing, weobtain an independent estimate for the local Gilbert dampingparameter. Finally, we engineer the spin-wave dispersion lo-cally to construct a soft magnonic waveguide, which allows usto study spin-wave propagation inside the spin-wave band gapopened by an avoided crossing of different spin-wave modes.
In our experiments, we perform TR-MOKE experiments
on a 200-nm-thick YIG layer. The magnetization is excitedcoherently using the rf-field generated by a coplanar waveg-uide (CPW) patterned on top of the YIG layer [as shownin Fig. 1(a)]. The wave-vector spectrum of the excited spin
waves is determined by the static in-plane magnetic field as
2475-9953/2021/5(6)/064411(6) 064411-1 ©2021 American Physical SocietyROUVEN DREYER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 5, 064411 (2021)
FIG. 1. (a) Geometry of the experiments. Spatial resolved images
of spin waves in DE and BV configurations with their corresponding
wavelength are shown in the gap. (b) The frequency comb generated
by a femtosecond laser is given by multiples of the laser repetitionrate f
rep. The excitation frequency f rfaliases back to the Nyquist
frequencies (red dotted lines). The lowest aliasing frequency cor-
responds to the difference frequency εbetween f rfand the nearest
comb line.
well as the frequency and spatial distribution of the excitation
field. We distinguish between the Damon-Eshbach (DE) andbackward volume (BV) configurations as limiting cases ofthe in-plane dispersion [ 40], cf. supplemental Fig. S1 [ 47].
As a light source, a femtosecond laser operating at 510 nmwith a repetition rate of f
rep=80 MHz is used to sample
the magnetization dynamics via the polar magneto-opticalKerr effect (MOKE), as shown in supplemental Fig. S2 [ 47].
Due to the small spin relaxation, studying spin waves inYIG requires a method with a frequency resolution on theorder of 1 MHz. To meet this requirement, we introduce ameasurement scheme that we term super-Nyquist samplingMOKE (SNS-MOKE). The MOKE effect allows for mix-ing of the excitation frequency f
rfand the nth harmonic of
the laser pulse-repetition frequency yielding an intermediatefrequency f
rf=nfrep+ε. Demodulating the Kerr signal at
frequency εdirectly yields real and imaginary components
of the magnetic rf-susceptibility, and in doing so it providesphase-resolved measurements of the spin precession (see thesupplemental material [ 47] for details). Clearly, the advantage
of the SNS-MOKE technique is that it allows for tuning ofthe rf-frequency in arbitrary steps. This is an enormous im-provement over conventional pump-probe microscopy, wherethe frequency resolution is given by the laser repetition rate(i.e., 80 MHz in our case). Previously, we have used theSNS-MOKE technique only at fixed frequencies to imagespin-wave modes [ 31,48,49].
Typical data of the spatially resolved, complex suscepti-
bility are shown in Fig. 1(a) and recorded in DE and BV
configurations, respectively. Here the external magnetic field
FIG. 2. Extracted spin-wave dispersion for a fixed external field
of 79 mT. The dispersion curves were computed with the recipe
by Kalinikos and Slavin [ 40,58] as discussed in the supplemental
material. The red solid lines indicate the DE and BV dispersion. The
dotted red line shows an angular orientation of nearly flat dispersion.
The black solid line depicts the dispersion branch for the first PSSW.The top left inset shows the spin-wave profile in the vicinity of the
avoided mode crossing recorded in the gap of the CPW. The top right
inset shows a magnified view of the avoided mode crossing with thecalculated mode repulsion [ 40,58].
is fixed at 142 mT and the rf-frequency is varied from im-
age to image. The excited wave vector is determined bythe maximum of the product of the k-dependent rf-magnetic
field and rf-magnetic susceptibility h(k)×χ(ω,k)[39], and
it can be determined by counting the number of maximanobserved over distance Land calculating the wave num-
ber as |k|=2πn/L. In the following, we use the spin-wave
wavelengths λ=|k|/2πdetermined from spatially resolved
images [Fig. 1(a)] or line scans to map out the dispersion
of BV and DE modes by extracting the wave vectors as afunction of frequency for a fixed magnetic field, as shown inFig.2. Using the SNS-MOKE method, we are able to map out
the spin-wave dispersion with a pronounced avoided crossing[24,50–53] using a step size of only 2 MHz, as shown in the
inset of Fig. 2.
The avoided crossing of the first-order perpendicular
standing spin-wave mode (PSSW) and the DE mode hasa much larger frequency splitting than the linewidth ofindividual spin-wave modes involved, indicating strong cou-pling. Following the formalism introduced by Kalinikos andSlavin [ 40,54], we determine the mode repulsion of DE and
first-order PSSW mode and the corresponding size of the fre-quency splitting (see supplemental Fig. S3 [ 47]). In particular,
we obtain a coupling constant g=f
splitting/(/Delta1f1+/Delta1f2)o f
220 at 4 GHz from the experiment. Note that values largerthan g=1 are referred to as strong coupling [ 55], and they
allow for coherent exchange of information between the twomodes. The solid lines in Fig. 2show the calculated dispersion
for DE, BV (red), and PSSW (black) modes. In Fig. 2,t h e
left inset shows the observed spatial profile of one of thehybridized modes in the vicinity of the avoided crossing. Herethe propagation of the spin wave is strongly suppressed in
FIG. 3. (a) Angular dependence of the local field swept measure-
ments of the rf-susceptibility measured with an excitation frequencyof 4.0 GHz. A clear minimum of the dispersion around a magnetic
field direction of 55 degrees is visible. The inset shows the nearly
uniform spatial distribution of the magnetic excitation across the gaprecorded at the dispersion minimum. (b)–(e) Detailed measurement
of the spin-wave dispersion minimum for frequencies between 3 and
6 GHz. The inset in panel (e) depicts the extracted linewidth of
the 5.6 GHz measurement as a function of in-plane field orientation
clearly showing a minimum at nearly flat dispersion.
comparison to the maps shown in Fig. 1(a). We attribute this
effect to the nearly flat dispersion and therefore small groupvelocity close to the anticrossing. Specifically, the spin-wavegroup velocity is reduced from 200 m/s to values of about10 m/s near the mode repulsion (indicated by the purple arrow
in the right inset of Fig. 2).
The Gilbert damping parameter is usually determined from
the linewidth by sweeping the magnetic field at a fixed fre-quency across the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). In Fig. 3
we record the SNS-MOKE signal in two-dimensional plots asa function of in-plane magnetic field magnitude and in-planeorientation. As one can see, e.g., by following the signalalong the dotted line, locally measured field sweeps are not
FIG. 4. (a) Frequency dependence of the linewidth for FMR
measurements (black cross) and at the dispersion minimum (red
dots). The blue data points show the calculated linewidth in thevicinity of the avoided crossing. Solid lines are fits to extract the
Gilbert damping. (b) Gilbert damping for localized spin-wave modes
for different frequency. The dotted black line indicates the averagedamping parameter, while the gray area is the standard deviation.
The orange star marks the data point taken within the magnonic
waveguide presented in Fig. 5(d).
suitable to determine the Gilbert damping (cf. supplemental
Fig. S1 [ 47]). To evaluate these spectra, it would be necessary
to take the wave-vector distribution of the excitation field,the dispersion, and the spin-wave propagation effects prop-erly into account [ 56]. One might overcome this problem by
identifying the magnetization direction where the dispersionis nearly flat and the spin waves cannot propagate. A nearlyflat dispersion is expected for an intermediate angle of thefield orientation between BV and DE configurations wherethe different dipolar contributions compensate each other (reddotted line in Fig. 2). The actual angle where the dispersion
becomes nearly flat is indicated by black circles in Fig. 3and
depends on the rf-frequency (Fig. S4 [ 47]). A flat dispersion
results in the simultaneous excitation of spin waves of allexcited wave vectors, causing destructive interference of allspin-wave modes except for the uniform mode ( k=0). This
behavior is indeed observed in the inset of Fig. 3(a), where
mostly a uniform precession of the magnetization occurs. At 4GHz, a flat dispersion is expected for an angle between kand
Mof 55 degrees as indicated in Fig. 2. In addition, because
the dispersion is flat, the excited spin waves have a nearlyvanishing group velocity v
g=∂ω/∂ kand cannot propa-
gate. As demonstrated in the inset of Fig. 3(e), a pronounced
minimum of the resonance linewidth is indeed observed forthese conditions. By measuring the susceptibility at the anglesof minimal dispersion, we extract Lorentzian resonance lineshapes from the local SNS-MOKE spectra that can be easilyinterpreted in terms of their linewidth. Figure 4(a) shows
the frequency-dependent linewidth determined from a seriesof such spectra obtained in the point of minimal dispersion.The Gilbert damping determined from the red data points inFig.4(a) corresponds to a value of α=(5.41±1.07)×10
with a very small zero-frequency linewidth offset /Delta1H0of only
064411-3ROUVEN DREYER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 5, 064411 (2021)
16μT and hence three times smaller compared to conven-
tional FMR measurements we performed on the same sample.The remaining zero-frequency linewidth offset is most likelycaused by two-magnon scattering processes, which are facili-tated by a flat dispersion extending to large k-vectors.
An even better localization of the probed properties may
be achieved by controlling the magnon band structure suchthat degenerate magnon modes can be avoided completely. Inthe following, we will look in detail at the presented avoidedcrossing, and in doing so study spin waves with tunable prop-agation length with the aim to localize them. The associatedchange in curvature of the dispersion offers a handle to controlthe magnon propagation length since it is given by the productof spin-wave lifetime and group velocity [ 39]:λ
where the lifetime [ 57] is related to the Gilbert damping pa-
rameter by
γμ 0(M0+H). (1)
Obviously, in the case of a flat dispersion, the probed signal
has a truly local character and provides access to intrinsiclocal properties such as internal fields and the Gilbert dampingparameter. In the region of mode repulsion, the excited spin-wave modes are localized close to the edges of the conductorsof the CPW (left inset in Fig. 2). Using different frequen-
cies and a nearly flat dispersion found in the vicinity of theavoided mode crossing (shown in supplemental Fig. S3 [ 47])
we extract the propagation length λ
propand the group velocity
vgfor these modes and calculate an average Gilbert damp-
ing parameter of α=(4.08±0.97)×10–5for frequencies
between 1 and 8 GHz using the equation above. The narrowlinewidths for different frequencies [Fig. 4(a)] and the corre-
sponding Gilbert damping parameters [Fig. 4(b)] calculated
from the obtained data are a consequence of the local charac-ter of the damping measurement under nearly flat dispersionconditions.
In the following, we will demonstrate that the magnon band
gap at small wave vectors created by the avoided crossingallows us to realize magnon guiding along a track definedby tiny local fields. One can set the external field and theexcitation frequency such that no spin waves can be excitedand propagate [gray shaded area in, e.g., Fig. 5(a)]. To lo-
cally guide spin waves along a predefined track, it is requiredto locally shift this band gap. For this we define magneticstructures on top of the YIG layer in order to provide a localbias field in their gap, as shown in Figs. 5(c) and5(d).T h e
local in-plane stray field amounts to ∼0.5 mT for 10-nm-thick
Permalloy structures with a 5 μm gap, and it induces a shift
of the magnon dispersion of about 100 MHz [Fig. 5(b)]. Now
one can select a frequency where the spin-wave propagationwithin the magnonic waveguide is still allowed while it isforbidden due to the magnon band gap in the surroundingmagnetic material. This situation is demonstrated in Fig. 5(d)
for a frequency of 4.45 GHz and an applied external field of79 mT. The spin-wave mode within the magnonic waveguidecan propagate over several 10 μm while the propagation on
the left and right side of the waveguide is evanescent. Bydetermining the decay length of this specific spin-wave modeand the corresponding group velocity from the dispersion, wefind a Gilbert damping parameter of α=(6.4±1.3)×10
FIG. 5. Parts (a) and (b) show the magnonic band gap for an
external field of 79 mT at positions next to and within the magnonic
waveguide, respectively. In (b) the dispersion is slightly shifted to-ward larger frequencies. Here we find a regime where in contrast to
the band state in (c), the propagation of DE spin-wave modes is only
possible within the waveguide (gap state) as observed in (d).
(and we calculate a linewidth of 10.3 ±2.1μT) (both indi-
cated by orange stars in Fig. 4).
In summary, we demonstrate that by selecting the orien-
tation of the wave vector, it is possible to avoid spin-wavedispersion to a large extent. Even more interestingly, strongmodification of the dispersion in the vicinity of the avoidedcrossing allows us to select arbitrarily low values of thespin-wave velocity and hence to address the Gilbert dampinglocally. Using the exceptional frequency resolution of theSNS-MOKE technique introduced here, we show that thespin-wave interaction in the vicinity of the mode crossingrepresents a case of strong coupling, allowing us to study co-operative phenomena such as Rabi oscillations for spin-waveexcitations as well in the future. Finally, we demonstrated thata forbidden magnon band can be created by the avoided cross-ing. By local modification of the dispersion using the strayfield of magnetic microstructures, we have designed a “soft”magnonic waveguide. This waveguide supports spin waves inthe vicinity of the avoided crossing, while the propagation inthe surrounding material is forbidden. Due to the low Gilbertdamping, tiny local bias fields are sufficient to control thepropagation properties. In the future, such magnetic fieldsmay be generated by currents flowing in microfabricated wirestructures placed on top of the YIG layer, allowing for adynamic control of magnon propagation.
Financial support from the German research foundation
(DFG) through collaborative research center (CRC)/TRR
227 and Priority Program SPP 1538 (Spin Caloric Trans-
port) as well as from the European Research Council (ERC)via starting Grant No. 280048 (ECOMAGICS) is gratefully
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064411-6 |
PhysRevB.87.134403.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 134403 (2013)
Magnetoelectric resonances and predicted microwave diode effect of the skyrmion crystal
in a multiferroic chiral-lattice magnet
Masahito Mochizuki1,2,*and Shinichiro Seki3
1Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
2Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, D-50937 Cologne, Germany
3Department of Applied Physics and Quantum Phase Electronics Center, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
(Received 20 September 2012; published 3 April 2013)
We theoretically discover that unique eigenmodes of skyrmion crystal (SkX) are not only magnetically active
to an ac magnetic field ( Hω) but also electrically active to an ac electric field ( Eω) in a multiferroic chiral-lattice
magnet Cu 2OSeO 3, which amplifies the dynamical magnetoelectric coupling between Eωand the spin texture.
The resulting intense interference between their electric and their magnetic activation processes can lead to anunprecedentedly large diode effect on the microwave, i.e., its absorption by SkX changes up to ∼20% when the
incident direction is reversed. Our results demonstrate that the skyrmion could be a promising building block formicrowave devices.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.134403 PACS number(s): 76 .50.+g, 75.10.Hk, 75 .70.Ak, 75 .78.−n
Skyrmion, a topological vortex-like swirling spin texture,1
is now attracting a great deal of interest. It was predicted that
the skyrmion and its crystallized form, so-called skyrmioncrystal (SkX), are realized in chiral-lattice magnets without in-version symmetry through competition between ferromagnetic(FM) and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions undera magnetic field H.
2,3Quite recently, the SkX phase was
indeed observed in metallic B20 alloys such as MnSi,4–7
Fe1−xCoxSi,8,9and FeGe,10as well as in the insulating magnet
Cu2OSeO 3,11–13by small-angle neutron-scattering (SANS)
experiments and Lorentz transmission electron microscopy(LTEM).
Since then, several experiments have been performed and
have reported intriguing transport properties in SkX
electric control of skyrmions with spin-polarized current20,21in
metallic systems. The emergence of spin-driven ferroelectric
polarization Phas been observed in the insulating SkX phase
of Cu 2OSeO 3,11,22,23and the electric-field control of this mul-
tiferroic skyrmion texture was experimentally demonstrated.24
There the research interest, more or less, comes from the
possible application to next-generation spintronics devices.However, a lot of researchers are presaging further potentialityin skyrmions. Nevertheless, the sorts of experimental work arequite limited, i.e., observations by means of LTEM or SANSand transport measurements only.
In this article, we theoretically propose a brand new
direction for the research on skyrmions from the viewpointsof microwave functionalities and dynamical phenomena atgigahertz frequencies. We discover that collective rotationaland breathing motions of skyrmions in SkX can be resonantlyactivated not only by an ac magnetic field ( H
ω) but also by ac
electric field ( Eω) as unique eigenmodes of SkX in multiferroic
chiral-lattice magnets. These resonances amplify the dynam-ical coupling of underlying spin texture with E
and the resulting intense interference between the electric andthe magnetic activation processes can lead to unprecedentedlylarge directional dichroism of the electromagnetic (EM) wavein Cu
2OSeO 3; i.e., its absorption by SkX changes up to ∼20%,
depending on the sign of its incident direction. This effect isenhanced especially at eigenfrequencies of the aforementionedskyrmion resonances ( ∼GHz) and can work as an efficient
microwave diode. Currently, most microwave-device functionsare achieved using designed combinations of waveguides,circuits, and elements made of ferrites with ferrimagneticorder.
25Our finding provides a guideline for designing new
microwave devices such as a magnetically tunable isolator.Our work will be a trigger for a broad-based quest for novelfunctions of skyrmions and related spin textures.
The magnetic structure of Cu
2OSeO 3is composed of
tetrahedra of four Cu2+(S=1/2) ions as shown in Fig. 1(a).
Recent powder neutron diffraction26and NMR27experiments
suggested that a three-up- and one-down ( uuud )-type collinear
spin arrangement is realized on each tetrahedron belowT
c∼58 K. We regard this four-spin assembly as a magnetic
unit and treat it as a classical vector spin miwhose norm
mis unity. We employ a classical Heisenberg model on
a cubic lattice28–30to describe the magnetism in a thin
specimen of Cu 2OSeO 3, which contains the FM-exchange
interaction, the DM interaction,31and the Zeeman coupling
to the external Hnormal to the plane. The Hamiltonian is
given by
−gμ Bμ0Hz/summationdisplay
imiz, (1)
where g=2, and ˆγruns over ˆxand ˆy. We set the ratio
D/J=0.09, for which the periodicity in the SkX phase
becomes ∼99 sites. Since the distance between adjacent
Cu-ion tetrahedra is ∼5˚A, this periodicity corresponds to
a skyrmion diameter of ∼50 nm, in agreement with the LTEM
observation.11All the spin textures considered here are slowly
varying, which can be described by a continuum spin model.It justifies our treatment based on a lattice spin model afterdivision of the space into square meshes and coarse graining ofmagnetizations.
We first analyze the model, (1), using the replica-exchange
Monte Carlo technique and obtain the phase diagrams at lowtemperature ( T) shown in Fig. 1(b). The SkX phase emerges
134403-1 1098-0121/2013/87(13)/134403(5) ©2013 American Physical SocietyMASAHITO MOCHIZUKI AND SHINICHIRO SEKI PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 134403 (2013)
21’P||[001] (||y)
M||H||[110] (||z)(d)
gμBμ0H[110] /J 1.875x10-3 6.3x10-3(b)
-0.5 0.5 0pzi /λ
xy100 sites
100 sites
FIG. 1. (Color) (a) Spin structure of Cu 2OSeO 3, composed of
tetrahedra of four Cu2+ions (S=1/2) with three-up and one-down
spins. (b) Phase diagram of the spin model, (1). Here HL, SkX, and
FM denote the helical, skyrmion-crystal, and ferromagnetic phases,
respectively. (c) Spin structure in the SkX phase, which possessesa sixfold rotation axis, 6, and six twofold rotation axes, followed
by time reversal, 2
/prime. Arrows represent in-plane spin components.
(d) Under H/bardbl[110], the system becomes polar along [001] and
the emergence of ferroelectric polarization P/bardbl[001] is allowed. (e)
Symmetry axes in a Cu 2OSeO 3crystal, which belongs to the P213
space group: threefold rotation axes, 3, along /angbracketleft111/angbracketrightand twofold screw
axes, 2 1, along /angbracketleft100/angbracketright. (f) Real-space configurations of local electric
polarizations piin the skyrmion under H/bardbl[110].
in the range 1 .875×10−3<|gμ Bμ0Hz/J|<6.3×10−3,
sandwiched by the helical and FM phases, in agreementwith the experiment for thin-plate samples.
11Skyrmions are
crystallized into a triangular lattice and magnetic moments mi
directly antiparallel (parallel) to Hat the center (periphery) of
each skyrmion as shown in Fig. 1(c).
For the SkX state formed under H/bardbl[110] as shown
in Fig. 1(d), the emergence of P/bardbl[001] perpendicular to
the net magnetization M/bardblHis expected from symmetry
considerations. As shown in Fig. 1(e), the crystal structure
of Cu 2OSeO 3, which belongs to a nonpolar space group,
P213, possesses threefold rotation axes, 3, along /angbracketleft111/angbracketrightand
21-screw axes along /angbracketleft100/angbracketright. The spin texture in the SkX phase
is also nonpolar, with a sixfold rotation axis, 6, along Hand
twofold rotation axes followed by time reversal, 2/prime, normal
toHas shown in Fig. 1(c). When the SkX sets in under
H/bardbl[110] on the Cu 2OSeO 3crystal, most of the symmetries
should be broken, and only the 2/prime
1axis (/bardbl[001]) normal to
Hsurvives, as shown in Fig. 1(d). Consequently, the system
becomes polar along [001]. Indeed the emergence of P/bardbl[001]
under H/bardbl[110] was experimentally observed.23Here we
define the Cartesian coordinates, x/bardbl[¯110], y/bardblP/bardbl[001],
andz/bardblM/bardbl[110], shown in Fig. 1(d), for convenience of
the following formulations.The net magnetization Mand the ferroelectric polarization
Pare given by sums of the local contributions as M=
i=1pi, respectively, where the
index iruns over the Cu-ion tetrahedra with uuud spinsN
is the number of tetrahedra, and V(=1.76×10−28m3)i s
the volume per tetrahedron. Because of the cubic symmetry,the local polarization p
ifrom the ith tetrahedron is given
using the spin components mia,mib, and micin the P213
setting as
We can easily evaluate the local contributions piandmi
from each tetrahedron in the ferrimagnetic phase where all
the tetrahedra give uniform contributions. Then the couplingconstant λis evaluated as λ=5.64×10
−27μCm from the
experimentally measured P[001]=16μC/m2in the ferrimag-
netic phase under H/bardbl[111] at 5 K.11
Because of this strong coupling between magnetism and
electricity, collective oscillations of this SkX can be activatednot only magnetically by an ac magnetic field H
ωbut also
electrically by ac electric field Eω. As demonstrated below,
with the special configuration of P⊥M, both the Hωand the
Eωcomponents of an EM wave propagating along P×Mcan
activate common oscillation modes. To see this, we calculatedynamical magnetic and dielectric susceptibilities,
β, (3)
by numerically solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The equation isgiven by
dt, (4)
where αG(=0.04) is the Gilbert-damping coefficient. The
effective field Heff
iis calculated from the Hamiltonian H=
H0+H/prime(t)a sHeff
i=−∂H/∂mi. Here the first term H0is
the model Hamiltonian, (1), while the perturbation term H/prime(t)
represents a short rectangular pulse of a magnetic field orelectric field. After applying the pulse at t=0, we calculate
M(t) andP(t) and obtain their Fourier transforms M
Calculations are performed using a system of N=288×288
sites with the periodic boundary condition.
In Fig. 2(a), we display imaginary parts of the calculated dy-
namical magnetic susceptibilities, Im χmm
yy(ω) and Im χmm
forHω/bardblyandHω/bardblz. We also plot the imaginary parts of the
calculated dielectric susceptibilities, Im χee
zz(ω) and Im χee
forEω/bardblzandEω/bardblyin Fig. 2(b).I nI m χmm
yy, we find a
strong resonance active to Hω/bardblyatωR/J=6.12×10−3,
which was ascribed to the counterclockwise rotation mode,where all the skyrmion cores in the SkX uniformly rotatein the counterclockwise fashion.
32,33This rotation mode can
also be seen in the spectrum of Im χee
zzas a peak at the
same frequency, indicating its simultaneous electric activitytoE
ω/bardblz. The spectrum of Im χmm
yyhas one more resonance at
a higher frequency, ωR=1.135×10−2J, which was ascribed
to another rotation mode with opposite rotational sense, i.e.,the clockwise rotation mode.
32,33We can see a very tiny peak
in Imχee
zzat the corresponding frequency, indicating its weak
(b)0.02 0.04 0
FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Imaginary parts of the dynamical
magnetic susceptibilities, Im χmm
yyand Im χmm
zz, as functions of the
frequency ωatgμ Bμ0Hz/J=3.75×10−3.I nR e f . 32, the strong
(weak) resonance in Im χmm
yywas ascribed to the counterclockwise
(clockwise) rotation mode, while the resonance in Im χmm
ascribed to the breathing mode. (b) Imaginary parts of the dynamical
dielectric susceptibilities, Im χee
zzand Im χee
yy, as functions of ω.T h e
three above-mentioned magnetically active resonances can be seen
in the spectra of dielectric susceptibilities at the same frequencies,
indicating their simultaneous electric activities.
electric activity. On the other hand, the spectrum of Im χmm
a single resonance active to Hω/bardblzatωR/J=7.76×10−3,
which was ascribed to the breathing mode, where areas of allthe skyrmions in the SkX oscillatory expand and shrink in auniform way.
32,33Again, this mode is simultaneously active to
Eω/bardbly, and the corresponding peak can be seen in Im χee
yyat the
same frequency. A recent microwave experiment found clearabsorptions at these spin-wave resonances, while absorptionsat off-resonant frequencies turn out to be negligibly small.
The presence of collective modes active to both Eω
andHωis nothing but the source of interesting microwave
activity. From Maxwell’s equations, we can derive the relation
Hω/bardblKω×Eωfor the EM wave. This relation indicates
that the relative directions of HωandEωare determined by
the propagation vector Kω, and their relationship should be
reversed upon the sign reversal of Kω. When a lineally polar-
ized EM wave with Eω/bardblzandHω/bardblypropagates parallel
(antiparallel) to ( P×M)/bardblxa ss h o w ni nF i g . 3(a), where
sgn[Re Kω]=+ 1(sgn[Re Kω]=− 1) with Kω=Kωˆx,t h e
oscillation of Pinduced by Eωand that of MbyHω
contributes in a subtractive (an additive) way to the collective
oscillation, which results in weaker (stronger) absorption ofthe EM wave. Such a nonreciprocal absorption of the EMwave is expected also for E
ω/bardblyandHω/bardblz,a ss h o w ni n
Fig. 3(b).
To study microwave absorption and nonreciprocal direc-
tional dichroism (NDD) quantitatively, we start with thefollowing Fourier-formed Maxwell’s equations for materialswithMandP:
ωBω=Kω×Eω,−ωDω=Kω×Hω, (5)
Hωadditive subtractive
HωEω KHω
MEω Eω Eω
HωHωadditive subtractive
sgn(ReKω)=+1sgn(ReKω)= -1
sgn(ReKω)= -1(a) Hω||y, Eω||z
(b) Hω||z, Eω||y
FIG. 3. (Color online) Configurations of the microwave Hωand
Eωcomponents, for which nonreciprocal directional dichroism is
expected when P/bardblyandM/bardblzwithP⊥MandKω/bardblP×M/bardbl
x:( a )Eω/bardblzandHω/bardbly,a n d( b ) Eω/bardblyandHω/bardblz. Cartesian
coordinates x/bardbl[¯110], y/bardbl[001], and z/bardbl[110] are defined as shown,
where the zaxis is parallel to H.
μ0Eω, (7)
Pω=/epsilon10ˆχee(ω)Eω+ˆχem(ω)√/epsilon10μ0Hω. (8)
As discussed above, NDD of microwaves with Kω=Kωˆx
is expected for the following configurations of HωandEω:
(i)Hω/bardblyandEω/bardblz, and (ii) Hω/bardblzandEω/bardbly.W e
introduce the complex refractive index N(ω)=n(ω)+iκ(ω),
which is related to KωasKω=ω
cN(ω). We solve Eqs. (5)
and obtain
−sgn(Re Kω)/bracketleftbig
2( 9 )
+sgn(Re Kω)[χme
yz(ω)]/2 (10)
for cases (i) and (ii), respectively. These expressions contain
the sign of Re Kωindicating the direction dependence of the
microwave absorption because the absorption coefficient α(ω)
is related to N(ω)a s
and the absorption intensity is given by I(ω)=
I0exp[−α(ω)l], where lis the sample thickness. The
nonreciprocal absorption /Delta1α(ω)=α+(ω)−α−(ω) represents
the magnitude of NDD, where α+andα−are absorption
coefficients for microwaves propagating in the positive andnegative directions, respectively.
In order to evaluate N(ω) andα
±(ω) quantitatively, we need
to calculate not only the dielectric and magnetic susceptibilitiesbut also the following dynamical ME susceptibilities:
β. (11)
For the values of /epsilon1∞
yyin Eqs. (9)and(10), we assume an
isotropic dielectric tensor, i.e., /epsilon1∞
yy=/epsilon1∞, for simplicity
and set /epsilon1∞=8 according to the dielectric-measurement
data.22,36In turn, we take μ∞
yy=1 for permeability.
The value of Jis set to be J=1 meV so as to reproduce the
experimental Tcfor the SkX-paramagnetic transition.
In Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), we display the calculated ω
dependence of the absorption coefficients, α+(ω) andα−(ω),
at several values of HzforEω/bardblzandHω/bardblyforEω/bardbl
yandHω/bardblz, respectively. The out-of-plane Eω/bardblzand
in-plane Hω/bardblyactivate two rotation modes with opposite
senses,32,33i.e., lower-lying counterclockwise and higher-
lying clockwise modes, which give two spectral peaks inFig. 4(a). We find that, for the lower-lying resonance, the
/Delta1α(ω) increases as H
zincreases and reaches more than 0.25
cm−1, which corresponds to a relative change /Delta1α/α ave=
2(α+−α−)/(α++α−)∼20% at maximum. On the other
hand, both the in-plane Eω/bardblyand the out-of-plane Hω/bardblz
activate a breathing mode,32,33which gives a single spectral
peak in Fig. 4(b).A g a i n ,t h e /Delta1α(ω) increases with increasing
Hzand reaches approximately 0.14 cm−1, corresponding to
a/Delta1α/αaveof 10%. These values do not depend on the value
ofαG. Such a huge directional dichroism is quite rare for any
frequency range35,37–39and has never been realized at gigahertz
frequencies. This is because most of the multiferroics withsimple magnetic orders have resonant frequencies much higherthan microwave frequencies due to the large spin gaps. In turn,the long-period skyrmion textures have small spin gaps andtheir nontrivial collective modes with gigahertz frequenciesenable us to achieve interesting microwave functions.
In summary, we have theoretically predicted that the
SkX phase of the chiral-lattice insulator Cu
2OSeO 3shows
an enhanced diode effect on linearly polarized microwaves00.
α−α+6.25 X10-3α+, α− (cm-1)(a) Hω//y, Eω//z
3.75 X10-3
ω (GHz)(b) Hω//z, Eω//y
01 234 56 7 8
ω (GHz)6.25 X10-33.75 X10-3
1.875 X10-3
6.25 X10-33.75 X10-31.875 X10-31.875 X10-3α+, α− (cm-1)
Δα=α+−α− (cm-1) Δα=α+−α− (cm-1)
-0.2-0.11.875 X10-3
6.25 X10-33.75 X10-3
ω (GHz)gμμ0Hz/J=
FIG. 4. (Color online) Calculated absorption coefficients, α+(ω)
andα−(ω), for microwaves with sgn(Re Kω)=+ 1 and sgn(Re Kω)=
−1, respectively, at several values of Hzin the cases of (a) Hω/bardbly
andEω/bardblzand (b) Hω/bardblzandEω/bardbly.
as a consequence of interference between magnetic and
electric responses from the multiferroic skyrmion texture. Ourprediction demonstrates that the skyrmion and the SkX hostinteresting dynamical phenomena in the microwave frequencyregimes in addition to the peculiar transport and spintronicsphenomena.
The authors thank A. Rosch, N. Nagaosa, Y . Tokura, and
N. Furukawa for discussions. M.M. thanks the Universityof Cologne for hospitality. This work was supported by theJapan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) throughthe “Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D onScience and Technology” (FIRST Program), by the G-COEProgram “Physical Sciences Frontier” from MEXT Japan, bythe PRESTO Program of the JST, and by the Murata ScienceFoundation.
*Corresponding author: mochizuki@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
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134403-5 |
PhysRevLett.118.097201.pdf | Magnetic Domain Wall Floating on a Spin Superfluid
Pramey Upadhyaya, Se Kwon Kim, and Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
(Received 4 August 2016; revised manuscript received 9 November 2016; published 27 February 2017)
We theoretically investigate the transfer of angular momentum between a spin superfluid and a domain wall
in an exchange coupled easy-axis and easy-plane magnetic insulator system. A domain wall in the easy-axis
magnet absorbs spin angular momentum via disrupting the flow of a superfluid spin current in the easy-plane
magnet. Focusing on an open geometry, where the spin current is injected electrically via a nonequilibrium
spin accumulation, we derive analytical expressions for the resultant superfluid-mediated motion of thedomain wall. The analytical results are supported by micromagnetic simulations. The proposed phenomenon
extends the regime of magnon-driven domain-wall motion to the case where the magnons are condensed and
exhibit superfluidity. Furthermore, by controlling the pinning of the domain wall, we propose a realization of areconfigurable spin transistor. The long-distance dissipationless character of spin superfluids can thus be
exploited for manipulating soliton-based memory and logic devices.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.097201
Introduction. —Spin currents carried by a collective
excitation of magnets, in lieu of charge currents, have
recently attracted vibrant experimental and theoreticalactivities, opening a subfield of spintronics dubbed mag-
nonics [1]. This is motivated in part by the prospects of
constructing low-dissipation spintronic devices. Apart fromallowing for the Joule heating-free transfer of spin signals,magnons also offer the possibility of imparting their spinangular momentum to topological solitons [2]. These
solitons [3], such as domain walls and Skyrmions, are
robust against fluctuations and are thus considered ideal
candidates for encoding nonvolatile information [4].
Recent experimental demonstrations of thermal magnon-induced domain-wall [5]and Skyrmion motion [6]could
thus provide a basis for all-magnonic nonvolatile memory(such as the racetrack register [4]) and logic devices [7].
On another front, these magnons offer a unique pos-
sibility to form coherent condensates at room temperature,
as demonstrated experimentally by parametric (microwave)pumping in a magnetic insulator [8]. Such condensates
present an exciting opportunity for magnonics by support-ing a long-distance coherent superfluidlike transport of thespin current [9], as opposed to the exponentially decaying
spin currents carried by the incoherent thermal magnons. In
addition to the pumped systems, such spin superfluidity isalso supported by easy-plane magnets having a Uð1Þorder
parameter [10]. More recently, these spin superfluids have
gained increased attention with proposals of realizing themin various easy-plane systems [11,12] . The superfluid
nature of spin currents results in an algebraically decayingtransport of spin [12], magnetic analogues of the Josephson
effect [11,13] , dissipation via phase slips [14], and macro-
scopic qubit functionality [15]. While these proposals
establish the feasibility of an efficient transport of thespin information, the possibility of transferring angularmomentum by these superfluidlike spin currents to topo-
logical solitons remains unexplored. In this Letter, we fillthis gap by proposing a scheme for coupling spin currents
carried by superfluids to magnetic solitons.
The main idea is to form an exchange coupled bilayer of
an easy-plane and an easy-axis magnetic insulator. The
bilayer is invariant under global spin rotations around an
axis of symmetry, which coincides with the easy axis andthe normal to the easy plane. See Fig. 1for a schematic
(where zis the symmetry axis). The easy-plane magnet
plays the role of a spin superfluid and the easy-axis magnet
harbors a domain wall. When a spin current polarized alongthe symmetry axis is injected into the bilayer, it is trans-
ported coherently by the gradient of the azimuthal angle ( φ)
of the spin density in the easy-plane magnet [10]. A static
domain wall blocks the flow of this spin current by pinning
φunderneath the domain wall. The pinning occurs due to
the finite exchange coupling between the spin order
incoherent spin source
coherent spin-transport channeleasy-axis magnet
easy-plane magnet
FIG. 1. A bilayer of an easy- z-axis magnet exchange coupled
(with the coupling strength g) to an easy- x-y-plane magnet. A
z-polarized spin current is injected from an incoherent spin source
and propagates as a superfluid spin current through the easy-plane magnet. This spin current is ∝∇φ, where φis the azimuthal
angle of the spin order parameter within the x-yplane. This spin
current is interrupted and absorbed by a domain wall in the easy-axis magnet, where it is converted into its sliding motion atspeed v.PRL 118, 097201 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
3 MARCH 2017
0031-9007 =17=118(9) =097201(5) 097201-1 © 2017 American Physical Societyparameters in the easy-axis and easy-plane magnets.
However, the Uð1Þsymmetry of the combined system
demands conservation of the total angular momentum along
the symmetry axis. Consequently, the coherently trans-ported spin current in the easy-plane magnet is absorbedby the domain wall and converted into its motion. Theproblem of deriving analytical expressions for this spintransfer-induced domain-wall motion and using it to proposea spin transistor are the main focuses of this Letter. Our
proposal extends the concept of magnon-induced torques
(due to the exponentially decaying incoherent magnoncurrents [16]) to the more efficient case, where the magnons
are condensed and exhibit superfluidity.
Model.—We focus on a quasi-one-dimensional model
with a bilayer strip extended along the xaxis and discuss
two possible routes for forming the proposed system. That
is, when an easy-axis ferromagnet is exchange coupled to a
spin superfluid formed by (1) an easy-plane ferromagnet(referred to as FM-FM), or (2) a Heisenberg antiferromag-net (referred to as AFM-FM). For clarity, in the remainderof the main text, we focus upon the FM-FM case. Similarresults apply mutatis mutandis to the AFM-FM case [17].
In the FM-FM case, the free-energy density (per unit area
in the x-yplane) of the system can be written as
isþFsfþU, with
Fsf¼At∂xn2=2þKtn2z=2; ð1Þ
andU¼−gm·n. Here, A(A),¯K(K),t(t), and m(n)
represent the magnetic stiffness, the anisotropy, the thick-ness, and the unit vector oriented along the order parameterin the easy-axis (easy-plane) magnet, while gparametrizes
the strength of the exchange coupling between the easy-axis and easy-plane magnets. The easy-axis and easy-plane
characters are enforced by having ¯K> 0and K> 0.
Within the easy-axis magnet, the equilibrium configurationof interest is that of a single domain wall (referred to asregion II) connecting magnetic domains (referred to asregions I and III for malong þzand−z, respectively). See
Fig.2for a schematic. Furthermore, we focus on the small
exchange coupling regime, where g≪Ktandg≪¯K
Within this regime, the equilibrium out-of-plane canting ofnand the deviation of maway from the zaxis (within
regions I and III) are small. The proposed bilayer can be
realized by using perpendicular racetrack material (such ascobalt iron boron [20]or cobalt and nickel multilayers [21])
for the easy-axis magnet, and magnetic insulators (such asyttrium iron garnet) for the easy-plane magnet. Theexchange coupling between the easy-axis and the easy-plane system can be controlled via insertion of a non-
magnetic layer, such as copper [22].
Coupled spin hydrodynamics. —We begin by outlining a
hydrodynamic theory for describing the proposed spinsuperfluid-mediated domain-wall motion. The central ideais to write down the continuity equation for the flow of the z
component of the spin current in the bilayer. In regions I
and III, this spin current is transported within the easy-
plane magnet. In the strong anisotropy and the long-wavelength limit of the spin dynamics, the transport is
described by [12]
z¼−∂xJs−αst_φ; ð2Þ
with Js≡−At∂xφ, and sbeing the magnitude of the
saturated spin density in the easy-plane magnet. The firstterm on the right-hand side describes the flow of a super-fluid spin current (per unit length along the yaxis), and the
second term describes the transfer of the spin current to
the atomic lattice due to a finite Gilbert damping, α, within
the easy-plane magnet. In region II, an additional spin
current, J
Φ, is absorbed by the domain wall. Using the
collective coordinate approach [23], the resultant domain-
wall dynamics can be written as
¯s_Φ−¯α¯s_X=λ¼0; ð3aÞ
2¯st_Xþ2¯α¯stλ_Φ¼JΦ; ð3bÞ
where the so-called soft modes XandΦrepresent the
location and the spin azimuthal angle at the center of the
domain wall, where the zcomponent of the spin density
vanishes. Here, λis the domain-wall width and ¯sis the
spin Hall injector
FIG. 2. The model of a domain wall of width λcoupled to a spin
superfluid. The domain wall divides the bilayer into three regions:(I) up domain, (III) down domain, and (II) the domain wall. A spin
current, J
shs, is injected on the left by converting a charge current, j,
into a spin accumulation via the spin Hall effect. Upon reaching thedomain-wall region, a portion of this spin current, J
Φ, is absorbed
from the easy-plane magnet by the domain wall. The resultantdynamics of the domain wall is characterized by the generalizedcoordinates XandΦ, parametrizing its position and the associated
azimuthal angle. The dynamics of the spin superfluid pumps a spin
current, J
s, back to the contact. (Bottom panel) The corresponding
superfluid spin current flowing in the easy-plane magnet, asobtained by plotting −At∂
xϕ.PRL 118, 097201 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
3 MARCH 2017
097201-2magnitude of the saturated spin density in the easy-axis
magnet. Equation (3b)describes the flow of the spin current
within the domain-wall region. Namely, the spin currentabsorbed by the domain wall, J
Φ, is converted into its
motion, giving rise to the term proportional to _X.I n
addition, a portion of the absorbed spin current is trans-
ferred to the atomic lattice in the easy-axis magnet,
resulting in the term proportional to ¯α.
In the spirit of the long-wavelength spin dynamics,
throughout this Letter, we consider the domain wall as apointlike object satisfying λ∼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi¯A=¯Kp
xφ. In this
case, the width of region II can be neglected, and the
discontinuous jump in the spin current flowing in the easy-plane magnet at x¼X(see the bottom panel of Fig. 2)
should be the same as J
Φ. Consequently, using Eq. (3),w e
J−−Jþ¼JΦ¼2stð1þα2Þ_X: ð4Þ
Here, J−andJþare the spin current flowing in the easy-
plane magnet just before and after the domain wall (i.e.,
region II), respectively. Equipped with this boundarycondition, at x¼X, we are now ready to discuss the
motion of the domain wall in response to a spin current
injected from the left of the bilayer.
Specifically, we consider the open geometry proposed in
Ref. [12]. See the top panel of Fig. 2for a schematic. A
charge current flowing along the yaxis at the metal and
easy-plane magnet interface, with a density j(per unit
thickness), is converted into a spin current via the spin Hall
effect [24]. Within the spin Hall phenomenology [25], the
corresponding spin current injected into the bilayer can be
written in terms of the so-called spin Hall angle θ[26], the
charge of an electron e, and the length (along the xaxis) of
the metallic contact l,a sJ
shs¼tℏjtanθ=2el. In addition,
the dynamics induced via such an injection pumps a portion
of the spin current, Jp
s¼tℏg↑↓n×_n=4π[27], back into the
metallic contact resulting in the following boundary con-
dition at the left end:
Jsjx¼0¼ϑj−tℏg↑↓n×_n=4π: ð5Þ
Here, g↑↓parametrizes the real part of the spin mixing
conductance, and we have defined ϑ≡ℏtanθ=2el. Finally,
for the right interface, we assume the usual exchangeboundary condition:
sjx¼L¼0: ð6Þ
Linear regime. —We proceed to look for dynamic sol-
utions of the form _Φ¼Ω,φðx; TÞ¼fðxÞþΩT, and
_nz¼0, where Tdenotes time. Physically, such an ansatz
represents the following dynamic state. The spins in the
easy-plane magnet rotate globally about the zaxis with a
linearly decaying spin current in regions I and III [12], anda steady-state motion of the domain wall with _X¼v.W e
highlight that within this ansatz, the domain-wall angle ispreccessing at the same frequency as the underlying spinsuperfluid and refer to this dynamic regime as the “locked ”
phase. Furthermore, in the presence of a moving domain
wall, the assumption of having a position independent Ωis
not self-evident. We justify and discuss its validity a
posteriori [17]. Balancing the flow of spin current, via
substitution of the ansatz in Eqs. (2)and (3)and the
boundary condition equations (4)–(6), yields
2stð1þα2Þþαtðγ↑↓þγαÞ=λ: ð7Þ
Here, we have used n×_n¼Ωzand defined γα≡αsL,
γ↑↓≡ℏg↑↓=4π. This is one of the central results of the
Letter. In the absence of Gilbert damping, all of the injectedspin current is absorbed by the domain wall giving a
velocity obtained by the conservation of the angular
momentum, i.e., v¼ϑjt=2
st, while the loss of the spin
current results in a reduction of the velocity from thisperfect absorption case. This loss of spin current occurs attwo sources: (a) the interface to the metal (due to spin
pumping), giving rise to the term proportional to γ
↑↓, and
(b) the bulk, giving an algebraically decaying velocity withthe length of the bilayer.
Nonlinear regime. —At a critical strength of the external
drive, the velocity of the domain wall can no longer
increase linearly with the injected spin current. Thisphenomenon is referred to as the Walker breakdown[28] and is observed for both external field and current-
induced domain-wall motion [29]. In this section we focus
on the analogue of the Walker breakdown phenomenon for
the superfluid-mediated spin transfer. For this purpose, wederive an analytical expression of J
Φwithin the Landau-
Lifshitz phenomenology. The zcomponent of the torque
applied on the easy-axis magnet, due to the coupling to theeasy-plane magnet, reads τ
z¼−z·m×δmU=t. The spin
current absorbed by the domain wall is then given by
integrating the torque over the domain-wall region, i.e.,
λτzdx. Substituting the following parametrization
of the Cartesian components of the unit vector fields, m≡
intoU, we get
JΦ¼πgλsinðφjX−ΦÞ; ð8Þ
where φjXis the value of φatX.
For a given coupling g, there exists a maximum value of
the absorbed spin current Jc
Φ, i.e., when φjX−Φ¼π=2.
This results in a corresponding critical value for the injected
spin current, Jsc, and a critical domain-wall velocity [from
Eq.(3b)],vc¼Jsc=2stð1þα2Þ, above which the locked
phase can no longer exist. Namely, ΦandφjXprecess at
different frequencies, resulting in an oscillatory exchangeof the spin current between the domain wall and the spinPRL 118, 097201 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
3 MARCH 2017
097201-3superfluid (corresponding to the jump j−−jþ, shown in
the bottom panel of Fig. 2, oscillating between a positive
and a negative value). We refer to this transition as a lockedto unlocked breakdown. Consequently, as in the case of the
Walker breakdown, the domain wall is expected to drift in
an oscillatory fashion, with hvi<v
c. Substituting the value
of critical velocity into Eq. (7), we obtain, for the break-
down spin current,
: ð9Þ
This is the second main result of the model, predicting a
linear dependence of the breakdown spin current on λ.
Here, we note that the locked to unlocked transition is
analogous to the transition of superconducting Josephsonjunctions from the zero-voltage state to the finite-voltage
state [30].
In Fig. 3(a), we compare the analytical results with
micromagnetic simulations [17]. As predicted by the
model, two regimes are observed in the simulations:(a) linearly increasing domain-wall velocity below a critical
value of the injected spin current ( J
cs), and (b) oscillatory
drift of the domain wall with a reduced average velocityabove J
cs. Moreover, both the velocity in the linear regime
and the value of the critical current for the locked to
unlocked breakdown agrees well with the simulations.
Spin transistor. —We propose utilizing the domain-wall
width dependence of the locked to unlocked breakdown in
conjunction with the voltage control of the magnetic
anisotropy (VCMA) [31] to construct a spin transistor.
For this purpose we consider the case of a strongly pinneddomain wall, i.e., with _X¼_Φ¼0. The pinning of Φcould
be achieved by fabricating a nanowire geometry for theeasy-axis magnet. In this case, the dipolar interaction forces
the domain-wall magnetization to be oriented along the
long axis of the nanowire. The domain-wall position can bepinned by engineering “notches, ”which create a local
energy minima with respect to X[4]. For an injected spin
current J
ins≡ϑjt < Jc
Φ, a static solution results for the
spin superfluid with the domain wall absorbing all of the
spin current injected at the left contact. See the off
schematic in the inset of Fig. 3(b). On the other hand,
Φlocked to unlocked breakdown occurs, result-
ing in a precessing solution for the superfluid. Since
JΦ∝sinðφX−ΦÞ, the spin current absorbed by the domain
wall averages to zero. Utilizing the inverse spin Hall effect[32], the spin current beyond the domain wall can be
detected by adding a right metal contact. See the on
schematic in the inset of Fig. 3(b). Focusing on the case
where the interfaces dominate over the bulk, i.e., γ
half of the spin current is pumped back to the left contact
and the other half is detected by the right contact, i.e.,
Jouts¼Jins=2. Here, the interfaces are assumed to be
symmetric, parametrized by the same γ↑↓. The λdepend-
ence of Jc
Φthen translates into the following transistorlike
action [plotted in Fig. 3(b)]. The off(on) state of the device
is defined as Joutsbeing zero (nonzero). In the absence of the
gate voltage, Vg, the device is biased to be below the
locked to unlocked breakdown, and hence in the offstate.
Application of a gate voltage changes λ(by changing Kvia
VCMA) and turns the device onabruptly, via inducing
locked to unlocked breakdown. The proposed spin
00.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.0800.010.020.03
0.006 0.014
0.09 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 800.511.522.533.5
9(a) (b)
FIG. 3. (a) For a given exchange coupling ~g≡g=Kt , two regimes for domain-wall motion are obtained. A steady-state regime with
linearly increasing velocity ( ~v) and oscillatory motion above a critical value of the injected spin current ~Js. The broken line plots the
analytical result from Eq. (7). (Inset) The critical ~Jsincreases linearly with ~g. The broken line shows the analytical result from Eq. (9).
(b) The spin current detected at the right end of the bilayer ( Jouts) exhibits nonlinear behavior in the presence of a pinned domain wall.
When the injected spin current, Jins, is below (above) a critical breakdown current, Jouts¼0(Jouts≠0). Solid and broken curves plot the
nonlinear characteristics for λ¼10and 5 nm, respectively. The nonlinearity can be used to construct a transistor, as indicated by the
vertical dashed-dotted line. Fixing Jinsand changing λby an external gate switches the device from an off(Jouts¼0)t oa n on(Jouts≠0)
state. These offandonstates are depicted schematically in the insets.PRL 118, 097201 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
3 MARCH 2017
097201-4transistor has an added advantage; i.e., the domain wall can
be moved to a desired location by applying a magneticfield, making the device reconfigurable.
This work was supported by FAME (a SRC STARnet
center sponsored by MARCO and DARPA) and, in part, bythe Army Research Office under Contract No. W911NF-14-1-0016.
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097201-5 |
PhysRevB.104.014425.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 014425 (2021)
Dynamic detection of current-induced spin-orbit magnetic fields
L. Chen ,1,2,*R. Islinger,2J. Stigloher,2M. M. Decker,2M. Kronseder,2D. Schuh,2D. Bougeard,2
D. Weiss ,2and C. H. Back1
1Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich, Garching bei Munich, Germany
2Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
(Received 26 November 2020; revised 17 June 2021; accepted 6 July 2021; published 23 July 2021)
Current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in ferromagnet/nonmagnetic metal heterostructures open vast
possibilities to design spintronic devices to store, process, and transmit information in a simple architecture.It is a central task to search for efficient SOT devices, and to quantify the magnitude as well as the symmetryof current-induced spin-orbit magnetic fields (SOFs). Here, we report an approach to determine the SOFs basedon magnetization dynamics by means of time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr microscopy. A microwave currentin a narrow Fe/GaAs (001) stripe generates an Oersted field as well as SOFs due to the reduced symmetry atthe Fe/GaAs interface, and excites standing spin wave (SSW) modes because of the lateral confinement. Due totheir different symmetries, the SOFs and the Oersted field generate distinctly different mode patterns. Thus, it ispossible to determine the magnitude of the SOFs from an analysis of the shape of the SSW patterns. Specifically,this method, which is conceptually different from previous approaches based on line shape analysis, is phaseindependent and self-calibrated. It can be used to measure the current-induced SOFs in other material systems,e.g., ferromagnetic metal/nonmagnetic metal heterostructures.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.014425
The investigation of the mutual conversion between charge
and spin currents has witnessed significant attention in recentyears due to its possible technological impact for spintronicdevices [ 1,2]. In ferromagnet (FM)/nonmagnetic metal (NM)
heterostructures, a charge current flowing in the NM alongthe xaxis will generate a transverse spin accumulation σ
along the ydirection at the interface via the spin Hall ef-
fect and/or the inverse spin galvanic effect [ 1]. The resulting
spin accumulation acts on the ferromagnetic layer via field-like (τ
FL) and dampinglike ( τDL) spin-orbit torques (SOTs),
which can be written as τFL=−γμ 0hFLm×yandτDL=
−γμ 0hDLm×m×y, where γis the gyromagnetic ratio,
μ0the magnetic constant, mthe magnetization unit vector,
and hFL(hDL) the corresponding effective fieldlike (damping-
like) spin-orbit magnetic field hSOF. These torques modify
the magnetization’s equation of motion, i.e., the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation, and are responsible for anumber of spin-orbit related functionalities including mag-netization switching [ 3,4], domain wall motion [ 5–7], and
auto-oscillations of the magnetization [ 8,9].
To optimize material parameters leading to efficient SOTs,
the magnitude of the SOFs must be determined accurately.One frequently used approach is the spin-transfer-torque
*lin0.chen@tum.deferromagnetic resonance (STT FMR) method [ 10], which is
based on a line shape analysis of the rectified dc voltageinduced by FMR. It is generally assumed that the symmetriccomponent of the dc voltage, V
sym, corresponds to the out of
plane hDLwhile the antisymmetric component, Va-sym, corre-
sponds to the in-plane Oersted field generated by the currentflowing in NM. This method is so-called self-calibrated sincethe spin Hall angle in the NM (related to h
DL) is determined
by the ratio of Vsym/Va-sym. Initially, the importance of hFL,
which also generates Va-sym, has not been properly taken
into consideration. Pai et al. further modified this method
and extracted hDLand hFLby measuring the dependence of
Vsym/Va-sym on the FM layer thickness tFM, assuming that hFL
is independent of tFM[11,12]. However, this does not hold
since magneto-optical [ 13] and magnetotransport [ 14] meth-
ods show that hFLstrongly depends on tFM, which possibly
leads to a wrong estimation of hFLand hDL. A second well-
established technique based on FMR is the spin-orbit-torqueFMR (SOT FMR) method, which has been utilized to charac-terize the SOFs in single-crystalline ferromagnetic materialswith broken inversion symmetry [ 15]. In contrast to bilayer
systems, there is no in-plane Oersted field since only onelayer is involved, and the single-crystalline ferromagnet actsboth as spin current generator and detector (see Appendixes A
andBfor the differences between STT FMR and SOT FMR
and details concerning these two methods). Up to now, STTFMR and SOT FMR have been used to study spin-orbitrelated phenomena in a large variety of materials (see thelarge number of references which cite Refs. [ 10,15]), includ-
ing nonmagnetic metals [ 4,16], topological materials [ 17–20],
magnetic semiconductors [ 21], antiferromagnets [ 22–24], and
transition-metal dichalcogenides [ 25–28]. It should be noted
2469-9950/2021/104(1)/014425(11) 014425-1 ©2021 American Physical SocietyL. CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 014425 (2021)
(c) (d)(b) (a)
(arb. units)
FIG. 1. Schematic of device and driving fields. (a) Schematic of the device used for the detection of magnetization dynamics driven
by electric current. The out of plane component of the dynamic magnetization mz(t) is detected by time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr
(TRMOKE) microscopy. A microwave current jFMwith a frequency fof 12 GHz is fed into the Fe stripe deposited on a semi-insulating
GaAs(001) substrate, and excites m(t) by the combination of spin-orbit field hSOFand Oersted field hFM,z
rf. The external magnetic field His
applied parallel to jFM. (b) Phase relations in the TRMOKE setup. /Phi1inis the phase of input microwave current jin, which can be adjusted by
the time of laser pulse (green arrow). /Phi1mis the assumed phase shift of jFM(red dashed line). Since jFMinduces hSOFand hFM,z
rfwhich drive
m(t); thus m(t) is of the same phase /Phi1masjFM. The phase difference between the laser pulse and mz(t),/Phi1l−m, is thus the sum of /Phi1inand
/Phi1m; i.e.,/Phi1l−m=/Phi1in+/Phi1m. (c) Current-orientation dependence of hSOFinduced by Bychkov-Rashba-like (red arrow) and Dresselhaus-like
(green arrow) spin-orbit interaction. Since His parallel to jFM, only the transverse components of hSOFexcite magnetization dynamics.
(d) Lateral distributions of hSOF(red dashed line) and hFM,z
rf (black solid line). hSOFis symmetric across y, while hFM,z
rf is antisymmetric.
The different symmetries of the excitations lead to distinctive standing spin wave patterns; i.e., the symmetric hSOFexcites odd spin wave
modes ( n=1,3···), while the antisymmetric hFM,z
rfexcites even modes ( n=2,4···).
that for both STT FMR and SOT FMR, the out-of-plane
Oersted field hFM,z
rfgenerated by the current flowing in the
ferromagnetic material itself contributes no net effect to themeasured dc voltage since it is antisymmetrically distributed(see Appendix A). This, however, becomes the key ingredient
for the present study.
For electric-current driven FMR, it is generally believed
that the phase /Phi1
mof microwave driving current in the spin-
current source materials suffers no phase shift, i.e., /Phi1m=
0 always holds, and /Phi1mis expected to show no position
dependence along the current direction of the device. Onlyrecently, it has been noticed by spatially resolved ferromag-netic resonance phase imaging that a possible phase differencetransverse to a CoFeB/Pt stripe exists [ 29], and affects the de-
termination of the magnitude of h
DL. Note that for the sample
studied in Ref. [ 29], a part of the microwave current flows also
in the CoFeB layer, and the generated hFM,z
rfcan influence the
line shape and subsequently the phase. Therefore, the openquestions, which have not been properly addressed so far, areas follows: Does the assumption /Phi1
m=0 always hold at differ-
ent positions for any spin-current source material, irrespectiveof the details of the material/device? If not, is it still pos-
sible to quantitatively determine SOFs by magnetizationdynamics?
A. Evidence of phase shift for electric-current driven FMR
Here, we use Fe/GaAs (001) bilayers as a model material
system to investigate a possible variation of /Phi1mat different
positions of the device; see Fig. 1(a). The advantages of the
single-crystalline system Fe/GaAs are (i) presence of sizableinterfacial SOFs having the same symmetry as FM/NM bilay-ers [30]; (ii) low Gilbert damping constant; (iii) the electrical
current j
FMflows solely in Fe and thus a complex analy-
sis can be avoided; (iv) tunable resistivity of Fe simply bychanging the Fe layer thickness t
Fe. The measurements are
carried out by phase-sensitive time-resolved magneto-opticalKerr effect (TRMOKE) microscopy [ 31] (see Supplemental
Material [ 32]; also see [ 13,30,33]). As shown in Fig. 1(b),a t
certain position x, the phase difference between the pulse laser
FIG. 2. Determination of the position dependence /Phi1mfor electric-current driven magnetization dynamics. Position-dependent Kerr voltage
VKerrmeasured at the center of the stripe ( y=0, where hFM,z
rf=0) for (a) Fe thickness tFe=3.5n ma n d( b ) tFe=0.8 nm. For both devices, /Phi1in
is set to 50 ° and the device dimensions are 6.4 μm×100μm. One can see that both the magnitude and the line shape for tFe=3.5 nm remain
unchanged, but change dramatically for tFe=0.8 nm. The solid lines in (a,b) are fits to Eq. ( 3), which give the magnitude of ϕ. The bump at
about 66 mT for tFe=3.5 nm is due to the formation of a standing spin wave; see Sections B and C. (c) Position dependence of /Phi1mobtained
from Eq. ( 4), displaying a clear variation of /Phi1mfortFe=0.8n m .
and the dynamic magnetization m(t),/Phi1 l−m(x), can be written
/Phi1l−m(x)=/Phi1in+/Phi1m(x), (1)
where /Phi1inis the controlled phase between pulse laser and
input microwave current jin, and /Phi1m(x) the assumed x-
dependent phase shift of microwave current jFMin Fe. The
polar Kerr signal at a certain /Phi1inand x,VKerr(/Phi1in,x), is pro-
portional to the real part of the out of plane component of thedynamic magnetization m
z, which can be obtained from the
complex dynamic susceptibility [ 30]:
Here Re( χo)[Im(χo)] is the real (imaginary) part of the
diagonal dynamic susceptibility due to out of plane exci-tation h
o, and Re( χi
a)] is the real (imaginary) part
of the off-diagonal dynamic susceptibility due to in-planeexcitation h
i. For Fe/GaAs studied here, hicontains only
the position-independent hFLalong the ydirection hy
FL; i.e.,
FL. Note that hFLalong the xdirection does not excite
magnetization dynamics since the external magnetic field Hisapplied parallel to the xaxis. In contrast, hocontains both the
y-dependent Oersted field hFM,z
rfand the y-independent hDL;
i.e., ho=hFM,z
rf(y)+hDL. It is worth mentioning that Im( χi
and Im( χo)[ R e (χi
a) and Re( χo)] show a symmetric (antisym-
metric) line shape with respect to H, and their magnitudes can
be calculated by solving the LLG equation [ 30].
Figures 2(a)and2(b) show the position dependence of the
Kerr voltage VKerrmeasured at the center of the stripe ( y=0
and hFM,z
rf=0) under /Phi1in=50◦fortFe=3.5 and 0.8 nm.
Both devices have the same dimensions of 6.4 μm×100μm
but show an opposite temperature coefficient in the temper-ature dependence of the resistivity (see Appendix C). For
Fe=3.5 nm, the line shape as well as the magnitude of VKerr
remain the same along the stripe from x1tox5, while they
change dramatically for tFe=0.8 nm. To extract /Phi1m, the char-
acteristic VKerrspectra can be fitted by
4(H−HR)2+/Delta1H2. (3)
Here Ais an apparatus-dependent coefficient, HRthe mag-
netic field at FMR, /Delta1Hthe full width at half maximum, and ϕ
is the phase factor which determines the line shape of VKerr(H).
014425-3L. CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 014425 (2021)
From Eqs. ( 1)–(3), the magnitude of /Phi1mcan be derived as
which provides a measure of the phase shift of the driv-
ing microwave current in the spin-current source materialvia time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr (TRMOKE) spec-tra. Using the corresponding dynamic susceptibilities as wellasϕvalues for both devices, and considering that h
FL, the magnitude of /Phi1mcan be obtained from Eq. ( 4).
Figure 2(c)summarizes /Phi1mas a function of position for both
devices. One can see that /Phi1mshows no significant change
within experimental error for tFe=3.5 nm. However, a sizable
variation of /Phi1mis observed for tFe=0.8 nm. The variation of
/Phi1mcould be due to the fact that the rf characteristics of Fe
change from a good conductor to a dielectric upon decreasing
tFe(see Appendix C). Besides ultrathin Fe, we show in the
Supplemental Material [ 32] that sizable phase variation is also
found in Py /Bi2Se3bilayers, where a more resistive Bi 2Se3
also changes the phase of microwave current. The phase vari-
ation at certain positions will not influence the line shape ofthe rectified dc voltage induced by the coupling of the mi-crowave current and magnetization dynamics (Appendix B).
However, the spatial variation of /Phi1
mcould lead to the for-
mation of a spin wave spin current traveling along the x
direction [ 34] and subsequent conversion to a symmetric dc
voltage through the spin galvanic effect if a Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit interaction is present [ 15,21,28]. We propose
that this should be carefully examined and possibly excludedif the line shape analysis method is used to quantify theSOFs.
Therefore, it is of vital importance to establish a phase-
independent technique to reliably determine the SOFs basedon magnetization dynamics. Here, we report a self-calibratedand phase-independent approach to measure current-inducedSOFs by analyzing the shape of the standing spin wave(SSW) mode patterns, i.e., a method which is distinctly dif-ferent from previous electrical methods based on line shapeanalysis.
B. Formation of standing spin waves in a laterally
confined Fe/GaAs stripe
Formation of SSWs is a prerequisite for this work.
Figure 3(a) shows the calculated SSW eigenmodes for a
2.8μm wide, 3.5 nm thick Fe stripe with Happlied along the
[110] direction of the GaAs substrate, which corresponds tothe Damon-Eshbach geometry [ 35,36]. In the calculation, the
following parameters determined by separate magnetizationand FMR measurements are used: saturation magnetiza-tionμ
0MS=2.1 T, effective demagnetization field μ0HK=
1.75 T, and Landé gfactor g=2.12. The intersection at a
frequency fof 12 GHz specifies HRof each mode, which
is expected to be observed in the experiment. The lateralconfinement leads to a mode separation of 4 mT (i.e., 8 mTbetween odd modes), which is comparable to the magni-tude of /Delta1H. The normalized profiles of m
zfor the first five
modes ( n=1–5), i.e., mzas a function of space coordinate
y, are displayed in Fig. 3(b). One can see that the odd (even)(a) (b)
FIG. 3. Eigenmodes and distribution of confined SSWs. (a) Cal-
culated eigenmodes for a laterally confined Fe/GaAs stripe with
tFe=3.5n m a n d w=2.8μm. The external magnetic field His
applied along the [110] direction of GaAs, and the intersection de-
fines the required HRfor each standing spin wave (SSW) mode at
f=12 GHz. (b) The lateral distribution of SSW modes for n=1–5.
The symmetric modes ( n=1, 3, and 5) can be excited by symmetric
excitations; antisymmetric modes ( n=2 and 4) can be excited by
antisymmetric excitations.
modes are symmetrically (antisymmetrically) distributed with
respect to the center of the stripe. Consequently, the odd(even) modes can be excited by symmetrically (antisymmet-rically) distributed driving fields due to symmetry reasons[35,36].
We first analyze the eigenmodes of the Fe/GaAs stripe
under homogeneous (symmetric) excitation. The stripe, whichis 2.8 μm in width and 20 μm in length with the long side
along the [110] direction of the GaAs substrate, is integratedin the gap of a coplanar waveguide (CPW) by using electron-beam lithography, as shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a). Here,
the Fe stripe is exposed to homogeneous excitation by anout of plane Oersted field h
rf, which is generated by
microwave current flowing in the signal and ground line ofthe CPW. According to Eq. ( 2), the detected Kerr signal can
be simplified as V
rfsin(/Phi1in+/Phi1m). Figure 4(a) shows the normal-
ized VKerr(H,y) image measured at /Phi1in=90◦. As expected,
only the odd modes with n=1, 3, and 5 appear. Figure 4(b)
presents the micromagnetic simulation [ 33] of the SSW
modes using the same parameters as those used in Fig. 3,
which reproduces the experimental results well (see Supple-mental Material [ 32]). To have a closer look at the obtained
modes, we perform a horizontal scan for the data in Fig. 4(a),
i.e., by placing the laser at the center of the stripe and sweep-ingH. As shown in Fig. 4(c), the cut shows only symmetric
line shapes, which can be fitted using the corresponding cutof the simulation data in Fig. 4(b). The locations of the first,
third, and fifth modes are marked by solid points, and the
FIG. 4. SSWs driven by a symmetric excitation. (a) SSWs detected in a Fe (3.5 nm)/GaAs stripe by TRMOKE microscopy, where the
magnetization dynamics is excited by a homogeneous (symmetric) out of plane Oersted field through a coplanar waveguide (CPW). Only
symmetric odd modes ( n=1, 3, and 5) can be observed. The inset shows the schematic of the CPW device, where the Fe stripe is integrated
into the gap of the CPW, and His applied along the long axis of the stripe, i.e., along the [110] direction of GaAs. (b) Micromagnetic simulation
of the SSW modes using MUMAX 3, which reproduces the experimentally observed modes well. In the simulation, we use the same material
parameters as for the calculation of the eigenmode and we convolve the simulation with a Gaussian beam profile. (c) Horizontal line cut of
the Kerr signal at the center of the stripe ( y=0). The three peaks can be fitted by symmetric Lorentzians, and the positions of the first, third,
and fifth modes are indicated by red, green, and blue circles, respectively. (d) Vertical cut of modes for n=1, 3, and 5. All the modes show
symmetric profiles and can be well fitted by MUMAX simulations.
mode spacing coincides well with the eigenmode calcula-
tion shown in Fig. 3(a). Note that the mode position differs
between Figs. 3(a) and4(c); this is because the in-plane bi-
axial and uniaxial magnetic anisotropies are not included inthe eigenmode calculation. Since only purely symmetric lineshapes are observed, one can infer that /Phi1
m=0◦. Otherwise an
antisymmetric component in the VKerrtrace originating from
Re(χo) is expected. This is not surprising since the microwave
current and hCPW,z
rfare intrinsically in phase due to the fact
that the CPW is impedance matched with the rf network.These results also prove the validity of the proposed phaseanalysis presented above. Figure 4(d) shows the first, third,
and fifth modes as a function of lateral space coordinate y.
All the modes show symmetric profiles with the peak wave-amplitude ratio of ∼10:2:1, which can also be well fitted by
micromagnetic simulations.C. Determination of SOFs by the shape of the standing
spin wave pattern
Next, measurements are performed on a 2.8 μm wide,
100μm long stripe orientated along the [110] direction
of GaAs using an electric-current excitation as shown in
Fig.1(a). A rf-current density jFM=1.0×1011Am−2is ap-
plied to the device, and His set parallel to jFM. The magnitude
ofjFMis calibrated by the Joule heating induced resistance
increase [ 15]. As shown in Fig. 1(d), the driving fields here
contain both symmetric hSOFand antisymmetric hFM,z
nents. In addition to the odd modes driven by the symmetric
SOFs, even modes excited by the antisymmetric hFM,z
rfare ex-
pected. Figure 5(a)shows the SSW pattern measured at /Phi1in=
90◦. In contrast to Fig. 4(a) where only the symmetric odd
modes are observed, for the case of electric-current excitation,
014425-5L. CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 014425 (2021)
(c) (d)(b)(arb. units) (arb. units)First
Expt.Second Third
FIG. 5. SSWs driven by electric current for tFe=3.5 nm. (a) Image of the TRMOKE signal measured at /Phi1in=90◦and jFM/bardblH/bardbl[110].
(b) Profiles of the first three modes, i.e., vertical cuts along the dashed lines in (a). The position of the maxima (minima) of n=1(n=3)
shifts away from the center of the stripe by /Delta1∼0.4μm due to the interference with the second mode, as indicated by the dashed lines.
(c) Corresponding image of V/Phi1m−free
Kerr for a [110] device obtained by square and root operation of VKerr(0 °) and VKerr(90 °); i.e., V/Phi1m−free
Kerr =/radicalbig
[VKerr(0◦)]2+[VKerr(90◦)]2. (d) Horizontal cut of V/Phi1m−free
Kerr aty=0, which can be fitted by a symmetric Lorentzian.
both the first and third modes are not located at the center
of the stripe anymore. This indicates the emergence of the
antisymmetric second mode. Because the mode spacing is ofthe same magnitude as the FMR linewidth, the nearest modes
merge, and the shape of the SSW pattern is dramatically
altered and shifted. For example, the second mode increases
Kerrof the first mode on the lower part of the stripe while
reducing it on the upper side. A clearer shift of the patterns
can be seen from the profile (vertical cut) of each mode. Asshown in Fig. 5(b), the maximum (minimum) position of the
first (third) mode shifts away from center to the lower part of
stripe by an absolute value of /Delta1∼0.4μm.
If the phase term /Phi1mis unknown, it is impossible to extract
the magnitude of SOF from Fig. 5(a). However, it is possi-
ble to eliminate /Phi1mthrough square and root operations of
VKerr(/Phi1in) measured at two phases with 90 ° phase shift. Based
on Eq. ( 2), the/Phi1m-independent Kerr voltage V/Phi1m-free
Kerrcan be
obtained as
. (5)
The corresponding V/Phi1m-free
Kerrimage for the [110]-oriented device is shown in Fig. 5(c). For the present sample with μ0HKof
1.75 T, the magnitude of the susceptibility under out of plane excitation is much smaller than the in-plane one, and the ratios ofthe dynamic susceptibilities under the square root are determined as [ 30]R e (χ
a)=0.1, Re( χi
a)=−0.5, and
FIG. 6. Determination of SOF by the shape of SSW pattern for tFe=3.5n m . I m a g e o f V/Phi1m-free
Kerr (H,y) signal for ajFM/bardblH/bardbl[110], (b)
jFM/bardblH/bardbl[¯110] and (c) jFM/bardblH/bardbl[010]. In the plots, jFMhas been normalized to 1 ×1011Am−2. The configurations of the SOFs induced by
Bychkov-Rashba-like hRand Dresselhaus-like hDare also presented in the insets. hRand hDare constructive for [110]-oriented devices, but
destructive for [ ¯110]-oriented devices. For [010] orientation, only hRis detected. Corresponding images obtained by micromagnetic simulations
for devices oriented along (d) [110], (e) [ ¯110], and (f) [010].
a)=−0.2. At the center of the stripe ( hFM,z
rf=0 and hDL=hy
FL), Eq. ( 5) can be further simplified to
This means only hy
FLcontributes to V/Phi1m-free
Kerr, and the effect
of h DLcan be neglected in the analysis due to the large
effective demagnetization field. Equation ( 5) also suggests
that, at the center of the stripe, the line shape of the V/Phi1m-free
trace is symmetric with respect to H, which is confirmed
by the horizontal cut shown in Fig. 5(d). However, when
the laser is moved away from the center of the stripe, theabove assumption becomes invalid, since h
The appearance of even modes excited by hFM,z
rfcan alter
the shape of the odd mode pattern, which, therefore, pro-vides a phase-independent way to determine the magnitude ofh
Figures 6(a)–6(c) present the images of V/Phi1m-free
Kerr(H,y)f o r
devices structured along the [110], [ ¯110], and [010] orien-
tations. To compare the amplitudes of V/Phi1m-free
Kerr, all imagesare normalized to the current density jFM=1×1011Am−2.
As shown in the images, the coalescence of the first threemode patterns leads to the formation of three main regionsas indicated by the closed dashed lines. The odd and even
modes merge and become indistinguishable after the treat-
ment of square and root operations. All the V
images show similar patterns indicating similar excitations
for each device. However, the maximum intensity of the Kerr
signal, Vmax, differs significantly for different crystallographic
directions with V[110]
max. This implies a
dependence of hy
FLon the current direction due to interfer-
ence of Bychkov-Rashba-like and Dresselhaus-like spin-orbit
interactions. As sketched in the insets of Figs. 6(a)–6(c), con-
structively aligned Dresselhaus hDand Bychkov-Rashba hR
SOFs are detected (hy
FL=hR+hD) for the [110] orientation,
014425-7L. CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 014425 (2021)
while for the [ ¯110] orientation, hDand hRadd destructively
FL=hR−hD). For the [010] orientation only hRcan be
detected (hy
FL=hR). To quantify hDand hR, we repeat the
micromagnetic simulations, similar to the case where the
magnetization dynamics is only driven by a homogeneoush
rforiginating from the CPW, but now including both
y-independent hy
FLand y-dependent hFM,z
rfcalculated from the
Biot-Savart law. A least square algorithm is carried out tominimize the difference between images obtained by exper-iment and simulations (see Supplemental Material [ 32]). As
shown by Figs. 6(d)–6(f), the corresponding simulation im-
ages reproduce the experiments reasonably well. For the [110]device, the magnitude of the extracted SOF is μ
0.28 mT; and for the [ ¯110] device, μ0hR−μ0hD=0.13 mT,
which gives μ0hR=0.21 mT and μ0hD=0.07 mT. The mag-
nitude μ0hRin turn is consistent with the value determined
from a [010] device with μ0hR=0.22 mT. Moreover, we
compare the magnitude of SOF obtained by SSW and dc
voltage detection for the same device of tFe=3.5n m i n t h e
Supplemental Material [ 32], and the results show quantitative
agreement between our method and dc voltage detection for
samples with no phase variation. All these results indicate the
validity of our method.
Although the present experiment only determines the mag-
nitude of the fieldlike torque (corresponding to hy
FL) due to
the relatively large HKvalue, we propose in the Supplemental
Material [ 32] that it is also possible to determine the magni-
tude of fieldlike and dampinglike torques in FM/NM bilayerswith a reduced H
K, showing the completeness of this method.
It should be noted that to perform the SSW pattern method inFM/NM bilayers, the prerequisite is that the effective dampingconstant of the FM should be low ( ∼0.005), which leads to
sizable mode spacing comparable to the FMR linewidth. This,however, is not the case for most FM/NM bilayers [also for
Fe=0.8 nm shown in Fig. 2(a)] due to the large effective
damping caused by extrinsic effects, such as spin pumpingand/or inhomogeneous broadening. A possible solution forthis problem could be using metallic ferromagnets with ul-tralow damping, such as CoFe [ 37].
We have demonstrated by TRMOKE measurements that
a possible phase variation of the driving microwave cur-rent can be detected when using electric-current excitation.We have proposed a phase-independent and self-calibratedway to quantify the spin-orbit fields by using the shift ofstanding spin wave patterns excited by the combined actionof current-induced spin-orbit fields and Oersted field. Thisunique approach goes beyond the standard electrical measure-ments based on line shape analysis and solves a long-standingproblem in the determination of SOFs based on magneti-zation dynamics. Our method is not specific to Fe/GaAs,but can also be used for other systems, e.g., ferromagneticmetal/nonmagnetic metal bilayers.
This work is supported by the German Science Foundation
(DFG) via SFB 1277.(a) (b)
FIG. 7. Schematics of the driving fields for (a) STT FMR in a
FM/NM bilayer and (b) SOT FMR in a single-crystalline Fe/GaAs
heterostructure. jNMis the microwave current flowing in NM, and
jFMis the microwave current in FM. hNM
rfand hFM
rfare the Oersted
fields generated by jNMand jFM, respectively. In FM/NM bilayers,
hDLand hFLare induced by jNMdue to the spin Hall effect and/or
the inverse spin galvanic effect, while in Fe/GaAs, hDLand hFLare
induced by jFMdue to the inverse spin galvanic effect.
Figures 7(a) and7(b) present the schematics of the excita-
tion fields for STT FMR in FM/NM bilayers and SOT FMR insingle-crystalline FMs with reduced symmetry, respectively.For STT FMR, microwave current flows both in NM( j
and FM ( jFM).jNMinduces the Oersted field hNM
rfas well as
hDLand hFLdue to the spin Hall effect and/or the inverse
spin galvanic effect. The net in-plane component of hNM
rf, is symmetrically distributed across y, and is parallel
or antiparallel to hFLdepending on the sign of hFL, while the
out of plane component of hNM
rf, is antisymmetrically
distributed across y. If the magnetization dynamics is probed
by electrical measurements, hNM,z
rfcontributes no net effect
to the detected dc voltage. Similarly, the Oersted field hFM
generated by jFMis also antisymmetrically distributed, and
contributes no net effect to the measured dc voltage for bothSOT FMR and STT FMR. The symmetry of all the drivingfields is summarized in Table I.
Figure 8(a) shows the setup for the detection of
magnetization dynamics by dc voltage for STT FMR andSOT FMR. The dc voltage V
dcis measured by sweeping
the external magnetic field at fixed microwave frequency;a typical V
dctrace is presented in Fig. 8(b).T ofi tt h e
TABLE I. Symmetry of the driving fields for STT FMR and
rf)a n dhNM,z
rf) are the in-plane and out
of plane components of hNM
rf). Sy(Ay) stands for symmetrically
(antisymmetrically) distributed with respect to the yaxis. Azrepre-
sents antisymmetrically distributed with respect to the zaxis. For dc
voltage detection of magnetization dynamics, all the antisymmetric
excitations contribute no net effect to the measured dc voltage.
hFL hDL hNM,y
rf hNM,z
rf hFM,y
rf hFM,z
(a) (b)
FIG. 8. (a) Depiction of a scheme for dc voltage detection of
magnetization dynamics for STT FMR and SOT FMR. Here ϕMis
the angle between jrfandM. (b) Typical spectrum of the dc voltage
Vfor STT FMR and SOT FMR around the resonance field of FM,
which can be decomposed into symmetric and antisymmetric parts.
characteristic line shape, we introduce a symmetric ( Lsym=
/Delta1H2/[4(H−HR)2+/Delta1H2]) and an antisymmetric
Lorentzian ( La-sym=−4/Delta1H(H−HR)/[4(H−HR)2+/Delta1H2]).
Vdcis fitted by a combination of Lsym and La-sym,
VsymLsym+Va-sym La-sym, with Vsym(Va-sym) the magnitude
of the symmetric (antisymmetric) component of the dcvoltage. By fitting, we obtain values for H
R,/Delta1H,Vsym, and
Va-sym.HRand/Delta1Hare related to the magnetic properties of
FM, while Vsymand Va-sym are related to the current-induced
driving fields including SOFs and/or Oersted field.
Being different from VKerr, which is proportional to the
real part of out of plane dynamic magnetization Re( mz),
Vdcprobes the real part of in-plane dynamic magnetization
Re(my) through the anisotropic magnetoresistance effect of
FM. The total detected Vdcis obtained by summing up dVdc
for all positions of the device, i.e., V dc=∫l
0dVdc(x), with
dVdc(x)=−/Delta1ρn(x)[jFM(x)·n(x)]|xdx, (B1)
where lis the length of the device, /Delta1ρis the magnitude
of the anisotropic magnetoresistance of FM, and n(x)i s
the unit dynamic magnetization at position x. In the mea-
surement coordinate system ( x,y,z), the microwave current
density jFMflows along the xdirection and the dc voltage is
also detected along this direction. In the coordinate systemlabeled ( x
/prime,y/prime,z/prime),n(x) and jFM(x) can be respectively writ-
ten as n(x)=M-1(M,myei[ωt−/Phi1m(x)],mzeiωt), and jFM(x)=
jFMei[ωt−/Phi1m(x)](cosϕM,−sinϕM,0), where my(mz) is the dy-
namic magnetization along the y(z) direction, ωis the angular
frequency of magnetization precession, and ϕMis the magne-
tization angle as defined in Fig. 8(a). At each position xin FM,
the microwave current and the induced SOFs/Oersted field arecoherently coupled (the phase difference between these twodynamic quantities is 0). Thus, /Phi1
m(x) cancels out, and dVdc(x)
can be obtained as
2Msin 2ϕMRe(my)dx. (B2)
Re(my) is obtained through the complex dynamic suscep-
tibility as [ 30,38]
, (B3)
where χi(χi
a) is the complex diagonal (off-diagonal) dynamic
magnetic susceptibility due to the in-plane excitation hi, andχo(χo
a) is the complex diagonal (off-diagonal) dynamic mag-
netic susceptibility due to the out of plane excitation ho. Each
component of the susceptibility χhas both real and imaginary
parts, χ=Re(χ)+iIm(χ) and can be calculated numeri-
cally. From Eq. ( B3), the position dependence Re[ my(x)] can
be written as
ho. (B4)
For most of the ST FMR measurements, Mlies in plane,
and hiand hocan be expressed as hi=hFL+hNM,y
rfand ho=
hDL,hFL(/bardbly) and hDL(∼m×y) represent the fieldlike and
dampinglike SOFs, and hNM,y
rfthe rf current-induced Oersted
field in NM (for the case of SOT FMR detecting a single layer
of single-crystalline FM with reduced symmetry, hNM,y
Based on Eqs. ( B2)–(B4),VsymandVa-sym can be, respectively,
expressed as
cosϕM. (B5)
The magnitude of hDLand h FL+hNM,y
rfcan be respectively
determined by Vsymand Va-sym through Eq. ( B5).
However, optical detection directly probes the real part of
out of plane dynamic magnetization mz, and thus the phase
variation must be included in Eq. ( B3)a s
ei/Phi1l−m(x), (B6)
FIG. 9. (a) Temperature dependence of the resistivity of Fe/GaAs
with Fe thickness tFeof 3.5 and 0.8 nm, which shows a metal-
insulator transition upon decreasing tFe. (b) Equivalent transmission
line circuit for tFe=0.8 nm. Because the device length lis larger
than the microwave guide wavelength λg, the transmission line can
be treated as a series of Ninfinitesimal segments. Each segment in
length /Delta1lcontains a RLC circuit, where Lnis the inductance per
length, Rnthe resistance per length, and Cnthe capacitance. /Phi1inis
the initial phase of the input microwave current. At position xn,t h e
phase of the microwave current changes to /Phi1ndue to dielectric loss.
014425-9L. CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 014425 (2021)
where /Phi1l−m(x)[=/Phi1in+/Phi1m(x)] is the phase difference be-
tween the laser pulse and the dynamic magnetization atposition x.
Figure 9(a) shows the temperature dependence of the re-
sistivity for tFe=3.5 and 0.8 nm. One can see that the
temperature coefficient changes from a metal- to a semicon-
ductorlike behavior with decreasing tFe. This indicates that,
fortFe=0.8 nm, the Fe film is not a good conductor anymore,
but behaves like a dielectric, which can be understood fromthe mixing of metallic Fe and semiconducting GaAs states atthe interface [ 39,40]. The microwave guide wavelength λ
be calculated by [ 41]
λg=λ0√μrεr, (C1)where λ0is the microwave wavelength in free space, μrthe
relative permeability, and εrthe relative permittivity. For tFe=
0.8n m ,λ0=2.5 cm (at 12 GHz), μr∼1×105,εr=13 (the
dielectric constant of GaAs is approximately adopted), and λg
is estimated to be 2.5 μm, which is smaller than the length
of the device l. Since λg/lessmuchl, the equivalent transmission
circuit can be treated as a series of Ninfinitesimal segments as
shown in Fig. 9(b) [41]. Each segment in length /Delta1lcontains
aRLC circuit, where Lnis the inductance per length, Rnthe
resistance per length, and Cnthe capacitance to ground. Since
the capacitor and inductor give a phase shift of 90◦,i ti s
expected that the phase of jFM
rfis position dependent. This
is the possible origin of position-dependent /Phi1mas shown in
Fig. 2(c) of the main text, and this could be similar to the
case of detection of magnetization dynamics by dc voltage ina CPW, where the phase shift between inductive current anddriving Oersted field may not necessarily be the same [ 42].
Fe=3.5 nm, since the film behaves as a good metal, it is
expected that jFM
rfdoes not change phase along the stripe and
indeed no phase variation is observed.
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014425-11 |
PhysRevLett.56.1756.pdf | VOLUME56, NUMBER 16 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 21 APRIL 1986
Comment on "Landau-Lifshitz Equation of Fer-
romagnetism: Exact Treatment of the Gilbert
In a recent Letter1 Lakshmanan and Nakamura re
ported "that the effect of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert
damping is just a rescaling of the time variable t by a
complex constant, so that for every given solution of
the undamped Landau-Lifshitz (LL) equation in any
dimension the exact solution of the fully damped ver
sion can be given straightforwardly.1'
Our aim in this Comment is to point out that, unfor
tunately, this result is based on an inadmissable as
sumption, and is in general invalid, except in the trivi
al case of a single spin in a constant magnetic field.
The authors1 transform the LL equation for a uniax
ial ferromagnet into an equation of the form
(l-/X)-16a>/df-/(co,a>*) (1)
and its complex conjugate, for the complex functions
[Compare Eqs. (13) and (4a) of Ref. 1.]
By a rescaling of the time variable according to
i —, T = (i — /x)r the damping parameter X seemingly
disappears, and Eq. (1) takes the same form in the
complex time r as its undamped version in the real
time /. The authors then conclude that "For every
solution in the X = 0 case, we have the corresponding
solution in the damped (X^O) case just by the rescal
ing / —• T of the time parameter. The corresponding
damped spin field S(r,/) can then be constructed sim
ply from Eq. (4)" [corresponding to the above Eq.
However, it must be noted that if a> depends on T,
then <D* depends on r*. Thus, the assumption that o>
depends on r only is inconsistent with Eq. (1), except
in the special case that j (<o,a>*) is independent of a>*.
In other words, a> will in general depend on both r and
r*, and thus nothing is gained by the rescaling. If, in
addition, time-dependent magnetic fields are present,
the function /(co,a>*) becomes explicitly dependent
on /, and therefore on X after the rescaling, which invalidates the procedure even in the single-spin case.
We illustrate these general considerations by dis
cussing the motion of a single spin in a uniaxial aniso-
tropy field Feff=Szez. For X = 0 the spin precesses
around the anisotropy axis Sz according to S=(a
xcoss0/> —a sins0f, s0) where s0 and a are constants
(a2 + SQ = 1). Hence co(t) = a(\ +s0)~1exp(- is0t),
and the rescaling procedure would yield for the
damped spin motion
a>(r) = a(l+So)"1exp[-/50(l-/X)r]. (3)
It is easy to check, however, that this expression does
not satisfy Eq. (1), which in the present case [as ob
tained from Eq. (13) of Ref. 1 with Vw = 0 and
A = — -1 ] takes the form
/(l+a>ai*)9oi/9T-co(l-aiQi*) = 0. (4)
In the case of a single spin in an applied field
BU) = (0,0,£(r)), on the other hand, Eq. (1) be
idw/BT = fjLB(t)a)f (5)
which shows that /(o>, eo*) is independent of cu*. Thus
the rescaling procedure does give the correct result in
this case if the field B is constant.
Finally, an inspection of Eq. (13) of Ref. 1 (com
pleted with the terms due to an external field1) shows
immediately that the single spin in a constant magnetic
field is the only case in which 9cu/9/ becomes indepen
dent of (o*.
In conclusion, the validity of the rescaling procedure
proposed by Lakshmanan and Nakamura1 is strictly
limited to the trivial case of a single spin in a constant
magnetic field.
E. Magyari, H. Thomas, and R. Weber
Instttut fur Physik der Universitat Basel
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
Received 2 May 1985
PACS numbers: 75.30.Ds, 03.40.Kf, 75.10.Hk
*M. Lakshmanan and K. Nakamura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53,
2497 (1984).
1756 © 1986 The American Physical Society |
PhysRevB.92.024105.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 024105 (2015)
Theoretical investigation of the magnetic and structural transitions of Ni-Co-Mn-Sn
metamagnetic shape-memory alloys
Chun-Mei Li,1,2,*Qing-Miao Hu,2Rui Yang,2B¨orje Johansson,3,4,5and Levente Vitos3,4,6
1College of Physical Science and Technology, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China
2Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, China
3Applied Materials Physics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm SE-100 44, Sweden
4Condensed Matter Theory Group, Physics Department, Uppsala University, Post Office Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden
5School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology and College of Advanced Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology,
Dalian 116024, China
6Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Post Office Box 49, Budapest H-1525, Hungary
(Received 10 December 2013; revised manuscript received 11 June 2015; published 13 July 2015)
The composition-dependent crystal structure, elastic modulus, phase stability, and magnetic property of
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) are studied by using first-principles calculations in combination with
atomistic spin dynamics method. It is shown that the present lattice parameters and Curie temperature ( TC)
are in agreement with the available experimental data. The martensitic phase transformation (MPT) occurs forx< 0.43, where the austenite is in the ferromagnetic (FM) state whereas the martensite is in the antiferromagnetic
(AFM) one at 0 K. The xdependence of the lattice parameter, elastic modulus, and energy difference between
the FM austenite and the AFM martensite well accounts for the decrease of the MPT temperature ( T
M) with the
Co addition. With increasing x, the increase of the magnetic excitation energy between the paramagnetic and
FM austenite of these alloys is in line with the TC∼x.T h eN i3 das well as the Co 3 delectronic states near the
Fermi level are confirmed mainly dominating the phase stability of the studied alloys.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.024105 PACS number(s): 31 .15.A−,61.66.Dk,62.20.de,75.10.−b
A new class of metamagnetic shape-memory alloys [ 1]
(e.g., Ni-Co-Mn-In and Ni-Co-Mn-Sn) has attracted muchattention in recent years. Due to the magnetic-field-inducedmartensitic phase transformation (MPT) [ 1–3], they display
high output stress level and relatively large magnetic shape-memory effect (MSME) in comparison with the traditionalNi-Mn-Ga-based alloys [ 4–6]. Experimentally, a 1.0% one-
way and a 0.3% two-way MSME have been observed inNi
1.72Co0.28Mn 1.52Sn0.44[7]. The Ni-Co-Mn-Sn group [ 7–9],
containing no expensive element and with considerableMSME, is even more promising for magnetic actuationapplications, such as magnetic refrigeration and as a magneticsensor [ 10,11].
The magnetic and martensitic transitions of Ni-Co-Mn-
Sn are highly composition dependent [ 12–20]. Different
compositions may result in different combination of the Curietemperature ( T
C) and the MPT temperature ( TM). Lowering the
Sn content relative to that of Mn increases the TMbut decreases
theTC[17,19]. On the other hand, adding more Co content
relative to that of Ni increases the magnetization but suppressesthe MPT [ 12,15]. For example, in Ni
1.72Co0.28Mn 2−xSnx[17],
withxdecreasing from 0.40 to 0.28, TMgoes up from
423 to 561 K whereas TCgoes down from 593 to 393 K.
In Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.56Sn0.44, with xrising up to 0.40, the TC
increases to 450 K [ 12], while the MPT cannot occur there even
in very low temperature because of the decrease of the TMwith
increasing x. The different combinations of TMandTCresult in
different properties and also various technological significance
*Corresponding author: cmli@imr.ac.cnof the alloys. In Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40withx≈0.20 [20],
theTMandTCare close to each other and consequently
the structural and magnetic transitions may couple to eachother. This coupling induces some attractive properties suchas giant magnetocaloric effect, magnetostriction, and mag-netoresistance, which are important for the applications ofthe magnetic shape memory, energy conversion, or solid-staterefrigeration [ 5,10,21]. To build the connection between the
composition and T
Mas well as TC, and to understand their
origin and the underlying physics, are critical for designingnew Ni-Co-Mn-Sn with desirable properties.
From the atomic scale of investigations, in the present paper
we will explore systematically the composition-dependentmagnetic and structural transitions of Ni
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40
(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50). It is known that these studied X 2MnZ types
of shape-memory alloys generally possess cubic L21structure
in the austenite but a tetragonal one in the martensite [ 22].
Based on first-principles calculations, we first study in detailthe composition dependence of the crystal structure, lattice pa-rameters, elastic constants, and free-energy difference betweenthe two phases, and examine their connection with the T
Furthermore, in combination with atomistic spin dynamicscalculations, the T
C∼xis estimated, and its correlation with
thexdependence of the magnetic excitation energy between
the paramagnetic (PM) and ferromagnetic (FM) states of thesealloys is investigated. Finally, the electronic origin of thephase stability is presented in combination with the Jahn-Tellertheory.
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: in Sec. II,w e
describe the first-principles and the atomistic spin dynamicsmethods we used and the calculation details; in Sec. III,t h e
composition-dependent crystal structure, lattice parameters,elastic constants, phase stability, magnetic property, and
1098-0121/2015/92(2)/024105(9) 024105-1 ©2015 American Physical SocietyLI, HU, YANG, JOHANSSON, AND VITOS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 024105 (2015)
electronic origin are presented. Finally, we summarize the
main results of this work in Sec. IV.
A. Calculation of the total energy
To carry out the electronic structure and total-energy
calculations, the first-principles exact muffin-tin orbitals(EMTO) method [ 23–27] is used in the present work. Within
this program, the Kohn-Sham potential is represented bylarge overlapping potential spheres, which are optimized byminimizing the deviation between the exact and overlappingpotentials. Thus, one describes more accurately the exactcrystal potential compared to the conventional muffin-tin ornonoverlapping methods. Another important trait is that theEMTO tool can conveniently incorporate coherent potentialapproximation (CPA) method [ 24,27], which is one of the few
possible approaches to deal with both the compositional andmagnetic disorder at the first-principles level. In a number ofprevious works, the EMTO-CPA method has been shown tobe suitable and accurate enough to compute the anisotropiclattice distortions, and thus the elastic constants of randomalloys [ 23,25,27,28].
For the present application, the exchange-correlation po-
tential is described within the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof gener-alized gradient approximation. The EMTO basis sets includes,p,d, andfcomponents, and the scalar-relativistic and soft-
core approximation are employed. The overlapping potentialsphere radius ( R
mt) and the atomic radius ( RNi
WS)o nt h e
Ni sublattice are optimized by RNi
1.10RWS, respectively, where RWSis the average Wigner-Seitz
radius. For the other two sublattices ( X=Mn and Sn), the usual
setups RX
WS=RWSare adopted. The Brillouin
zone is sampled by a 13 ×13×13 uniform k-point mesh
without any smearing technique.
The equilibrium lattice parameters, bulk modulus, and
magnetic moments are determined by fitting the total energiesversus volume (nine data points) to a Morse function [ 29]. The
elastic constants are calculated with the mathematical formuladescribed in our previous paper [ 30]. The Debye temperature is
obtained by means of the Hill average [ 31] with Eqs. (6.27) in
Ref. [ 24]. The magnetic ordering is described by three kinds
of configurations: (a) the FM state with parallel alignmentbetween Mn on the Mn sublattice (Mn
1) and Mn on the Sn
sublattice (Mn 2); (b) the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state with
antiparallel alignment between Mn 1and Mn 2; and (c) the PM
state described by the disordered local magnetic model [ 32].
The number of valence electrons per atom ( e/a) is calculated
with Ni 3 d84s2,C o3d74s2,M n3 d54s2, and Sn 4 d105s2p2.
B. Calculation of the magnetism
The temperature dependence of the magnetic property
is evaluated with the Uppsala Atomistic Spin Dynamics(UppASD) program [ 33–36]. Within this method, the itinerant
electron system is mapped to an effective classical Heisenbergmodel:
i/negationslash=jJijmi·mj, (1)where Jijare the interatomic exchange interactions; the
indices iandjare 1, 2, and 3, representing the Mn, Ni,
and Co atoms. The miis the magnetic moment of atom i,
the motion of which is described using the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation [ 33,34]:
mmi{mi×[Bi+bi(t)]}. (2)
In this expression, Bi=−∂H
∂mi, is the so-called effective field
experienced by each atom i.γis the gyromagnetic ratio. bi(t)
is a stochastic magnetic field with a Gaussian distribution withrespect to temperature ( T), and its magnitude is related to the
damping parameter α, which eventually brings the system into
thermal equilibrium. With the solved m
iin the given T,t h e
magnetization ( M) and magnetic susceptibility ( χ) are then
calculated from
kBT2[/angbracketleftM2/angbracketright−/angbracketleftM/angbracketright2], (4)
respectively, where N(=3) means the three types of magnetic
atoms (Mn, Ni, and Co) and kBis the Boltzmann constant.
In our calculations, the cubic periodic box size is kept
to 15×15×15 unit cells. The time step for solving the
above differential equations ( 2)i s1 0−16s. The number of
the time steps used is 10 000. The αis set at 0.01. Including
the interactions between the atoms within the tenth-nearestneighbors, the 0-K J
ijare calculated using the magnetic force
theorem [ 37] implemented in the EMTO-CPA program [ 24].
A. Crystal structure
Figure 1shows the total electronic energies for the FM,
AFM, and PM states of Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40withx=0.10,
as functions of the tetragonal lattice ratio ( c/a) and the
Wigner-Seitz radius ( rWS). For the FM state [Fig. 1(a)], we
get only one energy minimum around RWS=2.757 bohrs
andc/a=1, corresponding to the L21phase. Nevertheless,
for both the AFM and PM states [Figs. 1(b) and 1(c),
respectively], the energy shows two minima: one is at c/a=1,
meaning the cubic austenite, and another one is aroundc/a=1.20–1.30, corresponding to the tetragonal martensite.
In comparison, in Figs. 1(a)–1(c), the austenite with the
lowest energy is in the FM state, whereas the martensitewith relative lower energy tends to be in the AFM one.For Ni
1.90Co0.10Mn 1.60Sn0.40, the electronic energy prefers the
austenite in the FM state and the martensite in the AFM one.
The xdependence of the relative electronic en-
ergy of the AFM and PM austenite [ /Delta1EAus
AFM(x) and
PM(x)] and martensite [ /Delta1EMar
AFM(x) and /Delta1EMar
PM(x)] of
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) are listed in Table I.
The reference in each xis the electronic energy of the
FM austenite [ EAus
FM(x)]. For the austenite, the /Delta1EAus
AFM(x)i s
FIG. 1. (Color online) Total electronic energy contours (in Ry)
for the (a) FM, (b) AFM, and (c) PM Ni 1.90Co0.10Mn 1.60Sn0.40alloys
as a function of the tetragonal lattice ratio ( c/a) and the Wigner-Seitz
radius ( rWS).
smallest for x=0 whereas for 0 .10/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50 the FM state
tends to be lowest in the energy because of the positive valuesof both /Delta1E
AFM(x) and /Delta1EAus
PM(x). For the martensite, since
AFM(x) is always much smaller than /Delta1EMar
PM(x) in each x,
the AFM state is energetically stabilized for all of these alloysat 0 K.
In Fig. 2, the equilibrium lattice parameters [ a(x)] of the
1phase with FM, AFM, and PM states, respectively, are
TABLE I. Relative electronic energy (in mRy) of the AFM
AFM(x)] and PM [ /Delta1EAus
PM(x)] austenite and the AFM [ /Delta1EMar
and PM [ /Delta1EMar
PM(x)] martensite to that of the FM austenite of
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) alloys.
x/Delta1 EAus
0.00 0.00 −0.28 1.57 −2.16 1.49
0.10 0.00 0.10 1.99 −1.69 1.80
0.20 0.00 0.46 2.40 −1.21 2.08
0.30 0.00 0.82 2.82 −0.71 2.39
0.40 0.00 1.20 3.24 −0.18 2.73
0.50 0.00 1.58 3.65 0.36 3.09FIG. 2. (Color online) Composition ( x) dependence of the equi-
librium lattice parameter a(x)o ft h e L21-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40
(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) with FM, AFM, and PM states, respectively. The solid
points denote our present a(x) values. The open squares mean the
experimental a(x)f o rx=0.20 and 0.24, which are from Refs. [ 20]
and [ 15], respectively.
shown against x. In any of the three magnetic states, the a(x)
decreases linearly with increasing x. In each composition,
thea(x) is always biggest in the FM state but smallest in
the AFM one. The open squares in the figure denote theexperimental data for x=0.20 and 0.24, respectively [ 15,20].
It is clear that our present a(x) in the FM sate is in much
better agreement with them than those in the AFM and PMstates. Since these experimental a(x) are measured above room
temperature [ 15,20], they are shown a little larger than our
values in the FM state due to the thermal expansion.
Thexdependences of the lattice parameters [ a(x) and
c/a(x)] of the tetragonal martensite are depicted in Fig. 3. With
increasing x,t h ea(x) in both the AFM and PM states decrease
linearly as well. Nevertheless, the c/a(x) decreases in the AFM
state but keeps almost constant around 1.20 in the PM state.It is noted that in the AFM state the c/a(x) values are around
1.25–1.31, which are comparable to the data (1.31) calculated
in Ni
2Mn 1.50Sn0.50[38]. In addition, following the relationship
ofTM(x)∼c/a(x) found in the NiMn-based alloys [ 39,40],
a larger c/a(x) corresponds to a higher TM(x); the present
decrease of c/a(x) in the AFM state happens to correspond
to the decrease of the experimental TM(x) with Co addition in
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40[15,20,41].
B. Elastic property
In Table II, the calculated bulk modulus B(x), elastic
constants Cij(x), and Debye temperature /Theta1(x)o ft h eF M ,
AFM, and PM L21-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50)
alloys are listed. According to the dynamical or mechanicalstability condition of a lattice, the stability criteria forcubic crystals requires that C
11>|C12|,C11+2C12>0, and
C44>0. From our calculations, these Cij(x) of the FM and
PM states satisfy all of the above conditions. However, inthe AFM state, the C
11(x)i ss m a l l e rt h a n |C12(x)|when
FIG. 3. (Color online) Composition ( x) dependence of the equi-
librium lattice parameters [ a(x) in (a) and c/a(x)i n( b ) ]o ft h e
tetragonal Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) with AFM and PM
states, respectively.
0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.40, and for x=0.50 they are almost comparable
because C/prime(x){=1
2[C11(x)−C12(x)]}is merely about 0.9 GPa
in this composition. It is supposed that the Cij(x)i nt h eA F M
state do not follow the requirement of C11(x)>|C12(x)|.
Neglecting the temperature effect on the Cij(x), the AFM
TABLE II. Composition ( x) dependence of the theoretical bulk
modulus [ B(x), in GPa], elastic constants [ Cij(x), in GPa], and
Debye temperature [ /Theta1(x), in K] of the FM, AFM, and PM L21-
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50). The tetragonal shear elastic
constant C/prime(x)=1
States xB (x)C11(x)C12(x)C44(x)C/prime(x)/Theta1(x)
FM 0.00 144.6 160.6 136.6 114.8 12.0 332.2
0.10 145.8 163.5 136.9 116.2 13.3 340.9
0.20 147.0 167.1 136.9 117.7 15.1 350.8
0.30 148.2 171.0 136.8 119.2 17.1 361.70.40 149.4 175.5 136.3 120.4 19.6 373.5
0.50 150.8 180.4 136.0 122.2 22.2 385.1
AFM 0.00 143.2 141.5 144.1 122.7 −1.3
0.10 143.9 141.6 145.0 124.2 −1.7
0.20 144.7 142.4 145.8 125.7 −1.7
0.30 145.5 143.9 146.3 127.3 −1.2
0.40 146.3 145.9 146.5 128.7 −0.3
0.50 147.2 148.4 146.6 130.3 0.9
PM 0.00 142.4 152.4 137.4 119.3 7.5 300.9
0.10 143.4 151.4 139.4 120.6 6.0 286.4
0.20 144.3 151.0 141.0 121.9 5.0 274.3
0.30 145.3 151.0 142.4 123.1 4.3 265.20.40 146.4 151.6 143.8 124.5 3.9 259.8
0.50 147.5 152.4 145.0 125.8 3.7 257.1L21-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40therefore is mechanically unsta-
ble in low temperature. This may be the reason whyNi
2Mn 1.60Sn0.40is measured with the FM state but not the
AFM one at 4.2 K [ 41,42], in spite of the latter one being
confirmed energetically favorable from above calculations. Inthe present work, all these studied austenitic alloys are con-firmed both thermodynamically and mechanically stabilizedby the FM state at 0 K, which is in good agreement with theexperimental measurements in low temperatures [ 7,43].
In Table III, the calculated B(x),C
ij(x), and /Theta1(x)i nt h e
AFM and PM martensite are listed. The dynamical or mechan-ical stability criteria for tetragonal crystals requires that C
|C12|,C33>0,C44>0,C66>0, (C11+C33−2C13)>0,
and (2 C11+C33+2C12+4C13)>0. Our present Cij(x)i n
both the AFM and PM states follow these conditions. Since theAFM martensite is relatively lower in energy than the PM one,the martensite of all these alloys is both thermodynamicallyand mechanically stabilized by the AFM ordering betweenMn
1and Mn 2at 0 K. The antiparallel alignment between Mn 1
and Mn 2has been confirmed in the tetragonal structure of
Ni2Mn 1+xSn1−xternary alloys by means of both first-principle
calculations [ 38,44] and neutron-diffraction experiment [ 45].
Although around room temperature, several different magneticstates have been reported in the martensitic NiCoMnSn qua-ternary alloys [ 7,12,14,20,43], such as antiferromagneticlike,
ferrimagnetic, paramagnetic, superparamagnetic, and super-spin-glass states. Almost all of these nonferromagnetic statesindicate the existence of the AFM coupling between Mn
Mn 2in the phase. Therefore, in the present work it is seen
as reasonable that with less than 25% Ni replaced with Co inNi
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40the martensite still remains in the AFM
state at 0 K.
In Tables IIand III, the tetragonal shear elastic mod-
ulus of the austenite, C/prime(x), and that of the martensite
{Cs(x)[=C11(x)+C12(x)+2C33(x)−4C13(x)]}are espe-
cially shown for comparison. It is found that in the samecomposition xtheC
/prime(x) is very small whereas the Cs(x)i s
relatively quite large. The particularly low value of C/prime(x)
indicates a strong negative contribution of the entropy ( −TS)
to the free energy ( F) of the austenite, which ultimately
stabilizes the phase against the martensite with increasingT. The FM and AFM couplings between the Mn
Mn 2in Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40correspond to the ground-state
magnetic ordering of the austenite and martensite, respectively.With increasing x(or decreasing e/a), theC
/prime(x) in the FM state
increases whereas the Cs(x) in the AFM state decreases. The
Co doping tends to mechanically stabilize the cubic relativeto the tetragonal structure in low temperature, which results inlower experimental T
M(x) of this type of alloys [ 15,20,41].
In the PM state, the C/prime(x) decreases but the Cs(x) increases
with increasing x(or decreasing e/a), preferring the stability
of the martensite relative to the austenite. Then, the oppositetrend of experimental T
M(x)∼xis estimated. It means that
the 0-K C/prime(x)∼xandCs(x)∼xin the PM state fail to
account for the experimental trend of TM(x)∼x. This failure
could be ascribed to the fact that, in the high-temperature PMstate, the temperature effects on the elastic constants, such aselectronic entropy, phonon smearing, thermal expansion, andmagnetism [ 46], might be significant and thus could not be
TABLE III. Composition ( x) dependence of the theoretical bulk modulus [ B(x), in GPa], elastic constants [ Cij(x), in GPa], and Debye
temperature [ /Theta1(x), in K] of the AFM and PM tetragonal Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50). The tetragonal shear elastic constant Cs(x)=
States xB (x) C11(x) C12(x) C13(x) C33(x) C44(x) C66(x) Cs(x) /Theta1(x)
AFM 0.00 145.8 177.5 118.3 128.8 188.2 99.9 88.1 157.0 377.7
0.10 146.4 182.3 114.7 129.6 188.4 104.4 89.4 155.4 385.7
0.20 147.0 184.5 113.7 130.2 189.1 108.8 90.9 155.7 389.90.30 147.8 189.5 109.7 133.4 183.8 110.8 92.5 133.0 388.7
0.40 148.5 195.0 105.6 134.0 184.8 116.0 93.1 134.2 396.4
0.50 149.3 199.1 102.9 135.7 183.3 119.9 94.0 125.6 398.1
PM 0.00 141.4 198.6 86.0 134.1 159.6 117.9 58.9 67.3 356.0
0.10 142.6 197.9 89.5 134.0 164.1 117.6 65.1 79.4 365.7
0.20 144.0 199.8 90.6 134.2 168.4 122.1 69.3 90.3 377.00.30 145.3 201.0 92.2 134.8 171.4 119.9 73.9 96.7 388.1
0.40 146.6 202.6 93.2 135.9 173.4 121.0 77.4 99.2 383.7
0.50 147.9 205.3 93.3 137.0 175.2 122.8 79.7 101.1 388.0
C. Phase stability
In NiMn-based shape-memory alloys [ 47,48], the large
free-energy difference between the austenite and martensite(/Delta1F
AM) generally means the big driving force of the MPT,
and then the high critical temperature TM. Here, we cal-
culate the /Delta1FAM(x) with the approximation, /Delta1FAM(x)≈
ph(x), where the /Delta1EAM(x) is the electronic
energy difference between the austenite and martensite andthe/Delta1F
ph(x) is that of the phonon vibrational free-energy
difference. The /Delta1FAM
ph(x) may be calculated with Eq. (5) in a
previous paper [ 49], which is nevertheless very time consum-
ing because of the temperature-dependent Debye temperatureterm [ 46]. For the sake of simplicity, the present 0-K /Delta1F
is evaluated from its zero-point expression, /Delta1FAM
8kB[/Theta1A(x)−/Theta1M(x)], with the /Theta1A(x) and/Theta1M(x) being the
Debye temperature in the austenite and martensite, respec-tively [ 30]. In finite temperature, the /Delta1F
ph(x)i ss i m p l y
estimated from its high-temperature expansion, /Delta1FAM
/Theta1A(x)[50]. Listed in Tables IIandIII, in addition to
the fact that the C/prime(x) is much smaller than the Cs(x), the/Theta1A(x)
is always smaller than /Theta1M(x) in each x. This means that the
ph(x) provides a negative contribution to the /Delta1FAM(x).
With the obtained ground-state magnetic ordering
of the two phases, we calculate the /Delta1FAM(x)o f
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) in different tempera-
tures from 0 to 500 K with intervals of 100 K. In Fig. 4,
the estimated /Delta1FAM(x)∼xis shown in each temperature,
in comparison with the available experimental TM(x)∼x.
It is clear that in each xthe/Delta1FAM(x) indeed decreases
with increasing Tbecause of the negative contribution of the
ph(x), which prefers the relative stability of the parent
phase. With increasing x(or decreasing e/a), the/Delta1FAM(x)
decreases in each temperature, corresponding to the TM(x)
decreasing with the Co doping [ 15,20,41].
Positive /Delta1FAM(x) means that the AFM martensite is lower
in energy and then more stable than the FM austenite, whereasnegative /Delta1F
AM(x) means that the latter one is more stable.
In Fig. 4, the 0-K /Delta1FAM(x) is close to zero around x=0.43,
reflecting that the austenite and martensite of the alloy areenergetically comparable at 0 K. For alloys with x< 0.43, the
AFM martensite is relative more stable in low temperature be-cause/Delta1F
AM(x) tends to be positive, whereas above x=0.43
due to /Delta1FAM(x)<0 the FM austenite is always stabilized
at ambient temperature. It suggests that even in very lowtemperature the alloys with x> 0.43 would not undergo MPT
and instead they are stabilized with the FM cubic structure. Thepredicted critical composition ( x=0.43) of whether the MPT
can occur or not in Ni
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40is comparable to that
(around 0.32–0.36) measured in Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.56Sn0.44[12].
D. Magnetic property
In Table IV, the 0-K local magnetic moments of Ni, Co, two
types of Mn, and Sn atoms, together with the total magneticmoments of Ni
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40alloys are summarized.
FIG. 4. (Color online) Free-energy difference between the FM
austenite and the AFM martensite [ /Delta1FAM(x)], together with the
available experimental TM(x)o fN i 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant
0.50) with respect to xand the number of valence electrons per
atom ( e/a). The /Delta1FAM(x) is calculated in different temperatures
from 0 to 500 K with intervals of 100 K. The TM(x) are cited from
Refs. [ 15,20,41].
TABLE IV . Local magnetic moments (in μB)o fN i ,C o ,a n dM n
on Mn(Mn 1)a n dS ns i t e s( M n 2), and Sn atoms, together with the
total magnetic moments (in μB) of the FM, AFM, and PM states of
Ni2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50).
States Ni Co Mn 1 Mn 2 Sn Tot
FM 0.55 1.34 3.48 3.49 −0.05 6 .70–6.98
AFM 0.13 0.65 3.40 −3.45 −0.05 1 .55–1.77
PM 0 0 3.44( −3.44) 3.45( −3.45) 0 0
The concentration of Co as well as the crystal structure do
not influence these local magnetic moments significantly, andtherefore, in the table we show them only as a function ofthe magnetic ordering for the alloy with x=0.1. It is found
that, in all the FM, AFM, and PM states, the Mn
1and Mn 2
atoms are spin polarized, and in absolute value their magneticmoments (around 3.45 μ
B) are almost the same. The Ni and
Co atoms are spin polarized only in the FM and AFM states.Their magnetic moments are always parallel to those of theMn atoms on the Mn sublattice, and the values in the AFMstate (0.13 μ
Bfor Ni, 0.65 μBfor Co) turn out to be lower than
their correspondents in the FM one (0.55 μBfor Ni, 1.34 μB
for Co). The Sn atoms are almost non-spin-polarized in all
the three magnetic states. In a result, the 0-K total magneticmoment is around 6.70 μ
B∼6.98μBin the FM state, and
1.55μB∼1.77μBin the AFM state. It reveals that with xincreasing from 0 to 0.50 the total magnetic moments show an
increase of less than 0.30 μBin both the FM and AFM states
of alloys.
In order to explore the magnetic transition from the FM state
to the PM one of the austenitic alloys in finite temperature,we calculate both the Mandχof these alloys at different
temperatures from 0 to 700 K with intervals of 25 K, bymeans of EMTO-CPA in combination with UppASD method.In Fig. 5, the obtained temperature dependence of the χas
well as the normalized magnetization ( M/M
0, with Mand
M0being the magnetization at Tand 0 K, respectively) are
shown for each x, together with the TC(x) estimated from the
temperature corresponding to the maximum of χ. It is found
that with increasing xfrom 0 to 0.50 our theoretical TC(x)
monotonically goes up from 317 to 424 K, which is in line with
the available experimental data [ TExp.
C(x)] [15,20,41]s h o w ni n
Fig. 6. Similar to Fe-doped NiMn-based alloys [ 51], the Co
addition increases the TC(x) and then enhances the saturated
magnetization under the magnetic field, which is consequentlyhoped to improve the output stress of these alloys during theMPT.
Seen from the energy calculations in Fig. 6,i ti ss h o w n
that the electronic energy difference between the PM and theFM austenite [ /Delta1E
PF(x)] linearly increases with x, which is
consistent with the trend of TC(x)∼x. It indicates that the
relationship of TC(x)∼xshould be originated from the trend
of/Delta1E PF(x)∼x, i.e., the Co addition increases the magnetic
FIG. 5. (Color online) Normalized magnetic moment ( M/M 0, with MandM0being the magnetization at Tand 0 K, respectively) as well
as susceptibility ( χ) with respect to temperature ( T), together with the estimated TC(x)o fN i 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50).
FIG. 6. (Color online) Total electronic energy difference be-
tween the PM and FM austenite [ /Delta1E PF(x)] as well as the TC(x)
ofL21-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50) with respect to x
and the number of valence electrons per atom ( e/a). The Tthe
denotes the present theoretical values whereas the Texp.
C(x) means the
experimental data from Refs. [ 15,20,41].
excitation energy and therefore enhances the driving force of
the magnetic transition from the FM state to the PM one inNi
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40.
E. Electronic structure
The stability of the parent phase in NiMn-based alloys has
been demonstrated to be closely related to the minority (spin-down) density of states (DOS) around Fermi level [ 52–54].
In order to explore the electronic origin of the composition-dependent MPT, we calculate and compare the DOS of FML2
1-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(x=0, 0.20, and 0.40) alloys with
0 and 5% tetragonal distortion used to calculate C/prime(x), as
shown in Fig. 7.F o rN i 2Mn 1.60Sn0.40, there exits a pseudogap
in the total DOS both with and without lattice distortionat about −0.05 Ry, which was shown to be the covalent
bonding characters between Sn pand Ni 3 das well as Co
3delectrons [ 55]. However, for the total DOS without lattice
distortion [in Fig. 7(a)], a small peak appears at about −0.02 Ry
below the Fermi level, resulting in the Jahn-Teller instabilityof the cubic phase [ 52,54,56–58]o fN i
2Mn 1.60Sn0.40. Upon
tetragonal distortion [in Fig. 7(b)], this peak splits and then
the DOS near the Fermi level reduces, leading to a more stabletetragonal phase of the alloy.
Shown in Fig. 7, with increasing xthe pseudogap is
gradually filled and then becomes more and more shallow. Itdeserves to be noted that with Co doping [in Fig. 7(a)] the small
peak gradually disappears. Upon 5% tetragonal distortion [inFig. 7(b)], its splitting is thus less and less significant with
increasing x. This means that the Co doping reduces the
Jahn-Teller instability and then depresses the tetragonal latticedistortion, which corresponds to the increase of C
/prime(x)b u tt h e
decrease of the TM(x) with the Co addition.
In comparison to the DOS of Ni as well as Co atoms shown
in Fig. 8, it is found that the pseudogap is formed by the Ni
3dand Co 3 dstates. Both of them include triple-degeneratedFIG. 7. (Color online) Total minority (spin-down) density of
states (DOS) of FM L21-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(x=0, 0.20, and
0.40) with no lattice distortion (a) and 5% tetragonal distortion used
to calculate C/prime(x) (b). The vertical lines indicate the Fermi level.
T2gand double-degenerated Egbands. In Figs. 8(a) and8(c),
the pseudogap formed by Ni 3 dT 2gand Ni 3 dE gis around
−0.05 Ry. In Figs. 8(b) and8(d), the pseudogap formed by Co
3dT 2gand Co 3 dE gis in a relative higher energy level,
which is almost right on the Fermi level. Therefore, withNi replacing with Co, the hybridization between Ni 3 dand
Co 3delectrons around −0.05 Ry becomes more and more
strong, and the pseudogap in the place is gradually filled forNi
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40.
In Figs. 8(a) and8(b), the small peak in the total DOS
of Ni 2Mn 1.60Sn0.40is shown to be mainly contributed by Ni
3dE g, whereas the Ni 3 dT 2gas well as the whole Co 3 d
states seem to have no connection with the peak. In Fig. 8(c),
upon 5% tetragonal distortion, the Ni 3 dE gof the alloy splits
into two levels: one is on a little higher energy side withthex
2−y2orbital, whereas the other one is on the relative
lower energy side with the 3 z2−r2orbital. With increasing
x,t h eN i3 dE gstates reduce and the peak is weakened [in
Fig.8(a)]. Upon tetragonal distortion [in Fig. 8(c)], its splitting
is therefore less and less with the Co addition, meaning thatthe Jahn-Teller instability in the total DOS reduces and theFM cubic structure gets relatively more and more stable withincreasing xin Ni
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40.
Using first-principles EMTO-CPA in combination with
UppASD method, we have systematically investigated thecomposition-dependent crystal structure, lattice parameters,elastic property, phase stability, Curie temperature, andelectronic structure of Ni
2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(0/lessorequalslantx/lessorequalslant0.50)
quaternary shape-memory alloys. The main results are sum-marized as follows.
(1) The present lattice parameters a(x) andc/a(x)o ft h e
FM austenite and the AFM martensite decrease with increasing
FIG. 8. (Color online) Minority (spin-down) density of states (DOS) of Ni 3 d,N i3dE g,a n dN i3 dT 2gas well as Co 3 d,C o3dE g,a n d
Co 3dT 2gin FM L21-Ni 2−xCoxMn 1.60Sn0.40(x=0, 0.20, and 0.40) with no lattice distortion (upper panel) and 5% tetragonal distortion used
to calculate C/prime(x) (lower panel). The figure illustrates how T2gandEgbands of Ni 3 das well as Co 3 dare split by the lattice distortion. The
vertical lines indicate the Fermi level.
x, which are in good agreement with the available theoretical
and experimental data.
(2) The MPT is found occurring below x=0.43. Above
the composition, the alloys are stabilized by the FM cubicL2
1phase even in very low temperature. For x< 0.43, the
austenite is stabilized by the FM coupling between Mn 1and
Mn 2, whereas the martensite is with the AFM ordering at 0 K.
(3) With increasing x(or decreasing e/a), the c/a(x)o f
the AFM martensite decreases, the shear elastic modulus ofthe FM austenite C
/prime(x) increases whereas that of the AFM
martensite Cs(x) decreases, and the free-energy difference
between the two phases /Delta1FAM(x) decreases, which all well
account for the decrease of the experimental TM(x) with
increasing x.
(4) The estimated TC(x)∼xis in line with the available
experimental data. With the Co addition, the magnetic excita-tion energy /Delta1E
PF(x) increases, which therefore enhances thedriving force of the magnetic transition from the FM state to
the PM one.
(5) The calculated electronic structure indicates that the Ni
3das well as the Co 3 dstates near the Fermi level mainly
dominate the phase stability of these studied alloys.
The authors acknowledge financial support from the Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China under GrantsNo. 51171187, No. 51271181, and No. 51301176 and theMinistry of Science and Technology of China under Grant No.2014CB644001. The China Postdoctoral Science Foundationis acknowledged for financial support. C.-M.L. is also gratefulto the T. S. K ˆe Research Fellowship of the Institute of Metal
Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in cooperation withShenyang National Laboratory for Material Science.
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024105-9 |
PhysRevB.86.144415.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 144415 (2012)
Effect of disorder on transverse domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanostrips
Ben Van de Wiele,1Lasse Laurson,2and Gianfranco Durin3,4
1Department of Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
2COMP Centre of Excellence, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, P .O. Box 14100, FIN-00076 Aalto, Finland
3ISI Foundation, Via Alassio 11/c, I-10126 Torino, Italy
4Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Strada delle Cacce 91, I-10135 Torino, Italy
(Received 29 June 2012; published 24 October 2012)
We study the effect of disorder on the dynamics of a transverse domain wall in ferromagnetic nanostrips, driven
either by magnetic fields or spin-polarized currents, by performing a large ensemble of graphics processingunit-accelerated micromagnetic simulations. Disorder is modeled by including small, randomly distributednonmagnetic voids in the system. Studying the domain wall velocity as a function of the applied field andcurrent density reveals fundamental differences in the domain wall dynamics induced by these two modes ofdriving: For the field-driven case, we identify two different domain wall pinning mechanisms, operating belowand above the Walker breakdown, respectively, whereas for the current-driven case pinning is absent abovethe Walker breakdown. Increasing the disorder strength induces a larger Walker breakdown field and current,and leads to decreased and increased domain wall velocities at the breakdown field and current, respectively.Furthermore, for adiabatic spin-transfer torque, the intrinsic pinning mechanism is found to be suppressed bydisorder. We explain these findings within the one-dimensional model in terms of an effective damping parameterα
∗increasing with the disorder strength.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.144415 PACS number(s): 75 .78.Fg, 72 .25.Ba, 75 .78.Cd
Domain wall (DW) dynamics in nanoscale ferromagnetic
wires and strips driven by magnetic fields or spin-polarizedcurrents is a subject of major technological importance for theoperation of potential future nanoscale magnetic memory
and logic3devices. In these devices information is typically
stored as magnetic domains along a nanostrip or wire and isprocessed by DW motion. For the reliable operation of suchdevices it is of fundamental importance to understand andcontrol the effect of imperfections or disorder on the DWdynamics, necessarily present in any realistic samples, e.g.,in the form of thickness fluctuations and grain structure ofthe sample, or various impurities and defects in the material.At the same time, such systems constitute a low-dimensionallimit of the general problem of driven elastic manifolds in arandom potential.
While the crucial importance of disorder for the dynamics
of higher-dimensional DWs is well established, resultingin phenomena such as the Barkhausen effect,
5a majority
of studies of DW motion in systems with nanostrip orwire geometry neglect disorder effects. This applies to boththeoretical studies and interpretations of experimental results.Some exceptions include studies demonstrating enhancedDW propagation due to the roughness of the edges of thestrip.
6,7Recently also the effect of spatially varying saturation
magnetization Mson the dynamics of vortex walls was
studied, resulting in an effective damping increasing withthe disorder strength.
8Similar spatially distributed disorder
has also been studied in a simplified, line-based model of atransverse DW.
9,10Experimental studies of DW dynamics in
wires have revealed its stochastic nature in the case of shortcurrent pulses,
11and has been attributed to the presence of
disorder in the samples, in combination with thermal effects.For longer current pulses, the resulting average DW velocitieshave been shown to be quite low,
12likely due to pinning effectsinduced by structural disorder. Dynamical pinning effects have
also been observed in experiments of field-driven vortex walldynamics.
13,14However, despite these advances, many details
of the disorder effects on DW dynamics in nanostructuresremain to be clarified.
In this paper, we consider by micromagnetic simulations the
effect of disorder on the field and current-driven dynamics of atransverse DW in a narrow and thin permalloy strip. Disorder ismodeled by including randomly positioned small nonmagneticregions (voids) in the system. Our results show that thefield- and current-driven DW dynamics exhibit remarkabledifferences which are only revealed in the presence of disorder.In particular, we identify two fundamentally different DWpinning mechanisms acting in a field-driven system, operatingbelow and above the Walker breakdown field, respectively,with the latter mechanism being absent in the current-drivencase. Also the Walker breakdown itself is affected by thepresence of disorder, such that it is shifted to larger fieldand current values with increasing disorder strength. At thesame time, the DW velocities at the breakdown field andcurrent get smaller and larger, respectively. Furthermore, foradiabatic spin-transfer torque, the intrinsic pinning mecha-nism is found to be suppressed by disorder. These findingsemphasize the importance of understanding the interplaybetween disorder, the DW structure, and the properties ofthe external driving force, and are shown to be related to aneffective damping parameter α
∗increasing with the disorder
We perform a large ensemble of micromagnetic simulations
with the graphics processing unit (GPU)-based micromagneticsimulator MuMax,
15making it possible to obtain large statis-
tics for averaging over the disorder realizations. To study thetime evolution of the magnetization M(r,t) with an amplitude
s, we solve the Landau-Lifshitz (LL) equation with the
144415-1 1098-0121/2012/86(14)/144415(5) ©2012 American Physical SocietyBEN V AN DE WIELE, LASSE LAURSON, AND GIANFRANCO DURIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 144415 (2012)
spin-transfer torque terms,16
Ms(1+α2)(ξ−α)M×(j·∇)M, (1)
where Heffis the effective magnetic field (with contributions
from the external, exchange, and demagnetization fields), γis
the gyromagnetic ratio, αis the Gilbert damping constant, ξ
is the degree of nonadiabaticity, jis the current density, and
bj=PμB/[eMs(1+ξ2)], with Pthe polarization, μBthe
Bohr magneton, and ethe electron charge.
We consider permalloy strips of width w=100 nm and
thickness 10 nm, such that the stable DW structure is a head-to-headV-shaped symmetric transverse wall, separating in-plane
domains pointing along the strip axis.
17The used material
parameters are those of permalloy, i.e., Ms=860×103A/m
andα=0.02, and no anisotropy fields are included in Eq. (1).
To clearly see the effect of quenched disorder on the DWdynamics, we set the temperature T=0. The system is
discretized by considering Ncells of size 3 .125×3.125×
10 nm
3. Upon application of an external magnetic field
Hext=Hextˆxalong the strip axis in the absence of disorder, the
DW is displaced along the strip. If the field is below the Walkerbreakdown field H
W, the DW essentially keeps its equilibrium
structure during the propagation, with a small out-of-planecomponent close to the tip of the Vshape, and a velocity
roughly linearly proportional to the applied field. Above H
an antivortex is nucleated at the tip of the Vshape. It then
propagates across the strip width, reversing the polarity of theDW magnetization. This process is repeated such that the DWpolarity oscillates back and forth, dramatically decreasing theaverage DW velocity.
With disorder included in the form of randomly positioned
nonmagnetic voids of linear size 3.125 nm with varyingdensities σwithin a strip of length L=3.2μm, the DW
can get pinned even for nonzero applied fields.
19This makes
measurement and even definition of the DW velocity anontrivial task. Thus, in what follows we consider both the“conditional velocities” v
mof the moving DWs, conditioned
on the fact that the DWs will not get pinned during the timeinterval /Delta1t=20 ns we consider in the simulations (i.e., the
DW will either reach the end of the strip or it is still movingafter/Delta1t=20 ns),
20and the probability Ppinfor the DW to get
pinned during /Delta1t. These are computed by averaging over 50
disorder realizations for each Hextandσ. Notice that here we
consider a T=0 system, such that a pinned DW cannot depin.
An alternative measure of the DW velocity (which is likely tobe closer to typical experimental measurements where T> 0)
is given by v
exp=(1−Ppin)vm. In general, Ppinwill increase
with the observation (time and length) scale, thus making alsov
expa scale-dependent quantity.
Figure 1shows the resulting average velocities vmof the
moving DWs as a function of Hextandσ. The presence of voids
induces a finite depinning field Hdep(σ) increasing with σ.F o r
Hext>H dep(σ),vmfirst increases until a maximum velocity
is reached at Hext=HW(σ), and then starts to decrease0100200300400500vm [m/s]σ = 0
σ = 3125 μm-2
σ = 6250 μm-2
σ = 9375 μm-2
σ = 12500 μm-2
0 5 10 15
Hext [mT]00.51Ppin0 2.5 5 7.5
Hext [mT]0200400vexp [m/s]
FIG. 1. (Color online) The average velocity vmof the moving
DWs (main figure) and vexp=(1−Ppin)vm(inset) as a function of
Hextandσ. Error bars correspond to the standard deviation of vm.T h e
pinning probabilities Ppinduring the 20 ns simulation (bottom panel)
exhibit large values for large Hextdue to the core pinning mechanism.
again. The position HW(σ) of this maximum, corresponding
to the Walker breakdown, is shifted towards larger fieldvalues as σis increased, and the corresponding maximum
velocity v
m[HW(σ)] decreases with σ. The error bars in Fig. 1
correspond to the standard deviation of vm, and indicate that
the dynamics of moving DWs has a stochastic nature dueto the random disorder. Notice in particular that the pinningprobability P
pinexhibits a nonmonotonic dependence on Hext,
with strong pinning for both small and large Hext, while for
intermediate applied fields (corresponding to large values ofv
m) pinning is less likely. The maximum value of vexp(inset
of Fig. 1) exhibits a strong dependence on σ, and depends
also on the observation scale via Ppin(not shown). For large
Hext,Ppinis close to 1 for /Delta1t=20 ns, and consequently vexp
is essentially zero. Similar pinning effects for large applied
fields have been observed experimentally for vortex walls.13,14
To gain insight on the mechanisms behind this behavior, we
consider snapshots of the DW configurations and the variouscontributions to ∂M/∂t in Eq. (1). For small H
ext, we find
that the overall DW structure is preserved, with the disorderinducing only minor distortions. If the DW gets pinned,this happens by a collective action of several voids. Thismechanism is known as collective pinning , and it is responsible
for the nonzero depinning field H
dep<H W(σ). Remarkably,
we identify a fundamentally different pinning mechanism forlarge fields, H
ext>H W(σ): In this regime, an antivortex is
able to propagate to the interior of the strip, resulting inpinned DW configurations (occurring with probability P
with the antivortex core positioned exactly on top of a voidor a local void structure. We refer to this mechanism ascore pinning , and attribute it to the fact that the energy of
the system can be significantly lower when the antivortexcore or part of it—involving large magnetization gradientsand out-of-plane magnetization—is placed in a nonmagneticregion (or more generally, in a region with low M
s). In the
field-driven case the DW is susceptible to get pinned by thismechanism because the Zeeman torque is relatively small in
FIG. 2. (Color online) Examples of the spatial distribution of the
contributions of the applied field Hext=5 mT (top) and current
density jext=20×1012A/m2withξ=0 (middle) to ∂M/∂t in
Eq.(1), corresponding to the magnetization configuration shown in
the bottom panel, exhibiting an antivortex in the middle of the strip.
∂M/∂tis given in units of Ms/s. The randomly positioned voids with
σ=3125μm−2are shown as gray dots.
magnitude and does not directly displace the DW (top panel of
Fig. 2); instead, the small out-of-plane magnetization due to
the Zeeman torque induces demagnetizing fields, which act tomove the DW. Such an indirect driving mechanism is sensitiveto the perturbations due to disorder, leading to several effects,including σ-dependent H
depandHW, and in particular the core
pinning mechanism for high Hext.
We proceed to contrast these results with the current-driven
case by applying a current density j=−jextˆxwithP=0.5
along strips of length L=6.4μm. We first consider perfect
adiabaticity ( ξ=0, top panel of Fig. 3) .D u et oi n t r i n s i c
pinning,21there is a nonzero depinning current jdep,intin
the absence of disorder, above which DW motion involvesrepeated polarity transformations mediated by antivortexpropagation across the strip width. Adding disorder with thesame procedure as above reveals two intriguing observations:First, it appears that the DW is able to move even for currentsslightly below j
dep,int. This surprising finding can be explained
by noticing that the intrinsic pinning mechanism is due to theability of the DW to deform in such a way that the torques dueto interactions within the DW (i.e., the effective field) exactlycounterbalance the adiabatic spin-transfer torque.
the presence of disorder induces additional DW deformationsand imposes constraints on the ability of the DW to counteractthe current-induced torques, leading to nonzero values for both050010001500vm [m/s]
σ = 0
σ = 3125 μm-2
σ = 6250 μm-2
σ = 9375 μm-2
σ = 12500 μm-2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
jext [1012 A/m2]00.51Ppin0 5000 10000
σ [μm-2]α*ξ = 0.02
ξ = 0.03
ξ = 0.040200400600800vm [m/s]
σ = 0
σ = 3125 μm-2
σ = 6250 μm-2
σ = 9375 μm-2
σ = 12500 μm-2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
jext [1012 A/m2]00.51Ppin10 15 20
jext [1012 A/m2]0100200300vexp [m/s]
FIG. 3. (Color online) The average velocity vmof the moving
D W sa saf u n c t i o no f jextandσ,f o rξ=0 (top) and ξ=0.04
(bottom). Error bars correspond to the standard deviation of vm.T h e
pinning probabilities Ppinduring the 20 ns simulation highlight the
absence of core pinning for large current densities. The insets show
vexp=(1−Ppin)vmforξ=0 (top panel), and the effective α∗(σ)f o r
various ξ(bottom panel), respectively.
vmand 1−Ppinforjextsomewhat below jdep,int. Notice that
whilevexp(inset of the top panel in Fig. 3) exhibits nonlinear
field dependence reminiscent of typical creep motion for smallfields, we are considering here a T=0 system in which
a pinned DW cannot depin due to the absence of thermalfluctuations.
The second observation is that for larger jext, core pinning
is absent. Even if for jext>jW(σ) the antivortex core is
constantly moving back and forth across the strip width, itnever gets pinned by the voids, strongly contrasting with thefield-driven case. To explain this observation, we considerthe spatial distribution of the current-induced contribution to∂M/∂t (middle panel of Fig. 2), and find that the current
acts directly (in contrast to the indirect mechanism in thefield-driven case) and strongly on the antivortex core where themagnetization gradients are large, facilitating its propagationalong the strip across the energy barriers due to the voids. Thisis also directly visible in the the LL equation [Eq. (1)], where
the current acts on the gradient of Mrather than on Mitself.
TABLE I. Predictions for jdep,int,HW,a n dvm(HW) from the one-dimensional model in terms of σ-dependent effective α∗andC∗≡
s|Ny−Nx|)∗, compared with the simulated values. C∗is estimated by fitting the expression for jW(see text) to the data in the bottom
panel of Fig. 3.
σ(μm−2) α∗C∗(A2/m) jpred
W(mT) Hsim
W(mT) vpred
m(HW)( m / s ) vsim
m(HW)( m / s )
0 0.0200 2 .92×10−1014×101215×10122.75 2.75 457 457
1562.5 0.0221 2 .52×10−1012.1×101213×10123.05 3.0 398 437
3125 0.0238 2 .45×10−1011.7×101212×10123.25 3.25 389 419
4687.5 0.0258 2 .36×10−1011.3×101211.5×10123.52 3.25 377 403
6250 0.0283 2 .28×10−1010.9×101211×10123.78 3.5 368 387
Finally we consider the role of the nonadiabatic spin-
transfer torque (bottom panel of Fig. 3, where the ξ=0.04
case is shown) on the DW dynamics. For ξ> 0 and σ=0,
there is no intrinsic pinning, and the DW propagates, preserv-ing its internal structure with a finite velocity linearly propor-tional to the current density j
extup to a Walker breakdown
current jW.F o rjext>jW, an antivortex is again nucleated
and propagates across the strip width, reversing the polarityof the DW magnetization, and decreasing the average DWvelocity. For larger j
ext, the velocity again increases with jext.
Adding disorder induces a finite depinning threshold jdep(σ),
and pushes the local maximum of vmor the Walker breakdown
to higher jext.A tt h es a m et i m e , vmatjW(σ) increases with σ.
Thus, the voids are able to inhibit the antivortex entering thestrip, enhancing the DW propagation and structural stability forintermediate current densities, j
W(σ=0)<j ext<jW(σ>
0). This effect arises as the antivortex core is pushed across thestrip width by the effective field terms in Eq. (1)(notice that
the effect of the current is symmetric such that no antivortexdisplacement along the ydirection arises directly due to
the current—see the middle panel of Fig. 2), a mechanism
sensitive to the disturbances due to disorder. Again, there isno core pinning for j
ext>jW(σ), for the same reason as in the
adiabatic ( ξ=0) case.
Forjdep(σ)<j ext<jW(σ),vmdepends linearly on jext,
and by extrapolating linear fits to the data to jext=0 all the
lines cross at vm=0 (not shown). Thus, we estimate effective
values of the damping parameter from the slopes of these linearfits,
8as within one-dimensional models23vm∝(β/α)jextfor
jext<jW, with β=ξ/(1+ξ2). Our simulations (inset of the
lower panel of Fig. 3) with different ξindicate that the data can
be interpreted in terms of an effective α∗increasing with σ.8
Also an effective M∗
s=(1−σLw/N )Msemerges naturally.
Thus we can explain our results with the one-dimensionalmodel in terms of σ-dependent effective parameters: For in-
stance, j
with/Delta1the DW width and NxandNythe demagnetizing
factors, and jdep,int(σ)≡jW(σ,ξ=0).23Using the expression
forjWand the values of α∗to estimate C∗≡(/Delta1M2
Nx|)∗, the scaling of jdep,intwithσcan be reproduced
remarkably well—see Table I. A similar analysis in thefield-driven case, with HW=2πα∗(Ms|Ny−Nx|)∗and
vm(HW)=(γ/Delta1∗/α∗)HW,23reproduces the observed scaling
of both HWandvm(HW) with σ(Table I). Notice that in our
casevm(HW) depends on σthrough the σ-dependent effective
parameters, while for systems with only edge roughnessv
m(HW) is independent of the amount of edge roughness.6
To summarize, we have presented a detailed analysis of the
effect of disorder on the field- and current-driven transverseDW dynamics in a narrow and thin permalloy nanostrip. Wehave identified two fundamentally different pinning mecha-nisms, acting in different regimes of the DW propagation. Theobservation that there is no core pinning in the current-drivencase whereas it dominates the field-driven dynamics for largefields highlights the different nature of the field and currentdrive in a way that can be observed only in the presence ofdisorder. In general, we have seen that the pinning mechanismsoperating will depend on the details of the DW structure,and thus we expect that the core pinning mechanism isabsent for systems with high perpendicular magnetocrystallineanisotropy as there is no (anti)vortex core that could getpinned, but it could play a role in the dynamics of vortex wallsoccurring in wider soft strips,
8possibly also for small applied
fields. If only edge roughness is present, no core pinning shouldoccur. Experiments should be performed to systematicallystudy the scale dependence of P
pinandvexp. Finally, we point
out that the observation that disorder tends to stabilize the DWinternal structure and increase the maximum DW velocity bysuppressing the Walker breakdown in the current-driven casesuggests that it could be desirable to deliberately engineerdisorder in the system, for instance, to replace notches to pinthe DW in various technological applications.
Stefano Zapperi is thanked for numerous interesting dis-
cussions on DW dynamics and disorder, and Mikko J. Alavafor useful comments on the manuscript. We thank Luc Dupr ´e
and Dani ¨el De Zutter for supporting this research. L.L.
has been supported by the Academy of Finland througha Postdoctoral Researcher’s Project (Project No. 139132)and through the Centres of Excellence Program (ProjectNo. 251748). B.V .d.W. has been supported by the FlandersResearch Foundation FWO.
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144415-5 |
PhysRevLett.102.127202.pdf | Physical Origin and Generic Control of Magnonic Band Gaps of Dipole-Exchange Spin Waves
in Width-Modulated Nanostrip Waveguides
Ki-Suk Lee, Dong-Soo Han, and Sang-Koog Kim *
Research Center for Spin Dynamics & Spin Wave Devices and Nanospinics Laboratory,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Republic of Korea
(Received 7 November 2008; revised manuscript received 31 January 2009; published 25 March 2009)
We report, for the first time, on a novel planar structure of magnonic-crystal waveguides, made of a
single magnetic material, in which the allowed and forbidden bands of propagating dipole-exchange spin
waves can be manipulated by the periodic modulation of different widths in thin-film nanostrips. The
origin of the presence of several magnonic wide band gaps and the crucial parameters for controlling thoseband gaps of the order of /C2410 GHz are found by micromagnetic numerical and analytical calculations.
This work can offer a route to the potential application to broadband spin wave filters in the gigahertzfrequency range.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.127202 PACS numbers: 75.40.Gb, 75.30.Ds, 75.40.Mg
The engineering of electronic band gaps in a periodic
atomic structure has played a crucial role in the develop-
ment of currently advanced semiconductor technologies.
Reliable manipulations of the propagations of electrons in
atomic-scale periodic structures as well as electromagnetic
waves (photons) in submicron- or larger-scale structures
are one of the long-standing fundamental issues in the field
of condensed matter physics. Controlling the propagation
of photons in a variety of artificially fabricated periodic
structures known as photonic crystals is a good example
[1]. Owing to various applications of the photonic crystal
to optical nanodevices such as photonic waveguides [ 2]
and integrated circuits [ 3], the photonic crystals have been
given considerable attention. Meanwhile, in the areas of
nanomagnetism and magnetization ( M) dynamics, the
magnetic counterpart of the photonic crystals, the so-called
magnonic crystal (MC), is a subject of growing interest,
owing to its applications to spin wave (SW) waveguides
and filters [ 4]. In recent years, many theoretical and ex-
perimental studies have been conducted on not only vari-
ous types of MCs including one-dimensional (1D)
structures, such as periodic multilayers [ 5,6], periodic
arrays of nanostrips [ 7], corrugated films [ 8,9], and comb-
like [ 10] or serial loop structures [ 11], but also 2D or 3D
structures [ 12–14]. In such structures, the allowed and
forbidden SW modes (called magnons) are controllable
by periodic structures artificially fabricated with different
magnetic material parameters [ 5,6,15], shapes [ 8–11], and
exchange-bias fields [ 16].
Despite recent advances in fundamental understandings
of those MCs as well as the wave properties of excited
SW modes, few studies have focused on MC waveguides
composed of simple structures for its practical applica-
tion to broadband SW filters [ 9]. For future SW-based
signal processing devices [ 17,18], it is necessary to find
micrometer-size (or smaller) MC waveguides having sim-ple planar structures, with controllable wide band gaps (of
a few gigahertz) of dipole-exchange spin waves (DESWs).
In this Letter, we report, for the first time, on a new type
of simple planar-patterned thin-film nanostrip waveguidesin which the DESWs’ magnonic bands along with theirwide band gaps on the order of 10 GHz can be manipulatedby periodic modulations of different widths (of a few tens
of nanometers). The physical origin of the presence of
magnonic wide band gaps in such width-modulated nano-strips and the relations of the allowed DESW modes andband gaps to geometric variation of the proposed MCswere found by micromagnetic numerical and analyticalcalculations.
We performed micromagnetic simulations on DESW
propagations in magnetic thin-film nanostrips. We used,
as a model system, 10 nm-thick Permalloy (Py) nanostrips
of different widths (24 and 30 nm here, for example)modulating with a periodicity Pranging from 12 to
42 nm [the light-gray area in Fig. 1(a)], which were con-
FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Geometry and dimensions of pro-
posed nanostrip MCs with periodic modulation of different strip
widths. The initial M’s point in the /C0xdirection, as indicated by
the black arrow. The dark-brown and yellow areas indicate the
SW generation and waveguide component, respectively. (b) The
unit period of P¼P1þP2, where P1andP2are the segment
lengths of 24 and 30 nm widths, respectively. (c) Temporal
evolution of spatial Mz=Msdistribution excited by a sinc func-
tion field with H0¼1:0Tapplied along the yaxis to only the
dark-brown area.PRL 102, 127202 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
27 MARCH 2009
0031-9007 =09=102(12) =127202(4) 127202-1 /C2112009 The American Physical Societynected directly to a segment of the Py nanostrip of 10 nm
thickness and 30 nm width [the yellow area in Fig. 1(a)].
The unit period of the nanostrips consists of the samePy segments with the different widths of 24 and 30 nm
and with the corresponding lengths P
1andP2, respec-
tively, as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). The OOMMF code (ver-
sion 1.2a4) [ 19] was used to numerically calculate the
dynamics of the M’s of individual unit cells (size: 1:5/C2
1:5/C210 nm3[20]) interacting through exchange and di-
polar forces, which code uses the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbertequation of motion [ 21]. The chosen material parameters
corresponding to Py are as follows: the saturation magne-tization M
s¼8:6/C2105A=m, the exchange stiffness
Aex¼1:3/C210/C011J=m, the damping constant /C11¼0:01,
the gyromagnetic ratio /C13¼2:21/C2105m=As, and with
zero magnetocrystalline anisotropy. For the local homoge-neous excitation and subsequent propagation of the lowest-mode DESWs, along the length direction, with frequenciesf
SW, ranging from 0 to 100 GHz, we applied a ‘‘sine
cardinal (sinc)’’ function HyðtÞ¼H0sin½2/C25/C23Hðt/C0t0Þ/C138
2/C25/C23Hðt/C0t0Þ, with
H0¼1:0Tand the field frequency /C23H¼100 GHz , only
to a local area of 1:5/C230 nm2indicated by the dark-
brown color shown in Fig. 1(a).
The results obtained by the fast Fourier transform (FFT)
of the temporal Mz=Msevolution for DESW propagations
along the xaxis at y¼15 nm are plotted in Fig. 2[18].
The frequency spectra clearly reveal the allowed and/orforbidden bands of DESWs propagating through the nano-strips: The allowed bands are indicated by the coloredregion, and the forbidden bands by the white region. Forcomparison, the fundamental mode DESWs propagating insingle-width (24 and 30 nm) nanostrips are shown inFigs. 2(a)and2(b). Obviously, there is no forbidden band
except for below the intrinsic potential barrier ( <14 GHz ),
owing to the quantization of the lowest mode of DESWs
due to the geometric confinement of the nanostrip’s narrowwidth [ 18,22–25]. For the different-width-modulated nano-
strips, by contrast, there are several wide forbidden bandsof the order of /C2410 GHz [see Figs. 2(c)and2(d)]. More-
over, the number of forbidden bands as well as the bands’position and gap width differ according to not only Pbutalso the motif (represented by P
1=P). More specifically, for
P¼18 nm with½P1;P2/C138¼½ 9n m;9n m/C138, two wide band
gaps (11 and 16 GHz) appear in the DESW modes ranging
from 14 to 100 GHz, whereas, for P¼30 nm with
½P1;P2/C138¼½ 15 nm ;15 nm /C138, five forbidden bands with
smaller gap widths ( 3:8–8:6 GHz ) exist (for more data,
see supplementary Fig. 1 [ 26]).
To comprehensively understand such striking band-gap
features, we plotted the dispersion curves of the DESWmodes in the 24 and 30 nm-wide nanostrips and in thenanostrip of ½P
1;P2/C138¼½ 9n m;9n m/C138[27] as an example.
Because of the pinning of DESWs at the longer (length
direction) edges of the nanostrips, there exist certain widthmodes having quantized k
yvalues [ 23]. Generally, in
single-width nanostrips, it is expected that the several
width modes are excited [ 22–25], and, thus, several con-
cave branches appear in the dispersion curves [ 18]. In the
present simulation, however, there was a single parabolicdispersion curve, as shown in Fig. 3(a), because homoge-
neous DESW excitations along the width direction em-ployed in this study led to only the lowest mode hav-
ing the smallest k
yvalue [see Fig. 1(c)]. Accordingly,
one would expect the dispersion curves for the width-
modulated nanostrips to be folded and have band gaps at
the Brillouin zone (BZ) boundaries, similar to those found
typically in a 1D periodic system [ 2,28]. However, the
dispersion curves for ½P1;P2/C138¼½ 9n m;9n m/C138show rather
more complicated band features [Fig. 3(b)]: The band gaps
occur not only at the BZ boundaries, kx¼n/C25=P with
integers n(black dashed lines), but also at certain kvalues,
kx¼½ ð2nþ1Þ/C25/C61:44/C138=P(red dotted lines). The former
can be explained by a periodic translation symmetry asso-
ciated with the different width modulation along the
DESW propagation direction, but the latter cannot beunderstood by such a 1D approach.
FIG. 2 (color online). Frequency spectra obtained from FFTs
ofMz=Msoscillation along the xaxis at y¼15 nm , for single-
width nanostrips (24 and 30 nm) and for MCs of different [ P1
andP2] values noted. The vertical dashed orange lines indicate
the boundary between the single-width nanostrip waveguide [the
yellow area in Fig. 1(a)] and the MC of the width-modulated
nanostrip [the light-gray area in Fig. 1(a)].
FIG. 3 (color online). (a) Dispersion curves for DESWs prop-
agating through single-width nanostrips of 24 and 30 nm.
(b) Dispersion curves of DESWs existing in the MC of
½P1;P2/C138¼½ 9n m;9n m/C138within the nanostrip area only, from
x¼501to 1500 nm, obtained from FFTs of temporal Mz=Ms
oscillations along the xaxis at y¼15 nm . The black dashed
lines indicate the Brillouin zone boundaries k¼n/C25=P , where
n¼0;/C61;/C62;..., and the red dotted lines denote certain k
values, kx¼½ ð2nþ1Þ/C25/C61:44/C138=Pat which the forbidden band
gaps occur.PRL 102, 127202 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
27 MARCH 2009
127202-2In order to quantitatively elucidate the physical origin of
such different band gaps varying with different widthmodulation, we compared magnonic band diagrams [the
thick black lines in Fig. 4(a)] obtained numerically from
micromagnetic simulations for the case of ½P
½9n m;9n m/C138, combined with the analytical calculation of
the band structure of a single-width (27 nm) nanostrip:
Note that this width is just the average of the 24 and 30 nm
widths employed in the width-modulated nanostrips. Forthe 27 nm-wide nanostrip, the dispersion relation wasanalytically derived and expressed in terms of a quantized
in-plane wave vector /C20
2m¼k2xþk2y;m, with integers m¼
1;2;3, etc. [ 18,23]. The kxandkycorrespond to the longi-
tudinal and transverse components of /C20m, respectively. The
ky;mvalue can be obtained by considering the ‘‘effective’’
pinning [ 23], for example, ky;m¼m/C20:072 nm/C01for the
27 nm-wide nanostrip [ 29]. In Fig. 4(a), the solid red line
indicates the dispersion curves of the DESW mode with
m¼1, the lowest mode excited. Owing to the periodicity
of the width modulation, the dispersion curves are folded atthe first BZ boundary (the dashed vertical line), as shown inFig.4(a), and thus these folded branches intersect with the
original one at the BZ boundaries. Such a crossing of the
dispersion curves indicates the ‘‘diagonal’’ coupling be-tween the two identical modes having opposite propaga-tion vectors [ 30]. This diagonal coupling represents
interference between the initially propagating forward
mode and its backward mode reflected at the BZ boundary,resulting in the standing wave pattern of DESWs with k
n/C25=P in the MC of P, and a split in the energy band (a
band gap) [see the thick black lines in Fig. 4(a)][28]. Next,
Fig.4(b) shows calculations of the spatial distributions ofthe FFT powers of the local Mz=Msoscillations for the
indicated specific frequencies selected at the top and bot-tom of the magnonic band for the case of ½P
½9n m;9n m/C138. It is evident that the origin of the first band
gap [ 31] is the diagonal coupling between the two identical
but oppositely propagating lowest-mode ( m¼1) DESWs,
as explained above.
In addition to the first band gap at the BZ boundaries
associated with the diagonal coupling, the dispersionbranch of a higher-quantized width mode ( m¼3), noted
by the dotted orange lines in Fig. 4(a), intersects with that
of the lowest mode ( m¼1)a t k
(away from the BZ boundaries) indicated by the bluecircles and the arrows in Fig. 4(a). To understand these
band gaps, we consider a 2D scattering of the lowest-
mode ( m¼1) DESWs from the edge steps between the
narrower- and wider-width strip segments [see Fig. 1(b)].
Such edge steps periodically arranged in the width-modulated nanostrips play a crucial role as new sourcesfor excitations of the higher width modes ( m¼3;5;7;...)
[32]. In general, those DESWs scattered from the edge
steps propagate in wide angles on the x-yplane, so that
they interfere destructively with themselves. However,for the phase-matching condition of the scattered
DESWs, they can interfere constructively with themselves;
in other words, other higher-width-mode ( m¼3) DESWs
being propagated in the opposite direction are excitedand interact with the initial propagating lowest mode.Consequently, the interactions between the initial lowest-mode ( m¼1) and the excited higher width-mode ( m¼3)
DESWs lead to quite complicated 2D standing wavepatterns of DESWs. For f
SW¼66:8 GHz , the nodes ap-
pear in both the width and length direction [see Figs. 4(b)
and4(c)], subsequently leading to complex 2D normal
modes in thin-film nanostrips of the lateral confinements
[33]. This gives rise to the anticrossing of dispersion curves
as well as band gaps [ 30] [see the thick black lines for the
second and the third bands and the diagonal-line-patternedblue region between them in Fig. 4(a)].
Such strong coupling between the initially propagating
mode and the newly excited higher mode and the resultingband gaps are known as the mini stop bands of electro-magnetic waves in photonic crystal waveguides [ 2,30,34].
It is worthwhile to note that the lateral geometric confine-
ments in the width-modulated nanostrips can also yieldsignificant internal field inhomogeneities, as reported for aDaemon-Eschbach geometry in Refs. [ 24,25]. Simulation
results for the dynamic Mprofiles of the normal modes
between the uniform and nonuniform internal field (seesupplementary Fig. 2 [ 26]) reveal that the dynamic M
profiles in the width-modulated nanostrips could not beexplained simply in terms of the inhomogeneity of the
internal field. The complex modes of DESWs and associ-
ated band gaps in the width-modulated MCs are the resultof the cooperative phenomena of the diffraction, reflectionof the DESWs scattered at the edge steps of the width-modulated nanostrips, and their interference with the ini-
FIG. 4 (color online). (a) Comparison of magnonic band struc-
ture (black thick curves) of a nanostrip-type MC of ½P1;P2/C138¼
½9n m;9n m/C138obtained from micromagnetic simulations and that
of a single-width nanostrip of 27 nm width, for two differentmodes of m¼1(solid red curves) and m¼3(dotted orange
curves) obtained from the analytical form of Eq. (1) in Ref. [ 18].
(b) Perspective view of the FFT power distributions of local
z=Msoscillations for specific frequencies for the top and
bottom of allowed bands, as indicated by orange horizontal lines
in the dispersion curves shown in Fig. 3(b). (c) Cross-sectional
FFT power profiles of standing wave modes in the width direc-tion ( ydirection). The red (green) line indicates the standing
wave profile in the width direction at the center of the 30 nm-
(24 nm-) wide segment.PRL 102, 127202 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
27 MARCH 2009
127202-3tially propagating lowest-mode DESWs [ 26]. On the basis
of such novel DESW band structures, it was found thatmagnonic band gaps vary sensitively according to both the
periodicity and the motif in width-modulated nanostrips.
From an application perspective, this novel property can beimplemented as an effective means of manipulating theallowed DESW modes in their propagations through suchwidth-modulated nanostrips, a new type of SW waveguidesthat pass DESWs in a chosen narrow-band frequencyregion but filter out most DESWs having other frequencies.Moreover, these results can resolve the bottleneck of spin
wave devices–the trade-off among their speed, miniatur-
ization, and controllability by applied magnetic fields [ 35].
In conclusion, we found that complex DESW band
structures and wide band gaps originate from the diagonalcoupling between the identical lowest modes, as well as thecoupling between the initially propagating lowest modeand the higher-quantized width mode newly excitedthrough the DESWs scattering at the edge steps of
different-width-modulated nanostrips. Moreover, we found
that the magnonic band-gap width, the position, and thenumber of band gaps are controllable by the periodicityand the motif of the different width modulation.
We express our thanks to B. Hillebrands and A. Slavin
for their careful reading of this manuscript. This work wassupported by Creative Research Initiatives (the ResearchCenter for Spin Dynamics and Spin Wave Devices) of
*Corresponding author.
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127202-4 |
PhysRevB.100.094417.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 094417 (2019)
Creep of chiral domain walls
Dion M. F. Hartmann ,1,*Rembert A. Duine,1,2Mariëlle J. Meijer,2Henk J. M. Swagten,2and Reinoud Lavrijsen2
1Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, Leuvenlaan 4, NL-3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands
2Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P .O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
(Received 7 January 2019; published 11 September 2019)
Recent experimental studies of magnetic domain expansion under easy-axis drive fields in materials with
a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy have shown that the domain wall velocity is asymmetric as a functionof an external in-plane magnetic field. This is understood as a consequence of the inversion asymmetry ofthe system, yielding a finite chiral Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Numerous attempts have been made toexplain these observations using creep theory, but, in doing so, these have not included all contributions tothe domain wall energy or have introduced additional free parameters. In this article we present a theory forcreep motion of chiral domain walls in the creep regime that includes the most important contributions to thedomain-wall energy and does not introduce new free parameters beyond the usual parameters that are includedin the micromagnetic energy. Furthermore, we present experimental measurements of domain wall velocities asa function of in-plane field that are well described by our model, and from which material properties such as thestrength of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and the demagnetization field are extracted.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.094417
The interest in nanomagnetic materials has grown steadily
since magnetic storage devices, such as the racetrack mem-ory, were proposed as a new tool to meet the ever increas-ing demand for computer storage capacity [ 1–4]. For such
applications the domain wall (DW) chirality is an impor-tant parameter as it affects the speed and direction of DWmotion. The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-interaction(DMI) [ 5,6] arises from perpendicular inversion asymmetry
in the system and affects the DW chirality. Hence it is ofparamount importance to be able to measure the magnitude ofthe DMI using a simple experimental method. The interfacialDMI is modeled as an effective field that lies in-plane (IP)and is always perpendicular to the domain wall (DW) nor-mal, hence preferring a Néel wall [ 7]. Superpositioning the
DMI field with an externally applied IP magnetic field couldprovide means of measuring it. This has lead to a boom ofexperimental studies on DW dynamics under the influence ofan IP magnetic field [ 8–17].
There are several regimes of DW dynamics, determined
by the strength of the DW driving force compared to thepinning force. In the flow regime the driving force is signif-icantly higher than the pinning force and in this regime IPmagnetic fields and DMI is successfully modeled by means ofthe Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation [ 18–20]. In the creep
regime however, the DW is considered to be mostly pinnedand in local equilibrium and has a net displacement becausethe bias is assisted by thermal fluctuations.
The creep model was successfully implemented to interpret
magnetic domain growth driven by an external magneticfield H
zin the direction of the magnetization of one of the
*d.m.f.hartmann@uu.nldomains, resulting in the famous universal creep law for
the DW velocity v:l n (v)∝H−1/4
z [21]. When introducing a
magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetization direction ofthe domains, a modification to this creep law was proposed:ln(v)∝(E
el/Hz)1/4, where Eelis the elasticity of the DW [ 8].
This modification turned out to describe experimental findingswell for small IP magnetic fields, but is not able to describe thehigh-field region [ 10]. Recent attempts to improve the theoret-
ical model exposed the dispersive nature of the elasticity butcompromised on universality as extra free parameters wereintroduced [ 14]. Chiral damping was proposed to explain the
asymmetric component of the velocity profiles [ 11,15,16,22].
We contend however that in the quasistatic creep regimedynamic effects such as chiral damping should not play asignificant role.
In this paper we construct a theory for motion of chiral
domain walls in the creep regime which does not involve thefree parameters introduced in Ref. [ 14]. We use it to interpret
our experimental data on the DW velocity as a function ofthe IP magnetic field. We show that our model allows forquantitative determination of the strength of the interfacialDMI from field-driven DW creep measurements.
In Fig. 1(a) the deformation of a DW due to a thermal
fluctuation in the presence of an easy-axis driving field Hzis il-
lustrated. The deformation size Lis determined by the balance
between the gained Zeeman energy from the driving field andthe elastic energy cost. The deformations can be seen as nucle-ations whose chance of survival is determined by L. For such
a nucleation process, Arrhenius’ law tells us that the rate atwhich these surviving deformations will occur is determinedby the height of the energy barrier F
b(i.e., the free energy at
the tipping point): ln( v)∝−Fb/(kBT)[23,24]. Jeudy et al.
2469-9950/2019/100(9)/094417(5) 094417-1 ©2019 American Physical SocietyDION M. F. HARTMANN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 094417 (2019)
FIG. 1. (a) Top view of a DW (blue lines) that gets deformed
over a length Land displaced over a distance udue to a thermal
fluctuation. The DW can be tilted over an angle α. The magnetization
is indicated by the red vectors, which at the DW are characterized
by the IP angle ϕ. Note that the IP magnetization changes due to
the displacement, affecting the elasticity. The IP magnetic field Hx
(green) as well as the effective DMI field HD(yellow) and effective
Bloch field HB(purple) are indicated locally. (b) Model to describe
the deformation. (c) When an IP magnetic field is applied to a sample
with PMA, the magnetization inside a domain tilts towards the IP
magnetic field by an angle θtdetermined by the balance of PMA and
IP magnetic field β=MSHxcos(ϕ)/KP=sin(θt) (orange) compared
to the β=0 case (red).
have shown that defining Fb=Td[(Hd/Hz)1/4−1], in terms
of the depinning field Hdand an effective disorder temperature
Td, can describe the DW motion accurately in both the creep
and depinning regime [ 25,26]. A recent study also used this
form to capture the in-plane magnetic field effects into thedepinning field [ 27]. Instead of postulating a form of F
will determine it from micromagnetics well inside the creepregime; F
b=max LF(L). We capture the complexity of the
asymmetric DW dynamics in F(L). As a consequence the
optimization required to determine Fbis semianalytical. Here
we introduce an insightful numerical procedure as opposedto a full analytical treatment as has been done extensively inliterature [ 8,14,21,25]. This numerical approach allows us to
address a plethora of effects in the underlying physics of DWdynamics in the creep regime.
F(L) is composed of the elastic energy cost and the Zee-
man energy gain, which depend not only on L, but also on the
DW displacement u:F(u,L)=E
el(u,L)+EZeeman (u,L). To
express uin terms of Lwe use u(L)=uc(L/Lc)2/3[21,28,29],
where Lcis the Larkin length scale determined by minimizing
the sum of the elastic and pinning energy density for u=ξ,
anducis a proportionality constant. Hence the next step is
to determine the elastic energy to be able to compute Lcand
express u, and thereby F, in terms of L.The elastic energy is defined as the difference in internal,
i.e., excluding pinning and driving, energy between the do-main wall before and after the deformation. Due to the appli-cation of the external IP magnetic field the DW energy densityitself depends on the orientation of the DW with respect to thisapplied field. Furthermore, the IP magnetization of the sampleat the DW is affected by the exchange interaction.
Following Blatter et al. we model the deformation as
an angular shape for simplicity, see Fig. 1(b) [30]. Other
shapes are possible, but this is the lowest order approximation.Note that Pellegren et al. chose an arc shape [ 14], but did
not implement the exchange energy cost due to the kink inthe connection with the straight DW segments, resulting inunphysical divergences (as demonstrated in the SupplementalMaterial [ 31]) that do not occur in our theory.
We have approximated the IP magnetization of each seg-
ment to be constant and implement a nearest neighbor ex-change interaction at the bending points. The energy of thesystem is then minimized (numerically) over the IP magneti-zation angle of the two segments.
We compute the energy density of the domain wall by
inserting the domain-wall solution into the micromagneticenergy functional
−f(β)[Hxcos(ϕ)+HDcos(ϕ−α)]}. (1)
For more details see [ 31]. The first term is the exchange
interaction Joverλ, the DW thickness. The second term
is the demagnetization energy, expressed in terms of theeffective Bloch field H
B(this energy favors a Bloch DW,
hence the nomenclature), the angle αbetween the DW normal
and the xaxis and the angle ϕthe IP magnetization at the DW
with the direction of the IP magnetic field, see Fig. 1(a).T h e
third term is the Zeeman energy due to the applied IP magneticfield H
xand the fourth is the DMI expressed in terms of an
effective field HDfavoring a Néel type DW. The prefactors
involving βincorporate the tilting in the xdirection of the
magnetic domains due to the external IP magnetic field [seeFig.1(c)]. The functions fandgare given in the Supplemental
Material [ 31].
Similarly, we obtain the Zeeman energy from the driving
field H
EZeeman (u,L)=MSHztuL/radicalbig
1−β2. (2)
Again, the factor/radicalbig
1−β2comes from the tilted domains
as illustrated in Fig. 1(c). By dividing out D(=MSλHD)i n
Eqs. ( 1) and ( 2), the relevant dimensionless parameters be-
come ˜J≡Jλ−1D−1,˜HB≡2HB/HD,˜Hx≡Hx/HD, and ˜Hz≡
Using Eq. ( 1), we compute the optimal orientation angle
of the undeformed DW α0and the corresponding internal
magnetization IP angle ϕ0by minimizing E(α,ϕ)/cos(α).
The factor 1 /cos(α) arises because we allow the DW to
orient itself with respect to the IP magnetic field at the costof elongating. For example, a mixed Bloch-Néel DW tilts itsnormal to better align with the external IP magnetic field. Thistilting however would induce a stretching factor of 1 /cos(α),
increasing the energy cost. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 1(a)
FIG. 2. α0as a function of the applied IP magnetic field (a) and
the corresponding minimized azimuthal angle of the internal mag-
netization ϕ0(b). The green curve shows the solution for ϕ0when
αis fixed at 8◦, which switches sign at Hx=0. The corresponding
energy density however, remains continuous and smooth. Note that
the green curve does not saturate in but converges to the Néel wall.
and the optimal angle α0and corresponding minimized angle
ϕ0are shown as a function of Hxin Fig. 2. The energy of the
unperturbed DW is then given by LtE(α0,ϕ0).
The profile of ϕ0shown in Fig. 2(b) exhibits sharp kinks
for both α(Hx)=α0(Hx) andα(Hx)=0. This feature arises
because in the energy density of Eq. ( 1) we neglected higher
order anisotropy terms proportional to cosn(ϕ−α)f o r n>
2 which are allowed by symmetry. As a consequence, thissimplified energy density yields a sharp transition in DWtype from mixed Bloch-Néel to pure Néel at f(β)(˜H
g(β)˜HBas demonstrated in Fig. 2where ϕ0saturates to
0o rπ. To effectively include for the higher order terms
in the energy density, we adjust the value of αto some
nonzero value, e.g., α=8◦as done by Pellegren et al.
[14]. This removes the symmetry between the two deformed
segments and prevents the saturation of ϕ. With this mod-
ification, ϕis smooth around ϕ=0o rϕ=πas demon-
strated by the green curve in Fig. 2(b). We will assume
D>0 in this paper, the results for D<0 are obtained by
˜Hx→− ˜Hx.
A kink between two DW segments, as illustrated in
Fig.1(b), gives an energy cost
a[1−cos(ϕ1−ϕ2)], (3)
withϕ1andϕ2the IP angles of the internal magnetization
of the segments. Here ais the distance between neighboring
atoms in the magnetic layer. Due to variations in the latticestructure and to account for non-nearest neighbor interactions,an effective value of a∼1 nm is used. The effect of aon the
DW dynamics is investigated in the Supplemental Material[31].The elastic energy is computed by minimizing over ϕ
−LE(α0,ϕ0). (4)
The first term is the length of each of the two segments of the
deformed DW multiplied by their respective energy densities.α
1andα2are the orientations of the respective segments. The
second term is the bending energy for the three corners, seeFig.1(b). The third term is the energy of the unperturbed DW.
With this expression we compute L
c, express uin terms of
L, and thereby obtain F(L)=F[u(L),L] from which the DW
velocity is found as ln( v)∝−Fb/(kBT). For more detail, see
the Supplemental Material [ 31] (and Refs. [ 32–36] therein). In
summary, the derivation of the DW velocity involves multipleoptimization steps to determine α
0,ϕ0,ϕ1,ϕ2,Lc, and finally
Fb. Due to the complexity of the elastic energy, our results are
obtained numerically.
Approximating the elasticity to be proportional to u2/L
does allow for analytic solutions, but these are not able tofully explain recent experimental observations. For example,Jeet al. approximated Eq. ( 4) by setting α
and neglecting the ±arctan(2 u/L) in the first two terms [ 8].
Because Pellegren et al. have chosen a different DW profile,
we cannot directly compare the expression in Eq. ( 1) with
their results [ 14]. They do, however, treat Las a free parameter
and do not find it by optimization. Moreover, they do notaccount for the bending costs that we model by the termsinvolving ϕ
0−ϕ1andϕ0−ϕ1in Eq. ( 1).
In Fig. 3(a) the modeled DW velocity as a function of the
applied IP magnetic field Hxis shown for different values
of˜HB(a). Figure 3(b) shows the asymmetric component
A=ln[v(↑↓)/v(↓↑)] for ˜HB=0.5. The kinks in the solid
lines at ˜Hx=1±˜HBmark the saturation of internal DW
magnetization angle into a Néel wall perpendicular to the IPmagnetic field. These are expected from the form of Eq. ( 1)
where we neglected terms O[cos
4(ϕ)]. The dashed curves
are the result of setting α=8◦fixed to compensate for the
simplified energy density.
In the high IP magnetic field regime, i.e., |˜Hx|>˜HB,t h e
profile straightens out. In this regime the azimuthal angle ofthe internal magnetization is saturated to align with the IPmagnetic field, yielding a Néel DW. Due to this saturation,the orientation dependence of the elasticity no longer varieswith further increasing |H
x|. As a result, the elasticity becomes
isotropic and the logarithmic increase in velocity is solely dueto the gained Zeeman energy.
Note that the demonstrated asymmetry of the profile com-
pares well with experiments [ 10,11,14–17,37]. Furthermore,
the minimal velocity is not attained at ˜H
x=1 as in the model
of Je et al. [8].
094417-3DION M. F. HARTMANN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 094417 (2019)
FIG. 3. Dependence of the IP magnetic field ˜Hxof the DW
velocity (a) and the asymmetric component of the velocity Afor
˜HB=0.5 (b). The profiles in (a) are given a vertical offset for clarity.
The dashed lines represent the result for fixing α=8◦.F o rt h i s
calculation Hz=10 mT.
Note moreover that the asymmetric velocity component
switches sign as |˜Hx|increases. This feature has been observed
experimentally and explained by chiral damping [ 11,13,15].
In our model there are no chiral damping effects, showing thatthis feature need not be an indication for chiral damping.
Finally, we compared and fitted our model to experimental
data. The results are shown in Fig. 4showing good quantita-
tive agreement in a broad variety of samples over a wide range
FIG. 4. Fitted DW velocity curve (dashed line) to experimental
data (dots) of three different samples. The data shown in (b) and
(c) are obtained for this paper. The data in (a) are from Ref. [ 10]. The
obtained fit parameters are shown in the table. (d) The HD(1/tfilm)
trend for a cobalt film thickness sample study in Pt /Co(tfilm)/Gd
(orange) and Pt /Co(tfilm)/Ir (blue) stacks. The corresponding data
and fits can be found in the Supplemental Material [ 31].of IP magnetic fields. The asymmetric behavior is clearly
demonstrated in the experiment.
We performed measurements on two different samples
stacks, see Figs. 4(b) and4(c). The samples are grown via Ar
DC magnetron sputter deposition in a sputter chamber with abase pressure of ∼3×10
−9mbar. The detailed composition
of the samples is
Sample a SiO 2/Ta (4)/Pt(4)/Co(0.6)/Pt(4);
Sample b SiO 2/Ta (4)/Pt(4)/Co(0.8)/Gd(3)/Pt(2);
Sample c SiO 2/Ta (4)/Pt(4)/Co(0.9)/Ir(4).
The number in parentheses indicates the thickness of the
layer in nanometers. These samples are representatives ofthe variety of the velocity profiles observed in the literatureof asymmetric domain expansion experiments [ 8,10,12,13].
We image the magnetic domains and the expansion of thosedomains with a Kerr microscope setup. We use an OOP pulsemagnet with a pulse length of 0.8–400 ms and strength up to±33 mT, and an IP magnet with a strength up to ±300 mT.
Furthermore, we also interpret data from previous research ofRef. [ 10]i nF i g . 4(a).I nF i g . 4(d) the obtained values for H
are plotted as a function of the film thickness tand confirm
our expectation that HDshould decrease as a function of t
The DMI and IP magnetic field complexify DW dynamics
significantly due to the orientation dependence of elasticity.To grasp and expose this complexity, we defined a modelfollowing creep theory and solving the dynamics semianalyt-ically. The model has a profound sensitivity to DMI and de-magnetization. As a result, the model provides a quantitativeinterpretation of experimental data of DWs that demonstrateasymmetric velocity profiles as a function of H
Experimental studies that do not exhibit a kink at Hx=
HD±2HBare often fitted with the constant elasticity model
proposed by Je et al. [8]. In these studies the measurement
range of Hxmight not be large enough to expose these kinks.
Figure 4(b) demonstrates that our model resembles results
from the constant elasticity model of Je et al. [8], but yields
a different value of the DMI: at Hx=HD, the velocity is not
The parameter αhas been set to a fixed value to account for
the omission of higher order anisotropy terms in the energydensity. As a result the angle ϕwill not saturate for large H
Previous research used αas a fitting parameter to account for
roughness [ 14]. If roughness forces the DW to tilt, the tilting
angle is not fixed to one value. Hence a fixed value of αshould
not be interpreted as a physical tilting of the DW.
We remark that assuming ϕto be constant along an axis
normal to the DW is only a first approximation. For a mixedBloch-Néel DW, ϕwill adjust so that the magnetization aligns
with the IP magnetic field well inside the domains, but doesnot at the DW. As ϕplays a key role in the DW dynamics,
future research could focus on the exact behavior of ϕ.
In recent publications the asymmetric shape of the DW
velocity profile as a function of H
xis used as an argument
for significant effect of chiral damping on the DW dynam-ics [11,15,16]. However, our model demonstrates a similar
asymmetry without chiral damping. Furthermore, in the qua-
sistatic creep regime dynamic effects such as chiral dampingshould not affect creep motion.
The comparison experimental data demonstrates the broad
applicability of our model. Future research could apply ourmodel to an extensive sample study to investigate the effectsof sample growth parameters and layer thickness on param-eters of the model such as the effective lattice spacing a.
Furthermore, measurements over a broader range in H
be performed to test the universality.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
R.A.D. is member of the D-ITP consortium, a program
of the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)that is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Cultureand Science (OCW). This work is funded by the EuropeanResearch Council (ERC). This work is part of the researchprogramme of the Foundation for Fundamental Research onMatter (FOM), which is part of the Dutch Organisation forScientific Research (NWO).
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094417-5 |
PhysRevApplied.9.054011.pdf | Magnetization Switching of a Co=PtMultilayered Perpendicular Nanomagnet Assisted
by a Microwave Field with Time-Varying Frequency
Hirofumi Suto,*Taro Kanao, Tazumi Nagasawa, Koichi Mizushima, and Rie Sato
Corporate Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, 1 Komukai-Toshiba-cho,
Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki 212-8582, Japan
(Received 12 September 2017; revised manuscript received 27 March 2018; published 8 May 2018)
Microwave-assisted magnetization switching (MAS) is attracting attention as a method for reversing
nanomagnets with a high magnetic anisotropy by using a small-amplitude magnetic field. We
experimentally study MAS of a perpendicularly magnetized nanomagnet by applying a microwave
magnetic field with a time-varying frequency. Because the microwave field frequency can follow thenonlinear decrease of the resonance frequency, larger magnetization excitation than that in a constant-
frequency microwave field is induced, which enhances the MAS effect. The switching field decreases
almost linearly as the start value of the time-varying microwave field frequency increases, and it becomessmaller than the minimum switching field in a constant-frequency microwave field. To obtain this
enhancement of the MAS effect, the end value of the time-varying microwave field frequency needs to be
almost the same as or lower than the critical frequency for MAS in a constant-frequency microwave field. Inaddition, the frequency change typically needs to take 1 ns or longer to make the rate of change slow
enough for the magnetization to follow the frequency change. This switching behavior is qualitatively
explained by the theory based on the macrospin model.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.054011
Magnetization switching that utilizes ferromagnetic
resonance (FMR) excitation has attracted attention as a
write method in next-generation magnetic recording
[1–20]. To date, experimental studies on this kind of
magnetization switching have employed a microwave field
with a time-constant frequency and have shown that the
switching field of a nanomagnet substantially decreases byapplying a microwave field with a frequency on the order ofthe FMR frequency of the nanomagnet [5]. This switching
method is called microwave-assisted magnetization switch-
ing (MAS). Furthermore, magnetization switching inducedsolely by a circularly polarized microwave field has been
proposed and experimentally demonstrated [10,11] .F M R
is a nonlinear phenomenon and the resonance frequency atwhich the magnetization excitation becomes largest
depends on the amplitude of the magnetization excitation.
Because the FMR-based magnetization switching methodsutilize large magnetization excitation, nonlinearity plays an
important role and needs to be taken into account to explain
the switching behavior [12–14]. At the same time, the
nonlinearity of FMR suggests that a microwave field with a
time-varying frequency can induce larger magnetization
excitation than a microwave field with a time-constantfrequency. Regarding nanomagnets with perpendicularmagnetic anisotropy, which are of interest in high-density
magnetic recording applications, the resonance frequency
decreases as the amplitude of the magnetization excitationevolves. Therefore, by gradually decreasing the frequencyof the microwave field, the nonlinear decrease of theresonance frequency can be followed and the magnetizationexcitation can be enhanced. Theoretical and micromagnetic
simulation studies have reported that this kind of micro-
wave field can efficiently induce magnetization switching[15–19]. However, no experimental studies have yet been
In magnetic recording applications, it has been proposed
that a spin-torque oscillator (STO) can be used as a micro-
wave field source [21,22] . One way to realize a varying-
frequency microwave field is to change the current injectedinto the STO [17]. Furthermore, it has been reported that, in
a certain geometry, the STO spontaneously changes thefrequency during the switching process because of theinteraction with the media magnetization [19].
In this paper, we experimentally study magnetization
switching of a Co =Pt nanomagnet with perpendicular
magnetic anisotropy by applying a microwave field witha time-varying frequency and compare the switchingbehavior to that in a microwave field with a constant
frequency. For convenience, we introduce the following
symbols for microwave field frequency ðf
rfÞ. In constant-
frequency MAS (CF MAS), the microwave field frequencyis constant and is referred to as f
rf. In varying-frequency*hirofumi.suto@toshiba.co.jpPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 9,054011 (2018)
2331-7019 =18=9(5)=054011(10) 054011-1 © 2018 American Physical SocietyMAS (VF MAS), the start and end values of the time-
varying microwave field frequency are referred to as fstart
rf, respectively. In CF MAS, the switching field of
the nanomagnet decreases almost linearly with an increas-
rf value, reaches a minimum at the critical fre-
quency, and then increases abruptly. In VF MAS, the
switching field similarly decreases linearly with increasinganf
rfvalue but continues to decrease even when fstart
becomes higher than the critical frequency for CF MAS.
The switching field thus becomes lower than the minimumswitching field for CF MAS, showing that the MAS effect
is enhanced by a microwave field with varying frequency.
To obtain this enhancement of the MAS effect, f
to be almost the same as or lower than the critical frequency
for CF MAS. In addition, the frfchange needs to take
approximately 1 ns or longer when fend
rfis set to half of fstart
to make the rate of frfchange sufficiently slow. The
switching behavior of VF MAS can be explained qualita-
tively by the theory that describes the magnetizationdynamics of a single spin in a microwave magnetic field.
Figure 1(a) shows the sample structure and the meas-
urement setup. A Ta bottom layer and Co =Pt multilayer
magnetic film are deposited on a sapphire substrate byusing a magnetron sputtering system. The film structure
from bottom to top is Ta 200=Pt50=ðCo13.6=Pt5Þ×
5=Pt50=Ta50(thicknesses are given in angstroms).
Figure 1(b) shows magnetization as a function of the
z-direction magnetic field ðH
zÞmeasured by using a
vibrating sample magnetometer. The average saturationmagnetization ðM
sÞof the Co =Pt film is estimated to be
1200 emu=cm3, assuming that the total thickness of the
magnetic layer is from the bottommost Co layer to thetopmost Co layer. Figure 1(c) shows vector network
analyzer (VNA)-FMR spectra of the film sample as a
function of H
z. At around Hz¼0Oe, the FMR peak
disappears because of the formation of reversed magnetic
domains, and the FMR frequency at Hz¼0Oe is esti-
mated to be 5 GHz by linear extrapolation. This FMR
frequency indicates that the effective perpendicular
anisotropy field ðHeff
aniÞof the film, including the demag-
netizing field, is approximately 1.8 kOe, and the
perpendicular anisotropy field ðHaniÞis estimated to be
16.9 kOe from Hani¼Heff
aniþ4πMs. Figure 1(d)shows the
linewidth of the FMR absorption peak ðΔfFMRÞas a
function of the resonance frequency ðfFMRÞobtained in
theHzrange from −2.4to−0.8kOe. This relationship can
be expressed as ΔfFMR¼2αfFMRþΔf0, where Δf0
denotes linewidth broadening due to the film inhomoge-
neity. From the fitting, the damping parameter ( α) of the
film is estimated to be 0.035.The Co =Pt film is then patterned into a nanomagnet with a
diameter of 50 nm by electron-beam lithography and Ar ion
milling. The Ta bottom layer is patterned into a Hall cross to
detect switching of the nanomagnet by the anomalous Halleffect. After that, insulating layers of 20-nm-thick SiN and
80-nm-thick SiO
2are sputter deposited, and a coplanar
waveguide (CPW) made of 100-nm-thick Cu with thinadhesion layers is fabricated. The signal line of the CPWpasses above the nanomagnet with a separation of 100 nm.
The widths of the CPW signal ( S) line, ground ( G) lines, and
gaps are 1, 2, and 2μm above the nanomagnet and gradually
expand to 80, 80, and 45μm at the contact pads. These
dimensions are chosen to make the characteristic impedance
roughly 50Ω, as calculated by using
AppCADsoftware. Note
that the CPW dimensions are the designvalues, and the actual
(d) (g)(f)(e)
FIG. 1. (a) Sample structure and experimental setup. (b) M-Hz
loop obtained for the film sample having an area of 1cm2.
(c) VNA-FMR spectra versus Hzobtained for the film sample.
(d) Linewidth of the FMR absorption peak versus FMR fre-
quency. The dotted line depicts the linear fit. (e) Microwavetransmission between the cable end connected to the AWG andthe cable end connected to the CPW input. (f) Microwavetransmission between the input and output of the CPW. Halfof the measured value is employed as microwave transmissionbetween the CPW input and above the nanomagnet. (g) Micro-wave reflection at the CPW input.SUTO, KANAO, NAGASAWA, MIZUSHIMA, and SATO PHYS. REV. APPLIED 9,054011 (2018)
054011-2dimensions deviate from them and have a tapered cross
section. The length of the CPW is 750μm. This length is
approximately one tenth of the wavelength of microwavesignal traveling through the CPW at 16 GHz, which is the
highest in the studied frequency range. A transmission-
electron-microscopy image of the nanomagnet that has aslightly different Co thickness but is fabricated using thesame process is provided in Ref. [9].
We study switching of the nanomagnet by applying H
and an in-plane microwave magnetic field from the CPW.
When no microwave field is applied, the switching
z-direction dc magnetic field ðHswÞof the nanomagnet is
5.7 kOe. Hereafter, this value is referred to as the intrinsic
Hsw. To generate a microwave field, a microwave signal is
generated from a Keysight M8195A arbitrary waveformgenerator (AWG) with a 64-GHz sampling rate, amplified
by an RF-LAMBDA RFLUPA00G22GAwide-band ampli-
fier, and introduced to the CPW. The amplifier has abandwidth of 0.02 –22 GHz, an average gain of þ30dB,
and a gain flatness of /C62.5dB. Figure 1(e) shows the
microwave transmission between the cable end connectedto the AWG and the cable end connected to the input of theCPW, as measured by the VNA. The variation from þ22to
þ28dB is due to the frequency dependence of the gain of
the amplifier and the attenuation of the cables. The micro-wave property of the CPW is also evaluated. Figure 1(f)
shows the microwave transmission between the input and
the output of the CPW. The attenuation ranges from −2to
−3dB. The microwave reflection at the CPW input
[Fig. 1(g)] is approximately −14dB, showing that there
is no severe reflection point, such as a large impedancemismatch. Considering that the phase of the reflection is
close to 0° (data not shown), the characteristic impedance
of the CPW is estimated to be approximately 75Ω. In this
estimation, multiple reflection in the CPW is neglected. Inaddition, the CPW is shorter than one tenth of the wave-
length; thus, impedance mismatch has a small effect on the
microwave transmission. We employ the sum of themicrowave transmission from the AWG to the CPW input
and half of the microwave transmission of the CPW as the
microwave transmission from the AWG to above thenanomagnet because the nanomagnet is located below
the middle of the CPW. This calculated microwave trans-
mission is used to construct the waveform of the AWG.
The microwave field amplitude ðH
rfÞgenerated from the
CPW is estimated by using the Biot-Savart formulaassuming a uniform current in the signal line. In this
estimation, the tapered cross section of the CPW
observed by transmission electron microscopy is consid-ered. When a microwave signal with a voltage ðV
rfÞof 1 V
travels above the nanomagnet, a microwave field with
Hrf¼85Oe is applied. The microwave signal is modu-
lated into pulses of nanosecond-order duration to avoidheating the sample and is emitted repeatedly from the AWG
at 122 kHz.Figure 2(a)shows the waveform of a constant-frequency
microwave signal that has a 5-ns rise and fall time, a 10-ns
plateau time, V
rf¼1.0V, and fconst
rf¼12GHz. The rise
and fall times are fixed to 5 ns throughout the experiments,and the plateau time is 10 ns except when the plateau timedependence is measured in Sec. III D. The measured
voltage is larger than 1 V because this signal waveformis measured by disconnecting the cable end from the CPWinput and connecting it to an oscilloscope with an 80-GHzsampling rate. The signal amplitude, therefore, furtherattenuates by half of the microwave transmission inFig.1(f)and becomes almost 1 V above the nanomagnet.
Figure 2(d)shows the instantaneous f
rfestimated from the
zero-cross intervals of the waveform, which confirms thatf
rfis actually 12 GHz. Similarly, a varying-frequency
microwave signal is generated that takes into account thefrequency dependence of the microwave transmission.Figure 2(b) shows the waveform of a varying-frequency
microwave signal with V
rf¼12GHz, and
rf¼0.02GHz. During the rise and fall time, frfis
constant and, during the plateau time, frfdecreases. The
signal amplitude is almost the same as that with the(a) (d)
(c) (f)(e)
FIG. 2. (a) –(c) Waveforms of signals for the following parameter
rf¼0.02GHzÞ, and ðVrf¼1.5V;fconst
rf¼12GHzÞ. These
waveforms are measured at the cable end connected to the
CPW input, and the amplitude further attenuates by half ofthe microwave transmission in Fig. 1(f)when above the nano-
magnet. Because this attenuation is from −1to−1.5dB, the signal
amplitude becomes 89% to 84% of the measured voltage.
(d)–(f) Instantaneous f
rfvalues estimated from the zero-cross
intervals of the waveforms. Each dot corresponds to one zero-crossinterval. The dots overlap the designed f
rfdepicted by dashed
054011-3constant frequency [Fig. 2(a)], although it fluctuates
because the frequency-dependent microwave transmission
is not perfectly compensated for. Regarding the frfchange,
we think that the rate of frfchange should be faster when
frfis higher because it takes a shorter time for a microwave
field to induce magnetization excitation when frfis higher.
To realize such an frfchange, we employ the following
; ð1Þ
where tplateau denotes the plateau time. This function is
derived from dfrf=dt∝frf, where the rate of frfchange is
proportional to frf. This function is one example of frf
change, and further study is necessary to optimize frf
change for efficient MAS. Note that Ref. [15] reported a
function in which frfalways matches the resonance
frequency when αis small. Figure 2(e)shows the estimated
instantaneous frfof the waveform in Fig. 2(b), which
confirms that frfchanges as designed. Figures 2(c)and2(f)
show a constant-frequency signal waveform with Vrf¼
1.5V and fconst
rf¼12GHz and the instantaneous frf,
which we mention later in the next section.
A. Comparison between constant-frequency MAS and
varying-frequency MAS, and effect of the start
frequency on varying-frequency MAS
In this section, we first study switching of the nano-
magnet in a constant-frequency microwave field, thenapply a varying-frequency microwave field to study the
effect of f
Figure 3(a)shows the dependence of Hswonfconst
CF MAS. These data and this kind of frequency depend-
ence of Hsw, as shown later in this paper, are measured as
follows: at each frequency, the nanomagnet is initialized tothe–zdirection, and H
zis increased in steps of 10 Oe per
0.3 s until magnetization switching is detected. During this
Hzincrease, a pulsed microwave field is applied repeatedly.
Each curve in Fig. 3(a)is obtained by setting Vrfto 0.5 –
2.0 V, which generates Hrfof 43 –170 Oe. As fconst
increases, Hswdecreases almost linearly until Hswtakes
a minimum at the critical frequency, then Hswincreases
abruptly to the intrinsic Hswof 5.7 kOe. This kind of
switching behavior has been reported by previous exper-imental studies on MAS [5], which can be understood as
follows. When H
zis applied in the opposite direction to the
magnetization, the FMR frequency decreases. Therefore,the resonance condition in which the FMR frequency is
near f
rfresults in a Hsw−fconst
rfcurve with a negative
slope. However, when fconst
rf becomes higher than the
critical frequency, matching Hzbecomes so small that a
microwave field cannot induce magnetization excitationlarge enough to induce magnetization switching. As Hrf
increases, the critical frequency increases and the corre-
sponding Hswdecreases, showing that a larger MAS effect
is obtained by applying a microwave field with a largerH
Figure 3(b)shows the dependence of Hswonfstart
rffor VF
MAS. To focus on the effect of fstart
rfis set as low as
0.02 GHz. When fstart
rfis smaller than the critical frequency
of CF MAS, the Hswversus fstart
rfcurves almost coincide
with the Hswversus fconst
rf curves for CF MAS. This
coincidence indicates that magnetization switching in the
varying-frequency microwave field occurs in the same
manner as CF MAS because the frequencies of the twokinds of microwave field are almost the same at the
beginning of the f
rfchange. When fstart
rfbecomes higher
than the critical frequency, Hswcontinues to decrease and
becomes smaller than the minimum value for CF MAS,
showing that the MAS effect is enhanced. We now confirm
that this enhancement of the MAS effect actually originatesfrom the varying-frequency microwave field by examining
the waveform of the microwave signals. In VF MAS, H
forVrf¼1.0V decreases to 3.05 kOe at fstart
In CF MAS, no MAS effect is obtained for Vrf¼1.0Va t
rf¼12GHz because fconst
rf is above the critical fre-
quency, and the MAS effect is obtained by increasing Vrfto
1.5 V, where the critical frequency is at 12.5 GHz.
Waveforms of these signals are shown in Figs. 2(a),
2(b), and 2(c). The amplitude of the varying-frequency
microwave signal for Vrf¼1.0V [Fig. 2(b)] is clearly(a)
FIG. 3. (a) Hswversus fconst
rffor CF MAS. (b) Hswversus fstart
for VF MAS obtained by setting fend
rf¼0.02GHz. Squares show
the corresponding critical frequency and Hswfor CF MAS.SUTO, KANAO, NAGASAWA, MIZUSHIMA, and SATO PHYS. REV. APPLIED 9,054011 (2018)
054011-4smaller than that of the constant-frequency microwave
signal for Vrf¼1.5V [Fig. 2(c)]. The fact that these
two signals achieve almost the same MAS effect isevidence that the enhancement in the MAS effect is dueto the varying-frequency microwave field.
rfincreases, the Hswcurves for Vrf¼0.5, 1.0, and
1.5 V take the minimum and increase abruptly. ForV
rf¼2.0V, such an abrupt Hswincrease does not appear,
probably because its frequency is above 16 GHz. Thisabrupt increase in H
swcannot be explained by considering
only frf. For example, HswforVrf¼1.0V and fstart
12GHz (below the abrupt increase) is smaller than that for
Vrf¼1.0V and fstart
rf¼12.5GHz (above the abrupt
increase), which is inconsistent with the fact that the frf
change for fstart
rf¼12.5GHz passes through 12GHz and
decreases to fend
rf¼0.02GHz. The fact that the VF-MAS
result cannot be explained by considering only frfindicates
that the rate of frfchange needs to be taken into account as
follows. When fstart
rfis too high, the rate of frfchange
becomes too fast for the magnetization excitation to follow.
As a result, the varying-frequency microwave field can nolonger enhance the MAS effect. Above the abrupt increase,
swbecomes approximately the same as Hswat the critical
frequency for CF MAS. This result indicates that magneti-zation switching occurs in the same manner as CF MASwhen f
rfdecreases and matches the critical frequency for
B. Effect of the end frequency on
varying-frequency MAS
We next examine the effect of fend
rfon VF MAS. As
shown in the previous section, enhancement of the MASeffect is not apparent for V
rf¼2.0V because the critical
frequency is already close to the upper limit of the studied
frequency range. Thus, we show the results for Vrf¼0.5,
1.0, and 1.5 V. We fix fstart
rfto 8, 12, and 15 GHz,
respectively, for Vrf¼0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 V, at which Hsw
takes the minimum in Fig. 3(b), and fend
rfis varied.
Figures 4(a)–4(d) show the waveforms and estimated
instantaneous frfvalues of signals with Vrf¼1.0V,
rf¼12GHz, and fend
rf¼1and 11 GHz, respectively,
which confirms that the signals have the designed ampli-
tude and frequency regardless of the amount of frfchange.
Figure 4(e) shows the dependence of Hswonfend
rf.A s
already shown in the previous section, Hswbecomes
smaller than Hswat the critical frequency for CF MAS
when fend
rf¼0.02GHz because the varying-frequency
microwave field enhances the MAS effect. As fend
increases, Hswis first constant and then abruptly increases
to the intrinsic Hsw, showing that the MAS effect dis-
appears when fend
rfis too high. Waveforms of the signals for
rfbelow and above the abrupt Hswincrease [Figs. 4(a)
and4(b)] confirm that this drastic change of the switching
behavior originates from the different fend
rfvalue. Thefrequency at which Hswincreases is almost the same as
the corresponding critical frequency. This result shows that
rfneeds to be approximately the same as or lower than
the critical frequency for CF MAS to enhance the MAS
effect by applying a varying-frequency microwave field.
C. Minimizing the switching field by applying a
varying-frequency microwave field
In Sec. III A, the Hswcurves for VF MAS exhibit the
abrupt increase because the rate of frfchange becomes too
fast. This result suggests that Hswcan be even smaller when
the rate of frfchange is sufficiently slow. To determine the
minimum Hswthat can be achieved by VF MAS, we again
measure the dependence of Hswonfstart
rf. In Sec. III B,i ti s
found that fend
rfneeds to be almost the same as or lower than
the critical frequency for CF MAS. Based on this finding,
rfis set to the critical frequencies of 7, 9.5, and
12.5 GHz, respectively, for Vrf¼0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 V. As
shown in Fig. 5,Hswgradually decreases with an increas-
rfvalue, then Hswbecomes almost constant with
no abrupt increase. This constant Hswvalue means that
magnetization switching occurs in the same manner in this(a) (c)
(d) (b)
FIG. 4. (a),(b) Waveforms of signals for the following param-
eter sets: ( Vrf¼1.0V,fstart
rf¼12GHz, fend
rf¼1GHz) and
rf¼12GHz, fend
rf¼11GHz). (c),(d) Instanta-
neous frfvalues estimated from the zero-cross intervals of the
waveforms. (e) Hswversus fend
rffor VF MAS obtained by setting
rf¼8, 12, and 15 GHz, respectively, for Vrf¼0.5, 1.0, and
1.5 V. Squares show the corresponding critical frequency and Hsw
rfrange because the frfchange for a certain fstart
through the frfchange for a lower fstart
rfvalue. The constant
Hswalso means that the rate of frfchange is sufficiently
slow. Therefore, the obtained Hswvalue is considered to be
the minimum that can be achieved by VF MAS. Thedifference between the minimum H
swvalue for CF and VF
MAS is the largest for Vrf¼1.0V, followed by 1.5 and
0.5 V, showing that a varying-frequency microwave fieldcan enhance the MAS effect most efficiently for a certain
rf. This Hrfdependence is theoretically discussed
in Sec. IV.
D. Effect of rate of change in microwave field frequency
In this section, we study the effect of the rate of frf
change by varying tplateau . We set fstart
rfto 8, 12, and 15 GHz,
respectively, for Vrf¼0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 V, which are used
for measuring the fend
rfdependence [Fig. 4(e)], and we set
rfto half of fstart
rf. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the
waveform and estimated instantaneous frfvalues of a
signal with Vrf¼1.0V,fstart
rf¼12GHz, fend
andtplateau ¼2ns, which confirms that the signal has the
designed amplitude and frequency even for the short tplateau .
Figure 6(c)shows the dependence of Hswontplateau . When
tplateau is 2 ns, Hswis the same as that for the slow frf
change [Fig. 5], showing that the rate of frfchange is
sufficiently slow at 2 ns. As tplateau decreases, Hswis first
constant and then increases abruptly. This increase appears
attplateau ¼1.0–1.2ns, depending on Vrf. Below these
tplateau values, the rate of frfchange becomes too fast and
the enhancement of the MAS effect disappears.
Immediately after this abrupt increase, Hswbecomes almost
the same as Hswat the critical frequency for CF MAS. In
this condition, magnetization switching occurs in the same
manner as CF MAS when frfdecreases to the critical
frequency, as already discussed in Sec. III A .A s tplateau
further decreases, Hswgradually increases. This tplateau
dependence is explained as follows. As the rate of frf
change becomes faster, the time duration in which frfisnear the critical frequency becomes shorter. Because the
magnetization excitation is still developing on this time-
scale, the MAS effect weakens, and thus Hswincreases.
The magnetization dynamics of a single spin in a rotating
microwave field can be described by the Landau-Lifshitz-
Gilbert (LLG) equation formulated in a rotating frame, and
the switching condition can be derived by examining thestability of the steady-state solutions of the LLG equation[12]. Although issues such as spatially nonuniform mag-
netization excitation [6], a quasiperiodic magnetization
motion [12], and thermally activated magnetization switch-
ing[14] are not accounted for, it is known that the
switching behavior of CF MAS is qualitatively reproducedby this approach. In this section, we explain the switching
behavior of VF MAS using this approach. We employ the
following normalization, which is applicable to magneti-zation with uniaxial anisotropy, regardless of the strength ofthe anisotropy field. The rotating microwave field andz-direction dc magnetic field are normalized in units of the
anisotropy field ðH
Note that Hrot
rfhere means the amplitude of the rotating
microwave field, whereas Hrfin the experiments means the
amplitude of the microwave field alternating in onedirection. It has been reported that a rotating microwave
field induces the same MAS effect at half the microwave
field amplitude compared to an alternating microwavemagnetic field [8,9]. This is the case because an alternatingFIG. 5. Hswversus fstart
rffor VF MAS obtained by setting
rf¼7, 9.5, and 12.5 GHz, respectively, for Vrf¼0.5, 1.0, and
1.5 V. Squares show the corresponding critical frequency and Hsw
for CF MAS.(a)
FIG. 6. (a),(b) Waveform and instantaneous frfof a signal with
rf¼12GHz, fend
rf¼6GHz, and tplateau ¼2ns.
(c)Hswversus tplateau for VF MAS obtained by setting fend
054011-6microwave field is decomposed into two rotating micro-
wave fields that rotate in the opposite direction and have
half the amplitude, and only the rotating microwave fieldthat rotates in the same direction as the FMR precession
induces magnetization excitation. The microwave field
frequency is normalized in units of FMR frequency:ω
rf¼ð2πfrfÞ=ðγHaniÞ, where γdenotes the gyromagnetic
ratio. Similarly, time is normalized as τ¼tðγHaniÞ.
The LLG equation that describes the dynamics of the
magnetization direction ˜min the rotating frame ð˜x;˜y;˜zÞis
given by [14]
dτ¼−˜m×½hrfe˜xþð−hzþ ˜m˜z−ωrfÞe˜z
dτ: ð2Þ
Note that the damping constant αis the only remaining
parameter as a result of the normalization.
Figures 7(a)and7(b)show the cone angle of the steady-
state solutions obtained by setting d˜m=dτ¼0and analyti-
cally solving Eq. (2). The stability of the solution —stable,
saddle, and unstable —evaluated by introducing a small
deviation is also shown. Parameters α¼0.17andhrf¼
0.05are chosen to reproduce the experimentally obtained
CF- and VF-MAS results for Vrf¼1.0V, which we
discuss later in detail. For clarity, the cone angle is shownup to 90°, and there is always a stable state near 180°,
which corresponds to the switched state. Here, stable statemeans that the magnetization can stay in the state and
rotates in synchronization with the microwave field. The
magnetization cannot stay in unstable and saddle states andmove to the stable state. Figure 7(a) corresponds to the
critical frequency ðω
rf¼0.32Þfor CF MAS. As hz
increases from zero, the magnetization follows the line
of the stable state and the cone angle gradually increases
because hzapproaches the resonance condition. At around
hz¼0.5(the dashed line), the stable state disappears,
which means that the induced magnetization excitation
overcomes the barrier for switching. Thus, the magnetiza-tion moves to the other stable state near 180°, and MAS
occurs. The solution shows hysteresis like a protrusion
toward the lower-right direction. In CF MAS, however,this hysteresis is saddle or unstable and has no effect onmagnetization switching.
Figure 7(b) shows calculation results for ω
higher than the critical frequency. At ωrf¼0.58, a peak
appears in the cone angle due to FMR. As ωrfdecreases to
0.5, hysteresis appears and two stable states exist in anarrow h
zrange near 0.3. These two stable states are
referred to as a lower-angle branch and higher-angle
branch. As shown in the inset of Fig. 7(b), the magneti-
zation follows the higher-angle branch in the downward hz
sweep, and the cone angle abruptly decreases at the edge of
the higher-angle branch. Similarly, the magnetization
follows the lower-angle branch in the upward hzsweep,
and the cone angle abruptly increases at the edge of thelower-angle branch. This is called the fold-over effect [23].
In the experiments, h
zis swept only in the upward
direction. Thus, in CF MAS where ωrfis fixed, the
magnetization is always on the lower-angle branch. At
ωrf¼0.45, this hysteresis becomes more obvious. In these
three conditions, MAS does not occur because one or morestable states exist. At ω
rf¼0.39, an unstable state appears
around the edge of the higher-angle branch. In CF MAS,
this condition is still higher than the critical frequency, andmagnetization switching does not occur because of one or
more stable states. As seen in Fig. 7(a), this unstable state
expands as ω
rffurther decreases. Now we apply a varying-
frequency microwave field. In the experiments, frfis
changed on the nanosecond timescale, while Hzis changed
on the second timescale. Therefore, we consider that themagnetization moves on the curves for different ω
at constant hz. As the magnetization moves on the curves
from a higher ωrfto a lower one, the magnetization is able
to stay on the higher-angle branch, which is in contrast to
CF MAS, where the magnetization is always on the lower-
angle branch. When the higher-angle branch becomesunstable at ω
rf¼0.39, the magnetization can move to
the stable state near 180° instead of the stable lower-angle
branch, which results in the enhanced MAS by a varying-frequency microwave field.
The unstable state in the higher-angle branch appears
when ω
rfis slightly higher than the critical frequency,(a)
FIG. 7. (a) Cone angle and stability of the magnetization
excitation for hz¼0.05andα¼0.17at the critical frequency
ðωrf¼0.32Þ, (b) at higher ωrfvalues, and (c) at lower ωrfvalues.
In (b), ωrfis 0.58, 0.5, 045, and 0.39 from the curve with the
smallest cone angle to the one with the largest cone angle. (Inset)An enlarged view of the data for ω
rf¼0.5. In (c), ωrfis 0.28 and
0.24 from the curve with the smaller cone angle to the one withthe larger cone angle.MAGNETIZATION SWITCHING OF A Co/Pt … PHYS. REV. APPLIED 9,054011 (2018)
054011-7which indicates that ωrfneeds to decrease to a slightly
higher value than the critical frequency to induce VF MAS.This result explains the experimentally obtained depend-
ence on f
rf[Fig. 4(e)], in which the MAS effect appears
when fend
rfis almost the same as or lower than the critical
frequency. The dependence on fstart
rfcan be explained by
using Figs. 7(a)and7(b). The switching condition for CF
MAS is determined by the edge of the lower-angle branch,where the stable state disappears. In VF MAS, the cone
angle first increases at the edge of the lower-angle branch.
rfdecreases, the magnetization stays on the higher-
angle branch until it becomes unstable. In other words, bothCF and VF MAS are initiated by the transition of themagnetization excitation at the edge of the lower-angle
branch. Because this edge shows an almost linear relation-
ship with respect to ω
rf, the Hswcurves for CF and VF
MAS show the same linear relationship with respect tof
rf, regardless of the fact that magnetization
switching occurs in a different manner.
The dependence on the rate of frfchange can be
understood as follows. When ωrfchanges fast, the cone
angle of the magnetization becomes smaller than the
calculated value because the calculated value is a steady-
state solution and frfchanges faster than the relaxation time
of the magnetization. When the magnetization cannot keepstaying on the higher angle branch and falls to the lower-
angle branch, MAS cannot be enhanced. As shown in
Fig.6(c), even when the rate of f
rfchange becomes so fast
that the enhancement of MAS disappears, Hswis still
smaller than the intrinsic Hsw. In this condition, MAS
occurs when frfdecreases below the critical frequency.
This result indicates that this kind of MAS in which frf
changes below the critical frequency occurs for faster frf
change relative to the enhancement of MAS in which frf
changes above the critical frequency. This difference can be
explained as follows. Figure 7(c)shows calculation results
forωrfvalues slightly lower than the critical frequency. At
around hz¼0.6(the dashed line) there is no stable state for
either ωrf¼0.28or 0.24. When ωrfchanges in this range,
the magnetization moves one way to the switched state. In
contrast, when ωrfis higher than the critical frequency, the
magnetization can fall from the higher-angle branch tothe lower-angle branch during the ω
rfchange. Because the
magnetization moves one way to the switched state during
theωrfchange, this kind of MAS occurs when the rate of
frfchange is relatively fast.
The minimum switching hzobtained for VF MAS is
0.33, as indicated by the dashed line in Fig. 7(b). This hz
corresponds to the limit where the higher-angle branch
always exists during the frfchange, which is necessary for
the cone angle to gradually increase until switching occurs.
We compare the experimental results with the calcula-
tion, and for this purpose, we estimate the Hswvalue
without microwave fields as follows. The intrinsic Hswof
5.7 kOe reflects thermally activated magnetizationswitching. Although MAS is also thermally activated,
the thermal effect acts effectively only during the micro-
wave field application, which has a duty ratio of approx-
imately 0.001 (10-ns plateau time and 122-kHz repetition).Owing to the difference in the timescale of thermal effect,MAS above the intrinsic H
swis screened, and the Hsw
versus fconst
rf curves change a slope at around fconst
3GHz in Fig. 3(a). If the thermal effect were reduced
to that of the timescale of MAS, the Hswversus fconst
curves would have a constant slope and the intercept at
rf¼0Hz would be Hswin the static in-plane field with
an amplitude of Hrf. Thus, the intercept of the extrapolated
Hswversus fconst
rfcurve for Vrf¼0.5V, which is approx-
imately 7 kOe, is employed as the Hswwith no microwave
field under the reduced thermal effect. The ratios of
the minimum HswforVrf¼1.0V obtained by CF and
VF MAS [3.8 kOe in Fig. 3(b) and 2.6 kOe in Fig. 5]t o
thisHswvalue are 0.54 and 0.37, respectively, which
approximately coincides with the calculation results of0.5 and 0.33.
We would like to comment on αand the microwave field
amplitude. The damping parameter α¼0.17is larger than
the value estimated from the VNA-FMR measurementof the film. This deviation may originate from the factthat MAS involves large-amplitude magnetization excita-
tion, whereas the VNA-FMR measurement uses small-
amplitude magnetization precession. Increase of αby a
factor of 5 in large-amplitude magnetization excitation hasbeen reported [24]. In addition, αis affected by the fact that
the nanomagnet has a nonuniform demagnetizing field,whereas the film has a uniform demagnetizing field. Whenwe use the H
swof 7 kOe without a microwave field as
Hanifor a rough estimation, hrf¼0.05corresponds to
rf¼350Oe for a rotating microwave field and Hrf¼
700Oe for an alternating microwave field, which is much
larger than Hrf¼85Oe in the experiments. This disagree-
ment is because of the fact that the calculation does notinclude thermal activation and spatially nonuniform mag-netization excitation. According to the study using amacrospin model with thermal activation [14], thermal
effects alone cannot explain the disagreement, and spatially
nonuniform magnetization excitation may make a largecontribution. The issue of nonuniform magnetization exci-tation is presented in Ref. [6], which discusses a compari-
son of experimental results, macrospin simulations, andmicromagnetic simulations.
Figures 8(a) and8(b) show the calculation results for
rf¼0.075. Similar to the case of hrf¼0.05, enhancement
of the MAS effect by a varying-frequency microwave fieldappears. According to this approach, the enhancement ofthe MAS effect becomes larger as h
rfincreases, which
cannot explain the experimental result in which the
enhancement of the MAS effect is the largest forV
rf¼1.0V. Because αis the only parameter in Eq. (2),
the experimental result can be understood as increasedSUTO, KANAO, NAGASAWA, MIZUSHIMA, and SATO PHYS. REV. APPLIED 9,054011 (2018)
054011-8damping in large magnetization excitation. As shown in
Figs. 8(c)and8(d), the hysteresis becomes less evident as α
is increased to 0.22. Because CF MAS does not utilize thehysteresis, the MAS effect of CF MAS is almostunchanged. However, because VF MAS utilizes the hys-
teresis, the enhancement of the MAS effect by VF MAS
decreases as αincreases. This αdependence is consistent
with previous theoretical and simulation studies [16,20] .
This result implies that the effective damping of the
nanomagnet may increase as the magnetization excitationbecomes larger, which reduces the enhancement ofthe MAS effect in a varying-frequency microwave field.
The effective damping includes the intrinsic damping of the
material, the spatial inhomogeneity of the magneticanisotropy and the demagnetizing field, the spatially
nonuniform magnetization excitation, and the spin
In this paper, we study the switching of a perpendicularly
magnetized nanomagnet in a microwave field with time-
varying frequency and explain the switching behavior by
using the theory based on the macrospin model. When thefrequency of the microwave field gradually decreases, a
larger MAS effect than that in a constant-frequency micro-
wave field is obtained because the microwave field fre-quency follows the nonlinear decrease of the resonancefrequency and induces larger magnetization excitation.
The switching field decreases almost linearly as the
start frequency of the microwave field increases up to a
certain frequency, beyond which further increases in the
start frequency do not change the switching field. To obtain
enhancement of the MAS effect, the end frequency of
the microwave field needs to be approximately the same asor lower than the critical frequency for constant-frequency
MAS. In addition, frequency change of a microwave field
needs to take approximately 1 ns to make the rate of change
sufficiently slow that the magnetization excitation can
follow the varying-frequency microwave field.
We thank Canon ANELVA Corp. for the technical
support. This work was supported by Strategic
Promotion of Innovative Research and Development from
the Japan Science and Technology Agency, JST.
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PhysRevB.98.224426.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224426 (2018)
Localized spin waves in isolated kπskyrmions
Levente Rózsa,*Julian Hagemeister, Elena Y . Vedmedenko, and Roland Wiesendanger
Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, D-20355 Hamburg, Germany
(Received 11 October 2018; revised manuscript received 30 November 2018; published 28 December 2018)
The localized magnon modes of isolated kπskyrmions on a field-polarized background are analyzed based
on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation within the terms of an atomistic classical spin model, with systemparameters based on the Pd/Fe biatomic layer on Ir(111). For increasing skyrmion order ka higher number of
excitation modes are found, including modes with nodes in the radial eigenfunctions. It is shown that at low fields2πand 3πskyrmions are destroyed via a burst instability connected to a breathing mode, while 1 πskyrmions
undergo an elliptic instability. At high fields all kπskyrmions collapse due to the instability of a breathing mode.
The effective damping parameters of the spin waves are calculated in the low Gilbert damping limit, and they arefound to diverge in the case of the lowest-lying modes at the burst and collapse instabilities but not at the ellipticinstability. It is shown that the breathing modes of kπskyrmions may become overdamped at higher Gilbert
damping values.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.224426
Magnetic skyrmions are localized particlelike spin config-
urations [ 1], which have become the focus of intense research
activities over the last years due to their promising applica-tions in spintronic devices [ 2–5]. While their particlelike prop-
erties make them suitable to be used as bits of information, thecollective excitations of the spins constituting the magneticskyrmion, known as spin waves or magnons, open possibleapplications in the field of magnonics [ 6].
These spin wave modes were first investigated theoretically
[7–10] and experimentally [ 11–13] in skyrmion lattice phases,
where the interactions between the skyrmions lead to theformation of magnon bands. If a skyrmion is confined in afinite-sized nanoelement, it will possess discrete excitationfrequencies [ 14–17]. Although such geometries have also
been successfully applied to the time-resolved imaging ofthe dynamical motion of magnetic bubble domains [ 18,19],
in such a case it is not possible to distinguish between theexcitations of the particlelike object itself and spin wavesforming at the edges of the sample [ 14]. In order to rule
out boundary effects, the excitations of isolated skyrmionshave to be investigated, as was performed theoretically inRefs. [ 20–23]. It was suggested recently [ 24] that the experi-
mentally determined excitation frequencies in the Ir/Fe/Co/Ptmultilayer system may be identified as spin wave modes ofisolated skyrmions, rather than as magnons stemming froman ordered skyrmion lattice.
In most investigations skyrmions correspond to simple
domains with the magnetization in their core pointing op-posite to the collinear background. However, it was shownalready in Ref. [ 25] that the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interac-
tion [ 26,27] responsible for their stabilization may also lead
to the formation of structures where the direction of the
*rozsa.levente@physnet.uni-hamburg.demagnetization rotates multiple times between the center ofthe structure and the collinear region. Such target states orkπskyrmions, where kis the number of sign changes of
the out-of-plane magnetization when moving along the radialdirection, have also been investigated in constricted geome-tries [ 28–32]. The experimental observation of localized spin
structures with multiple rotations has been mainly restrictedto systems with negligible Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactionso far [ 19,33,34], where the formation of domain structures is
attributed to the magnetostatic dipolar interaction.
The collapse of isolated kπskyrmions and their creation
in nanodots by switching the external field direction wasrecently investigated in Ref. [ 35]. It was found that during
the creation process the skyrmions display significant sizeoscillations resembling breathing eigenmodes. In Ref. [ 25],
the stability of kπskyrmions was studied in a system with a
ferromagnetic ground state, and it was found that applying theexternal field opposite to the background magnetization leadsto a divergence of the skyrmion radius at a critical field value,a so-called burst instability. This instability can be attributedto a sign change of one of the eigenvalues of the energyfunctional expanded around the kπskyrmion configuration,
intrinsically related to the dynamics of the system. However,the spin wave frequencies of isolated kπskyrmions remain
Besides the excitation frequencies themselves, the lifetime
of spin waves is also of crucial importance in magnonicsapplications. This is primarily influenced by the Gilbert damp-ing parameter α[36], the value of which can be determined
experimentally based on resonance lineshapes measured in thecollinear state [ 11,19,24]. It was demonstrated recently [ 23]
that the noncollinear spin structure drastically influences theeffective damping parameter acting on the spin waves, leadingto mode-dependent and enhanced values compared to theGilbert damping parameter. This effect was discussed throughthe example of the 1 πskyrmion in Ref. [ 23] ,b u ti ti sa l s oe x -
pected to be observable for kπskyrmions with higher order k.
2469-9950/2018/98(22)/224426(10) 224426-1 ©2018 American Physical SocietyLEVENTE RÓZSA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224426 (2018)
Here the localized spin wave frequencies of isolated
kπskyrmions are investigated in a classical atomistic spin
model. The parameters in the Hamiltonian represent thePd/Fe/Ir(111) model-type system, where the properties ofskyrmions have been studied in detail both from the experi-mental [ 37,38] and from the theoretical [ 35,39–41] side. The
paper is organized as follows. The classical atomistic spinHamiltonian and the method of calculating the eigenmodesis introduced in Sec. II A, while the angular momentum
and nodal quantum numbers characterizing the excitationsare defined in Sec. II B within the framework of the corre-
sponding micromagnetic model. Eigenfrequencies equal toor approaching zero are discussed in Sec. II C, and the ef-
fective damping parameters are introduced in Sec. II D.T h e
eigenmodes of kπskyrmions with k=1,2,3 are compared
in Sec. III A , the instabilities occurring at low and high field
values are discussed in connection to magnons with vanishingfrequencies in Sec. III B, and the effective damping parame-
ters of the different modes are calculated for vanishing andhigher values of the Gilbert damping in Secs. III C andIII D ,
respectively. A summary is given in Sec. IV.
A. Atomistic model
The system is described by the classical atomistic model
iμsBSi, (1)
with the Siunit vectors representing the spins in a single-layer
triangular lattice; J,Dij, and Kdenoting nearest-neighbor
Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya exchange interactionsand on-site magnetocrystalline anisotropy, respectively, whileμ
sandBstand for the spin magnetic moment and the external
magnetic field. The Pd/Fe/Ir(111) system selected for the in-vestigations presented here belongs to the C
3vsymmetry class
due to the fcc stacking of the atomic layers and the breakingof inversion symmetry at the surface. Following the symmetryrules established by Moriya [ 42], the D
ijvectors must lie in
the mirror plane perpendicular to the nearest-neighbor bondson the lattice. Only the in-plane components of these vectorswill be considered here, being sufficient for explaining theformation of kπskyrmions, while the out-of-plane compo-
nents only appear as higher-order terms in the correspondingmicromagnetic energy functional [ 43]. The numerical val-
ues of the parameters are taken from Ref. [ 35], being J=
5.72 meV ,D=|D
ij|=1.52 meV ,K=0.4 meV, and μs=
3μB. These were determined based on measuring the field
dependence of 1 πskyrmion profiles in the system by spin-
polarized scanning tunneling microscopy in Ref. [ 38].
During the calculations the external field Bis oriented
along the out-of-plane zdirection. The equilibrium kπ
skyrmion structures are determined from a reasonable initialconfiguration by iteratively rotating the spins S
itowards the
direction of the effective magnetic field Beff
∂Si.T h e
iteration is performed until the torque acting on the spins,Ti=−Si×Beff
i, becomes smaller at every lattice site than a
predefined value, generally chosen to be 10−8meV/μB.T h e
calculations are performed on a lattice with periodic boundaryconditions, with system sizes up to 256 ×256 for the largest
kπskyrmions in order to avoid edge effects and enable the
accurate modeling of isolated skyrmions.
Once the equilibrium configuration S(0)
iis determined, the
spins are rotated to a local coordinate system ˜Si=RiSiusing
the rotation matrices Ri. In the local coordinate system the
equilibrium spin directions are pointing along the local zaxis,
i=(0,0,1). The Hamiltonian in Eq. ( 1) is expanded up
to second-order terms in the small variables ˜Sx
ias (cf.
Ref. [ 23])
. (2)
The matrix products are understood to run over lattice site
indices i, with the matrix components reading
A1,ij=− ˜Jxx
A2,ij=− ˜Jxy
i, (4)
A3,ij=− ˜Jyy
The energy terms in the Hamiltonian are rotated to the lo-
cal coordinate system via ˜Jij=Ri[JI−Dij×]RT
j,and˜Bi=RiB, where Iis the 3 ×3 identity matrix,
Dij×is the matrix describing the vector product with Dij,
andKis the anisotropy matrix with the only nonzero element
The spin wave frequencies are obtained from the linearized
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation [ 36,44]
μs(−iσy−α)HSW˜S⊥=DSW˜S⊥, (6)
with σy=/bracketleftbig0 −iIs
iIs 0/bracketrightbig
the Pauli matrix in Cartesian com-
ponents and acting as the identity matrix Isin the lattice
site summations. The symbol γ/primedenotes the gyromagnetic
2mdivided by a factor of 1 +α2, with gthe
electron gfactor, ethe elementary charge, mthe electron’s
mass, and αthe Gilbert damping parameter. Equation ( 6)i s
rewritten as an eigenvalue equation by assuming the time de-
pendence ˜S⊥(t)=e−iωqt˜S⊥
qand performing the replacement
∂t→− iωq.
Since the kπskyrmions represent local energy minima,
HSWin Eq. ( 2) is a positive semidefinite matrix. For α=0
theωqfrequencies of DSWare real and they always occur
in±ωqpairs on the subspace where HSWis strictly positive,
for details see, e.g., Ref. [ 23]. In the following, we will only
treat the solutions with Re ωq>0, but their Re ωq<0 pairs
are also necessary for constructing real-valued eigenvectors ofEq. ( 6). The zero eigenvalues are discussed in Sec. II C.
As is known from previous calculations for 1 πskyrmions
[21–23], the localized excitation modes of kπskyrmions are
found below the ferromagnetic resonance frequency ωFMR=
μs(2K+μsB). During the numerical solution of Eq. ( 6)
these lowest-lying eigenmodes of the sparse matrix DSWare
determined, as implemented in the MONTECRYSTAL atomistic
spin simulation program [ 45].
B. Micromagnetic model
The atomistic model described in the previous section
enables the treatment of noncollinear spin structures where thedirection of the spins significantly differs between neighbor-ing lattice sites. This is especially important when discussingthe collapse of kπskyrmions on the lattice as was performed
in Ref. [ 35]. Here we will discuss the micromagnetic model
which on the one hand is applicable only if the characteristiclength scale of noncollinear structures is significantly largerthan the lattice constant, but on the other hand enables asimple classification of the spin wave modes.
The free energy functional of the micromagnetic model is
defined as
where for the Pd/Fe/Ir(111) system the following parameter
values were used: A=2.0p J/m is the exchange stiffness,
D=−3.9m J/m2is the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
describing right-handed rotation [ 39],K=−2.5M J/m3is
the easy-axis anisotropy, and M=1.1M A/mi st h es a t u r a -
tion magnetization.
As discussed in, e.g., Refs. [ 23,25,46], Eq. ( 7) is char-
acterized by two independent dimensionless parameters, theanisotropy K
D2and the magnetic field ( MB)dl=MBA
Two systems display identical properties at the same values ofthese dimensionless parameters after an appropriate rescalingof the length and time units, thereby enabling a comparisonof the excitation frequencies between different materials. Thedimensionless anisotropy takes the value −K
dl=0.33 for
the Pd/Fe/Ir(111) system, and a qualitatively similar behaviorof isolated kπskyrmions is expected for easy-axis systems
with a spin spiral ground state in the absence of an external
magnetic field, 0 /lessorequalslant−K
16≈0.62 [25].
The equilibrium spin structure S(0)=(sin/Theta10
cos/Phi10,sin/Theta10sin/Phi10,cos/Theta10)o f kπ skyrmions will be
cylindrically symmetric, given by /Phi10(r, ϕ)=ϕ+πdue
to the right-handed rotational sense and /Theta10(r, ϕ)=/Theta10(r),
which is the solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation
2MBsin/Theta10=0. (8)
The skyrmion order kis encapsulated in the boundary
conditions /Theta10(0)=kπ,/Theta10(∞)=0. Equation ( 8)i ss o l v e d
numerically in a finite interval r∈[0,R] significantly larger
than the equilibrium kπskyrmion size. A first approximation
to the spin structure is constructed based on the correspondinginitial value problem using the shooting method [ 25], theniteratively optimizing the structure using a finite-difference
The spin wave Hamiltonian may be determined anal-
ogously to Eq. ( 2), by using the local coordinate sys-
0+˜Sx,/Phi1=/Phi10+(sin/Theta10)−1˜Sy. The matrices in
Eqs. ( 3)–(5) are replaced by the operators
r2cos 2/Theta10/parenrightbigg
rsin 2/Theta10
−2Kcos 2/Theta10+MBcos/Theta10, (9)
rsin/Theta10∂ϕ, (10)
−2Kcos2/Theta10+MBcos/Theta10. (11)
Due to the cylindrical symmetry of the structure, the
solutions of Eq. ( 6) are sought in the form ˜S⊥(r, ϕ, t )=
n,m(r), performing the replacements ∂t→
−iωn,mand∂ϕ→im. For each angular momentum quantum
number m, an infinite number of solutions indexed by n
may be found, but only a few of these are located belowω
M(−2K+MB), hence representing localized spin
wave modes of the kπskyrmions. The different nquantum
numbers typically denote solutions with different numbersof nodes along the radial direction, analogously to thequantum-mechanical eigenstates of a particle in a box.
Because of the property H
SW(−m) and HSW
being self-adjoint, the eigenvalues of HSW(m) and HSW(−m)
coincide, leading to a double degeneracy apart from the m=
0 modes. The ±ωqeigenvalue pairs of DSWdiscussed in
Sec. II A for the atomistic model at α=0 in this case can
be written as ωn,m=−ωn,−m.
The operator A2in Eq. ( 10), appearing due to the non-
collinear structure of kπskyrmions, depends on the sign of m
or−i∂ϕ. Considering only the modes with Re ωn,m>0, this
leads to ωn,m/negationslash=ωn,−mindicating nonreciprocity or an energy
difference between clockwise ( m< 0) and counterclockwise
(m> 0) rotating modes [ 17,23].
For finding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the micro-
magnetic model, Eq. ( 6) is solved using a finite-difference
method on the r∈[0,R] interval. For treating the Laplacian
∇2in Eqs. ( 9) and ( 11) the improved discretization scheme
suggested in Ref. [ 47] was applied, which enables a more
accurate treatment of modes with eigenvalues converging tozero in the infinite and continuous micromagnetic limit. Thespin wave modes of the atomistic model discussed in Sec. II A
were assigned the ( n,m) quantum numbers, which are strictly
speaking only applicable in the micromagnetic limit withperfect cylindrical symmetry, by visualizing the real-spacestructure of the numerically obtained eigenvectors.
224426-3LEVENTE RÓZSA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224426 (2018)
C. Goldstone modes and instabilities
The translations of kπskyrmions on the collinear back-
ground in the two-dimensional plane along the xory
directions represent continuous symmetries of the system,which are spontaneously broken by the presence of the kπ
skyrmions. The Goldstone modes appearing due to this sym-metry breaking are represented by two eigenvectors of thespin wave Hamiltonian H
SWbelonging to zero eigenvalue.
Within the micromagnetic description of Sec. II B, these may
be expressed analytically as [ 21–23]
, (12)
. (13)
Equations ( 12) and ( 13) represent eigenvectors of the dy-
namical matrix DSWas well. From Eqs. ( 2) and ( 6) it follows
that the eigenvectors of HSWandDSWbelonging to zero
eigenvalue must coincide, HSW˜S⊥=0⇔DSW˜S⊥=0, be-
cause ( −iσy−α)i nE q .( 6) is an invertible matrix. Since we
will only keep half of the solutions of the equation of motion(6), namely the ones satisfying Re ω
n,m>0, the eigenvectors
from Eqs. ( 12) and ( 13) will be denoted as the single spin
wave mode ω0,−1=0.
Since the eigenvectors and eigenvalues are determined
numerically in a finite system by using a discretization pro-cedure, the Goldstone modes will possess a small finite fre-quency. However, these will not be presented in Sec. III A
together with the other frequencies since they represent anumerical artifact. For the 1 πand 3πskyrmions the ω
eigenmode has a positive frequency and an eigenvector clearly
distinguishable from that of the ω0,−1translational mode.
However, for the 2 πskyrmion both the ω0,−1and the ω0,1
eigenfrequencies of DSWare very close to zero, and the cor-
responding eigenvectors converge to Eqs. ( 12) and ( 13)a st h e
discretization is refined and the system size is increased. Thiscan occur because D
SWis not self-adjoint and its eigenvectors
are generally not orthogonal. In contrast, the eigenvectors of
HSWremain orthogonal, with only a single pair of them taking
the form of Eqs. ( 12) and ( 13).
In contrast to the Goldstone modes with always zero en-
ergy, the sign change of another eigenvalue of HSWindicates
that the isolated kπskyrmion is transformed from a stable
local energy minimum into an unstable saddle point, leadingto its disappearance from the system. Such instabilities weredetermined by calculating the lowest-lying eigenvalues of
SWin Eq. ( 2). Due to the connection between the HSW
andDSWmatrices expressed in Eq. ( 6), at least one of the
precession frequencies ωqwill also approach zero at such an
instability point.
D. Effective damping parameters
For finite values of the Gilbert damping α,t h es p i nw a v e s
in the system will decay over time as the system relaxes to theequilibrium state during the time evolution described by theLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The speed of the relaxationcan be characterized by the effective damping parameter,which for a given mode qis defined as
Reωq/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle. (14)
As discussed in detail in Ref. [ 23],α
q,effis mode dependent
and can be significantly higher than the Gilbert dampingparameter αdue to the elliptic polarization of spin waves,
which can primarily be attributed to the noncollinear spinstructure of the kπskyrmions. For α/lessmuch1,α
q,effmay be
expressed as
i2I m/bracketleftbig/parenleftbig˜S(0),x
q,i/bracketrightbig, (15)
where the eigenvectors in Eq. ( 15) are calculated at α=0
from Eq. ( 6). Equation ( 15) may also be expressed by the axes
of the polarization ellipse of the spins in mode q,s e eR e f .[ 23]
for details.
For higher values of α, the complex frequencies ωqhave
to be determined from Eq. ( 6), while the effective damping
parameters can be calculated from Eq. ( 14). Also for finite
values of αfor each frequency with Re ωq>0 there exists
a pair with Re ωq/prime<0 such that ωq/prime=−ω∗
q[23]. The spin
waves will be circularly polarized if A1=A3andA†
in Eq. ( 2), in which case the dependence of ωqonαmay
simply be expressed by the undamped frequency ω(0)
q, (16)
q. (17)
These relations are known for uniaxial ferromagnets; see,
e.g., Ref. [ 48]. In the elliptically polarized modes of non-
collinear structures, such as kπskyrmions, a deviation from
Eqs. ( 16) and ( 17) is expected.
A. Eigenmodes
The frequencies of the localized spin wave modes of the
1π,2π, and 3 πskyrmion, calculated from the atomistic
model for α=0 as described in Sec. II A,a r es h o w ni nF i g . 1.
For the 1 πskyrmion six localized modes can be observed
below the FMR frequency of the field-polarized backgroundin Fig. 1(a), four of which are clockwise rotating modes
(m< 0), one is a gyration mode rotating counterclockwise
(m=1), while the final one is a breathing mode ( m=0).
The excitation frequencies show good quantitative agreementwith the ones calculated from the micromagnetic model forthe same system in Ref. [ 23]. Compared to Ref. [ 21], the
additional appearance of the eigenmodes with m=1,−4,−5
can be attributed to the finite value of the anisotropy parameterKin the present case. Increasing the anisotropy value makes
it possible to stabilize the skyrmions at lower field values,down to zero field at the critical value in the micromagnetic
model |K
16A, where the transition from the spin spiral
to the ferromagnetic ground state occurs at zero external field[46]. Since the excitation frequencies decrease at lower field
values as shown in Fig. 1(a), this favors the appearance of
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20255075100125150175(a)
0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.150255075100125150175(b)
0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.150255075100125150175(c)
FIG. 1. Frequencies of localized spin wave modes at α=0f o r
(a) the 1 π,( b )t h e2 π, and (c) the 3 πskyrmion. Selected spin
wave modes are visualized in contour plots of the out-of-plane spincomponent and denoted by open symbols connected by lines in the
figure, the remaining modes are denoted by connected dots.0 1 02 03 04 05 0-2-023
FIG. 2. Comparison between the 3 πskyrmion profile (left verti-
cal axis) and the eigenvectors of the breathing modes ( m=0) with
different numbers of nodes n=0,1,2 (right vertical axis). The cal-
culations were performed using the micromagnetic model describedin Sec. II BatB=1 T, the lattice constant is a=0.271 nm. Double
arrows between vertical dashed lines indicate the extensions of the
domain walls in the structure.
further modes. Simultaneously, the FMR frequency increases
withK, meaning that modes with higher frequencies become
observable for larger uniaxial anisotropy. For each angularmomentum quantum number m, only a single mode ( n=0)
In the case of the 2 πskyrmion an increased number
of eigenmodes may be seen in Fig. 1(b). This can mainly
be attributed to the appearance of spin waves with higherangular momentum quantum numbers both for clockwise (uptom=−17) and counterclockwise (up to m=12) rotational
directions. Furthermore, in this case modes with n=1 node
in the eigenfunction can be observed as well. The same trendcontinues in the case of 3 πskyrmions in Fig. 1(c),t h el a r g e
number of internal eigenmodes can be attributed to angularmomentum quantum numbers ranging from m=−22 tom=
16, as well as to spin wave eigenvectors with up to n=2
nodes. The different rotational directions and numbers ofnodes are illustrated in Supplemental Videos 1–4 [ 49] via the
square-shaped modes ( n=0,1;m=±4) of the 3 πskyrmion
atB=0.825 T.
The increase of possible angular momentum quantum
numbers for higher skyrmion order kas well as for decreas-
ing magnetic field Bmay be qualitatively explained by an
increase in the skyrmion size. Modes with a given value of m
indicate a total of |m|modulation periods along the perimeter
of the skyrmion; for larger skyrmion sizes this corresponds toa modulation on a longer length scale, which has a smallercost in exchange energy.
The breathing modes of the 3 πskyrmion with different
numbers of nodes are visualized in Fig. 2atB=1T . T h e
results shown in Fig. 2are obtained from the micromagnetic
model in Sec. II B, which is in good quantitative agreement
with the atomistic calculations at the given field. All theeigenmodes display three peaks of various heights, while theydecay exponentially outside the 3 πskyrmion. As can be seen
in Fig. 2, the peaks are localized roughly around the regions
224426-5LEVENTE RÓZSA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224426 (2018)
where the spins are lying in-plane, indicated by the domain
walls (DW) between pairs of dashed lines. The widths ofthe domain walls were determined by approximating the 3 π
skyrmion profile with linear functions close to the inflectionpoints r
j,/Theta10,j,j=1,2,3 where the spins are lying in-plane,
and calculating where these linear functions intersect integermultiples of πin/Theta1
0. Thus, the domain walls are located be-
tween the inner Rin,j=rj+[∂r/Theta10(rj)]−1[(4−j)π−/Theta10,j]
and outer Rout,j=rj+[∂r/Theta10(rj)]−1[(3−j)π−/Theta10,j] radii.
Such a description was used to calculate the skyrmion radiusin, e.g., Ref. [ 46], and it was also applied for calculating the
widths of planar domain walls [ 50].
The nodes of the eigenmodes are located roughly be-
tween these domain walls, meaning that typically excita-tion modes with n=0,...,k −1 nodes may be observed
inkπskyrmions, in agreement with the results in Fig. 1.
A higher number of nodes would require splitting a singlepeak into multiple peaks, the energy cost of which gen-erally exceeds the FMR frequency, thereby making thesemodes unobservable. The sign changes in the ˜S
vectors mean that the different modes can be imagined asthe domain walls breathing in the same phase or in opposite
phase, as can be seen in Supplemental Videos 5–7 [ 49].
Note that eigenmodes with higher nquantum numbers may
also be observed for skyrmions confined in nanodots [ 14–16]
where the peaks of the eigenmodes may also be localized atthe edge of the sample, in contrast to the present case whereisolated kπskyrmions are discussed on an infinite collinear
It is also worth noting that the lowest-lying nonzero gy-
ration mode is n=0,m=1f o rt h e1 πand 3πskyrmions,
while it is n=1,m=1f o rt h e2 πskyrmion, see Fig. 1.A s
already mentioned in Sec. II C, numerical calculations for the
2πskyrmion indicate both in the atomistic and the micro-
magnetic case that by increasing the system size or refiningthe discretization the eigenvectors of both the n=0,m=−1
and the n=0,m=1 modes of D
SWin Eq. ( 6) converge to the
same eigenvectors in Eqs. ( 12) and ( 13) and zero eigenvalue,
which correspond to the translational Goldstone mode in theinfinite system. This difference can probably be attributedto the deviation in the value of the topological charge, be-ing finite for 1 πand 3πskyrmions but zero for the 2 π
skyrmion [ 35].
B. Instabilities
Skyrmions with different order kdeviate in their low-
field behavior. Since the considered Pd/Fe/Ir(111) systemhas a spin spiral ground state [ 38], decreasing the mag-
netic field value will make the formation of domain wallsenergetically preferable in the system. In the case of the1πskyrmion this means that the lowest-lying eigenmode of
SWin Eq. ( 2), which is an elliptic mode with m=±2,
changes sign from positive to negative, occurring betweenB=0.650 T and B=0.625 T in the present system. This
is indicated in Fig. 1(a) by the fact that the frequency of
then=0,m=−2 eigenmode of D
SWin Eq. ( 6) converges
to zero. This leads to an elongation of the skyrmion into aspin spiral segment which gradually fills the ferromagneticbackground, a so-called strip-out or elliptic instability already4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50020406080100
FIG. 3. Frequency of the breathing mode n=0,m=0o ft h e
1πskyrmion close to the collapse field. Calculation data are
shown by open symbols, red line denotes the power-law fit f0,0=
discussed in previous publications [ 21,46]. In contrast, for the
2πand 3πskyrmions the lowest-lying eigenmode of HSWis
a breathing mode with m=0, which tends to zero between
B=0.800 T and B=0.775 T for both skyrmions. This is
indicated by the lowest-lying n=0,m=0 mode of DSWin
Fig. 1(b) for the 2 πskyrmion, which is the second lowest
after the n=0,m=1 mode for the 3 πskyrmion in Fig. 1(c).
This means that the radius of the outer two rings of 2 π
and 3πskyrmions diverges at a finite field value, effectively
decreasing the skyrmion order kby 2 and leading to a burst
instability. A similar type of instability was already shownto occur in Ref. [ 25] in the case of a ferromagnetic ground
state at negative field values, in which case it also affects 1 π
At the burst instability, modes with n=0 and all angular
momentum quantum numbers mappear to approach zero be-
cause of the drastic increase in skyrmion radius decreasing thefrequency of these modes as discussed in Sec. III A . A similar
effect was observed for the 1 πskyrmion in Ref. [ 22] when
the critical value of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction,|D
π√A|K|, was approached at zero external field from
the direction of the ferromagnetic ground state. In contrast,the elliptic instability only seems to affect the n=0,m=
−2 mode, while other mvalues and the nonreciprocity are
apparently weakly influenced.
In the atomistic model, skyrmions collapse when their
characteristic size becomes comparable to the lattice con-stant. The collapse affects only the innermost rings of kπ
skyrmions, thereby decreasing the skyrmion order kby 1. It
was investigated in Ref. [ 35] that for the 1 π,2π, and 3 π
skyrmions the collapse of the innermost ring occurs at B
4.495 T, Bc,2π≈1.175 T, and Bc,3π≈1.155 T, respectively.
As can be seen in Figs. 1(b),1(c), and 3, this instability
is again signaled by the n=0,m=0 eigenfrequency going
to zero, but in contrast to the burst instability, the otherexcitation frequencies keep increasing with the field in thisregime. Figure 3demonstrates that close to the collapse field
the excitation frequency may be well approximated by the
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15125102050100
0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15125102050100
FIG. 4. Effective damping parameters calculated according to
Eq. ( 15) for the eigenmodes of the (a) 1 π,( b )2 π,a n d( c )3 π
skyrmions, plotted on a logarithmic scale. The corresponding excita-tion frequencies are shown in Fig. 1.
power law f0,0=Af(Bc,1π−B)βf, with Af=175.6GHz
Bc,1π=4.4957 T, and βf=0.23.
C. Effective damping parameters in the limit of low α
The effective damping parameters αn,m, effwere first cal-
culated from the eigenvectors obtained at α=0 following4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50024681012
FIG. 5. Effective damping parameter α0,0,effof the breathing
mode n=0,m=0o ft h e1 πskyrmion close to the collapse field.
The corresponding excitation frequencies are shown in Fig. 3. Calcu-
lation data are shown by open symbols, red line denotes the power-
law fit α0,0,eff/α=Aα(Bc,1π−B)−βα.
Eq. ( 15). The results for the 1 π,2π, and 3 πskyrmions are
summarized in Fig. 4.A sd i s c u s s e di nR e f .[ 23], theαn,m, eff
values are always larger than the Gilbert damping α, and they
tend to decrease with increasing angular momentum quantumnumber |m|and magnetic field B. The spin wave possessing
the highest effective damping is the n=0,m=0 breathing
mode both for the 1 πand 2πskyrmion, but it is the n=
0,m=1 gyration mode for the 3 πskyrmion for a large part
of the external field range where the structure is stable. Exci-tation pairs with quantum numbers n,±mtend to decay with
similar α
n,m, effvalues to each other, with αn,|m|,eff<αn,−|m|,eff,
where clockwise modes ( m< 0) have lower frequencies and
higher effective damping due to the nonreciprocity.
The effective damping parameters drastically increase and
for the lowest-lying modes apparently diverge close to theburst instability, while no such sign of nonanalytical behaviorcan be observed in the case of the 1 πskyrmion with the
elliptic instability. For the same n,m mode, the effective
damping parameter tends to increase with skyrmion order k
away from the critical field regimes; for example, for the n=
0,m=0 mode at B=1.00 T one finds α
α0,0,eff,2π/α=5.87, and α0,0,eff,3π/α=10.09.
Close to the collapse field, the effective damping param-
eter of the n=0,m=0 breathing mode tends to diverge
as shown in Figs. 4(b),4(c), and 5for the 2 π,3π, and
1πskyrmions, respectively. Similarly to the eigenfrequency
converging to zero in Fig. 3, the critical behavior of the
effective damping may be approximated by a power-law fitα
0,0,eff/α=Aα(Bc,1π−B)−βαas shown in Fig. 5, this time
with a negative exponent due to the divergence. The fittingyields the parameters A
α=0.96 Tβα,Bc,1π=4.4957 T, and
βα=0.23. Naturally, the critical field values agree between
the two fits, but interestingly one also finds βf=βαup to
two digits precision. Rearranging Eq. ( 14) yields
α|Imω0,0|, (18)
224426-7LEVENTE RÓZSA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 224426 (2018)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00102030405060
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
FIG. 6. (a) Frequency f0,0=Reω0,0/2πand (b) inverse lifetime
|Imω0,0|of the n=0,m=0 breathing mode of the 1 πskyrmion
atB=1 T as a function of the Gilbert damping parameter α.T h e
solutions of Eq. ( 6) for the elliptically polarized eigenmode of the 1 π
skyrmion are compared to Eqs. ( 16)a n d( 17) which are only valid for
circularly polarized modes.
where the left-hand side is proportional to ( Bc,1π−B)βf−βα
which is approximately constant due to the exponents can-
celing. This indicates that while Re ω0,0diverges close to the
collapse field, |Imω0,0|/αremains almost constant at low α
D. Damping for higher αvalues
Due to the divergences of the effective damping param-
eters found at the burst instability and collapse fields, it isworthwhile to investigate the consequences of using a finiteαvalue in Eq. ( 6), in contrast to relying on Eq. ( 15) which is
determined from the eigenvectors at α=0. The αdependence
of the real and imaginary parts of the ω
0,0breathing mode
frequency of the 1 πskyrmion is displayed in Fig. 6,a ta
field value of B=1 T far from the elliptic and collapse
instabilities. As shown in Fig. 6(a), unlike circularly polarized
modes described by Eq. ( 16) where Re ωqdecreases smoothly
and equals half of the undamped value at α=1, the Re ω0,0
value for the elliptically polarized eigenmode displays a much0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.1505101520
0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10
FIG. 7. (a) Frequency f0,0=Reω0,0/2πand (b) inverse lifetime
|Imω0,0|of the n=0,m=0 breathing mode of the 2 πskyrmion at
α=0.1 as a function of the external magnetic field B. The solutions
of Eq. ( 6) for the elliptically polarized eigenmode of the 2 πskyrmion
are compared to Eqs. ( 16)a n d( 17) which are only valid for circularly
polarized modes.
faster decay and reaches exactly zero at around α≈0.58.
According to Eq. ( 14), this indicates that the corresponding
effective damping parameter α0,0,effdiverges at this point.
Since the real part of the frequency disappears, the ωq/prime=
qrelation connecting Re ωq>0 and Re ωq/prime<0 solutions
of Eq. ( 6) discussed in Sec. II D no longer holds, and two
different purely imaginary eigenfrequencies are found in thisregime as shown in Fig. 6(b). This is analogous to overdamp-
ing in a classical linear harmonic oscillator, meaning that thepurely precessional first-order differential equation describingcircularly polarized modes is transformed into two coupledfirst-order differential equations [ 23] with an effective mass
term for the breathing mode of kπskyrmions. This implies
that when performing spin dynamics simulations based onthe Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, the value of the Gilbertdamping parameter has to be chosen carefully if the fastestrelaxation to the equilibrium spin structure is required. Thehigh effective damping of the breathing mode in the α/lessmuch1
limit [cf. Fig. 4(a)] ensures that the inverse lifetime of the
elliptically polarized excitations remains larger for a widerange of αvalues in Fig. 6(b) than what would be expected
for circularly polarized modes based on Eq. ( 17). Note that
contrary to Sec. III B,R eω0,0becoming zero in Fig. 6(a)
does not indicate an instability of the system, since stabilityis determined by the eigenvalues of the matrix H
SWin Eq. ( 2)
which are independent of α.
Since the disappearance of Re ω0,0and the bifurcation of
|Imω0,0|occurs as the excitation frequency becomes smaller,
it is expected that such an effect may also be observed atafi x e d αvalue as the external field is decreased. This is
illustrated for the n=0,m=0 breathing mode of the 2 π
skyrmion in Fig. 7atα=0.1. For this intermediate value
of the damping, the breathing mode becomes overdampedaround B=0.875 T, which is significantly higher than the
burst instability between B=0.775 T and B=0.800 T [cf.
Fig. 1(b) and the circularly polarized approximation in
Fig. 7(a)]. This means that the lowest-lying breathing mode
of the 2 πskyrmion cannot be excited below this external field
value. In Fig. 7(b) it can be observed that contrary to the cir-
cularly polarized approximation Eq. ( 17) following the field
dependence of the frequency, for the actual elliptically polar-ized eigenmode |Imω
0,0|is almost constant for all field values
above the bifurcation point. Although a similar observationwas made at the end of Sec. III C as the system approached
the collapse field at α=0, it is to be emphasized again that
no instability occurs where Re ω
0,0disappears in Fig. 7(a).
In summary, the localized spin wave modes of kπ
skyrmions were investigated in an atomistic spin model,with parameters based on the Pd/Fe/Ir(111) system. It wasfound that the number of observable modes increases withskyrmion order k, firstly because of excitations with higher
angular momentum quantum numbers mforming along the
larger perimeter of the skyrmion, secondly because of nodesappearing between the multiple domain walls. It was foundthat the 2 πand 3πskyrmions undergo a burst instability
at low fields, in contrast to the elliptic instability of the 1 π
skyrmion. At high field values the innermost ring of thestructure collapses in all cases, connected to an instability ofa breathing mode.
The effective damping parameters of the excitation modes
were determined, and it was found that for the same n,m
mode they tend to increase with skyrmion order k.T h e
effective damping parameter of the n=0,m=0 breathing
mode diverges at the burst and collapse instabilities, but nosuch effect was observed in case of the elliptic instability. Forhigher values of the Gilbert damping parameter αa deviation
from the behavior of circularly polarized modes has beenfound, with the breathing modes becoming overdamped. Itwas demonstrated that such an overdamping may be observ-able in 2 πand 3πskyrmions for intermediate values of the
damping significantly above the burst instability field wherethe structures themselves disappear from the system.
The results presented here are expected to hold qualita-
tively for all systems where kπskyrmions may be stabilized,
as long as the ground state is a spin spiral in the absenceof an external magnetic field. Therefore, they may motivatefurther experimental and theoretical studies on kπskyrmions,
offering a wider selection of localized excitations comparedto the 1 πskyrmion, thereby opening further possibilities in
magnonics applications.
The authors would like to thank A. Siemens for fruitful dis-
cussions. Financial support for this work from the Alexandervon Humboldt Foundation, from the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft via SFB 668, and from the National Research,Development and Innovation Office of Hungary under ProjectNo. K115575 is gratefully acknowledged.
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224426-10 |
PhysRevB.86.134433.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 134433 (2012)
Dynamics of vortex nucleation in nanomagnets with broken symmetry
Jaroslav T ´obik,1,*Vladim ´ır Cambel,1and Goran Karapetrov1,2
1Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, D ´ubravsk ´a cesta 9, SK-841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
2Department of Physics, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
(Received 19 March 2012; revised manuscript received 14 October 2012; published 31 October 2012)
We investigate the dynamics of magnetic vortex nucleation in sub-100-nm mesoscopic magnets with the aim
of establishing an independent control of vortex polarity and chirality. We consider the dynamic behavior of thevortex spin structure in an object with broken symmetry—a Pacman-like nanomagnet shape—proposing a modelbased on classical electrodynamics and providing a proof by conducting micromagnetic calculations. The modelprovides evidence that the desired vortex chirality and polarity could be established by applying solely quasistaticin-plane magnetic field along specific directions with respect to the structure’s asymmetry. We identify the modesof vortex nucleation that are robust against external magnetic field noise. These vortex nucleation modes arecommon among a wide range of sub-100-nm magnets with broken rotational symmetry. The results could leadto the practical realization of high density magnetic memories based on magnetic vortices.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.134433 PACS number(s): 75 .75.Fk, 75 .60.Jk, 75.78.Cd
Confinement leads to fundamental changes in the physical
behavior of materials due to the increased role of the surface.In mesoscopic magnetic materials such changes in the energylandscape could lead to novel magnetic spin configurationssuch as vortices. The equilibrium properties of these topo-logical states are governed by both the properties of themagnetic material and the geometry of the object. On theother hand, confinement also leads to the distinct dynamicbehavior of these topological states since the available energylevels are very much limited. The transition probabilitiesbetween different states can thus be controlled by carefulengineering of the geometry of the mesoscopic object. Herewe show that by tailoring the geometry of the mesoscopicmagnet one can produce deterministic dynamic switchingbetween well-defined degenerate topological states using onlyin-plane magnetic fields. We present an analytical modelthat explains the mechanism of the vortex nucleation andorigin of robustness of the vortex polarization. Confirmationof the model is accomplished by conducting micromagneticsimulations. The findings could lead to practical realization ofa two-bit magnetic memory cell based on a controlled settingand the readout of the polarity and chirality of the magneticvortex.
Controlled manipulation of magnetic domains in ferro-
magnet nanostructures have recently opened opportunitiesfor novel fast, high-density, and low-power memories withnovel architectures.
1–3Any perspective magnetic memory
architecture, such as submicron nonvolatile magnetic memory,has to have (1) a well-defined switching field used to set thememory bits, and (2) a reproducible switching behavior usinga simple sequence of external magnetic field pulses. Therefore,the dynamics of the switching between different ground stateshas to be understood in detail.
Recent advances in fabrication technology at nanoscale
have enabled studies of magnetic systems that are welldefined in all three dimensions on a nanometer length scale(<100 nm).
4,5The size reduction of nanomagnets leads to
novel spin topological states such as the vortex state, C
state, Sstate, flower state, and so on,6and to simplified
transitions between these states in the external magnetic field.The transition between ground states in such nanomagnets is
of fundamental importance.7,8It is governed by competition
between the magnetostatic energy and exchange energy, and itis influenced by the magnetic material used and by the choiceof the nanomagnet shape. For example, the magnetization ofdisks in a zero field can be oriented in-plane, out-of-plane, or avortex state can be created depending on the disk diameter andthickness.
4,9In the disk the flux-closure magnetic state reduces
the long-range stray fields (i.e., reduces the magnetostaticinteraction between neighboring disks). Therefore, such diskmagnetic systems have a potential for high-density magneticstorage elements, with bits represented by the chirality andpolarity of a basic vortex state.
In submicron-sized disks four possible states have to be con-
trolled. It was shown experimentally that in the nanomagnetswith broken rotational symmetry, chirality can be controlledeasily by the in-plane field of a selected direction.
10–13At the
same time the polarity of the vortex core, which representsthe second bit, can be controlled by an out-of-plane magneticfield,
13spin-polarized current,8high-frequency in-plane mag-
netic field,14or by an in-plane magnetic pulse of precisely
defined amplitude and duration.15
In our previous work we have proposed a prospective shape
of a nanomagnet with broken symmetry which permits thecontrol of chirality and polarity bits by the application of thein-plane field only.
16In this paper we analyze the mechanisms
that establish specific chirality and polarity values in such aPacman-like (PL) nanomagnet by taking a closer look at theenergies and dynamics that govern the switching processes.Using an analytical model we show that the polarity and the
chirality of the vortex core nucleated in the decreasing in-planemagnetic field is implicitly defined by the direction of themagnetic field with respect to the missing sector of the PLnanomagnet.
We consider a magnetic dot of cylindrical shape. To
construct a PL structure it is necessary to remove an outersector that is 45
◦wide, and has 1 /3 of the disk radius (see
Fig.1). Due to a symmetry analysis that will be presented later,
we choose the orientation of the x,zaxes such that they define
the mirror symmetry plane σy, which leaves the PL object
134433-1 1098-0121/2012/86(13)/134433(5) ©2012 American Physical SocietyT´OBIK, CAMBEL, AND KARAPETROV PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 134433 (2012)
R cutxy
FIG. 1. Geometry of Pacman-like nanomagnet. The structure is
symmetric with respect to reflection plane σy.
invariant. Another symmetry operation is mirroring through
the plane x,ynoted in the following text by σz.
First, we define polarity /vectorπ[/vectorf] and chirality /vectorχ[/vectorf] vectors as
functionals of an arbitrary vector field /vectorf:
Polarity is just th simple average value of the field, while
chirality resembles the definition of the momentum of quantity
/vectorfin classical mechanics. The subtraction of polarity in the
expression for chirality is necessary due to chirality invariancewith respect to the origin coordinate system choice. Mostlywe are interested in the zcomponent of polarity and chirality.
The integration domain /Omega1is over the volume of the PL
Let us consider that the nanomagnet is placed in a strong
in-plane magnetic field that has an angle ϕwith the xaxis.
To emulate the magnetic response by the missing sector, wecan consider the PL nanomagnet as a superposition of a fulldisk and a set of microscopic magnetic moments in a removedsector. These additional moments have to have the same valueand to be oriented in the opposite direction to the magnetic
FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) The magnetization of the Pacman-like
nanomagnet is a superposition of the uniform magnetization of a
full disk (red arrows) and the magnetization of the missing sector
that is equal and opposite to the one of the full disk. (b) The sumof the compensation moments in the sector creates a dipole m
which asymmetrically interacts with the local magnetization in the
nanomagnet.moments in the disk (Fig. 2). In the first approximation all
microscopic moments are parallel. Neglecting higher thandipolar moments, the missing sector behaves as a dipole with amoment /vectorm
cutpositioned in the center of mass of the sector /vectorrT:
/vectorrd/Omega1/prime. (2)
The minus sign reflects that dipoles of opposite orientation
have to be added to eliminate the dipoles in the missing sector(see Fig. 2). The integration is over the volume of the missing
sector /Omega1
To calculate the magnetic field of the PL nanomagnet,
consider first the full disk. In magnetic fields exceeding the
saturation field the magnetic polarization /vectorMis parallel to the
direction of the applied field /vectorHextthroughout the disk volume.
The internal magnetic field /vectorHis also uniformly oriented in
parallel with /vectorM. As a small piece of material is removed,
all the fields change slightly. To correct the internal magneticfield, the field of magnetic moment /vectorm
cutgiven by Eq. (2)has
to be added to the originally homogeneous internal field of thefull disk. The removed part thus creates a dipole which inducesmagnetic field with nonzero chirality χ[/vectorH], ifϕ/negationslash=0
Since dipoles partially follow the field orientation, the nonzero
chirality of /vectorMis expected.
Next, we explain qualitatively the mechanism which
determines vortex core polarity. Taking into consideration
magnetostatics only, the state with positive polarity π[/vectorM]
is energetically equivalent to the state with negative polarity
−π[/vectorM], if no external field in the zdirection is applied. That
can be easily seen by writing the total energy functional
/vectorHext·/vectorMd/Omega1. (3)
Changing the sign of Mzdoes not change the first two integrals
of Eq. (3)since these two parts of the energy functional are
quadratic in Mzand its derivative, respectively. The only linear
part in Mzis in the third integral. But a change of sign of
Mzwould not influence the total energy because Hexthas
nozcomponent. The integration domain /Omega1is not changed by
reversing zbecause the symmetry operation σz—the reflection
from the plane xytransforms the PL nanomagnet to itself.
The final state of the vortex core polarization is determined
by magnetization dynamics. The time evolution of magneti-zation is described by the phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation
. (4)
Here we show that this equation itself contains a polarity
symmetry-breaking mechanism. First, we apply a strongexternal in-plane field in the direction that has an angle ϕwith
thexaxis (Fig. 2). Then we slowly (adiabatically) decrease the
external field amplitude to the level that is just above the vortexnucleation field. By adiabatic field change we mean that thechange of the external field with time is so slow that the energydissipation keeps the system very close to the local minimum at
all times. Then∂/vectorM
∂t≈0 everywhere. Any dynamics means also
the dissipation of energy due to the term that is proportional to
αin Eq. (4). Therefore, at local minima also /vectorHeffis parallel to
magnetization /vectorM, otherwise it is not possible to satisfy Eq. (4)
with vanishing left side. We note this effective field /vectorH/bardbl
eff.N o w ,
having /vectorHextjust above the nucleation field, we decrease the
external field by a small value /Delta1/vectorH. To the first approximation
the effective field is /vectorHeff=/vectorH/bardbl
eff+/Delta1/vectorH. When looking at the
dynamics of local magnetic moments shortly after the externalfield is decreased, we can neglect the damping term in theLLG equation since α/lessmuch1. The torque on the zcomponent of
magnetization is then given by the equation
∂t=−γ(Mx/Delta1Hy−My/Delta1Hx). (5)
The right-hand side of Eq. (5)is not zero locally, nor it is
on average, due to the asymmetry of the PL nanomagnet withrespect to the direction of the applied field (if ϕ/negationslash=0
◦,180◦). If
the actual value of the external field is lower than the nucleationfield, the nonzero polarity of the nanomagnet starts to evolve.From pure energy considerations, the two vortex states withopposite polarity are energetically equivalent. Looking at thetime-evolution equation (4), especially at its first-order approx-
imation (5), one sees that the magnetization is driven towards
the well-defined direction by the geometric asymmetry of thePL nanomagnet. The direction of the initial polarity evolutionis obtained by the volume integration of Eq. (5).
The confirmation of the above model approximation can
be obtained by numerical simulations. We have performednumerical simulations of the PL nanomagnet using the
software package.17The parameters used in the simulation
are as follows: outer radius R=35 nm, thickness (in the z
direction, not shown) h=40 nm. The material used in the
calculations is Permalloy Ni 80Fe20(Py), with the following
material parameters: exchange constant A=13×10−12J/m,
saturated magnetization Ms=8.6×105A/m, and Gilbert
damping parameter α=0.5. Numerical simulations were
done on a rectangular mesh of size 1 nm. To check thepossible influence of the discretization, calculations with aPL nanomagnet rotated against the discretization mesh by 10
and 22.5◦were performed. The same results for Binwithin an
error of 2 mT were achieved.
In Fig. 3we show the dependence of the nucleation-field
amplitude on the applied field direction. The nucleation fieldis defined as the applied magnetic field at which the nonzero
zcomponent of the magnetization polarity π(/vectorM) appears.
The external field is adiabatically decreasing from 150 mTto zero in the selected direction. By adiabatic change we meanthe repeated process of decreasing the field b ya2m Ts t e p ,
followed by full system relaxation.
We would like to note the symmetry properties of the PL
nanomagnet. In Fig. 3(top) each quadrant corresponds to
a vortex ground state of the nanomagnet with the specificchirality and polarity shown in corresponding corners. Thenanomagnet relaxes into that remanent state from a uniformmagnetization along an angle within the specific quadrant.As can be seen in Fig. 3, the angular dependence of the
nucleation field can be reconstructed from the dependenceforϕ∈[0;
2] by inversion and reflection through the xzplane0306090
27030033060 30 mT
ϕ=75°B= 1T B=26mT B=24mTϕ=15°B=1T B=20mT B =0T B=22mT
FIG. 3. (Color online) Top: Angular dependence of vortex nucle-
ation field. Direction of the nucleated vortex polarity and chirality
are also indicated for each quadrant. Bottom: Two different processesof vortex nucleation depending on the initial magnetization direction
with respect to PL’s symmetry plane ( ϕ=15
◦andϕ=75◦). From
the uniform magnetization state ( U) the magnetization transitions to
S-shape (dots) or C-shape (stars) configurations and equilibrates to a
vortex state ( V) with specific polarity and chirality. The snapshot of
the intermediate state ( I) shows the position of vortex core nucleation.
σy. The inversion symmetry of the graph shown in Fig. 3is
the consequence of the time-reversal symmetry. The reflectionsymmetry with respect to the xzplane shown in Fig. 3is
related to the reflection from σ
y—the geometrical operation
that transforms the PL nanomagnet to itself.
The simulation results show the existence of two distinct
vortex core nucleation regimes [Fig. 3(bottom)]. For large
angles ( ϕ∈[50◦;9 0◦]) the vortex nucleates from the C-state
magnetization pattern. This form of nucleation is not robustin the sense that even the small out-of-plane field B
z/similarequal1m T
is sufficient to alter the resulting polarity of the nucleatedvortex along the direction of the applied field B
z(Fig. 4).
Instead, for small angles ( ϕ∈[0◦;4 8◦]) the vortex nucleation
path is different. Just above the vortex nucleation field, themagnetization of the PL nanomagnet forms an Sstate. This
configuration consists of two regions with opposite signs ofthe curvature of field lines.
18Meanwhile, there is only one
curvature of field lines just below the vortex nucleation field.
0 30 60 90 120 150 1800102030405060B ( mT )
Polar angle ( deg ) BZ
FIG. 4. (Color online) Angular dependence of the in-plane vortex
nucleation field Bnucand threshold out-of-plane field Bznecessary to
reverse the polarity of the entering vortex.
The process of vortex core nucleation in this case involves
thereversal of magnetic moments in a part of the nanomagnet.
This reversal process proceeds through an out-of-plane motionof the local magnetic moments, resulting in robust vortex corepolarization despite the presence of small external fields in thezdirection. In Fig. 4we show the angular dependence of the
maximum external field B
zfor which the PL nanomagnet is
able to sustain nucleation of vortex polarity opposite to thedirection of the applied external field.
TheCandSshapes of magnetization can be explained by
the position of perturbing dipole /vectorm
cut. As can be seen from
Fig. 2, the PL nanomagnet is divided into two domains with
the opposite sign of the magnetic field circulation generatedby/vectorm
cut. The sizes of these two domains are determined by the
orientation of /vectormcut. However, the exchange interaction tends
to align local moments in parallel, thus there exists a criticalangle (around 48
◦in our geometry), beyond which the region
with minor curvature does not exist. A detailed energy balancebetween the exchange and cavity (sector) demagnetizationdetermines the scenario of vortex nucleation and its eventualrobustness with respect to external perturbation.
We would like to point out that the adiabatic case discussed
above describes the magnetization dynamics on the order ofseveral nanoseconds. We also performed
OOMMF simulations
for the nonadiabatic case, when the change of the externalmagnetic field is faster than the local magnetization dynamics.We find that the final vortex state has the same angulardependence on the initial applied in-plane magnetic field asin the adiabatic case (Fig. 4). Moreover, the robustness of the
transition is increased, as measured by the magnitude of thethreshold out-of-plane B
znecessary to alter the final polarity.
An intuitive understanding for the increased robustness can beinferred from Eq. (5): The initial impulse given to the system
is proportional to the amplitude of the in-plane magnetic fieldstep during which vortex nucleation occurs. This basicallymeans that the PL nanomagnet is more stable when operatedat higher switching speeds.
The analysis provided above has been performed without
taking into account finite temperature effects. Preliminaryestimates indicate that the results could be altered by thermaleffects when the thermal energy is comparable to the energycushion estimated by the opposite B
znecessary to alter the final
polarity of the vortex state (Fig. 4). According to simulations,
at room temperature the final polarity and chirality for appliedfields at angles −45
◦/lessorequalslantϕ/lessorequalslant45◦do not change. A more
complicated situation arises for other angles of the in-planeapplied field, but the full analysis is beyond the scope of thiswork and will be addressed in the near future.
To summarize, in this work we provide simple arguments
that elucidate the origin of driving mechanisms for thenucleation of magnetic vortex with controlled chirality andpolarity. We also find the regime of the PL nanomagnetoperation in which the final vortex state is independent ona weak disturbing external field. This is a promising findingto consider if using the PL nanomagnet as a memory elementin bit-patterned media or as a generator of magnetic vorticesof desired polarity and chirality for microwave applications.Weak interaction among the elements as well as robustness tosmall external field perturbations makes the PL nanomagnetvery suitable for operation.
Finally, we note, that the sub-100-nm PL nanomagnet
is not the only unique design offering control of chiralityand polarity by in-plane magnetic field. Qualitatively similarresults are obtained in simulations for different sizes andshapes of the missing sector. According to our model, thenecessary ingredients are the symmetry of the object, thedemagnetization field strength of the removed part, and shapeanisotropy induced by the removed part. The robustness ofvortex polarity against B
zis based on the vortex–antivortex
annihilation during vortex core nucleation.
This work has been supported by the project CENTE II,
Research & Development Operational Program funded by theERDF, ITMS 26240120019, and by VEGA 2/0037/12.
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11T. Taniuchi, M. Oshima, H. Akinaga, and K. Ono, J. Appl. Phys.
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134433-5 |
PhysRevB.82.144405.pdf | Relating Gilbert damping and ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization
Manfred Fähnle, *Jonas Seib, and Christian Illg
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Heisenbergstr. 3, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
/H20849Received 2 July 2010; revised manuscript received 3 September 2010; published 4 October 2010 /H20850
Based on the breathing Fermi-surface model of Gilbert damping and on the Elliott-Yafet relation for the
spin-relaxation time, a relation is established between the conductivitylike contribution to the Gilbert damping
/H9251at low temperatures and the demagnetization time /H9270Mfor ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization at low laser
fluences. Thereby it is assumed that, respectively, the same types of spin-dependent electron-scattering pro-cesses are relevant for
/H9251and/H9270M. The relation contains information on the properties of single-electron states
which are calculated by the ab initio electron theory. The predicted value for /H9251//H9270Mis in good agreement with
the experimental value.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.144405 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 75.78.Jp, 76.20. /H11001q
Recently, there has been an extensive research activity on
short-time magnetization dynamics for two reasons. First,there is an enormous importance for magnetic devices, and,second, the microscopic mechanisms which determine thedissipative magnetization dynamics are not well understood.The dynamics /H20849e.g., magnetization switching /H20850can be driven
by external magnetic fields or by spin-polarized electricalcurrents on a time scale of nanoseconds to several picosec-onds. Since the pioneering paper of Beaurepaire et al.
1it is
known that the magnetization can be modulated even on apicosecond or subpicosecond time scale when exposing athin film of Ni, Fe, or Co, e.g., to an optical femtosecondlaser pulse. In the following we denote the dynamics onthese two scales as fast and ultrafast magnetization dynam-ics, respectively.
For the theoretical modeling of the fast dynamics of the
magnetization Mthe Gilbert equation
2is commonly used
dt/H20874. /H208491/H20850
Here the first term /H20849/H9253is the gyromagnetic ratio /H20850describes the
precession of Maround the effective field Heff, and the sec-
ond term with the damping scalar /H9251represents the damping.
It has been shown /H20849for a review, see Ref. 3/H20850that for a general
situation the Gilbert scalar /H9251has to be replaced by a damping
matrix /H9251, which depends itself on the magnetization configu-
ration of the whole system but for the present purpose it
suffices to consider Eq. /H208491/H20850. For the modeling of the ultrafast
dynamics a phenomenological three-temperature model isused
1which describes the interaction of the electron, spin,
and lattice subsystems, or its recently developed microscopicversion /H20849see, e.g., Ref. 4/H20850. The quantity of interest is the
demagnetization time
/H9270M/H20849which for Ni can be below 100 fs
for low laser fluences4/H20850describing the rate of magnetization
loss of the film after laser excitation.
Both damping of the fast magnetization dynamics, char-
acterized by /H9251, and ultrafast demagnetization after laser ex-
citation, characterized by /H9270M, require a transfer of angular
momentum from the electronic system to the lattice via elec-tronic spin-flip scattering. Assuming that the dominant mi-croscopic channels for the angular momentum transfer are
the same for both situations, it is desirable to find a relationbetween
A first unified theory of fast and ultrafast magnetization
dynamics has been presented by Koopmans et al.5who com-
pared the fast precessional dynamics of a homogeneouslymagnetized system in the homogeneous effective field H
=H/H20849composed of the external field, the anisotropy field, and
the demagnetization field /H20850with the ultrafast demagnetization
after laser excitation. According to Eq. /H208491/H20850, the precession
damps out on the time scale
with the Landé factor g/H110152 and the Bohr magneton /H9262B.I n
Ref. 5the physics behind the drastically different time scales
/H9270Mand/H9270Pcould be explained by a simple hand-waving ar-
gument. To do this, the authors of Ref. 5calculated the trans-
versal spin-relaxation time /H9270M,tfor laser excited electrons,
thereby describing the damped precessional motion of thesingle electrons again by the Gilbert Eq. /H208491/H20850with the same
damping constant
/H9251as for the fast precession but with the
effective field Heff=Hreplaced by the exchange field Hex,
which an individual electron spin feels that is not alignedwith the sea of other electrons. Assuming that the longitudi-nal relaxation time
/H9270Mis equal to the transverse relaxation
time/H9270M,teven for the extremely fast precession in the Stoner
exchange field /H20849preconditions for the validity of this assump-
tion are discussed in Ref. 6/H20850yields7,8
g/H9262BHex/H9251. /H208493/H20850
From Eqs. /H208492/H20850and /H208493/H20850it becomes obvious that the reason for
the drastically different time scales of fast and ultrafast dy-namics is given by the different effective fields. The indi-vidual spins of the ultrafast dynamics feel the exchange field,and their precession is extremely fast. In contrast, for the fastdynamics the Stoner exchange field does not appear explic-itly /H20849it just functions to guarantee the constant modulus ofPHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144405 /H208492010 /H20850
1098-0121/2010/82 /H2084914/H20850/144405 /H208494/H20850 ©2010 The American Physical Society 144405-1the magnetization during the precession /H20850, and the precession
in the effective field is much slower.
In Ref. 5the relation in Eq. /H208493/H20850between /H9270Mand/H9251has
been rederived from quantum-mechanical principles. In bothsituations an equation of motion is determined which de-scribes the relaxation of the magnetic moment m/H20849t/H20850of the
sample from an initial nonequilibrium situation toward equi-librium. On the microscopic level this relaxation results froman imbalance of spin-up and spin-down electron-lattice scat-tering events. Thereby it is again assumed that the sametypes of spin-flip electron scattering /H20849described by a model
matrix element /H20850are relevant for
/H9270Mand/H9251. For the femtosec-
ond demagnetization the nonequilibrium situation arises be-cause after the action of the laser pulse /H20849which primarily
raises the electronic temperature /H20850the electron, spin, and lat-
tice temperatures of the above-mentioned three-temperaturemodel are different. The increased temperature of the heatbath for the individual spins /H20849provided by the electronic sub-
system /H20850causes a repopulation of the spin-up and spin-down
levels /H20849defined with respect to the orientation of the ex-
change field H
ex/H20850via spin-flip scattering events which
change the energy by /H11006g/H9262BHex. For the calculation of /H9251a
homogeneously magnetized sample is considered, where theindividual spins are coupled by H
exto a macrospin of fixed
quantum number Sbut variable magnetic quantum number
mS/H20849now defined with respect to the orientation of the effec-
tive field H/H20850. The initial nonequilibrium situation where the
macrospin is not parallel to His again relaxed by spin scat-
tering processes whereby—however—the restriction has tobe fulfilled that Sis conserved while m
Scan be changed.
Therefore the change in energy due to an individual spin flipis/H11006g
/H9262BHrather than /H11006g/H9262BHex. From the equations of
motion derived for the respective situation the quantities /H9270M
and/H9251can be determined, yielding Eq. /H208493/H20850.
It should be recalled that in the quantum-mechanical treat-
ment all the electronic properties of the system are describedby just one effective parameter /H20849the spin-flip scattering ma-
trix element /H20850. Therefore it cannot be expected that Eq. /H208493/H20850
gives a highly accurate description for all systems, albeit ityielded a correct prediction on the order of magnitude of
/H9270M/H9251from a quantum-mechanical treatment. In fact, Eq. /H208493/H20850
could not be confirmed quantitatively when manipulating /H9270M
and/H9251by transition-metal or rare-earth doping /H20849see, e.g., Ref.
9/H20850, either because of the oversimplified treatment of the elec-
tronic and scattering properties, or because different relax-ation channels are relevant for
/H9270Mand/H9251/H20849in contrast to the
basic assumption of the calculation /H20850.
In the present paper we derive a relation between /H9251and
/H9270Mby a completely different approach than in Ref. 5. The
advantage of the present theory is that it takes into account ina much more detailed manner the specific electronic proper-ties of a material. The disadvantage is that the relation be-tween
/H9251and/H9270Mis much more complicated and does not
contain just one parameter /H20851Hexin Eq. /H208493/H20850/H20852but the properties
of all individual electronic states which have to be calculatedby the ab initio electron theory for a comparison with theexperiment. It will be shown that the value of
dicted by the theory agrees well with the corresponding ex-perimental value.
It is well known /H20849see, e.g., Refs. 10–15/H20850that there are
often two contributions to
/H9251, one which is proportional to the
conductivity of the material and which dominates at lowtemperatures, and one which is proportional to the resistivity.We want to derive a relation between the low-temperaturedamping parameter and the demagnetization time
laser excitation at low temperatures and such low laser flu-ences that the electron, spin, and lattice temperatures riseonly slightly.
It has been shown /H20849see, e.g., Ref. 13/H20850that the Gilbert
damping in metallic ferromagnets results predominantlyfrom the fact that the magnetization dynamics itself gener-ates pairs of excited electrons and holes which then experi-ence spin-dependent scattering at the lattice, thereby trans-ferring angular momentum from the electronic system to the
lattice. We can distinguish between pairs for which the ex-cited electrons and holes appear in the, respectively, sameband, and pairs which are generated by exciting the electronsto other bands than those for which the holes appear. Therelaxation of these two types of electron-hole pairs leads tothe above discussed two contributions to
/H9251/H20849see Refs. 14and
The intraband pairs are generated because the spin-orbit
energy changes when the orientation e/H20849t/H20850of the, for example,
homogeneous magnetization M/H20849t/H20850=Me/H20849t/H20850changes with time
t, i.e., the single-electron energies /H9255jk/H20849jandkdenote the
band index and the electronic wave vector /H20850change with
time. Some states which are just below the Fermi surface forone orientation eget pushed above the Fermi surface for an
orientation eat another time whereas other states which were
originally above are pushed below. This means that excitedelectrons and holes are generated in the same band when weconsider the respective preceding orientation as reference.This means, that, e.g., for a precessional dynamics of M/H20849t/H20850
the Fermi surface “breathes.” The relaxation of the intrabandelectrons and holes leads to the conductivitylike “breathingFermi surface” contribution
The interband pairs are generated because the system of
electrons feels a time-dependent perturbation due to thechanging spin-orbit interaction /H20849see, e.g., Ref. 14/H20850, and this
leads to electronic transitions between states /H9023
These excitations are pictured as14“bubbling” of individual
electrons at the Fermi surface. The relaxation of these inter-band electrons and holes leads
14to the resistivitylike “bub-
bling Fermi surface” contribution to /H9251.
It has been shown in Ref. 14that the breathing and the
bubbling Fermi-surface contributions are incorporated inKamberský’s
12torque correlation model. For the conductivi-
tylike contribution itself another type of theory yielded thebreathing Fermi-surface model.
3,16Because we concentrate
on the low-temperature damping, we will consider thebreathing Fermi-surface model.
In the theory of Ref. 5the fast dynamics of the system is
described by a statistical approach on the macrospin level,and the macrospin relaxation is driven by the fact that tran-sitions /H20841S,m
S/H20856→/H20841S,mS+1/H20856lower the energy by g/H9262BH. Such
transitions are realized by the spin-dependent electron-latticeFÄHNLE, SEIB, AND ILLG PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144405 /H208492010 /H20850
144405-2scattering events which are characterized by the effective
scattering matrix element /H20849see above /H20850but the detailed dy-
namics on the level of single-electron states does not enterexplicitly the statistical approach for the macrospin. In con-trast, in the breathing Fermi-surface model the system is de-scribed by a statistical approach on the level of single-electron states. As described above, intraband electron-holepairs are generated, for instance, by a precessional dynamicsofM/H20849t/H20850due to a breathing Fermi surface. The electron-hole
pairs generated by the precession survive for some lifetime
before they relax by electron-lattice scattering, thereby trans-ferring angular momentum to the lattice. Because of the fi-nite lifetime the real occupation numbers n
jk/H20849t/H20850deviate from
the equilibrium Fermi-Dirac occupation numbers fjk/H20851/H9255jk/H20849t/H20850/H20852,
and the differences between these two occupation numbersrepresent the driving forces for a statistical treatment of therelaxation on the level of single-electron states. Altogether,the breathing Fermi-surface model yields
MFel, /H208494/H20850
where the quantity
contains the derivatives of the single-electron energies with
respect to the orientation eof the magnetization M=Me. The
quantities /H11509/H9255jk//H11509ecan be calculated in the ab initio electron
theory from the single-electron energies /H9255jkcalculated for
two close orientations eof the homogeneous magnetization
which are stabilized by the action of constraining fields.3
We now describe the calculation of the demagnetization
time/H9270Mafter laser excitations at low temperatures and low
laser fluences. For low fluences the laser excitation drives thesystem only slightly out of thermal equilibrium. In Ref. 5the
/H9270Mhas been calculated within the microscopic
three-temperature model described above where the relax-ation is driven by the different temperatures of the electron,spin, and lattice subsystems. For low fluences we can use thetheory of Yafet
6,18in which a weak nonequilibrium situation
for the electronic spin states is modeled by prescribing ini-tially two different chemical potentials for electrons with twospin characters, and this difference is the driving force forthe proceeding relaxation which is achieved by spin-dependent electron-lattice scattering. Whereas in Ref. 5the
spin-dependent scattering is described from the very begin-ning by one effective matrix element, the theory of Yafetcontains the real matrix elements for the scattering betweendifferent electronic states /H9023
jkand/H9023j/H11032k/H11032. The key point of the
theory is the fact that in a system with spin-orbit coupling the
wave functions /H9023jkare always mixtures of the two spin
states /H20841↑/H20856and /H20841↓/H20856with probability pjksto find an electron in
the spin state s. The degree of spin mixing is described by
the parameter
bjk2= min /H20849pjk↑,pjk↓/H20850, /H208496/H20850
whereby for most states bjk2is much smaller than one, i.e.,
most states have a dominant spin character. In a simplifiedversion of Yafet’s theory the spin-flip matrix elements are not
calculated explicitly but estimated by simple physical argu-ments. Within this simplified version the so-called Elliot-Yafet relation
6,19for/H9270Mis derived
pb2/H9270c, /H208497/H20850
where b2is an average of bjk2over all states involved in the
relaxation, pis a material-specific parameter which should
be close to 4 /H20849and which should not be mixed up with the
above defined probability pjksto find a single electron in the
spin state s/H20850, and the quantity /H9270cis the relaxation time enter-
ing Drude’s theory of electrical conductivity.
Because in the breathing Fermi-surface model the lifetime
/H9270is generally assumed to be identical to the Drude relaxation
time/H9270c, we can derive from Eqs. /H208494/H20850and /H208497/H20850the relation
/H9253Felpb2/H9251, /H208498/H20850
which is the central result of the present paper.
Please note two fundamental differences between Eq. /H208493/H20850,
which is the central result of Ref. 5and Eq. /H208498/H20850. First, in Eq.
/H208493/H20850/H9270Mis proportional to 1 //H9251whereas it is proportional to /H9251
in Eq. /H208498/H20850. The proportionality to /H9251is related to the fact that
we considered the conductivitylike contribution which domi-nates the damping at long lifetimes
/H9270/H20849respectively, low tem-
peratures /H20850. The resistivitylike contribution depends also on
the lifetime /H9270, however, in a more complicated manner. It
increases monotonically with increasing /H9270−1, and for small
/H9270−1/H20849where the conductivitylike contribution dominates /H20850it is
proportional to /H9270−1,/H9251=F˜el//H9270. Thereby, F˜elis again a quantity
which is determined by the properties of the electronic statesbut it is different from the quantity F
elappearing in Eqs. /H208494/H20850
and /H208495/H20850. Whereas Felcan be expressed by matrix elements
which are formed with, respectively, the same single-electron
wave functions /H9023jk, the quantity F˜elcontains matrix ele-
ments formed by two different wave functions /H9023jkand/H9023j/H11032k,
respectively, see, e.g., Ref. 14. This procedure yields the re-
between the demagnetization time and the resistivitylike con-
tribution to /H9251, and this relation has the same form as Eq. /H208493/H20850
given by Ref. 5. Altogether, it becomes clear that Eq. /H208493/H20850is
not valid for all situations, it is certainly not valid for verylong lifetimes /H20849respectively, low temperatures /H20850where the
conductivitylike contribution to
/H9251dominates. This may be a
further reason why relation /H208493/H20850could not be confirmed quan-
titatively in the experiments. /H20849Please note that for Fe, Co, and
Ni probably both contributions to /H9251are relevant at room
The second essential difference is that in Eq. /H208493/H20850just one
material parameter /H20849Hex/H20850appears which has nothing to do
with spin-orbit coupling, whereas the quantities Feland F˜el
of Eqs. /H208498/H20850and /H208499/H20850are determined by the sensitivity of the
electronic states on changes in the spin-orbit coupling. OnRELATING GILBERT DAMPING AND ULTRAFAST LASER- … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144405 /H208492010 /H20850
144405-3the first sight it therefore looks as if Eqs. /H208493/H20850and /H208499/H20850were, in
principle, not compatible with each other. Therefore we must
conclude that /H9251/H9270M=F˜el/pb2should depend only weakly on
the strength /H9264of the spin-orbit coupling /H9264/H20849L·S/H20850between the
spin angular momentum Sand the orbital angular momen-
tumLof an electron. Indeed, it has been shown14that F˜el
/H11011/H92642, and because in first-order perturbation theory b2is also
proportional to /H92642, the quantity /H9251/H9270Mdoes not depend on /H9264.
Finally, we want to test our relation /H208498/H20850against experi-
mental results. We take the case of Ni because in this mate-rial the damping is definitely dominated by the conductivity-like contribution at low temperatures, and Ref. 10gives a
value of /H9261=
/H9253M/H9251=1.07 /H11003108/s for that contribution at room
temperature, where /H9261is the Landau-Lifshitz damping
parameter. Furthermore, the value of /H9270Mas fitted from
M/H20849t/H20850/M/H20849t=0/H20850at low fluences is approximately 100 fs
/H20851Fig. 3d of Ref. 4/H20852. This yields the experimental value of
/H9251//H9270M=1.2/H110031011/s. To calculate the theoretical value of
/H9251//H9270Mby Eq. /H208498/H20850, we take p=4 and b2=0.025. This value of
b2has been calculated by the ab initio electron theory20un-
der the assumption that the dominant contribution to the de-magnetization arises from thermally excited electrons and
holes.4The value of Felcalculated by the ab initio electron
theory is taken from Fig. 2 of Ref. 21/H20849for a precession
around /H20851111/H20852/H20850. Altogether, Eq. /H208498/H20850then yields
/H9251//H9270M=0.6/H110031011/s, a value which agrees astonishingly well
with the experimental value.
To conclude, we have calculated by a purely microscopic
approach a relation between the Gilbert damping parameter
/H9251at low temperatures and the demagnetization time /H9270Mfor
ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization at low fluences. Thepredicted value for
/H9251//H9270Mis in good agreement with the ex-
perimental value. The theory therefore provides a link be-tween the magnetization dynamics on the fast /H20849nanoseconds
to several picoseconds /H20850and the ultrafast /H20849approximately 100
fs/H20850time scale.
The authors are indebted to Bert Koopmans for many
helpful discussions.
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7In Ref. 5the Stoner exchange field Hexis related to the critical
temperature TC, which—however—is the Stoner critical tem-
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144405-4 |
PhysRevLett.127.067201.pdf | Skyrmion Qubits: A New Class of Quantum Logic Elements
Based on Nanoscale Magnetization
Christina Psaroudaki1,2,*and Christos Panagopoulos3,†
1Department of Physics and Institute for Quantum Information and Matter,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
2Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, D-50937 Cologne, Germany
3Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Nanyang Technological University, 21 Nanyang Link 637371, Singapore
(Received 30 March 2021; accepted 30 June 2021; published 4 August 2021)
We introduce a new class of primitive building blocks for realizing quantum logic elements based on
nanoscale magnetization textures called skyrmions. In a skyrmion qubit, information is stored in thequantum degree of helicity, and the logical states can be adjusted by electric and magnetic fields, offering a
rich operation regime with high anharmonicity. By exploring a large parameter space, we propose two
skyrmion qubit variants depending on their quantized state. We discuss appropriate microwave pulsesrequired to generate single-qubit gates for quantum computing, and skyrmion multiqubit schemes for a
scalable architecture with tailored couplings. Scalability, controllability by microwave fields, operation
time scales, and readout by nonvolatile techniques converge to make the skyrmion qubit highly attractive asa logical element of a quantum processor.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.067201
Quantum computing promises to dramatically improve
computational power by harnessing the intrinsic propertiesof quantum mechanics. Its core is a quantum bit (qubit) of
information made from a very small particle such as an
atom, ion, or electron. Proposed qubit systems includetrapped atoms, quantum dots, and photons [1–3]. Among
them, superconducting circuits, currently one of the leadingplatforms for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computingprotocols [4], are macroscopic in size but with well-
established quantum properties [5]. Nevertheless, despite
tremendous progress, significant challenges remain, inparticular with respect to control and scalability [6].
Here we propose an alternative macroscopic qubit design
based on magnetic skyrmions, topologically protectednanoscale magnetization textures, which have emerged
as potential information carriers for future spintronic
devices [7]. We focus on frustrated magnets, in which
skyrmions and antiskyrmions have a new internal degree offreedom associated with the rotation of helicity [8–12].I n
these systems, the noncollinear spin texture induces electricpolarization, allowing for electric-field modulation of theskyrmion helicity [13,14] . Along with magnetic field
gradients [15] (MFGs) and microwave fields [16,17] ,
electric fields emerge as a new, powerful tool for acurrent-free control of skyrmion dynamics [18].
Skyrmions of a few lattice sites [19] inspired theoretical
studies on their quantum properties [20,21] . Similar to
Josephson junctions [22,23] , their macroscopic quantum
tunneling and energy-level quantization are indicative ofquantum behavior. In sufficiently small magnets, an analo-gous quantum behavior in terms of macroscopic quantumtunneling of the magnetic moment has been experimentally
verified in mesoscopic magnetic systems [24–26], while
the quantum depinning of a magnetic skyrmion has beentheoretically proposed [27].
We formulate a theoretical framework of skyrmion
quantization and construct skyrmion qubits based on the
energy-level quantization of the helicity degree of freedom.
The ability to control the energy-level spectra with externalparameters, including electric and magnetic fields, offers a
rich parameter space of possible qubit variants with high
anharmonicity and tailored characteristics. We proposemicrowave MFGs for skyrmion qubit manipulation and
gate operation, and consider skyrmion multiqubit schemes
for a scalable architecture. A skyrmion qubit has amoderately high coherence time in the microsecondregime, while nonvolatile readout techniques can be
employed for a reliable qubit state readout. Finally, we
discuss how scale-up multiqubit challenges can beaddressed by leveraging state-of-the-art skyrmion technol-
ogy and show that skyrmion qubits are suitable for quantum
computing technology.
Skyrmion field quantization. —We begin by considering
the inversion-symmetric Heisenberg model with competinginteractions [10],
a2m2z; ð1Þ
where HandKare the Zeeman and anisotropy coupling,
respectively, while J1andJ2denote the strength of the
competing interactions and athe lattice spacing. A numberPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 067201 (2021)
Editors' Suggestion Featured in Physics
0031-9007 =21=127(6) =067201(6) 067201-1 © 2021 American Physical Societyof geometrically frustrated magnets are good candidates to
host complex spin textures [8], including the triangular-
lattice magnet Gd 2PdSi 3, known to support skyrmion
phases [28]. Using m¼½sinΘcosΦ;sinΘsinΦ;cosΘ/C138,
we describe classical skyrmions by ΦðrÞ¼−Qϕand
Θ¼ΘðρÞ, with ρ,ϕpolar coordinates. This class of
solutions is characterized by an integer-valued topological
charge Q¼ð1=4πÞR
rm·ð∂xm×∂ymÞ, with Q¼1
(Q¼−1) for a skyrmion (antiskyrmion). The skyrmion
size is defined as λ≡2a=Re½γ/C6/C138, with γ/C6¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi−1/C6˜γp=ffiffiffi
and ˜γ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
1−4ðH=J 1þ2K=J 1Þp
. The model of Eq. (1)
has an unbroken global symmetry, Φ→Φþφ0, with φ0
the collective coordinate of the skyrmion helicity. By
considering a skyrmion stabilized in a nanodisk (see
Fig.1), we exclude the translational coordinate of position
[21] and focus exclusively on the dynamics of φ0.
To investigate quantum effects, we utilize a method of
collective coordinate quantization. Here φ0and its con-
jugate momentum Szare introduced by performing a
canonical transformation in the phase space path integral[29,30] (see Supplemental Material [31]). This is achieved
by ensuring momentum is conserved, S
z¼P, with P¼R
rð1−cosΘÞ∂ϕΦthe infinitesimal generator of rotations
satisfying fP;Φg¼−∂ϕΦ. Using standard equivalence
between path integral and canonical quantization, we
introduce operators ˆφ0and ˆSzwith ½ˆφ0;ˆSz/C138¼i=¯S, and ¯Sthe effective spin. The classical limit is associated with
¯S≫1. Eigenstates of ˆSzare labeled by an integer charge s
with ˆSzjsi¼s=¯Sjsi, and states ˆφ0jφ0i¼φ0jφ0ihave a
circular topology jφ0i¼j φ0þ2πi. The relation between
physical and dimensionless parameters is summarized in
Table I. We construct skyrmion qubits based on textures
withQ¼1. Antiskyrmion qubits follow directly from our
present analysis.
Fundamental skyrmion qubit types. —We now seek to
construct a skyrmion qubit based on the energy-level
quantization of the helicity degree of freedom. A promising
qubit candidate needs to satisfy several criteria including
scalability, ability to initialize to a simple fiducial state,
long decoherence times, a universal set of quantum gates,
and the ability to perform qubit-specific measure-
ments [32].
TheSzqubit: The ability to control the energy-level
spectra with external parameters, offers a rich parameter
space of possible qubit variants with tailored character-
istics. We introduce the Sz-qubit Hamiltonian,
HSz¼κðˆSz−h=κÞ2−Ezcos ˆφ0; ð2Þ
which resembles the circuit Hamiltonian of a supercon-
ducting charge qubit [33]. Here κand hdenote the
anisotropy and magnetic field coupling, respectively, in
dimensionless units. The noncollinear spin texture gives
rise to an electric polarization which couples to an electric
fieldEzapplied across the nanodisk to control φ0[14](see
Fig.1for a schematic illustration of the setup). The Szqubit
is designed in the Ez≪κregime, such that logical qubits
are spin states jsi, representing deviations of the mz
component from equilibrium. The solution of the
Schrödinger equation HSzΨsðφ0Þ¼EsΨsðφ0Þ, with
Ψsðφ0Þ¼h φ0jsi, can be calculated exactly in the form
of special functions (see Supplemental Material [31]). In
Fig.2(b)we plot the potential landscape and the first three
levels using κ¼0.1,h¼0.47, and Ez¼0.02.
Two requirements are essential for a reliable qubit
operation; nonequidistance of the energy spectrum to
uniquely address each transition and suppressed sponta-neous thermal excitations to higher energy levels
BT≪ℏω12,ℏω02. The remarkable feature of skyrmion
qubits is that these conditions can be met by tuning the
relevant external parameters. In Fig. 2(a) we present the
range of parameters ¯h¼h¯S=κandEzfor which a relatively
large anharmonicity is present, jω12−ω01j>20%ω01
FIG. 1. Skyrmion qubit concept. (a) A quantum state jΨias an
arbitrary superposition of skyrmion configurations with distinct
helicities φ0. (b) Bloch sphere representation of
jΨi¼αj0iþβj1i, with j0iand j1idenoting the two lowest
energy levels of the quantum operator ˆφ0. (c) A bilayer of
magnetic materials as a platform for the skyrmion qubit couplingscheme. The qubit coupling is tuned by a nonmagnetic spacer(blue), and logical states are adjusted by electric fields (yellowplates).
TABLE I. Relation between physical and dimensionless parameters. We use J1¼1meV, a¼5Å,¯S¼10,J2¼J1,K¼0.4J1,
Kx¼0.05J1, and PE¼20μC=cm2. MFG stands for magnetic field gradient.
Length Time Frequency Temperature Magnetic field Electric field Static MFG
r×0.5nmt×6.610−13sω×1519 GHz T×11.6KH=gμB¼h×0.86TE¼Ez×215V=mH⊥=gμB¼h⊥×1.72T=nmPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 067201 (2021)
067201-2For¯h¼1=2, the two lowest spin states j0iandj1iare
degenerate, and a small Ezlifts the degeneracy creating a
tight two-level system. Truncating the full Hilbert space to
qubit subspace, the reduced Hamiltonian is
2ˆσx; ð3Þ
with H0¼κð1−2¯hÞ=¯S,Xc¼Ez, and ωq¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the corresponding qubit level spacing. The universal level
repulsion diagram is shown in Fig. 2(c), with a minimum
energy splitting Ez. The Sz-qubit operation regime in
physical units is given in Table II. We note that the
proposed qubit platform has large anharmonicity, and thevoltage bias for qubit manipulation is several orders of
magnitude smaller compared to those required for the
electric-field skyrmion creation and annihilation [18].
The helicity qubit: Inspired by the superconducting flux
qubit and proposals on magnetic domain walls [34],w e
seek to construct a double-well potential landscape for the
helicity φ
0, in order to define the qubit logical space using
the two well minima. This is achieved by considering amaterial with in-plane magnetic anisotropy of strength κ
[35]and a skyrmion characterized by an elliptical profile, as
the result of defect engineering [36,37] . The Hamiltonianfor this new type of helicity qubit reads
Hφ0¼κˆSz−hˆSzþVðˆφ0Þ, with the double-well potential
given by
Vðφ0Þ¼κxcos2ˆφ0−Ezcos ˆφ0þh⊥sin ˆφ0: ð4Þ
The first two terms in Eq. (4)create a symmetric
potential, and the third term describes a depth difference
between the well created by an in-plane MFG of strength
h⊥. The solutions of the eigenvalue problem
1Hφ0Ψnðφ0Þ¼EnΨnðφ0Þare2π-periodic functions calcu-
lated numerically. The potential in the helicity representa-
tion is schematically shown in Fig. 3(b) together with the
first three levels. Close to the degeneracy point at ¯h¼1and
forh⊥¼0, the two lowest energy functions Ψ0;1are
symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of the two
wave functions localized in each well located at
=EzÞ. A finite h⊥acts as an
energy bias creating a depth well difference, such that
the ground and first-excited states are now localized indifferent wells.
At¯h¼1, level anticrossing can be probed by applying
either an electric field E
z[see Fig. 3(c), upper panel] or a
magnetic field gradient h⊥[see Fig. 3(c), lower panel]. The
(a) (b) (c) (d)
FIG. 2. The Sz-qubit properties. (a) Magnetic field ¯hand electric field Ezdependence of the transition frequency ωq, close to the
degeneracy point ¯h¼0.5. The colored surface represents the values of ωqwhich satisfy the requirement of high anharmonicity.
(b) Nonequidistant quantized energy levels and potential landscape. The qubit states are the ground state j0iand first excited state j1i
with level spacing ℏω01¼ωqsmaller than transitions to higher states ℏω02,ℏω12. (c) Universal energy level anticrossing diagram close
to the degeneracy point (dashed lines). The degeneracy is lifted by an electric field (upper panel) or increasing the magnetic field away
from ¯h¼0.5(lower panel). At the degeneracy point, energy eigenstates are symmetric and antisymmetric superpositions of the
skyrmion qubit states ðj0i/C6j1iÞ=ffiffiffi
. (d) A magnetic skyrmion with a circular profile stabilized in a magnetic nanodisk.
TABLE II. Skyrmion qubit operation regime and lifetime. We use α¼10−5andT¼100mK. EF stands for electric field and MFG
for magnetic field gradient.
Qubit type Magnetic field External control ωq T1 T2 ω12 Tc
Szqubit 8.9 mT EF ¼108mV=μm 25.6 GHz 0.27μs 0.49μs 310 GHz 2.50 K
Helicity qubit 445 mT EF ¼296mV=μm 14.9 GHz 0.15μs 0.26μs 330 GHz 2.60 K
Helicity qubit 445 mT MFG ¼1.73mT=nm 2.1 GHz 0.43μs 0.32μs 330 GHz 2.55 KPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 067201 (2021)
067201-3reduced qubit Hamiltonian under the two-level approxi-
mation has the form of Eq. (3), where H0¼E1−E0and
Xc¼geEzforh⊥¼0,o rXc¼gbh⊥forEz¼0. Constants
H0,ge, and gbare found numerically. The helicity-qubit
operation regime in physical units is given in Table II, using
both Ezandh⊥as external control parameters.
Qubit control. —A quantum coherent computation
depends on the ability to control individual quantumdegrees of freedom. Here we propose microwave MFGsfor skyrmion qubit manipulation and gate operation. MFGsgive rise to additional Hamiltonian terms H
bfðtÞcosðωtþϕextÞcos ˆφ0, with fðtÞa dimensionless
envelope function, or in terms of the qubit Hamiltonian,
ext¼bxðtÞˆσx, with bxðtÞ¼b0fðtÞcosðωtþϕextÞ. In the
diagonal basis, the driven Hamiltonian is written as
2ˆσzþbxðtÞ½cosθˆσxþsinθˆσz/C138; ð5Þ
with tan θ¼Xc=H0. To elucidate the role of the drive, we
transform Hqinto the rotating frame,
where Δω¼ωq−ωis the detuning frequency and
Ω¼b0cosθ. Single-qubit operations correspond to rota-
tions of the qubit state by a certain angle about a particularaxis. As an example, for ϕ
ext¼0andΔω¼0, the unitary
operator UxðtÞ¼e−ði=2ÞϑðtÞˆσxcorresponds to rotations
around the xaxis by an angle ϑðtÞ¼−ΩRt
Rotations about the yaxis are achieved for ϕext¼π=2.
Qubit coupling scheme. —A key component for realizing
a scalable quantum computer is an interaction Hamiltonianbetween individual qubits. As a straightforward scheme forcoupling skyrmion qubits, we consider the interlayer
exchange interaction in a magnetic bilayer mediated by
a nonmagnetic spacer layer (see Fig. 1for a visualization).
The interaction term is given by F
or in terms of the helicities, Hint¼−Jintcosðφ1−φ2Þ. The
resulting Hamiltonian in the qubit basis contains both
transverse and longitudinal couplings,
intˆσ1zˆσ2z: ð7Þ
Jintcan be tuned experimentally by changing the spacer
thickness, while both Jx;z
intallow for an independent control
by tuning all three external fields h,Ez, and h⊥. This
property is especially important in applications where bothlongitudinal and transverse couplings are desired, such as
quantum annealing [38].
Noise and decoherence. —The interaction of the sky-
rmion qubit with the environmental degrees of freedom is a
source of noise that leads to decoherence. They result inOhmic damping terms for the collective coordinates φ
Sz[40], accompanied by random fluctuating forces ξithat
enter the quantum Hamiltonian as ˆH→ ˆHþξφ0ˆφ0þ
ξSzˆSz.ξiis fully characterized by the classical ensemble
averages hξiðtÞi ¼ 0and hξiðtÞξjðt0Þi ¼ δijSiðt−t0Þ[34],
and the correlator SiðtÞis defined via the fluctuation-
dissipation theorem, SiðωÞ¼αiωcothðβω=2Þ, with αi
constants proportional to the Gilbert damping α. In terms
of the reduced qubit Hamiltonian one finds
where γiconstants which depend on the qubit type and
ξx;y;zare linear combinations of ξφ0andξSz.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
FIG. 3. The helicity-qubit properties. (a) Electric field Ezand magnetic field gradient h⊥dependence of the transition frequency ωq,
close to the degeneracy point ¯h¼1. The colored surface represents the values of ωqwhich satisfy the requirement of high
anharmonicity. (b) Nonequidistant quantized energy levels and double-well potential landscape. The qubit states are the ground state j0i
and first excited state j1iwith level spacing ℏω01¼ωqsmaller than transitions to higher states ℏω02,ℏω12. The potential barrier Vmis
controlled by Ezand the well difference by h⊥. (c) Universal energy level anticrossing diagram close to the degeneracy point ¯h¼1. The
degeneracy is lifted by an electric field (upper panel) or a magnetic field gradient (lower panel). (d) A magnetic skyrmion with anelliptical profile stabilized in a magnetic nanodisk. The elliptical profile is essential for realizing the double-well potential.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 067201 (2021)
067201-4Within the Bloch-Redfield picture of two-level system
dynamics, relaxation processes are characterized by the
longitudinal relaxation rate Γ1¼T−1
1and the dephasing
2. The latter is a combination of effects of the
depolarization Γ1and of the pure dephasing Γφ, combined
to a rate Γ2¼Γ1=2þΓφ, withΓ1¼γ2xSxðωqÞþγ2ySyðωqÞ
andΓφ¼γ2zSzð0Þ[41]. The optimal regime for realizing
both long coherence and high anharmonicity is close to the
degeneracy point and for Xc≪H0. This translates to the
requirement ¯h¼0.5andEz≪1for the Szqubit, and to
¯h¼1andEz,h⊥≪1for the helicity qubit.
In Table IIwe present the expected qubit lifetimes for a
modest choice of an ultralow Gilbert damping α¼10−5
andT¼100mK. A skyrmion qubit has a moderately high
coherence time in the microsecond regime. This is com-parable to early measurements of the flux superconducting
qubit and 2 orders of magnitude larger than the Cooper pair
box[33]. The number of coherent Rabi frequency oscil-
lations within the coherence time is ΩT
1∝105, inside the
desired margins expected for superconducting qubits
[34,42] . Several magnetic thin films exhibit ultralow
Gilbert damping of the order of α∼10−4−10−5[43–
45]. In the sub-Kelvin qubit operational regime, Gilbert
damping is expected to be even lower [46,47] . Coherence
times can be further improved with the development ofcleaner magnetic samples and interfaces in engineered
architectures, without trading off qubit anharmonicity
and scalability.
Readout techniques. —An essential part for implement-
ing skyrmion-based quantum-computing architectures is areliable readout. Quantum sensing of coherent single-magnon techniques, based on quantum dot [48] or super-
conducting qubit [49]sensors, is promising for the readout
z-qubit states, single magnetic excitations from the
equilibrium configuration. On the other hand, helicity-qubit
states represent two distinct skyrmion configurations with
helicity values located at the two minima of the double-wellpotential of Eq. (4). Experimental observation of skyrmion
helicity is possible using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) magne-
tometry [50], allowing for a detector-single qubit coupling
control by varying the NV sensor distance from the
skyrmion. Resonant elastic x-ray scattering [51]techniques
provide a direct observation of skyrmion helicity, and whencombined with ferromagnetic resonance measurements[52] can offer a promising single-qubit readout method.
Finally, coupling a skyrmion to a magnetic force micros-
copy resonator allows the detection of magnetic states,which appear as resonance frequency shift signals [53].
Conclusions. —We proposed a novel physical qubit plat-
form based on magnetic nanoskyrmions in frustrated
magnets. The skyrmion state, energy-level spectra, tran-
sition frequency, and qubit lifetime are configurable andcan be engineered by adjusting external electric and
magnetic fields, offering a rich operation regime with highanharmonicity. Microwave pulses were shown to generate
single-qubit gates for quantum computing, and skyrmionmultiqubit schemes were considered for a scalable archi-
tecture with tailored couplings. Whereas, nonvolatile read-
out techniques can be employed for a reliable qubit state
readout, using state-of-the-art magnetic sensing technol-
ogy. We anticipate the considerable progress in the field ofskyrmionics will provide exciting new directions on the
development of skyrmion qubits as promising candidates
for quantum computing technology.
We thank Martino Poggio, So Takei, Daniel Loss, Ivar
Martin and Markus Garst for useful discussions.
C. Psaroudaki has received funding from the European
Union ’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
under the Marie Sk łodowska-Curie Grant Agreement
No. 839004. C. Panagopoulos acknowledges support fromthe Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) NRF-
Investigatorship (No. NRFNRFI2015-04) and Singapore
MOE Academic Research Fund Tier 3 Grant
No. MOE2018-T3-1-002.
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067201-6 |
PhysRevResearch.2.012045.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 012045(R) (2020)
Rapid Communications
Cluster multipole dynamics in noncollinear antiferromagnets
Takuya Nomoto1,*and Ryotaro Arita1,2
1Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
2RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako 351-0198, Japan
(Received 11 March 2019; accepted 3 February 2020; published 25 February 2020)
A systematic framework to investigate the spin dynamics in a noncollinear antiferromagnet is proposed.
Taking Mn 3Sn as a representative example, we derive an effective low-energy model based on the multipole
expansion of the magnetic structure, and investigate the uniform precession and the domain wall dynamics.We show that the solution for the effective model accurately reproduces the numerical calculation of theLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations. Our results indicate that Mn
3Sn has preferable properties for applications
to a racetrack memory and a spin torque oscillator, and thus is a promising candidate for spintronics devices byusing the multipole degrees of freedom.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.012045
Introduction. In the field of spintronics, spin manipula-
tion based on an antiferromagnet (AFM) has attracted muchattention because of its potential advantages over a ferro-magnet (FM) [ 1–7]. For example, due to the absence of net
magnetization, AFM devices are relieved of the stray fieldproblem, which is one of the main obstacles to high-densityintegration. A maximum velocity of a domain wall inducedby a spin current, thermal gradient, and staggered field ismuch faster in collinear AFM than in FM [ 8–11], which is a
favorable property for applications to racetrack memories. Atypical energy scale of AFM is also much higher than that ofFM, resulting in a fast switching of its magnetization [ 12,13]
as well as a coherent precession with the THz frequency[14–17]. The ac signals generated by such steady motion can
be extracted as the ac voltage through inverse spin-Hall effectsor as dipolar radiation in a special case [ 18,19].
Despite such fascinating properties, however, so far there
have been few realizations of AFM devices. This is mainlybecause the Néel vector, the order parameter of collinearAFM, does not couple directly to the external field. Sincecollinear AFM usually possesses time-reversal symmetry, itdoes not show any directional signal associated with symme-try breaking such as the anomalous Hall effect and magneto-optical Kerr effect. For example, in a racetrack memory, itis necessary to detect each domain separated by the domainwalls, but it is impossible in conventional collinear AFM. Onepossibility to overcome the problem is to use a ferrimagnet[20–25]. Although it has features of both FM and AFM, a
usual ferrimagnet shows a fast response only near its compen-sation point.
In this Rapid Communication, we focus on another pos-
sibility of AFM, namely, noncollinear AFM. Recently, it
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)
and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.was shown that the Weyl AFM Mn 3Sn [26] has a tiny net
magnetization about 2m μB/atom but shows large anomalous
Hall and Nernst effects comparable to a conventional FM[27–32]. The spin texture in its Néel state is regarded as a
ferroic order of a cluster octupole whose symmetry is thesame as a conventional dipole under hexagonal point groupsymmetry [ 33]. The related AFM Mn
3Ge also shows a large
anomalous Hall effect and has a noncollinear spin texture[30,34]. Thus, one may expect that noncollinear AFM is a
promising platform for magnetic devices since it is AFM andits spin dynamics is detectable by the same methods as FM.
In contrast to FM and collinear AFM, theoretical stud-
ies on the spin dynamics of noncollinear AFM are limited[35–38]. Especially, there is a lack of systematic methods
to obtain its effective model so far. Here, we propose aframework to derive an effective model of noncollinear AFMbased on the cluster multipole theory [ 33,39,40]. In Mn
the derived model is composed of two octupole degrees offreedom and reduced into the sine-Gordon model similar toFM and collinear AFM. We check the validity of the modelby comparing two phenomena to these in the original model:the domain wall dynamics and steady-state precession. Theagreement is very good at low energy, which means that thespin dynamics in Mn
3Sn is almost dominated by the octupole
degrees of freedom. As expected, the domain wall shows ahigh maximum velocity without a Walker breakdown, and thecoherent precession shows a tunable frequency from sub-THzto THz. Our results indicate that Mn
3Sn is a good candidate
with many desirable properties for applications, owing to itsoctupole degrees of freedom.
Models. Here, we consider spin dynamics in the following
Hamiltonian defined on the two-dimensional kagome lattice,which is known as a minimal model describing the Néel stateof Mn
3Sn [41–44],
ia(ˆKa·Sia)2, (1)
2643-1564/2020/2(1)/012045(6) 012045-1 Published by the American Physical SocietyTAKUYA NOMOTO AND RYOTARO ARITA PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 012045(R) (2020)
FIG. 1. (a) Spin configuration in the Néel state of Mn 3Sn, which
is regarded as the ferroic order of the cluster octupole Ox. The nearly
degenerate state corresponding to Oyis obtained by 90◦rotation of
each spin. (b) Schematic picture of a domain wall. From x/prime=0t o
L,Oxchanges sign from +1t o−1, and Oyappears when Ox/similarequal0,
i.e., near the domain wall. The wall is profiled well with the two
where the suffixes i,jdenote a unit cell, a,b∈{A,B,C}
denote a sublattice, and /epsilon1abis an antisymmetric tensor sat-
isfying /epsilon1AB=/epsilon1BC=/epsilon1CA=1 [see Fig. 1(a)].Jand Drep-
resent a nearest-neighbor exchange interaction ( J>0) and
a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction, respectively. Theclassical ground state of Hdepends on the sign of D, and
degenerate 120
◦spin textures corresponding to the Néel
states of Mn 3Sn are realized when Dis positive. The in-
plane anisotropy K⊥>0 with ˆKa=(cosψa,sinψa,0) and
3) lifts the degeneracy, resulting in
anOxoctupole as the ground state [ 45,48]. Here, the spin
dynamics in Mn 3Sn is considered based on the Landau-
Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equations, which are formally writtenas
ia, (2)
where Text
iarepresents the torque acting on the spin Sia, which
comes from the external magnetic field or current in this RapidCommunication. αdenotes a Gilbert damping coefficient.
In the numerical calculations, we follow previous studiesand set S=1,α=0.01,K
⊥=0.05J, and√
Effective theory. Although Eq. ( 2) with Eq. ( 1) can be
solved numerically, in order to grasp the physics and re-duce the computational cost for future applications, we thenderive an effective model describing the low-energy spindynamics in Mn
3Sn. When K⊥=0, each unit cell has D6h
point group symmetry and the possible spin textures can
be classified into its irreducible representations [ 33,52]. For
example, the ground state shows a spin texture identified asthe cluster octupole O
x/Oy, which belongs to E1girreducible
, (3)
where ¯Sia=(Sx
ia),Oi=(Oix,Oiy), and Rθis the two-
dimensional rotation matrix. The other multipoles miμ(μ=
1,..., 7), corresponding to the other spin textures, are con-
structed as linear combinations of spins in similar ways [ 53].
Using these transformations, we can derive the LLG equationsin the multipole representation from the original Eq. ( 2). An
advantage in deriving such LLG comes from the fact thatTABLE I. Summary of the parameters appearing in the effective
model ( 4). Domain wall width λdom, steady-state wall velocity vsteady,
and relaxation time τrelax are respectively given by λ2
¯hvsteady=gμBBλdom/α,a n dτrelax=τ/α. Maximum wall velocity is
dominated by Walker breakdown (¯ hvWB=λdomKz/2) in FM and spin
wave ( ¯ hvSW=√¯hκ/τ)i nA F M /Mn 3Sn.
Models ¯ hτ−1κ/a2
lat γ vmax
FM Kz |J| K⊥ vWB
AFM 8 |J|+Kz |J| K⊥ vSW
Mn 3Sn 2√
3D+6|J| (√
3D+|J|)/2 K⊥ vSW
the spin configurations corresponding to miμhave at least√
3Dhigher energy than Ox/Oy. Thus, we can systematically
extract an effective model only composed of Ox/Oyby inte-
grating out the small miμdegrees of freedom. Then, the spin
dynamics of the effective model can be understood in terms oftwo cluster octupoles.
When parametrizing O
i=|Oi|(cosϕi,sinϕi) and taking
the continuum limit, we finally obtain the following equationof motion for ϕ(t,x
2sin(2ϕ)=Text, (4)
where the parameters are given by ¯ hτ−1=2√
3D+|J|)/2, and γ=K⊥[54]. Here, alatis the distance
between the nearest-neighbor spins and we have set S=1.
We have also assumed that ϕis uniform along the a1direction
[for the definitions of x/primeanda1, see Fig. 1(a)]. The force term
Textgenerally depends on the external torque Text
ia. Note that
Eq. ( 4) is defined in the continuum space and can be scaled
by renormalizing the stiffness parameter κ, and thus would be
useful in micromagnetic simulations.
To derive Eq. ( 4), we have assumed (1) the cluster multi-
poles are slowly varying with respect to alat, (2) the cluster
octupoles are energetically stable, and thus |Oix|,|Oiy|/greatermuch
|miμ|, and (3) 1 /Sand K⊥/Jare also small. The minor
multipole contributions are included within the lowest orderof these small parameters. (For details, see the SupplementalMaterial [ 53].) The above assumptions are plausible whenever
the system possesses a robust low-energy collective motion.Thus, our approach would be applicable to a wide class ofmagnets unless they host a number of nearly degenerate spinconfigurations at low energy. Indeed, Eq. ( 4), the sine-Gordon
form, is completely the same as in collinear FM and AFM.For example, let us consider the following Hamiltonian on thetwo-dimensional square lattice,
where Kz,K⊥>0, and J>0(J<0) for the collinear FM
(AFM). Using this Hamiltonian with |J|>Kz/greatermuchK⊥,ϕ(t,x/prime)
appearing in Eq. ( 4) respectively corresponds to the in-plane
angle of the spin in FM and that of the Néel vector, defined asthe difference between the spins on two sublattices, in AFM.In the same manner, we can derive the effective model andidentify the parameters τ,κ, andγfor FM and AFM, which
are summarized in Table I. The typical timescale of AFM and
FIG. 2. Domain wall velocity ˙R(t). Staggered magnetic field,
which is set to be gμBBstg=8×10−5J, is applied for t>1000¯ h/J.
The open squares represent the results for collinear FM (blue)
and AFM (red). The open circles represent those for Mn 3Sn with√
3D=J(green) and√
3D=J/3 (purple). The dashed black lines
L1,L2,a n d L3indicate analytic solutions given in Eq. ( 6)f o rF M ,
Mn 3Sn(√
3D=J/3), and AFM /Mn 3Sn(√
3D=J), respectively.
Mn 3Sn is given by O(¯hJ−1), which is usually much faster than
that of FM of O(¯hK−1
z). As will be seen later, this results in a
short time relaxation of the domain wall motion as well as aTHz coherent precession. Another notable point is that when J
3D=J, all parameters in Eq. ( 4)a r et h es a m e
in between collinear AFM and Mn 3Sn up to the first order of
J/Kz. Thus, we can expect that the spin dynamics of collinear
AFM and Mn 3Sn are essentially the same in this limit.
Domain wall motion. In the following, we will see the
validity of our effective model to calculate the domain walldynamics. It should be noted that, similar to collinear AFM,the torque coming from the uniform magnetic field cancelsout in each unit cell and does not drive the domain wall.Here, we simply apply the staggered magnetic field by addingH
ia(ˆKa·Sia)t oH, which results in an ef-
fective torque as Text=−gμBBstgsinϕ[53,55]. To obtain a
domain wall solution, we take the boundary condition suchthatϕ(t,0)=0 and ϕ(t,L)=π[see Fig. 1(b)]. Assum-
ing an equilibrium solution with the profile cos ϕ(t,x
tanh [( x/prime−R)/λdom] and resubstituting it to the action by
interpreting the constant of the integration Ras the time-
dependent variable describing the domain wall center, weobtain
steady(1−e−t/τrelax), (6)
which satisfies ˙R(0)=0. ¯hvsteady=gμBBstagλdom/αis the
domain wall velocity in the steady state and τrelax=τ/α is
the typical timescale to relax into it.
Figure 2shows numerical results for the domain wall
velocity obtained by solving Eq. ( 2)[53] and the analytic
solutions given by Eq. ( 6). From the figure, we can see that the
analytic solutions agree well with the numerical results exceptfor the small oscillating behavior in FM [ 56]. As expected, the
relaxation time to reach v
steady is much faster in AFM /Mn 3Sn
than in FM, and the behavior of Mn 3Sn with√
almost the same as AFM. Figure 2clearly shows that ourFIG. 3. Steady-state domain wall velocity ˙Ras a function of the
staggered magnetic field. The open symbols are defined in the same
way as in Fig. 2. The lines L1andL2show vsteady corresponding to
FM/AFM/Mn 3Sn(√
3D=J)a n dM n 3Sn(√
3=J/3), respectively.
L3,L4,a n d L5indicate the saturation values, i.e., vWBfor FM, vSWfor
Mn 3Sn(√
3D=J/3), and AFM /Mn 3Sn(√
3D=J), respectively.
effective model correctly represents the original model not
only in FM /AFM but also in Mn 3Sn regardless of the value
In Fig. 3, we show the field strength dependence of the
steady-state velocity. At a low-field region, the domain wallvelocity is proportional to B
stgand is almost on the lines
vsteady=gμBBstgλdom/αin all cases. However, at a high-field
region, the behavior in FM is different from the other cases,because of the presence (absence) of the Walker breakdown inFM (AFM /Mn
3Sn). The absence of the Walker breakdown in
AFM can be understood as follows: The trigger of the Walkerbreakdown is the tilt of spins to the out-of-plane direction dueto the torque, which arranges the spins to the same direction.However, in contrast to FM, such a spin configuration lossesthe exchange energy of order O(J), and thus does not occur
unless gμ
BBstgexceeds J[9–11]. In Mn 3Sn, the situation
is the same as AFM and the Walker breakdown does notoccur. Thus, the saturation velocity in AFM /Mn
3Sn is simply
determined by the Lorentz boost of the equilibrium solutionand given by the spin-wave velocity ¯ hv
SW=√κ/τwhile that
in FM is given by the Walker breakdown ¯ hvWB=λdomKz/2,
which are indicated in Fig. 3. Using the parameters 2 alat=
5.4Å , J=2.8m e V , D=0.64 meV , and S=3/2[37,57], we
estimate vSW/similarequal2k m/si nM n 3Sn, which is slightly smaller
than the collinear AFM such as 36 km /s of dielectric NiO [ 58]
and 90 km /s of KFeS 2[59], but still faster than the highest
record in FMs of 400 m /s[60].
Coherent precession of spins. Finally, we focus on the
steady precession motion allowed in Mn 3Sn, which may be
the source of a coherent THz signal. Here, we consider thesystem that contains a Mn
3Sn thin film sandwiched by two
conventional FMs along the zdirection [ 38]. When the spin
accumulation polarizing along ζexists at the interface, the
torque expressed by the following form acts on the spin Sia,
SSia×(ζ×Sia), (7)
FIG. 4. (a) Time evolution of space-averaged ˙ ϕ(t)w h e n τD=
0.02J. Red and blue lines respectively show the results by solving
Eqs. ( 2)a n d( 4) numerically. (b) Time evolution of the polar angle
θ(t) of each spin obtained by solving Eq. ( 2). (c) Time- and space-
averaged /angbracketleft˙ϕ/angbracketrightand/angbracketleftθ/angbracketrightin the steady state. The slope of the red line is
given by ¯ h/angbracketleft˙ϕ/angbracketright=τD/α.
where the first term, called a fieldlike torque, represents the
exchange interaction between the spins, while the secondterm, called a dampinglike torque, comes from the conserva-tion of the spin angular momentum through the dissipation[61,62]. Although both τ
FandτDare proportional to the
injected spin current [ 63], the first term does not drive the
steady precession and we only take into account the secondterm in the following. Also, we set ζ=(0,0,1), resulting
in the constant force T
ext=τDin the effective model [ 53],
and impose the periodic boundary condition on the system. Inthe effective model, we can simply neglect the x
ofϕ(t,x/prime), and then the model coincides with the second
Josephson equation under a current bias [ 18,64].
Figure 4(a) shows the space-averaged ˙ ϕ(t) obtained by
solving the original LLG ( 2) with the torque ( 7) and the
effective model ( 4) with Text=τD, where τD=0.02J.W e
can see that the coherent precession of octupoles is reallyrealized and it does not decay with time. The agreementbetween the original and the effective models is very good.The mechanism of such a steady precession can be understoodin the same way as in FM: The dissipation of the spin angularmomentum through the Gilbert damping exactly compensatesthe provided one through the dampinglike torque, namely, thedissipation of the accumulated spins. The velocity of theprecession in Mn
3Sn, however, is much higher than the FMbecause the dampinglike torque rather competes with the
exchange Jand the DM interaction D[Fig. 4(b)] than the
external field Bzor the anisotropy Kzin the case of FM. That
implies that the precession frequency reaches O(J/¯h)i nt h e
limit that all spins are along the zdirection.
It is worth noting that the steady state ˙ ϕ(t) is not constant
with time and oscillates as seen in Fig. 4(a). This comes from
the out-of-plane anisotropy Kzin the case of collinear AFM
[18], and the DM interaction plays a similar role in Mn 3Sn. In
collinear AFM, only a small oscillation of ˙ ϕ(t) is detectable
through the inverse spin-Hall effects while we can directlydetect the whole octupole precession motion such as throughthe magneto-optical Kerr effect [ 46] and an oscillation of the
Hall voltage [ 53]. This is a clear advantage of Mn
3Sn over
collinear AFM.
Figure 4(c) shows space- and time-averaged /angbracketleft˙ϕ/angbracketrightand/angbracketleftθ/angbracketright
(the polar angle of the spins) in the steady state. /angbracketleft˙ϕ/angbracketrightof
the effective model is simply given by ¯ h/angbracketleft˙ϕ/angbracketright=τD/α, and
again agrees well with the LLG calculations. The maxi-mum frequency f
maxof the precession is achieved where all
spins are along the zdirection and is estimated as fmax=
3D+6J)/h/similarequal7.2T H z[ 65], which is comparable to
the magnon frequency of KFeS 2[59]. On the other hand,
owing to the extremely small in-plane anisotropy of Mn 3Sn,
the threshold frequency fthr∼O(K⊥/αh) is about 10 GHz
[51,66]. Thus, the frequency in the range of three orders of
magnitude may be available in Mn 3Sn.
Conclusion. In this Rapid Communication, we develop a
method to obtain a low-energy effective model of noncollinearAFM based on the cluster multipole theory and apply it to asimple model of Mn
3Sn. A comparison between the original
and effective models shows good agreement both in the do-main wall dynamics and in the coherent steady precession ofspins. This means that the low-energy dynamics of Mn
is almost dominated by the octupole degrees of freedom andwe do not have to trace that of each spin, which enables usto reduce the computational cost. Our results show that theoctupole dynamics in Mn
3Sn is almost the same as that of the
Néel vector in collinear AFM, which indicates that Mn 3Sn
possesses advantages of AFM as well as of FM. Thus, Mn 3Sn
would be a promising candidate for future applications inmultipole-based electronics.
Acknowledgments. We are grateful to W. Koshibae, S.
Miwa, Y . Otani, S. Nakatsuji, K. Yakushiji, and S. Yuasa formany valuable discussions. This work was supported by aGrant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 16H06345) fromMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technol-ogy, Japan and CREST (Grants No. JPMJCR15Q5 and No.JPMJCR18T3), the Japan Science and Technology Agency.
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[45] In Refs. [ 37,38], a different type of single-ion (locally twofold
symmetric) anisotropy is considered, which preserves globalsixfold symmetry and reproduces small canting in Mn
3Sn. In
this Rapid Communication, however, we do not take it intoaccount to focus on the spin dynamics of noncollinear AFMwithout a net magnetization. The twofold anisotropy in thepresent study is also based on the experimental realization of180
◦domains as shown in Fig. 1(b) [46,47].
[46] T. Higo, H. Man, D. B. Gopman, L. Wu, T. Koretsune,
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Commun. 10,3021 (2019 ).
[48] This corresponds to the spin texture of Mn
3Sn realized in the
temperature range between the Néel temperature and ∼50 K.
[49] A. Brataas, Y . Tserkovnyak, G. E. W. Bauer, and P. J. Kelly,
inSpin Current , edited by S. Maekawa, S. O. Valenzuela, E.
Saitoh, and T. Kimura (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK,2012).
[50] As mentioned in Ref. [ 45], our in-plane anisotropy K
be regarded as an effective one to reproduce the 180◦do-
mains. Although the experimental value of K⊥is much smaller
than 0 .05J[51], the size of K⊥is irrelevant to the following
[51] S. Miwa, S. Iihama, T. Nomoto, T. Tomita, T. Higo, M. Ikhlas,
Y . Otani, S. Mizukami, R. Arita, and S. Nakatsuji (unpub-lished).
[52] In actual Mn
3Sn, each unit cell has only D3dsymmetry due
to the presence of interlayer couplings. Here, we follow thenotation defined in our simplified model.
[53] See Supplemental Material at http://link.aps.org/supplemental/
10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.012045 for details of the deriva-
tion of the effective model, numerical simulation and oscillationof the Hall voltage.
[54] The mass term with γ∝K3
⊥and sixfold symmetry in Ref. [ 37]
is not predicted in our model. This comes from the differenceof the anisotropy terms in the original models (see Ref. [ 45]).
[55] At low energy, the staggered field has almost the same effect as
the dampinglike torque introduced by Eq. ( 7).
[56] This oscillation originates from a long lifetime precession mode
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[57] If we take into account the out-of-plane anisotropy K
Mn 3Sn, we obtain a higher maximum velocity since ¯ hτ−1
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3D+6Jto 2√
[58] M. T. Hutchings and E. J. Samuelsen, P h y s .R e v .B 6,3447
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[63] Using current density j,τ
Dis expressed as τD=gμB¯hP
2eMsdj,w h e r e
Ms,P,a n d dare the saturation magnetization, spin polarization,
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[65] Again, the out-of-plane anisotropy Kzenhances fmaxdue to the
change of ¯ hτ−1[57].
[66] The corresponding threshold current density jthris about
1010Am−2obtained by a simple estimation with P=1a n d
d=1 nm.
012045-6 |
PhysRevLett.104.147202.pdf | Domain-Wall Motion in Ferromagnetic Nanowires Driven by Arbitrary Time-Dependent Fields:
An Exact Result
Arseni Goussev, J. M. Robbins, and Valeriy Slastikov
School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TW, United Kingdom
(Received 15 February 2010; published 6 April 2010)
We address the dynamics of magnetic domain walls in ferromagnetic nanowires under the influence of
external time-dependent magnetic fields. We report a new exact spatiotemporal solution of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for the case of soft ferromagnetic wires and nanostructures with uniaxialanisotropy. The solution holds for applied fields with arbitrary strength and time dependence. We furtherextend this solution to applied fields slowly varying in space and to multiple domain walls.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.147202 PACS numbers: 75.78.Fg, 75.75. /C0c
Introduction.— The motion of magnetic domain walls
(DWs) in ferromagnetic nanowires has recently become asubject of intensive research in the condensed matter phys-ics community [ 1]. Manipulation of DWs by external
magnetic fields, and, in particular, the question of howthe DW propagation velocity depends on the applied field,have drawn considerable attention [ 2–4].
In ferromagnetic nanowires, the dynamics of the orien-
tation of the magnetization distribution, mðx; tÞ(normal-
ized so that jmj¼ 1), is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-
Gilbert (LLG) equation [ 5]
where xis the coordinate along the nanowire, tis time, /C11is
the Gilbert damping parameter, Hadenotes the applied
magnetic field, and HðmÞ¼/C0 /C14E=/C14m, where
Rðm/C1^yÞ2dx (2)
is the reduced micromagnetic energy. Here, Ais the ex-
change constant of the material, and K1,K2/C210are the
anisotropy constants along the (easy) xand (hard) yaxes.
The anisotropy constant along the zaxis is taken to be zero
by convention.
To date only one exact spatiotemporal [ 6] solution of the
LLG equation has been reported in the literature, namely,
the so-called Walker solution [ 7] [exact solutions in the
absence of damping (i.e., for /C11¼0) are discussed in
Ref. [ 8] ]. The analysis of Schryer and Walker [ 7] applies
to the case where K2>0, i.e., where the anisotropy con-
stants in the transverse plane are strictly unequal. This isappropriate for a thin film or thin strip geometry. Theapplied field is taken to be uniform in space, constant intime, and directed along the nanowire, i.e., H
aðx; tÞ¼
Ha^x.F o r jHajless than a certain threshold HW, the so-
called Walker breakdown field, a planar domain wall prop-agates rigidly along the nanostrip with velocity depending
nonlinearly on Ha.
In this Letter we present an exact spatiotemporal solu-
tion of the LLG equation that, to our knowledge, has notbeen previously reported in the literature. We consider thecase of transverse isotropy, i.e., K
2¼0. This is appropriate
for soft ferromagnetic nanowires whose cross-sectionaldimensions are comparable, as well as for uniaxial nano-
wires whose easy axis lies along the wire. We take the
applied field to lie along the nanowire, as in the case of theWalker solution, but allow for arbitrary time dependence,i.e.,H
aðx; tÞ¼HaðtÞ^x.
Exact solution of the LLG equation.— The boundary
conditions appropriate for a domain wall with finite micro-magnetic energy EðmÞare given by mðx; tÞ!/C6 ^xasx!
/C61.F o r K
2¼0the magnetization-dependent field His
given by
@x2þK1ðm/C1^xÞ^x: (3)
We now take into account the fact that mhas its values on
S2, and parametrize min terms of angles /C18ðx; tÞand/C30ðx; tÞ
according to m¼ðcos/C18;sin/C18cos/C30;sin/C18sin/C30Þ. From
Eqs. ( 1) and ( 3) we obtain the LLG equation in the equiva-
lent form
FIG. 1 (color online). Dynamics of domain walls. See text for
discussion.PRL 104, 147202 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
9 APRIL 2010
0031-9007 =10=104(14) =147202(3) 147202-1 /C2112010 The American Physical Societywhere the overdot denotes @=@t and the prime denotes
@=@x .
We now look for a solution of Eq. ( 4) in the form
/C18/C3ðx; tÞ¼/C180ðx/C0x/C3ðtÞÞ;/C30 /C3ðx; tÞ¼/C30/C3ðtÞ; (5)
/C180ðxÞ¼ 2 arctan exp ð/C0x=d 0Þ;d 0¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A=K 1q
/C180ðxÞdescribes the static domain wall in the absence of an
applied field. The magnetization density determined by
/C180ðxÞminimizes the micromagnetic energy EðmÞfor the
specified boundary conditions. Substituting Eq. ( 6) into
Eq. ( 4), and taking into account that /C180
0¼/C0 sin/C180=d 0
0Þ, we find that /C18/C3and/C30/C3satisfy
the LLG equation ( 4) provided that x/C3ðtÞand/C30/C3ðtÞsatisfy
_x/C3¼/C0/C11d 0HaðtÞ; _/C30/C3¼/C0HaðtÞ: (7)
[In fact, ( 6) and ( 7) provide the only solution of the form
Equations ( 5)–(7) constitute the main result of this
Letter. They represent an exact solution of the LLG equa-
tion, and describe a DW, with profile independent of theapplied field, propagating along the nanowire with velocity
/C3while precessing about the nanowire with angular ve-
locity _/C30/C3. No restrictions have been imposed on the
strength of the applied magnetic field and no assumptions
have been made about its time dependence.
We now compare the precessing solution Eqs. ( 5)–(7)
with the Walker solution [ 7]. The Walker solution is de-
fined only for K2>0(the fully anisotropic case) and time-
independent Haless than the breakdown field
HW¼/C11K 2=2: (8)
It is given by
/C18Wðx; tÞ¼/C180/C18x/C0VWt
;/C30 Wðx; tÞ¼/C30W;(9)
sin2/C30W¼Ha=HW (10)
determines the (fixed) inclination of the DW plane and
/C11d0Ha;/C13 ¼/C18K1
gives the DW velocity.
There are several characteristic differences between the
Walker solution and the precessing solution which shouldbe distinguishable experimentally. Foremost is the fact that
the Walker solution exists only for constant applied fields
whose strength does not exceed a certain threshold, so thatthe DW velocity is bounded. The precessing solution isdefined for time-dependent applied fields of arbitrary
strength, so that the DW velocity, which for the precessingsolution is proportional to the field strength, can be arbi-
trarily large. Next, while for the Walker solution the plane
of the DW remains fixed, for the precessing solution itrotates about the nanowire at a rate proportional to H
Finally, we observe that, for the Walker solution, the DWprofile contracts ( /C13> 1) or expands ( /C13> 1) in response to
the applied field, whereas for the precessing solution theDW profile propagates without distortion.
Spatially nonuniform applied fields and multiple do-
main walls.— We now extend our results to applied fields
that depend on both position along the nanowire andtime, i.e., H
a¼Haðx; tÞ^x. For any (nonsingular) applied
field, Eq. ( 4) is satisfied at xoutside the DW transition layer
jx/C0x/C3ðtÞj /C29 d0(up to exponentially small terms).
Assuming now that the field varies slowly across thetransition region,
aðx; tÞ/C0Haðx/C3ðtÞ;tÞj/C28j Haðx/C3ðtÞ;tÞj
we obtain an approximate solution of the LLG equation:
the magnetization density is given by Eqs. ( 5) and ( 6) with
_x/C3¼/C0/C11d 0Haðx/C3ðtÞ;tÞ; _/C30/C3¼/C0Haðx/C3ðtÞ;tÞ:(13)
The physical meaning of Eq. ( 13) is quite obvious: the DW
is only sensitive to the applied field within the transitionlayer.
This approximation can now be extended to the case of
Nnonoverlapping DWs. Indeed,
Nðx; tÞ¼XN
n¼1/C180fð/C0 1Þnþ1½x/C0xnðtÞ/C138g; (14a)
/C30Nðx; tÞ¼/C30/C22nðtÞ;n ¼/C22nminimizes jx/C0xnðtÞj;
with xkþ1ðtÞ/C0xkðtÞ/C29d0fork¼1;...;N/C01, consti-
tutes an approximate solution of the LLG equation giventhat
n¼ð /C0 1Þn/C11d 0HaðxnðtÞ;tÞ; (15a)
_/C30n¼/C0HaðxnðtÞ;tÞ; (15b)
forn¼1;...;N. For the case of a spatially uniform ap-
plied field Eqs. ( 14) and ( 15) describe the time evolution of
NDWs such that any two adjacent DWs travel in opposite
directions while rotating in the same direction (and withthe same angular velocity) around the nanowire. Figure 1
illustrates the dynamics of two ( N¼2) DWs.
Conclusions.— In this Letter we have presented an exact
spatiotemporal solution of the LLG equation that has not
been previously reported in the literature. The validity ofPRL 104, 147202 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
9 APRIL 2010
147202-2the new solution requires no assumptions about the time
dependence or strength of the applied field.
We have then provided a natural extension of the solu-
tion to physical situations in which the applied field varies
slowly in space. An approximate solution of the LLGequation for the case of multiple domain walls has alsobeen obtained.
A. G. acknowledges the support by EPSRC under Grant
No. EP/E024629/1.
[1] See, e.g., S. S. P. Parkin, M. Hayashi, and L. Thomas,
Science 320, 190 (2008); R. P. Cowburn, Nature
(London) 448, 544 (2007).
[2] Z. Z. Sun and J. Schliemann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 037206
(2010).[3] X. R. Wang, P. Yan, and J. Lu, Europhys. Lett. 86, 67001
(2009); X. R. Wang, P. Yan, J. Lu, and C. He, Ann. Phys.
(N.Y.) 324, 1815 (2009).
[4] M. C. Hickey, Phys. Rev. B 78, 180412(R) (2008).
[5] See, e.g., A. Hubert and R. Scha ¨fer,Magnetic Domains:
The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures (Springer,
Berlin, 1998).
[6] The only other exact solution of the LLG equation re-
ported in the literature [Z. Z. Sun and X. R. Wang, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 97, 077205 (2006)] appears in the problem of
magnetization switching, where the magnetization density
is considered to be uniform in space and is a function of
time only, i.e., m¼mðtÞ.
[7] N. L. Schryer and L. R. Walker, J. Appl. Phys. 45, 5406
[8] A. M. Kosevich, B. A. Ivanov, and A. S. Kovalev, Phys.
Rep. 194, 117 (1990).PRL 104, 147202 (2010) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
9 APRIL 2010
147202-3 |
PhysRevA.85.032324.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 032324 (2012)
Superoperator analysis of entanglement in a four-qubit cluster state
Yaakov S. Weinstein, Jay Feldman,*Jacob Robins,†Jason Zukus,‡and Gerald Gilbert
Quantum Information Science Group, MITRE , 260 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, New Jersey 07224, USA
(Received 24 November 2010; revised manuscript received 15 February 2012; published 19 March 2012)
In this paper we utilize superoperator formalism to explore the entanglement evolution of four-qubit cluster
states in a number of decohering environments. A four-qubit cluster state is a resource for the performanceof an arbitrary single-logical-qubit rotation via measurement-based cluster-state quantum computation. Weare specifically interested in the relationship between entanglement evolution and the fidelity with whichthe arbitrary single-logical-qubit rotation can be implemented in the presence of decoherence as this will haveimportant experimental ramifications. We also note the exhibition of entanglement sudden death (ESD) andask how severely its onset affects the utilization of the cluster state as a means of implementing an arbitrarysingle-logical-qubit rotation.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.032324 PACS number(s): 03 .67.Mn, 03 .67.Bg, 03 .67.Pp
Entanglement is a uniquely quantum mechanical phe-
nomenon in which quantum systems exhibit correlations aboveand beyond what is classically possible. Entangled systems arethus an important resource for many quantum information pro-cessing protocols including quantum computation, quantummetrology, and quantum communication [ 1]. In the area of
quantum computation, certain entangled states play a uniquerole as the basic resource for measurement-based quantumcomputation. The cluster state in particular allows for quantumcomputation to proceed via single-qubit measurements aftercreation of the cluster state [ 2].
An important area of research is to understand the possible
degradation of entanglement due to decoherence. Decoher-ence, stemming from unwanted interactions between thesystem and environment, is a major challenge confronting ex-perimental implementations of quantum computation, metrol-ogy, and communication [ 3]. Decoherence may be especially
detrimental to highly entangled states [ 4] and, indeed, much
work has been done on studying the effects of decoherence oncluster states [ 5].
An extreme manifestation of the detrimental effects of
decoherence on entangled states is “entanglement suddendeath” (ESD), in which entanglement within a system iscompletely lost in a finite time [ 6,7] despite the fact that
the loss of system coherence is asymptotic. This aspectof entanglement has been well explored in the case ofbipartite systems and there are a number of studies lookingat ESD in multipartite systems [ 8–13] including the four-qubit
cluster state [ 14]. In addition, there have been several initial
experimental ESD studies [ 15].
In this paper we study the entanglement evolution of a
four-qubit cluster state which can be used as the basic resourceto perform an arbitrary single (logical) qubit rotation viacluster-state quantum computation. We analyze the effects
*Present address: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21201,
†Present address: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
19104, USA.
‡Present address: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.of various decoherence models on the entanglement of the
premeasurement state and compare the entanglement behaviorto the accuracy with which the decohered state can be usedto implement the desired arbitrary single-qubit rotation. Tocompletely characterize the effects of decoherence we makeuse of superoperator representations and aspects of quantumprocess tomography. Quantum process tomography is anexperimental protocol which is used to completely determine(open) system dynamics. The information gleaned fromquantum process tomography can, in turn, be used to determinea wealth of accuracy measures. One would expect that theproper working of cluster-state-based quantum computationwould be strongly dependent on the amount of entanglementpresent in the premeasurement cluster state. Thus, an explicitanalysis of the strength of this dependence, especially whenattempting to perform basic computational gates, is essentialfor experimental implementations of cluster-state quantumprotocols.
A secondary aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of ESD
on the implementation of the single-logical-qubit rotation. TheESD phenomenon is of interest on a fundamental level andimportant for the general study of entanglement. However, it isnot yet clear what the effect of ESD is on quantum informationprotocols. Are different quantum protocols helped, hurt, or leftintact by ESD? Previous results suggest a possible connectionbetween the loss of certain types of entanglement in the four-qubit cluster state and the fidelity with which measurementson the four-qubit state will lead to the desired state on theremaining, unmeasured qubits [ 14]. The current paper expands
these results by exploring additional decoherence mechanismsand calculating state independent accuracy measures such asthe gate fidelity. Other explicit studies of the effect of ESDon quantum information protocols include the three-qubitphase flip code, a four-qubit decoherence free subspace anda three-qubit noiseless subsystem [ 13,16]. None of these
studies find a correlation between the accuracy of the protocolimplementation and the advent of ESD.
The cluster state [ 17] is a specific type of entangled state
that can be used as a resource for measurement-based quantumcomputation [ 2]. A cluster state can be constructed by rotating
032324-1 1050-2947/2012/85(3)/032324(9) ©2012 American Physical SocietyWEINSTEIN, FELDMAN, ROBINS, ZUKUS, AND GILBERT PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 032324 (2012)
all qubits into the state |+/angbracketright =1√
2(|0/angbracketright+| 1/angbracketright) and applying
control phase ( CZ) gates, diag(1 ,1,1,−1), between desired
pairs. In a graphical picture of a cluster state, qubits arerepresented by circles and pairs of qubits that have beenconnected via
CZgates are connected by a line. A cluster
state with qubits arranged in a two-dimensional lattice, suchthat each (nonedge) qubit has been connected via
CZgates with
its four nearest neighbors, suffices for universal QC.
After constructing the cluster state, any quantum computa-
tional algorithm can be implemented using only single-qubitmeasurements performed along axes in the x-yplane of the
qubit, that is, the plane spanned by |+/angbracketright =
2(|0/angbracketright+| 1/angbracketright),
2(|0/angbracketright+i|1/angbracketright). These processing measurements are
performed by column, from left to right, until only the last
column remains unmeasured. The last column contains theoutput state of the quantum algorithm which can be extractedby a final readout measurement. One can view each row of thecluster-state lattice as the evolution of a single-logical qubit intime. Two (logical) qubit gates are performed via connectionsbetween two rows of the cluster state.
CZgates in particular are
“built-in” to the cluster state and simple measurement on twoconnected qubits in different rows automatically implementsthe gate.
Measurement of a physical qubit in the cluster state at
an angle φfrom the xaxis in the x-yplane implements a
rotation on the logical qubit given by X(πm)HZ(φ), where
1−1) is the Hadamard gate, and Z(α)[X(α)] is a
z(x) rotation by an angle α[18]. The dependence of the logical
operation on the outcome of the measurement is determinedby the value of m=0,1 for measurement outcome −1,+1,
respectively. An arbitrary single-logical-qubit rotation can beimplemented via three such measurements yielding
where ( θ1,θ2,θ3) are the Euler angles of the rotation. As an
example, by drawing the Euler angles according to the Haarmeasure, a random single-qubit rotation can be implemented.
We explore an arbitrary single (logical) qubit cluster-based
rotation performed on an arbitrary initial state in a decoheringenvironment. To construct the relevant cluster, a qubit isplaced in the desired initial state |ψ
eiβsinα|1/angbracketright, where ρin(α,β)=|ψin(α,β)/angbracketright/angbracketleftψin(α,β)|. Three
additional qubits (numbered 2–4) are rotated into the |+/angbracketrightstate
and CZgates are then applied between the original qubit and
2, 2 and 3, and 3 and 4. The four-qubit initial (pure) stateis thus |ψ
4I(α,β)/angbracketright=CZ 34CZ 23CZ 12(|ψin(α,β)/angbracketright⊗| + /angbracketright⊗3)o r
To quantify and monitor entanglement in the above con-
structed types of cluster states as they undergo decoherence,we use an entanglement measure known as the negativity N
defined as the most negative eigenvalue of the partial transposeof the system density matrix [ 19]. There are a number of
inequivalent forms of the negativity for any four-qubit system:the partial transpose may be taken with respect to any single-qubitN
(j)or the partial transpose may be taken with respect
to any two qubits N(j,k). The negativity thus defined does notdifferentiate different types of entanglement. Furthermore, due
to the possible presence of bound entanglement, the disappear-ance of all measurable negativity does not guarantee that thestate is separable. However, the presence of negativity doesensure the presence of distillable entanglement in the system.
A method of monitoring specifically four-qubit cluster
type entanglement is via the expectation value of the statewith respect to an appropriate entanglement witness [ 20].
Entanglement witnesses are observables with positive or zeroexpectation value for all states not in a specified entanglementclass and a negative expectation value for at least one stateof the specified entanglement class. Entanglement witnessesmay allow for an efficient, though imperfect, means ofexperimentally determining whether entanglement is presentin a state (as opposed to inefficient state tomography). Thisis especially important for experiments with any more than afew qubits as it may be the only practical means of decidingwhether or not sufficient entanglement is present in thesystem. The entanglement witnesses used here are specificallydesigned to detect four-qubit cluster type entanglement of thekind exhibited by states of the form ρ
4I(α,β). In Ref. [ 21]a n
entanglement witness is constructed for a cluster state in whichthe first qubit is |+/angbracketright. It is given by W
For the current study we modify this witness by a phase rotationof angle βon the first qubit yielding witnesses of the form
z/2, (1)
where σk
zis the Pauli zspin operator on qubit kandβis
the phase of the initial state |ψin(α,β)/angbracketright. This witness more
accurately determines whether the cluster states of interest inthis work have any four-qubit cluster entanglement.
We would like to completely describe the evolution of
the single-logical qubit undergoing an arbitrary cluster-basedrotation in the presence of decoherence. To do so we needto account for both the decoherence and the measurementsof the (three) physical qubits. For this study we assume thatthere is no interaction between the qubits of the cluster state(beyond the initial conditional phase gates used to construct thecluster state). We further assume that all decoherence occursafter construction of the cluster state but before measurements.Measurement is done on each of the first three qubits in bases atangleθ
i,i=1,2,3, from the positive xaxis. As noted above,
the measurement bases are chosen so as to implement thedesired logical qubit rotation. After measurement the finalstate of the logical qubit resides on the fourth, unmeasured,physical qubit and is a function of the initial state of the logicalqubit|ψ
in(α,β)/angbracketright, the decoherence strength p, and the three
measurement angles θi:ρout=ρout(α,β,p,θ 1,θ2,θ3).
To construct the dynamical superoperator of the one qubit
logical gate we follow the method described in Refs. [ 3,22]. We
construct the appropriate cluster, apply decohering evolution,and perform the desired measurements on a set of states|ψ
4I(α,β)/angbracketrightwhich span the one qubit Hilbert space (Hilbert
space dimension N=2). From this we can construct the
N2×N2Liouvillian superoperator Swhere
S(p,θ 1,θ2,θ3)ρin(α,β)=ρout(α,β,p,θ 1,θ2,θ3). (2)
Note that in Liouvillian space, density matrices are column
vectors of dimension N2×1. From the superoperator Swe can
construct the corresponding N×NKraus operators following
[23]. An analysis of the Kraus operator representation of the
scenarios outlined below is done in Appendix B.
There are two accuracy measures that we find useful for
our analysis and that we use to compare the accuracy ofthe implemented gate to the evolution of the entanglement.These measures quantify how well the system performed thedesired operation and are thus vital in experimental work. Thefirst accuracy measure we utilize is the cluster-state fidelity of
the four-qubit state ρ
4F(α,β,p ) before measurement but after
decoherence as a function of p. This is given by
Fc=Tr[ρ4I(α,β)ρ4F(α,β,p )†]. (3)
This is a simple measure which tells how close the actual final
state is to the desired one in the presence of decoherence. Thesecond accuracy measure is the gate fidelity of the attempted
single (logical) qubit rotation U(θ
1,θ2,θ3). The gate fidelity
quantifies the accuracy with which the attempted evolutionwas achieved independent of the initial state of the system.The superoperator allows us to calculate the gate fidelity via
g=Tr[S(0,θ1,θ2,θ3)S(p,θ 1,θ2,θ3)†], (4)
In the next three sections we look at decohering environ-
ments of experimental interest: phase damping, amplitudedamping, and depolarization. In all three we explore theentanglement evolution as a function of decoherence strengthassuming that the decoherence occurs prior to measurement.Measurements are performed on the decohered state and thusthe evolution of the fidelity of the implemented operationcan be compared to the evolution of the entanglement. Ourgoal is to see what correlations exist between entanglementdegradation and the accuracy with which the cluster statecan be used to implement the desired single-logical-qubitrotation. We will also note occurrences of ESD and what effectthis phenomenon may have on the ability of the system toimplement the desired rotation.
In this paper we discuss the effects of three different
decohering environments on the four-qubit cluster state. Theyare independent qubit phase damping, amplitude damping,and depolarization. Each of these environments is completelydescribed by a Kraus operator representation. The Krausoperator representation for the phase damping environmentis given by
,K 2=/parenleftbigg00
, (6)for the amplitude damping environment
,K 2=/parenleftbigg0√p
, (7)
and for the depolarizing environment
⎠,K /lscript=√p
2σ/lscript, (8)
where the σ/lscriptare the Pauli spin operators /lscript=x,y,z . In each
case we have defined a decoherence strength parameter p
whose exact behavior as a function of time is left unspecifiedso as to accommodate various possible experimentally relevantbehaviors. As an example, one might have p=1−e
where τis time and κis the decay constant. In the case of
independent qubit dephasing, this decoherence behavior woulddecay off-diagonal terms of the density matrix as a power ofe
−κτand thus go to zero (i.e., p→1) only in the limit of
infinite times. We also assume equal decoherence for all fourqubits.
Starting with the general state ρ4I(α,β) we separately
apply each of the decohering environments with arbitrarydecoherence strength pand determine the entanglement in the
output state ρ
4F(α,β,p ). For the depolarizing environment the
eigenvalues of the partially transposed states can be determinedanalytically. For the other environments the eigenvalues foreachαandpmust be determined numerically. The entan-
glement evolution is shown in Figs. 1–3 and summarized in
Table I. We also calculate cluster-state fidelity comparing the
state before and after decoherence.
The entanglement of the system before or after decoherence
is completely independent of β.βarises as a rotation
2σz] on the state |ψin(α,0)/angbracketright. This rotation commutes
with CZgates and, as single-qubit rotations do not effect
the entanglement, the entanglement of the state |ψ4I(α,β)/angbracketright
is independent of β.T h eσzrotation which gives rise to βalso
commutes with the Kraus operators and of the phase dampingand amplitude damping environments. Thus, the entanglementof the cluster states under these types of decoherence is alsoindependent of β. The depolarizing environment, however,
includes (two) Kraus operators proportional to σ
which do not commute with the σzrotation. Nevertheless,
the rotation amounts to simply reorienting σxandσyand
thus, taken together, the σzrotation can be applied after the
decoherence with no effect on the final state.
We then apply measurements to the first three qubits along
axes in the x-yplane at angles θ1,θ2,θ3from the xaxis.
From this we determine the superoperator S(p,θ 1,θ2,θ3)o f
the attempted arbitrary rotation. These superoperators areexplicitly shown in Appendix A.F r o m S(p,θ
1,θ2,θ3) we can
compute the state independent gate fidelity as a function of theattempted rotation and the decoherence strength and determinethe output state for any input state. Explicit equations for thetwo fidelity measures are given in Table Iand are depicted in
Figs. 4–6.
There are a number of differences in the entangle-
ment evolution between the three decohering environments.
TABLE I. Summary of entanglement and fidelity results for the three explored decohering environments. The columns show values of p
at which ESD is exhibited, values of pwhere the entanglement witness cannot detect entanglement, gate fidelity, and the state fidelity, where
q=p−1a n d ˜p=√1−p.
ESD (N(j)=0) Tr[ ρWβ]=0 FgFC
Dephasing N(1),N(1,2):p=2(√
2−1) p/lessorsimilar0.51
+q(p+2˜p−2) cos 2 θ2 −p(p−2˜p−2) cos 4 α]
N(1,3):p/similarequal0.938 +2q(p+2˜p−2) cos θ2
2cos 2θ3]
Amplitude none p< 0.2 same as dephasing see figure
Depolarizing all N(j):p/lessorequalslant0.45 p/lessorsimilar0.21
32(p−2)2[3p(3p−5)+8−qpcos 4α]
+q2p2cos 2θ2)
Entanglement degrades most slowly in the dephasing envi-
ronment before exhibiting ESD at high values of p.I nt h e
amplitude damping environment the entanglement degradesmore quickly but never exhibits ESD, and in the depolarizingenvironment the entanglement degrades most quickly andESD is exhibited for low values of p. In addition, different
states lose entanglement at different rates depending on thedecohering environment. For example, N
(1,2)in all states
degrades uniformly in the depolarizing environment but not
0.1 0.1 0.20.2
0.30.4 0.4
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.3 0.4
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.3 0.20.10
0.10.2 0.30.4
0.0 0.5 1.0
FIG. 1. (Color online) Negativity as a function of dephasing
strength pand initial state parametrized by α.( a )N(1), partial
transpose taken with respect to the first qubit, (b) N(1,2), partial
transpose taken with respect to the first two qubits, and (c) N(1,3),
partial transpose taken with respect to qubits one and three.
(d) Evolution of the expectation value of the entanglement witness as
a function of initial state (the expectation value is not dependent on β)
and decoherence strength. Notice that the dephasing strength at which
the expectation value goes to zero is dependent on αand is well below
the point where ESD is exhibited for N(1). The four-qubit cluster
entanglement can only be observed at low levels of decoherence
p/lessorsimilar0.5.in the other environments. This is most likely due to uniform
effect of the depolarizing environment over the Bloch sphere.
With respect to detecting entanglement via the entangle-
ment witness, we find for all decohering environments that thedetection of four-qubit cluster entanglement goes to zero muchmore quickly than any of the entanglement measures (and goesto zero for the amplitude damping environment though no ESDis exhibited). This shows a quick demise specifically for thefour-qubit cluster entanglement (or indicates the inefficiency ofthe witnesses). The maximum decoherence for which detectionis still possible is about the same for the amplitude dampingand depolarizing and much higher for dephasing.
0.1 0.1 0.20.2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.350.35 0.45
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.2 0.30.4
0.0 0.5 1.0
FIG. 2. (Color online) Evolution of various negativity measures
as a function of initial state parametrized by αand amplitude damping
strength p.( a )N(1), the entanglement goes to zero at α=π/2.
(b)N(1,2)and (c) N(1,3), for these measures the entanglement goes
to zero only in the limit of p→1. (d) Expectation value of
four-qubit cluster state with respect to entanglement witness Wβ,
withβ=0, as a function of initial state and decoherence strength.
The four-qubit cluster entanglement goes undetected at very low
decoherence strengths ( p< 0.2) despite the presence of some sort of
entanglement for any nonzero p.
0.1 0.1 0.20.2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.30.3 0.3
0.4 0.40.4
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.4 0.30.2
0.1 00.10.2 0.30.4
0.0 0.5 1.0
FIG. 3. (Color online) Negativity as a function of depolarizing
strength pand initial state parametrized by α:( a )N(1),( b )N(1,2),a n d
(c)N(1,3). (d) Evolution of expectation value of entanglement witness
as a function of initial state and decoherence strength. Notice thatthe evolution is similar to N
(1)though the expectation value goes to
zero well before ESD of N(1). The four-qubit cluster entanglement
can only be observed at low levels of decoherence p/lessorsimilar0.2.
When comparing the entanglement evolution to the evo-
lution of the gate fidelity or cluster-state fidelity we findonly superficial correlations. In addition, we do not find anysignature of ESD in the fidelity functions. While clearly bothentanglement and fidelity decrease as the decoherence strengthincreases, these superficial correlations do not give rise to anyproblems regarding the viability of quantum computing. Wenote, however, that this does not prove that ESD is completelyirrelevant with respect to quantum computation in general, itsimply demonstrates that the effect of ESD on this specificprotocol is not manifest in the fidelity measure.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
θ2pa0.1 0.10.2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Gate fidelity of an arbitrary single-qubit
rotation as a function of the rotation (parametrized by Euler angle θ2
withθ3set to zero; note that the gate fidelity is independent of θ1)
and dephasing strength p. (b) Fidelity of premeasurement four-qubit
cluster state as a function of initial state parametrized by α(this
fidelity is independent of β)a n dp.0.3
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.5 0.6
0.7 0.8
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) Gate fidelity as a function of amplitude
damping strength pand choice of rotation (parametrized by θ2
withθ3=0; note that the gate fidelity is independent of θ1).
(b) Contour plot of four-qubit state fidelity as a function of amplitudedamping strength and initial state (parametrized by α; the fidelity is
independent of β).
The gate fidelity provides a state independent measure for
the accuracy of the entire single-qubit rotation algorithm. Thisfidelity, and the explicit superoperators given in Appendix A,
are vital information for those attempting to discern the possi-ble accuracy that can be achieved by invariably decoherentexperimental systems. We immediately note that the gatefidelity is the same in the dephasing and amplitude dampingenvironments F
z. This is not surprising considering that
the Kraus operators governing these decohering environmentsare very similar. Nevertheless, the cluster-state fidelity ofthe two environments are not at all similar as seen inFigs. 4and 5. This demonstrates the importance of utilizing
multiple accuracy measures. In addition, the amplitude damp-ing environment does not cause ESD for any entanglementmeasure while dephasing does. This suggests that dephasingis more harmful to the entanglement types found in thefour-qubit cluster state than is amplitude damping. Rotatingthe physical system qubits, such that a dephasing environmentacts as an amplitude damping environment, could conserveentanglement though it would not increase the accuracy of theimplemented single-logical-qubit rotation. Both fidelity typesdecrease much more quickly in the depolarizing environmentthan in the other two environments.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
FIG. 6. (Color online) (a) Gate fidelity for arbitrary single-qubit
rotation in depolarization environment as a function of depolarization
strength and the rotation (parametrized by θ2, in this case the gate
fidelity does not depend either on θ1orθ3). (b) Fidelity of four-qubit
cluster state as a function of initial state (parametrized by αasFC
does not depend on β) and depolarizing strength.
In conclusion, we have studied an attempted implemen-
tation of an arbitrary single-qubit rotation via cluster-statequantum computation in a noisy environment. We specificallylooked at three different decohering environments: dephasing,amplitude damping, and depolarization. Such studies are vitalfor future experiments in cluster-state quantum computationas they will shed light on the types of errors that occur duringimplementation and can prescribe what types and strengths oferror are tolerable if attempting to achieve a certain accuracy ofimplementation. To this end we have provided both accuracymeasures of the implementation as a function of the attemptedrotation and the decoherence type and strength, as well asthe complete superoperator describing the entire process. Thesuperoperators specifically allow for the identification of thetype of error that will be manifest in the output state of anexperiment given the error models. The accuracy measuresand the superoperators are also vital for the determination ofcluster-based fault tolerance thresholds.
In addition, we have studied the entanglement evolution
of the four-qubit cluster state under the above mentioneddecohering environments. This behavior is important for anumber of reasons. First, multipartite entanglement evolutionunder decoherence is still very much an area of intense study.Here we explore a number of negativity measures (whichare bipartite measures) and the detection capabilities of theentanglement witness. The latter is a way to test for thepresence of cluster-type entanglement in experiments whichwill be necessary before proceeding with any cluster-basedalgorithm. Our results allow for comparison of entanglementevolution between the different decohering environments. Theentanglement evolution is compared to the fidelity measuresin an attempt to note any possible correspondence betweenthe two. The presence or lack of a correlation between fidelityand entanglement addresses the general question of the role
of entanglement in quantum computation. Is entanglementintegral to any quantum computation, or is it simply abyproduct of large Hilbert spaces? One may surmise that therole of entanglement is especially vital in cluster-state quantumcomputation as the highly entangled cluster state is the basicresource for any algorithm. However, we showed that there areonly superficial correlations between fidelity and entanglementand specifically noted that the complete disappearance of en-tanglement upon sufficient decoherence, entanglement suddendeath, does not have any effect of the fidelity behavior. This isespecially manifest when comparing the evolution under thedephasing and amplitude damping environments. While thegate fidelity of the single-qubit arbitrary rotation is the samefor both of these environments, the entanglement evolution isvery different. All of this demonstrates that while entanglementis certainly necessary for universal quantum computation to beimplemented on a cluster state the amount of entanglement per
seis not a good indicator as to how accurately the algorithm
will be implemented.
We acknowledge support from the MITRE Technology
Program under MIP Grant No. 20MSR053.
In this Appendix we provide the expressions for superop-
erators describing the evolution of a single-logical qubit in acluster-based quantum computation attempting to implementan arbitrary rotation described by Euler angles ( θ
1,θ2,θ3)i n
the different decohering environments. The superoperator forthe case of qubits in a dephasing environment is given by
⎜⎜⎜⎝(1−qs2s3) −eiθ1q(c3−i˜pc2s3) −e−iθ1q(c3+i˜pc2s3) (1 +qs2s3)
q(c2−i˜pc3s2)eiθ1q[qc2c3+i˜p(s2+s3)] −e−iθ1q[qc2c3+i˜p(s2−s3)]−q(c2−i˜pc3s2)
q(c2+i˜pc3s2)−eiθ1q[qc2c3−i˜p(s2−s3)] e−iθ1q[qc2c3−i˜p(s2+s3)] −q(c2+i˜pc3s2)
(1+qs2s3) eiθ1q(c3−i˜pc2s3) e−iθ1q(c3+i˜pc2s3) (1 −qs2s3)⎞
⎟⎟⎟⎠, (A1)
where q≡p−1,˜p≡√1−p, and we write sin θjand cos θjforj=1,2,3a ssjandcj.
The superoperator for the amplitude damping environment is given by
⎜⎜⎜⎝(1+p)+q2s2s3 eiθ1q2(c3−i˜pc2s3) e−iθ1q2(c3+i˜pc2s3) (1 +p)−q2s2s3
q(c2−i˜pc3s2) eiθ1q[qc2c3+i˜p(s2+s3)] −e−iθ1q[qc2c3+i˜p(s2−s3)]−q(c2−i˜pc3s2)
q(c2+i˜pc3s2)−eiθ1q[qc2c3−i˜p(s2−s3)] e−iθ1q[qc2c3−i˜p(s2+s3)] −q(c2+i˜pc3s2)
−q(1+qs2s3) −eiθ1q2(c3−i˜pc2s3) −e−iθ1q2(c3+i˜pc2s3) −q(1−qs2s3)⎞
We note that the second and third rows of the amplitude damping superoperator are exactly the same as the second and third
rows of the dephasing superoperator.
The superoperator for the depolarizing environment is given by
⎜⎜⎜⎝1−q3s2s3 −e−iθ1q3(c3+iqc2s3) e−iθ1q3(−c3+iqc2s3) 1 +q3s2s3
−q2(c2+iqc3s2)eiθ1q3[qc2c3+i(s2+s3)] −e−iθ1q3[qc2c3+i(s2−s3)]q2(c2+iqc3s2)
−q2(c2−iqc3s2)−eiθ1q3[qc2c3−i(s2−s3)] e−iθ1q3[qc2c3−i(s2+s3)] q2(c2−iqc3s2)
1+q3s2s3 e−iθ1q3(c3+iqc2s3) e−iθ1q3(c3−iqc2s3) 1 −q3s2s3⎞
⎟⎟⎟⎠. (A3)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0p0.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0p0.
FIG. 7. (Color online) (Left) Kraus operator amplitudes as a function of dephasing strength. The highest Kraus operator amplitude decreases
linearly until becoming equal to the amplitudes of the other three Kraus operators. The behavior of the highest and lowest amplitudes areindependent of all measurement angles while the middle two amplitudes depend slightly on θ
2andθ3. (Right) Fidelity (solid line) and correlation
(dashed line) of first Kraus operator as a function of dephasing strength.
The above superoperators promise to be useful for exper-
imental realizations of this cluster-state protocol, includingquestions of fault tolerance, as they can be used to characterizea given environment.
In the main part of this paper we determined the super-
operators for single-logical-qubit rotations in a cluster-basedquantum computer undergoing different types of decoherence.Recasting these superoperators in terms of Kraus operatorsgives additional insight into the evolution of the logicalinformation under the arbitrary qubit rotation as a functionof decoherence. To calculate the Kraus operators from thesuperoperator one first determines the Choi matrix. EachKraus operator K
ais a Choi matrix eigenvector (unstacked
so that its dimension is N×N), times the square root of
the corresponding Choi matrix eigenvalue divided by N[23].
We define the amplitude of a given Kraus operator Aato be
the square root of the Choi matrix eigenvalue divided by N,
Aa=√λa/N. The higher the amplitude of a Kraus operator
the more significant its effect on the overall system dynamics.This method of Kraus operator construction maximizes theamplitude of one (and hence the most significant) Krausoperator. Using Kraus operators, the complete evolution of
the system is given by
aKa(p,θ 1,θ2,θ3)ρin(α,β)Ka(p,θ 1,θ2,θ3)†=ρout. (B1)
Clearly, if there is only one Kraus operator it will be unitary
with an amplitude of 1. In this way, unitarity of the evolutioncan be quantified by A
1, the amplitude of the first Kraus
operator. In addition, the accuracy of the applied evolution canbe quantified by the fidelity or correlation of the first Krausoperator as compared to the desired unitary [ 22]. The fidelity
is given by
Tr[U†U], (B2)
and the correlation is given by
1K1]. (B3)
The fidelity measure accounts for both decoherent losses, a
change in purity, and coherent errors, what we might call achange in “direction” effected by the first Kraus operator. Thecorrelation is unaffected by a change in magnitude.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0p0.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0p0.
FIG. 8. (Color online) (Left) Kraus operator amplitudes as a function of amplitude damping strength. The behavior of all amplitudes depend
slightly on θ2andθ3. (Right) Fidelity (solid line) and correlation (dashed line) of first Kraus operator as a function of amplitude damping
strength. Note that in this case the correlation does not remain constant implying a coherent affect on the dynamics of the system due to
amplitude damping.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0p0.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0p0.
FIG. 9. (Color online) (Left) Kraus operator amplitudes as a function of depolarizing strength. The behavior of all amplitudes depend
slightly on θ2. (Right) Fidelity (solid line) and correlation (dashed line) of first Kraus operator as a function of dephasing strength.
We start with the Kraus operators of the dephasing envi-
ronment. The amplitude of the Kraus operators as a functionof decoherence strength is shown in Fig. 7. The amplitude of
the first Kraus operator decreases linearly and the amplitudeof the other three Kraus operators increase until, at p=1, the
four Kraus operators have equal amplitudes. At that limit eachof the four Kraus operator matrices have an element equal
to 1/√
2 in one of the corners and all the other elements are
zero. The fidelity of the first Kraus operator also decreaseslinearly with dephasing strength while the correlation remainsconstant at 1 (until very high p) implying purely decoherent
We noted in the main part of the paper that the gate
fidelities of a single-logical-qubit cluster-state-based arbitraryrotation in a dephasing environment and amplitude dampingenvironment are the same. Nevertheless, we find that theirKraus operator representations are very different. Two ofthe Kraus operator amplitudes in an amplitude dampingenvironment go to zero as p→1. The remaining two Kraus
operator matrices have a one in the upper right or left cornerand zeros elsewhere. For values of p< 1, the amplitude of the
first Kraus operator decreases faster in the amplitude dampingenvironment than in the dephasing environment. However, thisdescent slows as papproaches one. The second Kraus operatoralways plays a more significant role in the amplitude damping
environment than in the dephasing environment.
The fidelity of the first Kraus operator as function of
amplitude damping strength pdecreases linearly (faster than
the dephasing environment) before rounding off at high valuesofpwhile the correlation decreases, staying near one only at
low values of p. This behavior, portrayed in Fig. 8, suggests
that amplitude damping, despite being decoherent dynamics,has a coherent affect on the system dynamics. Rotating thesystem so that the amplitude damping acts as phase dampingmay increase the fidelity and correlation of the first Krausoperator but will not increase the gate fidelity of the attemptedlogical qubit rotation.
Of all the decohering environments studied here, the first
Kraus operator amplitude decreases fastest (and not linearly)in a depolarizing environment. The increase of the lowestamplitude Kraus operator is also not linear. However, inthe limit of p→1, the depolarizing environment is like the
dephasing environment in that the amplitudes of all four Krausoperators converge to 0.5, as demonstrated in Fig. 9.T h e
fidelity in a depolarzing environment also decreases fasterthan the other decoherent environments while the correlationremains constant at one, demonstrating that the evolution isentirely decoherent.
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032324-9 |
PhysRevLett.103.077201.pdf | Combined Electron Resonance Driven by an All-Oscillating Potential of Patterned Magnets
Nikolay I. Polushkin *
Institute for Physics of Microstructures of Russian Academy of Sciences, 603950 GSP-105 Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation
(Received 6 January 2009; published 10 August 2009)
A novel mechanism is proposed for the phenomenon of combined electron resonance. It is shown that
the spatially localized microwave fields of an Fe stripe array mediate the intense electronic transitionsinvolving the changes in both spin and orbital quantum numbers when the electron moves along acyclotron orbit in a semiconductor (e.g., InGaAs-based) quantum well. This discovery bridges the fields ofspintronics and quantum computing, paving the way for conceptually new hybrid devices based onferromagnetic and semiconductor structured materials.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.077201 PACS numbers: 75.75.+a, 71.70.Di, 76.30. /C0v
The recent progress in quantum computing devices
based on semiconductor wells and dots [ 1] is associated
with utilizing general quantum phenomena such as elec-
tron spin resonance driven by either magnetic [ 2] or elec-
tric [ 3–5] ac fields. The latter effect relates to another
phenomenon, the so-called combined resonance (CR) [ 6–
8]. By general definition [ 6], the CR is a resonant transition
involving the changes in both spin and Landau quantum
numbers. A possible mechanism mediating the combined
transitions relies on the spin-orbit (SO) interaction that
leads to mixing of the orbital and spin motion in a periodic
crystalline lattice [ 1–8]. This coupling breaks the usual
selection rules, so the transitions can be excited from the
statejl;#itojn;"i, where landnare the Landau quantum
numbers ( n/C222l) and " ð#Þ denote the spin quantum num-
bers, i.e., spin-up (-down). The ability of a quantum system
to exhibit the CR depends on how the lattice period relates
to the cyclotron radius Rc[6,7]. For better matching of
these two length scales and for their manipulation as well,
it would be desirable to artificially form the drive potential
in the same medium or another one brought into close
proximity to the medium where the electron moves.
One fascinating discovery in this arena is associated
with the commensurability effects in a two-dimensional
electron gas subjected to a periodic electrostatic or
magnetic potential [ 9,10]. Related effects were observed
in other hybrid systems such as a superconductor-
semiconductor [ 11] or a ferromagnet-superconductor
[12]. However, despite broad interest in studying the inter-
play of spin and charge dynamics, the basic question of the
coupling between orbital (cyclotron) and spin motions in
an external nonuniform potential remains open.
In this Letter, I answer this question by predicting new
strong effects of an external nonuniform potential on the
electronic properties. Using a simple formalism, I demon-
strate that an electron may change its Landau index via the
interaction with an external potential hðr; tÞoscillating in
both space and time. Such an all-oscillating potential hav-
ing a spatial period /C3and angular frequency /C10can be
considered as a perturbation of the wave function clof anelectron moving along an lth Landau orbit in a static
magnetic field H. As the matrix elements of the perturba-
tion operator exp½ið!l;#;n;"/C0/C10Þt/C138Rcn/C3ðrÞhðrÞclðrÞdrfor
a transition l!nare nonvanishing at n/C222l, the
coordinate-dependent function hðrÞallows for a nonzero
rate of the transitions between the lth and nth Landau
levels with spin rotation at the resonance that occurs when
/C10¼!l;#;n;": (1)
I find that the hðr; tÞcan be effectively generated by the
dynamic magnetization in a stripe ferromagnetic structure
(FMS) patterned in a thin Fe layer. I show that the pre-cession of the magnetization with a frequency equal to the
eigenfrequency of the patterned layer /C10is able to induce
intense combined electronic transitions outside the layer ata distance compared to its thickness. To demonstrate thefeasibility of the combined transitions, I envisage a real-istic situation where the electron is confined in a semicon-ductor quantum well (QW) from an engineered materialsuch as In
xGa1/C0xAs, whose technology is well-established
[13]. Importantly, an extrinsic engineered potential such as
hðr; tÞcan be employed instead of the intrinsic SO inter-
action effect to mediate the drastic changes in chargemotion, thereby providing a new route for spin-to-chargeconversion in quantum computing devices [ 5]. Another
feature is that the stray fields of the patterned elementsquickly decay out of them in the lateral direction.Localizing the resonant transitions via strong and localizedac fields would be a necessary step for single-electron spin
manipulation. I propose to generate such fields by amplify-
ing and localizing a uniform microwave field applied to theFMS.
The FMS-QW design and calculation geometry are
shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b). An external microwave
uniform field h
ecos!toriented along the yaxis causes
the resonant precession of the magnetization in the FMS at!¼/C10. The dynamic magnetization ~mðr; tÞ, in turn, gen-
erates the stray field ~hðr; tÞwhich perturbs the electron
cyclotron motion inside a QW placed at a distance z
from the FMS surface. The FMS-QW system is subjectedPRL 103, 077201 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
14 AUGUST 2009
0031-9007 =09=103(7) =077201(4) 077201-1 /C2112009 The American Physical Societyto the out-of-plane static magnetic field H. It is easier to
satisfy the resonance condition ( 1) if the vertical field
component Hzis taken to be smaller than the saturation
magnetization 4/C25M s. With such a limitation, the contribu-
tion of Hzto/C10can be neglected [ 14]. An FMS used in my
calculation consists of periodically arranged ferromagneticstripes with 4/C25M
s¼21 kG (bulk Fe) and grating filling
w=/C3¼0:2, where wis the stripe width [Fig. 2(a)]. Values
taken for the damping constant and ratio of the stripe
thickness to the grating period are /C11¼0:0019 [15] and
Lz=/C3¼0:01, respectively.
Figure 2shows how (b) the resonant susceptibility
/C31y;z¼4/C25my;z=heand (c) produced dynamic stray fields
hy;zare distributed over /C3. An in-plane field Hx¼20 kOe
was taken for plotting /C31y;zðyÞ, and hy;zðyÞwere calculatedat different distances z0from the FMS surface. The values
of/C31were calculated numerically by reducing the Landau-
Lifshitz-Gilbert equations to an infinite set of algebraic
linear equations for Fourier components of /C31[16]. The
dynamic stray field ~hðr; tÞwas found from the magneto-
statics equations, taking into account the standard electro-magnetic boundary conditions at both interfacesz¼/C6L
z=2. Then the field components in the region out-
side the FMS ( z>L z=2) can be written as
where qj¼2/C25j=/C3,Fyj/C17Gzj¼sinqjy, and Gyj/C17
/C0Fzj¼/C0 cosqjy. One sees that outside the shaded re-
gions in Fig. 2both the vertical hzand horizontal hyfield
components quickly decay along the ydirection.
To describe the electronic motion along a cyclotron orbit
inside a QW, I additionally introduce a coordinate system
r0/C17ðx0;y0;z0Þ, as shown in Fig. 1. In the presence of a
tilted field ~Hz0and confining potential UðzÞ, the effective
Hamiltonian of a conduction-band electron in a QW reads[17]
0þ/C23½^p;~ez/C138^/C27; (3)
where ^H0¼^p2=2m/C3/C0/C22^/C27z0Hz0þUðzÞ,m/C3is the ef-
fective mass, ^p¼/C0i@rþj ej~AðrÞ=c,rot~A¼~Hz0,/C22/C17
/C22Bg/C3=2is a maximal value of the magnetic-moment pro-
jection on the z0axis, ^/C27is the Pauli matrices, g/C3is the
effective Lande ´gfactor, /C23is the SO interaction constant,
and~ezis a unit vector along the zaxis.
In the absence of the ac electric fields applied to the QW,
the SO interaction term in Eq. ( 3) is time-independent, so
that it cannot mediate any electronic transitions, though itcan affect the resonance condition ( 1) by shifting the
energy levels [ 18]. The logic of the further formalism is
as follows. I start with the treatments of the unperturbed
Hamiltonian, ^H
0. Then I consider the perturbation of ^H0by
the all-oscillating external potential ~hðr; tÞ. Finally, the
effect of SO interaction is evaluated as a time-independent
perturbation of ^H0.
The stationary states for the unperturbed cyclotron mo-
tion described by ^H0can be found from the equation
^H0cðr; sz0Þ¼Ecðr; sz0Þin which the envelope function
can be represented as the product of the coordinate andspin parts, i.e.,
cðr; sz0Þ¼’ðrÞS"ð#Þðsz0Þ. By taking into
account that ^/C27z0S"¼1and ^/C27z0S#¼/C01and choosing the
gauge for the vector potential as ~A¼ð0;/C0zHxþxHz;0Þ,
the coordinate part can be represented as ’ðrÞ¼
expðikyyÞfðx; zÞto yield the equation for fðx; zÞ[19]:
f/C6/C22H z0f¼Ef; (4)
FIG. 2 (color online). Distributions of the saturation magneti-
zation (a), horizontal ( y) and vertical ( z) components of the
dynamic susceptibility /C31(b), and the stray field (c) at Hx¼
20 kOe . Resonant amplification of a uniform field is shown at
different distances from the FMS surface.
FIG. 1 (color online). (a) Calculation geometry. An electron is
confined in a narrow QW placed a distance z0from the FMS
surface where the precession magnetization is driven by anexternal microwave field h
ecos!tin a tilted static magnetic
field H. (b) Dynamic stray fields hy(brown contours) and hz
(blue contours) from a ferromagnet (FM) perturb the electron
cyclotron motion and mediate the combined transitions.PRL 103, 077201 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
14 AUGUST 2009
077201-2where RzðxÞ¼½c@=jej=HzðxÞ/C1381=2is the magnetic length in
thex/C0y(z/C0y) plane, ~x¼x/C0x0, and x0¼Rz2kyis the
xcoordinate of the orbital center. I assume that the QW is
so narrow that aw/C28j~xjR2x=R2z. In this case, the depen-
dence on zin (4) can be neglected. In the aw!0limit, the
electron motion is purely two-dimensional in the x/C0y
plane, and only Hzis responsible for the Landau quantiza-
tion, while the Zeeman splitting is defined by the full fieldH. Then the two remaining variables can be separated to
yield the equation for a harmonic oscillator with eigenval-
l¼@!cðlþ1=2Þþ@2/C252=2=a2w=m/C3/C6/C22H z0for a
QW of infinite depth, where !c¼jejHz=m/C3=cis the cy-
clotron frequency. Finally, the eigenfunctions are given by
eikxxsinð/C25z=a wÞ/C8lð~y=R zÞS"ð#Þðsz0Þ;(5)
with /C8lð~/C24Þbeing the harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions
where the variable xis switched with y.
Let an electron initially be in its unperturbed state jl;#i
that can be obtained by switching H, as shown in Fig. 3(a).
To find how this state is perturbed by ~hðr; tÞ, I represent the
perturbed state as a harmonic-oscillator-eigenfunction ex-
cðr; t; s z0Þ¼cð0Þ
lðr; t; /C27 z0ÞþX
kðr; t; /C27 z0Þ:(6)In the coordinate system used [Fig. 1(a)], the perturbation
due to the Zeeman interaction with ~hðr; tÞreads [ 20]
^Vðr; t; /C27Þ¼/C0 /C22½^/C27yhyðyÞ/C0^/C27x0hzðyÞcos/C18/C138cos/C10 t;(7)
where /C18is the angle between the z0andxaxes. Substituting
(3), (6), and ( 7) into the wave equation i@@c=@t¼ð^H0þ
^VÞc, multiplying it by a complex conjugate wave function
n, and integrating over the QW volume lead to the
equation for an expansion coefficient ckðtÞ. Finally, one
obtains for the transition probability from the lth to nth
quantum level
ðAnl2þBnl2Þ; (8)
where Anl¼ReVnly/C0ImVnlz,Bnl¼ReVnlzþImVlny,
Vnlz¼/C22Inlzcos/C18,Vnly¼/C0/C22Inly, and InlzðyÞ¼R1
/C01hzðyÞð~/C24; z 0Þ/C8lð~/C24Þ/C8nð~/C24Þd~/C24. The combined transitions
can be excited at /C10¼/C13½ðn/C0lÞHz=/C16/C6g/C3H=2Þ, where
the signs ‘‘ þ’’ and ‘‘ /C0’’ denote the transitions l,"!n,#
andl,#!n,", respectively, /C13¼17:6 GHz kOe/C01is the
gyromagnetic ratio, and /C16is the ratio of the effective mass
to the free-electron one. Figure 3(b) shows /C10(tilted blue
line) and the frequency for a l,#!lþ1,"transition (solid
nearly vertical lines) in an In0:53Ga0:47As-based QW ( /C16¼
0:044,jg/C3j¼4:0)[13] as functions of Hxat a fixed H. The
inset (b1) shows Hzversus Hxfor different Happlied to an
In0:53Ga0:47AsQW. The combined transition is schemati-
cally shown in Fig. 3(c). For the applications [ 1–5], one
should provide a sufficient energy splitting of the spin
states. The inset (b2) shows the energy difference /C1E
between l,#andlþ1,"levels versus H. As seen, this
quantity can be much larger than the thermal energy of theelectrons in the reservoir ( /C24100 mK ).
Figure 3(d)shows a 3D plot of the CR intensity P
0;1for a
j0;#i ! j 1;"itransition as a function of the stripe width
w=2Rzand position of the orbital center y0=/C3at a spacing
ofz0¼Lzfrom the FMS surface. The shown values of P0;1
are normalized to those for the intensity of resonant mag-
netic transitions P0driven by an external microwave field
in the absence of the FMS. The amplification of the CRintensity is due to resonant excitation of the magnetizationprecession in the FMS. As seen from Eq. ( 8), the CR in-
tensity is defined by the matrix elements I
l;lþ1. For in-
stance, the matrix elements of the lowest transition j0;#i !
j1;"iprovide the maximal CR intensity at w¼2Rz. The
electron motion over the FMS should be less sensitive to
the nonuniformity of hðr; tÞwhen wis much smaller or,
vice versa, much larger than 2Rz. The absence of the
oscillations expected in P0;1as a function of wwith max-
ima at 2Rz=w¼1þsð/C3=wÞ, where s¼0;1;2;3...
(/C3=wis invariable), is explained by decaying the hðr; tÞ
potential as expð/C0qjz0Þ, which is seen from Eq. ( 2). Note
also that P0;1ðy0Þhas two maxima at y0¼/C60:1/C3over the
structure period for wider stripes ( w=2Rz>1:5). The same
behavior is shown in Fig. 3(e) by plotting P0;1ðy0Þat
FIG. 3 (color online). (a) Intralevel electron transition with
switching the field needed to prepare the initial electronic statefor the combined transition. (b) /C10(blue tilted line) and transition
frequency !
l;#;lþ1;"in an InGaAs-based QW (nearly vertical solid
lines) versus Hx. The transition occurs at /C10¼!l;#;lþ1;". The
insets (b1) and (b2) show Hzversus Hxand the energy splitting
versus H, respectively. (c) Schematic diagram of energy levels
showing the combined transition (red arrows). (d) Intensity P0;1
of a 0, #!1,"combined transition versus y0=/C3andw=2Rz(3D
plot). (e) P0;1versus y0=/C3atw=2Rz¼1:0and 3.0. (f) Intensity
Pl;lþ1for various combined transitions l¼0;1;2;3;4versus
w=2Rz.PRL 103, 077201 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
14 AUGUST 2009
077201-3w=2Rz¼1:0(solid line) and w=2Rz¼3:0(dashed line). I
find, finally, that the maximum in the CR intensity shifts
towards larger w=2Rzas/C25ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
with raising a Landau
index l¼0;1;2;3;4... [Fig. 3(f)]. This shift reflects the
increase in cyclotron radius at higher l.
Figure 4shows a hypothetical device for single-electron
spin manipulation through the combined transitions. Thisdevice would consist of quantum dots (QD) formed with an
electrostatic potential on top of patterned ferromagnetic
elements [Fig. 4(a)]. By applying a bias voltage pulse to
the gate electrode G, an electron taken from the reservoir
and having, for instance, an initial state j0;#ienters the QD
where it experiences a combined j0;#i ! j 1;"itransition
under the local dynamic stray field produced by the FMS[Fig. 4(b)]. With the change in j
cj2given by Eq. ( 5), the
effective charge on the QD alters as /C1Q/ðe=r effÞRz,
where reffis the effective distance from the QD to an
electrometer (the electrode R). At reff/C24Rz,/C1Q/C24ecan
be measured by means of a spin-to-charge conversion
technique such as that proposed in Ref. [ 5]. In contrast to
the other proposals [ 3–5], the readout frequency in our
scheme is defined by not the electric component of the
radiation but by the amplitude of ~hðr; tÞ.
To experimentally separate the combined transitions
governed by ~hðr; tÞ, one should eliminate the SO interac-
tion effect on the CR intensity via the ac electric compo-nent of the radiation [ 6,7]. This can be done by placing the
sample at a node of the ac electric component inside amicrowave cavity. It is also important that the ac electric
component e
acproduced by ~hðr; tÞis small compared to it,
notably eac=h/C24/C3!=c= 2/C25/C2410/C04. In the absence of ac
electric fields, the SO interaction term /C23½^p;~ez/C138in Eq. ( 3)
gives a correction /C1!/C252jVSO
l;lþ1j2=ð!c/C02/C22H z0=@Þ=@2to
a frequency of an allowed l,#! lþ1,"transition, whereVSO
l;lþ1¼ð2/C23sin/C18=R zÞR1
/C01/C24/C8lð/C24Þ/C8lþ1ð/C24Þd/C24 and /C24¼
~x=R z. I find that /C1!/ð0:1–0:2Þ!l;#;lþ1;"under the condi-
tions considered, notably l/C241andHz=Hx/C281, while a
typical value of the SO constant is /C23/C245/C210/C010eV cm
In summary, a novel mechanism is proposed for the
phenomenon of combined electron resonance. It is shown
that the interaction with a time-dependent nonuniform
magnetic potential mediates resonant electronic transitions
with changing both spin and orbital quantum numbers.
Such an all-oscillating potential can be generated by the
resonant magnetization precession in a patterned magnetic
nanostructure. This finding illustrates how an external en-
gineered potential can be used instead of intrinsic effectssuch as the SO interaction for spin manipulation in quan-
tum wells and dots that serve as a basis of conceptually
new devices in a united field of spintronics and quantum
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research (Grant No. 07-02-01305). The author
thanks V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, and A. S.
Mel’nikov for valuable discussions.
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14 AUGUST 2009
077201-4 |
PhysRevLett.97.107204.pdf | Current-Driven Resonant Excitation of Magnetic Vortices
Shinya Kasai,1Yoshinobu Nakatani,2Kensuke Kobayashi,1Hiroshi Kohno,3and Teruo Ono1
1Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji 611-0011, Japan
2University of Electro-communications, Chofu 182-8585, Japan
3Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka 560-8531, Japan
(Received 5 April 2006; published 6 September 2006)
A magnetic vortex core in a ferromagnetic circular nanodot has a resonance frequency originating from
the confinement of the vortex core. By the micromagnetic simulation including the spin-transfer torque,
we show that the vortex core can be resonantly excited by an ac (spin-polarized) current through the dotand that the resonance frequency can be tuned by the dot shape. The resistance measurement under the ac
current successfully detects the resonance at the frequency consistent with the simulation.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.107204 PACS numbers: 85.75. /.0255d, 72.25.Ba, 72.25.Pn, 75.75.+a
The manipulation of magnetization by spin currents is a
key technology for future spintronics [ 1–14]. The under-
lying physics is that spin currents can apply a torque on themagnetic moment when the spin direction of the conduc-tion electrons has a relative angle to the local magneticmoment. This leads us to the hypothesis that any type of
spin structure with spatial variation can be excited by a
spin-polarized current in a ferromagnet. The ideal exampleof such a noncollinear spin structure is a curling magneticstructure (‘‘magnetic vortex’’) realized in a ferromagneticcircular nanodot. Although this structure was theoreticallypredicted long ago [ 15], it was only recently confirmed by
microscopic experiments that such a vortex exists with ananometer-scale core where the curling magnetization be-
comes out-of-plane [ 16,17]. Subsequent intensive studies
have clarified that, after switching off an in-plane magneticfield, a vortex core exhibits a spiral precession around thedot center during the relaxation process [ 18–20]. Thus, the
nanodot functions as a resonator for vortex core motion.Thus far, magnetostatic interactions triggered by an exter-nal magnetic field have dominated the study of vortexdynamics; however, the abovementioned concept—vortex
manipulation by a spin-polarized current—has just started
Here we demonstrate that a magnetic vortex core can be
resonantly excited by an ac current through a ferromag-netic circular dot when the current frequency is tuned to theeigenfrequency originating from the confinement of thevortex core in a dot. Our micromagnetic simulations withthe spin-transfer effect reveal in detail the motion during
the excitation; an excited vortex core draws a spiral trajec-
tory to settle in a steady orbital around the dot center. Wesucceeded in detecting the predicted resonance by resist-ance measurements. We observed efficient excitation by anelectric current due to the resonant nature and tunability ofthe resonance frequency based on the dot shape. By micro-magnetic simulations including the spin-transfer effect, weshow below that an ac spin-polarized current with the
eigenfrequency of the resonator can resonantly excite a
magnetic vortex core. Then we present the results of theexperimental detection of the resonance of a vortex core, as
predicted by the simulation.
Figure 1shows a scanning electron microscope image of
the sample and the schematic configuration used for themeasurements. The samples were fabricated on thermallyoxidized Si substrates by the lift-off method in combina-
tion with e-beam lithography. Each sample consists of a
Permalloy ( Fe
19Ni81) dot and two 50 nm-thick Au wide
electrodes. The thickness of the dot his 40 nm, and the
radiusris varied to be r/.0136410, 530, and 700 nm. The
existence of a vortex core in each dot was confirmed byconventional magnetic force microscopy. The current-induced dynamics of the vortex core was calculated bythe micromagnetic simulations based on the Landau-
Lifshits-Gilbert (LLG) equation with a spin-transfer term
[22,23]. The modified LLG equation is given by
where mis a unit vector along the local magnetization, /.00130
the gyromagnetic ratio, Heffthe effective magnetic field
f=223 Hzf~100 MHz
-1 GHz
Lock-in amplifierV+
100 k ΩI=Imes+Iexc
oscillation1 kΩ
1 kΩSignal
500 nm
FIG. 1. Scanning electron microscope image of the sample
along with a schematic configuration used for the measurements.The detection of the vortex excitation was performed by resist-
ance measurements with a lock-in technique (223 Hz and current
mes/.013615/.0022A) under the application of an ac excitation current
Iexc/.01363/.00021011A=m2.PRL 97,107204 (2006)PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
0031-9007 =06=97(10)=107204(4) 107204-1 ©2006 The American Physical Societyincluding the exchange and the demagnetizing fields, and
/.0011the Gilbert damping constant. The last term represents
the spin-transfer torque, which describes the effect of spintransfer from conduction electrons to localized spins. This
spin-transfer effect is a combined effect of the spatial
nonuniformity of magnetization and the current flow[24]. The vector u/.0136/.0255 jPg/.0022
B=/.01332eMs/.0134, which has the
dimension of velocity, is essentially the spin current asso-
ciated with the electric current in a ferromagnet, where jis
the current density, Pthe spin polarization of the current, g
thegvalue of an electron, /.0022Bthe Bohr magneton, ethe
electronic charge, and Msthe saturation magnetization. In
the simulation, an electric current in a dot was assumedto be uniform, and an ac electric current in the form of
0sin2/.0025ft was applied, where J0is the current den-
sity,fthe frequency of the ac current, and tthe time. The
dot was divided into rectangular prisms of 4/.00024/.000240nm3;
the magnetization in each of these was assumed to be
constant. The typical material parameters for Permalloywere used: M
s/.01361T, the exchange stiffness constant A/.0136
1:0/.000210/.025511J=m,P/.01360:7[25], and/.0011/.01360:01.
First, we determined the eigenfrequency f0of the vortex
core precession in the dot by calculating the free relaxa-
tional motion of the vortex core from the off-centered
position. The eigenfrequency depends on the aspect ratioh=r(the height hto the radius r) of the dot [ 18]. Then the
simulations were performed by applying an ac current at a
given frequency fin the absence of a magnetic field.
Figure 2(a) shows the time evolution of the core position
when an ac current ( f/.0136f0/.0136380 MHz andJ0/.0136
3/.00021011A=m2) is applied to a dot with r/.0136410 nm and
h/.013640 nm . Once the ac current is applied, the vortex core
first moves in the direction of the electron flow or spin
current. This motion originates from the spin-transfer ef-
fect. The off-centered core is then subjected to a restoring
force toward the dot center. Furthermore, because of the
gyroscopic nature of the vortex (the vortex moves perpen-
dicular to the force), the core makes a circular precessional
motion around the dot center [ 18]. The precession is am-
plified by the current to reach a steady orbital motion
where the spin transfer from the current is balanced with
the damping, as depicted in Fig. 2(a). The direction of the
precession depends on the direction of the core magneti-
zation as in the motion induced by the magnetic field
[18,21]. It should be noted that the radius of the steady
orbital on resonance is larger by more than an order of
magnitude as compared to the displacement of the vortex
core induced by a dc current of the same amplitude [ 21].
Thus, the core is efficiently excited by the ac current due to
resonance. We verified that the resonant excitation of the
FIG. 2 (color). (a) Time evolution of the vortex under the ac current application. The magnetization direction m/.0136/.0133mx;my;mz/.0134
inside the dot on the xyplane was obtained by micromagnetic simulation. The 3D plots indicate mzwith themx-myvector plots
superimposed. The plot on the left represents the initial state of the vortex core situated at the center of the dot with r/.0136410 nm . The
3D plots on the right show the vortex on the steady orbital at t/.013680:6, 81.5, and 82.3 ns after applying the ac current ( f0/.0136380 MHz
andJ0/.01363/.00021011A=m2). These plots are close-ups of the square region around the dot center indicated by the black square in the
plot on the left. The time evolution of the core orbital from t/.01360to 100 ns is superimposed only on the t/.013682:3n s plot. (b) Time
evolutions of the vortex core displacement ( x) for three excitation frequencies f/.0136250, 340, and 380 MHz ( r/.0136410 nm andJ0/.0136
3/.00021011A=m2). (c) Radius of the steady orbital as a function of the frequency for the dots with r/.0136410, 530, and 700 nm.PRL 97,107204 (2006)PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
107204-2vortex core presented above was not observed in the micro-
magnetic simulations without the spin-transfer term even if
we included a magnetic field generated by an ac current
into the simulation, which indicates that the vortex core is
excited not by the oersted field but by the spin-polarized
Figure 2(b) shows the time evolutions of the xposition
of the vortex core for three different excitation frequencies
f/.0136250, 340, and 380 MHz. The steady state appears after
around 30 ns on resonance ( f/.0136380 MHz ). Forf/.0136
340 MHz slightly off the resonance, the amplitude beats
first, and then the steady state with smaller amplitude
appears. The vortex core shows only a weak motion for
f/.0136250 MHz , which is quite far from the resonance. The
displacement amplitude for the nonresonant response is
essentially the same as the case of the dc current applica-
tion [ 21]. Figure 2(c)shows the radii of the steady orbitals
as a function of the current frequency for the dots with r/.0136
410, 530, and 700 nm. Each dot exhibits the resonance at
the eigenfrequency of the vortex motion.
Our experimental detection method for the resonant
excitation of a vortex core is based on the difference in
resistance of the dot between the on- and off-resonance
states as described below. In general, the resistance of
ferromagnetic metals depends on the relative angle be-
tween the magnetization and the measuring current—
known as the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) effect.
Figure 3(a) shows the results of the magnetoresistance
measurements at room temperature for the dot with r/.0136
700 nm . The resistance was measured by a lock-in tech-
nique using a current of 15/.0022Aat 223 Hz. The magnetic
field was applied perpendicular to the measuring current
(H?I; the result is indicated by the blue curve) or parallel
to the measuring current in the dot plane ( HkI; the result
is indicated by the red curve). Here the results are plotted
as a deviation in resistance ( /.0001Rkand/.0001R?) from the state
in the zero magnetic field where the core exists at the center
of the dot. The spin structure of the dot for each state is also
indicated in the figure. Figure 3(a)clearly indicates that the
resistance of the dot is highly correlated with the core
position because of the AMR effect. The key feature is
that the resistance change for H?I/.0133j/.0001R?j/.0134is larger than
that forHkI/.0133j/.0001Rkj/.0134, as seen in the plot of j/.0001Rkj/.0255j/.0001R?j
as a function of H[Fig. 3(b)]. This difference in the
resistance change results from the symmetry breaking of
the system because of the two electrodes attached to thedot. When the core is on resonance and the measurement
time is considerably longer than the period of the core
orbital motion, the experimentally measured resistance is
the average value of the resistances for all the core posi-
tions in the orbital shown in Fig. 2(a). This averaged
resistance on resonance is expected to be smaller than
that for the off-resonance state, in which the core remainsaround the dot center because /.0133j/.0001R
kj/.0255j/.0001R?j/.0134<0,a s
shown in Fig. 3(b). We detect the resonance in this manner.We measured the resistance of the dot while an ac
excitation current was passed through it at room tempera-ture in the configuration shown in Fig. 1. The resistance
measurements were performed by conventional lock-intechniques using a current of 15/.0022Awith a frequency of
223 Hz. The amplitude of the ac excitation current was 3/.0002
11A=m2. Figure 4(a)shows the resistances as a function
of the frequency of the ac excitation current for the dotswith three different radii r/.0136410, 530, and 700 nm. A
small but clear dip is observed for each dot; this signifiesthe resonance. Since the observed dip originates from theAMR effect averaged over the vortex orbital, the maximumsignal corresponding to the core motion along the dot edgeis expected to be about /.0133j/.0001R
kj/.0255j/.0001R?j/.0134=2/.0025/.025510 m/.0010
on the basis of the result for r/.0136700 nm shown in
Fig. 3(b). Thus, the observed signal amplitude ( 3m /.0010 )
approximately corresponds to the core orbital motionwhose radius is about 0:3r/.0025200 nm ; this amplitude is
in the same range as the result of the simulation shown inFig. 2(c). The radius dependence of the resonance fre-
∆R//,∆R⊥ (mΩ)
H (kOe)|∆R//|-|∆R⊥|( mΩ)H//I
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0∆R//
FIG. 3 (color). (a) Results of magnetoresistance measurements
at room temperature for the dot with r/.0136700 nm . The red (blue)
line is the result for HkI(H?I). The results are plotted as a
deviation in resistance ( /.0001Rkand/.0001R?) from the state in the zero
magnetic field where the core exists at the center of the dot. The
spin structure in the dot for each state (at /.0006150 Oe denoted by
the solid circles), which was determined by micromagnetic
simulation, is also indicated. (b) j/.0001Rkj/.0255j/.0001R?jas a function
of the magnetic field.PRL 97,107204 (2006)PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
107204-3quency is well reproduced by the simulation, as shown in
Fig. 4(b). In particular, for the dots with r/.0136700 nm , fair
agreement is observed. The systematic deviation betweenthe experiments and simulation is possibly due to theinhomogeneous current distribution in the samples, whichis more pronounced for the smaller dots.
Thus, we have demonstrated that a magnetic vortex core
can be resonantly excited by an ac electric current. This
phenomenon will facilitate detailed studies on the spin-transfer effect because of the simplicity of the system. Thevortex core experiences a well-defined potential that isdependent on the dot shape; this potential is not sensitive
to edge roughness. State-of-the-art time-resolved imagingtechniques [ 19,20,26] can reveal the trajectory of the vor-
tex core during excitation; this would lead to a better
quantitative understanding.
The present work was partly supported by MEXT
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Priority Areasand JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
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0Frequency (MHz)
0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
Radius ( µm) Simulation
Average-20∆R (mΩ)
350 300 250 200
Frequency (MHz)-6-4-20
-4-20r = 700 nmr = 410 nm
r = 530 nm(a)
FIG. 4 (color). (a) Experimental detection of the current-
driven resonant excitation of a magnetic vortex core. The resis-tances are indicated as a function of the frequency of the ac
excitation current for the dots with three different radii r/.0136410,
530, and 700 nm. (b) Radius dependence of the resonancefrequency. The blue rectangles and the red circles indicate thesimulation and the experimental results, respectively. The ex-
perimental results for 8 samples are plotted. The red dashed line
is the averaged value of the experimental data.PRL 97,107204 (2006)PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
107204-4 |
PhysRevApplied.15.034085.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 15,034085 (2021)
Selective and Tunable Excitation of Standing Spin Waves in a Magnetic Dielectric
Film by Optical Guided Modes
D.M. Krichevsky ,1,2,3, *D.O. Ignatyeva ,1,3,4V.A. Ozerov,1,2,3and V.I. Belotelov1,3,4
1V .I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, 295007 Simferopol, Crimea
2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), 141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia
3Russian Quantum Center, 121353 Moscow, Russia
4Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
(Received 12 December 2020; revised 16 February 2021; accepted 22 February 2021; published 30 March 2021)
We propose an approach for wavelength-selective excitation of perpendicular standing spin waves by
optical guided modes in a magnetic dielectric film. TM-polarized guided waves with elliptical polarizationinduce an effective magnetic field due to the inverse transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (ITMOKE).
The ITMOKE is similar to the inverse Faraday effect, except for the induced magnetic field direction that is
oriented in the film plane perpendicular to guided-mode propagation. Switching between different guidedmodes by tuning the wavelength or angle of the laser pulse significantly modifies the spatial distribution of
the induced ITMOKE field and, therefore, selectively launches the standing spin-wave modes of different
orders. Consequently, one may perform a tunable optical excitation of a certain spin-wave mode via a
femtosecond laser pulse of the corresponding wavelength. The proposed approach broadens the spin-wave
manipulation capabilities via optical means.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.034085
Control and detection of spin waves in magnetic materi-
als are the fundamental basis of spintronic devices, such as
Boolean logic elements [ 1,2], memory cells [ 3,4], sensors
[5,6], and elements of quantum computing [ 7]. Modern
nanophotonics opens up opportunities to couple light and
spin in nanoscale magnetic materials via excitation of var-
ious types of optical modes [ 4,8–13]. This approach is a
hot topic of current ultrafast all-optical magnetism, which
allows nondissipative spin-wave manipulation.
Among other methods, the inverse magneto-optical
effects, like the inverse Faraday effect (IFE), are a unique
technique for the nonthermal launch of spin precession by
optical means [ 14]. The IFE manifests itself as an impact of
circular light on spins [ 15,16]. The inverse Faraday effect
is generally described in terms of the effective magnetic
field induced by light that exists in a magnetic medium dur-
ing light propagation through the medium. Previously, it
was shown that the nonthermal laser-induced excitation of
dielectric iron garnet films via the IFE resulted in the exci-
tation of volume and bulk magnetostatic spin waves with
controlled amplitude, wave numbers, and other parameters
*krichevskii.dm@phystech.eduOn the other hand, the exchange spin modes, i.e.,
perpendicular standing spin waves (PSSW) in ferromag-
netic films, have been a subject of extensive studies for
decades [ 20–23]. High-order perpendicular standing spin-
wave modes of up to 10 orders were experimentally
observed in Ref. [ 24]. The PSSW frequency is much higher
(about tens of GHz) than those for magnetostatic volumeor surface modes (basically about several GHz for iron gar-
nets), which is crucial for various practical applications.
At the same time, selective excitation of different PSSWs
makes it possible to operate at several frequencies in the
frame of a single device and opens up an opportunity for
multichannel information processing.
PSSWs have highly nonuniform alternating-sign mag-
netization profiles, which makes their excitation rather
complicated. Conventionally, PSSWs in thin magnetic
films are excited by microwaves, which requires either
nonsymmetric boundary conditions or a nonuniform mag-
netic field [ 24]. However, since the spatial distribution of
the external magnetic field is relatively smooth, in contrast
to the PSSW profile, both approaches have low efficiency
of high-order PSSW excitation and do not provide selec-
tivity of the excited PSSW. In this respect, optical means
allow the creation of highly nonuniform effective magnetic
field distributions via inverse magneto-optical effects at the
submicron scale, which can provide additional degrees of
freedom in spin-wave control. Such a nonuniform distri-
bution of the optical field inside the magnetic film can be
2331-7019/21/15(3)/034085(8) 034085-1 © 2021 American Physical SocietyKRICHEVSKY, IGNATYEVA, OZEROV, and BELOTELOV PHYS. REV. APPLIED 15,034085 (2021)
achieved by excitation of different optical modes that gen-
erally allow one to create a complicated effective magnetic
field and increase its magnitude notably [ 19–25].
In accordance with the IFE, circularly polarized light
induces an effective magnetic field in a magnetic medium
8πE2n (1)
where ais the magneto-optical constant responsible for
gyrotropy, Eis the amplitude of the electric field of light,
and nis the refractive vector of light ( n=k/k,kis the
wave vector of light). It follows from Eq. (1)that, in a
transparent medium, linearly polarized light does not gen-
erate any effective magnetic field, as, in that case, the cross
product (E×E∗)becomes zero. The situation becomes
different if a magnetic medium is not transparent due to
either optical losses or electron plasma. In this case, the
refractive index of the medium acquires an imaginary part.
As a result, the obliquely incident light of p-polarization
becomes elliptically polarized inside the medium, i.e., a
phase shift between its two orthogonal components, Exand
Ez(see the coordinate system in Fig. 1), appears. It follows
from Eq. (1)that, in this case, linearly polarized light can
also induce the effective magnetic field; however, this field
is orthogonal to the plane of light incidence, i.e., in the
O-Y-axial direction [ 27]:
8πExEzsin/Delta1ϕ( n×N),( 2 )
where /Delta1ϕis the phase shift between Exand Ezfield com-
ponents, Nis the normal vector to the surface of a magnetic
sample (see Sec. 2 within the Supplemental Material [ 34]).
For this reason, this effect can be referred to as the inverse
transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (ITMOKE). The
ITMOKE is of prime importance to the optical control of
spins, since it provides an optically induced in-plane mag-
netic field, whereas, due to the IFE, the induce magnetic
field is mainly out of plane.
Optical modes in nanostructured media enhance the
inverse magneto-optical effects and might modify them.
However, there is a significant difference between the
inverse magneto-optical effects observed at different opti-
cal modes, cavities, and guided modes, as an example. The
polarization of the optical cavity mode is the same for nor-
mally incident light used to excite the mode. Consequently,
a cavity mode excited by circularly polarized light also
has circular polarization and induces the effective mag-
netic field directed along the incident-light wave vector
[25]. This is similar to the conventional IFE in the bulk. On
the contrary, the guided modes’ polarization might be quite
different with respect to excitation light [ 28]. In particular,
the surface-plasmon polaritons have elliptical polarization
and, therefore, induce the effective magnetic field directed
FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the tunable and selective
excitation of different PSSW modes via femtosecond laser pulses
of different wavelengths. Femtosecond pump pulses and excited
guided modes are shown with red, green, and blue colors, corre-
sponding to different wavelengths. Black lines depict spin modes
triggered by the corresponding optical guided mode, whereas cir-cles with arrows schematically show spin precession at different
orthogonally to the wave vector of the incident light and
provide the ITMOKE [ 27].
While the IFE on the cavity modes is demonstrated
in a one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a Bi-
substituted iron garnet (BiIG) cavity layer [ 25], the influ-
ence of surface plasmons on spins is studied in a plas-
monic structure based on gold grating deposited on a BiIG
film [ 9]. Though the latter configuration belongs to the
ITMOKE one, it was referred to in Ref. [ 9] as a modifi-
cation of the IFE. Therefore, terminology in this area has
not been established yet. In Ref. [ 10], it was shown theoret-
ically that the frequency-comb technique might resonantly
enhance the ITMOKE in a similar structure and launch
magnetostatic spin waves.
Surface-plasmon polaritons, due to their evanescent
character, provide strong spatial localization (approxi-
mately 100 nm) of the ITMOKE. However, this approach
has several drawbacks. Due to high losses in metals, the
utilization of plasmons decreases the quality factor of the
resonances and leads to thermal heating [ 13,29]. At the
same time, such systems are not tunable, since the parame-
ters of the surface plasmons, such as field distribution and
localization, cannot be varied notably.
Here, we propose an all-dielectric magnetic structure to
support optical guided waves for the excitation of PSSWs.
It is shown analytically and numerically that the TM
modes with elliptical polarization provide the ITMOKE in
the magnetic structure characterized by strongly nonuni-
form alternating-sign spatial distribution of the effective
magnetic field. Moreover, the spatial distribution of the
ITMOKE field can be significantly modified by the exci-
tation of different optical modes. It allows for selective
excitation of different PSSW modes and switching between
them by variation of the optical pump parameters.
For smooth media and without excitation of the optical
modes, the ITMOKE requires lossy or metallic materials.
However, if a laser pulse excites optical modes with ellip-
tical polarization, then the ITMOKE might appear, even
in transparent dielectric media. Let us consider TM-guided
modes with nonzero Exand Ezcomponents of the electro-
magnetic field that are phase shifted by π/2 and, therefore,
the Evector circumscribes an ellipse in the propagation
plane (Fig. 1). It follows from Eq. (2)that the TM modes
can induce the effective magnetic field, Heff, directed per-
pendicularly to the propagation plane of the guided mode
that corresponds to the ITMOKE. One should notice that
the TE-guided modes with only Eynonzero components
do not produce an effective magnetic field.
Apart from the ITMOKE, there is also another effect, the
inverse Cotton-Mouton effect, which induces the effective
magnetic field due to linearly polarized light. However,this effect appears only in the presence of the external mag-
netic field. It strongly depends on the orientation of light,
linear polarization, and crystallographic axes with respect
to the external magnetic field. For the case of TM modes in
a magnetic film of cubic crystal lattice considered here, the
inverse Cotton-Mouton effect does not make any contri-
bution to the spin dynamics in the optical waveguide (see
Sec. 2 within the Supplemental Material [ 34]).
The dispersion of the TM-guided modes of the planar
waveguide with propagation constant βis determined by
the following transcendental equation [ 30]:
=− mπ,
where p(1,m)=(β2−n2
0)1/2,njare the refractive indices of
the magnetic core (n2)and the surrounding dielectric
claddings ( n1,n3),k0=2π/λ is the free-space wave num-
ber,λis the wavelength, mis the integer that defines the
order of the mode, and dis the core thickness. In the case
of the TM modes, only the Hy,Ex,a n d Ezcomponents
are present [ 30], so that the electromagnetic field of the
eigenmode inside the core of the asymmetric waveguide is
E(x,m)(x,z,t)=− Cip(2,m)
where Cis the magnitude of the guided optical wave.
According to Eqs. (1)and (4), the TM modes induce
a nonzero Heff
y=−(a/16π)Im[ E(z,m)E∗
component of the effective magnetic field, Heff. For the
symmetric claddings (n1=n3), it can be expressed as
(0,m)sin[2 p(2,m)(z−d)], (5)
is the magnitude of the effective magnetic field propor-
tional to the optical field intensity. The Heff
ycomponentis uniform along the O-Xand O-Ydirections and oscil-
lates along the waveguide thickness. It is important that
the guided modes of different orders, m, have a different
spatial distribution of Heff
(y,m)(z)inside the core. According
to Eq. (3), the value of p(2,m)=[(m+μ1)π]/d, where the
number 0 ≤μ1≤1 is determined by the phase:
Consequently, the periodic part of Eq. (5)can be expressed
.( 6 )
(y,m)(z)changes its sign along the film thickness, and the
sign change takes place at a spatial scale of d/[2(m+μ1)],
which is less than 100 nm for m>7. This is a unique
feature of using the waveguide modes for effective mag-
netic field generation. It is very difficult to establish such
inhomogeneous alternating-sign magnetic fields by elec-
tric currents or other means. Let us consider spin-wave
dynamics driven by the guided modes and show that
the oscillations of Heff
(y,m)(z)provide selective and tunable
excitation of different PSSW modes.
Spin dynamics in a thin magnetic layer excited by ultra-
short laser pulses via the inverse magneto-optical effects
can be described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
,( 7 )
where Mis the magnetization vector, γis the gyro-
magnetic ratio of the magnetic medium, and αis the
Gilbert damping constant. Writing Eq. (7)in the spher-
ical coordinates ˜θandϕwith the polar axis along O-Z,
one obtains a set of the linearized Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbertequations:
∂z2+γ/Delta1 tHeff
(y,m)(z)δ( t),
where θ=(π/2)−˜θ,KUis the uniaxial anisotropy con-
stant, Aexcis the exchange constant, and His the external
magnetic field directed along O-X. In the absence of the
external torque given by Heff
(y,m)(z), the eigenmodes of
Eq.(8)have the form of damped harmonic oscillations,
with a damping parameter λnand precession frequency ωn,
depending on the spin-wave wave number kn, according tothe following dispersion equations:
n.( 9 )
Let us assume no pinning of spins on the boundaries, i.e.,
free boundary conditions, which is generally the case for
iron garnet and other magnetic dielectric films [ 32]. In this
case, the spin eigenmodes θn(z,t)have the following form:
cos knz,n=2, 4, 6, ...
sin knz,n=1, 3, 5, .../parenrightBigg
, (10)
where kn=(πn/d),λnis the damping parameter, and ωnis
the frequency of the PSSW of nth order defined by Eq. (9).
Odd and even mode numbers correspond to the antisym-
metric and symmetric solutions, respectively. Similar solu-
tions can be found for ϕn(z,t)dependence; however, we
focus our attention on θvariation, since the probe transient
Faraday rotation proportional to θis usually measured in
pump-probe experiments.
The femtosecond pulse knocks the system out of
the equilibrium θ=0 via the effective magnetic field
(y,m)(z). The magnetization dynamics after this action is
described via the series of excited-spin eigenmodes:
n=1Anθn(z,t), (11)
with the corresponding magnitudes, An, of PSSW modes
(y,m)(z)θn(z)dz, (12)
where a0is the normalization constant. Taking into
account Eqs. (6)and(12) Ancan be written as
dzdz,n=2, 4, 6, ...,
dzdz,n=1, 3, 5, ....(13)
It follows from Eq. (13) that the amplitude, An, of a certain
PSSW mode is maximal when the spatial distribution of
θn(z)is close to Heff
(y,m)(z). Namely, if μ1=0.5, the opticalguided wave of mode number mexcites predominantly
the PSSW of order n=2m+1, whereas other PSSWs
are almost absent. Varying the wavelength of the incident
laser pulse, one may excite optical guided modes of dif-
ferent m[see Eq. (3)], which induce different profiles of
effective magnetic field [see Eq. (6)] and, therefore, launch
PSSWs of different orders n. We illustrate this process of
tunable and selective PSSW excitation by numerical sim-
ulations performed by solving Maxwell equations through
the optical transfer-matrix approach [ 33].
The guided TM mode in a planar waveguide can
be excited by a prism or a grating coupling, if phase-
matching conditions are satisfied. Here, we assume the
prism-coupling method. The investigated structure con-
sists of a GaP prism, a 350-nm-thick SiO 2layer, and an
optical waveguide core made of a 400-nm-thick bismuth
iron garnet film on SiO 2substrate. The incidence angle for
the optical pump pulse is fixed to 28°. The spectral posi-
tions of the TM-guided modes correspond to high-quality
resonant dips in the reflectance spectrum [Fig. 2(a)]. For
instance, resonances at 1392, 799, and 558 nm correspond
to TM1, TM2, and TM3 mode excitations inside the iron
garnet film. The electromagnetic field distributions of these
modes presented in Fig. 2(b) agree with the theoretical
predictions obtained using Eq. (3).Hyand Heff
yof the cor-
responding TM1, TM2, and TM3 eigenmodes are depicted
in Fig. S1 within the Supplemental Material [ 34]. The
oscillating Ex,Ez,a n d Hypatterns in both O-Xand O-
Zdirections result in the effective magnetic field Heff
varying only along the O-Zdirection [Fig. 2(c)], with the
period decreasing with the mode number m(which alsoagrees with the analytical description presented in Sec. 1
within the Supplemental Material [ 34]).
Both Heff
yand spin-wave profiles resemble a standing
wave distributed between the SiO 2cladding. The shapes
of the Heff
yfields of TM1, TM2, and TM3 guided modes
are very close to the PSSW eigenmodes of n=3, 5,
and 7 orders, respectively [Figs. 3(a)–3(c)]. The rigorous
numerical calculation of the excited PSSWs magnitudes An
[Figs. 3(d)–3(f)] performed via Eq. (12) shows very high
selectivity of the n=2m+1 PSSW excitation, with the
magnitudes of the other modes being more than one order
lower than that of the n=2m+1 mode. We also consider
the case of pinned spins at the boundary of the magnetic
waveguide and present a short summary in Sec. 3 within
the Supplemental Material [ 34].
The frequency of the PSSWs depends on the exter-
nal magnetic field applied to the structure, according to
Eq.(9)[see Fig. 4(a)]. In the calculations, the following
parameters of the BiIG film are used:
cm,4πM=854 G,γ
KUis neglected due to its small contribution. The modes
of lower orders are very close to each other (the spac-
ing is several hundreds of MHz), whereas the higher-order
modes are separated by several GHz. Considering the
external magnetic field H=1000 Oe, one may estimate
(a)(b) (c)
TM1, = 1392 nmEEEy
0] [*
1000 nm
TM2, = 799 nm
1000 nm
SiO230 n m5
400 nmTM3, = 558 nm
1000 nmTM1, = 1392 nm
1000 nm
TM2, = 799 nm
1000 nm
TM3, = 558 nm
1000 nm
zxyH/ Hy0
500 750 1000 1250 1500020406080100
Reflectance( % )
Wavelength (nm)5587991392
30 n m5
400 nm30 n m5
400 nm
30 n m5
400 nm30 n m5
400 nm30 n m5
400 nm
FIG. 2. Calculated reflectance spectrum of the structure under consideration (a); Hyspatial distribution at t=0 for TM1, TM2, and
TM3 inside the iron garnet layer of the waveguide (b); and corresponding time-independent Heff
Spin-wave mode order Spin-wave mode order Spin-wave mode order1.0 1.01.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
FIG. 3. (a)–(c) Heff
ycalculated from Eq. (4)and spin-wave profiles in the cross section of the waveguide. Blue lines represent Heff
yellow lines are spin-wave profiles of n=3, 5, and 7 orders. Orange and purple lines are spin-wave profiles of n−2a n d n+2o r d e r s ,
respectively. (d)–(f) Bar plots of PSSW amplitudes An(normalized on the major spin-wave maxima) for the corresponding Heff
of (a)–(c).
both frequencies, ωn,and the damping parameter, λn,using
Eq.(8)and, therefore, obtain the spectrum of the magne-
tization precession, S(ωspin), excited by light of frequency
ωlightin the structure, see Fig. 4(b):
n(ωlight)e−[(ωspin−ωn)2/λ2n]. (14)The spin-precession spectrum [Fig. 4(b)] shows that, as
the Heff
yfield is nonresonantly generated at all optical fre-
quencies, the PSSW modes are excited by the incident
TM-polarized optical radiation of any wavelength, too.
This situation is quite the opposite of the smooth magnetic
film without a prism coupler, where the linear polarization
of light does not induce any IFE or ITMOKE at all. The
spectra of the excited magnetization precession, therefore,
can be tuned continuously through a change of the optical
pump-light wavelength with certain resonance frequencies
5 1 01 52 0
Spin-wave frequency (GHz)500
1500Optical wavelength (nm)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
H (Oe)051015
f (GHz)n = 8
n = 7
n = 6
n = 5
n = 0(a)Normalized
n = 4
FIG. 4. Frequency of PSSW modes as a function of magnetic field (a) and the PSSW-mode normalized amplitude as a function of
optical and spin-wave frequency (b) calculated for an external magnetic field of H=1000 Oe.
of guided modes exciting a single PSSW resonance with
the enhanced magnitude.
The proposed iron garnet waveguide structure has sev-
eral advantages. The first one is its selectivity. This means
that the desired order of the spin-wave mode can be
excited by the proper selection of an optical mode by
simply changing the pump incident angle or wavelength.
The last feature results in the second advantage, i.e., the
spectral tunability of such a system without changing
the structure’s properties (core thickness, materials of the
claddings, etc.) Such spectral selectivity and tunability
open up opportunities for multispectral spin-wave control.
While in our recent study the consideration was focused on
prism coupling, nanogratings can also be utilized for the
excitation of optical modes in the waveguide. However,
the efficiency of optical-mode excitation can be decreased
due to scattering effects.
It is noteworthy that the core thickness can be signifi-
cantly decreased by utilizing highly optically dense mag-
netic materials, such as optically active magnetic semi-
conductors, for instance, (Ga,Mn )As, GaAs ( n∼3.5 at
700 nm), or some related compounds. In this case, the
waveguiding structure can be encapsulated in the system of
integrated electro-optical devices [ 35] with magnon-based
logical elements [ 1]. As the frequency of the PSSWs can
reach tens or even hundreds of GHz, the approach opens up
opportunities for advanced high-frequency data processing
beyond silicon technology.
We propose and theoretically demonstrate an efficient
approach for a perpendicular standing spin-wave launch
by optical TM-guided modes. The optical mode induces
an effective magnetic field with a highly nonuniform
alternating-sign distribution that results in the PSSW exci-
tation of different orders. The system is both spectrally
tunable and selective: at a given iron garnet film thick-
ness, one may switch between several high-order PSSW
modes via tuning the wavelength of the optical pump.Our approach opens up a route towards the excitation of
high-frequency spin waves in iron garnets.
This work is financially supported by the Russian Min-
istry of Education and Science, Megagrant Grant No. N
075-15-2019-1934. The authors thank Dr. Elena Bazanova
for help with English language editing.
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034085-8 |
PhysRevB.87.224422.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 224422 (2013)
Angle-dependent spin-wave resonance spectroscopy of (Ga,Mn)As films
L. Dreher,1,*C. Bihler,1E. Peiner,2A. Waag,2W. Schoch,3W. Limmer,3S. T. B. Goennenwein,4and M. S. Brandt1
1Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universit ¨at M ¨unchen, Am Coulombwall 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
2Institut f ¨ur Halbleitertechnik, Technische Universit ¨at Braunschweig,Hans-Sommer-Straße 66, 38023 Braunschweig, Germany
3Institut f ¨ur Quantenmaterie, Universit ¨at Ulm, 89069 Ulm, Germany
4Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Walther-Meißner-Straße 8, 85748 Garching, Germany
(Received 5 March 2013; published 25 June 2013)
A modeling approach for standing spin-wave resonances based on a finite-difference formulation of the Landau-
Lifshitz-Gilbert equation is presented. In contrast to a previous study [C. Bihler et al. ,Phys. Rev. B 79, 045205
(2009) ], this formalism accounts for elliptical magnetization precession and magnetic properties arbitrarily
varying across the layer thickness, including the magnetic anisotropy parameters, the exchange stiffness, theGilbert damping, and the saturation magnetization. To demonstrate the usefulness of our modeling approach,we experimentally study a set of (Ga,Mn)As samples grown by low-temperature molecular-beam epitaxy bymeans of angle-dependent standing spin-wave resonance spectroscopy and electrochemical capacitance-voltagemeasurements. By applying our modeling approach, the angle dependence of the spin-wave resonance data canbe reproduced in a simulation with one set of simulation parameters for all external field orientations. We findthat the approximately linear gradient in the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy is related to a linear gradient inthe hole concentrations of the samples.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.224422 PACS number(s): 75 .50.Pp, 76 .50.+g, 75.70.−i, 75.30.Ds
Due to their particular magnetic properties, including
magnetic anisotropy,1–3anisotropic magnetoresistance4,5and
magnetothermopower,6in past years ferromagnetic semicon-
ductors have continued to be of great scientific interest in ex-ploring new physics and conceptual spintronic devices.
most prominent ferromagnetic semiconductor is (Ga,Mn)As,where a small percentage of Mn atoms on Ga sites introduceslocalized magnetic moments as well as itinerant holes whichmediate the ferromagnetic interaction of the Mn spins ( p-d
exchange interaction).
12Both theoretical and experimental
studies have shown that the magnetic anisotropy, i.e., thedependence of the free energy of the ferromagnet on themagnetization orientation, depends on the elastic strain andthe hole concentration in the (Ga,Mn)As layer,
up several pathways to manipulate the magnetic anisotropy of(Ga,Mn)As.
A common spectroscopic method to probe the magnetic
anisotropy of ferromagnets, in particular, (Ga,Mn)As, isangle-dependent ferromagnetic resonance (FMR),
FMR spectra are taken as a function of the orientationof the external magnetic field. If the magnetic propertiesof the ferromagnet are homogeneous, a zero wave vector(k=0) mode of collectively, uniformally precessing magnetic
moments couples to the microwave magnetic field, e.g., in amicrowave cavity, allowing for detection of the magnetizationprecession. The resonance field of this mode, referred to as theuniform resonance magnetic field, depends on the employedmicrowave frequency and the magnetic anisotropy parameters.Thus, by recording FMR spectra at different orientationsof the external field with respect to the crystal axes, theanisotropy parameters can be deduced from the experiment.However, if the magnetic properties of a ferromagnetic layerare nonhomogeneous or the spins at the surface and interfaceof the layer are pinned, nonpropagating modes with k/negationslash=0,
referred to as standing spin-wave resonances (SWRs), can beexcited by the cavity field and thus be detected in an FMR
experiment. On one hand, this can hamper the derivation ofanisotropy parameters; on the other hand, a detailed analysisof these modes can elucidate the anisotropy profile of the layerand the nature of spin pinning conditions. Furthermore, theexcitation of spin waves is of topical interest in combinationwith spin pumping,
24–27i.e., the generation of pure spin
currents by a precessing magnetization.28–30In this context, the
exact knowledge of the magnetization precession amplitude asa function of the position coordinate within the ferromagnet isof particular importance.
Several publications report on SWR modes in (Ga,Mn)As
with a mode spacing deviating from what is expected according
to the Kittel model for magnetically homogeneous films withpinned spins at the surface.
31–36These results have been
attributed to an out-of-plane anisotropy field linearly31,36or
quadratically varying33–35as a function of the depth into
the layer, as well as to specific spin pinning conditions at
the surface and at the interface to the substrate.35While
most of these studies have focused on the spacings of theresonance fields when modeling SWR measurements, inRef. 36a more sophisticated approach, based on a normal
mode analysis,
37,38was employed to model resonance fields
as well as relative mode intensities for the external field ori-ented along high-symmetry directions, assuming a circularlyprecessing magnetization.
In this work, we present a more general modeling approach
for SWR, based on a finite-difference formulation of theLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. This approach holdsfor any orientation of the external magnetic field and accountsfor elliptical magnetization precession (Sec. II). It allows for
a simulation of arbitrarily varying profiles of the magneticproperties across the thickness of the film, including vatiationsof the magnetic anisotropy parameters, the exchange stiffness,and the Gilbert damping parameter. As a result of thesimulation, we obtain the Polder susceptibility tensor as a
224422-1 1098-0121/2013/87(22)/224422(12) ©2013 American Physical SocietyL. DREHER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 224422 (2013)
function of the depth within the ferromagnet. Based on this
result, the absorbed power upon SWR and the magnetizationprecession amplitude as a function of the depth can becalculated for any orientation of the external magnetic field.
We apply our modeling approach to a set of four (Ga,Mn)As
samples epitaxially grown with different V/III flux ratios(Sec. III), motivated by the observation that V/III flux ratios
of/lessorsimilar3 lead to a gradient in the hole concentration p,
which in turn is expected to cause nonhomogeneous mag-
netic anisotropy parameters.31,36Electrochemical capacitance-
voltage (ECV) measurements revealed a nearly linear gradientinpacross the thickness of the layers investigated. To
show that our modeling approach is capable of simulatingSWR spectra for arbitrary magnetic field orientations, angle-dependent SWR data were taken and compared with themodel using one set of magnetic parameters for each sample,revealing gradients in the uniform resonance magnetic fields.We discuss the influence of the gradient in pon the observed
uniform resonance field gradients as well as the possibleinfluences of strain and saturation magnetization gradients onthe observed out-of-plane anisotropy profile. It should be em-phasized, however, that the objective of this work is to show theusefulness of our modeling approach, while a detailed investi-gation of the origin of the gradient in the out-of-plane magneticanisotropy profile and therefore a detailed understanding of theparticular materials physics of (Ga,Mn)As is beyond the scopeof this study. Finally, we summarize our results and discussfurther potential applications of this work (Sec. IV).
In this section, we provide the theoretical framework
necessary to describe the full angle dependence of the SWRspectra presented in Sec. III. Referring to the coordinate system
depicted in Fig. 1, we start from the canonical expression
for the free enthalpy density (normalized to the saturationmagnetization M) for a tetragonally distorted (Ga,Mn)As
2B1¯10(mx−my)2. (1)
FIG. 1. (Color online) Relation between the two coordinate sys-
tems employed. The ( x,y,z ) frame of reference is spanned by the cu-
bic crystal axes, while the (1 ,2,3) coordinate system is determined by
the equilibrium orientation of the magnetization (3 direction) and two
transverse directions, the 2 direction being parallel to the film plane;
the latter system is zandμ0Hdependent, as described in the text.Here, μ0His a static external magnetic field, B001is a
uniaxial out-of-plane anisotropy parameter, reflecting shapeand second-order crystalline anisotropy,
13andB4⊥,B4/bardbl, and
B1¯10are fourth-order crystalline and second-order uniaxial
in-plane anisotropy parameters, respectively;1mx,my, and
mzdenote the components of the normalized magnetization
vectorm(z)=M(z)/M(z) along the cubic axes [100], [010],
and [001], respectively. We assume the magnetic properties ofthe layer to be homogeneous laterally (within the xyplane) and
inhomogeneous vertically (along z); the anisotropy parameters
in Eq. (1)and the magnetization are consequently a function of
the spatial variable z. To obtain the anisotropy parameters from
Eq.(1)in units of energy density, it would therefore be required
to know the zdependence and the absolute value of M.
The minimum of Eq. (1) determines the equilibrium
orientation of the magnetization, given by the angles θ
andφ0=φ0(z)( c f .F i g . 1). To describe the magnetization
dynamics, we introduce a new frame of reference, (1 ,2,3),
shown in Fig. 1, in which the equilibrium orientation of the
magnetization m0coincides with axis 3. For small pertur-
bations, the magnetization precesses around its equilibriumwith finite transverse components of the magnetization m
(i=1,2) as illustrated in the inset in Fig. 1. The transformation
between the two coordinate systems is given in Appendix A
by Eqs. (A1) and (A2) . We write, for the (normalized)
. (2)
The evolution of the magnetization under the influence of
an effective magnetic field μ0Heffis described by the LLG
∂tm=−γm×μ0Heff+αm×∂tm, (3)
where γis the gyromagnetic ratio and αa phenomenological
damping parameter. The effective magnetic field is given by36
μ0Heff=− ∇ mG+Ds
M∇2M+μ0h(t), (4)
where ∇m=(∂m1,∂m2,∂m3) is the vector differential operator
with respect to the components of m,Ds=2A/M is the
exchange stiffness with the exchange constant A,∇2is the
spatial differential operator ∇2=∂2
z, andh(t)=
h0e−iωtis the externally applied microwave magnetic field
with angular frequency ω;h(t) is oriented perpendicularly to
μ0H. Since the magnetic properties are independent of xand
y,E q . (3)simplifies to
zm, neglecting terms of the order of m2
1,2). By definition of the (1 ,2,3) coordinate system, the only
nonvanishing component of ∇mGin the equilibrium is along
the 3 direction. For small deviations of mfrom the equilibrium
we find44
⎟⎠, (6)
where we have introduced the abbreviations Gi=∂miG|m=m0
andGij=∂mi∂mjG|m=m0; the explicit expressions for these
derivatives are given in Appendix A.
In the following, we calculate the transverse magnetization
components assuming a harmonic time dependence mi=
mi,0e−iωt. The linearized LLG equation, considering only the
transverse components, reads
where we have introduced the abbreviations H11=G11−
G3−iαω/γ ,H12=H∗
21=G12+iω/γ , and H22=G22−
G3−iαω/γ . We have dropped all terms which are nonlinear
inmiand products of miwith the driving field.
Resonant uniform precession of the magnetization ( m/prime/prime
0) occurs at the so-called uniform resonance field μ0Huni(z),
which is found by solving the homogeneous ( h=0) equation
forμ0H, neglecting the Gilbert damping ( α=0). Equation
(8)can be used to derive anisotropy parameters from angle-
dependent FMR spectra. As extensively discussed by Baselgiaet al. ,
44using Eq. (8)is equivalent to using the method of
Smit and Beljers, which employs second derivatives of thefree enthalpy with respect to the spherical coordinates.
To illustrate the role of the uniform resonance field in
the context of SWRs, we consider the special case wheremagnetization is aligned along the [001] crystal axis ( θ
before we deal with the general case of arbitrary field orien-tations. Neglecting the uniaxial in-plane anisotropy ( B
0) since this anisotropy is typically weaker than all otheranisotropies,
13,41we find G3=−μ0H+2B001+4B4⊥and
G11=G22=G12=0, resulting in the uniform resonance
uni(z)=ω/γ+2B001(z)+4B4⊥(z). (9)
To find the eigenmodes of the system, we consider the
unperturbed and undamped case, i.e., α=0 and h=0i n
Eq.(7). With m2=im1=˜mwe find the spin-wave equation
uni(z)˜m=μ0H˜m, (10)
in agreement with Ref. 36.
The relation of the anisotropy parameters defined in Ref. 36
to the ones used here is given by B001=K100
c1/M, and 2 B4/bardbl=−K/bardbl
Equation (10) is mathematically equivalent to the one-
dimensional time-independent Schr ¨odinger equation, where
the uniform resonance field corresponds to the potential, ˜mto
the wave function, μ0Hto the energy, and Dsis proportional to
the inverse mass. To calculate the actual precession amplitudeof the magnetization, the coupling of the eigenmodes ofEq.(10) to the driving field is relevant, which is proportional
to the net magnetic moment of the mode.
36,38In analogy to a
particle in a box, the geometry of the uniform resonance fieldas well as the boundary conditions determines the resonancefields and the spatial form of the precession amplitude. For theremainder of this work, we assume the spins to exhibit natural
freedom at the boundaries of the film, i.e., ∂
at the interfaces,36,47since these boundary conditions have
been shown to describe the out-of-plane SWR data of similarsamples well.
36To graphically illustrate the influence of the
uniform resonance field on the SWR modes, we consider inFig. 2a ferromagnetic layer with a thickness of 50 nm with
constant magnetic properties across the layer [Fig. 2(a)] and
with a linearly varying uniform resonance field [Fig. 2(c)];
in both cases we assume D
s=13 T nm−2, a value similar to
that obtained in previous studies.36For these conditions, we
(a) (b)
(c) (d) m (arb. u.)~ m (arb. u.)~
FIG. 2. (Color online) Simulation to demonstrate the influence
of the uniform resonance field μ0H001
union the SWR modes for
m0||[001], assuming circular precession. In (a), μ0H001
uniis set to
be constant across the layer, while in (c) it varies linearly [dashed(blue) lines], in analogy with a square potential and a triangular
potential, respectively. Dotted (black) lines are the resonance fields,
calculated assuming boundary conditions of natural freedom (seetext). Solid (red) lines show the eigenmodes of the system, i.e., the
precession amplitude ˜mof the magnetization; for each mode the
dotted line corresponds to ˜m=0. As shown in (a), for a constant
uniform resonance field the first mode occurs at the uniform resonance
field and exhibits a constant precession amplitude across the layer,
i.e., an FMR mode. The second and third modes (higher order modes
are not shown) exhibit a nonuniform magnetization profile. In order
to couple to the driving field the modes need to have a finite netmagnetic moment. As shown in (a), the positive and negative areas of
the second and third modes are equal, thus these modes are not visible
in the SWR spectrum (b). This is in contrast to the case of the linearlyvarying uniform resonance field (c), where the mode profile is given
by Airy functions, which have a nonzero net magnetic moment also
for the second and third modes, resulting in a finite SWR intensity ofthese modes (d). Spectra in (b) and (d) were calculated by integrating
over the eigenmodes ˜mand convoluting the square of the result with
224422-3L. DREHER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 224422 (2013)
numerically solve Eq. (10) by the finite-difference method
described in Appendix B1, in order to obtain the resonance
fields (eigenvalues) and the zdependence of the transverse
magnetic moments (eigenfunctions). To which amount a modecouples to the driving field is determined by the net magneticmoment of the mode, which is found by integrating ˜m(z) over
the thickness of the film. For the magnetically homogeneouslayer, the only mode that couples to the driving field is theuniform precession mode at μ
uni, since modes of higher
order have a zero net magnetic moment [Fig. 2(a)], resulting in
one resonance at the uniform resonance field [cf. Fig. 2(b)]. For
the nonuniform layer, with μ0H001
uni(z) linearly varying across
the film, the mode profile is given by Airy functions31,36,38and
various nonuniform modes couple to the driving field, resultingin several SWRs, with their amplitude proportional to thesquare of the net magnetic moment
36,38of the corresponding
mode [cf. Figs. 2(c) and2(d)].
We now turn to the general case of arbitrary field orienta-
tions. Due to the magnetic anisotropy profile, the magnetiza-tion orientation is ap r i o r i unknown and a function of zand
0H. Furthermore, the assumption of a circularly precessing
magnetization is not generally justified. To solve Eq. (7)
for arbitrary field orientations, we employ a finite-differencemethod as outlined in Appendix B2. By solving Eq. (7),we obtain the z-dependent generalized Polder susceptibility
tensor ¯ χ(μ
0H,z), which relates the transverse magnetization
components Mi(z)=M(z)mi(z) with the components of the
driving field by
. (11)
In a microwave absorption measurement, the components Mi
which are out of phase with the driving field are detected.
The absorbed power density is related to the imaginary part of
¯χ(μ0H,z) and can be calculated by48
P=ωμ 0
where z0is the thickness of the ferromagnetic layer. Note that
the position coordinate zis negative in the film (cf. Fig. 1).
To obtain an impression of how gradients in different
anisotropy parameters influence the SWR spectra, we plot inFig. 3simulated SWR spectra together with the magnetization
precession cone as a function of the depth in the ferromagneticlayer. We assume a constant saturation magnetization (itsvalue is not relevant for the outcome of the simulation), aconstant exchange stiffness D
s=35 T nm2unless otherwise
specified, α=0.09, and B001=90 mT, B4||=− 50 mT,
SWR Intensity (arb. units)ψ (deg.) ψ (deg.)
200 600 400
μ0H (mT)ψμ0H
[110][001](a ii) (a iii) (a iv)
)iii b( )ii b( )i b( (b iv)
)vi c( )iiic( )iic( )i c(Im(m1m2-m1m2) (arb. u.) **(a i)90
03060ψ (deg.)
FIG. 3. (Color online) Atlas illustrating the influence of gradients in the anisotropy parameters on SWR spectra. In (a) all anisotropy
parameters are kept constant with the values given in the text, except B001which is varied linearly. Correspondingly, in (b) and (c) B4⊥and
B4||were varied linearly, respectively. Panels (i) show the first derivative of simulations using Eq. (12) with respect to μ0Hand panels (ii)-(iv)
show the precession cone Im( m∗
2) in a color plot together with the uniform resonance field μ0Huni(z) (dashed blue lines) at three
different external field orientations; the black dotted lines indicate the resonance field positions of the modes. Panel (a i) additionally shows
the influence of a linear gradient in the exchange stiffness parameter on the spin-wave spectra, see text for further details and discussion.
B4⊥=15 mT. In Fig. 3(a), we assume B001to vary across the
layer thickness according to B001(z)=B001−b001×zwith
b001=− 0.8m T/nm. Figure 3(a i) shows the simulated SWR
spectra calculated by taking the first derivative of Eq. (12) with
respect to μ0Hfor different angles ψdefined in the inset in
Fig. 3(c iv). We observe several SWR modes for μ0H||[001],
with the number decreasing as μ0His tilted away from [001].
Atψ=40◦only one mode is visible, while for ψ=0◦we
again observe multiple SWR modes. This observation can beunderstood by considering the uniform resonance fields as afunction of the depth for these orientations. In Figs. 3(a ii)–
(a iv), we show the uniform resonance field [dashed (blue)line] for ψ=0
◦,ψ=30◦, andψ=90◦, respectively, together
with the magnetization precession cone Im( m∗
2)i n
a contour plot as a function of depth and μ0H.A tψ=90◦,
the uniform resonance field varies strongly across the film,which can be understood by considering Eq. (9). This results in
several spin-wave modes, with their resonance fields indicatedby dotted lines.
For other field orientations, the formula for the uniform
resonance field can also be derived but results in a longer,more complex equation than Eq. (9). Important in this context
is that positive values of B
001lead to an increase (decrease) in
the resonance field for magnetization oriented perpendicular(parallel) to the film plane, accounting for the reversed sign ofthe slopes of μ
0Huniin Figs. 3(a ii) and 3(a iv). Consequently,
in between these two extreme cases μ0Hunimust be constant
across the layer for some field orientation, in our case for ψ=
30◦, resulting in a single SWR mode [cf. Figs. 3(a i) and 3(a iii).
In addition to the SWR simulations with constant Ds,w ep l o t
in Fig. 3(a i) simulated SWR spectra with Dsvarying linearly
across the film, with Ds=35–65 T nm2[dotted (blue) lines]
andDs=35–5 Tnm2[dashed (green) lines]. A decreasing Ds
leads to a decreasing spacing in the modes, and vice versa, for
an increasing Ds, as can be seen, e.g., for μ0H||[001].
In Fig. 3(b), we consider the case where all magnetic
parameters are constant with the values given above, exceptB
4⊥(z)=B4⊥−b4⊥×zwithb4⊥=− 0.4m T/nm. As is
evident from Eq. (9), this results in the same slope of μ0Huni
forψ=90◦as in the case above where we varied B001
only [cf. Fig. 3(a iv) and 3(b iv)]. In contrast to the case
depicted in Fig. 3(a), however, here for ψ=0◦the uniform
resonance field is constant. This can be understood whenevaluating the parameters that enter into the calculation ofthe uniform resonance field [Eq. (8)]. Ifmis in the film
plane, none of the parameters in Eqs. (A4) –(A6) depends
4⊥, resulting in a constant uniform resonance field for
ψ=0◦.A smis tilted away from the film plane, B4⊥enters
into some of the terms in Eqs. (A4) –(A6) . As a consequence,
μ0Hunivaries, first such that it increases [cf. Fig. 3(b iii)]
and, finally, such that it decreases as a function of the depth[cf. Fig. 3(b iv)].
Finally, we discuss the case where all parameters are con-
stant except B
4||(z)=B4||−b4||×zwithb4||=− 0.4m T/nm
[Fig. 3(c)]. Here, μ0Huniis constant for ψ=90◦as predicted
by Eq. (9).A smis tilted away from [001] a varying B4||leads
to a varying uniform resonance field as shown in Figs. 3(c ii)
and 3(c iii). Here, a sign reversal of the slope as is the case inFigs. 3(a) and3(b) does not take place and multiple resonances
occur, starting at ψ=60
(Ga,Mn)As samples with a nominal Mn concentration of
≈4% were grown on (001)-oriented GaAs substrates by low-
temperature molecular-beam epitaxy at a substrate temperatureof 220
◦C using V/III flux ratios of 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, and 3.5, referred
to as samples A, B, C, and D, respectively. The layer thicknesswas 210–280 nm as determined from the ECV measurements(cf. Fig. 4). For samples with V/III flux ratios of /lessorsimilar3 a gradient
in the hole concentration has been reported,
39hence this set
of samples was chosen to study the influence of a gradient inpon the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy. Further details on
the sample growth can be found in Refs. 39and41.
The hole concentration profiles of the as-grown (Ga,Mn)As
layers were determined by ECV profiling using a BioRadPN4400 profiler with a 250-ml aqueous solution of 2.0 gNaOH +9.3 g EDTA as the electrolyte. For further details
on the ECV analysis see Ref. 39. The results of the ECV mea-
surements for the layers investigated are shown in Fig. 4(a).
Except for the sample with V /III=3.5, they reveal a nearly
linearly varying hole concentration across the layer thicknesswith different slopes and with the absolute value of the holeconcentration at the surface of the layer varying by about20%. The profiles are reproducible within an uncertainty ofabout 15%. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy measurementsof similar samples showed that the Mn content can vary by upto 40% across the sample depth.
To investigate the magnetic anisotropy profiles of the
samples, we performed cavity-based FMR measurements,using a Bruker ESP300 spectrometer operating at a microwavefrequency of 9.265 GHz ( Xband) with a microwave power of
2m Wa t T=5 K; we used magnetic field modulation at a
frequency of 100 kHz and an amplitude of 3.2 mT. Since we
FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) The hole concentration in the different
(Ga,Mn)As samples is shown as a function of the depth within thelayers as determined by ECV profiling. (b) Uniform resonance fields
uni(z) for the four samples obtained from simulations for the
out-of-plane orientation of the external field ( ψ=90◦) as a function
of the depth.
224422-5L. DREHER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 224422 (2013)
SimulationExperiment(a) (b)
(d) (c)
V/III=1.5 V/III=3.5V/III=1.3 V/III=1.1
FIG. 5. (Color online) The spin-wave resonance data [dotted (blue) lines] are shown together with simulations [solid (red) lines] using the
numerical procedure described in the text and in Appendix B2. Data were obtained as a function of the external magnetic field orientation
and magnitude for samples with a V/III flux ratio of (a) 1.1, (b) 1.3, (c) 1.5, and (d) 3.5. The rotation angle ψis defined in the inset and the
parameters used for the simulations are summarized in Table I.
are mainly interested in the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy,
we recorded spectra for external magnetic field orientationswithin the crystal plane spanned by the [110] and [001] crystalaxes in 5
◦steps (cf. the inset in Fig. 5). For each orientation, the
field was ramped to 1 T in order to saturate the magnetizationand then swept from 650 to 250 mT; the spectra for the samplesinvestigated are shown in Fig. 5.
We start by discussing qualitative differences in the spectra.
Samples A and B exhibit several pronounced resonances forthe external field oriented along [001], which we attribute tostanding SWRs [Figs. 5(a) and 5(b)]. For these samples, the
[001] direction is the magnetically hardest axis since at thisorientation the resonance field of the fundamental spin-wavemode is larger than at all other orientations. As the externalfield is rotated into the film plane, the resonance position of thismode gradually shifts to lower field values as expected for apronounced out-of-plane hard axis. In contrast, samples C andD exhibit the largest resonance fields for a field orientationof 50
◦–60◦[Figs. 5(c) and 5(d)] pointing to an interplay
of second- and fourth-order out-of-plane anisotropy withdifferent signs of the corresponding anisotropy parameters.These samples exhibit SWRs as well, however, they are lesspronounced than for samples A and B.To quantitatively model the spin-wave spectra we numeri-
cally solve for each magnetic field orientation the spin-waveequation, (7), by the finite-difference method as outlined in
Appendix B2. Although this method allows for the modeling
of the SWR for arbitrary profiles of the anisotropy parameters,the exchange stiffness, the Gilbert damping parameter, andthe saturation magnetization, we assume the parameters tovary linearly as a function of z. This approach is motivated
by the linear gradient in the hole concentration, which infirst approximation is assumed to cause a linear gradient inthe anisotropy parameters, resulting in the SWRs observedin the samples.
31,36In Table I, we have summarized the
parameters used in the simulation for the different samples.Parameters in capital letters denote the value at the surfaceof the sample, while those in lowercase letters denote theslope of this parameter; e.g., the zdependence of the second-
order, uniaxial out-of-plane anisotropy parameter is given byB
001(z)=B001−b001×z. We estimate an error margin of
about ±20% and ±5 mT for the slopes and absolute values
of the anisotropy parameters, respectively. The reason for thisuncertainty is that both, a gradient in D
sand a gradient in the
anisotropy parameters can affect the SWR mode spacing, aswe discuss below. The layer thickness used for the simulation
TABLE I. Simulation parameters and their zdependence of the samples under study as obtained by fitting the simulations to the SWR
measurements. For anisotropy parameters capital letters denote the value at the surface of the film and lowercase letters the slope as described
in the text. For sample A, the first value of b001was used for the first 100 nm and the second one for the remaining layer. In addition to the
anisotropy parameters, the saturation magnetization is also assumed to vary linearly across the layer, while its absolute value is unknown andnot important for the SWR simulations.
B001 b001 B4/bardbl b4/bardbl B4⊥ b4⊥ Ds∂M(z)
∂zM (0)
Sample V/III (mT) (mT
nm)( m T ) (mT
nm)( m T ) (mT
nm)( T n m2) α (1
A 1.1 90 −0.1,−0.3 −50 0.05 25 −0.3 35 0.09 −3
B 1.3 130 −0.5 −50 0 0 0 20 0.06 −4
C 1.5 75 −0.4 −55 −0.04 −15 0 40 0.11 −4
D 3.5 91 −0.3 −55 −0.04 −15 0 20 0.09 −3
can be inferred from Fig. 4(a) and was determined from the
ECV data under the assumption that at the position where thehole concentration rapidly decreases, the magnetic propertiesof the layer abruptly undergo a transition from ferromagneticto paramagnetic. For simulations, we divided each film inton=100 layers, with constant magnetic properties within each
layer. For the gyromagnetic ratio we used γ=gμ
B/¯h, with
As a result of the simulation we obtain the Polder sus-
ceptibility tensor ¯ χ(μ0H,z) and the transverse magnetization
components as a function of zandμ0H. Additionally, we
obtain the zdependence of the uniform resonance field
by solving Eq. (8)for each field orientation. In an SWR
absorption experiment with magnetic field modulation, theobtained signal is proportional to the first derivative of theabsorbed microwave power with respect to the magnetic field.Thus, we calculate the absorbed power using the simulatedsusceptibility and Eq. (12) and numerically differentiate the
result in order to compare the simulated SWR spectra withthe experiment. Additionally, we use a global scaling factor,accounting, e.g., for the modulation amplitude, which is thesame for all field orientations, and we multiply all the simulateddata with this factor. In Fig. 5, we plot the experimental data
together with the simulations using the parameters given inTable I, demonstrating that a reasonable agreement between
theory and experiment can be found with one set of simulationparameters for all magnetic field orientations for each sample.
We now discuss the angle dependence of the SWR spectrum
of sample A shown in Fig. 5(a) based on the uniform resonance
field and the resulting magnetization mode profile obtainedfrom the simulation. To this end, we plot in Figs. 6(a)–5(c)
the magnetization precession amplitude Im( m
for selected external field orientations as a function ofthe depth and external magnetic field in a contour plot,
)c( )b(
(a)Im(m1m2-m1m2) (10-5) **
0 1.2Im(m1m2-m1m2) (10-5) **
0 0.3Im(m1m2-m1m2) (10-5) **
0 0.53
)f( )e( )d(001arb.(a)
FIG. 6. (Color online) Simulated magnetization mode profile and uniform resonance field of sample A. The contour plots show the
magnetization precession amplitude Im( m∗
2) as a function of the position within the film and the external magnetic field for the
external field aligned (a) along [001], (b) at an angle of 50◦with respect to [110] (cf. the inset in Fig. 5), and (c) along [110]. Dashed (blue)
lines in (a–c) show the uniform resonance field, obtained by numerically solving Eq. (8)for each given field orientation. Dotted (black) lines
in (a) indicate the resonance magnetic fields. (d–f) A magnification of the data [dotted (blue) lines] and simulation [solid (red) lines] from
Fig. 5(a) shown using the same scale for all orientations. In (e), a simulation with a different set of parameters is shown for comparison (black,
dashed line), see text.
224422-7L. DREHER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 224422 (2013)
together with the corresponding uniform resonance field. In
Figs. 6(d)–5(f), we show for each external field orientation a
magnification of the corresponding SWR spectrum togetherwith the simulation. Note that in contrast to the normal-modeapproach (Appendix B1) used to calculate the modes in Fig. 2,
where the coupling of each mode to the cavity field has to befound by integration, the approach elaborated in Appendix B2,
directly yields the transverse magnetization components,already accounting for the coupling efficiency and the linewidth. Further, the approach presented in Appendix B2,i s
also valid when the difference in the resonance fields of twomodes is comparable to or smaller than their line width, incontrast to the normal-mode approach.
If the external field is parallel to the surface normal ( ψ=
90◦), the uniform resonance field varies by about 350 mT
across the film thickness [cf. the dashed line in Fig. 6(a)],
resulting in several well-resolved standing spin-wave modes.The SWR fields are plotted as dotted lines in Fig. 6(a); since
the spacing of the resonance fields is larger than the SWR linewidth, the modes are clearly resolved [cf. Figs. 6(a) and5(d)].
In the simulation two regions with different b
001values were
used in order to reproduce the spacing of the higher orderspin-wave modes found in the experiment. Using the sameslope as in the first 100 nm for the entire layer would leadto a smaller spacing between the third-order and the higherorder modes. Instead of defining two regions with differentslopes b
001, a gradient in the exchange stiffness with a positive
slope could also be used to model the experimentally foundmode spacing as discussed in the context of Fig. 3. Since the
exchange interaction in (Ga,Mn)As is mediated by holes
andpdecreases across the layer, we refrain from modeling
our results with a positive gradient in Ds. Further, the results
in Ref. 36rather point to a negative gradient in Dsin a similar
sample. However, a decreasing Mn concentration as a functionof the depth could lead to an increase in D
Finally, we note that, since B1¯10=0 in the simulations,
the magnetization precesses circularly for ψ=90◦and thus
2)=2s i n2τ,49with the precession cone
angle τ. For all other orientations, mprecesses elliptically,
which is accounted for in our simulations. In the simulationsof the precession amplitudes, we have assumed an externallyapplied microwave magnetic field with μ
0h=0.1m T .
At an external field orientation of ψ=50◦the uniform
resonance field is nearly constant across the layer, andconsequently only one SWR mode is observed with analmost-uniform magnetization precession across the layer[cf. Fig. 6(b)]. The precession amplitude is a measure for
the SWR intensity. While the fundamental mode at ψ=90
exhibits a larger precession cone at the interface, it rapidly
decays as a function of the depth, in contrast to the nearlyuniform precession amplitude for ψ=50
◦. Since the entire
layer contributes to the power absorption, the SWR modeatψ=50
◦is more intense than the fundamental mode
forψ=90◦, which is indeed observed in the experiment
[cf. Figs. 6(d) and5(e)].
For the magnetic field within the film plane [ ψ=0◦;
cf. Fig. 6(c)], the uniform resonance field again varies linearly
across the film, however, in a less pronounced way thanfor the out-of-plane field orientation and with an oppositesign of the slope. The sign reversal of the slope can beunderstood in terms of the uniaxial out-of-plane anisotropy
parameter B
001: positive values of these parameters lead to an
increase (decrease) in the resonance field for the magnetizationoriented perpendicular (parallel) to the film plane, accountingfor the slopes of the uniform resonance fields in Fig. 6.
Since the gradient in the uniform resonance field is lesspronounced for ψ=0
◦than for ψ=90◦,t h es p i n - w a v e
modes are not resolved for ψ=0◦, since their spacing is
smaller than the SWR line width, leading to one rather broadline [cf. Figs. 6(c) and 5(f)]. A steeper gradient in B
4||,i n
combination with a different Gilbert damping (or with anadditional inhomogeneous damping parameter) and amplitudescaling factor, could improve the agreement of simulation andexperiment in the in-plane configuration, as discussed later. Adetailed study of the in-plane anisotropy profile is, however,beyond the scope of this work. Given that the presentedsimulations were obtained with one set of parameters, theagreement of theory and experiment is reasonably good alsofor the in-plane configuration, since salient features of theSWR line shape are reproduced in the simulation.
Having discussed the angle dependence of the SWR spectra,
we turn to the zdependence of the out-of-plane anisotropy of
sample A. Our simulations reveal that it is governed by thezdependence of both B
001(z) andB4⊥(z). Assuming only a
gradient in B001results in a reasonable agreement of theory and
experiment for the external field oriented along [001] and [110]but fails to reproduce the spectra observed for the intermediatefield orientations, e.g., ψ=50
◦. This is illustrated by the
dashed (black) line in Fig. 6(e), which represents simulations
with a constant B4⊥(z)f o rψ=50◦. As can be seen, this
simulation produces several SWRs, whereas in the experimentonly one resonance is present, which is better reproduced bythe simulation with both B
001(z) andB4⊥(z) varying across the
We now discuss the anisotropy parameters of all samples.
In contrast to sample A, the out-of-plane anisotropy profileof all other samples appears to be governed by a gradient inB
001(z). As already discussed qualitatively, the hard axis of
the samples is determined by an interplay of B001andB4⊥.
For samples A and B B4⊥is positive and 0, leading to an
out-of-plane hard axis. In contrast, samples C and D exhibitan e g a t i v e B
4⊥, leading to a hard axis between out-of-plane
and in-plane. The B4||parameter is negative and of similar
magnitude for all samples.
Since the out-of-plane anisotropy profile of sample A
is governed by B001(z) and B4⊥(z), a comparison of the
out-of-plane anisotropy profile among all samples based on
anisotropy parameters is difficult. We therefore compare the
uniform resonance fields, where both anisotropy parametersenter. As is evident from Fig. 6, the strongest influence of
the magnetic inhomogeneity of the layers on the uniformresonance fields is observed for the external field along [001].To compare the hole concentration profile in Fig. 4(a) with
the anisotropy profile, we therefore plot in Fig. 4(b) thez
dependence of the uniform resonance field μ
unifor this
field orientation. The figure demonstrates that the gradient inμ
uniis correlated with the gradient in p. For the sample
with the strongest gradient in pthe gradient in μ0H001
also most distinct, while the samples with a weaker gradientinpexhibit a less pronounced gradient in μ
uni. However,
for sample D, exhibiting a nearly constant p, we still observe
standing SWRs for μ0H||[001] [Fig. 5(d)], reflected in a slight
gradient of μ0H001
uni. This observation suggests that addition-
ally other mechanisms lead to a variation of the anisotropyprofile. One possibility would be a gradient in the elastic strainof the layer, due to a nonhomogeneous incorporation of Mnatoms in the lattice. However, x-ray diffraction measurementsof this sample, in combination with a numerical simulationbased on dynamic scattering theory, reveal a variation of thevertical strain /Delta1ε
zzas small as 3 ×10−5across the layer.
According to the measurements in Ref. 13, such a variation
in strain would lead to a variation of the B001parameter by a
few milliteslas only, insufficient to account for the variationofμ
0Huniby almost 100 mT across the layer. A more
likely explanation seems to be a variation of the saturationmagnetization, which should also influence the anisotropy
parameters. In the simulation, a nonhomogeneous saturation
was assumed, potentially explaining also the observed gradientin the anisotropy parameters and therefore in the uniformresonance field.
In contrast to the out-of-plane anisotropy parameters, B
was found to depend only weakly on z, for all samples except
sample B, where it was constant. Additionally, B1¯10, typically
of the order of a few milliteslas,13might have an influence
and interplay with B4||in determining the in-plane anisotropy.
Here, however, we focus on the out-of-plane anisotropy andtherefore neglect B
1¯10in our simulations. An in-plane rotation
of the external field would be required for a more accurate mea-surement of B
4||andB1¯10but is outside the scope of this work.
According to the valence-band model in Ref. 12,a n
oscillatory behavior of the magnetic anisotropy parametersis expected as a function of p. Therefore, depending on the
absolute value of p, different values for, e.g., ∂B
001/∂p are
expected. In particular, there are regions where a anisotropyparameter might be nearly independent of pand other regions
with a very steep pdependence. Since the absolute value of
pis unknown, a quantitative discussion of the pdependence
of the obtained anisotropy parameters based on the model inRef. 12is not possible. In addition to p,t h ep-dexchange
12which may also vary as a function of the depth
in a nonhomogeneous film, also influences the anisotropy
parameters,12further complicating a quantitative analysis.
For all samples, we used a constant exchange stiffness
Dsin our modeling. As alluded to above, there is some
ambiguity in this assumption, since the exchange stiffnessand the gradient in the anisotropy both influence the modespacing. For simplicity, however, we intended to keep asmany simulation parameters as possible constant. The absolutevalues obtained for the exchange stiffness agree within a factorof 2 with the ones obtained in previous experiments
are a factor of 2–4 larger than theoretically predicted.51For
the reasons discussed above, there is a large uncertainty alsoin the derivation of the absolute value of D
sfrom standing
spin-wave modes in layers with a gradient in the magnetic
anisotropy constants.
In order to use one parameter set for all field orientations,
the Gilbert damping parameter was assumed to be isotropicin the simulations. The modeling of the SWR data couldbe further improved by assuming a nonisotropic damping,its value being larger for μ
0H||[110] than for μ0H||[001](cf. Fig. 5). This, however, only improves the result when
assuming a field-orientation-dependent scaling factor for theamplitude, which could be motivated, e.g., by the assumptionthat the microwave magnetic field present at the sampleposition depends on the sample orientation within the cavity.The absolute values of αdetermined here are comparable
with the ones obtained in ultrafast optical experiments
are larger than the typical α=0.01...0.03 values found by
frequency-dependent FMR studies.53,54As already alluded to,
inhomogeneous line-broadening mechanisms may play a dom-inant role,
54in particular, for as-grown samples.55We therefore
assume that the values for αobtained in this study overestimate
the actual intrinsic Gilbert damping. A frequency-dependentSWR study would be required to determine the intrinsic α.
Such a study could possibly also reveal a p-dependent αas
theoretically predicted.
55In our study, assuming a z-dependent
αdid not improve the agreement between simulation and
experiment, corroborating the conjecture that inhomogeneousbroadening mechanisms dominate the line width and thereforeobscure a possible zdependence of α.
We have presented a finite-difference-type modeling ap-
proach for standing SWRs based on a numerical solution of theLLG equation. With this generic formalism, SWR spectra canbe simulated accounting for elliptical magnetization preces-sion, for arbitrary orientations of the external magnetic field,and for arbitrary profiles of all magnetic properties, includinganisotropy parameters, exchange stiffness, Gilbert damping,and saturation magnetization. The approach is applicable notonly to (Ga,Mn)As but to all ferromagnets.
Four (Ga,Mn)As samples, epitaxially grown with V/III flux
ratios of 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, and 3.5, were investigated by ECVand SWR spectroscopy, revealing a correlation of a lineargradient in the hole concentration with the occurrence ofstanding SWRs, in particular, for the external field orientedout of plane. Using the presented modeling approach, theSWR spectra could be reproduced in a simulation with oneparameter set for all external field orientations. The simulationresults demonstrate that the profile of the out-of-plane uniformresonance field is correlated with the hole concentrationprofile. However, our measurements and simulations show thata nonuniform hole concentration profile is not the only causethat leads to the observed nonuniform magnetic anisotropy;possibly, a variation in the saturation magnetization alsoinfluences the anisotropy parameters. To gain a quantitativeunderstanding of this issue, more samples with known holeconcentrations would be required, where both the absolutevalues and the profiles of pare varied. Such a study was,
however, outside the scope of this work.
Besides the modeling of SWR intensities and line widths,
the presented formalism yields the magnetization precessionamplitude as a function of the position within the ferromagnet.It can therefore be used to investigate spin-pumping inten-sities in (Ga,Mn)As/Pt bilayers.
27The spin-pumping signal,
detected as a voltage across the Pt layer, should be proportionalto the magnetization precession cone in the vicinity of the(Ga,Mn)As/Pt interface. By measuring the spin-pumpingsignal as well as the SWR intensities of (Ga,Mn)As/Pt and
224422-9L. DREHER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 224422 (2013)
by using our modeling approach, it should be possible to
investigate to what extent a magnetization mode which islocalized at a certain position within the (Ga,Mn)As layercontributes to the spin-pumping signal.
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
Gemeinschaft via Grant No. SFB 631 C3 (Walter SchottkyInstitut) and Grant No. Li 988/4 (Universit ¨at Ulm).
The transformation between the crystallographic coordi-
nate system ( x,y,z ) and the equilibrium system (1,2,3) is given
⎟⎠, (A1)
cosθ0sinφ0 cosφ0 sinθ0sinφ0
−sinθ0 0 cos θ0⎞
⎟⎠. (A2)
The derivatives of the free enthalpy density, Eq. (6), with
respect to the magnetization components are
=cosθ0(1−2 cos2φ0)[B1¯10
+12B4/bardblsin2θ0cosφ0sinφ0], (A4)
+12 cos2θ0sin2θ0[B4⊥+B4/bardbl(cos4φ0+sin4φ0)]
+B1¯10cos2θ0(cosφ0−sinφ0)2, (A5)
+24B4/bardblsin2θ0cos2φ0sin2φ0. (A6)
In this Appendix, we describe how the spin-wave equation
can be numerically solved by the finite-difference method.We start with the simple case of a circularly precessingmagnetization, neglecting Gilbert damping and the drivingfield (Sec. B1). Then we turn to the general case, where the
magnetization precesses elliptically and the Gilbert dampingas well as the driving field is included (Sec. B2).1. The one-dimensional, homogeneous, undamped case
Here, we describe how the resonance fields and the spin-
wave modes can be found, assuming a circularly precessingmagnetization m
2=im1=˜m, a constant exchange stiffness,
and az-independent equilibrium magnetization. This case has
been considered in Ref. 36using a semianalytical approach
to solve the spin-wave equation, Eq. (10). The approach
considered here is slightly more general, as it is straightforwardto determine resonance fields and eigenmodes of the systemfor an arbitrary zdependence of the uniform resonance
field. To solve Eq. (10), we divide the ferromagnetic film
into a finite number nof layers with equal thickness land
constant magnetic properties within each of these layers. Thezdependence of ˜mandμ
uniis thus given by an index
j=1...n . Within each of these layers the uniform resonance
field and ˜m(z) are thus constant and given by the values
uni=:Kjand ˜mj, respectively. The second derivative
of˜mis approximated by
l2. (B1)
Consequently, Eq. (10) is converted to the homogeneous
equation system
... K
j−1+2d −d 0 ...
... −dKj+2d −d. . .
... 0 −dKj+1+2d. . .
⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠, (B2)
with the abbreviation d=−D
s/l2. The boundary condition
of natural freedom36(von Neumann boundary condition)
reads ˜m0=˜m1and ˜mn−1=˜mnand can be incorporated into
Eq.(B2) . Since the matrix on the left-hand side of Eq. (B2) is
sparse, it can be efficiently diagonalized numerically, yieldingthe resonance fields (eigenvalues) and the correspondingmodes (eigenvectors). After diagonalizing the matrix, therelevant resonance fields are found by sorting the eigenvaluesand considering only the modes with positive resonance fields,corresponding to the bound states in the particle-in-a-boxanalogon. The SWR amplitude of each mode is proportional toits net magnetic moment; thus, the amplitudes can be found byintegrating the (normalized) eigenmodes. The mode profile,the resonance fields, and the SWR intensities are illustrated inFig. 2for a constant and a linearly varying uniform resonance
field. The finite line width of the SWR modes can be accountedfor by assuming a Lorentzian line shape for each mode with acertain line width and with the resonance fields and intensitiescalculated as described above.
36Note that this approach to
derive resonance fields and intensities is only valid if the
mode separation is large compared with the line width of themodes; this restriction does not apply to the model presentedin Appendix B2.
2. The general case
To solve Eq. (7)for arbitrary μ0Hand arbitrarily varying
magnetic properties, we again divide the ferromagnetic filminto a finite number nof layers with equal thickness land
constant magnetic properties within each of these layers. Incontrast to the case in Appendix B1, where only the uniform
resonance field was varied across the layer, here potentially allmagnetic properties entering Eq. (7)can be assumed to be z
dependent. Additionally, the components of the driving fieldμ
0hi(i=1,2) can also vary as a function of z, since the (1 ,2,3)
frame of reference is zdependent and thus the projections of
the driving field have to be calculated for each layer. The z
dependence of the components mi(i=1,2), of the parameters
H11,H12,H21, andH22(defined in Sec. II) and the exchange
stiffness is thus given by the index j=0...n ; the second
derivative of each of the components miis approximated as in
Eq.(B1) .
The linearized LLG equation, Eq. (7), is thus converted into
the inhomogeneous equation system
12 dj−100 0 ...
... Hj−1
21 Hj−1
22−2dj−10 dj−100 ...
... dj0 Hj
12 dj0 ...
... 0 djHj
21 Hj
22−2dj0 dj...
... 00 dj+10 Hj+1
12 ...
... 00 0 dj+1Hj+1
21 Hj+1
⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠, (B3)
with the abbreviation dj=−Dj
s/l2. At the boundaries of the
magnetic film we again assume the spins to exhibit naturalfreedom, m
To simulate a spin-wave spectrum for a given orientation
of the external field and a given profile of the magneticproperties, we numerically sweep the magnetic field andcalculate the equilibrium magnetization orientation for all
indices j=0...n at a given external field. The inverse
of the matrix in Eq. (B3) , multiplied by μ
0M(z), is the
generalized Polder susceptibility tensor ¯ χ(μ0H,z), which
relates the transverse magnetization with the driving field[cf. Eq. (11)].
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224422-12 |
PhysRevB.64.012411.pdf | Precessional effects in the linear dynamic susceptibility of uniaxial
superparamagnets: Dependence of the ac response on the dissipation parameter
W. T. Coffey *
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
D. S. F. Crothers
Departments of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, United Kingdom
Yu. P. Kalmykov
Centre d’Etudes Fondamentales, Universite ´de Perpignan, 52 Avenue de Villeneuve, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France
S. V. Titov
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vvedenskii Square 1, Fryazino, Moscow
Region 141120, Russian Federation
~Received 9 April 2001; published 13 June 2001 !
It is shown that the low-frequency relaxation spectrum of the linear dynamic susceptibility of uniaxial single
domain particles with a uniform magnetic field applied at an oblique angle to the easy axis can be used todeduce the value of the damping constant.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.012411 PACS number ~s!: 75.50.Tt, 05.40.Ca, 76.20. 1q, 76.50. 1g
A single domain ferromagnetic particle is characterized
by an internal potential, having several local states of equi-librium with potential barriers between them. If the particlesare small ~;10 nm !so that the potential barriers are rela-
tively low, the magnetization vector Mmay cross over the
barriers due to thermal agitation. The ensuing thermal insta-bility of the magnetization results in the phenomenon ofsuperparamagnetism.
1This problem is important in informa-
tion storage, rock magnetism, and the magnetization reversalobserved in isolated ferromagnetic nanoparticles.
2The dy-
namics of the magnetization Mof a superparamagnetic par-
ticle is usually described by the Landau-Lifshitz or Gilbert~LLG!equation
is the free Brownian motion diffusion time of the magnetic
moment, ais the dimensionless damping ~dissipation !con-
stant,Msis the saturation magnetization, gis the gyromag-
netic ratio, b5v/(kT),vis the volume of the particle, and
the magnetic field Hconsists of applied fields ~Zeeman
term!, the anisotropy field Ha, and a random white-noise
field accounting for the thermal fluctuations of the magneti-zation of an individual particle. Here the internal magnetiza-tion of a particle is assumed homogeneous. Surface and‘‘memory’’ effects are also omitted in Eq. ~1!. These as-
sumptions are discussed elsewhere ~e.g., Refs. 5–7 !. Further-
more, the description of the relaxation processes in the con-text of Eq. ~1!does not take into account effects such as
macroscopic quantum tunneling ~a mechanism of magnetiza-
tion reversal suggested in Ref. 1 !. These effects are impor-tant at very low temperatures
8,9and necessitate an appropri-
ate quantum-mechanical treatment, e.g., Refs. 10–12.
The various regimes of relaxation of Min superparamag-
netic particles are governed by a. In general, ais difficult to
estimate theoretically, although a few experimental methodsof measuring
a@such as ferromagnetic resonance ~FMR !and
the angular variation of the switching field, e.g., Refs. 7 and8#have been proposed. Yet another complementary and po-
tentially promising technique, viz., the nonlinear response of
single domain particles to alternating ~ac!stimuli, has
13been suggested in order to evaluate a. In particu-
lar, it has been shown in Ref. 13 that for uniaxial particleshaving a strong ac field applied at an angle
cto the easy ~Z!
axis, the nonlinear response truncated at terms cubic in the acfield is particularly sensitive to the value of
a. On the other
hand, the linearresponse to the ac field does not exhibit such
behavior. The explanation of this is reasonably straightfor-ward: the linear ac response may simply be calculated fromthe after effect solution following the removal of a weakuniform field applied at an angle
cto the easy axis. Thus the
superparamagnetic ~greatest !relaxation time tis that of a
particle with simple uniaxial anisotropy, which is given byBrown’s
2s3/2es,s@1, ~3!
where s5bKis the barrier height parameter and Kis the
anisotropy constant. Equation ~3!yields the approximate po-
sition of the peak in the imaginary part x9~v!of the complex
susceptibility x(v)5x8(v)2ix9(v) in linear response. The
most striking feature of Eq. ~3!is that twhen normalized by
tNis independent of a. The physical reason for this is the
lack of coupling between the transverse and longitudinalmodes in the linear response when a weak ac field alone isapplied at an angle
cto theZaxis. If one proceeds, however,PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 64, 012411
0163-1829/2001/64 ~1!/012411 ~4!/$20.00 ©2001 The American Physical Society 64012411-1to the next term in the response which yields the so-called
third-order susceptibility x(3)(v), then a strong dependence
of the imaginary part of x(3)(v)o naappears.13The expla-
nation of this lies in the coupling between the longitudinaland transverse ~or processional !modes in the nonlinear re-
sponse. Thus one can evaluate
afrom measurements of the
nonlinear ac response.
Here unlike Ref. 13, we consider a uniaxial particle in a
strong uniform field H0applied at an angle cto the anisot-
ropy axis of the particle. Hence the system in the absence ofthe ac perturbation unlike that of
13is nonaxially symmetric,
thus we expect precessional effects due to coupling of thetransverse and longitudinal modes to appear even in the lin-
ear response to a small ac field H(t) superimposed on H
Indeed, the limiting values of a, viz., a!‘anda!0, cor-
respond to the high-damping and the low-damping limits inthe Kramers escape rate theory.
14The coupling effect is
made manifest in the formulas for the Kramers escape rate orinverse of the greatest relaxation time
tof the magnetization
for both intermediate to high damping ~IHD!and very low
damping ~VLD!which apply to nonaxially symmetric poten-
tials of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy5,6~see below !.
Now we recall that the Fokker-Planck equation ~FPE!for
the probability density distribution WofM~Ref. 4 !corre-
sponding to Eq. ~1!is4,15
where „andDare the gradient and the Laplacian on the
surface of the unit sphere, respectively, uis the unit vector
directed along M, andV(M) is the free-energy density.
Here, in the absence of the ac field, Vis given by
where qandware the polar and azimuthal angles, respec-
tively, and h5MsH0/(2K) is the dimensionless external
field parameter. The free energy in Eq. ~5!has a bistable
structure with minima at n1andn2separated by a potential
barrier containing a saddle point at n0.15If (a1(i),a2(i),a3(i))
denote the direction cosines of MandMis close to a sta-
tionary point niof the free energy, then V(M) can be ap-
proximated to second order in a(i)as4
2@c1~i!~a1~i!!21c2~i!~a2~i!!2#. ~6!
Substituting Eq. ~6!into Eq. ~5!, the FPE may be solved near
the saddle point yielding4,15
where vi25g2Ms22c1(i)c2(i)(i51,2) and v025
2g2Ms22c1(0)c2(0)are the squares of the well and saddle an-
gular frequencies, respectively, andV05b
Equations for ci(j)andViare given elsewhere.15Equation ~7!
is similar to the IHD formula derived by Kramers14and ap-
plies when the energy loss per cycle at the saddle point en-
ergy of the motion of the magnetic moment DE@kT.I f
DE!kT~VLD!, we have for the escape from a single
v1DEeb~V02V1!. ~8!
@Here instead of numerical evaluation of DE, we have used
an approximation DE’avuV0u~Ref. 5 !#. The IHD and VLD
limits correspond to a>1 and a<0.01, respectively. How-
ever, for crossover values of a~about a’0.1!neither the
IHD formula ~7!nor the VLD, Eq. ~8!, can yield reliable
quantitative estimates. Thus a more detailed analysis isnecessary.
Equations ~7!and~8!applied to the potential given by Eq.
~5!yield the greatest relaxation time tin the appropriate
limits ~IHD, VLD !for a strong uniform field H0applied at
an angle cto theZaxis8,18;tis effectively identical to the
integral relaxation time ~in linear response, the correlation
time!19if the strength of H0is smaller than the reduced criti-
cal fieldhcat which depletion of the shallower of the two
potential wells of the bistable potential occurs ~for example,
hc’0.17 in the axially symmetrical case19!. As shown in
Refs. 8 and17, the asymptotes ~7!and~8!are in excellent
agreement with the exact numerical results from the FPE ~4!.
Equations ~7!and~8!can also successfully reproduce the
experimental angular variation of the switching field for in-dividual Co and BaFeCoTiO particles and thus allows one toevaluate
Equations ~7!and~8!fort, which now exhibit strong a
dependence, suggest that the frictional dependence of the
relaxation process may also be observed and used for theevaluation of
ain the linear ac response of the system. In
order to verify our conjectures concerning the adependence
of the linear response to a small ac field H(t)~i.e., assuming
bMsH!1!, we have calculated using linear-response theory
the complex magnetic susceptibility x~v!of the system. The
susceptibility was calculated by using a matrix continued-fraction solution
20,21of the system of moments @the expecta-
tion values of the spherical harmonics ^Yl,m&(t)#governing
the kinetics of the magnetization M~the moment system can
be obtained either from the FPE or from the LLGequation
22!. The details of the calculation can be found
elsewhere20,21; it is assumed that H(t) is directed along H0.
The plots of Re $x(v)%and log 10@2Im$x(v)%#vs log10(vtN)
are shown in Figs. 1–3 for a wide range of frequency, biasfield strength, and damping ~the calculations were carried out
vbMs2N051;N0is the number of particles per unit vol-
ume!. The results indicate that a marked dependence of x~v!
onaexists and that three distinct dispersion bands appear in
the spectrum. Furthermore, the characteristic frequency andthe half-width of the low-frequency relaxation band ~LRB!
are determined by the characteristic frequency
012411-2the overbarrier relaxation mode. As adecreases, this peak
shifts to higher frequencies and reaches its limiting value
tLD21. In addition, a far weaker second relaxation peak ap-
pears at high frequencies ~HF!. This HF relaxation band
~HRB!is due to the intrawell modes @forc50 and s@1, the
characteristic frequency of this relaxation peak is vwell
’2s(11h)/tN~Ref. 19 !#. The third FMR peak due to the
excitation of transverse modes having frequencies close to
the precession frequency vprof the magnetization appears
only at low damping and strongly manifests itself at HF. As
adecreases, the FMR peak shifts to higher frequencies since
vpr;a21. Moreover, at c50o rc5p, the FMR peak dis-
appears because the transverse modes no longer take part inthe relaxation process. The dependence of the linear responseon the bias-field strength is demonstrated in Fig. 3. Here, theeffect of the depletion
19,23of the shallower of the two poten-
tial wells of a bistable potential ~5!by a bias field is appar-
ent: at fields above the critical field hcat which the depletion
occurs, it is possible to make the LF peak disappear ~curves
3 and 3 8!. Such behavior of x~v!implies that if one is inter-
ested solely in the low-frequency ( vt<1) part of x~v!,where the effect of the HF modes may be completely ignored
~so that the relaxation of the magnetization at long times may
be approximated by a single exponential with the character-istic time
t!, then the Debye-like relaxation formula, viz.,
11ivt1Dxhf, ~9!
yields an accurate description of the LF spectra ~see Figs.
1–3!. Here tis given by Eqs. ~7!and~8!in the IHD and
VLD limits, respectively, xst5x(0) is the static susceptibil-
ity, and Dxhfis the contribution of the HF transverse and
longitudinal modes. The values of xstandDxhfdepend on j,
c, and sand can be measured experimentally, calculated
numerically, and/or estimated theoretically ~an example of
such theoretical estimations of xstandDxhfforc50 has
been given by Garanin19!. Our calculations indicate that
Eqs.~7!–~9!yield an adequate description of the LF spectra
We have demonstrated that it is unnecessary to resort to
the nonlinear response in order to observe large precessionaleffects in the relaxation processes of uniaxial superparamag-nets. All that is required is to superimpose a strong bias field
0at an angle cto the easy axis of the uniaxial particle, thus
ensuring that the system is nonaxially symmetric, and then to
calculate the linear response to a perturbing ac field H(t). It
follows that the nonaxial symmetry causes the various damp-ing regimes ~IHD and VLD !of the Kramers problem to ap-
pear unlike in an axially symmetric potential, where the for-mula for
t@for example, Eq. ~2!#is valid for all abecause
t/tNis independent of a. We remark that the intrinsic a
dependence of x~v!for the oblique field configuration serves
as a signature of the coupling between the longitudinal andprecessional modes of the magnetization. Hence, it should bepossible to determine the evasive damping coefficient frommeasurements of the linearresponse, e.g., by fitting the
theory to the experimental LF dependence of
x~v!on the
angle cand the bias strength H0, so that the sole fitting
FIG. 1. Re $x(v)%vs log10(vtN) from the IHD ( a51) to the
VLD ( a50.001) limits for s510,h50.1, and c5p/4. Curves
1–4: exact numerical calculations of x~v!based on the results of
Refs. 20 and 21. Stars and filled circles: Eq. ~9!with Dxhf’0.023
andtfrom Eqs. ~7!and~8!, respectively.
FIG. 2. The same as in Fig. 1 but for log10@2Im$x(v)%#.
FIG. 3. log10@2Im$x(v)%#vs log10(vtN) for s510,c5p/4,
a51.0~IHD: solid lines 1, 2, and 3 !, and a50.01~low damping:
dashed-dotted lines 1 8,28, and 3 8!. Lines 1, 1 8(h50.01), 2, 2 8(h
50.17), and 3, 3 8(h50.4) are exact numerical calculations. Stars
and filled circles: Eqs. ~9!withtfrom Eqs. ~7!and~8!, respectively.BRIEF REPORTS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64012411
012411-3parameter is a. Just as in the nonlinear response,13acan be
determined at different T, yielding its temperature depen-
dence. This is of importance because of its implications inthe search for other mechanisms of magnetization reversal ofM~e.g., macroscopic quantum tunneling
9,27!, as a knowl-
edge of aand itsTdependence allows the separation of the
various relaxation mechanisms. Moreover, such experimentsare much more easily accomplished than those for the non-linear response of Ref. 13. The results we have obtainedsuggest that the experimental measurements of linear andnonlinear susceptibility of fine particles ~e.g., Refs. 24–26 !
should be repeated for a strong bias-field configuration.
The results we have presented pertain to noninteracting
superparamagnetic particles with easy axes oriented alongtheZaxis of the laboratory system of coordinates. If the easyaxes are randomly distributed in space, further averaging
must be carried out in order to calculate
x~v!. In the calcu-
lations, we have also assumed that all the particles are iden-tical; in order to account for polydispersity, one must aver-age
x~v!over the appropriate distribution function ~e.g., over
the particle volumes; see for details Refs. 25, 26, and 28 !.
Furthermore, the neglect of interparticle interactions in thepresent model suggests that the results we have obtained are
applicable for systems where the effects of the dipole-dipoleand exchange interactions may be ignored, such as individualnanoparticles ~e.g., Refs. 2 and 8 !and diluted solid suspen-
sions of nanoparticles ~e.g., Ref. 26 !.
The support of the Enterprise Ireland Research Collabo-
ration Fund 2000 is gratefully acknowledged.
*Corresponding author.
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012411-4 |
PhysRevB.91.214434.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214434 (2015)
Current-driven asymmetric magnetization switching in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO
Jacob Torrejon,1,2Felipe Garcia-Sanchez,3Tomohiro Taniguchi,4Jaivardhan Sinha,1Seiji Mitani,1
Joo-V on Kim,3and Masamitsu Hayashi1,*
1National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan
2Unit ´e Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, 1 Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 91767 Palaiseau, France
3Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, UMR CNRS 8622, Universit ´e Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France
4National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Spintronics Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8568, Japan
(Received 27 October 2014; revised manuscript received 21 April 2015; published 29 June 2015)
The flow of in-plane current through ultrathin magnetic heterostructures can cause magnetization switching
or domain-wall nucleation owing to bulk and interfacial effects. Within the magnetic layer, the current cancreate magnetic instabilities via spin transfer torques (STT). At interface(s), spin current generated from thespin Hall effect in a neighboring layer can exert torques, referred to as the spin Hall torques, on the magneticmoments. Here, we study current-induced magnetization switching in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgOheterostructures with a heavy metal (HM) underlayer. Depending on the thickness of the HM underlayer, wefind distinct differences in the in-plane field dependence of the threshold switching current. The STT is likelyresponsible for the magnetization reversal for the thinner underlayer films whereas the spin Hall torques cause theswitching for thicker underlayer films. For the latter, we find differences in the switching current for positive andnegative currents and initial magnetization directions. We find that the growth process during the film depositionintroduces an anisotropy that breaks the symmetry of the system and causes the asymmetric switching. Thepresence of such symmetry-breaking anisotropy enables deterministic magnetization switching at zero externalfields.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.214434 PACS number(s): 85 .75.−d,75.70.Tj,72.25.Pn
Spin transfer torques (STT), which represent the transfer
of spin angular momentum from a spin-polarized current tolocal magnetization, are now well established for their useto control magnetization [ 1,2]. STT has been exploited in
magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) for developing advancednonvolatile memory (MRAM). One of the main challengesto achieve reliable operation of MRAM is to increase themargin of reading and writing current, which requires highmagnetoresistance ratio and low writing current.
Alternatively, a three-terminal device can be used to
overcome this problem by separating the circuit for readingand writing [ 3–7]. For such device, one can make use of the
recently discovered spin-orbit effects to trigger magnetizationswitching [ 3,8]. In particular, the spin Hall effect (SHE) in
heavy metal (HM) layers [ 9] can generate sufficiently large
spin current to manipulate magnetic moments of a magneticlayer adjacent to the HM layer. The torque on the magneticmoments exerted by the spin current is referred to as thespin Hall torque. Intuitively, the action of STT and spin Halltorques on magnetization is governed by the same physics,however, the underlying processes related to the latter and thedifference between the two torques are not clear and requirefurther thorough study [ 10–14].
For STT driven magnetization switching, it is beneficial
to use MTJs with perpendicularly magnetized “free” layer toachieve fast and low-current magnetization switching [ 15–17].
With regard to magnetization switching of a perpendicularly
*hayashi.masamitsu@nims.go.jpmagnetized layer with in-plane current via the spin-orbiteffects, one needs to apply an in-plane field directed alongthe current in order to reverse the magnetization direction[3,8,18]. The need to apply such in-plane field may require
additional costly processing for developing devices and thuswould preferably be avoided. On this front, it has been recentlydemonstrated that magnetization switching can be triggeredvia the spin Hall torque in the absence of any magnetic fieldby using sophisticated device structuring [ 19,20]. In order to
fully utilize spin Hall torque driven magnetization switching
for technological device applications, the underlying physicsof the switching process needs to be further clarified.
Here, we report magnetization switching in wires patterned
from CoFeB/MgO heterostructures with heavy metal (HM)underlayers. We study the threshold current needed to reversemagnetization as a function of pulse amplitude, pulse length,and in-plane magnetic field. Distinct differences are found inthe in-plane field dependence of the switching current betweenSTT and spin Hall torque driven processes. Direct currentflowing through the magnetic layer can cause instability ofthe magnetic moments via STT and consequently can resultin magnetization switching, however, with no difference inthe switching probability against the current flow directionor initial magnetization direction. In contrast, for spin Halltorque driven magnetization switching, the switching currentis different for positive and negative currents and initialmagnetization directions. We find that a tilt in the uniaxialanisotropy axis, first reported by You et al. [20] to show that
such effect enables spin Hall torque switching at zero field,develops during the film deposition process, and is found to beresponsible for the asymmetric magnetization switching withcurrent.
1098-0121/2015/91(21)/214434(10) 214434-1 ©2015 American Physical SocietyJACOB TORREJON et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214434 (2015)
A. Experimental setup
The heterostructures studied here are the same with those
reported in [Ref. 21]. The film stack Sub. |dHM|1 CoFeB |2
MgO|1 Ta (figures indicate film thicknesses in nanometers)
is sputtered onto thermally oxidized Si substrates (SiO 2is
100 nm thick). We have studied a number of materials forthe HM underlayer (TaN, Hf, W) and found similar results.Representative results from the TaN underlayer films aremostly reported here. TaN is formed by reactively sputteringTa in a mixed gas atmosphere of Ar and N
2[22]: the atomic
concentration is Ta 48±5N52±5for the results shown here. The
underlayer thickness dis varied within the substrate using
a linear shutter during the sputtering. Wires are patternedusing optical lithography and Ar ion etching and a subsequentliftoff process is employed to form electrical contacts made by10 Ta|100 Au (units in nanometers). The width and the length
of the patterned wires are 5 µm and 20–30µm, respectively.
Figure 1(a) shows a typical optical microscopy image of
the patterned wires and the definition of the coordinate axes.A pulse generator is connected to one of the contacts to apply
-40 -20 20 40-1.0-
Pulse amplitude (V)M+z
M -z-0.6 -0.4 0.4 0.6
-50 -25 25 50-1.0-
M -zProbability
Pulse amplitude (V)-0.8 -0.4 0.4 0.8-400 -200 0 200 400-12012
TaN (nm)
3.6Kerr intensity (a.u.)HZ (Oe)
JN(A/cm2) x108JN(A/cm2) x108NaT mn 6.3 )d( NaT mn 5.0 )c((b)
x z30m
FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Optical microscopy image of the wire
used to study current-induced magnetization switching. The dark
regions indicate the magnetic film, the bright regions correspond tothe substrate surface and the yellow regions represent the Ta |Au
electrodes. A pulse generator is connected to the left electrode.
(b) Out-of-plane hysteresis loops measured using Kerr microscopyfor Sub. |dTaN|1C o F e B |2M g O |1T a : d=3.6 nm (red circles)
andd=0.5 nm (black squares). (c), (d) Magnetization switching
probability as a function of pulse amplitude for initial magnetizationconfigurations pointing along +z(black squares) and −z(red circles)
for the two devices shown in (b). Positive and negative probability
corresponds to initial magnetization direction pointing along +zand
−z, respectively. A pulse train consisting of five 100-ns-long pulses
is applied. Representative Kerr images captured after the application
of±50 V (c) and ±35 V (d) are included at the corresponding
corners of each panel. Results are from substrates placed in the
“left” position defined in Fig. 5(a). No external magnetic field is
applied during the current pulse application for the results shown in (c)and (d).constant amplitude voltage pulses (0.5–100 ns long) to the
wire. Positive current corresponds to current flow along the+xdirection. We use Kerr microscopy to study magnetization
reversal driven by magnetic field and/or current.
The magnetic easy axis of the films points along the film
normal owing to the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA)developed at the CoFeB/MgO interface [ 15,22]. Figure 1(b)
shows magnetization hysteresis loops of two TaN underlayerfilms measured using Kerr microscopy. The difference in theKerr intensity for magnetization pointing along +
opposite for the two samples shown in Fig. 1(b). This is due to
an optical interference effect that depends on the film thicknessas well as the thickness of the thermally oxidized Si (see[Ref. 21] for details). H
SW, the average (absolute) out-of-plane
field (HZ) needed to switch the magnetization from +zto−z
and vice versa, is ∼100 Oe for the two films shown in Fig. 1(b):
typical values of HSWrange between ∼50–500 Oe for all films
studied. Note that HSWrepresents the field needed to nucleate
reversed domains; once a reversed domain forms, domain-wallpropagation takes place to magnetize the entire wire (the wallpropagation field is ∼5t o∼30 Oe). The variation of H
is mostly related to the strength of PMA for each film: the
magnetic and electrical properties of all films studied here canbe found in [Ref. 21].
Current-induced magnetization switching is studied using
the captured Kerr images. To determine the threshold cur-
rent for magnetization switching, the following sequence is
performed. (1) A large out-of-plane field ( H
Z) is applied to
uniformly magnetize the wire along the zdirection. (2) The
out-of-plane field is reduced, typically to zero unless notedotherwise, and an in-plane field directed along x(H
X)o ry
(HY) is applied. Then, a Kerr image of the uniform state is
captured to obtain a reference image. (3) Current is injected tothe wire by applying voltage pulse(s) from the pulse generator.The pulse is either a single pulse or a pulse train with eachpulse separated in time by ∼10 ms. The pulse length is fixed
to 100 ns unless noted otherwise. After the application of thevoltage pulse(s), a second Kerr image is captured. The firstimage captured in (2) is subtracted from this second image toacquire the “subtracted image,” which we use to calculate thearea where the magnetization direction reversed upon the pulseapplication. The switching probability ( P
SW) is calculated by
dividing the area where the magnetization switched with thearea of the wire. This process [(1)–(3)] is repeated five timesto acquire statistics: the switching probability shown hereaftercorresponds to the mean of P
SWof the five measurements.
B. Current-induced magnetization reversal
Figures 1(c) and 1(d) display the probability of magne-
tization switching as a function of pulse amplitude for thetwo devices shown in Fig. 1(b). For illustration purposes, we
multiply the probability by −1 when the initial magnetization
direction points along the −zdirection (red circles). At the
corners of each graph, representative Kerr images correspond-ing to the magnetic state after the pulse application for largepulse amplitudes are shown for both current directions andinitial magnetization configurations. From these images, it canbe seen that the switching characteristics depend on the filmstructure. Wires with thin TaN underlayers [Fig. 1(c)]s h o wa
IJNC (A/cm2) x108
TaN thickness (nm)0246
TaN thickness (nm) +I
I(a)M||z (b)M|| +z
FIG. 2. (Color online) Threshold current density ( JNC) as a func-
tion of TaN underlayer thickness. The initial magnetization direction
points along −z(a) and +z(b). Solid and open symbols represent
positive and negative JNC, respectively. A pulse train consisting of
five 100-ns-long pulses is applied. Results are from substrates placed
in the “left” position defined in Fig. 5(a). No external magnetic field
is applied during the current pulse application.
symmetric nucleation process with respect to the current flow
direction and the initial magnetization configuration: abovethe threshold voltage, the switching probability increases andsaturates to ∼0.5. For thicker TaN underlayer films [Fig. 1(d)],
the probability is asymmetric with respect to the currentdirection and the initial magnetization configuration. For
initial magnetic states pointing along +z(−z), the switching
probability is lower for negative (positive) current.
These results indicate that different mechanisms are in-
volved in the magnetization reversal process depending on thethickness of the underlayer. Figure 2shows the TaN underlayer
thickness dependence of the threshold current density ( J
that flows through the underlayer. We define JNCas the min-
imum current density needed to achieve switching probabilityexceeding 25%. J
NCis calculated using the threshold pulse
amplitude, the resistance of the wire, the thickness and theresistivity ( ρ) of the CoFeB layer ( ρ∼160μ/Omega1cm) and the
HM underlayer ( ρ∼375μ/Omega1cm for Ta
48N52)[21]. The solid
and open symbols in Fig. 2represent positive and negative
JNC, respectively; here we show −JNCfor negative current
to compare the absolute value with that of positive current.The dependence of J
NCon the initial magnetization states is
shown in Figs. 2(a) and2(b). The asymmetry in the threshold
current density with respect to the current flow direction andthe initial magnetization direction reduces to near zero whenthe TaN underlayer thickness is below ∼1n m .T h ed e g r e eo f
asymmetry is nearly constant when the underlayer thicknessis larger than ∼2 nm. This trend qualitatively agrees with the
underlayer thickness dependence of the “effective field” dueto the spin Hall torque [ 21,23] [see Figs. 4(a) and4(b)]. When
the thickness of the TaN underlayer is thinner than its spindiffusion length, the effective field is nearly zero. In contrast,if the underlayer thickness is larger than its spin diffusionlength, ∼2.5 nm for TaN [ 13,21], the effective field saturates
and becomes constant against the thickness. We thus infer thatthe magnetization switching for the thicker underlayer films isdue to the spin Hall torque at the HM |CoFeB interface, whereas
the switching for the thin underlayer films is dominated by spintransfer torque within the CoFeB layer [ 24–26]. Note that the
thickness at which the effective field saturates is larger than theFIG. 3. (Color online) In-plane field dependence of the threshold
current density ( JNC). The field direction is along (a), (c) and
transverse to (b), (d) the current flow. The underlayer is TaN: its
thickness is 0.5 nm (a), (b) and 6.6 nm (c), (d). Black squares andred circles represent initial magnetization direction along +zand
−z, respectively. A pulse train consisting of five 100-ns-long pulses
is applied. Results are from substrates placed in the “left” positiondefined in Fig. 5(a).
thickness at which the degree of asymmetry of the threshold
current becomes constant; the origin of this difference requiresfurther investigation.
C. In-plane field dependence of the threshold current
To gain insight into the respective roles of the spin transfer
torques and the spin Hall torques for driving magnetizationreversal, we have studied the threshold current as a function ofin-plane external fields. Figure 3shows J
NCas a function of
in-plane field along x(HX) andy(HY) for films with thin and
thick TaN underlayer films. The squares and circles representinitial magnetization pointing along +zand−z, respectively.
For the thin underlayer films [Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)],J
is symmetric with respect to the in-plane field. Figure 3(a)
shows that magnetization switching is assisted by +HXfor
positive current when the initial magnetization direction pointsalong −z.J
NCtends to saturate as the magnitude of HX
is increased. In contrast, Fig. 3(b) shows that the threshold
current is strongly influenced by HYwithin the same field
range: the difference in JNCfor initial magnetization pointing
along +zand−zincreases with increasing |HY|. For these
films, the current-induced effective field due to the spin Halleffect is small and we can therefore assume that the STT(current through the magnetic layer) plays the dominant rolein the magnetization reversal process. Theoretically, it has beenreported that STT can amplify spin waves in uniform magneticstate that can result in domain-wall nucleation, or partialmagnetization reversal, when large enough current is applied
214434-3JACOB TORREJON et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214434 (2015)
-6000600HY (Oe) M || +z
M || -z
-6000600HX (Oe)(a)
(d)0-1-2bJ / aJ
TaN thickness (nm)
FIG. 4. (Color online) The fieldlike ( /Delta1HY) (a) and the damping-
like (/Delta1HX) (b) components of the current-induced effective field
plotted against the TaN underlayer thickness (source: [Ref. 21]).
Black squares and red circles correspond to magnetization directedalong +zand−z, respectively. The effective field is normalized by
the current density J
Nthat flows through the TaN layer. (c) Ratio
of the fieldlike component to the dampinglike component bJ/aJ=
−mZ/Delta1HY//Delta1H Xplotted against the TaN underlayer thickness. (d)
TaN thickness dependence of the offset field HX∗. Solid and open
symbols correspond to HX∗estimated using positive and negative
[25,26]. In such cases, the threshold current needed to cause
magnetization switching does not, as a first approximation,depend on small (compared to the anisotropy field) in-planeapplied field [ 27]. Further study is required to identify the
origin of the in-plane field dependence.
For the thicker underlayer films, the threshold current
density exhibits a different in-plane field dependence. Asdescribed above, J
NCis different for initial magnetization
pointing along +zand−zin the absence of external field.
This difference in JNC, for a given current direction, reverses
when a small in-plane field directed along the +xdirection is
applied [Fig. 3(c)]. The field needed to match JNCfor positive
and negative currents, termed the offset field ( HX∗) hereafter, is
∼20–25 Oe for the sample shown in Fig. 3(c). The offset field
HX∗is plotted as a function of the TaN underlayer thickness in
Fig. 4(d). We find that HX∗increases with the TaN underlayer
thickness: the reason behind this will be discussed in Sec. III
in connection with the ratio of the fieldlike [ /Delta1HY,F i g . 4(a)]
and the dampinglike [ /Delta1HX,F i g . 4(b)] components of the spin
Hall effective field, shown in Fig. 4(c).Previously, it has been reported that a nonzero HXis needed
to switch the magnetization directed along the film normal within-plane current [ 3,8,18]. Here, owing to the nonzero H
magnetization switching can be triggered at zero magneticfield. Note that the threshold current dependence on H
consistent with the negative spin Hall angle of the underlayer[13,21]: the threshold current is smaller when the direction of
X−HX∗matches that of the dampinglike component of the
spin Hall effective field compared to the opposite case. Thedampinglike component of the spin Hall effective field pointsalong the −xdirection for positive current and magnetization
pointing along +z: it points in the opposite direction if the
current or the magnetization direction is reversed; see Fig. 4(b).
For in-plane field ( H
Y) applied perpendicularly to the
current flow, JNCis found to vary more or less linearly with
HY[Fig. 3(d)]. The dependence of JNConHYis compared to
model calculations in Sec. IIIto discuss its relationship with
the sign of the fieldlike spin Hall torque.
D. Dependence on the film deposition conditions
The zero-field switching found here indicates that the
symmetry of the system is broken for the thick underlayerfilms. We find that the symmetry-breaking factor arises duringthe film deposition (sputtering) process. Figure 5(a) shows
schematic of the inside of sputtering chamber with focus on
the relation between the substrate position and the sputteringtarget. The same coordinate axes shown in Fig. 1(a) are
illustrated in Fig. 5(a)for reference. Three substrates are placed
for film deposition and we find that the asymmetry in theswitching with current changes depending on the positionof the substrate. Figures 5(b) and 5(c) show Kerr images
after voltage pulses are applied to the wire when the initialmagnetization direction is set along −z(the films have 3.6–nm-
thick TaN underlayer). When the substrate is positioned alongthe+ydirection, denoted as “left” in Fig. 5(a), the switching
probability (i.e., the area with brighter contrast) is larger fornegative current [Fig. 5(b)]. This asymmetry is the same with
that shown in Figs. 1–3. In contrast, when the substrate is
placed along the −ydirection [referred to as the “right”
position in Fig. 5(a)], the asymmetry reverses: the switching
probability is now larger for the positive current. The pulseamplitude dependence of the switching probability is shown inFig.5(d), which clearly shows the difference in the asymmetry.
We have also studied current-induced magnetization switchingfor wires whose long axis is directed along the yaxis (Fig. 6).
In such case, we find little difference in the switching currentfor positive/negative currents and the initial magnetizationalong±z.
The asymmetric magnetization switching is also found in
other heavy metal underlayer films (Hf and W). As shownin Fig. 7, the asymmetry of the switching with respect to the
current flow direction and the initial magnetization directionis the same for all underlayer films as long as the positionof the substrate is kept same. Note that the sign of the spinHall angle for the heavy metals used here is the same, whereasthe Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) [ 28,29]a tt h e
underlayer|CoFeB layer interface changes its sign between Hfand W [ 21].
FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) Schematic illustration of inside the
sputtering chamber where the relative position of the substrates and
the target is shown. Three ∼1×1c m2square substrates, separated
by∼0.15 cm along the ydirection, are placed ∼10 cm away from
the target. (b), (c) Kerr images after application of ±32 V voltage
pulses for devices made of Sub. |3.6 nm TaN |1C o F e B |2M g O |1T a
substrates placed at different positions: (b) “Left” position and (c)
“right” position defined in (a). The top and bottom images correspond
to images when positive and negative voltage pulses are applied,respectively. (d) Magnetization switching probability as a function of
pulse amplitude for the two devices shown in (b) and (c). The initial
magnetization direction points along −z. A pulse train consisting of
five 100-ns-long pulses is applied for (b)–(d). No external magnetic
field is applied during the current pulse application.
FIG. 6. (Color online) Pulse amplitude dependence of magneti-
zation switching probability for Sub. |2.9 TaN |1C o F e B |2M g O |1T a
(units in nm). The patterned wires’ long axis is directed along x(a) and
y(b). Results are from substrates placed in the “left” position defined
in Fig. 5(a). Positive and negative probability corresponds to initial
magnetization direction pointing along +zand−z, respectively. No
external magnetic field is applied during the current pulse application.-24 -16 16 24-1.0-
M -z
Pulse amplitude (V)-16 -8 8 16-1.0-
Pulse amplitude (V)M+z
M -zProbability3.1 nm W 5.9 nm Hf ) b( )a(
FIG. 7. (Color online) Magnetization switching probability as a
function of pulse amplitude for initial magnetization configurations
pointing along +z(black squares) and −z(red circles) for devices
with different heavy metal underlayers. The films are Sub. |dX|1
CoFeB |2M g O |1 (units in nanometers), with X =5.9 nm Hf (a) and
3.1 nm W (b). A pulse train consisting of five 100-ns-long pulses
is applied. Positive and negative probability corresponds to initialmagnetization direction pointing along +zand−z, respectively.
Results are from substrates placed in the “left” position defined in
Fig. 5(a). No external magnetic field is applied during the current
pulse application.
E. Effect of the out-of-plane field
A nonzero out-of-plane magnetic field can introduce dif-
ference in the switching probability for initial magnetizationpointing along +zand−z. Figure 8shows the pulse amplitude
dependence of the switching probability when the out-of-planefield (H
Z) is varied. As evident, the switching probability is
larger for both current flow directions when HZassists the
switching process, i.e., when HZis pointing opposite to the
initial magnetization direction. However, these results showthatH
Zby itself cannot induce difference in the switching for
positive and negative currents. The maximum residual fieldfrom the electromagnet at the sample position is ∼1O e .
F. Pulse-length dependence and repeated switching
The magnetization switching observed here may be influ-
enced by subsequent motion of nucleated domain walls drivenby current [ 30,31]. To study whether the asymmetry of J
with the current and initial magnetization directions is due to
the motion of domain walls, we have studied the pulse-lengthdependence of J
NC. If any subsequent domain-wall motion
is causing the asymmetry, such effect should diminish whenthe pulse length is reduced since the distance the domainwall travels will also decrease. Figure 9(a) shows J
NCas a
function of pulse length ( tP) for the device shown in Fig. 1(d),
in which we consider spin Hall torque is responsible forthe switching. A pulse train consisting of five t
pulses, each separated by 10 ms, is applied. The differenceinJ
NCfor positive and negative currents as well as that for
initial magnetization pointing along +zand−zremains the
same even for pulse length of 10 ns. We have observed suchasymmetry in other devices for pulse length as small as 5 ns.Thus, these results show that the asymmetry is predominantlycaused by the nucleation process and not the subsequentdomain-wall motion.
In Fig. 9(b), we show that the switching process can
be deterministic even in the absence of magnetic field. A
214434-5JACOB TORREJON et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214434 (2015)
-40 -30 30 40M +z
Pulse amplitude (V)-40 -30 30 40M +z
Pulse amplitude (V)-40 -30 30 40-1.0- +z
Pulse amplitude (V)eO 5 )c( eO 0 )b( eO 5- )a(
FIG. 8. (Color online) Magnetization switching probability as a function of pulse amplitude for Sub. |2.9 TaN |1C o F e B |2M g O |1 Ta (units
in nm). The out-of-plane field HZis varied: HZ∼− 5( a ) ,∼0( b ) ,a n d ∼5 Oe (c). Positive and negative probability corresponds to initial
magnetization direction pointing along +zand−z, respectively. Results are from substrates placed in the “left” position defined in Fig. 5(a).
pulse train consisting of five 100-ns-long pulse is used for
each “pulse” shown in the top panel. The sign of the pulsetrain is altered each time. We have chosen the same deviceshown in Fig. 1(d) in which the asymmetry is large so that
- (A/cm2) (x108)
0123456789 1 0025I
11 0 1 0 0-0.8-0.6-0.4M +z
M-zJNC (A/cm2) x108
Pulse length (ns)
FIG. 9. (Color online) (a) Threshold current density ( JNC)v s
pulse length ( t) at zero external field for Sub. |3.6 nm TaN |1C o F e B |2
MgO|1 Ta. A pulse train consisting of five tns-long pulses, each
separated by 10 ms, is applied. Black squares and red circles show
JNCwhen the initial magnetization direction is along +zand−z,
respectively. (b) Sequences of voltage pulses applied to the wire
(top panel) and the resulting Kerr contrast ( /Delta1I) calculated from the
Kerr images. The corresponding magnetic state (1: along +z,−1:
along −z) is shown in the right axis. A pulse train consisting of
five 100-ns-long pulses, each separated by 10 ms, is applied at each
pulse shown in the top panel. Middle and bottom panels of (b) showchanges in the Kerr contrast for initial magnetization pointing along
+zand−zat the beginning of the sequence, respectively. No external
magnetic field is applied during the current pulse application. Resultsare from substrates placed in the “left” position defined in Fig. 5(a).full switching of magnetization takes place upon the pulse
application (if the asymmetry is small, it is difficult to reversethe entire area of the wire just with the current pulse). Themiddle and bottom panels of Fig. 9(b) show the variation
of the magnetic state, inferred from the Kerr images, withsuccessive pulse application. The state at the beginning (i.e.,“iteration 0”) has different orientation for the middle andbottom panels. When the magnetization is pointing along +z
(−z), positive (negative) current can trigger magnetization
reversal. Full switching of the wire magnetization is observedwhen appropriate pulse is applied. When a “wrong” pulse isapplied, as shown at “iteration 1” in the bottom panel, wedo not find random nucleation due to thermal activation, thusshowing the robustness of this switching scheme.
A. Macrospin model
To gain insight of the asymmetric magnetization switching
with current and the in-plane field dependence of JNC,w e
show results from model calculations using the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. We find that if we assumea uniaxial magnetic anisotropy that is tilted away from thenormal of the film plane, a mechanism first suggested in[Ref. 20], many of our experimental results can be explained.
Similar results can be obtained if a unidirectional anisotropypointing along the wire’s long axis is assumed. However,with this assumption, H
X∗will simply be defined by the
unidirectional anisotropy field and it is difficult to explain someof the experimental results, for example, the TaN underlayerthickness dependence of H
X∗[Fig. 4(d)]. The LLG equation
that includes the spin Hall torques reads as
∂t, (1)
where ˆmis a unit vector representing the magnetization
direction, tis time, γis the gyromagnetic ratio, and αis
the Gilbert damping parameter. /vectorHKand/vectorHEXTrepresent the
uniaxial anisotropy field and the external magnetic field,respectively. We set the axis of the uniaxial anisotropy field to
be oriented along a unit vector ˆk, i.e., /vectorH
K=HK(ˆm·ˆk)ˆk.T h e
coordinate system employed in the calculations is the same asthat shown in Fig. 1(a).
The effect of current is coded in the parameters aJand
bJ.aJis the dampinglike component [ 1,2]o ft h es p i n
Hall effective field, whereas bJcorresponds to the fieldlike
component [ 32]. We assume that aJandbJare proportional to
current that flows through the wire. Unit vector ˆprepresents
the spin direction of the electrons that impinge upon themagnetic layer (FM) generated within the heavy metal layer(HM) via the spin Hall effect. Positive current correspondsto current flow along the +xdirection. For positive current,
we set ˆp=(0,1,0) as this represents the spin direction of the
electrons entering the CoFeB layer via the spin Hall effectin heavy metal layers with negative spin Hall angle suchas Ta and W. We vary a
JandbJto study the effect of
current. Current and field are applied to the system and theresulting equilibrium magnetization direction is calculated fora 100 ns-long current pulse. In order to cause magnetizationswitching within reasonable values of a
J, we use a reduced
uniaxial anisotropy field [ 18], i.e., HK∼530 Oe.
Figure 10shows results of model calculations when the
uniaxial anisotropy axis is tilted in the yzplane, i.e., ˆk=(0,sinβ,cosβ). Here, we set the tilt angle βto be 2°away from
thezaxis. Figures 10(a) and10(b) show the zcomponent of
magnetization as a function of aJ. The sign of bJis opposite
for Figs. 10(a) and 10(b) . As evident, the zcomponent of
the magnetization ( mZ) rotates toward the film plane as aJis
increased. In many cases, we find an abrupt transition of themagnetic state from the film normal to the film plane. Oncethe magnetization points along the film plane, it can moveback to its original direction or it can move to the oppositeside of the zaxis, resulting in magnetization switching, after
the current is turned off due to thermal activation. We thusdefine the threshold a
J(aJC) as the minimum aJneeded to
cause the absolute value of mZto be less than 0.15: this value
is justified by micromagnetic simulations shown in the nextsection.
Note that in some cases [e.g., Fig. 10(b) ], we find the equi-
librium m
Zduring the current application jumps to the equil-
ibrium position of the other branch (i.e., opposite to theinitial direction). This indicates deterministic switching of themagnetization, not the probabilistic switching as described
-800 0 800-1.0-
aJ (Oe)-800 0 800-1.0-
aJ (Oe)M || z
M || -z
-100 0 100-400-2000200400aJC (Oe)
HY (Oe)-100 0 100
HY (Oe)-100 0 100
HY (Oe)-100 0 100-400-2000200400M|| z
M || -zaJC (Oe)
HX (Oe)-100 0 100
HX (Oe)-100 0 100
HX(Oe)bJ=aJ bJ=0 bJ=aJ)b( )a(
)d( )c(
(h) )g( )f((e)
HX*HX* HX*bJ=aJ bJ=aJ
FIG. 10. (Color online) (a), (b) zcomponent of the equilibrium magnetization when current and in-plane magnetic field are turned on
plotted as a function of aJ, the dampinglike component of the spin Hall torque. The fieldlike component of the spin Hall torque bJis set to −aJ
(a) and aJ(b). The horizontal blue dashed lines indicate |mZ|=0.15, which is used to define aJC. (c)–(h) aJCas a function of HX(c)–(e) and
HY(f)–(h). The fieldlike component bJis varied: bJ=−aJ(c), (f), bJ=0 (d), (g), and bJ=aJ(e), (h). For all plots, black squares and red
circles represent calculation results when the initial magnetization direction points along +zand−z, respectively. HK=528 Oe, α=0.05,
the uniaxial anisotropy axis (direction defined by a unit vector ˆk) is tilted 2°toward the yaxis, i.e., ˆk=(0,sinβ,cosβ) with β=2d e g .
214434-7JACOB TORREJON et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214434 (2015)
above: the direction of switching is predefined during the
current application. Interestingly, such deterministic switchingwill diminish as a
Jis further increased since the equilib-
riummZduring the current application favors the direction
along the film plane, resulting in the probabilistic switch-ing. Such drop in the switching probability with increasingcurrent density is also found in experiments [see, e.g.,Fig. 5(d)].
Figures 10(c) –10(e) show the in-plane field ( H
X) depen-
dence of aJCwhen the fieldlike component ( bJ) is varied.
The asymmetric magnetization switching with nonzero HX∗
is reproduced here with the tilt angle βset to 2°. The sign of
HX∗is independent of the size and sign of bJ. The negative
HX∗shown in Figs. 10(c) –10(e) is found experimentally in
samples deposited in the “right” position defined in Fig. 5(a).
Due to the nonzero tilting of the anisotropy axis that breaksthe symmetry of the system, a
JCis different for positive and
negative currents for a given initial magnetization direction atzero magnetic field.
Interestingly, H
X∗not only depends on the tilting angle ( β),
but also on the relative size of the fieldlike and dampinglikecomponents of the spin Hall torque, that is, the size of b
The model shows that HX∗exhibits a complex dependence on
bJ/aJ:HX∗takes a maximum when bJ=−aJand it drops
as|bJ|further increases. Experimentally, we have previously
studied the underlayer thickness dependence of the spin
Hall torque using the harmonic Hall measurements [ 21,23]:
Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) show the fieldlike ( /Delta1HY=bJˆp·ˆy) and
the dampinglike [ /Delta1HX=aJ(ˆm׈p)·ˆx] components of the
spin Hall effective field, respectively. The ratio of the twocomponents −m
Z/Delta1HY//Delta1H Xis equal to bJ/aJand is plotted
in Fig. 4(c). Although the number of data is limited, the
thickness dependence of HX∗, plotted in Fig. 4(d), shows that it
more or less scales with bJ/aJ. These results show that HX∗is
not only a function of the sample position during the sputtering,but also dependent on the characteristics of the spin Halltorque. The detailed difference between the model calculationsand the experimental results requires further thorough studyofH
We have also studied the in-plane field dependence of aJC
when the direction of the uniaxial anisotropy axis ( ˆk) is varied.
When the tilt direction is inverted in the yzplane, i.e., ˆk=
(0,−sinβ,cosβ), the sign of HX∗reverses. Experimentally,
HX∗changes its sign when the position of the substrate during
the sputtering is changed, as shown in Fig. 5. These results
indicate that the tilt angle depends on the substrate position.H
X∗is zero and the asymmetric magnetization switching
disappears when the tilt direction is set along the xzplane,
i.e., ˆk=(sinβ,0,cosβ). This is in agreement with the results
shown in Fig. 6, where the asymmetry diminishes when the
wire’s long axis is oriented along the tilt direction (i.e., alongtheyaxis).
It is somewhat counterintuitive to understand why an offset
field in the xdirection ( H
X∗) emerges [e.g., Fig. 3(c)] when
the uniaxial anisotropy field is tilted along the yzplane
with a tilt angle β. One way to understand this is to view
the incoming spins diffusing from the HM layer into themagnetic layer in the frame along the tilted anisotropy axis.The polarization ˆpdirected along the +ydirection in the lab
frame has to be changed to ˆp
/prime=(0,cosβ,sinβ) in a rotated
FIG. 11. (Color online) Micromagnetic simulations of spin Hall
torque driven magnetization switching. (a), (b) aJ(the damping-
like component of the spin Hall torque) dependence of the z
component of magnetization ( mZ) at the end of 1-ns pulse (a)
and the switching probability calculated from the magnetic state
20 ns after the pulse is turned off (b). Black squares and red
circles represent initial magnetization along +zand−z, respectively.
Parameters used in the calculations are: saturation magnetization
MS=1250 emu /cm3, exchange constant A=3.1×10−6erg/cm,
uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy K=10.15×106erg/cm3,
Gilbert damping α=0.05, and the fieldlike component of the spin
Hall torque bJ=aJ. The dimension of the simulated element is
2000×500×1n m3with a discretization cell of ∼2×2×1n m3.
The anisotropy axis is tilted along the yzplane by 1°. Inset to (a):
simulated magnetization image 20 ns after a pulse of aJ=368.6O e
is turned off: the initial magnetization is along −z.
frame defined by the tilted anisotropy axis. The polarization
possesses a nonzero component (i.e., sin β) along the easy
axis that can cause the difference in the switching currentfor opposite initial magnetization directions and currentflow directions, similar to conventional spin transfer torqueswitching of parallel/antiparallel magnetization. The tiltedanisotropy axis thus breaks the symmetry along the zdirection,
which in turn manifests itself as an offset field in the x
The bottom panels of Fig. 10show the H
Ydependence of
aJCfor different values of bJ. When the sign of bJis opposite
to that of aJ[Fig. 10(f) ],aJCmonotonically varies with HY.
This is in agreement with the experimental results shown inFig.3(d). The slope of a
JCversus HYaround zero field changes
as the size and sign of bJis varied [Figs. 10(f) –10(h) ]. These
results show that the slope of JNCversus HYaround zero field
roughly gives the sign of the fieldlike torque ( bJ).
B. Micromagnetic simulations
We have performed micromagnetic simulations to validate
the macrospin model used to describe the experimental results.The micromagnetic code “
MUMAX ”[33]i su s e df o rt h e
simulations. The magnetic parameters used in the simulationsare described in the caption of Fig. 11: the parameters are
chosen so that the magnetic anisotropy is the same with thatused in the macrospin calculations (Fig. 10). The definition
of the coordinate axis is drawn in the inset to Fig. 11(a) .T h e
anisotropy axis is tilted along the yzplane by 1°. Here, we use
J=aJsince this condition gives the largest difference in the
switching current for opposite initial magnetization directionsat zero field in the macrospin model.
The procedure of simulation is the following: a temperature
pulse of 700 K and duration of 0.2 ns is first applied to auniform magnetic state to mimic the experimental condition,i.e., thermal agitation of the magnetization. A pulse current of1 ns is applied to study the magnetic state during the currentapplication. The current flows along the +xdirection. We have
checked the effect of the current pulse length and find that 1 nsis long enough to study the switching process in most cases.The current is then turned off and the system is relaxed tostudy the final state of the magnetization. The equilibriummagnetic state during the current application for positivecurrent is plotted in Fig. 11(a) for initial magnetization states
along∼+z(black squares) and ∼−z(red circles). The results
are equivalent to those of macrospin calculations [Fig. 10(b) ].
When the initial magnetization points along ∼−z, there is a
critical a
Jabove which magnetization switches its direction
during the current application. This is equivalent to thedeterministic switching found in the macrospin calculations.When the current is further increased, the magnetization fallscloser to the film plane.
The switching probability after the current is turned off and
the system is relaxed is shown in Fig. 11(b) as a function of a
for both initial magnetic states. The switching probability is
obtained from the area of the element that switched divided bythe whole area, similar to the method used in the experiments.For initial magnetization pointing along −z, we find full
(i.e., deterministic) switching of the magnetization above
J∼400 Oe. For the opposite initial magnetic state (along
+z), the switching probability saturates at ∼0.5 for large aJ.
Note that probability ∼0.5 corresponds to a multidomain state
a ss h o w ni nt h ei n s e tt oF i g . 11(a) . We find that if |mZ|during
the current application is less than ∼0.13, denoted by the blue
dashed line in Fig. 11(a) , domain walls can nucleate during
the relaxation process and the final state is a multidomainstate. In other words, if |m
Z|is larger ∼0.13, the final state
possesses the same magnetization configuration with the initialmagnetic state unless the deterministic switching occurs. Thisjustifies our assumption on using m
Z=0.15 for calculating
the threshold aJfor magnetization switching in the macrospin
model. The features found in the simulations are in agreementwith experiments, where full switching of magnetization isobserved only in one of the starting conditions for a givencurrent direction, while the other only produces a multidomainstate, i.e., partial magnetization switching.
Aside from the tilted uniaxial anisotropy which we consider
breaks the symmetry in our system, other factors can alsocause the asymmetry in magnetization reversal with current.Recently, it has been reported that a gradient in the magneticanisotropy across the wafer can break the symmetry and enablezero-field switching. Here, as the underlayer thickness is variedalong the xdirection, it creates a gradient in the magnetic
anisotropy and the saturation magnetization across the wafer.This is in contrast to [Ref. 19] in which the gradient is created
along the yaxis in our definition [see Fig. 5(a)]. We thus
consider that the effect of the out-of-plane fieldlike torqueproposed in [Ref. 19] may be minor here.The asymmetric shape of the patterned wire [Fig. 1(a)],
where the right side of the wire is connected to a region withlow magnetic anisotropy due to prior etching of half the MgOlayer and the Ta capping layer before the Ta |Au pad formation,
can result in preferential current-induced injection of domainwalls from the right side of the wire [ 34]. We have thus tested
symmetric structures with large pads attached to both sides ofthe wire and have found that the asymmetry is not altered.
The DMI can play a role in the nucleation process
[31,35,36]. As reported in [Ref. 36], for a uniform initial
magnetization state, the DMI is relevant near the edge ofthe wire where the magnetization is tilted. We find littleevidence of nucleation events taking place preferentially fromthe edges of the wire for many of the films studied here. Oneexception is the W underlayer films, where we find preferentialnucleation from the edges when a relatively large (a fewhundred Oersteds) in-plane field along the wire’s long axis(H
X) is applied. However, the nucleated region is limited to
the edge of the wire (near the Ta |Au electrodes) and cannot
explain the full reversal that occurs within the wire. As shownin Fig. 7, the asymmetric magnetization switching with current
occurs in a similar fashion for the Hf and W underlayer films,which possess opposite sign of the interface DMI [ 21]. We thus
infer that the DMI is not the main source of the asymmetricswitching.
In summary, we have studied current-driven magnetiza-
tion switching in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgOheterostructures with heavy metal underlayers (TaN). Thethreshold current needed to reverse the magnetization directionis studied as a function of film structure, pulse amplitude, pulselength, and in-plane magnetic field. From the in-plane mag-netic field dependence we find that magnetization switchingtakes place via spin transfer torque within the CoFeB layerwhen the underlayer thickness is small, whereas the switchingoccurs due to spin Hall torque for thicker underlayer films. Forspin Hall torque driven magnetization reversal, the thresholdcurrent is different for positive and negative currents as wellas the initial magnetization directions (pointing along +zor
−z). We attribute such asymmetry of the switching current to
a tilting of the uniaxial anisotropy axis, away from the normalof the film plane, which develops during the film depositionprocess (sputtering). The asymmetry depends on the relativeposition of the substrate and the center of the sputtering target,suggesting an extrinsic origin. Just a few degrees of the tiltingcan break the symmetry to enable zero field switching ofperpendicularly magnetized thin films using in-plane current.
We thank G. Tatara for helpful comments on the experimen-
tal results and J. Kim and T. Devolder for technical support.This work was partly supported by the Japanese Ministry ofEducation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)R & D Next-Generation Information Technology and theGrant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), the Agence Nationalede la Recherche under Contract No. ANR-11-BS10-003(NanoSWITI).
214434-9JACOB TORREJON et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 214434 (2015)
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PhysRevMaterials.1.061401.pdf | RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
Mode-dependent damping in metallic antiferromagnets due to intersublattice spin pumping
Qian Liu,1H. Y . Yuan,2Ke Xia,1,3and Zhe Yuan1,*
1The Center for Advanced Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, 100875 Beijing, China
2Department of Physics, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China
3Synergetic Innovation Center for Quantum Effects and Applications (SICQEA), Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
(Received 26 April 2017; published 13 November 2017)
Damping in magnetization dynamics characterizes the dissipation of magnetic energy and is essential for
improving the performance of spintronics-based devices. While the damping of ferromagnets has been wellstudied and can be artificially controlled in practice, the damping parameters of antiferromagnetic materials arenevertheless little known for their physical mechanisms or numerical values. Here we calculate the dampingparameters in antiferromagnetic dynamics using the generalized scattering theory of magnetization dissipationcombined with the first-principles transport computation. For the PtMn, IrMn, PdMn, and FeMn metallicantiferromagnets, the damping coefficient associated with the motion of magnetization ( α
m) is 1–3 orders of
magnitude larger than the other damping coefficient associated with the variation of the Néel order ( αn), in sharp
contrast to the assumptions made in the literature.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.061401
Damping describes the process of energy dissipation in
dynamics and determines the time scale for a nonequi-librium system relaxing back to its equilibrium state. Formagnetization dynamics of ferromagnets (FMs), the dampingis characterized by a phenomenological dissipative torqueexerted on the precessing magnetization [ 1]. The magnitude
of this torque, which depends on material, temperature, andmagnetic configurations, has been well studied in experiment[2–10] and theory [ 11–16].
Recently, the magnetization dynamics of antiferromagnets
(AFMs) [ 17–20], especially those controlled by an electric
or spin current [ 21–32], has attracted lots of attention in the
process of searching for high-performance spintronic devices.However, the understanding of AFM dynamics, in particularthe damping mechanism and magnitude in real materials, isquite limited. The magnetization dynamics of a collinear AFMcan be described by two coupled Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert(LLG) equations corresponding to the precessional motionof the two sublattices, respectively [ 33], i.e. ( i=1,2),
i=−γmi×hi+αimi×˙mi, (1)
where γis the gyromagnetic ratio, miis the magnetization
direction on the ith sublattice, and ˙mi=∂tmi.hiis the
effective magnetic field on mi, which contains the anisotropy
field, the external field, and the exchange field arising fromthe magnetization on both sublattices. The last contribution toh
imakes the dynamic equation of one sublattice coupled to
the equation of the other one. Specifically, if the free energyof the AFM is given by the following form, F[m
μ0MsVE[m1,m2], with the permeability of vacuum μ0,t h e
magnetization on each sublattice Ms, and the volume of
the AFM V, one has hi=−δE/δmi.αiin Eq. ( 1)i st h e
damping parameter representing the dissipation rate of themagnetization m
i. Due to the sublattice permutation symme-
try, the damping magnitudes of the two sublattices should beequal. This approach has been used to investigate the AFM
*Corresponding author: zyuan@bnu.edu.cnresonance [ 33,34], temperature-gradient-induced domain wall
(DW) motion [ 35], and spin-transfer torques in an AFM |FM
bilayer [ 36].
An alternative way to deal with the AFM dynamics is
introducing the net magnetization m≡m1+m2and the Néel
order n≡m1−m2so that the precessional motion of m
andncan be derived from the Lagrangian equation [ 26].
The damping effect is then included artificially with twoparameters α
mandαnthat characterize the dissipation rate
ofmandn, respectively. This approach is widely used to
investigate the spin superfluid in an AFM insulator [ 37,38],
an AFM nano-oscillator [ 39], and DW motion induced by
an electrical current [ 26,40], spin waves [ 41], and spin-orbit
torques [ 42,43]. Using the above definitions of mandn, one
can reformulate Eq. ( 1) and derive the following dynamic
˙n=(γhm−αm˙m)×n+(γhn−αn˙n)×m, (2)
˙m=(γhm−αm˙m)×m+(γhn−αn˙n)×n, (3)
where hnandhmare the effective magnetic fields exerted on n
andm, respectively. They can also be written as the functional
derivative of the free energy [ 26,41], i.e., hn=−δE/δnand
hm=−δE/δm. The damping parameters in Eqs. ( 1)–(3)
have the relation αn=αm=α1/2=α2/2[36]. Indeed, the
assumption αm=αnis commonly adopted in the theoretical
study of AFM dynamics with only a few exceptions, whereα
mis ignored in the current-induced skyrmion motion in
AFM materials [ 44] and the magnon-driven DW motion [ 45].
However, the underlying damping mechanism of an AFM andthe relation between α
mandαnhave not been fully justified
yet [46,47].
In this paper, we generalize the scattering theory of mag-
netization dissipation in FMs [ 48] to AFMs and calculate the
damping parameters from first principles for metallic AFMsPtMn, IrMn, PdMn, and FeMn. The damping coefficients inan AFM are found to be strongly mode dependent, with α
up to 3 orders of magnitude larger than αn. By analyzing the
dependence of damping on the disorder and spin-orbit coupling
2475-9953/2017/1(6)/061401(6) 061401-1 ©2017 American Physical SocietyRAPID COMMUNICATIONS
(SOC), we demonstrate that αnarises from SOC in analog to
the Gilbert damping in FMs, while αmis dominated by the
spin pumping effect between sublattices.
Theory. In analog to the scattering theory of magnetization
dissipation in FMs [ 48], the damping parameters in AFMs,
αnandαm, can be expressed in terms of the scattering matrix.
Following the previous definition of the free energy, the energydissipation rate of an AFM reads
=μ0MsV(hm·˙m+hn·˙n). (4)
By replacing the effective fields hmandhnby the time
derivative of magnetization order and Néel order using Eqs. ( 2)
and ( 3), one arrives at [ 49]
γ(αn˙n2+αm˙m2). (5)
If we place an AFM between two semi-infinite nonmag-
netic metals, the propagating electronic states coming fromthe metallic leads are partly reflected and transmitted. Theprobability amplitudes of the reflection and transmission formthe so-called scattering matrix S[50]. For such a scattering
structure with only the order parameter nof the AFM varying
in time (see the insets of Fig. 1), the energy loss that is pumped
into the reservoir is given by
Here we define Dn≡(¯h/4π)Tr[(∂S/∂n)(∂S†/∂n)]. Compar-
ing Eqs. ( 5) and ( 6), we obtain
γαnL, (7)
where we replace the volume Vby the product of the cross-
sectional area Aand the length Lof the AFM. We can express
αmin the same manner,
γαmL, (8)
withDm≡(¯h/4π)Tr[(∂S/∂m)(∂S†/∂m)]. Using Eqs. ( 7) and
(8), we calculate the energy dissipation as a function of the
length Land extract the damping parameters αn(m)via a
linear-least-squares fitting. Note that the above formalismcan be generalized to include noncollinear AFM, such asDWs in AFMs, by introducing the position-dependent orderparameters n(r) and m(r). It can also be extended for the
AFMs containing more than two sublattices, which may notbe collinear with one another [ 51]. For the latter case, one has
to redefine the proper order parameters instead of nandm
First-principles calculations. The above formalism is im-
plemented using the first-principles scattering calculation andis applied here in studying the damping of metallic AFMsincluding PtMn, IrMn, PdMn, and FeMn. The lattice constantsand magnetic configurations are the same as in the reportedfirst-principles calculations [ 53]. Here we take tetragonal PtMn
as an example to illustrate the computational details. A finitethickness ( L) of PtMn is connected to two semi-infinite Au
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
L (nm)0102030Dm/(0Ms A) (nm) 0 0.5 1
SOC Factor00.40.8
n0.020.030.04Dn/(0Ms A) (nm)Pt
m2 mm ξSO=0
(b) ξSO≠0
FIG. 1. Calculated energy dissipation rate as a function of the
length of PtMn due to variation of the order parameters n(a) and m
(b).Ais the cross-sectional area of the lateral supercell. Arrows in
each panel illustrate the dynamical modes of the order parameters.The empty symbols are calculated without spin-orbit interaction. The
inset of panel (a) shows the atomic structure of PtMn with collinear
AFM order. The inset in (b) shows calculated α
nandαmas a function
of the scaled SOC strength. The factor 1 corresponds to the real SOC
strength that is determined by the derivative of the self-consistent
leads along (001) direction. The lattice constant of Au is made
to match that of the aaxis of PtMn. The electronic structures
are obtained self-consistently within the density functionaltheory implemented with a minimal basis of the tight-bindinglinear muffin-tin orbitals (TB LMTOs) [ 54]. The magnetic
moment of every Mn atom is 3 .65μ
Band Pt atoms are not
To evaluate αnandαm, we first construct a lateral 10 ×10
supercell including 100 atoms per atomic layer in the scatteringregion, where the atoms are randomly displaced from theirequilibrium lattice sites using a Gaussian distribution withthe rms displacement /Delta1[15,55]. The value of /Delta1is chosen to
reproduce typical experimental resistivity of the correspondingbulk AFM. The scattering matrix Sis obtained using a
first-principles “wave-function matching” scheme that is alsoimplemented with TB LMTOs [ 56], and its derivative is
obtained by the finite-difference method [ 49].
Figure 1(a) shows the calculated energy-pumping rate
nof PtMn as a function of Lfornalong the caxis
with/Delta1/a=0.049. The total pumping rate (solid symbols)
increases linearly with increasing the volume of the AFM. A
linear-least-squares fitting yields αn=(0.67±0.02)×10−3,
as plotted by the solid line. The finite intercept of the solidline corresponds to the interface-enhanced energy dissipation,which is essentially the spin pumping effect at the AFM |Au
interface [ 57,58]. The Néel-order-induced damping α
pletely results from SOC. If we artificially turn SOC off,the calculated pumping rate is independent of the volumeof the AFM, indicating α
n=0. This is because the spin
space is decoupled from the real space without SOC and theenergy is then invariant with respect to the direction of n.T h e
spin-pumping effect is nearly unchanged by the SOC.
The energy-pumping rate D
mof PtMn with nalong the
caxis is plotted in Fig. 1(b), where we find three important
features: (1) The extracted value of αm=0.59±0.02, which
is nearly 1000 times larger than αn. (2) Turning SOC off only
slightly increases the calculated αm, indicating that SOC is not
the main dissipative mechanism of αm. The difference between
the solid and empty circles in Fig. 1(b) can be attributed to the
SOC-induced variation of electronic structure near the Fermilevel. To see more clearly the different influence of SOC on α
andαn, we plot in the inset of Fig. 1(b)the calculated damping
parameters as a function of SOC strength. Indeed, as the SOCstrength ξ
SOis artificially tuned from its real value to zero, αn
decreases dramatically and tends to vanish at ξSO=0, while
αmis less sensitive to ξSOthanαn. (3) The intercepts of the
solid and dashed lines are both vanishingly small, indicating
that this specific mode does not pump spin current into thenonmagnetic leads. The pumped spin current from an AFMgenerally reads I
s∝n×˙n+m×˙m[58]. For the mode
depicted in Fig. 1(b), one has ˙n=0 and ˙m/bardblmsuch that
To explore the disorder dependence of the damping param-
etersαnandαm, we further perform the calculation by varying
the rms of atomic displacements /Delta1. Figure 2(a)shows that the
calculated resistivity increases monotonically with increasing/Delta1. The resistivity ρ
cwith nalong the caxis is lower than ρa
with nalong the aaxis. The anisotropic magnetoresistance
(AMR) defined by ( ρa−ρc)/ρcis about 10%, which slightly
decreases with increasing /Delta1, as plotted in the inset of Fig. 2(a).
The large AMR in PtMn is useful for experimental detectionof the Néel order. The calculated AMR seems to be an order ofmagnitude larger than the reported values in literature [ 59–61].
We may attribute the difference to the surface scattering inthin-film samples and other types of disorder that have beenfound to decrease the AMR of ferromagnetic metals and alloys[62].
nof PtMn plotted in Fig. 2(b)is of the order of 10−3, which
is comparable with the magnitude of the Gilbert damping offerromagnetic transition metals [ 2–4,15]. For nalong the a
nshows a weak nonmonotonic dependence on disorder,
while αnfornalong the caxis increases monotonically.
With the relativistic SOC, the electronic structure of an AFMdepends on the orientation of n. When nvaries in time, the
occupied energy bands may be lifted above the Fermi level.Then a longer relaxation time (weaker disorder) gives rise to alarger energy dissipation, corresponding to the increase in α
with decreasing /Delta1at small /Delta1. It is analogous to the intraband
transitions accounting for the conductivitylike behavior ofGilbert damping at low temperature in the torque-correlation0. n (10-3)(a)
80160240 ( cm)
n//c4.6 5.4 6.2
/a (10-2)01020 AMR (%)
4.6 5.0 5.4 5.8 6.2
/a (10-2) m4 6 8 10 12
(105-1 m-1) m(b)
FIG. 2. Calculated resistivity (a) and damping parameters αn
(b) and αm(c) of PtMn as a function of the rms of atomic
displacements. The red squares and black circles are calculated with
nalong the aandcaxis, respectively. The inset of (a) shows the
calculated AMR. αmis replotted as a function of conductivity in the
inset of (c). The blue dashed line illustrates the linear dependence.
model [ 11,12]. Sufficiently strong disorder renders the system
isotropic, and the variation of ndoes not lead to electronic
excitation, but scattering of conduction electrons by disorderstill dissipates energy into the lattice through SOC. Thehigher the scattering rate, the larger the energy dissipation ratecorresponding to the contribution of the interband transitions[11,12]. Therefore, α
nshares the same physical origin as the
Gilbert damping of metallic FMs.
The value of αmis about 3 orders of magnitude larger
thanαn, and it decreases monotonically with increasing the
structural disorder, as shown in Fig. 2(c). This remarkable
difference can be attributed to the energy involved in thedynamical motion of mandn. While the precession of n
only changes the magnetic anisotropy energy in an AFM,the variation of mchanges the exchange energy that is in
magnitude much larger than the magnetic anisotropy energy.
Physically, α
mcan be understood in terms of spin pumping
[63,64] between the two sublattices of an AFM. The sublattice
m2pumps a spin current that can be absorbed by m1, resulting
in a damping torque exerted on m1asα/primem1×[m1×(m2×
˙m2)]. Here α/primeis a dimensionless parameter to describe the
strength of the spin pumping. This torque can be simplifiedto beα
/primem1×˙m2by neglecting the higher-order terms of the
total magnetization m. In addition, the spin pumping by m1
TABLE I. Calculated resistivity and damping parameters for the
Néel order nalong the aandcaxis.
AFM n ρ(μ/Omega1cm) αn(10−3) αm
PtMn aaxis 119 ±5 1.60 ±0.02 0.49 ±0.02
caxis 108 ±4 0.67 ±0.02 0.59 ±0.02
IrMn aaxis 116 ±2 10.5 ±0.2 0.10 ±0.01
caxis 116 ±2 10.2 ±0.3 0.10 ±0.01
PdMn aaxis 120 ±8 0.16 ±0.02 1.1 ±0.10
caxis 121 ±8 1.30 ±0.10 1.30 ±0.10
FeMn aaxis 90 ±1 0.76 ±0.04 0.38 ±0.01
caxis 91 ±1 0.82 ±0.03 0.38 ±0.01
also contributes to the damping of the sublattice m1that is
equivalent to a torque α/primem1×˙m1exerted on m1. Taking the
intersublattice spin pumping into account, we are able to deriveEqs. ( 2) and ( 3) and obtain the damping parameters α
α0/2 and αm=(α0+2α/prime)/2[49]. Here α0is the intrinsic
damping due to SOC for each sublattice. It is worth notingthat the spin pumping strength within a metal is proportionalto its conductivity [ 65–67]. We replot α
mas a function of
conductivity in the inset of Fig. 2(c), where a general linear
dependence is seen for nalong both the aaxis and caxis.
We list in Table Ithe calculated ρ,αn, andαmfor typical
metallic AFMs including PtMn, IrMn, PdMn, and FeMn. ForIrMn, α
mis only 10 times larger than αn, while αmof the other
three materials are about 3 orders of magnitude larger thantheirα
Antiferromagnetic resonance. Keffer and Kittel formulated
antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) without damping [ 33]
and determined the resonant frequencies that depend on theexternal field H
ext, exchange field HE, and anisotropy field
HA,ωres=γ[Hext±√HA(2HE+HA)]. Here we follow their
approach, in which Hextis applied along the easy axis and
the transverse components of m1andm2are supposed to be
small. Taking both the intrinsic damping due to SOC and spinpumping between the two sublattices into account, we solvethe dynamical equations of AFMR and find the frequency-dependent susceptibility χ(ω) that is defined by n
χ(ω)·h⊥(ω). Here n⊥andh⊥are the transverse components
of the Néel order and microwave field, respectively. Theimaginary part of the diagonal element of χ(ω) withH
kOe is plotted in the inset of Fig. 3, where two resonance modes
can be identified. The precessional modes for the positive ( ωR)
and negative frequency ( ωL) are schematically depicted in
Fig. 3. The linewidth of the AFMR /Delta1ωcan be determined
from the imaginary part of the (complex) eigenfrequency[68] by solving det |χ
−1(ω)|=0 and is plotted in Fig. 3as
af u n c t i o no f Hext. Without Hext, the two modes have the same
linewidth. A finite external field increases the linewidth ofω
Rand decreases that of ωL, both linearly. By including the
spin pumping between two sublattices, both the linewidth atH
ext=0 and the slope of /Delta1ωas a function of Hextincrease by0 1 02 03 04 0
Hext (kOe) (THz)2.0 2.4
(THz)-1.6 -1.2-Im (arb.units)Hext=20 kOe
Hext ωL
// ωR
ωL ωR
FIG. 3. Linewidth of AFMR as a function of the external
magnetic field. The black dashed lines and red solid lines are
calculated with αm=αnandαm=103αn, respectively. Inset: The
imaginary part of susceptibility as a function of the frequency for the
external magnetic field Hext=20 kOe and αm=103αn. The cartoons
illustrate the corresponding dynamical modes. Here we use HE=103
kOe,HA=5 kOe, and αn=0.001.
a factor of about 3.5, which indicates that the spin-pumping
effect between the two sublattices plays an important role inthe magnetization dynamics of metallic AFMs.
Conclusions. We have generalized the scattering theory of
magnetization dissipation in FMs to be applicable for AFMs.Using first-principles scattering calculation, we find the damp-ing parameter accompanying the motion of magnetization ( α
is generally much larger than that associated with the motion ofthe Néel order ( α
n) in the metallic AFMs PtMn, IrMn, PdMn,
and FeMn. While αnarises from the spin-orbit interaction,
αmis mainly contributed by the spin pumping between the
two sublattices in an AFM via exchange interaction. TakingAFMR as an example, we demonstrate that the linewidth can besignificantly enhanced by the giant value of α
m. Our findings
suggest that the magnetization dynamics of AFMs shall berevisited with the damping effect properly included.
Note added in proof . Recently, we became aware of a
preprint [ 69], in which the intersublattice spin pumping is also
found to play an important role in the spin transport across anAFM|NM or ferrimagnet|NM interface.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the helpful
discussions with X. R. Wang. This work was financiallysupported by the National Key Research and DevelopmentProgram of China (Contract No. 2017YFA0303300) and theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No.61774018, No. 61704071, No. 61774017, No. 11734004, andNo. 21421003). Z.Y . acknowledges the Recruitment Programof Global Youth Experts.
Q.L. and H.Y .Y . contributed equally to this work.
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061401-6 |
PhysRevLett.119.207202.pdf | Double-Exchange Interaction in Optically Induced Nonequilibrium State:
A Conversion from Ferromagnetic to Antiferromagnetic Structure
Atsushi Ono and Sumio Ishihara
Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
(Received 29 April 2017; revised manuscript received 19 September 2017; published 16 November 2017)
The double-exchange (DE) interaction, that is, a ferromagnetic (FM) interaction due to a combination of
electron motion and the Hund coupling, is a well-known source of a wide class of FM orders. Here, weshow that the DE interaction in highly photoexcited states is antiferromagnetic (AFM). Transient dynamics
of quantum electrons coupled with classical spins are analyzed. An ac field applied to a metallic FM state
results in an almost perfect N´ eel state. A time characterizing the FM-to-AFM conversion is scaled by light
amplitude and frequency. This hidden AFM interaction is attributable to the electron-spin coupling under
nonequilibrium electron distribution.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.207202
Ultrafast optical manipulation of magnetism is widely
accepted as a fascinating research topic in modern con-
densed matter physics [1–3]from the viewpoints of
fundamental physics and technological applications owingto the recent significant progress in optical laser techniques.Beyond the ultrafast demagnetization due to a rapid spin-
temperature increase [4], various controls of magnetism,
often utilizing photoinduced magnetic phase transition,have been demonstrated as promising strategies in subpico-
second time scales [1,5–7]. The most efficient and direct
method is by adjusting the magnetic exchange interactionsacting on electron spins by light [8,9]. This subject in
highly nonequilibrium states essentially concerns the
microscopic nature of electrons, e.g., the band structure,
electron correlation, and relaxation processes.
Among a number of exchange couplings, the double-
exchange (DE) interaction is widely recognized as arepresentative microscopic source of the ferromagnetic(FM) phenomena. The DE interaction was originally
proposed by Zener and Anderson-Hasegawa for FM oxides
[10–12]. Elemental constituents of the DE interaction are
mobile electrons and electron spins localized at lattice sites.
The intra-atomic FM interaction, that is, the Hund coupling
H), connects these two constituents. When the Hund
coupling is sufficiently larger than the electron hopping ( t)
for the mobile electrons, the spins align ferromagnetically
[see Fig. 1(a)], and thus electronic transport strongly
correlates with magnetism. This correlation in the DEinteraction has been observed ubiquitously in a wide
variety of magnets and magnetic phenomena, such as
colossal magnetoresistance [13],f-electron ferromagnet-
ism[14], molecular magnets [15], anomalous Hall effect
[16], Skyrmion physics [17], and spintronics devices [18].
This electron-spin coupling also provides a promising
route to the ultrafast optical manipulation of magnetism
owing to the direct connection between the electrons and
light. A number of the photoinduced magnetizationchanges have been confirmed experimentally [19–25]
and theoretically [26–31]in magnets, in which the DE
interaction works in equilibrium states. In most cases, the
laser light is applied into a narrow-band insulating phaseassociated with the antiferromagnetic (AFM) order, which
is realized through the interactions additional to the original
DE system. The experimentally observed formations of ametallic FM state are explained well within a naive
extension of the DE interaction to the photoexcited states
[28,29] ; kinetic motions of photogenerated carriers align
spins ferromagnetically associated with an increase of theelectronic bandwidth.
In this Letter, in contrast to a naive extension of the DE
interaction picture, we show that the DE interaction in
highly optically excited states is AFM [see Fig. 1(b)]. We
analyze the minimal model for the DE interaction, con-sisting of classical spins and quantum electrons, in which
no explicit AFM interactions are included. Coupled time-
dependent equations are solved numerically in finite-size
FIG. 1. Illustrations of the DE interaction, calculated spin
configurations, and calculated intensity maps of the spin structurefactors in the momentum space in (a) the equilibrium FM state,and (b) the transient photoexcited AFM state. Long and shortbold arrows at left represent localized spins and mobile electrons,respectively. Two-dimensional square lattice is adopted in thecalculations.PRL 119, 207202 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
17 NOVEMBER 2017
0031-9007 =17=119(20) =207202(5) 207202-1 © 2017 American Physical Societyclusters. We introduce the continuous wave (cw) field, in
which the frequency is chosen to induce the intraband
electronic excitations. It is found that an initial metallic FMstate is converted to an AFM state. A time scale character-
izing the FM-to-AFM conversion is controlled by light
amplitude and frequency, as well as spin damping. Severaltypes of effective and realistic photoexcitations are pro-posed. The photoinduced AFM state is well demonstrated
using a tight-binding model with a nonequilibrium electron
distribution. Possible observation methods are proposed.
The DE model we analyze describes the itinerant electrons
coupled with the localized spins. This is defined as
isσss0cis0; ð1Þ
where c†
is(cis) is the creation (annihilation) operator for an
electron at site iwith spin sð¼↑;↓Þ,σare the Pauli matrices,
andSiis a localized spin operator with magnitude S. The first
term ðHtÞrepresents the electron hopping between the
nearest-neighbor sites with the hopping integral tij, and
the second term ðHHÞrepresents the Hund coupling with
JHð>0Þ. The total numbers of sites and electrons, and the
electron density are represented by NL,Ne,a n dn≡Ne=NL,
respectively. The time-dependent vector potential AðτÞis
introduced as the Peierls phase as tij→te−iAðτÞ·ðri−rjÞwith
the positionvector riof site i. The lattice constant, elementary
charge, and Planck constant are set to 1, and the Coulomb
gauge is adopted. The Hamiltonian in Eq. (1)without AðτÞin
equilibrium has been studied well so far [32], and the FM
metallic state is realized in a wide parameter range aroundn¼0.5and large J
H=tð≳2Þ. No AFM interactions are
included explicitly [33].
The ground and transient states are examined numerically
in finite-size clusters [29,34] ,i nw h i c h Siare treated as
classical spins, justified in the limit of large S. The electron
operators ψνðτÞand energies ενðτÞare obtained by diagonal-
izing the Hamiltonian, and the electronic wave function is
calculated as jΨðτÞi ¼QNe
νðτÞj0iwith the vacuum j0i.
The field operators at τþδτwith small time interval δτis
generated as ψ†
νðτÞe−iHðτÞδτ. Dynamics
of the classical spins are calculated using the Landau-
Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, _Si¼heff
i×SiþαSi×_Si, where
iðτÞ¼−hΨðτÞj∂H=∂SijΨðτÞiandαare an effective field
and a damping constant, respectively. The two-dimensional
square lattice of NL¼L2sites ( L≤16) with the periodic
(antiperiodic) boundary condition along the x(y) direction
are adopted. The cluster sizes are sufficient to obtain theresults with high reliability as shown in the Supplemental
Material [34]. A small randomness is introduced in S
iat each
site in the initial state, in which the maximum deviation in thepolar angle is δθ¼0.1corresponding to thermal fluctuation
at temperature of approximately 0.001t[29,34] . For most
of the numerical calculations, we utilize L¼8,n¼0.5,SJ
H=t¼4, andSα¼1. We confirmed that the characteristic
results shown below are observed in a wide parameter range.
For a typical value of t¼0.5eV in the manganese oxides, a
time unit of τ¼1=tis approximately 8 fs.
First, we introduce the transient dynamics induced by the
cw light represented by AðτÞ¼ð A0=ωÞθðτÞsinðωτÞwith
frequency ωand amplitude A0[35]. We chose ω=t¼1and
A0¼A0ðˆxþˆyÞ, where ˆx(ˆy) is a unit vector along x(y).
The detailed A0=ωdependence is shown later. The time
profiles of the energies, electronic bands, and spin structure
factors SðqÞ¼N−2
i;jeiq·ðri−rjÞSi·Sjare presented in
Figs. 2(a),2(b), and 2(c), respectively. Figure 2(c)displays
the main result; the dominant spin structure is interchanged
from FM to AFM states, in which Sðπ;πÞis approximately
90% of its maximum value. Intensity maps of SðqÞat
τt¼0, 50, 70, and 300 are shown in Figs. 1(a),2(d),2(e),
and1(b), respectively. An animation of the real-space spin
dynamics is presented in the Supplemental Material [34].
This FM-to-AFM conversion is clearly in contrast to the
photodoping effect in the DE model, in which the enhance-ment of the FM interaction is expected [19,27,29] .
The photoinduced dynamics shown in Figs. 2(a)–2(c)is
summarized as follows. (i) ( τ<0): Before photoirradia-
tion, the metallic FM state is realized because of the DE
interaction [see Fig. 1(a)]. The lower and upper bands are
identified as the major- and minor-spin bands, respectively.The separations between the band centers and each band
width ( W) are 2SJ
Hand8t, respectively. The Fermi level is
located at the middle of the lower band, indicating a half-metallic ferromagnet [36]. (ii) ( 0≲τt≲30): After turning
FIG. 2. Time profiles of the electronic and spin structures
induced by the cw light, where A0is parallel to ˆxþˆy. (a)AðτÞ,
hHi,hHti, and hHHi, (b) energy levels ( εν), and electron
population ( hnνi), and (c) Sð0;0ÞandSðπ;πÞ. (d)–(f) Intensity
maps of SðqÞ. We chose τt¼50andA0∥ˆxþˆyin (d), τt¼70and
A0∥ˆxþˆyin (e), and τt¼50andA0∥ˆxin (f). Other parameter
values are A0=t¼2andω=t¼1.PRL 119, 207202 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
17 NOVEMBER 2017
207202-2on the cw field, hHtistarts oscillating with a frequency of
2ω. The electrons are excited inside the lower band, and the
occupied ( hnνi∼1) and unoccupied ( hnνi∼0) levels are
intermingled inside the lower band. Changes in the elec-tronic state at an early stage are explained through thedynamical localization (DL) phenomenon, as shown later.
(iii) ( 30≲τt≲60): Abrupt reductions of WandSð0;0Þ
occur cooperatively, which promote the changes in theelectron distribution inside the lower band further. Theelectrons distribute almost uniformly in the lower band
with hn
νi∼0.5. The upper band is almost empty, implying
that the injected energy is much lower than the upper boundof the energy spectrum. The time when Sð0;0Þsteeply
decreases is termed τ
F. The transient spin structure depends
on the polarization of light [see Fig. 2(f)forA0¼ffiffiffi
(iv) ( 60≲τt≲150):Sðπ;πÞappears and increases; The
time when Sðπ;πÞsteeply increases is termed τAF. A time
lag between τFand τAFis explained further later.
(v) ( 150≲τt): An AFM steady state is realized, and the
gap between the two bands is approximately 2SJH. The
spin structure and the intensity map of SðqÞare shown in
Next, we show the key factors that control the times
characterizing the FM-to-AFM conversion. As shown in
the detailed αdependence presented in the Supplemental
Material, the time scales for the FM-to-AFM conversionincrease with decreasing α, as expected. Here, we show that
0andωare the additional key parameters controlling the
conversion times. The time profiles of W, electron number
in the upper band ( Nupper
e),Sð0;0Þ, and Sðπ;πÞare
presented for several values of A0in Figs. 3(a)–3(d) atfixed ω. The decrease in Sð0;0Þis promoted with increas-
ingA0. A steplike feature appears in the time profiles in W
atW∼3. The time when Wdecreases steeply and that
around the edge of the steplike feature correspond to τFand
τAF, respectively [see bold arrows in Figs. 3(a),3(c),
and3(d) forA0=t¼1.55]. At around τF, electrons are
excited from the lower to upper bands by the excess energydue to the FM order destruction, as indicated in Fig. 3(b).
Then, the electrons relax to the lower band associated withdevelopment of Sðπ;πÞat around τ
AF. The electron
excitation and relaxation between the lower and upperbands are attributed to the Hund coupling. Because of theseintricate interband excitation and relaxation processes, τ
does not show monotonic dependence on A0. On the other
hand, τFis well scaled by A0=ω, as shown in Fig. 3(e); data
sets can be fitted by function ðA0=ω−cÞγwith numerical
constants cð∼1.1–1.3) and γð∼−1Þ. A finite cimplies that
the threshold values of A0=ωexist for the FM-to-AFM
Here, we briefly point out that the transient dynamics just
after turning on the cw light are understood in the generalizedDL phenomenon, which was originally proposed in thenoninteracting system under the cw field [37–39].T h e
averaged kinetic energy in the early part of the time domain(ii) is plotted as functions of A
0=ωin Fig. 3(f) [40] . We define
ΔTdτhHtiwith the time interval ΔTand the
kinetic energy before irradiation K0. The calculated data sets
are scaled by a universal curve, and can be fitted by thezeroth-order Bessel function J
0ðA0=ωÞpredicted by the DL
theory. Deviation of the numerical data from J0ðA0=ωÞis
seen in A0=ω≳1.25. This is attributable to the spin structure
change which is beyond the DL scope. After the early part ofthe time domain (ii), corresponding to τ≳10=tin Fig. 2(b),
fitting of the numerical data by J
0ðA0=ωÞdoes not work,
because the spin structure starts changing.
The photoinduced FM-to-AFM conversion occurs not
only by the cw light, but also by various realistic methodsof light irradiation. Instead of the cw field, we introduce asudden quench of the vector potential simply modeled asAðτÞ¼A
1θðτÞ, which is equivalent to the electric field
pulse EðτÞ¼−A1δðτÞ. This asymmetric pulse causes a non-
adiabatic momentum shift of electrons by δk¼RdτEðτÞ,
which induces the population inversion [41]. The popula-
tion inversions induced by light have been studied in avariety of interacting electron systems [42–44]. The time
profiles of the electronic energy bands, electron population,
andSðqÞare presented in Figs. 4(a)and4(c), in which we
chose δk¼ðπ;πÞ[35]. Immediately after pulse irradiation,
the population inversion is realized inside the lower band asexpected, and WandSð0;0Þare reduced. Then, the
electrons distribute almost uniformly in the narrow lowerband, and Sðπ;πÞemerges at τt∼50. Finally, the metallic
FM state is recovered, and the electrons thermalize.Another type of effective light irradiation is a combina-tion of a pulse field and a delayed cw field modeled as(a) (e)
FIG. 3. (a) –(d) Time profiles of the bandwidth, electron number
density in the upper band, Sð0;0Þ, and Sðπ;πÞinduced by cw
lights for several values of A0. We chose ω=t¼1. (e) τFplotted
as functions of A0=ωfor several sets of ðSα;δθÞ. The bold lines
represent the function ðA0=ω−cÞγ. (f) The normalized kinetic
energy ( K=K 0) averaged between τt¼400–500(see text) plotted
as functions of A0=ω. The bold line represents the zeroth-order
Bessel function J0ðA0=ωÞ.PRL 119, 207202 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
17 NOVEMBER 2017
with delay time τ0. As shown in Figs. 4(b) and4(d), the
pulse field generates population inversion inside the lower
band, and the subsequent cw field maintains the AFM state.
In contrast, in the case without the subsequent cw field
(A0¼0),Sðπ;πÞdisappears gradually [a dotted line in
Fig. 4(d)]. An advantage in this pulse-cw combination is
that a 1 order weaker A0is required to maintain the AFM
state than the A0value in the case where the cw field is only
introduced (see Fig. 2). The spin conversion by use of the
pulse field might be more realistic rather than the cw light.
Now, we focus on the photoinduced AFM steady state.
Instead of a rigorous analysis of this nonequilibrium state inthe open many-body system, which is beyond the scope of
the present work, we evaluate the energies in the idealized
FM and AFM states under a hypothetic electron distribu-
tion. The transient electronic density of states (DOS) and
the electron population in the FM state ( τ¼0) and
photoinduced AFM state ( τ¼300=t) are shown in
Figs. 5(a)and5(b), respectively, in which the cw field is
applied. In contrast to the equilibrium FM state, where the
electrons occupy from the bottom to the Fermi level, theelectrons in the AFM state distribute almost uniformly, as
suggested previously. Thus, we introduce the idealized FM
and AFM orders in Eq. (1), and the uniform electron
distribution in the lower band, that is, hn
for level νbelonging to the lower (upper) band. The total
energies in the FM ( EF) and AFM ( EAF) evaluated in the
thermodynamic limit of a one-dimensional chain, two-dimensional square lattice, and three-dimensional cubic
lattice are shown in Figs. 5(c) and5(d). The AFM state
gives low energy throughout the parameter region of J
andnin the three lattice types, implying that the non-
equilibrium electron distribution plays a major role on the
transient AFM state. This is attributable to the fact that both
the difference between the band centers in the FM state and
the energy gap in the AFM state are approximately 2SJH
[see dotted lines in Figs. 5(a)and5(b)].Experimental confirmations are indispensable for estab-
lishing the present proposal. Perovskite manganites
La1−xSrxMnO 3(x∼0.3) and layered manganites are the
possible target materials for the metallic ferromagnets
because of the DE interaction. Rather than the cw light,
the use of pulse field might be realistic for the spin
conversion in the present laser performance [35]. A uni-
form electron distribution is not required inside the wide
electronic band in the initial FM state, because a dynamical
cooperation between the band narrowing and FM-to-AFM
conversion promotes uniform electron distribution. The
observation of the AFM Bragg peak through the magnetic
x-ray diffraction is a direct method for observing the
transient AFM state. The disappearance of the magneto-
optical Kerr signal and appearance of the two-magnon
Raman scattering confirm the vanishing of the FM order
and the emergence of the AFM order, respectively. The
angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy technique will
be able to succeed in acquiring the expected band narrow-
ing, electron population change, and band folding due to
emergence of the AFM state.
The authors would like to thank S. Iwai, M. Naka, H.
Nakao, T. Arima, and A. Fujimori for fruitful discussions.
This work was supported by MEXT KAKENHI, Grants
No. 26287070, No. 15H02100, and No. 17H02916. Some
of the numerical calculations were performed using the
facilities of the Supercomputer Center, the Institute for
Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo.
FIG. 4. Time profiles of the energy levels ( εν), electron
distributions ( hnνi),Sð0;0Þ, and Sðπ;πÞwith (a),(c) the pulse
electric field and (b),(d) the combination of pulse and cw fields(see text). A dotted line in (d) represents Sðπ;πÞwithout A
Here, A1¼πðˆxþˆyÞandSα¼1in (a),(c); A1¼πðˆxþˆyÞ,
A0=t¼0.3ðˆxþˆyÞ,τ0t¼50, and Sα¼0.1in (b),(d); and
ω=t¼1in (a) –(d).(a) (b)
(c) (d)
FIG. 5. (a), (b) DOS at τt¼0(FM state), and at τt¼300
(AFM state) when the cw field is introduced. Shadedareas represent the electron distribution. Other parametervalues are A
0=t¼2andω=t¼1. Dotted lines represent DOS
calculated from Eq. (1)where the idealized FM or AFM
structures are introduced. (c),(d) Energy differences betweenthe FM and AFM structures. We chose n¼0.5in (c), and
H=t¼8in (d). Broken, dashed, and bold lines represent
the one-dimensional chain, square lattice, and cubic lattice,respectively.PRL 119, 207202 (2017) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
17 NOVEMBER 2017
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207202-5 |
PhysRevB.92.165113.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 165113 (2015)
Probing excitations in insulators via injection of spin currents
Shubhayu Chatterjee1and Subir Sachdev1,2
1Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
2Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada
(Received 2 July 2015; published 12 October 2015)
We propose a spin transport experiment to measure the low-energy excitations in insulators with spin degrees
of freedom, with a focus on detecting ground states that lack magnetic order. A general formalism to computethe spin current from a metal with a nonequilibrium distribution of spins to an insulator is developed. It is appliedto insulating states with and without long range magnetic order, and salient features in the spin conductance arenoted.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.165113 PACS number(s): 75 .10.Kt,72.25.Mk,72.25.Pn
Observation of fractionalized excitations in insulating spin
systems has been a long-sought goal in physics. Such quantumspin liquid states, if realized in nature, would be a new quantumphase of matter with exotic properties. Certain candidatematerials have strong experimental evidence for exhibitingspin liquid ground states. For example, thermal conductivityexperiments on insulating frustrated triangular lattice organicsalts by M. Yamashita et al. [1] indicate the presence of mobile
gapless excitations. Inelastic neutron scattering experimentson single crystals of Herbertsmithite, a kagome lattice spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet by Han et al. [2] provide evi-
dence for the presence of a continuum of fractionalized spinonexcitations. Numerical studies on the triangular [ 3,4] and
kagome [ 5] lattice Heisenberg models also indicate the possi-
bility of spin liquid ground states in certain parameter regimes.
In spite of promising evidence for observation of spin
liquids from several experiments [ 1,2,6,7], the exact nature
of experimentally realized ground states, and in particular,the presence of a spin gap is still unclear. In this paper,we propose a transport experiment which can probe themobile spin-carrying excitations of the system at low energies;these experiments are similar in spirit to those discussedrecently by Takei et al. [8–10] and collaborators [ 11–13]f o r
materials with magnetic order. Recent advances in spintronics[14,15] have made it possible to create a spin accumulation at
boundaries of metals via the spin Hall effect. We proposeto use this nonequilibrium accumulation of spins to injecta spin current into an insulating state with spin degrees offreedom. We assume that the spin-orbit interaction within theantiferromagnet itself is small, and so the injected spin currentwill be equal to the spin current emerging from the otheredge of the antiferromagnet. The spin current is a functionof the spin-accumulation voltage in the metal. Therefore, bymeasuring the spin current as a function of this voltage, andlooking at thresholds and exponents, we can comment on thepresence of spin gaps and the low-energy dispersion of thefractionalized spin-half excitations.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II,w e
describe the geometry of our setup, and develop a formalismto evaluate the spin current injected into a magnetic insulatorfrom a metal. In Sec. III, we apply the formalism to evaluate
the spin current into an antiferromagnet with collinear N ´eel
order. In Sec. IV, we first analytically calculate for the spincurrent into insulating states with no long-range magnetic
order, including both valence bond solid states and spin liquidstates. Then we go beyond the analytical approximations, andnumerically identify some broad features in the spin conduc-tance for a spin liquid ground state [ 16] on the kagome lattice,
which is a candidate state for Herbertsmithite [ 2,17]. Details
of relevant calculations are contained in the appendices.
A. Generation and detection of spin current
We begin with a brief discussion of the spin Hall effects,
which we shall use to generate and detect spin currents, andthen describe the exact geometry of spin injector and detectorwe use. A charge current passed through a paramagneticmaterial can drive a transverse spin current in the presence ofstrong intrinsic spin-orbit coupling or skew scattering by spin-orbit coupled disorder [ 18–21]. The spin current impinging on
the boundary is given by J
2eθSHJC, where JCis the charge
current density and θSHis the spin Hall angle, and sets up a
spin accumulation at the boundary, that has been measuredin experiments for both metals [ 22,23] and semiconductors
[24–26]. The reciprocal process, where injecting a spin current
into a spin-orbit coupled paramagnetic material sets up acharge current (or voltage) transverse to the spin current—theinverse spin Hall effect—has also been observed [ 22,26,27].
Furthermore, both processes have been used simultaneouslyto transmit electrical signals across a magnetic insulator[23]. Theoretical predictions for the spin superfluid transport
through a ferromagnetic [ 8] and antiferromagnetic [ 9] insulator
sandwiched between two metallic reservoirs have been workedout in the linear response regime. Taking phenomenologicalGilbert damping into account, the spin current density J
pumped into the right reservoir as a function of the spin
accumulation voltage Vis given by [ 8,9]
r+gα, (1)
where g↑↓
l(r)is the spin flip conductance at the left (right)
interface, and gαquantifies the loss in spin current due to
Gilbert damping.
Let us consider an analogous geometry, where an insulating
block with spin degrees of freedom is placed in between twometallic reservoirs, as shown in Fig. 1. A charge current in
1098-0121/2015/92(16)/165113(12) 165113-1 ©2015 American Physical SocietySHUBHAYU CHATTERJEE AND SUBIR SACHDEV PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 165113 (2015)
FIG. 1. (Color online) Geometry for generation and detection of spin current. (a) Spin accumulation via the spin Hall effect, and injection
at the left interface. (b) Spin current detection via the inverse spin Hall effect in the right metallic reservoir.
the left metallic reservoir, in the presence of strong spin-orbit
coupling, will create a nonequilibrium accumulation of spinat the metal-insulator boundary. We assume that there are nothermal gradients, and that the spin accumulation can be wellmodeled by different chemical potentials μ
↑andμ↓in the
Fermi Dirac distribution at temperature Tfor the spin-up and
spin-down electrons. The left metal reservoir will subsequentlyrelax by sending a spin current into the spin insulator. Weassume negligible loss of spin current inside the insulator,so that the spin current sets up a spin accumulation at theinsulator-metal boundary on the right. If the metallic reservoiron the right was initially in thermal equilibrium at T,t h e
accumulated spin density at the boundary will drive a chargecurrent via the inverse spin Hall effect. This charge current, orthe associated voltage can be detected, and therefore we canfind the spin current by measuring charge currents (or voltages)in both metallic reservoirs.
B. General expression for spin current
Let us choose xas the longitudinal direction which is
normal to the interfaces, and zas the spin-quantization
axis. We shall evaluate the spin current (corresponding toangular momentum in the zdirection) crossing the left
metal-insulator interface when V=μ
↑−μ↓>0. To make
analytical progress, we assume a clean interface between themetal and the insulator, with translational invariance in theplane of the interface. The metallic reservoir is assumed tobe a Fermi liquid with quadratic dispersion and Fermi energy
F, so that nσ(/epsilon1)=(eβ(/epsilon1/vectork−μσ)+1)−1with/epsilon1/vectork=/vectork2
/planckover2pi1=1). We shall always work in the regime where T,V/lessmuch/epsilon1F,
and henceforth set μ↑=μ, so that μ↓=μ−V, to simplify
We assume that the electron spin /vectorSein the metal interacts
with the boundary spins of the insulator, located at interface
lattice sites /vectorXj, via a local spin-rotation symmetric local
j/vectorSe·/vectorSjδ(/vectorxe−/vectorXj). (2)
Let the insulator have exact eigenstates {|n/angbracketright}; then its
initial state is described by the equilibrium density matrix/summationtext
Z|n/angbracketright/angbracketleftn|. For the metal, periodic boundary conditions
in a large box of volume V=LxA⊥is assumed, where A⊥is
the interface area. We now use Fermi’s golden rule to calculatethe rate of scattering of a right-moving electron state |/vectork1,↑/angbracketright
to a left-moving electron state |/vectork2,↓/angbracketright. The matrix element for
scattering to a final state |m/angbracketrightof the insulator is given by
j|n/angbracketright,defining /vectorq=/vectork1−/vectork2.(3)
Defining ω(/vectork1,/vectork2)=/epsilon1/vectork1,↑−/epsilon1/vectork2,↓as the energy transfer, the
rate of scattering Ris
, (4)
where S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω) is the dynamic spin structure factor of the
insulator at the interface, defined as
−∞dt eiωt/angbracketleftS−
The spin current crossing the boundary for this scattering event
m.I fw eh a v e Rsuch events per unit time, then the net spin
current crossing the boundary is justqxR
m. Summing over all
initial electron and final states consistent with phase spaceconstraints, the current I
spin,↑due to up-spin electrons getting
reflected to down-spin ones is
At nonzero T, the reverse process where spin-down electrons
get reflected to spin-up ones contribute analogously a spin
FIG. 2. (Color online) Allowed phase space for scattering of an
electron with given initial momentum.
current Ispin,↓given by
The net spin current is therefore given by the difference of the
two contributions listed above:
Ispin=Ispin,↑−Ispin,↓. (8)
C. Simplifications for certain physically relevant
structure factors
The expression for the spin current can be considerably
simplified once we note that at T→0, scattering is essentially
restricted within an energy window of V.F o r ω/lessorsimilarV,w e
assume that the dynamic structure factor S+−(/vectorq⊥,ω) assumes
large values only for small |/vectorq⊥|. This is physically relevant for
several systems where excitations at large momenta typicallyhave large energy cost. As Fig. 2shows, if the system does
not have excitations at ω/lessorsimilarVfor|/vectorq
⊥|/greaterorsimilar/Lambda1, then scattering is
restricted within a patch of dimensionsV
the Fermi velocity.
To exploit this, we approximate the initial momentum
/vectork1≈kFˆn, and linearize the energy transfer ωabout the point
of elastic scattering as follows:
We also assume that the electronic density of states ν(/epsilon1F)i s
approximately a constant near the Fermi surface for δqx,q⊥/lessmuch
kF. Leaving the details of calculation to Appendix A, these
simplifications lead to the following form of the spin currentfor spin-up electrons flipping to spin-down ones.
1−e−β(V−ω)S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω). (10)
Analogous manipulations for the reverse process lead to
eβ(V+ω)−1S+−(/vectorq⊥,ω). (11)
These expressions make it transparent that as T→0, only up-
spin electrons flipping to down-spin ones contribute the energywindow (0 ,V). The reverse process is always exponentially
suppressed as there must be an energy gain of at least Vfor a
down-spin electron to flip to an up-spin one due to phase spaceconstraints. The net spin current is, as described in Eq. ( 8), the
difference of the above two currents.
This formalism can be extended to cases where the
quasiparticle excitation energy has minima at large transverse
momenta {/vectorQ
⊥}(with magnitude of a−1where ais the micro-
scopic lattice length scale), provided the different /vectorQ⊥are well
separated from each other. This is typically true for systemswith quasiparticle bands, as the momenta difference betweenthe band minima are of the order of a
−1. For example, cubic
lattice antiferromagnets with a two-dimensional boundaryhave spin-wave excitations about the ordering wave vector
a(0,1,1). Referring the reader to Appendix Aagain
for the details, here we just state the main result. The effect
of inelastic scattering about large transverse momenta /vectorQ⊥is
to scale the spin current by an overall O(1) angular factor
fang(kF/Q⊥), so that Eq. ( 10)f o rIspin,↑is now modified to
where the angular factor, coming from kinematical constraints,
is given by
In Eq. ( 13),Sd−1is the sphere in Rd, and one can check that for
Q⊥=0 the angular factor reduces to unity, as desired. One can
also check the limit Q⊥/greatermuchkF, in which case scattering of the
electron by /vectorq⊥≈/vectorQ⊥is excluded by phase space constraints
andfang(kF/Q⊥)→0. Equation ( 11) also undergoes similar
modifications, and putting these together we obtain our main
result of this section:
. (14)
We once again carefully note that this formalism for
extension of the spin current calculation to a set of different{/vectorQ
⊥}works only when the different points are well isolated in
the Brillouin zone of spin-carrying excitations of the insulator.Physically, this implies that the different momentum patches(to which the electron is scattered) do not overlap with eachother. If they start to overlap, then we would count the samefinal electron state multiple times and overestimate the spincurrent.
In this section, we apply the formalism developed in Sec.
IIto calculate the spin current from the metallic reservoir
to an ordered collinear antiferromagnet, deep in the N ´eel
phase. We assume d=3, so that a symmetry-broken state
can occur at T> 0. The results can also be generalized
tod=2a tT=0. In the following sections, we illustrate
evaluation of the current with the simplest scenario—a cubiclattice antiferromagnet with ordering wave vector /vectorQ
a(1,1,1), so that /vectorQAF
a(0,1,1). We split our analysis
into two sections, corresponding to the N ´eel order pointing
perpendicular and parallel to the spin-quantization axis in themetal, and add up the contributions due to elastic reflectionfrom the static magnetic moments, and the inelastic reflectiondue to spin-wave excitations, to find the net spin current.
A. N ´eel order perpendicular to spin quantization
axis in the metal
1. Elastic contribution
In order to contribute the elastic spin-flip scattering from
the metal-antiferromagnet interface, we replace the fluctuatingspin operators at the boundary by static moments, resemblingthe classical ground state. For N ´eel order along ˆy, which is
normal to the spin-quantization axis ˆzin the metal reservoir,
we can write the Hamiltonian as
jSye−i/vectorQ⊥·/vectorXjδ(/vectorx−/vectorXj). (15)
We use Fermi’s golden rule again to find the rate of scattering
of spin-flip scattering of electrons at the interface:
. (16)Following an analogous procedure of finding the spin current
due to this scattering event, and summing over all initial andfinal states consistent with phase space restrictions, we arriveat the following expression for the elastic contribution I
terms of fang(kF/QAF
1−e−βV, (17)
eβV−1, (18)
Note that the elastic contribution to the current is proportional
to the number of propagating modes at the Fermi surface, givenbyν(/epsilon1
F)V. So this contribution is similar to what one would
obtain by using the Landauer formalism, as had been done foran analogous geometry by Takei et al. [9].
2. Inelastic contribution
The inelastic contribution can be directly evaluated by
application of Eq. ( 14), as the ordered antiferromagnet deep in
the N ´eel phase has spin-wave excitations that have minimum
energy about /vectorQ⊥=0 and /vectorQ⊥=/vectorQAF
⊥, which are well sepa-
rated in the insulator Brillouin zone. We work in the T→0
limit, which implies that the insulator is initially in its groundstate. Therefore ω/greaterorequalslant0 in the dynamic structure factors, and
we can drop the contribution from I
spin,↓to the spin current.
We use the Holstein-Primakoff transformation to diago-
nalize the Hamiltonian and evaluate S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω). Leaving the
details to Appendix B, the dynamic structure factor in the small
|/vectorq⊥|andT→0 limit is given by (for ω> 0, setting a=1)
2δ(ω−vsq⊥), (20)
where vsis the speed of spin waves in the antiferromagnet. We
can plug this back into Eq. ( 14), and we obtain the inelastic
contribution to be
We now add up the contributions from Eqs. ( 19) and ( 21)t o
find the net spin current when the N ´eel order is perpendicular
to the spin-quantization axis in the metal.
B. N ´eel order parallel to spin quantization axis in the metal
1. Elastic contribution
For N ´eel order along ˆz, which is normal to the spin-
quantization axis ˆzin the metal reservoir, we can write the
Hamiltonian as
jSze−i/vectorQ⊥·/vectorXjδ(/vectorx−/vectorXj). (23)
In this case, the Hamiltonian Hintcommutes with the z
component of the electron spin, and therefore cannot flip it.Therefore there is no elastic contribution to the spin current.
2. Inelastic contribution
For the inelastic contribution, we again use the T→0
limit of Eq. ( 14). The dynamic structure factor is evaluated
in an analogous manner to the previous Sec. III A 2 , and
is essentially identical to Eq. ( 20) barring a constant extra
prefactor. We find that the net spin current when the N ´eel
vector is along the spin-quantization axis is given by
2πv3s. (24)
In this section, we shall apply the formalism from Sec. II
to evaluate the spin current into states with no long-range
magnetic order. Some candidate phases for Mott insulators
with unbroken spin-rotation symmetry are described by spin-half quasiparticles or spinons, coupled to an emergent gaugefield. In the deconfined phase of the gauge field, the latticesymmetry is unbroken and the ground state is a spin liquid[16]. The spinons can propagate as independent quasiparticles
and carry a spin current. In the confined phase, the groundstate might spontaneously break translation symmetry of thelattice, resulting in a valence bond solid (VBS) state [ 28] with
short-range order. In this case, the low-lying excitations withnonzero spin are spin triplets or triplons, which are gappedexcitations that carry the spin current.A. VBS states with triplon excitations
At low energies, the structure factor will be dominated by
single triplon excitations. Let us assume that the triplon has agap/Delta1
Tand a quadratic dispersion, so the dynamic structure
factor can be approximated by
⊥), (25)
Here we also assume that the prefactor Cis independent of
ωand/vectorq⊥. Now we again use the T→0 limit of Eq. ( 14)t o
compute the spin current. For a d-dimensional system with a
(d−1)-dimensional boundary, we find that the spin current is
given by
×(V−/Delta1T)d/2+1/Theta1(V−/Delta1T). (26)
As expected, there is a threshold at V=/Delta1T, as energy
conservation implies that no triplons can be excited when V
is less than the triplon gap. Above the cutoff, the spin currenthas a power law behavior with voltage with an exponent thatdepends on the dimensionality dof the system. For instance,
ind=3, the exponent is
B. Spin liquids with spinon excitations
We first approach the problem analytically by using a low-
energy effective theory to calculate the two-spinon structurefactor. We use a mean-field approach where the spinons are freequasiparticles in the system, and have negligible coupling toother excitations which do not carry spin (such as visons, whichare vortices of the emergent gauge field). For a given spinondispersion /epsilon1
/vectork, the free-spinon Green’s function in imaginary
time is given by
Gs(/vectork,iω n)=1
iωn−/epsilon1/vectork, (27)
where ωnis a Matsubara frequency which is determined by
bosonic or fermionic statistics of the spinons. We can calculatethe structure factor from the dynamic susceptibility χ
−+,g i v e n
/vectork,i/Omega1 nGs(−/vectork,−i/Omega1n)Gs(/vectork+/vectorq⊥,i/Omega1n+iωn)
(for bosonic spinons)
(−iωn+/epsilon1/vectork+/epsilon1/vectork+/vectorq⊥), (28)
which, in turn, leads to the following result for the zero-temperature limit of the dynamic structure factor:
T=0,ω>0→ lim
(2π)2δ(ω−/epsilon1/vectork−/epsilon1/vectork+/vectorq⊥). (29)
Intuitively, this follows from the fact that spinons are always
excited in pairs and they share the momentum transferredfrom the electron at the interface. At T=0, the spin liquid
is initially in its ground state, so we only have contributionsfrom two spin-up spinons that have center-of-mass momentum
⊥. Equation ( 29) is the main result of this section, which
we shall use to find the forms of the spin current for certainspin liquids with free-spinon bands in the mean-field picture,and then figure out how the spin current scales with thespin-accumulation voltage Vfor arbitrary spinon dispersions
and dimensionality of the system.
1. Gapped spinons with quadratic bands
Let us consider the case of gapped spin liquids in two
dimensions with a spinon gap /Delta1s, where the lowest spinon
band has a quadratic dispersion about a minima at /vectork=/vectorQ⊥with
an effective mass of m∗, so that the spinon Green’s function is
given by
Gs(/vectork,iω n)=1
2m∗. (30)
This is true for several ansatz spin liquid ground states [ 29,30],
including, for instance, the Q1=Q2state of the Z2spin liquid
state on the kagome lattice [ 16], where the gap and the effective
mass are given in terms of the mean-field parameters λandQ,
and the antiferromagnetic coupling between nearest neighborsJ
Equation ( 29) now leads to the following expression for the
structure factor:
. (32)
In general, we may have several spinon bands with minima at
different /vectorQ⊥with the same gap /Delta1s, so we sum over all of them
to find the net spin current via Eq. ( 14)i nt h e T→0 limit.
=η2(V−2/Delta1s)3/Theta1(V−2/Delta1s), (33)
where we have absorbed all constant prefactors in η2to
explicitly show the dependence on V. As expected, thereis a cutoff at twice the spinon gap, i.e., no spin current for
V/lessorequalslant2/Delta1s, and a power law behavior above the threshold.
Note that in the calculation above, we assume that both
spinons come from bands that have minima at identical /vectorQ⊥.
However, even if they come from different bands, say one
with minima at /vectorQ⊥,1and the other with /vectorQ⊥,2, they will just
contribute to add extra prefactors of fang[kF/(|/vectorQ⊥,1+/vectorQ⊥,2|)]
in the expression for the spin current, but would not changeeither the threshold or the power law behavior. However, ifthe bands have different spinon gaps, say /Delta1
s,1and/Delta1s,2, then
we expect the spin current to show a second threshold whenthe spin-accumulation voltage Vcrosses /Delta1
s,1+/Delta1s,2,a st h e
scattering process then now excites spinons from both bands.
2. Gapless spinons at Dirac points
Let us consider spin liquids described by gapless fermionic
spinons at discrete Dirac points {/vectorQ⊥}in the Brillouin zone.
The spinon dispersion is then given in terms of the spinon
velocity vat a Dirac point at /vectorQ⊥by
Gs(/vectork,iω n)=1
iωn−v|/vectork−/vectorQ⊥|. (34)
This is again conjectured to be true for certain spin-liquid
ansatz, for example, the π-flux state [ 31] of the Heisenberg
antiferromagnetic Hamiltonian on a 2D square lattice, whichhas been argued to be stable against U(1) gauge fluctuations
[32]. We again use Eq. (29) to evaluate the structure factor.
We now use Eq. ( 14) to find the net spin current for T→0.
480π2v2V5=η1V5, (36)
where we have again absorbed all prefactors in η1to make the
Vdependence explicit. The current takes a nonzero value for
anyV> 0, as there is no gap to a two-spinon excitation. We
have evaluated the current for a single Dirac point, althoughextensions to multiple Dirac points with different velocitiescan be done in an exact analogy with the previous section, andwill not affect the threshold or the exponent in the power law.
3. Generic spinon dispersions and spatial dimensions
In this section, we are going to generalize the above results
for given spinon dispersion in d=2 to generic dispersions
and arbitrary space dimensions d−1 of the metal-insulator
boundary using scaling arguments. Although this approachdoes not give us the exact prefactors, it is sufficient to find outthe characteristic dependence I
spinonV. We would require
that the lowest spinon band has minima at discrete points in theBrillouin zone, which are well separated from each other. Westart off with gapless spin liquids with power law dispersions,and find that the exponent of Vis directly related to the power
law in the dispersion and the dimensionality of the system.Our results easily generalize to gapped spin liquids.
Let the spinons have a dispersion given by
/epsilon1(/vectork)=vα|/vectork|α. (37)
The two-spinon structure factor is proportional to an integral
over the allowed phase space consistent with energy conser-vation.
kd−2dk d/Omega1 d−2δ(ω−vα|/vectork|α
−vα|/vectork+/vectorq⊥|α). (38)
The solutions for k(when the δfunction is nonzero) can
be written in terms of a dimensionless scaling function/Phi1(v
⊥/ω)a s
⊥/ω). (39)
Theδfunction in ωcan be rewritten as a δfunction in kas
follows (in terms of another dimensionless function /Phi11which
comes from the Jacobian):
Now we can see how the dynamic structure factor scales
without explicitly evaluating the integral.
⊥/ω). (41)
The dimensionless scaling function /Psi1must involve a /Theta1
function of the form /Theta1(ω−ζvαqα
⊥), where ζis some arbitrary
numerical constant that depends upon the exact dispersion.This follows from the fact that a large center-of-mass mo-mentum will inevitably result in a large energy for the spinonpair which is precluded by energy conservation. Here, we areassuming that ωis small enough so that both the spinons come
from the bottom of the band(s).
Finally, we turn to the T→0 limit of Eq. ( 14) again to find
the spin current.
Because of the /Theta1function in S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω), the momentum
integral is restricted to q/lessorequalslant(ω/vα)1/α, so dimensional analysis
tells us that/integraldisplay
The integral over ωscales as V2, so the final result after putting
all this information together is
Ispin∼V2×V(2d−2−α)/α=V1+2(d−1)/α. (44)
As a check, let us see if the scaling matches the previous two
exact calculations. In both cases, we have d−1=2. For the
gapped Z2spin liquid in the limit of the gap /Delta1s→0, we have
α=2 and hence, Ispin∼V1+2(3−1)/2=V3. For the gapless
U(1) spin liquid with α=1, we have Ispin∼V1+2(3−1)/1=
For generalizing to gapped spin liquids with a spin gap of
/Delta1s, all we need to do is make the following replacement in all
the previous calculations:
ω→ω−2/Delta1s. (45)This in turn tells us that the spin current is given by
Ispin∼(V−2/Delta1s)1+2(d−1)/α/Theta1(V−2/Delta1s). (46)
Equation ( 46) is the main result of this section. It shows that
by measuring the spin current as a function of voltage, it ispossible to deduce both the nature of the spin gap as wellas the effective dispersion of the low-energy excitations. Notethat at the level of low-energy effective field theory, the currentdoes not depend on the detailed structure of the lattice, but onlyon the effective continuum dispersion, as expected.
C. Numerical results for a model Z2spin liquid state
on the kagome lattice
In this section, we extend the previous results for a gapped
Z2spin-liquid state via numerical calculations. As a model
state, we choose the Q1=Q2ground state on the kagome
lattice, described by Sachdev [ 16]. The reason for choosing
this state for further investigation is that the dynamicalstructure factor measured in neutron scattering experimentson Herbertsmithite single crystals [ 2] is in good qualitative
agreement with the calculations in the Q
1=Q2ground state
by Punk et al.[17].
Following Sachdev [ 16], we use a large Nexpansion
technique based on the symplectic group Sp( N). To generalize
jto Sp(N), we just extract the part of the Sp( N) invariant
scalar product /vectorSi·/vectorSj[16] that corresponds to1
j.I nt e r m s
of the flavor indices mof the Schwinger bosons that make up
the spins, it can be written as
. (47)
Note that this reduces exactly to S−
jofSU(2) when we have
a single flavor. To simplify the expression, we note that the N
flavors are decoupled in the N=∞ mean-field theory, and
each of the Nflavors has an identical Hamiltonian. Therefore,
each flavor gives the same contribution, which just cancels offthe extra factor of N
2, and we just need to calculate each term
for a single flavor. The spinon operators that diagonalize themean-field Hamiltonian are linear in the bandb
hence the correlation function factorizes as follows:
j↑/angbracketright/angbracketleftbi↑bj↓/angbracketright). (48)
Moving to Fourier space and keeping only terms that give
contributions to ω> 0 after analytic continuation, we find
that the dynamic susceptibility is given by
/vectork,i/Omega1 n[Ujl(−/vectork)Vjm(/vectork+/vectorq⊥)
where /vectorq⊥belongs to the extended Brillouin zone, Nsis
the total number of sites, U,V are the Bogoliubov matrices
that diagonalize the mean-field Hamiltonian, and we have
/Slash/Minus/Plus/LParen /RParen/LParen /RParen
FIG. 3. (Color online) Momentum integrated structure factor for
theQ1=Q2ground state of the Z2spin liquid on the kagome lattice.
implicitly summed over all sublattice indices {i,j,l,m }.W e
are going to use Eq. ( 49) to numerically evaluate the exact
mean-field structure factor. As a side note, we mention that inthe low-energy limit, where /vectorkis close to the bottom of a spinon
⊥, and/vectorq⊥is also small, so that the sum of the two spinon
energies satisfies the energy constraint, we can approximate
the elements of the UandVby their values at /vectorQ⊥, and then
we recover the dynamic structure factor evaluated in Eq. ( 32).
We first plot the momentum-integrated structure factor
/vectorqS−+(/vectorq,ω) as a function of energy ωin
Fig.3. We assume mean-field parameters λ=0.695 and Q1=
Q2=0.4 in the units of JAF, which are notself-consistently
determined, and lead to a spinon gap of /Delta1s≈0.5.
We note two specific features, the jump at ω≈0.75 and the
peak at ω≈1.3. Both these features can be understood using
the band structure of the spinons for this ground state. Thespinon spectra has a flat band with /epsilon1
/vectork=λ, and once we have
ω/greaterorequalslantλ+/Delta1s, we can excite two spinons, one of them being at
any momentum on the flat band. The second peak presumablycomes from both spinons coming from the flat band, butis slightly smeared out by the Bogoliubov matrices and thefinite width Lorentzian approximation for the δfunction in
the numerics. If we go up to energy scales of V≈J
(this is reasonable as JAF≈200 K for Herbertsmithite [ 33],
but typical /epsilon1F≈104K), we now can have contributions to the
current at large values of δqxandq⊥. In order to investigate
the contributions properly, we need to numerically evaluatethe spin current starting with the T→0 limit equation ( 6).
We next plot the spin current, evaluated numerically, in
Fig. 4as a function of the spin accumulation voltage V.T h e
Fermi-liquid parameters chosen for the plot below are k
(units of inverse lattice spacing), and /epsilon1F/JAF=100.
As expected, we observe the effects of the two features
in the dynamic structure factor on the spin current, which isroughly an integral over the structure factor. The steplike jumpin the structure factor leads to a change in slope in the currentaround V≈0.7, and the spike leads to a steplike jump around
V≈1.3, after which the current saturates. The observation of
these two distinct features in the spin current would be strongevidence in favor of the Q
1=Q2Z2spin liquid on the kagome
lattice. We note that the Q1=−Q2ground state [ 16] does not/( )
FIG. 4. (Color online) Spin current as a function of spin accumu-
lation voltage for the Q1=Q2ground state of the Z2spin liquid on
the kagome lattice.
have any flat spinon band, and is hence not expected to show
any such feature in the spin current.
In summary, we proposed the use of spin currents as
a gateway to probe the nature of excitations in magneticinsulators. Measurement of the spin current as a function of thespin-accumulation voltage can throw light on the dispersionof the low-lying excitations and gap above the ground state. Inparticular, we showed at that in the zero-temperature limit, thethreshold and scaling of spin current with voltages may be usedeffectively to search for spin-liquid ground states in magneticinsulators. Finally, we focused on a particular spin-liquidground state, which is a candidate state for Herbertsmithite[17], and identified some broad features in the spin current
which can help to identify that state.
The spin current is a valuable probe, because once injected
into the insulator, the total spin is conserved in absence ofspin-orbit coupling and random field impurities. We anticipatethat it may be interesting to study how the presence of disorderin the interface, or the presence of non-spin-carrying low-lyingexcitations in the insulator, which couple to the mobile spin-carrying modes (for example, visons coupling to spinons [ 17]
in spin liquids) affect the spin current.
Note added in proof . Recently, we came across another
proposal [ 34] for a similar experiment. The authors suggest
measuring spin currents to detect gapless spin liquids withFermi surfaces or Dirac cones. Although we use a differenttool for our calculations, our results agree with theirs at T=0
for Dirac spin liquids. For collinear antiferromagnets, wefind that they have missed the elastic contribution which willdominate the spin current at low temperatures, and our inelasticcontributions are the same. We present additional exactcalculations and scaling arguments for gapped and gaplessspin liquids for different spinon dispersions and differentdimensions, as well as VBS states. We also numericallyinvestigate an attractive experimental candidate and go beyondlow-energy scalings to identify specific features in the spincurrent at higher energies.
Discussions with So Takei, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, and
Amir Yacoby helped motivate this research. We thank De-banjan Chowdhury, Soonwon Choi, and Bertrand Halperin forvaluable discussions, and especially Matthias Punk for helpwith numerics. This research was supported by the NSF underGrant No. DMR-1360789, the Templeton Foundation, andMURI Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0003 from ARO. Research atPerimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canadathrough Industry Canada and by the Province of Ontariothrough the Ministry of Research and Innovation.
We begin with the linearized energy transfer ω(ˆn,/vectorq⊥,δqx)
in Eqs. ( 9), and write the spin current from Eq. ( 6)a s
×qxS−+[/vectorq⊥,ω(ˆn,/vectorq⊥,δqx)]. (A1)
The integral over |/vectork1|can now be evaluated, as everything else
depends only on the direction ˆnof the initial momentum, and
the momentum transfer /vectorq. Assuming that the density of states
ν(/epsilon1F) is approximately a constant close to the Fermi surface,
we have
1−e−β[V−ω(ˆn,/vectorq⊥,δqx)]. (A2)
We can further simplify equation ( A1) by getting rid of qx
in favor of ω. For given /vectorq⊥andˆn,dω=vF(ˆn·ˆx)d(δqx) and
qx≈2kF(ˆn·ˆx), implying
m=−2dω. (A3)
This is independent of the direction of initial momentum ˆn.
Further, note that the constraint qx>kF(ˆn·ˆx) is guaranteed
to be satisfied by energy conservation, which requires smallδqx. By our assumption that S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω) is insignificant for
large|/vectorq⊥|, a change of energy due to large δqxcannot be offset
by another due to large |/vectorq⊥|. The only problem arises when
ˆn·ˆxis very small, but those are insignificant portions of the
phase space that we can neglect. Therefore, all dependenciesof the /vectorqintegral on ˆnare removed, and this enables us to
do the angular integral. Using/integraltext
2, we recover the
simplified expression stated in Eq. ( 10):
1−e−β(V−ω)S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω). (A4)
The calculation for Ispin,↓[Eq. ( 11)] is analogous, with the only
change coming from the different occupancies of the initial andfinal states.
We now discuss the case when the dynamic structure factor
has a minima at large transverse momentum /vectorQ
⊥. The trick
is to note that although the momentum transfer can be large,the energy transfer at low temperatures is always small, i.e.,ω/lessorsimilarV/lessmuch/epsilon1
F. Therefore, we can expand in small parameters
about the point of elastic scattering. To do so, we first solve fora longitudinal momentum transfer q
x0which satisfies /epsilon1/vectork1=
/epsilon1/vectork1−/vectorQ, where /vectorQ=qx0ˆx+/vectorQ⊥.
⊥/bracketrightbig1/2. (A5)
The contraint qx0/greaterorequalslantkF(ˆn·ˆx), required for reflection, implies
that only the positive square root can contribute. As qxis real,
only some values of ˆnare relevant. Specifically, we require
⊥. (A6)
We need to evaluate the angular integral over angular regions
of the Fermi surface consistent with the above constraint. IfQ
⊥, the magnitude of the transverse scattering wave vector, is
too large compared to the Fermi momentum kF, then there is
no scattering consistent with energy conservation, and hencethere is no spin current due to this process.
Now, we can expand about the solution for elastic scattering
for small ω, and keep only linear terms in δq
w h e r ew eu s e d2 kF[/vectorQ⊥·ˆn+qx0(ˆn·ˆx)]−/parenleftbig
=0. (A7)
We revert to our previous formalism, and replace the integral over qxby an integral over ω, with the only change being in the
prefactor appearing in the angular integral. For fixed /vectorq⊥andˆn,dω=1
m[qx0−kF(ˆn·ˆx)]δqx, andqx≈qx0, implying that
Note that for |/vectorQ⊥|/lessmuchkF, we get back our previous result, which corresponds to scattering at /vectorQ⊥=0. This acts as a check on
the above calculation, and also shows that the calculation can be generalized as long as we have low-energy excitations in thespin system about a set of isolated points in momentum space which are well separated in the Brillouin zone.
The factor multiplying dωwill change the result of the angular integral over initial momenta, but the remaining calculation
remains unchanged, and we have
1−e−β(V−ω)S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω), (A8)
where fang(kF/Q⊥) is the angular integral referred to in Eq. ( 13). Typically, kFandQ⊥have the same order of magnitude, and
then the angular integral is an overall factor of O(1) (the exact value is determined by the constraints set by the ordering wave
vector /vectorQ⊥).
Taking into account that there can be multiple such minima in the dynamic structure factor at large finite momenta {/vectorQ⊥},
and scattering to momenta patches around these minima are independent as long as the minima are well separated, we arrive atEq. ( 12), stated below for the sake of completeness.
1−e−β(V−ω)S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω). (A9)
The expression for Ispin,↓follows in exact analogy to the above calculation.
APPENDIX B: S−+/parenleftbig/vectorq⊥,ω/parenrightbigFOR AN ANTIFERROMAGNETIC INTERFACE (FROM SEC. III A 2 )
We evaluate the dynamic structure factor for a N ´eel-ordered state on a d-dimensional cubic lattice using the Holstein-
Primakoff transformation. First, let us consider the case when the N ´eel vector points parallel to the spin-quantization axis in the
metal (chosen to be ˆz). We have up-spins on sublattice Aand down-spins on sublattice B, with the total number of spins being
2N, and the coordination number of each spin is z=2d. Therefore we define
i∈A, S−
i∈B, S+
and do an expansion in 1 /S. The Heisenberg Hamiltonian HAF=JAF/summationtext
/angbracketleftij/angbracketright/vectorSi·/vectorSjcan be written in terms of the Holstein
Primakoff bosons as
−/vectork)]+O(S0),where γ/vectork=1
δ∈n.nei/vectork·/vectorδ. (B2)
This can be diagonalized by a Bogoliubov transformation, using
−/vectork,b /vectork=u/vectorkβ/vectork+v/vectorkα†
withu/vectork=u−/vectork=cosh(θ/vectork),v /vectork=v−/vectork=sinh(θ/vectork),and tanh(2 θ/vectork)=−γ/vectork. (B3)
The Hamiltonian is diagonal in terms of the Bogoliubov quasiparticles,
/vectorkβ/vectork+1),E /vectork=JAFSz/radicalBig
S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω) may now be calculated from definition using the expression for the spin operators in terms of the quasiparticle creation
and annihilation operators. After some algebra, we find
S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω)=2πS(u/vectorq⊥+v/vectorq⊥)2{δ(ω−E/vectorq⊥)[1+n(β/vectorq⊥)]+δ(ω+E/vectorq⊥)n(α−/vectorq⊥)}. (B4)
AtT=0, only the δfunction with positive ωcontributes to the spin current as there are only quasiparticles initially in the system.
For low momenta, we have
E/vectorq⊥≈vs|/vectorq⊥|,and (u/vectorq⊥+v/vectorq⊥)2=cosh(2 θ/vectorq⊥)+sinh(2 θ/vectorq⊥)=/radicalBigg
d, (B5)
which leads to the following expression for the dynamic structure factor for the T=0 antiferromagnet:
S−+(/vectorq⊥,ω)=πSq ⊥√
dδ(ω−vsq⊥). (B6)
For the case when the N ´eel order is perpendicular to the spin-quantization axis in the metal, we assume that spins on sublattice
Aare pointing in the ˆydirection and the spins on sublattice Bare pointing in the −ˆydirection. In this case, we can still use
the Holstein-Primakoff representation of spins after doing a π/2 rotation of our coordinate system with respect to the xaxis. In
the rotated coordinate system XYZ we have X=x, Y=−z, andZ=y. Remembering that our original definitions of S±were
with respect to the old axes, let us denote our spin operators by /Sigma1in the new set of axes. Then
S±=Sx±iSy=/Sigma1X±i/Sigma1Z. (B7)
We can now express these in terms of the usual Holstein Primakoff bosons, and after some algebra, find the following dynamic
structure factor in the large- Sapproximation:
4(u/vectorq⊥+v/vectorq⊥)2{δ(ω−E/vectorq⊥)[2+n(α/vectorq⊥)+n(β/vectorq⊥)]+δ(ω+E/vectorq⊥)[n(α−/vectorq⊥)+n(β−/vectorq⊥)]}. (B8)
Using the low momentum limit from Eq. ( B5) and taking T→0, we arrive at the expression in Eq. ( 20).
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PhysRevB.86.180506.pdf | RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, 180506(R) (2012)
Vortex dynamics in ferromagnetic superconductors: Vortex clusters, domain walls, and
enhanced viscosity
Shi-Zeng Lin, Lev N. Bulaevskii, and Cristian D. Batista
Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
(Received 19 January 2012; revised manuscript received 16 November 2012; published 28 November 2012)
We demonstrate that there is a long-range vortex-vortex attraction in ferromagnetic superconductors due to
polarization of the magnetic moments. V ortex clusters are then stabilized in the ground state for low vortexdensities. The motion of vortex clusters driven by the Lorentz force excites magnons. This regime becomesunstable at a threshold velocity above which domain walls are generated for slow relaxation of the magneticmoments and the vortex configuration becomes modulated. This dynamics of vortices and magnetic momentscan be probed by transport measurements.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.180506 PACS number(s): 74 .25.Uv, 74 .25.F−,7 4.25.Ha, 74 .25.N−
Introduction. Superconductivity (SC) and magnetism are
at the heart of modern condensed matter physics. While theyseem to be antagonist according to the standard BCS theory,a large family of magnetic superconductors was discovered inthe past decades. Examples include the coexistence of antifer-romagnetism or helical ferromagnetic (FM) order in ternarysuperconducting compounds,
1uniform ferromagnetism in
triplet superconductors,2–4and antiferromagnetism in the
ReNi2B2C borocarbides5(Rerepresents a rare-earth element)
and in the recently discovered iron-based superconductors.6
The interplay between SC and magnetism allows to control thesuperconducting properties through the magnetic subsystem,and vice versa. These phenomena open new possibilitiesfor applications to superconducting electronics and magneticstorage devices.
The Abrikosov vortices of superconductors are a natural
link between the superconducting condensate and the magneticmoments (MMs). V ortices are induced either by externalmagnetic fields or by the MMs.
9On the other hand, the
magnetic subsystem supports collective spin waves and topo-logical excitations that are domain walls. Because vorticesare magnetic objects, they are expected to interact stronglywith MMs via Zeeman coupling. Indeed, as we discuss below,vortex motion can drive magnetic domain walls.
The MMs provide a novel handle to control the vortex be-
havior in the static and dynamic regimes. It was demonstratedthat magnetic domains induce a vortex pinning that is 100times stronger than the one induced by columnar defects.
In the flux flow regime, vortex motion radiates magnons bytransferring energy into the magnetic system. This effect hasbeen recently proposed by Shekhter et al. for antiferromagnetic
11By assuming a rigid vortex lattice and fast
relaxation of the MMs, it is demonstrated that Cherenkov
radiation of magnons occurs when the vortex lattice velocity v
satisfies G·v=/Omega1(G), where Gis the vortex lattice wave
vector and /Omega1(G) is the magnon dispersion. This emission
gives an additional contribution to the vortex viscosity thatmanifests as a voltage drop in the I-Vcharacteristics. Thus,
the overall dissipation is reduced for a given current. V ortexmotion can also be used to probe the spectrum of excitationsin the magnetic subsystem.
Several questions remain to be addressed. It is known that
intrinsic nonlinear effects of the magnetic subsystem becomeimportant for high energy magnon excitations. However, it is
unclear if magnon excitations remain stable in this nonlinearregime. On the other hand, the interaction between themagnetic subsystem and vortices may become comparableor even stronger than the intervortex repulsion. Therefore,the vortex lattice may be modified by this effect. Finally,the dominant dissipation mechanism of vortices when domainwalls are excited by the vortex motion is unknown.
Here we study the vortex dynamics in FM superconductors.
The Zeeman coupling between vortices and MMs inducesan additional vortex-vortex attraction that is comparableto the intervortex repulsion for a large enough magneticsusceptibility. This attraction leads to the formation of vortexclusters at low vortex densities. We also show that magneticdomain walls are created when vortex clusters driven bythe Lorenz force reach a threshold velocity. The interactionbetween domain walls and vortices greatly enhances the vortexviscosity and causes hysteresis in the dynamics of the wholesystem. The vortex configuration is modulated by the domainwalls.
Model. Uniform FM order and SC suppress each other
because of the exchange and electromagnetic coupling be-tween the MMs and Cooper pairs.
1However, they could
coexist in triplet FM superconductors,2–4such as UGe 2,
layered magnetic superconductors consisting of FM and SClayers,
13,14such as Sm 1.85Ce0.15CuO 4, or artificial bilayer
systems.8,15Here we study the vortex dynamics in these FM
superconductors. An applied dc magnetic field perpendicularto the ferromagnetic easy axis creates a vortex lattice that isdriven by a dc in-plane current. We use the approximationof straight vortex lines and the description of vortices is twodimensional.
The total Gibbs free energy functional of the system, in
terms of the vector potential A, magnetization M, and vortex
position R
i=(xi,yi), is
where dis the thickness of the system and the last term is
the magnetic energy outside the superconductor. The energyfunctional density for the SC subsystem in the London
180506-1 1098-0121/2012/86(18)/180506(5) ©2012 American Physical SocietyRAPID COMMUNICATIONS
approximation is
, (2)
with B=∇×A.φis the superconducting phase, Hextis the
applied magnetic field, λLis the London penetration depth,
and/Phi10=hc/2eis the flux quantum. The energy functional
density of the magnetic subsystem is
x, (3)
where JandJAare the exchange and anisotropy parameters.
The easy axis is taken along the xdirection. We assume
that the magnitude of the magnetic moment is conserved,|M|=M
s, where Msis the saturated magnetization value.
Because of the anisotropy, the magnetic Hamiltonian has twodegenerate minima and supports stable domain walls. TheZeeman interaction between MMs and SC is
int=−B·M. (4)
The vortex axis is taken along the zdirection. The straight
vortex lines approximation is valid when d/lessmuchλLord/greatermuchλL.
The spreading of magnetic field associated with vortices nearthe surface of superconductors has to be taken into accountford∼λ
L.16By minimizing gsc+gintwith respect to A,w e
obtain the magnetic field associated with vortices
iδ(r−Ri)ˆz. (5)
Mz(k)=Bz(k)˜χzz(k) in the linear response region when
Mz/Ms/lessmuch1. AsλLis much larger than the magnetic correla-
tion length ξm∼√J/JA, we can use a local approximation for
˜χzz(k)/similarequal1/JA=χ0/(1+4πχ 0). The uniform susceptibility
χ0∝/angbracketleftMz(k=0)Mz(k=0)/angbracketrightdiverges at JA=4π, which
signals an instability of the magnetic subsystem. The FMordering along the xdirection coexists with superconductivity
only when J
According to Eq. (5), the magnetic field of a vortex at Riis
1+λ2ek2exp(ik·Ri), (6)
with a renormalized penetration depth λe≡λL/√1+4πχ 0.
Attraction between vortices via MMs. We calculate now the
interaction between two vortices at RiandRj. V ortices interact
with each other through the exchange of massive photonsdescribed by g
sc, which leads to a short-range repulsion. As
was first discussed by Pearl, vortices also interact through theexchange of massless photons outside the SC, as described bythe last term in Eq. (1). This contribution leads to a long-range
18,19The total repulsion energy is
with R≡Ri−Rjand/Lambda1=2λecoth[d/λe] is the modified
Pearl length. Kiis the modified Bessel function, H0is the
Struve function, and Y0is the Weber function.FIG. 1. (Color online) V ortex-vortex interaction potential for
different values of χ0according to Eqs. (7)and (8). Attraction is
induced due to the Zeeman coupling between vortices and MMs,and the long-range repulsion arises from the electromagnetic fields
outside the SC.
Av o r t e xa t Ripolarizes the surrounding MMs. This effect
leads to an effective attraction to a vortex at Rj. The magnetic
energy due to the presence of vortices is d/integraltext
z=Bz(Ri)+Bz(Rj) and Mv
z/(1+4πχ 0).
The contribution from the gradient term in Eq. (3)is much
smaller than the anisotropic contribution because kξm/lessmuch1
withk∼1/λe.B yu s i n g M2
s, we obtain the
attractive interaction
4π(1+4πχ 0)λ3eK1/parenleftbiggR
In the presence of attraction, the repulsion through the
electromagnetic fields outside the SC in Eq. (7)cannot be
neglected because it prevents the formation of a single cluster.The physics here is similar to the laminar phase in conventionaltype I superconductors.
The effect of finite velocity von the vortex-vortex inter-
action is negligible because ˜ χzzdepends weakly on vfor
ξm/λe/lessmuch1. The attractive component is comparable to the
repulsion for χ0∼1 and the energy minimum takes place at
Rm∼λe. Figure 1shows the energy of two vortices separated
by a distance R.F o rχ0∼1, the net interaction is attractive for
large separations λe<R</Lambda1 and repulsive at short distances
R<λ e. There is also a long-range repulsion for R>/Lambda1 due
to the surface effect. Since the susceptibility χ0decreases with
JA, the attractive component drops as anisotropy increases.
The intervortex interaction becomes purely repulsive forχ
Excitation of domain walls. We introduce the equation of
motion for MMs and vortices that is used in the numericalsimulation. The FM subsystem is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
∂tm=−γm×Beff+αm×∂tm, (9)
where γis the gyromagnetic ratio, m=M/Msis the nor-
malized MM, αis the damping coefficient, and the effective
magnetic field is Beff=−δ[gM+gint]/δM. The vortex sub-
system is described by the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau
4π∇×(∇×A−4πM), (11)
with the supercurrent
mc|/Psi1|2A, (12)
Dis the diffusion coefficient, σis the conductivity in the
normal state, Jextis the external current, and the other
parameters are defined according to the usual convention. TheMMs stop responding to the vortex motion when the averagemagnetic field, ¯B
z≈nv/Phi10withnvbeing the vortex density,
is larger than the saturation value, Bs=MsJA, and the two
subsystems become decoupled. Therefore, we shall considerthe interesting region ¯B
In the long wavelength and weak damping α/lessmuch1 limits,
the magnon dispersion for the FM system of Eq. (9)is
sk2,v s=γMs/radicalBig/parenleftbig
JAJ, (13)
where mz0is thezcomponent of the MMs in the ground state
andvsis the magnon velocity. Re( ω0) is the energy gap and
Im(ω0) is the magnon relaxation rate. Re( ω0)=100 GHz and
vs=50 m/s for typical ferromagnets.22
We then establish general relations of the energy transfer
between MMs and vortices. The vortex velocity acquires an acpart, ˜v
i, because of the interaction between vortices and MMs,
vi=¯v+˜vi. The energy balance for the whole system reads
where /angbracketleft ···/angbracketright i,tdenotes the average over vortices and time, and
/angbracketleft ···/angbracketright x,tdenotes the average over space and time. The first and
second terms on the left-hand side (lhs) correspond to Bardeen-Stephen (BS) damping with coefficient η=/Phi1
where ξ=/radicalbig
¯h2/(2m|αs|) is the coherence length. The third
term on the lhs accounts for the dissipation due to precessionof MMs. The term on the right-hand side is the work done bythe Lorentz force F
L. The effective viscosity ηeff=FL/¯vis
enhanced due to the interaction between vortices and MMs,
Off resonance, the contribution of the magnetic damping
is small, thus ¯v≈FL/η. Since FL=Jext/Phi10/candE=
¯vnv/Phi10/cwith an external current Jextand electric field E,t h e
underlying dynamics can be probed by an I-Vmeasurement.
The effect of magnons on the vortex dynamics depends
on the vortex density. When the average intervortex distance issmaller than the value corresponding to the potential minimum,n
m, the attraction between vortices dominates. V or-
tices form circular clusters with the internal triangular structurein the ground state, as shown in Fig. 2(a) obtained from
our simulations.23The distance between neighboring vortices
inside the cluster is of order λe, and the separation between
neighboring clusters is of order/radicalbig
πR2c/(nvλ2e), with a cluster
radius given by Rc≈/Lambda1[−ua/(3ur)]1/3.24The attractive, ua<
0, and repulsive, ur>0, energies are defined in Fig. 1.
The vortex clusters start to merge and more complex vortexconfigurations, such as stripes, are possible for larger valuesofn
v.T h e H=Hc1transition from the uniform Meissner
state to the state with vortex clusters is of first order,25–27
in contrast to the second order phase transition expected for
conventional type II superconductors.20V ortex clusters have
been observed experimentally in conventional superconduc-tors with intervortex attraction, such as Nb (see Ref. 28for a
For finite transport current, each cluster moves as a whole
driven by the Lorentz force and polarizes the MMs along itsway. The MMs relax to their positions of equilibrium afterthe vortex cluster leaves that region. The polarization andexcitation of magnons, and subsequent relaxation of MMs thuscauses vortex dissipation through the magnetic subsystem.
The static structure of the vortex clusters remains the same foras m a l l vbecause the change of the vortex-vortex interaction
is negligible for ξ
Here we derive a resonant condition between the motion
of vortex clusters and magnon emission. The magnetic fielddistribution produced by the vortex motion has a dominantwave vector G
x=2π/R m, with Rm≈λeas shown in Fig. 1.
The unperturbed ordered state has Mz0=0. The resonant
condition Gxv=/Omega1(Gx) gives a resonant velocity for vortices
moving along the xdirection,
4π2. (17)
This linear analysis is correct as long as the canted MMs
satisfy the condition that Mzc≈/Phi10/(JAR2
The oscillation amplitude of MMs and the ac part of the
vortex velocity are greatly enhanced in resonance and ηeff
increases according to Eq. (16). Two competing processes
are involved in the magnetic subsystem: the energy inputfrom vortex motion and the magnetic relaxation. For largedissipation ( α/greatermuch1), the excited magnon is quickly dissipated
and the vortex cluster with canted MMs remains stable. Onthe contrary, the incoming energy accumulates for weakmagnetic dissipation, α/lessmuch1, and increases with time. This
effect leads to an instability of the magnon excitations thathas been discussed decades ago both experimentally
theoretically.31–33For a large enough oscillation amplitude,
the MMs are no longer restricted to one of the symmetry-breaking states (there are two degenerate ground states with
z0) and they can flip to the other ground
state (with opposite Mx0). Domain walls are then created
as shown in Figs. 2(b)–2(d).Mzbecomes large inside the
domains walls and this effect increases the coupling betweenthe magnetic subsystem and vortices. For v/greatermuchv
t, the cluster
structure evolves into vortex stripes along the driving direction[Figs. 2(b)–2(d)]. The domain walls are oriented along the
vortex stripes due to the strong attraction between vortices
FIG. 2. (Color online) (a), (b) Development of the amplitude of the superconducting order parameter |/Psi1|, magnetic structure ( xcomponent
of the magnetic moment: Mx), and Bzas the current increases. The vortex positions correspond to the regions with suppressed |/Psi1|. (a) Static
configuration with Jext,y=0. In (b)–(d), domain walls are created and the vortex configuration is modulated. |/Psi1|is suppressed (top row) and
Bzis maximal (bottom row) in the normal core of vortices. MMs are canted by vortices so Mxis reduced (middle row).
and domain walls. V ortex stripes for large driving forces
and random pinning potentials have also been observed innumerical simulations without MMs.
34As vortex clusters drive
domain walls, the dissipation increases and the vortex velocity(voltage) drops, as shown in Fig. 3. The threshold velocityΔ
FIG. 3. (Color online) Difference between the electric fields
induced with and without magnetic moments as a function of currentJ
ext,y,/Delta1E=EM−EB,w h e r e EMis the electric field for the system
with magnetic moments and EBis the electric field for the system
without magnetic moments. The vortex viscosity increases whendomain walls are created, resulting in a drop of the electric field
(vortex velocity).obtained from simulations where the domain walls are created
is compatible with that estimated from Eq. (17).
Discussions. The magnetic susceptibility is small, χ0/lessmuch1,
in bulk FM superconductors such as UGe 2.35Thus, the
attraction between vortices is negligible and the ground stateis a triangular vortex lattice. In the flux flow regime, thevortex lattice is resonant with the oscillations of the MMswhen G·v=/Omega1(G). We predict an enhancement of the vortex
viscosity at resonance, which can be probed by the I-V
measurement. A large susceptibility, χ
0∼1, is needed to
realize the vortex cluster configuration. This requirement canhe fulfilled by some cuprate superconductors with rare-earthelements ( Re), such as ReBa
2Cu3Ox, where Reions order
antiferromagnetically below TN∼1 K. Spins are free from
the molecular field above the N ´eel temperature TN∼1K
and can be easily polarized36,37to mediate the attraction
between vortices in the low magnetic field region. The vortexcluster phase can also be achieved in heterostructures ofsuperconductors and ferromagnets with large susceptibility.
On the other hand, random pinning centers may preventthe formation of vortex clusters because pinning is strongfor a small vortex densities. However, vortex motion inthe flux flow regime quickly averages out the effect of
random pinning centers39,40and the cluster structure may be
Acknowledgment. We are indebted to V . Kogan,
B. Maiorov, M. Weigand, C. J. Olson Reichhardt,and C. Reichhardt for helpful discussions. The present
work is supported by the Los Alamos Laboratory di-rected research and development program with ProjectNo. 20110138ER.
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PhysRevB.100.104412.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 104412 (2019)
Enhancement of ultrafast demagnetization rate and Gilbert damping driven by femtosecond
laser-induced spin currents in Fe 81Ga19/Ir20Mn 80bilayers
Wei Zhang ,1,2Qian Liu,3Zhe Yuan,3Ke Xia,3Wei He,1Qing-feng Zhan,4Xiang-qun Zhang,1and Zhao-hua Cheng1,2,5,*
1State Key Laboratory of Magnetism and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3The Center for Advanced Quantum Studies and Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
4State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, School of Physics and Materials Science,
East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
5Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, Guangdong 523808, China
(Received 24 October 2018; revised manuscript received 19 July 2019; published 9 September 2019)
In spintronics applications, ultrafast spin dynamics have to be controlled at femtosecond timescales via
femtosecond laser radiation. At such ultrafast timescales, the effect of the Gilbert damping factor αon ultrafast
demagnetization time τMshould be considered. In previous explorations for the relationship between these
two parameters, it was found that the theoretical calculations based on the local spin-flip scattering model donot agree with the experimental results. Here, we find that in Fe
81Ga19(FeGa)/Ir 20Mn 80(IrMn) bilayers, the
unconventional IrMn thickness dependence of αresults from the competition between spin currents pumped
from the ferromagnetic (FM) FeGa layer to the antiferromagnetic (AFM) IrMn layer and those pumped fromthe AFM layer to the FM layer. More importantly, we establish a proportional relationship between the changeof the ultrafast demagnetization rate and the enhancement of Gilbert damping induced by the spin currentsvia interfacial spin chemical potential μ
s. Our work builds a bridge to connect the ultrafast demagnetization
time and Gilbert damping in ultrafast photoinduced spin-current-dominated systems, which not only explainsthe disagreement between experimental and theoretical results in the relation of τ
Mwithαbut provides further
insight into ultrafast spin dynamics as well.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.104412
The understanding of spin dynamics from nanosecond
down to femtosecond timescales is an essential task towardsthe realization of ultrafast spintronic devices in the frequencyrange from gigahertz to terahertz [ 1,2]. The study of ultra-
fast demagnetization time τ
Mis one of the most challeng-
ing problems in laser-induced ultrafast spin dynamics. TheGilbert damping factor αis of the utmost importance for
high-frequency switching of spintronic devices. Since bothτ
Mandαrequire a transfer of angular momentum from the
electronic system to the lattice, the unification of these twoseemingly unrelated parameters can facilitate the explorationof the microscopic mechanism of laser-induced ultrafast spindynamics. An inversely proportional relationship between τ
andαwas predicted by theoretical calculations based on
the local phonon-mediated Elliott-Yafet scattering mechanism[3–5] as well as the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch (LLB)
model [ 6]. However, the relationship between τ
been debated for over one decade [ 7]. Until now, all experi-
mental results have shown that τMincreases with α[8–12].
Apart from the local spin-flip scattering mechanism [ 13],
we proposed that the nonlocal spin currents should be taken
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed:
zhcheng@iphy.ac.cninto account to coordinate the contradiction in the relationship
between τMandα. Previous work suggested that the superdif-
fusive spin current contributed to ultrafast demagnetization[14], while the Gilbert damping could also be enhanced via
nonlocal spin currents in ferromagnetic (FM)/nonmagnetic(NM) [ 15] and FM/antiferromagnetic (AFM) heterostruc-
tures [ 16]. Femtosecond laser irradiation of ferromagnetic
thin films is a fascinating novel approach to create largespin currents [ 17,18]. Figure 1(a) shows that in the case of
time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TRMOKE) exper-iments, hot electrons excited by femtosecond laser pulses cantravel at high velocities and over tens of nanometers throughthe films. The difference of mean free path between spin-majority and spin-minority hot electrons in ferromagnetic thinfilms generates superdiffusive spin currents on femtosecondtimescales. Such spin currents dissipated at the interface of theheterostructure result in the out-of-equilibrium spin accumu-lation represented by spin chemical potential μ
s. Moreover,
Fig. 1(b) shows that the damped magnetization precession
around the effective field could be influenced via spin current.Tveten et al. [19] predicted that the ultrafast demagnetization
Mcould be described in the language of spin-current-
induced damping αspin magnetic heterostructures based on
the electron-magnon scattering theory. However, the experi-mental evidence on the connection of ultrafast demagnetiza-tion time with damping driven by femtosecond laser-inducedspin currents is not yet understood.
2469-9950/2019/100(10)/104412(11) 104412-1 ©2019 American Physical SocietyWEI ZHANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 104412 (2019)
FIG. 1. Basic concept of both ultrafast demagnetization and spin
precession induced by spin currents. (a) The excitation of fem-
tosecond laser pulse transforms slow majority-spin delectrons (red)
into fast spelectrons, thereby launching a spin current towards the
AFM layer. The spin current crossing the interface results in the
spin accumulation at the interface represented by spin chemicalpotential μ
s. (b) The typical time evolution of magnetization after
femtosecond laser irradiation measured by TRMOKE experiment.
A. Sample properties
Ir20Mn 80(tIrMn)/Fe 81Ga19(10-nm) bilayers [ 20] were de-
posited on optically transparent single-crystalline MgO (001)substrates in a magnetron sputtering system with a basepressure below 3 ×10
−7Torr. The substrates were annealed
at 700 °C for 1 h in a vacuum chamber and then held at 250 °Cduring deposition. FeGa layers were obliquely deposited at anincidence angle of 45°. The IrMn layers were deposited whilecontinuously rotating the substrates. In order to induce anexchange bias along the FeGa [010] direction, a magnetic fieldof 500 Oe provided by a permanent magnet was applied alongthe MgO [110] axis during growth. After deposition, a 3-nmprotective Ta layer was deposited on the samples to avoidoxidation. The static longitudinal Kerr loops of Fe
(10 nm) /Ir20Mn 80(tIrMn) along FeGa [010] direction with var-
ious AFM IrMn thicknesses ( tIrMn) at room temperature were
acquired using a laser diode with a wavelength of 650 nm.
Figure 2(a) shows the longitudinal Kerr loops of Fe 81Ga19
(10 nm) /Ir20Mn 80(tIrMnnm) along FeGa [010] direction with
various AFM IrMn thicknesses ( tIrMn) at room temperature,
whereas the thickness of the FM FeGa layer was fixed at10 nm. For t
IrMn/lessorequalslant2 nm, the width of the hysteresis loops is
FIG. 2. Static magnetic properties of MgO/Fe 81Ga19(10 nm) /
Ir20Mn 80(tnm) bilayers. (a) Longitudinal-MOKE loops with various
thicknesses of IrMn layer tIrMn. (b) Coercivity Hcand exchange bias
field Hebas a function of IrMn layer thickness tIrMn.
enlarged with no obvious shift along the xaxis, implying that
the thickness of the IrMn layer is too thin to form an anti-ferromagnetic order for pinning the magnetization reversal ofFeGa [ 21] [insert in Fig. 2(b) (left)]. For t
IrMn>2 nm, the an-
tiferromagnetic orders are well established, and consequently,the antiferromagnetic moments pin FM moments in reverse toinduce a unidirectional anisotropy [insert in Fig. 2(b) (right)].
The loops therefore evidently exhibit exchange bias behavior.The exchange bias field achieves a value of about 60 Oe when
IrMn>2 nm, while the largest value of coercivity ( ∼72 Oe)
occurs at tIrMn=2n m .
B. TRMOKE measurements for ultrafast demagnetization
and Gilbert damping
We performed the polar TRMOKE experiment to measure
ultrafast demagnetization time under a saturated applied fieldof 20 kOe in the normal direction of the samples [ 22].
The details of the TRMOKE experiment are described inAppendix A. Figure 3(a) shows the demagnetization curves
for various IrMn thicknesses with a maximum magnetization
FIG. 3. Ultrafast demagnetization. (a) Ultrafast demagnetization
curves with various IrMn layer thicknesses. The solid lines rep-
resent the fitting results by Eq. ( 1) in the text. The insert shows
the configuration of the measurement for ultrafast demagnetization.
(b) Ultrafast demagnetization time as a function of IrMn layer
quenching of ∼10% [ 23,24]. The temporal changes of the
Kerr signals /Delta1θk(t) were normalized by the saturation value
θkjust before the pump laser excitation. The time evolution
of magnetization on subpicosecond timescales can be fittedaccording to Eq. ( 1) in terms of the three-temperature model
(3TM) [ 17]:
where∗G(t,τG) represents the convolution product with the
Gaussian laser pulse profile, τGis the FWHM of the laser
pulses, τMis a step function, and τMis the Dirac δfunction.
A1represents the value of/Delta1M(t)
Mafter equilibrium between
electrons, spins, and lattices. A2is proportional to the initial
electron temperature rise. Here, we used the 780-nm laseras the pump pulse to excite the magnetic system out ofequilibrium, while the 390-nm laser pulse was used as aTABLE I. Values of the main fit parameters of ultrafast demag-
netizations curves for various thicknesses of the samples.
tIrMn(nm) τM(fs) τE(fs) τ0(ps) τG(fs) A1 A2
0 220 ±10 500 5 350 0.8 2
1 160 ±10 500 6 350 0.8 2
2 120 ±10 500 7 350 0.8 2
3 145 ±10 500 4 350 0.8 2
5 200 ±10 500 5 350 0.8 2
probe beam. Therefore, in Eq. ( 1), the state filling effects
during pump-probe experiment are neglected due to the dif-ferent wavelengths of pump and probe beams used in thisstudy. The cooling time by heat diffusion is described byτ
0, which should be about 1 order of magnitude larger than
τErepresenting the timescale of electron-phonon interactions.
The best-fitted value of τE=500 fs for all samples is in
good agreement with that of previous reports [ 18]. The fitting
parameters in Eq. ( 1) are shown in Table I, from which one
notes the pulse width is 350 fs for all the samples. In ourexperimental setup, the time resolution is about 80 fs. In orderto obtain a high time resolution, we measured the ultrafastdemagnetization with a very fine step of time delay (15 fs).The values of ultrafast demagnetization time (120–220 fs)obtained from Eq. ( 1) are defined as the time needed for
the magnetization to reach a level of e
−1of its maximum
demagnetization. The time needed for magnetization to reachits maximum demagnetization ( >500 fs) should be longer
than the time extracted from Eq. ( 1). A similar result was
reported by V odungbo et al. [25]. The very large temporal
stretching of the laser pulse up to 430 fs was attributed to theconversion of the incident laser pulse into a cascade of hotelectrons. This could be one of the possible reasons resultingin the spread of laser pulse on the samples in this study. Viachanging the single parameter τ
Mwe can accurately reproduce
the experimental results for various samples. The ultrafastdemagnetization time τ
Mwas observed to decrease from
220±10 fs for tIrMn=0 nm to 120 ±10 fs for tIrMn=2n m ,
and then increase with further increasing tIrMn[Fig. 3(b)].
The precessional frequency and damping factor can be
derived by means of the TRMOKE signals as well [ 26,27].
Figure 4(a) shows the typical time evolution of the polar
component of magnetization after pump laser excitation atdifferent fields applied along the [110] direction of FeGa for
IrMn=2 nm. It is observed clearly that the spin precession
process can obviously be influenced by applied fields. Theexact values for fwith various applied fields can be obtained
using the damped harmonic function added to an exponential-decaying background:
where Aand Bare the background magnitudes, and vis
the background recovery rate. C,τ,f,andϕare the mag-
netization precession amplitude, relaxation time, frequency,and phase, respectively. The field dependence of frequency f
extracted from the fitting procedure is shown in Fig. 4(b).W e
note that the experimental f-Hrelation can be reproduced very
104412-3WEI ZHANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 104412 (2019)
FIG. 4. Spin precession. (a) TRMOKE signals of FeGa/IrMn bilayers with tIrMn=2 nm in various applied fields. (b) Precessional
frequency as a function of applied fields. (c) Effective Gilbert damping constant as a function of applied fields.
well by the Kittel equation ( 3)[27]:
M2sH1H2, (3)
with H1=− 2Kout+4πM2
2ϕM+HM scos(ϕM−ϕH)+KebcosϕMand
Andγ=γeg/2 is the gyromagnetic ratio. ϕMandϕHare
the angles of in-plane equilibrium Mand Hwith respect
to the FeGa [010] easy axis. K1,Ku,Keb,andKOutare the
in-plane magnetocrystalline, uniaxial, unidirectional, and out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy constants of FeGa films, respec-tively. The value of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy con-stant is K
1=4.5×105erg/cm3for the samples with various
AFM layer thicknesses during the fitting procedure and theuniaxial magnetic anisotropy constant K
105erg/cm3.F o r tIrMn=3 and 5 nm, the unidirectional mag-
netic anisotropy constant of Keb=3×104erg/cm3has to
be included for more accurate fitting, although it is 1 orderof magnitude smaller than those of magnetocrystalline anduniaxial anisotropy.
The effective Gilbert damping factor α
effshown in Fig. 4(c)
is determined from the relaxation time τby Eq. ( 4)[28]:
αeff=2/τγ(H1+H2). (4)
Since the overall effective damping factor αeffconsists of
intrinsic damping and extrinsic damping, whereby the sec-ond one arises from both the two-magnon-scattering andthe dephasing effect in the samples, the overall effectiveGilbert damping factor decreases monotonously to a constantvalue with increasing the applied field [Fig. 4(c)]. As one of
the mainly extrinsic contributions, the two-magnon-scatteringinduced damping has been extensively studied in exchange-biased heterostructures [ 29–34]. The mature theory was de-
veloped to explain the two-magnon scattering process dueto spatial fluctuations of anisotropy and exchange bias field[30,35]. The two-magnon scattering process comes from
the scatterings of the uniform ( k=0) precession mode into
nonuniform modes (k /negationslash=0 magnons) that are degenerate in
frequency. This process is described by the Hamiltonian, inwhich the spatial fluctuation in the exchange coupling causedby interface roughness determines the scattering strength. Theroughness gives rise to a large fluctuating field because theFM magnetization interacts alternatively with one or the otherAF sublattice via the atomic exchange coupling. It is a well-known relaxation mechanism effective in exchange-biasedheterostructures due to the interface roughness occurring onthe short length scales. When a low external field comparablewith the exchange bias field was applied, the two-magnonscattering effect resulted in the increase of Gilbert dampingwith the exchange bias field according to previous reports[33,34]. However, as shown in Ref. [ 36], a strong enough
applied field can be used to exclude the contributions from thetwo-magnon scattering, where the value of Gilbert dampingfactor keeps as a constant with various two-magnon-scatteringstrength. Based on this result, a similar method using strongenough external fields was applied in this study to excludethe two-magnon-scattering effect. Moreover, previous worksshow that the two-magnon-scattering induced damping in-creases with precession frequency because of the increaseddegeneracy of spin waves [ 37,38]. Our work demonstrated
that the damping factor keeps almost a constant value at highenough applied fields, indicating the minor contributions from
the two-magnon-scattering to Gilbert damping. Besides, it has
been demonstrated previously that the two-magnon-scatteringcontributions decrease monotonously with increasing the filmthickness [ 33,34]. This again disagrees with the tendency
of thickness dependence of damping at high applied fieldshown in Fig. 5(c). Therefore, in this study, the two-magnon-
scattering strength was suppressed effectively by applyinga high enough external field. On the other hand, inhomo-geneities in FeGa thin film may cause variations in the localmagnetic anisotropy field, which leads to the variations ofspin orientations when the external field is not large enoughand gives rise to the enhanced damping arising from the spindephasing effect [ 28]. However, an applied field ( ∼kOe) much
larger than the anisotropy field makes the spin orientationuniform; as a result, the dephasing effect is suppressed largely.Based on the above analysis, the intrinsic part of dampingis independent of the external field or precession frequency,while the extrinsic part including both the dephasing effectand the two-magnon-scattering effect are field dependent. Inorder to avoid the effect of the extrinsic damping factor, theintrinsic damping factors were obtained by fitting the overalldamping factor as a function of applied fields with Eq. ( 5)
[39,40], shown as the red line in Fig. 4(c):
eff=α+α1e−H/H0, (5)
where αandα1e−H/H0are the intrinsic and extrinsic parts of
the damping factor, respectively.
For the derivation of spin precessional frequency as well as
the Gilbert damping, the similar producers as shown abovewere adapted to various samples. Figure 5(a) shows the
precessional frequency from oscillation curves with variousIrMn thicknesses. Since the exchange bias field and coercivityare much weaker than the applied fields, the f-Hcurves of
FeGa films are therefore slightly different with various AFMlayer thicknesses, which is in contrast to the observation thatthe enhanced uniaxial anisotropy of Fe/CoO bilayers [ 28]
greatly increases the precessional frequency. More impor-tantly, we find the effective damping factor α
with applied fields [Fig. 5(b)]. The solid lines represent the
fitting expression shown as Eq. ( 5). Interestingly, the effective
Gilbert damping factors drop to as nearly a constant value asthe intrinsic damping factor when the applied fields increaseenough to suppress the extrinsic contributions as stated above.
The values of the intrinsic damping factor as a function of
the thickness of the IrMn layer are illustrated in Fig. 5(c).I t
increases first and reaches the maximum value with the thick-ness of the IrMn layer at t
IrMn=2 nm and finally decreases
with further increasing the thickness of the IrMn AFM layer.A drastic change of 2.5 times for damping occurs at t
2 nm. Similarly, Azzawi et al. showed around 2 times en-
hancement of damping in NiFe/Pt bilayers when a continuousPt capping layer is just forming at 0.6 nm by TRMOKE mea-surements [ 41]. Moreover, once a continuous IrMn layer is
forming at 2 nm, the accompanied strong intrinsic anisotropyof AFM would contribute partly to the damping enhancementsuperimposed to the spin pumping effect. This has beendemonstrated previously by Zhang et al. , where the damp-
ing of Py/IrMn bilayers is 3 or 4 times larger than that inthe Py/Cu/IrMn samples [ 42]. Based on the discussions in
Fig. 4, we can exclude the extrinsic mechanisms such as the
FIG. 5. Frequency and damping of spin precession. (a) Fre-
quency of spin precession as a function of applied fields with various
IrMn thicknesses. The solid lines represent the fitting results by Kittle
equations. (b) Effective Gilbert damping constants as a function ofapplied fields with various IrMn thicknesses. (c) Intrinsic Gilbert
damping as a function of IrMn thickness.
two-magnon-scattering and the dephasing effect as the dom-
inant contributions to the damping process when the exter-nal fields are high enough [ 43]. Besides, FeGa alloys are
104412-5WEI ZHANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 104412 (2019)
particularly interesting because of their magnetoelastic prop-
erties [ 44]. The acoustic waves possibly are triggered by ultra-
short laser, and as a result, spin precession would be excitednonthermally via a magnetoelastic effect [ 45]. However, this
effect can be excluded based on the following reasons: first,the external field has to be applied along with the hard axisof FeGa; otherwise, the magnetization precession cannot beinduced. It agrees with the fact that the canted magnetizationfrom the easy axis is necessary when the spin precessionarising from instantaneous anisotropy change accompaniedby ultrafast demagnetization occurs [ 26]. In contrast, the
occurrence of spin precession from the magnetoelastic effectis independent of initial magnetization orientation. Second,in order to check the contribution of the resonance modefrom the magnetoelastic effect, we performed a fast Fouriertransform in Appendix B. Only the uniform field-dependent
precession mode was excited at the present study. This is notthe expected behavior for the acoustically induced modulationof the magneto-optical effects. Therefore, the magnetoelasticeffect of FeGa was largely suppressed in this study. Thisis probably because the laser fluence of around 1 mJ /cm
is not high enough to induce a large amplitude of strain
pulse. According to Ref. [ 45], the oscillation amplitude of the
acoustic mode increases linearly with the laser energy densitywithin the probed range. Moreover, the FeGa material with athickness as thick as 60 nm is preferred to induce an obviousmagnetoelastic behavior [ 46], while 10 nm at the present ex-
periment is probably too thin. As a result, the intrinsic damp-ing can be influenced by the following parameters: ( 1)t h e
magnetocrystalline anisotropy of FM [ 47], (2) the exchange
bias field [ 30,31,36], and ( 3) the spin pumping effect at the
interface between FM and AFM [ 15,16,42,48]. In the case of
FeGa/IrMn bilayers, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy con-stant of FeGa K
1=4.5×105erg/cm3obtained from Figs. 4
and 5is invariant with the AFM layer thickness. Moreover,
referring to Fig. 2(b), it seems that there is no direct rela-
tionship between the intrinsic damping factor and the ex-change bias field H
eb. When the applied field is far higher
than the exchange bias field, both the precessional frequencyand the damping factor show independence of exchange biasfield [ 36]. Therefore, the IrMn thickness dependence of the
intrinsic damping is not attributed to the magnetocrystallineanisotropy and the exchange bias field. Due to the strongspin-orbit coupling of the heavy metal (HM) Ir in the IrMnalloy, the contribution of spin pumping to the damping factormust be taken into account. It is noteworthy that the IrMnthickness dependence of damping in FeGa/IrMn is differentfrom that in other normal FM/HM bilayers, where the damp-ing factor increases monotonically with the thickness of theHM layer and approaches a saturation value [ 49]. However,
the damping of the FeGa ferromagnetic layer decreases againafter reaching a peak value at t
IrMn=2 nm. The change of
the damping factor is always accompanied by the spin currenttransfer between FM and AFM layers. More spin currentsabsorbed by the neighboring layer result in larger dampingin the FM layer. An unconventional decrease of the dampingfactor implies that not only does the effect of heavy metal Irin IrMn alloy have to be taken into account but also the anti-ferromagnetic magnetization. The heavy metal Ir serves as aperfect spin sink to absorb the spin currents and consequentlyincreases the damping in FeGa, while the antiferromagnetic
magnetization in IrMn serves as a new source to compensatefor the dissipation of magnetization precession and decreasesthe damping of FeGa.
C. First-principles calculations for IrMn layer thickness
dependence of Gilbert damping
To understand the behavior of the IrMn thickness-
dependent damping factor, we calculated the damping fac-tor using the scattering theory of magnetization dissipationcombined with the first-principles electronic structure [ 50].
The calculated FM/AFM bilayer structure shown in Fig. 6(a)
is the same as that in the experiment. Here, the magneticmoments of AFM sublattices serve as not only a spin sinkto absorb the spin current pumped from the adjacent FMlayer but also a spin current emitter to partly cancel the spinpumping effect of the FM. The interfacial exchange couplingforces the magnetic moments of the IrMn sublattices in a fewlayers near the interface to precess following the adjacent FM,generating spin currents back into the FM layer [Fig. 6(b)].
Based on this model, the enhancement of damping due tothe spin current α
sp=/Delta1α=αtIrMn−αtIrMn=0n m as a function
of IrMn thickness was calculated and shown as the solidcircle in Fig. 6(c). It increases first to a peak value at t
2 nm and then drops with further increasing the IrMn layerthickness. When t
IrMn/lessorequalslant2 nm, the thickness of the IrMn layer
is too thin to establish the antiferromagnetic order, whichcan be supported by the negligible exchange bias as shownin Fig. 2(b). In this case, the pumped spin current from the
AFM back into the FM to partially cancel the spin pumpingeffect by the FM is largely reduced because of the disorder ofthe antiferromagnetic moments, as illustrated on the left sidein Fig. 6(b). In this region, therefore, the magnetic moments
in the AFM serve as a perfect spin sink to absorb the spincurrent pumped from the adjacent FM, resulting in a signif-icant enhancement in the damping factor. For the sampleswith the thickness of IrMn t
IrMn>2 nm, however, the anti-
ferromagnetic order is well established and the accompaniedexchange bias is remarkably large [see Fig. 2(b) and its insert].
Because of the exchange coupling between FM and AFM atthe interface, the magnetic moments of the AFM sublattices ina few layers near the interface are forced to precess followingthe magnetic moment of the FM, while those far away fromthe interface would stay static. Such an exchange spring effectat the interface caused spin precession in the AFM layer,and consequently, spin currents would be transferred fromAFM to the FM layer. Moreover, these spin currents fromthe AFM would be enhanced due to the coherent precessionof magnetization in different sublattices, as illustrated in theright side of Fig. 6(b). The exchange spring-effect-induced
precession of the AFM has two effects: (1) the AFM hasintrinsic damping that increases the overall damping of theFM/AFM bilayer, and (2) the precessional motion of magneticmoments in AFM sublattices pumps spin currents into the FM,which partly cancels the spin pumping by the FM. As a result,the overall damping of the bilayers is reduced. From the solidcircles in Fig. 6(c), one can see that the damping decreases
with increasing t
IrMn when tIrMn>2 nm, indicating that the
latter effect of the pumped spin currents is dominant over the
FIG. 6. Results of first-principles calculations. (a) Illustration of the ferromagnet (FM)/antiferromagnet (AFM) structure employed to
investigate the spin transport. (b) The configuration of the IrMn magnetic moments located at the first layer near the interface. (c) The calculated
damping enhancement as a function of the thickness of the antiferromagnetic IrMn. The solid circles show the calculated damping enhancement
with the precession of AFM magnetic moments. The solid diamonds show the calculated damping enhancement with perfectly static AFMordered IrMn without precession, while the solid triangles correspond to the calculated values using a static paramagnetic IrMn layer with
vanishing Néel order. (d) The experimental damping enhancement as a function of the thickness of antiferromagnetic IrMn.
intrinsic damping. Besides, by comparing the calculated and
experimental values [Figs. 6(c) and 6(d)], one can find that
the calculated Gilbert damping is larger than the experimentalone for t
IrMn=1 nm. The reason for the deviation is the
assumption of a perfectly flat FeGa/IrMn interface in thecalculation, which leads to a larger spin current pumped fromthe FM. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to fabricate theperfectly flat film when the thickness is less than 1 nm.
In order to separate the contribution of the precession of
the magnetic moment of the AFM sublattice to damping, wealso calculated the damping by assuming perfectly static AFMordered IrMn without precession [solid diamonds in Fig. 6(c)]
and a paramagnetic IrMn layer with vanishing Néel order[solid triangles in Fig. 6(c)]. The calculated results demon-
strate that if the magnetic moments of the AFM sublatticeeither do not precess or align randomly, the IrMn layers serveonly as a perfect spin sink to absorb the spin currents pumpedfrom the adjacent FM, resulting in a significant enhancementof damping. The damping increases monotonically to a satu-ration value with IrMn thickness, which is similar to that ofheavy metals [ 49].
D. Relationship between ultrafast demagnetization rate and
Gilbert damping induced by nonlocal spin currents
The central strategy of our study is to establish a direct
correlation between τMandα.According to Figs. 3(b) and
5(c), we find that the femtosecond laser-induced ultrafast
demagnetization time τMand the Gilbert damping αshow an
opposite IrMn thickness dependence in FeGa/IrMn bilayers.By plotting τ
Mversus αas shown in Fig. 7(a), one can clearly
observe that the value of τMdecreases with α, suggesting
that spin transport acts as an additional dissipation channelfor accelerating the ultrafast demagnetization and enhancingthe damping. The damping factor α
tIrMnfortIrMn>0n m
is ascribed to the spin pumping effect induced by variousAFM thicknesses α
spand the contribution from the FM it-
self,αtIrMn=0n m.To give further insight into the relationship,
we replotted Fig. 7(a) by using the change of the ultra-
fast demagnetization rate /Delta11
τM|tIrMn=0n m ver-
sus the enhancement of Gilbert damping αsp=/Delta1α=αtIrMn−
αtIrMn=0n m induced by the spin current. An approximately
linear relationship is confirmed and shown in Fig. 7(b), which
can be fitted using Eq. ( 6):
¯h/Delta1α, (6)
where /Delta11
τM,/Delta1αrepresents the enhancement of ultrafast de-
magnetization rate and Gilbert damping induced by the spincurrent, respectively, μ
sis the spin chemical potential, and
¯his the Planck constant. (For the derivation of Eq. ( 6), please
see Appendix Dfor details). A reasonable value of μs≈1e V ,
which is similar to that of spin splitting in 3 dtransition metals,
was obtained by the linear fitting using Eq. ( 6).
The spin chemical potential μsis proportional to spin
accumulations at the interface between different layers. It con-tributes largely to ultrafast demagnetization according to themodel of laser-induced ultrafast superdiffusive spin transportin layered heterostructures [ 14,51]. There is a large difference
in velocities or lifetimes for spin-dependent hot electrons[52]. As a result, the transport properties of hot electrons are
spin dependent. For instance, the minority-spin electrons ex-cited by an ultrashort laser survive for only a very shorttime, and they decay to nonmobile bands approximately at theposition they were excited. Instead, majority-spin electronshave longer lifetimes and higher velocities, so they leavefast from the excitation region after being created, in part aresult of the demagnetization process. Because the directions
104412-7WEI ZHANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 104412 (2019)
FIG. 7. (a) Ultrafast demagnetization time as a function of
Gilbert damping. (b) The variation of ultrafast demagnetization rateas a function of Gilbert damping enhancement. The red line indicates
the fitting via Eq. ( 6) in the text.
of motion for all the electrons are random, they can obtain
a velocity directed back towards the ferromagnetic film. Asecond part of the demagnetization is ascribed to the backflowof spin-minority electrons from the substrate or the neigh-boring layer. Spin-majority electrons entering the ferromag-netic layer will find good transport properties and continuediffusing without severely decaying. However, spin-minorityelectrons experience a considerable worsening of the transportproperties as soon as they enter the ferromagnetic layer. Theconsequence is that they are trapped at the entrance of theferromagnetic layer, giving rise to the spin accumulations atthe interface. Nevertheless, the quantitative description forspin accumulations during ultrashort laser-induced demagne-tization in heterostructures is still lacking. This work aimsat filling this gap by relating ultrafast demagnetization timeand Gilbert damping. A detailed calculation for the value of 1eV for spin chemical potential obtained in this experiment ishighly desirable.
The nonlocal spin currents dissipated at the interface of
FeGa/IrMn open an additional channel to accelerate the ul-trafast demagnetization and enhance the Gilbert damping.However, in the case of the sample with t
IrMn=0 nm with-
out the assistant AFM layer, both the local spin-flip andnonlocal spin transport mechanisms probably contribute tothe ultrafast demagnetization in the ferromagnetic layer. Forinstance, based on the breathing Fermi-surface model of the
Gilbert damping and the Elliott-Yafet relation for the spin-relaxation time, a relation shown as Eq. ( 7) is established
between the conductivitylike Gilbert damping αand ultrafast
demagnetization time τ
γFelpb2α. (7)
Taking the values of τM|tIrMn=0n m andα|tIrMn=0n m as 220 fs
and 0.004, respectively, a value of α/τ M=1.8×1010s−1
is derived. This value is reasonable and agrees well with
that of 3 dtransition metal Ni calculated by the breathing
Fermi-surface model [ 53], indicating that the ultrafast de-
magnetization of ferromagnetic FeGa film itself is mainlygoverned by the local spin-flip scattering events. Nonetheless,we note that ultrafast demagnetization in the ferromagneticlayer was accelerated and the Gilbert damping was enhancedvia the interfacial spin accumulations once the IrMn layer wasattached.
The unconventional IrMn thickness dependence of αis
attributed to the cancellation of the spin currents pumped fromthe AFM IrMn layer to the FM FeGa layer. We establisha proportional relationship between the change of ultrafastdemagnetization rate and the enhancement of Gilbert dampinginduced by the spin currents via the interfacial spin chemicalpotential. This result can facilitate the utilization of ultrafastspintronic devices in the terahertz region.
This work is supported by the National Key Re-
search Program of China (Grants No. 2015CB921403, No.2016YFA0300701, and No. 2017YFB0702702), the NationalNatural Sciences Foundation of China (Grants No. 91622126,No. 51427801, and No. 51671212), and the Key ResearchProgram of Frontier Sciences, CAS (Grants No. QYZDJ-SSW-JSC023, No. KJZD-SW-M01, and No. ZDYZ2012-2).The work at Beijing Normal University is partly supported bythe National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (GrantsNo. 61774017, No. 61704018, and No. 11734004), the Re-cruitment Program of Global Youth Experts, and the Funda-mental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.2018EYT03). The work at East China Normal University ispartly supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundationof China (Grant No. 11874150).
In this study, the dynamical process of fast and ultra-
fast spin dynamics was measured by time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TRMOKE) measurements. The experi-ments were carried out using an all-optical pump-probe tech-nique. A train of optical pulses with a wavelength of 780 nm,55-fs duration, and 100 nJ /pulse is generated at 5.2 MHz
repetition rate by a Ti:sapphire oscillator (Femtolaser, XL-100). A 200- μm thickness beta barium borate (BBO) crystal
FIG. 8. Scheme of TRMOKE experiment for spin precession
was used to double the frequency of the femtosecond laser.
The laser beam from the source is split into both 780- and390-nm beams. We use the 780-nm laser as the pump pulseto excite the magnetic system out of equilibrium, while the390-nm laser pulse was used as a probe beam to measure thesubsequent magnetization dynamics with the timescale fromsubpicosecond to nanosecond. The pump laser beam is muchstronger than the probe, with an intensity ratio of about 100for all the measurements. Both the pump and probe beamsare incident along the normal axis ( zaxis) of the samples.
The detection geometry is only sensitive to the out-of-planecomponent of the magnetization M
z. For fast spin dynamics,
we applied various external fields along the Fe 81Ga19[110]
direction to trigger the spin precession, while a large enoughfield of about 20 kOe was applied along the Fe
direction to obtain the ultrafast demagnetization curves. Weadjusted the pump laser fluence from 1 to 1 .25 mJ/cm
2to ob-
tain the same maximum quenching for various samples. Thepump and probe beams are focused onto the samples with spotdiameters of ∼10 and ∼5μm, respectively, via an objective
lens. For the spin precession measurements, the scheme ofthe TRMOKE experiment is illustrated in Fig. 8. The signals
are sensitive to the polar component of magnetization afterpump laser excitation at different fields applied along the[110] direction of FeGa.
The ferromagnetic FeGa is a famous material for its mag-
netoelastic properties. After femtosecond laser irradiation, anexternal field-independent resonance mode is triggered due tothe excitation of coherent acoustic phonons. However, onlyone field-dependent resonance mode was excited in this studyaccording to fast Fourier transform analysis in Fig. 9.
The electronic structure of the FeGa/IrMn bilayer is cal-
culated self-consistently using the local density approxima-tion of the density functional theory. The spin-dependentpotentials, charge and spin densities are obtained with theminimal basis of tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbitals. Inthe calculation of the total damping, the scattering region,consisting of the repeated FeGa/IrMn bilayers, is connectedto two semi-infinite Cu leads. We have introduced the thermallattice disorder into a 4 ×4 supercell and displaced the atoms
FIG. 9. Fourier transform spectra measured between 0.85 and
3.0 kOe for tIrMn=2n m .
in the scattering region randomly away from their equilibrium
positions with a Gaussian distribution. The root-mean-squareatomic displacements of the Gaussian distribution are deter-mined using a simple Debye model with a Debye temperatureof 470 K. The two-dimensional Brillouin zone of the supercellis sampled by a 24 ×24kmesh corresponding to the 96 ×
96 mesh for the Brillouin zone for the 1 ×1 unit cell. The
effect of magnons in the FM FeGa is neglected in our calcu-lation. This is because the magnetic damping is dominated byelectrons at the Fermi level in metals, which can efficientlytransfer spin angular momentum into the orbital motion viaspin-orbit interaction. In metals and alloys, the influence ofmagnon-phonon coupling is negligible, except for near theCurie temperature [ 54].
If magnetization precession occurs only in the FM FeGa
layer, the calculated damping enhancement does not sensi-tively depend on the specific order of the AFM IrMn. Herewe take two limits: the perfectly antiferromagnetic orderedIrMn and the paramagnetic IrMn. (The magnetic moments ofMn are randomly distributed such that both the Néel orderand total magnetization vanish). The damping enhancementscalculated for the two cases are nearly identical, where thedamping factor is enhanced and saturates at a thickness of2 nm. It indicates that the pumped spin current by the pre-cessional FeGa is immediately absorbed by the IrMn layer.The large moment on the Mn atom can absorb the pumpedtransverse spin current efficiently. On the other hand, the AFMIrMn is forced to precess due to the interfacial exchangecoupling; however, the efficiency of the spin current genera-tion by AFM depends on its specific order. It is suppressedlargely in the case of paramagnetic IrMn because of the
104412-9WEI ZHANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 100, 104412 (2019)
cancellation via magnetic moments with various orientations
shown on the left side of Fig. 6(b) in the main text. In
contrast, the efficiency of the spin current generation by theAFM is enhanced remarkably by the coherent precession ofthe ordered magnetic moments shown in the right side ofFig.6(b) in the main text. The cone angle of precessional IrMn
is modeled to exponentially decay from the interface witha typical decay length of 2 nm. The precessional AFM hasmainly two contributions to the damping enhancement of thebilayer. First, the AFM has intrinsic damping that increasesthe total energy loss during the magnetization dynamics. Thesecond effect is that the precessional AFM pumps spin currentinto the FM that cancels partly the spin pumping by the FMand decreases the damping enhancement.
It is well known that the magnetic moment /vectorMsis propor-
tional to the spin angular momentum /vectorSvia gyromagnetic ratio
/vectorMs=γ/vectorS, (D1)
where gis the Landé factor andμBis the Bohr magneton.
Normally, we take /vectorM=V/vectorMsas the total magnetic moments,
where Vis the volume of the atom.
τMis the ultrafast demagnetization time. Therefore, the
value of1
τMis taken as the demagnetization rate. The de-
magnetization is always accompanied by dissipation of thespin angular momentum, and hence the rate of spin angularmomentum dissipation is
τM. (D2)On the other hand, the spin current−→jsper unit area generated
by spin pumping effect reads
4πgeff−→μs, (D3)
where geffis the effective interfacial spin-mixing conductance
including the influence of the backflow spin current fromthe AFM IrMn to FeGa, and /vectorμ
sis the spin-accumulation-
driven chemical potential. The pumped spin current across the
interface is−→Is=−→jsA, where Ais the area of the interface:
gμB, (D4)
where dis the thickness of the ferromagnetic layer, /Delta1α=
αtIrMn−αtIrMn=0 nm is the enhancement of Gilbert damping
induced by the absorption and generation of spin current viavarious IrMn thicknesses.
Therefore, if we correlate the spin angular momentum
dissipated by the ultrafast demagnetization and that inducedby spin pumping, the relationship reads
τM=/vectorIs. (D5)
Then we take Eq. (10) into Eq. (12), and we can correlate the
parameters τMandαvia
¯h/Delta1α. (D6)
To exclude the contributions from local spin-flip scattering
mechanisms to the ultrafast demagnetization rate representedby
τM|tIrMn=0 nm, the value of1
τMis replaced by /Delta11
τM|tIrMn=0n m .
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104412-11 |
PhysRevB.82.155324.pdf | Random walk approach to spin dynamics in a two-dimensional electron gas
with spin-orbit coupling
Luyi Yang, J. Orenstein, and Dung-Hai Lee
Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA and Materials Science Division,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
/H20849Received 30 July 2010; revised manuscript received 27 September 2010; published 26 October 2010 /H20850
We introduce and solve a semiclassical random walk /H20849RW /H20850model that describes the dynamics of spin
polarization waves in zinc-blende semiconductor quantum wells. We derive the dispersion relations for thesewaves, including the Rashba, linear and cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions, as well as the effects of anelectric field applied parallel to the spin polarization wave vector. In agreement with calculations based onquantum kinetic theory /H20851P. Kleinert and V. V. Bryksin, Phys. Rev. B 76, 205326 /H208492007 /H20850/H20852, the RW approach
predicts that spin waves acquire a phase velocity in the presence of the field that crosses zero at a nonzero wavevector, q
0. In addition, we show that the spin-wave decay rate is independent of field at q0but increases as
/H20849q−q0/H208502forq/HS11005q0. These predictions can be tested experimentally by suitable transient spin grating
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.155324 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 72.25. /H11002b, 72.10. /H11002d
Spin-orbit /H20849SO/H20850coupled two-dimensional electron sys-
tems are of great interest, both as model systems and as theactive component of devices that control electron spin withelectric fields.
1Unfortunately, the potential of the SO inter-
action to control electron spin comes with a price—the SOterms in the Hamiltonian break SU /H208492/H20850spin symmetry. The
violation of SU /H208492/H20850means that electron-spin polarization is
not conserved, decaying instead with a characteristic spinmemory time
/H9270s. The mechanism by which SO coupling
leads to spin memory loss has been intensively investigatedin two-dimensional electron gases /H208492DEGs /H20850in semiconduc-
tor quantum wells /H20849QWs /H20850, as described in recent reviews.
In GaAs QWs and related systems, breaking of inversion
symmetry allows SO coupling that is linear in the electronwave vector k.
4–6The SO terms in the Hamiltonian can be
viewed as effective magnetic fields that act only on the elec-tron spin, with magnitude and direction that vary with k. The
loss of spin memory in the effective magnetic field, b/H20849k/H20850,
takes place through the D’yakonov-Perel’ /H20849DP/H20850
7–10In this process the electron spin precesses
during its ballistic motion between collisions; each time it isscattered b/H20849k/H20850and consequently the precession vector, /H9024/H20849k/H20850,
change. The net result is exponential decay of spin polariza-tion at a rate approximately equal to /H9024
2/H9270, where /H9270is the
mean time between collisions.
There exist two distinct contributions to b/H20849k/H20850, the Rashba
term5,6arising from asymmetry of the confining potential and
the Dresselhaus term11originating in the intrinsic inversion
asymmetry of the GaAs crystal structure. A prescription forlengthening spin lifetime in QWs of III-V semiconductors bytuning the Rashba coupling strength /H20849
/H9251/H20850to equal the linear
Dresselhaus coupling /H20849/H92521/H20850was proposed by Schliemann et
al.12Recently it was recognized that this mechanism
amounts to a restoration of SU /H208492/H20850symmetry even in the pres-
ence of anisotropic SO interactions.13The main purpose of
this paper is to assess theoretically to what extent tuning SOinteractions can be expected to increase the distance overwhich electron-spin polarization can propagate without
The potential to extend the spin propagation length de-
spite DP spin memory decay is based on the strong correla-tion between the electron’s displacement in space and therotation of its spin on the Bloch sphere. An important steptoward a quantitative theory of such correlations was madeby Burkov et al.
14and Mishchenko et al. ,15who derived
equations of motion that describe the coupling of spin andcharge current degrees of freedom in /H20849001 /H20850GaAs QWs. Ini-
tially only the linear Rashba SO coupling was examined,subsequently Bernevig et al.
13and Stanescu and Galitski16
extended the theory to include the linear and cubic Dressel-
haus terms, respectively.
The equations of motion can be solved to obtain the nor-
mal modes of the coupled system, which are waves of mixedelectrical current and spin polarization. There exist four suchmodes, reflecting three spin degrees of freedom /H20849S
x,Sy, and
Sz/H20850and the charge density, n. For wave vectors, q, parallel to
the directions /H20851110/H20852and /H2085111¯0/H20852, the four modes decouple into
two pairs; in one the spin precesses in a plane containing q
and the normal direction zˆ, in the other the current is coupled
to the component of in-plane spin polarization perpendiculartoq.
The spin precession mode is the one relevant to spin po-
larization memory. For example, the decay rate of this modeatq=0 is precisely the DP decay rate, 1 /
/H9270s. In the absence of
spin-space correlation, the decay rate, /H9253q, of a spin polariza-
tion wave would increase monotonically with q, i.e.,
/H9253q=1 //H9270s+Dsq2, where Dsis the spin diffusion coefficient.
Instead, it was predicted14that for Rashba SO coupling the
minimum decay rate occurs at nonzero wave vector, at whichpoint
/H9253qis approximately half the DP rate. Bernevig et al.13
showed theoretically that the minimum /H9253qis further reduced
when both Rashba and linear Dresselhaus interactions arenonzero and vanishes when the strength of the two couplingsis equal. The resulting “persistent spin helix” /H20849PSH /H20850was
shown to be a conserved quantity of a newly found SU /H208492/H20850
symmetry that arises when
/H9251=/H92521and the cubic DresselhausPHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155324 /H208492010 /H20850
1098-0121/2010/82 /H2084915/H20850/155324 /H208497/H20850 ©2010 The American Physical Society 155324-1term /H20849/H92523/H20850is zero.13However, Stanescu and Galitski16
showed that perfect SU /H208492/H20850is broken when /H92523/HS110050, leading to
large, but not infinite, PSH lifetime. Recently, using the tran-sient spin grating technique, Koralek et al.
17observed the
PSH mode experimentally by independently tuning theRashba and linear Dresselhaus couplings.
The question that arises is whether the PSH effect can be
exploited to lengthen the distance that a packet of spin po-larization can propagate in an applied electric field. In thispaper we address this question by analyzing the effects of anin-plane electric /H20849E/H20850field on the spin-precession modes. We
focus on E
/H20648q, which is the orientation relevant to the drift of
spin polarization. To predict the spin memory length it isnecessary to determine how the applied field modifies boththe real /H20849R/H20850and imaginary /H20849I/H20850parts of the normal-mode
/H9275/H20849q/H20850of spin-polarization modes. The real part is
related to the drift velocity whereas the imaginary part isrelated to the lifetime. The modification of R/H20853
/H9275/H20849q/H20850/H20854is linear
inE/H20849to lowest order /H20850, whereas the affect of EonI/H20853/H9275/H20849q/H20850/H20854is
quadratic. Kleinert and Bryksin18,19recently have treated this
to problem to linear order in E, using quantum kinetic theory,
and obtained results for R/H20853/H9275/H20849q/H20850/H20854.
In this work, we derive and solve equations of motion to
quadratic order in Eusing a random walk /H20849RW /H20850approach
that is different from previous treatments of this problem.The advantages of our approach are physical transparencyand mathematical simplicity. We construct a semiclassicalrandom walk model that tracks the electron’s motion in realspace and the propagation of its spin on the Bloch sphere. InSec. II, we introduce the random walk model, derive the
equations of motion in the absence of an Efield, and solve
for the spin-wave dispersion relations. We compare the re-sults thus obtained with the earlier quantum kinetic theoryapproaches.
13,16In Sec. III, we include an in-plane Efield,
obtaining the equations of motion and the dispersion rela-tions to quadratic order. We use the dispersion relations toanalyze the motion of a spin-polarization packet in the pres-ence of the in-plane field, for different regimes of fieldstrength. We illustrate the results by focusing on representa-tive SO couplings: linear Dresselhaus coupling only, theSU/H208492/H20850case where Rashba and Dresselhaus terms are equal,
and the case of SU /H208492/H20850broken by a small cubic Dresselhaus
term. A brief summary is given in Sec. IV.
As mentioned above, as an electron propagates between
scattering events, SO coupling causes its spin to precess.Thus, as the electron performs an RW in real space, its spinperforms an RW on the Bloch sphere. We consider a 2Delectron gas with both structure and bulk inversion asymme-try. The SO Hamiltonian for conduction band electrons in aIII-V semiconductor QW grown in the /H20851001 /H20852direction /H20849taken
aszˆdirection /H20850is given by
SO=/H9024·s, /H208491/H20850
vF2/H20876vx/H20878, /H208492/H20850
s=/H6036/H9268/2 is the electron spin, vxandvyare the components of
velocity in the /H20851110/H20852and /H2085111¯0/H20852directions, /H9251,/H92521, and/H92523are
dimensionless quantities describing the strength of theRashba, linear, and cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings,respectively, and k
Fis the Fermi wave vector. Spins precess
about the effective SO field according to
dt=/H9024/H11003s. /H208493/H20850
We assume that the impurity potential is short range so
that there is no correlation between the scattering events. Inthe absence of the Efield, electrons perform an isotropic 2D
random walk with
vn/H20849velocity between the nth and
/H20849n+1/H20850th scattering events /H20850given by vFtˆn, where
tˆn=/H20849cos/H9258,sin/H9258/H20850is a random two-dimensional unit vector
with a uniform probability density pn/H20849/H9258/H20850=1 /2/H9266. The dis-
placement from nth to /H20849n+1/H20850th step is given by
rn+1−rn=vn/H9270, /H208494/H20850
where /H9270is the electron scattering time. In the following we
consider /H9024/H9270, the change in angle of the electron’s spin be-
tween scattering events, as a small parameter. In this case wecan obtain from Eq. /H208493/H20850the change in the spin direction
during the mean-free time as a series expansion in /H9024
where we retain terms to second order.
LetPn/H20849r/H20850be the probability that after nsteps of random
walk the electron arrives at position rand Dn/H20849r;s/H20850be the
conditional probability that given the electron is at r, its spin
iss. The joint probability Pn/H20849r/H20850Dn/H20849r;s/H20850satisfies the following
recursion relation:
where /H20855/H20856 denotes average over tˆn, i.e.,
/H20855An/H20856=/H2084802/H9266An/H20849/H9258/H20850pn/H20849/H9258/H20850d/H9258. Once Pn/H20849r/H20850Dn/H20849r;s/H20850is determined,
the magnetization can be obtained from the following inte-gral on the Bloch sphere:
S2sPn/H20849r/H20850Dn/H20849r;s/H20850d/H9018. /H208497/H20850
By substituting Eq. /H208496/H20850into Eq. /H208497/H20850, we obtain,
Taylor series expansion on the right hand side of Eq. /H208498/H20850
yieldsYANG, ORENSTEIN, AND LEE PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155324 /H208492010 /H20850
2vn/H9270·/H11612/H11612/H20851Pn/H20849r/H20850Dn/H20849r;s/H20850/H20852·vn/H9270/H20878d/H9018/H20884. /H208499/H20850
Again retaining terms to second order, we can write
mn+1=I1+I2+I3, /H2084910/H20850
2vn/H9270·/H11612/H11612/H20851Pn/H20849r/H20850Dn/H20849r;s/H20850/H20852·vn/H9270/H20878d/H9018/H20884, /H2084911/H20850
−vn/H9270·/H11612/H20851Pn/H20849r/H20850Dn/H20849r;s/H20850/H20852/H20854d/H9018/H20884, /H2084912/H20850
Upon performing the average over tˆn, all terms that linear in
vnor/H9024nvanish by symmetry, leading to,
I1=mn+/H9016op/H92702mn, /H2084914/H20850
/H11509y/H20874/H92702, /H2084915/H20850
2/H20849xˆ/H20855/H9024yn2/H20856mnx+yˆ/H20855/H9024xn2/H20856mny+zˆ/H20855/H9024n2/H20856mnz/H20850, /H2084916/H20850
/H11509y2/H20874. /H2084917/H20850
Taking the continuum limit mn→m/H20849t/H20850,/H20849mn+1−mn/H20850//H9270
→dm/dt, and substituting into Eq. /H2084910/H20850, we obtain the equa-
tion of motion for the magnetization vector. Resolving thevector equation into components yields three scalar equa-tions,
/H11509x, /H2084918/H208501
/H11509y, /H2084919/H20850
Solving the equations of motion for eigenmodes with wave
vector parallel to xˆyields the dispersion relation,
16+q2/H20855/H9024yvx/H208562. /H2084921/H20850
This dispersion relation corresponds to modes in which the
spin polarization spirals in the x-zplane. Note that /H9275/H20849q/H20850is
purely imaginary so that for all wave vectors the spin-polarization wave decays exponentially with time. However,the dispersion relation differs from ordinary diffusion, wherei
/H9275/H110081//H9270+Dq2. The difference can be traced to the terms in
Eq. /H2084915/H20850that are proportional to the first derivative of spin
density with respect to position—these terms are absent inthe usual diffusion equation. The coefficients of these addi-tional terms are the cross-correlation functions, /H20855/H9024
/H20855/H9024yvx/H20856, which shows explicitly that the anomalous diffusion
is a consequence of the correlation between the electron’smotion in real space and the propagation of its spin on theBloch sphere.
In the SU /H208492/H20850case /H20849
/H9251=/H92521and/H92523=0/H20850, Eq. /H2084921/H20850simplifies
4vF2/H9270/H20849q/H11006q0/H208502/H11013D/H20849q/H11006q0/H208502, /H2084922/H20850
where D/H11013vF2/H9270/4 and q0/H110134kF/H92521. The vanishing decay rate
of the /H9275−mode at q=q0indicates the appearance of a con-
served quantity—a helical spin-polarization wave or persis-tent spin helix.
The dispersion relations obtained above for the spiral po-
larization waves are the same as those obtained previously,including the cubic Dresselhaus term.
13,16We note, however,
that while the RW approach accurately describes the spiralcoupling of x-zcomponents of spin, it does not capture the
coupling between charge current and the ycomponent of
spin that appears in the quantum kinetic formulation. This isbecause the RW approach does not include relaxation to theequilibrium state. In other words, between consecutive scat-tering events the electron’s spin precesses about b/H20849k/H20850but has
no tendency to spiral in toward it. Thus the well-knowncurrent-induced spin-polarization /H20849CISP /H20850effect
15is not pre-
dicted. To recover CISP requires adding to Eq. /H208493/H20850a phenom-
enological Gilbert damping term,
dt=/H9261Gs/H11003/H20849/H9024/H11003s/H20850, /H2084923/H20850
where /H9261Gis the damping parameter.RANDOM WALK APPROACH TO SPIN DYNAMICS IN A … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155324 /H208492010 /H20850
In this section, we explore how the spin dynamics change
in the presence of an Efield parallel to the wave vector of the
spin spiral. To include the effect of Ewe add a drift term to
the velocity at each random walk step,
vn=vFtˆn+vdxˆ, /H2084924/H20850
where vdis the drift velocity assumed to be a linear function
ofE. We assume further that the electric field does not
change the shape of the impurity potential and therefore thescattering probability density is still uniform.
The drift velocity modifies the precession vector, adding a
fixed precession
vF2/H20876vd, /H2084925/H20850
to/H9024nat each step of the random walk. Substituting and
following the same strategy as before, we obtain
/H11509x, /H2084926/H20850
I2/H20849E/H20850=I2+/H9024d/H9270/H11003m, /H2084927/H20850
I3/H20849E/H20850=I3, /H2084928/H20850
where the I1,2,3/H20849E/H20850are the quantities I1,2,3evaluated in the
presence of the electric field. The field alters the equations ofmotion in two ways. First, new terms appear that are linear inE. The new term added to I
1converts the time derivative of
mto the convective derivative that is the time derivative in a
frame moving with the drifting electrons. The term added toI
2indicates that the Efield introduces uniform precession
about the yˆaxis, when viewed in the frame comoving with
vd. The second type of modification is quadratic in E; the
field increases /H20855/H9024y2/H20856by the additive factor /H9024d2and the mean-
square velocity /H20855vx2/H20856by the factor /H20855vd2/H20856.
Solving for normal modes with wave vector parallel to xˆ,
we obtain
To linear order in E, this dispersion relation is the same as
that obtained by Kleinert and Bryksin.18,19In the presence of
the electric field /H9275/H20849q/H20850acquires a real part, which describes
the propagation of spin polarization. Equation /H2084929/H20850also de-
scribes the modifications of the spin-polarization lifetimethat appear at second order in E. In the following we discuss
the spin dynamics that emerge from this dispersion relationfor representative SO Hamiltonians.A. SU(2) case
For the case of /H9251=/H92521,/H92523=0, the dispersion relation sim-
plifies to
i/H9275/H11006/H20849q/H20850=D/H208491+2/H92612/H20850/H20849q/H11006q0/H208502+ivd/H20849q/H11006q0/H20850, /H2084930/H20850
where /H9261/H11013vd/vF. To distinguish the lifetime and propagation
effects we write the dispersion relation in the form
i/H9275/H20849q/H20850=/H9253/H20849q/H20850+i/H9278˙/H20849q/H20850, /H2084931/H20850
where /H9253/H20849q/H20850is the decay rate and /H9278˙/H20849q/H20850is the rate of phase
advance. The real and imaginary parts of i/H9275−/H20849q/H20850, correspond-
ing to the longer lived of the two modes, are plotted in Fig.1. As is apparent from Fig. 1/H20849a/H20850, the spin-polarization life-
time, 1 /
/H9253−/H20849q/H20850remains infinite at the PSH wave vector, de-
spite the presence of the electric field. This result is consis-tent with the theoretical prediction that at the SU /H208492/H20850point the
spin helix generation operators commute with all perturba-tion terms that are not explicitly spin dependent.
the field increases the effective diffusion constant by the fac-tor/H9261
2so that the decay rate for q/HS11005q0increases rapidly when
the drift velocity approaches the thermal velocity of the elec-trons. The spin helix generation operators will not commutewith the Hamiltonion if there exists a spatial disorder of SOinteractions.
The rate of phase advance /H20851plotted in Fig. 1/H20849b/H20850/H20852vanishes
atq=q0, i.e., the PSH is stationary, despite the fact that the
Fermi sea of electrons is moving by with average velocity
vd. Moreover, spin spirals with q/H11021q0will appear to move
backward, that is, opposite to the direction of electron flow.Although unusual, this property can be understood by con-sidering the spin dynamics in a frame moving with velocity
vd. In this frame Eparallel to xˆis perceived as a precession
vector /H9024d=−4/H92521vdyˆ=−vdq0yˆ. Therefore in the moving
frame /H9278/H11006/H20849x/H11032,t/H11032/H20850=/H11006qx/H11032−vdq0t. Transforming back to the
laboratory frame then yields /H9278˙/H11006/H20849q/H20850=vd/H20849q/H11006q0/H20850.
The nature of spin propagation at the SU /H208492/H20850symmetry
point can be made more clear if we Fourier transform fromthe wave vector to spatial domain. If we inject a
stripe of zpolarized spins at x=0, the space-time evolution
ofSzis proportional to the propagator, Gz/H20849x,t/H20850, where3.0
0.0γ−/D q02
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
(a) (b)
FIG. 1. /H20849Color online /H20850The dispersion relations for /H20849a/H20850the decay
rate and /H20849b/H20850the rate of phase change of the SO enhanced mode in
the SU /H208492/H20850case. /H20849a/H20850The decay rate /H9253−/H20849q/H20850increases with the drift
velocity /H20849/H9261/H11013vd/vF/H20850but always vanishes at the resonant wave vec-
torq0./H20849b/H20850The rate of phase change /H9278˙−/H20849q/H20850is proportional to the drift
velocity vdand it crosses zero at the resonant wave vector q0.YANG, ORENSTEIN, AND LEE PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155324 /H208492010 /H20850
155324-4Gz/H20849x,t/H20850/H11008/H20885dqeiqx/H20849A+e−i/H9275+t+A−e−i/H9275−t/H20850, /H2084932/H20850
where A+andA−are the weighting factors for the passive
and active modes, respectively, and A+=A−=1 /2 in the
SU/H208492/H20850case. Upon substituting the dispersion relations /H9275/H11006/H20849q/H20850,
we obtain
4Dt/H20876. /H2084933/H20850
The spin propagator is the product of a Gaussian envelope
function and a static spin wave with wave vector q0. The
envelope function is the one-dimensional diffusion propaga-
tor with width proportional to /H20881Dtand drift velocity vd.A n
illustration of the space-time evolution described by thispropagator is provided Fig. 2, for a drift velocity
Note that the phase of the spin wave modulated by theGaussian envelope remains stationary as the packet drifts anddiffuses. This contrasts with the more familiar wave packet,where the modulated wave and envelope functions bothpropagate, albeit with velocities that may differ.
B. SU(2) broken by cubic Dresselhaus term
When SU /H208492/H20850is exact, the integral of the Gaussian enve-
lope function is conserved, even in the presence of an Efield.
However, Stanescu and Galitski16have shown theoretically
that/H92523, which is nonzero in real systems, breaks SU /H208492/H20850. Ko-
ralek et al.17verified experimentally that /H92523is indeed the
factor that limits PSH lifetime in experiments on /H20849001 /H20850GaAs
quantum wells. In this section we calculate the dispersionrelation and spin packet time evolution in the presence of asmall cubic Dresselhaus term.
It was shown previously that when
/H92523is small, the
maximum lifetime occurs when the Rashba interaction
/H9251=/H92521−/H92523/H20849Ref. 16/H20850. We consider a QW with Rashba cou-
pling tuned to this value and assume that /H92523/H11270/H92521. This con-
dition is met in QWs in the 2D limit, where kFd/H112701/H20849dis the
well width /H20850. In this case the dispersion relation in the pres-
ence of the electric field can be written asi/H9275/H11006/H20849q/H20850/H110616DkF2/H925232+D/H20849q/H11006q0/H208502+ivd/H20849q/H11006q0/H20850/H11007ivd/H9004q,
where q0/H110134kF/H20849/H92521−/H92523/H20850and/H9004q=2kF/H92523. Performing the Fou-
rier transform to obtain the space-time evolution of a spinpacket, we obtain
In the presence of the cubic Dresselhaus interaction the inte-
gral of the Gaussian envelope is no longer conserved. Thedecay rate can be written in the form
, /H2084936/H20850
illustrating that although the decay rate is nonzero, it is re-
duced relative to the DP relaxation rate by a factor/H11015/H20849
/H92523//H92521/H208502. This ratio is expected theoretically,22and has
been verified experimentally,17to be determined by the rela-
4/H92662. /H2084937/H20850
For quite reasonable QW parameters a /H92523to/H92521ratio of
1:100 can be achieved, equivalent to a lifetime enhancementrelative to the DP spin memory time on the order of 10
C. Linear Dresselhaus coupling
Finally, we consider a fully symmetric well in which only
the linear Dresselhaus coupling exists. To make comparisonwith the SU /H208492/H20850situation, we set the strength of the linear
Dresselhaus coupling be 2
/H92521so that the resonant wave vec-
tor is at q/H11229q0=4kF/H92521. The dispersion relations /H9253−/H20849q/H20850and
/H9278˙−/H20849q/H20850obtained by substituting /H9251=/H92523=0 and replacing /H92521by
2/H92521in Eq. /H2084929/H20850are plotted in Fig. 3. Some qualitative fea-
tures of the dispersion relations are similar to the SU /H208492/H20850case,
in that /H9253−/H20849q/H20850has a global minimum and /H9278˙−/H20849q/H20850crosses zero at
q/H11229q0. The most important difference is that the minimum0.2
20 10 0
FIG. 2. /H20849Color online /H20850The space-time evolution of Szwith a
normalized /H9254-function injection at x=0, t=0, and drift velocity
vd=2Dq0in the SU /H208492/H20850case. The spin polarization develops into a
conserved stationary wave with a Gaussian wave packet.3.0
0.0γ−/D q02
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
(a) (b)
FIG. 3. /H20849Color online /H20850The dispersion relations for /H20849a/H20850the decay
rate and /H20849b/H20850the rate of phase change of the SO enhanced mode in
the linear-Dresselhaus-only case. The main features resemble those
in the SU /H208492/H20850case, both /H9253−/H20849q/H20850show a minimum and /H9278˙−/H20849q/H20850vanishes
atq0, but the lifetime is finite in this case.RANDOM WALK APPROACH TO SPIN DYNAMICS IN A … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155324 /H208492010 /H20850
155324-5/H9253−/H20849q/H20850does not reach zero, and therefore the spin spiral does
decay. In the limit of low electric field, the lifetime of thespin spiral is only about a factor of 2 longer than the q=0
The propagation of a spin packet in the linear-
Dresselhaus-only case is illustrated in Fig. 4, using the same
initial condition and drift velocity as in SU /H208492/H20850case. We per-
formed numerical integration of Eq. /H2084932/H20850to obtain the propa-
gator. As we have seen previously, a drifting and diffusingenvelope function modulates a spiral spin wave. However,now the spiral spin fades very quickly. The contrast betweenlinear Dresselhaus only and SU /H208492/H20850is illustrated in Fig. 5,
which is a plot of the integral of the envelope as a function oftime. After a rapid initial decay, the integral is constant in theSU/H208492/H20850case, whereas with only the linear Dresselhaus inter-
action the integrated amplitude decays exponentially with
rate /H11229Dq
Figure 6presents another way of visualizing the differ-
ence in propagation for the SU /H208492/H20850/H20851Fig. 6/H20849a/H20850/H20852and linear-
Dresselhaus-only /H20851Fig.6/H20849b/H20850/H20852Hamiltonians. The zcomponent
of spin polarization is shown /H20849with color coded amplitude /H20850asa function of time on the vertical axis and position on the
horizontal axis. It is clear, from the vertical orientation of thecontours that the positions of the nodes and antinodes of S
are fixed in space.
We have developed a random walk model to describe the
time evolution of electron spin in two dimensions in thepresence of Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions. From therandom walk model we derived equations of motion for spinpolarization and obtained dispersion relations for qparallel
to one of the symmetry directions of the Rashba/DresselhausHamiltonian. In Sec. II, we showed that the dispersion rela-
tions for spin-polarization waves that spiral in the plane con-taining the surface normal and the wave vector are identicalto those obtained from previous analyses.
13,16The random
walk approach is instructive in showing, in a simple but ex-plicit way, how anomalous spin diffusion and the persistentspin helix arise from nonvanishing correlations between thevelocity and spin precession vectors.
In Sec. III, we obtained dispersion relations for spin-
polarization waves that include the effects of an electric fieldparallel to q, to second order in E. The terms linear in Eare
equivalent to those obtained from the quantum kineticapproach.
18,19To first order in E, the field introduces a pre-
cession vector in the plane of the 2DEG and perpendicular toE. The precession about the yaxis gives rise to an unusual
behavior in that the spiral with wave vector q
0is stationary
in space despite the motion of electrons in the field; waveswith q/H11022q
0propagate in the same direction as the drifting
electrons while those with q/H11021q0propagate “backward.” The
terms that are second order in Eaffect the decay rate of spin
polarization without changing the velocity. The solutions ob-tained when these terms are included point to the specialproperties of waves with wave vector q
0, whose lifetime
turns out to be unchanged by the field. However, the decayrate of the all other waves increases, in proportion to/H20849q−q
We illustrated these results by considering three represen-
tative spin-orbit Hamiltonians: SU /H208492/H20850symmetric or /H9251=/H92521
and/H92523=0; SU /H208492/H20850broken by a small but nonzero /H92523; and
linear Dresselhaus coupling only or /H9251=/H92523=0. In order to
show the nature of spin propagation more clearly, we Fouriertransformed the solutions from wave vector to real space andobtained the dynamics of spin-polarization packets. In all0.2
20 10 0
FIG. 4. /H20849Color online /H20850The space-time evolution of Szin the
linear-Dresselhaus-only case with the same initial condition andapplied Efield as in the SU /H208492/H20850case. The features are similar to
those in the SU /H208492/H20850case, except the envelope function decays
8 6 4 2 0
FIG. 5. /H20849Color online /H20850The the absolute value of the spin polar-
ization integrated over position as a function of time. In the SU /H208492/H20850
case, /H20841Sz/H20841totis conserved after an initial decay while in the linear-
Dresselhaus-only case, /H20841Sz/H20841totdecays exponentially.
16 12 8 4 0
16 12 8 4 0
(a) (b)
FIG. 6. /H20849Color online /H20850The space-time images of the spin polar-
ization in the /H20849a/H20850SU/H208492/H20850and /H20849b/H20850linear-Dresselhaus-only cases,
respectively.YANG, ORENSTEIN, AND LEE PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 155324 /H208492010 /H20850
155324-6cases the spin packets move at the electron drift velocity. In
the SU /H208492/H20850case the integrated amplitude of the spin spiral is
conserved while in the linear-Dresselhaus-only case the am-
plitude decays with a rate /H11011Dq02. When SU /H208492/H20850is weakly
broken by small, but nonzero /H92523, the integrated amplitude
decays at a rate /H11011/H20849/H92523//H92521/H208502Dq02.
The conclusions reached by our analysis of the RW model
are consistent with a recent Monte Carlo study of a specific2DEG system, a /H20849001 /H20850In
1−xGaxAs quantum well with carrier
density /H110111012cm−2/H20849Ref.23/H20850. In this study spin-polarization
dynamics were calculated under conditions of steady-stateinjection from a ferromagnetic contact. For
/H9251//H92521ratios that
are close to unity, the spin polarization is conserved overseveral wavelengths of the PSH, despite the fact that trans-port takes place in the diffusive regime. Moreover, the polar-ization is not diminished with increasing electric field. Theauthors point out that the PSH effect can be used to achievea novel variation of the Datta-Das spin-field-effect transistor/H20849Ref. 24/H20850in which a gate electrode modulates the
ratio only slightly away from unity. This has the effect of
varying the wavelength of the PSH without significantly re-ducing its lifetime. Thus small changes in gate voltage can inprinciple lead to large changes in source to drain conduc-tance. Whether such a device can actually be realized de-pends on two factors: fabricating ferromagnetic injectors andanalyzers with high figures of merit, and demonstrating thatthe PSH effects that have been observed at temperatures be-low /H11011100 K /H20849Ref. 17/H20850can be realized at room temperature.
This work was supported by the Director, Office of Sci-
ence, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciencesand Engineering Division, of the U.S. Department of Energyunder Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
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PhysRevB.103.174432.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 174432 (2021)
Short-range thermal magnon diffusion in magnetic garnet
K. An ,1,*R. Kohno ,1N. Thiery,1D. Reitz ,2L. Vila,1V. V. N a l e t ov ,1,3N. Beaulieu,4,5J. Ben Youssef,5
G. de Loubens ,4Y . Tserkovnyak,2and O. Klein1,†
1Université Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS, Grenoble INP , Spintec, 38054 Grenoble, France
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
3Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russian Federation
4SPEC, CEA-Saclay, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
5LabSTICC, CNRS, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 29238 Brest, France
(Received 28 August 2020; revised 21 April 2021; accepted 29 April 2021; published 26 May 2021)
Using the spin Seebeck effect (SSE), we study the propagation distance of thermally induced spin currents
inside a magnetic insulator thin film in the short-range regime. We disambiguate spin currents driven bytemperature and chemical potential gradients by comparing the SSE signal before and after adding a heat-sinkingcapping layer on the same device. We report that the measured spin decay behavior near the heat source is wellaccounted for by a diffusion model where the magnon diffusion length is in submicron range, in other words, twoorders of magnitude smaller than previous estimates inferred from the long-range behavior. Our results highlightthe caveat in applying a diffusive theory to describe thermally generated magnon transport, where a single decaylength may not capture the behavior on all length scales.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.174432
The generation of pure spin currents by heat [ 1,2]i sa
tantalizing subject, which offers a unique opportunity to reachstrong out-of-equilibrium regimes with large spin current den-sities produced inside a magnetic material [ 3]. Interests lie
in the prospect of reaching new collective dynamical be-haviors of spin transport such as the hydrodynamic regimeconspicuous by the emergence of turbulences [ 4]. Magnon
superfluidity may also establish when the density exceeds theBose-Einstein condensation threshold under large temperaturegradients applied to low damping magnetic insulators, such asyttrium iron garnets (YIG) [ 5,6], where local heating can be
provided by injecting a large electrical current density throughan adjacent metal, advantageously in Pt [ 7–9], or by optically
heating with a laser [ 10–12].
The spin-transport properties are governed by λ, the char-
acteristic length over which spin is conserved. Previous
reports on measuring λin YIG at room temperature by the
spin Seebeck effect (SSE) indicates that for distances largerthan∼10μm (long-range regime), the SSE signal follows
an exponential decay with a characteristic length of the orderofλ
0≈10μm[13,14]. If this large value exceeds /lscript,t h e
magnon mean-free path [ 15,16], the magnons can behave as
a diffusive gas at long distances [ 17]. However, such a large
value of λmay seem surprising for thermal magnons [18].
If one extends the magnon dispersion up to the THz range,the extrapolated ballistic decay length for thermal magnons
bal=λex/(2α√ωT/ωM)=2μm, where ωT=kBT0/¯h=
2π×6.25 THz, T0is room temperature, λex≈15 nm is the
*Current address: Quantum Spin Team, Korea Research Institute of
Standards and Science, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.
†Corresponding author: oklein@cea.frexchange length in YIG, α≈10−4[19] is the Gilbert damp-
ing, and ωM=γμ 0M(T0)=2π×4.48 GHz, with Mbeing
the saturation magnetization. This estimate λbal, which is al-
ready smaller than λ0, should be considered as an upper bound
because (i) the Gilbert damping is expected to be increased inthe THz-range, [ 20] (ii) the group velocity is reduced toward
the edge of the Brillouin zone [ 21,22], and (iii) it does not
account for the√
/lscript/λ balreduction of the characteristic propa-
gation distance due to diffusion.
In fact, the distance range of the transport study is also
a potent means to select a very specific part of the magnonspectrum. In experiments focusing on the long-range behav-ior, one has in essence efficiently filtered out any short decaymagnons. Behind this debate lies a fundamental question ofhow well magnon transport can be described by a diffusivemodel forming one gas with a single λ, whose value would
govern SSE on all length scales. Submicron lengths have beeninferred from several longitudinal SSE measurements in thespatial [ 23,24] and temporal domains [ 11,25]. In nonlocal
SSE measurements, where two different Pt strips are usedfor the spin injection and detection, only longer spin decaylengths have been reported. The existence of shorter decaylengths has been difficult to observe because the voltage in-duced by SSE shows a nontrivial spatial decay as a functionof the Pt detector position near the heat source [ 4,26]. The
complex decay profile can be attributed to the competitionbetween magnons driven by the gradients of temperature andmagnon chemical potential [ 17,27,28]. It has been difficult
to control these two sources of spin excitation in experi-ments, which hinders a correct extraction of a characteristicdecay length near the heat source. In this paper we developa way to disambiguate these two contributions after alteringthe temperature profile. We monitor on the same devices theshort-range SSE signal before (case A) and after (case B)
2469-9950/2021/103(17)/174432(9) 174432-1 ©2021 American Physical SocietyK. AN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 174432 (2021)
FIG. 1. (a) Comparison of the measurements of the local ( V1)
and nonlocal ( V2) voltages generated in YIG |Pt|Si3N4(case A) and
YIG|Pt|Si3N4|Al (case B) stacks. Experiments are performed on
the same devices before and after the deposition of an Al cappinglayer (left and right schematics). Two Pt electrodes deposited on
top of YIG film monitor the spin-transconductance when an exter-
nal magnetic field H
0rotates in-plane in the azimuthal direction ϕ.
The center-to-center distance dbetween the two electrodes is varied
between 0.5 and 6.3 μm. (b) Calculated vertical temperature gradient
profiles at the top YIG surface at 2 mA. The light blue-shaded regionindicates the inverted gradient in case B. Beyond this region, ∂
about three orders of magnitude larger in case B. The insets are the
calculated temperature profiles for both cases.
capping it with a nonmagnetic aluminum layer. The capping
allows to change the vertical thermal gradient without alteringthe YIG interface. We observe that the sign of SSE volt-age inverts twice within a distance of 1 μm from the heat
source for case B. The corresponding sign reversal of SSEsuggests that the magnons clearly sense the change in localtemperature gradient taking place for case B. With a simplediffusive transport model, the measured SSE decay profilefor both cases can be reproduced if one introduces a thermalmagnon diffusion length λ≈300±200 nm. The extracted
shortλfrom our measurement fills the gap between different
length scales reported in the longitudinal and nonlocal SSEmeasurements.
We use a 56-nm thick YIG(111) film grown on a 500- μm
gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate by liquid-phaseepitaxy. Ferromagnetic resonance experiments have shown adamping parameter of 2 ×10
−4revealing an excellent crystal
quality of the YIG film [ 29]. The sample structure and mea-
surement configuration are shown in Fig. 1(a). In our notation,
subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the voltages measured by the Pt 1
and Pt 2, respectively. We show the data for both YIG |Pt|Si3N4
(case A, red) and YIG |Pt|Si3N4|Al (case B, blue). The color
conventions will be used consistently throughout the paper.
FIG. 2. (a), (c) Angular dependence of the background sub-
tracted local voltage δVϕmeasured in the Pt injector strip for the
current of I=± 0.8 mA and external magnetic field of μ0H0=
200 mT. We subtract the reference voltage Vyfrom the raw signal
to remove any contributions not associated with magnons. In (b) and(d) we decompose the measured magnetoresistive voltage into two
components, /Sigma1and/Delta1, the even and odd contributions of the signal
with respect to the mirror symmetry about the yzplane (see the text).
Two Pt strips (Pt 1and Pt 2) with a width of 300 nm, a length
of 30μm, and a thickness of 7 nm have been evaporated
directly on top of the YIG film. The center-to-center distancedbetween two Pt strips varies from 0.5 to 6.3 μm. The
sample is then covered by a 20-nm thick Si
film. A local Joule annealing was used to enhance the spinconductance [ 30]. After full characterization of the different
devices, a 105-nm thick aluminum layer, with a length of 30μm and a width of 10 μm, is deposited on the top of the Si
film, and the same devices are measured again. The sample
is submitted to an external field of μ0H0=200 mT rotating
within the xyplane (in-plane configuration). We first show
the expected change in temperature profile by the Al cappingin Fig. 1(b). The temperature rise, /Delta1T, is about 40 K lower
in case B at the Pt injector. The reduced temperature rise isexperimentally confirmed by measuring the Pt
1resistance (see
Appendix A). Besides the change in the temperature profile,
the gradient profile also shows a dramatic change. While incase A the thermal gradient is always directed downward (intothe substrate), in case B, a large thermal gradient directedupward (into Al) is created half a micron away from thesource. The shaded region highlights the effect. Since thevertical thermal gradient drives the SSE, this feature gives riseto an additional signal at Pt
We use the same method demonstrated in our previous
work to extract the SSE voltage [ 8]. As an illustration, we dis-
play the background-subtracted local voltage δVϕ=Vϕ−Vy
measured with the Pt injector on YIG |Pt|Si3N4at±0.8m Aa s
a function of the in-plane magnetic field angle ϕin Figs. 2(a)
and2(c). The offset Vy, measured when the magnetic field
is applied along the yaxis (ϕ=90◦), takes account of all
the spurious contributions to the spin transport [ 31]. To dis-
tinguish the SSE from the spin-orbit torque, we define twoquantities based on the yzmirror symmetry: /Sigma1
FIG. 3. (a) Current dependence of measured local /Delta11for case A (YIG |Pt|Si3N4) and case B (YIG |Pt|Si3N4|Al). The solid red line shows
that the local /Delta11follows the expected behavior based on the temperature rise with increasing current. (b) Measured current dependence of
nonlocal /Delta12for three different d’s for case A (red) and case B (blue).
(δVϕ,I±δVϕ,I)/2, where ϕ=π−ϕ[32]. Figures 2(b) and
2(d) show the evolution of the extracted /Sigma1and/Delta1as a function
ofϕfor both polarities of the current I./Sigma1is antisymmetric
with respect to the current and evolves as cos 2 ϕ, as expected
from the spin Hall magnetoresistance effect [ 33–35]./Delta1shows
a cosϕangular dependence and is symmetric with respect to
the current, consistent with the SSE [ 36]. In the following, we
shall exclusively focus on the SSE voltage ( /Delta1).
Next, we compare the full current dependence of the SSE
voltage /Delta11(I)(/Delta1ϕ=0,Iin Pt 1) for both case A (red) and
case B (blue) in Fig. 3(a). We clearly see that the voltage
is negative for both cases over the entire current range. Theparabolic curvature observed at low currents decreases whenthe Al heat sink is introduced, which agrees with the reducedtemperature rise. We observe that /Delta1
1(I) reaches a minimum
at 2 mA for case A with the minimum shifting to a highercurrent for case B. We attribute this reversal of the slope asthe growing influence of the vanishing YIG magnetization asone approaches the Curie temperature T
c=544 K determined
on our garnet film, which is close to the literature value of bulkYIG [ 37]. The current dependence of /Delta1
1(I) for case A can be
reproduced by an empirical formula /Delta11∝SM(T)(T−T0),
where Sis the spin Seebeck coefficient, M(T) is the saturation
magnetization at the temperature T, while T0=300 K is the
temperature of the substrate. From the fit as shown in Fig. 3(a),
one can extract S≈0.08μVK−1in good agreement with pre-
vious estimates [ 38] (see Appendix C). In case A [red curves
in Fig. 3(b)], the sign of the measured voltage changes from
negative to positive when going from the local voltage /Delta11
to the nonlocal voltage /Delta12, respectively. This observation is
consistent with the previous works that reported a single signreversal of the SSE voltage measured as a function of distancefrom the heat source [ 26,39,40]. It has been reported that
the characteristic distance at which the magnon accumulationchanges the sign can be tuned by varying the magnetic filmthickness [ 26] or magnon diffusion length [ 39]. The situation
is quite different for case B, as shown with the blue dots inFig. 3(b). In the vicinity of the injector, the nonlocal /Delta1
still positive at 0.7 μm but much smaller than case A. The
sign of /Delta12for case B eventually becomes negative when the
Pt detectors are positioned at 1 and 2.3 μm away from the
injector. Our understanding of the sign changes as a functionofdis as follows: At d=0, heat drags magnons from Pt
1down into YIG (negative sign for SSE); at larger d, magnons
can transfer spin from the YIG bulk into Pt 2(positive sign);
adding Al creates a region of inverted heat flow over a shortrange (positive sign within 0.2 and 0.5 μm) and significant
heat flow down into YIG over a longer range (negative sign).The fact that we see a negative signal after the second crossingsignifies that the positive SSE driven by the magnon diffusionalready becomes diminished and the local temperature-drivenSSE dominates. In this perspective, the second crossing pointmay put an upper bound on the estimate of λ.
To model our experiment, we treat the magnons in YIG as
a diffusive gas with temperature Tand chemical potential μ
described by a set of transport coefficients [ 17]. The measured
/Delta1signal is proportional to the magnon chemical potential
at the interface between YIG and Pt [ 41]. The continuity
equation for spin current density Jsin the steady state is
−∇·Js=gμ, (1)
where gis spin relaxation coefficient. In linear response, the
transport equation is
Js=−σ(∇μ+ς∇T), (2)
where σis the spin conductivity and ςis the bulk spin
Seebeck coefficient. The two equations are combined andlead to
λ2=∇2μ+ς∇2T, (3)
where λ=√σ/gis the thermal magnon diffusion length.
We use a finite element method, COMSOL, to calculate
the temperature profile and the magnon chemical potentialμin 3D assuming translational invariance along the yaxis
(see Appendix B). The second crossing point d
2observed in
the case B, as indicated in Fig. 4(b), is an important feature
that reveals the inverted heat flow near the heat source asshown in Fig. 1(b). The calculated spatial profiles of μfor
three different values of λare compared with the experimental
data in Figs. 4(a)and4(b) after normalization to the measured
values at d=0μm. We find that the second sign reversal
2can be reproduced with a short λ=100 nm. Increasing
174432-3K. AN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 174432 (2021)
FIG. 4. Comparison of the experimentally measured /Delta1’s at 2 mA with the numerically calculated chemical potential profile for (a) case A
and (b) case B on a symmetric log scale. The result with λ=0.1μm reproduces the measured double crossing as shown in (b). The second
crossing does not appear anymore when increasing λto 0.5 or 1 μm. Insets show the data taken at 1 mA compared with the calculations with
λ=0.2μm. (c) Contour plot of the second crossing position d2as a function of λand thermal conductivity of Si 3N4. The black lines represent
the iso-lines for different d2’s. The arrow points to the value of κSi3N4used in (a) and (b).
it to 0.5 or 1 μm, however, no longer reproduces the second
crossing in case B [compare solid line with dashed and dottedlines in Fig. 4(b)]. In the insets of Fig. 4, we present the best
fit obtained with λ=0.2μm for the data taken at 1 mA.
Although the /Delta1signal seems to depend on the current value,
the extracted λis not significantly modified (see Appendix E).
The fit value of λdepends on other parameters in the
model. The second crossing point, d
2, can be affected by the
temperature profile at the interface, which is sensitive, forexample, to the thermal conductivity of Si
3N4.W es h o wa
contour plot for d2as a function of κSi3N4andλin Fig. 4(c).
The measured second crossing constrains the parameter spaceto the line along d
2=1μm. The second crossing is not
observed for λ> 500 nm regardless of κSi3N4. These consid-
erations can be further modified by the interfacial SSE dueto the magnon-phonon temperature difference at the interface[42,43]. Enhanced local temperature-driven contribution to
the measured signal can increase λfor a given d
2.T oh a v e
quantitative agreement with the data, we also get an upper
bound of λ∼500 nm, although it is worth mentioning that
in the limit of large temperature mismatch between magnonsin YIG and the Pt one can qualitatively reproduce the single
crossing in case A and double crossing in case B for muchlarger λ(see Appendix D).
Although our proposed fit with a diffusive equation
parametrized by λ∈[100,500]≈300±200 nm captures
well the short-range behavior in both cases A and B, weemphasize that this does not contradict earlier works [ 13,44].
The data observed for case A are similar to the ones alreadyobserved in other YIG devices, where the fit of the long-rangedecay behavior has led to the larger λ
0≈30×λ[45]. We note
that the magnon diffusion equation [Eq. ( 3)] is constructed
under the assumption of a long-distance behavior, where all
the magnons are equilibrated to a common chemical potential.
It is not surprising, however, to have a significant departure inthe spin-transport behavior at short distances, where magnons
are not yet internally equilibrated or thermally equilibratedwith the surrounding phonons [ 24]. In certain special cases
nonetheless, this may be modeled by introducing effectivelength scales, which is illustrated in our analysis. Specifically,we suggest a possibility that a subset of out-of-equilibriummagnons, from the thermal energy range, is locally decayingon a shorter length scale ( λ) than the asymptotic long-distance
decay ( λ
0). We note that our extracted λis close to the
value for the magnon diffusion length predicted in a previ-ous work [ 46], while λ
0is comparable to the upper-bound
estimate of Ref. [ 47]. The previously reported energy re-
laxation length of magnons [ 11,23–25] is also seen to be
similar to λ, where the possible connection needs to be further
In summary, we measured the spatial distribution of ther-
mally generated magnons in a thin YIG film. We altered thetemperature profile across the YIG film with an aluminumlayer. The results are that the nonequilibrium thermal magnonprofile deviates from an exponential decay and shows a doublesign reversal. We use a linear response magnon transport the-ory to obtain the short-range thermal magnon diffusion lengthof a submicron range, which is about two orders of magnitudesmaller than the value found in previous reports focused on thelong-range measurements. Our results suggest that the localeffect of heating is to produce magnons which decay on ashort-length scale near the source. The experimental approachusing a heat sink to reveal a short magnon diffusion lengthmay find applications to other systems, especially when thelength scale of the diffusion and temperature gradient arecomparable.
This work was supported in part by the Grants
No. 18-CE24-0021 from the ANR of France. K.A. acknowl-edges support from the National Research Foundation ofKorea (NRF; Grant No. 2021R1C1C201226911) funded bythe Korean government (MSIT). V .V .N. acknowledges sup-port from UGA through the invited Prof. program and fromthe Russian Competitive Growth of KFU. The work at UCLAwas supported by the US Department of Energy, Office ofBasic Energy Sciences under Award No. DE-SC0012190.
We characterize the temperature rise induced by Joule heat-
ing using the Pt resistance as a temperature sensor. The Ptinjector is connected to a 6221 Keithley, which generates a10 -ms pulse current with a duty cycle of 10%. The voltagesare measured with a 2182A Keithley nano-voltmeter [ 8]. In
the inset of Fig. 5, we plot the rational increase of Pt resis-
tance as a function of ambient temperature between 220 and300 K. The change in resistance /Delta1Ris linearly proportional to
the temperature rise /Delta1T=T−T
0, i.e.,/Delta1R(T)/R0=ζ/Delta1T,
where R0is the initial resistance, ζis the thermal coefficient
of resistance, and T0=300 K is room temperature. We obtain
ζ=(2.1±0.3)×10−3K−1for our Pt strip from the fit. The
increase of resistance and corresponding temperature rise asa function of current is plotted in Fig. 5. The Pt tempera-
ture increases quadratically with applying current owing tothe Joule heating ( ∝I
2). The temperature rise in Pt is about
45 K lower after the Al deposition at 2 mA (current densityof∼10
12A/m2). This indicates that the Al layer effectively
spreads the heat from the Pt injector.
The temperature profiles and the chemical potential are
calculated in a 2D geometry using a finite element method,COMSOL. We choose a boundary condition that the top and
FIG. 5. Resistance increase and the corresponding temperature
elevation in the Pt strip as a function of the injected current with
and without Al capping (red and blue dots, respectively). The solidred and blue lines are quadratic fits to the data. The inset shows the
temperature dependence of Pt resistance. The yellow line is a linear
fit to the data.
FIG. 6. Calculated temperature rise profiles for two cases with
and without the Al layer at 2 mA.
side surfaces are thermally isolated and the bottom is held
at room temperature, and the normal component of the spincurrent is zero at the boundary. The geometry was chosen to bethe same as the actual sample size, except that the lateral sizeof sample and the thickness of GGG are reduced to 30 μmt o
facilitate the calculation. The thermal conductivity parametersare 9, 7.4, 29, 220, and 0.5 Wm
−1K−1for GGG [ 48], YIG
[48], Pt [ 49], Al [ 50], and Si 3N4[51], respectively. The value
of the spin Seebeck coefficient ςdoes not affect the decay
profile. The thermal magnon diffusion length λis varied. The
calculated temperature profiles at the top of YIG surface areshown for the two cases in Fig. 6. The temperature difference
atd=0μm (the center of Pt injector strip) between two cases
is 37 K, which roughly agrees with the measured temperaturedifference at 2 mA as shown in Fig. 5. To check the validity of
calculated temperature profile, we measured the temperaturerise at the position of the detector in case A. Our estimationyields a temperature drop of 46% for the detector placed atd=0.5μm away from the injector. This is larger than the
simulated temperature drop of 30% over the same distance(red curve in Fig. 6). The discrepancy may arise from (i) the
simplification to 2D modeling and (ii) the possible differencein parameters between the simulation and the measurement.Also, the heat could be removed by the Pt detector, which isnot taken into account in this calculation. However, we findthat the temperature change due to the presence of Pt detectoris negligible (see Appendix F).
In Fig. 3(a), we fit the measured current dependence of
/Delta11for case A. The measured local SSE voltage follows the
analytical expression /Delta11=SLPt/angbracketleft∂zT/angbracketright, where Sis the spin
Seebeck coefficient, LPtis the length of the Pt electrode,
and/angbracketleft∂zT/angbracketrightis the vertical temperature gradient across the YIG
thickness. The latter is proportional to the temperature riseof the Pt injector: /angbracketleft∂
zT/angbracketright=(T−T0)/lT, where T0=300 K
is the substrate temperature and lTis the characteristic decay
length of temperature from the top surface. By comparing themeasured Pt temperature rise T−T
0=130 K at 2 mA with
the expected /angbracketleft∂zT/angbracketright=10 K/56 nm as shown in Fig. 1(b),w e
obtain lT∼730 nm. Assuming that the temperature depen-
dence of Sis simply due to μ0M(T) (in contrast with the fitted
temperature dependence used in a previous work [ 52]), the
174432-5K. AN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 174432 (2021)
FIG. 7. Measured temperature dependence of magnetization.
The solid red line is a fit with Eq. ( C2).
expression for /Delta11becomes
lT(T−T0)μ0M(T), (C1)
where C≡S/(μ0M(T)). The temperature dependence of
magnetization follows an empirical formula,
μ0M(T)=μ0M0(1−(T/Tc)a)b, (C2)
where μ0M0=0.217 T is the YIG saturation magnetization
atT=0 K, while the exponents a=2.0 and b=0.6a r e
extracted from the fit as shown in Fig. 7. The expression for
/Delta11(T) is converted to /Delta11(I) using the temperature-current
calibration curve in Fig. 5. Then we use Cas a single fit-
ting parameter to reproduce the observed behavior [solid redline in Fig. 3(a)]. The fit yields C=0.43μVK
−1T−1.A t
room temperature, where the magnetization of YIG is about0.178 T, the spin Seebeck coefficient of our YIG |Pt system
is about S≈0.08μVK
−1, which agrees with a previous
work [ 38].
Another potential source of spin currents to consider are
interfacial effects at the Pt strips arising from the Kapitza re-sistance, which creates a temperature discontinuity, δTacross
the YIG |Pt interface [ 43,53]. One can assume that δTis pro-
portional to the temperature gradient at the interface, ∂
zT.T h e
measured SSE voltage including the interfacial contributioncan be written as
SSE=C1(μ−C2kB∂zT), (D1)
where μis the magnon chemical potential obtained by solving
Eq. ( 3). Here we are interested in the spin flow to leading order
in the spin-exchange coupling across the YIG |Pt interface. In
this case, Tandμare calculated in the absence of spin flow
into Pt. The two are evaluated along the top YIG surface. C1
is a constant, which normalizes the simulation results to the
experimental data at d=0μm.C2is a parameter proportional
to the Kapitza length, which represents the contribution of theinterfacial term. The negative sign implies that the heat flow isalong the opposite direction of the temperature gradient. Onecan assume that C
2is the same for both case A and case B for
fixed dbecause the Al layer does not touch either the YIG or
Pt directly. We recall also that in our Cartesian frame, zis the
direction normal to the film.
FIG. 8. The calculated spatial profile of μafter normalization to
the measured local /Delta11. The results are compared to the measured
/Delta1’s with varying λfor (a), (c), (e) case A and (b), (d), (f) case B with
C2=0, 0.5, 10 μm. Only λ=100 and 300 nm show qualitative
agreements for case B with C2=0. With an increased C2=0.5
μm,λ=500 nm can roughly fit for both cases (c and d). However,
λ=1μm fits neither the first crossing in case A nor the second
crossing in case B well. The fit does not work for case A anymore
with C2=10μm even though the double crossing in case B can be
reproduced (e and f).
Figure 8shows the effect of adding a finite C2for different
values of λ.F o r C2=0.5μm, the calculation can reproduce
the observed double crossing in case B for all four values ofλ. However, λ=1μm case does not predict well either the
observed first crossing in case A or the second crossing incase B. It is important to also point out that V
follows the temperature gradient profile in Fig. 1(b) when the
C2term is dominant [Fig. 8(f)] even for large values of λ. Thus
in the limit of very large C2, the observation of a double SSE
FIG. 9. Experimental data at 1 and 2 mA are plotted. (a) Red
(orange) line is the calculated decay profile for 2 mA (1 mA) withλ=0.4μma n d C
2=0. (b) Similar plots are shown for case B,
where blue and cyan solid lines are the calculated profiles for 2 and 1
mA, respectively, with λ=0.1μma n d C2=0. The calculations are
normalized to the measured local /Delta11.
sign crossing in case B is not anymore conspicuous of a short
decay length of thermal magnons. Another consequence ofassuming that the interfacial effects are dominant is to reducestrongly (more than three orders of magnitude) the amplitudeof the signal after the first crossing in case A. The fact thatwe observe experimentally only an order of magnitude re-duction of the SSE signal for case A thus points to a smallvalue of C
2/lessmuch0.5μm( s e eF i g . 3between d=0 and d=
0.7μm). Experimentally, we have performed an estimation
of the Kapitza resistance by comparing the increase of the Pttemperature inferred from the variation of its resistance andthe temperature increase of YIG inferred from the decrease ofthe Kittel frequency due to a change of M
s(T), whose slope is
about 0.4 mT /K at room temperature [ 8]. We have found no
temperature difference between the Pt and the YIG underneathwithin the uncertainty of 2 K when the increase of temperaturerise is T−T
0=70 K. At 2 mA, where T−T0=130 K, the
temperature gradient is 0.2 K /nm. From this, we estimate an
upper bound of Kapitza length of about 20 nm.
Experimentally we find that the /Delta1signal seems to increase
with current (see the data points in Fig. 9). However, when
FIG. 10. Comparison of calculated temperature profiles at 2 mA
with and without Pt detector at 1 μm for (a) case A and (b) case B.
quantitatively checking if λdepends on the value of current,
we find that the best-fitting λis not significantly modified with
current. In Fig. 9(a), we show that λ=0.4μm fits very well
both data sets taken at 1 and 2 mA. In case B, λ=0.1μmfi t s
both data sets reasonably [Fig. 9(b)]. We note that all these
λ’s are within our uncertainty range, i.e., λ∈[100,500] nm.
Also, the /Delta1signal in case B becomes more negative with in-
creasing current. We believe this is because the /Delta1contribution
by the temperature gradient prevails over the magnon diffu-sion process at higher currents leading to the more negativesignal.
Finally, we consider the effect of Pt detector on the
temperature profile. In Fig. 10, we compare the calculated
temperature profiles with /without the Pt detector at d=
1μm. There are less than 1 K variations of temperature due
the Pt detector in both cases, which amount to less than a 1%change in the temperature rise. This is because (i) the Pt stripcovers only a small fraction of YIG surface and (ii) thermalconductivity of our 7-nm thick Pt is estimated to be as lowas about 29 W m
−1K−1expected from the high resistance of
3.8 k/Omega1, consistent with Wiedemann-Franz law. Compared to
the temperature change induced by the Al layer, this temper-ature change is negligible. Therefore, the Pt detector is notincluded in the calculations.
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PhysRevB.98.220411.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 220411(R) (2018)
Rapid Communications
Cavity optomechanics of topological spin textures in magnetic insulators
Igor Proskurin,1,2,*Alexander S. Ovchinnikov,2,3Jun-ichiro Kishine,4and Robert L. Stamps1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
2Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
3Institute for Metal Physics, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg 620137, Russia
4Division of Natural and Environmental Sciences, The Open University of Japan, Chiba 261-8586, Japan
(Received 5 October 2018; revised manuscript received 22 November 2018; published 26 December 2018)
Collective dynamics of topological magnetic textures can be thought of as a massive particle moving in a
magnetic pinning potential. We demonstrate that inside a cavity resonator this effective mechanical system canfeel the electromagnetic radiation pressure from cavity photons through the magneto-optical inverse Faraday andCotton-Mouton effects. We estimate values for the effective parameters of the optomechanical coupling for twospin textures: a Bloch domain wall and a chiral magnetic soliton lattice. The soliton lattice has magnetic chirality,so that in circularly polarized light it behaves like a chiral particle with the sign of the optomechanical couplingdetermined by the helicity of the light and chirality of the lattice. Most interestingly, we find a level attractionregime for the soliton lattice, which is tunable through an applied magnetic field.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.220411
Introduction. Cavity optomechanics is an established area
in which the effect of radiation pressure on mechanical objectsinside microwave cavity resonators is studied [ 1]. The scope
includes an impressive variety of phenomena including lasercooling [ 2], parametric instability [ 3,4] and chaotic dynamics
[5], optomechanical entanglement [ 6], and nonclassical pho-
ton states [ 7]. There are a number of applications ranging
from high-accuracy sensors for gravitational wave detectors[8,9] to quantum information processing protocols based on
the fundamental principles of the quantum mechanics [ 1,10].
It was demonstrated recently, both experimentally [ 11,12]
and theoretically [ 13,14], that magnons in magnetic insulators
can also feel electromagnetic radiation pressure forces owingto magneto-optical interactions such as the inverse Fara-day and Cotton-Mouton effects. These findings establisheda new direction—cavity optomagnonics which has developed
rapidly during the last few years [ 15–20]. On a quantum level,
optomagnonics describes systems of coupled photons andmagnons using an optomechanical Hamiltonian with whichvarious optomechanical effects in magnetic insulators arepredicted and described [ 21]. Cavity optomagnonics, together
with spin optodynamics of cold atoms [ 22,23], shapes the
basis of modern optospintronics [ 24], which targets ultrafast
optical control of spin states utilizing cavity resonators tocondense the electromagnetic energy [ 25–32].
In this Rapid Communication, we propose a realization
of coupled spin-photon dynamics that connects cavity op-tomechanics with optomagnonics. It is well established thatlow-energy dynamics of modulated spin textures, such asdomain walls in ferromagnets [ 33–38] or magnetic soliton
lattices in helimagnets [ 39–42], can be described in terms
of a few collective coordinates. A canonical example is the
*igor.proskurin@umanitoba.caequation of motion for a pinned domain wall (DW), whichcan be expressed in terms of the harmonic oscillator equation
mX=Ftorque, (1)
where X(t) is the position of DW, meffis the effective mass
determined by the spin configuration, /Gamma1mis the dissipation pa-
rameter, which is proportional to the Gilbert damping, and theoscillator frequency, /Omega1
m, determined by the external pinning
of DW to impurities or defects [ 37]. The force on the right-
hand side is assigned to arise from a spin torque acting uponthe spin texture. In magnetic insulators, spin torque can be ofmagneto-optical origin [ 13,14]. For example, in a circularly
birefringent medium the electric field E(ω) is able to generate
an effective magnetic field B
eff∼E(ω)×E(ω)∗, which is
able to excite collective motion of a DW, thus creating aradiation pressure force on the right-hand side of Eq. ( 1).
It should be mentioned that our approach is different
from those in Refs. [ 13,14], where magneto-optical coupling
was applied to (macro)spin dynamics. The collective motionof modulated spin textures makes their behavior similar toactual massive particles moving in the real-space potentialenergy profile, which means that one can realize a variety ofoptomechanical applications using spin textures as effectivemechanical objects, for which parameters can be manipulatedby applying external fields.
High tunability of spin textures in combination with low
magnetic damping in such materials as iron garnets makesthem suitable for applications. In what follows, we discusshow this scenario can be realized for two magnetic textures:a Bloch DW and a periodic chiral soliton lattice (CSL),which is typical for uniaxial chiral helimagnets [ 43,44]. We
demonstrate that the latter can be used for the realization oflevel attraction in optomechanical systems [ 45], which was
also demonstrated recently for cavity magnon polaritons [ 46].
Our approach can be further generalized to two-dimensionalspin textures (e.g., magnetic skyrmions), which has attracted
2469-9950/2018/98(22)/220411(6) 220411-1 ©2018 American Physical SocietyPROSKURIN, OVCHINNIKOV , KISHINE, AND STAMPS PHYSICAL REVIEW B 98, 220411(R) (2018)
FIG. 1. (a) Coordinate system showing spin S(r,t) parametrized
by the azimuthal angle ϕand the polar angle θ. (b) Bloch domain
wall pinned at z=0 by the pinning interaction Vpinand the effective
mechanical model: the massive particle meffmoving in the potential
energy profile Upin(X). (c) Bloch domain wall inside the cavity
resonator: circularly polarized cavity mode generates the effectivemagnetic B
effthrough the inverse Faraday effect, which creates
the optical pressure force /angbracketleftF/angbracketrighton the domain wall in the direction
perpendicular to Beff.
attention in recent studies of the optomagnonics of a mi-
crodisk with a vortex magnetization pattern [ 47].
The model. We begin by considering a DW oscillator in the
optical field. Collective dynamics of a DW can be obtainedfrom the spin Lagrangian density [ 37]
−3(cosθ−1)∂tϕ−HM−Vpin, (2)
which describes the semiclassical motion of the spin S=
S(cosϕsinθ,sinϕsinθ,cosθ) parametrized by the angles
ϕ(z,t) and θ(z,t), as shown in Fig. 1(a). The second term
in Eq. ( 2) is the magnetic energy density of the DW
−K/bardblS2a−3cos2ϕsin2θ], (3)
where Jis the ferromagnetic exchange constant, K/bardblandK⊥
are anisotropy parameters, and ais the lattice constant. In the
following, we set S=1 and a=1 and restore these factors
whenever necessary. The last term in Eq. ( 2) is the pinning
potential, which is modeled through a local anisotropy field atz=0[48], with V
pin=−Kpinδ(z)s i n2ϕsin2θ.
The static Bloch DW configuration, stabilized by compe-
tition of the exchange interaction with the anisotropy energy,is characterized by θ0=π/2 and tan ϕ0(z)/2=exp(z/λ DW),
where λDW=/radicalbigJ/K /bardbldenotes the domain wall width [ 49].
The lowest-energy dynamics of DW can be described
by the collective coordinate method [ 33]. For this purpose,
we introduce two dynamical variables: the position of thewall,X(t), responsible for its translational motion, ϕ(z,t)=
0[z−X(t)], and the amplitude ξ(t) of the out-of-plane com-
ponent, θ(z,t)=π/2+ξ(t)u0[z−X(t)]. The spatial profile
ofθ(z,t) is determined by the Pöschl-Teller equation, which
givesu0(z)=sech(z/λ DW)/√
In terms of collective variables, the effective Lagrangian
for the translational motion of the Bloch domain wall motiontakes the following form:
eff=¯hMξ(t)˙X(t)−/Delta1ξ2(t)−Upin(X), (4)
where M=/integraltext
u0∂zϕ0dzand/Delta1=2K⊥λDW+π2Kpin/4, and
we have kept only leading order terms in ξ(t). The last term
in this equation is the potential energy of the pinning givenbyU
pin(X)=−Kpinsech2(z/λ DW). Spin relaxation in DW
dynamics can be taken into account by a Rayleigh dissipationfunction, W=¯hα/(2Sa)/integraltext
tS)2dz, where αis the Gilbert
damping parameter [ 37].
Dissipative Euler-Lagrange equations for Leffcan be re-
duced to the second-order equation of motion for a massiveparticle moving in viscose medium in the pinning potentialU
∂X, (5)
where meff=¯h2M2/(2/Delta1) is the effective mass of DW and
/Gamma1m=2α¯hK/meffis the effective mechanical damping, where
(∂zϕ0)2dz[see Fig. 1(b)]. For strong pinning, this
equation reduces to Eq. ( 1) for a damped harmonic oscillator
The Hamiltonian formulation for the Lagrangian in Eq. ( 4)
can be found using the general formalism of Ref. [ 50] that
treats the canonical momentum PX=∂Leff/∂˙Z=¯hMξas a
constraint. This allows us to exclude ξ(t) and find the effective
mechanical Hamiltonian for X(t)[39]:
2meff+Upin(X). (6)
This Hamiltonian is helpful for analyzing a quantum regime
of DW motion, achieved by replacing dynamic variables withoperators ˆx=x
ZPF(b+b†) and ˆpx=−imeff/Omega1mxZPF(b−
b†), where xZPF=(¯h/2meff/Omega1m)1/2, andbandb†satisfy boson
commutation relations. The effective damping /Gamma1min this case
corresponds to the decoherence rate of the quantum oscillatorstates.
Magneto-optical coupling. The central idea of this Rapid
Communication is that inside a cavity resonator, a DW canfeel radiation pressure forces from the electromagnetic fieldsimilar to that of a suspended mirror in standard optome-chanical applications. The microscopic mechanism behindthis analogy is the magneto-optical coupling between theelectromagnetic field and the spin system [ 51]. Local spin
oscillations modulate the electric permittivity tensor resulting
in an interaction energy [ 52]
j(r,t)d3r, (7)
where E(r,t) denotes the complex amplitude of the electric
field, E(r,t)=Re[E(r,t)e x p (−iωt)] [53,54]. The electric
permittivity can be expanded in a power series of the spin den-sity,δε
ij(r)=ifijkSk(r)+βijklSk(r)Sl(r)+..., where the
magneto-optical coupling tensors fijk=−fjikandβijkl=
βjikl=βijlk=βjilkare related to the Faraday and Cotton-
Mouton effects, respectively [ 51].
Inside the cavity, the electric permittivity determines the
frequency of cavity modes, ωcav(X), which becomes de-
pendent on the position of the DW [ 55]. This is similar
to how a suspended mirror modulates the frequency in op-tomechanics [ 1]. Expanding ω
cav(X) near the local min-
imum, ωcav(X)a†a=[ωcav+(∂ωcav/∂X)X+...]a†a,w e
obtain the magneto-optical interaction −GX(t)a†a, between
the DW and the cavity photons described by the a†anda
operators, with microscopic details contained in the couplingparameter G=−(∂ω
In order to illustrate the microscopic mechanism, we
consider a possible experimental setup in Fig. 1(c), where
electromagnetic-field standing waves along the xdirection
interact with Bloch DW along the zaxis. For illustration, let
us consider only the inverse Faraday effect, so that δεij=
if /epsilon1ijkSk, where /epsilon1ijkis the Levi-Civita symbol. In this case,
the coupling energy in Eq. ( 7) can be expressed in terms of
the spatially uniform effective magnetic field Bx
(E×E∗)dxapplied parallel to the magnetization direction of
magnetic domains connected by DW.
As is well known [ 56], the uniform magnetic field in
such configuration can move DW, so that Bx
effcouples di-
rectly to the domain wall position. Quantizing the elec-tric field inside the cavity, E(x,t)=−i/summationtext
sin(πnx/L x)eλanλ, where ωnare the frequencies of cavity
eigenmodes, and eλ=(0,λ,−i)/√
2(λ=±1) are the po-
larization vectors in the helicity basis, we find an explicitexpression for the magneto-optical coupling between DW andthe cavity photons:
mo=− ¯hg0(b+b†)(a†
LaL). (8)
4fSeffωcavis the single-photon coupling for the
nth mode with ωn=ωcav, which is related to Gasg0=
GxZPF, andSeff=xZPFA⊥/Vwhere A⊥is the cross section
of the sample, and Vis the volume of the cavity. The dimen-
sionless parameter Seffis proportional to the total number of
spins involved into collective motion. Since this number ismacroscopic, g
0can reach the same orders of magnitude as
estimated for macrospin fluctuations in optomagnonics [ 14].
We now estimate values for the mechanical parame-
ters of the DW oscillator coupled to the optical field. Foriron garnet ferromagnetic insulators assuming K
⊥≈0.1K ,
λDW≈100 nm, a≈1n m[ 57]. The effective mass meff≈
¯h2/(K⊥λDWa) is estimated as 10−27kg; and the oscillator fre-
quency /Omega1m≈(2KpinK⊥a/¯h2λDW)1/2≈109s−1. For yttrium
iron garnet, the damping parameter can be as low as 3 ×
10−5[58], which gives the quality factor Qm=/Omega1m//Gamma1m≈
α−1/radicalbigKpina/(2K⊥λDW)≈104. For the single-photon cou-
FIG. 2. CSL configuration for several Hx:H0≈0,H1>H 0,a n d
H2>H 1(a); parameters of the effective optomechanical model as
functions of Hx/Hc(b)–(d); CSL inside a cavity resonator: cavity
modes generate Beff, which induces a sliding motion of CSL, and
the corresponding effective model of mass mCSLmoving inside the
potential energy profile Upin(X) determined by Vpin.
pling, we use f=2cφF√ε/ω cavwithφF=240◦cm−1,
andε=5[14,57], which gives g0=c
forSeff=10−6. To drive the DW oscillator, the full cou-
pling strength should be comparable to the oscillator energy,g
0√ncav/lessorsimilar/Omega1m, where ncavis the number of coherent cavity
photons. From this relation, we estimate ncav/lessorsimilar(/Omega1m/g0)2≈
108. The strength of the cavity electric field can be estimated
asE/lessorsimilar√ncav¯hωcav/(ε0V)≈100 V/m for terahertz photons
in a centimeter-sized cavity.
Magnetic soliton lattice. Another topological structure that
may have potential applications in the context of cavityoptomechanics is the chiral soliton lattice (CSL), which istypically found in uniaxial chiral helimagnets [ 43]. Similar to
a DW in that it has a twisted structure, a CSL is determinedby competition between the exchange, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), and the Zeeman energy in anexternal static magnetic field applied perpendicularly to thechiral axis. The equilibrium spin configuration of a CSL canbe thought of as a periodic array of equally spaced 360
main walls with period determined by applied magnetic field[see Fig. 2(a)]. This is formally described by the Jacobi am-
plitude elliptic function ϕ
0(z)=π+2a m( 2 KL−1
CSLz,/kappa1) and
is characterized by the topological winding number, nkink=
∂zϕ0(z)dz, where LCSL=8K(/kappa1)E(/kappa1)J/(πD)i s
the lattice period, K(E) is the complete elliptic integral of
the first (second) kind with the elliptic modulus /kappa1, andDis
DMI constant. The elliptic modulus /kappa1is determined by the
external field Hxvia the transcendent equation,√Hx/Hc=
/kappa1/E (/kappa1), which has a solution for Hx<H c. The critical
field 2 μBHc=π2D2/(16J) marks the incommensurate-to-
commensurate transition to the forced ferromagnetic state,where L
CSLdiverges and nkinkvanishes [ 59]. At zero magnetic
field, the CSL is reduced to a helical spin ordering.
The collective dynamics of CSL can be described in
the same way as the dynamics of Bloch DW. We intro-duce the position X(t) and the out-of-plane component
0[z−X(t)], where the spatial profile u0(z)=
z√K/E dn(2KL−1
CSLz,/kappa1) is now determined by the
Lamé equation. The resulting equations of motion for the CSLare identical to Eqs. ( 5) and ( 6) with new mechanical parame-
where Q1=π/(12E3)[(2−/kappa12)E+(1−/kappa12)K][59]. The
effective mass, mCSL, is proportional to the density of kinks,
which shows a strong dependence on Hxin the vicinity of Hc
[see Fig. 2(b)]. In contrast, the magnetic-field dependence of
/Gamma1mis relatively weak.
The low-energy dynamics of a pinned CSL depends on
the position of the pinning site. We choose the pinning en-ergy in the form of a local easy x-axis anisotropy field at
the center of the ferromagnetically ordered domain, V
2LCSL)[ s e eF i g . 2(e)]. In this case, in
the harmonic approximation the oscillator frequency /Omega1CSL=
CSL(1−/kappa12)]1/2decreases to zero as ferro-
magnetically ordered regions grow with magnetic field, asshown in Fig. 2(c).
The magneto-optical coupling mechanism for CSL is dif-
ferent from those for Bloch DW. In order to excite collectivemotion of CSL, the magnetic field should be switched alongthe direction of the CSL axis, rather than perpendicularly toit, as for the DW, since the transverse magnetic field onlymodifies the period of CSL and has no impact on collectivedynamics. In contrast, the magnetic-field pulse applied paral-lel to the chiral axis couples directly to the momentum P
ξ/(¯hM) of the CSL and induces sliding motion [ 41,42].
To couple CSL with the optical field, we use the cavity
configuration shown in Fig. 2(e) where the cavity standing
waves generate Beff=Bz
effˆzalong the zdirection, so that Bz
couples to Sz∼ξ(t). Equation ( 7), in this situation, gives the
following coupling strength between the CSL and the cavitymodes:
LaL), (9)
where g0=1
4fSeffωcavmCSL/Omega1CSLa2Q2/¯h and Q2=
zz)u0(z)dz [60]. The coefficient Q2
does not show a strong dependence on magnetic field
and can be estimated as J/(2D). In small magnetic
fields, the single-photon coupling strength is given byg
The sign of g0in Eq. ( 9) is related to magnetic chirality
of CSL via the sign of DMI constant D. This means that
in circularly polarized light, CSL behaves like a chiral me-chanical particle with the sign of the radiation pressure forceproportional to helicity of the light and chirality of the spinstructure.
We can estimate the effective mass of CSL in zero applied
magnetic field as m
CSL≈nkink×10−26kg for D≈0.1K .
FIG. 3. Level attraction between the CSL mode /Omega1CSL(Hx)
and the cavity mode with the detuning parameter /Delta1cavfor
/Omega1CSL(0)//Delta1cav=2a n d g(0)//Delta1cav=0.2. Dashed lines show both
modes without interaction.
This is approximately nkinktimes larger than the mass of a
single domain wall [ 39]. Typically, in millimeter-size samples
nkink≈104, which gives mCSL≈10−22kg. Taking Kpin≈
0.1 K and D/J≈10−3, we obtain the effective mechanical
frequency in zero field /Omega1CSL=√
πK pinD3/(¯h2J2nkink)≈
0.1×106s−1, i.e., in the megahertz range, and the ef-
fective damping /Gamma1m=2παD2/(¯hJ) gives a quality factor
For CSL, we estimate g0≈1.2×106s−1using the same
optical parameters as for DW.
Discussion. The optomechanical Hamiltonian with cou-
pling terms in Eqs. ( 8) and ( 9) can be useful for realizing
various optomechanical applications [ 1], such as, for example,
optical cooling of the domain wall motion by analogy withoptical cooling of magnons proposed recently in Ref. [ 21].
For illustration, we suggest a CSL for realization of the
level attraction picture, proposed recently in Ref. [ 45], using
the applied static magnetic field as a control parameter to drivethe coupled system toward instability.
To realize level attraction, we use the linearized optome-
chanical Hamiltonian in the rotating wave approximation fora blue detuning regime [ 1]
H=− ¯h/Delta1
where /Delta1cav>0 is the detuning parameter, g(Hx)=
g0(Hx)√ncavdenotes the full optomechanical coupling
strength, and aanda†denote the fluctuating part of the
cavity field, such as aR=√ncav+a. We consider only the
right-polarized mode.
The eigenfrequencies of the Hamiltonian in
Eq. ( 10)a r eg i v e nb y[ 45]ω1,2(Hx)=1
4(/Delta1−/Omega1CSL)−g2. This shows level attraction in
the region 2 g(Hx)<|/Delta1−/Omega1CSL(Hx)|bounded by two
exceptional points where the real parts of the frequenciescoalesce, as shown in Fig. 3. Inside this region, an instability
develops that resembles synchronization of two oscillators,where the amplitude of one mode shows exponential growthwhile the other is suppressed [ 45].
Summary. We propose to use collective dynamics of spin
textures in ferromagnetic insulators as a model of mechanicalsubsystems in optomechanical applications using the inverseFaraday effect as a coupling mechanism. When collective
dynamics are excited by cavity electromagnetic modes, spin
textures move in real space similar to actual mechanicalparticles. Our approach is illustrated on two topological spinstructures: the Bloch domain wall and the chiral solitonlattice. The latter is a highly tunable structure with the ef-fective mechanical parameters that depend strongly on anapplied magnetic field. This fact allows us to propose it asa realization of level attraction as proposed for microwaveresonators.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by a Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Grant No. 17H02923) and (S)(Grant No. 25220803) from the MEXT of the Japanese Gov-ernment, JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Projects (JSPS-FBR),and the JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced ResearchNetworks. I.P. acknowledges financial support by Ministry
of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, GrantNo. MK-1731.2018.2 and by Russian Foundation for BasicResearch (RFBR), Grant No. 18-32-00769(mol_a). A.S.O.acknowledges funding by the RFBR, Grant 17-52-50013, theFoundation for the Advancement to Theoretical Physics andMathematics BASIS, Grant No. 17-11-107, by the Govern-ment of the Russian Federation Program 02.A03.21.0006, andby the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Fed-eration, Project No. 3.2916.2017/4.6. R.L.S. acknowledgesthe support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada (NSERC). Cette recherche a été financéepar le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en géniedu Canada (CRSNG).
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220411-6 |
PhysRevB.101.014438.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 014438 (2020)
Analytical description of the topological interaction between magnetic domain walls in nanowires
A. Pivano*and V . O. Dolocan†
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IM2NP UMR7334, F-13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France
(Received 22 July 2019; revised manuscript received 22 November 2019; published 27 January 2020)
Magnetic domain walls in nanowires behave as particles interacting through the exchange field. As topological
objects, their interaction is determined by their chirality or topological charge. We investigate analytically thetopological repulsion between magnetic domain walls with the same topological charge in nanostripes (witheasy-plane magnetization) and show that it decays algebraically as r
−2, being part of a larger class of interactions
that produce topological long-range order in two dimensions. We compare the topological repulsion between thewalls with other types of fundamental interactions with exponential spatial decay, such as the Yukawa-Reidpotential, and with micromagnetic simulations. We determine that trains of such walls can be well describedanalytically and can be displaced regularly in nanowires leading to practical applications.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.014438
The interaction forces of nature are few and their exact
spatial variation is difficult to determine from first prin-ciples. In quantum field theory, the fundamental interac-tions are mediated by massless spin one particles, suchas gluons for the strong interaction or photons for theelectromagnetic interaction. In the nonrelativistic case, theseinteractions are described by an interaction potential. Inpractice, some phenomenological model is often employedas in the case of nucleon-nucleon interaction where a Reid-type (Yukawa) potential is frequently used and comparedwith experimental results [ 1]. The Yukawa-type potential
is equally used to describe the interparticle interaction instrongly coupled systems, such as ultracooled neutral plasmas[2] as well as in colloidal suspensions [ 3] (the so-called
Yukawa systems).
In several condensed-matter areas and in field theories,
the more localized excitations of nonlinear systems are con-sidered as quasiparticles and described within the collective-variable approach [ 4]. The interactions between these quasi-
particles, such as vortices in superconductors, which have anequivalent in cosmology (global strings) [ 5,6], decay mono-
tonically as r
−2in thin superconducting films or exponentially
in the bulk [ 7]. The exponential repulsive interaction is also
found in more mundane interactions as the one between twopedestrians [ 8].
In magnetic systems, the interaction potential is domi-
nated at short range by the exchange interaction. The ex-change interaction is model dependent, the most commonmodel being based on the Heisenberg Hamiltonian, fromwhich is derived the semiclassical exchange interaction pro-portional to the square of the magnetization gradient. This
*Present address: CEA, DEN, DTN/SMTA/LEAG, Cadarache
F-13108 Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France.
†voicu.dolocan@im2np.frHeisenberg-derived dependence is heavily used in numerical
calculations of ferromagnets (micromagnetics) [ 9].
Domain walls (DWs) confined in magnets on the nanoscale
can be considered as particles (macrospins) which interactthrough the exchange field. The DWs in the confined struc-tures are transverse or vortex DWs depending on the samplesdimensions [ 10]. The DWs are formed from two or more ele-
mentary topological defects with an integer winding number,such as vortices in the bulk or fractional winding numberwhich are half-vortices confined to the edges [ 11,12]. In a
planar nanowire with in-plane magnetization (nanostrip), thechirality of the DW is protected by topology and is also calleda topological charge [ 13]. A pair of in-plane DWs with op-
posite topological charges (opposite fractional edge defects)can be created or annihilated spontaneously, but a pair ofDWs with the same topological charge form a stable magnetictexture—a soliton-soliton pair [ 14] (due to the “topological
repulsion,” see Fig. 1(a) where four transverse DWs with
the same topological charge are pinned in a nanostrip). In athree-dimensional (3D) cylindrical nanowire, it was shownthat a pair of DWs with the same initial topological chargeform a metastable state that anihilates after a finite time due tothe relative rotation of the walls [ 15] and the nonconservation
of the total topological charge. The injection of DWs in ananowire with reliable chirality control has been demonstratedexperimentally [ 16]. The total topological charge is conserved
during DW interaction, and a train of this type of DWs canbe displaced jointly in the nanostrip by a polarized currentleading to practical applications [ 17,18].
The interaction potential between the DWs can also be
viewed as mediated by the topological defects. The inter-action between vortex DWs was studied analytically basedon Thiele’s approach in a two-dimensional (2D) anisotropicHeisenberg model [ 19,20] and experimentally [ 21]. In the
majority of cases, only the dynamics of one DW is stud-ied and simulated micromagnetically or the dynamics ofwell-separated DWs (different nanowires or nanolayers) thatinteract through the dipolar field [ 22–31]. In a few cases,
the DWs interaction in the same nanowire was studied
2469-9950/2020/101(1)/014438(10) 014438-1 ©2020 American Physical SocietyA. PIV ANO AND V . O. DOLOCAN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 014438 (2020)
-1 1mx+1/2 +1/2 +1/2 +1/2
-1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2
FIG. 1. (a) Simulated structure with four magnetic domain walls
with the same topological charge are pinned at symmetric notches:
two head-to-head and two tail-to-tail DWs. The fractional winding
numbers of the edge defects are indicated for each DW. (b) Current
pulse shape used to displace the domain walls. (c) Interaction energyof two domain walls in a nanowire without notches (symbols) as
determined from micromagnetic simulations. The curves represent
modeling with different trial functions.
experimentally and micromagnetically [ 32,33]. Analytically,
the interaction potential between transverse DWs in nanos-tripes was considered only based on a the multipole expansion[34], which was tested numerically for DWs pinned at artifi-
cial constrictions situated at long distances [ 15,29,35] where
the dipolar interaction dominates. To be able to calculateanalytically the dynamics of a train of transverse DWs ina nanowire, a pertinent model should take into account therepulsive (topological) interaction which is important at shortrange.
In this paper, we address this issue, establishing the trans-
verse DW interaction potential using trial models. We test ourphenomenological model numerically on the fast dynamicsof two–four transverse DWs initially pinned at symmetricnotches along a nanostrip and submitted to ultrashort currentpulses. Our analysis is similar to the classical model of a one-dimensional (1D) chain of interacting particles. In our model,we take into account only nearest-neighbor DW exchange in-teraction and the dipolar interactions up to the third neighbor.We determine that a power-law spatial variation of the DWexchange interaction of r
−2type gives quantitatively good
results when compared to the micromagnetic calculations,similar with the Heisenberg exchange and the interaction ofsuperconducting vortices in thin films. In a 2D XY model, theinteraction between charged particles (vortices) was shown
to decrease logarithmically rather than exponentially belowa topological phase transition [ 36]. We compare the obtained
power-law behavior with an exponential or a Yukawa potentialand discuss the observed differences in the DWs dynamicsand depinning currents. We also determine that the transienteffects related with the DW inertialike behavior [ 37–41] due
to deformation of the DW diminish when the interactionamong several DWs is considered as symmetric interactionson both sides annihilate the deformations of the walls. Ourpaper shows that a simple analytical model gives good quan-titative results even when the interaction among several DWsis considered, paving the way for calculating phase diagramsin larger memory racetracks.
This article is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we present
the stochastic 1D model used to calculate the interactionbetween DWs. In Sec. III, we compute and investigate the
phase diagram of the DW dynamics in an infinite nanostripatT=0 K and at room temperature. Concluding remarks are
presented in Sec. IV.
To determine the interaction potential between transverse
magnetic DWs, it is necessary to control the position andthe topological charge of the DWs. In the following, theposition is controlled by pinning at notches, and the topo-logical charge is fixed initially as the injection with chiralitycontrol has already been proven experimentally [ 16]. The
demagnetizing energy keeps the topological charge fixed forthe DWs up to reasonable high external applied current.We consider several pinned transverse walls with the sametopological charge in an infinite Ni nanostrip (saturationmagnetization M
s=477 kA /m, exchange stiffness parameter
A=1.05×10−11J/m, and spin polarization P=0.7) with
a cross section of Ly×Lz=60×5n m2. No magnetocrys-
talline anisotropy is considered, the shape anisotropy ensuresthat the easy axis is in plane. The strip has rectangularsymmetric double notches with dimension 20 ×9×5n m
and separated by 80 nm. Figure 1(a) shows the equilibrium
position of a train of four neighboring (situated in neighboringnotches at 80-nm distance) transverse DWs: two pairs ofhead-to-head (HH) DWs and tail-to-tail (TT) DWs of the samechirality (and inverse polarity at their centers) to ensure thetopological stability and repulsion between them. Each DWsits in a potential well created by the notches [ 42,43]. The
form of the pinning potential was determined from micromag-netic simulations and is presented elsewhere [ 44] (harmonic at
the notches and sinusoidal between them).
The DWs are displaced simultaneously by a series of
periodic spin-polarized current pulses applied along the stripelong axis ( xdirection). The geometry of the current pulse is
described in Fig. 1(b):t
r,ts,tf, and tzare the rise, stable, fall
time, and zero-current time, respectively. The nonadiabaticparameter is set to β=2α, if not specified otherwise.
The DW dynamics was computed using the one-
dimensional DW model [ 22,45] considering the DWs interac-
tion and by 3D micromagnetic simulations with the
package [ 46]. In both cases, the magnetization dynamics is de-
termined from the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation
with adiabatic and nonadiabatic spin-transfer torques [ 47],
+βm×(u·∇)m, (1)
where mis the normalized magnetization, γ0is the gyro-
magnetic ratio, u=jePμB/eMsis the spin drift velocity, Pis
the spin polarization of conduction electrons, μBis the Bohr
magneton, and jeis the applied current density. No additional
exotic torques (such as the ones due to the spin-Hall or Rashbaeffect) were considered. The temperature is considered in theLLG equation as a thermal field added to the effective field.The thermal field has zero average and is uncorrelated in timeand space, and its magnitude is the same as the Gaussian noiseintroduced in the 1D model below.
The analytical equations of motion used are based on the
1D model of the DW (collective coordinates: average DWcenter position Xand azimuthal angle ψ)[48,49],
2Hksin 2ψ
2Hksin 2ψ
2/Delta1μ 0MsS∂E
μ0MS2sin2ψ+μ0MSHkthe DW width,
Hkas the DW demagnetizing field, ηXandηψrepresent
stochastic Gaussian noise with zero mean value and correla-tions/angbracketleftη
i(t)ηj(t/prime)/angbracketright=(2αkBT)/(μ0Ms/Delta1S)δijδ(t−t/prime).Eis the
potential energy of the DW that includes the internal en-ergy, the interaction energy with other DWs, and the pinningenergy. The azimuthal angle of the DW ψrepresents the
conjugate momentum in the Lagrangian formulation. The in-teraction energy between DWs separated by r
ijwas modeled
asEint=Eexch+Emm+Edd, where
represent the monopole-monopole ( mm), the dipole-dipole
(dd) interaction, and the DW exchange interaction (topolog-
ical repulsion). The topological charge of the DW is q=
dx∂xψ=±1 and is related with the direction of rotation
of the in-plane magnetization when traversing the DW, and
p=±1 represents the direction of the magnetization at the
DW center along the yaxis (width). Although both HHDW
and TTDW can have a positive or negative topological chargeand direction p, the product Q=qpis always equal to +1f o r
a HHDW and to −1 for a TTDW. Therefore, the mmanddd
interactions between nearest-neighbor HHDW and TTDW ofsame topological charge but opposite pdirections are always
negative, meaning attractive. We introduce a repulsion term,in the form of a topological or DW exchange interaction ina phenomenological manner as shown by the E
exchterms of
Eq. ( 3). Several trial functions were used and compared based
on the asymptotic behavior of fundamental potentials, andthe interaction potential which correlates best with the micro-magnetic simulations is the r
−2decay. We only considered
nearest-neighbor DW exchange interaction, but mmanddd
interactions were considered up to the third neighbor (see thediscussion on the displacement of the four DWs below).
The parameters a
iandDiwere determined by comparing
the obtained phase diagrams with the micromagnetic simula-tions. As the number of parameters is large, the starting valueswere chosen by fitting the micromagnetic results obtainedfor two DWs (a HHDW and a TTDW) initially situated at80-nm distance in a very long nanowire of the same sectionand without notches [Fig. 1(c)]. The two DWs repel each
other at a closer distance until around an equilibrium positionof 140 nm, beyond which the interaction becomes attractivedue mainly to the long-range dipolar interaction. These initialparameters were modified in the case of the pinned DWs asto follow closely the micromagnetic phase diagrams, but theorder of magnitude was maintained.
For the micromagnetic computations, the strip was dis-
cretized into a mesh with a cell size of 2 ×3×2.5n m
inferior to the exchange length ( ∼5 nm). The DW dynamics
is studied in an infinity long wire where the magnetic chargesat the ends of the nanostrip are compensated.
Our analysis of the DWs’ dynamical interaction begins
with the study of the impact of the different interactionpotential trial functions on the phase diagram obtained whena symmetric pulse (stable time t
s—current amplitude je)o ra n
asymmetric pulse (rise time tr−je) are applied to the pinned
DWs at T=0 K. Afterwards, the particularities of the DWs’
motion at room temperature are discussed for the differentinteraction terms. The last subsection details the influence ofthe transient displacement on the DW dynamics.
A. Influence of the DW exchange energy
on the phase diagrams at T=0K
To evaluate the impact of the different DW exchange terms
on the DWs’ coupled dynamics, we computed 400 ×300
point-by-point analytical phase diagrams integrating Eqs. ( 2)
with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The phase diagramsrepresent the relative position of the train of DWs afterperiodic spin-polarized current pulses are applied to them.The current pulses are varied in length, amplitude, or shapeand the correlated displacement of the DWs is extracted afterseveral periodic current pulses. When the DWs are displacedcollectively keeping the same relative distance between them,we consider that an expected and desired state is realized.These collective regular displacements form bands dependingon the pulse characteristics and the interaction potential be-tween the DWs. The analytical diagrams are compared withthe micromagnetic ones (24 ×31 points). As previously de-
014438-3A. PIV ANO AND V . O. DOLOCAN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 014438 (2020)
FIG. 2. Contour plots of the different bands obtained for a train of two neighboring DWs with different types of a DW exchange interaction
atT=0 K using the 1D model are represented in the upper panels (a), (c), (e), and (g). In the lower panels, the 1D results (colored regions)
obtained for a Heisenberg-type DW exchange interaction are compared with the micromagnetic calculations (scattered symbols) for the same
pulse characteristics and αandβparameters as the upper panels. The numbering of the bands is as follows: Positive bands correspond to the
DWs moving collectively in the direction of the electron flow with the same initial relative distance between them, negative numbers to the
DWs moving collectively in the opposing direction with the same initial relative distance between them, the zero state corresponds to the DWs
staying pinned at initial positions and “ u” corresponds to the unintended states in which the DWs do not move synchronously in either direction.
The parameters used are as follows: (a) and (b) tsvariable, tr=tf=5p s,α=0.02,β=0.04, (c) and (d) tsvariable, tr=tf=5p s,α=
0.05,β=0.1, (e) and (f) trvariable, ts=tf=5p s,α=0.02,β=0.04, (g) and (h) trvariable, ts=tf=5p s,α=0.05,β=0.1.
termined [ 44], the range of the current amplitude was chosen
(/lessorequalslant10 A/μm2) as to to have only viscous motion (no preces-
sion) for the pulse duration used ( /lessorsimilar1.5 ns), which is on the
same order of magnitude with access or reading/writing timein possible magnetic memories based on DWs. At high currentamplitude or longer pulse duration, an antivortex appearswhen a DW depins from a notch [ 50,51]. The antivortex
will perturb the systematic motion of the DWs and theirmutual interaction. In the results shown below, an antivortexappears only in a few points in the upper right quadrant of themicromagnetic phase diagrams (detailed in Ref. [ 44]) where
the symbols are missing and does not influence our results.
Our analysis starts with a train of a HHDW and TTDW
having the same topological charge and situated in neighbor-ing pinning centers (separated by 80 nm). The initial distancebetween the DWs ensures that their repulsive interaction isstill important as determined from their equilibrium positionsand Fig. 1(c).I nF i g . 2, we present the results for various
αandβparameters (corresponding to the Ni values at 0 K
and room temperature [ 52]) and several pulse shapes. In the
upper panels, contour plots for the different bands are shownobtained with the 1D model, whereas the lower panels presenta superposition of the 1D model diagrams (represented bycolors) with the micromagnetic ones (symbols). The two DWsmove together after a pulse application due to the spin transfertorque (STT) in the direction of the electron movement, butthe final DW position can be in the opposite direction due tothe transitory motion (automotion) [ 37–41]. We indexed the
different regions in the phase diagram based on the relativeposition of the two DWs as follows: We call the state 0when the DWs stayed in their initial notch (position) after theapplication of the pulse (pinned case), state +1i ft h et w oD W s
went to the next notch in the direction of the electron flow (ofthe STT) keeping the same distance between them or state
−1 if the two DWs went to the next notch in the direction
opposite the electron flow. The higher number states wereindexed in the same way ( +2 means displacement of both
DWs to the second next notch in the STT direction). State uis
an unintended state (such as depinning of one DW) where theDWs do not keep the initial relative distance between them.This state appears generally as a transition region betweenthe other states. As our calculation is performed on a finitesample of an infinite nanostrip, to be able to compare tothe micromagnetic simulations, the number of bands is finiteand the upper right region, that shows an unintended state,corresponds to the DW reaching the nanowire (finite sample)end. The states were determined after the application of, atleast, four periodic pulses that displace the DWs between theirinitial position and the desired position back and forth.
As observed in the lower panels of Fig. 2, the 1D model
DW repulsive interaction varying in r
−2(called the DW
Heisenberg exchange) agrees quantitatively with the micro-magnetic simulations up to the third band, afterwards a smallshift appears. In the upper panels, the contour plots of onlythe first bands are shown for different repulsive interactionand different material and pulse parameters. In panel (a), fora symmetric pulse shape ( t
r=tf=5 ps) and α=0.02 (β=
2α), the contour plots obtained with the three types of DW
exchange interaction are superposed with the results obtainedwith no repulsive interaction (dashed-dotted line). As can beobserved, even in the absence of the repulsive interaction,the two DWs can still be displaced synchronously due to theperiodic pinning potential and the ultrashort pulses, but the de-pinning current increases to 3 .05 A/μm
2from 2 .60 A/μm2
above ts=0.6 ns, and the bands increase and are more de-
formed. This situation is equivalent with the case of two
DWs initially separated by a longer distance than the range
of the repulsive interaction (Supplemental Material [ 53]).
The depinning current diminishes when an exponential orYukawa-type DW exchange is used to 2.21 and 1 .87 A/μm
respectively, above ts=0.6 ns. The variation of the repulsive
interaction impacts slightly the shape and surface of the upperbands, the most important change is on the depinning currentfor the symmetric pulse [panels (a) and (c)]. For asymmetricpulses [panels (e) and (g)], where t
s=tf=5 ps and the rise
time tris varied, the change in form and surface of the
bands is more important as compared to the symmetric pulses.Increasing the damping parameter αto 0.05 (with β=2α)
as shown in panels (c) and (g) shifts all the bands to lowercurrents, including the depinning value. We used in all thecalculations the same parameters for the mmandddinterac-
tion: a
2=0.2,a3=0.02 eV,D2=D3=500 nm. For the
different DW exchange interactions, the parameters used areas follows: a
1=1.2 eV and D1=350 nm for EH
20 eV and D1=150 nm for Eexp
exchanda1=90 eV and D1=
150 nm for EY
exch. These parameters were chosen to fit best
the micromagnetic depinning line of shortest pulse length.In-depth details about the comparison between analytic andmicromagnetic calculations are given in the SupplementalMaterial [ 53].
The importance of the pulse shape and length was inferred
by decoupling Eqs. ( 2)[54,55],
1+α2˙u, (4)
with m=2αSμ0Msτd
/Delta1γ0as the DW mass and τd=1+α2
αγ0Hkas the
damping time of the wall in the pinning potential. Here, the
damping time is 0.27 ns for α=0.05 and 0.68 ns for α=
0.02, so the third term in Eq. ( 4) is more important for higher
damping parameter α, resulting in a lower depinning current
as observed from Figs. 2(a) and2(c) (1.85 A/μm2compared
to 2.60 A/μm2for the Heisenberg DW exchange). The de-
pinning current increases to 3 .68 A/μm2(lowest value) in
panel (e) and 3 .39 A/μm2in panel (g) for a longer rise time
as the last term of Eq. ( 4) is directly proportional to the
current derivative. The second term of Eq. ( 4)g i v e sah i n t
to the different depinning currents obtained for various DWexchange forms used.
Case of four interacting DWs
The influence of the repulsive interaction between nearest-
neighbor DWs was further studied by extending the analyticalcalculation up to four DWs of same topological charge. Wedescribe, here, the case of a chain of four consecutive inter-acting DWs: We consider the topological repulsive interactionbetween first neighbors in the forms presented above, alongwith the monopole-monopole and dipole-dipole interactionbetween each pair of DWs. The mmandddinteractions are
attractive between first neighbors, repulsive between secondneighbors, and attractive between third neighbors. The pa-rameters a
iandDiwere kept constant for first-, second-, and
third-neighbor mmandddinteractions with the values given
Figure 3displays the influence of the magnitude of the
DW exchange interaction between nearest neighbors for
FIG. 3. Influence of the Heisenberg DW exchange energy magni-
tude on the bands for a train of four neighboring DWs for α=0.02
andβ=0.04: (a) a 1=0 eV (no DW exchange), (b) a1=1.0e V
and (c) a1=1.4 eV. The 1D results (colored regions) obtained for
a Heisenberg-type DW exchange interaction are compared with the
micromagnetic calculations (scattered symbols) at T=0K . T h e
pulse stable time was varied with tr=tf=5p sa n d tz=10 ns.
α=0.02 using a Heisenberg-type DW exchange. The dif-
ference between no DW exchange [panel (a)] and a DWexchange of the same order of magnitude as used for a train oftwo DWs is much more drastic as the depinning current andthe bandwidth diminish strongly when the DW exchange isturned on [panel (b), a
1=1.0 eV]. A further increase in the
DW exchange interaction will lead to the quasisuppression ofthe depinning current (displaced to lower values), but also ofthe bands [panel (c), a
1=1.4 eV]. The analytic results follow
very well the micromagnetic ones for the depinning currentline [panel (b)] and semiquantitatively the band form, whichvalidates the model.
To further investigate the consequences of the DW ex-
change interaction type on the DW dynamics, we presentthe evolution of the phase diagrams in Fig. 4for different
pulse shapes and damping parameters. Panels (a) and (b)show the contour plots of the first bands due to a symmetriccurrent pulse shape ( t
r=tf=5 ps) and for α=0.02 and
0.05, respectively, whereas panels (c) and (d) display the caseof asymmetric pulse shape ( t
s=tf=5 ps). In panel (a), the
contour plots obtained with the three types of DW exchangeinteraction are superposed with the results obtained with norepulsive interaction [shown in Fig. 3(a)]. The influence of
the different DW exchange forms is more marked for the four
014438-5A. PIV ANO AND V . O. DOLOCAN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 014438 (2020)
FIG. 4. Contour plots of the different bands obtained for a train
of four neighboring DWs (separated by 80 nm) with different types
of the DW exchange interaction at T=0 K using the 1D model:
(a) and (c) α=0.02 and β=0.04, (b) and (d) α=0.05 and β=
0.1. In (a) and (b), the pulse stable time was varied with tr=tf=
5 ps, whereas in (c) and (d), the rise time was varied with ts=tf=
5p sa n d tz=10 ns.
DWs as the depinning current decreases as compared with
t h et w oD W sc a s et o1 .54 A/μm2for the Heisenberg DW
exchange and below 1 A /μm2for an exponential or Yukawa-
type DW exchange. At the same time, the superior bands aredisplaced to higher currents as compared to the two-DW case,for example, the beginning of the band +1t o4.3A/μm
3.5A/μm2(the Heisenberg DW exchange). This means that
higher currents are needed to achieve a synchronous move-ment of the DWs and a larger unintended zone. The surfaceof the bands is also strongly reduced when a Yukawa-typeinteraction is used, which is the most unfavorable scenario.In the case of the asynchronous current pulse [panels (c) and(d)], the same shift of the depinning current and of the bands
is observed with a clear difference between the different DWexchange schemes.
B. Temperature dependence
The effect of temperature was computed with the stochastic
1D model [Eqs. ( 2)] for the first bands and micromagnetically
only on several points that corresponded to the highest prob-ability obtained with the 1D model. A more detailed compar-ison between the analytic and the micromagnetic calculatedprobabilities for the first band in Fig. 5(a) is shown in the
Supplemental Material [ 53]. The results obtained analytically
atT=293 K are presented in Fig. 5for a train of two or four
DWs. A symmetric current pulse ( t
r=tf=5 ps) was applied
after an initial relaxation time of 10 ns followed by anotherrelaxation time of 10 ns. The bands shown in panels (a) and(b) are the bands of Figs. 2(a)and2(b) for the Heisenberg DW
exchange, whereas the bands displayed in panels (c) and (d)are the ones from Figs. 4(a) and4(b) for the Heisenberg DW
exchange. We computed 1000 realizations for the +1 band
and 500 realizations for the +2 and+3 bands. The realizations
were calculated for half of the points in each band for the trainof two DWs [panels (a) and (b)] and for all the band points forthe train of four DWs (less total points in the bands).
In Fig. 5(a), the maximum of the probability distribution
for the positioning of a train of two DWs to the nearestnotch ( +1 band) is of 100% obtained for seven states (points)
(α=0.02) out of 3093 calculated points with 29.9% of the
states having a probability superior of 95%. The states thathave 100% probability of desired displacement are obtainedfor a pulse with t
s=100 ps and current amplitude superior
to 9.1A/μm2orts=110 ps and je/greaterorequalslant8.5A/μm2. The max-
imum of probability decays in the superior bands, being of95.6% on the +2 band and 68.8% on the +3 band. These
FIG. 5. Probability of DWs motion in different bands at T=293 K for a train of two neighboring DWs and a damping parameter α=0.02
in (a) or α=0.05 in (b) or a train of four neighboring DWs with α=0.02 in (c) or α=0.05 in (d). A Heisenberg-type DW exchange
interaction is used along with a nonadiabatic parameter β=2α. The vertical dotted lines correspond to the probability profile represented
in the figures underneath. The profiles are compared for different types of DW exchange interaction and are chosen in each case as to pass
through the maximum probability of the first band (the lowest branch in the figures).
probabilities are comparable with the ones when a single
DW is displaced by current pulses [ 44]. Micromagnetically,
the maximum of probability is of 98% (on 100 realizations)obtained for the same pulse characteristics that give max-imum probability with the 1D model. The discrepancy isprobably due to the small shift of the bands between the twomodels. For a damping parameter α=0.05 [Fig. 5(b)], the
maximum of the probability distribution is 99.9% in the +1
band obtained for a lower current amplitude of 7 .8A/μm
andts=90 ps. The percentage of states having a probability
superior to 95% is of 30.6% of the 3310 calculated states. Themaximum of probability is 91% and 77% for the +2 and +3
For a train of four DWs, the maximum of the probabil-
ity distribution in the +1 band decreases slowly to 97.4%
[α=0.02, panel (c)] and 96.2% [ α=0.05, panel (d)]. The
probability maximum in the +2 and +3 bands is 76.8% and
28.2%, respectively, for α=0.02 and 70% and 47.8% for the
α=0.05 case. The current pulse characteristics for which
the probability maximum is obtained are ( t
s=90 ps,je=
9.9A/μm2)f o rα=0.02 and ( ts=90 ps,je=7.8A/μm2)
forα=0.05. The probabilities when an asymmetric pulse is
applied are almost equal with the ones obtained for symmetricpulses for all the cases presented above.
In the Figs. 5(e)–5(h), we compare the profiles of the
probability distribution when passing through the maximumof the probability in the +1 band for the different DW
exchange energies considered. The profiles corresponding tor
−2DW exchange are represented by a dotted line in the
panels directly above them. There is a considerable differencein the probabilities of a train of two DWs and a train of fourDWs: For the two DWs [panels (e) and (f)], the probabilitymaximum is almost the same in the three bands for thedifferent DW exchange interactions with only a shift of thebands along the t
saxis. For the train of four DWs [panels
(g) and (h)], the probabilities depend strongly on the spatialvariation of the DW exchange interaction. For the α=0.02
case, the maximum probability in the +1 band decreases to
64.1% for the exponential DW exchange and to 17.5% for theYukawa-type interaction. For α=0.05, the maximum proba-
bility is 79.1% for the exponential DW exchange and 46.3%for the Yukawa-type interaction. This difference can be relatedto the first two terms in Eq. ( 4), to the damping parameter
through the different damping time, and to the force exertedon the walls due to the interaction energy between them. Thelarge difference in probability of the +1 state between the
Heisenberg DW exchange and the Yukawa DW exchange isdirectly imputable to the type of the repulsive energy betweenthe DWs (Supplemental Material [ 53]), generally the first DW
depins even before the application of the current due to thelarge angular variation and, therefore, large transient effectsdirectly related with the oscillation of the second DW (andtheir mutual interaction).
C. Influence of transient effects on the DW dynamics
Large transient effects were predicted and observed in the
movement of one DW in a nanowire [ 37,38,44,56]. These
transient effects were related to the deformation of the wall inthe periodic potential and produced a displacement of the wallin the direction opposite to the STT (opposite to the electron
flow), corresponding to negative bands in our phase diagrams.The transient movement was determined to be proportional tothe wall angle,
δψ. (5)
The transient displacement was predicted to appear for a
value of the nonadiabatic parameter β=0,β=αand even
β=2αfor a single DW submitted to ultrashort current pulses
[44] comparable with the DW damping time τd. In the case of
interacting DWs, these transient effects still appear as shownin Fig. 6, but they are greatly reduced (which seem to agree
with a quantum-classical hybrid approach [ 57]). For a train
of two DWs, the transient effects appear only for β=0( o r
close to) when a symmetric pulse is applied (details in theSupplemental Material Ref. [ 53]) and even for β=2α(α=
0.02) for an asymmetric pulse when the rise time is larger than
0.35 ns. However, for a train of four DWs, the transient effectsappear only in the case of β=0 and a rise time superior of
0.5 ns forming a reduced −1 band. These effects still appear
even for a train of five DWs [Fig. 6(i)] with the −1 band
shrinking rapidly.
The transient effect appear due to a combination of factors
[44]: The presence of the periodic pinning potential which
distorts the DWs, restoring force in the potential well, positionof the DWs in the potential well at the pulse end, and a lowdamping value. For the train of four DWs, the walls that aresituated at the interior of the train are less distorted than theones which are situated at the beginning and the end of thesequence as the interior walls fill symmetric interaction forcesfrom both neighboring walls and are situated at the center ofthe potential well. The exterior walls are more deformed asthey are pushed from the equilibrium position of the potentialwell, and they escape first from the train creating unintendedstates.
The results obtained with the analytical model for a train
of two DWs are displayed in Figs. 6(a)–6(c) for the differ-
ent DW exchange interactions and different initial distancesbetween the DWs ( α=0.05,β=0). When the two DWs
are initially pinned in nearest-neighboring notches situated80 nm apart, the −1 band is obtained only for Heisenberg
DW exchange and only for currents inferiors to 7 .7A/μm
There is a discrepancy with the micromagnetic result shownin panel (d) where the −1 band continue to higher currents
for shorter pulse length. If the two DWs are initially pinned atsecond-neighboring notches 160 nm apart [panel (b)], the −1
band obtained analytically follows closely the micromagneticone [panel (e)] even though somewhat larger. In this case,the−1 band is obtained also for exponential DW exchange.
Furthermore, if the two DWs are pinned initially even furtheraway at third-neighboring notches 240 nm apart [panel (c)],the−1 band is obtained for all three types of DW exchange
interaction with almost same bandwidth and form and veryclose to the micromagnetic result [panel (f)]. As the two DWsare further away, the DW exchange interaction have onlya limited influence, and the dipolar interaction determinesthe form of the bands. We observe that the DW exchangeinteraction at shorter distances modifies the width and form ofthe band. For a train of three, four, or five DWs, the −1 band
014438-7A. PIV ANO AND V . O. DOLOCAN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 101, 014438 (2020)
FIG. 6. Influence of the pulse rise time tron the phase diagram for a train of several DWs at T=0Kf o r α=0.05 and β=0. The
parameter space is the rise time vs current amplitude. In all cases, ts=tf=5p sa n d tz=10 ns. The 1D model results for different DW
exchange energies are shown in panels (a)–(c) for a train of two DWs separated by (a) 80 nm, (b) 160 nm, and (c) 240 nm. Only the band −1
is visible in the center of the diagram together with the depinning boundary. The micromagnetic results are presented in panels (d)–(i) whereband−1 is represented by a continuous line and the limit of band 0 is represented by the dotted line. The micromagnetic simulations are for a
train of two DWs separated by: (d) 80 nm, (e) 160 nm, and (f) 240 nm and a train of (g) three DWs, (h) four DWs, and (i) five DWs separated
by 80 nm.
is still obtained micromagnetically as shown in the panels
(g)–(i). Analytically, we did not obtain the −1 band for neither
of the DW exchange interactions for trains of DWs superior oftwo and the parameters used above. This can be related to thesmallness of the bands width and to the values of the DW ex-change parameters, but also to the pinning potential analyticaldescription (harmonic periodic potential). Changing the DWexchange parameters allows to obtain the negative bands, butthe depinning line no longer follows the micromagnetic resultand differences are obtained for the others values of αandβ.
The values for the DW exchange and dipolar parameters werechosen to follow closely the depinning line and the first bandsforβ=2α. These parameters give semiquantitative results
even for β=0 (the depinning line, for example), but the limit
of the 1D model is reached.
We investigated the repulsive interaction between trans-
verse DWs with the same topological charge, pinned at con-strictions in a magnetic nanowire. Our analytical study ofthe DW interaction shows that a r
−2decay describes best
the micromagnetic results. The same power-law variationwas found to describe the vortex-vortex interaction in su-
perconducting films [ 7] but differs from the vortex-vortex
interaction in bulk superconductors or the magnetic vortex-vortex interaction calculated in a 2D anisotropic film (whichdecays logarithmically). Our trial functions for the interactionpotential also included an exponential or Yukawa potential,which describe a large number of interaction forces in manyareas of condensed-matter physics (in discrete or continuummodels).
The analytical phase diagrams for a train of up to four
DWs follow closely the ones calculated with micromagneticsimulations when the r
−2decay is used. If the repulsive inter-
action would decay with an Yukawa potential, the changes tothe phase diagrams are important starting from the depinningcurrent and the form of the bands to the large decrease inthe maximum jump probability to the nearest pinning position(the+1 band) at room temperature and the suppression of the
transient effects. The Yukawa-type repulsive interaction be-tween DWs is the most unfavorable scenario for the collectivemotion of DWs in a nanostrip at room temperature.
A train of four DWs is shown to be displaced regu-
larly between pinning centers with ultrashort current pulses(100 ps), leading to practical applications, such as magnetic
memories. The lowest depinning currents are found for the
ultrashort rise time of the pulse as described before [ 44]a s
long as the largest bandwidth. When going from a train oftwo nearest-neighboring DWs to a train of four, the mainimpact is the decrease in the depinning current, but, at thesame time, a decrease in the bandwidth and an increasein the unintended region with larger transition regions be-tween the bands. The transient effects are also severely di-minished due to the mutual interaction and are eventuallysuppressed.
We would like to discuss our results on the repulsive
interaction between DWs from the spin waves perspective.The spin waves or magnons are the elementary excitationsof the electronic magnetic system [ 58], quasiparticles with
a¯hangular momentum, and ¯ hklinear momentum. It was
shown both theoretically [ 59–64] and experimentally [ 65] that
the spin waves can induce DW motion in both directionsdue to the angular or linear momentum transfer. The motionis directly related with the transmission coefficient of thespin waves passing through the wall. It was also shownnumerically that the rigid DW motion is not stable againstspin wave emission [ 66–69]. In principle, a DW submitted
to an ultrashort current pulse could emit spin waves thatinteract with other DWs. This interaction will be attractive ifonly the angular momentum is transferred to the second DW(magnonic spin torque) or more complex if linear momentumis also transferred. The repulsive interaction considered here isthought to be mediated through the exchange of gauge bosonsof integer spin which could be virtual magnons. A DW would
emit a magnon that is absorbed by another DW of oppositetopological charge, therefore, inducing the repulsive interac-tion which is a fundamental interaction that exists with orwithout the presence of notches or an applied external current.If the DWs could rotate out of plane, one of the DWs couldchange its topological charge, and the interaction can becomeattractive as observed in cylindrical nanowires [ 15]. In our
view, this can be demonstrated exactly only in a microscopictheory and cannot be proved in a continuum theory. In ourmicromagnetic simulation, this interaction arises due to theexchange energy term and is described analytically, such as anexchange interaction between DWs (which can be describedas a magnon spin current).
To summarize, our calculations show that an analytical
description of the interaction between several DWs is possiblepaving the way for larger calculations of interacting DWsin nanowires. We expect the same type of dependence totake place between Bloch or Néel DWs in thin films withperpendicular magnetic anisotropy.
This work was granted access to the HPC resources of Aix-
Marseille Université financed by the project Equip@Meso(Grant No. ANR-10-EQPX-29-01) of the program “In-vestissements d’Avenir” supervised by the Agence Nationalepour la Recherche.
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014438-10 |
PhysRevB.99.024405.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 024405 (2019)
Micromagnetic modeling of terahertz oscillations in an antiferromagnetic material
driven by the spin Hall effect
V . Puliafito,1R. Khymyn,2M. Carpentieri,3B. Azzerboni,1V . Tiberkevich,4A. Slavin,4and G. Finocchio5
1Department of Engineering, University of Messina, 98166 Messina, Italy
2Department of Physics, Gothenburg University, 40530 Gothenburg, Sweden
3Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Politecnico of Bari, 70125 Bari, Italy
4Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309, USA
5Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, 98166 Messina, Italy
(Received 4 August 2018; published 7 January 2019)
The realization of terahertz (THz) sources is a fundamental aspect for a wide range of applications. Over dif-
ferent approaches, compact THz oscillators can be realized, taking advantage of dynamics in antiferromagneticthin films driven by the spin Hall effect. Here we perform a systematic study of these THz oscillators within afull micromagnetic solver based on the numerical solution of two coupled Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewskiequations, considering ultrathin films. We find two different dynamical modes depending on the strength of theDzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). At low DMI, a large-amplitude precession is excited, where both themagnetizations of the sublattices are in a uniform state and rotate in the same direction. At large enough DMI,the ground state of the antiferromagnet becomes nonuniform and the antiferromagnetic dynamics is characterizedby ultrafast domain-wall motion.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.024405
Terahertz (THz) radiation covers the range of frequencies
from 300 GHz (gigahertz) to 3 THz, between microwaves andinfrared, corresponding to wavelengths ranging from 1000 to100μm[1,2]. Since a wide variety of lightweight molecules
emits in this range of the electromagnetic spectrum, THzwere intensely investigated by astronomers and chemists inthe past [ 3,4]. However, THz oscillations have turned out to
be very promising in many other fields, such as biomedicine
[5], defense and security [ 6], material science [ 7], industrial
nondestructive testing [ 8], and information and communica-
tion technology [ 9,10]. THz sources can be realized with
quantum cascade lasers [ 11] and solid-state devices [ 12];
however, the development of compact nanosized electricalgenerators and receivers of THz signals represents a keychallenge of the modern technology. With the experience
maturated after decades of research on the generation and
manipulation of GHz-frequency dynamics in ferromagneticmaterials [ 13–18], the development of high-quality antiferro-
magnetic materials (AFMs) for several applications [ 19–23],
and proof of concept of antiferromagnetic memories[24–27] driven by the spin Hall effect (SHE) [ 28], research
is now combining this know-how focusing on the develop-ment of AFM-based oscillators for application in 4G and
5G telecommunication systems [ 29–35]. Up to now, there
is no experimental proof of AFM-based oscillators, and allthe theoretical studies are considering two sublattices withtheir magnetizations antiferromagnetically coupled [ 36] and
their dynamics is studied by solving two Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equations [ 37] within the macrospin
approximation [ 29,31,32].The first motivation of this work is to extend the study
of AFMs to a full micromagnetic framework for consideringpossible nonuniformities of the magnetization. Second, wewant to move a step forward to the understanding of THzAFM dynamics driven by a dampinglike torque originatingfrom the spin Hall effect in a typical bilayer AFM heavymetal. We focus, in particular, on 1–5-nm-thick film of nickeloxide and, although we assume a small exchange stiffnessconstant as compared to the bulk values, THz dynamics canbe excited at large enough current. We show a systematicstudy of the threshold currents and the output frequency asa function of spin-polarization direction, exchange constant,
Gilbert damping, AFM thickness, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya
interaction (DMI) coming from the interface between theAFM and the heavy metal [ 38].
We find that the DMI is the most influent parameter in
controlling the type of AFM dynamics. At low DMI, thethreshold current is a subcritical Hopf bifurcation [ 39] and
the dynamics is related to a large-amplitude uniform preces-sion of the magnetization of the two sublattices in the samedirection with an angle between the magnetization and the
precession axis that depends on the applied current. As the
DMI increases, the ground state becomes nonuniform and theexcited dynamics changes qualitatively since it is related to acontinuous domain-wall nucleation, propagation, and annihi-lation. In addition, the threshold current is a supercritical Hopfbifurcation. Our results highlight that a full micromagneticmodel can be used for the description of all the scenarios
where AFM oscillations occur.
This paper is organized as follows. Section IIis devoted to
the micromagnetic model developed for the analysis. Results
2469-9950/2019/99(2)/024405(7) 024405-1 ©2019 American Physical SocietyV . PULIAFITO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 024405 (2019)
FIG. 1. Schemes of the device under investigation with the in-
dication of the Cartesian reference systems. (a) A schematic of the
bilayered ASHO. The four terminals can be used for the applica-tion of charge currents, and for the measurement of the spin Hall
resistance. (b) Top view of the antiferromagnet. m
the initial configuration of the magnetizations of the two sublatticeswhile pis the spin polarization. (c) Sketch of the idea at the basis
of the continuous modeling of antiferromagnetic sublattices. For a
given computational cell we consider that the average magnetizationis given by the two vectors m
are given in Sec. IIIin detailed paragraphs, then the conclu-
sions are summarized in Sec. IV.
The device under examination is an AFM-based spin Hall
oscillator (ASHO), consisting of an antiferromagnetic layercoupled to a four-terminal heavy metal layer, representingboth electrodes and source of spin current [ 32] [see Figs. 1(a)
and 1(b), where the Cartesian coordinate systems are also
shown]. The AFM has a square cross section with dimensions40×40 nm
2, whereas the thickness dvaries from 1 to 5
nm. We use a continuous micromagnetic formalism, whichextends the one of ferromagnets, considering the macroscopicproperties of an AFM as computed from averaging the spinvectors [ 40]. In detail, starting from the atomistic model, the
magnetization at each point is modeled by means of twovectors m
1andm2[Fig. 1(c)] that are the average magnetic
effect of the spins pointing parallel or antiparallel to a specificdirection. AFM dynamics of m
1andm2is obtained by solving
two coupled Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations, where theSHE-driven spin transfer torque is taken into account bymeans of an additional Slonczewski-like torque term [ 36]:
On the left-hand side of Eq. ( 1),m1andm2are therefore
the magnetizations of the two sublattices, normalized withrespect to the saturation magnetization M
S, and τis thedimensionless time τ=γ0MSt, where γ0is the gyromagnetic
ratio [ 41]. On the right-hand side, heff-1 andheff-2 are the
normalized effective fields acting on the two sublattices, andαis the Gilbert damping. The third term represents the SHE-
driven torque, where d
Sd,gis the Landé factor, μB
is the Bohr magneton, eis the electron charge, JSis the
spin current, which is proportional to the charge current J
through the so-called spin Hall angle θSH,JS=θSHJ.T h e
spin Hall effect creates a Néel torque that is assumed to havethe same form for each magnetic sublattice. The vector pis
the direction of the spin Hall polarization, given by p=ˆz×j,
where ˆzandjare the directions of the spin and electric
currents, respectively. By a proper combination of the currentat the source terminals, it is possible to manage the directionof the spin Hall polarization. In our case, pcan be fixed in
thex−yplane with an angle θ
pbetween 0° and 90°: If the
electric current is applied only at the terminals B-B’ (A-A’),thenθ
p=0◦(θp=90◦), resulting in a polarization collinear
(normal) to the easy axis; see Fig. 1(b).
The effective fields include the standard contributions from
exchange, anisotropy, and demagnetizing field, together withthe interfacial DMI and the thermal field:
eff-1=hexch-1+hani-1+hdemag-1 +hdmi-1+hth-1
heff-2=hexch-2+hani-2+hdemag-2 +hdmi-2+hth-2. (2)
The exchange fields take into account both ferromagnetic
coupling between neighbors in each sublattice (this is thesame as in the standard model for the ferromagnets) andthe antiferromagnetic coupling between the two sublattices.The latter is considered of atomistic origin because the twomagnetization vectors are at the same point and it is modeledconsidering only the homogeneous part,
exch-1=αexch-FM ∇2m1+λAFMm2
hexch-2=αexch-FM ∇2m2+λAFMm1, (3)
where αexch-FM =2AFM/μ0M2
ponder the two main contributions, AFMandAAFM are the
ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange constant, re-spectively, ais the lattice constant, and μ
0is the vacuum
We consider anisotropy fields originating from uniaxial
where αani=2KU/μ0M2
S,KUis the uniaxial anisotropy con-
stant, and uKis the direction of the easy axis that is the xaxis
in our study [ 42].
The demagnetizing field is calculated by solving the mag-
netostatic problem for the total magnetization ( m1+m2)/2.
We have included this field in our simulations because fromthe theory a small, but not zero, total magnetization is ex-pected. However, some simulations performed without thisterm of the effective field have provided the same qualitativeresults with a slight quantitative difference.
The additional contribution to the effective field for
considering the interfacial DMI is given by the following
μ0MS[(∇·m2)ˆz−∇mz−2], (5)
with Dbeing the parameter accounting for the intensity of
DMI. The boundary conditions now hold,dmi
mi(i=1,2), where nis the unit vector perpendicular to the
edge and χ=2AFM
Dis a characteristic length in the presence
of DMI.
The thermal field is considered as a stochastic contribution
added to the deterministic effective field:
μ0γ0/Delta1VMS/Delta1t, (6)
where kBis the Boltzmann constant, /Delta1Vand/Delta1tare the
discretization volume and integration time step, respectively,while Tis the temperature. ξis a six-dimensional white
Gaussian noise with zero mean and unit variance, uncorrelatedfor each computational cell [ 43,44].
As we are interested in the dynamics of ultrathin antifer-
romagnetic films, we assume here a substantially low valueof the homogeneous intersublattice exchange A
1.25 MJ/m3, where a=0.5 nm. The discretization cell used
for the simulations is 2 nm ×2n m ×d. When not speci-
fied, we have used the following parameters for the ASHO:d=5nm,M
θSH=0.2, and AFM=0.5×10−11J/m.
A. Role of spin-polarization direction
We consider three experimental realizable spin-
polarization directions p1,p2, and p3:
(1)p1is obtained if the current is applied at the terminals
B-B/primealong the −y direction θp=0◦, the spin polarization
is collinear with the equilibrium magnetization of the twosublattices [ 30];
2is obtained if the same current is applied simultane-
ously at both A-A/primeand B-B/prime,θp=45◦in the region where the
AFM is positioned;
(3)p3is obtained if the electric current is applied at
the terminals A-A/primealong the xdirection; hence θp=90◦
and the spin polarization is perpendicular to the equilibrium
magnetization of the two sublattices [ 32].
Figures 2(a) and2(b) show the threshold currents and the
oscillation frequencies as a function of current density forthe three different spin polarizations without DMI. In all thecases, the self-oscillation is a subcritical Hopf bifurcationcharacterized by hysteresis with J
and switching-off current densities, respectively. This hys-teretic excitation has been already predicted by an analyticaltheory for the p
3configuration [ 32] and can be understood
qualitatively by considering that at JONthe precession of
the magnetization of the two sublattices has a finite largeamplitude. Differently from subcritical Hopf bifurcation inferromagnet-based spin transfer torque oscillators [ 17,45–47],
here also at J
OFFthe amplitude of the oscillation of sublattices
FIG. 2. (a) Threshold current densities ( JONandJOFF) for the
excitation of the antiferromagnetic dynamics for three different
directions of spin polarization. (b) Oscillation frequency as a function
of the applied current with a zoom near the threshold current.
(c), (d) Amplitude of the ycomponent of the magnetization as a
function of the current density for θp=0◦andθp=90◦.
magnetization is finite and even larger than the one at JON[see
Figs. 2(c) and2(d), where the amplitude of the ycomponent
of the magnetization for θp=0◦and 90° as a function of
current density is displayed—-see also Supplemental Mate-rial, Note 1 [ 48], where the differences between subcritical
and supercritical Hopf bifurcation for AFMs and FMs arehighlighted]. This result is relevant from a technological pointof view because the AFM-based oscillator can also work at acurrent density below J
ONas already pointed out in Ref. [ 32].
The width of the hysteretic region depends on the polarizationdirection as for θ
p=0◦it is very narrow (0 .4×108A/cm2),
whereas it increases with the increase of θp(3.2×108A/cm2
forθp=90◦). This result can be directly linked to the fact
that the precession axis is parallel to the spin polarization,then at θ
p=0◦it coincides with the equilibrium axis, while
atθp=90◦the precession axis is perpendicular to it (see top
right inset of Fig. 3).
The AFM magnetization dynamics is characterized by the
rotation of the magnetization of both sublattices m1andm2
in the same direction with an angle ψwith respect to the os-
cillation axis (top left inset of Fig. 3). The rotation frequency
[Fig. 2(b)] exhibits blueshift tunability [21 GHz /(108A/cm2)]
and is basically independent of the spin-polarization directionat high currents, which is associated with the high energyof the rotation of the Néel vector, defined as ( m
The anisotropy of the AFM defines the potential profile forthe magnetizations m
1andm2and, thus, the ground state
of the AFM. However, at high currents, the kinetic energy ofthe magnetizations rotation significantly exceeds the potentialenergy of anisotropy [ 32], and consequently the angular ve-
locity does not depend on the anisotropy profile and directionof spin polarization. In this case, the frequency is definedonly by the spin torque to damping ratio [ 32]. For a fixed
current density, the trajectory is characterized by the sameψaround the oscillation axis fixed by the spin-polarization
024405-3V . PULIAFITO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 024405 (2019)
FIG. 3. Trajectories of the magnetizations of the two sublattices
in the three different cases of spin Hall polarization, around its di-
rection, for J=30×108A/cm2. Left inset: sketch of the precession
of the two magnetizations around the spin polarization. Right inset:
directions of the spin polarization in the three cases.
direction. This fact is preserved also at very large current; see
for example the main panel of Fig. 3for the trajectories at J=
30×108A/cm2. As expected from analytical computations
the frequency is proportional to the current density (see Eq. (7)of Ref. [ 32]). For the simulation parameters of this study, a
maximum frequency of 0.6 THz at J=30×10
Atθp=90◦, we have performed a comparison with the
analytical model developed in Ref. [ 32], finding an agreement
described below in the paper (see also Supplemental Material,Note 2 [ 48]).B. Output signal
The first challenge to face is the conversion of the AFM
dynamics in a measurable THz signal. Some proposed strate-gies are based on the inverse spin Hall effect [ 32] or dipolar
radiation [ 49]. Those two approaches need tilting of the mag-
netization of the two sublattices for originating a net rotatingmagnetic vector or a time-varying phase angle between thetwo sublattices; however, for realistic parameters the outputpower should be very small. On the other hand, our four-terminal scheme can be used biasing the device with a propercurrent in order to have p
1,p2, and p3, and reading the mag-
netoresistance at one of the couples of terminals AA/primeor BB/prime
[50,51]. For example, when the bias current is applied through
the AA/primeterminals and hence the spin polarization is p3,t h e
THz signal should be read out via the BB/primeterminals and it
is mainly originated by the oscillation of the ycomponent of
the magnetization of the two sublattices; such an oscillationhas a frequency that is two times the precession frequency(see Supplemental Material, Note 3 [ 48]). Alternatively,
the THz signal can be read via the same AA
/primeterminal via the
magnetoresistance that originates from the oscillation of the x
component of the magnetization of the two sublattices [ 52].
C. Systematic study for p3spin polarization
Figures 4(a)–4(c) show the switching-on JON and
switching-off JOFFcurrent density as a function of d,α, and
Awhile maintaining the other two parameters constant. The
threshold currents clearly increase with the increase of boththe AFM thickness and the damping [Figs. 4(a) and4(b)].
On the other hand, our simulations confirm that the exchangecontribution plays an important role mainly in the switching-off current density, which slightly increases with the value ofA, whereas the switching-on current density is almost constant
FIG. 4. Summary of micromagnetic simulations for a current applied along the xaxis, so that the spin Hall polarization is along the yaxis
(θp=90◦). (a)–(c) Switching-on and -off current densities as a function of AFM thickness d(a), damping α(b), and exchange constant A
(c). (d)–(f) Oscillation frequency of the ycomponent of the magnetization of the AFM as a function of the current density, for different values
of the thickness d(d), the damping α(e), and the exchange constant A(f).
FIG. 5. Comparison between micromagnetic simulations and analytical models in the case θp=90◦: (a) threshold currents, (b) oscillation
frequency of the ycomponent of the magnetization, and (c) oscillation frequency of the ycomponent of the magnetization in the case of high
intersublattice exchange ( AAFM/a2=20 MJ/m3).
[Fig. 4(c)]. The hysteresis width increases with the thickness,
decreases with the damping, and slightly decreases with thevalue of A. Such results agree with the theoretical predictions
(see Eqs. (4) and (5) of Ref. [ 32]).
Within the same parametric study, Figs. 4(d)–4(f) show
the oscillation frequency (as computed from the ycomponent
of the magnetization) of the excited dynamics as a functionof the applied current J, for different values of thickness,
damping, and exchange constant. The frequency tunabilityis blueshift on current with frequency values ranging fromhundreds of gigahertz up to several terahertz. In particular,the frequencies increase with either the decrease of thickness[Fig. 4(d)] or damping [Fig. 4(e)]. In conclusion, full numer-
ical micromagnetic simulations are in qualitative agreementwith the theoretical predictions that hence can be used as atool to identify the parameter region where to optimize theTHz AFM-based oscillators [see Fig. 4(f), and Eqs. (6) and
( 7 )o fR e f .[ 32]).
The oscillation frequencies in Fig 4(e), computed for a=
0.01, shows a jump to zero at J=5×10
8A/cm2where the
dynamics of the ycomponent of the magnetization is off (m y
is constant) and the trajectory is in the x-zplane. This is a
direct consequence of the reduced exchange stiffness or, inother words, the low thickness of the AFM film. As can beobserved, the damping is a critical parameter either for theoscillation frequency or for the range of current tunability.This brings us to the conclusion that the THz dynamics inultralow-damping AFMs will be observable in a narrow rangeof current density, at least if we read out the signal via the spinHall resistance.
We have also performed simulations of a smaller (30 ×
30 nm
2) and a larger (80 ×80 nm2) AFM sample, with the
default values for d,A, and α, to reveal the possible role
of the dimensions in the magnetization dynamics. However,those simulations have shown that both the current needed toswitch on the dynamics and the frequency of oscillation turnout to be equal to the case of 40 ×40 nm
2sample. Actually,
this outcome was expected, considering that the volume of theactive layer does not appear in the analytical model.
D. ASHO linewidth
Together with frequency tunability and threshold current,
the linewidth is another fundamental property of an oscillator.In order to calculate the linewidth for the AFM oscillator, wehave performed micromagnetic simulations at room tempera-ture (T=300 K).We have computed the linewidth for different values of
current density, T=300 K, θ
p=90◦, and the default values
ford,α, and A. Our results point out that it is smaller than
10 MHz (our simulations are 100 ns long), corresponding to aquality factor of Q=f//Delta1f=41 000 at least.
E. Comparison with analytical model
As already cited, our main numerical results agree with
recently published theoretical predictions [ 32]. For this rea-
son, we focused on a direct comparison between micromag-netic simulations and those analytical models, finding a goodagreement for both the threshold currents and the outputfrequencies. Figure 5summarizes this comparison. In the first
graph, numerical threshold currents, as a function of the AFMlayer thickness, are compared with the analytical formulas(Eqs. (4) and (5) in Ref. [ 32]):
πσ√ωexchωani, (7)
where ωani=γ0(2KU/MS),σ=(gμBθSH/2eMSd),ωexch=
Figure 5(b) shows the comparison concerning the output
frequency of the oscillator for the default set of parameters.The analytical formula corresponds to Eq. (7) of Ref. [ 32]:
α, (8)
where, however, we are referring to the double frequency of
theycomponent of the magnetization.
We also performed numerical and analytical calculations
in the case of higher exchange, considering AAFM/a2=
20MJ/m3. Again, the comparison is convincing [see
Fig. 5(c)], and we can state that, from the qualitative point
of view, there is no significant change in the dynamics and inthe inertial nature of their excitation.
F. Effect of the DMI
The need of the full micromagnetic framework to analyze
the magnetization dynamics in an AFM driven by SHE isclear in the presence of the interfacial DMI. The first effectof the interfacial DMI is on the ground state. In particular,Fig.6shows the evolution of the equilibrium configuration of
the magnetization for different D. Starting from the uniform
state [Fig. 6(a)], Néel-type domain walls (DWs) are stabilized
024405-5V . PULIAFITO et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 99, 024405 (2019)
FIG. 6. (a)–(e) Equilibrium configurations of the magnetization
in the two sublattices as a function of the interfacial DMI parameter
D. (f) Switching-on and -off current densities as a function of D.
(g) Oscillation frequency of the spin Hall magnetoresistance as a
function of current density for different values of D.
starting from D=1.5mJ/m2[see Figs. 6(c)–6(e)][53–55].
The second effect is the change of the bifurcation at D=
1.0mJ/m2from subcritical to supercritical and hence with
the disappearing of the hysteretic excitation ( JON=JOFF)a s
displayed in Fig. 6(f). The third effect is the qualitative change
of the magnetization dynamics that now it is characterized bya continuous nucleation, shifting, and annihilation of DWsalong a direction that depends on the applied current (seeSupplemental Material [ 48], Movies 1 and 2, to compare
the dynamics at D=0.0m J/m
2and 2.0m J/m2)[56]. Figure
6(g) summarizes the output frequency as a function of current
density for different DMI parameters and it turns out that DMIdoes not play a very important role in this case. This result isdue to the fact that the main role of the DMI is the stabilizationof the domain-wall chirality.
We performed micromagnetic simulations considering a
high intersublattice exchange, also in the case of interfacialDMI. The magnetic configuration of the AFM sublattices isstill characterized by nonuniform DWs, which translate alongthe current as in the case of low exchange [see Fig. 7(a)
with the equilibrium configuration of sublattices obtained
FIG. 7. (a) Equilibrium configuration of the magnetization in the
two sublattices in the case of high interlayer exchange ( AAFM/a2=
20 MJ/m3)f o r D=1.5m J/m2. (b) Comparison of the output
frequency with low and high intersublattice exchange for D=
1.5m J/m2.
forD=2.0mJ/m2. The high exchange, moreover, does not
influence significantly the frequency of dynamics, as shownin Fig. 7(b). Nucleation and dynamics of DWs, in fact, are
strictly connected with nonlocal terms. These contributionsgenerally come from magnetostatic and nonhomogeneousexchange fields, including DMI. Intersublattice homogeneousexchange, instead, is a local term, due to the interaction of themagnetization of the two sublattices in the same cell.
AFM materials are promising for the realization of a
compact submicrometer-scale THz oscillator tunable witha current in a wide range of frequency ranging from fewhundreds of GHz up to 1–2 THz. Actually, this idea is still notdemonstrated experimentally; this paper contributes to furnisha more detailed numerical understanding of the THz dynamicsdriven by spin Hall effect. We find that the macrospin-basedtheoretical model can be used for a qualitative study at verylow DMI while a full micromagnetic approach is necessaryin the presence of DMI, which is an energy contribution thatarises in most of the experimental promising solutions forAFM-based oscillators.
The authors thank Takahiro Moriyama, Oksana Fesenko,
and Pedram Khalili Amiri for the fruitful discussions.
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024405-7 |
PhysRevB.72.054431.pdf | Current-induced switching in Co/Cu/Co spin valves: The effect of interdiffusion
C. Sommers
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
P. Weinberger
Center for Computational Materials Science, Gumpendorferstrasse 1a, A-1060 Wien, Austria
/H20849Received 8 March 2005; revised manuscript received 9 June 2005; published 19 August 2005 /H20850
The effect of interdiffusion at the Co/Cu interfaces on current-induced switching in Co/Cu n/Co spin valves,
n=21, 25, and 33, with the interdiffusion concentration varying between 0 and 10%, is described theoretically
in terms of ab initio calculations using the relativistic screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method and the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. It is found that interdiffusion forces the system to form a noncollinearground state such that switching to both kinds of collinear final states is possible. Furthermore, it is shown that/H20849i/H20850this behavior is caused by magnetic anisotropy effects, and /H20849ii/H20850by decreasing the interdiffusion, the current
necessary to achieve switching to such a final state /H20849critical current /H20850can be reduced substantially.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.054431 PACS number /H20849s/H20850: 75.30.Gw, 75.70.Ak, 75.70.Cn
Although suggested theoretically by Slonczewski,1
current-induced switching is now thought to be of enormous
technological interest,2,3since in principle it is much easier
to switch the orientation of the magnetization in the freelayer of a spin-valve-type system by a current applied in theCPP /H20849current perpendicular to the planes of atoms /H20850geometry
than by an external magnetic field. Ultimately, current-induced switching can perhaps replace most giant magne-toresistance /H20849GMR /H20850devices, now used in many commercial
applications, provided, however, that the critical current,namely, the current that has to be applied to perform switch-ing, can be reduced by at least one order of magnitude. At
present, mostly nanopillars are investigated experimentally,i.e., systems that because of the preparation techniques used,necessarily show macroscopic roughness and chemical dis-order /H20849interdiffusion at interfaces /H20850, a fact that has to be taken
into account also in theoretical descriptions.
In the present paper, the effect of interdiff-
usion on current-induced switching has been studiedtheoretically by investigating systems of thetype Co /H20849100/H20850/Co
m1/Cu 1−cCoc/Cu 1−cCoc/Cu n/Cu 1−cCoc
/Cu 1−cCoc/Co m2/Co/H20849100/H20850, with m1,m1/H3335611 serving as
buffer layers to the semi-infinite leads and cvarying between
0 and 0.10, i.e., by assuming at the Co/Cu interfaces aninterdiffusion profile extending over two adjacent atomiclayers. The n=19, 23, and 31 interdiffused Cu spacer layers
correspond in turn to a spacer thickness of 36.4, 43.24, and57.18 Å. It should be noted that for c=0, the composition of
the investigated spin-valve systems is simply of the formCo/H20849100/H20850/Co
m1+1/Cu n+2/Co m2+1/Co/H20849100/H20850.
The orientation of the magnetization in the left Co lead
and the left half of the Cu spacer is kept fixed to point alongthe surface normal /H20849see Fig. 1 /H20850, whereas that of the right Co
lead and the remaining spacer is rotated continuously ar-round an axis perpendicular to the surface normal until theground state /H9008
0/H33528/H208510,/H9266/H20852is reached. If /H90080/HS110050o r/H9266/H20849collinear
magnetic configurations /H20850then a noncollinear magnetic con-
figuration characterizes the ground state.II. CONCEPTUAL AND COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS
In defining the twisting energy4/H9004E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850as
/H9004E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850=E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850−E/H20849/H90080;c,N/H20850, /H208491/H20850
N=m1+m2+n, /H208492/H20850
/H90080serves as the zero point of eventual /H20849further /H20850rotations.
/H9004/H9008=−/H90080corresponds then to the parallel configuration, and
/H9004/H9008=180− /H90080to the antiparallel configuration /H20849see Fig. 1 /H20850.
In principle, cis an N-dimensional vector that contains lay-
erwise the concentrations of Co and Cu. It should be notedthat only by applying an external magnetic field or a currentdoes the system assume a magnetic configuration /H9008other
0, since /H9004E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850/H333560.
FIG. 1. Noncollinear ground state of two magnetic slabs sepa-
rated by a nonmagnetic spacer. The orientation of the magnetizationMin the thick magnetic layer is pointing along the surface normal
n. In the so-called free layer, the orientation of the magnetization
/H11032forms an angle /H90080with n.PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 054431 /H208492005 /H20850
1098-0121/2005/72 /H208495/H20850/054431 /H208495/H20850/$23.00 ©2005 The American Physical Society 054431-1Provided that in a CPP geometry the corresponding sheet
resistance5r/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850is also evaluated, a current I/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850
can be defined4,6as
I/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850=/H20881A0//H20841/H9270/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850/H20841I0/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850, /H208493/H20850
I0/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850= sgn /H20851/H9270/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850/H20852/H20881/H9004E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850/r/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850,/H208494/H20850
where /H9270/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850is the time needed to accomplish a rotation
by/H9004/H9008, and A0is the unit area in the relation r/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850
=A0R/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850, with R/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850being the resistance. In the
following, I0/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850will be referred to as reduced current .
The /H20849positive definite /H20850twisting energy /H9004E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850can be
expressed in terms of a power series in cos /H20849/H9008/H20850,
ass/H20849c,N/H20850cos/H20849/H9008/H20850s. /H208495/H20850
The expansion coefficients thereof are then used to solve the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation4in order to obtain for a
given/H9008the corresponding characteristic time /H9270/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850.I n
choosing a Gilbert damping factor of one, so-called minimal
switching times are obtained.4Clearly enough, the unit area
A0in Eq. /H208493/H20850is an experiment-dependent parameter.
For all systems investigated, the parallel configuration
/H20849the orientation of the magnetization points uniformly along
the surface normal /H20850was calculated self-consistently by using
the fully relativistic screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostokermethod
7and the density functional parametrization of Vosko
et al.8The problem of interdiffusion was dealt with using the
/H20849inhomogeneous /H20850coherent potential approximation.9The
twisting energies were then obtained via the magnetic forcetheorem
10by calculating the grand potentials E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850in
Eq. /H208491/H20850using a sufficient number of kpoints in the surface
Brillouin zone in order to guarantee stable convergence withrespect to k. The sheet resistances r/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850were evaluated
in terms of the fully relativistic Kubo-Greenwood
5,9using again a sufficiently large enough kset. In
both types of calculations, the angle /H9008was varied between
0° and 180° in steps of at most 20°. The expansion in Eq. /H208494/H20850
was restricted to k=3, and the coefficients thereof were de-
termined numerically in terms of a least-squares fittingprocedure,
11the fitting errors being typically of the order of
A. Probability for interdiffusion at the interfaces
It is well known that in the binary bulk system Co/Cu, the
solubility of Co in Cu /H20849and oppositely /H20850is at best 1–2%. As
this percentage not necessarily also applies for a possibleinterdiffusion at Co/Cu interfaces, total-energy calculationswithin the atomic sphere approximation /H20849ASA /H20850were per-
formed for n=19 /H20849spacer thickness 36.4 Å /H20850, with the orien-
tations of the magnetizations in the magnetic parts beingaligned parallel and pointing along the surface normal /H20849see
Fig. 1 /H20850in order to determine a realistic range of interdiffu-
sion concentrations. In Fig. 2, the following difference intotal energies:/H9004E
tot/H20849c,N/H20850=Etot/H20849c,N/H20850−Etot/H20849c=0 ,N/H20850/H20849 6/H20850
is displayed, since by forming total-energy differences, most
of the inherent errors in the ASA can be avoided. As can beseen in this figure, by assuming an error of about±0.025 mryd /H20849indicated by horizontal dashed lines /H20850,
tot/H20849c,N/H20850/H110110 for all interdiffusion concentrations below
about 1.5%. Figure 2 clearly indicates that in Co/Cu/Co spin
valves interdiffusion at the interfaces definitely has to beconsidered with interdiffusion concentrations between aboutzero and 2%. It should be noted that Fig. 2 can only serve asan argument that interdiffusion at the interfaces is very likelyto occur also in cases of noncollinear ground states.
B. Orientation dependence of the magnetization
In the top part of Fig. 3, it is shown that for the present
purposes, the orientation of the magnetization was correctlyassumed to point along the surface normal. As the energydifference between a uniformly perpendicular and a uni-formly parallel to the surface normal magnetic configuration/H20849the so-called band-energy part in a magnetic anisotropy en-
ergy calculation
7/H20850is very small, this quantity was analyzed
with respect to the kconvergence. As can be seen in this
figure, if the number of kpoints used in the irreducible part
of the surface Brillouin zone is above about 2000, this en-ergy difference settles down at 0.05 meV, indicating that inthe noninterdiffused system, indeed a magnetic configurationis preferred with the magnetization pointing uniformly alongthe surface normal. In the lower half of this figure, this en-ergy difference is displayed with respect to the interdiffusionconcentration. The very meaning of this dependency on theinterdiffusion concentration and of the second curve dis-played will be discussed in the Sec. III D.
C. Reduced currents and magnetoresistance
It is quite well known that the interlayer exchange cou-
pling energy—and, therefore, also the more general twistingenergy—is mostly determined by contributions from the in-terfaces. It is, therefore, not at all surprising that interdiffu-sion produces an almost dramatic effect on /H9004E/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850and
consequently on the reduced current I
0/H20849/H9008;c,N/H20850/H20851see Eq. /H208494/H20850/H20852.
FIG. 2. Total energy difference with respect to the interdiffusion
concentration for n=19 /H20849spacer thickness 36.4 Å /H20850; see also Eq. /H208496/H20850.C. SOMMERS AND P. WEINBERGER PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 054431 /H208492005 /H20850
054431-2This is depicted in Fig. 4. While in the absence of interdif-
fusion for n=21 /H20849spacer thickness 36.4 Å /H20850the parallel mag-
netic configuration corresponds to the ground state, with in-creasing interdiffusion, a perpendicular arrangement of theorientations of the magnetization in the magnetic slabs ispreferred, i.e., a noncollinear ground state is formed. Ascompared to the twisting energy, the changes in the sheetresistance caused by interdiffusion /H20849not shown here /H20850are
much less spectacular— r/H20849/H9008;c/H20850is predominantly propor-
tional to /H208491−cos /H9008/H20850for all concentrations investigated.
In order to recover the “traditionally” well-known defini-
tion of the magnetoresistance,
/H9266;c,N/H20850−r/H208490;c,N/H20850/H20852/r/H20849/H9266;c,N/H20850, /H208497/H20850
in Fig. 4 also the magnetoresistance, defined as
is displayed in this particular case, however, as an implicit
function of the applied reduced current
It should be noted that in the left half of Fig. 4, the reduced
current is displayed with respect to /H9004/H9008 /H20851see Eq. /H208492/H20850/H20852, since
/H9004/H9008=0 refers to the ground state.
It is worthwhile to mention that MR/H20849c,N/H20850/H20851see Eq. /H208497/H20850/H20852,
does decrease with increasing interdiffusion concentration
and also slightly with respect to the thickness of the spacer—forn=19, the magnetoresistance MR/H20849c,N/H20850, changes linearlyfrom 36.3% at 5% interdiffusion to 42.9% for the noninter-
diffused system.
Forn=23 and 5% interdiffusion, MR/H20849c,N/H20850drops to about
32.8%, i.e., at a constant interdiffusion concentration of 5%,
by increasing the spacer thickness by about 7 Å, the magne-toresistance decreases by about 3.5%.
In Fig. 5, again the magnetoresistance is shown vs the
reduced current; however, this time for n=31 /H20849spacer thick-
ness 57.18 Å /H20850. In this figure, the switching from the ground
state /H20849I
0=0/H20850to the parallel final state is indicated by open
symbols, and the switching to the antiparallel final state by
solid symbols. One can easily see /H20849i/H20850that the current needed
to switch the system is bigger in the first case than in thesecond one and /H20849ii/H20850that with decreasing interdiffusion, this
current is decreasing. A switching to the parallel state /H20849nega-
tive current /H20850yields a change in the magnetoresistance of
about 12.5%, and to the antiparallel state /H20849positive current /H20850,a
change of about 22.5%. Figure 5 proves that the formation of
a noncollinear ground state by interdiffusion effects is not theproperty of a particular spacer thickness. For n=23 /H20849spacer
thickness 43.24 Å /H20850, very similar results /H20849not shown here /H20850are
FIG. 3. /H20849a/H20850Band energy part of the magnetic anisotropy energy
forn=23 /H20849spacer thickness 43.24 Å /H20850with respect to N−2/3, where N
is the number of kpoints used in the irreducible part of the surface
Brillouin zone. /H20849b/H20850Band-energy part of the magnetic anisotropy en-
ergy /H20849squares /H20850and twisting energy for a perpendicular arrangement
of the orientations of the magnetization /H20849circles /H20850with respect to the
interdiffusion concentration /H20849see also Fig. 1 /H20850.
FIG. 4. Reduced current with respect to /H9004/H9008 /H20849left column /H20850, and
magnetoresistance with respect to the reduced current /H20849right col-
umn /H20850forn=19 /H20849spacer thickness 36.4 Å /H20850. In each row, the interdif-
fusion concentration is marked explicitly. It should be noted that formatters of comparison in both columns, the scale on the ordinate iskept constant.CURRENT-INDUCED SWITCHING IN Co/Cu/Co SPIN … PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 054431 /H208492005 /H20850
054431-3D. Expansion coefficients and switching times
The explanation for the formation of a noncollinear state
in the interdiffused systems can be read directly from Fig. 6.As can be seen, there the coefficient of cos
2/H20849/H9008/H20850, the so-called
anisotropy term, increases sharply with increasing interdiffu-
sion, while all other coefficients are very close to zero. Onlyfor vanishing interdiffusion /H20849c=0/H20850do the first two coeffi-cients start to grow and the anisotropy term changes sign.
This then yields the results shown in Ref. 4, namely, that thetwisting energy has a maximum for a perpendicular arrange-ment of the orientations of the magnetization. Going backnow to the lower part of Fig. 3, it is evident that it is indeedonly the anisotropy term that causes the existence of a non-collinear ground state—the band-energy part of the aniso-tropy energy /H20849difference in grand potentials between a uni-
form perpendicular and a uniform in-plane orientation of themagnetization /H20850is nearly twice as big as the twisting energy
/H11032in Fig. 1, being perpendicular to the surface normal
n. Figures 3 and 6 prove that in the presence of interdiffusion
at the interfaces, anisotropy effects not only change the twist-ing energy dramatically, but they in turn change the size ofthe reduced current.
In Fig. 7, the minimal switching times are depicted vs the
interdiffusion concentration by displaying the more interest-ing low-interdiffusion regime. The squares in this figure referto a switching from a perpendicular arrangement of the ori-entations of the magnetization /H20849ground state in the presence
of interdiffusion /H20850to the parallel magnetic configuration, the
circles refer to the antiparallel configuration, and the dia-monds to the sum of both, which only in the noninterdiffusedcase yields the correct /H20849minimal /H20850switching time. It is inter-
esting to note that with decreasing interdiffusion, the switch-ing times increase strongly. For n=19 /H20849spacer thickness
36.4 Å /H20850and 2% interdiffusion, the minimal switching time
from the ground state to either of the two collinear finalstates is only about 1 ps, while in the noninterdiffused sys-tem, the switching times is larger by at least one order ofmagnitude.
From the entry for the reduced currents in Fig. 5, one can
immediately determine that in the interdiffused systems, the
FIG. 5. Magnetoresistance vs reduced current for n=31 /H20849spacer
thickness 57.18 Å /H20850and 1% /H20849circles /H20850and 2% /H20849squares /H20850interdiffu-
sion. Open symbols refer to a switching to the parallel final state,and solid symbols to the antiparallel final state.
FIG. 6. Expansion coefficients for the twisting energy for n
=19 /H20849spacer thickness 36.4 Å /H20850vs the interdiffusion concentration
/H20851see also Eq. /H208495/H20850/H20852.
FIG. 7. Minimal switching times for n=19 /H20849spacer thickness
36.4 Å /H20850. Squares denote switching from the ground state to the
parallel, circles denote switching to the antiparallel magnetic con-figuration, and diamonds refer to the sum of both. Only in the caseof a collinear ground state does this sum reflect the correct switch-ing time.C. SOMMERS AND P. WEINBERGER PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 054431 /H208492005 /H20850
054431-4current needed to switch from the ground state to the anti-
parallel alignment is smaller than that needed to switch to theparallel alignment. This was the case for all interdiffusionconcentrations and spacer thicknesses investigated andseems to confirm recent experimental evidence.
3It is also
evident in this figure that in the presence of interdiffusion,the reduced currents are larger by one order of magnitudethan in the absence of interdiffusion. Assuming an interdif-fusion concentration of 0.5%, which according to Fig. 2 isquite realistic, a unit area of 100 nm /H11003100 nm, and taking
into account for n=19, the corresponding calculated reduced
critical currents and switching times, then according to Eq.
/H208493/H20850, the current needed to switch to the parallel /H20849antiparallel /H20850
magnetic configuration amounts to 0.21 /H208490.17 /H20850mA. For a
unit area of 500 nm /H11003500 nm, one would get 1.05 and
0.85 mA, respectively, which is already within the scale ofexperimentally observed critical currents. This simple ex-ample suggests strongly that in all experimental studiesbased on Co/Cu-related spin valves, interdiffusion at the in-terfaces /H20849of unknown degree /H20850was present.
The results displayed in Figs. 4 and 5 not only indicate
that current-induced switching /H20849formation of noncollinear
ground-states induced by interdiffusion /H20850is perhaps even
more complicated than originally thought, but also that mod-els based only on spin-up and spin-down electrons /H20849strict
collinearity /H20850most likely are not suitable, to describe this kind
of situation, since quite obviously strong anisotropy effectshave to be taken into account. This was also found forcurrent-induced switching in spin valves with Permalloy
serving as magnetic slabs.
Clearly, different interdiffusion profiles can be assumed,
extending over several atomic layers, and different spacerthicknesses can be investigated. The main conclusions fromthe present results, however, are that /H20849i/H20850in principle, a well-
defined noncollinear ground state is formed by interdiffusioneffects, and /H20849ii/H20850the reduced current and the switching time /H20849s/H20850
depend crucially on the amount of interdiffusion. Applying,e.g., a small external magnetic field as proposed in Ref. 3simultaneously with the current automatically changes /H9008
and therefore the critical current /H20849s/H20850. Clearly, the present re-
sults also show that in principle the critical current can bereduced by reducing interdiffusion effects either by usingsuitable thin metallic layers /H20849Ru, Ta /H20850between the magnetic
slabs and the nonmagnetic spacer or by means of other ex-perimental “tricks” in order to prevent interdiffusion. Lowercritical currents, on the other hand, imply slower switchingtimes. It seems, therefore, that a technologically relevantcompromise between these two aspects of current-inducedswitching is needed.
Financial support from the Austrian Ministry for Econom-
ics and Labour /H20849Zl 98.366 /H20850and the TU Vienna are gratefully
acknowledged. We also want to thank the computing centerIDRIS at Orsay, since part of the calculations were per-formed using their facilities.
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054431-5 |
PhysRevLett.123.167201.pdf | Ferromagnetic Resonance with Magnetic Phase Selectivity by Means
of Resonant Elastic X-Ray Scattering on a Chiral Magnet
S. Pöllath,1A. Aqeel,2A. Bauer,2C. Luo,3,2H. Ryll,3F. Radu,3C. Pfleiderer,2,4
G. Woltersdorf,5and C. H. Back1,2,4 ,*
1Institut für Experimentelle Physik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
2Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany
3Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien and Energie, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
4Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Schellingstraße 4, D-80799 München, Germany
5Institut für Physik, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, D-06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
(Received 24 May 2019; revised manuscript received 24 July 2019; published 14 October 2019)
Cubic chiral magnets, such as Cu 2OSeO 3, exhibit a variety of noncollinear spin textures, including a
trigonal lattice of spin whirls, the so-called skyrmions. Using magnetic resonant elastic x-ray scattering
(REXS) on a crystalline Bragg peak and its magnetic satellites while exciting the sample with magneticfields at gigahertz frequencies, we probe the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) modes of these spin textures
by means of the scattered intensity. Most notably, the three eigenmodes of the skyrmion lattice are detected
with large sensitivity. As this novel technique, which we label REXS FMR, is carried out at distinctpositions in reciprocal space, it allows us to distinguish contributions originating from different magnetic
states, providing information on the precise character, weight, and mode mixing as a prerequisite of tailored
excitations for applications.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.167201
Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements represent
a well-established technique for the study of systems withcollinear magnetization [1], allowing us to extract informa-
tion on the magnetic energy landscape and material-specificparameters such as the effective magnetization, the Land´ eg
factor, or the magnetic damping constant α. In systems with
noncollinear spin textures, measurements of resonant micro-
wave excitations exhibit very complex spectra, where theidentification of specific modes proves to be prohibitivelydifficult. However, in view of new technological develop-ments such as antiferromagnetic spintronics and the use ofquantum magnetism, the precise identification of specificmodes will be of great importance [2].
The cubic chiral magnets MnSi, Fe
1−xCoxSi, and
Cu2OSeO 3represent excellent showcases for the inherent
complexity of materials with technological potential. Thesematerials host long-wavelength helimagnetic order includ-
ing a trigonal lattice of topologically nontrivial spin whirls,
the so-called skyrmion lattice [3–7]. Their microwave
excitations have been studied by means of coplanar wave-guides and cavities [8–12]. In the helimagnetic states, two
collective spin-precessional modes, denoted þqand−q,
are observed. In the skyrmion lattice state, three eigenm-odes exist —namely, a clockwise and a counterclockwise
gyration mode as well as a breathing mode [13]. The
remarkably detailed understanding of the cubic chiral
magnet allows us to assign these modes in the experimentalspectra by comparing their resonance frequency andspectral weight, as well as the evolution of the latter asa function of temperature and field, to results of analytic
calculations and micromagnetic simulations solving theLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation taking into account dipo-lar interactions [12]. Such an in-depth understanding,
however, may not be available when investigating novel
materials [14–16]or when phenomena such as metastable
states, glassy textures, phase coexistence, topologicaltransitions, and pronounced history dependencies play arole[17–25].
In this Letter, we present a novel technique, called
REXS FMR, which combines the excitation of collectivemodes by means of a coplanar waveguide with thedetection by means of the scattered intensity in magnetic
resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS). The intensity of a
crystalline Bragg peak or magnetic satellites may bestudied, permitting one to clearly identify the hostingmagnetic state of a given excitation via the scatteringpattern in reciprocal space. As a point of reference, wedemonstrate the potential of REXS FMR using the insulat-
ing cubic chiral magnet Cu
2OSeO 3, which was studied
previously both by means of REXS [26–31]and standard
microwave spectroscopy [11,12,32 –36].
Our present study was carried out on the beam line PM2
at BESSY II with the VEKMAG end station [37]. The
sample was a single-crystal cuboid of Cu 2OSeO 3, cut from
an ingot grown by means of chemical vapor transport, with
dimensions of 1.8×0.5×0.5mm3and edges oriented
parallel to [110], [001], and ½¯110/C138. One of the surfaces
normal to [001] was mechanically polished. The samplePHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 167201 (2019)
Editors' Suggestion
0031-9007 =19=123(16) =167201(7) 167201-1 © 2019 American Physical Societywas placed into the 1 mm wide gap of a coplanar wave-
guide with the polished surface being on top. The sample
slightly protrudes the top surface of the waveguide resultingin microwave excitation that comprises both in-plane and
out-of-plane components. Typical excitation fields are of
the order of 3 to 10μT, depending on the excitation
frequency. For the REXS measurements, the energy ofthe circularly polarized photons is tuned to the Cu L
(931 eV). Note that the element specific character of REXS
is also inherent to REXS FMR. Further note that only inresonant x-ray scattering is the crystallographically for-
bidden Bragg peak at 2θ≈96.5° observed [27,28,38,39] .
The geometry of the experiment is illustrated in Fig. 1(a).
The sample surface is illuminated by a x-ray spot of
100μm diameter. The scattered intensity of the structural
(001) Bragg peak and its magnetic satellites is captured
using a photodiode. Initially the diode angle ð2θÞis
adjusted such that the intensity of the Bragg peak ismaximized. Subsequently, ð2θÞremains fixed, and thereciprocal space around the Bragg peak is mapped by
varying the sample angle ωand the vertical diode position
d. The diode is located behind a pinhole with a diameter of
300μm that convolutes the measured signal, leading to an
elongation of the peaks in the linearly scanned zddirection.
Despite the rather small sample-detector distance of
20 mm, the Bragg peak and its magnetic satellites may
be separated clearly. Using the superconducting vectormagnet at VEKMAG, the magnetic field is appliedparallel to the [110] axis, the [001] axis, or the incoming
x-ray beam.
The magnetic phase diagram of Cu
2OSeO 3is schemati-
cally depicted in Fig. 1(b) [6,40] . Starting in the para-
magnetic (pm) state at high temperatures and low fields,
long-wavelength helimagnetic order (wavelength λ¼620Å)
is observed below the transition temperature Tc¼58K. In
the helical state, macroscopic domains of helices propagatealong one of the easy h001iaxes. In the corresponding
reciprocal space map, shown in Fig. 1(c), the structural (001)
Bragg peak is surrounded by four magnetic satellite peaks
ðδ01Þ,ð¯δ01Þ,ð0δ1Þ, and ð0¯δ1Þ. Although after zero-field
cooling the equivalent domains are expected to be populated
equally across a bulk sample, the present experiment mapsonly a few domains due to the small x-ray spot size,rendering asymmetric intensity distributions possible.
Under applied magnetic field, the propagation directions
of the helices reorient into the field direction, and finitenet magnetization emerges as the magnetic moments
increasingly tilt towards the field direction. In REXS, this
conical state is associated with magnetic satellites along thefield direction that are observed when the field is appliedperpendicular to the [001] direction, as shown in Fig. 1(d).
Further increasing the magnetic field to the critical field
c2results in a field-polarized state in which the moments
are aligned along the field and no long-wavelength modu-lation is observed (not shown).
At intermediate magnetic field just below T
c, a pocket of
the skyrmion lattice state is observed. The trigonal order of
the spin whirls in the plane perpendicular to the field
translates to the characteristic sixfold pattern of magneticsatellites in both small-angle neutron scattering [41–45]
and REXS [26–31], as shown in Fig. 1(e). Under field
cooling, the skyrmion lattice may be frozen-in to lower
temperatures as a metastable state [17,20,23,46] .A s
depicted in Fig. 1(f), the intensity of the magnetic satellites
increases by an order of magnitude due to the increase ofthe magnetic moment with decreasing temperature.
Typical REXS-FMR data are shown in Fig. 2for
the field-polarized state at T¼15K, when a field larger
than μ
0Hc2≈125mT is applied parallel to the beam
direction [47]. Because of the lack of a long-wavelength
modulation, there are no magnetic satellites around thestructural (001) Bragg peak. This peak, however, comprises
a magnetic contribution that depends on the magnitude and
orientation of the magnetization ⃗Mwith respect to the
(c) (d)
(e) (f)(b)
FIG. 1. Setup and typical REXS data. (a) Schematic view of the
experimental setup. (b) Schematic zero-field cooled magneticphase diagram of Cu
2OSeO 3. (c) Reciprocal space map around
the (001) Bragg peak in the helical state. (d) Reciprocal spacemap in the conical state. The magnetic field is applied along the[110] axis, i.e., within the sample plane. (e),(f) Reciprocal spacemap in the skyrmion lattice state. The magnetic field is appliedalong the [001] axis, i.e., perpendicular to the sample plane.Under field cooling, the skyrmion lattice may be metastablefrozen-in to lower temperatures.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 167201 (2019)
167201-2incident and scattered x-ray wave vector. In turn, the
field dependence of the magnetization may be inferredby tracking the intensity of the Bragg peak, shown inFig. 2(a). Clear kinks at /C6H
c2and saturated behavior at
larger fields are observed when the microwave excitation is
switched off (the gray curve). Subtle changes in the curve ’s
slope indicate phase transitions which are discussed inmore detail in Refs. [41,48,49] . As the magnetic contri-
bution includes terms linear and quadratic in ⃗M, the
intensity curve is not symmetric with respect to zero field.We refer the reader to the Supplemental Material [50]and
Refs. [51,52] for information on the determination of the
absolute magnetization values.
Resonant excitation is studied by repeatedly switching
on and off the microwave excitation while stepping the
magnetic field, starting at high positive fields. At each field
point, the REXS intensity under excitation is integrated for3 s before the excitation is switched off and the intensity isintegrated again for 3 s. For an excitation frequency of4.5 GHz (the red curve), a minimum of the magnetic
intensity contribution emerges in the field-polarized state
above H
c2. As shown in Fig. 2(b), the normalized signal
difference, ðIon−IoffÞ=ðIonþIoffÞ, at this minimum is of
the order of 2%, which translates to a reduction of the
magnetization by about 6.5%. Note that the way how the
excitation is applied means that the magnetization repro-ducibly switches from its reduced to its regular value ateach field step. When assuming that precessional motion of
the moments causes the reduction, a precession angle of 21°
is required. This value is large but plausible considering the
rather low effective damping of α≈10
−4observed in the
insulator Cu 2OSeO 3[53,54] . In contrast, a change of the
moment of 6.5% by heating effects requires an increase(decrease) of the sample temperature by ∼13K after
switching the excitation on (off) in less than the time
frame of 1 s resolvable in the present REXS experiment.Such drastic heating effects, however, would interfere when
studying the skyrmion lattice state with its rather narrow
temperature width of ∼2K close to T
c(see below) and can
be excluded.
Simultaneously with the REXS measurements, the
reflected microwave power S11of the coplanar waveguide
was recorded using a Schottky diode detector. As shown in
Fig.2(c), minima in the field-polarized state above /C6Hc2
are observed at the same field values as in REXS. An
additional broad signature around zero field is attributed to
resonant excitations in the helimagnetic state, notably of the
/C6qmodes. The absence of these resonances in the REXS
data highlights the potential of REXS FMR to selectively
study individual magnetic phases and determine the origin
of specific excitations. Figure 2(d)shows that with increas-
ing excitation frequency the resonance field in REXS data
increases linearly, consistent with Kittel behavior in the
field-polarized state. The resonance field values in the field-polarized state are also in excellent agreement with reso-nance frequencies inferred from conventional microwave
spectroscopy using a vector network analyzer (spectra
not shown).
As one of its decisive advantages, REXS FMR may be
carried out not only on structural Bragg peaks but also onmagnetic satellites, allowing us to unambiguously make the
connection between the underlying magnetic phase and the
resonant mode. In Fig. 3(a), the intensity at a helical
satellite position is shown as a function of field for different
excitation frequencies at T¼15K. Similar to before, data
are recorded with microwave excitation switched on and offat each magnetic field step. The integration time was
increased to 10 s. Finite intensity arises only around zero
field, where the helical state is observed in the magneticphase diagram after zero-field cooling; see Fig. 1(b). Note,
however, that the field is applied along [001], i.e., an easy
axis for the helices in Cu
2OSeO 3, and the measurement
starts in the field-polarized state. Therefore, when decreas-ing the field to zero through the conical state, the helices
may be expected to remain in the helical domain oriented
along the field direction even at zero field [55], resulting in
the absence of magnetic satellites in the present scattering
geometry at temperatures well below T
This putative contradiction connects to the recent dis-
covery that Cu 2OSeO 3hosts not only a skyrmion lattice at
high temperatures, common to all cubic chiral magnets,but also an independent second skyrmion phase at low(a) (b)
FIG. 2. REXS FMR on the structural (001) peak. (a) Intensity
of the Bragg peak as a function of magnetic field applied parallelto the incoming x-ray beam, tracking the magnetization of thesample. Data are recorded at each field step with microwaveexcitation on (red curve) and off (gray curve). (b) Relative changeof the intensity under excitation. (c) Reflected microwave power,S
11, as a function of field. The signature around zero field is
attributed to the helimagnetic states. (d) Resonant modes for themagnetic field along the [001] axis at low temperature. Frequen-cies are normalized to their value at H
c2. Resonance fields
inferred from REXS FMR (solid symbols) are compared toresonance frequencies inferred from microwave spectroscopy(open symbols).PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 167201 (2019)
167201-3temperatures [25,49] . In contrast to the high-temperature
phase, the low-temperature phase is stabilized by magneto-crystalline anisotropies and exists only for field values
around H
c2applied along [001]. Because of the topological
protection inherent to skyrmions and the rather low temper-ature, the energy barrier of the low-temperature skyrmionphase is comparatively high. As a result, the skyrmion state
exhibits a rather glassy texture without well-defined long-
range order. When this state decays at lower fields bymeans of coalescence of neighboring skyrmions, a texture
resembling poorly ordered helices with propagation
perpendicular to the field forms [56,57] . The weak mag-
netic satellites associated with such a helical state aredetected in our REXS experiment. Perhaps most strikingly,
the glassy texture is highly susceptible to changes induced
by resonant microwave excitation, as explained in thefollowing.
At low and high frequencies, i.e., when the excitation is
off resonance, data with microwave switched on and off
agree with each other, corroborating that heating effects are
negligible. In resonance, the excitation distinctly reducesthe satellite intensity. Consistent with the behavior in the
field-polarized state, the intensity reproducibly switches
between its low and high value at each field step and thereduction is attributed to a precessional motion of the
magnetic moments. Note, however, that data without
excitation (gray curves) are expected to track each otheras long as the same magnetic texture is probed, which isclearly not the case.
The discrepancy becomes especially pronounced for an
excitation frequency of 3.5 GHz, for which the satellite
intensity increases by an order of magnitude while the field
range shrinks by a factor of 2. This finding suggests that themicrowave excitation interacts with the glassy magnetic
texture described above, improving its long-range order. In
resonance, this pumping effect is particularly effective, andthe corresponding magnetic satellite in reciprocal space not
only increases in intensity but also decisively sharpens.
When also taking into account a small misalignment
between sample plane and field direction, as a result, the
scattering condition is fulfilled only in a reduced fieldinterval around zero field. In Fig. 3(b), the relative
reduction of the helical satellite intensity at zero field is
shown as a function of the excitation frequency. Two sharpmaxima are observed that are unambiguously attributed tothe−qandþqcollective modes of the helical state. Both
frequency values and heights of the maxima are in excellent
agreement with the literature [11,12] .
Finally, REXS FMR on the high-temperature skyrmion
lattice is presented in Fig. 3(c), showing the intensity at a
skyrmion satellite position as a function of field at T¼
56K for different excitation frequencies. Starting the
description off resonance at low excitation frequency(bottom), measurements with and without microwave
excitation track each other. The intensity maxima in finite
fields around /C630mT are attributed to the skyrmion lattice
state. In addition, finite intensity emerges around zero field
as the tail of the broad helical satellite close by in reciprocal
space reaches the position of the skyrmion satellite. Athigher frequencies, a distinct reduction of the skyrmionsatellite intensity is observed under microwave excitation,(a)
(b) (d)(c)
FIG. 3. REXS FMR on the magnetic satellites. (a) Intensity of a
helical satellite as a function of magnetic field for differentexcitation frequencies. Data are recorded at each field step withmicrowave excitation on (red curves) and off (gray curves). Thelarge value at 3.5 GHz is attributed to changes of the spin texture;see the text for details. (b) Relative reduction of the helicalsatellite intensity at zero field as a function of frequency. Thesketch illustrates the position of the detector diode. Statisticalerror bars are typically much smaller than the symbol size.(c) Intensity at the reciprocal space position of a skyrmion latticesatellite. Around zero field, the tail of the broad helical satellite isobserved at the skyrmion satellite position. (d) Relative reductionof the skyrmion satellite intensity at a field of 35 mT as a functionof frequency.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 167201 (2019)
167201-4again attributed to a precessional motion of the magnetic
moments. At frequencies above 1.9 GHz, resonance effects
associated with the helical state are observed aroundzero field.
In order to further analyze the skyrmion resonances, the
relative reduction of the satellite intensity at 35 mT, i.e., in
the skyrmion lattice state, is depicted in Fig. 3(d) as a
function of the excitation frequency. Three distinct maximaare observed and are associated with the counterclockwise
(CCW) gyration, breathing (bre), and clockwise (CW)
gyration modes, in excellent agreement with the literature[11,12] . The relative heights of the maxima are also
perfectly consistent with calculated spectral weight distri-
butions, as the coplanar waveguide combines in-plane
excitation, driving the two gyration modes, and out-of-
plane excitation, driving the breathing mode [35]. Owing to
a photon penetration depth of about 30 nm, the REXS-
FMR measurements probe the recently discovered surface
states of the skyrmion lattice in Cu
2OSeO 3[58,59] .
Although roughly 25% of the probed volume is expected
to contain such surfaces states, no contributions distin-
guishable from the bulk resonance modes are observed,indicating that the resonance frequencies of bulk and
surface states are very similar or equal. Note that above
and below 2 GHz, different circulators are used, leading toa small offset in the applied microwave power.
Furthermore, the diode position was changed, as indicated
in the sketch in Fig. 3(d), resulting in quantitative discrep-
ancies in the measured intensity profiles at that frequency.
In summary, we established a novel x-ray scattering
technique, referred to as REXS FMR, that combines micro-
wave excitation by means of a coplanar waveguide withdetection in reciprocal space by means of magnetic REXS.
In the cubic chiral magnet Cu
2OSeO 3, we identified the
resonant modes in the field-polarized, helimagnetic, andskyrmion lattice state by tracking the intensity of the
structural (001) Bragg peak and its magnetic satellites under
microwave excitation. The surface sensitive measurementindicates equal magnetic resonance frequencies for sky-
rmionic surface and bulk states. REXS FMR also allows for
stroboscopic measurements in order to determine the char-acter of eigenmodes microscopically, e.g., to distinguish
between gyration and breathing modes. Also note that the
selectivity to certain magnetic phases may prove particularly
useful in complex magnetic environments for which the
clear identification of eigenmodes in conventional micro-wave spectroscopy is challenging, such as for multidomain
skyrmion states in lacunar spinels [14,60,61] , glassy sky-
rmionic textures in Co-Mn-Zn compounds [62–64], or the
low-temperature skyrmion state in Cu
2OSeO 3with its
concomitant tilted conical state [25,49,65] .
We wish to thank W. Simeth for the fruitful discussions
and the assistance with the experiments. C. H. B., G. W.,and F. R. acknowledge funding from the BMBF via the
VEKMAG project. A. B., C. P., S. P., G. W., and C. H. B.acknowledge funding by the German Research Foundation
via Project No. SPP2137. This project has received fundingfrom the European Metrology Programme for Innovationand Research (EMPIR) programme co-financed by theParticipating States and from the European Union ’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
This work has been funded by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German ResearchFoundation) under Germany ’s Excellence Strategy EXC-
2111 390814868. A. B. and C. P. acknowledge financialsupport from DFG TRR80 (Project No. F7), as well as ERCAdvanced Grants No. 291079 (TOPFIT) and No. 788031(ExQuiSid).
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167201-7 |
PhysRevLett.123.117204.pdf | Exchange-Enhanced Ultrastrong Magnon-Magnon Coupling
in a Compensated Ferrimagnet
Lukas Liensberger,1,2,*Akashdeep Kamra,3,†Hannes Maier-Flaig,1,2Stephan Geprägs,1Andreas Erb,1
Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein,4Rudolf Gross,1,2,5,6Wolfgang Belzig,7
Hans Huebl,1,2,5,6and Mathias Weiler1,2,‡
1Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 85748 Garching, Germany
2Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, Germany
3Center for Quantum Spintronics, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
4Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
5Nanosystems Initiative Munich, 80799 Munich, Germany
6Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), 80799 Munich, Germany
7Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany
(Received 25 March 2019; revised manuscript received 15 July 2019; published 13 September 2019)
We experimentally study the spin dynamics in a gadolinium iron garnet single crystal using broadband
ferromagnetic resonance. Close to the ferrimagnetic compensation temperature, we observe ultrastrong
coupling of clockwise and counterclockwise magnon modes. The magnon-magnon coupling strength
reaches almost 40% of the mode frequency and can be tuned by varying the direction of the externalmagnetic field. We theoretically explain the observed mode coupling as arising from the broken rotational
symmetry due to a weak magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The effect of this anisotropy is exchange enhanced
around the ferrimagnetic compensation point.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.117204
The strong and ultrastrong interaction of light and matter
is foundational for circuit quantum electrodynamics [1–3].
The realizations of strong spin-photon [4–6]and magnon-
photon [7–12]coupling have established magnetic systems
as viable platforms for frequency up-conversion [13,14]
and quantum state storage [15]. Antiferromagnets and
ferrimagnets further host multiple magnon modes. Their
coupling allows for coherent control and engineering of
spin dynamics for applications in magnonics [16,17] and
antiferromagnetic spintronics [18,19] .
Recently, it has been shown [20–22]that the weak
interlayer exchange interaction between two magneticmaterials can cause magnon-magnon coupling. However,the much stronger intrinsic exchange has not yet beenleveraged for coupling phenomena. While the THz-fre-quency dynamics in antiferromagnets is challenging toaddress experimentally [23], the sublattice magnetizations
in compensated ferrimagnets can be tuned to achieveGHz-frequency quasiantiferromagnetic dynamics. Here,we report the experimental observation of ultrastrongexchange-enhanced magnon-magnon coupling in a com-pensated ferrimagnet with the coupling rate reaching up to37% of the characteristic magnon frequency. We further-
more demonstrate that the coupling strength can be con-
tinuously tuned from the ultrastrong to the weak regime.
We investigate spin dynamics, or equivalently the magnon
modes, in a compensated, effectively two-sublattice ferri-magnet in the collinear state. Around its compensationtemperature, this system can be viewed as a “quasiantiferro-
magnet ”due to its nearly identical sublattice magnetizations
A≳MB.F i g u r e 1schematically depicts the typical spa-
tially uniform spin dynamics eigenmodes of the system [24].
Within the classical description, these become clockwise(CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) precessing modeswhich correspond to spin-down and spin-up magnons,
respectively, in the quantum picture. The key physics under-
lying our experiments is the tunable exchange-enhancedcoupling, and the concomitant hybridization, between thesestwo modes. The essential ingredients —mode coupling and
exchange enhancement —are both intuitively understood
within the quantum picture as follows. First, due to theiropposite spins, a spin-up magnon can only be coupled to itsspin-down counterpart by a mechanism that violates theconservation of spin along the sublattice magnetization, and
thus magnon spin, direction [25]. Since angular momentum
conservation is a consequence of rotational invariance orisotropy, an anisotropy about the magnon spin axis providessuch a coupling mechanism. Achieving the equilibriumsublattice magnetizations, or equivalently the magnon spin
axis, to lie along directions with varying degrees of local axial
anisotropy allows us to correspondingly vary the resultantmagnon-magnon coupling. This explains the nonzero modecoupling along with its tunability. However, the typically
weak magnetocrystalline anisotropy may not be expected
to yield observable effects and, therefore, has typically beendisregarded. This is where exchange enhancement in aPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 117204 (2019)
0031-9007 =19=123(11) =117204(7) 117204-1 © 2019 American Physical Societyquasiantiferromagnet makes the crucial difference. The anti-
ferromagnetic magnons, despite their unit net spin, are formed
by large, nearly equal and opposite spins on the twosublattices [26]. The anisotropy-mediated mode coupling
results from, and is proportional to, this large sublattice spin
instead of the unit net spin, and is therefore strongly amplified.
This amplification effect is termed exchange enhancementwithin the classical description [26–28].
In our corresponding experiments, we study the mag-
netization dynamics of a (111)-oriented single crystal
3Fe5O12(gadolinium iron garnet, GdIG) disk by broad-
band magnetic resonance (BMR) [29]. A schematic depic-
tion of the setup is shown in Fig. 2(a). We use a vector
network analyzer to record the complex transmission S21
as a function of the microwave frequency fand the external
magnetic field H0applied in the (111) plane. Our experi-
ments are performed at T¼282K, slightly below the
ferrimagnetic compensation point Tcomp ¼288K, as deter-
mined by SQUID magnetometry [30]. At this temperature,
the resonance frequencies of the spin-up and spin-downmodes are in the microwave frequency range.
In Fig. 2(b), we show the normalized background-
corrected field derivative of S
21[42] recorded at fixed
magnetic field magnitude μ0H0¼0.58T applied at
φ¼90°. As discussed later, this is a situation in which
the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy has axial sym-metry about the magnetic field direction. We refer to this
case as an effectively axially symmetric (EAS) direction.
By fitting the data to Eq. (S7) [30], we extract the resonancefrequencies f
1andf2of the two observed resonances, their
difference Δfres, and their linewidths κ1andκ2. In Fig. 2(c)
we show corresponding data and fits for φ¼0° and
μ0H0¼0.65T, which corresponds to a situation in which
the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy is anisotropic
about the applied magnetic field direction, which we referto as an axial symmetry broken (ASB) direction, asexplained below. Again, two resonances are observed. In
contrast to the data in Fig. 2(b), the resonances are now
clearly separated.
We repeat these experiments for a range of magnetic
field magnitudes H
0applied along the two directions (EAS
and ASB) of interest. The obtained resonance frequenciesare shown as symbols in Figs. 2(d) and2(e). In the EAS
case shown in Fig. 2(d), we clearly observe two resonance
modes. The first one follows ∂f
res=∂H0>0and is
the spin-up mode f↑, and the second resonance with
∂fres=∂H0<0is the spin-down mode f↓. The vertical
dashed line corresponds to μ0H0¼0.58T, where Δfresis
minimized and the data shown in Fig. 2(b) are obtained.
The resonance frequencies are in excellent agreement withthose obtained from numerical (see Supplemental Material[30]) and analytical (see below) solutions to the Landau-
Lifshitz equation.
When applying H
0along the ASB axis, we obtain the
resonance frequencies shown in Fig. 2(e). Here, we observe
a more complex evolution of the resonance frequencies fortwo reasons. First, for μ
0H0⪅0.4T, the equilibrium net
magnetization is titled away from H0and varies with H0.
Second, and crucially, f↑andf↓exhibit a pronounced
avoided crossing. The dashed vertical line indicates the
value of H0of minimal Δfres[cf., Fig. 2(e)].
We plot Δfresand the half width at half maximum
linewidths κ↑andκ↓as a function of the magnetic field H0
in Figs. 2(f) and 2(g) for the EAS and ASB cases,
respectively. We find the mutual coupling strength gc=2π¼
minjΔfres=2j¼0.92GHz for the EAS case and gc=2π¼
6.38GHz for the ASB configuration. In the former case,
gc≲κ↑;κ↓[cf., Fig. 2(f)]. Thus, the system is in the weak
to intermediate coupling regime. For the ASB case, the
linewidths κare at least 3 times smaller than gc. Hence,
the condition for strong coupling gc>κ↑;κ↓is clearly
satisfied. Furthermore, the extracted coupling rate of
gc=2π¼6.38GHz is comparable to the intrinsic excitation
frequency fr¼ðf1þf2Þ=2¼17.2GHz. The normalized
coupling rate η¼gc=ð2πfrÞ[8,43] evaluates to η¼0.37.
Consequently, we observe magnon-magnon hybridizationin the ultrastrong coupling regime [1]. Importantly, the
measured g
cis the intrinsic coupling strength between
spin-up and spin-down magnons and is independent of
geometrical factors, in particular, sample volume or fillingfactor. This is in stark contrast to the magnon-photon orcavity-mediated magnon-magnon coupling typicallyobserved in spin cavitronics [8,44 –48].FIG. 1. Classical and quantum representations of the magneti-
zation dynamics in a two-sublattice compensated ferrimagnet.The eigenmodes of the compensated ferrimagnet close to itscompensation temperature are similar to that of an antiferro-magnet since the sublattice magnetizations are almost identical(we choose M
A≳MB). In the quantum picture, the classical
modes with counterclockwise (CCW) and clockwise (CW)precession are identified as spin-up and spin-down magnons.The hybridized modes with linear polarization correspond tospin-zero magnons [25]. The angles between the two sublattice
magnetizations have been exaggerated for clarity.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 117204 (2019)
117204-2To demonstrate that the coupling is continuously tunable
between the extreme cases discussed so far, we rotated H0
with fixed magnitude in the (111) plane at T¼280K.
The background-corrected transmission parameter (see
Supplemental Material [30]) as a function of the angle φ
is shown in Figs. 3(a) and3(b) forμ0H0¼0.5T and
μ0H0¼0.8T, respectively. These magnetic field magni-
tudes correspond to H0slightly below and above the
hybridization point at T¼280K (see Fig. S2 [30]). For
bothH0values, we observe two resonances for each value
ofφ, where the lower resonance frequency depends
strongly on φwhile the upper one is nearly independent
ofφ. Overall, these results strongly indicate a φ-dependent
level repulsion that allows us to continuously adjust thecoupling strength.
To understand the coupling strength variation with φ,w e
analyze the cubic anisotropy landscape of our GdIG disk byplotting its magnetic free-energy density F[cf., Eq. (S9)
[30]]i nF i g . 3(c). The applied field directions for the EAS
and ASB cases are indicated by the two gray dots in Fig. 3(c).
The sublattice magnetizations as well as the magnon spinaxis are collinear with the applied field in our considerations.
As derived rigorously below, coupling between the opposite-
spin magnons is proportional to the degree of anisotropy inthe free energy about the magnon spin axis [25]. Moreover,
since they represent small and symmetric deviations ofmagnetization about the equilibrium configuration, themagnons can only sense anisotropy variations that are local
and averaged over antiparallel directions. Considering the
ASB configuration first, if the magnetization deviates fromequilibrium along the orange (white) arrows, it experiences
an increase (a decrease) in energy. Therefore, the free-energy
change depends on the direction of deviation, and thesymmetry about the magnon spin axis in this configurationis clearly broken by anisotropy. This causes a nonzero mode
coupling in the ASB configuration. In contrast, for the EAS
configuration, an averaging over the two antiparallel direc-tions results in a nearly vanishing and direction-independentchange in the free energy, thereby effectively maintaining
axial symmetry. This is prominently seen when considering
the direction collinear with the orange and white arrows,which nearly cancel each other ’s effect on averaging. This
configuration is thus named effectively axially symmetric
(EAS). The corresponding degree of axial anisotropy, andthus mode coupling, varies smoothly with φbetween these
two extreme cases.
The two key ingredients in the physics observed herein
are (i) nonzero mode coupling arising from violation of
12 15 18 21 24- 90°, EAS∂DS21/∂H0(1/T)
0 5 10 15 20 25-0.2- 0°, ASB
Δfres0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.00510152025
0 . 00 . 51 . 01 . 52 . 00510152025
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.00123
0 . 00 . 51 . 01 . 52 . 00246numerical
0H0(T)(d) = 90°, EAS
0H0(T)(e) = 0°, ASB
FIG. 2. (a) Schematic broadband ferromagnetic resonance (BMR) setup, with the GdIG disk on the coplanar waveguide (CPW). The
angle φdefines the in-plane direction of the magnetic field H0. (b),(c) BMR spectra obtained for fixed magnetic field strengths applied
along the (b) effectively axially symmetric (EAS) direction in the (111) plane at φ¼90°(μ0H0¼0.58T) and along the (c) axial
symmetry broken (ASB) axis φ¼0°(μ0H0¼0.65T) recorded at T¼282K(Tcomp ¼288K). The solid lines are fits to Eq. (S7) [30].
The resonance frequencies are indicated by the red arrows and their difference is denoted as Δfres. (d),(e) Mode frequencies versus
applied magnetic field strength measured at T¼282K, where MGd≳MFe. Open circles and triangles denote measured resonance
frequencies. The red dotted curves depict results of our analytical model and the blue dashed lines are obtained by numerical simulation.
Along the EAS direction φ¼90° (d), weak coupling is observed, whereas along the ASB direction φ¼0° (e), we find ultrastrong
coupling (see text). The solid gray lines in (e) indicate the uncoupled case taken from the analytical solution of (d). (f),(g) Linewidthsκ=2πof the spin-up κ
↑and spin-down κ↓modes, and resonance frequency splitting Δfres=2as a function of H0. The coupling strength
gc=2πis given by the minimum of Δfres=2.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 117204 (2019)
117204-3spin conservation by an axial anisotropy [25] and (ii) a
strong amplification of the otherwise weak coupling via an
exchange-enhancement effect characteristic of (quasi)anti-ferromagnetic magnons [26]. We now present a minimal-
istic, analytically solvable model that brings out both these
pillars underlying our experiments, and yields results ingood agreement with our data [Figs. 2(d)and2(e)]. To this
end, we employ a two-sublattice model, which corresponds
to the net Fe and Gd sublattice in GdIG, within the Landau-Lifshitz framework and macrospin approximation, treating
anisotropies as uniaxial to enable an analytical solution. In
our experiments, both of the distinct anisotropy contribu-tions considered here are provided by the cubic crystalline
anisotropy of the material. Parametrizing the intersublattice
antiferromagnetic exchange by J(>0) and uniaxialanisotropies by K(>0) and K
a, the free-energy density
Fmis expressed in terms of the sublattice AandB
magnetizations MA;B, assumed spatially uniform, as
where the first term is the Zeeman contribution due to the
applied field H0ˆz. We further assume an appropriate
hierarchy of interactions J≫K≫jKaj, such that Ka
terms do not influence the equilibrium configurations.
The upper and lower signs in Eq. (1)above represent
the cases of an applied field along easy and hard axes,respectively. The EAS (ASB) direction is magnetically easy(hard) [30]. The axial symmetry is broken by the term
proportional to K
a, with Ka≈0for the EAS case and
Ka≠0to the ASB case. We have chosen coordinate
systems for treating the two configurations with the
zdirection always along the applied field. The equilibrium
configuration is obtained by minimizing Eq. (1)with
respect to the sublattice magnetization directions (see
Supplemental Material [30]). The dynamics are captured
by the Landau-Lifshitz equations for the two sublattices:
; ð2Þ
where γA;Bare the respective sublattice gyromagnetic ratios,
assumed negative. It is convenient to employ a new primed
coordinate system with equilibrium magnetizations collinearwith ˆz
0. The ensuing dynamical equations are linearized
about the equilibrium configuration which, on switching to
Fourier space (i.e., MAx0¼mAx0eiωtand so on), lead to the
coupled equations describing the eigenmodes expressed
succinctly as a 4×4matrix equation:
ð˜P0þ˜PaÞ˜m¼0; ð3Þ
where ˜m⊺¼½mAþmBþmA−mB−/C138,w i t h mA/C6≡mAx0/C6imAy0,
and so on. The matrix ˜P0is block diagonal in 2×2
submatrices and describes the uncoupled spin-up and
spin-down modes, distributed over both sublattices. The
matrix ˜Pacaptures axial-symmetry-breaking anisotropy
effects, and provides the spin-nonconserving, off-diagonal
terms that couple the two modes and underlie the hybridi-
zation physics at play. The detailed expressions for thematrices are provided in the Supplemental Material [30].
For applied fields along the easy axis (EAS), the
equilibrium configuration is given by M
MB¼−MB0ˆz, with MA0;B0the respective sublattice satu-
ration magnetizations and MA0≳MB0. For the case of a
sufficiently small field applied along the hard axis (ASB),
the equilibrium orientation of MAis orthogonal to the hard
axis. With increasing field strength, MAmoves to align-30 0 30 60 90 1200306090120150180
F(H0=0)(J/m3)90 45 0 -45 -900510152025f(GHz)
90 45 0 -45 -90
Re(∂DS21/∂)( 1 0-3/°)
HAxx(a) (b)
FIG. 3. Tunable coupling strength and anisotropy landscape.
(a),(b) BMR data obtained with fixed magnetic field magnitudeswith (a) μ
0H0¼0.5T (below the hybridization point) and
(b)μ0H0¼0.8T (above the hybridization point) as a function
of theH0orientation φin the (111)-disk plane at T¼280K. The
blue dashed lines are the results from the numerical simulation.(c) Color map of the free-energy density FforH
0¼0. The
angles φAand θAdenote the orientation of MA, defined
analogously to φandθin Fig. 2(a). The dashed horizontal line
atθA¼90° corresponds to the (111)-disk plane. The orange and
white arrows at the EAS ( φA¼90°) and ASB ( φA¼0°)
orientations point towards increasing and decreasing free-energydensity, respectively. The [001] direction denotes a crystalline
hard axis (HA) and ½¯111/C138a crystalline easy axis (EA).PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 117204 (2019)
117204-4with the applied field. In the considered temperature and
field range, MBalways remains essentially anticollinear to
MA[49]. The initial decrease of the resonance mode with
lower frequency [Fig. 2(e)] is associated with this evolution
of the equilibrium configuration. The frequency dip signi-
fies alignment of equilibrium MAwith the zaxis. Only the
Kaanisotropy term breaks axial symmetry about the
equilibrium magnetization direction ( zaxis) and leads to
off-diagonal terms in ˜Pa, which couples the two modes.
The coupling-mediated frequency splitting Δfres, where
uncoupled eigenmode frequencies would cross, is evalu-ated employing Eq. (3)as
; ð4Þ
where ωc≡jγjjKajM0is the bare coupling rate, consider-
ingγA≈γB≡γandMA0≈MB0≡M0near the compen-
sation point. Feq, given by 16KM2
0forH0along an easy
axis, is an equivalent free-energy density comparable to
the anisotropy contribution, parametrized by K. The bare
coupling rate is thus enhanced by a maximum value offfiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
at the compensation point yielding a greatly
enlarged coupling. Hereby a small coupling of ωc¼
2π×160MHz originating from a weak cubic anisotropy
present in GdIG is greatly enhanced as demonstrated by
Eq. (4)and the analytical model results displayed in
Fig.2(e), quantitatively describing our experimental obser-
vations. The amplification of coupling from 160 MHz to
several GHz is an exchange-enhancement effect [26–28,50] .
This (exchange) enhancement is an embodiment of anti-
ferromagnetic quantum fluctuations [26]predicted similarly
to amplify magnon-mediated superconductivity [51].
Our findings demonstrate that previously typically
neglected details of the magnetocrystalline anisotropycan lead to giant effects on spin dynamics if they have
the appropriate symmetry and are exchange enhanced.
The ultrastrong and size-independent magnon-magnon
coupling reported here opens exciting perspectives for
studying ultrastrong coupling effects in nanoscale devicesand exploring quantum-mechanical coupling phenomena
beyond classical electrodynamics. The reported effect also
enables the tuning and tailoring of quasiantiferromagneticdynamics and magnons.
We thank A. Habel, K. Helm-Knapp, and K. Danielewicz
for technical support. We gratefully acknowledge the finan-cial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG,
German Research Foundation) via Germany ’sE x c e l l e n c e
Strategy EXC-2111-390814868 (R. G. and H. H.) and theProjects No. WE5386/4 and No. WE5386/5 (L. L. and
M. W.). A. K. acknowledges financial support from the
Research Council of Norway through its Centers of
Excellence funding scheme, Project No. 262633,
“QuSpin. ”W. B. was supported by the DFG through SFB767 and thanks the Center of Excellence QuSpin by the
Research Council of Norway and Arne Brataas (NTNUTrondheim) for hospitality.
Note added. —Recently, we became aware of a related study
showing magnon-magnon coupling in the canted antifer-
romagnet CrCl
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PhysRevB.91.134411.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 134411 (2015)
Realization of the thermal equilibrium in inhomogeneous magnetic systems by the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with stochastic noise, and its dynamical aspects
Masamichi Nishino1,*and Seiji Miyashita2,3
1Computational Materials Science Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan
2Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
3CREST, JST, 4-1-8 Honcho Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan
(Received 28 May 2014; revised manuscript received 6 March 2015; published 9 April 2015)
It is crucially important to investigate the effects of temperature on magnetic properties such as critical
phenomena, nucleation, pinning, domain wall motion, and coercivity. The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG)equation has been applied extensively to study dynamics of magnetic properties. Approaches of Langevinnoises have been developed to introduce the temperature effect into the LLG equation. To have the thermalequilibrium state (canonical distribution) as the steady state, the system parameters must satisfy some conditionknown as the fluctuation-dissipation relation. In inhomogeneous magnetic systems in which spin magnitudes aredifferent at sites, the condition requires that the ratio between the amplitude of the random noise and the dampingparameter depend on the magnitude of the magnetic moment at each site. Focused on inhomogeneous magneticsystems, we systematically showed agreement between the stationary state of the stochastic LLG equation andthe corresponding equilibrium state obtained by Monte Carlo simulations in various magnetic systems includingdipole-dipole interactions. We demonstrated how violations of the condition result in deviations from the trueequilibrium state. We also studied the characteristic features of the dynamics depending on the choice of theparameter set. All the parameter sets satisfying the condition realize the same stationary state (equilibriumstate). In contrast, different choices of parameter set cause seriously different relaxation processes. We show tworelaxation types, i.e., magnetization reversals with uniform rotation and with nucleation.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.134411 PACS number(s): 75 .78.−n,05.10.Gg,75.10.Hk,75.60.Ej
The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation [ 1] has been
widely used in the study of dynamical properties of magneticsystems, especially in micromagnetics. It contains a relaxationmechanism by a phenomenological longitudinal dampingterm. The Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch (LLB) equation [ 2] con-
tains, besides the longitudinal damping, a phenomenologicaltransverse damping, and the temperature dependence of themagnetic moment is taken into account with the aid of
the mean-field approximation. Those equations work well
in the region of saturated magnetization at low temperatures.
Thermal effects are very important to study properties
of magnets, e.g., the amount of spontaneous magnetization,hysteresis nature, relaxation dynamics, and the coercive forcein permanent magnets. Therefore, how to control temperaturein the LLG and LLB equations has been studied extensively. Tointroduce temperature in equations of motion, a coupling with athermal reservoir is required. For dynamics of particle systemswhich is naturally expressed by the canonical conjugatedvariables, i.e., ( q,p), molecular dynamics is performed with
aN o s ´e-Hoover (NH) type reservoir [ 3–5] or a Langevin type
reservoir [ 6]. However, in the case of systems of magnetic
moments, in which dynamics of angular momenta is studied,NH type reservoirs are hardly used due to complexity [ 7]. On
the other hand, the Langevin type reservoirs have been rathernaturally applied [ 2,8–18] although multiplicative noise [ 19]
requires the numerical integration of equations depending onthe interpretation, i.e., Ito or Stratonovich type.
*Corresponding author: nishino.masamichi@nims.go.jpTo introduce temperature into a LLG approach by a
Langevin noise, a fluctuation-dissipation relation is used,where the temperature is proportional to the ratio betweenthe strength of the fluctuation (amplitude of noise) and thedamping parameter of the LLG equation. For magnetic systemsconsisting of uniform magnetic moments, the ratio is uniquelygiven at a temperature and it has been often employed to studydynamical properties, e.g., trajectories of magnetic momentsof nanoparticles [ 8] and relaxation dynamics in a spin-glass
system [ 20] or in a semiconductor [ 21]. The realization of the
equilibrium state by stochastic LLG approaches by numericalsimulations is an important issue, and it has been confirmedin some cases of the Heisenberg model for uniform magneticmoments [ 22,23].
In general cases, however, magnetic moments on the atomic
scale have various magnitudes of spins. This inhomogeneity of
magnetization is important to understand the mechanismsof nucleation or pinning [ 24–28]. To control the temperature
of such systems, the ratio between the amplitude of noiseand the damping parameter depends on the magnetic momentat each site. In order to make clear the condition for therealization of the canonical distribution as the stationary state
in inhomogeneous magnetic systems, we review the guidelines
of the derivation of the condition in the Fokker-Planck equationformalism in the Appendix A.
Such a generalization of the LLG equation with a stochastic
noise was performed to study properties of the alloy magnetGdFeCo [ 29], in which two kinds of moments exist. They
exploited a formula for the noise amplitude, which is equiv-alent to the formula of our condition A (see Sec. II). They
found surprisingly good agreement of the results betweenthe stochastic LLG equation and a mean-field approximation.
1098-0121/2015/91(13)/134411(13) 134411-1 ©2015 American Physical SocietyMASAMICHI NISHINO AND SEIJI MIY ASHITA PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 134411 (2015)
However, the properties in the true canonical distribution are
generally different from those obtained by the mean-fieldanalysis.
The LLG and LLB equations have been often applied
for continuous magnetic systems or assemblies of blockspins in the aim of simulation of bulk systems, but suchtreatment of the bulk magnets tends to overestimate theCurie temperature [ 11], and it is still under development to
obtain properly magnetization curves in the whole temperatureregion [ 2,11,17,18]. The influence of coarse graining of block
spin systems on the thermal properties is a significant theme,which should be clarified in the future. To avoid such adifficulty, we adopt a lattice model, in which the magnitude ofthe moment is given at each magnetic site.
Within the condition there is some freedom of the choice
of parameter set. In the present paper, in particular, weinvestigate the following two cases of parameter sets, i.e.,case A, in which the LLG damping constant is the same inall the sites and the amplitude of the noise depends on themagnitude of the magnetic moment at each site, and case B,in which the amplitude of the noise is the same in all thesites and the damping constant depends on the magnitude ofthe moment (see Sec. II). We confirm the realization of the
equilibrium state, i.e., the canonical distribution in variousmagnetic systems including critical region by comparisonof magnetizations obtained by the LLG stochastic approachwith those obtained by standard Monte Carlo simulations, notby the mean-field analysis. We study systems with not onlyshort-range interactions but also dipole-dipole interactions,which causes the demagnetizing field statically. We find thatdifferent choices of the parameter set which satisfies thefluctuation-dissipation relation give the same stationary state(equilibrium state) even near the critical temperature. We alsodemonstrate that deviations from the relation cause systematicand significant deviations of the results.
In contrast to the static properties, we find that different
choices of parameter set cause serious difference in thedynamics of the relaxation. In particular, in the rotationtype relaxation in isotropic spin systems, we find that thedependencies of the relaxation time on the temperature in casesA and B show opposite correlations as well as the dependenciesof the relaxation time on the magnitude of the magneticmoment. That is, the relaxation time of magnetization reversalunder an unfavorable external field is shorter at a highertemperature in case A, while it is longer in case B. On theother hand, the relaxation time is longer for a larger magneticmoment in case A, while it is shorter in case B. We alsoinvestigate the relaxation of anisotropic spin systems andfind that the metastability strongly affects the relaxation at
low temperatures in both cases. The system relaxes to the
equilibrium state from the metastable state by the nucleationtype of dynamics. The relaxation time to the metastable stateand the decay time of the metastable state are affected by thechoice of the parameter set.
The outline of this paper is as follows. The model and the
method in this study are explained in Sec. II. Magnetization
processes as a function of temperature in uniform magneticsystems are studied in Sec. III. Magnetizations as a function
of temperature for inhomogeneous magnetic systems are in-vestigated in Sec. IV, in which not only exchange interactions(short-range) but also dipole interactions (long-range) are
taken into account. In Sec. Vdynamical aspects with the choice
of the parameter set are considered, and the dependencies of therelaxation process on the temperature and on the magnitude ofmagnetic moments are also discussed. The relaxation dynam-ics via a metastable state is studied in Sec. VI. Section VIIis de-
voted to summary and discussion. In Appendix Athe Fokker-
Planck equation for inhomogeneous magnetic systems is givenboth in Stratonovich and Ito interpretations, and Appendix B
presents the numerical integration scheme in this study.
As a microscopic spin model, the following Hamiltonian is
. (1)
Here we only consider a spin angular momentum Sifor a
magnetic moment Miat each site ( iis the site index) and regard
Mi=Siignoring the difference of the sign between them and
setting a unit gμ B=1 for simplicity, where gis the gfactor
andμBis the Bohr magneton [ 30]. Interaction Ji,jbetween
theith and jth magnetic sites indicates an exchange coupling,
/angbracketlefti,j/angbracketrightdenotes a nearest-neighbor pair, DA
iis an anisotropy
constant for the ith site, hiis a magnetic field applied to the
ith site, and the final term gives dipole interactions between
theith and kth sites whose distance is rik, where C=1
4πμ 0is
defined using the permeability of vacuum μ0.
The magnitude of the moment Miis defined as Mi≡|Mi|,
which is not necessarily uniform but may vary from site tosite. In general, the damping parameter may also have sitedependence, i.e., α
i, and thus the LLG equation at the ith site
is given by
dt, (2)
or in an equivalent formula,
, (3)
where γis the gyromagnetic constant. Here Heff
iis the
effective field at the ith site and described by
∂MiH(M1,...,MN,t), (4)
which contains fields from the exchange and the dipole
interactions, the anisotropy, and the external field.
We introduce a Langevin-noise formalism for the thermal
effect. There have been several ways for the formulationto introduce a stochastic term into the LLG equation. Thestochastic field can be introduced into the precession termand/or damping term [ 8,9,11]. Furthermore, an additional
noise term may be introduced [ 10,12]. In the present study we
add the random noise to the effective field Heff
and we have
, (5)
where ξμ
iis theμ(=1, 2, or 3 for x,y,o rz) component of the
white Gaussian noise applied at the ith site and the following
properties are assumed:
=2Dkδklδμνδ(t−s). (6)
We call Eq. ( 5) the stochastic LLG equation. We derive
a Fokker-Planck equation [ 6,8] for the stochastic equation of
motion in Eq. ( 5) in the Stratonovich interpretation, as given
in Appendix A,
. (7)
Here we demand that the distribution function at the stationary
state (t→∞ ) of the equation of motion [Eq. ( 7)] agree with
the canonical distribution of the system [Eq. ( 1)] at temperature
T, i.e.,
where β=1
Considering the relation
we find that if the relation
Mi−γDiβ=0 (10)
is satisfied at each site i, the canonical distribution in the
equilibrium state is assured.
When the magnetic moments are uniform, i.e., the magni-
tude of each magnetic moment is the same and Mi=|Mi|=
M, the parameters αiandDiare also uniform αi=αand
Di=Dfor a given T. However, when Miare different at sites,
the relation ( 10) must be satisfied at each site independently.
There are several ways for the choice of the parameters αiand
Dito satisfy this relation. Here we consider the following two
cases: A and B.
A: We take the damping parameter αito be the same at all
sites, i.e., α1=α2=···= αN≡α. In this case the amplitude
of the random field at the ith site should be
Mi. (11)
B: We take the amplitude of the random field to be the same
at all sites, i.e., D1=D2=···= DN≡D. In this case the00.
FIG. 1. (Color online) Comparison of the temperature depen-
dence of min the stationary state between the stochastic LLG method
and the Langevin function (green circles). Crosses and boxes denotemin case A ( α=0.05) and case B ( D=1.0), respectively. In the
stochastic LLG simulation /Delta1t=0.005 was set and 80 000 time steps
(40 000 steps for equilibration and 40 000 steps for measurement)were employed. The system size N=L
3=103was adopted.
damping parameter at the ith site should be
αi=DγM i
kBT∝Mi. (12)
We study whether the canonical distribution is realized in
both cases by comparing data obtained by the stochastic LLGmethod with the exact results or with corresponding dataobtained by Monte Carlo simulations. We set the parametersγ=1 andk
B=1 hereafter.
A. Noninteracting magnetic moments
As a first step, we check the temperature effect in the
simplest case of noninteracting uniform magnetic moments,i.e.,J
i=0,C=0i nE q .( 1) and Mi=M(or
Si=S), where αandDhave no site i-dependence. In this
case the magnetization in a magnetic field ( h) at a temperature
(T) is given by the Langevin function:
. (13)
We compare the stationary state obtained by the stochastic
LLG method and Eq. ( 13). We investigate m(T)a th=2f o r
M=1. Figure 1shows m(T) when α=0.05 is fixed (case A)
and when D=1.0 is fixed (case B). We find a good agreement
between the results of the stochastic LLG method and theLangevin function in the whole temperature region as long asthe relation ( 10) is satisfied. The numerical integration scheme
is given in Appendix B. The time step of /Delta1t=0.005 and a
total of 80 000 time steps (40 000 steps for equilibration and40 000 steps for measurement) were adopted.
0 5 10 15 20 25m
FIG. 2. (Color online) Comparison of temperature ( T) depen-
dence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and
the stochastic LLG method in the homogeneous magnetic system
withM=2. Crosses and boxes denote case A with α=0.05 and
case B with D=1.0, respectively.
B. Homogeneous magnetic moments with exchange interactions
Next, we investigate homogenous magnetic moments
(Mi=|Mi|=M) in three dimensions. The following Hamil-
tonian [ C=0,Ji,j=J,DA
i=DA, andh(t)=hin Eq. ( 1)],
i, (14)
is adopted.
There is no exact formula for magnetization ( m)a sa
function of temperature for this system, and thus a Monte Carlo(MC) method is applied to obtain reference magnetizationcurves for the canonical distribution because MC methodshave been established to obtain finite-temperature propertiesfor this kind of systems in the equilibrium state. Here weemploy a MC method with the Metropolis algorithm to obtainthe temperature dependence of magnetization.
In order to check the validity of our MC procedure, we
investigated magnetization curves as functions of temperature(not shown) with system-size dependence for the three-dimensional classical Heisenberg model [ D
A=0 and h=0
in Eq. ( 14)], and confirmed that the critical temperature agreed
with past studies [ 31], where kBTc=1.443Jfor the infinite
system size with M=1.
We give m(T) for a system of M=2 with the parameters
J=1,h=2, andDA=1.0 for cases A and B in Fig. 2.T h e
system size was set N=L3=103and periodic boundary
conditions (PBC) were used. Green circles denote mobtained
by the Monte Carlo method. At each temperature ( T) 10 000
MC steps (MCS) were applied for the equilibration andfollowing 10 000–50 000 MCS were used for measurement toobtain m. Crosses and boxes denote min the stationary state of
the stochastic LLG equation in case A ( α=0.05) and in case B
(D=1.0), respectively. Here /Delta1t=0.005 was set and 80 000
steps (40 000 for transient and 40 000 for measurement) wereused to obtain the stationary state of m.T h em(T) curves showgood agreement between the MC method and the stochastic
LLG method in both cases. We checked that the choice of theinitial state for the MC and the stochastic LLG method doesnot affect the results. The dynamics of the stochastic LLGmethod leads to the equilibrium state at temperature T.
A. Inhomogeneous magnetic moments
with exchange interactions
Here we study a system which consists of two kinds of
magnitudes of magnetic moments. The Hamiltonian ( 14)i s
adopted but the moment Mi=|Mi|hasidependence. We
investigate a simple cubic lattice composed of alternatingM=2 andM=1 planes [see Fig. 3(a)], where J=1,h=2,
A=1.0 are applied. We consider two cases A and B
mentioned in Sec. II.
The reference of m(T) curve was obtained by the MC
method and is given by green circles in Figs. 3(b) and3(c).I n
the simulation, at each temperature ( T) 10 000 MCS were
applied for the equilibration and following 10 000–50 000MCS were used for measurement. The system size N=L
103was adopted with PBC. In case A, α(=0.05) is common
for all magnetic moments in the stochastic LLG method and Mi
(orSi) dependence is imposed on DiasDi=D(Mi)≡α
In case B, D=1.0 is common for all magnetic moments in the
stochastic LLG method and αi=α(Mi)≡DγM i
kBT. Crosses in
Figs. 3(b) and3(c) denote mby the stochastic LLG method for
cases A and B, respectively. For those simulations /Delta1t=0.005
and 80 000 steps (40 000 for transient time and 40 000 formeasurement) were employed at each temperature. In bothFigs. 3(b) and 3(c), we find good agreement between m(T)
by the stochastic LLG method (crosses) and m(T)b yt h eM C
method (green circles).
Next, we investigate how the results change if we take
wrong choices of parameters. We study m(T) when a uniform
i=Dfor case A ( αi=αfor case B) is used for all
spins, i.e., for both Mi=1 andMi=2. IfD(Mi=2)=α
is used for all spins, m(T) is shown by diamonds in Fig. 3(b),
while if D(Mi=1)=αkBT
γis applied for all spins, m(T)i s
given by triangles in Fig. 3(b). In the same way, we study m(T)
for a uniform value of α.I nF i g . 3(c) triangles and diamonds
denote m(T) when αi=α(Mi=1) and αi=α(Mi=2) are
used, respectively. We find serious difference in m(T) when
we do not use correct Mi-dependent choices of the parameters.
The locations of the triangle (diamond) at each temperature T
are the same in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), which indicates that if
the ratio α/D is the same in different choices, the same steady
state is realized although this state is not the true equilibriumstate for the inhomogeneous magnetic system. Thus weconclude that to use proper relations of M
idependence of Di
orαiis important for m(T) curves of inhomogeneous magnetic
systems and wrong choices cause significant deviations.
B. Critical behavior of inhomogeneous magnetic moments
In this subsection, we examine properties near the critical
temperature. Here we adopt the case of h=0 andDA=0
in the same type of lattice with M=1 and 2 as Sec. IV A .
0 5 10 15 20m
0 5 10 15 20m
FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) A part of the system composed of alternating M=2 (red long arrows) and M=1 (short blue arrows) layers.
(b) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method for
α=0.05./Delta1t=0.005 and 80 000 steps (40 000 for transient time and 40 000 for measurement) were employed. Crosses denote mwhen
γwas used. Triangles and diamonds are mforDi=D(1)=αkBT
γfor all iandDi=D(2)=α
γfor all i, respectively.
(c) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method for
D=1.0./Delta1t=0.005 and 80 000 steps (40 000 for transient time and 40 000 for measurement) were employed. Crosses denote mwhen
αi=α(Mi)≡DγM i
kBTwas used. Triangles are mforαi=α(Mi=1)=Dγ×1
kBTfor all iand diamonds are mforαi=α(2)=Dγ×2
kBTfor all i.
We investigate both cases of the temperature control (A and
B). The Hamiltonian here has O(3) symmetry and mis not a
suitable order parameter. Thus we define the following quantityas the order parameter [ 31]:
m2x+m2y+m2z, (15)
,m y=1
. (16)
In Fig. 4, green circles denote temperature ( T) dependence
ofmagiven by the MC method. The system size N=L3=203
with PBC was adopted and in MC simulations 10 000 MCS
and following 50 000 MCS were employed for equilibrationand measurement, respectively, at each temperature. Themagnetizations of m
aobtained by the stochastic LLG method
for case A (crosses) and case B (diamonds) are given inFig. 4.H e r e α=0.05 and D=1.0 were used for (a) and (b),respectively. /Delta1t=0.005 was set and 240 000 steps (40 000
for transient and 200 000 for measurement) were applied.
In both cases the m
a(T) curve given by the stochastic LLG
method shows good agreement with that obtained by the MCmethod. Thus, we conclude that as long as the relation ( 10)i s
satisfied, the temperature dependence of the magnetization isreproduced very accurately even around the Curie temperature,regardless of the choice of the parameter set.
C. Inhomogeneous magnetic moments with
exchange and dipole interactions
We also study thermal effects in a system with dipole
interactions. We use the same lattice as in the previoussubsections. The system is [ J
i=DA, andhi(t)=h
in Eq. ( 1)] given by
FIG. 4. (Color online) Comparison of temperature ( T) depen-
dence of mabetween the MC method (green circles) and the stochastic
LLG method for the system of inhomogeneous magnetic moments.N=L
3=203. PBC were used. In the MC method 10 000 MCS and
following 50 000 MCS were used for equilibration and measurement
at each temperature, respectively. The stochastic LLG method wasperformed in case A with α=0.05 (crosses) and in case B with
D=1.0 (diamonds). Here /Delta1t=0.005 was applied and 240 000 steps
were used (40 000 for transient and 200 000 for measurement).
Here a cubic lattice with open boundary conditions (OBC)
is used. Since Jis much larger than C/a3(J/greatermuchC/a3)f o r
ferromagnets, where ais a lattice constant between magnetic
sites. However, we enlarge dipole interaction as C=0.2 with
a=1f o rJ=1 to highlight the effect of the noise on dipole
interactions. We set other parameters as h=0.1,DA=0.1.
Studies with realistic situations will be given separately.
We study cases A ( α=0.05) and B ( D=1.0) for this
system. We depict in Fig. 5the temperature ( T) dependencies
ofmwith comparison between the MC (green circles) and
stochastic LLG methods. Crosses and diamonds denote m(T)
for cases A and B, respectively. Dipole interactions arelong-range interactions and we need longer equilibration steps,and we investigate only a small system with N=L
3=63.I n
the MC method 200 000 MCS were used for equilibrationand 600 000 steps were used for measurement of m, and for
the stochastic LLG method /Delta1t=0.005 was set and 960 000
steps (160 000 and 800 000 time steps for equilibration andmeasurement, respectively) were consumed. A reduction of m
from fully saturated magnetization is observed. As a reference,mby the MC method without the dipole interactions ( C=0)
is given by open circles in Fig. 5. This reduction of mis caused
by the dipole interactions.
We find that even when dipole interactions are taken
into account in inhomogeneous magnetic moments, suitablechoices of the parameter set lead to the equilibrium state.Finally, we comment on the comparison between the LLGmethod and the Monte Carlo method. To obtain equilibriumproperties of spin systems, the Monte Carlo method is moreefficient and powerful in terms of computational cost. It ismuch faster than the stochastic LLG method to obtain theequilibrium m(T) curves, etc. For example, it needs more than00.511.5
FIG. 5. (Color online) Comparison of temperature ( T) depen-
dence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and
the stochastic LLG method. Crosses and diamonds denote case Awithα=0.05 and case B with D=1.0, respectively. A reduction
ofmfrom fully saturated magnetization is observed at around T=0
due to the dipole interactions. As a reference, mby the MC method
without the dipole interactions ( C=0) is given by open circles.
10 times of CPU time of the MC method to obtain the data
for Fig. 5. However, the MC method has little information on
the dynamics and the stochastic LLG method is used to obtaindynamical properties because it is based on an equation ofmotion of spins. Thus, it is important to clarify the nature ofstochastic LLG methods including the static properties. Forstatic properties, as we saw above, the choice of the parameterset, e.g., cases A and B, did not give difference. However, thechoice gives significant difference in dynamical properties,which is studied in the following sections.
Now we study the dependence of dynamics on the choice
of parameter set. The temperature is given by
αi, (18)
which should be the same for all the sites. In general, if the
parameter D(amplitude of the noise) is large, the system
is strongly disturbed, while if the parameter α(damping
parameter) is large, the system tends to relax fast. Therefore,even if the temperature is the same, the dynamics changeswith the values of Dandα. When the anisotropy term exists,
A/negationslash=0, in homogeneous systems ( Mi=M) given by
Eq. ( 14), the Stoner-Wohlfarth critical field is hc=2MDA
atT=0. If the temperature is low enough, the metastable
nature appears in relaxation. On the other hand, if Tis rather
high or DA=0, the metastable nature is not observed. In this
section we focus on the dynamics of isotropic spin systems,i.e.,D
0 50 100 150 200m
0 50 100 150 200m
FIG. 6. (Color online) (a) Time dependence of the magnetization [ m(t)] in case A, where α=0.05 for a homogeneous system with M=2.
Red dash-dotted line, blue dotted line, green solid line, and black dashed line denote T=0.2,T=1,T=2, and T=10, respectively. Inset
shows the time dependence of m(t) in the initial relaxation process. (b) Time dependence of the magnetization [ m(t)] in case B, where D=0.05
for a homogeneous system with M=2. Correspondence between lines and temperatures is the same as (a).
A. Relaxation with temperature dependence
In this subsection we investigate the temperature depen-
dence of magnetization relaxation in cases A and B. We adopt ahomogeneous system ( M
i=M=2) withDA=0i nE q .( 14).
Initially all spins are in the spin down state and they relax undera unfavorable external field h=2. The parameter set M=
2,α=0.05,D=0.05 gives T=2 by the condition ( 10). Here
we study the system at T=0.2,1,2, and 10. We set α=0.05
in case A and the control of the temperature is performed by D;
i.e.,D=0.005,0.025,0.05, and 0 .25, respectively. In case B
we set D=0.05, and the control of the temperature is realized
byα; i.e.,α=0.5,0.1,0.05, and 0 .01, respectively.
We depict the temperature dependence of m(t) for cases
A and B in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), respectively. Here the same
random number sequence was used for each relaxation curve.The red dash-dotted line, blue dotted line, green solid line, andblack dashed line denote T=0.2,T
=1,T=2, and T=10,
respectively. Relaxation curves in the initial short time aregiven in the insets.
In case A, as the temperature is raised, the initial relaxation
speed of mbecomes faster and the relaxation time to the
equilibrium state also becomes shorter. This dependenceis ascribed to the strength of the noise with the depen-dence D∝T, and a noise with a larger amplitude disturbs
more the precession of each moment, which causes fasterrelaxation.
On the other hand, in case B, the relaxation time to the
equilibrium state is longer at higher temperatures althoughthe temperature dependence of the initial relaxation speedofmis similar to the case A. In the initial relaxation
process all the magnetic moments are in the spin-down state(S
i/similarequal− 2). There the direction of the local field at each site is
given by Heff
j+h=− 2×6+2=− 10, which
is downward and the damping term tends to fix moments tothis direction. Thus, a large value of the damping parameterat a low temperature T(α∝
T) suppresses the change of the
direction of each moment and the initial relaxation speed issmaller. However, in the relaxation process thermal fluctuationcauses a deviation of the local field and then a rotation ofmagnetic moments from −ztozdirection advances (see alsoFig.11). Once the rotation begins, the large damping parameter
accelerates the relaxation and finally the relaxation time isshorter.
B. Relaxation with spin-magnitude dependence
Next we study the dependence of relaxation on the
magnitude of magnetic moments in cases A and B. Here weadopt a homogeneous system ( M
i=M) without anisotropy
(DA=0) atT=2 and h=2. The initial spin configuration
is the same as the previous subsection. Because
T, (19)
raising the value of Mis equivalent to lowering the temperature
in both cases A and B and it causes suppression of relaxationin case A, while it leads to acceleration of relaxation in caseB. Because Maffects the local field from the exchange energy
at each site, changing the value of Munder a constant external
fieldhis not the same as changing Tand it may show some
modified features.
In the relation ( 19),T=0.2, 1, 2, 10 at M=2 [Figs. 6(a)
and 6(b)]a r et h es a m ea s M=20, 4, 2, 0.4 at T=2,
respectively. We studied the relaxation ratio defined as m(t)/M
withMdependence at T=2 for these four values of
M, and compared with the relaxation curves of Figs. 6(a)
and6(b). We found qualitatively the same tendency between
relaxation curves with Mdependence and those with 1 /T
dependence in both cases. A difference was found in the
initial relaxation speed (not shown). When M> 2, the initial
relaxation at T=2 is slower than that of the corresponding
TatM=2. The downward initial local field at each
site is stronger for larger Mdue to a stronger exchange
coupling, which also assists the suppression of the initialrelaxation.
It is found that the relaxation time under a constant external
filed becomes longer as the value of Mis raised in case A,
while it becomes shorter in case B. This suggests that differentchoices of the parameter set lead to serious difference in therelaxation dynamics with Mdependence.
02468 1 0m
0 1 02 03 04 05 0m
FIG. 7. (Color online) Comparison of the time dependence of mbetween cases A and B by the stochastic LLG method. Red and blue lines
denote cases A and B, respectively. (a) α=0.05 for case A and D=1.0 for case B, (b) α=0.2 for case A and D=1.0 for case B.
A. Different relaxation paths to the equilibrium
in magnetic inhomogeneity
If the anisotropy term exists DA/negationslash=0 but the temperature
is relatively high, metastable nature is not observed inrelaxation. We consider the relaxation dynamics when M
idependence in this case. We study the system (alternating
M=2 and M=1 planes) treated in Sec. IV A .W es e ta
configuration of all spins down as the initial state and observerelaxation of min cases A and B. In Sec. IV A we studied
cases A ( α=0.05) and B ( D=1.0) for the equilibrium state
and the equilibrium magnetization is m/similarequal0.95 atT=5. We
give comparison of the time dependence of mbetween the two
cases in Fig. 7(a), with the use of the same random number
sequence. The red and blue curves denote cases A and B,respectively. We find a big difference in the relaxation time ofmand features of the relaxation between the two cases.
The parameter values of αandDare not so close between
the two cases at this temperature ( T=5); i.e., D(M=1)=
0.25 and D(M=2)=0.125 for case A and α(M=1)=0.2
andα(M=2)=0.4 for case B. Thus, to study whether thereis a difference of dynamics even in close parameter values
ofαandDbetween cases A and B at T=5, we adopt a
common α
=0.2, where D(M=1)=1 and D(M=2)=
0.5, as case A, and a common D=1.0, where α(M=1)=
0.2 and α(M=2)=0.4, as case B. We checked that this
case A also gives the equilibrium state. In Fig. 7(b), the time
dependence of mfor both cases is given. The red and blue
curves denote cases A and B, respectively. There is also adifference (almost twice) of the relaxation time of mbetween
cases A and B. Thus, even in close parameter region of αand
D, dynamical properties vary depending on the choice of the
B. Relaxation with nucleation mechanism
In this subsection we study a system with metastability. We
adopt a homogeneous system ( M=2) with J=1,DA=1,
andh=2. Here the Stoner-Wohlfarth critical field is hc=
2MDA=4, and if the temperature is low enough, the system
has a metastable state under h=2.
At a high temperature, e.g., T=10 (α=0.05,D=0.25),
the magnetization relaxes without being trapped as depictedin Fig. 8(a) with a black dotted line. When the temperature is
lowered, the magnetization is trapped at a metastable state. We
0 80 160 240 320m
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350m
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350m
FIG. 8. (Color online) (a) Dashed line shows m(t)f o rα=0.05,D=0.25, and T=10. Blue and green solid lines give m(t)f o rα=0.05
atT=3.5 (case A) and D=0.25 atT=3.5 (case B), respectively. These two lines were obtained by taking average over 20 trials with
different random number sequences. The 20 relaxation curves for cases A and B are given in (b) and (c), respectively.
0 200 400 600 800m
0 200 400 600 800m
FIG. 9. (Color online) (a) and (b) illustrate 20 relaxation curves for α=0.05 atT=3.1 (case A) and D=0.25 atT=3.1 (case B),
respectively. Metastability becomes stronger than T=3.5. No relaxation occurs in all 20 trials in (a), while five relaxations take place in 20
trials in (b).
observe relaxations in cases A and B, where α=0.05 for case
A and D=0.25 for case B are used. In Figs. 8(b) and8(c),w e
show 20 samples (with different random number sequences)of relaxation processes at T=3.5 for case A ( α=0.05,D=
0.0875) and case B ( D=0.25,α=0.143), respectively. The
average lines of the 20 samples are depicted in Fig. 8(a) by
blue and green solid lines for cases A and B, respectively. Inboth cases, magnetizations are trapped at a metastable statewith the same value of m(m/similarequal− 1.55). This means that the
metastability is independent of the choice of parameter set.Relaxation from the metastable state to the equilibrium is theso-called stochastic process and the relaxation time distributes.The relaxation time in case A is longer. If the temperature isfurther lowered, the escape time from the metastable statebecomes longer. In Figs. 9(a) and9(b), we show 20 samples of
relaxation at T=3.1 for cases A and B, respectively. There
we find the metastable state more clearly.
Here we investigate the initial relaxation to the metastable
state at a relatively low temperature. In Figs. 10(a) and10(b) ,
we depict the initial short-time relaxation of 20 samples atT=2 in cases A ( α=0.05,D=0.05) and B ( D=0.25,α=0.25), respectively. The insets show the time dependence
of the magnetization in the whole measurement time. We findthat the relaxation is again faster in case B.
The metastability also depends on Mas well as D
largeMgives a strong metastability. Here we conclude that
regardless of the choice of the parameter set, as the temperatureis lowered, the relaxation time becomes longer due to thestronger metastability, in which larger D(larger α) gives faster
relaxation from the initial to the metastable state and fasterdecay from the metastable state.
Finally we show typical configurations in the relaxation
process. When the anisotropy D
Ais zero or weak, the
magnetization relaxation occurs with uniform rotation from−ztozdirection, while when the anisotropy is strong, the
magnetization reversal starts by a nucleation and inhomo-geneous configurations appear with domain wall motion. InFig. 11we give an example of the magnetization reversal
of (a) the uniform rotation type (magnetization reversal forD
A=0 with D=0.05,T=2,α=0.1,M=4) and of (b)
the nucleation type (magnetization reversal for DA=1 with
0 200 400 600 800
0 200 400 600 800
FIG. 10. (Color online) Initial relaxation curves of magnetization. Insets show m(t) in the whole measurement time. (a) and (b) illustrate
20 relaxation curves for α=0.05 atT=2 (case A) and D=0.25 atT=2 (case B), respectively.
FIG. 11. (Color online) (a) Typical uniform rotation type relaxation observed in the isotropic spin system. (b) Typical nucleation type
relaxation observed in the anisotropic spin system.
We studied the realization of the canonical distribution
in magnetic systems with the short-range (exchange) andlong-range (dipole) interactions, anisotropy terms, and mag-
netic fields by the Langevin method of the LLG equation.
Especially we investigated in detail the thermal equilibrationof inhomogeneous magnetic systems. We pointed out that thespin-magnitude dependent ratio between the strength of therandom field and the coefficient of the damping term mustbe adequately chosen for all magnetic moments satisfyingthe condition ( 10). We compared the stationary state obtained
by the present Langevin method of the LLG equation with
the equilibrium state obtained by the standard Monte Carlosimulation for given temperatures. There are several choicesfor the parameter set, e.g., A and B. We found that aslong as the parameters are suitably chosen, the equilibriumstate is realized as the stationary state of the stochastic LLGmethod regardless of the choice of the parameter set, and thetemperature dependence of the magnetization is accurately
produced in the whole region, including the region around the
Curie temperature.
We also studied dynamical properties which depend on
the choice of the parameters. We showed that the choice ofthe parameter values seriously affects the relaxation processto the equilibrium state. In the rotation type relaxation inisotropic spin systems under an unfavorable external field, thedependencies of the relaxation time on the temperature in casesA and B exhibited opposite correlations as well as the depen-dencies of the relaxation time on the magnitude of the magneticmoment. The strength of the local field in the initial statestrongly affects the speed of the initial relaxation in both cases.
We also found that even if close parameter values are chosen
in different parameter sets for inhomogeneous magneticsystems, these parameter sets cause a significant difference ofrelaxation time to the equilibrium state. In the nucleation typerelaxation, the metastability, which depends on D
AandM,strongly affects the relaxation in both cases A and B. Lowering
temperature reinforces the metastability of the system andcauses slower relaxation. The relaxation to the metastable stateand the decay to the metastable state are affected by the choiceof the parameter set, in which larger Dcauses fast relaxation
at a fixed T.
In this study we adopted two cases, i.e., A and B, in the
choice of the parameter set. Generally a more complicateddependence of M
iorTon the parameters is considered.
How to chose the parameter set is related to the questfor the origin of these parameters. It is very important forclarification of relaxation dynamics but also for realization ofa high speed and a low power consumption, which is requiredto development of magnetic devices. Studies of the originofαhave been intensively performed [ 32–41]. To control
magnetization relaxation at finite temperatures, investigationsof the origin of Das well as αwill become more and
more important. We hope that the present work gives someuseful insight into studies of spin dynamics and encouragesdiscussions for future developments in this field.
The authors thank Dr. S. Hirosawa and Dr. S. Mohakud
for useful discussions. The present work was supported bythe Elements Strategy Initiative Center for Magnetic Materialsunder the outsourcing project of MEXT and a Grant-in-Aid forScientific Research (C) 26400324 from MEXT. The authorsalso thank the Supercomputer Center, the Institute for SolidState Physics, the University of Tokyo for the use of thefacilities.
The LLG equation with a Langevin noise [Eq. ( 5)] is
rewritten in the following form for the μcomponent ( μ=1,2,
or 3 for x,y,o rz)o ft h e ith magnetic moment,
iare given by
, (A2)
where Heff,λ
i can have an explicit time ( t) dependence, and
/epsilon1μνλdenotes the Levi-Civita symbol. We employ the Einstein
summation convention for Greek indices ( μ,ν,... ).
We consider the distribution function F≡F(M1,...,
MN,t)i nt h e3 N-dimensional phase space ( M1
..., M1
N). The distribution function F(M1,...,
MN,t) satisfies the continuity equation of the distribution:
Substituting the relation ( A1), the following differential
equation for the distribution function Fis obtained:
Regarding the stochastic equation ( A1) as the Stratonovich
interpretation, making use of the stochastic Liouville ap-proach [ 42], and taking the average for the noise statistics
[Eq. ( 6)], we have a Fokker-Planck equation,
, (A6)
where P≡P(M1,...,MN,t) is the averaged distribution
function /angbracketleftF/angbracketright.
Substituting the relation
i (A7)
and Eq. ( A3)i n t ogαβ
i), we find
=0. (A8)Thus Eq. ( A6) is simplified to
. (A9)
Substituting Eqs. ( A2) and ( A3), we have a formula in the
vector representation,
i)=0, it is written as
In the case that Eq. ( A1) is given under the Ito definition, we
need an Ito-Stratonovich transformation, and the correspond-ing equation of motion in the Stratonovich interpretation is
i(t). (A12)
Then the Fokker-Planck equation in the Ito interpretation is
i, the vector representation is given
. (A13)
In stochastic differential equations, we have to be careful to treat the indifferentiability of the white noise. In the present paper
we regard the stochastic equation, e.g., Eq. ( 5), as a stochastic differential equation in Stratonovich interpretation:
i(t), (B1)
where dWν
i(s), which is the Wiener process. This equation is expressed by
i(t), (B2)
where ◦indicates the usage of the Stratonovich definition.
A simple predictor-corrector method called the Heun method [ 8,19], superior to the Euler method, is given by
i(ˆM1(t+/Delta1t),..., ˆMN(t+/Delta1t),t+/Delta1t)+fμ
i, (B3)
where /Delta1Wν
i(t+/Delta1t)−W(t) and ˆMμ
i(t+/Delta1t) is chosen in the Euler scheme:
i. (B4)
This scheme assures an approximation accuracy up to the second order of /Delta1W and/Delta1t. Several numerical difference methods [ 19]
for higher-order approximation, which are often complicated, have been proposed.
Here we adopt a kind of middle point method equivalent to the Heun method,
i, (B5)
where Mμ
i(t+/Delta1t/2) is chosen in the Euler scheme:
i(Mi(t))/Delta1˜Wiν, (B6)
where /Delta1˜Wiν≡Wν
i(t). Considering the following relations,
=Di/Delta1t, (B7)
i/angbracketright=0, and /angbracketleft/Delta1˜Wiν/angbracketright=0, this method is found equivalent to the Heun method. We can formally replace /Delta1˜Wiνwith/Delta1Wν
in Eq. ( B6) in numerical simulations.
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134411-13 |
PhysRevB.87.094509.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 094509 (2013)
Band structure of magnetic excitations in the vortex phase of a ferromagnetic superconductor
A. A. Bespalov1,2and A. I. Buzdin2
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, GSP-105, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Universit ´e Bordeaux, LOMA, UMR 5798, F-33600 Talence, France
(Received 16 January 2013; published 18 March 2013)
Magnetic excitations in a ferromagnetic superconductor in the presence of an Abrikosov vortex lattice have been
studied using the phenomenological London and Landau-Lifshitz equations. Due to the periodicity of the vortexfield the magnon spectrum has a band structure, similar to the structure of the electon spectrum in a crystal lattice.The gaps between adjacent bands have been calculated using an analog of the weak-binding approximation.When the applied magnetic field is altered the band structure undergoes a qualitative transformation due tocommensurability effects, connected with the nonmonotonicity of the magnon spectrum in the Meissner state. Indirty samples the energy gaps may be smeared out because of the dissipation connected with vortex motion. Insufficiently clean samples the gaps manifest themselves as maxima in the frequency dependence of the microwavereflectivity coefficient.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.094509 PACS number(s): 75 .30.Ds, 74 .25.Uv, 74 .20.De
The discovery of ferromagnetic superconductors1–5pro-
vided a unique opportunity to study the interplay betweenmagnetism and triplet superconductivity in one compound.However, the investigation of magnetic properties in thesuperconducting state of these materials is hampered by theMeissner effect, consisting in the screening of static magneticfields. Still, dynamical measurements can be applied, forexample, microwave probing of the spin wave spectrum.
Spin waves in magnetic superconductors in the Meissnerstate have been studied theoretically, using different phe-nomenological approaches, in several papers.
determined the magnon spectrum in an antiferromagnetic
superconductor with an easy-axis anisotropy. Braude andSonin
6,9calculated the magnon spectrum and the microwave
response of a ferromagnetic supercondutor. In Refs. 8and10
two-dimensional magnons on domain walls and on the surface
of the ferromagnet have been studied.
Experimental measurements of the ac magnetic suscepti-
bility of superconducting ferromagnets revealed that the idealdiamagnetic response is not reached in the superconductingphase.
2–4This observation allows to suggest that these materi-
als are always found in the spontaneous mixed state due to thepresence of the intrinsic field created by the magnetization.Thus, the theoretical study of magnetic excitations in thevortex phase is also relevant. The influence of Abrikosovvortices on magnetization dynamics in magnetic supercon-ductors has been considered in a number of theoretical papers.In Refs. 11–13it has been demonstrated that the magnon
spectrum can be examined using the vortex motion inducedby a dc or ac transport current. The contribution to the vortex
viscosity connected with dissipation due to the Cherenkov
radiation of magnons has been determined. In Ref. 14it has
been predicted that the flux flow should lead to the creation ofdomain walls in systems with slow relaxation of the magneticmoments. Ng and Varma
15considered coupled spin and vortex
dynamics in ferromagnetic superconductors in the absence ofa transport current. The authors used the continuous mediumapproximation, which is valid in the limit of long wavelengthλ
w>a, where ais the intervortex distance. In this limit it doesnot matter whether the vortices form a regular or disordered
array, hence, the effects connected with the periodicity of thevortex field can not be detected.
In the present paper we investigate theoretically the magnon
spectrum in the mixed state of a superconducting ferromagnetby solving the phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz and Londonequations. V ortex motion is taken into account using a viscousdamping equation (see Ref. 15). Our analysis extends to the
case of short wavelengths λ
w/lessorsimilara, where Bragg scattering of
magnons by the vortex lattice becomes important. The magnonspectrum has a Bloch-like band structure with frequency gapsbetween adjacent bands. These gaps manifest themselves asanomalies in the frequency dependence of the reflectivitycoefficient of electromagnetic radiation.
The outline of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II A we
present a model of the ferromagnetic superconductor andreview the result for the magnetic excitations spectrum in theMeissner state (see Ref. 8). In Sec. II B we derive the basic
equations for the collective vortex-magnetization dynamics.In Secs. II C and II D the weak-binding approximation is
developed and the frequency gaps between adjacent bandsof the magnon spectrum are determined analytically. Thenumerical spectra, obtained using realistic parameters, arepresented in Sec. II E. In Sec. II F the role of dissipation
connected with viscous vortex motion is discussed. Finally,in Sec. IIIwe consider a boundary problem for an electromag-
netic wave incident at a ferromagnetic superconductor. Thefrequency-dependent reflectivity coefficient is examined forfrequencies lying within and close to the gaps of the magnonscpectrum.
A. Model of the medium and magnetic excitations in the
Meissner state
Let us consider a superconducting ferromagnet with an
easy-axis magnetocrystalline anisotropy. At the beginningwe assume the exchange interaction and superconductingproperties of the material to be isotropic. A generalization
094509-1 1098-0121/2013/87(9)/094509(12) ©2013 American Physical SocietyA. A. BESPALOV AND A. I. BUZDIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 094509 (2013)
for the case of uniaxial anisotropy is briefly discussed in the
end of Sec. II B.
Within the London approximation the Gibbs free energy of
the ferromagnet is6
d3r. (1)
Here Mis the magnetization, αis the exchange constant, λis
the London length, Kis the anisotropy coefficient, /Phi10is the
flux quantum, θis the superconducting phase, Heis an external
magnetic field, and M⊥is the component of Mperpendicular
to the anisotropy axis which we direct along the zaxis. By
setting the variational derivative of Fwith respect to Aequal
to zero we obtain the London equation
rot rot B+B
λ2=4πrot rot M+1
λ2κ, (2)
where B=rotA, and κis the vorticity
2πrot∇θ. (3)
It has been assumed that the external field has no sources inside
the material. The magnetization vector obeys the Landau-Lifshitz equation
δM×M, (4)
∂t=γ(α∇2M−KM⊥+B)×M. (5)
We will determine the spectrum of low-energy excitations
in our system. First, we recall the spectrum for the Meissnerstate. In equilibrium A=0,M=M
0=Mz0, and κ=0. For
small perturbations we can linearize Eqs. (2)and (5)with
respect to the deviation from equilibrium
rot rot B+B
λ2=4πrot rot m, (6)
∂t=γ(α∇2m−Km+B)×M0, (7)
where m=M⊥. Assuming B,m∼e−iωt+ikzz+iqr, where q=
(qx,qy,0), we obtain the magnon spectrum (see Ref. 8)
K1K2, (8)
λ−2+k2z+q2, (9)
λ−2+k2z+q2, (10)
where ˜K=K+αk2
The parameters of some U-based compounds are listed
in Table I. It can be seen that these supercondutorsTABLE I. Parameters of ferromagnetic superconductors. The data
have been taken from Refs. 1,16–18.
domain wall Anisotropy
thickness, field,
Compound ˜ w∼√α/K ,n m Han,T K=Han/M 0λ,n m
UGe 2 13,6 ∼100 ∼1041000
UCoGe 45 ∼10 ∼1041200
URhGe 3450 ∼10 ∼103–104900
possess a rather high magnetic anisotropy. This fact allows
to simplify the expression for the frequency by expandingthe root in Eq. (8)in the powers of the small quantity
1−K2)/K 1
. (11)
A characteristic feature of this spectrum is the presence of a
minimum at
α−λ−2−k2z (12)
for sufficiently small kz.T h eω0vs.qdependence for kz=0
is depicted in Fig. 1.
B. Magnetic exitations in the mixed state: Basic equations
Now we consider a more realistic case of a ferromagnetic
superconductor in the mixed state. If the external magneticfield is absent or parallel to the easy axis, the Abrikosovvortices in equilibrium are directed along the magnetizationvector. We assume the vortex lattice to be triangular with thepositions of the vortices given by the vectors
n, (13)
where ais the distance between neighboring vortices and pand
nare integers. Then, the equilibrium vorticity and magnetic
FIG. 1. The magnon spectrum in the Meissner state.
field are
iδ(2)(ρ−Ri), (14)
G<ξ−1B0(G)eiGr,B 0(G)=/Phi10
where ρ=(x,y),ξis the coherence length, and Gare the
vectors of the reciprocal lattice
Following Ng and Varma,15we will consider the magnetization
dynamics, taking into account vortex motion as well. Thelinearized equations (2)and(4)read
×z0, (17)
λ2=4πrot rot m+1
λ2κ1, (18)
where b=B−B0andκ1=κ−κ0. The linear deviation
from equilibrium of the vorticity is given by
, (19)
where /Delta1Ri(z) is the local displacement of the vortex with
respect to its equilibrium position Ri. To determine the
quantities /Delta1Riwe use the phenomonological equation of
dissipative vortex dynamics15
δ/Delta1Ri, (20)where ηis a viscosity coefficient. After the evaluation of the
variational derivative, Eq. (20) transforms into
×exp (ikRi+ikzz)d3k−/summationdisplay
where ξis the superconducting coherence length, and Xkfor
any quantity Xdenotes its Fourier transform
We may rewrite Eqs. (17),(18), and (21) in the Fourier
representation. If we do so, we will find that these equationsconnect the Fourier components of the functions m,b, and κ
corresponding to wave vectors satisfying the condition
0, (22)
where k0is a fixed arbitrary vector and the vector Gruns over
the whole reciprocal lattice (16). Hence, the general solution
of Eqs. (17),(18), and (21) can be presented as a superposition
of particular solutions having the form
Gm(G)eiGr, (23)
Gb(G)eiGr, (24)
Gκ1(G)eiGr, (25)
where qis the quasi-wave-vector in the xyplane. The fact
that the functions (23) to(25) satisfy our equations represents
a simple generalization of the Bloch theorem. The condition(25) is equivalent to the following one:
i(z)=/Delta1Re−iωt+ikzz+iqRi. (26)
If we substitute Eqs. (23),(24), and (26) into Eqs. (17),(18),
and(21), we obtain the system
, (27)
×z0, (28)
where qi=q+Gi, and
z. (29)
By solving Eqs. (27) and (28) the dispersion relation may be
found.First, we restrict ourselves to the case when the dissipation
due to vortex motion is negligible, i.e., η→∞ and/Delta1R=0.
The role of thermal losses will be discussed in Sec. II F.
It has been mentioned that in the U-based compounds
the magnetic anisotropy is rather large. Using this fact
094509-3A. A. BESPALOV AND A. I. BUZDIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 094509 (2013)
one can make an approximation which will considerably
simplify the problem. Let the vectors qihave the components
(qicosαi,qisinαi). For qi=0 the angle αiis arbitrary. We
introduce the new variables
where K1andK2are given by Eqs. (9)and (10). Here and
further we omit kzin the list of arguments of K1,K2, andω0
for brevity. The quantities m/prime
iysatisfy the equations
×cos (αi−αj)−m/prime
×sin (αi−αj)/bracketrightbigg
, (30)
×cos (αi−αj)+m/prime
×sin (αi−αj)/bracketrightbigg
, (31)
where bij=B0(Gi−Gj)/M, and
The main assumption of our approximation is that all fourth
roots in Eqs. (30) and(31) can be replaced by unity. Indeed,
It is convenient to introduce the variables m+
iy)eiαi. Equations (30) and
(31) yield
j, (33)
j/negationslash=ibijmj. (34)
It can be seen that the solutions of Eq. (34) coincide with
those of Eq. (33), but the frequencies have the opposite sign.
A great advantage of Eq. (33) over Eq. (28) is that it represents
an eigenvalue problem for a real symmetric matrix, so simplenumerical and analytical procedures may be applied to solve it.Equation (33) can be also derived if the uniaxial ( z
axis) superconducting and exchange interaction anisotropy istaken into account. The only modification is that the Fouriercomponents of the field and the unperturbed frequencies aregiven by
3a2, (35)
where the quantities α||,λ||are related to the zaxis, and α⊥,
λ⊥are related to the perpendicular plane.
C. Weak-binding approximation
To determine the eigenvalues of the system (33) we are
going to use a method, which is equivalent to the weak-bindingapproximation for electrons in a crystal. We assume thatseveral eigenvalues ωfor a given vector qare close to ω
and the deviations ω−ω0(q) can be determined using the
degenerate state perturbation theory.
Let us find the applicability conditions for this approxima-
tion. Consider the case when ω≈ω0(qi),|m+
j|and all
the quantities ω0(qj) are not close to ω0(qi)f o rj/negationslash=i. Then
the perturbation theory in its simplest form can be applied. Itfollows from Eq. (33) that for i/negationslash=j
Here and further we omit the upper index “ +” for brevity.
The correction to the unperturbed frequency ω0(qi) due to the
fact that mj/negationslash=0 equals
For the perturbation theory to be valid we have to demand at
least|δω|/lessmuch|ω0(qi)−ω0(qj)|,o r
/lessmuch1 (37)
for all j/negationslash=i. Here we assumed kz=0 for simplicity.
If we apply the perturbation theory for a degenerate state,
we can permit the condition (37) to be violated for Nj>1
different indices j. The number Njcan be estimated as
Nj∼Sqa2, (38)
where Sqis the area in the qplane occupied by the vectors qj
for which the condition
j)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/greaterorequalslant1 (39)
holds. To avoid solving secular equations for large matrices,
we demand Nq∼1. Hence, the area Sqshould not be too
large. Restrictions on Sqare the most strong in two cases:
(i)qiis close to the value corresponding to the minimum of
ω0(qi) and (ii) qiis sufficiently large. To estimate Sqin the
first case, we take qiequal to qmin. Assuming α∼λ2(which
seems to be realistic, according to Table I),qmin∼λ−1and
bij∼/Phi10/(a2M) we obtain from Eq. (39)
λ2M. (40)
SinceNqshould be of the order of unity, we have the limitation
/Phi10. (41)
Typically, the ratio λ2M//Phi1 0is not very large. Hence, Eq. (41)
means that the intervortex distance should be not much largerthan the London length. In further consideration we will implythat the inequality (41) holds.
At the large q
ilimit we obtain the constraint /Phi10/Mα/lessorsimilar1,
which is satisfied for the materials listed in Table I.
Similar to the electron spectrum in solid matter, the magnon
spectrum in our system consists of bands separated by the gaps.We will use the reduced zone scheme, i.e., the bands are foldedin the first Brillouin zone (see Fig. 2).
Now we calculate the gap between two neighboring bands
using the weak-binding approximation. Obviously, the gap isthe smallest on the lines of the qplane where the bands would
intersect if the matrix elements b
ijwere negligible. On these
linesω≈ω0(qi)=ω0(qj) for some different indices iandj.
To find small corrections to the unperturbed frequency ω0(qi)
FIG. 2. First Brillouin zone. It is sufficient to calculate the
spectrum in the shaded area to determine the spectrum in the whole
zone using symmetry relations.one should solve the simple secular equation
γM/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle=0. (42)
The frequency gap /Delta1is
0(Gi−Gj). (43)
It is remarkable that the gap does not change along the line
where the two bands would intersect, if B0(Gi−Gj) was equal
to zero.
The dimensionless parameter characterizing the modifica-
tion of the unperturbed spectrum (11) by the vortex lattice is
the ration of the gap /Delta1to the frequency. For the compounds
listed in Table Ithis ratio is the largest in URhGe, where
λ2Han∼10−2−10−3. (44)
This parameter appears to be small due to the large magnetic
anisotropy of the compound. According to Eq. (44), the effects
connected with the band structure of the magnon spectrum willbe more pronounced in materials with low anisotropy.
D. Magnon spectrum in points of high symmetry:
Intersections of bands
In previous sections we made calculations assuming that the
ferromagnet has isotropic superconducting properties, but theresults derived there are also qualitatively valid for anisotropic(uniaxial and biaxial) superconductors. In this section weconsider the properties of the band structure which appearonly in materials with uniaxial symmetry.
We will study the magnon spectrum in points of the
Brillouin zone where the system (33) admits a nontrivial
symmetry group. We restrict ourself to the case of a relativelystrong magnetic field, when ω
0(qi)=ω0(qj) implies qi=qj,
i.e., the nonmonontonicity of the unperturbed spectrum (36) is
The point with the highest symmetry is the center of the
Brillouin zone, where q=0. The corresponding symmetry
group is
G0={Ri,σi},i=0..5, (45)
which is isomorphic to the group C6v.H e r e σi=Riσ0, andR
andσ0are defined as follows:
; (46)
The characters for the irreducible representations of the
group G0are listed in Table II. Due to the presence of
the two-dimensional representations B1andB2intersections
of two bands appear in the center of the Brillouin zone.Indeed, consider the bands with the numbers from 2 to 7.In the zero-order perturbation theory ω(q=0)=ω
0(G1)i n
all these bands. In the first-order perturbation theory we haveto take into account the six components m(ˆT
where the matrix ˆThas been introduced in Eq. (46).T h e
solutions of the sixth-order eigenvalue problem can be found
094509-5A. A. BESPALOV AND A. I. BUZDIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 094509 (2013)
TABLE II. Character table of the group G0.
A1 11 1 1 1 1
A2 11 1 1 −1 −1
A3 1 −11 −11 −1
A4 1 −11 −1 −11
B1 2 −1 −12 0 0
B2 21 −1 −20 0
in Table III.H e r e b12=B0(G1)/M,b13=B0(G1+G2)/M,
b14=B0(2G1)/M. The pairs of bands 3,4 and 5,6 have a point
of contact at q=0.
Another point of high symmetry is the Bpoint (see Fig. 2),
where q=qB=(G1+G2)/3. The corresponding symmetry
group is
,i=0,1,2, (47)
σB0: m(Gi)→m(ˆσOBGi),
and ˆσOBis the reflection operator with respect to the OB axis.
The group GBis isomorphic to the group C3v. The characters
of its irreducible representations are listed in Table IV.
The intersection of bands in the Bpoint occurs at frequen-
cies close to ω0(qB). In the first-order perturbation theory we
take into account the elements m(0),m(−G1), andm(−G2)i n
Eq.(33). The solutions of the eigenvalue problem are given in
Table V. At this time, the first and second band have a point
of contact.
Finally, we want to make a remark concerning the symmetry
of the initial system (26) to(28). In Sec. II B we derived the
approximate equation (33) using the fact that the quantity ˜Kis
typically very large. As a by-product of this simplification wegained the reflection symmetry operations σ
iandσBi, which
are not present in the initial system (to be more accurate,the analogs of σ
iandσBiinvolve complex conjugation, so
these operations are not linear). The system (26) to(28)
forq=0 and q=qBadmits symmetry groups which are
isomorphic to the groups C6andC3, respectively, which have
only one-dimensional irreducible representations. As a result,a small gap exists between the the bands which had a pointof contact within Eq. (33). However, this gap is negligible
ij/˜K) for materials with large magnetocrystalline
anisotropy, or at large average magnetic fields B0(0).
TABLE III. The solutions of Eq. (33) withq=0 in the first-order
perturbation theory.
Represen- Band Solutions
tation numbers m(ˆTkG1)=...ω−ω0(G1)
A3 2( −1)km(G1) −2b12+2b13−b14
B1 3,4 e±2ikπ/ 3m(G1) −b12−b13+b14
B2 5,6 e±ikπ/ 3m(G1) b12−b13−b14
A1 7 m(G1)2 b12+2b13+b14TABLE IV . Character table of the group GB.
B σBi,i=0,1,2
D1 11 1
D2 11 −1
E 2 −10
E. Numerical calculation of the magnon spectra
In this section we give numerical magnon spectra for
different average magnetic fields B0(0). We solved Eq. (33)
numerically neglecting all Fourier components miexcept for
those corresponding to the 31 vectors Giwith the smallest
lengths. In the weak-binding approximations, this is sufficientto calculate the spectra in the six lowest frequency bands.As the parameters we used those of UGe
2(Refs. 1and 16):
λ=1μm,α=(13.6×10−5)2cm2,K=104, and M=
150 emu /cm3. In all calculations kz=0 is assumed.
In Fig. 3we depict the magnon spectra in the lowest three
bands for the average magnetic field equal to
. (48)
At this field ω0(0)=ω0(G1/2). It may be seen that the
spectra in the second and third bands have corners. Thesecorners correspond to band intersection lines in zero-orderperturbation theory. In fact, the corners are smoothed out, butthis may be visible only on a small-scale graph. In Fig. 4
two cross sections of the six lowest bands are shown. In thevertical axis label ω
FM=γMK is the ferromagnetic resonance
frequency. The gaps between some bands are so small thatthese bands are indistinguishable on the graphs, so they arerepresented by one curve.
In Figs. 5to8the same spectra for lower magnetic fields
are shown. As the field decreases, the shape of the bandstructure changes qualitatively. For example, at the field 0 .25β
the smooth maximum in the center of the first band transformsinto a peak [see Fig. 7(a)]. This peculiar behavior the first band
is a consequence of the nonmonotonicity of the unperturbedspectrum (11) and is connected with a commensurability
effect: The peak appears when ω
F. Taking into account dissipation
In this section we will discuss how the magnon spectrum
is modified when dissipation is taken into account. First, we
TABLE V . The solutions of Eq. (33) withq=qBin the first-order
perturbation theory.
Represen- Bandtation numbers Solutions ω−ω0(qB)
E 1,2 m(−G1)=e±2πi/3m(0), −b12
D1 3 m(−G1)=m(−G2)=m(0) 2 b12
FIG. 3. (Color online) The magnon spectra in the (a) first,
(b) second, and (c) third bands. B0(0)=β.
consider losses due to vortex motion. Generally, it is rather
difficult to express the displacement amplitude /Delta1Rin terms of
m(Gi), using Eq. (27). However, a simplification is possible
FIG. 4. The cross sections of the lowest six bands along the lines
(a)OC and (b) OB.B0(0)=β.(a)
FIG. 5. (Color online) The magnon spectra in the (a) first,
(b) second, and (c) third bands. B0(0)=0.3β.
in the high- ηlimit, when all terms in the right-hand side of
Eq.(27) containing /Delta1Rcan be neglected as compared to the
relaxational term in the left-hand side. For this approximation
FIG. 6. The cross sections of the lowest six bands along the lines
(a)OC and (b) OB.B0(0)=0.3β.
094509-7A. A. BESPALOV AND A. I. BUZDIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 094509 (2013)
FIG. 7. (Color online) The magnon spectra in the (a) first,
(b) second, and (c) third bands. B0(0)=0.25β.
to be valid it is sufficient to demand
/Phi10/greatermuchB0(0)λ−2,H c1k2
z,H c1k2, (49)
FIG. 8. The cross sections of the lowest six bands along the lines
(a)OC and (b) OB.B0(0)=0.25β.where
is the first critical field. The conditions (49) can be satisfied
in the clean limit: It is known that the viscosity increases withincreasing normal state conductivity.
Within our approximation
i/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig. (50)
After substituting this into Eq. (28) we can repeat the
calculations from Sec. II B and obtain the system (33) with
Equation (33) now represents an eigenvalue problem for
a symmetric non-Hermitian matrix. Due to dissipation themagnetic excitation levels are broadened, which can leadto the smearing of the gaps between the energy bands. Toobserve the effects connected with the presence of the gap/Delta1
ijforqi≈qjwe have to provide that
i/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig2. (51)
This means that the viscosity should be sufficiently large,
or the longitudinal wave number kzshould be small so that
vortex motion is not excited.
In metallic ferromagnets another important mechanism of
dissipation exists, which is due to magnon-conduction electronscattering.
20This kind of dissipation can be qualitatively taken
into account by introducing a phenomenological damping termin the right-hand side of the Landau-Lifshitz equation (4)
∂t, (52)
where νis a relaxation constant defining the magnetization
relaxation time τ=(γνMω )−1. The mentioned mechanism
of dissipation does not smear out the gaps in the magnonspectrum if
−1/lessorsimilarγB0(Gi−Gj). (53)
Data on the relaxation time τin the U-based ferromagnetic
superconductors are not available yet. The typical theoreticaland experimental values for this quantity in ordinary metallicferromagnets are 10
−9–10−8s(see Chap. 5 in Ref. 20and
references therein). We can estimate the Fourier component ofthe vortex field as
FIG. 9. An electromagnetic wave ( k) incident on the flat surface
of a ferromagnetic superconductor is partially reflected back as a wave
with the wave vector k1. Inside the material one propagating ( q1)a n d
two decaying magnon modes ( q2andq/prime
2) are excited. The mode q1
undergoes Bragg reflection on the vortex lattice (represented by dots)
and transforms into the mode q3propagating towards the sample
Hence, the frequency gap /Delta1=2γB0(Gi−Gj) is of the order
of 10−8s−1. Thus, the relaxation rate τ−1and the gap /Delta1appear
to be of the same order of magnitude.
In this section we will demonstrate how the evidence of the
gaps in the magnon spectrum can be found using microwaveprobing. Consider an electromagnetic Transverse Electric (TE)wave with the wave vector kand amplitude H
0incident on a
ferromagnetic superconductor occupying the half-space x> 0
(see Fig. 9). For simplicity, we assume kz=0. Note that in a
Transverse Magnetic (TM) wave the field Hwould oscillate
along the direction of the uniform magnetization, hence, thiswave does not excite magnons and is totally reflected. For thisreason, we consider further a TE wave. Such a wave excitesthree magnon modes inside the ferromagnet: one propagating(q
1) and two decaying modes ( q2andq/prime
2). The wave vectors
of these modes are determined from the two equations
, (54)
y, (55)
The propagating mode can be reflected back to the surface of
the ferromagnet due to Bragg scattering on vortices, if twoconditions are fulfilled for some wave vector q
q3=q1+G,ω 0(q3)≈ω0(q1),
where G=−Gx0is a vector of the reciprocal lattice (16).We will determine the amplitude H1of the reflected
electromagnetic wave. For the evaluation of this amplitude theequilibrium field distributiton B
eq(r) in the material is required
0(r). (56)
Here, the first term represents the screened intrinsic magnetic
field (we assume that there is no constant external field He=
0),B0is the vortex field given by Eq. (15),xvspecifies the
shift of the vortex lattice with respect to the surface, and theterm B
0(r) is responsible for the vortex lattice distortion in a
surface layer with a thickness of the order of λ.
We consider a dense vortex lattice, so that a/lessmuchλ.T o
observe the effects connected with Bragg reflection ofmagnons we have to demand q
1∼a−1, hence, αq2
The nonstationary component of the magnetization can bepresented in the form
2r+m3(x)eiq3r, (57)
where m1(x) and m3(x) vary slowly in space. In the Appendix,
using a simple perturbation theory, we demonstrate that theinfluence of the screened intrinsic field on the magnon modesis not essential. By similar reasons, the distortion field B
also does not affect significantly the spin wave amplitudes.Hence, we can consider m
2to be constant.
Now we write down the boundary conditions. Directly from
Eq.(4)we obtain
∂x(x=0)=0, (58)
The continuity condition for the tangential component of the
magnetic field Hreads
(H0+H1) cosβ=−4π/summationdisplay
where summation is performed over all four modes. The
electric field inside the material is
e=− 4πk/summationdisplay
i+λ−2eiqir. (60)
The continuity condition for the electric field reads
i+λ−2. (61)
The wave number q/prime
2has a large modulus ( q/prime2
2≈− 2ω/γMα )
as compared to the other wave numbers, and the correspondingmagnetization component m
2is small. It can be neglected in
Eqs. (59) and(61). To exclude m/prime
2from Eq. (58), we note that
2y, hence
i=1qixmiy=0, (62)
094509-9A. A. BESPALOV AND A. I. BUZDIN PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 094509 (2013)
since mix≈−imiyfori=1,2,3. Now we have to find a
connection between m1and the amplitude of the Bragg-
reflected mode m3. In these modes the magnetic field is
small as compared to α∇2m, so the linearized Landau-Lifshitz
equation can be simplified as follows:
MB0(r−xvx0)m. (63)
To find the link between the mentioned modes it is sufficient
to conserve only two terms in the Fourier series of the vortexfield
By substituting m=m1(x)eiq1r+m3(x)eiq3rinto Eq. (63)
and neglecting the second derivatives of m1(x) and m3(x),
we obtain
2e−iϕ−iδxm3(x), (64)
2eiϕ+iδxm1(x), (65)
∂qx(q1)=2γMαq 1x,
/Delta1=2γB(G) is the frequency gap [see Eq. (43)],ϕ=Gxv,
andδ=2q1x−G. The two linearly independent solutions of
Eqs. (64) and(65) are
For|δ|</Delta1 / v gxwe reject the growing solution, selecting the
minus sign in Eq. (66).F o r|δ|>/Delta1 / v gxwe select the solutionwhere |m1|/greatermuch|m3|when|δ|/greatermuch/Delta1/v gx
v2gxforδ> 0,
v2gxforδ< 0.
This choice of the sign allows to reject the solution with the
negative xcomponent of the group velocity. At x=0w e
m3(0)=Am1(0), (68)
. (69)
Now we are ready to write the system of linear equations which
will allow us to determine the amplitude of the reflected waveH
1. Equations (59),(61),(62), and (68) yield
˜q1x˜m1y+q2xm2y=0, (70)
=(H0+H1) cosβ, (71)
1+Aq1x. (73)
Note that the problem of electromagnetic wave reflection from
a superconductor in the mixed state is formally equivalentto the same problem for a superconductor without vorticeswith the only difference that q
1xis replaced by ˜q1x.F r o mt h e
systems (70) to(72) we find the reflection coefficient
2πλ−2/parenrightbigg, (74)
w h e r ew eu s e dt h er e l a t i o n
which is valid in the large anisotropy limit. The expression for
the reflectivity coefficient can be simplified, if we take intoaccount that q
1−ik2λ2eiβsinβ+Q(i+kλeiβ), (75)
1+A. (76)In Eq. (75) we dropped small terms which have a negligible
effect on the modulus of the reflectivity coefficient. Since thequantity Acan take any value within the circle |A|/lessorequalslant1, so the
only restriction on Qis ReQ/greaterorequalslant0.
When |A|=1,Qis purely imaginary, and |R|=1, i.e.,
the wave is totally reflected. This is explained by the factthat in this range of parameters the frequency ωis within the
frequency gap, and magnons cannot propagate in the sample.
Consider now frequencies far from the gap: δ/greatermuch/Delta1/v
gx.I n
this case the magnons do not interact with the vortex lattice,and the quantity Qis real and large: Q/greatermuch1. From Eq. (75)
we obtain
Q/lessmuch1. (77)
An interesting effect which follows from Eq. (75) is the
complete transmission of the wave for a frequency close to thefrequency gap. Let us put R=0. Then
−iβ. (78)
This is possible when A≈1 and |A|<1, i.e., the detuning
from the gap must be very small. For example, if kαλ4q5
1. (79)
Note that for A≈1m1(0)≈m3(0). The effect of complete
transmission is related to a similar effect in a Fabri-Perrotresonator: In our system, the surface of the material and thevortex lattice play the roles of the first and second mirrors,respectively.
We need to stress that the system must be finely tuned to
make the dip in the R(ω) dependence observable. Indeed, the
parameter Amust be equal to unity on the border of the gap,
which imposes a constraint on the parameters Gandx
eiGxv=± 1. (80)
This condition may be satisfied by applying an external
magnetic field.
By solving the London and Landau-Lifshitz equations
we investigated the magnon spectrum of a ferromagneticsuperconductor in the mixed state. The case of a large easy-axismagnetocrystalline anisotropy has been considered, whichis relevant to the U-based compounds.
1,2,4We proved that
the magnon spectrum has a Bloch-like band structure dueto the presence of the periodic vortex field. For sufficientlysmall intervortex distances a/lessorsimilarλ, the gaps between adjacent
bands can be calculated using an analog of the weak-bindingapproximation. These gaps are proportional to the Fouriercomponents B
0(G) of the unperturbed vortex field [see
Eq.(43)]. If the material has isotropic properties in the plane
perpendicular to the easy zaxis, some bands may intersect
in points of high symmetry of the Brillouin zone. For spinwaves having a nonzero zcomponent of the wave vector the
band structure is smeared out in dirty materials because ofdissipation connected with viscous vortex motion.
Using numerical calculations, we demonstrated that the
band structure changes qualitatively with varying applied field.For example, when the average field becomes smaller than β/4
[see Eq. (48)] the smooth maximum in the center of the lowest
band transforms into a rather sharp peak (see Figs. 3to7). This
effect appears due to the nonmonotonicity of the spectrum inthe Meissner state.We propose to probe the energy gaps by measuring the
frequency dependence of the reflectivity coefficient R(ω)f o r
an electromagnetic wave incident on the flat surface of aferromagnetic superconductor. For frequencies lying insidethe gap a maximum of |R(ω)|should be observable. Also,
for a very small detuning from the gap, the reflectivitycoefficient may exhibit a narrow dip. The knowledge of thegap frequencies allows to determine with high accuracy suchparameters as the anisotropy coefficient Kand the exchange
constant α.
Finally, note that the self-induced vortex state in ferromag-
netic superconductors may provide a negative permeability atfrequencies near the ferromagnetic resonance, thus makingthe ferromagnetic superconductors potential candidates formetamaterials design.
We are thankful to A. S. Mel’nikov and L. N. Bulaevskii
for helpful discussion. This work was supported, in part, byEuropean IRSES program SIMTECH (Contract No. 246937),the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, FTP “Scientificand educational personnel of innovative Russia in 2009-2013”,the French ANR program MASH, and LabEx “Amadeus”program.
In this Appendix we consider the modification of the mode
with the wave vector q2in the vicinity of the surface. This
consideration can be simply generalized for all other modes.
First, we note that q2
λ−1(this inequality holds for frequencies, which are much
smaller than the plasma frequency). We substitute into Eq. (17)
B0=4πMe−x/λ, andm≈m2e−x/λ+m(1)
2e−2x/λ, where m(1)
is the amplitude of the first-order correction, which is to be
estimated. This correction is determined from the followingequations:
1/greatermuch1 we find
1m2. (A2)
Hence, |m(1)
2|/lessmuch|m2|, so the small correction can be
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PhysRevE.92.012923.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 012923 (2015)
Current-driven electromagnetic soliton collision in a ferromagnetic nanowire
M. Saravanan*
Department of Physics, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai-602 105, Tamilnadu, India
(Received 4 December 2014; revised manuscript received 14 May 2015; published 31 July 2015)
The propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a uniaxial ferromagnetic nanowire under the spin transfer
torque effect is widely investigated in the soliton frame. The magnetization dynamics of the ferromagneticnanowire is governed by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation coupled to the Maxwell equation for theelectromagnetic wave propagation. A nonuniform multiscale analysis is invoked for the coupled LLG-Maxwellequations and obtains the extended derivative nonlinear Schr ¨odinger (DNLS) equation for the magnetization and
external magnetic field. The effect of electric current is explored by constructing multisoliton solutions to theextended DNLS equation and the possibility of the soliton collision is exploited using the Hirota bilinearizationprocedure.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.012923 PACS number(s): 05 .45.Yv,03.75.Lm,72.25.Ba,02.70.−c
Current-driven magnetic materials are highly important in
constructing technological devices [ 1,2]. The proper manipu-
lation of magnetization direction driven by electric current ishighly promising for ultrahigh-density storage devices [ 3,4].
The magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic materials as-sumes more importance and the magnetic property can beconsiderably enhanced in the environment of electric currentdensity. Current-induced magnetic materials have been foundto be a good alternative for investigating materials when
exposed to a magnetic field alone. Magnetization reversal
under electric current shows an effective response in additionto the applied magnetic field to construct compact andreliable memory devices [ 5–7]. The magnetization dynamics
in the presence of an electric current was first predicted byBerger and Slonczewski in a spin valve structure [ 8,9]. The
current-induced magnetization dynamics occurs in magneticconductors through the transfer of spin angular momentumbetween the conducting electrons and the local magnetizationmediated by the exchange interaction. Due to the transferof spin angular momentum between the electrons and localmagnetic moments, an effective torque is developed, namely,spin transfer torque (STT) [ 10]. Tatara et al. proposed
a metamaterial active for the electromagnetic (EM) wavepropagation based on the spin torque oscillators [ 11]. It is
shown that the spin torque oscillators act as an active filter toobtain the circularly polarized radiation and electromagneticmetamaterial admitting a negative refractive index controlledby the electric current. By considering the work of Tataraet al. , it is believed that the propagating EM wave in the spin
transfer torque ferromagnet deserves considerable attention inthe construction of magnetic memory devices.
The propagation of the EM wave in the ferromagnetic
medium has been studied for the past two decades [ 12–16]
particularly for soliton excitations. The phenomenologicalLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation is studied with theeffect of EM wave propagation in the ferromagnetic medium.By invoking a multiscale analysis, typical Korteweg–de Vries(KdV) soliton modes for the EM wave modulation in the
*saravanan_manickam@yahoo.comferromagnetic medium is observed [ 12]. A blowup solution,
stabilization of the EM pulse, and the pulse’s deformationhave been demonstrated in [ 13] through numerical compu-
tation for the EM wave governed by the (3 +1)-dimensional
Davey-Stewartson system. The pivotal role of the nonlinearSchr ¨odinger equation and its extended forms shows that the
generating solitons cancel the effect of damping for the case oflow damping and for higher values of the damping parameterit is observed that the propagating EM wave has exponentialdecay and no nonlinear modulation is observed [ 15]. In
the presence of free charges, the current density createsan effective damping in the ferromagnetic material and theMaxwell equations include the current density effect onthe propagating EM wave [ 16]. The damping considerably
reduces the amplitude of the soliton that is governed bythe perturbed KdV equation for the strong damping caseand the usual KdV equation in the case of weak damping.Recently the present author has rigorously solved the coupledLandau-Lifshitz and Maxwell equations for the helimagneticspin system witnessing the propagation of a kink soliton forthe magnetization and EM wave [ 17]. The spin torque effects
in broken centrosymmetric crystals such as the cubic B20 type
are computed for current-induced magnetization dynamics ofspin spirals and Doppler shifts in spin waves. The torquedeveloped tilts the helimagnetic structure of the crystal anddisplaces the spin waves of the spiral structure with no changesin the dispersion relation [ 18]. Motivated by the above complex
scenario arising in the EM wave dynamics in the ferromagnet,in this paper we extend the idea of a propagating EM wavein the ferromagnetic medium driven by the electric currentdensity. In the present investigation the evolution equation issolved for the perturbation due to the propagating EM wave inthe absence of Gilbert damping and the collision scenario ofthe magnetization in the concerned system is exploited. Thecollision dynamics is studied with the real material parametersof CoPt
3. The Gilbert damping parameter is excluded because
it is a phenomenological damping and a choice of study to lookfor localized excitations. He and Liu [ 19] explored the soliton
dynamics in the STT system under the effect of an externalmagnetic field using the stereographic projection method. Thesoliton solution of the LLG equation without damping showsthat the current can change the velocities of the magneticsolitons and affect the soliton collision with appreciable phase
1539-3755/2015/92(1)/012923(8) 012923-1 ©2015 American Physical SocietyM. SARA V ANAN PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 012923 (2015)
shift. The scheme of this paper is organized as follows. In
Sec. IIthe dynamical model is briefly introduced. In Sec. III
a multiscale analysis is performed on the dynamical modelderived. The magnetization collision in the ferromagneticnanowire is illustrated in Sec. IV. The results are summarized
in Sec. V.
The dynamics of localized magnetization under the influ-
ence of electric current density is described by the celebratedLLG equation with the spin transfer torque term as given by
∂t+τb, (1a)
∂x, (1b)
where the magnetization M≡M(x,t),αis the Gilbert damp-
ing, and γis the gyromagnetic ratio. The model parameter bJis
defined as bJ=PjeμB/eM S, where Pis the spin polarization
of the current, μBis the Bohr magneton, eis the charge of the
electron, and jeis the electric current density. The parameter
bJhas the unique property that it constitutes the velocity [ 20],
thus leading τbto associate with the domain wall velocity, and
Heffis the effective field in the ferromagnetic nanowire, which
can be written as
+[(HK/MS−4π)Mx]ex+H, (2)
where exis the unit vector along the easy axis, HKis the
uniaxial anisotropy parameter, 4 πMxis the demagnetization
field,Ais the exchange integral, and the external magnetic field
Hacts via the magnetic field component of the propagating
EM wave. The external magnetic field satisfies the followingMaxwell equation. Let the ferromagnetic wire be driven byelectric current along the xdirection, which is also the direction
of the easy axis with a constant velocity V=v
eex, with vea
constant that indicates the speed of moving electric charges.The geometry of the model considered is shown in Fig. 1.T h e
Maxwell equation governing the propagation of the EM wavein the ferromagnetic medium for the present case is given by
∂t, (3a)
∂t, (3b)
where J=σ[E+(V×B)] is the electron current density, /epsilon10
is the dielectric constant, and μ0is the magnetic permeability
of the medium. Equation ( 3b) can be modified by taking the
curl on both sides and using Eq. ( 3a) and velocity vector Vto
∂t2(H+M). (4)Thus, the set of coupled equations ( 1a) and ( 4) describes the
magnetization dynamics of the ferromagnetic nanowire andpropagating EM wave with spin transfer torque. In the nextsection, the set of coupled equations ( 1a) and ( 4) is solved for
the perturbation with zero damping.
The dynamics of EM wave modulation and the magneti-
zation in the ferromagnetic nanowire with spin torque can bededuced by solving the set of coupled equations ( 1a) and ( 4)
through the multiscale analysis. The multiscale analysis orreductive perturbation method is the generalized asymptoticmethod to reduce a highly nonlinear vector or scalar equation toa more standard nonlinear equation comprising the integrabil-ity conditions [ 21,22]. It is a standard procedure in perturbation
technique to transform the original coordinate variables intoslow variables by making use of the perturbation parameter.In that new coordinate system, the effect of perturbation canbe well understood and one can determine the perturbationeffect in an appropriate way. Let us seek the dynamicalevolution in a slow space and time coordinate frame bystretching the wave variable as ζ=/epsilon1(x−V
st) andτ=/epsilon12t,
where /epsilon1is a small perturbation that measures the weakness
of the perturbation [ 12] and ζsignifies the evolution of the
propagating magnetization pulse with velocity Vs. Before
employing the multiscale analysis, the following assumptionsare made.
(i) The ferromagnetic nanowire is immersed in a constant
exterior field H
extrelevant to the ferromagnetic resonance
(ii) The external field Hextis strong enough to magnetize
the ferromagnetic nanowire to saturation, which allows us toexclude the existence of domain walls. This saturation alsoexcludes the effects of the finite size of the nanowire.
(iii) The static field M
0andH0given in the expansion below
represents the field created by the Hextinside the medium.
FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the propagating EM wave in
the ferromagnetic nanowire. The propagating magnetization pulse is
along the xdirection, with velocity Vsand electric charges in the −x
(iv) In the present study, the analysis is restricted up to the
lowest order, i.e., at O(/epsilon11), even though at higher order the
dynamics would be more interesting.
Let the magnetization Mand magnetic field Hbe expanded
with the perturbation parameter /epsilon1:
2+··· , (5a)
, (5b)
, (5c)
2+··· , (6a)
, (6b)
. (6c)
In these equations M0andH0are unperturbed states of
the corresponding fields about which the magnetization andexternal fields are expanded. The perturbation expansion isnonuniform due to the anisotropic electric current alongthexdirection in which the magnetization is nonuniform.
We report the above perturbation expansion in Eqs. ( 1a)
and ( 4) and collect the different orders of the perturbationparameter without damping. We also consider the conductivity
of the nanowire to be small, say, σ=/epsilon1
2σ. Let us assume
the exchange coupling to be stronger than the anisotropyand demagnetization fields that can be satisfied by rescalingthe respective fields by A→/epsilon1
−1Aand (HK/MS−4π)→
/epsilon1(HK/MS−4π). Thus, at order /epsilon10we have Hr
s), and H0=−M0from the
Maxwell equation ( 4) and at the corresponding order in
Eq. ( 1a) perturbed fields are identically satisfied. At the next
order/epsilon11from the Maxwell equation ( 4) the perturbed evolution
of magnetization and external magnetic field is given by
1, (7)
while writing Eq. ( 7), the τis rescaled as τ→[2Vs(1+
s−c2)]τandλ1is given by
λ1=σμ 0(1+λ)(ve−Vs)c2
V2s−c2/parenrightbig. (8)
Collecting at the same order in Eq. ( 1a) the solvability
conditions leads to
∂ζ, (9b)
∂ζ, (9c)
where we have defined g1=2A/M2
In the low-temperature and long-wavelength limit, the magne-tization of the ferromagnetic nanowire is constant and from thefirst integral of motion, i.e., |M|
0, we define new
complex functions u=My
1=− |u|2, With the
transformations ξ=ζ+g2τandτ/prime=τ, we obtain
∂ξ|u|2u=iR(u), (10)
∂ξ3+a4u, (11a)
γM 0,a 2=−(1+λ)
a3=−g1,a 4=λ1.
Equation ( 10) represents the extended derivative nonlinear
Schr ¨odinger (DNLS) equation that governs the lowest-order
magnetization of the ferromagnetic nanowire. The effect ofSTT appears in the usual dispersion term of the DNLS equationas it contains the spin polarization factor P, a similar DNLS
equation already obtained in [ 23] without the term ia
4u.I t
is interesting to note when R(u)=0, we have the exact
DNLS equation derived by Kaup and Newell [ 24]. Whena4=0, Eq. ( 10) reduces to a DNLS equation with third-order
dispersion solved by the present author recently [ 23]. More-
over,a1=a4=0 reduces the DNLS equation to a complex
modified Korteweg–de Vries equation for the effective field u
governing the propagation of nelectromagnetic soliton pulses
as signals with different frequencies [ 25,26].
Hirota bilinearization is a direct method for constructing
multisoliton solutions [ 27]. The primary advantage of this
method is that one can easily derive the soliton solutions bytransforming the original equation into a bilinear form andfurther applying the perturbation technique. The complexityinvolved in Eq. ( 10) is the presence of ia
4u. The electric
current density induces the relevant spin transfer torque thatappears in the coefficient of the linear dispersion term and theconductivity of the nanowire appears as the coefficient in thesecond term on the right-side of Eq. ( 10) through Ampere’s
correction in Maxwell’s equations ( 3b). The role played by
4uis crucial in resolving the dynamics as it is complex and
cannot be eliminated through the usual rescaling of the timevariable. In order to exploit the dynamics in a more significantway we recast Eq. ( 10) into a more generalized nonlinear
equation that is more compact to apply bilinearization. The
012923-3M. SARA V ANAN PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 012923 (2015)
modified equation can be written as
=ia3/Psi1XXX+ia4/Psi1, (12)
where the solutions u(ξ,τ/prime) and/Psi1(X,T) are connected through
the transformation
and the coefficient a0=a1−3a3. Equation ( 13)i st h e
higher-order nonlinear Schr ¨odinger (HONLS) equation that
represents the dynamics of magnetization in the nanowirewhen the EM wave propagates through it and admits thesoliton solution as given in [ 28]. In another context without the
conductivity term, i.e., a
4=0, Eq. ( 12) represents the soliton
propagation in nonlinear fiber optics and in a particular caseit is integrable and possesses N-soliton solutions [ 29]. For
instance, the one-soliton solution is given by
a2bsech[b(X−VsT)]ei(κX−/Omega1T), (14a)
4a2a3, (14b)
2, (14c)
where bis the inverse width of the soliton. Thus, it is expected
that in the present case the magnetization dynamics is governedby soliton modes under the effect of EM wave propagation.To construct the multisoliton solutions of Eq. ( 12), we make
an ansatz in the form of a dependent variable transformationas given by
f(X,T). (15)
In the above ansatz g(X,T) is complex and f(X,T) is a real
function. We substitute the above ansatz in Eq. ( 12) to obtain
the bilinear form
(g·f)=0, (16a)
X(f·f)=0, (16c)
where g∗is the complex conjugate and Dis the well known
Hirota bilinear operator defined as
×a(X,T)b(X/prime,T/prime)|X=X/prime,T=T/prime (17)and the functions g(X,T) andf(X,T) are expanded in a series
form with a formal expansion parameter χ:
g=χg1(X,T)+χ3g3(X,T)+χ5g5(X,T)+··· ,(18a)
f=1+χ2f2(X,T)+χ4f4(X,T)+χ6f6(X,T)+··· .
TheN-soliton solutions of the HONLS equation can be
obtained by substituting the expansions ( 18a) and ( 18b)i nt h e
bilinear forms ( 16a)–(16c) and solving the recursive equations
obtained at different orders of χ.
A. One-soliton solution
The soliton solutions of the system ( 12) can be obtained by
terminating the expansions ( 18a) and ( 18b) at various orders
ofχ. Thus, the one-soliton solution of the HONLS equation
can be written using Eq. ( 15)a s
g=χg1, (19a)
f=1+χ2f2, (19b)
1+f2, (19c)
g1=eη1, (20a)
1)2, (20b)
G=a2e2a4t, (20c)
η1=k1X+ω1T+η1(0), (20d)
1, (20e)
1complex conjugates and k1andη1(0) arbitrary
complex numbers. The solution ( 19c) is characterized by
complex numbers k1andη1(0) and relative variations of
intensity of the propagating magnetization pulse can be carriedout for different values of these complex numbers.
B. Two-soliton solution
We truncate the expression for the functions g(X,T) and
f(X,T) as given by
g=χg1+χ3g3, (21a)
f=1+χ2f2+χ4f4, (21b)
and substitute into the bilinear equations ( 16a)–(16c). Thus,
the explicit forms of various functions at different orders ofperturbation are given by
T+ηj(0),j=1,2; (22)
j,B j=G
j,F lj=G
j)2; (24)
2|4. (25)
It is interesting to note that the two-soliton solution is
characterized by the four complex numbers kjandηj(0),j=
1,2. The intensity variations of the colliding solitons can be
elucidated using the complex numbers kjandηj(0) in addition
to the inherent system parameters. In the limit t→± ∞ ,t h etwo-soliton solution given above is asymptotically reduced to
two single-soliton solutions represented in ( 19c).
C. Three-soliton solution
As a follow-up, the three-soliton solutions can be obtained
by the series
g=/epsilon1g1+/epsilon13g3+/epsilon15g5, (26)
f=1+/epsilon12f2+/epsilon14f4+/epsilon16f6, (27)
After substituting Eq. ( 28)i nE q s .( 16a)–(16c) and solving
recursively, we obtain the explicit forms of the unknownsg
1,g3,g5andf2,f4,f6as given by
g1=eη1+eη2+eη3, (29)
3+c9], (30)
3+η1+d3], (31)
3+R9], (33)
3+M1], (34)
ηj=kjX+ωjT+ηj(0), (35)
j,j=1,2,3. (36)
The exponential factors in Eqs. ( 29)–(34) are given in the
Appendix. For the specific choices of the arbitrary complexnumbers k
jandηj(0),j=1,2,3, the colliding magnetic
soliton shows intensity variations through the amplitudes ofthe respective solitons. Having obtained the classes of solitonsolutions, the evolution of the same can be interpreted bychoosing the physical parameters involved in the system. For aconcrete analysis, the physical parameters relevant to the CoPt
alloy films [ 30] have been used for the graphic description of
the soliton evolution. For CoPt 3alloy films MS=1125 G,
γ=1.75×107Oe−1s−1,A=1×10−6erg cm−1,je=1×
109Ac m−2, and P=0.35. With these choices the model
parameter bJis found to be 18 cm s−1. Let the velocity of
the propagating soliton be VS=1.5,λ=1.0, and λ1=5.0.
The one-soliton solution is pictorially represented in Fig. 2
for the parametric choices k1=1.51+2.39iandη1(0)=
2.24+3.15i. This soliton solution of /Psi1was predicted byHe and Liu [ 19] through Hirota bilinearization with identical
boundaries such as /Psi1=0 and /Psi1=2πcalled 2 πkinks,
which are stable traveling wave solutions. These localizedsolutions continue to preserve average magnetization along thedirection of propagation. In the case of nonidentical boundaryconditions, the nonlocalized solutions in the form of kinksindicate a separation of two neighboring domain walls withdifferent values of the field called πkinks or true domain walls,
which are also important since they have experimental applica-
tions [ 31–33]. The one-soliton solution presented in Fig. 2can
be interpreted as propagation of the 2 πdomain wall, which
is a bound state of two πwalls driven by the electric current
density. The soliton solution becomes more interesting whenone generates the N-soliton solutions. Thus, the interesting
feature of the soliton system is the collision of solitons drivenby physical parameters at higher orders of χ. In the present
case the two solitons obtained in Eq. ( 21c) admit a collision
scenario for the effective material parameter of CoPt
3.T h e
collision dynamics is characterized by the complex parametersk
1,2andω1,2. The characteristic feature of the collision is the
enhancement (suppression) of the intensity. This feature wasrecently described in [ 23] for a ferromagnetic spin chain with
012923-5M. SARA V ANAN PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 012923 (2015)
10 −10−50510
time (T)
space (X)|Ψ|
FIG. 2. (Color online) Intensity plot of the one-soliton solution
expressed via ( 19c). The parametric choices are k1=1.51+2.39i
a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction under the EM wave prop-
agation. In [ 23] for an appropriate choice of the antisymmetric
interaction due to the spin-orbit coupling the two solitons
collide with intensity enhancement and suppression before
and after the collision. In the present case, for the specificchoices k
2.95+1.5i, andη2(0)=0.531−2.50i, it is found that the
system admits two solitons colliding with each other, resultinga complete amplitude suppression after collision. This couldbe exploited in Fig. 3in the negative time scale region, where
the amplitudes of the two solitons S
1andS2are approximately
at four and six units and as time progresses the two solitonsmutually collide inelastically nearly at the origin and suffer asuppression in their amplitudes. This scenario can be explainedas the intensity redistribution between the colliding solitons.A similar scenario can be also be drawn for the three-soliton
FIG. 3. (Color online) Enhancement and suppression of the two-
soliton collision expressed via ( 21c) for the parametric choices
k1=1.586+0.182i,k2=1.129−2.93i,η1(0)=2.95+1.5i,a n d
FIG. 4. (Color online) Collision of three solitons with k1=
0.154+2.5i,η2(0)=1.582−0.5i,a n dη3(0)=1.149+0.5i.
collision for the same material parameters and arbitrary
complex parameters take the values k1=1.565+0.192i,
η2(0)=1.582−0.5i, andη3(0)=1.149+0.5i.F r o mF i g . 4
it is obvious that the three solitons show a considerableinelastic collision among themselves for the specific choicesgiven above. As time progresses the complete suppression ofthe soliton S
2shows an appreciable increase in its amplitude.
However, the solitons S1andS3show marginal changes in
their amplitudes. The shape changing nature of the solitons orintensity redistribution between the colliding solitons admits arelative phase shift and amplitude variations. With knowledgeof the one-, two-, and three-soliton solutions through theHirota bilinearization, the magnetic field component of the
propagating EM wave can be obtained using the relation ( 13)
and using u=M
1withr=y,z. Thus,
the magnetization and the magnetic field component of the EMwave are highly localized and appear in the form of solitons asthe EM wave propagates in the ferromagnetic nanowire underthe effect of STT.
In this paper the magnetization dynamics of a uniaxial
ferromagnetic nanowire under the effect of electromagneticwave propagation and in the presence of an applied electric cur-rent was rigorously analyzed. The dynamical Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation was considerably reduced to the extendedDNLS equation using the multiscale analysis. The current-induced motion of the soliton shows that the nanowire acquiresa collision scenario for the propagating solitons with enhance-ment and suppression in their amplitudes that is due to the in-elastic collision. This inelastic collision results in the intensityredistribution among the colliding solitons under the influenceof current-induced spin torque. As reported earlier by He andLiu [ 19], the soliton collision admits fascinating dynamics in
view of magnetization dynamics. However, the propagationof the EM wave in a ferromagnetic nanowire for the solitondynamics controlled electrically is different. The enhancement
and suppression of the soliton amplitude can be viewed as a
magnetization state change that can be widely used for theconstruction of magnetic devices for transporting logical infor-mation and quantum computation. The colliding solitons canbe visualized as analogous to a domain wall in bulk materialand separate a region of one stable magnetic state of the logicalbit from another. Thus, it is strongly believed that the collisionof solitons under EM wave propagation and electric currentcreate a possibility for the exploitation of magnetic devices.ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The author wishes to thank the anonymous referees for their
critical comments and suggestions.
In this Appendix the explicit forms of various exponential
factors obtained for the three-soliton solution are presented:
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PhysRevE.94.042220.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW E 94, 042220 (2016)
Breathers and rogue waves excited by all-magnonic spin-transfer torque
Zai-Dong Li,1,2,*Qiu-Yan Li,1Tian-Fu Xu,3and Peng-Bin He4
1Department of Applied Physics, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
2International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3Department of Physics, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
4School of Physics and Electronics, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
(Received 5 June 2016; published 25 October 2016)
In terms of Darboux transformation we investigate the dynamic process of spin wave passing through a magnetic
soliton. It causes nonlinear excitations, such as Akhmediev breathers solution and Kuznetsov-Ma soliton. Theformer case demonstrates a spatial periodic process of a magnetic soliton forming the petal with four pieces. Thespatial separation of adjacent magnetic petals increases rapidly, while one valley splits into two and the amplitudeof valley increases gradually with the increasing amplitude of spin wave. The other case shows a localized processof the spin-wave background. In the limit case, we get rogue waves and clarify its formation mechanism.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.042220
During the past several decades there has been significant
progress in describing dynamics of magnetization in magneticnanostructures. In these studies, self-organization [ 1]i so n e
of the most interesting phenomena in nature. In magnetism,this phenomenon has been intensively studied in terms of thespontaneous formation of magnetic domains such as stripedomains, bubble domains, soliton, and magnetic vortex. In
addition, the study on two-dimensional magnetic systems of
thin films have revealed further interesting magnetic self-organization patterns such as spin waves [ 2] and skyrmion
lattices [ 3–5], which can be nucleated as a metastable state in
thin films. It opens a path to concepts of magnetic memoriesand contributes to designing memories based on skyrmionmotion in nanotracks.
The dynamics of domain wall is of great significance
in ferromagnetic nanowires for its potentially technologicalapplications [ 6–11]. For example, a magnetic domain wall
forms a spatially localized configuration of magnetizationin ferromagnet, and it can be seen as a potential hill,which separates two generated magnetic states [ 12,13]. The
propagation of domain wall with the influence of spin-Halleffect [ 14], Rashba effect [ 15], and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya
interaction [ 16–19] has drawn considerable interest in low-
dimensional magnetism. These studies have been inspirednot only by the fundamental physics questions but also bythe potential application for the spintronic memory and logicnanodevices. Recently, considerable attention has been paid tothe dynamics of magnetization associated with spin-polarizedcurrent in layered materials [ 20,21]. The spin-polarized current
can cause many unique phenomena [ 22,23], such as spin-wave
excitation [ 24,25], magnetization switching [ 20] and reversal
[26–28], and enhanced Gilbert damping [ 29,30] in magnetic
multilayers. Nowadays, spin-polarized currents are commonlyused to create, manipulate, and control nanoscale magneticexcitations such as domain walls [ 31–34] and vortices [ 35–37].
Nonlinear excitations [ 12,13] are general phenomena in
magnetic-ordered materials. In ferromagnet a cluster of
*lizd@hebut.edu.cnmagnons tends to self-localization because of attractive inter-action. In a certain sense, the attraction of magnons is criticalfor a one-dimensional ferromagnet because it produces abound state of quasiparticles (magnons), i.e., self-localization.A spin wave may be regarded as a cluster of a macroscopicnumber of coherent magnons. Because of the attractiveinteraction, the magnon cluster tends to be localized, and thusthe spin wave becomes unstable. The developing instabilitycauses magnetization localization and brings about a domainwall and a magnetic soliton.
However, the nonlinear excitations have not been well
explored. When a spin wave passes through a magneticsoliton, a spin angular momentum can be transferred fromthe propagating magnons to the soliton, which is called byall-magnonic spin-transfer torque [ 43]. This all-magnonic
spin-transfer torque can affect the dynamics of magnetizationand magnetic states can occur. In this paper, we will study theexact breather solutions and magnetic states. As an example,we give the exact solutions of bright (dark) rogue waves causedby this magnonic spin-transfer torque.
As a simple model, we consider the Landau-Liftshitz
∂x2, (1)
which admits spin-wave and soliton solutions. The exact
breather solutions and rogue waves of Eq. ( 1) can be structured
by the Darboux transformation. The main idea of the Darbouxtransformation is that it first transforms the nonlinear equationinto the Lax representation, and then by a series of transfor-mations the soliton solution can be constructed algebraicallywith the obvious seed solution of the nonlinear equation. Itis an effective technique to generate a solution for Eq. ( 1)
once a seed solution m
0is known. In the following, we take
the initial “seed” as spin wave, i.e., m0≡(m01,m02,m03)=
1−A2s) with δ=ksx−ωstand the dis-
persion relation ω=−k2
In terms of the developed procedure of Darboux transfor-
mation [ 38–42], we obtain the exact solutions of Eq. ( 1)a st h e
2470-0045/2016/94(4)/042220(5) 042220-1 ©2016 American Physical SocietyZAI-DONG LI, QIU-Y AN LI, TIAN-FU XU, AND PENG-BIN HE PHYSICAL REVIEW E 94, 042220 (2016)
m·σ=K(m0·σ)K−1, (2)
where σis pauli matrix and the matrix Kis given by
|ξ|2(P+Q)/parenleftbiggξ∗P+ξQ −μR∗e−iδ
with ξ=iμ/2+ν/2,N=√
(ks−2ξm 03)2+4ξ2A2
(μm 03+i(A2sks−N))/2,C2=/radicalbig
(μm 03+i(A2sks+N))/2, and B=−iN(x+iβt)/2.
The solution in Eq. ( 2) denotes a soliton solution embedded
in a spin wave background. With the increasing of μ,t h e
spin wave background is gradually localized and formsbreathers due to the interaction between soliton and spin wavebackground. With the analytical solutions in Eq. ( 2) we can
obtain the Akhmediev breathers, Kuznetsov-Ma soliton, andmagnetic rogue waves of magnetization. From the solutionin Eq. ( 2) we find that the critical point |μ|=A
a dividing line between the modulation instability process(|μ|<A
sks), the periodization process ( |μ|>A sks), and
magnetic states ( |μ|→Asks).
A. Modulation instability and Akhmediev breathers
Modulation instability has been extensively studied in
nonlinear physics [ 44], which is characterized by the periodic
energy exchange between a perturbation and a continuouswave background. It can be used to generate the high-repetition-rate pulse trains in optical fibers [ 45] and can
be described by near exactly the Akhmediev breathers [ 46]
solution of the nonlinear Schr ¨odinger equation. In optical
fibers, Akhmediev breathers are temporal periodic and showthe properties of single growth-return cycle in the propagationdirection, namely a visual illustration of the famous Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence [ 47]. Recently, modulation instability
has been found to play a central role in the emergence ofhighly localized rogue-wave structures in various contexts ofnonlinear physics.
In ferromagnet this ubiquitous process of magnetization
dynamics can be realized by the condition |μ|<A
ν=ksm03in Eq. ( 2). The parameters are given by
P=As(kscoshθ−Nsinhθ)−μcosφ−Nm 03sinφ,
Q=As(kscoshθ+Nsinhθ)−μcosφ+Nm 03sinφ,
R=μcoshθ+iNm 03sinhθ−As(kscosφ+iNsinφ),
where θ=μNT,φ =−N(X+2ksm03T) with
A2sk2s−μ2. The above result reveals that the
solution to Eq. ( 2) is spatial periodic denoted by 2 π/N ,
and aperiodic in the temporal variable, as shown in Fig. 1.
This process can also be seen as the spatial manifestation ofFermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence realized by the magnetizationdynamics. The spatial periodic distribution of magnetizationshows that the component m
3has two peaks and one valley
in each unit distribution. As the spin wave amplitude As
increases the connection line of two peaks in the component
FIG. 1. Evolution of Akhmediev breathers for magnetization
m=(m1,m2,m3)i nE q s .( 2)a n d( 3). The component m3takes the
spatial periodic distribution, which is characterized by two peaks and
two valleys in each unit distribution. Parameters are given as follows:A
s,a n dμ=0.64.
m3rotates clockwise and the two peaks move with the
opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 2. Also, the one valley
splits into two and the distance of two valleys increases withthe increasing A
In order to study the asymptotic form of modulation
instability of magnetization we consider the case of t→± ∞ .
The background of m3approaches to m03(1−4μ2/k2
s)a s
t→± ∞ . When As=1o r|μ1|=ks/2 with 1 /2/lessorequalslantAs<1,
the magnetization lies in the m1-m2plane and the component
m3takes zero background. Under the condition As=1o r
|μ1|=ks/2 with 1 /2/lessorequalslantAs<1 the magnon density distri-
bution |m+(x,t)|2takes a maximum 1 at t→± ∞ , where
m+≡m1+im2. The solution in Eq. ( 2) with the parameters
of Eq. ( 3) can be considered as the modulation instability
process [ 44]. This instability process can also be expressed by
FIG. 2. The formation of magnetic petal in the component m3,
shown in (a)–(d). As the spin wave amplitude Asincreases, the
connection line of two peaks in the component m3rotates clockwise
and the two peaks move with the opposite direction. The one
valley splits into two and the distance of two valleys increaseswith the increasing A
s. Parameters are given as follows: ks=1,ν=
s,a n d μ=0.8Asks. The parameters Asis given by (a)
As=0.7, (b)As=0.9, (c)As=0.98, and (d) As=1, respectively.
linearizing the initial value of corresponding solution as
k2ssinφ, (4)
where we use the condition As=1,/epsilon1=exp(−x0)i sas m a l l
quantity for x0>0.
The magnetic Akhmediev breathers in Eq. ( 2) with the
parameters of Eq. ( 3) in fact denotes the instability process
of spin wave background. Small perturbations that disturbthe spin wave can be amplified exponentially. The spin wavebackground is unstable against small perturbations. At thisinstability process there occurs the spatial periodic distributionof high magnon density, as shown in Fig. 1. A periodic
magnon exchange occurs between the magnetic soliton and thespin-wave background. It should be noted that the magneticsoliton will lose this character on the ground-state background.It is worth mentioning that the interaction between spin waveand magnetic soliton causes this very interesting phenomenon.
B. Kuznetsov-Ma soliton solution
Under the conditions |μ|>A sksandν=ksm03we obtain
the magnetic Kuznetsov-Ma soliton solution of Eq. ( 2),
which can be proposed as prototypes of hydrodynamic ofrogue waves. This solution is characterized by the followingparameters:
Q=μcoshθ−ζm 03sinhθ−As(kscosφ−ζsinφ),
R=As(kscoshθ+iζsinhθ)−μcosφ+iζm 03sinφ,
where ζ=/radicalbig
μ2−A2sk2s,θ=ζ(x+2m03kst), and φ=μζt.
With the above parameters we see that the main characteristicproperties of magnetic Kuznetsov-Ma soliton solution isspatially aperiodic and temporally periodic, while the solitonpropagates with the velocity −2k
sm03and width 1 /ζ. Similar
to the discussion in the section of Akhmediev breathers thecomponent m
3shows two peaks and one valley in each periodic
distribution, and the connection line of two peaks also rotatesclockwise and the two peaks move with the opposite directionas spin-wave amplitude A
The illustration of magnetic Kuznetsov-Ma soliton is
depicted in Fig. 3. When As=1, the parameter θdepends
only on xwhich implies the envelope velocity becomes zero,
i.e., the soliton is trapped in space by spin wave background.In order to study the asymptotic form of Kuznetsov-Ma solitonwe consider the limitation case x→± ∞ .F r o mE q s .( 2)
and ( 5) we see that the component m
3approaches to
s)m03, while the transverse components denoted by
m+approach to m0+(4A2
s−3)(N1∓iks)/(N1±iks) with
m0+≡m01+im02asx→± ∞ . This result shows that a spin
wave undergoes a phase change 2 arctan [2 Nks/(N2−k2
when it pass across a magnetic soliton. This phase changeof spin wave can affect the propagation velocity of magneticsoliton, which denotes the transfer of spin angular momentumfrom spin wave background to a dynamic soliton called
FIG. 3. Evolution of Kuznetsov-Ma soliton for magnetization
m=(m1,m2,m3)i nE q s .( 2)a n d( 5). This soliton is spatially
aperiodic and temporally periodic, while the component m3shows
two peaks and two valleys in each periodic distribution. Parameters
are given as follows: As=1,ks=1,ν=ks/radicalbig
s,a n dμ=1.3.
magnonic spin-transfer torque [ 43]. We also obtain that the
zero background of m3can be realized by two cases, i.e.,
As=1o r|μ1|=ks/2 with 1 /2/lessorequalslantAs<1, while the magnon
density distribution attains the maximum value 1 at x→± ∞ .
One also finds that the maximum and minimum evolution ofthe component m
3is the same as the propagation direction
of soliton. This feature illustrates the characteristic breatherbehavior of the soliton as it propagates on the background ofa periodic solution of magnetization in ferromagnet.
Different from the magnetic Akhmediev breathers, the
magnetic Kuznetsov-Ma soliton in Eq. ( 2) with the parameters
of Eq. ( 5) expresses the localized periodic magnon exchange,
which takes the temporal periodic evolution. Also, the highmagnon density shows the temporal periodicity along thepropagation direction of soliton.
C. Bright and dark rogue waves
The above discussion shows that the condition |μ|=Asks
forms a critical point that divides the modulation instability
process ( |μ|<A sks) and the periodization process ( |μ|>
Asks). It leads to the different physical behavior of how the
breather character depends strongly on the modulation param-eterμ, as shown in Fig. 4. Two different asymptotic behaviors
are plotted in Fig. 4in the limit processes |μ|→ (A
and (Asks)+under the condition ν=ksm03, respectively.
The former case demonstrates a spatial periodic processof a magnetic soliton forming the petal with four pieces.The spatial separation of adjacent magnetic petals increasesrapidly, while the one valley splits in two and the amplitudeof valley increases gradually as the modulation parameter |μ|
approaches A
sks. The other case shows a localized process of
the spin-wave background. In this case, the temporal separationof adjacent magnetic petals also increases rapidly as themodulation parameter μapproaches ( A
In the limit case of |μ|→Asks, we get the magnetic rogue
wave of Eq. ( 1), where the main parameters are given by
FIG. 4. The asymptotic processes of the magnetic component m3
in the limit processes μ→Asksandν=ks/radicalbig
sin Eq. ( 2). As
μ→Asksthe spatiotemporal separation between adjacent magnetic
petal increases gradually, as shown in (a)–(f), where the parametersareA
s=0.8,ks=1, (a)μ=0.9, (b)μ=0.98, (c) μ=0.9999, (d)
μ=1.2, (e)μ=1.1, and (f) μ=1.0001, respectively.
sks(x+3tksm03)+(P+Q)/2−2, (6)
where the sign ±denotes the limit case μ→±Asks,r e -
spectively. In order to study the asymptotic form of therogue waves in Eqs. ( 2) and ( 6) we consider the case of
x→± ∞ (t→± ∞ ) and x→0(t→0). The component
3approaches to (1 −4A2
s)m03asx→± ∞ (t→± ∞ ) and
m03asx→0(t→0) for the case +, while approaches to m03
asx→± ∞ (t→± ∞ ) and (1 −4A2
for the case −. The transverse components m+approaches
s)a sx→± ∞ (t→± ∞ ) and −m0+as
x→0(t→0) for the case +, while approaches to −m0+as
x→± ∞ (t→± ∞ ) and m0+(3−4A2
s)a sx→0(t→0)
for the case −. The above analysis shows that the case +
expresses the bright rogue wave, while the case −corresponds
to dark rogue wave. The graphical representation of bright anddark rogue waves are shown in Fig. 5.
Especially, when A
s=1 we can get the compact magnetic
rogue waves as follows:
m3=± 8txk3
1, (7)
where F1=1+t2k4
s. The component m3is character-
ized by the antisymmetric distribution of two peaks and twovalleys, as shown in Fig. 4.
The above results show that there exist two processes of
the formation of the magnetic rogue wave: one is the localizedprocess of the spin-wave background, and the other is thereduction process of the periodization of the magnetic brightsoliton. The magnetic rogue wave is exhibited by the strong
FIG. 5. The graphical evolution of rogue waves for the mag-
netization m=(m1,m2,m3)i nE q s .( 2)a n d( 6), i.e., bright rogue
waves (a)–(c) and dark rogue waves (d)–(f). The parameters areA
s,a n dμ=±√
3/2 with the sign
±corresponding to the bright and dark rogue waves, respectively.
temporal and spatial localization of the magnon exchange
and high magnon density. Also, the magnetic rogue wavescan be excited by a small localized perturbation of spin-wavebackground, as shown in Fig. 4.
It should be interesting to discuss how to detect such
breathers and rogue waves in experiment. In spinor Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in optical potentials [ 48–50]
the average of m
3component is measured directly by the
difference numbers of the population between the spin +1 and
−1 Zeeman sublevel. It implies that there exists the temporal
or spatial periodic population of atoms for magnetic breathersolutions, while the atoms take the nonuniform populationfor rogue waves. For the fermionic ferromagnet the currentflow is strongly affected by the orientation of the magneticmoments. Therefore, a periodic change of electrical resistancein magnetic layer may occur for magnetic breathers solutions,while a higher electrical resistance for rogue waves.
In summary, we investigate the dynamics of magnetization
in a ferromagnet excited by the all-magnonic spin-transfertorque with the developed Darboux transformation. As anexample, we obtain the exact expressions of Akhmedievbreathers solution, Kuznetsov-Ma soliton, and rogue waves.We also obtain the critical condition between the modulationinstability process, the periodization process, and magneticstates. These results can be useful for the exploration ofnonlinear excitation in Bosonic and fermionic ferromagnet.
We are grateful to Professor Lu Li and Biao Wu for his
helpful discussions. This work was supported by the KeyProject of Scientific and Technological Research in HebeiProvince, China (Grant No. ZD2015133), and the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11304270).
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PhysRevB.87.054437.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054437 (2013)
Dynamics of laser-induced spin reorientation in Co/SmFeO 3heterostructure
L. Le Guyader,*A. Kleibert, and F. Nolting
Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 PSI-Villigen, Switzerland
L. Joly
IPCMS, 23 rue du Loess, BP 43 F-67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
P. M. Derlet
Condensed Matter Theory Group, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
R. V . Pisarev
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia
A. Kirilyuk, Th. Rasing, and A. V . Kimel
Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Molecules and Materials, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands5
(Received 5 November 2012; published 28 February 2013)
Ultrafast control of a ferromagnet (FM) via exchange coupling with an antiferromagnet (AFM) is demonstrated
in a Co/SmFeO 3heterostructure. Employing time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy combined with
x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, a sub-100-ps change of the Co spins orientation by up to 10◦driven by the
ultrafast heating of the SmFeO 3orthoferrite substrate through its spin reorientation phase transition is revealed.
Numerical modeling of the ultrafast-laser-induced heat profile in the heterostructure, and the subsequent coupledspins dynamics and equilibration of the spin systems suggest that the localized laser-induced spin reorientation ishindered compared with the static case. Moreover, numerical simulations show that a relatively small Co/SmFeO
exchange interaction could be sufficient to induce a complete and fast spin reorientation transition (SRT).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.054437 PACS number(s): 75 .30.Kz, 75 .50.Ee, 75 .70.Cn, 75 .78.Jp
Ultrafast control of the magnetization of thin films using
femtosecond laser pulses has attracted remarkable interestin the last fifteen years. Beginning with the report of anunexpected ultrafast demagnetization in a nickel thin filmin 1996,
1the research on ultrafast magnetization dynamics
quickly developed. While the proper microscopic description
of ultrafast demagnetization is still intensely debated,2novel
laser-induced magnetic phenomena have been discoveredduring these years in a large variety of materials rangingfrom ferromagnets (FMs) to antiferromagnets (AFMs) andfrom metals to insulators.
3While most of these studies
where conducted in single-phase materials, exchange-coupledFM/AFM heterostructures are particularly interesting since
novel material properties can there be engineered. Funda-
mentally, FM and AFM materials display very differentmagnetic properties.
4For example, in the quasistatic regime,
FM materials react to moderate magnetic fields of the order oftheir anisotropy field H
A≈1 T while, on the other hand, AFM
materials are largely insensitive to magnetic fields up to thespin-flop transition. Combining these two types of materials in
FM/AFM heterostructures offers the possibility of enhancing
the magnetic anisotropy of the FM layer and creating a shiftedhysteresis loop via the exchange bias effect, with numerousapplications in spin-valve devices.
5,6In the dynamic regime,
FM materials display a rather slow magnetic response given bytheir ferromagnetic resonance frequency ω≈γH
Aof a few
GHz, while AFM materials have a much faster response thanks
to their higher antiferromagnetic resonance frequency ω≈
γ√HexHAof several hundreds of GHz. This advantage hasbeen recently employed to trigger ultrafast spin dynamics and
spin reorientation in antiferromagnets.7–10Combining these
two different classes of materials in a FM/AFM heterostructurecould thus produce a composite material with novel dynamicalproperties.
While there is plenty of literature on the static properties
of such FM/AFM systems, their dynamical behaviours areoften not considered. In particular, the possibility of speedingup the slow FM dynamics via coupling to the fast AFMdynamics seems to be very intriguing. Among the few studiesthat investigated this question, most of them considered thepossibility of modifying the exchange bias with an opticalpulse, such as in NiFe/NiO by Ju et al. ,
11–13in NiFe/FeMn by
Weber et al. ,14,15and in Co/IrMn by Dalla Longa et al.16,17In
all these cases, a reduction of the exchange bias within a fewpicoseconds followed by a few 100 ps recovery is reported.This sudden change of the exchange field and, in turn, theeffective field, triggers damped spin precessions in the FMlayer which are measured optically via the magneto-opticalKerr effect and which correspond to the relaxation of theFM spins towards the newly created equilibrium. While inprinciple, a sudden quenching of the exchange bias field could
lead to a magnetization reversal (see Fig. 1of Ref. 17), only
weak effects of a few percent magnetization changes haveso far been reported. Moreover, these triggered dynamics inthe FM are of ferromagnetic nature since the AFM layeris used to pin the FM material and suddenly depin it uponlaser excitation. By using stronger laser pulses, it is possibleto bring the sample around its blocking temperature wherechanges in the AFM at the interface can be seen.
the triggered FM dynamics in this case are again small in
054437-1 1098-0121/2013/87(5)/054437(11) ©2013 American Physical SocietyL. LE GUY ADER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054437 (2013)
0.0 differenceXMCD
acX−rays // c−axis X−rays // a−axist = −0.4 ns t = +1.1 ns(b)(a)
average t >0-t<0
FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Sketch of various layers and orientation
of sample with respect to x-rays and laser-pulse propagation direction.
The in-plane magnetization angle θCoof the Co film is given with
respect to the SmFeO 3caxis. (b) Time-resolved XMCD asymmetry
images at the Co L3edge taken at two different time delays before
(t=− 0.4 ns) and after ( t=+ 1.1 ns) the laser-pulse time overlap,
as well as the averaged difference between images at positive (t >0)
and negative (t <0) time delays of the measured sequences, for x-rays
propagating along the aand the caxis of the underlying SmFeO 3
single crystal. In all images, the scale bars are 20 μm long. The gray
level values in the XMCD and difference images are given by the gray
scales, respectively. The pump pulse was at λ=800 nm wavelength
with a pulse length equal to τ=50 fs and fluence of F=10 mJ/cm2.
amplitude and show slow relaxations by spin precessions
towards the new equilibrium.
The question of whether or not it is possible to drive a
FM at the speed of an AFM in a heterostructure cannot beaddressed in those systems where the only possible action ofthe laser pulse is to reduce the coupling between the layers.This question can, however, be addressed in the Co/SmFeO
heterostructure where the quasistatic 90◦spin reorientation
transition (SRT) in the rare-earth orthoferrite substrate inducesa coupled SRT in the Co overlayer as demonstrated in Ref. 20.
This coupled SRT in the Co overlayer indicates that theexchange coupling between the layers is preserved across the15 K temperature range in which this SRT occurs.
In this paper we show that ultrafast laser heating of an
orthoferrite substrate through its SRT results in an inducedsub-100-ps spin reorientation of the exchange-coupled Cooverlayer, this time limit being determined by the timeresolution of the experiment. The amplitude of the observedexchange-induced spin reorientation in the Co layer is,however, limited to about 10
◦in contrast to the 90◦observed
in the static case in this system. Different possible scenariosto explain this discrepancy were thus investigated. Effectsfrom the inhomogeneous heating of the different layers bythe laser pulse could be ruled out by numerical modelingof the laser-induced heat profile in the multilayer and byexperiments at different laser pump wavelengths. The effecton the SRT of the formation of an exchange spring in theorthoferrite substrate between the hot surface and the coldbulk was investigated numerically and found to be significantbut also to be overcome with higher pump fluence. Finally,the coupled dynamics of the orthoferrite and cobalt spins weresimulated by numerical integration of a coupled pendulumequation and Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation and found tobe in good agreement with the experiments at the condition ofa limited reorientation in the orthoferrite substrate. All theseconsiderations suggest that the laser-induced dynamics in theorthoferrite itself is more complex than anticipated.
The paper is organized as follows: Section IIis devoted
to the description of the sample and of the experiments. InSec. III, the obtained results are presented. In Sec. IV,t h e
different simulations undertaken are described and consists ofthe modeling of the laser-heating profile in the multilayer inSec. IV A , of the calculation of the transient quasi-equilibrium
state of the heated sample in Sec. IV B , and finally of the
simulation of the triggered exchange dynamics in Sec. IV C .
Conclusions are presented in Sec. V.
The sample consists of a 2 nm magnetron sputtered Co
film deposited on the [010]-oriented surface of a 1-mm-thickSmFeO
3single crystal substrate and capped with 1 nm
Pt and is the same sample as in Ref. 20. The rare-earth
orthoferrite SmFeO 3is aG-type canted antiferromagnet with
an orthorhombically distorted perovskite structure.21The
Fe moments of this compound order antiferromagneticallybelow 673 K, with the spins aligned along the aaxis of
the crystal. Due to the Dzialoshinsky-Moria antisymmetricexchange interaction, the Fe spins are slightly canted by asmall angle of 8 .2×10
−3rad, producing a net magnetization
moment.22Due to this spin canting, the antiferromagnetic
resonance splits in two modes without any applied magneticfield, resulting in a quasiferromagnetic mode at 270 GHz anda quasi-antiferromagnetic mode at 550 GHz, both at roomtemperature.
23The Sm moments remain unordered down to
5 K, below which they order antiferromagnetically with theFe moments and induce a magnetization reversal.
24As the
temperature is lowered from the N ´eel temperature, the Sm
ions become increasingly polarized, resulting in a stronglytemperature-dependent magnetic anisotropy for the Fe ions.This interaction between the Fe and Sm sublattices induces asecond-order spontaneous spin reorientation transition (SRT),from above 495 K with the Fe spins aligned along the aaxis
and the net magnetization along the caxis to under 480 K with
the Fe spins aligned along the caxis and the net magnetization
along the aaxis. The canting of the spins remains largely
constant during the SRT.
22Recently, it has been reported that
SmFeO 3is also a room-temperature improper ferroelectric
and thus a multiferroic material, with a small ferroelectric
polarization along the baxis induced mostly by the inverse
Dzialoshinsky-Moria exchange interaction.24Considering that
this ferroelectric polarization is induced by the magnetic order,and that its magnitude and direction does not change acrossthe SRT, one can infer that its influence on the laser-inducedspin dynamics investigated here should be negligible.
The 2 nm Co film sputtered on top of the SmFeO
strate is polycrystalline with a hexagonal-close-packed (hcp)structure
25and couples ferromagnetically via an exchange
interaction to the net moment of the SmFeO 3substrate. Thus,
it displays the same SRT as the orthoferrite, i.e., a spontaneousreorientation of the Co moments from the substrate aaxis at
low temperature to the caxis at high temperature.
20Note that
a magnetic dipolar coupling between the Co moments and thesmall SmFeO
3moments can be excluded since the observation
of the induced Co SRT is very sensitive to the orthoferritesurface preparation. A change of magnetic anisotropy of theCo film induced by magnetostriction from the substrate canalso be ruled out as the main coupling mechanism. Whilethere is a small crystal elongation along the caxis and
contraction along the aandbaxes of /Delta1l/l≈10
heating through the SRT,26the Co film with hcp structure
displays a negative longitudinal magnetostriction,27–29the
effect of which counteracts the Co SRT instead of producingit. On the other hand, since a complete Co SRT is observed inthis sample via slow heating, the magnetostriction is thereforenegligible compared with the exchange coupling between thelayers.
To image the magnetic domain configuration of the Co film,
the Elmitec photoemission electron microscope (PEEM) at theSurface/Interface: Microscopy (SIM) beamline
30at the Swiss
Light Source (SLS) was used. Employing the x-ray magneticcircular dichroism (XMCD) effect at the Co L
3edge at 778 eV ,
a quantitative determination of the Co spin orientation anglecan be derived. The intensity of a PEEM image of a magneticsample recorded with circularly polarized x-rays is a spatiallyresolved measure of the total electron yield and can be writtenin the form of
Iσ±=I0(1+αM·L±), (1)
where I0is the image intensity, αaccounts for the magnitude
of the XMCD effect, Mis the magnetization vector, and L±
is the x-ray polarization vector. An XMCD asymmetry image
is obtained by a pixel-wise computation of IXMCD=(Iσ+−
Iσ−)/(Iσ++Iσ−) which simplifies to IXMCD=αMcos(β)
where βis the angle between the magnetization vector and
the x-ray polarization vector. This XMCD asymmetry imagecontains only normalized magnetic contrast information andtypically shows white or black regions which are magnetic do-mains with magnetizations of opposite directions with respectto the x-ray propagation vector. Assuming that the magnitudeof the Co magnetization does not change significantly aroundthe spin reorientation transition because of its much higherCurie temperature, a derivation of the Co magnetization angleis possible. It is convenient to choose the orthoferrite substratecaxis as a reference axis for measuring angles, as shown in
Fig. 1(a). The XMCD asymmetry image intensity becomes
XMCD=αMcos(θc−Xc), where θcis the angle of the Co
magnetization MandXcis the angle of the x-ray direction.
Defining the magnetic contrast ξas the difference between theXMCD asymmetry value for white and black domains, the Co
magnetization angle θccan be calculated via
+Xc, (2)
where the quantity 2 αM=0.32 is a normalization constant
which is determined experimentally from measurements of themagnetic contrast ξbelow the SRT in which case θ
cis known.
Time-resolved measurements of the Co magnetization
configuration were performed by taking advantage of thepulsed nature of the x-rays produced by the SLS synchrotronvia the gating of the detection in synchronization to an isolatedx-ray pulse present in the gap of the filling pattern of thestorage ring. This scheme, presented in detail in Ref. 32,a l l o w s
stroboscopic pump-probe imaging of the sample with a timeresolution determined by the 70 ps full width at half maximum(FWHM) temporal x-ray pulse length. To investigate the effectof the laser-induced heat profile on the achieved amount of spinreorientation, the wavelength of the pump laser was varied. For
experiments with λ=800 nm or 400 nm laser wavelength,
an XL-500 oscillator from Femtolasers Produktions GmbHwas used, producing a τ=50 fs laser pulse with 500 nJ
per pulse at a 5.2 MHz repetition rate. This repetition rate isthen reduced by a Pockels cell in combination with a crossedpolarizer to match the 1.04 MHz repetition rate of the isolatedx-ray probe pulses. The 400 nm pump was then obtainedfrom the 800 nm fundamental wavelength by doubling with aβ-barium-borate crystal with a conversion efficiency of 20%.
The 532 nm wavelength, τ=10-ps-long pump was produced
by a Duetto laser system from Time-Bandwidth Products AGwith a maximum energy per pulse of 120 nJ used in theexperiments. In all cases, the linearly p-polarized laser pumppulses were focused on the sample at a grazing incidence of16
◦as shown in Fig. 1(a) to a spot size of about 30 ×100μm2
FWHM. The time overlap ( t=0) between the laser and
the x-ray pulse is unambiguously determined to better than±15 ps by the sudden space charging
33,34which is induced
by the laser pump pulse and which reduces significantly theamount of photoemitted electrons collected by the microscope.Finally, the sample can be heated via a resistive heater and thetemperature measured with a thermocouple attached to thesample holder.
In order to study the Co spin dynamics in a Co/SmFeO 3
heterostructure upon heating the orthoferrite substrate throughits SRT with a laser pulse, element-specific stroboscopic time-resolved XMCD PEEM measurements were conducted. Theobtained time-resolved XMCD asymmetry images at the CoL
3edge taken at two different time delays before ( t=− 0.4n s )
and after ( t=+ 1.1 ns) the laser pulse, and for x-rays propagat-
ing along the aandcaxis of the underlying SmFeO 3substrate,
are shown in Fig. 1(b). In these images, the Co magnetic
domain configuration with typical sizes of the order of fewmicrometers can be seen. It must be noted that the sampleposition is different between the experiments with x-rays alongtheaandcaxis and therefore the magnetic domains do not
correlate between these two sets of images. In both cases, thetemperature of the sample was adjusted by resistive heating
054437-3L. LE GUY ADER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054437 (2013)
such that before the laser pulse, the Co/SmFeO 3heterostruc-
ture is already within the SRT temperature range. This explainswhy unsaturated magnetic domains are visible for x-rays prop-agating both along the aandcaxis of the underlying SmFeO
substrate. It should be noted that a starting point within the SRT
temperature range is a necessary requirement for this strobo-scopic pump-probe measurement, since in principle, this SRTcan occur via two equivalent routes as the net orthoferrite mo-ment can reorient in opposite direction from the aaxis towards
thecaxis (i.e., +cor−c). Applying an in-plane magnetic
field would break this equivalence of the reorientation routes.However, this would possibly alter the measured dynamics andsubstantially deviate the photoemitted electrons away from themicroscope, rendering the measurement difficult. A more ele-gant approach would be to use circularly polarized laser pumppulses to break this equivalence of the two reorientation routesvia the inverse Faraday effect as recently demonstrated.
This, unfortunately, seems to be inefficient at the grazingincidence used in our setup. Instead, the equivalence betweenthe two reorientation routes is broken here by heating thesubstrate within its SRT temperature range such that before thelaser pulse, the coupled orthoferrite and Co SRT has alreadystarted. By comparing in both cases the domain configurationand magnetic contrast ξbefore ( t=− 0.4 ns) and after
(t=+ 1.1 ns) the laser pulse in Fig. 1(b), it is evident that the
domain configuration does not change, as expected, but alsothat the change in magnetic contrast within a domain is small.
To highlight this laser-induced change, an averaged image
difference is computed, where from the sequences of time-resolved XMCD images measured at different time delays, theimages taken after the laser pulse t
>0are counted as positive
and the images taken before the laser pulse t<0are counted as
negative. In such difference images, as shown in Fig. 1(b),a
region where the magnetic domain structures are again visiblecan be seen. The shape of this region is an elongated ellipsewhich is the signature of the focused laser beam impinging atgrazing incidence on the sample surface. Note that, dependingon the field of view used, the orientation of this ellipse is seenwith a different orientation direction in the image frame. Whatis visible within the laser spot in the difference image thuscorresponds to a localized change of magnetic contrast inducedby the ultrafast laser pulse. By convention, the white colorcorresponds to positive values and the black color to negativevalues of I
XMCD . In the case of x-rays propagating along the a
axis, the magnetic contrast displayed before the time overlapand in the difference image are opposite in sign since whatappears as white domains, i.e., positive values, in the XMCDasymmetry image before the laser overlap turns into blackdomains, i.e., negative values, in the difference image. Thismeans that the magnetic contrast is reduced after the laserheat pulse. On the contrary, in the case of x-rays along the c
axis, the magnetic contrast has the same sign before and in thedifference images, meaning an increase of contrast after thelaser heat pulse. This increase of contrast along the caxis and
decrease of contrast along the aaxis are better visualized in
Fig. 2where the magnetic contrast ξmeasured for domains
inside the laser spot are shown as a function of the time delayafter the laser pump pulse. Here again, a clear reduction ofmagnetic contrast along the aaxis and increase along the c
axis is observed. While in principle the reduction of magneticFIG. 2. (Color online) Magnetic contrast ξmeasured at Co
L3edge for x-rays propagating along the aandcaxes of the
underlying SmFeO 3single crystal. The pump pulse was at λ=
800 nm wavelength with τ=50 fs pulse length and a F=10 mJ/cm2
contrast along the aaxis could be qualitatively explained by
various effects other than a coupled SRT, the observation of anincreased magnetic contrast for x-rays along the caxis permits
us to exclude them. Therefore, what is shown in Fig. 2is not
related with a partial demagnetization of the Co film by heatingtowards its Curie temperature as well as a decoupling betweenthe Co and the SmFeO
3spins since, for these two effects,
the same reduction of contrast would be observed with x-rayspropagating along the aandcaxes. This increase of contrast
along the caxis and reduction along the aaxis is thus a clear
signature of a spin reorientation in the Co film triggered by alaser pulse absorbed in the SmFeO
Assuming now that the only source of change in the
magnetic contrast arises from the reorientation of the Co spins,it is then possible to use Eq. (2)to derive the Co spin angle θ
from the orthoferrite caxis as defined in Fig. 1(a).T h eC os p i n
angle change /Delta1θCo=θCo(t)−θCo(t<0) induced by the laser
from the negative time delay orientation is shown in Fig. 3.A
sudden change of the Co spin angle is seen right after the laseroverlap and corresponds to an alignment of the Co spins furtheralong the SmFeO
3caxis in both measurements. Apart from
the different amplitudes of reorientation in these two differentmeasurements which are related to different experimentalconditions, the Co spin dynamics is very similar in both casesand could be described as an overdamped spin precessionaround a new equilibrium. Together with the experimentaldata, the calculated response from the simulated coupled spindynamics derived in Sec. IV C is shown as a continuous line
where the simulated Co spin dynamics has been projectedon the x-ray wave vector and convoluted by the x-ray pulselength of 70 ps. The similarity between the measured and thecalculated reorientation indicates that the observed dynamicsoccurs within 100 ps. The amplitude of the Co reorientationobtained is, however, much smaller than the observed 90
the static case.20
To verify whether this initial quick and small-amplitude
response of the Co spins is further followed by a larger andslower reorientation dynamics, measurements at a longer timescale were performed as well and the results are shown in Fig. 4
FIG. 3. (Color online) Co spin reorientation observed with x-rays
propagating along the aandcaxes of the underlying SmFeO 3single
crystal. The pump pulse was at λ=800 nm wavelength with τ=
50 fs pulse length and a F=10 mJ/cm2fluence. The dots correspond
to the measurement points and the lines to a simulated coupled-spin
dynamics response convoluted by the temporal length of the x-ray
for delays up to 15 ns. Here, only a slow relaxation towards the
initial orientation of the Co film is visible and is compatiblewith a slow cooling down of the SmFeO
3substrate, inducing
a coherent rotation of the SmFeO 3and Co spins together back
to the initial state before the laser pulse. Thus, there is noindication of a larger SRT occurring at longer time delays.
In order to investigate the effect of different levels of
absorption of the pump laser pulse in the SmFeO
experiments with different pump wavelengths were performed.The results shown in Fig. 5represent the maximum amount
of spin reorientation observed in the Co film that couldbe reached for each situation. Here again, despite a visibleimprovement for the case of 400 nm pump wavelength, theobserved reorientation remains small compared to the 90
obtained in the static case.20
Finally, time-resolved measurements performed as a func-
tion of the sample base temperature are shown in Fig. 6while
the laser fluence was kept constant. As the thermocouple with
FIG. 4. (Color online) Time-resolved Co spin reorientation ob-
served with x-rays propagating along the caxis for time delays up to
15 ns. The pump pulse was at λ=800 nm wavelength with τ=50 fs
pulse length and a F=10 mJ/cm2fluence.FIG. 5. (Color online) Time-resolved Co spin reorientation mea-
sured with x-rays propagating along the caxis as a function of the
laser wavelength.
which the sample temperature is measured is at a certain
distance from the imaged region, the temperature measuredis somewhat lower than the actual sample temperature. Onecan see that, starting closer to the end of the SRT at 383 K, theonly laser-induced effect visible is a reduction of the magneticcontrast. As the x-rays are propagating along the caxis, this
would translate in this geometry into a short-lived increase ofthe Co spin angle which would therefore go against the SRT.As the average temperature of the sample decreases, thelaser-induced effect changes slowly to a longer-lived increaseof magnetic contrast, i.e., a reduction of the Co spin angle as theSRT would produce. The short-lived effect is thus interpretedas a Co partial demagnetization which appears on top of theSRT, indicating that the laser-induced heating is significant.
The experimental findings regarding the Co spin dynamics
subsequent to an ultrafast heating of the Co/SmFeO
erostructure can be summarized as follows: First of all, asub-100-ps reorientation of the Co spins takes place, followedby a slow relaxation back to the initial state. The absence ofadditional long-term dynamics apart from the relaxation meansthat the substrate has reached a transient quasi-equilibriumstate within this 100 ps. In all the experiments, the amount of
FIG. 6. (Color online) Time-resolved Co XMCD contrast mea-
sured with x-rays propagating along the caxis as a function of the base
temperature T0of the sample. The pump pulse was at λ=532 nm
wavelength with τ=10 ps pulse length and a F=3m J/cm2fluence.
054437-5L. LE GUY ADER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054437 (2013)
reorientation achieved was significantly smaller than the 90◦
obtained in the static case, while the laser fluences used were
enough to induce a transient partial demagnetization of the Cofilm.
To better understand our experimental observations and the
physics that they contain, detailed simulations were carriedout. These simulations are divided in three different parts,which will be presented in the next sections. First of all,it is necessary to calculate the heat profile created in thesample by the absorption of the pump laser pulse in thevarious layers. After this, the transient quasi-equilibrium stateof the inhomogeneously heated sample is determined. Finally,a simplified dynamics of an exchange-coupled Co-orthoferritesystem is investigated.
A. Laser-induced heat profile
The laser intensity inside the Pt/Co/SmFeO 3multilayer
was calculated using a matrix formalism of light scatteringat the different interfaces and of light propagation inside thelayers based on Abeles’s formulas.
36From this laser intensity,
the differential absorbance dA(y) at any given depth yfrom
the sample surface can be derived [see Eq. (46) of Ref. 36]. The
inhomogeneous temperature change induced by the absorptionof the laser-pulse energy is then determined by the heatdiffusion equation:
∂t−k∇2T(y,t)=I(t)dA(y), (3)
where ρis the density, Cpis the heat capacity, and kis the heat
diffusion of the materials and all are a function of the depth y
within the sample, and I(t) is the time-dependent incoming
laser intensity at the center of the laser spot. Neglectingany heat-diffusion effects, i.e., k=0 for all depths y,t h e
temperature increase due to laser absorption is simply givenby/Delta1T(y)=FdA(y)/(ρC
p), where Fis the incoming laser
fluence. The values for the material parameters used aregiven in Table I. Three different cases have been simulated,
corresponding to the three different laser wavelengths availablein the experiments. The laser fluence used in these simulationshas been adjusted for each wavelength such that the temper-ature increase at the surface of the SmFeO
3crystal is always
16 K, which should be sufficient to induce a complete SRT.These laser fluences are F=0.35 mJ/cm
2forλ=400 nm,
F=3.20 mJ/cm2forλ=532 nm, and F=392 mJ /cm2for
λ=800 nm. Comparing these values with those used in the
experiments shows that the fluence was around 10 times higherFIG. 7. (Color online) Heat profiles corresponding to a tempera-
ture increase of /Delta1T=16 K at the SmFeO 3surface for different laser
wavelengths. The incident laser fluences used in the calculations
wereF=0.35 mJ /cm2forλ=400 nm, F=3.20 mJ /cm2for
λ=532 nm, and F=392 mJ /cm2forλ=800 nm. The heat profiles
for the experimental fluences of F=2m J/cm2forλ=400 nm,
F=3m J/cm2forλ=532 nm, and F=10 mJ/cm2forλ=800 nm
are shown in the inset.
for 400 nm wavelength, about the same for 532 nm wavelength,
and 40 times lower for 800 nm wavelength than the fluencerequired in the simulation to obtain a /Delta1T=16 K temperature
increase at the SmFeO
3surface. Shown in Fig. 7are the heat
profiles obtained from these simulations as a function of thedepthyfrom the sample surface.
Starting with the 800-nm-wavelength case, the calculation
in Fig. 7shows that, due to the low absorption of the
orthoferrite at this wavelength,38the fluence required to obtain
the proper temperature increase at the SmFeO 3surface in order
to induce the full SRT is very high and brings the Co filmway above its Curie temperature and even possibly destroysit. Since the ratio between the temperature increase in theCo film and at the SmFeO
3surface is independent of the
incoming laser intensity, it is easy to calculate the maximumSRT achievable without completely demagnetizing the Cofilm. With a Co film heated to less than 10
3K, the SmFeO 3
surface is heated to less than 0.16 K. Considering that a 90◦
SRT occurs within a 10 K temperature change, this leadsto a maximum expected effect of about 1
◦. It is thus clear
that this large heat difference between the Co film and theSmFeO
3surface is a limiting factor in achieving a 90◦SRT
with a λ=800 nm laser pump wavelength, which is a direct
consequence of the low absorption in the orthoferrite at thiswavelength.
TABLE I. Parameters used in the simulations for the layer thickness d, density ρ, heat capacity Cp, and complex refractive index ˜nfor the
different wavelength λof the different materials constituting the sample.
dρ C p ˜n
(nm) (103kg m−3)( J k g−1K−1) λ=400 nm λ=532 nm λ=800 nm
Pt 1 21.45 130 1 .718+2.84i 2.074+3.63i 2.839+4.95i
Co 2 8.90 420 1 .455+3.00i 2.209+3.9i 3.618+4.71i
SmFeO 3 ∞ 7.26 453 2 .5+0.7i 2.4+0.1i 2.3+0.0013i
To overcome this limitation, it is necessary to change
the laser wavelength to higher photon energy for which theSmFeO
3absorption is increased. The resulting heat profiles
obtained with 532 nm and 400 nm are shown in Fig. 7and
indeed display an increasingly more balanced heat distributionbetween the various layers as the photon energy is increased.For these wavelengths, it is then possible to heat the SmFeO
such that a complete SRT is obtained while the Co overlayerstays well below the Curie temperature. While measurementswith 400 nm clearly show an improvement in the amplitudeof Co spin reorientation obtained, as shown in Fig. 5,i t
is still far from being complete. As the absorption in theSmFeO
3increases, the penetration depth of the laser pulse also
decreases, leading to more surface rather than bulk heating ofthe SmFeO
3. As shown in Fig. 7, in the case of the 400 nm
pump wavelength, the temperature change drops within fewtens of nanometers. One could therefore expect that the heatedspins at the SmFeO
3surface are pinned by the cold bulk,
forming an exchange spring inside the crystal which couldseverely hinder the 90
◦SRT. It is thus necessary to calculate
the spin configuration in the SmFeO 3for the case of an
inhomogeneous heating created by the absorbed laser pumppulse.
B. Transient state
Simulation of the spin dynamics induced by the laser-pulse
energy absorbed in the SmFeO 3substrate is not a trivial
task since, to the best of our knowledge, no micromagneticsimulation code for inhomogeneously excited antiferromagnethas been demonstrated so far. While neglecting the actualdynamical nature of the spin reorientation, the equilibriumconfiguration that the spin would eventually reach, if the heatprofile induced by the laser were permanent, is a much simplerproblem. At the same time, such simulations would givesome insights into the maximum amount of spin reorientationthat can be reached given a certain laser-heat-induced profile.The actual equilibrium spin configuration is mainly the resultof two competing energy terms, which are the temperature-dependent magnetic anisotropy energy, responsible for theactual SRT, and the exchange energy, which should prevent thereorientation to occur due to the coupling with the unheatedcold bulk.
For the modeling, we neglect any other energy contributions
as well as the Gaussian laser profile in the xzplane, resulting
in an effective one-dimensional problem, which is the depthywithin the crystal. In addition, we neglect any effect due
to the coupling with the Co layer. We neglect any heatdiffusion as well. This means that the spins have enoughtime to fully reorient to the new equilibrium configuration.
All these approximations should maximize the amount of spin
reorientation obtained and thus allow us to calculate its upperlimit within these approximations.
In SmFeO
3, the anisotropy energy Eacan be written as39
−∞[K2(T)s i n2(θ)+K4sin4(θ)]dy, (4)
where K2(T) is the second-order anisotropy constant, which
varies linearly with the temperature in the SRT region, K4
is the fourth-order anisotropy constant, which is independentFIG. 8. (Color online) Anisotropy constant K2andK4and
SmFeO 3magnetization angle θwith respect to the caxis as function
of the temperature within the SRT.
of the temperature in the SRT region, and θ(y) is the angle
between the small SmFeO 3magnetization and the caxis
at the depth yfrom the SmFeO 3surface. By minimizing
the anisotropy energy with respect to θ, one derives the
equilibrium orientation of the magnetization as function ofthe temperature for an homogeneously heated sample. Thisgives the SRT shown in Fig. 8, based on the values for K
andK4reported in the literature.40
In the case of inhomogeneous heating, the equilibrium con-
figuration arising from the anisotropy term becomes positiondependent and thus competes with the exchange energy termE
ex, which can be written as
dy, (5)
where the exchange stiffness constant A=nJm2
10−11Jm−1in which n=4 is the number of Fe ions per
unit cell, b=0.5592 nm is the lattice constant along the
0is estimated via the mean-field relation
0=3kbTNwhere z=6 is the coordination number,
TN=674 K is the N ´eel temperature of the orthoferrite, and
kb=1.381×10−23JK−1is the Boltzmann constant, giving
Considering only the anisotropy and exchange energy, the
thermodynamical potential is
+K2(T)s i n2(θ)+K4sin4(θ)/bracketrightbigg
Euler’s equation of the variational problem of this func-
tional is given by39
Acos(θ)s i n (θ)+2K4
Acos(θ)s i n3(θ). (7)
Solving Eq. (7)numerically in the case of shallow energy
landscape which occurs during the SRT is not trivial andleads to numerical instabilities with the usual approach of theinitial-value problem when θandθ
/primeaty=− ∞ are given. An
alternative procedure is to solve the equation as a boundary
054437-7L. LE GUY ADER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054437 (2013)
FIG. 9. (Color online) Amount of spin reorientation /Delta1θobtained
at the SmFeO 3surface as function of the light-penetration depth δ
for two different surface temperature changes /Delta1T. The vertical lines
indicate the SmFeO 3penetration depth for the indicated wavelengths.
value problem where θ(−∞ ) andθ(0) are given and then to
search for the resolved spin configuration minimizing the totalenergy as function of θ(0).
42In those calculations, the laser
heating is described by T(y)=T0+/Delta1T eαy, where T0is the
SmFeO 3temperature without laser heating, /Delta1T is the laser-
induced temperature change at the surface, and α=4πκ/λ
is the optical absorption of the SmFeO 3in which κis the
extinction coefficient from the complex index of refraction
˜n=n+ik. Given a certain laser-induced temperature change
/Delta1T at the surface, the amount of spin reorientation /Delta1θas
a function of the light penetration depth δ=1/αcan be
calculated and is shown in Fig. 9for two different temperature
induced changes. In addition, the amount of spin reorientation/Delta1θas a function of depth from the SmFeO
3surface for the
large temperature increase of /Delta1T=80 K is shown in Fig. 10.
At very low absorption, such as when λ=800 nm, the
penetration depth of the light is long enough to induce aquasihomogeneous heating such that no limitation of theamplitude of the spin reorientation from the exchange springformation is to be expected. The limiting factor in this caseis only the unbalanced heating between the Co film and theSmFeO
3substrate, as demonstrated in the previous section.
FIG. 10. (Color online) Spin reorientation /Delta1θ as function of
depth from the surface for different wavelengths in the case of a
surface temperature change /Delta1T=80 K.At the opposite case of strong absorption, which corre-
sponds to experiments with λ=400 nm wavelength, the
achievable SRT is found to be limited by the formation ofan exchange spring with the cold bulk. Increasing the laserfluence, i.e., the temperature change at the SmFeO
/Delta1T, partly overcomes this pinning effect by heating deeper
into the sample. However, a five-times increase of the laserfluence still leads to exchange spring effects, as shown by the70
◦reorientation obtained in this case. This is better visualized
in the reorientation profile in Fig. 10where this 70◦occurs only
within the first 100 nm of the single crystal. Nevertheless, thisachievable reorientation is much larger than what has beenobserved in the experiments shown in Fig. 5.
At intermediate absorption corresponding to experiments
realized with 532 nm wavelength, a large spin reorientationcan be expected even for moderate heating, and completereorientation should be achieved for stronger heating. Thisfinding is somewhat in conflict with the results shown in Fig. 6
where large heating effects are demonstrated by the transientdemagnetization observed for base temperature at the end ofthe SRT, while small reorientation is observed when coolingdown through the SRT.
The comparison of these calculations with the experiments
strongly suggests that there must be another effect takingplace which prevent the orthoferrite to fully reorient after laserheating. It should be noted that in fact a 90
spin reorientation in any rare-earth orthoferrite has not yetbeen experimentally demonstrated. The few studies done showa maximum 20
◦reorientation.35,43–45It seems that ultrafast
laser heating is not equivalent to slow heating. Such an effecthas been reported in another system has well,
46where it
was suggested that the laser pulse brings the system intoa metastable state not accessible otherwise. While furtherexperiments would be required to unveil this possible transientmetastable state, it is nevertheless interesting to investigate thepossible coupled-spin dynamics that could occur with a 90
C. Coupled-spin dynamics
To study how a thin film of cobalt might react to the spin
dynamics of the underlying orthoferrite substrate, a numberof simplifying assumptions are made. It is assumed that theCo moment interacts directly with the Fe moments via anearest-neighbor ferromagnetic exchange mechanism, and theexchange field that the Co moments see is derived from thenet magnetization of bulk orthoferrite—thus the orthoferrite is
treated as an external field that is not affected by the presenceof the cobalt and the associated interface geometry. Theinteraction term is, therefore,
Co,exchange =1
2Jcmc·m. (8)
In the above, mandmcare the total magnetic moments per
unit cell of the orthoferrite and the cobalt, respectively, and Jc
is their exchange interaction parameter. The factor of one half
arises from the Co moment interacting with only two of thefour sublattice magnetizations of the orthoferrite. Finally, therigid moment approximation is considered for the Co systemand thus spatial fluctuations in the magnetic moment within
the Co layer are also not considered. These simplifications,
whilst severe, make the problem theoretically tractable.
The Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation for the Co
moment is
where γis the gyromagnetic ratio and αcis an empirical
damping parameter for Co. Here the time-dependent effectivefield is
2Jcm(t), (10)
where the temporal evolution of the orthoferrite magnetization
m(t) is entirely determined by the evolution of the orthoferrite
AFM moment l(t)v i a
2Jl(t)×D. (11)
In the above, Jis the exchange interaction parameter and
Dis the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction vector parameter
for the orthoferrite. Equation (11) embodies the “slave”
approximation to the magnetization45,47in which the anti-
ferromagnetic moment dynamics is well approximated viadamped harmonic motion—the so-called pendulum approach.
A derivation for the present context is given as supplementarymaterial,
48which gives l(t) as a solution to a nonlinear damped
harmonic oscillator [Eq. (22) in Ref. 48]. Equation (11) is an
approximation to Eq. (19) in Ref. 48, which ignores the effect
of the precessional dynamics of the AFM moment on thetotal moment. For the present system, this was found to bevalid.
To include the expected thin film demagnetization field,
an anisotropy term is added to the magnetic energy ofthe form
SA=KSA[1−(ˆmc·ˆe)2], (12)
where the reference direction is defined as ˆe=(0,0,1) and
c/2. Here Mcis the appropriate magnetization
for Co. Taking the magnetization of bulk Co to be Mc=
1400×103A/m,KSA=− 1.2×106J/m3, which corre-
sponds to an effective demagnetization field magnitude μ0Mc
of approximately 1.8 T.
Figure 11displays the three-dimensional evolution of the
Co moment for the orthoferrite exchange field arising fromthe orthoferrite reorientations at the temperatures 460, 464, and468 K—simulated in Ref. 48and shown in Fig. 1(a) in Ref. 48.
The Co moment direction is initially orientated perpendicularto the AFM moment under the assumption that it initially alignswith the total magnetic moment of the orthoferrite. In Fig. 11,
the left panels display the in-plane angular evolution and theright panels display the out-of-plane evolution. The dampingtermα
cis chosen to be 0.014 which is the known value for
bulk Co. The upper panels of Figs. 11(a) and11(b) correspond
to an exchange interaction between the orthoferrite and the CoofJ
cm0=− 0.1 T, the middle panels (c) and (d), correspond
toJcm0=− 10 T, and the lower panels (e) and (f) correspond
toJcm0=− 150 T. The lower limit is that used in Sec. IIIto fit
the experimental data, whereas the upper limit is comparable to0 200 400 600 800 1000
time (ps)-80-60-40-2002040φ(t)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
time (ps)89.59090.59191.5
0 50 100 150 200
time (ps)-135-90-4504590135φ(t)
0 50 100 150 200
time (ps)0306090120150
0 50 100 150 200
time (ps)-90-4504590φ(t)
0 50 100 150 200
time (ps)6090120
θ(t))b( )a(
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
FIG. 11. (Color online) Angular evolution of the Co moment for
the (left panels) in-plane and (right panels) out-of-plane component
for three different values of Jcm0, where the upper-two panels are at
−0.1 T, the middle two at −10 T, and the lower two at −150 T. In
all cases the damping coefficient of the Co moment was set to αc=
0.014. For each figure, the three curves correspond to the anisotropy
energy landscape corresponding to the temperatures 460, 464, and468 K.
the exchange interaction within the orthoferrite. The remaining
value of −10 T is taken as an intermediate value.
It is seen that, with an increasing ferromagnetic exchange
interaction, the time scale of the Co reorientation decreases,where for J
cm0∼− 150 T, the Co has converged to the
reorientation time scale of the orthoferrite [compare to Fig. ( 1)
of Ref. 48]. This may be partially understood by estimating
the relaxation time for the Co moment. Inspection of Eqs. (9)
and(11) reveals that 2 γαcJcm0D/J has units of inverse time
and corresponds to the relaxation time of the damped LLGdynamics. Using the parameters of Fig. 11, the corresponding
relaxation times are approximately 120, 1.2, and 0.08 ns forJ
cm0corresponding, respectively, to −0.1,−10, and −150 T.
For the case of Jcm0equal to −10 and −150 T, these time
scales are quite compatible with the relaxation entailed inFig. 11, however, for the case of J
cm0=− 0.1 T it is clearly
an overestimate. This is most likely due to the now-dominantdemagnetization field of 1.8 T arising from the thin-filmanisotropy which results in little out-of-plane dynamics of the
054437-9L. LE GUY ADER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054437 (2013)
Co moment, a contribution that has not been included in the
above time estimate. It is in this regime, with Jcm0=− 0.1T
that this simple model reproduces quite well the measured Coreorientation of 4
◦as shown in Fig. 3in Sec. IIIas continuous
lines, including the initial overshot which corresponds to adamped spin precession. It would be tempting to push thecomparison further; however, one should keep in mind that themodel used is rather simple and that the SmFeO
3dynamics is
more complex than initially anticipated.
Ultrafast-laser-induced spin reorientation in a Co/SmFeO 3
heterostructure was investigated employing time-resolvedXMCD PEEM imaging techniques. It is found that, subsequentto the laser-induced heat pulse, the Co spin direction changeswithin 100 ps to a new orientation under the influence ofthe orthoferrite substrate. However, the amount of changethat can be obtained in these experiments is at most 10
compared to the 90◦achievable in the static case. Simulations
of the heat profile induced in the heterostructure and ofthe resulting equilibrium spin configuration in the orthofer-rite substrate done by considering the competition betweenthe exchange and anisotropy energy, and comparison of thesesimulations with the experiments suggest that the dynamicsof the reorientation in the SmFeO
3is more complex than
that driven by an adiabatic heating. Single-shot time-resolvedmeasurement in different orthoferrites showing the SRT couldgive insight into the effect responsible for the limited laser-induced reorientation. Nevertheless, fast laser control of aferromagnet via an antiferromagnet is demonstrated in thissystem without apparent loss of coupling between the twolayers.
This work was partially supported by de Nederlandse
Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO),NanoSci-E+ program, Foundation for Fundamental Research(FOM) and the Technology Foundation (STW), the European
Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
Grants No. NMP3-SL-2008-214469 (UltraMagnetron) andNo. 214810 (FANTOMAS), as well as the European ResearchCouncil (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant No. 257280 (Femto-magnetism). Part of this work was performed at the SwissLight Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland. Wethank C. Milne for the use of the Duetto laser, A. Bullemerand M. Horisberger for the sample preparation, and A. Stegerand J. Honegger for their support. R. V . Pisarev thanks RFBRfor financial support.
*Present address: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin f ¨ur Materialien und
Energie GmbH, BESSY II, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 15, 12489 Berlin,Germany; loic.le_guyader@helmholtz-berlin.de
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054437-11 |
PhysRevX.7.031014.pdf | Stochastic p-Bits for Invertible Logic
Kerem Yunus Camsari,*Rafatul Faria, Brian M. Sutton, and Supriyo Datta†
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
(Received 16 November 2016; revised manuscript received 27 April 2017; published 20 July 2017)
Conventional semiconductor-based logic and nanomagnet-based memory devices are built out of stable,
deterministic units such as standard metal-oxide semiconductor transistors, or nanomagnets with energy
barriers in excess of ≈40–60kT. In this paper, we show that unstable, stochastic units, which we call
“p-bits,”can be interconnected to create robust correlations that implement precise Boolean functions with
impressive accuracy, comparable to standard digital circuits. At the same time, they are invertible , a unique
property that is absent in standard digital circuits. When operated in the direct mode, the input is clamped,and the network provides the correct output. In the inverted mode, the output is clamped, and the network
fluctuates among all possible inputs that are consistent with that output. First, we present a detailed
implementation of an invertible gate to bring out the key role of a single three-terminal transistorlikebuilding block to enable the construction of correlated p-bit networks. The results for this specific, CMOS-
assisted nanomagnet-based hardware implementation agree well with those from a universal model for
p-bits, showing that p-bits need not be magnet based: any three-terminal tunable random bit generator
should be suitable. We present a general algorithm for designing a Boltzmann machine (BM) with a
symmetric connection matrix [ J](J
ij¼Jji) that implements a given truth table with p-bits. The [ J]
matrices are relatively sparse with a few unique weights for convenient hardware implementation. We then
show how BM full adders can be interconnected in a partially directed manner ( Jij≠Jji) to implement
large logic operations such as 32-bit binary addition. Hundreds of stochastic p-bits get precisely correlated
such that the correct answer out of 233(≈8×109) possibilities can be extracted by looking at the statistical
mode or majority vote of a number of time samples. With perfect directivity ( Jji¼0) a small number of
samples is enough, while for less directed connections more samples are needed, but even in the former
case logical invertibility is largely preserved. This combination of digital accuracy and logical invertibility
is enabled by the hybrid design that uses bidirectional BM units to construct circuits with partially directed
interunit connections. We establish this key result with extensive examples including a 4-bit multiplierwhich in inverted mode functions as a factorizer.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.7.031014 Subject Areas: Electronics, Magnetism, Spintronics
Conventional semiconductor-based logic and nanomag-
net-based memory devices are built out of stable, deter-ministic units such as standard metal-oxide semiconductor(MOS) transistors, or nanomagnets with energy barriers in
excess of ≈40–60kT. The objective of this paper is to
introduce the concept of what we call “p-bits”representing
unstable, stochastic units which can be interconnected to
create robust correlations that implement precise Boolean
functions with impressive accuracy comparable to standarddigital circuits. At the same time, this “probabilistic spin
logic”(PSL) is invertible , a unique property that is absentin standard digital circuits. When operated in the direct
mode, the input is clamped, and the network provides the
correct output. In the inverted mode, the output is clamped,
and the network fluctuates among all possible inputs thatare consistent with that output.
Any random signal generator whose randomness can be
tuned with a third terminal should be a suitable building
block for PSL. The icon in Fig. 1(b)represents our generic
building block whose input I
icontrols the output mi
according to the equation [Fig. 1(a)]
miðtÞ¼sgnfrand ð−1;1Þþtanh½IiðtÞ/C138g; ð1Þ
where rand ð−1;þ1Þrepresents a random number uni-
formly distributed between −1and þ1. It is assumed to
change every τseconds, which represents the retention time
of individual p-bits. We normalize the time axis to τso that
tis dimensionless and progresses in steps ( 0;1;2;…). At
each time step, if the input is zero, the output takes on a
value of −1orþ1with equal probability, as shown in the
middle panel of Fig. 1(d). A negative input Iimakes*kcamsari@purdue.edu
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of
theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to
the author(s) and the published article ’s title, journal citation,
and DOI.PHYSICAL REVIEW X 7,031014 (2017)
2160-3308 =17=7(3)=031014(19) 031014-1 Published by the American Physical Societynegative values more likely (left-hand panel) while a
positive input makes positive values more likely (right-hand panel). Figure 1(c)shows m
iðtÞas the input is ramped
from negative to positive values. Also shown is the time-averaged value of m
i, which equals tanh ðIiÞ.
A possible physical implementation of p-bits could use
stochastic nanomagnets with low-energy barriers Δwhose
retention time [1],
is very small, on the order of τ0, which is a material-
dependent quantity called the attempt time and is exper-imentally found to be ≈10ps−1ns[1]among different
magnetic materials. Such stochastic nanomagnets can be
pinned to a given direction with spin currents that are atleast an order of magnitude less than those needed to switch40-kT magnets. The sigmoidal tuning curve in Fig. 1(c)describing the time average of a fluctuating signal repre-
sents the essence of a p-bit. Purely CMOS implementations
of ap-bit are possible [2,3], but the sigmoid seems like a
natural feature of nanomagnets driven by spin currents.
Indeed, the use of stochastic nanomagnets in the contextof random number generators, stochastic oscillators, andautonomous learning [4–6]has been discussed in the
literature. But performing “invertible ”Boolean logic uti-
lizing large-scale correlations has not been discussed beforeto our knowledge.
Note that we are using the term invertibility in
the broader sense of relation inverses and not in thenarrower sense of function inverses. For example, AND,when interpreted as a relation, consists of the set
ff1;1→1g;f0;0→0g;f1;0→0g;f0;1→0gg, where
each term is of the form fA; B→AND ðA; B Þg. The
relation inverse of 0 is the set ff0;0g;f0;1g;f1;0gg
even though the corresponding functional inverse is not(d)(c) (a)
FIG. 1. Generic building block for PSL. (a) Generic model for PSL described by Eq. (1)with distinct READ and WRITE units
represented by the RandWicon shown in (b). Useful functionalities are obtained by interconnecting RandWunits according to Eq. (2),
Ii¼I0ðhiþPJijmjÞ, with appropriately designed fhgand [J]. (c) The blue trace shows the “magnetization ”(mi) obtained from
Eq.(1)as the current ( Ii) is ramped. The red trace shows the sigmoid response obtained from a RCcircuit which provides a moving
average of the time-dependent “magnetization ”that agrees very well with the black curve showing tanh ðIiÞ. The bias terminal could
involve a voltage ( V) instead of a current ( I), just as the output could involve quantities other than magnetization. (d) The idealized
telegraphic behavior of the model is shown at various bias points along with corresponding distributions.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-2defined. What our scheme provides, probabilistically, is the
relation inverse [7,8].
Ensemble average versus time average. —A sigmoidal
response was presented in Ref. [9]for the ensemble-
averaged magnetization of large barrier magnets biased
along a neutral state. This was proposed as a building
block for both Ising computers as well as directed belief
networks and a recent paper [10] describes a similar
approach applied to a graph coloring problem. By contrast,low-barrier nanomagnets provide a sigmoidal response for
the time-averaged magnetization, and a suitably engineered
network of such nanomagnets could cycle through the 2
collective states at GHz rates, with an emphasis on the “low-
energy states ”which can encode the solution to the
combinatorial optimization problems, like the traveling
salesman problem, as shown in Ref. [11]. Once the time-
varying magnetization has been converted into a time-
varying voltage through a READ circuit, a simple RC
circuit can be used to extract the answer through a moving
time average. For example, in Fig. 1(c) the red trace iss
obtained from the rapidly varying blue trace using a RC
circuit in a SPICE simulation.
The central feature underlying both implementations is
thep-bit that acts like a tunable random number generator,
providing an intrinsic sigmoidal response for the ensemble-
averaged or the time-averaged magnetization as a function
of the spin current. It is this response that allows us to
correlate the fluctuations of different p-bits in a useful
manner by interconnecting them according to
; ð2Þ
where hiprovides a local bias to magnet iandJijdefines
the effect of bit jto bit i, and I0sets a global scale for the
strength of the interactions like an inverse “pseudotemper-
ature”giving a dimensionless current Iito each p-bit. The
computation of IiðtÞin terms of mjðtÞin Eq. (2)is assumed
instantaneous; in hardware implementations there can be
interconnect delays that relate mjðtÞto currents at a later
Equation (1)arises naturally from the physics of low-
barrier nanomagnets, as we discuss above. Equation (2)
represents the “weight logic ”for which there are many
candidates such as memristors [12], floating-gate-based
devices [13], domain-wall-based devices [14], and standard
CMOS [15]. The suitability of these options will depend on
the range of Jvalues and the sparsity of the Jmatrix.
Equations (1)–(2)are essentially the same as the defining
equations for Boltzmann machines introduced by Hinton
and his collaborators [16], which have had enormous
impact in the field of machine learning, but they are
usually implemented in software that is run on standard
CMOS hardware. The primary contributions of this paper
are threefold.(i)Hardware implementation. —It may seem obvious
that an unstable magnet could provide a naturalhardware for representing a p-bit, but we stress a
less obvious point. To the best of our knowledge,
simple two-terminal devices are not suitable forconstructing large-scale correlated networks of the
type envisioned here. Instead, we need three-
terminal building blocks with transistorlike gainand input-output isolation, as shown in Fig. 1(b)
[9]. To stress this point, we describe a concrete
implementation of a Boolean function using detailednanomagnet and transport simulations that are in
good agreement with those obtained by the generic
model based on Eq. (1). All other results in this
paper are based on Eq. (1)in order to emphasize the
generality of the concept of p-bits, which need not
necessarily be nanomagnet based [17,18] .
(ii)Boltzmann machines (BM) for invertible Boolean
logic [Fig. 2(a)]. —Much of the current emphasis on
BMs is on “learning ”giving rise to the concept of
restricted Boltzmann machines [19]. By contrast,
this paper is about Boolean logic, extending an
established method for Hopfield networks [20] to
provide a mathematical prescription to turn any
Boolean truth table into a symmetric Jmatrix
[Eq.(2), with J
ij¼Jji], in one shot with no learning
being involved. This design principle seems quite
robust, functioning satisfactorily even when the
J-matrix elements are rounded off, so that the
required interconnections are relatively sparse andquantized, which simplifies the hardware implemen-
tation. The numerical probabilities agree well with
those predicted from the energy functional.
EðfmgÞ ¼−I
using the Boltzmann law:
PðfmgÞ ¼expð−EÞP
i;jexpð−EÞ: ð4Þ
Most importantly, we show that the resulting
Boolean gates are invertible: not only do they
provide the correct output for a given input, for a
given output they provide the correct input(s). If thegiven output is consistent with multiple inputs,
the system fluctuates among all possible answers.
This remarkable property of invertibility is absentin standard digital circuits and could help provide
solutions to the Boolean satisfiability problem
(Fig. 8)[21].
(iii) Directed networks of BM [Fig. 2(b)]. —Finally,
we show that individual BMs can be connected to
perform precise arithmetic operations, which are theSTOCHASTIC p-BITS FOR INVERTIBLE LOGIC PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-3norm in standard digital logic, but quite surprising for
BM, which are more like a collection of interactingparticles than like a digital circuit. We show that a
32-bit adder converges to the one correct sum out of
33≈8×109possibilities when the interaction
parameter is suddenly turned up from, say, I0¼
0.25toI0¼5. This can be likened to quenching a
molten liquid and getting a perfect crystal. What weexpect is plenty of defects, distributed differently
every time we do the experiment. That is exactly
what we get if the individual BM full adders (FA)comprising the 32-bit adder are connected bidirec-
tionally ( J
ij¼Jji). But by making the connection
between adders directed ( Jij≠Jji), we obtain the
striking accuracy of digital circuits while largely
retaining the invertibility of BM. This is a key resultthat we establish with extensive examples including
a 4-multiplier which in inverted mode functions as
a factorizer.
Each of these three contributions is described in detail in
the three sections that follow.
To ensure that individual p-bits can be interconnected
to produce robust correlations, it is important to have
separate terminals for writing (more correctly biasing)and reading, marked WandR, respectively in Fig. 3(a).
With in-plane magnetic anisotropy (IMA) nanomagnets(e.g., circular nanomagnets) this could be accomplished
following existing experiments [22,23] using the giant spin
Hall effect (GSHE). Recent experiments using a built-inexchange bias [24–27]could make this approach applicable
to perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) as well. Note,
however, that these experiments have all been performed
with stable free layers, and would have to be carried outwith low-barrier magnets in order to establish their suit-ability for the implementation of p-bits. As the field
progresses, one can expect the bias terminal to involve
voltage control [28,29] instead of current control, just as the
output could involve quantities other than magnetization.We now show a concrete implementation of a Booleanfunction using minimal CMOS circuitry in conjunctionwith stochastic nanomagnets through detailed nanomagnet
and transport simulations that are in good agreement with
those obtained from the generic model based on Eq. (1).
Figure 3(a)shows a possible, CMOS-assisted p-bit that
has a separate READ and WRITE path. The device consists
of a heavy metal exhibiting GSHE that drives a circular
magnet which replaces the usual elliptical magnets in orderto provide the stochasticity needed for the magnetization. Asmall read current, which is assumed to not disturb the
magnetization of the free layer in our design, that flows
through the fixed layer is used to sense the instantaneousmagnetization, which is amplified and isolated by twoinverters that act as a buffer. This structure is very similar to
the experimentally demonstrated GSHE switching of ellip-
tical magnets that were similarly read-out by a magnetictunnel junction (MTJ) [22], with the only exception that
the elliptical magnets are replaced by circular magnets
with an aspect ratio of one. This device could be viewedas replacing the free layers of the GSHE-driven MTJsdemonstrated in Ref. [22] with those in the telegraphic
regime [23,30 –32].
In the presence of thermal noise the magnetization of
such a circular magnet rotates in the plane of the circle
without a preferred easy axis that would have arisen due tothe shape anisotropy, effectively making its thermal sta-
bilityΔ≈0kT[33]. This magnetization can be pinned by
a spin current that is generated by flowing a charge currentthrough the GSHE layer. The magnetic-field-driven sig-
moidal responses of magnetization for such circular mag-
nets have experimentally been demonstrated [34,35] , while
the spin-current-driven pinning has not been demonstrated
to our knowledge. Using validated modules for transport
and magnetization dynamics [36] [Fig. 3(b)], we solve
the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (sLLG) equation inthe presence of thermal noise and a GSHE current. The
following section shows detailed simulation parameters.
Sigmoidal response. —A long-time average ( t¼500ns)
of the magnetization hm
zias a function of a GSHE-
generated spin current is plotted in Fig. 3(e)that displays
the desired sigmoidal characteristic for p-bits dictated by
Eq.(1). The xaxis of Fig. 3(e) is normalized to the
geometric gain factor that relates the charge current to thespin current exerted [37,38] :
; ð5Þ
where θSHis the Hall angle, tis the thickness, and λis the
spin-relaxation length of the heavy metal. The quantity β
can be made to be much greater than 1 providing an
intrinsic gain [39]; however, for the parameters used in the
present examples, βis≈1.5.
Another quantity that is used to normalize the xaxis of
Fig.3(e)is the “thermal spin current ”that corresponds to
the strength of the thermal noise that needs to be overcome
for a circular magnet to be pinned in a given direction:
αðkTÞ; ð6Þ
where qis electron charge, αis the damping coefficient of
the magnet. Iths,Is, and Icall have units of charge current;
therefore, we can define the dimensionless interaction
parameter I0of Eq. (2)asI0≡βIc=Iths¼Is=Iths.
It can be seen from Fig. 3(e) that when the applied
spin current βIc=Iths¼Is=Iths≈10, the magnetization of the
circular magnet is pinned in the /C6zdirections for theseCAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-4particular parameters. For PMA magnets with low barriers
(Δ≪kT), the pinning current is independent of the volume
as long as increasing the volume does not invalidate theΔ≪kTassumption. This can be analytically shown from a
1D Fokker-Planck equation [40], and we reproduce this
behavior directly from sLLG simulations. For the in-plane(circular) magnets we consider here, the pinning current ingeneral has a M
sand volume dependence and the dimen-
sionless pinning current can be larger.
Nevertheless, it is possible to estimate the thermal spin
current for typical damping coefficients of α¼0.01–0.1,
Ithsis≈0.25to−2.5μA. Pinning currents for superpar-
amagnets are at least an order of magnitude smaller than
the critical switching currents of stable magnets [41].Iths,
defined by Eq. (6), also sets the scale for I0defined in
Eq.(2), suggesting that a stochastic nanomagnet-based
implementation of PSL could be more energy efficient than
the standard spin-torque switching of stable magnets thatsuffer from high current densities.
Need for three-terminal devices with READ-WRITE
separation. —Note that a crucial function of the READ
circuit and the CMOS transistors in this design is the ability
to turn the magnetization into an output voltage that is
proportional to m
z, providing gain for fan out and isolation
to avoid any read disturb. Indeed, a critical requirement for
any other alternative implementations of p-bits is the need
for three terminal devices with separate READ and WRITEpaths to provide gain and isolation. In this particular design
these features come in by directly integrating CMOS
transistors, but CMOS-free, all-magnetic designs with thesecharacteristics have been proposed [39,42] . Our purpose
is to simply show how a p-bit can be realized by using
experimentally demonstrated technology. Alternativedesigns are beyond the scope of this paper.
READ circuit. —For the output to provide symmetric
voltage swings on the GSHE layer, the minus supply V
−needs to be set to VDD=2since VOUTranges between 0 and
VDD.Vþis set to VDD=2þVR, where VRis a small READ
voltage that is amplified by the inverters. We assume a
simple, bias-independent MTJ model [43]:
GMTJ¼G0ð1þP2mzÞ; ð7Þ
where Pis the interface polarization and G0is the average
MTJ conductance. Setting the reference resistance [Fig. 3]
R0equal to G−1
0, the input voltage to the inverters, VMin
Fig.2(d) becomes
2þmzP2: ð8Þ
In the absence of a bias, hmzibecomes 0 and the
middle voltage fluctuates around the mean hVMi¼
VDD=2þVR=2. This requires the inverter characteristic
to be shifted to this value to produce a telegraphic outputthat fluctuates between 0 and V
DDwith equal probability
[Fig. 3(f)]. This shift is easily engineered by sizing the
p-channel FET and n-channel FET transistors differently:
a wider p-channel FET shifts the inverter characteristictowards V
DD, as we show in the next section.
Interconnection matrix. —A passive resistor network can
be used as a possible interconnection scheme to correlatethep-bits, as shown in Fig. 4. A proper design of the
interconnection matrix Jthat has only a few discrete values
ensures a minimal number of different conductances ( G
In this demonstrated example the AND gate requires only
two unique, discrete conductance values.
The spin currents that need to be delivered to each p-bit
are on the order of a few μA and can be generated with
charge currents that are even smaller, due to the GSHEgain. This means the interconnection resistances R
be on the order of 100kΩsince the voltage drops across
these resistances are around VOUT−V−≈/C60.5V. Since
(a) (b)
FIG. 2. PSL designs discussed in this paper. (a) Basic Boolean elements (AND and OR, full adder) are implemented as Boltzmann
machines based on symmetrically coupled networks with Jij¼Jji. (b) Complex Boolean functions like a 32-bit ripple carry adder or
subtractor and 4-bit multiplier or factorizer are implemented by combining the reciprocal Boltzmann machines in a directed fashion.STOCHASTIC p-BITS FOR INVERTIBLE LOGIC PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-5the GSHE ground V−¼VDD=2simply shifts all the
voltages to get symmetric /C6swings, we define the voltages
OUTÞi¼ðVOUTÞi−V−. Then input currents to each
p-bit can be expressed [Fig. 4(a)]:
jGij≪GGSHE, since the heavy metal resis-
tances are typically much less than hundreds of k Ω.W e
verify the validity of Eq. (9)bySPICE simulations, for the
parameters chosen for these examples.(a) (b)
FIG. 3. CMOS-assisted implementation of p-bits. (a) A possible
CMOS-assisted implementation of p-bits that have separate READ-
WRITE paths. A GSHE layer provides a spin current is able to pinthe magnetization of circular ferromagnets (FM) ( Δ≈0kT). The
change in magnetization is sensed by a MTJ and amplified by twoCMOS inverters that act as a buffer, providing the necessaryisolation and gain. (b) Self-consistent, modular modeling of trans-port and magnetization dynamics. See “Assumptions of the model ”
in the text. (c) Equivalent READ circuit. (d)
SPICE -based average
output voltage normalized to the VDD¼0.8V of 14-nm Fin Field-
Effect Transistor (FinFET) high-performance (HP) inverters [44].
(e) sLLG-based average magnetization of the circular magnet as afunction of the spin current (averaged over 500 ns for each bias point
with a time step of Δt¼0.05ps,10×10
6points per marker),
normalized to the GSHE gain and the thermal noise strength Iths.
(f) The time-dependent output voltage at various bias points.(a)
FIG. 4. Invertible AND gate. (a) Passive resistor network that
is used to obtain the connection terms Jijto correlate p-bits.
The output impedance Rij¼1=Gijis much smaller than the input
impedance RGSHE, allowing separate voltages to add at the input of
theithp-bit. (b) Explicit implementation of an AND gate based on
Eq.(10). (c) When Cis clamped to 1, AandBspend most of their
time in the (11) state, the only combination consistent with C¼1.
(d) The invertible operation of the AND gate when the Cgate is
clamped to a zero, while AandBare left floating. AandBbits
fluctuate between three possible combinations consistent with
C¼0,ðA; B Þ¼ð 00Þ;ð01Þ;ð10Þ. The time response of A,B,C
voltages are normalized by VDD. Histogram is obtained by
averaging over 200 ns of thresholded voltages, only the first
20 ns of A,B,Cvoltages are shown for clarity.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-6As a result, we observe that Eq. (9)constitutes a
hardware mapping for the interconnections of Eq. (2).I n
this scheme Gijconductances are initially adjusted to
obtain a global interaction strength I0for a given problem.
Alternatively, the interaction strength can be adjustedelectrically by varying the supply voltages.
Invertible AND gate. —Figure 4(b) shows an explicit
implementation of an invertible AND gate ( A∩B¼CÞ
corresponding to [ J] and fhgmatrices [45]that have three
unique, integer entries:
−10 þ2
T¼½þ 1þ1−2/C138: ð10Þ
In Fig. 4(d), we show the inverse operation of the
AND gate where we clamp the output bit C to a 0 or 1
by the bias voltage attached to its input terminal. The
interconnection resistance is chosen to be R0¼125kΩ
that roughly provides ≈/C66μA of charge current to
each p-bit, corresponding to an I0≈3.5for the chosen
Generating the histogram. —At the end of the simulation
(t¼200ns), we threshold the voltage output of A; B, and
Cby legislating all voltages above VDD=2¼0.4Vt ob e1 ,
and below VDD=2to be 0. Then a histogram output for the
thresholded word [ABC] is obtained and normalized to unitprobability. Clamping the output to 0 and letting AandB
float, make AandBfluctuate in a correlated manner
and they visit the three possible states (00, 01, 10) withapproximately equal probability. Resolving the output 0 tothe three possible input combinations is, in a way, “facto-
rizing ”the output. Conversely, clamping the output to 1
produces a strong (11) peak in the histogram of [ABC],which is the only consistent input combination for C¼1
[Figs. 4(d)].
Assumptions of the model. —We make several simplify-
ing assumptions while modeling the hardware implemen-tation of a p-bit. (1) The READ voltage that is amplified by
the inverters produces a small current that passes through
the circular magnet and might potentially disturb its currentstate. We assume that this current [labeled as I
Fig.3(b)] is negligible and does not affect the magnetiza-
tion of the stochastic magnet. (2) We assume that the spin
current generated by the heavy metal is deposited to thefree layer with perfect efficiency [ I
S1¼IS1in Fig. 3(b)];
however, depending on the interface properties this con-
version factor can be less than 100%. (3) We also assume
that the fixed layer does not produce a notable stray field onthe circular magnet. Note that the presence of such aconstant field would simply shift the sigmoidal behavior
presented in Figs. 3(e)to the right (or left) and could have
been offset by a constant bias current. (4) Finally, weneglect the resistance of the GSHE portion in the READcircuit [Fig. 3(c)], assuming the MTJ resistance would be
dominant in this path.
A. Detailed simulation parameters
This section shows the details of simulation parameters
for the hardware implementation of p-bits that we use for
Figs. 3and4.
sLLG for stochastic circular magnets. —The magnetiza-
tion of a circular nanomagnet described as ˆm
iis obtained
from the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation:
dt¼−jγjˆmi× ⃗Hi−αjγjðˆmi׈mi× ⃗HiÞ
qNiðˆmi× ⃗ISi׈miÞþ/C18α
qNiðˆmi× ⃗ISiÞ/C19
where αis the damping coefficient, qis the electron
charge, γis the electron gyromagnetic ratio, Isis the
spin current that is assumed to be uniformly distributedover the total number of spins in the macrospin,
i¼MsVol.=μB,μBbeing the Bohr magneton. We assume
that the spin current generated from the GSHE layer is
polarized in the zdirection, such that ⃗ISi¼ISˆz. ⃗Hiis
the effective field of the circular magnet, where the
uniaxial anisotropy is assumed to be negligible, butthere is still a strong demagnetizing field. The thermal
fluctuations also enter through the effective magnetic
field: ⃗H
i¼−4πMsmxˆxþ ⃗Hth,xaxis being the out-of-plane
direction of the magnet, and hj ⃗Hthj2i¼2αkT=ðjγjMsVol:Þ
in units [ ½Oe2=Hz/C138] with zero mean, and equal in all three
TABLE I. Parameters used for simulations in Figs. 3and4.
Parameters Value
Saturation magnetization ( Ms) 300emu=cm3
Magnet diameter ( Φ),
thickness ( t)15 nm, 0.5 nm
MTJ polarization ( P)
[Eq. (7)]0.5
MTJ conductance ( G0)
[Eq. (7)]176 μS
Damping coefficient ( α) 0.1
Spin Hall length, width
[Eq. (5)]L¼W¼15nm
Hall angle, spin relax.
Spin Hall res. ( ρ), thickness ( t)200 μΩcm[48], 3.15 nm
Temperature ( T) 300 K
CMOS models 14-nm HP-FinFET [44]
Supply and READ voltage VDD¼0.8V,VR¼0.5V
Time step for transient
031014-7directions. Table Ishows the parameters we use in Figs. 3
and4. We note that this parameter selection is simply one
possibility; many other parameters could have been usedwith no change in the basic conclusions.
Obtaining the sigmoidal response of CMOS+sLLG. —
Each data point in the sigmoids shown in Figs. 3and4is
obtained by averaging the zcomponent of the magnetization
after 500 ns, with a time step of Δt¼0.05ps. The CMOS
inverter characteristics in conjunction with a sphericalrepresentation-based sLLG are obtained using the modularframework developed in Ref. [36]using
14-nm FinFET inverter characteristics. —Figure 5shows
the input and output characteristics of the single anddouble inverters that are used to amplify the stochasticsignal that is generated by the MTJ (Fig. 3). At zero bias
from the GSHE, the amplified signal V
M[Eq.(8)] is in the
middle of VþandV−, which is VDD=2þVR=2. The buffer
response can be shifted to this value by increasing the size
of p-channel FETs, as shown in Fig. 5.
We now present a mathematical prescription that shows
how any given truth table can be implemented in terms ofBoltzmann machines, in “one shot ”with no learning being
involved, unlike much of the past work in this area (see, forexample, Refs. [49,50] ). In Sec. II, we choose a simple [ J]
and fhgmatrix to implement an AND gate based on
Ref.[45]. In this section, we outline a general approach to
show how any truth table can be implemented in terms ofsuch matrices. Our approach, pictorially described in Fig. 6,
begins by transforming a given truth table from binary (0,1)
to bipolar ð−1;þ1Þvariables. The lines of the truth table
are then required to be eigenvectors each with eigenvalueþ1, all other eigenvectors are assumed to have eigenvalues
equal to 0. This leads to the following prescription for Jas
shown in Fig. 6:½J/C138¼X
j; ð12aÞ
iuj; ð12bÞ
where uiare the eigenvectors corresponding to lines in the
truth table of a Boolean operation and Sis a projection
matrix that accounts for the nonorthogonality of the vectors
defined by different lines of the truth table. Note that the
resultant Jmatrix is always symmetric ( Jij¼Jji) with
diagonal terms that are subtracted in our models such that
Jii¼0. The number of p-bits in the system is made greater
than the number of lines in a truth table through the addition
of hidden units (Fig. 6) to ensure that the number of
conditions we impose is less than the dimension of thespace defined by the number of p-bits.
Another important aspect in the construction of [ J] is that
an eigenvector u
iimplies that its complement −uiis also a
valid eigenvector. However, only one of these might belong
to a truth table. We introduce a “handle ”bit to each uithat
is biased ðhiÞto distinguish complementary eigenvectors.
These handle bits provide the added benefit of reconfigur-
ability. For example, AND and OR gates have comple-mentary truth tables, and a given gate can be electricallyreconfigured as an AND or an OR gate using the handle bit.
Jmatrices for AND and FA. —We now provide the
details of the Jmatrix for the AND gate, obtained using
the prescription shown in Fig. 6based on Eq. (12a) . The
eigenvectors of the truth table for the AND in Fig. 6areFIG. 5. 14-nm Predictive Technology Model, inverter or buffer.
dc response of 14-nm HP FinFETs based on Ref. [44] for an
inverter and buffer. Sizing the transistors differently allows theswitching point to be shifted.FIG. 6. Truth table to Jmatrix. A given truth table is first
transformed from binary to bipolar variables by using thetransformation m¼2t−1, where mandtrepresent the mag-
netization and binary values of the truth table. Additional bits areintroduced to each line of the truth table to ensure that theresultant Smatrix is invertible. The indices i,jcorrespond to the
number of lines in the truth table. u
i,ujare column vectors. As an
example, we show auxiliary bits that result in an Smatrix equal to
the identity matrix, since the eigenvectors are orthogonal. The J
matrix is then obtained by Eq. (12a) , which ensures that the truth
table corresponds to the low-energy states of the Boltzmannmachines according to Eq. (4). A handle bit of þ1is introduced
to each line of the truth table, which can be biased to ensure thatthe complementary truth table does not appear along with thedesired one. This bit also allows a truth table to be electricallyreconfigured into its complement.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-8placed into a matrix U, such that U¼½u1u2u3u4/C138,
where u1is the first row of the matrix shown in Fig. 6,
u1¼½−1þ1þ1þ1þ1−1−1−1/C138T, and so on. In
matrix notation, the Smatrix can be written as
S¼UTU¼8I4×4: ð13Þ
Then the Jmatrix becomes
i: ð14Þ
Removing the diagonal entries by making Jii¼0and
multiplying the matrix entries by 2, to obtain simple
integers, JANDevaluates toJAND ¼0
−1 0110001
010011 −10
01001 −11 0
1011000 −1
101 −1 0001
10 −1 10001
0100 −11 1 01
with the notation [1 –5, auxiliary bit and handle bit; 6, “A”;
7,“B”;8 ,“C”]. Following a similar procedure, we use the
following 14×14full adder matrix J
00000040 −1−12 −11 −1
00000400 −1−1−12 1 −1
00004000 −1−21 1 −11
00040000 −12 −1−11 −1
00400000 −11 1 −2−11
04000000 −11 −21 −11
40000000 −1 11121
−1−1−1−1−1−1−1−1 000000
−1−1−1−2 211100 −1−11 2
−12 −11 −11 −21 0 −10 −11 2
−1−12 1 −1−21 1 0 −1−10 1 2
−21 1 −11 −1−1 201110 −2
−1−1−11 −1 1110222 −201
with the notation [1 –9, auxiliary bits and handle bit; 10,
in”; 11,“B”; 12,“A”; 13,“S”; 14,“Cout”].
These are the Jmatrices (AND and FA) that are used
for all examples in the paper, except for the AND gatedescribed in Sec. II. Figure 10shows the “truth table ”
operation of the full adder where all input or outputterminals are “floating ”using the Jmatrix of Eq. (16),
showing excellent quantitative agreement with the
Boltzmann distribution of Eq. (4)at steady state even
for the undesired peaks of the truth table.
Note that this prescription for [ J] is similar to the
principles developed originally for Hopfield networks
[Ref. [51] and Eq. (4.20) in Ref. [20]]. However, other
approaches are possible along the lines described in thecontext of Ising Hamiltonians for quantum computers [45].
We have tried some of these other designs for [ J], and many
of them lead to results similar to those we present here.
For practical implementations, it is important to evaluate
different approaches in terms of their demands on thedynamic range and accuracy of the weight logic.
Description of universal model. —Once a Jmatrix and
thehvector are obtained for a given problem, the system is
initialized by randomizing all m
iat time t¼t0. First, the
current (voltage) that a given p-bit (mi) feels due to the
other coupled mjis obtained from Eq. (2), and the mivalue
is updated according to Eq. (1). Next, the procedure is
repeated for the remaining p-bits by finding the current
they receive due to all other miusing the updated values ofSTOCHASTIC p-BITS FOR INVERTIBLE LOGIC PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-9mi. For this reason, the order of updating is chosen randomly
in our models and we find that the order of updating has no
effect in our results. However, updating the p-bits in parallel
leads to incorrect results. These two observations are well
known in the context of Hopfield networks and Boltzmann
machines [52–54]. This type of serial updating corresponds
to the “asynchronous dynamics ”[20,55] . We note that the
hardware implementation we discuss in this paper naturally
leads to an asynchronous updating of p-bits in the absence of
a global clock signal. We have set up an online simulatorbased on this model in [56] so that interested readers can
simulate some of the examples discussed in this paper.
Figure 7shows the time evolution of an AND based on
Eq.(15). Initially for t<t
0, the interaction strength is zero
(I0¼0), making the pseudotemperature of the system
infinite and the network produces uncorrelated noise
visiting each state with equal probability. In the second
phase ( t>t 0), the interaction strength is suddenly increased
toI0¼2, effectively “quenching ”the network by reducing
the temperature. This correlates the system such that only the
states corresponding to the truth table of the AND gate arevisited, each with equal probability when a long-timeaverage is taken. The average probabilities in each phase
quantitatively match the Boltzmann law defined by Eq. (4).
In Fig. 8, we show how a correlated network producing a
given truth table can be used to do directed computation
analogous to standard CMOS logic. An OR gate isconstructed by using the same [ J] matrix for an AND
gate, but with a negated handle bit. By “clamping ”the input
bits of an OR gate ( t<t
0) through their bias terminals hito
ðA; B Þ¼ð þ 1;þ1Þ, the system is forced to only one of the
peaks of the truth table, effectively making C ¼1.
The PSL gates, however, exhibit a remarkable difference
with standard logic gates, in that inputs and outputs are on an
equal footing. Not only do clamped inputs give the corre-
sponding output, a clamped output gives the correspondinginput(s). In the second phase ( t>t
0), the output of the OR
gate is clamped to þ1, which produces three possible peaks
for the input terminals, corresponding to various possibleinput combinations that are consistent with the clamped
output ðA; B Þ¼ð 0;1Þ, (1,0), and (1,1). The probabilistic
nature of PSL allows it to obtain multiple solutions[Fig. 8(c)]. It also seems to make the results more resilient
tounwanted noise due to stray fields that are inevitable in
physical implementations, as shown in Fig. 9. Here, we
simulate an AND gate in the presence of a normally
distributed random noise that enters the bias fields of each
p-bit and define the computation to be faulty, if the mode
(most frequent value) of the output bit is not consistent withthe programed input combinations after T¼100time steps.
We observe that even large levels of uncontrolled noise
produce correct results with high probabilities.
Figure 10shows the design of a full adder with the
8-line truth table shown. There are three inputs in all, two
FIG. 7. Correlated p-bits, AND gate. When the interaction strength ( I0) is zero, p-bits produce uncorrelated noise, visiting all possible
states with equal probability. In this example, the interaction strength (pseudo inverse temperature) is suddenly increased from 0 to 2 as a
step function at t¼t0, to effectively “quench ”the network. This correlates the p-bits to produce the truth table of an AND gate (AND:
A∩B¼C). Note that after this quenching, the p-bits visit only the low-energy states corresponding to the truth table of the AND gate,
and once the system is in one of the low-energy states, it tends to stay there for a while, until being kicked out by the thermal noise. Thetime averages of the uncorrelated and the correlated system are well explained by the Boltzmann law stated in Eq. (4). The total
simulation uses T¼4×10
6steps to compare the results with the Boltzmann distribution, though only a fraction are shown in the upper
panel for clarity.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-10from the numbers to be added and one carry bit from
previous FA. It produces two outputs, one the sum bit
and the other a carry bit to be passed on to the next FA.
The probabilities of different states are calculated usingJ
FAfrom Eq. (16),w i t h I0¼0.5in the truth table mode,
where all inputs and outputs are floating and the states
are numbered using the decimal number corresponding
to the binary word ½CiABSC o/C138. The decimalnumbers corresponding to the truth table are shown in
the inset, and these match the location of the taller
peaks in the histogram. Note that the Boltzmann
distribution [Eq. (4)] quantitatively matches the model
even for the suppressed peaks. A higher I0reduces these
suppressed peaks further. The statistics are collected for
T¼106steps, and each terminal output is then placed
in the histogram.
FIG. 9. Noise tolerance of AND. The probability of a wrong
output for an (AND) gate [Eq. (15)] operated with clamped inputs
is investigated in the presence of a random noise field whichenters Eq. (2)as indicated in the figure. The noise is assumed
to be uniformly distributed over all p-bits in a given network,
and centered around zero with magnitude /C6~h
n, where
ðI0¼2;hi¼/C61Þ. Each gate is simulated 50 000 times for
T¼100time steps to produce an error probability for a given
noise value, and the maximum peak produced by the system isassumed to be an output that can be read with certainty. The systemshows robust behavior even in the presence of large levels of noise.FIG. 10. Full adder. Full adder in the truth table mode, whereall inputs and outputs are floating, calculated using J
Eq. (16), with I0¼0.5. The statistics are collected for
T¼106steps, and each terminal output is then placed in the
histogram. The states are numbered using the decimal number
corresponding to the binary number ½CiABSC o/C138. The
decimal numbers corresponding to the truth table are shown inthe inset, and these match the location of the taller peaks in thehistogram. Note that the Boltzmann distribution [Eq. (4)] quan-
titatively matches the model even for the suppressed peaks.FIG. 8. Implementing a Boolean function and its inverse.: The input or output terminals of an appropriately interconnected network ofp-bits can be “clamped ”to perform a specific logic operation or its inverse . In this example, the input bits ðA; B Þof an OR gate are
clamped to be þ1, forcing the output bit Cto be 1, during the first phase of operation ( t<t
0). In the second phase of operation ( t>t 0),
the output of the OR gate Cis clamped to the value þ1, which is consistent with three different combinations of ðA; B Þ. As shown in
the time response and the long-time histogram plots, all three possibilities emerge with equal probability, demonstrating the “inverse ”
OR operation. In each case, the expected probabilities from the Boltzmann law [Eq. (4)] closely match those produced by the generic
model, Eqs. (1)and(2), after running the system for 106steps. Only a fraction are shown in the upper panel for clarity.STOCHASTIC p-BITS FOR INVERTIBLE LOGIC PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
FIG. 11. 32-bit ripple carry adder (RCA). (a) 32-bit ripple carry adder is designed using individual full adder units with the carry bit
designed as a directed connection from the least significant bit to the most significant bit. The overall Jmatrix for a 32-bit adder Jmatrix
is shown, and it is quite sparse and quantized. (b) For t<t 0,I0¼0and the sum fluctuates randomly. At t¼t0,I0is suddenly increased,
and the adder converges on the correct result for two random inputs AandB. The distribution of 1000 data points ( t>t 0) shows a single
peak with 24% probability of time spent in the correct state (not including the uncorrelated time points for t<t 0). (c) Even though the
connections between the full adder units are directed, the system performs the inverse function as well. When the output ( S) is clamped
to a fixed number, the inputs ( A) and ( B) fluctuate in a correlated manner to make AþB¼Swhen I0¼1. Note the broad distributions
ofAandB(collected for t>t 0) as compared to the extremely sharp distribution of AþB.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
When constructing larger circuits composed of individ-
ual Boltzmann machines, the reciprocal nature of theBoltzmann machine often interferes with the directednature of computation that is desired. It seems advisable
to use a hybrid approach. For example, in constructing a
32-bit adder we use full adders that are individually BMswith symmetric connections, J
ij¼Jji. But when connect-
ing the carry bit from one FA to the next, the coupling
element Jijis nonzero in only one direction from the least
significant to the most significant bit. This directed cou-
pling between the components distinguishes PSL from
purely reciprocal Boltzmann machines. Indeed, even thefull adder could be implemented not as a Boltzmannmachine but as a directed network of more basic gates.
But then it would lose its invertibility. On the other hand,
the directed connection of BM full adders largely preservesthe invertibility of the overall system, as we show.
A. 32-bit adder or subtractor
Figure 11shows the operation of a 32-bit adder that sums
two 32-bit numbers AandBto calculate the 33-bit sum S.
In the initial phase ( t<t
0), we have I0¼0corresponding
to infinite temperature so that the sum bits ( S) fluctuate
among 233≈8×109possibilities. With I0¼1, Fig. 11
shows that the correct answer has a probability of ≈12%,
which is much lower than the ≈100% that can be achieved
with larger I0values (as in Figs. 13(c) with I0¼5).
Nevertheless, the peak is unmistakable, as evident fromthe expanded scale histogram, and the correct answer isextracted from the majority vote of T¼100samples, as
shown in Fig. 13. This ability to extract the correct answer
despite large fluctuations is a general property of probabi-listic algorithms.
Interestingly, although the overall system includes several
unidirectional connections, it seems to be able to perform the
inverse function as well. With AandBclamped it calculates
S¼AþB, as noted above. Conversely, with Sclamped, the
input bits AandBfluctuate in a correlated manner so as to
make their sum sharply peaked around S. Figure 11shows
the time evolution of the input bits that have broad distri-butions spanning a wide range. Initially, when I
0is small, the
sum of AandBalso shows a broad distribution, but once I0
is turned up to 1, the distributions of AandBget strongly
correlated making the distribution of AþBsharply peaked
around the fixed value of S. It must be noted that the 32-bit
adder shown in Fig. 11is not like standard digital circuits
which are not invertible. The demonstration of such an
invertible 32-bit adder could be practically significant, sincebinary addition is noted to be the most fundamental andfrequently used operation in digital computing [57].
Delay of ripple carry adder. —Just as in CMOS-based
ripple carry adders (RCA), the delay of the p-bit-basedRCA is a function of the inputs AandB. In Fig. 12,w e
have systematically studied the worst-case delay of the
p-bit-based RCA as a function of increasing bit size. We
selected a “worst-case ”combination that results in a carry
that needs to be propagated from bit 1 to bit N, which
results in a linear increase in the delay, exhibiting OðnÞ
complexity with input size similar to CMOS implementa-tions [58]. When the inputs are random, the delay seems to
increase sublinearly. The system is quenched at t¼0for
different interaction parameters I
0and the delay is defined
to be the time it takes for the system to settle to the mode of
the array for T¼200. An error check has been carried out
separately to ensure the calculated sum (mode) is alwaysexactly equal to the expected sum. For random inputs the
32-bit adder is close to 20 time steps, in accordance with the
example shown in Fig. 11.
Digital accuracy and logical invertibility. —The striking
combination of accuracy and invertibility is made possibleby our hybrid design, whereby the individual full addersare Boltzmann machines, even though their connection is
directed. Our 32-bit adder is more like a collection of
interacting particles than like a digital circuit, as evidentfrom Fig. 13(a) , which shows a color map of the binary
state of each of the 448 p-bits as a function of time with the
interaction parameter I
0suddenly increased from 0.25 to 5
att0¼50, thereby quenching a “molten liquid ”into a
“solid.”Nevertheless, it shows the striking accuracy of a
digital circuit, with S–A–Bexactly equal to zero in each of
the 1000 trials, as shown in Fig. 13(b) . We do not expect a
FIG. 12. Ripple carry adder delay. The delay of the RCA as a
function of number of bits in the ripple carry adder is shown. Theworst-case input combination generates a carry that propagatesall the way through bit 1 to bit N, and has a linear dependence on
the number of bits, exhibiting OðnÞcomplexity. When the inputs
are random, the delay increases logarithmically. The delay isdefined to be the time it takes for the network to reach the mode ofthe array for T¼200after getting quenched at t¼0. Each point
is an average of 500 trials with random initial conditions for anI
0¼1.5, and the mode of the array is exactly equal to the
arithmetic sum of the inputs in each case. The worst-case inputsareA¼0…000andB¼1…111with an input carry ( C
inÞof 1.
Results show a weak I0dependence.STOCHASTIC p-BITS FOR INVERTIBLE LOGIC PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-13molten liquid to be quenched into a “perfect crystal ”every
time. Instead, we would expect a “solid full of defects ”with
different nonzero values for S–A–Bin each trial. That is
exactly what we get if the carry bits are bidirectional, as in afully BM implementation [Fig. 13(d) ].
Note, however, that this digital accuracy is achieved
while maintaining the property of invertibility that isabsent in digital circuits. Figure 13is not for direct mode
operation, but for the adder operating in reverse mode as asubtractor. It might be expected that the directed connectionof carry bits from the less significant to the more significantbit could lead to a loss of invertibility. To investigate thispoint, we show the error S–A–Bas a function of trial
number (Fig. 14) for four different modes of operation with
(i)AandBclamped (addition), (ii) SandAclamped
(subtraction), (iii) A,B, and Sfor the 16 most significant
bits (msb) clamped, and (iv) A,B, and Sfor the 16 least
significant bits (lsb) clamped. The fully bidirectionalimplementation shows very large errors for all modes of
operation. The directed implementation, on the other hand,
works perfectly for both the adder and the subtractormodes. It also works if we clamp the least significant bits,but not if we clamp the most significant bits. This seemsreasonable since we expect to be able to control a flow bymaking changes upstream (lsb) but not downstream (msb).
Partial directivity. —Thus far in our examples we have
only considered fully directed ( J
ij¼2J0,Jji¼0) or fullybidirectional ( Jij¼J0,Jji¼J0) carry bits when connect-
ing the individual full adders. In Fig. 15, we systematically
analyze the effects of partial directivity in the operation of a
32-bit adder. We observe that the 32-bit adder operates
correctly even when there is a large degree of bidirection-ality ( J
ji¼Jij×0.75) provided that the system is allowed
to run for a long time, T¼50000 , in stark contrast to the
fully directed case that could resolve the right answerwithin T¼100, shown in Fig. 14(b) . Decreasing the time
steps systematically increases the error. Increasing the
correlation parameter while keeping Tconstant also seems
to adversely affect the bidirectional designs that might be
getting the system stuck in local minima.
Directionality and computation time, 2−p-bit model. —
The qualitative relation between I
0,T, and bidirectionality
J12=J21described above is derived from extensive numeri-
cal simulations based on Eqs. (1)and(2). However, the
broad features can be understood from a model involving
just two p-bits, 1 and 2, with
and J¼/C200J12
J21 0/C21
It is straightforward to write a master equation des-
cribing the time evolution of the probabilities of different
FIG. 13. Accuracy of 32-bit adder, directed versus bidirectional. The results are shown for the adder operating in a subtractor mode,
clamping one (random) 32-bit input ( A) and a (random) 33-bit output ( CoutþS), and observing the other 32-bit input B, which should
provide the difference S–A. (a) Color map of the binary state of each of the 448 p-bits comprising the directed adder as a function of time
with the interaction parameter I0suddenly increased from 0.25 to 5 at t0¼50. For low values of I0att<50, the collection of p-bits is
like a molten liquid which is quenched at t0¼50into a solid. (b) Surprisingly, this solid corresponds to a “perfect crystal ”in each of the
1000 trial experiments, with S–A–Bexactly equal to zero (dark blue). (c) Same as (a) but for a bidirectional adder. Here, too, the “liquid ”
quenches to a solid at t0¼50, but in this case the resulting “solid”is full of defects (with hardly any zeros), with S–A–B≠0, yielding a
different wrong result for each trial as evident from (d). For (c) and (d) the color bar is modified to have a dark blue color correspondingto exactly zero. S,A,Bare taken to be the statistical mode of the 100×1array obtained at the end of each trial.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
Wbeing the transition matrix [20],P
00representing the
probability of both p-bits being −1,P11both being þ1, and
so on. We can write two matrices W1andW2describing the
updating of p-bits 1 and 2, respectively:
W1¼ð1;2Þð 11Þð10Þð01Þð00Þ
6664p 0 p 0
p 0 p
p 0 p 0
0 p 0 p3
6664qq 00
q q 00
00 q q
00 qq3
7775;FIG. 14. Invertibility of 32-bit adder, directed versus bidirectional. An adder that provides the sum Sof two 32-bit numbers AandB:
S¼AþB. The left-hand panel shows the adder implemented with bidirectional carry bits, while the right-hand panel shows one with
carry bits directed from the least significant to the most significant bit. Four different modes are shown with (i) AandBclamped
(addition), (ii) SandAclamped (subtraction), (iii) A,B, andSfor the 16 most significant bits (msb) clamped, and (iv) A,B, andSfor the
16 least significant bits (lsb) clamped. Note that the bidirectional implementation shows very large errors for all modes of operation. Thedirected implementation works perfectly for both the adder and the subtractor modes. It also works if we clamp the least significant bits,but not if we clamp the most significant bits. Correlation parameter I
0¼1,T¼100steps for all trials. S,A,Bare taken to be the mode
(most frequent value) of the 100×1array obtained at the end of each trial. Clamped inputs are random 32-bit words for each trial, for a
total of 1000 trials.
FIG. 15. Error versus bidirectionality. The degree of bidirec-tionality J
ji=Jijof the carry-out ( j) to carry-in ( i) link between
the full adders is systematically varied while keeping the sumJ
ijþJjiconstant. In each case the sum is obtained from the
statistical mode (or majority vote) of Ttime samples over 50
trials. The yaxis shows the fraction of trials that yield the wrong
result. Note that for large I0and small T, error-free operation is
obtained only if bidirectionality is close to zero, similar tostandard digital circuits. But with I
0¼1.5andT¼50000 ,
error-free operation (at least for 50 trials) is obtained even with≈75% bidirectionality.STOCHASTIC p-BITS FOR INVERTIBLE LOGIC PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-15where Wði; jÞrepresents the probability that state ( j) makes
a transition to state ( i), and ¯p¼1−p,¯q¼1−q.pandq
are obtained from Eqs. (1)and(2):
2f1þtanh½I0ðJ12þh1Þ/C138g ¼1
2f1þtanh½I0ðJ21þh2Þ/C138g ¼1
The overall transition matrix Wis given by W2×W1or
W1×W2depending on which bit is updated first. Either way,
the matrix Whas four eigenvalues, λ1¼1,λ2¼0,λ3¼0,
andλ4¼ð2p−1Þð2q−1Þ¼tanhðI0J12ÞtanhðI0J21Þ, and
the corresponding eigenvectors evolve with time ∼λT.
The components corresponding to λ¼0decay instanta-
neously while the eigenvector corresponding to λ¼1is the
stationary result representing the correct solution. But for
the system to reach this state, we have to wait for the fourtheigenvector corresponding to λ
4to decay sufficiently. A
fully directed network has J21¼0, so that λ4¼0and the
system quickly reaches the correct solution. But in abidirectional network with J
12¼J21, the fourth eigenvalue
can be quite close to one, especially for large I0, and take anexponentially long time to decay, as λT¼expðTlnλÞ≈
exp½−Tð1−λÞ/C138when λis close to 1.
This 2−p-bit model provides some insight into our
general observation that directivity can be used to obtainaccurate answers quickly. However, depending on the
problem at hand, it may be desirable to retain some degree
of bidirectionality, since full directivity does lead to someloss of invertibility, as we see for one set of inputs in
Fig.14. We discuss an example of a partially directed p-bit
network in the next section.
B. 4-bit multiplier or factorizer
Figure 16shows how the invertibility of PSL logic
blocks can be used to perform integer factorization usinga multiplier in reverse. Normally, the factorization pro-
blem requires specific algorithms [59] to be performed in
CMOS-like hardware; here, we simply use a digital 4-bitmultiplier working in reverse to achieve this operation.
Specifically with the output of the multiplier clamped
to a given integer from 0 to 15, the input bits float to thecorrect factors. The interconnection strength I
0is increased
suddenly from 0 to 2 at t¼t0(Fig. 16) and the input bits
(b) (c)
FIG. 16. Factorization through inverse multiplication. The reversibility of PSL allows the operation of integer factorization using a
binary multiplication circuit implemented using the principles of digital logic using AND gates and full adders, as shown in (a). Theoutput nodes of a 4-bit multiplier are clamped to a given integer, and the system produces the only consistent factors of the product at theinput terminals, probabilistically. The interaction parameter I
0is suddenly increased to a saturation value of 2, and held constant as
shown. (b) The output terminal is clamped to 9 and is factored into 3×3; note that 9×1is not an achievable solution in this setup since
encoding 9 requires 4-bit inputs in binary, whereas inputs are limited to 2-bits. (c) The output terminal is clamped to 6 and afterbeing correlated, the factors cross-oscillate between 2 and 3. In both cases the histogram is obtained by counting outputs after
total=2¼1.25×104time steps to collect statistics after the system is thermalized.CAMSARI, FARIA, SUTTON, and DATTA PHYS. REV. X 7,031014 (2017)
031014-16get locked to one of the possible solutions. For example,
when the output is set to 9, both inputs float to 3. With the
output set to 6, both inputs fluctuate between two values, 2and 3. Note that factors like 9¼9×1do not show up,
since encoding 9 in binary requires 4-bits (1001) and the
input terminals only have 2-bits. We check other cases
where factorizing 3 shows both 3×1and 1×3, and
factorizing zero shows all possible peaks since there aremany solutions such that 0¼0×1, 2, 3 and so on.
We also keep the same directed connections between the
full adders for the carry bits, making them a directed
network of Boltzmann machines, similar to the 32-bit
adder. Moreover, we keep a directed connection from
the full adders tothe AND gates, as shown in Fig. 16(a)
since the information needs to flow from the output to the
input in the case of factorization. The input bits that go to
multiple AND gates are “tied”to each other with a positive
exchange ( J>0) value much like 2-spins interacting
ferromagnetically; however, in PSL we envision these
interactions to be controlled purely electrically. In this
example, we observe that the system is sensitive to therelative strengths of couplings within the AND gates and
between the AND gates and the full adders, which can also
depend on a chosen annealing profile.
The design of factorizers of practical relevance is beyond
the scope of this paper. Our main purpose is to establish
how the key feature of invertibility of p-bits can be
creatively used for different circuits with unique function-alities. The demonstration of 4-bit factorization through
reverse multiplication is similar to memcomputing [60]
based on deterministic memristors. Note, however, thatthe building blocks and operating principles of stochastic
p-bits and memcomputing [61] are very different and the
only similarity we note here is the fact that both approachestreat the input and output terminals on an equal footing.
It is generally believed that (1) probabilistic algorithms
can tackle specific problems much more efficiently than
classical algorithms [62], and that (2) probabilistic algo-
rithms can run far more efficiently on a probabilisticcomputer than on a deterministic computer [62,63] .A s
such, it seems reasonable to expect that probabilistic
computers based on robust room-temperature p-bits could
provide a practically useful solution to many challengingproblems by rapidly sampling the phase space in hardware.
In this paper, we present a framework for using prob-
abilistic units or “p-bits”as a building block for a
probabilistic spin logic, which is used to implement precise
Boolean logic with an accuracy comparable to standard
digital circuits while exhibiting the unique property ofinvertibility that is unknown in deterministic circuits.Specifically, first, we present an implementation based
on stochastic nanomagnets to illustrate the importance of
three-terminal building blocks in the construction oflarge-scale correlated networks of p-bits. We emphasize
that this is just one possible implementation that is by
no means the only one (Sec. II). Second, we present an
algorithm for implementing Boolean gates as BM with
relatively sparse and quantized
J-matrix elements, bench-
mark their operation against the Boltzmann law, and
establish their capability to perform not just direct functions
but also their inverse (Sec. III). Third, we present a 32-bit
adder implemented as a hybrid BM that achieves digital
accuracy over a broad combination of the interaction
parameter I0, directionality, and the number of samples
T. This striking accuracy is reminiscent of digital circuits,
but it is achieved while preserving a certain degree of
invertibility that is absent in digital circuits. The accuracy is
particularly surprising with high degrees of bidirectionality
(J12¼0.75×J21), where the system is picking out the one
correct answer out of nearly 233≈8×109possibilities. This
may require a larger number of time samples, but these could
be collected rapidly at GHz rates (Sec. IV).
We hope these findings will help emphasize a new
direction for the field of spintronic and nanomagnetic logic
by shifting the focus from stable high-barrier magnets to
stochastic, low-barrier magnets, while inspiring a search for
other possible physical implementations of p-bits.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge many helpful discus-
sions with Behtash Behin-Aein (Globalfoundries) and
Ernesto E. Marinero (Purdue University). We thank
Jaijeet Roychowdhury (UC Berkeley) for suggesting the
phrase “invertible. ”This work was supported in part by
C-SPIN, one of six centers of STARnet, a Semiconductor
Research Corporation program, sponsored by MARCO and
DARPA, in part by the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative
through the Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery and
Exploration (INDEX) Center, and in part by the National
Science Foundation through the NCN-NEEDS program,
Contract No. 1227020-EEC.
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031014-19 |
PhysRevB.97.224412.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 224412 (2018)
Subnanosecond magnetization reversal of a magnetic nanoparticle driven
by a chirp microwave field pulse
M. T. Islam,1X. S. Wang,1,2,*Y . Zhang,1,3and X. R. Wang1,3,†
1Physics Department, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
2School of Electronic Science and Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Film and Integrated Devices,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, China
3HKUST Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China
(Received 16 March 2018; revised manuscript received 18 May 2018; published 13 June 2018)
We investigate the magnetization reversal of a single-domain magnetic nanoparticle driven by a linear down-
chirp microwave magnetic field pulse. Numerical simulations based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equationreveal that a down-chirp microwave pulse is solely capable of inducing subnanosecond magnetization reversal.With a certain range of initial frequency and chirp rate, the required field amplitude is much smaller than thatof a constant-frequency microwave field. The fast reversal is due to the fact that the down-chirp microwave fieldpulse triggers stimulated microwave absorptions (emissions) by (from) the spin before (after) it crosses over theenergy barrier. Applying a spin-polarized current additively to the system further reduces the microwave fieldamplitude. Our findings provide a way to realize low-cost and fast magnetization reversal.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.224412
The magnetization reversal of single-domain magnetic
nanoparticles has drawn significant attention because of itsapplication in high-density data storage [ 1–3] and processing
[4]. Fast magnetization reversal with minimal energy cost is
the ultimate demand in device applications. To achieve highthermal stability and a low error rate, high-anisotropy materialsare used so that magnetic nanoparticles have a high-energybarrier [ 5]. It is difficult but essential to find out how to achieve
the fastest magnetization reversal for high-anisotropy magneticnanoparticles with an energy cost that is as low as possible.Over the past a few years, a number of theoretical schemeshave been proposed and some of them have been verifiedby experiment. In the early years, a constant magnetic fieldwas used as the driving force to reverse the magnetization[6,7], but the reversal time is too long [ 6] and it suffers
from scalability problems because the energy consumptionper unit area increases as the device feature size decreases.Since the discovery of spin transfer torque (STT) [ 8], the
preferred way to reverse magnetization has been to deployspin-polarized electric current [ 9–16], and devices based on
STT magnetization reversal have been fabricated. However,a large current density is required for fast reversal so thatsignificant Joule heat limits the device durability and reliability[17–19]. If the direction of the magnetic field or current varies
with time in a designed way, the field/current amplitude orswitching time can be much lower [ 20,21] than that of a
constant field/current. But it is strenuous to generate such kindsof fields/currents in practice. A microwave magnetic field,either with or without a polarized electric current, is another
*Corresponding author: justicewxs@connect.ust.hk
†Corresponding author: phxwan@ust.hkcontrolling knob for magnetization reversal [ 22–24]. A mi-
crowave of constant frequency itself can reverse magnetizationthrough synchronization [ 7]. A large field amplitude is required
and the reversal process is relatively slow [ 25–28]. Recently,
there have been several studies demonstrating magnetizationreversal by microwaves of time-dependent frequency [ 29–33].
In Refs. [ 29,30], magnetization reversal is induced by a
combination of a static field together with a radio-frequencymicrowave field pulse. A dc static field is necessary and is themain reversal force, while the microwave field is only used asa reinforcement. In Ref. [ 30], the frequency of the microwave
is always chosen to be the resonance frequency, while inRef. [ 32] optimal microwave wave forms were designed. These
kinds of schemes have a similar problem as the theoreticallimits [ 20,21] that are difficult to realize. In Ref. [ 33], a linear
down-chirp microwave field was studied, but only positivefrequency fwas used so that stimulated microwave emission
was not allowed (microwaves with positive and negative fre-quencies can respectively trigger a stimulated absorption and astimulated emission). Under such a microwave, magnetizationreversal is only fast before the spin crosses its energy barrier.It takes a long time for the spin to fall into its final statebecause it relies on natural damping. In Ref. [ 34], a linear
chirp microwave was studied with a theoretically estimatedphase boundary of chirp rate and field amplitude. However,they did not provide a clear enough physical picture. A linearlypolarized microwave was not considered, either. Thus, a fastmagnetization reversal strategy with a relatively simple setupand a low-energy cost is still desired. In this paper, we showthat a circularly polarized down-chirp microwave pulse (amicrowave pulse whose frequency linearly decreases with timeand varies from f
0to−f0) can efficiently reverse the magneti-
zation. For a nanoparticle of high uniaxial anisotropy (coercivefieldh
k∼0.75 T), subnanosecond magnetization reversal
can be achieved. With a proper choice of initial frequency
2469-9950/2018/97(22)/224412(6) 224412-1 ©2018 American Physical SocietyM. T. ISLAM, X. S. W ANG, Y . ZHANG, AND X. R. W ANG PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 224412 (2018)
and chirp rate, the microwave field amplitude required for
subnanosecond magnetization reversal is only several tens ofmT, much smaller than that required for a constant-frequencymicrowave field. The obtained reversal time is close to thetheoretical limit [ 20]. Also, we provide a clear physical picture
for fast switching from an energy point of view. We furthershow that a linearly polarized down-chirp microwave fieldpulse is also capable of quickly reversing the magnetization.We also demonstrate that a spin-polarized current can worktogether with the down-chirp microwave field pulse so thatboth the applied current density and microwave amplitude arelow enough.
We consider a spin valve with free and fixed ferromag-
netic layers and a nonmagnetic spacer in between, as shownschematically in Fig. 1(a). Both fixed and free layers are
perpendicularly magnetized. The magnetization direction ofthe fixed layer pis pinned upward, p=ˆz(ˆzis the unit vector
along the zdirection). The magnetization of the free layer
is treated as a macrospin with magnetization direction m
and magnitude M
s. The macrospin approximation is valid for
device sizes smaller than 100 nm [ 35]. The Landau-Lifshitz-
Gilbert (LLG) equation governs the magnetization dynamicsof the free layer in the presence of spin-polarized current anda microwave magnetic field [ 7,20,23,28],
where γis the gyromagnetic ratio, and αis the Gilbert damping
constant. The total effective field Heffconsists of the microwave
magnetic field Hmwand the anisotropy field HK=HKmzˆz, i.e.,
Heff=Hmw+HK.hsrepresents the intensity of spin transfer
torque (STT) [ 8],
2eμ0Msd, (2)
where j,e,¯h,P,μ0, andddenote the current density, electron
charge, the Planck’s constant, spin polarization of current,the vacuum permeability, and thickness of the free layer,
−f0T)b( )a(
FIG. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the system. mandprepresent
unit vectors of magnetization of free and fixed layers, respectively. A
microwave field is applied onto the free layer, and an electric current
flows through the spin valve. (b) The frequency of a down-chirpmicrowave (sweeping from +f
0to−f0).respectively. In the following study, the parameters are chosen
from typical experiments on microwave-driven magnetizationreversal as M
s=106A/m,Hk=0.75 T, γ=1.76×1011
rad/(T s),P=0.6,α=0.01, and d=2n m .
The microwave field Hmwand the spin transfer torque are
nonconservative forces. They do work to the macrospin. Wefirst consider solely microwave-driven magnetization reversal.Without the STT term, the rate of energy change of themacrospin is expressed as
1+α2|m×Heff|2−m·˙Hmw. (3)
The first term is always negative because of the positive
damping factor whereas the second term can be either positiveor negative for a time-dependent field. In other words, themicrowave field can either trigger stimulated energy absorptionor emission, depending on the angle between the instanta-neous magnetization direction and the time derivative of themicrowave field [ 23].
Due to the easy-axis anisotropy, the magnetization has
two stable equilibrium states, m=± ˆz, corresponding to two
energy minima. The goal of magnetization reversal is to movethe spin from one equilibrium state to the other. Along the way,the spin needs to cross an energy barrier at the equator ( m
0). Before mreaches the equator, it gains energy from external
forces. After mpasses the equator, it releases energy through
damping or through the negative work done by external forces.For a microwave field, the ideal case for fast magnetizationreversal is that the microwave always synchronizes to themagnetization motion so that m·˙H
mwremains maximal before
reaching the equator and remains minimal after passing theequator. However, this is difficult to achieve in practice. Wenotice that the internal effective field due to anisotropy isH
K=HKmzˆz, which corresponds to a resonant frequency
proportional to mz. During magnetization reversal from mz=
1t omz=− 1, the resonant frequency decreases while the spin
climbs up the potential barrier and increases while it goesdown from the barrier where the spin precesses in the oppositedirection. This leads us to consider a down-chirp microwavepulse, whose frequency decreases with time. If the rate offrequency change matches the magnetization precession, themicrowave field roughly accommodates the magnetizationprecession, and it triggers stimulated microwave absorptions(emissions) by (from) magnetization before (after) the spincrosses the energy barrier so that magnetization reversal canbe fast.
In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the above scenario,
we apply a circularly polarized down-chirp microwave pulseon the system and numerically solve the LLG equation usingthe
MUMAX 3 package [ 36]. The microwave field takes the form
Hmw=Hmw[cosφ(t)ˆx+sinφ(t)ˆy], (4)
where Hmwis the amplitude of the microwave field and φ(t)
is the phase. We consider a linear chirp whose instantaneousfrequency f(t)≡
dtis linearly decreasing with time at a
constant rate η(in units of s−2) as shown in Fig. 1(b),
f(t)=f0−ηt, φ (t)=2π/parenleftBig
, (5)
FIG. 2. (a) The time evolution of mzdriven by different sources: red dashed line for down-chirp microwave pulse (DCMWP) of f0=21 GHz,
Hmw=0.045 T, and η=67.2n s−2; blue solid line for constant-frequency microwave (CFMW) of amplitude 0.98 T and frequency 21 GHz;
black dash-dotted line for CFMW of amplitude 0.045 T and frequency 21 GHz. (b) The dependence of switching times tson the chirp rate ηfor
different microwave field amplitudes Hmw. The vertical dashed lines are lower and upper limits of ηfor magnetization switching. (c) Comparison
of magnetization reversal times for different strategies. The horizontal axis is the field amplitude. The black solid line is the theoretical limit.
Red squares/blue triangles are for the DCMWP/CFMW. Inset: Optimal chirp rates ηfor different field amplitudes Hmw.
where f0is the initial frequency at t=0. The duration of the
microwave pulse is T=2f0
ηso that the final frequency is −f0.
We first investigate the possibility of reversing the magneti-
zation by a down-chirp microwave pulse (DCMWP). At t=0,
mz=1, and the resonant frequency of the magnetization is
γH K=21.0 GHz. Thus, to make the chirp microwave match
the precession of mas much as possible, we use f0=γH K=
21.0 GHz. Figure 2(a) shows the time evolution of mzunder
three different microwave fields. The red dashed line showsthe reversal by a down-chirp pulse of f
0=21.0 GHz, η=
67.2n s−2, andHmw=0.045 T. The magnetization reverses
quickly with a switching time of 0.6 ns (throughout this paper,the switching time t
sis defined as the time mzreaches −0.9).
As a comparison, the evolution of mzdriven by a microwave
of constant frequency (CFMW) 21.0 GHz and the sameamplitude 0.045 T is plotted as a black dash-dotted line. Themagnetization only precesses around the initial state and doesnot reverse. To reverse the magnetization by a microwave ofconstant frequency within the same time (0.6 ns), the amplitudeof the field has to be as large as 0.98 T, as shown by the bluesolid line, which is unrealistic in practice. Therefore, DCMWPof small amplitude can induce subnanosecond magnetizationreversal, showing a significant advantage in comparison withconventional constant-frequency microwave-driven schemes[23,28]. We then investigate how the switching time depends
on the chirp rate ηand the microwave field amplitude H
According to the physical picture discussed in Sec. II, because
the changing rate of the frequency should match the magne-tization reversal, the duration of the pulse should be close tothe switching time. Figure 2(b) shows the ηdependence of the
switching time t
sfor different Hmw. The length of the pulse is
plotted with a green solid line for comparison. For each Hmw,
there exists a finite ηwindow in which magnetization reversal
occurs. Inside the window, the reversal time depends on η
nonmonotonically due to the highly nonlinear magnetizationreversal process. However, the reversal times oscillate near theright edge of the window (short pulses). This result justifiesour physical picture that the pulse length is close to the
magnetization reversal time. One can also see that the reversaltimes are not sensitive to ηandH
mwin the central region
of the window. This means a great flexibility in choosingηandH
mwas well as the initial frequency, an additional
advantageous property in applications. With η=63.0n s−2
andHmw=0.045 T, the initial frequency can be chosen in a
wide range from 20.5 to 39 GHz, with a corresponding reversaltime varying from 0.6 to 2 ns.
To have a better sense of how good our strategy is, we
compare the optimal reversal time of DCMWP of f
0=21 GHz
andHmw=0.045–0 .92 T (red squares) with the theoretical
limit [ 20] of the same field amplitude (black solid line) in
Fig. 2(c). The corresponding chirp rates for fastest reversal are
s h o w ni nt h ei n s e t .T h er e v e r s a lt i m eo fC F M Wo f f=21 GHz
is also shown (blue triangles). Below 0.6 T, only DCMWP canswitch the magnetization, with a subnanosecond reversal timethat is only a little longer than the theoretical limit. For a fieldamplitude larger than 0.6 T, the constant-frequency microwaveis also able to switch the magnetization, but the reversal timeis much longer.
In order to have a better physical understanding of the
fast switching under DCMWP, we look at the magnetizationprocess in more detail. The red solid line in Fig. 3(a) shows the
magnetization reversal process driven by a down-chirp pulseoff
0=21 GHz, Hmw=0.045 T, and η=67.2n s−2[which is
the same as the parameters used in Fig. 1(a)]. Figure 3(c)shows
the trajectory of magnetization reversal. Before (after) the spinpasses the equator, it rotates in a counterclockwise (clockwise)direction, as we discussed before. As a comparison, we turn offthe field at the moment when mjust passes the equator, so that
the energy is purely dissipated by Gilbert damping afterwards,i.e., the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. ( 3). The black
line in Fig. 3(a) shows the magnetization reversal in the case
where the chirp field is turned off at the moment when m
−0.004. It is clear that the second half of the reversal process
(from the equator mz=0t or e v e r s e ds t a t e mz/lessorequalslant−0.9) is much
slower. Figure 3(b) shows the corresponding trajectory. Obvi-
ously, after passing the equator, the magnetization undergoesa high spinning motion and the polar angle goes to the south
224412-3M. T. ISLAM, X. S. W ANG, Y . ZHANG, AND X. R. W ANG PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 224412 (2018)
FIG. 3. (a) Magnetization reversal driven by a down-chirp mi-
crowave field pulse of f0=21 GHz, Hmw=0.045 T, and η=
67.2n s−2. The red line is for a complete pulse. The black line shows
magnetization reversal if the pulse is turned off at mz=− 0.004. (b)
Magnetization trajectory if the field is turned off at the moment whenm
z=− 0.004. (c) Trajectory of magnetization for a complete pulse.
(d) Plot of the relative angle /Phi1against time (blue line) and the time
dependence of mz(red line). (e) Plot of the energy changing rate I
of magnetization against time (blue line) and the time dependence of
mz(red line).
pole slowly while the azimuthal angle cycles for many turns.
To further justify the physical picture that the down-chirp pulsecan trigger stimulated microwave absorptions (emissions) by(from) magnetization before (after) the spin crosses its energybarrier, we look at the angle between the in-plane componentsof the magnetization and the microwave field. From Eq. ( 3),
the energy changing rate due to the external field is
mw=−Hmwω(t)s i nθ(t)s i n/Phi1(t), (6)
where /Phi1(t) is the angle between mt(the in-plane component
ofm) and Hmw. The blue line in Fig. 3(d) is/Phi1(t), and the blue
line in Fig. 3(e) isI. Before t=0.25 ns, the magnetization
reverses quickly from mz=1 to the equator, as shown by
the red line. At the same time, /Phi1is around −90◦. Because
the magnetization precesses counterclockwise ( ω> 0), this
means Hmwis 0◦–180◦behind mt.Iis positive so that the
stimulated microwave absorption occurs. When /Phi1is−90◦,
the energy absorption rate reaches the maximum. Also, inFig. 3(e), the energy changing rate Iis positive. Between
0.25 and 0.35 ns, the magnetization oscillates near the equatorbecause of the complicated nonlinear dynamics. After 0.35ns, the magnetization reverses from the equator to m
z=− 1.
At the same time, /Phi1is around −90◦and the magnetization
precesses clockwise ( ω< 0).Hmwis 0◦to−180◦in front
ofmt.Iis negative so that the stimulated emission from the
particle is triggered. Also, in Fig. 3(e), the energy changing rate
Iis negative. Thus, the physical picture of fast magnetizationFIG. 4. (a) Dependence of reversal time tson the chirp rate for LP
DCMWP of Hmw=0.06 T,f0=20 GHz. (b) Time evolution of mz
driven by LP DCMWP of η=20 ns−2,Hmw=0.06 T,f0=20 GHz.
(c), (d) Phase diagram of magnetization reversal in terms of (c) CP
and (d) LP DCMWP amplitude Hmwand current density J. The pink
region means the magnetization does not reverse or the reversal time is
longer than 10 ns. The white region means the magnetization reverses
within 10 ns.
reversal by a down-chirp microwave pulse is confirmed: For
a proper chirp rate and initial frequency, the down-chirpmicrowave field matches the magnetization precession in alarge portion of the reversal process. As a result, before thespin crosses its energy barrier, the microwave field suppliesenergy to the spin and, after crossing over the energy barrier,the external microwave field triggers a stimulated microwaveemission from the spin with a large energy dissipation rate.
In the above studies, we used circularly polarized (CP)
microwaves. Many microwave-generation methods, for ex-ample, the coplanar waveguide, generate linearly polarized(LP) microwaves. A LP microwave can be decomposed intoa linear combination of two CP microwaves with oppositepolarizations. So, a down-chirp LP microwave should also becapable of switching a magnetization particle. We numericallydemonstrate this capability in Figs. 4(a) and4(b). Figure 4(a)
shows the chirp rate ( η) dependence of switching time for a LP
microwave of H
mw=0.06 T and f0=20 GHz. Nanosecond
magnetization reversal can be achieved in the window ofη=3.0–20 ns
−2. Because of the other CP component, the
magnetization dynamics becomes more complicated, as shownin Fig. 4(b), which plots the time evolution of m
zfor the optimal
η=20 ns−2. The complicated magnetization dynamics also
results in a different optimal initial frequency and chirp ratecompared to the CP case. The optimal chirp rate is nowη=20 ns
−2for the LP pulse, which is smaller than the CP
case, so that the switching time of the LP pulse (2 ns) is alsolonger than that of the CP pulse.
The obtained microwave magnetic field 0.045 (0.06) T
for CP (LP) DCMWP is still too high. To further reduce itsvalue, we can simultaneously apply a dc current. An electric
current is polarized by a fixed layer so that it has a finite
polarization along the zdirection. Figures 4(c) and4(d) show
theHmw-Jphase diagrams of magnetization reversal for CP
and LP chirp microwave pulses, respectively, together with adc current J. Below (above) the phase boundaries (shown by
the blue lines), the switching time is longer (shorter) than 10ns. The chirp pulses are chosen to be the ones that achieve fastreversal obtained before, i.e., f
0=21 GHz, η=67.2n s−2for
the CP microwave and f0=20 GHz, η=20 ns−2for the LP
microwave. If we require the switching time to be no longerthan 10 ns, for the magnetization reversal by electric currentonly, the required current density is about 1 .4×10
7A/cm2;f o r
the magnetization reversal by a CP (LP) down-chirp microwaveonly, the minimal field amplitude is about 0.0445 T (0.06 T).Naturally, in the presence of both chirp wave and electriccurrent, both H
mwandJcan be smaller than the above values,
which provides a large leeway to design practical magnetiza-tion reversal strategies according to the technical details.
The most challenging part of DCMWP-driven magneti-
zation reversal is the generation of DCMWP with a widebandwidth and large chirp rates. There are already severalpossible techniques for chirp-microwave generation, includingmicrowave photonics [ 37,38]. Recently, it was found that
circularly polarized microwaves with time-dependent fre-quency can be generated by coupling a magnetic nanoparticleto a pair of weak superconducting links [ 34,39]. The time
dependency of the microwave frequency can be controlledby voltage. Another way to generate DCMWP is to use aspin torque oscillator incorporating a field generating layer.By flowing a time varying spin-polarized current through afield generating layer, magnetization oscillation is excited. Theoscillating magnetic moment in turn induces microwaves oftime-dependent frequency [ 24,40]. Therefore, the spin torque
oscillator acts as a source of DCMWP, with the advantagethat it is easy to be integrated with the spin valve to achievegood locality and scalability. There is already an experimental
realization of generating microwaves of time-dependent fre-quency [ 41]. The widely used coplanar waveguide can also be
used to generate DCMWP. Using two coplanar waveguides,one can generate circularly polarized DCMWP [ 42] while
single coplanar waveguide can be used to generate linearlypolarized DCMWP [ 43]. The DCMWP is characterized by
three parameters: the initial frequency f
0, the chirp rate η,
and the field amplitude. According to our simulation andthe physical picture of stimulated microwave absorption andemission, one should let f
0be close to the ferromagnetic
resonance (FMR) frequency. The chirp rate ηcan be tuned
from an upper limit η=2f0/tth, where tthis the theoretical
limit [ 20], because the reversal time tsis close to the duration of
the pulse T, andtthis the lower limit of ts. The microwave field
amplitude should be as large as possible. Our findings provideimprovements for the fast magnetization reversal technologieswith a clear physical picture, and shine a light on the futuredevelopment of magnetic data storage and processing devices.
In conclusion, we find a down-chirp microwave pulse
can effectively reverse a magnetic nanoparticle. Differentfrom magnetization reversal driven by constant-frequencymicrowaves through synchronization that requires a strongfield, the DCMWP triggers stimulated microwave absorptions(emissions) by (from) the spin before (after) it crosses overthe energy barrier, so that the reversal can be fast with a lowfield by choosing a proper initial frequency and chirp rate. The
DCMWP can be used together with a polarized electric current
to design more practical reversal strategies.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 11774296) as well as HongKong RGC Grants No. 16300117 and No. 16301816. X.S.W.acknowledges support from UESTC and China PostdoctoralScience Foundation (Grant No. 2017M612932). M.T.I. ac-knowledges support from a Hong Kong Ph.D. fellowship.
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224412-6 |
PhysRevE.90.062901.pdf | PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 062901 (2014)
Understanding and controlling regime switching in molecular diffusion
S. Hallerberg1,2and A. S. de Wijn3,4
1Network Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 G ¨ottingen, Germany
2Institute of Physics, TU Chemnitz, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany
3Department of Physics, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
4Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands
(Received 14 September 2014; published 1 December 2014)
Diffusion can be strongly affected by ballistic flights (long jumps) as well as long-lived sticking trajectories
(long sticks). Using statistical inference techniques in the spirit of Granger causality, we investigate the appearanceof long jumps and sticks in molecular-dynamics simulations of diffusion in a prototype system, a benzene moleculeon a graphite substrate. We find that specific fluctuations in certain, but not all, internal degrees of freedom of themolecule can be linked to either long jumps or sticks. Furthermore, by changing the prevalence of these predictorswith an outside influence, the diffusion of the molecule can be controlled. The approach presented in this proofof concept study is very generic and can be applied to larger and more complex molecules. Additionally, thepredictor variables can be chosen in a general way so as to be accessible in experiments, making the methodfeasible for control of diffusion in applications. Our results also demonstrate that data-mining techniques can beused to investigate the phase-space structure of high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.062901 PACS number(s): 05 .45.Tp,68.35.Fx,02.50.Tt
The diffusion of molecules and clusters of atoms on
substrates is of substantial importance for the operation of
nanoscale devices, control of chemical reactions, catalysis,
and self-assembly. Experiments [ 1,2] as well as numerical
simulations [ 3–5] have revealed that long jumps , i.e., long-
lived ballistic trajectories, can strongly affect the surface
diffusion of single atoms, molecules, and nanoscale clusters.
Such movements, named flights in the dynamical systems
community, have been studied for the motion of point particles
in periodic lattices [ 6], as well as on much larger scales such
as the geographic spread of diseases [ 7]. Apart from long
jumps, similar systems can also exhibit the opposite behavior:
staying in a vicinity for an inordinately long amount of time.
These kinds of jumps and sticks can result in anomalous
diffusion, i.e., diffusion with a mean square displacementthat grows faster or slower than linearly with time. Even
when the anomalousness is destroyed by noise or some other
mechanism [ 8], jumps or sticks may remain and strongly affect
the diffusion.
The diffusion of larger molecules is affected by the
dynamics of their internal degrees of freedom, which form an
energy reservoir capable of absorbing and releasing kinetic
energy [ 9,10]. The overall diffusion of these molecules is
normal, due to the strongly chaotic internal degrees of freedom
of the molecule [ 9,10] and the thermal noise from the substrate,
in contrast to the anomalous diffusion of point particles in pe-
riodic lattices [ 6,8,11]. Nevertheless, the molecule’s trajectory
contains sections in which it temporarily behaves similarly toan anomalously diffusing object, moving ballistically (long
jumps) or remaining close to the vicinity of one unit cell (long
Diffusion in dynamical systems has also been observed to
switch between long-lived movements and normal diffusivebehavior [ 12,13]. Many methods exist for studying dynamical
systems, but almost all of them have been developed forsimplified low-dimensional systems with typically one- to
four-dimensional phase spaces (see, e.g., Ref. [ 14]). For dy-
namical systems of higher dimension, few useful approachesexist. In this article we propose a data-mining approach toreveal links between energy fluctuations in the internal degreesof freedom of a high-dimensional dynamical system (benzenediffusing on graphite) on the one hand and the rare events (longjumps and sticks) in the diffusion on the other. Links betweentwo variables or events are often studied using averagedquantities, such as cross-correlation functions, mutual infor-mation [ 15], Kullback-Leibler divergences [ 16], and tests for
Granger causality [ 17]. However, these approaches fail when
the events under study are rare, and their contribution to theaverage is negligible. Therefore we use a conceptually differentapproach, i.e., we use statistical-inference techniques andanalyze the success rate of the inference using receiver operatorcharacteristic curves (ROC curves) [ 18], which are a common
measure for the success of classification algorithms in machinelearning and data mining [ 19–22]. Using these prediction
methods in order to identify links between variables and futurediscrete events provides a simplified framework for testingfor Granger causality in point processes. A conceptuallysimilar approach has recently been studied in the context ofneuroscience [ 23].
Having identified relevant predictors, we manipulate the
diffusion of the simulated molecule by deliberately trig-gering them. Our approach is very general and can easilybe extended to the design of mechanisms that alter thediffusion of larger molecules on other substrates. This article
thus presents a proof-of-concept study, demonstrating that
data-mining techniques can be used to extract useful infor-mation from molecular-dynamics simulations. The arrowsindicate the amplitude and direction of the atomic motion,being within (mode 1–9) or orthogonal to the plane of themolecule (torsion modes 10, 11, and 12). Some modes aredegenerate in sets of two, namely, (1, 2), (3, 4), (7, 8),and (10, 11).
1539-3755/2014/90(6)/062901(7) 062901-1 ©2014 American Physical SocietyS. HALLERBERG AND A. S. DE WIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 062901 (2014)
7 8 9 10 11 12(b)
FIG. 1. (a) The prototype system, a benzene molecule on a graphite substrate [ 9,10]. The internal dynamics consist of bond stretching,
bending, and torsion. (b) The 12 vibrational eigenmodes of the linearized system (numbered arbitrarily). The arrows indicate the directions of
the vibrations. For modes 10, 11, and 12, which are torsion modes, the vibrations are out-of-plane. The motion for these modes (away from the
reader or towards them) is indicated with respect to the center of the hexagon.
As a prototype system for diffusion of large molecules, we
consider a benzene molecule on a graphite substrate [Fig. 1(a)].
A particularly suitable model for investigating the dynamicalproperties of this system was developed in Ref. [ 9]. It contains
the essential nonlinear dynamics, without including any ofthe myriad of extra complications that are not of interesthere. Similar models have been successfully used for morecomplicated, less symmetric molecules [ 24]. The dynamics
are described with a classical atomistic force field, based onthe Tripos 5.2 force field [ 25]. The hydrogen atoms are treated
in a mean-field approximation, as their dynamics cannot bedescribed reliably classically.
idenote the position of the ith CH complex, ordered
in such a way that iand (i+1 mod 6) are neighbors in the
benzene ring. Let φiandβibe the angles between the bonds and
the torsion angles respectively. The internal potential energyof the benzene molecule is written as a sum over bending,stretching, and torsion of the bonds between the carbon atoms,
molecule (r1,...,r6)=1
i=1(/bardblr(i+1)(mod6) −ri/bardbl−r0)2
i=1[1+cos(2βi)], (1)
where krandr0are the C–C stretching force constant
and equilibrium distance, while kφandkβare the effective
bending force constant and the effective torsion constant.In this work, we use the same values as in Refs. [ 9,10],
0=1.47˚A,kr=60.7e V/˚A2,kφ=6.85 eV/rad2, andkβ=
0.247 eV. The internal degrees of freedom of the model
molecule display chaotic dynamics [ 9]. This acts as effective
noise and influences the friction and diffusion of the moleculeon the substrate [ 10].
As in Ref. [ 10], we represent the substrate using a three-
dimensional substrate potential for each CH complex that iscomposed of a two-dimensional hexagonal sinusoidal potentialin the xyplane and a harmonic term in the zdirection,
2 cos/parenleftbigg2πx
27a2z2, (2)
where Vc=25 meV is the potential corrugation, and a=
1.42˚A is the in-layer inter-atomic distance of graphite. A
Langevin thermostat with temperature 293 K and dampingparameter of 0.0025 /ps is applied to each CH complex. It
model the thermal fluctuations and damping due to the heatbath of the substrate. The viscous damping parameter has beenchosen sufficiently low for the diffusion to be dominated bylong jumps and sticks.
Realistic damping parameters for small molecules are
typically higher, around 1 /ps. For larger molecules, little
information is available. It is known, however, that for largerinterfaces, friction can become extremely low due to structuralincompatibility [ 26]. As long jumps have been observed in
experiments on large molecules [ 1], we know that in some
cases the damping is in the regime that allows jumps to occur.An example of a trajectory with long jumps is shown in Fig. 2.
A total of 16 molecular-dynamics simulations were run for atime of 1.2 μs each. The 16 simulations differ only in their
randomly chosen initial conditions and the precise realizationof the applied Langevin thermostat. The coordinates of thecenter of mass and configuration of the internal degrees offreedom were stored every /Delta1t=0.24 ps.
We define a section of the trajectory as a long jump
if the direction of the velocity vector remains within thevicinity of one orientation for τtime steps of length /Delta1t.A s
the ballistic flights follow the substrate geometry, we detectjumps using angular sectors of [ c60
◦−45◦,c60◦+45◦], with
c=0,1,2,3,4,5 [e.g., the shaded area in Fig. 2(b)]. Similarly,
a section of the trajectory is taken to be a long stick if themolecule stays within a roughly hexagonal neighborhood ofseven hexagons of carbon atoms on the substrate. This is shownin Fig. 2(c).
The distributions of the durations of jumps and sticks are
shown in Fig. 3. To estimate and fit these distributions, we
-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8y [nm]
x [nm] (a)
-0.4-0.2 0 0.2 0.4
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4vy [nm/ps]
vx [nm/ps](b)
no jump
preferred directions
13 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14
21.2 21.4 21.6 21.8 22 22.2y [nm]
x [nm](c)no stick
FIG. 2. (Color online) Detecting ballistic flights and subdiffusive sticks. (a) Example of trajectories of a simulated benzene molecule on
a graphite substrate in real space including ballistic flights (long jumps) and subdiffusive sticks. In between long jumps the mean-square
displacement of the center of mass of the molecule grows linearly with time and diffusion is much slower. (b) A short section of the trajectory
in velocity space with the long jump highlighted. (c) A short section of the trajectory in real space with a stick highlighted.
use data of the time lengths of jumps and sticks as estimated
from each of the 16 simulations, as well as two concatenateddata sets that contain jump or stick time lengths from all16 simulations. We follow the suggestions of Ref. [ 27] con-
cerning appropriate ways of fitting heavy-tailed distributionsand especially power laws (PLs),
, (3)
withτminbeing a lower cutoff value. We apply the software
package power law [28] to estimate αusing a maximum
likelihood estimator and adapting the minimum τminsuch
that the resulting density minimizes the Kolmogorov-Smirnovdistance. We compare maximum likelihood fits of a power law
FIG. 3. (Color online) Estimating the density of jump and stick
time length distributions by fitting several heavy-tailed distributions.
A loglikelihood ratio test revealed that the truncated power law (TPL)
is the most appropriate fit among the distributions tested [power law(PL), TPL, stretched exponential, lognormal]. Note that the difference
between the PL fit and the lognormal fit are not visible. Consequently
only the PL fit is labeled.(PL), a truncated power law (TPL), a lognormal distribution,
and a stretched exponential. Among these distributions, wefind that jumps and sticks are both best described by truncatedpower laws, with exponents −2.45 (long jumps) and −2.87
(sticks). The upper limit of the power law scaling is likely dueto the exponential decay of correlations on long time scalesof order 1 /η=400 ps, enforced by the Langevin thermostat
used in the simulations. In Fig. 3this exponential decay on
larger time scales is visible as the small deviation betweenthe tails of the fitted power laws and the exponential tails ofthe fitted truncated power law. We also calculate the varianceof the estimated exponent αamong the ensemble of 16 sets
of simulation data. The precise value of αvaries among the
different runs. However, most of the values are within an0.99 confidence interval centered around the ensemble means,which are α
jump=− 2.45 for jumps and αsticks=− 2.78 for
sticks. These means are also close to the values estimated usingthe concatenated data set of all 16 simulations (see Fig. 3).
By considering the results of the simulations as a time
series, we can search for structures that precede or coincidewith long jumps or sticks. As the full trajectory of every CHcomplex in the simulated molecule is known, any functionof the coordinates can, in principle, be used as an indicatoryvariable y
n. We are therefore free to choose physically relevant
quantities that could be influenced in experiments, namely,the energy stored in the vibrational modes. These energieswe approximate by linearizing the Hamiltonian around theequilibrium solution. Since the system has 18 degrees offreedom, of which 3 are center-of-mass translation and 3are rotation, there are 12 eigenvibrations, shown in Fig. 1.
The 36-dimensional phase space is thus summarized by theenergies stored in these vibrations. The 12 energies x
1,2,..., 12) are recorded as a multivariate time series {xn}=
n,..., x12
n)}, at discrete time instances t=t0+n/Delta1t,
with/Delta1tbeing a constant sampling interval.
As predictors yn∈(μ1
n,..., μ12n,σ1
n..., σ12
n), we consider
sliding window averages μi
land sliding
062901-3S. HALLERBERG AND A. S. DE WIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 062901 (2014)
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6log p
n, w=15(a) jumps, mode 1
τ ≥ 24.19 ps
τ ≥ 48.38 ps
τ ≥ 72.57 ps10-610-410-21
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6log p
n, w=15(b)sticks, mode 1
0 0.02 0.04log p
n, w=15(c)
jumpsmode 12
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04log p
n, w=15(d) sticks, mode 12
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8log p
n,w=15mode 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8log p
n,wmode 1
0.01 0.02 0.03log p
n,w=15mode 12
0.01 0.02log p
n,wmode 12
FIG. 4. (Color online) Examples of predictor distributions for modes that are linked (a), (b), (e), (f) or not linked (others) to the occurence
of events. Histograms of CPDFs p(sn/greaterorequalslantτ|yn) are plotted as lines over the marginal probability distribution p(yn) (plotted as black bars).
window estimates of the standard deviations σi
n)2(i=1,2,..., 12). The sliding win-
dow was chosen to start wsteps/Delta1tbefore the time step n
in which the prediction of the event occurring at time n+l
is made. The values of wshown here are w=15 for long
jumps and w=35 for sticks, with /Delta1t=0.24 ps. In general,
wmust be chosen carefully. If wis too large, fluctuations
that announce a predictor might be smoothed out and becomeundetectable. Conversely, if wis too small, there will be many
fluctuations on different time scales in the predictor that are notrelevant for events. The values mentioned above were chosenbecause they produce the best ROC curves.
Relevant predictors are then identified using naive Bayesian
classifiers [ 29], i.e., conditional probability distribution func-
tions (CPDFs) p(e
n+l/greaterorequalslantτ|yn). The event e n+lis either a long
jumpjn+lor stick sn+lstarting at time instance n+lin the
future and lasting for a time τ/Delta1t or longer. The variable l
denotes the time difference between the time nwhen the
predictor ynwas observed and the occurrence of the event
at time n+l. In the context of (weather) forecasting lis called
lead time . We study the connection between predictor variables
and events for several values of l. Whereas investigatingthe nowcast szenario ( l=0) emphasizes the link between
predictors and events (as shown in Fig. 6), forecast scenarios
(l>0; see Fig. 5) might be more relevant for applications.
Links between precursor and event can, e.g., be verified
by comparing ROC curves. However, whether a predictorwill be successful or not can often already by seen from theconditional probability distribution. The black bars in Fig. 4
are the marginal distributions of both predictor variables, thesliding window average μ
n,wand the sliding window standard
deviation σi
n,w. The number of bins for each CPDF was adapted
such that each bin has at least two entries. The lines in Fig. 4show CPDFs p(en+l/greaterorequalslantτ|yn) estimated for the event e n+lbeing
either a ballistic flight or a stick, occurring at time n+land
ynis one of the two predictors tested, namely, μi
The most meaningful predictor, the value most likely to befollowed by an event, is the one that maximizes the CPDF.Relevant predictors should lead to nonflat CPDFs, such asdisplayed by full and dashed lines in Figs. 4(a),4(b),4(e),
and4(f) in contrast to the flat CPDFs in Figs. 4(c),4(d),4(g),
and4(h). A meaningful predictor should also be specific, i.e.,
not occur by chance without being related to an event. Anindication of specificity is that the maximum of the CPDFdoes not coincide with a maximum of the marginal probabilitydistribution function (PDF).
In total we find qualitative differences between the distri-
butions estimated using the energy in modes 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9and the ones estimated based on modes 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, and12. For both predictors μ
n,wand for both types of
events, the CPDFs generated from time series of modes 1, 2, 7,8, and 9 display structure, whereas the CPDFs obtained frommodes 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, and 12 are relatively flat. Additionally,the marginal PDFs of modes 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 possess severalmaxima, while the marginal PDFs of the other modes decayeither slower as an exponential function or as a Gaussian.
The marginal PDFs of modes 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 also
show a larger range of support, i.e., the average energy inthese modes calculated from the linearized Hamiltonian islarger and so is the standard deviation in energy. This isbecause in reality there are nonlinear terms in the energy,including nonlinear coupling terms between the modes, thatalso contribute to the energy. The energy in these nonlinearterms can be comparable or larger than the energy in the linearterms. If this were not the case, the system would not beso ubiquitously chaotic. As we cannot assign the nonlinear
0.5 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12AUC
modeτ≥ 48.38 ps
834 events
0.5 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12AUC
modeτ≥ 48.38 ps
1193 eventssticks
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8true positive rate
false negative rate(a)
n, sticksτ ≥ 48.38 ps
AUC = 0.64
FIG. 5. (Color online) Nowcasting ballistic jumps and subdiffusive sticks. (a) An example for an ROC curve. (b) and (c) AUCs for different
predictor variables μi
n, estimated for nowcasts , i.e., lead time l=0. The 95% confidence intervals are shown as shaded areas in (b)
and (c).
mixing terms to specific degrees of freedom, it is impossible
to calculate the energy in a specific mode more accuratelyor, indeed, check the equipartition of thermal energy betweenthe various modes. The different nonlinear coupling of modesthat are degenerate in the linearized system also leads to smallquantitative differences in the PDFs between sets of degeneratemodes.
Applying the CPDFs to make nowcasts and forecasts, we
formulate a binary decision variable based on a probabilitythreshold δ∈[0,max[p(e
n+l/greaterorequalslantτ|yn)]]for each time step n:
An=/braceleftbigg1i f p(en+l/greaterorequalslantτ|yn)/greaterorequalslantδ,
0 otherwise .(4)
An=1 refers to issuing an alarm for an event to occur at time
n+landAn=0 to issuing no such warning. The effectiveness
ofAnis evaluated by comparing the fraction of correct
predictions out of all observed events (true positive rate) tothe fraction of false alarms out of all nonevents (false positiverate), i.e., by generating ROC curves [see Fig. 5(a)]. Each
value of the threshold δcorresponds to a single point in the
ROC curve. An area under the curve (AUC) indicating betterthan random performance (curve on the diagonal) should havea value larger than 1 /2. In order to estimate 95% confidence
intervals for the AUCs, we additionally compute 100 AUCs,generated by making random predictions.
As shown in Figs. 5and 6, predictors based on modes 1,
2, 7, 8, and 9 have AUCs that are substantially higher thanthe 95% confidence intervals. Similar results were obtainedfor longer and shorter event durations and when testing forthe possibility of predicting long-lived movements with a lead
timel>0. In this forecast scenarios [Figs. 6(a) and 6(b)]
we separate between test and training data set, by estimatingCPDFs on the first f
c×100% of the data and generating ROCs
and AUC on the remaining data. Figures 6(a) and6(b) indicate
a certain forecast success for jumps and sticks up to 4 .8p s
before they occur, which is far in advance compared to thetime scales of the internal dynamics of the molecule (about0.5 ps).
Taking a closer look at the successful predictors as indicated
by maxima of CPDFs, we find that a low standard deviation inmodes 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 can be associated with the occurrenceof sticks, while a high standard deviation in these modes isobserved simultaneously with the occurrence of long jumps.Furthermore, the CPDFs of μ
nwithj=1,2,7,8, and 9 suggest
that high values of the average energy can be associated with
long jumps, whereas any deviation of μj
n, with j=1,2,7,8,
and 9 from their most likely values can be associated with theoccurrence of sticks.
We can make an important observation about the modes that
are connected to long-lived movements and the physical originof this connection. The modes with strong precursors display
0.5 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12AUC
mode τ ≥ 24.19 ps
3154 events
n(a)l = 0, in sample
l = 20, in sample
l = 20, fc = 0.9
0.5 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12AUC
modeτ ≥ 24.19 ps 5375 eventssticks
n(b)l=0, in sample
l=40, in sample
l=40, fc=0.9
FIG. 6. (Color online) Forecasting long jumps and sticks. (a) and
(b): Comparison of nowcasts ( l=0) and forecasts ( l>0), both made
using the standard deviation as a predictor. Additionally, we separated
the data set into a test and a training part (90% for training, 10%for testing) which is indicated by the factor f
c=9.0. Here 95%
confidence intervals were also estimated through random predictions
with parameters l>0a n dfc=0.9.
062901-5S. HALLERBERG AND A. S. DE WIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 062901 (2014)
specific symmetries. Mode 9 is a breathing mode symmetric
under rotations by 60 degrees. Mode 1, 2, 7, and 8 are mappedonto themselves by rotations over 180 degrees. By contrast, thebending and stretching modes not showing predictors (3, 4, 5,and 6) are all antisymmetric under rotation over 180 degrees.For antisymmetric vibrations, the coupling with the substratewith hexagonal symmetry is small or vanishes completely toleading order. The torsion modes (10, 11, and 12) primarilyinvolve motion in the zdirection and do not strongly couple
to the motion in the xandydirection. This is surprising,
since there are clear links between the anomalous behaviorand the torsional degrees of freedom. Specifically, if torsionis removed completely, the diffusion of the model molecule isknown to become anomalous [ 10]. However, as they do not
couple directly to the center of mass, a small manipulation ofthe torsional degrees of freedom does not strongly affect thetransport.
Having identified relevant predictors, one can trigger
long-lived movements and thus manipulate diffusion. In anexperiment, this could be accomplished by excitation of aspecific vibrational mode with radiation. In our simulations,we achieve a similar effect by applying a viscous damping toa particular mode (see Fig. 7). In more detail we simulate the
trajectory of a molecule for 242 ps without damping and then242 ps with viscous damping of a particular mode. Dampinga relevant mode as, e.g., mode 1 induces a stick; i.e., themolecule remains within a region of a few unit cells untilthe end of the simulation. In contrast to this, dampingof a nonrelevant mode as, e.g., mode 10 has no apparentquantitative effect on the diffusion of the molecule (seeFig. 8). We chose damping over driving the system because it
suffices and keeps the system as simple as possible: Dampingintroduces only one extra parameter, the damping constant,rather than two, the frequency and amplitude of the driving.Results are shown in Fig. 9. Diffusion decreases with damping
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
-10-8-6-4-2 0 2 4 6y[nm]
FIG. 7. (Color online) Damping mode 1 induces a long stick;
i.e., the molecule remains within a region of the size of a few unit cells.
The trajectory is plotted in black without damping and in red (gray)
after the damping started. Note that both parts of the simulation repre-sent the motion of the molecule during time intervals of equal length,
i.e., 242 ps before the damping started and 242 ps with damping of
mode 1. See Ref. [ 30] for this simulation in the form of a movie. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-6-4-2 0 2 4 6 8 10y[nm]
FIG. 8. (Color online) Damping of mode 10 does not induce any
qualitative change of the molecule’s motion. The molecule continues
to diffuse over a wide range of the substrate, which is in contrast to
the stick induced by the damping of mode 1 (see Fig. 7).
for all modes, as the lower energy in the system makes it more
difficult for the molecule to overcome the diffusion barrier.However, for modes 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9, we find an additionaldrop in the diffusion at relatively low damping, followed bya recovery. Note that these are exactly the modes providingrelevant predictors with high AUC values. The recovery islikely related to the time scales of the dynamics of the centerof mass on the substrate, which is around 1 ps. When thedamping is strong, the nonlinear dynamics of the center ofmass on the substrate and in the internal degrees of freedomare changed qualitatively. Consequently, jumps and sticks, ifpresent at all, may no longer work in the same way.
In summary, we have demonstrated that long-lived jumps
and sticks of complex molecules on substrates can be relatedto energies in specific internal degrees of freedom by using
ROC analysis as a framework. Apart from detecting linksbetween the vibrational modes and simultaneously occurringlong jumps or sticks, we have also studied the potential of
0.1 1 10 100
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10diffusion coefficient
of center of mass (nm2/ns)
damping of modes (1/ps)mode 1
mode 3
mode 5
mode 6
mode 7
mode 9
mode 10
mode 12
FIG. 9. (Color online) Diffusion versus damping in a system with
a single damped mode as indicated. For degenerate pairs, only one
mode is shown. There is a large drop in the diffusion coefficient when
the modes with strong predictors are damped.
this approach for predicting future long jumps and sticks. In
addition, we are able to deliberately trigger the long jumpsand sticks, modifying the diffusion, by damping the modesthat contain relevant predictors.
In nanotechnological applications a manipulation method
must be applicable to different molecules, and there mustbe experimentally practical ways of implementing the con-trol mechanism. While for this proof of concept study weused a relatively simple prototype system, our approach isapplicable to larger, more complex, molecules, as it requiresonly a sufficiently long phase-space trajectory generated bya molecular-dynamics simulation. Moreover, the predictorvariables can be chosen in any way that facilitates control inexperimental settings. Our results demonstrate that statisticalinference has the potential to become a powerful methodfor studying high-dimensional dynamical systems in general,
and understanding and manipulating molecular transport inparticular.
The authors are grateful to A. Fasolino, E. Altmann, W.
Just, and G. Radons for discussions. A.S.d.W. has beenfinancially supported by a Veni grant from the NetherlandsOrganization for Scientific Research (NWO) and by anUnga Forskare grant from the Swedish Research Council(Vetenskapsr ˚adet). The collaboration of the two authors has
additionally been supported by short visit grants from theEuropean Science Foundation research networking programExploring the Physics of Small Devices (EPSD).
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062901-7 |
PhysRevLett.102.057204.pdf | Local Control of Ultrafast Dynamics of Magnetic Nanoparticles
A. Sukhov1,2and J. Berakdar2
1Max-Planck-Institut fu ¨r Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany
2Institut fu ¨r Physik, Martin-Luther-Universita ¨t Halle-Wittenberg, Heinrich-Damerow-Str. 4, 06120 Halle, Germany
(Received 21 October 2008; revised manuscript received 2 December 2008; published 3 February 2009)
Using the local control theory we derive analytical expressions for magnetic field pulses that steer the
magnetization of a monodomain magnetic nanoparticle to a predefined state. Finite-temperature full
numerical simulations confirm the analytical results and show that a magnetization switching or freezing
is achievable within few precessional periods and that the scheme is exploitable for fast thermal switching.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.057204 PACS numbers: 75.10.Hk, 75.40.Mg, 75.60.Jk, 82.50.Nd
Introduction.— A fast magnetization reversal of mag-
netic nanoparticles is of a key importance for the realiza-tion of high-rate magnetic recording [ 1,2]. Several
techniques are currently envisaged for the magnetizationswitching such as the laser-induced spin dynamics [ 3]
based on the inverse Faraday effect [ 4,5], the reversal
triggered by external static or alternating magnetic fields[6–12] or by a spin-torque acting on the magnetization due
to a passing spin-polarized electric current [ 13,14].
Transverse magnetic field pulses are also efficient for aswift reversal [ 15–20], and if finely tuned in duration [ 2,21]
can even lead to a quasiballistic switching. A furtherfundamental issue, addressed here is how to steer themagnetic dynamics to a desirable state by external fields.Generally, a number of control schemes have been estab-lished mainly in quantum chemistry [ 22–25]. Particularly
interesting is the local control theory (LCT) [ 24,25]i n
which the control fields are constructed from the responseof the system offering thus a physical interpretation of thecontrol mechanism. We adopt the idea of LCT to steer themagnetization dynamics of nanoparticle by transversemagnetic pulses. We obtain transparent analytical expres-sions for the control pulses that allow a fast switching or aquasi ‘‘freezing’’ at a predefined magnetization state. Forthe scheme to be applicable, the field durations have to beshorter than the field-free precessional period but no spe-cial pulse-duration tuning is required; the field strengthsare to be determined according to the analytical expres-sions provided here. In our control strategy the magneti-zation dynamics proceeds via sudden impulsive kicksguiding the magnetization towards a predefined direction;the pulses are intervened by field-free magnetization pre-cessions and relaxation. A similar mechanism has recentlybeen realized experimentally [ 12] using spin-polarized
picosecond current pulses resulting in a spin-transfer-torque-driven stroboscopic dynamics. The robustness ofthe predictions we demonstrate with finite-temperaturefull numerical calculations and for different types of an-isotropy fields. We confirm the analytical results and un-cover the potential of this scheme for fast thermal
switching that can be the basis for fast thermal sensors.
Theory.— We consider a nanoparticle with a size such
that it displays a long-range magnetic order and is in asingle domain remanent state. Examples are Fe
[2,26]o r Fe70Pt30[2,27] nanoparticles which possess, re-
spectively, a uniaxial or a cubic anisotropy. Following theLandau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) approach we model thedynamics of the magnetization direction by the classical
evolution of a unit vector S. The particle’s magnetic mo-
ment at saturation /C22
Sis assumed time invariant. The
system energy derives from H¼HAþHF, where
HAandHF¼/C0S/C1b0ðtÞstand, respectively, for the
anisotropy and the Zeeman energy of Sin the external
fieldb0ðtÞ. For a particular type of anisotropy described by
fAðSÞwe writeHA¼/C0DfAðSÞwithDbeing the anisot-
ropy constant. SðtÞdevelops according to LLG equation
[28]a s@S
ð1þ/C112ÞS/C2½BeðtÞþ/C11ðS/C2BeðtÞÞ/C138, where
BeðtÞ¼/C0 ½ 1=ð/C22SÞ/C138@H=@Sis the effective field, /C13is the
gyromagnetic ratio and /C11is the Gilbert damping parame-
ter. In spherical coordinates where the zaxis is along the
easy axis we specify Sby the azimuthal ( /C30) and polar ( /C18)
angles and cast the LLG equation as [ 2,29]
Hereafter the time is measured in units of the field-free
precessional period Tprecand the energy Hin units of
/C22SBAwhere BA¼2D=/C22 Sis the maximum uniaxial an-
isotropy field. E.g., for Fe50Pt50we have Tprec¼5p s, the
maximum anisotropy field is /C247Tand the magnetic mo-
ment per nanoparticle is around 22 000 /C22B[26]. The field-
free solution of ( 1) is known; e.g., for a uniaxial anisotropy
and starting from the angles /C30fðt¼/C22t0Þand/C18fðt¼/C22t0Þone
finds (e.g., [ 30])PRL 102, 057204 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
0031-9007 =09=102(5) =057204(4) 057204-1 /C2112009 The American Physical Society/C30fðtÞ¼/C30fð/C22t0Þ/C6t/C0/C22t0
‘‘þ’’ (‘‘/C0’’) refers to 0</C18</C25 = 2(/C25=2</C18</C25 ).
To control the dynamics we apply along the xandyaxis
two magnetic field pulses bxandbyof durations 2"and
shapes fðtÞcentered at some moment t¼t0. Their relative
strengths are given by the mock angle /C300, with tan/C300¼
jbyj=jbxj; the total fields strength is jfjb0=ð2"Þ. Hence
2"ðcos/C300exþsin/C300eyÞ;t 0/C0"<t<t 0þ"
0; elsewhere :
Switching to a new time variable /C28ðtÞ¼t/C0ðt0þ"Þþ2"
derive for the equation of motion
/C2½ /C0 sin/C14/C30þ/C11cos/C18cos/C14/C30/C138; (4)
where /C14/C30¼/C30/C0/C300andp¼1=ð1þ/C112Þ. If the magnetic
pulses are shorter than the precessional period then fromEq. ( 4) we infer for the angles stroboscopic evolution from
before [ /C30ðt
/C0Þ,/C18ðt/C0Þ] to after [ /C30ðtþÞ,/C18ðtþÞ] the pulses the
relation (we introduced t/C0:¼t0/C0",tþ:¼t0þ")
which is valid up to terms of the order ð/C15=TprecÞ2. After
the pulse, i.e., for t>tþthe dynamics is governed by
Eq. ( 2) with the initial conditions /C30f¼/C30ðtþÞ,/C18f¼
/C18ðtþÞ. This procedure is repeated accordingly.
Controlled switching.— As we are interested in switch-
ing we require in the spirit of local control theory that
/C18ðtþÞ>/C18ðt/C0Þ8 tþ;t/C0: (6)
As inferred from Eq. ( 5), this condition is fulfilled if /C14/C30¼
/C30/C0/C300¼3/C25=2. If a sequence of the pulses ( 3) each
centered at the times t0;iis applied then SðtÞevolves as
where t/C6
i¼t0;i/C6".The realization of this LCT scheme is then as follows:
Starting from a known (e.g., equilibrium) state /C30¼/C30ð0Þ;
/C18¼/C18ð0Þwe apply at t¼t0;1the first fields bxandby(3)
with strengths such that /C300¼/C30ð0Þ/C03/C25=2(cf. Fig. 1).
Equation ( 7) delivers the tilt angles /C18ðtþ
During a time lag (dark time) /C281the propagation proceeds
according to Eq. ( 2) with the initial values /C30fð/C22t0Þ¼/C30ðtþ
1Þ.A tt¼t0;2we apply a second pulse
withbxandbysuch that /C300¼/C30fðtþ
1þ/C281Þ/C03/C25=2. From
Eq. ( 7) we deduce that after the second pulse /C18ðtþ
1þ/C112. This procedure is repeated until
we achieve the state with /C18¼/C25=2. As clear from ( 7) the
tilt angle is always increased upon the pulse with anamount that goes linearly with the fields strength b
0.O n
the other hand, the variation of /C30withb0is only logarith-
mic, in fact if the time delay between the pulses is only afraction of the precessional period, /C30is hardly changed.
Freezing.— The scheme allows also for the stabilization
of the magnetization around a desirable /C18
t: At first, starting
from a given state we apply the control scheme and achieve/C18
tat some time tt. During a field-free period /C28the angle /C18t
develops to /C18fðttþ/C28Þ. To compensate for this change we
apply a pulse (centered at t0;t) which shifts the angle to
1þ/C112. To stabilize the magnetization
we choose b0such that /C18þ¼/C18t. The procedure is then
repeated during the stabilization time. To minimize theadjustment of b
0between consequent pulses the repetition
rate should be large.
Numerical results and illustrations.— Figure 1shows the
magnetization reversal according to our zero temperatures(T¼0) analytical scheme and in the damping regime
appropriate for magnetic nanoparticles. Figure 1confirms
our analysis and the physical picture drawn above.However, the following issues need to be clarified for
024 6 81 0 1 2 1 4 16 18 20
Time t, [Tprec]0π/4π/23π/4π
0120π/4Angle θ, [rad]
FIG. 1 (color online). Evolution of /C18ðtÞaccording to the pro-
posed control scheme and for /C30ðt¼0Þ¼/C25=180¼/C18ðt¼0Þ,
/C300¼arctan ðby=bxÞ¼2/C25=3,/C11¼0:05,f¼1,b0¼0:2. Inset
shows the short-time behavior (pulses are off for /C18>/C25 = 2).PRL 102, 057204 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
057204-2this procedure to be of practical interest. (i) Do we need a
precise tuning of the pulses durations, (ii) will thermalfluctuations invalidate our findings, and (iii) how effectiveis this scheme when applied to other type of anisotropy
fields. To address these points we implemented a finite-
temperature full numerical realization [ 31] of the present
control scheme (cf. [ 1,2], and references therein for an
overview on numerical micromagnetic methods), i.e., theanalytical expressions deliver the appropriate input pa-
rameters for the numerics. The damping parameter is
chosen according to experimental findings [ 2]. For the
simulation presented here we use square-shaped pulses,i.e.,fðtÞ¼1fort
0/C0"<t<t 0þ". Basically the same
conclusions are valid for other pulse shapes, e.g., Gaussian
pulses [ 32]. Figure 2demonstrates the evolution sensitivity
of the angle /C18when pulses with different durations are
applied. It also shows the range of validity of our scheme.As inferred from Fig. 2a fine tuning of the pulse duration is
not mandatory as long as it is smaller that T
prec. The
strength b0determines the value of the tilt angle [as follows
From Eq. ( 7)]. The insensitivity to the pulse duration is
favorable for practical applications, however the genera-tion of magnetic pulses shorter than T
precmight be a chal-
lenge; the light-induced generation of subpicosecondshaped magnetic pulses [ 33] may circumvent this problem.
As for the role of the magnetization dynamics during thepulses our simulations (cf. Fig. 3) confirm qualitatively the
analytical predictions. According to Eq. ( 7) a minimal
fields strength b
0is required for switching, for b0deter-
mines /C18ðtþÞ. To realize the stabilization scheme one tunes
b0to steer the magnetization to a nonequilibrium /C18t
(cf. Fig. 3) and keep it there (as long as b0is on).
Figure 4proves the robustness of the scheme to thermal
fluctuations. Here we highlight a special feature of thetemperature-dependent magnetization dynamics: Toachieve switching, the pulses have to be applied even if/C18
t>/C25 = 2, since due to thermal excitations the magnetiza-
tion may swing back to the original state. This effect isavoided by applying the pulses even if /C18>/C25 = 2(Fig. 4,
lower panel). Generally, we observe that thermal fluctua-
tions have little influence on the effect of the pulses (i.e., on
the dynamics during and right after the pulses), in contrastto continuous fields [ 31]. The field-free processional mo-
tion between the pulses is generally modified at T> 0.
The possibility of field-assisted stabilization (freezing)
can be exploited for fast field-assisted thermal switching:Starting at T/C250we utilize our scheme to drive the
magnetization to a state /C18
t&/C25=2(as shown in Fig. 5)
and then freeze it there. At low temperatures switching
does not occur irrespective of the waiting time (inset of
Fig. 5). When the temperature increases however, the
thermal fluctuations increase but cannot lead to a reversalin absence of the field, as demonstrated by the inset ofπ/6π/3π/3π/2
0 1 02 03 04 0
Time t, [Tprec]0π/6π/3 T=Tprec/10Angle θ, [rad]
FIG. 2 (color online). /C18ðtÞfor different pulse durations (solid
rectangles). Tprecis the precessional period and b0¼0:3,/C11¼
0 1 02 03 04 0
Time t, [Tprec]0π/4π/23π/4π
b0=5.91Angle θ, [rad]b0=8.86
FIG. 3 (color online). Tilt angle /C18ðtÞwithin the present local
control scheme for different fields strengths b0. Other parame-
ters:/C11¼0:05,T0¼0K. (Pulses are off when /C18>/C25 = 2).0π/4π/23π/4π
T0=0 K
T1=56 K
T2=280 K
T3=560 K
0 1 02 03 04 0
Time t, [Tprec]0π/4π/23π/43π/4π
T0=0 K
T1=56 K
T2=280 K
T3=560 KAngle θ, [rad]
FIG. 4 (color online). Temperature-dependent controlled evo-
lution of the angle /C18ðtÞ(/C11¼0:05,b0¼14:77). The pulses are
applied if /C18</C25 = 2only (top panel) or throughout (below).
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time t, [Tprec]0π/4π/23π/43π/4π
T0=0 K
T1=56 K
T2=280 K
T3=560 K0 100 200 3000π/4
T0=560 KAngle θ, [rad]
FIG. 5 (color online). Thermal-assisted controlled switching in
the presence of short pulses with an amplitude b0¼8:86. Inset
shows switching is not possible for b0¼0.PRL 102, 057204 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERSweek ending
057204-3Fig.5. The presence of the fields assists a fast magnetiza-
tion reversal, a behavior that cannot be realized with staticfields, since a magnetization freezing is necessary. In prac-tice, the reversal process may be functionalized as a fastthermal sensor to monitor swiftly a temperature increase.
The question of to what extent the present scheme is
applicable to another anisotropy type we address by study-
ing the magnetization control of Fe
which possesses cubic anisotropy [ 27,34]. For a cubic an-
isotropy the field-free ground-state energy landscape con-tains several minima [ 35]. By switching we mean then a
magnetization transfer between these minima and not nec-essarily a change from a parallel to an antiparallel state.Figure 6demonstrates the applicability of our control
proposal. Starting from a state close to an energy minimum
the magnetization precesses and relaxes in a field-freemanner to the ground state. When the magnetic pulse isapplied according to our LCT the magnetization is trans-ferred almost directly to the next energy minimum in thepositive energy semisphere. With the freezing scheme out-lined above it is even possible to stabilize the magnetiza-tion on top of the barrier (Fig. 6).
Summary.— A sequence of two perpendicular magnetic
pulses, each with a duration less than the precessionalperiod is capable of increasing monotonically the magne-tization tilt angle as to achieve a predefined state withintens of picoseconds. The method is exploitable for fastfield-assisted thermal switching.
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057204-4 |