Effect of tunneling layers on the performances of floating-gate based organic thin-film transistor nonvolatile memories Wei Wang, Jinhua Han, Jun Ying, Lanyi Xiang, and Wenfa Xie Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 123303 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896665 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896665 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Ambipolar organic thin-film transistor-based nano-floating-gate nonvolatile memory Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 013302 (2014); 10.1063/1.4860990 Nonvolatile memory characteristics of thin-film transistors using hybrid gate stack composed of solution- processed indium-zinc-silicon oxide active channel and organic ferroelectric gate insulator J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 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Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:07:45Effect of tunneling layers on the performances of floating-gate based organic thin-film transistor nonvolatile memories Wei Wang,a)Jinhua Han, Jun Ying, Lanyi Xiang, and Wenfa Xie State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, China (Received 31 July 2014; accepted 15 September 2014; published online 24 September 2014) Two types of floating-gate based org anic thin-film transistor nonvolatile memories (FG-OTFT-NVMs) were demonstrated, with poly(methyl methacryla te co glycidyl methacrylate) (P(MMA-GMA)) and tetratetracontane (TTC) as the tunneling layer, respectively. Their device performances were measured and compared. In the memory with a P(MMA-GMA) tunneling layer, typical unipolar hole transportwas obtained with a relatively small mobility of 0.16 cm 2/V s. The unidirectional shift of turn-on voltage ( Von) due to only holes trapped/detrapped in/from the floating gate resulted in a small memory window of 12.5 V at programming/erasing voltages ( VP/VE)o f6100 V and a nonzero reading voltage. Benefited from the well-ordered molecule orien tation and the trap-free surface of TTC layer, a considerably high hole mobility of 1.7 cm2/V s and a visible feature of electrons accumulated in channel and trapped in floating-gate were achiev ed in the memory with a TTC tunneling layer. High hole mobility resulted in a high on current and a large memory on/off ratio of 600 at the VP/VEof 6100 V. Both holes and electrons were injected into floating-gate and overwritten each other, which resulted in a bidirectional Vonshift. As a result, an enlarged memory window of 28.6 V at the VP/VE of6100 V and a zero reading voltage were achieved. Based on our results, a strategy is proposed to optimize FG-OTFT-NVMs by choosing a right tunneling layer to improve the majority carrier mobility and realize ambipolar carrie rs injecting and trapping in the floating-gate. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896665 ] Recently, floating-gate based organic thin-film transistor nonvolatile memories (FG-OTFT-NVMs) have attractedconsiderable attention from both academia and industry for many advantages over their inorganic counterparts such as low cost, light weight, mechanical flexibility, and low-temperature processing. FG-OTFT-NVM is considered as a promising candidate for the realization of the ultimate goal of organic flash memory because of its nondestructiveread-out, complementary integrated circuit architectural compatibility, and single transistor realization. 1,2 The basic mechanism is that charges trapped/detrapped in/from the floating-gate by the programming/erasing (P/E) operations are utilized to modulate the channel conductance through a thin tunneling layer, defining a Boolean “1” or “0.”Up to now, various metal nanoparticles 1–7and polymer electrets7–11have been used as floating-gate layers to realize FG-OTFT-NVMs. As a structure component of a FG-OTFT-NVM, the tunneling layer is very important because that its electrical properties and physical and chemical properties determine the overall device performances. The tunnelinglayer should have a smooth surface morphology and matched physical/chemical properties, which would benefit the growth of organic semiconductor and the reduction of defects at thetunneling layer/active layer interface, that thereby favor charge carriers to accumulate and transport in the channel and favor the overall device performances to be improved. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is well known as a polymer electret 12and has many advantages: processing with anon-harmful solvent (water), low-cost materials and process- ing, compatibility with flexible substrates and good resist-ance to be damaged by the solvents involved in the lift-off process. 13In our previous work, the hysteresis mechanism of OTFTs based on PVA dielectric has been researched, whichwas attributed to charges trapping/detrapping in/from the PVA dielectric, and the low-voltage operating, free- hysteresis and high mobility OTFT was demonstrated bypreventing the charges injecting and trapping in the PVA dielectric. 14In this letter, we fabricated and characterized pentacene-based FG-OTFT-NVMs by controlling chargestrapping/detrapping in/from the PVA dielectric. Two types of FG-OTFT-NVMs were obtained with poly(methyl meth- acrylate co glycidyl methacrylate) (P(MMA-GMA)) and tet-ratetracontane (TTC) as the tunneling layer, respectively, which were denoted as device A and device B, respectively, in the following description. The effect of different tunnelinglayers on the device performances of FG-OTFT-NVMs was researched. Benefited from the well-ordered molecule orien- tation and the trap-free surface of TTC tunneling layer, ahigh hole mobility of 1.7 cm 2/V s and a visible feature of electrons accumulated in channel and trapped in floating- gate were obtained in FG-OTFT-NVM, which obviouslyimproved memory performances of device, including larger memory window ( DV on), higher memory on/off ratio, 0 V reading voltage ( VR), and longer data retention time. The schematic illustrations of both pentacene-based FG-OTFT-NVM structures were shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), respectively. The FG-OTFT-NVMs were fabricated on patterned indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates which acted as gate electrode. After the substrates werea)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: wwei99@jlu.edu.cn 0003-6951/2014/105(12)/123303/5/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 123303-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 123303 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:07:45routine cleaned, the block layer poly-(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and the floating-gate layer PVA were spin coatedon the ITO gate electrode in sequence from the solution in butyl acetate and deionized water, respectively. Each poly- mer layer was baked at 120 /C14C for 1 h. For device A, a thin P(MMA-GMA) tunneling layer was spin coated on the PVA layer from the dilute solution in butyl acetate and cross- linked at 120/C14C for 1 h. The resulted thicknesses of PMMA, PVA, and P(MMA-GMA) films are about 600, 130, and 15 nm, respectively, measured by an ellipsometer. For device B, a 30 nm thick TTC tunneling layer was deposited on thePVA layer by thermal vacuum evaporation at a rate of 0.4–0.7 A ˚/s, and then was annealed at 75 /C14C for 3 h in a con- vention oven. The thickness of TTC can be precisely con-trolled by a quartz crystal oscillation monitor, and this 30 nm thickness was an optimized result. For both devices, penta- cene active layer (40 nm) and MoO 3(5 nm)/Cu (60 nm) double-layer source-drain electrodes were deposited in sequence by thermal vacuum evaporation, at the rate of 1A˚/s, 0.2 A ˚/s, and 2 A ˚/s, respectively, and patterned by the corresponding shadow masks. The channel length ( L) and width ( W) were defined as 140 and 2000 lm, respectively. The electrical characteristics of both devices were measuredby using two Keithley 2400 source-measure units in the dark at room temperature in ambient air. The atomic force microscope (AFM) images of the spinning-coated PMMA film, PVA film (on the surface of PMMA layer), and P(MMA-GMA) film (on the surface of PVA layer) were shown in Figs. 2(a)–2(c) , respectively. All three films exhibited smooth surface morphologies, with the root-mean-square (RMS) surface roughness of 0.397, 0.565, and 0.315 nm for PMMA, PVA, and P(MMA-GMA), respec-tively, suggesting these films were continuous and free- pinhole, which was important for getting a good memory performance of device, especially for the P(MMA-GMA)tunneling layer, which can reduce the leakage of charges stored in the floating-gate. The 40-nm-thick pentacene layer deposited on the P(MMA-GMA) surface exhibited dendriticgrains, with an average grain size of about 1.5 lm/C20.6lm and a RMS surface roughness of 4.40 nm, as shown in Fig. 2(d). After annealing, the 30-nm-thick TTC tunneling layer deposited on the PVA surface also exhibited a continu- ous and free-pinhole morphology, with a RMS surface roughness of 0.86 nm, demonstrated by AFM measurement,as shown in Fig. 2(e). It was flat for the most of area, and there was a visible small low-lying area, on the surface of TTC tunneling layer. The step height ( /C256.0 nm), along the red solid line in the TTC AFM image, nearly correspondedto a molecular length of TTC, 15suggesting that the TTC molecules had a well-ordered orientation and stood up with full coverage of the PVA layer. Fig. 2(f)shows the measured AFM image of a 40-nm-thick pentacene layer deposited on the TTC surface. Both height profiles of pentacene grains along the red solid lines in AFM images of Figs. 2(d) and 2(f) exhibited a clear terrace morphology, with each step- height corresponding to monolayer of pentacene molecular.However, it exhibited distinct morphologies for pentacene deposited on the TTC surface and the P(MMA-GMA) sur- face, respectively, with a smaller size island-like grain and arougher surface (RMS of 5.49 nm) observed in the former. The different morphologies of pentacene layers were attrib- uted to the different surface properties of TTC and P(MMA-GMA), demonstrated by the measurement of water contact angle, as shown in the insets of Figs. 2(c) and2(e). The results indicated that the TTC film showed more hydropho-bic than the P(MMA-GMA) film. So, there was a different interface quality between TTC/pentacene and P(MMA- GMA)/pentacene, which had an important effect on thecharge carrier accumulation and transport in the channel. The typical output characteristics of device A are shown in the inset of Fig. 3(a). The drain-source current ( I DS) was measured while the drain-source voltage ( VDS) was varied at different gate-source voltages ( VGS). In the low VDSregion, a linear relationship between IDSandVDSwas observed, sug- gesting efficient hole injection from MoO 3/Cu source elec- trode into the pentacene. The IDSsaturated at high VDS because conducting channel of pentacene was pinched-off. The transfer characteristics ( IDS–VGS) of device A in the saturation region are shown in Fig. 3(a), with VGSscanning fromþ10 V to /C050 V and back to þ10 V. With the increase of negative VGS, the IDSincreased due to more holes accumu- lated in the channel. These results indicated that device A exhibited standard p-channel field-effect operation. At the onstate, negligible hysteresis suggested that few charges were trapped/detrapped in/from the PVA layer, because 15 nm- thick P(MMA-GMA) layer prevented the injection/rejectionof charges in/from the PVA layer at the relative low V GS (</C050 V). The field-effect mobility ( l) of 0.16 cm2/Vs, the on/off current ratio of larger than 104, the subthreshold slope (S) of 4.8 V/decade, and the threshold voltage ( VT)o f /C012.6 V were extracted from Fig. 3(a). To verify the programmable and erasable property of de- vice A, an original transfer curve of device A operated in the linear region ( VDS¼/C05 V) was first recorded as the initial state. Then, a series of large positive or negative VGSpulses were supplied to gate electrode in sequent for 1 s while the source and drain electrodes were shorted and grounded, and the corresponding transfer curves in the linear region wererecorded, respectively. There was no visible change for the transfer curves until the supplied positive pulses reached 100 V, as shown in Fig. 3(b). On the other hand, the transfer curve had a visible negative shift, compared with the initial state, after a negative V GSpulse of /C070 V was supplied to the gate electrode. With more negative VGSpulses supplied, FIG. 1. The schematic illustrations of present pentacene-based FG-OTFT- NVM structures with (a) P(MMA-GMA) and (b) TTC as the tunneling layer, respectively.123303-2 Wang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 123303 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:07:45the transfer curves were further shifted in negative direction. After supplying a positive VGSpulse of 100 V again, the transfer curve returned to the initial state, as shown in Fig. 3(c). The results demonstrated that device A had a good pro- grammable and erasable property, with the supplied positive VGSpulses defined as programming (P) operations and the supplied negative VGSpulses defined as erasing (E) opera- tions. We defined the turn-on voltage, Von, as the VGSat which the IDSreaches 10 nA. The Vonwas estimated to /C09.7 V at the initial state. Von/C0denoted the turn-on voltage after a series of E pulses ( VE) were supplied, and was esti- mated to be /C011.1,/C013.4,/C016.3, and /C020.5 V correspond- ing to VEof/C070,/C080,/C090, and /C0100 V, respectively. Vonþ denoted the turn-on voltage after a series of P pulses ( VP) were supplied and were estimated to be /C08.7,/C08.0, and /C08.4 V corresponding to VPof 90, 100 (before VE), and 100 V (after VE), respectively. All Von(Vonþ,Von/C0) were plotted as function of VPorVEin the inset of Fig. 3(b). Limited by the negative Vonand the unidirectional shift of transfer curves, the VRhad to be defined as /C015 V rather than 0 V. As a result, a memory window ( DVon, defined as the difference between Von/C0andVonþ) of 12.5 V and a mem- ory on/off ratio of about 25 (at VR¼VGS¼/C015 V) were obtained at VE/VPof6100 V, respectively. The output and transfer characteristics of device B are shown in Fig. 4(a). The whole performance of device B had a considerable improvement compared with that of device A, including higher hole field-effect mobility of 1.7 cm2/V s,higher on/off current ratio of about 8.0 /C2104, smaller sub- threshold slope (S) of 4.0 V/decade and smaller threshold voltage ( VT)o f/C010.9 V. And, a slight electron transport fea- ture was observed at positive VGS. The programmable and erasable property of device B is shown in Fig. 4(b). The transfer characteristic in the linear region was first recorded as the initial state before any VP/VEwas supplied. Then the corresponding transfer curves were recorded after a serial of P/E operations. Compared with the initial state, the transfer curves exhibited visible positive or negative shifts corre-sponding to supplied V PorVE, respectively, which was dif- ferent from that in device A. The extracted Von(orVonþor Von/C0) was 11.7, /C00.9,/C04.9,/C011.7, and /C016.9 V, corre- sponding to VP/VEof 100, 80, 0 (initial), /C080, and /C0100 V, respectively. As a result, DVonof about 28.6 V was obtained atVE/VPof6100 V, which was larger than 2 times of that in device A. Benefited from large positive VonþatVP¼100 V, VRcan be defined as VGS¼0 V, which is important for reducing the power consumption of nonvolatile memory.Benefited from high on current due to high hole mobility, high memory on/off ratio of about 600 (at V R¼VGS¼0V ) was achieved in device B, which is much larger than that indevice A. Compared with device A, higher hole mobility and better memory performances were obtained in device B, whichshould be attributed to the effect of tunneling layer. Although the grain size of pentacene deposited on the TTC surface was smaller than that deposited on the P(MMA-GMA), the FIG. 2. AFM images of (a) PMMA film, (b) PVA film on the surface of PMMA layer, and (c) P(MMA-GMA) film on the surface of PVA layer, respectively. AFM images and corre-sponding height profiles along the red solid lines of (d) pentacene film on the surface of P(MMA-GMA), (e) TTC film on the surface of PVA layer and (f) pentacene film on the surface of TTC layer, respectively. The insets of (c) and (e) show the images of thewater contact angles and their values of P(MMA-GMA) and TTC, respectively.123303-3 Wang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 123303 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:07:45well-ordered molecule orientation of TTC layer resulted in a trap-free surface and a better interface quality of semiconduc- tor/dielectric to promote charge carriers transport, which notonly dominated a high hole mobility but also exhibited a visible electron transport feature in device B. The similar ambipolar carrier transport in pentacene-based OTFTs hasbeen shown in some reports with a TTC/pentacene interface. 2,15,16 Combined with our previous work,14the memory mech- anism in device A is attributed to that holes accumulated in the channel were injected into the PVA layer by Fowler- Nordheim (F-N) tunneling mechanism6at the VEsupplied high enough. Holes, trapped in the PVA layer, induced a built-in electric field ( Ei), which led to visible negative shifts of transfer curves. By supplied enough high VP, holes, stored in the PVA layer, were completely removed. As a result, the transfer curve returned to the initial state. As for device B, the negative shifts of transfer curves after supplied VEcan also be explained by that holes accumulated in the channel were injected and trapped in PVA layer. More holes were trapped in the PVA layer at higher negative VGS, which induced a larger Ei. This Eihad the same direction with the electric field of supplied positive VGS. Both fields superim- posed and induced more electrons transport in the channel,as shown in Fig. 4(b). While, the positive shifts of transfer curves after supplied V Pshould be attributed to that electrons accumulated in the channel were injected and trapped inPVA layer. The injected electrons neutralized and overwrote the trapped holes, and vice versa. That is to say, one type of charge carrier, trapped, was overwritten by the other,injected, one. So, bidirectional shifts of transfer curves were obtained in device B. Both high hole mobility and ambipolar carriers injected and trapped in the PVA layer lead to promi-nently enhanced memory performances in device B, com- pared with that in device A. Normally, holes are majority carriers and electrons are minority carriers in pentacene-based transistor. Based on our results, a strategy is proposed to optimize FG-OTFT-NVMs by improving the majority car- rier mobility and realizing ambipolar carriers injecting andtrapping in the floating-gate, which is expected to be realized by choosing a right tunneling layer. The data retention capability is an important parameter of the nonvolatile memory, which was measured at room temperature in ambient air, with the corresponding I DSat “1” and “0” states (denoted as IDS,1andIDS,0, respectively) as a function of time. Fig. 3(d) shows the data retention charac- teristics of device A, at the reading state of VDS¼/C05 V and VR¼VGS¼/C015 V, after supplied VP/VEof6100 V for 1 s, respectively. In the measurement range, both IDS,1and the IDS,0were slight decay with time. According to experiment data, we proposed a numerical simulation to describethe retention property of “1” and “0” states, as shown in following equation: I DS;T¼IDS;Initial/C2expðaTÞ; (1) here, IDS,Tis the IDS,1orIDS,0at the time T; IDS, Initial is the initial IDS,1orIDS,0with T ¼0 s; T is the retention time; and theais the loss probability of the stored charges in an unit time. The fitted result of a1¼/C06.0/C210/C05was in good agreement with the experiment data at “1” state, as shown by the blue line in Fig. 3(d). The simulation result indicates that it is about 7.5 h for the IDS,1to decay to 50% of the initial value. While, IDS,0 had a relatively quick decay, which increased to 4.4 /C210/C09A at T of about 2600 s from the ini- tial value of 2.2 /C210/C09A. The retention property of “0” state was well fitted by a2¼2.0/C210/C04(red line). The slightly faster increase of IDS,0 in the early stage can be explained by that some shallow hole traps at the P(MMA- GMA)/pentacene interface were filled at the VRof/C015 V. The simulation result that a2was larger than a1indicated that the data retention capability of device A was dominated by the retention time of holes trapped in the PVA layer. The data retention capability of device B is shown in Fig. 4(c), at the reading state of VDS¼/C05 V and VR¼VGS¼0 V, after supplied VP/VEof6100 V for 1 s, respectively. In the measurement range, the IDS,0was always maintained at about 3.0 /C210/C09A, suggesting a good reten- tion capability for holes trapped in the PVA layer. After FIG. 3. For device A: (a) Transfer characteristic in the saturation region. (b) Transfer characteristics in the lin-ear region recorded at the initial state and after V Pat 90 and 100 V, respec- tively. (c) Transfer characteristics in the linear region recorded at the initial state, after VEat/C070,/C080,/C090, and /C0100 V, after VPat 100 V, in sequence. (d) The data retention char-acteristics. The inset of (a) presents output characteristics. The inset of (b) presents V onþand V on/C0as a function ofVPandVE, respectively.123303-4 Wang et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 123303 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:07:452200 s, the IDS,1reduced to 0.85 lA from 1.04 lAa t T¼0s . The relatively quick decay of IDS,1than that of IDS,0indicated that the data retention capability in device B was dominatedby the retention time of electrons trapped in the PVA layer, which was different with device A due to the different tun- neling layer. According to experiment data, the I DS,1can be simulated by following equation: IDS;1/C0T¼IDS;1/C0Initial/C2expðb1TÞ/C25:4%þIDS;1/C0Initial /C2expðb2TÞ/C294:64% ; (2) here, IDS,1-T andIDS,1-Initial mean IDS,1at the time of T and 0 s, respectively, the b1andb2mean loss probability of the electrons trapped in the PVA layer in an unit time. The fitted result of b1¼/C02.5/C210/C03andb1¼/C06.5/C210/C05were in good agreement with the experiment data, as shown by thered line in the inset of Fig. 4(c). Equation (2)included two parts, which indicated that the thickness of tunneling layerhad a prominent effect on the data retention capability of FG-OTFT-NVMs. There were two different thicknesses for the whole TTC layer. In the thinner region (about 4 mono- layers thickness) of TTC layer, the probability of electronstunneling was larger, corresponding to b 1. In the thicker region (about 5 monolayers thickness) of TTC layer, the probability of electrons tunneling was smaller, correspond-ing to b 2. Based on the simulation result, it was about 2.7 h for the IDS,1to decay to 50% of the initial value and it was about 15 h for the IDS,1to decay to 3.0 /C210/C08A, which was one order of magnitude higher than IDS,0. High memory on/ off ratio is favorable to enhance the data retention capabilityof FG-OTFT-NVMs. In summary, two types of FG-OTFT-NVMs were dem- onstrated, with P(MMA-GMA) and TTC as the tunnelinglayer, respectively. Their device performances were meas- ured and compared. Benefited from the good interface prop- erty of TTC/pentacene, device B exhibited a considerablyhigh hole mobility and a feature of ambipolar carriers trap- ping in the floating-gate, which resulted in remarkably enhanced memory performances. Based on our results, astrategy can be proposed to optimize FG-OTFT-NVMs by choosing a right tunneling layer to improve the majority carrier mobility and realize ambipolar carriers injecting andtrapping in the floating-gate. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61177028 and 60937001), the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin provincein China (Grant No. 201115028), the Independent Project of State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics (Grant No. IOSKL2012ZZ16), and Scientific Frontier and CrossDisciplinary Innovation Project of Jilin University in China. 1K. J. Baeg, Y. Y. Noh, H. Sirringhaus, and D. Y. Kim, Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 224 (2010). 2J. Han, W. Wang, J. Ying, and W. Xie, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 013302 (2014). 3T. Sekitani, T. Yokota, U. Zschieschang, H. Klauk, S. Bauer, K. Takeuchi, M. Takamiya, T. Sakurai, and T. Someya, Science 326, 1516 (2009). 4W. Wang, J. W. Shi, and D. G. Ma, IEEE Trans. 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Electro-hydrodynamic shooting phenomenon of liquid metal stream Wen-Qiang Fang, Zhi-Zhu He, and Jing Liu Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 134104 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897309 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897309 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/13?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Note: Electrohydrodynamic atomization of liquid sheet Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 026111 (2011); 10.1063/1.3553400 Onset condition of pulsating cone-jet mode of electrohydrodynamic jetting for plane, hole, and pin type electrodes J. Appl. Phys. 108, 102804 (2010); 10.1063/1.3511685 Electric current induced liquid metal flow: Application to coating of micropatterned structures Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 184104 (2009); 10.1063/1.3119219 A simple model for liquid metal electric current limiters Phys. Fluids 18, 058103 (2006); 10.1063/1.2204635 Electrocapillary instability in annular geometry Phys. Fluids 9, 2542 (1997); 10.1063/1.869371 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:58:28Electro-hydrodynamic shooting phenomenon of liquid metal stream Wen-Qiang Fang,1Zhi-Zhu He,2,a)and Jing Liu2,3,a) 1Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (Received 9 September 2014; accepted 23 September 2014; published online 1 October 2014) We reported an electro-hydrodynamic shooting phenomenon of liquid metal stream. A small voltage direct current electric field would induce ejection of liquid metal inside capillary tube and then shooting into sodium hydroxide solution to form discrete droplets. The shooting velocity haspositive relationship with the applied voltage, while the droplet size is dominated by the aperture diameter of the capillary nozzle. Further, the motion of the liquid metal droplets can be flexibly manipulated by the electrodes. This effect suggests an easy going way to generate metal droplets inlarge quantity, which is important from both fundamental and practical aspects. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897309 ] In recent years, the room temperature liquid metal has attracted much attention because of their versatile applicabil- ity in energy management,1,2chip cooling,3and printed electronics.4A lot of unique characters involved are thus increasingly investigated.5–9Among the many issues ever tackled, the production of liquid metal droplets or particleswith controlled size has been identified to be very useful in a wide variety of important areas. Typical examples can be found in MEMS, 10liquid marble preparation,11or microflui- dic pump.12,13So far, several important approaches have been developed to produce the liquid metal droplet in micro- channel.14,15In those works, the droplets take shapes by flow focusing, and the key factors for controlling the fabrication include fluid velocity, viscosity, and surfactant properties. Due to pre-requisite in the manufacture of the micro-fluidicchannels, such method is still somewhat expensive and technically complex. For a smaller size, the liquid metal microspheres can even be prepared to the nanoscale basedon ligand mediated self-assembly method. 16In a latest work, a straight forward way was found for large-scale fabrication of liquid metal micro-droplets and particles.17The mecha- nism there lies in the Plateau–Rayleigh instability,18where a liquid jet would break up into smaller packets because of the high surface tension of the liquid metal inside the matchingsolution. As it is noted, the mechanical manipulation mecha- nism is still not convenient enough for a continuous fabrica- tion of the metal droplets. Through continuous trials, we found in the present work that the mechanical ejection can in fact be replaced by an electro-hydrodynamic effect. It is based on this fundamentaldiscovery that we reported an alternative way of generating liquid metal droplets through the electrically controlling mechanism. The disclosed process and device are rather flex-ible and easy going. Given automatic control, this methodwould significantly improve the fabrication efficiency of the liquid metal droplets. To carry out the experiments, we have set up the test platform as shown in Fig. 1(a) with working mechanisms illustrated in Figs. 1(b)and1(c), respectively. Here, the cap- illary tube serves as the channel connecting the liquid metaland the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution container, where the cathode and anode are arranged as depicted in the figure. It is well known that a conductive object with induced-charge in liquid phase would cause the formation of electri- cal double layer on its surface, i.e., bipolarization of the liquid metal. Therefore, an external non-uniform electricfield will break up the symmetrical surface tension of the liq- uid metal. It is this effect that leads to the unconventional ejection phenomena as will be disclosed later. For compara-tive purpose, two diameters of the capillary tube as 1 mm and 0.7 mm were studied. The cathode and anode, made of stainless steel are both linked with the direct-current (DC)voltage controller. Regarding the test liquid metal, it was chosen as galinstan (made of 67%Ga, 20.5%In, and 12.5%Sn by volume), which has a broad temperature rangeof liquid phase with a melting point at 10.5 /C14C.5Such alloy might have undercooling point to be around /C019/C14C under certain measurement circumstances. Readers are referredelsewhere for more physical properties of the galinstan material. 5,19 We first adjust the height of liquid metal level of the container, so that the liquid metal can be infused into the capillary tube, which however cannot flow out of the nozzle due to its pretty large surface tension. The practical distanceof the two electrodes from the capillary nozzle to the anode is about 82 mm because of the conductive characteristics of the liquid metal. The voltage controller is turned on to applythe DC electric field on the electrolyte solution. Then, an unconventional phenomenon was discovered that the liquid metal would automatically eject from the capillary nozzle,which then shoots into the electrolyte solution, and forms droplets until finally moves to the anode. The whole process is recorded by a high speed camera (IDT, NR4.S3). The a)Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic addresses: zzhe@mail.ipc.ac.cn, Tel.: þ86-10-82543766, Fax: þ86-10- 82543767 and jliu@mail.ipc.ac.cn, Tel.: þ86-10-82543765, Fax: þ86-10- 82543767. 0003-6951/2014/105(13)/134104/4/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 134104-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 134104 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:58:28velocity of droplets can thus be calculated from the videos via image processing. Through altering the voltage, concen- tration of solution, and aperture size of capillary tube, wecould systematically evaluate the effects of various typical factors on the droplets generation behavior. When electric field is applied to the electrolyte solution, the force balance between pressure and surface tension on the interface of liquid metal and NaOH solution at the capil- lary nozzle is broken immediately. The traction forceinduced by the external electric field would then promote the liquid metal to eject from the capillary nozzle and shoot into the electrolyte solution. Due to large surface tension of theliquid metal, the stream then splits to form a large amount of the droplets continuously. Fig. 2shows the snapshots of typi- cal ejections in NaOH solution of 0.25 mol/l under voltagesfrom 2.5 V to 20 V. The intensity of the electric field can be considered as linear dependence on the applied voltage. For the too much low voltages (below 2.5 V), we did not observethe liquid metal droplet generation due to its high surface tension. When raising the voltage strength, the injection velocity of the liquid metal increases evidently. Overall, theejection direction of the liquid metal is along the central axis of the nozzle for the voltages below 5 V (Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)). However, it is interesting to notice that such ejection direction becomes unstable, which is affected by the high voltage (Figs. 2(c)–2(e) ). Turbidity around the cathode was seen when the voltage strength increases to about 5 V.According to our comparative experiments, these dark-grey matters might be composed mainly of compounds containing In and Sn ions due to the electrochemical reaction at theinterface between liquid alloy and NaOH solution. If only using the liquid gallium to perform the same actuation experiments, no such dark-grey matters were observed. Ittherefore can be inferred that the varied activity between the GaInSn alloy and the gallium (Ga) may lead to the different electrochemical reaction. A complete characterization on theproduct components is beyond the current work and needs tremendous measurements in the future. It should be men- tioned that, since the liquid metal is connected to the cath-ode, the reaction occurring here is a kind of electrochemistry reduction one. Further, from Fig. 2, it is also observed that the droplets are attracted to the anode under external electricfield. In a former research, 20it has been found that applying the electricity on the liquid metal sphere immersed in NaOH solution would induce its planar locomotion. The discreteliquid metal sphere as focused there could be used to clarify the actuation mechanism. One particularly important FIG. 1. (a) The schematic diagram of the experimental setup. Both of the liq- uid metal injection (b) and droplet motion (c) are driven by electro- hydrodynamic force. FIG. 2. The snapshots of liquid metal shooting in NaOH solution of 0.25 mol/l under different voltages: (a) U ¼2.5 V; (b) U ¼5 V; (c) U ¼10 V; (d) U ¼15 V; (e) U ¼20 V.134104-2 Fang, He, and Liu Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 134104 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:58:28discovery and advancement as made by the current work lies in that it disclosed that a large pool of liquid metal in the container could be continuously ejected from the capillary tube into the surrounding solution, which is quite useful forfuture large scale fabrication of metal particles with con- trolled sizes. The liquid metal droplets’ generation behavior is mainly dominated by the size of the capillary nozzle, the voltage, and the concentration of the NaOH solution. Fig. 3depicts the relation between the applied voltage and liquid metal droplet velocity for different aperture sizes of capillary noz- zle and positions in 0.125 mol/l NaOH solution, where theposition is denoted by the distance from the capillary nozzle. From the measurements, one can conclude that the ejection speed of the droplets goes up rapidly with the increment ofthe voltage. The velocity of the droplet decreases due to viscous resistance effect applied on it during traveling along the solution. Fig. 3also indicates that the dependence of the droplet velocity on the voltage is less affected by the aper- ture size of the capillary nozzle considered here. Fig. 4presents the relationship between velocity and concentration of NaOH solution under applied voltage from 5 V to 20 V at the position (2 cm away from the capillary nozzle). The concentration of NaOH solution has no signifi-cant effect on the velocity of the droplets. In fact, increasing the concentration of NaOH would lead to the decrease of the electric permittivity of the electrolyte solution, 21and weaken the electro-hydrodynamic driving force. However, this effect is not evident in the present experiments. Besides, the rela- tionship between voltage and velocity does not generateprominent difference with different capillary nozzles. According to the experiments, the size of the liquid metal droplets is mainly determined by the capillary nozzle diame-ter. When using capillary of diameter 1 mm, the average size of liquid metal droplet is about 2 mm. And, for the case of diameter 0.7 mm, the average size of droplet is about1.6 mm. Given micro or even nano meter capillary tube, much smaller droplets can still be obtained which will be reported later. Further, we also observed that increasing thevoltages can slightly lead to smaller droplets. In addition, theinner surface roughness of the nozzle also affects the droplet size. Theoretically speaking, the present finding regarding the metal droplet generation and manipulation can be attributedto the fundamental electro-hydrodynamic mechanism of the interaction between liquid metal and electrolyte solution. Overall, the whole process can be divided into three phases:liquid metal ejection induced by electric field, the liquid metal stream breaking into droplets, and the droplets loco- motion in the base solution. The first phase provides the initial momentum of the ejection in analogy to external mechanical force. 17Without losing any generality, the Young-Laplace equation Dp¼ 2c=Rcan be used to characterize the force balance on the interface of liquid metal at initial stage, where Dpis the pres- sure difference between liquid metal and base solution anddetermined by the both liquids level, cis the surface tension of liquid metal (0.718 N/m for galinstan 4), and Rthe radius of liquid metal sphere. For R¼1 mm, the liquid metal sphere can sustain a large pressure difference 1436 Pa. When the electric field is applied, an electrical double layer (EDL) is formed at the interface of the liquid metal (Fig. 1(b)). The induced electric force can be denoted by eE2, where eis the electric permittivity of NaOH solution and E the electric filed strength, acted on the liquid metal interface along itsnormal direction. As a result, the equilibrium of surface tension and pressure is broken. Then, the interface deforms and tends to move toward the side of base solution. Afterthis acceleration process, the liquid metal ejects out from the nozzle. Obviously, increasing the applied voltage will result in a larger electric force. In the second phase, a liquid metal stream breaks into droplets due to Plateau–Rayleigh instability. It should be mentioned that we did not observe here the continuous thinstream travelling phenomenon as found in the mechanical force controlled liquid metal injection. 17The reason lies in that the electro-hydrodynamic force has much stronger effecton the flow instability, which thus enhances the liquid metal droplet generation and leads to the disorder of the injection direction. FIG. 3. The relationship between applied voltage and liquid metal droplet velocity for different aperture sizes of capillary nozzle (D) and positions (Ldenotes the distance from the capillary nozzle) in 0.125 mol/l NaOH solution. FIG. 4. The relationship between velocity and concentration of NaOH solution under different applied voltages at the position 2 cm away from the capillary nozzle.134104-3 Fang, He, and Liu Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 134104 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:58:28For the third phase, the liquid metal droplet is driven by electro-hydrodynamic force to move along the proposed direction through the electrodes layout, which can be adopted for precise manipulation of the droplets. The basicphenomenon can be understood from Fig. 1(c). Immediately after external electric filed is applied, the current then drives positive (Na þ) and negative ions (OH/C0) to move towards the corresponding side of the liquid metal droplet, which induces an equal and opposite surface charge on the conducting sur- face. The tangential electrical stress exerted within the elec- tric double layer (shown in Fig. 1(c)) leads to the imposed shear stress on the liquid metal surface, which can induce theflow inside droplet and drive its motion. Besides, droplets carrying negative charges when ejecting out of the capillary at cathode further contribute to the electric field force. Basedon the electro-hydrodynamic theory, 22the velocity of the liq- uid metal droplet can be deduced as U¼9kD 40 1þlL=lW ðÞeDE2 lW; (1) where, k/C01is the Debye length (about 5.0 /C210/C09m),Dis the diameter of the liquid metal (about 2 /C210/C03m),lLis the vis- cosity of galinstan (2.4 /C210/C03Pa/C1sa t2 0/C14C5),lWfor NaOH aqueous solution (about 1.0 /C210/C03Pa/C1sa t2 0/C14C), and eis the electric permittivity of NaOH aqueous solution (about6.75/C210 /C010Fm/C01for 0.125 mol/L21).Edenotes the electric field strength chosen as 61 V/m for voltage 5 V. Thus, the ve- locity of the liquid metal droplet estimated from Eq. (1)is about 13.3 cm/s, which is higher than the experimental results about 3 cm/s. The reason for this deviation lies in that the Eq. (1)is derived from the balance between viscous force and electric field force in free space. However, the friction from the current substrate impedes the droplet motion. In addition, the electrochemical reaction on the liquid metaldroplet surface could induce the surrounding flow disorder, and thus weaken its directional motion. According to Eq. (1), the velocity of the droplet depends linearly on the electricpermittivity. For 1 mol/l NaOH solution, its electric permit- tivity is: 215.70/C210/C010Fm/C01, which does not have too much difference with that of concentration 0.125 mol/l.Thus, droplet velocity depends less on the concentration of the NaOH solution as considered here. The velocity of metal solid particle induced by the exter- nal electric field in electrolyte solution is given by U¼eDE 2=lW, and estimated as 5.0 mm/s according to the above parameters, which is much smaller than that for liquidmetal droplet. The reason lies in that the tangential electric field vanishes at free surface of liquid metal droplet. The vis- cous stress associated with Debye-scale shear within theelectrolyte must be balanced by the electric stresses, which leads to amplified velocity scaling about kDcompared with the metal solid particle. It is noteworthy that the NaOH solu-tion plays a key role for droplet motion with high velocity. The liquid metal surface tends to come into being Ga 2O3due to electrochemical reaction under electric field, whichdecreases the surface tension and liquidity, and weakens the electro-hydrodynamic effect. However, NaOH solution can effectively deoxidize Ga 2O3. For NaCl solution, the velocity of the liquid metal appears smaller than that for NaOHsolution. In summary, we have discovered a fundamental electro- hydrodynamic phenomenon that low magnitude electric fieldwould easily induce liquid metal ejection from a capillary tube. The subsequent shooting of the metal stream into the solution would generate a large amount of discrete droplets. The carried out experiments disclosed the major factors to dominate the events. Several important conclusions can bedrawn as follows. First, the ejection velocity of galinstan droplets has positive correlation with the applied voltage. Second, the concentration of NaOH solution has no signifi-cant effect on the ejection velocity. Third, the size of the galinstan droplets depends mainly on the aperture diameter of the capillary nozzle. The present finding opens an efficientstrategy to flexibly fabricate liquid metal droplets in large amount and with controlled size via a rather rapid, easy, and low cost way. It also raised important scientific issues worthof investigation in the coming time. This work was partially supported by the Research Funding of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KGZD-EW-T04-4) and NSFC under Grant No. 81071225. 1T. Krupenkin and J. A. Taylor, Nat. Commun. 2, 448 (2011). 2Q. Zhang and J. Liu, Nano Energy 2, 863 (2013). 3K. Q. Ma and J. Liu, J. Phys. 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Generation of circularly polarized radiation from a compact plasma-based extreme ultraviolet light source for tabletop X-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies Daniel Wilson, Denis Rudolf, Christian Weier, Roman Adam, Gerrit Winkler, Robert Frömter, Serhiy Danylyuk, Klaus Bergmann, Detlev Grützmacher, Claus M. Schneider, and Larissa Juschkin Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 103110 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4897491 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897491 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/85/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Erratum: “Generation of circularly polarized radiation from a compact plasma-based extreme ultraviolet light source for tabletop X-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014)] Rev. Sci. 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Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 85, 103110 (2014) Generation of circularly polarized radiation from a compact plasma-based extreme ultraviolet light source for tabletop X-ray magnetic circulardichroism studies Daniel Wilson,1,2,a)Denis Rudolf,1,2,a),b)Christian Weier,3Roman Adam,3Gerrit Winkler,4 Robert Frömter,4Serhiy Danylyuk,5Klaus Bergmann,6Detlev Grützmacher,2 Claus M. Schneider,3and Larissa Juschkin1,2 1RWTH Aachen University, Experimental Physics of EUV , Steinbachstraße 15, 52074 Aachen, Germany 2Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Peter Grünberg Institut (PGI-9), JARA-FIT, 52425 Jülich, Germany 3Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Peter Grünberg Institut (PGI-6), JARA-FIT, 52425 Jülich, Germany 4Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Hamburg, Jungiusstraße 11, 20355 Hamburg, Germany 5RWTH Aachen University, Chair for Technology of Optical Systems, JARA-FIT, Steinbachstraße 15, 52074 Aachen, Germany 6Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Steinbachstrasse 15, 52074 Aachen, Germany (Received 1 September 2014; accepted 27 September 2014; published online 16 October 2014) Generation of circularly polarized light in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral region (about 25 eV–250 eV) is highly desirable for applications in spectroscopy and microscopy but very chal-lenging to achieve in a small-scale laboratory. We present a compact apparatus for generation of linearly and circularly polarized EUV radiation from a gas-discharge plasma light source between 50 eV and 70 eV photon energy. In this spectral range, the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe (54 eV), Co (60 eV), and Ni (67 eV) offer a high magnetic contrast often employed for magneto-optical and elec- tron spectroscopy as well as for magnetic imaging. We simulated and designed an instrument for gen-eration of linearly and circularly polarized EUV radiation and performed polarimetric measurements of the degree of linear and circular polarization. Furthermore, we demonstrate first measurements of the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Co 3 pabsorption edge with a plasma-based EUV light source. Our approach opens the door for laboratory-based, element-selective spectroscopy of magnetic materials and spectro-microscopy of ferromagnetic domains. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4897491 ] I. INTRODUCTION Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray spectral region extends from about 25 eV to 12 000 eV and is domi- nated by strong light-matter interaction.1The presence of ab- sorption edges of every element allows strong elemental andchemical selectivity. In particular, linearly and circularly po- larized EUV and soft X-ray radiation is highly desired for applications, such as reflectometry, ellipsometry, lithography,magneto-optical spectroscopy, and photoemission studies. In reflectometry, linearly polarized light is used for the charac- terization of EUV optics, such as multilayer Bragg mirrors. 2 In interference lithography, the contrast between the high- est and lowest intensity in the resist is considerably better with linearly polarized light compared to unpolarized light.3 Another application of polarized EUV and soft X-ray radi-ation, magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy, 4–6provides valuable information about magneto-optical constants and en- ables studies of element- and layer-selective magnetization. For magneto-optical spectroscopy, both linearly and circu-larly polarized light is required. In particular, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is frequently used for magneto-optical and a)D. Wilson and D. Rudolf contributed equally to this work. b)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: d.rudolf@fz-juelich.dephotoemission spectroscopy at the 2 p(700 eV–860 eV) and 3 p(50 eV–70 eV) absorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni.4–8 Linearly and circularly polarized EUV and soft X-ray radiation is routinely generated at large-scale facilities such as electron storage rings and free-electron lasers – unique sources of high energy photons in terms of intensity, pho- ton energy range, spectral bandwidth, pulse duration, andpolarization. Therefore, a complete polarization analysis is usually performed at synchrotrons with sophisticated polari- metric and ellipsometric instruments. 9–11 In a small-scale laboratory, various EUV and soft X-ray light sources are available, but only few of them are ap r i - oripolarized. While linearly polarized EUV light is rou- tinely generated by intense ultrashort laser pulses,12only few attempts to either polarize EUV radiation circularly13,14or directly generate circular EUV radiation from a femtosec-ond laser 15have been reported from laboratory-based exper- iments. A straightforward concept for conversion of linear to circular EUV polarization is to exploit the phase shift betweenthe s- and p-components of light upon reflection from a flat surface. For that purpose, a phase shift of ±90 ◦between the s- and p-components and identical reflectivity for the s- and p- components are required.13,14,16,17Laboratory-based instru- ments for generation of circularly polarized EUV light em-ploy up to four mirrors. Due to the low overall reflectivity of a few percent in the EUV spectral range a sufficiently intense 0034-6748/2014/85(10)/103110/9/$30.00 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 85, 103110-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-2 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) EUV light source is required to obtain a reasonable photon flux after the conversion. For our studies, we employ an intense gas-discharge plasma-based EUV light source.18–20The multiply ionized atoms, in our case oxygen and nitrogen ions, emit narrow- bandwidth spectral lines ( /Delta1E/E=10−3−10−5, where Eis the photon energy) in the photon energy range between vac- uum ultraviolet and soft X-rays. We optimized the EUV light source for operation above 50 eV photon energy. To linearly polarize the initially unpolarized EUV light and simultane- ously select emission lines around the 3 pabsorption edge of Co (60 eV), we designed a Bragg mirror linear polarizer op- erating close to the Brewster angle. Behind the linear polar- izer, we placed a broadband triple-reflection circular polar-izer, which covers the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni between 50 eV and 70 eV . To our knowledge, for the first time in a laboratory- based experiment with a plasma-based EUV light source, we demonstrate XMCD measurements on Co/Pt-multilayer films at the Co 3 pabsorption edge. Our paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II, we present the simulation and design of the instrument for generation of circularly polarized EUV radiation covering the 3 pabsorp- tion edges of Fe, Co, and Ni. In Sec. III, we describe the spectral reflectivity of the Bragg mirror linear polarizer de- signed to reflect emission lines around the Co 3 pabsorption edge. In Sec. IV, we analyze the performance of linear and circular polarizer around 60.5 eV extracted from polarimetricmeasurements. Finally in Sec. V, we present X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements on Co/Pt-multilayers at the Co 3 pabsorption edge. II. SIMULATION AND DESIGN OF THE INSTRUMENT FOR GENERATION OF CIRCULARLY POLARIZED EUVRADIATION AT THE 3 pABSORPTION EDGES OF IRON, COBALT, AND NICKEL A. Simulation based on Stokes formalism The concept of experimental apparatus to generate circu- larly polarized light at the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co and Ni and to measure the degree of circular polarization is pre- sented in Fig. 1. We refer to the angle notation of Fig. 1for further discussion of the simulation and experimental results. To simulate and design the instrument for generation of circularly polarized light between 50 eV and 70 eV , we ap-plied the Stokes polarization formalism 13,14,21for our specific case. The four Stokes parameters are S0=E2p+E2s, S1=E2p−E2s, S2=2EpEscos(/Delta1), S3=−2EpEssin(/Delta1),(1) which include the amplitudes of s- and p-polarized light Es andEpand the phase shift /Delta1between them describing the complete polarization state of light.21To measure the degree of linear ( pL) and circular ( pC) polarization, we define pL=S1 S0(2) FIG. 1. The EUV light at the 3 pabsorption edge of Co (60 eV) emitted by the oxygen plasma first passes through an aperture and Al/Parylene N filter. Then the light is linearly (s) polarized by a Bragg mirror placed at the Brew-ster angle θ LP. The linearly polarized light is reflected by three mirrors whose rotation angle ϕCPis adjusted to create circular polarization. The polarization state of light is observed by the Bragg mirror analyzer together with a photo-diode, both rotatable around the beam axis (angle ϕ A). and pC=S3 S0. (3) Equation (2)assumes that the light is either completely s- or p-polarized ( S2=0). Moreover, Eqs. (2)and(3)distinguish between s ( pL=−1)- and p ( pL=+1)-polarization as well as between positive ( pC=+1) and negative ( pC=−1) helicity (right- and left-circularly polarized light), respectively. Each optical element, represented by a 4 ×4 so-called Müller matrix, has a different reflection or transmission for the s- and p-component and, in addition to that, it causes a phase shift between the two components. To characterizethe polarization state of light, in our case after reflection, the two parameters ψ r(rotation of the main ellipse axis) and /Delta1r (phase shift between the s- and p-component) are fundamen- tal quantities for ellipsometric studies.21For complex-valued s- and p-reflectivities rsandrp, the ellipsometric relationship reads tan(ψr)×ei/Delta1r=rp rs. (4) The s- and p-reflectivities, readily calculated using Fres- nel equations, depend on the refractive index (and thus the photon energy) as well as the angle of incidence. For our sim-ulations, we extracted the complex-valued refractive indices for the EUV spectral range from the database of the Center of X-Ray Optics (CXRO). 22Since the emitted radiation of our plasma discharge source is initially unpolarized, the light has to be polarized linearly first and then polarized circularly. To this end, we designed multilayer Bragg mirrors for Brew-ster angle operation and peak reflectivity at 53.9 eV (Fe 3 p), 60.5 eV (Co 3 p), and 67.0 eV (Ni 3 p). The requirements for the linear polarizer are high reflectivity on one hand and high degree of linear polarization on the other hand, both at the 3pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni. In addition to that, a This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-3 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) FIG. 2. The inset shows a comparison of reflectivity for s- and p-polarized light between the Mo/Si (a) and B4C/Si (b) Bragg mirror linear polarizer at 60.5 eV photon energy (3 pabsorption edge of Co). The simulated reflectivity for s- and p-polarized light (black and red lines) is plotted for different angles /Theta1 with respect to normal incidence. The resulting degree of linear polarization pL(blue line) is higher for B4C/Si linear polarizer ( |pL|=1.00) compared to Mo/Si linear polarizer ( |pL|=0.94). spectrally sufficiently narrow reflectivity peak is required to select single emission lines. We simulated the Bragg mirror reflectivity based on the iterative algorithm from Ref. 21. In our simulations, we com- pared the s- and p-reflectivity of two material combinations,namely, Mo/Si and B 4C/Si at the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni (Fig. 2for Co 3 p). For the B4C/Si Bragg mirror linear polarizer, our simulation shows a higher ratio betweenthe s- and p-reflectivity in the vicinity of the Brewster angle compared to the Mo/Si linear polarizer. Due to the high de- gree of linear polarization p Lclose to 1 and also due to a suf- ficiently narrow bandwidth (1.36 nm for Co 3 p, see Table I), we used the B4C/Si Bragg mirror linear polarizer in our ex- periments. We summarize the most important parameters ofthe B 4C/Si Bragg mirrors in Table I.I nF i g . 2, we display the simulation results for the 3 pabsorption edge of Co (60 eV). For the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe and Ni, the simulation re- sults are similar in terms of magnitude and shape of the pL-/Theta1 graph. In the next step, we simulated the degree of circular polarization due to the phase shift /Delta1between the s- and TABLE I. Parameters of the B4C/Si multilayer mirror linear polarizers for the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe (53.9 eV), Co (60.5 eV), and Ni (67.0 eV). Edenotes the photon energy, θBthe Brewster angle (with respect to normal incidence), RsandRpthe s- and p-reflectivities, and pLthe degree of linear polarization after reflection. [B4C (5.36 nm)/ [B4C (6.06 nm)/ [B4C (6.72 nm)/ Si (8.04 nm)]x50Si (9.09 nm)]x50Si (10.08 nm)]x50 E(eV) 67.0 60.5 53.9 θB(deg) 42.79 42.52 40.81 Rs0.41 0.42 0.39 Rp0.96×10−30.26×10−30.72×10−3 FWHM 1.05 1.36 1.71 ofRs(nm) pL−0.999 −0.995 −0.996p-components of the electric field upon reflection. Reported concepts of a circular polarizer between 50 eV and 70 eV photon energy14,16are based on four non-rotatable mirrors to create a phase shift /Delta1=±90◦. To fulfill the requirements of high degree of circular po- larization pC, high overall reflectivity of the circular polarizer between 50 eV and 70 eV , and a simple rotation around the beam axis without any beam movement, we used three insteadof four mirrors. 23 For 20 nm Mo on Si, we found the triple-reflection at 20◦–40◦–20◦grazing incidence to give the highest |pC|of >0.99 at 60.5 eV . The total phase shift after three reflections amounts to /Delta1CP=− 90.9◦. The degree of circular polariza- tion pCdepends on the rotation angle ϕCP(see Fig. 1) and amounts to pC=+ 1 (right circular) for ϕCP≈70◦(250◦) and to pC=−1 (left circular) for ϕCP≈110◦(290◦)f o rt h e 3pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni (Fig. 3). Therefore, the circular polarizer offers two main advantages. First, the helicity of light is readily changed between left and right cir- cular polarization. Second, only one circular polarizer cov-ers all 3 pabsorption edges of the 3 dferromagnets and there- fore enables magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy and microscopy of Fe, Co, and Ni taking advantage of the XMCD effect. The overall reflectivity R CPof the circular polarizer at the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni starting from fully s-polarized light is displayed in Fig. 3(b).F o r pC=1 (ϕCP=70◦), it amounts to about 1%. Our result is compa- rable to the overall reflectivity obtained with the four mirrorconfiguration. 14,16 To measure the degree of linear and circular polarization, we used a Bragg mirror analyzer and a photodiode, which werotated around the beam axis in the Rabinovitch polarimeter configuration. 24The requirements for the Bragg mirror ana- lyzer are the same as for the linear polarizer (high reflectiv-ity, high degree of linear polarization, narrow bandwidth) and therefore, we used two identical Bragg mirrors for linear po- larizer and analyzer. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-4 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) FIG. 3. (a) Simulated degree of circular polarization pCafter the circular polarizer as a function of rotation angle ϕCPfor three photon energies corresponding to the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni. The circular polarizer was optimized for the Co 3 pabsorption edge, thus showing the highest degree of circular polarization for ϕCP≈70◦, 250◦(pC=+1), and ϕCP≈110◦, 290◦(pC=−1). (b) Overall reflectivity RCPof the circular polarizer for pC=+1 around the 3 p absorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni with a strong magneto-optical signal6(grey boxes). B. Design of the instrument for generation and analysis of polarized EUV light and circular magnetic dichroism measurements between 50 eV and 70 eVphoton energy The entire optical setup is mounted on an optical bread- board inside a vacuum chamber. For the Bragg mirror linear polarizer, we used a commercial piezo-driven, vacuum- compatible holder for 1 in. mirrors (Smaract STT-25). Duringthe alignment, the holder allows for tilting the mirror around the vertical and horizontal axes by ±2.5 ◦. The subsequent optical element, the triple-reflection cir- cular polarizer, required a specially designed holder for fixed mounting of three mirrors (two mirrors 10 mm ×30 mm, one mirror 10 mm ×23 mm) for 20◦–40◦–20◦grazing incidence.23Thus, no further relative alignment of the mir- rors is necessary. The holder consists of two parts se-cured together using screws (Fig. 4). Inside the cutouts of the two parts (two cutouts in one part, one cutout in the other part) the mirrors consisting of 20 nm Mo layer ther-mally evaporated on Si substrate are attached using glue. The entire device is mounted on a piezo-driven, vacuum- compatible rotational stage (Smaract SR-7012-S, minimumstep size of 0.2 ×10 −3◦) with positioning control. For po- larization analysis using a Rabinovitch polarimeter,24we de- signed a special Bragg mirror holder for 1 in. optics allowing42 ◦incidence angle with respect to the normal (Fig. 4) cor- responding to the Brewster angle at 60.5 eV (Co 3 pabsorp- tion edge). Similar to the triple-reflection circular polarizer, the holder is mounted on a piezo-driven, vacuum-compatible rotational stage (Smaract SR-5714-S, minimum step size of0.16×10 −3◦) equipped with positioning sensors. We also designed a holder for the AXUV 100G photodiode (10 mm ×10 mm active area) with mechanical support for the electri- cal SMA connector. The photodiode holder is attached to the analyzer holder and rotates with the analyzer around the beam axis. All optical elements were prealigned using visible light. We performed the angular alignment of the Bragg mirrorlinear polarizer optimizing the reflectivity at 60.5 eV . For that purpose, we rotated the vacuum chamber around the centralaxis in the surface plane of the linear polarizer simultaneously recording EUV spectra. Once the intensity of emission lines FIG. 4. (a) Holder for the triple reflection circular polarizer consisting of two halves. All mirrors comprising a Mo (20 nm) layer on Si substrate are glued inside the milled parts. The whole device is attached to a piezo-driven rotational stage with positioning sensors. (b) Analyzer consisting of a Bragg mirror holder for 42◦with respect to the normal incidence (Brewster angle at 60.5 eV) and a photodiode holder. The whole device mounted on a piezo- driven rotational stage with positioning control is rotated around the beam axis (Rabinovitch polarimeter24). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-5 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) at 60.5 eV was highest, the alignment goal was reached. We note that the linear polarizer accepts a wide angle range be- tween /Theta1=35◦and/Theta1=50◦without significant loss of the degree of linear polarization (Fig. 2(b), blue curve). For X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the Co 3 pabsorption edge, we removed the Bragg mirror an- alyzer and placed a Co/Pt multilayer sample between the pole shoes of a ferromagnetic yoke to magnetize it. We designed the yoke with a bore hole of 2 mm diameter for transmission measurements and magnetized the soft ferromagnetic yoke by a coil wound around the yoke. When supplying 4 A current tothe coil, the magnetic field reaches a maximum of 320 mT between the pole shoes wit ha2m mg a p . For the Co/Pt multilayer sample (10 mm ×10 mm) with aS i 3N4window (0.5 mm ×0.5 mm), we designed a separate holder for transmission experiments. To align the Co/Pt mul- tilayer sample between the pole shoes of the yoke, we placedthe sample on a two-dimensional piezo-driven linear stage for vertical and horizontal movement. III. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PLASMA EMISSION SPECTRUM BEHIND THE BRAGG MIRRORLINEAR POLARIZER For our measurements, we employed a gas-discharge plasma EUV light source developed at the Fraunhofer Insti- tute for Laser Technology18–20and specifically designed for water window operation (280 eV–530 eV). In our experi-ments, the source parameters were 3.5 kV discharge voltage, 2μF total capacity and 20 Hz pulse repetition rate. In order to produce high intensity radiation between 50 eV and 70 eV photon energy, we used EUV radiation emitted from highly ionized nitrogen (N 3+,N4+) and oxygen atoms (O4+,O5+). A typical spectrum measured by a grazing-incidence EUV spectrometer with a blazed, spherical, gold-coated grating (1200 lines/mm) and a back-illuminated CCD camera (AndoriKon-M) is presented in Fig. 5. The measured relative spectral bandwidth of single emission lines /Delta1λ/λ≈10 −3is limited by the spectral resolution of our spectrometer. We note that emis-sion lines of multiply ionized nitrogen and oxygen atoms are well in the range of 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni. Furthermore, based on reported synchrotron measurements,the magneto-optical resonances are known to occur in the vicinity of the absorption edges and to be spectrally broader than the absorption edge itself, having a spectral width of feweV for the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni 5,6(grey marked regions in Fig. 5extracted from Ref. 6). Therefore, it is possible to use nitrogen and oxygen plasma radiation for element-selective magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy and microscopy at the 3 pabsorption edges of the 3 dferro- magnets. In the case of Co, multiple emission lines of oxygen plasma are within the 3 pmagneto-optical resonance used in our magnetic circular dichroism measurements. We selected oxygen and nitrogen emission lines by a Bragg mirror linear polarizer with peak reflectivity at 60.5 eV (Fig. 5(b)). The pulse energy of the oxygen and nitro- gen emission lines around 60.5 eV measured with a calibrated EUV photodiode after the Bragg mirror is about 1.3 mJ/sr (1.4×1014photons/sr) for the oxygen and 0.8 mJ/sr (0.8 ×1014photons/sr) for the nitrogen plasma. To obtain the highest possible magnetic contrast in our XMCD studies, we used the oxygen instead of the nitrogen lines located veryclose to 60.5 eV (grey box in Fig. 5(b)). The intense oxygen line at 64.3 eV only contributes to the overall intensity but not to the magnetic signal. IV. POLARIMETRIC MEASUREMENT OF THE DEGREE OF LINEAR AND CIRCULAR POLARIZATION AT 60 eV We measured the polarization properties of EUV light around the 3 pabsorption edge of Co (60 eV) behind the lin- ear and circular polarizer. Below we first describe the mea-surements of the degree of linear polarization and then that of circular polarization. Similar to Eq. (2)in Sec. II A, we define the degree of linear polarization p Lafter the linear polarizer as pL=S1,L S0,L, (5) FIG. 5. (a) Spectra of highly ionized nitrogen (N3+,N4+) and oxygen (O4+,O5+) atoms between 53 eV and 70 eV as emitted from the gas-discharge plasma- based EUV light source. The grey boxes indicate the spectral region of magneto-optical resonances around the 3 pabsorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni.6The dashed line corresponds to the reflectivity of the Bragg mirror linear polarizer for 60.5 eV at 42◦normal incidence (Brewster angle). (b) Spectra of highly ionized nitrogen and oxygen atoms measured directly after the Bragg mirror linear polarizer for 60.5 eV comprising [Si(9.09 nm)/B4C(6.06 nm)]50x. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-6 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) where S0,LandS1,Ldenote the first two values of the Stokes vector after the linear polarizer ( S2,L=0). For completely s- polarized light, pL=− 1. The photodiode signal ILPcan be readily derived using the Stokes formalism and it reads ILP(ϕA)=ILP,0[1−pL×cos(2ψA)×cos(ϕA)], (6) where ILP,0is a constant factor. The influence of the analyzer is taken into account by ψA=tan−1/parenleftbigg|rp,A| |rs,A|/parenrightbigg , (7) with rp,Aandrs,Abeing the complex reflectivities for p- and s-polarized light. For our analyzer placed at the Brewster angle, we assume |rp,A|/|rs,A|≈0. Therefore, according to Eq.(7),ψA≈0 and thus cos (2 ψA)=1. We define the ana- lyzer rotation angle ϕA(Fig. 1) in such a way that for ϕA=0 the s-p-coordinate systems of the linear polarizer and analyzer are identical and therefore ILP(ϕA=0) is at maximum. To measure the degree of linear polarization pL (Eq. (5)), we placed the Bragg mirror analyzer directly be- hind the Bragg mirror linear polarizer and then rotated the an-alyzer clockwise with respect to the beam propagation direc- tion around the beam axis by an angle ϕ A(Fig. 6(a)). In order to suppress photon energies below 30 eV being also reflected by the Bragg mirror, we inserted an Al (100 nm)/Parylene N (100 nm) spectral filter into the beam path. We detected thesignal by an EUV photodiode (AXUV 100G) and amplified with a low-noise current amplifier (FEMTO DLPCA-200) by a factor of 10 9V/A. Finally, we measured the time-integrated voltage by a voltmeter (HP 3457A). For each angle position ϕA, we took an average of four measurements. In addition, we separately recorded the offset voltage for every angle po-sition in order to correct our data for rotational stage position- dependent voltage variations. A representative measurement is shown in Fig. 6(a). We fitted multiple data sets accord- ing to Eq. (6)and obtained an average value of p L=−(0.94 ±0.04). Although the measured degree of linear polarizationis slightly lower than predicted by simulations, it is sufficient for conversion of linearly to circularly polarized light. To analyze the polarization properties of our triple- reflection circular polarizer, we modeled the Müller matrix of the circular polarizer as MCP=⎛ ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝ab 00 ba 00 00 c×cos/parenleftbig /Delta1 CP/parenrightbig c×sin/parenleftbig /Delta1CP/parenrightbig 00 −c×sin/parenleftbig /Delta1CP/parenrightbig c×cos/parenleftbig /Delta1CP/parenrightbig⎞ ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠.(8) The ansatz for the matrix M CPstems from the multi- plication of three standard Müller matrixes for all three Mo mirrors.21Here, the parameters a,b, and cdepend on ellip- sometric parameters ψof the three Mo mirrors, whereas the parameter cdepends on aandb, and can be readily deter- mined from these parameters (see the Appendix). The phase shift/Delta1CPdenotes the total phase shift between the s- and p- component after all three reflections. The circular polarizer was designed for /Delta1CP=−90.9◦at 60.5 eV for efficient con- version of linearly to circularly polarized light (Sec. II A). The photodiode signal ICP(ϕA) behind the analyzer follows the equation ICP(ϕA)=ICP,0×[a−b×cos(2ϕCP)−b×cos(2ϕA+2ϕCP) +0.5×a×cos(2ϕA+4ϕCP)+0.5×a×cos(2ϕA)]. (9) Similar to Eq. (6),ICP,0is a constant factor, ϕAthe rota- tion angle of the analyzer (clockwise with respect to the beam direction), and ϕCPthe rotation angle of the circular polarizer (counterclockwise with respect to the beam direction). Equa- tion(9)assumes a completely s-polarized light behind the lin- ear polarizer, i.e., S1,L=−S0,Land as before in Eq. (6),ψA ≈0. Furthermore, we fixed /Delta1CP=− 90.9◦and neglected small terms proportional to c·cos (/Delta1CP)i nE q . (9). FIG. 6. (a) Measurement of the degree of linear polarization with emission lines from oxygen (Fig. 5(b)) around 60.5 eV photon energy (blue dots) and fit (black line) according to Eq. (6). The signal of the photodiode is plotted versus the analyzer rotation angle ϕA. The degree of linear polarization extracted from the fit amounts to pL=−0.96. (b) Measurement of the degree of circular polarization with emission lines from oxygen around 60.5 eV behind the triple reflection circular polarizer. The photodiode voltage is shown as a function of the analyzer rotating angle ϕA(dots) for different rotation angles ϕCPof the circular polarizer. The lines are fits according to Eq. (9).F o rϕCP=70◦(red dots), the signal is independent of ϕAconfirming that the degree of circular polarization is at maximum. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-7 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) Fitting the measured intensity ICP(ϕA)f r o mE q . (9)for various fixed rotation angles ϕCP(Fig. 6(b)), we extracted the parameters aandband then calculated the dependent param- eterc. The details of our analysis are summarized in the Ap- pendix. In the next step, we calculated the degree of circular polarization according to pC=c×sin(/Delta1CP)×sin(2ϕCP) b×cos(2ϕCP)−a. (10) To measure the Müller matrix parameters of our circular polarizer, we placed it between the linear polarizer and an-alyzer and independently rotated both circular polarizer and analyzer around the beam axis. We applied the same mea- surement technique as for the linear polarizer, i.e., the pho-todiode signal was amplified with a low-noise current am- plifier by a factor of 10 9V/A and the resulting voltage was measured by a time-integrating voltmeter. We fixed the ro-tation angle ϕ CP(counterclockwise with respect to the beam direction) and scanned ϕA(clockwise with respect to the beam direction) between 0◦and 360◦in 20◦steps. For accurate po- larization analysis, we separately measured the voltage off- set for each ϕAwith the EUV light source being off. A rep- resentative result for ϕCP=30◦,7 0◦, and 330◦is displayed in Fig. 6(b). The periodic voltage modulations present for ϕCP=30◦andϕCP=330◦disappear when ϕCP=70◦, i.e., the photodiode signal does not depend on the analyzer angle ϕA. For this rotation angle, we efficiently convert linearly to circularly polarized light at 60.5 eV as expected from simula-tions (Sec. II A). From measurements at six different angles ϕ CP, we determined the parameters a,b, and cand derived a maximum value of pC=0.81±0.15 for ϕCP=70◦and /Delta1CP=−90.9◦. V. XMCD MEASUREMENTS ON A Co/Pt-MULTILAYER FILM AT THE COBALT 3 pABSORPTION EDGE (60 eV) For the XMCD studies, we placed the coil and magnetic yoke with a bore hole for transmission measurements directly behind the Bragg mirror linear and circular polarizers and mounted the sample on two piezo-driven linear stages for ver- tical and horizontal movement in the center between the pole shoes of the yoke. As a suitable test sample for our XMCDmeasurements we chose [Co (0.8 nm)/Pt (1.4 nm)] 16xlayers grown on Si3N4(50 nm)/Pt(5 nm) by ion beam sputtering25,26 and capped with Pt (0.6 nm). A Co/Pt multilayer film exhibits a large perpendicular uniaxial anisotropy25,26and therefore, can be magnetized out-of-plane, which, for normal incidence of light, ensures a strong XMCD signal at the Co 3 pabsorp- tion edge. From the scientific perspective, a Co/Pt multilayer film is a highly interesting ferromagnetic layer system for several reasons. Most importantly, within a certain thicknessrange of Co and Pt layers, the magnetization oriented perpen- dicular or even canted with respect to the film plane tends to split into many alternatingly oriented ferromagnetic domainswith the average domain size of about 100 nm at zero exter- nal magnetic field. 25,26The latter property renders Co/Pt mul- tilayer films an ideal model system for studies of laser heat- ing effects on the ferromagnetic domain structure employing high harmonics27as well as for studies of femtosecond mag-netization dynamics of nanometer scale domains with a free- electron laser.28,29 The magnetization curve of the Co/Pt multilayer sample measured with polar magneto-optical Kerr effect (P-MOKE) is shown in the inset of Fig. 7. In order to saturate the mag- netization, we applied 320 mT magnetic field perpendicularto the sample surface. In our measurements, we first set the circular polarizer to ϕ CP=70◦(pC=+1), alternately applied ±320 mT magnetic field, and then recorded the transmitted signal I±(±320 mT) on the CCD camera for both magnetic fields. We note that the actual image on the CCD camera isthe beam profile after the Co/Pt multilayer sample including all oxygen spectral lines reflected by the Bragg mirror lin- ear polarizer (Fig. 5(b)). For further data analysis, the signal was binned along one spatial direction in the region of inter- est. The difference of the transmitted intensity averaged over 50 measurements for each magnetic field (10 s or 200 pulsesper measurement), is shown in Fig. 7. For the background- corrected XMCD asymmetry A XMCD calculated according to equation AXMCD =I+(+320 mT) −I−(−320 mT) I+(+320 mT) +I−(−320 mT), (11) we obtained AXMCD =+ (2.7±0.1)%. After that, we changed the rotation angle of the circu- lar polarizer to ϕCP=110◦(pC=− 1) and repeated the above described measurement procedure. As expected forthe XMCD effect, the difference signal (Fig. 7) and thus the asymmetry keeps the same magnitude but changes its sign. We measured A XMCD =−(2.8±0.1)%. To validate our data, we calculated the expected XMCD asymmetry from the magneto-optical absorption /Delta1β of the refractive index FIG. 7. XMCD difference signal I+(+320 mT) −I−(−320 mT) as recorded by the CCD camera for ϕCP=70◦(pC=+ 1) and ϕCP=110◦(pC= −1). We note that the graph displays a beam profile including all oxy- gen spectral lines reflected by the Bragg mirror linear polarizer (Fig. 5(b)). For the background-corrected XMCD asymmetry, we obtained AXMCD =+ (2.7±0.1) % and AXMCD=− (2.8±0.1) % for different helicities. The inset shows the magnetization curve (Kerr rotation /Theta1Kerr)o fa[ C o( 0 . 8 nm)/ Pt (1.4 nm)]16xmultilayer measured by polar magneto-optical Kerr ef- fect (P-MOKE) with visible light (350 nm wavelength). Using our magnetic yoke with a maximum field of 320 mT the sample can be magnetized to sat- uration. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-8 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) FIG. 8. XMCD spectrum for Co (total thickness d=12.8 nm) calculated by Eq.(12) from experimentally determined imaginary part of magnetic refrac- tive index6(black curve) and oxygen spectrum of the gas-discharge plasma- based EUV light source behind the Bragg mirror linear polarizer (blue curve). n=1−(δ+/Delta1δ)+i×(β+/Delta1β) and a total Co thickness ofd=12.8 nm according to4 AXMCD =2E ¯cd×/Delta1β, (12) where Edenotes the photon energy, ¯the reduced Planck con- stant, and cthe speed of light. Contrary to other magneto- optical effects like the MOKE or the Faraday effect, the XMCD asymmetry depends on one single magneto-optical parameter /Delta1β. To simulate AXMCD in the vicinity of the Co 3pabsorption edge, we inserted the photon energy-dependent parameter /Delta1β recently measured by Valencia et al.6in Eq.(12). The expected XMCD asymmetry is plotted together with the oxygen spectrum behind the Bragg mirror linear po- larizer in Fig. 8. The expected asymmetry of a few percent agrees well with our data. We note that our XMCD signalrepresents an average over several spectral lines of the oxy- gen plasma (Fig. 5(b)). To further confirm our results, we studied the magnetic field dependence of the intensity difference signal I+(μ0Href) −I−(μ0H) defining a fixed reference magnetic field μ0Href =+320 mT and six variable magnetic fields μ0H(−320 mT, −200 mT, −100 mT, 0 mT, 100 mT, and 200 mT). The inten- sity difference averaged over 10 measurements, each 10 s or 200 pulses, is displayed in Fig. 9. As expected for μ0Href=+320 mT from the magnetiza- tion curve (inset in Fig. 7), the difference signal is present for μ0H<0 and disappears for μ0H>0. In summary, we generated circularly polarized light with both helicities from a laboratory-based plasma EUV lightsource and measured XMCD asymmetry values at the Co 3pabsorption edge comparable to the reported synchrotron studies. 5,6The changing sign of the XMCD asymmetry upon helicity reversal confirms the magnetic origin of the sig- nal. Moreover, we changed the magnetic field and observed a magnetic signal, which follows the magnetization curve.Our results, to our knowledge, are the first laboratory-based XMCD measurements at the Co 3 pabsorption edge with a plasma-based EUV light source. VI. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK We simulated, designed, and characterized an instrument for generation of circularly polarized EUV light at the 3 pab- sorption edges of Fe, Co, and Ni (50 eV–70 eV) employ-ing a compact gas-discharge plasma-based EUV light source. For the first time in a laboratory-based experiment with a plasma-based EUV light source, we successfully measuredthe XMCD effect at the Co 3 pabsorption edge (60.5 eV) that previously was only possible at synchrotrons, at free- electron lasers and with laser-generated high harmonics due FIG. 9. Magnetic field dependence of the XMCD difference signal I+(μ0Href)−I−(μ0H) (blue: data points, red: smoothed curve) for μ0H=− 320 mT, −200 mT, −100 mT, 0 mT, +100 mT, and +200 mT for a fixed reference magnetic field μ0Href=+320 mT. Here, we fixed ϕCPto 110◦. The XMCD difference signal is only present for μ0H<0, i.e., for different signs of μ0Hrefandμ0Has expected from the magnetization curve (inset in Fig. 7). Forμ0H>0, i.e., for the same sign of μ0Hrefandμ0H, no magnetic signal is expected according to the magnetization curve. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:51:05103110-9 Wilson et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 103110 (2014) to the lack of circularly polarized EUV radiation in the small- scale laboratory. Our results open the perspective for transfer of some synchrotron capabilities to the home laboratory us-ing full time available high power plasma-based light sources. These light sources offer the advantages of photon energies in the EUV and soft X-ray spectral range at high intensity withmulti-kHz repetition rate. The spectral position and intensity of the emission lines can be tuned by gas species and elec- trical discharge energy, which immediately allows elemental and chemical contrast at elemental absorption edges. In ad- dition, our work demonstrates that the initially unpolarizedlight is easily converted to linearly and circularly polarized light required for magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy and microscopy. In future studies, it is straightforward tocombine our polarization optics and a Fresnel zone plate EUV microscope. 30In our concept, the polarization optics will be placed between the collector and the ferromagneticsample, which domain structure will be imaged by the Fres- nel zone plate. The proposed microscope will significantly advance the current imaging techniques and allow element-selective imaging of ferromagnetic domains at the 3 pabsorp- tion edges of Fe, Co, and Ni in the small-scale laboratory environment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS L.J. acknowledges financial support by the Helmholtz Association for a Helmholtz Professorship as a part of the Pact for Research and Innovation. D.W., D.R., R.A., and L.J. also acknowledge financial support by JARA-FIT Seed Fundsthrough the Excellence Initiative. Moreover, we thank Stefan Braun (Fraunhofer IWS Dresden) for Bragg mirror design and fabrication as well as Konstantin Tsigutkin for careful proof-reading of the paper. APPENDIX: CALCULATION OF pC The parameters a and b from Eq. (8)depend on the ellip- sometric quantities ψ(see Eq. (4)) of all three Mo mirrors of the circular polarizer in the following way: a=1+2×cos(2ψ40)×cos(2ψ20)+cos(2ψ20)2, b=−2×cos(2ψ20)−cos(2ψ40)−cos(2ψ40)×cos(2ψ20)2, (A1) where ψ20andψ40denote the ellipsometric quantities for 20◦ and 40◦grazing incidence, respectively. We solved this sys- tem of two nonlinear equations numerically for a fixed range ofψ20andψ40and obtained ψ20andψ40from measured pa- rameters aandb(Sec. IV). Then, we calculated the parameter caccording to equation c=sin(2ψ20)2×sin(2ψ40)( A 2 ) and, based on Eqs. (A1) and(A2) we derived the degree of circular polarization pCusing Eq. (10).1D. Attwood, Soft X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation: Principles and Applications (Cambridge University Press, 1999). 2F. Scholze, C. Laubis, C. Buchholz, A. Fischer, S. Plöger, F. Scholz, and G. Ulm, Proc. SPIE 6151 , 615137 (2006). 3S. Danylyuk, H.-S. Kim, P. Loosen, K. 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Structural Transformations in Reactively Sputtered Alumina Films P. Nayar * and A. Khanna Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, A mritsar – 143005, India *E-mail: priyankanayar_26@yahoo.co.in Abstract. Thin films of amorphous alumina of thickness ~350 n m were prepared on silicon wafer by DC cathode reactive sputtering. The effects of thermal anneali ng on the structural properties were investigated a t annealing temperatures of 600 oC, 800 oC, 1100 oC and 1220 oC. X-ray diffraction showed that crystallization sta rts at 800 oC and produces δ and θ alumina phases, the latter phase grows with heat t reatment and the film was predominantly δ-phase with small amount of α-phase after annealing at 1220 oC. AFM studies found that the surface of thin films smoothened upon crystallization. Keywords: Alumina films; XRD; AFM PACS : 61.05.cp, 68.37.Ps, 68.60.Dv INTRODUCTION During the last three decades significant efforts h ave been made towards the development of thin film technique s for growing crystalline alumina films due to its severa l useful properties like high resistivity (10 13 -10 15 Ω-m), high hardness (>22 GPa), high dielectric constant value of 9-11, high thermal conductivity (40 W K -1 m-1), and excellent chemical and thermal durability. Alumina films find applications in microelectronic devices as dielectr ic layers, refractory, anticorrosive and antireflective coatin gs [1], wave-guide sensors [2] and as buffer layers [3]. Alumina exists in several transient phases such as γ (cubic spinel), η (cubic spinel), δ (tetragonal), θ (monoclinic) and κ-alumina (orthorhombic) [4]. α-alumina, commonly known as corundum has rhombohedral hcp crystal structure and is the most desirable form of alumina [4]. Crystalline phases of alumina require high substrate temperatures of 700 oC which are difficult to maintain during deposition and also deteriorates ch amber vacuum. Therefore, one method that has attracted at tention for crystallization of amorphous films is thermal a nnealing after the deposition of amorphous alumina [5]. The microstructures which form in alumina films depend on the deposition technique and on the growth conditions; the crystalline phase formation is rarely achieved in a lumina films prepared at substrate temperatures below ~ 30 0 oC. For crystallization of the films, post deposition a nnealing and/or insitu substrate heating are usually required in the transformation sequence (amorphous-Al 2O3 ⇒ γ- Al 2O3 ⇒ α− Al 2O3) in which the crystallization of γ- Al 2O3 is often observed at 300-800 oC [6,7]; and above 1000 oC, crystallization of α− Al 2O3 is achieved [8]. In the present study, we have studied the effects o f heat treatment on the structural properties of amorphous alumina coatings. Amorphous alumina films were prepared on silicon substrates by DC cathode reactive sputterin g technique and subjected to heat treatment in the temperature range of 600 oC to 1220 oC in ambient air. EXPERIMENTAL Alumina films were deposited using reactive sputter ing of aluminum target in Ar and O 2 atmosphere using AMAT Endura metal sputtering system. Silicon wafers of 2 inch diameter were used as substrates. The substrates we re cleaned in acetone and ethanol and dried using nitr ogen gas prior to deposition. Before deposition the depositi on chamber was evacuated to a base pressure of 8 x 10 -8 Torr. High purity Ar and O 2 oxygen were used as sputtering and reactive gases with a total flow of 35 sccm. Using Ar:O 2 ratios of 30:70, films were deposited at a substrat e temperature of 300 oC. Solid State Physics AIP Conf. Proc. 1591, 948-950 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4872813 © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1225-5/$30.00 948 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 06:06:31The process parameters used for deposition of alumi na films are as below: Target Voltage: 226 V Target Current: 6.59 A Power: 1.495 kW One alumina film (Sample Code: RS1) deposited on Si wafer at a substrate temperature of 300 oC was then sequentially annealed at different temperatures of 600 oC, 800 oC, 1100 oC and 1220 oC. The sample was annealed at these temperatures for 6 h each. XRD measurements w ere performed on thin film samples before and after hea t treatment on Bruker D8 Focus X-ray powder diffractrometer in the grazing incidence geometry w ith Cu- Kα radiation (λ =1.54056 Ǻ). Measurements were done by keeping the incident angle fixed at 2 o and by scanning the scintillation counter detector in the 2 θ range of 10-70 o. AFM studies was done on one amorphous film (Sample Code: RS1) and crystalline film (Sample Code: RS1-H - 1220) using Parks Intrument XE-70 AFM in the contac t mode at a scan rate of 1 Hz. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows the evolution of XRD patterns of alumina film on silicon substrate after heat treatment in t he temperature range of 600-1200 oC. For the sample (RS1), after annealing at 600 oC for 6h, film remained amorphous and no crystalline peaks were detected in XRD scans . On further annealing at 800 oC, crystalline peaks were observed at 2 θ of 19.6 o, 31.8 o, 37.5 o, 46.0 o and 67.0 o. The peaks at 19.5 o, 31.7 o and 37.5 o could be the superposition of δ [ 9], γ and θ phases [10] of alumina. It should be mentioned her e that γ-alumina (cubic–spinel structure with lattice parameter, a=0.79 nm) has two peaks of equal intens ity at 45.9 o and 67.1 o [PDF File # 10-0425], while the δ and θ− - alumina have multiple peaks in the diffraction angl e ranges of: 45 o to 47 o and 65 o to 67 o [11]. After annealing at 1100 oC, some other peaks were observed at 39.4 o, 45.6o, 46.5 o, 66.7 o and 67.3 o and all these peaks were attributed to δ-phase of alumina. The intensity of the peaks at 19.5 o, 31.7 o and 37.5 o increased after annealing the sample to 1100 oC. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that intensity of all the peaks decreased after annealing the samp le to 1220 oC and one new peak was observed at 35.2 o that can be attributed to crystalline α-phase of alumina. FIGURE 1. GIXRD patterns of alumina films before and after annealing. Figure 2 and Figure 3 display the AFM images of rea ctively sputtered amorphous (RS1) and crystalline sample (R S1-H- 1220) which were recorded on 0.5 x 0.5 µm2 area in contact mode. FIGURE 2. AFM image of amorphous alumina film on Si wafer (Sample Code: RS1). 949 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 06:06:31 FIGURE 3. AFM image of crystalline film heat treated upto 1220 oC (Sample Code: RS1-H-1220). The root mean square (rms) surface roughness of the amorphous film was 14 nm which decreased to 7 nm af ter heat treatment and crystallization. CONCLUSIONS Amorphous alumina films were prepared by DC cathode reactive sputtering technique. The influence of ann ealing temperature was studied. XRD measurements confirmed that an annealing temperature of 800 oC was necessary for the crystallization of amorphous films and only aft er annealing the sample at high temperature of 1200 oC, a small amount of α-alumina phase was detected. Therefore it was concluded that alumina thin films are quite resistant to transformation to the α-phase. This is contrary to the properties of alumina nanoparticles which transform completely to the α-phase at 1100 oC. Finally while amorphous films are rough, crystalline samples smoo then with heat treatment. REFERENCES 1. K. Tadanaga, N. Yamaguchi, Y. Uraoka, A. Matsuda , T. Minami and M. Tatsumisago, Thin Solid Films 516, 4526-4529 (2008). 2. A. Yamaguchi, K. Hotta and N. Teramae, Anal. Chem. 81, 105- 111 (2009). 3. S.H. Kim, C.E. Kim, and Y.J. Oh, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 16, 257- 259 (1997). 4. I. Levin and D. Brandon, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 81, 1995-2012 (1998). 5. A. Pillonnet, R. Brenier, C. Garapon and J. 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Nano-scale NiSi and n-type silicon based Schottky barrier diode as a near infra-red detector for room temperature operation S. Roy, K. Midya, S. P. Duttagupta, and D. Ramakrishnan Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 124507 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896365 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896365 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Nano-Schottky barrier diodes based on Sb-doped ZnS nanoribbons with controlled p-type conductivity Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 123117 (2011); 10.1063/1.3569590 Ni-catalyzed growth of silicon wire arrays for a Schottky diode Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 042103 (2010); 10.1063/1.3467839 Low-cost and high-gain silicide Schottky-barrier collector phototransistor integrated on Si waveguide for infrared detection Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 071108 (2008); 10.1063/1.2970996 Near-infrared waveguide-based nickel silicide Schottky-barrier photodetector for optical communications Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 081103 (2008); 10.1063/1.2885089 High barrier iridium silicide Schottky contacts on Si fabricated by rapid thermal annealing J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 17, 397 (1999); 10.1116/1.590568 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:01:10Nano-scale NiSi and n-type silicon based Schottky barrier diode as a near infra-red detector for room temperature operation S. Roy,1,2K. Midya,3,2S. P . Duttagupta,3,2,a)and D. Ramakrishnan4 1Centre for Nanotechnology and Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India 2Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India 3Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India 4Department of Earth Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India (Received 18 August 2014; accepted 12 September 2014; published online 24 September 2014) The fabrication of nano-scale NiSi/n-Si Schottky barrier diode by rapid thermal annealing process is reported. The characterization of the nano-scale NiSi film was performed using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The thickness of the film (27 nm) hasbeen measured by cross-sectional Secondary Electron Microscopy and XPS based depth profile method. Current–voltage (I–V) characteristics show an excellent rectification ratio (I ON/IOFF¼105) at a bias voltage of 61 V. The diode ideality factor is 1.28. The barrier height was also determined independently based on I–V (0.62 eV) and high frequency capacitance–voltage technique (0.76 eV), and the correlation between them has explained. The diode photo-response was measured in the range of 1.35–2.5 lm under different reverse bias conditions (0.0–1.0 V). The response is observed to increase with increasing reverse bias. From the photo-responsivity study, the zero bias barrier height was determined to be 0.54 eV. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896365 ] I. INTRODUCTION There have been a number of reports concerning the design, fabrication, and test of Near Infra-Red (NIR) detec- tors. The conventional photo-detector for 1.5 lm application is based on In xGa1/C0xAs hetero structures on InP or GaAs substrate.1–4The device fabrication is via Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) or Metal Organic Chemical VapourDeposition (MOCVD) process. With a few exceptions there is, in general, a lattice mismatch problem involving thick, multiple hetero-structure layers and the substrate which arerequired for efficient photo-response (8 A W /C01at 1.5 lm).4 There exist specialized techniques such as buffered or lateral growth for reducing lattice mismatch, however this result indecreased throughput and increased cost. Bandhyopadhyay et al. have demonstrated NIR detector based on photo responsive capacitance based on GaSb nano-wires. 5,6As a result of tunability of capacitance, a shift in resonant peak frequency (in an LC circuit) is observed and accordingly a change in the power delivered to the load. Thedetectivity is reported to be 3 /C210 7Jones. The process is potentially low cost and the device characteristics are observed to be reproducible and with a satisfactory shelf-life. However, this process is not silicon CMOS compatible. Further, the device testing scheme requires an in-built, high frequency, on-chip ac source (100 kHz and above) whichadds to system complexity and cost. Liuet al. have reported InAs nano-structures based on a cost-effective thermal CVD process. The nano-wires are sub-sequently suspended in anhydrous ethanol and transferred onto a silicon (or silicon dioxide) substrate. The responsivity was reported to be 4.4 /C210 3AW/C01at 532 nm (visible region).7In contrast, Miao et al. have demonstrated InAsnano-wires grown by MBE process on GaAs substrate. The maximum responsivity in this case was reported to be 5.3/C2103AW/C01in the visible region; however, photo- response was observed up until 1470 nm.8 Although the devices discussed above are quite efficient; however, the fabrication processes are mostly not CMOS com-patible and cost-effective. Nevertheless, in opto-electronic devices silicon technology is c onsidered inappropriate due to the indirect nature of the band gap. One way to resolve thisdrawback is to apply Silicide/Silicon Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs) for infra-red detection. The primary advantages of such diodes are a low (suitable for IR) and a tunable barrierheight (depends on silicide type) formation. Of the possible sil- icide–silicon combinations, the PtSi/ p-Si SBDs are widely used in the semiconductor industry. Due to the extensive appli-cation of PtSi SBDs in imaging technology, it has been widely used in Focal Plane Array. 9The Schottky Barrier Height (SBH) of PtSi/ p-Si has been reported in the range of 0.22–0.26 eV,10–12 which corresponds to a cutoff wavelength of 4.77–5.64 lm. For lower cutoff wavelengths (8–10 lm)IrSi/ p-Si SBDs had been proposed with a barrier height of 0.125–0.152 eV.10,13In con- trast, for higher cutoff wavelengths ( /C243.7lm), Pd 2Si SBD with SBH of /C240.33 eV has been used.14,15Hence, such diodes are operable in the mid and far infrared regions. This study aims at developing and optimizing SBDs for detection of NIR. For this purpose, nano-scale nickel silicide onn-Si diodes was fabricated. Previously, Zhu et al.16have demonstrated the utility of NiSi 2/n-Si SBDs for NIR (1.5lm) region with a photo-responsivity of /C242 mA/W. It was observed that the barrier height of nickel silicide (NiSi)n-Si SBDs is /C240.66 eV; 17–20hence, the cut off wavelength is /C241.87lm. Therefore, such diodes are suitable for optical communication application ( k¼1.3–1.5 lm)21and also for detection of hydrocarbon gases.22The Ni–Si phase diagram predicts six stable inter-metallic compound (Ni 3Si, Ni 31Si12,a)Electronic mail: sdgupta@ee.iitb.ac.in 0021-8979/2014/116(12)/124507/6/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 124507-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 124507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:01:10Ni2Si, Ni 3Si2, NiSi, and NiSi 2).23NiSi is considered to be the most promising candidate for electronic devices since it is stable with very low specific resistivity (of the order of7–10 lX-cm), 23which should result in high photo- responsivity of nano-scale NiSi/ n-Si SBDs. In this paper, we have investigated performance of NiSi SBD. The diode was fabricated by deposition of Ni on Si fol- lowed by Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA). The device has been characterized to investigate the optical response, and itis observed that the cutoff wavelength is around /C242.3lm. Hence, such devices opened up the possibility in the field of IR sensor in NIR region. The photo-responsivity of thedeveloped diode is observed to be better than the earlier reported works. 16However, improvements presumably results for the improvement of silicide-silicon interfaces. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The device has been fabricated using n-type Si (100) wafer of resistivity 1–10 X-cm. First of all, Radio Corporation of America cleaning was performe d to remove native oxide and or- ganic contaminants from the surface of the wafer. A 100 nmSiO 2layer was grown by wet oxidation process for contact pad deposition. Back side SiO 2of the wafer was etched by Buffered Hydro Fluoric (BHF) acid after then nþregion was made by ion implantation followed by 30 s RTA at 950/C14C. A 0.5 /C21m m2 window was constructed by optical lithography process, and selective removal of SiO 2w a sd o n ef r o mt h es u r f a c eb yt h e BHF. Pattering for top electrode was performed on the SiO 2 window for Ni deposition. After patterning, wafer was dipped into BHF to remove native oxide formed during the process.Following the removal of native oxide, the wafer was immedi- ately loaded in electron beam evaporator chamber for Ni deposi- tion. Deposition was performed at a base vacuum of 5 /C210 /C06 mbars. A 10 nm Ni film was deposited on the patterned Si sub- strate followed by lift-off. Subs equently, RTA was performed at 500/C14C for 60 s for silicide formation. The unreacted Ni was removed by treating with an acid mixture (HNO 3:HCl¼1:5 for 60 s). Finally, Au was deposited for top contact (1 /C21m m2) and Ti/Au was deposited for back ohmic contact. The electrical characterization of diode was performed using Keithley 4200 instrument. Optical response was meas- ured using Keithley 2400 under illumination of a tungsten lamp with a mono-chromator arrangement. Cross-sectional Secondary Electron Microscopy (SEM) (Raith-150) techniquewas used to investigate the thickness of the silicide. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) (PHI5000VersaProbe-II) and Raman spectroscopic measurement (RAMNORHG-2S)were performed to get material signature. The area of top sili- cide contact has been measured using microscope and was found to be 8.4 /C210 /C04cm2. The schematic diagram of cross- sectional view of the device is shown in Fig. 1. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Materials characterizations Raman spectroscopic analysis was performed to verify the phase composition of the silicide film (Fig. 2) using 514.5 nm argon ion laser (10 mW power) source. The intensepeak observed at 522 cm/C01is attributed to silicon wafer. This Si peak is significant for our study, which indicates that all the compositional information of film has been gathered till the substrate. Another set of four peaks (shown in theinset of Fig. 2) at 199, 217, 294, and 363 cm /C01are attributed to the NiSi phase.24,25The peak at 217, 294, and 363 cm/C01 are assigned to A gmode whereas 199 cm/C01assigned to the B1gmode.26A slight sift ( /C241c m/C01) of peak compared to as reported by the Karabko et al.26has been observed. A small shoulder peak observed at 371 cm/C01is attributed to a forma- tion of NiSi 2phase in the film.27 Peak corrections of XPS spectrum were performed by carbon (C 1s) peak (at 284.5 eV) position. The spectrum ofthe film is shown in Fig. 3. The peak position at 853.9 eV and 871 eV of Ni2p 3/2and Ni2p 1/2(shown in the inset of Fig. 3(a), respectively, corresponds to NiSi phase.23Along with that a small overlapping peak of Ni2p 3/2position has been observed at 854.6 eV which corresponds to NiSi 2phase. From the low peak intensity at 854.6 eV, it is concluded that the fraction ofNiSi 2phase present in the film is less than NiSi phase. This validates the observation of Raman analysis shown in Fig. 2. The Si 2p spectrum is shown in Fig. 3(b). The peak position found at 99.4 eV also attributes to NiSi phase. It is verified from both XPS and Raman analysis as that NiSi phase has been formed along with a small fraction of NiSi 2. Cross-sectional SEM imaging was performed to investi- gate the thickness of silicide film. The image is shown in Fig. 4indicates that the NiSi film is uniform and the thick- ness has been found to be 27 nm (shown in the inset of Fig.4). FIG. 1. Cross-sectional diagram of device. FIG. 2. Raman analysis spectrum silicide film by 514.5 nm Ar ion laser source.124507-2 Roy et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:01:10The atomic concentration of Ni and Si in nickel-silicide was calculated by peak intensities using the following equation: Cx¼Ix=SxðÞP iIi=SiðÞ; (1) where Cx,Ix, and Sxare the atomic concentration, peak inten- sity, and sensitivity, respectively, of xth element. Thesensitivity value is determined by the instrument manufac- turer (Ni 2p3/2: 4.04 and Si 2p: 0.339). Argon plasma etch- ing (etch rate of 2.4 nm/min) was performed to investigatethe depth profile of film. The change in atomic fraction of Ni and Si with the variation of nano-film thickness is shown in Fig.5. It is observed from Fig. 5that the ratio of Ni and Si is constant for approximately 27 nm. Then, the atomic fraction of Ni decreases to zero and Si fraction increases to 1. Thisindicates that NiSi phase formed and the composition is uni- form till 27 nm. The variation of Ni and Si compositional ra- tio with depth is shown in the inset of Fig. 5. This observation correlates with the results obtained from SEM image. Since the volume fraction of NiSi 2is much less in comparison to NiSi phase, NiSi 2formation is considerable insignificant. B. Electrical characterization 1. I-V characterization The current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of NiSi/n-Si Schottky diode at different temperatures are shown in Fig. 6(a). The results indicate that the diode is Schottky in nature. The rectification ratio ( Ion=Iof f) has been observed to be /C24105at61 V (at room temperature). The forward bias I–V relation of Schottky diode is expressed as28–30 I¼I0ðexpðeðV/C0IRSÞ=nkTÞ/C01Þ; (2) where I0¼A/C3AT2expð/I/C0V B=kTÞ: (3) I0is the reverse saturation current which has been calculated by I–V plot by considering I /C1Rsvalue is very small (R s/C2450 Xfor our device). The electrical parameter of Schottky diode was extracted when V>3kT=e. ln(I) vs V plot is shown in the inset of Fig. 6(b). The Richardson plot (ln(I 0/T2) vs 1000/T) is shown in Fig. 6(b). Barrier height ( /I/C0V B) has been FIG. 3. (a) Ni 2p3/2 XPS spectrum for NiSi film. Inset shows Ni2p1/2 spec- trum for NiSi film. (b) Si2p XPS spectrum of the film to investigate NISi phase. FIG. 4. Cross-sectional SEM image of NiSi/Si interface to investigate film thickness as well as the interface of the metal semiconductor junction. FIG. 5. Depth profile of NiSi film to investigate the atomic fraction of the film with the variation of depth. Inset shows the Ni and Si compositional ra- tio of the film with variation of depth.124507-3 Roy et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:01:10calculated from the slope of Richardson plot and it is found to be 0.62 eV. The barrier height is comparable to as reportedby Chang and Erskine. 18The ideality factor (n) has been cal- culated at room temperature which is determined to be 1.28. 2. C–V characterization Capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurement is another well-established technique to calculate barrier height ( /C/C0V B) of the Schottky diode. The 1/C2vs V characteristic of NiSi/ n-Si Schottky diode in the reverse bias voltage (0 V–1 V) at afrequency of 1 MHz is shown in Fig. 7. The Schottky Mottmodel and abrupt junction approximation are implemented to determine the carrier concentration ( N d).Ndhas been cal- culated by following equations:28,31 1 C¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2Vbi/C0V ðÞ 2Ndeess ; (4) Nd¼2 ees1 d1=C2ðÞ =dV/C20/C21 : (5) /C/C0V Bhas been calculated by calculating the intercept ( Vbi) of 1/C2(¼0) at voltage axis, and using the following equation:28,29 /C/C0V B¼VbiþVnþkT e; (6) Vn¼kT elnNc Nd/C18/C19 : (7) The value of Ndhas been derived and it is found to be 5/C21015cm/C03. Accordingly, /C/C0V Bvalue is found 0.76 eV. For low doped ( /C241015cm/C03) substrate where tunnelling current is not significant, the relation between the /C/C0V Band /I/C0V Bhas been proposed by Broom et al.32The relation is expressed as /I/C0V Bcal¼/C/C0V BþVnn/C01ðÞ n; (8) where /I/C0V Bcalis calculated value of zero bias barrier height (/I/C0V B) and it has been found to be 0.64 eV which closely matches to /I/C0V B(0.62 eV). C. Optical measurement The photo-responsivity (R) of NiSi/ n-Si SBD, with wavelength ( k) under different reverse bias, is shown in Fig. 8(a). The value of R is found to be increasing with decrease illumination wavelength. Similar characteristics are observed for different bias conditions. It is observed from Fig. 8(b) that the responsivity is promising (2.6 mA/W for zero biascondition at 1.5 lm). The photo-responsivity of the SBDs is approximated by Fowler equation, expressed as 33,34 R¼C11/C0/opt B h/C23/C18/C192 ; (9) where C 1is the constant, /opt Bis barrier height of SBD, and h/C23is the energy of incident photon. The characteristic of photo-responsivity at zero bias is shown in Fig. 8(b). Fowler plot ( h/C23ffiffiffi Rp vsh/C23) was made for zero bias condition to calcu- late the zero bias barrier height (inset of Fig. 8(b))./opt Bwas calculated at the intersection of extrapolation of h/C23ffiffiffi Rp to the h/C23axis, and the value has been found to be 0.54 eV. The bar- rier height value observed in this case is much less than thatderived by I–V and 1/C 2–V method. Such behaviour attrib- uted to presence of acceptor like trap state at the interface.35 With the incidence of photons on the silicide, the valence band electrons at interface region are excited and trapped by acceptor like trap state. Hence, those trap states becomes FIG. 6. (a) I-V characteristics of NiSi/n-Si SBD at different temperature. (b) Richardson plot of NiSi/n-Si diode to find out barrier height. Inset shows the ln(I) vs V to find out I 0value. FIG. 7. 1/C2vs V plot of NiSi/n-Si Schottky diode measured at 1 MHz.124507-4 Roy et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 124507 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:01:10negatively charged. These negatively charge states contribute to the Fermi energy band. In other word, the Fermi level shift- ing towards the conduction band occurs, which effectively reduces the band bending and hence, the barrier height reduc-tion of the SBD occurs. The estimated electrical parameters at room temperature are listed in Table I. The variation of photo-responsivity with reverse bias at different irradiation wavelength is shown in Fig. 9.I ti s observed that the photo-responsivity increases monotonically with increase in reverse bias, and the diode response for 1.35 and 1.5 lm has been found to be similar. The relation between photo cur rent (photo-responsivity) to the bias voltage for Metal-Sem iconductor-Metal (MSM) diode has been proposed by Nejad et al. 36which can be expressed as R¼Roexp/C0B V/C18/C19 ; (10) where Roand B are constants, which depends on the irradiat- ing photon energy. The plot of ln(R) vs 1/V plot (shown in inset of Fig. 9), the linearity of the plot indicates that thephoto-response with bias voltage of this device obey the rela- tion expressed in Eq. (10). IV. CONCLUSION This study demonstrates fabrication of a nano-scale NiSi/n-Si Schottky infrared detector SBD, fabricated by RTAprocess with top bottom contacts. The formation of NiSi phase has been confirmed by Raman and depth sensitive XPS technique. The silicide film thickness has been measured bySEM, which is found to be 27 nm and verified by XPS tech- nique. The barrier height has been measured by I–V, C–V, and optical process. The barrier height obtained from I–V isclosely matched with reported values, whereas that evaluated from optical process differs. The variations of barrier height have been explained by the presence of acceptor like inter-face trap states. Such trap states capture the photo–exited the electrons form valence band which further contribute to the Fermi energy level. Therefore, it eventually lowers the bandbending and reduces the barrier height. The device photo- responsivity has been observed and found to be promising comparable to the reported values. The responsivity wasmeasured at different reverse bias conditions and it has been found that the response follows the relation as proposed by the earlier works for MSM diode. The responsivity can beenhanced by improving the interface and creating an optical cavity. Hence, it can be concluded that this diode has exten- sive potential application in the field of gas detection by IRabsorption method and optical communication. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to express thanks to Mr. H. Singh Bana, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute ofTechnology Bombay for his assistance in chemical process and V. K. Bajpai, Department of Energy Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay for cross-sectional SEM imaging. 1J. Kaniewski and J. Piotrowski, Opto-Electron. Rev. 12, 139 (2004). 2A. 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Dual mode acoustic wave sensor for precise pressure reading Xiaojing Mu, Piotr Kropelnicki, Yong Wang, Andrew Benson Randles, Kevin Tshun Chuan Chai, Hong Cai, and Yuan Dong Gu Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 113507 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896025 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896025 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Optimized MEMS Pirani sensor with increased pressure measurement sensitivity in the fine and rough vacuum regimes J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 33, 021601 (2015); 10.1116/1.4902340 Theoretical investigation of conductivity sensitivities of SiC-based bio-chemical acoustic wave sensors J. Appl. Phys. 115, 064506 (2014); 10.1063/1.4865172 Extremely robust and conformable capacitive pressure sensors based on flexible polyurethane foams and stretchable metallization Appl. Phys. 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Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:44:38Dual mode acoustic wave sensor for precise pressure reading Xiaojing Mu,1,a)Piotr Kropelnicki,1Yong Wang,1,2Andrew Benson Randles,1 Kevin Tshun Chuan Chai,1Hong Cai,1and Yuan Dong Gu1 1Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore 117685 2The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore 639798 (Received 7 August 2014; accepted 3 September 2014; published online 17 September 2014) In this letter, a Microelectromechanical system acoustic wave sensor, which has a dual mode (lateral field exited Lamb wave mode and surface acoustic wave (SAW) mode) behavior, is presented for precious pressure change read out. Comb-like interdigital structured electrodes on topof piezoelectric material aluminium nitride (AlN) are used to generate the wave modes. The sensor membrane consists of single crystalline silicon formed by backside-etching of the bulk material of a silicon on insulator wafer having variable device thickness layer (5 lm–50 lm). With this princi- ple, a pressure sensor has been fabricated and mounted on a pressure test package with pressure applied to the backside of the membrane within a range of 0 psi to 300 psi. The temperature coeffi- cient of frequency was experimentally measured in the temperature range of /C050 /C14C to 300/C14C. This idea demonstrates a piezoelectric based sensor having two modes SAW/Lamb wave for direct physical parameter—pressure readout and temperature cancellation which can operate in harsh environment such as oil and gas exploration, automobile and aeronautic applications using the dualmode behavior of the sensor and differential readout at the same time. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC . [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896025 ] Pressure sensors can be found in several harsh environ- ment application areas, like automotive, aeronautic, or oil- drilling industry.1–10Different approaches have been used to sense pressure at higher temperatures. One of these approaches is represented by piezoresistive SiC pressure sen- sors, which can be used to monitor the pressure of the inter-nal combustion engine with temperatures greater than 300 /C14C.11,12Unfortunately, the accuracy of the piezoresistive sensor decreases when the temperature is higher than 100/C14C due to its drop of resistivity.13High fabrication costs and up to 300/C14C temperature required in harsh environment require- ment, creates great demand for new sensor solutions withhigher reliability compared to the aforementioned ones. A promising approach for high temperature operation fell on quartz based resonators, which have been well knownas high pressure sensors in harsh environment for a long time. 14,15A commonly used film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) structure has top and bottom electrodes, which helpto generate a bulk acoustic wave (BAW) within the quartz material. The pressure information is derived by its resonant frequency read out, which is strongly dependent on stress andtemperature of the piezoelectric material. For this reason, a temperature dependent and pressure independent reference sensor is highly needed to calibrate out the temperatureeffect, which complicates the whole system. Thus three reso- nators are indispensable for a whole system to extract temper- ature and pressure separately at the same time. In this letter, a piezoelectric material AlN based dual mode acoustic wave sensor including surface acoustic wave (SAW) and Lamb wave is developed. This sensor is capableof operating at large temperature ranges from /C050 /C14Ct o300/C14C and larger pressure ranges from 0 psi to 300 psi. The temperature behaviors of the sensor among these dual modes are almost the same, whereas the pressure sensitivity behav-iors are totally different. With the assistance of a external digital circuit, the tem- perature effects of the dual mode acoustic wave sensor arelikely cancelled out, which results in the sole physical pa- rameter (pressure change) readout. The fabrication process is Complementary Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor (CMOS) compatible. 8 in. SOI (100) wafers with device layer of 5 lm and 50 lm with buried oxide (BOX) layer of 1 lm were employed. A 100 nm SiO 2layer was first deposited on the SOI substrate by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). After that, a 2 lmA l N piezoelectric layer was deposited by physical vapor deposi-tion (PVD). Then, a 600 nm Al film was grown on AlN and patterned by dry etch to form the Interdigitated Transducer (IDT) structure. A 200 nm SiO 2was deposited by PECVD and served as hardmask for IDT patterning. After front side process, the silicon substrate layer was thinned down to 400lm by mechanical grinding. Next, a 2 lm SiO 2hardmask layer was deposited on the backside of the wafer for release process. Finally the silicon membrane structure was released by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE). Finally, front side SiO 2 is removed by vapor hydrogen fluoride (HF) for contact open. Figure 1shows the SEM of the IDT electrodes and the cross- sectional structure of the acoustic wave pressure sensor. Finite element method (FEM) simulations have been carried out by using COMSOL to investigate the perform- ance of the dual mode sensors. 2D simulation was performedusing periodic condition on left and right side of the device in order to simulate an infinite, ideal resonator plate. Based on the prior arts, 16,17the material properties that are used for simulations are summarized in Table I.a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic addresses: mux@ime.a-star.edu.sg and mxjacj@gmail.com 0003-6951/2014/105(11)/113507/5/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 113507-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 113507 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:44:38As observed from Table I, the elastic constants are strongly dependent on temperature, which are almost homo-geneously, especially for the first order temperature coeffi- cient. The elastic coefficients are inherently, in the same time, strain/stress dependent. Based on these assumptions, the resonance frequency of both modes is dependent on the change of the elastic coeffi- cients due to temperature and strain f s¼vph k;vph¼ffiffiffiffi ffic/C3 pr ;c/C3¼fct P ;TðÞ ; (1) where fsis the resonance frequency, vphis the phase velocity, kis the wavelength, pis the density, and c*is the elastic coefficient of AlN. According to theory, with thinner membrane, the SAW mode is moving into a S 0Lamb wave mode as can be seen in Fig.2. This behavior is normally defined as phase velocity dispersion. Meanwhile, a higher order mode Lamb wave also presents in thick Si membrane devices with strong energy behavior. This higher order Lamb wave exhibits a stablephase velocity throughout a large range of the h(Si)/k. (Lamb wave high mode as shown in Fig. 2). From the simulation predictions (as shown in Fig. 2), the SAW mode can be excited at 480.87 MHz when the membrane thickness is larger than one wavelength ( >10lm in this case). Most energy of the SAW is concentrated in thedepth of one wavelength ( k). Simultaneously, a strong Lamb wave high mode Lamb wave of 973.79 MHz is also observed in this sensor. In this higher order mode, the silicon serves as a transmitting medium, but the energy of the wave is obvi-ously decayed throughout the silicon thickness. The dual mode pressure sensor with 50 lm thickness silicon membrane is fabricated out for experimental testing.The acoustic wavelength of the device is designed to be 10lm, which corresponds to an IDT electrode finger width of 2.5 lm. The length and the amount of the IDT electrodes are 1280 lm and 128 pairs, respectively. To serve as pres- sure sensor, a 1 mm diameter membrane is formed in thecenter to support the IDT structure. To determine the tem- perature dependency of resonance frequency of the acoustic wave pressure sensor, high temperature measurements in arange of /C050 /C14C to 300/C14C were carried out. By using a Cascade PMV200 vacuum probe station and an Agilent E5071B network analyzer, S-parameters were measured ata series of increasing temperatures. Short-Open-Load- Through (SOLT) method was performed to calibrate the measurand in network analyzer. The chuck of the probe sta-tion was heated up with 20 min dwell time before measure- ment data were collected. In order to reduce the overall measurement noise, an average factor of 10 was selectedduring the measurement. Figure 3(a)indicates a second order relationship between resonance frequency and temperature of the SAW modewithin a range of /C050 /C14C to 300/C14C. As it can be obtained from this figure, the approximated first order and second order temperature coefficient of frequency is extracted to beTCF¼/C021.14 ppm/ /C14C and TCF2 ¼/C023.53 ppb//C14C2respec- tively, which shows comparable behavior with what have been reported in previous literatures.17Experimentally, the resonance frequency peak of SAW mode is found at 478 MHz, and this measurement data have a good agreement with FEM simulations (480.87 MHz). At the same time, ahigher frequency peak of 988 MHz (Higher order Lamb wave mode) (Fig. 3(b)) is also observed with a strong energy, which shows similar temperature characteristics with theSAW mode due to likewise stiffness coefficients as described before. With respect to pressure coefficient of frequency (PCF) characterization, pressure was applied on the backside of the membrane in a range of 0 psi to 300 psi using pressurized sil- icone oil (as shown in Fig. 4(c)). The devices were mounted to an adapter with liquid epoxy and cured at 170 /C14C. The adapter was then connected to a pressure controller by a pipe to facilitate coupling the pressurized silicone oil flow to themembrane. Metal wires were bonded to the contact pads on the MEMS device to measure pressure dependent resonance frequency change by the network analyzer. The relationship between resonance frequency and pres- sure of the SAW and Lamb wave mode within the range of 0 psi to 300 psi are demonstrated in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), respectively. Obviously, a positive PCF of þ0.227 ppm/psi is derived from Fig. 4(a) for SAW mode, while a negative PCF of /C00.617 ppm/psi is obtained for Lamb wave mode. This can be explained: like mentioned above, stress induced frequency shift by external applied pressure on different modes is dominated by different elastic constants. FIG. 1. SEM of (a) top view and (b) the cross-sectional view of the fabri- cated high temperature acoustic wave pressure sensor.113507-2 Mu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 113507 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:44:38In the previous sections, temperature and pressure sen- sitivity of our sensor were discussed. Due to the fact that the temperature behavior is almost the same for the bothmodes while the pressure behavior differs, this behavior leads to possible temperature compensation methods for readout designs. Dual-mode MEMS resonator is driven byexternal connected oscillator circuits, 18the two resonant frequencies ( fLamb andfSAW) of which are generated and fur- ther quantized into digital signal through the digital coun-ters. Once resonant frequencies are read out, a ratio ncan be calculated asTABLE I. The material used for simulation. AlN Si SiO 2 Al Elastic constants, cij[GPa]c11 410.06 Young’s modulus, E[GPa]170 70 70 c12 100.69 c13 83.82 c33 386.24 c44 100.58 c66 154.70 First order temperature coefficient of elastic constants, Tcij[10/C06/K]Tc11 /C010.65 first order temperature coefficient of Young’s modulus, TCE [10/C06/K]/C063 204 … Tc12 /C011.67 Tc13 /C011.22 Tc33 /C011.13 Tc44 /C010.82 Tc66 /C010.80 Second order temperature coefficient of elastic constants, T2cij[10/C09/K2]T2c11 /C020.61 second order temperature coefficient of Young’s modulus, TCE2 [10/C09/K2]/C052 221 … T2c12 /C019.51 T2c13 /C019.88 T2c33 /C020.03 T2c44 /C020.36 T2c66 /C020.39 Piezoelectric stress coefficients, eij[C/m] e15 /C00.48 … … … e31 /C00.58 … … … e33 1.55 Relative permittivity, eij e11 9 11.7 4.2 … e33 11 11.7 4.2 … Thermal expansion, aij[10/C06/K] a11 5.27 2.6 0.55 18 a33 4.15 2.6 0.55 18 Mass density, q[kg/m3] 3260 2329 2200 2700 FIG. 2. Simulation on the wave behavior for SAW mode and Lamb wave mode. FIG. 3. Measured temperature behavior for: (a) SAW mode; (b) Lamb wavemode.113507-3 Mu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 113507 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:44:38n¼fLamb fSAWwith n/C252:066661 ; where fLamb and fSAWare the resonant frequencies of the Lamb mode and SAW mode of the dual mode resonator at25 /C14C, respectively. Beat frequency is defines asDf¼fLamb/C0n/C2fSAW: (2) This frequency can be obtained by feeding the two frequen- cies into subtractor and multiplier circuits. The fSAWis multi- plied by the frequency ratio nand then has a subtraction calculation with fLamb. Figure 5depicts that beat frequency Dfvaries separately versus temperature and pressure, in range of /C050/C14C to 300/C14C and 0 psi to 300 psi, respectively. As shown in Fig. 5,Dfis approximate constant within the temperature range, implying that it is insensitive to tempera-ture; whereas, the ramp line corresponding to the pressure (ranges from 0 psi to 300 psi) indicates a superior sensitivity. Thus, a precise pressure reading is realized by this dualmode sensor-digital circuit system. We present prototype of a MEMS dual mode resonator for precise pressure monitoring. Comb-like interdigital electro-des on the top of piezoelectric material-Si stack membrane is employed to generate waves. The waves generated in this sen- sor mainly have two different modes (SAW and Lamb wave).The TCF of these two modes have been experimentally veri- fied almost the same, while th e PCF of them differs. Benefits from dual mode feature, the temperature induced frequencyshift is likely suppressed through the logical operation on two readout frequencies by the integrated digital circuit. 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Cat-doping: Novel method for phosphorus and boron shallow doping in crystalline silicon at 80°C Hideki Matsumura, Taro Hayakawa, Tatsunori Ohta, Yuki Nakashima, Motoharu Miyamoto, Trinh Cham Thi, Koichi Koyama, and Keisuke Ohdaira Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 116, 114502 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4895635 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4895635 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/116/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Comparison of beryllium oxide and pyrolytic graphite crucibles for boron doped silicon epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 30, 061603 (2012); 10.1116/1.4764509 Laser induced lifetime degradation in p-type crystalline silicon J. Appl. Phys. 111, 114515 (2012); 10.1063/1.4725191 Ex situ doping of silicon nanowires with boron J. Appl. Phys. 103, 104302 (2008); 10.1063/1.2924415 Nonconventional flash annealing on shallow indium implants in silicon J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58Cat-doping: Novel method for phosphorus and boron shallow doping in crystalline silicon at 80/C14C Hideki Matsumura, Taro Hayakawa, Tatsunori Ohta, Yuki Nakashima, Motoharu Miyamoto, Trinh Cham Thi, Koichi Koyama, and Keisuke Ohdaira Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Asahidai, Nomi-shi, Ishikawa-ken 923-1292, Japan (Received 7 August 2014; accepted 2 September 2014; published online 16 September 2014) Phosphorus (P) or boron (B) atoms can be doped at temperatures as low as 80 to 350/C14C, when crystalline silicon (c-Si) is exposed only for a few minutes to species generated by catalytic cracking reaction of phosphine (PH 3) or diborane (B 2H6) with heated tungsten (W) catalyzer. This paper is to investigate systematically this novel doping method, “Cat-doping”, in detail. The electri- cal properties of P or B doped layers are studied by the Van der Pauw method based on the Hall effects measurement. The profiles of P or B atoms in c-Si are observed by secondary ion mass spec-trometry mainly from back side of samples to eliminate knock-on effects. It is confirmed that the surface of p-type c-Si is converted to n-type by P Cat-doping at 80 /C14C, and similarly, that of n-type c-Si is to p-type by B Cat-doping. The doping depth is as shallow as 5 nm or less and the electri-cally activated doping concentration is 10 18to 1019cm-3for both P and B doping. It is also found that the surface potential of c-Si is controlled by the shallow Cat-doping and that the surface recom- bination velocity of minority carriers in c-Si can be enormously lowered by this potential control. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4895635 ] I. INTRODUCTION Impurity doping to crystalline silicon (c-Si) at low tem- peratures is required for fabrication of various devices such as ultra-large scale integrated circuits (ULSI), thin film tran- sistors for displays, and solar cells. Shallow doping of impur-ities is also required in fabricating ULSI and other devices, apart from the control of surface potential of c-Si solar cells. We have discovered that phosphorus (P) atoms can be doped into c-Si at substrate temperatures lower than 350 /C14C and that the surface of p-type c-Si is converted to n-type byP doping 1,2when c-Si surface is exposed to the ambient of species generated by catalytic cracking reaction of phosphine (PH 3) gas with heated tungsten (W) catalyzer. Then, we have attempted to dope boron (B) atoms into c-Si similarly by using diborane (B 2H6) instead of PH 3. However, the detailed story about this novel low temperature doping method,named “Cat-doping”, has not been clearly mentioned. This paper is to demonstrate systematically the results of investi- gation on Cat-doping in detail. After confirming that metal contamination originating from heated W catalyzer is negligible, the electrical proper- ties of P or B doped layers are studied by the Van der Pauwmethod based on the Hall effects measurement. The profiles of P or B atoms in c-Si are observed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), mainly from back side of samples toeliminate influence of knock-on effects of probing ions. The P profiles after doping through thin oxide layers on c-Si are also observed to confirm the doping depth. It is found thatthe surface of p-type c-Si is converted to n-type by P Cat- doping at 80 /C14C, and similarly, that of n-type c-Si is to p-type by B Cat-doping. The doping depth is as shallow as 5 nm orless and the doped carrier concentration is 10 18to 1019cm/C03 for both P and B doping. In addition, as possible applicationof this novel technology, the control of c-Si surface potential is attempted by the shallow Cat-doping, and it is found that the surface recombination velocity of minority carriers in c-Si is enormously lowered by this potential control. II. FUNDAMENTALS FOR EXPERIMENTS A. Apparatus and process parameters The Cat-doping experiments were carried out by using the conventional apparatus for catalytic chemical vapor dep- osition (Cat-CVD), often called Hot-Wire CVD. A schematic view of the typical Cat-doping apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. A stainless steel chamber with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of 30 cm was used as the apparatus and tungsten (W) wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of about 2 mwere used as catalyzers. Experimental parameters of Cat- doping are summarized in Table I. In the table, the tempera- ture of catalyzer, the surface area of the catalyzing wire, thesubstrate temperature, the gas pressure during Cat-doping process, the flow rate of gas X and the distance between the catalyzer and the substrates are referred to as T cat,Scat,Ts, Pg, FR(X) and D cs, respectively. Both PH 3and B 2H6gases FIG. 1. Schematic view of Cat-doping apparatus. 0021-8979/2014/116(11)/114502/10/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 114502-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58were diluted to 2.25% by helium gas, however, here, the flow rate of doping gas is expressed by net values. For both Cat-CVD and Cat-doping, T catis one of the most important parameters. However, contrary to CVD, to suppress the surface etching due to hydrogen (H) atoms, pro-duced at catalyzer from H 2gas or hydrogenated doping gas such as PH 3or B 2H6,Tcatfor Cat-doping is lowered from about 1800/C14C of Cat-CVD to about 1300/C14C as mentioned below. In addition, the surface contamination of impurities originating from the catalyzer should be carefully avoided. Thus, at first, the effect of surface etching on T catwas inves- tigated, and then, the contamination from the catalyzer was studied. B. Surface roughness due to etching during process Figure 2shows the surface roughness of c-Si as a func- tion of T cat, after exposure to H atoms generated from H 2at W catalyzer. P g, FR(H 2), and the process times were 1 Pa, 20 sccm and 60 s, respectively. The surface roughness was measured on an atomic force microscope (AFM) of Digital Instruments NanoScope, IIIa, and the roughness itself isexpressed by root mean square (RMS) of measured values. The surface roughness is likely to increase as T catincreases.However, it is only 0.2–0.3 nm for T catof 1300/C14C, although the RMS of original c-Si surface is also around 0.2 nm. Fromthe figure, it is known that the surface roughness is negligible up to T catof 1300/C14C. Thus, in Cat-doping, T catis mainly fixed at 1300/C14C for P Cat-doping and kept at lower than 1300/C14C for B Cat-doping, except for experiments of other purposes. C. Surface contamination during process Next, the surface contamination was studied by the total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF), using Rigaku,TXRF3750S and the Rutherford back-scattering (RBS), using an accelerator of Nisshin-Highvoltage, NISSHIN- 1700 H. Since direct observation of contaminants on surfaceof c-Si is not easy, the contamination inside a-Si and silicon nitride (SiNx) films both deposited by Cat-CVD was observed to know flux density of contaminants emitted fromheated catalyzers. Figure 3demonstrates the W concentra- tion in deposited a-Si films as a function of T cat. In the figure, apart from our data taken by TXRF and RBS, SIMS datareported by other two groups 3,4are plotted together. In RBS, 2.0 MeV helium ions were used as incident probing ions. The W concentration in a-Si is likely to increase as T cat increases .In this case, the deposition rate (DR) of variousTABLE I. Parameters for Cat-doping of P and B atoms into c-Si. P Cat-doping B Cat-doping Temperature of catalyzer, T cat RT-1800/C14C RT-1800/C14C mainly 1300/C14C mainly <1300/C14C Surface area of catalyzer, S cat 31 cm231 cm2 Temperature of substrate, T s RT–350/C14C RT–350/C14C Gas pressure during process, P g 0.5–3 Pa 0.5–3 Pa Flow rate of PH 3, FR(PH 3)P H 3is diluted to 2.25% by helium 0–0.6 sccm — Flow rate of B 2H6, FR(B 2H6) B2H 6is diluted to 2.25% by helium — 0–4 sccm Flow rate of H 2, FR(H 2) Sometimes H 2is added to doping gas 0–20 sccm 0–20 sccm Distance between catalyzer and substrate, D cs 12 cm 12 cm Process time 0.5–240 min 0.5–240 min FIG. 2. Surface RMS roughness of c-Si by H etching vs. T cat. FIG. 3. W concentration in a-Si films vs. T cat.114502-2 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58a-Si films is 0.5–4.0 nm/s and T s¼150–400/C14C. The deposi- tion conditions for each a-Si film are not same, however, they are in a certain range, that is, P g, FR(SiH 4) and D cswere 1–5 Pa, 3.6 sccm, and about 1–5 cm, respectively. Figure 4demonstrates the sheet density of all impurities which can be detected by TXRF for SiNx films prepared atT catof 1800/C14C by 40 runs of deposition with same deposi- tion conditions.5In this case, S cat, FR(SiH 4), FR(ammonia, NH 3), P g,T s, and D cswere 88 cm2, 15 sccm, 300 sccm, 10 Pa, 400/C14C and about 4 cm, respectively. DR was about 70 nm/min. In the films, apart from W, impurities such as iron (Fe), vanadium (V), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), chro- mium (Cr), copper (Cu), and titanium (Ti) were detected. Real origin of these contaminants is not clear, however, it isbelieved that the most of impurities come from W wires as impurities contained in W. In the present experiments, high purity W wires supplied by Allied Materials Corp. wereused. The total densities of various impurities are less than 10 11cm/C02for T cat¼1800/C14C. In TXRF, the measured depth is believed to be about 10 nm from penetration depth ofX-ray. That is, the atomic density of impurities is roughly estimated to be 10 17cm/C03at T catof 1800/C14C. The value is also equivalent to that shown in Fig. 3for a-Si deposition. Since DR of the film was 70 nm/min, the total number of impurities in a newly grown layer per a minute was esti- mated to be 7 /C21011cm/C02. This means that the flux density of sum of all impurities emitted from the catalyzer is 7/C21011cm/C02min/C01for T catof 1800/C14C, D csof 4 cm, and Scatof 88 cm2. The value of S catis larger and D csis shorter than the present conditions for Cat-doping, and thus, the data appear to make the contamination more serious than the present Cat-doping. From Fig. 3, it is found that the contamination is low- ered by about 5 orders of magnitudes when T catis lowered from 1800/C14C to 1300/C14C. That is, the flux density of contam- inants is around 7 /C2106cm/C02min/C01at maximum. As men- tioned later, it is found that the sheet carrier density of doping impurities such as P and B atoms is on the order of10 12cm/C02for process time of 60 s. This means that the influ- ence from contamination of any impurities is negligible for Cat-doping when T catis kept at around 1300/C14C.D. Measurement of electrical properties for Cat-doped samples The electrical properties of Cat-doped c-Si were meas- ured by the Van der Pauw method, based on the Hall effects measurement. The size of rectangular samples was usually 10 mm /C210 mm, and four electrodes with a diameter of 1 mm were formed at the four corners of rectangular sam- ples. In the Van der Pauw method, the size of electrodes is required as small as possible. However, the present configu-ration appears enough to obtain the data within error of 10%, according to the model measurements using a simple c-Si sample. The measurement was carried out by using the Halleffects measuring system, Bio-Rad, HL5500PC, mainly at room temperature, but, in some cases, to know the activation energy, it was carried out in various temperatures from200 K to 310 K. When the doping depth is shallow, the carrier concentra- tion has a possibility to be influenced by surface defects ofc-Si samples. If surface potential of c-Si is forced to be bent because of the surface defects, the measurements of doped carrier density may be affected. Therefore, here, Cat-dopedc-Si samples were coated with an intrinsic (i-) amorphous- silicon (a-Si) film, since the interface between a-Si and c-Si is known as almost perfect 6and a-Si films are often used as passivation films for c-Si surface.7In addition, electric con- duction through a-Si is possible, although good conduction will not be expected if insulating films such as silicon-dioxide (SiO 2) are used as passivation instead of a-Si. Figure 5shows two types of electrodes used in the experiments. One is n-type-a-Si/aluminum (Al) stacked elec-trodes A, Fig. 5(a), and the other only Al but on thin i-a-Si layer, electrodes B, Fig. 5(b). Figure 6shows the sheet carrier density and the carrier mobility of P Cat-doped samples, as a function of the thick- ness of coated a-Si films. The Cat-doped samples were pre- pared with T s¼150/C14C, P g¼1 Pa, FR(PH 3)¼0.43 sccm and process time of 10 min. The sheet carrier density of the sam- ple without a-Si coating film could be measured only by the stacked electrodes A. The figure shows that coating by a-Simakes measured data stable at about 3–5 /C210 12cm/C02for case of both electrodes A and B, although the value, 1010cm/C02, obtained without i-a-Si coating appears ambigu- ous due to the effect of surface defects. The mobility of doped layer is about 200 to 300 cm2/Vs, and the value FIG. 4. Sheet concentration of contaminants in Cat-CVD SiNx films. FIG. 5. Structure of electrodes for Van der Pauw measurements: (a) i-a-Si (0-10 nm)/nþ-a-Si/metal and (b) i-a-Si(0-10 nm)/metal.114502-3 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58appears reasonable for P doped c-Si. That is, the influence of i-a-Si itself does not affect measured data of sheet carrierdensity. From the figure, here, the electrical properties of Cat-doped samples were evaluated after coating c-Si surface with an about 10 nm-thick i-a-Si layer and evaporating Alwith a diameter of 1 mm on them. E. Measurement of profiles by SIMS As demonstrated below, Cat-doped P atoms distribute at the depth of about several nm. For observation of such shal-low doped impurities, some methods of surface analysis such as X-ray photo-emission spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectrometry would be considered. However, asalso demonstrated below, the concentration of P atoms is usually less than 1 atomic %, that is, less than detection limit of ordinary designed measuring equipment. Thus, here, wechose SIMS to know profiles of doped atoms, although the precise measurements of P profiles by SIMS are not so easy when the doping depth is as shallow as several nm. For instance, the measurement of P atoms with a mass number of 31, 31P, is likely to suffer from the interference of fragments with the same mass number, formed by the combi-nation of Si isotope of a mass number 30, 30Si, with H atom of a mass number of 1,1H. Here, for distinguishing the mass difference between31P and30Siþ1H, we used a high mass resolution SIMS system with a magnetic mass-analyzer using 5 kV primary ions of cesium (Cs), CAMECA, IMS-7F. However, since the relatively high energy is used as primaryions to increase mass resolution, the depth resolution is sacrificed for it. Thus, for the m easurements with high depth re- solution, we used a different SIMS system, PHI, ADEPT 1010,using a quadrupole mass analyze r with probe ions of 1 keV. Figure 7shows the P profiles observed by both IMS-7F and ADEPT 1010, to know the difference of these two sys-tems. P Cat-doping was carried out with T s¼80/C14C, Pg¼1 Pa, FR(PH 3)¼0.43 sccm and process time of 5 min,and the Cat-doped c-Si was coated with a 60 nm-thick i-a-Si prepared by Cat-CVD with T cat¼1750/C14C, T s¼90/C14C, Pg¼0.5 Pa and FR(SiH 4)¼10 sccm. From the figure, it is known that the depth profiles of P atoms measured by twosystems show the different penetration depth and that the penetration depth by the high mass resolution SIMS looks more than 2 times deeper than that by the high depth resolu-tion SIMS. Contrary to it, the peak density of P atoms at interface between c-Si and coated a-Si for the high mass re- solution system is about 1/10 smaller than that for the highdepth resolution system. In addition, SIMS has another problem originated from the knock-on effect by probing ions. Figure 8shows the SIMS profiles of P atoms for the Cat-doped sample prepared with T s¼80/C14C and process time of 60 s. In the figure, two profiles are shown. One is conventional and measured fromFIG. 6. Sheet carrier density and Hall mobility as a function of thickness of inserted i-a-Si layers for P Cat-doping. FIG. 7. Concentration of P atoms vs. depth, observed by two types of SIMS systems for high depth resolution and high mass resolution. FIG. 8. P Concentration vs. depth, observed by high depth resolution SIMS from both front side and back side of samples.114502-4 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58the front side of sample. The other is measured from the back side of sample by etching. It is clear that when the pro- file is observed from the front side, it shows the exponentialdistribution, but when it is observed by the back side, the measured profile looks different. It appears to follow com- plementary error function ( erfc)o r Gauss distributions. Thus, here, we discussed the profiles mainly by using the SIMS data measured from the back side of samples, although the data taken from the front side were often used to knowthe number of total doped atoms. III. RESULTS OF CAT-DOPING A. Electrical properties At first, the conduction type of Cat-doped samples was checked by the Hall effects measurement. The Hall voltage of the samples were measured under the magnetic flux of 0.32 T, applied normally to the sample surface. Figure 9 demonstrates the Hall voltages as a function of applied cur- rents for both P and B Cat-doped samples. P Cat-doping was carried out to B-doped p-type c-Si with hole concentration of10 13to 1014cm/C03, and B Cat-doping was also to P-doped n- type c-Si with electron concentration of 1013to 1014cm/C03. In the figure, similar Hall voltage of an original p-type c-Siis demonstrated for comparison. T sfor Cat-doping was 350/C14C in this case, however, the results for the sample of Ts¼80/C14C were not so different from those shown here. From the figure, it is confirmed that the conduction type of P Cat-doped sample is converted to n-type from original p-type, and also that n-type c-Si is converted to p-type by BCat-doping. This demonstrates that the conduction type can be converted by Cat-doping for T smuch lower than tempera- tures for the conventional impurity doping by thermaldiffusion. Figure 10shows the sheet carrier concentration and the conduction types as a function of T catfor P Cat-doping into p-type c-Si mentioned above. In this case, T swas 80/C14C. Asshown in the figure, the sheet carrier density is likely to increase as T catincreases. However, the conduction type is kept p-type for T catlower than 800/C14C, and it is converted to n-type when T catexceeds 1000/C14C. According to the recent reports by Umemoto et al.,8PH3is decomposed to P and H by cracking on W catalyzer heated over 1000/C14C, and the amount of such cracked species increases exponentially as Tcatincreases. This clearly demonstrates that the existence of species generated by cracking of PH 3is essentially necessary for this low temperature Cat-doping. As explained below, P atoms distribute at the depth of several nm in c-Si. If doping depth of P atoms is approxi- mated to 5 nm, since the sheet carrier concentration is at theorder of 10 12cm/C02as shown in Fig. 10, the carrier concentra- tion of doped P atoms at near to c-Si surface is estimated to be 1018–1019cm/C03. The value appears enough to convert the conduction type. In case of B Cat-doping, the situation is a little bit com- plicated. W surface is easily converted to W-boride duringprocess, and this appears to reduce the reproducibility of B Cat-doping. In addition, B 2H6is easily thermally decom- posed. For instance, when T sis 350/C14C, the surface of n-type Si is converted to p-type by B doping even if the catalyzer is not heated. B 2H6is thermally decomposed for T sover about 300/C14C and the simple thermal diffusion appears to occur for B doping at T s¼350/C14C. However, when T sis 80/C14C, B dop- ing cannot be detected when the catalyzer is not heated. Figure 11demonstrates the sheet carrier density of B Cat-doped samples as a function of T cat, taking T sas a pa- rameter. B Cat-doping was carried out into n-type c-Si with electron carrier concentration of 1013to 1014cm/C03as similar as the case mentioned in Fig. 9. When T sis kept at 80/C14C, the effect of B Cat-doping is clear, and the conduction type is converted from original n-type to p-type as T catincreases at over 500/C14C. T catrequired for the conversion of conduction type appears different from that for P Cat-doping and much lower than that. In addition, when T sis 350/C14C, the surface of c-Si is already converted to p-type by the simple thermal dif- fusion in addition to Cat-doping. For T catover 1000/C14C, the FIG. 9. Hall voltages vs. applied currents for P Cat-doped, B Cat-doped and original p-type c-Si samples.FIG. 10. Sheet carrier density of P Cat-doped c-Si as a function of T cat.114502-5 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58sheet carrier density for the samples at both T s¼80/C14C and 350/C14C is likely to decrease. This may be caused by forming W-boride on W catalyzing wires and losing sufficient species to control the carrier density of c-Si. The reproducibility of B Cat-doping for T catover 1000/C14C appears quite low. The sheet carrier density for T catover 1000/C14C is likely to fluctu- ate depending on how long the catalyzer is used. For B Cat-doping, T catlower than 1000/C14C appears better. B. Profiles of Cat-doped atoms In SIMS measurements, if a real P profile is so sharp, approximately a delta function, the observed profile becomes aGauss distribution ( Gaussion ) due to the depth resolution of measuring system. Figure 12demonstrates the plots of P profile which have been already shown in Fig. 8as a profile observed from the back side of a sample. When the surface of c-Si is exposed to P-related species with constant concentration, doped Pprofile should be expressed by erfc as a solution of the con- ventional diffusion equation. The profile in the figure appears to follow erfc. However, the difference between erfc and Gaussian is quite small, and the profile appears also to fol- lowGaussian as shown in Fig. 12. This may mean that the P Cat-doped depth is so shallow, several nm or less, and equiv-alent to the value of depth resolution. Figure 13also demonstrates two P profiles for Cat- doped samples with T s¼80/C14C, P g¼1 Pa, process times of 1 min and 4 min. When the process times increases, the pro- file appears to spread slightly. However, the difference of two profiles is quite small and sometimes depends on the dif-ference of depth resolution for each measurement. Actually, when the process times increases to 16 min, the profiles are not so different from that of 4 min, although the expansion ofdistribution is expected depending on the root of times. The time dependence of the profiles will be discussed later. C. Activation energy of carrier density From the above results, it is known that the doping depth is limited at a region adjacent to the surface. In that case, how P atoms are incorporated in c-Si structure? To know it, next, we measured the temperature dependence of the sheetcarrier density of P Cat-doped sample prepared with T s¼80/C14C, P g¼1 Pa and process time of 60 s. Figure 14 shows the sheet carrier density of such a sample as a functionof reciprocal of measured temperatures for range from 200 K to 310 K. Since the absolute values of sheet carrier density are likely to fluctuate for sample to sample, it is expressed byarbitrary unit to avoid confusion. The activation energy for this temperature range is believed to show the effect of dop- ing impurity. The value is about 0.045 eV and appears nor-mal for the c-Si in which P atoms are substituted into Si-sites and working as donors. That is, P atoms appear to work as similar as those incorporated into c-Si by high temperaturethermal processes.FIG. 11. Sheet carrier density of B Cat-doped c-Si as a function of T cat. FIG. 12. P concentration vs. depth by SIMS from the back side. Fitting results using erfcandGaussian are also shown for comparison. FIG. 13. P concentration vs. depth by SIMS from the back side for Cat- doped samples with process times of 1 and 4 min.114502-6 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58D. P Cat-doping through thin oxide layer Since P Cat-doping depth is so shallow and it does not appear easy to know exact doping depth from SIMS data, we attempted to dope P atoms through very thin silicon-oxide (SiOx) layers formed on c-Si surface and to measure thesheet carrier density after removing SiOx layers of various thicknesses. The SiOx layer is prepared by dipping c-Si in boiled hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2) solution for several minutes at about 90/C14C. Since the control of SiOx thickness is not easy, we selected the c-Si samples with various thick SiOx layers. The thickness of SiOx layers is measured on anellipsometer of Woolam, V-VASE. After P Cat-doping, the SiOx layer is removed by 2% hydro-fluoric acid (HF) solu- tion and after that the surface is immediately covered with a10 nm-thick Cat-CVD i-a-Si layer for Van der Pauw measurements. Figure 15demonstrates the sheet carrier density and the conduction types as a function of the process times, after p-type c-Si samples of the original hole concentration of 10 13to 1014cm/C03are Cat-doped by P atoms through SiOxlayers with thicknesses of 0 to 7 nm. In the figure, the thick- ness of SiOx layers is taken as a parameter. P Cat-doping was carried out with T s¼350/C14C and P g¼1 Pa. When c-Si is not covered with the SiOx layer, after process time of 1 min, the surface of p-type c-Si is converted to n-type and the sheet carrier density becomes to about 2–3 /C21012cm/C02. However, when c-Si is covered with 4 nm-thick SiOx, the surface of p-type c-Si is not converted to n-type at the process time of 1 min but converted after the process times over 5 min.When the thickness of SiOx is 7 nm, no conversion is observed any more. In addition, even after the conduction type is converted, the sheet carrier density cannot reach thevalue of the sample without SiOx. These results clearly demonstrate that Cat-doping phe- nomena are not caused by simple adsorption of unknownspecies on c-Si surface, P atoms can diffuse through a thin SiOx layer, and that P atoms reaching to c-Si are working as donors. Although the penetration depth of P atoms inside c-Si is still not known from the present experiment, the results shown in Figs. 12–14suggest that it is the depth where P atoms are surrounded by many Si atoms in c-Si, but shal-lower than several nm. However, at the same time, it should be also noted that the sheet carrier density is likely to satu- rate after the process times over several min. If the phenom-ena are attributed to a simple diffusion process, the value should increase monotonically as the process time increases. This is discussed later. IV. DEVICE APPLICATION OF CAT-DOPING The Cat-doping is a newly developed technology, and the study on the mechanism of low temperature impuritydoping is still under the way. However, the feasibility of de- vice application is apparent. The shallow doping can be used to control the surface potential of various semiconductordevices. For instance, the surface passivation for c-Si solar cells can be improved by the electric field effects due to shal- low Cat-doping. The c-Si surface can be passivated with i-a-Si or SiNx layer prepared on it. We have already reported the improve- ment of passivation quality of Cat-CVD i-a-Si 9and SiNx10,11films by introducing Cat-doping, prior to the depo- sition of such passivation films. However, to demonstrate the usefulness of Cat-doping and also to confirm P atom dopingat low temperatures, we summarize the reported results of passivation by both i-a-Si and SiNx layers. Figure 16demonstrates the carrier lifetimes of i-a-Si/c-Si and SiNx/c-Si samples as a function of FR(PH 3) for Cat- doping. The c-Si is n-type with electron density of 1013to 1014cm/C03. Cat-doping was carried out at T s¼150/C14C, Pg¼1 Pa and process time of 60 s for i-a-Si passivation samples9and at T s¼80/C14C, P g¼1 Pa and process time of 60 s for SiNx passivation samples.10,11In Cat-doping for i-a-Si passivation samples, H 2gas of FR(H 2)¼20 sccm was added to PH 3. The i-a-Si films were deposited at T cat¼1700/C14C, Pg¼0.64 Pa, FR(SiH 4)¼20 sccm, T s¼150/C14C and SiNx films at T cat¼1800/C14C, P g¼10 Pa, FR(SiH 4)¼8 sccm, FR(NH 3)¼150 sccm, T s¼100/C14C but after deposition theFIG. 14. Sheet carrier density (arbitrary unit) as a function of T catto derive activation energy. FIG. 15. Sheet carrier density of samples P-Cat-doped through 1.5 nm-thickSiOx, as a function of process times, taking thickness of SiOx as a parameter.114502-7 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58SiNx passivation samples were annealed at 350/C14C for 30 min. The carrier lifetime was measured by micro-wave photo-conductivity decay ( l-PCD) method using Kobelco, LTA-1510P. In the method, 10 GHz micro-wave is used to detect the photo-induced carriers in c-Si, and a laser with a wavelength of 904 nm is used to generate photo-carriers in c-Si. It is clear from the figure that the carrier lifetimes can be easily improved by Cat-doping of P atoms prior to deposition of i-a-Si or SiNx. Taking account of the thickness of c-Siwafers, about 280–290 lm, the maximum surface recombi- nation velocity is evaluated under the assumption that all carriers are not recombined in bulk at all but only at the sur-face. The values are about 3 cm/s for 100 nm-thick i-a-Si passivation samples 9and 2 cm/s or less for 100 nm-thick SiNx passivation samples.11 SiNx layers are widely used as anti-reflection coating for c-Si solar cells. However, it is not so easy to obtain high carrier lifetimes for the direct deposition of SiNx on c-Siwith the resistivity of several Xcm suitable to solar cells. The maximum surface recombination velocity estimated to be 2 cm/s or less is one of the best records for solar-cell-usa-ble c-Si with the resistivity of 1–5 Xcm for single SiNx passivation. The results demonstrate the positive effect of Cat- doping. When P atoms with carrier concentration of 10 18–1019cm/C03are incorporated at near to c-Si surface of original doping concentration of 1013–1014cm/C03, the band near to c-Si surface is likely to bend down about 0.2 eV. Holes are repulsed from c-Si surface by this band-bending, and the surface recombination is suppressed. Cat-doping is anew useful tool for controlling surface potential of semiconductors. V. DISCUSSIONS A. Features of Cat-doping It is known from above experiments that (1) P and B atoms are incorporated into c-Si at the temperatures as low as 80/C14C, however, that 2) the doping depth is as shallow as4–5 nm or less. Since the doping depth is almost equivalent to a scale of depth resolution in SIMS analysis, the exact estimation of doping depth appear ambiguous. It is also known that the extension of doping depth appears slow evenif the process time is prolonged although P and B atoms can be incorporated in the times as short as 60 s. Figure 17shows SIMS P profiles which were measured from the front side of samples in this case. The samples are the same ones whose carrier density is demonstrated in Fig. 15. The c-Si samples coated with 1.5 nm-thick SiOx were used for measurements. Since the profiles were taken from the front side, all profiles were expressed in exponential shapes due to the knock-on effects as mentioned already.The SIMS profiles were taken in high mass resolution system with the probe ions of 5 keV. In the figure, P Cat-doping was carried out at T s¼350/C14C, P g¼1 Pa for various process times. Although the correct information on the shape of pro- files can not be obtained due to the knock-on effects, the total number of incorporated doping atoms can be evaluated bythe integral of profile along depth. Figure 18shows the relationship between the total P atoms evaluated by the integral of profiles in Fig. 17and theFIG. 16. Carrier life times for i-a-Si and SiNx coated c-Si samples which are both P-Cat-doped prior to deposition of coating film, as a function of FR(PH 3). FIG. 17. P concentration vs. depth by SIMS from the front side of samples,after P Cat-doping through 1.5 nm-thick SiOx layer. FIG. 18. Total sheet density of Cat-doped P atoms vs. process times.114502-8 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58process times. In the figure, results of some other experi- ments are demonstrated together. The evaluated values from SIMS profiles, taken by high depth resolution system withthe probe ions of 1 keV, are plotted with open circles or open squares. The results by high mass resolution system with the probe ions of 5 keV are also plotted with closed circles orclosed squares. The results for both T s¼350/C14C and 80/C14C are demonstrated. It is known that the total number of P atoms observed in high depth resolution system is alwayslarger than those in high mass resolution system since the effect of 30SiþH fragments is included in high depth resolu- tion data. It is also known that total number of incorporatedP atoms is likely to saturate as the process time increases. If the phenomena simply follow thermal diffusion, the number of incorporated atoms should be proportional to the root ofprocess times. When the process time is shorter than 25 min, such relation appears to hold. If we estimate the diffusion constant of Cat-doping in such a short process time, it wouldbe by several to 10 orders of magnitudes larger than that of the conventional thermal diffusion. However, even if the process time is prolonged over 25 min, it does not increaseany more and the phenomena are not likely to follow simple diffusion theory. We have to consider some new mechanisms for understanding Cat-doping phenomena. B. Activation ratio of incorporated atoms From the results shown in Figs. 15and 18, and also, from Figs. 10and18, the activation ratio of doped P atoms can be estimated. Here, the activation ratio is defined as the ratio of electrically activated impurities to the total numberof incorporated impurities. Since the sheet carrier density of P Cat-doped c-Si without SiOx coating shown in Fig. 15and the sheet density of incorporated P atoms shown in Fig. 18 are about 2–3 /C210 12cm/C02and 0.5–1 /C21014cm/C02, respec- tively, the activation ratio is simply evaluated to be about 2–6% for Cat-doping at T s¼350/C14C. Similarly, for Cat- doping at T s¼80/C14C, it is evaluated to be 7–10%. We have also observed SIMS profiles and measured the sheet carrier density for some other samples not shown here. The fluctua-tion appears quite large, the activation ratio distributes from 2% to 10% even for Cat-doping at the same T s. Thus, at the moment, we do not particularly conclude from the data forthe present range of temperatures that the activation ratio is depending on T s. C. Mechanism of Cat-doping As mentioned above, P and B atoms are incorporated into c-Si at temperatures as low as 80/C14C and with process times as short as 60 s. When the process time is shorter than 25 min, the incorporation of atoms appears to follow the sim-ple diffusion theory, but after that, it is likely to saturate. This may suggest that there is an unknown special region at near to c-Si surface. In the region, foreign atoms can be eas-ily incorporated until their concentration exceeds 10 20cm/C03, judging from Fig. 18and assuming the doping depth of 5 nm. We have obtained no direct evidence of the existenceof such special region. Therefore, at the moment, the exact mechanism of Cat-doping can not be clearly revealed.However, we have already discovered other phenomena sim- ilar to the present Cat-doping. We have reported on low temperature thermal oxidation of c-S. 12,13When c-Si is exposed to species generated by cat- alytic cracking reaction of H 2diluted oxygen (O 2) gas with heated W catalyzer, the surface of c-Si can be oxidized andconverted to SiO 2even at the temperatures as low as 200/C14C. The SiO 2appears to have sufficient electrical properties as a gate insulator. At that time, we attempted to increase the oxi-dized thickness, however, the thickness of SiO 2appeared to be limited at about 4 nm.13 On the other hand, we have also discovered that nitrogen (N) atoms are sometimes incorporated into c-Si during deposi- tion of SiNx using NH 3and SiH 4gases, and that such a N incorporated layer forms a defect layer in c-Si to degrade passi-vation quality for SiNx/c-Si system. 14Observation by transmis- sion electron microscope (TEM) demonstrates that the depth of such defect layer is again at about a few nm to several nm.14 All these experiments including the present Cat-doping demonstrates that foreign atoms can be incorporated into c-Si at low temperatures when it is exposed to species gener-ated by catalytic cracking reactions with heated W catalyzer. Although the mechanism is not clearly explained, it is clear that the phenomena concerned with low-temperature dopingsurely exist. D. Effect of hydrogen Another thing we have to consider is the existence of H atoms at the vicinity of incorporated P atoms. From allexperiments, incorporation of atoms into c-Si at low temper- atures always requires the cracked species. In all experiments concerned with P and B Cat-doping, low temperature oxida-tion and N incorporation, high density H atoms are also gen- erated during the experimental process. Figure 19shows the SIMS profiles of P atoms and H atoms for Cat-doping atT s¼80/C14C, Fig. 19(a) , and T s¼350/C14C, Fig. 19(b) . c-Si sam- ples were coated with i-a-Si layers. The profiles were taken from the back side of the samples by high depth resolutionsystem with the probe ion energy of 1 keV. In this measure- ment, since the isotope fragments of 30SiþH are included, P profile itself is strongly affected by H profile. However, the shape of P profiles is not always same to that of H profiles, particularly in the region of coated a-Si layer. This suggests that P profile itself is believable although the Pprofile suffers from the isotope fragments and, thus, the abso- lute value of density is not correct. The figure demonstrates that P atoms distribute at the same region where H atoms distribute.The H profiles are almost overlapped with P profiles. This sug- gests that low temperature Cat-doping of P atoms might be affected by the existence of H atoms. According to our ab initio calculation for a model of c-Si system consisting of 216 Si atoms and an additional sin- gle P atom and a single H atom in them, the P atom has ener-getically stable 4 possible configurations corresponding to 4 sites in c-Si lattice when the H atom exists just adjacent to the P atom. And such a P atom can hop to another site of0.1–0.2 nm far from the initial site with activation energy of about 0.8 eV or less. When the P atoms move into c-Si by114502-9 Matsumura et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114502 (2014) [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:45:58substitutional diffusion, the activation energy is about 3.0 eV. The ab initio calculation suggests that P atoms can diffuse easily when H atoms exist in c-Si. This again sug- gests that there may be a help of H atoms in low temperatureP diffusion or low temperature incorporation of foreign atoms into c-Si. The result of ab initio calculation will be reported in detail elsewhere. 15 The unknown region existing at near to c-Si surface, speculated above, may be also concerned with incorporation of H atoms. That is, there may be a special region where Hatoms can be easily incorporated and other foreign atoms can be incorporated by following such H atoms. However, at the moment, everything is only under speculation. Furtherefforts to reveal mechanism of Cat-doping are required, although the phenomena are clearly revealed and the feasi- bility of application are demonstrated in the present paper. VI. CONCLUSIONS As mentioned above, Cat-doping is studied in detail in the present paper. There are some unknown matters includ-ing the mechanism. However, so far, the following conclu- sions are obtained. (1) When c-Si is exposed to species generated by the cata- lytic cracking reaction of PH 3or B 2H6gas with heated W catalyzer, P or B atoms are doped in c-Si at the tem- peratures as low as 80/C14C. This novel doping method is called “Cat-doping”. (2) By Cat-doping of P atoms, p-type c-Si is converted to n-type, and similarly by Cat-doping of B atoms, n-typec-Si is converted to p-type, even at the substrate tempera- tures as low as 80 /C14C. (3) Cat-doped layer is formed at the depth as shallow as 5 nm or less. (4) By using Cat-doping technology, the surface potential of c-Si can be easily controlled, and through this control,the surface recombination velocity of carriers in c-Si can be enormously lowered for both i-a-Si and SiNx passiva- tion on c-Si. Further device application is expected.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by CREST Research Program of Japan Science and Technology Agency of Government (JST). The authors are grateful to advisory committeemembers of the CREST for their discussions and to students of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) for their experimental supports. The authors are alsograteful to Mr. S. Osono and his co-workers at ULVAC Corporation for providing TXRF data. 1T. Hayakawa, Y. Nakashima, M. Miyamoto, K. Koyama, K. Ohdaira, and H. Matsumura, Jpn. Appl. Phys., Part 1 50, 121301 (2011). 2T. Hayakawa, Y. Nakashima, K. Koyama, K. Ohdaira, and H. Matsumura, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1 51, 061301 (2012). 3M. Heintze, R. Zedliz, H. N. 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Effect of acoustic emission on the critical velocity for the transition to turbulent flow in He II I. A. Gritsenko and G. A. Sheshin Citation: Low Temperature Physics 40, 802 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4896724 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896724 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/ltp/40/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Vortex line density in counterflowing He II with laminar and turbulent normal fluid velocity profiles Phys. Fluids 25, 115101 (2013); 10.1063/1.4828892 Vibrating Grid as a Tool for Studying the Flow of Pure He II and its Transition to Turbulence AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 205 (2006); 10.1063/1.2354666 High-pass filtered eddy-viscosity models for large-eddy simulations of transitional and turbulent flow Phys. Fluids 17, 065103 (2005); 10.1063/1.1923048 Critical Velocities for HE II AIP Conf. Proc. 710, 961 (2004); 10.1063/1.1774777 Deterministic vs statistical description of the transition to turbulence in plane Couette flow AIP Conf. Proc. 502, 524 (2000); 10.1063/1.1302430 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:40:08Effect of acoustic emission on the critical velocity for the transition to turbulent flow in He II I. A. Gritsenko and G. A. Sheshina) B. I. Verkin Institute of Low-temperature Physics and Technology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pr. Lenina 47, Kharkov 61103, Ukraine (Submitted March 13, 2014; revised April 10, 2014) Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 40, 1028–1034 (September 2014) The conditions for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in superfluid4He are investigated experimentally, and the effect of acoustic emission with variable power on the critical velocity forthe transition is studied. The quartz tuning fork method is used at temperatures of 2–0.3 K. The experiments are done over a wide range of pressures, from the saturated vapor pressure to 24.8 atm. It is found that at high temperatures ( T>0.9 K) the critical velocity is determined by viscous friction and at low temperatures ( T<0.5 K) by the effect of acoustic emission, which leads to a significant increase in the critical velocity for the transition to the turbulent state. The critical velocity depends on the power of the acoustic emission and the transition to the turbulent state ofthe superfluid is similar to that in ordinary liquids or gases. In the absence of any effects of acoustic emission, the critical transition velocity is essentially independent of temperature and the driving power is mainly determined by ballistic scattering of thermal excitations. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896724 ] 1. Introduction In recent years the quartz tuning fork method has been used extensively to study quantum turbulence and the prop-erties of superfluid liquids. This method is highly sensitive to any dissipative processes owing to superfluid flows. It can be used for research at ultralow temperatures over a widerange of frequencies from 6 to 250 kHz. Quartz tuning forks are in active use for studying the kinetic properties of super- fluids, viscous friction at T>0.7 K, ballistic scattering of thermal excitations at T<0.5 K, 1the transition from laminar to turbulent flow,2–4the absorption of3He on quantized vor- tices,5and phase transitions.6It has also been found that a quartz tuning fork in a superfluid can emit first sound waves7 and in3He-4He solutions, second sound waves.8 The conditions for excitation of acoustic waves by tun- ing forks in He II have been studied.9–12The power of the acoustic emission can be reduced by decreasing the size and frequency of the tuning fork,9,12as well as by increasing the speed of first sound, which can be controlled by varying the pressure of a superfluid.10,11It was also discovered that reducing the size of the cell that contains a tuning fork alsolowers the acoustic emission power. 10The influence of the size of the cell on the acoustic emission becomes especially important under acoustic resonance conditions in a cylindri-cal cell filled with He II. 11 Studies of the transition from laminar to turbulent flow, as well as of the evolution of the turbulent flow, have beenconducted in parallel with research on various dissipative processes in laminar flows of He II. The temperature depend- ence of the critical transition velocity t cwas measured,4a transition regime with development of a turbulent flow was found,13and hysteresis in the transition to quantum turbu- lence in He II was found at T¼10 mK.14In addition, it was found that if the main dissipative process in the laminar flow regime was acoustic emission, then the transition to a turbu- lent flow took place at higher flow velocities of the liquidand without the previously observed intermediate flow regime.13,15This was usually explained by the fact that, because of the high power expended in the acoustic emis- sion, the onset of the transition to a turbulent flow was not noticeable. And only when the dissipative processes in theturbulent flow become comparable to the dissipation of the energy of the tuning fork owing to the acoustic emission is the transition to a turbulent flow observed, while the meas-ured critical velocity of the transition is then significantly higher. 12 The critical velocity tcof the transition to the turbulent state has been studied under various conditions, but the effect of acoustic emission on tcis still little studied. This paper is a continuation of the earlier work. Here we studythe effect of acoustic emission on the velocity at which the transition to turbulent flow takes place in He II. 2. Experimental technique The behavior of eight quartz tuning forks immersed in superfluid4He at different pressures was studied. The tuning forks all had the same resonance frequency ( /C2432 kHz) but had different geometrical dimensions (Table 1). They were attached so that their axes coincided with or were perpendic- ular to the axis of the cylindrical cavity.12 The experiments were done at temperatures of 0.3–2.1 K, which were reached using a solution refrigera- tor.16The tuning forks were placed in a copper cell equipped with a heat exchanger made of ultradispersed (700 A ˚) silver powder. The cell was in thermal contact with the solution chamber. The temperature of the cell was measured with aRuO 2resistance thermometer that was calibrated based on the temperature dependence of the crystallization pressure of 3He and installed in the liquid being investigated. The tem- perature of the solution chamber was kept constant using a temperature stabilizer with feedback coupling to a resistance 1063-777X/2014/40(9)/5/$32.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 802LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS VOLUME 40, NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:40:08thermometer in the solution chamber. The temperature was measured with an accuracy of 61m K . A pressure was created in the cell with the aid of a cooled volume with an adsorbent and measured with a ma-nometer kept at room temperature. The accuracy of the pres- sure measurement at 24 atm was 60.05 atm, and the stability of the pressure during the measurement process was lessthan the accuracy of the measurements. Two types of experiment were done: – at a constant temperature of 370 mK and different pres- sures ranging from the saturated vapor pressure to 24.8 atm, and – at various temperatures ranging from 0.3 to 2 K at the satu- rated vapor pressure. Since the acoustic emission power W adepends strongly on the sound speed c(Wa/c/C05(Refs. 9and10)) and the sound speed, in turn, depends strongly on the pressure, the experiments were done over a wide range of pressures,which made it possible to vary the acoustic emission power over almost an order of magnitude. The experiments were done in the following way. First the cell was cooled to 0.5 K and the piezoelectric constants a of all the tuning forks were measured in vacuum. Then 4He was condensed at a rate such that the cell was not heatedabove 0.6 K. After the 4He was condensed, a pressure close to the crystallization pressure was created in the cell which was stabilized at 370 mK. Then a cycle of measurements atconstant pressure was carried out, after which the pressure in the cell was reduced and the next cycle of measurement was carried out at another pressure. The quartz tuning fork method described in Refs. 10–13 was used to measure the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the tuning forks at different driving voltages Uunder con- stant thermodynamic conditions ( PandT). The amplitude of the alternating current Iflowing through a tuning fork was determined from the voltage drop on a standard 1 k Xresist- ance using a 5208 two-phase lock-in analyzer. 11–13The ampli- tude I0and frequency f0of the tuning fork resonances, as well as the half width Dfof the resonance line, were determined from the amplitude-frequency characteristics. The dependence of the velocity t¼I=aat which the tuning fork tines oscil- lated on the exciting force F¼1 2aUwas also determined. 3. Critical velocity for development of a turbulent flow. The role of acoustic emission Typical experimental data on the dependence of the velocity of the oscillations of a tuning fork on the excitingforce at 370 mK are shown in Fig. 1. This figure shows that for small F, there is a linear dependence F/C24t(the smooth and dashed lines), which is typical of laminar flow in liquids. With increasing Fthere is a deviation from this linear dependence, and in one case (curve 1) a quadratic depend- ence ( F/C24t2) shows up at once (dotted-dashed curves) and in another (curve 2), an intermediate regime between linearand quadratic is observed. In both cases the curves have characteristic deflections (indicated by arrows) correspond- ing to the critical velocity t cfor the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. It should be noted that the curves in Fig. 1correspond to different values of the ratio R/k: for the black data points R/k>1/4 and for the hollow points, R/k<1/4. For this rea- son, the tuning forks used in the experiment are distinguished arbitrarily. The physical reason is related to different mecha-nisms for dissipation in laminar flow with different R/k. For R/k>1/4 the main dissipation mechanism can be acoustic emission, 9–12while for R/k<1/4 thermal excitations of He II undergo ballistic scattering on the oscillating tines of the tun- ing forks. This mechanism is essentially independent of pres- sure;10thus, in Fig. 1the data are the same for different pressures. tðFÞhas been calculated using kinetic equations for ballistic scattering of thermal excitations18and the results of these calculations, shown as the solid curve in Fig. 1, are in good agreement with experiment.TABLE 1. Major parameters of the tuning forks used in the experiments. Tuning fork No. L(mm) H(mm) M(mm) D(mm) f0(Hz) Df0(Hz) R(cm) R/kSVP K1 3.79 0.3 0.6 0.3 32708.35 0.035 1.1 1.48 K5 3.79 0.3 0.6 0.3 32709.95 0.08 0.13 0.18K8 3.79 0.3 0.6 0.3 32709.88 0.05 0.13 0.18K9 2.53 0.1 0.25 0.13 32708.25 0.032 0.07 0.095K19 3.41 0.33 0.38 0.2 32719.5 0.04 0.4 0.52K20 3.41 0.33 0.38 0.2 32704.65 0.1 0.4 0.52K21 3.41 0.33 0.38 0.2 32720.3 0.075 0.4 0.52K22 3.81 0.34 0.6 0.3 32711.7 0.044 0.4 0.52 FIG. 1. The oscillation velocity of the tuning fork tines as a function of exciting force. Tuning fork K5 at He II pressures of 7.6 ( D) and 22.3 atm (/H17034) and T¼370 mK. Tuning fork K21 at He II pressures of 8.35 ( /H17033) and 24.1 atm ( /H17009). The smooth curve is a calculation for ballistic scattering of thermal excitations; the dashed curve is for laminar flow with acoustic emission; the dot-dashed curve is an F/C24t2dependence corresponding to turbulent flow.Low Temp. Phys. 40(9), September 2014 I. A. Gritsenko and G. A. Sheshin 803 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:40:08It has been noted10that in laminar flows, the re-reflection of acoustic waves has the greatest influence on the quantities measured in the experiments near R/k¼1/2, when the first sound wave is resonant in the cylindrical cell. For tuningforks K20-K22 this regime should be observed for P/C242 atm in He II. Figure 2shows the critical velocities t cas functions of pressure for both cases on the same scale. As noted above, when R/k<1/4, tcis essentially independent of pressure (Fig. 2(a)), while when R/k>1/4 a large spread in the data is observed (Fig. 2(b)) owing to re-reflection of acoustic waves from the cell walls. Here, as in Ref. 10, the spread in the critical velocity is considerably greater, especially at lowpressures, because of the large value of kand the possibility of attaining resonance conditions. 4. Dependence on excitation power and temperature In order to trace the influence of acoustic emission on the critical velocity for the transition from laminar to turbu- lent flow, it is convenient to present the data in the form of a plot of the critical velocity on the corresponding power driv-ing the oscillations of the tuning fork tines. Figure 3shows a plot of this kind for tuning forks of different sizes and for different constant He II pressures. The open plot pointscorrespond to tuning forks for which the main dissipation mechanism in laminar flow is ballistic scattering of thermal excitations on the vibrating tines of the tuning forks. Thesolid plot points indicate the critical velocities for tuning forks for which acoustic emission dominates ( R/k>1/4).Figure 3shows that, depending on the driver power, there are two mechanisms for excitation of a turbulent flow. At higher emission powers W/C2110 /C08W, the data are described by a single dependence of the form W/C24tc3that is typical of turbulence in ordinary liquids or gases (see Section 5). At lower powers W<10/C08W, a significant devi- ation from this dependence is observed. Here tcis essentially independent of Wc. As noted above, in this case a transition regime was observed that is typical of the rapid rise in den-sity of quantized vortices. 13This kind of behavior has been found for tuning forks of different sizes; that is, the major factor is not the size of a tuning fork, but the absence ofacoustic emission. In order to trace the influence of temperature on the excitation of turbulent flow by acoustic emission, we havemeasured the temperature dependence of the critical velocity for five of the tuning forks immersed in He II at the saturated vapor pressure. Figure 4shows these data for R/k<1/4 (open plot points) and for R/k>1/4 (solid points). For T>1.2 K, the experimental data essentially coincide in both cases because of the dominant influence of viscous dissipa-tion. For T<1.2 K, when R/k>1/4 the main mechanism for dissipation is acoustic emission and the critical transition FIG. 2. The critical velocity for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow as a function of pressure for T¼370 mK: (a) tuning fork K8 ( /H17034); (b) K21 (/H17004) and K22 ( /H17010).FIG. 3. The critical velocity for the transition to turbulent flow in He II as a function of exciting signal. K5 ( /H11623); K9 (/H17006); K8 (/H17034); K1 (/H17004)[15]; K20 ( /H17039); K21 (/H17009); K22 ( /H17010); K19 ( /H17033) for T¼370 mK and different pressures (see Fig. 2); K8 ( ); K19 ( ); K20 ( ); and K21 ( ) for the saturated vapor pressure and different temperatures (see Fig. 4). FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of the critical velocity for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow: K19 ð/H17004Þ;K 2 0ð/H17033Þ; K21ð/H17039Þ;K 8ð/H17005Þ;K 9ð/H17006Þ.804 Low Temp. Phys. 40(9), September 2014 I. A. Gritsenko and G. A. Sheshin This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:40:08velocity is substantially higher than for R/k<1/4, where, as before, the main mechanism for dissipation is viscous fric- tion. For T<0.6 K, tcis essentially independent of tempera- ture in both cases. But when R/k<1/4, the main mechanism for dissipation of the kinetic energy of the vibrating tines of the tuning forks changes from viscous friction to ballistic scattering of thermal excitations. For the following analysis, the temperature dependence tc(T) was converted to W(tc), as shown in Fig. 3by the gray plot points. This figure shows that these data also follow asingle dependence and coincide with the data obtained at T¼370 mK. At high temperatures ( T>0.9 K) the experi- mental data are also described by a W/C24t c3dependence. For T<0.9 K when R/k>1/4 (i.e., for the tuning forks with strong acoustic emission), the experimental data remain close to this dependence but when R/k<1/4,tcceases to depend on the power, which also indicates that the mechanism for ex- citation of turbulence changes in this temperature range. The experimental data for T<0.9 K, when qnis low, can be interpreted in terms of the classification of superfluid turbulence given in Refs. 19–21. In this case, quasiclassical turbulence is observed at high excitation powers (Fig. 3) when the vortices are polarized and joined together into bunches, while turbulence develops through reconnection of vortices inside a bunch or the reconnection of bunches. At powers <10/C08W, two mechanisms for the excitation of tur- bulence are observed. Quasiclassical turbulence is evidentlyexcited when the acoustic emission dominates. When the acoustic emission is negligible, we can speak of the onset of a transition region toward quantum turbulence, and a turbu-lent clump forms as a result of quantized vortices that show up on roughnesses and recombine among and with themselves. 5. Drag coefficient To compare the experimental data for the different flow regimes with the behavior of ordinary liquids or gases, it is convenient to express the observed dependences in terms of the dimensionless drag coefficient Cd, which is defined as17 Cd¼2F qt2S; (1) where qis the He II density at the corresponding pressure andSis the area of the head cross section of the tuning fork tine. The different flow regimes can be represented intuitively in terms of drag. Since F/C24tin laminar flow, Cd/C241=t, which corresponds to the experimental data for low veloc-ities tand is shown in Fig. 5. In turbulent flow, where F/C24t 2,Cddoes not depend on t. In this case Cdis deter- mined by the geometry of the object: for a flat, rectangularplate with its plane perpendicular to the flow, C d/C252, for a cylinder Cd/C251, and for a sphere Cd/C253. Figure 5shows that when R/k>1/4 (solid plot points), Cd/C250.5 over an extremely wide range of velocities. In the opposite case of R/k<1/4,Cdhas a nonmontonic depend- ence on twith a minimum at Cd/C281. The subsequent rise in Cdwith increasing velocity coincides with the transition regime and is apparently caused by an increasing density of quantized vortices and, as a consequence, their mutualfriction. It has been shown4that quantized vortices in this case can develop in the surface layer at roughnesses. Thedensity of quantized vortices continues to rise with increas- ing velocity until it reaches a high enough value for devel- oped turbulence. This regime corresponds to C d/C250.3. The curves in Fig. 5also illustrate the effect of acoustic emission. With increasing power, the transition between laminar and turbulent flows becomes smoother, which isqualitatively similar to the behavior of C din ordinary liquids or gases. As in ordinary liquids and gases, the scaled dependence oftconW(smooth curve in Fig. 3) agrees well with Eq. (1) when Cd/C251, a condition which corresponds to the area for the tuning forks ( S) and He II density ( q). 6. Conclusion This series of experiments with tuning forks immersed in superfluid4He has shown that there are two mechanisms for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow which arerelated to acoustic emission from a tuning fork and viscous dissipation at high temperatures and to ballistic scattering of thermal excitations of He II at low temperatures. It has beenfound that when the effect of the acoustic emission domi- nates, the drag coefficient C d/C250.5 and the behavior of the velocity of the oscillations of the tuning fork tines is close tothe case of a classical liquid. When ballistic scattering pre- dominates, the critical velocity decreases significantly and an intermediate mode appears between the laminar and tur-bulent states. The transition to the turbulent state depends on the driving power: at low powers (below 10 /C08W) the two mechanisms for the transition are distinctly separate. Whenacoustic emission predominates, quasiclassical turbulence seems to occur in He II, but when the acoustic emission is negligible, a transition to quantized turbulence sets in. We thank E. Ya. Rudavskii, E. E. Nemchenko, and S. S. Sokolov for discussing the data and for helpful advice. We also thank L. Skrbek for providing the tuning forks used inthe experiments. This work was supported in part by a Ukrainian- Japanese grant (Project No. F52.2/005).FIG. 5. Drag coefficient as a function of He II flow velocity at T ¼370 mK: tuning fork K5 for He II pressures of 7.6 ( D) and 22.3 atm ( /H17034), tuning fork K21 for He II pressures of 8.35 ( /H17033) and 24.1 atm ( /H17009), and tuning fork K21 for He II pressures of 8.35 ( /H17004) and 24.1 atm ( /H17039); the smooth curve is Cd/C241/tc.Low Temp. 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Linear temperature behavior of thermopower and strong electron-electron scattering in thick F-doped SnO2 films Wen-Jing Lang and Zhi-Qing Li Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 042110 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4891855 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4891855 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Extraction of Schottky barrier at the F-doped SnO2/TiO2 interface in Dye Sensitized solar cells J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 013142 (2014); 10.1063/1.4866260 Electron scattering mechanisms in fluorine-doped SnO2 thin films J. Appl. Phys. 114, 183713 (2013); 10.1063/1.4829672 Fourier transformation infrared spectrum studies on the role of fluorine in SnO 2 : F films Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 021906 (2011); 10.1063/1.3533801 Resistance switching behaviors of V-doped La 0.67 Ca 0.33 MnO 3 thin films on F-doped SnO 2 conducting glass J. Appl. 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We found that the resistivity caused by the thermal phonons obeys Bloch-Gr €uneisen law from /C2490 to 300 K, while only the diffusive thermopower, which varies linearly with temperature from 300 down to 10 K, can be observed. The phonon-drag ther-mopower is completely suppressed due to the long electron-phonon relaxation time in the com- pound. These observations, together with the fact that the carrier concentration has negligible temperature dependence, indicate that the conduction electrons in F-doped SnO 2films possess free- electron-like characteristics. At low temperatures, the electron-electron scattering dominates over the electron-phonon scattering and governs the inelastic scattering process. The theoretical predica- tions of scattering rates of large- and small-energy-transfer electron-electron scattering processes,which are negligibly weak in three-dimensional disordered conventional conductors, are quantita- tively tested in this lower carrier concentration and free-electron-like highly degenerate semicon- ductor. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4891855 ] F-doped SnO 2(FTO) is one of the typical transparent conducting oxides (TCOs). Remarkable progress has been made in FTO film deposition techniques recent years.1–3 Currently, both the electrical conductivity and optical trans- parency in visible frequencies of FTO film are comparable to that of Sn-doped In 2O3(ITO) film.3,4Comparing with the most widely used ITO film, FTO film has its own special advantages, such as chemically stable in acidic and basic sol- utions,5thermally stable in oxidizing environments at high temperatures,6,7and inexpensive (do not include rare ele- ments). Hence, FTO films are widely used in photoelectric and electro-optic devices such as solar cells and flat paneldisplays. 8–11Although FTO film has been one of the major commercial TCO products, the current understanding of the origins for the combined properties of high electrical con-ductivity and high optical transparency of FTO film is mainly based on ab initio energy bandstructure calculations and optical properties measurements. 4,12–15Pure SnO 2is a wide-gap semiconductor with direct bandgap /C243.6 eV and possesses high transmittance in visible light range.12,13The introduction of F in pure SnO 2shifts the Fermi level up into the conduction band and enlarges the optical band gap (known as Burstein-M €oss effect).13–15As a result, the con- duction band of FTO is mainly composed of Sn 5 sstate and thus FTO is a free-electron-like degenerate semiconductor or alternatively a free-electron-like metal in energy bandstruc- ture.15However, the free-electron-like feature of conduction electrons in FTO has not been tested experimentally. Moreover, the carrier concentrations in FTO films are often /C241020cm–3,1,2which is /C242 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than that in typical metals.16The low-carrier-concentration metal characteristic of FTO may give us opportunities to testthe validity of some theoretical predications that is difficult to be achieved in conventional metals. In this Letter, we measured the temperature dependence of resistivity and ther-mopower from 300 K down to liquid helium temperatures, and the results indicate that the transport processes of con- duction electrons in FTO films can be approximately treatedusing free-electron-like model. Then, we show that thick FTO film provides a valuable platform to test the three- dimensional (3D) electron-electron ( e-e) scattering theory due to its inherited weak electron-phonon ( e-ph) coupling nature. It should be noted here that the predications of 3D e- escattering theory have not been fully tested though the theory has been proposed for about four decades. 17,18 FTO (SnF 0.06O1.94– d) films prepared by the chemical vapor deposition method were provided by Zhuhai KaivoOptoelectronic Technology Corporation. Two series of films, one is the as-deposited (donated as No. 1) and the other is the film annealed in O 2at 300/C14C for 1 h (denoted as No. 2), were measured. The thickness of the films ( /C241lm) was determined by a surface profiler (Dektak, 6 M). (We inten- tionally selected the /C241lm thick films to make sure they are 3D with respect to e-escattering and weak-localization effect.) Crystal structures of the films were measured in a powder x-ray diffractometer (D/max-2500, Rigaku) with CuK aradiation. The results indicated that the films have tetrag- onal rutile-type structure, which is the same as that of rutile SnO 2(powder diffraction number: 46–1088), and no second- ary phase was observed. The resistivity and magnetoresist- ance (MR) were measured in a physical property measurement system (PPMS-6000, Quantum Design) by astandard four-probe technique. During the MR measure- ments, the applied field was perpendicular to the films. Hall effect measurements were also performed in the PPMS withthe four-point method. The thermopower measurements were carried out with the thermal transport option of the a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: zhiqingli@tju.edu.cn 0003-6951/2014/105(4)/042110/5/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 042110-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 042110 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:27:12PPMS by a four-probe leads configuration method, in which two calibrated Cernox 1050 thermometers were used to mea- sure the temperature of the hot and cold probes, respectively. The pressure of the sample chamber was less than5/C210 /C04Torr during the measurements. Figure 1shows the variation in the normalized resistiv- ityqðTÞ=qð300 K Þwith temperature between 2 and 300 K for the two FTO films. Upon increasing temperature from 2 K, the resistivities decrease initially, reach their minimum atTmin(Tminis the temperature at which qreaches its mini- mum value, and Tmin’50 and 90 K for films, Nos. 1 and 2), and then increase with further increasing temperature.The inset (a) of Fig. 1shows the variation of normalized conductivity Dr=rð50 KÞ¼½rðTÞ/C0rð50 KÞ/C138=rð50 KÞas a function of T 1=2f r o m2t o5 0 K .C l e a r l y , Drvaries linearly with T1=2at this temperature regime. In a 3D disordered metal, the electron-electron interaction (EEI) is strong and leads to the T1=2correction to the conductivity.19,20The characteristic length for both EEI and e-escattering effect isLT¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi /C22hD=ðkBTÞp ,w h e r e Dis the electron diffusion con- stant, /C22his the Planck constant divided by 2 p,a n d kBis the Boltzmann constant. The thermal diffusion length of elec- tron at 2 K is /C2531 nm in film No. 1 and /C2560 nm in film No. 2; both of them are much shorter than the thickness of thefilms. Hence, our FTO films are 3D with regard to EEI effect, and the behavior of DrðTÞ/T 1=2at low temperature regime is then attributed to EEI effect. The qðTÞdata at high temperature regime are compared with Matthiessen’s rule,16q¼q0þqðTÞ,w h e r e q0is the residual resistivity andqðTÞis the resistivity caused by thermal phonons and is expressed by the Bloch-Gr €uneisen (B-G) formula.21The s o l i dc u r v e si nF i g . 1are the least-squares fits to the B-G formula. Clearly, the experimental data are consistent withthe theoretical predications, indicating that FTO films pos- sess typical metallic properties in electrical transport prop- erties. The Debye temperatures h Dobtained from the fitting processes are 1096 and 1174 K for films, Nos. 1 and 2,respectively. According to the Hall effect measurement, the main charge carriers in the FTO films are electrons. The inset (b) of Fig. 1shows the temperature dependence of car- rier concentration nH(we denote the carrier concentration obtained through Hall effect measurement as nH)f r o m2t o 300 K. Clearly, the magnitudes of nHare almost invariable with temperature over the wh ole measured temperature range. For metals or degenerate semiconductors, activation energy is not required to donate to the charge carriers.22 Hence, the result that nHis almost independent of Tfrom liquid helium temperatures to 300 K confirms the metallic transport nature of FTO films. Figure 2displays the thermoelectric power S(thermo- power or Seebeck coefficient) as a function of temperature for the two FTO films from 10 to 300 K. Clearly, the thermo-powers are negative and vary linearly with temperature over the whole measured temperature range. The negative thermo- power means the main charge carrier is electron instead ofhole, which is identical to the result obtained from Hall effect measurements. In a typical metal, the thermopower generally contains contributions from two separate mechanisms: ther-mal diffusion of electron and phonon-drag. 23When a temper- ature gradient is present in a sample, the electrons from the hotter end will tend to diffuse towards the colder one, then athermoelectric potential difference between the hotter and colder ends DVwill be generated. Then, the electric field in the sample can be written as ~E¼SrT, where S/C25/C0DV=DT is the thermopower. The phonon-drag thermopower origi- nates from the e-ph interaction. When the temperature gradi- ent is present, the phonon distribution will no longer be inthermodynamic equilibrium (there will be a heat flow carried by phonons), and this asymmetry characteristic of the temper- ature will influence the diffusion by the phonon-electron col-lisions. This is the phonon-drag effect. According to free- electron model, the diffusive thermopower of pure metals at low temperatures ðT/C28h DÞis given by23 Sd¼/C0p2k2 BT 3jejEF; (1) where eis the electron charge and EFis the Fermi energy. Since the phonon-drag thermopower does not vary linearly FIG. 1. Normalized resistivity as a function of temperature for our two FTO films, Nos. 1 and 2. The symbols are the experimental data and the solid curves are the least-squares fits to B-G formula. For clarity, the data for film No. 1 have been shifted by þ0.03. Inset (a): variation of normalized conduc- tivity ½rðTÞ/C0rð50 KÞ/C138=rð50 KÞas a function of T1=2, and inset (b): carrier concentration obtained from Hall effect measurements vs temperature between 2 and 300 K.FIG. 2. Thermopower Sas a function of temperature for the two FTO films. The solid straight lines are least-squares fits to Eq. (1).042110-2 W.-J. Lang and Z.-Q. Li Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 042110 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:27:12with temperature (see further remarks below) and the meas- uring temperatures are far less than hD, we compare our measured S(T) data with Eq. (1)and the least-squares-fitted results are plotted as solid lines in Fig. 2. Using the fitted val- ues of EF, we can obtain the carrier concentration nof the samples through n¼ð2m/C3EFÞ3=2=ð3p2/C22h3Þ, an expression also based on the free-electron model. Here, m* is the effec- tive mass of the carrier and is taken as 0.3 me(meis the free-electron mass) for FTO.24The values of nare listed in Table I. The values of nare smaller than that obtained from Hall effect measurements, nH. Specifically, nis about one half of nHfor film No. 1 and three-fourths of nHfor film No. 2. In Sb doped SnO 2, considering that the conduction band is not strictly parabolic and the effective mass increases slightly with increasing occupation of the conduction band(carrier concentration), Egdell et al. 25,26found that the width of the occupied part of the conduction band calculated by using a modified free-electron model can be quantitativelycompared with that obtained from ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurement. 27While assuming that the con- duction band is strictly parabolic and m* is fixed, they obtained a width that is much less than the experimental one. For FTO, besides the Sn 5 sstates, both the Sn 5 pand F 2 p states also have a little contribution to the conductionband. 14Hence, the energy-momentum dispersion relation in the vicinity of the conduction band minimum is not strictly parabolic either. The underestimate of nin FTO could partly arise from neglecting the variation in m* with carrier concen- tration. On the other hand, Eq. (1)and the relation between EFand nare both derived from the standard free-electron model, hence a slight deviation to the parabolic curve for the conduction band itself could lead to a discrepancy between n andnH. At low temperatures, the phonon-drag thermopower Sg can be approximately written as23 Sg’/C0CL 3njejsph sphþsph–e; (2) where CLis the heat capacity of the lattice per unit volume, sph–eis the phonon-electron (ph- e) relaxation time, and sphis the phonon relaxation time for all the other phonon scattering processes. Assuming sph/C28sph–e,28one can obtain the equation Sg’Sdsph=ð2se–phÞby using the energy-balance relation sph–eCe¼se–phCL,29where se-phis the e-ph relaxation time and Ceis the heat capacity of electron s per unit volume. Using the relation sph¼3j=ð/C22v2 sCLÞ(where jis the thermal conductivity of phonons and /C22vsis the mean velocity of sound) and the exper- imental data of CL,30j,31and/C22vs(Ref. 32)f o rS n O 2,w eo b t a i n the values of sphare 2.3 /C210/C011,2 . 2/C210/C012,1 . 5/C210/C012,a n d 9.8/C210/C013s at 10, 50, 100, and 200 K, respectively. Thetheoretical values of se-phfor film No. 1 (No. 2) are 1.0 /C210/C08 (3.7/C210/C08), 4/C210/C010(1.5/C210/C09), 1/C210/C010(3.7/C210/C010), 2.6/C210/C011s( 9 . 4 /C210/C011s), at the corresponding tempera- tures, respectively. Here, we take se–ph/C25se–t;ph(se/C0t,phis the relaxation time of electron-tran sverse phonon scattering) since the electron scattering by tran sverse phonons dominates the e- ph relaxation (see further remarks below). Thus, the contribu-tion of S gto the total thermopower is no more than 2% of that ofSdat the whole measured temperatures, and can be safely ignored. We note in passing that in addition to what we have found in the previous discus sion that FTO shows metallic behaviors in electrical transport p roperties, the linear tempera- ture behavior of S(T) and the comparability between nandnH further indicate that the charge carriers in FTO possess the fea- tures of free-electron-like Fermi gas. Now we investigate the quantum transport properties of the samples. We note that the drop of the resistivity from 300 K down to Tminis only /C245% (6.5% for film No. 1 and 4.0% for No. 2), which indicates the presence of a high level of disorder in the films. This is confirmed by the slight incre- ment of the resistivity below Tmin. The values of disorder pa- rameter kF‘, deduced from free-electron-like model, are /C256.6 and /C2524.1 for films, Nos. 1 and 2, respectively, where kFis the Fermi wave number and ‘is the mean free path of electrons. This indicates that the films fall into the weak- localization region.29In dirty metals and alloys, a lot of investigations have been carried out to detect the electronscattering processes and it has been established that the e-ph scattering is the sole dominant inelastic dephasing process in 3D weakly disordered conductors. 29,33Recently, Zhang et al .34found that the small-energy-transfer e-escattering can govern the dephasing process in thick ITO films. Their observation demonstrated the validity of the Schmid-Altshuler-Aronov theory of 3D small-energy-transfer e-e scattering rate in disordered conductors. 17,18However, the predication of the theory of 3D large-energy-transfer e-e scattering rate has not been clearly observed and quantita- tively tested up to now. According to Schmid,17the total e-e scattering rate in 3D disordered conductors can be written as 1 see¼p 8kBTðÞ2 /C22hEFþffiffiffi 3p 2/C22hffiffiffiffiffiffiEFpkBT kF‘/C18/C193=2 : (3) The first term on the right hand side of Eq. (3)(denoted as 1=sL ee) represents the contribution of large-energy-transfer e- escattering process and would dominate at kBT>/C22h=se, while the second term (denoted as 1 =sS ee) stands for the con- tribution of small-energy-transfer process and would domi- nate at kBT</C22h=se, where seis the electron elastic mean free time. Inspection Eq. (3)indicates that 1 =sS eeis proportional toðkF‘Þ/C03=2while 1 =sL eeis independent of kF‘. We notice that the kF‘values of the ITO films used in Ref. 34range from 1.7 to 3.5, which are much less than that of the FTO films. While the carrier concentrations nH(orEF) of the FTO films are close to that of the ITO films. We expect the large-energy-transfer e-e scattering process, which was not observed in ITO films, would dominate over the small- energy-transfer one at higher temperatures in our FTO films.Then the theoretical predication of the total e-escattering rate in Eq. (3)would be tested.TABLE I. Parameters for the two FTO films, Nos. 1 and 2. qis resistivity andnis carrier concentration deduced from thermopower measurements. AS ee andAL eeare defined in Eq. (4)andðAS eeÞthandðAL eeÞthare predicted by Eq. (3). q(300 K) nAS ee ðAS eeÞthALee ðAL eeÞth Film (m Xcm) (1020/cm3)( K/C03=2s/C01)( K/C03=2s/C01)( K/C02s/C01)( K/C02s/C01) 1 1.07 0.95 1.38 /C21089.41/C21075.25/C21071.03/C2107 2 0.28 1.36 4.69 /C21071.32/C21076.16/C21079.77/C2106042110-3 W.-J. Lang and Z.-Q. Li Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 042110 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:27:12To obtain the temperature dependence of electron dephasing rate 1 =suof the FTO films, we measured the low field MR at different temperatures from 2 to 35 K. The dephasing rate 1 =suðTÞwas then extracted by least-square fitting the MR data to 3D weak localization theory.17The details of the fitting procedure have been discussed in the previous study.34Figure 3shows the variation in 1 =suwith T for the two FTO films, as indicated. We found that only the second term in Eq. (3)cannot describe experimental 1 =suðTÞ data, i.e., the small-energy-transfer e-escattering effect alone cannot explain the electron dephasing process in the FTO films. Here, we consider the contributions of both small- andlarge-energy-transfer e-escattering processes and compare our measured 1 =s udata with the following equation: 1 su¼1 s0 uþAS eeT3=2þAL eeT2; (4) where the first, second, and third terms on the right hand side stand for T-independent contribution, small-, and large- energy transfer e-escattering rates, respectively. The solid curves in Fig. 3are the least-squares fits to Eq. (4). Clearly, the experimental dephasing rate can be well described by Eq.(4). The fitted values of AS eeandAL ee, together with their theoretical values ðAS eeÞthandðAL eeÞthdeduced from Eq. (3), are listed in Table I. The experimental values of AS eeðAL eeÞare within a factor of /C244(/C246) of the theoretical ones. This level of agreement is acceptable. The value of AL eeis about one half of that of AS eefor film No. 1 and the two values are very close for film No. 2, which indicates the large-energy-trans-fere-escattering process has already played important role at liquid helium temperatures in the FTO films. Besides the large-energy-transfer e-escattering, the e-ph scattering process also give a T 2temperature dependent contri- bution to the electron dephasing rate. Theoretically, the elec- tron scattering by transverse phonons dominates the e-ph relaxation. In the quasi-ballistic limit ( qT‘>1, where qTis the wavenumber of a thermal phonon), the relaxation rate is expressed as35,361=se–t;ph¼3p2k2 BbtT2=½ðpFutÞðpFlÞ/C138,w h e r e bt¼ð2EF=3Þ2NðEFÞ=ð2qmu2 tÞis the electron–transverse pho- non coupling constant, pFis the Fermi momentum, utis the transverse sound velocity, qmis the mass density, and N(EF)i sthe electronic density of states at the Fermi level. For FTO, using ut/C253120 m/s,32one can readily obtain qT‘/C25 kBT‘=/C22hut/C250:15T and 0.53 T for films, Nos. 1 and 2 (the val- ues of ‘are derived using free-electron-like model). Hence, our films lie in the quasi-ballistic region above /C247K . T h e electronic parameters can also be obtained using free-electron- like model; we take qm/C256950 kg/m3,37the theoretical values of 1=se–t;phare computed and approximately 9.7 /C2105T2s/C01 and 2.7 /C2105T2s/C01for films, Nos. 1 and 2, respectively. Inspection of Table Iindicates the values of 1 =se–t;phare/C242 order of magnitudes less than the contribution of large-energy- transfer e-escattering term. Hence, the contribution of e-ph relaxation can be safely ignored in the FTO films. In fact, the e-ph scattering rate 1 =se–t;phis proportional to the carrier con- centration n,35,36while Eq. (3)predicts 1 =sS ee/n/C04=3and 1=sL ee/n/C02=3. The carrier concentrations in our FTO films are/C242/C21020cm3,w h i c hi s /C242 to 3 orders of magnitude lower than that in typical metals. Thus, the magnitudes of both1=s S eeand 1 =sL eeare greatly enhanced over the magnitude of e- ph scattering rate in the FTO films, which then give us the op- portunity to fully demonstrate the validity of the theory of e-e scattering rates in 3D disordered conductors. In summary, both Boltzmann and quantum-interference transport properties of thick FTO films were investigatedexperimentally in the present Letter. We found that the resis- tivity q(T) can be well described by the Bloch-Gr €uneisen law over a wide temperature range from 300 K down to T min, while the carrier concentrations are independent of tempera- ture from 2 to 300 K. These results, together with linear tem- perature dependence of thermopowers, demonstrate that theconduction electrons in the FTO films possess free-electron- like characteristics. We also found that both the large- and small-energy-transfer e-e scattering effect dominate the dephasing process in the measured temperature range (2 to 35 K) in the FTO films. Both the linear temperature behavior ofS(T) and strong e-escattering effect in FTO film are related to the slow e-ph relaxation rate, or equivalently, low carrier concentration characteristic of this highly degenerate semiconductor. The authors are grateful to Xin-Dian Liu and Pei-Jen Lin for valuable discussions. This work was supported by the NSF of China through Grant No. 11174216 and Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education throughGrant No. 20120032110065. 1T. Maruyama and K. Tabata, J. Appl. Phys. 68, 4282 (1990). 2B. Stjerna, E. Olsson, and C. G. Granqvist, J. Appl. Phys. 76, 3797 (1994). 3A. E. Rakhshani, Y. Makdisi, and H. A. Ramazaniyan, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 1049 (1998). 4E. Shanthi, A. Banerjee, V. Dutta, and K. L. Chopra, J. Appl. Phys. 53, 1615 (1982). 5H. Kim, R. C. Y. 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Dynamic control of local field emission current from carbon nanowalls Ying Wang, Yumeng Yang, and Yihong Wu Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 32, 051803 (2014); doi: 10.1116/1.4893540 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4893540 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/32/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Nanometer-scale distribution of field emission current from the arc-prepared carbon thin film J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28, C2A13 (2010); 10.1116/1.3333437 High current field emission from carbon nanofiber films grown using electroplated Ni catalyst J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, 776 (2005); 10.1116/1.1880153 Field emission from nanostructured carbon AIP Conf. Proc. 544, 495 (2000); 10.1063/1.1342561 Low threshold field emission from nanoclustered carbon grown by cathodic arc J. Appl. Phys. 87, 3126 (2000); 10.1063/1.372309 Electron field emission from carbon AIP Conf. Proc. 486, 433 (1999); 10.1063/1.59825 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41Dynamic control of local field emission current from carbon nanowalls Ying Wang, Yumeng Y ang, and Yihong Wua) Information Storage Materials Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117583 (Received 29 April 2014; accepted 7 August 2014; published 21 August 2014) The authors report on a systematic study of modulation of the field emission current from carbon nanowalls using a sharp probe as the anode in an ultrahigh vacuum system. Modulation of the local emission current was achieved by either varying the anode–cathode distance ( d) with the aid of an AC magnetic field or superimposing a small AC bias on a DC bias during the field emission measurement. Current modulation ratio of over two orders of magnitude was achieved with the modulation becoming more efficient at a smaller d. The experimental results are discussed using the Fowler–Nordheim theory in combination with a simple cantilever model to account for the modulation effect. The experimental results demonstrated good static stability and dynamic controllability of local field emission current from the carbon nanowalls. VC2014 American Vacuum Society .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4893540 ] I. INTRODUCTION Vertically aligned two-dimensional (2D) carbon with self-supported network structures, such as carbon nanowalls (CNWs) or carbon nanosheets (CNSs) have drawn much attention as potential emitter materials for nanoscale fieldemission devices due to their large height-to-thickness ratio, rigidity, and endurance. 1–3So far, various experimental efforts have been made to improve the field emission charac-teristics (such as turn-on electric field and stability of emis- sion current) of CNW/CNS; these include but are not limited to (1) reducing the screening effects among adjacentCNW/CNS flakes through selective growth, 4–8(2) improving the structure and morphology of CNW/CNS via fine tuning of the synthesis conditions, such as the types of carbonfeedstock, 9gas flow ratio,10–13deposition temperature,14 substrate temperature,12and growth time,13(3) chemical doping to reduce the turn-on field,14–17and (4) surface treatment to improve the field emission characteristics of the as-grown CNW/CNS, such as selective coating of a thin layer of Mo 2C,18Au, Al, and Ti,19plasma surface modifica- tion,20and thermal desorption of absorbed hydrocarbons.21 Most of the experimental results can be successfullyexplained by the Fowler–Nordheim (F–N) model, 22which predicts a linear relation between emission current ( I) and applied electric field ( E) in the F–N plot [i.e., ln( I/E2)v s 1/E], though slight modification is sometimes needed to bet- ter account for the experimental observations. So far, very low turn-on field (i.e., the macroscopic electric field for an emission current density of 10 lA/cm2) in the range /C240.23–6 V/ lm has been reported on large-area samples (typ- ical sample area larger than 1 mm2) using a parallel plate configuration.9,10,13,23–28A stable milliampere-level field emission current for a duration of 1–200 h has been achieved with both dand macroscopic applied electric field being kept constant. These results demonstrate the great potential ofCNW/CNS as an efficient electron emitter for various appli- cations. In addition to field electron emission sources,nanosized carbon emitters may also find applications in nanoscale vacuum electronic devices. For the latter purpose,in addition to static stability, good controllability over the emission current in a large dynamic range is also of crucial importance, such as those demonstrated in the gated fieldemitter design. 27,29,30Considering the fact that practical nanoscale vacuum electronic devices are to be based on electron emission from nanosized emitters with the anode–cathode distance in the nanometer range, it is of great importance to study both the static and dynamic emission characteristics of CNW/CNS in an experimental configura-tion, which resembles the actual device design and at the same time allows to perform the experiments in a controlla- ble fashion. In this sense, the nanoprobe setup reported inour previous work is an ideal platform to carry out the intended studies. 31,32 In the previous work, we have investigated systematically the relationship between turn-on field and the anode–cathode distance for localized field emission from CNW/CNS samples. In this work, we study the dynamic properties of local fieldemission current from the CNW via three different approaches. In the first approach (or approach I), we used an in-situ AC magnetic field to periodically alter the distance between the CNW cathode and a sharp magnetic anode (i.e., a Ni probe) under a constant bias voltage. A schematic illustra- tion of the experimental setup and energy diagram are shownin Figs. 1(a)and1(d), respectively. In the second approach (or approach II), a small AC modulating bias is superimposed on a DC bias to modulate the overall voltage bias across the ano-de–cathode gap [Figs. 1(b)and1(e)]. This provides a variable macroscopic electric field between 0.3 and 3 kV/ lmi nt h e direction along the emission gap. As a variation of approach I(hereafter referred to as approach III), the magnetic tip is replaced by a nonmagnetic one, and instead, the CNW is in- situcoated with a thin layer of Fe [Figs. 1(c)and1(f)]. As we will discuss in Sec. III, in approaches I and III, current modu- lation is mainly achieved through varying the anode–cathode gap. As for approach II, although both bias voltage and anode-distance variations are expected to play a role, experimental results suggest that distance variation induced effect is a)Electronic mail: elewuyh@nus.edu.sg 051803-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32(5), Sep/Oct 2014 2166-2746/2014/32(5)/051803/9/$30.00 VC2014 American Vacuum Society 051803-1 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41dominant. The first two approaches are effective in modulat- ing the emission current by over two orders of magnitude and, more importantly, the emission current is stable during theentire duration monitored. II. EXPERIMENT A. CNW and probe preparations The CNWs were grown on Cu substrates using micro- wave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Thegases used were a mixture of CH 4and H 2with typical flow rates of 40 and 10 sccm, respectively. Before the CH 4gas was introduced to the quartz tube to commence the growthof nanowalls, the substrate was preheated to about 650–700 /C14C (limited by the microwave power) in hydrogen plasma with a bias of 50 V for 10–15 min. The typicalgrowth time was 1–5 min. Details about the growth condi- tions, morphology, and structural properties of the as-grown CNWs can be found elsewhere. 1,24For local field emission measurements, sharp W and Ni probes were used as the anode. These probes were fabricated by electrochemical etching of W and Ni wires in NaOH and KCl solution (2M),respectively, using the drop-off lamellae method. 33During each round of etching process, two probes are formed above and below the electrolyte lamellae, respectively. The lowerprobe with a larger taper length is always used for the pres- ent work. The Ni or W probes were loaded into the vacuum chamber immediately after the preparation to minimize airexposure. The CNW/Cu sample was fastened onto a sampleholder, which itself forms part of an in-situ electromagnet that is described below. B. Experimental setup for field emission All the field emission measurements were performed in an Omicron UHV nanoprobe system with a base pressure better than 2.2 /C210/C010mbars at room temperature. The nanoprobe system is equipped with four independently controllablenanoprobes and each probe module uses a piezoelectric iner- tia drive to achieve step motion with nanometer precision. Furthermore, the autoapproach capability of the probesensures safe and nondestructive approach of probe to the sample surface. The whole measurement system is installed on a vibration isolation table using air legs, which itself isplaced on the ground floor of a building to further minimize external disturbances. All these are critical for achieving precise control of din the field emission measurements. The in-situ scanning electron microscope (SEM) allows for site specific field emission measurements down to nanometer scale. The sample stage is fitted with an electromagnet, whichis able to supply a vertical field up to 2000 Oe near the sam- ple surface. The field can be controlled by an external bipolar power supply (Keithley 6221). Figure 2shows a photo of the sample stage and schematic of the probe and electromagnet setup. All measurements were carried out in a LABVIEW -based program, which synchronises all source meters and allowsreal-time monitoring of the field emission current. C. Calibration of probe step height Prior to field emission measurements, calibration measure- ments were performed to determine the step size of the probe (i.e., anode) using gold pads of different heights (0.2–2 lm), formed on a flat and heavily doped silicon substrate using standard optical lithography (Fig. 3). The exact height (h) of these patterned structures was measured by atomic forcemicroscope. The detailed calibration procedure is as follows. First, a sharp probe was first approached (or lowered) to tun- neling regime of the surface of a gold pad using the autoap-proach function of the nanoprobe controller (step 1 in Fig. 3). After a high-resistance electrical contact was achieved, the feedback loop of the controller was deactivated to allow man-ual control of the probe position. The probe was then lowered further manually while the differential contact resistance is closely monitored until an ohmic contact was formedbetween the probe and the gold pad. Second, the probe was manually moved horizontally ( <2lm) to above the trench between the gold pads, upon which the probe was loweredstep-by-step at a preset speed till a contact with similar differ- ential resistance was achieved (step 2 in Fig. 3). The total number of steps ( N) was recorded. The step size for down- ward probe motion was then calculated as S down¼h/N. The above steps were repeated for many times ( >15) to obtain the average downward step size ( hSdowni). The lifting or upward step size ( Sup) was obtained by lift- ing the probe step-by-step at a preset speed for a certain step number ( Nup) and then bringing it back into contact with the silicon substrate with a total number of steps ( Ndown); this FIG. 1. (Color online) Schematic diagram of dynamic control of field emis- sion current from (a) bare CNW with a Ni anode in an AC magnetic field, (b) bare CNW with an AC electric field, and (c) Fe/CNW with a W anode in an AC magnetic field. The corresponding energy diagrams for (a), (b), and (c) are shown in (e), (f), and (g), respectively.051803-2 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-2 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 32, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41gave the step size for upward motion: Sup¼Ndown/C2hSdowni/ Nup. This process was then repeated for many times to obtain the average lifting step size ( hSupi), which turned out to be /C241.38 nm/step for the chosen speed. D. Shape formation of anode probe A ball-shaped probe (W or Ni) of desired size (100 nm–2 lm) is subsequently prepared through a three-step in-situ local electrical melting process by first applying a bias of appropriate amplitude between a sharp probe apex and the body of a relatively blunt W probe and then bringing them intocontact for a self-limited di scharge [steps 1 and 2 of Fig. 4(a)]. Upon formation of contact between the two probes, a closed current loop is immediately estab lished and within a very short interval, the local heat generated by electrical discharge melts the apex of the anode probe into a sphere and automatically opens the circuit [step 3 of Fig. 4(a)]. Figure 4(b)shows some typical SEM images of probes as prepared (sub-100 nm in apex size) and after (600–2200 nm) the local electrical melting pro- cess. It should be emphasized that this process is necessary to create a smooth anode surface without sharp protrusions, which is in turn crucial in determining accurately the anode–cathodedistance and obtaining good reproducibility. E. Procedures of performing local field emission measurements The blunt W probe was firmly pressed onto the CNW sample to form a low resistance electrical contact with theCNW cathode, while the anode was carefully approached tot h et o pe d g eo fas i n g l eC N Wfl a k et h r o u g hm o n i t o r i n gt h e differential contact resistance using a lock-in amplifier setup. 31 After the electrical contact between the CNW and anode was achieved, the anode was then lifted by a certain Nupwith the precalibrated hSupito serve as an anode for field emission measurements at determined d¼Nup/C2hSupi. Despite the fact that the edge of 2D carbon is not flat microscopically, emis- sion of electrons occurs at 2D carbon sites that protrude along the direction of the applied electric field. These sites areexpected to form contacts with the metallic anode first during the distance determination process described above. Thus, dis naturally the distance between the emission sites and the an-ode bottom surface. A typical SEM image taken during a field emission measurement is shown in Fig. 4(c). The measurements always began with ramping up the bias voltage till an emission current setpoint (typically 1–10 nA) was reached. The bias voltage was then kept constant for monitoring the emission current at a sampling rate of8.3 Hz. The static stability of emission current was moni- tored in the first few hundred seconds. Upon reaching a sta- ble emission, an external sinusoidal magnetic field H¼H 0 sint[for approach I, Fig. 1(a)] or a small superimposed sinu- soidal voltage bias DV¼DV0sint[for approach II, Fig. 1(b)] was manually applied to examine the response of field emission current to the AC magnetic or electric field. Typical period of AC field is 15.3 s. The magnetization of all Ni probes was saturated in a large magnetic field alongthe emission gap direction prior to measurements. After all measurements on bare CNW, the samples were in-situ evaporated with a thin Fe layer of a nominal thickness FIG. 2. (Color online) Photo of the sample stage and schematic of the probe and electromagnet setup used in this work. FIG. 3. (Color online) Schematic diagrams showing the process of calibrating the downward step size of probe on patterned gold features.051803-3 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-3 JVST B - Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41of 5 and 26 nm for approach III. A large magnetic field along the emission gap direction was first applied to saturate themagnetization of the Fe coating. The same field emission measurements as in approach I (except for the Ni probe replaced by a W probe) were then repeated on the Fe-coatedCNW samples [Fig. 1(c)]. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Stability of local field emission The local field emission measurements were monitored closely using the in-situ scanning electron microscope. No visible shift of the relative positions of the studied CNWflake and probe was observed. The good stability has further been confirmed by the current–time plot [Fig. 5(a)], in which the emission current stays very stable under static conditionsthroughout the whole monitoring process except for theinitial training period of the first few tens of seconds. The spike at 454–456 s is presumably caused by isolated externaldisturbance after which the emission current recovered to its original value. The measurement was manually stopped after /C2410 min, which is the typical duration used for one round of modulation measurements. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the emission current is only stable for this period of time. It should be noted that Fig. 5(a)is obtained at a much higher emission current (i.e., /C24150 nA) than the typical cur- rent ( <10 nA) in the dynamic response study at zero modu- lation field. The purpose is to show that the emission currentremains sufficiently stable even for a larger current than the preset sourcemeter compliance (i.e., 100 nA) during the current modulation investigation. For example, Fig. 5(b) shows a small stable local field emission current over a time span of over 40 min, obtained with the W probe shown in the inset. It should be emphasized that screening effect from neigh- boring CNW flakes should be negligible since the spacing between adjacent flakes is normally /C241lm, which is much larger than the investigated range of distance (i.e., /C241n m<d<12.4 nm). If this was not the case, the measured field emission characteristics should depend on the anodesize. To confirm this, we have performed field emission measurements on the CNW sample with different anode sizes ranging from 600 to 2200 nm. Considering that a d larger than 150 nm requires a field emission ignition voltage higher than the maximum output voltage of the source meter (Keithley 2400), the emission current is predominantly com-ing from the CNW flake directly under the anode. As seen in Fig. 5(c), the relationship between dand the electric field required for an emission current of 1 nA obtained withdifferent anode sizes closely overlap with each other. The increase of the required field with decreasing distance is due to a smaller field enhancement factor (defined as the ratiobetween the actual local electric field at the emitter surface and the macroscopic field) at a smaller d. 32These results strongly show that the effect of neighboring flakes on bothfield distribution and emission current is negligible in our experimental setup. B. Dynamic control of local field emission current with a Ni anode in an AC magnetic field Figure 5(d) shows the typical response of the emission current to 15 cycles of an external sinusoidal magnetic field of amplitude H0¼80–158 Oe, obtained from the location shown in Fig. 4(c). The measurement was performed at zero- field distance d0¼11 nm (i.e., distance in zero magnetic field), and the relation between emission current and electric field at a fixed distance was found to be in good agreementwith the F–N model, in consistence with our previous work. 32Figure 6(a) is a color contour plot of emission current as a function of time where the color scale has beennormalized with respect to the zero-field current ( I 0, defined as the emission current at t¼0 without magnetic field). Superimposed with the color contour plot are the emissioncurrent in one cycle of a sinusoidal magnetic field of FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Three-step schematic of the local electrical melting process. (b) Typical SEM images of probes as prepared and after the electri- cal melting process. All scale bars are 1 lm. (c) SEM image for local field emission measurements on CNW/Cu using a Ni probe as an anode atd¼11 nm. The lower inset is a close-up view of the as-grown CNW (scale bar: 500 nm).051803-4 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-4 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 32, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41amplitude H0¼37 Oe (white solid curve) and 136 Oe (black solid curve), respectively; the dotted line indicates the time when the emission current returns to I0. When H0<50 Oe, the time-dependence of emission current exhibits approxi- mately a sinusoidal shape in the positive half-cycle but a rather flattened shape in the negative half cycle. This is adirect consequence of the combined effects of the variation ofdcaused by the magnetostatic interactions between the Ni probe and the applied magnetic field, and the exponential d- dependence of field emission current. In a weak applied magnetic field, the magnetization of the Ni probe is oriented along the probe axis direction due to strong shape anisot-ropy. Further, the magnetic flux in the probe is expected to be concentrated to the probe apex since it is magnetostati- cally unflavored for the magnetic flux to leak out from theside walls. 34When a weak magnetic field is applied, the Ni probe is magnetostatically deflected downwards (upwards) depending on the direction of applied field, as illustrated inthe upper (lower) inset of Fig. 6(b). In turn, the attracted (repelled) state of the Ni probe reduces (increases) the ano- de–cathode distance [Fig. 1(e)], resulting in a larger (smaller) emission current than I 0. To further elaborate this point, typical I–tcurves corresponding to H0¼12.5–74.5 Oe were fitted using the F–N relation22with the local electric field replaced by F¼bV=½d0ð1/C0a@Hz=@zÞ/C138 I¼Sab2 UV d01/C0a@Hz @z/C18/C192 643 752 exp /C0bU3=2 bd01/C0a@Hz @z/C18/C19 V0 B@1 CA; (1)where ais a constant in unit of nm /C1Oe/C01characterizing the strength of the probe-field interaction, Sis the emission area (in the order of hundreds of nm2), and a¼1.54/C210/C06A V/C02eV,b¼6.83 eV/C03/2Vn m/C01,A¼5 eV, V ¼53.6 V, and d0¼11 nm. bis the field enhancement factor, which also depends on d.32However, the change of bis typically less than 1.5% for all investigated H0and contributes insignifi- cantly to the observed change in the emission current. Thus, a constant bof 1.15 (calculated from the slope of the F–N curve at d0¼11 nm) has been used to simplify the following discussion. In Eq. (1),@Hz=@zis the field gradient near the apex of the probe. In the specific magnet design used in thiswork, the gradient is approximately given by 5 /C210 /C07H(in unit of Oe /C1nm/C01), where H (in unit of Oe) is the field strength at the top surface of the central magnetic pole. Theexperimental data (symbols) are plotted together with the op- timum fitting curves (blue solid curves) in Fig. 6(c).A l l curves but the lowest one have been shifted vertically forclarity, and the figure beside each curve is the corresponding H 0value in unit of Oe. It can be seen that the fitting results are satisfactory for H 0/C2049.8 Oe. Furthermore, inset of Fig. 6(c) compares the extracted maximum deflections of the probe [ Dd¼d0a(@Hz=@z)] at different H0(symbols) and the simulation result (solid line) from a simple relation derivedfrom a cantilever model 35 Dd¼/C0 sinhL ðÞ3l0Msvcosh 3EmI/C3@Hz @z; (2) where l0is the permeability of free space, L¼8.5 mm is the probe length, h¼45/C14is the angle between the probe axis and the normal of the sample surface, I*¼1.92/C210/C04mm4is the FIG. 5. (Color online) Typical field emission stability measurement with constant bias voltage at (a) large and (b) small emission current. The current co mpliant was set to 400 nA. Inset of (b) shows the W probe used for the measurement. (c) Dependence of the electric field required for 1 nA emission current on ano- de–cathode distance, obtained from CNW with probe of different sizes indicated in legend. (d) Typical response of the emission current to 15 cycles of AC magnetic field of different amplitudes (H 0).051803-5 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-5 JVST B - Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41inertia, v/C253.27/C210/C02mm3is the volume estimated from the probe shape and dimensions, Ms¼5.12/C2105A/m is the satu- ration magnetization of fcc Ni, and E m¼2.07/C21011N/m2is the modulus of elasticity for Ni. Good agreement is obtained between experimental data and simulation results. It is worthmentioning that although the effect of magnetostriction cannot be ruled out completely, it does not play a significant role in modulating emission current in the present work mainly dueto two reasons: (1) the negative magnetostrictive strain of pol- ycrystalline Ni (Ref. 36) would result in an increase of dand in turn a smaller emission current in an applied magnetic field,in contradiction to Fig. 6(b),a n d( 2 )t h e I–H dependence would be symmetric with respect to zero Hif magnetostriction was the mechanism of the observed current modulation. Thelatter argument also excludes electron focusing as the domi- nant mechanism. ForH 0>62.1 Oe, a second peak in the emission current is observed ( t¼/C2412 s) in the I–tcurves [Figs. 6(c) and 6(d)]. The origin of this second peak can be understood more intuitively through the I–Hcurve shown in Fig. 6(e). When the amplitude of the magnetic field is sufficiently large, switching of the magnetization occurs in the Ni probe, lead- ing to downward probe deflection at both positive and nega-tive half-cycles of the AC magnetic field [upper insets inFig.6(e)]. Interestingly, a few fine features in the I–Hcurves are constantly observed due to the very sensitive exponentialdependence of the current on d. First, the steep increase in emission current in the range from /C24/C070 to /C0100 Oe is cor- responding to the reversal of the net magnetization in the Niprobe. One or a few small jumps before this magnetization reversal are constantly observed at /C24/C060 Oe. This can be seen more clearly in Fig. 6(f)where typical normalized I–H curves corresponding to different H 0in the range from 87 to 148 Oe are shown. These jumps suggest that the magnetiza- tion reversal of the Ni probe used in this work consists ofreversal of some small domains followed by a rapid reversal of the magnetization of the entire probe. Second, the kink at /C24/C090 Oe is believed to indicate the completion of the rever- sal process of the net magnetization [Fig. 6(e)]. Further increase of emission current ( H</C090 Oe) is presumably caused by the increase of applied magnetic field gradient andby rotation of the net magnetization of the probe off the probe axis toward the applied field direction. Lastly, the emission current does not normally return to I 0when His swept from H0to 0 Oe, but will recover to I0after a complete cycle of magnetic field sweeping. This may be understood as being caused by a certain degree of inelasticity of the probeunder a large magnetic field, though more in-depth analyses FIG. 6. (Color online) (a) Response of field emission current to one cycle of sinusoidal magnetic field of different H0atd¼11 nm. Color scale is normalized with respect to the emission current magnitude in zero magnetic field ( t¼0 s). Dotted lines indicate the time when the emission current returns to its zero- H- field value. Superimposed with the color contour plot is the typical response of the emission current to a small (large) AC magnetic field in white (black ). (b) and (e) Typical normalized I–Hcurves at small and large H0, respectively. Black arrows indicate the sweeping direction of the magnetic field. Insets illustrate a simple cantilever model. (c) and (d) The response of emission current (symbols) to small and large AC magnetic fields in I–tplot, respectively. Solid curves are the optimum fitting curves, and H0are indicated in unit of Oe beside the respective curves. Inset compares the maximum experimental probe deflection (symbols) with simulation results (solid line) at different AC magnetic fields. (f) Kinks in the I–Hcurves constantly observed before reversal of net magnetiza- tion of the Ni anode. H0is shown as figures beside the curves in unit of Oe.051803-6 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-6 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 32, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41are needed in order to reveal on the true behavior of this nanoelectromechanical system. What is of importance hereis that these observations demonstrate strongly the excellent stability of field emission current from CNW emitters. Figure 6(d)shows the results of optimum fitting to the I–t curves corresponding to larger H 0(/C2199.1 Oe) using Eq. (1). The two peaks are fitted separately in similar procedure described previously and with the same set of parametersexcept for a, which is weakly dependent on H 0and in the range from 1.9 /C2104to 3.1 /C2104nm/C1Oe/C01. Comparisons between the extracted Ddand the simulation result using Eq. (2)show good agreements [inset of Fig. 6(d)]. In addition, it is found that the probe deflection in the maximum investi- gated magnetic field (148.1 Oe) is only /C242.5 nm. Even with such a small deflection, a large current modulation ratio (Imax/Imin) of over two orders of magnitude can be achieved [inset of Fig. 7(a)]a td0¼11 nm. C. Scalability of dynamic control of field emission current To further explore the scalability of dynamic control of field emission current from CNW, similar field emissionmeasurements were performed at different dwith constant H0¼40.46 Oe, which gives a probe deflection of /C240.7 nm. The normalized I–trelation in three continuous cycles of si- nusoidal magnetic field sweeping is shown in Fig. 7(b). The superimposing lower and upper curves are I–tcurves at a dis- tance of 1.38 and 11 nm, respectively. It can be seen that the response of the emission current from 2D carbon to modula- tion is well reproduced in all three cycles and shows a strongdependence on d. For the sake of clarity, Fig. 7(a)shows the dependence of the I max/Iminratios on different d(symbols) and the averaged Imax/Iminratio is shown as the solid curve as a visual guide. Clearly, the emission current modulation becomes more efficient at a smaller d, suggesting that dynamic control of local field emission current by varying d is scalable in nanoscale field emission device applications. D. Dynamic control of local field emission current with a superimposing AC voltage bias We next turn to modulating local field emission current with an AC electric voltage of variable amplitude superim- posed on a DC bias. The amplitude of the AC electric field(DE 0¼0.2–3.0 kV/ lm) is relatively small as compared to the typical bias field (27.6 kV/ lm) at the investigated distance of /C241.3 nm. A current modulation ratio of 1.3–123 has been achieved [Fig. 8(a)]. To have a more in-depth understanding of the modulation mechanism, Fig. 8(b)shows the typical ex- perimental I–tcurves (symbols) corresponding to three differ- entDE0¼0.5, 1.6, and 2.6 kV/ lm [dotted lines in Fig. 8(a)] together with their optimum fitting curves (dotted curves) using Eq. (1)with experimental parameters V¼38.1 V, d0¼1.32 nm, H¼0 Oe, b¼0.2, and S¼/C24500 nm2. The upper two curves have been vertically shifted for clarity. At this point of discussion, it should be noted that bhas been extracted from the slope of the F–N curve. The small value ofbhas been discussed in detail in Ref. 32. Apparently, vari- ation of bias voltage alone is unable to fully account for thelarge current modulation observed at such a small dof 1.32 nm, where effects arise from electrostatic interactions can be significant under a large electric field. The most likelyexplanation for the enhanced current modulation is that dis modulated too due to capacitive effects between the probe and CNW [inset of Fig. 8(c)]. This argument is supported by the significant improvement in the agreement between the ex- perimental data and the fitting curves (solid curves in [Fig. 8(b)] with Eq. (1)with Hbeing replaced by the amplitude of the AC electric field ( DE). To quantify the electrostatically induced probe deflection and further examine the understand- ing, the dependence of Dd E(defined as d0aDE0)o nDE0is shown in Fig. 8(c)(symbols). Assuming a simple capacitor- and-cantilever model, the initial deflection of the probe under a macroscopic electric field E0and zero AC electric field (i.e.,DE¼0) can be estimated as DdE0¼Ae0E2 0 6EmI/C3sinhL ðÞ3; (3) where e0is the absolute permittivity and A¼3.48/C2105nm2 is the area of the bottom surface of the anode estimated from FIG. 7. (Color online) (a) Dependence of current modulation ratio on dwith H0¼40.46 Oe. Inset shows the current modulation ratio obtained in differ- entH0atd¼11 nm. (b) Response of emission current to three continuous cycles of AC magnetic field ( H0¼40.46 Oe) at different d. Color scale is normalized with respect to the emission current magnitude at t¼0s . Typical response of emission current to the magnetic field at a small (large) dis shown as the superimposing lower (upper) curve.051803-7 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-7 JVST B - Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41the probe size. During the derivation, both the anode surface and the CNW emitter have been assumed to be flat metallicsurfaces extending to infinity to simplify the discussion. Taking Dd E0as a reference deflection, the net deflection caused by the superimposing AC electric field is given by DdE¼Ae0E2 6EmI/C3sinhL ðÞ3/C0DdE0; (4) where Eis the total macroscopic electric field. The simulated dependence of DdonDE0is shown as the solid curve in Fig.8(c). It can be seen that the simulation result agree withthe experimental data in the general trend for DE0¼0–2.3 kV/lm, though the experimental Ddincreases much faster with the increase of DE0for larger superimposing AC elec- tric field ( DE0>2.3 kV/ lm). The reason for the latter obser- vation is still not clear yet. The difference betweenexperimental and simulated values is attributed to the large morphological and electrical difference between CNW and a flat metallic plate. Further systematic investigations arerequired in order to understand the true behavior of the elec- tromechanical system involving the probe and the CNW in this regime. E. Dynamic control of local field emission current from Fe/CNW with a W anode in an AC magnetic field In view of potential difficulty with the use of magnetic anode in certain applications, we have also investigated thepossibility of emission current tuning using a magnetic field without resorting to a magnetic probe. To this end, the same the field emission measurements with an AC magnetic fielddescribed Sec. III B were repeated on Fe-coated CNW at d¼11 nm. A W anode was used instead of a Ni one so that it does not respond to the variation of the applied magneticfield. Although thin metal coating will inevitably change the intrinsic field emission properties of CNW, it provides analternative route for emission current modulation which may appear to be more attractive for certain applications. As shown in Fig. 9(a), the emission current decreases with increasing the magnetic field, indicating that dis increased by the elastic deformation of the Fe-coated CNW. Based on our previous work, 31,37it is understood that the coated Fe has a large thickness near the edge. Therefore, when a mag- netic field with gradient in the vertical direction is applied, the CNW will be deformed due to attractive (repulsive)interactions between the Fe layer at the top edge and the applied field. This will lead to a decrease (increase) of dand hence an increase (decrease) in the emission current [Figs.1(c) and1(f)]. Current modulation ratio up to only 4.3 was obtained for the maximum magnetic field amplitude investi- gated (i.e., 591 Oe) for a 5 nm thick Fe layer and with a133 nm probe [Fig. 9(b)]. The relatively small modulation ratio is presumably caused by both the rigidness of CNW and wide spread of Fe on the CNW surface. This is furtherreflected in the fact that a thicker Fe layer (26 nm) reduces the modulation ratio, which is more obvious when the meas- urements were repeated with a larger probe (1.8 lm). This is because in addition to generating a magnetostatic force through interaction with the magnetic field, the Fe coating also increases the rigidity of CNW. It is worth noting thatthis is just a proof-of-concept experiment; a much larger modulation ratio is expected once the emitter structure is optimized including the ferromagnetic coating layer. IV. CONCLUSIONS In summary, systematic experiments have been per- formed to modulate the local field emission current fromCNW by varying the anode–cathode distance, and by FIG. 8. (Color online) (a) Response of the field emission current to one cycle of sinusoidal electric field of different magnitude ( DE0) superimposed on a constant DC bias field at d¼/C241.3 nm. Color scale is normalized with respect to the emission current magnitude at t¼0s . I–tcurves with three typical DE0(indicated by dotted lines) are shown in (b). Solid (dotted) solid curve is the fitting curve with (without) electrostatic interactions between the anode and CNW taken into considerations. (c) Experimental (symbols) and simulated (solid line) maximum electrostatically induced probe deflec- tion at different DE0. Inset is a schematic of the capacitor-and-cantilever model.051803-8 Wang, Yang, and Wu: Dynamic control of local field emission current from CNW 051803-8 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 32, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2014 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:29:41varying the electric field in an UHV environment. Stable field emission current was obtained and current modulationratio up to 105 and 123 has been achieved for the former and latter case, respectively. The experimental results have been explained by the F–N model in combination with a simplecantilever model to account for the change in either electric field or anode–cathode distance. Our results have demon- strated good stability of the local field emission current fromCNW during the emission current modulation process and good scalability of current modulation at nanoscale, suggest- ing that CNW is a reliable emitter material for nanoscalefield emission electronic devices. Although we have used a probe as the anode in this work, in practical applications, the CNW-probe configuration may also be replaced by a micro-electromechanical system involving 2D carbons. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Singapore under Grant Nos. NRF-G-CRP2007-05 and R-143-000-360-281, and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, under Grant No. R-398-000-020-305. 1Y. H. Wu, P. W. Qiao, T. C. Chong, and Z. X. Shen, Adv. Mater. 14,6 4 (2002). 2J. J. Wang, M. Y. Zhu, R. Outlaw, X. Zhao, D. Manos, and B. C.Holloway, Carbon 42, 2867 (2004). 3K. Shiji, M. Hiramatsu, A. Enomoto, M. Nakamura, H. Amano, and M. Hori, Diamond Relat. Mater. 14, 831 (2005). 4J. J. Wang, M. Y. Zhu, X. Zhao, R. A. Outlaw, D. M. Manos, B. C. Holloway, C. Park, T. Anderson, and V. P. Mammana, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 22, 1269 (2004). 5M. Y. Chen, C. M. Yeh, J. S. Syu, J. Hwang, and C. S. Kou, Nanotechnology 18, 185706 (2007). 6J. Y. Wang and T. 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Grain size modification in the magnetocaloric and non-magnetocaloric transitions in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 probed by direct and indirect methods M. Quintero, S. Passanante, I. Irurzun, D. Goijman, and G. Polla Citation: Applied Physics Letters 105, 152411 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4898129 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898129 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/105/15?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Crossover from first-order to second-order phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in La0.7Ca0.3Mn0.91Ni0.09O3 J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17A912 (2014); 10.1063/1.4861678 Phase separation and direct magnetocaloric effect in La 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3 manganite J. Appl. Phys. 113, 123904 (2013); 10.1063/1.4794179 Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-x Fe x O3 0.00≤x≤0.07 manganites J. Appl. 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Polla1 1Departamento de F /C19ısica de la Materia Condensada, GIyA, GAIANN, Comisi /C19on Nacional de Energ /C19ıa At /C19omica, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnolog /C19ıa, Universidad Nacional de General San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina 3Departamento de F /C19ısica, Facultad de Ciencias exactas y naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Received 24 September 2014; accepted 1 October 2014; published online 17 October 2014) The influence of grain size in the magnetic properties of phase separated manganites is an important issue evidenced more than a decade ago. The formation of long range ordered phases is suppressed as the grain size decreases giving place to a metastable state instead of the ground state. In this work, we present a study of the magnetocaloric effect in the prototypical manganiteLa 0.5Ca0.5MnO 3as a function of the grain size. The differences obtained using direct and indirect methods are discussed in the framework of domain walls in the ferromagnetic phase of the system. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4898129 ] The discovery in 1997 of giant magnetocaloric effect (MCE) near room temperature in Gd based compounds1trig- gered a constant growth in the number of scientific publica-tions dedicated to the study of the mentioned effect. The main motivation is the high cost of production of Gd which difficult the production of magnetic refrigeration systems incommercial scale. A large number of compounds has been proposed to replace Gd such as As based compounds, 2heus- ler alloys,3and manganites.4 The MCE in solid materials is produced by the magnetic entropy change induced when an external magnetic field is applied. In standard ferromagnetic systems, an increase inthe magnetic field reduces the magnetic entropy and if the field is applied adiabatically, the lattice thermal entropy increases, giving rise in the sample temperature change. In more complex systems, the above simplified scenario may not be enough to describe the behavior of the entropy change. A strong coupling between different degrees of free-dom (magnetic, electronic, etc.) is usually responsible for such a mixed change of the state of the system by the appli- cation of a magnetic field. Depending on the characteristicsof the different degrees of freedom the corresponding terms in the first law of thermodynamic may increase the heat change. But it can also be compensated, leading in a reduc-tion, the suppression, or even the inversion of the tempera- ture change (the so called inverse magnetocaloric effect (IMCE) (Ref. 5)). Because of this reason, a large number of scientific works has been devoted to the understanding of the MCE in cases beyond the standard ferromagnetic systems. 6 The most commonly used methods to study MCE can be divided in two well distinguished groups, according to the physical quantity that is measured to take account the effect. The direct methods are those where the temperature change or the heat exchanged with the environment is directly measured. Once determined any of these magni- tudes, the total entropy change can be estimated in non adia-batic conditions. In the indirect methods, MCE is obtained through ther- modynamic relations between the entropy and othermeasured magnitude such as magnetization or resistivity. 7 The most accepted way to obtain the entropy change is using a Maxwell’s relation (MR) @S @H¼@M @T: Then, the entropy change can be estimated performing a nu- merical integration of a set of magnetization loops at differ- ent temperatures as DST ;HðÞ ¼1 DTðH 0MT þDT;H0ðÞ /C0MT ;H0ðÞ ½/C138 dH0: The main advantage of this approach is the use of a standard experimental technique to reach the entropy values, instead of a specific setup designed to measure the sample tempera- ture change.8 During early years a lot of work was devoted to demo- strate that, under certain circumstances, the results obtained by MR were in good agree with those extracted from directmethods. 8But the use of the MR in cases where the system is out of equilibrium can lead to an overestimation of MCE.6,9In the last few years, due to the increase of the com- plexity of the studied compounds, the validity of the MR approach has been revised by a growing part of the scientific community.6,10–12 The continuous search for materials with large MCE stimulated further research in complex magnetic oxides,4,13 including mixed valence manganese based compounds, com- monly named as manganites . One of the most interesting properties of manganites is the spatial coexistence of regions with different magnetic ordering, the so called phase separa-tion phenomena. 14In systems with phase separation (PS), it is possible to tune the magnetic and structural properties by a variety of parameters such as electric and magnetic field,strain, doping, confinement, and grain size. 15–17 In most of the cases of phase separation coexists an insulating antiferromagnetic (AFM) charge ordered phase 0003-6951/2014/105(15)/152411/5/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 105, 152411-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 105, 152411 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:09:12(CO) and a metallic ferromagnetic one (FM).18One of the most studied systems with phase separation is La 0.5Ca0.5 MnO 3.19,20In this system, the coexistence between the dif- ferent magnetic phases can be controlled by external stimuli(radiation, electric field) or by the modification of synthesis parameters, particularly modifying the grains size (GS) in ce- ramic samples. 17The increase in the GS favor the long range ordering of the CO state over the FM. The low temperature CO ground state of the system is strongly suppressed for small GS, and when it is increased the system can reach the CO state. The influence of GS in the MCE was recently stud- ied in phase separated systems revealing a complex scenario,where the validity of the methods used to estimate the mag- nitude of the effect must be carefully revised. 21,22 In this work, we present a study of MCE in the manganite La0.5Ca0.5MnO 3which presents phase separation. The study will be performed as a function of GS. We will compare the results obtained from differential thermal analysis (DTA) andfrom indirect measurements with particular focus on the use of the MR relation. The hysteresis of the magnetization loops will be also analyzed and described in the framework of do-main walls displacement and related with the differences observed between direct and indirect methods. It has to be noted that the understanding of the phase separation in the La 0.5Ca0.5MnO 3system escapes to the aim of this work. We will assume the phase separated sce- nario accepted and widely discussed in previous works,17,23 and we will not deal neither with the origin of the phase separation nor with the possibilities of any alternative description. Polycrystalline samples of La 0.5Ca0.5MnO 3were synthe- sized following a citrate/nitrate decomposition method using 99.9% purity reactants. To increase grain size, sub sequentialthermal treatments have been performed to the samples as is decrypted in Levy et al. 16The grain size of the samples was estimated from SEM microphotographs. Magnetization measurements were made in a Quantum Design VersaLab with the VSM and the heat capacity acces- sories. For the DTA measurements, we used a home madesystem formed by two Cernox CX-1080-SD thermometers (manufactured by Lake Shore Cryotronics) on a Teflon piece to ensure thermal insulation between the sample and the ref-erence thermometers. The reference used was a piece of alumina. The whole system was mounted in a VersaLab’s trans- port puck, allowing us to perform magnetization, Cp and DTA measurements in the same range of magnetic field and temperature. As it was previously reported, the change of the GS of the samples induces important changes in the magnetic behavior. We can see those changes in Figure 1, where we show magnetization measurements of the entire set of sam- ples with an applied field of 1 T on cooling. The grain size of the samples goes from 180 nm in sample A to 1300 nm insample E (see table in Figure 1for details). All the samples present an FM ordering at around the same temperature Tc ¼250 K but, while the sample with smallest GS (A) remains FM in all the temperature range below Tc, a clear FM to anti ferromagnetic transition is observed in the rest of the samples at T ¼150 K.Measurements are performed with H ¼1, which is enough to saturate the FM phase but not strong enough to induce a ferromagnetic fraction enlargement. 24 Because of that the FM fraction at low temperature can be estimated as the ratio between the magnetization at 50 K of the sample and the same value on the sample A (fully FM). In the inset of Figure 1, we show the FM fraction at low temperature as a function of the GS, being close to 20% in the sample with the largest GS. This change in the magneticbehavior can be interpreted as an evidence of the frustration of the CO state (associated with the AFM ordering) due to small GS. The localization of the charges implies the pres-ence of a long range Jahn-Teller distortion that is suppressed by the disruptive change in the lattice due to the grain bound- ary. 17Similar behavior has been reported in other com- pounds,23,25,26indicating that the GS is an extra ingredient to take into account when the magnetic properties are studied. To analyze how GS affects the MCE, we used two inde- pendent methods to estimate the magnitude of DSandDT. In the first method, we used isothermal magnetization curves and the above mentioned Maxwell’s relation to obtainthe adiabatic entropy change due to the application of the magnetic field. In Figure 2, we present the temperature de- pendence of the entropy change for the different sampleswith an applied magnetic field of 3 T. In all the samples, we observe a negative peak close to Tc that can be associated to the paramagnetic (PM) to FMtransition. The maximum entropy change remains almost constant at 2–3 J/kg-K for the entire series of samples. An additional (positive) peak is observed at a lower tem- perature, around 150 K. The maximum entropy change in this peak increases as the grain size became larger. According with the magnetization data, this peak can beassociated with the FM to CO transition. The obtained value of DSfor the sample E (largest GS) for H ¼3 T is 10 J/kg-K, similar to the obtained for pure Gd around room temperature 27and in other half doped mangan- ites such as Pr 0.5Sr0.5MnO 3(Ref. 28) and Nd 0.5Sr0.5MnO 3 (Ref. 29) measured using the same method. FIG. 1. Magnetization as a function of temperature with an applied magnetic field of 1 T for samples with different grain size. Inset: ferromagnetic frac- tion at 50 K as a function of grain size. Table: grain size for each sample.152411-2 Quintero et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 152411 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:09:12According with the presented data, we can conclude that the MCE has been enhanced increasing the grain size, since an additional peak in the entropy change is observed and its magnitude is controlled by the GS. To complete the picture we performed differential ther- mal analysis measurements, allowing us to determine the sam- ple temperature change during the application of the magneticfield. In all the cases, the sample was zero field cooled to the target temperature and then the field was applied with a con- stant rate of 200 Oe/s and the heat exchanged with the envi-ronment has been taken into account. 30 In Figure 3, we present the adiabatic temperature change (DTAD) extracted from DTA measurements for samples A, C, and E. A positive peak can be observed around 225 K. This is consistent with the expected behavior from the entropy change associated with the PM to FM transition.Surprisingly, we do not observe any peak related with the FM to CO transition. It has to be noted that according to the entropy change values obtained from magnetization, theexpected temperature change should be three times larger than the observed from the PM/FM transition. Another important aspect to consider is the presence of hysteresis in the magnetization as a function of magnetic field curves. To examine these feature in depth, we calcu- lated the magnetic work (W) defined as the area enclosedbetween the curves obtained increasing and decreasing the magnetic field (between 0 and 3 T). In Figure 4, we present W as a function of temperature for all the measured samples. FIG. 2. Entropy change as a function of temperature for all the samples with a magnetic field of 3 T. Inset: Intensity of both peaks in the entropy change as a function of GS. FIG. 3. Adiabatic temperature change ( DTAD) for samples A, C, and E as a function of temperature when the magnetic filed is increased from 0 to 3 T. The values of DTADwhere extracted from DTA measurements taking into account the heat exchange between the sample and the sample holder. FIG. 4. Magnetic work defined as the area enclosed by the increasing anddecreasing magnetic field curves as a function of temperature for differentsamples. In the insets we show magnetization loops at 250 K (black), 170 K (red), and 60 K (blue).152411-3 Quintero et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 152411 (2014) This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:09:12In all the samples, W is almost zero above the Curie temperature, indicating the absence of hysteresis in the para- magnetic phase. But when the FM phase is present we observe a strong relation between the temperature depend-ence of W and grain size. For smaller grain size (samples A, B, and C), the mag- netic work presents an increase on cooling giving rise to aconstant value below 175 K. Samples D and E present a maximum at 175 K, decreasing its value and keeping con- stant below 75 K. It is interesting to note that in the tempera- ture range in which W peak occurs coincides with the range where the CO phase appears. The temperature behavior of W can be explained consid- ering the Jiles-Atherton model 31to describe the magnetiza- tion curves. In this model, the hysteresis is produced byimpedances to domain wall motion caused by pinning sites encountered by the domain walls as the move. Because of that the system at a given field H cannot reach the globalminimum energy state, giving place to a hysteretic magnet- ization loop. The pinning sites could be grain boundary or any kind of inhomogeneities within a grain, for example, tangles of dislocation and precipitates or nonmagnetic inclusions. The model consider that the domain walls are flexible so that they not only can move but also can bend. When the do- main walls bend while being held by a pinning site, it results initially in a reversible change in the magnetization. In our case, the formation of the CO phase increase the amount of pinning centers in the sample, enhancing the re- versible change in the magnetization. On cooling, at 200 K, the CO phase start a nucleation process, increasing the density of pinning sites in the mate- rial which is reflected in the increase of W. Once the COphase is nucleated, the nuclei start to grow in size, decreas- ing the amount of FM phase present. As a consequence, W is reduced as the magnetic signal decreases. The origin of the peak in the DSis the presence of a re- versible component to the magnetization in this temperature region. The energy associated with the magnetization difference is not exchanged with the environment because is used inter- nally to bend the wall domain and recovered when the mag-netic field is turned off. Because of that we did not observe a temperature change in the sample in this temperature region. The reversible nature of the bending of domain walls makesthe entropy change calculated by Maxwell’s relation con- vertible in magnetic work and not in heat exchanged with the environment. In summary, we presented a study about the influence of grain size in the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La 0.5Ca0.5MnO 3. The system is characterized by two well distinguished magnetic transitions, a PM to FM one at 225 K and a FM to a phase separated CO þFM at 150 K. The MCE associated with the first transition do not present a significantdependence with grain size, and results extracted from mag- netization measurements are in good agreement with those obtained from DTA measurements. The second transition, related with the formation of the CO phase, presents a strong dependence with grain size. The entropy change obtained from magnetization measurementsis not consistent with the temperature change extracted from DTA measurements. The hysteretic behavior in the magnetization loops which was explained using a Jiles and Atherton model ofdomain walls in the FM phase. In this framework, the for- mation of the CO phase modifies the density of pinning sites increasing the hysteresis in the magnetization loops. This additional pinning site increases the magnetic en- tropy calculated by Maxwel l relation, but this entropy cannot be used for applications since it is not converted in heat and is related with the reversible bending of the do- main walls. It is just an example of how the inadequate use of the Maxwell’s relation can l ead to a fake conclusion. Even when the entropy change observed was larger than theobserved in Gd based compound it is not possible to use this change in applications. The presence of hysteresis in the magnetization vs magnetic field curves is indicative ofthe presence of an additional term in the first law of thermo- dynamics that must be considered before any conclusion. In the studied case, this feature was observed in the FM to PStransition; meanwhile, it is not present in the FM transition, where the entropy change is converted in a temperature change as expected. This work has been done with the support of ANPCyT PICT 1327/2008, Conicet PIP 00889, and UNSAM SJ10/13. We are grateful with Leticia Granja and Roberto Zysler for fruitful discussion and to Joaquin Sacanell for carefulreading of the manuscript. M.Q. is also member of CIC CONICET. 1V. K. Pecharsky and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4494 (1997). 2H. Wada and Y. Tanabe, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3302 (2001). 3A. Planes, L. Manosa, X. Moya, T. Krenke, M. Acet, and E. F. Wassermann, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310, 2767 (2007); C. Salazar Mejia, A. M. Gomes, and N. A. de Oliveira, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A923 (2012). 4M.-H. Phan and S.-C. Yu, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 308, 325–340 (2007); A. Rebello, V. B. Naik, and R. Mahendiran, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 013906 (2011). 5T. Krenke, E. Duman, M. 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Nanosecond laser-induced phase transitions in pulsed laser deposition-deposited GeTe films Xinxing Sun,a)Erik Thelander, Pierre Lorenz, J €urgen W. Gerlach, Ulrich Decker, and Bernd Rauschenbach Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification, Permoserstr. 15, D-04318, Leipzig, Germany (Received 15 July 2014; accepted 12 September 2014; published online 1 October 2014) Phase transformations between amorphous and crystalline states induced by irradiation of pulsed laser deposition grown GeTe thin films with nanosecond laser pulses at 248 nm and pulseduration of 20 ns are studied. Structural and optical properties of the Ge-Te phase-change films were studied by X-ray diffraction and optical reflectivity measurements as a function of the number of laser pulses between 0 and 30 pulses and of the laser fluence up to 195 mJ/cm 2. A reversible phase transition by using pulse numbers /C215 at a fluence above the threshold fluence between 11 and 14 mJ/cm2for crystallization and single pulses at a fluence between 162 and 182 mJ/cm2for amorphization could be proved. For laser fluences from 36 up to 130 mJ/cm2, a high optical contrast of 14.7% between the amorphous and crystalline state is measured. A simple model is used that allows the discussion on the distribution of temperature in dependency on the laser fluence. VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC .[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4896879 ] I. INTRODUCTION Phase changes in chalcogenide-based alloys have been widely studied in terms of the application in optical data storage,1and the class of phase change materials is a promis- ing candidate for further applications in non-volatile memo-ries. 2The basic principle of the optical memory storage relies on the reversible transformation between the disor- dered amorphous and ordered crystalline states.3For rewrit- able optical storage, the recording (amorphization) process is often achieved by an intense and short laser pulse which induces rapid melting followed by quenching. In the erasing(crystallization) process, a moderately intense and long laser pulse is used which heats the material above the crystalliza- tion temperature for a sufficient amount of time. Utilizingthe significantly different optical reflectivity between the amorphous and crystalline states, data bits can be read by monitoring the local changes in the reflectivity of the mediawith a low power laser beam. Among various phase-change materials, the Ge-Sb-Te family (GST) is the most investigated one, both theoreticallyand experimentally in relation to their application in optical phase-change data storage. Recently, the binary compound GeTe has attracted great attention for such applications,since it offers a significant improvement of crystallization speed, data retention at high temperature and an excellent contrast in terms of electrical resistivity between the twostates, when compared to the more commonly studied GST. 4–6In a previous work, it was demonstrated that phase transitions of GST films could be induced using a singleultraviolet (UV) laser pulse of 20 ns pulse duration. 7 Compared to GST films, however, GeTe films exhibit rela-tively long incubation times and a delayed nucleation. Raouxet al. have reported that the shortest crystallization time ofmelt-quenched GeTe was 30 ns. 6In order to achieve the crystallization of GeTe films with an ultrashort pulsed laser, multiple pulses ( /C24500 pulses) are used.8On the other hand, ultraviolet nanosecond pulses have been identified to besuperior in terms of minimizing feature sizes and surface roughness of the films. 9 For the preparation of GeTe thin films, magnetron sput- tering is typically employed.2,5,6As an alternative deposition method, pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been widely used for the deposition of various complex oxides and chalcoge-nide films. 10,11Furthermore, PLD is capable of depositing films with complex chemical composition and of stoichio- metric transfer of the target material to the films. In this pa-per, PLD is employed as a deposition technique to prepare GeTe thin films on Si substrates. A reversible phase transfor- mation of GeTe films upon UV nanosecond pulsed laser irra-diation is demonstrated. The effect on optical and structural properties of these GeTe films in the as-deposited state as well as in the crystalline state are presented, which are ofcrucial importance for the performance of a phase-change material. II. EXPERIMENT GeTe films were deposited on Si(100) substrates at room temperature by pulsed laser ablation of a GeTe ceramic target. A KrF excimer laser (LPXpro240) was used and oper- ated at a wavelength of 248 nm, pulse duration of 20 ns, andrepetition rate of 10 Hz. The laser beam was focused on the target at an incident angle of 60 /C14with respect to the target normal to maintain a laser fluence of 1.5 J/cm2. The working pressure was 5 /C210/C06Pa during deposition. The substrates were ultrasonically cleaned by ethanol and deionized water prior to deposition and were positioned parallel to the targetsurface at a target-substrate distance of 7.4 cm inside the vac- uum chamber. Both target and substrates were rotated in order to avoid deep damage of the target and to improve thea)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: xin- xing.sun@iom-leipzig.de. 0021-8979/2014/116(13)/133501/5/$30.00 VC2014 AIP Publishing LLC 116, 133501-1JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 133501 (2014) thickness homogeneity of the films, respectively. As a result, as-deposited films with 60 nm thickness were obtained with a chemical composition of GeTe 1.6as measured by energy dispersive x-ray analysis. Following the deposition, UV nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation was performed on the GeTe films in order toinduce a phase change process. To study the switching behavior of the films, the laser beam from the KrF excimer laser was focused by a convex lens on the surface of theGeTe films using nanosecond laser pulses (20 ns) in order to induce local phase changes. The spot size of the rectangular- shaped laser beam was about 24 /C26m m 2with almost a top hat intensity distribution and the laser fluence was varied between 0 and 195 mJ/cm2by adjusting the laser pulse energy from 0 to 300 mJ. The number of irradiating laserpulses was varied between 0 and 30 pulses. The topography of the as-deposited and irradiated GeTe films was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The optical reflectivityof the films was measured by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Varian Cary 5000) in a wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm by use of an integrating sphere. Crystalline structureanalysis of the laser-irradiated films was performed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu K aradiation ( k¼0.15418 nm) in a parallel beam geometry using a 0.11 /C14parallel slit ana- lyzer (Rigaku Ultima IV). In order to yield a high diffracted intensity from the GeTe films despite the small film thick- ness, grazing incidence diffraction (GID) at a fixed incidenceangle of 1 /C14with respect to the sample surface was employed. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Crystallization process The phase transitions in GeTe films are strongly deter- mined by the temperature rise due to the laser irradiation. The spatial distribution of the temperature T was calculatedby a finite element method 12as function of the pulse laser fluence Uby solving the heat conductivity equation13,14 qGeTe;Si/C1cp;GeTe;Si/C1_Tt;~rsðÞ /C0r jGeTe;Si/C1rTt;~rsðÞ/C0/C1 ¼Qt;~rsðÞ ¼Ut;~rsðÞ /C11/C0Ropt ðÞ Dtp/C1a/C1exp/C0a/C1zðÞ 0 atSiat Ge Te8 < :; where Q is the laser beam induced heat source, qis the den- sity ( q¼6.18 g /C1cm/C01), c pis the heat capacity at constant pressure (here c p¼250 J/C1kg/C01/C1K/C01),jis the thermal conduc- tivity ( j¼80 W/C1mK/C01), R optis the reflectivity (R opt¼74%), ais the absorption coefficient ( a¼0.053 nm/C01) and r sis the spatial coordinate (r s¼rs(x,y,z), z is the depth, x ¼distance from the laser spot center). Figure 1shows the temperature distribution in GeTe af- ter 20 ns single pulse laser irradiation with a fluence of 14 mJ/cm2, which represents the threshold fluence for crys- tallization of GeTe. It is obvious that the GeTe film is char- acterized by a uniform temperature field up to a thickness of about 60 nm (corresponds to the film thickness in this study).Consequently, it is assumed that also for higher laser fluen- ces the complete films can be described by a definedtemperature. At these low laser fluences, the temperature increases by about 30 K only. Considerably, higher tempera-ture rises can be expected for higher laser fluences. Figure 2(a) shows the optical reflectivity of an as- deposited GeTe film and of films after 20 ns laser pulse irra-diation with pulse numbers between 0 and 30 at a constant fluence of 130 mJ/cm 2. The optical reflectivity of the as- deposited film is in the range from 72 to 74% between 400and 700 nm. The reflectivity of the film is slightly increased (3%) when the number of applied laser pulses increases to 3. A more pronounced effect is discernable after irradiation FIG. 1. Modeled 2D temperature distribution of a 60 nm thick GeTe film on Si substrate after single laser pulse irradiation with a fluence of 14 mJ/cm2 for 20 ns. z is the depth, x is the distance from the laser spot center. FIG. 2. (a) Optical reflectivity of as-deposited GeTe-film and films after20 ns laser pulse irradiation with a fluence of 130 mJ/cm 2as a function of number of pulses. The inset shows the corresponding optical microscope image of the irradiated area after 5 pulses. (b) Corresponding X-ray diffrac- tion patterns of GeTe-films as function of the pulse numbers.133501-2 Sun et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133501 (2014)with 5 pulses. For this film the reflectivity is in the range from 85 to 88%, which is significantly higher than that of the as-deposited film. Therefore, it can be concluded that at least5 laser pulses are needed to induce the crystallization pro- cess. Upon further increase of the number of applied laser pulses the reflectivity is further increasing, but the effect isnot so evident anymore. The corresponding results from XRD measurements are shown in Fig. 2(b). The as-deposited film and the film irradiated with 3 laser pulses only show aseveral degrees broad and weak peak centered around 28.3 /C14, typical for the amorphous state. In contrast, when the film is irradiated by /C215 pulses, clearly visible Bragg peaks located at 26.4/C14, 30.2, and 43.7/C14appears, which correspond to the (111), (200) and (220) lattice planes of cubic phase GeTe, respectively. The XRD results are in good agreement withthe optical reflectivity measurements. Consequently, it can be assumed that an increase in the number of laser pulses continuously increases the crystalline fraction of the films. Itcan be accepted that the crystallization process after 20 ns single pulse laser irradiation is incomplete, 15since the diffu- sional processes involved in crystallization require sufficienttime above the threshold temperature typical of the GeTe material. With that the superposition of pulses leads to an increasing crystallization and to the increase of the opticalcontrast. In order to extract the detailed effect of the laser fluence on the phase transition, a series of fluence-dependent opticalreflectivity and XRD measurements of GeTe films was investigated. A laser pulse number of 20 pulses was chosen for all samples in order to obtain comparable data. The opti-cal reflectivity was evaluated at a wavelength of 650 nm, as presented in Figure 3(a). With fluences /C2011 mJ/cm 2, only a slight increase in reflectivity is observed. However, thereflectivity rises abruptly to 86% after laser irradiation with afluence of 14 mJ/cm 2. The reflectivity then increases only slowly upon a gradual fluence increase from 14 and 130 mJ/ cm2, indicating a relatively large stability region of the high optical contrast (up to 130 mJ/cm2). From these results, it can be deduced that the threshold for crystallization of films irradiated with 20 pulses lies between 11 and 14 mJ/cm2. Above this fluence threshold, the series of laser pulses heats the films above its crystallization temperature. The atoms in the GeTe films thus become increasingly mobile and reachthe energetically favorable crystalline state, leading to a par- tial crystallization of the film. With an increase of laser flu- ence, the degree of crystallization increases, correspondingto the increase of film reflectivity. The highest resulting opti- cal contrast between an as-deposited GeTe film and laser irradiated GeTe film is calculated to be /C2414.7%, which is much higher than the optical contrast value for laser induced phase transition of GST. 7In the view of application, the higher reflectivity contrast, the higher signal-to-noise ratioand the high absolute reflectivity of the films are independent of the irradiation fluence in the range between 36 and 130 mJ/cm 2, which indicates a high stability and as a conse- quence a long data retention. Also demonstrated in Figure 3(a), the reflectivity of the laser-irradiated films with flu- ences /C21130 mJ/cm2drops to 82%. This is attributed to abla- tion of the film surface as verified by the SEM image in the inset of Figure 3(a). Holes in the film with sizes in the range from 200 nm to 1 lm are clearly visible. Figure 3(b) presents the evolution of XRD patterns of films irradiated with an increasing laser fluence between 0 to 130 mJ/cm2after irradiation with 20 pulses and a pulse dura- tion of 20 ns at a wavelength of 248 nm. The diffraction pat- tern of the as-deposited film shows only a broad bump located around 28/C14, which is characteristic of the amorphous state, as shown before. No apparent differences in the FIG. 3. (a) Optical reflectivity of GeTe-films at the wavelength of650 nm after irradiation with 20 pulses (pulse duration: 20 ns) as a function of the laser fluence between 4 and 162 mJ/cm 2. The films are amorphous in the as-deposited state. The inset shows an SEM image of the film topography after laser irradiation with 20 pulsesand a fluence of 162 mJ/cm 2. (b) XRD patterns of GeTe-films after irradiation with 20 pulses as function of the laser fluence between 4 and 130 mJ/cm2. The Miller indices correspond to the rhombohedral crystal structure of GeTe with the space group R3m(JCPDS no. 47-1079). (c) Details of the XRD patterns around the 2 hposi- tion of the rhombohedral (202) or/and cubic (200) diffraction peaks, respec- tively. (d) Corresponding interplanar spacings d of the rhombohedral (202) plane or/and cubic (200) plane as a function of the laser fluence. The dashed line is intended as a guide forthe eye, only.133501-3 Sun et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133501 (2014)diffraction spectra can be seen until 11 mJ/cm2. It is also visible that the crystalline diffraction peaks at 26.1/C14, 30.0/C14, 42.3/C14, 43.6/C14, which correspond to the (021), (202), (024) and (220) lattice planes of the rhombohedral phase (the rhombo- hedral structure can be interpreted as a slightly distorted cubic phase), emerge in the GeTe films irradiated with alaser fluence >11 mJ/cm 2. This is in good agreement with the results of the optical reflectivity measurements regarding the threshold of the optical contrast. The intensity of peaks isslightly increased when continuously increasing the laser irradiation fluence from 14 to 36 mJ/cm 2. Simultaneously, the diffraction peak intensity of the (024) reflection graduallydisappears (as described in Figure 3(b)) because of the trans- formation from the rhombohedral phase into the rocksalt phase. Above a fluence of 36 mJ/cm 2only the latter cubic phase is found. The measured fluence dependence correlates with the assumption that a lower fluence is necessary for construction of a low-symmetry rhombohedral unit cell thanfor a high-symmetry cubic unit cell, because there are large atomic displacements required. 16Nevertheless, it is interest- ing to point out that a peak shift to higher diffraction anglescan be observed for fluences between 14 and 36 mJ/cm 2. Exemplary, the shift of the 2 hposition of the rhombohedral (202) reflection at 30/C14toward cubic (200) at 30.2/C14is plotted in Figures 3(c)and3(d). The corresponding interplanar spac- ing d changes from about 0.297 nm to about 0.294 nm after this fluence raise (Figure 3(d)). The peak shift to higher dif- fraction angles or smaller interplanar spacings is the result of the rhombodedral to cubic phase transformation induced by fluences between 14 and 36 mJ/cm2. It is assumed that this reduction of the interplanar spacing is probably due to the release of film stress as a result of the transformation process in the fluence range from 14 to 36 mJ/cm2.17With further increase of the irradiating fluence from 36 to 130 mJ/cm2, not surprisingly, the interplanar spacing slightly increases caused by the higher thermal expansion, resulting in the peakshifting back to a relatively lower angle, as shown in Figs. 3(c)and3(d). To summarize, the crystallization phenomena require several laser pulses instead of only one even at thehighest laser fluence used in this study. As the interval between pulses, i.e., the delay time, is quite long (0.1 s) in comparison to the cool-down time, a laser irradiationinduced temperature rise is not sufficient to explain the crys- tallization behavior. Instead, the results indicate the presence of incubation effects after each pulse, which accumulatewith the number of pulses. The physical nature of those effects remains unclear without further local microstructure investigations. B. Amorphization process The crystallized GeTe thin films were re-amorphized by a single nanosecond laser pulse (20 ns) irradiation at the wavelength of 248 nm and at different laser fluences up to195 mJ/cm 2. It was demonstrated that amorphization of a crystalline film can be achieved with a single laser pulse irra- diation with 8 ns pulses.8In Fig. 4(a), the reflectivity spectra of single pulse irradiated GeTe films in the spectral region from 400 up to 700 nm are shown. For comparison, thereflectivity of as-deposited GeTe films and of a GeTe film af- ter furnace annealing at a temperature of 300/C14C for 20 min is also shown. The reflectivity of this latter crystalline film ranged between 90 and 93%. This figure also exhibits that no obvious reflectivity change after irradiation by a single laserpulse at 98 mJ/cm 2can be observed. However, with an increase of the laser fluence up to about 160 mJ/cm2, a con- tinuous and gradual decrease in reflectivity is detected.Gawelda et al. have also observed such a decreasing trend of the reflectivity of GeTe films after 800 nm single pulse irra- diation for fluences >50 mJ/cm 2which corresponds to for- mation of amorphous regions but also to an increased ablation.8 With further increase of the fluence from 160 to 182 mJ/ cm2, a dramatic decrease in reflectivity can be discerned. It seems that the atoms in the GeTe films are increasingly dis- placed from their lattice sites above a laser fluence of 98 mJ/cm 2. The displaced atoms are quenched during the very short laser pulse interaction with the film, which leads to a partial amorphization of the film. With the increase of laser fluence,the degree of amorphization increases, corresponding to the decrease of film reflectivity. However, when the fluence increases to much higher values ( /C21195 mJ/cm 2), the reflec- tivity of the laser-irradiated films shows only a slight further decrease due to the increased fraction of amorphization and FIG. 4. (a) Optical reflectivity of GeTe-films in the wavelength range between 400 and 700 nm after irradiation with a single 20 ns laser pulse as function of the laser fluence. For comparison, the optical reflectivity of an as-deposited GeTe-film and a crystalline GeTe-film after thermal annealing at 300/C14C for 20 min, both produced by PLD, are shown. The inset displays an SEM image of the surface after single laser pulse irradiation with a flu- ence of 195 mJ/cm2. (b) XRD patterns of nanosecond laser pulse irradiated GeTe-films as a function of the laser pulse fluence.133501-4 Sun et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 133501 (2014)a significant ablation, as visible in the inserted SEM images in Figure 4(a). In order to confirm the structural transition from crystalline to amorphous state, those films with fluencesbetween 98 and 182 mJ/cm 2were studied by X-ray diffrac- tion, as shown in Fig. 4(b). It can be observed again that with an increase of the fluence from 98 to 182 mJ/cm2, the inten- sity of diffraction peaks is gradually decreased. Thus, the amorphous fraction in the crystalline films increases with increase of the laser fluence. These results demonstrate thatamorphization of crystalline GeTe films can be achieved with single UV nanosecond (20 ns) laser pulse irradiation of sufficient fluence. IV. CONCLUSION This study provides a contribution to the elucidation of the amorphous-to-crystalline a nd vice versa phase transi- tion of GeTe 1.6films grown by pulsed laser deposition on silicon substrates. The phase transformation processes are g e n e r a t e db yi r r a d i a t i o nw i t h2 0 n sl a s e rp u l s e sa taw a v e - length of 248 nm and are investigated in dependence on thenumber of pulses and the laser fluence. A reversible phase transition is realized by using pulse numbers /C215 at fluences above the threshold fluence between 11 and 14 mJ/cm 2for crystallization and single pulses at a fluence between 162 and 182 mJ/cm2for amorphization. Moreover, a detailed structural evolution of rhombohe dral-to-cubic phase transi- tion is shown. The reflectivity contrast between the laser induced and as-deposited films is studied and achieves a maximum of 14.7% for laser fluences between 36 and 130mJ/cm 2.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the Leipzig School of Natural Sciences BuildMoNa (Grant No. GS 185/1). 1M. Wuttig and N. Yamada, Nat. Mater 6, 824 (2007). 2M. H. Lankhorst, B. W. Ketelaars, and R. A. Wolters, Nat. Mater 4, 347 (2005). 3A. V. Kolobov, P. Fons, A. I. 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Tunable twinguide laser: A novel laser diode with improved tuning performance M.C. Amann, S. Illek, C. Schanen, and W. Thulke Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 2532 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101065 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101065 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/25?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Metalgratingoutcoupled, surfaceemitting distributedfeedback diode lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2795 (1996); 10.1063/1.116846 First order gaincoupled GaInAs/GaAs distributed feedback laser diodes patterned by focused ion beam implantation Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 1906 (1996); 10.1063/1.117617 Fabrication and characteristics of tunable twinguide DFB lasers by all MOVPE AIP Conf. Proc. 227, 188 (1991); 10.1063/1.40650 Surfaceemitting laser diode with vertical GaAs/GaAlAs quarterwavelength multilayers and lateral buried heterostructure Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 1655 (1987); 10.1063/1.98586 Fouriertransformlimited, singlemode picosecond optical pulse generation by a distributed feedback InGaAsP diode laser Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 843 (1984); 10.1063/1.95421 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:16:41Tunable twin~guide laser: A novel laser diode with improved tuning performance M.-C, Amann, S, Iliek, C. Schanen, and W, Thulke Siemens AG, Research Laboratories, D-8000 1l1Tmchen 83, Federal Republic a/Germany (Received 14 February 1989; accepted for publication 11 Apri11989) A new wavelength tunable laser diode with a basically continuous tuning behavior is presented. This essential progress is achieved by transversely tuning the effective index of a distributed feedback laser using a twin waveguide. Due to the built-in synchronization of the Bragg wavelength and the optical cavity length, the wavelength is controlled by only a single current. The device technology and preliminary experimental results demonstrating the transverse tuning mechanism are presented. Tunable single-frequency laser diodes in the I,3-L55 pm wavelength region are key devices for future fiber optical communication systems based on wavelength division mul tiplexing or coherent optical techniques. For these applica tions, several monolithic device structures have been devel oped 1-6 enabling a continuous tuning up to 4.4 nm.4 Tunable lasers are commonly made by longitudinaHy integrating an amplifying section with a phase shifter and a Bragg reflec tor. 3-5 A major disadvantage of these three-section devices is the rather complicated mutual adjustment of the currents flowing into the phase control and the Bragg reflector sec tions. The nonlinear recombination processes together with the inevitable fabrication tolerances require each laser to be calibrated individually. 7 Moreover, degradation may cause a deviation from this adjustment after some time of operation. In practice, therefore, a built-in self-synchronization between the phase condition and Bragg wavelength would be highly desirable in order to reduce the expense for the frequency control and the evaluation of the indivudual de vice performance. It is hence the objective of this letter to report on a novel tunable laser diode in which such a syn chronization with the corresponding continuous tuning be havior is realized. In addition, preliminary experimental re sults are presented proving the efficiency of the new approach. The basic concept underlying the novel device is to tune both the optical length of a distributed feedback (DFB) la ser and the Bragg wavelength ofi.ts grating synchronously by transversely varying the effective index of the laser cavity. Since the Bragg wavelength and the optical length of the resonator scale equally with the effective index, the longitu dinal mode order remains unchanged while tuning the free space wavelength, which yields a continuous tuning behav ior. The InGaAsP/lnP twin guide (TG) as shown schematically in Fig. 1 is a well-suited waveguide structure for this purpose. For independent biasing, the active layer of index II a and the tuning layer of (variable) index n tare decoupled electrically by a thin n-InP layer of index no' p type InP confinement layers and contacts on both sides of the TG and an n-type contact connected to the central n-InP layer complete the essential structure of the tunable twin guide (TTG) laser, By i.ncorporating a (.-1. Ifour shifted) Bragg grating, e.g" on top of the tuning layer, single longitu dinal mode emission can be achieved. Laser operation and wavelength tuning are controlled by the currents II and It flowing into the active and the tuning layer, respectively. The intensity of the optical field S( x) in the TTG laser is also shown in Fig. I to illustrate the strong optical coupling between the active and the tuning layer. A cross-sectional end view of a TTG laser structure based upon the planar buried ridge structure (PBRS) laserS is shown schematically in Fig. 2, As compared to Fig. 1 the Bragg grating can also be located in an additional InGaAsP layer at the bottom of the active layer. Using higher band gap InGaAsP than in the tuning layer, the recombination tosses at the grating interface can thereby be reduced by re taining a high tuning efficiency, The p contact for the laser current is on the bottom side of the p-InP substrate, whereas both the p contact for the tuning current and the common n contact are placed on top of the chip. For a low-resistive ohmic contact, the n-type metallization is applied onto a heavily n-doped en = 2 X 1019 em -3) InGaAs layer located outside the PBRS region. The p-type tuning contact is made low resistive and connected to the p-InP confinement layer above the tuning layer by zinc diffusion. Excess leakage cur rents across the forward-biased InP homo junction are sup- FIG. L Fundametnal structure of a TTG laser ill InGaAsP IIllP material system. 2532 Appi. Phys. Lett. 54 (25), i 9 June i 989 0003-6951/89/252532-02$01.00 (c) 1989 American Institute of Physics 2532 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:16:41~ oxide m metallization FIG. 2. Schematic crass-secti()nal end view of a TTG laser in planar buried ridge structure technology. pressed by etching a 40-,um-wide mesa stripe. The longitudi Ilal homogeneity of the TTG laser allows an arbitrary choice of the cavity length by cleaving. This makes possible a flexi ble control of essential laser parameters, particularly of the cpticallinewidth. In a first and nonoptimized experimental structure, the thicknesses of the active layer (A~ = 1.52 jim), the tuning layer (Ag = 1.3 pm), and the n-InP separation layer are 0.13,0.16, and 0.1 !tm, respectively, and the cavity length is 400 ,urn. The width of the buried ridge is about 3.5 jim. The p-t -InGaAsP (Ag = 1.3 ,urn) and n +--InGaAs contact stripes are 4 and 6,um wide, respectively. The fl-and p-InP layers are doped with 1 X 10' 1\ em --3 and 5 X 10 l7 em --\ re spectively. Since the main objective of the present investiga tion is to get a first insight into the transverse tuning mecha nism rather than to study the single-mode emission, we used a simple Fabry-Perot laser made by two-stage liquid phase epitaxy and omitted the Bragg grating and the quaternary layer below the active region. Figure 3 shows the transverse tuning characteristic of this TTG laser diode, I.e., the wavelength shift t:.A (It ) = A (It ) -A (1t = 0) which has been obtained by investigating the wavelength of a specified longitudinal mode at various tuning currents It. The optical output pow er perfacet was about 2 m W (1/ = 60 mA). With increasing I" an longitudinal modes shift to smaner wavelengths (t:.A. < 0) indicating the electronic tuning. In close agree ment with results on multi sectional tunable lasers,5,6 the wavelength shift LVl is approximately proportional to the square root of It. The efficiency of the tuning is at least com parable to that of the usual multisection devices.5 By using a tuning current as low as 30 mA (2.1 kAI cm2), a wavelength shift of about 2 nm is achieved. Similar to other tunable laser diodes/) the output power at constant II decreases with in creasing It. This dependence is rather weak for I, < 30 rnA. At I, = 30 mA the output power is reduced by about 50% and for I, = 35 rnA the threshold current exceeds 60 rnA. Hence in these nonoptimized TTG laser I, is limited to about 30 rnA and the maximum tuning range is around 2 nm, corresponding to more than two longitudinal mode spacings of the 400-,um-long cavity. However, model ca1cu lations9 using experimental An versus current density char- 2533 App\. Phys. Lett, Vol. 54, No. 25, 19 June 1989 o E -1 r:: ..< <l -2 L:::;400~m o 10 20 30 FIG. 3. Wavelength shift vs tuning current measured at a light output pow er around 2 m W per facet. The schematic shape of the mode spectrum is shown in the inset for two values of .he tuning current. acteristics5 indicate that an optimized 2-pm-wide and 400- ,urn-long A = 1.55 !-lm TTG laser with a Ag = 1.38 /-tm tuning layer may yield 8 nm continuous tuning range at I, = 80 rnA (10 kA/cm2). In conclusion, we have presented a novel tunable laser diode, the tunable twin-quide (TTG) laser, which utilizes a transverse tuning mechanism. This kind of tuning is realized with a twin-waveguide structure and exhibits an inherent continuous tuning behavior. Furthermore, the wavelength control is facilitated since only a single current is required for wavelength tuning. We have developed a fabrication technology based on the planar buried ridge structure and demonstrated the transverse tuning mechanism by using Fabry-Perot laser diodes. Although being preliminary, these first TTG lasers show a high tuning efficiency and a maximum continuous tuning range of2 nm at a tuning cur rent of 30 rnA. The optimization of the laser and the incorpo ration of a DFE grating are expected to result in single-mode devices with an estimated continuous tuning range up to about 8 nm. The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful discus sions with B. Stegm'liHer and J. Heinen and are also grateful to L. lunker, G. Ehrlinger, and H. Lang for preparation and evaluation of the lasers, 'N. K. Dutta, A. B. Piccirilli, T. Celia, and R. L. Brown, App!. Phys. Lett. 48, 150l (1986). 2L. D_ Westbrook. A. W. Nelson, P. J. Fiddymcnt, and J. R Collins. Elec tron, Lett. ::m, 957 (1984). "D. Lederc, J. Jacquet, D. Sigogne, C. Labourie, Y Louis, C. Artiguc, and J. Benoit, Electron Lett. 25,45 (1989). 4S. Murata, T. Numai, S, Takano, t Mito, and K. Kobayashi, Digest 11th IEEE Semiconductor Laser Conference. 3! August--l September, 1988, Boston (IEBE/LEOS, Piscataway, NJ, 1988), p. 122. 'Yo Kotaki, M. Matsuda, H. ishikawa, and H. Imai, Electron. Lett. 24, 503 (1988). 6K. Kobayashi and 1. Mito, J. Lightwave TechnoL LT-6, 1623 (1988). 'p, I. Kuindersma, T. \I. Dongen, G. L A. v. d. Hofstad, W. Dijksterhuis, and J, J. M_ Binsma, Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Optical Communications (EeOC), 11-15 Sept., 1988, Brighton, UK (lEE, Lon don, UK, 1988), p. 368. "W. Thulke, A. Zach, alld H.-D. Wolf, Siemens Forsell. Entwic!dungsber. 17, I (1988). "M_-C Amann (unpublished model calculations). Amann eta/. 2533 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:16:41
The influence of ion bombardment on reactions between Ti and gaseous N2 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 8, 861 (1990); doi: 10.1116/1.576931 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576931 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/8/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in The effects of ion bombarding energy on the structure and properties of TiN films synthesized by dual ion beam sputtering J. Appl. Phys. 75, 2002 (1994); 10.1063/1.356299 Reactions of Gaseous Molecule Ions with Gaseous Molecules. II J. Chem. Phys. 24, 926 (1956); 10.1063/1.1742664 The Exchange Reaction between Gaseous and Combined Nitrogen J. Chem. Phys. 9, 775 (1941); 10.1063/1.1750839 The Exchange Reaction Between Gaseous and Combined Nitrogen J. Chem. Phys. 9, 726 (1941); 10.1063/1.1750985 The Exchange Reaction between Gaseous and Combined Nitrogen J. Chem. Phys. 9, 571 (1941); 10.1063/1.1750956 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32The influence of ion bombardment on reactions between Ti and gaseous N2 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell Code 4675, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C. 20375-5000 (Received 17 February 1989; accepted 7 October 1989) Simultaneous Auger electron spectroscopy and ion bombardment were used to study the influence of ion bombardment on the amount of nitrogen accumulated on a Ti surface in a low pressure nitrogen atmosphere. The nitrogen level was measured as a function of time, ion flux, nitrogen partial pressure, and Ti temperature both directly before and during bombardment with 150 keY Ti+ ions. As a result of the ion bombardment, the steady-state nitrogen level increased (and in some cases decreased) by an amount determined by the balance between the ion flux and the flux of nitrogen gas. The experimental results were interpreted in terms of a multiple-step process involving ion beam induced dissociative chemisorption of physisorbed molecular nitrogen. The time dependence of the nitrogen concentration at the Ti surface was modeled with a pair of differential equations that described the time rate of change of the physisorbed and chemisorbed contributions to the surface nitrogen in terms of both ion beam induced and thermally activated processes. These equations were solved numerically and the solutions agreed with the experimental behavior. In addition, the results of this study were used to explain observed variations in properties of thin film TiN grown by ion-assisted reactive deposition. I. INTRODUCTION Although ion bombarment during thin film deposition can have a dramatic and often advantageous influence on film properties, very little is known about the details of the phys ical processes induced by the ion beam. For example, ion bombardment can affect the kinetics of chemical reactions between elements on a condensing surface and the constitu ents of the surrounding atmosphere resulting in modifica tions to the composition of compound films grown by reac tive deposition techniques. While such phenomena have been noted in the literature and have been the subject of some speculation, there has been little direct and systematic ex perimental investigation of such phenomena. Previously Kant et al.I reported the qualitative features of ion beam induced modification of the composition of TiN films depos ited by ion beam assisted deposition. Subsequently, Baba2 studied nitrogenation of metals during Ar+ bombardment and concluded that it occurred through a chemical reaction and that the extent of the nitrogenation correlated with the Gibbs free energy of nitride formation. The investigation re ported here is designed to elucidate the mechanism and to help provide a quantitative description of the influence of ion bombardment on surface reactions that control the composi tion and, hence, the properties of films grown by reactive ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD). For these experiments, a low partial-pressure of nitrogen (N) was introduced into a vacuum system and the time dependence of the accumula tion of N on a titanium (Ti) surface was measured during ion bombardment as a function of ion flux, sample tempera ture, and N pressure. The data was interpreted with the aid of a numerical model and the resulting conclusions were used as the basis for a new explanation of the relationship between the TiN deposition parameters and the resultant mechanical properties. II. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Figure 1 is a schematic of the ultra-high vacuum chamber that was equipped with a cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA) with a coaxial electron gun for Auger electron spec troscopy (AES). The chamber also contained a low-energy ion gun (indicated by the letter B) that was oriented 62° out of the plane of the figure, a precision leak valve for introduc ing controlled amounts of gases, and a residual gas analyzer for monitoring the partial pressures of the gaseous species present in the chamber. The chamber was connected to a 200 k V, medium-current Varian/Extrion ion implanter through a differentially pumped antechamber3 that contained a 3 mm diam beam defining aperture and a rotating wire for measuring relative beam current entering the analysis chamber. For these stud ies isotopically pure 150 ke V Ti + ions were used, with cur rent densities up to 20 flA/cm2• This Ti + beam was electro statically rastered both horizontally and vertically to ensure laterial uniformity of the average ion current density at the sample for time intervals greater than I s. Disks, 1 cm2, of high-purity, mechanically polished Ti were mounted on a heating stage that was attached to a pre cision XYZ manipulator. Heating was provided by electron bombardment on the reverse side of the sample, with tem perature measured using a chromel/alumel thermocouple that was clamped to the front surface. Also attached to the manipulator was a small Faraday cup (not shown in the figure) with an entrance aperture plate that was positioned in the same vertical plane as the surface of the Ti sample. The size of the aperture was 1 mm2• This Faraday cup provided for alignment of the electron and ion beams from the CMA, low-energy ion gun, and ion implanter. The base pressure in the target chamber was 1.3 X 10-7 Pa, which rose to LOX 10-6 Pa when the chamber was 861 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8 (2), MarlApr 1990 0734-2101/90/020861-07$01.00 (e; 1990 American Vacuum Society 861 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32862 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell: Ion bombardment between Ti and gaseous N2 862 opened to the implanter and the Ti + beam was incident on the sample. For the experiments, N gas was intentionally introduced into the chamber to produce pressures ranging from 1.3 X 10-5 to 1.3 X 10-4 Pa. The procedures for each experiment were as follows. The Faraday cup was positioned to verify that the electron and ion beams were coincident at the focal point of the CMA, with the entrance aperture plate oriented such that it made an angle of 50 ° with respect to the CMA axis and 40 ° with the Ti + beam vector. The Ti + beam current density mea sured with the Faraday cup was then correlated with the current measured on the rotating wire. Next, the Ti sample was placed in the analysis position at the same angle given above, the temperature was set to a preselected value, and the surface was sputter-cleaned using 2 keY Ar+ ions from the low-energy ion gun. The N gas was introduced into the chamber to the desired pressure with the time dependence of the surface composition monitored with AES. Spectra were acquired digitally on a personal computer every 25 s with the C KLL (272 eV), N KLL (379 eV), Ti LMM (387 eV), Ti LMV( 418 eV), and OKLL (503 eV) transitions being mea sured. Once a steady-state composition had been achieved, ion bombardment with 150 ke V Ti + was initiated, ensuring that the current remained constant on the rotating wire, with AES data continuing to be acquired until a steady-state sur face composition was again achieved. Finally, the N gas flow was stopped and the surface composition was monitored un til all adsorbed species had been sputter removed by the Ti + beam. The AES data was analyzed using relative sensitivity fac tors obtained by analyzing spectra from bulk samples of TiN and Ti02. These factors were 0.45 for N KLL, 0.45 for Ti LMV, and 0.32 for 0 KLL. Since it was not possible to re solve the N KLL from the Ti LMM transitions, a deconvolu tion technique was applied4 to determine the Ti and N con centrations. 4" 10 VALVE ® --CMA &1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 Experiments were performed with ion current densities of 7 and 20 J1A/cm2, for N partial pressures of 1.3,2.6,4.0,6.6, and 13.3 X 10-5 Pa and for substrate temperatures of250 °C, 350°C, and 450 °C. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The qualitative behavior ofthe N KLL AES intensity con firmed the occurrence of ion beam induced effects on reac tion kinetics, which had been inferred from previous studies of TiN grown with concurrent ion bombardment. In the present case, the net effect of the Ti + ion beam was to change the steady-state N level at the Ti surface. This level could be shifted up or down by adjusting the experimental conditions. In addition to these net changes of the N levels, the transient behavior of the N signal following the onset of bombardment was also significant. Initially, the N level decreased under bombardment but then it began to increase. The implica tions of this increase are far reaching and are discussed at length below. Carbon was not detected for any of the experi ments and oxygen gettered from the ambient atmosphere was quickly removed under ion bombardment. A typical time dependence for both the Nand 0 concen trations is shown in Fig. 2. The lines connecting data points are included as guides to the eye only. This data is for a sample that was at a temperature of250 °C and in a N partial pressure of 1.3 X 10-5 Pa. The figure is divided into three phases. During phase I, the ion beam was off and N 2 gas was introduced into the chamber. N accumulated rapidly at first and then more gradualy as a steady-state level was ap proached. The 0 level behaved similarly and reached a rela tively large value considering that the ratio of the partial pressures of 0 to N was 3 X 10-3• Note that the 0 level continued to increase after the N level was nearly saturated and that this growth was not at the expense of the N level. This indicated that the absorbed 0 was not simply replacing RESIDUAL GAS ANALYZER FIG. I. Schematic diagram of experimen tal apparatus. (A) sample heating (1000 °C) and cooling ( -150°C) stage, (B) sputter ion gun (5 kV) directed attar- get 62° out-of-plane. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32863 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell: Ion bombardment between Ti and gaseous N2 863 the N. The behavior of the 0 may be explained by 0 entering Ti to the subsurface.s-7 The 0 level was included here pri marily to illustrate the dramatically different behavior ex hibited by 0 and N during the ion bombardment phase of the experiment. However, the cause of the 0 behavior is beyond the scope of this paper and will not be discussed further. During phase II, the sample was bombarded with 150 keY Ti + ions and for the case shown here at a current density of7 f1A/cm2• Initially, both the N and the 0 levels decreased rapidly. Although the 0 concentration continued to de crease during bombardment, the N concentration stopped decreasing and began to increase gradually. The final con centration reached depended on the ion flux and N partial pessure. For most of the cases examined, the steady-state N level under ion bombardment exceeded the steady-state level without bombardment. An exception was the case with both the highest ion flux (20 f1AI cm2) and the lowest N pressure. In this case, the steady-state N level under bombardment was less than it was without ion irradiation. Once a steady state condition had been reached, the third and final phase was initiated by discontinuing the supply of N gas, which resulted in the sputter removal of the N by the Ti + ions. During these experiments, it was difficult to determine exactly when the N signal was saturated and, thus, data ac quisition may have been discontinued before a steady-state condition was actually reached. Therefore, we decided not to use the last value acquired as the steady-state level. Instead, the steady-state levels were obtained numerically by fitting the N concentration data as a function of time to a simple exponential function of the form (1) where Y m is the N steady-state level, t is the time, to is the time at the beginning of the phase, and tc is the characteristic time constant for the process. Each phase of each run was treated independently. This function was selected because it 6 0.20 i= () « c: u. g :;E o ~ 0.10 II NITROGEN TIME (seconds) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 was expected to provide a reasonably good description of the asymptotic approach to steady state exhibited by the N con centration data. Each phase of each run was treated individ ually and thus the behavior of the steady-state N levels was determined for each combination of ion bombardment flux, sample temperature, and N partial pressure. The dependence of the steady-state level on experimental conditions is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Figure 3 is a plot of the N steady-state levels as a function of sample temperature for a Ti + current density of7 f1A/cm2 and for three values ofN partial pressure. Figure 4 shows the dependence of steady state level on the N pressure for a sample temperature of 350°C with no ion bombardment and with 7 and 20 f1AI cm2 Ti + ion fluxes. While the temperature dependence is weak, there is a consistent trend toward a maximum accumulation of N at temperatures between 250 and 450°C for all cases examined. Moreover, this steady-state level increases with increasing partial pressure of N. The net effect of the bom bardment is most clearly evident from the behavior of the N concentration as a function of ion flux at fixed N partial pressure (Fig. 4). Here, the steady-state N concentration obtained for no ion flux can be compared to that observed for ion current densities of20 and 7 f1A/cm2• The N steady-state levels obtained during ion bombardment at 7 f1A/cm2 were substantially larger than observed for no ion bombardment for all N pressures tested. At a higher current density (20 f1AI cm2), similar but smaller increases in steady-state levels were oserved to result from Ti + bombardment for all pres sures except the two lowest values. This behavior can be understood in terms of a new kinetic model, which accounts for the various particle fluxes at the Ti surface and includes effects arising from ion bombardment. IV. KINETICS MODELING The nitrogen level during phase I (no ion bombardment) can be modeled approximately by a single ordinary differen- Ti+ 500 III FIG. 2. Surface concentrations of nitrogen and oxygen on Ti as a function of time. N, gas flow was on during phases I and II. The ion beam was off during phase I and was on during phases II and III. Sample temperature was 250°C, current density was 7 flA/cm', and nitrogen pressure was 1.3 X 10-5 Pa. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32864 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell: Ion bombardment between Ti and gaseous N2 864 :§. 40 r Z w II: 8 II: I-Z w ~ 20 II: ::;) (J) NITROGEN PRESSURE ("-'~i o?~~ 3.9 + 1.3a /------ 200 300 400 TEMPERATURE (0C) FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of the steady-state nitrogen levels during bombardment with 7 /lA/cm' of 150 keY Ti+ ions. tial equation that describes the time rate of change of the N in terms of the incident gas flux, the degree of surface cover age, and thermally activated desorption. However, such a simple model is totally inadequate to give even qualitative agreement with the behavior exhibited during the bombard ment phase of the experiments (phase II). Moreover, no significant improvement in agreement with the experiment is realized if the only ion beam induced effect included in the model is sputtering. The problem is that such a simple model fails to provide any mechanism that can account for ob served increases during bombardment. There must be a mechanism which overcomes the loss ofN due to sputtering and which can eventually lead to a steady-state level that is -~ 0 Cij -z 40 w (!) 0 a: t: z w U < 20 u.. a: ::> en 1 3 larger than it was without bombardment. To explain the ob served behavior, it was necessary to postulate that the sur face N exists in two forms or states, that the two forms be have differently under bombardment, and that ion bombardment activates a conversion from one form to the other. The qualitative behavior of the N signal as a function of time was described successfully with a mathematical model consisting of a pair of coupled ordinary differential equa tions [Eq.(2) and Eq.(3) 1 that determine the time rate of change of the concentration per unit area of each of two, as of yet, unspecified forms of N, which are identified here as n and n'. !!!!.... = J [1 -(n + n')INT] -(nFP INT -nFS)INT dt -nK) exp( -Q/B) -nK2 exp( -Q2IB) , (2) dn' = nFSINT + nK2 exp( -Q2IB) -n'FP'IN T dt (3) These equations take into account the quantities normally expected to influence the composition: the flux of N gas im pinging on the Ti surface, the fraction of the surface covered with N, thermal desorption, and sputtering. In addition, a term has been included to account for a newly proposed pro cess which is an ion beam induced reaction that converts the unprimed form, n, to the primed form, n'. In Eq. (2), the first term describes the accumulation of n due to the gas flux, J, and accounts for gas rejected because a site was already oc cupied. NT is maximum number of available sites. The sec ond and third terms account for sputtering and for an ion induced conversion of n into n', respectively, where Fis the ion flux, Pis the probability of sputtering, and S is the proba- 10 FIG. 4. Steady-state level of surface nitrogen as a function of N, partial pressure for no ion bombardment, and for low and high ion fluxes. N2 PARTIAL PRESSURE (10-5 Pa) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32865 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell: Ion bombardment between Ti and gaseous N2 865 bility of the postulated ion induced reaction that converts n to n'. The last two terms deal with the loss of n by thermally activated desorption and by a thermally activated reaction which converts n to n', respectively. QJ and Q2 are the activa tion energies, KJ and K2 are the preexponential factors for these thermally activated processes, and B is kT, i.e., the product of the Boltzmann constant and the absolute tem perature. Similarly, Eq. (3) describes the time rate of change of the n' form of N. The first and second terms account for the ion induced and the thermally activated reactions to form n', respectively. The third term describes sputtering of n' and the last term describes loss of n' due to thermal de sorption. Here P' is the probability of sputtering n', and Q3 and K3 are the corresponding parameters for thermal de sorption of n'. Note that contrary to common practice, we have inten tionally avoided casting our equations in terms of sputtering yields and sticking coefficients since these quantities only assume their tabulated values for a narrowly defined and limited range of conditions. Strictly speaking, such coeffi cients are expected to be complex functions of the N concen tration we seek to calculate. Thus, use of these quantities would have only added an unnecessary complication to the model. Instead, we have cast our equations in terms of more fundamental quantities, the probabilities for ion induced processes, and in terms of the activation energies and pre exponentials for thermally activated processes. The proba bilities are proportional to the cross sections for the corre sponding events. This formalism was selected because the probabilities and activation energies were expected to be rea sonably independent of the N level throughout the range of conditions encountered here. Solutions to Eqs. (1) and (2) were obtained numerically using the experimental values for gas flux, J, and ion flux, F. The values used to define the magnitudes of sputtering pro babilities, Pand P', and the probability, S, of an ion induced n to n' reaction were treated as the principle adjustable pa- II N2 20 # ... o 0 o o o 3 z w <!l 0 a: !::: z 10 200 400 TIME (s) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 o o rameters. The values used to describe the thermally activat ed processes, desorption, and the thermally activated reac tion to form n', were treated as adjustable parameters subject to constraints outlined below. A detailed knowledge of the nature of the two hypotheti cal forms ofN is not necessary to investigate the qualitative features of solutions to Eqs. (2) and (3). However, the fol lowing assumptions were made concerning the two forms and about the processes influencing their rates of accumula tion. The unprimed form of N, n, is assumed to be derived from the ambient atmosphere and is only weakly bound to Ti. Thus, this form of N is expected to be easily removed by thermal desorption or by sputter erosion. Moreover, the ac tivation energy for the thermally induced reaction, which converts it to the second form, is taken to be large compared to kT. The second form of N is, by contrast, strongly bound to the surface and, thus, is more strongly resistant both to thermal desorption and to removal by sputtering. While these properties were found to be necessary, solutions to the model equations based upon these assumptions alone could not be made to agree, even qualitatively, with the N signal observed during the ion bombardment phase of the experi ments. However, the required results could be obtained by postulating that the ion beam induces transformations from the loosely bound form, n, to the tightly bound form n'. With this process incorporated into the model, the qualitative be havior of the time dependence of the N level calculated by the model agreed well with experimentally observed behav ior. An example of this agreement between qualitative fea tures of the calculated and observed behaviors is shown in Fig. 5. The solid line is the calculated behavior of n + n' and the open circles are the same experimental data points plot ted in Fig. 2. We have superimposed the theoretical and ex perimental values on one plot to illustrate the qualitative agreement only. One must be cautious in making a quantita tive comparison because the two quantities plotted are, in III Ti+ 600 FIG. 5. Results of model calculation (solid curve) of total surface nitrogen plotted against experimental data (open circles) for the same run data, as shown in Fig. 2 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32866 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell: Ion bombardment between Ti and gaseous N2 866 fact, slightly different. They differ because the AES analysis is sensitive to N contained in the first three to four mono layers, but the model deals with only surface N. However, a direct comparison of the qualitative behavior of the two quantities is justified if the amount of surface N scales with the amount of N averaged over the first few monolayers. With this assumption in mind, a comparison of the experi mental and theoretical curves indicates that this model, which uses two forms ofN, can correctly predict the rise in N level that occurs following its initial drop at the onset of ion bombardment (beginning of phase II). The values of the parameters used in the calculation of the solution for the case shown in Fig. 5 are listed in Table I. Because the temperature was constant throughout this run, it was possible to reduce the number of adjustable param eters by replacing each of the exponentials, together with their prefactors, by a single parameter. Then, aside from the fluxes of N2 and ions, which assumed their experimentally measured values, the parameters were determined by an iter ative process in which the parameters were systematically varied to achieve qualitative agreement between experimen tal data and the model. Since the main intent of this phase of the study was to establish that qualitative agreement with the experimental data was possible with equations of the form ofEqs. (2) and (3), the iteration process was terminat ed when this point was reached. It is expected that an ex haustive computer study could be used to refine the values determined thus far, but such a study is beyond the scope of this investigation. However, the values of P, S, and P' deter mined by the fit were used to obtain estimates of the cross sections c for the corresponding ion beam induced events. For example, the cross section for sputtering of an n-type atom is given by cp = PINT. Similarly, the cross sections for sputtering of n' atoms, c;, and for ion induced conversion of n to n', c" are PINT and S INT, respectively. These cross sections values are also listed in Table I. The good agreement found between the model and experi ment lead to the following speculations about the detailed nature of the two forms of N postulated above and of the processes responsible for the observed behavior. The un primed form of N is presumed to be molecular N. This is known to have an exceptionally strong bond. x Thus, while molecular N would be expected to accumulate rapidly on a freshly cleaned Ti surface, initially it would be bound to the surface by only the relatively weak van der Waals forces and must dissociate before it can become tightly bound to Ti at TABLE l. Parameters used to obtain the solution shown in Fig. 5. J Nr F P S K, exp( -Q/B) K, exp( -Q,/B) K, exp( -QJB) P' 2XlO'4 em-'s-' 7 X 1015 em' 4.4X 1013 em~-' s-' 25 (el' =3.6XIO-15 em') 7 (c, = l.OX 10-15 em') 5 X 10 ' 2x 10-5 2x 10 1 1.5 (cp =2.1XlO 16 em::) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 the surface. However, at low temperatures the activation en ergy for this dissociative chemisorption of N is large8 com pared to kT. Therefore, in the absence of ion bombardment, the surface N is expected to be primarily in the form of this physisorbed molecular N. However, under ion bombardment the energy needed to drive the dissociative reaction could be supplied by an ion beam and the amount ofN in the reacted form, n', would be expected to increase. However, the ion beam also removes n by sputtering. Thus, the steady-state surface compositions depend on the balance between the incident gas and ion fluxes which, in turn, determine the balance between the competing ion beam induced effects, sputtering, and ion induced conversion of n to n'. V. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS We have shown experimentally that ion bombardment of a Ti surface exposed to N gas has a strong influence on the surface composition and that successful modelling of the time dependence of this composition can be achieved if it is assumed that two forms ofN exist at the Ti surface. We have speculated about the nature of the two forms, i.e., initially the N is in the form of physisorbed molecular N and in its final state, it is bound to Ti in the form of TiN. Moreover, our interpretation of the experimental data suggests that ion beam induced surface reactions are required to explain the observed behavior. However, many of the details of the pro cess have yet to be established. Examples of the remaining questions include: Is the dissociation process a direct conse quence of ballistic processes or is the molecule simply excit ed to an elevated energy level from which it can more readily react? What are the roles of ion beam mixing and other irra diation induced and or chemically guided segregation ef fects? Although a full understanding of the details of the pro cesses must await further study, the understanding already gained from these experiments has served as the basis for a proposed explanation for dramatic variations of the proper ties of TiN coatings grown under different deposition condi tions. TiN produced commercially by magnetron sputter ing, for example, is a hard and brittle material, whereas, the same compound grown in the laboratory by reactive ion beam assisted deposition has been soft and ductile. J Our cur rent results suggest that an explanation for the soft and duc tile behavior may be that unreacted molecular N accumu lates on, and becomes trapped within the film during growth. Based upon the results presented above, such an accumulation of physisorbed N would be expected unless the ion flux is sufficiently large relative to the N gas flux to limit such an accumulation. It is reasonable to expect that if most of this N is not removed by ion bombardment (or by ther mally activated processes at elevated temperatures), it may be incorporated into the grain boundaries of a growing film. This could lead to incomplete bonding across grain boundar ies which, in turn, would decrease the yield strength and account for the observed reduction in hardness. In addition, such incomplete bonding at grain boundaries would be ex pected to affect other properties as well. For example, poor intergranular bonding could restrict electron conduction Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32867 R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell: Ion bombardment between Ti and gaseous N2 867 between grains and lead to decreases in both electrical con ductivity and optical reflectivity. It is interesting to note that in the commercial magnetron sputtering process which pro duces hard TiN, the N partial pressure is carefully con trolled, ostensibly to limit poisoning of the Ti sputtering tar get which, in turn, reduces the deposition rates. However, we propose that this limitation on N pressure may also be re sponsible for controlling the film properties as described above. The results presented here indicate that the presence of large quantities ofunreacted N at a growth surface should be expected for certain film preparation parameters. Further more, we proposed that if this N were to be incorporated into a growing film, it could significantly alter the properties of that film. It was also suggested that because ion bombard ment could be used to control both the amount and form of the surface N, it should be possible to control or adjust film properties by controling the balance between the ion and atomic fluxes at the growth surface. To test these ideas, we prepared a series of TiN samples with ion beam assisted de position using a range of conditions which were expected to vary the amount of molecular N at the growth surface and to vary the rate of dissociative chemisorption ofN to form TiN. The results of these experiments were consistent with the view presented above and they are summarized below. The details of this work are beyond the scope of this paper and are presented elsewhere.9 Measurements of hardness, reflectivity, and electrical conductivity were made for TiN grown using various rela tive values of ion and atomic fluxes. The results indicated a strong dependence of these properties on the relative N pres sure during film growth. That is, as the ratio of ion flux to the N gas flux was increased, the hardness, reflectivity, and elec trical conductivity all increased. These results were com pletely consistent with the views presented above. VI. SUMMARY In situ AES measurements of surface composition of Ti exposed to a N atmosphere were made as a function of ion bombardment flux, partial pressure of N, and Ti tempera- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Marl Apr 1990 ture. We have shown that the steady-state N level could be controlled (increased or decreased relative to the thermody namic equilibrium level) by adjusting the balance between the ion flux and the flux of N gas. Results of model calcula tions showed that the observed behavior could be under stood if it is assumed that N accumulates first in the form of molecular N which is initially weakly bound to the surface and that, under ion bombardment, this N is either removed by sputtering or undergoes ion beam activated reaction to form a stronger bond with Ti. N -Ti bonds formed as a result of this ion beam activated dissociative chemisorption are stronger and thus, this reacted form ofN is less susceptible to being removed by sputtering or by thermal desorption. In this way, ion bombardment can be used to control both the nature and the amount ofN at a Ti surface. The understand ing gained from these experiments was used as the basis for a new explanation for variations of some of the physical prop erties of TiN films made by reactive ion assisted deposition. That is, the physical properties are thought to be controlled by physisorbed molecular N which is incorporated within such a TiN film during growth. Examples drawn from other experimental studies were cited that support our view that since the extent and nature of this absorbed gas can be con trolled, the physical properties of TiN films can also be con trolled by adjusting the relative magnitudes of the atomic and ionic fluxes at the growth surface. 'R. A. Kant and B. D. Sartwell, Mater. Sci. Engin. 90, 357 (1987). 2y. Baba, T. A. Sasaki, and 1. Takano, 1. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2945 ( 1988). 'D. A. Baldwin, B. D. Sartwell, and 1. L. Singer, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 7/8, 49 (1985). 4D. A. Baldwin, B. D. Sartwell, and 1. L. Singer, Appl. Surf. Sci. 25, 364 ( 1986). 5A. Olivia, R. Kelly, and G. Falcone, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 19, 101 (1987). "P. H. Dawson, Surf. Sci. 57, 229 (1976). 7M. 1. Pellin, C. E. Young, D. M. Gruen, Y. Aratono, and A. B. Dewald, Surf. Sci. 151, 477 (1985). KV. N. Kondratiev, Bond Dissociation Energies, Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities (Nauka Publishing House, Moscow, 1974). OR. A. Kant, S. A. Dillich, B. D. Sartwell, and 1. S. Sprague, in Proceedings of MRS Symposium A, Nov 28-Dec 2,1988, Boston, MA (unpublished). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:35:32
Metal contacts on Hg1−x Cd x Te W. E. Spicer Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 8, 1174 (1990); doi: 10.1116/1.576939 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576939 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/8/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in The specific contact resistance of Ohmic contacts to HgTe/Hg1−x Cd x Te heterostructures J. Appl. Phys. 68, 907 (1990); 10.1063/1.346733 The electrical properties of metallic contacts on Hg1−x Cd x Te J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2746 (1988); 10.1116/1.575499 Systematics of metal contacts to Hg1−x Cd x Te J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 3190 (1987); 10.1116/1.574835 Role of Hg bonding in metal/Hg1−x Cd x Te interface formation J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 4, 980 (1986); 10.1116/1.583501 HgCdTe heterojunction contact photoconductor Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 83 (1984); 10.1063/1.94978 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:12:53Metal contacts on H91_xCdx Te w. E. Spicer Stanford Electronics Laboratories. Stanford University. Stanford. California 94305 (Received 4 October 1989; accepted 3 November 1989) The available literature concerning metal contacts on Hg, _" Cd" Te is reviewed in order to obtain a systematic overview. The theory and models available predict that, for metal in intimate contact with Hg, _ xCdx Te, "ohmic" contact will be easily formed on n-type and rectifying on p-type Hg1 _ xCdx Te. This is in agreement with experimental results. There is evidence that metal atoms can move into the Hg, _ xCdx Te, doping it and thus changing the electrical properties of the contact. Photoemission spectroscopy shows that Hg, _ x Cd x Te can be strongly disrupted by the deposition of the metal and correlation is found between heats of formation and heats of solution and the extent of this disruption. However, even for cases such as Ag where these bulk thermodynamic parameters are small, evidence is found for disruption of the lattice and movement of the metal into the Hg, _ x Cdx Te, producing doping. Formation of diffusion barriers and cooling to low temperature ( lOOK) have been explored as ways to limit this disruption. I. INTRODUCTION Metal interfaces with Hg1 _ x Cdx Te are ofinterest due to the necessity of making electrical contacts ("ohmic" contacts) and rectifying contacts (Schottky barriers) on Hg1 _ x Cdx Te. For most semiconductors of practical inter est, such as Si or GaAs, one can easily find descriptions in the published literature of how to form ohmic contacts or Schottky barriers. However, this is not the case for Hg1 _ xCdx Te. In fact, Hg, _ "Cdx Te is the only semicon ductor on which an electronics business of over $1 billion per year is based for which such knowledge is not easily avail able. The bulk of published work concerning metals on Hg1_xCd x Te does not concern the direct measurement of the electrical characteristics (for instance, 1-V and C-V measurements) of thick metal contacts but are photoemis sion spectroscopy (PES) measurements of thin metal over layers on Hg, _ xCd" Te. There is also available at least one paper' which applies various theoretical work and/or mod els to the electrical properties ofmetal!Hg, _ "Cdx Te inter faces in order to draw conclusions concerning the electrical behavior of the contacts. This paper suggested that it should be easy to form ohmic contacts on n-type Hg, _ xCd" Te but not on p-type Hg'_xCdx Te, and conversely easy to form Schottky barriers on p-type but not on n-type Hg, _ x Cdx Te. Subsequent to unpublished discussions it became clear that this suggestion was in agreement with most of the practical experience in industry. As one attempts to develop a more sophisticated Hg, _ xCdx Te detector array technology, the lack of knowledge and control of metal contacts may prove a serious limitation. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the available literature. Because of the lack of published literature on the electrical properties of metals on Hg, _ x Cdx Te, this paper will draw strongly on the PES results and the results of theory and modeling. The PES experimental results are also of value because they allow one to examine the very complex chemis try and/or intermixing which takes place between the metal overlayer and the Hg, _ xCdx Te substrate. An important consequence of this intermixing is the possible doping of the Hg, _ xCdx Te by the metal atoms. We will first examine the use of theory and models to predict the electrical characteristics of the metal contact without considering effects due to metal doping. We will then consider changes which might be produced by metal doping.2 PES work will then be considered, with emphasis on the following two aspects: (1) the position of the Fermi level EI at the interface and the consequences for the electri cal properties of the contact, and (2) disruption of the Hg, _ "Cdx Te by the metal as well as overlayer-substrate intermixing and/or possible indiffusion of the metal where it could act as a dopant. Methods developed using PES and other techniques to minimize intermixing between the metal and Hg, _ x Cd, Te will be discussed. II. ATTEMPTS TO PREDICT THE ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS ON Hg,_xCdx Te Spicer, Friedman, and Carey' have used models and theo ry to extrapolate from the established results of metals on CdTe to those for the Hg, _ xCdx Te alloy of any composi tion. Several different approaches were shown to give essen tially the same final result, presented in Fig. 1. One approach was to use the results from the "metal induced gap states" (MIGS) model.3 The other approaches considered a defect mechanism, using theoretical results from Kobayashi et al.4 and from Zunger5 consisting of calculating the defect energy level as a function of alloy composition in order to extrapo late from the position of EI at the metal interrace with CdTe to the metal!Hg, _ x Cdx Te interface. As described by Spicer et al., the electrical properties ofthe contact can be predicted from the Fermi level position EI provided that the doping profile in the Hg, _ x Cd, Te near-surrace region is known. We will describe this briefly here for the case where the semi conductor doping at the interface is sufficiently low that tun neling through the barrier is not an important factor. If E( lies above the conduction-band minimum (CBM), one will have ohmic contacts on n-type Hg1 _ x Cd, Te and rectifying contacts on p-type; conversely if EI lies below the valence band minimum (VBM), one will have ohmic behavior on p- 1174 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8 (2), Marl Apr 1990 0734-2101/90/021174-04$01.00 © 1990 American Vacuum SOCiety 1174 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:12:531175 W. E. Spicer: Metal contacts on Hg,_xCdxTe type and rectifying on n-type. If Ef lies within the band gap, one will have Schottky barriers for both n-and p-type doping with the barrier height determined by the energy difference between the VBM and Ef for p-type or by the difference between the CBM and Ef for n-type. If tunneling becomes important, rectifying contacts become increasingly "soft" or ohmic in nature. Figure 1 shows how both Ef and the CBM are predicted to change from their position in CdTe as a function of alloy composition. In terms of defects, Spicer et al. assumed that the dominant defect was unchanged as one goes from CdTe to Hgl_xCd x Te. Using the results of Kobayashi et al.,4 Spicer et al. I concluded that the dominant native defect was a Te atom on a Cd site, i.e., a Teed antisite defect. The key result from the extrapolation of Spicer et al. is that, for less than about 40% Cd in Hgl_xCd x Te (x <0.4), the Fermi level will lie above the CBM, i.e., the metal would form an ohmic contact on n-type Hgi _ x Cdx Te and a recti fying contact on p-type Hgl_xCd x Te. From unpUblished discussions with many in the Hgi _ x Cdx Te industry, it ap pears that this prediction is consistent with industrial experi ence. For example, it appears easy to form ohmic contacts on n-type but not p-type Hgl_xCd x Te. To the best of my knowledge, all Hgi _ x Cdx Te systems in production only re quire such ohmic contacts on n-type Hgi _ x Cdx Te. In con trast, practical experience seems to indicate that it is difficult to form ohmic contacts on p-type Hgi _ x Cdx Te. Even though the work of Spicer et al. suggested that native defects should be taken into account, it did not focus on the possible doping of the Hgi _ xCdx Te by the metal overlayer. Prior to the work of Spicer et al., Friedman et aU showed a correlation between the movement of the Fermi level and the dopant type of the metal deposited; i.e., if the metal atoms doped the Hgl_xCd x Te n-type, the Fermi level moved _1 > ~ >. e' Q) 0.8 c: UJ 0.4 0.3 +-x CdTe 1.0 FIG. 1. Lower limit of the Fermi level position relative to the VBM at the interface, Eft as a function of alloy composition. Two models (MIGS and defect) were used for extrapolation. Near x = 0.4 Eft moves into the con duction band providing intrinsic ohmic contacts on n-type material. [From Ref. 1). J. Vac. Sci. Technol, A, VOl, 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 1175 towards the conduction band, and, if they doped it p-type, Ef moved toward the valence band. To translate these results to electrical properties of metal contacts, metals which dope n type would make the contact even "more ohmic" on n-type Hgi _ x Cdx Te. Furthermore, metals which dope p-type might reduce the barrier height or even produce ohmic con tacts on p-type Hgi _ x Cdx Te. The fact that PES showed so much disruption at the interface supported this concept. This will be discussed in the next section. To summarize, ohmic contacts were predicted on n-type material and rectifying on p-type for Cd concentration x < 0.4 if the interface was sufficiently perfect. However, if the metal moved into and doped the Hgl_xCd x Te suffi ciently p-type this could change the situation by moving the Fermi level at the interface toward the VBM. III. PHOTOEMISSION SPECTROSCOPY STUDIES Two quantities can be obtained from PES measurements which are of particular importance in understanding the be havior of metal contacts on Hgi _ x Cdx Te. One involves the interfacial chemistry, intermixing, interdiffusion, and relat ed phenomena. The other is the position of the Fermi level Ef at the interface. As mentioned above, Ef can be closely related to the electrical properties of the metal contact. In 1983 Davis et al.6 reported the first study of a metal, AI, on Hgi _ x Cdx Te. They found that deposition of approximately a monolayer of Al resulted in the loss of over half of the Hg from the first few layers of the Hgi _ x Cdx Te lattice. This was followed by other work by the same group 7 on AI, In and Au in which Fermi level movement as well as interfacial chemistry and morphology was studied. The groups of Fran ciosi8 at the Univ. of Minnesota (Cr) and Spicer9•10 at Stan ford (Ag, AI, and Cu) also became involved. This work clearly established that Hgl_xCd x Te was much more dis rupted by the deposition of the metal than other semicon ductors such as Si and GaAs. Another key point was that the nature and extent of the disruption varied according to the metal used. For example, Ag did not react strongly but seemed to move deep into the Hgi _ x Cdx Te lattice over tens to hundreds of A. In contrast, Al reacted very strongly with Te, tearing up a few layers ofHgl _ xCdx Te but then appar ently forming a diffusion barrier localizing the damage very near the surface. This pioneering work was followed by more comprehen sive studies in which correlations were found between the observed "chemical" reactions and the heats offormation of metal-Te compounds and the heats of solution between the metal and Cd and! or Hg.2 Clear evidence was also obtained concerning the importance of kinetic phenomena such as selective atom motion and diffusion barriers. II By 1986, a large number of metals had been studied on Hgi _ x Cdx Te in addition to those mentioned above, Pt,12 Pd,15 and Sm. II Table I from the thesis of Friedman 13 shows the Fermi level position Ef for the as-cleaved Hgi _ x Cdx Te surface and after deposition of the metal. As can be seen from Table I, AI, In, and Cr would be expected to provide strong ohmic Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:12:531176 W. E. Spicer: Metal contacts on H9,_xCdx Te 1176 T ABLE I. Cleaved surface Fermi level pinning El, and subsequent deposition-induced surface Fermi level motion b.Et.,. for metals on Hg, , Cd, Te. The bulk doping properties of the metal in MCT are also shown. Eg E -CBM" b.Ej., h Dopant j.' Metal x (eV) (eV) (eV) type' Reference Cu 0.25 0.22 0.0 ±O.I +0.1 ± 0.05 P 10 Ag 0.23 0.20 0.0 ±O.I + 0.05 ± 0.05 p 10.12 Au 0.28 0.26 0.15 ± 0.2 + 0.2 ±O.I p 6 AI 0.23 0.20 0.0 ±O.I -0.5 ±O.I n 10 0.28 0.26 0.15±0.2 -0.6 ± 0.2 7 In 0.28 0.26 0.15±0.2 -0.4 ± 0.2 n 7 Cr 0.22 0.18 0.3 ± 0.15 0.0 ± 0.05 d 8 Pt 0.30 0.29 -0.1 ±O.I 0.0 ± 0.05 d 12 Pd 0.39 0.41 -0.15 ± 0.1 0.0 ± 0.05 d IS Ti 0.20 0.15 0.0 " Assuming surface and bulk bandgaps equal. "Plus means EI, shifts down towards the VBM. 'From Ref. 21. d Not tabulated. strong ohmic contacts on n-Hg, xCdx Te and rectifying on p-Hg, x Cd, Te. The other metals will form less ohmic con tacts on n-type Hg, ,Cd, Te and less rectifying on p-type Hg, ,Cd,Te. Recently more attention has been paid to these interface reactions 14 and their control. Carey et al. 15 explained the use oflowering the substrate temperature to reduce reaction and intermixing. Raisanen et al.'6 demonstrated the use of strongly reactive metals to produce diffusion barriers to con trol intermixing. In 1988, Carey et al.,'7 deposited AI, Pd, and Ag on Hg, ,Cd,Te held at low temperature (100 K). This work is the best test of the predictions of Spicer et al. as to Fermi level behavior (and thus the electrical properties of the metal contact) since at low temperature the disruption of the Hg, ,Cd, Te by the metal is minimized. The results of Carey et al. are summarized in Fig. 2. Essentially they found that at 100 K the Fermi level moved upon metal deposition up to approximately 0.6 eV above the VBM independent of the metal being deposited. This movement was completed for relatively low metal coverages, about 0.2 of a monolayer. However, for Ag and Pd, the Fermi level was found to move back towards the VBM when interface "disruptions" took place. For Ag, this occurred most clearly when the sample was warmed up to room temperature and allowed to stay at that temperature for an hour. As Fig. 2, shows, this resulted in a movement of E1 back toward the VBM. In fact the final position of E1 was similar to that obtained for room tempera ture deposition of Ag. The core level spectra of Carey et al.'7 showed clearly that Hg was depleted from the surface even during the low temperature deposition; however, after the room temperature "anneal," it was found that Hg had clear ly moved back into the Hg, . x Cd, Te near-interface region. Other work 14 suggested that the Ag moved into the Hg, x Cd, Te doping it at the same time that the Hg moved into the near-interface region. Since Ag dopes Hg, _ x Cdx Te p-type, the movement of the E1 toward the VBM was consis tent with doping of the lattice. In contrast to the results for Ag and Pd, reducing the J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Marl Apr 1990 ±O.I 0.0 ±O.I d 7 temperature had little effect for AI. It was found that AI reacted strongly at 100 K as well as at room temperature. Even at 100 K, the PES spectra showed clear evidence of Hg loss for coverages as low as 0.3 or 0.7 monolayers of AI. The band bending, i.e., E1 movement, was completed at even lower coverage, 0.1 monolayer at both temperatures. It ap pears that Al dopes the Hg, ,Cd, Te n type. For Pd, the band bending was maximized at a coverage of I 0.6 f- :2 0.5 I- m > w-0.41- 0.3f- I cleave I I little disruption I I AI (x ~ 0.30) n-type - Pd (x ~ 0.39L unknown - Ag (x ~ 0.23) p-type _ chemistry, intermixing FIG. 2. Systematics of Fermi level E, movement for the Hg, ,Cd, Te crys tals (x value indicated on each curve) with deposition of AI. Pd. and Ag (from Ref. 17). The ordinate gives the position of E, above the VBM. The E( positions labeled "cleave" on the left are the values of E, after the crystal was cleaved in silu to form a clean surface and before any metal was deposil ed. The position labeled "little disruption" agrees with the extrapolated prediction of Fig. I, i.e., Ef lies above the CBM. The set of points to the right indicate the effects of strong disruption. The metals were deposited with the crystals held at 100 K to minimize disruption. The middle points labeled "little disruption" were taken after enough metal was deposited to ohtain the maximum band bending (movement of Ef) but before disruption of the Hg, ,Cd, Te became apparent. This movement was completed by a cover age of a third of a monolayer of the metal. The right hand set of points indicates the Ef position after disruption. interdiffusion (for Ag) and inter facial chemical reactions (for Al and Pd). has taken place. For I'd this disruption is achieved by continued deposition of the metal at 100 K. and for Ag by raising the Hg, ,Cd, Te to room temperature after deposition at low temperature; for AI disruption occurs due to reaction at low temperature. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:12:531177 W. E. Spicer: Metal contacts on Hg,_xCdx Te 0.3 monolayer. With further metal deposition, EJ moved back toward the valence band maximum, where clear evi dence of a HgI _ x Cdx Te-Pd reaction was seen. It is not known whether Pd dopes HgI _ ,Cdx Te n-or p-type. IV. DISCUSSION AND OVERVIEW The work of Carey et al. 17 gave data which was consistent with the predictions of Spicer et aI., I that ohmic contacts on n-type and rectifying contacts on p-type would occur if the disruption of the HgI __ xCdx Te by the metal was kept to a minimum. By cooling the substrate and using submonolayer metal coverages the disruption and doping by the metal were minimized, and the three metals AI, Ag, and Pd all gave Fermi levels at the interface well above the CBM. In con trast, at room temperature and/or at higher metal coverages where disruption occurred more diversity was found. For metals which do not dope HgI _ xCdx Te n-type, the Fermi level moved toward (but did not reach) the VBM. Also, for Au, Ag, and Cu which are known to be p-type dopants, Ef usually lies in the upper half of the band gap. This behavior agrees with the suggestion of Freeman et al.2 relating Ej movement to doping by the metal insofar as the dopant type of the metal is known. It is encouraging that such a correlation was found between the simple ideas reviewed here and the PES results and, as far as one can ascertain, with practical experience in making metal contacts to HgI ,Cd, Te. However, one should also recognize that the HgI ,Cd, Te/metal contact problem is very complex due to the fragility of HgI _ xCd, Te. The situation is not helped by the fact that there are still gaps in our fundamental understanding of met al contacts on semiconductors. We have mentioned here de fects, the metal used, doping, and the MIGS theory for per fect interfaces; however, we have not discussed the effect of metal electronegativity or the original Schottky model for formation of rectifying contacts.I,IH.19 In considering de fects, we have not addressed key questions such as whether there are several different native defects of importance each of which might be dominant under various conditions. Rath er, we have only examined the situation where a single native defect is important and examined how its energy varies with composition. I We have also not considered here tunneling contacts in which nominally rectifying contacts become oh mic due to high majority doping of the semiconductor adja cent to the contact. To summarize, the models for contacts outlined here correlate well with the available experimental data. However, much more work is needed before compre hensive understanding and control of metal contacts on HgI ,Cdx Te can be achieved. As outlined in this article, the most demanding contact problem is that of providing an ohmic contact on p-type HgI x Cd, Te. Krishnamurthy, Simons, and Helms20 have very recently reported success in forming such contacts with a structure in which a thin oxide or chloride (i.e., nonmetal lic) structure was superimposed between the metal (Au) and HgI .. x Cdx Te. There the results were explained in terms of a reduction of interface state density. Within the context of this paper, it is clear the MIGS could be eliminated by the insulating layer, and that the same layer could reduce defect J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 1177 production by metal deposition. One might then think of the Schottky type mechanism 18 applied, with the large electron egativity of the Au moving the EJ in the metal near or below the VBM; however, a tunneling mechanism cannot be ruled out at this time. The work of Krishnamurthy et al. illustrates the importance of novel approaches to development of con tacts on HgI _ x Cdx Te. However, ultimate control of the electric properties of metal contacts on HgI __ x Cd, Te will only be made possible by sufficient fundamental understand ing. Without this insulating layer, rectifying contacts were found; with it, satisfactorily low resistance ohmic contacts were formed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fruitful discussion with G. P. Carey, D. J. Friedman, and A. K. Wahi are gratefully acknowledged. 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AIP Conference Proceedings 190, 106 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.38545 190, 106 © 1989 American Institute of Physics.RF current drive and heating in JT-60 Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 190, 106 (1989); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.38545 Published Online: 16 June 2008 K. Uehara , H. Kimura , and JT-60 Team 106 RF CURRENT DRIVE AND HEATING IN JT-60 K. Uehara, H. Kimura and JT-60 Team Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, 801-1, Naka-machi, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 311-01 Japan ABSTRACT RF current drive and heating experiment with Lower Hybrid Range of Frequencies (LHRF) and Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) in JT-60 are presented. In LIq_RF, high efficient current drive and profile control with various N/./are demonstrated by the multi-junction launcher in successful. In ICRF, optimizatmn of the second harmonic heating with various methods, and beam acceleration and heating by third harmonics are presented. I. LHRF RESULTS 1. INTRODOUCTION JT-60 is the only machine among the four large tokamaks (TFTR, JET, T-15 and JT-60) 1 that the Lower Hybrid Wave stressed to the first priority for the rf heating. In JT-60, 24 MW LHRF at 2 GHz band are installed,in which we have already performed 2 MA for 2.5 see steady current drive and high efficient current drive of 1.7-2.8 x 1019 AW-lm -2 with the conventional 4 x 8 phased array waveguides launcher. 2 We have improved some controlling system and one of the 4 x 8 waveguide launchers is changed into 4 x 24 multi-junction type launcher. For the sake of above improvements, we can get relatively quick performance of launcher aging. We can further enlarge the driving efficiency of LHCD up to 3.4 x 1019 A W -1 m "2 by using the multi-junction launcher and can get successful profile control with various Nil. In section 2 and 3, system description and LHRF heating results are given,respectively. Discussion and conclusion are presented in section 4. 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION In JT-60,a new divertor coil was installed to produce a lower X point configuration in early 1988. 3 Experiments described in this part were performed in the hydrogen plasma in the range of the average plasma density ~e= (0.8-3.0) x 1019 m "3, plasma current Ip = 1 -1.5 MA, toroidal magnetic field Bt =4 -4.5 T and the effective q value qeff = 3 -4, respectively. RF heating system 4 has performed some improvements of the control system in order to obtain efficient launcher conditioning and good operational maintenance. Especially,the notching circuit of the LHRF reflection power are equipped. When the reflection power to the klystron is higher than the setting value,then rf power is cut off and we cannot retry until the shot is over, however, the operational efficiency becomes worse when we perform the high power experiments. So,we improve the system so as to retry again in a sequence. By these improvement of the control system we can contribute to shorten the conditioning time and the efficient operation can be realized. © 1989 American Institute of Physics 107 The multi-junction launcher with the sharp wave spectrum and good directivity to improve the current drive efficiency is newly installed in JT-60. Previously we have two launchers of wide width waveguide for the plasma heating and one launcher of narrow waveguide width for the current drive. We have changed one of the heating launchers into the current drive launcher. The new current drive launcher is multi- junction type 5 with 4 x 24 phased array consisted by 8 modules. Each waveguide of the conventional launcher is divided into three sections at the top of the launcher to form one module. The geometrical phase shifters with taper type are equipped at the middle position of the launcher. The top of the waveguide piece is carbon coated to get a low secondary emission and the copper is plating inside the waveguide. The most difficult points during manufacturing the launcher are reduction of distortion due to the welding and the difficulty of copper plating inside waveguides. 6 The phase difference between adjacent waveguide is set 70 degree. Directivity is improve by 50 % compared with the conventional one. Improvement of the control system and new launcher lead to quicken the aging time ,that is, we can get about 2 MW injection by performing I0 hours in vacuum conditioning,16 hours in TDC conditioning and 30 shots plasma injection,whereas we need about 100 shots vacuum and plasma injection in the former operation. The reflection is reduced by 20 - 25 % compared with the conventional one. 6 3. CURRENT DRIVE EXPERIMENT 3.1 Current drive efficiency Figure 1 shows the obtained driving current of ~eRIRF vs the LH power, where ne is the line average density,R is the major radius and IRF is the driving current. We can see that JT-60 LHCD results exceeds more than eight times than other tokamaks and that the continuous progress of the currnt drive is obtained with increase of the rf power and ten times progress has been performed since the initiation of LHCD experiments in the world. Figure 2 shows the tic D vs We ,where the experimental current drive efficiency is defined as ~eIRFR (1) qCD= PLH We can see the increasing ofl]c D with Hc up to 2.7 x l019 m -B for plasma current Ip = 1 MA and the higher plasma current tends to have higher efficiency for the same he. The hil~hest efficiency of 3.4 x 1019AW - lm-2 is obtained at Hc = 1.5 x 1019 m -3 with N//P eaK: !.3 and <Te> = 2 keV,where N/p eak means the peak value of rf spectrum in the new multi-junction launcher. The efficiency is compared with various N// by varying the phase difference between adjacent modules of the multi-junction launcher. The efficiency clearly increases than the conventional one and changes with N/bin which we can see that 1]CD increases with decrease of N#P eak and decreases beyond N//P eak = 1.3. The optimum rlCD is obtained at N#P eak = 1.3 and the value of ~CD shows a similar behaviour to the Fisch prediction qualitatively. 7 The hard X ray emission (E> 200 keV) normalized by the LH power shows the same behaviour as that of ~]CD with N//peak , that is,the signal from higher energy electrons behaves in corresponding to the variation of TIED. The temperature dependence of qCD iS shown in Fig.3,in which we can see that the higher temperature may lead the higher efficient current drive. It should be noted that the conventional theoretical prediction may give the maximum value,because the theoretical efficiency is usually defined as 108 gJj 27~rdr TICD = (2) IPd 2rtrdr where IPd 2~rdr is the absorbed power by plasmas to hold the current 7 which differs to Prf in eq.(1) and is rather smaller than this depending on the extent of power absorption. 8 Strictly speaking,we cannot observe Pd by the experiment. Experimental results in Figs 2 and 3 suggest that the extent of power absorption may be a function of <Te> and We. The effect of Zeffmay be also considered ,since Zeff becomes small with increase of the density. 3.2 Volt-See saving experiment Volt-see saving by the LHCD was performed during the plasma current ramping up from 0.7 MA to 1.5 MA with Bt = 4.5 T and We =1 x 1019 m -3 by varying the ramp-up speed of Ip. The loop voltage of 1.9 V without LHCD is reduced to 0.9 V during 2 sec of LHCD for Ip= 0.4 MA/s discharge. The saved voh-sec is 0.9 V x 2 sec =1.8 V-sec and the saving volt-sec is proportional to the injected LH energy, PLHAt, and is higher for larger current ramping up rate. 3.3 Profile control with N// Using the advantage of sharp N//and high directivity for wide N// range,we demonstrate the profile control experiments with various N//in successful. Time derivative of internal inductance li against N//shows the higher decreasing rate for the larger N//,which indicates that the higher N//wave may flatten the current profile more. Correspondingly,the spatial distribution of the hard X ray signal vs N//shows the same behaviour. We equipped four channel X ray diagnostics in the radial direction as shown in Fig.4 (a). The Abel transformed radial profile using emission signals measured at r/a=0.23(chl),r/a=0.57(ch.2) and 0.86(ch.3) are shown in Fig.4 (b) and the dependence on N//P eak is shown in Fig.4 (c),in which we can see that the relatively larger number of higher energy electrons are localized at the center with small N//and small number of the tails are in the outer with large N//. We also observe the increase of the coherent m=2 and m=3 oscillation with large N//which is accompanying the decrease of li and the suppression of the sawtooth oscillation of NB heated plasma with small N//of 1.3,which is characterized by the delay of the starting time of the sawtooth oscillation. The suppression period xst of sawtooth oscillation increases with PLH and Xst = 1.8 sec is obtained for PLH = 2MW. The decay time of the stored energy after the LHCD cut off shows the twice as much that of NB or LH alone. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Dependence of the electron temperature and the density must be further refined to fit the theoretical understanding of LHCD. The effects which are not consider in the quasi-linear theory may be included such as the multi-path, the density fluctuation, the forbbiden condition of mode conversion,the non-linear effect and so on. 9 Many experimental results obtained in JT-60 can be expected to refine the theory of LHCD. The success of the profile control by the LHCD can open new frontier in tokamaks for the various possibility such as the controlling the plasma disruption,the improvement of plasma confinement and so on. It is stressed that the higher energy 109 electron tail caused in LHCD is independent on the bulk plasma and it is confirmed that the LHCD can really affect the plasma profile by varying N//,whereas it may be very difficult to vary the current profile by affecting bulk electrons as is shown by the scheme of profile consistency.10 In conclusions,multi-junction launcher successfully brought the further imp.rovement of the driving efficiency and the profile control is demonstrated with varmus N//. Many experimental results on the LHCD in JT-60 can give the informations on the further verification on the LHCD including the quasi-linear theory. II. ICRF RESULTS 1. INTRODUCTION An experimental study of the second harmonic and even much higher (up to 4th) harmonic ICRF heating on a large tokamak is being carried out in JT-60. Up to now, we have investigated most intensively the second harmonic heating with ohmic and NBI- heated plasmas. Phase control in the toroidal direction has been found to play an important role in optimizing the second harmonic heating I 1. Significant enhancement of the plasma stored energy associated with strong beam acceleration has been observed in combination with high power NBI heatingl2. Combination with pellet fuelling has also been examined 13. In Section 2, system description is presented. In Section 3, optimization of the second harmonic heating is discussed from the point of view of phase control, species effects and dependence on plasma current. Most recently, we have observed significant beam acceleration and effective heating via third harmonic resonance in combination with NBI. These results are described in Section 4. Conclusions are given in Section 5. 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 4 The total generator output is 6MW in the frequency range of 108-131MHz, which is delivered by eight lines of amplifier chains. The frequency is set at 131MHz for the present experiment. The phased 2x2 loop antenna array is used. The maximum injected power so far is 3MW. The corresponding power density at the antenna is 1.6kW/cm 2. New functions, reflection power limiter and frequency feed-back control, have been introduced. The former is useful to continue power injection without cut-off even in the Case of bad matching due to rapid change of the antenna loading. The latter is effective to maintain good matching against practical change of the antenna loading, although long line effect is not applied. 3. OPTIMIZATION OF SECOND HARMONIC HEATING 3.1 Phase Control Up to now, two phasing modes, (0,0) mode and (~,0) mode, have been mainly investigated. The former in the parenthesis is the toroidal phase difference and the latter is the poloidal one, respectively. (0,0) mode is characterized by a large coupling resistance but moderate heating efficiency. (n,0) mode has a smaller coupling resistance but excellent heating efficiency. Figure 5 shows incremental energy confinement time ,~(--AW/AP, AW is incremental stored energy due to additional power AP) as a function of the line averaged electron density ~c for various heating conditions. Circles and squares denote (0,0) mode and (,0) mode, respectively. Apparently, "c~ nc of (zt,0) mode is much larger than that of (0,0) mode. "~ of (0,0) mode tends to decrease with increasing electron 110 density. Significant scattering of'c~ of (0,0) mode is not only due to random error but also due to appearance of two distinct modes 14. "t~ ¢ of (0,0) mode is kept at -50ms even in the high density regime with pellet fuelling as shown in Fig.5. 3.2 H Minority Second Harmonic Heating in He Discharge Heating efficiency of the second harmonic heating has been further improved when (re,0) mode was applied to the hydrogen minority second harmonic regime in the helium discharge• In this experimental run, mixture gas of 90% He and 10% H was used. The operational range for ICRF experiment has been extended significantly with helium discharge, i.e., the highest ~c and lp and the lowest qeff achieved so far are 8.3x1019 m "3, 2.8MA and 2.2, respectively. Part of the data corresponding to this scheme are also indicated in Fig.5. "r~of 100-120ms was obtained in the wide range of the electron density. Giant sawteeth were observed during the heating even in the high density regime (~e-7x1019 m -3) . Period of the giant sawteeth seems to be independent of~e. Typical waveforms of the hydrogen minority second harmonic heating is shown in Fig.6. 3.3 Dependence on Plasma Current We have observed that "~ of (0,0) mode increased with Ip unlike the NBI heating in im JT-60. xE reached about 100 ms at Ip=2MA, whereas typical value ofx~ at Ip=I.5MA is 50ms. Therefore, x~: of lOOms obtained at Ip=2MA means considerable good confinement. However, the good confinement shots showed some strange behaviours in their time evolutions. Typical example is shown in Fig.7. A minor disruption (M.I.D.) took place twice in the course of the ICRF pulse. The plasma stored energy increased dramatically just after the second M.I.D. Both electron and ion temperatures increased in the plasma core, but ~e at r= 0.5a did not change appreciably after the second M.I.D. It seems that M.I.D. produces some favourable conditions for the heating of (0,0) mode. 4. THIRD AND FOURTH HARMONIC BEAM ACCELERATION We have examined whether third and fourth harmonic beam accelerations occur in the central region, varying the toroidal magnetic field, B T. The beam acceleration is measured in the incremental tail ion temperature, AT] ail 15, which is the difference of the slope of the .... tail 1on energy spectra above the m.lect~on energy between NBI only and NBI+ICRF. AT i. was measured by a charge exchange neutral analyzer, whose line of sight intersected with specific beam lines of NBI in the plasma core, so that we could obtain the ion energy spectra in the plasma core 16. From the data of AT~ air, we have confirmed that the third and fourth harmonic beam accelerations actually occur in the plasma core. De~ee of the beam acceleration becomes weak with increasing order of harmonics. Heating effects on the bulk plasma by the third harmonic beam acceleration are found to be as strong as that of the second harmonics. Figure 8 illustrates time evolutions of the plasma stored energy, the central electron temperature, the charge exchange neutral flux at 92 keV and ~e at r= 0.5a in the case of the third harmonic beam acceleration• Enhancement of the central electron temperature and sawteeth period was seen with increasing population of the energetic ions. x~ of ICRF of this shot is 80ms, which is comparable to the one of the second harmonic heating. Heating effects by the fourth harmonics is not so strong up to now, 111 5. CONCLUSIONS Recipes for improving the second harmonic heating has been elucidated. Phase control, pellet injection, helium discharge, higher plasma current as well as beam . ine acceleration tmprove x E of the second harmonic heating. Beam acceleration with third and fourth harmonics has been observed for the first time. Heating effects by the third harmonics are as strong as those by the second harmonics. III. RF PLAN FOR JT-60 UPGRADE We are planning the up-grade programme for JT-60 (named JT-60U). 17 RF plan for JT-60U is in the following. In LHRF, two units of RF lines are jointed to form one rf injection with horizontal direction and one unit keeps with oblique injection. The horizontal launcher consists of 4 x 4 module multi-junction with four 18 waveguide columns at the center and eight 12 waveguides columns at the top, bottom and side. 18 We also expect further power up of klystrons with some improvements. In ICRF, present antenna will be replaced by two new antennae, which are also 2 x 2 loop array and have larger width ( - 90 cm) to ensure large coupling for (~,0) mode and H-mode. The generator output will be increased up to 10 MW by replacing the present tetrode 8973 with X-2242. ACKOWLEDGEMENTS The continuing support of Drs. M. Yoshikawa and M. Tanaka is greatly appreciated. REFERENCES 1. A.H. Spano (compiler), Nucl. Fusion 15 909 (1975) 2. T. Imai et al., Nucl.Fusion 28 1341 (1988) 3. JT-60 Team presented by H. Kishimoto et al., Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion A- I-4 4. T. Nagashima and K. Uehara et al., Fusion Eng.& Design 5 101 (1987) 5. T.K. Nguyen et al., Fusion Tech. 2, 1381 (1882) and G. Gormezano et al., Nucl.Fusion 25 419 (1985) 6. Y. Ikeda et al, "First operation of multi-junction launcher on JT-60" this conference 7. N. Fisch, Phys. Rev. Letters 41,873 (1978) 8. G. Tonon, Plasma Phys.Contr.Fusion 26 45 (1984) 9. K Uehara, M. Nemoto et al., Nucl. Fusion 29 May 1989 (in press) 10 F. Wagner., et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 2187 (1986) 11. H. Kimura et al., in Contr. Fusion and Plasma Phys. (Proc. 14th Europ. Conf. Madrid, 1987) EPS, vol.11D, Pt.3 p.857 12. T. Fujii et al., in Plasma Phys. and Contr. Nucl. Fusion Research 1988 (Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Nice, 1988) IAEA, Paper IAEA-CN-50/E-2-4 13. JT-60 Team, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Report JAERI-M 89-033 (1989) p.185 14. ibid., p.181 15. M. Yamagiwa et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 30 943 (1988) 16. H. Kimura et al., Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Report, JAERI-M 88- 123 (1988) 17. M. Kikuchi et al., 15th SOFT,Utrecht 18. M. Seki et al., "Design of new launcher on JT-60 Up-grade" this conference 112 98 LT4~A , =., _ .,111 i~" ,., #%~Y,~_F~ /W o_','~/ I / i ,-j ,ICO ~'~ i ] Current drive efficiency vs average density Fig.2 00 I 2 3 4 .... i .... I ' ' ' ' i . . , , i , , • , i Pt. (MW } ;.6~M~, h, t~AII Otv [ t l~ I~LIOWI~ )~ULT I - ,~UNCT ~ON _"""~'-~ o.~ - I ,, I -- "1 4,.~ e°o// Rg.l Driving current is demonstrated vs PLH ~ L, * | • I + | /. O ~/ Z' ~ ,.~ i,t-I~.e__j /.t. (~) ~2 /, 0, , 4 ., CONVENTIONAL • o %, "~ / o 8 o~" ~'-_,_ _ ,t- pL ! or~ PEIULX 150[I ,~ .;_~_~ i " ~ ~t,,-. q~-;L~ t'~t°~'c I JltFf-:n 0 "~wt'~ .;~ *':" ,'~ t ~ • ~ ~ ) .... ~ ' ' ' ~ 0 I DIvIp=IMA BT=4T f=2GHz. ¢-Te) (keV) :3 ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' m (b)~ NIl = 1,29 Fig.3 Current drve efficiency lqC D against <Te> with "--" -~ various tokamaks. >, o .w.~_ y.: (IO~Sm.S;MW) DIv lp=IMA BT=4T (10zsm-S/Mw) ~,~'c'' ' ' t- , =-, ¢~ it3 'r, tn _ d o~ d~. m 2.88 ~. (~ * HX(chl) I~ :y.,., o , ~ J I I o 0 0.5 1.0 2 3 r/a NIl Fig.4 Radial profile of the hard X ray signal against Npeak//and hard X ray diagnostics with four channel 113 "G E t--, 120 B0 40 DL' I I I o 10,01H • 10,01H wilh Pellel ,a I0,01 He IH) • [] 17/" O) H 0 0 O ('/T,O He H O • ~:> oo o n~ ~O O 0 O O 0 i , I i I ~ I o fie 11019m'3 ) t =,rr#=l I, L~ ,.~1,. .... , .... , .... , .... ,.,,, eg~ .... , .... i .... t .... , .... T~ ~m (kev) ~:rl P~ <;D~i- '/; ( ........... I WI~A {MJ) "i~¢ol (keY) I I ' i ' Ip,I.5MA 0 0 0 @ Fig.5 x~ against ~e for various conditions. 4 5 6 r0996.~9 6.00 ~,(tJO.Sa) {101ira.l) ,.I .... I .... l.,.,l,.,,I .... I .... I .... I .... 4.00 I.ile illl • lllc PIC-I, IMW 4,1 4,5 *~,! .~,S 6,1B ~.5 7,0 ?.5 O,i 1).5 ~mc (scc) Fig.6 Time evolutions of hydrogen minority second harmonic heating. ICRF; (~,0) mode, "t P':'~r~ ~, t Ip=2'4MA' BT=4"3T' n~-7x1019 m-3" Fig.7 Time ;~vo~u~ions of ~v~ ~;(o::~s.~i hydrogen majority second f~"_-~ ..... harmonic heating. ICRF; (0,0) ,., ~ .... , .... , .... , .... , .... 1 o.~ mode, Ip=2MA, BT=a.5T. 2." l ~(o, ..., A~//'I("I~ J "':,~ (~,v) r I , ,,IW" i~,~Jv~.q~ ~ i "l('") i. ~... I IA.1~v V~ It~,l t N1 rl II I. nf ,,,...(9~k°V) U IL ~ I ,.=1 !~. _ ]fI/llil., t~t I1 ~I, .... , .... I, .IL il. 1 .,., "J=t Fig.8 Time evolutions of r" combined NBI and third P'~ t p..-TMw harmonic ICRF heating. ICRF; (MW)t ........................................ W'--'", .............. PIc-2M W '" (x,0) mode, Ip=IMA, BT=3T. o.~ ..... ,~ .... , .... ~,,, .... I .... 3.5 4. e 4.5 5. O S,S 6,0 6.~, Tinl¢ (ICe)
Relaxation phenomena of image sensors made from aSi:H M. Hoheisel, N. Brutscher, and H. Wieczorek Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 4466 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343944 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343944 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Chromophore dependence of intramolecular vibrational relaxation: Si–H stretch second overtone versus C–H stretch first overtone in methylsilane J. Chem. Phys. 107, 6549 (1997); 10.1063/1.474893 Vibrational energy relaxation of Si–H stretching modes on the H/Si(111)1×1 surface J. Chem. Phys. 99, 740 (1993); 10.1063/1.465748 Nonlinear optical response of amorphous Si:H J. Appl. Phys. 72, 1676 (1992); 10.1063/1.351690 Physical processes in degradation of amorphous Si:H Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 846 (1986); 10.1063/1.96687 SiH: Λ doubling and ‘‘core polarization’’ J. Chem. Phys. 74, 96 (1981); 10.1063/1.440799 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09Relaxation phenomena of image sensors made from a-Si:H M. Hoheisel, N. Brutscher, and H. Wieczoreka) Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Development, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-8000 Mfmchen 83, Federal Republic of Germany (Received 17 February 1989; accepted for pUblication 6 July 1989) Image sensors made from amorphous silicon ( a-Si:H ) are under development. Their elements consist of back-to-back Schottky diodes. For practical operation, long-term stability is of great importance. We investigated dark conductivity and photoconductivity, capacitance-voltage characteristics, and response behavior after switching off illumination. Even after light soaking for many hours, no change in photocurrent occurred, whereas dark current, capacitance, and response time increased. These changes are metastable and can be reversed by annealing above 200 DC. Contrary to the Staebler-Wronski effect, [App1. Phys. Lett. 31, 292 (1977) J, the dark current increase disappears at room temperature after several hours. We investigated the time dependence of this relaxation and calculated the energetic depth of the states involved. The contact between a-Si:H and indium-tin-oxide is described as a Schottky-Bardeen-metal insulator-semiconductor junction. Its properties are strongly dependent on interface states, in particular on the position of the neutrality energy of the interface states with respect to the Fermi energy. We show that besides the well-known Staebler-Wronski effect, a new degradation process is observed. We suggest a model where holes are trapped in interface states about 1.0-1.4 eV above the valence band. Their thermal emission governs the relaxation behavior of the dark current. t INTRODUCTION Easier reading of documents for communication and of fice automation calls for large-area scanners that can read A4-size documents without optical reduction. Therefore, large-area thin-film photoconductors are required that can be fabricated at least 21 cm wide at low cost. The most prom ising way to implement such a device is an arrangement of amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)sandwiched between two elec trodes forming Schottky-type contacts. A review of such im age sensors has been given by Kempter. 1 OUf sensors are built in the sequence eel a-Si:H/ITO. Their elements meet the most important requirements for image sensors: high photocurrent, low dark current, fast re sponse behavior, and long-term stability.2 In this paper we present an investigation of the stability of the sensor based on the physics of the junction involved. As the elements are reverse biased ( ITO negative) dur ing operation, the properties of the a-Si:H/ITO junction are crucial for the performance of the sensing element. To obtain a low dark current and an enhanced chemical stability, an intermediate oxide layer is introduced between a-Si:H and indium-tin oxide (ITO). Thus, strictly speaking, the contact is a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) junction, On the one hand, this junction can be described by the Schottky theory, but on the other hand, interface states play an impor tant role in the performance of the junction; so the Bardeen theory should also be applied. We will therefore call it a Schottky-Bardeen- MIS junction (SEMIS junction). a) Permanent address: Philips GmbH. Research Laboratories, Weisshaus strasse, D-5100 Aachell, FRG. II. THEORY OF THE SCHOTTKY-BAROEEN-MIS JUNCTION To explain a SBMIS junction, we start from an ideal metal-semiconductor contact. The Schottky theoryJ-5 pre dicts the barrier height 4> B of the Schottky contact from the work function of the metal ~ M and the electron affinity of the semiconductor X: etl»B=e<l»M-ex· 0) The difference between the barrier height and the acti vation energy Ee -Ep in the bulk of the semiconductor leads to a charge transfer from the semiconductor to the metal, resulting in a positive space charge and a band bend ing with a diffusion voltage VD: eVD = ~B -(Ee -EF)· (2) ITO shows an almost metal-type conductivity in excess of 104 (0 cm)-l. Although it is a highly doped semiconduc tor, it can be treated as a metal for our investigations. It is well known that interface states play an important role in the vicinity ofthe metal-semiconductor contact. This is explained by the Bardeen theory." It leads to an expression for the barrier height that depends on the energy gap Eo of the semiconductor, not on the work function of the metal used: e$B = EG -e<l>o· (3) e<Po denotes the energy difference between the neutrality lev el of the interface states and the Fermi level. Equation (3) can be understood as follows: The interface states are filled up to the Fermi level Ep. Suppose the neutrality level En of these states is Ev and thus lower than EF by an energy e<I>o. The interface states are then negatively charged. An equal amount of charge of the opposite sign forms the space- 4466 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (9),1 November 1989 0021-8979/89/214466-08$02.40 ® 1989 American Institute of PhysiCS 4466 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09charge region inside the semiconductor. With a high inter face-state density and a low density of states inside the semi conductor, this leads to a pinning of the Fermi energy at the interface. The theories discussed above outline the two limiting cases. The barrier height of a real diode must be described by a combination of both the Schottky and the Bardeen bar riers. Introduction of an intermediate oxide layer leads to an MIS junction. Without a space charge inside the insulator and without interface states, the electric field will be con stant throughout the insulator and at the interface. This leads to a voltage drop ~U across the insulator which de creases the barrier height: e<PB = e<l>M -e.¥ -e~U. (4) In an SBMIS, the interface states result in a partial pinning of the Fermi energy at the interface, reducing the influence of the metal's work function. The electric field at the inter~ face has a kink due to the interface charge. A change of the charge dQ per unit area A causes an equivalent modification ofthe electric field dU /dj where Ei is the dielectric constant of the insulator and di its thickness: d. dU= +-'-dQ. E€iA (5) The plus sign applies to the voltage drop as depicted in Fig. 1 (a); Le., a negative charge at the interface leads to a lower voltage drop ~ U and thus to a higher barrier. We can now discuss the different changes that can occur at an SBMIS junction during degradation. Two different mechanisms will be considered. Either new states are created by degradation or existing states become negatively or posi tively charged. Let us discuss the first case. New states can be created either in the bulk of the semiconductor or at the interface. What will happen to the barrier? When the density of states in the bulk is increased in the energy interval between E F and e<P B [Le., the shaded area marked as positive space charge in Fig. 1 (a)], it is obvious that these states have to be re charged positively and the band-bending profile will change accordingly. Hence the barrier will become narrower. If in terface states are increased, their influence upon the barrier depends on the position of their neutrality energy. For sim plicity we assume that the newly created states are of the same type as the existing ones. Suppose their neutrality level En is lower than the Fermi level EF [Fig. 1(a)J, then the newly created states have to be fined with electrons, thus increasing the negative interface charge. This diminishes the voltage drop au along the insulator according to Eq. (5). As Eq. (4) shows, the barrier e<l> B will increase. The oppo site will happen when states with En> EF are created (Fig. 1 (b) 1. These states have to be fined with holes, thus increas ing the positive interface charge. Hence ~ U will increase and <I> lJ will decrease. We will now discuss the case of recharging existing states. When electrons are trapped in bulk states, they com pensate the positive space charge. This leads to a lower band bending and thus to a diminished barrier height. Corre spondingly, the capture of holes leads to a stronger band 4467 J, AppL Phys" Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November i 989 1J Metal I LL-.L-. Metal Oxide Oxide (a) Semiconductor (b) _ . ...E Semiconductor FIG. I. Band diagram of a Schottky-Bardeen-MIS junction. The barrier height amounts to ~8 = e4>M -ex -etJ.U, (a) Interface states with a neutrality energy below EF are negatively charged; (b) those with a neutra lity energy above EF are positiveJy charged. bending and to an increased barrier height. If trapped elec trons are localized in interface states, this negative interface charge win increase the barrier [Eqs. (4) and (5) ], whereas hole capture at the interface decreases it. A summary of all cases is given in Table I. m. EXPERIMENT The samples were produced on glass substrates, as can be seen from Fig. 2 (a). The bottom electrode consisting of Hoheisel, Brutscher, and Wieczorek 4467 ••• n' ••••••••••••••••• -•••• '. ,".0;.-."," •••••• n .......................... -••••• : ••••••••••••••••• <;.";.' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .-•••••••• " •• " ••••• _ •••••••••• T .............................................................. ' •••••• ' •••••• '. •••••••••••••••• •••••• .' '~ ••••• " •••••••••••••••• •••••• "'''' ..................... '.~'~'" .n~ •••••••• [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09T ABLE I. Influences upon the barrier height. States are Located The barrier becomes created in the bulk narrower created at the interface (En <E,,) higher created ai the interface (En> EF) lower negatively charged in the bulk lower positively charged in the bulk higher negatively charged at the interface higher positively charged at the interface lower sputtered chromium was foHowed by an undoped a-Si:H lay er, which was deposited by plasma-enhanced CVD at 220°C and with about I-pm thickness. Its surface was treated in an oxygen plasma to develop an oxide layer. The thickness of the oxide can be determined from the cross-sectional TEM image [Fig. 2(b)] to be about 3 nm. Then a lOO-nm-thick ITO film was evaporated by means of an electron gun as a transparent upper electrode. Additional gold strip lines were used to form a low-resistive interconnection between the sensing elements and the readout circuit. Details have been described elsewhere. 7 The dark conductivity of the a-Si:H material was mea sured in a gap-cell geometry in order to determine the posi tion of the Fermi energy. The samples were n-type, and the Fermi level was typically about 0.8 eV below Ec. The barrier height of the SBMIS junctions was determined from tem perature-dependent J-V characteristics. It amounted to 0.86 eV.8 The Schottky barrier at the bottom of the samples between chromium and a-Si:H is rather low and has little {al Gold 250nm ITO 10()nm 1111 ~llliSiOX -30m ~ .~SOH '000._ 0.5 mm FIG. 2. (aJ Schematic cross section through a sample. The deposition se quence of a typical element is glass!chromium/ a-Si:H/oxide/ITO. An ad ditional gold layer is supplied for low-resistive wiring. (b) Shows a TEM image of the oxide layer between a-Si:H and ITO (glue is necessary for pre paring the TEM cross section). 4468 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 influence on the performance of the device. Therefore, an n+ layer is not necessary. From every sample we measured current-voltage char acteristics in the dark and under illumination. The latter was usually 1014 photons/cm2 s of green light (550 nm). Photo current transients were measured by switching off steady state illumination by a Bragg cell. The current was fed through a fast current-voltage converter into a waveform recorder. The decay ofthe current could thus be monitored from 1 Jls to 1 s after switching off the lightY To determine the junction capacitance, a quasistatic capacitance-voltage meter (Keithley model 595) was used. It superimposes a voltage step on a fixed bias and integrates the charge during a delay time td ranging from 70 ms to 200 s. An internal leak age-current correction takes care of a constant-current con tribution to the integrated charge and substracts it automati cally. 10 The capacitance-delay time measurement is equivalent to a conventional capacitance-frequency measurement. The total amount of charge that is thermally emitted from occu pied states is integrated during the delay time. Hence the contribution of all states closer to Ec than a certain demarca tion energy Ed is included. In capacitance-frequency experi ments, the same states above Ed can be charged and re charged, and thus foHow the applied alternating voltage. Likewise, the density of states N(E) can be computed from the CUd) data. To obtain the N(E) curves shown below (Fig. 9), we used the computer program developed by Glade et al,u·'2 Most of our investigations were performed under vacu um of about ! mPa. The influence of different ambients on the degradation behavior was shown by experiments in N2, O2, or air under atmospheric pressure or in saturated water vapor. IV. RESULTS Typical current-voltage characteristics of our SBMIS junctions are shown in Fig. 3. The annealed sample ( curve A ) exhibits a dark-current density at reverse bias of only 5 X 10-10 A/cm2• The photocurrent is independent of ap plied voltage in the negative-bias regime. This clearly shows its primary nature. Its absolute magnitude corresponds to a quantum efficiency of unity which is diminished only by re flection losses at the ITO top electrode. The oxide layer at the interface is thin enough to have no influence on the pho tocurrent. Subsequently, the degradation behavior of the devices was studied. The diodes were light soaked for 12 h with 100 m W Icm2 white light. Under open-circuit or short-circuit conditions or with a + 5-V bias applied to the samples dur ing iHumination, only slight changes were observed. Light soaking of the diodes under negative bias ( -5 V) causes the dark current at -5 V to increase strongly (curve B). The open-circuit voltage under illumination, recognizable by the sharp dip in the logarithmic plot, decreases, as does the short-circuit current. Resting the sample for several days (curve R3 = 3 days, curve R30 = 30 days) at room temperature leads to a recov ery of the dark-current and photocurrent characteristics. Hoheisel, Brutscher, and Wieczorek 4468 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09i Current density lO-l =r---------,.-------------, A Annealed B Afte~ light soaking R3 Rested (3 days) R30 Rested (30 days) -5 [V} Applied bias -- FIG. 3. Current-voltage characteristics in the dark (lower curves) and un derillumination ( uppercufves). A = annealed state, B = after light soak ing (12 h, 100 mW /cm2), R3 = rested 3 days at room tempemture, and R30 = rested 30 days at room temperature. The dark current approaches its low value in the annealed state (A). The open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current also recover. When the sample is annealed again, state A is reestablished. The whole degradation cycle can be executed repeatedly. The dark current under forward bias does not follow this trend. It decreases slightly after illumination, but does not increase during resting. This can be easily understood, as the forward current is limited by the bulk resistance of the a Si:R It is subject to the normal Staebler-Wronski degrada tion, which remains stable at room temperature. As the Fer mi energy in the bulk material already lies near midgap, light soaking causes only a weak shift, and therefore the dark cur rent decreases just slightly. We studied the degradation behavior of the dark current at -5 V bias in detail. Figure 4(a) shows its increase with illumination time in a double-logarithmic plot. The light was interrupted from time to time and the dark current recorded. After a very steep rise during the first 1000 s (not shown), the current increases with the square root of time up to 10 h. In comparison, the spin density Ns rises proportionally to t1/3•13 However, the reverse current depends only indirectly on the spin density and is therefore not expected to exhibit the same relationship ( _ t1/3). Then, starting from the annealed state, we degraded the sample several times with different photon fluxes F for 45 min at each intensity [Fig. 4(b)]. This led to a very strong 4469 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 i Dar: cu~rer.: denSi!,! 1O-0--r------------------~ Dark current aller light soaking [sJ 104 (a) Light soaking time ----+ r Dark current d:~ _________ . ________ ___, Dark current rise after light soak;ng !or 45 m;n 10-1 10--8 [photonsicm2sl 1015 (b! Photon flux - FIG. 4. Degradation behavior of the dark current Id at-· :5 V bias. (a) Shows the increase of Id with time during light soaking. (b) Shows fa after light soaking with different photon fluxes for 45 min in each case. dependence of the dark current on F with an exponent of 1.25. For comparison, the intensity dependence of the rise of Ns has an exponent of 2/3. 13, The relaxation of the dark current under reverse bias Hoheisel, Brutscher, and Wieczorek 4469 ..••••••••••• ;.;.;.;.;.;.; •• -:.;.;.;.-;-.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.~.:.:.:.: ••• : ••••• : •••••• ~ ••••• T •••••••••••••••• ; ••••••• ~ ••• :;;;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':':':':':':':'>:'~':':'~':"'Y"':"""""""~'~".;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;;.;-.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.> .•••••.•.•••••••.•••.•• ~.;.;.;.;.;.:.:-;.;. • •••••••••• y.";."...... . ..•...•...•.. ' ..................•............... ~ •.... y ........... Y.'. Y.' ............. ";>.......................... ~- [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09( - 5 V) was investigated at different temperatures. The samples were light soaked as described above at room tem perature. After switching off" the illumination, they were heated quickly to the desired temperature, and the dark cur rent was monitored over times up to 270 h. Figure 5 shows the decreasing current which reveals the features depicted in Fig. 3. The decay ranges from 1 min up to 270 h. If we as sume that the basic process is a thermal emission of trapped carriers from localized states, we can convert the time scale to an energy scale by the relation E = kTln(vot). (6) For the attempt-t~-escape frequency vo, we take a value of 1014 S-·I. Hence the energies span a range of about 0.93-1.4 eV. In Fig. 6 the transients of Fig. 5 are replotted with the curves shifted relative to each other to yield a continuous trend. In the case of a diffusion-limited saturation current density js the barrier height can be written as $B = -kTln(~) , e eNcpF (7) To calculate t1> B the effective density of states in the conduc tion band Nc' the carrier mobility p, and the strength of the electric field F at the interface are required. As we know neither the actual values of Nc' f..l, and F nor their depend ence on temperature, degradation, or relaxation, Eq. (7) only allows a general trend to be estimated. Nevertheless, the change in current indicates an increasing barrier height. From the energy interval in which the current decreases we conclude that carriers are emitted from states between 1.02- 1,4 eV deep. The photocurrent during illumination at reverse bias ( -5 V ) was monitored for several hours. It showed no significant degradation and remained constant within ± 0.5% due to experimental scatter. On the other hand, short-circuit photocurrent decay transients show significant differences between the annealed and light-soaked states. The curves recorded after switching off steady-state illumination are shown in Fig. 7(a). Elec trons are trapped in localized states in the a-Si:H during illumination. Subsequently, these electrons are thermally emitted and extracted by the built-in field determining the i Dark current denSity iO-5,,-------------------, Relaxation al various temperatures 10-" 297 K 10-1 [s] 10· Relaxation time - FlGo 50 Relaxational behavior of the dark current ld at -5 V bias at differ ent temperatures. Id decreases up to two orders of magnitude within 270 h. 4470 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 i Dark current 10° ,,----""""--------------, [arbitrary units] 10-1 10-1 10-5 0.9 1.0 1,1 1.2 i.3 leV] 104 Energy FIG. 6. Logarithm of the dark current in arbitrary units as in Fig. 5, plotted vs emission energy. The curves were shifted relative to each other, yielding the general shape of the emission process. current decay. 14 The emission time can be converted into an energy by means of Eq. (6). The energy spectrum of the trapped charge n (E) can then be calculated from the current J(t) by icurrent (a) 10-5.~--~---------------_, [A] 10-8 , 10-7 10-2 Isl 10-1 Time- i Charge density (b) 1017 ::r-----------------------, Charge emitted alier illumination 1014 -t-----.----.-----r-----.----,.-----' OJ 0.4 0.5 0.6 FlG. 7. (a) Photoeurrent transient after switching off steady-state illumi nation (sample area 0.2 em2). (b) As the transient current is due to thermal emission of trapped electrons, the energy-resolved charge density neE) can be evaluated. Starting from the annealed sample (state A), neE) rises strongly after light soaking (state B). Hoheisel, Brutscher, and Wieczorek 4470 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09nCE) = I(t)t lekTV, ( 8) where V is the sample volume [Fig. 7 (b) ] . It should be pointed out that the measured charge den sity n(E) is the product N(E)f(E), i.e., bulk density of states N(E) and occupancy of these statesf(E) , re<;pective ly. nCE) shows an increase in the energy range from 0.45 eV down to about 0.7 eV below Ee. The trend is mainly due to fCE) which is dominated by a Boltzmann distribution. The shape of N(E) itself cannot be resolved by this method in detail, but it reveals no distinct structure. The measured charge density rises strongly after 64 h illumination with 100 mW/cm2 white light (state B). Asf(E) is expected to be the same in the light-soaked state, N(E) must increase by about one order of magnitude. This can be easily understood by assuming additional dangling bonds created by the Staebler Wronski effect. Figure 8 shows the capacitance of the space-charge re gion of our SBMIS junction measured by the quasistatic method plotted versus delay time. At short times, the capaci tance is equal to the geometrical capacitance of the diode. Within a certain delay time td, only states that are closer to Ee than the corresponding demarcation energy Ed are ther many emi.tted and can thus contribute to the integrated charge. In analogy to Eq. (6), Ed is given by (9) For td = 70 ms, the shortest time interval used, and Vo = 1014 S I (Ref 12), we obtain Ed = 0.76 eV. As in our samples, the position of the Fermi level, Ee -EE' >0.76 eV, and the states above the demarcation energy Ed are empty and thus do not appear in the capacitance. Toward longer tel we observe the contribution of deeper states, and the capaci tance therefore increases. From this curve, the density of states N(E) can be calculated. 12 Figure 9 shows a fit to N(E) around 0.8 eV. As our samples are undoped, we are restricted to a narrow energy interval. The density of states near midgap amounts to about 2X 1016 and 3X 1017 em -3eV 1 in the annealed and light soaked samples, respectively. These results are comparable with those obtained by Glade, Reichler, and MeWS on un- t Capacitance . 150~------------ 100 50 Delaytlme--- FIG. 8. Junction capacitance measured by the quasistatic method at zero bias. Delay times range from 70 ms to 200 s. Starting from the annealed sample (state A), the capacitance rises strongly after light soaking (state B). 4471 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 i N{E) 1018'::r-~ ________________ ---, 1015 +.-r-r-r-,-..,-r-r-;-.,..-..,.--,,-,-,-..,.--,,-,-,-,--i 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 [eVj 0.75 Ec-E FIG. 9. Density of state.~ N(E) calculated from the junction capacitance (Fig. 8). N(E) rises strongly from state A to B according to the normal Staebler-Wronski effect. doped a-Si:H/Pt Schottky barrier diodes. The change of the capacitance spectrum after illumination, i.e., the rise from state A to state B, reflects the creation of states due to the Staebler-Wronski effect. V. DISCUSSION In our measurements we can see two different processes taking place: We observe the well-known Staebler-Wronski effect (SWE), which is metastable at room temperature. It can be annealed as usual above 200 ·C. Additionally, we find a new phenomenon, a marked increase in the dark current of the SBMIS junctions after intense illumination, which is not stable at room temperature and disappears after several hours. Earlier investigations by Jousse et al.16 did not con centrate on reverse-biased diodes. They found the normal SWE in the forward characteristics, but could not explain the features or the reverse current. Let us discuss the Staebler-Wronski effect first. Illumi nating an a-Si:H sample for a long time with intense white light leads to the creation of dangling bonds near midgap. This can be understood by the breaking of weak Si-Si bonds and a rearrangement of the hydrogen associated with these bonds. l:l As a consequence, the Fermi energy may shift, de pending on its position in the annealed state. As in our un doped samples, E F is located near midgap, and there will be no significant shift of E p. So changes in the properties of our junctions have to be interpreted in terms of a risen density of states in the vicinity of midgap. Capacitance measurements offer relatively easy access to the N(E) dependence. The results show an increase of more than one order of magnitude at 0.85 eVbelow Ec. This corresponds to the neutral dangling bond state in agreement with the interpretations of Kocka, Vanecek, and Schauer. 17 Measurements of the photocurrent decay reflect an in crease in charge density nCE) after illumination. As noted above, neE) depends on the occupancy f(E) of the states involved.f(E) for its part depends on illumination and tem perature. Thus n (E) gives only a lower limit for the density of states N(E). As the neutral dangling bonds do not emit Hoheisel, Brutscher, and Wieczorek 4471 ...•.••••••••.•.•.•.••.•.•.•.• ; •.• ;.;.;.;.;.;.;0;.:.:.;·;·:·;·:O;O;O:·:':':':':':':':'M'~':':':';':'7''?''·':'·'·'~ ••• ' •••• ;.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;;;:.-:;;;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:. :.:.:.:;;.:.:.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.:.~."~'<;'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .•.•••.• , .•..•.••.••••• • -•• -•.• -.-•.•.•.• -•.• -.-.-•.•.•.• -.-•...•.•. ;:0 ........ " ••••••••••••••••••• ~."' .......... ~ ••••• -.;"' •••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.<; •.• ;.;> •••• ;> •••••••••••••••••••• ; ••• ~., ••• ;o;-•• o;o;-.y-.o:o-•• -.-.-;-.".-. [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09electrons into the conduction band within the measuring time ( < 1 s) at room temperature, we cannot observe their contribution. That is why we attribute the rise in neE) to an increase in negatively charged dangling bonds. It is likely that at least part of these states are occupied under illumina tion and that they will take part in the emission processes during the transient. The Staebler-Wronski effect reduces the photoconduc tivity18 since the additionally created dangling bonds act as recombination centers. Nevertheless, we see no effect on the photocurrent of our samples. At a bias voltage of -5 V, the electric field across thea-Si:H layer amounts to about 5 X 104 V Icm. This leads to a Schubweg of the order of 100 pm. Compared to the thickness of the sample of 1 pm, the proba~ bility for recombination is negligible. Even a pronounced diminution of the Schubweg by the SWE has no influence on the photocurrent if it is greater than the a-Si:H thickness. Only in extreme cases of low fields that are found in the interior of the sample at zero bias is there recombination in our SBMIS diodes. This can be seen in the photocurrent voltage characteristics (Fig. 3) where the photocurrent at zero bias reflects the influence of recombination on the short-circuit current by the Staebler-Wronski effect. The behavior ofSBMIS devices with respect to junction capacitance, steady state, and transient photocurrent can be understood on the basis of the norma] Staebler-Wronski ef fect. But this effect does not predict the considerable rise in dark current observed. A possible explanation could be a reduction in the width of the barrier due to an increased density of states. The tunneling current through a-Si:H bar riers is limited by thermionic field emission, as pointed out by Jackson et ai. 19 Therefore, additional states should lead to a decrease of the effective barrier height and thus to an in crease of Jd• But since the observed rise is not stable and disappears at room temperature with time constants in the order of hours, the explanation on the basis of the Staebler Wronski effect can be mled out. Looking at Table I, severa! other possibilities can ex plain the barrier lowering observed. In our opinion, it is un likely that new states are created at the interface by light soaking. Interface states are caused by the polarizability of the chemical bonds between semiconductor and metal or insulator, respectively. Although great efforts have been un dertaken to reduce the interface-state density, a certain num ber of such states cannot be avoided. Therefore, these inter face states are not expected to disappear quickly at room temperature. Negatively charged bulk states could arise from trap ping of photogenerated electrons in the space-charge region. However, they are inconsistent with the situation in our SBMIS junctions. From the relaxational behavior (Fig. 5) we conclude that the energetic depth of the states involved is between 1.0 and L4 eV. With reference to the barrier height of 0.86 eV,8 these charged states would be below the Fenni energy. Therefore, an emission of electrons into the conduc tion band cannot take place. Finally, we propose that interface states become posi tively charged, resulting in a barrier lowering. These states are located at the interface between the semiconductor and 4472 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 the insulator or inside the insulator, respectively. Their ener getic position is 1.0-1.4 e V above the valence-band edge. Holes generated by prolonged illumination are trapped in these states. This leads to a barrier lowering as described above (see Table I). Thermal excitation of trapped holes into the valence band can explain the barrier relaxation described above. However, we have to assume that holes can leave the inter face states only thermally. The tunneling transitions from the hole traps to the metal or to the a-Si:H as wen as recombi nation with electrons should be negligible. A striking feature of the dark current increase is its de pendence on the applied bias during light soaking. The deg radation effect is strongly enhanced by a negative voltage at the ITO electrode. This reverse bias draws the photogenerat ed holes towards the a-Si:H/ITO interface and intensifies the trapping process. The Staebler-Wronski effect, on the contrary, is suppressed by a negative bias which prevents recombination within the a-Si:H layer. One further observation points to the fact that interface states are responsible for the barrier degradation and relaxa tion: Samples measured under vacuum show a smaller effect than those investigated in air. Experiments with different ambients show a weak degradation and relaxation in dry ambients (N 2' (2) and a strong effect in moist ambients (air, water vapor). So it is obvious that water is the most likely cause of the interface states mentioned above. We sug gest that additional interface states are created by the pres ence of polar molecules, i.e., water. They change their charge state by trapping holes during prolonged illumination. This leads to the barrier lowering observed. From the slow relaxa~ tion process described above, we estimate their energetic po sition to be 1.0-104 eV above Ev' The upper electrode of our diodes made from ITO has a porous structure.20 Molecules can therefore diffuse to the interface and induce the formation of interface states. Once formed, these states remain even under vacuum. They can be annealed away at an elevated temperature. These ambient induced defect states are still not fully understood and will be investigated more closely in the near future. Vt CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the influence of the creation and recharg ing of defect states in SBMIS diodes on the barrier height is investigated. An overview is given in Table II. The creation of bulk states (dangling bonds) by light soaking leads to TABLE II. Effects of light-soaking and their origin. Staebler-Wronski effect Light soaking causes rise of bulk density of states Forward current decreases Transient photocurrent increases Junction capacitance increases Staebler-Wronski effect anneals above 200 'C Interface-state elreet Light soaking causes barrier lowering by hole trapping Reverse current increases Open~circuit voltage decreases Short-circuit current decreases Barrier lowering recovers at room temperature Hoheisel, Brutscher, and Wieczorek 4472 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:28:09changes in transient photocurrents as well as in space-charge capacitance. The results are consistent with the normal Staebler-Wronski effect. Water vapor diffusing through the ITO electrode towards the a-Si:H gives rise to interface states. They be come positively charged after light soaking, which lowers the SEMIS barrier considerably. After resting the samples in the dark from several minutes up to a few days at room temperature, the barrier recovers. Hence we conclude that the interface states are about 1.0-1.4 eV above the valence band edge. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank R. Primig, H. Doneyer, W. Mtiller, and E. Scheuermeyer for preparing the samples, and A. Kiendl for carrying out the CAD. The cross-sectional TEM pictures taken by S. Schild are gratefully acknowl edged. We are indebted to A. Glade for stimulating discus sions about the capacitance measurements and their inter pretation, and to W. Fuhs for his helpful comments. 4473 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 'K. Kempter, Proc. spm 617, 120 (1986). 2M. Hoheisel, G. Brunst, and H. Wieczorek, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 90, 243 (1987). 'w. Schottky, Z. Phys. 113, 367 (1939). "s. M. Sze, Physics a/Semiconductor Devices (Wiley, New York, 1969), p. 363 5K J. Ncrnanich. in Semiconductors and Semimetals, edited by J. I. Pall kove (Academic, Orlando 1984), Vol. 21, p. 375. 6J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 71,717 (1947). 'K, Rosall and G. Brullst, MRS Symp. Proc. 70, 683 (1986). 8M. Hoheisel, N. Brutscher, H. Oppoizer, and S. Schild, J. NOIl-CrysL Sol ids 97&98,959 (1987). 9H. Wieczorek, thesis, Marburg, 1987. "'T. J. Mego, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 57, 2798 (1986). II A. Glade, thesis. Marburg, 1987. 12A. Giade, W. Fuhs, and H. Mell, J. NOll-Cryst. Solids 59&60, 269 (1983). 13M. Stutzmann, W. B. Jackson, and C. C. Tsai, Phys. Rev. B32, 23 (1985). I4H. Wieczorek and W. Fuhs, Phys. Status Solidi A 109,245 (1988). "A. Glade, J. Beichler, and H. Mel!, J. Non-Cryst Solids 77&78, 397 (1985) . 16D. Jousse, R. Basset, S. Delionibus, and B. Bourdon, Appl.l'hys. Lett. 37, 208 (1980). '7J. Kocka. M. Vanecek, and F. Schauer, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 97&98,715 (1987). "D. L. Staebler and C. R. Wronski. App!. Phys. Lett. 31, 292 (1977). lOW. B. Jackson, R. J. Ncmanieh, M. J. Thompson, and B. Wacker, Phys. Rev. B 33,6936 (1986). 2U A. Mitwalsky, M. Hoheisel. W. Miiller, and C. Mrotzek, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 93,107 (1988). . 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Sodiumfluoride discharge for fast Zpinch experiments B. L. Welch, F. C. Young, R. J. Commisso, D. D. Hinshelwood, D. Mosher, and B. V. Weber Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 2664 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.342749 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342749 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in ZPinch Discharge in Laser Produced Plasma AIP Conf. Proc. 1278, 567 (2010); 10.1063/1.3507147 Fast Z Pinch Study in Russia and Related Problems AIP Conf. Proc. 651, 3 (2002); 10.1063/1.1531270 Z-pinch discharges in aluminum and tungsten wires Phys. Plasmas 6, 2579 (1999); 10.1063/1.873529 Evidence for a Multiphase Discharge Channel in Single Al Wire ZPinch Experiment. AIP Conf. Proc. 299, 643 (1994); 10.1063/1.2949218 A VUV Recombination Radiation Experiment in a Fast Dynamic ZPinch AIP Conf. Proc. 299, 210 (1994); 10.1063/1.2949153 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38Sodium .. fluoride discharge for fast Z ... pinch experiments B. L. Welch,a) F. C. Young, R. J. Commisso, D. O. Hinshelwood,b) D. Mosher, and 8. V. Weberb) Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5000 (Received 24 June 1988; accepted for publication 18 November 1988) A capillary-discharge plasma source has been developed to produce a sodium-bearing plasma for fast Z-pinch implosion experiments. Peak currents of 40-50 kA from a O.5-kJ capacitor bank were driven through a O.S-mm-diam, few cm long capillary drilled in packed sodium fluoride powder to form the source. A nozzle was used to collimate plasma ejected from one end oftne capillary to produce a 1-2-cm-diam, several em long cylindrical plasma. Ions with velocities of 2.2-3.4 cm/f1s and densities of up to 5 X 1015 cm-3 were measured with biased charge collectors located at least 5 cm from the nozzle. Measurements of visible light from neutrals near the nozzle exit gave velocities of 1. 5-1. 7 cm/ f.ls. Indications of axial and radial nonuniformities of the plasma were observed in framing photographs of visible-light emission and in spatially resolved spectral measurements. Neutral-sodium and neutral-fluorine lines were identified in the spectral range from 2300 to 6700 A. Also, impurity lines of carbon, copper, and hydrogen were identified and used to characterize the plasma. Stark broadening of the Balmer alpha line of hydrogen was used to deduce a peak electron density of 8 X 1016 cm -3 at the exit of a 2-cm-diam nozzle. Electron temperatures of 1.4-1.6 e V at the nozzle exit were inferred from relative intensities of the C I and C II lines. At this density and temperature, Saha-equilibrium-model calculations indicate that the plasma consists primarily of singly ionized sodium and neutral fluorine. A total mass per unit length (sodium and fluorine) of at least 15 pg/cm is deduced from this analysis of the plasma constituents. This capillary discharge has been used to produce 50-100 GW of sodium K-shell x rays in fast Z-pinch experiments. I. INTRODUCTION The possibility of creating population inversion by matched line phoropumping has been suggested I and inves tigatedV by a number of authors. An attractive scheme4 employs the Na x Is2 ISo-ls2p IP1 line at 11.0027 A to pump the Ne IX ls2 !So-ls4p IPI line at 11.0003 A. This scheme is attractive because the line coincidence is excellent (2 parts in 104), but it requires an intense source of ll-A Na X pump radiation. soft x-ray source10 or for thermonuclear fusion II has been examined. In this report, the development of a capillary dis charge to produce a plasma appropriate for high-power Z pinch implosions is described. Intense x-ray sources are produced by Z-pinch implo sions driven by fast (<; 100 ns), high-current Dd MA) pulsed power generators. For example, neon gas-puffimplo sions driven by the Gamble II generator at the Naval Re search Laboratory have produced up to 4 kJ of neon K-shell radiation with as much as 70% of the energy in the Lyman alpha (Ly-a) and heliumlike resonance (He-a) lines.s A similar approach is being taken to produce heliumlike sodi um in a Z-pinch implosion. This paper reports the develop ment of a sodium-fluoride (NaF) capillary discharge to pro vide a sodium-bearing plasma for such implosion experiments. A peak power of 25 GW with a total radiated energy of 600 J has been measured in the He-a line for impio~ sians of this NaF plasma driven by a peak current of 1.2 MA.6 Recently, this plasma source has been used in sodium pump/neon-lasant photopumping experiments.7 Discharges through dielectric capillaries that vaporize the wall are well known. They have been developed as stan dard light sourccs8 and have been studied as plasma sources.9 More recently, the use of capillary discharges as a a) Also at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. b) Also at Jaycor, Vienna, VA 22180·2270. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE CAPILLARY SOURCE The NaF plasma was produced by discharging a capaci tor through a capillary which was drilled in packed NaF powder. The geometry of the capillary source is shown in Fig. 1. The NaF powder was supported in a Teflon (CF2) dielectric separating the center electrode and the outer con ductor. The powder was packed to a density of approximate ly 1 g/cm-' in a 5-mm-diam hole in the dielectric, either 1.25 or 2.S cm long. A O.S-mm-diam capillary was drilled through the packed NaF powder. Previous work12 with cap illaries ranging in diameter from 3 to 0.3 mm indicated that more energy was coupled to the plasma when smaller diame ter capillaries were used. Current was driven through the capillary from the negative high-voltage center conductor to the grounded outer conductor. Powder from the capillary TRIGGERED SWITCH DIELECTRIC NOZZL:c \ NoF CAPILLARY (I 250m xOo5mmi FIG.!. Geometry of the sodium fluoride capillary-discharge source. 2664 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (7), 1 April 19S9 0021-8979/89/072664-09$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 2664 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38TRIGGERED SWITCH r: : L 'WIMI\I R " ~~ Le 'I /: Re FIG. 2. Electrical circuit used to power the capillary. CAPILLARY walls was heated to the plasma state by the electrical dis charge and subsequently ejected from the capiIIary by overpressure of the heated NaF. Measurements were also made with a CF2 capillary which was formed by drilling a O.'-mm-diam hole in the CF2 dielectric. A nozzle was required to restrict radial expansion of the plasma and to collimate the plasma into a cylindrical col umn. Three different anodized aluminum nozzles were used. Two nozzles had a 1.2-em exit diameter and either a 2 or 5 cm length, and the other nozzle had a 2-cm exit diameter and a 5 cm length. m. ELECTRiCAL MEASUREMENTS The current waveform of the capacitor discharge was measured to determine the electrical characteristics of the discharge. A schematic diagram of the discharge circuit is given in Fig. 2. The 1.8-IlF capacitor was charged to 25 kV providing a 560-J energy store. The current waveform was modeled by an RLC circuit, and the resistance, inductance, and amplitude of the current were determined by fitting the calculated waveform to the measured current. The capillary was initially replaced by a short circuit to determine the re sistance (R) and inductance (L) of the driving circuit. The short circuit was made by replacing the NaF with a 3.2-mm diam brass rod. Once values of Rand L were known, the waveform of the current through the NaF capillary gave an indication of the total resistance (R + Rc ) and inductance (L + Lc) of the circuit with a capillary load. Figure 3 pre sents waveforms for (i) the capillary replaced by a short circuit, (ii) a US-em-long NaF capillary, and (iii) a 2.5- em-long NaF capillary. For the short-circuit load, the cur rent oscillates in an underdamped fashion and the waveform is in good agreement with the RLC circuit-model current. With a NaF capillary load, the current is further damped due to the additionai resistance of the capillary. The agree ment with the RLC model current is not as good with a capillary load because the resistance and inductance of the capillary are time dependent. Even so, the RLC model cur rent agrees with the measured waveform over three-fourths of the first period of the current. The circuit characteristics obtained from the RLC mod el with and without NaF loads are given in Table 1. The 1.25- cm capillary adds 33 mn and 25 nH to the circuit, while the 2.5-em capillary adds 77 mn and 54 nH. The uncertainties in these resistance and inductance determinations of ± 20 mn. 2665 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7, 1 April 1989 FIG. 3. Current traces for different capillary conditions. and ± 20 nR, respectively, are based on estimating the goodness of the fits to the measured current waveforms. The scaling of the resistance with the length of the capillary is consistent with interpreting this resistance as the capillary plasma resistance. The scaling of the inductance with the length of the capillary suggests that this inductance is asso ciated with the current path in the capillary plasma. How ever, if the 25-nH increase in inductance observed for the 1.2'-cm capillary arises from a linear current path in the capillary, the current must be confined to an unrealistically small diameter (0.2 f.1m). The large increases in inductance observed with the capillary loads are not understood. Possi ble explanations are that the current path in the capillary is much longer than the length of the capillary, for example, either a spiral path within the capillary, or current distribu tion in plasma within the exit nozzle. The energy ddivered to the capillary was determined by using the measured current and resistance to calculate the ohmic power dissipated in the capillary. Integrating this power in time gave the energy coupled to the capillary. This energy is 180 ± 50 J for the 2.S-cm capillary and 50-200 J for the 1.25-cm capillary. The uncertainties in these values are due to the uncertainties in the resistance determinations. More than 90% of this energy is delivered to the capiIlary during the first period of the current pulse. IV. FARADAY CUP MEASUREMENTS Faraday cups were used to determine the net ion-cur rent density ofthe plasma from the capillary as a function of time. Negatively biased (50-V) cups with O.25-mm-diam en- TABLE I. RLC circliit characteristics for various capillary configurations. Peak First R f-R, L + Lc current period Configuration (mf!) (uH) (kA) (IlS) Short-circliit capUlary (Rc=Lc=O) 75 135 77 3.1 1.25-cm NaF capillary 108 160 53 3.5 2.S-cm NaF capillary 152 189 41 3.9 Welch eta!. 2665 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38, LE~S.,,-~ CAPILLARV W:iH NOZZLE , , '<" PHOTQOIOOES \ F"ARADAY CUPS FIG. 4. Experimental ar rangement of diagnostics on the capillary source. trance apertures were placed in the vacuum chamber oppo site the capillary source, as shown in Fig. 4. The measured signals gave an indication of the local positive-ion-current density as a function of time. By using two Faraday cups at different distances, an ion drift velocity was determined from the time difference between the signals at the two dif ferent locations on the same shot. The velocity can also be determined by varying the distance between the Faraday cups and the capillary on multiple shots. Faraday cup signals (see Fig. 5) were obtained for a 2.5-cm-Iong NaF capillary with a 2-cm exit diameter nozzle. The times of arrival of the three peaks of the Faraday cup signals are plotted versus distance for these two shots along with two other shots in Fig. 6. Measurements were taken on the same shot at 10 and 15.6 em, at 15 and 20.6 em, and at 20 and 25.6 em to mini mize variations due to lack of reproducibility. The slopes of these plots indicate velocities of 3.4, 2..7, and 2.2 em/,us for the three peaks with standard deviations of ± 0.2 em/,us. Once the velocity is known, the measured Faraday cup signal, V, can be used to estimate the ion density according to FIG. 5. Signals from a Faraday cup located 15 em from the nozzle on one shot and from Faraday cup~ located 20 and 25.6 em from the nozzle 011 another shot. 2666 J. Appt. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7, 1 April 1989 20~----------------------------------~ !I+ ~IJ \.L o w :a: f= 5 5 PEAK #3 \ I PEAK #1 10 15 20 25 DISTANCE FROM NOZZLE (em) 30 FIG. 6. Plot uftlle time of arrival for the peaks of the Faraday cup signals in Fig. 5 vs the distance from the nozzle. The lines are least-square fits to the data. 11, = V /(evAR), (1) where v is the ion velocity, A is the area of the Faraday cup aperture, e is the electronic charge, and R (50 n) is the termination resistance of the Faraday cup signal. It is as sumed that the ions are singly charged, that electron emis sion from ion impact in the cup is negligible, and that the Faraday cup does not perturb the plasma flow. The Faraday cup trace in Fig. 7 was measured with a detector located 5 em in front of the nozzle. The first three peaks in this trace corre spond to those in Figs. 5 and 6. The third and largest peak is associated with the 2.2-cmllls velocity and represents a den sity of about 5 X 1015 cm-3. Smaller densities were deter mined for the first two peaks. If the Faraday cup was located closer to the capillary, this signal was saturated. Increasing the detector bias to prevent saturation lead to electrical breakdown when plasma impinged on the detector. An Of der-of-magnitude estimate of the total number of charged particles arriving at 5 em was made by integrating this signal in time and using the velocity associated with the largest peak. For this estimate, the area of the ion beam was as- FIG. 7. Faraday cup signal measured at 5 em from a 2-cm-diam nozzle for a 2.5-cm-long NaF capillary. Weich etai. 2666 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38sumed to be given by the diameter ofthc plasma at the Fara day cup as indicated by framing-camera pictures (see Sec. V). If all these ions are assumed to be singly ionized sodium, the estimated total mass of sodium is 23 f-lg. For comparison, the total mass ofNaF powder from the capillary, determined by weighing the capillary before and after the discharge, was approximately 100 mg. Clearly, only a small fraction of the totai N aF is ionized sodium. The total number of singly ion ized sodium ions corresponds to a total ionization energy of 0.5 J and a total kinetic energy of 5.6 J. These estimates indicate that only a small fraction of the energy delivered to the capillary (6 out of 180 J) is carried by sodium ions in the plasma, and it is primarily kinetic rather than ionization en ergy. v. VISIBLE~LIGHT MEASUREMENTS The light emitted from the plasma was recorded in a number of ways. Open-shutter photographs and framing camera pictures were used to give an indication of the spatial distribution of light-emitting plasma. Figure 8(a) is an open-shutter photograph of the light from the discharge of a 1.25-cm-long NaF capillary without a nozzle. For this mea surement, a 50-A bandpass filter centered at 5890 A was used to transmit the sodium "doublet" lines at 5890 and 5896 A. The elliptical image indicates that plasma is expand ing from the capillary into less than 2rr Sf. A framing camera was used to record time-resolved im ages of the visible light as shown in Fig. 8 (b). Images were recorded for 0.2 f1s at I-fis intervals during the discharge. The frames are numbered sequentially in time, beginning in the lower left-hand corner and ending in the upper right. The first frame begins 0.5 .us after the discharge is initiated, un less otherwise specified. In all cases the capillary source is on the right. The framing-camera pictures show well-defined luminosity fronts that progress from frame to frame. The discharge in Fig. 8(b) is for a O.5-mm-diam capillary in a CF~ dielectric without a NaF fill and without a nozzle. Also, the ~odium "doublet" filter was not used. The ejected plasma (oi OPEN SHUTTER I--5cm--t--7.5cm-.1 SCREENS _J _______ _ I -~ CAPILLARY (tll FRAMING 2 6 8 5 7 FIG. 8. (a) Time-integrated photograph of sodium "doublet" light for a 1.25-cm-long NaP capillary, and (b) framing-camera pictures with no Na line filter for a L25-cm-Iong CF, capillary. 2667 J. Appl. Phys_, Vol. 65, No.7. 1 April 1989 (a) OPEN SHUTTER SCREEN---<" (bl FRAMING 2 \<>--------- 7.5 em --------1 6 5 CAPILLARY WITH NOZZLE 8 7 FIG. 9. (al Time-integrated photograph and (h) framing-camera pictllres for a 1.25-cm-long NaP capillary with a 1.2-cm-diam, 2-cm·long nozzle. impinges onto two screens located 7.5 and 12.5 cm, respec tively, from the capillary. Frame 1 shows plasma just begin ning to exit the capillary. In later frames, two successive luminosity fronts are observed to expand from the capillary and interact with the screens. The luminosity at the exit of the capillary is peaking in frames 3 and 5. In frames 4 and 7, the luminosity peaks behind the first screen as plasma passes through this screen. The divergence of the ejected plasma into nearly 217 Sf is evident in these frames. The effect of 1.2-and 2-cm-diam nozzles on redirecting the plasma can be seen in the photographs in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. For the open-shutter photographs in Figs. 9 (a) and W(a), the sodium "doublet" mter was not used because spectral measurements indicated that the total visible-light emission was predominantly from sodium. The light-emit ting plasma is limited to a diameter comparable to the nozzle diameter. The emission from this plasma is axially and radi ally nonuniform. Near the exit of the nozzle, the plasma is confined to the nozzle diameter, Several centimeters from the nozzle, the plasma appears to expand radially in a cone originating near the nozzle exit. (0) OPEN SHUTTER '". . $t .' .. :;?[ .... .... ... , \ --~- (bl FRAMING --------I :2 4 6 3 5 (CAPILLARY WITH NOZZLE FIG. 10. (a) Time-integrated photograph and (b) framing-camera pictures for a 1.25-cm-long NaF capillary with a 2-cm-diam, 5-cm-long nozzle. Welch etal. 2667 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38Framing-camera photographs for discharges with these same diameter nozzles are shown in Figs. 9(b) and lOCb). Light is recorded in the first frame in Fig. 9 (b) because the frame times have been delayed by 2 j1s for this measurement Radial confinement of the plasma by the nozzle can once again be seen, but now with time resolution. The velocity of the luminosity front was estimated by measuring the dis tance the front travels between frames. For frames 3-5 in Fig. 9 (b), the velocity of the luminosity front is about L 7 cm/j1s. In Fig. 10, a screen is located only 5 cm away from the nozzle. The frames in Fig. 10 (b) show intense light com ing from the outer edge of the nozzle suggesting that plasma is redirected toward the axis by the walls of the nozzle. Also shown is a cone of intense light originating on-axis at the exit of the nozzle and extending toward the screen. Both of these features are also evident in the open-shutter photograph in Fig. lO(a). These photographs indicate that the capillary discharge can be used to produce a column of sodium-bear ing plasma about 2 cm in diameter and at least 4 cm long, as required for Z-pinch implosion experiments. Photodiodes (EG&G Model FND-IOO) were used io record time histories of the light intensity in the geometry shown in Fig. 4. Flexible black tubing was used to restrict the detector field of view to a 1.8 em length of plasma, and a filter was used to limit the detector signal to only sodium "doub let" emission. By using two photodiodes to record the plas ma light at two different distances from the nozzle exit, a velocity was determined. Figure 11 shows two photodiode traces corresponding to a 4-cm separation of the diodes. Ve- 10cities determined from the two peaks are 1.7 and 1.2 cm/ f-ls. These velocities are up to a factor of2 smaller than veloc ities deduced from the Faraday cup measurements, but are in agreement with the velocity determined from framing photography. The 5-1O-ps duration of the sodium-light emission combined with the measured velocities indicates that sodium from the capillary should form a column longer than the 4 em required for implosion experiments on the Gamble n generator. The successive peaks observed in the ion-and visible-light emissions may be associated with the periodicity of the current driving the capillary. Oo:-~-'---':-------L--L--1--L---'-~ 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 TIME 'fLO) FIG. 11. Photodiode signals for a 1.25-cm-Iollg NaP capil1ary measured at the exit of a 2-cm-diam nozzle (solid line) and at 4 cm from the nozzle (dashed line). 2668 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7, i April 19S9 illl l---5 em--\-- 5 cm--t FARADAY __ oO<:,.::::SJ ~ CUPS (;// L~::,u,,, ( ( WITH NOZZLE 2 4. 6 8 3. 5 7. !o) Sr--r~'-~~-r--?-~--~--r-~ O~LL~~-u~-L~~~ __ ~~L-~ o 23456789 riME (/&1) FIG. 12. (a) Framing camera pictures for a L25-cm-Iong CF2 capillary with a L2-cm-diam, 2-cm-Iong nozzle. Faraday cups were located 5 and 10 em from the nozzle. (b) Faraday cup signal (solid line) for the detector in (a) located 5 em from the nozzle. The dashed curve shows the frame times corresponding to the bottom TOW of framing pictures in (a). dated with the periodicity of the current driving the capil lary. A comparison of visible-light measurements, i.e., fram ing-camera pjctures, and a Faraday cup signal is made in Fig. 12. The framing duration and the timing interval are as in Figs. 8-10. Frame times corresponding to the bottom row of framing pictures in Fig. 12 (a) are indicated by the dashed traces in Fig. 12(b). The arrival of ions at the Faraday cup occurs before the luminous front reaches the same location. These observations indicate that the larger velocities deter mined from Faraday cups (which measure ions) are not as sociated with the smaller velocities obtained from photo diodes (wYich measure light mainly from neutrals). Light is observed, t the locations of the Faraday cups in Fig. I2(a) after the luminous front exits the nozzle. This light may be due to either reflection oflight from the front of the Faraday cup or to emission from plasma which stagnates on the Fara day cup. No light emission was observed to be associated with the first peak in the Faraday cup signal in either the framing images or the photodiode traces. These data suggest that the discharge produces a fast ion component followed by a slower, luminous, neutral component. Welch eta!. 2668 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38VI. VISIBLE AND NEAR UV LIGHT SPECTROSCOPY A O.S-m spectrometer with a 1200-line/mm grating was used to study light emitted from the capillary-discharge plasma both photographically and with time resolution. The spectrometer viewed the plasma perpendicular to its exit from the nozzle, and 11 lens was used to image the source onto the entrance slit of the spectrometer, as shown in Fig. 4. For the photographic work, the spectrum was spatially resolved in the radial direction at the exit of the nozzle. In spectral scans from 2300 to 6700 A, lines of neutral sodium and neu tral fluorine were identified, as well as impurity lines of car bon, copper, zinc, aluminum, and hydrogen. Spectral lines from Na I for two different discharges, recorded with a 100- fim entrance slit, are compared in Fig. 13. In each case, the intense and broadened portion of the lines corresponds to the nozzle diameter. Measurements with various neutral density filters and entrance slit widths indicated that this line broad ening is not due to overexposure of the film. The line broad ening is indicative of a higher electron density on-axis than elsewhere in the plasma, The Na I emission is radially more uniform for the 1.2-cm-diam nozzle in Fig, 13(b) than for the 2-cm-diam nozzle in Fig. 13 (a), This suggests that radial variations of the electron density are less severe for the smaller diameter nozzle, The sodium "doublet" emission, labeled 3s-3p in Fig. 13, appears to be reabsorbed at line center, which indicates that the plasma is opaque at these wavelengths. This absorp tion is attributed to neutral sodium in the ground state between the light-emitting sodium and the spectrometer. This reabsorption can be used to estimate a minimum sodi um ground-state density in the plasma, Measurements were "0 Q, V rt') I ! Q, <II f') i<"I (a) ~ + (b) i 0/1 i.O I n r0 + t .i nozzle diameter T nOllie diameter T FIG, 13. Spectrallines from Na I for a L25-cm-Iong NaFcapillary (a) with a 2-cm-diam nozzle and (b) with a 1.2-cm-diarn, 5-cm-long nozzle. The short lines along the bottom of the photographs are reference spectra. 2669 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7. 1 April 1989 :> i- ::'l a.. ~2 o cr.:: ILl -l a.. 5 ::'l ~ o b J: a.. AT NOZZLE EXIT /"" 5cm FROM I "\ /NOZZLE EXIT , , i ... _.., t - .... , ; '~, ""'" "'" -~ °o~~~~~~--~--~--~--~--~--~ FIG. 14. Photomultiplier signals of the Na I 3s-3p line (5890 A) at the nozzle exit (solid line) and 5 cmfrom the nozzle (dashed line) for a 2.S-cm long NaP capillary and 2-cm-diam nozzlc. made of higher members of the Na I resonance series because the smaner osciliator strengths of these lines, compared to the 3s-3p line, lead to much larger minimum densities. A photomultiplier was coupled to the exit slit of the spectrom eter to record the time histories of weak lines. The Na I line at 2852 A (3s-5p) was scanned in wavelength and found to be reabsorbing at line center. Reabsorption occurred for a dura tion of more than 5 !1s beginning about 6,as after the start of the capinary current. To account for this absorption, an opti cal depth of at least unity is required, which corresponds to a minimum sodium ground-state density of about 3 X 1OJ6 cm-3. Velocities of sodium atoms were determined by measur ing the Na I line emission at two different distances from the nozzle. Time histories of the Na I line at 5890 A, recorded at the nozzle and 5 em from the nozzle, are shown in Fig. 14, Velocities corresponding to the two peaks in these signals are 1.7 and 1,5 cm/j.ts, respectively. These values agree with the velocities from the visible-light photodiode measurements. Time histories of the eu I line at 5218 A are presented in Fig. 15, The solid trace gives an indication of the impurity :;; 1.6 I- ::> Q. I- ::> o 1.2 0< !:':! ...1 a. S 1"1 "OT FIG. 15, Photomultiplier signals ofthe 5218-A eu I line for a 2.S-em-Iong NaF capillary and 2-cm-diam uonle with bra:;.,> electrodes (solid line), with an aluminum outer electrode (short dashed line), and with an aluminum ollter electrode and tantalum inncr electrode (long dashed line). Welch eta/. 2669 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38emission in a typical discharge. The dotted trace indicates the relative copper-impurity conteni when the hole in the brass outer electrode was covered with an aluminum insert. The dash-dot trace indicates the relative copper-impurity content when the aluminum insert was used and the brass center electrode was covered with tantalum foiL These re sults demonstrate that the copper impurity is from the brass electrodes and can be changed by modifying the electrodes. The electron density, no in the plasma wa" determined by measuring the Stark broadening ofthe Balmer alpha line (6563 A) from the hydrogen impurity. Measurements of this line were carried out at the exit of the nozzle and were restricted in the direction perpendicular to the line-of-sight to within 2 mm of the axis in order to minimize uncertainties due to nonuniformities in ne' Time histories of the intensity of this line were measured from 9 A below line center to 7 A above line center. Histories at seven different wavelengths at and above line center are given in Fig. 16. From these mea surements, Hne profiles were extracted at various times dur ing the discharge. The profiles were fit to Lorentzian func tions, and the half-width at half-maximum was determined for each profile. An example of one of the profiles is shown in Fig. 17. There is no indication of self-absorption in this line shape. Stark broadening is the major contributor to the 2.2- A half-width of this line. For the various times of these mea surements, the half-widths ranged from 1.0 to 3.5 A. An instrumental width of only 0.3 A for the 20-,um entrance slit was determined by scanning the 5461-A line of a mercury vapor lamp. The thermal Doppler width is only 0.4 A for a temperature of2 eV. An upper limit on the Doppler width due to macroscopic motion was estimated to be 0.3 A based on a velocity of 1.5 cm//1s. Therefore, the instrumental and Doppler contributions to the linewidths are small and were neglected in determining nc. The measured half-widths were compared with tabulated Stark widths 13 to determine the negative-charge density. This density is attributed to elec trons, not negative ions, because the negative-ion density is negligible at the measured electron density and temperature, FIG. 16. Photomultiplier signals of the Balmer alpha line of hydrogen at line center (6563.4.) and at six longer wavelengths lor a 1.25-cm-Iong NaF capillary with a 2-cm-diam nozzle. 2670 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7, I April 1989 > -0.4 >-;- <n z w ~ 03 ..J '" 0:: fu :t 0.2 Ul w > ~ ;;j 0.1 IX " oL-L-J-~-L~~ __ L-~~~-L~~ __ L-L-J-~ -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 RELATIVE WAVELENGTH (A) 8 F1IG. 17. Hydrogen Balmer alpha line profile at 2.75 liS near the peak of the signals in Fig. 16. Zero on the horizontal axis corresponds to line center. The curve is the fit of a Lorentzian function with a linear background. as will be shown. The Stark widths were evaluated for a tem perature of 2 eV, based on measurements to be described. The Stark width at this temperature and density is not strongly dependent on temperature. A temperature of 1 eV would only cause a 5%-15% decrease in this density, Values of ne, determined from the measured linewidths, 14 are given in Fig. 18 along with the time history of the line at line center. These are radially averaged electron densities at the nozzle exit. Recent calculations of Stark broadened profiles of the Balmer alpha line in this temperature and density range would imply slightly higher electron densities. J5 The uncer tainty in each measurement arises from uncertainty in the linewidth due to shot-te-shot variations in the signal and to small signal-to-noise ratios at late time. The peak value of 11. is 8 X 1016 em -3. This peak is associated with the second peak in the Faraday cup signal shown in Fig. 7, It was not possible to extend this measurement to a later time corre sponding to the maximum ion density recorded by the Fara- r5 ~04 ~ ; ~O.3* j: ~ 5 ~:~I 00~~~·-L---3LI --J~---~5---L~~ TIME (p.') FIG. 18. Electron densities determined from the measured linewidths (data points), and the photomultiplier signal of the Balmer alpha line of hydrogen at line center (curve). Welch eta!. 2670 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38day cup because the hydrogen line emission is too weak. However, the Faraday cup measurement suggests that ne may be a factor of2larger about 3 tJ'i" later (see Fig. 7). The electron temperature, T",' was inferred from the rel ative intensities of the C I Hne at 2478 A and the C II lines at 2509-2512 A. The relative populations of these ionization states of carbon can be calculated with the Saha equation for a plasma in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) if both ne and Te are known. 16 Then, the relative population of the upper states of these two transitions is determined using the Boltzmann relationship for level populations. Oscillator strengthsl7 of 0.094 for the 2p2_2p3s transition of C I and 0.14, 0.16, and 0.016 for the 2s2p2_2p3 transitions of C II (J -J' = 3/2-5/2, 112-3/2, 3/2-3/2) were used to evaluate the relative intensity of these lines as a function of ne and Te' Because this line ratio depends on both Te and n" Te was determined only over the time interval for which ne was also determined, as described in the previous paragraph. For the time interval from 2.25 to 5.25 f.Js, Te = 1.4-1.6 eV. This measurement represents an upper limit on Te because the weak C II line intensity may be overestimated due to other contributions to this signal. The plasma conditions required for L TE ofthe C I and C II ionization states and for equilibrium between these ioniza tion states were examined. For a particular ionization state in a homogeneous static plasma, complete L TE is estab lished if the collisional excitation rate is a factor of 10 larger than the radiative decay rate of the resonance transition. IS Applying this criterion to a 1.5-eV carbon plasma leads to lowerlimits on ne of5 X 1016cm-3 forC I and 4x 1017 em -3 for C u. Thus, complete LTE is valid at the time of measured peak fie (8 X 1016 cm--') for C I but not for C II. Partial LTE with respect to transitions from higher principal quantum number does not require as large a density as complete L TE. If an effective principal quantum number of 3 is used for the C II transition, Ii< partial LTE is valid because the minimum density is only 1 X WIt> cm-3• The time required for equili- 80 ~ § 70 ~ :5 60 a.. o a. w 50 ~ ~ 40[' ~ 30 t:! , ~ 2+ It o '---_l ... _~_~t;;;;;;:~~:::!::::::::!::=1 0.25 0_50 0_75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 TEMPERATURE leV) FIG. 19. Populations of the ionization states of sodium and fluorine for a NaF plasma with a total ion density of2X 1017 ern -3. 2671 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7. 1 April 1989 bration between these ionization stages of carbon was esti mated from inverse reaction rates. 19 An ionization rate coef ficient of 8 X 10-12 cm3/s, based on a l.S-eV C I plasma, indicates an equilibrium time of 1.5 f-ls for an electron den sity of 8 X 1016 cm -3. For a plasma that goes through a se quence of near L TE states, the time required for relaxation of transient effects can be estimated from the inverse colli sional excitation rate of the ground state multiplied by the fraction of atoms to be excited. This time is < 11 ns for C I. These comparisons suggest that the L TE analysis is margin ally appropriate for the C ! and C n states used for the tem perature estimates. A model20 based on the Saha equation, charge neutra lity, and conservation of particles was used to estimate the population of various ionization stages of sodium and fiu orine in the plasma assuming a total density for each species of 1017 em -3, This density was selected because it leads to an electron density at 1.5 eV that is comparable with the mea sured fl,. The populations of each ionization state relative to the particular species, Na I, Na n, F I, and F n, are given in Fig. 19 as a function of plasma temperature. At the mea sured temperature of < 1.5 eV, the sodium is almost entirely ionized and the fluorine is 86% neutral. At 1.5 eV, popula tions of the discharge constituents are approximately 1 % N a I, 49% Na II, 43% F I, and 7% F n. The population of F ions is negligible, and becomes significant only for tempera tures less than 0.6 eV. The population of Na In is negligible over the temperature range in Fig, 19 due to the large ioniza tion potential (47 V) of neonlike sodium. The total particle density in the plasma was determined by combining the electron density with the population frac tions deduced from the Saha model. This procedure is appro priate because the population fractions are only weakly de pendent on the electron density. With only single-stage ionization, the value ofne (8 X 1016 cm-3) determined from the hydrogen linewidth is the total positive-ion density at the exit ofthe nozzle. This result is more than an order of magni tude larger than the density determined from the Faraday cup located 5 em in front of the nozzle (see Sec. IV). This difference may result from expansion and/or recombination as the plasma moves away from the nozzle. For a total posi tive-ion density of 49% Na nand 7% F n, the total density (sodium and fluorine) is approximately 1.4 X 1017 em -3. This result is relatively insensitive to the temperature in the range from 0.7 to 1.6 eV because the sodium is more than 90% singly ionized for temperatures greater than 0.7 eV, and the F II contribution is less than 12% for temperatures below 1.6 eV. For a 2-cm-diam nozzle, this total density corresponds to a mass per unit length of 15 J1.-g/cm at 4 f-ls after the start of the current (peak electron density in Fig. 18). This mass may be a factor of 2 larger 3 f.ls later in the current pulse. The Na I density of l.4X 1015 cm-3, based on impurity line emission and the Saha-equation analysis, is not inconsis tent with the minimum ground-state density of 3 X 1016 em -3 estimated from absorption at line center of the 2852-A line of Na I. These densities are obtained at different times and possibly at different radial sites within the plasma at the exit of the nozzle. The smaller density is recorded at 4 J-ls Welch eta/. 2671 .... _._._.-. ••• '~.'.'.v.~.'._._._"._._., ................ ~._ ............ ~ .•.•. ";";' •••.. _ .••.••••••. ~ .• , ... ~ •• ~ .......... , .•.•. ~ .•.•.•. "' •• "'_ ....... _,_._ •.• ;"; •.•.• , [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38(peak of ne in Fig. 18), while the larger density is not ob served until at least 6 JIS after the discharge is initiated. Be cause both measurements are averaged along a radial line-of sight through the plasma, the emission may occur at a different location in the plasma than the absorption occurs due to radial non uniformities, as observed in Fig. 10. VII. CONCLUSIONS A sodium fluoride plasma for Z-pinch implosions has been produced from a capillary-discharge source. The capil lary is driven with peak cun'ents of 40-50 kA for a few mi croseconds to produce the plasma. Approximately 180 J of energy is delivered to the capillary to produce a plasma of sodium and fluorine which is ejected from the capillary. Nozzles are necessary to confine the plasma to a cylindrical geometry, either 1.2 or 2 em in diameter. Ions are ejected at velocities of 2.2-3.4 em/ fis and neutrals at velocities of 1.5- 1.7 em/JIs. Plasma is emitted for several microseconds so that a 4-cm length may be fined with plasma as required for Z-pinch implosion experiments.6 The plasma has non uniformities in both the radial and axial directions. Measurements suggest that the plasma is emitted in successive fronts which may be associated with the periodic nature of the driving current. It may be possible to smooth these non uniformities by using a slower period current. Visible-light framing photographs suggest that the radial nonuniformities are due to reflection of plasma from the walls of the nozzle and from radial expansion of the plas ma as it propagates away from the nozzle. Observed broad ening of spatially resolved spectral lines is consistent with a higher electron density on-axis, particularly for the 2-cm diam nozzle. Reducing the nozzle diameter seems to smooth the radial variations by producing a more uniform electron density throughout the plasma. Copper impurities in the plasma originate from both electrodes of the capillary, and the impurities can be altered by changing the composition of the metal electrodes. Time-resolved spectral intensity measurements from carbon and hydrogen impurities were made to determine the electron density and temperature. An electron density of about 8 X 1016 cm-3 at the exit of the nozzle was determined from Stark broadening of optically thin hydrogen line emis sion. Temperatures of 1.4-1.6 eV were inferred from the rel ative intensity ofC I and C II line emissions. Interpretation of these results with a Saha model indicates that the plasma consists mainly ofNa II and F I at the exit ofthe nozzle, and a total (sodium and fluorine) density of about 1.4 X 1017 cm-' is deduced from the electron density. Faraday cup measure ments 5 em in front of the nozzle indicate that this density may be a factor of 2 larger a few microseconds later in time. This density represents a mass loading of 15 Jig/cm which compares favorably with values of 14--33 p,g/cm that have been inferred from observed implosion times6 and analyses of spectroscopic measurements2! in experiments with this source on the Gamble II pulsed power generator. 2672 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.7, 1 April 1989 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to R. Boller and G. Cooperstein of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for their suggestions and to A. T. Robinson and G. Langley for technical assis tance. We are grateful to M. J. Herbst for making available the photodiodes used in these measurements. H. R. Griem, J. S. Wang, J. Moreno, E. Iglesias, S. Daniels, S. Goldsmith, and R Grober of the University of Maryland assisted in the interpretation and presentation of the spectral measure ments. This work was supported in part by the Innovative Science and Technology Office of the Strategic Defense Ini tiative Organization and directed by the Naval Research Laboratory. 'A. V. Vinogradov, L I. Sobel'man, and E. A. Yukov, Sov. J. Quant. Elec tron. 5, 59 (1975); R. H. Dixon and R. C. Elton, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 1, 232 (1984). lV. A. Bhagavatuia, App!. Phys. Lett. 33, 776 (1981). 'Po Rabinowitz, S. Jacobs, and G. Gould, App!. Opt. 1, 513 (1962). 4J. P. Apruzese and J. Davis, Phys. Rev. A 31,2976 (1985). 5S. J. Stephanakis, J. P. Apruzese, E G. Burkhalter, J. Davis, R. A. Meger, s. W. McDonald, G. Mehlman, P. F. Ottinger, and F. C. Young, App!. Phys.lett. 48,829 (1986); G. Mehlman, P. G. Burkhalter, S. J. Stephana kis, F. C. Young, and D. J. Nagel, J. Apr\. Phys. 60, 3427 (1986). 'P. C. Young, S. J. Stephanakis, V. E. Scherrer, Il. 1.. Welch, G. Mehlman, P. G. Burkhalter, and J. P. Aprllzese, AppJ. Phys. Lett 50, IOS3 (1987). 7S. J. Stephanakis, J. P. Apruzcse, P. G. Burkhalter, G. Cooperstein, J. Davis, D. D. Hinshclwood, G. Mehlman, D. Mosher, P. F. Ottinger, V. E. Scherrer, J. W. Thornhill, B. L. Weich, and F. C. Young, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. PS-16, 472 (1988). "H.J. Kusch and H. Schreiber, Z. Naturforsh. 27, 513 (1972); N. N. Ogurt sova, I. V. Podmoshenskii, and V. L Smirnov, High Temp. 14, 1 (1976). 9R. C. Cross, B. Ahlborn, and J. D. Strachan, J. AppL Phys. 42, 1221 (1971); and D. D. Hinshelwood and Shyke A. Goldstein, Record-Ab stracts of the 1981 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, IEEE Pub. No. 82CH1770·7 (IEEE, New York, 1981), p. 83. lOS. M. Zakharov, A .. A. Kolomenskii, S. A. PikllZ, and A. 1. Samokhin, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 6, 486 (1980). "R. A. McCorkle, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 215, 463 (1983). l2F. C. Young, R. I. Commisso, G. Cooperstein, D. D. Hinshelwood, R. A. Meger, D. Mosher, V. E. Scherrer, S. J. Stephanakis, B. V. Weber, and B. L. Welch, Record-Abstracts of the 1986 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science IEEE Pub. No. 86CH2317·6 (IEEE, New York, 19H6) p.87. J3H. R. Griem, Spectral Line Broadening by Plasmas (Academic, New York, (974). !4}l L Welch, H. R. (hiem, R. J. Commisso, and F. C. Young, Record Abstracts of the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. IEEE Pub. No. 87CH2451-3 (lEEE, New York, 1987), p. 70. "D. H. Oza and R. L. Greene, J. Phys. B 21, 1.5 (1988). "Fl. R. Griem, Plasma Spectroscopy (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964), p. 272. !7W. L. Wiese, M. W. Smith. and B. M. Glennon, Atomic Transition Proba bilities, No. NSRDS-NBS 4 (US GPO, Washington, DC, 1966). Vol. 1. '"H. R. Griem, Plasma Spectroscopy (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964). p. 150. '9W. Lotz, Apr!. J. Suppl. 14,207 (1967). '''So W. Daniels, H. R Griem, and A. D. Krumbein. Proceedings a/the Third International Conference an Radiatiue Properties a/Hot Dense Plas ma, edited by B. Rozsnyai, C. Hooper, R. Cauble, R. Lee, and J. Davis ( World Scientific, Singapore, 1985), p. 451. 21J. P. Apru/.csc, G. Mehlman, J. Davis, J. E. Rogerson, V. E. Scherrer, S. J. Stephanakis, P. F. Ottinger, and F. c.. Young, Phys. Rev. A 35, 4896 ( 1987). Welch eta/. 2672 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:48:38
Generation of thick Ba2YCu3O7 films by aerosol deposition T. T. Kodas, E. M. Engler, and V. Y. Lee Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 1923 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101497 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101497 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/19?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Correlation of structural and superconducting properties of Ba2YCu3O7−δ thin films AIP Conf. Proc. 251, 44 (1992); 10.1063/1.42100 Superconducting properties of Ba2YCu3O7−x thin films prepared by chemical vapor deposition on SrTiO3 and a metal substrate Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1581 (1989); 10.1063/1.102311 Oxygen diffusion into oxygendeficient Ba2YCu3O7−x films during plasma oxidation Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 811 (1988); 10.1063/1.100152 Plasma oxidation of Ba2YCu3O7 − y thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 618 (1988); 10.1063/1.100636 OzoneUV irradiation effects on Ba2YCu3O7 − x thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 2183 (1988); 10.1063/1.99763 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:05:23Generation of thick Sa:;!! YCUa07 fUms by aerosol deposition T. T. Kodas,a) E. M. Engler, and V. Y. lee IBM Research Division. Almaden Research Center, 650 llarrp Road. San Jose. California 95120-6099 (Received 21 December 1988; accepted for pUblication 17 March 1989) Thick superconducting films were fabricated by producing high-purity Ba2 YCu30, particles by aerosol decomposition in a gaseous flow system, depositing the particles directly from the gas phase onto surfaces by thermophoresis, and then sintering and annealing the deposited particulate films in an oxygen flow. Particulate films with thicknesses of 1 mm were deposited on the inside surfaces of copper tubes and sintered to provide uniform adherent coatings with sharp superconducting transitions above 91 K. High-purity powders based on the Bi-Sr-Ca Cu-O and TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O systems were also produced and sintered to form bulk ceramics with transitions at 80 and 110 K, respectively, suggesting that the process is general and can be used for a variety of materials. Advantages of the process include the ease of obtaining the correct oxygen content and the ability to fabricate thick films of fine grained material while minimizing exposure to carbon and other contaminantso A number of methods have been developed for the fabri cation of ceramic superconductor wires and tapes. These methods include packing superconducting powder into met al tubes, 1 solid-state diffusion/reaction processes,2 extrusion of a powder/organic mixture,3 application of a slurry onto a surface,4 molten oxide drawing,5 sol-gel6 and other methods. Although higher critical current densities have been ob tained in materials composed of elongated single crystals,7 the highest critical current densities that have been reprodu cibly demonstrated for polycrystaIline material are on the order of 10 000 A/cm2 with most techniques providing much lower values and less than optimum 1~ values. For the case of metal-coated wires, the low critical current densities and transition temperatures may be due in part to the diffi culty in obtaining the correct oxygen content In addition, the low critical current densities and 1:. values may be caused by impuritiesB and secondary phases9 at the grain boundaries, grain orientation effects,1O and by microcrack ing. Thus, critical current densities and Tc values may be improved by achieving the correct oxygen content, minimiz ing exposure to contaminants, using chemically homoge neous particles, and minimizing microcracking by control ling the size ofthe grains. In an effort to overcome the impurity, chemical homo geneity, oxygen content, and microcracking problems, we have developed a new method for generation of thick super conducting ceramic films. In this method, which is illustrat ed schematically in Fig. 1, superconducting particles are formed in a gaseous fiow system and then deposited directly from the gas phase onto a surface. Wires can be formed by depositing particles on the inside of tubes. The deposition process can be controlled to provide a uniform deposit along the inside of the tube. Similarly, unifoml coatings can be formed on fiat surfaces. The desired oxygen content can be obtained because oxygen can be flowed over the fiat sub strate or through the tube (which is not entirely filled) dur- ,,) Present address: Center For Micro-Engineered Ceramics and Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department, University of New Mexico. Albu querque, NM 87131 ing sintering and annealing. Chemically homogeneous parti cles with a submicron number average diameter can be applied to surfaces of tubes and tapes while minimizing ex posure to carbon-containing specieso In this work, the Ba2 YCu3 07 system was used to dem onstrate that thick superconducting films can be formed on the inside of copper tubes to produce wires with high transi tion temperatures and reasonable critical current densities. Results are also presented for the TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O, Bi-Ca-Sr Cu-O, and La-Sr-Cu-O systems which demonstrate that high-purity powders can be produced and then fabricated into superconducting ceramics, a necessary requirement for the use of these chemical systems for film and wire fabrica tion using aerosol deposition. Figure 2 shows the experimental apparatus. The aerosol generation apparatus has been described previously, 1I so only a brief description will be given hereo A solution of the powder precursors is passed through an aerosol generator to form fine droplets of the solution with an average diameter in the micron range. The use of aqueous solutions of the nitrate salts ofY, Ba, Cu, Ca, Sr, Hi, TI, and La minimizes carbon contamination from either the solvent or precursors. The particles are then carried through a furnace at temperatures of900-1100 °C with reactor residence times of 1-25 s, where the precursor compounds react with the oxygen carrier gas to form superconducting powder. Since the particles come into contact only with water and the materials composing the aerosol generator, contamination problems can be mini mizedo Some of the properties of the Ba2 Y Cu} 07 aerosol pow- )) (!Q,.r!ll}138:ll )) ~ >e- -I>()~ a -~ ,,,,,I CIi,micoi Q () ~ 2~ [v-oporation Reaction """\ Ir3lll_«_ Particl. )) Particle ;) F' orrr:o{!on Deposi'ion FIGo i 0 Schematic of overall wire fabrication process, Sintering or.d Annea;ing 1923 AppL Physo Lett 54 (19), 8 May i 989 0003-6951/89/191923-03$01000 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 1923 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:05:23Carrier Ga. ,-:---,-, PlZ77hZ???????????21 FIG. 2. Experimental system. Q'l/VV7Z22ZV22Z2ZA Depositicln Zone With Heated Reactor Tube Controlled Temperature Gradier:~ der have been examined in earlier work. 11 This along with additional work has shown that powders with the following characteristics can be formed: completely reacted [thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) L single phase [x-ray diffrac tion (XRD)], superconducting with Tc > 90 K (magnetic susceptibility), single-crystal particles (electron diffrac tion), uniform composition from particle to particle [energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)], solid particles l transmis sion electron microscopy (TEM) and BET surface area measurements 1, funy oxygenated (iodometric titration), 1:2:3 ratio of Y:Ba:Cu (wet chemical analysis), and equiaxed and sphedcal shapes. Powders based on the La1.8SSrO.15Cu04' Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu- 0, and TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O systems were also produced. The La 1.85 SrO.15 Cu04 system gave single-phase material while multiphase material was obtained for the Tl and Hi systemso Powders collected on glass fiber and silver membrane filters were sintered and annealed to produce material with super conducting transitions at 35, 110, and 80 K, respectively. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using this aerosol deposition method for the production of tapes and wires based on chemical systems other than Ba2 YCU~07 since the collected powders can be converted into bulk superconduc tors. Thick superconducting films were formed on the inside of a copper tube by sending the aerosol particles in the oxy gen carrier gas exiting the reactor into a copper tube with a controlled wall temperature profile where deposition took place by thermophoresis to coat the inside surface of the tube. Both straight and coiled tubes were coated. In addi tion, thick films were formed on flat substrates to demon strate the feasibility of producing tapes by this process. The temperature of the copper tube walls and flat substrates was 100-200 ·C, far below the temperature required for reason able sintering rates. Deposition of the micron-sized particles in the system can, in general, take place by gravitational settling, inertial impaction, Brownian diffusion, and thermophoresis, the rel ative contributions of these mechanisms being dictated by the operating conditions. Calculations based on the average particle diameter, density of the particles, and geometry of the system indicated that gravitational settling and impac tion were not important. Estimated deposition efficiencies for thermophoresis (which depend on the temperatures in the heated zone and downstream from the heated zone, and the product PrK where Pr is the Prandtl number and K is the thermophoretic coefficient12) were much higher than those for diffusional deposition. This conclusion was supported by the observation that particle deposition was not visible in sections of the system where temperature gradients were not encountered. An advantage of exploiting thermophoretic 1924 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 19.8 May 1989 o 50 '00 150 200 Temperature (K) FIG. 3. Resistivity as a function of temperature for thick film of Haz Yeu, 07 on inner surface of copper tube. deposition as opposed to other deposition mechanisms is that the location of the deposition zone along a tube or flat surface can be controlled by varying the temperature profile in the gas phase, thereby allowing deposition of uniform coatings as in optical fiber production. [2 Limitations on de position efficiencies and rates are currently being investigat ed. Deposition of the powders on the inside of the copper tube to form a particulate film was followed by sintering and annealing to produce an adherent superconducting layer on the inside ofthe copper tube. Sintering was achieved by heat ing the deposited particulate films at 880°C for 1-2 h in the presence of oxygeno Resistive transition temperatures were measured by four-probe electrical measurements. Critical current densities were measured by sawing out a 1.5 X 005 mm piece of the tube, applying silver paste contacts, and using a pulsed current technique. Coatings up to 1 mm in thickness were deposited on the inside of 4.8-mm-i.d., 6.4- mm-o.d. copper tubing, 15 cm longo The coatings were thick enough to minimize problems associated with the reaction between the copper tube and the superconducting powder. The fabrication of thicker coatings and the use ofbuff'er lay ers of other materials is currently being investigated. Since the tubes were not totally filled in, sintering and subsequent annealing of the superconductor could be carried out by passing heated oxygen through the tubes. This overcomes the need for oxygen diffusion through the copper tube walls in order to achieve the correct oxygen content in the super conductor. Also, since the material can be easily heated in the presence of oxygen once deposited, the particles that are used to form the deposit do not have to be superconducting. This allows the formation of superconducting films using TI Ca-Sa-Cu-O and Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O, in which the aerosol parti cles themselves are not necessarily superconducting but can be converted into superconducting material by diffusion and reaction in the deposited film. Figure 3 shows that a sharp superconducting transition was observed at 92 K for the sintered and annealed Ha2 YCu) 07 on the inside of the Cu tube. Critical current densities were on the order of those measured for sintered and annealed pellets of the same aerosol powder, roughly 10-100 A/cm2• However, the processing conditions have not yet been optimized with respect to the critical current densities and improvements are expected as the influence of Kodas, Engler, and Lee 1924 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:05:23the powder production, deposition, and sintering/annealing conditions on the superconductor properties are investigat ed further. In summary, an aerosol deposition method has been de veloped for the fabrication of thick superconducting ceramic films. The method relies on a novel combination of pro cesses: formation of high-purity particles in an oxygen flow system, the controlled deposition of the particles from the gas stream onto surfaces, and sintering and annealing of the deposited particulate fiims in an oxygen flow. Ba2 yeu3 07 coatings were deposited on the inside surface of copper tubes to give wires with a sharp superconducting transition at 92 K. Weare currently examining limitations on the deposition rate, working to increase the critical current densities, exam ining the formation of thick films based on the TI-Ca-Ba-Cu o and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O systems and are investigating the role of the aerosol dynamics in the particle formation process. '0. Kolmo, Y. lkeno, N. Sadakata. S. Aoki, M. Sugimoto, and M. Na kagawa,Jpn.J. App\. Phys. 26, Ll653 (1987); M.Okada, H. Okayama, T. Morimoto. T. Matsumoto. K. Aihara, and S. Matsuda, Jpn. J. App!. Phys, 27, Ll85 (1988); S. Jin, R. Sherwood, R. Van Dover, T. Tiefel, and D. Johnson. 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Chu (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1988), p. 89. 7S. Jin, Phys Revo B 37,7850 (1988). "J. D. Verhoeven, A. J. Devolo, R. W. McCallum, E. D. Gibson, and M. A. Noack, App!. Phys, Lett. 52, 745 (1988), 90. M. Kroeger, A. Choudhury, J. Brynestad, R. K. Williams, R. A. Pad gett, and W, A. Coghlan, J. App!. Phys. 64, 331 (1988). "'D. Dimos, P. Chaudhari, J, Manhart, and F. K. LeGoues, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 219 (1988). I 'T. Kodas, E. Engler, V. Lee, R. Jacowitz, T. Baum, K. Roche, So Parkin, w. Young,S. Hughes,J. Kleder,and W. Auser, AppL Phys. Lett. 52, 1622 (1988); "L Kodas, A. Datye, E. Engler, and V. Lee, J. App!. Phys. 65, 2149 (1989). 12K. Walker, F. Geyling, and S. Nagel, Jo Amo Cer. Soc. 63, 552 (1980). Kodas, Engler, and Lee 1925 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:05:23
Growth and properties of doped CdTe films grown by photoassisted molecularbeam epitaxy S. Hwang, R. L. Harper, K. A. Harris, N. C. Giles, R. N. Bicknell, J. F. Schetzina, D. L. Dreifus, R. M. Kolbas, and M. Chu Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 6, 777 (1988); doi: 10.1116/1.584373 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584373 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/6/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in ptype arsenic doping of CdTe and HgTe/CdTe superlattices grown by photoassisted and conventional molecular beam epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 1025 (1990); 10.1116/1.577000 Arsenicdoped CdTe epilayers grown by photoassisted molecular beam epitaxy Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 170 (1989); 10.1063/1.101219 Properties of doped CdTe films grown by photoassisted molecularbeam epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2821 (1988); 10.1116/1.575608 Lowtemperature photoluminescence study of doped CdTe films grown by photoassisted molecularbeam epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 3064 (1987); 10.1116/1.574217 Controlled substitutional doping of CdTe thin films grown by photoassisted molecularbeam epitaxy J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 3059 (1987); 10.1116/1.574216 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:31:22Growth and properties of doped CdTe films grown by photoassisted molecular-beam epitaxy S. Hwang, R. L. Harper, K. A. Harris, N. C. Giles, R. N. Bicknell, and J. F. Schetzina Department of Physics, North Carolina State University. Raleigh. North Carolina 27695 D. L. Dreifus and R. M. Kolbas Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State Univel:sity. Raleigh. North Carolina 27695 M. Chu F'ermionics Corporation, Chatsworth. California 91311 (Received 9 September 1987; accepted 17 November 1987) Photoassisted molecular-beam epitaxy (PAMBE), in which the substrate is illuminated during film growth has been successfully employed to prepare n-type CdTe:ln andp-type CdTe:Sb films. The n-type layers exhibit large electron mobilities at low temperatures. Field effect transistors have been fabricated from selected CdTe:ln layers grown by PAMBE which show good device characteristics. The p-type CdTe:Sb films exhibit bright photoluminescence of excitonic origin at low temperatures. At 300 K, hole mobilities of81 cm2 IV s and carrier concentrations in excess of 1018 cm -.l have been achieved by the P AMBE technique. At North Carolina State University we have developed a new technique for controlled substitutional doping of com pound semiconductor films, photoassisted molecular-beam epitaxy (PAMBE), in which the substrate is illuminated during the deposition process.I-3 In the present work, an argon ion laser operating with yellow-green optics (488.0- 528.7 nm) was used as an illumination source for the growth of doped CdTe films. In and Sb were used as n-type and p type dopants, respectively. Semiconductor field effect tran sistors were successfully fabricated from CdTe:ln layers, Unlike undoped CdTe films grown by conventional MBE, which usually exhibit high resistivity (p> 105 H cm) due to compensation effects, CdTe films grown by P AMBE are 11- type with low carrier concentrations and high mobilities. These desirable characteristics are illustrated in Fig. 1 which shows Hall effect data for an unintentionally doped CdTe film (M291) grown by P AMBE. It is seen that film 291 exhibits a room temperature mobility of -800 cm2 IV s. The mobility increases with decreasing temperature and reaches a maximum value of 6600 cm2 IV s at about 40 K. At 297 K, 7000 Wi6 CdTe Epiiayci' ~ 6000 (M291) til ... , ;; 5000 S ---~ .... S 4000 c ~ Ts = 230 0(: 1015 .:§ :E' 3000 Ol t" 5.05 1m. ... c :.c 2000 Q,j ~ 0 I: ~ 0 1000 U 0 :W14 II 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) FIG.!' Hall effect data for an unintentionally doped CdTe film (M291) grown by F AMBE. the electron concentration is 3 X 1015 em 3 and decreases to about 2 X 1014 em -3 at 30 K. Films grown by the P AMBE technique show a high de gree of structural perfection, as manifested by sharp double crystal x-ray diffraction rocking curves. This is illustrated by the rocking curve shown in Fig. 2 for film M287 ( 1 mm X 1 mm Cu K" beam at sample surface; detector full open) for which the FWHM( 400) peak is 32 arc sec, Rock ing curves as sharp as FWHM ( 400) = 18 arc sec have been obtained for thin CdTe layers (t~0.4--0.6 ,urn) grown by PAMBE. n-type CdTe:ln films grown by PAMBE show essentially 100% activation of the dopant, as determined by Hall effect and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) measure ments. Carrier concentrations ranging from 8 X 1015 to 8 X 1017 cm-3 can be reproducibly obtained using different In oven temperatures during film growth. Hall data for a CdTe:ln film (BCTCT12) are shown in Fig. 3. At 77 K, the carrier concentration is ~ 1016 cm ···3 and the electron mobil ity is > 2000 cm2 IV s. This particular film exhibited an x-ray diffraction rocking curve FWHM ( 400) = 48 arc sec. T X-RAY DIFI,'RACTION 'B 12 '2 HI fI = 1 CoIT. "LM ,.Q (M287) .. Il ~WHM(400) ..:! = 32 arc sec ..s 6 Ts=2~O°C '" t = 5.3 Itm c:: 4" Q,j C .... 2 0 -400 ·200 0 200 400 Angle (arc sec) FIG. 2. Double crystal x-ray rocking curve for a 5.3-ftm-thick CdTe film (M287) grown by PAMBE. 777 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 6 (2), Mar/Apr 1988 0734-211X/88/020777-02$01.00 @ 1988 American Vacuum Society 777 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:31:22778 Hwang et al.: Growth and properties of doped CdTe films 3000 WI7 CdTe:ln Epilayer (BCTCT12) ~ ~ 2500 ":, <Il ;;; e --2000 ~ N ::: e i 0 ~ 1500 ~ Hll6 :: & 1 ~ 1000 :0 I ~ 0 ~ t " 0.60 ~n " 10150 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) FIG. 3. Hall effect data for a O.6-flm-thick CdTe:ln film (BCTCTl2) grown byPAMBE. A number of CdTe:In films grown by PAMBE, including BCTCT12, have been used to fabricate metal-semiconduc tor field effect transistors (MESFET's). This achievement has important technological significance since, with the ad vent of transistor structures that are lattice matched with the HgCdTe materials system, a monolithic technology involv ing the integration of infrared focal plane detectors with on board signal processing electronics may be possible. The epi taxial growth for the MESFET layers proceeded as follows. First, a I-,um-thick insulating CdTe buffer layer was deposit ed onto a (100) CdTe substrate by conventional MBE fol lowed by a O.4-0.8-,um-thick n-type CdTe:In layer depositcd by P AMBE. Transistors were fabricated photolithographi cally using a three-level masking sequence for device isola tion, Ohmic contacts (indium), and Schottky gates (gold), respectively. Transistor action was observed for all six of the CdTe:In samples processed to date. The best results were achieved for a sample having a channel doping density of 6 X 1016 em -3. Typical forward turn-on for the gate-source Schottky barriers is ~O.8 eV, with reverse bias breakdown occurring at ~ 8 V. Some diodes exhibited reverse break down at voltages as large as 14 V. Depletion mode transistor action was observed for most of the devices tested. The best MESFET's (5,um gate length, 50,um gate width) exhibited transconductances of -10 mS/mm and pinch-off voltages of ~4 V. Antimony has been successfully employed to grow p-type CdTe films using the PAMBE technique. At 300 K, hole J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 6, No.2, Mar/Apr 1988 778 CdTe:Sb EPILAYER >-I- UJ T=1.6 K p-type HeNe 5 W/cm2 t= 1.9 p'm Z W l- ~ w U z w U UJ W Z - ~ ;:) ~ 1.53 FIG. 4. Low-temperature photoluminescence spectrum for a CdTe:Sb film grown by PAMBE. The sharp line at 1.5894 eV is an acceptor-bound exci tOil. Peaks at higher energies are excited states of the bound exciton; while the peak at 1.5683 is a phonon replica. The feature at 1.5414 is thought to be associated with the Sb acceptor level. concentrations of up to 2 X 1018 em3 with accompanying hole mobilities of 81 cm2/V s have been achieved. Electrical measurements at low temperatures have not been successful ly completed to date, because of problems encountered in obtaining Ohmic contacts to the p-type CdTe:Sb films. Low temperature (1.6-4.2 K) photoluminescence from the CdTe:Sb films is very bright and consists principally of a single sharp line at the acceptor-bound exciton energy (1.5894 eV) for CdTe, as shown in Fig. 4. In summary, controlled substitutional doping of CdTe has been achieved using PAMBE. n-type CdTe layers exhib it high structural perfection and large electron mobilities at low temperatures. MESFET's have been successfully fabri cated from CdTe:In films grown by PAM BE. Antimony has been used to prepare p-type CdTe films which exhibit bright photoluminescence at low temperatures and excellent elec trical properties at room temperature. 'R. N. Bicknell, N. C. Giles, and J. F. Schctzina, App!. Phys. Lett. 49, 1095 (1986). 2R. N. Bicknell, N. C. Giles, and J. F. Schetzina, App!. Phys. Lett, 49, 1735 (1986). 3R. N. Bicknell, N, C. Giles, and J. F. Schetzlna, AppL Phys. Lett. 50, 691 (l987), Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:31:22
Highpower gainguided coupledstripe quantum well laser array by hydrogenation G. S. Jackson, D. C. Hall, L. J. Guido, W. E. Plano, N. Pan, N. Holonyak Jr., and G. E. Stillman Citation: Applied Physics Letters 52, 691 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.99349 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.99349 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/52/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Twodimensional array of highpower strained quantum well lasers with λ=0.95 μm Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2637 (1989); 10.1063/1.101020 Anomalous dependence of threshold current on stripe width in gainguided strainedlayer InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2521 (1989); 10.1063/1.101081 Highpower nonplanar quantum well heterostructure periodic laser arrays Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1159 (1988); 10.1063/1.100044 Lowthreshold gainguided coupledstripe quantum well diode lasers by laserassisted processing Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 558 (1987); 10.1063/1.98346 Broadband operation of coupledstripe multiple quantum well AlGaAs laser diodes Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 779 (1985); 10.1063/1.96035 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:17:39Highapower gainaguided coupled~stripe quantum wen laser array by hydrogenation G. S. Jackson, D. C. Hail, L. J. Guido, W. E. Plano, N. Pan, N. Holonyak, Jr., and G. E. Stillman Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory, Center for Compound Semiconductor Microelectronics, and Alaterials Research Laboratory~ University of lllinois at Urhana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801 (Received 14 October 1987; accepted for publication 21 December 1987) High-power coupled-stripe (ten-stripe) Alx Gal _ x As-GaAs quantum wen lasers that are fabricated by hydrogenation are described. Continuous (cw) room-temperature thresholds as low as l'h = 90 rnA and internal quantum efficiency as high as 85% are demonstrated. Continuous 300 K laser operation generating 2X 375 mW (0.75 W) at 910 rnA (WIth) or 57% efficiency is described (8-,um-wide stripes on 12pm centers). Minimal heating effects are observed up to the point of catastrophic failure. The semiconductor laser has become an important and convenient source of high optical power. To overcome the problems of high-power emission (i.e., catastrophic facet damage and heating), large p-n junction areas are required and, of course, a uniform distribution of the injection cur rent. This can be accomplished with an array of closely spaced active stripes. Optical coupling between very closely spaced laser stripes creates a narrowing of the far-field (FF) emission pattern and a corresponding increase in optical power density in the output beam. 1~·1 Both gain-guided and index-guided laser arrays can be fabricated. Index-guided laser arrays are usually produced either by etching and some type of crystal regrowth,4 or by layer disordering with an impurity (c.g., Zn or Si) in the case of an Al.,Ga; _ ,As-GaAs quantum weB heterostructure (QWH).H Gain-guided laser arrays usually are fabricated by some form of current segregation at the contact layer. Shallow proton implants create highly resistive regions that channel current into the conducting stripes. H Insulators on the surface with stripe openings2 and mesa stripes with Schottky-barrier contacts between them achieve similar re sults.9 All of these schemes fer gain-guided arrays allow sig nificant current spreading at the stripe active regions, which is a limitation making gain-guided arrays vulnerable to gain profile changes as operating conditions change. In fact, the current spreading is so large that usual gain-guided lasers can appear almost like broad-area devices.Q,lO A different form of gain-guided coupled-stripe laser array is described in this letter, a coupled-stripe array fabricated by hydrogen compensation of the dopants, i.e., hydrogenation. The hy drogenation process is effective in eliminating current spreading at the active region and allows broad area metalli zation over the entire p side, thus providing excellent heat sinking for high-power operation. The coupled-stripe laser arrays described here are fabri cated on a QWH crystal grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) in an EMCORE GS 3000 reac tor.1! The separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) consists of a single 140-A GaAs QW centered in an AI, Gal xAs waveguide layer (x-O.25, O.18pm). The en tire undoped active region is sandwiched between two Alx·Gal x,As (x' -0.75, 1 {tm) confining layers, the bot-tom one doped n type with Se (nSe ~2x 1018 em 3) and the top doped p type with carbon (C) (nc-9X 1017 em 3). The use of C as a p-type dopant has been described else where.12 The fabrication of these laser diodes is similar to the process used previously for single stripe lasers. l:' Prior to the hydrogenation step a shallow Zn diffusion step (550°C, 15 min), in a stripe array pattern, is carried out on the top-side GaAs contact layer to improve the p-side contact. The Zn diffused regions are then masked with -1000 A ofSiOz, and the wafer is placed in a hydrogen plasma (750 Torr, 0.4 W /cm2) at 250·C for 8 min. Hydrogenation of the C in the nonmasked top regions creates highly resistive stripes in the p-type AIo.7s GaO.25 As confining layers.12 After hydrogena tion the oxide mask is removed, the wafer is thinned to -100 pm thickness, and contacts CGe-Au for n type, Cr-Au for p type) are evaporated onto the wafer. For cw operation the devices are mounted p side down on Cu heat sinks with In. The laser array consists of ten 8-,um-wide p-type con ducting stripes on 121lm center-io-center spacing. A scan ning electron micrograph of the ten-stripe wafer is shown in Fig. 1. Conventional A-B etch is used to stain the cleaved facet and enhance the contrast between the conducting and the resistive (4-.um-wide hydrogenated) p-type regions. In Fig. 1 (a) no metallization is present, and the conducting stripes (811m wide) are completely etched down to the QW active region. This allows easy identification of the hydroge nated areas and the ten active stripes on 12 pm centers. The two outside stripes of the array are marked with vertical arrows 1 and 10 to denote the extent of the array. There appears to be little or no "undercutting" ofthe oxide mask in this device, which is in contrast to earlier results on single stripe lasers. 13 This difference may result from the use ofC as the p-type dopant, as wen as from confining the Zn diffusion to a stripe pattern. A metallized cleaved section is shown in Fig. 1 (b) that also is stained with the A-B etch. The 8-l1m wide conducting stripes appear as dark regions separated by lighter (4 pm) hydrogenated areas. Again, the two vertical arrows in Fig. 1 (b) point to the two laser stripes 1 and ! 0 at the edges of the array. The results of pulsed operation of these ten-stripe lasers are summarized in Fig, 2. Excitation is by 5 f.1.s pulses at a 10- kHz repetition rate. Diodes with different lengths are tested 691 Appl. Phys. Lett. 52 (9), 29 February 1988 0003-6951/88/090691-03$01.00 (c) 1988 American Institute of PhysiCS 691 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:17:39FIG. I. Scanning electron micrographs of (a) an unmetaIlized and (b 1 me tallized ten-stripe laser array. In (a) the 8.urn Ilnhydrogenated conducting p-type stripes are etched away but not the 4-.um-wide high-resistivity hydro genated coupling stripes. In (b) a metallized cleaved (and etched) section of the ten-stripe wafer of Ca) is shown with the as-grownp-type stripes ap pearing as dark areas under the Au contact. to anow determination of the internal differential quantum effidency 17t and the internal absorption a. In Fig. 2(a) the pulsed threshold current density J'h is displayed versus in verse length, 1/ L, Diodes that are 250 lIm long exhibit an average threshold of J'h = 400 A/crn2. The longest diodes tested have an average threshold of Jth = 237 A/cm2• The values of Jth for all the diodes fall along a line J'h =p-!(a +L-'ln[l/R]), (1) where {3 is a constant depending on the diode and R is the reflectivity of one facet. In Eg. (1) a linear dependence of gain on current density is assumed. 14 This agrees qualitative ly with other experimental results on single stripe single QW lasers.15 In Fig_ 2(b) the external differential quantum effi ciency 17eXI is displayed versus the diode length. The best value measured is 17"xt = 79% for a 400-,um diode operated just above fth. The linear fit [Fig. 2(b)] is based on the formula N 600 Ten-Stripe (H) p-n AlxGa l·xAs-GaAs QWH E ~ 400 (a) 00 10 20 30 40 50 FIG. 2. Performance data (pulsed excitation) on various length ten-stripe hydrogenated laser arrays. The average threshold current density vs inverse length is plotted in (a). In (b) a plot of 1/17"t (external differential effi ciency) -l vs length reveals an internal quantum efficiency 71, ~, 85%. 692 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 52, No.9, 29 February i 988 from which T/i can be obtained.14 In this case 7Ji = 0.85. These high efficiencies result from the effective carrier col lection of the QW and the strong overlap of the gain and the optical mode in a SCH laser. Also the lack of absorption in the tails of the transverse mode profile due to the carrier confinement by hydrogenation may improve the efficiency of these lasers. Another parameter that can be obtained from Fig. (2b) is a. For these lasers a = 8.5 em -1, which can be attributed predominantly to free-carrier absorption. Near field (NF) patterns for one of the laser arrays un der cw operation are presented in Fig. 3. Operation at Fig. 3(a) 100 rnA, just above Ith, and Fig. 3(b) 220 rnA are shown, with a trace of intensity versus position along the Fabry-Perot facet shown just below each NF image. The 12 ,um periodicity of the ten-emitter array is easily resolved in Fig. 3(a) and can, in fact, be seen below flit < This pattern of ten emitters is stable with increasing current as seen in Fig. 3(b), and even up to 500 rnA cw excitation, indicating a stable gain profile. Also the NF image shows there is signifi cant optical overlap in the hydrogenated regions between the emitters. This is confirmed by observations of the FF pat terns (not shown), which exhibit the common two-lobe pat tern observed for many coupled-stripe laser arrays. 1,6.7.9 Of special importance, the hydrogenated laser arrays are capable of high-power emission. The inset of Fig. 4 shows, for a 250-,um-Iong hydrogenated ten-stripe diode un der cw excitation at room temperature, recombination radi ation spectra at threshold (lth = 90 rnA), and just above (f = 100 mA). A relatively broad gain spectrum with a nar row lasing region at the lowest confined-particle transition of the QW, A ~ 8590 A, is observed. The optical power L versus current f (L-I) characteristic of Fig. 4 agrees with the spectral behavior and indicates a threshold I'll = 90 rnA for stimulated emission. The small kinks present in the L-I char acteristic above Ilh are caused by the onset of various trans verse modes of the stripe array. These can be seen in both the NF and FF patterns as the current is changed (not shown). Even with these kinks, theL-l characteristic is predominant ly straight up to 375 rnW single-facet output (I = 910 mA), at which point catastrophic failure occurs. If the uncoated facets are assumed to emit equally, a total efficiency of 57% FI G. 3. Near field (NF) images of the laser array of Fig. 1 under continuous room-temperature operation at (a) 100 rnA and (b) 220 rnA. All ten emit ters are easily resolved under both conditions. Jackson et a/. 692 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:17:39400 ~300 E- 8200 - ~ (1) s o t:L 100 Ten-Stripe (H) C-Doped p-n AlxGa1-xAs-GaAs QWH L-I 300K, cw 00 0.4 0.8 Current, I (Ai FIG. 4. Power vs current (L-l) and spectral data for continuous room temperature laser operation of the ten-stripe array of Fig. I. The nearly linear L-J reveals only slight heating up t(l 910 rnA and 2 X 375 mW (0.75 W) where catastrophic failure occurs. The spectra show lasing on the first confined-particle transition (rUt) = 1.443 eV). is found for operation at 910 rnA. Other diodes under pulsed operation have emitted 1.24 W peak power at 1.3 A for an efficiency of 66%. These results illustrate the excellent heat sinking of these diodes. An estimate of the thermal imped ance of these lasers is made by comparing the shift in wave length between pulsed and cw operation at 500 rnA, yielding a value of 5.6 ·C/W. The ability to remove heat from a large area on the p side results in the low thermal impedance. No statistically meaningful li.fetime data exist on these diodes; however, they have been operated cw abovel'h for over 12h. In conclusion, a high-power coupled-stripe laser array of ten gain-guided emitters fabricated by hydrogenation is 693 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 52, Nc. 9, 29 February 1988 demonstrated. The good current confinement results in sta ble operation and high quantum efficiency. A!so the hydro genation process does not cause crystal damage, thus leading to potentially better heat dissipation. The authors are grateful to R. T. Gladin and B. L. Payne for technical assistance. This work has been supported by the Army Research Office contract DAAG-29-85-K-0133, and National Science Foundation grants CDR 85-22666 and DMR 86-12860. 'D. R. Scifres, R. D. Burnham, and W. Streifer, Apr!. Phys. Lett. 33,1015 ( 1978). 2D. R. Scifres, W. Streifer, and R. D. Burnham, IEEE J. Quantum Elec tron. QE·!5, 917 (1979). '1. K Buller, D. E. Ackley, and D. Botez, Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, 293 (1984). 4D. F. Welch, W. Streifer, P. S. Cross, and D. R. Scifres, IEEEJ. Quantum Electron. QE-23, 752 (1987). 'P. Gavriiovic, K. Meehan, J. E. Epler, N. Holonyak, Jr.. R. D. Burnham, R. L. Thomton, and W. Slreifef, App!. Phys. Lett. 46,857 (1985). "D. G. Deppe, G. S. Iackson, N. Holonyak. Jr., R. D. Burnham. and R. L. Thofr.ton, App!. Phys. Lett. 50, 632 (1987). 7L. J. Guido, W. E. Plano, G. S. 1ackson, N. Holonyak, Jr., R. D. Burn ham, and J. E. EpJer, Apr!. Phys. Lett. 50, 757 (1987). "D. R. Scifres, C. Lindstrom, R. D. Burnham, W. Streifcr, and T. L. Paoli, Electroll. Lett. 19, 169 (l983). 9J. P. vall der Ziel, R. M. Mikulyak, H. Temkin, R. A. Logan, alld R. D. Dupuis, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-20, 1259 (1984). tOJ. E. Epler, N. Holollyak, Jr ,R. D. Burnham, T. L. Paoli, R. L. Thornton, and M. M. Blouke, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 7 (1985). 1'K D. Dapuis, L. A. Moudy, and P. D. Dapkus, in Proceedings a/the 7th lntern:ltionai Symposium on GaAs and Related Compounds, edited by C. M. Wolfe (Illstitute ofPhy.k" London, 1979), pp. 1-9. 12L. J. Guido, G. S. Jackson, D. C. Hall, W. E. Plano, and N. Ho!onyak, Jr .• Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 522 (1988). "G. S. Jackson, N. Pan, G. E. Stillman, N. Holonyak, Jr., and R. D. num ham, Apr!. Phys. Lett. 51, 1629 (1987). 14H. Kresscl and J. K. Butler, Semiconductor Lasers and Heterojullction Ll:;J)s (Academic, Orlando, FL, 1977), p. 270. "N. K. Dutta, R. L. Hartman, and W. T. Tsang, IEEE J. Quantum Elec tron. QE-i9, 1243 (1983). Jackson et al. 693 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:17:39
Homoepitaxial films grown on Si(100) at 150°C by remote plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition L. Breaux, B. Anthony, T. Hsu, S. Banerjee, and A. Tasch Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 1885 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.102161 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.102161 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/55/18?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Properties of gate quality silicon dioxide films deposited on Si–Ge using remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition with no preoxidation J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 17, 460 (1999); 10.1116/1.590576 Conformality of SiO2 films from tetraethoxysilanesourced remote microwave plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 13, 676 (1995); 10.1116/1.579806 Barrierlimited transport in μcSi and μcSi,C thin films prepared by remote plasmaenhanced chemicalvapor deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10, 2025 (1992); 10.1116/1.578019 The preparation of microcrystalline silicon (μcSi) thin films by remote plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 9, 444 (1991); 10.1116/1.577430 Atomic structure in SiO2 thin films deposited by remote plasmaenhanced chemical vapor deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7, 1136 (1989); 10.1116/1.576242 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:29:08Homoepitaxial films grown on Si(100) at 150°C by remote plasma .. enhanced chemical vapor deposition L. Breaux, B, Anthony, T, Hsu, S, Banerjee, and A. Tasch Electrical and Computer Engineering, Unillersity a/Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 (Received 12 June 1989; accepted for publication 21 August 1989) Low-temperature silicon epitaxy is critical for future generation ultralarge scale integrated circuits and silicon-based heterostructures. Remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition has been applied to achieve silicon homo epitaxy at temperatures as low as 150 ·C, which is believed to be the lowest temperature reported to date, Critical to the process are an in situ remote plasma hydrogen cleaning of the substrate surface in an ultrahigh vacuum growth chamber prior to epitaxy, and substitution of thermal energy by remote plasma excitation via argon metastables and energetic electrons to dissociate silane and increase adatom mobility on the surface of the silicon substrate. Excellent crystallinity with very few defects such as dislocations and stacking faults is observed. There has been a sustained effort in recent years to lower the temperature at which silicon homoepitaxy and hetero epitaxy can be achieved for future generation ultralarge scale integration and novel Si-based heterostructure devices. In order to remove contaminants such as oxygen and carbon from the Si surface prior to epitaxy and to dissociate the reactant species, and also to provide adequate ada tom mobil ity at low temperatures, it is necessary to employ ultrahigh vacuum (URV) systemsl--3 and nonthermal energy such as plasma excitation.4 We present results of very low tempera ture (150°C) Si homoepitaxy using a novel technique, re mote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD).5 The details of the RPCVD process and system have been described before.6 Briefly, the deposition is carried out in an UHV chamber (partial pressures of 10-9 Torr for wa ter vapor and 5 X 1O-1l Torr for oxygen) that is equipped with a variety of analytical equipment such as reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and residual gas analysis. Ultrahigh purity gases are used (99.9999% for hy drogen, and comparable values for the other process gases). Furthermore, the gases flow through Nanochem gas purifi ers which reduce oxygen and H20 levels to the parts per billion level.7 Unlike in a conventional plasma CVD chamber, a noble gas (argon) rfplasma is generated remote ly from the wafer so that the plasma-induced damage is mini mized or avoided. The plasma-generated excited species, such as long-lived noble gas metastables and energetic elec trons, are transported to the sample where they interact with and selectively excite the reactant gas (2% silane in He) which is introduced through a gas ring placed between the sample and the plasma column. Therefore, in this technique the downstream plasma excitation rather than elevated tem perature is used to provide the energy needed for the depo sition reaction and to increase adatom mobility on the sur face of the substrate. This allows greatly improved control over the reaction pathways and therefore, the crystal mor phology, layer thicknesses, and sharpness of interfaces and doping transitions. The RPCVD system is also equipped with a load-lock chamber for sample introduction and a sur face analysis chamber containing Auger electron spectros copy (AES). p-type (100) Si substrates with resistivities of 10-15 n cm were used in these experiments. Ex situ wet chemical cleans to remove contaminants from the wafer surface were performed. The best results were obtained using ultrasonic degreasing [trichloroethane, acetone, methanol, and de-ion ized (D1) water] foHewed by a modified RCA elean.R There is a final dilute 1:40 HF:H20 dip fonowed by a 30 s DI water rinse and N2 dry prior to wafer loading into the vacuum chamber in order to remove as much of the native oxide as possible. An in situ remote plasma-excitL'<l hydrogen clean in the URV growth chamber was employed prior to epitaxy to re mov,e any residual oxygen and carbon. Hydrogen, intro duced through the plasma column, is rf excited such that the plasma glow does not engulf the wafer.9 Hydrogen plasma cleans have been attempted over a range of hydrogen flow rates (5 and 200 sccm), hydrogen partial pressures (3-200 mTon), rfpowers (10-70 W), and substrate temperatures during clean ( 150-325 ·C) for durations of 5-60 min. Typi cal AES results for a 45 min hydrogen plasma clean at 45 mTon, with 10 W plasma power, and with the substrate at 300°C are shown in Fig. 1. The as-loaded sample shows strong Si LMM and KLL peaks and small C and 0 KLL peaks [Fig. 1 (a) J. After hydrogen plasma cleaning, the Au ger spectrum [Fig. 1 (b) ] shows a reduction of the C and the o peaks and an increase of the Si peaks, which is evidence of the effectiveness of the in situ clean in terms of reduction of both carbon and oxygen. We believe that the hydrogen plas ma produces atomic hydrogen which, in turn, produces a reducing environment and has an etching effect on Si and Si02 by converting them to volatile byproducts.9•10 Corroborating evidence of achieving an atomically clean, smooth Si surface by plasma dean has been obtained from in situ RHEED analysis. 6 A typical RHEED pattern of the as-loaded (l 00) Si surface from the [011] direction shows integral order streaks but no half-order lines, indicat ing a smooth but unreconstructed (1 Xl) Si surface, pre sumably due to surface contamination. After in situ hydro gen cleaning at low pressures for 60 min at a substrate temperature of 31 0 ·C, we observe both stronger integral or der streaks compared to the as-loaded sample and the ap pearance of faint half-order lines indicative of a (2 X 1) re construction pattern (Fig. 2). If the sample is briefly baked for 5 min at 400 "C, strong integral and half-order streaks are 1885 App!. Phys_ Lett. 55 (18), 30 October i 989 0003-6951/89/441885-03$01_00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 1685 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:29:08Auger Analysis of ill Situ Clean " :c 10 AFTER CLEMI ~ ____ ).. ___ ~ _. _J ____ l-<~l ~ ,_ 300 400 500 600 15sa 165() !ELECTRON !::NERGV (eV) FIG. 1. Auger spectrum of as-loaded Si surface and after in situ plasma clean. visible due to Si H bond breaking and hydrogen desorp tion, leading to the ccnversion of a silicon dihydride surface to a monohydride termination. 11 This is significant because adsorbed hydrogen impedes the motion of silicon-bearing silylene (SiH2) on the silicon surface, thereby hampering low-temperature epitaxy. 2 Silicon epitaxial films were deposited by flowing 250 sccm of Ar through the plasma column and exciting it with 10--15 W ofrfplasma power. A silane mixture (2% SiH4 in He) was introduced through the gas ring and excited by Ar metastables and energetic electrons from a remote plasma in order to dissociate the silane nonthermally into precursors responsible for 5i epitaxy. The substrate was heated from the back during deposition by tungsten-halogen lamps, and sub strate temperatures were monitored by a calibrated thermo couple in contact with the back of the wafer. Although the deposition depends on a variety of process parameters (Ar and silane flow rates, chamber pressure, rf plasma power, and substrate temperature), this study was focused on the dependence of epitaxial quality on substrate temperature. The Ar flow rate and rf power were kept fixed. Some varia tions were made in the silane flow rates (5-38 sccm) and deposition pressures (450 and 200 mTorr) in order to obtain insight about the substrate temperature dependence rather than to achieve an optimized deposition. The deposition temperatures were systematically lowered from 305 to 110 °C in separate experiments involving different wafers in order to determine the lowest temperature at which single crystal growth could be achieved. The film crystallinity and morphology were assessed by in situ RHEED analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM). and electron difrraction.12 The defect microstruc ture of the layers in terms of stacking faults and voids was evaluated by preferential etching in a dilute Schimmel etch n followed by Nomarski microscopy. The etch rates were ap proximately 70 A/s. Since the grown film thicknesses were between 170 and 350 A, etch times of2-3 s were used so that approximately half of the film thickness would be etched. TEM analysis was used to complement the defect etching analysis a.nd was used to detect dislocations. Silicon epitaxy was attempted at 305 "C and 450 mTorr chamber pressure, where the silane flow was varied between 1886 Appl. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 55, No. 18, 30 October i 989 FIG. 2. RHEED pattern of (100) Si surface along [011] direction after hydrogen plasma clean. 5 and 38 sccm. High crystalline quality films were obtained at around 15 scem, as indicated by integral order streaks and Kikuchi lines in the RHEED pattern. A short bake at 400 °c results in half-order lines appearing in the RHEED pattern which provides evidence of a smooth, single-crystal film. At higher flow rates (38 sccm), a polycrystalline RHEED pat tern is observed, while at lower flow rates (5 secm) a slight degradation of the single-crystal RHEED pattern is ob served. TEM analysis and Nomarski microscopy of defect etched samples confirm that the defect density increases for low (5 scem) and high (38 sccm) flow rates compared to the 15 sccm case. Even for the film grown at IS seem, TEM micrographs reveal a few very small "pinhole" defects which may be due to voids or dislocation loops in the film. As mentioned earlier, one problem with 5i epitaxy at low substrate temperatures is insufficient adatom (SiH2) mobility on the Si surface as well as the difficulty with hydro gen desorption, which has been identified as the rate-limiting step in low-temperature epitaxy.2 It is possible that at 38 scem, the growth rate is too high to anow the SiH2 species to migrate to appropriate sites and hydrogen to desorb, leading to polycrystalline growth. Lower silane flow rates are likely to be more favorable for epitaxy at lower substrate tempera tures. However, if the silane flow is too low (5 seem), residu al oxygen and H20 contamination in the deposition chamber may compete with the Si deposition process, leading to high defect density. To test this hypothesis, Si films were grown at the same temperature (305 °C) and silane flow rate (15 secm) as be fore, but at a lower pressure (200 mTorr) so as to reduce the oxygen and H20 partial pressures relative to the silane par tial pressure. Excellent crystallinity is achieved, as seen from RHEED patterns. In situ Auger analysis ofthe surface of the deposited film reveals lower levels of carbon Hnd oxygen than on the surface of the starting material. A TEM micro graph (not shown) of the film is featureless and electron diffraction shows a single-crystal pattern [Fig. 3 (a) ]. De fect etching and Nomarski microscopy also show a smooth, defect -free film [Fig. 3 (a) J. In contrast, films grown at 450 mTorr, although single crystal, reveal a few pinhole-type defects under TEM and some surface texture under No marski microscopy. Thus, it appears tha.t lower deposition pressures Clfe preferable for low-temperature epitaxy. Epitaxial films were grown at 200 mTorr and 15 scem Breaux eta/. 1886 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:29:08{hI Ie) FIG. 3. Nomarski picture of epitaxial film after dilute Schimmel etching and selected area electron dlti'radion pattern of film grown at (a) 3()S "C, (b) 150 "C, and (e) 125 "c. The magnification of the Nomarski views ;s 400x. silane with ~ 10 W plasma power at various temperatures down to 110 0c. Excellent single-crystal RHEED patterns were achieved at 220, 180, and 150 cC, while lower tempera tures ( < 125°C) resulted in all amorphous pattern. The re sults of defect etching and electron diffraction for the films grown at 200 mTorr at 150 and 125 DC are shown in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), respectively. The diffraction pattern for the film grown at 150°C is single crystal as for the one grown at 305°C [Hgs. 3(a) and 3(b)]. A TEM micrograph ofthc film grown at 150 DC appears defect -free, indicating that if 1887 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No. 18,30 October 1989 .".~.-.-,-.-.' ••• '."~'~";:'"'"!':'"'!'.'7'?' ••• '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'~ ........... . defects such as voids or small dislocation loops exist, their density is extremely low. The absence of stacking faults in the film should be noted. It should also be pointed out that TEM and Nomarski analysis of substrates, which had un dergone the in situ hydrogen plasma clean only, do not show any defects such as stacking faults, dislocations, or hydrogen bubbles. 14 Therefore it appears that any defects in the epitax ial films do not propagate from the substrate but are nuclea ted during growth, The TEM micrograph of the sample grown at 125°C is featureless because it is amorphous, as shown by the faiDt, diffuse ring electron diffraction pattern from the film (superposed on the single-crystal pattern from the substrate) [Fig. 3(c) 1. Nomarski microscopy reveals some surface texture, but no macroscopic defect features l Fig. 3 (e) ] . One factor that should aid single-crystal growth at lower temperatures is the fact that the heating of the depo sition chamber walls during deposition is reduced, leading to less outgassing and lower oxygen and H20 partial pressures. In conclusion, single-crystal Si growth with low defect density has been demonstrated by RPCVD at temperatures as low as 150 cc. To the best of our knowledge, this is signifi cantly lower than that reported by any other technique. 3 The growth rates observed in our study range from -1 to 12 A/ min. Single crystallinity has been retained even after 4 h of sustained deposition resulting in 100 nm films. These low growth rates in RPCVD are ideally suited for Si-based heter ostructures because of the control provided over layer thick nesses. This work was supported through Office of Naval Re search/Strategic Defense Initiative Organization contract N00014-87-K-0323. 'v. 01a, Thin Solid Films 106,1 (1983). 'B, S. Meyerson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 797 (1986). '1'. Ohmi, S. KUJ'Omiya. S. Yoshitake, H. Iwabuchi, G. Sato, and 1. Mur ota, Extended Abstracts afthe 19th Conference Oil Solid State Devices and llilaterials, Aug. 25-27, 1987, Tokyo. Japan (Business Center for Aca demic Societies, Tokyo, Japan), Pl'. 239-242. 4T. J. Donahue and R. ReiI', J. AppL Phys. 57, 2757 (1985). 'R. A. Rudder, G. G. f'ountain, and R. J. Markunas, J. App!. Pl)ys. 60, 3519 (1986). "L Bl'caux, B. Anthony, T Hsu. S. Banerjee, and A. Tasch, in Proceedings of the Industry-Uniuersity Aduanced Materials Conference 1989, March 6·- 9, 1989, Denver, CO, edited by Fred W. Smith (Advanced Materials Insti tute, in press). 7NAKOCHEM is a trademark of Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, DE. The purifiers afe manufactured under license by Semi-Gas Systems. Inc., San Jose. CA. 'w. Kern. Semiconductor Intcnmtional April, 94 ( ] 984). '}B. Anthony, L Breaux, T Hsu, S. Banerjee, and A. Tas..:h, 1. Vacuum Sci. Techno!. B 7,621 (1989). Illy. Kunitsugu, I. Suemune, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kan, and M. Yamanishi, J. Cryst. Growth 95. 91 (1989). l 'J. Schaefer, F. Stucki, D, Frankd. W. Gopel, and G. Lap<'yre, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2, 359 (1984). "T. HSll, L Breaux, B. Anthony. S. Banerjee, and A. Tasch, Proceedings of the 1989 Electronic Materials Conf., June 21 23, Boston, MA. to be pub lished in the J. Electron. Mater. See abo abstract No. UlO in Technical Program of 19S'J Electronic Materials Conf. in J. Electron. Maler. 18 July (1989). "V. P. Archer, J. Electrochem. Soc. 129, 2074 (1982). ;,'S. J. Jeng, G. S. Oehdein, and G. J. Scilla, App!. Phys. Lett. 53, 1735 ( 1988). Breaux et ai. 1887 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:29:08
Superconducting coatings in the system BiCaSrCuO prepared by plasma spraying A. Asthana, P. D. Han, L. M. Falter, D. A. Payne, G. C. Hilton, and D. J. Van Harlingen Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 799 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100563 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100563 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Dielectric properties of glasses prepared by quenching melts of superconducting BiCaSrCuO cuprates Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 75 (1989); 10.1063/1.102390 Dense BiSrCaCuO superconducting films prepared by spray pyrolysis Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 957 (1989); 10.1063/1.100778 Vacuum deposition of multilayer BiCaSrCuO superconducting thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 624 (1988); 10.1063/1.100638 Structure and composition of the 115 K superconducting phase in the BiCaSrCuO system Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 520 (1988); 10.1063/1.100623 Preparation of oriented BiCaSrCuO thin films using pulsed laser deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 337 (1988); 10.1063/1.99909 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:12:21Superconducting coatings in the system Bi",Ca",Sr~Cu .. O prepared by p~asma spraying A. Asthana, P. D. Han, L. M. Falter, and D. A. Payne Department ofJI.fateria!s Science and Engineering and Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801 G. C. Hilton and D. J. Van Harlingen Departmellt of Physics and Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801 (Received 3 June 1988; accepted for publication 28 June 1988) Superconducting coatings in the system Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O were deposited on alumina substrates by plasma spray methods. The coatings were superconducting in the "as-sprayed" condition and improved with heat treatment. The best results were for coatings with resistivity values near 10 mn cm at room temperature and zero resistance at 96 K. The coatings had a magnetic transition near 80 K, with a weak diamagnetic signal up to 112 K. Superconductivity in the coatings was associated with two distinct phases, one of which was not identified. Scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and magnetic measurements were used to characterize the coatings. The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the Y-Ba-Cu-O system, 1.2 and more recently in the Bi-Oi-Sr Cu-O system,3.4 has stimulated an intense effort to produce high Tc thinS-7 and thick films.!! Our results demonstrate that plasma spraying is a simple and effective method for producing high quality superconducting coatings from powders. The high plasma temperatures obtained give a method of "quenching-in" novel phases. In addition, high deposition rates, unique thermal history (rapid quench), controllable crystallinity, and low preferential evaporation of high vapor pressure constituents make this method tech nologically attractive. The feedstock powder for plasma spraying was prepared by mixing Si20" CaC03, SrCO}, and CuO in the cation ratios of2:1:2:2. So as to minimize excessive Bi loss, a two stage calcination process was adopted. The powder was pre calcined at 760°C in oxygen for 6 h and then reground to a fine powder. The final calcination was carried out in oxygen at 820°C for 12 h before quenching in air to room tempera ture. The product was then ground into powder suitable for plasma spraying. Polycrystalline alumina substrates were used. Plasma spraying was carried out in air using a METeO type 7 MB system with a G-type nozzle and external powder injection. Plasma spray para8eters are listed in Table L The coatings were then heat treated in oxygen under various con ditions and quenched in air from the annealing temperature. S08e of the salient features of the coatings are presented in Table II. A dual stage ISI-130 scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for examination of the coatings. X-ray powder diffraction was carried out in a Philips APD 3520 diffractometer using eu radiation. Magnetization measure ments were obtained from a superconducting quantum il1- terference device at 1 Hz. Resistivity measurements were made using a standard four-point probe method of 1000 Hz and an excitation current ofO,l /.lA. The deposited coatings were observed to be black and typically 100 /.lID in thickness. SEM examination of the coat-iugs revealed a spherulitic morphology, typical of plasma sprayed material. Flat, plate-like crystallites were observed within the spherulites. A needle-like phase was also ob served. Figure 1 illustrates the phase development in the coat ings for different heat treatment conditions, as determined by x~ray diffraction. The feedstock powder was determined to be multiphase and contained the orthorhombic 2122 phase, reported by Hazen et aC The "as-sprayed" coatings, and all coatings annealed at 780°C, contained an unidenti fied. phase (1) characterized by a strong reflection near d = 3 A (29.8°). Hcat treatment at 860"C resulted in recrys tallization of the 2122 phase, marked by "0" in Fig. 1. Heat ing at 900°C resulted in partial melting of the material, and conversion of the 2122 phase to another unidentified phase (2) . Figure 2 illustrates the temperature dependence of resis tivity for coatings, heat treated under various conditions. So as to allow for ease in comparison between various samples, resistivity values were normalized by their room-tempera ture values. Annealing for various times at 780 °C resulted in progressively higher transition temperatures [Fig. 2 (a) ] . The best results in this case were for coatings heat treated at 780°C for 40 h (1~ -60 K). Figure 2 (b) illustrates the sub- TABLE L Process parameters for plasma spraying, Are voltage Arc current Primary gas Secondary gas Primary gas flow rate Secondary gas flow rate Powder feed rate Carrier gas Spray distance 60V 400 A AI" at 0,5 MPa He at 0.5 MPa 800 eels 120 eels 8-10 g/min Ar 10-12 ern 799 App\. Phys, Lett. 53 (9), 29 August 1988 0003-6951/88/350799-03$01,00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 799 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:12:21TABLE H. Important features of plasma-sprayed coatings. Sample Anneal condition Superconductivity Major phase Feedstock powder Yes 2122 2 As-sprayed Yes Unidcntified (!) 3 4 h!780"C Yes Unidentified (1) 4 8 h!780°C Yes Unidentified (!) 5 16 h!780 'C Yes Unidentified ( I) 6 40 h/780'C Yes Unidentified ( I ) 7 16 h/860'C Yes 2122 8 16 h/900'C No Unidentified (2) stantial improvement in Tc for samples heat treated for 16 h at 780 and 860°C. The material heat treated at 860 "C had zero resistance at 96 K, with a room-temperature resistivity of approximately 10 run em, whereas materia! heat treated at 900°C was semiconducting (inset). Magnetization versus temperature data are illustrated in Fig. 3, All measurements were made at a field of 20 Oe. The sharpness of the transition increased with annealing time for samples heat treated at 780°C [Fig. 3 (a)1. Heat treating at 860°C for the same time gave a sharper transition [Fig. 3 (b) ]. A small diamagnetic signal was detected up to 28 (deg) FIG. I. X-ray spectra for plasma-sprayed coatings, after various heat treat ments. An unidentified superconducting phase (I) was present for all coat ings heat treated at 780 'c. Heat treatment above 860 'c resulted in the formation of thc 2122 phase (marked by 0). A still higher annealing tem perature resulted in the formation of all unidentified semiconducting phase (2). 800 Appl. Phys. Lett" Vol. 53. No.9, 29 August 1988 112 K (inset), but the major magnetic transition occurred in the vicinity of 80 K. The above data suggest that at least two different phases were responsible for superconductivity in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu o system, The lower Tc phase present in the as-sprayed coat ings remained stable at 780°C for all annealing times. The improvement in resistive and magnetic transitions with an nealing time at 780 cC was attributed to an increased phase development of an unidentified lower T, phase (1). The higher Tc material, present in samples heat treated at 860°C, was identified as the 2122 phase. An interesting feature of these coatings was the unusually high zero resistance tem perature of96 K, compared with temperatures reported pre viously in the 60---90 K range.3,9,!O One possible explanation is that the 80 and the 112 K phases were similar in structure, with minor modi.fications (perhaps, only in atomic order), as suggested by Hazen et al.3 Another possibility is that the intergrowth characteristics of the various superconducting phases in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O system preclude "ideal" phase formation. Hence, the individual phases grow as syntactic intergrowths, as suggested by Morgan et al. 11 In either case, ,-..., 2.0 (fl +- C :J 1.5 0: as SRr!lyed b: 16h/780 C c: 4011/780 C (l: • ...0 !~ '~". .: .............. . L b \ .... "... '. ~ 0:':0: r'; r?:::~:::::' .. ""-···1 -jj! ,,! , I ,......" (fl +- C :J ...0 L « "-' Q 1.5 1.0 0.5 o (a) J 0 (b) 100 200 300 T(K) ~'~I 2:.:~" ...... . a 100 200 ~~ ... ,. " ....... ;;; 16h/. 780 C : b: 16h/S60 C : c: lSh! 90~.~. .,/ /' '" a· b! .d --i, 50 100 150 200 T(K) FIG. 2. Resistivity vs temperature characteristics of pi as rna-sprayed 2122 coatings 011 alumina. Sllperconducting properties of the coatings improved with longer anlleaiing time (a). The best heat treatment condition was de lermined to he 16 h at 860'C (b). Heat treatment at 900'C resulted in semiconducting behavior (inset). Asthana et al. 800 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:12:210.5 (10-3) 0.0 , ~ nnn***~$flr!" .,c a .. :;-<! " .. E -0.5 ,," 2- " .. " " c:: [] .. 0 -1.0 c " .~ I> .~ CC " a; " " c -1.5 .. OJ .. " '" As sprayed ro " 4 hi 780 C ~ II! .. -2.0 .. + 8 hi 78C C c 16 h1780 C .. 40 hi 780 C -2.5 L.---<--<--L-J:::::r::::;::::r=:::=.J o 20 40 60 80 1 00 (a) Temperature (K) 0.0 .-------.iII1l'\!!ra,......-..--, 3 ...J' (10 ) .1 ",,' 16h1780C I ",' I 16 hi 880 C " 01 -0.5 ",'" ~ '" E " .. " .. 2-.. " .. """~(~;~)"[".":J' .. .. -3 . -6 80 90 100 110 120 -2. 0 L.....--'-___ -'-~-'---........,;'--------'--'--' o (b) 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (K) FIG. 3. Magnetization vs temperature data for plasma-sprayed 2122 coat ings on alumina. Annealing (a) forlonger times, and (b) at higher tempera tures gave progressively sharper magnetic transitions. A weak diamagnetic signal, with an onset lIear 112 K, was also detected (inset). 80\ Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No.9, 29 August 1968 the unique features of the plasma spray method allow nu merous opportunities in selectively quenching and recrystal lizing high Tc phase by suitable heat treatment methods. Work in progress is directed at understanding the phase de velopment and maximizing the high Tc phase by careful con trol of composition and processing conditions. The authors gratefully acknowledge NSF-DMR~12g60 (AA, GCR, DJV) and U.S. DOE DMR DE-AC02- 76EROl198 (PDH, LMF, DAP) for support of this re search. We also wish to express our thanks to J. C. Grindley and P. T. McGuire for their invaluable assistance with plas ma spray equipment. 1M. K. Wu, J. R. Ashburn, C. J. Tomg, P. H. Hor, R. L. Meng, L Gao, Z. J. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, alld C. W. Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 908 (1987). 2J. M. Tamscon, L. H. Greene, W. R. McKinnon. and G. W. HuH, Phys. Rev. B. 35, 7115 (l98n 3R, M. Hazen, C. T. Prewitt, R. 1. Angle, N. L. Ross, LW. Finger, C. O. Hadidiacos, D. R. Veblen, P. J. Heaney, P. H. Hor, R. L Mcng, Y. Y. Sun, Y. Q. Wang, Y. Y. Xue, Z. J. Huang, L. Gao, J. Bechtold, and C. W. Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60,1174 (\988). 4c. W. Chu, J. Bechtold, L. Gao, P. H. Hor, Z. J. :luang, R. L. Meng, Y. Y. Sun, Y. Q. Wang, and Y. Y. Xue, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 941 (1988). 'M. Hong, S. H. Liou, J. Kwo, and R A, David;;on. App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 694 (1987). "B. Oh, M. Naito, S. Amason, P. Rosenthal, R. Barton, M. R. Beasley, T. H. Geballe, R. H. Hammond, and A. Kapituillik, App\. Phys. Lett. 51, 852 (1987) . Ix. D. Wu, D. Dijkkamp, S. B. Ogalc, A. Inam, E. W. Chase, P. F. Miceli, C. C. Chang. J. M. Tarascon, and T. V cnkates:m, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 861 ( 1987). XL S. Wen, S. W. Qiall, Q. Y. Hu, B. H. Yu, H. W. Zhao, K. Guan, L. S. Fl!, and Q. Q. Yang, Thin Solid Films 152, Ll43 (1987). 9M. A. Subramaniam, C. C. Torardi. J. C. Calabrese, J. Gopalakrislman, K. J. Morrissey, T. R. Askew, R. B. Flippen, U. Chowdhry, and A. W. Sleight, Science 239. 10 l5 (1988). oJ. H. Kang, R. T. Kampwirth, K. E. Gray, S, Marsh, and E. A. Huff, Phys. Lett. A 211, 102 ( 1988). "P. E. D. Morgan, J. J. Ratto, R. M. Housley. and J. R. Porter, presented at the MRS Spring Meeting, Reno, NV, April 1988. Asthana et al 801 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:12:21
AIP Conference Proceedings 194, 123 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.38832 194, 123 © 1989 American Institute of Physics.Specific heat of liquid 3He bubbles in solid matrices Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 194, 123 (1989); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.38832 Published Online: 16 June 2008 E. Syskakis , Y. Fujii , M. Gebhardt , and F. Pobell 123 SPECIFIC HEAT OF LIQUID 3He BUBBLES IN SOLID MATRICES t E. Syskakis, Y. Fujii , M. Gebhardt, and F. Pobell Phys. Inst., Universit~t Bayreuth, D-8580 Bayreuth, FRG ABSTRACT We report on specific heat measurements of liquid 3He bubbles in Ag foils as well as in a matrix of solid 4He at millikelvin temperatures. - For the first part we have implanted about o.I % 3He in Ag foils. The foils have been annealed between 900 K and 1112 K. This results in high-pressure 3He gas bubbles of diameters between about 40 A and Ii0 A; the 3He liquifies when the metal foils are cooled to low temperatures. After each annealing step we have measured the thermal relaxation time of the foils at 13 mK ~ T ~ 1.2 K, and have determined in this way the specific heat of the 3He bubbles; it differs from the specific heat of bulk liquid 3He. - In the second set of experiments we have measured the specific heat of a o.75 ~ 3He-4He mixture at 25.3 bar (27.1 bar) and 20 mK g T~ 300 mK; simultaneously we have measured the pressure of this mixture. Our data indicate that at the lower (higher) pressure there are bubbles of a liquid mixture (of liquid 3He) in a solid 4He matrix. Permanent address: Okayama Univ. of Science, Okayama, Japan @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 124 INTRODUCTION The influence of dimensionality and of finite size on magnetism, superconductivity, superfluidity, or other ordered states is of fundamental importance in physics. In the studies of size effects, helium has played an outstanding role because of its homogeneity and purity, and because of the advanced state of low temperature thermometry. One can study phase transitions of liquid and solid helium with a temperature stability, resolution and homogeneity much better than for any other material. In addition, samples of helium can be produced in almost any size, and their quantum behavior adds additional interest. Therefore, the most detailed studies of the influence of finite size and of dimensionality on phase transitions 1 have been done using in particular liquid helium. The experiments have been performed on thin helium films or on helium confined to the pores of compressed powders or porous glasses. The measured properties have been mostly the specific heat, the superfluid density, or the onset to superflow. Even though these studies have profoundly influenced, for example, our understanding of the superfluid state as well as the influence of a restricted geometry on phase transitions in general, there are severe shortcomings of many of them. The reason being that the confining geometry of porous systems usually is a tangled, interconnected, often insufficiently known structure with a distribution of sizes (Fig. la). These not well-defined geometries can influence the experimental results and sometimes have made their interpretation difficult. In this paper we discuss investigations of size effects on liquid and solid helium at low temperatures in alternative, well defined confining geometries: microscopic, isolated, helium filled bubbles in metal foils or in a matrix of hcp 4He2,3 125 b. Fig. I. a) Typical structure of a porous glass, one of the favorite matrices for studies on liquid helium in finite size geometries b) TEM picture of underfocused helium bubbles in Cu. The bubbles appear as light areas and are clearly faceted (from Ref. 2,3). MICROSCOPIC HELIUM BUBBLES IN METALS The samples for these studies are produced by shooting 4He or 3He ions with a cyclotron into metal foils where the atoms come to 2 rest. We wobble the ion beam and degrade its energy periodically from 0 to E (some MeV) to get a homogeneous distribution of about max o.I at % He in typically o.I mm thick metal foils of io mm diameter. -3 The solubility of He in metals is extremely low, typically Io at ppm. By annealing the He doped metal, the He precipitates in gas bubbles whose pressure and size can be adjusted by the annealing temperature. The resulting sample can be examined by transmission electron microscopy; we find isolated He bubbles which are not interconnected (see Fig. ib). 126 The He pressure P in a spherical bubble of radius r at thermal equilibrium is given by P = 2 • ~metal/r (~metal = surface tension of the metal, 1.17 J/m 2 for Ag). This results in a helium density of order o. 1 g/cm 3 for a typical bubble radius of 5o A (or about lo 4 atoms). Such a density corresponds to the low temperature density of solid or liquid helium, which means that we obtain bubbles filled with solid or liquid helium when we cool the sample to low temperatures. The advantages of this geometry are that the microscopic systems are isolated from each other and not interconnected, it allows a simple variation of size, and we can study it visually by electron microscopy. Unfortunately, we still have a size distribution (see Fig. 2} and, as a new disadvantage, the pressure or density in the bubbles change when we change their size. - In Fig. 2 we show the mean bubble radius r of 4He in Cu and of 3He in Ag, respectively, as a function of annealing temperature T . For the latter combination r seems to be roughly 15 % smaller at a the same T . a 12 10 (/) < 8 p,,. I.¢J -J CO z <c MJ s- I, i ! I ~0 1000 1100 1200 ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (K) Fig. 2. Average radius of 4He - @ (3He - m)bubbles in Cu (Ag) for isochronal annealing experiments. The samples were annealed to progressively higher temperatures Ta (ta = 2 h). The bars show typical half-widths of the corresponding size distributions. 127 In our former studies 2 we had measured the heat capacity of about 1 Hg of 4He confined to bubbles in Cu foils (7 mm diam., o.I mm thickness) in a sensitive microcalorimeter at 1.5 K E T E 7 K after annealing the samples at temperatures between 930 K and 1220 K, resulting in 4He bubbles of 25 A to llO A diameter. By these experiments we could investigate the influence of this new confining geometry on the superfluid transition of 4He. In this paper we present our new results on the heat capacity of 3He filled bubbles in Ag foils at 13 mK _c T _c 1.2 K. SPECIFIC HEAT OF MICROSCOPIC LIQUID 3He BUBBLES IN SILVER The measurements were performed in a relaxation microcalorimeter consisting of a o.5o g Ag sample holder with three different carbon layers (o.8 mg) as thermometers, and about 6 mg further addenda(see Fig. 3). Support of the calorimeter is by four o.I mm nylon threads and the electrical leads are I0 Nm NbTi wires. The thermal link to the dilution refrigerator are two Ag wires (50 Mm diam., 12 cm length) with a thermal resistance R = 5.2 • lo5/T (K/W). Silver with its nuclear spin I = I/2 was used for the calorimeter and for the samples to avoid possible nuclear quadrupole contributions to the specific heat. The heat capacity C of the samples were obtained by observing the exponential decay of their temperature after applying a heat pulse and by calculating C = T/R from the measured thermal time constant T. Our first samples were Ag foils (9 mm diam., o.25 mm thick) into which about o.2 Z 3He were shooted with an energy up to E = 36 max MeV. When we tried to measure their heat capacity, it turned out that the samples showed a "large" heat leak of about 5 nW resulting from radioactivity induced by the 3He implantation. We could not cool the samples below T = 6o mK. We then produced a second set of samples by implanting 3He ions with an energy up to only E = 12 max MeV, which substantially reduced the heat leak. These Ag foils had a 9.5 mm diameter and were 58 Hm thick with an implanted depth of 42 128 ~m. The II foils used for calorimetry had a Ag mass of mAg = 0.47 g or 4.4 mmole. The implanted volume (3.2 mmoles Ag) contained about o.I % 3He, giving about 3 pmoles or about 9 ~g of 3He. Fig. 3 shows the measured thermal relaxation times T of our calorimeter, of the Ag foils without 3He, of the Ag foils implanted with 3He, of these foils after annealing them for 2 h at the indicated temperatures, as well as calculated relaxation times. The data show that we can measure the tiny heat capacity of our calorimeter and foils, and that the data agree reasonably well with the specific heat of Ag at o.I K ~ T ~ 1 K. We do not have an obvious explanation for the increase of T~ C/T of our calorimeter and bare foils at T z o.i K, because there is no nuclear quadrupole interaction in Ag; possibly it results from the addenda or from impurities in the Ag. The data for the foils plus 3He annealed at T a g 9oo K show an extra contribution from the 3He below o.I K, which is independent at T . But after annealing the foils at T ~ 940 K we a a see a contribution from the 3He at all T which increases with T . -i a Because R ~ T we should have T = constant if C ~ T; this is clearly not the case for our 3He data. In Fig. 4 we have plotted the heat capacity C of the 3He bubbles (calculated from the data in Fig. 3) and compared them to the specific heat of 3 ~moles of bulk 3He at SVP. 4 For T = ii12 K, for a example, the data at o.I g T g 1K coincide with the specific heat of bulk liquid 3He if we shift the Fermi temperature of the liquid in the bubbles to T F = 1.2 K (whereas TFbUlk'SVP = 1.8 K) and reduce the amount of 3He from 3 ~moles to about half this value. Already in our former measurements on 4He in Cu, we had found that the sample showed only about half the heat capacity of the corresponding amount of bulk helium after annealing at Ii00 K. But there is clearly an extra contribution at T g o.I K for the data at T = 1112 K as well as for the data at the other T . a a 129 -\ 30 25 o v 20 .n .$.l c 0 x m15 o m £ ilo I- i I I T T i I I i ~ , , ~ 11[ I , -- catorimeter . -- catorlmeter • Ag foit • -- Tq = 750K ...... 900 K ........ 9kO K ..... 960 K ...... 976 K '~ ..... 1003 K ...... 1033 K ...... 1069 K ...... 1112 K 4 ........................... ' ' ' '''"' 260 ....... ' 20 50 100 500 1000 T (inK) Fig. 3. Thermal relaxation time T = R s" C as a function of temperature with R = 5.2 Io /T (K/W), the thermal resistance to our calorimeter, and C a) heat capacity of the calorimeter b) heat caRacity of the calorimeter plus Ii Ag foils (without 3He) c) specific heat of the calorimeter plus Ii Ag foils implanted with 3He, after annealing the Ag foils for 2 h at the indicated temperatures. The dashed lines are calculated values for the calorimeter and calorimeter plus Ag foils, respectively. 130 1(: t I ~ t t t I t I t ( i I t t I ( I GreywaLt, 3 x 10 -6 mole..." P= 0 bor --,. "" o....----* • " ""~" ,./-"'"'"'"'" ..... ~o.~%%~~/ _ ,,'""'~ / ;/ 0.1 I I I ' I , Ill / , I J I , ,ll 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 T (mK) Fig. 4. Heat capacity of 3He bubbles in Ag calculated from the data of Fig. 3 for the given annealing temperatures. The data are compared to the specific heat of 3 8moles bulk 3He at SVP (from Ref. 4). For T z o.I K we discuss the data in terms of the "layer model" usually applied to analyze data on helium in restricted geometries, 1 particularly helium films. The first layer of helium near a metal wall is a two-dimensional solid at P ~ 400 bar, I'5 giving negligible lattice and magnetic contributions to the total specific heat of the helium bubbles in the investigated T-range. 5'6 In Ref. 6 it was shown that the second layer of 3He on a Ag substrate shows a constant specific heat C 2 = 0.2 N2k B at o.3 mK g T g 7 mK. Higher layers behave like bulk liquid 3He. For our analysis we make the crude approximation that the first layer of d I ~ 3.0 A does not contribute to our data, the second layer of d 2 ~ 3.5 A gives the 131 result of Ref. 6, C 2 = 0.2 R, also at temperatures of 13 mK g T g loo mK(!), and that the remaining liquid in the center of the bubbles have the specific heat of bulk liquid 3He at SVP. 4 With these crude assumptions we have calculated the specific heat for 2.2 pmoles 3He in bubbles of 5o A radius (corresponding to T ~ 11oo K) a and plotted the result as C/T together with our measured data in Fig. 5; the agreement seems to be remarkably good for this crude model. - The dip near T = 0.2 K in the data at T = 94o K may result a from melting of solid 3He in small bubbles still present at this low annealing temperature. - More data, in particular from our planned magnetic measurements are necessary for a more detailed discussion. 4O v I-- 60 ..... I I I I I ! I I a=1112K", 940 K _ 010 I 1 I I I I I 50 100 T (mK) Fig. 5. Heat capacity C divided by temperature T of 3He bubbles in Ag calculated from the data of Fig. 3 for the given annealing temperatures. The broken line are the values for 2.2 pmoles 3He in r = 50 A bubbles as calculated with the model described in the text. 132 SPECIFIC HEAT OF LIQUID HELIUM BUBBLES IN SOLID HCP 4He Liquid as well as solid 3He-4He mixtures phase-separate when cooled to millikelvin temperatures. 3He and 4He have different melting pressures. Therefore there exists a pressure range between about 25 bar and about 28 bar where hcp 4He coexist with liquid 3He or liquid 3He-4He mixtures depending on pressure. Many studies of the 7 complicated phase diagram at these pressures have been published. In Refs. 8 and 9 it was shown that with appropriate experimental conditions, one may succeed in creating liquid helium bubbles in hcp 4He. This was particularly obvious from the specific heat measurement at Grenoble which showed Fermi liquid behavior C = ~ T below phase separation, but with a coefficient ~ larger than the bulk 3He value. Unfortunately, the pressure was only approximately known for this measurement. We have performed a first set of measurements of the specific heat of a o.75 % mixture at 20 mK z T z 3oo mK, and at ig.o bar, Z5.3 bar, and 27.1 bar, respectively. The 3 calorimeter contained a liquid volume of 1.9 cm , was equipped with carbon thermometers, and linked to a dilution refrigerator by a superconducting heat switch. The measurements are at constant volume because a plug was formed in the fill capillary during cooldown under pressure. At 18. o bar (not shown) we see a Fermi liquid specific heat linear in T for T z 60 mK and temperature independent at 6o mKx T z 180 mK indicating that our whole mixture is in the liquid state. For P = 27.1 bar we find a linear behavior, C = 0.03 T (H/K), for T z 80 mK and a strong signature of phase separation at 8o mK z T z 220 mK (see Fig. 6a). This result is expected if the mixture separates almost completely into liquid 3He and hcp solid 4He. If the liquid phase would remain pure 3He after we reduce the pressure from 27.1 bar to 25.3 bar, we should observe a decrease of the specific heat by a few percent. Instead we see a dramatic increase to C = o. o7 T (J/K) for T z 6o mK, then a slight flattening off, and eventually an onset to phase separation at T ~ 2oo mK (see Fig. 6a). This large linear specific heat indicates that the liquid phase at 25.3 bar is a mixture containing probably about 8 % 3He. 133 The drastic change of the behavior of the liquid phase in an hcp 4He matrix by changing the pressure by less than two bar is even more obvlous from the "excess" pressures at phase separation (see Fig. 6b). Actually, the behavior at the pressure of 25.3 bar may lndlcate that the sample was in a three-phase region consisting of hcp 4He, a liquid mlxture phase, and possibly some pure liquid 3He. - From the behavlor of our samples - in particular the fast response to [J .01 • 001 20 a. ~m 50 100 200 T [rrt<] 27.2 c,. 27.0 359 Im m bo ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I 50 i00 T [~] W i m ~7 25.6 %. ~ 25.5 25.4 25.3 2OO 2O e e o e ~ 2 e e e ¢ e • ~ o 5O I O0 2O0 T [mK] I J Fig. 6. a) Heat capacity at constant volume of 1.9 cm 3 of a 0.75 % 3He-4He mixture at about 25.3 bar (8) and at about 27.1 bar (~), respectively b) Pressure in the closed sample cell during the specific heat measurements of which the data are shown in the upper part of the figure (for details see text). 134 temperature changes - we conclude that liquid bubbles are distributed in the hcp 4He matrix and that the two phases are not totally separated in space. Of course, much more studies are necessary to understand the behavior of this interesting system. CONCLUDING REMARKS The discussed data demonstrate the remaining problems but also the possibilities of the two investigated confining geometries to understand the influence of size effects on the Fermi properties of liquid 3He. There is the unsolved question of the extra contribution to the specific heat of microscopic liquid 3He bubbles in Ag which may result from the second layer, and which we hope to understand better when the results from our planned magnetic measurements on this system are available. But the size distribution of bubbles, the dependence of the helium pressure on the radius of the bubbles, and different contributions from different 3He layers close to the substrate may make quantitative interpretation of experimental results difficult. - There is also the question of the possible existence of superfluidity of 3He in this restricted geometry, possibly of another symmetry than for the bulk superfluid states. We have to remember that the typical 3He bubble radii in a metal matrix are smaller than the coherence length of the bulk superfluid state of 3He. The measurements on liquid helium bubbles in hcp 4He will first be extended to more pressures to understand the phase diagram and eventually we are interested in the bubble size and bubble formation, and the dynamics of phase separation. The advantage of this system is the fact that the surface tension of hcp 4He is much smaller than the surface tension of metals. Hence in principle one has access to substantially smaller liquid bubbles. Unfortunately, very little is known about the dynamics, size, and isotopic concentration of the bubbles in this system. 135 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We gratefully acknowledge performance of the 3He implantation as well as the TEM measurements by Dr. P. Jung, Dr. H. SchrSder and Prof. H. Ullmair (KFA JOlich). - This work was partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D.F. Brewer,J. Low Temp. Physics 3, 2o5 (1970); and in "The Physics of Liquid and Solid Helium", Part II, p. 573, ed. K.H. Bennemann and J.B. Ketterson; J. Wiley and Sons, New York (1978). E.G. Syskakis, F. Pobell, and H. Ullmaier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2964 (1985); E.G. Syskakis, Ph.D. Thesis, KFA J~lich, Report JOL - 2012 (1985). A preliminary report of this work is given in E. Syskakis, M. Gebhard, and F. Pobell, Proc. Int. Conf. on Polarized Quantum systems, Torino, June 1988. D.S. Greywall, Phys. Rev. B 27, 2747 (1983). D.F. Brewer, A. Evenson, and A.L. Thomson, J. of Low Temp. Phys. 3, 603 (1970). D.S. Greywall and P.A. Busch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 1860 (1988). P.M. Tedrow and D.M. Lee, Phys. Rev. 181, 399 (1969); V.L. Vvedenskii, JETP Lett. 24, 132 (1976); B. v.d. Brandt, W. Griffioen, G. Frossati, H.V. Beelen and R. de Bruyn Ouboter, Physica II4B, 295 (1982); V.N. Lopatnik, Sov. Phys. JETP 59, 284 (1984); D.O. Edwards and S. Balibar,Phys.Rev.B39,4083(1989) A.S. Greenberg, W.C. Thomlinson, and R.C. Richardson, J. Low Temp. Phys 8, 3 (1972). B. Hebral, A.S. Greenberg, M.T. Beal-Monod, M. Papoular, G. Frossati, H. Godfrin, and D. Thoulouze, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 42 (1981).
Measurement of ion energy distributions at the powered rf electrode in a variable magnetic field A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 67, 1229 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.345721 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.345721 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/67/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Retarding field analyzer for ion energy distribution measurements at a radio-frequency biased electrode Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 033502 (2008); 10.1063/1.2890100 Simulations of dual rf-biased sheaths and ion energy distributions arriving at a dual rf-biased electrode Phys. Plasmas 12, 123502 (2005); 10.1063/1.2142247 The energy distribution of ions bombarding electrode surfaces in rf plasma reactors J. Appl. Phys. 65, 993 (1989); 10.1063/1.343002 Ion energy measurement at the powered electrode in an rf discharge J. Appl. Phys. 63, 1894 (1988); 10.1063/1.339888 Distribution of ion energies incident on electrodes in capacitively coupled rf discharges J. Appl. Phys. 58, 4024 (1985); 10.1063/1.335580 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33Measurement of ion energy distributions at the powered rf electrode in a variable magnetic field A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman FOM Institute/or Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kruislaan 407, NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Received 10 August 1989; accepted for publication 23 October 1989) High-resolution energy distributions of ions, accelerated by the sheath at the powered electrode of a low-pressure 13.56-MHz gas discharge, have been measured. The observed spectra are compared to existing models. Excellent agreement between measured and calculated spectra is obtained. Detailed information on rf sheath behavior is derived from the observed energy profiles and from the measured total ion current densities towards the electrode surface. Analogous to the case of dc discharges, a decrease of sheath thickness is observed when a homogeneous variable magnetic field (O<B<315 G) is applied. However, the product of magnetic-field strength B and sheath thickness d is found to be independent of sheath voltage. This leads to the conclusion that in rf discharges, sheath contraction under influence of a magnetic field proceeds by a different mechanism than in de discharges. It is suggested that the value ofthe product Ed is determined by the (virtually constant) temperature of the plasma electrons, rather than by the energy of secondary electrons that have been liberated from the electrode surface by ion bombardment. The decrease of sheath thickness d with magnetic-field strength B leads to a changing capacitive-voltage division of the applied generator voltage over the discharge. When the magnetic-field strength is sufficiently high, this may result in a sign reversal of the electrode self-bias voltage. I. INTRODUCTION A. Motivation of this study The use of high-frequency discharges for surface modifi cation of semiconductor materials is still a relatively new field. The development of micron-and submicron-scale elec tronic circuits, where the demand for improved pattern de finition implied the need for highly anisotropic etching pro cesses, has led to a rapid development of this technique. 1.2 Reactive-ion etching combines the selectivity of chemi cal processes with the anisotropy of ion and electron bom bardment of the surface. From beam experiments it is known that the energetic particles can influence gas-surface reac tions in several ways. }"ossibilities are, for example, the cre ation of active surface sites by sputtering, the supply of a threshold energy for the chemical reaction, or the removal of reaction products from the surface.' The plasma etching process is generally a complicated (and for most cases unre solved) combination of such mechanisms. However, it is clear that energetic ion bombardment plays an important role in the etch behavior. The energy of the ions is largely determined by the de voltage difference between the plasma and the substrate. In the case of capacitiveiy coupled rf discharges, negative sub strate potentials of several hundreds of volts arc typical. 2 These high values give rise to substantial radiation damage in the substrate surface, deteriorating electrical properties of underlying layers and contact surfaces.4-6 Therefore it is im portant to have better control of the ion energies and to be able to measure them, in order to study how ion energy is related to etch rate, substrate damage, anisotropy, and selec tivity. This article describes the use of a dedicated energy ana-lyzer at the powered rf electrode to analyze the energy distri butions of ions, which have been accelerated by the sheath potential. In addition, the sheath potential can be varied by application of a homogeneous magnetic field. After an intro duction, where the experimental apparatus is presented, some necessary theoretical background is given before the experimental results are shown. The theory consists of two parts. In the first part, a model is presented to calculate the energy distributions of ions after their acceleration by an rf modulated sheath potential. In the second part, it is shown how the sheath potentials are related to the electrode vol tages. Then the model is tested, and a comparison between measured and calculated spectra is made. Having estab lished the validity of the model describing the energy spec tra, this model will be used to extract detailed information about sheath potentials and ion flux from the measured data. Experimental observations of sheath behavior, both with and without application of a variable, homogeneous magnet ic field, are reported and discussed. B. rf sheath generation When the rf power supply of a discharge is coupled to the electrodes in series with a capacitor, a large dc electrode voltage develops in addition to the applied generator voltage. This effect is referred to as self-biasing. Self-bias is caused by the difference in mobility between electrons and Ions. Ions are too heavy to respond to an electric field that is oscillating at rf frequencies, while the electrons are able to follow the field fluctuations and thereby oscillate in energy. In the case considered here (generator frequency (j) = 2trX 13.56X 106 1(1), the plasma is operated in a regime where (t);<{J) <We (with (I.), and w" representing the ion and electron plasma 1229 J. Appl. Phys. 67 (3),1 February 1990 0021-8979/90/031229-12$03.00 (~) 1990 American Institute of Physics 1229 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33frequency, respectively). Because of their higher velocity, the electrons will tend to leave the discharge much faster than the ions. This causes an excess of negative charge on the electrode surfaces, giving rise to a negative dc offset voltage. In the case of capacitively coupled discharges no net direct current can flow through the circuit, so the total electron and ion currents toward the electrode must cancel. There fore, an equilibrium will be reached, where positive ions are almost continuously being accelerated towards the powered electrode by the negative self-bias potential. On the other hand, electrons are repelled by this potential. Only during a short fraction of an rf period will the sum of de and rf poten tial be close to zero, such that electrons can reach the elec trode. When a magnetic field of a few hundred gauss is applied, parallel to the electrode surface, the mobility of the electrons in radial direction will be decreased by their Larmor preces~ sion, while the ions are virtually unaffected by the magnetic field. This means that, due to the magnetic field, current equilibrium will take place at smaller self~bias voltages.7•8 Therefore, variation of the strength of such a magnetic field gives control over the potential difference between plas~ ma and electrode, which in turn determines the energy of the ions hitting the surface. II. EXPERIMENT A. The cylindrical magnetron reactor The plasma chamber used in this experiment is shown schematically in Fig. 1. It consists of two coaxial aluminum cylinders, 30 em long and of 10-and 20-cm radius, respec~ tively. Two opposing sides of the inner cylinder are flattened so that on each surface a 3-in. wafer can be mounted vertical ly. The outer cylinder is grounded, the inner is capacitive1y coupled by a matching network to a 5-kW rf source of 13.56 MHz. Gas discharge takes place between the two cylinders. The plasma chamber is pumped to an operating pressure of Coils Wafer Powered electrode FrG. 1. Schematic cross section of cylindrical discharge geometry with magnetic Ilelds (cylinder axes are horizontal in the figure) . 1230 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 typically several mTorr, while the volume inside the inner electrode is differentially pumped down to 10-6 Torr. A variable magnetic field is generated along the cylin drical axis by two sets of coils in a Helmholtz configuration. Field strength can be varied from 0 to 315 G. The combination of the radial electric field Err with an axial magnetic field B causes a Larmor precession of the charged particles in the discharge. This prevents the elec trons from moving directly to the electrodes, as they would when only the rf field were present. Thus, the lifetime of these electrons is enhanced considerably, along with their ability to ionize the etch gas. This effect of the magnetic field on plasma density and etch rates has been described in a previous articleY In addition to this homogeneous variable magnetic field, a multi pole field along the surface of the grounded electrode is generated by permanent magnets. Its construc tion and consequences have been described previously.9 The point of relevance to the work discussed here is primarily that it results in a higher plasma density. In addition, it may modify the sheath properties at the grounded electrode. However, under most conditions the sheath potentials there will be low compared to those at the powered electrode. B. The parallel~plate energy analyzer Through a hole in the substrate surface, that is, at the powered rf electrode, incident ions are collected for direct energy analysis by an analyzer that has been mounted inside the inner cylinder. 10 Although additional information on ion mass is desirable, an electrostatic parallel-plate analyzer was chosen because of the complicating axial magnetic field. The analyzer could not be screened against this field, because the use of mu metal or compensating B fields would directly influence the orientation of the field lines in the plasma itself. This would cause unacceptable nonuniformities both in the discharge and at the substrate surface. The consequences of the magnetic field for the interpretation of the measured data are discussed below. Screening against disturbing electric fields is provided by the construction of the electrode itself: the closed inner cylinder acts as a Faraday cage, and the analyzer is at the same potential as the electrode. In order to control the voltage applied to the plates and to measure the ion current, a connection from the powered electrode to ground had to be provided. For this purpose optical fiber coupling was chosen because it made electrical filtering against the rf and de electrode voltages unnecessary. A more detailed description of the analyzer setup has been given elsewhere. 10 The applied axial magnetic field strength is varied from o to 315 G. Combined with the fact that the voltage differ ence Ve between plasma and wall under normal conditions is limited to about 500 V, Larmor radii rL of typically a meter or less are obtained in the case of singly charged Ar. There~ fore, the influence of the applied magnetic field on the ion trajectories through the analyzer has to be taken into ac count. (The path length of the ion trajectory through the analyzer is in the order of 10 cm.) To be able to relate the field strength between the analyzer plates to the actual kinet ic energy ofthe ions being transmitted, an analytical expres- A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1230 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33sion has been derived for the ion trajectory through the ana lyzerl! as a function of ion mass Iv.!, magnetic field B, and electric field strength E between the analyzer plates. Using this expression, the measured values of E are converted to absolute ion energies by a personal computer. m. THEORY A. Model for the ion energy distribution Most of the work that has been done on the analysis of ions reaching the electrode surfaces of an rf discharge has been performed at the grounded electrode. The first attempt to model the ion acceleration in an rf sheath was made in order to explain the unexpected behavior of ions extracted from a Thoneman rfion source. 12 The energy spread of the ion beams was one or two orders higher than thermal, and mean ion energies several hundreds of volts higher than the extraction voltage were detected, 13 The higher mean energy was attributed to the large de sheath potentials developed in rf discharges. Theoretical work by several authors 14-16 showed that in addition to the dc accelerating term, the ions are also sensitive to the rf modulation of the sheath potential. The time it takes an ion to cross the sheath is of the same order as an oscillation of the rf field. Therefore, the final energy of the ion will be determined by the phase of the field at the moment that it entered the sheath. This causes a broadening of the ion energy distribution. Assuming a sinu~ ::;oidal time dependence of the sheath potential V, the total width !1E of the energy profiles was shown 14 to be given by !1E= (8eAVe/3wd)(2eV,jM)!l2. Here Vc' d, M, and (u represent time-averaged sheath voltage, sheath thickness, ion mass, and the angular frequency of the rf field, respec tively. (The parameter J., describing the relative magnitude of the rf and dc components of the electric field, will be dis~ cussed below.) This theoretical result has been confirmed experimentally in rf glow discharges at the grounded elec trode by other authors. 17-21 However, the assumptions un derlying these models were not self-consistent,22 Recently, the model has been improved by Vallinga and Meijer.22•23 It will be used here to interpret the measurements. The following assumptions are made in this model: ( 1) The ion acceleration is predominantly determined by the time-averaged sheath potential, and the rf contribu tion can be considered as a perturbation. (2) The ion sheath thickness is constant in time. (3) Free falI of ions through the sheath, Le., the ion mean free path I> d. ( 4-) Contribution of electrons to the total space charge in the sheath can be neglected. (5) The number of ions entering the sheath is constant in time. ( 6) The initial velocity of ions entering the sheath can be neglected. (7) The ion transit time r across the sheath is approxi mately constant, Le., independent ofthe phase of the electric field upon entering the sheath. ( 8) The sheath potential can be approximated by vex,t) = Ve [1 + A sin ((ut) H (x/d)n -1], (l) 1231 J. App!. Phys., Vol, 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 where x denotes the distance perpendicular to the electrode surface, and J. and n represent parameters that will be dis cussed below. Under these assumptions, the equation of ion motion was solved analytically, and the following relation for the ion energy at the electrode was obtained: (2) where to and t[ are the moments of entering the sheath and reaching the electrode surface, respectively. Thus the theo~ retical broadening of the energy distribution is given by !1E=Emax -Emin =4a[An(eV,,)3/2/ wdy2M], (3) where a = maxlsinmt, -sin lVtol. Under assumption 7, giv en above, the ion transit time T = t I -to is constant. Then, a<2lsin (wr/2) I. When it takes an ion several rffield oscil lations to cross the sheath (1""> 21T/W), it will be assumed 23 that, on the average, a = 1. As a final result, the ion energy distribution is given byl4 (4) for (eV. -tl.E/2)<E«eV,. +flE/2)andF:CE) = o else where. Here No represents the number of ions entering the sheath per unit time. The profiles described by Eq. (4) are symmetric around the mean energy value E = eVe. An ex ample of a profile as described by Eq. (4) is given in Fig. 2 for a typical choice of parameters. The applicability of the as sumptions 1 to 8, given above, to the discharge under consi~ deration will be discussed below. However, further assump~ dons have to be made about the constants A and n in Eqs. (1)-(3). B. Model for parameter A The constantA determines the relative magnitude of the dc and the rf component of the sheath voltage. The sheath potential Ve can be measured directly, but A has to be esti- Ion energy reV] FIG. 2. Energy profile, calculated from Eq. (6) for a typical choice of pa~ rameters (compare with measured spectrum in Fig. 5). A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1231 ••••••••••• ".-.-••• -••• ;.:.;.;.; ••• ;.; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " •••••••••••••• -;. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •• ,.,. .................. '.'.' ••••• :.~.;.:.;.:-;.:-: ••••••••••••••••••• <; •••• ~ ••• :.-••• ---. ••• -.-.-••• , •• , ••• ~ ••••••••••••• _.'O;'._" ••••• ; ... " .. ;:.~.:.:.:-; • .-.~.: •••••••• ~ •• ; .......................... '..-o:o:.;.:.:-;.;.:.-l': •••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• O;O;O;'7.-.;" ••••••• -.. •••• -.-••• :.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.v.v.·.".·."'-.-.·.-.- ••• --.;-.-;o, •• " ••••••• .-.>;>;~ •• ? •••••• "' •• = ........ -... -.~ .. ;:.;.:.,o;.-.••• , •. .-..;.-.< ••••••• "' •••••••• --; ••••.•.•. ..-.-•.• - [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33mated. To do this, a model will be used here, as presented by Keller and Pennebaker.24 Assume that the sheath potential is given by V = Ve + A Ve sin (wt) [Eq. (1) J. Then, if the electrons have a Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution of temperature Te, the time-averaged electron current density (Ie) t through the sheath is given by25 (JJ, =J,?fJo(eAVjkTe), (5) where J<f,) is the current density which would be drawn if A=O, (6) and 10 is the zeroth-order modified Bessel function of the first kind. In the steady-state situation, the time-averaged ion and electron currents across the sheath must cancel. Thus, the average electron current density must be equal to the ion current density Ji• Together with Eqs. (5) and (6), this gives exp (-eVjkT e) = JesaJo(eJ.VjkTe)IJj' (7) When A = 0, this equation reduces to the equation for the floating potential Vf' as will be discussed below. Defining (8) the change in dc potential due to the presence of the rf vol tage, .1 Ve, is given by24 (9) which for eA VelkTe > 1 reduces t024 .1 Vjlc v" = -1 + (kT,J2e.tlVe)ln(21TeAVelkTe). ( 10) For a typical electron temperature Tc:::::3 eV and ion tem perature Ti::::: 0.04 e V (room temperature), the floating po tentia126 V'r is in the order of 10 to 20 V. On the other hand, the observed sheath potentials Ve at the powered electrode are typically in the order of a few hundred volts. Thus, Vf"~ Ve, and it follows from Eq. (8) that Ve::::: Ii Ve' Physical ly speaking, it means that the dc component of the sheath potential is determined primarily by the rf-induced term. Further, for this kind of large value for Vo it follows from Eq. (10) that Ii Ve::::: -AVe' It is concluded that, as long as v" > v,., A::::: -1. However, in the case of small sheath vol tages, combination of Eqs. (8) and (10) shows that A is given by (11) To interpret the measurements, this model has to be extended with a relation between the sheath potential Vand the applied generator voltage Va at the powered electrode. For this purpose, a sheath model developed by Kohler27 will be used here. Assume that the electron current in the sheath can be divided into a dc and an rf term: JeU) = (Ie), +Jd(wt) =Jj +Jd sinew:). (12) (As above, the fact that the average electron current density (Je ) , is equal to the ion current density Jj has been used here). Jd stands for the displacement current density, asso ciated with the oscillatory electron movement in the rffield. When Ji <t.Jd, the sheath essentially acts as a capacitor. In 1232 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 Capacitive model Cp Cg rj_ _~r FlG. 3. Equivalent electrical circuit for the discharge, where the sheaths are assumed to be purely capacitive, and the plasma bulk is assumed to be per fectly conducting. As a result, the potential of the plasma is equal to the potential drop across Cg, that case, the discharge can be modeled by an equivalent electrical circuit, where the electrode sheaths are represent ed by capacitors (Fig. 3). C. Capacitive sheath approximation Let Cp and Cg be the capacitances of the sheaths at the powered and the grounded electrode, respectively (Fig. 3). The plasma bulk is considered to be a perfect conductor with zero resistance. The potential difference between the powered and the grounded electrode is capacitively divided over both sheaths. Consequently, when the applied gener ator voltage is given by Va et) = Vdc + Vrr sin(wt), (13) the plasma potential Vp (t) will also show a purely sinusoidal behavior: Vp (I) = V pelc + Vprf sin (M). (14) (See Fig. 4.) The sheath potential at the grounded electrode is then given by the voltage drop over Cg, which is just Vp (t). One implication of Eq. (11) is that the plasma always exceeds the electrode potentials by at least an amount Vf. i +--o T Time (arb. units) FIG. 4. Applied electrode potential V" (t) and plasma potential Vp (t) rela tive to ground, according to the capacitive sheath model. Va·= Vdc + V,r sin({ut), and Vp(t) = V""c + Vpri' sinC(u!). The potential drop across the sheath is just Vp (0 -V" (t) = Vet) = Ve + A. Ve sin(wt). A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1232 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33(Because Vf is defined as being positive, it means that the plasma is always more positive than any surface in contact with it. This is a direct consequence of the fact that the drift velocity of electrons is much higher than that of ions.) Using this implication, it follows from Eqs. (13) and (14) that27 Vp (1) = Vr + -!( Vdc + Vrf)[ 1 + sin (wt)]. (15) (See also Fig. 4.) The sheath potential at the powered elec trode is equal to the potential drop over Cp (Figs. 3 and 4): Vet) = Ve[l +A sinC(,;t)] = Vp(t) -Va(t). This leads to the following results: Ve =!( Vrf -Vdc) + VI and A= F Vrf -Vee) -v( (16) (17) Note that, generally, V,lc is negative. Now that both sheath potentials V(t) and Vp (t) can be directly related to the gen erator voltage Vrr and the electrode offset Vdc' it is useful to have a relation connecting the two last mentioned. It follows directly from the capacitive voltage division of the applied-rf amplitude Vrf that the rf component of the plasma potential is given by27 Vprf = Vrr[ Cpl (Cp + Cg) ]. Combining this with Eq. (15) then gives Vdc = Vrr[(Cp -Cg)/(Cp + Cg)]. (18) A larger electrode area results in a higher electrode sheath capacitance.28 Thus, in the reactor considered here, the sheath at the grounded electrode has the largest capacitance: Cg >-Cp' It follows from Eq. (18) that Vdc;::;:;; -Vrf• Neglect ing Vf in cases that Vrf;::;:;; I Vdc I >-1 VII, it then follows from Eq. (17) that again ),;::;:;; -1, as was obtained earlier above. D. Value of parameter n The constant n [in Eqs. (3 )-( 5)] determines the de pendence of the sheath potential on the distance x to the electrode surface. When the gas pressure is so low that the ion mean free path is larger than the sheath thickness (I> d, assumption 4), a free-fall model can be used. In this case,26 n = 1-When in addition A = -1 anda = 1, Eq. (5) reduces to (19) In the following, this formula will be used as a first attempt to interpret the measured energy profiles, and all other re gimes and choices of constants will be considered as devia tions from this ideal case. In this regime (n = j) the Lang muir-Child space-charge-Iimited current equation for the total ion flux towards the electrode is also valid26: J _ 4£0 2e ; /jVV2 ;-9 Md 2' (20) When both E( = eVe) and J; are measured, thi.s can be used to check the validity of Eq. (19) because both equations have to be consistent: the value of the time-averaged sheath thickness d, which can be obtained from Eq. (16), has to give the right value for Jj when inserted into Eg. (20). 1233 .J. AppL Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 IV. MEASUREMENT OF ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 8=0 Ao Shape of the ion energy distribution In the following experiments, a O.S-mm-thick alumi num dummy wafer with a 200 pm hole with knife edges was used to extract the substrate bombarding ions for energy analysis. Instead of operating as an energy analyzer, the complete analyzer can also be used as one big Faraday cup. The total ion current collected by the diaphragm can then be measured. From this, the ion flux Jj towards the surface of the powered electrode can be derived. Parallel to these measurements, the dc offset of the powered electrode has been recorded using an oscilloscope. A probe with an attenuation factor of 1000 was connected to the electrode, and the signal was measured relative to ground potential. From the dc shift of the sinusoidal oscilloscope trace the value of I!;k was obtained. A typical result of an energy spectrum, obtained from a discharge at 2.4-mTorr argon gas pressure, is shown in Fig. S. The shape ofthe measured profile resembles the calculat ed distribution given in Fig. 2. However, two differences be tween both figures are obvious. First, the measured profile is slightly asymmetric, and second, the slope of the edges is not infinite. These observations can be accounted for by the lim ited energy resolution of the analyzer. The measured profile is a convolution of the calculated profile and the response characteristics of the analyzer. When the analyzer is scanned to measure the ion distribution, not only ions with energy E will be collected, but also particles of slightly different ener gy. This explains the finite slope at the edges of the profile. In addition, it is assumed that the energy analyzer has a Gaus sian energy window of full-width-half-maximum t.. w. It is known29 that t.. WI E is constant for a given analyzer geome try. This means that the sensitivity of the apparatus increases with E, because ions from a larger energy window are col- Ion energy [e Vj FIG. 5. Measured ion energy distribution in 2.4-mToIT argon (B ~~ 0, rf power 1 kW). Mean ion energy E= 203eV. energy width IlE = 54eV. The smooth line has been obtained by convoluting the calculated profile in Fig. 2 with a Gaussian energy window of FWHM Il W(E), to account for the ener gy dependence of the analyzer detection efficiency. Plotted line corresponds to best fit, obtained for AW(E) = O.016E. A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1233 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:333 I l ~t 02 _~_L .~ 2- i·1 '" i " !\ ~ is t:: oj ,~ .Q ,0 .... -----~ 0 _. ,..- 0 200 400 Ion energy reV] FIG. 6. Measured iOIl energy distribution ill 3-mTorr oxygen (lJ = 0, rf power 1 kW). (AE,/6.E,)2;::;2. lected. Therefore, a symmetric ion energy distribution will result in a measured spectrum with higher intensity at the high-energy side. This explains the observed asymmetry. (When the curve, given in Fig. 2, is convoluted by a Gaus sian energy window with a fitted FWHM of tl. W( E) = 0.016E, the calculated line in Fig. 8 is obtained. ) Residual differences may be attributed to small deviations from sinusoidal time dependence of the sheath potential. B. Mass effect From Eq. (19) it is expected that the width tl.E of the energy profile scales with M 1/2. To check this, profiles have been measured in different molecular gases. A typical result obtained in an oxygen discharge is shown in Fig. 6. Two profiles of widths /lEI and t:..E2 are superimposed. Their rel ative magnitude is given by (IlE2/ IJ.E, )2;::::2, soMI ;::::2M2• It is conduded that the inner peak represents 02i molecules, 4 3 2 F 70 OIl <" 60 'E ~ <U ~ 50 <=-40 E £ 13 30 > 'E 20 '0 " E 10 " S 0 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 A~signed ion mass [amu J FIG. 8. 1011 mass as obtained from the observed energy spJittings ill Fig. 7, plotted as a function of assigned ion mass. and the outer peak 0+ atoms, produced by dissociation in the discharge. This leads to the remarkable result that, al though the analyzer only measures energy, also mass selec tion is obtained, because of the different response to the rf component of the sheath potential with ion mass. A similar effect is observed in a CF4 discharge. Figure 7 shows a spectrum measured at a relatively high rf power of 3 kW, Because the value of din Eq. (19) is not known, abso lute values for the different ion masses can only be obtained by tentatively attributing one peak to a certain mass, and then verifying whether the other peaks correspond to masses that are to be expected from a CF4 discharge. The assign ment of the peaks in Fig. 7 was obtained by attributing the largest splitting to C f ions. (The second C+ peak is missing in the observed spectrum in Fig. 7, because of the limited scan range. The distance of the first C+ peak to the middle of the profile was used to find b.Ec' .) The mass thus calculated from the measured splittings has been plotted as a function of assigned ion mass in Fig. 8. It is concluded that the corre- F FIG. 7. Measured iOIl ellergy distribu tion ill 3-mTorr CF4 (lJ = 0, rfpower 3kW). o 4--------.--------,--------.--------,--------~------~ 300 500 700 900 Ion energy [eVJ 1234 J, Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 A. D. Kuypers and H, J. Hopman 1234 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33lation is very good, in contrast to observations by other au thors.18•30 The spectra in Figs. 5, 6, and 7 are all symmetric around a mean energy value E. This confirms the assumption that acceleration by the rf component of the sheath potential can be treated as a second-order effect, in addition to the accel eration by the dc potential. However, ions collected from a discharge in a mixture of argon and hydrogen show an ener gy distribution as given by Fig. 9. Peak assignment was per formed as above. The middle of the Ar profile is taken as the mean energy E. Then for aU three hydrogen profiles, it is observed that the high-energy peaks are located further away from E than the corresponding low-energy peaks. This is explained by the low mass of the H atoms and molecules. From the Ar profile, a sheath thickness d = 3.9 mm is ob tained, using Eq. ( 19). When the traversion time r for an Ar atom of energy E( = 334 eV) is calculated by a computer trajectory calculation, it appears that it takes more than four rf oscillations to cross the sheath. The same calculation for an H atom gives values from 0.3 up to about 0.1 oscillations. This means that the Ar atom predominantly experiences a time-averaged sheath potential, while the H atom responds to an almost instantaneous potentiaL Clearly, assumptions 1 and 7 in the analytical treatment above break down for the case of hydrogen. When the H atom enters the sheath at a moment that the sheath potential becomes high, it crosses the sheath very fast. In principle, it can be accelerated to an energy E<,2E. Note that in Fig. 9 the H+ energy distribution extends almost exactly to this ultimate value. However, when the H atom enters the sheath when the potential be comes low, it will take a considerable part of an rf oscillation to cross the sheath. Therefore, its final energy wiII be closer to the time-averaged value E. V.ION ENERGY MEASUREMENTS AT CONSTANT POWER FOR B> 0 At a constant absorbed power of 500 W, the influence of the variable axial magnetic field on electrical discharge char- Ion energy [e V J FIG. 9. Measured ion energy distribution in a 3-mTorr mixt\lre of argon and hydrogen (5 seem H2 + 2 seem Ar, B = 0, rfpower 2 kW). 1235 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 ::f l< " 300 <5 r:c 2: III" ] 200 III" " ~ " " " " [! )( " r&: [! 100 " '" " " " C I:l " 0 M iii III III III -100 0 100 200 300 Axial magnetic field l Gauss I FIG. 10. de (black sq\lares) and rf (crosses) components of applied elec trode voltage, together with time-averaged sheath voltage Ve (open squares), measured in 2A-mTorr argon (constant rf power 500 W). acteristics has been studied. Field strength was varied from 0 to 315 G. Measured values of VdC' Vrr, and Vee =E/e) have been plotted as a function of B in Fig. 10. The physical meaning of Fig. 10 is clear: the electron diffusion in the direction of the electric field decreases with increasing magnetic-field strength. Therefore, equilibrium between the time-averaged ion and dectron currents towards the electrode will be reached at a lower sheath po tential. This will be discussed in more detail below, together with the measurements performed at constant amplitUde Vrf· The total ion current density, both as measured and as calculated from the ion-energy profiles [using Eqs. (19) and (20)], is given in Fig. n. It should be noted that the mea sured current densities at magnetic-field strengths above 100 G, are higher than reported in a previous publication.3l In the case of a 200-pm diaphragm in front of the energy ana lyzer it was observed that, under certain conditions, not only ions, but also electrons, were able to enter the detection vol ume. Therefore, the measurements of ion current density 10 .. .. .. N 8 .. ..§ ::s .. c· 6 ':,n III '" "' .. "0 0 ;: III ""' 4 III " c t: tl " " u 0 0 D <: .. 0 ,s 2 !l!e 0 0 100 200 300 Axia[ magnetic field [Gauss 1 FIG. 11. Filled squares: measured ion flux to the powered electrode surface. Open squares: nux as calculated from observed energy splittings, assuming A = I (discharge conditions as in Fig. 10). A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1235 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33have been repeated with a smaner (501tm-diam) dia phragm. After this modification, the measured ion current densities for B < 100 G were unaltered. However, for B > 100 G, now a continued increase ofJ is observed with B (instead of the saturation mistakenly reported earlier). 31 This observed increase of J with magnetic field strength is obviously related to a similar increase of the ion density in the plasma bulk, which has been measured with a Langmuir probe. Although the calculated current density gives good agreement with experimental values at low-magnetic-field strengths, above 100 G the calculated values are clearly much too low. This apparent discrepancy can be explained as follows. First, it should be noted that there is no reason to assume that the equation for space-charge-limited current [Eq. (20) j does not hold anymore. At higher B values, ion movement is still collision less and also, the Lorentz force acting on the ions is much smaller than the Coulomb force due to the sheath electric field. Therefore, Eq. (20) remains valid. To calculate Ji from Eg. (20), values for V" and dare substituted. The sheath potential Ve is weB known, because it is directly obtained from the energy profiles. Therefore, the observed discrepancy must be due to an error in the de termination of the sheath thickness d. So far, an values for d have been derived from the observed energy splitlings tl.E, using Eq. (19). However, in this equation it is assumed that A = I, and this is only justified when V" > V: lEq. (8)]. Apparently, this condition is violated as Ve decreases with B (Fig. 10). For O<B < 50 G, good quantitative agreement is ob tained between the measured ion fiux and the fluxes which are calculated with Eqs. (19) and (20) lsee Figs. 11 and 15 (a), and also a previous publication 10 which deals exclu sively with the case B = O}. Thus, it has been established that the parameter d is indeed the same in both equations. Therefore, it is now allowed to reverse the procedure: In stead of calculating d from Eg. ( 19) in order to obtain Ji, the measured values of Ji and Vc can be used to find d [Eq. (20) ]. To calculate A from d, Eq. (3) should be used instead of Eq. (19), The parameters n and a, appearing in Eq. (3), are 110t influenced by the magnetic field, because the frce-fall approximation remains valid (n = j) and it takes an argon iOI1 several rf oscillations to cross the sheath (a = I). Fol lowing this procedure, substitution of the data presented in Figs. 10 and 11 leads to the conclusion that A is somewhat smaller than 1, which implies that the rf component AVe of the sheath potential is smaller than the dc component V". This was predicted by Eq. (8), where it has been shown that the difference between the dc and the rf component is ap proximately equal to the floating potential VI' The values of VI' thus calculated from the experimental data, are plotted in Fig. 12. The substantial scattering in these data is due to the fact that they are obtained by sub tracting two relatively large numbers. However, fitting a straight line to these data points, it is conduded that the floating potential has a value somewhere between 13 and 17 V. These are realistic values for a discharge with an electron temperature of a few eV (see Sec. HI B), and thus support the statement that A can be obtained as given above. 1236 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 30 '=' "0 !Ii 2: 20 4-< .. !Ii :> ~ 5 r--__ ------- .. --....,:r-___ - .. " c 0- M 10 " .~ .. 0 !Ii fl: 0 0 100 200 300 Axial magnetic field [Gauss] FIG. 12. Floating potential V;, as calculated from measured ion flux and ion energy distributions (discharge conditions as in Fig. 10). VI. MEASUREMENTS AT CONSTANT GENERATOR VOLTAGE In the experiments presented in Sec. V, the rf power absorbed by the discharge was kept constant in order to study the response of the system to the applied axial magnet ic field. However, when a detailed study is made of the effect of this magnetic field on the potentials and offset voltages, it is more convenient to keep the applied generator voltage constant. The following results have aU been obtained by keeping the rf amplitUde Vrf (as observed on the oscilloscope connected to the powered electrode) at a constant value of 232 V. This, of course, has the consequence that now the total input power is varying with B. For a discharge in 2.4-mTorr argon, the mean energy of ions arriving at the surface of the powered electrode is given in Fig. 13. Instead of the monotonic decrease in energy, ob served in the case of constant power, an initial increase as a function of magnetic-field strength is seen here. Above 100 G the ion energy becomes lower. Also the measured de offset voltage on the powered elec trode shows a different dependence on magnetic field now ~~ ~ 5 B 200 5B ~ ~ B D • DO Ii G II ;-, m c .. ", c b Ii B t;:j " " " .s 10(1 f- a c ~ c c ~ c c " 0 c () 0 100 200 3D!) Axial rnap!letic field (Gall~sJ FI G. 13. Measured mean ion energy E (fiiled squares) and energy spliUings t:.E (open squares) in 2.4-mTorr argon, at a constant electrode voltage Vcr = 232 V. (rfpowerbetwecn 180 and 3100 W). AD. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1236 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33that the generator voltage is kept constant. From Fig. 14 it is seen that up to 100 G, the dc offset remains remarkably con stant. Only at higher field strengths again a monotonic de crease is observed, down to 0 V, and even changing sign. As shown above, the time-averaged plasma potential Vp = V" + Vdc' The result is also plotted in Fig. 14. It ap pears that above 100 G, Vctc and v., = E Ie (Fig. 13) de crease at about the same rate, resulting in an almost constant plasma potential. In addition, the total ion flux has been measured under the same conditions [Fig. lS(a)]. From the measured ener gy distributions, the splittings t:.E have been determined (Fig. 13). Substituting these values into Eq. (19) it is found that the sheath thickness shows a monotonic decrease from 5 to 1 mm. Substituting d Eg. (20) again, the ion flux can be calculated. The values thus obtained are also plotted in Fig. lS(a) for comparison. Just as in the measurements at con stant power (Fig. 11) a large difference between measured and calculated flux is observed for higher magnetic-field strengths. Note that here the deviation starts at a higher magnetic-field strength (;:::; 100 G) than in the constant power case ( ;:::; 40 G). This supports the conclusion that the deviation is due to a breakdown of the condition Ve ~ V;, because in the former situation the sheath potentials only start decreasing near 100 G, whereas in the latter V" de creases monotonically for B> O. Following the same proce dure as in Sec. V, A and VJ can be derived from the measure ments in Figs. 13 and 14. Values for Vr, scattering around 20 V ( ± 15 V), are obtained. Langmuir-probe measurements have been performed under the same discharge conditions. II The ion density as a function of magnetic-field strength is given in Fig. 15 (b). It is observed that both the ion density ni and the ion current density Ii show qualitatively the same behavior. At zero magnetic-field strength, an rfamplitude of232 V is obtained at 180 W input power. Going from 0 to 130 G, the absorbed rf power has to be increased up to 3.1 kW to maintain the same rf voltage on the powered electrode. In this domain, both the ion current density towards the electrode surface and the ion density in the bulk of the plasma show a linear 150 t m .... S l1lil1li l1li B I:! "0 '''1-.. o 0 D o D 0 0 " c C 0 • t::, CO .. " ;: CC lJ .. c "" B " -50 L-_~ __ --'-__ ~ __ '---_~ __ -'-_---' o wo 2()O .Ion Axial mJgnetic field [Ci-auss; FIG. 14. Measured dc offset of the powered electrode (filled squares), to gether with de component of the pj,tsma potential (open square,). as ob tained from measured Velo and E by v,,,,, .~ E + V"e' Discharge conditions as in Fig. 13. 1237 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 30 -I ('-;-'> 1': 20 ~" " " ~ 5 :s. " 5 C ~. 0 C " ~ " 0 " .g .. " " E 0 ~ 10 2 " " " ~ " .. "" " 0 0 J ~ e ~~ 0 () 100 20u 300 Cal Axial magnetic field (Gaussj '" '" .. " " " " .. " DL---~-----L----~----~--~----~--~ o 100 200 :JOO (bl Axial m:ignetk fiek! ~(jallssl FIG. IS. (a.) Measured ion flux to the powered electrode surface (filled squares), and flux as calculated from observed energy spiittings, assuming A ,.= 1 (open squares). Discharge conditions as in Fig. 13. (b) Ion density at a distance of 4. 5 em from the surface of the powered electrode, measured by Langmuir probe. Discharge conditions as in Fig. 13. increase with power. A further increase of the magnetic-field strength allows the supply of power to be lowered again, down to a value of 1.9 kW at 315 Go However, ion current and ion density show a further increase with B, despite the lower power levels. Thus, the knee in Figs. 15 (a) and 15 (b) can be explained: Below 100 G there is a combined increase of power input and electron confinement. Above this value, the effect of a further improvement of confinement is almost compensated for by a decreasing power input. VII. DISCUSSION A. Validity of the assumption of a capacitive sheath First, it will be shown here that the capacitive sheath model is indeed valid under the current experimental condi tions. To prove this, it has to be shown that the displacement current la = Ap dQ Idt is larger than the condition current Ii' The capacitance C of two surfaces of equal area A at a mutual distance d is given by C=Eo(Ald). (21) For the sheath at the powered electrode, A = Ap' while dis given by space-charge-limited current equation (20). Sub stitution into Eq. (21) gives (22) A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1237 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33This relation is also given by Keller and Pennebaker. 24 Be cause d was shown to be independent of power (B = 0 and constant pressure), it foHows from Eq. (21) that Cp is also power independent. Substitution of the values measured at P = 500 W (Ve = 280 V, Ji = 1.6 A/m2, Ap = 0.163 m2) gives Cp = 0.3 nF. Assuming Cp to be time independent, Jd can now be estimated: dV J" = Cp-= Cp{;) V" cos(cot). (23) dt Taking the time average, it foHows that dQ/dt = 2CpwVJ(rrA). For P= 500 W, this gives a dis placement current of88 A/m2• Thus it has been shown that indeed Ji ~Jd' and the capacitive approximation is justified. B. Influence of magnetic field on sheath thickness For the nonmagnetized case, it has been shown that the sheath thickness d, derived from the observed ion energy splittings, is the same as the value determining the space charge-limited current. In addition it has been shown that for B > 0, the values of d, calculated from the measured ion current densities Ji, lead to consistent results if deviations of A from unity are taken into account. It is concluded that at the low pressures considered here, the value of d thus ob tained gives a reliable absolute measure of the sheath thick ness. This will be used in the following to study rf sheath behavior in a magnetic field. For both experiments in argon, at constant power (500 W) and constant generator voltage (Vrf = 232 V), the reci procal value of d (obtained from the measured Ji ) is plotted as a function of B in Fig. 16. A striking coincidence of the results of the two experiments is observed. This is remark able, because the sheath potentials and ion fluxes involved are entirely different for the two cases. For B> 30 G, a con stant value of the product Bd ( = 0.134 G m) is obtained. A similar decrease of sheath thickness has been ob served in magnetized dc discharges. At gas pressures be tween 0.3 and 20 Torr, the cathode dark-space thickness was measured visually in different gases by Giintherschulze>2. He observed a gradual decrease of sheath thickness as a func- o 300 Axial magnetic field [GaussJ FIG. 16. Reciprocal sheath thickness, as calculated from measured ion flux, for the cases of constant power (500 W, filled squares) and constant rf vol tage (232 V. open squares), respectively. 1238 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 67, No.3, 1 Feoruary 1990 tion of E, from 1-2 cm down to a minimum value d = 0.7 mm. In addition, the current density appeared to be given by Jj = const/d 2. No change in sheath potential was observed here. However, earlier work by WillOWS33 at lower gas pres sures had shown a decreasing cathode faU potential, indicat ing a pressure dependence. A theoretical explanation for the shrinking of the dark space was given by Thomson and Thomson?4 It is based on the fact that the dc discharge is sustained by secondary electrons, liberated from the cathode surface by charged-particle bombardment. This theory has been adopted by many workers in the field of dc magne trons.35-37 Here Thomsons' results are given as reproduced by Francis.38 The equations of motion for an electron in crossed electric and magnetic fields are given by d2x dy m--=eE-eB-dt2 dt (24) and (25) A linear decreasing electric field is assumed across the sheath (case n = 2 above), giving E= (2Ve/d)[1- (x/d)]. (26) With the boundary condition that for x = 0, dx/dt = dy/ dt = 0, the solution of Eqs. (25) and (26) is given by 2VJd x = [1 -cos(yt)] (27) 2Vc/d2 + eB2/m with r = 2eVe/d2 + e2B2/m . m (28) Under the assumption of collisionless movement, the maxi mum distance Xmax the electron can reach, relative to the electrode surface, is then given by Eg. (27) with cos (yt) = O. As long as xmax > d, the path length the elec tron travels through the sheath will only be slightly affected by B. However, whenxmax < d, the electron will be bent back towards the surface, and the path length increases drastical ly. This causes an increasing excitation and ionization in the sheath region, reducing the observed sheath thickness. Thus a critical value Be can be defined, above which the magnetic field will modify the sheath. It is given by the condition Xmax = d. From Eqs. (27) and (28) it then follows that (29) Recent calculations by Maniv39 lead to a comparable result. Physically, Eq. (29) means that the Larmor radius of the electron, corrected for the accelerating field E(X), is equal to d. It is tempting to apply the same reasoning to the rf case. Substitution of relevant numbers shows that the observed rf discharge behavior might also be due to secondary elec trons.31 However, there is growing evidence that secondary electrons only play an additional role in sustaining 13.56- MHz plasmas.11•24,40 The experimental evidence for fast electrons, originating from the sheath regions, can also be A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1238 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33accounted for by acceleration at the oscillating plasma sheath boundaryY-43 From Fig. 16 a value Bd = 0.134 G m is obtained. Sub stituting in Eq. (26), this gives a potential V = 8 V. It should be noted that a constant value is found, although the sheath potential Ve depends on B. This suggests that d is not deter mined by the ability of secondary electrons to reach the plas ma, but by the condition that electrons from the plasma must be able to reach the electrode, in order to satisfy the condi tion Ji + (Je) t = O. As stated above, Te is a few eV, and will be fairly constant under the given conditions. Most of the electron current towards the electron surface flows when V(x,t) is closest to zero. Then, electrons from the tail of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution have to cross the sheath against the remaining negative sheath potential (which is in the order of Vr). Only when d scales with B as given in Eq. (29), will it be possible to maintain zero net current. The ion current density Ji is determined by the ion drift towards the plasma-sheath boundary, as argued above. From Figs. 15(a) and 15(b), it follows that Ji a: nj• There fore, J~ depends on B via the growing plasma density, which in turn is a consequence of improved charged-particle con finement. Then the space-charge-limited current Eq. (20) explains the behavior of Ve, and thus E, with B. Co Capacitive~voltage division and sign reversal of de offset on powered electrode The development of the dc component of the plasma potential, V pck' is determined by the sheath behavior at the grounded electrode. In order to say something quantitative about this, two assumptions have to be made. First, it is assumed that the ion drift towards both electrodes is equal. This assumption is supported by the knowledge that Ji is not depending on the sheath potential. Second, it is assumed that there is no dc potential drop across the plasma volume. Then the plasma potential V pelc' measured at the powered elec trode, is equal to the dc sheath potential at the grounded electrode. Thus, knowing both Ji and V pelc' the sheath thick ness dg can be calculated [Eq. (20)]. Substituting the ex perimental data obtained at constant power (500 W), values for dg in the order of 1.5 mm are found. Only small devia tions ( ± 0.15 mm) from this val ue are observed as a func tion of B. It follows that at the grounded electrode the sheath thickness is not related to the axial magnetic field by a rela tion Bd = constant, as was observed at the powered elec trode. However, this may be ascribed to the influence of the cusp field. It generates a magnetic-field strength at the sur face of the grounded electrode, which is much larger than the axial field. Therefore, variation of the axial field B may have little influence on the sheath thickness. As reported above, at the powered electrode a value dp = 5 mm was observed when B = 0, Thus dg <dp-Be cause in addition A g > A p' it follows from Eq. (19) that at B = 0, Cg is considerably larger than Cpo According to Eq. (HI) [which states that Vdc = Vrr(Cp -Cg)/(Cp + Cg)], this in good qualitative agreement with the observation of large negative dc offset voltages VdC' which are of the same order of magnitude as the applied generator voltage Vrf (see Fig. 17, and also Fig. 14). Going towards larger Bvalues, Cg 1239 J. Appt. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February i 990 SUO 400 ~ x 300 s ~ c~ ~ 200 c ~ l: " x " ;,; " " d: 100 If ~ ~ IL 0 ~ c C lJ .. [] -lO(! 0 100 200 :JOO Axial nlagnetic field IGauss~ FIG. 17, Measured electrode voltage Vcr (crosses) and electrode-offset V.k (open squares), together with calculated values of Vd,. (filled squares). Cal culated data are based on estimated sheath capacitances at the grounded electrode. Measured data taken from Fig. 10. remains virtually unchanged, whereas the decrease of dp with B(Bd = c) results in increasing values for Cpo In Fig. 17, the 500-W data for Vdc and Vcf (from Fig. 10) are replot ted, together with the values for Vdc which are calculated by substituting (.~ and Cg into Eq. (18). Although Vrr increas ing above 100 G, the calculated values for Vdc show a mono tonic decrease with B, finally resulting in sign reversal. Thus it is shown that the observed monotonic decrease of Vdc, and also its reversing sign, are a direct consequence of the fact that the relative magnitude of both sheath capacitances is reversed by the magnitude field. VIII. CONCLUSIONS Ion energy distributions have been measured with an electrostatic energy analyzer at the powered electrode of a 13.56-MHz discharge. Plasma confinement by magnetic cusp fields permits low-pressure discharge operation, result ing in collisionless acceleration of ions in the sheath. Thus, high-resolution energy spectra are obtained. This has been used for an experimental verification of the theory for ion acceleration in rf sheaths, as developed by Vallinga and Meijer. For this purpose, experiments have been performed in absence of an axial magnetic field. Excellent agreement between measured spectra and calculated energy distribu tions is obtained. From the ion energy distributions, sheath thickness and ion flux towards the wall can be derived. The ion flux, thus calculated, corresponds very well with mea sured values. In case of high-rf voltages, ion mass resolution is also obtained, resulting from the rf modulation of the sheath potential. Having established the validity of the model, it has been used to interpret experimental results as a function of axial magnetic-field strength. Application of a variable axial mag netic field results in lower mean ion energies and higher cur rent densities. Both are related to the sheath thickness by the space-charge-limited current equation. The reciprocal sheath thickness behaves linearly with magnetic field, with a slope that is independent of sheath potential and discharge power. This is explained by assuming that the sheath thick ness is determined by the Larmor radius of plasma electrons, A. D. Kuypers and H. J. Hopman 1239 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:15:33and thus only by the electron temperature in the plasma bulk. It implies that rf sheath behavior is principally differ ent from the corresponding dc behavior, which is governed by secondary electrons. Estimated thickness of the sheath at the grounded elec trode lead to the conclusion that the observed sign reversal of the dc offset voltage at the powered electrode is directly re lated to the relative magnitude of both sheath capacitances. At B = 0, the largest sheath capacitance is found at the grounded electrode (which has the largest area). This ca pacitance changes little upon variation of the axial magnetic field. At sufficiently high magnetic-field strengths (between 200 and 300 G) the capacitance at the powered electrode has increased so much that it exceeds this constant value, result ing in the observed reversal of the offset voltage. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank P. M.Meijer and W. J. Goed heer (FOM-Institute Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein) and A. Manenschijn (Delft University of Technology) for stimulat ing discussions. The work described here was performed as part of the research program of the Stichting voor Funda menteel Onderzoek der Materie (POM), with financial sup port from the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschap pelijk Onderzoek (NWO) and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs within the framework of the lOP-Ie pro gram. 's. J. Fonash, Solid State Techno!. 28,150 (1985). "A. J. van Roosrnalen, Vacuum 34,429 (1984). 'D. L. Flamm and V. M. Donnelly, Plasma Chenl. Plasma Proc. 1, 317 (1981). 40. S. Oehrlein, R. M. Tromp, 1. C. Tsang, Y. H. Lee. and E. 1. Petrillo, J. Electrochem. Soc. 132.1441 (1985). 'G. S. Oehrlein, J. App\. Phys. 59. 3053 (1986). 6J. H. Thomas, 1. T. McGinn, and L. R Hammer, App!. Phys. Lett. 47.746 ( 1985). 71. Lin, J. App!. Phys. 58, 2981 (1985). MS. Bell and T. Bri!, Makr. Res. Soc. Syrnp. Proc. 68, 53 (1986). "A. D. Kuypers, E. H. A. (hanneman, and H. J. Hopman, J. App!. Phys. 63,1899 (1988). lOA. D. Kuypcrs and H. J. Hopman, J. App!. Phys. 63,1894 (1988). 1240 J. 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Investigation of the probabilistic behavior of laserinduced breakdown in pure water and in aqueous solutions of different concentrations H. SchmidtKloiber, G. Paltauf, and E. Reichel Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 4149 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343999 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343999 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/9?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Accumulation of air in polymeric materials investigated by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy J. Appl. Phys. 111, 063108 (2012); 10.1063/1.3692982 Deviations from a simple Debye relaxation in aqueous solutions of differently flexible polyions induced by polymer concentration J. Chem. Phys. 131, 034901 (2009); 10.1063/1.3182846 Spectroscopic studies of different brands of cigarettes using laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy AIP Conf. Proc. 1017, 363 (2008); 10.1063/1.2940662 Laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy of alcohols and protein solutions AIP Conf. Proc. 992, 1177 (2008); 10.1063/1.2926814 LaserInduced Breakdown in Chlorine J. Appl. Phys. 36, 3363 (1965); 10.1063/1.1702992 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:18:51Investigation of the probabilistic behavior of laser .. induced breakdown in pure water and in aqueous solutions of different concentrations H. Schmidt-Kloiber, G. Paltauf, and E. Reichel Abteilung Biophysik, Institutjur Experimentalphysik. Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz. Universitc41splatz 5. A-80l0 Graz, Austria (Received 27 March 1989; accepted for publication 20 June 1989) In this paper we report on experiments to inve.~tigate the laser-induced breakdown properties of saline solutions of different concentrations and of highly deionized water, using a Q switched Nd:Y AG laser. The observation of the dependence of the breakdown probability on the pulse energy gives informati.on about the influence of the ion concentration on the breakdown occurrence. It has turned out that the generation of initial electrons for the avalanche by the ions determines the breakdown threshold in saline solutions. In extremely pure water, with no ions as electron donors, the first free electrons have to be produced by multiphoton ionization of the water molecules, which leads to a very sharp threshold. The region of pulse energies, where breakdown occurs only with a certain probability, has its minimum width in pure water, shows its maximum extension in low concentrated solutions and is again getting narrower with increasing concentrations. I. INTRODUCTION Pulsed, high-power laser sources are commonly used to produce mechanical effects in various medical applications. The conversion of light into mechanical energy is achieved by the effect of laser-induced breakdown. The optical field initiates the buildup of an electron avalanche, foHowed by the rapid expansion of the resulting plasma due to absorp- tion of the incident light by inverse bremsstrahlung.1,2 In a later phase of the breakdown a shock wave is emitted from the plasma region. The peak pressure of this shock wave is sufficiently high to cause different kinds of destructive ef fects such as urinary stone fragmentation. 3 The most impor tant feature of this treatment is the ability to deliver the laser radiation dose to the stone through an optical fiber. For a safe and efficient application care must be taken that the breakdown is released in the irrigation liquid near the sur face of the stone and not in the optical components of the delivery system. It is therefore of great importance to choose a liquid that exhibits a low breakdown threshold. To under stand the mechanisms that lead to a lowering of the thresh old, we examined the breakdown properties of aqueous solu tions paying our special attention to the effect of varying the concentration. The generation of an electron avalanche by an optical field is governed by statistical processes. The consequence of this statistical nature is the formation of a more or less wide region of incident laser pulse energies, where breakdown oc curs only with a certain probability. This region separates the energy values where breakdown is always produced from those where it never occurs. Bass and Barrett have shown in their "lucky electron" model that the reason for the probabilistic nature of optical breakdown lies in the first stage of the electron avalanche.4 From that model they derived a formula describing the de pendence of the breakdown probability on the optical elec tric field strength. In this paper we show how this formula can be used to calculate the probability that a single laser pulse with a eer-tain energy win cause breakdown. The parameters that are obtained by fitting the function to the experimental data are suitable to give an explanation for the influence of the solute content in the liquid on the breakdown probability. An im portant observation in our experiments was that extremely pure deionized water behaves in a significantly different way than saline solutions. This effect seems to be un explicable in terms of the model and may be due to unfavorable starting conditions for the avalanche in the absence of ions as a source of initial electrons. It will be tried to show how the breakdown probability formula has to be modified consider ing the generation of starting electrons by multiphoton ioni zation as the effect that determines the breakdown probabili ty. II. EXPERIMENT The experimental setup for the breakdown probability measurements is shown in Fig. 1. The laser used for our experiments is an actively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (JK HY750) operating at the fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm. It emits pulses with a duration of 8 ns (FWHM), a beam diameter of9 mm in multimode operation, and a pulse to-pulse energy reproducibility within I %. The adjustment of the energy was obtained by means of neutral glass filters FlLTERS, ATTENUATOR CELL LASER t: It -:-:.:-~--l-l~-- r' -~ L_~ ~ -~:::--::-< '--____ .....1_ L _0 ________ -' CALORIMETER \ 81 -01 l_ ~ COUNTER _ _ _ PHOTODIODE FIG. 1. Experimental setup for the measurement of the laser-induced breakdown probability in aqueous solutions, using a Q-switched Nd:Y AG laser at 1064 nm. The calorimeter is inl>erted into the beam tc calibrate the attenuator and the filters. 4149 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (9).1 November 1989 0021-8979/89/214149-05$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 4149 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:18:51and of a polarizing attenuatar. A plano convex lens with a focal length of 50 mm in air was used to focus the beam through a quartz window into a stainless-steel cell contain ing the liquid. To detect the occurrence of a breakdown, a portion of the laser radiation scattered by the plasma was collected onto a photodiode that was located at an angle of 90· to the beam axis. In order to detect the breakdown rate, the electri cal signal from the diode was then guided to a counter. The probability was calculated by dividing the number of break downs that had occurred by the number of the incident laser pulses. The latter was 600 in our experiments and was ob tained by running the laser at a pulse repetition rate of 10 pulses per second for 1 min. Pulse energy measurements were made using a laser cal orimeter (Scientech 380101). The energy at the focal plane was corrected for reflection and absorption losses. The tem poral shape of the laser pulses was measured by means of a combination of a fast photodiode (RCA 971 E) and an oscil loscope (Iwatsu TS-8123, Tektronics 7834). Temporal fluctuations in the laser pulse not resolved by the oscilloscope were measured with a boxcar averager (EG&G) with a resolution of 400 ps. Histograms taken at single instants of the pulse showed a standard deviation of 7%. Earlier experiments have shown that the presence of NaCl reduces the breakdown threshold of pure water.' For a further examination of this effect we used the following li quids for our experiments: Highly deionized water (Nanopure quality) with a spe cific resistance of 18 MD cm and aU organic contaminations removed and saline solutions with concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mol! twith the same deionized water as solvent. III. RESULTS Figure 2 shows a plot of the breakdown probability ver sus the energy of the incident laser pulses at the location of breakdown for the four liquids listed above. The energy lev els required to cause breakdown increase with decreasing ion concentration. The pure water shows almost thresholdlike behavior, meaning that the breakdown probabilities lie in a very narrow energy region. The 0.01 moll t'solution is char- D.S 2"" 0.6 £ 0 D 2 0.4 Il. 0.7 1 / // j ;-,1 IX ! / / x . / / / ;' l x p'-1re water I r , O.O~ rnol/l /' / . 0.1 '1'101/1 !J () 1 mol/I ,/.{ ;' /' J/x [) () 2 4 6 ~ 10 Loser pulse energy (me) FIG. 2. Breakdown probability vs pulse energy in highly deionized water and in saline solutions with concentrations of 1, 0.1, and 0.01 mol/I: 4150 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 acterized by a small slope at the onset of the curve and by an approach to the H20 values at higher energies. IV, DISCUSSION First the derivation of the breakdown curve form from a theoretical model will be shown. Bass and Barrett intro duced a model to explain qualitatively the electrical field dependence of the damage probability in transparent solids.4 This model is based on the assumption that the probability of breakdown occurrence is governed by the first stage of the electron avalanche, where some starting electrons are accel erated by the optical field to produce ionization. To undergo an ionizing collision, a starting electron has to gain an excess energy over the ionization energy of the surrounding medi um. The remaining energy is divided between the two sec ondary carriers, which therefore have much better starting conditions to be accelerated than the first electrons. So it remains to consider the probability for the first ionizing event, involving electrons that start from rest. One difficulty for this calculation arises from the fact that the electrical field oscillates at optical frequencies. For an effective accel eration the electrons have to keep in phase with the field, undergoing elastic collisions at each time the field reverses. If there are N free starting electrons present in the focal vol ume prior to the onset of the avalanche, the probability per unit time u (1) that the avalanche is released at the instant t during the laser pulse is given by u (t) = A exp [ -K IE (t) ], (1) where.,. c-;;lIl is the collision frequency of the electrons, f the fraction of the favorable collisions that reverse the momen tum of the electron, M the approximate number of half-cy cles of the field required for the electron to reach the ioniza tion energy Wi' q and I the electron charge and mean free path, and E( t) the rms electric field strength at the time t To get the exact expression for the probability that a single laser pulse will produce breakdown, we must take into account the temporal behavior of the irradiation. The proba bility per unit time s(t) that breakdown starts at a time t during the laser pulse is given by6 s(t) = u(t)v(t), (2) where v(t) is the probability that breakdown has not started until t and u(t) is given by Eq. (l). s(t) is also the time derivative Ofp(t),6 which is the probability that breakdown has already started until t. pet) = 1 -v(t), s(t) = dp(t) = _ du(t) = u(t)v(t). dt dt Solving the equation yields v(t) = exp ( -f U(t')dt'). (3) (4) (5) If the integral in Eq. (5) is expanded over the whole pulse duration 1~ we get p( n, the probability that the laser pulse win cause breakdown. Schmidt-Kloiber, Paltauf, and Reichel 4150 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:18:51p( T) = 1 -exp ( -iT uU)dt ) . (6) Figure 3 shows again the breakdown curves of the 1 moll t and the 0.1 moll.f saline solutions. The dots repre sent the measured data; the solid curves are least-squares fits off unction (6) to the experimentai values. Since the geomet rical focusing conditions in our experiments were held con stant, we used the relation E(t)2_p(t), (7) where P(t) is the power to substitute E(t) by P(t) 1/2 in Eq, 0). Tocomputep(n (without A), u(t) is integrated nu merically over a measured pulse shape, using an estimated value for K. Following that, Eq. (6) is calculated for the experimental values ofp( n to get a mean value for A .. This procedure is repeated while altering the value of K untIl the best fit is achieved. The values of A and K for the solutions under study and for the deionized water are listed in Table 1. It can be seen from the data that K nearly remains constant for the 1 mol! / and the 0.1 moll t solutions, while A increases approximate ly proportional to the concentration, This behavior can be explained in the foHowing way. Since the factor A is proportional to the starting eiectron density, its increase with the concentration indicates that the ions in the solution act as electron donors. On the other hand, K, which depends on the ionization energy and the mean free path of the electrons in the liquid, is not influenced by a variation of the ion density. Since the main component oftne two solutions is water, the conditions under which one of the starting electrons is accelerated by the optical field and the amount of energy it must gain to produce ionization, both described by K, are mainly those of water and therefore must remain constant as long as the ion concentrations are not too high. So the analysis of the curve parameters suggests that the mechanism that causes a decrease of the breakdown threshold in saline solutions is the delivery of starting elec trons for the avalanche by the ions. This is in agreement with the interpretation of breakdown data by other authors, who explain the role of impurities in a similar way. 7,8 If we now look at the parameters of the breakdown curve in extremely pure water, we find that they are as large y--- 0,8 ( // >. ;;:: 0.6 I :D 0 n j 0 0.4 (l- I 1 mol/I 0 0,1 mol/I 0,2 0 0 2 3 4 Loser pulse energy (mJ) FIG. 3. Breakdown probability vs puise energy in saline solutions. The solid curves are least-squares fits of function (6) to the experimental data (dots). 4151 J. Appl. Phys., VoL 66. No.9, 1 November 1989 TABLE r. Parameters obtained by fitting Ell.. (6) to the experimental data. Concentration A K (molll) (ns -I) (WIlt) 481 2350 0.1 57 2410 0.Q1 4,8 2800 (first 3 points) 0 3><107 13 900 (pure water) as K = 13 900 and A = 3 X 107• The increase afK is in con tradiction to the explanation we found for the concentration dependence of the breakdown probability in the saline solu tions. If the K value of aU the samples is characteristic of the water, it should not change in such a drastic way in the ab sence of the ions. This discrepancy can also be seen in the shape of the curves. Figure 3 shows that the slopes of the breakdown curves are getting smaller with decreasing ion content. Therefore, one would expect a very flat slope for the H20 curve. The steep slope that is actually seen corresponds to the high K and A values shown above. To explain this contradictory behavior we have to re consider one of the basic assumptions of the theory that was used to derive u (t) in Eq. (l). This assumption was that there are enough free starting electrons present in the focal volume before the breakdown starts to initiate the ava lanche. This may hold if these electrons are delivered by the ions with low ionization energy in the saline solutions. In this case we may assume that the electrons are delivered right at the beginning ofthe laser pulse, thereby providing the neces sary starting conditions for the avalanche throughout the pulse, In other words, the threshold for the generati.on of initial electrons lies below the threshold for the formatIOn of the avalanche in the case of the more concentrated saline solutions. (The breakdown curve of the 0.01 mol!.f solution will be discussed later.) In the absence ofious the first free electrons have to be delivered by the water molecules by an intrinsic effect. We suggest that a multiphoton ionization effect is responsible for the generation of initial electrons in this case as it has 910 l'h .. been proposed for gases and solids,' Mu tIP oton lomza- tion requires high levels of irradiation and shows a strong field dependence of the ionization rate proportional to P(tV, where z is the number of photons required to ionize a water molecule.'! If the avalanche cannot start unless a suffi cient amount of initial electrons has been generated by multi photon ionization, then the breakdown probability must be governed by the field dependence of this effect. In terms of our previous argumentation this can be interpreted by a higher threshold for the formation of starting electrons than for the avalanche. To take into account this fact, we substituted the con stantA in Eq, (1) by a factor BP(W. UsingK = 2400 (asin the saline solutions) and foHowing the same procedure as described above to get B, we found that z = 9 yielded the best Schmidt-Kloiber, Paltauf. and Reichel 4151 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:18:51fit to the experimental data. This is very close to the theoreti cal value z = 11 for gaseous H20 and a laser wavelength of 1064 nrn. The resulting curve form is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that this modified formula fits quite well to the ex perimental data. This confirms that the sharp threshold that is observed in the breakdown curve of water might be due to the supposed field dependence of the starting electron den sity. Next we want to discuss the breakdown curve of the saline solution with the least concentration of 0.01 moll i'. Obviously this curve represents a superposition of the two effects described above. There we stated that a solution with a small concentration and consequently a small starting elec tron density should be characterized by a flat slope and a wide statistical region. This relation seems to be realized by the first three data points of the curve. Figure 4 shows that the beginning of the 0.01 moll c curve coincides with a cal culated curve with A = 4.8 and K = 2800 (dotted curve). As expected, A is about one order of magnitude smaner than in the 0.1 mol! t solution. It can further be seen that the experimental values begin to depart from this curve right at the onset ofthe H20 curve, indicating the enhanced electron supply by multiphoton ionization. The question whether fluctuations in the laser output could give rise to the statistical nature of breakdown has already been discussed in Ref. 6. There the authors empha sized that the probabilistic behavior does not disappear even with very smooth laser pulses. The fluctuations of the laser used in our experiments were so small that they could only contribute to a vanishing part of the observed statistical dis tributions. This is evident since the quantity p( T) is the over all probability that an electron anywhere in the focal vc1ume causes the start of the avalanche at any instant during the laser pulse. Therefore,p( 1') describes an effect that is mainly dependent on the temporal and spatial integral over the in tensity, given by the total energy, which was stable within 1%. Finally the dependence of the relative width of the sta tistical region on the concentration will be discussed. The relative width will be defined as [W(O.95) -W(O.OS)]I 0.8 £-0.6 J:'i c ..Q 0 0.4 ,. 0... 0.2 0 0 2 4 x pure W(1t~r o 0.01 me,/I 8 Loser puise energy (mJ) 10 FIG. 4. Breakdown probability vs pulse energy in 0.0! mol/l saline solu tion and in highly deionized water. Dots: experimental; solid curve: calcu lated using z = 9 and K = 2400; dotted curve: calculated using A = 4.8 and K=2800. 4152 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November 1989 W(O.95), where W(O.95) and W(O.05) are the pulse ener gies at probability values of 0.95 and 0.05, respectively. A semischematic plot of the situation in the investigated li quids is shown in Fig. 5. The measured relative width in pure water that exhibits the most thresholdlike behavior is indi cated by the horizontal dotted line. At the same time, this value gives a limit, to which the values of saline solutions with decreasing concentration should asymptotically ap proach (dashed line). The experimental values connected with a solid line show that there exists a maximum width near a concentration of 0.1 mol! t: The extrapolated point at 0.01 mol/I' is obtained from the dotted curve in Fig. 4 and suggests that without the influence of multiphoton ioniza tion no maximum would be formed, but rather a steady in crease of the width should be expected with decreasing con centration (dot-dash line) . A similar connection between the number of starting electrons, the breakdown probability, and the statistical width has previously been suggested for the focal volume dependence of the breakdown probability in solidso and proved in the case of liquids. l2 In principle, it makes no dif ference whether the number of starting electrons is changed by varying the focal volume at a given electron density or by changing the concentration of electron donors at constant focusing conditions. Nevertheless, the second method offers a possibility to influence the breakdown probability in liq uids in a reproducible way, without changing the beam ge ometry. v. CONCLUSION The observation of the statistical behavior of the laser induced breakdown can lead to an understanding of the physical effects associated with this phenomenon. We have shown that the functional dependence of the breakdown probability in aqueous solutions on the pulse energy can be accurately described according to the lucky-electron model of Bass and Barrett, who assumed the initiation of the elec tron avalanche as the effect that is responsible for the statisti cal nature of breakdown. An analysis of the parameters that O.S pure waier Hi' 10.-2 10 Concentration (mol/I) FIG. 5. Semi schematic plot oftbe relative width ohlle statistical region vs the NaCI concentration. Dotted line: pure water, determining the lower limit of the relative width; dashed line: estimated asymptotic trend with decreasing concentration; points, connt:eted with solid curve: experimental; single point and dot-dash line: shows the trend without the influence ofmul tiphoton ionization. SChmidt-Kloiber, Paitauf, and Reichel 4152 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:18:51are obtained by fitting the theoretical function to the experi mental data, has suggested that the influence of the ion con centration on the breakdown threshold can be explained in terms of a supply of starting electrons for the avalanche. Another proof for this assumption is the significant change of the statistical behavior in deionized water that we have tried to explain with the necessity of an intrinsic effect, the multiphoton ionization, to generate the initial electrons. The difference to solids consists in the fact that in solu tions the density of electron donors can easily be changed by varying the concentration, what may be important for prac tical application, where a reproducible adjustment of the breakdown threshold is often required. We have shown that at high concentrations as well as at very low concentrations the relative width of the statistical region has the tendency to decrease. This means that in these solutions and especially in pure water the breakdown occur rence may rather be characterized by a sharp threshold than at the intermediate concentrations. 4153 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.9, 1 November i 989 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the FWF Austria, project P 6127. 'Yu. P. Raizer, SOy. Phys. JETP 21,1009 (1965). 2c. E. Bell and J. A. Landt, App!. Phys. Lett. to, 46 (1967). 'H. Schmidt-Kloiber, E. Reichel, and H. Schiiffmann, Biomed. Tcchnik 30, 173 (1985). .IM. Bass and H. H. Barrett, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-8, 338 (1972). 'u. Schmidt-Kloiber and E. Reichel, Acustica 54, 284 (1984). 10M. Bass and H. H. Barrett, A ppl. Opt. 12, 690 (1973). 7F. Docchio, P. Regondi. M. R. C. Capon. and J. Mellerio, ApI. Opt. 27, 3661 (1988). "S. Hunklinger and P. Leiderer, Z. Naturforsch. 26a. 587 (1971). 9C. De Micheiis, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-5, 188 (1969). "'N. Bloembergen. IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-IO, 375 (1974). ilL. V. Keldysh, SOY. Phys. JETP 20,1307 (1965). 12F. Docchio and C. A. Sacchi, Lasers Surg. Med. 6, 520 (1987). Schmidt-Kloiber, Paltauf, and Reichel 4153 .................... ·.v.·.·.·.·.·.·.········-·-···-· ................ ---. ••...•.•.•.•.• -.-" .• -•.•.•.•.•. > ••••••• ~ •• ,. ••••••• --. ••••• '.-,' •••••••••• -;.: ••••• ~.-••• :.:., •••••••••• <;. •••• ' ..................... ".-••••• , •• • ••••••• -,', .-.-•••••••••• ' ........... :.:.:.:.:.:.;.: •• ';O ••• :.~.:.~.:;;;.~.:.;.:.:.;., ••••• ,.; •• '~.' •• _.. . .•••• ~ •••• ,. ••••• -.:.~.:.;O; ••• ; ••••• ;<.:.~'7.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.; •.• ; •••••••••••••• ...,. •••. ;-•.• ~ •.• '.' '.' •.• ; •. "'"'"'".' ..•••. ;.;-•.•.•.•.••. ~.~ •. --;.;" •••.•. ; .•.• -••••.• ~ .• ;-;"""' ................ -••••••••• --:- [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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Effects of anodic fluorooxide on the thermal stability of Hg1−x Cd x Te photoconductive arrays Nili Mainzer, Eliezer Weiss, Daniel Laser, and Michael Shaanan Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 460 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576203 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576203 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Thermal stability of photochemical native oxide films on Hg1−x Cd x Te J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, 2325 (1996); 10.1116/1.580017 Thermal stability of the anodic oxide/Hg1 −x Cd x Te interface J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5, 1092 (1987); 10.1116/1.583735 Photoelectrochemical effect of the anodic oxide of Hg1−x Cd x Te J. Appl. Phys. 56, 1897 (1984); 10.1063/1.334176 The mechanism of (Hg,Cd)Te anodic oxidation J. Appl. Phys. 53, 1720 (1982); 10.1063/1.331639 Anodic oxide composition and Hg depletion at the oxide–semiconductor interface of Hg1−x Cd x Te J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 19, 472 (1981); 10.1116/1.571041 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:23:20Effects of anodic fluoro-oxide on the thermal stability of H91_xCdx Te photoconductive arrays Nili Mainzer, Eliezer Weiss, Daniel Laser, and Michael Shaanan SCD-Semi-Conductor Devices, A Tadiran-Rafael Partnership, Misgav Mobile Post, 20179, Israel (Received 11 October 1988; accepted 13 November 1988) Hg1 _ x Cdx Te (x -0.2) photoconductive arrays passivated with anodic fluoro-oxides show an improved thermal stability relative to arrays fabricated with anodic oxides. The performance of the photoconductors with the anodic fluoro-oxide is only slightly degraded by annealing at temperatures up to 100-105 °C, in contrast to the monotonic decrease observed in arrays passivated with an anodic oxide caused by annealing above 70 0c. The improved stability of the fluoro-oxides does not depend much on the bath composition, as long as it is a solution of hydroxyl and fluoride ions. Both secondary ion mass spectroscopy and low-energy proton induced nuclear reaction, which is very sensitive to fluorine atoms, were used as depth profile probes. It was found that the fluorine concentrated at the anodic film-semiconductor interface ~s well as on the film surface. A mechanism by which fluorine is deposited in such a manner IS advanced. I. INTRODUCTION The narrow-gap semiconductor Hg1 _ x Cdx Te has become the most widely used infrared detector material today. 1,2 Hg1 _ x Cdx Te photoconductive detectors have become an accepted standard in the 8-12 J-lm spectral range.3 It has been pointed out, however, that the volatility and rapid dif fusion of Hg may present some difficulties in processing and degrade device performance.4 An anodic oxide film on Hg1 _ x Cdx Te is considered to be an effective means for passivating the surface of photocon ductive5 and metal-insulator semiconductor 1 (MIS) de vices. As an anodic growth, the anodic oxide formation causes only a small perturbation of the crystal lattice at the interface. It also protects the semiconductor during the de position of the insulating and antireflecting ZnS coating. Furthermore, the large, fixed positive charge contained in the anodic oxide causes a strong accumulation on the surface of n-type Hg1 _ x Cdx Te photoconductors, which signifi cantly reduces the surface recombination velocity.6 The ma jor drawback of this technology is the poor thermal stability of the oxide, which is a practical requirement for vacuum packaging. 7 In a previous paper8 we reported on the development of a novel process for the anodic growth of native insulating films on Hg1 _ x Cdx Te containing both oxides and fluorides. A careful selection of the hydroxyl-to-fluoride ion ratio in the anodization bath enables the tuning of the band bending at the semiconductor-dielectric interface. Furthermore, the use of this anodic fluoro-oxidation yields interfaces with low surface state densities which are stable up to -105 0c. We report here on the use of anodic fluoro-oxidation in the fabrication of Hg1 _ x Cdx Te photoconductor arrays. These arrays show an improved thermal stability as com pared to arrays made with unmodified anodic oxide. II. EXPERIMENTAL Anodic films were grown on a wafer of Hg1 _ x Cdx Te (x-0.2) using either a carbon or a gold counterelectrode and constant current density. The anodization was accom plished in an aqueous solution of either KP + KOH (fluoro oxidation) orKOH (oxidation) in ethylene glycol. Theano dization process was characterized by measuring voltage time (V-f) characteristics. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) profiles were obtained on a PHI SIMS-I attached to a PHI 590A system with 1.5-keV Ar+ primary ion beam. The beam was rastered over a square region 3 mm on a side, with negative ion analy sis restricted to a central region of -100 J-lm on a side. A low-energy proton induced nuclear reaction having a high sensitivity to fluorine atoms was also used as a depth profile probe. The fluorine content in the film was measured by counting the y rays (using a BGO detector) produced by the resonant reaction9 19P(p,ay) 160 at increasing proton ener gies. The measurements were carried out using the 5-MeV Van de Graaffnuclear analysis facility of the Ecole Normale Superieure. The beam currents were of the order of 60 nA, on a I-mm2 spot. The energy spread of the incoming protons was negligible so that the natural width of the resonance was not broadened. The target was placed perpendicular to the proton beam and the y rays were measured along the ion beam. Under these conditions, the depth resolution was -100 A. The photoconductive devices were fabricated on slices of n-type Hgl_xCdx Te with an x value of 0.213 (77 K cutoff wavelength of 12.1 J-lm) purchased from Cominco, Ltd. Neighboring wafers from the same ingot were used. The ar rays were fabricated using either anodic flu oro-oxidation or anodic oxidation. The same anodic film was grown on both sides of the photo conductors. The detectors were heat treat ed under high vacuum (10-7 Torr) at various temperatures. Each annealing cycle lasted 17 or 48 h. The same array was annealed at several elevated temperatures, yielding an accu mulated annealing effect. Arrays passivated by either the anodic fluoro-oxide or the anodic oxide were characterized in wafer form by measuring their resistance and photoconductivity at 77 K under the 460 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (2), MarlApr 1989 0734·2101/89/020460-04$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum SOCiety 460 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:23:20461 Mainzer et al.: Effects of anodic fluoro-oxlde on thermal stability 461 photon flux of a 300 K background (180' field of view). The photoconductivity was measured as the relative change in device resistance, resulting from the reduction of the photon flux by ~30%.3 Photoconductive arrays passivated by anodic fluoro-oxi dation using various solutions were packaged with a 60' field of view and operated at liquid-nitrogen temperature. They were evaluated by measuring their responsivity at peak wavelength and 1000 K detectivity at 10 kHz. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Arrays fabricated using either anodic fluoro-oxidation or anodic oxidation were compared in wafer form after various heat treatments. Figure 1 shows the differences between the performance of the devices fabricated using the two types of anodization. The photoconductors passivated with anodic oxide show a monotonic increase of their resistance [Fig. 1 (a) ]. The resistance of the fluoro-oxidized photoconduc tors, on the other hand, remains relatively constant up to ~ 105 'C. A similar trend is seen in the photoconductivity [Fig. 1 (b) ]; there is a monotonic decrease of the photocon ductivity of the devices passivated with the anodic oxide while in those passivated with the anodic fluoro-oxide, the photoconductivity remains relatively constant on annealing at temperatures of < 100 'c. Figure 2 shows the effect of annealing temperature on the responsivity at peak wavelength and the 1000 K blackbody detectivity at 10 kHz of photoconductive arrays passivated with fluoro-oxides grown from various solutions. The data shown are averages of the results of all 100 elements in each array operated at liquid-nitrogen temperature. There is little or no change in both the responsivity and the detectivity up 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ('C) FIG. I. Effect of annealing temperature on the average normalized resis tance Ca) and relative photoconductivity (b) of 50 element photoconduc tive arrays, passivated with either an anodic oxide CO) or an anodic fluoro oxide (e). Measurements were carried out on the arrays still in wafer form at liquid-nitrogen temperature under the photon flux of a 300 K back ground (180' field of view). The photoconductivity was measured as the relative change in the device resistance caused by reducing the photon flux by -30%. Each annealing cycle lasted 17 h. Each array was annealed in each experiment at all temperatures. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 500'r-----------------------------~(a~)-- f= 10kHz. • 80 90 100 110 120 130 ANNEALING TEMPERATURE (oC) FIG. 2. Effect of annealing temperature on the responsivity at peak wave length (a) and the 1000 K blackbody detectivity at 10 kHz (b) for photo conductors passivated using various fluoro-oxides. Shown are average re sults of all 100 elements in each array packaged with 60' field of view and operated at liquid-nitrogen temperature. Each array was heated in all 48-h long cycles. KF concentration in the anodization bath: 1M. KOH concen tration: • 0.05M; • 0.075M, and e 0.15M. to 105 'c. The thermal stability of the arrays does not de pend much on the bath composition as long as it is a solution of both hydroxyl and fluoride ions. However, performing the anodization in the fluoridic bath with the highest hydroxide concentration yields an array in which the degradation caused by heating is greater than in the other arrays. The characterization of MIS devices8 has shown that the density of the fast surface state at the fluoro-oxide Hg1 _ x Cdx Te interface is very low. Furthermore, this negli gible density is stable up to 105 'c. This is in accordance with the improved thermal stability of the photoconductors re ported here. It was suggested in Ref. 8 that the electrical behavior of devices passivated with fluoro-oxides may be due to fluoride ions dispersed in them, and mainly near their interface with the semiconductor. However, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) measurements have shown that anodic layers grown from such baths are composed of anodic oxides having only traces of fluorine ( < 0.1 at. %).!O To monitor their fluorine content, the layers were ana lyzed using both SIMS and the 19F(p,ay) 160 nuclear reac tion which are both very sensitive to fluorine atoms. Figures 3 and 4 show the depth profiles obtained for films grown from various solutions. In the SIMS profile (Fig. 3), the accumulation of fluorine at the oxide-semiconductor inter face is clearly observed. As regard to Fig. 4, although there is considerable scatter of the nuclear reaction data, it is clearly seen that the anodic films contain fluorine. Furthermore, it is concentrated at the anodic film-semiconductor interface as well as at the surface of the film. The ratio of fluoride to Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:23:20462 Mainzer et sl.: Effects of anodic flu oro-oxide on thermal stability 462 ~ 6 Z :::> ~ g: 4 iii a:: S « il! 2 « ~ UJ o o F ~ °O~~~--~8--~--~1~6---L--~2~4~~--~32~--L-~40 SPUTTER TIME (MIN) FIG. 3. Typical SIMS depth profiles (1.5-keV Ar+ primary ions) of a ~ 500-A fluoro-oxide film showing the higher concentration of fluorine at the anodic film-Hgi _ x Cdx Te interface. hydroxyl ions in the anodization bath does not affect the amount of fluorine at the interface, whereas the higher the hydroxyl ion concentration, the lower the fluorine concen tration at the surface. Figure 4 shows that using the films depicted in the insets, the calculated profiles fit the measured data. We assume the anodic fluoride [Fig. 4(a) 1 composi tion to be as suggested in Ref. 8. The composition proposed 100 100 100 (a) 1M KF (b) (e) ~...J Ilh (~2CdO.8TeHCdF2)Y -i-MCT :X'0.2 ~ .01 I "'.001 c:=J o 05 1.0 DEPTH (arb) I b (HIl06 Cdo.4Te )~Fy -:-MCT W I I X-0.2 ~ 01 --_....Ir:=] '" .0010 10 W :3 .I ;; 01 1M KF+0.15M KOH 1.0 350 360 370 380 PROTON ENERGY (keV) FIG. 4. The yield of r rays counts from the 19F(p,ar) 160 resonant nuclear reaction for films grown from various baths: (a) 1M KF in nonaqueous ethylene glycol, (b) 1M KF + 0.05M KOH in 90% ethylene glycol and 10% water, and (c) 1M KF + 0.15M KOH in 90% ethylene glycol and 10% water. Solid lines are fits to the measured profiles calculated using the films depicted in the insets. Film thickness: ~ 500 A. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 by Stahle et al. II and confirmed by us 12 was used for the fluoro-oxide. It can be seen that fluorine atoms exist throughout the layers. However, at the interface the concen tration is higher. This distribution of fluorine within the oxide implies for an initial interaction between the F-in solution and the bare Hgi _ x Cdx Te according to (1) with M probably CdS or Hg. MF2 stands for monolayers of fluoride being absorbed and incorporated at the Hgi _ x Cdx Te surface, while the following oxide growth and thickening proceeds mainly independent of the presence of F-. The fact that this small amount of F-is found at the semiconductor-oxide interface after the growth of the oxide is completed may suggest a growth mechanism of the oxide in which cations migrate out toward the electrolyte and the main oxide being built on top of the original fluorinated in terface. However, according to Strong, I3 the anodic oxide growth on Hgi _ x Cdx Te consumes the surface instead of being deposited on top of the outer surface. Thus, one would expect to find fluorine at the oxide-electrolyte interface, un less it is swept toward the substrate by oxygen vacancies. Their movement toward the solution was shown to be the primary growth mechanism of the oxide. 13 The film grown from the F-bath containing O.15M KOH grew differently from those grown from either fluoride baths which contain smaller amounts of OH-ions, or from fluoride-free KOH solutions. This can be seen in Fig. 5 in which the V-t curve shown for this film [Fig. 5 (b)] is non linear. This indicates partial dissolution of the film during its growth. Besides, this film contains smaller amounts of fluorine in comparison with the other films studied (Fig. 4). Also, the photoconductors fabricated using this film exhibit a greater degree of degradation when heated (Fig. 2). The reason for the smaller concentration of fluorine at the oxide-semiconductor interface of this film is not exactly known, but may be due to the large concentration of hy droxyl ions which compete with the reaction in Eq. (1) for an initial formation of an oxide. As for the thickening of this film, we propose a process in which the oxide growth is accompanied by its enhanced dis solution due to the combined action of hydroxyl and fluoride ions which are both present in large concentrations. This is because neither the presence ofKOH nor that ofKF without KOH yields the V-t curves shown in Fig. 5 (b). According to this mechanism, a soluble hydroxy-complex of at least one of the Hgi _ x Cdx Te constituents serves as a necessary precursor for the interaction with the fluoride ions in solution to form irreversibly a soluble fluoro-complex. The partial dissolution which accompanies the film growth is summarized as follows: K MOn + OH-~ HMO;+ I (sol) , HMO;+ 1+ mF-+ nH20 --.MF;;;(m-2n)(sol) + (2n + l)OH (n = 1 for Cd and Hg, and 2 for Te.) (2) (3) Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:23:20463 Mainzer et al: Effects of anodic flu oro-oxide on thermal stability 463 7 (0) 6 5 4 3 2 0 7 6 >5 ~4 « I-cP > 2 (b) _2 O.O~",A· c"' 1M KF+ 0.05M KOH O.OS ~~--==--------- o.o~",A-c",-2 1M KF +0.15M KOH O~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 6 5 3 2 0.15M KOH 012 TIME (MIN.) FIG. 5. Voltage vs time characteristics at constant current for anodizations carried out in various baths. Solvent composition: 90% ethylene glycol and 10% water. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 Two of the Hg1_xCd x Te constituents (Cd and Te) are amphoteric14 and thus dissolve to some extent in alkaline solution. When the dissolved species is transformed (irre versibly) into its more stable fluoride (e.g., TeF~ -) or oxy fluoride, reaction (2) will be shifted to the right and film dissolution will proceed. IV. CONCLUSIONS The use of fluoro-oxidation in the processing of Hg1_xCd x Te (x~O.2) photoconductor arrays has been demonstrated. This technology has the advantage of yield ing devices which have an improved thermal stability rela tive to arrays passivated by anodic oxidation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to L. Carmiel, G. Moses, and M. Saar for technical assistance, and to Dr. R. Brener for carry ing out the SIMS analysis. Special thanks are due to Profes sor G. Amsel for permission to use the nuclear analysis fa cility of the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris. 'Semiconductors and Semimetals, edited by R. K. Willardson and A. C. Beer (Academic, New York, 1981), Vo!' 18. 2R. Oornhaus and O. Nimtz, in Narrow Gap Semiconductors, edited by C. 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Characteristics of optical components for soft xray microscopy and xray holography using an undulator radiation optical system M. Kakuchi, H. Yoshihara, T. Tamamura, H. Maezawa, Y. Kagoshima, and M. Ando Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 6, 2167 (1988); doi: 10.1116/1.584108 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584108 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/6/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in A Measurement System For Circular Dichroism In Soft Xray Absorption Using Helicity Switching By Twin Helical Undulators AIP Conf. Proc. 705, 1051 (2004); 10.1063/1.1757978 X-ray imaging microscopy using Fresnel zone plate objective and quasimonochromatic undulator radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 1155 (2004); 10.1063/1.1669118 Soft xray emission spectrometer for undulator radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 66, 1584 (1995); 10.1063/1.1146469 A soft xray beam line (BL13C) at the Photon Factory with a CEM using undulator radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 1363 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143071 Characteristics of optical components for soft xray microscopy and xray holography using an undulator radiation optical system (abstract) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 2504 (1989); 10.1063/1.1140712 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:07:43Characteristics of optical components for soft x-ray microscopy and x~ray holography using an undulator radiation optical system M. Kakuchi, H. Yoshihara, andT. Tamamura NIT Laboratories, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-01, Japan H. Maezawa. Y. Kagoshima, and M. Ando Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305, Japan (Received 1 June 1988; accepted 18 August 1988) X-ray optical components, including Fresnei zone plates and transmission gratings, have been fabricated using finely focused electron beam lithography and Ta-on-SiN x-ray mask fabrication technology. The optical components for x-ray microscopy and x-ray holography were evaluated in an undulator radiation optical system. !.INTRODUCTION Nanometer lithographY is now regarded as an important technology to create new devices on very small structures such as quantum wires or boxes 1 and new scientific probe elements such as x-ray optical components. Optical compo nents such as Fresnel zone plates have been investigated as focusing and imaging elements in soft x-ray microscopy2.3 and astronomical spectroscopy. Transmission gratings have been used in spectrophotometry. Optical components have been obtained by using an x-ray mask fabrication technology. In our study, we have found that Ta-on-SiN x-ray mask fabrication technology is useful for x-ray lithography.4 Finely focused electron beam lithog raphy has enabled us to obtain Ta-on-SiN x-ray masks with patterns under a quarter micron in size. An undulator source which generates highly brilliant and highly coherent soft x rays, is available at the Photon Fac tory in Tsukuba.5 It is important to fully and best utilize those capabilities. Therefore investigation of an undulator radiation optical system and its application to soft x-ray mi croscopy6 and holography has begun. This paper describes new fabrication technology of Fres nel zone plates and transmission gratings, and discusses those optical characteristics for soft x-ray microscopy and holography using an undulator radiation source. II. FABRICATION OF XmRAY OPTICAL COMPONENTS Reflective mirrors, transmission gratings, and Fresnel zone plates have been investigated for x-ray optical compo nent. Fresnel zone plates and transmission gratings have been obtained with an x-ray mask fabrication process using a gold absorber. In this study, we have established a new fabri cation process for x-ray optical components using a Ta-on SiN x-ray mask fabrication process. Tantalum is used for the x-ray absorber, because it has the same absorptivity as gold. A thin SiN film, which has a high transparence for soft x rays, acts as a membrane supporting the Ta absorbing pat terns. The main steps of the fabrication process for Ta-on-SiN structure optical components are shown in Fig. 1. SiN, Ta, and Si02 were deposited by plasma chemical vapor depo sition (CVD) or by a sputtering process. Electron beam (e beam) lithography was carried out using phenylmethacry-late-methacryIic acid copolymer (tP-MAC) e-beam resist, using a focused e-beam exposure machine. ¢-MAC has a 95 f-L C/cm2 sensitivity to a 30-keV e-beam on a Si02/Ta/SiNI Si laminated substrate. Both Si02 and tantalum are etched by a dry etching process. Tantalum in particular can be so easily patterned by reactive ion etching (RIE), that we are able to produce high aspect ratio Ta--Ta structures. Further more, tantalum has an excellent physical property, of a me chanical strength four times greater than that of gold. Ac cordingly, the Ta-on-SiN fabrication process enables us to obtain probe elements, which have a fine structure and a large area useful for shorter soft x rays. The fabricated outermost zone width is 0.25 p.m with up to 2-mm diameter. The patterned pitch width of the trans mission grating is O.4?lm with up to I.O-mm-square area. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) picture of the Ta zone plate with 1-mm diameter with O.25-f-Lm outer zone width is shown in Fig. 2. The roundness of each zone is over 99%. The inner five zones are apodized to decrease the undiffract ed x rays passing through near the center. m. UNDULATOR RADIATION It is wen known that undulator radiation has such excel lent properties of (i) high brilliance, (ii) quasimonochroma ticity, (iii) wavelength tunability, (iv) high coherency, and -----_E-beom resist !40MACI -----_Si02 -----....__Ta -----_SiN -51 substrale -----------5iN 1 Fabrication process ~I E -Beom lithography 5102 RiE To RIE ® SI bock etching D D Ta SiN .J-"--, ...... C,...-SI FIG, I. Fabrication process of Ta-on-SiN x-ray optical components. 2167 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 6 (6), Nov/Dec 1988 0734-211X/88/062167-03$01.00 @ 1988 American Vacuum Society 2167 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:07:432168 Kakuchi et a/.: Characteristics of optical components la) (b) FIG. 2. SEM pictures of Fresnel zone plate: (a) apodized zone plate with a diameter of 1 mm and (b) outer zone with 0.25-p;m width. (v) symmetrical radiation distribution with respect to the radiation propagation axis. The first harmonic of the Photon Factory (PF) undulator radiation can be tuned over the wavelength range from 1.3 to 3.0 nm by varying the gap width of the 60-period parallel permanent magnets.5 The associated brilliance is -1014 photons/s mm2 mrad2 0.1 % b.w .. Its spatial intensity has a Gaussian distribution, and has -1 X2 mm area truncated by lie of the peak intensity. The x-ray spectrum is measured using a reflective grating mirror. The fractional bandwidth (the wavelength disper sion degree) of the quasimonochromatic first harmonic was observed to be zb--i\. 7 For x-ray microscopy and x-ray holog raphy, quasimonochromatic x rays with a first harmonic wavelength of2.7 nm were used. IV. IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS WITH X-RAY ZONE PLATES The beamline for the soft x-ray undulator has two branches: a straight branch and a deflection branch. For evaluating soft x-ray optical elements or studying the soft x- SR UR Mirror t/) imm pinhole Film or chonnel plate PIRhOle:-j with object ~~ \ Micro \ Condenser zone plate zo~------" Zone plate X-ray Microscope FIG. 3. Undulator optical system for soft x-ray microscopy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol_ a, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1988 2168 TABLE L Numerical parameters of zone plates. Condenser zone plate Object zone plate Radius of innermost zone Number of zones Diameter Width of outermost zone 15.8 f-lm 1000 1.0 mm 0.25 flIT! 5.0 lim 100 0.1 mm O.251lm ray microscope and soft x-ray holography, an optical bench with a high-precision linear translator is installed in the de flection branch 25 m distant from the center of the undula tor. As shown schematically in Fig. 3, a plane deflection mirror is inserted upstream of the beamline to cut off unde sired harmonics of the undulator radiation. A water-cooled copper diaphragm of I-mm diameter is also inserted up stream of the mirror for rejecting any components which diverge too far from the axis. The optical system of the zone plate soft x-ray microscope is shown schematically in Fig. 3. The optical system is com posed of a condensor zone plate, pinhole, objective zone plate, and screen. In determining numerical parameters of the optical components, it is considered that the source point is supposed to be not the pinhole inserted in the beam line, but the undulator itself. The numerical parameters of the condenser and the objective zone plates were determined, as shown in Table I. The diameter is 1 mm for the condenser zone plate, and 0.1 mm for the objective zone plate. The width of the outermost zone is 0.25 f1m for both the zone plates. The focal1engths are 111 mm for the condenser zone plate, and 11 mm for the object zone plate. The microscope system consists of four parts, i.e., a con denser chamber, object chamber, photodiode chamber, and photographic chamber. Each of the chambers, except the photographic one, has a laterally adjustable stage. The con denser chamber can be scanned along the beam axis with a high-precision linear translator constructed on the optical bench. The object chamber has one manipulator on each side; one is for the object zone plate and the other, for sam ples. The optical system can be aligned by these manipula tors in the object chamber. la) (bl FIG. 4. Image in soft x-ray microscopy: (a) object (SEM picture) and (b) Ta grating image with x-ray microscope. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:07:432169 Kakuchi et af.: Characteristics of optical components Undulator radiation distance m., pd 12 A ) ----i_-~.c.::::::--+I d ~'-'-'':;-';'' --_!oM!i!~- -I I a pair of gratings (pitch: p ) Inferference fringes ( pictch : p 12 ) FIG. 5. Schematic draw of divided wavefront interferometer. An microchannel plate (MCP) is mounted in the photo graphic chamber so that the magnified image can be moni tored through a view port at the end of the chamber. A cam era is mounted on a movable stage in the same chamber next to the MCP. After completing the alignment of the optical system, the camera can be inserted on the beam axis in the place of the Mep and the magnified images can be captured on the film. The resolving power of our x-ray microscope was mea sured to be 0.3 11m with a magnification of 150, which is very close to Rayleigh's limit of zone plates for an outermost zone width of 0.25 11m. A Ta-imaged pattern with I.O-Ilm grating period width is shown in Fig. 4. The bright space near the center of the image field is the area illuminated through the pinhole. The dark lines show the tantalum grating. v. INTERFEROMETER USING XsRA Y TRANSMISSION GRATINGS By using a transmission grating as an x-ray beam splitter, several kinds of interferometers could be constructed. As schematically shown in Fig. 5, a divided wavefront interfer ometer is constructed with a pair of gratings. Each grating has O.4-flm grating pitch and lOO-l1m-square area. Each + and -first-order diffracted x ray from a grating is superim posed on an x-ray resist several em distant from the grating plane. The mechanical stages of gratings and resist sample holder were installed in a holography chamber. The third harmonics (0.9 nm) of the undulator radiation through alu minum foil with 4-,um thickness was used for illumination. The spatial distribution of diffracted x rays of third har monic was observed in a poly-hexafluoromethacrylate (FIlM) x-ray resist. Only an undulator radiation dosage changed interference colors in FBM films on substrates. The J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 6, No.6, Nov/Dec 1988 2169 exposure time for color changes with diffracted x rays is several seconds. The exposed area is larger than the grating area because of diffraction of quasi monochromatic (low dis persion) x rays. The amount of spread perpendicular to grat ings in excess of the initial grating aperture size is almost the same as the numerical spread by quasimollochromatic x rays with a 2b wavelength dispersion. The superimposed exposure of + and -first-order dif fracted x rays is also examined; however, interference fringes have not been observed, perhaps due to the use oflow-disper sion x rays and insufficient vibration prevention. VI. CONCLUSiON In conclusion, soft x-ray Fresnel zone plates and soft x-ray transmission gratings have been successfully fabricated us ing finely focused e-beam lithography and Ta-ou-SiN x-ray mask fabrication technology. The optical components were evaluated in x-ray microscopy and x-ray holography which employed a brilliant and highly coherent undulator radi ation source. The resolving power of the zone plate x-ray microscope was estimated to be 0.3 pm, which is very close to the Ray leigh limit of 0.25 ,urn for the outermost zone width. Finally, we constructed a divided wavefront interferome ter with x-ray transmission gratings, and estimated the dis persion of undulator radiation to be i~' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Professor S. Aoki of Tsukuba Univer sity for his useful discussion on x-ray optics, The authors are grateful for the help of x-ray components fabrication from A. Ozawa and T. Ohkubo, NTT, and the help of undulator examinations from Y. Toyoshima of the Photon Factory. I Microcircuit Engin~eril1g 86, edited by H. W. Lehmann and Ch. B1eiker (North-Holland, Amsterdam, (986). 'G. Schmahl, D. Rudolph, and B. Niemann Ann. N.V. Acad. Sci. 342, 368 ( (980), 3J, Kirz and H. Rarback Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 56, 1 (1985). 'M. Sekimoto, A. Ozawa, T. Ohkllbo, and I-L Yoshihara, ill Extended Ab stracts of 16th International Conference on Solid State Devices and Mate rials, Kobe, Japan, 19R4, p. 23. 'II. Maezawa, Y. Suzuki, H. Kitamura, and T. Sasaki, Appl. Opt. 25, 3260 ( 1986). 'Y. Kagoshima et al. in Proceedings of the International Symposium on X ray Microscopy (Brookhaven National Laboratory. NY, 1987). 7H. MaezawR, A. MikllUi, M. Ando, and T. Sasaki, Jpn. I, App\. Phys. 26, U(1987). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:07:43
Highporosity coated getter E. Giorgi, B. Ferrario, and C. Boffito Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 218 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576122 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576122 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Densification-induced conductivity percolation in high-porosity pharmaceutical microcrystalline cellulose compacts Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 648 (2003); 10.1063/1.1539902 Photonic band-gap guidance in high-porosity luminescent porous silicon Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3017 (2001); 10.1063/1.1414302 Erratum: ’’Viscous attenuation of sound in suspensions and highporosity marine sediments.’’[ J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 67, 1559−1563(1980)] J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68, 1531 (1980); 10.1121/1.385228 Viscous attenuation of sound in suspensions and highporosity marine sediments J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 67, 1559 (1980); 10.1121/1.384329 Low Sound Velocities in HighPorosity Sediments J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 28, 16 (1956); 10.1121/1.1908208 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:46:22High-porosity coated gettera) E. Giorgi, B. Ferrario, and C. Boffito SAES Getters S.p.A., Via Gallarate, 215/217, 20151 Milano, Italy (Received 23 May 1988; accepted 5 November 1988) The importance of nonevaporable getters is recognized by the increasing number of various applications in vacuum technology. To meet some specific requirements of certain applications (e.g., special vacuum tubes) a nonevaporable getter layer (from a few tens to 100,um or more) having high porosity (50%-60%) and very good gas sorption and mechanical characteristics has been developed. The special method used for the preparation of these getters produces gettering surfaces on conductive substrates of many different preformed shapes (very thin strips, cylinders, wires, etc. ). This allows accomodation of the getters in special or restricted spaces. These results are reached by depositing on the substrates a mixture of powdered Ti (or Zr) and a nonevaporable getter alloy of the types: Zr-Fe-V or Zr-Al. The getter material is then partially sintered to obtain a good mechanical stability, keeping a relatively high porosity. The present paper describes the characteristics of the recently developed high-porosity coated getters in terms of their physical features (porosity, mechanical behavior in different working conditions, such as high H2 gas load, etc.) and sorption performances for some main gases under different activation conditions (from 300 to ~ 750°C), also making some comparisons with an evaporated Ti layer. I. INTRODUCTION The importance of nonevaporable getters is recognized by the increasing number of various applications in vacuum technology. For these reasons the Zr-AII-5 and Zr-V-Fe2-6 alloys have been extensively studied in their basic character istics. The former can be considered a "wide spectrum" get ter material, used in most applications where activation at high temperature (above 700°C) is possible. The latter has been found to have a satisfactory degree of activation even after heating at moderate temperatures ( < 500 °C). These gettering materials are available in different forms such as pills, coated strips, etc., which are suitable for most applica tions. However, in some cases, it is necessary to further im prove the sorption characteristics of the getter (e.g., pump ing speed at room temperature). High porosity in nonevaporable getters provides a high adsorption pumping speed even at room temperature. 7.8 Severe limitations for the use of nonevaporable getters in many different applications have been caused by the difficul ties in finding suitable accomodation for these getters in spe cial or restricted spaces. A further problem in sophisticated applications are loose particles released from the getter ma terial, so that good mechanical stability became an impor tant characteristic. The new kind of getter described here combines high po rosity, good mechanical characteristics and high flexibility, an optimum practical thickness of ~ 70 ,urn, and a variety of the shapes and the metallic bases usable, with very few limi tations. II. GETTER MATERIALS AND STRUCTURE The new getter material is based on a powder mixture ofTi and Zr 84--AI 16 or Zr70-V24.6-Fe5.4 alloys in the weight ratio of ~ 7:3. The mixture is deposited onto a metallic sub strate from a water suspension by means of a special process which allows a very precise control of the thickness of the getter coating (typically ranging from 50 to 150,um). After drying, the getter structure is sintered in high-vacuum sys tems (in the temperature range 800-900 °C). The presence of the Zr alloys acts as a getter and, at the same time, suitably controls the sintering rate of the powder. This results in a getter coating with a very porous structure and large surface area, combined with high mechanical stability. The total po rosity, measured by means of a mercury porosimeter, is around 50%, with an average pore diameter of ~ 5 ,urn as shown in Fig. 1. The histogram shows the pore radius distri bution in percent (right-hand ordinate), whereas the curve shows the pore volume occupied by pores having a radius greater than that read on the abscissa. The pore structure characteristics of the getter are shown by the scanning elec tron microscope (SEM) photomicrographs in Fig. 2. The getter coating exhibits a strong adhesion to the sub strate, due to the formation of a diffusion layer at the inter face during sintering at high temperature. With nickel and nickel chrome substrates the anchoring of the getter material Ol -... C'lE150----- ____ _ E ...J ~100 o ~5 Q. ~ () () o 10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 106 " 0 :Xl m :Xl » 0 c VI 0 VI -t :Xl OJ c -t 0 z ~ - FIG. 1. Porosity measurements ofSt 121. Average pore radius 3 Jim, B.E.T. surface area 0.25 m2jg. 218 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (2), MarlApr 1989 0734-2101/89/020218-05$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum Society 218 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:46:22219 Giorgi, Ferrario, and Boffito: High-porosity coated getter 219 50 jJm A 8 A MAPPED AREA Ti MAP Zr MAP FIG. 2. 8EM photomicrograph of cross section of8t 121 coated strip showing component distribution. A: getter (Zr-Al + Ti) and B: support (Nichrome). is even stronger due to the formation of a low-temperature melting eutectic with titanium. Evidence of this phenome non is given by the SEM micrographs in Fig. 3 showing a cross section of a getter sample and the x-ray maps of the components in the same area. III. SORPTION CHARACTERISTICS The room-temperature sorption characteristics of the new porous getters have been investigated for H2 and CO, mea suring the pumping speed as a function of the sorbed quanti ty by means of the dynamic method.9 The getter activation 20 jJm A 8 C MAPPED AREA Ti MAP Ni-Cr MAP FIG. 3. 8EM photomicrograph of cross section of8t 121 coated strip after sintering showing diffusion layer. A: getter (Zr-Al + Ti), B: diffusion layer, and C: support (Nichrome). J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:46:22220 Giorgi, Ferrario, and Boffito: High-porosity coated getter H2 --I-a - r.::::::::: ~ ---~ r-.... O-Cl ........... ---~ 10-5 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 SORBED QUANTITY (Pa m3/ cm2) FIG. 4. Sorption tests of H2 on St 121 (Ti/Zr-Al) and St 122 (Ti/Zr-V Fe) getters at room temperature and a pressure of 4 X 10 -4 Pa. a: St 121 act: 750°CX 10 min; a, :St 122 act: 750°CX IOmin;b: St 121 act: 350°CX3 h; b,: St 122 act: 350 °CX 3 h; C: St 121 act: 500 °CX 10 min; andc,: St 122 act: 500 °c X 10 min. was carried out at three temperatures: 350, 500, and 750°C for 10 min referring to different possible conditions ofpracti cal use. The sorption tests were performed at room tempera ture at a constant pressure of 4 X 10 -4 Pa. The results ob tained are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively, for the Ti/Zr-AI (St 121) and for the Ti/Zr-V-Fe (St 122) getter compositions. The former exhibits poor sorption character istics after activation at the lowest temperature while it shows excellent performances at high activation tempera tures. The behavior of the latter seems to be less dependent on the activation temperature. In comparison with the Ti-Zr- (fj c w ~ 10-3 CI) C!I Z ~ 10-4 ;:) Q. 10-5 CO ~ ~ ~a i'-" '\~ \ c~\ ~ 1\ \ \ \ ~ ~\ 10-6 10-5 10-4 SORBED QUANTITY 10-3 10-2 (Pa m3/cm2) FIG. 5. Sorption tests of CO on St 121 (Ti/Zr-Al) and St 122 (Ti/Zr-V Fe) getters at room temperature and a pressure of 4 X 104 Pa. a: St 121 act: 750 °CX 10 min; a,: St 122 act: 750 °CX 10 min; b: St 121 act: 350 °CX 3 h; b,: St 122 act: 350 °CX 3 h; c: St 121 act: 500 °CX 10 min; andc,: St 122 act: 500 °c X 10 min. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 220 Al material it is found to be more efficient after activation at 350°C, but less active at 700 °e. At 500 °e both materials practically achieve the same degree of activation. These re sults are in agreement with the well-known possibility of being able to activate the Zr-V-Fe alloy at a lower tempera ture with respect to the Zr-AI alloy.3 In Fig. 6 the pumping characteristics of 70 wt. % Ti/30 wt. % Zr-AI (St 121) are shown in comparison with a Ti film. The Ti film was ob tained by evaporation from a Ti/Ta alloy filament in the glass bulb used as a test chamber for the sorption tests. The film so obtained was of 4 to 5 J.1g/cm2• The same tests have been performed with thicker films of titanium but only negli gible differences have been found with respect to the results reported in Fig. 6. These data are in good agreement with the results reported by Gupta et al.1O The nonevaporable getter described here shows better room-temperature sorption per formances per cm2 than the Ti film. The particularly high sorption performance for H2 depends on the larger getter material quantity per cm2 available in the nonevaporable getter. The CO sorption differences, in fact, reflect the sur face area differences (since no diffusion takes place at room temperature for this gas). The similar trend of the CO sorp tion on both getter materials indicate the relatively high gas accessibility of the structure of the Ti/Zr-AI getter (due to its high porosity). IV. H2 EQUILIBRIUM PRESSURE The H2 equilibrium pressures of both materials have been investigated over the temperature range 100-800 °e and for hydrogen concentrations from 102 to 2.103 Pa m3/kg, by means of a typical static sorption apparatus. The results ob tained in the present work are shown as the solid points in Fig. 7 for the Ti/Zr-AI composition and in Fig. 8 for the Ti/Zr-V-Fe composition. The lines are the calculated equi librium isotherms using the weight ratio of the composition components and the previously published data for titan ium, II Zr-AV and Zr-V-Fe.5 The effect produced by mix- ::' 10-1 E U (fj 10.5 do '" .~ \ l~ " a '\. A- \ \ ~ ~~ \ V W V1 10-6 10-5 10.4 -I- 10-3 10.2 SORBED QUANTITY (Pa m3/cm2) FIG. 6. Sorption tests ofH2 and CO; comparison between St 121 getters and a Ti film. a: St 121 act: 750 °CX 10 min, b: Ti film (4--5 ,ug/cm2). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:46:22221 Giorgi, Ferrario, and Boffito: High-porosity coated getter FIG. 7. St 121 (Ti/Zr-Al) H2 equilibrium pressure vs quantity sorbed: solid points = present work and lines = calculated from published data. FIG. 8. St 122 (Ti/Zr-V-Fe) H, equilibrium pressure vs quantity sorbed: solid points = present work, and lines = calculated from published data. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 221 ing the two components is to produce an equilibrium pres sure curve which, at any given temperature, lies between those of the individual components. It is seen that there is good agreement between the experimental results and the calculated values. At H2 concentrations lower than 103 Pa m3/kg for the Ti/Zr-V-Fe composition and 5.102 Pa m3/kg for the Ti-Zr-AI composition the getter materials form H2 solid solutions which obey Sieverts' law in the following forms: Ti/Zr-V-Fe: log P = 1.98 + log q2 -5540/T, Ti/Zr-AI: log P = 2.75 + log q2 -671O/T, where P is the H2 equilibrium pressure in Pa, q is the H2 concentration in Pa m3/kg, and Tis the temperature in Kel vin. As it is seen the H2 equilibrium pressure for St 122 is somewhat higher than that for St 121 (as expected from the characteristics of the alloys present in the two cases). V. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Embrittlement phenomena could occur on getter coatings especially due to the sorption of high loads of H2 and to thermal fatigue. The resistance to high loads of H2, for Ti/Zr-AI, has been tested in a glass system similar to that for sorption tests. The getter at room temperature, after the acti vation process, has been gradually doped with known amounts of H2 until the embrittlement point was reached (detachment of plates was observed). This point has been found to be ~ 1.2 X 104 Pa II? kg -1 which is very high if compared with usual nonevaporable getter coatings.12 Re sistance to thermal fatigue has been evaluated submitting some Nichrome (80/20) strips coated with Ti/Zr-AI getter material to thermal cycles in a specially designed appara tus. 13 The cycles were as follows: from 25 to 700°C in 5 min, 40 min at 700 DC, cooldown in 15 min to 25°C, and the cycle is started again. The test was stopped after 400 cycles with out observing any peel-off phenomena. VI. CONCLUSIONS In summary the main characteristics of this new type of getter are high porosity and specific surface area that allow a good sorption performance even at room temperature. The chemical-physical characteristics of substrates and coatings involved and the sintering process performed on them allows very good mechanical stability of the getter materials even under severe working conditions (thermal cycles or high H2 loads). Moreover the gettering surfaces can be well con trolled as far as thickness is concerned and be obtained in a variety of shapes with different substrate materials. a) This paper was presented at the 34th National Symposium of the A VS, Anaheim, CA, 1987. IA. Barosi, in Proceedings o/the 4th International Symposium on Residual Gases in Electron Tubes, Florence, 1971 (Academic, London, 1972), pp 221-235. 2K. Ichimura, M. Matsuyama, and K. Watanabe, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!' A 5, 220 (1987). 'C. Boffito, B. Ferrario, P. della Porta, and L. Rosai, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 18, 1117 (1981). 4C. Boffito, B. Ferrario, and D. Martelli, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 1 1279 (1983). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:46:22222 Giorgi, Ferrario, and Bottito: High-porosity coated getter 'c. Boffito, F. Doni, and L. Rosai, J. Less Common Metals 104, 149 (1984). 6K. Ichimura, K. Ashida, and K. Watanabe, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 3,362 (1985). 7N. Hansen, Supp!. Nuovo Cimento 1, 627 C 1963). HB. Ferrario, A. Figini, and M. Borghi, Vacuum Vo!. 35(1),13 (1984). 9 ASTM Standard F 798-82. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.2, Mar/Apr 1989 222 lOA. K. Gupta and J. H. Leck, Vacuum 25,8 (1975). "T.A. Giorgi and F. Ricca, Supp!. Nuovo Cimento 2, 472 (1967). 12B. Ferrario and L. Rosai, in 7th International Vacuum Congress, Wien, 1977 CR. Dobrozemsky, Vienna, Austria, 1977), Vo!. I, pp. 359-362. 13B. Ferrario, M. Borghi, J. L. Cecchi, and J. J. Sredniawski, in Proceedings of 11th SOFT, Oxford, 1980 (Pergamon, New York, 1981), pp. 375-383. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:46:22
The deposition rate and properties of the deposit in plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of TiN Dong Hoon Jang, John S. Chun, and Jae Gon Kim Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 31 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.575763 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.575763 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Remote plasma enhanced metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of TiN from tetrakis-dimethyl-amido-titanium J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 18, 2822 (2000); 10.1116/1.1316103 Gas-phase chemistry in up-scaled plasma enhanced metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition of TiN and Ti(C,N) on tool steel J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 18, 1971 (2000); 10.1116/1.582456 Color, structure, and properties of TiN coatings prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17, 463 (1999); 10.1116/1.581607 Structural and electrical properties of chemical vapor deposition tungsten overgrowth on physical vapor deposited and metalorganic chemical vapor deposited TiN adhesion layers J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 16, 2013 (1998); 10.1116/1.590122 Deposition of TiN and Ti(O,C,N) hard coatings by a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition process J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4, 2726 (1986); 10.1116/1.573714 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:11:49The deposition rate and properties of the deposit in plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of TiN Dong Hoon Jang and John S. Chun Department 0/ Materials Science and Engineering. Korea Advanced Institute o/Science and Technology. p. O. Box 131, Chongryang. Seoul 131-00. Korea JaeGon Kim Technical Center. Daewoo Heavy Industry Company Ltd .• Mansukdong6. Donggu. Incheon.134. Korea (Received 7 December 1987; accepted 19 September 1988) Titanium nitride (TiN) films were deposited onto tool steels and cemented carbide cutting tools by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using a gaseous mixture of TiC14 , N 2 , H2, and Ar in order to find out the effects of the deposition temperature and rf power density on the deposition rate and properties of deposited TiN. The deposition rate and crystallinity of the deposited TiN was affected by the deposition temperature as well as the plasma power density. The deposition rate was decreased with an increase in deposition temperature between 270 and 430°C. The crystallinity of deposited TiN was improved by an increase in deposition temperature as well as rf power density. Crystalline TiN was obtained above 300 °C and showed a strong crystallographic preferred orientation of (200). TiN layers deposited by PECVD using TiC14 as a reactant contained chlorine, the content of which was increased with a decrease in deposition temperature. Oxygen at the interface between the TiN deposited layer and the substrate excluded nitrogen and chlorine. The surface morphology of the deposited TiN is a dome-shaped cluster composed of many fine grains. I. INTRODUCTION TiN overlay coatings find numerous applications on steel tools where they improve the mechanical properties of the surface, increase hardness and wear resistance, lower fric tional forces, and improve corrosion resistance. I Because of its attractive golden yellow color, another application is as a decorative coating. In recent years, a rapid development has been achieved in the field of wear resistant coatings for steel tools. Ever since the invention of the high-temperature chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, consistent ef forts have been made to lower the deposition temperature. Over the past few years three relatively low-temperature physical vapor deposition (PVD) processes (namely, ion plating,2 cathode arc plasma deposition,3 and reactive sput tering4) have become commercially available for applying TiN thin films on the surface of tools. However, there are some restrictions to the practical application ofPVD process for wear and corrosion resistant coatings due to nonuniform ity and poor step coverage found with complex-shaped ob jects. Recently, there have been some investigations of plas maenhancedchemical vapordeposition5-7 (PECVD) in the hope of producing more uniform deposits on substrates with complicated shapes than are obtained from the line-of-sight PVD processes. 8 Although Archer9 confirmed that TiN can be obtained by PECVD at a low deposition temperature and Hilton8 inves tigated the properties of TiN deposited by PECVD using a TiC14 and NH3 gas mixture, detailed analytical experiments have not been performed on the effect of process variables. In the present investigation, TiN has been synthesized by a PECVD process using a TiC14, N2, H2, and Ar gas mixture. The effect of deposition temperature, rf power, and system pressure on the deposition rate and the properties of the de posited TiN were investigated. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Titanium nitride was deposited onto tool steels and ce mented carbide (WC-6Co) by means of a PECVD tech nique using a gaseous mixture ofTiC14, N2, H2, and Ar. The deposition took place between parallel horizontal plates in a vacuum chamber. A glow discharge was ignited by rf excita tion between the two circular electrodes of 150-mm diame ter. A rf generator operating at 13.56 MHz provided power to the upper electrode, while the lower electrode and reactor wall maintained ground potential. The automatic matching network had a 1T configuration with no blocking capacitor. Specimens were held on the lower electrode which could be heated to 450°C by a resistance heater adjacent to its under side. A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig.1. Plain carbon steel (AISI WI), high-alloy tool steel (AISI D2), high-speed steel (AISI M2), and cemented carbide (WC-6Co) were used as substrates (dimensions of 12X18x3 mm). The chemical compositions of the steels are listed in Table I. The specimens were cleaned in an Ar and H2 gas mixture plasma for 20 min before the deposition process. During the heating of the substrate, bubbled TiC14 in Ar carrier gas bypassed the reaction chamber and other reactant gases were fed into reaction chamber. When the substrate had reached the deposition temperature and the rf power stabilized, TiC14 and other reactant gases were simul taneously fed into the reaction chamber through a gas mix ing box. After the deposition reaction had been terminated, the substrates were cooled in vacuum. The thickness of the deposited layer was calculated from the weight gain of the specimen. A calibration was made by measuring the cross section of the deposited layer by scan ning electron microscopy (SEM). Since there was no dis- 31 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (1), JanlFeb 1989 0734-2101/89/010031-05$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum Society 31 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:11:4932 Jang, Chun, and Kim: Deposition rate and properties of the deposit 32 8 ,--___ 12 ~+=::::;::::>J.C::: 11 FIG. I. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus for PECVD of TiN: I TiCI4 bubbler, 2 ice and water, 3 air operated bellows valve, 4 fine metering valve,S gas mixing box, 6 heater, 7 specimen, 8 automatic match ing network, 9 rf generator, 10 throttle valve, II vacuum system, and 12 oil diffusion pump. crepancy in deposition rate for the three kinds of steel sub strates, the rate on steel was taken as the average value. However, the deposition rate of TiN on WC-6Co alloy is more rapid than that on steels. X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction analysis were carried out to identify the structure, and to evaluate the de gree of crystallinity and preferred orientation of the deposit ed TiN. X-ray diffraction analysis was performed using a Cu Ka radiation with a graphite (0001) crystal monochro meter. The chemical composition of the deposited layer was analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), which was performed by a scanning Auger microprobe (Perkin-Elmer, PHI 610) with a base pressure of 1 X 10-10 Torr. The single phase cylindrical mirror analyzer was used with a primary electron beam current of 0.15 f-1.A at 3 keY. The sputter etch ing was performed with argon at a pressure of 5 X 10-8 Torr at an accelerating potential of 3.5 kV and an ion current density of 50 f-1.A/cm2• The surface morphology and fracture surface of the de posited layer were observed by scanning electron micros copy. The grain size of the deposited TiN was investigated using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) operated at 200 kV. The specimens for TEM were mechanically thinned to obtain wafers of ~ 30 f-1.m thick. Electron trans- TABLE I. Designation and chemical composition of the substrate steels used in this study. Designation Chemical composition (wt. %) AISI lIS C Cr Mo V W Fe WI SK3 1.0 Balance D2 SKDII 1.50 11.50 0.60 0.50 Balance M2 SKH51 0.90 4.10 5.00 1.85 6.35 Balance J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 parent specimens could be obtained by ion beam milling. Ion beam milling was carried out on the polished wafer surface opposite to that covered by the TiN coating using argon ions at a voltage of 5 kV. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Effect of the deposition temperature on the PECVDofTiN The dependence of the TiN deposition rate on the depo sition temperature is shown in Fig. 2. Above 270 T, the de position rate decreases as the deposition temperature in creases. The TiN deposited at 400 °C is a golden yellow color; it tends toward a black color with a decrease in depo sition temperature. Although TiN can be deposited below 270 °C, the coatings readily flaked off the substrate. The x ray diffraction pattern of TiN deposited at 400 °C is shown in Fig. 3. A distinct x-ray peak of the (200) crystallographic plane corresponds to the lowest energy plane of the TiN crystal lattice, which is a NaCl-type face-centered-cubic (fcc) structure. x Improvement in crystallinity of the depos ited TiN is observed with increasing deposition temperature. This is confirmed by an increase in the peak height and a decrease in the half-width of the (200) x-ray diffraction peak. The x-ray diffraction patterns also show that the TiN deposited by PECVD has a strong preferred orientation of (200). The AES spectra of TiN deposited by PECVD at 270 and 400 °C are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. From the AES spectra, it is seen that TiN deposited at 270 °C retains more chlorine atoms than TiN deposited at 400 °C. The in corporated chlorine atoms may contribute to the increase of deposition rate as decreasing deposition temperature be cause the chlorine is difficult to desorb at the lower tempera- .r::: "-1.5 5.1.0 w ~ a:: z o f= Ui ~ w 0.5 o o 200 300 • Steel owe-Co 400 DEPOSITION TEMPERATURE (t) FIG. 2. Dependence of deposition rate on deposition temperature (system pressure 3 Torr, total flow rate 200 sccm, TiCl4 inlet fraction 0.01, N2 inlet fraction 0.25, rfpower 25 W, and d 5 em) Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:11:4933 Jang, Chun, and Kim: Deposition rate and properties of the deposit 33 >t:: (f) z w f- Z (a' 30 >f-- iii z w f- ~ z ;:: 40 .~ A 50 29 (degree) o '" '" ~ .A 60 70 ~ z ;:: 70 FIG. 3. A portion of the x-ray diffraction pattern of TiN films deposited by PECVD at a temperature of 400 'C: (a) rfpower 25 Wand (b) rfpower 50 W. ture. Kikuchi et al. 10 investigated the effects of chlorine con tent on the wear resistance of TiN deposited by PECVD. They proposed that the chlorine atoms induce some lattice defects in TiN and thus its crystallinity partially deterio rates. Therefore, an increase in chlorine content may induce more strains in the deposited layer. The induced strain may be the cause of flaking of the TiN deposited at low tempera tures. Figure 6 shows Auger depth profile spectra of TiN depos ited at 400 0c. A thin oxide layer is present at the interface. Helmersson et al. 11 investigated the adhesion of reactive dc magnetron-sputtered TiN on high-speed steels. They report ed that the thin oxide layer at the interface has an important effect on the adhesion of the deposited layer. Sputter etching of the substrate prior to deposition improves the film adhe sion even though a complete removal of the oxide layer is not achieved. The AES spectra of the interface is shown in Fig. 7. 7 6 5 w '0 "--4 w C g3 z o '0 2 418 0 CI 383 160 240 320 400 480 560 ELECTRON ENERGY, eV FIG. 4. AES spectrum of TiN deposited at 270 'c. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 7 6 5 w ~4 ~ f- f- f- o 30 c CI 230 ~ / -\-1 0 - 418 383 430 630 830 1030 ELECTRON ENERGY, eV FIG. 5. AES spectrum of TiN deposited at 400 'C. 100 80 ~60 <.5 « 40 20 o N1 Tl2 --.l!L ~ 01 FE3 II... CI1 o 8 r - FE3 ~ 01 )\ 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 SPUTTER TIME (MIN.) FIG. 6. In-depth distribution of composition of TiN layer deposited at 400'C. 7 6 5 w "04 ::::: w 0 Fe ~3 Z "02 418 ELECTRON ENERGY, eV FIG. 7. AES spectrum of the interface after sputter etching the specimens of Fig. 6 for 68 min. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:11:4934 Jang, Chun, and Kim: Deposition rate and properties of the deposit 34 The ratio of the peak height of 383 to 418 e V at the interface (Fig. 7) is smaller than that of the deposited layer (Fig. 5). According to Dawson and Tzatzov, 12,13 the decrease in this ratio means that the atomic ratio of nitrogen to titanium is decreased.12,13 The CI 181-eV peak height at the interface (Fig. 7) is also less than that in the deposited layer (Fig. 5). In addition, such results can be seen in the Auger depth profile (Fig. 6). Therefore, it is suggested that the oxygen atoms in the interface replace both nitrogen and chlorine atoms in the deposited layer. B. Effect of the rf power on the PECVD of TiN The dependence of TiN deposition rate on the rfpower is shown in Fig. 8. The deposition rate is affected by rf power and electrode spacing. The deposition rate reaches a maxi mum value and then decreases with an increase in rf power. At low rfpower, the deposited TiN has a golden yellow color but tends toward a brown color at power levels greater than that which produces the maximum deposition rate. At low rf power, an increase in power improves the growth kinetics by generation of more reactive radicals; however, the depo sition processes may be inhibited by ion bombardment or plasma-etching processes as the power is further increased. In addition the depletion of reactant gases by the plasma between cathode and reactor wall is also regarded as a factor for the low deposition rate observed at high rf power. From Fig. 8, it is seen that the rf power needed to achieve a maxi mum deposition rate increases with increasing electrode spacing. As a result, the deposition rate may depend upon the plasma-power density, which is defined by dividing the applied power by the plasma volume. The crystallinity of deposited TiN improves with an increasing rf power. The .c "-1.5 E 2-1.0 W ~ a::: z o i= Vi &::0.5 W o o • d-3cm o d z3cm • d -5cm a d -5cm • d-7cm tJ. d -7cm RF POWER (W) Steel WC-Co Steel WC-CO Steel WC-CO 60 FIG. 8. Dependence of deposition rate on the rf power (temperature 400 "C, system pressure 3 Torr, total flow rate 200 sccm, TiCI. inlet fraction 0.01, and N2 inlet fraction 0.25). J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 half-width of the (200) x-ray diffraction peak becomes nar rower, as shown in Fig. 3. The crystallization of deposited TiN must be enhanced by ion bombardment. Generally, the ion bombardment energy increases witIr"an increase in rf power because the sheath electric field increases as the square root of the rfpower density. 14,15 C. Effect of the system pressure on the PECVD of TiN Figure 9 shows the deposition rate as a function of the system pressure with a total flow rate of 120 sccm. The depo sition rate is slightly affected by the system pressure with a dependence similar to that of the rf power. Generally, for chemical vapor deposition the deposition rate increases with an increase in system pressure. However, in the case of PECVD, as the system pressure increases at constant power density the collision rate will also increase, but the average electron energy will eventually decrease simply because the existing field will have less time to accelerate an electron between collisions. Since the generation rate for the active species depends on the electron energy distribution, this will determine the number of electrons in an appropriate energy range for generating a particular active species or its precur sor. Therefore, a pressure increase must have a similar effect on the plasma characteristic as does a decrease in rf power. 16 Therefore at a constant rfpower density, the TiN deposition rate decreases at high system pressures. D. Electron micrographs of TiN deposited by PECVD The microstructures and a selected area electron diffrac tion pattern of TiN deposited on D2 steel by PECVD at 430°C are shown in Fig. 10. The diffraction pattern [Fig.lO(a)] shows that the deposits have a fcc polycrystal line structure. A typical bright-field transmission electron micrograph as well as (200) and (220) dark-field transmis sion electron micrographs are shown in Figs. 11 (b), II (c), and 11 (d), respectively. The transmission electron micro- 1.0 z 0.5 o t: (f) ~ W o o • 2 • Steel OWC-Co 3 SYSTEM PRESSURE (torr) 4 FIG. 9. Dependence of deposition rate on the system pressure (temperature 400 "C, total flow rate 120 sccm, TiCl4 inlet fraction 0.01, N2 inlet fraction 0.33, rfpower 25 W, and d 5 em). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:11:4935 Jang, Chun, and Kim: Deposition rate and properties of the deposit 35 la) Ib) Ic) Id) FIG. 10. Transmission electron micrographs and the diffraction pattern of TiN films prepared by PECVD at 430 'C: (a) ring pattern of de posited TiN, (b) a typical bright field micrograph, (c) (200) dark-field micrograph, and (d) (220) dark-field micrograph. graphs show that TiN deposited by PECVD consists of ex tremely fine grains. Scanning electron micrographs of the surface morphology and fracture surface of TiN deposited onto D2 and WC-6Co alloy are shown in Fig. 11. The deposited TiN has a smooth dome-shaped surface with a dense structure regardless of rf power density and substrate. The dome-shaped cluster is not a single grain but is composed of many grains of extremely fine size. IV. CONCLUSIONS The deposition rate of TiN deposited by PECVD is affect ed by the deposition temperature, rf power, and electrode spacing. TiN deposited at temperatures > 300°C has a fcc polycrystalline structure with a strong preferred orientation of < 200 > and contains chlorine. In the range 270--430 °C, the deposition rate decreases with an increase in temperature. The deposited layer holds more chlorine atoms at the lower deposition temperatures. This incorporated chlorine in duces strains in the deposited layer, which results in flaking at temperatures < 270°C. Oxygen atoms at the interface ex clude nitrogen and chlorine atoms. The crystallinity of the deposited TiN improves with increasing temperature as well as rf power. The deposition rate reaches a maximum value and then decreases with increasing rf power. The rf power needed to achieve a maximum deposition rate increases with an increase in the electrode spacing because the plasma char acteristics are controlled by the plasma-power density. The dependence of the deposition rate on the system pressure is like that on the rf power because an increase in the system pressure induces a similar effect on the plasma characteris- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan/Feb 1989 lal b) Icl Id) FIG. II. Scanning electron micrographs of surface morphology and fracture surface of TiN films deposited onto D2 steel and WC-6Coalloy: (a) and (c) on D2 steel, (b) and (d) on WC-6Co alloy. tics as a decrease in rf power. The surface morphology of TiN deposited by PECVD is a smooth dome shape, regard less of deposition parameters and substrate, but the dome shaped cluster is composed of many fine grains. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Korea. The authors thank Professor K.-T. Rie for his valuable discussions and J. D. Park for the Auger measurements. 'K. K. Yee, Int. Metal!. Rev. 1,19 (1987). 2R. Buhl, H. K. Pulker, and E. Moll, Thin Solid Films 80, 265 (1981). 3H. Brandolf, P. Flood, and P. Walsh, Cutting Tool Eng. 34, 4 (1982). 4W. D. Muenz, D. Hofmann, and K. Hartig, Thin Solid Films 96, 79 (1982). 'J. L. Hollahan and R. S. Rosier, in Thin Film Processes, edited by J. L. Vossen and W. Kern (Academic, New York, 1978), p. 335. oS. M. Ojha, in Physics o/Thin Films, edited by G. Hass (Academic, New York, 1982), Vo!. 12, p. 237. 7T. D. Bonifield, in Deposition Technologies/or Films and Coatings, edited by R. F. Bunshah (Noyes, New Jersey, 1982), p. 365. HM. R. Hilton et al., Thin Solid Films 139, 247 (1986). 9N. J. Archer, Thin Solid Films 80,221 (1981). ION. Kikuchi and Y. Oosawa, in Proceedings o/the 9th International Con /erence on Chemical Vapour Deposition (Electrochemical Society, New Jersey, 1984), p. 728. "u. Helmersson, B. O. Johnansson, J.-E. Sundgren, H. T. G. Hentzell, and P. Billgren, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 3, 308 (1985). '2p. T. Dawson and K. K. Tzatzov, Surf. Sci. 149, 105 (1985). 13B. J. Burrow, A. E. Morgan, and R. C. Ellwanger, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 4,2463 (1986). 14c. B. Zarowin, J. Electrochem. Soc. 130, 1144 ( 1983). "C. B. Zarowin, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 2,1537 (1984). "'C. M. Melliar-Smith and C. 1. Mogab, in Ref. 5, p. 531. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 01:11:49
AIP Conference Proceedings 184, 1830 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.38028 184, 1830 © 1989 American Institute of Physics.Introduction Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 184, 1830 (1989); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.38028 Published Online: 16 June 2008 D. A. Edwards 1830 INTRODUCTION D. A. Edwards Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P. 0. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Evolution of the Tevatron Design ............................ 1831 I.i Context and Initial Decisions .......................... 1831 1.2 Development of the Fixed-Target Design ................. 1832 1.3 Transformation to a Collider ........................... 1833 2 Components of the Tevatron .................................. 1834 2.1 Superconducting Magnets ................................ 1835 2.2 Cryogenics ............................................ 1837 2.3 Power System and Quench Protection ..................... 1838 2.4 Vacuum System .......................................... 1839 2.5 Conventional Systems ................................... 1840 3 Performance and 0utlook ..................................... 1841 3.1 The Fixed-Target Program ............................... 1841 3.2 Colliding Beams ........................................ 1842 3.3 0utlook ................................................ 1843 1831 INTRODUCTION D. A. Edwards Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P. 0. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510 1 EVOLUTION OF THE TEVATRON DESIGN 1.1 Context and Initial Decisions When the Fermi Natlonal Accelerator Laboratory and its accelerators were designed in the late 1960's, it was too early to give serious consideration to the use of superconducting magnets in the main proton synchrotron, for the necessary technology was in its infancy. However, space was reserved in the Main Ring enclosure and in the service buildings for the eventual addition of a superconducting synchrotron. Because the "supermagnets" might be expected to reach twice the field of their room-temperature counterparts, the superconducting ring was called the Energy Doubler at that time. After high energy physics experiments were underway in 1972, it became possible to devote some attention to the Doubler idea. A major factor in the design context was already settled: the superconducting synchrotron would occupy the same tunnel as the Lain Ring. A number of other design principles were established at the very outset, a few of which deserve mention here. The decision to use a cold beam tube was controversial at the time; today it is the natural choice. A warm iron magnet design was chosen, but the debate over the relative virtues of cold or warm iron still continues and successful magnets have been constructed with both approaches. The decision to use NbTi was a recognition of the state of materials technology. The superconducting magnet designs of that time were quite unsuited to the needs of a large synchrotron. Nor was there an established production base for filamentary NbTi in the volume or quallty required. A substantial research and development program was necessary, focused almost exclusively on the magnets and their cryogenic system. The evolution and verification of a successful magnet design for a mass production environment led to the constuction of over 200 full scale prototypes. In 1978, after six years of magnet development, it was possible to expand the Doubler effort to include the design o~ the entire accelerator-collider synchrotron. As a result of this research and development program, a design report was published in 1979 that served as the basis for the superconducting accelerator construction project. A parallel effort on an antlproton source followed close behind, with the intent that colliding- beam physics commence soon after the beginning of fixed- target physics in the new energy region. © 1989 American Institute of Physics 1832 The "Tevatron" projects included synchrotrons, but common usage has superconducting ring itself, and we here. the construction of three new attached that name to the will follow that convention 1.2 Development of the Fixed-Target Design Among questions of overall accelerator design, one concern dominated all others. Could beam extraction be performed so efficiently that beam particles striking the magnets would not cause a superconducting-to-normal transition? For use in high energy physics experiments, the beam is removed from the synchrotron by a process called resonant extraction. After the beam of over 1013 protons has been accelerated, the particles are gradually spilled from the ring at a rate of about 10 7 per turn. The delicate control needed to coax such a small fraction of the protons out on each orbit is provided by nonlinear magnetic fields that excite a resonance in their motion. Of course, other operational situations involve beam loss, and so the possibility of quenches. But in most cases, the risks attendant on beam loss can be eliminated or reduced by component or systems design. With resonant extraction the situation is different. In any version of the process devised to date, the particles leaving the circulating beam encounter the entrance to an extraction channel, and the particles that will depart are separated from those that will remain within the ring by a material boundary. Inevitably, some particles strike this boundary, or "septum." Protons will scatter or interact with the nuclei in the septum, and the secondary particles from these processes can deposit their energy in superconducting magnets downstream. Experimental studies confirmed the anticipated sensitivity of accelerator-style superconducting magnets to beam loss. The fact that the Tevatron would occupy the same enclosure as the gain Ring implied that the magnet disposition of the Tevatron would be a near-replica of the resident synchrotron. An exact reproduction of the ~ain Ring optics would lead to energy deposition exceeding allowances by a factor of fifty to a hundred. Fortunately, it was not necessary that the superconducting ring duplicate its predecessor exactly bend-for-bend and lens-for-lens. By introducing conventional bending magnets in the neighborhood of the extraction septa, local orbit modifications were made that reduced losses from inelastic interactions by an order of magnitude. Similarly, a modification in the focusing order of the quadrupole lenses spread the beam out as it approached the extraction septa and so improved the extraction efficiency. Collimation was introduced within the arcs to intercept particles that had undergone elastic scattering in the primary septum. Finally, the lattice was modified to permit the introduction of an efficient beam abort system. If beam losses in the magnets during extraction should exceed an operationally determined level, the remainder of the beam would be kicked out of the ring into an external beam dump. Again, use was made of conventional magnets to 1833 the degree possible in the critical region near the beam exit channel. A longitudinal gap was left in the beam so that no particles would be deflected during the abort kicker risetime. Thus, the ring as constructed was a hybrid: mainly composed of superconducting magnets, but with a vital admixture of traditional steel and copper hardware. 1.3 Transformation to a Collider In the mid-lgVO's, the growing appreciation of the potential of hadron colliders added an additional function to the requirements for the superconducting ring. It should perform as a storage ring as well. Though there was a period during which proton-proton collisions involving the ~ain Ring and the Tevatron was contemplated, the decision finally fell on the side of proton- antiproton collisions in the Tevatron. Interestingly enough, the potentially vexing question of magnet aperture had been settled by the slow extraction requirement. The 7.5-cm inner diameter of the coil was fixed in 1975 following an analysis of the aperture and field quality needed for resonant extraction. It was judged that magnets of the resulting design would be adequate for single-particle stability during beam storage. Rather, the main issue raised by the additional application was a good deal less subtle; namely, where yet another set of functions was to be put within the existing tunnel. A major colliding-beam experiment needs space surrounding the beam tube for a detector some 20 meters in length, and on either side there must be strong quadrupole lenses to reduce the beam area at the interaction point. In short, at least one of the six long straight sections permitted by the tunnel geometry would have to be reserved exclusively for colliding-beam physics. A plan was devised which compressed the accelerator and fixed-target physics systems into the other five regions in both the Main Ring and the Tevatron. Use of a second straight section for collisions requires the removal of some function used in the fixed-target physics program. Fortunately, this can be done relatively easily, for the primary extraction septum and the nearby conventional magnets that protect the superconducting magnets from beam loss occupy an entire straight section. Thus, that straight section can be cleared by moving a limited number of components. To be sure, the installation of the focusing optics and the detector is a task of somewhat greater magnitude, but still of reasonable scale. Production of the principal missing ingredient - the p's - was the mission of the antiproton source. The design called for targetting of 120- GeV protons from the Kain Ring, followed by capture of the resulting p's at 8.9 GeV/c in a debuncher synchrotron. Radiofrequency system gymnastics in the Main Ring deliver short duration but broad momentum-spread bunches to the target. Since the momentum distribution of the ~'s is inherently wide, this procedure provides the optimum use of the longitudinal acceptance of the system. After momentum-spread reduction by debunching, the p's transfer to an accumulator synchrotron, where stochastic cooling and stacking take place along the lines of the approach pioneered by CERN. 1834 The layout of the Tevatron facility is shown schematically in Fig. 1, and a short s-mm~ry of the principle design parameters is given in Table I. The ratio between peak beam energy and injection energy may look surprisingly low, but this is simply a consequence of the Tevatron sharing the tunnel with the Main Ring and so having a high energy injector available. UNAC SOURCE ~OOSTER sw, .Y, R0 p EXTRACT j ., v B0 DETECTOR "~ & LOW BETA \ ENERGY DOUBLER ( TEVATRON ) MR ~ ABORT 0 ~ CO 15/p TRANSFER ~'~ SAVER EXT:ACTION OR / ~ p ABORT 00 OVERPASS Figure 1 Fermilab accelerator complex including the Antiproton Source rings and the Tevatron. The straight sections are labeled AO through FO. AO and DO are needed for extraction, with DO as a colliding beam area as well. BO is the other dedicated colliding beam area. Injection occurs at gO; rf acceleration at FO. Beam abort is at CO. 2 COMPONENTS OF THE TEYATRON The main special design features of a superconducting accelerator are, of course, the magnets themselves and the cryogenic system to cool them. But other systems are required to assume new roles in the superconducting ring. For example, the magnet power 1835 Table I Tevatron Design Parameters General Acce-c-~ator radius Peak beam energy Injection energy Bend magnetic field at I000 GeV Beam emittance ~N (gt~) Fixed target Intensity Acceleration rate Cycle time Slow spill duration Fast spill Collider Intensity per bunch Number of bunches Luminosity Storage time between fills Amplitude function p* llm 800-1000 GeV 150 GeV 4.4 Tesla at 4400 Amperes 247 mm mrad ~2x1013 protons/cycle 50 GeV sec-" 50s 20 s 5 pulses at 2XlO 12 protons 6x1010 expected 3p. 3p 1030 cm-2 sec-1 "4 hr 1 meter (x,y) system must take on the primary burden of protecting the magnets if they quench. The vacuum system must provide thermal insulation for the cryostats in addition to establishing the empty space in which the beam circulates. Finally, a higher standard of reliability is demanded of the conventional accelerator systems, in order to compensate for the £nevitable maintenance demands of the components at the frontier of technology. 2.1 Superconducting Magnets The potential benefits of superconductivity for synchrotron magnets are high field in a compact package with low power consumption. As the Tevatron design effort began, high field meant 4.4 T, a figure twice that of the Main Ring and one that should be achievable with the materials of the day. The superconducting magnet complement of the Tevatron includes 772 bending magnets (dipoles), 224 quadrupoles, and 720 small correction and adjustment elementsl The main bending magnets occupy 75~ of the perimeter of the accelerator - they are the dominant magnetic element, and the discussion here will be limited to them. The standard dipole is 8.4 m long and 38 ca by 25 ca in cross section. The only exceptions are two half-length dipoles installed in the vicinity of the beam abort. The evacuated beam pipe runs the length of the magnet through its center, and the vertically oriented magnetic field deflects the protons and antlprotons by an angle of 8.1 arad. A transverse section of the magnet is shown in Fig. 2. Just outside of the square beam tube, there is space for the liquid helium which cools the inner edge of the coil. Each of the many small rectangles in the coll represents the cross section of the 1836 cable. The coil is clamped by stainless steel collars in a highly reproducible, accurate configuration that does not distort durinE magnet excitation. There are additional spaces for liquid helium flow between the outer surfaces of the collared coil assembly and the enclosing tube. The next annular region contains two-phase (liquid and gas) helium flowing in the direction opposite to that of the single-phase fluid. The two-phase helium is at the lower temperature and so extracts heat from the llquld, which in turn extracts heat from the coil. Outside of the helium container is an insulating vacuum space and then two concentric pipes. The narrow space between these pipes contains liquid nitrogen, which intercepts heat flow inward from room temperature. The insulating vacuum region between the nitrogen shield and the room temperature outer cryostat tube contains superinsulatlon (aluminized Mylar) as an additional radiation shield. The whole magnet-cryostat assembly is vacuum tight. It is held in a laminated iron yoke that contributes some 18~ to the total magnetic field. The cryostat is precisely adjusted relative to center with suspension blocks of epoxy- fiberglass laminate and preloaded suspension cartidges that allow for contraction and expansion during the thermal cycle. Figure 2 Cross section of the Tevatron dipole magnet showing the collared coil assembly, the cryostat, and the warm iron yoke. 1837 Measurements on superconducting cable for the Tevatron magnets gave an average critical current density in the NbTi of 1800 A/mm 2 at 5 T and 4.2°K. Taking into account the magnet geometry, field, and operating temperature of 4.6°K, one finds that this critical current density should permit the magnets to achieve 4.6 T. All magnets prior to their installation in the ring were measured under two different excitation conditions. In the first test, magnets were ramped at 200 A/s until a quench occurred. In the second test, repetitive ramps approximating the accelerator cycle were used and the peak current was gradually increased until the quench limit was found. The results indicate that excitation of the ring in the 900-950 GeV range should be possible with only a few magnet replacements, whereas to reach 1TeV will probably require either very slow ramps or cryogenic modifications. 2.2 Cryogenics The helium refrigeration system is the world's largest. It consists of a large helium liquefier, a nitrogen reliquefier, a distribution system for the cryogens around the ring, and 24 satellite refrigerators spaced around the ring. These components can provide a total of 24 kW of cooling at 4.7°E for the magnets as well as liquid helium for power lead cooling and liquid nitrogen for the cryostat heat shields. The satellite refrigerators are located directly above the tunnel and feed helium and nitrogen directly into the magnet string below. The flow is split and goes upstream and downstream (with respect to the proton beam) through typically 16 dipoles and associated components in each direction. Throughout this outward flow, the helium is in a single subcooled liquid phase; it is this helium that is in direct contact with the magnet coil. At the end of the string, the helium passes through an expansion valve which lowers its temperature and pressure. These new conditions are adjusted so that the helium is a boiling liquid at a temperature of about 4.5°K, one or two tenths of a degree lower than the temperature of the single- phase fluid. The two-phase fluid is directed back through the string of magnets and absorbs heat from the outgoing stream. Thus each magnet is a counterflow heat exchanger. The ratio of gas to liquid in the two-phase path increases as the distance to the refrigerator feed point decreases, but the temperature remains nearly constant. Energy generated in the coil is thereby removed efficiently by the single-phase liquid and absorbed as heat of vaporization in the two-phase region. Nitrogen for the magnet shields makes a single pass to the ends of each string, where it is discharged into a nitrogen header as 92°K gas. The central plant plus satellites arrangement offers a wide variety of operating conditions, and provides the redundancy necessary to the continuous operation of the synchrotron. In 'satellite mode,' the central plant supplies large amounts of cold helium to the magnet strings and thus to the return side of the satellite heat exchangers. The excess flow in the satellite heat 1838 exchangers results in 1 kW of refrigeration from the satellites without use of their gas expansion engines. At the other end of the spectrum is the "stand-alone mode." Here, without the availability of helium from the central plant, each satellite is able to deliver 450-500 W of refrigeration plus 25 liters per hour of liquid helium. This capability is adequate to compensate the static heat load of the magnets. A variety of intermediate cases are possible depending on the availability of helium from the central plant. 2.3 Power System and Quench Protection The magnet power system plays the dual roles of powering the main bend and quadrupole magnet string and protecting these same magnets from the stored energy in the magnetic field should any fraction of the superconductor in the whole ring become normal (resistive) for any reason. Because this system requires quick detection of quenches and consequent action of electrical components in order to save the magnets from self-destruction, it is called nactive" as opposed to one that might require little or no external action, that is, a "passive" system. The main bend and quadrupole magnets form a single series circuit, in which 12 power supplies are uniformly distributed. Each power supply is capable of ramping to 4500 A at 1 k¥. Since the resistance of the circuit is small (but not zero, for there are conventional magnets in the circuit), a single well-regulated supply is able to supply during particle injection, flattop, or storage conditions. Our main interest here lies in the quench protection aspect of the system. Consider what happens in the cable of a magnet coil when a "normal zone" appears and current transfers from the NbTI to the copper in which the superconductor filaments are embedded. The copper, which now conducts most of the current, has too high a resistivity to prevent further heating, and the cable will melt unless some means is found to remove the current expeditlously. The rate at which the cable temperature rises is difficult to calculate because of the nonlinear behavior of the parameters (specific heat, resistivity, thermal conductivity, etc) that describe the cable consituents at low temperature. The system parameters were set as a result of measurements made on the rate of temperature rise in quenched cable. At the maximum operating current, there is less than one-half second available for removing the magnet current to prevent permanent damage. The magnets and their interconnections are continuously monitored for a resistive voltage component. Once the onset of a quench is detected, the power supplies are turned off, and the current is shunted through dump resistors at the supply locations. The resulting exponential current decay has a 12- second time constant that is too slow to protect the normal zone in the magnet that has quenched, so locally the current must be reduced much more quickly. To do this, the circuit is divided into 24 quench protection units. A "safety lead" connects the superconducting bus to a room temperature bypass circuit at the ends of each unit. This 1839 lead cannot carry steady state operating currents. If it were designed to do so, the refrigeration load presented by the leads would be unreasonably high. But the leads can convey the decaying magnet current around the quench protection unit that contains the quenching magnet. Current is switched into the safety leads by the closing of thyrister switches. The fate of the cable depends on the outcome of a race between the cable temperature and the decay of the current in the quench protection unit; the latter depends on the total resistance of the normal zone. To insure that the race ends in favor of the cable, heaters are energized in the dipoles of the protection unit to quench a large quantity of superconductor. The resulting rapid resistance growth drives the current down with a time constant appropriate to an in-bounds temperature rise. 2.4 ¥acuumSystem The vacuum system consists of three separate subsystems with different characteristics and requirements. The cryostat insulating vacuum system is the most complex and is completely isolated from the high-vacuum cold beam tube system inside the magnets. The straight sections and other noncryogenic regions have warm beam tube, bakeable, conventional vacuum systems. All in all there are about 1300 cryogenic interfaces between magnets or between magnets and other components. A magnet-to-magnet interface includes a beam tube seal, two liquid helium connections, one liquid nitrogen connection, and a large external room temperature insulating vacuum seal. Each of the cryogenic seals must be able to be verified at room temperature with sufficient sensitivity to assure that it will not leak liquid helium. By far the most time-consuming aspect of installation is the interface connection and leak checking. During initial installation each interface took on the average one man-week; subsequent work has been done in about half this time. The static heat leak of the cryostat-magnet system is due to thermal radiation and heat conduction through magnet supports and other structural elements as well as through residual gas in the insulating space of the cryostat. For the Tevatron geometry, the static heat load doubles at a pressure of 2XlO -5 torr (He). An upper limit of 10 -5 torr is set for operation, which corresponds to a reading of 3×10 -8 on nltrogen-calibrated cold cathode gauges. In operation, readings are typically at the 10 -7 level. The insulating vacuum is pumped with turbo molecular pumps. The pressure in the cold beam tube is very low if helium leaks are absent. Pressures of 5XlO -11 torr cold (5×10 -10 torr as measured warm) are normal. The cold beam tube provides an economical way of obtaining the high vacuum required for beam storage over the major fraction of the rink circumference. The main concern in adopting the cold bore approach was the potential of helium leakage to the beam tube; such leaks are extremely difficult to detect or pump without warming the system up. Because of this worry, the cryostat was designed so that the beam tube seam weld is the only weld between the helium spaces and the bore tube vacuum. 1840 The vacuum systems, with their many flanges, seals, pumps, valves, and gauges, have been remarkably trouble free and reliable. This must, to a large extent, be due to the cryo-pumping ability of the refrigerated surfaces. The fact that most of the circumference of the ring (93~) is cold means that the pressure in the warm regions need not be particularly low. With 5x10 -11 torr where cold and 10 -8 in the warm regions, the reduction in luminosity during storage due to interactions in the residual gas is expected to be 23% after 20 hours. 2.5 Conventional Systems Under this heading, we comment briefly on other systems of the Tevatron, which, though impacted by the superconducting design, are basically required in any accelerator. Correction magnets, beam diagnostics, and the radiofrequency acceleration system are examples. Correction magnets are used to compensate for field imperfections or alignment errors of the main magnets, and to tune the optics of the ring to desired operating conditions. With a few exceptions, these are superconducting magnets configured in circuits suitable for specific functions. For instance, there are two circuits each containing 90 trim quadrupoles that are used to make fine adjustments in the overall focusing characteristics of the synchrotron. The correction magnet power supplies can be programmed to produce virtually any waveform throughout the accelerator cycle. The strengths of the superconducting elements are sufficient for use at full excitation, a design feature that has proved particularly valuable for steering corrections. Under beam diagnostics, we will mention only the position and loss monitoring systems; they are essential to the operation of the synchrotron. The fact that recovery from a quench can take an hour or more makes it imperative that the reasons for erratic beam behavior be sorted out with as few beam pulses as possible. The position monitoring system can measure the deviation of the beam in- or-out or up-or-down from center at 200 locations around the ring. The system has a wide dynamic range to permit start-up of operations with a beam so low in intensity that a quench is unlikely. A large amount of information is stored in the system memory, so that an operator can ask for recall of position at every location of the injected beam, position at specific locations for 1000 turns, orbit deviation from center at arbitrary times throughout the accelerator cycle, and detailed position profiles prior to an abort. A similar number of loss monitors are distributed around the ring. These are radiation detectors placed outside of but close to the magnets. The electronics for each detector is designed so that the output signal is related to the probability of quenching the magnets. Outputs of the loss monitors are continuously checked and used to abort the beam automatically (within 200 microseconds) if the signal is larger than tolerances derived from experience. The radiofrequency accelerating system consists o~ eight 53-MHz resonant cavities, each of which can produce i/3 MV. The frequency 1841 must be changed by only 2 kHz from 150 to I000 to compensate for the change in the protons' speed, since the proton is already moving at 99.998~ of the speed of light at injection. Because the required modulation is small, the frequency program is a completely dead- reckoned digitally generated function derived from the main magnet excitation program. All eight cavities are used for acceleration of protons during fixed-target operation. The cavities have been positioned relative to one another so that, by appropriate phasing of their radiofrequency excitation, they will ~unction as one set of four for acceleration of protons and the second set of four for independent acceleration of antiprotons. The colliding point of the two beams can be moved circumferentially around the accelerator and frozen at a particular point by frequency sad phase adjustment of the two sets. 3 PERFORMANCE AND OUTLOOK 3.1 The Fixed-Target Program The Tevatron was commissioned in the Summer of 1983. On July 3, protons were accelerated to 512 GeV and the Tevatron became the highest energy accelerator in the world. Operation for fixed- target physics began in October of that year at an energy of 400 GeY; the following February the energy was raised to 800 GeY and the goal of doubling the energy of the Main Ring had been reached. To date, there have been four fixed- target runs. Generally speaking, the beam dynamics behavior of the Tevatron has been excellent. Of course, a small beam size at injection and an extensive correction magnet system are a big help. But, more to the point, some of the "ghosts" that had been attributed to the new magnet technology failed to materialize. For instance, there had been concern that the coils of magnets would gradually move as many ramps accumulated or suddenly move as a result of quenches. Such has not been the case; operating conditions are more stable and reproducible from day to day than the older synchrotrons in the accelerator chain. In the fixed-target mode, the peak energy has been limited to 800 GeV, primarily due to energy deposition in the superconducting magnets during the resonant extraction process. Typically, about l.SXlO 13 protons are accelerated in each one-minute cycle, and extracted throughout a twenty- second interval at peak energy. Intensities as high as 1.8xlO 13 have been reached. Though the intensity that can be achieved varies ~rom day to day, it usually represents a balance between total protons accelerated versus a tolerable level of beam aborts or quenches. During a week, 1000 aborts sad 20 quenches would not be unusual figures. Cyclic operation provides a severe test of the new superconducting magnets. In the 20 months of fixed-target physics, the ring has been put through about three-quarters of a million magnetic cycles, most of them to 800 GeV. During the first run, a production error was uncovered that required repair of half of the magnets in the S,,mmer of 1984. The coil leads at one end of these 1842 magnets had not been tied to prevent motion due to their mutual magnetic repulsion; as a result, strands of the superconducting cable began to break. Now, three years later, the present run has been plagued by a succession of magnet failures that are likely due in part to more subtle motions of the magnet leads. Another round of repairs is in the offing. Reliability is the big issue in the accelerator facility. There are now four accelerators in the chain for flxed-target physics ( for collidlng-beam physics, there are six). Actual uptime for high energy physics is about 70~ of scheduled time, as opposed to 80~ for gain Ring operation prior to the Tevatron era. It is obvious that the long-term success of the Tevatroa rests on the attainment of high operational reliability. 3.2 Colliding Beams At the end of the fixed- target run in 1985, four weeks of intensive effort concluded with the observation of a dozen pp events in the detector facility, marking the beginning of colliding-beam physics at Fermilab. A long shutdown for a variety of construction projects followed, after which a four-month "engineering" run for collider operation took place in early 1987. During this latter period, a peak luminosity of 1029 cm -2 sec -1 and an integrated luminosity of 70 nb -1 were achieved. The collider mode is much more congenial to the superconducting ring. The number of particles in the accelerator is almost two orders of magnitude less, there is no slow extraction, and the burden of frequent ramping is absent. The reduced beam loss in the magnets permitted an increase in the energy to 900 Ge¥, only about 30 Ge¥ lower than the quench limit without beam. The last major dynamical 'ghost" associated with superconducting magnets vanished with the observation of single-beam lifetime in excess of 100 hours. Thus far, the luminosity lifetime is in the 5 to 10 hour range, and is determined by emittance growth of unknown origin. A major goal of present collider studies is the identification of the noise mechanism that produces the emittance growth of both particle species. The peak luminosity in the 1987 run was 10~ of the design value. Roughly speaking, beam loss in the various transfer and acceleration stages, and emittance dilution can be blamed in equal proportion. Approximately a factor of two dilution in emittance takes place in the transfer from the Hain Ring to the Tevatron as a result of the vertical dispersion mismatch between the two rings and the relatively large momentum spread of the proton or antiproton bunch. That there is a vertical dispersion is a consequence of the undulations added to the gain Ring to move the two accelerators apart at the collislon points. This source of dilutlon will be removed by a further modification to the gain Ring in early 1988. During acceleration and turn-on of the collision optics in the Tevatron, the p's suffer a further factor of two increase in emittance. The p bunches are about an order of magnitude less intense than the proton bunches, so the beam-beam tune spread 1843 differs for the two species. It is likely that inadequate tune control throughout the many steps between the injection optics and the low-beta optics is the source of much of this dilution; if so, improvement will come with further study. The non-cycllc character of colllder operation transformed a hitherto innocuous characteristic of the superconducting magnets into a major irritant. The magnets exhibit a broad spectrum of eddy current time constants, from the second to many hour time scale. In fixed target operation, multipole moments arising from these currents could be lumped together with the persistent current multipoles. But during the lengthy setup for a transfer in collider mode, the variation in, for example, the chromaticity must be compensated. An adequate model of the magnet does not yet exist to account for these effects. In retrospect, it is again fortunate that it was posslble to inject at relatively high energy; the advantage of high injection energy for persistent currents was recognized, but the additional advantage for eddy current phenomena was not. 3.3 Outlook Over four years after its co~issloning, the Tevatron is still very much a prototype accelerator, as much a research instrument in its own right as it is a high energy physics tool. The superconducting magnets are not as robust as the better examples of their conventional counterparts, and it is entirely possible that extensive repairs and improvements will be necessary in the near future to achieve adequate reliabillty of operation in the fixed- target mode. For the collider run scheduled to begin in April of 1988, the goal is to achieve a peak lumlnosity of 3XlO 29 cm -2 sec -1. Steps have been taken to reduce the beam loss at some of the points in the transfer and acceleration process, and as noted earlier, a major source of emittance dilution will be corrected. In reaching the peak luminosity in the 1987 run, p* at the interaction point was reduced to 0.7 z in contrast to the design value of 1 m listed in Table I. For 1988, p* will be further reduced to 0.5 m. Operation will be upgraded to 6 bunches of both particle species. It is likely that the performance levels of Table I can be reached with time. But to surpass those levels to a significant degree will probably require some modification of the accelerator facility. Both the fixed-target and collider programs would benefit from a reduction in the proton beam emittance. The emittance growth in the first few milliseconds of the Booster synchrotron cycle is attributed to space charge; raising the energy of the Linac injector would ameliorate that situation. The gain Ring lifetime at injection is much less than that which would be predicted from gas scattering; simulations suggest that there is a dynamic aperture limitation. At 20 CeV however, beam lifetime is consistent with gas scattering, and a Post-Booster synchrotron to inject at this level would also eliminate the necessity to cross transition in the gain Ring. 1844 An order of magnitude increase in peak luminosity beyond the present design may be possible. It implies multi-bunch operation with separated beams in the Tevatron. Many bunches are needed in order to achieve the luminosity, and separation is necessary except at the collision points in order to limit the beam-beam tune spread. The total number of p's required is almost an order of magnitude larger than the number that can be collected and stored in the present Accumulator, so another ring, that might be called the Depository, is implied. The Depository would accept p's from the Accumulator, or receive and recool diluted p's from the Tevatron. Hany variations of the foregoing scenario are obviously possible. But the main point is that some major modification of the existing Fermilab facility will be needed to keep the high energy physics program abreast of demands until the SSC becomes available in the middle of the next decade.
Effects on InP surface trap states of i n s i t u etching and phosphorusnitride deposition YoonHa Jeong, Shinichi Takagi, Fusako Arai, and Takuo Sugano Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 62, 2370 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.339501 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.339501 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/62/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Effects of photochemical vapor deposition phosphorusnitride interfacial layer on electrical characteristics of AuInP Schottky diodes J. Appl. Phys. 69, 6699 (1991); 10.1063/1.348972 Composition of phosphorusnitride film deposited on InP surfaces by a photochemical vapor deposition technique and electrical properties of the interface Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2680 (1990); 10.1063/1.104192 An electron trap related to phosphorus deficiency in highpurity InP grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 65, 3072 (1989); 10.1063/1.342701 Summary Abstract: Passivation of InP by plasma deposited phosphorus: Effects of surface treatment J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 4, 1128 (1986); 10.1116/1.583555 Chemical vapor deposition and characterization of phosphorus nitride (P3N5) gate insulators for InP metal insulatorsemiconductor devices J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5037 (1982); 10.1063/1.331380 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:54:41Effects on InP surface trap states of in situ etching and phosphorus-nitride deposition Yoon-Ha Jeong, Shinichi Takagi, Fusako Arai, and Takuo Sugano Department 0/ Electronic Engineering. University o/Tokyo. 3-1. Bongo 7 chome. Bunkyo-ku. Tokyo 113. Japan (Received 15 January 1987; accepted for publication 12 March 1987) Effects of in situ etching of InP surfaces with PCl3 followed by low-temperature in situ chemical vapor deposition of phosphorus-nitride in a phosphorus-rich ambiance using NH31 PCl3/H2 on trap states of the interfaces were studied. The breakdown field of the phosphorus nitride films was as high as 1 X 107 V cm - 1 and the films showed trap-assisted conduction in high electric field with resistivity higher than 1 X 1014 n cm near the electric field of 1 X 107 V cm -I. Interface properties were found to be critically dependent upon PCl3 molar fraction, both the etching and deposition time, and the etching and deposition temperature. The frequency dispersion of capacitance-voltage characteristics in accumulation was about 3.3% for the frequency range from 10 kHz to 1 MHz. The hysteresis was as low as 0.17 V for the field electrode voltage swept between - 6 and + 6 V. The density of interface trap states, Nss' was 2x 1011 cm-2 eV-1 at about 0.3 eV below the conduction-band edge ofInP and was 8X 1011 cm-2 eV-1 near the bulk Fermi level. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, thermal and photochemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques for the formation of phosphorus-nitride (PN) films have been reported by other workers to improve the electrical properties ofthe interface of the indium-phos phide metal insulator (InP MIS) structures. 1-3 Phosphorus nitride films are considered suitable for binding InP MIS structures because they have a common constituent with InP, and phosphorus (P)-rich ambiance for deposition also provides an efficient protection of the InP surface during good insulator deposition.4-8 The thermal CVD film shows a large resistivity and a high breakdown voltage, but thermal degradation of the InP substrate remains a problem in this . film fabrication technology because of its high deposition temperature of about 600 ·C. Evidence for degraded electrical properties of InP MIS structures is found in hysteresis in capacitance-voltage curves, in hysteresis in low-frequency current-voltage char acteristics of metal insulator semiconductor field-effect tran sistors (MISFETs), and drift of the MISFETs drain cur rent. The presence of the electrical interface instabilities is a major problem impeding the development of reliable high speed InP MIS integrated circuits. Okamura and Kobayashi9 and FritzschelO suggested that this problem may be associated with the unintentional formation of a natural oxide between the deposited insulator and the InP substrate surface. Wilmsen et al.l1-13 reported that electrical interface instabilities were associated with tunneling of electrons into the natural oxide. We intentionally used in situ etching of InP substrates by PC13/H2 for removal of natural oxides immediately prior to in situ chemical vapor deposition of the phosphorus-ni tride film on the InP surface at a low temperature of 450 ·C. The chemical vapor deposition was carried out in a phos phorus-rich ambiance using NH3/PCl3/H2 for suppression of phosphorus evaporation. We determined in situ etching and deposition conditions as functions of in situ etching time, PCl3 molar fraction in etching, and both in situ etching and deposition temperature. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Our experimental strategy of in situ etching followed by in situ deposition procedures can be described as follows: (i) Phosphorus-rich ambiance for group V defects; The hydrogen reduction of PCl3 as described in Eq. (1) is ther modynamically favorable above about 200 ·C, although un der certain conditions, unreacted PCl3 has been observed in hydrogen at 650 ·C.14.IS T>200·C 4PC13+6H2 P4+ 12HCI . (1) (ii) Removal of natural oxides; From Eq. (1), in situ etching process has been conducted by HCI and PCl3 in phosphorus (P)-rich ambiance. (iii) Group V-rich dielectrics; Phosphorus-nitride film formation in P-rich ambiance can be obtained at low tem peratures by the following procedure. From Eq. (1), 4 PCl3 + 12 H2 ~P4 + 12 HCI (2) P 4 + 4x NH3 ~ 4 PNx + 6x H2 . (3) Here, x is the atomic ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in the phosphorus-nitride film. From Eqs. (2) and (3), 2PCI3+2xNH3~2PNx +6HCI+3(x-I)H 2. (4) When we assume x = j and that the PN film is composited with P3Ns, T>2S0·C 3PC13+5NH 3 P3Ns+9HCI+3H 2. (5) Here, the temperature of T> 250·C was determined from our experimental results. The strategy referred to above led to us to carry out in 2370 J. Appl. Phys. 62 (6). 15 September 1987 0021-8979/87/182370-06$02.40 © 1987 American Institute of Physics 2370 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:54:41NH, --r-ll-=-=---t.\ H. o BAFFLE (a) -=---~H. SUBSTRATE e GOO,-----------, w cr ~ 500 « cr ~ 400 ~ W I- ~O eteh & deposit temp' ( substtate '\ position 20 40 60 80 100 120 DISTANCE (em) ( b) FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the apparatus (a) and the temperature profile on distance from the left end of a quartz tube (b) for in situ etching and deposition of phosphorus-nitride films on the .InP surface. The apparatus allows quick conversion from the vapor etching mode to the chemical vapor deposition mode of operation. FM: flow meter; R. P.: rotary pump; MFC: mass flow meter. situ etching and deposition of phosphorus-nitride films on the InP substrate surface under P-rich ambiance. Undoped InP wafers with electron concentration of 8.1-8.5 X 10'5 cm -3 for interface characterization, and (100) oriented Sn-doped InP wafers with electron concen tration of 1.6-1.7 X 10'8 cm-3 for phosphorus-nitride film characterization were used as substrates, respectively. The substrates were first cleaned with trichloroethylene, ace tone, and ethanol and rinsed in deionized water prior to chemical etching with H2S04:H202:H20 = 4:1:1 (in vol ume) solution for 1 min followed by chemical etching in 0.5% bromine in methanol solution for 2 min. Finally, to reduce the natural oxide to a minimum, the wafers were dipped in HCI:H20 = 1:5 (in volume) solution for 10 s im mediately prior to being loaded into the in situ process sys tem. The in situ process system was built to allow quick con version from the in situ etching mode to the in situ deposition mode of operation. The details of the reaction chamber and the temperature profile are shown in Fig. 1. The purpose of the bume is to prevent both back streaming of vapors from deposits in the exhaust area during the in situ process, and air contamination during dismantling for exchanges of InP sub strates in nitrogen gas streaming. The magnetic sample lifter is used to load the InP substrate prior to the in situ process at the in situ process temperature to prevent thermal damage to the substrate. In a typical vapor etching, a mixture of PCl3 in H2 is passed over the InP substrate for 1 min at 450 ·C and then phosphorus-nitride films were deposited in situ on the InP substrate surface using the PCI3INH3/H2 at a total flow rate of about 155 cm3/min. The flow rate of PCI3, whose partial pressure was 16 Torr, in diluted H2 and NH3 as 3-6 and 30 cm3/min, respectively. These reactants were fed into the reactor from two by-pass lines with 2.2-mm Ld. The re sistance-heated furnace was constructed with the open tube 2371 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 ...... ... ~600 0< ~500 0:: ai400 -a 0::300 c: .~ 200 -.~ 100 a. / ,.-<: , , A.. .. I /, ....... , .--~-...... ~ \ / " ... , ./ ., 2.1 c 2.0 . )( CIJ 1.9 -g 1.8 CIJ 1.7 .~ ... u 1.6 E Q; ~ O~~--~~--~~--~~--~--~~ 0:: 100 200 300 400 500 600 Substrate Tempera ture. To (OC) FIG. 2. Phosphorus-nitride deposition rate RD and refractive index n as a function of the substrate temperature T D' type. The reaction chamber was a 28-mm-i.d., 130-cm-long quartz tube. When the substrate temperature was raised to 450·C with the flow rate of PCl3 for etching from 5-15 cm3/min, the surface of the etched InP good mirrorlike smoothness. The etching rate of PCl3 vapor with the flow rate of 5 cm3/ min on (100) InP substrates is in the range of about 200-300 A/min at 450 ·C etching temperature. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Phosphorus-nitride film characterization The dependence of the deposition rate R D and refractive index n on the substrate temperature TD are shown in Fig. 2. The film thickness and refractive index were determined from ellipsometric measurement. The deposition rateRD in creased almost linearly with the substrate temperature TD• The refractive index n also increased with deposition tem perature near 500 ·C. Near TD = 450 ·C, RD and n are stable and reproducible with values of 450 AIh and 1.95, respec tively. Therefore, the in situ etch/deposition CVD phos phorus-nitride films were formed mainly at 450 ·C. Figure 3 shows the results of conductivity defined by J / E versus the square root of electric field E for various TD n"=1.6-1. 7 xld' em' CVO PN-lnP 300 K .... To=300'C ........ (950 A) ....... -.... 4oo°C .,../' .'.~. (750l) ... .flo ............ ......... .... r > -14 :;: 10 .............. .Aso'c • ",.......... ... ..... ~ (1000 A) ..,Y"""-u :J "0 c: o u ........ ~-. -16 10~~ __ ~~ __ ~~ __ ~ 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 FIG. 3. Electrical conduction in phosphorus-nitride films at room tempera ture. The parameter is deposition temperature. Jeongetal. 2371 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:54:41'iii ..-'§ 1.0 ..ci .... III ---PN InP ---'"" >--'iii ~ ...... ..- P .s • . . 0.5 • N .... • • QI • :i • • •• • • " ......... In · ...... • . . . : P .. . . " . . . .... ,. .. • QI · . • . ~ . In • ) N 0.0 a 50 100 150 200 Sputtering Time (min) FIG. 4. In-depth profiling of in situ etched and in situ chemical vapor depos ited phosphorus-nitride on an InP substrate by Auger electron spectrosco py. The total thickness was about 1000 A. and the deposition temperature was 450·C. samples at room temperature, where J is the current density. The measurements were performed for PN films on an Sn doped n+ -lnP substrate whose electron concentration was 1.6-1.7 X 1018 cm-3 with aluminum (Al) field electrode dots of about 10-3 cm2 in area. It is shown in Fig. 3 that the resistivity defined by u-I is more than 1014 n cm at the elec tric field of 107 V cm -I for the TD = 450·C sample at room temperature. Electrical transport properties of the PN films show the Poole-Frenkel type conduction in a high electric field. At low field, current-voltage characteristics are seen as ohmic conduction in this figure. The insulator resistivity in creases as the deposition temperature increases, which is mainly caused by decreasing the density of traps due to ap proaching a more stoichiometric PN film. Furthermore, the dielectric strength is found to be more than 1 X 107 V cm -I at 300 K, which is at least one order of magnitude higher than those of the conventional oxide gate CVD films, although the PN film deposition temperature, 450 ·C, is lower than 600 ·C reported by Hirota and Kobaya shi, who deposited film above 600 ·C. B. In-depth proflilng of compositions by Auger electron spectroscopy The in situ etched and deposited PN film on an InP substrate at 450 ·C was sputter etched by using Ar+ with a 30-mA emission current at 3-keV ionic energy, and the com position was in-depth profiled by Auger electron spectrosco py (AES) as shown in Fig. 4, in which the AES intensity is normalized by a sensitivity factor for the P( 118 eV), the In( 404 eV), and the N(382 eV) lines. As shown in Fig. 4, P, N, and In have relatively uniform distributions in this PN film. Large amounts of indium (In) are incorporated into the PN film. The AES spectra of the PN-InP structures contain three major In lines at 397, 400, and 405 eV, phosphorus (P) double lines at 114 and 118 eV, and a nitride (N) line at 382 eV. The normalized AES intensity for the P(118 eV), the In( 404 eV), and N( 382 eV) lines were plotted'! As shown in 2372 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 60 CVO PN-InP 2 sweep IL. a. 0.1 Vlsec 1 MHz QI 40 u c: .E 'u 0 a. 20 0 u To 450'C j .......- 300 K o -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Bias Voltage (Volts) FIG. 5. High-frequency C-VG plot for Al-PN-InP MIS structure measured at room temperature. Fig. 4, P, N, and In have relatively uniform distributions in this insulator. A very small amount of oxygen was detected for the first few seconds only and a trace of carbon contamination was found on the front surface only. C. Capacitance-voltage characteristics Typical capacitance C versus voltage V G characteristics are shown for an AI-PN-InP MIS diode in Fig. 5, where the PN film was deposited at 450 ·C, the thickness was about 1000 A, and the gate electrode area was 1 X 10-3 cm2• The high-frequency (1 MHz) C-VG curve shows a clockwise hysteresis loop for a field sweep rate of 0.1 V s -I at room temperature. As can be seen in the figure, small hysteresis appears only in part of the depletion region and the weak inversion region. The maximum hysteresis width, which is defined as the hysteresis width at the half point of the C-V G curve, is as low as 0.17 V in this region at room temperature in a light tight enclosure. The maximum hysteresis width varied with 2.8 2.4 ;2.0 ~ 1.6 -" ~ 1.2 I/) 'ID 0.8 .... QI ~0.4 :z: evo PN-lnP VG: -6V-+6V 1 MHz 0.1 Visec 300 K • : I . : • -j I • , . : O~~~~~~~~~ 100 200 300 400 500 600 Etching and DepOSition Temperature("C) FIG. 6. Hysteresis widths as a function of etching and deposition tempera ture. The maximum hysteresis width was calculated from I MHz C-VG characteristics ofPN-InP MIS diodes. Jeongetal. 2372 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:54:4160 ..... 300 K IL. a. sweep rale 0.1 V/sec C1I u 40 10 kHz C 100 kHz 0 -1 M-tz U 0 a. 20 0 u 0 ..... -____ ....... ______ ..... -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Bias Voltage (Volts) FIG. 7. Frequency-dispersion characteristics ofa PN-InP MIS diode (run b from Table I). the in situ etching and in situ deposition temperature, as shown in Fig. 6. Typically, it is shown that the maximum hysteresis width is very small, 0.17 V, near T D = 450 ·C. The range of deposition temperature for the CVD phosphorus nitride films used in this work are indicated by arrows in Fig. 6. Figure 7 shows the frequency dispersion of the in situ etch CVD PN -InP MIS diode in the frequency range from 10kHz to 1 MHz. The frequency dispersion of the C-V hys teresis curve has been greatly improved in comparison with those obtained by other thermal or photochemical vapor de position techniques. 1-3 Figure 8 shows the effect of etching conditions on the density distributions of interface trap states obtained from the 1 MHz C-VG characteristics for various samples. For the field electrode voltage V G swept between - 6 and + 6 V, the density of interface trap states Nss was about 8 X 1011 cm-2 eV-1 near the bulk Fermi level and the minimumNss value was found to be about 2X 1011 cm-2 eV-1• The detailed results are summarized in Table I for var ious etching conditions. There is only a small amount of frequency of dispersion of accumulation capacitance and in version capacitance from 10 kHz to 1 MHz for runs a and b. Furthermore, the maximum hysteresis widths for these runs are as low as O.17--D.18 V. As previously mentioned, inter face properties of the indium-phosphide surface prepared by in situ etching with PCl3 and subsequent in situ deposition of phosphorus-nitride are critically dependent upon the in situ 'I > C1I 13 10 ~E u 12 10 1/1 1/1 Z 11 10 c d in-situ etched & CVD PNl1nP To: 450 'C a 1 MHz Yo:!6 V 0.1 Vlsec 300 K M. F. _4 Etc:htnir\l a :4.9xl0 =1 b:3.7xl0 5 c:4.9xl0 10 d: unetch Ec 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Ev Energy (eV) FIG. 8. Effects of etching on density distribution of interface trap states for various in situ etched CYD PN-InP MIS diodes. processes. It is observed that the in situ PCl3 etch treatment of 10 min of etching time to run c introduces surface traps resulting in a large Nss.2.16 In Fig. 9, these results are compared with the InP MIS diodes fabricated with other various oxides at the same labo ratory.17-21 The AI203-lnP MIS structure is fabricated so that the aluminum film is deposited on the InP substrate and then anodically oxidized in oxygen plasma. The fabrication condition of InP MIS diodes with native oxide film inter layed between plasma anodic Al203 film and the InP sub strate has been done previously, except that the anodization was done before the deposition of aluminum film as well. The Si02 (a-Si)-lnP MIS diode is prepared by anodizing amorphous silicon film which was deposited by plasma-en hanced decomposition of SiH4 diluted in Ar, and the SiO InP MIS device is fabricated by vacuum deposition of evapo rated SiO. All other results show larger values for Nss than these results. Although not shown here, in situ etched CVD PN-InP MIS structures also show smaller frequency disper sion characteristics than those of oxide structures. Figure 10 shows the effect of deposition temperature on the density ofinterface trap states. It is shown that the in situ etching and in situ deposition processes with TD near 450·C gives lower density of interface trap states near the conduc- TABLE I. Measured electrical properties of CVD PN-InP MIS structures for various in situ etch and deposition conditions. The field electrode voltage was swept between - 6 and + 6 Y. Etch and Etch deposit time M.F.· N", Nos temp. PCI) (min) (near Ec) Hysteresis Run ('C) (min) (X 10-4) (X 10" cm-2 ey-I) (X 1012 cm-2 ey-I) width ~Cmin (%)b ~Cm .. (%)C a 450 1 4.9 2 0.8 0.17 2.8 3.3 b 450 5 3.7 6 2 0.18 3.1 3.7 c 450 10 4.9 2 6 0.41 25.0 3.9 d 450 unetched 2 4 0.29 14.2 4.2 • M.F.: Molar fraction. b ~Cmin (%): Dispersion of inversion capacitance (ClOkHJCI MHz -1). c ~Cmin (%):Dispersion of accumulation capacitance (ClOkHz/CI MHz -1). 2373 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 Jeong etal. 2373 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:54:41'> QI ':'e 12 ~ 10 Si02(a-Si)/lnP'" r rAl~3nnp(··") '·'1 • ..,i' 11\ 11\ Z ~ '. . I "') '. '. ~ ." A'2O:Ilnatlve oxidellnP V ___ '1-a-o.o..~ SiO/lnF'>l ~ --r-in-situ etch PN/lnP \ . ~ \: 1U~~--~-- ______ ~ __ Ec 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Ev Energy (eV) FIG. 9. Comparison of density distribution of interface trap states between these results and various gate oxide·lnP MIS structures from our previous data. tion-band edge and a lower minimum near 0.3 eV. The den sity of interface trap states is seen to increase above 500 ·C, probably due to the thermal degradation of the InP surface. The distributution of interface states as plotted in Figs. 11(a) and 11(b) for various bias voltages VG from the 1 MHz C-V G characteristics. Similar results of increasing of the peak of Nss distributions near the midgap were also re ported by previous workers,22-24 who also included group V rich materials. Several models for the insulator-semiconductor inter face trap states have been proposed, such as the dangling bond model for Si-Si02 interface by Sakurai and Sugano,25 the unified defect model by Spicer et al.,26 and the surface disorder model by Hasegawa et al.27•28 The energy levels of the defects and their identity have been characterized by Spicer et al. and by subsequent experimental and theoretical work. 5.26.29-32 11\ 11\ Z 13 10 11 in-situ etched & cve PN/lnP etch time = 1 min M.F. 4.9 x 10' 10~~~~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~~ Ec 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.2 Ev Energy (eV) FIG. 10. Deposition temperature TD dependence of the density distribution of interface trap states. 2374 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 ~ , :; 13 10 ""e 12 ~10 11\ 11\ Z cve PN-lnP TD'450'C Ro: 420 A/hr. M.F.: 3.7.10 1 MHz 0.1 Vlsec 300 K a.-4!f.~:!..l b .-6~\I;".6 c .-"()~", •• 10 1~~~~ __ ~~~~~~ __ ~~ Ec 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Ev ~ ~ ""e 13 10 v 12 ~10 11\ 11\ Z 11 Energy (eV) (a) cve PN-lnP TD 450'C RD 500 A/hr M.F. 4.9xl(f' IMHz 0.1 V/sec 300 K e .. d. -6.V.~6 e .. -J}sVGs+S t • -lSoV ••• 5 10L-~ ___ ~~ ___ ~~ ___ ~~ Ec 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Ev Energy (eV) ( b) FIG. 11. Density (N,,) distributions of interface trap states as a function of the bias (Va): (a) PCl3 molar fraction (MF) = 3.7XIO-4; (b) PCl3 MF = 4.9X 10-4• . Notice that the peak of Nss distributions near the mid gap sharply increases and then decreases in Figs. 11 (a) and 11 (b), probably due to an antisite defect PIn according to the unified defect model, although the energy levels in our ex perimental results were varied with bias voltage VG' This new experimental phenomena, which the peak of Nss distri butions near the midgap sharply increases and decreases, is first reported about InP MIS structures. IV. CONCLUSION We have demonstrated the improvement of interface properties of InP MIS structures by in situ etching of InP substrates with PCl3 and subsequent low-temperature in situ CVD of phosphorus-nitride in P-rich ambiance using NH3/ PC13/H2' The phosphorus-nitride films and the in situ CVD PN-InP interface characteristics are summarized as follows: Jeong eta!. 2374 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:54:41( 1) The resistivity of the PN films was in excess of 1 X 1014 n cm near the electric field of 1 X 107 V cm -I. The dielectric strength of the PN film was as high as 1 X 107 V cm -I at room temperature. The films showed the Poole Frenkel-type conduction in high field. (2) The deposition rate ofPN film was about 450 A!h and the dielectric constant of the film was estimated to be 5.9 at 1 MHz. (3) The frequency dispersion of C-V G characteristics in accumulation was about 3.3% for the frequency range from 10 kHz-l MHz. Hysteresis was as low as 0.17 V for the field electrode voltage swept between - 6 and + 6 V. ( 4) The density of interface trap states Nss was 2 X 1011 cm -2 e V-I at about 0.3 e V below the conduction-band edge of InP, and was 8X 1011 cm-2 eV-1 near the bulk Fermi level. The peak of Nss distributions near the midgap sharply increases and then decreases. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to Y. Takahashi for many fruit ful discussions and T. Takahashi for assistance in film char acterization, and also to Dr. B. B. Triplett for proofreading the English manuscript. We would also like to thank Sumi tomo Electric Industry Ltd. and Nippon Mining Company for supplying InP wafers. Iy. Hirota and T. Kobayashi, J. App!. Phys. 53, 5037 (1982). 2y. Furukawa, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 23,1157 (1984). 3y. Hirota and O. Mikami, Electron. Lett. 21, 77 (1985). 4K. P. 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Selfconsistent analysis of resonant tunneling in a twobarrier–onewell microstructure K. F. Brennan Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 62, 2392 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.339472 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.339472 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v62/i6 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Photon- and phonon-assisted tunneling in the three-dimensional charge stability diagram of a triple quantum dot array Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 112110 (2013) A generation/recombination model assisted with two trap centers in wide band-gap semiconductors J. Appl. Phys. 113, 104506 (2013) Interfacial transport homogenization for nanowire ensemble photodiodes by using a tunneling insertion Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 103105 (2013) Tunneling of holes is observed by second-harmonic generation Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 082104 (2013) Room-temperature detection of spin accumulation in silicon across Schottky tunnel barriers using a metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor structure (invited) J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17C501 (2013) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jap.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jap.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jap.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jap.aip.org/authors Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsSelf-consistent analysis of resonant tunneling in a two-barrier-one-well microstructure K. F. Brennan School 0/ Electrical E,ngineering and Microelectronics Research Center, Georgia Institute o/Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332 (Received 1 April 1987; accepted for publication 28 May 1987) A self-consistent solution to the resonant tunneling problem is presented based on the simultaneous solution of the time-independent Schrodinger equation with the Poisson equation. The solution is obtained from a piecewise linear matching of Airy functions. The model is used to explqre the effects of the self-consistent electron charge on the transmissivity and current-voltage characteristics of a double-barrier single-well GaAs-AIGaAs device. It is found that the self-consistent potential always acts to shift the negative differential resistance onset voltage to large positive values. The self-consistent field effectively acts to screen the positive applied voltage. Therefore, the effects of the self-consistent field can essentially be modeled by a smaller applied positive bias. It is further found that the effects of the self consistent field are most prevalent at high temperatures, -300 K, and at high dopings, > l.Ox 1018. It is necessary to include the self-consistent effects then when designing resonant tunneling structures within these constraints. I. INTRODUCTION Recent refinement of exacting crystal growth technolo gies, particularly molecular-beam epitaxy, metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, and chemical beam epitaxy, have fomented the rapid development of microstructure devices incorPorating multiple quantum wells and superlattices. Su perlattices I can be loosely defined as multiquantum-well sys tems in which each well is coupled to its nearest neighbor such that any single electron has a nonzero probability den sity within two or more wells. Alternatively, in multiquan tum-well devices, the electronic wave function does not overlap between adjacent wells. Localization of carriers can occur. Therefore, the transport properties are very different within the two systems. Multiquantum-well systems, such as those used in new avalanche photodiode structures2--6 and lasers,7 operate in the semiclassical regime in that the transport is dominated by drift and diffusion effects. The multiquantum-well geom etry is exploited in avalanche photodiodes (APDs) to en hance the electron ionization rate from that achievable in the corresponciing bulk material. In these devices, carrier con finement is detrimental to device performance. Therefore, multiquantum-well APDs are designed such that trapping of carriers within the wells is avoided. 8 Quantum-well lasers, on the other hanci, take full advantage of the carrier confine inent properties of narrow quantum-well systems in order to reduce the lasing threshold current density. Carrier confine ment is achieved in muitiquantum-welliasers by decoupling adjacent wells through increasing the separating barrier widths and heights. In addition, if the carrier temperature is kept low, thermionic emission over the barriers can be effec tively eliminated. As the barrier widths and heights decrease, the elec tronic states in adjacent quantum wells interact, leading to the formation of a quasicontinuum of states or a miniband. 1,9 The electronic states become Bloch-like and cannot be con sidered localized within anyone particular well. The system undergoes a transition from a series of uncoupled, noninter acting quantum wells to that of a superlattice. This transi tion is physically identical to that which occurs in the forma tion of a solid. As in a solid, the transport then proceeds via mini band conduction provided that the carrier mean free path appreciably exceeds the superlattice period. 10 Locali zation,though, can occur under two different conditions: broadening of the carrier states due to collisional and disor der effects to greater than the minibandwidth, or localiza tion due to the voltage drop in each cell exceeding the mini band width.II,12 In either case, the conduction changes from miniband transport to "hopping" conduction wherein the carriers hop from one localized state to another via phonon emission. Transport within a supedattice or across a double-bar rier single-well structure can be described using resonant tunneling. Recently, much work, both theoretical13-17 and experimental, 18-25 has been done on resonant tunneling in double-barrier single-well microstructures. Two possible mechanisms have been suggested for the underlying physics of the tunneling process,9.17 a Fabry-Perot mechanism or sequential tunneling. The two mechanisms can be differenti ated by the ratio of the intrinsic resonance width to the total scattering width.9 If collisions occur within the structure, phase coherence cannot be established, thereby eliminating Fabry-Perot-type tunneling. However, sequential tunnel ing, that in which phase coherence is not preserved, may still occur. Sequential tunneling, as opposed to Fabry-Perot tun neling, does not require the resonant buildup of the electron probability density within the well. Therefore, it is insensi tive to the symmetry of the transmission coefficients of the two barriers. 16.17 It is conceivable that the different mecha nisms can be identified by exploiting the symmetry depen- 2392 J. Appl. Phys. 62 (6), 15 September 1987 0021-8979/87/182392-09$02.40 © 1987 American Institute of Physics 2392 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsdence ofthe Fabry-Perot-type resonance. It is important to identify which mechanism is present in the device since the maximum frequency response is different in each case. Fabry-Perot-type tunneling is of greatest significance at low temperatures in single-well structures. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the general physics of coherent reso nant tunneling in order to identify its presence in various. situations, i.e., multiple well structures. The transient re sponse of coherent tunneling,26.27 as well as the effects of multiple barriers,28-30 has been treated theoretically. None of these treatments has included the effects of the self-consis tent field. Recently, Ohnishi et aPI have compared experi mental measurements25 to a self-consistent coherent reso nant tunneling model. However, they did not compare their model to an Airy function model without the self-consistent potential. Therefore, it is not clear from their work what the extent of the self-consistent potential has on the resonant tunneling current. Cahay et al.32 have also recently explored the effects of the self-consistent potential. They have determined that the self-consistent potential has two important effects; the peak to valley ratio in the current density versus voltage curve is reduced and the negative differential resistance "knee" is shifted to higher applied voltages. We confirm these effects below and offer an explanation as to their cause. In addition, the model we present converges much faster than that re ported by Cahay et al.32 As explained below, the faster con vergence of our model is due to the selection of Airy solu tions to begin with. In this paper, we isolate the effects of the self-consistent potential on coherent resonant tunneling. The details of the model are outlined first in Sec. II. In Sec. III, calculations of the transmissivity as a function of the incident carrier energy and current-voltage characteristics are presented with and without the effects of the self-consistent field as a function of the temperature and doping of the device. The self-consis tent calculation is compared to that corresponding to a re duced positive bias voltage. It is found that the resonance peak shifts in the presence of the self-consistent potential in a similar way to that corresponding to a lower positive applied bias. Finally, conclusions are presented in Sec. IV. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE MODEL The model is diagrammatically presented in Fig. 1. The goal is to solve the Schrodinger equation simultaneously with the Poisson equation. The first step in the calculation is to solve the Schrodinger equation in the presence of a uni form applied bias field neglecting the self-consistent contri bution from the carrier electric charge. The solution of the Schrodinger equation within each region under the applica tion of a constant applied electric field is given by a linear combination of Airy and complementary Airy functions. 28 The wave function and its first derivative are then matched at each interface throughout the structure. The imposition of these boundary conditions leads to a product of matrices coupling the incident to the outgoing wave function from the multilayer stack.28 The transmission coefficient can then be found from the incident and transmitted wave vectors, k and k', and transfer matrix elements as,28 2393 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 SELF-CONSISTENT SOLunON OF THE SCHROEDINGER EQUA nON !Input Device Structure I i Solve the Schroedinger Equation without the Self-Consistent FIeld. Obtain the transmission coefficient as a function of Incident energy. T (E) COiculate n(Z) using n(Z) =1: \I/I(Z, EI)\2.!!llllog(1 + e-(EI-£~,-1<T) EI lTo!I2 Solve the one-dimenslonoi Polss~" equation. -l} (E(Z)!) = qn(Z) Obtain V(Z) and F(Z) everywhere Use a piecewise linear approximation (5 A unit cells) and solve the Schroedinger equation in each region. Match the boundary conditions and recalculate T(E) No No FIG. 1. Diagrammatic flowchart detailing the computational method. T = k!k'l/Mil' where the matrix Mis, 28 1 (ik M = 2ik ik (1) -i~,)' (2) S (O,L) is the resultant of the product of the transfer matrices coupling the first barrier to the end of the superlattice struc ture. Once the overall transmission coefficient of the device has been found, the steady-state wave functions can be deter mined at each incident energy over the full range of interest. The electronic charge density can then be determined using p(z) = q L 1¢,(Ei,zWf[ E,Ej(zo)] , (3) E, whereJ1E,Ef(zo)] is the Fermi distribution. Note that the K. F_ Brennan 2393 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsdistribution function is taken as in equilibrium, despite the fact that a current flows through the structure. The distribu tion function, I(E) = 1/(1 +exp{[E; + (fi1k2/2m*) -EF]lkT}j, (4) is reasonably accurate since the x-y system is essentially de coupled from the z direction and can then be considered in a quasiequilibrium state. The evaluation of Eq. (3) with Eq. ( 4) is standard and yields p(z) = q L Irp(z,E;) 12 m~!T 10g(1 + e -(E,-Ejl/kT) • (5) E, 1T1T Equation (5) accounts only for left-to-right incident carriers. We have also included the charge density due to carriers impinging from the right-hand contact similar to Cahay et al.32 The total charge density is found as the sum of the two streams. We have found that the right-to-Ieft inci dent stream of electrons has a negligible effect on the current density for the structures and applied voltages considered herein. This can be easily understood as follows. The wave functions of the right-to-Ieft carriers are evanescent at ener gies less than or equal to the bias voltage. This is clear since the band bending of the structure is greater than the incident carrier energy at some place to the left of the contact until the incident carriers have energies greater than the bias voltage. Hence, the total transmissivity of the structure for these car riers is zero. Due to the exponential decay of the probability densities of these modes, their contribution to p (z) is small. . At higher incident energies, the modes are no longer evanes cent. Therefore, the probability densities are much greater. However, the distribution function, Eq. (4), decays rapidly since the energy must now be related to the right-hand con tact. We find that the right-to-Ieft contribution to p(z) has a less than 1 % effect. Therefore, the charge density is essen tially that given by Eq. (5). The charge density is then sub stituted into the one-dimensional Poisson equation, !{.(E(Z) d(J) = p(z), dz dz (6) and both the potential (J(z) and the field F(z) are obtained. The structure is partitioned into small, -5 A, cells in which the potential is assumed constant. The Schrodinger equation is then solved in each cell obtaining, once again, Airy func tion solutions, but now of different argument than before. From matching the boundary conditions, the transmission coefficient as a function of incident carrier energy is once again calculated. The program loops back to calculate the wave functions, n(z), (J(z), andF(z) until excellent conver gence is obtained. The convergence is determined from calculating the transmission versus incident energy as a function of the number of iterations. Figure 2 presents a sequence of calcu lations out to the fourth iteration using the Poisson solver. Notice that the solution is fairly well converged after only the second iteration with the Poisson equation. The rapid convergence is due to the selection of Airy functions as the zeroth order solution. In most instances, as we will discuss below, the self-consistent field solution departs only weakly from the uniform field approximation. Therefore, the uni- 2394 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 >f-4.00 0.00 ~ -4.00 (!) 51 (!) Z -8.00 « 0:: f- -12.00 Zeroth Iterotion 0.20 volts bios Temp = 300 K Well width = 50 A Borrler widths = 50 A Borrier heights = 0.347 eV Resonance: E, = 0.009 eV log T, = -3.505 -16.oo.j..--~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~ 0.00 0.04 O.OB 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0 . .32 >f-•. 00 0.00 '> Vi -4.00 (!) 51 (!) Z -8.00 « 0:: f- -12.00 First Iteration Resonance: ENERGY (eV) E, "0.017 eV log T, = -5.3899 -16.00+---~-__'_-~-~--~-~-~-~ 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 >f-4.00 0.00 ~ -4.00 (!) 51 (!) Z -8.00 « ~ -12.00 Second Iteration Resonance: E, = 0.017 eV log T, = -4.1312 -16.00 +---~---.--~-~--~-~-~-~ 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0 . .32 >f-4.00 0.00 ~ -4.00 (!) 51 (!) Z -8.00 « go -12.00 Third Iteration Resonance: E, = 0.017 .V log T, = -3.8851 -16.00.j..--~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~ 4.00 0.00 ~ -4.00 (!) 51 (!) Z -8.00 <{ a:: ..... -12.00 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.37 Fourth Iteration Resonance: E, = 0.017 eV log T, = -3.7604 -16.00 '----~-__._-~-~--~-~-~-~ 0.00 O.a.. 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 ENERGY (eV) FIG. 2. Series of plots of the logarithm of the transmissivity vs incident electron energy as a function of the number of iterations of the calculation. The zeroth iteration does not include the self-consistent potential. K. F. Brennan 2394 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsform field Airy function solution is already close to the final result. Plots of the wave function probability amplitude with and without the self-consistent field corresponding to the calculations in Fig. 2 are presented in Fig. 3. The wave func tion is plotted at an incident carrier energy of 0.009 eV corre sponding to the resonant energy peak for the zeroth iteration in Fig. 2. Notice that in the presence of the self-consistent field, Figs. 3 (b) and 3 (c), that the wave function is moved off resonance. The wave function is no longer symmetric about the center of the structure, as in Fig. 3(a). As dis cussed below, the self-consistent potential acts to screen the positive applied voltage, thereby altering the symmetry of the structure driving the wave function off resonance. Finally, the current density is calculated at each applied bias using13 0.20,,....-------, ~ I o Zeroth Iteration )( 0.16 E .. = 0.009 eV Resonance- w o ::> I- ::J 0.12 11. ::;: « ~ 0.011 ::J iIi « ~ 0.0' a: 11. 60.00 60.00 100.00 140.00 ';' 0.25"...------.., POSITION (A) o )( w o ::l I-0.20 ~ 0.15 ::;: « ~ 0.10 ::J iIi « ~ 0.05 a: 11. First Iteration E, = 0.009 eV Off Resonance o.oo-l-- ....... ==-,.-.L..-r----r---+--.---...,..-I I o 0.2~·,,00--2-0.-oo--4O.:.....oo:.:....., )( Second Iteration w 0.20 E, = 0.009 eV o Off Resonance ::> I- ~ 0.15 ::;: « ~ 0.10 ::J iIi « ~ 0.05 a: 11. 60.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 POSITION (A) FIG. 3. Series of plots of the wave function probability amplitude vs the device geometry as a function of the number of iterations of the calculation. The wave functions correspond to an incident energy of 0.007 eV. Notice that the wave function becomes "detuned" in the presence ofthe self-consis tent field. 2395 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 J =em*kT 2-rrff xi'" 1'ln( l+exp[(E F-Ej)/kT] )dE,(7) o l+exp[(EF-Ej-eVA)/kT] . where Va is the applied voltage across the entire device. The program steps through the full applied voltage range and the current density as a function of applied voltage is output. The current-voltage curve calculated from the above does not necessarily match the experimental data precisely since the effect of the equilibrium alignment of the Fermi levels in the device is not a priori accounted for. In equilibri um, the Fermi levels throughout the device are, of course, aligned. However, for this to happen in a roughly intrinsic double-barrier device, there must exist a zero field band bending. Therefore, it is necessary to apply additional vol tage from that calculated above in order to first obtain a ftatband condition and subsequently observe the negative differential resistance "knee." In order to determine what additional voltage is needed, it is necessary to know the posi tion of the Fermi levels in the well and barrier layers. This, in tum, depends upon the degree of "intrinsicness" of the mate rial. We have found that our calculations match the experi mental data25 reasonably well if there is a significant offset voltage arising from the Fermi levels. A more thorough in vestigation of the effect of the Fermi level will be presented in a future work where a systematic comparison to experimen tal data will be performed. III. RESULTS OF THE CALCULATIONS We have analyzed the effects of temperature and doping variation on both the transmissivity versus incident carrier energy and current-voltage characteristics for a single-well double-barrier, GaAs-Alo. 45 Gao. 55 As structure using the above model. The barrier heights are chosen to be 0.347 eV in magnitUde corresponding to the 60/40 rule conduction to valence-band-edge discontinuity. 33.34 The effective masses of the electrons in each region, as well as the nonpara bolicity factors, are taken from the work of Adachi. 35 Ener gy-dependent effective masses are used in the calculations . which accounts for the nonparabolicities of the conduction bands in both GaAs and AIGaAs. We first analyze the effect of the self-consistent potential on the transmissivity at various incident electron energies at both 0.10 and 0.15 V applied bias. From Figs. 4 and 5, it is clear that at higher temperatures the effect of the self-consis tent potential on the location and magnitude of the reso nance is more detrimental. At low applied bias voltage, 0.10 V, as the self-consistent field increases, arising from in creased doping or temperature, the transmissivity of the structure decreases abruptly. The self-consistent field acts to screen the bias field. Therefore,' as the self-consistent field becomes a greater fraction of the bias field, the incident car riers see a much lower effective positive voltage and the transmissivity decreases strongly. Figure 5 clearly illustrates how the resonance peak shifts in energy as a function of the self-consistent field at various temperatures. It is important to notice that the reso nance peak shifts monotonically in energy from 0.037 to K. F. Brennan 2395 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions0.00 -4.00 ~ ~ -8.00 U1 U1 ~ ~ -12.00 go -16.00 -20.00 0.00 0.00 -8.00 >-... 5 -16.00 iii U1 :iii U1 ~ -24.00 go -J2.oo -40.00 0.00 0.00 -4.00 ~ ~ -8.00' ~ ~ ~ -12.00 g: -16.00 0.04- 0.04 Without Self-Consistency 0.10 vol ts bios Well width = 50 A Barrier widths = 50 .1. Barriers heights = 0.347 eV Resonance: E, 0.055 eV \ log T, = -8.0945 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 ENERGY (EV) 0.24- 0.28 With Self-Consistency 0.10 volts bios Temp = 300 K Resonance: E, = 0.056 eV log T, = -16.17 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 r \·,~~".t~" 0.10 volts bios Temp = 25K Resonance: E, =0.055 eV log T, = -5.8865 -20.00 -I::---::-o::-:------=-~--:-r::--~_::_-~-~:---~- 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.28 ENERGY (EV) FIG. 4. Series of plots of the logarithm of the transmissivity vs incident electron energy at fixed bias, 0.10 V, and doping, 1 X 1O'81/cm3, but at dif ferent temperatures, 300 and 25 K. The transmissivity decreases in ampli tude strongly at 300 K in the presence of the self-consistent field. 0.041 eV in going from no self-consistent effects to increas ing self-consistent potential, 25-300 K. This is easily ex plained from Eq. (5), from which it is readily observed that the charge density increases dramatically with increasing temperature owing to both the exponential term in the loga rithm and the linear prefactor term. The self-consistent po tential increases with the charge density, thus at higher tem peratures and doping concentrations, its effects are more important. The self-consistent potential acts to screen the positive applied voltage such that a smaller band bending occurs throughout the device. Physically, this is equivalent in part to applying a smaller overall positive bias. It is well known that as the bias voltage increases, leading to larger band bending, the confined quantum-well state energy ap proaches the conduction-band minimum energy at the first contact, 17,28,29 and the resonance peak shifts to lower energy. If sufficient bias is applied, the resonance peak can disappear altogether.29 Alternatively, as the bias voltage decreases, less 2396 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 >... 0.00 -4.00 ? -8.00 U1 U1 ~ ~'-'2.00 g: -16.00 Without Self-Consistency 0.15 volts bios Well width = 50 A Barrier widths = 50 " Barrier heights = 0.347 eV Resononce: E, 0.037 eV log T, = -3.0824 '--..... ' FIG. 5. Series of plots of the logarithm of the transmissivity vs incident electron energy at fixed bias, 0.15V and 1 X 10'8 Vcm3 doping, but at differ ent temperatures, 300 and 25 K. Notice that the decrease in the transmissi vity is less at 300 K under 0.15 V bias than at 0.10 V bias. band bending occurs and the resonance shifts to higher inci dent carrier energies. From Fig. 5 it is apparent that the self consistent potential, by screening the applied bias voltage, shifts the resonance energy to higher values. Interestingly, the transmissivity decreases in magnitude as the screening potential increases. Figure 4 clearly shows that as the self consistent potential becomes comparable in magnitude to the applied bias, the transmissivity of the structure greatly decreases. As discussed below, this is apparently due to the fact that the self-consistent potential destroys the symmetry of the structure and, hence, drives the wave function off reso nance. The wave function no longer builds up from succes sive reflections and transmissions. Therefore, the Fabry Perot resonance buildup is avoided, leading to a much re duced transmissivity. The current density versus applied voltage at 25-300 K, both with and without the effects of the self-consistent po tential, are presented in Figs. 6 and 7. Notice that the nega tive differential resistance "knee" is shifted, in both cases, to K. F. Brennan 2396 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions8.00 E ~ 4.00 "' a. E o '-"" 0.00 >-f- Vi Q-4.00 o f- Z W-B.OO a:: a:: :::J U Temp -25 K Doping"" 1 ){ 10'81/cm3 --= Without Self-Consistency _._-= With Self-Consistency -12.oo-\---.---...---r--"---~--~-""-----. 0.04 O.OB 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.2B 0.32 0.36 VOLTAGE (V) FIG. 6. Logarithm of the current density vs applied bias voltage at 25 K and I X 10'Bl/cm3 doping, both with and without the self-consistency. Notice that the negative differential resistance "knee" is shifted to larger applied voltage in the presence of the self-consistent field. higher applied voltages when the effects of the self-consistent potential are included. The shift in the "knee" is much greater at 300 K than at 25 K, owing to the larger charge density and, hence, self-consistent potential present in the device. Tht: unnormalized wave function probability amplitude for left incidence carriers at an energy of 0.055 eV, corre sponding to the resonance state in the absence of the self consistent potential, is plotted versus the device geometry at 25 and 300 K in Fig. 8. The wave function is greatly distorted from the resonance shape (symmetric form) at 300 K. The wave function at 25 K is less disturbed, which gives a much higher transmissivity than at 300 K. In fact, the potential is such that the resonance at 25 K is stronger than the case where the self-consistent field is absent for the particular energy chosen. This is not truly surprising since we have not finely tuned the resonance to begin with. Ifwe choose a finer energy range, we can find the location of the resonance more precisely. Therefore, the apparent increase in the transmissi vity at 25 K is not a physical phenomenon, but is due to our not having tuned the resonance in the absence of the self consistent field more precisely in energy. 12.00 E u "0.00 "' a. E o ~ 8.00 >-f- Vi Q 6.00 o f- Z W 4.00 a:: a:: :::J U Temp = 300 K Doping -1 x 1018 1/ern3 - -With""t self_conSistenlcy ~ -- = With Self-Consistency // i 2.00 +---r--"---~--~-""-----.---r----. 0.04 O.OB 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.2B 0.32 0.36 VOLTAGE (V) FIG. 7. Logarithm of the current density vs applied bias voltage at 300 K and f X (018 Vern] doping, both with and without the self-consistent field. Notice the dramatic shift in the negative differential resistance "knee" in the presence of the self-consistent field to higher applied voltages. 2397 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 .. 0.2~ , o W o ::J f-0.20 ~ 0.15 :::< <! 'C 0.10 ..J iIi <! gs O.O~ a:: n. --NO Self-Consistency 0.10 volts bias Barrier height = 0.347 eV El = 0.055eV I I 0.00 -I===--..,--~-L-'T"""----'---+-_'T"""_---'--.l 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 POSITION (A) ~ 0.2~ ''''''=t-=n'S''''eiT-Conslstency o 0.10 volts bill 0.20 w 0 :::J f- ::::i n. 0.1~ ::E <{ ~ 0.10 ::::i iIi <{ III 0.05 o Q:: n. Temp = 300K oping = 1 x 1018/cm3 El· 0.055 eV 0.00 +-----.--.....,....--"'--'T"""----.---+---...------.~-' 0.00 20.00 40.00 80.00 110.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 .. 0.2~ ,r:=-;::-::-:c-:-:::-7':1 0, With Self-Consistency w o ::J f-0.20 i? 0.1~ ::E <{ ~ 0.10 ::::i iIi <{ gs 0.05 a:: n. 0.10 volts bias Temp =25K Doping = 1 )( 1018/cm3 El = 0.055 eV 0.00 ~=::;:::=----._L-'--_-r-_---'_-'::;:"'~--.-..J 0.00 20.00 40.00 80.00 110.00 100.00 140.00 POSITION (A) FIG. 8. Series of plots of the wave function probability amplitude vs the device geometry at fixed doping, but variable temperature. At 300 K with the self-consistency present, the wave function is very far off resonance at 0.055 eV, while in the absence of the self-consistent field the wave function is close to resonance. The effect of the contact doping concentrations <;m the transmissivity at both 0..10 and 0.20 V bias at 300 K is pre sented in Figs.. 9 and 10. As expected, as the doping in creases, the self-consistent potential increases owing to the increase in the Fermi level. From Eq. (5), the charge density increases. The self-consistent potential subsequently iIi creases, leading to an increased screening of the applied posi tive bias. The self-consistent field is again seen to have two important effects: the resonance energy is shifted upwards and the amplitude of the transmissivity decreases with in creasing self-consistent field. Notice, in both cases, the trans missivity amplitude decreases as the doping increases. The logarithm of the current density versus the applied K. F. Brennan 2397 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions0.00 -4.00 ~ 5 -1.00 ill ~ ~ -'2.00 ~ -'8.00 -20.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 >-I- 5 -8.00 Vi U1 ~ U1 Z « -'8.00 ~ -24.00 -J2.00 0.00 0.00 -8.00 ~ 5 -18.00 ill ~ ~ -24.00 I" -32.00 0.04 0.04 Without Self-Consistency 0.10 \/OIts bios Well width -50 l Barrfer widths = sol Barrfer height. -0.347 eV Resonance: E, 0.055 eV log T, = -8.0945 0.08 0.12 0.18 0.20 0.2' 0.28 ENERGY (EV) With Self-Consistency 0.10 volts bios Temp = 300 K Doping = 5 x 10171/cnn3 Resonance: E, = 0.055 eV log Tt = -9.396 0.08 0.12 0.'8 0.20 0.24 0.28 Doping=1X10'· With Self-Consistency 0.10 volts bios Temp = 300 K Resonance: E, 0.056 eV log Ti = -16.17 0.J2 0.32 -4Q.00 +---~--.,--~---.--~--~--~-~ 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.,2 0.'8 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.00 -8.00 ~ 5 -'8.00 ill . ~ ~ -24.00 I" -32.00 With Self-Consistency 0.10 voIt8 blall Temp = 300 K Doping = 5 x 10181/cm3 -~.OO+--~--~-~r--~--r--~--"---' 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.'2 0.'8 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 ENERGY eV FIG. 9. Series of plots of the logarithm of the transmissivity vs incident carrier energy under fixed bias 0.10 V and variable doping concentrations, 5X 1017,1 X 1018, and 5X 1018 Vcm3 at 300 K. As the doping concentration increases, the self-consistent field breaks the symmetry of the structure, leading to ~ much lower transmissivity. bias voltage at various doping concentrations and tempera tures is presented in Figs. 11-13. The negative differential resistance "knee" shifts again to higher voltages in each case owing to the screening effect. At 300 K and 5 X 1017 Vcm3 doping, Fig. 11, the "knee" shifts slightly less than the case at 1 X 1018 Vcm3 doping and 300 K, Fig. 4. This is as expected 2398 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 >-t- :> Vi U1 :; U1 Z « 0:: r >-f- :> Vi Vl ~ U1 z « 0:: f- >f-4.00 0.00 -4.00 -8.00 -12.00 ~·16.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 -4.00 -8.00 -12.00 -16.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 ~ -4.00 Vl ~ Vl Z -8.00 « ~ -12.00 -16.00 0.00 0.00 -4.00 >-... :> -8.00 en VI ~ VI ~ -12.00 eo -16.00 -20.00 0.00 Without Self-Conaistency 0.20 vol ta bios Weli width = 50 A Barrier widths = 50 l Borriera heights = 0.347 eV Resonance: E, = 0.009 eV log T, = -3.505 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 ENERGY (eV) With Sel f-Consisten cy 0.20 volts bios Temp = 300 K 10171/cm3 Doping = 5 x Resonance: E, 0.015 eV log Tt = -.1475 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 With Self-Consistency 0.20 volts bios Temp = 300 K Doping = 1 x 10181/cm3 Resonance: E, 0.017 eV log T, = -4.1312 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.20 0.24 0.24 0.24 With Self-Consistency 0.20 volts bios 0.28 0.28 0.28 Temp = JOOK 10181/cm3 Doping = 5 x Resonance: E, 0.023 eV log T, = -7.685 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 ENERGY (EV) FIG. 10. Series of plots of the logarithm of the transmissivity vs incident carrier energy under a 0.20 fixed bias and variable doping concentration 5 X 1017, 1 X 1018, and 5 X 1018 Vcm3 at 300 K. The transmissivity peak shifts upwards in voltage monotonically as the doping increases. Notice that the relative shift is greater at 0.20 V bias than at 0.10 V bias. since less charge is present and the screening is less in the lower doped device. Figure 13 presents an interesting case. The negative differential resistance peaks decrease dramati cally when the self-consistent field is added. Again, the peaks K. F. Brennan 2398 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions12.00 E <,0.00 rn c. E o ---B.OO >-r-- Vi ti 6.00 o r--z W 4.00 0:: 0:: ::> U Temp g 300 K Doping = 5 x 10" 1/cmJ --= Without Self-Consistency --= With Self-Consistency ~ L 2.00+--__r--~--~-_,_--.,__-__r--~-__, 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 VOLTAGE (V) . FIG. 11. Logarithm of the current density vs applied voltage at 300 K and 5 X 1017 Vcm3 doping, both with and without the self-consistent field. The voltage shift of the negative differential resistance "knee" is slightly less than at 1 X 1018 Vcm3 (Fig. 4). 8.00 N E < 4.00 III C. E o '-" 0.00 >-r-- Vi Q-4.00 o r--z W-8.00 0:: 0:: ::> U Temp = 25 K Doping = 5 x 1018 l/crrr"l --= Without Self-Conslsteney --= With Self-Consistency -12.00+--__r--~-_~-_,_--.,__-~--~-_ 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 VOLTAGE (V) FIG. 12. Logarithm of the current density vs applied bias voltage at 25 K and 5 X 1018 Vcm3 doping in the presence and absence of the self-consistent field. The voltage shift of the "knee" is similar to that at 1 X 1018 Vern3 (Fig. 6). 13.00 E () '-...'2.00 III c. E o '-"11.00 >-r-- Vi ~ 10.00 o W 9.00 0:: 0:: ::> U 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Temp"" 300 K Doping _ 5 )(10'8 'fem3 •••. -... "" Wlthout Self-Consistency --= With Self-Consistency 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 VOLT A GE (\/) 0.90 FIG. 13. Logarithm of the current density vs applied bias voltage at 300 K and 5X 1018 Vcm3 doping, both with and without the self-consistent field. Interestingly, the negative differential resistance peak decreases dramati cally owing to the much lower transmissivity of the structure when the self consistent field is included. One must look carefully at curve 2 to see the shifted features present in curve 1. Two very small peaks corresponding to the "knees" in curve 1 appear near 0.20 V bias in curve 2. 2399 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 >r--4.00 0.00 ~ -4.00 til ~ til Z -8.00 « g: -12.00 Without Self-Consistency 0.20 volts bios Well width = 50 A Barrier widths = 50 '" Barriers heights = 0.347 eV Resonance: E, 0.009 eV log T, = -3.505 -16.oo+---~-~--~--"__-_--_'_--_r_- 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 4.00 0.00 >-.-> -4.00 Vi til ~ til Z -8.00 « 0:: .- -12.00 ENERGY (eV) Without Self-Consistency 0.1775 volts bios Resonance: E, 0.023 eV log T, = -1.8825 -'6.OO+-----~--~-_--_,_--_r_-~~- >f-0.00 0.00 -4.00 ~ -8.00 (f) (f) ~ (f) ~ -12.00 f'; -16.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 With Self-Consistency 0.20 volts bios Temp = 300 K 18 :I Doping = 5 x 10 ·1/cm Resonance: E, 0.023 eV log T, = -7.685 -20.00 o;l;.0;;:0--:::0.~04:---:0:':.0:::-8-~0.C::'2:---:0~.':-6 --0~.2--:0--0.~24--0"".2-8- ENERGY (EV) FIG. 14. Sequence of plots of the logarithm of the transmissivity vs the incident carrier energy illustrating the similarity between the self-consistent field and a smaIler applied bias potential. Notice that a smaller bias pro duces a resonance at the same energy as in a structure with a self-consistent potential, but at a higher bias. are shifted to higher voltages but the peak to valley ratios are drastically reduced. The decrease is due to the much reduced transmissivity of the structure owing to symmetry breaking of the self-consistent field. IV. CONCLUSIONS From the preceding discussion, we have determined that the self-consistent field acts to screen the applied posi tive bias voltage, leading to an increase in the observed ener gy of the resonance peak and a lowering of the transmission amplitUde. Physically, the self-consistent field must be roughly comparable to applying a smaller bias voltage. Fig ure 14 compares the transmissivities as a function of incident electron energy in three cases: no self-consistent field at 0.20 K. F. Brennan 2399 Downloaded 22 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsV bias, with self-consistent field at 0.20 V bias, and rio self consistent field at 0.1775 V bias. From the figure, we see that applying a smaller positive bias results in positioning the resonance peak at the same energy as in the self-consistent case. The amplitude of the transmission resonance is much larger when a uniform field is used (0.1775 V bias) as op posed to the self-consistent case. It is not surprising that the transmission amplitude is smaller in the self-consistent case than in the Uniform field case since the symmetry of the structure is more greatly disturbed by the self-consistent po tential than the uniform potential. As we discussed in the Introduction, coherent resonant tunneling arises from the resonant buildup of the wave function within the well due to successive reflections and transmissions from the barriers as iIi a Fabry-Perot cavity oscillator. This type of tunneling is extremely sensitive to the symmetry of the structure. 16 As the potential becomes more distorted, the wave functions are driven well off resonance leading to a decay in the transmis sion resonance. Ricco and Azbel16 have shown that the ap plication of a uniform applied field breaks the symmetry of the structure, leading to a decrease in the coherent resonant transmissivity. The transmissivity can be increased back to unity by altering the geometry of the structure, i.e., changing the widths of the barrier layers such that the transmissivities of each barrier becomes equal at the desired bias voltage. In the presence of the self-consistent potential, the distribution of the charge and subsequent asymmetric potential profile leads to· a gross breaking of the symmetry of the structure and a subsequent "detuning" of the steady-state wave func tions. In summary, we have demonstrated, using a piecewise linear solution of the coupled Schrodinger and Poisson equa tions, the effects of the self-consistent potential on both the transmissivity and current-voltage characteristics of a dou ble-barrier structure. The self-consistent potential detunes the coherent resonance by altering the symmetry of the po tential, leading to Ii reduced transmissivity. In addition, the self-consistent potential shifts the resonance to higher ener gy due to the screening of the applied positive bias. It is found that, as expected from the equilibrium distribution function, that the self-consistent field is most important at high lattice temperatures, -300 K, and high doping concentrations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank Dr. C. J. Summers and Dr. W. R. Frensley for many helpful technical discussions on this work. The author is also indebted to Professor K. Hess and T. K. Gaylord for their technical suggestions and comments. The assistance of Peggy Knight and Diana Fouts at the Georgia Institute of Technology in preparing this 2400 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.6, 15 September 1987 manuscript is gratefully acknowledged. This work was sup ported in part by the Eastman Kodak Company under Grant No. R6074-0AO and by the E. I. DuPont Young Fa culty Investigators Program. IL. Esaki and R. Tsu, IBM J. Res. Dev. 14, 61 (1970). 2R. Chin, N. Holonyak, Jr., G. E. Stillman, J. Y. Tang, and K. Hess, Elec tron. LeU. 16, 467 (1980). 3F. Capasso, W. T. Tsang, A. L. Hutchinson, and G. F. Williams, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 38 (1982). 4H. Blauvelt, S. Margalit, and A. Yariv, Electron. Lett. 18, 375 (1982). 5K. Brennan, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-22, 1999 (1986). 6K. 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Electrooptic voltage profiling of modulationdoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures P. Hendriks, F. J. M. Schnitzeler, J. E. M. Haverkort, J. H. Wolter, Kees de Kort, and G. Weimann Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 1763 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101284 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101284 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/18?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Interface roughness scattering in GaAs–AlGaAs modulationdoped heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 3329 (1994); 10.1063/1.112382 Electrooptic phase modulation in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well waveguides Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 945 (1988); 10.1063/1.99236 Photoconductivity of a modulationdoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure induced by fast neutron irradiation J. Appl. Phys. 63, 2154 (1988); 10.1063/1.341073 Quadratic electrooptic light modulation in a GaAs/AlGaAs multiquantum well heterostructure near the excitonic gap Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 989 (1986); 10.1063/1.96633 Hot electrons in modulationdoped GaAsAlGaAs heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, 322 (1984); 10.1063/1.94739 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:09:49Electro .. optic voltage profiling of moduialion .. doped GaAsl AIGaAs heterostructures p, Hendriks, F. J. M. Schnitzeler, J. E. M. Haverkort, and J. H. Woiter Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Physics, NL-5600 ME Eindhoven, The Netherlands Kees de Kort Philips Research Laboratories, NL-5600 JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands G. Weimann Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Bundespost beim FTZ, D-6J ()() Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany (Received 21 December 1988; accepted for publication 15 February 1989) The electro-optic effect of GaAs is applied to profile the voltage distribution of the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a GaAsl AIGaAs heterostructure. In our setup we reached a voltage sensitivity of2 mY. We used this technique to characterize the local resistivity of the 2DEG. The results are consistent with those obtained from scanning electron microscopy voltage contrast measurements, Modulation-doped GaAsl AIGaAs heterostructures are widely used to study two-dimensional transport phe nomena. For the correct interpretation of experimental data of electrical transport measurements knowledge of the local potential of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the GaAsl AIGaAs interface is of great importance. The linear electro-optic effect or Pockels effect is ex tremely useful to measure voltages. 1-6 The measuring tech nique is based on the fact that the birefringency of the elec tro-optic crystal changes with the applied electric field. In the right experimental geometry this effect leads to a change of the polarization of light. This change of polarization can be measured with great accuracy. In this letter we describe how the electro-optic effect of the semi-insulating (SO GaAs substrate can be used to pro file voltages in the 2DEG of a modulation-doped GaAsl AlGaAs heterostructure. We use this technique to deter mine the homogeneity of the conductivity of the 2DEG, which can show both abrupt and more gradual changes.7-9 The samples used in this study are selectively doped he terostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on a SI GaAs substrate. The structures consist of a 5 pm GaAs buffer layer, a 36 nm undoped Alo.38 Ga().62 As spacer, a 31 nm Si-doped Alo.3sGao.6zAs layer, and a 24 nm GaAs cap layer. Themobilityofthe2DEGisO,82 (36) m2/V sand the electron concentrations 2.5 X 1015 (1.9 X 1015) m -·2 at 300 K (4.2K), A Hall bar configuration was photolithographically de fined and mesa etched [see Fig. 1 (a) ]. The ohmic contacts were formed by alloying small In spheres into the surface [ the black circles in Fig. 1 (a) ], We polished the rear of the sample and subsequently evaporated a 100 A layer of Au on it to maintain an equipotential plane as a reference for the potential of the 2DEG. For a current flowing through the 2DEG two electric field components are present: one paral lel to the 2DEG and one between the 2DEG and the Au layer. The experimental setup is depicted in Fig, 1 (b), As a light source we use an InGaAsP diode laser with a wave length). of 1.3 f.lm and a power of 1 m W. The light is polar ized by a Glann-Taylor polarizer and is subsequently fo-cused on the sample to a spot of 40 f.lm. This spot can be moved across the sample by displacing the total optical setup with an xy stage. The light polarized along the (100) axis is passed through the GaAs heterostructure along the (00 1) axis in the same direction as the electric field between the 2DEG and the Au layer. Only this perpendicular electric field gives a noticeable phase difference. In the described geometry the phase difference t.r between the slow and fast axis is given by 10 (1) where no and Y4l are the refractive index and the component of the electro-optic tensor of the GaAs, d is the thickness of the substrate, Ez (x,y,z) is the electric field along the z direc tion, and V( x,y) is the potential difference between the refer ence electrode and the 2DEG at position (x,y). From Eq. ( 1 ) it follows that the phase difference and the potential are directly proportional to each other and the potential of the 2DEG is measured. If a quarter-wave plate is used the inten sity of the transmitted light depends linearly on the phase difference. 10 To detect small variations in intensity we mod ulated the potential V(x,y). This results in a modulated in tensity of the transmitted light. This intensity variation is 2 9 8 (a) (b) FIG. 1. Cal Geometry of the samples used in this study. The black circles are the indium ohmic contacts. The dashed lines indicate the four voltage line scans [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) J. The box displays the area of the sample which has been studied by SEM voltage contrast (Fig. 3). (b) The experi mental setup for the electro-optic voltage probe experiment. 1763 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (18), 1 May 1969 0003-6951/89/181763-03$01.00 (0) 1989 American Institute of Physics 1763 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:09:49. • 0$ Q.20 .... II l jUl ". f ~lkH . E '.: t~3s: L~LLLL~J~' '='~~~l · 1 2 3 40.S 1.0152.0 2.5 (a) y!mm) (b) .[mmJ FIG. 2. (a) Potential of the 2DEG with respect to the Au layer at the rear, for contact 2 at 0.7 V and contact 9 connected to the Au layer, scanned along the dashed line! of Fig. I (a). Fo]]owingthelinesII, III, and IV of Fig. I (a}, we obtain voltage profiles as indicated in (b). I,incs II and III are almost fiat, but line IV shows a step, which we associate with an interruption ofthe 2DEG. detected with a photodetector and lock-in amplifier. r41 was measured by applying a known voltage between the 2DEG and the Au layer, without a current flowing through the 2DEG, and was about 1.48 pm/V. This result was also used to calibrate the experimental setup. With the described experimental setup we obtained sen sitivities of2 mY, when the laser spot was kept at one posi tion. When scanning over the sample some additional uncer tainties of about the same order of magnitude in the measured potential are introduced due to variations in the transmission. During the electro-optic experiments we kept contact 1 at 0.7 V and contact 9 at 0 V. When we scanned along line I of Fig. I (a) we obtained the voltage profile given in Fig. 2 (a) . One observes that the slope of the curve in the lower part of the curve (0 < y < 2.4 mm) is steeper than in the upper part, implying a change in the resistance of about a factor of 2. In Fig. 2 (b) the voltage profiles of lines II, III, and IV are depicted. A quite extraordinary step is found in line IV, where a drop of almost 0.25 V is present. Intuitively we associated this step with an interruption of the 2DEG between contacts 8 and 9. This also then would explain the two different slopes of curve I. The current then would flow in the upper part through a 2-mm-wide region, while in the lower part the current flows through an approxi mately I-mm-wide regi.on with a higher resistance. To check this interpretation we performed a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) voltage contrast measure ment,7.11 which in a different way also measures the electri cal potential of the surface. The primary electron beam of the scanning electron microscope generates secondary elec trons. The number of secondary electrons detected strongly depends on the surface potential. An area with a positive potential appears dark on the monitor while a negative area appears bright. In Fig. 3 a SEM voltage contrast image of the part of the sample enclosed by the box [Fig. 1 (a)] is shown. We held contact 2 at 0 V and contact 9 at 2 V. One immedi- 1764 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 18, 1 May 1989 FIG. 3. SEM voltage contrast image of the part ofthe sample within the box which is indicated in Fig. I (a). Contact 2 is at zero voltage while contact 9 is kept at 2 V. The dark regions are associated with a large positive value while the lighter regions have smaller values. Clearly visible is the step in potential between contacts 8 and 9. ately observes the sharp contrast between contacts 8 and 9 indicating a large potential difference. This contrast exactly coincides with the potential drop we found with the electro optic experiments. It is also clear that this interruption stops almost 2 mm above the lower contacts, confirming that the resistance of the lower part of the sample is larger than in the upper part. It is also interesting to note that the interruption of the 2DEG is exactly parallel to the (110) crystal axis. We have already reported on this feature earlier.7 Since these interruptions are both present in MBE and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition material, they probably arise from an imperfection in the substrate. The main advantage of the electro-optic voltage profil ing above SEM voltage contrast is that there is almost no influence of the measuring system on the device. Further more, the electro-optic measuring technique is extremely well suited to be used at low temperatures and in high mag netic fields. This makes it possible to tackle, for example, the fundamental prol?lem of current and potential distribution under quantum Hall conditions. 12.13 In conclusion, we used the electro-optic effect of the GaAs substrate to profile the potential of the 2DEG of a GaAsl AlGaAs heterostructure. Furthermore, we showed how this technique is a powerful tool to characterize GaAsl AIGaAs heterostructures. The authors are grateful to J oris V rehen for performing the SEM voltage contrast experiments and to Peter Nouwens for the preparation of the samples. Part of this work was supported by the Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie. 'J. A. Valdmanis, G. A. Mourou, andC. W. Gabel, IEEE!. Quantum Elec tron. 19,644 (1983). '1. A. Valdmanis, G. A. Momou, and C. W. Gabel, App!. Phys. Lett. 41, 211 (1983). Hendriks et al. 1764 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:09:493J. A. Vaidmanis and G. A. Mourou, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 22, 69 (1986). 4S. H. Kolner and D. M. Bloom, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 22, 79 (1986). 'Y. H. Lo, Z. H. Zhu, C. L. Pan, S. Y. Wang, and S, y, Wang. Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1125 (1987). oz. H. Zhu, C. L. Pan, Y. H. Lo, M, C. Wu, S. Wang, B. H. Koiner, and S, Y. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 50,1228 (1987). 7P. Hendriks, K. de Kart, R. E. Horstman, J. P. Andre, C. T. Faxon, and J. Wolter, Semicond. Sci. Techno!. 3,521 (1988). 1765 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No.1 S. i May i 989 'Po F. Fontein, P. Hendriks, J. Wolter, R. Peat, and D. E. Williams, J. App!. Phys. 64, 3085 (1988). "P. F. Fontein, P. Hendriks, J. 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Electrical properties of ion beam recrystallized and laser beam annealed arsenic implanted silicon on sapphire G. Alestig, G. Holmén, and J. Linnros Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 62, 409 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.339812 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.339812 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/62/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Temperature dependence of the picosecond carrier relaxation in siliconirradiated silicononsapphire films J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1850 (1987); 10.1063/1.339568 CO laser annealing of arsenicimplanted silicon J. Appl. Phys. 53, 3923 (1982); 10.1063/1.331102 Pulsed electron beam annealing of arsenicimplanted silicon J. Appl. Phys. 53, 276 (1982); 10.1063/1.329876 Scanned electron beam annealing of arsenicimplanted silicon Appl. Phys. Lett. 37, 1036 (1980); 10.1063/1.91755 Scanningelectronbeam annealing of arsenicimplanted silicon Appl. Phys. Lett. 34, 410 (1979); 10.1063/1.90816 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:32:15Electrical properties of ion beam recrystallized and laser beam anneaied arsenic~implanted sUicon on sapphire G. Alestig, G. Holmen, and J. Linnros Department of Physics, Chalmers University afTechnology, S-41296 Goteborg, Sweden (Received 18 November 1986; accepted for publication 27 February 1987) A 300-ke V neon ion beam has been used to epitaxially regrow an amorphous surface layer in silicon on sapphire at three different target temperatures, 350, 400, and 450"c' The layer was produced by implantation of 40 keY, 1015 arsenic ions/cm2• After the ion beam induced recrystallization, only a few percent of the dopants were electrically active. However, the electrical activity increased to 70%-80% by a subsequent cw laser anneaL Channeling measurements showed that the crystal quality of these samples was better than that for samples subjected only to laser annealing. Measurements of the angular dependence of the backscattering yield showed that, for the ion beam recrystallized samples, the arsenic atoms were displaced from substitutional positions. I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, a number of investigations have been devoted to ion beam induced epitaxial regrowth of amor phous layers in semiconductors. The phenomenon has been studied with respect to mass and energy of the annealing ion, target temperature, crystal orientation, and for a channeled or nonchanneled annealing beam, 1-14 Most experiments have been made on silicon, and the amorphous layer has usually been created by a silicon ion implantation. However, in some cases a doping element, such as phosphorus, 15 arsenic, II or antimony,H-1O has been used. For arsenic and antimony, the substitutional fraction as determined by channeling measurements is reported to be about 90% following ion beam induced recrystallization. An interesting question is then, what are the electrical properties of the materials, particularly since thermal or laser anneal ing of them makes a high percentage of the dopants electri canyactive. In the work presented, electrical measurements on ion beam recrystallized silicon on sapphire (SOS) have been performed. The effect of a subsequent cw laser annealing of the ion beam recrystallized material has also been investigat ed. Channeling measurements were used to determine the structural properties of the regrown layers. II. EXPERIMENT The material used in the experiments was intrinsic, 0.6- 11m (100) silicon on sapphire. A 3-in. wafer was implanted with 40 keY, 1015 arsenic ions/cm2 at room temperature, thereby creating an amorphous surface layer approximately 550 A thick. After the implantation, the wafer was cut into samples measuring 5 X 7 mm2 for channeling analysis and sheet resistivity measurements, and 9 X 14 mm2 for Hall ef fect measurements. The ion beam induced recrystallization was performed with 300-keV ZONe I ions at three different target tempera tures, 350, 400, and 450°C. A low dose rate, 3.9X 1012 ions/ cm2 S, was used to minimize the effect of beam heating. The target was mounted with the surface normal 7° off the beam direction. The neon dose required to regrow the amorphous layer was found to be 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5 X 1016 ions/cm2 for the target temperatures 350, 400, and 450°C, respectively. During the ion beam regrowth stage, a number of sam ples were mounted in the same holder but masked from the ion beam. In this way, we also obtained samples thermally treated for 2 h 30 min, 2 h, and 1 h at 350, 400, and 450°C, respectively. To enable comparison with conventional fur~ mace annealing, one SOS sample and one bulk silicon sample were annealed at 850°C for 30 min. Laser annealing was performed on the recrystallized samples and also on the samples that had only been thermal ly treated. The laser system consisted of a cw argon-ion laser operated at 5145 A, a lSO-mm focusing lens, and a scanning system. The focused beam was scanned over the samples at 1 cm/s and with 9 p.m between each line. The beam diameter was approximately 40 j.tm at lie intensity. Laser powers between 1.4 and 2.0 W were used in the investigation. Melt ing of the silicon surface occurred at about 2.1 W. The ion beam recrystallized and the laser annealed sam ples were analyzed by the channeling technique using a beam of 230-keV protons entering in the (100) direction, The back scattered particles were detected at a scattering angle of 135° with a surface-barrier detector cooled to -50°C, A description of the equipment and the procedure for the mea surements is given in Ref. 7. To investigate lattice location of the arsenic atoms, we used the method of measuring the angular dependence of the yield of back scattered particles.]1> Using this method, a com parison was made between the angular dependence of the yield for protons backscattered by the arsenic atoms and for protons backscattered by the silicon atoms. If all arsenic atoms are located on substitutional lattice sites, the two sig nals will coincide except for scale, while other locations will give a distorted arsenic channeling dip. A beam of 230-keV protons was used and the target was tilted to a maximum angle of 2.4° between the < 100) direction and the proton beam. Sheet resistivity measurements were made using a four point probe. i7 On some samples, the effective mobility and the effective sheet carrier concentration were determined by Hall-effect measurements. IS For the Hall-effect measure- 409 J. Appl. Phys. 62 (2). 15 July 1987 0021-8979/87/140409-05$02.40 @ i 987 American Institute of Physics 409 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:32:15ments, a laser power of 2.1 W had to be used to obtain sheet resistivities previously observed at 2.0 W. The discrepancy was due to a slightly increased spot size of the laser beam. !!I. RESULTS A. Channeling measurements Figure 1 shows channeling spectra for the ion beam re crystallized samples. It can be seen that the amorphous layer has been completely regrown by the ion beam. However, the backscattering yield has not resumed the virgin level, indi cating that some damage remains in the material. Much of this damage is probably caused by the neon implantation, which produces defects, particularly at depths close to the projected range.7 This agrees with the fact that the samples annealed at 350°C, which received the highest neon dose, have the highest damage level. Figure 1 also shows a spectrum for a sample only sub jected to a thermal treatment at 450 "C. The amorphous lay er, initially 550 A thick, has regrown about 80 A. For the samples treated at the lower temper:atures, 350 and 400°C, this value was smaller. Thus, the thermally induced re growth was small compared to the ion beam induced, Pre vious investigations have shown a high initial thermal growth rate due to regrowth of the partially damaged region beyond the amorphous/crystalline interface. When this re gion was regrown, a much lower rate was observed,7 Spectra for the samples which were both ion beam re crystallized and laser beam annealed are shown in Fig. 2. The laser annealing reduces the back scattering yield to a low DEPTH (.4) 6000 4000 2000 c 18 ~ 16 ! ~ :14 z ~ 8 12 o g 10 "'""' 8 4 ' i i 2 ~ ION BEAM ONLY AS IMPLANTED1 Ijtr} THERMAL 450 ·c 11 : ~,~ ,: \~" ~ II ....... \~., .~ !' ...... '.:\ ~ I ...... '\\, ~ I ...... ~, .. ~. I ..... ~ ~.' ········ ... ~V350 DC 400 oC/··.~'~ 4500C~~ VIRGIN/··..::' '" 50 100 150 200 CHANNEL NUMBER FIG. 1. Backscattering spectra for SOS implanted with 4O-keV lOIS As ions/em2 and ion beam recrystatlized with 300-keV Ne ions at different target temperatures. Spectra for an as-implanted sample and for a sample only subjected to a thermal treatment at 450 'C are also shown. 410 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.2, 15 July 1987 U1 t-z ::J 0 u 0 0 0 """ 0 ...J w H >-DEPTH CA) 6000 4000 2000 o 18 16 14 12 !- I I , 10 8 6 4 2 o ION BEAM t 2.0 W LASER AS IMPl..ANTED~ /f"\ I \\ I ' r' ¥-'~ \ """:\'\" '~\ '~. '~. 450·C ",.~ ?:)(VIRGIN 350 ·C -'" :) 400 ·C/'·"- 50 100 i50 200 CHANNEL NUMBER FIG. 2. Backscattering spectra for SOS implanted with 40-keV 1015 As ions/crn2 and annealed, first with a 300-keV Ne beam at three different target temperatur~s and then with a 2.0-W laser beam. As-implanted and virgin spectra are also shown. level, which shows that any remaining damage from the ar senic implantation and the damage caused by the neon im plantation has been removed. The lowest damage level is obtained for samples ion beam recrystallized at 400 ·C, while for 350 ·C the level is slightly higher. For both temperatures the backscattering yield is actually below the yield for virgin SOS, but since the virgin spectrum was taken on a sample from a different wafer, the significance of this is perhaps not clear. The spectrum for 450 DC is a little above the spectra for the two other temperatures, probably due to the creation of more stable defects during implantation at this temperature. Figure 3 shows spectra for the samples treated at 400 dc. Here it can be seen that the sample that had only a thermal treatment before the laser annealing has a higher damage level than if it also had been ion beam recrystallized. The same was observed for the temperatures 350 and 450 "C. The angular dependence of the yield for protons back scattered in the depth interval 0-800 A is shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that due to planar channeling, unity normal ized yield represents a lower yield than for a random direc tion. It is clearly seen in Fig. 4 that for the sample which had only been recrystallized by the ion beam, a large fraction of the arsenic is not substitutional since the dip in the arsenic signal is both shallower and narrower than the dip in the silicon signaL It is also seen in Fig. 4 that after laser annealing the substitutional arsenic fraction increases. Samples which were not regrown by the ion beam but were subjected to the same thermal treatments showed a still higher fraction upon laser annealing, and have an arsenic signal that almost coin- Alestig. Holmen, and Linnros 410 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:32:15DEPTH (A) 6000 4000 2000 a i8 DIFFERENT TREATMENTS AT 400 Cc 16 (,,') 14 AS IMPLANTED!\ I-z :::::J 0 12 u ! .~. 0 / \ 0 10 (('2\ \ I 0 I .,..., <"~~':"" \ 8 ',j,,\; \ \ \" ''\, 0 '\~, " ..-l lJ.J 6 .. :'. ''\, H "'~'" , ............... ION BEAM >-! ';~:'~"',:XVIRGIN 4 ~ iTHERMAL + LASER~'~ "-., /<~ 2 t ION BEAM + LASER '. '~ 0 50 100 150 200 CHANNEL NUMBER FIG. 3, Backscattering spectra for 50S implanted with 40-keV 1015 As ions/cm2 and subjected to different treatments at 400 'CO As-implanted and virgin spectra are also shown. • ION BEAM • ION BEAM ... LASER A THERMAL + LASER 0 • ..-l 1.0 IJ...I H >- 0 lJ.J N H ....J 4.: ::E II a z 0,5 0.0 -3 -2 -1 0 i 2 3 ANGLE (DEG) FIG. 4. Normalized backscattering yield as a function of angle between the proton beam and the target. The angle is relative to the < ! 00) direction and the SOS target was implanted with 4O-keV 1015 As ions/cm2, The yield for protons backscattered by the arsenic atoms is shown for three different cases: (a) ion beam recrystallized at 450 'C, (b) ion beam recrystallized at 450·C and laser annealed, and (c) thermally treated at 450 ·C and laser annealed, The yield for protons backscattered by the silicon atoms is also shown. 411 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.2, 15 July 1987 cides with the silicon signal. This indicates that a substantial part of the dopants are on substitutional sites and should be electrically active. B. Electrical measurements The results of the sheet resistivity measurements are shown in Fig. 5. Before laser annealing, all samples had high sheet resistivities. The ion beam recrystallized samples had sheet resistivities ranging from 3 kH/D for 450°C to 8 kH/D for 350°C. The thermal reference samples had sheet resisti vities between 3 kn/D for 450 ·C and 40 kfl/D for 350 "C. After laser annealing the sheet resistivity decreases, but in quite a different way for the ion beam regrown samples compared with the thermal references. The latter reach a low sheet resistivity, about 1400/0, at 1.7 Wand the sheet resistivity is then approximately constant up to the highest laser power used. This behavior agrees with earlier laser an nealing studies.19 The ion beam recrystallized samples re quire a much higher laser power to get low sheet resistivities. Not until 2.0 W do the sheet resistivities decrease to about 160 H/D, which is still a bit higher than for the thermal references. Table I shows the results of the Hall-effect measure ments. Ion beam recrystallized samples had effective mobili ties between 31 and 46 cm2/V s, the highest value for the highest temperature, 450"C. After laser annealing the mo bilities increased slightly for the lowest temperatures and an ANNEAL PRIOR TO LASER: 105 ~ + LASER ONLY • THERMAL 350 DC 0 ION BEAM 350 ·C • A THERMAL 400 ·C 0' ~ b-ION BEAM 400 ·C ....... • THERMAL 450 DC (f) ION BEAM 450·C ;;;;;: A~ <) ::c 9. o~~\ 10' >-I-A~\ H >- ,.~~\\ H I- (f) t H (f) ·\'o~ I.JJ 0: I-j 03 I.JJ § ~ ~,o\ I.JJ ::c (f) \ ~\ \:~ \~ '6 ...... _i :102 l , 1 o 1.4 1.8 1.8 2.0 LASER POWER (W) FI G. 5. Sheet resistivity before laser annealing (0 W) and after annealing at different laser powers, The samples were implanted with 10" As ions/cm2 at 40 keY, Open symbols refer to ion beam recrystallized samples and filled symbols to thermal reference samples. Alestig, Holmen, and Linnros 411 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:32:15TABLE I. Effective mobility, Peff' and effective sheet carrier concentration, (N, jeff' determined by Hall-effect measurements for 50S implanted with 1015 As ions!cm2 at 40 keV. Results are given for samples ion beam recrys tallized at different temperatures and for samples which have been subse quently laser annealed. Values for SOS and bulk silicun furnace annealed at 850 'c are also shown. f-ieff (Ns Jeff Annealing (cm2/V s) (1015 em-2) Ion beam 350'C 31 0.025 400'C 40 0.034 450'C 46 0.036 Ion beam 350'C 48 0.68 + Laser 400'C 47 0.75 450'C 47 0.79 Furnace, SOS 8500C 57 0.68 Furnace, bulk Si 8500C 84 0.67 samples obtained mobilities of about 47 cm2 IV s, i.e., no ma jor change was observed. The effective sheet carrier concen tration, on the other hand, shows a drastic increase after laser annealing. The number of electrically active arsenic atoms rises from about 3% to values between 68% and 79%. Furnace annealing at 850°C results in a mobility of 57 cm2 I V s for SOS and 84 cm2 IV s for bulk silicon. The number of electrically active arsenic atoms is about the same as for the material subjected to the combined ion beam and laser treat ment. IV. DISCUSSION The most striking result of the present investigation is that even if an ion beam can induce a complete recrystalliza tion of an arsenic implanted silicon layer, the resistivity of the material remains high. The Hall-effect measurements show that the high resistivity is not due to a low mobility, but is explained by a low electrically active fraction of the do pants. In Table I it can be seen that the mobility of furnace annealed material is higher, particularly for bulk silicon, That the mobility is lower in 50S than in bulk silicon is well known and is explained by a higher defect density in the SOS material. The lower mobility in the ion beam recrystallized and laser beam annealed SOS compared with the furnace annealed SOS may be due to an incomplete annealing by the laser treatment of the defect complexes created during the neon ion bombardment.6,7 All mobility values presented here are rather low, but this is due to the high doping level of the samples. The mobil ity in low doped or intrinsic SOS is, of course, much higher, where values in the range 200-600 cm2 IV s can be ob tained,2o,21 The conclusion about the low electrically active fraction of the dopants is supported by the angular dependence of the backscattering yield (Fig, 4), where the arsenic signal has a shallower and narrower dip than the silicon signal. The re duced depth of the dip indicates that a substantial part of the arsenic is randomly distributed in the silicon lattice, i.e., not on substitutional sites. That the dip for arsenic is narrower than for silicon can be interpreted as some arsenic atoms sitting close to silicon rows, but displaced from substitution al positions. 412 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.2, 15 July 1987 It should be pointed out that only one arsenic dose (l015/cm2) and one mass and energy of the annealing ion has been used in our investigation, Different beam param eters might lead to an increased number of electrically active dopants.22 The properties of the ion beam recrystallized silicon somewhat resemble the properties of silicon implanted at a high temperature, where the material has relatively little damage but usually very few electrically active dopants. Mayer et al.23 have, for instance, implanted 1015 arsenic ions/cm2 in silicon at 500 cC and obtained only 1.5% of the arsenic electrically active. It is also interesting to compare with results from channeling measurements on silicon im planted with arsenic at 450 °C.24•25 Here, an attenuation of about 50% was seen in the yield for channeled helium ions backscattered by the arsenic atoms. This result is similar to what is seen in Fig. 4 for a sample ion beam recrystallized at 450 cC. The arsenic in the ion beam recrystallized silicon can be made el.ectrically active by a laser annealing treatment. It is interesting to note that at the lowest laser power used, 1.4 W, all ion beam recrystallized samples reach the same sheet re sistivity. Obviously, laser annealing at this power produces about the same number of electrically active arsenic atoms, irrespective of the temperature used during ion beam recrys tallization. However, to obtain low sheet resistivities, a high laser power is required so that the crystal temperature is raised to just below the melting point. By decreasing the scan velocity and thereby increasing the time at high tempera ture, it should be possible to use a lower temperature during the laser anneaL This has been confirmed by some prelimi nary measurements. The laser annealing of ion beam recrys tallized material again resembles the situation for silicon im planted at a high temperature, where a high annealing temperature is needed to activate the dopants. 26 To further investigate the reason forthe high resistivity of the arsenic implanted layers after the ion beam recrystalli zation, the following experiment was performed. Some ofthe laser annealed samples were again exposed to a neon beam. The target temperature was 400°C and the ion dose was the same as that used for the ion beam recrystallization. The resistivity of these samples increased and resumed values about the same as they had prior to the laser annealing. This shows that the neon ion bombardment and the associated generation of point defects have a tendency to move the ar senic out of substitutional sites. Thus, if some arsenic atoms are incorporated in the lattice during the ion beam recrystal lization, there is a high probability that they will be moved out of lattice sites by the continued ion bombardment. The mechanism of such a displacement could be the formation of arsenic defect complexes. v. CONCLUSIONS A 300-keV neon ion beam can induce regrowth of an amorphous arsenic implanted silicon layer, but after the ion beam induced recrystallization only a few percent of the do pants are electrically active. This has been shown to be due to a displacement of arsenic atoms from lattice sites. By a cw laser annealing, the residual damage can be removed and the Aiestig, Holmen, and Linnros 412 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:32:15dopants activated. The required laser power is higher than for samples not exposed to the neon beam, but the crystal quality is better for samples that were regrown by the ion beam before the laser annealing. No major difference in the electrical properties was observed between samples which were ion beam recrystallized at different temperatures. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank J. J acobsson for techni cal assistance. Financial support was received from the Swe dish Board for Technical Development and from the Swe dish Natural Science Research Council. 'G. Holmen, S. Peterstrom, A. Buren, and E. Bi1\gh, Radiat. Elf. 24, 45 ( 1975). 2G. Holmen, and A. Buren, and P. Hogberg, Radiat. Eff. 24, 51 (1975). 'I. Golecki, G. E. Chapman, S. S. Lau, B. Y. Tsaur, andJ. W. Mayer, Phys. Lett. 71A, 267 (1979). '1. Nakata and K. Kajiyama, App!. 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Extremely low resistance nonalloyed ohmic contacts on GaAs using InAs/InGaAs and InAs/GaAs strainedlayer superlattices C. K. Peng, G. Ji, N. S. Kumar, and H. Morkoç Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 900 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100109 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100109 View Table of Contents: http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/APPLAB/v53/i10 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Observation of a 0.5 conductance plateau in asymmetrically biased GaAs quantum point contact Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 102401 (2012) Carrier control and transport modulation in GaSb/InAsSb core/shell nanowires Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 103501 (2012) Lateral transport properties of Nb-doped rutile- and anatase-TiO2 films epitaxially grown on c-plane GaN Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 072107 (2012) Electrical transport behavior of n-ZnO nanorods/p-diamond heterojunction device at higher temperatures J. Appl. Phys. 112, 036101 (2012) Valence band offset of n-ZnO/p-MgxNi1−xO heterojunction measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 052109 (2012) Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett. Journal Homepage: http://apl.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://apl.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://apl.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://apl.aip.org/authors Downloaded 12 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsExtremely low resistance nonaUoyed ohmic contacts on GaAs USing InAsllnGaAs and inAs/GaAs strained .. layer superlaUices c. K. Peng. G. Ji, N. S. Kumar, and H. Morkot;: University a/Illinois, Coordinated Science Laboratory, } 101 West Springfield Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801 (Received 22 April 1988; accepted for publication 29 June 1(88) Employing a structure consisting of n+ -lnAs/lnGaAs and InAs/GaAs strained-layer superlattices (SLS's) grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs films, non alloyed contact resistances less than 8.5 X 10-8 n cm2 have been obtained, Self-consistent simulations show that these extremely sman nonalloyed contact resistances are due to the suppression of the depletion depth in the GaAs channel and tunneling through the SI~S layer. Similar structures on InGaAs channels have led to nonaHoyed specific contact resistances of about 1. 5 X 10 -8 n cm2, These results represent the smallest figures reported for these important material systemso It is wen known that parasitic resistances deteriorate the overall performance of electronic and optical devices, with near intrinsic device characteristics achievable only through the minimization of parasitic resistanceso One important source of parasitics is the specific contact resistance between the metal contact and semiconductor, particularly for sub micron devices. Since device dimensions arc continuously being reduced for improved performance and higher density in integrated circuits, contact resistances have taken a very important role. As devices are scaled down, the vertical and lateral dif fusion of contact metal during high-temperature processing becomes more criticaL These problems limit the utility of low-resistance metal contacts obtained through convention al thermal annealing. To alleviate the obstacles associated with diffusion, while achieving low contact resistances, we have demonstrated non alloyed ohmic contacts on InGaAs, lattice matched to InP, with specific resistances as small as 2.7 X 10 -H n cm2, I In this letter, we describe a short-period supcrlatticc structure which leads to extremely small nonal loyed ohmic contact resistances on GaAs. Samples investigated were grown on (100) GaAs(un doped) substrates by molecular beam epitaxyo Details ofthe sample preparation and growth procedure have been report ed clsewhere.2 The structure consists of a 0.3 flm undoped GaAs buffer, a 0.1 jJ,m Si-dopcd GaAs channel, five periods of 10 Alto A Si-doped GaAs/InAs strained-layer superlat tice (SLS), five periods of 20 A/20 A Si-doped InGaAsl InAs SLS, and finally a 50 A Si-doped InAs cap layer. The 8i doping concentration in doped films was about 4X lO'H em -3 0 Transmission line geometry was defined using stan dard photolithography and chemical etching in a Br-based solution. Contact resistances were measured using the well-estab lished transmission line model (TLM).3 The test pattern consists of rectangular pads, 100 pill long and 250 pm wide, separated by a gap varying from 1 to 20 11m. Precise calibra tion ofthe contact spacing was performed by optical micros cOPYo A four-point probe arrangement was used to eliminate any possible error introduced by the probe contact resis tanceo Measurements were then performed with each datum point being the average resistance measured from two near by devices with identical gap spacing in each seL Thc contact and sheet resistances were derived from a plot of the measured resistance versus gap spacing as shown in Figo 1. The method of least squares was used to get a straight line fit to experimental data. From the y intercept and the slope, a contact resistance of 00 16 n and a sheet resistance of 190 U/D were measured, respectively. These values translate to a specific contact resistance of 8.5 X 10· . H n cm2 with a correlation coefficient ofO,999, which is indi cative of weB calibrated contact spacings and good sample uniformity. To ascertain that lateral conduction is not domi nated by the thin SLS layers, a similar sample without the GaAs channel was grown for which a contact resistance of 0033 n and a sheet resistance of 2.75 X !O" n/o were ob tained. This sheet resistance is 145 times greater than that with the O. ! flm doped GaAs channel, indicating a generally insignificant current flow in the thin, highly strained SLS. It should be pointed out that the assumptions made in the TLM method should be treated with caution.4 The basic assumption that the contact metal be an equipotential plane at the actual contact area is adequately satisfied for the pres ent nonalloyed contactso Meanwhile, errors can be intro duced from the structure of the sample and the fabrication processo 5 These include the difference between the specific contact resistance and the characteristic impedance, the lat eral crowding resistance due to the difference in metal width and mesa width, and the voltage drop of the crowding cur- 3484--1 InAs/GaAs nanalloyed '''0-------'v. f- ro t E 1000 ' .s:: ~ OJ () c 1'l .~ 5.0 tV 0:: 500 10.0 1500 Contact spacing (microns) FIG.!. Transmission line method data of the sample investigated, 20.0 900 Appl. Phys, Lett 53 (10),5 September 1988 0003-6951/88/360900-02$01.00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 900 Downloaded 12 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsMetal/lnAs/SLS(tl a")/GaAs("b") ;-=ch, ~""'"-=-_£ g,--_. __ . : t ------_,---------- '\.., Ee Distance FIG. 2. Schematic representation of the conduction-band profile. The low ering of the bulk barrier height (<Ph) due to the strained-layer supcrlattice (SLS) is clearly shown. rent due to the finite vertical thickness of the conduction channel (r;). A detailed description concerning all these factors has been given in Ref. 1. In the present structure, no significant effects from the aforementioned factors were ob served except the crowding resistance r;. The crowding resistance caused by the finite vertical thickness (h) of the conduction channel has been derived, in Refs. 3-5, to be r;' ;::;O.2rJl. (1) It should be noted that an effective bulk channel resistivity has to be used for rb, which depends not only on the channel doping concentration but also on band structure< The pre factor 0.2 needs to be modified as wen since it was derived under the assumption of a uniformly doped channel layer. As discussed in Ref. 1, the contribution from r; on Yc was found to be insignificant in the InAs/InGaAs heterojunc tion. In the InAs/GaAs heterojunction, however, the deple tion in the GaAs channel layer is important, leading to a significant contribution of r; on "c < The calculated r; is around the low to mid 10-H n cm2 < The factors behind the small specific contact resistance can be further revealed by looking into the detailed band structure and the current conduction mechanism. In form ing contacts between metal and semiconductors (in particu lar, most of the III-V's), the Fermi level of the metal is typi cally pinned in the energy gap. The resultant Schottky contacts normally have barrier heights varying from approx imately 0.5 to 1.0 eV leading to large depletion depths. Un less samples are heavily doped and contact metal alloyed at high temperatures, low-resistance contacts are usually diffi cult to obtain. Although the ohmic behavior of InAs was reported earlier by Mead and Spitzer,6 only recently has the advantages of an InAs contact layer been explored with re ports of extremely sman contact resistances in a metal! InAs/lnGaAs structure. 1 With a band-gap difference between InAs and GaAs of 1.06 eV, and assuming that 70% of the difference occurs at the conduction band, a conduction-band discontinuity of 0.74 eV is obtained. This large discontinuity at the InAs/ GaAs junction gives rise to a large depletion region which, 90~ Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No.1 0,5 September 1988 unless remedied significantly, leads to large resistances. When incorporating the short-pedad SLS, as shown in Fig. 2, a much smaner depletion region and effective barrier height ~ b can be obtained. The advantages of the strained layer supedattice are twofold: (1) At the heterojunction, keeping in mind that the Fermi level in InAs is pinned in the conduction band, the effective barrier height is determined by the charge transfer from the large band-gap material (GaAs) to the lower band-gap one (InAs). A great majority of the electrons are provided by the GaAs layers of the short period SLS, leading to the lowering of the effective bulk bar rier height <l>b (marked "b" region). The larger the conduc tion-band discontinuity (and therefore the barrier height) between the contact layer and the channel layer, the larger the number of extra carriers contributed by the SLS, and the larger the degree to which barrier lowering can be achieved. (2) Although electron transfer leaves the SLS region (marked "a") partially depleted of carriers, the current con duction is provided mostly by quantum mechanical tunnel~ iug, and to some extent conventional conduction. Solving the Schrodinger's and Poisson's equations self-consistently, the overall decrease in the specific contact resistance was calculated to be one to two orders of magnitude in the InAs/ GaAs heterojunction when the short SLS is used. Further more, the use of short-period superlattice may alter the na ture of dislocations formed in a favorable manner for current conduction< All these factors, we believe, collectively lead to the achievement of these extraordinarily low nonalloyed oh mic contact resistances. To illustrate the extent of perpendicular current con duction through the SLS, a structure similar to that reported in Ref. 1 was grown, but with a five-period 15 AilS A InAs/ InGaAs superiattice, Si doped to 2X 101~ cm-3• Due to the aforementioned arguments having to do with the unique ad vantages of short-period SLS's, nonalloyed specific resis tances afabout 1.5 X 10-8 n cm2 have been obtained, which is almost one-half of that reported in Ref. L In summary, strained-layer superlattices (SLS's) used as part of the contact layer have led to extremely small non alloyed contact resistances, less than 8.5 X 1O-~ n cmz on n+ -GaAs and 1,5 X 108 n cm2 on InGaAs. The critical role of crowding resistance r:< was investigated. Calculations show that lowering of bulk barrier hieght by this SLS struc ture is responsible for the small contact resistances obtained. Since the doping concentrations used are standard and the contact layers are thin, application of the present SLS struc ture on real devices is easy and straightforward. The authors would like to express their appreciation to Sandie Norwood for preparing the manuscript. Helpful dis cussions with J. Chen and D. Mui are also acknowledged. This work is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and NASA Lewis Research Center, 'e. K. Peng,J. Chen,J. Chyi,andH. Morko~J. App!. Phys. 64, 429 (1988). "T. J< Drummond, H. Morko~, and A. Y. Cho, J. Cryst. Growth 55, 449 (1982). 3H. H. Berger, Technical Digest oflEEE, International Solid-State Confer ence, Philadelphia, I' A, 19-21 FebrU!lfY 1969, p. 162. 1H. H. Berger, Solid-State Electron, 15,145 (1972). 'e. Y. Ting and e. Y. Chen, Solid-State Electron. 14,433 (1971)< "e. A. Mead and W. G. Spitzer, Phys. Rev. A 134, 173 (1964). Pang eta/. 901 Downloaded 12 Sep 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
Doping effects of 3D metal on singlephase YBa2Cu3O7−δ Z. H. He, Z. Y. Chen, J. S. Xia, G. Q. Pan, Y. T. Qian, and Q. R. Zhang Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 3589 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341393 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.341393 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A possible pressure-induced superconducting-semiconducting transition in nearly optimally doped single crystalline YBa2Cu3O7-δ Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 052508 (2011); 10.1063/1.3623475 Effects of Pr, Tb, and Zn doping into YBa2Cu3O7 on magnetoresistivity and magnetic phase boundaries J. Appl. Phys. 79, 5876 (1996); 10.1063/1.362158 Flux pinning by ordered oxygendeficient phases in nearly stoichiometric YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 1741 (1992); 10.1063/1.107203 Crystallography of phase transition of YBa2Cu3O7−δ Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 933 (1988); 10.1063/1.99225 Structure of the singlephase hightemperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7−δ Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 57 (1987); 10.1063/1.98886 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:35:59Doping effects of 3D metal on single-phase YBa2Cu307_S Z.H. He Department 0/ Physics, University a/Science and Technology a/China, Hefei, AnhUl; People's Repuhlic of China Z. Y. Chen Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, He/ei, Anhui, People's Republic o/China J. S. Xia Department 0/ Physics, University a/Science and Technology a/ China, He/et, Anhui, People's Republic 0/ China G, Q, Pan and Y. T. Qian Department 0/ Applied Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, He/ei. Anhui. People's Republic 0/ China O. R. Zhang Center a/Condensed Matter and Radiation Physics CCAST (World Laboratory) Beijing, People's Republic a/China and Department 0/ Physics, University 0/ Science and Technology a/China, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic 0/ China (Received 22 January 1988; accepted for pUblication 23 May 1988) The measurements of x-ray diffraction, the temperature dependence of the de resistance and the ac susceptibility have been performed for the single-phase 3D-metal doping systems YBa1 CU3 xM" Oy (M = Fe, Co, and Ni; x = 0,025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50 for Ni and Co and 0.05, 0.075, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20 for Fe). With an increase of impurity content, two structural transitions were observed for the Co and Fe dopants but only one for the Ni dopant. The resistivity in the normal state changes from metaHic to semiconductinglike behavior and the depression of Tc is linear with the impurity concentration (x) when x < 0.10. A weak Curie-Weiss type paramagnetism, which is enhanced with impurity content, exists in the samples studied. Incorporating other work on oxygen defects, we suggest that a change of oxygen content induced by doping was the dominant effect on superconductivity in these samples. I. fNTRODUCTION Soon after high Tv superconductivity (above 90 K) was observed in single-phase YBa2Cuj07 _ I), the crystalline structure was determined by both x-ray diffraction and neu tron diffraction experiments. The band structure calculation based on this structurel and the anisotropic character of sin gle-crystal YBa2Cu307 __ Ii (Ref. 2) indicates that, in this dis torted layer oxide, the Cu-O layer and/or Cu-O chain give the dominant contribution to superconductivity. Further more, each element in YBa2Cu307 -0.5 has been substituted respectively to investigate which site of the elements is the most important to the high Te. A large number of experi ments have revealed that high Tc superconductivity would not exist w:ithout the Cu-O layer or Cu-O chain. This conclu sion can also be applied to the superconducting oxides (Tc == 40 K) with K2 NiF 4 structure. Therefore, studies of the effect of element substitution on the superconducting struc ture will be very helpful in understanding the superconduct~ ing mechanism. In order to retain the original single phase, doping is a feasible way for partial substitution. Some groups have reported their initial work on 3D-metal doping, which includes a discussion of the oxidation state,3 disorder in duced by doping and two possible substitution sites for Cu (Ref. 4) and magnetic depairing.5•6 Tarascon et aU pro posed four interrelated factors-structural disorder, oxygen vacancy, different oxidation state in the copper introduced by dopants. and magnetic pair breaking-to interpret the influence of doping on superconductivity. To date, a clear explanation has not resulted. We suggest that systematic ex periments should be carried out before one can describe how various factors affect the superconductivity. In this paper, we present the effects on the superconducting transition temperature, the reSIstivity, the susceptibility, and the lattice parameters produced by doping single-phase YBa2Cu307 -I) with the Fe, Co, and Ni. Incorporating other work on oxy gen deficiency, we suggest that the change of oxygen content induced by doping has the main effect on superconductivity in the samples studied. 3589 J_ Appl. Phys. 64 (7}, 1 October 1988 II. EXPERIMENT The samples were prepared by the solid-state reaction technique. Mixtures of stoichiometric proportions of high purity BaC03, Y 203' and CuO and Fe2 03, CO2 03, and Niz (OH)2C03' for Fe, Co, and Ni doping, respectively, were ground and heated at 930 "C in air for 24 h. They were then reground and pressed into pellets, and sintered at 930°C in flowing oxygen for 24 h. The samples were slowly cooled down to 400 °C and maintained at this temperature within furnace. During the cooling process, the samples were kept in the flowing oxygen. 0021·8979/68 I i 93589-04$02.40 @ 1988 A.merican Institute of Physics 3589 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:35:59The standard de four-probe technique was employed to measure resistances. Voltages were read from a 181 N ANO VOLTMETER made by Keithley Instruments Inc, The temperature of the samples was detected with a calibrated Pt-resistance thermometer, The ac susceptibilities were measured with a mutual inductance bridge with a sensitivity better than 10--1 f.lH. A Cu-constantan thermocouple was used to determine the sample temperature. iii. RESULTS The powder x-ray diffraction patterns of the YBa2CuJ_xCOXOy series (x = 0.025, 0,05, 0,075, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50), shown in Fig. I, indicate that the samples are single phase 1-2-3 compounds, As can be seen from the pat terns, with the increase of Co content, the 1-2-3 phase under goes two structural transitions: first, atx::::;0.05, from ortho rhombic phase I (3a '" c) to orthorhombic phase II (3a = c) indicated by the overlap of the (013) and (110) peaks, and second, from orthorhombic phase to tetragonal phase ac companied by the overlap of the (123) and (213) peaks. The peak intensity of the (123) becomes weak and that of the (213) becomes strong, giving a inversion of peak intensity between these two peaks. The x-ray diffraction patterns for YBa2Cu3 __ xFexOy (x = 0.05,0.075,0.10,0.15, and 0.20) are quite similar to those for YBa2 CU3 _" Cox Oy. But from the diffraction patterns for YBa2 Cu3_ xNixOy (x = 0.025, 0.05,0.075,0.10,0.25, and 0.50), the transition from ortho- (010) (013) (110) x~O.025 (OO5) (020) 15 25 35 45 5~ 65 2Q FIG.!. The powder x-ray diffraction patterns ofYBa,Cu, _xCOxOy series (x = 0.025, 0.05, 0.Q75, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50). 3590 J. AppL Phys., VoL 64, No.7, i October 1968 TABLE 1. The lattice parameters and superconducting transition tempera ture. M x a b c (A.) b/a b -a(J, .. ) V(A3) l~{K) Co 0.00 3.813 3.882 11.656 L018 0.069 172.51 91.9 O.oz5 3.824 3.889 11.678 l.017 0.065 173.67 90.3 0.05 3.833 3.872 11.651 1.010 0.039 172.92 84.0 0.075 3.853 3.882 11.667 1.008 0.029 174.51 77.0 0.10 3.850 3.870 11.665 1.005 0.020 174.70 70.0 0,25 3.853 3.867 1l.619 1.004 0.014 173.12 39.9 0.50 3.870 3.870 11.624 1.000 0.000 174.10 Fe 0.05 3.822 3.886 11.650 L017 0.064 173.03 84.8 0.075 3.841 3.887 11.651 1.012 0.046 173.95 78.2 0.10 3.850 3.867 11.639 1.004 0.017 173.28 71.5 O.IS 3.861 3.880 11.643 1.005 0.019 174.42 56.0 0.20 3.859 3.874 11.636 1.004 0.Ql5 173.96 -50.0 Nt 0.Q25 3.815 3.882 11.654 l.018 0.067 172.59 90.8 0.05 3.804 3.871 11.629 1.018 0.067 171.24 88.9 0.Q75 3.807 3.878 11.641 1.019 0.071 171.86 87.0 0.10 3.813 3.879 lL646 1.017 0.066 172.25 85,5 0.25 3.808 3.888 11.648 1.021 0.080 172.45 69.0 0.50 3.818 3.880 11.633 1.016 0.062 172.33 60.5 rhombic to tetragonal phase is not found; only the transition from orthorhombic I to orthorhombic II phase is observed at x:::;0.50. The analysis of structure modification caused by doping will be given in detail elsewhere. The lattice param eters as a function of impurity compositions are shown in Table 1. For the samples contained Co or Fe, a increases and c decreases as x increases, while b remains almost constant. That is, as the impurity content increases, the structure tends to become tetragonal one. For the samples contained Ni, the lattice parameters change little. The temperature dependence of the resistance (R) for YBa2 CU3 __ x Cox Oy is shown in Fig. 2. For the samples with x < 0.10, the resistance in the normal state exhibits metallic behavior. For the sample with x = 0.25, in which transition from orthorhombic to tetragonal phase occurs, a metallic to semiconductorlike transition appears as the temperature de creases. The rapid drop of R in the superconducting transi tion region means that the samples are single phase. For the sample in the tetragonai structure, the behavior of R ( T) ~ .. "' ~ '" ... ~ .. ;: ... " .! .. 0 0 100 ISO T(I!:) 200 250 300 FI G. 2. The temperature dependence ofresistance for YBa2 CU3 x Cox 0 y' .: 0,025; 0: 0.05; A: 0.075; .: 0.10; V: 0.25; +: 0.50. He etal. 3590 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:35:59'" .:; :S ... '" ~ '" .~ '" " ~ " 0 () 50 100 150 200 250 300 T(K) FIG. 3. The temperature dependence of resistance for YEa, Cu) _ x NixOy. e: 0.025; 0: 0.05; A: 0.075; II: 0.10; "':0.25; +: 0.50. exhibits a typical semiconductorlike character. The behav ior of the resistance for YBa2 CU3 _ xFex Oy (x = 0.05,0.075, and 0.10) is very similar to that for YBazCu3 _",CoxOy' On the whole, the R(T) curves for YB~CU3_xNixOy are similar to those for YBazCu3_XCOXOy, and are in ac cord with the results reported by Adrian and Nielsens How ever, the effect on the midpoint temperature of supercon ducting transition (Tc) of Ni doping is weaker than that of Co doping, even for x = 0.50, the sample doped with Ni is still superconducting up to 60 K. Compared with those for the Co and Fe dopants, the R (n curves for YBa2 Cu) _. x Nix Oy have smaller superconducting transition widths and are similar to that of single-phase YBaZCu307 _ 05 (see Fig. 3). It seems easier to substitute eu by Ni than by Co or Fe. The effect on Tc with each doping element is shown in Fig. 4. The linear dependence of Tc on x, in the region of x < 0.10, can be easily seen. But the straight lines for Co and Fe dopants, shown by the broken line, do not pass the point which is corresponding to the undoped sample. The values of Tc are also given in Table L 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.250.50 FIG, 4. The variation of T, with each doping element, A, III, and. repre sents Fe, Co, and Ni doping, respectively, The "error bars" show the super oonducting transition regions from the onset temperature to the zero resis tance temperature, 3591 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.7, i October 1968 o -2 A" • • ;--4 f. 5- • • ill • .. "I i. • • ~ -6 60eo , • • -3 $I; ~ a.1t /t" 50 100 200 TUO FIG. 5. The ac susceptibilitie§ for YBa,Cu3_.xCoxOy' X: 0.025; e: 0.05; A: 0.015; 0: 0.10; v: 0.25. The ac susceptibilities for YBaz eU3 _ x Co", Oy are given in Fig. 5. A weak Curie-Weiss-type paramagnetism, which increases with Co content, can easily be seen. IV. DISCUSSION In general, a small amount of magnetic impurity, such as a 3D metal, in a superconducting metal or aHoy matrix will depress superconductivity strongly, due to the pair breaking effect of the sod exchange interaction. 3 The stronger the magnetic moment of the impurity is, the greater the pair breaking effect will be. The band structure calculations for YBa2 CU3 0, (Ref. 1) show that the metallic bands are asso ciated with the Cu-O layers and Cu-O chains, but the Y layers are insulating. As a result, the substitution of Cu by a 3D metal would be expected to result in magnetic depairing, just as in conventional superconductors. Transmission elec tron microscope (TEM) (Ref A ) and Mossbauer9 experi ments have shown that Ni and Fe atoms enter the 1-2-3 phase, respectively. (Which sites the Ni or Fe atoms have occupied are not given in those papers.) The x-ray diffrac tion and neutron diffraction have also revealed that Cu atoms can be substituted by Co atoms. 10 Incorporating our diffraction results on the modification of lattice parameters with impurity content, we conclude that the Cu sites have been occupied by Fe, Co, and Ni atoms, respectively. The linear relation between Tc and x in the low impurity concentration region seems to be in qualitative agreement with Abrikosov-Gorkov's theory (see Fig. 4), and the influ ence of Fe or Co doping is more significant than that of Ni doping. However, the character of both R (1) and Tc (x) suggest that the effects of Co or Fe doping on superconduc~ tivity and electronic transport in the normal state are quite similar. Thus, it is difficult to explain this phenomenon based only on the magnetic pair breaking effect since the moment of Fe is larger than that of Co. 6 For the same reason, the phenomenon is also hard to explain, based on the rigid band model involving a shifted Fermi level due to doping. Another aspect of this problem is which eu site the im purity would replace, since two possible Cu site are avail able, i.e., that on Cu-O layer (Cu2+ A.) and that on Cu-O He etal. 3591 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:35:59chain (Cu2 + ), In solid-state oxides, the stable valence ofNi is usually 2 +, while that of Fe is 3 +; Co is generally 3 + although Co 2 + is occasionally found. So, Ni probably re places Cu on the Cu-O chains, while Fe or Co replaces Cu in the Cu-O layers, Presuming that the Cu-O layer is more im portant to high Tc superconductivity than the Cu-O chain, suggests an answer to the questions of why the effect of Fe or Co doping is stronger than that of Ni doping and why the similarity of the effect of Fe and Co doping appears. Unfor tunately, the experimental results do not seem to support this point of view, since, at least two Fe configurations are seen in M6ssbauer spectra, which can be assigned to the sub stitution on the two Cu sites,9 and the Cu sites on Cu-O chains can be occupied by Co as indicated by neutron dif fraction. 10 We cannot exclude the possibility that Fe or Co would partially occupy the Y sites, reducing the effective impurity concentration on the eu sites which are sensitive to superconductivity, [Note thatthe straight lines of Tc (x) for the Co and Fe dopants in Fig. 4 are above the point of Tc (0), as has been mentioned in Sec. III]. To clarify the problems associated with preferential substitution, further experi ments that allow a direct observation are necessary, An explanation combining the valence state of the im purity and the oxygen content seems to be more suitable. As the stable valence state of Fe or Co is higher than that of Cu, when Cu is substituted by Co or Fe (even in part), an equi librium must be established by charge compensation. This can be realized in two ways: first, lower the valence state of the other elements; second, increase the content of oxygen, The observed modification of the lattice parameters with x favors the latter explanation. We have succeeded in prepar ing single-phase YBa2 CU3 Oy with excess oxygen (7 < x < 8). With the increase of oxygen content in these samples, the transition in structure from orthorhombic I to orthorhombic II phase is found and the lattice parameter c becomes shorter while (J and b change little. The resistivity measurement shows that Tc reduces as y increases. Details of this work will be reported in Ref. 11, Apparently, the effect of doping is in consistent with that of excess oxygen content. Note there is a similarity between the variations in X ( T), R(T), and Tc with oxygen deficiency parameter {j in the formula YBa2Cu307 _ /j and those with impurity concentra tion x in the formula YBa2 CU3 _ xMxOy. Besides, they all undergo the structural transition from orthorhombic to te tragonal phase. The difference is that c tends to increase with increasing 8, but to decrease with increasing x. With regard to the oxygen deficiency, the decrease of Tc and the transition from orthorhombic to tetragonal phase in YBaz CU3 Oy (y < 6.9) are closely related to the disorder in troduced by oxygen vacancies.12 Incorporating the effect in the case y> 7, we conclude that, the change of the lattice 3592 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.7, 1 October 1988 parameter c is related to the oxygen vacancies between the Ba-O layers. The bonding of oxygen makes the interaction between the two Ba-O layers increase and, thus, c shorter, The more oxygen in this site which is in the layer containing Cu-O chain, the stronger the interaction and the shorter the c. It is not surprising that superconductivity is found to be hardly affected by the length of c. But the relative change between a and b affects Tc strongly, it directly reflects the ordering in the "conductive tunnel." Because doping itself can be regarded as an introduction of disorder and because the oxygen content changes with doping simultaneously, the experimental phenomena may be attributed to the effect of disorder, The inversion of peak intensity of (123) and (213), as mentioned in Sec. III, im plies the rearrangement of atoms and the introduction of disordeL Further experiments are being carried out. If this explanation is confirmed, a question remains as to why the effect of a magnetic impurity is so weak in these high Tc superconducting compound matrices including Laz __ xSrxCu04, even though the impurities have occupied sites in the "conductive tunnel." The clarification of this problem would be helpful to understand the superconduct· iug mechanism in these compounds. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the Natural Science Foun dation of China. 'So Massidda, Jaejun Yu. A. J. Freeman, and D. D. Koelling, Phys. Lett. A122, 198 (1987). 2S. W. Tozer, A, W. Kleinsasser, T. Penney, D. Kaiser, and F. Holtzberg, Phys. Rev. LeU. 59,1768 (1987). 3J. Thiel, S, N. Song, J. B. Ketterson, and K. R. Peoppelmeier, in ACS Symposium Series No. 35], Chemi~try of High-Temperature Superconduc tors, edited by D. L. Nelson, M. S. Whittingham, and T. F. George (1987), Chap. 17, p, 173. ·Y .Maeno, J. Nojima, Y. Aoki, M. Kato, K HashinG, A. Minami, and T. Fujita, Jpn. J. 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I n s i t u deposition monitoring for solar film production by roll coating Stephen F. Meyer Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 1432 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576298 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576298 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in In situ monitoring of structure formation in the active layer of polymer solar cells during roll-to-roll coating AIP Advances 4, 087105 (2014); 10.1063/1.4892526 In situ monitoring the drying kinetics of knife coated polymer-fullerene films for organic solar cells J. Appl. Phys. 106, 124501 (2009); 10.1063/1.3270402 I n s i t u stress monitoring and deposition of zerostress W for xray masks J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 9, 3297 (1991); 10.1116/1.585307 Deposition and electrical properties of i n s i t u phosphorusdoped silicon films formed by lowpressure chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 61, 1898 (1987); 10.1063/1.338036 Solar Cell Thickness Monitoring Technique for Thin Film Deposition Rev. Sci. Instrum. 42, 1090 (1971); 10.1063/1.1685300 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:55:45In situ deposition monitoring for sol~r film production by roll coating Stephen F. Meyer Southwall Technologies. Palo Alto, California 94303 (Received 12 December 1988; accepted 16January 1989) Real-time measurement of critical coating properties is a necessity for corpmercial success in large-scale roll coating. Both sheet resistance and optical measurements are used in modem sputter roll coating plants. This presentation will introduce sputter roll coating and discuss in situ film monitoring in that context. Some of the difficulties in interpreting the measurements and in relating them to product specifications will be addressed. I. INTRODUCTION Process conditions in a vacuum deposition system are noto riously time dependent. The background gases continue to be reduced by pumping, source geometries evolve, and inter nal structures may change temperature without air to con duct heat. Many such changes have one or more correspond ing process variables which can compensate for the changes; e.g., source power or deposition time can compensate for rate changes, reactive gas flows can offset background water in a reactive process, and hardware can be heated or cooled. In short, apparently different process conditions or recipes can produce equivalent coatings. This paper reports on the method used at South wall Technologies for ensuring consis tent coating quality in a large commercial sputter roll coater by using in situ optical monitoring of the coated product. The examples will be from the manufacture of Heat Mir ror™, a three-layer dielectric-silver-dielectric optical fil ter, used for making efficient insulating windows. Heat Mir ror provides a transparent window which reflects the IR to retard heat transport across the window. It may be tailored for both high solar gain or solar shading. The IR reflectivity is provided by the silver layer, hence silver quality is a crucial concern in manufacturing. The visible transmission through the silver is substantially enhanced by the antireflecting ef fect of the two dielectric layers. The optical thickness of the dielectrics control the color of the transmission (and reflec tion). II. COATING AND MONITORING EQUIPMENT A schematic of the essential internal parts of a sputter roll coater is shown in Fig. 1. A supply roll of plastic film (called a web, usually polyester) is loaded onto the payout roll, threaded around a chilled drum past the sources, through the monitors, and onto the take-up roll. ConceptuaUy this is much like a large, wide tape recorder. From three to six or more sources are typically arrayed around the drum, which is cooled to prevent overheating the web. Speeds range from less than one to many tens of m/min, with runs lasting for many hours. Background gas pressure is constantly decreas ing over this time as the supply roll is used up . . Southwal1 has designed and built an optical monitor (OM) specifically adapted for the manufacture oflarge rolls of Heat Mirror on SO-,um-thick polyester. The monitor em ploys a chopped quartz halogen light source, fiber optics to carry the light into the vacuum system and back to the ana-lyzer. The web optics use lenses to spread the beam out to l.S-cm diameter to avoid local effects. The analyzer section consists of a wheel with a maximum of 32 filters rotating at 1 Hz. Filters were chosen because high wavelength resolution is not needed for Heat Mirror, and because they eliminate substr~te related interference fringes in the near IR. A two color detecter (Si/PbS) feeds its output through a synchro nous demodulator to an analog/digital (A/D) converter and a computer. The current version of the monitor reported here supports three channels across the web in transmission only, and has only 18 filters installed. The monitor under current development will also support three more channels for reflectivity at the same points across the web. The computer software converts the scan data in real time into quantities directly comparable to product specifica tions. The visible spectrum is converted to tristimulus coeffi cients X, Y, and Z by the 1931 eIE ~ethod of weighted ordinates at lQ-nm intervals using illuminant C. The tristi mulus coefficients are then transformed into visible trans mission (Tvis) and dominant wavelength (DmWl). The dominant wavelength is used as a measure of color. Solar CHILLED DRUM FIG. I. Schematic diagram of the major internal components of a sputter roll coater showing the payout roll, take·up roll, process monitor, and up to seven sputter sources around the cold process drum. 1432 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7 (3), May/Jun 1989 0734-2101/89/031432-04$01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 14 .... ·······················r Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:55:451433 Stephen F. Meyer: In situ deposition monitoring for solar film 1433 transmission eTsol) is calculated via the ASTM E42b meth od of weighted ordinates at 50-nm intervals. These quanti ties are measured on the finished product in quality control (QC) with a computerized Perkin-Elmer Lambda 9 spec trophotometer. The processed data are saved at intervals to a disk file for later engineering review. The computer can display data to the operator in several modes. The first mode is a graph of spectral data for all channels. The second is a table of the current processed data (Tvis, Tsol, DmWv) compared to the product specifica tions. The third is a graph of downweb processed data. Final ly, a full optical model can determine stack optical param eters by a least-squares fit to the spectral data. The model is included to analyze discrepancies between desired and actu al data. The optical analysis model is based on the characteristic matrix methodology of MacLeod. I The optical properties of the materials are provided by a Drude-Lorentz dielectric function2.:1 with adjustable parameters for each material (sil ver, dielectric, substrate). The optical stack is represented by semi-infinite, homogeneous layers with' discrete thicknesses. The difference between the actual spectra and the spectra calculated from trial layer thicknesses and material param eters is minimized by a multidimensional gradient search routine. The application of this model to spectrophotometer data has been reported elsewhere.4 The application of this model in situ can be a powerful diagnostic tool for machine malfunctions. The material properties are described by a complex, fre quency-dependent dielectric function E( w). For simple ma terials transparent in the visible and near infrared, the dielec tric function contains wavelength-dependent terms representing effects from above or below the region of inter est, and a constant term to account for all other effects. This is equivalent to saying that the solid contains only two or three populations of electrons. Each wavelength-dependent term in t:( w) is a Lorentzian function that describes a popu lation of electrons interacting strongly with light near a reso nant frequency outside the calculation region. Frequencies in the UV are usually associated with a band gap, while those in the IR are rotational or vibrational resonances: t:( w) = "a (near UV electrons), (1 ) wi-oi -iyw where w is the angular frequency of the light. WI is the reso nant frequency or band-gap energy, a is proportional to the population size, i is the square root of -1, and y is the relaxa tion rate or linewidth. Conduction electrons can be represented by the Drude approximation which is the special case of Eq. (1) with a resonant frequency of zero. The population amplitude is usually expressed as a plasma frequency OJ; = ne2/m: E((v) = -ne2 /m (conduction electrons), (2) (JJ2 + irw where n is the conduction-electron volume density. A metal will also have UV interband transitions and a constant term leading to the full expression for the dielectric function of a metal: J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 a E(W) = Eo + -2--ry--. (iJ I --ur -'rlu ne2/m w2 + iW/7 ' (3) where the relaxation rate of the population has been convert ed to a reciprocal scattering time 1/7 (scattering frequency). The traditional expression for the dc conductivity is recov ered from the dielectric function in the limit ofzero frequen cy: (4) The scattering time is the mean interval between collisions of conduction electrons with crystallographic defects. This time is inversely proportional to the density of defects in the metal, including interstitials, vacancies, impurities, defects, grain boundaries, etc. These defect sites can also create elec tron traps which may reduce the electron density. The two effects can be separated from the optical data, but not from conductivity measurements. Disorder also provides addi tional final states available for electronic transitions, thus increasing the absorption of UV and blue photons. The fun damental problem of producing good optical quality silver is controlling these effects. m. OPTICAL MONITOR RESULTS Figure 2 is a graphics display from the center channel of an entire roll of Heat Mirror 88. The three horizontal graphs show Tvis, Tsol, and dominant wavelength versus downweb meters. The finely dotted line on each trace is the average for the entire screen. The heavily dotted line is the nominal QC specification for the product. Clearly this is a very smooth run. However, the operator was aiming for values other than the nominal QC specification. In fact the yield from the roll was 95%, and in the middle of the QC specifications. The discrepancy between the OM data shown in Fig. 2 and the QC data measured on samples taken following completion of the run indicates that the product has changed. The change is from room-temperature annealing of the silver film which increases the conduction-electron density and decreases the scattering time, Figure 3 displays data from a roll of Heat Mirror 44 show ing the same quantities (Tvis, Tsol, and dominant wave- .89 . 86 -•• --. ---••• ---•• '-" •• --••• --.----•••• -••• --.-------.---•• ---•••• -•• -.-••••••••• - -- .83 .7 .0'.=:." = ..... """"""""'=,.,... .... _:':: __ ::::_.""._-:::_.=. __ .r.'._:::_.:=:_.'='!._""._.!;:'._"" .. ~ •. :::: __ = .. ~---~-.~.-~-.... ==t .57 565. 525. -.. ~-.. ---.---... -------.. --..... -.-.--.-----.. ---.. --.--...... --.. _--_ .. _-- 500. Tvis Tsol DmWv o. 200. 400 . GOO . 1100 . tooo. 1200. 0"""""0 METEAS FIG. 2. Graphics display from the center OM channel of a run of HM-88. The three Ilraphs are visible transmission, solar transmission, and dominant wavelength shown vs downweb meters. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:55:451434 Stephen F. Meyer: In situ deposition monitoring for solar film 1434 .49 Tv1 • . 46~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .43 550. 505. O. 200. 400. 600. 800. 1000. 1200. 1400. Downweb I4ETERS FIG. 3. Graphics display of a run of HM-44. The increased "noise" region between 685 and 800 m is a drum oscillation. length) on the center channel. Two differences are immedi atelyapparent: (i) the operator is having considerably more difficulty maintaining a uniform run and (ii) something happened at 685 m to increase the noise level for 100 m. The abrupt change at 380 m in all three graphs is an operator line speed change (which changes all layer thicknesses). The abrupt change in Tvis and Tsol at 640 m with no color change is a silver power change. The region from 660 to 720 m is expanded in Fig. 4 to show that the "noise" is in fact a web drive oscillation with a period of exactly one revolution of the chilled drum. The drum is slowing down, momentar ily producing a locally thicker coating from all cathodes. Then, the drive system overcomes the sticking and momen tarily speeds up, thinning out the coating. As indicated ear lier, the transmission is controlled by the silver thickness which to first order causes no color change. Hence the trans mission peaks and valleys correspond to thinner and thicker silver only. The color changes due to changing dielectric thicknesses are out of phase with the transmission because the dielectric sources are rotated around the drum from the silver. This form of graphical data display is a powerful hard ware diagnostic tool. A collection of five different samples of Heat Mirror were analyzed in QC and then measured in the OM for calibra tion. These data points are shown as squares in Fig. 5 which Tv15 .43 Teol .22 DmWv 505. 660. 670. 680. 690. 700. no. 720. Ooomweb I4ETERS FIG. 4. Expansion ofthe oscillation region of the HM-44 run shown in Fig. 3. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 .9 .8 .7 ~ .6 " !:! .5 ., ~ .4 .3 .2 .2 .3 .04 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Qt l4ea .. ur .... nt FIG. 5. In situ OM vs QC measurements of visible and solar transmissions for HM-88, HM·66, and HM-44 (diamond points). The square points are calibration points from aged samples. Equal measurements will be on the diagonal line. displays both Tvis and Tsol. The diagonal line corresponds to perfect agreement between the QC and OM measure ments. The calibration points are all on or above the line indicating that the OM systematically reads higher than QC. This bias arises from the sparse nature of the data from 18 filters: it is impossible to cover the wavelength ranges at the required intervals for the true algorithms. The data are inter polated to generate the approximate algorithms. The remaining clustered diamond-shaped points in Fig. 5 are comparisons between QC data and the ill situ OM data for Heat Mirror 44,66, and 88. The scatter in the compari son points is due to uncertainty in locating the exact areas measured by QC within the run time data files and to vari ation in process conditions which affect the annealing behav ior of the silver film. The systematic difference between in situ OM data and calibration OM data aged material is most apparent for the high transmission end of the range, HM-88. Figure 6 shows the HM-88 visible transmissiqn broken out separately to exaggerate the effect. Notice that all of the in situ HM-88 Tvis data is below the diagonal, whereas the calibration square point is well above the diagonal. Figure 7 shows the in situ dominant wavelength discrep ancy for HM-88. Four calibration square points are shown, all of which are on or above the diagonal line. All but one of .89 .88 .87 z .86 0 " !:! .85 '" ~ :. '. . .84 .83 .82 .82 .83 .84 .85 .81i .87 .88 .89 OC MfI •• ureMf't FIG. 6. In situ OM vs QC measurements of visible transmission for HM-88 shown as diamond points. The square point is the calibration. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:55:451435 Stephen F. Meyer: In situ deposition monitoring for solar film 1435 511t). 570. 560. 5150. ~ a"o. " 530. /,// ... en 520. ::. . " 510. . . 500. . . 450. . . 480.~--------------------------------------J ·4BO. 490. 000. 5iO. 520. 530. 540. !i50. !ISO. 570. 5S0. GC Ml98i1Urtilfient FIG. 7. In situ OM vs QC measurements of dominant wavelength for HM- 88 shown as diamond points. The four square points arc calibration. the data points are on or below the diagonal. in a similar manner to the visible transmission data. Figures 6 and 7 are the most dramatic evidence for the time-dependent optical properties of the silver layer in Heat Mirror. (No similar changes are seen in the optical properties of the dielectrics without the silver layer.) Diagnosis of the actual cause of the change required application of the optical model to both in situ OM and QC data. As previously indicated, disorder in the silver layer can have several effects on the optics: increased blue absorption from interband transitions, increased free-carrier absorption throughout the spectrum (117), and lower reflectivity from a reduced free-carrier density (w!). Figure 8 shows a com parison of the transmission spectra of a typical sample of HM-88 in situ versus after room-temperature annealing as it appears to the OM. The optical and electronic properties inferred from the optical spectra are summarized in Table I. It is an artifact of the solar spectrum that the solar trans mis- i. .9 . S .... .-.. ~.~D~ ...... ~ .............. ,7 c: .6 ~ .. .5 !l " .. .4 c: .. L .3 ... . 2 ,\ o.~--~-- __ ------------------------------~ 350. !ISO. 750. 950. 1150. 1350. 1550. 1750. 1950,2100. lIa.elength in N.no ... t ...... FIG. 8. The transmission spectra ofHM-88 shown in situ (dotted) and after room-temperature annealing (solid). The difference is due to 30% fewer conduction electrons from trapping and triple the electron scattering fre quency from defects. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 TABLE 1. Comparison ofHM-88 properties inferred from in situ (OM) data and from aged samples (QC), Quantity In situ Aged Units Visible transmission 83 87 % Visible absorption 11 7 % Solar transmission 70 70 % Solar absorption 16 9 % Dominant wavelength 510 550 nrn Sheet resistance 48 12 U/sq Far IR reflectivity 65 88 % w; = ne21m I.4X 10'2 1.8 X 1032 S-2 U= nf?rlm 2.5 X 10" 9.6X 10' W-cm) I Scattering Frequency 1/ r 5X 1016 1.7xlO!6 S-l Electron Density 4.4 X 1022 5,8x 1022 crn-] sion does not change with annealing even though the solar absorption changes by 7%. The substantial changes in visi ble transmission and in dominant wavelength are in good agreement with Figs. 6 and 7. In essence, the annealing pro duces a 30% increase in free-carrier density and a factor of 3 decrease in scattering. IV. SUMMARY The application of an optical monitor to commercial sput ter roll coating has been presented. The emphasis in the de velopment of SouthwaU's optical monitor has been on the advanced analysis of optical data as well as the traditional "hold the process constant" and data logging applications. An example of diagnosing a mechanical web drive malfunc tion from the optics was presented. An analysis of the discre pancies between in situ measurements and post deposition measurements shows that instrument calibration is not the issue. The optical properties of silver evolve rapidly as the quenched-in disorder relaxes, Substantial changes in con duction-electron density and scattering frequency directly result from this relaxation. The conclusion from these obser vations is that in situ measurements may change with rea sonable predictability in the final product. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Curt Peterson and Gale Allen for the electrical engineering and Steve Pace for the optical engineering of the optical monitor described here . IH. A. Macleod, Thin-Film Optical Filters (Elsevier, New York, 1969). 2C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (Wiley, New York, 1968). 3M, V. Klein, Optics (Wiley, New York, 1970). 's. F. Meyer, in Proceedings of the 31s1 Annual Technical Conference, So ciety of Vacuum Coaters, 1988, pp. 113-132. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:55:45
Annealing studies of YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films S. I. Shah Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 612 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100635 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100635 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Superconducting thinfilm multiturn coils of YBa2Cu3O7−x Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2336 (1990); 10.1063/1.103247 Microstructure of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2138 (1990); 10.1063/1.103237 Effect of oxygen plasma annealing on superconducting properties of Bi2(Sr,Ca)3Cu2O x and YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 575 (1990); 10.1063/1.103302 Epitaxial growth of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 902 (1989); 10.1063/1.102450 High critical currents in epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films on silicon with buffer layers Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 754 (1989); 10.1063/1.101471 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:15:02AnneaUng studies of YBa2Cu307 -x thin fUms s. i. Shah Central Research & Development Department, Experimental Station, E. L du Pont de Nemours & Company, Wilmington, Delaware 19898 (Received 12 April 1988; accepted for publication 20 June 1988) In situ electrical resistance measurements, differential thermal analysis, and x-ray diffraction studies were carried out between room temperature and 950°C on as-grown amorphous insulating YBa2Cu307_ x thin films. Results for the phase transformation reaction path are reported in order to optimize the post-deposition annealing process. Amorphous-to-crystalline transformations were observed at 550°C along with a reversible orthorhombic-tetragonal transition near 670 "c. Eutectic melting above 850°C was also noted, which restricts the maximum annealing temperature to around 850 0c. Thin superconducting YBa2CuJ07 ... x films have been grown by various techniques including ion beam sputtering, I rf diode sputtering,2 magnetron sputtering/ electron beam evaporation,4 molecular beam epitaxy,S metalorganic depo sition/' and laser evaporation.7 All these techniques require either a post-deposition annealing of the films or growth at elevated substrate temperatureH•9 to obtain superconducting films. No standard post-deposition annealing procedure has so far been developed despite the fact that the annealing con ditions are crucial in obtaining optimum superconducting properties. In order to optimize post-deposition annealing condi tions, it is necessary to understand the thermodynamics of the structural and chemical changes that occur during an nealing. These processes have been studied in great detail in bulk YBa2Cu,07 _ x' There is an adequate understanding of the effect of oxygen concentration on the superconducting properties ofYBa2Cu307 _ x' 10.11 and structural transitions, i.e., from tetragonal to orthorhombic and vice versa, have also been studied extensively. 12.13 However, very little work has been done on the annealing studies of thin films. David son et al.14 have measured the resistance of thin-film samples with different heating rates and oxygen partial pressures in order to control the annealing process. They concluded that a quick heating is preferable. In this letter we present differ ential thermal analysis (DT A) along with high-temperature in situ resistance measurements and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of thin YBa2Cu307 _ x films in order to understand the thermodynamics of the annealing process and to establish an optimum annealing sequence. All the films were grown by magnetron sputtering from a single stoichiometric YBa2Cu307 _ x target. Target fabri cation has been described elsewhere.3 Typically, films were grown at room temperature in a reactive sputtering atmo sphere of Ar + 10% O2 with a target substrate separation of 4 cm. Power density on the target was kept low, 5-10 W / cml, in order to increase the gas density at the surface of the target. IS This helps decrease the negative ion resputtering of the growing films. In our experiments, with a proper combi nation of gas pressure, power density, and target-substrate separation, we have almost completely eliminated the ener getic particle bombardment effect3 and were able to consis tently reproduce films of homogeneous composition and uniform thickness. As-grown films had a room-temperature resistance of 20 MO and were amorphous, as confirmed by XRD and transmission electron microscope analyses. For DT A analysis, 3-5 J.lm films were grown on MgO substrates and scraped off to obtain 20-30 mg samples. A Du Pont 1900 DT A cell was used with A1203 as reference sample. Thermo grams were taken during both heating and cooling, and a heating rate of 20 ·C/min was used. Cooling was uncon trolled, causing peak shifts due to undercooling; thus only heating thermograms are reported here. All the analyses were done in air. Resistance measurements were carried out on films grown on ( 100) MgO using four Pt probes. Contacts were made with silver paste. This configuration withstood repeated temperature cycles with maximum temperature of more than 1000 ·C. XRD analysis was carried out in a Ri gaku diffractometer modified for automated high-tempera ture in situ diffraction analysis in flowing 02. A Cu tube operated at 40 kV and 20 rnA was used as the x-ray source. Figure 1 is a plot of resistance versus temperature for a I-pm-thick as-grown YBa2Cu307 -x film on (lOO) MgO. Both heating and cooling were carried out in flowing oxy gen. Upon warming the resistance dropped continuously. A precipitous drop at 200 °C was foHowed by a small change in the slope at 500 °C and finally another big change near 700 "C. The resistance dropped from 900 to 90 n between 700 and 850°C. Some samples which were left at 850 °C showed a slow increase in resistance, and all the samples that were heated beyond 900 °C exhibited very poor post-anneal ing superconducting properties. A short-time anneal at YBo2 CU3 °Hi on (iOO)MgO FIG. L Film resistallce as a function of measurement temperature for a YBa2Cu307_ A film 011 (lOO)MgO substrate. 612 Appi. Phys. Lett. 53 (7), 15 August 1988 0003-6951/88/330612-03$01.00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 612 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:15:02850·C gave the best Tc. As the sample was cooled from 850 ·C, the resistance continuously decreased to a room temperature resistance af20 n. Upon reheating the sample, the change in resistance simply followed the cooling path and never showed any of the features observed during the first heating cycle. The initial drop in the resistance is due to the oxidation during which the oxygen concentration COI1- tinuously increases from a value of 6.3 at room temperature, as measured by Rutherford backscattering (RBS).16 As the sample is heated above 200 ·C, oxygen outdiffusion of the sample occurs, causing a decrease in the rate of resistance drop. Amorphous-to-crystaHine transition occurs at 500 ·C, but this is also the temperature at which most of the oxygen is lost from the film. As a result, the resistance drop due to the amorphous-crystalline transition is not very sharp. Figure 2 shows several XRD patterns at different an nealing temperatures. The first crystalline peaks start to show around 500 ce. Although, as a result ofthermal asym~ metry and peak shifts, it is difficult to detemline the struc~ ture of the phase which crystallizes first above 500 °C, films annealed at 550°C and quenched showed semiconducting behavior down to liquid He temperatures, indicating that the majority of the crystallized phase was tetragonal along with some orthorhombic phase. The coexistence of orthorhombic and tetragonal phases was also observed in differential ther mal analysis, which is discussed later. The semiconducting tetragonal phase forms at this low temperature as a result of low oxygen concentration. Equilibrium phase diagrams cal culated by Wille et al. 17 and Khachaturyan et al. 18 show the tetragonal phase to be stable above 230 "C when oxygen con centration is between 6.2 and 6.4, which is what we expect the oxygen concentration to be in our sample around 550°C, Upon heating above 550 °C, grain growth continued up to 850 ce, indicated by a continuous increase in the peak inten sities. Above 850 °e non-YBaZCu307 x peaks start to ap pear, suggesting precipitation of other phases. Films an~ nealed at 850°C and slowly cooled in oxygen show a metallic behavior going through a superconducting transition at 92 K with a complete resistance loss at 87 K. 2D.OO 24.40 28.80 3~.20 31.50 42.00 Flu. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern ofa YBa2Cu,07_., film on (lOO)MgO substrate at (a) room temperature, (b) 500 "C, (c) 550"C, (d) 750 'C, (e) 850 'C. and (f) 9OO"c' 613 Appl, Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No.7. 15 August 1988 The phase transformation reaction path during the an nealing of the amorphous films was also studied through differential thermal analysis (DTA). Figure 3 shows ther mograms obtained during the heating of an as-grown amor phous film and the reheating of the same film. Two exother~ mic and one endothermic peaks were observed in the first heating cycle. The first exotherm was at 500 °e, correspond ing to the temperature of annealing at which crystallization was observed in the XRD patterns and the temperature at which a change in I1R / tJ. T was also noted. We can, there fore, conclude that this is the amorphous-to-crystalline transformation temperature. The enthalpy of transforma tion calculated from the integrated area under the peak, and using Zn melting peak as a standard, was 48 kJ/g mol. This was an irreversible transformation, as no peak was observed at this temperature during cooling or reheating of the sam ple. The second exotherm was at 672 "C. This is the tempera ture for the orthorhombic~to-tetragonal transformation as reported by several other authors. 12.13 Although this transi~ don was not seen during the cooling cycle, the second heat thermogram does show the reappearance of this peak. The structural transition was, therefore, reversible, but because of the small enthalpy of transition, a high cooling rate, and a small sample size, it was not observed during cooling, At temperatures above 900 'C, a big endothermic peak was ob~ served, The shape of the peak, especially during cooling and second heating, is very typical of a eutectic melting, A eutec tic isotherm in the BaO + CuO and YBa2Cu307 _ x pseudo binary system has been suggested by Keefer et al. ! 9 at 890 °e, which agrees wen with our results. The occurrence of these eutectic peaks suggests that the film composition might be slightly off stoichiometry. Visual observation of the DTA sample also showed partial melting of the sample. Upon heating the sample through several heating cycles and to higher temperatures, several endothermic peaks appeared, signaling the decomposition of the sample. In summary, the superconducting properties of YBa2Ct1307 x are strongly dependent on the annealing method. Initially, amorphous and insulating, as-grown films go through two structural transitions upon heating, first an amorphous-to-crystalline transition at around 500°C, fol- E ·c ::l i!' I ~ ~.£ E :e i~ ::!. i~ <II ., it <:: ~ U ~ -c ! .~ ~ f~ .::: !'! :.g OJ r~ c. E '" 10-2nd He~! 300 4no 500 son 700 SOO 900 1000 Temperature (C) FIG. 3. DTA therrnograms of YBalCu.\07 x film obtained during two successive neatifl.gs of as-grown YBaOCu,07 _ , film. S.1. Shah 613 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:15:02lowed by a tetragonal-to-orthorhombic transition at 670°C The resistance of the sample drops abruptly as the sample is warmed. This is due to the increase in the oxygen content at low temperatures, but at temperatures above 300 DC, the rate of resistance drop decreases as O2 is evolved instead of being absorbed by the film. Further decrease in the resistance is due to the crystallization of the sample at about 500 T and grain growth beyond this temperature. Above 850°C the sample resistance slowly increases as partial eutectic melting is observed, indicated by eutectic peaks in the thermogram and apearance of non-YBu2CU307_ x peaks in the XRD pat tern. Cooling in oxygen does not change the resistance of the crystallized film except for a small overall decrease in the resistance due to the metallic nature of the sample. It is, therefore, conduded that a post-deposition annealing should be done above the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase transformation temperature but below the eutectic iso therm. Best results were obtained when films were annealed in flowing O2 at 850°C followed by cooling in O2 to room temperature. The author wishes to acknowledge the technical assis tance of Brian D. Jones, Allan D. Meinhaldt, and Glover A. Jones. The author also wishes to acknowledge M. Subra manian for the preparation of the target. IS. L Shah and P. F. Carcia, MateI'. Lett. 6, 49 (1987). 1S. H. Liou. M. Hong, B. A. Davidson, R. C. Farrow. J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh, R, M. Fleming, H. S. Chen, L. C. Feldman, A. R. Kortan, and R. J. Felder, 614 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No.7, 15 August 11388 Am. Inst. Phys. Proc. 165.79 (1987). 'So I. Shah and P. F. Carcia, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51,2146 (1987). 4R. H. Hammond, M. Naito, B. Oh, M. Hahn, P. Rosenthal, A. Marshall, N. Missert. M. R. Beasley, A. Kapitulnik, and T. H Geballe, in Extended Abstracts for MRS Symposium on High Temperature Superconductors, Anaheim, CA, 23-24 April 1987 (unpublished). 'J. Kwo, T. C. Hsieh, M. Hong, R. M. Fleming, S. H. Liou, B. A. Davidson, and L. C. Feldman, MRS Symp. Proe. 99, 339 (1987). "A. H. Hamdi, 1. V. Mantese, A. L. Micheli, R. C. O. Laugal, D. F. Dun gan, Z. H. Zhang, and K. R. Padmanabhan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 2152 ( 1987). 7D. Dijkkamp, T. Vekatesan, X. D. Wu, S. A. Shaheen, N. Jisrawi, Y. H. Min-Lee, w. L. McLean, and M. Croft, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 619 (1987). RH. Adachi, K. Hirochi, K. Setsune, M. Kitabatake, and K. Wasa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 2263 (1987). 9D. K. Lathrop, S. E. Russek, and R. A. Buhrman, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 1554 (1987). "'I. M. Trascon, W. R. McKinnon, L. H. Greene, G. W. Hull, and E. M. Vogel, Phys. Rev. B 36, 226 (1987). "R, Kanno, Y. Takeda, M. Hasegawa, O. Yamamoto, M. Takano, Y. Ikeda, and Y. Bando, Mater. Res. Bull. 22, 1525 (1987). 12M. O. Eatough, D. S. Ginley, B. Morosin, and E. L Venturni, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 367 (1987). Ill. K. Schuller, D. G. Hinks, M. A. Beno, D. W. Capone, L. Soderholm, J. P. Locquct, Y. Bruynseraede, C. U. Segre, and K. Zhang, Solid State Commun. 63, 385 (1987). I4A. Davidson, A. Palevski, M. J. Brady, R. B. Laibowitz, M. Scheuer mann, and C. C. Chi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52,157 (1988). 15S. M. Rosnagel, J. Vae. Sci. TechnoL A 6,19 (1988). 16S. I. Shah, C. R. Fincher, M. W. Duch, D. A. Beames, K. M. Unruh, and C. P. Swan, in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Me tallurgical Coatings, San Diego, CA, 1988 (unpublished). 17L. T. Wille, A. Herera, and D. de Fontaine, Phys Rev. Lett. 60, 1065 ( 1988). ISA. G. Khachaturyan, S. V. Semenovskaya, and J. W. Morris, Jr., Phys. Rev. B 37, 2243 (198B). 19K. Keefer (private communication). S.1. Shah 614 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:15:02
Increased T c of bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide superconductor by praseodymium substitution S. Geller and K.Y. Wu Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 669 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101467 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101467 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Fluorineimplanted bismuth oxide superconductors Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 570 (1989); 10.1063/1.101459 Amorphoustocrystalline transformations in bismuthoxidebased high T c superconductors Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 805 (1988); 10.1063/1.100145 Preparation of superconducting thin films of bismuth strontium calcium copper oxides by reactive sputtering Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 246 (1988); 10.1063/1.100589 Reactive ion beam deposition of thin films in the bismuthcalciumstrontiumcopper oxide ceramic superconductor system Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 2186 (1988); 10.1063/1.99764 Preparation of superconducting thin films of calcium strontium bismuth copper oxides by coevaporation Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1828 (1988); 10.1063/1.99728 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:03:01Increased Tc of bismuth strontium calcium copper oXide superconductor by praseodymium substitution s. Geller and K.-Y. Wu Department afElectrical and Computer Engineering. University a/Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0425 (Received 7 November 1988; accepted for publication 15 December 1988) It is shown that a smaIl substitution of praseodymium for bismuth as in Pro<os BiL,)5 Sr2CaCu2.2 08<2 -1 (j produces a significant increase, 13 K, in the onset temperature, 7 K in the temperature at which the whole specimen is superconducting, and 10 K in the transition-midpoint temperature relative to B12Sr 2CaCu2 208<2 -t !j' Unfortunately the transition is broadened, 20 K versus 14 K. Doubling the amount of praseodymium substitution causes the occurrence of extraneous phase ( s), the effect of which is seen only in the resistance versus temperature data, and does not indicate any additional significant increases in the aforementioned temperatures. The main purpose of this letter is to report an increase in the transition temperature of the bismuth-strontium-cal dum-capper-oxide (BSCCO) superconductor resulting from a small substitution of praseodymium for bismuth, Ever since the first report] of the BSCCO superconductors, we have thought that the bismuth should be contributing carriers, a result of previous work on other systems.2 The transition temperature of the YBa2Cu307 b system does ap pear to be a function of the CuH -ion content and the carrier concentration from the copper must, it seems, be much low er in the Bi compound than in YBa2Cu30,,<9' The only possi ble source of additional carriers are the bismuth ions. How ever, the crystal-structure analyses reported thus fBr'A do not appear to permit the accurate determination of the Bi-O distances, from which one might speculate on the valence of the bismuth. It seemed appropriate to substitute some pra seodymium for bismuth, because Pr has two stable valence states, 3 + and 4-+ . If the Pr went into the compound in both valence states, it might increase the transition tempera ture; if it chose to go in as Pr3 -+, it would tend to reduce Tc. From the behavior ofBfl+ in the garnets,S its size is between that ofNdH and Prl+. We made several specimens in which 0.1 Bi was replaced by praseodymium; our starting oxide was Pr"OII' Specimens made were in the system Pro<] BiL9Sr2CaCu2 ,-"Os H j_,)' with several different val ues of x. We noticed that the firing temperatures could be raised substantially over those that we were constrained to use for preparing the materials not containing Pr. The prep aration technique was similar to that described elsewhere, I> The first two 2 h firings were done at 840 and 880°C, respec tively, and the 50 h firings were done at 900°C. In some cases, the specimens were given an additional 50 h firing at 900"C. We found that although powder photographs of some of the specimens indicated that the specimens were single phase the relative resistance CRt) versus temperature measurements did not, For example (Fig" I), the data for the x = 0.2 specimen show four straight-line segments. However, they do show a significant increase in the onset temperature; it could be as high as 98 K. Although the sam ple became completely superconducting at 75 K, potentially it could be (Fig. 1) 83 K. There is no question that the smaH amount of praseodymium substitution had a large effect on the transition. Because the R, vs T data indicated that the material was not single phase (even though this was not discernible in the powder photograph), we reduced the Pr substitution to 0.05. In a sample of total starting weight of 1.0493 g, the required amount of dry Pr60] i was 8.5 mg. The firing temperatures were somewhat lower for these specimens than for those containing 0.1 Pro The three 50 h firings were done at 860, 860, and 880°C, respectively. The R, vs T data for Pro 05 BiL95 Sr2CaCU220g2 f-ij are shown in Fig. 2. (The 2.2 eu per formula unit is a result of the work on the Pr-free materials described in another paper.l» There is still a short intermediate straight-line segment which indicates that this material is still not completely single phase, although again not discernible in the x-ray photographs. However, the data are much improved over those of the 0.1 Pr specimen. In this case, the onset temperature, taken as the intersection of the two outer straight-line segments, is 99 K and the tempera ture at which the specimen is completely superconducting is 79 K. This is an improvement on the specimen with 0,1 Pr, but unfortunately, the transition width is increased relative to the specimen not containing any IlL Nevertheless, the :: ~ Pr 0.1 Bij <SSr2CaCuZ.20S.2 +8 , (I) j u co 0.8 i-t) ...- Ul 'iii <ll 0,6 a:: Q) 1 > I :;:; 0 0.4 OJ a:: t 0.2 0.0 0 100 200 300 Temperature (K) FIG< I < Relative resistance vs temperature, 669 Appl. Phys, Lett 54 (7). i 3 February 1989 0003-6951/89/070669-02$01 <00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 669 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:03:01:: ~ 0.8 ~ 0.6 t' OA 0,2 , ;00 200 300 Temperature (K) FIG. 2. Relative resistance vs temperature. very small substitution of Pr for Bi has unequivocally in creased both temperatures, especially that of onset, signifi cantly. The transition midpoints are 79 K for the 2.2 eu specimen6 not containing Pr and 89 K for the analogous specimen containing 0.05 Pr. The results of the Pr substitution are difficult to under- 670 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No.7, 13 February 1989 stand, even based on a simple model of potential supercon ducting carrier concentration. It is not easy to argue that somehow the small substitution of Pr altered significantly the concentration of Cu3+ ions. On the other hand, the con clusion that the result implies that the bismuth ions are also essential (not only because they give the right structure) to the supefconducting behavior of these compounds may be plausible. "Quench-enhancement" of the transition temperature of a bismuth compound has been reported by Ishida et a/.7 We wish to thank the Graduate School of the University of Colorado for support of this research. 'ft Maeda, Y. Tanaka, M. Fukutomi, and T . .'\5ano, lpn. J. App!. Phys. 27, 209 (1988). 2S. Geller and G. W. Hull, Ir., Phys. Rev. Lett. I:!, 127 (1964 1; S. Geller, A. Jayaraman, and G. W. Hull, Jr., J. Phys. Chern. Solids 26, 353 (1905). 3M. A. Subramanian, C. C. Torardi, I. C. Calabrese, J. Gopalakrishnan, K. J. Morrissey, T. R. Ask~w, R. B. Flippen, U. Chowdhry, and A. W. Sleight, Science 239, 1015 (1988). 4T. Kajitani, K. Kusaba. M. Kikuchi, N. Kobayashi, Y. Syono, T. B. Wil liams, and M. Hirabayashi, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 27, 587 (1988). 's. Geller, H. J. Williams, G. P. Espinosa, R. C. Sherwood, and M. A. Gil leo, App!. Phys. Lett. 3, 21 (1963). "S. Geller and K.-Y. Wu (unpublished). 71'. Ishida, H. Mazaki, and T. Sakuma, lpn. J. Appl.l'hys. 27,1626 (1988). s. Geller and K. -Yo Wu 670 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:03:01
Doping dependence of the specific contact resistance of NiSi2 on (100) nSi E. Sasse and U. König Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 64, 3748 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341375 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.341375 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v64/i7 Published by the AIP Publishing LLC. Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jap.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jap.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jap.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jap.aip.org/authors Downloaded 24 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionstical waveguide, and an uneven fiber space array have been developed. They have been assembled into one body to form a three channel demultiplexer. The flexible replica grating was used to realize a concave grating, and it performed well as a demultiplexer. The uneven fiber space array enabled the input light to be demultiplexed into the three specific wave length channels. The authors are thankful to Dr. T. Shimomura, S. Hashizume, and Y. Shimada for their useful discussions and technical advice. JR. Kobrinski, R. M. Bulley, M. S. Goodman, M. P. Vecchi, and C. A. B!"ackett, Electron. Lett. 23, 824 (1987). 2B. D. Metcalf and J. F. Providakes, Appl. Opt. 21, 794 (1982). 3y' Fujii and J. Minowa, Appl. Opt. 22, 974 (1983). 4E. G. Loewen, M. Neviere, and D. Mayster, App!. Opt. 16,2711 (1977). 5T. [zawa and H. Nakagome. App!. Phys. Lett. 11, 584 (1972). Doping dependence of the specific contact resistance of NiSi2 on (100) n .. Si E. Sasse and U. Konig AEG Research Center Uim, Sedanstrasse 10, D-7900 Ulm, Federal Republic o/Germany (Received 15 February 1988; accepted for publication 17 June 1988) Nickel disilicide (NiSi2) was formed on (100) oriented n~type Si~molecular beam epitaxial layers (Si-MBE) of various doping levels between 2 X 1016 and 13 X lOt8 cm -3 and on substrates of 2 X 10!9 em -3. Very low contact resistances were found and a low Schottky barrier of ¢an = 0.49 V was derived. A comparison with other commonly used contact materials shows NiSi2 to be highly favorable in this doping range. Silicides have been intensively investigated for their po~ tential as interconnect materials for very large scale integra tion structures owing to their relatively low resistivity com pared to the commonly used poly-Si. Another region of application, which has hardly been explored, is the fabrica tion of ohmic contacts to semiconductors. Usually the con tact material is of secondary importance as long as it is che mically stable at elevated temperatures, because good contacts can always be obtained ifthe silicon surface is high ly enough doped (> 1020 cm-:l) by implantation or other wise.! If for certain reasons (e.g., an undesirably high amount of defects at high doping concentrations, which are detrimental for Impatt diodes2) such excessive doping con centrations are undesirable, a slight leverage can be obtained by using a contact metal having a very low Schottky barrier tPBn' In the case ofImpatt diodes the Ti:Au couple is an often employed contact since the Schottky barrier ofTi lies at O.S V. Unfortunately the Ti:Au couple is not very stable to tem peratures above 300·C owing to interdiffusion and subse quent reaction.3-7 Tung and Gibson8 established for NiSi2 on (100) n-Si a Schottky barrier height of 0.48 V making it highly probable that specific contact resistances resulting therefrom would be lower than for Ti. Furthermore NiSi2 just as CoS12 has the potential of growing epitaxially on silicon. In this work we have prepared NiSi2 contacts to (100) n-Si of various doping levels and have for the first time determined the dop ing dependent specific contact resistances. The specific contact resistances have been evaluated by two methods, For n-doped epitaxial layers the transmission line model (TLM)9 was employed, whereas for substrate material the method of Terry and Wilson in the adaptation by KuphallO was used. The samples used for the first method were prepared by depositing Si-layers by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)!i doped with antimony on (100) p-Si of 10000 em. The MBE layers had thicknesses varying from 0.6 to 0.8 j.lm, whereas we had five different doping levels varying between 2X 1O!0 and 1.3X 1018 em --3. For studying a higher doped level a n~type Si substrate of 2 X }OI9 em -3 was used. No (cm-3! • 1020 10111 1011 2)(1016 l'O'r I I Rcmcm2) 10-2 j I I I I 10-41 J/ I I , , , , , 10 20 30 4-0 50 60 70 ViNe 110-10 cm3/2) - FIG. 1. Specific contact resistance of NiSi, on (100) n-Si in dependence of the doping concentration ND (top abscissa) or 1I,JN;; (bottom abscissa). 3748 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (7). j October i988 0021-8979/88/193748-02$02.40 © 1988 American Institute of Physics 3748 Downloaded 24 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsTABLE l. Comparison of the specific contact resistances in n cm2 of PtSi, Ai, Ti, and NiSi2 to n-Si of varying concentration. Contact material Nl) cm -3 Type~ 2Xl010 2X 10" 2X lOIS 2X 1019 "Derived from Ref. 16. bDerived from Ref. 17. cDerived from Ref. 18. PtSi-Si AI-Si ••• Ii< •• ,b (111) (111) 1.5 X 10' 7X 10' L6X10' 1.4XlO-1 4x 10-3 7x 10-5 dDerived from the present work. Ti-Si NiSiz-Si , .. c •.• d (-t-) ( 1(0)< 3XlO-1 l.5Xl0-1 7X 10-J lXlO-3 1.5X to-5 4XIO--6 eChanging from (111) to (lOO)-Si reduces the specific contact resistance by a factor of2 (Ref. 19). After depositing 100 nm of pyrox, windows for the long TLM mesas were opened which were prepared by anisotrop icaHy etching the epilayers with a mixture of KOH/pro panol-2 at 80°C, After a second pyrex deposition contact windows 100 J.lm wide and having spacings of 5, 15, 30, and 60 p..m were opened onto the TLM mesa and 40 nm of Ni were deposited bye-beam evaporation (base pressure 5 X 10-7 mbar). The Ni silicide was prepared by rapid ther mal annealing using an AET heating system. The annealing temperature was slightly above 800 "C and the annealing du ration 15 s in accordance with the work of ChevaHier and Nylandsted Larsen12 and Nylandsted Larsen, ChevaUier, and Sorensen.13 The ambient was an oil-pump vacuum (;:::1O-3mbar). We found a certain amount of epitaxially grown NiSi1 on (100) Si indicated by the X min value of about 0.5 as ob tained by RES channeling measurements. This correlates with the findings of Chiu et Ol.14 and FoIl et al.15 that the disilicide is highly (111) faceted and that it contains disor dered domains. The specific contact resistances are depicted in Fig. 1 dependent of the doping concentration (top) as wen as of 1I.,JN;; (bottom). When comparing these values with those for PtSi-Si and the commonly used pure metals AI-Si and Ti-Si in Table I we find a marked improvement, which is consistent with the lower Schottky barrier height of the NiSi2 -Si contact. Using the consideration that at lower doping levels the specific resistance can be expressed byl Rc = k IqA *Texp(q¢Bn1kT), A1\< =2.1 A, 3749 J. App\. Phys., Vol. 64, No.7, 1 October 1988 ~.'.' .• '" '~".'.--;o.'.'.'.-.'.-., ••.• .' .•.•. ' .•. ' •••.• -.:.~.~ •. , .• -., ..................... _, and A = 120 A cm-2 K-2, we obtain ¢JBn ;:::;:0.49 V when using Rc = 0.2 n cm2• This result is in good agreement with the Schottky barrier height obtained for smooth and completely epitaxial NiSi2 by Tung and Gibson.s The reason this result is obtained, although the NiSi2 layer consists only partially of epitaxially grown lay ers, is to be sought in the understanding that beside the epi taxial (100) regions there are regions of (111) facets20 which because of their higher Schottky barriers (q;Bn: 0.65- 0.79 V) 8 are only responsi.ble for a minor part of the current transport across the interface.2J A part of the interface cer tainly consists of polycrystaIline material which also has a high Schottky barrier. AU in all the main region through which the current can flow is the (100) region, but with a lower effective contact surface. The authors would like to thank H. Kibbel, G. Kohn for technical assistance and Dr. E. Kasper for stimulating dis cussions. The financial support provided by the Federal Ministry of Technology, FRO under the grant NT 2731 Dis gratefully acknowledged. 's. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1981), p. 304. 21._P. Luy, private communication. 3J. Hersener, E. Sasse, and A. Wilhelm, unpublished. 4A. Hiraki, Jpn. J. AppI. Phys. 22, 549 (1983). SR. Goronkiu, Solid-State Electron. 18, 891 (1975). oJ. M. Poate, P. A. Turner, W.l. DeBronte,andl. Yahalom,J. Appl. Phys. 46,4275 (1975). 7p. Staecker, International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, DC, Dec. 1973 (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1973), p. 493. "R. T. Tung and J. M. Gibson. J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL A 3,987 (l985). 'G. K. Reeves and H. B. Harrison, IEEE Electron Device Lett. EDL-3, 111 ( 1982). WK. Kuphal, Solid-State Electron. 24, 69 (1981). "H. Jorke, H.·]. Herzog, and H. Kibbe!, AppL Phys. Lett. 47, 511 (1985). !2J. Chevallier and A. Nylandsted Larsen, Appl. Phys. A 39,141 (1986). 13 A. Nylandsted Larsen, J. Chevallier, and G. Sorensen, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 23, 727 (1984). 14K. C. R. Chill, J. M. Poate, J. E. Rowe, T. T. Sheng, and A. O. Cullis, App!. Phys. Lett. 38, 988 (1981). !SF. Fol!, P. S. Ho, and K. N. Tu, J. App!. Phys. 52, 250 (1981). l0e. Y. Chang and S. M. Sze, Solid-State Electron. 13,727 (I970). 17A. Y. e. Yu, Solid-State Electron. 13,239 (1970). 18L, E. Terry and R. W. Wilson, Proc. IEEE 57, 1580 (1969). 19C. Y. Chang, Y. K. Fang, and S. M. Sze, Solid-State Electron. 14, 541 (1971). 20J. M. Gibson, R. T. Tung, and J. M. Poate, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Pmc. 14,395 (1983). 211. Ohdomari and K. N. Tu, J. App!. Phys. 51, 3735 (1980). E. Sasse and U. KOnig 3749 Downloaded 24 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
White House Global Climate Plan Calls for Research by 7 Agencies Irwin Goodwin Citation: Physics Today 42, 10, 52 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.2811178 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2811178 View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/42/10 Published by the American Institute of Physicsic fusion, which the House had marked up earlier for $280 million—a savage cut from the Bush Administra- tion's request of $349 million. In the amended bill, the Princeton lab, which had suffered a $40 million reduction in the earlier version, would get back half of its loss. (In the Senate bill, which passed in late July, the mark for magnetic fusion was $330.4 million and in the joint House- Senate version the program wound up with somewhat more, $330.8 mil- lion—though the exact amount for the Princeton Lab is not yet known). The "you support mine and I'll sup- port yours" trade-off gained Roe's support for the SSC. Accordin g to several lawmakers, Roe was able to swing many undecided members on the science committee and the public works committee, which he once led. What's more, they add, Roe's impas- sione d speech at the climax of the SSC debate contributed to the large vote for the project. When Massachusetts Republican Mario Conte, his voice rising and his arms flailing, resorted to some vintage Texas-bashing about greedy state legislators demanding money for the SSC and other projects, Roe became indignant. "Do not pit one section of the country against the other," he told his colleagues. "If I could have this [SSC] built in New Jersey ... I would be fighting as hard as the people in Texas are." It wasn't only Texas politicians bat- tling for the SSC. The day before the House vote, Obey got a phone callfrom a physicist at the University of Wisconsin urging him not to submit his amendment to strike construction funds. "The SSC is seen as so much pork that will be divvied up every- where," said Obey. "So many peopl e think they have a piece of the action." Spreading the money around Indeed, about three-fourths of the roughly $205 million appropriated for SSC R&D in the past five years went to three national laboratories—Law- rence Berkeley, Brookhaven and Fer- milab. The labs, in turn, have spread the money to university researchers and commercial contractors around the country. DOE, for its part, has awarded direct grants in 18 states. Some lawmakers thought they would be free of all outside pressures once the site around Waxahachie, Texas, was chosen for the machine. In the past year, for instance, Don Rit- ter, a Pennsylvania Republican who had been an outspoken opponent of the SSC for years, has lowered his voice. That's not surprising, consider- ing that Westinghouse Electric and Air Products & Chemicals, both head- quartered in his state, are competing for contracts to build the $6 billion machine. On the Senate side, J. Bennett Johnston, chairman of the energy and natural resources commit- tee and powerful on budget and ap- propriations committees, had been cool to building the SSC in an era of large deficits. But he became one of its ardent proponents when GeneralDynamics let him know it would build a plant in Hammond, Louisiana, if it was selected to manufacture the su- perconducting magnets that will hold the beams in their oval course. Bab- cock & Wilcox, another company that wants to build SSC magnets and other components, also is located in John- ston's state. Johnston, in fact, effec- tively led the Senate campaign for the SSC. He met little resistance because Texas's own Lloyd Bentsen and Phil Gramm had already signed up more than 60 senators. In conference, Johnston, working with Republican senators Pete Do- menici of New Mexico, Mark Hatfield of Oregon and Thad Cochran of Mis- sissippi, got House members to agree to add two key points to the SSC section of the Energ y and Water Development Appropriations Act: One calls for $25 million in construc- tion funds "to be available only to initiate the first tunnel sector con- tract and for no other purpose." The other argues that while foreign parti- cipation in the project could signifi- cantly reduce its cost to the US, it is likely that such contributions would require sharing in its technological development. Congress wants DOE to report on the advantages and disad- vantages of foreign partnerships be- fore any agreement is made. The agreement says, "Using this report, Congress can then make a decision on how much and what type of foreign participation is appropriate." —IEWIN GOODWIN WHITE HOUSE GLOBAL CLIMATE PLAN CALLS FOR RESEARCH DY 7 AGENCIES With the abundance of scientific re- ports that humans are altering the basic chemistry of the Earth's atmo- sphere, leaders of the most industrial- ized nations are latching on to a hot topic. Britain's Margaret Thatcher and the Soviet Union's Mikhail Gor- bachev speak forcefully on environ- mental issues, though cynics argue that their eloquence is shaped by public opinions and actual events like Chernobyl and summer droughts, not by personal principles. In his cam- paign for the US presidency last year, George Bush promised to clean up America and become the "environ- mental President." In his budget manifesto, "Building a Better America," he declared he is "committed to developing a better understanding of the processes that influence global climate." As he saw it, "present understanding of complexEarth system processes is rudimen- tary and substantial research will be necessary before we can begin to make reliable predictions of global climate change." Considering the un- certainty, the President is loath to promise to limit or lower the levels of atmospheric gases—notably, CO2, S3O, CH4, N2O and chlorofluorocar - bons such as CFC13 and CF2C12—that seem to trap some of the sun's radi- ation like the glass in a greenhouse. 'White House effect' "The problem ... is international in scope," Bush is quoted in "Building a Better America" as saying. "Unila- teral action by the US alone will not solve it. In fact, some say the problem is just too big to be solved.... I say they are wrong. Those who think we're powerless to do anything about the greenhouse effect are forgettingabout the 'White House effect.' As President, I intend to do something about it." In fact, Bush's budget, submitted last February along with "Building a Better America," includ- ed $191.5 million for a US Global Change Research Program—a 43% increase over fiscal 1989 research activities, which amounted to $133.9 million spread through seven agen- cies—amon g them, the National Science Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy and Agriculture departments and NASA. Little more was heard about Bush's global climate change program until D. Allan Bromley was asked about it in July by Senator Albert Gore Jr, the Tennessee Democrat. At the Senate science subcommittee's hearing on Bromley's confirmation as the new director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Gore 52 PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER 1989WASHINGTON REPORTS said the time has come to find out just what is the White House effect. Not only did Gore want to see the report by the Committee on Earth Sciences of the interagency Federal Coordinat- ing Council on Science, Engineering and Technology, but he wanted to know what Bromley would do to reduce the threat of global warming. Bromley's answer was ambiguous. "There's every reason not to wait," he said, to pursue certain actions, such as preserving tropical rain forests, practicing energy conservation and planting more trees. But, he added , he had yet to see compelling scientific evidence arguing for reducing or eliminating most of the gases that have been identified so far as culprits in climate change. The committee report from FCCSET (ironically pronounced "fix- it") came out on 31 August at a news conference called by OSTP. It con- tains a coordinated plan for a broad government program that will in- volve geophysicists, Earth scientists, biologists, atmospheric modelers and other specialists. One purpose of this multidisciplinary study is to examine the likelihood of global warming and ozone depletion so that others may be able to better determine their impli - cations for public policies. The report also carries some state- ments guaranteed to puzzle and pro- voke environmentalists. "Many glo- bal changes can have tremendous impacts on the welfare of humans," it states at the start. "These events may stem from natural processes that began millions of years ago or from human influence. Responding to these changes without a strong scien- tific basis could be futile and very costly." Priorities of study Accordingly, says the report, research needs to be done on the "interactive physical, geological, chemical, biologi- cal and social processes that regulate the total Earth system." To help achieve this end, the report sets priorities for seven broad categories of research to monitor, understand and ultimately predict global climate. Studies will be done, for instance, on ocean circulation and on cloud cover. At the top of the research list is clouds, a major source of uncertainty in models of the greenhouse effect. Clouds act as both a blanket to trap heat near the Earth and as a reflector of the sun's rays to cool the planet. Understanding the balance between these actions is critical in predicting climate change. (See article by Ra- manathan and others in PHYSICS TO- DAY, May, page 22). At the bottom ofthe list is the heading "solar in- fluences," which includes studies of ultraviolet light and solar radiation. At the press conference announcing the program, Robert W. Corell, NSF's assistant director of geological science, characterized its purpose as answering questions about "how this magnificen t planet works, how it ticks." Corell, a member of the inter- agency panel, explained that the re- search categories had been ranked according to questions that commit- tee members believed needed answers to help resolv e scientific uncertain- ties. "This is the 1989 edition of the key scientific questions," he said. He then observed that the questions were apt to change as scientists learned Dallas Peck: 'Embarrassment of riches' more about the interactions of hu- mans, the planet and its atmosphere. Once the causes and consequences are understood and evaluated, the gov- ernment's plan of actions presumably will follow. The picture of Earth's history that scientists have assembled so far, the report states, shows dramatic changes in global conditions, such as warm and cool epochs, continental shifts, rising and falling sea levels , and movements of deserts, marshes and mountains. While humans have con- tributed to environmental changes for centuries, it is only since the Industrial Revolution that conditions have been seriously altered. With increased burning of coal and oil to run power plants and transport vehi- cles, concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen by something like 30% in the past 100 years. Still, evidence for global warming remains largely conjectural, the re- port observes. True, Earth scientists seem to agree that the world's tem-perature has risen by about 0.5° C since the beginning of the century and that the six warmest years on record came in the 1980s. But most meteorologists are not sure about the warming to come. Even if the world stopped producing all greenhouse gas- es today, some warming would still occur. This is because of the Earth's thermal inertia, due largely to the way oceans and vegetation hold heat, and because of the decades it would take greenhouse gases to disperse. The conventional belief is that the global mean temperature may rise by between 1° C and 2° C by 2030 and an additional 0.5° C by mid-century. A 2° rise is hardly a modest change, how- ever, considering that the mean tem- perature was lower by only 5° C dur- ing the ice age, some 18 000 years ago. The FCCSET committee's report argues that it is essential to under- stand natural systems so that unde- sirable climate changes can be avoid- ed before large parts of the US turn into tropics or deserts and before the ocean currents and sea levels make some coastal regions unlivable and some agricultural lands unproduc- tive. In a statement accompanying the report, Bromley observes that global change "may well represent the most significant societal, environ- mental and economic challenges fac- ing the US and the world." Congress is likely to back the re- search program, says Dallas L. Peck, director of the US Geological Survey and chairman of the FCCSET commit- tee. Peck has been with USGS since 1951, when he received his BS degree from Caltech, and served as a geolo- gist with the agency while he earned his MS from Caltech and his PhD from Harvard. Over the years, he has followed Congress's concern with the subject. Peck is so sure the funds will be appropriated for the research that some agency programs may experi- ence "an embarrassment of riches." Dills before Congress Indeed, several bills have been intro- duced in Congress to deal with it— notably, the World Environmental Policy Act (S. 201), introduced by Senator Gore, which calls for regulat- ing and eventually phasing out anth- ropogenic gases, improving fuel effi- ciencies for vehicles, preserving the world's biodiversity and developing international controls on greenhouse gases; and the Global Warming Pre- vention Act (H. R. 1078), by Represen- tative Claudine Schneider, a Rhode Island Republican, which covers the same matters. Schneider's bill, now cosponsored by 150 House members, would give highest priority, in her PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER, 198953words, "to reinvigorating the nation's energy efficiency and renewable ener- gy R&D programs," which suffered severe budget cuts of 50% and 75%, respectively, in the past decade. During the Reagan years the White House displayed little or no commit- ment to such policies. Under Brom- ley, OSTP is in charge of coordinating the global climate research program, but even sources in the Administra- tion admit they are not convinced that the President or any one agency has the interest and influence to bring it off. "It's not clear how the Administration is going to exercise authority over highly independent,competitive agencies that are all com- peting for increasingly limited re- sources," says a DOE official. Despite this pessimism, Bush has made some headway. He has taken a stand that the US will not destroy any more wetlands, the habitats of large varieties of wildlife. The White House Domestic Council recently urged Bush to campaign for planting 10 billion trees in the US over the next decade. He is virtually certain to call on government agencies, corpo- rate interests and individuals to do that as an easy preventive action against global climate change. —IRWIN GOODWIN NSAC BACKS BROOKHAVEN'S RHIC AND SUGGESTS CLOSINGS TO COME For the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, the conclusions reached at Boulder, Colorado, last August evoked a bittersweet taste. Commit- tee members were absolutely over- joyed to recommend as NSAC's top priority that the Department of Ener- gy should build the long-sough t Rela- tivistic Heavy Ion Collider, but they were saddened at what the project would mean for other elements of nuclear physics. They know, for in- stance, that by starting RHIC the department will need to make hard choices about closing older facilities. This disagreeable prospect was raised in a letter to NSAC on 11 July from Robert O. Hunter Jr, director of DOE's Office of Energy Research, who asked the committee to evaluate the proposed facilities in the field. Hunter's letter pointed out that cur- rent "budget balancing activities, competition with other highly regard- ed scientific projects and other press- ing and high-priority concerns within DOE all indicate that even maintain- ing ongoing levels of expenditures will require substantial justification." Accordingly, the letter went on, while RHIC is a one of the "forefront opportunities" in nuclear physics, NSAC needs to consider whether it should be built in light of its implica- tions for nuclear physics and scientif- ic manpower. Specifically, Hunter wanted to know if the community advocates going ahead with RHIC, knowing that the budget for the field would be virtually constant and that the operation of some existing facili- ties would be curtailed. The response to Hunter's letter came on 18 August from NSAC Chair- man Peter Paul of the State Universi- ty of New York at Stony Brook. Paul made it clear that NSAC understoodHunter's message: that when it comes to the economics of science there is no free lunch. Paul explained that a Long Range Working Group that met for a week before NSAC's discussion had rated "swift construction" of RHIC second only to "timely comple- tion" of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at New- port News, Virginia. Engine of scientific change CEBAF and RHIC symbolize the prog- ress in nuclear physics as well as some of the problems that afflict the field. The new instruments are patently engines of change. They drive new physics. This makes experiments on older facilities less interesting. NSAC's endorsement of RHIC was unambiguous. "After the long delay which this project has already experi- enced," Paul wrote in his letter, "we urge swift start of construction, even under an approximately constant budget for nuclear science." Still, with a DOE budget of around $300 million for all nuclear physics in 1990 and a likelihood that it will not go beyond $315 million in fiscal 1991 , RHIC might seem a high price to pay. The machine—a 2.5-mile ring in which two beams of heavy ions will collide with a center-of-mass energy of 200 GeV per nucleon—and its detectors and equipment are now estimated to cost $328 million on completion. According to knowledge- able sources in the Bush Administra- tion, DOE plans to include the first year of RHIC's construction in its 1991 budget request, to be given to Congress in January. The cost of building RHIC would be spread over five years—from 1991 through 1995. The committee agonized over how to build RHIC in a period whennuclear physics is unlikely to get much more funding, Paul recalls. Down deep, NSAC knew that however distasteful the idea of closing facilities was, it had to come to grips with the budget dilemma. Assuming a con- stant budget in nuclear physics, Paul's letter says, RHIC could still be built—but not without sacrifice: Its construction would need to be stretched out from five to six years; Lawrence Berkeley's aging Bevelacl which is capable of accelerating to 1 GeV per nucleon all ion species up to uranium, would be phased out in the mid-1990s; reductions would be made in some programs no longer consid- ered of great value; and Brookhaven's combination tandem Van de Graaff and Alternating Gradient Synchro- tron might be curtailed "at an appro- priate time." Of these, only the tan- dem-AGS gives pause. When it was linked with the tandem Van de Graaff at Brookhaven a few years ago, the AGS was transformed from a purely proton synchrotron to a hybrid that also accelerates heavy ions. The ma- chine is now undergoing another transformation that will enable the AGS to accelerate all the heavy ions the tandem can produce, including those as heavy as gold, up to 15 GeV per nucleon. As for other machines of high priority, NSAC informed Hunter it favored US participation in the build- ing of KAON, a high-intensit y 30-GeV K-meson factory that the Canadian government would like to add to the TRIUMF cyclotron operating near Van- couver, British Columbia (PHYSICS TO- DAY, June, page 44). The committee finds KAON "a very cost-effective and timely opportunity" to investigate important questions in physics. Still, the committee admits that complet- ing CEBAF and starting RHIC will cause budget pressures requiring DOE to look beyond a constant fund- ing level for money to join up with Canada. Canada has sought a total of $75 million from the US to build KAON over a five-year period and possibly another $30 million for detec- tors and other equipment. The total cost of the project is estimate d at $450 million (in US dollars). Even though DOE adds a 30% contingency to the cost of building projects, it remains uncertain if exist- ing operations at laboratories and universities can be fully funded in an era of severe budgetary constraints. CEBAF was originally figured to cost $236 million. But then the start of construction was delayed and the job was stretched by a year. The machine is now calculated to be completed for $265 million. —IRWIN GOODWIN! 54 PHYSICS TODAY OCTOBER 1989
Model of plasma immersion ion implantation M. A. Lieberman Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 66, 2926 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344172 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344172 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v66/i7 Published by the AIP Publishing LLC. Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jap.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jap.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jap.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jap.aip.org/authors Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsModel of plasma. immersion ion implantation M. A. Lieberman Department 0/ Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and the Electronics Research Laboratory, University a/California, Berkeley, California 94720 (Received 3 April 1989; accepted for publication 15 June 1989) In plasma immersion ion implantation, a target is immersed in a plasma and a series of negative high-voltage pulses are applied to implant plasma ions into the target. We develop an approximate analytical model to determine the time-varying implantation current, the total dose, and the energy distribution of the implanted ions. I. INTRODUCTION In ion implantation, energetic ions are injected into the surface of a solid material with the result that the atomic composition and structure of the near-surface region is changed. The process is routine in semiconductor device fab rication. Metallurgical implantation is an emerging technol ogy; in this application, new surface alloys are created with improved resistance to wear, corrosion, and fatigue. Conventional implantation is carried out in a high vacu um environment, in which a thin beam of ions is extracted from a plasma ion source, focused and accelerated through a potential of tens to hundreds of kilovolts, and delivered to the target material. Then the beam and target are manipulat ed to expose the target surface to the beam until the desired dose is accumulated. Some drawbacks of conventional im plantation are ion source and beam scanning complexity and maintenance, low beam current, nonuniform implantation profile, and low-energy efficiency per implanted ion. In plasma immersion ion implantation (PHI), the inter mediate stages of ion source, beam extraction, focusing, and scanning are omitted. The target is immersed in a plasma environment, and ions are extracted directly from the plas ma and accelerated into the target by means of a series of negative, high-voltage pulses applied to the target. Both me tallurgicall-5 and semiconductor6 implantation processes have been demonstrated using PIlL When a sudden negative voltage is applied to the target, then, initially, in the time scale of the inverse electron plasma frequency (J);~ 1, electrons near the surface are driven away, leaving behind a uniform density ion "matrix" sheath. Sub sequently, on the time scale of the inverse ion plasma fre quency, ions within the sheath are accelerated into the tar get. This, in turn, drives the sheath-plasma edge further away, exposing new ions that are extracted. On a longer time scale, the system evolves toward a steady-state Child law7•8 sheath. Generally, this is of no interest in PIlI, because the sheath thickness exceeds the plasma size; hence the voltage is returned to zero before the steady-state sheath forms. The matrix sheath and its time evolution determine the current J(t) and the energy distribution dN / dW of implant ed ions. The structure of the initial matrix sheath in one dimensional planar, cylindrical, and spherical targets9 and two-dimensional wedge-shaped targetslO has been deter mined. In addition, the self-consistent equations have been solved numerically to find the time evolution of the matrix sheath in planar geometry .11-15. However, it is desirable to have an analytical estimate of J and dN /dW In this study, we develop an approximate analytical model for an applied rectangular voltage pulse in one-dimensional planar geome try and compare the results with the numerical solutions. The model yields quantities, such as the peak implantation current and time, and their scalings with system parameters, that are useful in describing the PIU process. II. BASIC MODEL Figure 1 (a) shows the initial PHI geometry. The planar target is immersed in a uniform plasma of density no. At time t = 0, a voltage pulse of amplitude -Vo and time width tp is applied to the target, and the plasma electrons are driven away to form the matrix sheath, with the sheath edge at x = so< As time evolves [Fig. 1 (b) J, ions are implanted, the sheath edge recedes, and a nonuniform, time-varying sheath forms near the target. The model assumptions are as foHows: ( 1) The ion flow is collisionless. This is valid for suffi ciently low gas pressures. (2) The electron motion is inertialess. This follows be cause the characteristic implantation time scale much ex ceeds (JJ p-; !. (3) The applied voltage V;) is much greater than the electron temperature T.; hence the Debye length AD -( So, and the sheath edge at s is abrupt. (4) During and after matrix sheath implantation, a qua sistatic Child law sheath forms. The current demanded by this sheath is supplied by the uncovering of ions at the mov- TARGET V o-_,,_J-<;II MATRIX r--"" (dS) L£- SHEATH \ cit 0 -vof-J ~ 0 So PLASMA no -----,------r-------- J -v 0----5; I I I I CHILD LAW SHEATH ds dt (a) t=o' (I:» FIG. 1. Planar PIlI geometry (a) just after formation of the matrix sheath and (b) after evolution of the quasistatic Child law sheath. 2926 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (7),1 October i989 0021-8979/89/192926-04$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 2926 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsing sheath edge and by the drift of ions toward the target at the Bohm (ion sound) speed UB = (eTe/M) 1/2 (Te is in units of volts). (5) During the motion of an ion across the sheath, the electric field is frozen at its initial value, independent of time, except for the change in field due to the velocity ofthe mov ing sheath. Assumptions (4) and (5) are approximations that per mit an analytical solution to the sheath motion. These as sumptions are justified post hoc by comparison with numeri cal results. III. SHEATH MOTION The Child law current density jc for a voltage Va across a sheath of thickness s is 7,8 . _ ~E (2e)112 vii12 lc - 9 0 M S2' (1) where Eo is the free-space permittivity and e and It1 are the ion charge and mass. Equatingjc to the charge per unit time crossing the sheath boundary, (ds ). eno dt+UB =Jc' we find the sheath velocity ds 2 s5Uo -=----u B' dt 9 .12 where So = (2EOVoleno) 1/2 is the matrix sheath thickness and Uo = (2eVo/i\!) 1/2 (2) (3) (4) (5) is the characteristic ion velocity. Integrating (3), we obtain tanh-1(s/s,,) -s/s" = uBt /s" + tanh -1 (so/sc ) -so/s", (6) where sc=so[~(U()IUB)]1/2 (7) is the steady-state Child law sheath thickness. Since Sc >so and assuming Sc >s, we obtain from (6) that (8) where wpi = /.Lolso is the ion plasma frequency in the matrix sheath. Substituting (7) into (8), we note that the time scale t" for establishing the steady-state Child law sheath is tc;::::; (~2/9) Wpl 1 (2 VolT. )3/4, and we assume that the pulse width tp <te in the development that follows, IV. MATRIX SHEATH IMPLANTATION Because the initial charge density in the matrix sheath is uniform, the initial electric field varies linearly with x: E = (M /e)w;i (x -s). Hence, the ion motion is d2x , --2 = W;i(X -s), dt where x is the particle pOSItIOn. s = So + Cds/dOo tin (9) and using (3) U B < uo• we obtain (9) Approximating with s = So and 2927 J. Appl. Ph'ls., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1939 d2x _ 2 2 2 --2 -Wpi ex -so) -,}tuwp;t. dt (10) Integrating (10), we find x -So = (xo -so)cosh wpJ -~o sinh wpJ + ~uot, (11) where we have let x 0:= Xo and x = 0 at t = 0, Choosing xz -UB, consistent with the sheath motion (3), yields a negligible correction to (11) because U B < u(). Letting x = 0 in ( 11 ), we obtain the ion flight time t from So = (so -xo)cosh (ilpri + §so sinh wpJ -~uot. (12) In a time interval between t and t + dt, ions from the interval between Xo and Xo + dxo are implanted. Differenti ating (12), we find dxo wpi(so-xo)sinh(upJ+ijuo(coshwpJ-l) dt cosh wp;t ( 13) Using (12) in (13) to eliminate So -xu, we obtain the im plantation current density j = eno dxo/dt as J = sinh T -L 2 1 + T sinh T -cosh T cosh2 T ' 9 cosh2 T ' (14) where J =j!(enou o) is the normalized current density and T = wp,t is the normalized time. Equation (14) gives the implantation current density versus time for those ions in the initial matrix sheath O<xo<so' Setting Xo = So in (12), we obtain Tz2.7. At this time, all matrix sheath ions are im planted; hence (14) is valid for O<T<2.7. Figure 2 gives a plot of J vs T. The maximum Jmax ;::::;0.55 occurs at Tmax zO,95. We note that J(2.7) ::::;0.19. V. QUAS!STATIC CHILD LAW SHEATH IMPLANTATION Consider the implanted ions having initial positions at Xo> So. The time t, for the initial sheath edge at So to reach Xl) is found from (8): 0.4 J 0.2 '-"'"---- -------~----. T FIG. 2. Normalized implantation current density J = j/ (enouo) vs normal ized time T = ()) pi t. The dashed lines show the analytical solution for T < 2,7 [Eq. (14) 1 and T> 3 [Eq.(l9)]; the solid line is the numerical solution (see Refs. 13 and 14). M. A. Lieberman 2927 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsOJpJ, = ~(Xb/S6) -~. (is) At time ts' an ion at Xo begins its flight across the sheath. The ion flight time is given by8 OJ p' t' = 3xo/so. (16) Hence, an ion at Xo reaches the target at a time t = t, + t ' given by T = wpJ = ~(X6/S~) -~ + 3 (xo/so)' Differentiating (17), we obtain dxo Uo -=---"--- dt 1(x~/s~) + 3 The normalized implantation current density is thus J=----- ~(X6/56) + 3 (17) (18) (19) Equations (17) and (19) give J(T) as a parametric function of xo/so [Although (17) can be solved for Xo and substituted into ( 18), the result is not illuminating. J For xo/ So = 1, we find T= 3 and J(3) = 2115z0.133. As T ~ 00, Xo -">Sc >30; hence J( 00) --(2/9)S6/3:. Unnormalizing, we find j( 00 ) --enou B' which correctly gives the steady-state Child law current density. However, as noted previously, we are not interested in this long time scale. We note that (14) and (19) do not smoothly join at Xo = so' This is a consequence of the simplifying assumptions ( 4) and (5) that were used to solve for the sheath and ion motion. Figure 2 shows the analytical results for J vs Tin both regimes. The nonlinear partial differential equations for the ion and electron motion in the planar sheath have been solved numerically.I3-15 The ion motion is collisionless, the elec trons are in thermal equilibrium, and Poisson's equation re lates the densities to the potential. The equations are ani a -+-(n.u.) =0 at ax I I , au au M-'+JlJu.-' at ' ax alP -eax' ne = no exp( -<PIT"), az¢ e -;--2 = --(ni -ne)' oX Eo Figure 2 shows a numerical solution for Vr/Te = 200. We see that (14) for T< 2.7 and (19) for T> 3 are in good agree ment with the numerical results. A numerical solution for VolTe = 50 also agrees well with the analytical model, and the predicted scalingjo: V612 is verified numerically. VI. ENERGY DISTRIBUTION We assume a voltage pulse of width T> 3, such that all matrix sheath ions (xo<so) are implanted. For these ions, since the potential varies quadratically with the distance from the sheath edge, ions starting at Xo are implanted with energy W = vo{1-[(so -xo)2/s6 n. (20) 2928 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 Within the energy interval dW = 2 VoCso -xo)dxo/s~, there are dN = nodxo ions per unit area implanted. Hence, we find dN noS6 --= -- Vo(.~o -xo)· dW 2 (21) Using (20) in (21), we find the energy distribution for the matrix ions: dN = nfy."i() CV, _ W)-l12. dW 2V6/2 0 (22) For a pulse of width T> 3, all ions from the interval 30<XO<;'XT are implanted at full energy, where XT is deter mined from (17): (23) Hence, the energy distribution contains a delta function, dN /dW = nO(xT -so)8( W -Vo), for these ions. Finally, because the sheath edge S T has reached the posi tion given by (15), (24) all ions with XT<XO<ST are in transit when the pulse is turned off. The density and potential in the Child law sheath just before turnoff ares (25) and ¢(xo) = -Vol (ST -xo)/sd5/3. (26) Using (26), the ion energy is W(xo) = Vo{l -[(ST -XO)/ST lS/3}. (27) Differentiating (27) to obtain dW and using dN = n(xo)dx o, we find dN ST --0:--- dW ST -Xo (28) Using (27) in (28) and normalizing the distribution such that N = nO(sT -xT), we obtain dN _ 2 (ST -xT)nO_3/5 (29) dW -5 v2i5 ( Vo -W) . () The total energy distribution is the sum of the distribu tions for ions having O<;,xo<so, so<XO<;,x T and xT<XO<ST' The total dose implanted is lIoST• A quantity of interest is the fraction f of ions that hit the target with W < Wmin < Vo. For example, ions wi.th ener gies below several kilovolts may produce sputtering of the target rather than be implanted. Integrating (22) and (29) from 0 to Wmin, we obtain f = ~o [1 _ (1 _ W:llin )1/2] + (1 _ XT) !iT VO 5T Figure 3 shows f vs T for various values of Wrr:in/VO' M. A. Lieberman 2928 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions~" ~:: FIG. 3. Fraction/of ions hitting the target with energies W < Wm'n vs T, with Wmin/Vo as a parameter. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a contract from IBM Cor poration, a grant from Applied Materials Corporation, Na- 2929 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 tional Science Foundation Grant No. ECS-8517363, and Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG03-87ER13727. Helpful discussions with 1. Brown, D. A. Carl, N. W. Cheung, R Wong, X. Qian, and S. E, Savas are gratefully acknowledged. 'J. R. Conrad and C. Forest, in IEEE International Conference an Plasma Science, Saskatoon, Canada, May 19-21, 1986 (IEEE, New York). 2J. R. Conrad and T. Castagna, BuLL Am. Phys. Soc. 31,1479 (1986). 3J. R. Conrad, J. L Radtke, R. A Dodd, F. J. WOfzala, and N. C. Trail, J. Apr!. Phys. 62, 4591 (1987). 4J. R. Conrad, S. Baumann, R. Fleming, and G. P. Meeker, J. App!' Phys. 65,1707 (1989). 'J. Tendys, t J. Donnelly, M. J. Kenny, and J. T. A. Pollack, App!. Phys. Lett. 53, 2143 (1988). 6H. Wong, X. Quian, D. Carl, N. W. Cheung, M. A. Lieberman, I. Brown, and K. M. Yu (unpublished). 7C. D. Child, Phys. Rev. 32, 492 (l9H). 'C. K. Birdsall and W. B. Bridges, Electron Dynamics of Diode Regions (Academic, New York, \966). YJ. R. Conrad, J. Appl. Phys. 62, 777 (1987). 101. J. Donnelly and P. A. Watterson, J. Phys. D 22, 90 (1989). "K. F. Sander, J. Plasma Phys. J, 353 (1969). !lA. G. Jack, K. F. Sander, and R. H. Varey, J. Plasma Phys. 5, 211 (1971). 13M. M. Widner, I. Alcxeff, W. D. Jones, and K. E. Lmmgren, Phys. Fluids 13, 2532 (1970). '4J. R. Conrad, "Plasma Source Ion Implantation," presented at United Technologies Research Center, Sept. 26,1986 (unpublished). "J. R. Conrad and T. Castagna, in Proceedings of the 39th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Madison, WI, October 7-10, 1986. M. A. Lieberman 2929 Downloaded 17 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
Branching ratios and rate constants for reactions of 16O− and 18O− with N2O and 14N15N16O Robert A. Morris, A. A. Viggiano, and John F. Paulson Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 3448 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.457856 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.457856 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/92/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Rate constants for reactions of NO− with N2O, 14N15NO, and 15NO2 J. Chem. Phys. 92, 2342 (1990); 10.1063/1.457975 Evaluation of the rate constant for the reaction OH+H2CO: Application of modeling and sensitivity analysis techniques for determination of the product branching ratio J. Chem. Phys. 91, 4088 (1989); 10.1063/1.456838 Branching ratios for electronically excited oxygen atoms formed in the reaction of N+ with O2 at 300 K J. Chem. Phys. 84, 2158 (1986); 10.1063/1.450377 Temperature dependence of the rate constant and the branching ratio for the reaction Cl+HO2 J. Chem. Phys. 77, 756 (1982); 10.1063/1.443892 Kinetic energy dependence of the branching ratios of the reaction of N+ ions with O2 J. Chem. Phys. 73, 758 (1980); 10.1063/1.440181 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:39:53Branching ratios and rate constants for reactions of 160-and 180- with N20 and 14N15N160 Robert A. Morris,a) A. A. Viggiano, and John F. Paulson Ionospheric Physics Division (LID), Geophysics Laboratory (APSe), Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts OJ 73J-5000 (Received 28 September 1989; accepted 29 November 1989) Branching ratios for the NO -isotopic products from the gas-phase reactions of 160 -and of 180-with 14NISNI60 have been determined at 143 and 298 K using a variable temperature selected ion flow drift tube (VT-SIFDT) instl1lment. The reaction of 160-yields the products 14N160- and ISNI60- in approximately equal abundance at both temperatures. The reaction of 180-produces the four possible NO-isotopes, with the branching ratio being dependent on temperature. For the latter reaction the rate constant for the 0 -isotope exchange process has been determined at 143 and 298 K. Rate constants for the reaction of 0-with N20 (unlabeled reagents) have been measured as a function of ion-neutral average center-of-mass kinetic energy ( (KEc.m. ) ) at several temperatures. The temperature dependence of the rate constant is expressed as T -0.5. The energy dependences at different temperatures fall on a single curve and agree well with a previous energy dependence study at 300 K. INTRODUCTION There has been interest in the gas-phase reaction of 0- with N20 for several decades, originally due to interest in the radiation chemistry and electron scavenging properties of nitrous oxide and the attendant ion chemistry. The domi nant reaction pathways are reaction (1) 0-+ N20-+NO-+ NO I:Jl = -0.14 eVI (1) and exchange of 0 - , which is detectable when isotopically labeled oxygen is used.2-4 Studies of reaction 1 published through 1973 are summarized by Tieman.s Subseq~ent in vestigations including flow-drift tube6 and tandem flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube2,3 experiments are dis cussed by Van Doren.2 Several authors2,7,8 have postulated that the reaction proceeds via a long-lived complex of the structure (ONNO) -which would be formed by attack of 0-at the terminal nitrogen in N 2 O. The observation of the ion N2 O2-in the gas phase resulting from ionization in N20 has been reported in the literature. 9, 10 The aim of the present work was to obtain information on the site of 0 -attack on N20 by employing isotopic labels on both N20 and 0 - , as first proposed by Van Doren2• In the present study, the reactions of 160 -and 180- with 14NI5NI60 were investigated at 298 and 143 K, and the product branching ratios were determined. Additionally, rate constants for reaction (1) were measured as a function of ion-neutral average center-of-mass kinetic energy ( (KEc.m. » at several temperatures. This article is comple mentary to an accompanying paper by Barlow and Bier baum.11 EXPERIMENTAL The experiments were performed using a variable tem perature-selected ion flow drift tube (VT-SIFDT) instru- a) On contract to GL from Systems Integration Engineering, Inc., Lexing· ton, MA. ment. The technique has been fully described in the litera ture.12 Briefly, 160 -ions were generated by electron impact on N20 in a high pressure (0.1-1 Torr) ion source. 180- ions were produced similarly from 1802, The ions were then mass selected in a quadrupole mass spectrometer and inject ed into a stainless steel flow tube (1 m length) through a Venturi inlet. Inside the flow tube the ions were entrained in the fast flow (_104 cm/s at 0.2 to 0.4 Torr) of He or Ar carrier gas emanating from the Venturi inlet. The neutral reactant N2 0 was introduced into the flow tube through one of two ring-shaped inlets and reacted with the ions over dis tances of50.3 or 35.4 cm depending on which inlet was used. The reactant and product ions were sampled through a 0.2 mm diameter orifice in a truncated nose cone, mass analyzed in a second quadrupole mass spectrometer and detected by a channel particle multiplier. Rate constants were calculated from the reaction times and the slopes ofleast squares fits of the natural logarithm of the reactant ion signal plotted ver sus added reactant neutral gas concentration. The reaction time was obtained from the reaction distance and from direct ion time-of-flight measurements in the flow tube. The accu racy of the measured rate constants is ± 30% and the ex perimental precision is ± 15%. The experiments were conducted over the temperature range 143-515 K by circulating liquid nitrogen through a copper heat exchanger in contact with the flow tube for cool ing and by heating the heat exchanger with attached resistive heaters. The flow tube and heat exchanger are contained within a vacuum chamber to reduce the conduction of heat to or from the surroundings. The rate constants were also measured as a function of (KEc.m.) at each of four tempera tures by varying a uniform electric drift field in the down stream half of the flow tube. The ring-shaped inlets for the neutral reactant gas are of an improved design compared with the previous inlets used in this laboratory. The present design, due to Smith and Ad- 3448 J. Chern. Phys. 92 (6), 15 March 1990 0021-9606/90/063448-05$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of PhySics This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:39:53Morris, Viggiano, and Paulson: Reactions of 0 with N20 3449 ams,12 is that of a 4 cm diameter ring constructed of 1.5 mm i.d. stainless steel tubing with eight 0.4 mm diameter holes pointing in the upstream direction. The previous "finger" inlets, which were simple tubes with the gas injection occur ring on the flow tube axis and directed upstream, led to erro neous rate constants [including those for reaction (1)] when an electric field was applied to the drift tube. 13-15 The problem with the finger inlet design is discussed in Ref. 15. Isotopically labeled reaction product ions were moni tored as a function of reactant neutral flow rate by scanning the downstream mass spectrometer over the product ion peaks and recording the spectra on a strip chart recorder. The 14N15NI60 used was 99% isotopically pure, and correc tions to the product distributions were made to account for the contribution to the 14NI60 -product arising from the 1% 14NI4NI60 present in the reagent. To facilitate detection of the product ion NO-, the He carrier gas was replaced with Ar for the experiments involv ing NO -isotopic branching ratios. The signal levels from NO -detected in our apparatus at room temperature using He carrier gas were very low due to collisional detachment by the helium. At 143 K, the NO-signals observed for He buffer were substantially larger. The electron affinity of NO is less than (3/2)kTat room temperature; a recent measure mentl6 yielded a value of 0.026 ± 0.005 eV. The rate con stant for detachment from NO -by Ar is substantially smaller than that for detachment by He,17,18 and conse quently the NO -signal levels in Ar are greatly enhanced compared to the He case. Mass discrimination between 0- and NO -was accounted for by comparing the ratio of the detector count rate to the ion current measured at the sam pling nose cone for injection of 0 -into the flow tube (with no other ions present in the flow tube) to that ratio obtained for only NO -in the tube. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Unlabeled reagents The experiments using the unlabeled reagents 160 -and 14NI4NI60 were conducted with He as the carrier gas. The rate constants for reaction (1), kl, were measured as a func tion of average ion kinetic energy at the four temperatures 143, 194,298 and 515 K and are plotted versus (KEc.m.) in Fig. 1. At all four experimental temperatures the data on average kinetic energy dependence are in excellent agree ment with those from a flow-drift tube study performed at 300 K by Lindinger and co-workers.6 The collision limiting value of the rate constantl9 is 1.24 X 10 - 9cm3 Is at 300 K, and the measured rate constants range from 6% to 23% of that collision value. The temperature dependence of kl is shown as a solid line in Fig. 1. The line is a least squares fit to the data points obtained with no electric drift field at each of the four experi mental temperatures. The measured temperature depend ence is negative, as is often the case for exothermic ion-mole cule reactions with low reaction efficiency, and can be expressed as T -0.5. The only previous temperature depend ence measurement of k I , to our knowledge, is due to Marx et al.18 who obtained a T -0.7 dependence from measurements 10 10 ·10 o 143K o 196K A 29sK • 515K 10·n +---------~--------___i .01 .1 (KEcm) (eV) FIG. 1. Rate constants for the reaction of 0 -with N2 0 as a function of ion neutral average center-of-mass kinetic energy at several temperatures. at two temperatures, 278 and 475 K, in a flowing afterglow experiment. These workers reported "considerable scatter" in the data. In the energy range from thermal to about 0.1 eV the measured energy dependence of kl is «KEc.m.» -0.5, which is the same as the observed temperature dependence. Figure 1 shows that, at still higher energies, the rate constant begins to level off and then to increase with increasing (KEc.m. ), as is the case for many ion-molecule reactions. The decrease in ion-molecule rate constants with increasing temperature (or energy) is generally explained by assuming that the reac tion proceeds via a long-lived complex. Magnera and Ke barle20 have pointed out that as collision energy increases, the higher internal energy of the complex is accompanied by a larger increase in the density of states of the loose transition state early in the reaction coordinate than that of the tight transition state leading to products. This facilitates back de composition of the complex to reactants compared to the case of collisions at lower energy. The rise in the rate con stant at higher energies may be due to another reaction mechanism, perhaps a direct mechanism, becoming impor tant. Paulson21 found an increasing preference at increasing hyperthermal energies for the product NI80 -from the reac tion of 180 -with N 2160, a result consistent with the partici pation of direct N -atom abstraction at higher energies. The (KEc.m.) dependences of kl measured at different temperatures all lie on a single curve. At a given (KEc.m.), the rate constants measured at different temperatures ap pear not to depend on temperature. This suggests that at a given (KEc.m. ) the rate constant is insensitive to the internal temperature of the reactant neutral. 13-15 It was noted in Ref. 13 that there is considerable vibrational excitation of the N 20 at the temperatures employed in the experiment, espe cially at 515 K. It is interesting that the varying degrees of vibrational and rotational excitation at different tempera tures do not affect measurably the rate constant at a given (KEc.m.). Discussions ofthe use of this technique to investi gate internal energy effects in certain ion-molecule reactions can be found in Refs. 13-15 and 22. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.6, 15 March 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:39:533450 Morris, Viggiano, and Paulson: Reactions of 0 with N20 B. The Reaction of 180-with 14N15N180 The reaction between 160 -and 14N15N160 was investi gated at 143 and 298 K using Ar as the carrier gas. The products 14N1~ -and 15N160 -at mass-to-charge ratio (mle) 30 and 31 daltons, respectively, were monitored as a function of added 14N15N160 reactant gas flow rate. The ra tio ofthe count rates for the above product ions C30/c31 was found to decrease slightly with increasing 14N1SN160 reac tant flow rate. This small effect was observable above the scatter in the data only at large extent of reaction and is probably due to the secondary reaction, reaction (2): 14N160-+ 14NI5NI60-.15NI60- + 14N14NI60 t::.H-OeV (2) which converts the ion 14N160- to 15NI60-. The observed trend in C30/c31 with 14N15N160 flow rate indicates that the reaction between ISNI60 -and 14NI5NI60 to produce 14NI60-, reaction (3): 15N160-+ 14NI5NI60-.14NI60- + 15N15N160 t::.H-OeV (3) is slower than reaction (2). The rate constants for reaction (2), determined in separate experiments, are k2 = 9 X lO-12 and 1.25 X lO -11 cm3 Is at 143 and 298 K, respectively. These values were used in a simple kinetics model of the c30lc31 product ratio. With the rate constant for reaction (3) set equal to zero, the model correctly predicted the ob served trend in c301c31• Investigations of some reactions of NO-, including reaction (2), will be reported separate ly.22.23 Since the product ion count ratio c30lc31 was observed to vary with 14N15N160 flow rate, the branching ratio be tween the product ions 14N160 -and 15NI60 -was found by extrapolating c30lc31 to zero 14N15N160 flow. The extrapo lation yielded relative abundances of 50.5 ± 2% and 49.5 ± 2% for 14N160- and 15NI60-, respectively, at 143 K. At 298 K, the relative abundances are 51 ± 3.5% and 49 ± 3.5% for 14NI60 -and ISN160 - . The data indicate a very slight preference at both temperatures for 14N160- over 15N160- which could be due to a small isotope effect. However, within the experimental uncertainty, the branch ing ratio is unity at both 143 'and 298 K, in agreement with the 300 K ratio reported in the companion paper by Barlow and Bierbaum. I 1 Paulson measured a C30/c31 ratio of 1.25 in an ion source experiment 7 and, for the reaction of 180 -with N2 160 studied in a tandem mass spectrometer, found a prod uct ratio for N180-:NI60-of approximately unity at the lowest beam energies.21 In a similar experiment, Futrell and Tieman8 also observed equal production of N180 -and NI60-. These results, together with the preponderance of the 0-exchange reaction channel, are consistent with attack by 160 -at the terminal nitrogen in 14N15N160, forming the complex (16014NI5NI60) _., followed by N=N bond scis sion. This mechanism, suggested by several authors, 2. 7.8 has the virtue of simplicity. However, these results are also con sistent with the formation of a trigonal intermediate com-plex by 0 -attack at the central nitrogen atom in N2 O. Evi dence is presented in the next section and in the companion articlell which suggests the possibility of attack by 0-at the central nitrogen. C. The reaction of 180-with 14N15N180 The rate constant k4 for the overall reaction of 180- with 14N15N160, which includes the atom transfer reactions 4(a)~(d): 180 -+ 14NI5NI~-. \4NI~ -+ ISN180 t::.H= -0.14eV, 180-+ 14NI5NI60-.15NI60- + 14N180 t::.H = -0.14 eV, 180-+ 14NI5NI60-.14NI80- + 15N160 t::.H= -0.14eV, 180-+ 14NISNI60-.15NI80- + 14NI60 t::.H= -0.14eV and the 0-isotope exchange reaction 4(e): (4a) (4b) (4c) (4d) 180-+ 14NISNI60-.160- + 14NI5NI80 t::.H-OeV (4e) was measured to be k4 = 3.85 X lO -10 cm3 Is at 143 K. Van Doren et aU obtained a value for k4 of 4.0 X lO -10 cm3 Is at 300 K. We made no measurement of k4 at 300 K since a value had been previously reported3 and we had exhausted the supply ofthe costly 14NISN160. The four different NO isotopic products of the reactions 4(a)~(d) were moni tored as a function of added 14N15NI60 reactant gas flow rate at 143 and 298 K. These experiments again were conducted with Ar as the carrier gas. The count rate of the 160 -prod uct of the 0-isotope exchange reaction 4(e) was also fol lowed as a function of 14N15NI60 flow rate. At each of the two temperatures, the rate constant for exchange of 0 - , k4e' was obtained from the difference be tween the rate constant for the overall reaction k4 and the rate constant for the reaction of the unlabeled reagents, for which the 0 -exchange process is undetectable, kl . Since k4 was not measured at 298 K, the k4e for 298 K was found from the difference between the k1 obtained at 298 K in this laboratory and the k4 measured at 300 K by VanDoren and co-workers,3 k4 =4.0XlO-lOcm3/s. The values ofk4e so obtained are 1.37X lO-10 and 1.7X 10-10 cm3 Is at 143 and 298 K, respectively. The 298 K value is identical to that obtained by Van Doren et al. These values of k4e are also consistent with those obtained by modeling the observed variation in the ion count rates as a function of 14N15N1~ reactant gas flow rate. The kinetics mOdel was also used to find the branching ratios between the four NO -isotopic product species result ingfrom reaction of180-with 14N1SNO. This was done both to account for the secondary reaction between 160 -and 14N15N160 to produce 14N160- and 15N160- and because of the presence of a small signal from 160 -at zero 14NI5N160 J. Chern. Phys .• Vol. 92, No.6, 15 March 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:39:53Morris, Viggiano, and Paulson: Reactions of 0 with N20 3451 flow rate, originating from a minute leak of 14N15N160 through the flow controller valve. The relative abundances of the NO -isotopic products determined at 143 and 298 K are presented in Table I. Sever al observations can be made concerning these data. All of the four possible NO -isotopic products were observed. At 143 K the sum of the relative abundances of 14N160 -and 14N1S0 -is approximately equal to that sum for 15N160- and 15N1S0 -. This might be expected in light of the unit NO -branching ratio for the reaction of 160 -with 14N15N160 which indicated equal probability for the NO -to contain either 14N or 15N. At 298 K the above sums are not quite equal, but the uncertainty in the results at 298 K is substantially larger than that at 143 K. The dominant NO -product species are 15N160 -and 14N1S0- at both 143 and 298 K. The most simple mecha nism explaining the roughly equal production of these two products is attack by ISO -at the terminal nitrogen in 14N15N160, forming the complex ctS014N15N160) -*, fol lowed by N N bond scission. This is the mechanism postu lated previously in the literature.2,7,s The other two NO products, 14N160 -and 15N1S0 - , were observed in signifi cant abundance and cannot arise from the above mecha nism. If they are formed following IS0-attack at the termi nal nitrogen in 14N15N160 (terminal attack), the complex so formed must then undergo a rearrangement which leads to the ISO bonded to 15N. If, however, 14N160- and 15N1S0- arise from IS0-attack at the central 15Nin 14N15N160 (cen tral attack), then no rearrangement is required of the resul tant trigonal complex in order to produce any of the four isotopic NO-products. Posey and 10hnsonlO observed N 2 O2-produced from low energy electron impact in a super sonic jet of N 2 O. They present evidence suggesting a cova lently bound trigonal C2v structure, analogous to the stable isoelectronic species CO;. In a matrix isolation study, Ha caloglu et al.24 produced the anion N2 O2-in a discharge of gaseous N20. They report spectroscopic evidence for a tri gonal structure NN02-with equivalent oxygen atoms. If the trigonal complex arising from central attack has C2v symme try, i.e., symmetric with respect to the oxygen atoms, then all four NO -products would be expected to occur in equal abundance. It is assumed here that there is no isotope effect and that when the complex dissociates into NO and NO - , the negative charge has equal probability of remaining on either of the nascent NO species. If a trigonal complex formed from central attack is asymmetric with respect to the oxygen atoms, then unequal abundances of the different NO -products are expected. The results are consistent with TABLE I. Percent of total NO -product ion count rate for isotopes of NO - formed in the reaction of 180 -with 14NI5NI60. Temperature 143 K 298K 18 ± 1.5 15 ± 2.3 34± 3 34± 5 31 ±2 38 ±4 17 ± 1 13±1.3 the asymmetric trigonal complex mechanism and also with a combination of terminal attack and either of the two central attack complexes, but inconsistent with exclusive terminal attack unless one invokes a rearrangement of either of the complexes eS014N15N160) -* or IS0-. 14N15N160. The case for terminal attack may be argued in terms of the greater accessibility of the terminal nitrogen and by analogy with reactions of other negative ions with labeled N 2 0.2 Yet central attack is consistent with the charge distribution of N20; the central nitrogen has a positive charge of about 0.6 and the terminal N atom is just slightly negative. 25 The measured branching ratio depends on temperature. Because of the complication introduced by the secondary reaction of 160 -with 14N15N160 forming 14N160 -and 15NI60-, the most direct indicator ofthe effect of tempera ture on the branching ratios is the ratio of the count rates of the products 14N1S0- and 15N1S0-, C32/c33' This fraction was found to change from 2.9 at 298 K to 1.8 at 143 K. If one postulates that the 15N1S0 -arises from a trigonal complex, then the temperature dependence information implies either that formation of the trigonal complex is favored at lower temperatures over formation of a different structure produc ing 14N1S0 -or that the dissociation of the trigonal complex into the product 15N1S0 -is favored at low temperature. If the trigonal complex is formed by central attack, one might expect the formation of that complex to be more favorable at lower temperature due to the increased time for the ISO -to interrogate the N20 potential energy surface and to locate the partial positive charge on the less accessible central ni trogen. Unfortunately, the results do not establish unambig uously the mechanism of reaction or the identity of the inter mediates, but they do strongly suggest the formation of a trigonal complex for some fraction of collisions. One conclu sion which can be drawn is that, for certain reactions, em ploying a different isotopic label on every atom in the react ing system does not ensure the elucidation of the reaction mechanism or the identity of the intermediates. A theoreti cal study of this reaction might provide some insight into the questions raised here. Further discussion of the possible mechanisms for reaction (4) is found in the accompanying paper. 11 In a related study, we have found that solvation of 0-by one and two H20 molecules greatly inhibits the reac tion with N2 O. Rate constants for the reactions 0-. (H20) n = 0-2 + N2 0 will be presented in a forthcoming article. 26 To summarize, the reaction of 160 -with 14N15N160 produces approximately equal amounts of 14N160 -and 15N160- independent of temperature from 143 to 298 K. The reaction of ISO -with 14N15N160 produces all four pos sible NO -isotopic products, and the branching ratio de pends on temperature. At both 143 and 298 K the products 15N160- and 14N180- are dominant relative to 14N160- and 15N1S0-, but this dominance is less at the lower tem perature. The production of significant quantities of 14N160 -and 15N1S0 -suggests the possibility of attack by 180 -at the central nitrogen atom in nitrous oxide. For the reaction of the unlabeled reagents, 0-with N20, the rate constant was found to depend on temperature as T -0.5, and J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.6, 15 March 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:39:533452 Morris, Viggiano, and Paulson: Reactions of 0 with N20 energy dependences measured at different temperatures lie on a single curve. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Fred Dale for technical assistance. We thank the authors of the companion article, Veronica M. Bierbaum, and Stephan E. Barlow, for helpful discussions and for sending us some of their experimental data. We thank Carol Deakyne for helpful discussions and for making available to us some unpublished data. 1 S. G. Lias, J. E. Bartmess, J. F. Liebman, J. L. Holmes, R. D. Levin, and W. G. Mallard,J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data 17, I (1988), Suppl. I. 2 J. M. Van Doren, Thesis, University of Colorado, 1987. 3 J. M. Van Doren, S. E. Barlow, C. H. DePuy, and V. M. Bierbaum, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 109, 4412 (1987). 4R. A. Morris, A. A. Viggiano, and J. F. Paulson in Non-equilibrium Ef fects in Ion and Electron Transport, edited by J. W. Gallagher, D. F. Hud son, E. E. Kunhardt, and R. J. Van Brunt (Plenum, New York, 1990). sT. O. Tieman, in Interactions Between Ions and Molecules, edited by P. Ausloos (Plenum, New York, 1975), p. 353. 6W. Lindinger, D. L. Albritton, F. C. Fehsenfeld, and E. E. Ferguson, J. Chern. Phys. 63, 3238 (1975). 7J. F. Paulson, Adv. Chern. Ser. 58, 28 (1966). 8 J. H. Futrell and T. O. Tieman, in Ion-Molecule Reactions, edited by J. L. Franklin (Plenum, New York, 1972), p. 485. 9 J. L. Moruzzi and J. T. Dakin, J. Chern. Phys. 49, 5000 (1968). 1OL. A. Posey and M. A. Johnson, J. Chern. Phys. 88, 5383 (1988). 11 S. E. Barlow and V. M. Bierbaum, J. Chern. Phys. 92, 3442 (1990). 12 D. Smith and N. G. Adams, Adv. At. Mol. Phys. 24, 1 (1988). 13 A. A. Viggiano, R. A. Morris, and J. F. Paulson, J. Chern. Phys. 89, 4848 (1988). 14 A. A. Viggiano, R. A. Morris, and J. F. Paulson, J. Chern. Phys. 90, 6811 (1989). IS A. A. Viggiano, R. A. Morris, F. Dale, J. F. Paulson, K. Giles, D. Smith, and T. Su, J. Chern. Phys. (in press). 16M. J. Travers, D. C. Cowles, and G. B. Ellison, Chern. Phys. Lett. 164, 449 (1989). 17 M. McFarland, D. B. Dunkin, F. C. Fehsenfeld, A. L. Schmeltekopf, and E. E. Ferguson, J. Chern. Phys. 56, 2358 (1972). 18 R. Marx, G. MaucIaire, F. C. Fehsenfeld, D. B. Dunkin, and E. E. Fergu- son, J. Chern. Phys. 58, 3267 (1973). 19T. Su and W. J. Chesnavich, J. Chern. Phys. 76, 5183 (1982). 2°T. F. Magnera and P. Kebarle, Ionic Proc. Gas Phase xx, 135 (1984). 21 J. F. Paulson, J. Chern. Phys. 52,959 (1970). 22 A. A. Viggiano, R. A. Morris, and J. F. Paulson, J. Phys. Chern. (in press). 23 R. A. Morris, A. A. Viggiano, and J. F. Paulson, J. Chern. Phys. 92, 2342 (1990). 24 J. Hacaloglu, S. Suzer, and L. Andrews, J. Phys. Chern. (in press). 2SC. A. Deakyne, (personal communication). 26 A. A. Viggiano, R. A. Morris, C. A. Deakyne, F. Dale, and J. F. Paulson (work in progress). J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.6, 15 March 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:39:53
Phase determination and spatial distribution of an ionbeam mixed internal interface: Fe/Sn J. H. Sanders, D. L. Edwards, J. R. Williams, and B. J. Tatarchuk Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 67, 3121 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.345389 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.345389 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/67/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Ion-beam mixing in an immiscible Fe/Ag multilayer film J. Appl. Phys. 95, 5295 (2004); 10.1063/1.1687039 Mössbauer study of ionbeam mixing of Fe/Zr multilayers J. Appl. Phys. 76, 5232 (1994); 10.1063/1.357173 Metastable AlMn phases formed by ionbeam mixing J. Appl. Phys. 59, 1756 (1986); 10.1063/1.336441 Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopic study of ionbeam mixing at FeMo interface J. Appl. Phys. 59, 388 (1986); 10.1063/1.336641 Ionbeam mixing at FeSi interface: An interfacesensitive conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopic study J. Appl. Phys. 57, 2915 (1985); 10.1063/1.335231 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34Phase determination and spatial distribution of an ion .. beam mixed internal interface: FefSn J. H. Sanders,a) D. L Edwards,b) J. R. Williams,b) and B. J. Tatarchuka),C) Auburn University, Montgomery, Alabama 36849 (Received 20 September 1989; accepted for publication 8 December 1989) Ion-beam mixing of tin on iron provides corrosion protection against high-temperature oxidation. Previous studies have been inconclusive as to the exact composition and distribution of alloys produced at the Fe/Sn interface. This study provides a detailed diagram of Fe-Sn specimens after ion-beam mixing with Ar-t at 40 keY and a dose of 5 X 1016 ions!cm2• The interface was isotopically labeled with 7.5 nrn of 57Pe and Il9Sn so that dual perspective conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy could be performed. Analyses in this manner allowed comparison of 119Sn conversion electron M6ssbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) and 57Pe CEMS spectra to accurately assign spectral components which could not be conclusively assigned using a single CEMS perspective. Information from Rutherford backscattering spectrometry confirmed the layered nature of specimens prior to implantation and was used for depth determination of the mixed region after implantation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and scanning electron microscopy also provided information after implantation. Data indicate the formation of a uniform amorphous surface during implantation resulting in a heterogeneous mixture of components consisting mainly of dilute tin in iron (approximately 8~ato % Sn) and FeSnx (x;:::: 1). About 80% of the 37.S-nm tin overlayer was removed by sputtering. The components identified are somewhat more iron rich than previous assignments and illustrate the difference in surface structures resulting from various implantation parameters. I. INTRODUCTION The application of tin to the surface of iron is known to retard high-temperature oxidation. The most traditional method of application is tin plating where FeSn2 alloys have been identified at the tin/iron interface and serve as a barrier between the iron substrate and the oxidizing environment. 1 More recent applications of tin include (1) So ~ implanta tion into the iron surface and (ii) radiation enhanced diffu sion (RED) of tin overlayers by inert ion implantation through the tin/iron interface. Both these procedures lead to formation of an amorphous surface region based on recent studies. 2-7 Attempts to understand the phases present within the amorphous regions ofthe Fe-Sn system have been under taken in an attempt to identify the mechanism(s) responsi ble for the oxidation resistance of these specimens. S-IO Dionisio et a/,ll. used Rutherford backscattering spec trometry (RBS) and 119Sn conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) to analyze iron specimens that were implanted with Sn t-ions or that had undergone RED. Their results show the formation of compounds that correspond to phases expected from the equilibrium phase diagram. RED produced predominantly FeSn2 after implantation which decomposed to FeSn near 673 K. Specimens implanted with Sn -+ yielded ll9Sn CEMS spectra interpreted as amorphous iron materials containing dilute Sn « 8.5 at. %) which, similarly to RED, decomposed to FeSn near 700 K. Both a) Department of Chemical Engineering. b) Department of Physics. c) To whom correspondence should be addressed. procedures contained an unidentified component after ther mal treatments above approximately 773 K which was ex plained as tin segregation to grain boundaries within the iron substrate. Electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction were used by Gratton and co-workers II to study ion-beam mixing of a lOO~nm tin tUm on iron. Their results indicated the presence offine microstructures and FeSnz whiskers that did not pro vide contiguous surface coverage. The previous studies on Sn + implantation and RED provide impetus for further efforts to better clarify the phases produced after ion-beam mixing. One unique aspect of this study is the use of multilayer specimens containing an isotopically labeled tin/i.ron interface so that interfacial mix ing can be probed. The use of enriched 57Fe and 11<JSn al lowed CEMS in addition to RBS to be performed on both aHoy components to assist in data interpretation. Enriched layers near the interface between iron and tin were kept thin (i.e., 7.5 nm) to eliminate CEMS spectral contributions from elsewhere in the film. X-ray photoelectron spectrosco py (XPS) and static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) were also used for measurements of surface proper ties and to assist in building an overall profile of the specimen after ion-beam mixing. Ii. EXPERIMENT A. Sample preparation Specimens were prepared in an evaporation chamber operated at a base pressure of -1 X 10 -1 Pa. Materials were evaporated onto quartz substrates using two independent 3- 3121 J. Appl. Phys. 67 (6), 15 March 1990 0021-8979/90/063121-11$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 3i21 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34k W electron beam guns. Substrates were 3. 81-cm-diam disks CW. A. Sales Co.) that were precleaned with organic sol vents and heated to 500 K in vacuum immediateiy prior to evaporation to remove adsorbed gases. Controlled evapora tion of materials and measurements of film thicknesses were obtained using a calibrated Inficon XTC crystal monitor and a pneumatic shutter assembly. Figure 1 depicts a specimen after preparation. Table I lists the treatments each substrate was subjected to and will be used for a reference throughout the remainder of this pa per. Iron and tin were obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the form of Fe203 and Sn02 and were re duced in 101-kPa H2 at 1000 and 450 K, respectively, for ·~3h. Table I shows the preparation steps involved in the fab rication of each specimen. The first step consisted of succes sive evaporations of 60 nm of 56Fe (99.9%) at 0.3 nm/s followed by 7.5 nm of 57Fe (67.9%). These evaporations were performed using a tungsten boat for 57Fe and carbon crucibles for 56Fe, 119Sn, and I ;RSn. Following evaporation of the 57Fe layer, the specimen was transferred to the CEMS chamber using a high-vacuum sample transporter. Inspec tion of the 57F e CEMS spectrum confirmed specimen purity. The specimen was then reduced in 133-Pa H2 at 573 K for 15 min in a UHV compatible quartz reactor vessel [Table I, treatment (b) 1. The reduction was performed to remove dissolved oxygen and obtain a well-annealed substrate prior to tin evaporation. Once again, the specimen was transferred to the 57Pe CEMS chamber for anaiysis before being re turned, via the sample transporter. to the evaporation chamber. Sample preparation was completed by application of 7.5 nm of 119Sn (84.5%) and 30 um of IIRSn (97.1%, < 1.0% !lYSn) at an evaporation rate of -0.3 nm/s [Table I, treatment (c)]. The interface depth of37.5 nm was locat ed so as to be near the mean depth for the Ar -t implantation T l1SSn (91.1%) and1H1Sn «1.0%) So.Gnm f----------------------i + 119Sn (84.5%) and118Sn (15.0%) 15 1----------------1 -f 57Fe (67.9%) and 56Fe (30.2%) 'l'1i run f----------l t- SO.Gnm I . , S6Fe (99.9%) and5'rFe «0.1%) ~~""J""7'77~~~..,...,I ~ FIG. 1. Fe-So specimen after completion of sample preparation procedures. 3i22 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.6, 15 March 1990 TABLE 1. Fc-Sn specimen treatments. (al Evaporation u[60.0 mn of "'Fe followed by evaporation of 7.Snffi of'7Fe (67.9%). (b) Reduction in 133-Pa II, at 573 K for 15 min. (c) Evaporation of7.5-nm 119S11 (84.5%) followed by evaporation of 30.0 !lm of 1 "SI1. (d) Ion beam mixed using 5 X 10'" Ar·' ion~/cm2 at 40 keY, T from normal. parameters employed, while remaining sufficiently close to the surface to obtain high count rate CEMS spectra. Ion implantation was performed by nco Corporation [Table I, treatment (d) 1 following initial CEMS and RBS analyses. The specimen was implanted with 5 X 101b Ar + ions/cm2 at 40 keY with the beam T from normaL These conditions yield a calculated mean depth at 31.8 nm with a standard deviation of 23, 1 nm. The ion current was held at 13 ,uA/cm2 throughout the implantation procedure to keep the substrate temperature at <;500 ± 25 K. B. Analysis CEMS spectra were collected in a UHV chamber oper ated at ~ 1 X 10 8 Pa. Seven spiraltron electron detectors aHowed simultaneous collection of independent spectra which were summed to increase effective counting rates. A 200-mCi '7Co/Pd source was used to collect 57Fe CEMS data and a lS.2-mCi CaSn02 source was used to collect Il9Sn CEMS data. A Doppler shift was applied to the source in the constant acceleration mode with positive velocity defined as the source approaching the absorber. Zero velocity was re ferenced to the centroid of a metallic iron spectrum for '7Fe CEMS or to the center of mass of a Sn02 singlet for 119Sn CEMS. An spectra were recorded at room temperature and fit using a Lorentzian curve fitting routine. Further details of the apparatus and the data fitting procedure are described elsewhere. 12 R BS spectra were acquired using a 2.0-MeV alpha parti cle beam from a 3.2-MeV Dynamitron accelerator. The beam was defined by two O.8-mm-diam apertures located 1.5 m apart. Typical beam currents were 8.0 nA with the beam normal to the sample surface. Scattered alpha particles were detected with a surface barrier detector located 5.24 em from the target and positioned at an angle of 1600 with respect to the direction of the incident beam. This detector subtended a solid angle of 5.35 msr at the position of the target. Each spectrum was normalized to an integrated beam current of 8.0X 10 -bC which corresponds to a total of5.0X 1013 singly charged alpha particles incident on the sample. Evaluations of specimens after implantation were also performed using XPS, static SIMS, and SEM. XPS spectra were collected using an aluminum anode in a Leybold-Her aeus LHS-l 0 system operated at -1 X 10 -8 Pa. The analyz er work function was calibrated against lattice oxygen in the specimen at a binding energy of 5 31.0 e V. Static SIMS scans were obtained using a Leybold-Heraeus QMG-511 quadru pole system over a range from 0 to 250 amu. An Ar -I ion Sanders et al. 3122 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34FIG. 2. 57Fe CEMS spectra obtained after corresponding treatments listed in Table 1. beam with a current of 1 nA/cm2 was rastered over a l-cm2 area on the specimen at a base pressure of ~ 1 X 10 H Pa to ensure only minimal surface damage. Scanning electron mi crographs were obtained using an lSI Model 5540 SEM op erated at a beam energy of 5 kV. TABLE II. 57Fe CEMS parameters for spectra shown in Fig. 2. 8 ill. RESULTS A. Before implantation 1. 57Fe conversion electron M(jssbauer spectroscopy The 57Fe CEMS spectra collected during sample prep aration [Table I, treatments (a)-(c)] are shown in Fig. 2 and the spectral parameters listed in Table II. Figure 2(a) shows the spectrum collected immediately after evaporation of both the 56Fe and 57Fe layers. The sextuplet with a hyper fine field of 330 kOe and an isomer shift of 0 mmls is repre sentative of metallic iron. The peak width (FWHM) is 0.72 mm/s and the total resonant spectral area is 29.3 %mrnls. The spectrum shown in Fig. 2 (b) was collected after reduction/annealing ofthe above specimen as listed in Table 1. Again a sextuplet is present representative of metallic iron; however, the FWHM decreased to 0.58 mmls. This reduc tion indicates the production of a more uniform specimen. The total resonant spectral area increased to 33.7 %mm/s indicating that the reductionl annealing procedure solidified the iron films resulting in an increased recoil free fraction for 57Fe nuclei. 13 Had interditfusion of the two iron layers oc curred, the decrease in surface s7Fe would have decreased the total resonant spectral area. Figure 2 (c) shows the spectrum collected from the specimen upon completion of the evaporation procedure l Table I, (c) ]. Once again, a sextuplet representative of me tallic iron is the only component present in the spectrum. The total resonant area decreased to 7.2 %mm/s, which is expected since the tin coating attenuates resonant back scattered electrons. 12 The FWHM remains constant at 0.57 mm/s, providing evidence against the formation of iron-tin alloys during evaporation. Any broadening of the peaks could be explained as interfacial alloying or mixing which would cause a change in the magnetic moment at the 57Pe l' f).EQ HF Relative area TRSA" Spectrum Component (mm/s) (mm/s) (mm/s) (kOc) (%) (%mm/s) BefOre implantation 2(a) Fe" 0.0 0.72 0 330 100.0 29.3 2(b) Feo 0.0 0.58 0 330 100.0 33.7 2(e) Fe" 0.0 0.57 0 330 100.0 7.2 After implantation 2(d) Fe~, FeSn alloys. 0.44 0.99 0.87 0 26,4 ± 2.5 14.6 FeSn, (l <x<2), Fet! crystallites feSn «8.5oat. % Snl O-nn Sn atoms 0.0 0.79 0 322 35.2 ± 2.5 1,2-nn Sn atoms 0.3 0.95 0 300 38.4 ± 2.5 Trumpy et al., Ref. 14 (data obtained at 77 K) FeSn (S-aL % Snl O-nn Sn atoms 0.0 NRh NR 343 51.0' NR 1-nn Sn atoms 0.1 NR NR 321 36.0 NR 2-nn Sn atoms 0.2 NR NR 298 11.0 NR "TRSA (total resonant spectral area) . "NR (not reported). "Reported as percent intensity. 3123 J. AppJ. Phys., Vol. 67, No.6, 15 March 1990 Sanders et al. 3123 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34FlG. 3. \\gSn CEMS spectra of an Fe-Sn specimen after (a) preparation [see Table I, (ell and (b) implantation [see Tabk, r, Cd)]. nucleus. Even several monolayers of iron interacting with tin in such a manner would have been detectable as it would have represented a significant portion of the original 7.5 nm of 57Fe deposited. 2. 11SSn conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy Figure 3 (a) shows the II "Sn spectrum obtained after completion of the evaporation procedure [Table 1, (c) J. The spectra! parameters determined after fitting are listed in Ta ble Ill. The singie peak has an isomer shift of 2.56 mm/s indicative ofmetaHic tin. The FWHM is 1.59 mm/s, which is large with respect to 57Fe peak widths but is in good agree ment with other I1'JSn Mossbauer studies. '1,14 The increased peak width for 119Sn Mossbauer resonance is justified by not ing that the naturallinewidth of mSn is 0.626 mm/s while TABLE HI. i \"Sn CEMS parameters for spectra shown in Fig. 3. Spectrum Component 3(a) Sno 3(b) Su01 FeSn( ;::S-a\. % Sn) FeSn, (l < x < 2, x;:: !) Reference 23 24 14 14 8 17,18 'TRSA (total resonant area). bNR (not reported). "Reported as percent intensity. FeSn FeSn FeSn FeSn, FeSn2 a-FexSu\ , (x;::O.53) D (mm/s) 2.56 0.0 1.19 1.77 1.76 1.82 L99 2.17 2.24 2.10 ",,0.5 3124 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.6, 15 March 1990 r (mm/s) 1.59 1.09 3AO 3.30 NRh NR NR NR NR NR NR that for 57Pe is only 0.192 mm/s.13 The naturallinewidth is twice the Heisenberg linewidth and represents the minimum peak width obtainable from a Mossbauer spectrum. 3. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry Figure 4 displays the RBS spectrum obtained prior to ion-beam mixing (solid curve). The peak at ~ 1710 keY is from the tin layer and the peak at -1420 keY is from the buried iron layer. Table IV lists the calculated front surface energies of appropriate elements. 15 The front surface energy is the highest energy obtainable for an element and is defined as the energy corresponding to an alpha particle that scatters from the front surface of the sample and therefore experi ences no energy loss in the matrix. The tin peak extends to 1755 keY which correlates with the value in Table IV, verify ing its presence at the front surface. The iron peak, at -1490 keY, is about 25 keY less than the front surface energy in Table IV and is consistent with the energy loss expected from the 37.5-nm tin overlayer. Back surface tin and front surface iron peaks have near vertical sides, consistent with a clean, unmixed interface. The shoulder visible on top of the tin peak reflects the slight difference in scattering efficiency for the I1'lSn and 118Sn lay ers. The difference comes from the slight increase in the kine matic factor associated with a heavier isotope. The kinemat ic factor depends on the mass of the incident particle, the mass of the sample particle, and the scattering angle. 15 This asymmetry is not apparent for iron because of reduced reso lution due to energy loss experienced by alpha particles scat tered from further below the surface. Other features are arso evident in the spectrum. The small peak at ~ 1800 keY correlates with tungsten at about 1 at. % within the 57Fe enriched region. This impurity was likely introduced during evaporation from a tungsten boat; however, it is not believed to be of sufficient quantity to af fect the results presented here. The structure below 1200 ke V is from silicon and oxygen which comprise the quartz sub- b.EQ HP (mmlsl (kOc) 0.0 (J.a O.G 0.0 3.5(J 0.0 1.79 0.0 3.2 0.0 1.7 28 0.0 0.0 0.0 49 O.D 33 0.0 25 NR NR Relative area (%) 100.0 9.6:1: 4.0 34.8 :L 3.5 55.6 ±_ 3.9 100 100 67" 33" 100" 100 NR TRSA" (%mm/s) Sanders et al. 6.4 23.1 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 3124 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34FIG. 4. RRS spedra of an Fe-So specimen after (i) preparation l Table I, (c) (solid line) J and (ii) ion-beam mixing [Table I, Cd) (dot-dash line) J. strate. The small peak at 720 keY is believed to be from oxygen impurities within the topmost 118Sn layer. B. After implantation to 57Fe conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy Ion-beam mixing resulted in the 57Pe CEMS spectrum shown in Pig. 2 (d). The spectrum was fit using the superpo sition of two sextuplets and one doublet, which together yield a total resonant spectral area of 14.6 %mm/s. The two sextuplets shown below the fit data arise from dilute tin in iron which was driven into the 57Pe enriched layer during the mixing procedure. This explanation is suggested by noting the data of Trumpy et al. 14 for FeSn (Is-at. % Sn), which were collected at 71 K and are listed in Table II. Sextuplet (1) in Fig. 2 (d) is a sextuplet corresponding to O-nn Sn which has a hyperfine field of 322 kOe at 298 K, an isomer shift of 0 mmls, and a PWHM of 0.79 mm/s. Sextuplet (1) comprises 48% of the total resonant area COil tained in sextuplets (1) and (2), which is slightly less than the 51 % value reported by Trumpy et al. Trumpy et al. re ported a value of 343 kOe at 77 K which can be adjusted to 337 kOe at 298 K using mean field theory. 16 The reduced value ofthe hyperfine field is most probably a result of amor phization caused by ion-beam mixing. TABLE IV. RES front edge surface energies. Energy-' Corresponding Element (keV) channel no. b Sn 1755 878 '"Pe 1514 758 '"Fe 1522 762 Si 1146 574 0 742 373 C 521 262 Ar 1354 678 W 1838 919 "Reference 15. "Energy-channel number calibration equation; energy (keV) ~~ 2.0053 X channel no. -5.3476. 3125 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No, 6.15 March 1990 Sextuplet (2) in Fig. 2 (d) corresponds to both 1-and 2- nn Sn atoms. Only one sextuplet was used for simplicity in fitting which is justified since 2-nn Sn accounts for only 11 % ofthe intensity reported by Trumpy et al. 14 The area of the sextuplet (2) is 52% of the total sextuplet peak area which is near that for both 1-and 2-nn Sn atom components reported by Trumpy et al. (4.7%). The FWHM is broad with a value 0[0.95 mm/s since the single sextuplet represents two differ ent contributions. The third component used to fit the spectrum is a quad rupole doublet with an isomer shift of 0.44 mmis, a quadru pole splitting of 0.99 mm/s, and a FWHM of 0.87 mm/s. This component comprises 26.4 ± 2,5% ofthe total spectrai area. The fitted spectral parameters indicate the presence of Fe + 3; however, this velocity range is also common to Sn rich amorphous FeSn aIioys, FeSnx (l < x,;;;; 2 ),17-20 and magnetically relaxed iron crystallites with mean diameters less than -4 nm (isomer shift of 0 mm/ s). 2l Clarification of components within this velocity regime requires insight from the data of other techniques yet to be presented. 2. 1195n conversion electron !lAossbauer spectroscopy Figure 3 (b) shows the 119Sn spectrum after ion -beam mixing. The fitted spectrum was obtained using three com ponents and has a total resonant spectral area of 23.1 %mm/s. A singlet at 0 mm/s with a FWHM of 1.09 mmls provides evidence for 5n02 (Figure 3(b), component 1] which comprises 9.6 ± 4.0% of the total spectral area. Component (2) is a broad doublet with an isomer shift of 1.19 mm/s, a quadrupole splitting of 3.5 mm/s, and a FWHM of 3.4 mm/s. This doublet contains 34.8 ± 3.5% of the total spectral area and arises from dilute tin in iron. Com parison to data obtained by Vincze and Aldred22 show that this component represents dilute tin in iron of nearly 8 at. %, dose to the maximum solubility limit of 8.5 at. % deter mined by Trumpy et al. at 1343 K. 14 Typically, a sextuplet is used to represent this component but the low resolution of 119Sn CEMS compared to 57Fe CEMS, and disorder caused by implantation, allow adequate representation usi.ng a broad quadrupole doublet. For such solutions, Vincze and Aldred's data possess a hyperfine field of 55,7 kOe with an isomer shift of 1.44 mm/s, consistent with the data of Trumpy et ai. for FeSn (8-at. % Sn). More dilute solutions of tin would have larger hyperfine fields of up to 75.0 kOe for 2.1-at, % Sn, which would yield significant spectral area as low as -4 mm/s and as high as + 6 mm/s. No evidence for resonant material at these velocities is present in Fig. 3(b). Component (3) is also a quadrupole doublet and has an isomer shift of 1.77 mm/s, a quadrupole splitting of 1.79 mm/s, and a FWHM of 3.3 mm/s. This doublet comprises 55.6 ± 3.9% of the total spectral area and indicates the for mation of Sn-rich FeSn aHoys, e.g., FeSnx ( 1 < x < 2, x:.:::; 1). Spectral parameters for PeSn and FeSnz have been reported in the literature, as shown in Table III, and generally indi cate a narrow hyperfine field between 25 and 49 kOe. The isomer shift is consistent with FeSn and comparison to spec tra obtained by Rodmacq et al.17 gives additional evidence supporting the assignment. Sanders et at. 3125 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:343. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry The RES spectrum obtained after ion-beam mixing is shown in Fig. 4 by the dot-dash line. The most substantial change occurring as a result of the mixing procedure is a decrease in yield and area associated with the tin peak. Based on before and after area ratios, 80 ± 5% of the tin layer is removed while only about 5% of the iron is lost. It is noteworthy that the tin peak loses significant yield without showing evidence for an asymmetric tail at lower energies. This is interpreted as a reduction in atomic density throughout a uniform region. The peak width after ion-beam mixing is roughly 67% of that obtained prior to implanta tion, indicating that tin now occupies a reduced region ex tending from the surface. The loss of overlayer tin is also evident by the + 30-keV shift in the iron peak. Quantifica tion of the tin depth involves calculations based on iron and tin density information determined by other analytical tech niques and is discussed later. Close examination of the iron peak with reference to Table IV shows that iron is now present at the surface. The loss of tin improves resolution so that a small step at ~ 1522 keY is now evident corresponding to the 57Fe front surface energy. The high-energy side of the iron peak at 1514 ke V corresponds to the front surface energy for 56Pe. A ratio of 2.6 ± 0.1 for surface iron to surface tin was obtained by methods discussed elsewhere. 25 Various other features in the spectrum should also be noted. The peak at 1336 keY is consistent with argon re tained during implantation. The increase in yield on the low energy side of the argon peak reflects the skewed depth dis tribution resulting from implantation with simultaneous tin removal from the surface. The tungsten and oxygen peaks seen earlier have been partially removed with the tin layer. 4. X~ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS after ion mixing (Fig. 5) shows oxidation of both tin and iron within the topmost 3 nm of the surface. The Fe 2P3/2 peak is located at a binding energy of 711 e V, charac teristic of Fe f-3. No metallic iron at 707 eV was detected. The Sn 3ds/2 peak is asymmetric, and when deconvoluted as shown in Fig. 4(b) is comprised of two components. The peak at 486.4 e V indicates Sn02 formation and accounts for 75% of the area. The remaining 25% is contained by the peak located at 484.7 eV, indicating zero valent tin. Correct ing for the appropriate cross sections and escape depths pro vides a Fe ~ 3/811 I-4-ratio of 2.3 ± 0.5. 5. Secondary ion mass spectrometry Static SIMS was used to determine the amount of mix ing of the 118Sn layer with the 119Sn enriched layer. Assuming the same sputtering yields for each isotope, the intensity ra tio of the 118-and 119-amu peaks provides the relative abun dances of each. The 119Sn/1l8Sn ratio was found to be 1.4 ± 0.1 revealing that 58% of the tin on the surface is [19Sn. Investigation of the relative abundances of 56 Fe to 57Fe could not be performed because this mass range was ob scured by hydrocarbon fragments typically encountered after exposure to air. 3126 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.6, 15 March 1990 XPS -Mter Mixing Ife+3 So ..... 500 BINDING ENERGY (eV) 430 FIG. 5. Fe 2P11) 1/) and Sa 3d3i2 '12 XI'S scans obtained after Ar + iOIl beam mixing [Table I, (d) J. 6. Scanning electron microscopy SEM micrographs of the surface after ion-beam mixing showed the surface is smooth with no evidence of whisker formation as seen by Gratton and co-workers. II The texture of the surface was uniform over the entire area of the speci men. IV. DISCUSSION To obtain an understanding of the ion-beam mixing pro cess, an overall diagram of the specimen was constructed. The flow diagram shown in Fig. 6 represents a simplified procedure by which compound identification and material balances were used to construct the overal1 profile of the specimen shown in Fig. 7. The sequence of numbered blocks dictates the order in which data were analyzed with the most compelling and informative data being analyzed first. A. Block 1 The morphology and composition of the specimen be fore ion-beam mixing were known from sample preparation procedures (Table O. RBS verified layer thicknesses and 57Fe and 119Sn CEMS verified the metallic, unmixed nature of the interface. Metallic densities for iron and tin were used, along with known thicknesses and isotopic abundances, to determine the total number of 57Fe and 119Sn nuclei within the specimen. Sanders et al. 3126 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34start 1. composition Prior to Mixing G,C 2. Specimen Texture, Initial Parameters and composition After Mixinq F,e,E DfE,C,A,B 5. Amorphous Region: Components and Information ~ A. 57Fe CEHS E. SIMS B. 1198n CEHS }' . SEM C. RES G. Micro- Balance D. XPS Material Balances r------------, Initialize for Total Fe and Sn After Kixing Fe and Sn atoms in each component volUmetric Percentagesl----p..j 8,1. Subtract Fe and 5n AtOlilS for Each Component from the Initial AlIIOWlts Obtained After Mixing No "-____________ -1 6. OVerall Profile (Figure 7) Is all Fe and Sn assigned? Does 57Fe enrichment agree with CEMS theoretical Bodel for spectral area? Does mixed layer depth agree with RES depth determination method? stop FIG. 6. Flow diagram demonstrating the procedure used to obtain an overall profile of an Fe-Sn specimen after ion-beam mixing. B. Block 2 To construct a detailed diagram of the specimen after mixing, certain initial parameters and general concepts of specimen morphology must be known. SEM micrographs did not contain evidence of FeSu2 whiskers as seen by Grat ton et al., where mixing was performed using 1 X 1011 N-t I cm2 at 100keV and 20f-lA/cm2• SEM micrographs obtained in this study were similar to those of Giacomozzi et al.26 for ion-beam mixing of tin on nickel at 5 X 1015 Xe + ions/cm2 at 100 keY and 7 pA/cm2• Their samples were characterized by a smooth appearance with some residual tin grains. The lack of FeSn1 whisker formation in this study can be attrib uted to the use of lower implant energies which likely does not impart sufficient energy to promote surface whisker growth. Nevertheless, data from the techniques employed in 3127 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67. No.6. 15 March 1990 Sanders et at. 3127 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34Surface Region Fe+3, 65% and Sn+4, 35% Amorphous Region FeSn FeSnx {1<x<2, ""'1) Feo crystallites 63% 28% 9% -r 1.4nm ~l 23.4nm 50.5nm ~~~~"'77'7Il FIG. 7. Overall profile of an Fe-Sn specimen after ion-beam mixing as listed in Table I, (d). this study reveal a highly amorphous, uniform interfacial region. The total number of 57Fe and 119S11 nuclei contained in the specimen after ion-beam mixing are needed to initialize a material balance which keeps track of ail assigned atoms. The total number of 119Sn atoms present after mixing was determined by assuming an enrichment of58% correspond ing to the static SIMS ratio of 1.4 and assuming that only 20% of the original 37.5 nm of tin (11 gSn and 119Sn layers) remained. The total number of 57Fe atoms after mixing was determined by assuming 5% iron removal (RRS data) from the 67.9% enriched 57Fe layer. C. Block 3 1. Conversion electron M08sbauer spectroscopy After ion-beam mixing, both 57Pe and 119Sn spectra con tain uniquely identifiable components as well as regions sus ceptible to overlap with various other species. The 57Fe nu clei undergoing magnetic hyperfine splitting result from dilute tin in iron at -8-at. % Sn. The sextuplets used to fit the data have 0, 1, and 2 nearest-neighbor tin atoms accord ing to Trumpy et af. 14 The hyperfine fields are ~ 15 kOe less than the literature values, when corrected for temperature, and can be explained as a result of amorphization and disor der. The literature values were obtained from a homoge neous sample made by diffusion of tin into polycrystailine iron, whereas our specimen was ion-beam mixed, which is known to cause severe structural damage.2-7 Rodmacq et al. IR showed that amorphous compounds of Fe7,Sn25, Fe60Sn<!i)' and FesoSnso formed by evaporation onto cold substrates had similar hyperfine fields to crystalline Fe3 Sn, FeJSnz, and FeSn, respectively, yet amorphization caused 3128 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.6, 15 March 1990 by implantation is likely to produce smaller domains, there by reducing the hypemne field.27 Reference to Rodmacq et al. suggests that slight broadening of the FWHM for sextu plet (1) should be expected as a result of disorder. Addi tional evidence supporting the assignment proposed above are (i) the broad FWHM of sextuplet (2) due to our mode! ing of I-and 2-nn Sn atoms with one sextuplet and (ii) the increase in isomer shift obtained for 1-and 2-nn Sn atoms. Firm identification of dilute tin in iron provides a means for deconvoluting part of the 119Sn CEMS spectrum. Since the enriched layers are adjacent prior to mixing, the mixed alloys in the interfacial region must contain significant frac tions of both M6ssbauer isotopes. Therefore, identification of a component containing tin in a 57Fe CEMS spectrum will also manifest itself in the corresponding 119Sn CEMS spec trum. It should be noted that iron-rich alloys contain only small volumes of tin so that the corresponding spectral com ponents in the ! 19Sn and 57Fe spectra will not necessarily reflect the same percentage of their respective resonant spec tral areas. Based on assignments of the ferromagnetic com ponents in the 57Fe spectrum, the 1 !<JSn spectrum was fit us ing a broad quadrupole doublet, component (2), at a position and quadrupole splitting consistent with literature values reported for dilute tin ( -8 at. %) in iron. 22 The peak at 0 mm/s in the 119Sn spectrum of Fig. 3(b) is characteristic of Sn02• This component is also to be expect ed since the other techniques employed (i.e., RBS, XPS, and SIMS) indicate that tin from the enriched interface has been exposed to the surface after ion-beam mixing, Exposure to air after preparation and mixing produces surface oxides which typically dominate the topmost 2-3 nm. Using known hypernne parameters for the SnOz singlet and the dilute FeSn doubiet, and allowing their intensities to vary, does not provide a good fit to spectrum 3(b). A third component is required with the best fit obtained by using the quadrupole doublet shown by component (3). The parameters in Table HI, when compared to various literature values for Fe-8n alloys, allow justification for assigning component (3) to Sn rich alloys with an approximate composition of FeSnx (1 < x < 2, x z 1). For this assignment to be valid, corre sponding evidence in the 57Fe spectrum of Fig. 2(d) should be visible. This is indeed the case by noting that such alloys are known to be antiferromagnetic appearing at -O.S mm/s.17 The limit of x> 1 arises because amorphous FeSn has been shown to be ferromagnetic, 18 which is not the case observed here, even though crystalline F eSn is antiferromag netic at room temperature. Such a component, FeSnx, would overlap the spectral area associated with Fe + 3 so that in Fig. 2(d), component (3) must contain contributions from both components, 2. X~ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS reveals chemical state information and allows a semiquantitative determination ofthe topmost 2-3 nm of the surface. Since Fe -+ 3 and Sn I-4 were both detected at the surface, CEMS spectra should also contain these spectral components. These species are in fact observed so the loca tion of these features in the CEMS spectra can be assigned to Sanders at at. 3128 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34the surface region. It is noteworthy that since XPS places CEMS oxide components at the surface, their CEMS spec tral areas, when viewed in light of data reported by Zabinski and Tatarchuk,11 actually represent an inflated portion of the total area. In other words, the actual amount of Moss bauerisotopes at the surface (in the form of Fe -+ 3 and Sn +4) are only about 50% of the areas listed in Tables II and III because low-energy resonant electrons have a much larger probability of being detected when they originate dose to the surface. The quantitative infonnation provided by XPS (i.e., Fe + 3/Sn l-4 = 2.3) is used later in the determination of an overall compositional description of the specimen after mix ing. D. Block 4 The surface region was found to be 1.4 nm thick, com posed of 65% Fe + 3 and 35% Sn + 4 by volume. This was determined by assuming that 4.8% of the total 119Sn atoms occupied this region after mixing. This value is half the 9.6% spectral area found for Sn02 in Table III and was adjusted in order to correct for surface signal enhancement. The 5n ~ 4 content was determined by correcting the 119Sn concentra tion for enrichment and then dividing by the density ofSn02• The Fe -t-3 content was determined using the Fe/Sn ratio of 2.6 found by RES and dividing by the density of Fe20y Eo Block 5 The ironltin interface, as shown by CEMS, may contain three distinct components identified as dilute tin in iron (PeSn), FeSnx (1 <x < 2,x;:::: 1), and PeG microcrystaHites. In this study RBS reveals that the mixed region contains a uniform concentration of tin; therefore, a heterogeneous amorphous layer must result from ion-beam mixing. 1. Dilute tin in iron The volumetric percentage of FeSn ( -8-at. % Sn) was determined to be 63% by noting that 34.8% of the ll'lSn CEMS spectral area originates from dilute tin in iron compo nents. Using the known atomic concentration of 8% for tin gives a total iron content which, when reconciled with the known 57Fe spectral area of73.6%, yields a 37Fe enrichment of 29.0% after mixing. 2. FeSn x (1 <x <2, x t:::: '1) and iron microcrystal/lies Of the components in both the ll'lSn and 57Fe CEMS spectra, the ones comprising the areas designated by FeSnx are the most difficult to assign. However, in light of previous depth determinations and overall material balances, a good evaluation of these components can be made. Performing an overall material balance, using the total number of iron and tin atoms in the surface oxide and 57 PeSn layers, yields a FelSn ratio of2.0 ± 0.2. This ratio suggests that for Sn-rich alloys to exist, as determined by I! 9Sn CEMS, there may also exist some small iron crystallites ( < -4 urn). This assign ment is acceptable based on 57Fe CEMS which has ample spectral area around 0 mm/s [component (3), Fig. 2(d) 1 and may contain small amounts of Fe203, FeSn~ alloys, and 3129 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.6, i 5 March 1990 iron crystallites. Volumetric percentages of28% and 9% of the amorphous region were determined for FeSux and iron microcrystallites, respectively. The amorphous character of the sample portrays effects of ion-beam mixing that differ from that of Dionisio et ai.8 and Gratton et al.11 Their data show large amounts of initial FeSnz formation which decompose to FeSn at increasing temperatures of 673 and 773 K. Both of these studies had thicker tin films before implantation (80 and 100 nrn, re spectively), perhaps favoring the formation of tin-rich al loys. F. Block: 6 The overaH profile of the specimen is shown in Fig. 7. The total thickness of the specimen has been reduced from 105.0 to 75.3 nm due primarily to sputtering of the 118Sn overlayer. An additional material balance revealed a thick ness of 50.5 nm for the ~6Fe layer below the 23.4-nm amor phous region. The atomic densities for both iron and tin in the outer most 24.S nm were determined by summing the total num ber of atoms for each component and dividing by the vol ume. These values are 5.713 X 1022 Fe atoms/cm3 and 1.121 X 1021 tin atoms/em3 and are necessary parameters for the RBS depth determination that follows. G. Decision block 1 The questions in the decision block in Fig. 6 must be satisfied for Fig. 7 to be valid. The foHowing discussion ad dresses these questions. 1. Material balances The determination of volumetric percentages for FeSn" and iron microcrystaHites was based on iron and tin material balances, requiring all iron and tin atoms to be assigned. 2. Theoretical mode! The 29.0% 57Fe enrichment obtained after mixing was confirmed using a depth deconvolution model developed in our laboratories by Lee and Tatarchuk. 2~-lO This model the oretically calculates the CEMS spectral area from homoge neou.s multilayered specimens containing 57Fe nuclei using a Monte Carlo simulation method. A correction factor for the 57Fe resonant area obtained before and after ion-beam mixing was required. This factor was experimentally determined for our CEMS apparatus, 30 eliminating nonresonant equipment background. This al lowed a corrected beforc-to-after ratio of 2.5 to be deter mined. Modeling of the specimen was performed using 57Fe en richments, layer depths, layer thicknesses, and atomic densi ties as input parameters. Physical and nuclear properties of elemental iron and tin were also necessary. The resonant calculated areas before and after mixing yielded a ratio of 2.6. Consistency of the theoretically generated ratio of 2.6 with the experimentally determined value of2.5 confirms an Sanders et al. 3129 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:41:34enrichment of 29.0% 57Fe throughout the mixed region of the specimen. It should be noted that a 10% variation in enrichment used in the model results in approximately a 10% variation in total spectral area. This relationship allows an estimation of uncertainty for the enrichment of 29.0 ± 1.2% to be determined. 3. RBS depth determination Estimation of the thickness of a uniform layer at the top surface of a specimen can be obtained using RBS since the alpha particle energy before scattering at any depth within the thin layer is approximately equal to the energy of the incident beam. This "surface energy approximation" meth od is discussed in detail by Chu and co-workers15 and is based on the following formula for a two-component layer AB: E = CEo)ABXNAB Xro, where E is the energy width of a channel (keV Ich), (6()AB is the alpha particle stopping cross section (ke V X nm2/ atom), NAB is the density (atoms/nmJ), and 'Tn is the thick ness (nm/ch). The parameter [Eo lAB for the layer was determined us ing Bragg's rule and the stopping cross sections, (Eo), of both iron and tin. Stopping cross sections are based on atom ic densities determined for the eiements within the specimen in its final state and are a function of kinematic factors, de tection angle, and alpha particle energy. An average value of 0.01492 (keVXnm2)/atomfol" (EoV1Bwasdetermined. Sim ilarly, NAB was determined to be 49.60 atom/nm3• E was taken to be 2.0053 keY leh as determined from the energy channel number calibration curve in Table IV. Solving the above equation for 'To gives a value of 2.71 nm/ch. Multiplication by 10.3 channels, which is the FWHM of the tin peak after ion-beam mixing, provides Ii layer thickness of 27.9 nm. This value corresponds well to the total thickness of 24. IS nm calculated for the surface and amorphous regions previously and lends credibility to the assignments shown in Fig. 7. It should be noted that the procedure discussed in this study requires considerable calculation based on quantita tive information obtained from a number of techniques. Therefore, it is inevitable that uncertainties inherent in these measurements will propagate throughout the course of the calculations resulting in some uncertainties in the final depths assigned to the overall profile shown in Fig. 7. These errors were minimized, however, by combining results ob tained using both RBS and CEMS into the depth deconvolu tion routine. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this study the composition of the amorphous region obtained after ion-beam mixing of an iron/tin interface was determined. An isotopically labeled I 19Sn/57Fe interface al lowed dual perspective CEMS to be used before and after mixing and provided a vital means for cross-checking spec tral assignments. RES provided quantitative depth deter mination as well as quantitative and qualitative front surface 3130 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 67. No. 6, ~ 5 March 1990 information. XPS verified the existence of surface iron ox ides following mixing and helped locate oxide species ob served by CEMS. Static SIMS provided insight into mixing of the 118Sn and 119Sn layers while SEM observed no whisker formation. The choice of techniques used in this study allowed a diagram of the specimen to be drawn which is consistent with 0) independent depth calculations based on RES and Cii) theoretical models for determining the resonant 57Fe spectral areas of multilayer specimens. Results suggest the formation of an amorphous surface region composed of di lute tin in iron (-8-at. % Sn), amorphous FeSnx (1 < x < 2, x:;:::;; 1 ), and a sman amount of metallic iron. This study indicates that ion-beam mixing under var ious conditions may lead to vastly different structures that can affect desired properties. For the Fe-Sn system, the property of interest is oxidation resisiance. The studies cited in the literature provide a mechanism for ion-beam mixing beginning with FeSn2 formation when mixed at tempera tures less than .-700 K. Our results indicate that iron-rich amorphous alloys may also be precursors for this process. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR-84-G-0057) and the Army Research Office (DoD-DRIP, DAAG28-84-0301). One of us (I.R.S.) also wishes to acknowledge fellowship support from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration Graduate Student Researchers Program (NASA MSFC) during a portion of this work. 'I. J. R. Baumvol. I. App!. Phys. 52, 4583 (1981). 'w. Wicdersich, Nne!. lnstrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 7i8, 1 (1985). 3D. M. Follstaedt, Nue!. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 7/8,11 (1985). 'w. L Johnson, Y. T. Chang, M. Van Rossum, and M.-A. Nicolet, Nue!. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 7/8, 657 (1985). 'B. M. Paine and R. S. Averback, Nue!. lustrum. Methods Phys. Re8. B 7i8, 666 (1985). "L. S. Hung and J. W. Mayer, Nue!. lnstrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 7i8, 676 (1985). 'B._x. Liu, W. L Johnson. M.-A. Nicolet. and S. S. 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Fundamentals of ionbeamassisted deposition. I. Model of process and reproducibility of film composition D. Van Vechten, G. K. Hubler, E. P. Donovan, and F. D. Correll Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 8, 821 (1990); doi: 10.1116/1.576925 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576925 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/8/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Electron emission suppression characteristics of molybdenum grids coated with Pt films by ion-beam- assisted deposition J. Appl. Phys. 97, 094918 (2005); 10.1063/1.1896096 Mechanical properties and residual stress in AlN/Al mixed films prepared by ion-beam-assisted deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17, 603 (1999); 10.1116/1.582034 Characterization and growth mechanisms of boron nitride films synthesized by ionbeamassisted deposition J. Appl. Phys. 68, 2780 (1990); 10.1063/1.347173 Fundamentals of ionbeamassisted deposition. II. Absolute calibration of ion and evaporant fluxes J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 831 (1990); 10.1116/1.576926 Summary Abstract: Factors important to achieving compositional control and reproducibility in a reactive ion beam assisted deposition process J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 1934 (1988); 10.1116/1.575252 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41Fundamentals of ion-beam-assisted deposition. I. Model of process and reproducibility of film composition D. Van Vechten, G. K. Hubler, E. P. Donovan, and F. D. Corrella) Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C. 20375-5000 (Received 10 July 1989; accepted 11 November 1989) An ion-beam-assisted-deposition (lBAD) system is under development to fabricate Si1_xNx films for optical devices. Reproducible film composition requires characterization of the relationship between the incorporated nitrogen atom fraction x and the real time experimental measurable quantities. In this paper a simple model is presented which relates the film composition x to the measured beam current density JF, the vapor impingement rate Q, and the chamber pressure p. Effects included in the model are reflection of energetic particles, sputtering from the film surface, and charge exchange neutralization of the ions. Each term in the model is examined as a potential source of both systematic and random deviations of the data from the model. Data on film composition as a function of the nitrogen ion current to deposition rate ratio are presented for several sets of ion source voltages and chamber pressures. It is shown that by modifying the deposition system so as to minimize the identified sources of error, variation in composition can be reduced below 3 at. % nitrogen. Both the model and the discussion of the experimental sources of error are applicable to other IBAD systems. I. INTRODUCTION Physical vapor deposition (PVD) involves low energy im pingement of vapor atoms upon the film surface. These atoms attach to the surface with a sticking coefficient which is close to unity when the substrate is nominally at room temperature. At such low substrate temperatures, the atoms have low mobility and are unable to migrate into the energe tically most favorable sites. As a result, PVD films are char acterized by high internal stresses, extended defects such as voids, and by a columnar grain structure. 1,2 In ion-beam-assisted deposition (lBAD), energetic spe cies arising from an ion beam are incident upon the growing film. These may be reflected after a large angle collision with near-surface atoms or penetrate into the film. The resulting "knock-on" events and collision cascades collapse voids and disrupt interfaces3.4 which produce more dense deposits. In optical films, this results in decreased absorption of water vapor from the atmosphere and increased stability of the refractive index.5 The energetic processes also affect film stress and tend to improve film adhesion to the substrate.5-7 This work arose from an effort to produce "rugate" opti cal thin film devices by means ofIBAD 10 using substoichio metric silicon nitride. Control of the film composition to within 3 at. % was required.8-1O The devices utilize the pre viously determined9 variation of the index of refraction of amorphous silicon-nitrogen alloy films from 3.9 to 2.0 as the nitrogen atom fraction x changed from 0 to 4/7. Figure 1 shows early data of the composition of a number of films, determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, as a function of the beam current density at a deposition rate of 10 A/s. There is 15% scatter in the composition at specific values of ion current which is unacceptable for device fabri cation. The object of the present work was to better under stand this behavior, develop methods to reduce the scatter, and to outline a methodology with which to understand the IBAD process. A companion paper11 details how parameters in the model can be experimentally determined. Together, these papers define the fundamental physical processes which influence film composition and lay the framework of a model to de scribe more complicated material systems. After a description of the initial deposition system, a mod el for the final film composition is presented. The model parameters are examined for possible sources of systematic errors and for insights into the physical causes of random fluctuations as seen in the scattered composition data of Fig. 1. It is demonstrated that when suitable design changes are incorporated into the system, the composition of the films O.B ,----,--,-----,--,-----,---,-----, 0.6 z 0 0 0 ;:: 0 u 0 « 0 0 a: u.. 0.4 oo~o z w (!) 008 0 a: 0 f- Z 0.2 350 CURRENT DENSITY (pA/cm2) FIG. 1. Incorporated nitrogen atom fraction x in Si'_xMx films on Si sub strates vs Faraday cup current density, scaled to correspond to a silicon deposition rate of 10 1>../s if done at a different value. Ion source parameters were VB = 1000 V, VA = 200 V, VD = 50 V and chamber pres sure = 2.0 X 10 -4 Torr. For this data, the ion source was not aimed in situ and the ion beam impinged at a 20° angle with respect to the sample normal which pointed at the e-gun hearth. The curve is model prediction (see the text). 821 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8 (2), MarlApr 1990 0734-2101/90/020821-10$01.00 © 1990 American Vacuum Society 821 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41822 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I can be controlled to within the required 3 at. % nitrogen. The model includes a pressure-dependent term for charge exchange neutralization of the ion beam wherein scattering with ambient gas molecules neutralizes ions in passage to the Faraday cups. This model correctly predicts composition changes with different background pressure. Evidence of im proved film purity as a result of ion bombardment is also presented. II. EXPERIMENTAL The deposition system which produced the data of Figs. 1 and 4 is schematically shown in Fig. 2. It was housed in a 16- in.-diameter stainless-steel vacuum chamber enclosed by a glass bell jar. A base pressure of 2 X 10 -7 Torr was typically achieved prior to deposition by means of a cryopump config ured for a pumping speed of ~ 840 cis for air. During film deposition, a 3-8 sccm gas flow (99.998% pure N2) was required for stable operation of the ion source. This flow was controlled by a needle valve and gas-bottle regulator and resulted in an indicated operating pressure of 2 X 10-4 Torr. The chamber pressure was measured by an ionization gauge located on a right-angle port so that there was no line-of sight path to energetic ions and electrons from the chamber. A 3 cm Kaufman ion source from Commonwealth Scien tific Corp. produced the ion beam which impinged on the substrate at an angle of 20° from the surface normal. The sample normal was directed at the center of the e-gun hearth. Collimated graphite dual grids were used as the ion optics. The ion source power supply was operated in "automatic" SUBSTRATE FARADAY ION SOURCE N+ VACUUM CHAMBER CRYO PUMP FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of typical IBAD apparatus which uses a Kauf· man ion gun. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 822 mode in which the extracted beam current is held constant. The beam was space-charge neutralized by means of a fila ment placed external to the ion source grids. The electron discharge potential ( V D) was held at 50 V and the potentials on the inner (VB) and outer (VA) grids were 1000 and -200 V, respectively. The source housing was rigidly fixed in the chamber with its symmetry axis aimed at the center of the sample position. The ion-gun grid to substrate distance was 21.6 cm. The ion current was monitored by three elec trostatically suppressed 2.45 mm diameter Faraday cups that were equally spaced on a 3.14 cm diameter surrounding the 2.2 cm diameter sample position. The entrance apertures of the Faraday cup array were in a plane parallel to the sam ples. The substrates were mounted 0.43 cm closer to the e gun and ion source than were the Faraday cups to reduce the likelihood of sputtered particle contamination from Faraday cup hardware. The extraction grid diameter subtended a maximum angle of ± T as measured from the substrate and ± 8° as measured from the Faraday cups. The silicon evaporant was produced by a linear 5 hearth, 4 keV Thermionics electron-gun, with a 1 cc volume per hearth. Poco graphite hearth liners were used and no scan ning of the beam spot was possible. A quartz crystal monitor was rigidly mounted in a plane parallel to that of the sam ples, 4.3 cm from the sample center and displaced 0.32 cm further from the e-gun. The quartz crystal was shielded from the ion beam to prevent heating at high beam currents. An Inficon XTC rate monitor was used to control the deposition rate. Values of the film density and "Z ratio" for conversion of the observed frequency shift to thickness of deposit were 2.33 and 0.712 g/cm3 , respectively. The extrema in the depo sition rate noise level indicated by the controller at its 4 Hz update rate was typically ± 0.7 A/s when a 10 A/s rate was requested. The samples consisted of one or more layers deposited at a constant arrival ratio Ra defined as the ratio of the incident N atom flux/Si atom flux. The layer thickness ranged from 600 to 5000 A. Most were deposited on polished single crys tal silicon substrates which were sputter cleaned with nitro gen prior to deposition. The sample to e-gun hearth distance was 30.5 cm. The sample mounting system was water cooled and the samples remained below 100°C during the deposits. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) utilizing He + at 2 MeV and a scattering angle of 135° was used in conjunction with the analysis package RUMpl2 to deter mine the composition of each layer. III.PHYSICAL PROCESSES Figure 3 presents the physical processes to be accounted for by a simple phenomenological model of the IBAD pro cess. Referring to Fig. 3, the vapor atoms (indicated by a v) impinge on the growth surface. The N 2+ and N + ions in the ion beam are either implanted beneath the surface or are reflected with reflection coefficient r. As a result of ion bom bardment, some of the deposited atoms are sputter removed from the surface with sputtering coefficient S, and adsorbed ambient gas atoms (indicated by G) may be desorbed or stimulated to chemically react with the surface atoms. Final ly, in passage through the ambient gas, some of the ions are Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41823 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I PHYSICAL PROCESSES 20 A IMPLANTATION 823 IBAD } GAS REACTION SURFACE F~ I GAS DESORPTION ®-" c.i", ~ FIG. 3. Schematic representation of physical processes to be accounted for in phenomenological models of IBAD. 500 eV N;, N+ 1-t @ I ® If-O.03 eV I 0.15 eV Ng. 0--"1 CHARGE EXCHANGE N; I ® NEUTRAUZATION neutralized by charge exchange collisions and therefore are not counted by the charge collection system. The beam also contains electrons from space-charge neutralization, but these are rejected from the beam by the electrostatic suppres sor in the Faraday cups. The physical processes described above do not predict the microstructure of the film. For model purposes it is assumed that the IBAD process produces an amorphous film with a density near that of bulk material. It is also assumed that 500 eV N2+ ions break-up upon impact with the surface. There fore, they are treated theoretically as two, 250 eV N parti cles. IV.PHENOMENOLOGICAL MODEL OF IBAD It is our purpose to relate the film composition and thick ness to the independently controlled variables of ion current, deposition rate, and chamber pressure with the processes mentioned above considered in the model. The model which follows contains approximations which simplify expressions that were previously reported.9 Three criteria are necessary for applicability of the model to experiment. These are: (1) no incorporation of ambient gas atoms in the film; (2) the energetic species are ion-implanted into the film which im plies that their sticking coefficient is (1 -r); (3) no diffu sion of beam atoms after stopping in the film. Criteria (1), (2), and (3) imply that the surface is pure Si. All three are satisfied for 500 e V nitrogen ions incident on silicon at near normal incidence and for substrate temperatures < 100°C used in these studies. The model predicts the composition of synthesized binary J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 alloy films as a function of the impingement ratio Ra. IfF N is the incident N atom flux and FSi the incident Si atom flux then, Ra =FN/F si' (1) We define the flux of silicon incident on the film as (2) where Q is the vapor deposition rate (cm/s) measured by frequency changes of the quartz crystal rate monitor, NSi is the atomic density of the film on the quartz (atoms/ cm 3), and Ye is a dimensionless tooling factor to account for differ ences in the placement of the substrate and quartz crystal with respect to the e-gun hearth. We define the flux of nitrogen incident on the film which would exist in the absence of charge exchange as whereJois the current density, eis the electronic charge, Ei is the number of atoms/ion species (e.g., one for N + and two for N 2+ , etc. ), n i is the fractional component of each species, and Yi is a dimensionless tooling factor to account for differ ences in the beam current density measured at the Faraday cup and sample positions. The assumption of no significant charge exchange would be true if ultrahigh vacuum (URV) conditions prevailed during deposition. Charge exchange neutralization is a resonant forward scattering event whose cross section is much larger than for high angle collisions. It has the effect of transferring an elec- Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41824 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I trori from a neutral nitrogen in the ambient gas to an energet ic nitrogen ion without substantially deflecting the path of the latter. The statistical nature of the process affects the ion current similarly to absorption oflight, J = Jo exp ( -ad), where a is an absorption coefficient and d a distance. 13 At an ambient gas pressure p and temperature T, the measured current density J F is related to Jo by (3) where the absorption coefficient is replaced by (apYp/kB T). In Eq. (3), a is the charge exchange cross section, I is the ion source-to-Faraday cup distance, and kB is Boltzmann gas constant. The parameter YP is a dimensionless pressure tool ing factor to account for difference in pressure indicated by the external ion gauge and the actual pressure along the path between the ion gun and the samples (assumed constant along the path). For convenience we define the parameter 1 + [3 = exp (alpy / k BT) so that Jo = J F( 1 + [3). Includ ing all the factors the nitrogen flux becomes JF FN =-In itiYi(1 +[3i)' e i where the subscript i has been added to [3 to account for a possible difference in the charge exchange cross section for different beam species. The ni are measured at the Faraday cups. The experimentally measured film quantities are the aver age flux: of nitrogen atoms incorporated into the film, F {, , and the average flux of silicon atoms incorporated into the film, F {i' and the atom fraction of nitrogen in the film, x. The first is obtained by subtracting the fraction ri of the incident flux that is reflected by the surface for each species, or The Si net flux incorporated into the film is obtained by subtracting the fraction of the deposited flux sputtered by the ion beam, or f _ JF FSi -FSi --In itiYi(1 + [3i)Si' e i where Si is the sputtering coefficient of silicon for each spe cies in the beam. In the expressions for F {i and F {, it is assumed that the sticking probability is 1 and 1 -r, respec tively. The above expressions are greatly simplified by assuming that Yi and (1 + [3 i) are equal for all beam species and by using an average value of the ionic charge per atom given by (0) = ~initi' Then the nitrogen atomic flux becomes JF FN = -(o)y(1 + [3). (4) e It is easily shown that f JF FN =-(o)y(1 +[3)[1- (r)] =FN(1-(r»), (5) e where < r> is the weighted average reflection coefficient, (r) = ~initiri . ~initi J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 824 Similarly, f _ JF _ FSi -FSi --(o)y(1 +[3)(S) -FSi -FN(S), (6) e where (S) is the weighted average sputtering coefficient de fined by (S) = ~initiSi . ~iniSi From Eqs. (1), (5), and (6), the ratio of nitrogen to silicon in the film R f is given by F{, FN (1 -(r») R f = - = ------,---,-F{ FSi -FN(S) Ra (1 -(r») 1 -Ra (S) (7) Finally, the composition of the film expressed as the nitrogen atom fraction x is x = --------:---:-----:-- Ra + (1-Ra(S)/I- (r») (8) It is noted that the parameters [3, (r), and (S) are energy dependent and (r) and (S) are dependent on the incident angle of the beam to the substrate. Also, for low ion energies or for other ion vapor combinations, the variation of (r) and (S) with changing surface concentration of the ion species probably cannot be ignored. V. PARAMETER VALUES Determination of the absolute value of the parameters used in Eqs. (1 )-( 8) is described in a separate publication. 1 I Table I summarizes these parameters for the two deposition geometries and beam energies used in this work. Table I shows that the ion beam is composed22 of 11 % N + and 89% Nt which, for 500 eV beam energy, means that 94% is 250 e V N atoms and 6% is 500 e V N atoms. All of the parameters in Table I for 500 eV are measured except for (r) and the constant NSi' Monte Carlo calculations provided the values of (r). The density of amorphous silicon was used for NSi which is 98% that of crystalline Si. The most difficult parameter to determine is [3. Calcula tion of the charge exchange cross section is complicated by the deformation of the electronic orbitals during the colli- TABLE I. Parameter value used to calculate the curves in Fig. 4 (500 eV) and Fig. 1 (lOOOeV). VB = 500eV VB = lO00eV (J 0° 20° NSi 4.9X 1022 atoms/cm2 s 4.9X 1022 atoms/cm2 s r, LOS 1.035 r 1.05 1.17 n(N+) 0.11 0.11 n(N,+ ) 0.89 0.89 (8) 1.89 1.89 (r) 0.10 0.08 (S) 0.26 0.38 f3 0.52 0.43 aYp/T 8.17 X 10-22 cm2/K 7.04X 1022 cm2/K I 0.264m 0.216 m Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41825 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I sion,14 even for monatomic ions such as argon. For N2+ on N 2' the transition probability depends on the vibrational and electronic state of the incident N2+ and the significant chance of transferring vibrational energy as well as an elec tron durin~the collision. 14-17 For dischar~e Qotentials below 100 V where many ion sources operate, a significant portion of the N / beam may be in metastable excited states which also alter the charge exchange cross section. 18 Also, a decay of the average ion energy occurs through noncharge ex change (elastic) scattering events in passage from the ion source to the substrate at low ion energies « 100 eV). Harper ef al. 17 quote a cross section for Ar + on Ar gas of about 10% of the charge exchange cross section for this pro cess and an energy dependence of E~ 114. At nitrogen ener gies > 500 eV, the decrease in average ion energy is estimat ed to be small and we have neglected this effect in our work. Finally, the charge exchange cross section for N + on N2 has not been measured and may differ from that ofN2+ on N2. In order to make modeling of the charge exchange tracta ble, an effective exchange cross section is used which lumps all of the above effects into one parameter. This practice means that Eq. (4) is strictly true only to the extent that the charge exchange cross sections are equal for N 2+ ground state and excited state ions and N + ions. We shall see later that this treatment is consistent with the data. For indicated pressure of 2 X 10 ~ 4 Torr, /3 = 0.52 which corresponds to 34% of the beam neutralized (for Yp = 1). We also assume that the energy dependence of the charge exchange cross section for N2+ and N + on N2 gas is the same as for Ar + on Ar gas.19 VI. DISCUSSION OF SYSTEMATIC ERRORS This section will focus on the identification and estimation of the magnitude of the possible sources of systematic errors associated with the IBAD process. Each of the factors in Eqs. (2)-(8) is discussed in turn. The first term discussed is FSi' Besides sputtering, a sys tematic way for the ion flux to influence the relationship between FSi and Q is to change the sticking coefficient on the sample. However, comparison of the areal densities reported by the quartz monitor with RBS analysis of low nitrogen content films indicate that the average silicon sticking coeffi cients for the sample and the quartz are equal within the experimental uncertainty. If the prior assumption that the sticking coefficient of silicon on the quartz crystal (shielded from the ion beam) equalled one was correct, then the stick ing coefficient on the sample cannot increase as the beam current increases. A decrease in the sticking coefficient with increasing ion flux is unlikely because the surface should become more pure and more reactive as the energetic flux increases. Therefore, no systematic deviation is expected from changes in sticking coefficients for near room tempera ture deposition of Si. Deviations caused by systematic error in the deposition rate Q could arise from several sources. The equation used by the quartz crystal balance controller software20 to convert the normalized shift in the resonant frequency F = (/q -fc )//q to film thickness fl' is J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 -_l_-tan-I(Ztan 1TF). 1TZ( 1 -F) 825 (9) Equation (9) requires values for the film density PI and the Z ratio, in addition to the density, thickness., and resonant frequency of the bare quartz crystal, P q' Tq, and /q, respec tively, and the resonant frequency fc of the crystal loaded by the film. It is easily shown that variation in the above param eters do not lead to error in the thickness measurement of the quartz crystal mass balance.21 For F(;0.06, Eq. (9) is insen sitive to the value of Z. This corresponds to about 9 f1 of silicon having been deposited on a standard 6 MHz crystal. Our standard practice is to change the quartz crystals after approximately 3 f1 offilm are deposited, so any inaccuracy in Z does not influence the accuracy ofthe reported accumulat ed thickness or deposition rate. Because of high partial pressures of ion source feed gas during deposition, the PI used to convert frequency shift to reported thickness must be chosen with care. It can depend on the amount of impurity gas incorporated into the film. In practice, it is useful to calibrate the system by relating an independent measurement of film thickness and the thick ness reported on the quartz through the tooling factor Ye and the density PI' Next we examine (r), (S), and (0). Both (r) and (S) depend weakly on angle of the ion beam to the surface nor mal [approximately (cos 8) ~ 5/3 for S] and on energy (ap proximately E1I2 G for S). Points of origin of the ion beam are spread over a 3 cm diameter and the maximum sample dimension is 2.2 cm. With our ion source to sample dis tances, the ion beam angular spread is limited to less than 7°. For our small angles between the geometric axis of the ion gun and surface normal (0° to 20°), an angular spread of 7° causes negligible changes in (r) and (S ). In previous work,22 the energy spread of the ion beam was measured to be less than ± 40 eV for a beam energy of 1000 V. Abrupt plasma mode shifts in the ion source were found at small values of beam current extracted from the ion source. These shifts increased the ion energy distribution, but did not change the mean energy. Thus, changes in (r) and (S) caused by energy spread of the ion beam are also negligible. In the same work,22 the parameter (0) was found to shift from 1.91 to 1.85 as the total extracted beam current I B varied from 10 to 30 mA for a beam energy of 1000 e V and a discharge voltage VD of 30 V. However, this shift in the species distribution between N2+ and N + changes the Monte Carlo calculated weighted average (S) by only 1.2% and (r) by less. The deviations in (0) can themselves produce a maximum of 1 % and -2% deviation in composition, and + 0.5% and - 1 % deviation in film thickness. Thus, changes in the an gular, energy, and species distributions in the ion beam with JF are expected to produce less than 2% systematic devia tions in composition and film thickness. The next factor in Eq. (7) to be evaluated is /3 as expressed by Eqs. (3) and (4). The exact value of the charge exchange parameter /3 is a weighted average of values for N + and N2+ , each of which is exponentially dependent on the number density (partial pressure) of neutral N2 in the volume be tween the ion source and substrate. A systematic deviation in Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41826 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I composition or thickness can occur if our effective (J changes with changes in the species as characterized by (8). To esti mate the magnitude of this effect, consider the plausible as sumption that the cross section for charge exchange is three times smaller for N + than for N2+ . One can calculate that if (8) varies from 1.91 to 1.85, the effective (J changes from its average value by + 0.6% to -1.2%, respectively. These changes in turn cause similar magnitude errors in the pre dicted composition and thickness. Thus, the assumption that a single parameter can be used to describe charge ex change neutralization is justified for error limits on the order of2%. A more significant source of systematic deviation is the focus condition of the ion beam, which depends on J F' While the effect has not been studied in detail, 10% changes have been observed in the parameter r as a function of ion beam current when the ratio VA /VB is 0.2 as was used in fabricat ing the films described in Fig. 1. This will be discussed in more detail in the next section. The measurement of ion current density JF in Eq. (4) at low ion energies and high background pressure requires proper Faraday cup design. First, the angular acceptance of the cups must accommodate the angular spread of the ion beam at each aperture (about ± 8° in our system). Second, the cups must suppress23 both the space charge entrained electrons and the secondary electrons generated when fast particles stop within the cup. The electrons in the chamber arise from three sources: ionization of the gas in the chamber, emission of the neutralizer filament of the ion source, and secondary electrons from the substrate assembly and from the e-gun hearth. The design must shield the suppressor from energetic sputtered neutral atoms genera ted when the ion beam strikes the cup walls. Otherwise, sec ondary electrons so generated are accelerated back into the cup, thereby reducing the measured current. Any error asso ciated with the Faraday cups is expected to be simply pro portional to the current reading. The last factors to be considered are x, the experimentally measured nitrogen atom fraction and the film thickness. Re call that the measured value of atoms/cm2 in the film divided by the total time of deposition is the experiment flux. The Rutherford backscattering technique for determining x and the number of atoms/cm2 contains three potential sources for systematic deviation between the data and the model. The first is an approximate 15% uncertainty in the stopping powers used in the analysis package RUMP. This influences the film thickness results directly but has a minor effect on the composition analysis. Second, the scattering cross sec tion for 2 MeV He on Si is known to obey the Rutherford scattering equation to high accuracy. However, there are indications that the cross section for 2 Me V He on N may differ by as much as 5% from the Rutherford value at ener gies between 1 and 2 MeV, and there are two weak reson ances in the elastic scattering cross section at 1.53 and 1.61 Me V which is further evidence of non-Rutherford behavior. Thus, while RBS analysis is capable of producing small rela tive errors of thickness and composition of the films, at pres ent it is incapable of providing accurate absolute values to better than ~ 15 % in thickness and 5 % in composition. This J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 826 problem is under further investigation. The third source of error is interference associated with the silicon signal from deep within the substrate and the nitrogen signal from the film. For low nitrogen concentrations and for multilayer de posits, the N step edges were sometimes difficult to distin guish from statistical fluctuations in the Si background. This problem could lead to a systematic deviation at low ion cur rents. VII. COMPOSITIONAL VARIATION The sources of systematic deviation discussed above may cause inconvenience when transferring a process from one laboratory to another, but do not detract from the utility of the deposition method if a highly reproducible calibration can be established. Random sources of sample to sample variations in the composition produced by single reported values of J F' Q, and p are a more major concern and are now discussed from the viewpoint of Eqs. (3), (5), and (6). Several factors can be eliminated as sources of random fluctuations. For substrates held at a constant temperature, the Si sticking coefficients should not change between depo sition runs. The tooling factor re does not vary because the geometry of the e-gun hearth, the quartz crystal, the sample, and the ion gun was held constant. Moreover, films took from 60 to 250 s to deposit. The 4 Hz noise of the quartz crystal monitor then averages out to ± 0.2 A/s at a request edrateoflOA/s. The factors (S) and (r) are not expected to fluctuate because they are also determined by the system geometry (incident angle) and ion source voltages (beam energy) which are fixed during a set of deposits. RBS does produce consistent compositional data. For ex ample, when the simulated composition is changed ± 2 at. % N from the quoted values, the fit to the RBS data for carbon substrates becomes obviously poor. Even for silicon substrates, ± 3 at. % is expected in the probe area except at the smallest nitrogen fractions. We believe that much of the scatter in Fig. 1 arises as follows. First, the position within the sample area where the RBS analyzing beam was located may not have been chosen consistently. If r=l= 1, then different positions would experi ence different arrival ratios. Second, pressure fluctuations in the chamber due to changes in the effective pumping speed could have produced scatter through the charge exchange neutralization factor (J which is exponentially dependent on the chamber pressure. Third, variation in the temperature of the gas in the chamber during a deposition run caused by the thermal load of the e-gun and ion gun could also contribute to fluctuations in the experimental (J [see Eq. (3)]. Finally, the center of the ion-beam profile was found to move away from the sample center in an unpredicted and uncontrolled manner. That is, the beam is not guaranteed to be properly centered when the dual extraction grids are well aligned relative to one another prior to pump down and the source housing is accurately aimed at the sample center. When the grids change temperature, their relative positions may shift and redirect the ion beam. A change in filament current or chamber vibration which causes the filament to move within the anode assembly may alter the pattern of Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41827 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I electron injection into the source plasma.24 This could modi fy the ion intensity distribution across the face of the grids and alter the beam profile, including the location of the beam center. With an ion source to sample distance of2I.6 cm and VA /VB = 0.2, shifts of more than 1 cm have been observed in the position of the center of the beam profile when J F is changed by a factor of 10. Clearly, if the ion beam is not centered on the sample, then collecting the same total cur rent from the three Faraday cups which surround the sample does not guarantee the same current density at the sample center. Thus, attempts must be made to detect and compen sate for this motion of the beam center if compositional con trol is to be achieved. VIII. IMPROVEMENTS TO APPARATUS The data in Fig. 1 were taken with the system described earlier in the experimental section. Using the above discus sion of systematic and random errors as a guide, several changes in the apparatus and in deposition technique were implemented to obtain more reproducible film composi tions. The most important changes were to improve ion beam uniformity and stability. A dual-gimbal device was installed for aiming the ion beam in situ by equalizing the current collected in each of the three Faraday cups surrounding the sample. This guaranteed that the beam center lay close to the sample center. Additionally, the outer (accelerator) grid voltage of the ion source VA was changed from 20% of the inner grid (beam) voltage VB to 80% of VB which produces a substantially more divergent (defocused) beam. This changed r from 1.17 to 1.05 so that the Faraday cups more accurately reflect the current at the sample center. It also reduced the fluctuation in x if the beam center wandered after the source was aimed. Installation of new Faraday cups with improved angular acceptance and electron suppression and a change to normal incidence for the ions ensured accurate measurements of J F' The resulting change of incident angle for the evaporant from 0° to 20° introduced no more than a 5.3% variation of the silicon flux between the extreme positions of the 2.2 cm sample area. This variation was reduced to 2% by placing 1 cm samples in the middle of the sample holder. Rotation of the substrate would also help in this regard, although we have not implemented it here. A 40 cc hearth volume e-gun with x-y beam sweep was installed at the same hearth-to substrate distance as the old one, and no graphite hearth liner was used. We believe this had no effect on the composi tional variation of the early data, but did allow the depo sition of thicker films. For improved pressure control, a mass flow controller was installed in place of the needle valve to supply gas to the ion gun. This eliminated a source of fluctuation in gas pressure. A procedural change was insti tuted where, to the extent possible, thermal equilibrium in the chamber was established prior to performing deposits in order to minimize the variation in fJ caused by changes in the gas temperature. Carefully centered carbon substrates were used instead of silicon wafers and the RBS analysis beam was directed at the center of the substrate. Moreover, the analyzed films were J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 827 thin enough (2500 A of silicon) to perform, without any interference from the silicon signal, an explicit background subtraction in the RBS analysis from above the oxygen edge to just above the carbon substrate signal. We believe this background signal is noise associated with pile up from the C signal and incomplete charge collection in the surface bar rier detector of scattering events at higher energies. This sub traction improved the consistency of the composition mea surements, especially at low nitrogen concentrations. IX. RESULTS In Fig. 4, we present data analogous to that in Fig. 1 for films produced after the substantial modification of the de position system discussed above. The data demonstrate im proved compositional control. At the five values of the ion current where more than one deposit was made, the maxi mum composition variation was 2 1/2 at. %. The line in Fig. 4 is calculated from Eq. (8) using appropriate parameter values from Table I. The model curve fits the data for com position extremely well. A non negligible and positive value of fJ from Table I means that more nitrogen is incorporated into the films than is predicted by the uncorrected Faraday cup current. This is in disagreement to the dual ion beam sputtering work of Erler et al. 25 on the silicon-nitrogen system which does not explicitly mention charge exchange and asserts that only 33% of the N in the beam is incorporated.26 Note also that the data in Fig. 4 extrapolates to 0% nitrogen at zero ion current density, indicating that ambient nitrogen is not being incorporated into the films. This result differs from the dual ion-beam work of Harper and Cuom027 in the aluminum nitrogen system where the data extrapolated to 9 at. % N at zero ion assist current. ARRIVAL RATIO (R.) a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.8.---_--,;--_-; __ -, __ -, __ -;-__ -;--, 0.6 z 0 >= u « a: u. 0.4 z w c.? 0 0 a: f- Z 0.2 250 300 350 CURRENT DENSITY (pA/cm2) FIG. 4. Incorporated nitrogen fraction x in Si, _ x Nx films on C substrates vs Faraday cup current density. Data shown is from 17 films made in three separate runs with ion source parameters VB = 500 V, VA = 400 V, VD = 50 V, and chamber pressure = 2.0x 10-4 Torr. The ion source was aimed in situ and the ion beam impinged normal to the surface. Except for the point at the largest current, all films were deposited at 10 A/s. The curve is a model prediction (see the text). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41828 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I 0.8 ,-----,-----,---,------,,--------,----,------, 0.6 z 0 0 >= () • ...: a: u. 0.4 0 z OJ • Cl 0 a: >-Z 0.2 • • 0 350 CURRENT DENSITY (pA/cm2) FIG. 5. Incorporated nitrogen atom fraction x vs Faraday cup current den sity. Two sets of data are shown corresponding to films made for chamber pressures 4x 10 -4 Torr (e) and 1 X 10 -4 Torr (0). All films were made with VB = 500 V, V, = 100 V, VD = 50 V, a deposition rate of 10 A/s, the ion source aimed ill situ and the ion beam impinging along the sample normal. The curves are model predictions (see the text). For several samples in Fig. 4 there were 50% fluctuations in the silicon rate of 10 A/s on time scales of 1/4 s. Despite poor instantaneous rate control, the average composition agreed well with deposits performed under normal rate con trol. Figure 5 demonstrates the effect of charge exchange where the composition of films produced at operating pres sures of I and 4 X 10 -4 Torr are plotted against the mea sured ion current density. Note that the nitrogen content ENERGY (MeV) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 828 achieved for a given measured current is uniformly lower at the lower pressure, consistent with a smaller energetic neu tral nitrogen flux. These films were produced after the in situ aiming of the ion beam was instituted and after the rotation of the sample plane, but before the ion beam was defocused. The curves in Fig. 5 are calculations from the model after modification of f3 according to Eq. (3) and no other adjust ment of the parameters. The agreement is satisfactory indi cating that the model is capable of predicting the pressure dependence of the composition. The curve in Fig. I for 1000 eV was obtained by using the same functional energy dependence of the charge exchange cross section as for Ar, scaled to the measured value in Table I for 500 eV. The agreement of this curve is also satisfactory. It is apparent from Figs. I, 4, and 5 that the model predicts quite well the composition of silicon nitride films for beam energies from 500 to 1000 eV, N2 pressures from I to 4 X 10 -4 Torr, and arrival ratios Ra from 0 to 1.33. Another advantageous feature of the IBAD process was evident in the RBS data for samples prepared at low arrival ratios. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show RBS data for films with calculated arrival ratios of 0.02 and 0.04, respectively. Note that there is approximately 3 at. % oxygen in the lower ar rival ratio film, whereas there is only about I at. % oxygen in the higher ratio film. The most likely mechanism for this improved purity is stimulated desorption of H20 and O2 from the growth surface by the ion beam during the deposit. Some contributions cannot be ruled out, however, from the densification of the film by the ion beam which reduces wa ter absorption upon exposure to air prior to their RBS analy sis. Silicon films deposited with the ion source fully off but the chamber backfilled to its operating pressure contain no 0.9 Ra 0.02 0.2 0 -l W >-0.0 0 140 w N -l 0.4 « ~ a: ++ 0 z 0.2 160 180 200 220 Ra = 0.04 (al 240 (bl 0.0 L......::O------!._.l....- ___ ..L....--=---....:....-_...L..--_......:..---"' __ ........a_ 140 160 180 200 220 240 CHANNEL J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 FIG. 6. Rutherford backscattering (RBS) data ( + ) and multilayer simulation (line) of two of the films in Fig. 4. The data demon strates that increasing the nitrogen ion flux increases the incorporated nitrogen concen tration and reduces the amount of ambient oxygen that is incorporated. These currents correspond to calculated nitrogen to silicon atom ratios of 0.02 (a) and 0.04 (b). Oxygen level corresponds to ~ 3 at. % in (a), and ~ 1 at. % in (b). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41829 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I nitrogen and -10% oxygen after exposure to air. The accuracy and consistency of the composition of the deposits could be further improved by two additional changes. First, the substitution of a substantially larger ion source would help to minimize the departure of the param eter r from a value of one and to stabilize it at that value. Second, lowering the operating pressure in the chamber would reduce the charge exchange factor /3 and as a conse quence minimize errors introduced by uncertainties and fluctuations in pressure and gas temperature. This perhaps is most easily achieved by increasing the pumping speed of the system. In our chamber, for example, a pumping speed of 5000 lis would decrease the operating pressure from 2.0 X 10 -4 to 3.4 X 10 -5 Torr where the charge exchanged fraction is only 7%. Reduction of the ion source to substrate distance also reduces /3, but this may not be compatible with beam uniformity requirements or chamber geometry. X.SUMMARY Figure 1 illustrates the limited success of our early at tempts to control the composition of substoichiometric sili con nitride films by controlling the ratio of the nitrogen ion current density to the silicon deposition rate and thereby the nitrogen to silicon atom arrival ratio. As much as 15 at. % scatter in the data for the nitrogen composition at a single ion current was observed. A simple model was presented which related the fi1m composition to the measured beam current density, the Si vapor impingement rate, and the chamber pressure. Effects included in the model were the reflection of energetic particles, sputtering of the film atoms, geometric tooling factors for the measurement of ion flux, eva po rant flux and pressure, and charge exchange neutralization of the ions. The model was used to help identify the sources of compositional variation of the data in Fig. 1. Guided by this analysis, changes to the apparatus and technique were im plemented to minimize the variation. Figure 4 demonstrates the degree of improvement of composition control where a reproducibility of 3 at. % nitrogen was achieved. The most important factors were the improvement of the uniformity of the ion flux by defocusing and in situ aiming of the ion gun, and improvement of the relative precision of the RBS mea surement of the film composition by the use of graphite sub strates. Improved control of pressure and ambient gas tem perature may also have contributed to the reproducibility of ion flux by reducing fluctuations in the amount of charge exchange neutralization of the ions. The analysis also showed that compositional variation could not arise from changes in the Nt to N + ratio of ions in the beam, from the angle and energy dependence of reflection and sputtering, or from artifacts associated with the use of a quartz crystal bal ance for the measurement of vapor flux. While the relative reproducibility of the composition is excellent, uncertainty in the RBS scattering cross sections for nitrogen and analysis procedures produce as much as 5% errors in the absolute composition and 15% errors in thick ness. Systematic errors in the readings of the Faraday cup, and quartz crystal balance, and the variation of the atoms lion charge factors as the ion current varies contribute er rors no greater than 2% each toward inaccuracy in Ra. The J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 829 model of the IBAD process developed herein is able to fit the data well for plausible values of the parameters for energies between 500 and 1000 eV, Ra between a and 1.33, and pres sures between 1 and 4 X 10 -4 Torr. We conclude that the IBAD technique is indeed capable of producing highly re producible substoichiometric silicon nitride films when the ion current and silicon deposition rate are controlled in real time. The determination of the values of the parameters incor porated in the model is the subject of a companion paper. II The deposition methods described in both papers and the model presented here should be applicable to the calibration and improvement of composition control for other IBAD systems. ,,) U.S. Naval Academy. 'p. A. Thomas, M. H. Brodsky. D. Kaplan, and D. Lepine, Phys. Rev. B 18.3059 (1978). 'J. E. Yehoda, B. Yang. K. Vedam, and R. Messier, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6,1631 (1988). -'See, e.g., K.·H. Miiller, J. Appl. Phys. 62,1796 (1987). 40. R. Brighton and G. K. Hubler. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 28,527 (1987). 'P. J. Martin, J. Mater. Sci. 21. 1 (1986). "J. J. Cuomo, J. M. E. Harper, C. R. Guarnieri, D. S. Yee. L. J. Attanasio, J. Angilello, and C. T. Yu, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 20, 39 (1982), and refer ences cited therein. 7R. A. Roy reported in talk TF·MoH6 of the 34th A VS national meeting (Anaheim, 1987) on his ability to minimize simultaneously the tensile stress and resistivity and to achieve an acceptably large micro-hardness when depositing copper with argon ion assistance. 'E. P. Donovan, D. R. Brighton, D. Van Vechten, and G. K. Hubler, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 71, 487 (1986). "E. P. Donovan, D. R. Brighton, G. K. Hubler. and D. Van Vechten. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 19, 983 ( 1987). IIIE. P. Donovan. D. Van Vechten, A. D. F. Kahn, C. A. Carosella, and G. K. Hubler, J. Appl. Opt. 28. 2940 (1989). "G. K. Hubler, D. Van Vechten, E. P. Donovan, and C. A. Carosella, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 831 (1990). "L. R. Doolittle, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 9. 344 ( 1983). I 'P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed. (Freeman, San Francisco, 1982). p. 605. I·See, for example, R. A. Mapleton, Theo~y a/Charge Exchange (Wiley Interscience. New York. 1972) for a discussion of the different calcula tional schemes which have been utilized. The work of Friedrich et al. [Friedrich, Bretislav, S.L. Howard. A.L. Rockwood. W.E. Trafton, Jr.; Du Wen·Hu. and J. H. Futrell, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 59, 203 (1984) 1 quotes the Nt lifetime as "significantly more than 5 X 10 11 s" with a binding energy of from 0.9 to 1.4 eV. J. Futrell reviews the detailed modeling of the intermediate state of the N, N,' charge exchange reac tion in a chapter in Structure Reactivity alld Thermochemistry of /OIlS. edited by P. Ausloos and S. G. Lias (Reidel, Boston. 1986). pp. 57-80. "K. J. McCann, H. R. Flannery, J. V. Hornstein. and T. F. Moran. J. Chem. Phys. 63, 4997 (1975). The differential cross sections plotted in this reference indicate that for an ion energy of2210 eV. all the amplitUde is compressed into the forward most 2 deg in the center of mass system. For energies less than 156 eV the scattering amplitude for angles greater than 6 deg in the center of mass system becomes appreciable. IhK. B. McAfee, C. R. Szmanda. R. S. Hozack, and R. E. Johnson, J. Chern. Phys. 77, 2399 ( 1982). I7J. M. E. Harper, J. J. Cuomo, and H. R. Kaufman, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 21,737 (1982). "M. R. Flannery, P. C. Cosby, and T. F. Horan. J. Chem. Phys. 59, 5494 (1973). This reference quotes lifetimes of the B '~.~ state ofN: as 60 ns and of the A 'TT,. state as 10 fls. Since the transit time of 500 eV N ,+ ions in Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41830 Van Vechten et al.: Fundamentals of IBAD. I our apparatus is 3.7 f.ls, the A but not the B state will still be populated when the ions impact the sample. lOR. S. Robinson, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 16, 185 (1979). This cross section is a = c-b[ln(u)'] where c = 1.51 X 10-9, b = 9.53X 10-" for a in m' and u in m/s. '°c._S. Lu, "Monitoring and Controlling Techniques for Thin Film Depo sition Processes," AVS short course notes (1986), p. 45. "Equation (9) may be recast in the form If = (Po Vq )/(21Tzp;f... )tan-I (Z tan 1TF) where Vq is the sheer velocity of the particular cut of quartz used in making the film sensor. In this form it is more obvious that the customary practice of defining! to be zero at the beginning of each run and variation in the thickness of sensors as delivered do not represent sources of error in the values of If derived. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 8, No.2, Mar/Apr 1990 830 "D. Van Vechten, G. K. Hubler, and E. P. Donovan, Vacuum 36, 841 ( 1986). "For equations useful in the design of electrostatic suppression systems, see K. Kanaya, H. Kawakatsu, H. Yamazaki, and S. Sibataa, J. Sci. Instrum. 43,416 (1966). '4G. Isaacson (personal communication). "H. J. Erler, G. Reisse, and C. Weissman tel, Thin Solid Films 65, 233 (1980); see also C. Weissmantel, Thin Solid Films 32, II (1976). '"Reference 25 contains very little discussion of experimental detail, espe cially of how the ion current was measured. Without this information it is difficult to reconcile our results with theirs. 27J. M. E. Harper, J. J. Cuomo, and H. T. G. Hentzell, Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 547 (1983). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:05:41
Variableheatingrate wiremesh pyrolysis apparatus J. R. Gibbins, R. A. V. King, R. J. Wood, and R. Kandiyoti Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 1129 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140327 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140327 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A pulse-width modulation controlled wire-mesh heater apparatus for investigation of solid fuel pyrolysis Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 115116 (2012); 10.1063/1.4768538 Wire-mesh sensor, ultrasound and high-speed videometry applied for the characterization of horizontal gas-liquid slug flow AIP Conf. Proc. 1428, 327 (2012); 10.1063/1.3694722 WireMesh Capacitance Tomography in GasLiquid Flows AIP Conf. Proc. 914, 710 (2007); 10.1063/1.2747503 Initial Heating Rates and Energy Inputs for Exploding Wires Phys. Fluids 7, 147 (1964); 10.1063/1.1711036 An Apparatus for Investigating the Variable Specific Heat of Carbon Am. J. Phys. 9, 227 (1941); 10.1119/1.1991684 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51Variablemheating-rate wire-mesh pyrolysis apparatus J. R. Gibbins, R. A. V. King, R. J. Wood, and R. Kandiyoti Department a/Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College a/Science. Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom (Received 31 August 1989; accepted for publication 6 March 1989) An electrically heated wirecmesh apparatus for pyrolysis studies has been developed which uses computer-driven feedback control for the heating system and thus can apply virtually any timc temperature history to the sample. Internal components are water cooled to prevent heat buildup during long runs. Using this system, coal pyrolysis has been studied at heating rates from 0.1 to about 5000 K/s and temperatures up to 1000 0c. Alternating current is used for heating; this allows the thermocouples to be attached directly to the sample holder and also makes power regulation relatively simple. For atmospheric-pressure experiments, a gas sweep can be forced through the sample holder to remove products from the heated zone and also to concentrate them in a trap which can be removed from the apparatus and weighed to establish tar yields directly. Although the design is optimized for atmospheric-pressure operation, relatively simple modifications allow operation under vacuum or at pressures of up to 160 bars in inert gas or hydrogen. The apparatus has been used to investigate a number of phenomena in coal pyrolysis and, most significantly, has demonstrated thc existence ofa heating-rate effect which is independent of reactor geometry, INTRODUCTION In the wire-mesh apparatus, a small (of the order of 10 mg) sample of finely ground (typically 100 jLm) substrate is sandwiched between the layers of a folded wire-mesh sample holder, which is heated directly by an electric current. The mesh retains the particles, but offers little resistance to the passage of volatiles, which can therefore leave the heated zone around the sample very rapidly and need not undergo extensive secondary reactions. Total volatile yields are deter mined by weighing the loaded sample holder before and after heating, and the volatile products may also be collected for measurement and analysis. Usually, a fresh sample holder is used for each run, since cleaning would be impractical. Tem peratures are measured by one or more thermocouples at tached to the sample holder. Because of its low thermal inertia, there is little intrinsic limitation on the time/temperature profiles that can be ap plied to the sample holder assembly. The minimum heating rate can be as close to zero as the control system will anow, while maximum sample holder heating rates of the order of 104 K/s can be obtained before power requirements become prohibitive. However, even with the sample dispersed to al low direct contact between each individual coal particle and the mesh, heat transfer between the sample holder and the coal may not be good enough to avoid significant tempera ture differences under all conditions. Further differences between the indicated thermocouple temperature and the actual temperature of the sample will also result if the ther mocouple junction is not arranged to measure the tempera ture of the sample holder actually adjacent to the coal sam ple, or if there is any unresolved interference from the heating current. While the latter temperature differences can be minimized by suitable apparatus design (as will be described below), temperature differences between the mesh and the particles represent an intrinsic problem which must be taken into account when selecting experimental condi tions. For example, in this study the effect of heating rate has deliberately been investigated under conditions (700°C peak temperature and 30-s isothermal holding period) where it can be shown experimentally that yields are insensi tive to variations in temperature. The wire-mesh apparatus was invented by Loi8in and Chauvin i in the 19508 and has subsequently seen widespread use, notably by Howard and various co-workers at MIT2-5 and by other groups in North America,'>-i2 Europe, 13,14 and Australia. IS 17 The effect of heating rate has, however, large ly been neglected, and the bulk of data has been obtained at heating rates around 1000 K/s. While there are fundamental reasons while higher heating rates have not generally been used (i.e., increased power consumption and the limitations of heat transfer to the coal particles), as noted above there are no similar intrinsic limits on operation at lower heating rates. However, most experimenters have used simple heat ing circuits in which either the voltage or current was fixed for the duration oftlle heating period (the relative merits of fixed voltage versus fixed-current heating have been de scribed by NiksaI8), with (usually) a second constant-level output for an isothermal hold period at peak temperature if required. At heating rates of the order of 103 K/s and above, heat losses from the sample holder are relatively insignifi cant compared to the power required for self-heating, and an approximately constant rate of heating can therefore be ob tained with this type of heating system. At the lower power inputs necessary for slow heating, heat losses are more signif icant, however, and cause the heating rate to fall off as the temperature rises. Although the linearity of the heating rate depends on how dose the desired final temperature is to the 1129 Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 60 (6), June 1989 0034-6748/89/061129-11$01.30 (c) 1989 American Institute of Physics 1129 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51point where the power input and the heat losses will reach equilibrium, most experimenters have considered that 50- 100 K/s is the lower feasible limit with a constant-level heat ing circuit. In addition to the heating circuit, the design of the reac tor itself may also be a limiting factor at lower heating rates. If no cooling is provided, reactor internals, particularly the electrodes which are in contact with the sample holder, can become overheated in longer experiments. Satisfactory product collection may also be more difficult at lower heat ing rates, unless products are kept away from the hot region around the sample holder, because more time is available for secondary reactions. Heating rates below 100 K/s in a wire-mesh reactor have been achieved by Hamilton and co-workers at CSIRO, J5-17 who used an analog feedback-control system to give rates as low as 0.1 K/s. Product yields were not report ed, however, and the reactor appears to have been used only to produce chars for optical studies of plasticity phenomena. A pure feed-forward control system, using a computer to generate a power/time profile found by trial and error to give the correct heating rate, has been used to obtain data on product yields at heating rates of 1 K/s by Freihaut and Seery,19 who observed a steady increase in volatile yields under vacuum for heating rates of 1, 100, and 1000 K/s. Tar yields went through a maximum at 100 K/s, however. Because of the limitations apparent in previous designs, it was decided that, in order to allow coal pyrolysis reactions to be studied at heating rates below 100 K/s, a wire-mesh reactor would be built incorporating three new features: (i) a flow of sweep gas forced through the mesh itself to give the best possible product removal, (iO water cooling to prevent excessive temperature rises in the parts of the apparatus in contact with the sample holder, and (iii) a computerized temperature feedback-control system to allow essentially any heating rate (or sequence of heating rates) to be applied to the sample holder. While the first two items required no special techniques to implement, the design of the last fea ture drew heavily on recent developments in electronics, and although it would have undoubtedly been feasible to build an equivalent system much earlier, it would have required more effort and expenditure. I. APPARATUS DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows an exploded view of the water-cooled electrode assembly used in all versions of the new apparatus. The sample holder is folded from AISI 304, 250 mesh (65- pm holes, 4O-,um wires) woven wire cloth to give a single layer above and below the sample with a short flap to close the open side. This is stretched on top of the cooled support plate between a fixed and a moving, spring-loaded electrode. The sweep gas flows through the 30-mm-diam hole in the support plate and around and through the coal sample, which is spread in a smaller circle at the center of this work ing section. The support plate provides a base against which an offtake tube for the sweep gas can be seated, and also cools the portions ofthe sample holder which, in the absence of the cooling effect of the sweep flow, would otherwise reach melt- 1130 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 LI VE ELECTRODE •. MICA INSULATION - LIVE TERMINAL .. 'WATER-COOLED SUPPORT PLATE IIA TER-COOLED EARTHED ELECTRODE , -. HOLLOW PI LLAAS ._---- CARRYING COOLING WATER r:§> MICA INSULATION ~ ""-~""'" """ FIG, 1. Water· cooled electrode assembly_ ing point at high power inputs. The sample holder is electri cally insulated from the support plate by a 0.25-mm layer of amber mica (phlogobite). A further layer of mica is used beneath the support plate to prevent the bare thermocouple wires from making contact. Cooling water flows up one of the hollow pillars carry ing the support plate, along a longitudinal hole drilled in the plate itself, through a U bend of stainless-steel tubing con nected to the earthed electrode (these tubes also serve as springs), into a lateral hole through the earthed electrode, and then continues out by a similar route. The earth line for the heating current is also via the cooling water tubes. The live electrode in the heating current circuit is con nected to a terminal which passes through an insulating PTFE sealing gland in the base (details not shown). The live electrode is mounted on the end of the (earthed) support plate, but is electrically insulated from it, by a layer of mica at the joint and by insulating bushes on the fixing screws. The mica sheet, which insulates the sample holder from the support plate, is also continued over the live electrode. This avoids any arcing to the sample holder at the joint between the live electrode and the support plate and also allows the mica to be held in place by the electrode clamp. Contact between the live electrode and the sample holder is via the two studs for the electrode clamp, which pass through the mica, and then along the electrode clamp itself. To give an even layer of coal, the sample (nominally 100-150 ,urn) is first placed in a small pile between the folds of the sample holder, which is then stretched between the electrodes. A 20-mm-diam depression centered on the sam ple is formed by scribing a circle in the mesh of the sample holder (annealed before use) with a blunt point. The circle contains the sample as it is distributed, by tapping the appa ratus and by sucking the coal particles into place using a 15- mm-diam glass nozzle connected to a suction line. This pro- Pyrolysis apparatus 1130 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51cedure also serves to remove any fine particles that might be lost during heating and give a spurious extra weight loss. Temperatures are measured by type-K (Chromel! Alu mel) thermocouples, formed by inserting 50-pm wires through the 65-pm apertures in the mesh. The wires are spaced about 1 mm apart in the direction perpendicular to the heating voltage gradient and within 0.5 mm apart in the direction of the voltage gradient. More precise positioning of the thermocouple wires is not necessary, since (as described below) interference from voltages induced by the heating current is avoided by the design of the temperature-control system, and the thermocouples can easily be located satisfac torily with the naked eye. After the individual wires have been threaded through the mesh using tweezers, the upper ends are flattened using pliers and drawn down into the mesh to ensure good electrical contact. During heating, the wires are kept under slight tension by their securing clips to main tain contact; this also forces the upper and lower folds of the sample holder together and helps to hold the sample in place. The thermocouples thus formed have proved extremely reli able in practice and, compared to more conventional spot welded thermocouples, have the advantages of causing very little distortion to the mesh and being extremely easy and quick to form using only simple hand tools. Because the ther mocouple wires can only make electrical contact through the sample holder, there is no possibility of the hot junction not being in thermal contact with the sample holder and most thermocouple faults can be identified by an open-cir cuit pull-up resistor in the thermocouple amplifier. Two thermocouples are used, placed at the center and 1 mm from the edge of the circular sample area, and their readings are averaged to give the control value. Typically, the temperatures measured by the individual thermocouples are within 20 K of their average, with the difference being due to variations in local heat capacity and resistance to gas CERAMIC TIC INSULATOR DIFFUSER OVER HP GAS INLET flow. Since the loading density of the sample tends to dimin ish unavoidably towards the periphery, measurements from the two thermocouples represent the approximate maxi mum and minimum temperatures within the sample area. Figure 2 shows the base unit, which is common to all versions of the apparatus, with the electrode assembly in position. The 50-pm diam thermocouple wires attached to the sample holder are terminated in spring clips formed in the end of O.5-mm-diam leads of the same alloy. These in turn are connected to the thermocouple amplifiers after passing through a four-way Conax sealing gland (not shown) in the base. Insulating ceramic guides are used to hold the thermocouple clips in convenient positions on ei ther side of the electrode assembly. Figure 3 shows the reactor in its atmospheric-pressure configuration. The gas inlet port in the base is unused. and the sweep gas enters through a connection in the side of the glass top. A port on the opposite side is connected to a small rotary vacuum pump. Before heating the apparatus is evacu ated to less than 1 m bar and refilled with the sweep gas 3 times to remove air (during this process, the open top of the filter-tube trap is sealed with a rubber bung). A No. 1 poros ity Pyrex sinter disk is clamped beneath the hole in the sup port plate by wire clips. This acts as a flow distributor, and also provides a resistance to counteract the resistance of the trapping filter and prevent flow reversal when rapid gas ex pansion occurs during fast heating runs. If there should be a failure in the gas-flow pattern (usually due to a leak around the base of the offtake column as a result of misalignment during assembly), any tar which has not been entrained is easily visible on the upper surface of the sinter. A superficial sweep-gas velocity of O. 1 mls is normally used; this has been found by trial and error to be the lowest flow velocity to give reliable product entrainment at the higher heating rates. Tests at flow velocities up to nearly 0.3 FLATTENED 'TAILS' ON 0.05 mm TIC WIRES THREADED THROUGH THE WIRE-MESH TAPPED HOLES FOR STUDS / TO RETAIN LP GLASS TOP CERAMIC TIC TERMINAL BLOCK EXTERNAL THREAD FDA HP RETAINING RING PORT FOR PRESSURE GAUGE O-RING GROOVE FIG. 2. General-purpose base assembly. 1131 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 Pyrolysis apparatus 1131 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51#4 GLASS SINTER FILTER-TUBE TRAP TO VACUUM PUMP FOR PURGING 111 SINTER DISC FLOW DISTRIBUTOR HP GAS INLET (NOT USED) COMPRESSION JOINT WITH O-RING SEAL (SCREW CAP OMITTED) ---CLAMPING RING FIG. 3. Wire-me,h reactor configured for atmospheric-pressure operation. m/s have shown no measurable effect of sweep velocity on weight loss or tar yield. Helium is commonly used as the sweep gas, principally because of its high thermal conductiv ity, but similar weight loss and tar yields have been obtained with a nitrogen sweep. The greater density of nitrogen meant that flow was turbulent not laminar, however, and more tar was deposited on the sides of the offtake tube. The gas f1ow rate is adjusted by a valve immediately upstream of the reac tor inlet with a constant inlet pressure of 0.5 bar g, giving a fairly "stiff" gas supply to overcome the expansion of the gas in the reactor when heating takes place. A rotameter up stream of the valve is used to set the desired ftowrate, the whole system having been calibrated at the operating condi tiems using a dry gas meter. Tars yields can be measured at atmospheric pressures using the single-unit trap shown in Fig. 3, made from a stan dard No.4 porosity Pyrex sinter filter tube with a nominal 30-mm i.d. During an experiment, liquid nitrogen is poured on top of the sinter and the sweep gas bubbles up through it to vent to atmosphere. Tars are caught on the underside of the sinter and, at heating rates of 100 K/s and above, some also impinge on the walls lower down due to their almost explosive release from the coal which can instantaneously swamp convection by the sweep gas. Even then, except for the region about 10 mm immediately above the sample hold er (where little or no tar is collected anyway), the cooling action of the sweep gas and heat conduction through the glass keep any tar on the walls cold enough to prevent it melting and hence significant thermal degradation is unlike ly. After an experiment, the trap is heated at 50°C in air for 30 min to remove any components with a high enough vola tility to give significant weight changes during weighing. The choice ofthis temperature and time was somewhat arbi trary, but since tests have shown negligible further weight 1132 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 50, No.6, June 1989 loss from traps on subsequent heating at 70°C for up to sev eral hours in a vacuum oven, it appears to define a tar frac tion which is not sensitive to the actual separation conditions used. Between experiments the traps are heated overnight in a glassblowers' annealing oven to bum off the tars and re lieve any heat-induced stresses. When only weight-loss measurements are required, a plain (uncooled) quartz-glass offtake column is used. A sample bag can also be attached in this arrangement to col lect the gas products for analysis, but this procedure is still under development, the inevitable dilution from the sweep gas being a complicating factor. For vacuum runs the same reactor configuration is used, but with the filter-tube trap replaced by an unbaffied Pyrex glass offtake tube of the same bore. A cold finger in the cen ter of the offtake column, cooled by liquid nitrogen, reaches down to within about 25 mm of the sample holder. The off take is connected by approximately 1 m of large-bore glass tubing to a mercury diffusion pump backed up with a rotary vacuum pump. An initial vacuum of below 1 m Torr can easily be achieved, and very little pressure rise is observed during pyrolysis thanks to the rapid condensation of volatile species on the cold finger. Only total volatile yields have been measured, however, since the tars are "sprayed" out onto all internal surfaces of the reactor within the line of sight of the sample, and apart from the difficulties of collection, some of these surfaces (principally the sinter below the sample hold er and the base of the offtake tube) get hot enough for the deposited tars to melt, raising the possibility that some ther mal degradation is also taking place. The peak temperature for experiments under vacuum has been limited to 800 °C because of evaporation losses from the present sample holder material at higher temperatures. A Sartorius 2024 balance with a reproducibility of ± 0.000 02 g is used to determine the weight loss of the sample on heating and the amount oftar collected. To mini mize weighing errors, the balance is placed in a glovebox kept dry with silica gel and a piezoelectric antistatic gun is used on glassware prior to weighing. Sample holders, being light (about 1 g) and electrically conductive, can be weighed with an estimated repeatability of ± 0.000 04 g, but despite the precautions described above, static electricity and mois ture adsorption can reduce the practicable reproducibility to ± 0.0001 g for the 50-g glass tar traps. Figure 4 gives a schematic of the power supply and tem perature measurement and control systems. Heating current is fed from the single-phase 240-V ac mains supply via a thyristor bridge and a variable and a fixed transformer (or pair of fixed transformers with the primary windings in par allel and the secondary windings in series). The thyristors are interfaced to a microcomputer via an 8-bit (i.e., 2561ev els of output) digital-to-analog converter which feeds a 0-5- V de control signal to a proprietary phase-angle trigger mod ule. During heating, the power is regulated by controlling the conduction angle of the thyristors, but to minimize the steps between different power levels (due to the steps in D/ A output voltage), the variable transformer is used to preset the heating voltage available at full output, which is varied from about 12-V rms to 24-V rms, depending on the heating Pyrolysis apparatus 1132 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51VARIABLE TRANSFORMER I..OW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 1115 240 II A.C. OIl. CONVERTER AD722S OP-07 9=' 100 HZ MAINS-SYNCHRONISED PULSE GENERATOR 2 STASE ADJUSTABLE PUL.SE DEI..AY 74L.S1 '23 74L514 PARALLEL INTERFACE SBooe I'1CSB230L.B BUS CONTROL MICROCOMPUTER SINCLAIR QL RUNNING FORTH AND S8000 M.COOE AID CONVERTER A0574 OP-07 G-80 UIOLATION MULTIPLEXER MUX 28 SAMPLE So HOLD L"39SN U-MICRO U-A/D CAAO JCE/WAfER AMPLIFIER COLD J'N AD204 ;.1 FIG. 4. Alternating current temperature-control circuit for variable-heating-rate wire-mesh apparatus. rate and final temperature. Because high power outputs are only required for short periods, it has proved possible to use fixed-range transformers with a continuous output rating of only 60-A rms. Although this is exceeded by about 300% at peak heating rates, the thermal mass of the transformer is sufficient to absorb the transient overload. It was decided at an early stage to heat the sample holder with alternating current at normal mains frequency (50 Hz in the U.K.). Using ac is convenient because power can be regulated at relatively low current levels on the high-voltage side of the transformers, but it also has the great advantage of allowing any interference from the heating current that may be picked up by a thermocouple attached directly to the sam ple holder to be averaged out. Interference from a dc heating current cannot be averaged out, nor will a moderate level of interference necessarily be apparent from a temperature trace, unless high-speed data acquisition is used, since the tempeniture will also be changing rapidly when the heating current is applied. The magnitUde of possible interference from a dc heat ing current can be estimated by considering the case with a typical heating current voltage of 12 V across a 50-mm sam ple holder. The voltage gradient across the thickness of a 50- ttm ( 0.002-in.) thermocouple wire would then be 12 mY, equivalent to about 300 K of input for the commonly used typc-K (Chromel/ Alumel) thermocouple, which suggests that effective single-point contact for a thermocouple junc tion actually touching the mesh cannot be guaranteed with out special precautions. One solution for a de system is to place the junction away from the surface, 18 but this gives an' inevitable risk of a loss in response. More satisfactory alter natives that have been used are to weld both thermocouple wires to a single tranverse (i.e., perpendicular to the voltage gradient) strand ofthe mesh between two longitudinal (i.e., in the direction of the voltage gradient) strands, thus avoid- 1133 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 ing any significant voltage gradient between the thermocou ple leads when power is applied,20 or to turn the de heating current off altogether while thermocouple readings are tak en.ls With ae supplies any interference should be self-evident and can, in principle, be removed either by integrating for a complete cycle or by averaging two readings taken at an interval of half a cycle. The former is probably the more convenient option if an integrating analogue-to-digital (AID) converter is used, the latter ira fast AID converter coupled to a microprocessor is employed. Experience with early versions of this apparatus gave poor results when using an integrating dual-slope-type AID converter with the thyr istor-regulated supplies, however (probably because of non linear amplifier responses to the very rapid voltage change w hen the thyristors were triggered), and a fast AID convert er (AD574) operated at half-cycle intervals was adopted. To synchronize the microcomputer to the heating cur rent frequency, each thermocouple logging sequence is initi ated by a pulse generated from the same mains supply. The delay on this pulse can be adjusted (with the aid of a dual trace oscilloscope) to initiate temperature readings soon after a thyristor switches off as the supply current reverses polarity, and by limiting the maximum conduction time for a thyristor to 7 ms out of the 10 ms half-cycle, a 3-ms period is available during which no significant heating current flows. However, because of the phase-angle shift in the transform ers, the voltage across the sample holder has already passed through zero when the thyristor switches off and this gives an alternating offset (of the order of 100 m V) at the start of each 3-ms period. Because of this offset, two readings at the same power level have to be averaged to get a true tempera ture reading, and so only after every complete mains cycle (i.e., every 20 ms) can a control temperature be obtained and the appropriate power output be calculated. An oscillo- Pyrolysis apparatus 1133 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51[--rf--- thyristor triggering point r thermocoup I e I ogg i ng po i nt ~\ J 1 heating voltage ---. ~ 12-24 V r.m.s. at full output --, n r 0-5 V timing signal L j 10 ms (for 50 Hz supply) FIG. 5 Oscilloscope trace showing heating voltage and timing pulse syn chronization. scope trace of the heating voltage and the timing pulse is shown in Fig. 5. The basic clement of the computer control software is a conventional PID control algorithm, although preset values for the integral term can be specified to give more rapid re sponse at step changes. It is also possible to override feed back control and specify the power signal; this is usually done to give zero power for uncontrolled cooling or maxi mum power for very rapid heating. A SinclairQL (Motorola 68008 cpu) is used to run the software which is implemented in Forth and machine code. A heating program is defined by a series of Forth data screens which specify the heating rate, PID constants or a fixed power, and the end time or tem perature for each sequence. The complexity of a heating pro gram is determined only by the limits of internal and exter nal memory. Integer arithmetic is used for all control calculations for maximum speed, but scaling factors are em ployed to allow temperatures to be handled to the nearest 0.1 °C and heating rates to 0.001 K/s. Taking advantage of the 68008'8 32-bit registers and 16/32-bit arithmetic instruc tions, it has been possible to implement the whole control sequence of zero-mains pulse sensing, AID operation, ther mocouple linearization (interpolated from a look-up table), PID calculations, and power-signal output in machine code for maximum speed. The overall time for temperature log ging and control calculations is about 2 ms, which means that with the 3-ms delay described above the required signal can be presented to the thyristor trigger module in advance of the earliest possible triggering point. This avoids a possi ble half-cycle's delay before the correct power is set. Forth is used to set up the control-sequence data tables, to plot results to the screen in real time, to update the control target tem perature during heating, and to print out results after a run is complete. Typically, the average of the two thermocouple readings can be controlled to be within 10 K of the desired value (or the temperature rise in 20 ms if greater). Actual timel temperature traces from a demonstration run showing different heating/cooling modes are shown in Fig. 6. A more detailed description of the control software (and other aspects of the apparatus) is available elsewhere.21 The QL microcomputer is interfaced to the logging hardware by a simple parallel interface based on the M68230L8, designed and built in-house. The DI A converter (ADi224), the zero-pulse circuit, and the signal-condition ing amplifiers were also assembled in-house, but the AID converter and associated multiplexer and sample-and-hold system were purchased as a ready-built board (U-Micro PC AD card). The input to the AID converter is gated by the sample and hold integrated circuit, but the rest of the ther- 1500 fJ) ..,1400 J:: "1300 ~~--~---'"->--7-~---r-------r--- ;v 900 3; o a. 800 '- o 700 C; 600 U1 W -0 500 Q) 400 "- " ... 300 " '- Q) "-E 200 '" ... 100 o r n c --control temperature ----~ ind:\!idu~1 T/C readings F __ -1-__ ----L~o ____ , _____ _'_I ____ _'IL_ ____ ~1 _.--..L __ -'--___ --.J 1 no 200 300 40n 500 GOO 700 data point number FIG. 6 Actual thermocouple readings from a demonstration heating program showing different modes of heating/cooling (with a sample in place and 0.1- m/s sweep fiowofhelium at approximately 1.2 bar). A--B. 5-K/s heating to 3(X) 'C; B-C. lO()O-K/s heating to 700 T; C--D, hold at 700 T; D E, controiled cooling at 5 K/s for 20 s; E-F, uncontrolled cooling for 3 s. One-data-pointl20-ms interval fix B-C, C-D, and E-F. One-data-poilltl200-ms interval lor A II and D-E. 1134 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 Pyrolysis apparatus 1134 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51mocouple signal-conditioning circuit fluctuates in response to the instantaneous sum of the thermocouple output and any interference. With the large voltage gradients already noted, if the thermocouple leads arc far enough apart, inter ference at the peak heating current can exceed the thermal signal by several times and give a high enough differential input signal to cause the amplifiers to saturate. Particularly, if this occurs only in one half-cycle, when the thermal emf and the interference both have the same polarity, an error may result if the amplifier takes a relatively long time to recover and therefore still has a residual offset when the reading is taken. A jump in recorded temperature when power is switched on or off will then be observed. In practice, however, a separation of about 1 mm in the direction of the voltage gradient is required to cause this effect (at the power levels required for atmospheric pressure operation at up to 1000 K/s), and thermocouple leads can easily be arranged to be well within this limit. Common mode interference may also cause a breakdown in amplifier performance unless iso lation amplifiers are used, though again only at high power inputs when peak instantaneous voltage difference across the sample holder can be above 30 v. This has also not proved to be a severe problem in practice, and good results have been obtained with an unisolated AD524 instrumenta tion amplifier as the first stage at heating rates up to and including 1000 K/s in atmospheric-pressure helium and un der vacuum. At 5000 K/s at atmospheric pressure, or under most conditions at elevated pressure, temperature readings with this system were found to suffer from excessive "noise," however, and this led to the adoption of the system shown in Fig. 4, with a floating, isolated OP-07 operational amplifier as the first stage. To check the accuracy of the temperature-measurement system, trials were conducted with mineral salts (NaG, MgClz, LiCl) in the sample holder. A constant power input was applied, sufficient to heat the sample holder above the salt's melting point, and the levels at which the temperature was momentarily arrested during heating and cooling were noted. The values obtained were 10-15 K lower than the melting points, but except for MgC12 , which did not wet the mesh and therefore did not give such good thermal contact, they were virtually the same during heating and cooling. This offset, which is quite acceptable, is therefore not due to interference from the heating current. Corrosion of the ther mocouple junction and heat conduction down the thermo couple wires are possible causes, although the uncertainty for the output of an uncalibrated type-K thermocouple at these temperatures, about 6 K, must also be taken into ac count. A time/temperature trace for a calibration run with NaCl (melting point 801°C) is shown in Fig. 7. Even with an optimized control system, some inherent limitations of ac heating must be considered. The first is that the temperature of the sample holder will not rise uniformly, but will fluctuate as the instantaneous heating current var ies. An upper limit for this effect can, however, be estimated by considering the most extreme (and impossible) case in which all the heating current is assumed to flow in a pulse of negligible duration. Just after the heating pulse, the tempera ture will jump by the sum of the average temperature in- 1135 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 •••••••••••••••••• ' ••••• y ••••• :.:.:.:.;.:-;.: 1000 C; 900- 0: ~ BOD,· '" 700 ~ :, 600 (U (arbitrary un:ts) time (sees) FIG. 7. Temperature trace for calibration run with NaCI (melting point 801 'C). crease during half a mains cycle (Le., in 10 ms) plus the temperature drop that will occur without heating over the same period. The cooling that would occur over 10 ms can be estimated from the experimentally observed initial cooling rates when power is switched off, about 500 K/s at a typical peak operating temperature of 700 "C. Therefore, at a 1000- K/s heating rate even for this extreme hypothetical case there would be a jump of only 15 K during heating, In prac tice, however, heating current flows for a significant period in each half cycle (particularly at high heating rates), and so much smaller differences will occur. Another consequence of ac heating is that, when using feedback control in the system described above, control tem peratures are only available at intervals of one mains cycle (i.e., 20 ms) and power-inputlevels also can only be adjusted at the same interval. This limits the precision with which rapid heating stages can be terminated. Furthermore, the temperature observed is an historical average and will corre spond to the value! of a cycle before the second reading in the pair is taken. Once again, however, these difterences will only become significant around 1000 K/s and can be al lowed felr by terminating heating when the indicated tem perature is slightly lower than the desired peak value; offsets between ~ (the theoretical optimum) and one mains cycle's temperature increment have been found adequate in prac tice. Potentially, much more serious temperature-control and measurement problems arise from the inevitable varia tions in temperature across the sample. While overall the thermal mass of the coal sample (typically 7 rug) is negligi ble compared to that ofthe log sample holder, the local effect ofthe sample is important; even at less than monolayer load ings the effect of a lOO-,u.m-diam particle resting on a mesh woven from 40-pm-diam wires clearly cannot be ignored. This was noted by Freihaut, Zabielski, and Seery,22 who found that differences of the order of 100-300 K could occur between a thermocouple placed in the area of the sample and another deliberately located in a clear area of the mesh. Since the potential errors from sample loading are thus at least as great as errors in temperature measurement or control, par ticular care is taken in our experiments to obtain as uniform Pyrolysis apparatus 1135 ." •• "." •• -............ '.-.'.". • •••••••••••••• -••• -•• -••• _., •• -;O;' ••• ~ ••••••••• ~ ••• :.~.:.:.-:.:.:.;.:.~ •••• , ••••••••••••••••• This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51a sample distribution as possible and to allow for the inevita ble thinning out toward the edge of the sample by placing the thermocouples at the center and edge of the sample (the extremes of the temperature) and using the average as the control value. As already noted, the inherent limitations in heat transfer to the sample may still be a problem, however, particularly for nonmeiting coals, with the true particle tem perature falling below the measured sample holder tempera ture during very rapid heating ( although many low-and high-rank bituminous coals which are not classified as cok ing coals will melt at heating rates of the order of 10J K/s and above) or in the initial stages of heating in vacuum when heat transfer is poor in the absence of a conducting gas film. The high-pressure configuration for the apparatus is shown in Fig. 8. In this mode a stainless-steel pressure vessel is attached by a clamping ring which screws onto the outside of the base itself. The apparatus, with the electrode assembly in position, has been hydraulically tested to 300 bars, giving a 50% safety margin over the maximum supply pressure of 200 bars. When the high-pressure design was conceived, it was hoped to provide a forced sweep of gas through the sample holder, as for atmospheric-pressure operation. Even at 20 bars, however, the cooling effect of gas flowing through the sample holder was found to be so intense that uniform tem peratures could not be maintained, with slight deviations in the local cooling intensity giving rise to severe overheating and melting of the sample holder material. After trials with various gas-flow arrangements, the best that could be achieved was to provide a diffuse flow of gas upwards from the base of the vessel with a volumetric flowrate (at the inter nal pressure) of 1 11min. HP GAS INLET STAINLESS-STEEL r-PRESSURE VESSEL CLAMPING RING FIG. 8. Wire-mesh reactor configured for high-pressure operation. 1136 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 Gas (helium or hydrogen) is fed through a connector in the base immediately below the working section, with a dif fuser consisting of approximately 20 layers of wire-mesh in a brass frame to break up the jet from the small-bore inlet. No sinter disk is used below the suppport plate in this case. A simple gas supply system has been found satisfactory, with the regulator on the gas cylinder controlling the internal pressure which can be held within 1.5 bars of the desired value over a range of20--170 bars. The gas flowrate is set by a pressure letdown/flow control valve on the outlet line from the reactor and measured, at atmospheric pressure, by a dry gas meter. Average fiowrates are calculated over lO-s inter vals by counting (using the timer/counter function ofa Mo torola 68230 PIA on a second QL microcomputer) the out put pulses from an optoelectronic shaft encoder added to the gas meter in-house. The diffuse flow regime allows the pressure to be held constant when thermal expansion takes place during an ex periment and provides some entrainment of the volatile products. A significant proportion of the condensible vola tiles are deposited on the internal surfaces of the reactor, however, and some also appear to recirculate back onto the sample holder, and so tars cannot be collected and measured 'as was the case at atmospheric pressure with the sweep gas flow forced through the sample holder. Apart from the inability to collect representative tar samples, it was also thought that the absence of a proper sweep flow might affect mass transfer from the pyrolyzing sample and depress total volatile yields. To allow this effect to be estimated. coal was pyrolyzed at atmospheric pressure with the diffuse gas flow from the high-pressure inlet, but using a glass top so that the flow patterns could be observed. The absence of the forced sweep was found to cause only 1 %-3% reduction in total volatile yields,23 however, and since tars could be seen to be recirculated back onto the sam ple holder (which was partly discolored) by natural convec tion, some, if not all, of this reduction can probably be as signed to redeposition of volatiles rather than to a significant increase in the surface mass transfer resistance. Even with the diffuse flow regime, heat losses by convec tion from the sample holder are very large at elevated pres sures. At 70 bars the power input must be increased approxi mately fivefold compared to atmospheric-pressure operation to hold the temperature steady at the same value and the ratio between convective and other heat losses, which can be estimated from vacuum experiments to be roughly 1: 1 at atmospheric pressure, then rises to about 9: 1. With convection so dominant, only slight variations in the gas flow are needed to cause significant (up to about ± 50 K) fiuctations in the local temperature ofthe sample holder, as the typical high-pressure time/temperature output in Fig. 9 shows. Although the computer feedback-control system can usually hold the average of the readings from the two thermocouples within 20 K or less of the desired value, the instantaneous difference between the individual readings is determined solely by the unsteady physical conditions inside the reactor. Similar fluctations in temperature at high pres sures (measured with a single thermocouple and at a con stant heating voltage) are reported by Anthony et al.,2 who Pyrolysis apparatus 1136 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51--contro: temperature ~ ind :vidue I TIC read ings PIG. 9. Temperature traces from a pyrolysis run in hydrogen at 70 bars, with diffuse flow regime. used an insulated baffle below the sample holder to reduce circulation currents. The temperature fluctuations have a time scale of the order of 0.2 s, and so to give reasonably representative time averages for the peak temperature (rath er than a possibly misleading instantaneous value), a hold ing period of at least 5 s at peak temperature has been used. The peak temperature that can be maintained is also restrict ed by the high power levels required under elevated pressure, for example, a holding temperature of 800°C is the limit in 70 bars of hydrogen with the present transformers. II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The effect of peak temperature on total volatile and tar yields from atmospheric-pressure pyrolysis of a U.K. bitu- (i) CIl x ~20 o > o L----' __ L_--L._---L---::=--=-==--=-=' 300 400 500 600 701] 800 900 1000 peak temperature (deg.C) x • 1000 K/s vol's; + , 1000 K/s tar t:". 1 K/s vol's; 'V. 1 K/s tar FIG. 10. Atmospheric-pressure pyrolysis yields from Linby coal for 1-and lOOO-K/s heating with 30-5 hold at peak temperature (helium sweep at ap proximately 1.2 bar; flowing at 0.1-0.3 m/s), 1137 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 TABLE I. Summary of tar and total volatile yields from atmospheric-pres sure pywlysis of Linby coal in helium for heating rates of I and lOOO K/S to 700 "C with a 30-s holding period, Mean Standard Number value deviation ofrulls % w/w, dafcoal % w/w, dafcoal Tar yield 10 28.9 1.24 1000 K/s Tar yield 5 22.4 1.67 I K/s Total volatiles 18 45.9 0,97 1000 K/s Total volatiles 5 39.7 0.95 I K/s minous coal (Linby) for 1-and lOOO-K/s heating is shown in Fig. 10. The averages and standard deviations for the mul tiple values obtained at 700 °C peak temperature are tabulat ed in Table 1. The temperature was held at the peak value for 30 s in these experiments; preliminary trials21.24 had shown that unless sufficient time was allowed at the peak tempera ture for reactions to run to completion, lower heating rates could give higher yields in certain circumstances simply be cause more time was available at reaction temperatures. Similar increases in total volatiles with heating rate have also been noted for a range of U.S. coals.24 Data obtained wi.th one of these coals, Pittsburgh No.8, are presented in Fig. 11. ~50 o u f20 ~ ..., . ~10r I g D '-'-~~ ___ ..-L ___ -L--.J 1 10 100 1000 heating rate (K/s) Atm. press.: x, vol's + , tar Vacuum: 'V, vol's f'Hi. 11. Effect ofheatlllg rates on pyrolysis yields from Pittsburgh No.8 at atmospheric pressure (helium sweep at approximately 1.2 ba:; flowin~ at 0.1 m/s) and vacuum ( < 1 m Torr); final temperature 7oo"C tor all pomts with a 30-s holding period. Pyrolysis apparatus 1137 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51This shows that the yields increase progressively with heat ing rate between 1 and 1000 K/s, rather than changing more abruptly around some critical value, and confirms that most of this increase is due to extra tar production. Similar trends have also been found for the Linby coa1.25 Total volatile yields obtained at 1 and 1000 K/s in vacuum are also shown in Fig. 11 and confirm that the effect of heating rate is, if anything, enhanced under vacuum, presumably due to bet ter mass transport. Conversely, as Fig. 12 shows, volatile yields at elevated pressure in inert gas show little effect of heating rate, while in high-pressure hydrogen yields have been found to be significantly greater with l-K/s heating than lOOO-K/s heating unless a long holding time (of the order of several hundred seconds) is used to diminish the relative importance of the greater time available for hydro gasification reactions at the lower heating rate.23 Because of the observed susceptibility of yield enhance ments to external pressure, it is likely that physical phenom ena, probably associated with differing volatile transport mechanisms under fast and slow heating, are involved. At higher heating rates, the obvious increase in sample plasti city and the greater outward fiowrate of volatiles might be expected to give better tar transport than diffusion through the pores of a less-fluid sample undergoing slow heating. Some chemical effects cannot be ruled out, however, since similar yield enhancements have been observed with a low rank coal which did not appear to melt at all, while a high rank bituminous coal which melted showed no effect of heat ing rate.24 Practical implications of the effect of heating rate on pyrolysis yields can be seen in Fig. 13, where ASTM proxi mate volatile matter contents are compared with total vola- ~::~~~.~ !40 Ii to -0 "'" "'30 : + ~20 r ~10l o ~_--.L 1 10 100 1000 heating race (K/s) x • hydrogen; + • he I I um FIG. 12. Effect of heating rate on pyrolysis yields from Pittsburgh No.8 coal in helium a.nd hydrogen at 70 bars with diffuse flow regime; tina.l tempera ture 600 °C for all points with a lO-s holding period. 1138 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 70 60 (0 850 'I- LO 'C ~40 III CI! -';::;30 (0 0 > -20 to +-' 0 .... 10 70 7S 80 85 90 carbon content (% def) ~ 95 o . approx. 5000 K/s to 950 deg,C, with 5 5 hold at peak temperature. 8 , ASTM proximate volati Ie mBtter. FIG. 13. Comparison between ASTM volatile matter contents and wire mesh volatile yields for approximately 5000-K/s heating to 950"C with 5-s hold for Argonne Premium Coals~ helium sweep at approximately 1.2 bar; flowing at 0.1-0.2 m/s. ( X 2 signifies two data points too close to plot sepa ratdy.) tile yields obtained in the wire-mesh reactor from the range of Argonne Premium Coal Samples26 at approximately SOOO-K/s heating (without feedback control) to 950°C, with a 5-s hold at peak temperature. Previous work has shown that wire-mesh volatile yields obtained under these conditions appear to be proportional to apparent volatile production during combustion in explosion chamber tri als.27 Further investigations to determine whether or not the apparent rank sensitivity of the differences between proxi mate volatile matter and the wire-mesh total volatile yields is supported by trials with other coals and to estimate the ex tent to which secondary cracking in the ASTM crucible also contributes to the differences are currently being underta ken.2g ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to many colleagues in the Chemical Engineering Department for assistance with this project, particularly to Dr. G. Saville and T. Meredith for their contributions to the mechanical design and construc tion of the apparatus, to S. Roach who built some of the electrical components, to C. Smith who did the glassblowing and made many useful suggestions for the design of the glass components, and to K. Khogali who carried out the 5000- K/s runs with the Argonne coal samples. The sample of Linby coal was supplied by British Coal, Coal Research Es tablishment, and other coals were obtained from the Ar gonne Premium Coal Sample programme. Financial sup- Pyrolysis apparatus 1138 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51port was provided by the UK Science and Engineering Research Council under Grant Nos. GR/B/58962 and GR/D/06582. 'R. Loison and R. Chauvin, Chim.lnd. (Paris) 91,269 (1964) (University of Sheffield, Dept. of Fuel Tech. & Chem. Eng., Trans. DJB/WBD 1, 1964). 'D. B. Anthony, J. B. Howard, H. P. Meissner, and H. C. Hottel, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 45, 992 (1974). 'D. B. Anthony, J. B. Howard, H. C. Hottel, and H. P. Meissner, Fuel 55, 121 (1976) 'E. M. Suuberg, W. A. Peters, and J. B. Howard, Fnc/59, 405 (1980). 'w. S. Fong, W. A. Peters, and J. B. Howard, Fuel 65, 25 I (1986). "P. R. Solomon and M. B. Colket, in Proceedings of the 17th Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1979, p. 131. 7G. R. Gavalas and K, A. Wilks, AIChE J. 26, 201 (1980). xJ. D. Frcihaut, M. F. Zabielski, and D. J. Seery, in Proceedings of the 19th Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1982, p. 1159. "J. Niksa, L. E. Heyd, W. B. Russel, and D. A. Saville, in Proceedings of the 20th Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1984, p. 1445. 10J. R. Bautista, W. Jl Russel, and D. A. Saville, Ind. Eng. Chern. Fundam. 25,536 (1986). "E. M. Suuberg, D. Lee, and J. W. Larsen, Fuel 64, 1668 (1985). 1139 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.6, June 1989 12p. C. Stangeby and P. L Sears, Fuel 60, [31 (1981). IJH, JUlltgen and K. H. van Heck, Fuel 47, 103 (1968). 14J. Desypris, P. Murdoch. and A. Williams, Fuel 61, 807 (1982). "L, H. Hamilton, A. B. Ayling, and M. Shiboaka, Fuel 58, 873 (1979). 16L. H. Hamilton, Fuel 59, 112 (1980). 17L. H. Hamilton, Fuel 60, 909 (1981). "S. J. Niksa, Ph.D thesis, Princeton, NJ, 1982. 19J. D. Frcihaut and D. J. Seery, Am. Chern. Soc. Div. Fuel Chem. Prepr. 28 ( 4 ), 265 (1983). 20J. D. Freihaut (personal communication). 2IJ. R. Gibbins, Ph.D thesis, Imperial College, London, 1988. 22J. D. Freihaut, M. F. Zabielski, and D. J. Seery, Am. Chern. Soc. Div. Fuel Chern. Prepr. 27(2), 89 (1982). OJ}. R. Gibbins-Matharn and R. Kandiyoti, Am. Chern. Soc. Div. Fuel Chern. Prepr. 33(3), 67 (1988). '"J. R. Gibbins-Matham and R. Kandiyoti, Energy Fuels 2, 50S (1988). 2sR. J. O'Brien, J. R. Gibbins-Matharn, C. E. Snape, and R. Kandiyoti, in Proceedings of the 19i57 International Conference on Coal Science, Maas tricht, Netherlands, 1987, p. 695. 26K. Vorres, Am. Chern. Soc. Div. Fuel Chcm. Prepr. 32(4), 221 (1987). "K, L. Cashdollar, M. Hertzberg, and I. Zlochower. in Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1988. 'xJ. R. Gibbins, K. Khogali, and R. Kandiyoti, to be presented at the 2nd International Ro!duc Symposium on Coal Science, 1989. Pyrolysis apparatus 1139 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:51
Negativeresistance characteristics of polycrystalline silicon resistors K. Ramkumar and M. Satyam Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 62, 174 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.339177 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.339177 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/62/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Negative resistance switching in nearperfect crystalline silicon film resistors J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 2, 1486 (1984); 10.1116/1.572388 A novel parametric negativeresistance effect in Josephson junctions Appl. Phys. Lett. 23, 350 (1973); 10.1063/1.1654915 ThinMISStructure Si NegativeResistance Diode Appl. Phys. Lett. 20, 269 (1972); 10.1063/1.1654143 Theory of a NegativeResistance Transmission Line Amplifier with Distributed Noise Generators J. Appl. Phys. 31, 871 (1960); 10.1063/1.1735710 An Experiment with a Nonlinear Negative-Resistance Oscillator Am. J. Phys. 18, 208 (1950); 10.1119/1.1932536 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:30:25Negative .. resistance characteristics of poly crystalline silicon resistors K. Ramkumar and M. Sat yam Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute o/Science, Bangalore-560012, india (Received 10 October 1986; accepted for publication 10 February 1987) This paper presents a theoretical analysis to explain the origin of the observed negative resistance characteristi.cs of poly crystalline silicon resistors. This analysis is based on the effects of self-heating of the resistor on the transportation of carriers across the grain-boundary barrier. INTRODUCTION Several investigations, mainly experimental, have been reported in the literature recently on the switching behavior of poly crystalline silicon films. 1-5 These have been done with a view to use the films as memory dements. These films are found, in general, to exhibit four types of characteristi.cs, viz., (1) nonlinear high-resistance characteristics (2) nega tive-resistance characteristics (3) very low resistance char acteristics, and (4) almost open-circuit behavior. The films exhibit all these characteristics sequentially as the current through them is increased continuously. The first two types of characteristics are found to be reversible,4 but once the film goes through the latter two types of characteristics, per manent changes in the structure and characteristics are found to occur:~ The origin of these observed characteristics is not clearly understood, although qualitatively it is be lieved that they are caused by thermal effects.I,5 In this pa per, an attempt has been made to explain theoretically the origin of the negative-resistance characteristic by incorpor ating the effects of self-heating on current transport in poly crystalline silicon films. L BASIS FOR ANALYSIS It is wen known that current transport in a polycrystal line semiconductor is mainly decided by the potential barrier formed at the grain boundary.6,7 This barrier is formed be cause of the capture of free carriers from the grain by the grain-boundary traps. The charge in the grain boundary due to the trapped carriers and the charge in the grain due to the depletion of carriers (for compensating the grain-boundary charge) give rise to a built-in potential barrier for the free carriers in the grain. The carrier transport across the grain boundary barrier is by thermionic emission, while in the grain it is by drift. As current flows through the polycrystal line film, power is dissipated in the film, leading to self-heat ing. At high voltages and currents, the temperature of the film rises significantly. Because of this increase in tempera ture, the grain-boundary barrier potential decreases.8 This in turn leads to a further increase in emission current across the grain boundary. This results in an increase in power dissipa tion and hence the temperature. This cumulative process of increase in temperature and increase in current ultimately leads to a situation wherein a higher current can be main tained even with a lower voltage because of the reduction of the barrier. This gives rise to the negative-resistance charac teristic beyond a certain voltage. The negative resistance continues up to a temperature at which the grain-boundary barrier becomes zero, i.e., it becomes totally ineffective. Be yond this temperature, current flow is essentially controlled by the bulk resistance of the grains ofthe film, and this leads to a positive-resistance characteristic beyond a certain cur rent value. u. ANALYSIS: Vel CHARACTERISTICS For purposes of analysis, the polycrystalline silicon re sistor is assumed to consist of a row of N grains, each of length L with width wand thickness t as shown in Fig. 1. The structure of a typical grain boundary considered for analysis and its energy level diagram in the absence of any applied voltage are shown in Fig. 2. When a voltage V is applied across this grain boundary, it is distributed between the grain ( V r) and the two potential barriers on either side of the grain boundary (VI and Vz). The energy-level diagram of the grain boundary with applied voltage is shown in Fig. 3. This indicates that on one side of the grain boundary, the barrier is reduced by an amount VI while on the other side, it is enhanced by an amount V2, Under this condition, it is clear that the emission of carriers from grain 1 to grain 2 is en hanced, thus leading to an increase in current. The voltage drops V', VI' and V2 adjust themselves in such a way that the continuity of current across the grain is maintained. The potential barrier at the grain boundary can be ex pressed as7 0) where nt is the filled density oftmps in the grain boundary, NA is the doping concentration of the grain, and 2/1 is the thickness of the grain boundary. The emi.ssion current across the grain boundary (GB) from grain 1 to grain 2 can be expressed as J (KT)112 (-eVB)[ (eVl) ] GBI = sen 2rrm 'exp -rr exp KT -1 ,(2) where n is the concentration offree carriers in the grain and s is a correction factor whose value is 0.25. The drift current in the grain is given by In = ne,u[ V'/(2L -2t)], (3) where,u is the carrier mobility, The emission current across the grain boundary from grain 2 to grain 1 is given by 174 J. Appl. Phys. 62 (1), 1 July 1987 0021-8979!87/130~ 74-03$02.40 @ 1987 American Institute of PhySics 174 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:30:25~trc Fttll ' ~~~I " i~ ... F? .. NL ' FIG. 1. Structure of the polycrystalline silicon resistor considered for analy sis. JGB2 = sen(2::)1/2exp( -;;B )[ exp( ~e;2) -1]. (4) If it is assumed that the regions on either side of the grain boundary behave like to Schottky-barrier diodes connected back to back, then, for current continuity, JGBI = -JOE2 =JB• Substituting for Je I and JB2, one gets exp(ev1) + exp( -eV2) = 2. KTJ KT (5) (6) This equation indicates that for any applied voltage, VI and V2 assume such values as to satisfy the above equation. To compute the V-I characteristics of the polycrysta] line silicon film, the following procedure may be adopted. For an assumed value of VI' Vz is calculated from Eq. (6), and J GBI is calculated from Eq. (2). Using the value ofJ GBl and realizing that J GBI = JB, V' can be calculated from Eq. ( 3 ). The total voltage across the grain is given by V=V'+V 1+V2• (7) The total voltage across the film, which is made up of N such grains in series, is NVand the current for this voltage is wtJB (or Jewt). In the same way other values of voltages and ~urrents can be calculated for different assumed values of VI and the entire V-I characteristic of the film can be calculated for any temperature. Using this procedure the V-I characteristics at any temperature can be computed. L FIG. 2. Grain boundary and the energy-level diagram around it. 175 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 62. No.1, 1 July 1987 FIG. 3. Energy-level diagram with the voltage applied to the resistor. III. EFFECT OF SElF~HEATING As the current through the poly crystalline silicon film increases with an increase in voltage, the power dissipation also increases, leading to self-heating. The heat so generated is conducted away to its surroundings from its bottom sur face. In equilibrium, the temperature of the film attains such a value at which the power generated is equal to the power lost to the surroundings. This condition can be expressed as VI =AWo(T -TA), (8) where A is the surface area of the film, Wo is the power con ducted away from the film per unit area per unit temperature difference, T is the equilibrium temperature of the film, and TA is the ambient temperature, Furthermore, as the temperature of the film increases due to self~ heating, the grain-boundary barrier decreases due to the change in the Fermi level of the grain. The variation of the barrier with temperature is given byR Ve = Vno -9,7XlO-4(T-To), (9) where VBO is the barrier at a temperature To. The V-I characteristic of the polycrystalline silicon film at different temperatures can be computed by using the bar rier potential obtained from this equation, From the V-I characteristics at different temperatures, for a certain value of voltage, the currents at different temperatures are ob tained and a curve of I vs T is plotted. For the same value of voltage, another curve of Ivs Tis plotted from Eq. (8). The point of intersection of these two curves provides the net current at that voltage with self~heating taken into account. These values of voltage and current provide one point on the V~I characteristic. Along the same lines, for other values of voltage the corresponding values of current are obtained and in this way the net V~I characteristic of the film can be com~ puted, This procedure is valid up to a point at which the temperature is such that the potential barrier becomes zero. Beyond this point, the value of the bulk resistance of the grains is used to compute the V-I characteristics. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Using the procedure indicated above, the V-I character istics of a typical n-type po!ycrystalline silicon resistor have been computed. The parameters of this resistor are length, 200 .urn; width, 10 pm; thickness, 5,um; and doping con.c~n tration, 1016 em -3. Wo depends en the thermal conductIVity K. Ramkumar and M. Sat yam 175 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:30:25] .... z UJ a:: a:: ::l u 200 2.0 I D·t ~ ~ VOLTAGE (Volls) Ib) N = 100 Er = 0·37 eV NT = 4 ~ 10'Ocm-2 L = 2 "m W = 1();.rr. t = 5 ~rn "110= 1.0.10-4 N = 100 Er. 0·37ell NT = 4 X 1010 cm-2 L = 2f!m W ~ 10 I'm t = 5IJm Wo: 4>10-4 o.oJ ___ L-._. _ -L. ___ ~,_,_-L_. __ .L._._ o 40 80 120 160 200 240 VOLTAGE (llolls) FIG. 4. Computed V-J characteristics of the polycrystallirre silicon resistor with the effect of self-heating taken into account. of the substrate which has been taken as a varying parameter with values ranging from 10"4 to 10--3 W /cm2 /K. The com puted characteristics are shown in Figs. 4 (a) and 4 (b ). The figures show that the computed characteristic exhibits a neg ative-resistance region similar to the observed characteristic 176 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.1, 1 July 1987 o ...... ="---'-__ -'-__ .-L __ --LI ___ -' __ --11 o 2 3 4 5 6 V (Volts) __ FIG. 5. Observed V-I characteristics of a polycrystalline silicon resistor as reported by Greve (Ref. 3). reported by Greve,3 reproduced in Fig. 5 for purposes of comparison. The calculations also show that Wo decides the voltage at which the negative resistance sets in. Thus the model proposed here gives a clue to the processes responsible for the negative-resistance characteristic of polycrystaUine silicon films that have been reported in the literature. It also indicates the parameters that control the negative-resistance characteristics. It may be realized that in this model, the entire film is considered to be at one temperature. However, at higher currents, temperature gradients appear along the width of the film, the central region being at the highest temperature. At very high current levels the temperature of the central zone may reach such values at which localized melting may take place, leading to the formation of low resistance paths. A detailed analysis of this process is being carried out. 'I. E. Mahan, App!. Phys. Lett. 41, 479 (1982). 2H. Kroger, H. A. R. Wegner, and W. M. Shedd, Thin Solid Films 66, 171 (1980). 3D. W. Greve, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 1<;0-29,719 (1982). 4c. Y. Lu, N. C. C. La, and C. C. Shih, J. Electrochem. Soc. 132, 1193 (1985 ). 5V. Malhotra, J. E. Mahan, and D. L. Ellsworth, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-32, 2441 (1985). "J. Y. W. Seto. J. App!. Phys. 46, 1240 (1975). 7K. Ramkumar and M. Sat yam, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 898 (1981). "C. H. S~lger and G. E. Pike, App!. Phys. Lett. 35,709 (1979). K. Ramkumar and M. Sat yam 176 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:30:25
Nonlinear optical investigation of the bulk ferroelectric polarization in a vinylidene fluoride/trifluoroethylene copolymer A. Wicker, B. Berge, J. Lajzerowicz, and J. F. Legrand Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 342 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344471 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344471 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Polarization switching kinetics of ferroelectric nanomesas of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 023303 (2009); 10.1063/1.3176213 Optical sensitization at the phase transition in the ferroelectric vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene copolymer Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2532 (1990); 10.1063/1.103846 Effects of electron irradiation and annealing on ferroelectric vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene copolymers J. Appl. Phys. 62, 994 (1987); 10.1063/1.339685 Ferroelectric properties of vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene copolymers J. Appl. Phys. 52, 6859 (1981); 10.1063/1.328679 Nonuniform polarization of vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene copolymer J. Appl. Phys. 52, 6856 (1981); 10.1063/1.328678 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25Nonlinear optical investigation of the bulk ferroelectric polarization in a vinyUdene fluoride/trifluoroethyiene copolymer A. Wicker, 8. Berge, and J. Lajzerowicz Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique (associe au Centre National de fa Recherche Scientijique), Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble, B.P. 87, 38402 Saint lJartin d'Heres Cedex, France J. F. Legranda) lnstitut Laue-Langevin, B.P. 156X 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France (Received 30 September 1988; accepted for publication 14 March 1989) The ferroelectric polarization ofvinyliden.e fiuoride-trifiuoroethylene copolymers (70/30 mol %) is investigated using complementary measurements of the surface charge and the second harmonic intensity (at 530 nrn) generated in the polymer from a Nd:YAG laser beam (at 1060 nrn). Due to the nonzero electrical conductivity of the polymer (especially above room temperature), the nonlinear optical technique provides better measurement of the bulk polarization, its changes with time, the applied electric field, and temperature. First, we present optical results obtained on polarized films after removal of the electrodes: they confirm the proportionality between the second harmonic intensity and the square of the ferroelectric polarization, and the centrosymmetric character of the parae1ectric phase; they also show the temperature dependence of the remanent polarization in the crystal phase. Second, we present simultaneous measurements of the surface charge and of the second harmonic intensity under very low-frequency applied voltage through transparent electrodes. The field dependence of the measured polarization is discussed in terms of a microstructural analysis of the dielectric properties in the semicrystalline material. It is also shown that unipolar voltages applied during long periods of time are able to produce charge injection and space charge in the vicinity afthe electrodes which can result in screening of the applied electric field. I. INTRODUCTION Copolymers ofvinylidene fluoride (VDF) with trifluor oethylene (TrFE) or tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) have n.o ticeably modified the field of piezoelectric polymers, espe cially because they are able to crystallize spontaneously into a ferroelectric phase,I-3 and also because they exhibit a high degree of crystallinity and strong piezoelectric and pyroelec tric activities.4-1l Indeed, in these semicrystaUine materials, the piezoelectric and pyroelectric coefficients are propor tional to the ferroelectric· polarization of the crystalline phase and to the degree of crystallinity of the polymer. 7-1 I So far, several surface charge measurements during polariza tion switching have been reported, but these have encoun tered many practical difficulties, especially due to the non zero conductivity of the materials. 10-16 We present in this paper an optical technique, based on second harmonic generation (SHG) of light, which allows nondestructive analyses of the bulk polarizatiollo Specifical ly, it permits real time investigations to be made under ap plied electric fields, applied stresses or temperature changes. It is well known that in noncentrosymmetric solids, one can observe SHG oflight, 17--18 and this property has already been used to characterize the polarization of some ferroe!ec tries 1 9-21 or to design frequency doublers and optical mixing devices.22,23 Concerning the new ferroelectric copolymers, only a few preliminary studies using SHG of light have been reported so far. 10,24.25 We chose to study the VDF-TrFE co- a) To whom correspondence should be addressed. polymer with composition 70/30 mol %, because of its high degree of crystallinity and its high remanent polarization Therefore this composition is one of those most commonly used in applications, and we have already performed several structural studies of this copolymer. 4.8,10,26.27 iI.SAMPLES For optical investigations and poling studies, thin copol ymer films (3-30 11m) cast from solutions were preferred to thicker films obtained by hot pressing, for two reasons. First, they show better transparency and produce less light scatter ing, Second, they require lower voltage and allow perfor mance of time-dependent investigations of polarization switching in a shorter time range (do to the limited ramping time of the voltage supply). Also, it has been shown that the coherence length for second harmonic generation in this ma terial is approximately 351lm.28 The raw material provided by Atochem Company, France (70/30 VDF-TrFE copolymer, samples of reference: P 1178 and R2457) was dissolved in methyl-ethyl-ketone. The solution was cast on a spinning substrate (silicon wa fer), and then dried in an oven. The desired final thickness of the polymer film (3-10 pm) was adjusted by changing the concentration of the solution and the spinning speed. For greater thicknesses, the spin coating operation was repeated two or three times. Two different kinds of specimens were prepared for the optical studies: (0 For "a posteriori" analyses of the reman ent polarization (Sec. IV), the polymer films were cast on silicon wafers coated with aluminum. After annealing the 342 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (1),1 July 1989 0021-8979/89/130342,08$02.40 @ 1 Sa9 American Institute of Physics 342 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25thin films on the substrate (at 130°C, for 1 h), counterelec trades were evaporated through circular masks of 4 mm diam and the electroded zones were polarized using a very low-frequency ac voltage (0.1 Hz) ofincreasing amplitude, with continuous control of the surface charge. 10 Afterwards, the electrodes were removed by chemical attack and the transparent film detached from the substrate. (Ii) For real time investigations of the polarization pro cess using SHG (Sec. V), the cast polymer films were melted between two glass plates coated with conducting and trans parent ITO (indium tin oxide), and after a few minutes at 200 °C, the sandwiched specimen was rapidly cooled to room temperature. m. EXPERiMENTAL SETUP We measured the SHG of the light using a Nd:YAG laser at 1060 nm (Microcontrol, France), with a pulse \vidth of 150 ns, a maximum instantaneous power of 4 kW, and a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The laser beam was focused on the sample with lenses of focal length from 10 to 50 em. The beam polarization was set horizontal and the copolymer film could rotate around a vertical axis, alJowing the electric field of the incident light to have a nonzero component along the norma! to the film (which is the direction of the applied dc field and of the resulting ferroelectric polarization). The sec ond harmonic light at 530 nm was measured with a low noise photomultiplier either in photon counting or in contin uousmode. The planar copolymer films were mounted on a step motorized translation stage for computer-controlled X-Y displacements parallel to the plane of the film. The transla tion stage permitted us to scan through the sample and to record "polarization maps" of the ferroelectric films. The spatial resolution of such two-dimensional images of the specimen was not really limited by the mechanical resoh! tion, but principally by the size of the laser spot of about 20 pm or greater (depending on the incidence angle and on the focusing lens). During such measurements, the use of a ref erence quartz crystal to compensate the fluctuations of the laser intensity ftnaHy proved ineffective due to the short inte gration time (0.1 s) necessary for recording images made of about 5000 pixels. For investigations above room temperature, the speci men was positioned in a temperature controlled cell (Mettler, ref: "FPS"), and for measurements below room temperature we added a flow of cooled nitrogen circulating through the furnace. The temperature of the sample was monitored using a 50-H platinum resistor, but the local tem perature across the laser beam might have been higher by a few degrees than that of the resistor. The electric field was applied to the specimen using a high-voltage ( ± 10 kV) bipolar amplifier (Trek, ref: "609A") driven by a computer controHed stabilized generator. The surface charge at the electrodes was measured by using the Sawyer and Tower method (with inclusion in the circuit of a 40-,uF series ca pacitor). Data acquisition and control of the experimental parameters were done by a microcomputer (Hewlett-Pack ard, ref: "{PC") ,a digital voltmeter, and a scanner (Keith ley, refs: "19SDMM" and "705") with IEEE interfaces. 343 J. Appt. Phys., Vol. 66. NO.1. 1 July 1989 IV. OPTICAL iNVESTIGATIONS AFTER POLARIZATION The optical setup was first used to investi.gate the princi pal characteristics of the second harmonic light generated in copolymer films of various thicknesses and different degrees of polarization. A. Theoretical background According to classical analyses ofSHG, l7-20 the coher ent optical wave at frequency OJ traveling through a homoge neous noncentrosymmetric medium generates a coherent optical wave at frequency 2UJ whose amplitude E( 2w) is pro portional to the square of the optical electric field E «(iJ ), proportional to the SHG coefficient (element of a third rank tensor), and proportional to the optical path through the medium as long as the phase difference due to the optical dispersion, new) -n(2UJ), can be neglected. For the P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer we measured an average refrac tive index n = 1.42, an optical dispersion of about 0.0077, and a corresponding coherence length ( = 34.5 pm. 2~ From symmetry analysis, the SHG tensor transforms as the pie zoelectric tensor according to the representation of the spon taneous polarization P,. Therefore, it can be expanded in odd powers of Ps and generally the linear dependence is enough to describe the observed intensities. For an incidence angle 0 of the laser beam on a slab of thickness L made of uniaxial material, and in the presence of optical dispersion, a general expression for the transmitted second harmonic intensity has been gi.ven by Jerphagnon and Kurtzl8: 12,0 un = (51217'2/cw2)d(B)2t", (f)) 4 T2uy (B)p(B)2 x{J;;,/[n(w)2 -n(2wf]2} sin2 W, wherewis the radius ofthespot, dCB) is a linear combination of the components d31 and d33 of the second harmonic ten sor, t", (B) and Tzu, «()) are, respectively, the transmission factors at frequencies wand 2{iJ, p( e) is a projection factor depending on the symmetry of the tensor d and 'II = 1rL 121" (e) = (217'L I A.) [no(lu )cos ();" -ne C2UJ )cos e ;u,]' sin2 'Ii is an oscillating function which describes the "Maker fringes."!? We used the above expression to analyze the mea sured SHG intensities, taking for the copolymer specimens d33 = OA8dll of quartz, d31 Id}3 = 0,23, and their birefrin gence ne -no = -0.0083 (for details, see Ref. 28). B. SHG topography of the polarized zones in polymer films The results presented in Fig. 1 show the SHG intensity transmitted through a copolymer film of 7 pm thickness. The film had been polarized at about one half of the satura tion value, using an evaporated circular electrode of 4 mm diam which was later removed. Figure 1 (a) shows an image of the brightness of the SHG intensity recorded in a rectan gular frame made of 183 X 46 pixels, and Fig. 1 (b) shows the corresponding intensity profile along the X I X line. The ob served intensity fluctuations through the polarized zone are due less to polarization or thickness inhomogeneities than to Wicker et al. 343 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25n?-ll ~C \. t!) 0 -' :c. 2~---W '" DISTANCE (mmJ x ( a ) ( b ) ( ( ) FIG. l. SHG analysis of the remanent polarization in a thin film of VDF TrFE copolymer (composition: 70/30 mol %; thickness: 7 p.m; polariza tion: 40 rnC/m2; incidence angle ufthe laser beam: 45'). (a) SHG image of the polarized zone (.lX steps: 6 ,urn; D, Y steps: 20 pm; 10 levels of grey scale). (b) SHG intensity profile along the XX' diameter, (c) Magnified image of a breakdown region (AX steps: 1.5,um; .:l Y steps: 5 pm ). fluctuations in the power 10> of the incident laser beam, as shown by time evolution at a fixed position. Let us recall here that due to the square dependence in 1(,;, the corresponding relative fluctuations are approximate ly doubled in the SHG process. Figure 1 (c) shows the mag nification of an inhomogeneity detected in the polarized film. The image, made of 80 X 20 pixels, has been obtained using an X-Y scan with smaller steps, and it shows the high spatial resolution of about 20 !-tm obtained with this tech nique. Figure 1 (c) reveals a ring of overintensity around a dark spot which appeared to be a breakdown channel through the polarized film. The overintensity around the hole might be attributed to a higher polarization due to some local reduction in the film thickness (which could also ex plain the breakdown in the center); but one must also con sider the possibility of a local increase of the nonlinear sus ceptibility which could be due to defects induced by the breakdown (like trapped charges, free radicals, double bonds, etc.). C. Proportionality between 120> and (Pr),z The proportionality between the second harmonic coef ficient d«(}) and the remanent ferroelectric polarization P, was analyzed using the fonowing method. Several circular electrodes were evaporated on the same polymer film of ho mogeneous thickness (t = 6.0 pm) and these zones were polarized at different levels using low-frequency ac fields (0.1 Hz) of different amplitudes. 10 Over each of these zones the second harmonic intensity was recorded by X-Y scanning and therefore the average value of /20} could be compared to the surface charge mea sured by the Sawyer and Tower method. The results shown in Fig. 2 confirm that the observed intensity I2w is propor tional to the square of the remanent polarization Pr with a 344 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 66, No, 1,1 July 1989 POLING FIELD (MV 60 80 Pr I (2w) (mC/m2) (a. \J .l 37 1950 52 3510 I (2",) SHG Pr"-TOPOGRAPHY 1.4 1.3 FIG. 2. Comparison between the square of the remanent polarization P, and the second harmonic intensity /2" generated under the same conditions. Distinct zones in the same sample were poled with fields of different ampli tudes (thickness: 6,um; incidence angle: 45'). discrepancy smaller than 5% (originating from possible er rors in the measurement of the surface charge, from thick ness inhomogeneities, or from nonlinearity of the photomul tiplier response). D. Temperature dependence of the ferroelectric polarization Reversible and irreversible effects of temperature changes on the real bulk polarization were analyzed using SHG measurements and considering the square root of the observed intensity. Figure 3 shows the temperature depen dence of the remanent polarization when the specimen is heated at + 2 K/min. It appears that the ferroelectric polar ization decreases almost linearly from 300 to 365 K, while it drops abruptly in the region of the Curie transition between 365 and 385 K. It is also shown in the inset that,up to 360 K, the temperature dependence of the polarization is almost reversible upon cooling, while, as soon as the region of the transition is reached, irreversible depolarization occurs. This means that the ferroelectric domain pattern ofthe crys talline phase is stable up to 360 K, while in some crystalline zones a domain pattern with zero average polarization ap- 30 ::::l ~1I"''''''''~t'''''''I'''''''''''liI!IlIli~ I1J 25 t + >-~~ + 20 + I-30 -~ + H + U1 .~w'~ + z 15 f . """- + w ++ + I- 20 "" TEKP.- + + z .l TEItP., .. + if. H 10 + + CD 10 + + I 280 340 360 380 + U1 5 + + + + °280 300 320 340 360 380 TEMPERATURE (K) FrG. 3. Square root of the SHG intensity :recorded during a single heating run at + 2 K/min (composition: 70/30 mol %; thickness: 21 ,urn; initial polarization: 65 mC/m2; incidence angle: 30'). (Inset) successive heating and cooling runs below and inside the region of the Curie transition (other sample with thickness: 6 pm and polarization: 70 mC/m2 ). Wicker et al. 344 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25pears after heating in the transition region. In order to evalu~ ate the local heating in the zone across the Laser beam we used capacitance measurements to determine the Curie tem~ perature on a similar poled specimen and we found Tc = 380 K. Thus we conclude that the local temperature in the region of the SHG measurement is less than 10 K higher than the temperature given by the thermometer. From these results, we can conclude that SHG allows a nondestructive analysis ofthe remanent polarization and of its thermal stability, we obtain the temperature dependence of the spontaneous fer roelectric polarization between 300 and 370 K, we confirm the strong first-order character of the ferroelectric transition taking place between 370 and 390 K, and we can derive an estimate of the pyroelectric coefficient dP, I dT = 45 ftC m-2 K -1, almost constant from room temperature up to the transition region (for the above estimate we took for the remanent polarization at room temperature the value deduced from surface charge measurements: P, = 70 mC/m2). E. Centrosymmetric character of the paraelectric phase As can be seen on Fig. 3, the second harmonic intensity is zero in the paraeIectric phase as expected for the ferroelec tric polarization. However, in this high-temperature phase ofhexagonai symmetry this is not a proof of centrosymmetry due to the random orientation of the crystal axes, especially if one considers the only two parent groups of the ortho~ rhombic mm2 phase:29 these are 61mmm (centrosymme tric) and 62m (piezoelectric but nonferroelectric). There are in the latter case several second harmonic coefficients (dll, d12, and d26 ) whose resulting effect averages to zero if the hexagonal axes of the crystallites are not oriented. In order to resolve this ambiguity we performed SHG measure ments on polymer films oriented by roUing, and above Tc we detected no second harmonic intensity regardless of the inci dence direction or polarization of the laser beam. Therefore, we conclude that the only possible hexagonal symmetry group of the paraelectric phase is the centrosymmetric group 6/mmm. V. SHG MEASUREMENTS UNDER APPLIED ELECTRIC FIELD Using semitransparent ITO electrodes, we were able to perform, for the first time, realtime measurements of the second harmonic intensity generated by a polymer film dur~ ing the buildup and the switching of the ferroelectric polar~ ization (under relatively slow variations of the applied field) . A. Second harmonic hysteresis loops at room temperature First, in order to get more accurate measurements of the intensity, we recorded the SHG under slow variations of the applied electric field. Figure 4(a) shows the variation ofthe second harmonic intensity generated in a film of 21 J1ffi thickness, during a field cycle of very low frequency if = 10 -3 Hz). It must be mentioned here that such a sym~ metrical loop is obtained only after repeated electrical cy- 345 J_ AppL Phys., Vol. 66, No.1, 1 July 1989 .•.•••.••• -.-................. • -•••• .-e, ••• _.--. ••.•• _ ••••••.••••.••••• "._._ •••.•••••••• y •••.• .-•.• -; •.•••••••••••••• y.:.;.;.;.;o; •••••• -.-••••• ':",.;:.;:.:.:.;.;> ••• ·.v.·.·.v ... -....... -..•... v ... . FIG. 4. (a) Hysteresis loop of the second harmonic intensity after about 30 field cycles at room temperature (composition 70/3() mol %; thickness: 21 flm; frequency; 0.001 Hz). (b) Square root of the SH intensity plotted in Cal. (c) Hysteresis loop of the surface charge recorded with the same sam ple. cling of the specimen. Then, the switching of the local polar ization (in the area of the focused laser beam) is really abrupt, and the saturated values of the SHG intensities in + and -polarizations are almost i.dentical. However, a small asymmetry remains between the positive and the negative coercive fields: it could be a memory effect of the sign of the first polarization of the specimen or of its storage with a nonzero polarization. In order to get a more classical repre~ sentation of the polarization changes versus electric field, we plotted in Fig. 4(b) the square root of the SHG intensity with a change of sign at each zero value: this represents the ferroelectric hysteresis loop obtained by SHG measure ments. It is interesting to compare it with the hysteresis loop obtained by surface charge measurements [Fig. 4 (c) J . These last measurements were performed at a little higher frequency if = 10 -2 Hz) in order to eliminate drift due to nonzero conductivity. Two principal differences can be ob served with respectto the SHG cycle: (i) the switching of the polarization is less abrupt and starts at lower fields, and (ii) the slope dP I dE around zero field is more pronounced than in the SHG measurements. The first observation was understood with the use of SHG topography in the region of the coercive field: after melting between the ITO electrodes, the polymer film was slightly wedge shaped and therefore the switching started at lower applied voltage in the thinner region. Concerning the second observation, one can compare the observed slopes with those expected from ac dielectric measurements in po- Wici<eretal. 345 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25larized films. Let us recall first that. on conducting elec trodes normal to the polarization direction, the surface charge is equal to the electric displacement D inside the ma terial with D(E) = EoE + P(E). For ac fields of small ampiitude one can write peE) = Pr + Eo (E -1 )E, with Pr the remanent polariza tion (in the crystalline phase), and Eo (E -1) E = 6.P" + IlP" the reversible polarization induced by the field in both the amorphous and crystalline phases (respectively, 6.Pu and APe)' In the above expressions E is the dielectric constant along the polar axis whose measurements at 1000 Hz give E = 8 (in a poled specimen at room temperature). 10 From the slope of the surface charge hysteresis loop D(E) around E = 0, one can evaluate the dielectric constant at 0.01 Hz and one gets a higher value (E = 15) reflecting the role of mobile charges in dielectric measurements at very low frequencies. In contrast, the SHG hysteresis loop peE) has a much smaller slope which gives a dielectric constant E of the order of2.5 (at 0.001 Hz). This means that the proportional ity between the 8H coefficient and the polarization at zero field (Pr) does not hold under applied field; and this can be understood by considering that the nonlinear susceptibility is likely to be different in the amorpbous regions with respect to the crystalline ones. Taking account of the very small size of the mixed phases one can write the square root of the SH intensity in the form fi(E)-= [kallPa + ke (fJ.Pc + Pr)], which is not proportional to P(E) in the general case where ka #k('. As shown by other resuits,27.30 the relatively high dielectric constant at 1000 Hz is attributed to the high (lin ear) polarizability of the amorphous phase (IlPa > IlPe). Therefore, the small slope of the SHG hysteresis loop, com pared with that of the surface charge, confirms that the amorphous phase has a low nonlinear susceptibility at opti calfrequencies (ka / kc <{ 1, or possibly ka / kc < 0). This result supports the view that the SH intensity comes almost uniquely from the polarization of the crystal line phase (either remanent or induced), and that the dielec tric constant along the ferroelectric axis is rather low in the crystalline phase. It is also remarkable that, after being satu rated by repeated cyclings, the crystalline polarization in the copolymer sample is very stable and insensitive to the field. This is in contrast to the case of the homopolymer PVDF in which a reversible change of crystallinity under applied field has been reported,31 leading to a larger slope of the hysteresis loops around E = O. B. Absence of second harmonic scattering Optical inhomogeneities in the almost transparent ma terial produce some scattering of both the first and second harmonic light, but polarization inhomogeneities, like fer roelectric domains for instance, should produce a specific scattering of the second harmonic generation.17,19 In both cases however the size of the inhomogeneities must be typi cally between 0,1 and 100 f.1.m to produce noticeable light scattering at large or small angles. Taking unpaled or ther many depolarized samples, the SHG topography revealed a 346 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.1, i July 1989 uniform zero polarization even with the higher resolution achievable. This means that in an area of about 20 f.l-m diam the average polarization is zero, and there are no ferroelec tric domains of a size larger than 20 /-lm. The same results were obtained during electric field cycling in the vicinity of the coercive field: a uniform weak or zero polarization and no visible domains. Therefore the question remained: are there smaller ferroelectric domains able to produce specific scattering of the second harmonic light? Precise measurements of the scattered light were per formed at small angles and wide angles ( up to the back scattering region ), especially during electric field cyclings, The result is that we observed a weak scattered SH intensity but which follows exactly the SH intensity in the forward direction when the applied field is changed, and also vanish es in the region of the coercive field. Thus, we conclude that there is no specific SHG scattering due to nonuniform polar ization. If ferroelectric domains exist in the material, their size is much smaller than the optical wavelength [A(2w) = 373 nrn in the polymer], and likely no larger than the size of the crystallites (typically 30 nm). Therefore, in the depolarized material one can conclude that there is no correlation of the polarization orientation from one individ ual crystal to its neighbors. This agrees with results of x-ray scattering which indicate the possibility of a few ferroelectric domains inside each crystallite, after thermal depolariza tion. \0 c. Real~time investigation of the first polarization curve When the applied voltage is slowly increased from zero, surface charge measurements are perturbed by the nonzero conductivity of the polymer and reliable first polarization curves are difficult to obtain in a wide range of time scales. On the other hand, second harmonic measurements of the buildup of the ferroelectric polarization can be performed under slow increases of the applied field. Figure 5 shows the second harmonic intensity recorded during regular increases and decreases of the applied voltage at three different rates. When the field increase is slow (8 V Is), the ferroelectric polarization appears at lower fields but does not reach the same level as it does when the field ramp is faster ( 160 V /s). This observation helps to determine the conditions of poling FIG. 5. Second harmonic intensity recorded during the first polarization half-cycle at three different rates: (iI) T!2 = 20 s, ce) T /2 = 100 s, (A) T /2 = 400 s ( T /2 is the duration of the balf-cyde). Wicker et at. 346 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25giving higher remanent polarization: fast application of the poling field or even a single pulse of high voltage gives higher ferroelectric polarization of copolymer films. We interpret this effect as due to the competition between two processes of different rates: 0) the field-in duced reorientation of the ferroelectric polarization inside the small crystallites, which was already proved to be very fast provided the applied field sufficiently exceeds the coer cive fieldl:;; and (ii) the buildup of a space charge in the vicinity of the electrodes, which is a rather slow process due to the poor conductivity of the material. Such a space charge is able to screen the applied field inside the material and to hinder the reorientation of the bulk polarization. In this case, as already shown by Lang and Das Gupta,32 the ferroe lectric polarization is no longer saturated in the whole thick ness of the film. D. Temperature dependence of the hysteresis loops Both. SHG and surface charge hysteresis loops were re corded simultaneously between 233 and 369 K, using low frequency ac field cyclings at 0.01 Hz and two different sam ples. Few changes were observed below room temperature, while important modifications of the shape of the loops ap peared above room temperature and especially above 330 K: they are shown in Fig. 6. In agreement with temperature dependence of the re manent polarization presented in Sec. IV D, there is only a weak decrease of the bulk polarization (measured by SHG) upon heating, while the surface charge loops dramatically inflate when the temperature is increased. Thi.s is attributed to the decrease in the resistivity of the copolymer which pro- FIG. 6. SHG hysteresis loops and surface charge hysteresis loops recorded simultaneously above room temperature ( composition: 70/30 mo] %; thickness: 21 pm; frequency: 0.01 Hz ). 347 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.1. 1 July 1989 duces charging ofthe series capacitor with an RC time con stant decreasing as the temperature is increased. The mea sured charges give a resistivity of the order of 3 X 10\3.0 em at room temperature dropping to 5 X 1010,0 em at 358 K. These values are about one order of magnitude smaller than the resistivities measured with a de field of 5 MV 1m, but one must consider that the fields applied for the switching of the polarization were up to 60 MV 1m and that poorly conduct ing materials generally exhibit nonohmic behavior. Due to the increase in conductivity, space charges in the vicinity of the electrodes might build up with a shorter time constant and in this case there should be inside the polymer film an inhomogeneous electric field different from the applied field. This assumption could explain the change observed in the shape of the SHG hysteresis loops upon heating up to the transition temperature, and especially the fact that a higher applied field is required to obtain saturation of the polariza tion. Nevertheless, bel.ow 320 K the conductivity is low enough to consider that the SHG hysteresis loops show the real variation of the bulk polarization versus (homoge neous) applied electric field. From these loops one can deter mine the temperature dependence of the coercive field. which is represented in Fig. 7. At low temperatures the coercive field increases less than expected in the vicinity of the glass transition (Tg = 243 K). This could be attributed to a better penetration of the field lines inside the crystalline phase of the low dielectric constant due to the decrease of the dielectric constant in the amorphous phase; such an effect is able to mask a real in~ crease of the effective coercive field inside the crystalline phase. Above room temperature, if one still defines the coer cive field as the applied field for which the average polariza tion and the SHG intensity vanish, one can observe in Fig. 7 that this field remains almost constant up to the Curie tem perature. But as mentioned above, the shape of the SHG hysteresis loops changes noticeably as the Curie temperature is approached. For instance, at 343 K, the switching of the 50 .. ... .. E '" '" 40 "'" "- ...... A"* .. """"',,bf>. :> e +* '" Cl 30r + ....J ++ UJ +r H lJ.. + u H 20 I), COeRCIVE FIELD a: I- .. CArTICAL ~lJClEATION F:;:ElD u lIJ ....J lW 10 0 200 250 300 350 TEMPERATURE (Kl FIG. 7, Temperature dependence of the coercive field deduced from SHG hysteresis loops on two different samples of thicknesses 21 and 18 pm. At high temperatures the critical nucleation field where the polarization switehing starts is also represented. Wicker eta/. 347 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:10:25polarization starts around 35 MV 1m and finishes only around 100 MV 1m. To account for this effect, we also plot ted in Fig. 7 the value of the applied field for which polariza tion switching starts. If the change in shape of the hysteresis loops is due to space-charge buildup in the vicinity of the electrodes this "critical nucleation field" would better repre sent the actual coercive field inside the bulk. One must, how ever, consider other possible interpretations of the change observed in the switching of the polarization close to the Curie temperature. First we must mention that the hystere sis loops at high-temperature strikingly resemble those pre dicted by the model of Wang et al.33 which is based on a random orientation of the crystal axes, but it is not clear why such a model would not apply further from the Curie tem perature. Another interpretation of this change of the hys teresis loops could be a change in the nucleati.on and growth processes for the domains of opposite polarization. The re sults of Naegele and Yoon,34 modeled by Dvey-Aharon et al.35 have shown, in the homopolymer PVDF, the switching of the polarization takes place inside each individual crystal lite by the nucleation of 60" domain walls which move by kink propagation parallel to the wall. More recently, it was shown by Guy and Unsworth36 that, after repeated field cy clings of a copolymer sample, the switching of its polariza tion at room temperature involves only 180· domain walls. Their reSult is thus able to explain the difference between the smooth switching ofPVDF and the rather abrupt switching ofP(VDF-TrFE) copolymers at room temperature. It also provides a possible interpretation for the change of shape of the SHG hysteresis loops upon heating to the vicinity of the Curie temperature: one can assume that more 60· domain waHs are nucleated as the temperature is raised, and there fore consider, from the comparison with PVDF, that these 60° domain walls have a lower mobility, possibly because they involve a twinning of the orthorhombic lattice (they are comparable to ferroelastic domain wans). However, before analyzing further the above interpretations, similar experi ments above room temperature but at higher frequencies have to be performed to determine the exact role of the con ductivity and of the space-charge buildup in the possible screening of the applied field inside the polymer material. VI. CONCLUSION We have shown in this paper that the second harmonic generation oflight is a very useful and nondestructive meth od used to analyze the bulk polarization in thin films of fer roelectric polymers. After confirming that the SHG intensi ty is proportional to the square of the remanent polarization, we have determined the weak temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarization and have confirmed the strong first-order character of the Curie transition (in the VDF TrFE copolymer with 70% VDF content). Using SHG to pography and scattering of the second harmonic light, we have shown that the size of the ferroelectric domains is much smaner than the optical wavelength, and that after thermal or electrical depolarization the domains may appear only inside the small crystallites. Using oriented copolymer films we have also shown, from an analysis in terms of broken symmetry, that the parae1ectric crystal phase belongs to the 348 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.1, 1 July 1969 centrosymmetric group 6lmmm. From simultaneous mea surements of surface charge and SHG hysteresis loops at 0.01 Hz we have shown that the second harmonic generation mainly originates from the crystal phase and that the field induced second harmonic coefficient of the amorphous phase is much smaller than that ofthe crystalline phase (for the same polarization), and possibly of opposite sign. From real-time SHG measurements, we have observed that a high er electric field is necessary to completely switch the polar ization in the vicinity of the Curie temperature. This may be pardy due to faster buildup of space charge at high tempera ture, but we also consider an interpretation in terms of nu cleation of different kinds of domain walls with lower mobil ity. Another result of practical importance for the polariza tion procedure of piezoelectric and pyroelectric films is the direct observation of a higher remanent polarization when the poling field is applied quickly in a few seconds. Moreover the SHG technique with the possibility of scanning the laser beam can be used for on-line control of the processing of ferroelectric polymer films. New results open new questions or reactivate old questions. The ability of the SHG technique to give direct information on the ferroelectric polarization inside the crystalline phase may especially help to clarify the models describing the composite properties of these semi crystalline polymers in terms of "primary" and "secondary" effects.9•11•16 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the Atochem Company for kindly providing the raw material, A. Weill from the CNET laboratories, G. Guilhem and P. Robin from the Thomson C.S.F. Company for their help in preparing the samples, B. Daudin and F. Macchi from the CENG for their help in the resistivity measurements, and P. Palleau for his precious technical assistance and experimental help. This work has been partly supported by the Laboratoire d' Analyses Phy siques of the L.C.R. 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AIP Conference Proceedings 157, 82 (1987); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.36526 157, 82 © 1987 American Institute of Physics.Photo-induced density-of- states variation measured by DLTS method in intrinsic micro- crystalline silicon (i-μc-Si:H) films Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 157, 82 (1987); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.36526 Published Online: 04 June 2008 J. Wang , Q. S. Sun , H. N. Liu , and Y. L. He 82 PHOTO-INDUCED DENSITY-OF-STATES VARIATION MEASURED BY DLTS METHOD IN INTRINSIC MICRO-CRYSTALLINE SILICON (i-~c-Si:H) FILMS J. Wang; Q.S. Sun; H.N. Liu and Y.L. He Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R.C. ABSTRACT This paper advances a measurement and two calculations of a high-frequency DLTS method for the density-of-states g(E) of in- trinsic micro-crystalline and amorphous silicon film. The method surmounts the difficulties of DLTS measurement of i-a-Si:H or i- ~c-Si:H samples and applys the common high-frequency DLTS to it, while the temperature of measurement is extended below 77K. Fol- lowing the method, we successfully observed the obvious increase of density-of-states produced by illumination. PRINCIPLE OF MEASUREMENT It is an important problem in study of amorphous silicon to measure the density of localized states in the gap. There have been DLTS measurements 1,2 of g(E) on heavy doped a-Si:H obtain- ing a distribution of n+-a-Si only. Because of some difficulties on sample preparation and high-frequency DLTS itself, the intrinsic sample can hardly be measured. Besides preparing a satisfactory i-~c-Si:H Schottky-barrier sample, we achieved several effective measurement solutions to get a believable DLTS signal: I. a-Si:H or ~c-Si:H film is deposited on a medium resistance C-Si substrate. Undoped a-Si:H (or ~c-Si:H) appears in intrinsic state with semi-insulation. In the DLTS measure process, the depleted layer can go through the a-Si:H (or ~c-Si:H) film at a reverse bias Vr, and its boundary is set within C-Si substrate which has high-mobility, so that high-frequency capacity response is possible. The current DLTS with IMHZ or 2MHz capacitance signal measuring frequency could be used and the low-frequency DLTS (10KHz) is unnecessary. 2. Enough high and wide injection pulses, VD, make the sample have avalance breakdown. Normally, carriers can not be injected in amorphous silicon because of high-resistance. If we use enough high and wide injection pulses the gap states will be filled by the current of the large number of carriers flowing through the sample produced by the breakdown. Then, the DLTS signal forms. In the meantime, we put forward two formulae for deducing the g(E) from the original DLTS signal AC12: I. Using the formula similar to that dealing with the interface states The transient charge equation when V is applied is r 0094-243X/87/1570082-5 Copyright 1987 American Institute of Physics 83 dQ D dQas C dV r --+ - (I) dt dt A dt C is the capacity of sample; A, the area; QD' Qas' the charge den- sity in C-Si substrate and pc-Si within the depleted layer res- pectively. If N D stands for the doped concentration in C-Si sub- strate: dQ D d--t-- = qNDdXd (2) where x d is the depleted layer thickness in the substrate. Assuming that all pc-Si electronic states are filled down to an energy below E determined by the thermal emission time q: we C have: dOas t 1 d~ - dt q g(E').[1 - e q~]dE' x (3) a E V where x is the pc-Si thickness. a Since dV / dt = 0 (4) r we may integrate Eq.(1) using (2) (3) & (4) within the sampling range t I to t 2 (the DLTS measurement condition) to get: t 2 C(tl)'C(t 2) AC12 : C(tl ) _ C(t2 ) = _ kT.g(E) in (5) N D t 1 C a C is the geometric capacity of the ~c-Si layer; approximately a C(t I) = C(t 2) for calculating. To obtain this result we have used the rapid variation of with energy; namely I T(E,T) = ~exp(E/kT) (6) ~o with~o, emission factor in the range 1011-1013 sec -I Note that the value of E which appears on the r.h.s, of Eq.(5) is that de- termined by the time sampling range and teraperature (see Eq.(11)). 2. Using the relation between broad distribution g(E) and AC12 from equivalent sharp energy level method. The DLTS signal of a single level is t I t 2 AC12 : - C o (e T _ e T ) (7) 84 here T is emission time too. We assume that the broad energy level is formed by a series sharp levels put in order closely, and introduce the concept of effective width of DLTS signal of a single level and its corres- ponding effective enery space. The result would be : nt2 in [n.(l+n).l~ ]-I kT.~(E) C(tl)'C(t2) (8) AC12 - [ (1+n)t I N D C a with n : tl/(t 2 - tl) , if sampling time t 2 : t I C(t I ).C(t 2 ) AC12 = _ 0.721. kT'~ (E) N D C a : 2, n : I, thus: (9 compared to formula (5) in the previous case: C(tl).C(t 2) AC12 = - 0.693.kT'~ (E) N D C a (I0 These two equations are very close -although derived differently. The energy level E of g(E) is determined by t2 - tl I E = kT-in [~Oln(t2/tl) ] = E - E c ACI2 < 0 E v - E ACI2> 0 (11 also when t 2 : t I = 2, we use ~o= 1012 sec-1 E : kT.in (l.44Vot 1 for calculating. (12 SAMPLE PREPARATION AND MEASUREMENT The structure and size of the sample is shown in Fig. I. Protective ~~~ Point (For Ultrasonic-ccr@ressicn) k~ "__ n I--II -- 9 . 9 " 1 o t / " Au Back Electrode Fig. I. Section Structure of Sample The sample is cleaved into a square with the size of 2 X 2 mm2and fixed in a transistor header. RESULT By glow-discharge method the ~c-Si:H film was grown on the mirror surface of C-Si wafer with resistance of 3Q.cm. The grain size of the film is larger than I00~ measured by X-ray de- fraction. The photo-conductivity and other measurements indicate the sample is typical pc-Si:H. The Schottky-barrier is formed by evaporation of Ti then covered by Mo (total thickness 340~). This semitransparent top electrode allows repeated illumination. There is a comparatively small Au point for connecting lead. The DLTS measurement is applied to the annealed State A and exposure State B with the proper Vr, Vp and other factors. It is interesting that the DLTS signal is largest when reverse bias V ~ 0 and in- r jection pulse V > 30V. Because of strong field in pc-Si film P when higher bias is applied, the carriers could be swept out before they contribute to the signal. After 60min. at 160~ annealing or 3hr. and more than 150mW/cm 2 tungten halogen lamp illumination, the sample will be in the State A or State B respectively. I .39 The DLTS curves and corresponding g(E) of State A and B are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. I i i ! 1017 0.00 c~ - 1.39 0 e~ _ 2.78 - 4.17 85 II II. State B - 5.56 I I I I 77 185 259 321 377 428 T (K) Fig. 2. The DLTS signal AC12 T Both curves were obtained with the lowest sensitivity of the equip- ment to prevent X-Y recorder from overload in the case of State B. 1016 T8 I~ v 1016 1013 0.0 I I I I I I I I. State A II. State B I I I I I I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 E - E (ev) C Fig. 3. g(E) of State A and State B 0.8 There is a distinct peak at E -E c = 0.6ev in any of the g(E) curves. The value of g(E) at this max. point ranges from 2.83X 1015 to 1.21X 1016cm-3during illumination. These two curves in 86 Fig. 3 are almost exactly reversible if the sample is annealed or illuminated. From the curves we also can get some conclusions: I. The photo-induced enhancement of density of states is clear (near I016cm-3), but not as dramatic as the variation occurring in a-Si (1017 to I018cm -3) shown by Lang etc. 3 We attempt to in- terpret this phenomenon easily with two-phase model of pc-Si which assumes that pc-Si grains are surrounded by amorphous matrix as a-Si:H. The composition of amorphous which has chief feature of SWE decreases relatively in pc-Si 4. So that the effect of light will be much weaker. 2. The peak position has no distinguished shift when the state of sample changes. It seems to indicate that the properties of photo-induced defects are similar to the instinct defects which were already existing in the gap, at least, on the hand of the energy state within the range studied. Having above initial results, we conclude that this effective high-frequency DLTS measurement is very significant on the density of states study of a-Si and pc-Si. Plentiful and interesting phe- nomena have been observing during our experiment process. The detailed theoretical explanations of properties of these metastable defects in pc-Si:H and other support measurements for revealing the deep-level state and its changes such as SWE method, ESR, PL etc. are also carried on by us now. REFERENCES I. J.D. Cohen, D.V. Lang and J.P. Harbison, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 197 (1980) 2. C.H. Hyun, M.S. Shur and A. Madan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 178 ( 198O ) 3. D.V. Lang, J.D. Cohen, J.P. Harbison and A.M. Sergent, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 474 (1982) 4. Hsiangna Liu and Ming-de Xu, Solid State Commun. 58, 601 (1986)
Co/Si(111) interface: Formation of an initial CoSi2 phase at room temperature J. Y. Veuillen, J. Derrien, P. A. Badoz, E. Rosencher, and C. d’Anterroches Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 1448 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.98653 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.98653 View Table of Contents: http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/APPLAB/v51/i18 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett. Journal Homepage: http://apl.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://apl.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://apl.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://apl.aip.org/authors Downloaded 20 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsCo/Si(111) interface: Formation of an initial CoSi2 phase at room temperature J. Y. Veuillen and J. Derrien Centre National de la Recherche Scienlijique, Laboratoire d'Etudes des Proprietes Electroniques des Solides~ associated with Universite Scientijique, Technologique et Medicale de Grenoble, B.P. 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex. France P. A. Badoz, E. Rosencher, and C. d'Anterroches Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications, Chemin du Vieux Chene, B.P. 98, 38243 Meylan Cedex, France (Received 2 July 1987; accepted for publication 9 September 1987) Ultrathin films ( S 50 monolayers) of Co have been deposited on atomically clean 7 X 7 Si( 111) surfaces at room temperature and characterized by in situ surface techniques such as Auger electron spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction. Formation of a boundary CoSi2-like phase is surprisingly found at a very low coverage range ( S 4 monolayers) as evidenced by low-temperature transport measurements (resistivity and Hall effect) and also by cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Recently, it has been demonstrated that quasi-perfect epitaxial CoSi2 layers may be formed by solid phase epitaxy technique, i.e., simply annealing to higher temperature ( -600°C) Co thin films previously deposited at room tem perature (RT) on Si substrates. 1-6 Further, new transistor devices have been achieved based on the re-epitaxy of Si on CoSi2 leading to SilCoSi2/Si heterostructure.7-9 In spite of these advances, the physical mechanisms of CoSi2 growth are still not fuHy assessed in their details. Knowledge of the stoichiometry, morphology, and growth mechanisms of the initial stages of the interface formation is still required in understanding silicide growth and Schottky barrier forma tion. According to Walser and Bene,1O a basically "glassy interphase" region is thought to form prior to the first com pound phase nucleation and this region acts as a membrane in controlling subsequent first-phase nucleation. The com position of this glassy membrane is dose to that of the deep est eutectic in the binary phase diagram. For Co and Si, this would be ~C03.3 Si.1l However, so far an measurements performed on the Co/5i ( 111) prepared under ultrahigh vacuum conditions (UHY) plead for an initial CoSiz -like phase even at RT within a very low Co coverage range [e < 4 monolayers where a monolayer is equal to the SiC Ill) surface atomic density, Le., ~ 7.8 X 1014 atomsicm2 and equivalent to ~0.87 A in mean average thickness]. Indeed, in the past, we have used low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) to study ordering, ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) to investigate the valence bands, and x-ray photoemission (XPS) to observe changes in the core level signatures.4 Our results suggest that, at very low coverages (8 -4 ml), a CoSiz -like phase is surprisingly formed at the interface at room temperature. Later12 a surface electron energy loss fine structure spectroscopy (SEELFS) determines the Co-5i bond length ( -2.32 ± 0.05 A) at the evolving interface and also confirms the silicide boundary layer formation. Recent ly, Boscherini and co-workers13 were able to model the de velopment of the interface, confirming the CoSi2 formation at very low coverages followed with a Si solid solution in a thin Co film. These latter results were obtained with high resolution core-level spectroscopy dealing with the Si sub strate core level and using synchrotron radiation facilities. The RT Co/Si (111) interface has been revisited by us re cently14 using the Auger line shape of the Co adsorbate to describe the local density of states around the Co adsorbed atom and to identify the formed phase. However, aU these described. results4.6,'J,i2-14 have been obtained with in situ techniques which are sensitive to smaH amounts of materials and reflect mainly the local characteristics of the interface. In order to assess the CoSi2 initial phase formation at R T in a long range scale, we report, in this letter, electrical trans port measurements ofa Co ultrathin film (8-4 ml) deposit ed at R T on a very resistive Si (111) substrate. The results unambiguously demonstrate that Co atoms intermix with Si surface atoms to form a very thin CoSiz -like layer displaying electrical transport properties identical to those of genuine single-crystal thin films of CoSi2 as reported in the pioneer ing work of Hensel et a1Y·16 and later by some of us.n.is Moreover, with high-resolution transmission electron mi croscopy (HRTEM), we confirm in a direct way the pres ence of a CoSiz -like phase at the interface. Resistive Si (111) wafers (p-type W' n em) were cut in squares of 10 X 10 mm2 and loaded into a DRY chamber (base pressure ~ 10 -10 Torr) equipped with LEED and various electron spectroscopy facilities. The Si substrates were cleaned with conventional ion etching and annealing cycles to obtain the well known 7 X 7 Si ( 111) reconstructed surfaces. Co atoms were then evaporated with a miniature home-made electron gun evaporator especiaUy designed to work under UHY conditions with very low power ( -20 W) in order to avoid the base pressure increasing and the 5i surface heating by irradiation; the temperature of which was controlled to be maintained at R T thanks to a thermocouple attached to the sample. The Co rate evaporation (ranging from 1 to 20 A per minute) was calibrated by in situ quartz microbalance. Sequential deposits of Co were performed on Si and characterized with Auger, LEED, and SEELFS tech niques in order to recover aU previously mentioned re sultS. They will not be reproduced here. In order to assert the initial CoSi2 -like phase formation at R T, severa! Co ultrathin films ([J ranging from 4 to 50 ml) deposited on Si ( 111 ) were removed from the UHY chamber and characterized by electrical transport measurements and HR TEM. Resistivity and HaH constant measurements were 1448 AppL Phys. Lett 51 (18),2 November 1 S87 0003·6951/87/441448-03$01.00 ® 1987 American InstiMe of PhYSics 1448 Downloaded 20 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsperformed with the standard Van def Pauw method'" from 300 K down to ~ 20 K. Figure 1 shows the temperature dependent resistivity curve obtained on a 4-ml Co/SIC 111) interface. The high-temperature region (T> 220 K) corre sponds to the Si substrate contribution (and possibly related contact artifacts), the carriers of which are frozen out at T -220 K. Below the saturation region (T < 20 K) the onset of a resistive increase is observed. It might be explained ei ther by a localizationHke effect in such an ultrathin film20•21 or a kind of Kondo elfect22 due to a few Co atoms not fully reacted with Si to form CoSi2 and therefore acting as mag netic impurity. A more detailed study of the resIstivity in crease at low temperatui'e is in progress in order to assess the scattering mechanisms in this ultrathin film. Between 220 and -20 K, the measured resistivity behaves conventionally as a normal metal displaying a linear decrease with decreas ing temperature and a saturation at its residual resistivity value Po (around 118,uH em in Fig. 1), The resistivity may be expressed as the sum: peT) =Pn+PL(T) of additive contributions according to Matthiessen's rule of Po the residua! resistivity (due to carrier scattering by struc tural defects, impurities, surfaces, ... ) andpl. (T) the phonon (BIoch-Gruneisen) resistivity. Our measurements in Fig. 1 faithfully reproduce aU the characteristics measured on gen uine ultrathin films of CoSi2 0 It is generally admitted that the resistivity in metallic films, as they become thinner than the electrons' bulk scattering length i", will be dominated by surface scattering and there will be a "size effect," especially in the case of a diffuse scattering. As regards the CoSiz films, Hensel et al.ls.ll> have demonstrated that down to very low thicknesses (-100 A.), the CoSi2 film resistivity exhibits little dependence with its thickness d. If the film size effect is negligible and since this dimension d is much less than Ie (-1000 A.), 16 boundary scattering of the carriers is there fore essentially specular. The only sensitive measure of the "size effect" is the residual resistivity increasing with de creasing thickness. l6 This effect is clearly emphasized by Sa- '''T?l 1 E 124 '~~j u c: 0..0 :L iO & '-' 122 >-, f- o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 > 120 d-' (om-' ] i-ll) .</ iJ5 118 w "' Ii <I< -It ."...)1.**** 0:: o 50 100 150 200 250 300 TEMPERATURE [K] FIG 1. Temperature dependence of the resistivity of a four monolayer Co film 011 top of a resistive Si( J 11) substrate. The high-temperature region T> 220 K shows lhe 5i carriers effect. From T ~ 200 K lllltil20 K, the resis tivity foHows the standard metal resistivity behavior according to Matthies sen's ruJe:p ~= Po + PI-(n. The residual resistivity Po is ~ 118.uH em. The inset shows the dependence of Po with thickness d of several genuine COS!2 thin films (.) (Ref. 18). The value measured on the 4-ml eo/Si interface is also reported (,,). 1449 AppL Phys. Lett. Vol. 51 , No. 18,2 November 1987 doz et al.18 with CoSi2 films thinner than ~ 100 A. These authors observe a strong Po increase with thickness d which could not be explained within the framework of usual mod els dealing with low-temperature t!-ansport in thin metal films including the Fuchs-Sondheimer theory,23 localiza tion effects20-22 Cooper,24 or McMiHan25 model. The inset in Fig, 1 reproduces the results of Badoz et aL 18 obtained on several genuine CoSiz epitaxially grown on Si. The data might foHow a phenomenological law: Po(d) ~Poc exp(A Id), where Po Cd) is the residua! resistivity of a CoSi2 film with a given thickness d, p"" is the CoSiz bulk residual resistivity ( ,-2.6 p.H cm), and A is found to be-66 A. Our Po value measured on a 4-ml Co fUm deposited on Si at RT nicely complements this curve if one assumes that 4 ml of Co (_. 3.5 A) have expanded the Si top layers to form around four unit cells of CoSiz which are, according to the CoSi2 structure6 nearly equal to ~ 13 A of mean average thickness (see also the HRTEM results below). Figure 2 shows the results deduced from Hall constant measurements in the standard Van der Pauw configuration with two magnetic field orientations. At high temperature ( T> 220 K), the Si substrate influence is again clearly seen in good correlation with the resistivity results (Fig. 1). Once the s1' carriers are frozen cut (T < 220 K), the main contri bution to the HaH constant is provided by the thin metallic film on top of the Si resistive substrate. We measured a positive Hall coefficient around-2.4 X 10-4 cm3/C which remains nearly constant over the whole range oftemperature investigated (~20--2oo K). Us ing the one-band model, we deduce a free-carrier density of ~ 2.6 X 1022 em -3 type p very close to that already reported for bulk CoSiz, i.e., -3 X 1022 cm-3 type p and other thin films of CoSiz epitaxiaHy grown at high temperature ( -600 ·C) on SiC 111).15-18 This result may be taken as evi dence that 4 ml ofCa atoms have reacted with the Si surface atoms and formed a COSAz -like phase. The RT initial CoSi2 phase formation is unambiguously demonstrated because the (2.6X 1022 em --3 typep) CoSiz free-carrier value, with- 1024 ....., 10"r-~-~~ '" , E u '-' >-I i- 10"[ tf5 ~ " ~ e ,,". f).~~"fiI~~~",.,~ .. ?t " Z W ""-,,, a 10,,1 £k: w ~ 0:: « u 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 TEMPERATURE (K J FIG. 2. Han measurements on the 4-ml Co/Si interface for two signs of magnetic fIeld. The high-temperature region T> 220 K shows the Si carri ers contribution. The Hall constant measurement is converted into the free carrier density on the ordinate axis using a one-band model. Veui!!en eta/. 1449 Downloaded 20 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsFIG. 3(a) shows a lattice imaging micrograph of the boundary CoSi1-1ike phase at the interface between the Si substrate. and the almost pure Co film. Cross-sectional TEM diffraction of the whole interface also displays spots of COl Si and CoSio Initial coverage ~ 50 A of Co. (b) i;; an image of the whole interface at lower magnificatioTI. Note the lateral uniformity of the film. in our experimental accuracy, cannot be confused in any case, either with those of CoSi (0.1 X 1022 em -3 type n) and C02Si (O.2X 1022 em -3 type p) or with that of Co (4.7x 1022 cm-3 type n).26 FinaHy, to illustrate this interface formation in a direct way, Fig. 3 (a) shows a lattice image with HRTEM of a-50 A Co thin film deposited on a (7 x: 7) Si ( 111) surface at R T, We observe a boundary layer ( < 13 A of thickness) display ing the same Si (or CoSi2) structure but with a different contrast (CoSi2 -like phase). This transition layer is laterally uniform as seen at lower magnification [Fig. 3 (b) J and has always nearly the same thickness [arou.nd -4 monolayers of Co (-3.5 A) react with 8i to form ~4 unit cells ofCoSi2 (~13 A)] whatever the initial Co deposit thicknesses were (() ranging from ~ 4 to 50 "&"), provided that they were de posited monolayer by monolayer under the same experimen tal conditions. A cross-section TEM diffraction of the inter face also shows spots identified as CoSi and CO2 8i along with the Si substrate ones if the film thickness is larger than -15 A. This latter result may be taken as evidence of some grains of more metal-rich silicides in the almost pure Co top layer, It is worth mentioning that silicide formation is highly kine tically limited at RT. As a consequence, metal-semiconduc tor interfaces usually behave as rather metastable systems, the morphology and chemical composition of which depend drasticaHy upon the so-called "R T conditions" (substrate surface crystallography and cleanliness, substrate surface rea! temperature under metal evaporation, evaporation rate, thickness of the deposited film, ... ). Our results, therefore, are not in contradiction with the findings of other groups who observe only CoSi2 phase formation on (2 Xl) Si ( 11 ! ) surface at RT13 or further reaction under similar experimen tal conditions on (7 X 7) Si ( 111) surface. 27 1450 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 51, No. 18,2 November 1987 In summary, we are able to measure the electrical trans port properties of an ultrathin layer of Co atoms ( ~ 4 ml) deposited at RT on a resistive Si substrate. The results lead to the conclusion that Co atoms react with Si to form an inter facial CoSi2 layer phase, which, in turn, acts as a diffusion barrier at RT to additional Co atoms arriving on the surface. These latter atoms then form an almost pure Co thin mm spreading on top of the boundary CoSi2 -like layer. The elec trical measurements confirm previous in situ spectroscopic results.4.h,12-1~ The RT CoSiz formation does not agree with the prediction of Walser and Bene, if) probably due to the peculiar role of the limited intermixing between a few adsor bate atoms and the substrate. Mild annealing of the RT in terface enhances the intermixing once the heating tempera ture is sufficient to overcome the activation energy of the diffusion barrier and then leads to high-temperature sequen tial silicide formation (Co2 Si, CoSi, CoSi2 ).5.1'>,9 's. Saitoh, H. Ishiwara, and S. Furukawa, App!. Phys. Lett. 37, 203 (1980). 2R. T. Tung, J. M. Gibson, and J. M. Poate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 429 (1983). 'L. J. Chen, J. W. Mayer, and K. N. Tu, Thin Solid Films 93, 135 (1982). 4c. Pirri, J. C. Pcruchetti, G. Gewinner', and J. Derrien, Phys. Rev. B 29, 3391 (i 984). 'F. Amaud d'Avitaya, S. Delage, E. Roscncher, aud J. Derriell, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 3,770 (1985). "See a review paper by J. Derrien, Surf. 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Shubnikov–de Haas effect in thin epitaxial films of gray tin L. W. Tu, G. K. Wong, S. N. Song, Z. Zhao, and J. B. Ketterson Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 2643 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101961 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101961 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/55/25?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Shubnikov–de Haas and Aharonov Bohm effects in a graphene nanoring structure Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 143112 (2010); 10.1063/1.3380616 The Shubnikov–de Haas effect and high pressure Low Temp. Phys. 27, 691 (2001); 10.1063/1.1401175 Characterization of molecularbeam epitaxially grown HgTe films by Shubnikov–de Haas measurements J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2779 (1988); 10.1116/1.575506 Shubnikov–de Haas effect in indiumdoped PbTe films J. Appl. Phys. 57, 330 (1985); 10.1063/1.334809 Shubnikov–de Haas effect in (111)epitaxial, ntype PbTe films with substrateinduced strain Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 77 (1983); 10.1063/1.94127 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:38:50Shubnikov-de Haas effect in thin epitaxial fUms of gray tin L. w. Tu, G. K. Wong, S. N. Song, Z. Zhao, and J. 8. Ketterson Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208 (Received 3 July 1989; accepted for publication 11 October 1(89) The transverse magnetoresistance and Hall effect have been studied for n-type gray tin epilayers grown on (001 )CdTe substrates by the molecular beam epitaxy technique. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations were observed in samples having Hall mobilities"> 104 cm2/V s at low temperatures. Measurements were carried out using both the dc method and field modulation techniques in the temperature range from 1.2 to 10K and in magnetic fields up to 10 T. Beat patternR were observed in the Shubnikov-de Haas spectra which we ascribe either to inhomogeneous doping, arising from the diffusion of Cd and Te from the substrate, or to quantization of the motion in the direction parallel to the film normal. The Shubnikov-de Haas carrier concentration ofa 1210 A film was determined to be nSdH = 2.3 X 1017 cm-3, in good agreement with the Hall density. Gray tin (a-Sn) is unique among the group-four semi conductors in that it has a zero band gap. Although this material is unstable above 12.3 °C it can be stabilized by he teroepitaxy on an appropriate Rubstrate, such as edTe. We have described the preparation and growth techniques ear lier.! Extensive transport measurements have been per formed: Hall measurements showed that films thinner than 400 A are p type, with low mobilities, and thicker films are n type, with much higher mobilities.! Observation of a thick ness-dependent band gap for films with thicknesses under 400 A was reported recently.2 Films with thicknesses of ~ 1000-3000 A have Hall mobilities PH = (1-2) X 104 cml/ Vs, and Han carrier densities nH = (2-3)XlO!7 cm -3 at low temperatures. We report in this letter the obser vation of the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations in these films. Our investigations of the SdH effect involved both the de method and a field modulation technique. Magnetic fields up to 10 T and temperatures from 1.2 to 10 K were em ployed. The van der Pauw method was used, and the sample geometry was a 5 mm X 5 mm sqmlre. The field direction was perpendicular to the (001) plane of the films for the mea surements reported here. Figure 1 shows an SdH trace ofa 121O-A.-thick sample with flH = 1.3 X 104 cm2/V sand lIu = 2.1 X 1017 cm3 at 4.2 K. The oscillations were detected at the first harmonic of the modulation frequency versus the reciprocal magnetic field liB. In addition to the periodic oscillations, note the beating effect which we neglect in the first approximation (but will include later). The energy of electrons in a parabolic band with mag netic field B in the z direction is3 ( 1) fz2k2 f3 E= n +-IktJ+-_z ±2.gB, 22m'; 2 (1) where (tJ = eB /m*c, m* is the cyclotron effective mass, kz is the wave vector parallel to B, /30 = efz/2m,c (the Bohr mag neton), g is the effective spin-splitting factor, and n = 0, 1, 2, ... denote the Landau levels. As successive harmonic oscillator levels pass through the extremal cross section of the Fermi surface, properties such as the resistivity oscillate with a period p= a(l/B) = l/F= efz/m*cEF' (2) where Fis the frequency. A plot of the maxima and minima in terms of the reciprocal magnetic field 1/ B versus the quantum number n, yields the period of the oscillations, p, from the slope of the line, as in Fig. 2; we obtain a value p= 0.084 T-!. Using a spherical Fermi surface-parabolic band model, we have EF = (1l2/2m*)(3-zrnSdH )2!3. (3) Combining Eqs. (2) and (3) gives flSdH = 2.3 X 1017 cm-3, and agrees well with the Han density flH = 2.1 X 1017 cm-3. The temperature dependence of the amplitUde of the first harmonic in the Adams-Holstein expression4 for the Shubnikov-de Haas effect is given by f Te /3Tvrn'/B ) A~ -CI -\B t!2 sinhC/3Tm'/B) , (4) where m' = m*/m" is the reduced mass, /3= 21T2kBm<c/ eli = 1.468 X 105 G/K, and C = 5>/2rrkR (m*c/EFeft) 1!2 is 30 , , I ' , , , I ' , , , I ' . , , I' , , , I ' , '-l 20 ,-.. ~I ;:s 10 (tj I~~--'-" 0 ro "d '"'- ~ -tQ -20 -:10 0.5 1.(1 1.5 2.0 2.5 liB -1 (Tesla ) FIG. I. SdH oscillations at 1.4 K plotted vs the reciprocal of the magnetic field to reveal the periodicity. 2643 Appi. Phys. Lett. 55 (25), 18 December 1989 0003-6951/89/512643-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 2643 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:38:502.0 1.5 - 1.0 0.5 ro-'--r"--'-'-~o-T~I-'-T' ~"'-!~ .~ 1 . ~ ~ 0.0 ~-'--LJ-l.L~-LL_LJ-L_JL-L_.L.LL ~ Q 5 10 15 20 25 n-QUANTUM NUMBER FIG. 2. Positions of the extrema of the SdH oscillations vs the quantum number /1. ( + ) maxima; (0) minima. a constant for a particular sample and magnetic field direc tion. Equation (4) is valid when the oscillatory part is small compared with the nonoseillatory part of the magnetoresis tivity, and when Er is not less than a few cyclotron level spacings flw. These criteria are satisfied in the lower field region. The electron effective mass can be derived from fit ting the amplitudes at different temperatures for fixed B us ing T A 0:.------ Sillh((3 I'm' I B) (5) Figure 3 shows a fit at B = 0.88 T for the 121O-A-thick sam ple. An average value of m' = 0.029 was obtained in the low field region (below ~ 1.5 T). This value is ~ 10% higher than that of Booth and Ewald'; this may be due to the in homogeneity and/or strain in our films. induding the Bessel function factor associated with the field modulation technique,6-3 the Dingle temperature T~ can be derived by fitting the field dependence of the ampli tude at a fixed temperature with the equation AT -fl(l+ TJ))m'lll a:~e 9 B ,-(6) where the sinh term in Eg. (4) has been approximated by its 2 4 s 3 T (K) .FIG. 3. Plot of SdH amplitudes vs temperatures at B = 0.88 1'. The solid curve is the best fit obtailled using Eq. (5). 2644 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No. 25.18 December 1989 O.B 0.8 1.0 -1 liB (Tesia ) 1.2 F1G. 4. Plot of In(A I BSI» vs liB at 1.4 K. The solid curve is the hest ill obtained using Eq. (6). exponential form, which is valid under the condition (/3Tm')/ B"Jp 1. Figure 4 is a fit to the data at 1.4 K. From fits at five different temperatures between 1.4 and 7.2 K, the average TD was 8.8 K, where m' = 0.03 has been used. We now discuss the beat structure which is evident in Fig. 1. From the positions of the nodes, we can obtain two frequencies FJ = 11.8 T and F] = 13.0 T. Previous studies showed that our samples were somewhat inhomogeneous along the growth direction z. Therefore, we will employ a simple "two-region model" to describe the inhomogeneity of our samples. We visualize the sample as consisting of two layers, a purer (upper) region (adjacent to the free surface) having a thickness d1 and a more highly doped (lower) re gion (adjacent to the CdTe substrate) having a thickness d2, each with slightly different carrier densities. This can ex plain the heating effect. A model similar to this was used by Booth and Ewald.5 Figure 5 (b) shows a computer-generated curve using an expression for the SdH oscillations with two frequencies, rc- I-'~~·~ iro-'-'T '-~-'T ,-,- 1-4~N~\NV~\ I ~H+->+H' 'I ' H~+I "--L.L..'---~----'---'--'.-l....~ --'--,~L-l._ () 2 3 B (Tesla) FIG. 5. (a) SdH oscillations as a function of B for1hcsamesampleas thai in Fig. 1. (b) A computer·generated curve using Adams-Holstein expression. Tu et a/. 2644 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:38:50taining the fundamental and the first four harmonics of the Adams-Holstein expression; the spin-splitting factor is also induded.9 The parameters used were dj = 423 A, d2 = 787 A, m; = m; = 0.031, TJ)[ = 8.5 K, 1'D2 = 9.5 K, FI = 12.0T,}~ = 13.2 T,g, = ~ 29,g2 = -28,5 where sub script 1 refers to the upper region and subscript 2 refers to the lower region. The overall factors for both frequencies used were the same. Nate that Fig. 5 (b) agrees wen with Fig. 5(a), and reproduces the beating features as well as spin splittings at high fields. Another possible explanation for the beat structure is that it arises from quantization of the motion of the electrons parallel to the film normal, i.e., from the quantum size effect. The Fermi surface is then replaced by a set of disks with kz values given by kz = -uN Id; here d is the film thickness, and N is a quantum number. Although approximately six pairs of kz values would be expected in our case, not all of them may be observable due to (i) a very close spacing (the N = 1 and 2 levels near the extreme section ofthe three-dimension al Fermi surface) or (ii) a shorter scattering time (for disks with higher N values). Our measured beat frequency is close to that expected for the interference between the N = 1 (or 2) and the N = 3 levels. In conclusion, we have observed Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations for the first time in thin gray tin mms. A beat 2645 Appl. Phys.lett, Vol. 55, No. 25, 18 December 1989 structure in the SdH spectra was interpreted as evidence for inhomogeneous doping via diffusion from the substrate or size effect quantization. This work was supported by the NSF-MRL program through the Materials Research Center of Northwestern University under grant DMR-85-20280, and by the Nation al Science Foundation under grant DMR-86-02857. We ... vould like to thank Professor Lin Liu for valuable theoreti cal discussions and W. Nieveen, who designed and built the molecular beam epitaxy system and provided generous tech nical assistance. 'J-. w. Tu, G. K. Wong, and J. B. Kettersoll, Appl. Phys. Lett 54, 1010 (1989). "L. W. Tu, G. K. Wong, and J. B. KeUcrson, App!. Phys. Lett., 55, 1327 (1989). 'R. A. Smith, Semiconductors, 2nd cd. (Cambridge University, Cambridge, 1978), p. 406. 4E. N. Adams and T. D. Holstein, 1. Phys. Chern. Solids 10, 254 (1959). '8. L. Booth and A. W. Ewald, Phys. Rev. Lett. 18,491 (1967); B. L. Booth, Ph.D. thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, XL, 1967. ('A. Goldstein, S. J. Williamson, ami S. Foner, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 36. 1356 ( 1(65). 7L. R. Windmiller and 1. B. Ketter<;on. Rev. Sci. lustrum. 39,1672 (1968). 'R W. Stark and L R WindmiHcr. Cryogenics 8,272 (1968). "M. H. Cohen and E. L Blount, l'hiins. Mag. 5, 115 (i 960). Tu et al. 2645 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:38:50
Selective nucleation and growth of diamond particles by plasmaassisted chemical vapor deposition Jing Sheng Ma, Hiroshi Kawarada, Takao Yonehara, JunIchi Suzuki, Jin Wei, Yoshihiro Yokota, and Akio Hiraki Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 1071 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101708 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101708 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/55/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Ultrathin ultrananocrystalline diamond film synthesis by direct current plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 110, 084305 (2011); 10.1063/1.3652752 Role of oxygen in the electron cyclotron resonance plasmaassisted chemical vapor deposition of diamond films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 11, 1875 (1993); 10.1116/1.578516 Xray photoelectron spectroscopy of initial stages of nucleation and growth of diamond thin films during plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 2344 (1992); 10.1063/1.107474 Electrostatic probe measurements for microwave plasmaassisted chemical vapor deposition of diamond Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 3387 (1991); 10.1063/1.105683 Growth of diamond thin films by spiral hollow cathode plasmaassisted chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 66, 4676 (1989); 10.1063/1.343824 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:38:47Se~ective nucleaUon and growth of diamond particles by p~asmagassisted chemical vapor deposition Jing Sheng Ma, Hiroshi Kawarada, Takao Yonehara,a) Jun-Ichi Suzuki, Jin Wei, Yoshihiro Yokota, and Aklo Hiraki Department o.lElectrical Engineering, Osaka University, Suita-shl; Osaka 565, Japan (Received 6 March 1989; accepted for publication 30 June 1989) Diamond particles have been selectively synthesized on a Si02 dot-patterned Si substrate using plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (plasma CVD). Nucleation densities on both Si and Si02 have been increased, first by pretreatment using abrasive powders; then, to eliminate the pretreatment effect from almost all of the substrate and to retain the effect only at designed sites, an Ar beam is used to obliquely irradiate the pretreated substrate. After deposition using plasma CVD, diamond particles have selectively formed on one edge of the Sial dots according to the pattern and have grown large to adjoin with adjacent particles. Polycrystals with equal grain sizes have been synthesized. Synthetic diamond thin films I 5 have potential for fabri cating high-temperature semiconducting and optical devices because diamond has many extraordinary properties such as high thermal conductivity and a wide band gap (5.4 eV). Studies on semiconductivi ty6.7 and luminescenceH,9 of syn thetic diamond thin films have shown the first step for the realization of wide applications to semiconducting devices. But until now, only homoepitaxial growth has been success ful. Diamond thin films formed on nondiamond substrates such as Si, Si02, etc., are polycrystaliine with random nu cleation sites and different grain sizes. These kinds of ran dom polycrystalline films seriously limit the wide applica tions of diamond. For semiconducting device applications, well-controlled positions and sizes of grains are essential. Selective nucleation based epitaxy (sentaxy) of silicon has been proposed by one of the authors to manipulate the nucleation site and period artificially in order to obtain crys talline films with controlled location of grain boundar ies, 10.11 Small portions of a material of high nucleation den sity are surrounded by another material of low nucleation density. Single nuclei of silicon preferentially form on each of the artificial nucleation sites and eventually grow large to adjoin with adjacent crystals. The application of this tech nique to diamond may be the nearest approach for fabricat- Ca) pretreatment: diamond powders '11'11 \ \ ,,\ Si (h) oblique irradiation: Ar beam FIG, L Schematics of the preparation processes of the substrates for selec tive growth. (a) The cleaned substrate was pretreated firstly by abrasive powders (diamond powders of about 30 pm) using an ultrasonic cleaner (b) The pretreated Substrate was irradiated by all Ar beam with an incident angk of a 00"). a'Canon Inc. RID Headquarters, 6770 Tamura. Hiratsuka City. Kanagawa 254. Japan, iug diamond semiconducting devices, since heteroepitaxial growth of diamond has not been realized. Unlike Si, however, high nucleation density of diamond on ncndiamond substrates has only been obtained after pre treatment by abrasive powdcrs.~ Selective nucleation of dia mond has becn reported by Hirabayashi et at., by using Ar + ion beam vertical incidence on a pretreated substrate which is patterned with resist. 12 The role of the Arl ion beam was explained as etching the pretreated surface layer which leads to the formation of a densely packed nuclei. Here we devel oped a technique to realize diamond selective growth by in troducing oblique irradiation of an Ar beam-the Ar beam irradiates the pretreated surface with an angle of a . We have achieved much more accurate positioning of I he nucleatiDn sites than the previous works. 10-12 FIG. 2, Typical scanning electron microscope image of selectively grown diamond particles. The substrate is a SiO, dot-patterned Si wafer. The size of the SiO, d()t~ is 1.2 X 1,2 tim', with a height 0[0,2,urn and an interval of 10 pm between the dots, Diamond particles have similar grain sizes of about 10 pm and they have adjoined adjacent partil·ies. 1071 Appl. Phys. Lett. 55 (11). 11 September 1989 0003-6951/89/371071-03$01.00 (.0) i 989 American Institute of Physics 1071 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:38:47In the present research, both SiOz dGt~ and strip-pat terned Si wafers were used as the substrates, and several kinds of patterns with different dot sizes were fabricated, Figures 1 (a) and 1 (b) are schematics of two main steps of preparation processes of the substrate for selective dia~ mond growth: (a) Pretreatment. The cleaned substrate was pretreated first by abrasive powders (diamond powders of about 30 pm) using an ultrasonic generator for 3 min, followed by cleaning, This was a conventional treatment process for dia mond synthesis using chemical vapor deposition (CVD), The nucleation densities on this pretreated substrate would 1072 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No. 11. i 1 September 1989 ]'<'1G, 3. After oblique irradiation with the AI' beam, diamond particles grow only on the opposi Ie euges of either the strips or the dots. The lower images are enlarged ones from the uppers. The heights and intervals for all the Si02 strips and dots arc the same, D.2 amI 10 pm, respectively. The width of the strips of (a) is 2.0 pm, and the dot sizes are 6.0,2.0, and 1.2 !lm for (b), (e), and (d). The arrows indicate the directions of the incident Ar beam, and the dotted lines ,ire the SiO 2 strips and dots. Single particles have been obtained on 1.2.um dots. be (2-5) X lOR particles/cml for the Si surface and 7-8 X 107 partides/cm2 for the SiO; surface. However, this difference is not enough to achieve the selective growth as in Si. 10.1 ! For the purpose of selective nucleation of diamond, an other process was absolutely necessary: (b) Oblique irradiation. The pretreated substrate was then irradiated by an AI' beam with an incident angle of 300 for 10 min. The Ar beam was produced by a de ion source. The pressure of AI' gas was about 10 4 Torr and the accel eration voltage was 5 kV with a beam current of 50 /lA. Because ofthe divergence of the beam, the 10 min irradiation was appropriate to obtain a good selectivity of nucleation at Maetal. 1072 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:38:47the large area of the substate, but longer irradiation would result in no nucleation even on the SiOL dots, Conventional microwave plasma CVD' or magneto microwave plasma CVD5 was used to synthesize diamond. A C0(15% )/H2 mixture and a CH4 (2% )/H2 mixture were used as reaction gases. The substrate temperatures were between 850 and 900 °C . Figure 2 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) im age of selectively grown diamond particles. The substrate used here was a Si02 dot-patterned Si wafer. The dots were formed 1.2 X 1.2 ,urn) in size, O.2,um in height, and 10 pm in intervaL 5 h deposition was carried out using plasma CVD with a reaction gas of CD( 15% )/H2• Diamond particles have grown to as large as 10 pm according to the designed pattern. Single particles form on each dot, indicating that location selectivity of nucleation is well controlled, The par ticles have almost similar grain sizes and they have adjoined with adjacent particles in the middle of the Si02 dots. Some features concerning selective nucleation have been investigated. Figures 3(a), 3(b), 3(c), and 3(d) are images of the selective growth of diamond on the substrates with different sizes of the Si02 patterns. In order to achieve the information of the initial stage, the particles have not been synthesized so large, The lower images correspond to the enlarged upper images. The arrows indicate the direction of the incident Ar beam. As shown in Fig. 3 (a), diamond particles grow in line on the Si02 strips. They never grow on the irradiated Si surface. AU of the particles grow just on the edges of the strips; there is no particle on the nonedge area. These edges are the opposite sides to the direction of the incident beam. We can these edges "the opposite edges" for convenience. In the cases of dots, the particles are also found to grow on the opposite edges ofSi02 dots only. There is no particle on the three other edges. As a result of the oblique irradiation of the beam, one-dimensional control of diamond nucleation is achieved. We can therefore control the numbers of nuclei on each dot by changing the sizes of the dot fitting with nucleation density on Si02• The line density of diamond nucleation is 1 partide/1.2 fim on the Si02 sur face under the pretreatment conditions described above, if we take the simplest calculation on the assumption that the particles nucleate in a periodic array. Reducing the size of the Si02 dots from 6.0 to 2.0, to 1.2 ,urn, the numbers of diamond particles on one dot are reduced from five or six particles to two particles, and to one particle, respectively, in agreement with the calculation. This fact suggests that there is almost no effect of the irradiation on the opposite edges of the dots or strips, or at least the effect is so weak that dia mond stiH nucleates there. Ar beam oblique irradiation plays an important role in the selective nucleation of diamond. It reduces the nuclea tion on the Si surface and on the facing parts of the Si02 1073 Appl. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 55, No. 11, 1 i September 1989 patterns but only retains the opposite edges of the Si02 pat terns as nucleation sites. This irradiation can etch away a very thin Si surface layer, but it is not strong enough to etch away all the pretreated Si surface layer because a high nu cleation density on the Si surface is still obtained which has been chemically etched to as deep as several pm. Therefore, the structure change associated with the Ar beam should be considered. Reflection electron diffraction (RED) using a 75 keY electron showed that the Si surface changed to amor phous after 10 min of Ar beam irradiation under the condi tions listed above, We believe that it is this amorphous layer that obstructs the pretreatment effect which is the cause of diamond nucleation. As a result, diamond no longer nu cleates at the irradiated surface. Although the Ar beam is able to play the same role on the Si02 patterns as the beam irradiates with an angle of 30°, it affects the facing parts and the opposite parts of the Si02 patterns in different ways. The facing part may take place as a structural change corre sponding to what happens on the Si surface. On the other hand, diamond nucleation on the opposite edge of the SiOz pattern indicates an important edge effect. The reason of the edge effect has not been revealed, but two essential factors are considered. The first is the heavier pretreatment effect on the edges of the Si02 patterns compared with that on the surface. The second is the scarce irradiation effect on the opposite edges because of the oblique incident beam. It is the edge effect that makes the nucleation control more accurate than previous works, ID.I] The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan for the support by a Grant-in Aid for Developing Research (63850008). • It V. Derjaguin, D. V. Fcdoseev; V. M. Lykuanovkh. B. V. Spitsyn, Vo A. Ryunov, and A. V. Lavrentyev. J. Cryst. Growth 2. 380 ( 1981). 's. Matsumoto, Y. Sato, M. Kamo, and N. Setaka, Jpn. J. Appl. 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Modeling of luminescence phase delay for nondestructive characterization of Si wafers D. Guidotti, J. S. Batchelder, A. Finkel, P. D. Gerber, and J. A. Van Vechten Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 2542 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344218 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344218 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Polarization analysis of luminescence for the characterization of silicon wafer solar cells Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 171914 (2011); 10.1063/1.3584857 Nondestructive characterization of dislocations and micropipes in high-resistivity 6H–SiC wafers by deep-level photoluminescence mapping Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 061914 (2005); 10.1063/1.1862330 Nondestructive defect delineation in SiC wafers based on an optical stress technique Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3298 (2002); 10.1063/1.1469659 Modeling the dynamics of Si wafer bonding during annealing J. Appl. Phys. 88, 4404 (2000); 10.1063/1.1308069 A nondestructive bottom characterization with a model tank experiment J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88, S131 (1990); 10.1121/1.2028594 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39Modeling of luminescence phase delay for nondestructive characterization of SI wafers D. Guidott!, J. S. Batchelder, A. Finkel, and P. D. Gerber iBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, P. O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights. New York 10598 J. A. Van Vechten Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon 97331 (Received 17 April 1989; accepted for publication 30 May 1989) We have modeled the generation, diffusion, and recombination of photoexcited electrons and holes for the case of Czochralski Si wafers having a defect-free-zone (DFZ) device layer of thickness d above a highly precipitated wafer core and having a finite surface recombination velocity, S. The incident photoexcitation source has a Gaussian power distribution and is focused to a small spot on the sample surface. When the source is sinusoidally modulated at frequency v, the intrinsic band-edge photoluminescence (PL) emission displays modulations at the fundamental and first overtone of the modulation frequency. The PL signals at frequencies v and 2'11 are delayed in phase, with respect to the source modulation by angles £/;2 ( v) and ¢2 (2 v). We relate these phase angles to material properties such as d, S, the optical absorption coefficient a at the incident wavelength, and to the effective carrier lifetimes 1'1 and 72 in the DFZ and precipitated wafer core, respectively. We show that when 1'] and 1'2 are independently measured and S-s. 100 em/s, as is common for a Si surface passivated with a thermally grown oxide layer, it is possible to deduce d from a measurement of ¢2( v) or ¢2(2v). t INTRODUCTION We report a nondestructive and noninvasive technique for inspecting Si wafers at various stages of processing using the method of photoluminescence (PL) phase delay, or PPD. The goal of our modeling is to guide the optimization of the PL technique although many of our conclusions also apply to other methods of monitoring photoexcited carrier transport properties. These include recombination time measurements by microwave absorption, t plasma reftec tance,2-5 plasma absorption,6.7 eddy currents,8 or diffusion length measurements by surface pnotovoltage.') Although our discussion of the PPD method appears to be applicable to any semiconductor, our modeling has so far been restricted to Si. In addition, our model is restricted to the case of a sample whose transport properties are homoge neous in any plane parallel to its surface. The effective car rier lifetime is allowed to vary in layers in the z direction. This is because processed Czochralski (CZ) 5i wafers can contain SiOx precipitates in the bulk and a defect-free zone (DFZ) which extends some distance d, nominally about 30 pm, below the surface. Precipitate formation is important in commercial Si in that this provides intrinsic gettering, O--12 sites for impurities in the bulk and away from the surface layer where devices are to be fabricated. However, the device layer itself, the DFZ, must be free of precipitates as these would constitute a fault if they protruded too close to a de vice structure. The DFZ forms because at elevated tempera tures oxygen diffuses out from the free surfaces afthe wafer, producing an oxygen denuded layer of nominal thickness, d. During high temperature processing, SiD" complexes pre cipitate out of the dissolved oxygen in the interior of the wafer and form inclusions with typical dimensions of less than 100 nm. A delicate balance must be maintained during the precipitation process to ensure that the precipitates are formed near enough to the surface that their strain fields can affect the gettering action but not so near that they disrupt the device structure. Thus, the depth d of the denuded layer is a critical parameter in the early stages of wafer processing and one that we will show can be nondestructively moni tored by the PPD method. Other nondestructive techniques for determining d have been reported. Many use photoexcited carrier decay signa tures and modeling, as we also do, in order to deduce this parameter. Microwave reflection,l eddy currents,8 optical plasma refiectance,2-5 and optical plasma absorptionli•7 mea sure carrier recombination times, while surface photovol. tage9 measures carrier diffusion length. In each of these cases, with the possible exception of plasma absorption, one needs to know II' the spatially averaged excess carrier life time in the DFZ as well as 1'2' the effective carrier lifetime in the bulk, in order to deduce d unambiguously. The spatial resolution in microwave reflection and eddy currents is gen erally much less than that of plasma reflectance/absorption and photovoltage techniques. Because precipitates are gen erally decorated with chemical. impurities intrinsically get tered from the surrounding crystal lattice, the nonradiative recombination rate for photoexcited carriers can be very high in a volume containing a large number of precipitates. As a result, when carriers are generated on or near precipi tates, the local lattice temperature can rise measurably above recombination heating in precipitate-free regions, Because enhanced nonradiative recombination at or near precipitate sites results in enhanced local lattice heating, and because the optical reflectivity of Si is a function of surface tempera ture, photoinduced thermorefiectance measurements2,13 can also have some sensitivity to the depth of the precipitate lay er. However, in this case, carrier diffusion, heat generation, 2542 J. AppL Phys. 66 (6),15 September i989 0021-8979/89/182542-12$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of PhySics 2542 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39and heat di.ffusion must be modeled with care and the prob lem increases in complexity. In addition, at high modulation frequencies the complex dielectric constant of Si becomes less modulated by temperature excursions, whose amplitude decreases with increasing modulation frequency. At the same time, the Drude modulation of the dielectric constant increases because at high modulation frequencies the probe beam samples a higher average free carrier density during each modulation cycle. Therefore, a transition from ther moref'iectance to plasma-reflectance generaHy occurs as the modulation frequency approaches 1/1"1 (or 1/'12) even at visible probe beam wavelengths. This effect is graphically demonstrated in Ref. 2. The generally accepted method for determining d is to angle lap and etch a wafer sample. 14 This procedure is de structive, requires considerable sample preparation and is often dependent on the skill of the operator. X-ray section topograph yl5 can also be used to measure d, and while this method does not require sectioning the sample, several hours of film exposure are required with conventional x-ray sources. Synchrotron radiation 16 can substantially shorten exposure time. Finally, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structuresl7 can be used to make an electrical determination of the DFZ based on the Zerbst 18 transient capacitance anal ysi.s. The advantage of the MOS measurement is its sensitiv ity to pre-precipitation nuclei and other atomic imperfec tions of the crysta.l within the DFZ because of the effect which these "trapping centers" have on carrier capture and carrier re-emissionY·18 Therefore, it is not necessary to cause fun precipitation of oxygen in the silicon in order to obtain a. measure of the DFZ by the MOS method. Unfortu nately, because of oxide breakdown under high electric field strength, this method is limited to a depth sensitivity of less than 10 pm. In addition to being sensitive to precipitates and point defects in Si, the temporal behavior of the MOS capaci tance is also sensitive to impurities in the oxide, and sample preparation is a critical factor. A contaminated oxide film cannot be differentiated from a defective substrate. Finally, the MOS method is not usable when the sample is highly conductive. The principle ofPL phase delay is to periodically modu late the intensity of a light source which is focused on the sample to a spot size of a few microns. The absorbed light creates a periodically modulated plasma wave of electron hole pairs which propagates away from the excitation spot due to density gradient diffusion and is damped by both dif fusion and carrier recombination. A fraction of the photo generated carriers recombine by emitting light in a wave length band that is characteristic of the 5i band gap and of the phonon-assisted radiative processes. 19 A fraction of this light refracts out of the sample and is detected quite effec tively even at room temperature. At a sufficiently high pho toexcitation level, pair recombination among generated car riers dominates and the amplitUde of the luminescence becomes modulated with components at both the fundamen tal and first overtone harmonic20 of the modulation frequen cy. When the source intensity is modulated sinusoidally, only the fundamental and first harmonic overtone are pres ent in the modulation of the luminescence.2() The amplitudes 2543 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 and phases (relative to the modulation waveform of the source) are functions of the parameters that affect the gener ation, diffusion and recombination of photoexcited electrons and holes. Experimentally, the phase and amplitUde of the modulated photoluminesence signal at both the fundamen tal and first overtone frequencies can be monitored with standard lock-in amplifiers or phase meterso20•21 Figure 1 of Ref. 21 shows a map of the relative variations of the phase delay 4;2 (v) at the modulation frequency v mapped across Ii wafer and showing the typical swirl pattern of precipitate distribution that is commonly observed by x-ray topography or scanned surface photovoltage.22•23 Similar detail is ob served in a map of the phase delay epz (2v) at the first over tone of the modulation frequency as well as in a map of the relative variations in the integrated spectral intensity. We have concentrated this modeling effort on the effect which the parameters r l' 1'2' d, and S, have on the calculated PPD and on how well these predict the measured phase de lays 4;z(v) and ¢2(2v) of the PL signal at the fundamental and first overtone frequencies. We also examine the effect of varying parameters of the experiment that we can controL These are the source modulation frequency (v), the wave length ofthe incident light and the corresponding absorption coefficient (a), and the spot size (w) to which the incident light is focused on the sample surface. Our experimental arrangement for measuring the PL phase shift is described in Sec. II. Carrier diffusion is dis cussed in Sec. III where we also justify use of the linear form ofthe diffusion equation for photoexcited carriers. A Hankel transform method for obtaining the three-dimensional solu tions of this equation in cylindrical symmetry is described in Sec. IV. Model predictions and fitting of experimental data are left to Sec. V. Finally, in the Appendix we summarize results for one-dimensional diffusion. II. EXPERiMENTAL DETAilS Photoexcitation was provided by a Kr-Ar laser operat ing at 647 11m in the TEMoo mode and capable of a maximum output of 300 mW. The incident beam was fully modulated sinusoidally at frequency v up to 20 MHz by an acousto optic modulator operating at 200 MHz and having approxi mately 50% transmission efficiency in the first-order dif fracted beam which was used to illuminate the sample at normal incidence. Sinusoidal modulation is important when detecting the first overtone response of the PL signa120 as non sinusoidal waveforms generally have Fourier compo nents at 2v and higher frequencies. A lens assembly with a numerical aperture ofO. 8 and a working distance of approxi mately 1/2 mm served the dual purpose offocusing the inci dent light on the sample surface and of efficiently collecting and collimating the emitted PL light into a beam which, upon a reflection from a dichroic beamsplitter at 45° to the incident direction, could be conveniently directed either into a monochromator for wavelength analysis or into a detector for measuring phase retardati.on of the modulated PL signal with respect to the incident photoexcitation waveform. The incident beam underfiHed the entrance pupil of the lens as sembly and was focused to a spot size of about 10 jlm. The Guidotti et al. 2543 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39spot size is defined as the full width at 1/ e of the cylindrically symmetric Gaussian power distribution of the TEMoo mode of the excitation laser and was measured using a moving slit commercial instrument designed for this purpose ("Beams can" model 1 080, sold by Photon, Inc.). PL phase delay data were obtained with an infrared~extended Si photodiode (EG&G Y AG-444) up to 1 MHz, or up to 20 MHz with a cooled photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu R 632) having an S~ 1 photoresponse. Standard Schott color glass filters were used to reject coincident low level laser light and pass the PL light. Wideband amplifiers EG&G/Ortec models 9305 preamplifier and 535 quad amplifiers were used with the photomultiplier tube, while high gain amplifiers EG&GI Princeton Applied Research models 184 and 114 were used with the photodiode. Lock-in amplifiers, EG&G/Princeton Applied Research models 124A (up to 200 kHz) and 5202 (l00kHzto 50MHz) were used for PL phase and amplitude measuremen ts. The spectral distribution ofPL emission from Si at room temperature as well as its power dependence, in particular, the transition from a linear to a quadratic power depend ence, have been reported elsewhere.20 In this article we con~ sider information contained in the phase of the modulated PL signal, but only in the regime in which carriers recombine via photoexcited electron and hole density of states; that is, in the regime of quadratic power dependence of the PL sig na1.20 In this regime recombination via near~band-edge den sity of states, corresponding to the linear portion ofthe pow er dependence, is assumed to make an insignificant contribution to the observed phase shift at v. The PL phase shift ¢2 ( v) is recorded as a function of mod ulation frequency 11 as the difference ¢2( v) = ¢r (v) -¢s (v), where ¢r (v) is the instrumental phase shift measured on the lock-in ampli fier when a small fraction of the modulated laser light is made incident on the detector and its power adjusted so as to give nearly the same magnitude on the lock-in as the PL signal, and ¢s (v) is the phase shift which is measured when only PL light is incident on the detector. Because of the large phase shifts introduced by the acousto-optic modulator, it was not possible to measure the phase shift ¢2 (2v) at the first overtone frequency in the same way. The acousto-optic modulator introduces a phase shift in the modulation wave form which depends strongly on the modulation frequency, making it difficult to reliably obtain the instrumental phase shift at 2v. Electro-optic modulators may suffer from the same frequency-dependent phase shifts, although we have not examined this behavior. Mechanical choppers, on the other hand, have to be carefully designed to give a sinusoidal waveform, but much more seriously, these can only be oper ated practically at v < 30 kHz, much too low for useful data analysis. The data reported here were taken at an incident power of 10-20 mW up to 200 kHz, and 30-40 mW between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. III. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CARRIER DIFFUSION AND Pl EMISSION At any point r in a semiconductor, the time rate of change in the concentration N(r,t) of excess electron-hole 2544 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6. i 5 September i 98S pairs is governed by both diffusion and recombination, and can be described by an ambipolar diffusion equation of the form24,25 aN D .... ~N N Rle2 II.T3 -= ,,~ --- 1'>/ -yl'll' +g(r,t), at 7' (1) where g(r,t) is the carrier generation rate per unit volume from an external source of excitation and D is the ambipolar diffusion coefficient. 24,25 In the case of Si at 300 K, D = 18 cm2 s -\ and is not significantly altered26 by excess carrier concentrations up to 1 X 1017 cm'}. The effective excess car rier lifetime is given by 1/1' = 1/1'R + 1/1'NR, where 1'NR is the carrier lifetime against nonradiative recombination through impurity states, and 1'R is the lifetime against radia tive recombination via shallow donor or acceptor states and can be approximated by27 7'R = lIB(no + Po + N), where no and Po denote the equilibrium carrier concentrations and N is the excess carrier density. The probability for radiative recombination is reported28 to be B = 1.1 X 10-,4 em3 s -I for nominally (unintentionally) doped Si at 300 K, in rea sonable agreement with values calculated27 in the presence of shallow acceptor states. Finally, the free carrier Auger coefficient at 300 K has a generally accepted value29 of y = 4X 10-31 cm6 s-'. The solution ofEq. (1) must satisfy appropriate bound ary conditions. For a semi-infinite semiconductor which oc cupies the half-space z > 0 and whose surface coincides with the x-y plane at z = 0, the appropriate boundary conditions, when photoexcitation occurs over the entire surface of the sample, are30 N-O as z-00 and DaNj =SN(z=O). az Z~O (2) The initial condition: N = 0 for 1<;:;0, when the excitation is turned on at t = 0, and the relaxation condition: N -+ 0 for (t -to) >1', when the excitation is turned off at t = to, are also implicit requirements for the solution of the diffusion equation for excess carriers. The density of defect states at the surface is characterized by the parameter S, the surface recombination velocity. When S = 0, the surface retains bulk properties. When S> 0 the surface acts as a sink for photogenerated carriers. Values of 8 in the range 0<;:;8 < 100 cm/s generally indicate good passivation for a silicon sur~ face. Equation (1) can be linearized when the excess carrier density is sufficiently small. In particular, when N = 1 X 1017 cm-3, we find BN2~rN3..(N /T and Eq. (1) can be written as aN -D""'2Iv N --"H--+g. at l' (3 ) The characteristic diffusion length for excess carriers in the absence of modulation is given by Ao = .,fliT. The average carrier density (N) over a hemispherical volume of radius ;\0' assuming unity carrier generation efficiency, is given by (N) = !CP( rlj 17-A~), where Pis the incident power, and C = 1I( 1.6 X 10-19 hf!) Guidotti et al. 2544 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39converts the incident power (in Watts) into photon current (when 11ft, the incident photon energy, is expressed in eV). If we use r = 10 ps, which is typical3l for p-type Si with resistivity 10-15 n cm, we find (N) = L6x 1016 cm-3 when P = 10 mW. The data which we discuss in Sec. V was taken at an incident power between 10 and 40 m W. Equation (2) should, therefore, remain valid even when the excitation radius is much smaller than Ao. This is because carrier diffu sion rapidly depletes the excitation volume, defined by the absorption depth and spot size for the incident light. Equa tion (2) has been solved for one-dimensional geometry (cor responding to a photoexcitation area whose linear dimen sions are much greater than AoJ by many authors and our results, in particular, are summarized in the Appendix. We have previously solved Eq, (2) in three-dimensional spheri cal geometry for a point photoexcitation in an infinite semi conductor.2o It is shown in Ref. 20 that the phase shift and its frequency dependence predicted by the one-dimensional and spherical three-dimensional models are quite different It is important, therefore, that the mathematical model represent as closely as possible the physical conditions of photoexcita tion, PL generation and PL reabsorption in the semiconduc tor. Since our photoexcitation geometry is cylindrically sym metric about an axis normal to the surface, we solve Eq, (2) in cylindrical polar coordinates in the presence of a photoex citation whose power distribution varies radially as a Gaus sian function. In this geometry Eq, (2) is conveniently soived by use of Hankel transformationJ2 and application of fast Fourier transfonns33 for the inverse transformation. IV. THREEBDIMENSIONAl SOLUTION FOR FINITE SPOT EXCITATION We will briefly summarize some of the properties of Hankel transforms which are particularly useful in the nu merical solution of Eq. (2). An excellent treatment may be found in Courant and Hilbert.34 The Hankel transformation of the function NCr) is defined34 as H" [NCr) J =Nl' (0) = i'" rJ" (or)N(r)dr () for v> -!. (4) When v = ±~, H" reduces to the Fourier sine and cosine transform. The inverse transform is given by N(r) =J~oo oJv(or)Nv((7)d(7. o (5) Equation (5) demonstrates the autoreciprocity relation be tween N(r) and N" (0"). Of course, J" (x) is the Bessel func tion of order l' and satisfies the equation~4 d2y 1 dy ( v\ -. +-~+ l--:;-)y=O. dx2 x dx x-f (6) Making use of Eq. (6), it can easi.ly be shown that H --N(r) + --j\ (r) --N(r) 1= -a2N ((7). (d2 1 d r v, \ v dr r dr· i2 I v (7) This is a useful property which we will use later. In cylindrical polar coordinates, Eq. (2) becomes 2545 J, Appl. Phys,. VOi. 66, No.6. 15 September 1989 The source term, or the rate of carrier generation, can be written to represent absorption of an incident beam with a Gaussian power distribution having a 1/ e radius at the sam ple surface (at z = 0) given by wand propagating in the z direction; g = (go/2)e- az( 1 + a cos wt)e- (rlw)', where a is the optical absorption coefficient at the wave length of the incident light. This expression can also be writ ten as g = (go/4 )e-aZ(l + aeiwt)e -(,Iw)' + c.c.; where (11 = 21TV, a is the modulation amplitUde and, as usual, c.c. signifies complex conjugate. The peak carrier generation rate go is related to the peak incident power Po by go = sa[( 1 -R)/mv2hH]Po' where g is the efficiency for carrier generation and R is the sample reflectivity at the incident wavelength. We are interested only in the long time U>r) behavior of the solutions of Eq. (8) and therefore neglect initial tran sients which decay in times of order r and occur when the sample is first illuminated. We assume that the polar angular dependence of the solution can be written as N(r,</J,z,t) = N(r,z,t)eim,p. Then Eq, (8) becomes eim",[a2N + l.. aN _ (~+ _1_. ~) + a2N _ ~ aN] ar r dr \ r /\.~ a:i2 D at g == -~ D (9) Taking the Hankel transform ofEq. (9) and making use of Eq. (7) we obtain eitn¢(02Nm (0) _._ Nm <.0) _ 8Nm (~) a:i2 /\.2 at = -~; e-aZ(1 +acosoJt)Hm (e-(rlw)'), (10) where lim [N(r,z,t)] :=:N", (a,z,t) and 1/1\2= (a2 + 1/ /\.6), We assume cylindrical symmetry and set m = 0, Then Eq. (10) becomes ;PNo(O") _ No((7) _l.. aNo(a) a:i2 /\.2 D at = __ (:~ e·~ az( 1 + a cos (ut) ) ~2 e . (.m>/2)' (11) The zero-order Hankel transform of the Gaussian term in Eq. (10) has been evaluated using standard table of integrals of Bessel functions.35 Equation (11) is a one-dimensional diffusion equation for the Hankel transform of the excess carrier density in the presence of an oscillatory source term and can be written more compactly as a2No(0") _ No(O") _ ~ 8No(u) 8z2 1\.2 D at = A (0) (1 + ae'"")e -?a + C,C., (12) where Guidotti et a/. 2545 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39A(u) == -(w2gol8D)e- (<,w/2)'. Therefore, the problem of solving a three-dimensional diffu sion equation for N(r,z,t) has been reduced to one which requires solving a one-dimensional diffusion equation for No (u,z,t), plus the Hankel transform operation N = HoUVo(a,z,t)] toobtainN(r,z,t). In form, the solutions ofEq. ( 12) are just those for the one-dimensional solution of Eq. (3) in the presence of finite absorption and a sinusoidal ly varying excitation term. These solutions are described in the Appendix. A particular solution ofEq. (12) is given by NT ( t) ~ A(a)A2 -az o U,Z, -2 1 e P a A--1 + ( Ce-bez + ;~~2 e-az)ej '''' + C.c., (13) where{32 = 1/ A 2 + i6J1 D. The homogeneous solution ofEg. (12) is given by No. (o-,z,t) = A Ie -z/A + A2e -their", + C.c. ( 14) The constants C, A I. and A 2 are determined from the bound ary condition [Eq. (2)] whose Hankel transform is (15) where the + z direction is into the sample and the boundary condition requiring that No-+O as Z-l> 00 is already satisfied by Eqs. (13) and (14). ThegeneralsolutionofEq. (12) is given by the sum of the homogeneous and particUlar solu tions, and is N.( 0= A(a)A2 ( -az+ Da-S -z/I\) o if,Z, a2A 2 _ 1 e S _ D I A e +(e-az+ Da-S e~~l'z) Q?A(a) ej,ut+c.c. S -f3D I a--(32 (16) The three-dimensional solution of Eq. (3) for t> r, or the steady-state excess photo excited carrier density, is given by the Hankel transform ofEq. (16): N(r,z,t) = L'" o-Jo(ar)NIj(if,z,t)da. (17) Equation (17) can be solved conveniently by using a quasi fast Hankel transform algorithm.32,33 The complex constant f3 gives rise to a phase delay (with respect to the excitation source) in the calculated periodic PL signal and this is then compared with the measured photoluminescence phase de lay. The total rate of PL emission from the entire sample is given by R(t) = roo roc (NCr,Z,t) + BN2(r,Z,O)e- 11z21Trdrdz, Jo Jo 7R (18) where the first term represents recombination of photoexcit ed carriers via donor (or acceptor) density of states which may be present in the semiconductor from doping, while the second term describes bipolar recombination via photogen erated electron and hole density of states. The optical ab sorption coefficient 1] for the PL can affect the PL phase shift, however 17 is small for Si and its effect on 4;2 ( v) and 2546 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66. No, 6,15 September 1989 ¢iz(2-v) Cal') be neglected to first order. It is clear from Eq. (18) that, as in the one-dimensional case (see Appendix), PL emission will be modulated in amplitude at both the fun damental and first harmonic overtone of the modulation fre quency. As discussed in the introduction, we are interested in modeling an inhomogeneous sample whose geometric sur face is located at z = 0, A region of the sample (the DFZ) extends from z = 0 to z = d and is characterized by an effec tive carrier lifetime r l' The remainder of the sample has an effective carrier lifetime 1'2' The condition 7R ~1'l >72, while not a restriction on our model, is generally true. The effective carrier lifetime 72 in the bulk has a strong contribution from impurities and nonradiative defects gettered near oxide pre cipitates. On the other hand, 1'1 ~1'R even for the highest purity Si because residual impurity states which do not affect device performance wiH, nevertheless, enhance the rate of radiative recombination and decrease2X,36 rR• The recombi nation properties of the sample surface are described by the surface recombination velocity parameter, S, through the boundary conditions expressed in Eq. (2). In addition, in the stratified model of a Si wafer with a DFZ, those three-dimen sional solutions of Eg, (3) which propagate both in the -z and + z directions must be included within the DFZ layer. Finally, the general solutions for carrier densities in the bulk (Nz) and DFZ (N,) are subject to boundary conditions which assure continuity of both particle density and current at z = d. Such boundary conditions require that NJ = Nz and Dj(aN,/oz) = D2CJN2/Jz) atz = d. Due to the complexity of the numerical portion of this modeling, and to ensure correct results, two independent computer codes were developed, one in APL2 (by AF) and the other in FORTRAN (by FDG). The results were com pared and not accepted until they agreed within the round ing errors. In addition, in the limit w> Ao. the three-dimen sional solutions for tPz ( v) and ¢i2 (2v) must coincide with the one-dimensional phase shifts (see Appendix). This asymp totic convergence is verified in Figs, 1 and 9 for the case of a uniform sample. v. GENERAL RESUI.. TS OF THREEsDiMENSIONAL CARRIER DIFFUSION AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA The PL signal in the linear range of the power depend ence20 is very weak and it is difficult to obtain good data at high modulation frequencies. We therefore report only data which were taken when PL emission varies quadratically with incident power20 and therefore may only consider the second term in Eq, (18) when calculating the phase shifts ¢2 ( v) and tP2 (2 v). There is no inconsistency in assuming that the linear term in Eq. ( 18) is small, while that in Eq. (3) is dominant. Note that for a typical wafer the ratio rR 11' is of the order 10-100 in the PFZ and much greater in the bulk. Figure 1 shows the calculated phase shift ¢2 ( v) as a function of the modulation frequency v in the case of a uni form Si sample that is thick compared to the dc diffusion length AQ• The parameters used are: l' = 100 fLs, S = 500 cmls, and D = 18 cm2/s, The calculated phase shift is seen to be strongly dependent on excitation spot size w, In curve Guidotti at aI, 2546 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39100 80 '" 60, .. I ~ .=. '" il-,or 20 0 !0'1 10 106 1/ (kHz) FIG.!. Dependence of "'2 (v) on the excitation spot radius w ill the case of a uniform, thick Si sample. Transport parameters are assumed to have the following values: S = 500 em/s, D= 18 crnl/s, and r = 100 J.1.S, The spot radius has assigned values w2 = 4 X 10 -q em', where q = 8,7,6,5,4, I and its effect is seen in curves (a)-(O, respectively. Curve (g) is obtained from the one-dimensional model [Eq8. (A3) alld (A4) J and is the asymptotic limit for the three-dimensional model when w becomes large. Good asymp totic behavior is achieved in curve (n where q~" 1, Of w-6.3 mm. (a) w = 2 pm. The one-dimensional asymptotic limit, curve (g), is essentially reached by curve (f) for which w is about 6.3 mm. The only significant deviation between curves (f) and (g) occurs for v> 7 MHz. It is clear that the one-dimen sional model can be used to adequately predict PL phase shifts only when w>Ao. Curve (e), for which w = 200;umis iOO 80 '" 60 :! ~ N -@o 40 I 20 l 0 10.1 10 103 104 105 106 II (kHz) FIG. 2. Effect of r on ¢2( v) for two spot radii and a thick Si sample with uniform transport properties. D and S are the same as in Fig. 1. In curves (a)-(c) or = I, 10, 100 J.1.S and w2 = 4X 10-8 crn:. In curves (d)-(f), 7 takes OIl the same values, but w2 = 4X 1O~ I em2, 2547 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 comparable to Ao, still shows significant deviation from curve (g). Unfortunately, in order to obtain a measurable PL signal from Si at the moderate incident power level used here, it is necessary to focus the incident light to a spot size of about 10 pm. In this way a sufficiently high density of inject ed carriers is achieved to be in the regime of quadratic power dependence. Note that the asymptotic limit for ¢2 (11) is 90· in all cases . Figure 2 shows the effect ofthe effective carrier lifetime 7 on ¢z (11) for a uniform, thick Si sample represented by the same values forSandDasin Fig, L For curves (a), (b), and (c), 7 is 1, 10, and 100 ;Us, respectively, and the w = 2 f.1m. Note that curves (b) and (c) are nearly superimposed. For curves (d), (e), and (0, 7 has the same variation but w2 = 4 X 10 -1 em 2, corresponding to a 1/ e radius of 6. 3 mm. Clearly, sensitivity to effective carner lifetime 1'diminishes with decreasing excitation spot size. Figure 3 shows the effect of surface recombination ve locity, S, on 0/2 (11) for a uniform, thick Si sample represented by the same l' and D parameter values as in Fig. 1. Curves (a), (b), (c), and (d) have values S = 105, 104, 103, and 0 em/s, respectively, and w = 2p,m. Curves (e), (f), (g), and (h) range over the same values of S, but for this family of curves w = 6.3 mm. Sensitivity to S decreases somewhat with decreasing spot size. We now consider an inhomogeneous semiconductor which consists of a homogeneous layer extending from z = 0 to z = d. The effective carrier lifetime in this layer is 71 and is the only transport parameter which distinguishes between the surface layer and the underlying bulk which extends from z = d to z = co. Both the surface layer and bulk extend 100 80 -; 60 I '" -0 ~ ",40 r -S- 20 10 105 lOG 11 (kHz) FIG, 3. Effect of S on ¢2(V) for two spot radii and a thick Si sample with uniform transport properties, D and r a.e the same as in Fig. 1. S takes on assigned vulues S= 1O~~ "ern/so Ineurves (a}-(d) W2,~ 4x 1O-"cm2 and q = 5,4,3,0, respectively, Incurvcs (e)-fh), tV' = 4X 10~ I cm2whileqvar. ics thfough the same range. Guidotti et at. 2547 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:3911 (kHz) 10 102 103 104 105 100 100l 80~ 80 g; 601- 60 0. Q) -8 "0 .ol ~ 140 ~ N N -&- r--&- I \20 20r ° 10 IOZ 103 !04 I --lO 105 :v (kHz) FIG, 4. Inhomogeneous sample composed of a homogeneous surface layer of thickness d in which 1'1 =, 100 jis, over a homogeneous, semi-infinite sub strate in which 1'2 = 1 ft •. Sand D are the same throughout the sample and have the same values as in Fig. I. The effects of various values of d and ware apparent. In curves (a)-(c) w2=4XIO-1 and d=O, lxlO-", and 9X 10-' em, respectively. In curves (d),-(f), u?~' 4X 10 I cm2 anddas sumes the same variation. to infinity in the x and y directions. The effective carrier lifetime in the bulk is 72 < 7,. In Fig. 4 we show the depend ence of cP2 (v) on DFZ layer thickness d. The ambipolar dif fusion coefficient, D is assumed to be independent of z and has a nominal value of 18 cm2 Is. Other material parameters have nominal values: S = 500 cmls, 7\ = 100 jls, and 72 = 1 C. 60 ., ." ;::::: .=. N 40 -e- FIG. S. Experimentally obtained PL phase shift (circles) at various modu lation frequencies, v, for a uniform (float-zone grown) N-type Si sample with 10 n em resistivity. The dashed curve is a best fit of the three-dimen sional (uniform sample) mode! to the data. Best fit parameters are: l' = 100 ItS, S= 500cm/s,D= 18 cm2/s, and 11/.= 6X 10-'1 em), consistent with the measured 11 e spot size of about to {lm, 2546 J. Appl. Phys, , Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1S89 jlS. The layer thickness, d, takes values, 0, 10, and 90 {lm, respectively, for curves (a)-(c) for which w2 = 4x 10-7 cm1 (-6 pm), In curves (d)-(f) d has the S8.me variation but w2 = 4x 10-1 cm2 (-6.3 mm). The results in curves (d)-(f) are essentially equivalent to one-dimensional diffu sion in a layered semiconductor. Of course, when d = 0, we retrieve the case of a homogeneous sample with 7 = 72, whereas when d is very large, we approach the case of a homogeneous sample with 7 = r ,. Note that greater sensitiv ity to d is obtained in the limit of one-dimensional diffusion. Figure 5 shows the experimentally measured PL phase delay for a sample of N-type, float-zone Si with resistivity of 10 n em, a chemical-mechanical surface polish and a native oxide coverage. The sample can be considered homogeneous in the context of this measurement. We measured the phase delay (circles) at the modulation frequency v and in the presence of quadratic recombination up to 9 MHz as de scribed in Sec. n. The dashed Hne is a best fit to the data and is the calculated phase delay for a uniform sample with S = 500 emls, T = lOOps, D = 18 cm2/s, and w = 7.7 pm, dose to the experimentally determined lie spot size of ap proximateiy 10 p,m. In Fig. 6, the frequency dependence of the PL phase delay (circles) is measured for a P-type, float-zone Si wafer of resistivity 10-15 n cm having a chemical-mechanical sur face polish and a native oxide coverage. Again, this sample is considered homogeneous. The dashed line is a best fit to the data and is obtained from the uniform sample model using the parameters S = 80 em/s, 7 = 125 fis, and the same val ues of wand D as in Fig. 5, 100r I eor S' 60~ .3 I ..= (\J -e-40r 20 O~----~-------L------J-------~----~ 10-1 10 102 103 104 :v (kHz) EG. 6. Experimentally obtained PL phase shift (circles) at variolls modu lation frequencies, v, for a uniform (float-zone grown) P-type Si sample with 10-15 n em resistivity. The dashed curve is a best fit of the three dimensional (uniform sample) model to the data. Best til parameters are: 1'~ 125,18, S= 80cm/s, w" == 6X [0-'1 em' andD= 18 cmc/s, Guidotti et ai 2548 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39The discrepancy between observed and calculated be havior for the PL phase delay may, in part, be due to contri butions from recombination via shallow impurity states in both N-and P-type material. These states contribute to the first term in Eq. (18) and give rise to a PL phase shift in the regime of linear recombination. We have consistently ne glected this contribution in our calculations and have as sumed instead that the excitation level is sufficiently high so that only quadratic recombination occurs. In addition we have also neglected, with justification, the nonlinear terms in the diffusion equation. It is quite possible that at the excita tion levels used in the experiment, the linear approximation to Eq. (1) begins to break down. Nevertheless, the qualita tive behavior of the data is very well described. In the case of the two-layer model, the question of uniqueness of the parameter fit to experimental data should be addressed. For example, by suitably increasing d and de creasing 71 while keeping 72 fixed, one can retrieve very near ly the same frequency dependence of ¢2 ( v), as is demon strated in a fit to the experimental data in Figs. 7 and 8. This lack of uniqueness negates the ability to unambiguously de termine the DFZ depth in a measurement of the PL phase delay unless 7( and 7'2 are independently determined. This ambiguity in the detennination of d is common to all layer modeling of ambipolar diffusion which attempt to obtain the DFZ depth from the measurement of a single transport pa rameter such as diffusion length <.) or carrier lifetime. I The PL phase delay data in Fig. 7 are measured on a CZ Si sample which has undergone thermal cycling designed to produce a DFZ which is 20-30 pm deep and a wafer core with substantial oxide precipitation. A thick, thermally grown oxide on the wafer surface assures good surface passi- 10°1 J 80 -c} 0 (Q o / 0/ 9:f O{ :# ~ c;. 60 .. ~ ;,. '" -e-40 t -1 / I~ " I 6-<J2 ... ~&r60~ I 20 I 10 102 103 104 II (kHz) FIG. 7. Experimentally obtained PL phase shift (circles) at various modu lation frequencies, v, for an inhomogeneous, CZ Si sample with a known DFZ in the range 2~30 {tm. The dashed curve is a best fit of the three dimensional, two-layer model to the data. Best fit parameters are: T, = 500 liS, '2 = 2 {ts, S= 50 em/s, w? = 6 X 10 -7 cm), D =, 18 cmz/s, and d = 20 ,urn. 2549 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 vation. The two-layer model is appropriate in this case. The dashed curve is a fit to the data using the fonowing set of parameters. D and ware the same as in Fi.gs. 5 and 6, S = 50 em/s, d = 20 jim, 7'] = 200 ,us, and 72 = 1 flS. Except at fre quencies above 5 MHz, the two-layer model seems to repro duce the experimental data fairly weIL However, to demon strate the inability of a two-layer model of carrier transport to uniquely determin.e d from the measurement of a single transport-related parameter, in this case the PL phase shift, we show in Fig. 8 another possible fit to the same data in which we purposely increase d by a factor of 10 and then adjust 7, and 72 in order to obtain a good fit. In Fig. 8, the dashed line represents such a fit using the same parameter values as in Fig. 7, except that now d = 200 p.m, 71 = 500 /is, and 72 = 2 J..ts. Clearly this fit is equally acceptable within the uncertainty in the data which is as large as the circle diame ter at high frequencies. Finally, while the PL phase delay at the first overtone of the modulation frequency, ¢2(2v), is not measurable in the present experimental arrangement, as discussed in Sec. III, we may, nevertheless, look at the expected behavior of ¢2(2v) and its dependence on incident excitation spot size. This is shown in Fig. 9 for a uniform sample. The qualitative behavior of ¢2 (2 v) on 7, S, W, and d follows that of ¢2 ( v) except that the asymptotic limit of ¢z (2v) for large v is Jr, As in Fig. 1, ¢2(2v} reaches the one-dimensional asymptotic limit (curve g) when w~A(). VI. CONCLUSION We have shown that three-dimensional modeling of car rier diffusion is very important in order to obtain reliable 10°1 J 80~ c} I ° I c» a-GO ., ~ ~ ... -e-40 20 0 6 10-1 I !O 103 104 if (kHz) FIG. 8. Same datu as in Fig. 7. In this case d is made unreasonably large in order to demonstrate that a reasonable fit can also be obtained by adjusting only 1", and ro in the three-dimensional, two-layer model. In this case we set d = 200 p,m, and a best fit to the data is then obtained when 1", = 200 f.1S, 72 ~= t IlS, with Sand was in Fig. 7. This figure and Fig. 7 demonstrate the lack of uniqueness inherent in the two-layer model when it is used to fit one set of transport data. If 1", and 1"1 are independently known and S< 100 em/s, then d can be deduced. Guidotti et af. 2549 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39150 Ii 1 '" ~ ;; 100 N I -+f 50 I-I 1 0 I 10.1 !O 102 103 104 105 106 II (kHI) FIG. 9. Dependence of <P2(2v) on the excitation "pot radius win the case of a uniform, thick Si sample. Transport parameters are assumed to have the following values: S = lOOcm/s, D = 18 cm2/s, and 7 =' lOO,US. Asin Fig. 1. the spot radius has assigned values w2 O~ 4 X 10 -q cm' where q = 8,7,6,5,4,1 and its effect is seen in curves (a)-CO, respectively. Curve (g) is obtained from theone-dimensionalmodellEqs. (A3) and (A4) 1 and is the asymptotic limit for the three-dimensional model when w becomes large. transport parameters from the measured PL phase shift. The asymptotic limit of one-dimensional diffusion is obtained only when the characteristic Hnear dimensions ofthe volume in which carriers are generated is much greater than A(). In general, three-dimensional modeling of carrier diffusion is expected to be important in other transport measurements, such as diffusion length or carrier decay rate, unless the car rier generation spot size is abcut an order of magnitude greater than Ao as shown in Figs. 1 and 9, We have also shown the lack of uniqueness, at least within experimental uncertainty, in determining the PFZ from a two-layer model of carrier transport. The PFZ layer depth can be obtained unambiguously only if the carrier life time in both the PFZ and substrate are independently known. Determination of the PFZ depth from other trans port measurement, such as diffusion length or decay rate of the carrier plasma, is similarly limited. The main advantage of measuring carrier transport properties at high modulation frequencies, namely increased sensitivity to conditions near the surface, is dearly demon strated in Figs. A2(a) and A2(b). Comparison of these two figures clearly demonstrates the effect of localization of the time varying (in steady-state) component of the carrier den sity near the surface as the modulation frequency increases. APPENDIX: SUMMARY OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL RESULTS In the one-dimensional model, the sample occupies the half-space O<z< 00 and is uniformly illuminated with light of wavelength A over its entire surface which lies in the x-y plane at z = O. When the incident intensity varies sinusoidaI- 2550 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 ly with time at an angular frequency w = 21TV, the generation rate for free electron-hole pairs can be written as g = ~ go( 1 + a cos wOe -az, where go = [.saO -R)/hnlI o' The parameters S, a, a, R, and hH are defined in Sec. IV, and 10 is the peak incident intensity. Then a particular solution of Eq. (3), which can be obtained by Laplace transform meth ods, is given by where A6 = Dr and Q 2 = (1 + iwr)1 AG. The solution of the homogeneous form of Eq. (3) is Nh(z,t,w) =A1e- zlA" +Aze-Qzeiw, + c.c., (A2) where A I' A2, and K are constants to be determined from the boundary condition D dNI = SN(z = 0). dz Z~O The boundary condition N(z-> oo,t,(1)) ...... O is already satis fied by Eqs. CAl) and (A2). The steady-state density of photogenerated carriers is then given by N(z,t,(;)) = (e -{<Z+ Cle-Z/A")C2 + (e-az+Eje -QZ)E2e'w,+c.c., (A3) where C2 = gQTI( 1 -a2A6), Ez = ago7/(Q2 -a2)A6, C1 = -(SID+a)/(SID+ lIAo), and E1= ~(SID-a)/(S/D+Q). The terms in C constitute a background distribution of ex cess carriers that is independent of time, while the terms in E represent a periodic temporal variation in the photoexcited plasma density having a phase delay which is calculated from Q and the complex coefficients El and E2• This phase delay is not measurable with PL but could be measured near the surface using modulated plasma reftectanceZ-s at visible wavelengths? The PL phase delay for one-dimensional dif fusion is obtained from Eq. (18) with N(z,t,(;)) given by Eq. (A3). When the photoexcited carrier density is much greater than the donor (or acceptor) concentration then the quadratic term in Eq. (18) dominates and the PL yield de pends quadratically on incident power20 and is proportional to R2(t) = roc BN2(z,t,w)e''1Z dz. (A4) Jo In this case only the phase shifts qJ2( v) and qJ2(2v) obtained from R2 need be considered. Note that in the one-dimension- Guidotti et al. 2550 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39a1 case R2 is the rate of radiative recombination per unit (illuminated) area. In the simplified one-dimensional diffu sion case in which aU carriers are assumed to be generated at the surface, analytical expressions for these phase shifts are easily obtained in closed form.20•21 However, in the presence of finite absorption and nonzero S, closed form expressions for these phase shifts are lengthy and cumbersome.37 It is more convenient to integrate Eq. (A4) and compute 'Pz (v) and 'P2(2v) directly for each frequency. In Eq. (A3) there are three characteristic lengths. (1) Ao, which is the ambipolar diffusion length for photoexcited carriers and is typically of the order of 100-300 ,urn for Si, depending on 7. (2) The absorption depth (Va) for the incident light which is 2 pm at 647 nrn, and (3) the frequen cy-dependent diffusion length A(w) = lIRe(Q) = A(j/.J(r-t-l)/2, where r = ff+07r". Because of its dependence on the modulation frequency, A (w ) can become smalI when a)7~ L As pointed out previously20.21 this means that the spatial envelope in which Rz varies with time (and is detected as time varying PL emission) becomes increasingly confined near z = 0 as v increases. This dynamic confinement of the time varying part of the carrier concentration with increas ing modulation frequency makes it possible, in principle, to use modulated PL as a monitor of the carrier lifetime in regions near the surface, and to obtain a measurement of the DFZ. It should be noted that the amplitude of the PL signal also decreases with increasing (ur imposing a practical upper limit on the frequency for which the PL signal can be detect ed. This upper frequency limit corresponds to the narrowest proximity for which PL is able to sample the surface region. These characteristics are common to diffusion processes and can also be applied to thermoreflectance2 measurements as discussed in the introduction. In Figs. Ai (a)-A! (c) is shown the dependence of the steady-state concentration N(z,t,o)) on the absorption coef ficient a as obtained from Eq. (A3). N(z,t,w) is plotted as a function of depth z into the sample and for various times (1/ 41T(i}) m (m = 0,1,2, ... ,7) during one period of modulation and in the sequence described in the respective figure cap tions. In each of these figures r = 100 ps, S = 0 em/s, D = 18 cm2/s, and v = 18 kHz; while the absorption depth is allowed to vary and is 200 /-Lm in Fig. Al (a), 2 ttm in Fig. A1(b), and O.2/lm in Fig. Al(c). Clearly, a has an influ ence on the effective, frequency-dependent sampling depth A «(;) only when it is comparable to it in magnitude. For the present set of parameter values, A(ro) -400 /-Lm. A«(i)) can be defined for convenience as the depth at which the ampli tude variation in N(z,t,{i) is reduced to lie of the peak vari ation near the surface. The reason for specifying near the surface rather than at the surface (z = 0) is that when Sis large, the peak of N occurs at some point below the surface (z> 0), as is apparent in Fig. A3 below. As discussed above and in Refs. 20 and 21, A (w) decreases as the product (v1" increases. This effect forms the basis for enhanced sensitivity of PL phase delays to transport parameters near the surface at high modulation frequencies. This is shown graphically on comparing Figs. A2(a) and A2(b). In these figures all 2551 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 !J g: ::I £i ... .!J, -:. N 2.4 z 6 '" .t <: "" .ci 0 4 -N :3 z 2 0 :t2 ";:: :> ..::i ... 4-10 -N 3 z 2 o "''''' ... II" 18kHz 0.01 z (em) (b) a-I,. 2 fLm ::: w/4w )( (I,O,2,1,3,6,4,5) z (em) (c) -l, a-I" O.2fLm ~ t "w/4w )( (1,0,2,7,3,6,4,5) 1 0.02 z (em) 0.03 1 1 FIG. AI. Influence of the optical absorption coefficient a on the depth of the plasma density modulation. N(z,t,w) is plotted as a function of depth z into the sample and at time intervals of r./4t1J during one modulation cycle. Curves are in descending order from the top at times noted in each graph. In each of the three figures l' = 18 kHz, 7' = lOOps, and S = Ocm/s, however, alpha assumes the values 50,5000, and 50000 cm-I in parts (a), (b), and (c), respectively. model parameters are identical to those used in Figs. Al (a) A 1 (c) except for the modulation frequency which is two orders of magnitude greater in Fig. A2(b), making A(w) smaller by approximately a factor of 10. Note the difference in scale for z between these two figures. Also note the reduc tion in the excursion for N(z,t,(}) at the higher frequency by Guidotti et al. 2551 ... ---.-...•.•• , •....•...• ;--.~... .. ..• -•.• -;-.-................. ;' •••.• :.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.;.-;:.;.;.; ••• ; ••••••••••••.•••.• -•.• :.:.:.;.:-.:.; •.•.•.•••• ······:·:·~·7·:·:·:·:·:·:·;·:·.·;·~·.·,··:·~·:·:,:·:;;:·:;:.:':.:.:.:.:.:' ••••••••• :.'.:.:.:.:.;-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.; •.••••••••• ,:.~;:.;.:.:,:;:.:.:.;o:';o:.: •.•... ' .•.•. '; .••• ' •.•. <.:.:.;.;.;.:-;.; •••• 0; ••••• ,.; •••••••• :':.:;;:.:.:.:':0:.:.:.;.;' •• ; •••••••••••••••••• ; •.•.•.• ;.; •.•.• ' ••.••• 7' •• ; •••• -••••••••••• " .. , •• ;.:.; .................... <;" ••••••••••••• -••••••••••• ,.~ •• [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39~ C " .ci ... 10 ..... z .It! ·c " .Q ... 10 -N z 2 I ° 0.01 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 (Q) II" 18kHz t = 1f14w x ( 1,0,2,7,3,6,4,5) 0.02 z (em) 0.003 z (em) 0.03 0.004 0.04 0.005 FIG. A2. Influence of the modulation frequency von the plasma density modulation depth. In part (a), the modulation depth is about 400 Itm, in agreement with the calculated value for A(). In part (b), the modulation depth is about 30 flm. N(z,t,6» is plotted as a function of depth z into the sample and at time intervals of 1/"/46) during one modulation cycle. Curves are in descending order from the top at times noted in each graph. In both Ca) and (b), S= 100cm/s, 1"= lOOftS, and a = 5000cm ' J!! .<: :> .0 5 ~ -,.; :z 5 4 :3 0.01 t" 1f/4w x (0,1,7,2,6,3,5,4) 1/ " 18 kHz S = IxlOS emls 0.02 l (em) 0.04 FIG. A3. Influence ofa large surface recombination velocity on the plasma density at the surface (z = 0). Note that N{z,t,OJ) nearly vanishes at the surface which acts as an efficient sink for carriers when S is large. N(z,I,{IY) is plotted as a function of depth zinto the sample and at time intervals of 1l"/4w during one modulation cycle. Curves are in descending order from the top at times noted in each graph. Here, a = 5000 cm -I, r = laO ItS, and S= lO"cm/s. 2552 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 100 co 60 III ~ -= N -G-40 20 " (kHz) FI G. A4. Influence of various parameters on <P2 ( v) . Comparing curves (b) and (e) (8 = 0 em/s and a ~ 4()OO cm -I), but 1" = 100 itS for (b) while 1"'~ 10 j.lS for (c). Comparing curves (c) and (d) (r ~~ 10 Its and a = 4000 em-I), but S = 0 em/s for (e) while S =, 105 cm/s for Cd). In curves (a) and (b), (8 = 0 cm/s and r = 100 ,its), but a"" 40 em -I fOJ" curve (a), while a =, 4000 em 1 for curve (b). about a factor of 10, Finally, in Fig. A3 is shown the effects of S on the steady state distribution, N(z,t,w). Note that for large values of S, the surface acts as an efficient sink for carriers and the peak in the carrier distribution always oc curs for z> o. 150 a. ., .., ~ ~ 100 '" -G- 50 FIG. AS. Influence of various parameters on Ih(2v). Comparing curves (b) and (e) (S = o cm/s and a O~ 4000 em ') but 1" '" 100fl8 for(b) while T = 10 fls for (c). Comparing curves (c) and (d) (r =" 10 liS and a = 4000 cm-I ) but S = 0 cmls for (e) while 8 = 10' em/s for (d). In curves (a) and (b), (S = 0 cm/s and 1" = 100 fis) but a = 40 cm-I for curve (al, 'while a ~= 4000 cm -, for curve (b). Guidotti et at. 2552 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:02:39The variation in PL phase shift <fJ2 ( v) as a function of v is shown in Fig. A4 for nominal parameters relevant to Si. Note that the asymptotic limit when (ll1"~ 1 is 90°. Note also the variation with r, a, and S. In the range 0 < S < 100 cm/s, S has Htde effect on i{J2 (v). Clearly, if the Si surface is well passivated, one can use C{J2 ( v) to obtain the bulk lifetime 1" for a uniform sample since a is known. In Fig. AS a similar plot is made of the phase lag '1'2 (2 y) at the first overtone re sponse. The behavior with a, 1", and S is similar to that for (jJ2 (v), however, the sensitivity to these parameters is greater for f{J2 (2 v) and the asymptotic limit is now 180·. Also A (2(U ) is somewhat smaner than A(w). Figures A4 and AS show the effects of varying a, r, andS on ({Jz (v) and (jJ2( v), respec tively. In both figures, for curves (a) and (b), Sand rare fixed but a = 40 em -1 in curve (a), while a = 4000 em --J in curve (b). For curves (b) and (c),Sandaarefixed, where as r = 100 f-ls for curve (b) and 10 f-ls in curve (c). Finally, 7 and a are held fixed in curves (c) and (d), but S = 0 in curve (c) while S = 105 em/sin curve (d). As in the three-dimen sional case, if the sample is uniform and has a well-passivat ed surface (S.;;;100 cm/s), either f{J2(V) or 'P2(2v) can be used to obtain 1". IJ. M. Borrego, R. J. Gutmann, N. Jensen, and O. Paz, Solid State Electron. 30, 195 (1988). "D. Guidotti and H. M. van Driel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 49,301 (1986). 3M. 1. Gallant and H. M. van Driei, Phys. Rev. B 26,2133 (1982). 4A. Skumanich, D. Fournier, A. C. Boccara, and N. M. Amer, App!. Phys. Lett. 47, 402 (1985). 5J. R. Meyer, E. J. Bartoli, and M. R. Kruer, Phys. Rev. B 21,1559 (l9B0). "K. Nauka, H. C. Gatos, and J. Logowski, App]. Phys. Lett. 43, 241 (1983). 7M. A. Briere, J. Phys. Coli. C449, C4-141 (1988). "E. Yablonovitch, R. M. Swanson, W. O. Eades, and B. R. Weinberger, App!. Phys. Lett. 48, 245 (1986), "T. J. Chappell, P. W. Chyc, and M. A. Tavel, Solid State Electron. 36,33 (1983). lOS. M. Hu, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 14, 17 (1977). 2553 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.6, 15 September 1989 "1'. Y. Tan, E. E. 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Ion beam induced damage and superlattice formation in epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films C. H. Chen, A. E. White, K. T. Short, R. C. Dynes, J. M. Poate, D. C. Jacobson, P. M. Mankiewich, W. J. Skocpol , and R. E. Howard Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 1178 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101484 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101484 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Orientationdependent critical currents in Y1Ba2Cu3O7−x epitaxial thin films: Evidence for intrinsic flux pinning? AIP Conf. Proc. 219, 336 (1991); 10.1063/1.40279 Properties of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on Al2O3{1012} Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 785 (1990); 10.1063/1.103317 Tunneling measurements on superconductor/insulator/superconductor junctions using singlecrystal YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 683 (1990); 10.1063/1.103311 Irradiationinduced enhancement of the critical current density of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1051 (1989); 10.1063/1.101423 High critical currents in epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films on silicon with buffer layers Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 754 (1989); 10.1063/1.101471 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:30:33Ion beam induced damage and superlattice formation in epitaxial YBa2Cua07_5 thin films c. H. Chen, A. E. White, K T. Short, R. C. Dynes, J. M. Poate, and D. C. Jacobson AT&T Bel! Laboratorie~~ Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 P. M. Mankiewich, W. J. Skocpol, and R. E. Howard AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 (Received 23 November 1988; accepted for publication 26 January 1989) We have studied the effect of ion beam irradiation on the microstructure of epitaxial YBa2Cu,07. 8 thin films. The ion beam induced defects are found to cluster in small ( < ! 00 A) disordered areas. The size and density of the disordered areas are found to increase with the ion fluence. The presence of these small disordered areas can lead to the reduction of phase coherence of the electron pair wave function. Ion beam irradiation is also found to reduce the orthorhombicity of the lattice structure. A new incommensurate superlattice phase due to ion beam induced defect ordering has also been observed. The superconducting state of the high Tc oxide super conductors has been shown to be very sensitive to defects created by ion beam irradiation. 1-5 Earlier electron micros copy studies 1 of ion beam damaged polycrystalline YBa2Cu307 _ 8 thin films have noted the growth of an amor phous layer at the grain boundaries. The presence of such an amorphous layer at the grain boundaries can reduce the cou pling of the electron pair wave function between grains, breaking the phase coherence, and resulting in the complete disappearance of superconductivity at higher ion fluences. Recently, we studied the effects of ion beam irradiation on the electrical properties of epitaxial superccnducting YBaZCu307 _ 8 thin films.4 It was found that the onset tem perature did not vary significantly with the ion fluence; how ever, the width of the superconducting transition broadened until the resistance no longer reached zero. This behavior is very similar to that observed in many "granular" supercon ducting thin-film systems." In this study, we report the re sults of an electron microscope investigation of the same samples. OUf observation of disordered regions supports the general idea of a reduction of phase coherence. Other ion beam induced effects such as the reduction of crystal ortho rhombicity and the formation of a new incommensurate su per lattice are also reported. The epitaxial thin-film YBa2CuJ07 _ {j sample ( -1500 A thick) was grown on a single-crystal [100) SrTi03 sub strate using a technique described previously.7 The film ex hibits a Tc (R = 0) of 91 K with a superconducting transi tion which is less than 1 K wide. It is highly oriented with the c axis perpendicular to the film surface. Pieces of the sample were irradiated by 3.5 MeV Be + , 1 MeV Ne + , and 2 MeV Ar t· ions at various fiuences. These ion energies were cho sen such that the rate of nuclear energy loss was approxi mately constant throughout the films and the ion ranges far exceeded the film thickness, Samples for transmission dec tron microscope studies were prepared by mechanical thin ning of the substrate followed by Ar + ion milling at 6 ke V. To reduce the damage due to Ar + ion milling, 4 keV AI' + ions were used during the final stage of the sample thinning. We do not expect the sample thinning procedure to have any significant effect on our study of defects induced by ion beam irradiation, since our examination shows that the virgin sample thinned by the same procedure is largely defect free. A sequence of resistive transitions after irradiation with 1 MeV Ne+ ions is shown in Fig. 1. We note that these resistive transitions broaden with increasing ion influence and a hump develops in the transition region. The hump was observed in samples irradiated with Be + and Ne I-ions, but not in one irradiated with Ar + ions. The appearance of the hump is indicative of the presence of other phases of YBa2Cu307 _ 8 with slightly varying oxygen concentra tions.8 We have examined samples irradiated with Ar + at total fiuences of 2.5 X 1013 and 6 X 1014 ions/cm\ Nel-at total fiuences of 1 X 1014, 1.5 X 1014, and 3 X 1014 ions/cmz, and Be I-at a total ftuence of 4 X 1015 ions/cm2• In Fig. 2(a) we show a bright field image obtained from a sample prior to ion irradiation. Besides the presence of Y 203 particles, common to films grown by molecular beam epitaxy, the contrast of the sample is quite homogeneous and twin boundaries along the [1 10 1 direction are clearly visible. The typical width of the twin domains is -250 A in this case. After a light dose of 1 X 1014 Ner ions/cm2, bright field images of the twin do mains become heavily speckled as shown in Fig. 2(b). The contrast of the speckles arises from the local strain field asso ciated with the defects created by the ion irradiation. FIG. L R vs Tcharac!eristics for sample after bombardment with 1.0 MeV Nt: ions at fiueilceof (a) 0 (undamaged). (b) 0.1 X 10'·, (c) OA X 10'4, Cd) O,7XlO14, (e) l.OXlO14, (f) I.4XlO'4, (g) 1.8XI014, (h) 2.2XlO'4,and (i) 3.0X 10'4 ions/em? 1178 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (12), 20 March i 9139 0003-6951/89/121178-03$01,00 @ 1 9S9 American Institute of Physics 1178 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:30:33FIG. 2. Bright field images of (a) an undamaged sample and (b) a sample after a dose of 1 X 10" Ne + ions/cm'. Note the presence of speckles in (b). The contrast of twin boundaries which are clearly visible in (a) is reduced ill (b). The presence of Y 20, particles is indicated by the arrows in (h). Similar bright field images were also seen in samples irradiated with Arl at a fiuence of 2.5 X lOn ions/cm2• Twin boundaries are still quite visible at this level of ion dose; however, electron diffraction studies show that the twin spots splitting along the [110] direction has now been re duced. The reduced splitting indicates that the crystal struc ture has become more tetragonal after the ion irradiation. Since oxygen atoms in the Cu-O linear chains are the most loosely bound species in the crystal lattice, q it is reasonable to assume that ion irradiation creates defects that lead to re arrangement of the oxygen atoms. Diffusion of some of the oxygen atoms from the b-axis chains to vacant sites along the a-axis direction could make the crystal structure more tetra gonal. The speckled contrast of the defects induced by ion irra diation shown in Fig. 2 (b) could not reveal details of the defects. Furthermore, the dimension of the speckled con trast does not reflect the actual size of the individual defects since the strain fieid associated with these defects is long range in nature, Therefore, we resort to high-resolution lat tice imaging for the details of the defect structure. Figure 3 is a high-resolution lattice image obtained along the [001] zone axis from the sample irradiated with 1 X 1014 Ne t ions!cm2• Small disordered regions ( -30 A), where the lat tice image has become either very weak or absent, are visible. The disordered regions still retain variable degrees of crys tallinity and have not become amorphous in the usual sense. Some of these disordered regions are indicated by arrows in Fig. 3. A typical spacing between the disordered regions is -100 A. This type of disorder defect was not observed in the sample without ion beam irradiation. In general, we find a higher disorder-defect density at the twin boundaries. The 1179 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 12,20 March 1989 FIG. 3. High-resolution lattice image obtained along the rOO I J zone axis from a sample irradiated with 1 >< 1014 Ne" ions/em'. Some damaged dis order regions are indicated by arrows. presence of these small disordered regions, which most likely are insulating, could lead to the gradual decoupling of the superconducting regions with increasing ion fiuence. The decoupling of the superconducting regions would result in the reduction of the phase coherence of the pair wave func tion giving the observed resistive transitions (Fig. 1) and eventually destroying the superconducti.vity. In samples irradiated with a slightly higher Ne + fluence of 1.5 X lOI4 ions/cm2, similar disorder defects were also found. However, the distribution ofthe ion-induced dis order defects was found to be inhomogeneous. There are areas in the sample that show no signs of damage. In general, we found this sample to be slightly less defective than the one irradiated with a slightly lower ion fluence of 1 X 1014 ions/cm2• Although the starting samples came from the same substrate, they were cut from opposite halves and the quality of the thin-film sample (as measured by ion channel ing) did vary across the substrate. Channeling data obtained from these two samples also indicated that the sample which received a dose of 1.5 X 10;4 ions/cm2 was slightly less defec tive before irradiation and showed less dechanneling after irradiation, even though the dose was higher, consistent with our electron microscope observations. With Nc -t fl.uence increased to 3 X 1014 ions/cmz, elec trical measurements indicated that the sample is no longer superconducting with a rising resistivity at low tempera tures. Our studies show that the disordered regions in this sample have now grown to ;;e 75 A in size and they cover more than 70% of the area. In addition, the contrast of the twin boundaries has weakened considerably and is barely visible in the image. Diffraction spot splittings along the [ 11 0 1 direction due to twinning have now become vanish ingly small, indicative of a tetragonal phase in which no su perconductivity is expected. Samples irradiated with 2 MeV Ar -! to a fiuence of 6 X 1014 ions/cm2, which have completely lost superconduc tivity and show no evidence of ion channeling, are found to be polycrystaUine predominated by a fcc phase with heavily Chen etal. 1179 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:30:33defective grains ~ 500 A in size. Radiation damage pro duced by the 3.5 MeV Be-+ ions at a fluence of 4X 1015 ions/cmz is found to be similar to that shown in Fig. 3. The deposited nuclear energy (-1 eV / A) in this case is similar to that for 1 MeV Ne -t ions with a fluence of 1 X 1014/cm2. The deposited energy for 6 X 1014 Art ions/cm2 is roughly 25 times higher. These results show that the level of damage scales with the deposited nuclear energy ofthe ions, in agree ment with earlier electrical measurements.4 One of the most interesting findings during our studies of the ion irradiation effects on YBa2Cu307 .. fj epitaxiai thin films is the formation of a new incommensurate superlatti.ce modulation. Satellite reflection spots due to the superlattice modulation were found to lie in the a*-b '" plane. Figure 4( a) is an electron diffraction pattern along the (0011 zone axis which shows the existence of these supedattice reflections. For darity, a schematic, in which the diffraction spots due to multiple reflections present in Fig. 4(a) have been removed, is shown in Fig. 4(b). Among aU the samples we have stud ied, the superlattice modulations were only observed in the two samples irradiated with Ne + fluences of 1 X 1014 and 1.5 X 1014 ions/cm2• We note that the supedattice phase oc cupies less than 10% of the sample area we have examined. We speculate that the formation of the incommensurate su pedattice could be facilitated by some defects that exist prior to the ion irradiation. The formation of superlattice by Ion beam bombardment is quite surprising. In most cases, such as NbO and VC, ion beam irradiation would conversely cause the disappearance of the superIattice.1O On the other hand, it is interesting to note that amorphous Zr02 crystal lizes under low-energy ion irradiation. 10 However, the phe nomenon occurs under a much higher deposited energy con dition (~103 ) than the high-energy irradiation of our experiment. From Fig. 4 it is clear that the superlatticc is modulated only in one direction (either along the a axis or the b axis) in a given area. Since the distinction of the smaH difference between the a and b axes is beyond the accuracy of our dif fraction study, we shall arbitrarily assume that the modula tion is along the b axis. With this assumption, we :find that the superlattice reflections shown in Fig. 4 can be indexed by a c-face-centercd orthorhombic supercell with cell dimen sions of3.8Ax 33.6Ax 11.7 A. Note that thea andclattice parameters remain unchanged and the superlattice modula tion periodicity of 33.6 A along the b axis is approximateiy 8.6 times the sublattice b lattice parameter. The supcrlauice lattice modulation, therefore, appears to be incommensurate with the sublattice. In YBa2Cu307. /j superconductors several types of su perlattice reflections have been reported, and they have an been attributed to the ordering of oxygen vacancies. ] I Super lattice reflections due to oxygen vacancy ordering have been found to be commensurate and somewhat diffuse with rela tively low intensity. The supedaUice reflections shown in Fig. 4, on the other hand, are incommensurate with relative ly high intensity. Therefore, we believe that the incommen surate superlattice reflecti.ons observed in the present case 1180 Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 54, No. 12. 20 March 1989 (b) 8(100) FIG. 4. Ca) Selected area electron diffraction pattern obtained along the [001 J zone axis from a sample irradiated with 1.5 X 1014 Ne" ions/em' which shows the existence of superlattice modulations. (b) is a schematic illustration of (a) in which diffraction spots due to the sublattice and the superlattice are llelloted by big dots and small dots, respectively. The dif fraction spots due to multiple reflections are omitted in (b). are not derived from ordering of oxygen vacancies. In fact, these incommensurate superlattice reflections bear some re semblance to the incommensurate phase observed in the Bi based superconductors. 12 We speCUlate that the incommen surate modulation arises from periodic cation distortions induced by the ion beam irradiation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of a periodic distor tion in YBa2Cu307 /j due to cations. In conclusion, ion beam irradiation creates sman disor der defects ( < 100 A in size) in the epitaxial YBa2CuJ07 _ /j thin films. The growth in size and density of these disorder defects with increasing ion fluence can explain the degrada tion ofthe superconducting transitions. A new incommensu rate super lattice induced by ion beam irradiation is reported. In addition, ion beam irradiation reduces the twin spots splitting in diffraction, suggesting a more tetragonal crystal structure. 'G. J. Clark, A. D. Marwick, R. H. Koch, and R. R Laibowitz, App\. Phys. Lett. 51, 139 (1987). 2B. Egner, J. Geck. H. C. Li, G. Linker, O. Meyer, and R Strchlan, lpn. 1. App!. Phys. 26, 2141 (1987). lG. J. Clark, F. K. LcGoues, A. D. Marwick, R. B. Laibowitz. and R. Koch, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 1462 (I98i). . 4A. E. \Vhitc, K. T. Short, D. C. Jacobson. 1. M. Poate, R. C. Dynes, P. M. Mankiewich, w. J. Sk()cpol, R. E. Howard. M. Anz]()war, K. W. Ila!dwin, A. F. J. Levi, J. R. 1(wo, T. Hsieh, and M. Hong, Phys. Rev. B 37,3755 (19g8) . SA. E. White, K. T. Short, R. C. Dynes, A. F. J. Levi, M. Anzlowar, K. W. Baldwin, P. A. Po!akos, T A. Fulton, and L DUKlkleherger, App!. I'hys. Lett. 53, 1010 (1988). "R. C. Dynes, 1. P. Garno, and J. M. Rowell, Phys. Rev. Lett .. G. 479 (1978); A. E. White, R. C. Dynes, and J. P. Garno, Phys. Rev. B33, 3549 ( 1986). 7p. M. Mankiewich, J. H. Scofield, W. J. Skocpol, R. E. Howard, A. H. Dllyem, and E. Good, Appl.l'hys. Lett. 51,1753 (1987). "R. J. Cava, R Batlogg, C. H. Chen. E. A. Reitman, S. M. Zahurak, and D. Werder, Pltys. Rev. B 36,5719 (1987). "J. S. Swinnea and H. Sleinfink. J. Mater. Res. 2, 424 (1987); A. Santoro. S. Miraglia, F. Beech, S. A. Sunshine, D. W. Murphy, L r. Schneemeycr, and J. V. Waszczak, Mater. Res. Hull. 22, 1007 (1987); D. S. Ginley, 1'. J. Nigrey, E. L Venturi, B. MOrQsin, and J. F. Kirak, J. Mater. Res.·2, i33 ( 1987). '''Por example, see R. Kelly, in lOll Bombardment Modificatioll oj.)'Uljaces, edited by O. AucielJo and R. Kelly (Elsevier, New York, 1984). p. 79. 'D. J. Werder, C. H. Chen, R. J. Cava, and H. Batlogg, Phys. ReI!. B 38, 5130 (l9Sll). !le. H. Chen, D. J. Werder, S. H. Liou, H. S. Chen, and M. Hong, Phys. Rev. B 37, 9834 (1988). Chen eta/. 1180 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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Poloidal flux loss and axial dynamics during the formation of a fieldreversed configuration R. D. Milroy and J. T. Slough Citation: Physics of Fluids (1958-1988) 30, 3566 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.866437 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.866437 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof1/30/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Magnetic flux trapping during field reversal in the formation of a fieldreversed configuration Phys. Fluids 28, 3333 (1985); 10.1063/1.865332 Plasma wall sheath contributions to flux retention during the formation of fieldreversed configurations Phys. Fluids 27, 1545 (1984); 10.1063/1.864787 Fluxtrapping during the formation of fieldreversed configurations Phys. Fluids 25, 2121 (1982); 10.1063/1.863671 Flux loss during the equilibrium phase of fieldreversed configurations Phys. Fluids 25, 1696 (1982); 10.1063/1.863645 Poloidal flux loss in a fieldreversed theta pinch Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 31 (1982); 10.1063/1.93311 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:46:40
Ultimate resolution and contrast in ion‐beam lithography M. D. Giles, R. K. Watts, and E. Labate Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 5, 1588 (1987); doi: 10.1116/1.583677 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.583677 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/5/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Ion-beam lithography by use of highly charged Ar-ion beam Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 03C111 (2006); 10.1063/1.2165269 Image‐projection ion‐beam lithography J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 7, 1053 (1989); 10.1116/1.584594 Spatial resolution limit for focused ion‐beam lithography from secondary‐electron energy measurements J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 986 (1988); 10.1116/1.584293 Ion beam lithography: An investigation of resolution limits and sensitivities of ion‐beam exposed PMMA J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 3, 353 (1985); 10.1116/1.583262 Ion‐beam lithography for IC fabrication with submicrometer features J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 16, 1897 (1979); 10.1116/1.570323 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 13:27:20Ultimate resolution and contrast in ion-beam lithography M. D. Giles, R. K. Watts, and E. Labate AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 11 May 1987; accepted 12 August 1987) Ion-beam lithography with a stencil mask is capable of very high resolution. We quantify the resolution by calculating the modulation transfer function for protons of energies suitable for patterning resist of useful thickness. I. INTRODUCTION Among lithographic techniques there are several candidates for high-throughput imaging with higher resolution than is available with advanced optical wafer steppers: X-ray lith ography with storage ring source, electron projection, elec tron proximity printing, ion projection, and ion proximity printing with a stencil mask. The ion-lithography methods appear to have highest resolution, although electron printing with very high electron energy has not been adequately ex plored. In this paper we evaluate the modulation transfer function for proton-beam lithography with a stencil mask. For resist exposure with ions the two parameters of immedi ate interest are R p and ax, the projected range of the ion in the resist and the perpendicular straggle, respectively. Rp must be larger than the resist thickness, and ax is a measure of the resolution. Light ions have the smallest ratios axlRp in resist for energies of interest because they lose energy largely through electronic inelastic scattering rather than nuclear. Of the light ions H+, the lightest, promises highest resolution because it has the highest ratio of nuclear charge to mass. II. PROTON INTERACTION WITH RESIST When an energetic light ion enters resist, energy is depos ited along the ion track primarily through electronic scatter ing mechanisms. This energy causes either scission or cross linking of resist molecules which alters the resist solubility in a suitable developer and so allows a pattern to be delineated. The number of chemical events per 100 e V of deposited ener gy is known as the radiation yield Gs and can be related to the molecular weight of the resulting polymer fragments. 1 This paper considers the exposure of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which occurs by bond scission. It has been shownl that the radiation yield for protons is 70% higher than the yield for heavier ions such as helium, so more of the energy deposited into electronic processes is effective in breaking bonds. However, the energy deposited per unit path length at a particular energy is at least a factor of 2 lower for protons so the overall sensitivity of the resist is a little smaller. Sensitivity of resist to ion beams is much greater than to electron beams. The primary advantage of proton-beam exposure compared to heavier ions and to elec tron beams is that lateral scattering is minimized, so we ob tain the maximum resolution possible. This makes proton beam lithography an attractive choice for linewidths below 0.3 pm. The main difficulty for ultrafine line lithography is the choice of patterning method. Direct-write ion-beam lithog raphy is possible, but offers only low throughput. Various forms of proximity printing have been proposed, trading resolution for ease of masking. For example, Economou et al.2 used a thin polyimide membrane in the transmission areas of the mask. The membrane must be < O. 51-'m thick to minimize scattering, and this raises questions of mask stabil ity and durability. Bartelt et at.3 used a silicon membrane aligned along a channeling direction to minimize scattering. The beam divergence from a 0.7 /-tm membrane was found to be 0.4°, requiring a separation between mask and wafer of < 14/-tm to maintain 0.1 pm resolution. Ideally, the open areas of a mask would be completely unobstructed but such stencil masks can only print patterns without isolated fea tures so two masking steps are necessary to expose general structures. Randall et al.4 used a fine support grid to allow general stencil patterns, but the resolution is then degraded by the beam rocking used to wash out the support grid im age. Since several patterning methods are possible, the fol lowing discussion will consider the ideal case where beam divergence from the masks can be neglected and the mask is thick enough to absorb ions scattered near the edge of an opening. III. SIMULATION Resist exposure was simulated using numerical integra tion of the Boltzmann transport equation to follow the mo tion of the ions through resist.s Electronic stopping coeffi cients were taken from the work of Anderson and Ziegler, 6 and have previously been verified by comparison with ex perimental measurements of proton ranges in resist.7 Nu clear stopping was based on the universal potentia! of Bier sack and Ziegler,8 but since nuclear stopping is much smaller than electronic stopping, this did not have a significant influ ence on the profile shapes. The calculation yields the two dimensional ion distribution and the two-dimensional total deposited energy profile resulting from a line ion source. The deposited energy profile can then be used to predict the resist exposure characteristics, as described above. Sec tions through the energy profile for various depths and ener gies are shown in Figs. 1,2, and 3. IV. MODULATION TRANSFER FUNTION Over several orders of magnitude the point spread func tions U(x, z) of Figs. 1,2, and 3 are well-approximated by an exponential function, 1588 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5 (6), NovlDec 1987 0734-211 X/871061588-o3$01.00 @ 1987 American Vacuum Society 1588 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 13:27:201589 Giles, Watts, and Labate: Ultimate resolution and contrast In ion-beam lithography 1589 120 key 1 -e ~ 8 >- <!> a: IJ.I z W Cl W f- en a: 10-2 w 0 FIG.!. Calculated point spread functions for 120 keY protons in PMMA resist at two different depths. The dashed curves are exponential fits. UE(x,z) =A exp[ -xly(z)]. (1) The fits to exponentials are indicated by dashed curves in the figures, and the width parameters y(z) are collected in Table 1. The point spread function is analogous to the Airy pattern of light optics and to the point spread function of electron-beam lithography, called E(r) by Greeneich.9 Once the point spread function is known, it is a simple matter to calculate the modulation transfer function. The modulation is defined for a grating pattern of equal lines and spaces of width I, period 21, and spatial frequency u = (21) -1 by the expression, .0 ... " >(!) Il: W Z W Q lLI ~ en o a. w o z = 0.3;Urn -20 -10 (2) 70kev X!fLm) FIG. 2. Calculated point spread functions and exponential fits for 70 keY protons. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 30 "vi D is >-(!) a: IJ.I Z W Cl LU f- ~ 10-2 a.. w 0 x(nm) FIG. 3. Calculated point spread functions and exponential fits for 30 keY protons. 1M and 1m are the maximum and minimum values, respec tively, of the intensity in the pattern. The modulation trans fer function (MTF) is given by (3) where i and 0 signify image and object. In the proximity printing arrangement of ion lithography the object is the mask and the (latent) image is the pattern of deposited energy in the resist. Figure 4 shows the square wave pattern on the mask. The opague portions of the mask are assumed to block the ion beam completely, so that Ie;" = O. Thus, from Eq. (2), the modulation of the object MO = I'JwII'Jw = 1, and MTF = Mi. Mi is calculated by evaluating in turn I:w (at x = 0) and I;" (at x = I). This is done by placing a point spread function at each point where the mask is transmissive and evaluating its contribution at x = 0 and x = I. That is, U(x, z) is integrated over the square-wave pattern. The integration is simplified by mak ing use of the substitution theorem of Chang. lO For a Gaus sion point spread function M i has been calculated by Broers.l1 Many point spread functions encountered in ion beam lithography may be better approximated by an expo- TABLE I. Gaussian fits to point spread functions for several proton energies at several depths z in PMMA resist. The top surface of the resist is at z = O. Proton energy z r (keY) (jlm) (nm) 30 0.2 2.6 30 0.3 3.4 70 0.3 3.4 70 0.4 3.5 120 0.3 3.1 120 0.4 3.4 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 13:27:201590 Giles, Watts, and Labate: Ultimate resolution and contrast In lon-beam lithography 1590 . . . I(X) t rO -r--....M, :r. r;r,;-0- I \ , \ , , I \ , \ , I , \ , \ , \ , \ I \ I \ , \ I \ '0 ,I -7.f. -5L -34 -t O.e ~ 5t .71. 22222222 . . . x FIG. 4. Illustration of method of calculating MTF. The soiid curve repre sents the mask image. The dashed curves represent point spread functions, which must be integrated over the square-wave pattern. nential exp( -xly); we give the formula for this case in Eq. (4) : Mi=NID, N = 2 f exp ( -(4n -1) I] _ f exp [ -(4n + 1) 1] n = 1 2y n -~ 1 2y ~ [ -(4n -3) I) -£.. exp , ",~2 2y (4) D 1 ~ [ -(4n -3) I] ~ [ -(4n + 1) I] = + £.. exp -£.. exp . n~2 2y n=! 2y Figure 5 shows the MTF (or M i) plotted as a function of linewidth I for the exponential functions UE (x, z) of width y = 2.6 and 3.5 nm. All the other entries in Table I lie between these two extremes. Also included for comparison is the MTF of the highest resolution optical wafer stepper yet reported.12 The value MTF = 0.6, a commonly accepted minimum value of the modulation necessary for exposure of photoresist, occurs at linewidths 0.017 and 0.022 /.lm for the two curves. From Fig. 5, the MTF rolls off at feature sizes one order of magnitude smaller than for the deep ultraviolet wafer stepper. V. CONCLUSIONS Proton-beam exposure offers many attractive features for exposure of lines below 0.5 /-tm. Resist is very sensitive to proton beams, so exposure times are small, and lateral scat tering and reflection are orders of magnitude better than for other approaches. For small linewidths, there are several candidates for a masking technology. Proton-beam exposure is intrinsically capable of much higher resolution, but that resolution can only be obtained with slower approaches of double stencil mask (to pattern re-entrant geometries, such J. Vac. Sci. Techno\. B, Vol. 5, No.6, Nov/Dec 1987 . . . . . . ! . . I I / I I IDUV 1)..= 248nm I NA= 0.38 J S= 0.1 I I I I I I f I I i O~~~~ __ ~-L~~-k~~ __ ~~~~~~~ 0.0\ 0.1 j,(fLml FIG. 5. MTF curves plotted vs linewidth for proton-beam lithography (see Table I) and deep UV photolithography at 248 nrn with a lens of numerical aperture NA = 0.38 and partial coherence S = 0.7. as a donut shape) or direct write. By means of the modula tion transfer function the resolution and contrast of different lithographic techniques may be compared. Proton-beam lithography offers highest resolution in resist of useful thick ness (0.3 /.lm or thicker). '1. Adesida, C. Anderson, and E. B. Wolf, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!' B 1, 1182 (1983). IN. P. Economou, D. C. Flanders, and J. P. Donnelly, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 19,1172 (1981). 3J. L. Bartelt, C. W. Siayrnan, J. E. Wood, J. Y. Chen, and C. M. McKenna, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 19, 1166 (1981). 4J. N. Randall, D. C. Flanders, N. P. Economou, J. P. Donnelly, and E. 1. Bromley, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 3,58 (1985). sM. D. Giles, IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aid. Des. 5, 679 (1986). "H. H. Anderson and J. F. Ziegler, Hydrogen Stopping Powers and Ranges in all Elements (Pergamon, New York, 1977). 7L. Karapiperis, I. Adesida, C. A. Lee, and E. D. Wolf, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 19,1259 (1981). 8J. P. BiersackandJ. F. Ziegler, "The stopping and rangeofions in solids," Ion implantation technique., Vol. 10 in Springer series in Electrophysics, edited by H. Ryssel and H. Glaswischnig (Springer, Berlin, 1982). 9J. S. Greeneich, Electron Beam Technology in Microelectronic Fabrication (Academic, New York, 1980), Chap. 2. lor. H. P. Chang, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. 12,1271 (1975). !lA. N. Broers, J. Electrochem. Soc. US, 166 (1981). !2V. Pol, J. H. Bennewitz, G. C. Escher, M. Feldman, V. A. Firtion, T. E. Jewell, B. E. Wilcomb, and J. T. Clemens, Proc. SPIE 663,6 (1986). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 13:27:20
Effect of Mn concentration on the cathodo and photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn Milind D. Bhise, Monica Katiyar, and Adrian H. Kitai Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 67, 1492 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.345657 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.345657 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/67/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Surface-passivation effects on the photoluminescence enhancement in ZnS:Mn nanoparticles by ultraviolet irradiation with oxygen bubbling Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 211908 (2010); 10.1063/1.3431267 Structure and photoluminescence studies on ZnS:Mn nanoparticles J. Appl. Phys. 95, 656 (2004); 10.1063/1.1633347 Mn ion concentration dependence of the photoacoustic and photoluminescence spectra of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals (abstract) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 793 (2003); 10.1063/1.1521563 Effect of chloride on the photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn thin films J. Appl. Phys. 85, 4154 (1999); 10.1063/1.370324 Manganese concentration dependent saturation in ZnS:Mn thin film electroluminescent devices J. Appl. Phys. 54, 4110 (1983); 10.1063/1.332544 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:32:39Effect of Mn concentration on the cathodo- and photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn Milind D. Bhise and Monica Katiyar Department afMaterials Science and Engineering. Afcl'vfaster University. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4Ml Adrian H. Kitai Departments of Engineering Physics alld 1!1aterials Science and Engineering. l'vfcJ{aster University. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4Ml (Received 5 June 1989; accepted for publication 12 October 1989) A novel method of calibrated doping of Mn in ZnS thin films has been used to study room temperature cathodo- and photoluminescence characteristics of ZnS:Mn films for a Mn concentration range of 0.07-26.4 wt. %. It was observed that the luminescent intensity increases with Mn concentration up to -2 wt. %, beyond which intensity decreases. Emission spectra revealed a lower energy peak in addition to the 5S0-nm yellow peak for higher dopant concentration. The occurrence of this red peak and quenching of yellow emission is probably at approximately the same activator concentration ( ~ 2 wt. %). We attribute these to the phenomenon of energy transfer to energy sinks via unexcited Mn. I. INTRODUCTION The possibility of a cheap, flat cathode ray tube (CRT) and flat panel television has motivated a systematic study of the luminescence ofZnS:Mn.l The wide-band-gap semicon ductor has also been thoroughly investigated for the phe nomenon of electroluminescence. 7.-5 Mn2 -can be incorporated in the ZnS lattice up to very high concentrations, in fact up to complete miscibility." As the yellow luminescence (585 nm) in this material is due to the excitation and decay of the Mnz I ion, one would expect the intensity ofluminescence to increase with Mn concentra tion. Such is not the case in practice.2-5.7 It is well known that the intensity of luminescence of ZnS:Mn increases ini tially until a certain optimum concentration of the activator, after which there is a drastic reduction in the intensity (con centration quenching). This typical behavior is characteris tic of the luminescent ZnS:Mn irrespective of the exciting mechanism. The physical basis of concentration quenching is, as yet, poorly understood. In the present paper, we pres ent the results of the investigations carried out in our labora tory on the effect of Mn concentration quenching on the cathodoluminescent (CL) characteristics of ZnS:Mn. To our knowledge, a careful study ofthis has never been report ed in the literature. Leveren/ has reported that adding an increasing amount of Mn in self-activated ZnS, the original (Zn) emission band remains fixcd in position but decreases in efficiency as a new (Mu) band appears. The luminous efficiency of the Mn band increases up to about 1-2 wt. % Mn. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements have also been carried out on the same samples. We observed a qualitatively similar behavior for the changc in luminous intensity with the activator concentration when the phosphor was excited by photons and by electrons. Spectral emission characteristics (P Land CL) were also studied. In addition to the conventional yellow peak due to 4 T,_6 A J transition in Mn2 -t-, an additional peak is ob served in the red region. II. EXPERIMENT The ZnS thin films (190 nm thick) were deposited by the conventional vacuum deposition (resistance-heated) met hod. Substratcs used were ( III ) Si wafers obtained from Monsanto Co. A specially designed deposition unit was em ployed. Figure 1 shows a vertical section of the top plate of the deposition chamber. The assembly consists of a Cli block attached to a hollow stainless-steel cylinder and a solid Cu cylinder housing the cartridge heater and a thermocouple. A mechanical mask was attached to a rotary feedthrough. The geometrical alignment of thc feedthrough, mask, substrate, and the evaporation source is coaxial to ensure a uniform !Hm thickness (concentrically) on the 3-in. Si wafers. First, without the mask, a ZnS thin film was evaporated. The substrate temperature during the ZnS deposition was maintained at 200 ± 5 dc. Film thickness was measured on an Alphastep instrument. The mask was then installed and Mn evaporated: The wafer, with a ZnS film on it, was cleaned and placed in proper position so as to achieve coaxial alignment (see Fig. 1). By changing the position of the mask (using the rotary switch), a selected portion of the film could be exposed to the Mn vapor flux. Hence it was possible to prepare as many as 16 samples, with a different level of Mn doping in each, from a single ZnS film. Knowing the thickness of the parent ZnS film and that of Mn, as deter mined from the crystal thickness monitor, the specific dop ing level that results from diffusion could be calculated. Rutherford back scattering was later used to confirm the amount of Mn present in the ZnS films. Mn, thus deposited, was thermally diffused in the ZnS host by a two-stage heat treatment. First, a vacuum anneal was carried out in the deposition chamber (pressure < 2 X 10 5 Torr) at 345 ± 2 °C for 4 h. After cooling the 1492 J. Appl. Phys. 67 (3), 1 February 1990 0021-8979/90/031492-05$03.00 (C) 1990 American institute of Physics 1492 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:32:39~J-Rotary FeedUu"ugh ROlary Heater ~ I ~/SWiiCh ~ A ~ Quartz ~ ~ Crystal % 1111 , , Mechenlcal , Mask , , To Pump , , ! , , , , i, , , , , , , , , , , ZnS Source ' , , , \ " " \ " ~ FIG.!. Vertical section of the top plate of the deposition chamber. film to ambient temperature, the individual samples were cut, and the second anneal was carried out in an N2 tube furnace at 400 ± 2 cC for 2 h. The samples were then allowed to cool down to room temperature, still in a N2 atmosphere. Despite the extensive precautions, Rutherford buckscatter ing and Auger electron spectroscopy showed the presence of oxygen in the samples with higher Mn content (see next section) . III. MEASUREMENTS CL measurements were made with a Perkin-Elmer grazing-incidence (04-015) electron gun. The samples were mounted on a speciaUy fabricated sample holder that al lowed the analysis of more than one sample, without break- Zn ;: 800 ~ 600 i: 600 600 c Q -' -' III W ): 51 Edge >= 400 S '.':. 200 ing the vacuum. All the measurements were carried out at a chamber pressure less than 10 6 Torr. To eliminate noise, the beam current of the electron gun was modulated and a lock-in amplifier wa<; used. The light was collected through a collimating lens on a Si photodiode (Oriel) and the signal was later amplified. One of the samples in every set (two independent sets were analyzed) was taken as an internal standard. Observations were recorded for the standard and the sample(s), simultaneously. A comparison of normalized CL intensity was made, rather than that of the absolute in tensities. Elimination of an error due to the slight changes in the experimental conditions was thus possible. To justify the use of the internal standard, its absolute CL intensity was recorded intermittently. No appreciable deviation was de tected. The CL signal intensities were taken at spatially dif ferent points, on the same sample. Although in some cases a large discrepancy was observed, the majority of the samples showed less than 10% deviation. All the measurements were taken at a constant beam current density, at room tempera ture. The spectra were recorded using a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and an Oriel monochromator with a resolution of ~ 3 nm. Experimental points were taken at regular intervals and a smooth curve drawn to yield the final spectra. The PL measurements were made at room temperature. Excitation was by the 488-nm line of a 30-m W air-cooled Ar ion laser with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) spot size of 0.25 mm. Emission spectra were taken using an ISA HR640 spectrograph that was calibrated for the region of 500-900 nm. For slits completely open, Le., 1.5 mm, resolu tion of the spectrograph was 2 nrn at 500 nm. Because of the low absorption coeff1cient at 488 nm in ZnS:Mn, the emitted signal was very weak. Therefore the standard lock-in tech nique was used to measure the signals from a thermoelectri cally cooled PMT. Data were recorded using a computer and a current-to-frequency counter. It was normalized for the radiant sensitivity of the PMT in the spectral range 500-900 11m. Emission spectra were generated using data taken every lOnm. To observe concentration quenching, the emission in tensity at 580 nm for different samples with varying concen- s :"', Zn FiG. 2. Backscattering spectrum ofa ZnS:Mn thin film (sample 14,0.91 WI. % Mn): left panel, central region; right pand, upper re gion. The figure show5 ul!ifonnity and homo gcneity of the ZnS:Mn film on the large-area substrate. o~~~~~~~~~~~~ 50 100 f 50 200 250 300 350 401l CHANNEL NUMBER 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 CHANNEL NUMBER 1493 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 Shise, Katiyar, and Kitai 1493 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:32:39trations of Mn was measured without changing the geome try and other experimental parameters. The error bars (Fig. 7) show that intensity measurements were not quite uniform at different points (spatially) on the same sample. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Compositional analysis X-ray diffraction (XRD), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and Rutherford backscattering (RBS) confirmed that the films were ZnS with uniform Mn concentration as a function of depth ± 10% of the intended concentration. Even though they were deposited on a large-area substrate, the analysis indicates uniformity and homogeneity through out the film. Figure 2 supports this. This figure shows the backscattering spectra obtained from different regions of the same sample. Although no O2 was detected in the samples containing a lower amount of the dopant (Fig. 2), it was detected in the samples with a higher level of Mn (Fig. 3). Based on AES analysis, we believe that most of the O2 is present as Mn oxide on the surface. The oxygen could have been introduced during either the first or second heat treat ment. The surface layer does not contain a significant amount of Mn, since its thickness is much smaller than the ZnS film thickness. Sands et al.9 have also reported detect ing O2 in their films. No metallic impurities were present in detectable quantities. The Mn concentration was determined by RBS J() and confirmed the values predicted from growth. Backscattering spectra of a sample with lower Mn content are shown in Fig. 2; those obtained from a sample with a higher Mn content are shown in Fig. 3. The presence of oxygen may be noted in the latter. One can calculate the number of atoms of individ ual elements per unit volume of the film from RBS study. Mn and Zn, being very close in atomic mass, have closely spaced high-energy edges when analyzed by a 1-2-MeV 4Hef 2000 1500 Cl iii 1000 >= 500 ' 100 o 150 Zn Mil SiEdge s 200 250 300 350 CHANNEL NUMBER FIG. 3. Backscattering spectrum of a ZnS:Mn thin film (sample 27, 9.2 wI. % Mnl with a higher Mn content. Note the presence of oxygen. 1494 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 beam. As a result, deconvolution of this peak into the two individual peaks was carried out to determine Mn concen tration. Agreement between the desired Mn concentration and the RBS value was close: e.g., for sample 14, RBS data gave 1.2 ± 0.2 wt. % Mn and the mask system 0.91 wt. % Mn; for sample 27, RES gave 10.2 ± 1.02 wt. % Mn and the mask system 9.4 wt. % Mn. Data reported here correspond to those obtained from the mask system. B. Cathodoluminescence The films were systematically investigated for the change in CL characteristics due to a change in the dopant level. Results thus obtained are shown in Fig. 4. The acceler ating potential for all the measurements was 5.0 kV. The relative CL emission intensity did not change appreciably for different accelerating potentials within the narrow range 3.0-5.0 kY. This suggests a complete penetration of elec trons in the thin films (-190 nm thick), even at 3.0 kY. These results agree well with those of Theis and Wengert. ] i It may be seen that initially the CL intensity increases with Mn content, up to ~ 2 wt. %, beyond which there is a drop in the intensity (quenching). This well-known phenomenon has been observed in the electroluminescence and PL of ZnS:Mn (Refs. 2, 3, and 7) but to our knowledge has never been reported for CL. Spectral characteristks of emission of ZnS:Mn thin films under the influence of cathode rays were also studied. Figure 5 shows the CL emission spectra of four samples, taken under identical conditions. The Mn concentration in creases as one goes from the bottom to the top of the figure. It may be seen that although the position of the yellow peak . ,....--.,. ---" ...... 0 (f)1 '/ a "--+-' 0 C / , ::J . / . \ / . . 0 D / \ .D / \ L / 0 I " \ '---" I a I • \ >, \ -+-' (f) C Q) -+-' C 0.1 (wt %) 10 Mn FIG. 4. Variation ofrdative CL intensity with Mn concentration: D, set 1: ., set 2. Bhise, Katiyar, and Kitai 1494 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:32:39(s) /::'-~ '--0 (b) / "----_/-/~ -j/\ / '" (1:) j/\,- I (d) 450 500 550 600 SSC 700 WAVELENGTH (rim) FIG. 5. CL emission spectra ofZnS:Mn thin films: (a) 26.4 wt. % Mn; (b) 11.4 wt. % Mn; (e) 1.64 wt. % Mn; (d) 0.43 wt. % Mn. The spectra are shifted for clarity; the y axis is not an ldentical scale for each. (4 T 1.6 A I ) is not altered, an additional peak in the red re gion appears at higher Mn concentrations and that the oc currence of the red peak and quenching of yellow lumines cence is approximately at the same Mn concentration. These results are in agreement with the PL results of Zn5:Mn, as reported by Go'ede, Benecke, and co-work ers12-14 except for the threshold of the onset of the red peak. While Refs. 12-14 reported the appearance of a lower-ener gy peak in samples having ~ 1 mol % Mn, it was not detect ed in the samples containing < 1.64 wt. % «2.3 mol %) Mn during the present investigation. Emission spectra for samples with Mn concentration between 1.64 and 11.4 wt. % were not recorded; hence it is difficult to predict the exact threshold concentration afMn in ZnS thin films far the occurrence of the red emission. The ratio of the intensity of the yellow peak (580 nm) to that of the red peak (700 urn) changes with Mn concentration as shown in Fig. 6, The re sults do not follow the relationship 1,./ Iy = (eMn ) 1.4 as reported in Ref. 13. The actual drop in the CL intensity beyond C Mn = 2 wt. % is more than that interpreted from Fig. 4 due to the appearance of the red peak at those concen trations. Thus the total light intensity as indicated by the diode is the integrated intensity under the yellow and the red peaks. Moreover, the response of the 5i photodiode, used to detect the light, is stronger to the red light than to the yellow. C. Photoluminescence Concentration quenching results ofPL ofZnS:Mn pub lished so far do not entirely agree. While Refs. 3 and 7 report an optimum at -1 mol %, others 15 have reported an opti mum of 0.5-1.2 mol % depending on the method of film preparation. The results obtained during the current investi gation (Fig. 7) yielded a maximum yellow intensity at ~ 2 1495 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67, No.3, 1 February 1990 10 " o 0.1 e..:CL o:PL o 10 o FIG. 6. 1,.11,. as a function ofMn concentration.f" is the peak yellow inten sity, while I, is the intensity at 700 nm. 0, photoluminescence; 0" <.:athodo lumincsccn>.:c. wt. % Mn; although given the experimental error in the de termination of Mn content, it is difficult to predict an exact value (see Fig. 7). Remembering that the PL and CL mea surements were made on the same samples, it may be seen that the scatter in the PL data is much more pronounced than that in the CL measurements. This may be due to the fact that the PL signals are extremely weak, resulting in alignment difficulties since the PL cannot be seen with the eye. Also, long (60-8) integration times are necessary to ob tain data. Nonuniformities in the samples themselves are not seen as the source of the uncertainty. O. 1 o·J.:---1 --'---'-.!......I..-L..l..J'"+-1 --'--'--'--'-I-!..w1~O;---'---'--"--' CMn( wt%) FIG. 7. Variation of the relative PL intensity with Mn concentration. Bhise, Katiyar, and Kitai 1495 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:32:39Figure 6 supports the theory that until a certain thresh old Mn concentration, the red emission is negligible, irre spective of the exciting mechanism. It was not possible to determine this threshold exactly, as the samples with Mn content between 1.64 and 11.4 wt. % were not investigated for this effect. The fact that the quenching of luminescence and the appearance of the red emission occur at approxi mately the same level ofMn leads us to believe that these two phenomena are related. The relative intensity of the red peak with respect to the yellow is different for the same sample, depending on the exciting mechanism. The results indicate that the red centers have a greater absorption cross section for photons than that for electrons, compared to the Mn yellow cross section. It was proposed initially that formation ofMn pairs and clusters leads to the quenching ofluminescence. If this were entirely true, one should observe an exponential decay in Mn emission with time that is not influenced by the activator concentration. As Ref. 16 points out, the fraction of Mn pairs (assuming a random distribution) is not enough to explain the extent of quenching at -1-2 mol % Mn. The explanation based on radiationless energy transfer to an energy sink via Mn centers seems to fit the observed data. These sinks may be red, infrared, or nonradiative centers. This idea, first proposed by Yang, Owen, and Smith,17 was further explored in Ref. 14. A more thorough model, based on a relaxation law limited by diffusion,IH could successfully predict the nonexponential decay behav ior. Unfortunately, this extended model is unable to explain the change in the decay time at higher concentrations of Mn (>0.5 mol %). The phenomenon of concentration quenching can be ex plained quantitatively using a mathematical model that treats the energy transfer as percolation. This model is ad vantageous in that it involves less restricting assumptions than those in the earlier models. Here, energy loss to the sink is proportional to the probability of finding a sink near the excitation path. A detailed description of this model has been undertaken. 19 One can calculate the number of excited Mn ions in the luminescing sample, e.g., for sample 31 (1.64 wt. % Mn) the intensity ofCL emission was 2.8 fL. Assum ing that one Mn atom may be excited every 2 ms, the fraction of excited Mn atoms may be estimated to be 1. 71 X 10 5, which means that the mean distance between nearest-neigh bor excited Mn is of the order of tens of nanometers. This immediately rejects any possibility of interaction among the excited Mn ions. Hence energy transfer via unexcited Mn is more probable. The chemical identity of the red centers could not be determined, due to the limited extent of the available infor mation. These centers cannot be transition-metal impurities, as none of the red-emitting species, viz., Fe} + and eu + (at higher concentration), was detected. The possibility of an octahedrally coordinated Mn2+ (Ref. 13) being responsi ble for the red emission needs further investigation. V. CONCLUSION Concentration quenching in ZnS:Mn thin films under the action of cathode rays (3.0-5.0 kV) and photons (488- 1496 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67. NO.3. 1 February 1990 nm Ar + ion) was studied. It was found that CL and PL emission intensity was at a maximum at a Mn content of ~ 2 wt. %. Besides the conventional yellow peak centered at 580 nm, an additional peak in the red region was observed for a higher dopant concentration. The relative intensity of this lower-energy peak was seen to increase with an increasing activator concentration. The level of Mn at the onset of this peak was found to be different than that reported by Refs. 12-14. We believe that the quenching of luminescence and the appearance of the lower-energy peak are related. Energy transfer to the sinks via unexcited Mn ions is the probable cause of quenching. This idea is further strengthened by the fact that there exist very few excited Mn centers at a given time, leading to a negligible interaction among the excited centers. Treatment of this phenomenon as an energy perco lation problem seems to explain, among other things, the nonexponentiality of the decay time measurements. It was not possible to determine the nature and chemical identity of the red centers. Carefully controlled and systematically planned experiments are necessary to obtain information concerning these low-energy centers. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources for financial support. One of us (M. B.) would like to acknowledge the scholarship support by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, McMaster University. 1 L. E. Tannas, Flat Panel Displays and CRTs (Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1985). 'H. Sasakura, H. Kobayashi, S. Tana, J. Mila, T. Tanaka, and H. Na kayama, J. Appl. l'hys. 52, 6901 (1981). 1 J. M. Hurd and e. N. King, J. Electron. Mater. 8, 879 (1979). 4 V. Marello and A. Onton, IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices ED-27, 1767 (1980). 5 J. Benoit, P. Benalloul, A. Geoffroy, N. Balbo, C. Barthou, J. P. Denis, and B. Blanzat, Phys. Status Solidi A 81. 709 ( 1984). 6 R. Nitsche, J. Cryst. Growth 9, 238 (1971). 7 A. 1. Warren, C. B. Thomas, H. S. Reehai, and P. R. e. Stevens, J. Lumin. 28,147 (1983). x H. Leverenz, An Introduction to Luminescence of Solids (Wiley, New York. 1950). q D. Sands, K. M. Brullson, e. e. Cheung, and e. H. Thomas. Semicond. Sci. Techno!. 3, 816 (1988). 10 W. K. Chu, J. W. Mayer, and M. A. Nicolet, Backscattering Spectrometry (Academic. New York, 1978). II D. Theis and R. Wengert, J. Electroehem. Soc. 132, 2507 (1985). 12 D. D. Thong, W. Heimbrodt, D. Hommel, and O. Geode, Phys. Status Solidi A 81, 694 ( 1984). 11 O. Goede and D. D. Thong, Phys. Status Solidi B 124. 343 (1984). 14e. Benecke, W. Busse, H.-E. Gumlich, and H.-I. Moros, Phys. Status Solidi B 142, 199 (1987). "M. Migita, 0. Kanehisa, M. Shiiki, and H. Yamamoto, J. Cryst. Growth 93,686 (1988). 16 A. H. Kitai, J. Lumin. 39, 227 (1988). 17K. W. Yang, S. I. T. Owen, and D. H. Smith. IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices ED-28, 703 (1981). '"0. Goede, W. Heimbrodt, and D. D. Thong, Phys. Status Solidi B 126, K159 (1984). I"M. Katiyar and A. H. Kitai (unpublished). Shise, Kaliyar, and Kitai 1496 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:32:39
Diffractometer for synchrotron radiation structural studies of high temperature melts F. Marumo, H. Morikawa, Y. Shimizugawa, M. Tokonami, M. Miyake, K. Ohsumi, and S. Sasaki Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 2421 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140735 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140735 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Levitation apparatus for structural studies of high temperature liquids using synchrotron radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68, 3512 (1997); 10.1063/1.1148315 Nonimaging characterization of imperfect single crystals by means of a threecrystal diffractometer for high energy synchrotron radiation J. Appl. Phys. 73, 3680 (1993); 10.1063/1.352927 Hightemperature diffraction gratings for synchrotron radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 1424 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143033 Highspeed diffractometerreaction chamber using synchrotron radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 53 (1991); 10.1063/1.1142281 High Temperature Horizontal Diffractometer Attachment Rev. Sci. Instrum. 32, 982 (1961); 10.1063/1.1717583 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:05:38Diffractometer for synchrotron radiation structural studies of high temperature melts F. Marumo, H. Morikawa, and Y, Shimizugawa Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama227, Japan M. Tokonami Mineralogical Institute. UniversityafTokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku. Tokyo J J 3, Japan M, Miyake Departmentaf Applied Chemistry, Yamanashi University, Takeda, Kofu 400. Japan K. Ohsumi and S. Sasaki Photon Factory. National Laboratory for High Energy Physics. Oho, Tsukuba 305. Japan (Presented on 31 August 1988) A diffractometer has been constructed for structural studies of high-temperature melt with synchrotron radiation. It was designed to measure diffracted intensities from the free surface of a molten sample by scanning a scintillation counter with a fixed glancing angle of the incident beam. In order to heat samples up to 1500 ·C, a small electric furnace is attached to the diffractometer. It carries a hemicircular ( 100 mm in diameter) cover, which has a window for the passage ot x rays. The window is covered with a Kapton film. The sample container made of 30 Rh-Pt is mounted at the center of the furnace. A test measurement was performed on Ge02' Monochromatic beams with A = 1.32A and its second harmonics were taken out of synchrotron radiation by a,8-aluminacrystal (d002 = 11.3 A) and used as incident beams. To partial scattering curves obtained with A and A /2 were combined to a single curve after correction for absorption. The radial distribution function obtained from these data is in good agreement with that previously reported which was derived from diffraction data collected on a conventional diffractometer. iNTRODUCTION An x-ray diffractometer designed especially for studies of liquid structures was described by Levy et a/.f The instru ment, a so-called 0-8 type goniometer, provides for simulta neous angular motion of the x-ray tube and the detector around a horizontal axis lying in the liquid surface. In the case of diffraction experiments with synchrotron radiation (SR), it is practically impossible to rotate the incident beam around the horizontal axis. Therefore, we cannot use the conventional, B-() type diffractometer for the experiments with SR. The diffraction intensities from amorphous materi als, however, are quite weak and require hundreds of hours to collect a set of reliable diffraction data with an ordinary x ray generator. Therefore, it is desirable to use intense pri mary beams for diffraction studies of amorphous materials. Further, liquid materials at high temperatures usually have high vapor pressures. They easily evaporate from the sample container and coat the window of the high-temperature chamber, which cause severe absorption of incident and dif fracted x rays. The evaporation also lowers the free surface of the liquid sample due to a decrease of the materiaL Thus, these phenomena make measurements of weak diffracted in tensities unreliable. For these reasons, it is important to col lect diffraction data of molten samples quickly, and SR is a requirement for accurate structural studies of high-temper a ture melts. This article describes a diffractometer which is available to measure scattering intensities from high-temperature melts by using SR. In order to select a particular wavelength of incident beam, a crystal of,8-alumina was used as a mono chromator.2 We also constructed a small furnace for high temperature works up to 1650 ·C.3 I. DIFFRACTOMETER Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the diffractome ter constructed to coHect intensity data with SR for radial distribution analyses of noncrystalline materials such as gas es, liquids, high-temperature melts, and glasses. The instru ment has three arms [a detector arm (D), a sample arm (A), and a slit arm (8)], which can be individually rotated around the same axis. On the detector arm, a scintillation counter (D 1) is set in the usual angle-dispersive measure ments. However, a handy-type solid-state detector (intrinsic germanium detector, Princeton Gamma Tech.) can be at tached in place of the scintillation counter for the purpose of energy-dispersive measurements. To the sample arm, a fiat sample holder is attachable for power diffractometry. It is also used for alignment of the diffractometer. In power data collection, the diffractometer is operated in the symmetrical B-2() mode. To carry out diffraction experiments on melts, an electric furnace is set at the prescribed position together 2421 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60 (7), July 1989 0034-6748/89/072421-04$01.30 ® 1989 American Institute of Physics 2421 •••••• -••• -.-•• -•••••••••••••••••••• ~.:.:.:.: •••••••••••••• :.:.:.:.:.-:-.:.:.;.:.:.~ ....... -: ••• :.:.~.:.:.:.:-:.:.: •••••••••• ~.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.; ••••••••• ,'.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;' •••••••••• ; •••••••• :.:.:.;;:;;.;.;.; ••••• ;>; •••••••••••• :.:.~.:.:.: •• , ••••••••• '.' ••••••••• :.:.:.:.:.:.: ............................ :.:.:.:.: ••••• ; •••••• ' ••••••••••••• This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:05:38FIG. I. Schematic diagram of the x-ray diffractometer designed for mea surements on molten samples with synchrotron radiation. with a sample container after removing the fiat sample hold~ er from the sample arm. When monochromated x rays are used, the diffractome ter is lowered from the level of SR beam (by 85 em in the case of the present diffractometer) by adjusting the height of the legs (L) of the base. TheSRbeamismonochromatedbyap alumina crystal. The glancing angle of the monochromator can be changed to select radiation of the desired wavelength. The monochromator can slide along the SR beam to make the diffracted beam fall on the center of the goniometer. The slit arm (S) must be rotated to receive the monochromated beam properly. A SORD 223 MARK V computer controls the stepping motors driving the detector and slit arms, and the single channel analyzer. The block diagram of the data collection system is shown in Fig. 2. II. J3-ALUMINA MONOCHROMATOR Continuous spectra of synchrotron radiation make it possible to select a particular wavelength by using a crystal monochromator. The monochromator crystal is required to be nearly perfect and resistable for radiation damage, and to have a large d spacing in the diffractometry of liquids. For these reasons {3-alumina (N aAI 11017) was selected, and the 002(d = 11.3 A) and 004(d = 5.7 A) reflections were used to monochromate the SR beam. A transparent crystal of p-alumina (space group-P63/ mmc, a = 5.592 A, c = 22.61 A, Z = 2) was supplied from 2422 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 SYnchrotron radiaticns ) monochromator (dc..::l.13nm} melt sample counter S. C. A, Timer t--(A) Printer II Floppy Disk I\--~ Counter i--S.C.A. Timer P.,i2) FrG. 2. Block diagram of the data collection system. i '\, Li near / Amp Toshiba Ceramics Co. Ltd.4 It was grown from Bayer alu~ mina at a temperature of more than 2000 °C, and has dimen sions of20X30X2 mm3. A small amount of soda lime was added to promote crystal growth. The rocking curve of the 002 reflection was measured with monochromatic x rays (1.517 A) in the ( +, +, -) setting on a triple-axis diffractometer at the BL-4A station of Photon Factory in the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba to check the quality of the p~alumina crys taL The fore crystal is a SiC ill) plate and the monochrocol Iimator is a fine-fold 8i(220) channel cut. The beam size is 3 mmHXO.02 mmV. The e-2B technique was used to collect the intensity data with intervals of 0.0010 in e. The diffrac tion peak profile shows a slightly split peak with FWHM = 0.018° (Fig. 3). The reflectivity was about 70%. III. FURNACE Figure 4 shows a schematic illustration of the electric furnace constructed for the diffractometer. Four lanthanum chromate heating elements (Keramax) of 8 mm in diameter and 140 mm in length were mounted in alumina protective tubes of lO-mm Ld., 80 mm length, and 1 mm thickness. They were arranged horizontally and in parallel to the SR beam in two levels. Two were in the upper and the remaining two in the lower level to yield a square-prismatic space in the furnace. The horizontal and vertical distances between the centers ofthe heating elements are 40 and 20 mm, respective ly. The sample container made of 30Rh-Pt is 10 mm wide, 20 mm long, and 3 mm deep, and placed at the center of the furnace. The whole thing is set in a hemicircular cover which Structural studies 2422 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:05:38IJ) 0 .-l "- ~ ;>< I'-< H Ul 7: fil 8 :<: H on '" ... " '" ... '" '" ... X "' '" J -0.0) -0.02 -0.01 O.Ql 0:02 0.03 ~e (deg) FIG. 3. Diffraction peak profile of the {J-alumina crystal used as monochro mator. has a window of 10 mm in width for the passage of x rays. Kapton film of75 pm thickness is used for the window mate rials. The frame of the furnace is cooled by water (1 llmin) to protect the Kapton film from thermal decomposition. Temperature is monitored by a Pt6-30Rh thermocouple lo cated at the middle of the upper and lower heating elements. The maximum temperature recorded with this system was 1750 "C. FIG. 4. Small Keramax furnace attachable to the x-ray goniometer. 1, pro tective tube, 2: Keramax heating element, 3: connector for power supply, 4: connector for cooling water, 5: bolt for fix the furnace, and 6: guide for the furnace. 2423 Rev, Scl.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 IV. PERFORMANCE The use of f:1-alumina and the construction of the dif fractometer allow us to perform simultaneous measure ments of diffraction intensities from a melt with two wave lengths A( = 1.4 A) and A 12( = 0.7 A), giving data over a wide range of S(0.7";:S,.;:18 A-I). Here, S = 41T sin [(a + /3)/2]/ A, with a = 5.60 in the present case and /3 = diffraction angle. This range of observable S is ade quate for structure analysis based on the radial distribution functions. As a test run, we performed a structure analysis of mol ten Ge02' The Ge02 sample was placed in the 30Rh-Pt con tainer and heated in the Keramax furnace. The temperature was controlled to 1200 ± 5 ·C during the measurement. The power supply for the furnace was about 1.5 k W. The dichro matic beam with A = 1.32 A and its second harmonic were taken out from SR by the f:1-alumina monchromator and used for the measurement in a step scanning mode at inter vals of OS in f3 from 7° to 140°. After correction for absorp tion, two partial scattering curves obtained with A and A 12 were combined to a single scattering curve. The absorption correction factor A was calculated with the formula, A _ s1n(2/3 -a) -Ii [sin a + 5in(2/1 --a) 1 ' where p is the linear absorption coefficient of the sample. The intensity data were normalized by the Krough-Moe and Noman method.5•6 The radial distribution function DCr) is shown in Fig. 5. The first peak in the D(r) curve is observed at r = 1.75 A. The number of oxygen atoms around the Ge atom was calculated from the peak area to be 4.0. These results are in good agreement with those in the previous re port by Kamiya et al.7 ,0_0 ______________________ 0 __ _ I 7.15r (~ I -'::-10- [) o - o 2 3 5 FIG. 5. Radial distribution function D(r) of molten GeO,_ The DC!') curve obtained in the present study is compared with that reported by Kamiya eta!' (1986). Structural studies 2423 .·.·.-·x·:·;·;·.·.·.·.'.·.·.·.·.:.:.:.:.;·:·;·.·.·.·.~ .~.~.:.:.:.:.:.:;;.: •.. 7" ••••••• :.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.; ••••••••• ,' ................ -••• -.~.,. .., •.••.•.•.•.•••. '? .................... ;.;.;.;.; ••••••• ; ••••••• .',.: .. , •. ,.:.;.;.;.;.; ............ , ...... "',.;.;.;.:.;.:.,.; •• ' .. , •• ' ••• ~ •. ,.:.:.;.:.:.;' •••••• .t.~ ...... ;:' •. ,··.":··.·:-;·; •. ·,..·;~.·.· ... ·.,~.·.·:,,·· .• :.z·.' ..... ~.·.·.v;t •••• ~.: ••••• -••••• , ••• This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:05:38In conclusion, the present system can supply sufficient x-ray scattering data of molten samples with SR in time about one third of that required to collect data with an ordi nary (J-(J type diffractometer. Ifwe use a curved-crystal mon ochromator in place of the flat-crystal monochromator of the present system, the required time is expected to be short ened to one tenth of the ordinary measurements. 'H. A. Levy, M. D. Danford, and A. R. Narten, Rep. ORNL·3960, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 (1966). 2424 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 2S. Sasaki, H. Morikawa, T. Ishikawa, and Y. Shigeto, Photon Factory Ac tivity Rep. 1983/84, VI-IO (1984). JR. Morikawa, F. Marumo, M. Miyake, T. Suzuki, T. Fukamachi, M. Yo shizawa, and S. Sasaki, Photon Factory Activity Rep. 1983/84, VI-II (1984). 'A. Itoh, Yogyo Kyokai-shi 78,449 (1970). 'J. Krough-Moe, Acta Cryst. 9, 951 (1956). "N. Norman, Acta Cryst. 10, 370 (1957). 7K. Kamiya, T. Yoko, Y. Itoh, and S. Sakka, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 79, 285 (1986). Structural studies 2424 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:05:38
Highrate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide Fletcher Jones and Joseph Logan Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 7, 1240 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.576262 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.576262 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/7/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in High-rate deposition of MgO by reactive ac pulsed magnetron sputtering in the transition mode J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24, 106 (2006); 10.1116/1.2138717 Properties of aluminum-doped zinc oxide films deposited by high rate mid-frequency reactive magnetron sputtering J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 19, 414 (2001); 10.1116/1.1339019 Highrate aluminum oxide deposition by MetaModeT M reactive sputtering J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10, 3401 (1992); 10.1116/1.577791 Highrate reactive sputter deposition of zirconium dioxide J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 3088 (1988); 10.1116/1.575479 Highrate sputtering of enhanced aluminum mirrors J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 14, 123 (1977); 10.1116/1.569102 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:16High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide Fletcher Jones and Joseph Logan IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Yorktown Heights. New York 10598 (Received 21 November 1988; accepted 30 January 1989) Using a new reactive sputter deposition approach, we are abie to consistently deposit stoichiometric Alz03 films at a rate of 220 nm/min with ± 6% thickness variations across 82- mm-diam substrates. Thus a lO-pm-thick aluminum film could be deposited in 40 min. Deposition rates as high as 500 nm/min have been demonstrated. However, at these deposition rates, the voltage levels were high and the system was prone to arc during long runs. This paper describes the system and some of the properties of the films deposited at rates of ~ 220 nm/min. It is shown that there is a range of experimental parameters over which the properties of films deposited at 220 nm/min show small variations. I. INTRODUCTION Depositing thick films of aluminum oxide onto substrates by conventional sputtering (where an Al203 target is sputtered in an argon plasma) is a very slow process. A 10-,um-thick film deposited at a typical rate of25 nm/min requires -6.6 h of sputtering time. Because of the slow sputtering rates of aluminum oxide targets, reactive sputter deposition was in vestigated. In reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide, alumi num is sputtered from an aluminum target onto a substrate. The sputtering gas mixture is usually argon and oxygen. At the substrate, the aluminum and oxygen react to form stoi chiometric aluminum oxide if there is sufficient oxygen. Aluminum can be sputtered at rates which are at least a factor of 10 higher than alumina. Hence, the possibility ex ists for depositing aluminum oxide at very high rates. It should be noted that Grantham, Paradis, and Quinn ac):lieved an aluminum oxide sputter deposition rate around 6000 A/min by sputtering an alumina target (see Ref. 5) at high power densities. However, the target consistently cracked after 15 min of sputtering time. The oxygen introduced into the system also reacts with the aluminum target. At sufficiently high oxygen concentra tions, the surface of the aluminum target oxidizes. When this happens, the sputtering rate of the target in this "compound state" is at least an order of magnitude smaller than that of a pure aluminum target. In practice, it is difficult to obtain high deposition rates of stoichiometric aluminum oxide on large-diameter substrates without designing special features into the vacuum system. This is because the concentration of oxygen needed to ensure that the aluminum oxide film de posited on the sub!'.trate is stoichiometric, is usually large enough to convert the aluminum target from the metallic state, in which aluminum can be sputtered at very high rates, to the compound state in which the surface oxide is sputtered at a very low rate. Other investigators (see Refs. 1 and 2) have shown that with certain arrangements of baffles and apertures and with a dc or rf discharge to excite the oxygen in the vicinity of the substrate, aluminum oxide can be reactive ly deposited at high rates. The primary aim of the baffle arrangement is to produce an oxygen concentration which is high in the vicinity of the substrate and low in the vicinity of the aluminum target. This of course make it easier to oxidize the film deposited on the substrate. The result is that high deposition rates of aluminum oxide have been reported with the target sputtering in the metallic mode (see Ref. 2). How ever, the high deposition rate is achieved at a great penalty. The baffle arrangements reported in the literature result in a great waste of target material. It has been reported that from 60% to 90% of the sputtered aluminum material is deposit ed on the baffles instead of on the substrate. Also the aper ture arrangement results in a great degree of nonuniformity in the thickness of the deposited film. Consequently, sub strate motion must be employed in order to make the depos ited film more uniform for large substrates. Substrate mo tion for the purpose of achieving better uniformity usually results in a drop in the net deposition rate when the substrate is large. The system described in the present work gives high er deposition rates across large areas because there are no obstructions between the target and the substrate. In this system deposition on 82-mm substrates is achieved without moving the substrate. The uniformity is ± 6%. However, in a scaled up version of the same system, zirconium dioxide is deposited at high rates on 125-mm-diam substrates.6 The corresponding uniformity of the films is ± 4%. Recent modifications to the scaled up system give film thickness variations on the order of ± 1 % across 125-mm substrates. II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A schematic of the reactive sputter deposition system used to deposit films is shown in Fig. 1. The sputtering source is a 2oo-mm-diam magnetron with an aluminum target bonded to it. A mass spectrometer is used to measure partial pres sures of gases in the system and an emission spectrometer is used to measure the optical spectra of excited argon, oxygen, and aluminum atoms in the plasma. The substrate rests in side a hollow cathode electrode which is covered with an aperture plate. The hole in the aperture plate allows the alu minum sputtered from the target to be deposited onto the substrate. The inner diameter of the hollow cathode elec trode is 200 mm and its height, i.e., the distance from the substrate plane to the plane of the circular aperture is 25 mm. Using spacer rings in the top and bottom plates of the vacu um system, the separation between the target and the sub strate is easily varied from 44 to 200 mm. Argon and oxygen are introduced into the system through a stainless-steel gas 1240 J. Vac. ScI. Technol. A 7 (3), May/Jun 1989 0734-2101/89/031240-08$01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum SOCiety 1240 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161241 Fo Jones and Jo logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1241 FIG. L Reactive sputter deposition system configuration. inlet ring which is physically in contact with the hollow cath ode (He) electrode but electrically isolated from the vacu um chamber which is at ground potential. Hollow cathodes have been used in ion beam sources and tokamaks to create high-density plasmas. In our experiments the He electrode is used to facilitate the oxygen-aluminum reaction at the substrate. The pumping package consists of an oil diffusion pump backed by a mechanical pump. Radio-frequency power is delivered to the target and hol low cathode substrate holder by separate rf power supplies. A common exciteris used to supply a 13.56-MHz rfsignal to the excitation stage of both rf power supplies. The common exciter also allows adjustment of the relative phase of the power supplied to the magnetron and hollow cathode. With out the common exciter, it was difficult to eliminate large oscillations that were frequently observed in the dc bias vol tages of the target and substrate electrodes. The common exciter eliminated these oscillations. Matching networks are used to match the impedance of the plasma in the sputter deposition chamber to the impedance of the rf generators. Although de power supplies are more efficient and give higher metal sputtering rates, [() rf power supplies are prob ably better suited for exploring the region to the right of the reactive sputter deposition transition. The oxide layer which forms on the target's surface does not readily transmit direct current and often gives rise to a profusion of arcs in the sput tering system. These arcs give rise to particulates which ruin the deposited film. However, a dc power supply can prob ably be used if the oxygen flow can be maintained at a low enough level to prevent significant target oxidation while at the same time depositing a stoichiometric film at the sub strate. J. \lac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 The properties of Alz03 films deposited at high rates were measured as a function of system parameters such as argon pressure, oxygen flow rate, substrate bias, and deposition rate. The film properties measured were stress, hardness, and refractive index. An examination of opaque films with a four-point resistivity probe showed them to be conducting films. The chantcterization of such films was not an objec tive of this study and therefore will not be discussed further,. The stress, hardness, and refractive index were only mea sured for transparent films. The resistivity of transparent films was too high to be measured. The refractive index and hardness were measured using an ellipsometer and a Knoop microhardness tester. The thickness of the mms were typi canyon the order of 2.2 f..lm. The deposition rate, unless otherwise specified was 220 nm/min. Film stress was deter mined from the curvature induced in the silicon substrate after the film was deposited. In all cases, the films exhibited a compressive stress. The error in the refractive index, stress, and Knoop microhardness measurements, were 1.2%, 2%, and 8%, respectively. The composition of the films was de termined by electron microprobe analysis. The atomic per cent of the clear A120:, films, which are called stoichiometric in this paper, had typical 0, AI, and Ar values of38%, 58%, and 4%, respectively. The aluminum/oxygen ratio is 0.66 which is in good agreement with the ideal value of 2/3. iii. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Effects of the hollow cathode substrate holder There are several aspects of the hollow cathode substrate holder which make it very useful for reactive sputter depo sition. The small height, 25.4 mm, of the He substrate hold er and the close proximity of the substrate to the gas feed ring ensures that an oxygen molecules and atoms must come close to the substrate before traveling to other parts of the vacuum vessel. Hence the concentration of oxygen in the vicinity of the substrate is increased for this configuration as opposed to a more open configuration with the gas feed ring outside the He substrate holder and/or closer to the vacuum chamber wall. At a target-substrate separation of 120 mm and a 1 OO-mm aperture diameter in the HC substrate holder, line of sight conditions exists between every point on the target and every point on the 82-mm-diam substrate. Hence, if there were no gas phase scattering, none of the material sputtered in the direction of the substrate would be inter cepted by the aperture of the hollow cathode substrate hold er. This is a major improvement since as mentioned earlier, other investigators lost 60%-90% of the material sputtered in the direction of the substrate to intervening baffles and apertures. The size of the opening in the hollow cathode substrate holder affects the critical oxygen flow rate. It was observed that at an operating pressure of 33 Itm of argon, a target sputtering power of 4.5 kW, and a target-substrate separa tion of 145 mm, the target transition occurred at 20.2 std. cm.l/min (seem) when the He substrate opening was 100 mm in diameter. When the HC substrate cover was re moved, the oxygen flow rate needed to convert the surface of the target to aluminum oxide was 23.4 seem. These results Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161242 F. Jones and J. Logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1242 were found to be true whether or not power was supplied to the substrate. It should be noted that the dependence of tar get transition point on oxygen flow rate for the hollow cath ode design is opposite to that produced by the configurations of other investigators, i.e., when baffles are inserted, more oxygen can be introduced into the system without poisoning the target. The reason for this is as follows: When the opening in the aperture is reduced, at constant flow rate, the oxygen con centration within the opening increases. A simple diffusion analysis shows that this results in an increase in the oxygen concentration in the center of the target. If the sputtering tracks are located close to the center oftarget, the increase in oxygen concentration will result in a decrease in the critical oxygen flow rate. The effect should be more pronounced for tracks having smaller diameter than for those having a larger diameter. In the 200-mm-diam magnetron, the radius ofthe groove in the sputtering track is 64 mm. An attempt was made to examine aperture size effect in the 305-mm-diam magnetron used in Ref. 6. For this magnetron the radius of the racetrack is 114 mm. Unfortunately, the location of shields in this system prevented target -substrate separations of < 197 mm. While the effect is clearly visible for the smaller magnetron, it was not observed at all for the larger magnetron when the target-substrate separation was 197 mm. This behavior indicates that the effect depends on the geometry of the reactive sputter deposition system. Films obtained with the HC substrate cover removed were opaque and conducting. On the other hand, the films ob tained with HC substrate cover in place were transparent. B. Reactive sputter deposition transition Experimentally, the transition of the target from the me tallic state to the compound state is easily observed by moni toring the changes in system parameters as the flow rate of oxygen is increased. The position of the exhaust throttle valve separating the diffusion pump from the process chamber is fixed. Figure 2 shows how the magnetron's vol tage, argon partial pressure, and oxygen partial pressure vary as the oxygen flow rate is increased from 0 to 30 sccm. The power supplied to the target is fixed at 3.5 kW. The substrate power supply is turned off. The argon pressure in the process chamber is 40 pm. The partial pressure readings in Fig. 2 are measured using the mass spectrometer. The quadrupole detector of the mass spectrometer is too sensitive to measure mass concentrations at high pressures and hence the pressure in the vicinity of the quadrupole is significantly reduced by differential pumping. The partial pressures shown in Fig. 2 are those measured in the vicinity of the quadrupole detector. We assume that the partial presssures at the quadrupole detector is proportional to the partial pres sure in the process chamber. At oxygen flow rates between 0.0 and 16.7 sccm, little change is observed in the magnetron's dc bias voltage as wen as the argon and oxygen partial pressures. In this range of oxygen flow rates, the oxygen partial pressure signal (mass 32) is buried under the noise created by trace amounts of hydrocarbons in the system. However, the full amplitUde of this signal at mass 32 is plotted as the "oxygen partial pres- J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 W tr ::J VI VI w 00 ":z a ~ 10r-----~----_.-----.------r-----._----~ B --.-.--.-0:...... 6 _-w-. _____ • __ _ OL-----L--- __ L-____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ 10r-----.------.-----.------r-----.-----~ B ----.----.---- ..... ~ III" ..... -.-.----.---.: 6 4 2 OL-----L-----~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ _L ____ ~ ~ 10 => 8 6 : ----.--.--.-.. .J o o 5 10 15 o~ 0---.. 0-6 20 25 30 OXYGEN FLOW RATE (SCCM) FIG. 2. Oxygen flow rate dependence of magnetron de bias voltage (D), argon pressure at quadrapole of mass spectrometer (e), and oxygen pres sure before the transition (. ) and after the transition (0). The scale factors for the diamonds and circles are 1.0-9 and 1.0-7, respectively. sure." It is clear that even though the amount of oxygen introduced into the process chamber increases by significant amounts, the mass spectrometer does not detect any in crease. In this flow rate range, the aluminum target is in the metallic state and aluminum is being sputtered at high rates onto surfaces in the process chamber. The oxygen arriving at the aluminum coated surfaces quickly reacts with the alumi num and therefore is efficiently removed from the process chamber. Consequently, the oxygen partial pressure does not change over a wide range of oxygen flow rates. Above an oxygen flow rate of 16.8 seem, the magnitUde of the magne tron's voltage drops dramatically and the oxygen partial pressure increases by two orders of magnitude. The argon partial pressure does not change significantly. The reasons for the changes are as follows: Above the 16.8 sccm oxygen flow rate, the surface of the target oxidizes and the rate at which aluminum is sputtered into the process chamber drops far below that required to absorb much of the available oxygen. Hence, the oxygen pressure increases dra matically. The mass spectrometer shows that it increases by at least two orders of magnitUde. The dramatic change in the magnetron's voltage is also related to the formation of an oxide film on the target's sur face. Argon ions bombarding the target cause electrons to be Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161243 F. Jones and J. Logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1243 ejected from the target's surface. These secondary electrons are accelerated away from the target and into the plasma by the large negative de bias voltage existing between the target and the plasma. The highly energetic secondary electrons are responsible for the production of the ion-electron pairs that comprise the plasma. When the target oxidizes, the as sociated increase in the level of secondary electron yield causes an increase in the plasma density. At constant power, an increase in the plasma density results in a drop in target voltage. The transition has been modeled by several investi gators and the interested reader is referred to the papers of Shinoki and Itoh3 and of Affinito and Parsons,4 C. Characterization of the system Figure 3 shows a plot of the critical oxygen flow rate ver sus power. The points on the curve were taken while the target was being sputtered in the metallic mode. At any point on the curve, an increase in oxygen flow rate by more than 0.5 sccm causes the surface of the target to oxidize. Figure 4 shows the dependence of critical oxygen flow rate on target-substrate separation. The power is fixed at 5 kW. Increasing the target-substrate separation has two conse quences. First of all, the surface area of the vacuum chamber increases. The aluminum is then spread out over more sur face area and consequently the oxygen is gettered more effi ciently. Second, an increase in target-substrate separation moves the gas feed ring farther away from the sputtering target. Both effects cause a decrease in the oxygen concen tration at the target. Hence, at fixed power, more oxygen can be introduced into the system if the target-substrate separa tion is increased. Figure 5 shows the deposition rate of stoichiometric alu minum oxide as a function of target power. Substrate power 35 I I I I ,............,. 30 I- /. - ~ 25 I- / - u / u .t£!, w ~ 20 I-- - S: q u: 15 I--;--:z w <.:> S< / 0 10 I-- - 51--/ - • 0 I I I I 0 2 4- S B 10 POWER (KILOWATTS) FIG. 3. Critical oxygen flow rate vs rf magnetron power. The points on the curve are points of stable operation of the system. At any point on the curve, an increase in oxygen flow rate more than 0.5 seem causes the target to oxidize. J, Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 34 ~ 32 ~. ~ :so / u M. w ~ 2B :S: 9 .... 26 :z w <.:> >-x j 0 24 22 20 ~ I I ~ 10 12 14- 16 18 20 22 24 TARGET -SUBSTRATE SEPARATION (eM) FIG. 4. Critical oxygen flow rate vs target-substrate separation. Target pow er is fixed at 5 kW. and bias were approximately 240 Wand -160 V respec tively. Cooled (see below) substrates were used. The target substrate separation was 120 mm and the argon pressure was 60 mTorr. The maximum rate plotted is 3200 A/min. On uncooled substrates, rates as high as 5200 A/min were ob tained. However, the system was prone to arcing. Above 500 V, the slope of the voltage versus sputter yield curve starts to drop. In this region, the target sputtering rate will not be a linear function of power. The target power for the three points as shown in Fig. 5 are 1, 3, and 5 kW, respec tively. The corresponding target voltages are -366, -752, 3500 3000 Z :i '" Vl ::;: 2500 0 ~ t:I Z ~ 2000 ~ z 0 E 1500 Vl g CI 1000 500 0 2 3 4 5 6 POWER (KILOWATTS) FIG. 5. AI20" deposition rate vs rf magnetron power. Target-subsirate sepa ration is 12 cm. Hollow cathode power and bias voltage are approximately 240 Wand .-160 V, respectively. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161244 F. Jones and J. Logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1244 and -1024 V respectively. Hence, in the 3-5 kW range, the sputtering rate and consequently the deposition rate is not expected to increase linearly with target power. Therefore a eurve is drawn through the three points in Fig. 5. D. General effects of process conditions After running almost 80 samples in the hollow cathode reactive sputter deposition system and observing those con ditions needed to produce transparent films, the effects of various system parameters can be stated. These parameters are system pressure, substrate bias voltage, substrate tem perature, and target-substrate separation. Unless stated oth erwise, the target power was held fixed at 3.5 kW, the sub strate dc bias voltage was around -220 V, and the target substrate separation was 120 mm. The oxygen flow rate was fixed just below the flow rate needed to oxidize the target. This was typically around 17.6 seem of oxygen. t. Effect of system pressure The system pressure was increased by increasing the flow rate of argon into the system. The position of the manually controlled exhaust throttle valve was fixed throughout the experimental run. At low system pressures, e.g. 20 jim, the aluminum oxide films were opaque and conducting. As the system pressure was increased, the conductivity of the film decreased until it could not be measured. At pressures ex ceeding 50 f-lm the films were transparent. The transparent films are of course nonconducting. At high gas pressures, the arrival rate of aluminum at the substrate decreases because of an increase in the number of gas phase collisions between aluminum and argon atoms. This results in an increase in the amount of aluminum deposited on the walls and other sur faces in the vacuum chamber. Since the oxygen is introduced very close to the substrate, the increase in pressure should not cause the flux of oxygen at the substrate to decrease as fast as that of the aluminum. The net result is an increase in the arrival rate of oxygen relative to that of aluminum and hence films that become more transparent with increasing argon pressure. 2. Effects of substrate dc self-bias voltage By varying the bias voltage on the He substrate electrode, opaque conducting and nonconducting films as well as films that were transparent could be made under otherwise similar conditions. The self-bias voltage on the substrate is increased indirectly by increasing the power supplied to the substrate electrode. At a pressure of 60 mTorr, films made using low substrate voltages, e.g., -80 V, were opaque and conduct ing. At higher dc bias voltages, e.g., -200 V the films ob tained were transparent and nonconducting. The magnitUde of the substrate bias increases with in creasing power. This has several consequences. The in creased bias voltage leads to more energetic argon-ion bom bardment of the substrate. The ion bombardment activates the surface of the film and facilitates the reaction between aluminum and oxygen species on the surface. Increasing the power also increased the level of aluminum and oxygen re- J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 sputtering. The aluminum-aluminum bond is weak in com parison to the aluminum-oxygen bond. Hence, aluminum should be preferentially sputtered from a substrate where the aluminum condensation rate exceeds the value required to produce a stoichiometric oxide and consequently produces an aluminum rich film. It follows that if the excess alumi num condensation rate is not too high, a transparent stoi chiometric film can be produced under the same conditions as those used to produce an opaque and conducting films by simply using substrate power and voltage levels large enough to sputter away the excess aluminum. Two experiments were carried out to measure the alumi num deposition rate in an oxygen-free environment with and without turning on the hollow cathode power supply. The target-substrate separation was 19.6 cm. The argon pressure was 40 mTorr. The target power was 5 kW. With the sub strate power turned off, the target voltage was -1109 V and the aluminum deposition rate was 1699A/min. In the sec ond experiment, the target power was set to 5 kW and the substrate power was adjusted to obtain a substrate dc bias voltage of -160 V. Under these conditions, the substrate power was 150 Wand the target de bias voltage was -1050 V. The aluminum deposition rate was 1551 A/min. Both depositions were carried out on cooled substrate. Therefore, the rate at which aluminum was resputtered from the sub strate was 148 A/min and one can conclude that ~9% of the aluminum arriving at the substrate is resputtered under these conditions. When oxygen was added to the system at a flow rate of 28.5 sccm, a stoichiometric film was produced. The target power and voltage were 5 kW and -1069 V, respectively. The substrate power and voltage were 150 W and -160 V, respectively. The thickness, deposition rate, and density of the deposited aluminum oxide film were, 20254 A, 2025 A/min, and 3.6 g/cm3. The density of the film was determined by measuring the change in weight of a l-in. -diam silicon before and after the Alz03 film was depos ited. The mass of the deposited oxide film was 3.9 mg. The thickness was measured using an ellipsometer. The theoreti cal density8 of y-Alz03 is 3.7 g/cm3 (which is close to the measured density given above), The density of aluminun is 2.7 g/cm3. Using these density values and the molecular weights of oxygen and aluminum, it is easy to show that the theoretical ratio of the aluminum oxide deposition rate to the aluminum deposition rate should be 1.4. Using the experi mental oxide and metal deposition rates of2025 and 1551 A/ min, respectively, the rate ratio is found to be 1.3, This indi cates that the net aluminum deposition rate is smaller than 1551 A/min when substrate power is turned on and the oxy gen flow rate is at 28 secm. The actual aluminum deposition rate is found by dividing the oxide deposition rate by 1.4. The aluminum deposition rate is therefore 2025/1.4 or 1446 A/ min. Hence, when oxygen is added, the net metal deposition rate drops from 1699 to 1446 A/min or by -15%. About 9% of the change in metal deposition rate is due to substrate resputtering. The other 6% is probably caused by the oxida tion of the center of the target. Hence, if res puttering was not employed in this case, the amount of excess aluminum in the film could be as high as 9%. Films produced without sub strate power were dark. However, the resistivity was stm Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161245 F. Jones and J. Logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1245 very high. Characterization of the dark films was beyond the scope of this work. 3. Effects of substrate temperature The HC substrate holder is water cooled. At substrate bias voltages between -200 and -300 V, the rf power deliv ered to the substrate holder is around 0.8-1.5 kW. In this ease the target-substrate separation is 12 cm. The flow rate of the water is such that the temperature rise of the substrate holder at these power levels is < 10 °C. Experiments were conducted (i) with the silicon substrates simply resting on the substrate holder (uncooled or hot substrates) and (ii) with the silicon substrates attached to the substrate holder using a thermally conducting vacuum grease (cooled sub strates). Small-diameter silicon substrates, 25 mm, were chosen so that both cooled and uncooled substrates could be placed on the substrate holder at the same time. It was ob served that the minimum pressure required to produce transparent films was different for the hot and cold sub strate. At a pressure and substrate voltage of 50 mTorr and -200 V, the film produced 011 the uncooled substrate was transparent and the film on the cooled susbstrate was opaque and conducting. When the pressure was increased to 70 mTorr, clear and transparent films could be produced on both cooled and uncooled substrates. The higher tempera ture of the hot substrate could result in an increased reaction probability for the oxygen and aluminum species arriving at the substrate. The oxygen density above the hot substrate is probably lower than the oxygen density above the cold sub strate. The proposed increase in reaction probability would have to be large enough to produce a stoichiometric film in spite of the drop in the flux of oxygen molecules associated with the higher substrate temperature. The pressure effect for the cooled film is probably due to a drop in aluminum arrival rate relative to the oxygen arrival rate as discussed earlier. 4. Effects of target-substrate separation The separation between target and substrate also affects film formation. It is more difficult to obtain transparent alu minum oxide films at sman target-substrate separations than at large target-substrate separations. In general, the dc bias voltage and operating pressure needed to obtain transparent films were higher for the 120-mm target-substrate separa tion when compared to larger target-substrate separation (e.g., 197 mm). The arrival rate of aluminum at the sub strate falls rapidly as the target-substrate separation in creases. From the above discussions, it follows that one is more likely to obtain transparent films at larger target-sub strate separations because the concentration of oxygen in the vicinity of the substrate does not drop on increasing the tar get-substrate separation. However, the net deposition rate decreases as the target-substrate separation increases. IV. PROCESS WINDOW FOR REACTIVELY SPUTTERED AI203 FILMS The films discussed below were made using the following system configuration. The target-substrate separation was J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 197 mm. Increasing the target-substrate separation allowed us to increase the oxygen flow rate as well as reduce the pressure for a given target power. Hence at a target power of 5 kW, the critical oxygen flow rate was -30 scem. The ar gon pressure for clear stoichiometric aluminum oxide depo sition on cooled silicon substrates was as low as 20 roTorr. However, for most of the films discussed in this section, the operating pressure was-40 mTorr. The diameter of the hollow cathode aperture was 100 mm. The hollow cathode power and de bias voltage were 150 Wand -160 V, respec tively. The results are summarized in Tables I-IV. In Run 186 of Table II, the substrate power and dc bias voltage were 255 Wand -227 V, respectively. Table I shows how variations in oxygen flow rates affect film properties at target powers of 5 and 3 kW. At 5 kW, variations in oxygen flow rates from 27.4 to 29.4 seem result ed in hardness and refractive index variations on the order of 2.5%. Film stress varied by 6%. In all cases, the stress was found to be compressive. At 3 kW, target oxidation occurs around 22.5 secm. Decreasing the oxygen flow rate from 22.0 to 19.2 secm produced variations in the refractive index and hardness on the order of 0.5% and 0.4%, respectively. The stress varied by 4%. On comparing the 3-and 5-kW data, it is easy to see that the film property that changes the most is the film stress which changes from 2.8 X 109 to 1.5 X 109 dyn/cm2. This could be a consequence of the change in deposition rate from 140 to 220 nrn/min, respec tively. It could also be caused by the resputtering processes driven by the hollow cathode substrate holder. The ratio of the resputtering rate to the deposition rate is higher for the low deposition rate. Increasing the deposition rate should therefore reduce the effects of res puttering. At 7kW, the de position rate was -250 nm/min. The corresponding stress was 1.9 X 109 dyn/cm2. Although this is a higher stress than what is found at 220 nrn/min it is still much lower than the stress found at the 140 nm/min deposition rate. The effects of substrate bias are shown in Table II. At a substrate bias voltage of 227 V, the substrate power is ~ 255 W. The change in film parameters when the bias voltage is varied from -160 to -227 V are obviously small and within the error of the measurements. (However, at lower substrate voltages, e.g., -80 V, the deposited films were dark.) The pressure dependence is shown in Table III. When the pressure was increased from 40 to 90 mTorr, the deposition rate dropped from 218 to 159 nm/min. Associated with this TABLE I. Dependence of stress, refractive index, and hardness on oxygen flow rate Qo, and magnetron power, Pm •• , for several experimental runs. v"Ub is the substrate dc dias voltage. Film stress is in units of dyn/cm2• Q", Stre.<;.~ Hardness Pmag V:"ub Rate Run (seem) (l.OX 10") N (kg/mm2) (kW) (V) (A/min) 185 29.4 1.5 1.70 808.2 5 -l60 2180 187 28.4 1.6 1.66 804.2 5 ·-160 2237 188 27.4 1.6 1.67 778.2 5 -160 2245 192 22.0 2.8 1.66 782.8 3 -160 l431 190 19.2 2.7 1.67 786.2 3 --160 1825 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161246 F. Jones and J. Logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1246 TABLE It Dependence of stress, refractive index, and hardness on substrate de bias voltage. v"ub' for several experimental runs. Film stress is in units of dy/cm2. V,uh Stress Hardness Pmag Rate Run (V) (l.OX 10") N (kg/mm') (kW) CJl..!min) 185 ··160 1.5 1.70 808.2 5 2180 186 -227 1.5 1.70 821.1 5 2220 was a drop in film stress and an increase in the hardness. It is well known for metals that the stress of sputtered films de pends on pressure. At low pressures, the stress is usually compressive. At high pressures, the film exhibits tensile stress. The dependence is believed to be related to the kinetic energy of the sputtered atoms and reflected neutrals that arrive at the substrate. In our experiments, the large target substrate separation and high pressures (40 mTorr or greater) almost certainly guarantee the thermalization of the sputtered aluminum atoms and reflected argon neutrals before they reach the substrate.7 However, the hollow cath ode substrate holder produces ions that are accelerated towards the substrate with an energy of 160 eV. Increasing the pressure from 40 to 90 mTorr should produce more gas phase collisions between the argon ions and the neutral ar gon atoms. Consequently, the argon ions probably arrive at the substrate with reduced kinetic energy. The mean free paths of an argon atom at 40 and 90 mTorr are about 1.25 and 0.5 mm, respectively. If the thickness of the plasma sheath above the substrate is ~ 1 cm, then at 40 and 90 mTorr an argon ion experiences 8 and 20 collisions, respec tively, as it is accelerated from the plasma to the substrate by the 160-V potential difference. The argon ions arriving at the substrate would therefore have a much lower kinetic energy. This could be the cause of the lower stress in the alumina film at low high pressures. Finally, Table IV shows how film properties change for cooled and uncoaled substrates. The temperature of the cooled substrate is on the order of 23°C. The uncooled sub strate is labelerd hot. It is estimated that the uncooled sub strate may reach temperatures as high as 200 cC during the deposition. The stress and hardness of the hot substrate are clearly quite different from those of the cooled substrate for otherwise similar operating parameters. The hot substrate, in combination with substrate resputtering, could give rise to a denser and consequently a harder film. The refractive in dex and density of sapphire or a-Al20) are 1.765 and 3.97 g/ cm3• Microcrystalline y-AI20J has a density which varies between 3.5 and 3.9 g/cm3 and a refractive index of 1.7 (see Ref. 9). Hence, the higher refractive index and hardness of TABl.E IV. Dependence of stress, refractive index, and hardness OIl sub strate temperature T, for several experimental runs. Film stress is in units of dyn/cm2. T Stress Hardness Pmag V<;:.:o Rate Run eel (l.Ox 109) N (kg/mm2) (kW) (V) (A/min) 185 23 1.5 1.70 808.2 5 --160 2180 193 Hot 2.6 1.74 937.1 5 -160 2220 the uncooled film may indicate that it may contain a signifi cant amount of the a-A1203 phase. The crystallinity of the deposited films was not examined. The high stress might also be due to the difference in thermal expansion between the alumina film and the silicon substrate. The above results can be summaraized as follows: Clear stoichiometric alumina films can be deposited at a depo sition rate of220 nm/min (13.2,um/h) on cooled substrate. The nominal operating parameters of the deposition are car ried out at a magnetron power of 5k W, an argon pressure of 40 mTorr, an oxygen flow rate of28.9 sccm, and a substrate temperature of 23 "C. The target-substrate separation is 197 mm and the hollow cathode aperture size is 100 mm. The power and voltage of the hollow cathode electrode are 240 W and -160V, respectively. Allowing the oxygen flow rate to vary by ± 0.5 sccm and or the substrate bias vary between -160 and -227 V produced the following results for a group of 12 substrates. The nominal values of the refractive index, stress, and Knoop microhardness were 1.68, 1.5 X 109 dyn/cm2, and 813 kg/mm2. The standard deviations were 0.017, 0.135 dyn/cm2, and 25 kg/mm", respectively. The oxygen flow rate is controlled by a mass flow controller. The mass flow controller does not let the flow rate vary by more than 0.1 secm about the operating point (i.e., 18.9 sccm). Thus a range of ± 0.5 sccm is very wide with respect to the precision to which the oxygen mass flow controller can con trol the oxygen flow rate. Increasing the pressure to 90 mTorr causes a decrease in the deposition rate. It also caused an increase in the micro hardness of the film. Deposition on uncooled substrates causes large increases in film stress and microhardness. V.SUMMARY We have shown that transparent aluminum oxide films can be deposited (with good uniformity ± 6%) over large areas (82-mm-diam substrates) at rates exceeding 2200 AI min using a new reactive sputter deposition technique. In deed, deposition rates as high as 5200 A/min were achieved. The depositions were made without moving the substrate. In TABLE III. Dependence of stress, refractive index, and hardness on argon pressure for several experimental runs. Film stress is in units of dyn/cm2. Pressure Stress Hardness Pmag ~<;:.iO Rate Run (mTorr) (I.OX \09) N (kg/mm2) (kW) (V) (A/min) 185 40.4 1.5 1.70 808.2 5 .-160 2180 189 90.l 1.1 1.66 856.1 5 -160 1591 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:161247 F. Jones and J. logan: High-rate reactive sputter deposition of aluminum oxide 1247 order to do this, a new hollow cathode substrate holder was designed and built into the sputter deposition system. The main advantages of the hollow cathode substrate holder are that 0) it produces an intense localized plasma which ex cites the oxygen and hence promotes the reaction between the aluminum and oxygen atoms at the substrate and Oi) it concentrates the oxygen entering the system in the vicinity of the substrate holder. The general effects of system pressure, substrate dc bias voltage, substrate temperature, and target substrate voltage were described. Materials properties such as refractive index, stoichiometry, microhardness, and stress were measured as a function of system parameters. A pro cess window was found over which clear stoichiometric A1203 films could be made. These results were achieved while sputtering the target in its metallic state and using an oxygen flow rate which was at least 1 scem below the target transition point. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to acknowledge Hollavanhall S. Nagaraj and Benal Owens for measuring the hardness of the films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 7, No.3, May/Jun 1989 shown in this paper and for useful discussions. We also ac knowledge Henry Grabarz. John Costable, and Jim Lucy for technical support during the setup of the vacuum system. We thank Frank Cardone for the electron microprobe me surements. 'G. Este and W. D. Westwood, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 2,1238 (1984). 2M. Scherer and P. Wirz, Thin Solid Films 119, 203 (1984). 3p. Shinoki and A. Itoh, J. App!. Phys. 46, 3381 (1975). 4J. Affinito and R. R. Parsons, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 2, 1275 (1984 l. 5D. H. Grantham, E. L. Paradis, and D. J. Quinn, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 7, 343 (1970). OF. Jones, J. V&;. Sci. Techno!. A 6,3088 (1988). 7J. Thornton and A. Penfold, in Thin Film Processes, edited by J. Vossen and W. Kern (Academic, New York, 1978), p. 106. g Engineering Properties of Selected Ceramic Materials, edited by J. Lynch, C. Ruderer, and W. Duckworth (American Ceramic Society, Columbus, OH,1986). 9CR C Handbook of Physics and Chemistry (CRC, Boca Raton, PL, 1986). lOA. Nyaiesh and L. Holland, Vacuum 31,315 (1981). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:16
Lownoise thinfilm TlBaCaCuO dc SQUIDs operated at 77 K R. H. Koch, W. J. Gallagher, B. Bumble, and W. Y. Lee Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 951 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.100817 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100817 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Superconducting TlBaCaCuO thin films from BaCaCuO precursors AIP Conf. Proc. 251, 153 (1992); 10.1063/1.42062 Superconducting TlBaCaCuO thin films AIP Conf. Proc. 251, 76 (1992); 10.1063/1.42058 Noise and hysteresis in fluxlocked TlBaCaCuO SQUIDs Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2259 (1989); 10.1063/1.101141 Effects of annealing on TlBaCaCuO thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 660 (1989); 10.1063/1.100911 Large anisotropy in the upper critical field of sputtered thin films of superconducting TlBaCaCuO Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 2560 (1988); 10.1063/1.100531 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:15:27Lowanoise thinwfilm TIBaCaCuO de SQUIDs operated at 77 K R. H. Koch, W, J. Gallagher, and 8. Bumble IBM Research Division, T. 1. Watson Research Center, P. O. Box li8, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 W, y, lee IBM Research Division. Almaden Research Center, 560 Harry Road, San Jose, California 95120 (Received 4 November 1988; accepted for pUblication 4 January 1989) We have made a series of single-level de superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) from 4-j.lm~thick TIBaCaCuO tUrns with large grain sizes and operated them in liquid nitrogen. Although device characteristics could not be precisely controlled, some devices had white~noise levels that approached thermally limited noise above ~ 1000 Hz. In addition, devices with 5 and 80 pH loop inductances had 1/ inoise levels at 10 Hz of2X 10-2'1 and 5 X 10-29 J/Hz, respectively. The noise levels at these frequencies are comparable to commercial rfSQUIDs operating in liquid helium, but the hysteresis of the voltage-flux characteristic of the high T, SQUIDs remains large. dc superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) have now been fabricated by a number of groups from thin films of the high-temperature superconductors, and several groups have reported devices that operate at 77K and a few have also reported noise measurements. [-4 To date, none of these devices has incorporated deliberately made Josephson elements, but instead has relied on the weak-Hnk~like nature of grain boundaries. When films with sufficiently low critical current grain boundaries are used, these same boundaries unfortunateiy offer very little resis tance to vortex motion in the film, and this motion leads to large amounts of hysteresis and low~frequency noise in the device characteristics. While the problem is becoming ap parent,S only a few systematic studies6 of vortex motion di rectly related to SQUID performance are available. In this letter we report on SQUIDs made from large grained polycrystaHine TIBuCaCuO films.7 The devices op erated wen at 77 K yet displayed large amounts of hysteresis in the flux-to-voltage transfer function. The 1/ inoise was appreciably less than any other previously measured high T" SQUIDs.",9 We have in favorable cases obtained devices comprised of just a few grain boundaries and have observed a correlation between large grains with sharp "junction-like" current~voltage curveslO•ll and good SQUID performance, The TlBaCaCuO films used in this work 7 were fabricated in a symmetrical rf diode sputtering system, The films used were nominally 4pm thick on Y -stabilized ZrOz substrates, and th.: best results were obtained from a predominantly T12Ba2CazCu30y film with large terraced grains 10-40 pm in size. Patterning was done with an argon ion mill through a 5-,um-thick coating of Shipley AZ4620 resist.s The dc SQUID patterns used consisted of parallel lines connecting two large superconducting regions forming the pads. The TABLE L TlBaCuCuO SQUID parameters at 77 K. Loop Link size width L In Device (lim)l (pm) (pH) (rnA) A 47X47 11.5 -80 3.54 B 47X47 6.7 ,-80 0.57 C ~5X5 12.4 ~,5 1.70 film's resistive transition was predominantly at 120 K with a small ( 10% ) tail extending down to 117 K before patterning and down to -105 K after patterning. We will discuss the results of three SQUIDs whose di mensions and electrical parameters-se1f-inductance L, maximum critical current 1o• dynamic resistance just above the critical current R D, and peak values of the transfer func tion av I ~-are given in Table I. Unlike SQUIDs A and B, SQUID C was not fonned by the lithographically patterned loop, but operated using a naturally occurring hole that was optically visible in one link of the SQUID. The current-vol tage (l-V) curves at 77 K for the SQUIDs are shown on Fig, ]. Comparing aU the SQUIDs we have tested, both YBa2CU30y (YBCO) and TlBaCaCuO, we have found what we call a "junction-like" to.ll 1-V curve, similar to B or C with a sharp break at the maximum critical current, usual ly results in better SQUID performance than a rounded power~law type of /-V curve as SQUID A has and as is char acteristic of high quality YBCO films. 12 Figure 2 plots the field-voltage curve SQUID B for two ranges of field sweep. A field of about 3 X 10-3 T I A was applied with a 300-tum copper coil of mean radius 7.5 mm whose center plane was located 13-15 mm from the SQUIDs. The measured periodicities for SQUIDs A and B, 500 !-lA, are consistent to -30% with an estimate based on the size of their loopso The period of SQUID C, 5 rnA, is too large to be from the lithographically defined loop, but is con sistent with the hole in one of the links that was approxi mately 5 pm in size. Most high Tc SQUIDs that we have studied have flux voltage curves that display a relatively large amount ofhys teresis and many show a pronounced local minimum in the voltage near zero field when large field sweeps are applied, RD aVIiJ<t> S<:p (l kHz) E( 1 kHz) 9ksTLIR (H) (,;;:VI<P"l «P"I,jHz) (J/Hz) (J/Hz) (J.on 5 IX 10 24 (UB 40 2X 10-5 ! X 10>9 6XlO-lG (U99 > 100 2X 10-6 2X 10 1() 2><10-31 951 AppL Phys, Lett. 54 (10), 6 March: 989 0003-6951/89/100951-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 951 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:15:27800 -----. 400 ~ ~ ......... <I) 0 O'l 0 ->-' (5 > -400 -800 '-------'-----'------'--------' -8 -4 a 4 8 Bias Current (mA) FIG. t. Current-voltage characteristics lor SQUIDs A, lJ, and Cat 77 K. such a..<; the 3% dip evident in Fig. 2(b). We tentatively ascribe this local minimum as due either to the fiux flow voltage from additional vortices that penetrate the films away from zero field or to Josephson effects from small loops elsewhere in the link structures. We have observed a general trend in the flux-voltage curves of many SQUIDs that as the temperature is increased, the amount of hysteresis increases. This can be explained by examining the effects of the lack of perfect shielding in the film areas making up the SQUID and the contact pads. Reduced shielding indicates some vortices are entering the films, most likely along the grain boundar ies. For example, as the applied field is reduced to zero from H> 0, the sign of trapped vortices or magnetization will re flect the direction of the previously applied field and these vortices will apply a net field through the SQUID loop and links that is opposite in sign to the previously applied field. Hence in this example, the voltage at H = 0 will reflect the SQUID voltage with a net negative fiux linking the SQUID, as is clearly seen in Fig. 2(b). This effect, figuratively caned "magnetic antibacklash," depends on the size and frequency of the applied fiux sweep. Figure 3 plots (a) the transfer function av la<l> mea sured at 29 Hz, (b) the voltage noise power S" at 100 Hz, (c) the slope of the 1/ f-like noise a log S"IJ log/at 100 Hz, and (d) the flux noise powerSq, at lOOHzforSQUIDBat77K. SQUIDs A and C displayed very similar behavior. In some aspects the shapes of these curves are very similar to {ow Tc SQUIDs, in that the transfer function has a maximum where the flux noise power shows a minimum. On the other hand, the 1/ / voltage noise power is almost independent of the applied flux, which is rather unusual. The 1// flux power spectrum S4;> of all the TlBaCaCuO SQUIDs measured scaled as (aV IJc'J)) -2 over the entire range of measurements in the case where the flux was swept as in Fig. 3, when the bias current was swept, and when each SQUID was modula ted. The 1/ /voltage noise power as a function of increasing bias current shows a rapid rise as the critical current is reached and then continues to slowly increase at higher cur rents. We have compared in Fig. 4 the uncoupled energy reso lution E( j) -=S4;> 12L of these three TlBaCaCuO SQUIDs 952 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 10,6 March 1989 24 t' I \ 20 L'~{, /_;----. 'V\(J , 16 I ' I \ , I \ I \1 1'\_ /' ~ 12 (0) SQ;;;-0J Q.) 8 0> 0 -1.2 -0.6 0.0 0.6 1.2 .... g Q.) 125.0 .~ /~ ...., " ~ 122.5 ---->/_~J I et:: r , \ 1\/ r 120.0 fo~'A,/\{''-~ I \ I /\;/ \ t 117.5 (b) SQUID 8\/ . 1 <c------ 115.0 -4 -2 0 2 4 Applied Field (mA) FIG. 2. Field-voltage characteristic for SQUID B at 77 K measured during two diftcrent cooldowns. The field was sinusoidally swept with the arrows indicating the direction of the field sweep. (a} The bias current at 0.60 rnA. (h) The bias current at 1.03 mA, operating at 77 K with an YBCO SQUID operating at 77 K8,'} and three readily available types of niobium-based SQUIDs operating at 4.2 K. 13-·15 For the high T< SQUIDs in this figure we only used data from regions where the transfer ~ : I <J'I . . ~'- ~UID 'J ~ /" -----~- -10 -.-"~------'----~-- r~I~~~-~1 ~·~:[~~~~~l ~ ::~r----'--\-, ~'::7l } ~ ,;:~:~ ~ ~-j 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 Applied Flux (rnA) FIG. 3, (a) Unmodulated transfer function, (b) the voltage noise power at 100Hz, (c) the slope of the noise at 100Hz, and (d) the flux noise at lOO Hz of SQUID B at 77 K. The period for these measurements was 770 /J,A be cause the field coil was moved relative to the SQUID. While two peaks in the transfer function can be seen, the SQUID was obviously very asymmet rical. Koch eta!. 952 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:15:27~ N :::c 2: 10-28 10-29 10-30 10-31 YBCO DC, 77 K , .~ .. -.-'-.-- .. ---------"- " IBM DC, 4.2 K '_ ... --.---~-------,._----- 10-32 -~--""~"-"~"-"~-- 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 Frequency (Hz) FIG. 4. Measured energy resolution of the three SQUIDs operating 77 K compared to that of commercial rf and dc SQUIDs and to published results for two IBM de SQUIDs all operating at 4.2 K. Data shown as dashed were obtained using modulation schemes that reduce low-frequency noise from critical current tluctuations. Also plotted is the energy resolution of a mod ulakd YBCO SQUID at 77 K; the un modulated energy resolution was con siderably higher. characteristics were essentially periodic and symmetric, such as in Fig. 2(a). The two upper most curves plot the noise of SQUID A when operated in the samll signal or "di rect" mode and in the "modulated" mode measured during the same cooldown. In the modulated mode a 3 kHz sine wave was used to modulate the flux in the SQUID through ± 1/4$0 or slightly less. The relative voltage noise powers of aU the high Tc SQUIDs differ by far less than the relative energy resolutions. The better performance of SQUIDs B and C is mainly because these devices have larger transfer functions than SQUID A. On the other hand, the ill-defined quality of a grain boundary tha.t makes it suitable or not suitable for SQUID operation is probably more relevant in predicting the performance of a set of high Tc SQUIDs. We can use the above data to ascertain what we can about the source of the 1/ fnoise. Since Sq, is not indepen dent of av liN> for large values of av la<I>, conventional flux noise,<>·16.17 while probably present, cannot be the dominate 1/ fnoise source. The voltage noise power from critical cur rent fluctuations would decrease for higher currents. This was not observed as mentioned above. Secondly, since the fiux power spectrum from critical current fluctuations from any source is oniy weakly dependent on (JV la.:!> when the transfer function is large,18 "conventional" critical current fluctuations can also be ruled out. The order of magnitude reduction in the noise ml shown on Fig. 4 for SQUID A, when comparing direct to modulated results, has also been seen on several YBa2CujOv SQUIDs. In our case, where flux noise is 953 Appl. Physo Lett., Vol. 54, No.1 0,6 March 1989 not a dominate source, an approximate factor of two reduc tion is expected. The larger reduction seen can be attributed to additive 1/ f voltage noise in the presence of a current from thermally activated vortex motionl2 in the pads, links, and other parts ofthe structure of the SQUID. In this letter we have demonstrated low-noise operation of high Tc SQUIDs in liquid nitrogen. For many applica tions, an energy resolution of 1 X 10-29 J/Hz is adequate and operation in liquid nitrogen would be a great advantage.19 This would, of course, mean fabricating a coupling structure to these SQUIDs which has not been done yet. The hystere sis in the flux-voltage curve represents a problem, but the amount seen in Fig. 2 is greater than what would be present in the usual modulation scheme where only a flux modula tion of ± £4>0 is used. Modulation methods that work around relatively large amounts of hysteresis can also be imagined, Reducing film area and increasing film quality should also reduce the problem. We thank D. Bullock, V. Foglietti, R. B. Laibowitz, V. Y. Lee, and J. R. Salem for assistance. This work was partially supported by U. S. Office of Naval Research con tract No. N00014-88-C-0439. 'R. H. Koch. C. P. Umbach, G. J. Clark, P. Chaudhari, and R. B. 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Development of a VUV/soft xray monochromator for undulator radiation at the Photon Factory Yasuji Muramatsu and Hideki Maezawa Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 2078 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140830 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140830 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Construction of a New VUV/Soft Xray Undulator Beamline BL13A in the Photon Factory for Study of Organic Thin Films and Biomolecules Adsorbed on Surfaces AIP Conf. Proc. 1234, 709 (2010); 10.1063/1.3463308 Evaluation of a new VUV/soft xray toroidal grating monochromator with a movable exit slit Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 1269 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143097 A soft xray beam line (BL13C) at the Photon Factory with a CEM using undulator radiation Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 1363 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143071 Improvements and recent performance of a doublecrystal monochromator for a soft xray undulator at the Photon Factory Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 886 (1992); 10.1063/1.1142636 Soft xray microscope at the undulator beamline of the Photon Factory Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 2448 (1989); 10.1063/1.1140695 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:42:31Development of a VUV I soft x-ray monochromator for undulator radiation at the Photon Factory Yasuji Muramatsu NTT Applied Electronics Laboratories, Musashino, Tokyo 180, Japan Hideki Maezawa Photon Factory, National Laboratory jar High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, lbaraki 305, Japan (Presented on 29 August 1988) A VUV Is oft x-ray monochromator was developed for utilizing undulator radiation from a 26- period multipole wiggler/undulator at the Photon Factory. An entrance slitless quasi-Rowland circle mounting was adopted to the monochromator optics, aimed at achieving the compatibility of high resolution with high-output flux. The optics was realized by a decoupling of horizontal focusing with a deflection mirror from vertical focusing with an aberration-free vertical dispersion system which was composed of a cylindrical mirror and a concave grating. The optics and mechanism of the monochromator as well as its test operation made after installation are described. INTRODUCTION The high brilliance ofundulator radiation has paved the way for achieving the compatibility of high resolution with high output flux in a grazing incidence optics of a synchrotron radiation monochromator. I The narrow divergence proper to the radiation from a many-period undulator makes it pos sible to fully accept the radiation with small optical elements and makes it easy to form an aberration-free optical system even in the grazing incidence configuration. With a low emittance beam of a storage ring operation, it is also possible to achieve the high resolution even in an entrance sUtless system which leads to the high-output flux of the monochro mator. However, a requirement for avoiding strong r rays properly accompanied by the undulator radiation imposes a boundary condition on the beamline optics.2 A branching of the beamline with a horizontal deflection mirror is inevitable for use of the VUV and soft x-ray radiation from the undula tor. In addition, high-power density of the radiation also imposes another constraint on the optical design of the branch beamIine. The first deflection mirror should not take part of vertical focusing because such an arrangement is a most severe usage of a first mirror in view of the thermal deformation effects. 3 The characteristic coherent property of the undulator radiation leads us to adopt the vertical dispersion system in a grating monochromator.4 A radiation cone in which pho tons are coherent is as narrow as /;:7[, where A is the wave length of interest and L is the length of the undulator.5 Tak ing into account the profile ofthe stored electron or positron beam, the vertical dispersion has an advantage in achieving the high-output flux. This work was an attempt to develop a high-resolution high-output flux VUV 150ft x-ray monochromator for undu lator radiation, clearing all the above constraints with a so phisticatedly devised optics. This monochromator covers the photon energy range of 40-600 eV, which includes the tunable range of the first harmonic peak of the undulator radiation from a 26-period multipole wiggler/undulator at the Photon Factory.6-9 In this paper, the optical and me chanical design of the monochromator is described in detail as wen as a test operation of the monochromator. I. OPTICAL DESIGN A. Optical arrangement The design concept of the VUV Isoft x-ray monochro mator is summarized as follows: (1 ) an entrance sUtless op tics to achieve high total output flux, (2) decoupling ofhori zontal focusing from vertical focusing to avoid undesired high-order aberration, (3) horizontal focusing on an exit slit by a deflection cylindrical mirror, (4) vertical dispersion optics to obtain the high-output flux, (5) an aberration-free dispersion optics to achieve high resolution, even in an asym metric arrangement, and (6) a bent cylindrical mirror placed in the 1: 1 configuration for refocusing of monochro matized rays. The optical arrangement of the monochromator is shown in Fig. 1. The front mirror MO, placed 15 m distant from the source center, is a cylindrical mirror made of SiC for horizontal deflection and collection which focuses the beam onto the exit slit S placed 24 m distant from the source point. Its incidence angle is fixed at 87.0°. The plane mirror Ml is to constantly deflect rays to the M2 mirror. The inci denceangleofMl varies from 81.3° to 87.8°. The cylindrical mirror M2 and the concave grating G constitute an aberra tion-free vertical dispersion system which focuses the dif fracted rays onto the exit slit. The bent cylindrical mirror M3 placed in the 1; 1 configuration refocuses the monochro matized rays to the sample position both horizontally and vertically. Its incidence angle is fixed at 86.25°. The exit an gle of diffracted rays from S was fixed at 7.50°, which was determined to suppress higher-order harmonics of undula tor radiation most effectively by considering the reflectivity ofM! and M3. 2078 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60 (7), July 1989 0034-6748/89/072078-03$01.30 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 2078 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:42:31UR 1111118 metor FIG. 1. Schematic drawing of the monochromator. MO, a cylindrical deflec tion mirror for horizontal collection and focusing onto the exit slit; MI, a plane mirror for dellection to M2; M2, a cylindrical mirror; G, a concave grating; S, the exit slit; and M3, a bent cylindrical refocusing mirror. B. Aberration~free dispersion optics In order to achieve high resolution, the diffracted rays must be weH focused on the exit slit. To satisfy the require ment for the entrance sUtless system of the asymmetric con figuration, an aberration-free dispersion optics shown in Fig. 2 was devised. The system composed of a cylindrical mirror and a concave grating corrects vertical coma aberration by satisfying second-order focusing conditions at the exit slit. The idea of this aberration-free optics is basically as same as that of the optical system consisting of two concave mir rors. to The conditions were derived in the following way. As is defined in Fig. 2, we suppose a forward ray emitted from the source point to the cylindrical mirror with small devergence angle (j and a backward ray emitted from the focal point to the concave grating with small divergence angle €. The fo cusing conditions are derived from the matching of the for ward ray and the backward ray to the degree of second order for a and € both in their positions and directional cosines at the matching point between the mirror and grating. When the relative position of the mirror and grating is fixed, there is only one solution of the conditions corresponding to one diffraction angle. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize at one arbitrary diffraction angle or wavelength. The best optical parameters were determined from the focusing conditions, by optimizing the system at 530 eV to realize the high-energy resolution (E / AE) of 2000 at the oxygen K-absorption edge. The initial parameters imposed FIG. 2. Optical system composed of a cylindrical mirror and a concave grat ing. Rm and R", radii of curvature of the mirror and the grating; (I., iJ}ci dence angle of both the mirror and the grating; (3, diffractioll angle; and y"" , r'nZ' rgl, and rg2, lengths from a source point to the mirror, from the mirror to a matching point, from the matching point to the grating, and the grating to a focal poillt. 2079 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 •.•••••.•.•.• -•.••••• ,' ......... -••• -•••• ' ••••••• :.:.:-:.;.; ••••• ,' •.• :.:.:.:.; •••••••• ~.' •.• :.:.:.:.:.;.~ ...... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.; ••••• ;>".~.:.:.;.:-: ••• ; •••• ~ ••• :.:.:.:.:.: •••••• ';' :.:.;.;.: ••••••• ,'.: •.• :.:.:.: •••••••• ~ ••••••• ' •••.• ~.-~.,. ,_ •• FIG. 3. Spot diagrams of ray tracing simulations for diffracted rays from 80 to 600 cV with a 2400- Iin.:s mm -I grating. by spatial constraints were a = 87.0°, Rg == 2000 mm, and r m; = 22.0 ffi_ The other optical parameters were deter mined automatically with the initial parameters. These pa rameters were Rm = 1795.8 mm, 'm2 =,47.092 mm, and r 1 = 78.762 mm. The diffraction angle {J varies from 74.0° t~ 87.0·, and 'g2 varies from 585 to 156 mm, during the scan ning from 40 eV to the zeroth-order position using a 1200- lines mm -1 grating. Co Ray tracing simulations The realistic optical arrangement of the monochroma tor was checked by ray tracing simulations. The ray tracing software developed at the Photon Factory was used.l' Fig ure 3 shows the spot diagrams of the simulations for diffract ed rays from 80 to 600 e V when a 2400-lines mm -I grating was supposed. The source size of ax = 0.655 mm and O'y = 0.125 mm was also supposed. The image plan~ was set on the exit slit. The spot diagrams show that the dIffracted rays can be well focused vertically (along the z axis) satisfy ing quasi-second-order focusing conditions and the verti~al size of all the focal spots are less than 25 f-llU over the entlre photon energy range. This result indicates that an energy resolution of 2000 will be achieved at 500 eV when a 2400- lines mm-j grating and a lO-f-lm slit are used. II. MECHANICAL DESIGN Ao Scanning mechanism A mechanically linked system of MI, M2, and G was designed to achieve the required movement for the optical elements with the desired accuracy. In Fig. 1, MI, M2, and G are mounted on a table and their relative positions are fixed. Centers ofMl and G move along a horizontal straight Ml rail and an inclined straight G rail, respectively. The grating is automatically rotated through the translation, in such a way that the relation between the translation length and the diffraction angle satisfies almost all the focusing con ditions. In addition, Ml is automatically rotated to deflect rays onto M2 by a half-angle rotation mechanism which re sembles that of the Grasshopper. 12 The wavelength scanning can be simply carried out only by the translation of G. The mechanically linked scanning mechanism of this monochro- VUVand x-ray optics 2019 , .... -,-.-., •.•. '.' ... ~ ..... ;.; ... ; ....•.. , .. ~.:.:.:-;.: ....•.•.•. :.-.:.:.:.:.:.,. ...... ;-..... ~.: •.•...•..... ~.-..... -.-....•.•.. ,~ .. , ... -.•.. '.' ...•. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:42:31VACUUM' • ATMOSPHERE UR outside wall .• _() of a chamber // . --fD / flexible-shaft micrometers FIG. 4. Optical aligning system composed of a knife edge and a photocath ode plate. The knife edge and the photocathode plate can be controlled from the outside of the monochromator chamber by flexible-shaft micrometers. mator is basically the same as that of the lO-m grazing inci dence monochromator at the Photon Factory_ 13 B. Optical aligning system The optical aligning system shown in Fig. 4 was devised to easily adjust the geometric positions of the optical ele ments without breaking vacuum of the monochromator. The system consists of a knife edge and a photocathode plate. The knife edge can be moved up and down against the optical element surface with the minimum space of 100 pm between them. The knife edge also takes a role of a dia phragm. The photocathode plate placed just after the optical element can also be moved up and down. When the photo cathode plate is moved down, the plate is across an optical axis. The systems were equipped to MI, M2, and G holders, respectively. The optical elements can be aligned in the following way. The knife edge and the photocathode plate are moved down. Then, the optical element is aligned by using the flexi ble-shaft micrometers to make photocurrent detected by the photocathode plate maximum. After the optical element is precisely aligned, the knife edge and the photocathode plate are moved up. C. Test operation Undulator radiation was measured by the monochro mator, and its preliminary performance was evaluated, Dur ing the measurement, the stored current of positron beam was about 250 rnA and the magnetic gap of the multipole wiggler lundulator was set to about 70 mm. A gold mesh mounted after the exit slit was used as a photocathode, and its photocurrent was monitored. Figure 5 shows the mea sured spectral response of the monochromator over the pho ton energy range from 40 to 300 eV with a replicated 1200- lines mm---1 grating and a 50-{lm exit slit. The higher-order harmonics up to the fourth were observed. Although a large amount of stray component by scatter ing was observed in the higher photon energy region due to the radiation damage of the grating surface, 14 these mea.<;ure ments confirmed that the entrance slitless quasi-Rowland 2080 Rev. Sci. lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 :. / :./ ;' . o '50 2nd ~ :. . 3rd 4th . , ~ .~~ 250 300 FIG. 5. Spectral response of the monochromator for the undulator radiation over the photon energy range from 40 to 300 eV. A replicated 1200- lines mm -1 grating and a 50-flm slit were used. circle mounting monochromator had a possibility of achiev ing both high-resolution and high-output flux. m. CONCLUDING REMARKS Further improvements are necessary to make full use of the monochromator. Thermal resistant gratings such as master gratings made of SiC should be developed, The repli cated gratings used could not withstand the high-power den sity of the undulator radiation. In addition, the devised op tics will be much more improved by adoption of an aspheric grating or a variable-pitch grating in order to make the focal spot of diffracted rays smaller over the entire photon energy range. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express their thanks to Professor Takeshi Namioka of Tohoku University for his helpful dis cussions and to Professor lunichi Chikawa of the Photon Factory for his encouragement. 'll. Maezawa, A. Toyoshima, Y. Kagoshima, K. Mori, and T. Ishikawa, these proceedings. 'H. Maezawa, M. Ando, T. Ishikawa, M. Nomura, H. Kitamura, A. Mi kuni, and T. Sasaki, Proc. SPIE 733,96 (1986). 'R. Maezawa, S. Sato, and A. Iijima, these proceedings. 4T. Miyahara, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 25,1672 (1986). 3K. J. Kim, Nue!. lnstrum. Methods A 246,71 (1986). 6T. Shioya, S. Yamamoto, S. Sasaki. M. Katoh, Y. Kamiya, and H. Kita mura, these proceedings. 7T. Koide, S. Sato, N. Kanaya, and S. Asaoka, these proceedings. "T. Matsushita, H. Maezawa, T. Ishikawa, M. Nomura, A. Nakagawa, A. Mikuni, Y. Muramatsu, Y. Salow, T. Kosuge, S. Sata, T. Koide, N. Ka naya, S. Asaoka, and I. Nagakura, these proceedings. "H. Maezawa, Y. Muramatsu, T. Shioya, S. Yamamoto, and n. Kitamura, these proceedings. \lIT. Namioka, H. Noda, K. Goto, and T. Katayama, Nuc!. lustrum. Meth ods 208,215 (1983). 1 Iy' Muramatsu, Y. Ohishi, and ll. Maezawa. Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 27, Ll539 (1988) . 12F. C. Brown, R. Z. Bachrach, S. B. M. Hagstrom, N. Lien, and C. H. Pruett; Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics (Pcrgamon-Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1974), p. 785. "n. Maezawa, S. Nakai, S. Mitani, H. Noda, T. Namioka, and T. Sasaki, Nuc!. lustrum. Methods A 246,310 (1986). 145. Mitani, T. Namioka, M. Yanagihara, K. Yamashita, J. Fujita, S. Mo rita, T. Harada, T. Sasaki, S. Sato, T. Miyahara, T. Koide, A. Mikuni, W. Okamoto, and H. Maezawa, these proceedings. VUV and x-ray optics 2080 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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Resonant tunneling bipolar transistors using InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructures T. Futatsugi, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Muto, N. Yokoyama, and A. Shibatomi Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 1771 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.342929 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342929 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Photoreflectance temperature dependence of graded InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor layers J. Appl. Phys. 78, 4035 (1995); 10.1063/1.359927 Photoreflectance characterization of graded InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor layers Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 2697 (1995); 10.1063/1.113492 Study of InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor layers by optically detected cyclotron resonance Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 2543 (1995); 10.1063/1.113161 Gain enhancement in InAlAs/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors using an emitter ledge J. Appl. Phys. 76, 1954 (1994); 10.1063/1.357654 Photoreflectance characterization of an InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructure bipolar transistor Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 1974 (1994); 10.1063/1.111732 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:47:42Resonant tunneling bipolar transistors using InAIAs/lnGaAs heterostructures T. Futatsugi, Y. Yamaguchi, S, Muto, N. YOKoyama, and A Shibatomi Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., 10-1 Morinosato- Wakamiya, Atsugi 243-01, Japan (Received 3 August 1988; accepted for pUblication 13 October 1988) Resonant tunneling bipolar transistors (RBTs) using InAIAs/lnGaAs heterostructures were fabricated. These devices are bipolar transistors which use a resonant tunneling barrier as a minority-carrier injector. The RBT exhibits a collector current peak as a function of the base emitter voltage at room temperature. The peak-to-vaney ratio of the collector current is 3.5, and the peak collector CUI'rent density is 'j,7X 104 A/cm2, The common-emitter current gain reaches a value of 24. These InAIAs/InGaAs RBTs characteristics are much better than those of AIGaAs/GaAs RBTs. We measured the microwave characteristics of the InAIAs/InGaAs RBT at room temperature, and obtained a cutoff frequency of 12.4 GHz. An equivalent circuit analysis and device simulation yielded an estimated resonant tunneling barrier response time of 1.4 ps. I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, resonant tunneling structures, such as InAlAs/lnGaAs (Ref. 1) and AIAs/lnGaAs,2 are being studied along with AIGaAs/GaAs (Refs. 3-5) and AIAsl GaAs (Ref. 6) heterostructures. InAIAs/lnGaAs and AIAs/lnGaAs resonant tunneling diodes exhibit a pro nounced negative differential resistance (NDR) at room temperature. Several three-terminal resonant tunneling de vices,7-10 such as the resonant tunneling hot electron transis tor (RHET), i I, i2 have been proposed and fabricated. These devices are attracting much interest as new functional de vices. In 1986, we proposed a resonant tunneling bipolar tran sistor (RBT),13 which has a resonant tunneling barrier in the base-emitter junction. This structure overcomes the RHET drawbacks, which are poor current gains and large base-collector leakage current at room temperature. These drawbacks originate from the RHET's collector potential barrier in the base-collector junction. Since the RET has a p-n junction instead of a collector potential barrier as a base collector junction, we expect high current gains at room tem perature operation. However, the AIGaAs/GaAs RBTs that we fabricated exhibited no NDR at room temperature and exhibited only a small NDR at 77 K. i3 To improve this, we fabricated RET!! using InAIAsl InGaAs heterostructures. Such heterostructures have ad vantages over the AIGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. First, the electron-effective mass of the barrier layer InAIAs is as low as 0.075. We can thus expect an extremely high tunneling current density. Second, InAIAs is a direct gap material Therefore, we do not have to worry about band mixing which occurs for indirect gap AIGaAs barriers. 14 Third, the InGaAs layer can be heavily doped with Si. This decreases the RBT's parasitic resistance. In this paper, we describe RBT fabrication using InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructures, and report on its electri cal characteristics. We discuss the response time of the reso nant tunneling barrier by using analysis of an equivalent cir cuit and device simulation. II. EXPERIMENT Figure 1 diagrams the schematic cross section of our InAlAs/lnGaAs RET. The Ino.s2 Alo.4s As and lIlo.s3Gllo.47As epitaxial1ayers were grown on a (100) ori ented semi-insulating loP substrate by molecular-beam epi taxy (MBE) at a temperature of 470"C. The emitter layer was doped with Si to a concentration of 1 X 10ill cm-3• The base layer is 150 nm thick, and is doped with Be to 5 X 1018 cm O~ 3. The collector layer is 300 nm thick, and is doped with Si to 1 X 1017 cm -3. The resonant tunneling barrier consists of a 3.8-nm InGaAs layer sandwiched between 4.4~nm lnAlAs barriers. Undoped 1.5-nm-thick InGaAs spacer lay ers were formed on both sides of the resonant tunneling bar rier. Assuming that the conduction-band discontinuity between InAIAs and InGaAs is 0.53 eV,15 the first resonant level of electrons is estimated to be at 175 meV. A 4O-nm 11. type InGaAs layer was introduced between the resonant tunneling barrier and the base layer to reduce hole injection from the base to the emitter and to reduce the excess current caused by Be diffusion. RBTs were fabricated by the following procedure. First, wet etching was used to form the emitter, base, and collector mesa areas. Next, AuGel Au collector contact metals were Inl' substrate c::::=I InGsAs " ... ·,""M. InAIAs FIG.!. Schematic cross section of the InAIAs/InGaAs RET. 1771 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (4), 15 February 1989 0021-8979/89/041771-05$02.40 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 1771 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:47:42(a) (b) (el FIG. 2. Schematic band dia grams of the RET. (a) VBE = 0 V. (b) VBE is increased but is less than the built-in voltage of the p n junction. (c) VSE is increased further, evaporated and alloyed at 400 ·C. After that, the AuZnl Au base contact metals were evaporated and alloyed at 350°C. Finally, Crl Au nonaHoyed ohmic contacts were formed for the emitter electrodes. Figure 2 gives the schematic band diagrams, and reflects the operational principle of the device. (a) When the base emitter voltage is zero, the resonant tunneling barrier is in the neutral region adjacent to the p-n junction. (b) When the base-emitter voltage increases, the potential difference across the p-n junction also increases, and near-fiat-band conditions are achieved. (c) When the base-emitter voltage is increased further, a potential difference develops across the InAIAs barriers, and hot electrons are injected due to resonant tunneling. However, when the base-emitter voltage exceeds a certain value, the resonant tunneling condition is not satisfied, and electrons cannot be injected into the base layer. We thus expect a collector current peak as a function of the base-emitter voltage. lit RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Static characteristics The InAIAs/lnGaAs RBT exhibited a collector current peak at room temperature. Figure 3 graphs the collector and base currents as functions of the base~emitter voltage with a 16 Emitter: 2.31Jm x 8.611m VeE == 2.0 V <" 12 .§ -c S ~ ". (,) 4 Base 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Base-emitter voltage (V) FIG. 3. Collector and base currents as functions of the base-emitter voltage with a constant collector-emitter voltage of 2.0 V measured at room tem perature. 1772 J. Appl. Phys., Vo!. 65, No.4, 15 February 1989 30 VeE == 2.0 V Ii: 'iii m 20 C 0\1 ... '-::. 10 (,) o L-__ -L ____ J-____ L-__ ~ (I 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Base-emitter voltage (\I) FIG. 4. Common-emitter small signal current gain measured as a function of the base-emitter voltage. constant collector-emitter voltage of 2.0 V measured at room temperature. The base-emitter junction is 2.3 X 8.6 f.tm2• There is a collector current peak. at around 1.2 V due to electron resonant tunneling. The peak-to-valley ratio is 3,5, and the peak current density is S.7x 104 A/cm2• These char acteristics of the InAIAs/lnGaAs RBT at room tempera ture are much better than those of the AIGaAs/GaAs RBT at 77 K,13 Figure 4 shows the common-emitter small signal cur rent gain as a function of the base-emitter voltage. The cur rent gain reached 24 at around 0.8 V. The base~emitter junc tion is a homojunction. However, a high current gain is obtained for several reasons. One is the small tunneling probability of holes through the resonant tunneling barrier. Another is that the injection current of holes from the base to the emitter and the excess current of resonant tunneling are reduced by introducing an n-type InGaAs layer between the resonant tunneling barrier and the base layer. Figure 5 shows the collector current-voltage character istics of the RBT for the common-emitter configuration with the base current as a parameter. When the base current is less than 0.8 mA, the RBT operates like a conventional bipolar transistor. However, when the base current is more than 1.0 rnA, the RBT exhibits unique characteristics. For example, for a base current of 1.0 rnA, the collector current changes the path from A to D as a function of the collector voltage, indicating that the collector current decreases abruptly at <' 16 E .... .... 12 c: e ... .. ::! I,) 8 .. 0 ... 0.2 u .! 4 '0 U III = 0.0 mA 1 2 3 4 5 Collector-emitter voltage (V) FIG. 5. Collector 1-V characteristics of the RET for the common-emitter configuration with base current III as a parameter. When IBis more than 1.0 rnA, Ie is decreased abruptly at around VeE of 0.6 V. Futatsugi at a/. 1772 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:47:42FIG, 6. Collector current and base current measured as functions of the base-emitter voltage oftne RBT used for microwave measurement. The de vice has a4X 14.5 pm2 base-emitter junction and a 16X i7.5j.tm2 base-col lector junction. around VeE of 0.6 V due to resonant tunneling. This is be cause the base-emitter voltage changes markedly in the satu ration region, even if the base current is constant. We mea sured the static characteristics of the RBT at 77 K. The collector current exhibited a pronounced peak as a function of the base-emitter voltage, with a peak-to-valley ratio of 11.4 and a peak current density of 5.8 X Ht A/cm2• The maximum current gain reached 42. B. Microwave characteristics We measured the room-temperature microwave char acteristics ofthe RBT. The device has a 4X 14.5 p.m'J. base emitter junction and a 16 X 17.5 p.m'J. base-col1ector junction. Figure 6 shows one of the static characteristics of the device. The collector current exhibited a peak with a peak-to-valley ratio of 2.3. The peak current was 26.6 rnA. The small signal current gain reached 26 at a base~emitter voltage of 0.8 V. Microwave measurements were performed using an HP851 0 network analyzer with a Cascade Microtech probe station. The common-emitter current gain h21 was calculated from the measured S-parameter data. The dependence of IT on the Ie for a collector-emitter voltage VeE of 1.8 V is plotted in Fig. 7. Initially, IT continues to increase with Ie. This is because the differential resistance of the base-emitter p-n 100 VCE == 1.80 V N ::I: 10 £! .!: 10.1 100 Collector current (rnA) FIG. 7. Cutolffrequency IT against collector current with a constant collec tor-emitter voltage of 1.8 V. Lines indicated by the solid circles correspond to before NDR. Lines indicated by the circles correspond to after NDR. 1773 J. AppL Phys .• Vol, 65, No.4. 15 February 1989 VCE = 1.80V VIIE:= 1.02 V Jc = 2.6 X 104 A/cm2 10 100 Frequency ( GHz ) FIG. 8. Frequency dependence of h2J at a collector current of 15 rnA before NDR. The collector current de!l§ity, Ie. is 2.6X itt A/cm2• junction and of the resonant tunneling barrier decrease. However,IT decreases just before NDR occurs, because the differential resistance of the resonant tunneling barrier in creases again. Under the conventional bipolar transistor bias condition, IT reaches 12.4 GHz at an Ie of 15 rnA. The frequency dependence of ;'21 at the operating point VBE = 1.02 V,Ie = 15mA (Jc = 2.6X Ht A/cm2) is shown in Fig. 8. 12.4 GHz is extrapolated from the data with the -6 dB/octave sloped line. We analyzed the delayed times, which make up thefr of 12.4 GHz, using the simpie equivalent circuit model dia grammed in Fig. 9. The resonant tunneling barrier is repre sented by the resistance RT and the capacitance CT' The base-emitter p-n junction is represented by the resistance R E and the capacitance CEO These element combinations are connected in series. We assumed the common-base current gain a can be expressed by the following equation: a=aoexp( -j(j)Tc)/(1 +j(;)TlJ). (1) where T B is the base-layer transit time and T e is the collector depletion-layer transit time. The device model parameters were determined from curve fitting to the measured S-pa rameter data. The device model parameters are listed in Ta ble I. The S-parameter data of the circuit model agree wen with the measured S-parameter data, as shown in Fig. 10. Considering the first order of frequency, the current gain h21 is expressed by the foHowing equation: Ree FIG. 9. Equivalent circuit B C model for the RBT. CE CT Futatsugi et al. 1773 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:47:42TABLE I. Model parameters of the RBT equivalent circuit. ao = 0.94 Tn = 1.91 ps 1"c = 0.73 ps CE =O.40pF CT =0.47pF Cc =O.17pF Ccc =0.16pF Rz.;= 1.73 H R,.= 2.99H RB =275 n Rc= ll.lkn REE= 6.79H RBB = 6.61 n Rcc= 6.460 (2) The emitter-to-collector delay time TEe represents the sum of five delays (3) where 7 E is the emitter p-n junction charging time, 7(: is the collector charging time, and 7 T is the resonant tunneling barrier response time. Therefore, for the RET, the total de lay 7Ee is composed of 1"T and the four delay times of a conventional bipolar transistor.16 Components 1"11 and 'i e are used in the circuit model to express the common-base current gain a. Using the circuit model parameters, 'T£, Te, and 'iT are expressed by the following equation: 7£ =REC E, Tc = [(RE + RT + REE)/a O + Rec] (ec + Cec) + RlICcc(l -ao)/ao, 71' =RTC p (4) (5) (6) The delay times estimated from the circuit model are listed in Table II. The'TEc value is estimated to be 13.6 ps corresponding to iT ( = 1I21T1"Ec) of 11.7 GHz and agrees wen with the experimentalj~ of 12.4 GHz. For our RET, the collector charging time T~ is large, thus decreasing/To This is because the pattern design of the RBT has not been opti mized for high-frequency operation. The base transit time is estimated to be 1.91 ps. This value is too large if electrons transit the base region ballistically, indicating that hot elec trons injected into the base lose their kinetic energy due to scattering in the p-type InGaAs region. --MeaslIred -----. Modeled VCE = 1.S0 V VeE = 1.02 V Ic = 15 mA FIG. to. Measured and modeled S-parameter data of the RBT. 1774 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.4. 15 February 1989 TABLE II. Delay times in ps of the RBT estimated from the equivalent circuit analysis. TEe "E Tn "c T' C 1",. 13.6 0.69 1.91 0.73 8.92 1.39 C. Response time of the resonant tunneling barrier The response time of a resonant tunneling barrier has been analyzed,17-19 but it is still not clearly defined. As a result of an analysis of the equivalent circuit, we obtained a T T of 1.39 ps, as listed in Table n. To evaluate the validity of this value, we estimated the resonant tunneling barrier re sponse time using a device simulation. Figure 11 shows the model energy-band diagram used for our simulation. Both sides ofthe resonant tunneling bar rier are doped with donors to a concentration of 1 X 1018 em -3• By solving the Poisson and Schrodinger equations, 13 we calculated the tunneling current I, the electron charge accumulated in the accumulation region QA' and the charge built in the quantum-wen region Qw' We assumed that 7T is the sum of R TC A and the delay related to the dwell time T TT' where CA ( = dQA/dV) is the capacitance of the accumula tion and depletion layers and 'Trr = dQw/dI. At a collector current of 15 rnA, we obtained a TTT of 0.71 ps and a CA of 0.23 pF from the device simulation. Using an equivalent circuit model parameter of the resonant tunneling barrier resistance R T = 2.99 n, r T is (7) Therefore, 'iT obtained from the simulation agrees with that of the equivalent circuit analysis. The capacitance of the res onant tunneling barrier in the equivalent circuit model Cr is considered to correspond to CA + T TT/ RT in the device sim ulation. IV. CONCLUSiONS Resonant tunneling bipolar transistors (RBTs) were fabricated using InAIAs/lnGaAs heterostruetures. These RBTs operate at room temperature. We obtained a collector current peak-to-valley ratio of 3.5, a peak current density of 5.7X 104 A/cmz, and a common-emitter small signal cur rent gain of24. We also measured the microwave character istics of RBTs, obtaining a cutoff frequency of 12.4 GHz. 'r'" 'trr+RTCA 'tn::: ~Qw ~I CA= ~QA ~v Tn: 0.71 ps RTe ... : 0.69 ps FIG. 11. Model energy-band diagram ofthe resonant tunneling barrier used for the device simulation. Futatsugi et al. 1774 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 22:47:42The response time of the resonant tunneling barrier is esti~ mated to be L4 ps from the results of the equivalent circuit analysis and the device simulation. The characteristics of RBTs are greatly improved by using InAIAs/lnGaAs heterostructures. These results indi~ cate that RBTs are promising for practical room tempera~ tun; applications. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank T. Misugi, M. Kobayashi, Y. Yamaoka, and E. Miyauchi for their continuous encouragement, T. Fujii and T. Inata for the crystal growth, and K. Jhoshin for assis~ tance with the microwave measurement. '1'. Inata, S. Muto, Y. Nakata, T. Fujii, H. Ohnishi, and S. Hiyamizu, Jpn. J. AppL Phys. 25, L983 (1986). 21'. Inata, S. Muto, Y. Nakata, S. Sasa, T. Fujii, and S. Hiyamizu, Jpn. J. App\. Phys. 26, L1332 (1987). JR. Tsu and L. Esaki, App!. Phys. Lett. 22, 562 (1973). 1775 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.4, 15 February 1969 4L, L Chang, L. Esaki, and R. 1'su, AppL Phys. Lett. 24, 593 (1974). sT. C. L. G. Sollner, W. D. Goodhue, P. E. Tannenwa!d, C. D. Parker, and D. D. Peck, Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 588 (1983). oM. Tsuchiya, H. Sakaki, and J. Yoshino, Jpn. J. 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Design considerations and performance characteristics of a dual mode timeofflight mass spectrometer system for surface reactivity studies Benjamin N. Eldridge Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 3160 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140547 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140547 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A design for a compact time-of-flight mass spectrometer Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 105111 (2012); 10.1063/1.4757864 Design and performance of an electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 36 (2000); 10.1063/1.1150157 Design and performance of a reflectron based timeofflight secondary ion mass spectrometer with electrodynamic primary ion mass separation J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 1243 (1987); 10.1116/1.574781 TimeofFlight Spectrometer for Laser Surface Interaction Studies Rev. Sci. Instrum. 37, 938 (1966); 10.1063/1.1720369 New TimeofFlight Mass Spectrometer Rev. Sci. Instrum. 26, 324 (1955); 10.1063/1.1771290 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42Design considerations and performance characteristics of a dual mode time-of-flight mass spectrometer system for surface reactivity studies Benjamin N. Eldridge IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 (Received 9 March 1989; accepted for publication 9 June 1989) We have designed a retlectron type time-of-tlight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) system with both SIMS and electron impact (EI) ion optics. The system was designed to study the interaction of solid surfaces with reactive species initially in the gas phase. In the El mode, the main TOFMS assembly, which consists of the flight tubes, refiectron, and a channel plate detector, is fitted with the El ion source. The entire TOFMS is mounted in a rotatable cage permitting 2700 of rotation about the sample center. Reactive species are supplied by a pulsed molecular beam source. The EI source has an unobstructed view of the target throughout most of the 217' solid angle defined by the plane of the sample. Angular and time-resolved detection of scattered beam species and desorbed reaction products to a limiting partial pressure of -10- 13 Pa is possible in this configuration. In the SIMS detection configuration, the main TOFMS assembly is refitted with SIMS extraction optics and repositioned on the sample axis. The pulsed molecular beam source is again used to supply reactive species. By controlling the timing relationship between the arrival of the pulsed molecular beam and the pulsed ion beam used to sputter the target, time-resolved detection of transient surface species is possible. A 50% mass resolution of -1400 has been demonstrated in both operating modes. The feasibility oftime-resolved detection in both operating modes has also been demonstrated. INTRODUCTION The apparatus described in this article is the result of our desire to pursue the dynamic character of the reaction of a surface with gas phase species to a level of detail not revealed by previous molecular beam studies of these phenomena. The time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) is in many ways the ideal choice as a detector for studying the real time result of striking a surface under vacuum with a sharp pulse of reactive gas. There are a number of reasons for this, the first of which is that operation of the TOFMS is inherently time resolved. The time sampling of the detection volume for an electron impact (EI) ion source, or the equivalent sam pling of the sample surfaace with a pulsed primary ion beam for SIMS produces a mass spectrum whose time relationship with respect to a neutral molecular beam pulse is well known. The transmission of the TOFMS is also superior by a factor of 10-100 over typical quadrupole mass filters operat ing at equivalent resolution. Signal levels for molecular beam experiments are quite low, so this improved transmission is of considerable importance. Finally, the TOFMS offers truly parallel mass detection. For monitoring simple reactions this represents a small advantage, however for complicated reactions where branching and other phenomena are taking place, the ability to monitor simultaneously many mass peaks can more than compensate for the small duty cycle that is the main drawback of the TOFMS. In order to study surface reaction processes in as much detail as possible, we have designed a system whose nucleus is a retlectron 1.2 type TOFMS capable of two different modes of detection. The first operating mode permits time and an- , gular resolved detection of scattered and desorbed species leaving the sample throughout most of the 217' solid angle defined by the sample surface. In this mode the angular dis-tributions for scattered reactive species, as well as angular distributions for desorbed reaction products are discernible as a function of time to a limiting resolution of 10 f-ls. This mode of operation represents an extension of the modulated molecular beam scattering technique described in the litera ture.3-IO Angular resolved detection of desorbed and scat tered species should provide insight into the local environ ment in which the desorbed products are situated just prior to the desorption step. Some insight into the reaction kinet ics and reaction pathways may be derived from the time de pendence of the product waveform by determination of the surface transfer function for the reaction.7,8.10 The transfer function method for data reduction is use ful, and in fact has been used by us in previous work. 11.12 However, our experience lead us to conclude that while this information was very much of interest, it does not present enough of the picture. The "black box" which is made of the surface/adsorbate complex can be frustrating. While intu ition may suggest the possible nature of surface intermediate species leading to volatile products, no access to these species is permitted by the experiment. Further, for reactions which produce a nonvolatile final product no direct observation of the product population time dependence is possible. It is be cause of this measure of inaccessibility for conventional modulated molecular beam experiments that the system was designed for the second mode of operation. In mode two, the TOFMS is fitted with a set of SIMS extraction optics. Operation of the time-of-flight in the SIMS mode requires a sharp ( -IOns) pulse of primary ions as the stimulus for production of ions from the surface. In this mode the pulse of neutral reactive species supplied by the molecular beam may easily reach the target through the large extraction field required for successful secondary ion extraction. Once adsorption takes place, firing the primary 3160 Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 60 (10), October 1989 0034-6748/89/103160-11 $01.30 @) 1989 American Institute of Physics 3160 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42ion beam should permit the observation of "snapshots" of the species present on the surface during the reaction and allow us to observe the time evolution of their populations through their respective secondary ion yields, The two TOFMS operating modes are complimentary, and in the best case should permit us to observe the full time dependent behavior throughout the course of the reaction process. When this information is used in conjunction with the angular dependence information for desorbed species, a more complete picture of the surface reaction should emerge. I. DESIGN The design process involved the resolution of conflicting objectives; however, many of the general design principles can be expressed in a straightforward fashion. We will start with the design considerations for the refiectron. A. Reflectron The reflectron electrostatic mirror was first proposed by Karataev et al.1,2 as a means to compensate for the flight time dispersion of a compact ion packet with finite energy spread. A number of mass spectrometers based on this prin ciple have been constructed. 2,13-16 Mass resolution figures in excess of 10 000 have been achieved.15•16 While high mass resolution is desirable, it is the high transmission of the TOFMS that is most useful for our molecular beam studies. The machine was designed with transmission and the geo metrical constraints of our experimental geometry as the pri mary design concerns. The mass resolution, while impor tant, was a secondary consideration. The reflectron deceleration and turnaround distances are 10.5 mm and 80 mm, respectively, These distances were chosen in order to accommodate the behavior of the two different ion sources used by the mass spectrometer. This behavior will be dis cussed in detail later in this article. The grids in the reflec tron are 90% transparency stainless-steel mesh from Unique Wire Inc. 17 The mesh was stretched and lightly chrome plat ed, then transferred by spot welding to mounting rings which are in turn screwed to the reflectron elements. Chrome plating increases the stiffness of the mesh, making it somewhat more manageable during the transfer operation to the mounting rings. Eight ring-shaped electrodes are used to terminate the linear field in the turnaround section of the reflectron. The reflectron elements are dish shaped in order to conceal the insulators used in assembling the element stack from the ions during reflection. The resistor divider used to set the potentials on the refiectron termination plates has a total resistance of 11 MO,. The resistor elements were purchased from Vishay-Anghstrom. IR They are hermetical ly sealed and are mounted in vacuum, B. SIMS extraction optics The primary SIMS extraction optics are critical to the performance of the TOFMS in the SIMS mode so some de tail will be presented concerning the behavior of these optics. Figure 1 shows the somewhat simplified picture of the ex traction optics used in the analysis. The two quantities of 3161 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 AP[RTURE. ¢=¢(j FIG. 1. Extraction geometry for the SIMS extraction optics. ¢> a is the ex traction potentiaL '0 is the radius of the extraction aperture. d" is the <;lis tance from the sample plane to the extraction aperture. An ion of mass In leaves the sample surface with starting energy Eo at an angle e and dis· placed from the axis by a distance x". interest are the transmission and mass resolution implied by the ion extraction potential <I> a' the extraction aperture radi us ro, the initial displacement of the ion from the optical axis x, the distance from the sample to the ion extraction aperture da and the effective drift length L which the ions traverse after leaving the extraction region. To evaluate the transmis sion for the optics, we assume that the ion energy distribu tion P(Eo) is Thompson t9Hke, P(Eo)dE o r:t: [Eo/(Eb + EO)3]dEo• (1) and that the polar angle distribution of the ions is cosine. The transmission is evaluated by integrating over solid angle and Eo subject to the constraint that the final radial position of an ion at z = da cannot exceed roo The integrals were evaluated numerically using a PC program called MathcAD.20 The re sults are presented in terms of the dimensionless parameters o-=ro/du, a=(Eb/<Pa). (2) It was established that for x less than 0.5 ro the transmis sion is approximately that for ions starting on the axis. We have used this information to restrict the analysis used to produce Fig. 2 to the on-axis condition where integration is simpler. Figure 2 shows the extraction efficiency through the first aperture for ions starting on the optical axis (x = 0), as a function of the parameter a for 0-= 0.1, 0,2, and 0.5. It is important to note that Fig. 2 reflects only the efficiency with which ions are transmitted through the first aperture. The ion beam produced by extraction when both 0-and a are large, would prove difficult to transport to a detector over the typical flight distance of a TOFMS, Values for these pa rameters for a viable TOFMS, and those used for our design, are well removed from this regime. Figure 2 may be used to assess the transmission and energy discrimination effects of the extraction optics. The figure indicates that some caution will be required in interpretation of relative intensities dur ing simultaneous detection of ions whose starting energy dis tributions differ by a significant extent. In order to choose an operating point we must also know the effect of the above parameters on the mass resolution of TOF mass spectrometer 3161 ••••• -,-,. .-' ••••••• , ••• ~ ••••• ..' •• , •••••• -.-.-•••• -. ••••••••• T ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7"":.~."';.~.:.; •••.• ; •••• " •••• ; ••. ,·.·.· ......... v.y."'!-:.:o;.: •• o;.~o; ••••••• ;o-•••••••••• ,.;-••••••••••••••• This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42FIG. 2. Total percent transmission through the extraction aperture of Fig. I as a function of the dimensionless parameter a for a ,---, 0.1,0.2, and 0.5 and x=O. the TOF. An estimate of the mass resolution may be made in the foHowing way. The ideal action of the reflectron electro static mirror is to reproduce at an effective distance L from its source the temporal distribution of an initial ion pulse with some nonzero spread in ion energy. The mass resolu tion of a TOFMS is given by M / f:.M = t /2ll.t. (3) For the situation of Fig. 1, when Eo = O. The time tin Eq. (3) is given by (4) Ifwe neglect the ion angular distribution, we may write the time t( k,d" ), required for traversal of the acceleration gap do as t(k,da) = (mI2q<pa)-i/22da[kI/2-(k_1)1/2], (5) where (6) Examination of Eq. (5) will show that the effect of the ex traction process for an ion bunch with some initial energy spread is twofold. First, the pulse time duration at the posi tion of the extraction aperture is broadened from its starting value at the surface. Second, the apparent temporal mini mum source point, that is the point at which the pulse dura tion is a minimum looking back through the aperture, is displaced in the -z direction of Fig. 1 to a point which coincides with the sample surface only in the limit of large ion energy spread. We may assess the magnitude of this ef fect and calculate the z position at which the pulse is a mini mum by defining t ' (k,z) as t'(k,z) =tCk,da) +z(m!2kq<pa)I/2. (7) The time spread At may be estimated as twice the RMS value implied by Eq. (7), i.e., 2 lkmax L\t(kmax) = It'(1,z) -t'(k,z)idk, kmax -1 I (8) Substitution of Eqs. (8) and (4) into Eq. (3) allows the determination of the projected resolution and the position 3162 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 50, No. 10, October 1989 g o '" g o MASS RESOLUTION lMIN (KMAX -1)x100 ~ I z " N FIG. 3. Spectrometer resolution and virtual source position z . as a func tion of percent relative energy spread for a gap width da of Ie mm and a ratio of effective drift length L to extraction gap width da = 170. Z = zmin at which the pulse duration is a minimum. For this calculation the ions are assumed to be evenly distributed in energy between k = 1 and k = kmax. The results are plotted in Fig. 3 for a ratio of effective drift length L to extraction distance da of 170. The resolution is plotted as a function of 100(kmax -1) or percent relative energy spread. The re sults for this value of L Ida are shown because it is this value which is used by our final design. Other operating points may be assessed by noting that for fixed kmax the resolution scales as L Ida while the source position Zmin scales as da. Figures 2 and 3 may now be used to assess the available performance in conjunction with two other experimental limitations. The pulsed molecular beam used as the source of reactive species in the experiment has a diameter of roughly 4 mm. 10 For reasonable dimensions of the extraction optics a gap width da of I em is required to assure access of the molecular beam to the sample region of interest. The pri mary ion beamline, which will be discussed in more detail later, delivers a pulse of primary ions with a spot diameter at the target of 1 mm. Each pulse contains -104 ions. The relatively large primary ion beam spot diameter is necessary to sample a reasonable portion ofthe-lO --2 monolayer per pulse coverage of molecules delivered by the pulsed molecu lar beam while at the same time maintaining essentially stat ic surface conditions with a minimum of ion beam induced damage and surface chemistry. If we assume that all sput tered particles originate from the first monolayer, and that both the sputter yield and ionization probability of the mo lecular beam related surface species are unity, then 102 ions related to the surface reaction should be generated per ion beam pulse. Under these conditions _10-9 monolayers are removed per beam shot. Our examination of the transmission of the extraction optics suggests that the extraction aperture should be at least twice the primary beam spot diameter for uniform accep tance of sputtered ions across the ion beam spot so we set Yo = 1.0 mm. The parameter a is set by this choice of Yo to a value of 0.1. If we assume a value of Eb of 15 eV, and an extraction potential of 3 keY, the extraction behavior is de termined. The parameter a = 0,005. Figure 2 predicts a rOF mass spectrometer 3162 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42transmission of -38%. The resolution may be assessed if we assume an effective drift length L of 1.7 m. L / da is now equal to 170. The 50% width ofEq. (1) is approximately twice Eb giving krnax = 1.01 and a projected mass resolution of 1760. A better estimate of the obtainable mass resolution, the total transmission to the detector, and the design of an Einzel lens to compensate for the divergent lens formed by the ex traction aperture was accomplished by ray tracing. The Herrmannsfe1dt electron optics code developed at SLAC was used to simulate the behavior of the extraction optics using randomly generated initial conditions for the ions which conformed to the assumptions used in calculating Fig. 2. For the simulation the extraction potential was set to 3 keY and the characteristic emission energy E" to 15 eV. The simulation confirmed the analytical results of Fig. 3 for the fraction of ions successfully extracted through the extraction aperture. The number ofions to reach the detector will be smaller than the number sllccesfully extracted from the target since some of these will lie outside the acceptable phase volume defined for the TOF at the entrance to the flight tubes. Under the initial conditions described above 50% of the ions ex tracted from the target lie within this accepted phase vol ume. This percent transmission figure is essentially indepen dent of the starting radial position for ions starting from a distance less than 0.5 ro from the optical axis. This result, in conjunction with an assumed 90% mesh transparency in the refiectron, gives an overall transmission to the detector of 12 %, The virtual source position Zmin was found to be 34 em upstream of the aperture position. The obtainable mass reso lution was found to be 1600. The design for the SIMS extraction optics is shown in Fig. 4. The conical ground shield surrounding the extraction electrode serves to shield the primary ion beam from the extraction field until it is close to the target, It also increases by about 7% the extraction field strength at the sample sur face when compared to a simple truncated conical extractor of similar dimensions. Simulation of both geometries indi cates that use of the ground shield produces a few percent increase in the extraction efficiency. The slight recess of the extraction aperture into the electrode structure decreases the strength of the single aperture divergent lens formed by the extraction aperture. A cylindrical Einzellens is used to com pensate for the divergence of the extracted ions produced by the extraction aperture and refocuses the ions onto the detec tor at the end of the flight tubes. For positive ion detection the extraction voltage is typicaUy set to -3 kV. The Einzel lens voltage is typically 0.26 of the extraction voltage. The system insulators will support extraction potentials of up to ±5kV. c. EI ion source The design of the EI ion source is the dual field type of Wiley and McLaren.21 For EI detection of scattered and desorbed molecules we have chosen a geometry, shown sche matically in Fig, 5, which allows for extraction of ions per pendicular to the direction of their entrance velocity into the source. This enhances the mass resolution by eliminating to some extent the effect of the thermal velocity spread of the 3Hli3 Rev. Scl.lnstrum., Vol. SO. No. 10, October 1989 --1 FIG. 4. Layout of SIMS extraction optics. The extraction potential <fI" is set to between 3 and 5 keY. The Einzellens potential <file", is set to 0.26 of the extraction potential. The jJolarity of these potentials depends on whether positive or negative secondary ions arc of interest The extracted ion beam envelope is represented schematically by the hatched area of the figure. The figure is to scale. detected species on their time-of-flight to the detector. The geometry chosen, along with the small ion source dimen sions permits observation of a large solid angle above the surface. Rotation of the sample about the axis ofthe molecu lar beam in conjunction with rotation of the TOFMS allows us to accomplish this while at the same time maintaining a constant angle of incidence for the molecular beam with re spect to the sample surface normal. This feature is important because it prevents reactivity variation with incident angle from being folded into our angular dependence measure- »(C SAMPl ~ Ot-GRf::.f:S :::w FRf i-.DOI<\ IClN i ZA r ID,\ R[~GION FIG. 5. Schematic representation of the geometry used for EI detectioJl, The extraction direction for ions is normal to the plane of the figure. The pri" mary molecular beam may be sampled at the points labeled A and B. Ex" traction of ions is normal to the plane of the figure, TOF mass spectrometer 3163 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42, J (L1) './ I r-SOn f -Ij' --, . I "' J, /! / de FIG. 6. Layout of the electron impact ion source. The pulsed extraction vol tage V2 has a maximum amplitude of + 200 V. The acceleration voltage VI = -300 to -1000 V. The pulsed electron injection voltage V4 has a magnitude of -200 V and a duration from 100 ns to 10 J1s. The maximum emission current into the ionization region is 10 rnA. The filament current 11 is supplied through the inductance shown which consists of 40 turns each of No. 18 magnet wire wound in the same direction of the ferrite pot core. This inductance prevents the electron injection pulse voltage V 4 from seeing the low impedance to ground of the filament bias supply V3. de .. ~ 1.05 em, da = 5.12 em, CPr = 4 mm, R = 1 MD. The shaded rectangle is the ioniza tion region. The electrode portion of the figure is drawn to scale. ments. There are also two points, labeled A and B in Fig, 5, to which the TOFMS may be rotated to determine the pri mary molecular beam flow velocity and beam temperature. For the EI experiments the scattered and desorbed product signals are quite small. The primary consideration for the EI source was, thus, not mass resolution but transmission of the extracted ions to the detector. The projected flight length of ~ 1. 7 m implies a highly parallel beam must be produced. The source is shown schematically in Fig. 6. In order to reduce scattering of the ions, no grids are used in the source. The source dimensions were arrived at by using the flight time dependence for ions extracted from the ionization volume, in conjunction with ray tracing simula tion, to minimize the divergence of ions leaving the accelera tion region while at the same time creating a minimum tem poral width ion packet just downstream from the exit of the source. For an acceleration potential of -1000 V, ray trac ing gives a figure of 80% for the number of ions initially in the ionization volume which leave the source with trajector ies within the acceptance of the TOF. Assuming 90% trans parency mesh in the refiectron, 53% of these should reach the detector. The location of the minimum width packet is from 0 to 14 cm downstream from the source exit for acceleration po tentials in the range of -300 and -1000 V. While a mass resolution calculation similar to that for the SIMS source is possible, the strong effect of the thermal velocities of the detected particles on the mass resolution makes this tricky. The cross flow design of the ionizer limits, but does not elimi nate this effect. If the effect of the thermal velocities is ne glected, we estimate the achievable resolution of the spectrometer by ray tracing at about 2000 for an acceleration potential of -1000 V and an effective drift length of 2 m. This resolution figure is limited by a nonvanishing third or- 3164 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 der spatial derivative of the electric field in the extraction region due to the rather tight source geometry. The gap in between the ionization region and the acceleration region is at zero field during the time when the electron beam is switched on. This prevents ions formed during the early phase of a relatively long ionization pulse from being extract ed and creating spurious noise. The gap is also favorable in terms of creating a minimum width ion packet at the source exit. The ionization portion of the ion source was constructed by modifying a commercially available Balzers quadrupole mass spectrometer ion source. This has the advantage that replacement parts and filament assemblies may be obtained off the shelf. The resistors shown are hermetically sealed Helium-filled resistors obtained from Vishay-Angstrohm. 18 They are mounted directly to the source. The resistors were purchased unmarked and uncoated to maintain compatibili ty with the URV system. The electrodes for the acceleration region da are dish shaped in order to conceal the insulators used in assembling the electrode stack from the ions during acceleration. The EI source is operated as follows: The filament cir cuit is first switched on by driving the filament circuit nega tive with respect to ground using V4 of Fig. 6. The duration of this pulse may be from IOns to 10 f1s, the latter being the approximate time required for thermal particles to traverse the 4-mm detection volume diameter. The width of this pulse determines the time resolution for the TOF, as well as the number of particles per shot to reach the detector. The filament bias potential V3, in conjunction with the magni tude of the electron injection pulse V 4, determine the elec tron injection energy, This feature makes it possible to utilize the variation of appearance potential to discriminate between ions at the same nominal mass and can be used to reduce background signals in certain experiments. In prac tice the electron injection pulse V 4 is fixed at -200 V and the filament bias voltage V3 is used to determine the electron energy. This is because the Avtech22 pulse units used to gen erate the pulsed electron injection voltage V3 and ion extrac tion voltage V2 display their best risetime behavior when set to the maximum output voltage. The filament bias voltage V3 must be set to at least + 110 V in order to prevent injec tion of electrons into the ionization volume when the + 200 V extraction pulse V2 is applied to the extraction electrode. This pulse is applied immediately after the electron injection pulse terminates, and must remain on until all the ions of interest have left the extraction region de and entered the acceleration region d". The pulse units have rise and fall times of approximately 1 0 TIS. D. Additional considerations The SIMS and E1 ion sources mount interchangeably on the deflection plate housing used for ion beam steering. The total drift distance from the entrance to the deflection plate housing to the detector is 1.2 m. The total effective drift length L is 1.7 m. The flight tubes are 5 cm in diameter and are electrically isolated from the rotatable mounting cage. Complete isolation of all the TOFMS components from ground allows us to detect both positive and negative sec- TOF mass spectrometer 3164 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:421'+ 3 20 FIG. 7. Cutaway view of the TOFMS in the SIMS mode configuration. I: isolation valve to LEED and XI'S, 2: Huntington manipulator, 3: pulsed molecular beam source, 4: reflection, 5: final primary ion beam (PIn) blanking aperture, 6: second stage ofPIB double deflection, 7: first stage ofPIB 'double deflection and second stage ofPIH beam gating. 8: channelplatt: detector, 9: Einzellclls, 10: first beam gating aperture, 11: isolation valve, 12: tilt axis of PIll source, 13: tilt compcnsation and first-stage beam blanking plates, 14: PIB source, 15: mirror, 16: sample chamber, 17: TOF chamber, 18: electrical feedthroughs, 19: . offset nipple, 20: sample, 2 I: flight tubes. Inset is a close up view of the experiment geometry at the sample position. ondary ions in the SIMS mode by reversing the polarity of the system voltages, The reflectron deceleration and reflec tion region distances are chosen to permit the reflectron ac tion distance, that is the drift distance from Zmin to the detec tor, to allow for a Zmin position 15 em downstream of the EI source exit to a position 40 em upstream of the sample posi tion for SIMS by a suitable choice of the reflectron poten tials. Figures 7 and 8 are cutaway views of the system config ured for the SIMS and EI modes of operation, respectively, Both views are from above looking down on the apparatus, The spectrometer is shown in the EI configuration in one of the two positions at which detection of the primary molecu lar beam pulse is possible. The rotation of the system is ac complished by mounting the entire TOP inside a rotatable cage in vacuum. No rotating seals are used to accomplish rotation of the TOF assembly. The cage housing the TOF is driven via gears and a rotatable UHV feed through. The cage runs on stainless-steel bearings which have been dichronit ed23 to prevent pitting and sticking after system bakeout. A liquid nitrogen cooled OFHC copper shroud surrounds the E1 source, Our previous experience suggests that this type of a cryopump in the vicinity of the ionizer has a significant impact on background noise levels. Both the liquid nitrogen lines and the TOF potentials with the exception of the chan nelplate signal are supplied by a watch spring arrangement 3165 Rev. Sci. instrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 ••• -••••••• -.-.-.; ••• < •••••••••••••••••• : ••• :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.: •• ':'.'.' ••••••• ;<.......... .." --".-.-.-,., .•... ,. _..... . at the rear of the spectrometer. The rather large half angle of 4° was chosen to permit a stationary channelplate detector to be mounted on the system axis just aft of the reflectron. This should allow us to detect neutral species produced by the decay of metastable ions without hindering rotation of the spectrometer. The dispersive contribution of the deflection plates for ions of different energies is largely compensated by their trajectories in the reflectIOn. The signal from the chan nelplate detector is brought out via a BNe feedthrough in the wall of the sample chamber. The sample chamber is con nected by an isolation valve to a system equipped with LEED, XPS, etc., for cleaning and characterization ofsam pIes used in the experiments. All of the rotatable degrees of freedom are equipped with stepping motors for computer control of the scattering experiments. The sample chamber is equipped with a 300 tIs turbomolecular pump. The TOF chamber is pumped by a liquid nitrogen cooled titanium sub limation pump and a 50 tIs ion pump. The detector is a microchanne1plate with an active sur face diameter of 4.5 cm. The channel plate is mounted in a shielded enclosure. A grid at the entrance of the enclosure allows a post-acceleration potential to be appiied to the channel plate entrance plane without significant extension of the field from that potential into the flight tube. The postac celeration potential increases the detection sensitivity for more massive ions. The electrical signal from the channe!- TOF mass spectrometer 3165 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42FIG. 8. Cutaway view of the TOFMS in the EI mode configuration. For unlabeled items sec Fig. 7.1: E1 ion source, 2: LN2 reservoir, 3: OFHC cop per shroud, 4: sample manipulator, 5: pulsed molecular beam source, 6: deflection plates, 7: TOF positioning mechanism, 8: forward radial bearing location, 9: inner rotating cage, 10: rear radial and axial bearing location, 11: drive pinion, 12: rotary fcedthrough, 13: LN2 feedthru, 14: metastable detection point. plate is picked up from a phosphor screen in back of the second plate and brought out along a 50-fl line through a BNe UHV feedthrough. Figure 9 is a cutaway side view of the primary ion beam line used to produce the primary ion pulse in the SIMS oper- 1 • S° ating mode. Some supporting hardware has been eliminated for clarity. An Atomika ion source is used as the source of the Ar+ primary ions. The beamline uses a double gating scheme with fast (10 ns) rise time pulsers to produce a mass separated 40 Ar+ pulse of 6-ns duration FWHM. The Avtech pulsers used to gate the ion source for the El mode of oper ation are used in the SIMS mode to produce the ion beam gating potentials. By adjusting the delay between the pri mary and secondary ion beam gating pulses a mass separated ion beam is obtained. The second pulse produced by the re trace of the primary gate pulse is also eliminated. The mass resolution of the beam line is about 40 at 40 amu. Removal of the less abundant Argon isotopes prevents the generation of spurious mass peaks. The l.so y tilt of the ion source with respect to the final ion beam axis is used to remove fast neutrals from the ion beam which would otherwise result in spurious noise during operation of the spectrometer. The jacking screw shown on the figure is used to introduce the tilt shown after a good dc beam condition is established for the ion source coaxial with the lens/double deflection section. The lens/double deflec tion section is rigid and is aligned with a telescope during assembly. Thus, the only alignment necessary during the set up of the beamline is between the ion source axis and the lens/double deflection section axis. In practice this is straightforward and a good dc and pulsed beam condition can be obtained in about two hours. The continuous duty ion current available from the beamline is 80 nA for a 6-keV primary beam energy. The x double-deflection beam steering plates built into the final leg of the beamline permit steering of the ion beam to compen sate for the lateral displacement of the ion beam spot by the extraction field of the SIMS optics. The slight rotation of the TOFMS which is still possible in the SIMS configuration allows us to compensate for any small mechanical misalign ment between the axes of the SIMS optics and the primary ion beamline. FIG. 9. Cutaway side view of the mass separated pulsed primary ion beam used for SIMS. 1: jacking screw, 2: Atomika ion source, 3: location of pivot for ion source mounting cradle and first y beam blanking plates, 4: bellows, 5: isolation valve, 6: Einze11ens, 7: second y beam blanking plates, and first stage of x double deflection, 8: second stage of x double deflection, 9: I-mm-diam final beam blanking aperture, 10: sample position, 11: 2-mm first beam blanking aperture, 12: support frame for ion source pivot cradle, 13: pumping port, 14: ion source mounting cradle. 3166 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 TOF mass spectrometer 3166 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42100 MHZ TRANSIENT RECORDER RES ~ 10l1s DIVIDE-BY-N COU~TER SRS DG-535 ::OUR CHA~NEL DIGITAL DELAY !GENERATOR TRIG elK iii IBM PC GPIB IN OUT EXPERIMENT TRIGGERS. '---.".,.- SIMS MODE, ANALOG PULSED MOLECULAR BEAM ION BEAM GATING DISC AMP EI MODE. PULSED MOLECULAR BEAM ELECTRON INJECTION ION EXTRACTION f-----__a----e CHANNELPLATE SIGNAL FIG. 10. Schematic representation of the data-acquisition electronics. The TDC shown was not available during the EI mode testing. E. Data acquisition and experiment timing Figure 10 is a schematic representation of the data ac quisition and experiment control electronics. All of the elec tronics used are off-the-shelf units from commercial ven dors. The 100 MHz signal averaging transient recorder clock serves as the master clock for the experiment trigger. This clock is divided to produce a clock frequency which is compatible with the repetition frequency of the experiment and is fed to the Stanford Research Systems DG-535 digital delay generator. This four channel unit generates all of the time delays necessary for both modes of operation. In the SIMS mode two of the channels are used to trigger the high voltage pulsers used to gate the primary ion pulse. A third channel is used to trigger the pulsed molecular beam. In the El mode two channels are used to trigger the electron injec tion and ion extraction pulses required by the EI source, while the third may be used to trigger the molecular beam. The SRS DG-535 is fully programmable and GPIB compati ble. In both operating modes the SRS DG-535 also triggers the lOO-MHz transient recorder. This eliminates the effect that dither of the transient recorder clock with respect to an asynchronous trigger would have on the observed pulse width. A fourth channel may be used to trigger a single stop TDC to examine a single mass peak at much higher resolu tion than can be obtained by the transient recorder. This was added after the testing of the TOF in the EI mode, so only transient recorder data are available to demonstrate the EI source capabilities. The signal from the channelplate detector is amplified and fed to a discriminator to produce pulse data for the tran sient recorder or the TDC. The net effect of recording the pulse data with the transient recorder instead of the TDC is to add to the true mass peak width the fixed time width of the discriminator output pulse, This is 7 ns for the discriminator used in these studies. In conjunction with the minimum tran sient recorder channel width of 10 ns this places an upper 3157 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 limit on the obtainable mass resolution. This effect degrades the apparent obtainable mass resolution and has been cor rected for in our determination of the mass resolution from the data for the EI source. The advantage of the transient recorder lies in the ability to record a large mass spectrum with essentially zero dead time between adjacent channels. The 8 kbyte transient recorder memory represents a mass range of 0--1000 amu for a 3 ke V acceleration potential for SIMS. Very large signals created by pulse pile up at the de tector may be recorded as analog data by connecting the output of the channel plate directly to the transient recorder. Stepping motor controllers mounted in the CAMAC crate permit access by the computer to the angular degrees of free dom for scattering experiments. II. PERFORMANCE The system has been set up and tested in both modes of operation. The time required to convert from one operating mode to the other is only one day, excluding the time re quired to bakeout the system. The system has been baked mildly and a base pressure of I X 10-7 Pa has been obtained. We feel that pressures of 1 X 10-8 Pa are obtainable after a full bakeout. A. EI mode The repetition frequency of the experiment in the E1 mode is limited to either the maximum pulsing frequency of 100 Hz at which the pulsed molecular beam valve may be operated or by the time scale of the reaction under study, whichever is less. The aperture in the liquid nitrogen shroud through which the molecules pass when entering the ion source has a maximum diameter of 8 mm, for an angular resolution of 4.5" and a solid angle of acceptance of 2 X 10-2 Sr. This diameter may be reduced, at the expense of signal to improve the angUlar resolution if necessary. TOF mass spectrometer 3167 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -;.-.;.;.............. .' •••• ;" ••••• r ••••••••• ;.~.:.:.:-; ••••• ; ............... ";~ ....... ~ •• ;".>.> ••••••• -••• :.-•••• ; •••••••••••••••••••••• -;".';.-••••• :.:.;0;-.:0;.:.; •• ' •••••••••••••. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42o 8 - 128 124 126 64000 65000 TiME IN nSEC FIG. 11. Mass spectrum of pulsed xenon beam. The spectrum required 30000 molecular beam pulses. The acceleration potential VI of Fig. 6 was -300 V. The 50% mass resolutoll is 1426 at mass 129. Figure It is a mass spectrum of xenon taken by allowing a xenon molecular beam pulse to go directly through the TOF ionizer and synchronizing the EI source trigger with the passage of the molecular beam. The xenon molecular beam pulse had a duration of 300 j.1s FWHM. This was mea sured by varying the delay between the pulsed valve and EI source triggers. In future operation the detailed primary pulse shape will be measured by making a series of these measurements using the programmable delay in conjunction with the transient recorder to assemble a sequential data set. In this way the primary beam energy and temperature may be deduced. Currently the software to make this a routine operation is under development. Direct detection is accom plished by rotating the TOF to one of the two direct beam detection points. By detecting directly the high Mach num ber pulsed molecular beam the thermal velocity effect on the observed mass resolution is greatly reduced. The EI ion source produces a peak ionization current of lOrnA. The direct molecular beam signal under these condi tions is intense. The spectrum was acquired using the tran sient recorder in the pulse counting configuration of Fig. 10. In order to prevent nonlinearity in the peak heights due to pulse pile-up, the emission current was backed off to 1/100 of this peak value. The electron injection pulse width was 100 ns. The spectrum was taken using the discriminator pulses as input to the transient recorder. Acquiring the spec trum required 30 000 molecular beam pulses, or about 300 s. Considerably fewer pulses would be required if only the ma jor isotopes were of interest. The abundance values are quite good for all isotopes including 124Xe -I and !2('Xe + , indicat ing that nonlinearities due to pulse pileup at the detector were not present. The i29Xe+ mass peak width is 23 ns FWHM for a mass resolution of 1426 at 129 amu. Figure 12 is a series of mass spectra taken by scattering a pulsed molecular oxygen beam off of the sample holder and synchronizing the EI source operation to detect the scat tered signal. This signal was acquired as a function of the polar angle of the ionizer head relative to the surface normal. The molecular beam strikes the sample holder normal to its 3168 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 0.04 0.03 I ~ 0.02 ::oJ ;t:: 0.. E <: 0.01 'b0 IZJ"> roO ~f/j \)<c <::;)eOJ o -2Z;-'~~~~-:-'-~-L,.) c . .s-27.4 27.6 27 . 'l,; ~ Time In M· .8 2B.0 28.2 c .... ~0 Jcroseconds FIG. 12. Angular resolved spectrum of molecular oxygen beam scattered from the sample holder. The oxygen signal is at t = 28 f..ts. The extinction of the signal near 0 = () is due to the ionizer head eclipsing the primary beam and preventing it from reaching the target. The angle e is defined as in Fig. 5. The angle 'P of Fig. 5 = o. The mass 31 signal at! = 27.5,us is probably a CH20H+ ion signal produced by cracking of the ethyl alcohol used to clean the ionizer. surface. The oxygen pulse had a duration of 250 JLs FWHM. This was measured by varying the delay between the pulsed valve and EI source triggers. The electron injection pulse width for this data set was set to 1 f.1s, and the emission current was set to 10 mAo 1000 molecular beam pulses were required for each trace in the figure, The resulting variation in the mass 32 signal with polar angle clearly demonstrates both the angular and time-resolved capabilities of the sys tem. The scattered signal is easily visible on an oscilloscope running at the experiment repetition frequency. The invar iant mass 31 peak seen in the figure is most likely a cracking product of the alcohol used to clean the ionizer assembly prior to the measurement. In operation, these constant back ground peaks should serve as a convenient indicator of sys tem stability when running experiments. The total sensitivity of the TOFMS in the El mode was measured by observing the detected ion current for a mea sured background of oxygen admitted to the system. The total sensitivity for oxygen was 0.001 Pa--I (0.1 Torr-i). The minimum detectable partial pressure of oxygen is esti mated to be 1 X 10-13 Pa (1 X 10 i5 Torr). This sensitivity figure and the observed magnitude of the scattered signal of Fig. 12 makes us optimistic for detecting products of low abundance in surface reactions. B. SIMS mode In the SIMS operating mode, the mass resolution of the TOFMS in the low mass end is limited by the primary 40 Ar + ion beam pulse width. The low mass peaks suffer the smallest broadening in their time-of-flight distribution and therefore are representative of tile primary ion beam pulse width. This pulse width may be measured as the width of the H+ ion peak which is produced in abundance from aU the samples rOF mass spectrometer 3168 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:428 a ---, H +, FWHM = 5.8 "SEC \ \ ~2,L50--.L---::C2J:!::OO:---J<..--~2J'!'.:5:-0 -....l.---:24::0'::"0 ---'---::-:2450 TIME IN nSEC FIG, 13, He-secondary ion peak from Csi on Ta sample. The peak width indicates a primary ion beam pulse width of 5, i ns FWHl'vL The spectrum was taken with an acceleration potential ¢" of -3 k V. examined so far. This peak is thought to be a product of surface contaminants and is possibly due to hydrocarbons present at low levels in the vacuum system. Figure 13 is an Ht secondary ion peak produced from a sample of cesium iodide on tantalum. The primary ion beam pulse width is given by the width of this peak at 5.7 ns FWHM. Measure ment of the mass resolution requires observation of a fairly intense peak at high mass. The Csl on Ta sample used to produce the H+ secondary ion peak for measurement of the primary beam pulse width also produces cluster ions of the Cs [ Csl) It type with the n = 1 peak as the most abundant. This peak taken with an extraction potential of 3 keY is shown in Fig. 14. The peak width is 16.8 ns FWHM yielding a mass resolution of 1375 at mass 393. The observed mass peak width is the sum in quadrature of the primary ion pulse width and the intrinsic width or mass resolution of the spectrometer. The intrinsic width is then given by Cs[Csll +, FWHM = 16.8 nSEC \. 46100 46200 46300 46400 46500 TIMe IN oSEC FIG. 14. Cs[Csl] + secondary ion peak from Csl on Ta sample. The peak width indicates a mass resolution of 1375 at 393 amu. The spectrum was taken with an acceleration potential ¢" of -3 kV. 3169 Rev. Sci.instrum., Vol. 60, No. 10, October 1989 ! POL vSIYRENE -1000 ON Ag I JJJ. I. Il j iI.i.L ,l I BOO ,200 1600 20~0 MASS IN AMU FIG. 15. Positive iOIl spectrum of polystyrene with an average molecular weight of 1000 amu on nitric acid etched Ag taken under static SIMS condi tions. The primary 4°Ar' ion beam energy was 6 keY. The integrated ion dose was 6.3X 10" cm-2 The extraction potcntial¢a was -3 kV. il.t fntrinsic = 6.t ~bscrvCd ~ Ilt;"r I • (9) The intrinsic pulse width is 15.7 I1S for an intrinsic mass resolution of 1472. This is in good agreement with the ex pected value, and is acceptable for our purposes. The total TOF transmission in the SIMS mode was estimated in a rather crude fashion by multiplying the 80 nA dc beam ob tainable from the ion source by the beam pulse width to obtain an estimate of 9000 ions per pulse. The Csl used for the mass resolution calibration was found by wet chemit,try to contain 0.39 ± 0.02 At. % rubidium. This rubidium signal is easily visible in the secondary ion spectrum. If we assume that the sputtered Rb is fully ionized, that the sputter yield is unity, and that the surface concentration of rubidium is equivalent to that of the bulk, we may count ions in versus ions out to determine total transmission. Measured in this way the total transmission is 0.7 ± 0.03%, a factor of 17 less than our estimated value but still rather close considering the many assumptions involved. Assuming that the surface concentration of rubidium is equivalent to that of the bulk, it represents a coverage of 4 X 10-:1 monolayer, This is on the order of the instantaneous coverage of reactive species deliv ered by the molecular beam. The rubidium is easily detect able, leading us to be optimistic for our prospects of detect ing transient and nonvolatile surface species produced during molecular beam bombardment of the surface. As a prelude to the molecular beam experiments, we are currently using the TOF in a static SIMS mode to evaluate the utility ofthe TOF for the study of organic molecules used in semiconductor processing. Figure 15 is a spectrum of polystyrene with an average molecular weight of 1000 on a silver sample taken under static SIMS conditions. The use fulness of acquiring a full mass spectrum in parallel is clearly demonstrated by the rich character of the mass spectrum. The sensitivity of the organic molecules to radiation damage gives the TOF with its low ion beam duty cycle a significant advantage over serial acquisition mass filters. We have demonstrated the viability of the dual mode TOFMS for the study of both nonvolatile and volatile spe cies at levels of concentration typical for molecular beam TOF mass spectrometer 3169 .~.-••• , •••• -. ',' '."._ "." _. '_.~._.'.'._.~._ •• -., •• ~n ' ••••••• ~.;" ••• ' ••••••• _.'._._ ••• ;._ •••••••••••••• This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:23:42scattering studies. The main hurdle yet to be overcome with this system is the creation of software capable of controlling the angular and temporal degrees of freedom which charac terize the experiment. This software is under development, and we hope very soon to have the first results of actual experiments with this system for presentation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank B. Olson for the wet chemis try results and M. L. Yu and W. Reuter for a critical review of the manuscript. 'V. I. Karataev, B. A. Mamyrin. and D. V. Shrnikk, SOy. Phys .• Tech. Phys. 16,1177 (1972). 2B. A. Mamyrin, V. I. Karataev, D. V. Shmikk, and V. A. Zagulin. SOy. Phys. JETP 37, 45 (1973). 3M. P. D'Evelyn and R. J. 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A model of charge collection in a silicon surface barrier detector Ikuo Kanno Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 61, 129 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.1141888 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1141888 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/61/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A simple technique for the separation of bulk and surface recombination parameters in silicon J. Appl. Phys. 80, 6293 (1996); 10.1063/1.363705 Resistivity, charge diffusion, and charge depth determinations on charged insulator surfaces J. Appl. Phys. 80, 6336 (1996); 10.1063/1.363651 On extrinsic effects in the surface impedance of cuprate superconductors by weak links J. Appl. Phys. 71, 339 (1992); 10.1063/1.350711 Confocal resonators for measuring the surface resistance of hightemperature superconducting films Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 2543 (1991); 10.1063/1.104821 Theory of microwave surface impedance in superconductors and normal metals Am. J. Phys. 58, 644 (1990); 10.1119/1.16425 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52A model of charge collection in a silicon surface barrier detector Ikuo Kanno Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-11, Japan (Received 26 June 1989; accepted for publication 25 September 1989) Charge collection process in a silicon surface barrier detector (SSE) was investigated as a following phenomenon of the formation and erosion of a plasma column the author reported elsewhere [Rev. Sci. lnstrum, 58,1926 (1986)). As an application of Ramo's theory, a model of charge collection process was presented. With this model, the top and bottom position and disappearance time of a plasma column were determined analytically. The induced currents and charges were calculated for alpha particle and 40 Ar ion whose plasma delays were determined as a function offield strength by other authors' experiments. The contributions of electrons and holes to the induced currents and charges were determined separately. The times of the plasma column disappearance and the last hole arrival to the negative electrode, and the maximum induced currents were tabulated. The peak time of the induced currents became slightly longer as the bias voltage of the SSB increased from 50 to 200 V. INTRODUCTION The silicon surface barrier detector (SSB) is widely used for the detection of charged particles" However, the SSB has two unfavorable characteristics due to the formation of a plasma column by an incident particle: pulse height defect 1 and plas ma delay. 2 The author reported models of the formation and erosion of a plasma column, which illustrated the pulse height defect and plasma delay fairly wel1.3 The SSB has another well-known feature: "plasma time," which relates to the pulse rise time of the current pulse of the 8SB.4 The plasma time does not affect in the determination of incident particle energy; however, it changes the trigger time of electronic circuits and causes time retardation and time jitter. The definition of the plasma time depends on the au thors. Quaranta, Taroni, and Zanarini assumed the squared plasma time is obtained by subtracting a squared calculated rise time from a squared observed rise time.4 Seibt, Sund stroem, and Tove determined the plasma time by subtracting a calculated rise time from an observed rise time.5 For the simplicity of the definition, the author would like to employ the term "peak time" instead of the plasma time, which means the time when the calculated current pulse has its peak value refered the beginning time of the plasma column erosion which is regarded as the zero time. The peak time reflects the charge collection process after the erosion of the plasma column. In this article, a model of the charge collection process in a SSB is described. The charge collection process of a single carrier as a function of time was first described by Ramo.6 Many textbooks show this Ramo's theory with the illustrations of induced charge and current as a function of time.7 No application of this theory to the large number of carriers as in the plasma column erosion has been proposed. The model of this part of the charge collection process is closely related to models of formation and erosion of a plas ma column. ~ It requires information of field strength-depen dent plasma delay to determine constants associated with the plasma column" In this article, models of the formation and erosion of a plasma column are described first. A detailed description is given in Ref. 3. Next, a model of charge collection is present ed and is applied to the alpha particle and 40 Ar which plasma delays as a function of field strength have been experimental ly measured by Bohne et al. g I. MODELS OF PLASMA COLUMN FORMATION AND EROSION A. Model of plasma column formation The plasma column is composed of electron-hole pairs which are created by an incident ion. The plasma column formation is considered by the two steps as electrons in the silicon are recoiled by the incident ions, and each recoil elec tron creates electron-hole pairs as it loses energy along its path. The incident ion recoils electrons according to the Rutherford scattering cross section u: -1-( kMe2ZCff)2 {}'- , 4 2mE (1) where m and Mare the masses of electron and incident ion, e is the electronic charge, E and Zeit" are the energy and effec tive charge of incident ion, and k is the conversion constant 1.0365 from MKSA unit to em, amu, ns, and MeV in energy. The effective charge Zdf is given as9 Zctf = Z [1-exp( -125,8 /Z2i3) J, (2) where,Bis the velocity of the incident particle divided by the velocity of light. The electron energy Ee recoiled at an angle (J with re spect to the incident ion track is given asIO E" = 2m V cos e = --cos e. ( M )2 4mE 2 . M+m kM (3) The range of the primary electron R can be given by R = gEe = Ro cos2 e, (4) In Eg. (4},gis 9.93 X 10-3 g/cm3 MeV (Ref. 11), andRo is the recoil electron range for the case of () = O. The region in 129 Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 61 (1), January 1990 0034-6748/90/010129-09$02.00 ® 1990 American Ilistitute of Physics 129 ...•• -••••• ',~.' ••.. ,'.',";-.'.'.-.:.:.;.?'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."",' •.•.• -.;-:.: ••• :., ••••••••• , •••••••••••• : •.• ;.:.;-:.:-;.:.: •••••••••••• >; •• ' ••• :.:.:':.:.:-;.;.; •• 0;0;., •••• <; ................. ;:.:.:.:.:.: •••••••• ' ••• ' ••••• :.:.~.:.:.:o:.:.:-; •.• , •...•••. T •• ,. ...... v,~ •.•.• '7.:.-•.•.•.• , ....•.. ,> ••• '7.-.-. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52which the recoil electrons move is shown in Fig. 1. We define this three-dimensional region as p(Roex)], where x is the position of the incident ion in the 5SB. Ro depends on x due to the energy loss of the incident particle in the silicon along its track. The recoil electron is assumed on the average to create an electron-hole pair along its path as it loses energy of 3.6 eV. The number of electron-hole pairs is given as a product of (J and the volume of the region P[Ro(x)]. The volume of the region P[Ro(x)] is given as12 P [Ro(x)] = -}j1TRo(X)3. (5) The plasma column is obtained by superimposing the num ber of electron-hole pairs which is given as a function of the mass, charge, and energy of the incident ion and the position in the SSB. B. Model of plasma column erosion In the plasma column formed by an incident charged particle, there exist a high density of electron-hole pairs al most like a conductor. Electrons and holes inside the plasma column are not affected by the external electric field. The charge collection does not start until the electric field pene trates inside the plasma column. The plasma delay is the time interval from the plasma column formation to the be ginning of plasma column erosion. The density of the electron-hole pairs is reduced initially mainly by the enlargement of the plasma column radius due to the diffusion of electrons and holes, because the number of the recombinations can be estimated to be only a few percent of the total number of electron-hole pairs by Finch, Asghar, and Forte. 13 Regarding the plasma column as an infinite cylinder, the electric field strength F inside the plasma column in the external field strength Fe is obtained as F= (tlE')Fe, (6) where IE is the dielectric constant of silicon, E = 1215'0 (eo is the permittivity of free space), and E' is the dielectric con stant inside the plasma column. We assume that the dielec tric constant inside the plasma column, E', is proportional to the electron-hole pair density, employing the mean-squared radius of the plasma column, r, as14 /1 "-121 I r:-'iJc, I li'0 I e Ro _-1 __ _ I \ I \ \ \ \ (7) FIG. 1. The region in which primary electron recoiled at position x by a heavy ion can move. Ro is the maximum range of the primary electron and is a function of mass and energy of the heavy ion. 130 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 (8) where a is a constant, Dais the ambipolar diffusion constant, "f6 is the initial mean-square radius of the plasma column, and Po is the initial electron -hole pairs density. The field strength inside the plasma column is written as F= 4Dat + "f6 Fe. (9) aporo At t = 0, the denominator of Eq. (9) is very large, and the electric field strength inside the plasma column is nearly zero. The author assumes here that the electron and hole col lection starts when the internal electric field strength reaches a certain value Fi: 4Dat + Po -..::--_-'- Fe = Fj• apo1''o (10) Solving on t, the plasma delay is obtained as "f6 ( Fi ) t=--apo--l . 4Da Fe (11 ) The author assumes here that the ambipolar diffusion constant depends on the electric field strength and the plas ma column volume Da (Fe. V). The plasma column cannot enlarge itself freely because of the Maxwell's stress which depends on the electric field strength as F;. The electrons and holes diffuse more when the volume of the plasma col umn is larger. Then we write the ambipolar diffusion con stant as (12) where c is a normalization factor, and D aO is the ambipolar diffusion constant which is independent of the electric field strength and the volume of the plasma column, 16 cm2/s (Ref. 5). With Eqs. (11) and (12), we obtain the plasma delay as (13) The differential of the plasma delay against the external elec tric field strength is dt cr6 --=-- (apoF -2F). dFe 4DaO V I C (14) The plasma delay has a maximum value at the external field strength, J<~nax' of apOFi Fmax =--2- II. A MODEL OF CHARGE COLLECTION A. Ramo's theory (15) Ramo's theory has been employed for the calculation of the induced charge and current as a function oftime.7 When a charge is moving a distance .6.x between two parallel elec trodes separated by a distance w, a charge AQ is induced on the electrode as Surface barrier detector 130 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52aQ = e(..:1x/w). (16) The induced current I is given as 1= dQ. dt (17) This theory was proposed by Ramo for the case of no fixed space charge between the electrodes. Jen15 and Cavalleri et al. 16 showed the validity ofEq. (16) for the case when space charges were present. B. Tearing the jammed carriers The electrons and holes inside a plasma column are un der the influence of the electric field strength with the magni tude indicated in Eq. (9). Regarding the plasma column as a cylinder with constant carrier density between the two elec trodes as is shown in Fig. 2, the electrons and holes move toward the positive and negative electrodes with the veloc ities ve and v" of Ve =I-te F, Uk = -/Lk F, (18) (19) where /Le and Ph are the mobilities of electrons and holes. The movements of electrons and holes at the top and bottom positions of the plasma column are illustrated in Fig. 3. The x coordinate of the plasma column top It (t) decreases as dl,(t) --= -!-lh F. (20) dt The field strength in a SSB is given as17-19 F ( ) = (d -x) eX, (21) !-le T where T is the electron charge collection time, l' = EEoA = A X 10 -12 s, with A being detector resistivity, and d is the depletion layer length, d = (2711" U) 1/2, (22) with a given bias voltage U. Employing Eqs. (9) and (21), the differentia! equation on the top position of the plasma column is obtained as dl, (t) !-lh [d -It (I) J .,.2 (23) --= - (4Dat+'l), dt aplPi Ite T where r; and PI are the mean-squared radius and the elec- "O=: -0' '" <= ~ ~ '-----------------'==-- Sx ,6" Au wi~dow ~---------------------~ Fe I Si licon £ r l: Plasma Column E' Ioo------------i ~ :----10 ",_ __ "'--------1 -V i------------d FIG. 2. A schematic drawing oran SSB and a plasma column. 131 Rev. SCi.instrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 -v Escaped holes (!le+ ,uh) .1, Fe Ilb1tlJS(t J Phft J E Escaped eleclrons lile + Ilhl {; Fe (I,It) lS(t i Pel t ) FIG. 3. The top and bottom positions of a plasma column and the numbers of escaped electrons and holes. tron-hole density of the plasma column at the time the col umn begins to erode. In the fonowing, the time t indicates the time after the beginning of the plasma column erosion. By solving Eq. (23), the top position of the plasma column at time t after the column erosion, It (t), is determined as I ( 2Dat2+~t) t (t) = d -Cd -lo)exp f..lh _, , apllJ f..leT (24) where 10 is the top position of the plasma column. In the same way, the differential equation on the bottom position of the plasma column, I h (t), is obtained as dl" (t) _!-le [d -Ii> U)] -:2 --- (4Dat + TI)' (25) dt aplG /Le T With the initial condition h (0) = 0, the bottom position is obtained as ( 2Dat2+Pit) lb (£) = d -d exp -/Lc _. . aplr:. f..leT (26) The number of electrons leaving the plasma column at time t is given as cd-It (t) Ne (t) = (Pe +!-llz) -; S(t) Pe (t). (27) (; Pe l' Here, S(t) is the top area of the plasma column, andpe (t) is the electron density inside the column. Corresponding to Eq. (27), the number of holes leaving the plasma column is ob tained defining Ph (t) as hole density as to d -lb (t) Nh (t) = ( !-le +!-lh) -; S(t) Ph (t). (28) (; /L" l' C, Characteristic quantities in the charge coilection process In this section, the time and position of the plasma col umn disappearance and the time the last hole arrives at the negative electrode are determined. Equating the Eqs. (24) and (26), following quadratic equation is obtained to calculate the time of plasma column disappearance td: 2Dat 2 + Pi t _ aplPi l1eT In _d_ = 0, !-le + !-liz d -10 (29) and the time of plasma column disappearance td is deter mined as Surface barrier detector 131 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52td =_1_ [_~ 4Da + {Pi + SDaap/f Pe riC Pe + Ph )In d I(d -10') ], (30) The position at which the plasma column disappears, Xd is calculated with Eqs, (24) and (30) as Xd -d 1--- , - r (d_lo)IL/(i£erlLhl] c d (31) The positions of electrons xe (t) and holes Xh (t) which start to move at the position Xo are determined by the follow ing equations: (32) (33) From Eqs, (30), (31), and (33), the time last hole arrives at the negative electrode th is determined as (34) D. Induced current and charge Only one electron-hole pair was considered in the Ra mo's theory, In this section, we apply the Ramo's theory to the plasma column which consists oflarge numbers of elec trons and holes, Induced currents by electrons and holes are determined first and induced charges are calculated as time integrals of these currents, The induced currents are separately determined as the current induced by the carriers outside the plasma column and the current induced by the carriers inside the plasma column, 1. Currents due to the carriers outside the plasma column The position of the electron at the time t, x e (t) , moving from the initial position Xo is determined by Eg, (32), The electrons which are observed outside the plasma column at the time t left the column between the time 0 and t, The initial position of the electrons left at the time {; (0<;< t) is given as the top position of the plasma column, 1, (;), as described in Eq, (24), The position of electrons at the time t, which left the plasma column at the time (;, Xe (t,t;), is determined as Xe (t,!;) = d -(d -It (;) ] exp (_ t ~ (;) ( t-;) Xexp --'T-' (35) The number of electrons left the plasma column at the time t; is given in Eq, (27), The current induced by electrons out side the plasma column Ie,out (t) is calculated as 132 Rev, Sci.rnstrum" Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 (36) The current induced by holes outside the plasma column Ih,out (t) is calculated in the same way except the lower inte grallimit due to the arrival of the earlier holes to the negative electrode, Among the moving holes outside the plasma col umn at the time t, the hole left the column at the time!; is in the position x h (t,(;) of ( 2DaC + "Fi!;) Xh (t,!;) = d -d exp -flo --_-- ap,Yi Per ( !-th (t -(;) ) Xexp , fl'e r (37) Equating the Eq, (37) to zero, we obtain the time (;,. (t), the time the hole, which arrives at the negative electrode at the time t, left the plasma column, The lower integral time (; h (t) is the solution of the next quadratic equation: 2D,,(;2+"Fi (1 +ap,~)s-ap,~t~=O, (38) f.L e !-te and is determined as (;/1 (1) = _1_ [ -"Fi ( 1 + apt ~) 4Da Pe + -J?fTI + a;;;PhIPe)2 + 8Daapl~ tPillPe ] , (39) The holes which left the plasma column before the time (;h (t) already arrived at the negative electrode by the time t and do not contribute to the current. The current induced by holes outside the plasma column is calculated as e it dXh (t,s) . IiI,out (t) = -d Nh (~') ds, ,,,(I) dt (40) 2. Currents due to the carriers inside the plasma column Inside the plasma column, the positions of electrons x; (t) and holes x~ (t) moving from the initial position x are determined by the following equations, ( €t \ x;(t) = d -Cd -x)exp -c'r) , (41) Xh (t) = d -(d -x)exp (Plitt) . Pet'r (42) The number of carriers between x and x + !l.x inside the plasma column are given as • N; (t) = S(t) Pc (t)!u for electrons, and N~ (t) = S(t) Ph (t)!l.x (43) (44) for holes, assuming the densities constant inside the column, With the Ramo's theory, Eq, (17), the currents induced by the electrons Ie,in (t) and holes I h.in (t) inside the plasma col umn are calculated as Surface barrier detector 132 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52Ie,in (t) = -!!-.- N; (t) --<' -dx, 1/,«) dx'(t) d 1,,(1) dt e JIM dx' (t) I",in (t) = -:-N h (I) _h __ dx, d ',,(t) dt m. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Plasma columns (45) (46) For the calculation of the currents and charges induced by electrons and holes after the plasma column erosion, plas ma columns were calculated for a 8.78 MeV alpha particle, and 268-and 476-MeV 4°Ar ions. An example of a plasma column is shown in Fig. 4. Oth er plasma columns are illustrated in Ref. 3. The calculated plasma delays are plotted in Fig. 5 compared with the experi mental results of Bohne et al.8 The densities of electron-hole pairs, the volumes, lengths, and mean-squared radii of the plasma columns created by those charged particles are listed in Table I. The normalization constant c and the constant correspond to the maximum plasma delay aFt are also tabu lated. B. Induced currents and charges In the calculation of the induced currents, effective field strength was taken as that} along the initial plasma column length.8 The resistivity of the detector employed in Ref. 8,4, was 4700 n em, and the mobilities ofelectronpe and hole/iii were 1481 and 480 cm2/V s, respectively. The densities of electrons and holes vary during the erosion because of the difference of the velocities of the top and bottom positions of the plasma column. This change of carrier density causes the change of die1ectricity of the plasma column and affects the rapidity of the column erosion. However, the changes of car rier densities were as small as some tens of percent of the initial densities, except for the case of 476-MeV 40 Ar with E "'co o o 1 _----Au window ~~----58,m ------ I FIG. 4. An example of the plasma column formed by alpha particle with 8.78 MeV. The numbers on the contour lines show the density of electron-hole pairs. For other plasma columns, see Ref. 3. 133 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January "1990 2.5 '" 20 <: .t~268Mev >. 15 ,," II. c .., .......... C> e~ev <:I 1.0 E '" <:> e~ 0-0.5 40Ar 476 MeV 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 05 0.6 1 ( F!!f (em IkV I FIG. 5. The plasma delay of 8.78-MeV alpha particles, and 268-and 476- MeV 4"Ar. The symbols are the experimental data of Bohne et al. (Ref. 8). Solid lines are the results obtained by the present work. TABLE 1. The density of electron-hole pairs, volume, length, and mean squared radius G of the plasma column at the time ofits creation. The maxi mum plasma delay t",,, and the Held strength F.n., are taken from Bohne et al. (Ref. 8). The constants c and aFi are calculated and listed in the bottom two columns. Particle alpha <OAr energy (MeV) 8.78 268 476 Density (n/em') 1.71 X 101" 4.34X 10'0 1.07 X 1{)19 Volume (em') 1.45 X 10.13 1.69x.1O-12 1.23 X 10-II Length (em) 5.76X lO-:< 7.28X 10-3 1.57 X 10-2 Radius (em') 8.01 X 10 12 7.39Xl0-!1 2.49X 10-10 fn:.;)), (8)· 1.25 X 10-9 1.85XHy9 O.60X 10 9 l:nax (V /em)· 3.77X 103 4.44 X 10' 5.26X 10' c 1.02 X 10 16 1.37x 10-16 6.86 X W-17 aJ;: 4.41 X 10-16 2.05X 10-'" 9.83X 10 16 a Reference 8. (X 10-5) 7r-~~----~--~-----r--~ 6 o 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Second) (x 10-9.1 FIG. 6. Current induced by 8.78-MeV alpha particle with bias voltages of 100 V with Fi = 50, 100.300,500, and 1000 V /em. Surface barrier detector 133 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52bias voltage of SO V (three times the initial density), and were not taken into consideration. In the model of the charge collection process, the con stant a plays an important role as shown in Eqs. (23), (25), and ( 30) . The smaller the constant a, the quicker the plasma column disappearance. The determination of the constant a has another interesting aspect: the determination of F,. By fixing the constant a, the internal field strength at which the (xl0-5) 6 ~ ( 0) .., 5 0. E <! 4 -c: ~ 3 => u '0 '" '" :> '0 c: 10 15 20 25 Time (Second) f x 10-9) ( )(10-5) 6 (b) ~ 5 8-E <( 4 c 3 ~ :::> u 2 '0 Q) <.> ::> = c: ...... 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time ( Second) (x 10-9) (xfo-5j 6 ~ Ie) & 5 E <! 4 C ~ 3 ::I U = .., '" => 'e c:: ...... Time ( Second) FIG. 7. Current induced by 8.78-MeV alpha particle with bias voltage of (a) so V, (b) 100 V, and (e) 200V. 134 Rev. Sci. (nstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 plasma column begins to erode can be estimated. Before hand, the calculation of the induced currents and charges by the three kinds of charged particles, the author examined the Fi dependence of the peak time of alpha particle to have several nanoseconds with the bias voltage of 100 V. Some results of induced currents obtained by changing Fi are shown in Fig. 6. The greater the Fi, the smaner the constant a and the peak time. If the plasma column begins to erode at (x 1O-!4) 40 J::> 35 (0) E .E ::> 30 0 u 25 GJ e' 20 c .c U 15 '2 10 <.> ::> "0 5 c::: ..... Hole 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Second) I x 10-9) I xlO-14) 40. .0 E 35 .2 ::> 30 <:> u 25 '" :=' 20 <) .c: U 15 '0 Q) 10 <.> :> 't:> 5 c 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time ( Second) [x 10-9) (x 10-14) 40 .0 35 E .2 => 30 0 u 25 a.> ~ 20 0 = u 15 "0 10 .., u '" 5 "0 oS 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time ( Second) ( x 10-9) FIG. 8. Charge induced by 8.78-MeV alpha particle with bias voltage of (a) 50 V, (b) 100 V, and (e) 200 V. Surface barrier detector 134 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52small internal electric fieid strength, the carriers move very slowly and the current pulse becomes very broad. On the contrary, rapid charge collection occurs with the higher in ternal field strength. The constant Fi must be determined by fitting the current peak time to experiments. In this article, the author chooses Fi as 300 V /em. For the 8.78-MeV alpha particle, the induced currents are shown in Figs. 7 (a) -7 (c) for the bias voltages of 50, 100, and 200 V. The currents induced by electrons and holes are (x \0-4) 14.---~-.--.----'~---r---' i 12 (a) E <l: to 8 6 o 5 10 15 Time (Second) (x 10-4) 14~--~----~--~r----r---' ~ 12 K ~IO c 8 ~ .3 6 o ( xlO-4j 14 ~ 12 ." 0. E to <l: -c: ~ ::l 6 u '0 '" U '" '0 c: 0-1 0 (bl 5 10 15 Time (Secondl (c 1 5 10 15 Time (Second l FIG. 9. Current induced by 268-MeY 4CAr with bias voltage of (a) 50 V, (b) 100 Y, and (el 200 Y. 135 Rev. SCi.instrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 indicated in the figures and the total currents are also plot ted. The induced charges are shown in Figs. 8(a)-8(c) in the same manner as in the Figs. 7(a)-7(c). The peak time becomes a little greater from 5.5 to 6.1 ns as the bias changes from 50 to 200 V. Induced currents and charges are shown in Figs. 9(a) g(e) and Figs. lO(a)-lO(c) for the 268-MeV 4°Arion and in Figs. 11 (a)-ll (c) and Figs. 12(a)-12(c) for the 476-MeV 4°Ar ion. (XW-12) 12r----r----r----r----~---, (0) o 5 fO 15 Time (Second) ( x 10-12) 12~----r_----r_----._---,r---~ ..0 .§ 10 '" o U 8 4 2 o (x 10-12) 12 .Q E 10 .2 ::> 0 U 8 .... ~ 6 "" .c U -0 4 G> u => 2 -0 <= 0 ( bl Hole 10 15 Time (Second) (el 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Second) (x 1O-9) FIG. 10. Charge induced by 268-MeV 4°Ar with bias voltage of (al 50V, (b) 100 Y, and (e) 200 V. Surface barrier detector 135 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52(x 10-4) 30 (0) ~ 25 .... Q. E « 20 -c:: 15 ~ :I u 10 "0 '" u 5 ::> "0 c: 20 25 Time (Second) (xlO-9 ) (x 10-4) 30 !bl ~ .... c.. E « -<= 15 ~ ::> u 10 -0 .... u 5 ::> "0 c: 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Second) (x 10-9) ( xl0-4) 30 (e) .... :u 25 c. E « 20 -<= ~ ::l u "0 10 <I.> U ::::> 5 -0 c:: >-< 5 10 15 20 25 Time ( Second) (x 10-9) FIG. 11. Current induced by 476-MeV 40Ar with bias voltage of (al 50 V, (b) 100 V, and (c) 200 V. The depletion depth, effective field strength, time of plasma column disappearance, time of hole disappearance, and peak current are shown in Table II for the 8.78-MeV alpha particle, for the 268-MeV 40 Ar ion, and for the 476- Me V 40 Ar ion. The peak time corresponds to the time of plasma column disappearance for all cases. The time of plasma column disappearance is greater with the greater bias voltage. This stems from the Maxwell's stress which strongly disturbs the plasma column diffusion with greater bias voltage. The time the last hole arrives at the 136 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 (X 10-12) 25 .Q (0 ) E 20 0 S 8 15 '" ~ Electron <:> 10 .c U "0 w 5 Hole u => -0 C 0 15 20 25 Time ( Second) (x 10-9) (x 10-12) 25 -c (bl E .9 20 ::J a u .... 15 E' <:> .J:: U 10 -0 '" <.> ::> 5 "0 c: ..... 0 10 20 25 Time ( Second) (x 10-9) (x 10-12) 25 .0 tel E 20 S? :::I a u 15 .., E' '" -'= 10 U -0 '" u 5 '" "0 c:: Hole ..... 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time ( Second 1 (xlO-9) FIG. 12. Charged induced by 476-MeV .oAr with bias voltage of (a) 50 V, (b) 100 V, and (c) 200 V. negative electrode, as given in Eq. (34), is shorter with greater bias voltage. With greater bias voltage, the position of the plasma column disappearance is closer to the negative electrode, as indicated in Eq. (31), and it takes less time for the hole to arrive at the electrode. The shape of the currents do not change very much ex cept for the one of the 476-MeV 4°Ar with 50-V bias. In this case, the carriers inside the plasma column moved very rap idly with the weak electric field and sparse carrier density, and as a result, carriers induced large current before most of Surface barrier detector 136 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:25:52TABLE II. The depletion depth d, etfective field strength Fe." plasma delay, time of plasma column disappeara11ces t d' time oflast hole disappearance t h' and peak current 1m" are listed for tile bias voltages of SO, 100, and 200 V. Bias (V) 50 100 200 d (em) 2.64X 10-2 3.73xlO-2 5.28X 10 2 8.78-MeValpha Fer; (V/em) 3.24X 103 4.81 X 103 7.03XIO' Delay' (s) 1.25 X 10-9 l.10x 10-9 0.70X 10-9 td (8) S.S2X 10 -9 6.03 X 10 9 6.07 X 10-9 th (s) 8.21 X 10-9 7.87x 10-9 7.34X 10-9 Ima"A (Al S.69X 10-9 5.45 X 10-5 5.26X 10-5 268-MeV 4°Ar Felf (V/cm) 3.09X 10' 4.66X 10' 6.88X 10' Delay' (8) 1.60 X 10 -9 1.80 X 10-9 1.55 X 10-9 td (s) 6.96X 10-9 7.82X 10 9 8.1SX 10-9 tli (8) 1.05 X 10-" L02X 10 -8 9.77XlO-9 [max CAl 1.39 X 10-j 1.33 X 10-3 1.26 X 103 476-MeV 4°Ar Ferf (V/cm) 2.29XlO' 3.86X103 6.08Xl01 Delay' (8) 0.30X 10-9 O.5SX 10-9 O.SOX 10-9 td (8) 4.94X 10-9 6.31 X 109 7.64X 10-9 th (s) L49X 10-8 1.23 X 10-" US X 10-9 Imax (A) 2.31 X 10-3 2.58 X 10-3 2.58X 10-3 • Reference 8. them left the column. However, the carrier density became as large as three times the initial one, and the density change must be taken into account into the increase of the dielectri city which reduces the rapidity of erosion. In the model of plasma column erosion, the plasma col umn was treated as a dielectricity. Inside the plasma column of pure dieiectricity, no carrier moves and no current can be induced. Treating the plasma column as a diclectric body, the contributions of the electrons and holes inside the plasma column expressed in the Eqs. (45) and (46) should be ne glected and the total charge could not have the same value with different bias voltage. For the charge conservation, car riers must move inside the plasma column and induce cur rents both at positive and negative electrodes. With regard ing the plasma column after the erosion as a conductor like body, the value of the currents at the time zero became non zero. This stems from the simple assumption that the plasma column changed its electric character from dielectric to COll ductorlike immediately at the time the erosion began. For 137 Rev. SCi.lnstrllm., Vol. 61, No.1, January 1990 future improvement of the charge collection model, the changing process of electric character of the plasma column should be taken into account. Experiments on the plasma delay being not sufficient, only three kinds of charged particles are applicable to this model. More experiments on the plasma delay must be car ried out in the future to investigate the charge collection process. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank Professor 1. Kimura of Kyoto University for his fruitful discussion on this study. He is also grateful to Dr. Y. Kaneko of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute for his encouragement. 'H. W. Schmitt, W. M. Gibson, J. H. NeHer. F. J. Walter, and T. Do Thom as, in Proceedings of the IAEA Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Fission. Saltzburg (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1965), p. 53!. 2 A. A. Quaranta. A. Taroni, and G. Zanarini, Nuc!. lnstrum. Methods 72, 72 (1969). 31. Kanno, Rev. 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Electrical transport properties of transitionmetal disilicide films F. Nava, K. N. Tu, E. Mazzega, M. Michelini, and G. Queirolo Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 61, 1085 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.338203 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.338203 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/61/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Electronic transport properties on transition-metal terminated zigzag graphene nanoribbons J. Appl. Phys. 111, 113708 (2012); 10.1063/1.4723832 Electrical resistivities of singlecrystalline transitionmetal disilicides J. Appl. Phys. 68, 627 (1990); 10.1063/1.346790 Thermal expansion studies of the group IVVII transitionmetal disilicides J. Appl. Phys. 63, 4476 (1988); 10.1063/1.340168 Electronic transport properties of tantalum disilicide thin films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 3, 836 (1985); 10.1116/1.583113 Some Properties of TransitionMetal Superconductors at Surfaces and in Thin Films AIP Conf. Proc. 4, 223 (1972); 10.1063/1.2946189 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04Electrical transport properties of transition-metal disilicide films F. Navaa) and K. N. Tu IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights. New York 10598 E. Mazzega and M. Michelini Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita'di Modena. 1-41100 Modena, Italy G. Queirolo SGS-Microelectronica, 1-20041 Agrate MJ, Italy (Received 23 June 1986; accepted for publication 22 September 1986) Electrical resistivity in the temperature range of 2-1100 K and Hall-effect measurements from 10 to 300 K of CoSi2, MoSi2, TaSi2, TiSi2, and WSi2 polycrystalline thin films were studied. Structure, composition, and impurities in these films were investigated by a combination of techniques of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and Auger electron spectroscopy. These silicides are metallic, yet there is a remarkable difference in their residual resistivity values and in their temperature dependence of the intrinsic resistivities. For CoSi2, MoSi2, and TiSi2, the phonon contribution to the resistivity was found to be linear in temperature above 300 K. At high temperatures, while a negative deviation from the linearity followed by a quasisaturation was observed for TaSi2, the resistivity data ofWSi2 showed a positive deviation from linearity. It is unique that the residual resistivity, p(2 K), of the WSi2 films is quite high, yet the temperature dependent part, i.e., p(293 K) -p(2 K), is the smallest among the five silicides investigated. This suggests that the room-temperature resistivity of WSi2 can be greatly reduced by improving the quality of the film, and we have achieved this by using rapid thermal annealing. I. INTRODUCTION As the complexity of device integration in very large scale integration (VLSI) technology increases, transition metal silicides have found a new application as gate intercon nections because of their high conductivity and the ability of surviving oxidation.t-5 Currently, the disilicides of Co, Mo, Ta, Ti, and Ware considered for the application; indeed a couple of them are actually in use. Nevertheless electrical transport properties of these silicides have not been well characterized, and none of them has been demonstrated to be superior to the rest since no decisive comparison of their conduction behavior has been made. We report in this paper the temperature dependence from 2 to 1100 K of the resistivity behavior of the five disili cides and their residue resistivities. We show that it is more fundamental to compare these quantities than the room temperature resistivity although the latter is the application. The formation of these silicides was by coevaporation since the technique offers very reproducible films. Disilicides were chosen because they are thermodynamically stable on sili con. II. EXPERIMENT Amorphous thin alloy films of CoSi2, MoSi2, TaSi2, TiSi2, and WSi2 were prepared by simultaneous evaporation of high-purity metal and silicon in a dual electron-beam evaporation system. Typical rates were 5 A/s for the metal .j Present Address: Department of Physics, University of Modena, Mo dena. Italy. and 12 A/s for the silicon. The pressure of the evaporation chamber was typically 1 X 10-8 Torr during the deposition. The thin films were deposited on oxidized silicon substrates or on undoped polycrystalline Si films held at room tempera ture through metallic masks to obtain a van der Pauw pat tern. Specifically, details of the deposition of tungsten disili cide films on oxidized silicon wafers and on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polycrystalline Si films have been report ed by Ahn et al.6 Particular care has been taken in the specimen prepara tion in order to obtain a stoichiometric ratio as correct as possible in the as-deposited state in order to avoid Si or metal segregation in the grain boundaries and/or at the surfaces and interfaces during subsequent heat treatments. It is known that the Si segregation towards the surface can change the state of the electrical contact and induce electri cal noise in the measurement particularly at high tempera tures, while Si or metal segregation at the grain boundaries can enhance the scattering processes, causing deviation from the Matthiessen's rule.7 Furthermore, in order to reduce the intake of impurities upon heat treatment, attention has also been taken during the furnace annealing by covering the sur face of the thin films with another wafer, or a short-time annealing is used. For all the silicides studied, the impurity content is at about the detection limit of the Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) technique of analysis. Although the five disilicides were prepared by the same procedure, a slightly higher quantity of oxygen and carbon have been ob served in WSi2, TiSi2, and MoSi2 than in TaSi1. and CoSk thin films. To crystallize the as-deposited films, the standard fur nace heat treatments at 1000 or 900 ·C for 30 min were car ried out in a flowing helium tube furnace where the helium 1085 J. Appl. Phys. 61 (3). 1 February 1987 0021-8979/87/031085-09$02.40 © 1987 American Institute of Physics 1085 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04was purified by passing through a bed of titanium held at 1000·C. On the other hand, the isothermal short-time an nealing (ST A) of the tungsten disilicide films has been em ployed with two different heat sources: one made by an array of tungsten halogen lamps and the other by a resistant-heat ed graphite. All measurements of the electrical properties have been carried out on samples after either one of the above heat treatments. The low-temperature measurements of resistivity were performed in a liquid-helium cryostat. The specimens were mounted on a copper block located in a double vacuum chamber which enabled the specimen temperature to be var ied from 2 to 300 K. The temperature was measured with a calibrated germanium resistance thermometer to within ± O. I K in the temperature range of 2-97 K and with a calibrated iron-Constantan thermocouple to within ± 1 K in the temperature range of 97-300 K. The measurements of the resistivity at T> 300 K were carried out with the sample placed in the above-described He furnace, whose temperature was now increased with a con stant heating rate of I ·C/min. The temperature was mea sured by a calibrated Chromel-Alumel thermocouple at tached to the sample holder and in direct contact with the specimen. Four spring-loaded tantalum wires were contact ed to the pads of the comers of the van der Pauw pattern. Hall voltage measurements below room temperature were performed with a variable-temperature cold-end sys tem (Air Products model CS-202). The temperature was measured with a calibrated thermocouple (Scientific Instru ments Inc. model C907F Au-O.07 at. % Fe/Chrome!) to within ± 0.5 K in the temperature range of 10-350 K. For low-temperature measurements, dc technique was used to measure the Hall voltages. The magnetic field was 8 kG and the Hall voltage was linear with the magnetic field up to this > I- > Ien en w a: 100 I- 50 I- o 1086 o Mo SI 2 o T a SI 2 W SI2 I 950 ·C. 30 min 900 ·C . 1000 ·C. • CoSi 2 I 500 TEMPERATURE (K) J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 61, No.3, 1 February 1987 value. Currents of 1-15 rnA were injected, and the measure ments showed that the Hall voltage depended linearly on the current in the range utilized. The contacts were formed by indium soldering thin copper wires to the four contact pads of the van der Pauw pattern. Furthermore the power dissi pated in the specimen during the measurements was less than 1 mW, which reduced the resistive self-heating effects. Depth composition analysis and the thickness measure ment of the silicides were performed using Rutherford back scattering spectrometry (RBS) with a 2-MeV 4He+ -ion beam. Two different x-ray diffractometry (XRD) tech niques (a wide-angle Bragg-Brentano reflection goniometer with scintillation counter and a Wallace-Ward x-ray cylin drical texture camera with photographic recorder), both employing Cu Ka radiation were used to identify the silicide phases present in the films. Auger electron spectrometry (AES) was used to obtain information on the presence of impurities (mainly C and 0) and on the depth distribution of the various atomic species in the annealed samples. The measurements were performed on a Varian Auger micro probe, with a 5-keV, w-pA primary-beam energy and cur rent; the instrument was equipped with a cylindrical mirror analyzer with a 0.6% energy resolution. The base pressure in the analysis chamber was typically less than 4 X 10-10 Torr. For depth profiling, all the derivative Auger spectra in the energy range of interest (200-1800 eV) were acquired with a computer-controlled interface and an ion-etching step was performed at each profiling. A preferentially pumped ion gun was used, with a 2-keV argon-ion beam at about 2 X w-4-A/cm2 current density. The argon pressure in the chamber was fixed at 1 X 10--7 Torr during the measure ment. The relative sensitivity factors for the quantitative Au ger analysis were obtained on a single compound film identi fied with XRD and used as an internal standard. In the case I 900 ·C , 30 min 900 ·C I 1000 FIG. I. Temperature dependence of the resis tivity of MoSi2• TaSi2• WSi2• TiSi" and CoSi2 thin alloy films after the heat treatment indi cated. Nava et al. 1086 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04TABLE I. Summary of the resistivity results for the specimens of Fig. I and monocrystalline CoSi, and MoSi, samples. Compound p(293 K) (lin cm) p(2K) (lin em) p(293 K) p(2 K) (lin em) p(293 K) p(2K) Polycrystalline TiSi, CoSi, TaSi, MoSi, WSi, Monocrystalline CoSi, 23.50 21.02 49.80 58.70 33.48 3.40 6.30 12.02 39.89 22.01 20.10 6.91 14.72 3.33 37.78 4.14 18.81 1.47 11.47 1.52 thin films' thick materialsb 15-15.68 14-16.00 2.6-3.53 3.0-3.50 12.4-12.15 11.0-12.50 5.76-4.48 4.66-4.57 MoSi,' thick materials 12.7-17 0.101-0.097 12.61-17 126-176 • Reference 8. b Reference 9. c Reference 10. of WSi" specimens (x ranges from 1.4 to 2.2), the Auger transitionsofSi(KLL) and W(MNN) at 1619 and 1736 eV, respectively, was monitored at the same conditions. III. RESULTS A. Electrical measurements Figure 1 shows for each compound the resistivity (p) data as a function of the absolute temperature (T) from 2 to 1100 K. The most striking feature in this figure is the differ ent behavior of p( T): While for CoSi2, MoSi2, and TiSi2 compounds the linear behavior is what is expected for the temperature dependence of the resistivity of a normal met af· for TaSi2 thep( T) curve flattens out at high temperature wi~h a negative deviation (d 2p/dT2 < 0) from the linearity; and for WSi2 the p( T) curve shows a positive deviation (d 2p/dT2 > 0) from the linearity. I W Sll.o/polv -51 * IFURNACE HEAT TREATMENT E ---- () '1000 DC • 30 min --.. ' C; 50 .... /' :::L ---- j(293 KI = 1 53 " 00 > (2 KJ . .- 00 ..... 00 t-0° S; .' 00 .' 0° .' 00 t- .-00 en .' 00 .' 00 00 .... 00 0° .. ' 00 W ...... 00 \ s, T. A . Il: • 0 00 °11200·C, ..,-" 6 s COSMIO •• ••• .S(293 K) = 199 S (2 K) , OL-~ __ -L __ ~~L-~~J~L--L~~~ 500 o TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 2. Temperature dependence of the resistivity of WSi, 6/polycrystal line Si specimens after the heat treatment at 1000 DC for 30 min (.) or at 1200 DC for 6 s (e). 1087 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, No.3, 1 February 1987 In Table I the resistivity values at 293 and 2 K, their differences, and their ratios are reported for the five disili cides examined, and for the purpose of comparison we also list the same data for bulk and thin-film monocrystaIIine CoSio (Refs. 8 and 9) and bulkmonocrystaIIine MoSi2 (Ref. 10). As can be seen from Fig. 1 and Table I the polycrystal line WSi, thin films are characterized by having the lowest RRR (r~sidual resistivity ratio, the last column) and the lowest temperature-dependent contribution to the resistivity (intrinsic resistivity, the fourth column). We note that the TaSiz film has the highest value of intrinsic resistivity. The polycrystalline MoSi~ thin films show a value of RRR simi lar to that of WSiz but has the disadvantage of having a higher intrinsic resistivity as compared to WSi2• Conse quently, while MoSi2 single crystals exhibit a very low value of residual resistivity at 2 K, they show a very high value of RRR because of the high room-temperature resistivity. On the other hand, if we could reduce the residual resistivity of the WSi~ film, it would become the best candidate among the five silicides to achieve the lowest room-temperature resis tivity. Following these considerations, several WSi2 samples have been pre-heat-treated by the short-time annealing tech nique at 1200 °C for 6 s in order to reduce the time exposure and in turn the amount of contamination introduced during the annealing. The purpose was to obtain purer materials characterized by a lower residual resistivity value at 2 K. For this study WSi, thin films deposited on undoped polycrys talline Si on Si~: with x ranging from 1.6 to 1.9 have been used to avoid the reaction between WSi2 and Si02 at the high annealing temperature. Figure 2 shows the p-vs-Tcurves for WSil.6 films depos ited on un doped polycrystalline Si layers, pre-heat treated ~~ 1000 °C for 30 min in a standard furnace (upper curve) and at 1200 °C for 6 s by the short-time annealing technique (lower curve). The most striking features are the low value of the room-temperature resistivity (23 fin cm), and the Nava etal. 1087 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04E u '" '0 t Z LU () U. U. LU o () ...J ...J <l: J: 0 Mo S" allo y 950°C 30 min 60 0 T a SI;! 900°C [; w S" 1000 °c 50 * T lSI 2 900 °c 40 • CoS" 900 °c lIoo.o.6 ,,0" 30 r 0 0 0 00" , .... • • • • • .0 • • • • • • r • 20 0 0 00 I- .. 0 10 .. 0 M'l~~o 0 *~OODO 000000 0." 0 0 0 0 t:Jl,Ao, •• oOoSooo o:~o*~oo 000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 .......................... * .. .. o o 100 200 300 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient (RII) of the same specimens as Fig. I. Note the almost constant value of (RII) for CoSi, and the change in amplitude and in sign for all the other disilicides. increment (-30%) of the residual resistivity ratio obtained after the short-time annealing. We note that (a) the same super linear behavior was observed in both specimens, which can be considered as an intrinsic property of WSi I 6 thin films, independent of the sample preparation and the heat-treatment methods, (b) the intrinsic resistivity value measured at room temperature, p (293 K) -p (2 K), is almost the same for samples under going the two different heat treatments, and (c) resistivity data for T> 600 K of the WSi2 film on polycrystalline Si were unreliable due to the parallel conduction contribution of the poly crystalline Si and therefore are not reported. B. Hall coefficient measurements The results of Hall effect measurements (RH) in the temperature range of 10-300 K are shown in Fig. 3, The experimental data were obtained with an injecting current of 10 rnA and a magnetic field of 8 kG. For several other non destructive values of the current and for values of the mag netic field between 3 and 8 kG, we observed that the trends and magnitudes remained the same within the measurement errors. Samples of CoSi2 show Hall coefficient values of the order oflO-4 cm'/C, positive and almost constant with tem perature, which give an apparent charge density of about 3 X 1022 cm -'. For the other four silicides, their Hall coeffi-16 0') 0 12 >< '-- (J) f- Z 8 :J 0 U 4 o r , 0.4 0,8 1,2 BACKSCATTERING 4 + 2.3MeV He 1,6 2,0 ENERGY (MeV) FIG. 4. Rutherford backscattering spectra of WSi, 6/polycrystalline Si specimens as deposited and after heat treatment at 1200 °C for 6 s. The hori· zontal arrows indicate the calculated silicon and tungsten signal heights at the surface of the silicide. cients become temperature dependent and there is a change of sign for TiSi2, MoSi2, and TaSi2• The general behavior of the Han measurement suggests the presence of complex multicarrier effects, the detailed study of which lies beyond the scope of this work. C. Structural and compositional analysis All the thin films have been analyzed by RBS, XRD, and AES techniques both in the as-deposited state and after heat treatment. The structural results are summarized in Ta ble II for those specimens which have undergone the heat treatment at temperatures and times reported in Fig. 1. The last column refers to the impurity (oxygen and carbon) con tent observed inside the thin films; the values measured on the surface have been omitted. A more detailed structural analysis by TEM has been performed on the specimens of WSi'6/polycrystalline Si to relate defect density to the low er residual resistivity observed in these samples after the short-time annealing. Figure 4 shows the RBS spectra of a specimen of WSi 1.6 on polycrystalline Si before and after heat treatment at 1200 °C for 6 s; a RBS spectrum very similar to this one has also been observed after a heat treatment in a standard fur nace at 1000 °C for 30 min. In both cases the excess W in the alloy reacts with the polycrystalline Si to form WSi2 and the thickness and composition of the disilicide are quite uniform and of the same value (-1550 ft.). In the figures, the two T ABLE II. Summary of the structural and compositional analysi, on the specimens of Fig. I. Si/M represents the atomic ratio by RBS after heat treatment. Compound Si/M Thickness (A) Phase Impurity content (at. %) TiSi2 2.0 'ISO Orthorombic-C 54 051%, C<I% CoSi, 2.0 \060 Cubic-CI 0<1%, C<I% TaSi, 2.0 1100 Hexagonal-C 40 0<1%. C<I% MoSi, 2.0 \080 Tetragonal-C II 051%. C<I% WSi, 2.0 980 Tetragonal-C II 051%, C<I% 1088 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61. No.3, 1 February 1987 Nava etal. 1088 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04W Si 1.6 lSi -poly: 1000 ·C. 30 min 18 W Si2 TETRAGONAL Si-poly <; 14 '6 e 0 '" 10 ~ 0 ~ 0 I 'N' '" ,... 6 0 0 :::; -;;; ~ , -;-5 '" ro 1:: 0 0 c- I , > 2 ~ en z 18 w 0 W S'2 TETRAGONAL ~ V S i-poly e Z "0 14 M' .. ~ 0 "0 0 0 e 10 0 '" 6 0 , ~ -t) .., :::- 2 '" .. v ~'- / I 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 29 (DEGREES) FIG. 5. Bragg-Brentano x-ray diffraction spectra ofWSil../polycrystalline Si specimens after the heat treatment (a) at 1000 'C for 30 min and (b) at 1200'C for 6 s. horizontal arrows indicate, respectively, the calculated posi tions of surface Wand Si signals ofWSi2, and they agree well with the measurements. The x-ray diffraction spectra obtained in the same ex perimental condition, Figs. 5 (a) and 5 (b), indicate that after the reaction no metal-rich silicide or hexagonal WSi2 is present but only tetragonal WSi2 and unreacted polycrystal line Si are observed. The insets, which show the < 101) dif fraction peak in an expanded scale, can be used to illustrate that the average grain size of the crystallites is almost the same in both the thin films. The same is also true by analyz ing the (110 > diffraction peak. Figures 6 (a) and 6 (b) show the bright field transmission electron micrographs of the sili cide obtained with 200-keV electrons on a WSiI.6/polycrys talline Si specimens after the heat treatment (a) at 1000·C for 30 min and (b) at 1200·C for 6 s, respectively. The im ages of the two microstructures are similar and electron dif fraction has verified that the phase is the tetragonal WSi2• By using AES, the as-deposited alloy has been found, in agreement with RBS data, to be uniform in composition in depth and with a concentration of oxygen estimated in the order of 1 % mainly located on the surface and at the inner interface as shown in Fig. 7 (a). No oxygen has been detected in polycrysta1line Si. After heat treatments both the in-depth profiling spectra in Figs. 7 (b) and 7 (c) show that a uniform reaction between the polycrystalline Si and the excess W in the alloy has occurred and a correct stoichiometric ratio of 1:2 for W:Si is measured. The main difference between the 1089 J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 61, No.3, 1 February 1987 two heat-treated samples is the amount of oxygen in the tungsten disilicide and in the polycrystalline Si. While in the specimens which were heat treated at 1000"C for 30 min (standard furnace) the contamination by oxygen is measur able in the disilicide layer even ifit is at a very low concentra tion [see Fig. 7(b)], in the specimens which experienced the short-time annealing (1200 ·C, 6 s) the oxygen is absent in the WSi2 or at least it is below the detection limit (-0.5%). Furthermore, the latter shows a lower oxygen content in the polycrystalline Si and a buildup of oxygen at the silicide/ polycrystalline Si interface, yet in the former the oxygen con tent in the polycrystalline Si layer is much higher. In either case, a higher oxygen content in the polycrystalline Si than in the WSi2 is found which substantiates the observation that the disilicide is stable against oxidation in the presence ofSi. IV. DISCUSSION A. Residual resistivity-The temperature-independent part of resistivity of the sUicides Residual resistivity depends on impUrIties, defects, stress, and microstructure of the materials. Although we have prepared the five disilicides with the same procedure, their microstructures and defects such as dislocations and stacking faults are found to be comparable, yet their impuri ties and stress may be different since they were not prepared in UHV conditions and since they were prepared on a sub strate so the thermal stress is different due to different ther mal expansion coefficients. The residual resistivity data shown in Fig. 1 tend to suggest that MoSi2 and WSi2 contain more impurities and/or were stressed more than the others. The study of residual resistivity can no doubt be best per formed with a pure single crystal, and this is a case for WSi2• Nevertheless, the curves in Fig. 1 and the data in Table I are sufficient to show that the goal of achieving a low room temperature resistivity can be satisfied better using WSi2 than, for example, TaSi2• In Figs. 2 and 7 we showed the beneficial effect of a rapid annealing in reducing the oxygen content in WSi2 and in turn its residual resistivity. However, we note that most silicides are formed on heavily doped poly crystalline Si rather than un doped polycrystalline Si, so the dopant effect during a short-time annealing on the residual resistivity of silicides must also be considered. II B. Intrinsic resistivity-The temperature-dependent part of resistivity of the silicides We discuss only the high-temperature part, i.e., the lin ear dependence and its positive and negative deviations, and we assume that this part is intrinsic to the materials. We make no attempt to try to explain why a silicide should be have linearly or not. We just analyze the behaviors according to the known models. Concerning the linear curves of Fig. I, it appears evident that CoSi2, MoSi2, and TiSi2 compounds show a similar be havior, which is usually expected for the resistivity of a nor mal meta1.7 This classic behavior has been described by the following expression: Pid (T) = Po + Pe -ph (T), (I) where Po is the temperature-independent residual resistivity Nava eta/. 1089 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04due to the scattering processes with impurities and defects andpe_ph is the phonon-scattering contribution, which is lin ear in the high-temperature limit The temperature-depen dent contribution of the ideal resistivity (P,d) can be ap proximated by the Bloch-Griineisen expression 12; Pe-ph(T) =pITG(S/T), G(S) _ 4(I..)4 r81Tdx X5 T -S Jo (e' -1)( I -e X)' (2) where S is the Debye temperature and pi is the high-tem perature limit of Pe-ph (T) IT The experimental data for CoSi2, MoSi2, and TiSi2 were fitted by minimizing the root-mean-square (rms) deviation, 1090 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, No.3, 1 February 1987 o 50QO ~ FIG. 6. Bright field transmission elec tron micrographs of the WSil 6/poly crystalline Si specimens after the heat treatment (al at 1000 T for 30 min and (b) at 1200 °C for 6 s. The diffrac tion patterns reveal no reflections be longing to silicon. In both cases an average grain size of 2700 A has been estimated. allowing the three parameters, Po, pi, and S to float The values of the parameters which minimize the rms errors are reported in Table III. The resistivity behavior of TaSi2 is quite different and cannot be described by Eqs. (1) and (2). The P (T) curve shows a negative deviation from linearity and a quasisatura tion phenomenon at high temperatures. This behavior, simi lar to that previously reported for several A 15 compounds, 13 has been explained by assuming that the conduction-elec tron mean free path approaches a lower limit of interatomic distance with the consequent breakdown of the classical Boltzmann theory. 14 To describe this effect the phenomeno logical shunt resistor model has been proposed,ls Nava et al. 1090 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04WSi1.6/pOly-Si.AS deposited 80 w 60 40 l .................... __ ... -.............. ,,- ~ ::c (!) 20 80 LU 60 :c ~ 40 « LU a.. e::: w (!) => « 20 0 80 60 40 20 Si w Si C '\ --, '. Si o ,"'oO ...... _ .... , \ . , '-.. , .. ..,--... , (c) o U-____ ~ ____ _L~~ ____ ~~ o 5 10 15 SPUTTERING TIME (min) FIG. 7. Depth profiles obtained by AES analysis from the WSiI.6/polycrys· talline Si specimens (a) as deposited, (b) after 1000·C for 30 min, and (cl after 1200 ·C for 6 s. 1 1 1 --=---+-, p( T) Pid (T) Psat (3) where Psat appears to be independent of temperature and defect concentrations and represents a limiting value in the resistivity saturation phenomenon. The ideal resistivity Pid is given by Eq. (1). The experimental data of TaSi2 have been TABLE III. Parameters used in Eqs. (1 l, (2). and (3) to fit the electrical resistivity curves of CoSi2• MoSi2• TaSi2• TiSi2• and WSi2 shown in Fig. I. For the WSi2 specimens the best fit has been done in the temperature range (2-300 K) (see text). Compound TiSi2 CoSi2 TaSi, MoSi2 WSi2 1091 Po p' (,un cm) (,un cm/K) 3.26 0.0770 5.90 0.0620 13.12 0.1741 40.00 0.0783 23.15 0.0458 e (K) 423.94 491.13 389.85 623.79 490.03 Put (,un cm) X~ 294.84 0.064 0.406 0.888 0.086 0.037 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, No.3, 1 February 1987 ,--... E () q ::l. ;> ~ > I-rn rn U.J 0:: 130 110 90 70 50 30 160 120 80 40 MOSi2 alloy 950 ·C, 30 min TaSi2 alloy 900 ·C, 30 min o +----r--~---r---~--~--~_+ 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 TEMPERATURE (K) FIG. 8. Comparison between the best·fit curves based on the parameters shown in Table III and the experimental resistivity data for (a) MoSi, and (b) TaSi,. The experimental values are the same as Fig. I. The open dots represent the data and the solid lines are the calculated curves. fitted by a curve using Eq. (3) with the temperature-depen dent contribution of the ideal resistivity described by Eq. (2). The best fit was achieved by minimizing the rms devi ation, allowing the four parameters Po, pi, e, and Psat to float. In Table III the set of the parameters which minimize the rms error is reported. It should be mentioned that the saturation resistivity is of the order of 300 p.O em, which is much higher than those (150 p.O cm) reported for the A 15 structure compounds,15.16 and very similar to those found for VSi2 (Ref. 17) and NbSi2 (Ref. 18). For illustration, we show in Fig. 8 the agreement between the experimental data and the calculated curves for the cases of MoSi2 and TaSi2• Regarding the resistivity data ofWSi2 shown in Fig. 1, we have restricted its analysis in the temperature range 2- 300 K, where the superlinearity is not observed (see Fig. 2). Therefore, in a first approximation we can assume that it is valid to take the Bloch-Griineisen formula to fit the curve. The best-fit parameters are reported in Table III. The ob served superlinear behavior is quite unusual for a metallic compound, but it has already been observed for WSi2 in a shorter temperature rangel9 and for good conductors like W, Au, Cu, and Ag.20 In a first approximation this effect was assumed to be a consequence of the thermal expansion with an associated decrease of the Oebye temperature. Following Mott and Jones,21 it was shown that for T> To> e, [p(T) -Po]!To: (1 + 2jT) and . d(lnS) J - a~-..-:.-...:..... dOnV) where a is the thermal expansion coefficient, C v the specific heat, do the density and xo the compressibility at zero tem perature. We have calculated the quantity Nava eta/. 1091 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:041.3 u W SI,:? our data o W Grunelsen ref 2U o 400 FIG. 9. The figure shows the use of Eg. (5) in describing the superlinearity behavior of p( T) for W (open dots) and WSi, (open triangle,) at high temperatures. Q(T) = {[peT) -Po]~J/{[p(To) -Po]T} = 1 + [2j/(l + 2j~»](T- ~» (5) for both WSi2 (our sample) and W (data from Ref. 20). For To = 870 K, we have obtained the results of Q( T) vs (T -To) shown in Fig. 9. The two linear behaviors in this figure indicate that Eq. (5) describes very well the resistivity of the two materials, but for W,j = 3 X 104 K I as calculated from the slope is 15 times greater than the tabulated value based on Eq. (4). This fact is in accord with the remarks given in Ref. 21 and is still not understood. Finally we note that the twoj values for Wand WSi2 are surprisingly close to each other. We now turn to the data listed in Tables I and III for a further discussion of the temperature-dependent behavior of the resistivities. The total temperature-dependent part of the resistivity at room temperature is about 18 f1f'! cm in MoSi2, which is very similar to that observed in other thin films22 and in bulk single crystals. 10 This means that in spite of the high density of grain boundaries in thin films, deviations from the Mattiessen's rule with consequent increments in the electron-phonon and/or electron-electron scattering by the defects are almost negligible, so the calculated param eters on the basis of the temperature-dependent resistivity measured from our MoSi2 films is accurate. We found that MoSi2 has a very high Debye temperature as shown in Table III, which is very close to that (630 K) calculated for a single crystal of MoSi2. 23 Concerning TaSi2, the observed intrinsic resistivity val ue, which is very high and similar to that (36 f1f'! cm) ob tained by Huang et al.24 on TaSi2 thin films prepared by furnace reaction of sputtered tantalum films with silicon, is twice that of MoSi2. This fact reflects itself on the highest value of the parameter pi obtained for TaSi2 as shown in Table III, which is similar to the consideration on the satura tion effects outlined recently by Gurvich.25 The very high value of pi would suggest an enhanced electron-phonon in teraction. Functionally, pi depends on the dimensionless electron-phonon coupling constant, A'r' on the density of states at the Fermi level, 2N(0), and on the mean-square electron velocity at the Fermi surface < V~.), and the explicit expression is20 1092 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 61, NO.3, 1 February 1987 (6) where kB and h are the Boltzmann and Plank constants, respectively, and q is the electronic charge. In the case of TaSi2, a high value of p I may be due to a large A Ir or a small 2N(0) and < V;.); thus no conclusion can be drawn until the relevant electronic properties such as the density of states, Fermi velocity, and phonon dispersion relations are known. An interesting finding of our analysis is that the satura tion resistivity found for TaSi2 (p ~ 300 f1f'! cm) is almost twice of those ( ~ 150f1f'! cm) reported fortheA 15 structure compounds such as V 3Si. 17 Although the saturation resistiv ity model gives reasonable physical parameters ofTaSi2, the model may not necessarily be unique in describing its resis tivity behavior. It has been pointed out that such a model has failed to explain the negative temperature coefficient of resis tivity observed in many disordered materials of very short mean free paths.27 However, the Mooij correlation,28 which relates the sign of temperature coefficient of resistivity to the magnitude of resistivity for disordered materials, would re quire a change of sign beyond 150 !-if'! cm, thus making the case of a high saturation value ( ~ 300 f1f'! cm) and a positive coefficient ofTaSi2 an ambiguity. Clearly the saturation phe nomenon is still a subject worth studying and the data pre sented here will be valuable in examining other models.29 V. CONCLUSIONS Resistivity measurements in a wide temperature range (2-1100 K) show the linear behavior, characteristic of an ideal metal, for CoSi2, TiSi2, and MoSi2, while a negative deviation from the linearity and a quasisaturation at higher temperature have been observed for TaSi2. WSi2, on the con trary, shows an intrinsically superlinear behavior. The experimental data of CoSi2, TiSi2, and MoSi2 have been interpreted in terms of a model consisting of an ideal, temperature-dependent, metal-like conductivity, while those of TaSi2 have been interpreted by adding to the pre vious model a constant conductivity which is essentially "shunting" the ideal one and prevails at high temperatures. One of the most striking features in the saturation phenome non is the high value of Psat (300 !-if'! cm) with a positive temperature coefficient of resistivity ofTaSi2, which is clear ly in contradiction to what is suggested by the Mooij correla tion. The lowest values of the residual resistivity ratio [p(293 K)lp(2 K)] and of the temperature-dependent part of the resistivity [p (293 K) -p (2 K)] have been observed for WSi2 among the five silicides. They indicate that by reducing the residual resistivity ofWSi2, it may offer the lowest room temperature resistivity among the five silicides. We have demonstrated the feasibility of this conclusion by using a short-time annealing to lower the room-temperature resis tivity of WSi2 from that of standard furnace annealing. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge K. Ahn and the staff in the Central Scientific Service Materials Laboratory at Yorktown for specimen preparations, A. Armigliato of LAMEL-CNR (Italy) for TEM analysis, and T. Sedgwick (Yorktown) for the use of short-time annealing equipment. Nava eta!. 1092 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 22:25:04IB. L. Crowder, S. Zirinsky, and L. M. Ephrath, 1. Electrochem. Soc. 124, 388 (1977). 's. P. Murarka, I. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17, 775 (1980). 'P. B. Ghate, in Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, edited by P. S. Ho and K. N. Tu (North-Holland, New York, 1981), Vol. 10, p. 37\. 4K. N. Tu, in Treatise on Materials Science and Technology, edited by K. N. Tu and R. Rosenberg (Academic, New York, 1982), Vol. 24. 'M.-A. Nicolet and S. S. Lau, VLSI Electronics Microstructure Science, edited by N. G. Einspruch and G. B. Larrabee (Academic, New York, 1983), Vol. 6. 6K. Y. Ahn, S. R. Herd, I. E. E. Baglin, and I. U. Han, I. Vac. Sci. Technol. 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Parametric studies of xray preionized discharge XeCl laser at single shot and at high pulse rate frequency (1 kHz) Marc L. Sentis, Philipe Delaporte, Bernard M. Forestier, and Bernard L. Fontaine Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 1925 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344325 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344325 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in 5 kHz high repetition rate and high power XeCl excimer laser Rev. Sci. Instrum. 66, 5162 (1995); 10.1063/1.1146143 2.5 kHz high repetition rate XeCl excimer laser J. Appl. Phys. 68, 5927 (1990); 10.1063/1.346922 Preionization electron density and ion decay measurements in an xray preionized raregasfluoride laser J. Appl. Phys. 63, 32 (1988); 10.1063/1.340458 Xray preionization of selfsustained, transverse excitation CO2 laser discharges J. Appl. Phys. 58, 1719 (1985); 10.1063/1.336019 Study of xray preionized avalanche discharge XeCl laser at high gas pressures Appl. Phys. Lett. 38, 328 (1981); 10.1063/1.92358 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:34:22Parametric studies of x .. ray preionlzed discharge XeCllaser at single shot and at high pulse rate frequency (1 kHz) Marc L. Sentis, Philipe Delaporte, Bernard M. Forestier, and Bernard L. Fontaine Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Marseille, UM 34 CR.N.S, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, 1 rue Honnorat, 13003 1t1arseille, France (Received 30 January 1989; accepted for publication 12 May 1989) The design and performance of a high repetition rate (1 kHz) and high average power (200 W) XeCl discharge pumped laser (ti = 308 om) using a cold cathode x-ray gun or a wire ion plasma gun for preionization are presented. The dependence of the output energy and of the average output power at low and high pulsed repetition frequency (PRF) on xenon partial pressure is studied. The discharge stability at high PRF is better with lower xenon partial pressure. The influence of preionization level and temporal delay between x-ray pulse and laser discharge is discussed, as well as the required preionization level at higher PRF. I. INTRODUCTION It is well known that the output laser characteristics (i.e., pulse energy, pulse duration, beam profile) of gas dis charge lasers are very sensitive to discharge stability and discharge quality. To obtain good discharge stability and to prevent the formation of spark channels, minimum electron densities and homogeneities are required at the moment of voltage breakdown. These minimum requirements are asso ciated with a number of parameters, including electrode pro files, electrode types (screen or solid), gas pressure, and the voltage rise time at the laser head before the voltage break down. !.2 The minimum necessary electron densities were ini tially estimated to be between 104 (Ref. 3) and 109 cm--3 (Ref, 4); now it is generally accepted that under typical rare gas-halide laser conditions, this minimum is 107_108 em -J for optimum laser output.5•6 Although preionization is com monly performed by ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the use of x ray or e-beam has become the focus of more interest in the last few years.2•7•8 X-ray or e-beam preionization has much higher penetration power compared with UV radiation; therefore, x ray and e-beam should have advantages for wide aperture and high-pressure discharge laser devices. The ad vantages of using x-ray preionization rather than e-beam preionization are summed up in Table 1.'),10 In this paper we investigate the dependence oflaser out put energy and pulse duration on the composition of the gas mixture and especially on xenon partial pressure. The depen dence of this energy and pulse duration on the composition of the mixture is studied in the case w here He! is the chlorine donor. The effect of x-ray preionization in the XeCI laser will then be discussed. Our interest will focus on the dependence of laser output on preionization parameters such as x-ray dose and the timing between the x-ray pulse and the laser discharge. Experiments of single pulse, and high pulsed re petition frequency (PRF) (i-kHz) operation from these ex periments shed light on the stability of discharge and on attachment kinetics. II. EXPERIMENT A laser test bed called LUX (laser ultraviolet preionise par rayons-X) has been constructed to determine the param eters necessary for the power scale up of the XeCl laser (ti = 308 nm) to a very high average power and PRF (pulse rate frequency) and has been used for these studies. The LUX test bed is mainly composed of a fast flow subsonic closed cycle wind tunnel and a high average power electrical excitation system. Ao Wind tunnel The 170-t nickel-plated stainless-steel1oop, already de scribed in part ehew here I I.] 2 is designed for achieving a long "life time" operation in the working mixture. It has very low baseline flow turbulence level and flow pressure drop. Provi sions have been made for fast damping of acoustic waves. A centrifugal compressor powered by a 4-kW continuous cur rent motor allows an average flow velocity up to 65 m/s in the laser discharge head (2.5 X 30 cm2 cross section). The maximum working pressure is 2.5 atm and is limited by the motorcompressor ferrofluidic seal capabilities. A turbo-mo lecular vacuum pump allows us to pump down to a residual pressure as low as 10 -5 Torr to achieve good initial purity of gas mixtures. B. Electrical excitation The electrical excitation system consists essentially of an x-ray preionizer and a main discharge pulse. 1. The x~ray preionizafion generator Two different x-ray generators have been used, a cold cathode electron gun and a wire ion plasma electron gun (WIP gun). TABLE 1. Comparison between Ji.-ray and e-beam preionization for an avalanche discharge." Parameters voltage (kV) lifetime (shots) initial electron density (cm-') "See Reference 9_ x ray e-beam 50 100 10'_10' 1-3.><10-' 10" __ 10" 10"'·10'4 1925 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (5), 1 September 1989 0021-8979/89/171925-06$02.40 (.c) 1989 American Institute of Physics 1925 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:34:22Thermionic f\ ~H---rires -1 l ---SO--==:::O--:--:---+7L.c::::::::::::=> Trigqer !lIilse ct 15 kV ,--++-.c:.High voltage cathode ContinllOtis negative high voltage (-40 kV to -150 kV) FIG.!. Schemaiic diagram of the WIP gun. The cold cathode electron gun consists of a carbon felt cathode and a metal screen anode. It is excited by a pulse through a fast transformer triggered by a hydrogen-fined spark gap. Energy is stored in a 50-kJ capacitor bank which allows fast charging oftheO.5-nF-15- kV primary capacitor. A triggered spark gap connects this capacitor to the trans former. At the other end of the transformer a peaking ca pacitor of 1 nF reaches -200 k V and self-triggers a series spark gap that generates a fast rise time high voltage pulse ( ;:::; 20 J, -100 to -180 k V, 300 ns) which is applied to the cathode gun. Repetition rates up to 1 kHz are possible with this device. The electrons are accelerated in the 5 X 10-0 Torr vacuum towards the grounded anode and produce bremsstrahlung radiation mainly in the forward direction when they hit a 12.5-flm-thick tantalum (Z = 73) foil placed directly behind the screen anode. Beyond the tanta lum foil is a O.6-mm-thick aluminum foil which serves as a high-pressure window for the x ray. The performance of the carbon felt cathode was found to be very reliable after 10 000 shots. The WIP gun was developed at O.N.R.A 13 (Office Na tional de la Recherche Aeronautique). A schematic of the WIP gun is shown in Fig. 1. This type of electron gun allows the control of the high voltage pulse by the low voltage ( 1 S kV) control pulse on four thermionic wires. When a dis charge puise of 15 kV is applied to the anode, in the ioniza tion cavity filled to 1.5 X 10-2 bars of helium, a plasma is created. The ions are accelerated to a ground extraction grid. Beyond this grid, ions are accelerated up to the constant negative high voltage cathode ( -40 to -150 kV) where these generate secondary electrons by shock. Secondary electrons are accelerated to the grid and beyond up to the ground window. The window is the same as the window of the other gun. The x-ray dose is measured with a pocket dosimeter (Seq. 6 Physiotechnie). X-ray homogeneity measurements are realized with films (Kodak X-OMAT-MA). The time history of the x-ray pulse is measured with a wavelength converter (102 A) placed above the window and with a pho tomultiplier. 2. The main discharge circuit A classical thyratron switched C-L-C transfer circuit allows an average laser power of 200 W at 1 kHz operating in 1926 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.5, 1 September 1989 FIG. 2. Electrical circuit diagram. the burst mode. An electrical circuit diagram of the com plete system, including the WIP gun, is shown in Fig. 2. The charging voltage from the power supply, Vmax = 15 kV, is doubled through the resonance charging circuit to charge the main storage capacitors Cpo The thyratron (EVV CX 1572) is triggered by a synchronized pulse via a transformer connected to the (lS-kV) input trigger pulse of the x-ray gun, which slowly charges the transfer capacitor bank (C T) with a rise time of 150 ns. The time delay between the x-ray pulse and the laser discharge is controlled by a synchroniza tion unit. The transfer capacitor array approximates a rela tively fast transmission line with time constant fast com pared with the lSO-ns voltage rise time of the primary circuit. When the electrode voltage reaches the breakdown voltage, the energy stored in the transfer capacitor array is quickly deposited into the gas mixture. The optical resonator is of the stable type, with long radius mirrors. The dielectric coated fused silica mirrors are set directly in the laser head side walls in contact with the working medium. The curva ture radius of the mirrors are r = 2 m. The reflection coeffi cient at /l. = 308 nm is RJ = 0.98 (1'1 ;::;;0.01) for the rear mirror and R2 = 0.48 (T2;:::;0.5) for the extraction mirror. The laser output power waveform is recorded by a high current fast vacuum photodiode (TF 1850 S20 from ITL) filtered with narrow band interference and neutral density filters. The laser energy per pulse is measured by a pyroelec tric detector (ED sao, Gen Tec). The total energy in a burst and the average power are measured by a surface absorption calorimeter (360001 Scientech). Shot-to-shot variations in the beam energy profile in the near field are obtained using a speciaUy designed home detector.14 Most of the electrical signals are recorded on a Lecroy 9400 oscilloscope and stored on an IBM. PC XT microcomputer for processing. It is noteworthy that the Lecroy oscilloscope allows the re cording and storing of signals from 250 successive shots at 1- kHz PRF with lOons time resolution by use of its segmented memory (32 kwords) capability. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The cold cathode electron gun delivers a 30-mR x-ray dose inside the laser cavity in the best gun configuration (felt cathode, anode-cathode distance d = 68 mm, diode resis tance R = 220 n). The emission is highly uniform and shot to-shot variations at high PRF (1 kHz) were not noticeable over the whole area of the x-ray window (I X 27 cm2) at a Sentis et al. 1926 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:34:22o i30 o ~ 25 20 i *~~o _-" o L t:------~ 80 100 130 X-FlAY DIOOE VOLTAGE (kV) G----Q at the 9IJI1 il'ldol A---8 at tile anOOe 0-__ '" at the tothodll FIG. 3. X-ray dosage at the gun window, the anode, and the cathode as a function of the voltage of the x-ray diode. distance of 2 cm from the tantalum target. The x-ray pulse duration is 250 ns under these same conditions. In Fig. 3 the x-ray output dose at the gun window, the anode, and the cathode of the laser cavity, is displayed as a function of the negative high voltage on the cathode of the WIP gun for typical conditions (loS X 10--2 bars of helium and 15-kV trigger pulse). Figure 4(a) shows the longitudi nal distribution of the x-ray emission at low PRF ( 1-50 Hz) and at high PRF ( 1 kHz); and Fig. 4(b) shows oscillograms of the x-ray emission at different points of the longitudinal axis of the laser cavity at low PRF. At low PRF the x-ray emission (l) is not uniform [DIll:::;: 100%, Fig. 4(a) 1 along the longitudinal axis of the cavity, and the x-ray emission timing among different points located along the axis is very different (the delay between point I and point 5 is about 400 ns, Fig. 4(b) J. However, at 100 Hz timing and uniformity are much improved and at high PRF (1 kHz) unifonnity is DIll:::;: 10% with the x-ray emission delay among the differ ent points being very low ( < 5 ns). This WIP gun is opti mized for high PRF ( 100-1000Hz) but can be optimized to work at low PRF by using only one thermionic wire instead of the four thermionic wires used at high PRF. olk------.:l 'OOIJiz ':"~~.~~~_"':I \) tc 50 HI CAVllY AXIS (em) (0) o 500 1000 (b) FIG.4. (&) Longitudinal distribution of the x-ray emission at low PRF ( I so Hz) and at high PRF (1 kHz); (b) x-ray emission at different points of the longitudinal axis of the laser cavity at low PRF as a function of time. 1927 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.5, 1 September 1989 110 100 -. ........ I en r-.. c; ~90 ~ ---- ~ 80 ---G, 70 ~ ~ 70 " 60 : r ""G._._. ____ ~ .... _ ~ 50 ~ :5 I 40 g;j :5 8 16 32 48 60 XENON PARTIAL PRESSURE (torrs) FIG. 5. Dependence ofXeCllaser energy and pulse width on xenon partial pressure. A. Effects of xenon partial pressure t. Results for one shot Figure 5 shows the dependence of the laser output ener gy and the laser pulse width on the xenon. partial pressure when the partial pressure of HeI is 3 Torr with neon as the buffer gas up to a total pressure of 1125 Torr. Figure 6 shows the dependence of the laser output energy on the charging voltage of the main storage capacitors (Cp ::::40.8 nF) for different xenon partial pressures. When the xenon partial pressure is increased, we observe the discharge becomes fila mentary. For low xenon partial pressures (8 Torr) the laser pulse width has a duration substantially larger than,that for high xenon partial pressure (;;.,32 Torr) (Fig. 5). The dis charge stability depends widely on xenon partial pressure. An important observation is that the evolution of the laser output energy as a function of the xenon partial pressure is dependent on the input energy (Fig. 6). For low charging voltage (:::;: 18 kV), laser output energy is greater at low xe non partial pressure than at high xenon partial pressure. For 100 15 a torrs XENON 16 torrs XEIDN 32 torrs XEli'lN ",,---..0 60 torrs XOON 1fl 23 CHARG INC VOLTAGE (kV) 28 FIG. 6. Laser energy as a function of charging voltage for various xenon partial pressures. Sentisetal. 1927 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:34:22sOOt 1 250 moo It! shot 1 250 • 750 It! SOO liz tOO Hz 3 torrs wel/l. torrs h/ 1100 10m He (el l j~fS Hal 60 fom Xe/VOG jl)ffS He (b) FIG. 7. Pulse-to-pulse time resolved laser power histograms at different PRF for (a) low and (b) high xenOJ1 partial pressures. high charging voltage ( :::; 25 k V), the opposite is true. This behavior seems to be dependent on the kinetics of the exited gas mixture. When the xenon partial pressure is increased, E IN decreases due mainly to the high ionization of Xe through the fonowing reactions: Xe + e-...... Xe* + e--, and Xe'" + e----Xe-+-+ 2e-. The electronic temperature, proportional to E IN, also decreases. Finally the formation of CI-through the following reactions HCl + e--> HCI (v) + e-, HCI (v) + e--H + Cl--, and the formation of Xe+ are decreasing. 2. Results for high PRF Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show a typical histogram of the time evolution of the power of 250 shots at various pulse repetition rates from 100 to 1000 Hz. Figure 7 (a) is for a gas mixture oO-Torr Hel, 16-Torr xenon, and 1700-Torr neon, and Fig. 7(b) for a gas mixture of 3-Torr HCI, 60-Torr xe non, and nOD-Torr neon. Some of the drop in energy as a function of the number of pulses is due to the drop in charg ing voltage, but most of this drop at high repetition rates is due to the degradation of the discharge. It can be seen from a comparison of Figs. 7 (a) and 7 (b) that this drop as well as -the shot-to-shot fluctuations are sharply dependent on the xenon partial pressure for the same discharge conditions (V4 = 18 kV, Cp = 78 nF, CT = 75 nF, V = 50 m/s). For high repetition rate operation the discharge stability is de graded by transversal and longitudinal acoustic waves, 15 this degradation is made especially severe at higher xenon con centrationsl'" [Fig. 6(b)]. B. Effects of xaray preionization 1. Time delay The time delay 151 is defined as the time between the beginning of the x-ray pulse and the beginning of the laser pulse. The dependence of laser pulse energy on I5t for an x ray dose of 30 mR is shown in Fig. g for a gas mixture of 2- Torr HCI, 35-Torr xenon, and 975-Torr neon. The cold cathode x-ray gun is used in these studies. It is apparent that the laser action is present not only for the duration of the x ray pulse. but indeed is degraded only some 45 % 700 ns after the end of the x-ray pulse. An energy plateau is reached for dt:::; 150 ns, this corresponds to the rise time of the x-ray pulse. This energy plateau has a duration of about 450 ns. 1928 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No, 5, 1 September 1989 -500 0 500 " o -----X-RAY EMISSION I I 1000 1500 (0. u.) t (ns) FIG. 8. Dependence of the laser output for an x-ray dose of 30 mR delivered by the cold cathode gun on lime delay Of. This duration corresponds to the duration of the x-ray pulse (FWHM:::; 250 ns) and to the duration of the HCI attach ment. Indeed, without an electric field between the elec trodes, the preionization electron density (ne) with initial value of So is mainly controlled in the XeCllaser mixture by the attachment rate b of the halogen donor n H according to the foHowing equation: dne . --= So -bnenJl' dt when electron losses due to diffusion and recombination are neglected. If So is constant we have: ne = (S(/bn H) (1 -exp( -bnlJt)]. The attachment rate b is dependent on the ratio E IN. For E IN:::; 1.5 X 10--16 V Icm2, b:::; 10-10 cm3 S--I.l7.18 The lie time of the preionization electronic density is with nil :::; 6 X 1016 em --3 equal to 200 ns. This is in agreement with the beginning of the laser energy decay (Fig. 8). 2. Preionization level a. Results for one shot: In Fig. 9 the output laser energy and the laser pulse width of a standard gas mixture for XeCl ~,J ~ '" jIs-.----_.&>------:~~~! ... c: "--' ~ I " 60 = " " 9 i::; /'~ 30: 0:: I 50 ~ ~ w I cr:: ~50 4ll ffi en ::i 30 20 0 50 70 90 110 130 150 HIGH VOLTAGE CATHODE (K\I) FIG. 9. Laser energy and pulse width as a function of the x-ray diode voltage for a standard gas mixture. Sentis et al. 1928 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:34:22shot 1 125 FIG. 10. Pulse-to-pulse time resolved laser power histograms at (a) 100 Hz, (b) 500 Hz, and (e) 750 Hz for different x-ray diode voltages, are shown as a function of the negative high voltage of the cathode of the WIP gun. For this experiment and the next experiment, x-ray emission has to go through the laser cath ode which is a OA-mm stainless plate. Over a long range the output laser energy and the laser pulse width depend logar ithmically on the x-ray dose (high voltage cathode) until approximate saturation is reached at about -100 k V. The dependence of output energy and pulse width on initial elec tron density has already been observed by severa] au thors.19-11 Beyond -100 kV the output energy increases much more slowly and the pulse width reaches a plateau. This saturation has been observed by Taylor' when the ini tial electron density has reached the value of lOR elec trons/em3, b. Results for high PRF: Figures lO(a), 10(b), and 1O( c) show three series of 125 laser output pulses at repeti tion frequencies of 100,500, and 750 Hz, respectively, each obtained at three different preionization levels ( -80 kV, -100 kV, and -130 kV). These figures have been ob- tained for the same experimental conditions (gas mixture, power deposition, x-ray WIP gun configuration) as those for Fig. 9. At 100 Hz [Fig. lO(a)] the drop in energy as a func tion of the number of pulses is due only to the drop in charg ing voltage. The output pulse evolution and shot-to-shot fluctuations are very similar for all different preionization levels. At 500 Hz [Fig. IO(b)] and at a high preionization level ( --130 kV), some output pulse fluctuations are ob served which are due to the degradation of the discharge. But for lower preionization levels, -100 and especially -80 kV, shot-to-shot fluctuations are very important and after some 70 shots, the discharge begins to be so poor that no laser output is observed every three or four shots. At 750 Hz [Fig. 1O(c)], for low preionization level ( -80 kV) this effect is even worse. Indeed, after about 50 shots no lasing is observed due to the degradation of the discharge, In Fig. 11 the normalized average laser output power (Px IPJ}OkV) is shown as an function of the preionization level. We observe the sharp dependence of the required preionization level needed to obtain stable discharge with respect to the PRF 1929 j. App\. Phys., Vol. 66, No.5, i September 1989 i ~ O.5r ! ! I 100 HZ 500 HZ 750 HZ oiL ~ ______ Li ______ ~! __ ~ 80 100 130 HIGH VOLTAGE CATHODE (kV) FIG. II. Normalized average output power (P, / P1JOk'J ) as a function of the voltage of the x-ray diode at differe-nt PRF (100, SOO, and 750 Hz), value. At 750 Hz, high voltage cathode diminution from -130 to -80 kVinvolves an average power drop of75%, at 500 Hz this average power drop is 50% and at 100Hz it is only 20% (the same value as that for the one shot experi ment). All of the above studies are done without acoustic dampers. Induced aerodynamic phenomena (mainly trans versal and longitudinal acoustic waves) which degrade the density homogeneity of the active gas mixture, are all the more important for discharges operating at an increasing PRF. 15 The initial electron density level required for obtain ing a good discharge is therefore sharply dependent on the density homogeneity of the gas mixture, At high PRF with degradations due to aerodynamic phenomena the initial electronic density value of 108 electrons/em3 (Ref. 5) seems to be too low to obtain a stable discharge. IV. CONCLUSION An advanced XeCl laser system called LUX which is composed of 11 subsonic wind tunnel, a WIP x-ray gUll, and a classical thyratron switched C-L-C transfer circuit, allows an average laser output power of 200 W at I-kHz operating in burst mode. The advantage of using low xenon partial pressure rath er than high xenon partial pressure regarding the stability of the discharge has been shown at high pulse repetition rate, Up to a saturation value, laser output and laser pulse width have logarithmically linear dependence on the x-ray dose. At high PRF with degradations due to aerodynamic phenomena the initial electron density value has to be higher than for single shot operation. The initial density level re quired for obtaining a good discharge has been shown depen dent on the density homogeneity of the gas mixture. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research work leading to this paper was performed under n.R.E.T. and C.E.A. contracts. 'J. I. Levatter and S. C. Lin, J, App!. Phy,. 51, 210 (1980). 2K. Midorikawa, M. Obara, and T, Fujioka, IEEE 1. Quantum Electron, QE-20, 198 (1984). 'V. M, Borisov, Yu. B. Kiryukhin, L V. Kochetov, and V. P. Novikov, Sav, Sentis et I'll. 1929 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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Gating circuit for linearfocused photomultiplier M. Bruce Schulman Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 1264 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140302 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140302 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Normally on photomultiplier gating circuit with reduced postgate artifacts for use in transient luminescence measurements Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 5454 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143417 An ‘‘on’’gated photomultiplier circuit for the determination of phosphorescence lifetimes Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, 3726 (1990); 10.1063/1.1141543 A highspeed photomultiplier gating circuit for luminescence measurements Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 2924 (1989); 10.1063/1.1140628 A Linear Gate for Photomultiplier Signals Rev. Sci. Instrum. 44, 615 (1973); 10.1063/1.1686196 Linear Gate and Stretcher for Photomultiplier Dynode Pulses Rev. Sci. Instrum. 35, 1360 (1964); 10.1063/1.1718748 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:00:23Gating circuit for linear-focused photomultiplier M. Bruce Schulmana) DepartmentojPhysics, UniversiiyojWisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (Received 30 January 1989; accepted for publication 2 April 1989) A gating circuit is described which provides a cutoff efficiency of approximately 99% by pulsing the first dynode of an RCA C31 034 type linear-focused photomultiplier by only 18 V. This is accomplished by utilizing a local minimum in the photomultiplier gain which occurs immediately before the sharp turn-on point. The circuit achieves the requirements offast turn-on, variable gating duration, and minimal switching transients. The technique is especially suited to photon counting applications in which stability of the anode baseline voltage is criticaL INTRODUCTION Photomultiplier-gating schemes which achieve gain reduc tion by switching the first dynode CDl ) from its usual bias in the voltage-divider chain to a potential negative with respect to the photocathode have been described. 1,2 When this tech nique was considered for application to an RCA C31034A02 linear-focused, reflective-cathode type photomultipler tube (PMT), it was found that for a moderate supply voltage of -1300 V, the voltage between 0 i and O2 would exceed its absolute-maximum rating of 250 V when the PMT is gated off.3 Tests also revealed that at the transition to full gain, a switching transient shifted the anode baseline voltage for several microseconds, thereby displacing the photoelectron pulses relative to a fixed discriminator level and altering the count rate. = 30 V before increasing sharply. If the magnitude of the high-voltage input is reduced, the gain curve is shifted down ward, and the sharp onset moves to slightly smaner values of cathode-to-DJ voltage. In the optimized gating circuit, the turn-off voltage on D] is to be fixed at a value of Vcd just This article describes a gating technique in which the PMT operates at somewhat reduced gain but retains its good photon-counting characteristics. The concept originated from a communication with RCA applications personnel,4 who suggested that the PMT should be gated on with a re duced cathode-to-O] voltage (VCd. ). Our follow-up investi gation showed that the smaller first-dynode pulse which is then required to achieve the necessary cutoff allows faster switching and minimizes transients in the output. In the final circuit, particular attention has been paid to steady-state noise reduction. We have applied the technique to the detec tion of a weak fluorescence signal by photon counting after the PMT has been gated off during strong electron-impact excitation of a gas sample 5 First the test circuit shown in Fig. 1 was employed to determine the proper range for V cd' It alJows measurement of the anode current as Vcd is varied from 0-47 V with the potentials of the cathode and other dynodes held fixed. With a supply voltage of -1300 V, the chain of resistors labeled R\ carries 1.25 mA, and 0.21 rnA passes through the dyn ode-resistor chain. The resistance ratio Rz/R3 and the ca pacitor values in the dynode chain are those recommended by the PMT manufacturer. 3 A resistor-capacitor noise filter protects the high-voltage input. The change in gain which this voltage shift on OJ pro duces can be seen in Fig. 2, which shows the resulting vari ation in the response of the cooled PMT to a steady light source. The gain of the PMT exhibits a local minimum at V cd -1300V CATHODE S80K 52 OK O2 Os 04 05 TO ELECTROMETER FIG. 1. Test circuit employed to obtain the gain curve shown in Fig. 2. In this work the Zener diode shown isa IN4756A, which allows Vcd to vary up to 47 V. 1264 Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 60 (7), July 1989 0034-6748/89/071264-03$01.30 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 1264 .................................................................... , ....... . This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:00:23GATED GATED OFF ON t ~ 10 20 30 40 50 1 O~~--~--~~~~---L--J---L-~--~ VCD FIG. 2. Signal response of the photomultiplier as a fUllction of cathode-ta D, voltage Vod' The optimum turn-off voltage is indicated at Vc<1 ","c 27 V. The chosen operating level is indicated at V"d = 45 V. below the steep increase in gain. The turn-off voltage (Ved = 27 V) and tum-on voltage (Ved = 45 V) chosen for this work are indicated by the arrows in Fig. 2. For the signal levels shown, a 98.7% reduction in the average anode cur rent is achieved when the illuminated PMT is gated off. t GATING CIRCUIT A diagram of the gating circuit applied to the C31034A02 dynode chain is shown in Fig. 3. The pulse on DJ is an amplified compiement of the TTL-generated gate input pulse, which arrives at the 6N136 optocoupler after passing through a TTL output driver and a 50-n cable. With the gate input low, QJ is nonconducting and Q2 is conduct ing. Thus DJ is set to the potentia! V cd = 45 V, and the PMT is biased on. When the gate input is high, QJ is conducting and Q2 is nonconducting; therefore, DJ goes to the potential V~-d = 27 V, and the PMT is biased off by the optimum amount. To switch the photomultiplier to its operating condition (Vc<l = 45 V), QI must be turned off. To reduce the delay caused by this process, R4 limits the turn-on current for QJ so it will have a faster switchoff. Also, Rs shortens the switch off time of Q! by aHowing current to drain from its base. The best values for R4 and Rs vary slightly from one 6N136 optocoupler to another. It is assumed that the opti mum value of V cd for gating the PMT off will vary slightly from one RCA C31034 type unit to another. The I-Mfl re sistors in parallel with the Zener diodes serve to reduce noise and stabilize voltage drops. Several high-voltage ceramic disk capacitors are added at strategic points to reduce switching transients. The low-leakage diodes at the anode serve as protection if it is accidentally left unterminated. Figure 4 shows simultaneous oscilloscope traces of an 1265 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 A CATHODE ~~---r-+--~----------~D, ~N--f--L +15 10.005 ~ lOOK R, c o "' II N "5 TTL OU'TPUT BUFFER PHOTOELECTRON PULSE COUNTING SYSTEM Rt R, R, R, R, A, A, Rt R, 0.02 <:=500 SSOK R2 D, 520K R3 R3 D3 R3 D. R. Ds R. D. Rs D7 O.OOS .r1 Ds ~ 0.0 1 Rs ~ Rs D. ~ 0.02 .r1 R. D'0 ~ 0.05 Dt 1 R. ANODE 1N483B FIG. 3. Schematic diagram of the photomultiplier gating circllit. The nomi nal Zener voltages of the IN5242, IN965A, and IN967A components are 12,15, and 18 V, respectively. input gating pulse, the first dynode pulse, and the switching transient at the anode. The dynode pulse begins to rise after a delay of2,.us, which is related to the tum-off time for QJ. For the optocouplers tested, this is an approximately average value; it also varies with the size of the input pulse. The 100% rise and fall times of the dynode pulse are 0.4 and 3,.us, respectively, which are the inherent on and off times for Q2 in this circuit. As desired, the anode transient at the tum-on point ends before the pulse on DJ has reached its maximum. For a more sensitive check of the anode baseline stability. the FIG. 4. Oscilloscope traces of the TTL gate input (upper, 2 V Idiv), the first dynode pulse (middle, 10 V /div), and the transient anode spike across 50 f!(Iower, 0.5 mV Idiv). The horizontal scale is l,us/div. Gating circuit 1265 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:00:23Q Z o (J w 00 1 O' a: w C- OO I- Z ::J r f IOl (a) -1260V 1 O·'LL---L-.-l...:1-::!0'-:::O~-I:>....L-L.2:;:OO::-' O::o-l----'----'---'-::;3c:!OC:;;O-L-L-L.-'-:4":;;O 0 DISCRIMINATOR LEVEL (mV) FIG. 5. Dark-count rate vs discriminator level when the cooled PMT is gat edon. cooled PMT was exposed to a steady light source, and the TTL input was set to a 20-ps-period square wave. In each period two photon counter gates were enabled for 4 fls begin ning at 2.4 and 6.4ps, respectively, after the fall of the TTL input. With the discriminator level set just beyond the dark- 1266 Rev. ScLlnstrumo, Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 noise level of the system, no difference in the two counting rates could be detected. To verify that the PMT retains its good photon-count ing characteristics under these conditions, the dark-noise rate was measured as a function of discriminator level with the PMT gated on and cooled to -20 "C. The PMT output pulses were amplified by a factor of 10 before entering the discriminator. Curves were obtained for supply voltages of -1260 V and -1600 V. As illustrated in Fig. 5, in both cases the photoelectron pulse-height distribution is well sep arated from the inherent electrical noise. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a gating circuit designed specifically for this type of photomultiplier. Aside from the inherent rise and fall times, there are no con straints on the lengths of the on and off portions of the gating cycle, and they are fully independent. The achievement of very low switching noise at the anode allows the PMT to be used for photon counting applications which require a short and precise switching time without distortion in the count rate following the turn-on transition. Finally. the circuit can be incorporated into a standard photomultiplier housing, and it does not require special high-voltage components. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Mike Murray of the Univer sity of Wisconsin-Madison Physics Electronics Shop for his assistance in the development of the gating circuit. a) Present address: Advanced Development, Philips Lighting Company, Lynll, MA Ol901. IF. de Martini and K. P. Wacks, Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 38, 866 (1967). 2M. Yamashita, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 45,956 (1974). 'See RCA Technical Data Sheet, C31034 Series 10-85. RCA Corp., New Products Division, New Holland Ave., Lancaster, P A 17604. 'RCA Corp, New Products Division-Tube Operations, MS-058, New Holland Avt., Lancaster, PA 17604. sM. B. Schulman, F. A. Sharpton, L. W. Anderson, and C. C. Lin, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 294 (1989). Gating circuit 1266 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:00:23
HESYRL: Recent status ZhongMou Bao Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 1698 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140931 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140931 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in BESIII status and recent results AIP Conf. Proc. 1432, 92 (2012); 10.1063/1.3701195 Status and recent results of MAGIC AIP Conf. Proc. 1112, 23 (2009); 10.1063/1.3125788 LIGO: Status and Recent Results AIP Conf. Proc. 928, 11 (2007); 10.1063/1.2775891 BART — Recent Status AIP Conf. Proc. 662, 520 (2003); 10.1063/1.1579419 Uptodate information on the status of HESYRL Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 1578 (1992); 10.1063/1.1142979 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:45:34Storage Ringe and its Injector HESVRl: Recent status Zhong-Mou Bao University a/Science and Technology 0/ China, Heifei, Anhui, People's Republic a/China (Presented on 31 August 1988) The 2oo-Me V linac injector was completed in October 1987 and commissioned to the designed targets. The 800-Me V storage ring is expected to complete the installation by the end of 1988. Five beamlines and experimental stations, which are under constmction, are described. INTRODUCTION The purpose for establishing Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (HESYRL) are: (1) to develop synchrotron radiation (SR) scientific research and techni cal application; (2) machine study for developing more powerful SR machines to meet the needs of users; (3) to provide an education base combined with scientific research. Started from research and development March 1978 to July 1981, through a series of reviews, the proposal to found HESYRL was finally authorized as a key project of China by China's State Planning Committee in October 1984. The ground breaking took place November 20, 1984. The HESYRL project consists of three major parts: (1) light source, (2) experimental area; (3) auxiliaries. The present status is as follows. I. LIGHT SOURCE (Refs, 1 and 2) An SOO-MeV ring with a 200~MeV linac as its injector (Fig. 1). The main design figures are: Storage ring 800 MeV, 100-300 rnA, 66.13 m in circumference, 22 m in average diameter, 12 dipoles with field strength of 1.2 T, and critical wave length 24 A. Linac 200-240 MeV, 50 mA, energy spread AE IE = ± 1 %, beam pulse width 2-4 ns, or 0.2-1 ps, and repetition rate 50 pps. By the end of October 1987, the !inac was installed in the underground tunnel, and commissioned to the designed tar- FiG.!' Plan layout of Hefei machine. gets of energy and current on November 24, 1987 (220 Me V and 58 rnA, respectively); In June 1988, the energy spread was measured to be AE IE = ± 0.8%. By the beginning of February 1988, all the transport lines, to the ring, to the nuclear experimental hall, and to the dump, 126 m in total had been set up, and received the electrons with full energy at the terminals. All the components of the ring have been made and test~ ed or are under test (except for the rf cavity, which will be delivered by the end of September). The whole ring has be gun installation recently. It is expected to complete the in stallation by the end of 1988, after which the commissioning will take place. II. EXPERIMENTAL AREA (Ref. 3) !he S~ ex~erimental hall is in the light source building and IS 50 m m dIameter. From the ring, each bending magnet vacuum chamber has been designed to provide two ports for extracting light; 27 beamlines in total (include three from insertions) are available (Figs, 2 and 3). The five beamlines and experimental stations which are proposed to be setup at the first stage are listed in Table I. The fast closing valve of the front end was designed by us and manufactured by Shenyang Scientific Instrument Factory. It has given good results: leak rate, 0.33 Torr £"/s; FIG. 2. Experimentalarea (a) Preparation lab; (b) clean rooms, (c) lithog raphy. (d) basic research, (c) metrology. 1698 Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 60 (7), July 1989 0034·67 48f89f071698-03$01 ,30 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 1698 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:45:34Vf Vp \'1M Vm ---SR FIG. 3. Side view of front end: Vm; manual valve, WM; water-cooled mask, Vp; pneumatic valve, Vf; fast closing valve, BS; beam shutter. closing time, 6 ms (including the blade closing time and the response time of the trigger magnet), and after 800 opera tions the leak rate kept the same figure of 0.33 Torr tIs. The status of the beamlines and the corresponding ex perimental stations are as follows. A. Beamline U1• for lithography The optical system of beamline U I is shown schemati cally in Fig. 4. U I has been designed, the range of wavelength is 5-20 A. The main goals of the lithography station are to use SR single exposure for developing practical devices such as metrology gratings and zone plates for studying masks, resists, large area uniform exposure, alignment methods, etc. The station is simply a single-exposure machine which has been designed and will be manufactured; it is expected to have the machine by the end of March. According to the schedule, the whole beamline Uland the station will be con nected to the ring in July 1989. S. BeamUne U10A ~ for photochemistry Beamline U lOA is sketched as Fig. 5 which contains a I-m seya grazing incidence monochromator with two grat ings of 1200 and 600 lImm; the wavelength covered range is 200-4000 A. This station is used for gas phase experiments, for studying ( 1) VUV absorption spectra, fluorescence spec tra, and ionization spectra of atoms and molecules; (2) chemical reactions of highly excited state molecules; and (3) chemical reactions of ions with molecules. The station consists of an analyzer chamber, a differen- TABLE I. Beamlines and experimental stations. Beamline V, UlOA DWll U'2A U2D Wavelenlfth range (A) 5-20 200-4000 500-6000 20-50 10-1200 Station Lithography Photochemistry Time resolve spectroscopy Soft x-ray microscopy Photoelectron spectroscopy 1699 Rev. Sci. lostrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 FIG. 4. Optical system of beam line U,. tial pumping system and a data-acquisition system. The ana lyzer chamber contains a pulsed molecular beam source, two quadrupole mass spectrometers used for cation and anion analysis, respectively, and a port for photomultiplier and UV lasers. The differential pumping system inserted between the post mirror box on the beamIine and the analyzer chamber can produce about three orders of magnitude pressure drop. The data-acquisition system was designed to accommodate coincidence experiments such as photoelectron-photoion, photocation-photoanion, and photon-photoion coincidence measurements. C. Beamline U1oa, for tlmeMresolved spectroscopy The U lOB is sketched as Fig. 6 which contains a l-m seya monochromator with gratings of 2400, 1200, and 600 1/mm, the covered wavelength range is 500-6000 A. The station was designed for studying the properties of spectra of solid, liquid (including bio-sample), and gas phase samples and fluorescence life time. The spectra include emission, absorp tion, excitation, transmission and reflection, and time-re solved spectra and the related dynamic changes caused by thermal effects, and magnetic effects. The station consists oftwo sample chambers, four mon ochromators with high luminosities and high resolution, and a fast data~acquisition system. Combined with two analysis monochromators ofj= 2.7 forUV-VIS and! = 3 forVUV, one chamber (if> 150 mm) equipped with an electron gun and a sample holder at 77 K are used for experiments requiring high sensitivity. The other if; 350~mm chamber equipped with a sample holder at 4.2 K and a superconducting magnet of 6 T together with two high resolution monochromators (0.2 A for VUV, 0.15 A forUV-VIS) is used for high resolu~ tion. D. Beamllne U12A• for soft x~ray microscopy The U J2A with its microscope optics is sketched as Fig. 7. The aims of the soft x-ray microscopy station are (1) to develop soft x-ray contact and scanning microscopy tech niques at present and x-ray microholography in future and (2) to provide a powerful instrument to the biological and medical community for studying biological specimens. UIlA was designed mainly for scanning x-ray micros copy. A condenser zone plate (CZP) combined with a dia phragm to demagnify the SR source acts as a linear mono- 3200 Ml SR --,"""""""",,~.::;!,~~.;;. 1885 M2 FIG. 5. Optical system ofbeamIine U IDA' Storage ring and injector 1699 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:45:34SR 3000 2656 1400 Ml FIGo 6. Optical system of beam line UIOB' chrornator. For covering the wavelength range 20-50 A, three CZPs can be slid to the prepared site. The microzone plate (MZP) focuses the x ray to a small spot. The specimen in the air environment can be scanned through the focal spot mechanically under computer control. The x-ray micro graph can be displayed on a screen or be stored. The components of U 12A are being manufactured. Zoneplates, flow gas proportional counter, and contraelec tronies are being developed in our labs, which have obtained hopeful results. We expect to check out our prototype scan ning soft x-ray microscope on-line after our SR source be comes operational. E. Beamline U20, for photoelectron spectroscopy U20 contains a spherical grating monochromator, the covered wavelength range is 10-1200 A. V2G is sketched as in Fig. 8. The main goal of setting up this station is for sur face and interface science research. It can perform ordinary photoemission research such as angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (ARUPS), ultraviolet and x ray photoemission spectroscopy (UPS,XPS) as wen as near edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), and sur face extended x-ray absorption fine structure (SEXAFS). This station comprises four parts: analysis, preparation and sample production chambers, and a data-acquisition system. In the analysis chamber, conventional UV and x-ray sources and an electron beam source are provided, and it is equipped with two analyzers for angle-resolved and angle integrated measurement, respectively. The sample production chamber is composed of five beam sources and a thickness monitor. Thin films of single DIAPIlRACM ; c~p '~.zp SR . 0.· . .. +>! ::$-L---------1QQ.Q--------- ----T~02.+!~_4 FIG. 70 Microscope optics of beamline U 12A • 1700 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 F.XPERIMENl'AL l'i)VlIBLE SPHERICAL GRATING sTATION EXIT SLIT IO'lCCHRCMA'IOR FIG. 8. Optical system of beam line U20• SPHERICAL f1IRR'0R.'; PAIR .~ SR SOURCE and multiple layers can be made on metal and semiconduc tor substrates. The sample preparation chamber is equipped with a fast sample introduction system, a specimen transfer system, an argon ion gun, two evaporation sources, and thickness moni tor etc. The data-acquisition system is an IBM-based multitask ing system. It can be operated for SR with EDe, CIS, CFS, and PED modes. Most parts of this station will be imported from VSW Company, England, except the sample production chamber which will be made by Shenyang Scientific Instrument Fac tory. III. AUXILIARY FACILITIES HESYRL is open to users both domestic and from abroad. Auxiliary facilities have been planned and con structed for supporting users. The main building-light source building of95oo m was completed, in which an experimental hall of 2000 m2 is sur rounded by rooms of 831.5 m2 for experiment preparation, clean rooms for lithography, rooms for installing computer for data processing etc. In addition to the light source building, a research build ing of 3800 m2 which was completed in January 1986 is pro vided for users and in-house staff. A guest house of 2200 m2 with 70 rooms, will be com pleted in the coming fall for users. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank the staff ofHESYRL; Y. W. Zhang, X. S. Xie, Y. J. Pei, P. S. Xu, S. N. Qian, C. S. Shi, and D. M. Su of BEPC for the materials provided for this research. "R Zhongmou et ai., NucJ. lnstrum. Methods 208, 19 (1983). 2H. Tohui, Proceedings of the Workshop on Construction and Commis sioning of Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Facilities (1985), pp. 155- 166. 3Z. Yanwu et 01., Internal Report, 1988 Present Status of Beam Lines and Experimental stations at HESYRL Storage ring and injector 1700 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:45:34
Dielectric properties of glasses prepared by quenching melts of superconducting BiCa SrCuO cuprates K. B. R. Varma, G. N. Subbanna, T. V. Ramakrishnan, and C. N. R. Rao Citation: Applied Physics Letters 55, 75 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.102390 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.102390 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/55/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Crystallization kinetics for quenched BiCaSrCuO glasses Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 600 (1989); 10.1063/1.101844 Transition range viscosity of rapidly quenched BiCaSrCuO glasses Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2268 (1989); 10.1063/1.101565 Superconducting coatings in the system BiCaSrCuO prepared by plasma spraying Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 799 (1988); 10.1063/1.100563 Structure and composition of the 115 K superconducting phase in the BiCaSrCuO system Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 520 (1988); 10.1063/1.100623 Preparation of oriented BiCaSrCuO thin films using pulsed laser deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 337 (1988); 10.1063/1.99909 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:21:04Dielectric properties of glasses prepared by quenching melts of superconducting EU~Ca~Sr .. Cu~O cuprates K. B. R. Varma, G. N. Subbanna, T. V. Ramakrishnan, and C. N. R. Raoa) Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit. 1Vlaterials Research Centre and Departmelll afPhysics. Indian Insritute of Science. Bangalore 560012. India (Received 8 March 1989; accepted for publication 2 May 1989) Glasses obtained from quenching melts of superconducting bismuth cuprates of the formula Bi2 ( Ca,Sr) n t 1 CUll 02n t 4 with fl = 1 and 3 exhibit novel dielectric properties. They possess relatively high dielectric constants as well as high electrical conductivity. The novel dielectric properties of these cup rate glasses are likely to be of electronic origin. They exhibit a weak microwave absorption due to the presence of microcrystallites. Relation between ferroelectricity and superconductivi ty in perovskite oxide structures has been a subject of interest for the past several years. 1-7 Recently, a possible relationship between ferroelectricity and high Tc superconductivity in YBa2Cu307 .. 8 and Bi2 (Ca,Sr) 3CUZOg t-8 has been pointed out.8-lO It has been suggested that a phase transition to a relaxor type ferroelectric state could occur above the super conducting transition. Dielectric constant measurements in the high-temperature phase of YBaZCuj07. Ii suggest the presence of ferroelectric-like polarizability in the phase pre ceding the metallic or the superconducting state. g The series of Bi cuprates of the general formula Bi2(Ca,Sr)n f J Cun02n + 4-1 b reported in recent months II has afforded the possibility of examining the dielectric prop erties of glasses of these cup rates since melts of these cuprates can be readily quenched to the glassy stateY We have found that these glasses exhibit rather high dielectric constants and related properties probably associated with the large electronic polarizability of clusters containing CuO sheets. Polycrystalline samples ofBi~Ca~Sr-Cu-O cuprates cor responding to the nominal compositions Bi2CaSrCu06 + 8 (n = 1) and Bi 1./, PbO.4 Ca2Sr 2CU30 10 + 8 (n = 3) were pre pared by heating a mixture of Bi20~1> CaC03• SrCO 3' CuO, and PbO (added only to the latter composition). The first composition was obtained by heating the mixture without PbO around 1070 K for about 8 h with intermediate grinding steps. The latter composition was prepared by heating the mixture around 1090 K for several days with intermediate grinding steps and at 1100 K for about 8 h. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of the resulting compounds confirmed them to be the n = 1 and n = 3 members of the homologous series. 11 Homogeneous glasses of the two cuprates were ob tained by melting them in a platinum crucible followed by splat quenching. It may be remarked here that the n = 2 cup rate gives a heterogeneous glass due to disproportiona tion 12 and we have therefore restricted our studies to the n = 1 and 3 members. The amorphous nature of the glasses prepared by us from the melts of the n = 1 and 3 members was confirmed by x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry (Fig. 1) measure- ,,' To whom correspondence should be addressed at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit. ments. Capacitance measurements were carried out on the glassy samples as a function of both frequency (1-100 kHz) and temperature (300-700 K) with a signal strength ofO. 5 V rms. de magnetic susceptibility measurements on the crys talline samples were carried out by the Faraday method and resistivity measurements by the four-probe method. Dielec tric hysteresis of the glasses was examined at 50 Hz by means of a Sawyer-Tower circuit. ac conductivity was measured on O.5-mm-thick glass disks using a HP, LCR bridge model 4274A. de magnetic susceptibility studies on the crystalline samples showed the onset of superconductivity in the n = 1 and n = 3 members to be around 80 and 110 K, respectively. Glasses of these materials show a single glass transition tem perature ( 1~ ) around 650 K. This is followed by exothermic crystallization transition (T~r ) around 720 K (Fig. 1). Spe cific heat (Cp) measurements show these transitions around o a' "0 c: W r o x W Tg I / I : U : "--L .. _:._._~ ~.-.L .. ~ .. _J 380 500 620 740 T(K) FIG. t. DSC curves of splat-c.jucnched samples of Bi,CaSrCuOb c h (a') and Bi",Pb" .. Sr,Ca,Cu,O\() , ,\ (b '). Heat capacity data are shown in the inset. 75 Appl. Phys. Lett. 55 (1).3 July 1989 0003-6951/89/270075-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 75 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:21:04the same temperatures (see inset of Fig. 1). Annealing these glasses above Ter showed the formation of crystalline super conducting phases. In Fig. 2 we show the temperature variation of the di electric constants of the two glasses at 1 kHz. The dielectric constants t:r of the n = 1 and 3 glasses at room temperature are around 6 and 490, respectively, showing that the dielec tric constant increases with the number of CuO sheets. The dielectric constant increases gradually with temperature and reaches high values up to 10 000 above 600 K. The ac con ductivity of the glasses increases markedly with increase in temperature, the n = 3 member showing considerably high er conductivity than the n = 1 member. The n = 3 sample shows ajump in conductivity around 400 Kat 1 kHz (Fig. 3) and it shifts towards higher temperatures as the frequency increases (up to 100 kHz), possibly due to a local structural relaxation with a relaxation time of ~ 10-13 s. The value of tan .5 also shows an increase with temperature just as the electrical conductivity (Fig. 2). The dielectric constants of the glasses do not vary significantly with the frequency in the I-100kHz range. The n = 1 glass exhibits dielectric hystere sis, but shows no saturation; the absence of the saturation is probably due to the relatively high electrical conductivity of the samples. The n = 3 glass, however, does not show a hys teresis loop because ofits high electrical conductivity. Such a behavior is encountered in ferroelectric semiconductors. Both the n = 1 and 3 glasses show pyroelectric behavior with a pyroelectric coefficient of the order of 3 X 10-6 C/ cm2K. The relatively high dielectric constant exhibited by Bi cuprate glasses is of interest. It could be due to the space charge polarization caused hy heterojunctions arising from the presence of small clusters or ultra microcrystallites in the glassy state.13 Evidence for the presence of such clusters ( ~ 30 A. diameter) has been found by us in electron micro graphs of the glasses. Furthermore, we find weak microwave absorption (9.1 GHz) in the glasses at 77 K. It is to be noted that crystalline superconducting cuprates show intense mi crowave absorption below the superconducting transition temperature and this property can be used to characterize superconductivity in these materials. Il.I4.15 / ;". "~h "'"' -----------}. / ~-~ ~ ~~ l~.>~/~, '~ 290 370 450 530 610 590 TlKi -7 -3 770 FIG. 2. Dielectric constant E, a.nd loss tangent data of bismuth cuprate gla.sses at 1 kHz. Designation of the samples is same as in Fig. I. 76 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No.1, 3 July i 989 -2.6[' __ ~:--_~ _ 1 .L-~.~.-- __ ,*_-' 2.0 2·~ 2.8 3.2 1000 (K) T FIG. 3. ac electrical conductivity of (n = 3) glassy bismuth cuprate. de conductivity measurements show the intrinsic semiconducting behavior above room temperature. The rather large dielectric constants of the cuprate glasses are likely to be mainly of electronic origin, in contrast to its lattice origin in conventional glassy and other ferro electrics. Experimental evidence in support of this idea in cludes our finding (e.g., Figs. 2 and 3) that the temperature variation of Er parallels that of the electrical conductivity, which is electronic. The weak frequency dependence of Er as well as the near absence of nonlinearity and genuine hystere sis in polarization versus electric field, are also indicative of an electronic origin for the high Cr' Furthermore, the ob served dependence of Er on temperature is consistent with a lattice picture only if one assumes that the putative ferroelec tric transition temperature is above the highest temperature of measurement. The oxygen ions in the cuprates are highly polarizable, since the ionization level (i.e., the state with a hole, namely, 01-) is only 1 eV or so away. Thus, even in the absence of holes, there should be a considerable local field enhanced Clausius-Mossod polarizability, for the square oxygen or 02 -lattice. The material actually consists of clusters or mi crocrystalIites of the size ~ 30 A.-At about 0.1 holes per unit cell (the estimated density in the bismuth cuprates) the number of holes in a cluster of diameter 30 A is small, being about 10. The quantum polarizability of a hole moving in a cluster of size Rc is proportional to R ~ a~ff and can thus lead to a large increase in Cr' Here (lelf lies close to the enhanced polarizability of the lattice without holes, since the local field is poorly screened on account of the small number of holes in a cluster. As the temperature increases, there is greater inter cluster hopping of holes which effectively increases Rc and hence the dielectric constant. A possible implication of the above model is that the large dielectric constants in many other perovskites could have an electronic origin also, involving ubiquitous oxygen holes moving in a small region or forming shallow traps. The authors thank the Department of Science and Tech nology and the University Grants Commission for support of this research. 'R. A. Hein, J. W. Gibson, R. Mazelsky, R. C. Miller, and J. K. Hulm, Phys. Rev. Let.t. 12, 320 (\964). Varma eta!. 76 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:21:04213. T. Mathias, Mater. Res. BulL 5, 665 (1976). 'J. Birman, Ferroelectric!; 16,171 (1977). ·P. B. Allen and M. L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. 177, 704 (1969). 5G. S. Pan'ley, W. Cochran, R. A. Cowley, and G. Dolling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 17,753 (1966). 0p. W. Anderson and E. L Blount, Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 217 (1965). 7L, R. Testardi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31, 37 (1973). "L, R. Testardi, W. G. Moulton, H. Mathias, H. K. Ng, and C. M. Rey, Phys. Rev. B 37,2324 (1988). oS. K. Kurtz, J. R. Hardy, andJ. W. Flocken, Ferroelectrics87, 29 (1988). "'S. K. Kurtz, L E. Cross, N. Setter, D. Knight, A. Bhalla, W. W. Cao, and 77 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No.1, 3 July 1989 W. N. Lawless, Mater. Lett. 6, 317 (1988). "e. N. R. Rae, L Ganapathi, R. Vijayaraghavan, G. R. Rae, K. Murthy, and R. A. Mohan Ram, Physica C 156, 827 (1988) and the references cited therein. 12K. B. R. 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A. Vibert Douglas Helen Sawyer Hogg Citation: Physics Today 42, 7, 88 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.2811101 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2811101 View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/42/7 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsJulian H. Webb neering at Clemson College. He con- tinued his studies at the University of Wisconsin, receiving a master's de- gree in electrical engineering in 1925 and a PhD in physics in 1929. His thesis research with Warren Weaver was in mathematical physics. Webb's graduate student contemporaries at Wisconsin included Lee DuBridge and Guy Suits. In 1931, after two years as an instructor in physics at Williams Col- lege, Webb joined the research labora- tories of Eastman Kodak. At Kodak Webb became interested in the phys- ics of latent-image formation—the fundamental basis of the photograph - ic process. He was a pioneer in the application of the quantum mechan- ics of crystalline solids to silver ha- lides and to the photographic process. Webb's experimental work was characterized by a strong analytical foundation. His early publications discussed an experimental study of the photographic intermittency and reciprocity-failur e effects. These ef- fects, which are responsible for the dependence of photographic speed on the individual values of the intensity and time of exposure instead of just the product of the two, greatly compli- cated the practical application of pho- tography. These effects are now largely under control in commercial photographic emulsions . Webb was able to use insight gained from these studies to separate the effects of the electronic and ionic processes in- volved in latent-image formation. His subsequent experiments support- ed the Gurney-Mott quantum me- chanical theory of latent-image for- mation and permitted the under- standing of many important photographic phenomena, including reciprocity failure, intermittency, theHerschel effect, solarization, dye sen- sitization and, above all, latent-image formation, in terms of concepts that pointed the way to improved photo- graphic films. During World War II Webb worked on the electromagnetic separation of uranium isotopes in the Manhattan Project, spending time in Berkeley and Oak Ridge. During this time he also contributed to the development of a process to mold high-precision optical elements, which has become important in the large volume manu- facture of high-quality glass lenses. With the end of the war Webb again turned his attention to studying the formation of the photographic latent image. He concentrated on experi- mental studies of photographic effects in order to develop a statistical model for latent-image formation. From this model and the known size-distri- bution of grains in an emulsion, he confirmed that one to ten absorbed photons can render a photographic grain developable. In 1949 he con- cluded that two silver atoms can form a stable sub-latent-imag e site. This led to the useful suggestion that pre- exposure of astronomical plates to low-intensity light, to form stable sub- latent-image specks, can greatly in- crease the sensitivity of the plates. Webb also became interested in the formation of image tracks by ener- getic particles and in nuclear track emulsions, and these interests led to his solving several serious fallout- related problems that occurred in the manufacture of film. In one such instance, during late 1945, spots be- gan to appear mysteriousl y in x-ray film. An affected film would typically show from 10 to 100 small, black spots after processing. By a careful set of experiments, which had to be carried out quickly because of the urgency of the problem, Webb showed that the spots were caused by the presence of a radioisotope in cardboar d packaging for the x-ray film made by a particu- lar paper mill in Indiana. He deduced that the isotope (probably Ce141) had been produced in the first atomic bomb test in July 1945. It was subse- quently washed as fallout into the Wabash River, from which process water was taken by the paper mill. This discovery permitted solutio n of the fogging problem and minimized its impact on medical diagnostics. During the 1950s Webb assumed increasing responsibility for the man- agement of the physics division of the Kodak Research Laboratories. He played a central role in strengthening the solid-state physics and analytical bases for photographic science, to complement an already strong photo-graphic chemistry effort at Kodak. He established the solid-state physics laboratory and, with George Higgins, built a strong program in what is now known as image science, the informa- tion theoretic approach to image structure and the analysis of imaging system performance. The work of Julian Webb was instrumental in making practical photography available to us for our profession and our pleasure. BENJAMIN B. SNAVELY Eastman Kodak Company Rochester, New York A. Vibert Douglas A. Vibert Douglas, an astrophysicist and university educator, died in Kingston, Ontario, on 2 July 1988 at age 93. One of Canada's most distin- guished citizens, she was made a member of the Order of the British Empire by King George V in 1918 for her work in the War Office, and an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1967. Her great zeal for astronomy, keen interest in her students and involvement in fostering interna- tional relations made her widely ad- mired and loved. Born in Montreal, Douglas started her university education at McGill University, interrupted it for war work and then returned to receive her bachelor's degree in 1919 and her MS a year later. Her postgraduate work at the Cavendish Lab of Cambridge University with Rutherfor d and her work with Arthur Eddington, also at Cambridge, whetted her interest in astronomy, and in 1926 she received her doctorate in that field from McGill. She remained on the McGill staff for 17 years. She and John A. Vibert Douglas 88 PHYSICS TODAY JULY 1989WE HFAB TUAT Stuart Foster investigated the spectra of A- and B-type stars and the Stark effect with the 72-inch telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. In 1939 Douglas was appointed dean of women at Queen's University, Kingston, where she continued to work until her retirement. Despite her heavy university du- ties, she found energy for remarkable international achievements. A cita- tion accompanying her receipt of an honorary degree from Queen's Uni- versity described her as an "inveter- ate internationalist." She became the first Canadian presiden t of the Inter- national Federation of University Women in 1947, and she represented Canada at the UNESCO conference in Montevideo in 1954. A member of the International Astronomical Union, she held the Canadian record for attendance at its triennial General Assemblies. When the IAU met in Germany in 1964, a special bus trip was arranged to take some members to East Berlin for a few hours. The fear of the Berlin Wall was then near its height. At dinner that night we bus travelers learned in astonishment that Allie Douglas (a nickname she preferred to the more formal "Alice") had walked through Checkpoint Charlie all alone and had spent the day crisscrossing the city on public conveyances, be- cause, as she said, "I think that's the best way to see a city." Douglas's many writings will con- tinue to spread her knowledge. Her most outstanding literary contribu- tion was The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington (1956), a project started at the request of Eddington's sister, Winifred. Probably Douglas's Quak- er background, which she had in common with the Eddingtons, made her specially attuned to this task, and her erudition shines through it, as in her use of the first four bars of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony to introduce the chapter on Fundamen - tal Theory. Her other publications appeared in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Hib- bert Journal, Atlantic Monthly, Dis- covery and several university quarter- lies, among other places. In 1984 the Canadian Astronomical Society held a special session at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa in honor of Douglas's forth- coming 90th birthday on 15 Decem- ber. To attend, she traveled alone by bus from Kingston to Ottawa. For many of us, this was our fond farewell to her. HELEN SAWYER HOGG David Dunlap Observatory University of Toronto •. THE COMPLETE Magnetic Research System EG&G Princeton Applied Research introduces the completely automated version of the magnetic research in- dustry standard: the new model 4500 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer System. Features include: • Fully integrated design including gaussmeter, temperature controller, PC, magnet, and power supply. • 1.2K to 750 C temperature range • Unsurpassed noise performance • 10"3 emu sensitivity • 5 x 10"5 emu noise floor • Menu-driven IBM compatible system • Auto hysteresis scan with 0 to 2T field range • Automatic temperature slewingApplications include: • Meissner Effect • Magnetic Susceptibility • Magnetic Hysteresis with bipolar readout • Magnetic tape and disk material characterization Send for your FREE information packet today! PARC P.O. Box 2565 • Princeton, NJ 08543-2565 USA (609) 452-2111 • TELEX: 843409 LEV882 Circle number 39 on Reader Service Card NEW MODEL LTS-22-MAC CLOSED CYCLE Materials Analysis Cryostat This versatile, new system has been designed to satisfy new requirements generated by the recent discovery of the exciting new group of "High Temperature Superconducting Materials." • For Hall Effect, resistivity, Meissner measurements, etc., from <15to350K. GREATER ACCURACY • Separate temperature sensors for control and sample readouts. • Analog heater output from Series 4000 Temperature Controller gives superior control at low temperatures . • Exchange gas sample environment virtually eliminates sample temperature gradients. GREATER SPEED • Easy-to-operate sample space airlock valve. • Quick select 3-way valve tor sample space, vacuum or exchange gas. • No need to shut down refrigerator or break main vacuum during sample change. • Larger, %" diameter sample space permits multipl e samples. GREATER RELIABILITY Proven Gifford-McMahon refrigerator technology. Lower self-induced vibration. 10,000 hour service interval. Rigorous quality control. PLUS Matching Meissner coil system Custom sample probes. QUICK DELIVERYWater or aircooled compressor No liquid cryogens RMC OUR 21st YEAR SERVING THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY1802 W. Grant Rd., Suite 122, Tucson, AZ 85745 (602)882-7900 Telex 24-1334 Fax (602) 628-8702 Circle number 40 on Reader Service Card PHYSICS TODAY JULY 1989 89
Instrumentation of a resonant gravitational radiation detector with a planar thinfilm dc SQUID W. M. Folkner, M. V. Moody, J.P. Richard, K. R. Carroll, and C. D. Tesche Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 5190 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343149 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343149 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Noise and dc characteristics of thinfilm BiSrCaCuoxide dc SQUIDs Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1493 (1990); 10.1063/1.103157 Telegraphlike noise in YBaCu oxide thinfilm dc SQUID’s Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 621 (1988); 10.1063/1.100637 Sensitivity of a 1200kg threemode gravitational radiation detector instrumented with a Clarke or IBM dc SQUID J. Appl. Phys. 60, 3807 (1986); 10.1063/1.337549 Design of improved integrated thinfilm planar dc SQUID gradiometers J. Appl. Phys. 58, 4322 (1985); 10.1063/1.335519 Thinfilm dc SQUID with low noise and drift Appl. Phys. Lett. 27, 155 (1975); 10.1063/1.88391 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:11:29Instrumentation of a resonant gravitational radiation detector with a planar thin-fUm de SQUID w. M. Folkner, M. V. Moody, J.-P. Richard, and K R. Carroll University of Maryland, Department of Physics and Astronomy, College Park, Maryland 20742 C. D. Tesche IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 (Received 21 October 1988; accepted for publication 24 February 1989) The instrumentation of a low-temperature three-mode gravitational radiation antenna incorporating a low-noise dc SQUID provided by IBM is described, The feedback circuitry necessary to maintain the linearity and dynamic range of the SQUID was found to drive the resonant system due to high coupling between the input coil and the feedback coil of the SQUID. In order for this type of planar thin-film dc SQUID to be useful for gravitational radiation detectors and other applications requiring high Q input circuits, a solution to this feedback problem is needed. To this end, the nonlinear equations describing the dc SQUID with linear feedback are solved in terms of an isolated SQUID. The important feedback parameters for a high Q resonant system are found to be the slew rate of the electronics and the coupling constant ratio afr1aJ, where aif is the energy coupling efficiency between the feedback coil and input coil and a; is the energy coupling efficiency between the feedback coil arid the SQUID loop. Methods to reduce the effect of the feedback on the input circuit are also discussed. i. INTRODUCTION A significant effort is underway in many countries to develop massive resonant gravitational radiation antennas of the type originated by Weber.l It is hoped that such anten nas, operated at a sensitivity near the single-phonon level, will permit observation of catastrophic astrophysical events within the Virgo cluster of galaxies. Resonant gravitational radiation detectors operate by measuring changes in the en ergy of the antenna, which usually takes the form of a right circular cylinder of aluminum. The energy sensitivity of the Weber cylindrical antenna is limited by its Brownian noise and by the noise introduced by the transducer and amplifier used to measure the energy of the antenna. By cooling the antenna to low temperature, the noise originating in the an tenna and transducer can, in principle, be reduced to any desirable level. Then, in the absence of a back-action evasion procedure, the sensitivity of the detector is limited by the noise of the amplifier. For an antenna employing a resonant transducer and a SQUID (superconducting quantum inter ference device) amplifier, the sensitivity is approximately given by2 +(SV+ST) f3r (1+ 2 2)' 4L1' (fJT{;) A ) (1) where TA is the equilibrium temperature of the antenna, W A is the angular frequency of the antenna, r is a time constant characteristic of the filtering process, /3 is the ratio of the energy available at the amplifier to the total energy of the detector, 7,H is the damping time ofthe antenna with /3 = 0, LT is the output inductance of the transducer, Si is the SQUID current noise power spectral density, Sv is the SQUID voltage noise power spectral density, and S1' is an effective voltage noise power spectral density resulting from losses in the transducer. For present systems, the SQUID voltage noise is negligible compared to the transducer volt age noise. A useful figure of merit for comparing SQUIDs is the energy resolution Er which is related to the current noise by the expression (2) where a7 is the inductive energy coupling constant between the SQUID input coil inductance L; and the SQUID loop. The energy resolution per unit bandwidth is commonly ex pressed in units of 11, where Ii is Planck's constant divided by 211'. A "quantum-limited" SQUID would have an energy res olution of order Ii. Generally, the sensitivity of a gravitation al radiation detector can be improved by use of a SQUID with better energy resolution by choosing the parameter /37 ofEq. (1) to maximize the detector sensitivity. Because of the improvements that have been made in the energy resolution of planar thin-film SQUIDs, an antenna incorporating these devices is highly desirable. However, as was discovered in the experiment, strong inductive coupling between the input coil and feedback coil allows the SQUID electronics to drive the resonant system. SQUIDs that have the input and feedback coils in separate toroidal cavities3 exhibit reduced stray coupling and have been successfully used on cryogenic antennas. Even with this reduced cou pling, however, the resonant system can still be driven when the slew rate of the electronics is not large enough (see Sec, V). The two-mode inductance modulation transducer in use at the University of Maryland is described in the next sec tion. In Sec. HI the parameters of the IBM de SQUID are given. In Sec. IV, the antenna parameters are given along with the other experimental details and results. Section V 5190 J. Appt. Phys. 65 (12), 15 June i 989 0021-8979/89/125190-07$02.40 © i 989 American Institute of Physics 5i90 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:11:29presents the feedback analysis from which the effective SQUID input impedance is computed for the resonant sys~ tern. Based on the feedback analysis, possible solutions are discussed in Sec. VI that can make the low~noise planar thin film SQUIDs useful for applications involving high Q reso~ nant circuits. II. INDUCTANCE MODULATION TRANSDUCER The two-mode transducer developed by Richard4 for the Maryland three-mode gravitational wave antenna is shown in Fig. 1, The two mechanical resonators with masses 1.476 and 0.004 kg amplify the motion of the 1200~kg cylin drical bar by the square root of the ratio of the bar dynamic mass of 600 kg to the final test mass of 0.004 kg. The motion amplification allows for a better impedance match between the mechanical and electrical parts of the detector. The final test mass is in the form of a thin conical surface to provide a large effective area to mass ratio for high electrical coupling. The three-mode structure of the detector response also al· lows for a wider detection bandwidth. 5 The inductance modulation mechanism developed by Paik6 is used to convert the motion of the detector into an electrical signaL Figure 2 shows schematically the final test mass suspended between two "pancake" coil inductors L\ o 2 4 6 I Co} , ~PANCI\KE COUPLING COILS , INAL RESONATOR m3 iNTERMEHATE RESONATDR m2 (b) FIG, I, Two-mode indllctance modulation transducer. (a) Top view of the transducer resonator assembly showing the annular second resonator and the cantilever spring suspension of the thin final resonator. (ll) Cross sec tion of the assembled transducer showing the position of the coupling coils. 5i91 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 r--------------, I Li Sy i I I I ! I I I I I , I L ____________ ....J SQUID FIG, 2. Schematic of an inductance modulation transducer connected to II dc SQUID. The SQUID is modeled as an ideal current amplifier with two conjugate noise sources and an input impedance. and L2• The SQUID is represented by a current amplifier with input inductance Li and voltage and current noise sources which have power spectral densities S" and Si' The noise source STand resistor R T model the losses in the trans ducer. A persistent current 10 is stored in the loop containing the superconducting coils L I and L2• With the test mass cen tered so that So = SI = S2' the inductances L[ and L2 take on the same value: Lo = Jion2 Aso, ( 3 ) where A is the surface area of the coils and n is the number of turns per unit radial distance. A change of the test mass position x produces the voltage across the output of the transducer (4) where x denotes the time derivative of the position. This voltage drives the current Ii through the SQUID input in ductor Li• The effect of the electrical losses on the system quality factor QA can be shown to be7•s 1 (l-f3 )1/2 R _= e +{3e T (5) QA QM WA (Li + L]') where QM is the mechanical quality factor of the antenna, P e is the fraction of the energy of motion appearing in the elec trical circuit, and L1' is the output inductance of the trans ducer determined by the parallel combination of Ll and L2• The electrical quality factor is Q. = aJA (Li +LT)IR r (6) where WM is the antenna frequency with no electrical cou pling. Generally Pe -< 1, therefore, to first orderin,Be, Qe is a constant. The value of Pc can be adjusted by changing the value of the persistent current If). The energy fraction fl available at the amplifier is smaller than f3e by the ratio of the load inductance L; to the total inductance LT + L;. m. IBM de SQUID The de SQUIDs used in this experiment were produced at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center using tech niques developed for the fabrication of superconducting log- Folkner et al. 511:11 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:11:29ic circuits.9 These devices are particularly attractive for the instrumentation of resonant gravitational radiation anten nas because oHheir good coupling to a high impedance input coil (Li::::: 1 ,uH) and their state-of-the-art noise perfor mance at the operating frequencies of the antennas (800- 1600 Hz). The IBM SQUIDs also exhibit very low 1/ f noise levels. The IBM SQUID uses a planar design in which the SQUID loop is formed from a large planar washer which is in series with two Josephson junctions. The input coil con sists of two 39-turn spiral coils connected in series. One of these coils is located on the top surface of the planar washer while the other is located on the bottom surface of the wash er. The modulation coil consists of a single turn at the out~ side edge of the washer. The SQUID loop inductance has been measured to be 96 pH. The 78-turn input coil induc tance is 0.7 ,uH. The mutual inductance between these two coils is 7.3 nR. The best energy resolution that has been obtained9 from carefully selected devices is 315 ft in the white noise region. The best 1/ f noise exhibited is 770 ft at 0.1 Hz. This value translates to a l/fcolltribution ofless than 1 ft at 100 Hz. For the particular IBM SQUID used in the experiment, the ener gy resolution was 6700 ft when tested in a storage dewar. On the antenna, the noise performance deteriorated to 20 000 ft. Better shielding and filtering of the leads used to inject the persistent current 10 would probably improve the measured energy resolution. IV. EXPERIMENTAL THREE-MODE SYSTEM The small three-mode system consists of the two-mode transducer mounted on a 50-kg aluminum bar, which is dumbbell shaped to fit in our I-m test cryostat while resonat ing near the! 600 Hz frequency of a larger I200-kg antenna. Because of the small dynamic mass of this bar, compared to the 1200-kg bar for which the transducer was designed, the three modes of the system do not have the same properties as Isolation mass Aluminum springs Brass I rubber stacks I i ,,,,,,,u,,u,,,,'»,,»U»»>)»">))":»»>>>'"'' I o I Helium reservoir (bottom)' 0.25 ! 0.5 I 0.75 I 1m I FIG. 3. Small-scale three-modo: system, showing the dumbbell bar suspend ed in the cryostat by vibration isolation filters. 5192 J. Appl. Phys., VoL 65. No. 12, 15 June 1989 the design system. Figure 3 schematically shows the ar rangement of the prototype three-mode system. The nio bium transducer assembly is inserted in the hole bored in one end of the bar. The clearance between the transducer and the wall of the hole is 150 Itm at room temperature. When cooled to 4 K, the differential thermal contraction between the alu minum bar and the niobium transducer produces a rigid mounting arrangement. The bar is supported on a four-point aluminum suspensionlO bolted to a lO-kg brass base block. The base block rests on a cart which is suspended by two 3- mm~diam fiberglass rods extending to vibration isolation filters at room temperature. The SQUID assembly was damped to the bottom of the cryogenic vacuum chamber. The leads to the SQUID were thermally connected to the vacuum chamber to cool the SQUID to its operating temperature. The output leads from the transducer to the SQUID and the current input leads were shielded by lead-indium tubing. Simple mechanical filters for the shielded connections were installed after initial tests showed excess vibrational noise and erratic Q 's for the three modes. After the filters were installed, the Q'8 im proved, although the system noise was still above the ther mal level. Because the small-scale system is not specifically matched for transmission of energy from the bar to the final test mass, the frequency and Q for the central mode reflect the properties of the last resonator. The Q val ue of 3 X 106 is consistent with previous measurements for heat-treated nio bium. II The transducer leads probably still limited the Q of the other two modes. Multistage mechanical filters, which are used on the 1200-kg detector, would possibly improve the situation. For each mode, the ratio of energy stored in the electri cal spring to the total energy of the mode is approximately (7) wherej;n is the mode frequency with current stored andfrno is the mode mechanical frequency. The data show that the central mode is much more strongly coupled to the electrical spring than the other two modes. An estimate of the electri cal Q of the transducer was made by measuring the change in the mode Q for different electrical coupling 13m using a pie zoelectric crystal glued to the antenna. The value of the elec trical Q obtained was Qe = 3.6X 104, consistent with the values reported by the Stanford group. 12 Because the electri cal spring term couples the diaphragm to the relatively dissi pative bar, the measurement gave only a lower bound to the electrical Q. Ground vibrations coupling to the antenna at low fre quencies through the vibration isolation generates noise cur rents at the SQUID input. These noise currents can be sever al flux quanta in amplitude at the resonance frequencies of the vibration isolation. Consequently, to keep the SQUID at its optimum operating point, a feedback system must be em ployed. However, at values of the electrical coupling 13m above 1 X 10-4, closing the feedback loop of the SQUID causes positive feedback to drive the antenna to very-high energy levels and saturate the SQUID electronics. This posi tive feedback problem is related to the slew rate of the Fo!kner et al. 5192 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:11:29SQUID system and is discussed below. As we will show, the design of the SQUID and the characteristics of the control electronics contribute to the positive feedback problem. V, FEEDBACK ANALYSIS Figure 4 shows schematically the mutual inductances between the SQUID inductors. The input inductance Li couples the input current Ii to the SQUID loop inductance L through the mutual inductance Mi' The feedback current If couples from the feedback inductor Lf to L through the mu-' tual inductance Mf. Because the thin-film de SQUIDs used for these experiments have both the input coil and feedback coil formed around a common ground-plaue hole, the cou pling a~. between the input coil and the feedback coil is close to unity. The coupling constants are defined through the mutual inductances by the equations Mij.=aif(L;Lf) 1/2, M{ =ai (L;L) 1/2 and Mf=af(LfL)1!2. The voltage equation for the input circuit of Fig. 4 is Vi = [jw(L i + L1') + RT + ZA]I; + jwM;J + jwMfiIf, (8) where {o is the signal angular frequency, L1' is the output inductance ofthe transducer, RT was defined in Sec. II, ZA is the effective bar impedance that contributes to the input im pedance at the resonance frequency, and J is the SQUID circulating current. The feedback fiux to the SQUID loop is given by Mflf = {-G(w)/[ 1 + G(w)]}( V + Vn )IV~, MJ1f = {-G(w)/[ 1 + G(w) ]}(MJ + VnIV¢), (9a) (9b) where G(w) is the open loop gain of the feedback, Vis the SQUID output voltage, V" is the voltage noise at the output of the SQUID, and V~ = (BV /Jrj;)' is the reduced flux-too voltage transfer function of the SQUID with an input circuit. The slew rate ¢.f,max is the maximum rate at which the elec tronics can feed back flux to the SQUID and is related to the open loop gain by the relation 13 (10) where ¢o is the flux quantum. Eliminating the feedback cur- Lr v FIG. 4. Schematic for a de SQUID connected to a resonant input circuit. 5193 J. Appl. Phys" Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 rent from Eq. (8) we have ZI . MJ G(w) Vi = i i + jill i-I + G(w) wllil). (vr )--lV __ ' 1> n M ' f (11) where the input circuit impedance Zi is defined by Z; =iw[Li(l -G(w) a(Pi) + LT] + ZA + RT. 1 +G(w) at (12) Assuming the resistively shunted junction model [4 for the weak links, the nonlinear equations describing the SQUID in Fig. 4 are ~ db, =1. _ J -Ie sin 8j + IN[, 2rrR dt 2 (13) ¢o d02 I, J 1 . >: + I ----=-+ -c slnu2 N2' 21TR dt 2 (14) V = .!l!!L (dBl + d02) , 2rr dt dt (15) .!l!!L (8j -82) = LJ + M;l; + Mflf, 2rr . (16) where 01 and O2 are the phase differences of the wave func tion across the Josephson junctions, I is the bias current, Ie is the critical current of the junctions, R is the shunting resis tance of the junctions, and IN I and I NZ represent the intrin sic current noise sources of the junctions. Equations (13) and (14) represent the current flowing through the junc tions. Equation (15) is the Josephson relation for the weak links, and Eq. (16) relates the phase drops to the total mag netic flux in the SQUID loop. One method of solving the above system of equations is to rewrite the nonlinear SQUID equations in the same form as those of an isolated SQUID for which the solutions are wen known.15 This technique has been demonstrated by Teschel6 and Martinez and Clarke17 for a SQUID connected to an input circuit without any applied feedback. The proce dure is slightly complicated by the dependence of the input and feedback currents on the circulating current as can be seen from Eqs. (9) and ( 11) . Once this implicit dependance is removed from Eq, (16), Eqs. (13 )-( 16) have the desired form. Using Eq. (8), thetermMJi + Mflf in Eq. (16) can be written as G(w) V(V,)-.l n '" ' l+G((()) (17) which implies that the feedback effectively reduces the mu tual inductance M; by a factor of [1 + G(w)]. Ii can be eliminated from the right-hand side ofEq. (17) by the use of Eq. ( 11), In order to substitute this result into Eq. (16), Eq. (16) must be converted to the frequency domain. This con version has been previously done in Refs. 15 and 16 with slightly different techniques. Provided that G(wJ) = 0 and jWJ (Li + LT) >ZA' where {t)J is the Josephson frequency, the result in the frequency domain is (18) Follmer 91 al. 5193 ····-···-·-············-·-········ ... ·-·-·····i,·.··-··· :> ••••••••••• -' •••• ' ••• -••••• ~.; ............ :.:.: •• , ••• '.~.y;:.:.;.; •.•••••• < •• «.; ..... ~ ..•...•. :.~ .. , ......... --:.:.:.:· .•. '.·.·.:.· .. z.;.:·.· ••• ·<.--:.:.:.;.-•• .::.~.:.:.:.:-;.;.; •••• ,:.~.:.:.; ••••• : ••• :.: .• :.;.; • .' •••••• ~ •.. o:.:.; ••••• ; •• :.::..;.:.:; •••••• '<.;.;.:': •. " •••••••••• ".:.: •••.••• ; ...... _~._.>, ..•. c ••••• ~ ••• " •••••••• :.:.:.:-:.~ •• ,.<.:.~.:.~.~.~ ..... ; .... :.~.:.:, .•.•.•....... :.: ....•.•..... _ ..... ,. •• ,.~ .. _ [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:11:29where Le = (1-a;)L, a; = a;LJ(L i + L1')' MV <t> = I I e ZJl+G(w)] and (19) (20) (21) <I> = UJ V (V') -\ 1--' If-I G('·') (J'W£' a·A'!· ) n 1 + G(w) n 1> Zi af[l + G(w)] , (22) Thus the solution to the SQUID Eqs, (3)-(16) is that of an isolated SQUID with a reduced inductance given by Le. <I> e and <1> n are the effective applied flux and feedback finK noise which only contain frequency components much less than the Josephson frequency. While in the above analysis the transducer output impedance has been assumed to be purely inductive, the physical construction of this inductor may have capacitive shunts between the windings of the coil which short out the transducer inductance at the Josephson frequency. In which case, one sets LT = 0 in Eq. (20). To determine the net effective input circuit impedance, the circulating current J must be removed from Eq. (11). The circulating current is given by (23) whereJ;P E (oj /8¢)ris the reduced fiux-to-current transfer function which can be a complex number in the frequency domain. Using Eqs. ( 11 ), (21), and (23), the effective input circuit impedance Z; can be shown to be V jOJM;J~ Z ~ = ....-!... = Z + (24) I Ii I [1 + G(w)J(1-J:;a;L) ' where Z; was defined previously. The second term in this expression represents the effective SQUID impedance re flected through the mutual inductance Mi' In Eq. (24), only the inductive contributions to the in put circuit are modified by the presence ofthe SQUID. This result is different from that found previously by Tesche16 where both the resistive and inductive parts were found to be modified by the presence of the SQUID. In that paper, the term containing the circulating current J in the definition of the effective flux <P e was not retained when the effective in put circuit impedance was computed. Whether this term should be induded in the effective flux is not clear. However, the impedance of the additional resistive term, which results from Tesche's method, is several orders of magnitude smaller than the damping contributions of the feedback elec tronics. Thus, this term does not need to be considered for the high Q system discussed in this paper. For G( (IJ) = 0, the impedance given by Eg. (24) is also different from that computed by Martinez and Clarke. 17 They inferred the effective input impedance Zcff from the voltage gain relation of the SQUID given by v = M; V¢ V;lZelI' which results in Zctf = Z; -J;a;L [RT + (l/jmC i)]· 5194 J. Appi. Phys .• Vol. 65, No. 12. 15 June 1989 (25) (26) However, a better interpretation of the solution to the equa tions is to define an effective input voltage V; given by V; = V,/O-a;LJ'q,). (27) The voltage that appears at the output of the SQUID is then V' =M;V;(V;/Z;), (28) which gives the same output voltage as Eq. (25). The effect of the feedback on the mechanical system can be determined from the modified input circuit impedance Z ;. This impedance includes damping terms, determined by the electrical and mechanical losses of the system, and driv ing terms, which involve the open loop gain G(w). Negative Q 's which are computed by taking the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the driving terms can be compared to the Q of the system. The transducer inductance of 5 pH and electrical Q of 3.6>< 104 implies a value for RT:::.::-10--6 fl. The primary ef fect of the feedback results from the modified SQUID input inductance, given in Eq. (12). For the IBM SQUID and Clarke SQUID electronics, 18 a,!:::.::-ai :::.::-af:::.::-l and G(w )/[ 1 + G(w) 1 ~ -(0.91 + 0.54j) at {t} = 104 rad/s, which gives a real part of the input impedance of about -10.-2 n. This driving term is four orders of magnitude larger than the damping term and the effect is to drive the bar until saturation of the electronics occurs. In order to determine the effects of the reflected SQUID impedance, an estimate of J; is needed. This estimate can be obtained by extrapolation from measurements obtained for a similar thin-film SQUID. 19 Using L = 100 pH and R = 2 n for the IBM SQUID,9 the result is J; = (109 ± 2>< 10,}) H -I. In the absence of feedback, the real part of the reflected SQUID impedance is approximately ± 10-8 fl., which is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than the other terms discussed above. The quality factor of an isolated SQUID can be shown from Eq. (24) to be approximately 106• The feedback reduces these losses by the factor of [1 + G( w) J. VI. MUTUAL INDUCTANCE DECOUPllNG SCHEMES The amount of driving that the feedback electronics has on a resonant system can be reduced by two methods. One is by improving the electronics, and the other is by decoupling the feedback coil from the input coil. If the absolute value of the driving term is no larger than a tenth of the dominant damping term, the effect of the feedback is negligible. From Eqs. (5), (6), and (24), the following condition results (to first order in /3. ): i.11m( G({j) )1 ail S_1 [_1 +/3e(-1 ._~)], 2 1 + G(O) J af lOPe QM Qe 2QM (29) where we have assumed LT :::.::-L; and a, :::.::-1. For our system, the left-hand side of this equation is approximately 0.1, which implies a need for five orders of magnitUde improve ment for Q's on the order of 106 and f3e :::.::-0.1. A feedback system has been described by WeUstood, Heiden, and Clarke 13 with a slew rate three orders of magnitUde larger than the present system. While this improvement allows bet- Falkner et al. 5194 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:11:29Feed back II II SQUIO EJ klcp oree I Ii Input Ground Plane FIG. 5. Layout for II feedback flux cancellation scheme. ter flux cancellation in the SQUID loop, an improvement of two orders is still needed. For the IBM de SQUID and other SQUIDs having planar designs, the ratio aif/ar could be reduced by rede signing the SQUID loop. This would involve physically se parating the input and feedback coils from one another while maintaining a;;;;'O.8. This solution wouid most likely intro duce the undesired effects of additional resonances in the V if> characteristics. 20 A simpler solution is to keep the present coil arrange ment but provide a flux cancellation region for the feedback and input coils. Fig. 5 shows how the N-turn input coil can be extended one more turn to another hole in the ground plane while the one-tum feedback coil is extended by IV turns op positely wound over the extension of the input coil to pro duce a zero net flux coupling, The circuit mode! that this arrangement can be modeled as is shown in Fig. 6. The input equation becomes Vi = jw(L,! + Lf2 )1i + jw(Mfi 1 -Mfi2) If (30) where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the inductances wound over the SQUID and the hole, respectively, and V' I FIG. 6. Circuit diagram for the flux cancellation layout. 5195 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. 12, 15 June 1989 ••••••.•.• ~.-•• , .. ' ••. ? .• -.-•••••.••• v ••• _." .................... _._.".; •••••••••••••••••• ·.~.; •• '.· ••• v .•. '.·.:.-;-.:.; ..•.••• ;>.;.:.:.:.;.:-; •.•.•••••• :.~.-:-.:.:.;.: •••••••••••• :<.~.:.:.:.;.: •.••••.••• :.~.:.:.:O;';';O;""~':':;;:':':':':;;;'.'.O;'."""""""" • M7 = a;LItL. In order for Mfi2' ta cancel Mfil' the hole must have a break in it to prevent image currents from reduc ing the inductances involved. The coupling ratio is approxi mately given by ail _ (LI2 Li2 )112 --1--- , af LIt Lit (31) where all the coupling constants have been assumed to be close to unity. If the inductances of Lf1 and Lf2 can be matched to within 10%, thenaif/al=O.05, whi.ch is close to satisfying the additional two orders of magnitude needed to satisfy Eq. (29). This value of aif/af is approximately the value that we have measured far a BTi (Biomagnetic Tech nologies, Inc" San Diego, California) de SQUID which has the input and feedback coils in separate toroidal cavities. Vlt CONCLUSION The feedback system necessary for the operation of thin film de SQUIDs with resonant gravitational radiation detec~ tors presents difficulties because of the high-quality factor of the resonators. A combination of better feedback electronics and reduced stray mutual inductance will make thin-film SQUIDs usable on the present gravitational radiation detec tors. For future systems with higher-quality factors, much more attention will be needed to avoid the SQUID feedback problem. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Professor J. Clarke and Dr. J. Martinez of the University of California at Berkeley for pro viding the SQUID electronic circuits used in these experi ments. We are also indebted to the foHowing scientists of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center who are responsi ble for the fabrication of the IBM SQUID: K. H. Brown, A, C. Callegari, M. M. Chen, J. H. Greiner, H. C. Jones, M. B. Ketchen, K. K. Kim, A. W. Kleinsasser, H. A. Notarys, G, Proto, R. H, Wang, and T. Yogi. Finally, we thank Dr. R. E. Sager of Quantum Design in San Diego, California for useful conversations about how to decouple the input and feedback coils, This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant No. PHY-82-15218. 'J. Weber, PhY8, Rev. 117,306 (1960); Phys. Rev. Lett. 22, 1320 (1969); 24,276 (1970). 2J,.p. Richard, Acta Astronaut. 5, 63 (1978); R.I'. Giffard, Phys. Rev. D L4, 2578 (1976). 'Po L. Fleming. M. Gershenson, R. S. Schneider, and M, F. Sweeny, IEEE Trans. Magn. MAG·ll, 658 (1985); M. Bassan, Ph.D. thesis, Sta.,ford University, 1985. 4c. Cosmdli and J.-P. Richard, Rev. Sci. lustrum. 53, 674 (1982). 5J._p. Richard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 165 (1984); P. F. Michelson and R. C. Taber, Phys. Rev. D 29, 2149 (1984), 6H. 1. Palk, J. App\. Phys. 47, ! 168 (1976). 7W. M. Folkner, Ph.D. thesis, University of Maryland, 1987. gR.], Paik, Nuovo Cimento 55B, 15 (1980). "c. D. Tesche, K. H. Brown, A. C. Callegari, M. M. Chell, I. H. Greiner, H. C. Jones, M. B. Ketchen. K. K. Kim, A. 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130 GHz GaAs monolithic integrated circuit sampling head R. A. Marsland, V. Valdivia, C. J. Madden, M. J. W. Rodwell, and D. M. Bloom Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 592 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101842 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101842 View Table of Contents: http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/APPLAB/v55/i6 Published by the AIP Publishing LLC. Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett. Journal Homepage: http://apl.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://apl.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://apl.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://apl.aip.org/authors Downloaded 30 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions130 GHz GaAs monolithic integrated circuit sampling hea.d R. A. Marsland, V. Valdivia, C. J. Madden, M. J. W. Rodwell,a) and D. M. Bloom Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CaiijiJrnia 94305 (Received 31 October 1988; accepted for publication 31 March 1989) We have fabricated a GaAs diode sampling head which has a bandwidth of 130 GHz, which is a five times improvement over previous rcom-temperature designs. This speed is attained with a monolithic sampling head design integrated with tWG nonlinear transmission lines which serve as the strobe pulse and test signal generators. A 4 ps transition time has been measured with the sampler, We have also measured sinusoidal waveforms to 120 GHz. Diode sampling circuits, which form the heart of most microwave network analysis and time-waveform instrumen tation, are limited to ~ 30 GHz bandwidth by hybrid circuit layout parasitics, device parasitics, and by slow pulse genera tors used for diode gating. We have fabricated a monolithic diode sampling circuit with a bandwidth of 130 GHz, which is a factor of 5 better than previous room-temperature elec trical sampling circuits and comparable with recent Joseph son junction sampling circuits I wh:ich require cryogenic cooling. In this circuit, monolithic design minimizes circuit layout parasitics, a 300 GRz epitaxial Schottky diode design minimizes device parasitics, and a 3.5 ps nonlinear transmis slonline (NLTL) strobe pulse generator2 minimizes the di ode gating period. The sampling circuit will permit 100 GHz sampling oscilloscopes and dc-lOO G Hz network analyzers. The high-speed sampling circuit is shown in Fig. 1 (a) and its high-frequency equivalent circuit in Fig. 1 (b). A vol tage strobe pulse from the local oscillator (LO) turns on diodes D 1 and D 2 which sample the input signal (rf). The diodes are connected across the split in the rf ground which is a balanced transmission line shorted at both ends. This shorted transmission line with characteristic impedance Ze differentiates the sawtooth LO waveform to produce a vol tage pulse across the diodes. The sampled output (IF) is filtered by two 1 kn resistors. For equivalent time sampling, the strobe frequency is offset by AJ from a subharmonic hr / n of the input signal's fundamental frequency hI"> resulting in a sampled signal mapped out in equivalent time at a frequency b.p Parasitics in the sampling loop include diode series re sistance and junction capacitance and the inductance of the diode connection.4 Diode parasitics arc minimized through use of devices with the highest attainable cutoff frequency. A transmission line which has both even and odd modes of propagation is used to connect the sampling diodes to the rf and LO ports. The diodes arc presented in series to the LO pulse propagating in the balanced mode and in parallel to the rf signal in the unbalanced mode. Because the diodes are directly connected across transmission lines, the inductance of the diode connection is reduced to the inductance of the diode package and any wire bonds or beam leads. This scheme also provides natural isolation if the balanced line is loaded symmetrically. Transmission lines used for this ap proach include coax and radiaLS multilayer microstrip and ,,) Now at the Department of Electrical and Comput<:r Engineering, Univer sity of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. sIotiine,4 and microstrip, slotline, and coplanar waveguide (CPW).3 Our design in Fig. 2 reduces the structure to one plane by using the even and odd modes of CPW,6 a!lowing mono lithic integration of the entire sampling head. The rfsignal to be sampled is applied to the external signal input and travels in the normal (odd) mode on the vertical CPW. Two NLTLs (not shown in the figure) provide the strobe pulse and internal test signal. The NLTL design we used is identi cal to that reported in Ref. 7. The sawtooth wave applied to the strobe pulse input of Fig. 2 travels in the odd mode on the horizontal CPW until it is applied to the sampling diodes and the sIodine (even) mode of the rf CPW. The even mode is shorted by airbridge connections 180 p.m from the sam pling diodes. The reflected wave turns the diodes off after a round trip time of ~ 4 ps. An additional NL TL is located below the sampling head to provide a high-speed test signaL If the sampling loop has sufficient bandwidth, the sampler aperture time will be limited by the time the sam pling diodes are 011. Due to the exponential [-V relation of the diode, and dependent upon the diode bias, the aperture (a) Input Signal (RF) (b) rj fj Sampled Output (IF) Strobe Pulse (LO) ~ FrG. I. (a) High-speed sampling circuit schematic diagram and (b) its high-frequency equivalent circuit. 592 Appl. Phys. Lett. 55 (6), 7 August 1989 0003-6951/89/320592-03$01.00 @ 1989 American Institute of PhysiCS 592 Downloaded 30 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsStrobe pulse input 1 External signal input Interconnect Metal ~ MIM Capacitor Ed Air bridge -N+ Resistor - f Internal test signal input FIG. 2. Sampling head layout. The strobe pulse is applied from a NLTL (not shown) and is coupled to the sampling diodes through the MIM capa citors. The rf input signal is applied to the vertical CPW at the top of the figure, or a test signal can be applied from another NL TL (not shown) at the bottom of the figure. time is typically one-half to one-quarter the width of the applied voltage strobe pulse. Silicon step recovery diodes (SRDs) having -35 ps rise time are currently used for gat ing diode sampling bridges, and provide -·18 ps aperture times. Vlith nonlinear transmission lines, much shorter strobe pulses can be generated.7•8 The NLTL is a relatively high impedance transmission line loaded with reverse-biased Schottky diodes at regular intervals along the line which serve as voltage-dependent shunt capacitances. The nonlinear shunt capacitance intro duces a variation in the propagation velocity with voltage. which results in steepening of negative-going ",,"ave fronts of signals propagating on the line. As the signal faU time de creases, wave front dispersion arising from the diode cutoff frequency and the line periodicity competes with the wave front compression arising from the capacitance variation. A final, limited faU time is reached at which these two pro cesses are balanced. The NL TL we use as a strobe pulse generator (also caned the local oscillator or LO) produces a 2.5 V, 3.5 ps faU time sawtooth wave when driven with an 8 GHz, 23 dBm sine wave. Since the slope of the rising edge is negligible in comparison with that of the falling edge, the derivative of the waveform is a 3.5 ps impulse, full width at half maximum (FWHM). Used as a strobe pulse generator, -1.8 ps sam~ pIing bridge aperture times could be attained if the diode bias is set at -75% of the impulse magnitude. Diode capacitance and series resistance prevent the sampler from attaining the bandwidth made possible by the strobe pulse in two ways. First, the capacitive loading of the shunt diodes on the rfline causes the rfvoltage at the diodes to have a pole in its frequency response at (iJ = 1/[2CjO X (25 n + rJ2)], where the 25 n is the par anel resistance of the source and termination resistances of 593 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No.6, 7 August 1989 the rfline. Second, the diode capacitance broadens the strobe pulse width applied to the diodes by introducing a pole in the LO transfer function at (u=2IR,eCfij' From Fig. l(b), the equivalent resistance in series with the diodes is Rsc = 21', + (Z,Ze )/(Z, + Z,,), whereZe is the impedance of the even mode on the rf CPW, and Z, is the LO source impedance. In our design, Ze = 75 n/2, Zs = 100 n. r, = 60 n, and CJ.l = 8 iF, giving the sampling loop a time constant of 0.8 ps. Using root-sum-squares (r5s) convolution, the result ing strobe pulse width win be approximately J3.¥+O.82 = 3.6 ps, giving an aperture time of 1.8 ps. The pole in the rf circuit will contribute 1,9 ps to the system rise time, so the total system will have a rise time of il.K! +l§' = 2.6 ps and a corresponding 3 dB bandwidth of 130 GHz. - The Schottky diodes were fabricated on GaAs MBE material with a 0.6 p.rn N active layer (3 X 1Olb/cm3 dop ing). A buried O.8l-lm N I active layer (3x 101S/cm3 dop ing) provided the diode cathode connection. Proton implan tation outside the diode active regions provides> 40 MH pet square isolation. First-level interconnecti.ons and Schottky contacts are formed withaO. 1,um Ti/O.75,um Pt/1.4,um Au lift-off. 1000 A of Si3N4 deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition is used ror the dielectric of the metal/insulator/metal (MIM) capacitors. Plated air bridges provide second-level interconnections. The sampler bandwidth was evaluated by probing inter nal nodes of the circuit using direct electro-optic sampling/,) and by using the sampling circuit to measure the output of both the NLTL internal test signal generator and an external 60-100 GHz frequency multiplier. A strobe pulse width of 4.0 ps was measured using direct electro-optic sampling. Us ing rs§ deconvolution of the 1.9 ps electro-optic measure ment system impulse response, the strobe pulse width is -3.5 ps FWHM, Depending on the diode bias, the corre sponding diode sampler aperture time is between 1.8 and 3.5 ps. The test signal generator, identical to the LO strobe pulse generator, is a NLTL whose output is attenuated 50: 1. Measured by electro-optic sampling, the test signal has a fan ~ ,& 0-30 11 -a s -40 '" v: -50 0.0 \ 10 20 30 40 Time (Picoseconds) FIG. 3. 4 ps fall time of the 50: I attenlUlted output of the test signal NLTL measured with the diode sampling bridge. Marsland et at. 593 Downloaded 30 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionstime of approximately 3.5 ps. The test signal 10%-90% fall time measured by the diode sampling head was 4.0 ps (Fig. 3). Using rss deconvolution, we estimate that the sampling circuit has a 2.7 ps 10%-90% rise time, with 11 correspond ing bandwidth of roughly 130 GHz. When measuring the output of the external frequency multiplier probe,lo the sampler was able to measure 11 180 mY, 95 GHz sine wave, and harmonics were measured to 120 GHz. The sampler was within 0.5% of linearity to 400 mY. The equivalent input noise voltage was 90 n V /.JHz. At 5 GHz, rfto IF isolation was 55 dB, LO to IF isolation 63 dB, and the LO to rfisola tion was 68 dB. In conclusion, we have fabricated a room-temperature monolithic GaAs diode sampling circuit having a band width of 130 GHz. When packaged in a coplanar probe, the sampling circuit will allow on-wafer measurements in excess of 100 GHz. With reduction in diode parasitics and NLTL transition times, a 300 GHz sampling circuit bandwidth should be achievableo The sampling circuits are simple and compact and are suitable for application in sampling instru mentation for millimeter wave and picosecond electronic de vices. 594 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, No.6, 7 August 1989 The authors would like to thank Y. C. Pao for providing the MBE material, Gerald Li for performing the nitride de position, and Lance Goddard and Tom Carver for help in processing. This work was supported by Office of Naval Re search (ONR) contract NOO014-85-K-0381. R. A. Mars land acknowledges an ONR Fellowship. 'P. Wolf, in Picoserolld Optics and Optoelectronics, edited by G. A. Monfoll, D. M. Bloom, and C. -H. Lee (Springer, Berlin, 1985), p. 236. 'M. J. Rodwell, D. M. Bloom, and B. A. Auld, Electron. Lett. 23, 109 ( 1987). is. R. Gibson, Hewlett-Packard Journal. February \986, p. 4. 4J. Merkclo and R. D. Hall, mEE J. 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The effect of fluorine implantation on the interface radiation hardness of Sigate metal oxidesemiconductor transistors Yasushiro Nishioka, Kiyonori Ohyu, Yuzuru Ohji, Nobuyoshi Natsuaki, Kiichiro Mukai, and T. P. Ma Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 3909 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344012 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344012 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Fluorine implantation for effective work function control in p -type metal-oxide-semiconductor high- k metal gate stacks J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 29, 01A905 (2011); 10.1116/1.3521471 Monolayer segregation of As atoms at the interface between gate oxide and Si substrate in a metal-oxide- semiconductor field effect transistor by three-dimensional atom-probe technique Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 103506 (2008); 10.1063/1.2891081 Mesoscopic transport in Si metaloxidesemiconductor fieldeffect transistors with a dualgate structure J. Appl. Phys. 76, 5561 (1994); 10.1063/1.357159 Energy distribution of tunneling emission from Sigate metal–oxide–semiconductor cathode J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12, 801 (1994); 10.1116/1.587350 Oxide breakdown reliability degradation on Sigate metaloxidesemiconductor structure by Al diffusion through polycrystalline silicon J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3536 (1985); 10.1063/1.335753 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:05:29In summary, we have fabricated as-grown Y-Ba-Cu-O thin films using reactive coevaporation followed by the rf plasma cooling in the low oxygen pressure. Improvement of the superconductivity in as-grown films has been achieved by this O2 rf-plasma cooling process, indicating that activat ed O2 species produced by the rf-plasma come effectively into Y-Ba-Cu-O crystal. These as-grown films with high qualities can be used for superconducting devices with layered structures. The authors would like to acknowledge helpful discus sions with M. Aoyagi for the sample analysis and the members of the superconductivity section in the Electro technical Laboratory. They also would like to thank K. Ya mano of San yo Electric Co. and T. Kasahara ofChiba Insti tute of Technology for sample measurements. Dr. T. Tsurushima and Dr. K. Kajimura are greatly appreciated for continuous support and encouragement. 'M. K. wu, R. J. Ashbllrn, C. J. Torng, D. H. HOT, R. L. Meng. 1. Gan, Z. J. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, and C. W. Chll, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 908 (1987). "P. Chandhari, R. H. Koch, R. B. Laihowitz, T. R. MacGuire, and R. 1. Gambino, Phys. Rev. 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In this study, the fluorine was introduced by low-energy F implantation onto the surface of the polycrystaIline silicon. gate electrode, followed by annealing at 950°C to diffuse F into the gate Si02 toward the SiOz/Si interface. The improved radiation hardness is attributed to the strain relaxation near the Si02/Si interface by fluorine incorporation. It has recently been reported that, by introducing min ute amounts of fluorine or chlorine in thermal Si02, the reli ability of metal-oxIde-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors can be significantly improved.l-4 In a recent study, we intro duced fluorine by the use of a new technique involving flu orine implantation and subsequent diffusion, and achieved a significant improvement in the channel-hot-electron hard ness of MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors) .5 In this communication, we will show that the same fluorine implantation technique also gives rise to a sig nificant improvement in the radiation hardness of MOS de vices due to the reduced generation rate of interface traps. The MOS capacitors (area = 9.36X 10-4 cm2) and n channel MOS transistors (channel length = 2 p.m, channel width = 10 flm) used in this study were fabricated on (100) oriented p-type Si wafers with a resistivity of 10 n cm. Two types of gate oxides were investigated: (A) wet oxide (con trol), and (B) fluorinated wet oxides. The processing details of these oxides are described below. (A) Wet oxide (control): The wet oxide was formed pyrogenically at 850 °e, and the oxidation time was adjusted to yield an oxide thickness of 18 nrn. After the gate oxide was formed, a polycrystalline silicon film was deposited at 650°C, foHowed by phosphorous diffusion at 875°C for 10 min. The thickness of the polycrystaliine film was 350 nm, and the poly-Si gate area was defined photolithographically. The devices were then annealed in nitrogen at 950°C for 10 min in order to make the heat cycles exactly the same as the fluorinated ones. (B) Fluorinated oxides: Fluorine was introduced into 3909 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (8), 15 October 1989 0021-8979/89/203909-04$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 3909 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:05:29the wet oxide after the aforementioned process steps as fol lows: (1) low-energy (25 keY) F ion implantation into the surface region of the polycrystaHine silicon gate and the source-drain regions, and (2) subsequent heating (950°C, 10 min) to anneal out the implant damage and to drive some of the F atoms into the gate SiOz toward the Si02/Si inter face. The depth of the implant is estimated to be around 25 nm, which is less than 10% of the thickness of the polyerys talline silicon. Such a shallow implant is desirable to mini mize the implant damage to the gate oxide. The dose of the implanted fluorine ranges from 0 to 1016 em 2, SIMS (sec ondary ion mass spectrometry) analysis indicates that the implanted fluorine will diffuse into the gate oxide from the polycrystalline silicon surface after the subsequent heating step, After these processing steps, all wafers underwent a full NMOS (N-channel MOS) fabrication process (the maxi mum wafer temperature was 900°C), and the control de vices received the same heating cycles as the fluorinated de vices. The radiation source used in this study was an x-ray beam generated from a W target bombarded by SO-keY elec trons, The dose rate was maintained at approximately 22 krad(Si)/min. Total dose ranged from 0 to 500 krad(Si). Note that a conversion factor 1 rad(Si) = 0.56 rad(SiOz) (Ref. 6) may be used to compare with other reported results in which the radiation dose is expressed in terms of rad (Si02)· The density and energy distribution of the interface traps of the MaS capacitors before and after x-ray irradia tion (gate floating) were analyzed by measuring the high frequency and quasi-static capacitance-voltage ( C-V) curves. Radiation experiments were also performed on MOS FETs with a gate voltage of + 1.8 V ( 1 MV / cm) or floating during x-ray irradiation. After irradiation, the subthreshold characteristics of these MOSFETs were measured. The in crease of interface trap density, flit' the shift of threshold voltage, Vtll, and the shift of mid gap voltage due to oxide trapped charge, VOl' were obtained by analyzing the sub threshold characteristics using the previously reported methods,7.8 The maximum transconductance in the linear region, gm , was also measured, The voltage parameters used in the measurements were: drain voltage: 0.1 V, source vol tage: 0 V, substrate bias: -3 V, and the gate voltage was swept from -1 to 5 V. Figure 1 shows the midgap interface trap density in MOS capacitors as a function of fluorine implant dose mea sured (a) before irradiation, (b) after 200 krad(Si) of x-ray radiation, and (c) after 500 krad(Si) of x-ray radiation. Note that a minimum of the generated mid gap interface trap density occurs at a fluorine dose level of about 2X 1015 em -2. This result is in good agreement with the data pre sented in Ref. 4, in which the channel-hat-electron injection time required to cause a predetermined amount oftranscon ductance and threshold voltage degradation is plotted as a function of the fluorine dose. These data are also consistent with the fluorine dependence observed in oxides grown in NF 3.1 In addition, the radiation-induced positive charge is 3910 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 8,15 October 1989 :;: E u > <II o ... -c 2.0 ..----------------, • 1,6 1.2 0.8 (b) 200 krad(Sil 0.4 (a) aerore ifr. o I.±I~I ±I ====I!I:=:· de==**==*==d 14 o 10 1015 F implant dose (em -~ ) FIG. I. X-ray radiation-induced midgap interface trap density as a function of fluorine implant dose. Gate bias was kept floating during irradiation. Cal Before irradiation; (b) after 200 krad(Si) radiation; and (e) after 500 krad(Si) radiation, Note that 1 rad(Si) = 0.56 radC SiO,) (see Ref. 6). also reduced for fluorinated MOS capacitors in the dose range 5 X 1014_5 X 1015 cm 2 as compared to the control. In addition to MOS capacitors, the interface radiation hardness of the MOSFETs has also been greatly improved by the fluorine introduction. Figure 2 shows the drain-cur rent versus gate-voltage characteristics for a set of control samples before x-ray irradiation (curve a) and after 200 krad(Si) irradiation (curve .b) during irradiation and a fluorinated MOSFET (fluorine implant dose = 2x 1015 cm-2) after 500 krad (Si) irradiation (curve c), with gate bias floating during irradiation for both samples. The char- -4 10 -6 10 -8 10 -12 10 -13 10 -0,5 Bomb. bias floating o .... " .., /' "," ---- L (a) Controi I aefor. X -ray ~ I ~ I I f I I I {b} Contro! 200krad(Sil 0.5 GATE VOLTAGE (V) FIG. 2. Subthreshold characteristics for (a) control MOSFET before x-ray irradiation, (b) control MOSFETafter 200 krad(Si) x-ray irradiation, (c) fluorinated MOSFET (2X 10" F/cm') after 500 krad(Si), with gate float ing during irradiation. (Gate length: 2 p.m, width: 10 pm.) Note that I rad(Si) = 0.56 rad(SiO,) (see Ref. 6). Nishioka et al. 3910 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:05:29-4 10 Bomb. biaa -6 +uw 7 3 10 Vth I-z -8 w "J..-----:(al Control III: 10 (c) Fhlorillated &it /;1 aefor. X-ray ::I 500krad(SIJ (.) iii " I -10 ~ (b) Control « l1li: 10 a :' / :lOOlu.dISIl -t2 ~ I . , 10 / j,Vot -13 " , 10 -0.5 0 0.5 GATE VOLTAGE IV) FIG. 3. Subthreshold characteristics for (a) control MOSFETbeforc x-ray irradiation, (b) control MOSFET after 200 krad(Si) of x-ray irradiation, (e) fluorinated MOSFET (2X 1015 F/cm2) after 500 krad(Si), with gate biased + 1.8 V during irradiation. (Gate length: 2 f..lm, width: W f..lm.) Note that 1 rad(Si) ~~ 0.56 rad(Si02) (see Ref. 6). acteristic of the fluorinated MOSFET before damage is not shown here because there is little difference in the sub threshold characteristics between the control and fluorinat ed MOSFETs. The slope change of the fluorinated MOS FET after irradiation is very small compared to the irradiated control MOSFET, despite the fact that a higher dose is used for the fluorinated device. This indicates that the interface generation in the fluorinated MOSFET is much smaller compared to its control. In addition, the shift of mid gap voltage due to oxide trapped charge, Vot' obtained by the method described in Ref. 8 is also smaller in the fluorinated MOSET. Even stronger evidence for the reduction in the genera tion of interface traps is presented in Fig. 3, where the results are shown before and after biased radiation with a gate vol tage of + 1.8 V (1 MV Icrn). Note that the post-radiation characteristic of the fluorinated device in Fig. 3 is very simi lar to the one in Fig. 2, suggesting that biased radiation causes little additional interface trap generation. In contrast, the subthreshold slope of the control device degrades much more significantly after bias-radiation due the higher density of radiation-induced interface traps. The shallower slope of the control device actually gives rise to a smaller threshold voltage shift. @) II) , <) ... au CJ :II: « I-g I'll z 0 (.) 1/1 ~ l1li: i-80 !l0 40 30 20 10 0 0 Bomb. biaa +1.8V (II) Contfol 200Ilr.«81) GATE VOLTAGE (V) FiG. 4. Gate voltage dependence of MOSFET transconductance for (a) control MOSFET before x-ray irradiation, (b) control MOSFET after 200 krad(Si) of x-ray irradiation with gate biased + 1.8 V during irradiation, (e) fluorinated MOSFET (2X 10" F/cm2) before x-ray irradiation, (d) fluorinated MOSFET (2X 1015 F/cm') after 500 krad(Si) with gate biased + 1.8 V during irradiation, (Gate length: 211ffi, width: lO lIm.) Note that I rad(Si) = 0.56 rad(SiO,) (sec Ref. 6). The interface hardness of the fluorinated MOSFET is more clearly exhibited in Fig. 4, where the transconduc tances in the linear region for the two devices before and after biased radiation are compared. A substantial reduction of transconductance, gm' is observed in the control MOS FET. In contrast, little reduction in the peak height of gm is observed in the fluorinated MOSFET. A comparison of the characteristics of the control and fluorinated MOSFETs after either biased or floating gate irradiation is summarized in Table I. The relationship between Agm/g", and the density of interface traps after ra diation damage has been reported, 9.10 and it is consistent with the present result. The improvement of the interface hardness against hot electron injection or radiation damage by incorporating small amounts of F or Cl was first reported by the Yale group.I-3 They proposed that the bond strain distribution near the SiOz lSi interface may be altered by the presence of For Cl. A strong piece of evidence suggesting that the inter facial bond strain gradient is significantly reduced by incor- TABLE I. Comparison of x-ray irradiated control and fluorinated MOSFETs. x-ray dose Bomb. bias boD" t. V;" b,V,h /::;.g",/g", Oxide [rad(Si) I" (V) (1010 eV-l cm-") (mV) (mV) (%) Control 200k + 1.8 56 ±5 -160±20 -25.2 ± 0.3 --I() ±0.2 Control 200k floating 16 ±5 -157 ± 20 -106 ± 0.4 -2.4 1: 0.2 Fluorinated 500k + 1.8 4.7 ±2 -150± 4 - 133 ± 0.5 undetected Fluorinated SOOk floating 1.6 ± 0,5 -140±4 -131 ::!:0.5 undetected "Note that 1 rad(Si) = 0.56 rad(SiO» (see Ref. 6). 3911 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.8, 15 October 1989 Nishioka et al. 3911 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:05:29poration of F or CI is the lack of gate size dependence of interface trap generation in the fluorinated or chlorinated samples.I-3 A possible mechanism leading to the reduced strain is the interaction of a F (or Cl) atom with a strained Si-O bond, forming a Si~-F bond and a nonbridging oxy gen bond, resulting in a local strain relaxation. When exces sive amounts of F are incorporated, too many non bridging oxygen centers are produced, which negate the beneficial effect of strain relaxation. Thus, an optimum F concentra tion exists, at which the beneficial effect of strain relaxation exceeds the negative effect of the nonbridging oxygen centers, and our results indicate that such an optimum F concentration corresponds to an implant dose in the range 5 X 1014-2 X 1015 em .2. In summary, we have presented a technique based on ion implantation and diffusion to introduce F into the gate oxide. The interfaces of the fluorinated oxides over a wide range of F doses are more resistant to radiation damage. These results may be attributed to the formation of Si-F bonds and the resulting local strain relaxation. 'E. F. da Silva. Jr., Y. Nishioka, and To P. Ma. IEEE Trans. Nuc!. Sci. NS- 34. 1190 (1987). ?Y. Wang, Y. Nishioka, T. P. Ma, and R. C. Barker, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 573, (1988). 'Y. Nishioka, E. F. da Silva, Jr., Y. Wang, and T. P. Ma, IEEE Electron Device Lett. EDL-9, 38 (1988). 4W. Long, Y. S. Xu, and Y. S. Zheng. J. Electrochem. Soc. 135, l3SC (1988) . 'Yo Nishioka, K. Ohyu, Y. Ohji, N. Natllaki, K. Mukai, and T. P. Ma, IEEE Electron Device Lett. EDL-I0, 141 (1989). "D. M. Fleetwood, P. S. Winokur, R. W. Beegle, P. V. Dressendorfer, and B. L. Draper, IEEE Trans. Mucl. Sci. NS-32, 4369 (1985). 7M. Gaitan and T. 1. Russell, IEEE Trans. Nuc!. Sci. NS·31, 1256 (1984). 'I'. S. Winokur, J. R. Shwank, P. J. McWhorter, P. V. Dresscndorfer, and D. C. Turpill, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-31, 1453 (1984). "K. F. Galloway. M. Gaitan, and T. J. Russel. IEEE Trans. Nuc!. Sci. NS- 31,1487 (1984). JOF. W. Sexton and J. R. Schwank, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS·31, 3975, (1984 ). Magnetogoptical properties of transparent plastic material Shinzo Muto, Shin-ichiro Ichikawa, Takashi Nagata, Akihisa Matsuzaki, and Hiroshi Ito Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University, Kofu 400, Japan (Received 20 March 1989; accepted for publication 13 June 1989) The measured values of the Verdet constant of transparent plastic fiber materials such as the poly-a-methylstyrene and polystyrene are comparable to that of a NaCI crystal, In these magneto-optical plastics, the wavelength giving the maximum value of the figure of merit for a fiber-type optical isolator is about 500 nm. They are also used for constructing plastic fiber sensors for higher magnetic field or higher current. and e = V H(t)l, (1) (2) An optical isolator is an indispensable device in optics because it can prevent optical feedback which often seriously impairs optical systems. 1-41n particular, a fiber-type isolator is strongly required in fiber optics for constructing a variety of high-sensitive optical devices such as fiber gyroscopes and fiber sensors. Therefore, the search for magneto-optical plas tics which can be used for an inexpensive fiber-type isolator or for a magnetic field sensor is an interesting matter. How ever, no data of the Verdet constant in plastic materials has been published. Therefore, we attempted to measure these properties. where e is the Faraday rotation angle of the polarization of light, V is the Verdet constant, and I is the sample length. Coincident with this light signal, the intensity of the applied As the test materials, poly-a-methylstyrene (PaMS) and polystyrene (PS) were chosen since they have a wide transparent range in the visible region and a diamagnetic moment due to the phenol resin in the polymer unit. The samples were prepared in the form of rod of about 5 mmcp X 7 cm and were mounted between two parallel polar izers as shown in Fig. 1. We used various light sources and a pulsed magnetic field for the Faraday rotation measurement of these plastic rods. When a pulsed magnetic field H (t) is applied to the sample, the detected light intensity let) changes from the initial value Io by the following relations: p1ckup coil potarizer \ analyzer J l J i f000000009F~' PM , V?ooooo~oo I:: plastic rod : solenOId f 0 integrator C.R.O FIG. J. Experimental setup for the measurement of the Verdet constant of transparent plastic rod. 3912 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (8). 15 October 1989 0021-6979/89/203912-02$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 3912 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:05:29
Lithography beamline design and exposure uniformity controlling and measuring Shinan Qian, Dikui Jiang, Zewen Liu, Qianhong Chen, Ya Kan, and Wanpo Liu Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 2148 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140805 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140805 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Design of a beamline for soft and deep lithography on third generation synchrotron radiation source Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 1605 (1999); 10.1063/1.1149640 Absolute flux measurements for xray lithography beamlines J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 8, 1529 (1990); 10.1116/1.585110 Development of centrally controlled synchrotron radiation lithography beamline system J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 8, 1514 (1990); 10.1116/1.585107 Precisely controlled oscillating mirror system for highly uniform exposure in synchrotron radiation lithography J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 2128 (1988); 10.1116/1.584099 Control system design and alignment methods for electron lithography J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 12, 1252 (1975); 10.1116/1.568510 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:46:18Lithography beamline design and exposure uniformity controlling and measuring Shinan Qian,Dikui Jiang, Zewen liu, Qianhong Chen, Ya Kan, and Wanpo Liu Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology afChina, Hefei, Anhui, The People's Republic of China (Presented on 29 August 1988) The lithography beamline design ofHefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is presented. A scanning mirror is used to cut off short wavelength radiation and to expand the vertical exposure dimension to 50 mm. A thin beryllium window is installed before the scanning mirror to prevent the longer wavelength radiation from going through. An exposure chamber with a vacuum of 5 X 10E - 7 Torr is located at 7 m downstream from the source point. Because there is no window at the entrance of the chamber, a differential pumping system is used. The scanning mirror is driven by a stepping motor which oscillates through a 10 angle. The required driving speed curve is determined by a computer in order to obtain a uniform exposure area. An in situ moire fringe grating system is used to measure the uniformity of the motor speed. INTRODUCTION Synchrotron radiation x-ray lithography has clear advan tages for submicron semiconductor fabrication: high colli mation, strong intensity, and a broadband spectrum. Fur thermore, there seems to be a worldwide agreement that only synchrotron radiation allows the full advantages of x ray lithography to be used in semiconductor production. 1,2 Submicron VLSI chips fabricated with synchrotron radi ation x-ray lithography will hopefully be available commer cially by the 19908. Realizing the importance of synchrotron radiation lith ography, Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Lab pays strong attention to it. A quarter of the storage ring with a large area for clean rooms is dedicated for lithography use, At least six ports are available for six lithography beamlines. 400 LIS IDN PUMP FIG. 1. Drawing oflithography beamline. 2148 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60 (7), July 1989 The first step in our program is to install one lithog raphy beamline and put it into use in the middle of 1989. The final design has been finished and manufacture has started. Some important studies and simulation experiments such as the control of exposure uniformity have already been done, DIFfERENTIAL PUMP SYSTEM 50 LIS ION PUMP VATDN63 VALVE TURBO 0034-6748/89/072148-02$01.30 @ 1989 American institute of Physics 2148 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:46:18FIG. 2. Beamline optics. I. BEAM liNE DESIGN The main goals of the first lithography beamline are as follows: ( 1) To obtain good quality submicron lines and to study the exposure properties of aU possible resists as well as dis tortion and radiation damage at mask and wafer. (2) To measure and improve the uniformity of the expo sure area in order to meet the practical requirements of chip fabrication. (3) To make some usable optical elements such as zone plates and metrology gratings as weB as some simple devices with a simple exposure; Put the lithography beamline into practical use as early as possible. The beamline is shown in Fig. 1. A scanning mirror with a 20 mrad grazing angle for cutting off short wavelength light is located at 3 m downstream from the source point (see Fig. 2). There is a 7.6~Jlm-thick Be window behind the front end to absorb the longer wavelength light.3 The horizontal acceptance angle is 5.5 mrad for a simple exposure chamber located at 7 m from the source point. The exposure area of the chamber is 40 X 40 mm2 with 10% uniformity. The mir ror is oscillating with ± 4 mrad angle around its center line at 25 Hz. In front of the mirror box there is a special expo sure shutter with a response time of 10--100 ms. The shutter is operated by a computer-controlled stepping motor. The whole instrumentation consists of three main de vices: (1) A slit, which consists of four feed-through plates, can be changed from 0 to a 50 X 50 mm2 hole. (2) A 5X 10E -7 Torr high vacuum exposure chamber with sensors and vacuum parts in it. FIG. 3. Simulation equipment. 2149 Rev. Set Instrum., Vol. 60, No.7, July 1989 FIG. 4. Scanning moire fringe signal. (3) A mask-wafer system, which is fixed on a ball bear ing stage, is driven by a stepping motor. The moving distance is 50 mm and the minimum resolution is 0.01 mm. The vacuum in the mirror box is 5 X lOE -10 Torr when there is no beam in it. Since there is no window in front of the chamber, a three-section differential pumping system is adopted. II. UNIFORMITY CONTROLLING AND MEASURING A scanning mirror is driven by a stepping motor, which is turning back and forth within a 10 angle. The required driving speed variation is programmed by a computer to ob tain a uniform exposure area which is as large as possible. An in situ moire fringe grating system, which consists of two gratings, is used to measure the motor speed uniformity during exposure. The first grating is attached to the scanned mirror, while the other grating is fixed. A He-Ne laser is used as the light source. The mainS fringe signal is displayed on an oscilloscope, and processed by a computer. A simulation experiment is shown in Fig. 3. A cylindri callens is used to expand the light beam of the He-Ne laser horizontally to simulate the synchrotron radiation. The uni formity of the moire signals intervals represents the motor speed uniformity which corresponds to the exposure unifor mity. Figure 4 shows that a nonuniform phenomenon ap peared at both ends of the scanning period, where the speed slows down. Since the grating is 100 lines/mm, one moire signals interval indicates a displacement ofO.m mm. In this way it is easy to know the in situ uniformity and to adjust it by computer programming from time to time. The time-con suming, frequently interrupting measurement using a photo densitometer is only seldom needed. The whole beamline and its equipment are controlled by an IBM PC/ A T computer. I A. Heuberger, Microelcctron. Eng. 5 (5), 1 (1986). 2R. P. Haelbich, J. P. Silverman, W. D. Grobman, J. R. Maldonado, and J. M. Wariaumollt, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 1, 1262 (1983). "F. Cerrina, H. Gllckel, and J. D. Wiley, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 3, 227 (1985). lithography 2149 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:46:18
Wigner function modeling of resonant tunneling diodes with high peaktovalley ratios R. K. Mains and G. I. Haddad Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 5041 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.342457 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342457 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/10?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in High 5.2 peak-to-valley current ratio in Si/SiGe resonant interband tunnel diodes grown by chemical vapor deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 092104 (2012); 10.1063/1.3684834 SiGe double barrier resonant tunneling diodes on bulk SiGe substrates with high peak-to-valley current ratio Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 032104 (2007); 10.1063/1.2756363 Peaktovalley ratio of small resonanttunneling diodes with various barrierthickness asymmetries Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 838 (1996); 10.1063/1.116550 Experimental demonstration of resonant interband tunnel diode with room temperature peaktovalley current ratio over 100 J. Appl. Phys. 73, 1542 (1993); 10.1063/1.353231 Highly strained GaAs/InGaAs/AlAs resonant tunneling diodes with simultaneously high peak current densities and peaktovalley ratios at room temperature Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 2255 (1991); 10.1063/1.104943 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:43:02Wlgner function modeUng of resonant tunneling diodes with high peakMto~vaney ratios R. K. Mains and G. I. Haddad Center for High-Frequency Microelectronics. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 (Received 8 January 1988; accepted for publication 2 August 1988) Wigner function simulations of structures with experimentally observed high peak-to-vaney ratios are carried out. It is shown that if care is taken with the numerical method used, the simulations reproduce these sharp resonances. When scattering is ignored, peak-to-valley ratios of 33.7 are obtained for a pseudomorphic InGaAs-AIAs structure. The effects of phonon scattering are included to first order. Also, a small-signal analysis is carried out and the results are used to predict the rf power generation capability of these devices. I. INTRODUCTION Estimates of the upper frequency limit for resonant-tun neling diodes'-s have indicated that these devices are useful into the THz range. Experimentally observed oscillation at 56 GHz6 and detection of 2.5-THz signals7 has generated considerable interest in the potential of these devices. The basic mechanism responsible for negative differential resis tance and fast response times has recently been questioned in the literature.5•s It is therefore desirable to develop methods from quantum transport theory to model the transient be havior of resonant-tunneling devices. The Wigner function method has been successful in modeling the general features of resonant tunneling di odes.9•lo However, it has been found that this method under estimates the peak-to-valley ratios observed experimentally at low temperatures.9 Also, simulations showing the high peak-to-valley ratios observed recently in InGaAs-InAIAs structures II have not yet been presented. In this paper, a modified numerical method is used12 which does predict high peak-to-valley ratios for these struc tures. Both the simulated peak-to-valley ratio and the peak current density are in the range of experimental results. Since agreement was not possible using the original numeri cal formulation of this method,9.12 it is concluded that care is required in the numerical implementation of the problem. The effects of phonon scattering have been included to first order in the modeling of GaAs-A1GaAs devices. 13 This article shows the effect of including InGaAs phonon scatter ing rates on device performance. Inclusion of phonon scat tering at room temperature reduces the peak-to-vaHey ratio from 33.7 to 6.81. An advantage of the Wigner function simulation meth od is that it readily allows modeling of transient and smaU signal effects.9.10 In this article, a small-signal analysis of an InGaAs-AIAs device is carried out. By assuming that the small-signal equivalent circuit of the device is constant over a given rf voltage magnitude range, an estimate of the rf power generation capability of the device is obtained. The Wigner function method used is a single particle approach, i.e., many-body effects such as wave-function anti symmetrization and carrier-carrier scattering have not been included. The analysis is one dimensional with the as sumption of a thermal equilibrium distribution for states in the transverse direction. Although the self-consistent field has been included in Wigner function simulations,12 self consistency has not been included in the results presented here. II. BASIC METHOD AND EQUATIONS SOLVED The equation for the time evolution of the Wigner func tionRx, k) iSl4 Jj(x,k) _ flk ajtx,k) + (aRx,k)) m* ax \ at c at 1 ,.,~ {1°O ---J dk' 2 dysin([k-k']y) 2trli oc 0 x[v(x+ ~)-v(x- ~)]}f(X,kl), (1) wheref is the one-dimensional Wigner function in m-2, m* is the effective mass in kg, and Vex) is the potential energy for electrons in joules. In this equation, (Jf / at) c represents the time evolution off due to scattering processes. To first order, scattering may be included in a manner similar to the scattering term appearing in the Boltzmann transport equa tion. 15 In the simulations including phonon scattering in this paper, a scattering term of the following form was included in the equations: (Jfex,k) ) at c + ,,£Sin(k',k)f(x,k') , K' (2) where SOU! (k) is the scattering rate from the state with wave vector k to aU other states, and Sin (k ',k) is the scattering rate into state k from another state k '. These scattering rates are calculated using the expressions from first-order pertur bation theory,16 considering bulk phonon modes only for acoustic and polar optic scattering. After proper normaliza tion consistent with the one-dimensional Eq. (1), these ex pressions were evaluated numerically by summing over all k space intervals included in the simulation to obtain the scattering rates ofEq. (2). The material constants appearing in the scattering expressions for InGaAs were obtained from Ref. 17. 5041 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (10). 15 November 1988 0021-8979/88/22504 i -04$02.40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 5041 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:43:02The discretized form used to solve Eq. (1) is (for k > 0) / f(x,k",) -f(x,km) = _ flkm /f(x,km) - / lex -l1x,km) + (afl(x,k m ») + _2_ M m" I1x at c fzNk sin{21T[(p-m)/N k]} Nmax [f p-m)] XL L sin i 2nrr -- [V(x + nl1x) -Vex -nl1x)l[f(x,kp) , p 2rr[Cp-m)/Nd n~! \ Nk where m and p are indices indicating k and k " respectively, and where }\h is the number of k values included in the simulation. Equation (3) differs from previous discretiza tions9,J2 ofEq. (1) in the sin (k)/k weighting, which effec tively is a window that deemphasizes the high-frequency components in the discrete Fourier transform of the poten tial energy function. As is shown in Ref. 12, the effect of this weighting is to provide a more consistent approximation to the moment equations that are derived by multiplying Eq. (l) by kn and integrating over all k space. In Eq. (3), the superscript/indicates that a quantity is considered to be at the future time, t + at; therefore, this is a fully implicit method. The upper limit in the Fourier transform of the potential energy, Nmax' is chosen so that Eq. (3) is numeri cally consistent with Eq. (1) for the linear potential casel2; the value Nmax = (2/3 )Nk was used. For the simulations in this paper, Nk = 60, Nx = 80, and Nmax = 40, where N.~ is the number of mesh points in real space. To obtain steady-state operating points on the /-V curve, Eq. (1) is solved for a/ fat = 0, given a particular value of applied bias, which is assumed to be dropped uni formly across the double barriers and well. Starting from a particular dc solution, small-signal solutions are obtained by assuming a Wigner function of the form: /(x,k) =hc (x,k) + Isms (x,k)eic.)t. Also, the potential energy becomes Vex) = Vdc (x) + Vsms (x)eiw, , (4) (5) where Vsms (x) is applied across the double barriers and well only. Substituting Eqs. (4) and (5) into Eq. (3) and retain- 0.20 -'" 'e ~ 0.15 Q z o ~ 0.10 1'.11: f- Z ~oms 8 \ 0-f 1.50 1.00 ~ :> <!I ~ 0.50 !i w S Q. -0.50 o 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 DISTANCE (MiCRONS) FIG. 1. Zero-bias solution for Inn.53 Ga0.47 As-AlAs structure showing elec tron density and potential energy profile. Barrier width = 22.6 A, well width = 45.2 A. 5042 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No. 10, 15 November 1988 (3) ing first-order terms only yields a solution for the small signal current density in the device. When the small-signal current density over the barrier and wen regions is integrat ed and the ratio of the complex small-signal current and voltage phasors is taken, the admittance per unit area of the device is calculated. Since this admittance is due to the con duction current alone, the term iwC is added to the admit tance to account for the displacement current. The capaci tance per unit area is determined from C=E/W, (6) where Wis the distance between the outer edges of the dou ble barriers. For the structure analyzed in this paper, W= 90.4A. iii. DEVICE STRUCTURE AND de SIMULATION RESULTS For the simulations, a pseudomorphic Ino.53 GaO.47 As AlAs structure was chosen for which excellent experimental results recently have been reported.!! Figure 1 shows the electron concentration and assumed potential energy for the dc, zero-bias solution of this structure. For this device, peak to-vaHey ratios of 14 at room temperature and 35 at 77 K have been obtained experimentally, with peak current densi ties in the range of 2-4 X 104 A/cm2. The conduction band discontinuity in Fig. 1 is assumed to be 1.2 eV, and the effec tive mass is assumed constant throughout the device and equal to 0.042 mo, the InGaAs value. Figure 2 shows the static J-V curve calculated at room 0.30 N 0.25 'e <I{ "'g 0.20 \ >-f-0.15 iii z I>J 0 ,'. !- 0.10 z IfJ a:: 0:: 0.05 ::.l u 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 O.SO VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIG. 2. Static 1-V curve for the structure of Fig. 1 at room temperature both with (dotted curve) and without (solid curve) phonon scattering. Peak-to valley ratio is 33.7 without scattering, 6.81 with scattering illcluded. Nu merical method of Eq. (3) was used. R. K. Mains and G. I. Haddad 5042 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:43:02temperature for this device, both with and without phonon scattering included. For the case without phonon scattering, a peak-to-valley ratio of 33.7 was calculated. When InGaAs scattering rates were used throughout the device, the calcu lated peak-to-valley ratio was 6.81. It is believed that this calculation underestimates the experimental peak-to-valley ratio due to uncertainties in the scattering rates as wen as to numerical problems inherent to the solution of the Wigner function equations. 12 The calculated peak current densities with and without scattering were2.31 and 2.43 X 104 A/cru2, respectively, on the low end of the experimental current range. In the experimental J-V curves, the peak and valley cur rents occur at higher voltages than the calculated values, at 0.7 and 1.0 V, approximately. It is believed that this diiscrep aney is due to the fact that self-consistency has not been included in these calculations. Preliminary work on Wigner function simulations including self-consistency)Z shows that approximately half the applied voltage can be dropped across accumulation and depletion regions adjacent to the device barrier regions. For comparison, Fig. 3 shows the J-V curve for the case without scattering using the original numerical method. 9, [2 This numerical method is obtained from the discretization given in Eq. (3) leaving out the sin(k)/k weighting. The peak-to-valley ratio obtained using this method was 2.57. IVo SMALL-SIGNAL ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATED POWER GENERATION To carry out the small-signal analysis, the device dc so lution at V de = 0.44 V, J de = 1.28 X 104 A/cmz was calcu lated, in the middle of the negative conductance region of Fig. 2. Figure 4 shows the electron concentration and poten tial energy profile for this solution, which corresponds tolde and V de in Eqs. (4) and ( 5). A small-signal voltage, V,ms, of different frequencies is superimposed on V de and is assumed to exist entirely across the barrier and well regions, All the small-signal calculations were carried out at room tempera ture and without phonon scattering. 0.40 ~je < '" 52 0.30 >-!-w z 0.20 l.!J 0 i-z w 0.10 Q: Q: ::> u 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIG. 3. Static J-V curve for the structure of Fig, I at room temperature and without scattering using the old Ilumerical method [no weighting in Eq. (3)J. 5043 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1 0, 15 November 1988 0,20 1.50 '" r 'E '" 0.15 1.00 OJ Q :> f'. ~ Z ...l 0 j:; 0.10 " 0.50 :5 "I: ~J I- 0:: ( Z I- W Z !- ~ 0.05 0 0 z \\J a.. 0 u \ -0.50 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 DISTANCE (MICRONS) FIG. 4. de solution at room temperature with Vac = 0.44 V, Jdc = L28 X 104 A/cm2 for the case with no phonon scattering. Figure 5 shows the real and maginary parts of the admit tance calculated from the small-signal conduction current, as well as the wC displacement current component. At low frequencies, G is just equal to the negative slope of the J-V curve in Fig. 2. From Figure 5, it is seen that the negative conductance of the device remains essentially constant up to a frequency of 3 X 1012 Hz. However, it is also seen that the wC term in the admittance dominates above lOlD Hz so that the device capacitance limits the power generation capabili ty at these frequencies. The available rf power from this device as a function of frequency was estimated as follows. The small-signal admit tance of Fig. 5 was assumed to remain constant over a large signal voltage range of (V rf ) peak = 0.1 V. The area of the device was chosen so that it is matched to I-H circuit resis tance, which requires that A= _G/(G2+B2), (7) where B is the total susceptance, Le., the conduction plus displacement current parts. Again, since from Fig. 5 the we term dominates at high frequencies, the device area and rf power are limited by the device capacitance. The available rf power is given by 0.3 I I '" 0.2 I , / E " f.> / , .. 0.1 I "' I ,~,'\ Q / , ,/ , -"" ,-' , llJ 0 U Z ~ I--0.1 ~ 0 <:( -0.2 -0.3 109 1010 lO" 1012 10:5 1014 FREQUENCY (Hz) FIG. 5. Small-signal admittance calculated for the dc operating point at Vdc = 0.44 V in Fig. 4. Solid curve is Re( y), small dashed curve is 1m ( Y), large dashed curve is UJc. R. K. Mains and G. I. Haddad 5043 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:43:026.0 O.SO 5.0 0.60 ~ '" .§. 4.0 E .,u a:; 0.40 'g w 3.0 :t 0 .,g; a. w LL 2.0 II: II: 0.20.,g; 1.0 0 0 109 ICIO 10" 1012 1013 FREQUENCY (Hz) FI G. 6. Estimated power generation (solid) and device area ( dashed) for 1- n matching based on the small-signal data of Fig. 5 and using (V,,jpeak = 0.1 V. (8) Figure 6 shows the estimated power generation capabili ty of this device and the area required for I-n matching. Note that these results assume no parasitic series resistance in the circuit, i.e., the circuit resistance is entirely made up of the I-n load resistance R [. , that is absorbing power. If non zero series resistance, R" exists in the circuit such that Rs + RL = In, the Prr values in Fig. 6 would be scaled by the actual value of Rr.. The efficiency of the device may also be estimated as follows: Prr ( -G) ( Vrf ) ~eak /2 7 1} = - = = 8.88 X 10·· (-G) . Pdc V;kJdc (9) From Fig. 5, the negative conductance is essentially constant at the value 2.32 X 105 S/cm2 up to 3 X 1012 Hz; putting this value in Eq. (9) yields a maximum efficiency of 17 = 20.4%. At higher frequencies, 71 decreases as the nega tive conductance. v. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown that, if care is taken with the discreti zation ofEq. (1), it is possible to resolve sharp resonances in Wigner function modeling of resonant tunneling diodes. Both the calculated peak current density and peak-to-valley 5044 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.1 0, 15 November 1988 ratio are within experimental ranges, although inclusion of phonon scattering underestimates the experimental peak-to valley ratio at room temperature. A small-signal analysis predicts that these devices should exhibit negative differen tial conductance up to frequencies of several THz, however device capacitance places a practical limit on device perfor mance at several hundred GHz. Further work needs to be done on refining the numerical method used to discretize Eq. (1). Also, self-consistency should be included in the simulation to bring the applied voltage values more in agreement with experimental results. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under the URI program, Contract No. DAAL03-87- K-0007. The authors wish to thank Dr. William Frensley for insightful discussions on quantum transport theory. lB. Jogai, K. L. Wang, and K. W. Brown, App!. Phys. Lett. 48, 1003 (1986). "D. D. Coon and H. C. Liu, App!. Phys. Lett. 49, 94 (1986). 'T. C. L. G. Sollner, E. R. Brown, W. D. Goodhue, and H. Q. Le, App!. Phys. Lett. 50, 332 (1987). "D. S. Pan and C. C. Meng, J. App!. Phys. 61, 2081 (1987). 'T. Weil and B. Vinter, App\. Phys. Lett. 50, 1281 (1987). "E. R. Brown, T. C. L. G. Sollner, W. D. Goodhue, and C. D. Parker, App!. Phys. Lett. 50, 83 (1987). 7T. C. L. G. Sollner, W. D. Goodhue, P. E. Tannenwald, C. D. Parker, and D. D. Peck, App!. Phys. Lett. 43, 588 (1983). "S. Luryi, App!. Phys. Lett. 47, 490 ( 1985). 9W. R. Frens!ey, Phys. Rev. B 36,1570 (1987). lOW. R. Frens!ey, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 448 (1987). lIT. Inata, S. Muto, Y. Nakata, S. Sasa, T. Fujii, and S. Hiyamizu, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 26, L1332 (1987). 12R. K. Mains and G. 1. Haddad (unpublished). "w. R. Frens]ey, Solid-State Electron. 31, 739 (1988). l4S. R. deGroot and L. G. Suttorp, Foundations of Electrodynamics (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1972). ISJ. Lin and L. C. Chill, J. App!. Phys. 57, 1373 (1985). IhW. Fawcett, in Electrons in Crystalline Solids [International Atomic En ergy Agency (lAEA), Vienna, 1973]. 17S. R. Ahmed and B. R. Nag, Solid-State Electron. 28, 1193 (1985). R. K. Mains and G. I. Haddad 5044 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:43:02
Broadband (6 GHz) GaAs/AlGaAs electrooptic modulator with low drive power R. G. Walker Citation: Applied Physics Letters 54, 1613 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101323 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101323 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/54/17?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Directional coupler electrooptic modulator in AlGaAs/GaAs with low voltagelength product Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2033 (1993); 10.1063/1.109470 Electrooptic voltage profiling of modulationdoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1763 (1989); 10.1063/1.101284 Electrooptic phase modulation in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well waveguides Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 945 (1988); 10.1063/1.99236 Observation of large quadratic electrooptic effect in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 798 (1987); 10.1063/1.98048 Quadratic electrooptic light modulation in a GaAs/AlGaAs multiquantum well heterostructure near the excitonic gap Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 989 (1986); 10.1063/1.96633 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:19:59Broadband (6 GHz) GaAsl AIGaAs electroaoptlc modulator with low drive power R. G, Walker Plessey Research and Technology, Allen Clark Research Centre, Caswell, Towcester, Northants; United Kingdom (Received 28 November 1988; accepted for publication 8 February 1989) A GaAsl AIGaAs Mach-Zehnder modulator using a push-pull drive configuration is reported. The bandwidth/drive-voltage figure of merit is approximately double that alan equivalent single-sided device and is the highest reported for any non-traveling-wave structure, V" is 9 V at 1150 nm. Using unterminated drive a bandwidth of 6,25 GHz is achieved, Techniques for optical modulation and switching at mi crowave frequencies () 1 GHz) are of significance for future fiber optic systems in such areas as telecommunications, ra dar, and signal processing. Various device results have been published using both lithium niobate and compound IH-V semiconductor technologies, with the former predominat ing, We have previously defined 1 a figure of merit for elec tro-optic modulators which compares two external "black box" parameters, i.e., bandwidth if 0) and the voltage swing which the generator must provide to achieve full modula tion. The common practice of quoting only Jr.) and V" (the internal device drive voltage) may be misleading if load re sistance (RL) has been used, reducing utilization of the gen erator power. Thus we define figure of merit (F) = [2RLI(SO+RL)](hIV1T)/L (1) Voltage, rather than power, is used so that the equiv alence of different lengths of the same structure is apparent. Wavelength ()., in microns) is included to extract the linear dependence of V" on A, thus facilitating the comparison of various results, Bandwidth (/0) is here defined as the fre quency for which the relative intensity modulation depth has fallen to 0.707 (not 0.5), This ensures consistency with elec trical systems parameters in an eventual receiver. A recent review of broadband modulators in terms of this figure of merit 1 revealed a trend for lumped modulators, in both lithium niobate and compound semiconductors, to have Fvalues fromO,S to 1.0 GHz V 1 11m, whereas lithium niobate traveling-wave devices (e.g., Ref. 2) were usually in the range 1-2 GHz V 1 !-lm. The Schottky ion, GaAsl AIGaAs double-heterostruc ture waveguides used in this work have produced lumped, Mach-Zehnder modulators with Fvalues towards the upper limit of the lumped range (fa = 6.5 GHz, V1T = 17.S V, RL = 00, F = 0,86 GHz V ; fim) 1 using single-sided drive. This was achieved by the use of an air-bridge/trench tech nique to eliminate the depletion capacitance of the contact pads. In this letter we report an extension of the performance of such lumped modulators by a factor of 2 using a novel push-pull drive arrangement. The new device figure of merit is 1.6 G Hz V -I ,urn-wen into the domain of existing travel ing-wave devices, The concept of push-pull drive applies to two-path (or two-mode) interferometric devices in which a common field or voltage is used to phase modulate the two interfering waves in antiphase, thus doubling the effect and virtually eliminating phase chirp at the output. In Mach-Zehnder in terferometers, the two arms may be considered as indepen dent capacitive devices; paranel cross-connection achieves push-pun but also doubles the capacitance thus leaving the figure of merit unchanged, although a shorter device may result. Series connection divides the modulating voltage between the arms (thus doubling the voltage tolerance) but the effects sum at the output; thus, the overall drive voltage is unchanged. However, because the external capacitance is halved, the bandwidth-and consequently the figure of mer it-is doubled. This series push pull is the most natural to implement in semiconductor devices because of the built-in back-to-back connection of the Schottky diodes which constitute the Mach-Zehnder electrodes. The main difficulty with the implementation of push pull in III -V materials arises from the need for substantial de reverse bias applied to both diodes in paralleL We achieve series connection at rfwith simultaneous parallel connection at de by use of monolithic RLC decoupling, to permit the diode back connection to float at rf while being held at dc positive, The decoupling components are realized on-chip by making use of Schottky metallization and the material sheet resistivity (50--100 !l/D). The device would be expected to revert to a single-sided mode at low frequencies where the decoupling becomes ineffective, but this will not affect the frequency response since the phase/voltage curve is linear at the bias voltages used. 1 The Mach-Zehnder interferometer design uses triple guide couplers to split and recombine the light. Electrodes were 3 mm long and a 6.4 GHz bandwidth was expected, assisted by series inductance of around 1 nH from the coaxial drive probe. The expected half-wave voltage ( V.".) was 8.5 V. The symmetrical waveguide structure (GaAs core, Ala.l G~)'l As claddings) was grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on 2 in. semi-insulating (S1) GaAs wafers. The strip-loaded waveguides were self-aligned to the elec trodes by using the l-,um-thick aluminum metallization pat tern as the etch mask(see Fig. 1, upper inset). Unwanted metal was removed in a final processing step. The waveguide width in the device reported here was 3 !lm. Unmetallized waveguides of this type have achieved losses as low as 0.5 dB em J.:\ Figure 1 illustrates the device configuration. Iso lation trenching, with air-bridge connections to the interfer- '1613 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (17), 24 AprH 1989 0003-6951/89/171613-03$01.00 1613 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:19:59AI Electrode Regions Etched Through to 81 Substrate \1"-""''-l..J'-~~~"",",! ~ 81 SUbstra~te.--::;:;;~;;;r.~;:::~\ '''-' ..... ometer electrodes, was used to eliminate the contact-pad de pletion capacitance and to create the long, narrow, resistive paths for decoupling-here identified with the 2 mm triple guide coupler sections at each end. The ground pad served as decoupling capacitor and separate pads for the de bias were nearby. Figure 2 combines the experimental biasing circuit with an equivalent circuit of the chip itself, illustrating the on chip decoupling. The modulators achieved -20 dB optical extinction and V IT was 9 Vat 1150 nm. The phase/voltage slope of 6.7° V -I mm . I is typical for the structure used. The frequency response was measured by an indirect swept-frequency tech nique used by several workers. 1.2 Figure 3 shows the recorded frequency response (using internal leveling with slope correction of the sweep oscilla tor) from 100 MHz to 804 GHz: both push pull at 20 ± 3.3 V bias (the ± 3.3 V is the unbalancing voltage, required to achieve a null)and single sided at 15 V bias. The precise bandwidth is slightly obscured by the fine structure, due to reflections between device and bias tee, but is about 6.25 GHz in push pun and 3.5 GHz in the single-sided mode. The latter result was obtained by setting the main bias supply ( VI Bias tee r----------~ ; ! DC levels 11 L ( probe )1 [ V 21 I I I MZ 1 arm 1 I lV1+~2]: I V 2b ~-4.-~~__<>___+~ ....... ~~--' a~mz2 : ~_ [OJ :.-~h'p ~q~v~l~t.:i~~~ _~ FIG. 2. Equivalent circuit ofmodulatnr chip with external drive and bias ing. VI is the common bias while V] unbalances the interferometer to set the operating point. 1614 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 17,24 April 1989 + d.c. FIG. 1. Schematic of push-pull Mach·-Zehnder modula tor using triple-guide directional couplers. Insets show the GaAs/ AIGaAs electro-optic waveguide cro~s sectioll and a SEM micrograph of an air-bridge connection from pad to electrode. in Fig. 2) to zero and increasing the unbalancing voltage (V2 ), thus forcing the ground-side diode to slight forward bias. This operation caused a general output drop of -O.S dB, probably because the double connection to the ground side electrode (see Fig. 1) gives the latter a greater effective length, the advantage of which is only gained in push-pull mode. By the same argument, the slight low-frequency fall in the push-pull response probably illustrates the predicted re version to the single-sided mode. The theoretical curves in Fig. 3, which match the experi mental very closely, were obtained using a detailed computer model I which provides a full traveling wave solution of the electrode voltage, including all transit time effects, conduc tor skin effect, and the effect of finite semiconductor sheet conductivity. Our high-efficiency modulator structures have an inher ent slow-wave characteristic at microwave frequencies and are thus unsuitable for use in direct traveling-wave mode. Wang et al.4 attempt to harness the electrical/optical veloc ity matching possible in GaAs by the use of low-efficiency undoped structures between coplanar electrodes designed as 50 n stripline. Their TE~-TM polarization transformer de vice (E II (011») has an inherent push-pull action giving vol- Input power o.-~~~~, ·1 ~~ ~\1. _Push-pul ·2 -...: ~~~ Computed response rn -3 '\ hl11 "-4 \ 1,,\ \ Single sided 10~ ·5 \ \ ~ ~\ -6 Computed \ ~I~\ \ 'Vl\ -7 \ ~\ ~8 _h_J~~_~ ! Ie \! o 23456789 Frequency ( GHz ) FIG. 3. Experimental and computed frequency responses. R. G. Walker 1614 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:19:59tuge harfing compared with a similar phase modulator (E II (100) as in our devices) and is thus directly comparable with the device reported herein. The quoted performance of the device of Wang et aI." (10 = 16 GHz, V1T = 11 V, RL = 50 .0, A = 1.3 /-tm) gives a figure of merit of 1.89 GHz V I J1m. However, it is clear from their derived pa rameters and quoted bandwidths that optical, not electrical dB have been used; their - 3 dB levels are thus -6 dB according to our definitions (see introduction). Thus, for consistency with our results the bandwidth oftlle Wang de vice4 should be taken as 7-8 GHz (their Fig. 4) giving a figure of merit of 0.83-0.95 GHz V-111m. This suggests that the sacrifice of electro-optic overlap efficiency to utilize the velocity matching effect may not be worthwhile unless the match can be made very close and conductor losses very low. We have shown I that open circuit drive makes a lumped device fairly insensitive to electrode resistance. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the first imple~ 1615 Appl. Phys.lett, Vol. 54, No. 17,24 April 1989 mentation of series push-pull drive in a Mach-Zehnder modulator in I1I-V materials, Even though the device is "lumped," the figure of merit is at a level normally associat ed with traveling~wave modulators. The bandwidth is 6.25 GHz and V". = 9 V, although only 4.5 V need be generated for 100% modulation due to the open circuit drive. In terms of rf power, 17 dBm (50 ill W) would achieve 100% modula tion while for greater linearity, 7.5 dB m (5.5 mW) or 11 dB m (12.6mW) would give 50% modulation or 70% mod~ ulation, respectively. This work was carried out with the support of the U. K. Ministry of Defence Components Procurement Executive (DCVD). 'R. G. Walker, J. Lightwave Technol. 5, 1444 (1987). 'CO M. Gee. G. D. Thurmont!, and H. W. Yen, App!. Phys. Lett. 43, 998 (1983). 'R. G. Walker, H. E. Shephard, and R. R. Bradley, l~lectron. Ldt. 23, 362 ( 1(87). ,'s. Y. Wang, S. H. Lin, and Y. M. Houng, AppL Phys. Lett. 51, 83 (1987). R. G. Walker 1615 .................. -..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.~.: ....•..... ; .... -.-.. ; ......••.... -.............. ~ ... ,-.. . This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:19:59
Radiation damage effects in ionimplanted BiSrCaCuO superconducting thin films S. Matsui, H. Matsutera, T. Yoshitake, and T. Satoh Citation: Applied Physics Letters 53, 2096 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.100499 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.100499 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/53/21?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Asgrown superconducting BiSrCaCuO thin films by coevaporation Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 702 (1989); 10.1063/1.101574 Effect of substrate temperature and biasing on the formation of 110 K BiSrCaCuO superconducting single target sputtered thin films AIP Conf. Proc. 182, 26 (1989); 10.1063/1.37960 Preparation of superconducting BiSrCaCuO thin films by sequential electron beam evaporation and oxygen annealing Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 466 (1989); 10.1063/1.101457 Oriented hightemperature superconducting BiSrCaCuO thin films prepared by ion beam deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1654 (1988); 10.1063/1.100442 Superconducting thin films of BiSrCaCuO obtained by laser ablation processing Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 321 (1988); 10.1063/1.100597 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:59:31Radiation damage effects in ionalmpianted BigSruCa .. Cu .. Q superconducting thin fUms S. Matsui, H. Matsutera, T. Yoshitake, and T. Sateh NEe Corporation, Miyazaki, Kawasaki, 213 Japan (Received 16 August 1988; accepted for publication 23 September 1988) Transition temperature (Tc ) control and annealing effects of Bi20 Sr 14 Cau CUZ2 Oy superconducting thin films implanted by 200 keY Ne I have been investigated. Tc end points for O.4-1I.m-thick BiZOSrl4 Ca18 CUL2 Oy films for 0, 1 X 1012, and 1 X 1013 ions/cm2 doses are 78, 76, and 54 K, respectively. The ion dose, to achieve a nonsuperconductor for Bizo Sr 14 Ca]8 CU22 Oy films, is two or more orders of magnitude lower than that for YBa2Cu307 ~ x films. The c-Iattice constant increases were observed for the implanted films. Moreover, it was confirmed that the superconducting characteristics for the implanted films are recovered by annealing in O2 atmosphere. Recently, Bednorz and Muller reported compound ox ides with very high superconducting transition temperature 1:0'] The Tc value was raised to 90 K, using the oxide Y-Ba-Cn-O.2 Subsequently, Maeda etal. reported new high Tc superconducting materials for the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O sys tem.3 This Bi system was found to have two superconducting phases with different 1'" values, 85 and 110 K. These results offered the possibility of operating superconducting devices at liquid-nitrogen temperature. Super conducting thin films are necessary for application to microelectronic devices. Y-Ba-Cu-O and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O thin films, with complete transition temperatures above 85 K, have been reported by Laibowitz et al.4 and Hong et af.5 respectively. It has been reported that Tc control can be achieved by using radiation damage by ion implantion.6 Superconducting quantum in terference devices were fabricated on an Y-Ba-Cu-O thin film, using radiation damages for As and ° in implantation.7 Ion implantation techniques can also be used as 8. method for impurity doping and synthesizing by component ion dop ing.8 To achieve the above-mentioned processes, it is neces sary to study annealing characteristics for the implanted high 1:, superconducting thin films. This letter describes Tc controi, utilization of radiation damages, and annealing ef fects for the implanted Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting thin films. 200 keY Ne + ion implantation was applied for this ex periment. The chemical compositions of the films were de termined by electron probe microanalysis. Structures of the annealed films were studied by x-ray diffraction method with Cu Ka radiation. The dc resistivity was measured by a conventional four-probe method, using gold electrodes sput-tered on the sample surface and silver paste for outer lead connection. The O.4-,um-thick Bi2.0 Sr 1.4 Cau CU2.2 Oy films were prepared on the (100) MgO substrates, employing the multiple source evaporation system. 9 Bi203, ST-Ca alloy, and eu were evaporated from three separate electron beam heat ing sources. The three individual deposition rates were con troned by three separate quartz crystal monitors. During deposition, the substrate temperature was kept at 400 0c. The oxygen pressure was controlled to maintain a constant 1 X 10 4 Torr pressure. The films were annealed in the O2 atomosphere at 890 ·C for 5 h. Table I shows experimental conditions regarding 200 keV Ne + ion implantation. Three stage ion implantations were carried out to obtain uniform dose depth profiles in the films. The O.4-,um-thick BiZ.OSr1.4 Cau CU2l Oy thin films were irradiated at room temperature with 200 keY Ne + in the 1 X 1012 to 1 X lOt5 ions/cm2 dose range. The 200 keY Ne ; average projected ion range was calculated to be about 0.2 !-lm, in the middle of the film. The ion range is nearly the same as that for the YBaZCu07 ." fllm. Superconducting transition temperatures for the films were measured as a function of dosage. Figure 1 shows the resistivity temperature dependence for Bi2.0SrI.4CaLRCuZ.20y films, implanted at 0, 1 X 1012 , 1 X 1013, and 1 X 1014 ions/cm2 doses. The results indicate that several changes in the film properties took place, pro gressively with increasing dosage. The Tc end point was most affected by the irradiation, decreasing at greater ion dose. The Tc onset was changed more slowly. Biz.oSr1.4 Ca1.8 CUZ.2 Or Tc end points for 0, 1 X 1012, and 1 X 1013 ions/cm2 do~es are 78, 76, and 54 K, respectively. TABLE L Experimental T" control conditions for 200 keY Ne f ion implantation. 2096 Sample 1 200 keY Ne+ (lxlO'2/cm') 200kV IX 10 "/cm2 120 kV 5 X lO"/em! 50 kV 2X 101 '/ern' Sample 2 200 keV Ne+ (I X 10 Ll/cm , ) 200 kV 1 X lOu/em2 120 kV 5)( lO'2/crn? 50 kV 2X lOl? /ern' Sample 3 200 keY Ne+ (I X 1O!·/cm2) 200 kV I X lO'4/crn2 120 kV 5 X IOI3/em' 50 kV 2 X IO"/cm" Sample 4 2()OkeV Ne+ (I X IOIS/cm2) 200 kV 1 X lOIS/em! 120 kV 5;< lO'4/cm2 50 kV 2X lO"'/cm2 Appl. Phys. Lett. 53 (21),21 November i 988 0003-6951 i88/472096-03$01.00 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 2096 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:59:311.5,.---------------..:-------, 200~eV Ne 1.0 0.5 o 250 300 T (k) FIG. L Resistivity temperature dependence, normalized by resistivity at 300 K (Ro), for OA-ILm-thick Bi,o Sr'4 Calf; CU'2 0., films implanted by 200 keY Ne I. Doses: unimplanted. 1 X 101.', l:x; 10", and! 1014 ions/em'. The film implanted at 1 X 1014 ions/cm2 dose indicates non superconductor characteristics. The superconductivity was destroyed by radiation damage. The buildup of structural disorder in the film was moni~ tored by measuring the x-ray diffraction pattern. Figures 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), and 2(d) show x-ray diffraction patterns for Bi2.oSrI.4CaUCul,,20y films implanted at 0, IX 1013, 1 X 1014, and 1 X 1015 ions/cm2, respectively. The film has two phases: 85 and 110 K. Both of them have a strong pre ferred orientation, with the c axis perpendicular to the mm plane. Diffraction lines for the 85 and 110 K phases are indi cated by dots and arrows, respectively. The c-iattice con- 200 keV Ne I x IOI:5/cm2 200!(cV Na j)( IOl3/cm2 10 20 :SO 40 50 60 70 60 28 ideg} FIG. 2. X-ray di!Traction patterns for O.4-flm-thick BizoSr'4 Ca'8 CU'-2 OJ' films implanted by 200 keY Ne+. (a) Dose: llnimplanted. (b) Dose: I X 10" ions/em'. (c) Dose: 1 X 1014 ions/cm". (d) Dose: 1 X 1015 ions/em'. 2097 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 53. No. 21. 21 November 1988 stants for unimplanted film, calculated from Fig. 2(a), are 30.71 and 37,05 A for the 85 and the 110 K phases, respec tively. The diffraction lines for the 110 K phase disappeared due to 1 X 10'" and I X 10]4 ions/em2 dose ion implantation, as shown in Figs. 2(b) and 2(e). These x~ray diffraction results are in accord with the resistivity measurement results shown in Fig. 1. The diffraction patterns, shown in Fig. 2 (d), indicate that the film had become amorphous by ion implantation at the 1 X 1015 ions/em2 dose. The authors previously reported ion dose dependences for Tc and c-Iattice constant for O.4-fL.m~thick YBu2CU307_x films by 200 keY Ne ion implantation. 10 Ion implantation conditions are the same as those for Biz.oSrI.4CaLSCu2.20y thin films. Ion dose dependences for T" end point and c-lattice constant for Bi2.0SrL4CaLgCU2.20y and YBa2Cu307_x films are shown in Fig. 3. It became clear that the ion dose, to achieve a nommperconductor for Biz.o Sr 1.4 Cal.8 CU2.2 Oy films, is two or more orders of magnitude lower than that for YBa2Cu307 _ x films. It also became clear that c-!attice con stant variation for Bi2.0 Sr J.4 Cal.8 CUZ.2 Oy thin films is larger than that for YBa2Cu307 __ x thin films. These results indicate that the Biz.o Sr 1.4 Ca1.8 CU2.2 ° y thin-film crystal structure is destroyed with a lower ion dose, compared with YBa2Cu207 _ x thin films. It is considered that these differ ent characteristics for ion beam irradiation between Bi2.0Sr!.4 Ca1.SCuZ.z Oy and YBa2Cu~07 -x thin films are at tributed to the concept that the crystal structure for Bi20Srl.4 Ca1.8 CUZ.2 Oy is marked by a layer structure, com pared with that of YBa2Cu307 _ x' Furthermore, it was ob served that the Bi2.0SrI.4CaI.8CuZ.20y thin-film color changes with ion implantation. As the ion dose increases, the implanted Biz.oSf\.4 Cal.8 Cllz.2 Oy thin-film transparency in~ creases. Bi2.0 Sr 1.4 Ca!.8 CU2.2 0 y thin films, implanted at 1 X 1015 ions/cm2 dose, became completely transparent. On the other hand, no film color changes were observed for 200koV Ne 30.90 III! 100 Y-Sa-Cu-O -<l: :')0.80 Bi-Sr-Co-Cu-O 80 I- ~-. ~ Z lIS <l: 30.70 l-'ll! !o- III 60 Z Z (5 0 • <..l \ IL 30.60 I W \ 0 \ Z <.) \ 40 W ..... \ l- I !o-II.SO \ u « \ I- ..J \ \ _0 20 11.70 ~D-D-EI o t " ! ... ""nf"up.r nO"jSLiPsr 11.60 0 0 10'2 10" 1O'~ 10'" 10'· JOlT DOSE lions tern'll FIG. 3. Ion dose dependences of 1~ and c-Iattice constant for 0.4-,um-thiek YBa2Cu,O, x and Bi2(;Sr'4Ca"CU2,O, films implanted by 200 keY Ne+ ion. Matsui et al. 2097 -•• --• -,', .-.-.-.-.-.-•• .....-., •• -. -•••• : •.••• ~ ••• -••••••••••••• ;<; •• ~;> ••• o;:-.~.:.:;;.~.:.-:;;.;.:.:.: ••••• -;~ ••• ~,.. •••••.•.• -•.• ...-•.•.• ~ •• ...-•. ;-•.• -.-.. - This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:59:31!.o 0.75 o !?:: 0.5 c::: 0.25 >I- iii z W I Z o (a) ~§ r (b) 200 KeV Ne I xl O"/cm" A:1nea! 890 cC 5H 50 100 150 T iKJ 21 0 " !e ~ 0; . 0 g !e ~l ,. 0 " ! 21 " 8 " ro II £ 0 I s I . \ 200 250 300 200keV N. I x Io''}cm 2 Anneal 690·C 5H £1 0 2 ~I 0 !e '"' It . is' ~I 2 0 t . s i 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 28 (deg) FIG. 4. Annealing characteristics for O.4-,um-thick Bi,.D Sr].4 Ca 1H CU'2 0 y films implanted at 1 X 10'4 ions/cm2 by 200 keY Nc .. Anneal conditions: 890 ·C, 5 h. (a) Resistivity temperature dependence, Normalized by Ro resistivity at 300 K. (b} X-ray diffraction patterns. YBa1CU307 _ x thin films even implanted at a 1 X 1017 ions/cm2 dose. Bi20Sr1.4 Ca1.8 CU22 Oy films, implanted at a 1 X 1014 ions/cruz dose, were annealed in O2 atomosphere at 890°C for 5 h. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show resistivity temperature dependence and x-ray diffraction patterns, respectively, for annealed film. The resistivity temperature dependence is the same as that for the un implanted film, as shown in Fig, 2. 2098 AppL Phys. Lett., Vol. 53, No. 21,21 November i 9S6 The diffraction lines for the 110 K phase appeared by anneal ing at 890°C for 5 h, as shown in Fig. 4(b). It became clear that the structure for Bi2.n Sr 1.4 Cal.8 CU2.2 Oy films, implant ed at 1 X 1014 ions/cm2 dose, can be recovered by annealing at 890°C for 5 h. In conclusion, Fe control and annealing effects for Bi2.o Sr 14 Cau CU2.2 Oy superconducting thin films, implant ed by 200 keY Ne t , have been investigated. Bi2oSrl4CauCu220v T,. end points for 0, lXl012, and 1 X lOu ions/cm2 do~es are 78, 76, and 54 K, respectively, Film implanted at a 1 X 1014 ions/cm2 dose indicated that it was a nonsuperconductor, The result indicates that the ion dose, which would result in a nonsuperconductor for Bi2.0 Sr 1.4 Cal.8 CUll Oy films, is two or more orders of mag nitude lower than that for YBa2Cu307 __ x films. The c-lattice constant increases were observed for implanted films, More over, it was confirmed that the superconducting characteris tics for implanted films were recovered by annealing in an O2 atmosphere . 'I. G. Bednorzand K. A. Miiller, Z.l'hys. B 64,189 (1986). 2M. K. Wu, J. R. Ashburn, C. 1. Torng, P. H. Hor, R. L Meng, L. Gao, Z. J. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, and C. W. Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 908 (1987). 'H. Maeda, Y. Tanaka, M. Fukutomi, and T. Asano,JplI. J. App!. Phys. 27, 1.209 (1988). 4R, B. Laibmvitz, R. H. Koch, P. Chaudhari, and R. J. Gambino, Phys. Rev. IDS, 8821 (1987). SM. Hong, J. Kwo, and J. J. Yeh, J. Cryst. Growth 91,382 (1988). "G. J. Clark, A. D. Marwick, R. H. Koch, and R. B. Laibowitz, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51,139 (1987). 7R. H. Koch, C. P. Urnback, G. J. Clark, P. Chaudhari, and R. B. Laioowitz, AppJ. I'hys. Lett. 51, 200 (1987). 8M. Nastasi, J. R. Tesmer, M. G, Hollander, J. F. Smith. and C. J. Maggio re, AppJ. Phys. Lett. 52, 1729 (1988), "T. Yoshitake, T. Saloh, Y. Kubo, and H. Igarashi, Jpn. J, Appl. Phys. 27, Ll089 (1988). lOS. Matsui, Y. Ochiai, a Matsutera, J. Fujita, T. Yoshitake, and Y. Kubo, J. App!. Phys. 64, 936 (1988). Matsui et al. 2098 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:59:31
Lowpressure hollow cathode switch triggered by a pulsed electron beam emitted from ferroelectrics H. Gundel, H. Riege, J. Handerek, and K. Zioutas Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2071 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101169 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.101169 View Table of Contents: http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/APPLAB/v54/i21 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles Non-resonant multipactor—A statistical model Phys. Plasmas 19, 123505 (2012) Rapid startup in relativistic backward wave oscillator by injecting external backward signal Phys. Plasmas 19, 083105 (2012) Phase space analysis of multipactor saturation in rectangular waveguide Phys. Plasmas 19, 032106 (2012) Phase locking of high power relativistic backward wave oscillator using priming effect J. Appl. Phys. 111, 043303 (2012) Towards a fully kinetic 3D electromagnetic particle-in-cell model of streamer formation and dynamics in high- pressure electronegative gases Phys. Plasmas 18, 093501 (2011) Additional information on Appl. Phys. Lett. Journal Homepage: http://apl.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://apl.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://apl.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://apl.aip.org/authors Downloaded 20 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionslowg!=nessure hollow cathode switch triggered by a pulsed electron beam emitted from ferroe~ectrics H. Gundel and H. Riege CERN, PS Diuisioll, CH-1211 Genelia 23, Switzerland J. Handerek University of Silesia, Institute o.!,Physics, P-40007 Katowice, Poland K. Zioutas Uniuersity o.fThessaloniki, Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics Section, GR-54006 Thessaloniki, Greece (Received 7 December 1988; accepted for publication 10 March 1989) A new type of low-pressure gas switch is described. The switch is triggered by an electron beam that is emitted from the surface of a ferroelectric samplc. The electron be<lm is gcnerated within the hollow cathode and ejected through a hole of arbitrary shape into the main gap of the switch. The beam current and the electron energy C<l11 be chosen such that breakdown is achieved with small jitter. The switch with its ferroelectric trigger requires neither heating nor an auxiliary gas discharge. The fast spontaneous polarization change tiP" which is the cause of electron emission, is induced by a high-voltage pulse from an electronic switching circuit. High-power gas switches are widely used in pulsed pow er devices, such as in modulators for radar, in laser systems, or in pulsed magnet systems of accelerators. Conventional switches, such as thyratrons or high-pressure spark gaps, are sometimes the limiting elements in these systems owing to factors such as maximum current density, precision, voltage hold-off capability, or erosion. Recently, a new class oflow pressure gas switches:'~ was introduced, which significantly improves on current density compared to thyratrons, on pre cision compared to ignitrons, and on erosion compared to high-pressure spark gaps. In this letter the authors report on a new type of low pressure gas switch which is characterized by the direct fir ing of a high-voltage gap with a high-density, low-energy electron beam of short duration. This switch need~ neither a heated cathode nor a permanent glow discharge for trigger ing. The breakdown initialization is direct in the sense that the initial number density of electrons is greater than 1013 cm -2 and no additional charge carrier multiplication pro cess is required to commute the switch resistance from an infinite to a small v<llue in a short time. The electron beam is emitted from the surface of a fer roelectric material. In order to obtain such an emission, the macroscopic spontaneous polarization P, of the sample must be changed in a short time interval (nanosecond range)3A by a fast, high-voltage (HV) pulse applied to the sample via partially perforated electrodes. The switching time ofP, is determined by the current amplitUde of the HV pulse. In Fig. 1 the schematic of an experimental switch is shown, which is used to study the electron beam production from PLZT samples such as (Pbo93 LaO.07 ) (Zr06, Ti,us )0.1 or (Pb09H L3.rW2) (Zr095 Tio.os )03, and the breakdO\vn ini tialization of the main gap. The PLZT sample is placed in side the hollow cathode C, of the switch between two plane electrodes GE and RE. The whole assembly is filled with a low-pressure gas such that the breakdown behavior is char acterized by the left-hand branch of the Paschen curve. The sample electrode GE facing the main switch cathode C, is partially (about 50%) perforated (grid or sieve). Between the main cathode anel the sample another metallic grid AG with a transparency of approximately 25% can be charged with a modest dc potential ( ± 10 to ± 200 V) to accelerate or decelerate thc emitted electrons and to raise or to lower the main breakdown voltage. 1 In the experimental switch of Fig. 1, the auxiliary grid serves also as the main diagnostic tool for determining current and charge of the emitted elec tron beam. Pulse length, current density, and energy of the electron beam are controlled by the current amplitude, by the polar ity and the rise time ofthe high-voltage pulse, and by the dc Z= 50 Q HVs R:: Z ,/ / ./ ..- / .... /' A.,. -e + [$ AG I Integrator 444 GE I " , • " , HVf-pl.lIse FE LJ FIG. L Schematic of electron-beam-triggered hollow cathode switch. A, •. 7 switch anode; C, switch cathode (gnp distance 10 mm): BV,' switch charging voltage; L,R charging cablc impedance and matching resistor; ! c insulators, AG = auxiliary grid (25% transparen cy); GE = grid electrode (50% transparency); RE = rear sample elec trode; FE = ferroelectrk sample; HV} -, HV pulse for polarization rever sal of FE; e = electron beam. 2071 Appl. Phys. Lett 54 (21), 22 May 1989 0003-6951/89/212071 -03$01.00 (c) 1989 American Institute of Physics 2071 Downloaded 20 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsO.25A1div 100 ns/div 500 V/a!v 200 V/div FIG. 2. Waveforms of emitted current measured on AG (top), voltage on A, (middle), and voltage on RE (bottom) measured with a negative HV v pulse of I kV amplitude on RE of the switch shown in Fig. 1. The hias potcntial Oil AG is zero. The total emitting area ofthc sample is SO mm', but less than 10% of the electron beam is injected into the main switch. potential applied to the auxiliary grid AG. It is also impor tant to which electrode of the sample the HV pulse is applied. Figure 2 demonstrates emission lit the start of a negative pulse applicd to the rear electrode RE of a PLZT 7/65/35 sample. Whenever the potential difference betwccn GE and RE reaches a threshold value, P, is changed and emission takes place. The electron beam emission can only start from free parts of the ferroelectric surface. When the HV pulse is over, P, in part of the domains and grains reverses back to the original state induced by depolarization fields arrd me chanical stresses inside the sample. The next HV pulse can be repeated shortly afterwards. The maximum charge !::.q, = !::.P,Fo that can bc emitted during one emission cycle, is limited by the possible value of spontaneous polarization change !::.P \ and by the nonelectroded surface area F;). In order to enable fast polarization changes, the HV F pulse must have a sufficiently high electric field amplitUde (threshold). The HV F pulse must also be generated in a low impedance circuit to provide a high current amplitude, pre ferably of the order of 100 A or more, in order to remove or restore compensation charges via the electrodes. The current amplitude iF determines the rise time tr o[the voltage HVF on the sample during P, change, so that iFt,:z !::.P\F(l", where te is the emission time; t" will tin ally be limited by material properties. but at present this limit has not been reached yet. Figure 2 demonstrates that the main discharge of the switch coincides with the electron emission. The results of the experimental switch were obtained with a thyristor pulse generator of 1.0 k V amplitude, 100 ns rise time on 50 fl, and 20 A current amplitude. The whole assembly was operated in air at atmospheric pressure, whereas the discharge volume and the ferroelectric sample were under nitrogen pressure ranging from 0.1 to 100 Fa. The main switch voltage HV, of the 50 n discharge circuit was limited to a few kilovolts. There is evidence that the switch is fired directly by the electron beam. The maximum energy of the emitted elec trons depends on the sample thickness d and is of the order of b.Psd IE, where IE = ErEn is the permittivity of the ferroelec tric material at the moment of reversal. The average energy ofthe emitted electrons should be chosen such that the maxi mum ionization cross section for the given low-pressure gas atmosphere (typically arourrd 100 eV for most gases) is achieved. If every electron has to perform several ionization 2072 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 21,22 May 19S9 5kV OkV 5ns/d!v (a) 15kV OkV 5ns/div (b) FIG< 3. Jitter orthe main discharge pulse on A, connected to a storage ca pacilorof2 nF charged to (a) 5 kV (voltagconAG = + 100 V) and (b) 15 kV (vohilge on AG C~ + 400 V). In both cases the pressure was 150 Pa. The PZLT 2/95/5 sample was pulsed with -' kV amplitude from 50 n. The discharge starts about 100 ns after the start of the HV F pulse. acts on its way to the main anode of the switch, then starting energies of less than 1 ke V arc needed. Figures 3 (a) and 3 (b) show the Jitter ofthe discharge of a 2 nF capacitor through the main switch for two different charging voltages. A PLZT 2/95/5 sample served as emitter which was pulsed from a 50 n generator with an amplitUde of 3 kV, 15 ns rise time, and a pulse length of 200 ns. Al though the trigger geometry and the emission current ( < 10 A) injected into the main switch were far from being opti mized, jitter values below ± 5 ns could be reached. The same is true for the bias voltage on AG which was chosen in the range of 100--400 V. The ferroelectric sample was placed 31 mm away from the main cathode C, . Compared to vacuum the low-pressure gas leads to some gas amplification (by a factor of less than 3) of the electron current. The new method of large-volume ioniza tion by electron emission from a ferroelectric medium is ideally suited for precisely switching high voltages and high currents at high-power levels. High-volt.<ge closing switches profit from the absence of heated electrodes, auxiliary glow discharges, or the intermediate stage oflaser illumination to produce enough charge carriers for breakdown. The high density electron beam allows arbitrary discharge cross sec tions to be chosen, such as multiple channels or ring-shaped discharges. Very low inductance switches can be built with hollow beams. Also the erosion of the main electrodes will be reduced accordingly. The beam energy, the gas pressure, and the discharge geometry can be chosen such that optimum ionization rates are obtained. One can envisage using this effect also for closing-opening switches where a large volume discharge is controlled by the presence of an electron beam. Gas amplification has to be avoided by choosing a mixture of attaching and nonattaching gases.5 Adaptation to a large range of power-switching situa- Gundel eta/. 2072 Downloaded 20 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionstions can be achieved through the control of the electron beam by such factors as material, geometry, and electrodes of the sample, HV pulse characteristics and circuit imped ance, auxiliary grid potential, and gas pressure. The authors thank Daniel Boimond for his help during the experiments and for the construction of the electronic switching circuit. 'D. Bloess, L Kamber, H. Riege, G. Bittner, V. Bruckner, J. Christiansen, K. Frank, W. Hartmann, N. Lieser, C Schultheiss, R. Seebikk, and W. 2073 Appl. Phys. Lett.. Vol. 54, No. 21.22 May 1989 ........................... •••••• ............. ~ ••••• o;.7'NN ••••••••• q: •• ~.7'7' •••• ~"7' •••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• •••••••• Steudtner, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 205, 173 (1983). 'P. Billault, H. Riege. M. van Gulik, E. Boggasch, K. Frank, and R. See bock. CERN 87-13,1987. 'n. Gundel, H. Riege, E. J. N. WilSall, J. Handerek, and K. Zioutas, "Fast Polarization Changes in FC'!Toelectrics and their Applicatiolls in Accelera tors," CERN PS/88-53 (AR) 1988, to be published in Nuel. lustrum. Methods. 4H. Gundel, H. Riege, E. J. N. Wilson, J. Handen.,k, and K. Zioutas, "Fast Polarization Changes in PZT Ceramics by High-Voltage Pulses," CERN PS/88-54 (AR) 1988, presented at the 1st European Conference on Appli cations of Polar Dielectrics and International Symposium on Applications of Perroelectrics, Ziirich. August 1988. 'I:. Vitkowitsky, High Power Switching (Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1987), p. 213. Gundel et a/. 2073 Downloaded 20 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://apl.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
Phthalocyanine semiconductor sensors for roomtemperature ppb level detection of toxic gases T. A. Temofonte and K. F. Schoch Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 1350 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343031 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343031 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Room Temperature ppb Level Chlorine Gas Sensor Based on Copper (II) 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25octabutoxy29 H, 31 Hphthalocyanine Films AIP Conf. Proc. 1313, 205 (2010); 10.1063/1.3530491 Room-temperature hydrogen gas sensor Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 164101 (2005); 10.1063/1.2077865 Room-temperature semiconductor heterostructure refrigeration Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 022103 (2005); 10.1063/1.1992651 Room-temperature semiconductor gas sensor based on nonstoichiometric tungsten oxide nanorod film Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 213105 (2005); 10.1063/1.1929872 Room-temperature detection of mobile impurities in compound semiconductors by transient ion drift J. Appl. Phys. 81, 6684 (1997); 10.1063/1.365563 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:55:47Phthalocyanine semiconductor sensors for roomatemperature ppb level detection of toxic gases T. A Temofonte and K. F. Schoch Westinghouse Research and Development Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235 (Received 31 May 1988; accepted for publication 4 October 1988) Nickel and lead phthalocyanine (NiPc and PbPc) thin films prepared by vacuum sublimation have been investigated for use as gas sensors. High sensitivity (25 ppb), reversibility, and very fast response time (~ seconds) have been demonstrated for detection of N02 at room temperature. The sensor output increases by five to seven orders of magnitude as the gas concentration is increased from ~ 2 X 101 to 6 X 104 ppb. Measurements of transient response characteristics versus gas concentration exhibited a simple logarithmic dependence. Application of this approach to the detection of other agents is discussed. It appears that the unique electrical properties of these films are a result of the film morphology associated with our specific deposition approach. Detection based on optical sensing ofN02 has also been demonstrated. I. INTRODUCTION Phthalocyanine compounds have been known for some time to display substantial changes in electrical, optical, and magnetic properties in reaction with various oxidizing and reducing agents. 1-8 These properties can be exploited for a number of chemical sensor applications. A generalized phthalocyanine molecule is shown in Fig. 1, Metal phthalo cyanine (MPc) is distinguished from the free ligand by the presence of a metal atom (e.g., Ni, Pb, Zn, Cu, etc.) which replaces two hydrogen atoms in the center of the phthalo cyanine ring. The crystal structure of these compounds is such that they can easily accommodate dopant molecules in channels adjacent to the phthalocyanine stacks. When a molecule such as N02 is chemisorbed onto MPc or H2Pc, surface charge-transfer interactions occur, resulting in a very large increase in surface conductivity. The process is somewhat analogous to doping intrinsic silicon to produce a p-type semiconductor. The charge transfer increases the conductivity by greatly increasing the number of charge car riers, which for phthalocyanines are holes. The highest occu pied molecular orbital (HOMO) in MPc compounds is the ligand centered, so the metal atom has little influence on the oxidation reaction. Moreover, the energy level of HOMO is such that a reaction with oxidizing agents readily occurs, removing an electron from the ring system. The result is a p type material which has been confirmed by thermopower measurements of iodine-doped compounds.9 locyanine (MPc) films by gas species. Wright and co workers have investigated the effects of static pressures of O2, N02, and BF3 on needlelike single crystals ofperylene, tetracyanoquinodimethane, and various phthalocyanines (Zn, Co, Mn, Pb, Cu, Ni, and HZ).12 They have shown that pressures as low as 7.6 mTorr ofN02 will lower the surface For example, after deliberate chemical doping with io dine,1 the resistivity of NiPc powder increases from 1012 to 0.7 n cm. Similar conductivity enhancements are observed in other phthalocyanine compounds, such as CuPe, FePc, PbPc, and even in the free ligand, HzPc, and a class of phtha locyanine polymers, [Si (Pc) 0 1" . 1.10 MPc compounds have several other extremely attractive properties, including their impressive thermal stability, simple processing characteris tics, and low cost. It In recent years, three groups in England have investigat ed the electrical resistance changes produced in metal phtha-FIG. !. Metal phthalocyanine molecular stacking arrangement after dop ing 1350 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (3), 1 February 1989 0021-5979/59/031350-06$02.40 @ 1959 American Institute of Physics 1350 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:55:47resistivity ofMPc crystals, but a sheet resistance decrease of approximately seven orders of magnitude is observed when the pressure is increased to 7.6 Torr. They report that the effect can be reversed by exposure to NH 3 gas or by heating at 150·C under vacuum but observed no effect on exposure to C2H4, CO, or alkylated pyridines. They have also investi gated the effects of N02 on thin films of PbPc measured at 155 ·C,13 which will be discussed in Sec. HI. Batt and Jones have reported the use of thin films of PbPc and H2Pc as detectors of N02 in air mixtures at con centrations of 1 ppb-20 ppm. 14 They made all their measure ments at 100-170·C in a flow apparatus. Films of 0.3-1.0 p,m thickness were deposited on alumina substrates and they were stable at 150 ·C for 4-6 months of continuous operation in still air. They report that S.O-ppm HzS, 40-ppm NH3, 10- ppm S02' lOO-ppm H2, 1 % CH, and H20 vapor at 50% relative humidity caused less than 20% change in the re~lis tance of either type of Pc film. They contend that this resis tance change is essentially a surface phenomenon as the ef fect is the same in films throughout the thickness range. Copper phthalocyanine has been incorporated into a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film,15 Films consisting of eight layers were transferred onto metallized substrates for resis tivity measurements. The effect ofN02 in N2 was studied at concentrations 00-120 ppm. LB films, however, are expect ed to be quite fragile and the sensitivity reported here is rath er low compared to vapor-deposited films. On the basis of these developments, we have begun an investigation of the MPc family of organic semiconductors using NiPc and PbPc as the active sensing materials. These were initially deposited onto a variety of substrates, some containing interdigitated electrodes to permit preliminary analysis and evaluation of resistivity changes of various sens ing layers on exposure to NOz. We have determined the structure of these films by transmission electron microscopy (TEM},16 The substrate temperature during deposition is crucial for determining the morphology ofthe film. Because the electrical properties MPc single crystals are highly aniso, tropic, the crystallite orientation in the film is expected to be important in determining the electrical properties of the film. This point will be discussed further in Sec. III C. Work is also currently underway using field-effect tran sistor (FET) sensor structures to permit measurement of gas species with comparable sensitivity but lower noise than current observed, 17 This device structure is similar to that reported by workers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. 18 Since the deposition conditions for our thin films are completely com patible with such structures, smart multisensor arrays are feasible. Other work in progress includes the response of CuPc and H2Pc to N02 and CO, as well as the temperature dependence of the transient and equilibrium sensor re sponse. The work reported here, however, focuses on the response of NiPc and PbPc to N02 using an interdigitated electrode structure. H. EXPERIMENT A. Sample preparation Nickel phthalocyanine (Eastman) was purified by mul tiple vacuum sublimations (430 ·C, 1-pm Hg). Lead phtha- 1351 J, Appl. Phys., Vol, 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 locyanine was prepared by the literature procedure from phthalonitrile and PbO. 11 This compound was subsequently purified by sublimation under identical condi.tions. Compo sition was confirmed by infrared spectrum and elemental analysis. Typically, a thin film of NiPc was deposited by vacuum sublimation in a tube furnace at 430 .c. The source material wasO.14 g of multiply sublimed NiPc. Deposition took place over 25-30 min in a dynamic vacuum of < 1 mTorr. Films of PbPc were deposited in a similar manner, in that case using 0.12 g of sublimed material and depositing for 40-60 min at 160'C. The substrate with an interdigitated electrode pat tern was positioned such that its temperature would be ap proximately 160°C. Films of NiPc and PbPc were deposited onto bare and e1ectroded ceramic and glass substrates as well as NaCl plates for IR characterization (see Sec. II D), Bare sub strates were used for surface profilometry measurements us ing a Dektak H. Electroded substrates were used to monitor surface sheet resistance (Ps) changes of the films on expo sure to various concentrations of N02• B. Sensor studies After film deposition, samples were transferred from the deposition tube to the gas exposure system. Each speci men was baked out at 190°C for 2 h under dynamic vacuum prior to gas exposure. Initial values of sheet resistance [typi cally (1-4) X 1016 OlD] were determined prior to exposing the sensors to mixtures of N02 in air. Concentrations of 25 ppb, 1.2 ppm, and 60 ppm were used. These mixtures were prepared by successive dilution from either neat N02 (Matheson, > 99.5% purity) or an anlayzed NOz/air mix ture. Matheson Ultra-Zero air ( < 0.1 ppm total hydrocar bon) was used for these dilutions. The total gas pressure above the samples during the measurement was 560-580 Torr. Measurements of current were made at various inter vals after initial exposure for typical electrode potentials of 1 v. C. Infrared studies Infrared spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 1310 grating spectrometer using films deposited on salt plates un der the same conditions as those to be used in preparing the samples for electrical measurements. This technique was used to establish the need for multiple sublimation of the starting material in order to permit deposition of thin films ofpUTe MPc. Because of previous work with phthalocyanines, which showed a dramatic change in IR transmission due to chemi cal doping, 10 similar measurements were made with these films. The results will be discussed in detail elsewhere, it} but the IR transmission diminishes dramatically due to the cre ation of free carriers during reaction with NOl, The IR re sponse to variously treated NiPc films deposited on a salt plate is depicted in Fig. 2. This effect is reversible, corre sponding to the change in electrical conductivity. The broad, free-carrier absorption can be related to gas concentration qualitatively.19 This method of detection, however, was T. Ao Temofonte and K. F. Schoch 1351 ··.·.·.·.·'".· .•••• __ ......... , •••••••••••••.•.••• _r ••• ~r."-u •• -__ •.•• -~ -r -• -•• " ••••••••••••• ~ •• ;O;' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.,.:.:.:.:.: ••• :.:.: ••• : ••• v .•...•.•.•. , .............. 7 ... __ ...... _ .......... --; •• _.~;- ........... ~ .. .. [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:55:47C60~!I'~/J .~ ~ ~ ~ 40 NiPc + NOZ ' 2. 20 I .~ o[ (bl , I I .. ..J.. __ .L I I 1 1 . J so 60 -NiPc + N02 + Heat + Vac -1 Wavenumbers{cm I FIG. 2. IR spectra of NiPc films: (a) as-deposited, (b) after exposure to 677-Torr N02 for 1 h, (e) after subsequent heating at 150"C for 16 h under dynamic vacuum. found to be less sensitive than the electrical effect. The figure also shows evidence of trapped NOz in the film after bake out, with absorptions near 1700 em -I and interaction of NOz with the NaG substrate at 1360 em -I. The response to ppm concentrations and a more detailed treatment of this result are given in Ref. 19. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Films of NiPc and PbPc were deposited from multiply sublimed source material on Pyrex or alumina substrates. Depositions onto alumina substrates gave coarse grainy lay ers, evident in the SEM photograph shown in Fig. 3. Films FlG. 3. SEM micrograph taken at 5000X of NiPc film deposited Ollto alu mina. 1352 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 deposited simultaneously onto Pyrex were much more uni form, as shown in Fig. 4, Other workers 14 have found that films vacuum deposited onto alumina substrates were dis~ continuous at thicknesses below 0.3 11m. Based on these two observations and because we thought that very thin films should be crucial to obtaining fast, sensitive detector re sponse, work on alumina substrates was not pursued further. Films of NiPc and PbPc used for gas sensor measurements were deposited over the thickness range 0.02-0.3 11m, but typical thicknesses were 0.15 pm. The layers were fragile and easily penetrated by the profilometer stylus, but a thin metal overlayer was sufficient to overcome this problem. Immediately after deposition, in situ measurements of thin-film surface sheet resistance prior to gas or ambient ex posure are typically (1-4) X 1016 HID. The desired concen tration ofN02 was obtained by successive dilution with air. Several specimens were initially exposed to pure air and showed no response. The dependence of surface sheet resistance on gas con centration for one NiPc sensor exposed to from 25 to 63 000 ppb N02 is given in Fig. 5. Similar results were obtained for PbPc sensors, as shown in Fig. 6, but with greater response at low concentrations. In this concentration range, the sensor conductivity is easily returned to its initial value prior to gas exposure by heating to 160"C under dynamic vacuum. If one assumes that the conductivity change is linearly related to the number of absorbed gas molecules on the MPc surface, i.e., [u(P) -0'(0)] = k/J, (0 then the behavior shown in Figs. 5 and 6 can be described by the Fruendlich adsorption isotherm, 12 e=k1pr, (2) where e is the fraction of surface covered at some pressure P, and kJ and yare constants. Also, (J(P) is the film conductiv ity at some gas partial pressure P, 0'( 0) is the film conductiv ity prior to gas exposure and 0' = P 1 = Up, ) -I, and p, p" and t are the bulk resistivity, surface sheet resistance, and thickness, respectively, of the film. FIG. 4. SEM micrograph taken at 5000 X of NiPc film deposited onto glass. T. A. Temofonte and K. F. Schoch 1352 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:55:471016 1015 1014 1013 - 0 C 1012 '" "'- lOll l-- 1010' 109 108 10° 106 FlG. 5. Variation of surface sheet resistance of NiPc sensors with NOz con centration at room temperature. 1016 1015 1014 1013 1012 0 a in lOll 0. 1010 ~ >- 1Q9 i 108 10° 105 106 FIG. 6. Variation of surface sheet resistance ofPbPc sensors with NOz COll centration at room temperature. 1353 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 At fixed volume and temperature, the gas partial pres sure is proportional to the gas concentration. The depen dence of surface sheet resistance on gas concentration can thus be written (3) where" is a constant, c is the gas concentration, and Ps (0) is the value of surface sheet resistance prior to gas exposure, i.e., Ps = Ps (0) at e = O. When !3er ~ 1, it follows that logps = log[ps (O)//3l -r log c. (4) Therefore, r is the slope of a plot of log Ps vs log c. The equilibrium N204~2 NOz is well known to be extremely dependent on temperature and concentration.2o,2J The equilibrium constant, however, un der the conditions of these experiments shows that the gas phase consists of approximately 98%-99% NOzo If a gas molecule dissociates upon adsorption to n atoms, each occu pying a separate site, and the adsorbed layer is immobile, then ideally y = lIn.22 For nondissociative adsorption of a single species, r = 1. However, the value of rfor NiPcis 1.9 based on the data shown in Fig. 5. The value ofrforthe PbPc sensor response shown in Fig. 6 is 1.7. Data characterized by such large slopes have also been reported12 for room-tem perature measurements of needlelike single crystals of other metal phthalocyanines, The physical significance of r> 1 is not currently understood. However, two possible mecha nisms which we speculate might give rise to r> 1 are (]) association of N02 molecules on the surface forming N204 (also an electron acceptor), and (2) reaction of N02 with MPc sites in the bulk. Verification of the latter mechanisms would require measurements of Ps at much smaller incre ments of gas concentration than was done in the current study. The transient response characteristics for a PbPc sensor measured at room temperature are shown in Fig. 7, where the log of normalized sensor current versus log of time is plotted for various concentrations. At 25-ppb NOz, the rise time to 90% change is -90 s. At the same concentration, the NiPc sensors gave a rise time of less than 60 s. Note that these values include the time required for establishing equi librium gas concentration within the exposure chamber. Bott and Jones 14 have reported a 90% rise time of -90 s for PbPc films measured at 170°C on exposure to 50-ppb NOz' They also measured response time as a function of tempera ture. If we assume that their data can be extrapolated to room temperature, the response time of their sensor would be expected to be ;;;, 3 X 104 s. At 1.2 ppm, the behavior shown in Fig. 7 is similar to that reported by Wright and co workers \3 for thin films of PbPc-exposed to 4-ppm NOz at 155°c' At the highest concentration sensed (60 ppm), there is an initial fast rise « 60 s) followed by a slower approach to equilibrium. Workers at Durham Englandl5 have report ed similar results for the transient decay characteristics ofL B films (eight monolayers) incorporating copper phthalo cyanine exposed to 120-ppm N02 in N2• The transient response of the PbPc detector shown in Fig. 7 can be described by the Elovich equation 12 T. A. Temofonte and K. F. Schoch 1353 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:55:47" -:: r_--r--,-,-.,.,--.--r-r,-,--,--,-",,--r'-60'pp'm-''''-' Tll 104 / !O3 )' / / /----1,2ppm / • ,/ / ,// ... ~--------25PPD Hf .;'" .; lOG L--'---'--L.W_'---'-.!-U._'--..I-1.--W.---'_L..J...,w ~ 0 ~ t. soc FIG, 7, Transient response of a PbPc sensor at 2S-ppb, L2-ppm, and 60- ppm NO, at room temperature, de - = a exp( -be), dt (5) where a and b are time invariant. It is commonly observed that the rate of adsorption of gases onto a variety of solid surfaces can be described by this equation, 23 Integrating Eq, (5) once gives 8= (l/b)lnCt/to+ 1), (6) where to = Cab) -1, Recall that () is assumed proportional to the conductivity change, which in turn is proportional to the change in sensor current, Figures 8 and 9 show the data from 700 , "" '1 1 """'7" 1 i II 600 500 -- o 400 200 100 o~~~~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~ 101 102 103 :05 t, sec FIG, 8, Elovich plot a PbPc sensor for exposure to 1.2-ppm N02 at room temperature, 1354 J, Appl. Phys" Vol. 65, No, 3,1 February 1989 700,000 - 600,000 500,000 ~::~ 2OO,ooor I 100 ~ LI_L--'...LJ-LU 'l:---'--~L.w!..LLL"L,-...J..........L.JI--'I.J.I.L1I1.i.l"-:----'--.LL1 --'-I ,WI !..uJ] 101 102 103 104 10' t, sec FIG, 9, Elovich plot a PbPc sensor for exposure to tiD-ppm N02 at room temperature, Fig, 7 (for response of PbPc to 1,2-and 60-ppm N02 in air, respectively) replotted in terms of normalized sensor cur rent versus log time, As expected from Eq, (6), the current increases slowly at first for t small compared to to, then in creases linearly with log t for t ~ to' There is also considerable interest in the detection of chemical warfare (CW) agents, Since the organic com pound dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) is chemical ly similar to and exhibits similar adsorption onto charcoal as organophosphorus CW agents, it has been considered to be a simulant for these agents. A simple experiment was thus done to test the response of NiPc to DMMP. Detection of 6, 7 ppb at room temperature was observed, Subsequent heat treatment (as was done for N02 exposure) returned the sen sor sheet resistance to approximately the value measured prior to exposure. Further experiments are clearly indicated, The reason for the greater sensitivity of the present films to NOz at room temperature can be understood by examina tion of the crystallite structure of the films.16,24 If the sub strate temperature is between 5 and 15°C during film depo sition, the crystallites form with the stacking axis directed away from the substrate surface, the subsequent heating will not change the structure,24 Other workers have studied the electrical properties of films having this structure,13 If the substrate temperature is higher during deposition, as with the present films, the stacking axis is parallel to the substrate surface,16,24 Figure 10 shows TEM and electron diffraction patterns of one of our NiPc thin films deposited at 16O·C under the same conditions as the optical and electrical sensor samples, The stacking axis (coincident with the needle axis in this case) is parallel to the growth surface, and the spacing between lattice lines is 12 A, as shown in the figure. A more detailed treatment of these results is given in Ref, 16, It is well known that the conductivity in iodine-doped MPc com pounds is approximately 100 times higher parallel to the stacking direction than perpendicular to the stacking direc tion, I Thus, measuring the sheet resistance of a film the stacking axes of which are parallel to the substrate will pro duce a much more sensitive N02 detector than measuring T, A, Temofonte and K, F, Schoch 1354 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:55:47{i,OOOX 2,OOO.OOOX FIG. 10. TEM and electron diffraction pattern of a NiPc thin film deposited at 160 'c. across the stacking axes, which occurs in Iilms deposited on cooled substrates. IV. CONCLUSION Organic semiconductor thin-film (MPc) gas sensor having ultrahigh sensitivity (0;,;;25 ppb) and very fast re sponse time (0;,;;60 s) have been demonstrated. The vacuum deposited films used in this study were significantly thinner than those reported by other workers. Results presented ill this report were obtained at room temperature, whereas all other results regarding sensitivity and transient characteris tics for vacuum-deposited thin films have been obtained at elevated temperatures (150-170 °C). Also, detection of DMMP at room temperature is a result which should be studied further. Note that the active layers used in our sen sors have not been optimized. The device structures onto which the films were deposited were passive structures simi lar to those reported by other workers. Future work to optimize sensor characteristics is needed and low-noise, Ie-compatible FET device structures have been designed and fabricated for this purpose. Since the de position conditions for our thin films arc completely compa tible with such structures, smart multisensor arrays for toxic gas detection are feasible. 1355 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 --.-.-••• '.~ ." n ••• ",""n ••• " .~>........ . " ... -.--;-;-.-.· .... v.· •• -.;.; •• o;o;O;'~'.'-••• '.'.'.'.'.';~.";,,.~.'" .w>, ._ •• y •••••• Sensors based on optical detection of N02 are currently being evaluated, and detection in the hundreds of parts per million has already been demonstrated. Finally, we believe that the unique electrical properties of these films are a result of the film morphology associated with our specific deposition approach. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are pleased to acknowledge G. Kostyak, K. Pfeiffer, M. Testa, and J. Bronner for substrate preparation; J. Greggi and W. Hughes for TEM and electron diffraction characterization; J. Szedon for useful discussions; and D. Smoody, G. Law, K. Mercalde, and K. Haun for assistance in manuscript preparation. Ie. s. Schramm. R. P. Scaringe, D. R. Stojakovic, II. M. Hoffman, J. A. Iher8, and T. J. Marks. J. Amer. Chern. Soc. 102, 6702 (1980). "R. L. van Ewyk, A. V. Chadwick. :mdJ. D. Wright, J. Chern. Soc. Faraday Trans. 177,73 (198\). 'M. E. Musser and S. e. Dahlberg, Surf. Sci. 100, 60S (1980). ·Y. Sakai, Y. Sadaoka, and H. Yokouchi, Bull. Chern. Soc. Jpn. 47, 1886 (1974). 'So e. Dahlberg and M. E. Musser, J. Chern. Phys. 70, 5021 (1979). 6R. O. Loutfy, 1. H. Sharp, C. K. Hseao. and R. Ho, J. Appl.l'hys. 52, 5218 (1981 ). 7p. M. Burr, P. D. Jeffery. J. D. Benjamin, and M. J. Uren. Th.in Solid Films 151, Llll (1987). "H. Lours and G. Heiland, Thin Solid Films 149, 129 (1987). "W. Waclawek and M. Zabkowska-Waclawck, Thin Solid Films 146, 1 (1987). lOB. N. Diel, T. Inabe, J. W. Lyding, K. F. Schoch, Jr., C. R. Kannewurf, and T. J. Marks, J. Amer. Chern. Soc. 105, 1551 (1983). IIF. H. Moser and A. L. 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Fieldeffect transistor using a solid electrolyte as a new oxygen sensor Yuji Miyahara, Keiji Tsukada, and Hiroyuki Miyagi Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 63, 2431 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341038 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.341038 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/63/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in A graphene field-effect capacitor sensor in electrolyte Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 154106 (2012); 10.1063/1.4759147 Threshold voltage control of Pt-Ti-O gate Si-metal-insulator semiconductor field-effect transistors hydrogen gas sensors by using oxygen invasion into Ti layers J. Appl. Phys. 110, 074515 (2011); 10.1063/1.3645028 Electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistors for sensing applications Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 153302 (2011); 10.1063/1.3581882 Miniaturized diamond field-effect transistors for application in biosensors in electrolyte solution Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 063901 (2007); 10.1063/1.2454390 Doubleinjection fieldeffect transistor: A new type of solidstate device Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1386 (1986); 10.1063/1.96917 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:57:16Field .. effect transistor using a solid electrolyte as a new oxygen sensor Yuji Miyahara, Keiji Tsukada, and Hiroyuki Miyagi Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., 1-280, Higashikoigakubo, Kokubunji. Tokyo 185, Japan (Received 27 April 1987; accepted for publication 13 November 1987) A field-effect transistor (FET) using a solid electrolyte is proposed in the present study as a new oxygen sensor. The sensor is fabricated by depositing a thin layer ofyttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) on a gate insulator of an insulated gate field-effect transistor (lGFET). As an IGFET has an ability to transform impedance, the potential change produced at the interface between the YSZ layer and a platinum gate electrode can be detected stably, even if the impedance of the YSZ is very high. The response of the fabricated sensor showed good reproducibility at 20 "c. A linear relationship between output voltage and logarithmic partial pressure of oxygen was obtained in the range from 0.01 to 1 atm. Sensitivity of the sensor was found to depend on the thickness of the Pt-gate electrode and sputtering conditions of the YSZ layer. Although selectivity to hydrogen and carbon monoxide was not good at room temperature, it could be improved by increasing the operating temperature to 100"C. The developed sensor has several advantages induding small size, low output impedance, and solid state construction. It is potentially applicable to medical uses, process control, and automobiles. I. INTRODUCTION There is increasing interest in miniaturized and multi functional chemical sensors for rapid analyses using sman samples and/or on-line measurements. For example, minia turized Clark-type oxygen sensors have been fabricated us ing integrated circuit technologies, especially for use in the medica! field.l--4 However, these sensors have complicated fabrication processes, because they generally need electro lyte solutions between the cathode and anode to operate. On the other hand, zirconia oxygen sensors have been utilized in automobiles and the steel manufacturing indus try. These sensors can be operated only at elevated tempera tures, i.e., higher than 500 ·C, because the resistivity of zir conia is too high for stable operation at lower temperatures. Although a thin-film oxygen sensor using sputtered calcia~ stabilized zirconia has been reported operable at a lower temperature than the conventional zirconia oxygen sensor, Le., at about 300 "C,5 there are no reports of zirconia oxygen sensors which can be operated at around room temperature. This study proposes a new solid-state oxygen sensor, operable at room temperature. It is fabricated by depositing a thin layer of solid electrolyte on a gate insulator of an insu lated gate field-effect transistor (I G FET). In this paper, this sensor is referred as a FET~type oxygen senser. Since an I GFET transforms an input signal with high impedance into an output signal with low impedance, the FET -type oxygen sensor is operable at room temperature, even if solid electro lytes with high resistivity, like zirconia, are used. Funda mental characteristics of the PET -type oxygen sensor with a zirconia solid electrolyte are described in this paper. iI. EXPERIMENT The cross section and the layout of the FET -type oxygen sensor are shown in Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b), respectively. Eight PETs are integrated in a 5 X 5 mm2 square chip. The sensor is an n-channel depletion-mode PET, having a channel 40 pm long and 1600 pill wide. The gate insulator consists of a 60- nrn-thick layer of Si02 covered by a 94-nm-thick layer of Si3N4• On the SiJN4 layer, a 200-um-thick layer of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) was deposited. The gate electrode is about a lO~nm-thick layer of platinum which shows cata lytic activity towards oxygen dissociation. The starting material was p-type silicon having a (100) orientation with 9-12 .n em resistivity. The gate oxide was thermally grown to a thickness of 60 nm in dry oxygen at 1000 ·C. The source and drain were formed by an arsenic implantation at 80 keY with a dose ofS X 1015 em -2. Silicon nitride was deposited on the gate oxide by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition to a thickness of 94 urn. After etching of the source and drain contact hoies, the source and drain contacts were made by evaporating aluminum silicon Pt 10 nm '.:.;<:::.:':.'?:'~:/;:;:':'~'.~.'\::':":';~'::'?'{'.:::: YSZ 200 nm 1-----------1 SitN4 94 nm 1------.,---- .... --.... SiOz GO nm ~ .~ p-51 Is) AI pad {bl --1tnm FIG. 1. Structure of the FET-type oxygen sensor incorporating an yttria-sta biIized zirconia (YSZ) thin layer: (a) cross section; (b) layout. 2431 J. AppL Phys. 63 (7), 1 April 1968 0021-8979/88/072431-04$02.40 © 1988 American Institute of PhYSics 2431 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:57:16(1 %) to a thickness of 900 nm.The wafer was then annealed at 450 DC in hydrogen atmosphere for 30 min. YSZ was deposited on the silicon nitride layer by rf sput tering through a mask in a plasma atmosphere of 50% 02-Ar mixture at a total pressure of 6.6 Pa using the sintered YSZ target whose composition was 8 mol % Y 203 and 92 mol % Zr02• The substrate temperature was about 70 DC during sputtering. The structure of the sputtered YSZ layer was studied by reflective high-energy electron diffraction. From the pattern of reflective high-energy electron diffraction, the YSZ layer deposited on the Si3N4 layer was found to be a cubic Zr02 structure with (110) orientation. The platinum electrode was deposited by rf sputtering through a mask in a plasma atmosphere of pure argon at a pressure of 6.6 Pa and at ambient temperature. Conceptually, the potential at the Pt-YSZ interface changes foHowing a change in partial pressure of oxygen and it results in an equivalent gate voltage change of the FET. This in turn causes a change in the drain current of the FET which is to be measured. But it is better to detect a potential change at the Pt-YSZ interface directly in order to analyze the response mechanism. In this study, the responses of the FET-type oxygen sensor were measured using the circuit shown in Fig. 2, which has been used to measure sensitivity of an ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET).6 The po tential change at the Pt-YSZ interface, that is, the change of the threshold voltage, could be read out directly at a con stant drain current. Selectivity of the FET -type oxygen sen sor was measured using the system shown in Fig. 3. The FET sensor was mounted in a flow cell having a dead volume of approximately 50 pI. The flow ceU was set in an air oven for which temperature could be controlled in the range from room temperature to about 400 0c. The carrier gas was ni trogen, which contained 1-ppm oxygen as an impurity, flow ing at 70 ml/min. One ml of various kinds of gases was inject ed into the carrier gas by a syringe and carried through a stainless tube to the flow celio All the gases used in the selec tivity experiment were gases (99.9% purity) commonly used for gas chromatography. Oxygen content in these gases was less than 0.02%. iii. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The FET -type oxygen sensor was exposed to ] -atm oxy gen and nitrogen in turn. A typical time response curve of the sensor is shown in Fig. 4. This is good reproducibility in the repeated stepwise change in a partial pressure of oxygen. The time course is composed of rapid response with a time 2432 FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of the measuring circuit. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No.7, 1 April 1988 Syringe Sample Carrier Gas ____ ~ __ _rT-~~~ Nz Air Oven Pt Resistor --1 : Exhaust Sensor FIG. 3. Experimental setup used for the selectivity measurement. constant of about 30 s and a subsequent slow drift. The out put voltage reaches a steady state 40-60 min after the partial pressure of oxygen is changed. The slow response might be due to diffusion and/or drift of the charged species, i.e., 02- ions or electrons in the YSZ layer. The threshold voltage of the FET increases in the presence of oxygen and when oxy gen is replaced by nitrogen, it decreases to the original level. Threshold voltage of an n-channel metal-insulator-sem iconductor field-effect transistor (MISFET) is written as? VT = ¢1ms -(Q,IC 1) + 2t/;B + [~4€sqN---;'-(2lP~) leI] , (1) where V T is the threshold voltage, ¢ms is the work function difference between the gate metal and silicon substrate, QT is the sum of the effective net oxide charge per unit area, C[ is the gate capacitance per unit area, tPo is the potential differ ence between the Fermi level and the intrinsic Fermi level, Es is the permittivity of silicon, q is the elementary charge, and NA is the density of the acceptors. The values of the third and the last terms in Eq. (1) are not changed by a change in oxygen partial pressure. Accordingly, the change in the threshold voltage of the FET-type oxygen sensor is caused by a change in the first or the second term in Eq. (1). A hydrogen-sensitive Pd-or Pt-gate metai-oxide-semiconduc tor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) whose threshold vol tage decreases in the presence of hydrogen has been reported to be sensitive to oxygen in the presence ofhydrogen.8•1! This phenomenon is explained by a change in the work function difference as a result of production of water by the reaction between adsorbed hydrogen atoms and oxygen molecules. In the case of the FET -type oxygen sensor, sensitivity to oxygen 5 10 15 20 25 TIME [mill] FIG. 4. Time response of the FET -type oxygen sensor measured at 20 "C. Miyahara, Tsukada, and Miyagi 2432 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:57:1614 ! 12 THEORETICAL VALUE \!5 z 10 14,5 mY/decade « :;;: u ~t Lt.I <!) FIG, 5. Calibration curve ;:! of the PET -type oxygen -' g 6,2 mY/decade sensor at 20 "C. >-::J 20 "C f!: B o 0.01 0.1 PARTIAL PRESSURE OF OXYGEN [atm] can be obtained in the absence of hydrogen. The response mechanism of the Pt/YSZ~MIS system seems to differ from that of the Pd-or Pt-MOS system. According to the model proposed for the conventional zirconia oxygen sensor, the following reaction occurs at the gas-Pt-YSZ three-phase in terface12: (2) Based on this reacti.on, the potential at the Pt-YSZ inter face changes according to the Nernst equation below: <Pi = const -(RT/4F)ln P02 ' (3) where ¢lj is the interface potential, Fis Faraday's constant, R is the gas constant, T is absolute temperature, and Po, is partial pressure of oxygen. The potential change serves as an equivalent threshold voltage change cfthe FET. As a result, the threshold voltage V T of an n-channei FET -type oxygen sensor is written as V1,=Vr-¢;" (4) where VT is the threshold voltage in the nitrogen atmo sphere. A calibration curve of the FET-type oxygen sensor is shown in Fig. 5. The linear relationship between the poten tial change and the logarithmic partial pressure of oxygen is obtained in the range from 0.01 to 1 atm. The slope of the experimental curve is 6.2 m V /decade, which i.s smaller than the theoretical value calculated from the Nernst equation. The results of our preliminary experiment show that the sen sitivity of the sensor can be increased by changing the sput tering condition ofYSZ. Accordingly, the reason for the low sensitivity of the sensor might be due to non optimized phys ical and chemical characteristics of the YSZ layer. The sensitivity of the FET -type oxygen sensor depends on the thickness of the Pt-gate electrode as shown in Fig. 6. The sensitivity becomes very poor as the Pt-gate electrode becomes thicker. The sensor with a Pt gate thicker than 50 nm shows hardly any response to changes in partial pressure of oxygen. This may be because the gas-Pt-YSZ three-phase interface becomes too small in a thick Pt layer to bring about efficient oxygen dissociation as shown in Eq. (2), On the other hand, the output voltage of the sensor having about a 5-nm thick Pt layer is unstable. It appears that the 5-nm thick Pt layer is too thin to make electrical contact as a gate electrode of the FET sensor. From the above results, the gas Pt-YSZ three-phase interface is essential for opera.tion of the 2433 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No, 7,1 April 1988 ., 7, '8 61 0 ., VSZ 200nm ~ :r. 'E >->-3t 20 ·C :: ;- iii :r z w !Jj L 0 20 lJ:) 60 80 100 THICKNESS OF PI [nmJ FIG, 6 Effect of the thickness of the Pt-gate electrode on the sensitivity of the FET -type oxygen sensor. FET -type oxygen sensor and the optimum thickness of the Pt-gate electrode is found to be about 10 nm. Selectivity tests of the FET-type oxygen sensor were carried out while changing the temperature of the device from 22 to 100 ·C. Using the system and the method as de scribed before, the obtained responses of the sensor are not steady state, but transient. The temperature dependence of peak h~~ights for various kinds of gases tested in the present study is shown in Fig. 7, The sensor responds not only to oxygen but also to hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and slightly to nitrous oxide at 22 "c. The threshold voltage of the FET decreases on exposing the Pt gate to hydrogen, while it shifts in the positive direction in the presence of carbon monoxide or nitrous oxide. The peak height for oxy gen is about half as high as that for hydrogen and about three times as high as that for carbon monoxide at 22 ·C. The peak height f.ar nitrous oxide is so small that it cannot be distin guished from the fined circles in Fig. 7. The peak heights for those gases increase with operating temperature. Besides, the response to ethylene in the negative direction is observed at 50 ·C and increases with temperature. As JJd-MIS hydrogen sensors with Si3N4, A1203, Ta20S between Pd and SiOz layers are known to be sensitive to He 300 Ar CO2 > +--+ N20 O2 E 200 eM, I-C2H6 :r: C3HS I.!) ~ w 100 I ::.:: TEMPERATURE CoC J <I: 0 W n. 100 -100 ~ -200~ PI G. 7. Temperature dependence of peak heights for various kinds of gases, Miyahara, Tsukada. and Miyagi 2433 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:57:16hydrogen,13 it is considered that the process occurring in the PtIYSZ- MIS system in response to hydrogen may be similar to that in the Pd-MIS system, that is, formation of a dipole layer at the Pt-YSZ interface giving a negative shift of the threshold voltage. The positive shift of the threshold voltage in response to carbon monoxide is in accordance with the observations by Krey, Dobos, and Zimmerl4 and Dobos, Strotman, and Zimmer, 15 who used the Pd-MOSFET with a hole-structure gate. Although they explained the response in terms of a change in the work function difference, details of the mechanism are unclear and investigation is continuing. It is known that chemisorbed ethylene on the Pt surface is decomposed in the temperature range from 290 to 500 K, resulting in production of both ethylidyne and hydrogen, while only chemisorption of ethylene on the Pt surface oc curs in the temperature range from 100 to 290 K. 16---18 It is the hydrogen produced that shifts the threshold voltage in the negative direction above 50 0c, The sensor shows no re sponse to any other gases tested in this study. IV. CONCLUSION An FET -type oxygen sensor incorporating a zirconia solid electrolyte has been proposed in this paper. By using a FET structure, the potential change produced at the Pt-YSZ interface could be measured at room temperature. At pres ent, the sensor shows a slow drift at room temperature when partial pressure of oxygen is changed. Further investigations on the mechanism occurring at the Pt-YSZ interface and in the YSZ layer are necessary to improve the characteristics of the FET-type oxygen sensor. The proposed FET -type oxygen sensor has potential ad vantages over conventional oxygen sensors due to its small size, low output impedance, and solid-state construction. Additionally, it can be integrated with other semiconductor sensors such as ISFETs and signal processing circuits on one chip. The FET -type oxygen sensor might be useful as a trans ducer in biosensors instead of the conventional Clark-type 2434 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, No.7, 1 April j 988 oxygen electrode. The proposed sensor is expected to be ap plicable in several fields including medicine, process control, and automobiles. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan. 'G. Eden, G. I Inbar, 1. Timor-Tritch, and H. 1. Bicher, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-22, 275 (l975). 2W. Siu and R. S. C. Cobbold, Med. BioI. Eng. March, 109 (1976). 3M. Esashi, J. Kouzu, and T. Matsuo, Jpn. J. Med. Electron. BioI. Eng. 18, 966 (1980). 'Y. Miyahara, F. 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Development and quality measurements of cold relativistic electron beam for lowγ free electron lasers M. Kawai, Y. Kawamura, and K. Toyoda Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 2789 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.344205 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.344205 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/7?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Relativistic effects on magnetoresonance in free-electron lasers Phys. Plasmas 7, 1309 (2000); 10.1063/1.873942 Role of beam quality in freeelectron lasers Phys. Plasmas 3, 2156 (1996); 10.1063/1.871669 Inverse freeelectron laser accelerator development AIP Conf. Proc. 335, 383 (1995); 10.1063/1.48280 Beam quality and emittance in freeelectron lasers AIP Conf. Proc. 253, 170 (1992); 10.1063/1.42160 Freeelectron laser with longitudinal wiggler in a waveguide partially filled with a relativistic electron beam J. Appl. Phys. 70, 517 (1991); 10.1063/1.350265 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:43:35Development and quaUty measurements of cold relativistic eiectron beam for low~'Y free~electron lasers M. Kawai Department of Physics, Faculty 0/ Science, Takai University, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-12, Japan Y. Kawamura and K. Toyoda Riken, The lnstiiute a/Physical and Chemical Research, Wako-s/ll; Saitama 351, Japan (Received 7 March 1988; accepted for publication 8 June 1989) A relativistic electron beam source with low temperature (cold) using a field emission cathode and uniform electrostatic acceleration has been developed for use i.n low-y free-electron lasers. An energy of 0.51 MeV and a current of 60 A (200 A/cmz) were obtained. The energy spread and the angular velocity spread were measured to be IlE / E = 0.14% and (3i/PII = 4 X 10-2, respectively. I. INTRODUCTION An intense relativistic electron beam (IREB) which is energized by a Marx generator provides an efficient laser gain in Iow-y free-electron lasers (low-y FELs). 1-4 For further improvement of the low-y FEL operation, the devel opment of the relativistic electron beams with small energy spread and high current density is necessary. The FEL oscil lation also requires a beam duration with a many times long er than round trip time oflight in a cavity. Previous attempts to generate the relativistic electron beam and measure the beam quality have been reported,S-lo but these electron beam durations were short (10-100 ns) and not long enough for the cavity oscillation in the FEL. Intense relativistic electron beam (IREB) can produce a very high current electron beam. However, the energy spread of a conventional IREB is very large, which is mea sured to be 6%.11 Recently, low emittance IREBs with im proved diode structures are reported. Single anode diodes with thermionic cathodes have generated long pulse electron beams (;;;.1 Its) and beam currents of up to :::::: 10 A at a voltage approaching 0.5 MV, but at higher voltages oper ation of the single anode diode is difficult due to the break down between the cathode and the anode. Practically speak ing, the thermionic cathode requires a heater power supply insulated from the earth potential, and operation in high vacuum « 10--0 Torr) to protect from damage by the resid ual gas. Relativistic photoelectrons (RPE) have a very small energy spread, which is of the order of the work function of the photocathode materials. 12 (The work function of several common pure metals is 2-5 e V.) The current density of the photoemission was 0.5 A/cm2, which was limited by the quantum efficiencies of photoemission and also the photon flux densities on the photocathode surface. 13 Furthermore, in case of photoemission, the pulse width of the electron beam is determined by a pulse duration of the irradiated laser beam ( < 30 ns) . In this paper, we show the generation of a cold relativis tic electron beam (CREB) having a relatively small energy spread and a small angular velocity spread using a field emis sion cathode and uniform electrostatic acceleration. This type of electron beam source has several advantages. The energy spread and the angular velocity spread at high cur-rents are extremely small compared with the conventional IREB diodes. Long duration electron beam currents are ob tained. The high-voltage components of the cathode may be extremely simple (even dc) compared with the thermionic cathode components. Moreover, the method to measure the energy spread and the angular velocity spread of the CREB are presented. The measurements of the electron beam energy spread l:!.E / E were carried out using a magnetic-deflection-type energy analyzer, II where E = (y -1 )moc2, y is the relativistic fac tor, and moc2 is the rest mass energy of an electron. The angular velocity spread/.11/f3 11 was measured using an angu lar velocity probe, 12.14 where f3 c and (3!1 are the transverse and parallel component of the electron velocity, respective ly. The method of measurement is based on measuring the Larmor radius, which corresponds to the transverse compo nent of the electron velocity /.1 ! . II. DIODE STRUCTURE AND ACCELERATING TUBE FOR CREB GENERATION The experimental apparatus for the generation of the CREB is shown in Fig. 1. A Marx generator is used to apply a high voltage to a diode as well as an accelerating tube. The electron beam is extracted from the diode of the graphite-tip cathode. The cathode-anode spacing, the cathode tip diame ter, and the inner diameter of the anode aperture were 7, 6, and 6 mm, respectively. The accelerating tube 32 cm long consists of eight gradient rings with an aperture of 20 mm in diameter. These rings are applied equally, dividing poten tials through the discharge resistors in order to obtain a uni form electric field. A magnetic field of 1.6 kG is applied in the accelerating tube by a pulsed solenoid coil to guide the electron beam along its axis. The spatial distribution of the guide magnetic' field is shown in the lower portion of Fig. 1. Details of the diode and the accelerating tube are shown in Fig. 2. The total value of the discharge resistors was 5 kH and the total capacity of the Marx generator was 2.3 nF. The calculated time constant of the discharge voltage decay was about 11.5 f1s. Hence, a relatively long pulse duration 0[200 ns was obtained within a 1 % decrease in the maximum vol tage. The dumping resistors were connected in series 2789 J. AppL Phys. 66 (7), 1 October 1989 0021-8979/89/192789-05$02.40 @) 1989 American Institute of Physics 2789 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:43:35Anguiar Votloci!y Probot ~ 1.0l .d "-III !ON O.S !;... ...... --'I...---_--~ Z(em) between each capacitor module in the Marx generator to minimize the ripple of the discharge voltage waveform. A self-integrating magnetic probe mounted at the beam exit was used to measure the electron beam current. The acceler ating voltage was measured by a copper-sulfate resistive vol tage divider. Typical output waveforms of the CREB cur rent and the accelerating voltage are shown in Fig. 3. The maximum accelerating voltage and the maximum CREE current were 0.51 MV and 60 A, respectively. Damage pat terns by RADCOLOR film 15 indicated that the profile of the electron beam was a solid core of approximately 6 mm in diameter. Hence, the electron beam current density is calcu lated to be approximately 200 A/cm2• III. BEAM QUALITY MEASUREMENTS The electron beam was qualified by measuring the ener gy spread and angular velocity spread. The energy spread b.E / E using a magnetic-deflection-type energy analyzer and the angular velocity spread f31 IfJ 11 using an angular velocity probe are described in detail below. The location ofthe mag netic-deflection-type energy analyzer and the angular veloc ity probe are shown in Fig. 1. These measurements are per turbing diagnostic, but a high degree of accuracy can be expected. Gradient ring \ .--._.- _._._--- -.-----_._. _._.- ! l' ! o 1 2 3 4 S(em) FIG. 2. A detail of the diode region and the reaccelerating tube. 2790 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 MAgnetic [)ofl..: lion TyplP Enotrgy An .. ll'nr A. Energy spread FIG. L Experimental arrangement showing the CREB source and the location of the mag netic-deflection-type energy analyzer and the angular velocity probe . The magnetic-deflection-type energy analyzer used in this experiment had a 1800 deflection with a Larmor radius Ro of 10 cm in a homogeneous transverse magnetic field. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Fig. 4. The electron beam was allowed to pass through the entrance slit having a width of S = 0.36 mm. A thin tungsten wire with a diameter of d; = 0.1 mm was used as an electron collector. After deflection by the magnetic field, the beam was focused on an electron collector wire. In order to minimize the effect of secondary electrons with the scatter from the back of the electron collector by an incidence electron beam, a graphite beam dump was placed behind the electron collector wire. The resolving power ofthe magnetic-deflection-type en ergy analyzer is given by f:.So/2Ro• where 6So is the full image width of the electron beam after half a revolution. !::..So is expressed by f:.So = (S + ¢) + 2Ro (1 -cos 8), where 8 is the divergence angle at the entrance slit and S and if; are the width of the entrance slit and the diameter of the collector wire, respectively. Hence, the energy resolution !::..Ep I E() is given by /:;,Ep = YI-Yo =(1 +.l)[(b.S o)+..!.(b.SO)2J', (1) Eo Yo -1 Yo 2Ro 2 2Ro where !::..Ep is the energy spread due to the finite energy reso lution, Yo and Eo are the relativistic factor of electron and the a) b) FIG. 3. Typical oscilloscope traces of (a) CREB current and (b) accelerat ing voltage. Kawai, Kawamura. and Toyoda 2790 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:43:35Guid Coil Electron Collector (0.1" W wire) ~-Beam (graphite) Slit(widlh O.4mm FIG, 4. Schematic of the magnetic-deflection-type energy analyzer. electron beam energy which correspond to the Larmor radi us Ro. The factor YI is the relativistic factor of the electron which corresponds to the Larmor radius Ro ~-t:.Sj2. In case of b.Sol2Ro4!..1 (in this experiment, b.Sol 2Rn = 2.3 X 10-3), the first-order approximation is given: t:.b~ Y! -Yn --=-'--"--":""=" En Yo -1 (1 + 1.) !.J.So Yo 2Ro' (2) In this experiment, the divergence angle of the electron beam at the entrance slit is so small that !.J.So is considered to be 6.So;::::; (S + ¢). Because in the region of no guide magnetic field at the end of the guide coil, the electrons having large transverse velocity components are not allowed to pass through the entrance slit. For the observed energy Eo = 500 keY and the effective slits width b.So = 0.46 mm, the energy resolution is calculated to be (tiEpl Eo) = 0.35%. The reso lution of the energy analyzer was tested with a monochro matic dc electron beam having an accelerating voltage of 10 kV and a beam current of 0.3 rnA. The measured energy resolution was in good agreement with the theoretical value from Eq. (2); the absolute value of the measured electron beam energy also corresponded to the applied accelerating voltage. In the low-energy region, the energy analyzer was tested but the result will be applicable to the relativistic ener gy region. Figures 5(a), 5(b), and 5(c) show the time his tory of the electron beam current, the accelerating voltage, and the electron collector signal obtained for the observation energy Eo = 499.5 keY, respectively. The electron collector signal shown in Fig. 5 (c) has two pulses which correspond to rising and falling periods of the voltage. The first pulse was ignored since the accelerating voltage change is very fast in this period. The center of the second pulse coincides exact ly with the instantaneous voltage corresponding to Eo. The observed pulse width is proportional to the energy spread I1E and inversely proportional to the change of the accelerating voltage dV /dt. If the accelerating voltage changes monotonously, the energy spread !.J.E is given by dV b.E = I:o --I1E dt p' (3) where Tr.) and dV Idt are the observed pulse width and the 2791 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 a) b) c) -000I---I- 200 nsec FIG, 5. Typical oscilloscope traces of (a) CREB current, (b) accelerating voltage, and (c) the electron beam collector signal obtained for observation energy. time change in the accelerating voltage waveform. In this case, the actual energy spread is given by subtracting the instrumental resolution t:.Ep. The analysis was done for the second pulses. The observed pulse width of an average of eight shots was To = 72 ns. The time change in the accelerat ing voltages at the second pulses is 34 V Ins. Using these values, the energy spread was calculated to be b.E I E=O.14 ± 0.04%. In this experiment, the slit structure of the entrance terminating the drift tube provides a boundary condition which will act to counter most of the beam space charge effects. Hence, the experimental value will not in clude the energy spread due to the potential depression of the space charge, as discussed below. B. Angular velocity spread The schematic of the angular velocity distribution probe is shown in Fig. 6. The method of measurement is based on B - ,V, L __ ~_'~ FIG. 6, Schematic of the angular velocity distribution probe. Kawai, Kawamura, and Toyoda 2791 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:43:35measuring the Larmor radius which corresponds to the transverse component of the electron velocity fJ l' The angu lar velocity spread is given by the ratio ofthe drain current to the collector current. The drain current is proportional to the Larmor radius of electrons gyrating in a uniform axial magnetic field and the collector current is the remainder of the electron beam which is not caught by the drain electrode. These are assumed that (1) the electron beam density is approximately uniform, (2) the alignment of the magnetic field axis and the probe axis are concentric, (3) the Larmor radius is much less than the radius of the drain electrode, and ( 4) the phase of the electron cyclotron orbits is mixed. The relation between the Larmor radius of the electrons and the ratio of the currents is given by IclUe + In) = (rD -rlYlrt, rD~rU (4) where Ie, In, and rD are the collector current, the drain current, and the radius of the drain electrode, respectively. rL is the Larmor radius due to the electron gyrating in the axial magnetic field with the transverse velocity component {3 J. which is given by (5) where B, elmo and yare the magnetic flux density on the axis, the charge mass ratio of electrons, and the relativistic factor, respectively. In order to collect all the drain current by the drain electrode, the electron cyclotron pitch Pmust be smaller than the length ofthe drain electrode (L = 4.0 em). In the case of P<,L, IJ)' and Ie are given by If) = iD, Ie = ie, (6a) (6b) where ic and in are the measured currents by the collector and the drain electrode, respectively. In case of P>L, it is necessary to make a correction by using a factor of K that is the ratio of the electron cyclotron pitch to the length of the drain electrode. If) and Ie are given by Ie = ( -(ID -iv)· Here, K is given by (7a) (7b) K=PIL={3II/(LfJc), (8) where Ic and /3: 1 are the cyclotron frequency (1;: = eB 121Tymo) and the paranel velocity component, re spectively. In this calculation, it is assumed that the elec trons are given a parallel velocity component which just co incides with the applied diode voltage, because [J I is very small compared with (31! . Figure 7 shows the calculated curves obtained from Eq. (3) as a function of BrD, where Band rD are the magnetic flux density and the radius of drain electrode, respectively. Each curve is corresponded to the electron energy of perpen dicular component. The experimental data are plotted as a function of Br D' The dotted lines are the best fit curves to the data. For the observed points of Z = 0 and 70 em the mag netic rigidity values of the electron Byf, were 1.2 and 2.2 X 102 G cm, which correspond to 0.6 and 2 keY, respec tively, The angular velocity spreads were calculated to be Pll{31! = 4x 10-2 and 7X 10-2, respectively. As discussed 2792 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 Cl "; 0.5 ..::: - o o 5 10 Bro' 102 (Gem) FIG. 7. Current ratio IclUe + ID) as a function of the BrD for various magnetic rigidity BrL (G em). Dotted lines show the best lit curves to the experimental results for Z = 0 and 70 em. below, the magnetic moments of the electron beam are cal culated to bep = 0.38 eV IG at Z = 0 cm andp = 0.57 eV I Gat Z = 70 cm. The increase in the magnetic moment is due to the nonadiabatic conditions of the guiding magnetic field. IV. DISCUSSION In application to FELs, it is desirable to transport the electron beam into the interaction region of the magnetic undulatcr by conserving the magnetic moment of the elec tron. Moreover, confinement of electron beam to a small diameter is of practical importance to obtain a high laser gain. We discuss the adiabatic conditions for guiding the elec tron beam through the guiding solenoid coil which will be necessary for designing the guiding system of the electron beam for the free-electron laser. To obtain the conservation of the magnetic moment, the electron cyclotron pitch Pmust be much smaller than the longitudinal distance in which the strength of the magnetic field changes I(P If ~ 1). In this sys tem, a cyclotron pitch of the electron for Z = 25 em, at which the strength of the guiding magnetic field changes gradually, is calculated to be typically P= 10 cm. The length I is estimated to be 1=20 cm (see in Fig. 1). The factor P /1 was calculated to be P 1/,,,,,,.0.5, which shows that the condi tions for the adiabatic transportation were not fully satisfied. The magnetic moment p at Z = ° cm is calculated to be f.1 = 0.38 eV IG, using ymo(f3l C)2 12 = 0.6 keY and Bz = 1.6kG. The magnetic moment atZ = 70 em is calculated to bep = 0.57 eV IG. The increase of about 50% in the mag netic moment is considered to be due to the imperfection of the condition for the adiabatic transportation under the as sumption of the phase mixed cyclotron orbits. In Sec. III, the energy spread was measured to be about 0.14% for well-collimated electrons. For the electrons which are guided with a uniform magnetic field at Z = 70 cm, the angular velocity spread was measured to be /3 1 I {3lj = 7 X 10-2• The transverse energy spread and the parall~l Kawai, Kawamura, and Toyoda 2792 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:43:35energy spread are equivalent values under the assumption of the energy conservation. For these electrons, the energy spread of the paranel component is estimated to be about AEII/EI =0.4%, where Ell =(y-1)moc2 and .6.EII =E1 = rmO({Jl C)2/2. Relativistically the energy spread due to the potential depression of the space~charge effect in the electron beam is 30XI V, where I is the electron beam cur rent. In this experiment, it is calculated to be about 1.8 kV, which corresponds to 0.36% of the total energy. These three kinds of energy spreads have different origins, therefore, the energy spread of the parallel component in the total elec trons will be estimated to be about 1 % of the total energy by summing up these values. The cold relativistic electron beam (CREE) is extracted from the cold cathode in the same process as an intense rela tivistic electron bean (IREB), but IREB is accelerated with a very large electric field in the small acceleration gap. The pulse duration is limited by the shortening of the diode due to expansion of the cathode flare plasma. On the other hand, the CREB is reaccelerated with a uniform electric field through a very long acceleration gap, Hence, the energy spread of CREE is low as compared with the IREE. Further more, we consider that the generation of the CREE having a microsecond pulse duration will be possible by using these techniques. v. CONCLUSIONS The cold relativistic electron beam source using reac~ celerated field emission electrons has been developed for use in the low-r free-electron laser, The energy, the beam CUf- 2793 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 66, No.7, 1 October 1989 rent, and the pulse duration of the accelerated electrons were O. 51 MeV, 60 A (200 AI em 2), and 200 ns, respectively. The energy spread IlE / E and the angular velocity spread{J 11/3\1 were measured to be 0.14% and 4 X 10-2, respectively. It has been shown that the reaccelerated field emission electron beam has adequate coldness for application to the Iaw-r free electron laser as compared with conventional IREBs. 1M. Friedman and M. 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Electrical properties of oxygen thermal donors in silicon films synthesized by oxygen implantation F. Vettese, J. Sicart, J. L. Robert, S. Cristoloveanu, and M. Bruel Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 1208 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343010 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343010 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Thermal donor formation and annihilation in oxygenimplanted floatzone silicon J. Appl. Phys. 72, 1758 (1992); 10.1063/1.351646 Formation kinetics of oxygen thermal donors in silicon Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 1608 (1991); 10.1063/1.106245 Lowtemperature properties and phototransport in silicononinsulator films synthesized by oxygen implantation J. Appl. Phys. 63, 4575 (1988); 10.1063/1.340158 Depletion of interstitial oxygen in silicon and the thermal donor model J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1287 (1987); 10.1063/1.339683 Symmetry and electronic properties of the oxygen thermal donor in pulled silicon Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 454 (1984); 10.1063/1.95213 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:17:06Electrical properties of oxygen thermal donors in silicon fUms synthesized by oxygen implantation F. Vettese, J. Sicart, and J. l. Robert Groupe d'Etudes des Semiconducteurs, VA 357, u.s. T.L., F. 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France S. Cristoloveanu Laboratoire de Physique des Composants a Semiconducteurs, VA 840, INPG-ENSERG, F. 38031 Grenoble Cedex, France M. Bruel Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Technologie de /'lnformatique, CENG, F. 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France (Received 2 May 1988; accepted for publication 29 September 1988) Conductivity and Hall measurements have been carried out on thin silicon films formed by oxygen implantation (SIMOX) and high-temperature annealing. These layers have then been annealed between 450 and 850°C for 1 h in order to study the electrical behavior of oxygen thermal donors (TD). The maximum donor concentration occurs at 550°C for TD-I and 750°C for TD-II. The concentration ofTD-II is higher than that of TO-I and the distribution ofTD-II can be nonuniform. Thermal ionization energies of these donor states are also derived. A TD level (220 mcY) deeper than the typical one (150 meV) is responsible for the electrical properties cfthe SIMOX layers. Subsequent annealing activates shallow TD states and compensation centers. Thus the ionization energy of the deep TD level decreases greatly, when TDs are generated. High carrier mobilities have been measured which have been limited only at low temperatures by interface scattering. I. INTRODUCTION Silicon-on-insulator (SOl) structures are the subject of current research as substrates for radiation hardened, ad vanced very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. An nealed or recrystallized layers of chemical vapor deposited silicon on SiOz substrates have been tested in integrated cir cuits technology but these amorphous or polycrystalline SOl structures have shown electrical properties inferior to those of single-crystal silicon. However, the formation of buried dielectric layers of silicon dioxide by the implantation of oxygen ions (SIMOX) has indeed been demonstrated and provided a very promising alternative to the silicon-on-sap phire (SOS) technology. 1.2 The oxygen content in bulk silicon is shown to be re sponsible for the generation of thermal donors around 450°C (TD-I) and new donors around 750"C (TD-II). As only a few papers have been published on the electrical prop erties of these thermal donors in SIMOX films,3-0 we present here additional data concerning their electrical activity. A significant change has been observed in the donor densities and ionization energies of such heat-treatment in duced donor states, suggesting the formation of several spe cies of oxygen clusters distributed in the bulk and near the buried SiOz interface. This problem is not only offundamen tal interest, but has important implications in SIMOX tech nology. Due to the high dose of implanted oxygen ions, a high density of thermal donors can be generated affecting the in tentional doping and thus the performance of integrated cir cuits. The electrical activity of oxygen thermal donors is studied as a function of the anneal temperature from 450 to 850 0c. The experiment is described in Sec. II while a theo retical interpretation of these data is proposed in Sec. III. It EXPERIMENT Buried silicon dioxide was synthesized by implantation of 1.5 X 1018 0+ cm-2 at 200 keY into ap-type Si( 100) sub strate. A post-implantation anneal was performed in an ar gon ambient for 6 h at 1345 °C resulting in a silicon film (t = 250 nrn) being converted into n type. The samples were cut in a symmetrical square Han-van der Pauw pattern (5X5 mm2) with four ohmic contacts formed by phosphorus implantation (3 X 1015 cm-2, 60 keY) and subsequent annealing (950°C, 30 min) in a N2 ambient. In order to generate oxygen thermal donors in the silicon film, several additional anneals were performed between 450 and 850 ·C. The anneal lasted I h for an the samples. Contact metallization was made without further annealing. van der Pauw and Hall measurements were car ried out on these samples between 4 and 380 K by using a regulated helium flow cryostat and reversing both the cur rent I and the magnetic field E (1 T). The Hall factor was taken to be unity and the Hall car rier density was derived from the Hall voltage V H using the classical expression fl = IE IqVHt. Figures 1-6 show the experimental behavior of the sheet re sistance, carrier concentration, and Han mobility for TO-I and TO-II, respectively. The thermal ionization energies of the donor states are derived from the In(nT -3/2) vs 103 IT curves7: E= d [In(nT-3!2)]. d(kT) -J The In(nT ---3/2) vs 1031Tpiot shows two Iinearparts, corre- 1208 J. Appl. Phys, 65 (3), 1 February 1989 0021-8979/89/031208-05$02,40 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 1208 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:17:06UJ u :z « r <Jl Vi w '" 10" r-w I.IJ :I: ;f) o o ... + • o 0 ... III 0+ 1& +8 <:) '" + 0", + ~. <1 ~ V" tf:!;<1V" 4 6 8 TEMPERATURE 1000fT 1 K-~) 10 FIG. l. Resistivity vs 103/T for the reference and TD-I thennal donors in SIMOX (crosses: unanneliled; closed circles: 450 'C; inverted open trian gles: 550 'C; open circles: 650 "C). span ding to an activation energy c' at high temperatures and an activation energy E" at low temperatures. Table I gives the electrical data at T = 300 K and the two activation energies 1:' and E" • The data for an unannealed control sample containing residual donors were also collect ed for comparison. The maximum densities ofTD-I and TO n were measured at 550 and 750 'C, respectively. Moreover, for a l-h anneal TD-II is in greater density than TD-I. The Hali mobility was very high and dose to the theoretical value in bulk silicon at 300 K for similar doping levels. m. DISCUSSION The role of oxygen in single-crystals CZ silicon has been studied intensively in the past few years in order to try to stabilize the wafer resistivity." It is well known that TD-I's are generated between 300 and 600°C and TD-II's between 600 and 900 DC. However, the exact origin of these TDs in oxygen-rich silicon (Si:O), first interpreted by the Si04 model,9 is the subject of several works which are based on ;) 101..6 '~ z o i= « "" ; '014 w U Z o U IX oJ IX "" <C U 1012 o ,~v o v ~ ... ", 011 V + II V 0+ II 0+ It o. III 0+ III 0+ 0 + ,. II 6 8 10 TEMPERA TUllE 1000/T (I~-11 FIG. 2. Hall carrier density vs 103/T for the same samples as in Fig. 1. 1209 J. Appl. Phys., VoL 65, No. 3, 1 February i 989 3000 A 2000 A 0 <:) 0 •• A 0 .!lI • 8 + II 0 ... . • • +0 ~o 1000 III +·0 + • B ... 700 500,-. __ ......b_--' __ --' __ '----' 100 150 200 300 400 TEMPERATUIU T 11\") FIG. 3. Hall mobility vs temperature for the same samples as in Fig. l. electrical and spectroscopic investigationsIO-.13 or structural and kinetic models,l4-17 Our results show some differences with the previous ones, because SIMOX technology requires heavy oxygen ion implantation and very high temperatures for the post-im plantation annealing. A. Thermal donors TD~I The maximum TO-l generation rate is generally ob tained around 450°C in bulk Si:O while in our SIMOX lay ers it occurred at about 550 "C. Two TD-I states have been revealed in Si:O by Hall measurements with ionization ener gies E, for the shallow and E2 for the deep level. Most auth ors found a shallow donor state, with E{ in the range of 20- 60 meV, and a deep donor state ",rith E2 in the range of 1 10- 160 meV, below the conduction-band edge, W,ll, 13 The model of a divalent oxygen donor has usually been proposed as an explanation having been supported by Hall measure ments,lO.IZ However, an acceptor level, acting as compensa tion center, exists in oxygen-rich silicon and makes a quanti- 10" a C !J.J U Z « I-10" !:2 '" '" IX r- ILl '" :l: (/) o 10 20 30 40 FIG. 4. Resistivity vs 10'/1' for SIMOX samples annealed at the 750·C (crosses) and 850 'c (closed circles). (TD-II thermal donors.) Vettese et a/. 1209 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:17:06z Q r« '" r-z '" U z o u '" w '" '" « u 1015 10"" "-__ -'--__ -'-__ ---' __ ---' 13 20 30 40 TEMPERATURE 1()OO/T (K-~l FIG. 5. Hall carrier density vs lOilT fur the same films as in Fig. 4. tativc analysis of Hall data [0 rather difficult. Indeed, infrared spectra 12 analysis show that there are several shal low TD-I levels lying between 40 and 80 meV in Si:O. The kinetic of the generation of the different TD_I's16 can explain a shift of the maximum donor generation peak from 450 to 550°C because the species and densitie..<; ofTD-I can be dif ferent in our SIMOX layers (isochronal anneal). Table I gives a density of2 X 1015 cm-3 at 300 K for the unannealed reference sample, indicating that a small amount of residual TDs are still present, probably generated during the 950 "C post-implantation anneal of the contacts. Table I also shows that TDs are almost completely annihilated at 650 0e. Hall data from at the highest temperature reached in the experiments seem to confirm the existence of a compensa tion center which was generated with TDs during the heat treatment. Indeed the reference sample has the highest den sity at high temperature. B. Thermal donors TIHI Although TD-l's may have been investigated extensive ly, this is not the case for TD-II. One striking result is the C1112/V.s!;!c 10000 I , 1000 o 0000 lOG T [iO 10 lOO woo FIG. 6. Hall mobility vs temperature for the 750·C (open circles) and 850 'C (closed circles) annealed sampleso 1210 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, 1 February 1989 TABLE I. Electrical data at T = 300 K and activation energies E' &1d E" for unannea1ed and l-h annealed SIMOX films. Anneal temperature eel Unannealed 450 550 650 750 850 p [(kS1)/O] 120 90 58 182 62 20 n [(em-oJ) X 1015] 2 2,6 3,84 1,2 76 15,6 !l (em2/V s) 1000 1100 lI20 1150 530 810 E' (meV) 105 58,5 41 111 0 8 £" (meV) 204 106 80 227 0 42 opposite behavior of TD~n in SIMOX layers compared to Si:O in terms of generation rates. For our samples the maximum density ofTD-II is high er than that ofTD-L Table I gives 7.6 X 1016 em -3 for TD-II at 750°C and 3.84X 1015 cm-3 for TD-I at 550·C for a I-h anneal whereas in Czochralski oxygen-rich silicon the maxi mum donor generation per hour is around 9X 1014 cm-3 at 450°C and 1.5 X 1014 cm-3 at 750 0e.g This very high gener ation rate for TD-JI in SIMOX layers is not well explained because the origin and kinetics ofTD-II still remain obscure. Figure 5 shows that in the sample annealed at 750 ·C, the carrier concentration is almost independent of tempera ture below 40 K. This is typical for a degenerated semicon ductor. As the average carrier density (lOt? cm-3) is too small for degeneracy to occur at this temperature, we can therefore deduce that in this sample only a part of the layer (10-15 nm thick) with a higher density (> 1018 cm-3) is responsible for conduction. We conclude that TD-II's are generated inhomogeneousiy, in high densities probably near one Si/Si02 interface. As for TD-I, the ionization energies are functions of the carrier densities and are vanishing for the highest densities (sample 750 °C). Photoluminescence analysis II however re veals several levels with different kinetics, then modifying the activation energies with the heat treatment. C, TD states ionization energies In bulk silicon containing lower doses of oxygen, TDs have been activated after very long anneals such that several shallow TD states are involved in the electrical behavior and make the Hall analysis inadequate. In contrast, our experiments are based on a short anneal time involving only the deepest TD level and the 650°C an nealed sample gives the location of this level at about 220 me V below the conduction band in accordance with the Fer mi-level position. This sample indeed shows the lowest TD density. The activation energy EN gives then the ground-state location, the Fermi level lying around the donor level (Fer mi level lying at about 220 meV for TD density 2X 1013 cm-3 at 200 K). The plot In(nT-312) vs 103/T clearly shows two parts giving an activation energy Elf = Ed at low temperature and an energy fo' around Ed/2 at high tempera ture. It is now clear that the SIMOX layer behaves as a com pensated semiconductor. 7 In order to fit the experimental curves with the assump tion of one deep TD level Nd at energy Ed and a compensator level Na, we use the classical expression of the carrier den sity7; Vettese et al. 1210 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:17:06with A = 1+ (N(jl3Nc) exp(E d) where Nc is the conduc tion-band density of states, f3 the degeneracy factor, and Ed = Ed/kT. The best fit gives Nd = 1 X 1016 cm -3 with Ed = 250 meV and Na = 2x 1015 cm-3 for the 650°C annealed sam ple. For the other samples, the fit can be obtained only if we assume a concentration of the acceptor level which increases with the anneal. This result differs from that of Gawor zewski and Schmalz10 who assumed N" = const in oxygen rich silicon. The fit does not agree exactly with experiment when the TD concentration increases and the ionization en ergy strongly decreases as other TD species are formed and the assumption of only one deep level thus fails. It must be pointed out that the TD level in SIMOX layers is deeper than the classical one ( 150 me V). This result confirms that TD centers in SIMOX are not the same as the typical in 8i:0 silicon. Several species of oxygen clusters, oxygen-silicon, or oxygen-carbon complexes can be respon sible for the multiple behaviors exhibited by SIMOX films. However, the bistable character of deep TD levels in silicon has recently been demonstrated. 18-20 This bistable leve! cor responds to the transition £(0, + + ) between the neutral state and doubly ionized state, the TD behaving as a system with a negative correlation energy. 19.20 D. Mobility in SIMOX films Let us now discuss the Hall mobility which is a funda mental electrical parameter. Table I gives the Hall mobility at T = 300 K deduced from the relation f.1-H = (nq p ) -I. These values are very good for the integrated circuit technol ogy on SIMOX substrates and are around the expected val ues for n-type bulk silicon. The variation of the Hall mobility with temperature is usual for the high-temperature range where acoustic phonon scattering prevails. When the tem perature is lowered below 150 K, the mobility greatly de creases, except for the 750°C annealed sample which be haves as a degenerated layer at low temperature (T < 50 K). After partial annihilation of TD-Irs at 850 ·e, the SIMOX material recovers a more normal temperature de pendence with the mobility (Fig. 6). Figure 7 shows the Hall mobility for the 650°C annealed sample (n = 1015 cm--3) and for the sake of comparison we have also plotted the mo bility of Si:O with similar concentration 10 and the mobility of an As-implanted SIMOX film (Nd = 3 X 1017 cm-3) < The large decrease of the mobility in SIMOX layers at low temperatures can be attributed to the thinness of the film. The scattering of both the upper and lower Si02/Si interfaces becomes the main process. The mean free path increases and is close to half the film thickness (125 urn). In this low-temperature range, the mean free path is about the separation between ionized impurities, which is large ( > 100 nm) because the TD concentration is jow (~lOIS em -3). Thus the mobility at 150 K is only 1600 cm2/V s whereas it reaches 4000 cm2 IV s in Si:O samples. 1211 J, AppL Phys., Vol. 65, No.3, i February 1989 FIG. 7, Hall mobility vs temperature for th!? 650 <C annealed SIMOX films (inverted closed triangles) and SIMOX As films (closed circles), Full lines show the Hall mobility in Si:O (Ref. 10) and Si:As (Ref. 21 ). IV. CONCLUSION For the first time complete Hall data on SIMOX materi al are given. The electrical activity of thelmal donors has been studied as a function of temperature for a I-h anneal. SIMOX thin layers show many particularities com pared with oxygen-rich silicon: (i) the maximum generation rates ofTDs are not the same: the maximum TD-I density is obtained at 550 "e (not at 450 "C) and is lower (not higher) than the maximum TD-II density at 750"C. (ii) The donor levels are found to be deeper than in Si:O. (iii) The kinetics of TD generation seems to be more complex. The lowest TD-I concentration is obtained for the 650·e annealed sample. However, the control of the residu al donor concentration still remains to be resolved for TD-U. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the implantation group of LEn-Grenoble (Dr. J. MargaiI and C. Jaussaud) for sup plying the SIMOX layers. This work was supported by the organization "Groupement Circuits Integres Silicium." 's. L. Partridge, Dielectric Layers in :';emiconductors: Novel Technologies and Devices, edited by G. G, Benlini (MRS, France, 1986), p, 379. 2p, L. F Hemment, E. Mayddl-Ondruesz, K. G, Stephens, J, A. Kilner. and J. Butcher, Vacullm 34, 203 (1984). 'J, Wyncoll, K, N, Kang, S, Cristoloveanu, P. L. F. Hemment, and R p, Arrowsmith, Electron, Lett, 20. 485 (j 984), 's. Cristo!oveanu, ], Wyncoll, p, Spinelli, I'. L F Hemment, and R. p, Arrowsmith, Phys. B 129, 249 (1985), 's, Cristoloveanu,' J, Pumfrey, E. Scheid, p, L F. 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AES and EELS analysis of TlBaCaCuO x thin films at 300 K and at 100 K A. J. Nelson , A. Swartzlander , L. L. Kazmerski , J. H. Kang , R. T. Kampwirth , and K. E. Gray Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 182, 269 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.37959 View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.37959 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/182/1 Published by the American Institute of Physics269 AES AND EELS ANALYSIS OF TIBaCaCuOx THIN FILMS AT 300K AND AT 100K A.J. Nelson, A. Swartzlander and L.L. Kazmerski Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO 80401 J.H. Kang, R.T. Kampwirth and K.E. Gray Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 ABSTRACT Auger electron spectroscopy line-shape analysis of the Tl(NOO), Ba(MNN), Ca(LMM), Cu(LMM) and O(KLL) peaks has been performed in conjunction with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) on magnetron sputter deposited T1BaCaCuOx thin films exhibiting a superconducting onset at ll0K with zero resistance at 96K. AES and EELS analyses were performed at 300K and at 100K. Changes in the Auger line shapes and in the EELS spectra as the temperature is lowered below the critical point are related to changes in the electronic structure of states in the valence band (VB). Bulk and surface plasmon peaks are identified in the EELS spectra along with features due to core level transitions. Electron beam and ion beam induced effects are also addressed. INTRODUCTION The recent empirical discovery of superconductivity above 100K in the T1-Ba-Ca- Cu-O system 1 has once again stimulated the synapses of the high-Tc superconductor community. The fact that all of the recent high-Tc materials research has been empirical in nature points to a clear need for experimental results which may help define the superconducting mechanism relevent to these new materials. Since Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is sensitive to the variation of the local atomic charge density across the VB the technique is useful in characterizing states found near the VB maxima. Similarly, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) stimulates transitions from core levels to empty states above or near the VB maxima. In this paper, we report observed changes in the TI(NOO), Ba(MNN), Ca(LMM), Cu(LMM) and O(KLL) Auger line shapes as well as observed changes in the EELS spectra for a T1BaCaCuOx film on yttrium-stabilized ZrO2 after it was cooled to 100K. The observed changes are related to changes in the electronic structure of states in the VB as the material passes through its critical transition temperature. EXPERIMENTAL The T1BaCaCuOx films were prepared 2 by using a three-gun dc magnetron sputtering system equipped with a turbomolecular pump which provided a typical base pressure in the low 10 -8 torr range. The three dc magnetron sputtering guns are aimed at a common point about 15 cm above the sources providing compositional uniformity to +1% over a 2 cm 2 substrate area. Targets of T1, Cu and a 1:1 BaCa mixture were simultaneously sputtered in a 20 mtorr argon atmosphere with an oxygen partial pressure of -~0.1 mtorr being introduced directly adjacent to the substrate. A quartz crystal monitor is placed next to the substrate to determine the sputtering rates of each source prior to starting a deposition. The best films were deposited onto (100) oriented © 1989 American Institute of Physics 270 single crystal or polycrystalline ZrO2-9%Y203 substrates maintained at ambient temperature during deposition. Ex-situ post-annealing treatment was performed in a flowing oxygen atmosphere. In order to avoid the loss of the highly volatile TI during the annealing process, the films were placed in a closed Au crucible, then placed in a flowing oxygen tube furnance and annealed at 850C for about 5 minutes. Auger and EELS analysis were performed on a Perkin-Elmer/Physical Electronics Model 600 Scanning Auger Microprobe (SAM) system having a base pressure of lxl0 -10 Torr. AES data was obtained with a primary electron beam energy of 5 keV and a current of 100 nA at an energy resolution of 0.2%. Primary electron beam energies of 300 eV and 600 eV were used for the EELS analysis (0.2% energy resolution) in order to distinguish between surface and bulk effects. Ion beam sputter etching was performed with a differentially pumped ion gun operating with a 3 kV Ar + ion beam (10 -2 Pa Ar pressure) rastered over a 1.0xl.0 mm 2 area. Samples were cooled in vacuum to 100K using a LN2 dewar equipped with a copper cold finger. The AES and EELS data were both recorded in N(E) (i.e. counts vs. energy) mode with the EELS data being displayed as -d2N/dE 2. Quantitative compositional analysis was performed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) using energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 1 shows the variation of resistivity versus temperature, as measured by the standard four-probe technique, for a film on yttrium-stabilized ZrO2. Result of the quantitative EDX compositional analysis indicated a film composition of TI2Ba2Cal.3Cu2Ox which is in reasonable agreement with the 2212 structure. A single superconducting transition is observed which begins at about 110K and shows zero ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' E ? 3 E 2 ._> o o Or) o 1 o _ o 4 ' I I 0 o 50 100 150 200 250 300 T (K) Fig. 1 Resistivity vs. temperature for Tl2Ba2Cal.3Cu2Ox thin film on ZrO2:Y. z O3 < Kinetic energy (eV) i I I I I I i v ~t.l-' I / O0°K 69 75 81 87 93 c(KLL) R.T. Fig. 2. N(E) Auger spectra obtained at 300K and 100K for a T12Ba2CaCu2Ox film (a) TI NOO, (b) Cu LMM and (c) O(KLL). z E O3 < l t l ~ I t 1 I I [lll llllll 900 906 912 918 Kinetic energy (eV) 271 0 (KLL) 924 930 500 505 510 515 Kinetic energy (eV) 272 resistance at Tc(0)=96K. The low temperature AES and EELS measurements were obtained at 100K (the limit of the apparatus) which is between the superconducting onset at 110K and Tc(0) for this film. Auger results for the Tl(NOO), Cu(LMM) and O(KLL) line shapes obtained at 300K and 100K are presented in Fig. 2a, b and c, respectively. The line shape and peak energy of these lines are strongly influenced by the chemical environment since the Auger electron emission involves valence electrons and the core level binding energy. Line shape analysis of the Ba(MNN) and Ca(LMM) Auger lines revealed no pertinent chemical or electron beam induced effects and thus are not included in this presentation. However, the change in the TI(NOO) Auger line pictured in Fig. 2a as the film is cooled should be noted. Specifically, the 300K spectra centered at 81.0 eV with a small shoulder at 78.3 eV broadens and develops an additional peak at 79.3 eV as the temperature is lowered to 100K. This additional feature in the Tl(NOO) peak is possibly due to preferential electron beam assisted hydration/carbonation of T1 at the surface of the superconductor since the sample will act as a "cryogenic pump" for H20 and CO at these lower temperatures or may be due to reordering of the T1-O layer 3 as determined by neutron scattering. Additional evidence for one of these processes is seen in the O(KLL) spectra pictured in Fig. 2c. The 3OOK O K1L2,3L2,3 spectra is a broad peak centered at 507.3 eV. The width of this peak indicates multiple states probably due to a continuum of holes in the K band and crystal-field effects. Upon cooling, the O K1L2,3L2,3 peak broadens and develops two distinct features at 506.0 eV and at 508.6 eV. The additional feature at lower kinetic energy may again be due to the presence of an OH molecule on the surface or to the aforementioned reordering of the T1-O layer which correlates with the probable causes of the change observed in the T1 spectra. Features representative of intrinsic physical effects (e.g., structural modifications of the square-planar CuO4 clusters or of the T1-O layers) as the material is cooled cannot presently be separated from extrinsic chemical effects and thus no definitive conclusions can be drawn from the T1 or O data concerning the occurance of this reordering phenomena. The Cu L3M4,5M4,5 measured at 3OOK and at looK is presented in Fig. 2b. In the L3VV Auger transition, a valence band (VB) electron fills a previously created core (L3) hole. The excess energy causes ionization of a second valence band electron which is the measured Auger electron. The energy distribution of this Auger electron yields information about the VB density-of-states (DOS) spatially localized around the atom containing the core hole. The 3OOK spectra is rather broad and is composed of two main features evident at 911.4 eV and at 914.3 eV. The initial states of the Cu L3VV Auger process are formed from the 3d 9 and 3d 10 L states IL designates a ligand (O 2p) hole] of divalent copper with the final states formed by the 3d 7 and the 3d 8 L multiplets with the 3d 8 L states dominate. 4-9 The width of the Cu L3VV line is probably the result of the continuum of holes in the L band and crystal-field effects. As the sample is cooled to 100K, the Cu L3VV line narrows and is centered at 912.2 eV. This change (narrowing) in the Auger line shape with decreasing temperature is distinct and opposite to the results for the T1 and O Auger lines and consequently is interpreted as possibly being due to a structural modification of the square-planar CuO4 clusters 10 associated with a change in oxidation state (Cu +2, Cu ÷1) leading to a different hole-hole correlation energy. Fig. 3a and b presents the EELS results obtained at 3OOK and 100K with primary beam energies of 3OO eV and 6OO eV, respectively. The 3OO eV EELS spectra is more representative of the surface states while the 600 eV EELS spectra is more representative of bulk states. Also included in this figure is the EELS spectra at 100K after argon sputtering to remove adsorbed surface molecules due to the low tempera- 273 600V EELS I I I I ooo I I I I A D -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 Energy loss (eV) Energy loss (eV) Fig. 3 Electron energy loss spectra for T]2Ba2Cal.3Cu2Ox film on ZrO2:Y obtained at 300K and looK (a) 3OO eV primary beam energy, (b) 600 eV primary beam energy. Table I Electron energy loss features for T12Ba2Cal.3Cu2Ox E~(eV) 3OO 6OO Loss Energies (eV) T A B C D E F G 3OOK 5.1 9,1 - 16,7 22.6 24.5 27.9 100K - 8,7 11.9 16,6 22,3 24.2 27.8 looK - 8,6 12.5 16.5 22,5 24,1 28.0 (3 min. sputter) 3OOK - 9.1 12.2 (18.1) - 23,6 - looK 5.3 8.8 12.2 16.9 - 23.6 - 100K 5.3 8.9 11.9 16.8 - 23.6 - (3 min. sputter) 274 tures. AES results on a sputtered sample of T1BaCaCuOx showed no significant change in the surface composition as long as the material was maintained at looK. However, loss of TI was evident if the sample was sputtered at 300K. Table I summaries the measured loss energies, with respect to the elastic peak, of the seven observed features as labelled on the EELS spectra of Fig. 3. The low intensity of the 600 eV EELS spectra taken at 300K is due to instrumental effects and is not representative of any intrinsic physical phenomena. Interpretation of the peaks in the EELS spectra for T12Ba2CaCu2Ox is partially based on photoemission spectroscopy 4-9 and energy loss 11-13 results for YBa2Cu307-x superconductors. Utilizing these previous results, one may also infer the presence of two maxima in the density of states above the Fermi level (EF) for the TI-Ba-Ca-Cu-O system. The previously described empty-state level 2.3-2.5 eV above EF, attributed to antibonding Cu 3d electrons, along with the other unoccupied state 4.3-4.6 eV above EF determine the allowed transitions to be used for the interpretation of the observed spectral features. Based on these suppositions and the assignments found in the literature, feature A is interpreted as being due to a transition from the O 2pxy eigenstate to the unoccupied Cu 3d antibonding state. This feature is not visible in the 300 eV spectra taken at 100K. Since the 300 eV spectra is more sensitive to surface overlayers, one concludes that the Cu 3d antibonding state is smeared out by the aforementioned surface contamination accumulated during cryogenic cooling. The fact that this feature is not observed in the 600 eV spectra taken at 3OOK can be accounted for by assuming that this unoccupied state for the bulk material is closer to the Fermi level at this temperature and/or has not fully developed. Therefore, the shift in energy and/or development of states in this band upon cooling could also be indicative of a structural modification of the square-planar CuO4 clusters. Further support of this interpretation may be evident from the energy shift upon cooling of feature B, identified as a transition from the occupied bonding Cu 3d level to an unoccupied state 4.3-4.6 eV above EF. The peak intensity of this feature in the 600 eV spectra greatly increases as well upon cooling. Rearrangements in the steric configuration of the CuO4 clusters would induce small observable energy shifts of states comprising the VB and thus would offer one explaination of the observed energy shifts in the EELS spectra. Feature C is assigned to a transition between the O 2pz eigenstate and the unoccupied Cu 3d antibonding state. The peak intensity of this feature in both the 300 eV and 600 eV spectra increases upon cooling, showing that more electrons are allowed to make this transition to the more developed Cu 3d antibonding band above the Fermi level. Feature D has previously been interpreted as a surface plasmon state, but is probably due to a transition from a Ba 5p level associated with Ba(OH) 3 since it is greatly diminished when the material is sputtered. Feature F is interpreted as a bulk plasmon state and exhibits no energy shift upon cooling. Features E and G are only resolvable in the 300 eV spectra with their intensities decreasing upon sputtering and thus are also believed to be associated with surface overlayers. CONCLUSIONS Auger line shape analysis and EELS analysis have been used to characterize the VB DOS of a TI2Ba2Cal.3Cu2Ox thin film superconductor at 300K and at 100K. Changes in the TI NOO Auger line shape as the film is cooled to looK have been interpreted as being due to either hydration/carbonation of T1 at the surface or to reordering of the T1- O layer. Changes in the Cu L3VV Auger line shape as the film is cooled to looK have been interpreted as being due to a structural modification of the square-planar CuO4 275 clusters associated with a change in Cu oxidation state (Cu+2,Cu+l). EELS results give evidence which tends to support this interpretation. Future work will include the construction of an apparatus to provide continuous cooling of a sample through its critical transition temperature and temperature cycling during AES and EELS analysis. Also, this study will be performed on T1 superconductor films exhibiting higher Tc's. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work at SERI was supported by the US Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-83CH10093 and the work at Argonne was supported by the Department of Energy, BES-Materials Sciences, under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38. REFERENCES 1. Z.Z. Sheng and A.M. Hermann, Nature 332, 138 (1988). 2. J.H. Kang, R.T. Kampwirth and K.E. Gray, Phys. Lett. A131, 208 (1988). 3. W. Emowski, B.H. 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AIP Conference Proceedings 182, 74 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.37940 182, 74 © 1989 American Institute of Physics.Superconducting Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 182, 74 (1989); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.37940 Published Online: 04 June 2008 D. H. Chen , R. L. Sabatini , S. L. Qiu , D. Di Marzio , S. M. Heald , and H. Wiesmann 74 SUPERCONDUCTING TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O THIN FILMS BY REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTERING D. H. Chen, R. L. Sabatlnl, S. L. Qiu, D. Di Marzio, S. M. Heald, and H. Wiesmann Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 ABSTRACT Superconductin E Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O thin films with T c onsets of 115 K and T c (R-0) of 95 K have been prepared by reactive maEne- tron sputtering usin E TI, Cu and Ca/Ba metal targets. It was found that proper thallium content is crucial for obtalnin E a hiEh tran- sition temperature. Wet oxyEen and a sealed 8old tube with addl- tional thallium compounds were used to reduce the loss of thallium during annealin E. X-ray diffraction spectra show that films with the sharpest transition at 95 K are predominantly c-axis oriented. XANES also shows a preferred c-axis orientation for the supercon- ducting film, while for a nonsuperconductin E film the near edEe structure suEEests Ereater disorder. X-ray microprobe fluorescence measurements indicate that these films are close to the 2122 stoichiometry. Scanning electron microscopy on these films is also presented. INTRODUCTION The discovery I of superconductivity in the TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O systems has resulted in the hiEhest superconductin E transition tem- peratures reported to date. 2 This class of superconductors con- tains no rare earth elements makin 8 applications of the supercon- ductor more practical and cost effective. In contrast to the yttrium based superconductors there have been only a few reports in the literature describin E the fabrication of the thallium based thin films. This is partly due to the toxicity of thallium and its compounds. Epltaxlsl and polycrystalline films have potential applications in intesrated circuits, SQUIDS and IR detectors. Some of the deposition techniques which have been employed for fabrica- tion of thallium based thin films are RF maEnetron sputterln E of a sinEle composite bulk tarset, 3 sequentlal electron beam evapora- tion, 4 off axis RF diode sputterinE of bulk tarEets 5 and simultaneous reactive metal maEnetron sputterinE. 6 In this paper we discuss the preparation of Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O thin films in a manner similar to that employed in Ref. 6. X-ray diffraction data are presented showin 8 that the films with the sharpest superconductin E transitions have the Ereatest deEree of preferred orientation. In addition to resistance versus temperature measurements, SEM photo- microEraphs , x-ray fluourescence microprobe results and x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) are also included. EXPERIMENTAL The Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O films were fabricated in a conventional (~) 1989 American Institute of Physics 75 commercial sputter deposition system which has been described in our previous report. 7 All the depositions were performed under identical conditions. The argon gas flow was fixed at 13.0 sccm and oxygen flow rate at 0.20 sccm with the gas flow rates con- trolled via electronic mass flow controllers. The total gas pres- sure during sputtering was 5 microns and the base pressure of the vacuum system prior to deposition was in the range I-5xi0 -6. The substrate temperature during deposition was 300"C. All the targets were presputtered for approximately 1 hour prior to deposition. A quartz crystal rate monitor was fixed next to the substrate holder and used to calibrate the deposition rates of the individual targets prior to deposition. The thallium and copper targets were sputtered with dc power supplies while the Ba/Ca (1:1) target was sputtered using a 13.56 MHz power supply. It was found that the proper thallium content is crucial for obtaining films with high superconducting transition temperatures. In order to reduce the loss of thallium during annealing the as- deposited films were placed in a sealed gold tube with additional T1203. Water vapor was introduced into the furnace during the annealing cycle in combination with oxygen. The presence of water vapor resulted in films with higher transition temperatures than films annealed in dry oxygen. Two annealing steps were employed. The gold tube (containing the films) was inserted into the furnace for 2-3 minutes at 850"C, removed quickly and allowed to cool to room temperature. The film was reinserted into the furnace for 2-5 minutes at 800-820"C and furnace cooled. After heat treatment the films were 0.5-1.0 micrometers thick. Two different substrates were used, single crystal sapphire and single crystal yttrium stabilized cubic zlrconia with (100) orientation. The zirconia substrates gave superior results and all of the data shown here were for films grown on this substrate. The superconducting transition was measured using the recommended four probe resistance technique. Four silver strips were painted onto the surface of the film and copper wires were embedded in the silver strips prior to drying and hardening. The area encompassed by the voltage sensing strips was approximately 3 mm x 4 mm for all samples.The current density during measurement was approximately I Amp/cm 2 . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows resistance versus temperature for three samples which were annealed under different conditions (see Fig. I cap- tion). For sample A the onset occurs at 115"K and the transition is complete at 95"K. The remaining films, B and C, show deteriora- tion in the slope of the resistance versus temperature, T c onset, and the temperature at which the transition is complete. X-ray diffraction measurements were performed on a Philips powder dlf- fractometer using CuKu radiation and the results are shown in Fig. 2. The curves are labelled A, B, and C and correspond to the sample labels in Fig. I. Indexing of the 28 scans identifies all the films as belonging to the 2122 phase. All three 20 scans are dominated by (00~) reflections consistent with a preferred 76 XD O ~D Z r~ 2'o ' ' 8'5 i I I i I I i i I A TEMPERATU,E (K) 310 Fig. I. Resistance vs temperature for Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu- 0 films on yttrium stabilized ZrO 2 (100). The films were annealed (A) at 850°C for 2 minutes fol- lowed by rapid cooling and subsequently annealed at 820°C for 2 minutes then furnace cooled to room temperature, (B) at 850°C for 3 minutes and rapid cooled to room temperature, (C) same as (A) but the subsequent annealing was followed by rapid cooling instead of furnace cooling. orientation wherein the c-axis of the films is perpendicular to the surface of the substrate. Located at the bottom of Fi E . 2 is a computer 8enerated 28 scan showin E the location and intensity of the (00~) reflections for a film with a c-axis orientation perpendicular to the surface of the sampe. There is excellent agreement between the computer Eenerated scan and the experimental data. There is also a correspondence between the degree of orien- tation and the sharpness of the superconductin E transition. Referrin 8 to Fi E . I we observe that the film with the sharpest superconducting transition also exhibits the greatest degree of preferred orientation. As the quality of the superconducting transition deteriorates so does the degree of preferred orientation as evidenced by samples B and C. Examination of the 28 diffraction scans reveals only a few impurity reflections of small intensity. The dominant reflection for polycrystalline 2122 phase material is located at 31.5 degrees. A decrease in the degree of preferred orientation is juxtaposed by an increase in the intensity of this reflection. This is consistent with the small quantity of impurity phases present. X-ray fluorescence microprobe measurements were used to determine the elemental composition of each of the films. Wavelength dispersive spectroscopy was employed and separate standards for each of the individual elements were used to 77 b ,~ 2b 25 3b 3~ ~ is ~ 5'5 60 2e(deO) io 2"5 3"o 3~ 4b W~ ~o ~ 2 e M~) lO ]5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 2e(~) 28(~) Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern from three samples labeled A, B, and C which correspond to the sample labels in Fig. I. For comparison, a computer generated 28 scan is shown at the bottom of this figure which shows the location and intensity of the (00t) reflections. 78 Table I. The Atomic Composition for TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films. Sample T1 Ca Ba Cu A 2.33 1.89 2.89 3.17 B 2.29 1.45 2.27 2.89 C 4.03 1.92 3.37 4.08 calibrate the spectrometer crystals. The results are shown in Table I. There is substantial deviation from the atomic composi- tion expected of a film which con- sists of the stoichiometric 2122 phase. We are investigating this further. SEM photomicrographs of samples A, B, and C are shown in Fig. 3. The maEnification is 5000x. The films appear to be extremely porous. The reason for this porosity is not understood but may be related to the addition of water vapor to the flowing oxyKen used in the annealing of the films. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) displays large modulations of the atomic absorption coefficient and therefore is sensitive to local atomic structure. An energy range from -20 eV to 40 eV (with the -- edge defined as 0 eV) is typical ---- and it encompasses both pre-edge and post-edge features as well as the edge and main peak. For the case of the TI-Ca-Ba-Cu-O thin films considered here, the XANES from the Cu k-edse (Is44p transition) was measured. This was done at beam line X-IIA at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. A Si(lll) double- crystal monochromator with a nominal energy resolution of Fig. 3. Scanning electron -2.0 eV was used. An advantage micrograph of the same films of synchrotron radiation is its as in Figs. 1 and 2. polarization (in the horizontal plane), which can be used to determine the orientation of anisotropic materials and to probe 79 8 Q. o -6'0 -4'0 C ~ b~ -zG 6 z'o ,~o 6'o ENERGY (eV) Fig. 4. The absorption edge of superconducting Tl2CalBa2Cu20x thin film with the x-ray electric field vector parallel to the substrate surface. 8 o b~ -G0 -40 -20 0 20 40 G0 ENERGY (eV) Fi E . 5. The absorption edge of a T1 deficient nonsuper- conducting film with the x-ray electric field vector parallel to the substrate surface. electronic structures along a particular direction. The T1 thin film was positioned so that the substrate normal was 30" from hori- zontal and the x-ray electric field vector was parallel to the film surface. X-ray fluorescence was measured with a detector placed above the film. Figure 4 shows the absorption edge for sample B. The pre-edge feature marked a, is characteristic of the Is*3dx2_y2 (antibonding) transitlon. 8 This transition, which is dipole forbidden but quadrupole allowed, is weak. The shoulder marked b, represents the dipole allowed Is*4p transition with a shakedown of charge from the occupied 03p u state to the empty Cu 3dx2_y2 s 9 tare. This charge transfer screens the Is hole and lowers the Is~4p transition energy. The main peak marked c is the unscreened Is~4p transition. If the x-ray electric field vector is parallel (61c-axis) to the CuO 2 plane, then the main transition is Is44pa, while for the electric vector perpendicular (611c-axis) to the CuO 2 plane, the transition is Is~4p~. ° It has been observed for oriented TI2CalBa2Cu?O x powder that a weak shakedown shoulder appears when ~Ic-axis, while for ~llc-axis a strong shoulder appears. I0 This is consistent with near edge data on CUC14-2 compl~xes. 8 For the oriented powder the shoulder height for ~Ic-axis is ~29% of the total c peak height, while for ~llc-axis it is ~53X of the c peak height. In Fig. 4, the shoulder marked b is -32% oflthe total c peak height, which is close to the value of 29~ for ~Ic-axis for the oriented powder. This suggests that the c-axis is perpendicular to the substrate. For comparison, the absorption edge of a T1 deficient nonsuperconducting film is shown in Fig. 5. Here the height of shoulder h is ~51% of the total peak height and the weaker struc- ture above the edge suggests greater disorder. In addition, the ~Ic-axis polarization for the oriented powders show a strong and relatively narrow main peak c, as is the case in Fig. 4. The pre- edge Is43dx2_y2 feature a in Fig. 4 is also stronger in the 80 ~Ic-axis oriented powder than in ~llc-axis. 8 CONCLUSIONS We have fabricated thin films of Tl2CalBa2Cu2Ox on yttrium stabilized cubic zirconia by the technique of simultaneous reactive metal magnetron sputtering using three metal targets. Superconducting onsets of II5°K with Tc(R=0) of 95°K have been achieved. A correlation has been observed between the quality of the superconducting transition and the degree of preferred orienta- tion in the films. The sharpest transition is exhibited by films having the greatest degree of preferred orientation. XANES show structure consistent with a preferred orientation of the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate plane. X-ray microprobe fluores- cence measurements of the film compositions show that the films are close to the 2122 stoichiometry except for the presence of excess copper. The films exhibit a rather porous microstructure at 5000x magnification. This microstructure is believed to be an artifact of the annealing procedure. Future work will be concetrated on achieving films with improved superconducting transition and a more homogenous microstructure. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the staff of the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where the XANES measure- ments were performed. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Materials Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02- 76CH00016. REFERENCES i. Z. Z. Sheng, A. M. Hermann, A. E1 All, C. Almasan, J. Estrada, T. Datta, and R. J. Matson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 937 (1988). 2. S. S. P. Parkin, V. Y. Lee, E. M. Engler, A. I. Nazzal, T. C. Huang, G. Gorman, R. Savoy, and R. Beyers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2539 (1988). 3. M. Nakao, R. Yuasa, M. Nemoto, H. Kuwahara, H. Mukaida, and A. Mizukami, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 27, L849 (1988). 4. D. S. Ginley, J. F. Kwak, R. P. Hellmer, R. J. 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Prich Si particles in separation by implanted oxygen structures revealed by low temperature electronspin resonance G. Van Gorp and A. Stesmans Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 780 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343497 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343497 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Shallow donor in separation by implantation of oxygen structures revealed by electricfield modulated electron spin resonance Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 273 (1993); 10.1063/1.108987 Electron spin resonance of separation by implanted oxygen oxides: Evidence for structural change and a deep electron trap Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 2889 (1992); 10.1063/1.106809 Lowtemperature adsorption of oxygen on Si(111) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 2743 (1990); 10.1116/1.576660 Identification and structure of prich rareearth nuclei investigated using a Hejet fed online massseparator AIP Conf. Proc. 164, 445 (1987); 10.1063/1.37015 Resistance changes induced by electronspin resonance in ionimplanted Si:P system J. Appl. Phys. 49, 2401 (1978); 10.1063/1.325081 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11P-rich 51 particles in separation by implanted oxygen structures revealed by lowwtemperature electron-spin resonance G. Van Gorp and A Stesmans Departement Natuurkunde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3030 Leuuen, Belgium (Received 24 January 1989; accepted for publication 13 March 1989) Low-temperature X-and K-band electron-spin-resonance measurements on separation by implanted oxygen structures formed by implanting oxygen to a dose::::; 1.7X 1018 cm-2 on [001] c-Si wafers-both n andp type [dopant concentration;:::::: (9-28)xl014 cm -3]-reveal the presence of a signal due to submetallie Si:P effectively doped to [Pi ;::::::2.0 X 1018 em -3. The signal is identified as originating from the polyhedron-shaped c-Si precipitates known to remain in the buried SiOz layer near the bulkside 5i1Si02 interface, even after high temperature annealing. The capstone in this identification stems from the faceted structure of these Si islands, which, combined with the concomitant misfit-induced and plane-index related strain, accounts for the anisotropic g and linewidth-not observed as such in bulk Si:P. This result indicates an impurity effect as contributing to the persistence of these Si microcrystaHites upon annealing. I. INTRODUCTION During the last few years considerable progress has been made on the fabrication of high-quality silicon~on~insulator (SO!) material. In a particularly promising technique caned SIMOX1 (separation by implanted oxygen) an oxide layer buried in a silicon substrate is formed by high-energy oxygen implantation and subsequent high-temperature annealing. Until now the SIMOX structure and composition has been analyzed mainly by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM},2 Rutherford backscattering (RES),3 secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS),4 and electrical measurements.5 While the latter technique is used to investigate the electrical quality of the top Si layer, the former techniques studied the formation and the structure of the underlying buried oxide. This has led to a significant optimization of the struc ture:initiaHy, the interfaces of the SIMOX were rough and the top and bottom silicon layers in the neighborhood of the oxide were decorated with Si02 platelets and 8i02 precipi tates. In the oxide many Si inclusions were embedded, while the electrical quality ofthe top silicon iayer was poor, mainly due to a high density of threading dislocations and c-Si pre cipitates.6,7 Subsequent optimization of processing param eters such as implant energy, dose, and implant temperature and high-temperature annealing (;:::::: 1405 ec)8 completely annihilates the 5i02 clusters at both interfaces and produces a good Si top layer with a strongly reduced dislocation den sity. The S1 inclusions in the buried oxide disappear except near the bulkside SilSi02 interface where c-Si polyhedra, bordered by low-index crystal planes and aligned to the un derlying c-Si matrix,9 are formed. Whereas a higher concen tration ofSi inclusions at the backside of the buried oxide can be understood in terms of the skewed O-implantation pro~ file, to. I I which is much less abrupt at the backside, and the low diffusivity9.10 of Si in 8i02, the resistance of these inclu sions to anneal out even at temperatures near the Si melting point ( = 1412 eC) is not well understood. In light of its intrinsically high sensitivity and outstand-ing ability to discriminate between spin-active centers-and indeed, point defects and contaminants often are spin ac~ tive-electron-spin resonance (ESR) is likely to add infor mation not readily accessible by the previous methods. While many ESR signals are detected, the present report will mainly focus on a signal observed in an O-implanted wafers, which is believed to be particularly inherent to the SIMOX technique; it is related to the existence and annealing resis tance of the faceted 8i islands in the backside of the buried oxide. The present ESR data indicate that these 8i crystal lites have a high P concentration (::::::2X 1018 cm-3), even if starting fromp-type (B-doped) Si wafers. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Ao Sample preparation Czochralski(Cz)-grown P-and E-doped [001] 8i wa fers (room-temperature resistivity PRy;::::::5 n cm) measur ing 547 Jlm thick were ion implanted with 150 keY oxygen ions to a dose of ;::: 1.7X 1018 cm -2. During implantation the wafer temperature was maintained at ;::::::600 "C. Using low pressure chemical vapor deposition the wafers were capped with;:::; 100 nm ofSi02 to screen oft'ambient contaminations and subsequently annealed at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1250 DC in N2 ambient for 8 h. After annealing, the capping layer was stripped in buffered HF. This resulted in a buried oxide layer;:::::: 350 nm thick covered with a 8i over layer;:::::: 120 nrn thick. In some preparations, before deposit ing the capping layer, samples had grown on a 5-.um-thick epitaxial 5i layer in a reduced-pressure reactor. Prior to this deposition, a HF dip was applied to remove the native oxide. After the removal of the cap, the wafers were cut to platelets of 2X9xO.547 mm3 size having their long edge along a [110] direction. To enlarge the surface-to-volume ratio, the samples were thinned down at the backside in planar etch (HN0 3:CH3COOH:HF;7.5:2.5:1) to a final thickness of 176 ± 10 .urn. The experimental results presented here will mainly concern P-doped Si wafers. 780 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (2), 15 July 1989 0021-8979/89/140780-07$02.40 @ 1989 American Institute of PhYSics 780 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11B. ESRmtechnique ESR measurements were carried out at K (20.9 GHz) and X (9 GHz) bands in the temperature range 2.4< T,34 K. Because ofthe better signal-to-noise ratio, K band experi ments were generally preferred. Modulation of the externa! ly applied magnetic induction B and phase-sensitive detec tion resulted in recording microwave absorption-derivative dP!, I dB spectra. During the measurements the direction of B was varied eitherin the (001) or (110) plane; the direction of B in these is specified by the angle ~ relative to the [1101 and [001] direction, respectively. R.elying on careful line-shape analysis, the signal inten sity I (area under the absorption curve) oc X, the static mag netic susceptibility, was determined using the 1 = kAppAB;p method. In this, k is the line-shape factor while tlBpp and 2App represent the peak-to-peak linewidth and height of the dP1, I dB response, respectively; microwave saturation effects were well taken care of. Values of g were measured relative to the LiF:Li g marker of gLiF:Li = 2.002 29 ± 0.000 01. UI. EXPERiMENTAL RESULTS Initially, the basic 8i material was checked for ESR sig nals. Apart from the strong hyperfine doublet in P-doped material, 12 none were found. However, as expected, the low T ESR spectrum of the implanted samples shows various signals, depending on the dopant and the annealing tempera ture. A first defect, the PbO center, 13-15 has been well studied before. Secondly, measurements on a nonannealed sample show an intense signal of the amorphous defect center (dan gling Si bond; g = 2.0055) which also has been investigated before.14,15 Thirdly. somewhat unexpected, in all the im planted samples there are traces of iron. In the n-type sam ples interstitial neutral iron16 [FeO; g( 4,2 K) = 2.0070 ± 0.0001] is detected, while, additionally, neutral (FeB)opairs17,18 (effective spinS = 3/2; 4.2 K prop erties:gn = 2<0676 ± 0.0002 andgl = 2,0452 ± 0.0004, fine structure constant ID 1= 2.7 ± 0.5 cm -I) show up in thep type samples. Due to strong saturation effects it was not possible to reliably determine the concentration of these centers. However, by taking into account the signal-to-noise ratio we could estimate a lower bound of :::::: 25 for the con centration enhancement relative to the unimplanted sample, in which no traces of iron have been detected. Whether this iron enters the sample by implantation andlor heat treat ment or whether it already resides in the sample in a nonpar amagnetic state before is crucial to the inherent quality of SiiSiOz structures achievable by the SIMOX method. A fourth signal with g = 1.998 33 ± 0.000 05 and !1Bpp = 2< 12 ± 0.08 G, both being <P and T independent within experimental error, is only observed in n-type samples for T> 12 K. Below;::: 16 K the signal strongly decreases to become unobservableo A log (l1)-vs-Tplot indicates an acti vated behavior giving EA = 5.8 ± 005 rneV; at 18 K, a spin concentration Ns = (3.5 ± 0.7) X 1011 em" 2 correspond ing to 2.1 X 1013 cm -3 if referred to the total sample volume is measured. This signal has been observed beforel9,2o and is ascribed to a thermal donor,21 All these signals have previously been analyzed and sev- 781 J. Appl. Physo. Vol. 66, No.2, 15 July 1969 1.9997 r-(a-:-r~i--r6--A""'A----rt-A-r--"""-"""1 .. &i A A 1.1 '--_-'--_-L __ '--_~--"--__::":-_~ o 10 20 HKI 30 3S FIG. 10 Temperature dependence of the gvalue (a) and linewidth (b) of the central pair P signal ascribed to P-rich faceted c-Si precipitates residing in the buried oxide layer near the bulkside Si02/Si interface. Data are taken at K band using.;; -0.9 dB m of microwave power. eral of them are relatively well known; they are not further addressed here. Of main concern, presently, is an additional signal which shows up in all the implanted samples (n and p type). The signal is observed at the K band at {jg = 1.999 63 ± 0.000 03 with !1Bpp = 1.36 ± 0.04 G for B!I[OOl] and T=4.3 K As displayed in Fig. 1(a) for a SIMOX structure fabricated by implanting (001) n-Si with 1.7 X 1018 em 20+ ions at an energy of 150 keY, thegvalue remains almost constant with an increasing temperature up to 20 K. From there on it declines to reach the value g = 1.999 46 ± 0.000 05 at 34 K As shown in Fig. 1 (b), for Ell [001] the linewidth decreases from ABpp = 1.39 ± 0.02 G at T = 2.4 K to ABpl' = 1.26 ± 0.03 G at T = 10 K, to increase again up to ABpp = 2.12 ± 0,02 G at 34 K. For Ell (0011 the line shape is almost Lorentzian and the line broadening homogeneous at all temperatures, as concluded from comparative X-band measurements. As can be seen in Fig. 2, I( n measurements reveal a Curie-Weiss behavior, that is,!:::::: (T + e a ) -I, where 9" is the asymptotic Curie Weiss temperature given as 9a = 2.7 ± 0.3 K. The spin den sity Ns has been determined for BII[OOl]. Relying on the observed Lorentzian line shape and the Curie-Weiss behav ior, a value of Ns = 3.4X lOll em -2 ( ± 20%; S = 112) (or 2,0 X 1013 cm-3) has been found. At 4.3 K, no saturation effects are observed for micro wave powers P" incident on the cavity up to 0.9 mW. This corresponds to the value B1 = 0.09 G for the amplitUde of the in-phase rotating part of the microwave field at the cen ter of the TEo!! cavity (loaded quality factor Q;:::30(0), which means that this signal is fairly insensitive to satura tion-rather unexpected for isolated defects in the Si/Si01 structure.22,23 Measurements for B varying in the ( 110) plane show a clear anisotropy both ing and ABpp, as may be seen in Fig. 3. G. Van Gorp and A. Stesmans 781 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11°O~----~------~10~----L-----~2~O----~~--~30 T(K) FIG. 2. Plot of the inverse K-band ESR intensity (area under absorption curve a:: X) of the P donor central signal observed on II (001) SIMOX struc ture, showing a Curie-Weiss behavior with the asymptotic Curie-Weiss temperature e. = 2.7 ± 0.3 K. The signal is ascribed to P donor electrons delocalized over P clusters in Si islands of high P concentration :::;;2 X 10" cm -2 (submetallicregion). Incident microwave power.;; -0.9 dB m. The SIMOX sample results from implanting an n-Si wafer with 1.7 X 10'8 0 ~ ions at 150 keY followed by an S-h anneal at 1250 'CO For HII [001 J one observes g = 1.999 63 ± 0.000 03, tlE"" = 1.36 ± 0.04 G both at the X and K band, which indicates a homogeneously broadened signal: the line shape is closely Lorentzian. For HII [110], g has decreased down to 1.9997 , 1 (a) 1.9996 " "" 1.9994 1.9992 5 (b) '" C. Q, "" <I 3 1~-9~O~--~--~--~Q----~--~--~9~O 1110l [ifl] (001) 4:>8(0) mOl FIG. 3. g and linewidth anisotropy of the donor electron (P) central signa! observed 011 a (001) SIMOX structure at T = 4.3 K for Ii varying in the (I1O) plane. The sample has been fabricated by implanting n-Si ,,'lith 1.7X 10'80 + ions cm --2 at an energy of 150 keV and subsequent annealing at 1250 'C fo:r 8 h in N2 ambient. Open and full symbols represent X (8.982 GHz) and K (20.95 GHz) band data, respectively. Incident microwave power.;; -0.9 dB m. 7132 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 66, No.2, 15 July 1989 1~-~90~--~~~--~O~--~--~--~9~O~ i110J [100J [110] ¢B1') [110J FIG. 4. A similar plot to Fig. 3, but now for Ii varying in the (001) plane. 1.999 32 ± 0.000 04, while 6.Bpp has increased to 3.6 ± 0.2 G due to inhomogeneous broadening; accordingly, the line shape now looks more Gaussian. This inhomogeneous broadening is confirmed by measurements at the X band [see Fig. 3(b)]; indeed, for HII [110J the linewidth atthe K band is substantially larger than at the X band. When H varies in the (OOt) plane (see Fig. 4) the g anisotropy is less substan tial, but the linewidth anisotropy is of about equal size as for BE( 110). The removal of the top Si layer by etching produced no significant change in ESR intensity. However, etching off the buried oxide totany eliminated the signal, indicating that the defect centers are located in the the buried oxide or near the bulkside SilSi02 interface. IV. INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION A. Signal Identification Regarding its microscopic identification, the ESR data provide clear evidence that the signal originates from phos phorus-rich 8i inclusions in the backside ofthe buried oxide. As mentioned, these c-Si inclusions are formed during the buried Si02 layer growth as a result of the nonabruptness of the buried Si/SiOz interfaces-where a mesh of SiOx re gions is intimately admixed with Si-rich parts9 -and the low diffusivity ofSi in Si02 0 Most likely, because of the skewness of the implantation profile6,IO-the backside wing's slope is much smoother than the front wing-the Si inclusions are predominantly formed and persist longer during high-Tan nealing near the bulkside interface. As a result ofthe minimi zation of the interfacial energy (both strain-and surface-free energy) and the orientational dependence of the oxidation rate9 the Si inclusions are of polyhedral shape, the facets consisting mainly of{lOO} and {11I} planes.24 P atoms lo cated in the region implanted with oxygen, either as a dopant in n-type material or as an impurity in p-type material, are driven to these Si islands during formation for two reasons: firstly, because of their higher solubility in Si than in SiOz G. Van Gorp and A. Stesmans 782 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11(natural segregation effect) and secondly, because of the lower chemical potential (strain-relieving properties) ofP at the SVSiOz interface. Such P-piling up effect is weU docu~ mented in literature (see, e.g., Ref. 25 and references there in). This results in c-Si i.nclusions of high effective P concen trations, i.e., n-type c-Si islands. There is plenty of experimental evidence for attributing the present ESR signal to P atoms in these c-Si regions in which P has piled up to net PdonorconcentrationsN p == [Pl :::;2 X 10lBcm 3, that is, Si doped to the submetallic regime. This is much larger than the homogeneous P and B dopant concentrations [ :::; ( 1-3) X 1015 em -31 of the starting n~ and p-type Si sub strates, respectively. More specifically, the signal appears identical to the central pair line25•26 ascribed to donor elec trons ddocalized over small P clusters. Indeed, it is well documented that donor electrons in c Si:P with N D > 1018 em -l are delocalized. Thus, the strong 31 P (nuclear spin I = 1/2) induced hyperfine splitting of the ESR spectrum, which is typical for Si:P onow P concentra tions, is averaged out. 27,28 This results in an ESR spectrum consisting of a single Lorentzian line,29 showing the same ~pp~vs-Tbehavior as depicted26 in Fig. 1 (b); that is, a de crease in linewidth with the temperature increasing from 2 to 8-12 K followed by a continuous increase from there on. The temperature at which the linewidth is minimal is a measure of the P concentration26 resulting for the present case in Np = (1-2) X 1018 em --3. This estimated concentration accounts quite well for the ABpp values measured: at 4.2 K the linewidth26 for c-Si:P dopedtoN p = 2X 1018 em -3 is ABpp = 0.90 ± 0.15 G. This is not the case for other donors in 8i, such as As or Sb, which exhibit a similar ~pp-vs-Tbehavior as P : the linewidth of these impurities is always much larger. 30 The asymptotic Curie-Weiss temperature provides an other way to determine Np• This Curie-Weiss behavior of X appears as a typical fingerprint for high-concentration c Si:P. Using ea = 2.7 ± 0.3 K. this again leads t026 Np = (2± 1)x1013cm-3• Also the observed g value (::::: 1.9996 for HI! (0011) closely matches the Si:P signal.26 For HII [001] a Lorentzian and homogeneously broadened line, a result of exchange narrowing, is observed, which also agrees with observa tions31 on c-Si:P, This, however, is not the case for the other directions of:8, which will be addressed together with the observed g anisotropies in the next section. The signal is fair ly insensitive to saturation at 4.2 K. which almost precludes it to originate from an isolated defect in Si or Si02• 22,23 The response almost behaves as a metallic (conduction electron) resonance. It is wen known that the delocalized donor elec trons in Si:P of Np:::;2X101& cm-3 exhibit such behav ior.23,25 Additional support for the proposed identification stems from the observed density and size of the silicon pre cipitates. SIMOX samples doped to doses comparable to the one presently used and annealed at T",n:::; 1150-1250 ·C show the Si polyhedra near the bulkside SilSi02 interface to have an average mean size Da :::::40 nrn. Hence, the average vol.ume of such a grain is V AV ~33 X 10--18 em3• As report- 783 J. Appl. Physo, Vol. 66, No. 2.15 July 1989 ed, we have measured Ns = 3.4 X lOll ( ± 20%) spins per cm2 ofthe sample. In light of the susceptibility enhancement eifeee2,33 this value rather represents the effective P concen~ trationNejf• ForSi doped to ~2x 10'8 P atoms em -3, the P donor concentration is given as Np = (0.8 ± 0.06)Neffo, re sulting in Np = 2.7 X 1011 em -2 for the present case. Sup pose then there is a homogeneous P distribution in the Si grains,34 we find such a grain to contain 2 X 1018 cm -3 X 33 X 10 -18 ern3 = 66 P atoms. Thus we find as the average numberofSipolyhedraN ph = 207X lOll cm-2/66:::;4X 109 cm-2, which gives an average interpolyhedra distance dph ~ 156 nm if we suppose that their centers are homogeneous ly distributed in one plane near the back Si/Si02 interface. This NPh number agrees with the density derived from direct HRTEM observations. 1,6 The high net N p value just derived is much higher than the doping concentration in our p-type samples ([B] :::;2.6 X 1015 cm -3), thereby inverting the 8i crystal~ lites into n type, This is why the signal is also observed in the SIMOX structure formed on p-Si substrates. Crucial, of course, is the question where the necessary amount of P atoms needed to cause such an effect comes from. As out lined previously, the answer lies in the non-negligible com pensation ratio Rc=ND INA (where ND and N.4 represent the total donor and acceptor concentration) of commercial Si wafers in general, 25 For the present case and items dis cussed we may identify ND = NI> = [PI. NA = [HI. SO, P impurities are inherent to the starting Si material, e.g., for Rc = 0.5 the startingp-type Si would contain :::::6X 1014 P atoms em --3. It has been wen pointed oues that thermal treatments (typical as used here) will anow these P impuri~ ties to pile up in small Si layers (regions) near the Si/Si0 2 interfaces, herewith denuding the surrounding zones of di mension;::; l-lOp;mofP. LocalconcentrationsN D>6X 1018 cm-3 may be easily reached in this way. Hence, the model of the formation of P-rich Si precipi~ tates in the buried Si02 layer readily explains the majority of the experimental results. Regarding this identification, how ever, the g and MI'P anisotropy results remain to be ad dressed. These merit special attention, partly because these cannot directly be observed in bulk c-Si:P and partly because these data are felt to provide conclusive evidence for the P in-Si model. B. 9 and .&Bp" anisotropy: Stress model As outlined, the P-rich Si regions observed are identified with the Sf microcrystallites near the bulkside Si02/Si inter face. So far, the hint for this has been threefold: Firstly, etch ing experiments have shown the phosphorus to be located in or somewhere in the vicinity of the oxide. Secondly, the ex planation for the existence of regions of high P doping needs effects such as diffusion to Si/Si02 interfaces or pile up in Si inclusions. Thirdly, the number of spins measured by ESR can be explained in terms of the estimated local P concentra tion and the density and size of the 8i polyhedra at the back of the buried oxide, However, these facts still are not a direct prooHor identifying the observed P-rich Si regions with the Si islands. They cannot, for example, exclude the possibility G. Van Gorp and A. Stesmans 783 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11that aU the phosphorus has piled up at the two "buried" SilSi02 interfaces. The direct evidence for the P location comes from the g and ABpp anisotropy, which, as will be demonstrated, can only be explained in terms of polyhedron shaped Si globules. It is known that P impurities in c-Si may exhibit a (weak) anisotropy.35-37 This g anisotropy ofP as wen as of any other shallow donor in silicon is caused by strain. The strain of the lattice, in which the P impurity is embedded, has some implications on the electronic ground state of the do nor electron resulting in g anisotropy. The theory of shallow donors, as developed by Kahn and Luttinger,35 states that the ground state of a donor electron comprises equal admix tures from the six conduction-band valleys; this is modula ted by an envelope function which is the solution of the asso ciated hydrogenlike Schrodinger equation, thus giving rise to an isotropic g value. Thus, in bulk unstrained c-Si:P, gener ally no g anisotropy can be observed. This wave function can be written as 6 W(r) = 2: a(j)F(j)(r)u(j)(r)exp[ik~j)rJ ' j= 1 where u(j)(r)exp[ik~j)rJ is the Bloch function of thejth vaHey minimum, P< j) (r) is the solution of the hydrogenlike problem, and aU) is the coefficient which describes the ad mixture of the corresponding vaHey minimum. However, when the crystal is strained, its symmetry is altered and the di~erent valleys are no longer equivalent; some rise in energy while others decrease. This also changes the admixture of the different valleys in the ground-state wave function of the donor electron: valleys where the energy is decreased will have an increased population and thus an increased a( j), and ~ice versa. Via the spin-orbit coupling this valley repopula tIon also changes the average g value which will be no longer isotropic. A second effect of the strain is the deformation of the valleys themselves. This influences the effective mass of the electron in the valley and thus the g value, too. . This indicates that the presently observed anisotropies m g and .t.Bpp result from stressed P-rich Si regions. Hence as an ansatz to account for these data, we suppose that the P atoms have piled up in the Si inclusions in the buried oxide, we determine the stress axes prevailing, and from there on try to simulate the measured g-vs-$ and f1B -vs-<I> behav-. w lOr. To determine the stress axes it is necessary to look at the shape of the Si inclusions in the oxide. As mentioned before HR TEM has shown that these inclusions are of polyhedral shape bordered mainly by {Ill} and {1 OO} planes.24 Along these facets there exists a large tensile stress due to the large misfit in bond density between Si and Si02• As it may be assumed that the P atoms in the Si globules are preferentially situated at the SilSi02 interfaces of these globules25-even when the P distribution is homogeneous, the assumption for the strain remains valid for the main part of the P atoms the kind of strain experienced by the P atoms (Si lattice) depends on the kind offacet plane to which they are nearest i.e., {lll} or {lOO}. For these cases the g anisotropy ha~ been calculated. For a tensile stress38 along a {lOO} plane, the anisotropy is caused by vaHey repopUlation only and is 784 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.2, 15 July 1989 described by gee) -go = U( 1 -1.5 sin2 f)) , where f) is the angle between B and the stress axis (perpen dicular to the plane in which the tensile stress is experi enced), Uis the compilation of some physical constants and parameters, such as the maximum g anisotropy and the val ley strain; go is the g value in the absence of strain. For a tensile stress along {Ill}, the formula for the g anisotropy is formally identical except that U has been replaced by an other constant Vand that the g anisotropy instead is caused by the deformation of the valleys. Since the g value of the piled up P donors has apparently not shifted much from the g value [cf. g(T<4.2 K)::::;1.99875+0.00011 for [P] ::::;8 X 1011> cm-3] oflow concentratio; P donors,23 we may assume that the donor electrons spend most of the time localized at donor sites. This permits the use of the above formulas calculated for isolated donors. So, the supposition that P atoms are piled up in strained Si inclusions leads to the conclusion that instead of observing an isotropic g value and a single homogeneously broadened Lorentzian ESR signal as would be the case for highly doped bulk c-Si:P ([Np] > 1018 cm -3) in the absence of strain, a superposition of homogeneously broadened Lorentzian lines is observed. The "various" P lines originate from P atoms embedded in various Si layers adjacent to internal Si/SiO interfaces which are at different angles with respect to B, each "plane" exhibiting an anisotropic g value as a result of strain. Because the constituent lines cannot be resolved, a convoluting single line with an anisotropic g value and an attendant "breathing" linewidth behavior is observed. In case the Si-precipitate facets would comprise all kinds of orientations (various Miller indices), or if the various 3i mi crocrystals would not be aligned along one Si matrix (e.g., the substrate matrix), the averaging effect would result in an isotropic signal (cf. powder effect).39 However, it is exactly due to the common orientation of these precipitates and the limited number of border plane indices prevailing (i.e., mainly {Ill} and {I OO} ) that some strain-induced anisotro py ing (and consequently in flBpp, too) results, thus strong ly evidencing the proposed identification. For certain B di rections the g value of many of the lines coincides and a single homogeneously broadened Lorentzian line with a smalllinewidth is observed; for many other directions, how ever, the signal is inhomogeneously broadened; it gets more Gaussian character and exhibits a larger linewidth. Co Application of the stress model The model has been tested quantitatively by fitting to the measured g-vs-<P and I:l.Bpp -vs-<I> relations along the fol lowing guides. Firstly, for each spectrum (1) value) the mean g value, as calculated from the resonance fields of the constituent facet-related lines and weighed in proportion to their relative abundance, is equaled to the measured g. Sec ondly, the standard deviation of the distribution of reso nance fields is a measure for the linewidth of the observed inhomogeneous broadening, which is assumed to be Gaus sian. Since the homogeneously broadened components of the signal are Lorentzian, an overall Voigt line shape may be G. Van Gorp and A. Stesmans 784 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11assumed. Its linewidth is calculated using an empirical relationship established by Stoneham40: (AB ~p}2 + O.9085(AB;p }(.6.B~p) + 0.4621(6.B ~p )2 Mlpp= ilB~p+O.4621(LlB~p) , where ilB ~p is the width of the isotropic Lorentzian part which is determined experimentally and aB ~p is the linewidth of the observed inhomogeneous broadening; the latter is anisotropic and is calculated from the distribution of the different constituent resonance fields. Third, the magni tude of the tensile stress along border planes with equivalent Miller indices, e.g., aU {IOO} planes, is assumed equal. Fourth, every P atom is subjected to the tensile stress of only one border plane of the precipitate. So, the stress is assumed to be perfectly tensile with the stress axes oriented exactly along the (100) or < 11 1> directions. This implies that an precipitates are perfectly aligned with respect to the underly ing Si substrate. Fifth, because of the symmetry of the pre cipitates and their location, the total surface of the four {Ill} facets has been taken equal in the calculationso For the same reason, the total surface of the (100) and (010) planes is taken to be the same while a total (001) surface-this is the surface parallel to the buried layer-larger than the (100) and (010) ones is admitted. 1.9 The fitting results are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 by the full curves. AlI four curves are obtained with one set of six parameters: two parameters de scribe the relative ratio of the total surfaces of the different border planes of the precipitates and one parameter each defines go (the g value in absence of strain), M ~p (the ho mogeneous linewidth), U (comprising the maximum g ani sotropy for stress along a {lOO} plane), and V (comprising the maximum g anisotropy for stress along a {Ill} plane) 0 'While the general features are wen described, the fitting is not quite perfect at all angles. This has to be partly ascribed to the small signal-to-noise ratio and partly to the simplicity of the model. For example, the smail g anisotropy which is measured for the BE(OOl) plane and which, as such is not predicted by the model, may be caused by the varying shape of the signal; this does not need to be perfectly symmetric for all angles, a fact which has not been included in the model. Neither did we include a distribution in stress nor stress an gle 8, which eventually occurs. Nor did we take into account the effect upon Hnewidth of the change in wave-function overlap between the donor electrons as stress is applied. Also, the exact distribution of P in the Si globules is un known. Taking into account these effects would certainly improve the model but would at the same time drastically increase the computation time without adding much to the physical significance. Indeed, one can hardly expect to have a correct knowledge of microscopic properties as, e.g., the stress distribution present and the ratio of the surface of the {lOO} and {I I I} facet planes. In fact, the mode! satisfactorily accounts for the g ani sotropy and the attendant "breathing" linewidth behavior. A further test of the model consists in probing the physical relevance of the numbers obtained for the fit variables U and V. Using these numbers it is possible to get an order of mag nitude estimate of the stress Tat the internal Si/Si02 inter- 785 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No.2, 15 July 1989 faces of the globules. For example, the fit variable V can be expressed35,36 as V = 0.44T I(3C44), where T is the stress along < 111 }-of the same order of magnitude a~ the equiv~ lent tensile stress in the {lIt} planes-and C44 IS the eiastlc constant, which for silicon4! is equal to 8 X lOll dyn/cm2. This results in T= (1O±5)X109 dyn/cm2, which com pares reasonably with the stress measured in Si/Si0 2 wa ferso42 '110 CONCLUDING REMARKS It has been shown that the faceted Si microcrystals re maining in the buried Si02 near the bulkside SilSi0 2 inter face after high-T (:::: 1000--1250 ·C)annealing of a SIMOX structure have accumulated a high local P density. While the general characteristics of the ESR signal observed match the central (pair) line due to donor electrons in submetallic Si:P doped to ::::2 X lOIS em -3, the key evidence for the P signal to originate from the embedded 8i islands stems from the observed anisotropy in g and .6.Bpp. This finding may closely relate to the elimination behavior of the Si islands, i.e., their migration from the Si02 layer towards the Si matrixo It has been well observed that contrary to the Si precipitates near the front Eli/SiD, interface, the Si islands near the back inter face are extremely difficult to eliminate even after prolonged high-T annealing at T-z 1405 "c. This has previously been ascribed9 to the very low ditfusivity of Si in 8i02, cf. at 1300 "C, DSi = 3.25 X 10 17 cm2/s. The present result, how ever, indicates, that this may be only part ofthe reason. Like ly. there is a significant effect of impurity pinning; the P impurities have a much higher solubility in 8i than in Si02 f cf. the P segregation coefficient43 ml' == C" (SO/ Cp (Si02) -z 10, where Cj (X) represents the equi1~briurn concentration of impurity i in solid Xl, thus accountmg for the Si islands' persistency. A similar statement may apply for As and Sb impurities.43 Hence, in that case future SIMOX work should aim for a starting material of higher purity. One possibility is to start from p-type (B-doped) material-B does not pUe up near the SilSi02 interface during Si02 growing43 (cf. m II <0.3 )-with, however, the strict demand of a negligible compensation ratio, i.e., [PJ, [As], [Sb] all very low. Also the dean ness ofthe implantation process and the heat treat ment are of utmost importance because of possible conta mination by transition metals. In this way it might become possible to fabricate homogeneous buried oxides with wen defined SilSi02 interfaces. 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In the latter case the pertinent Si/Si02 region would readily extend several tens of nrn, thus enclosing the whole grain. 35W. Kahn and M. Luttinger, Phys. Rev. 97,1721 (1955). 36D. K. Wilson and G. Feher, Phys. Rev. 124, 1068 (1961). 37y Yafet, in Solid State Physics, edited by F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (Aca demic, New York, 1963), Vo!. 14, p. 1. 3'The formulas used actually describe the anisotropy of g for a uniaxial stress along (100) and < 111) axes. Since the alteration of the Si crystal's symmetry is the same whether a uniaxial compressive stress is applied, e.g., along (100), or a tensile stress in a plane perpendicular to this axis, the use of these formulas to describe the angular variations of g is justified (see Ref. 36). 39See, e.g., P. C. Taylor and P. J. Bray, J. Magn. Resoll. 2, 305 (1970). 'GA. M. Stoneham, J. Phys. D 5, 670 (1972). "H. J. McSkimin. J. App!. Phys. 24, 988 (1953). 42See, e.g., Eo Kobedaand E. A. Irene,I. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B4, 720 (1986). 43A. S. Grove, O. Leistiko, Jr., and C. T. Sah, J. App!. Phys. 35, 2695 (1964). G. Van Gorp and A. Stesmans 786 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:20:11
Substrate effect on the deposition of Zn3P2 thin films prepared by a hotwall method Shunro Fuke, Tetsuji Imai, Kazushige Kawasaki, and Kazuhiro Kuwahara Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 564 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343142 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343142 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/2?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Blue SrS:Cu thin-film electroluminescent devices grown by hot-wall deposition using successive source supply Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 1889 (1998); 10.1063/1.122316 Strain effect and photoluminescence of ZnS epilayers grown on GaP(100) substrates by hot-wall epitaxy J. Appl. Phys. 84, 1047 (1998); 10.1063/1.368102 A fully automated hotwall multiplasmamonochamber reactor for thin film deposition J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 9, 2331 (1991); 10.1116/1.577318 Properties of zinc phosphide (Zn3P2) thin films prepared by hotwall technique under high Sb vapor pressure J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1127 (1987); 10.1063/1.339723 Some properties of Zn3P2 polycrystalline films prepared by hotwall deposition J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2368 (1986); 10.1063/1.337147 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:05:15Substrate effect on the deposition of Zn3Pa thin fUms prepared by a hot .. wan method Shunro Fuke. Tetsuji !mai, Kazushige Kawasaki, and Kazuhiro Kuwahara Department of Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, lohoku, Hamatsu 432, Japan (Received 10 August 1988; accepted for publication 6 October 1988) Z113PZ thin films have been deposited by a hot-wall method on Pyrex glass and (lOO)GuAs substrates. For GaAs crystalline substrates, higher deposition rates were obtained at the same source and substrate temperatures than those for glass substrates. Layers deposited on ( 100) GaAs substrates showed stronger preferential (004) orientation of the tetragonal structure, and hence an improved columnar structure is obtained as compared with those on glass substrates. The films having higher crystalline quality deposited on GaAs substrates have room temperature resistivities as low as ~ 10 n cm. l. INTRODUCTION Zinc phosphide (Zn3P2), the II3-V2 p-type compound semiconductor, has attractive properties as a material for optoelectronic applications. It has a direct band gap near 1.5 eV (Ref. 1) and long minority-carrier diffusion lengtns2 which are required to obtain optimum optoelectronic con version efficiencies for photovoltaic devices.3-5 Because of its large optical absorption coefficient, thin films of ZU3P2 may be suitable for solar cell. Polycrystalline Zn~P? thin films have been deposited by hot -waH deposition, 6-8 ~a~uum evap oration,'} close-spaced vapor transport technique, 10 and ion ized cluster-beam deposition II so far. However, the electri cal resistivity of these films is often too high to be used for solar-cell application. The deposition method and some structural and electri cal properties of Zn3P 2 thin films prepared by using the hot wall deposition technique have been presented in some detail in previous papers.6•7 In this paper we report the deposition characteristics of uudoped Zn3P2 thin films on both Pyrex glass and GaAse 100) substrates. The effects of growth con ditions and of the substrate materials on the structural and electrical properties of these films are discussed. It APPARATUS AND EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS The hot-waH deposition system used in this experiment for the preparation of Zn3P 2 thin films was described in de tail in previous papers.6•7 The temperatures of the source, quartz wall, and substrate were controlled independently. The polycrystaHine Zn3P 2 source material was synthesized by direct combination of high-purity zinc and phosphorus in a quartz tube. The substrates used in this experiment are Pyrex glass and Cr-doped semi-insulating (lOO)GaAs sub strates. Zn3P2 has a tetragonal crystal structure with an a axis lattice constant of 8.095 A, while GaA::; is a cubic crystal with an a-axis lattice spacing of 5.653 A (diagonal dis- tance = 5.653X~2 = 7.995 A). GaAs, therefore, seems to be an adequate substrate material for depositing Zn3P 2 films from the viewpoint oflattice matching. The Pyrex glass sub strates are ultrasonically cleaned prior to deposition in tri chlorethylene, acetone, and methanol, sequentially. The GaAs wafers are etched in a solution of H2S04 :HZ02:H20 ( 4: 1: 1) at room temperature. The deposition conditions are summarized in Table 1. The crystallinity of the thin films obtained at various deposition conditions has been characterized by x-ray dif fraction. The diffraction patterns indicate strong peaks cor responding to (004) and (008) planes of ZnJP2 having a tetragonal crystal structure. The room-temperature resistiv ity of the films is measured by a two-terminal method in the dark. The ohmic Ag contacts to the films are formed by vacuum deposition, and copper lead wires are attached using a conducting silver paste. iii. DEPOSITION BEHAVIOR AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DEPOSITED FILMS A. Deposition rate Figure 1 shows the source temperature dependence of the deposition rate of Zn3P2 films on both Pyrex glass and ( 100) GaAs wafer substrates. The substrate temperature is maintained at 280 or 360°C. As the source temperature be comes higher, the deposition rate increases exponentially, reflecting the dissociation pressure of the Zn3P2 source. For the condition of smaller temperature differences between the source and the substrate, the deposition rates decrease rapid ly.6 For the GaAs substrate, the deposition rate is much larg er than that on Pyrex glass. Furthermore, the deposition takes place at a lower temperature difference between the source and substrate (about 120°C) than for the Pyrex glass substrate (about 160 °C). Figure 2 is a plot of the deposition rate of Zn3P 2 films as a function of the substrate temperature for different source temperatures. The source temperature is maintained at 480 or 540°C. For both substrate materials, the deposition rates tend to saturate at larger substrate-source temperature dif ferences. And the deposition rates decrease rapidly at higher substrate temperatures, depending on the combination of substrate materia! and source temperature. When the sub- TABLE L Experimental conditions for deposition of undoped Zn3 P 2 films. Source temperature Wall temperature Substrate temperature Substrate Vacuum pressure Deposition time (1:ou ) 420-540 ·C (Tw) 420-54O·C ( 'T"ub ) 240-380 ·C GaAs( leoO), Pyrex gla.~s <5X 10-' Torr Ih 564 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (2), 15 January 1989 0021-8979/89/020564-03$02.40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 564 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:05:15• "-on glass ° {;. on GaAs /' / 1>./ o e/ / ./1>, /' /0 1:(r../"- o /- I>, / 0/ I / I 360 I Tsub~280'C / A I ,,280 I '" 360 420 450 500 SOURCE TEMPERATURE FIG, 1, Deposition rate of Zn,P 2 films deposited on glass and GaAs sub strates vs source temperatures, Depositions were made by a hot-wall tech nique, strate temperature is low enough, the reevaporation rate of Zn adsorbed on the growing surface is much smaller than the impingement rate of Zn from the source. Hence, both the substrate temperature and the substrate material have rela tively little effect on the deposition rates for a constant source temperature. As mentioned above, despite the same source tempera ture and the same impingement rate of Zn. the deposition rate on crystalline GaAs substrates is larger than that on Pyrex glass substrates except for the lower substrate tem perature range, Furthermore, for the GaAs substrate, deposited Zn3P 2 films with better crystalline quality and better surface ap pearance can be obtained as discussed below. These favor able structural features of Zn3P2 films deposited on (lOO)GaAs substrates promote the deposition rate. In addi tion, the smaner source-substrate temperature difference which is required for film deposition is also obtained. B. X~ray diffraction Figure 3 (a) shows the x-ray diffraction patterns for the Zn3PZ films deposited on the Pyrex glass substrate. No dif fraction peaks were detected within the measured diffrac tion -angle range less than 70·, except for the ( (04) and (008) diffraction peaks from the tetragonal structure. This indicates that the deposited layers have a structure with col- ,...... .s::. E :J.. 30 It .. on glass o A on GaAs w 20 I-4: 0: ,0 Z e 5 lo- U} 0 2 a. w 0 250 300 350 380 SUBSTRATE TEMPERATURE ( ·C) FIG. 2. Deposition rate of Zn'P2 films deposited on glass and GaAs sub strates vs substrate temperatures. 565 J, Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No, 2, 15 January 1989 I J 10 ~ A (004) (OOS) 1\ Koil r!K_Z 5 1 r I \ j \ III ) \ / \ 0 / " o --_/, ' -+ a. u 31 32 65 66 x: (a) on Pyrex glass >-60 (008) 10- ~:OO41 ~ 100 K"'f (\ GaAs sub, I' lU II I- 40 I II Koc2 Ko\! (400) Z I \ ri 50 I V, I I 1\ ~z I ' 20 I \ I ~I I \ \ ) \) \ / ~.-0 32 0 / , 31 65 66 DiFFRACTION ANGLE 26 (deg) ( b) on GaAs FIG, 3, X-ray diffraction patterns of Zn'P2 films deposited on (a) Pyrex glass substrate at T,,,u = 520 ·C, l~ub = 280 'C, and (b) (IOO)GaAs sub strate at T,,,u = 540 "C, T",b = 360 "C, umnar growth perpendicular to the substrates. This has been confirmed by scanning electron microscope observations. 7 The diffraction peak intensity increases significantly and the surface appearance also indicates larger grain sizes as the film thickness becomes large. This means that the crystallin ity of Zn3P2 films deposited on Pyrex glass substrates im proves gradually to give the distinct columnar structure with larger grain sizes, The diffraction pattern for the Zn.lP 2 layer deposited on a GaAs(100) substrate [Fig. 3(b)) showstheobvioussepa ration of the (008) diffraction peaks corresponding to eu Ka, and Ka2 x rays. Such peak separation has not been observed in Fig. 3(a). The values offull width at half maxi mum (FWHM) of diffraction peaks for the layer are smaller than those for the layer deposited on glass substrates shown in Fig. 3 (a). In Fig, 3 (b) the diffraction pattern for the used GaAs substrate is also given, This shows that even the layer deposited on the GaAs substrate has much larger values of FWHM than that for the GaAs substrate itself. This means that the crystallinity ofZn3P 2 films deposited on GaAs wafer substrates is much superior to that deposited on Pyrex glass substrates, probably because the crystalline substrate assists the growth of highly oriented layers from the initial stages of growth. These results show the possibility of epitaxial growth of Zn3P2 layers on GaAs wafer substrates by opti mizing the deposition conditions. Figure 4 shows the rocking curves of the Zu3PZ films deposited on Pyrex glass and GaAs substrates. The diffrac tion angle 2e was fixed at the peak position of (004) diffrac tion pattern. The coordinate is the x-ray incident angle e, and the abcissa is the diffraction intensity. The film thick- Fuke eta/, 565 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 03:05:15on Pyrex glass THICKNESS RESISTr"ITY :> l- t!) Z W I Z 2.0 6.2 (jJm) I.Sxl04 (ncm) 20 10 DIFFRAC TION ANGLE on GaAs 5.4 (}1m) 6.4 (.fUm) FWHM:1.2 15 25 e (deg) FIG. 4. X-ray rocking curves of Zn,P? films deposited on Pyrex glass ( T"", = 480°C, and T.,uh =-280 ·C) and GaAs substrates (1;",,= 500·C and I~ub = 360°C). ness of two specimens is chosen to be nearly the same in order to compare the (004) or c-axis preferential orienta tion. The FWHM values of the diffraction peaks obtained from the films on GaAs and Pyrex glass substrates are 1.20 and 7.6°, respectively. These values indicate that films on GaAs have a better columnar structure7 with a superior crystalline quality. c. Resistivity Figure 5 shows the relation between the reciprocal of the deposition temperature and the room-temperature resistiv ity of the films deposited at the source temperatures of 480 and 540 °e. All films show p-type conduction. Films on GaAs substrates have much lower resistivity than those on Pyrex glass substrates. This is probably due to the better crystallinity and the lower density of grain boundaries. The lowest value of the resistivity is about 10 n em, which is comparable to that obtained for single-crystal ingots.12 If deposition conditions are optimized, epitaxially grown lay ers having low resistivity values of several n cm can be ob tained. The room-temperature resistivity tends to a somewhat larger value for lower substrate temperatures, and it de creases exponentially as the substrate temperature is in creased to higher values. The activation energy for the sub strate temperature dependence of the resistivity is about 2 e V for layers on both substrates. Though the values of resistivi ties are different, depending on the substrate, crystallinity, and growth rate, the mechanism deciding the carrier con centration is believed to be the same for both substrate mate rials. The reciprocal of the film resistivity (hole concentra tion), for an assumed constant mobility, becomes larger when depositions are made at lower source temperatures and higher substrate temperatures. These facts suggest that the hole concentration is qualitatively controlled by the dif ference between the inpingement rate and the reevaporation rate of Zn atoms. 566 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, NO.2, 15 January 1989 ot:. on glass on GaAs 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 103/Tsub (11K) FIG. 5. Roomotemperature resistivity of films deposited on glass and GaAs substrates vs reciprocal of the deposition lemperatur<:!. IV. CONCLUSION ZR,P 2 layers are deposited on both Pyrex glass and ( 100) GaAs substrates by a hot-waH method, and the growth rate, structural properties, and electrical resistivity of the grown films were compared. The deposition rate of the lay ers deposited on GaAs substrates is much larger than that on Pyrex glass substrates under the same deposition conditions. The strong preferential (004) orientation of the tetragonal structure was confirmed for films deposited on GaAs sub strates using x-ray diffraction analyses. The resistivity of the layers decrease for the lower source temperatures and higher substrate temperatures. Highly oriented layers having low room-temperature resistivities (as low as -10 n cm) were obtained on crystalline GaAs( 100) substrates. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was partially supported by the Yazaki Foun dation. 'E. A. Fagen, J. App!. Phys. 50. 6505 (1979). 2N. C. Wyeth and A. Catalano, J. Appl. Phys. 50, 1403 (1979). 'P. S. Nayer and A. Catalano, App!. Phys. Lett. 39, 105 (1981). 4M. Bhushan and A. Catalano, Appl. Phys. Lett. 38, 39 (1981). 'T. Sllda, M. Suzuki, and S. Kurita, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 22, L656 (1983). 6S. Puke, S. Kawarabayashi, K. Kuwahara, and T. Imai, J. App!. Phys. 60, 2368 (1986). 7T. Imai, S. Puke, S. Kawarabayashi, and K. Kuwahara, App!. Surf. Sci. 33/34,594 (l988). "K. R. Murali, P. R. Vaya, and J. Sobhanadri, J. Cryst. Growth 73, 196 (1985). 9 A. Catalano, V. Dalal, E. A. Fagen, R. B. Hall, J. V. Masi, J. D. Meakin, G. Warfield, and A. M. Barnett, in Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1977 (Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1978), p. 644, 10M. Bhushan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 40, 51 (1981). liT. Suda, T. Kanno, and S. Kurita, Jpn. J. App!. Phys. 22, L777 (1983). 12S. Fuke, Y. Takatsuka, K. Kuwahara, and T. Imai, J. Cryst. Growth 87, 567 (1988). Fuks etaJ. 566 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. 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SSC Design Revisions Call for Thinner Beams and Fatter Magnets Bertram Schwarzschild Citation: Physics Today 43, 1, 47 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.2810398 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2810398 View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/43/1 Published by the American Institute of PhysicsWASHINGTON REPORTS DOE should move forward on the "footprint" for building the machine at the site. Approval is necessary before the state begins buying land with some of the $1 billion in general obligation bonds made available last year by voters. Six counties, includ- ing Ellis, have agreed to raise vehicle license taxes to pay for roads to the SSC laboratory around the turn-of- the-century town of Waxahachie. Barton believes that DOE's prudent approach to the SSC was correct. He insists that Hunter had the best interests of the country in mind in being cautious. But sources in the Administration insist Hunter was really trying to micromanage the project. Most criticism centers on how Hunter sought to slow the mo- mentum for the SSC. In January 1989, when Schwitters became SSC director, Hunter organized a separate unit within DOE's high-energy re- search office to keep tight control on the project. Hunter, for his part, claimed in an interview that he hadn't been able to get a grip on SSC expenditures or get a schedule of project milestones and deliverables. "Whenever I asked for these," Hunter said, "I would get a runaround: 'We're working on those.' I wasn't getting answers about spend- ing rates or magnet progress." Schwitters characterizes Hunter'sgrievances as "nonsense." He argues that he kept Hunter completely in- formed but wasn't receiving much communication from him in return. Meanwhile, Clements and Luce complained that the project appeared to be going from bad to worse and that Hunter was causing many of the management and morale problems. On 7 September, Watkins issued DOE's management plan for the SSC, overriding Hunter, by limiting the number of officials in Washington to provide oversight to 30 and authoriz- ing no more than 60 at the site. He restored fiscal supervision to DOE's Chicago Projects Office, which Hunt- er had removed from the loop. Competing to build the SSC Moreover, when members of Con- gress expressed worry that DOE would abuse its power to choose sub- contractors, lawmakers clamped fet- ters on the department with specific language in a report by the Senate Committee on Energy and Water Development. Watkins made it clear in his memorandum that he would not tolerate the department's inter- ference with the choice of subcontrac- tors by SSC and Universities Re- search Associates, the organization of 72 US and Canadian universities that directs both the SSC and Fermilab. Somewhat ironically, it was neitherDOE nor URA that made public the names of the three teams of industrial firms that will compete for the $1 billion contract to manage engineer- ing and construction for the SSC tunnel. On 6 December the news was released by Barton's office, because, says the Congressman, "the winners and losers were all calling me and so I thought the information should be made public." The finalists, from among 14 contenders for the contract, are Fluor-Daniel, the construction arm of Fluor Corporation and ICF Kaiser Engineers; Parson, Brincker- hoff, Quade and Douglas, MK Fergu- son and CRSS of Houston; and a joint venture of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall of Los Angeles and Bechtel National Inc. It is likely that the engineering and construction contract will be awarded this year, though there is little money in the SSC budget to begin work. Much will depend, obviously, on the fiscal 1991 budget, which Presiden t Bush will deliver to Congress on 22 January. Members of Congress from Texas say the DOE budget will contain $393 million for the SSC. But at the White House Office of Management and Budget they speak about $310 million—scarcely enough to get on with producing the remodeled ma- chine at its higher new price. —IRWIN GOODWIN SSC DESIGN REVISIONS CALL FOR THINNER BEAMS AND FATTER MAGNETS The Central Design Group for the Superconducting Super Collider pro- duced its conceptual design for the proposed 20x20 TeV proton-proton collider in 1986. Since then, a specific site for the SSC has been selected in Ellis County, Texas; experimental models of the 6.6-tesla bending mag- nets required for the collider ring have been extensively tested; and powerful new computer codes have now made it possible to simulate the trajectories of individual protons over millions of circumnavigations of the 54-mile storage ring. Armed with this new knowledge of how the protons stored in the ring will behave during the crucial beam-injec- tion phase and how the unpredecen- tedly long and powerful superconduct- ing bending magnets perform at oper- ating temperature and currents, the SSC Laboratory in Dallas, which has taken over the responsibilities of the CDG, has produced a supplemental design for the accelerator. The princi- pal changes in the revised SSC designare a doubling of the injection energy, more focusing magnets in the ring and a 25% increase in the width of the vacuum beam pipe. The 1986 conceptual design called for the countercirculating protons to be injected into the final ring at an energy of 1 TeV after preacceleration in a sequence of linacs and booster rings. Filling the ring with its full complement of protons will take a half hour, after which the rf cavities spaced around the ring begin acceler- ating the protons up to their final energy of 20 TeV. During the filling phase the protons will have to survive 107 trips around the ring without being lost in collisions with the walls of the vacuum beam pipe. Beam-pipe aperture In the original design, the aperture diameter of the vacuum beam pipe that threads its way through the thousands of bending and focusing magnets is specified as 4 cm. Was that wide enough? The larger theaperture, the smaller is the likelihood of wayward beam protons striking the wall. But bigger apertures are also more expensive. They move the mag- net coils farther away from the beam axis, making it necessary to build magnets with more superconducting cable. The unprecedently narrow 4- cm original design was described by the Central Design Group's director, Maury Tigner, as one of the "aggres- sive" specifications chosen for reasons of economy. (See PHYSICS TODAY, April 1988, page 17.) It's not just a matter of the beam scraping the walls. Ideally the bend- ing magnets would have perfect dipole fields. But real bending magnets are inevitably plagued with higher-multi- pole field components, whose adverse effects on beam quality become worse as the protons find themselves farther from the magnet axis. The beams must also be kept narrow so that the experimenters will have adequat e col- lision rates where the beams intersect. The question is, how good can and PHYSICS TODAY JANUARY 1990 47must the field quality be? Traditionally, choosing a beam-pipe aperture has been something of a black art. Lacking the powerful sim- ulation codes that have been devel- oped for supercomputers in the last year at the SSC Lab by Yton Yan, David Ritson (SLAC) and their col- leagues, accelerator designers had to rely heavily on intuition. The beam is most likely to stray beyond acceptable limits in the horizontal plane, as a result of betatron oscillation and chromatic aberration. The latter is due to the spread of particle mo- menta: Particles of different momen- tum experience different curvatures in the bending magnets. Both effects scale with beam energy like 1/\[E. The lower the beam energy, the greater are the excursions from the beam axis. That's one of the reasons why the half-hour injection and fill- ing phase is the most precarious. The simulation code The new computer code lets the accel- erator designers follow 64 individual protons on a Cray at about one or two percent of the real-time rate. That is to say, it takes a day or two of supercomputer running time to simu- late 64 protons with different initial conditions making 107 circuits of the SSC durin g the half-hour filling phase. These simulations seek to determine how many of the injected protons will survive this billion-kilo- meter initial journe y under a variety of machine parameters. The code can also simulate the acceleration phase that follows filling. But in the at- tempt to optimize machine param- eters within cost constraints, the em- phasis has been on the filling phase. This lowest-energy phase of the SSC ring cycle is also the time at which "persistent current" magnet prob- lems are the most severe. All cycled accelerator magnets have hysteretic problems at the low-field beginnings of their cycles. But such problems are particularly acute for superconduct- ing bending magnets. Experience at Fermilab with the superconducting Tevatron magnets since 1986 has shown that flux creep produces persis- tent currents that are very hard to compensate for because they grow with time and depend unpredictably on the details of superconductor fabri- cation. These persistent currents in- troduce an unwanted parabolic (sextu- pole) field component whose adverse effect is worst when beam energy and field intensity are at their lowest. In recent months the accelerator physicists at the SSC Laboratory have been running the codes assiduously to determine whether the original de-sign parameters offered sufficient op- erating margin. It wasn't just a question of whether the protons sur- vive when the machine is perfectly tuned and aligned. The machine must also be "operable"—one must allow for reasonable errors of tuning and alignment. Cost considerations and the relation of revised machine parameters to concerns about the bending magnets have also been very much on the mind of SSC Director Roy Schwitters and his colleagues. Skinnier beams, fatter magnets The cheapest and simplest measure that offers a greater margin of injec- tion latitude is simply to introduce more focusing quadrupole magnets into the line. The original design called for one quadrupole after every six 17-meter bending magnets. The plan now is to reduce the spacing between quadrupoles from the 114 meters orginally called for down to 90 meters, with only five bending mag- nets between consecutive focusing magnets. This greater degree of fo- cusing would reduce the beam width by about 40%. Incidental conse- quences of the revised beam optics are a reduction of the bending-magnet lengths from 17.35 to 15.85 meters and an increase of the ring circumfer- ence from 53 to 54 miles. In addition to making the beam thinner, one can also make the mag- nets fatter, with similar benefits. That is to say, if one increases the beam-aperture bore that threads the magnet, a beam of given width be- comes less sensitive to the undesira- ble higher-multipole field compo- nents of the bending magnet, because the field quality at any point depends only on its fractional distance from the magnet axis to the coils. The supplemental design increases the aperture from the original 4 cm to 5 cm, thus increasing the effective phase-space window for the injection of protons by about 60%. This will of course necessitate more superconduc- tor in the fatter magnets, with a corresponding cost increase. If one scales up the thickness of the cable itself, it should become easier to meet the Dipole Review Panel's call for magnets that can operate with a safety margin of 10% above the 6.6- tesla bending field required to hold a 20-TeV proton in the ring. This recommendation was one of several contained in the June 1989 report of the panel, convened by Schwitters last April to examine the progress of the SSC bending-magnet program. The panel, whose cochairmen were Tom Kirk from Fermilab and Gus Voss from DESY, concluded that themagnet program had not yet devel- oped a prototype bending magnet with adequate operating margin. The SSC magnet development pro- gram, operating at Brookhaven, Fer- milab and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, has acquired consider- able experience with short and full- length magnets of 4-cm aperture. Much of this experience will still be relevant to the new 5-cm design. But this change, if approved, will entail some disruption of the schedule envi- sioned for preparing a final magnet design for industrial mass production. Looking much further ahead, the 5- cm aperture should make it easier eventually to increase the luminosity of the SSC well above its design goal of 1033 events per second per cm2. The third principal revision called for in the supplemental SSC design is the injection of the protons into the main ring at 2 TeV instead of 1 TeV. This would require a final booster ring twice as energetic as the Tevatron, the world's largest existing proton accel- erator. But it would mean a thinner, better-behaved beam at injection, with higher initial magnetic fields, less plagued by persistent currents. The computer simulations have convinced the SSC designers that all three of these changes—more quadru- poles, a larger beam aperture and higher injection energy—should be adopted. This conclusion, Schwitters told us, has been strongly endorsed by the SSC Laboratory's Machine Advi- sory Committee, headed by Roy Bill- ing of CERN. Among the economies that are being undertaken to offset these expensive revisions is a reduc- tion and postponement of the bypass scheme of beam shunts that was recently introduced into the machine design to make it possible for some of the accelerator's four detectors to take beam while others are being worked on in a beam-free environment . The bending magnets The 8000 bending magnets required by the SSC ring constitute the most expensive component of the accelera- tor. Hence the great attention paid to the magnet program. Five 17-meter bending magnets have been complet- ed since the Dipole Review Panel's examination of the program last spring. These new magnets have all reached the nominal operating field at 4.35 K with very little "training." Apparently the design changes intro- duced to constrain the magnet coils against quench-causing movements have been successful. But the magnets still have not achieved the 10% operating margin recommended by the review panel. 48 PHYSICS TODAY JANUARY 1990WASHINGTON REPORTS One option would be to operate the magnets at 3.5 K rather than the nominal 4.35 K. At lower tempera- ture, the superconductor can take more current before quenching, and 3.5 K is thought to be no great problem for the SSC's cryogenic system. One reason for the Dipole Review Panel's recommendation of a 10% operating margin was batch-to-batch variation of the superconducting nio- bium-titanium wire fabricated for the experimental magnets. The SSC Lab could ill afford to have a goodly fraction of the ring's 8000 magnets quench during operation because of such a spread in wire quality. But in recent months, Schwitters told us, the industrial suppliers of the supercon- ducting wire have achieved a signifi-cant improvement in quality control, so that one could probably make do with a lesser margin. "In any case," Schwitters went on, "we could cer- tainly run in the first year at 90% of the nominal SSC energy without any loss to the physics. The Tevatron, after all, is considered a great success, even though it runs at only 90% of its nominal 1000-GeV beam energy." In recent months the magnet pro- gram has been concentrating on the achievement of adequate dipole-field quality. This problem is of course closely linked to the changes that have now been made in the overall SSC design. Adequate field unifor- mity should be easier to achieve with wider magnets and narrower beams. —BERTRAM SCHWARZSCHILD HUNTER DEPARTS DOE AFTER RILING KEY LAWMAKERS AND TOP TEXANS Rumors had circulated almost every month since last April that Robert O. Hunter Jr would soon be out on his ear as the Department of Energy's director of energy research. After all, he had angered influential members of Congress in his efforts to realign DOE's fusion program. He had pro- posed to reduce the funds available for magnetic fusion research and to fatten the budget for inertial confine- ment fusion at the expense of magnet- ic fusion. When Hunter's strategy was made known, many plasma physicists ex- ploded. Hunter had argued that ICF research with lasers, as practiced at Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos, needed far greater support from DOE and Congress if it was ever going to show any commercial feasibility. It didn't escape the notice of fusion researchers and members of Congress that Hunter's former company, Wes- tern Research in San Diego, did ICF work under contracts with the De- fense Department. Nor did they ig- nore Hunter's ambitious plans to make both fusion technologies com- pete for funds in DOE's constrained R&D budget. Among those scrutinizing the plans was Representative Robert A. Roe, a New Jersey Democrat who heads the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. At hearings and in pri- vate, Roe fumed at Hunter's proposal, which would have the effect of curtail- ing work at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in New Jersey. Roe took his complaint directly to Hunter's boss, Energy Secretary James D. Watkins. Other antagonists included Senators Bill Bradley andHunter: Cone but not forgotten. Frank Lautenberg, both New Jersey Democrats. During one call Bradley demanded that DOE officials "stop messing with Princeton." In the meantime, Capitol Hill was rife with tales about the sale of Hunter's company, which took place before he was confirmed by the Sen- ate last year for the DOE job. The stories led Roe to unleash the staff watchdogs on his House Subcommit- tee on Investigations and Oversight to determine their accuracy. Staff lawyers and outside experts scoured the financial accounts of Hunter's old firm, interviewed former employees about Pentagon contracts dealing with large excimer lasers such as those used by Los Alamos for ICF research and reviewed patents held by Hunter that might suggest a con- flict of interest. For all their efforts,though, Roe's investigators have come up with few leads and even less evidence, say subcommittee sources. Tripped on the SSC Neither the problems over fusion nor the congressional investigation was the main reason for Hunter's sudden departure, however. He was tripped up by something altogether differ- ent—the Superconducting Super Col- lider. It seems that Texans in Con- gress and back home had made no secret to DOE and the White House that they wanted Hunter to cease his resistance to hiring certain scientists for the laboratory and to desist inter- fering with decisions by SSC manag- ers. One particular irritant was Hunter's opposition to approving a "footprint" (see page 45) produced by the SSC team for locating the collider ring around the town of Waxahachie. Until DOE approves the precise loca- tion of the 54-mile racetrack-shaped ring and other components and build- ings, the state is unable to purchase the 16 000 acres on which to construct the giant project. Informed of Hunter's disagree- ments with SSC scientists, some of Texas's most prominent figures began bashing Hunter in front of Presiden t Bush, Secretary Watkins and others. As the Administration grew more exasperated and embarrassed, it be- came clear that Hunter's days at DOE were numbered. Finally, in early October, John C. Tuck, DOE's under secretary, who maintains strong connections to influ- ential Republicans in Congress and to important White House officials, re- portedly ordered Hunter to leave the agency. On 16 October, Hunter sent a hand-penned letter of resignation to Watkins. "As we have discussed," Hunter wrote in his characteristically cramped hand, "it is now time for you to pick a person for the Bush Adminis- tration. Several weeks ago I took steps to ensure that the work of the office would be smoothly conducted, and my presence is not now required. Therefore, I would like to resign, effective immediately." Ironically, though Hunter is gone from DOE, his ideas have not been forgotten. In the next weeks Watkins intends to name a blue-ribbon panel to examine the country's entire pro- gram of controlled fusion. He also is maintaining a vigil on the SSC. With Hunter's departure, James F. Decker is once again acting director of DOE's research office. He filled in for a year and a half after the departure of Hunter's predecessor, Alvin W. Trivelpiece, in 1987. —IRWIN GOODWIN • PHYSICS TODAY JANUARY 1990 49
Nonradiative damage measured by cathodoluminescence in etched multiple quantum well GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots E. M. Clausen Jr., H. G. Craighead, J. P. Harbison, A. Scherer, L. M. Schiavone, B. Van der Gaag, and L. T. Florez Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 2011 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584668 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584668 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Measurement of the depth distribution of ion beam etching-induced damage in AlGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum well structure Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 1362 (1997); 10.1063/1.119894 Temperature dependence of cathodoluminescence from thin GaAsAlGaAs multiple quantum wells Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 2382 (1994); 10.1063/1.111621 Multiplephonon relaxation in GaAsAlGaAs quantum well dots J. Appl. Phys. 74, 5047 (1993); 10.1063/1.354287 Determination of nonradiative surface layer thickness in quantum dots etched from single quantum well GaAs/AlGaAs Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1427 (1989); 10.1063/1.101614 Investigation of reactive ion etching induced damage in GaAs–AlGaAs quantum well structures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 1906 (1988); 10.1116/1.584142 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:20:11Nonradiatlve damage measured by cathodoluminescence in etched multiple quantum wen GaAsl AIGaAs quantum dots E. M. Clausen, Jr., H. G. Craighead,a) J. P. Harbison, A. Scherer, L. M. Schiavone, 8. Van derGaag, and l. T. Florez Bellcore, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 (Received 14June 1989; accepted 11 July 1989) We report a study of nonradiative surface recombination in etched GaAs quantum wen structures. Low-temperature cathodoluminescence was used to measure the relative luminescence efficiencies of etched quantum dots as a function of size, etch depth and etching conditions, and quantum well width. The relationship between etching damage and quantum well width was determined by using three samples, each consisting of three quantum wens of2, 4, and 9 nm thickness, with the placement of the wells relative to the surface varied systematically. Arrays of quantum dots which ranged in size from 5 pm down to 40 nrn were produced by electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching or ion beam assisted etching. The nonradiative surface damage produced by the etching process degrades the luminescence efficiency in quantum dots smaller than 1 pm in diameter. We have determined that etching processes which use argon gas increase the nonradiative surface layer thickness compared to etching processes which use xenon. We have also found that the lowest confinement energy quantum well is most strongly affected by the sidewall damage and the highest confinement energy quantum welt is affected the least by the damage. I. INTRODUCTION There is great interest in developing reduced dimensionality semiconductor structures to exploit quantum confinement effects for optical and optoelectronic applications. Because molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) and other growth tech niques are capable of producing high-quality planar quan tum wens, much information has been established on the quantum-confined state in III-V materials. It is believed that greater enhancement of electrical and optical properties can be achieved by producing structures of higher dimension quantum confinement. Growth techniques have just recent ly been used to produce one-dimensional quantum wires by growth on vicinal surfaces. I To date, however, all structures produced in quantum well materials which are small enough to achieve confinement in the third dimension have required some type of ion beam fabrication process. Structures small enough to provide quantum confinement for carriers in two or more dimensions can be produced by electron beam lith ography and reactive ion etching (RIE) or ion beam assisted etching (IBAE). 2.3 The damage that occurs during this type of fabrication process and the free surfaces created can lead to severe carrier depletion in the smallest size structures that would exhibit quantum confinement effects. To circumvent this problem the damage must be removed and the free sur faces must be passivated by some type of post-etching tech nique.4•5 Regrowth of a semiconductor cladding layer is the ideal technique for passivation since high vacuum ion etch ing processes can be made compatible with the growth pro cess. Only a few studies have been reported on in situ pro cessing in which an etched microstructure is maintained under ultrahigh vacuum and transferred directly to a growth chamber.5,6,1(-) This type of processing has not yet been ap plied to the fabrication of ultrasmall structures. Aside from the difficulties associated with in situ processing. the exact nature of the damage induced in nanostructures from ion beam processing is not well understood at this time. Before successful passivation by regrowth can be achieved, the rela tionship between the damage and processing parameters must be understood. The current challenge therefore is to identify the nature of the damage so that surface and defect recombination can be minimized in etched nanostructures. Our recently completed study of etching sidewall damage in single quantum wen GaAs quantum dots concluded that the efficiency is strongly dependent on the etching condi tions.7 A damage layer width 5 was used to describe the luminescence degradation in the smallest size dots. This lay er was defined as the radius of the largest size dot from which no luminescence could be measured. For a given set of condi tions the smallest size quantum dot which still emitted light increased in size with increasing etch depth. In this paper we present a further study of the damage layer width as a function of etching conditions. We make a comparison between argon and xenon as the inert gas for ion beam assisted etching. The damage layer width S is found to be greater and increased more rapidly with ion energy when argon was used compared to xenon. We also have studied the effect of etch damage on the luminescence efficiency of dif ferent width quantum wells in a mUltiple quantum wen (MQW) structure. The lowest confinement energy quan tum well is found to be most strongly affected by the etching process for all etching conditions. These results indicate that slight differences in mobility and radiative recombination lifetime associated with quantum wen width can contribute significantly to the luminescence efficiency of etched struc tures. II. EXPERIMENTAL Samples used for this study were prepared from films grown by MBE on CrO-doped GaAs substrates. Each struc ture consisted of a 0,5 pm thick buffer layer, three quantum wells 2, 4, and 9 nm thick of undoped GaAs, clad on either 2011 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-211X189/062()11-04$Oi.OO ~~) 1989 American Vacuum SOCiety 2011 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:20:112012 Clausen, Jr. et sl.: Nonradiative damage measured by cathodoluminescence 2012 side with harrier layers of 20 urn thick AIo3 G~J.7 As, and a 30 urn capping layer of un doped GaAs. Three separate sam ples were prepared with the order of the quantum wells var ied systematically. A schematic of the quantum well struc ture is shown in Fig. 1. The designation of the three structures is x-y-z, where x is the well closest to the surface. For example, sample 2-4-9 is the leftmost structure shown in Fig. 1, with the 2 nm well closest to the surface. Microstructure fabrication was accomplished by electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching or ion beam as sisted etching. Arrays of quantum dots with diameters from 5 pm down to 40 urn were patterned in a poly ( methylmetha crylate) (PMMA) resist using a JEOL JBX-SD electron beam writing instrument. The array of the smallest dots were produced by variation of the electron beam dose in single spot exposures, for all the dots in a given array. This pro vided a range of arrays with dot sizes that varied in steps of ::::: 10 nm between 80 nm and the smallest size produced. The square arrays measured 20 11m on a side with dot coverage from 6 to 15%. A single dot of200l1m diameter was written next to each set of arrays to measure the quantum wen lumi nescence from an "unetched" region to show any variation in wen thickness with position on the wafer, and to test for ion damage through the etch mask. No lateral variations or ion implant damage effects were observed. Etch masks were made by evaporating 50 nm of SrF2 onto written patterns and then applying standard liftoff techniques. Two different etching systems were used to prepare sam ples for this study. Reactive ion etching (RIE) was carried out in a commercially available parallel-plate system. Typi cal etching conditions employed 15% BCIl in argon, with a rfpower density of 0.27 W /cm" and dc bias voltages of ::::;200 V. These conditions provided etch rates of25 nm/min which produced smooth surfaces and straight sidewalls. Greater details for obtaining optimum etching conditions arc de scribed elsewhere. x A custom built ion beam assisted etching (IBAE) system was used to etch other samples with either argon or xenon as the inert gas and Cl2 as the reactive gaso A Kautman ion source was used to generate ions with energies ranging from 300 to 1500 eV. Typical ion flux measured at the sample was varied from S to 50pA/cm2. The reactive gas was introduced near the sample surface through two gas jet:.;, SAMPLE #2->, ,""mS,F, ~ Etch Mask lO nm GIIAltCIIj) ___ ~ ~O om Al.3Gil' 7AI ! ,"mG ••• ~ 20 nm AbGII.7Aa. 4nmGIIAs 20nmAI3G.a.1As 1 9nmGaAa i 20 nm AbGiI,1A~ j SOCInm GaAs BuffE!rlaYfM" Semi-in5ul~ting G~As Subslrate SAMPLE #9-2-4 #409-2 Dot Diameter ~z;;y ,"ma.ME! .-1 91'lmGaAs 2nmGIIAs ' 1 E'eli Depth FIG. 1. Schematic drawing of (he three different multiple quantum struc tun~s used for this study. Indicated on drawing arc the well and barrier widths. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 8, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 and total chamber pressure was typically maintained at I X 10 -4 Torr. A further description ofthis particular etch ing system is published elsewhere. <) Several sets of samples were prepared in both systems with etch depths of either 140 or 300 nm. After calibration of the etch rates for the various conditions, the actual etch depths were determined by profilometry and by examination in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Table I lists the var ious combinations of etching conditions used for IBAE and the typical etch rates obtained. Cathodoluminescence spec troscopy was used to measure the luminescence efficiency of the etched structures. Reference 10 gives a complete descrip tion of the cathodoluminescence setup employed for this study. Samples were cooled to::::: 20 K for spectra acquistion. Typically a IS X IS/Lm area in each array was irradiated by scanning a focused electron beam operating at an accelerat ing voltage of 15 ke V and at a beam current of25 nA. Spectra acquired over two and half orders of magnitUde beam cur rent showed a linear increase in luminescence intensity with beam current and no shift in peak position due to band filing. Areas slightly smaller than that of the array of dots were irradiated to reduce problems with specimen drift. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Crystal structure The primary concern in determining the effect of etch damage as a function of quantum well width is that when !'tching through a MQW structure, the wells near the surface will be exposed to the etching plasma longer, and will be damaged to a greater extent, To differentiate the two differ ent effects of etch depth and well width, it was necessary to grow three different structures so that a given quantum well was placed either at the top or bottom of the growth order. Figure 1 shows how this variation was achieved. This strate gy, however, adds a complicating factor because of the possi ble variability in quantum well width that can occur in MBE growth. Figure 2 displays the low-temperature cathodolu minescence spectra of the three wells from the three separate samples. By the position ofthe luminescence peaks the weBs appear to be very close in thickness. The greatest difference between samples is seen in the 2 nm well. However, less than one monolayer difference can be attributed to the spectra shifts observed. TABLE I. Etching ratcs obtained with different ion species for ion beam assisted etching with ell Ion flux 50 flA/cm2• Ion energy Etch rate with argon Etch rate with xenon 300eV 600eV 200nm/min 1500eV 202 Jlm/min a Etch rate not determined. 750nmlmin 3.llun/min Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:20:112013 Clausen, Jr. et al.: Nonrad!ative damage measured by cathodoluminescence 2013 B. Reactive ion etching As previously reported, the etching conditions described above lead to sman damage layer widths for shallow etch depths. When etching through the MQW structure it was expected that the top well would sustain greater etch dam age. The results for the sample with the series 2-4-9 therefore were unexpected. Shown in Fig. 3 is a plot of the normalized cathodoluminescence intensity as a function of quantum dot size, for the three different quantum wells. Luminescence could be measured from all three wells in quantum dots down to 70 nm in diameter. The intensity drop-off with dot size is observed to be much stronger in the 9 nm quantum well. The normalized intensity of this well is reduced over two orders of magnitude in the smallest size dot. This trend was duplicated in the other two MQW samples, in which the 9 nm well was even closer to the surface and therefore ex posed to the plasma longer during the etching process. The sample with the 9 nm wen nearest to the surface was found to cut off at the larger size of 100 nm when the sample was etched to 140 nm. This is further evidence that the damage layer width increased with increased etching time, but also indicates that the definition of the damage layer 15 is compli cated by the quantum well width. The low-energy well ap pears to be more susceptible to the etching damage and therefore the damage layer 15, by definition, is greater in these wens. The difference in exciton mobility with quantum well energy may explain the differences observed in the intensity levels of the various wens, The mobility difference, however, does not differ by the two orders of magnitude which the intensity levels suggest. Additional factors that may contrib ute to the observed variation are the differences in surface area and in the radiative lifetime. C. ion beam assisted etching Further investigations of sidewall damage were made with ion beam assisted etching, since it has been shown that much higher etch rates with greater anisotropy can be obtained. Additionally, this technique is more compatible with in situ processing. Since the 9 nm wen is the most sensitive to etch 3E4r--- 3E41 20 K Temperature I 15 keY 1 nA Excitation -; 2E4t ~ f 2E4T.1 2 ~ 1E4 5000 Solid -Sompl6 2-4-9 Oct -Sampl@ 9-2-4 Da.h -Sample 4-9-2 :J :.,1 -:'1 :11 · I I I I I · I · I ' o+----+~--~--~--~~,~~----~; ~ 670 SilO 710 7JO 750 77Q 790 810 Wavelength (nm) FIG. 2. Low-temperature cathodoluminescence sPectra of the three differ ent structures shown in Fig. 2. The nominal pcak positions of 695,750, and 792 nm correspond respectively to the 2, 4, and" 11m quantum well widths. J. \lac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 7, No. 6, NOli/Dec 1989 Quantum Dat Radlus Cum) FIG. 3. Normahzed ljuantliITl well luminescence measured from different size dots, from the three ditrerent quantum wells in the sample desigtutted 2- 4-9. Th" intensity is llormalized to the fractional volume of quantum well material irradiakd hy the electron beam. damage, we examined the luminescence efficiency versus size for the sample with the 9 nm well near the surface as a function of etching conditions. Figure 4 displays the results in which both the ion energy and ion species were varied. The damage layer g is plotted as a function of these two etch parameters, As shown, argon produces the greatest amount of damage and this damage increases more rapidly with in creasing energy, compared to xenon. Etching with Xe below 600 e V was not investigated, as it was found that the ion beam flux would drop severely below this energy. The ion beam flux was maintained at 50 p.A/cm2; however, the etch time was varied so that a constant etch depth was obtained in each sample. As shown in Table I, between the extremes of the stated conditions, there was a factor of ten difference in etch rate. We believe that a constant etch depth is the proper normalization since it is the depth of etch which defines the quantum dot structure. E L tll >, a -' tll en o E o o 40 20 o a I I +---1-1 I I 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Ion Energy (eV) FIG. 4. Damage layer width as a function of ion energy for argon and xenon ion beam etching with C12• The damage layer determined for the I) urn well in the Even at lower ion beam energies argon produces more damage during the etch. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:20:112014 Clausen, Jr. et af.: Nonradiative damage measured by cathodoluminescence 2014 The above variation of damage with ion species may be attibuted to the larger momentum and size associated with the xenon ion. Because of its size, most of the xenon ion momentum is transferred on the initial impact with the sur face atoms. This would produce two effects, First, fewer ions would channel deeply into the crystal structure, thus pro ducing Jess damage, The second effect would be due to in creased lattice temperature, which could produce enhanced reaction with the e12• This may also explain the faster etch rates observed with xenon. The large size of the xenon ion would limit any diffusion into the crystal structure, Several studies have shown that even low-energy argon channels deeply into the crystal structure, 11,12 which may explain the difference in the damage observed here These results indicate that xenon at moderate ion energies is the optimum system for ion beam assisted etching with Cl2• Since a high confinement energy quantum wen is less susceptible to sidewall damage, this combination plus etch depths to just below the bottom barrier should have the greatest chance of producing lateral confined structures. Figure 5 displays the luminescence efficiency as a function of size for the 2 nm well in the 2-4-9 sample etched with 600 e V Xe to a depth of 60 nm. Compared to Fig. 2 the intensity does not appear to drop off as quickly, and the damage layer width 5 described above is reduced to 25 urn. This means, however, no luminescence could be measured from dots of 50 nm diameter or smaller, which is approximately the criti cal size for the measurement of lateral confinement effects. The absence of any luminescence from dots smaller than 50 nm may be an indication ofthe ultimate limiting factor for producing laterally confined quantum dot structures. The surface of undamaged high-quality GaAs epilayers is known to have a large number of defect surface states which lead to severe depletion in the nearest surface layers.13-15 To de scribe the large nonradiative surface recombination velocity that occurs in GaAs, a "dead layer" is usually ascribed to a portion of the nearest surface layers of the depletion region. Even if it were possible to produce dot structures with no etching damage, the so-called "dead layer"· of the native GaAs surface would extend through the entire volume of the smanest dots whi.ch would exhibit lateral confinement ef fects. To circumvent this problem some type of surface passi vation or regrowth is necessary. IV. CONCLUSIONS The results presented here indicate that the differences in exiton mobility and radiative lifetime in quantum wells of different widths influence the nonradiative surface recombi nation. High confinement energy, narrow quantum wells are less sensitive to the damage induced during the etching pro cess. The intensity difference of over two orders of magni tude, however, indicates that there must be other contribut ing factors which are not understood at this time. We have shown that ion beam assisted etching with Xc plus el2 pro- J. \lac. Sci. Technol. e, Vel. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 6.51-------------.----------------, J;-s.o t _0 ---t 'iii 5.5 T 0/0- i 2 5.0 + / 60 nm Etch Depth I d 4.5 + r 600 eV Xe + el2 i -g 4.0t ~ I ~ :5.5 r8 2 nm Quantum Well E 3.0 tl Cathodoluminescence I .fE: 2.5 ~ 10 keY Excitation 20 K Temperature '" 2.0.10 .3 1.51 I 1.0~---+----+-----+-----t-----1 o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Dot Radius (nm) FIG. 5. Normalized luminescence measured from the 2 nm quantum well as a function of dot size. These data were measured from the 2 nm quantum well in the sample designated 2-4-9. duces the least amount of damage in etched structures. The failure to observe any luminescence from the smallest dots, even when etched under the most optimized conditions, in dicates that there is a limit to producing lateral quantum confined free-standing structures in GaAs materials. These results indicate the need for the developement of in situ pro cessing for the surface passivation of etched nanostructures. aj Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. lC. W. Tu, R. C. Miller, P. M. Petroff, R. F. Kopf, B. Deveaud. T. C Darnen, and J. Shah, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B6, 2 610 (1988). 2M. B. Stern, H. G. Craighead, P. F. Liao, and P. M. Mankiewich, App!. Phys. Lett. 45, 410 (1984). 3B, E. Maile, A. Froehel, R. Gremann, A. Menshig, K. Struebel, F. Scholz, G. Weimann, and W. Schlapp, Microelectron. Eng. 6,163 (1987) 'c. J. Sandroff, R. N. Nottenburg, J. C. Bishoff, and R. Bhat, App!. Phys. Lett. 51, 33 (1987). sH. Tempkin, L. R. Harriott, R. A. Hamm, J. Weiner, and M. P. Panish, App\. Phys. Lett. 54, 1463 (1989). 6H. Miyamoto, N. Furuhata, H, Hoshino, A. Okamoto, and K. Ohata, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 96, Chap. 2, 47 (1988). 7E. M. Clausen, Jr., H. G. Craighead, J. M. Warlock, J. P. Harbison, L. M. Schiavone, L. Florez, and B. Vall der Gaag, App!. Phys. Lett. 55, 1427 (1989). . SA. Scherer, H. G. Craighead, and E. D. Beebe, J. Vae. Sci. Techno!. D 5, 1599 (1987). "A. Scherer, M. L. Roukes, B. P. Van der Gaag, T. L. Cheeks, and E. M. Clausen, J r. (to be published) . IOE. M. Clausen, Jr., H. G. Craighead, M. C. Tamargo, J. L. deMiguel, and L. M. Schiavone, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 690 (1988). )lH. F. Wong, D. L. Green, T. Y. Lin, D. G. Lishall, M. Denis, E. L. Hy, P. M. Petroff, P. O. Holtz, and J. L. Mertz, J. Vae. Sci. Techno!. 6, 1906 (1988). 12R. Gennallll, A. Proehel, H. Y. Meyer, and D. Grlitzmaeher. 7, 1475 ( 1989) (these proceedings). I3D. B. Wittry and D. F. Kyser, J. App\. Phys. 38, 375 (1967). 14L. lastrzebski, J. Lagowski, and H. C. Gatos, App\. Phys. Lett. 27, 537 (1975). 15W. Hergert, P. Reck, L. Pasemalln, andJ. Schreiber, Phys. Status Solidi A 101611 (1987). 16J. P. Harbison, A. Scherer, D. M. Hwang, L. Nazar, and E. D. Beebe, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Pmc. 26, 11 (1988). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:20:11
An opticalheterodyne alignment technique for quartermicron xray lithography Masanori Suzuki and Atsunobu Une Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 1971 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584659 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584659 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Quartermicron lithography with a gapped Markle–Dyson system J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12, 3809 (1994); 10.1116/1.587446 Improvement of heterodyne alignment technique for xray steppers J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11, 2179 (1993); 10.1116/1.586452 Evaluation of heterodyne alignment technique for xray steppers J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, 3248 (1992); 10.1116/1.585923 CXrL aligner: An experimental xray lithography system for quartermicron feature devices J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, 3229 (1992); 10.1116/1.585919 EL3 system for quartermicron electron beam lithography J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 2028 (1988); 10.1116/1.584123 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:07An optical ... heterodyne alignment technique for quarter&micron xMray lithography Masanori Suzuki and Atsunobu Une NTT LSI Laboratories, 3-1. Morinosato Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa Pre/. 243-01, Japan (Received 30 May 1989; accepted 7 July 1989) A new optical-heterodyne interferometry alignment technique with diffraction gratings is developed for quarter-micron x-ray lithography. To obtain detection accuracy as good as a few tens of nanometers, a phase signal is utilized instead of a conventional intensity signal. The relative lateral displacement between mask and wafer is detected by measuring the phase difference between heterodyne beat signals generated by projecting two laser beams from + first order and -first-order diffraction directions on the mask and wafer grating marks. The displacement signal is only slightly influenced by gap variation using symmetric optics. A lateral displacement detection resolution better than 10 nm is obtained by the experimental alignment setup. A nonsymmetric beam from the -third-order diffraction direction is added to the symmetric beams to detect the gap, The phase difference between two beat signals emitted to the second-order diffraction direction from the same mask and wafer marks is used as the gap detection signal. The cyclic gap signal makes it possible to set an arbitrary gap. A gap detection resolution of < 20 nrn is realized. Using this optical-heterodyne interferometry alignment method, a four-channel alignment system is developed for synchrotron x-ray lithography. Six axis alignment servo control is established by combining this system with highly accurate stages. !. INTRODUCTION Synchrotron radiation (SR) lithography is a most promis ing technique for replicating quarter micro and high throughput lithography. ! Quarter-micron x-ray lithography requires alignment accuracy of the order of ± 0.05 pm to replicate minimum feature size patterns between 0.2 and 0.3 pm. In order to meet this requirement, both relative dis placement and detection methods must be found. Their de tections should also be set during exposure to decrease align ment errors. Many methods for solving this problem have been proposed.2-8 Some of the methods are visual observa tion with microscopes commonly used in commercial prox imity mask aligners.2-4 They are limited chiefly by signal-to noise ratio and by wafer mark technology. Another group of optical methods uses interference effects of diffracted light generated by gratings formed on the mask and wafer.5-7 These methods use diffracted light intensity as an alignment signal. Thus, the intensity decreases wich are caused by var iations oflaser light source intensity and wafer mark diffrac tion efficiency due to semiconductor processing brings about the poor alignment accuracy. Furthermore, the relative lat eral displacement signal cannot be detected independently from gap and alignment control must be performed within very narrow gap ranges. An optical-heterodyne interferome try lateral displacement detection method with gratings was proposed. ~ However, this method has some difficulties in mark fabrication and preaIignment technique caused by an extremely narrow diffraction pitch. A new optical-heterodyne interferometry alignment method with diffraction gratings is developed for detecting and controlling relative lateral displacement and gap. To obtain detection accuracy as high as a few tens of nano meters, a phase signal is utilized instead of a conventional diffraction light intensity signal. This paper describes a new optical-heterodyne interfero-metry method, the theoretical analysis of the signal and the comparison with experimental results. Furthermore, it de scribes alignment accuracies achieved by combining the four-channel alignment system and highly precise vertical stages. II. OPTICALaHETERODYNE INTERFEROMETRY PRINCIPLE A. Fundamental The fundamental principle of the optical-heterodyne in terferometry method with a diffraction grating is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). As shown with solid lines, two linearly polar ized coherent beams of the optical frequencies./;, andlz are projected to a grating with plus and minus first-order dif fraction angles 8 II> and 812, respectively. The incident beams are symmetrical about the z axis vertical to a grating plane. Then, -1st-order diffraction directions of these beams cor respond to the z axis. The diffraction angles 811, and 812 are expressed as follows, where A, and 22 are wavelengths of beams of optical frequencies!, and!z, respectively. P is dif fraction grating pitch. The wavelengths are nearly equal, (AI ,*,A.2) , since the frequency difference};, ( = 1fI -j;l) in the two beams is much smaller than that of an optical fre quency (_1014 Hz); (1) Electric displacements of the two beams are expressed by Eq. (2), where Al and Az are amplitudes, ¢l and tP2 initial phases, E, (t) = A I exp(2rrJ;t+¢;j )j, E2(t) = Az exp(21T!2 t + <P2)j = A2 exp(21T(f~t + ibt) + ¢2]J· (2) 1971 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-211X/89/061971-06$01.00 (0) 1989 American Vacuum SOCiety 1971 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:071972 M. Suzuki and A. Une; An optical-heterodyne alignment technique 1972 Beat signal /--/_., (~ 1M I'll f---.. ~ Diffraction light \FreQuency : f I 1'\ / \ I \. I Beat signal (a) (bl \ \ \ The optical-heterodyne interferometry beat signal1r (t) emitted in the z-axis direction is given by Eq. (3), where /).rpo = tPl -rp2 and Ir (t) = lEI (t) + E2UW = Ai + A ~ + 2AIA2 COS(27T!bt + Arpo) , (3) As shown in Fig. 1 (a) with dotted lines, when the grating moves by Ax distance from point C to point C', the light path-length variations of the two beams are Ax sinOI1, and -tlx sinew respectively. Therefore, a beat signal h (t) after tlx movement is given by Eqs, (4) and (5), Ib(t) =Ai +A~ + 2A1A2 cos (27T};,t + Arpo+ Arp), (4) At/; = 21TAx/(P /2). (5) It should be noted that a phase shift !:!..rp varies linearly with the grating movement tJ.x and that the period Arp is equal to half the diffraction pitch. B. lateral displacement detection principle A relative lateral displacement detection technique to align wafer to x-ray mask with high accuracy using the opti cal-heterodyne interferometry method is developed. In Fig, 1 (b), a grating mark and a rectangular membrane window are formed on the mask, and a grating mark is just under to mask window on the wafer. The mask grating pitch is the same as the wafer grating pitch. The mask grating line direc tion (y axis) corresponds to that of the wafer. Two linearly polarized coherent beams of optical frequen cies!1 andh illuminate the mask and wafer gratings from the plus and minus first-order diffraction angle directions. As these beams are symmetrical about the z axis, diffracted beams emitted from the mask and wafer gratings overlap and two beat signals 1M and I ware obtained in the z axis direction. Phase shifts tJ.<f;M and Arpw of IM andl ware given by the following equations from Eq. (5), where tJ.M and tJ. W are position errors of mask and wafer, respectively, J, Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 Water grating FIG. 1. Determination of relative lateral dis placemcnt. (a) Principle of optical-hetero dyne method. Beat frcquency:.r. =, j; -f,. (b) Optical-heterodyne relative lateral dis placement detection method. D.dJM = 21T' AM I(P /2), D.rpw = 27T' tJ. W I(P /2). (6) (7) The relative lateral displacement tJ.d between mask and wafer can be detected by measuring the phase difference tJ.rpd:D.rpd is expressed by Eq. (8), !:!..r/Jd = D.r/J"v -D.r/JM = 2rr'tJ.d /(P 12). (8) It should be noted that the phase difference D.r/Jd varies linearly and has a cycle ofhalfthc grating pitch as a function of the lateral displacement !:!..d. c. Gap detection principle A gap detection technique using optical-heterodyne inter ferometry is developed. Optical illustrations when grating moves by ~ W distance from point C to point C' and moves by A WZ distance from point C to point C' is shown in Figs. 2(a) and (b). 01, O2, and 613 are the first-order, second-order, and third-order diffraction angles, respectively. Nonsymme tric incident beamh optics in the -third-order diffraction direction and diffraction beam detection optics in the + second-order diffraction direction are added to the symmet ric optics shown in Fig. 1 to detect mask-to-wafer gap. The first-order diffracted beam due to incident beam!l projected from the -first-order diffraction direction and the - first-order diffracted beam due to incident beam}; projected from the -3rd-order diffraction direction are combined and two optical-heterodyne diffraction beams are emitted in the second-order diffraction direction from these gratings. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the gap signal varies with the dis placement!:!.. W. The phase shift rp Iva of wafer signal I wz is given as follows: r/Jwzx = 27T' ( -tJ.W)/(P /2). (9) The phase difference between two gap signals is expressed by Eq. (10), Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:071973 M, Suzuki and A. Une: An optical-heterodyne alignment technique 1973 p Z h~=n~~~~~~== (a)L'~ e ~ '" \ \ \93 P \ \ FIG, 2. Optical-heterodyne gap detection method using wafer diffraction grating mark. (a) Lateral displacement variation 1l. Wand (b) gap variation AZW. ll¢;zx = 217' (11M -11 W)/(P /2) = 21T'!1d /(P /2) = -ll¢;d' (10) On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 2 (b), the gap signal varies also with the gap variation !1 Wz. The phase shift ¢; wzz of wafer signal 1 wz is given as follows: (11 ) The phase diffreence between mask and wafer gap signals is written by Eq. (12), where !1.G( = !1WZ -!1MZ) is the distance between mask and wafer, that is the gap, (12) Therefore, the total phase measured by the gap detection technique is (!1¢;zx + !1¢;wMZ) which actually consists of a displacement term (ll¢;zx) plus the gap ternl !1¢ WMZ' Since /:}.¢zx = -!1rPd' the displacement term may be eliminated from the gap measurement by adding the phases measured in the lateral displacement and gap measurement technique to give IIi. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. latera! displacement detection Alignment signals are discussed theoretically and experi mentally. In an experiment, the one-channel two-axis setup J, Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 PO, Devlc'e f6gion Beom spot 'Mask qrotlng FIG. 3. Optical-heterodyne experimental alignment setup. shown in Fig. 3 is used. Mask grating patterns consist of 51 Ta absorberlines formed on 2.um thick silicon nitride (SiN) membranes. These patterns have dimensions of 0.6 11m thickness, 211m width, and 200 11m length, and are fabri cated using x-ray mask fabrication technology.9 Wafer grat ing patterns consist of 5 I grooves formed on a Si wafer using conventional etching processes and have dimensions of 0.5 p.m depth, 2.um width, and 200 /till length. Grating pitches are 4 pm. A frequency Stabilized 633 nm He-Ne transverse Zeeman laser (STZL) emitting two linearly polarized beams that cross each other perpendicularly is used as a light source. 10 A horizontal linearly polarized coherent beam!1 and a vertical linearly polarized coherent beamlz are sepa rated into two laser beams by polarized beam splitter (PBS) and are projected on the mask and w.:!fer gratings from + first-order and -first-order diffraction directions using mirrors M2 and My Then, the two beams are diffracted in the z-axis direction by the mask and wafer grating, respec tively, and are combined. Two optical-heterodyne interfero metry beams are generated and are reflected by mirror M4, and then are detected with two separated photodetectors, PDj and PD2, as two heterodyne beat signals 1M and I w' As shown in Fig. 4(a), the beat signal 1M and 1w are calculated by Eq. (8). The beat frequency is 128 kHz. The solid line is mask signal 1M, and the dotted line is wafer signal I w' The phase of the wafer signal varies with the wafer dis placement /:}. W, but the signal amplitude does not change. This is one of the advantages of the proposed method. The phase difference ArPd examined experimentally is shown in Fig. 4(b). The phase difference !1¢Jd changes linearly with the displacement !1d, and is repeated cyclically with half the diffraction grating pitch. The mask beat signal intensity variation caused by chang ing the mask-to-wafer gap from 50 to 55 pm is shown in Fig. 5. The experimental result shown in Fig. 5(a) agrees with the calculated result shown in Fig. 5 (b). The beat signal phase is kept constant in spite of mask-to-wafer gap varia tions, because the incident!] andj; beam optics are symmet rical in the direction perpendicular to the grating plane. An other advantage of the proposed method is that the displacement beat signal phase is only slightly influenced by mask-ta-wafer gap variation. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:071974 M. Suzuki and A. Une: An optical-heterodyne alignment technique 1974 fb" 126 kHz P = 4 jim tlW = -OA ....... tO.4\.1m 11 4. 0 0 ""1':"'Ki~;''''''' r-.. ,. "'--,·"'F""··V""""'; \V..,....'~.,. --'--"""/1'1""""'\"'-"-1\' 3 • 50 +-+-'1 \ '.+--~, \ .f-,'-I/i-f:-i+. Ii U++, \ \ ... -+. -;-+-',' ;1 !~\i \ " 3. a a -t':-'\+-':-+-';"'i:'hHf--i~':f,,~;..J.\H·H--H-4. (hi "-f-l 2, 5 0 +:-\i-:--'-+~iH+';"'++-'4~+-!:....;..j-,-360 P =4~m i= H ~ 2. aa H lal : : '. '. , " I , ' b 8 1i 12 14 ib TIME (MICRO-SEC) B. Gap detection (b) Gap detection optics are basically the same as lateral dis placement optics. As shown by dotted lines fn Fig. 3, non symmetric incident beam optics, mentioned before, are add ed to symmetric optics for lateral displacement detection. The bcam!2 is split by beam splitter (BS) and projected by mirror Ms onto the mask and wafer gratings. The beam!, reflected by mirror M 2 and the beam h reflected by mirror tal 2.5e ::IE ..... 1. 5i l.je 0.50 I e.ee i , I (bl Q b e 11 12 14 1, TIME !HICRO-SE':) FIG. 5. Waveform variation. (a) Beat signals detected experimentally by gap variation. 2 V /div, 5 ,us/div, (b) Mask beat signals calcnlated as a function of mask-to-wafer gap. b.G = 50~55 ,urn. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 3 Ad ! J,lm ) 4 5 FIG. 4. Lateral displacement signals. (a) Waveform variation of the beat signals calculated as a function of wa fer displacement. Beat frequency is 128 kHz. (b) Detection signal mea sured experimentally. Ms are combined and the two optical-heterodyne diffraction beams are emitted from these gratings as mentioned before. These two beams are detected by two separated photodetec tors PD3 and PD4 as two heterodyne beat signals IMz and lwz· The phase ¢w and <Pwzx measured experimentally as a function of the displacement d Wis shown in Fig. 6(a). The phase rPwzx exactly equals the phase -¢w' Figure 6(b) 400r-----------~ 300 . '" 200 e "" '" -0 3t -200 "6- -300 . ¢w ¢"" tiff f2\WJ2 Z -400 ~t".x ,.~ J <l>wzx (al Displacement !.W (jim) P = 8 )1m Water grating -;;; 400 '" '" ~ 300 "C N 200 N ~ "6-100 ~ I 0 (bl Displacement !. WZ (jim) FIG. 6. Phase difference. Ca) tPw and tPwz measured as a function of wafer x axis displacement and (b) if> WLZ measured as a function of z-axis displace ment. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:071975 M, Suzuki and A. Una: An optical-heterodyne alignment technique 1975 shows the phase <Pwzz measured experimentally as a func tion of the z-axis displacement!l Wz. The diffraction grating pitch is 8 !lm. The phase shift cycle for z-axis displacement is about 24.6!lm from Eq. (11). IV. SERVO CONTROL An example of the relative lateral displacement alignment experiment is shown in Fig. 7 (a). The wafer-on-wafer stage is automatically aligned with the mask in the horizontal x axis by the feedback control to keep the phase difference !l<pd zero. As seen in Fig. 7(a), alignment accuracy is better than ± 1". The phase difference ± 1° corresponds to the relative lateral displacement ± 6 nm [ = 4000/ (2 X 360) ] . An example of the gap control experiment is shown in Fig. 7(b). The mask-on-mask stage is automatically controlled with the wafer in the vertical z axis by a feedback control to keep the phase difference f:..t/>G zeroo As seen in Fig. 7 (b), the gap control accuracy is better than ± 10. In the case of grat ing pitch 4/-lm, the phase difference ± 10 corresponds to the mask-to-wafer gap ± 16 nm. V. APPLICATION TO SIX~AXIS ALIGNMENT Using an optical-heterodyne interferometry alignment method, a four-channel alignment system with highly pre cise vertical stages is constructed fot synchrotron x-ray lith ography. The alignment marks sizes on the mask and wafer are 200 X 299 !lm, and the grating pitches are 6 ,urn. Four pairs of alignment marks arc formed at points A(x j, Zj), B(X2,Z2)' C(Yl,Z,,) , and C(Y\>Z4) on the mask and wafer chip edges (Fig. 3). The lateral displacement signals Xj' X2, Yj, andYl are used for X, Y, and 8 alignment, and the gap signals Z" Z2' Z3' and Z4' are used for a, {3, and Z control between mask and wafer. For fine adjustment, six-axis freedom is utilized for X and Yaxis motions of the wafer stage, and (X, (3, on ... ... +\00 ... .. '" '" 0 ~ '" -\00 -360 P'4~m uncontrolled - ~_. ,controlled _ ~-.. -.~ . - 1_~±6nm Time (0) Time (b) , 2sec/div 2 sec/div 50·/ div 2sec/div 100°/ div 2°/ div FIG. 7. Alignment experiment, (a) Relative lateral displacement signal and (b) mask-to-wafer gap signal. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 ~ ~ 20 <:r '" LL: t,-,~ -0.3-0.2-0.\ 0 O.! 0,2 0,3 lal Overlay error in X (pm I 40 ~~-.--------, : N"99 I, tTy" 0.043~", ,... 30: j "-0.017 .urn ~ . ! ::~ r I oLI --O~.3--~O.L2~-O~,I~O~~~,I~O.-2-0~,3~ (bj Overlay error in Y (pm) FIG. 8. Overlay accuracy mea sured by Nikon-21 using signal mask and multiply exposure. (a) Errors in x and (b) errors in y. (I, and Z axis motions ofthe mask stage. Six-axis servo con trols are performed during exposure. Overlay accuracy is investigated using FBM-G positive resist. To eliminate mask-t~-wafer distortion and process in fluences, the double exposure technique is used with one x ray mask. Figure 8 shows overlay accuracies measured with laser interferometry coordinate measuring equipment (Nikon-21) 0 The total overlay accuracies for x and y axes within a 10 mm field are about O.l3/1m (3(7). VI. CONCLUSION An optical-heterodyne alignment technique for quarter micron x-ray lithography is developed. It is shown that later al displacement is detected independently on the gap varia tions using optical-heterodyne symmetric optics and that gap can be detected using nonsymmetric optics. In the align ment experiment, lateral displacement detection resolution better than 10 nm and gap detection resolution < 20 nm are realized. Using a four-channel alignment system with highly precise vertical stages, six-axis alignment servo control is achieved with high overlay accuracy within 0.13 !lm (3(7) for a 10 mm field. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to express their appreciation to Dr. 1'. Kitayama, T. Hayasaka, and H. Yoshihara. They would also like to thank the x-ray mask fabrication group, synchrotron light source group, and beamline group for con tinual guidance and excellent support. 1M. Suzuki, T. Kaneko, and Y. Saitoh. J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL B 7, 47 (1989). 'T. Hayasaka, S. Ishihara, H. Kinoshita, and N, Takeuchi, J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL B 3,1581 (1985). 'E Cullman, K. A, Cooper, and W, Vael!, SPIE 773,2 (1()87). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:071976 M. Suzuki and A. Une: An optical-heterodyne alignment technique 1976 4No Bobrolf, R Tibbetts, J. Wilczynski, and A. Wilson,1. Vac. Sci. Tech nol. B 4,285 (1986). 5 A. Une, NM. Suzuki, I. Okada, Y. Saitoh, and H. Y oshihara, SPlE 773, 4S (1987). "n. Fay, J. Trotel, and A. Frichet, J. Vaco Sci. Techno!. 16, 1954 (1979). 7E. Kouno, Y. Tanaka, J. Iwata, Y. Tasaki, E. Kakimoto, K. Okada, K. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. e, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 Suzuki, K. Fujii, and E. Nomura, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 6,2135 (1988). RJ. Ito, T. Kanayama, J. Atoda, and K Hoh, SPIE 773,7 (1987). "M. Sekimoto, Ao Ozawa, T. Ohkubo, and H. Yoshihara, ill Extended Ab stracts of the 16th Conference on SSDM, Kobe, Japan 1984 (unpub lished). '''H. Takasaki, N. Umeda, and M. Tsukiji, App. Opt. 19, 435 (1980). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:14:07
Characterization of thin borondoped silicon membranes by doublecrystal xray topography David I. Ma, Syed B. Qadri, Martin C. Peckerar, and Mark E. Twigg Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 1594 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584496 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584496 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Characterization of process-induced lattice distortion in silicon by double-crystal x-ray topography using a curved collimator J. Appl. Phys. 90, 670 (2001); 10.1063/1.1380406 Heavily borondoped silicon membranes with enhanced mechanical properties for xray mask substrate Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1385 (1994); 10.1063/1.112059 Characterization of borondoped silicon epitaxial layers by xray diffraction Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 2129 (1991); 10.1063/1.104982 Doublecrystal xray topography and rocking curve studies of epitaxially grown ZnSe J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 1526 (1988); 10.1116/1.575355 APPLICATION OF AN IMAGE ORTHICON CAMERA TUBE TO XRAY DIFFRACTION TOPOGRAPHY UTILIZING THE DOUBLECRYSTAL ARRANGEMENT Appl. Phys. Lett. 18, 213 (1971); 10.1063/1.1653634 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:46:23Characterization of thin boron-doped silicon membranes by double-crystal x-ray topography David I. Ma,a) Syed B. Qadri, Martin C. Peckerar,a) and Mark E. Twigg b) Naval Research Laboratory, Washington. D. C. 20375 (Received 30 May 1989; accepted 7 July 1989) Heavily boron-doped silicon transparent membranes and x-ray masks were examined using double-crystal x-ray topography. The topographs revealed the strain distribution in two dimensional (20) pattern. Slip bands and Frank-Read sources were observed. The stress variation across the membrane was confirmed using the Stoney's stress analysis by laser beam reflecting technique. Surface strain versus bulk strain were also analyzed by choosing (224) and ( 115) reflecting planes. Deposition of patterns on a bare membrane did not alter the overall strain pattern of the membrane, which was apparently determined by the warpage of the silicon supporting ring. Local deformations associated with gold absorber features were visible and their associated strain fields were measured. I. INTRODUCTION Con tactless replication of submicrometer linewidth patterns with soft x-ray lithography was demonstrated by Spears and Smith in 1972.5 Since then, to improve lithographic through put and the linewidth control, many modifications were pur sued. These improvements include: the examination of var ious high brightness sources; the development of the interference alignment concept; the testing of new x-ray sen sitive resists; and the fabrication of thin, transparent x-ray masks. The last of these items is now considered the final critical element necessary for production line adoption of this technology. This study documents a new, nondestruc tive technique useful for evaluation of x-ray masks. Presently, boron-doped epitaxial silicon is one of the best starting materials for thin, x-ray transparent, free-standing membranes used as x-ray masks. This is because such mem branes have high x-ray transmission, elastic modulus, and optical transparency. In addition, well established fabrica tion techniques can be used to separate the lightly doped bulk from the heavily doped membrane. The fabrication of the thin, transparent membranes begins with growing a 1- 11m thick boron (B) doped epitaxial (epi) silicon layer on a conventional 3 in. (100) p-type silicon wafer. The epi layer is doped to a density of 1 X 1020 B atoms/cm3 to provide an etch stop for subsequent ethylenediamine-pyrocatechol water selective etching. 6 This doping level generates a tensile stress on the silicon surface which is approximately 1 X 109 dyn/cm2•7 There are several techniques to analyze the surface stress, such as: topographic image intensity analysis,8,9 laser beam reflecting techniques, 10,12 and eHipsometric multiangle mea surements.13,14 Among these, the Bonse's double crystal x ray topographic image intensity analysis was chosen for this study, due to its extremely high sensitivity to lattice distor tion and misorientation. The sensitivity is estimated to be approximately one part in 107 of a lattice constant. 15,16 The resolution is limited by the wavelength of the x-ray source, and by the quality of the receiving nuclear plate. Further more, the strain distribution can be clearly observed with spatial resolution approaching 111m. Bonse's theory provides a simple description of intensity contrast versus surface strain.8 According to this theory, the stress variation can be expressed as 6oI=M6oS, 60S = tan 0B [ (6.d /d) + 8&], (1) (2) where I is the intensity, M is the slope of the rocking curve at half of its peak height, S is the corresponding stress on the membrane, e B is the Bragg angle, d is the Bragg plane spac ing, and 80 is the component of local lattice rotation with respect to the goniometer axis. From these equations, the relative stress variation can be derived from the correspond ing changes in image intensity recorded on the topograph. But the absolute value of the stress cannot be obtained di rectly from this technique. The parallel beam, single crystal reflecting technique4 was also used to confirm the stress results obtained from topo graphs. This technique has the benefits of easier setup, simpler maintenance, and faster data collection. The draw backs are lower resolution and one-dimensional mapping. The data pairs are collected on a parallel beam curvature measurement system, and the average surface stress is de rived from Stoney's equation3,12 E t; 1 ae == ~~, 6(1 -v} te R (3) where te and t, are the thickness of the epi layer and the substrate, respectively, E /O-v) is taken as 1.805 X 1012 dyn/cm2 for (100) silicon,17 where E and v are Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively, and R is the mea sured radius from the sample. This curvature measurement configuration can be found in previous reports by Sinha's group and by Rossnagel's group. 18,19 II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The double-crystal x-ray topography setup includes a first silicon (111) crystal asymmetically cut at 13S [1° off the Bragg angle of ( 111) planes 1 and aligned to diffract from ( 111) planes. This gives a horizontal magnification about 26. Copper Ka radiation from a conventional x-ray tube is used. The second crystal (in this case, the thin silicon mem brane) is aligned to satisfy the desired refiecting plane, the 1594 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-211X/89/061594-06$01.00 © 1989 American Vacuum SOCiety 1594 ························1··· Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:46:231595 Ma et af.: Boron-doped silicon membranes TABLE I. Reflection parameter. Item (224) (115) A, 1.54178 A 1.541 78 A N 5.0X 1022 5.0X 1022 F 6.72 5.11 r 2.295X 10' 1.746 X 103 °B 44.03' 47.45' ¢ 35.27' 15.79' BB -rp 8.76' 31.66' ZeIT 0.664 pm 3.011l·m image is recorded on an llford nuclear emulsion plate. There are a few requirements to determine a proper reflecting plane. These include: a high reflected x-ray intensity to re duce the exposure time, near-90°-reflecting angle to avoid image distortion, small incoming angle to guarantee the uni formity of the exposure field, and proper effective penetra tion depth (Zelf) to provide depth profile of the membrane defect structure. Since the membrane is on a (100) silicon wafer, from the stereographic projection20 and the lattice parameters for silicon,21 the possible reflecting planes are (224), (115), (113), (404), and (135). Among these, only (224) and (115) reflecting planes are suitable for surface and bulk stress analysis. The effective penetration depth (Zoft) can be calculated from dynamical scattering theory.22 The assumption of dy namic theory presupposes the silicon membrane and sub strate to be near perfect crystals. The average attenuation coefficient is given by the following equation: 17" ( e2 \ (r) =--INJ...IFI, 2 mc2 ) (4) where N is the number of atoms per unit volume, Ii is the wavelength of the x-rays, and IF I is the structure factor per unit cell. The primary beam decreases in intensity by a factor of exp [ -rt I sin ( e B -¢) ] , after penetrating a perpendicu lar distance t from the surface; where e B is the Bragg angle, and ¢J is the angle between the surface normal and the chosen Bragg plane. Thus the effective penetration depth is given by sin(On -¢) Zo!r =. (5) or Cal (bl ~ 3 mm J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 Ie} 1595 The parameters for both (224) and (115) reflecting planes are shown in Table I. Note that Z"jf is 0.664 pm for the (224) plane, 3.01 j.tm for the (115) plane. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Two transparent membranes were examined. (Mem branes provided by Hampshire Instuments Inc., Marlbor ough, Massachusetts.) Membrane A was measured after etching and after depositing 2 to 5 j.tm patterns on it. Mem brane B was a completed x-ray mask with 0.37 j.tm gold (Au) patterns already defined on it. On this x-ray mask, the local strain distribution was studied. Concerning the results obtained in analysis of membrane A, the blank epi layer was examined with double crystal x ray topography using (224) reflecting. The effective pene tration depth as given in Table I is 0.664 j.tm, which is about half the epi layer thickness. Thus, the intensity variations on the topographs can be attributed to the presence of surface strain. These topographs are shown in Fig. 1, and the detail of each one is described as following: In Fig. 1 (a), the x-ray source was aligned to get the mini mum intensity of the thin membrane portion, but the sup porting ring satisfied the Bragg's condition. There were planar defect lines continuing through both membrane and supporting substrate in < 110) directions. These continuous lines provi.ded evidence that the defects are formed before the etching process of the thin membrane. Furthermore, a few loops could be found on the thin membrane area, but not on the supporting ring. Examining the shape of these loops revealed the charateristic features of Frank-Read sources? In Fig. 1 (b), after changing the incoming angle by + 340 arcsecond, the central membrane portion was in the maxi mum diffracting condition. The image of the supporting ring was still present. The vertical defect lines could be seen clear ly. The horizontal defect lines were very faint. In Fig. 1 (c), the topograph was taken with the sample rotated by 90·. Now the horizontal planar defect lines could be seen clearly. The strain patterns on both membrane and rings, which can be derived from the dark bands, were also rotated 90°. It is clear from Fig. 1 that the dark bands in the membrane and in the supporting ring are nearly orthogonal to each other. The dark bands are caused by the warpage of the sili- FlO. L Double-crystal topographs for blank membrane A using (224) reflection. (a) Epi layer is not diffracting. (b) Epi layer is diffracting. (c) 90" rotation from (b). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:46:231596 Ma et sl.: Boron-doped silicon membranes 1596 20,-------------------------------------------------------, ( "\ -s Parallel "" )' ".-Perpendicular (I) ~ E ~ ... ~o 0 ,... ~ II) '"' ... ., ::J > 1ii c: > 0 ... ~ :l U 0 a. ., > " u '" 0 ~ -10 i \ ~ \ 0 -... -~ ., 20 • Membrane Area 40 Spacing (mm) con supporting ring. The pattern of the warpage changes between the ring and the membrane, which creates a discon tinuous stress band between those two areas. Also, the war page is not symmetrical along the radial axis, so the strong stress bands have two sections on opposite sides of the mem brane. The pattern of the warpage was verified by the paral lel beam curvature measurement, shown in Fig. 2. The sam ple had different curvatures on vertical and horizontal directions. One changed from convex toward concave; and the other one changed from almost flat to concave. This indi cates a "saddle" shape to the supporting ring. A similar re sult was reported by using laser beam curvature measure ment.23 According to Eq. (3), te and ts are 1 and 350 pm, respectively, the stress on the supporting ring area is between 4220X 108 and 1.953X 109 dyn/cm2. An interesting aspect is the variation in lattice spacing between the membrane and the supporting ring. The relative change in lattice spacing can be calculated from the follow ing equation: f1d d (6) For Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b), ll.() and On equal + 340 arcsecond and 44.03", respectively. Theratioofl ad /d I is 1.708 X 101. Since f18 > 0 in changing diffracting condition from support ing ring to membrane, this would imply that the lattice spac ing of the membrane is smaller than it in the supporting ring. This, of course, is a manifestation of the fact that the mem brane is in tension. A few broken membrane pieces were examined by trans mission electron microscope (TEM), as shown in Fig. 3. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 60 ) J 80 FIG. 2. Curvature data obtained by parallel beam technique at diftCrent portions ofmembrallc A, The planar defect appears as discontinuous islands when ex amined with a magnification of 17 500 X. Since each indi vidual island has its own particular shape and size, the actual defect structure is extremely complicated. The only point of commonality among these defects is that all defect islands are aligned to the < 110) cleavage planes of the silicon. A similar planar defect structures after heavily boron doping was reported by Resener's groupo7 One possible explanation for these structures is that the defects are probably induced by boron implantation. After a temperature annealing cycle to release the excess stress, all defects accumulate on the natural cleavage plane, and form slip bands 1 on the sample. In order to get depth profile of the defect distribution, a topograph was taken with (115) reflecting planes. This is FIG. 3. TEM micrograph of a piece of the membrane. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:46:231597 Ma et al.: Boron-doped silicon membranes FIG. 4. Double-crystal topograph for blank membrane A using ( 115) reflec tion. shown in Fig. 4. The defect structures are the same as ob tained from (224) results. No additional defect features have been detected in the supporting ring area, Thus, these defects extend fairly deep into the bulk silicon. After the analysis of the initial stress distribution of mem brane A, this membrane was patterned with electron-beam (e-beam) alignment marks ranging from 2 to 5 ,lID in size. 1597 up. The topograph of this patterned mask is shown in Fig. 5. The sample was orientated in the same configuration as for the topographs shown in Fig. 1. Comparing Figs. 1 (b) and 5, shows that the gross strain distribution in the membrane area is not affected by the pattern. This indicates that the mask-making process does not generate any new defects, nor does the process result in additional strain on the membrane. In the vicinity of the patterned gold membrane area, the change of the incoming angle aB from minimum diffraction to maximum diffraction is + 130 arcseconds. Based upon Eq. (6), the ratio of the lattice spacing !ad /d I is 6.5 X 10-4 which is less than the orginal 1. 708 X 10 3 bare membrane case. Since the Young's modulus (E) is 1.689 X HjIl dynl cm2,17 the stress of the membrane before and after the pat-' terning equals 2,886 X 10'1 and 1.098 X 109 dyn/cm2, respec- The mask making steps for this blank membrane involved (al the following: deposition of 50 A chromium (Cr), 150 A gold (Au), and 7000 A polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) which prepared the membrane for patterning. A Cambridge EBMF 6.5 e beam wrote the pattern directly on PMMA. After the development of PMMA, 5000 A gold was plated FIG, 5, Double-crystal topograph, obtained after depositing a pattern on membrane A, using (224) reflection, J. \lac. Sci. Technol. S, Voi. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 (b) 5mm FIG. 6. Double-crystal topograph of thc x-ray mask on membrane Busing (224) reflection. (a) Stress pattern can be seen on the supporting ring. (b) Pattern can be observed by adjusting the contrast. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:46:231598 l\IIa et aL: Boron-doped silicon membranes lal 1 mm FIG. 7. Comparison between the optical micrograph and x-ray topograph at the same location on membrane B. (a) Optical micrograph shows the de tails of the absorber pattern. (b) X-ray topograph shows the stress distribu tion in the vicinity of the pattern. tive1y. This would imply that the patterned gold mask intro duces a compressive stress to reduce the initial tensile stress. N ow consider the results of the analysis of membrane B, the completed mask. This mask was examined using a topo graph from (224) reflecting planes. The topographs are shown in Fig. 6. Both of these were developed from the same Ilford nuclear plate with different degrees of contrast. In Fig. 6 (a), the stress pattern is clear all over the ring area, but the Au patterns are hardly distinguishable. In Fig. 6 (b), the Au patterns are observable by changing the contrast in the mem brane area. These topographs show the slip bands clearly along < 110) direction and some square patterns. However it does not show the Frank-Read source pattern. A portion of the Au patterns from the Ilford nuclear plate was enlarged for a study of local structure as shown in Fig. 7 (b). The corresponding optical micrograph using back illu mination technique is shown in Fig. 7(a). The magnification of these two pictures is 50. In Fig. 7 (b), the intensity varies slightly from one area to another, indicating a small stress variation in the membrane area. This is consistent with the hypothesis of a freestanding film containing no microscopic J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 1598 stress variation. Around the Au patterns, though, stress re lated contrast is locally evident. Brighter bands correspond to the location of the Au patterns, and darker bands sit around interdigitated fingers areas. The difference in the stress distribution in the region of interdigitation is below the detection limits of this technique. But, there is an apparent 200% increase in stress in the regions surrounding the finger patterns. Based upon the average stress of 1.098 X 109 dynl cm2 on the membrane, the stress around the fingers areas is around 2.196 X 109 dyn/cm2. Other darker areas also exist on the topograph, but can not be correlated with features in the optical micrograph. IV. CONCLUSION The double crystal topographs of silicon membrane and x ray mask provide a quick analysis of the strain distribution and their defect characteristics. The following important conclusion can be drawn fron this study: 0) The heavy boron-doping step creates defects, which may eventually form slip bands along the (110) cleavage plane. (ii) The Bragg plane spacing in the membrane area is smaller than it in the supporting ring area, which is a mani festation of the fact that the membrane is in tension. (iii) Lithography involving the deposition of gold pat terns does ~ot alter the overall strain distribution on the membrane, but it does reduce total stress on the mask due to the stress compensation by the gold patterns. (iv) The deposition of gold patterns may vary the local strain structure. Double-crystal topography provides a means of examining such variation with a few pm resolution. (v) Double-crystal topography provides a reliable, non destructive, and rapid spatial surface strain evaluation on both blank silicon membrane and on the patterned x-ray mask. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Daniel McCar thy who gave valuable suggestions and insights to this work. Special thanks to Mr. Christopher R. Morrow for handling our endless enlargment of the Ilford nuclear plates. a) Also, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. b) Geo-Centers Inc. Fort Washingtoll, MD 20744. 'R. E. Reed-Hill, Physical I14etallulXY Principles (Brooks/Cole Engineer ing Division. City, 1973), p. 192. 'c. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th ed. (Wiley, New York, 1(86), p. 572. 'G. G. Stoney, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 82. 172 (1909). 4E. Kobeda and E. A. Irene. J. Yac. Sci. Technol. B 4, no (1986). 'D. L Spears and H. I. Smith, Electron. 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Differential metrology of very large scale integration, oxide isolation structures using a confocal scanning laser microscope K. M. Monahan, R. H. Fastenau, and T. Tien Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 7, 1913 (1989); doi: 10.1116/1.584691 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.584691 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/7/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Metrological large range scanning probe microscope Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 962 (2004); 10.1063/1.1651638 Twodimensional scanning capacitance microscopy measurements of crosssectioned very large scale integration test structures J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 426 (1996); 10.1116/1.588487 A metrological electron microscope system for microfeatures of very large scale integrated circuits Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, 975 (1990); 10.1063/1.1141202 Automatic electron beam metrology system for development of very largescale integrated devices J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5, 79 (1987); 10.1116/1.583932 A precise and automatic very large scale integrated circuit pattern linewidth measurement method using a scanning electron microscope J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 4, 493 (1986); 10.1116/1.583408 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:02:51Differential metrology of very large scale integration, oxide isolation structures using a confocal scanning laser microscope K. M. Monahan, R. H. Fastenau, andT. Tiena) Philips Research Laboratories/Signetics Company, Sunnyvale, California 94088-3409 (Received lJune 1989; accepted 12 July 1989) A confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM) has been used to study a variety of oxide isolation structures, including LOCOS and SLOCOS, by means of a confocal differential Fizeau metrology (CDFM) technique recently developed at Philips Research Laboratories Sunnyvale (PRLS). This technique permits measurement between Fizeau fringes less than 200 nm in width (FWHM), with less than 50 nm of optical offset, greater than 50% contrast, and mean standard errors in the nanometer range. Comparisons are made between measurement tools (CSLM and SEM), between processes (LOCOS and SLOCOS), between process steps (nitride mask definition and local thermal oxidation), between individual wafers (levels of nitride mask thickness), and between individual features on a wafer (levels of nitride mask linewidth). Unique metrological evidence is presented for a stress-related deformation mechanism in both LOCOS and SLOCOS structures at nitride mask thicknesses greater than about 250 nm. I. INTRODUCTION The confocal microscope distinguishes itself from a conven tional microscope by its high resolution (27% narrower point spread function), reduced diffraction, I high phase edge contrast,2 and excellent focal plane sensitivity.3 The signal due to a defocused point object is leu) = [4sin(uI4)/uj4, where u is the normalized distance from the focal plane of the lens. This response is ideal for the observation of the so called Fizeau fringes which emanate from monochromati· cally illuminated wedge films such as those seen in the oxide isolation structures used for the fabrication of integrated cir cuits. The Fizeau fringes prod,liced by a source which is large relative to the fringe separation are localized in the plane of the film.4 The first dark fringe appears when the film thick ness is equal to a quarter of the illumination wavelength in the film. Other dark fringes appear for successive odd multi ples of the thickness at which the first fringe appears. Experience has demonstrated that one ofthe most reliable measurement criteria for oxide isolation structures is the CSLM flat zone width,5 defined as the lateral distance between the first dark Fizeau fringes on either side of the center of the nitride mask. These fringes correspond to a thickness of one-quarter wavelength in oxide (84 nm for n = 1.46) and, unlike SEM images, are intrinsically calibra ted to a wavelength oflight. Due to the very high slope of the intensity profiles 00%-90%, rise length about 0.15 ,urn), precision of the measurement is greatly enhanced by using a threshold (25%) rather than a minimum detection algo rithm. Threshold detection introduces a nearly constant off set (b), so that true linewidths (LI and L2) are given to a good approximation by Ll =mX 1 +b, L2 = mXz + b, where Xl and X2 are the respective measured values and m is the magnification correction. Since In can always be set to unity by calibrating to the pitch of a reference structure, we have the simple relation Ll -L2 =X\ -X2' for the difference measurement. Using this method we can obtain calibrated measurements of mask encroachment, de fined as the difference between the flat zone width of the mask prior to oxidation and the fiat zone width of the grown structure after oxidation. II. EXPERIMENTAL LOCOS and SLOCOS oxide isolation structures have been described previously.s The process for fabrication of these structures has two principal steps: nitride mask defini tion and local thermal oxidation. In the case of our LOCOS process, a IOO-um-thick silicon nitride film is deposited over a much thinner silicon oxide film grown on a crystalline sili con wafer. The nitride/oxide sandwich is lithographically patterned and etched to provide a resistant mask for subse quent thick oxide growth. SLOCOS differs from the homo logous LOCOS structure by the substitution of an oxynitride film for the pad oxide. The oxynitride film serves to further inhibit mask encroachment during the oxidation stage. In this work, we study silicon wafer samples with LOCOS and SLOCOS structures fabricated at six levels of nitride mask thickness: 100,200,250,300,350, and 400 nm, respectively. Thicker nitride films are an attractive approach to reducing mask encroachment since they require only minor process modification. The disadvantage of thicker nitride films is that much higher levels of stress are created in the silicon and, at some point, deformation will occur. Figure 1 (top, left) shows a 25 000 X SEM cross-section micrograph (Hitachi S-570, 25kV) of a post-oxidation LOCOS structure as an example. Nitride (N), oxide (0), and silicon (S) structures are labeled along with a polysili con layer (P) which has been added to delineate the oxide contour. Oxide encroachment under the mask is easily ob- 1913 J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B 7 (6), Nov/Dec 1989 0734-211)(/69/061913-05$01.00 @ 1989 American Vacuum Society 1913 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:02:511914 Monahan, Fastenau, and Tien: Differential metrology of VlSI oxide isolation structures 1914 FIG. I. SEM cross-section micrograph (top, left) of LOCOS structure (25 000 X ) shows silicon substrate (S), deformed nitride mask (N), and grown oxide (0). A layer of polysilicon (P) has been added to delineate the boundaries of the oxide, an extreme case of oxide encroachment under the mask (bar 2 .urn). SEM normal-incidence micrographs (top, right) show SLOCOS ~tructures (10000 X ) grown with a 2.25 .um nitride mask Iinewidth and too and 400 nm mask thicknesses. Confocal micrograph (bottom, left) shows LOCOS structures (8000X) grown using 100-nm thick nitride and (A) 1.00, (B) 1.25, (C) 1.50, and (D) 1.75 micrometer mask linewidths, respectively. Confocal micrograph (bottom, right) shows LOCOS oxidation mask (8000 X ) prior to oxide growth. served for the LOCOS structure. The nitride mask linewidth in Fig. 1 (top, left) is nominally 1,00 11m. Each silicon wafer sample has constant mask thickness and six levels of mask linewidth, ranging from 1.00 to 2.25 f.1m in 0.25 f.1m incre ments and labeled A, B, C, D, E, and F, respectively. Space widths between mask lines are constant at 2.00 pm. Normal incidence SEM micrographs (10 000 X ) of the 2.25 11m SLOCOS F structure are shown in Fig. 1 (top, right). These micrographs were acquired after field oxide growth and stripping of 100-and 400-nm-thick nitride masks, respec tively. Note the silicon dark zone at the center of each feature surrounded by a bright fringe delineating the silicon/oxide interface. For the purposes of this work, we define the SEM fiat zone width as the distance between the two bright sec ondary electron fringes that appear at the oxide transition on either side of the silicon dark zone. The second set of fringes outside the transition zone correspond to a shallow groove that forms in the oxide near the edge of the nitride mask. Note that the SEM micrograph of the sample processed with the 400-nm-thick nitride mask shows distinct deformation at the nitride/oxide interface. An 8000 X CSLM micrograph (Siscan Systems, 488 nm) of the ABCD LOCOS structures is shown in Fig. 1 (bottom, left). Note that we observe bright, high-contrast fringes at nearly the same magnification used for the SEM images. The FWHM measurements for the fringes observed on this sam ple are typically less than 0.2 11m and well below the Ray leigh limit (about 0.3 11m). That these are indeed Fizeau fringes is corroborated by their absence in the CSLM micro- J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 graph of Fig. 1 (bottom, right), which shows the planar ABCD LOCOS mask lines prior to the oxidation step. The intensity contrast of the Fizeau fringes is greater than 50% because the focal plane of the CSLM has been optimized for Fizeau contrast.6 Reproducible images of fringe patterns with 0.3 11m average pitch are obtained with measured edge sharpness better than 0.15 fim ( 10%-90% ). This resolution rivals that obtained in earlier attempts to circumvent the diffraction limits of optical imaging by near-field optical mi croscopy at working distances on the order of20 nm.7•8 Un like near-field optical scanning (NFOS) microscopes, how ever, confocal microscopes typically operate at working dis tances of 200 11m. Thus the range of application of the confocal microscope to topographic structures is consider ably greater. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. intertool differential metrology: SEM vs CSLM Intertool differential metrology serves the purpose of pro viding a comparison between the responses of two different measurement tools (e.g., SEM and CSLM) to identical spa tial fiducials. It can be used to establish both constant and parametrically dependent offsets between the tools, so that one may be used as a substitute for the other. Further, it can reveal areas in which the responses of the systems are funda mentally different and in which they can yield complemen tary or unique information. An elegant example of intertool metrology is the compari son of SEM and CSLM fiat zone widths for the SLOCOS process. The CSLM fiat zone widths and the CSLM-SEM difference values are shown in Fig. 2 at six levels of nitride mask thickness and four levels of mask linewidth. In general, the behavior of the SEM and CSLM measurements are simi lar: Flat zone widths increase rapidly from 100 to 200 nm nitride thickness and become asymptotic with the mask linewidth at higher values. The first observation is a nearly constant off<;et between the SEM and CSLM measurements of about 0.35-0.45 11m for the larger structures. This is an estimate of the b parameter discussed in the preceding sec tion. The significant differences between the two sets of mea surements become apparent only when they are compared differentially to show substantial defonnation of the smaller SLOCOS structures for nitride thicknesses around 300 nm. The differences are clearly not optical artifacts since they replicate well for the 250 and 350 nm nitride thicknesses, and since cross-section SEM and TEM data show a relatively fiat oxide encroachment structure (wedge angle less than 200 ) in the vicinity of the first quarter-wavelength fringe. To date, we have observed significant optical artifacts only when measuring higher-order fringes on more steeply sloped oxide structures. Examination of the data for the smaller structures pro cessed with 300-nm-thick nitride reveals one of the weak nesses of intertool calibration; that is, the b parameter itself becomes a parametrically dependent offset, and neither the SEM nor the CSLM can be considered "sacred." In this case, a classical linear calibration against the SEM would fail, leading to errors as great as 0.3 f.1m. The root of the Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:02:511915 Monahan, Fastenau, and Tien: Differential metrology of VLSI oxide isolation structures 1915 problem lies in the different physical contrast mechanisms used to form a secondary electron image on the SEM and an optical image on the CSLM. The SEM responds to material and topographic contrast, while the CSLM responds to dif ferences in optical pha..~e and relative reflectance. The SEM image of the structure grown with a 400-nm-thick nitride mask shown in Fig. 1 (top, right) exhibits material contrast (including charging effects) from the oxide/silicon interface at the edge of the fiat zone and topographic contrast from the roughness of the groove that still delineates the edge of the nitride mask after its removal. The CSLM image of the D structure in Fig. 1 (bottom, left) exhibits a form of phase contrast (Fizeau fringes) as the thickness of the oxide isola tion varies and reflectance contrast from bare silicon in the fiat zone itself. The CSLM has a clear advantage in that the dark Fizeau fringes occur precisely at integral odd multiples of the quarter-wave thickness in the oxide and are therefore directly referenced to the wavelength of the laser (488 nm). B. intratooi differential metrology: External reference Intratool differential metrology serves the purpose of eliminating artifacts (and potentially information) due to differences in the contrast mechanisms used for imaging. Typical integrated circuit applications require an external reference so that the tool dependent offsets are canceled in la! (bl 0.4 j - lao e- 140 lSa 220 260 300 340 380 NITRIDE THICKNESS (111M) NITRIDE THICKNESS (NM) FIG. 2. Ca) SLOCOS flat zone widths. (b) SEM-CSLM difference values are plotted vs nitride mask thickness. + 1.25, 0 1.5, I:!J. 1.75, X 2.0 Elm mask linewidth. J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 the differential measurement. Measurements requiring an external reference are those which compare values to a fixed reference or standard, such as comparisons between two dif ferent processes (e.g., LOCOS versus SLOCOS) or between steps in a given process (e.g., LOCOS oxide versus LOCOS mask). In the two cases discussed below, "SLOCOS" and "LOCOS mask" wafers are being used as external refer ences. All of the "measured values" are means computed from sets of 49 line-scan measurements with standard devia tions typically less than 0.007 Jim. The standard error of the mean values is about 1 nm. 1. Interprocess measurement: LOCOS vs SLOCOS Flat zone widths (CSLM) for SLOCOS structures are shown in Fig. 2 (top) for the six nominal nitride mask thick nesses and several nominallinewidths. The main systematic effect is the apparent increase in flat zone width with increas ing mask thickness, indicating that oxide encroachment un der the mask is minimized by the use of thicker nitride masks. The decreasing slopes suggest a diminishing effect above 200 nm for SLOCOS structures. Note the departure from monotonicity (deformation) near 300 nm. SLOCOS and LOCOS processes are compared differentially in Fig, 3 (top) at two different nominal mask linewidths. Since all of the component measurements were taken on a pitch calibra ted CSLM, the optical offsets are compensated and the line width difference scale is in absolute micrometers. Thus, we may say that SLOCOS affords a 0.6 fim (0.3 Jim/edge) reduction in relative encroachment for mask thicknesses up to 300 nm. 2<lntraprocess measurement: LOCOS IfS LOCOS mask Flat zone widths for the LOCOS structures can also be compared to flat zone widths measured on the nitride mask prior to oxidation as in Fig. 3 (bottom). The LOCOS oxida tion and LOCOS mask steps are compared differentially at two different nominal linewidths. As in the LOCOS SLOCOS comparison, all of the component measurements are taken on the CSLM so that the linewidth difterence scale is in absolute micrometers. Thus we may say that increasing the LOCOS nitride mask thickness from 100 to 200 nm af fords a 0.5 11m (0.25 ,um/edge) reduction in relative en croachment, with diminishing returns at greater thickness. C.lntratool differential metrology: Internal reference Some types of intmtool differential metrology do not re quire the maintenance of an external standard; that is, mea surements are calibrated using other measurements within the same data set (e.g., using an "internal reference"). As an example, consider a full matrix of LOCOS or SLOCOS data (flat zone widths versus mask linewidth and mask thick ness). A point-to-point difference between any two mea sured values in the matrix results in a calibrated absolute measurement Two special cases are discussed below for which only nearest-neighbor values in the matrix are com pared. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:02:511916 Monahan, Fastenau, and Tien: Differential metrology of VLSI oxide isolation structures 1916 0:: Ii 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.4 I (al 100 140 380 180 220 260 300 340 NITRIDE THICKNESS (!>1M) 1.61 1.5 I 1.4 J i? .5 .. 1.3 - 0 z W 0: 1.2 w "-Ie 15 1.1 :r: l-e ~ 1 - ~ :; 0.9 0.& 0.7 100 14" (b) FIG. 3. (a) LOCOS-SLOCOS<) 1.5, V' 2.25 and (b) MASK-LOCOSdifter ence values are plotted versus nitride mask thickness. X 2.0 pm, \7 2.25 pm. 1. Interwafer measurement: Linewidth change vs thickness The change in the LOCOS flat zone width versus nitride mask thickness, shown in Fig. 4 (top), is derived by sub tracting the measured values at the next smaller thickness from the values at the current thickness. Note that the deriv ative data at all four nominal linewidths overlay to within 0.04 !-lm, a clear example of the power of differential metro logy to eliminate systematic offsets. A significant enhance ment of the erratic behavior of flat zone widths for nitride thicknesses greater than about 250 nm is also observed. Con comitant SEM analysis, as well as previous work by one of our colleagues,'! supports the hypothesis that these lateral deformations are correlated with the buildup and release of stress in the nitride/oxide/silicon layers (Fig. 1: top, right). Assuming that this hypothesis is correct, we recommend that LOCOS nitride mask thicknesses be limited to the re gion in which the derivative in Fig. 4 (top) is still positive and monotonic; that is, to values below 250 nm where defor mation and destructive relief of stress have not been ob served. 2. Intrawafer measurement: Linewidth increment vs thickness The LOCOS linewidth increment (nominally 0.25 11m) versus nitride mask thickness is derived by subtracting the J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 ~ 51 i .5 (/) III W z " 0 'i: ... " :< ... c ii " lal 0.3 - 0.25 , 0.2 0.15 - 0.' i 0.05 0.05 -I o.,L 140 0.227 ~ -\ \ ~ ----r----~ ._.-- 180 220 260 300 340 380 NITRIDE THICKNESS (NM) -......... Ii .:: /\ /: .5 0.224 / \ ' 1::~T'T\1l 0.221 ~-----~-.~J ! 0.22...,- r 1 1 -,-- ---~- ------;---T- .,~- r 1 _..,._~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ = _ ~ ~ _ (bl NITRIDE THICKNESS (NM) FIG. 4. (a) LOCOS linewidth derivative <) 1.5,um, L',. 1.75 ,llm, X 2.0 lIm, \7 2.25 I'm and (b) linewidth increment are plotted vs nitride mask thickness. o local average, + global average. measured values at the next smaller linewidth from the val ues at the current linewidth. To obtain the data displayed in Fig. 4 (bottom), the three differential measurements ob tained at each nitride thickness were averaged locally and compared to the global average over all thicknesses. The total included range of the local averages is only 7 nm, indi cating that optical offsets can be compensated to at least this level for intrawafer measurements. The global average incre ment appears to deviate below the nominal by 0.03 !-lm. This result indicates that oxide encroachment is a very weakly increasing function of mask linewidth, and again illustrates the remarkable sensitivity of differential techniques in metrology. IV. CONCLUSIONS From a practical point of view, we have found that the methodologies utilized in applying confocal differential Fi zeau metrology (CDFM) to the measurement of oxide isola tion structures can be critical. The establishment of the "flat zone width" as a stable measurement criterion was especial ly useful since it allowed a rigorous definition oflinewidth at a specified thickness of the oxide structure. Using this crite rion, differential comparisons could be made between mea surement tools (CSLM and SEM), between processes (LO COS and SLOCOS), between process steps (nitride mask Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:02:511917 Monahan, Fastenau, and Tien: Differential metrology of VLSi oxide isolation structures 1917 definition and local thermal oxidation), between individual wafers (levels of nitride mask thickness), and between indi vidual features on a wafer (levels of nitride mask linewidth). Unique metrological evidence for a stress-induced deforma tion in both LOCOS and SLOCOS structures at nitride mask thicknesses greater than 250 nm was discovered. Since most of the reduction in mask encroachment occurs below 250 nm, we were able to recommend a 200 nm-thick nitride mask for both oxide isolation processes as a safe compromise. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank E. Kooi and D. Kyser for their support of this work. In addition, we acknowledge S. Ooka for performing the measurements and J. Chen for stimulat ing discussions of the problems encountered when inspect ing LOCOS structures on the SEM. A special acknowledg- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. S, Vol. 7, No.6, Nov/Dec 1989 ment is due to E. Kooi, who originally suggested the application of the CSLM to metrology of LOCOS struc tures. "J T. Tien is currently an employee of Applied Materials, Inc. '1'. Wilson and C. Sheppard, Theory and Practice of Scanning Opticai Mi croscopy (Aeadcmic, London, 1984), p. 48. 2Ibid., p. 70. 'Ibid., p. 71. 4R. S. Longhurst, Geometric and Physical Optics (Wiley, New York, 1967), p. 140, and references therein. '1. A. Appels, E. Kooi, M. M. PalTen, 1. J. H. Schatorjc, and W. H. C. G. Verkuylcn, Philips Res. Rep. 25, 118 (1970); P. A. van der Plaas, W. C. E. Sneis, A. Stolmcijer. H. J. den Blanken, and R. de Werdt, Proc. 1987 Symposium on VLSI Technology, Kuruizawa, 18-21 May 1987; U.S. Pat ent 3 886000; European Patent 71.203; and Japancse Patent 56-93344. "K. M. Monahan amI j. T. Chen, Proc. SPIE 921, ! 70 (1988). 7E. Betzig, M. Isaacson, and A. Lewis, Apr\. Phys. Lett. 51, 2088 (1987). 'u. eh. Fischer. U. T. Durig, and D. W. Poh], App!. Phys. Lett. 52. 249 (1988). oK. N. Ritz, Masters thesis, Polytechnic Institute of New York, June 1982. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:02:51
Investigation of the negative peak in photoinduced transient spectra of semiinsulating gallium arsenide S. R. Blight and H. Thomas Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 65, 215 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.342574 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.342574 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/65/1?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in New aspects of copper diffusion in semiinsulating gallium arsenide Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 1767 (1996); 10.1063/1.117479 Nonexponentiality in photoinduced current transients in undoped semiinsulating gallium arsenide J. Appl. Phys. 78, 262 (1995); 10.1063/1.360668 Local mode spectroscopy and photoinduced effects of oxygenrelated centers in semiinsulating gallium arsenide J. Appl. Phys. 67, 7307 (1990); 10.1063/1.344516 The interpretation of ohmic behavior in semiinsulating gallium arsenide systems J. Appl. Phys. 52, 5195 (1981); 10.1063/1.329422 Ultrafast magnetophotoconductivity of semiinsulating gallium arsenide Appl. Phys. Lett. 39, 266 (1981); 10.1063/1.92667 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19Investigation of the negative peak in photoinduced transient spectra of semi .. insulaiing gallium arsenide s, R. Blighta) GEC Hirst Research Centre, East Lane, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 7PP, United Kingdom H, Thomas Department of Physics. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, P.D. Box 25, CardijfCF13XE, United Kingdom (Received 4 January 1988; accepted for publication 25 August 1988) A common observation in the photoinduced transient (PITS) spectra of semi-insulating GaAs is the appearance of a negative peak, which is anomalous in that both electron and hole traps should give rise to positive peaks, In this paper, it is shown that the negative peak can be explained in terms of charge exchange with the GaAs surface and only occurs in material which displays particular types of current-voltage and current-temperature characteristics. The dependence of this peak on the processing effects of surface passivation, etching, and baking and polishing has been investigated and its sensitivity to variations in incident light intensity is demonstrated. A new variation of PITS, namely gated-PITS has been employed. This technique suppresses the negative peak in the spectrum, allowing transients corresponding to emission from EL2 to be detected in particular undoped liquid encapsulated Czochralski GaAs substrates for the first time. I. INTRODUCTION The problems associated with the characterization of deep levels in semi-insulating GaAs are appreciable. Because of the high resistivity of the material and hence the difficulty of injecting free carriers by electrical stimulation, conven tional capacitance-mode deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) techniques' are not possible. Fortunately, how ever, a variation of DL TS known as photoinduced transient spectroscopy (PITS)2-12 was developed and this has found application in the electrical assessment of both bulk sub strates and high-resistivity epitaxial buffer layers. This tech nique monitors current transients induced in the material due to thermal emission of carriers from traps filled with photogenerated carriers during a light pulse and a trap spec trum is obtained as in a standard DLTS experiment. The principles, theory, and experimental implementa tion of PITS are wen established2-1' and, consequently, only a brief outline of the technique will be given here. The experi mental arrangement used is shown in Fig. 1. A voltage was applied between two coplanar AuGe/Ni ohmic contacts sit uated on the surface of the semi-insulating GaAs corre sponding to a constant average de field of typically 200 V em" I. Electron-hole pairs were generated in the sample by a light pulse. These photogenerated carriers were then, depending on the temperature of the sample, available for trapping by electron or hole trapso After removal of the opti cal pulse at t = 0 in Fig. 1, a rapid decrease in the current flowing through the sample owing to the recombination of free photocarriers is observed followed by a slower current transient owing to the thermally stimulated release of carri ers from the traps. This current transient was sampled at two points with time delays of II and t2 and the difference iUI) -i(t2) plotted, as described by Lang,l as the sample a) Present address: Keithley Instruments Ltd., 1-3 Boulton Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 ONL. UK. temperature was slowly swept from 77 to 450 K. Peaks occur in the spectrum when the emission rate of carriers from the trap corresponds to the "rate window" set by the chosen values of t, and t2• As shown by Hurtes et al.,2 for t2>tl' a peak is produced when the emission rate is 1/t [. As the tran sients observed in this study were usually nonexponential, low f21tl ratios where chosen in order to resolve closely cou pled level.s and minimize the effects of non exponential tran sients.12.!3 The corresponding peak emission rates for var ious f2lt] ratios were determined by Itoh and YanaiI4 and these were utilized here. Assuming that the densities of photogene rated electrons and holes, !ln and Ap respectively, are large compared to the free-carrier densities nand p, it has been shown by Hurtes et al.2 that the current transient observed after the termination of the light pulse is given by lSiU) = NTK(e" -ep) [(1 + cpflplcn!ln)-1 (1) where NT is the trap concentration, K is a constant which depends on the penetration depth of the light and the geome try of the sample, en•p and cn,p are the emission and capture rates of electrons (holes), respectively. Foranelectrontrap,e,,>ep andc" >cp' soEqo (1) sim plifies t02 DiU) = KNTe"e -ent, (2) which is the simple classical current transient equation for a trap completely fined at t = 0 and empty at t = 00. Despite the simplicity ofEqo (2) limitations exist in the application ofEq. (1). Both electron and hole traps produce current transients which result in positive-going PITS peaks, creating difficulties in determining the nature of the trap. Concentrations of traps are unable to be determined from PITS data, as the uncertainties in the constant K make the amplitUde of the current transient a function of several un- 215 J. Appl. Phys. 65 (1), 1 January 1989 0021-8979/89/010215-12$02.40 @ 1988 American institute of PhySiCS 215 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19Cryostat iph '-P_U_I_S_ed--.Jr----V--light Heater power supply io> ==-=-='='==---- source PAR 162 FIG. 1. Schematic of experimental arrange ment used for PITS experiment. Inset shows the light pulse and transient response of the semi-insulating sample. Thermocouple amplifier and DVM. x-v r~-\e-m-p-OOe-ra-tu-r-e-i X Recorder Y \----....".=--' PITS signal signal known parameters and not only a function of the trap con centration IV T' Care must also be taken when using this tech nique since the light pulse may not be sufficiently intense to fill the traps. If the levels are not saturated during the pulse, then at temperatures below the PITS emission peak, the level could steadily fiU because the emission rate falls below the filling pulse repetition rate. This would result in an increase in the amplitude of current transients with each light pulse, increasing the PITS signals and distorted spectra may result. To minimize this possibility long, high intensity filling pulses ( > 30 ms) were used so that saturation was achieved.2 In addition, pulse repetition rates were chosen so that they were much lower than the emission rate under analysis, and the rate of change of temperature of the sample was slow enough so that it did not change appreciably over successive light pulses. Equations (l) and (2) implicitly assume that the dark current level is zero, i.e., there are no thermally genera ted free carriers present in the material. At temperatures in excess of 300 K, the dark current becomes appreciable con tradicting this assumption. In this temperature range, a common observation is the appearance of a negative-going PITS peak, which is anomalous in that both electron and hole traps should, according to Eq. (1), give rise to positive going peaks. This paper aims to investigate the appearance of this peak and to attempt to identify its origin. II. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. PITS results Figures 2 and 3 show PITS spectra and activation ener gy plots obtained from two undoped liquid encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) wafers. Figure 2 shows a peak at (0.82 ± 0.02) eV, corresponding to the well-known EL2 center. While the characterization ofEL2 is highly desirable as this deep donor level is recognized to be the main compen sating center in undoped LEC GaAs,15 the observation of this trap is not a common occurrence using the PITS tech nique. The usual type of PITS response for undoped LEC material is shown in Fig. 3. This spectrum does not have a peak corresponding to EL2, but a negative peak appears in- 216 J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 65, No.1. 1 January 1989 stead. In fact, EL2 is seen as an exception rather than as a rule in the PITS spectra of un doped LEe GaAs, a phenome non also noted by Young et al.5 A consistent observation during the course of this work was that EL2 was only detected in samples not exhibiting a negative peak in its PITS spectrum. The problem is, there fore, to account for the appearance of the negative peak and to attempt to eliminate it so that the true ELl emission can j! Ii i'Oi iii tj f 10J~ ;::; O'38~V ." ii, .. !' ELl (1) 400 Temper!lture I K) --- 1 10)~ (11 + \ i -1"-t \ \ '\. 1 , "" "-'I \ \ \ '00"' "'I j ,o-~I ................ , "',,. "," .01 .. ",., ' .. ",,,.01,,,,,, .... ,." ... .1 1 2 S 5 FIG. 2. PITS spectrum for undoped LEe wafer not exhibiting a negative peak. S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 216 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19:;; ~ a c: on Vi V1 .... e;: .1 100 10J N , '" , 10-2 '" ,Ne- 10-3 w4 j 111 \ 12l ~ 200 o 63..eV O·98.aV (3) m ... \ \ \ .. \ \ \ 4 300 O·lB.9,v 11 ) .. Temperature (I( I - 1 o 36..&lV ~ {2) \ \ <-'\ " \ 1000lT (K-11 5 7 8 FIG. 3. A more typical response for undoped LEe material showing nega tive peak at temperatures in excess of 300 K. be observed and the trap signature obtained. Severa] expla nations for the negative peak have been proposed,2.5-7 but the origin of the peak has not been isolated and its relevance, if any, to the compensation mechanism of semi-insulating GaAs has not been identified although Fairman et ai.8 found it particularly prevalent in LEe material grown by melts encapsulated by wet B203. The fact that the peak is negative does not produce any information as to the electron or hole trapping nature of the trap, although Rheel6 proposed that negative transients were due to electron traps. As shown by Hurtes et al? and Look,9 Eq. (1) can only adopt a negative form if O'pvplO'nvn = enlep. (3) Physically, this would correspond to a trap located in the lower half of the band gap with a greater capture cross sec tion for electrons than for holes (or a trap located in the upper half of the band gap with a greater capture cross sec tion for holes than for electrons). However, the approxima tions used by Hurtes et al.2 for the analysis of the current transient equation do not necessarily apply for mid-gap lev els and this can lead to uncertainty in deconvoluting the signals obtained for these centers. Deveaud and Toulouse' adopted a fitting procedure which enabled them to separate the transients into several exponential components. How ever, their fitting parameters were not unique and this result ed in quoting two sets of trap signatures, one corresponding 217 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No. i, 1 January i 989 100 1=0 -~-Light elf _ iD~~~.\urr.nt -Time , 200 300 '.mpe,4t"". IKI , 400 Dark current FIG. 4. Schematic representation of current transient shapes over tempera ture range of PITS experiment, superimposed on the thermaliy generated dark current. Inset shows a typical response of material to an optical pulse at T= 350K. to an electron trap, the other a hole trap, for each level de tected. Abele, Kremer, and BIakemore17 have also recently highlighted the considerable ambiguity possible when adopting a digital fitting technique to the highly complex transients observed. The negative peak results from a current transient which increases form below the dark current to the dark current level after the cessation of the light pulse in a PITS experiment. Figure 4 shows, schematically, the shape of the current transients over the full temperature range of a PITS scan superimposed on the thermally generated dark current level flowing through the sample. At temperatures in excess of -300 K, the dark current becomes appreciable, contra dicting the assumptions made by Hurtes et al. 2 and Deveaud and Toulouse.? A complicating factor immediately arises i.n that thermally generated free carriers are available for trap ping and detrapping, even in the absence of photoexcited carriers. Recent studies by Kremer et al. 18 have shown that negative peaks are induced in samples at temperatures below 300 K, when a constant background illumination is present on the sample, so that the sample does not return to dark conditions after the light pulse. The background of photo generated carriers may be considered equivalent to the ther mally generated case. However the latter aspect will be con centrated upon in this paper, as it is under these conditions that PITS is normally performed. The negative transients observed were highly nonex ponential. Attempts to digitize the signal and separate it into its exponential components in the manner of Deveaud and Toulouse7 and Abele, Kremer, and Blakemore17 only served to emphasize its nonexponential, as opposed to multiexpon ential, form. Thus, while the process giving rise to this dis tortion is thermally activated, it need not necessarily be the usual well-behaved thermal activation of a deep level. The presence of EL2 in these samples was confirmed by its low temperature photoquenching properties,19 and although ELl was not observed by PITS at the appropriate elevated temperature, the possibility that the generation of the nega tive peak involves EL2 cannot be discounted. Table I lists the activation energies obtained by double S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 2'17 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19TABLE I. Measured activation energies for the negative peak. Vendor Ingot Eu ( ± 0.02 eV) A a 0.90 b (seed) 0.57 b (tail) 1.17 B a 0.98 b 0.87 c 0.97 d 0.73 C a (seed) 1.18 a (taii) 0.76 b 0.78 D a (seed) 0.98 a (tail) 0.89 b (seed) 1.12 b (tail) 0.77 c 1.l7 E 0.80 F a 0.82 b 0.71 boxcar analysis of the transients for a variety of wafers exhi biting negative peak behavior and little consistency is ob served between the energies obtained from sample to sample. Examination of the shape of the transients, however, reveals the nonexponential behavior and Fig. 4 shows the transient observed at 350 K for a particular undoped LEe sample. Immediately the light is removed a rapid decrease to a level below the dark current is observed foHowed by a recovery to the dark current level. As the time constants of both compo nents can fall within the rate window of the DLTS system, and both components can be nonexponential, the accuracy of activation energies reported in Table I should be treated with caution. In addition, the shape of the response indicates the presence of more than one component to the overall mechanism, rendering a simple physical interpretation of the effect far from straightforward. B. Correlation of the negative peak with the current~ temperature and current~voltage characteristics A classification will now be introduced to distinguish those semi-insulating GaAs wafers which produce negative peaks from those which do not. Those samples which pro duce a negative peak will be called type I and those which do not produce a negative peak will be called type II. Since the thermally generated dark current becomes ap preciable over the temperature range of interest, monitoring of the dark current variation of the PITS samples as a func tion of temperature under the normal bias conditions of the PITS experiment (-200 V fcrn) was undertaken and a large variation in the magnitudes of dark current for the various samples obtained. Arrhenius plots of conductivity and reci- 218 J. Appl. Phys., Vo!. 65, No.1, 1 January i 989 Vendor A ~ngot a Cb Do De Ac Cc iDOO Ii (volls I FIG. 5. Room temperature, dark current-voltage characteristics for a var iety of wafen; from different vendors. Two distinct forms of characteristics are noted over the voltage range of interest for type I and type n materia!' procal temperature were produced for the various substrates which had previously undergone PITS analysis and these produced straight line grapbs of two distinct types. Whereas type II material produced activation energies of approxi mately half-band gap for GaAs, type I samples exhibited activation energies between 8% and 15% higher. This was also observed by Fairman et al.8 Carriers in type I material are, therefore, generated and collected at the contacts in ex~ cess of the intrinsic thermal generation rate of electron-hole pairs, which may be attributed to surface conductivity as discussed by Sriram and Das.20 The total curren t collected at the contacts therefore comprises two temperature depen dent components, Ibu1k and I,urface • Considerable experimen tal evidence for the existence of surface and near~surface conductivity in semi-insulating GaAs exists in the litera ture20-31 and in MESFETs surface conductivity has been shown to be thermally activatedo 32 A positive correlation exists, however, between the occurrence of a negative peak and an activation energy greater than half-band gap for cur rent increase with temperature in semi-insulating GaAs. The room temperature dark current-voltage character istics of all PITS samples were determined over a voltage range of 1-150 Vo Figure 5 shows the I~ V characteristics for a number of wafers. They can be seen to fall into two separate categories: (i) samples showing a sudden increase in current of up to several orders of magnitude after reaching a thresh old voltage VT, and (ii) those exhibiting ohmic behavior throughout the entire voltage range. Of particular signifi- S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 218 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19O.1SeV emax :::: 41C5-1 Before etch After etch O.37eV O.B1.V I04.V FIG, 6. Typical PITS spectra for samples which made the transition fmm type II to type 1 after etching. cance is that in all cases, samples which produced a negative peak in the PITS spectrum, i.e., type I behavior, displayed the rapid increase in current at the threshold voltage, where as type II samples displayed ohmic behavior. It is seen, therefore, that type I substrates show distinct ly different J-T and J-V characteristics from type II sub strates, as weE as differences in PITS spectra. (This correla tion also holds for both In-doped and Cr-doped material.) A common physical interpretation to link all three different experimental observations is therefore suggested. Already proposed is the existence of a temperature-de pendent surface or near-surface conductivity in type I sub strates. To test if the near-surface region played a role in the occurrence of the negative peak, various samples were etched in order to remove the top 1.5 .um. In general, it was found that type I samples produced a negative peak both before and after etching, the J-V and J-T characteristics re maining the same and similarly, type II samples did not change in these respects before and after etching. The excep tion, however, was a batch of samples which made the transi tion from type II to type I. Before etching, the sample did not have a negative peak in its PITS spectrum, instead showing a very strong EL2 peak. Both the J-V and 1-T characteristics were typical of type II material. After etching, however, the sample made the transition to type I semi-insulating GaAs in every respect and pro duced a negative PITS peak in place of the EL2 peak. The I V characteristic showed a large increase in current at a threshold voltage VT and the activation energy of the loT characteristic increased. Figure 6 shows the PITS spectra before and after etching. These changes would not appear to be caused by EL2 exodiffusion from the surface as postulat ed by Chang et al.27-28 as a transition from type II to type I behavior was seen after etching and the sample underwent no thermal treatment. Emphasized, however, is the correla tion between the negative PITS peak, the current-voltage and current-temperature characteristics and, as a result, we propose a possible mechanism for the appearance of negative transients in the PITS experiment. This is shown, schemati cally, by Fig. 7. At a fixed temperature, T1, assume a type I sample is excited with a single light pulse. During the i.llumination period a photogenerated current is produced. However, on 219 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 65, No.1, 1 January 1989 ~JOOK FIG. 7. Possible mechanism for the appearance of the negative PITS peak. cessation of the light pulse, the current decay does not return to the type I curve, but to a current level corresponding to the type II curve. The return of the current to the type II level is thought to be due to charge trapped at the surface during illumination increasing surface band bending. The corresponding increase in surface depletion depth lowers the bulk contribution to the overall current. As charge is ther mally emitted from the surface states the current recovers to the type I level with a time constant which falls within the rate window of a typical DLTS experiment. The time con stant of this negative transient becomes faster as the tem perature is increased, producing a negative peak in the PITS spectrum until the time constant of the transient is so short that it falls outside the rate window and is no longer detect ed. It would be expected that as the J-T curves for the type I and type II materials diverge with increasing temperature, so the amplitude of the negative PITS transient should also increase with increasing temperature, its magnitUde corre· sponding to the difference between the two J-T curves. This was consistently observed for the samples which made the type II to type I transition, in support of the argument pre sented here. C. The roie of the surface in the I~Vcharacteristics In view of the strong link between the appearance of a negative PITS peak and the type of J-V characteristic ob served in semi-insulating GaAs, an understanding of the J-V characteristics is of fundamental interest. The type of J-V characteristics observed in typc I samples (Fig. 5) appears to foHow the "space-charge-limited current" (SCLC) mod el, after Lampert and Mark. 33 What has previously been re ferred to as the threshold voltage V T' corresponds to the trap-fin limit voltage VrFL in Lampert and Mark's model. Despite the resemblance of the J-V characteristics of type I semi-insulating GaAs to those of Lampert and Mark, many features of the characteristics observed during this study do not agree with their model. The first is that, on measuring the /-V characteristics on wafers with different contact spac ings, VI' showed a linear dependence on the contact separa tion, L, in contrast to their L 2 dependence although Guerst34 predicted a linear dependence of VI upon L for ideal thin semiconductor layers. Second, "breakdown" in the samples examined in this study always fell (assuming a linear field S, R. Blight and H. Thomas 219 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19between the contacts) between 1 and 3 k V / em, in agreement with the observations of Hasegawa et al. 24 so that V T appears to occur at far too Iowa voltage for typical trap densities in semi-insulating GaAs which can vary from lOIS to 1017 cm -3.23.27 Sriram and Das20 interpreted the proportional de pendence of VT on L as being due to an effective thin-film behavior near the surface of the material, as described by Guerst. 34 The low V T was then explained in terms of an effective empty trap concentration at the surface which was lower than in the bulk due to surface band bending. Deviations from SCLC-type behavior have been investi gated by many workers, and many interpretations of these differences have been forthcoming, especially in terms of the relevance of substrate conduction to sidegating and backgat ing mechanisms in GaAs integrated circuits. VT has been shown by Lee35 to be the voltage at which the onset of side gating in GaAs MESFETs occurs and, therefore, the litera ture devoted to sidegating and backgating is of particular relevance to this study. Early studies on Cr-doped material by Kitahara et al.36,37 showed two distinct types of 1-V char acteristic which they explained by a trap-fill limit model in volving centers of different depths. Jiminez-Lopez, Bonnafe, and FiIlard25 stressed the importance of the surface and ex pressed scepticism of a single-carrier injection interpreta tion.33 They showed, by use of a guard ring contact configu ration that the surface played a dramatic role in the triggering of breakdown. Hasegawa, Sawada, and Ki tagawa22 investigated the role of surface passivation on the I V characteristics of planar contact semi-insulating samples and came to the conclusion that a high density of surface states formed a surface conduction channel which actually dominated the conduction mechanism of the material. Sub sequently23-24 they demonstrated white light emission from the anode edge at voltages greater VI' and attributed this to avalanche microplasma breakdown of the surface. Chang et ai.27 proposed a mechanism for surface conduction in semi insulating GaAs and observed that the threshold voltage, V To was much lower than would be expected from the known trap concentration in the bulk semi-insulating GaAs, as observed in this study. They demonstrated, by etching the surface, that VT increased as xu, where x was the etch depth. This was attributed to a low trap density surface lay er, which lowers V T for surface conduction, based on a sur face trap-fill limit law. They argued that the main reason for the low surface layer trap concentration is the exodiffusion of EL2 after thermal treatment.27•JM The same group mod eled the resu1t28 and achieved excellent agreement with ex perimental observations. Unfortunately, the samples which have been the focus of this study have not undergone the post-implantation thermal treatment at the temperatures (~850 °C) required to produce their sort of result. This of course highlights the relevance of the theory for sidegating problems in ion-implanted integrated circuits but does not really apply to this study. Makram-Ebeid and Minond021 suggested that a near-surface defect-related conduction component is responsible for leakage currents with low acti vation energies, a view shared by Hasegawa, Sawada, and Kitagawa.22 In order to investigate the effect of the surface treat- 220 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.1, 1 January 1989 .. 0. e '" -Unpcssivated after preclea.n T 0 300K Volts If} : , : , : , : i : , • I 100 FIG. 8. Current-voltage characteristics of type I material before and after surface treatments. ments on the J-V characteristics of semi-insulating GaAs, the following treatments were carried out: (i) 2000 A. of Si3N4 was deposited on the free GaAs surface by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The sam ples had only undergone a solvent clean in order to degrease the surface. (ii) 2000 A. ofSi3 N4 was deposited by PECVD after an "in situ" gas etch. The etch used was a 1:2 ammo nia:nitrogen plasma etch, which acted only as an "ultra pre clean." These treatments were intended to act as a modifica tion ofthe surface only and no attempt was made to control surface conditions in this set of experiments. A typical set of J-V characteristics before and after de position ofSi3 N4 for a type I wafer is shown in Fig. 8. In this particular case V T increases from 50 V (corresponding to an average field of 2 kV!em) before passivation to 80 V (3.2 kV fcm) after deposition of Si3N4• After an in situ preclean prior to deposition of Si3 N4, the low-field current is seen to increase and V T increases to approximately 70 V. Regardless of the physical mechanisms responsible for conduction along, or near, the surface, these results show that modifica tion of surface conditions produces a perturbation in the J-V characteristics of these planar geometry samples. In agree ment with the findings of Hasegawa and co-workers22 the surface conductivity contribution plays a significant role in the total current collected at the contacts. In general, type I :;amples maintained the same profile of 1-V characteristics S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 220 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19before and after passivation. Similarly, type II wafers showed no change in the ohmic characteristics although small variations in the magnitude of observed currents were noted. In view of the surface conduction component of current, samples having guard rings were prepared to eliminate this component, and in addition to compare coplanar and sand wichlike contacts. Figure 9 shows the room temperature l-V characteristics obtained under various bias configurations. Figure 9(a) shows the characteristic between two AuGe/Ni coplanar contacts, the contact separation being of the order of the thickness of the sample (300 pm). Ohmic behavior is observed until approximately 40 V bias is present between the contacts. A sharp rise in current is observed for voltages greater than 40 V. The current measured under this configu ration is thought to be mainly due to surface conduction with a smaner contribution due to the bulk. Figure 9(b) shows the characteristic obtained for a sandwich structure. As can be seen, the current in the low-voltage regime is larger than for the coplanar contacts as surface conduction is not pre vented by this contact configuration. Figure 9 (c) shows the effect of surrounding the top electrode with a guard ring. A large decrease in low-field current is observed due to the prevention of surface current and accompanied by an in crease in VT> from typically -40 to -60V. D. The effects of light intenSity and temperature on tile /s V characteristics and the PITS negative transient The effect of varying light intensity on J-V characteris tics and PITS transient response was investigated at various 10-' /11 T = 3001( If I I ./ ~O" !I II if ./ Illl Ib) ~ -;;; 10-' ~ ~ 1 c.. If E " I' -I! ~ c: t 1,/,/--I I ::I 'J i u 1t)"' ..... ,/ //" I /" .-._.1 /" ,/ /rlii ,/ 10-8 ",,- .,/.,/,,,,,-."" ttl /" ,/ T ." ,/' ,/ 10-9 1 10 100 Volts FIG. 9. Typical current-voltage characteristics for type I material using guard-ring sample under various contact configurations. (c) shows drop in current observed when guard ring is present. 221 J, Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.1, 1 January 1989 temperatures in the range of interest. The light source used was a 100 mW GaAsl AIGaAs laser operating at a wave length of 850 nm, the output of which was focused onto the sample placed in a continuous-flow liquid-nitrogen cryostat. Figure 10 shows the l-V characteristics of a type I sample at various light intensities at a temperature of250 K. The effect of increasing light intensity is to increase the current in the sample, but the overalll- V profile is preserved. For all light intensities at this temperature, PITS transients were posi tive. However, at temperatures where the thermally genera ted dark current starts to become appreciable, a very differ ent type of behavior occurs. At 300 K [Fig. 11 (a)], the J-V "breakdown" threshold V T becomes less abrupt and "sof tens" for a laser intensity exceeding 40 mW. This behavior coincides with the observation of changes in the PITS tran sients. Below 40 mW laser power, the negative transient ap pears, but for laser outputs above this value the transient becomes positive. Figure 11 (b) shows the corresponding 1-V characteris tics at a temperature of 350 K. This time, type I behavior is preserved to laser powers of typically 50 m W. Correspond ingly, a negative PITS transient is produced by laser outputs up to this intensity, but not for intensities in excess of 50 m W. The characteristic at 400 K [Fig. 11 (c)] shows that type I behavior is obtained even for 100 mW laser power so that a negative PITS transient was observed even for 100 m W laser power at this temperature. A correlation holds therefore between the appearance of a negative PITS tran sient and the shape of the l-V characteristics measured both in the dark and under illumination. The above results clearly demonstrate that at tempera tures in excess of 300 K, the process giving rise to the nega- 001 T~250K 0.001 Vendor 8 Ingot c 0.0001 10-5 '" 10-6 0- E ~ C ~ 10-7 5 u 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 1 10 'DO Volts FIG. 10. Current-voltage characteristics fOT a type I sample at various light intensities for T = 250 K. S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 221 •• ;.:.:.;.; ••••• ;.: ••••••••••••••••• ;> .............. :;;~.~.~;:.:.:.:O;':.:.:.:.:.:'; •.• : ............................. -;r ••• ·.·;".·.v.·.·.- ..... ~.~.;.; •••••••••. -•••••• <; ••••••••••• ,. ............... ," •••••• Tr .•••.•.•.• ,..";"'" •••••• _._ ................ _ •.• _ ••• _ •• _ •••••••.•.•.•• ,.;",.-••• ~.:.~.:.:.:.:.:-.:.:.:.: ••• ;.-••••••••••••• > ••••••••• y.""; ••.••••• • ••••••••••••••• -.--. ••••••••••• ; •• ';O ••••••••••• ~ ••••• , ............... -.-.-.-.-••• '.-. •• ; ............. <; ......... , •• --;" ••••••• ~."".f':.; •. O; •• O;; •••••••••••••••••••••• [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:190,01 omf 0,01 T=300K T=350K T=400K 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,0001 0.0001 O,QOOI II) 10-5 II) 10-5 II) ~1O-6 ~ 10-6 ~ 10-5 0 Cl 0 :;: 10-7 -E 10-7 c: 10-6 c: Dark ~ ~ 10-8 t 10-8 8 10-7 810-9 '" u 10-9 10-a 10-10 10-10 10-11 10-11 10-9 10-12 10-12 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 Volts Volts Volts (a) ! b) ( c) FIG, 11. 1-V characteristics for same sample as Fig. 10 at (a) T = 300 K, (b) T = 350 K, and (c) T = 400 K. tive PITS transient and the type of /-V characteristic ob served is the same. The results also show that this process can be saturated by using incident light at intensities above a particular threshold. The higher the sample temperature, the greater is the light level required to observe these effects which suggests a thermal contribution to the mechanism. Figure to, however, shows that for temperatures less than 300 K, where the thermally generated dark current was low, it was not possible to change from type I to type II behavior through optical excitation. This will be discussed later. At 300 K, the threshold intensity required to change the sam ple's behavior from type I to type II was 3.2 X 1016 photons cm-2 8-1 (corresponding to 9.6x 1014 photons cm-2 illu minating the sample during a 30 ms pulse as would be typical in a PITS experiment). E. PITS response of baked and pOlished substrates Annealing undoped LEe ingots has been shown to im prove their homogeneity in terms of resistivity, mobility, and EL2 concentration.39-42 It has also been shown that wafer annealing at temperatures of 750-850 °C for extended per iods (baking) followed by a repolish of the wafer has pro duced improvements in the quality of epitaxial layers grown on the substrate as manganese and other impurities outdif fuse or getter towards the surface during the heat treatment and are then removed by repoiishing.43.44 This has the effect of reducing subsequent out-diffusion of impurities during growth improving both the quality of the epilayer and the epilayer/substrate interface. Similar observations have been noted for ion-implanted layers.45 PITS spectra were obtained for wafers which had under gone this baking and repolishing treatment. Adjacent wafers were selected from several bouIes and one wafer from each was subjected to a ISh anneal at 750°C under H2, similar to the procedure outlined by Maki43 and Palmateer44 and were then repolished. PITS samples were cut from the same posi tions on both the baked and unbaked wafers from each boule and a comparison was made between them. Figure 12 shows the responses for two adjacent wafers from a 3-in.-diam 222 J, Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.1, 1 January 1989 ingot having type I behavior. Whereas the unbaked wafer shows a PITS spectrum typical of undoped LEe material, complete with a negative peak, the baked and polished wafer shows a decrease in the number of peaks observed, no nega tive peak, and very little detail in the PITS spectrum. The unbaked wafer produced type I 1-V characteristics, typical of negative peak samples whereas the baked and polished wafer produced a characteristic which exhibited higher leak age currents and no well-defined threshold V T in agreement with the previous correlations. o 25eV (a) 100 u 0 neV c C~ !ii 00 f- 0: I (.bl 100 037eV O.1.8eV Unbaked ernex. = 176s" \ ." 200 --30-0 --~;,oo~ Temperature (K) 12eV O.1.8eV I 200 300 Temperature (f<) Baked i polisr-ed emcx;: 1765-1 400 FIG. 12. Comparison of PITS spectra (a) unbaked and (b) baked and pol ished wafers from the same ingot. S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 222 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19As the polishing mechanisms were identical for both the baked and unbaked wafers, the differences in the spectra can be attributed to the baking process. This would suggest that subsurface crystal damage5,46 caused by the polishing alone is not responsible for the negative peak unless it is impurity related, possibly enhanced by the aggregation of impurities andlor Doint defects around damage sites caused by the po lishing process. The increased leakage current observed after baking, however, means that the overall compensation mechanism or the stoichiometry of the material has changed. Ogawa47 explained the decrease in resistivity after heat treatment in terms of an increase in EL3 and EL6 con centrations. Unfortunately, the smearing of the PITS spec tra after annealing made this difficult to confirm and, as discussed previously, quantitative analysis of trap concen trations by PITS is not possible. Outdiffusion of EL2 as de scribed by Makram-Ebeid38 could also be responsible for the lowering of the resistivity after baking, as may the passiva tion of EL2 by hydrogen diffusing in from the surface.48 These seem less likely as typically 75 /-tm is removed from the surface during repolishing, requiring the change in the com pensation mechanism to be a bulk effect and not confined to a layer near the surface. More probable is a change in the stoichiometry of the GaAs due to the loss of arsenic during the long duration anneal. This would result in lower resistivity material and different surface conditions, despite identical polishing pro cesses, for the unbaked and baked samples and could be the reason why the baked and polished wafers did not produce a negative PITS peak. OJ5eV ~ \ O.l3eV « :z '" Vi V1 0-e: 100 100 200 Temp.r~ture. K O.71.V 200 T emperuture, K Ungated ema.=110s-1 C,73eV (luted 400 400 FIG. 13. Comparison of PITS spectra for ungated and gated samples oftype I materiaL The negative peak disappears for gated structures. 223 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 65, No.1, 1 January 1989 •••••••••••••••••• -;r;. ••••••••••••• ;-••• -.: ••• ; •• -.7'.-..-.; •••• ~.;< ........................ -; .......... - -•••••••• " ••••••••••• -. •••• -.-.-.-••••• ~~, ••••• ,.. '~.".'.·N ••••• •••• ~.' ••••• F. Gated PITS experiments The coplanar geometry of the PITS samples used leaves a large area offree GaAs surface between the contacts which has been shown, for type I samples, to have a temperature dependent surface conductivity, implying that the free-sur face potential varies between the contacts. The following ex periment was therefore devised to avoid this effect. A long gate field-effect transistor (FATFET) structure was fabricated on semi~insulating GaAs. The two ohmic contacts were the source and drain contacts of the F ATFET but a 70-A.-thick layer of piatinum, thin enough to allow a significant proportion of the incident light to pass through, was deposited as the gate of the structure. The gate had di mensions of 300 X 3oo;.tm and acted as an equipotential sur face, floating at some potential between the two ohmic con tact potentials, to within 2 f1.m of either ohmic contact. Immediately adjacent to this device, normal l,mgated struc tures were included for comparison. Figure 13 shows a com parison of the PITS spectra for gated and ungated structures on a type I wafer. Whereas the ungated samples show a spec trum typical of undoped LEe material, including the nega tive peak, the gated structure shows no negative peak behav ior, instead an entirely positive spectrum was obtained. The lower temperature peaks remain similar for both structures, emphasizing the bulk nature of these levels but, as can be seen, the high temperature end of the spectrum is modified. The experiment was repeated on another portion of the same wafer, this time with ~ 20 f..lm etched from the surface prior to contact evaporation. Figure 14 shows that similar differences between gated and un gated structures were ob- Vl .... a: O.1ZeV 100 200 Temperature, K Temp@ralllre,K 300 Etched Ungated ellill1;(lE 1'Os-1. C.67eV Etched Gnted Ie mer: J;:: 110$:-1 400 FIG. 14. Comparison of PITS spectra for un gated and gated samples of the same wafer as Fig. 13, after the removal of ~ 20 p.m from the surface by etching, S. R. Blight and H, Thomas 223 •••••• n •••• ';-.~.~.~.",' ••• ' •• '-'-07 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,', .'7. •••• -07 •••••••••• .-.-, ••• '.' 0;0-' •••••••••••••••••••• ~ H-..... ~ __ _ [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19served to those obtained for the unetched wafer. It has been shown, therefore, that by covering the ungated free surface with a thin layer of metal and thereby maintaining an equi potential surface between the contacts that the negative peak can be eliminated, and hence its origin is not due to bulk traps. Gated structures, by eliminating the appearance of the negative peak, can therefore be employed to characterize EL2 which, as described earlier, is seldom detected by the normal PITS configuration in type I material. III. DISCUSSION The results presented illustrate that perturbing surface conditions invariably result in modification or elimination of the PITS negative peak as well as changing the current-vol tage characteristics of the material. This highlights the need to consider surface related effects as wen as purely bulk phe nomena when interpreting electrically or optically based measurements involving semi-insulating GaAs. It is well es tablished that remnant subsurface damage can be detected in semi-insulating GaAs wafers, regardless of the polishing technology.46 Cross-sectional transmission electron micros copy has shown that the damage occurs in a surface layer of the order of 1000 A deep, and consists of dense dislocation networks.46 In view of the PITS response of etched wafers and baked wafers, it is thought unlikely that subsurface dam age is the sole cause of the negative peak. It is possible that impurity gettering around damage sites may contribute but the gated-PITS results indicate that the free GaAs surface is more likely to be the origin of the negative peak and that possibility will be considered here. Experimental evidence in favor of this approach was provided by Young et al.5 who discovered that the magnitude of the negative peak was ac centuated when the surface was abraded. They concluded that crystal damage due to the abrasion was the source ofthe effect but then proceeded to show that the negative peak could be explained in terms of several bulk-trapping models, without directly attributing the surface itself as being the physical source of the phenomenon. In fact, all previous in terpretations of the negative peak2•6-8,16.49 have invoked bulk trapping, the mechanisms of which have been outlined by Young et aU The mechanism proposed by Hurtes and co workers2 has already been discussed. Oliver et 01.49 found a strong negative peak in undoped LEC GaAs grown with wet B203 but not in samples produced with dry H203• They sug gested that this level was related to oxygen and was partly responsible for the semi-insulating condition of the material. Ogawa, Kamiya, and Yanai6 reported a negative peak in undoped LEe material and again attributed it to a bulk trap ping mechanism. Rheel6 assigned the negative peak to an electron trap. This was explained by assuming the presence of centers with large capture cross sections which contain photoexcited holes. These holes then recombine with free and very shallow trapped electrons giving rise to a negative transient and hence negative PITS peaks. In no instance, however, has the possibility of the involvement of charge exchange with the surface been considered. Uncontrolled surface conditions have an influence on PITS spectra and also on circuit performance and could account for many of the unpredictable effects encountered in MMICs.50 Addi- 224 J. App!. Phys., Vol. 65, No.1. 1 January 1989 tionally, it has been shown elsewhere51.52 that type I sub strates have a different conductance DL TS response after ion implantation and subsequent MESFET fabrication than type II materials, the differences being traced to the ungated surfaces of the MESFET.5O-5~ The results presented in Sec. II D showed that at T= 300 K, 3.2X 1016 photons cm-2 S--·I incident on the sample under examination was the threshold required to cause a transition from type I to type II behavior, both in terms of the PITS negative peak and current-voltage re sponses of the material. It can be inferred therefore, that this number of photons saturates the process giving rise to type I behavior and hence negative PITS peaks. Any number of photons in excess of this at temperatures greater than 300 K stimulates type II processes, producing positive PITS peaks, usually reSUlting in trap signatures corresponding to bulk EL2 centers. If the V T threshold in the J-V characteristics of type I material is due to a surface-state filling mechanism, then this would be achieved at a lower voltage when states are fined by sample illumination. This is exactly what was seen in Fig. 11. The form of the transient during illumi.nation as shown in Fig. 7 is also indicative of a net reduction in the number of carriers reaching the contacts. This type of behavior was also reported by Young et aJ. 5 and shows that the photocurrent actually decreases with time, although it exhibits a different time constant to the post-illumination negative PITS tran sient. This may be due to carriers being captured by surface states as the observed capture transients are much slower than would be expected for bulk levels.55 Surface-state charging would then deplete the bulk of free carriers as dis cussed in Fig. 7. This mechanism is considered below. During the illumination period, optically generated electron-hole pairs flood the top 1 f.1.m of material, the num ber of which, n, depends on the illumination intensity. As sume a number of uniformly distributed electron traplike surface states exist between the contacts, the available den sity of which is, say, Ds' If the thickness of the substrate is w" then Ds occupied surface states at equilibrium during illumi nation could fully deplete the substrate of D,./w, carriers. Now consider a population change in Ds due to thermal emission from surface states after cessation of the light pulse of !.lD" where AD,. = Dlfje- 1 h', (4} and D<fl depends on n, and the capture and emission cross sections of the surface states, From charge balance consider ations, b.Ds = Nbu1ki:lW, (5) where Nhu1k is the carrier concentration in the bulk and i:lw is the change in depletion depth, If the current flow through the sample, per unit width is J, the voltage applied between the contacts V, and the conductivity of the material a, then la:. V[u(w, -Dsoe~t/TINlmlk)]' that is, la:. Vow,. -VuDlOe- tl-rINbu1k, (6) This would produce a current transient which increases with time, i.e., a negative PITS transient, to a steady-state value S. R. Blight and H. Thomas 224 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:06:19determined by the dark current level, Physically, this would correspond to the recovery of the bulk current flow as charge is thermally emitted from sur face states and either recombines or is collected at the con tacts. An exponential dependence for the change in popula tion of surface states due to thermal emission has been assumed. This need not necessarily be true, however, experi mental evidence suggesting that some other form of behavior actually occurs in practice, e.g., emission from a band of levels so that the transients superimpose on one another re sulting in nonexponential behavior. A further complication is that thermally emitted carriers from the deeper surface states may produce a surface leakage current via shallower surface states, due to a hopping process.32 Evidence that thermal emission from surface states plays a part in this mechanism can be obtained from Fig. 11. At elevated tem peratures, the net population of these states is reduced by the increased thermal emission rate, hence a greater number of photons is required to effect the transition from type I to type II behavior. This mechanism would explain the results obtained in Fig. 7, since the current observed after etching was actually greater than before etching. This is difficult to understand in terms of purely bulk conduction as the substrate thickness is actually decreased after etching. An increase in surface con ductivity would account for this, however. This means that although the negative transient is obtained by a decrease in the depletion of bulk carriers it is also accompanied by an increase in surface conductivity, for example, through emis sion from surface states. Above the critical illumination intensity, photogenerat ed carriers become available for bulk trapping and detrap ping and hence a positive transient contribution to the over all PITS transient is obtained, first reducing the amplitUde of the negative transient and eventually overwhelming it to produce positive peaks in the PITS spectrum. Recent publications have demonstrated50-52 that semi insulating GaAs which shows the negative peak in its PITS spectrum is more susceptible to effects such as transconduc tance dispersion, "hole-trap" conductance DLTS spectra and backgating in an ion-implanted MESFET than type II materiaL The negative PITS peak can be utilized as an indi cator of these effects and as such provides a preprocessing characterization tool which is simple to implement in prac tice. It can also be used as qualification indicator as material which gives rise to negative peaks invariably produces good implant grade material whereas type II material seldom passes all acceptance procedures. ~6 IV. CONCLUSIONS Whereas previous interpretations of the negative PITS peak have invoked bulk-trapping phenomena, evidence has been accumulated during this study which points towards a surface contribution. This paper has attempted to propose a mechanism for its appearance without making any physical assumptions with regard to either the bulk or the surface of the semi-insulating GaAs under examination. It merely points out that the negative peak occurs as a consequence of charge exchange with surface states, the capture and em is- 225 J. Appl. Phys., VoL 65, No.1, 1 January i 989 sion properties of which remain largely unknown as present. Clear correlations between the appearance of the nega tive PITS peak and the steady-state current-voltage charac teristics of the material both in the dark and under a variety of illumination and temperature conditions have been dem onstrated. Gated-PITS has been introduced as a method for eliminating the appearance of negative peaks and, as such, can allow the detection of EL2 in undoped LEe GaAs, sel dom previously observed by PITS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Discussions with R. H. Wallis and P. H. Ladbrooke are gratefully acknowledged. We are also grateful to D. C. Bar tle, A. D. Page, J. P. Nagle, B. P. Davies, M. S. Frost, and D. Wannan for valuable experimental help. !D. V. Lang, J. Appl. Phys. 45, 3023 (1974). 'Ch. Hurtes. M. Boulou, A. Mitonneau, and D. Bois, AppL Phys. Lett. 32, 821 (1978). 'G. M. Martin and D. Bois, Proc. Electrochern Soc. 78,32 (1978). 4R. D. Fairman, F. J. Morin, ano J. R. Oliver, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 45,134 (1979). 5L. Young, W. C. Tang, S. Dindo, and K. S. 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Surface stoichiometry and valence electronic structure of YBa2Cu3O7−x F. Parmigiani, G. Samoggia, C. Calandra, and F. Manghi Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 66, 5958 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.343623 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.343623 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/66/12?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Search for the 1+ state of copper in the ‘‘electron’’ superconductor Nd2−x Ce x CuO4 AIP Conf. Proc. 200, 42 (1990); 10.1063/1.39056 Electronic structure of monoclinic BaBiO3 AIP Conf. Proc. 200, 30 (1990); 10.1063/1.39049 Cu valence and the formation of high T c superconductor oxides studied by xray photoemission spectroscopy on 200 Å BiSrCaCu oxide thin films Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 377 (1989); 10.1063/1.100971 Electrochemical method of determination of the valence states of copper in YBaCuO compounds Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 2707 (1988); 10.1063/1.100552 Electronic structure of ceramics and thinfilm samples of high T c Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ superconductors: Effects of Ar+ sputtering, O2 exposure, and Rb deposition Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1970 (1988); 10.1063/1.100672 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:40:25Surface stoichiometry and valence electronic structure of YBa2CU307_X F. Parmigiani CISE S. p. A. Materials Div .• P. O. Box 12081. 20134 Milano, Italy G. Samoggia Dipartimento Fisica Generale Universita di Pavia Via Bassi No.6. Pavia. Italy C. Calandra and F. Manghi Dipartimento FI:~ica Universita di Modena. Via G. Campi No. 2131A, 41100 Modena. Italy (Received 9 February 1989; accepted for publication 21 August 1989) We report x-ray photoemission data from YBa2Cu307 x showing that the measured composition and the electronic structure changes significantly upon the photoelectron escape depth. For large take-off angles the valence band spectrum near the Fermi edge is well structured and shows a number of features arising from Cu-o hybrid states. Their intensities are drastically reduced in the energy distribution curves measured at grazing angles. These results are interpreted assuming that the surface is mainly composed by Ba-O planes. This interpretation is shown to be consistent with electronic structure calculations for the bulk and for a YBa2Cu307 _ x surface terminated with a Sa plane and produced by cutting the CU2 -04 bond normal to the c axis. The local density of states calculated on this basis and taking into account electron correlation effects is shown to be consistent with many significant behaviors experimentally observed in the YBa2Cu307 _ x valence band. I. INTRODUCTION After the discovery of high Tc superconductivity in cop per oxide materials (HTSCs), a large number of papers have appeared dealing with their electronic structure, since, as it is widely recognized, an accurate knowledge of the valence band states is fundamental in order to understand the basic mechanism of high Tc superconductivity. In spite of the great efforts on this subject, 1-10 some dis agreements still exist in the experimental data. In particular, resonant photoemission (RESPES), x-ray photoemission (XPS), and ultraviolet photoemission (UPS) experiments performed on sintered YBa2Cu307 (YBCO) systems give different results :in the binding energy region between E F and 2 e V. The RESPES spectra do not show any feature, 1,2 while the XPS and wen-resolved UPS data indicate that at least one structure is present.4-10 Also, RES PES measurements performed on HTSC single crystals) show that the region between Ep and 2 eV is more structured than in sintered samples, therefore indicating that the valence band structure of these systems is still far from a complete description. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the dis agreement between the experimental data is mainly due to the difference between the surface and the bulk stoichiome try. In particular, the surface appears to be richer in Ba than the bulk, while no significant change in the oxygen content is observed. We also show that XPS valence band spectra are sensitive to the take-off angle: in particular the energy distri bution curve (EDC) measured at 90° is more indicative of bulk properties than RESPES or UPS and exhibits features in the energy region between E F and 2 e V. To understand these observations we have performed a theoretical calculation of the surface electronic structure of YBaZCu307 assuming a Ba-04 termination of the crystal. To make the results comparable with the experimental data we evaluate self-energy effects using an approximate approach to treat the electron correlation. To our knowledge this is the first calculation of the one-hole spectrum with surface and correlation effects included. Moreover, it indicates that the disagreement already emphasized between the experimental and theoretical data can be largely reduced when the surface effects and the electron correlation are properly taken into account. II. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Details of the YBCO sample preparation are given in Ref. 11. XRD measurements showed that only the typical perovskite orthorombic structure is present. The sample conductivity was characterized by an onset at about 98 K and zero resistance at 95 K. Magnetic measurements showed, below Tc, the typical diamagnetic behavior of sin tered YBCO systems. Beside the YBCO sample with an oxy gen stoichiometry of 6.9, a sample with an oxygen stoichi ometry of 6.4 has been prepared by reducing with a thermogravimetric method the oxygen content of a wen oxy genated sample. The oxygen reduced sample showed at the XRD analysis a tetragonal structure and, as expected, no superconducting behavior. The XPS apparatus and the ex perimental procedures have been discussed in previous works. 12 Since CuO based superconductors are known to be very sensitive to radiation induced oxygen losses, we found it im portant to combine the low x-ray intensity, i.e., 1/10 ofa 300 W x-ray AlKa source, of a quartz single crystal monochro mator with the high sensitivity of a multichannel detector. The surface stoichiometry as measured from the XPS Cu, 2p, Sa 3d, Y 4d, and 0 ls lines before and after the valence band measurements showed a stable oxygen content within the sensitivity of this technique. Since in other experiments performed using a synchrotron radiation source an oxygen depletion of the source has been observed,13 it is possible to 5958 J. Appl. Phys. 66 (12). 15 December 1989 0021-8979/89/245958-04$02.40 © 1989 American Institute of Physics 5958 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:40:25TABLE l. The Cu 2p and Ba 3d at. % as measured with a take-olf angle of 15' and 90' and as computed from the stoichiometric formula. Element Cu2p Ba3d Sensitivity factor 4.798 6.361 Concentration (%) (theoretical) 59.92 40.08 conclude that the oxygen losses in these systems are strongly influenced by the intensity of the light beam probe. In order to avoid any contamination after sintering, the samples were directly transferred into a desiccator and then introduced through a vacuum interlock into the spectrom eter. Clean surfaces were prepared by fracturing or scraping the sample in a vacuum chamber having a base pressure of 8 X 10 -10 Torr, Nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the presence of contaminants such as carbon, as already report ed in a previous study. 12 The presence of carbon could be a source of uncertainty in the interpretation of the experimen tal data; however, the spectral region between E F and 2 e Y of binding energy is free from this problem. 14 The sample stoichiometry, at different take-off angles, was measured from the Cu 2p, 0 Is, Ba 3d, and Y 4d core level lines. Table I summarizes the Ba versus Cu content as measured at 10° and 90· using the sensitivity factors reported in the literature. 15 It is evident that the copper content near the surface is quite different from the one expected on the basis of the chemical formula. This behavior was also con firmed by the stoichiometry data obtained through the com parison oflow and high binding energy core level lines, 15 The observed gradient of the Ba/Cu ratio has been reported also by other authors and interpreted in terms of Ba segregation towards the grain boundaries. 16 Here we give another interpretation of this effect based on the fact that the Ba-O plane is the most stable basal plane of the YBCO unit cell, this plane being electrostatically neu tral. A possible experimental demonstration of this interpre tation arises from the comparison of the Ba content mea sured on the following surfaces: (i) unmodified sintered surface (about 100% grain boundary); (ii) fractured sur face (grain boundary reduced at about 60%) 12; (iii) scraped surface (intragrain surface dominant), Since in all these cases a constant Ba content was found, it is possible to argue that the Ba-O plane is always the topmost surface layer. That is clearly in disagreement with the hypothesis of segregation process, but it is in good agreement with the fact that the Ba o is the most stable plane. Indeed in such a case a XPS analysis performed at grazing angles, i.e" with an escape depth of about 4 A, is expected to give a Ba/Cu ratio about near one, w hUe with a 90· take-off angle, corresponding to an escape depth of about 30 A, the BalCu ratio should have approximately the stoichiometric value of 1.5, since more than two cells can be reached. These predictions are wen verified, as shown by the measured ratios reported in Table I. In the light of these observations, the valence band mea surements were also performed at a take-off angle of 90° and 15° using the monochromatized AlKa line and a final resolu tion of the analyzer of ;:::0.35 eyI2 as measured on the Si 2p core line of a 100 Si single crystal. Figure 1 (a) reports the 5959 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 12, 15 December 1989 • -.-.-•••.••.•••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -. ••••• : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •.• ~ ........... "' •••• '.:.:.:.:.-;.:o:.:.x-:.:.:.;-.;.:.:.;.;.:.:o:.;.;.:.;.;.:o;.:o:o;.:.:.:o;.:.:.:.;.:;o;.:.; ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• ; •••••••••••• ' ••• Concentration (%) 15' 54.2 45.8 Concentration (%) 90' 60.4 39.6 valence band spectrum between 0 and 18 e Y of a sintered YBa2Cu307 _ x sample measured at 90·. Beside the struc tures P4-Pg, already observed and widely discussed in the literature, l-lO the salient features, which are intrinsic of the YBCO system, are a first band ( PI) centered at about 0.7 e Y followed by two other structures at about 1.6 ( P2) and 2.3 ( P3)' respectively. The intensity of these lines decreases significantly when the valence band measurements are performed at 15°, as shown in Fig. 1 (b). Since grazing angle XPS measurements detect a surface region, which is copper deficient, it is possi ble to infer that the PI' P2' and P3 structures arise from states having a significant Cu contribution. On the other hand, the EDC obtained from a surface where the oxygen content was .I!l " 1\ I \ /1 -C I \ I ;;j 'r\/ (b) I , . .ri , ... / I ~ I >. IEF 'iii c -.-I OJ C Pe I + 2 -2 Binding Energy (eV) FIG. 1. Valence band XPS spectra ofsintered YBa2Cu307 x superconduc tor. Measurements have been performed using the monochromatized AIKa line and a multichannel detector and scraping the samples in ultrahigh vacuum. Curve (a) shows the valence band spectra measured using a take off angle of 90·. The p,.p, bands are correlated with the Cu-o orbitals. Curve (b) reports the XPS valence band spectrum measured at 15°. As it is possible to notice the spectral intensity in the E ",-2 eV region is significantly reduced. Curve (c) reports the XI'S valence band measured at 90° on a surface with reduced oxygen stoichiometry. Also in this case the spectral intensity between Er and 2 eV is reduced. Parmigiani at al . 5959 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:40:25(a) 8 Pc +4 ~ J5 ~ P !2 ....... Ul -'-' c ::J ..d L 3 >. -'-' Ul c: (l) -'-' c ..- (a-b) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Binding Energy (eV) FIG. 2. Valence band XPS spectra ofsintered YBa"Cu,O, " superconduc tor (a) and YBa2Cu,06.4 semiconductor (b) are reported. Also the differ ence between the spectra (al and (b) is reported. The PI-P, bands correlat ed with the Cu-O orbitals are strongly reduced in the oxygen deficient sample [curve (b) J. On the other hand, as expected, the band P" is en hanced, whereas the band P7 assigned to the IG term of the d 0 multiplet, i.e., to the CuH state, is significantly reduced. reduced of about 10% by a mild sputtering, shows a similar decrease in intensity [see Fig. 1 (c) J. This suggests that hy bridized Cu-O nonlocalized states significantly contribute to the spectrum in the 0-2 eV binding energy region, whereas the persistence of the P4-PS structures indicates that they are mainly due to Cu 3d and ° 2p localized orbitals. The behavior of structure P6 is rather interesting. This structure has been originally imputed to a two-hole oxygen satellite.17 However, recent experimental work on mono crystals 18 has established that it is better seen in oxygen poor samples where its intensity relative to other peaks is consid erably enhanced. We have performed similar measurements on sintered samples with different stoichiometry and found that indeed the structure is more intense when the oxygen content is reduced, as shown in Fig. 2. The fact that in curve (b) of Fig. 1 the structure p() does not seem to be enhanced compared to the curve (a) suggests that the oxygen content in the region sampled by the experi ment at 15° is the same as in the 90° spectrum. This linding is supported by the spectrum (c), corresponding to the oxygen poor surface phase, obtained by mild sputtering, where the peak is enhanced significantly with respect to the bulk spec trum. Also the position of the P7 band, which is found at 12.4 5960 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. i 2, 15 December 1989 eV,13 is consistent with the position found in well-oxygenat ed samples, i.e., x = 6.9. As to the high binding energy region, we notice that the structures P7 and Pg undergo a substantial intensity reduc tion on passing from the 90° to the 15° curve. It is well known that these structures result from the overlap between the Cu d R satellite and the Ba 5p core levels: P7 is conventionally assigned tothe tG termofthed 8 multiplet, whilePgis mainly due to emission from Ba 5P3!2 core level with some contribu tion from the lower terms of the multiplet, to In view of the fact that the surface is Ba rich, we can understand the modi fications in intensity only by assuming that a substantial weakening of the satellite occurs at the surface. Of course since the P7 band is assigned to the d8 multiplet (Cu2+ state), oxygen depletion also, that favors the Cu (·1 state, will reduce the P7 band, as confirmed by the data shown in Fig. 2 . m. THEORETICAL RESULTS Further support to this interpretation concerning the role of Ba-O planes in determining the photoemission spec tra is obtained by comparing our data with theoretical elec tronic structure calculations. In a previous theoretical study two of the authors have shown that the absence of a surface may modify in several different ways the electronic distribution in the outer layers: in particular, the states lying near the Fenni energy have been shown to be extremely sensitive to the surface condi tions.19 Therefore, it is interesting to see if the changes ob served in the experimental energy distribution curves are consistent with the modifications of the local density of states (LDOS) that take place on passing from the bulk to the surface. To this end we have performed a calculation of the LDOS for a YBa2Cu307 crystal terminated with a Ba plane. This surface can be produced by cutting the CU2 -04 bond normal to the c axis.20 Among the basal plane surfaces, this is expected to be the most stable, since it is electrostati cally nonpolar. We performed the calculation assuming an ideal surface geometry, i.e., a truncation of the crystal without any change in the atomic positions, and using a tight-binding Hamilto nian derived by parametrization of the band structureY To determine the surface features we calculated the electronic structure of a slab obtained by stacking four cells along the c axis, corresponding to approximately 30 atomic planes, the surface boundary conditions being accounted for by remov ing the interactions between the atoms of the external cell and their missing neighbors. Due to the importance of correlation in YBa2Cu307, theoretical spectra derived from single particle calculations are not expected to reproduce accurately the location of the main structures in the experimental EDCs. To make a mean ingful comparison with the experiments a one-hole spec trum, that includes correlation effects, has to be derived from the LDOS. To this end we have used a Hubbard model Hamiltonian with intra-atomic Coulomb integrals Uel and Up giving, respectively, the repulsion between two d holes sitting on a Cu ion or two p oxygen holes. We evaluated the hole self-energy using the t-matrix approximation, which is correct in the low density limit, since it treats the correlation Parmigiani et al. 5960 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:40:25to all orders. 22-24 This same approach has been recently used to determine the correlated one-hole spectrum of La2Cu04•24 Once the self-energy for a hole sitting on a given atom is determined, the spectral function can be obtained by summing the contributions of the unequivalent atoms, For the Cu case we introduced the Coulomb interactions appro priate to the d 8 multiplet structure23 by fixing the Ud value for the lG term so as to reproduce the Cu satellite position around 12-13 e V, The energy location of the other terms was calculated using the F2 and F4 Slater integrals derived from L2,3M4•sM4•5 Auger spectra.25 The theoretical EDCs were derived by summing the contributions of every atomic plane to the spectral function, weighting each contribution with an exponential factor to account for the escape depth. Figure 3 displays our calculated photoemission curves for escape depth A = 30 A and It = 4 A, It is immediately obvious that the surface affects the spectrum in two ways: First, it decreases the emission in a 2 e V energy range below E F compared to the bulk, enhancing the intensity of the peak around 4 eV; second, it significantly reduces the intensity of the Cu satellite, located between 12 and 13 eV. Both effects are a consequence of the drop in the density of 04 and Cu states near E F caused by the removal of CU2 d states and by the narrowing of the 04 derived bands. The surface peak around 4 e V is mainly due to oxygens belonging to the chains of the outermost cell and corresponds to bands of surface states and resonances. A full discussion of the theoretical details, including the dependence of the theoretical spec trum upon the Coulomb parameters, is given elsewhere,26 Comparison with the modifications observed in the ex periments shows that the theory correctly predicts the sub stantial decrease of emission found below E F and the conse quent narrowing of the main structure. Moreover, it provides an explanation of the intensity decrease in the 12- 14 eV binding energy region, showing that it is due to the reduction in the satellite weight. It should be noticed that these are the first theoretical results which include both correlation and surface effectso Previous comparisons between band theory and experiments have been performed using the eigenvalues appropriate to r-~, -_r-__ -_-f..,-=-.3T~iT· _A= 41 /, I, I, " 18 16 14 12 10 , I I / -' 8 6 4 Binding Energy (eV) FIG, 3, Theoretical photoemission spectrum calculated with U" ('G) = 6.5 eVand Uo = 2.0eV. Spectrum (a) is obtained with escape depth A = 30 A; speetrum (b) with A""' 4 A. 5961 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 12, 15 December 1989 the ground state, Leo, neglecting hole self-energy effects, and without including the modifications in the electronic distri bution due to the surface.27 As a consequence, these theories do not predict the existence of satellites and their modifica tions at the surface. They also show significant discrepancies in the location of the main peaks. With the present model the Cu satellite behavior is correctly predicted and the discrep ancy in the main peak location is reduced, although we are still far from a complete description of the spectrum. It is interesting to notice that the oxygen satellite is not predicted, although correlation in oxygen bands is explicitly intro duced. This confirms the conclusion thatthe peak at 9-10 e V has a different source. 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Diffusion, adsorption, and reaction in pillared clays. I. Rodlike molecules in a regular pore space Muhammad Sahimi Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 5107 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.458544 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.458544 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/92/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Adsorption of probe molecules in pillared interlayered clays: Experiment and computer simulation J. Chem. Phys. 140, 224701 (2014); 10.1063/1.4880962 Molecular dynamics simulation of mixtures of hard rodlike molecules AIP Conf. Proc. 708, 152 (2004); 10.1063/1.1764099 Adsorption of rod-like polyelectrolytes onto weakly charged surfaces J. Chem. Phys. 119, 12635 (2003); 10.1063/1.1626630 Theory of dynamics of entangled rodlike polymers by use of a meanfield Green function formulation. I. Transverse diffusion J. Chem. Phys. 89, 6989 (1988); 10.1063/1.455325 The transport properties of rodlike particles. II. Narrow slit pore J. Chem. Phys. 88, 1207 (1988); 10.1063/1.454240 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:31Diffusion, adsorption, and reaction in pillared clays. I. Rod-like molecules in a regular pore space Muhammad Sahimi Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-1211 (Received 21 September 1989; accepted 10 January 1990) We report the results ofthe first computer simulation oftransport, adsorption, and reaction processes in pillared clays, which are a class of catalytic materials with high catalytic activities. These materials have a very restricted pore structure which gives rise to the phenomenon of hindered diffusion in their pore space. We develop a dynamic Monte Carlo method and study diffusion, adsorption, and reaction phenomena in such systems. The pore space of the pillared clays is represented by parallel silicate layers connected to one another by pillars of various sizes, and the molecules are in the form of long, needlelike objects. Diffusion is represented by a random walk process, the adsorption of the molecules on the surface of the pillars takes place with a probability proportional to a Boltzmann factor, and the efficiency of the reaction properties of the pillared clays is investigated by measuring the average distance that a molecule has to travel in the pore space in order to reach a reactive site. Our results indicate that the structure of the pore space of the clays, the intermolecular interaction, the size of the molecules, and their adsorption on the surface of the pillars strongly affect their effective diffusivity and, even if the pore space of the clays is very regular and homogeneous, they can give rise to anomalous diffusion in which the effective diffusivity of the molecules varies slowly with time. Moreover, if the size of the molecules is comparable to the effective size of the pores, the irreversible adsorption of the molecules gives rise to a percolationlike phenomenon, in which the effective diffusivity decreases as the number of adsorbed molecules increases. The effective diffusivity would ultimately vanish if enough molecules are adsorbed so that a sample spanning path of open pores would no longer exist. I. INTRODUCTION Diffusion and reaction in porous catalysts have been the subject of considerable research activity in the last few years. 1-6 These systems, in addition to their great industrial importance, also represent ideal model porous systems well suited for theoretical and experimental studies of hindered diffusion and reaction phenomena. Such phenomena, which involve the transport and reaction of large molecules in small pores, occur also in many processes of current scientif ic and industrial interest, such as separation processes, sol vent swelling rubbers, polyelectrolyte gels, enzyme im mobilization in porous solids, and size exclusion chromatography. Numerous experimental and theoretical studies 7-20 have found hindered transport and reaction pro cesses in porous media to be less efficient than unhindered transport in an unbounded solution. This reduced efficiency is generally caused by the molecules being excluded from a fraction of the pore volume and by the hydrodynamic resis tance hindering the transport of the molecules through the porous medium. Among all catalytic systems, which are of prime interest in this paper, zeolites have received the greatest attention,21 but considerably less attention and research effort have been focused on studying diffusion and reaction phenomena in another class of catalytic materials, namely, pillared clays, 22 although they have recently received considerable atten tion.23-25 The original idea for producing pillared clays, due to Barrer and MacLeod,36 was to insert molecules into clay minerals to prop apart the aluminosilicate sheets, thereby producing larger pores than in"native clays, or even in zeo lites. However, such materials did not have the thermal sta bility that zeolites usually possess, but pillars ofhydroxyalu minum and other cations, which are capable of being dehydrated to oxide pillars and to support temperatures of up to 5OO·C without structural collapse under catalytic cracking, are new and were first reported by Brindley and co-workers37,38 and independently by Lahav et al.39 and Vaughan and Lussier.40 In general, pillared montmorillomites are 2: 1 dioctahe dral clay minerals consisting of layers of silica in tetrahedral coordination, holding in between them a layer of alumina in octahedral coordination. Substituting Si4+ with AI3+, or AI3+ with Mg2+ gives the silicate layers a negative net charge, which is normally compensated by Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions.41 By exchanging the charge compensating ca tions with large cationic oxyaluminum polymers, one can synthesize molecular sieve-type materials.39,40 These inor ganic polymers, when heated, form pillars which prop open the clay layer structure and form permanent pillared clays. The location and size of the pillars can, in general, vary, such that they may give rise to an irregular pore space, but at least in some cases, pillared clays have a very regular morphology, as shown in Fig. 1. Pillared clays can also be in the form of a tactoid, i.e., a broad range of pore radii (and thus pillar sizes) between stacks of silicate layers, which is not as regu lar as that shown in Fig. 1. The structure of pillared clays is such that they behave J. Chern. Phys. 92 (8),15 April 1990 0021-9606/901085107-12$03.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 5107 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:315108 Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I A ~ I I ~ ~ ~ tI - ~ ~ tI B ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ tI tI ~ ~ FIG. 1. A schematic representation of a pillared clay catalyst. (A) Irregular and (B) regular distribution of the pillars. as systems with a dimensionality between two and three, since molecules are forced to move in a very restricted pore space between silicate layers. The molecules might also be able to move from one layer to another, although this may be difficult, especially if the molecular sizes are large. There have been some speculations42.43 that pillared clays may have a fractal structure with a surface fractal dimensionality df which is slightly less than two. If this is the case, it can have important implications for diffusion and reaction in pillared clays, since the behavior of such phenomena in frac tal systems is totally different from that in regular and Eu clidean ones. We shall discuss this later in this paper. Pillared clays have shown high catalytic activities for gas oil cracking, similar to zeolite-based catalysts. They have also shown large initial activities towards methanol conver sion to olefins and toluene ethylation, but they are substan tially deactivated by coke deposition.35 One reason for the interest in pillared clays is that their pore sizes can be made larger than those offaujastic zeolites. Moreover, as access to the interior pore volume of pillared clays is controlled by the distance between the silicate layers and the distance between the pillars, one or both distances may be adjusted to suit a particular application. Despite their industrial importance and in spite of the fact that pillared clays can provide a testing ground for var ious theories of transport and reaction in catalytic systems and other porous media, no fundamental theoretical effort has been taken so far to model transport and reaction pro cesses in pillared clays. In this paper, we report the results of the first computer simulation of diffusion, adsorption, and reaction processes in idealized models of pillared clays using a dynamic Monte Carlo method (DMCM). Our results rep resent the first step towards a comprehensive theory of trans port and reaction of large molecules in pillared clays. In the present paper, which is part of our fundamental study of hindered transport processes in restricted environ ments,20.44-47 we only use small, needlelike molecules in or der to understand the role of molecular sizes on transport processes. In a future sequel to this paper, we will employ more realistic molecular shapes and sizes, e.g., in the form of parallelepipeds of given effective dimensions, or spherical and ellipsoidal particles. This paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II, we develop a DMCM to study diffusion, reaction, and adsorption in pillared clays. We pay particular attention to the roles of molecular sizes, the spacing between the pillars and between the silicate layers, and irreversible adsorption of molecules on the surface of the pillars. We also study the asymptotic behavior of the diffusivity of the molecules (Le., in the limit of long times) and the conditions under which it may achieve a time-independent value. Our results are presented and discussed in Sec. III. The paper is summarized in Sec. IV, where we also discuss transport and reaction of mole cules which may have more complex structures than those considered in this paper. II. DYNAMIC MONTE CARLO METHOD We first represent the pillared clays with the structure shown in Fig. 1. One can also represent the system by a tactoid which has a much less-ordered structure than that shown in Fig. 1, but we do not pursue this in the present paper. This is justified to some extent by the realization that42.43 the surface fractal dimension of pillared clays is close to two, which implies a nearly homogeneous distribu tion of the pillars. We shall, however, study this issue in a future paper. The distance h that separates two silicate layers is one parameter of our simulations. The pillars are repre sented by b X b X h orthogonal parallelepipeds, where b is also varied in order to assess the effect of the pillars' size on the results. In principle, b can be a distributed quantity. However, there is practically no experimental information on the statistical distribution of b, if any and therefore we assume that b is the same for all the pillars. In reality, ifthe distribution of b is not very broad, it should have little elfect on the qualitative features of our results discussed below. As we obtain more experimental information about the struc ture of pillared clays, we will also refine our model. While we admit that our model of these catalytic materials may not be exact, we do believe that our simulations will contribute to a better understanding of transport and reaction in such sys tems. This is particularly important in the light of the fact that our simulations represent the first of its kind in the stud ies of such systems. The pillars cause an excluded space in the pore space and give rise to tortuous diffusion paths for the molecules. The pore space (the space between the pillars and the silicate layers) is assumed to have cubic symmetry with a lattice spacing (the distance between two neighboring J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:31Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 5109 sites) of I. That is, the molecules move along the principal directions of a simple-cubic lattice. This assumption is one of convenience and can be easily relaxed if necessary. The over all effective dimensions ofthe system are L X L X h, where L is the effective length of the silicate layers (all dimensions are measured in units of the cubic lattice spacing). Thus, if there are np pillars between two silicate layers, the porosity tP of the system, i.e., the volume fraction of pore space available for transport, is tP = 1 -npb 2/L 2. After generating the pore structure of the clay, N mole cules are injected into the system to initiate the computer simulations; this is time t = O. The molecules are represented as straight lines, needlelike objects, each occupying n nodes of the pore space. Thus, the length of each molecule is (n -1) I. In reality, of course, the molecules are not one dimensional objects. However, in the present paper, we are mainly interested in the qualitative features of mechanisms of transport and reaction of finite-size molecules in the re stricted pore space of pillared clays and, as mentioned in the Introduction, in a future paper we shall report our results with molecules that are represented by three-dimensional objects of given shapes and sizes. Each molecule (or its cen ter-of-mass) performs a random walk in the pore space of the pillared clay; this random walk represents the diffusion process. The random walk in the pore space is executed by steps along the principal directions of the simple-cubic lat tice. At every step of the simulation, a molecule selects one of the available directions with an equal probability and makes a transition to another part of the pore space. The random walk is assumed to be of P6lya type, i.e., a nearest-neighbor random walk. Each time a direction is selected, the center of the molecule is moved one lattice unit to the new node and the rest of the molecule is also displaced accordingly. Two types of simulations have been carried out. In the first one, a molecule ignores the presence of all other molecules and moves to the selected new nodes. Hence, because of the ab sence of any interaction between the molecules, one can in ject into the system one molecule at a time, follow its motion, and compile the statistics of interest. This simulation corre sponds to a "tracer experiment" in which only a few test molecules are sent into the pore space to probe the structure of the catalyst. In the second type of simulations, two mole cules are not allowed to occupy the same points in the pore space, i.e., there is an effective hard-core repulsion at play between the molecules. Thus, if a molecule attempts to move to new nodes which are already occupied by another mole cule, the move is rejected and the molecule stays at its pres ent location. Because of this intermolecular interaction, one has to inject simultaneously many molecules into the system and follow their motions. In the first method, if N is large enough and if there is no irreversible adsorption of the mole cules on the surface of the pillars, the effective diffusivity De and other properties of the system become independent of N, whereas in the second method the density of the molecules may affect the properties of the system, at least at the initial stages (short times) of the simulations. Although other forms of intermolecular interactions might be important, most of the available experimental data have been reported at low temperatures and pressures. Therefore, it is reasona-ble to neglect all other forms of interaction between the mol ecules, or between the solid surface of the catalyst and the molecules. However, if need be one can use molecular dy namics simulation to include other forms of intermolecular interaction. Work along these lines is currently in progress. Once all molecules have made one attempt to move, the pro cess time is increased by one unit and the process of moving the molecules is repeated. When a molecule comes in contact with the walls of the system (i.e., the silicate layers), it is reflected back into the allowed region of the pore space. This model, therefore, does not allow for the adsorption of the molecules on the walls, in agreement with the current understanding of sorption phe nomenon in pillared clays. Allowing for finite adsorption rates on the walls represents a rather minor extension ofthe model, as discussed below. When a molecule comes in con tact with a pillar, it is either adsorbed on it with probability p, or is reflected back into the pore space, where p is propor tional to a Boltzmann factor exp( -CEj), where C is a con stant and Ej is the binding energy of a molecule on a site i of the pillar. Therefore, fixing p is equivalent to specifying a particular molecule and its binding energy to the surface. The limit of very small p represents a system under sorption kinetic control, whereas the limit p -1 represents a diffu sion-controlled process. In our simulations, we do not allow for desorption, an assumption which can, however, be very easily relaxed. An adsorbed molecule causes an excluded surface and volume in the pore space, where other molecules can neither adsorb on nor diffuse through. The simulations are terminated when a large number of molecules have been adsorbed on the pillars, so that there is no significant further adsorption, or the adsorbed molecules, due to their finite volumes, have effectively blocked the pore space and no further macroscopic molecular motion occurs. This simula tion procedure is a DMCM, by which one can calculate all the dynamic, as well as static properties of interest for the system. The dynamics of this model are of course governed by a master equation, i.e., a discretized diffusion equation (represented by the discrete random walk described above) . To calculate the effective diffusivity of the molecules, one determines the time dependence of the mean-squared displa cements of the centers-of-mass of the molecules R 2(t}: (1) where < ... ) denotes an average over all molecules and their initial positions in the system. In the limit of long times and for large systems, the ratio R 2(1)/t is proportional to the effective diffusivity De of the molecules. The above calcula tions are, of course, repeated for a large number of time steps and many randomly selected initial positions of the mole cules, and the averages of the quantities of interest are com puted in order to obtain representative values of De. How ever, if pillared clays do have a fractal structure, De will never become independent of time. We shall return to this point later in this paper. This model should, in principle, without resorting to any adjustable parameter, predict the experimentally mea sured diffusivities. However, when comparing the results with the experimental data, there are several factors that J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:315110 Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I have to be considered. The most serious problem with the available experimental data is a direct consequence of the nature of diffusion and adsorption phenomena. Since the size of most molecules (such as straight chain alkanes) with which pillared clays have been used is comparable to the size ofthe pore openings, sorption of such molecules on the pil lars and/or the walls results in a reduced pore space avail able for further diffusion and, therefore, in diffusivities which are decreasing functions of experimental time. In the case of the diffusion-limited regime p -1, sorption will pri marily occur at the outside external perimeter of the catalyst particle and the phenomenon of pore-mouth blocking will occur. The effect of molecular sorption on diffusivity is then a strong function of the adsorption/desorption rates relative to the diffusive fluxes. In any event, the DMCM developed here can be used to systematically study the effect of all pa rameters of the system on the transport process. In the present paper, we have used a simple-cubic struc ture with L = 200 (i.e., the length of the system is 199 lattice units). Our simulations indicated that larger values of L do not have a significant effect on the results. Various values of p the adsorption probability, h the height of the system (the distance between the silicate layers), and b the size (width) of the pillars have been used. We have also used 20 different realizations, i.e., 20 different initial positions for the mole cules on the external surface of the system (excluding the surfaces of the pillars and the silicate layers) and averaged the results over all realizations. Our computations were car ried out with a VAX 11/750 and a Cray X-MP supercom puter. In what follows we describe and discuss our results. 0.07 0.06 ~ > .~ 0.04 -~ o .~ 0.03 .... u Q) -W 0.02 0.01 n=3 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The first issue that one has to investigate is whether, in the limit of long times and for a fixed and large value of N, the effective diffusivity of the molecules will approach a con stant value. This can also shed light on the structure of the system as well. For example, if the system does have a fractal structure, then even in the limit oflong times one has48 R2(t)_t6, (2) where 8 < 1 for most fractal systems, whereas 8 = 1 for Eu clidean and macroscopically homogeneous media (which is the usual Fick's law of diffusion). Since De -R 2(t)/t, Eq. (2) would predict that (3) so that De -0 as t -00 • If Eqs. (2) and (3) are applicable to a system, then the diffusion process cannot be described by the classical continuum equation of diffusion (with constant diffusivity). Instead, the concentration C of the molecules, at time t at a distance r from the origin, is given by49-51 (4) where a = 8drl2, v = 2(2 -8) -1, and {3 is a constant of order of unity. Note that equation (4), which can also be interpreted as the probability of finding a molecule at point r at time t, reduces to the well-known Gaussian distribution in the limits of 8 = I and df = d for a d-dimensional system. Therefore, deviations from Eq. (4) can be interpreted as an indication that a given system may have a fractal structure. Figure 2 represents the calculated effective diffusivities p= 0 o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time, t FIG. 2. Variations of the effective diffusivity De with the process time for various molecular sizes n. There is no adsorption (p = 0) or intermolecular interaction. J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:31Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 5111 vs time with h = to, b = 3, p = 0, and N = 3000 for various values of n (the number of monomers in the molecules). In this simulation, the hard-core repulsion between the mole cules has been ignored. As can be seen after about 800 time steps, the effective diffusivities are essentially independent of time, although we cannot rule out the possibility of having a value of 8 very close to 1 (i.e., a very slow variation of De with t). Figure 3 represents the results of the same simula tion, except that p = 0.01, i.e., a few molecules are adsorbed on the surface of the pillars. Aside from the expected differ ence between the numerical values of De' Figs. 2 and 3 are essentially similar. Note, however, that the effective diffusi vities shown in Fig. 3 appear to have a weak dependence on t, even after 1000 time steps. This is presumably caused by the adsorption of the molecules on the surface of the pillars. As mentioned above, the adsorbed molecules create excluded surface and volume in the pore space, so that the diffusion paths of the unadsorbed molecules become increasingly tor tuous. This makes the diffusion process, and its approach to the asymptotic regime, slower which is reflected in the slow variations of De with the time t. Figure 4 represents the results with the same simulation parameters as those of Fig. 3, except that there is a hard-core repUlsion between the molecules. Now, for n > 1, one can see a clear dependence of De on t even for relatively long times. This is of course caused by the fact that the hard-core repul sion makes the motion of the molecules in the pore space somewhat more difficult. As a result, the molecules need a longer time to probe the structure of the system. However, if we repeat the simulation for a much larger number of steps for molecules with n> 1, we observe that De still changes slowly with time. As an example, we show in Fig. 5 the vari- 0.14 CII o O.lD ,., -> .~ 0.08 --o ~ 0.06 (J CII --w 0.04 0.02 ation of De with the time 1 for molecules with n = 7. All other parameters of the simulation are the same as in Fig. 4. As can be seen, even after 1 = to4, De' still varies slowly with time. In fact, one may speculate that De -In I, so that R 2(t} -I In I. Ifwe attemptto present the results of Fig. 5 by this logarithmic law, we find that such an equation would provide a very good representation of the data. If we fit De to an equation such as Eq. (3), we find 8~0.95, which indi cates a weak dependence of De on I. Since the height h of the system is much smaller than its length L and because the length of the molecules is comparable to h, pillared clays behave essentially as two-dimensional systems. Thus, the hard-core repulsion (which is surely at work in a real sys tem) and the restricted pore space of the catalyst can cause deviations from the classical diffusion equation, and make the system to behave like a fractal, even if the system is not geometrically a fractal object. Similar behavior has been ob served in the diffusion of molecules in a one-dimensional system in which there is a hard-core repulsion between the molecules.2•52 For such a system, one can show that R 2(t) _1112. This dependence of De on time has been ob served in many diffusion experiments43 in pillared clays and our simulation appears to provide an explanation for this phenomenon. We note from Fig. 4 that the long time effective diffusi vities of the molecules with n>5 are close to one another. This is explained by the fact that the size of the molecules with n>5 is comparable to the spacing between the pillars. Therefore, all such molecules "see" effectively the same en vironment and, as a result, their long time diffusivities are essentially the same, although their effective diffusivities for short and intermediate times are not necessarily equal be- p=0.01 0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time, t FIG. 3. The same as in Fig. 2, but for p = 0.01. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:315112 Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 0.14 ' cO> 0.10 .~ .~ 0.08 :> --C 0> 0.06 > -o 0> -W 0.04 0.02 o 10 100 2,00 300 400 500 600 Time, p = 0.01 700 800 900 1000 FIG. 4. The same as in Fig. 3, except that hard-core repulsion between the molecules has been taken into account. cause the molecules have not yet probed the pore space in sufficient details. Figure 6 shows the results with the adsorption probabil ity p = 0.4. In this simulation, the hard-core repulsion has been neglected, but all other parameters of the system are as before. Since a larger fraction of the molecules can be ad sorbed on the pillars and because the adsorbed molecules occupy a finite volume fraction of the pore space, the motion of the molecules becomes increasingly more difficult and, as a result, the asymptotic regime will be reached after a much longer time, if at all. Figure 7 represents the results with the same simulation parameters as those of Fig. 6, except that the hard-core repulsion between the molecules has not been ignored. The results are qualitatively similar to those of Fig. 6, except that the time dependence of De at longer times seems to be weaker. The numerical values of De in Fig. 7 are 0.04 0"0.03 ,.. '> .;;; ::J P =0.01 n = 7 ~ o.02:-------- U ------------ __ J .2! w o.Ot 0L-~2~0~00~~-4~0~0~0~L-~6~OOO~~~8~0~0~0~L-~I00~0~0~ Time, I FIG. 5. Long time variations of De with the process time t. somewhat smaller than those in Fig. 6, which is expected since the hard-core repulsion reduces the available pore space for the diffusion of the molecules and introduces an effective tortuosity into the system. Next, we investigated whether the number of molecules N used in our simulations can affect De. We fixed all param eters of the simulation as before, except the number of mole cules N and the adsorption probability p. In the first series of simulations, we ignored the hard-core repulsion between the molecules. In Fig. 8 we present the dependence of De on N for p = O. As can be seen, for n.;;;5 there is practically no dependence of De on N, as expected, but for n>5, one ob serves a weak dependence of De on N. However, for finite values of the probability of adsorption p, one does observe a relatively weak dependence of De on N for 1000 .;;;N.;;;4000, but the dependence appears to be much weaker for N>4000. The results are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, which show the dependence of De on N for various values of the probability of adsorption p. This dependence of De on N arises because of the fact that the adsorbed molecules cause an excluded region of pore space into which the molecules cannot diffuse. Higher values ofp can particularly affect De since in such a case a large number of molecules are adsorbed on the surface of the pillars, reducing the available pore space for diffusion and, thereby, affecting De. However, after some time, the surface of the pillars is covered by the molecules and, as more molecules are injected into the system, few of them can be adsorbed on the pillars and therefore injection of more mole cules has little effect on De. However, the variation of De with N is somewhat differ ent when the hard-core repulsion between the molecules is not ignored. Figure 11 represents our results for p = O. All other parameters of the system are the same as in the pre vious case (Figs. 8-11). Initially, De appears to be strongly J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:31Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 5113 0.14 0.12 Q) o 0.10 > ·iii 0.08 :J --o CII 0.06 . !! -u CII 50.04 0.02 FIG. 6. The same as in Fig. 3, but for p=O.4 . o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time, t dependent on N, which is surely because of the excluded volume effect that arises as a result of the hard-core repul sion. However, as more molecules are injected into the sys tem, De decreases and, for N> 3500, appears to only have a weak dependence on N. Note also that De decreases as N increases (because the available pore space for anyone mole cule decreases), whereas when hard-core repulsion is not at work, De increases before reaching its asymptotic value. The reason is that in the simulation in which the hard-core repul sion is at work, the first few molecules are free to diffuse everywhere, but as more molecules are injected into the sys- 0.14 0.12 ->. -.;; ·in 0.08 " --o . ~ 0.06 "0 Q) -W 0.04 tern, the available pore space decreases and therefore De de creases. Similar results are obtained whenp = 0.1, 0.4, and 0.8, the results of which are shown in Figs. 12-14. Figures 10, 13, and 14 indicate that as p increases, De attains a maxi mum before decreasing with increasing N. This is caused by the fact that for larger values of p, a relatively large number of molecules are adsorbed on the pillars that are close to the external surface of the catalyst. As a result, the incoming molecules have to take straight paths (with no tortuosity) to the interior of the pore space, since the adsorbed molecules and the hard-core repulsion (in the case of Figs. 11-14) pre- P =0.4 n= FIG. 7. The same as in Fig. 6, but with the hard-core repulsion included . 0.02 ~::::::::::::::::! ~ -.;::::::::::::::::::::~~;; 5 7 010~--'0~0~--2~0~0--~3~0~0---4~0~0--~5~0~0---6~0~0--~7~0~0--~8~0~0--~9~00~-'~OOO Time,t J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:315114 Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I ~ .;; 'iii " -0.09 0.08 p = 0 _-_o__-_--_-- ....... --... n = 1 ~.--....... --_4_--+_---_---4. 3 _-_o__-~.~--4.--~--... 5 i5 0.07 -----~----~----~----o__ __ __ ... 7 0.06 .... ----....... ----~----~----o__ __ __ .... 9 0.05 L---"'5:-4oo=--.l.--1;;::5-!::0:;::0---1...--;;2~50?\.0n----L--:3z;;j5oo Number of Molecules, N FIG. 8. Variations of De with the number of molecules N. There is no ad sorption or intermolecular interaction. vent the incoming molecules from moving freely in the pore space. Thus, De initially increases with N. However, as more molecules are injected into the system, some of them will penetrate deep into the pore space and are adsorbed on the pillars that are closer to the center of the catalyst. As a result, the diffusion paths become increasingly more tortuous and, therefore, De decreases for large values of N. This again dem- -~ :~ <to " -0.08 p = 0.1 •• --...... ---------.------.. n = 1 ~0.04 .. > ~ .! W 3 0.02 5 7 o L---~50~0~--L---l~5~0~0---L--~2~5~0~0--~~3~5oo Number of Molecules, N FIG. 9. The same as in Fig. 8, but for p = 0.1. .. o o .. > 0.07 ~ 0.03 .. -~ n=3 0.01 5 7 1000 p :. 0.4 3000 5000 Number of Molecules, N FIG. 10. The same as in Fig. 8, but for p = 0.4. 7000 onstrates the strong effect of adsorption and intermolecular interaction on De. The above explanation of the variations of De with N was based on the intuitive picture of diffusion of large mole cules in the pore space of the catalyst. However, there is an alternative way of explaining the variations of De with N that is more rigorous and is based on the concepts of percolation theory. 53 To begin with, we note that an issue of great inter- O.IOr-----.::::===---------, 0.08 > .;;; 0.06 " --o .. > -u = 0.04 UJ 0.02 p = 0 n = 1 7 3500 FIG. 11. The same as in Fig. 8, but with the hard-core repulsion included. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:31Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 5115 0.05 p = 0.1 ·.----+---~·----~.r---~--__4.n=1 Q/0.04 o > III :::J ;: 0.03 o Q/ > -(.) Q/ --w 0.02 3 5 7 0.01 L-5...J0L:0:----1---:-::15~0:-::;0:----L--;:2;;;:-5~00;:;---''--uj3500 Number of Molecules, N FIG. 12. The same as in Fig. 11, but for p = 0.1. est, closely related to the phenomenon of pore blocking by the adsorption of the molecules on the surface of the pillars, is the existence of a critical volume fraction Vc above which no appreciable amount of adsorption takes place, and no macroscopic diffusion within the pore space of the clay is possible. For example, for the straight chain alkanes (C5-e1O), Vc is well-defined and its value has been deter mined experimentally.33-3s For these alkanes, the values of V are all less than 66%. Of course, Vc is a sort of percolation c threshold,53 i.e., the maximum volume fraction of adsorbed molecules that is allowed for macroscopic transport to take p =.4 0.03 > .;;; 0.02 :::J 0=1 0 Q/ > 3 -(.) Q/ 0.01 --w o 1000 3000 5000 7000 Number of Molecules, N FIG. 13. The same as in Fig. II, but for p = 0.4. 0.015 oQ/ ->-- .~ 0.010 :::J -~ o Q/ .~ (.) Q/ ~0.005 w p = 0.8 • 1000 3000 5000 Number of Molecules, N FIG. 14. The same as in Fig. II, but for p = 0.8. 0=3 5 7000 place, if blocking of the pore space due to adsorption occurs randomly. Thus, if liJ is the volume fraction of pore space not occupied by the adsorbed molecules, for liJ > 1-Vc' macro scopic transport can take place, whereas for liJ,1 -Vc' there would be no sample-spanning of open pores and there fore the molecules cannot have a sample-spanning diffusion path in the pore space of the catalyst. We expect Vc to de pend on the molecular sizes. If the molecules are not very large, they cannot effectively block the pore space, even if the adsorption probability is very large. However, as the size of the molecules increases and becomes comparable to the spacing between the pillars, and as more molecules are ad sorbed, blocking of the pore space becomes more effective and the available open pore space decreases. This is why De appears to depend on N, the number of injected molecules since, similar to the percolation theory in which all quanti ties of interest are functions of the volume fraction of open pore space, De is also a function of the variable x = 1 -pNn/(L 2hl/J) , which is the volume fraction of open pore space after N molecules of size n have been injected into the pore space and have been adsorbed on the pillars with the probability p. Hard-core repulsion can, of course, make this effect stronger. This explains the behavior of De shown in Figs. 9-14. If instead of a needlelike shape the molecules were two-or three-dimensional objects, the dependence of D on N (for Pi=O) would be much stronger and, in fact, De c;uld vanish for large values of N, since no macroscopic transport would be possible. For this reason, simulations with two-or three-dimensional molecules are essential for obtaining a full understanding of transport and reaction in pillared clays. Work along these lines is currently in prog ress. Next, the effect of the distribution of the pillars was investigated. In Fig. 15, we present the results of our simula tions in which the width b of the pillars has been varied, but the total number of pillars has been fixed as before (the height of the pillars is, of course, fixed by the distance J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:315116 Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 0.10 ., 00.09 ., ::J --o . ~0.08 u .! -w 0.07 n=1 3 5 7 0.06L---~2~--~--~4~--~--~6~--~--~8 Pillar width, b FIG. IS. Variations of D, with the pillar width b. There is no adsorption or intermolecular interaction. between the silicate layers). In these simulations,p = 0 and the hard-core repulsion between the molecules has been ig nored. All other parameters of the simulations are as before. As can be seen, De is essentially a linear function ofthe width of the pillars, since increasing b decreases the available pore space for diffusion. Moreover, as b increases, the effective diffusivities for molecules of various sizes appears to ap proach one another for molecular sizes n;;;.5. This is because for n;;;.5, the distance between the pillars becomes compara ble to the size of the molecules and therefore all molecules essentially "see" and probe the same regions of the pore space, and their mobilities are comparable to one another. Figure 16 shows the results of the same simulation as in Fig. 15, except that the effect of hard-core repulsion has been taken into account. While the numerical values of De in this case are smaller than those in Fig. 15 (which is expected), the qualitative trends of the results are very similar. Thus, size and distribution of the pillars can strongly affect the values of the diffusivities. The anomalous variation of De with some of the system parameters that has been discussed so far is surely caused by the structure of the pore space which is very restricted and nearly two dimensional. In all of the simulations discussed so far, the height of the system has been fixed at h = 10. This particular value of h was used because for most pillared clays of the type studied here the ratio L I h ranges33-35,43 between 20 and 25. Thus, the size ofa molecule with n;;;.5 is compara ble to the height of the system and this, together with the fact that the pillars, the adsorption of the molecules on the pillars (and the resulting excluded volume effect), and the hard-0.10 0"0.08 > ., ::J 00.06 .. > u ., --w 0.04 p:O n=1 3 5 7 0.02'------:2!:------'-----4~----'------:6!:------'---~8 Pillar width. b FIG. 16. The same as in Fig. IS, but with intermolecular interaction includ ed. core repulsion beween the molecules severely restrict the motion of the molecules, gives rise to some of the anomalous behavior of De. If we increase h (creating a larger pore space), some of this anomalous behavior may disappear al together. To make this point clearer, we present in Fig. 17 the dependence of De on the height of the system for molecu lar size n = 5. In these simulations, there is no adsorption, hard-core repulsion between the molecules has been taken into account, and all other parameters of the model are as before. It is seen that only if h In;;;. 10, does the diffusivity appear to be independent of h, but for smaller values of h In, the diffusivity is a strong function of h. Thus, it is the restrict ed structure of the pore space of pillared clays that is partly responsible for the observed anomalous behavior of De' both in experimental studies33-35,43 and in simulations reported here, Therefore, even if these catalytic materials are not frac tal objects from a geometrical point of view, they may behave as such because of their very restricted pore space and the nature of the diffusion-adsorption process that takes place in the pore space, Finally, we looked at the efficiency of pillared clays for a reaction process. This can be studied by looking at the dis tance that a molecule has to travel in the pore space in order to reach a reactive site. Thus, the simplest measure of the reaction efficiency of pillared clays is the number of steps Sw that a molecule takes in order to reach a reactive site.24,54 Some of the molecules may not even reach the reactive site and be adsorbed on the surface of the pillars. The efficiency is thus a function of p, the adsorption probability. It is also a function of molecular sizes, since the restricted structure of the pore space forces a large molecule to take a larger num ber of steps to reach the reactive site. It may also depend on J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No.8, 15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:31Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I 5117 0.15 > UI 0.10 ::l --o IV > -U IV -W 0.05 n=5 p=o 90 Distance Between Silicate Layers, h FIG. 17. Variations of D, with the distance between the silicate layers h. the size of the system since, if Land h are large, the molecules have to take a large number of steps to reach a given reactive site. If each molecule occupied only one site of the cubic lattice used in this work and if the number of sites n s of the lattice were very large, then Montro1l54 has shown that Sw -1.5164n s• (5) However, in the present study h 4,L, so that our system can not really be considered a three-dimensional lattice. Its properties are mostly between those of two-and three-di mensional systems. For a two-dimensional lattice, Mon tro1154 has shown that (6) where the prefactor Yl is of order unity and its numerical value depends on the structure (coordination number) of the lattice. Moreover, in our simulations, each molecule oc cupies more than one site of the lattice and the size of a molecule is comparable to that of the spacing between the pillars, as a result of which the motion of the molecules is slow and inefficient. We may expect that for our system Sw would follow a scaling law in which the prefactor is depen dent on the molecular as well as pillar sizes. If hard-core repulsion between the molecules is also at work, the prefac tor may also depend on this effect as well. We studied this issue by calculating Sw for molecules of various sizes. The reactive site was assumed-to be the center of the lattice. We used h = 10 and p = 0, and ignored hard core repulsion between the molecules. We found that an equation similar to Eq. (6) would fit our data relatively well. As expected, the prefactor in Eq. (6) did depend on the size of the molecules. This is shown in Fig. 18, where we plot the variations ofy] with the molecular size n. Note that even for n = 1, which is the case studied by Montroll,54 our value of Yl is neither close to YIg;;1.5164 for the simple-cubic network, nor is it close to YI = 1T-1 which is the correspond ing value for the square network. Instead we find Yl (n = 1) g;;0.8. However, we find that a much better fit to the simulation results is provided by the following equation: f.7r-----------------, f.5 1.3 y. t 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 '------'--...,2±----'--4~--L-+----.L--±----.L----'.fO Moleculor Size, n (7) FIG. 18. Dependents of the prefactor y. [Eq. (6) 1 on the molecular size n. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 92, No. 8,15 April 1990 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 13:42:315118 Muhammad Sahimi: Pillared clays. I where 11 ~ 1.2, regardless of the size of the molecules. Note that this value of 11 is larger than 11 = 1 for three-dimensional systems. A fractional value of 11 is an indication that the system behaves as a fractal object. Note also that 11 = 2 for a linear chain. 54 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS We have investigated diffusion, reaction, and adsorp tion of needlelike molecules in pillared clays which are a class of catalytic materials with restricted pore space. We have found that the finite size of the molecules, adsorption, intermolecular interaction, and the restricted morphology of the pore space all affect strongly diffusion and reaction phe nomena in pillared clays. Even if pillared clays have perfect ly homogeneous surface and pore space, inefficient and hin dered transport and reaction processes in their pore space can make pillared clays behave effectively as fractal objects. This paper represents only the first computational step towards a comprehensive understanding of transport and reaction processes in pillared clays. Many important issues remain for future studies. For a more realistic representation of the molecules, one has to use three-dimensional objects. This is particularly important for checking the applicability of percolation theory to the interpretation of experimental data of diffusion and irreversible adsorption of large mole cules in pillared clays. If the molecules are indeed three dimensional entities, their irreversible adsorption on the sur face of the pillars can give rise to a percolation phenomenon, in which the pore space becomes increasingly more inacces sible to the outside molecules and, in effect, becomes deacti vated, a very common and severe problem in catalysis. If the reactive sites are in the form of connected clusters of finite sizes, then an equation similar to Eq. (6) or Eq. (7) may not hold at all. Multipolar correlations between the reactants can also influence transport and reaction in pillared clays. The location of the pillars and their sizes can, in general, be distributed quantities which can also affect transport and reaction in the pore space. Molecular dynamics simulations are necessary to assess the effect of interaction between the solid surface of the catalyst and the molecules, and the inter molecular interaction. These are but a few of the issues that still remain to be pursued in the areas of diffusion, reaction, and adsorption oflarge molecules in pillared clays. Work in these directions is currently in progress and the results will be reported in the future. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Mario L. Occelli for introducing me to this problem, and Theodore T. Tsotsis for useful con versations at early stages of the work reported here. I am also grateful to Valerie L. Jue for her computational help at the beginning of this work. Partial support of this work by the University of Southern California Faculty Research and In novation Fund, the Petroleum Research Fund administered by the American Chemical Society, United States Depart ment of Energy, and the San Diego Supercomputer Center is gratefully acknowledged. I would like to thank Karen Woo for her expert typing of this paper and her endless patience. I dedicate this work to my dear friend Faezeh Golboo, with out whose friendship, encouragement, and support this pa per would have never been completed. 1M. Sahimi, Chern. Eng. Sci. 43, 2981 (1988). 2R. Mojaradi and M. Sahimi, Chern. Eng. Sci. 43, 2995 (1988). 3M. Sahimi, G. R. GavaIas, and T. T. Tsotsis, Chern. Eng. Sci. (to be pub· lished). 4W. T. Mo and J. Wei, Chern. Eng. Sci. 41,703 (1986). 5R. Man, P. N. Sharratt, and G. Thomson, Chern. Eng. Sci. 41, 711 (1986). 6M. Sahimi and T. T. Tsotsis, J. Catal. 96,55 (1985). 7W. M. Dean, AIChEJ. 33,1409 (1987). 8J. R. Pappenheimer, E. M. Renkin, and L. M. 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A pressure modulator radiometer for measuring stratospheric trace gases J. R. Drummond, D. Turner, and A. Ashton Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 60, 3522 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.1140504 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1140504 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/60/11?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Deriving stratospheric trace gases from balloon-borne infrared/microwave limb sounding measurements AIP Conf. Proc. 1531, 392 (2013); 10.1063/1.4804789 Airborne infrared diode laser spectrometer for in situ measurement of stratospheric trace gas concentration AIP Conf. Proc. 386, 437 (1997); 10.1063/1.51798 Differential optical absorption spectrometer for measuring atmospheric trace gases Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 1867 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143296 Design of a rocketborne radiometer for stratospheric ozone measurements Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57, 544 (1986); 10.1063/1.1139209 Balloonborne photoionization mass spectrometer for measurement of stratospheric gases Rev. Sci. Instrum. 49, 1034 (1978); 10.1063/1.1135518 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06A pressure modulator radiometer for measuring stratospheric trace gases J. R. Drummond, D. Turner, and A. Ashton Department a/Physics, Universityo/Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S lA 7 (Received 30 December 1989; accepted for publication 23 June 1989) This article describes a pressure-modulator instrument which is designed to measure trace constituents of the stratosphere from a balloon platform at an altitude of about 40 km. Double sided limb-scanning allows profiling below the instrument and a direct determination ofthe instrument attitude from the radiance data. The instrument is described in detail and the methods of radiance measurement and calibration are discussed. Some of the supporting laboratory measurements are described. A concentration profile of carbon monoxide from 20 to 45 km is presented as an example of the results of the first series of flights. INTRODUCTION Chemically active trace constituents of the upper atmo sphere are important because the chemical balance of the region affects the radiation balance, and hence the dynamics. Therefore these compounds, although present in very small amounts, can have a significant overall effect upon the state of the stratosphere. However measurements of these com pounds are hampered by their low concentrations and the small signals which they produce. Pressure modulator radiometry is a technique by which small signals from the thermal emissions of constituents can be detected and analyzed to determine a con,centration pro file. Previous applications of this technique have been to temperature sounding and to constituent measurements. 1 The temperature sounding instruments, using CO2 as the pressure modulating gas, have been flown on balloons and satellites, notably the pressure modulator radiometer (PMR) instrument on the Nimbus 6 satellite and as part of the stratospheric and mesospheric sounder (SArvIS) instru ment on Nimbus 7. In the area of composition measure ments, previous balloon-borne instruments have measured nitrogen oxides2,3 and a variety of measurements have been made using the SAMS instrument mentioned above.4 The principal advantages of the technique are the large energy grasp, which serves to increase the available signal, and the high effective spectral resolution, which enables the instru ment to detect signals from specific gases while rejecting those from other species. This is achieved without sensitive mechanical or optical systems, allowing the instrument to be readily used in banoon-borne and satellite systems. This article discusses a new balloon-borne instrument which is designed as a general-purpose instrument for stra tospheric composition measurements. For the first experi ments the instrument, which has three independent chan nels, was equipped to measure carbon monoxide at 4.7 pm, methane at 7.6 ,um, and formaldehyde at 5.7 ,urn. I. PRESSURE MODULATION TECHNIQUES A. Overall description The schematic of a pressure modulator radiometer is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a conventional filter radio-meter with a fast chopper at the input to modulate the radi ation and an additional cell, the pressure modulator cell or PMC, filled with the gas being studied. The density of the gas is cycled mechanically at a rate which is much less than the modulation frequency of the chopper. The fast chopper al ternately selects the atmospheric signal or an internal refer ence signal. A discussion of the spectral, mechanical, and signal characteristics of a modulator is given below with par ticular emphasis on features which are used in the instru mentation to be described. B. Spectral characteristics The essential feature of the pressure modulation tech nique is the use of the emission lines of the gas itself as a precise optical filter for incoming signals. Variations in the density of the gas in the modulator cell cause variations in the absorption of incoming radiation only in spectral regions near spectral lines of that gas (Fig. 2). Electronic systems can extract this signal which, being a function of radiation near spectral lines of the gas in the cell, is likely to be indica tive of emission from the same gas. There is a precise correla tion between the radiation coming in from the gas in the Incoming Rodiolion COld block body CVWIMMI\) field slop filter \, I '\ (J11 5OOHzc~r ; t pressure modulolor delector FIG. 1. Schematic of a pressure modulator radiometer. Radiation enters the system from the left-hand side and is interrupted by a fast rotating choppeL The rear face of the chopper is reflecting and therefore the ongoing radi ation in the system is alternately the input radiation and the radiation from the reference blackbody. The field of view is delincated by the field stop. The radiation thcn passes through the pressure modulator cell containing a sam ple of the gas being measured. The gas density is varied cyclically at about 11 Hzo The radiation is spectrally limited by a conventional multilayer filter and then falls on a detector. The signal produced is processed by the elec tronics to produce "wideband" and "sideband" signals. 3522 Rev. Sci.lnstrum. 60 (11), November 1989 0034-6748/89/113522-11$01.30 @ 1989 American Institute of Physics 3522 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06.~ "> ."> ~ § ~ '" .~ .~ ~ ~ '" " .6 ~ I:i "I:l .11; .;:: <:i ~ ~ i.OO 0.75 (0 ) 0.50 0.25 TRANSMISSIONS 0 '---___ ..-L--___ ~ • .L! ____ ._~ ____ -' 1.00 ! 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.25 0 -0.8 EFFt.crIVE WIDEB,ANO TRANSMISSION FUNCTION EFFECTIVE SIDEBANO _ TRANSMISSION fUNCTION -0.4 o 0.4 0.8 FiG. 2. The operation of the pressure modulator cell in spectral space, Fig ure (a) shows the transmission function of the modulator gas ill spectral space at its two pressure extremes. The effect of the PMC in a PMR, after electronic processing, is the replacement of a single gas cell/detector chan nel by two independent channels, each containing an effective transmission filter (b) instead of a gas cell. One of these filters has an effective transmis sion function equal to the average transmission function of the two trans mission extremes, the other to the transmission differences. The resulting detected radiances (c), are known as the "wideband" and the "sideband" response, respcctivdy. The PMR output is the total dctected radiant energy integrated over wave-number space from each channel. atmosphere and the absorption features of the same gas in the cell. Since this perfect spectral alignment is achieved without any dispersing components and their attendant ad justments, the instrument is inherently robust. The selection of the spectral region to be used is deter mined by the constraints of maximum signal and minimum contamination of that signal by emission from other gases resulting from chance coincidences between the spectral lines of the required and contaminant gas. Since any specific gas being studied has only a few infrared vibration-rotation bands, the choice is often not perfect and it will be necessary to account for some contaminant signal. Chance co-incidences between spectral lines of the de sired gas and other gases, particularly of plentiful constitu ents such as water, do occur as shown in Fig. 2( c). These must be allowed for by exact calculation requiring knowl edge of the concentration profile of the contaminant. Since it is desirable to obtain this profile as accurately as possible, the "wideband" signal is used as an additional source of infor mation. This signal is the total signal received, attenuated by a cell transmission function appropriate to an average cell pressure. It may be obtained simultaneously with the pres sure modulator signal by methods discussed below. This overall signal is usually influenced more by the contaminant gas (es) than the gas under observation. Thus, for a CO mod ulator the wideband signal is almost entirely due to ozone whereas the pressure modulator signal is 70% due to 0], 3523 Rev. ScLlnstrum., Vol. 60, No.11, November 1989 30% due to CO. In this case an ozone profile can be deter mined first using the wideband signal and then that profile used to calculate the effect on the pressure modulator signal. C. Signal calibration The reference signal (Fig. 1), which is viewed alternate ly with the atmosphere, must be very stable. If it is not stable then it is very difficult to separate out the effects of a variable reference from those of the atmosphere. In order to achieve such stability, a separate blackbody source and a reflecting chopper is used, rather than the emission of the chopper blade alone. The two choices for the reference blackbody temperature are room temperature, which is easy to manu facture, or a low-temperature source, which produces al most zero radiation. The choice of a cold blackbody is appro priate for an atmospheric emission sensor as this signal is comparable with the small atmospheric signal. The use of a room temperature source would mean that the two signals were always significantly different and comparatively small relative variations in the large reference signal would be come important. D. Mechanical characteristics Since the oscillation in gas pressure is essential to the operation of the instrument, care must be taken to maximize this without compromising other parameters. Typically compression ratios of 3: 1 are used in the cells at oscillation frequencies in the range 10-20 Hz. The frequency used is a compromise between a low frequency which simplifies the mechanics, and a high frequency which is easier to deal with in the electronics and leads to fewer problems with gas leak age. Previous instruments have used various designs for the cell, most of which have required extreme care in fabrication and assembly.; Our new design, described in Sec. HI B, is simple to assemble but requires more drive power. It is evident that a modulator running at a sufficiently low frequency will have isothermal compression cycles, whereas one running at a high frequency will have adiabatic compression cycles. In general, modulators run somewhere between these two extremes and although we have some evi dence for temperature cycling in our modulators, it appears from measurements that the cycle is predominantly isother ma1.s E, Signal characteristics Incoming radiation is modulated first by the chopper and then by the modulator. The pressure modulator signal therefore appears both as a "baseband" signal at the modula tor frequency and as sidebands around the chopper frequen cy ( ~ 500 Hz). The sideband signal is the one processed by the electronics for two reasons: First, the increase in frequen cy from the basic modulator rate to almost the chopper fre quency, improves the signal-to-noise ratio obtainable with many detectors as it raises the frequency above that of signif icant l/fnoise. Second, thermal emissions from the modula tor, modulator gas and the associated optics, which are ei ther approximately constant or vary at the modulator frequency, are easily filtered out in the electronics. Pressure modulator 3523 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06If the volume of an isothermal pressure modulator is varied sinusoidally at a frequency J, then the density vari ation is given by 11[1 +A sin (21Tft)], where the constant A is related to the compression ratio, U, by A = (U -1) / ( U + 1). Since the density modulation is not sinusoidal, the signal modulation will not be sinusoidal and there will be sidebands at harmonics of the PMC fre quency about the chopper frequency. In the case of a rotat ing high-frequency chopper, there will also be sidebands due to the imperfections of the blade which occur at harmonics of the chopper rotation rate. All these effects can clearly be seen in Fig. 3 which illustrates the complexity ofthe modula ted signal after detection. The electronics necessary to ex tract the sideband signal are described in Sec. III C. II. LIMB-SCANNING The technique of "limb-scanning" is used to maximize the amount of material within the field-of-view or the bal loon-borne instrument. The atmosphere is viewed almost horizontally as shown in Fig. 4. The amount of material in a limb path is up to 70X that in a corresponding vertical path with the same lowest height, known as the "tangent height." In the case of an absorber with a constant mixing ratio at all altitudes, the signal from a limb path is strongly weighted by the atmospheric pressure profile to the tangent height pro ducing a narrow weighting function 6 and therefore good ver tical resolution. Different regions of the atmosphere are sam pled by varying the view angle in a step-wise manner during an instrument "scan." An additional advantage is that the background to any limb path is space which is effectively a zero signal source for an infrared instrument. {l 1.0 C2 ~ ::::: ~ ~ 0.1 t; .~ V5 0.01 CI P2 P3 450 c CI PI PI ~ 500 550 600 Frequency (Hz) FIG. 3. A spectral analysis of the electronic signal produced from the detec tor in Fig. 1 for the particular case of a CO pressure modulator. The region of the spectrum around the chopper frequency is shown. The central peak (C) is the chopper fundamental. The average value of this signal is the "wideband" component. The pressure modulator sidebands (marked PI, P2, and P3) can be seen and the average magnitude of these represents the "sideband" signal. The peaks marked Cl and C2, are the subharnlOnics of the chopper due to the imperfections of the 12-bladed system. These occur at ahout 41-Hz intervals. 3524 Rev. SCi.instrum., Vol. 60, No. 11, November 1989 The major disadvantages of limb-scanning are the poor horizontal resolution, the complexity of the path and the necessity of knowing the view angle very precisely. This last problem of determining the tangent height of the view is critical to correct retrieval of the concentration profile. In order to determine thc tangent height to an accu racy of ± 0.5 km at 15 km from a balloon at 40 km, the angle must be known to within ± 0.05°. This angle is measured relative to the horizontal, which is taken as the tangent to the average isobaric surfaces in the stratosphere. We measure the angle of the optical beam relative to the horizontal by using the information contained in double sided scanning data which is shown in Fig. 4. The direction of view of the instrument is steered by a single mirror (see below) which is capable of rotation through nearly a full circle. Since a scan position obtained using the shaft encoder is measured relative to the package, the package must be stable during a complete scan sequence (~1O min) in order to be able to compare the two sets of data. Within this constraint, any differences between left and right scans are attributed to instrumental effects, which may be the tilt of the package or asymmetry of the beam under rotation. The latter occurs if the optics are not truly axial and can be successfully elimin ated by careful alignment. We define a as the dip angle of the beam between the nominal horizontal and the true horizontal, and the beam asymmetry angle, /3, as the excess angle by which the beam rotates when the mirror is rotated by exactly 180°. If we select a case when the left and right signals are identical, then if the atmosphere is horizontally homoge neous, the true depression angles for the two cases are identi cal. If the true angle is () and the measured angles for these cases are Land R, we find (Fig. 5) that L1MBSCAN EARTH (not 10 scolol LlMBSCAN FIG. 4. Schematic of the TORBAR implementation oflimb scanning. The atmosphere is viewed from two sides of the instrument by scanning at angles between -2' and 6' from the local horizontal. A radiation "zero" is estab lished by views at -25' and a known radiance by rotating to -90' to view an internal calibration target of known emissivity and temperature. Pressure modulator 3524 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06H-_A_~_a:--I.L~~""""''''''-''''''-a:-+fl--H / ~B S S FIG. 5. Scanning geometry. H-H is the tru~ horizontal and the lines A and B are the beam orientations when the shaft encoder indicates horizontal. The error comprises two parts: The dip angle a which is a measure of the pack age tilt, and the beam asymmetry angle fJ which is the angular error in the beam between the two "horizontal" positions. The apparent angles Land R are the results of measurements at the true angle () at which the 1cft and right signals are equal. These measurements are afft'cted by the dip angle and beam asymmetry angle, resulting in the equations for the apparent angles L.~ () + a and R C~ () -a -fJ. and R={}-a-/3 or L -R = 2a + {3 = y, where r is defined as the tilt angle. By comparing left and right scans using a least squares technique for each scan we can determine a and (3, and then using estimates from scan pairs throughout the flight, we can then estimate y as a function of time. The ideal signal source for this measurement is one which is large, shows a strong dependence on scan angle and is uniform in space and time. The wideband signals fulfill these requirements, being predominantly due to the more plentiful minor constituents such as water and carbon diox ide. We use the wideband signal from the formaldehyde channel centered at 1746 cm-1 for our attitude sensing, whose signal is predominantly due to water. Using scan pairs throughout the flight, we can estimate y as a function of time. Data from the area of the tropopause are eliminated and the various estimates in the scan weighted appropriately. The function is minimized, where S is the signal, k the nominal scan augle, sUbscripts Land R refer to left and right scans, respectively. The sum is done over a restricted range of scan positions, interpolating data between real data points using a linear formula. The sum of squared residuals is shown in Fig. 6 as a function of the angle y and a definite minimum is found. A more complete discussion of this technique has been given in a previous paper. 7 A limb~scanning instrument is generally only able to derive concentration profiles from flight altitude down. For view angles above the balloon the material in the path is weighted towards the balloon level for an scan angles and therefore vertical resolution is poor. For view angles below the balloon the path between the tangent height and the bal loon becomes less transparent at wavelengths where the in strument is sensitive and eventually becomes opaque as the 3525 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No. 11, November 1989 FIG. 6. Sum of squared residuals for some flight data (from the flight of August 1(83) as a function of y. The vertical scale is in units of [nW m 2 Sf 1 (em 1) J 2. A detinite minimum can be seen at 0.68". Data from vieWS near the tropopause are excluded from the summation as these are not ex pected to be similar for the two scans. tangent height moves down through the atmosphere. When the path becomes opaque before the tangent height is reached, the instrument does not detect emission from the tangent level and the concentration profile is again indeter minate. The level at which the instrument loses sensitivity can be adjusted to a certain extent by adjusting the pressure in the pressure modulator cell, but as sensitivity to lower levels is increased, sensitivity to upper levels is decreased. iii. THE TORONTO BALLOON RADIOMETER (TORBAR) Ao Optical design The Toronto Balloon Radiometer is a three-channel in strument designed to sense thermal emission using double sided limb scanning. The optical design is shown in Fig. 7. It consists of a scanning mirror, M 1, a simple 0.1 ~m-diam tele scope and folding optics, M2/3/4, a field lens and field split ter assembly, U/M6a/M6b, followed by an individual PMC for each channel and detector optics discussed below, Since the energy available is small, care must be taken to maximize the energy usage of the instrument consistent with its size and other constraints. This can be at the expense of image quality if the field-of-view can be maintained. A ray-trace computer program was used to aid the design and the final result has efficient energy collection but relatively poor im age quality. Compromises had to be made, particularly in the area of the field lens, Ll, as many components need to be situated at the field stop position for maximum efficiency. The optics is not spectrally selective as gold coatings are used for all the mirrors and calcium fluoride for the field lens and all windows in the individual channels, An important feature of the instrument is the facility for two-sided limb scanning discussed above. This is realized by the 45° scanning mirror Ml which is pivoted on an axis aligned with the optical axis of the system. The mirror can rotate through almost 3600 and therefore input radiation can come from either side ofthe instrument. The external instru ment field of view is clear to a scan angle of --25° to allow for a "space view" (see below) and at -90° (vertically up wards) a reentrant cone in the instrument allows the system to view a known radiance. These last two facilities form a Pressure modulator 3525 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION PIG. 7. Schematic (not to scale) of the main optical system of the Toronto Balloon Radiometer. Input radiation falls on Ml, the scanning mirror and is then focused by M2 onto the field assembly Ll/MS. Folding mirrors, M3/M4, rotate and steer the beam through the reflecting chopper C. From the field-splitting assembly, radiation passes into one of the three indepen dent pressure modulator/detector channels (1'1-P 3, D 1-D 3) lor measure ment. major part of the radiometric calibration of the system and, since they are situated at the input of the instrument, allow the emissions of the individual optical components to be eli minated from the signals. The mirror is driven by a stepper motor geared down to give a rotation of O.163°/step. The position of the mirror is monitored independently by a shaft encoder with 0.044° resolution. The fast rotating chopper described in Sec. In B is situ ated in front of Ll. It is a 6-mm-thkk disk of stainless steel 0.2 m in diameter with 12 blades and rotates at about 4000 r.p.m. One face of the chopper is polished and gold-plated and the instrument alternately views the atmosphere in the clear sections and a cold blackbody in the reflecting sections. The cold blackbody is cooled with liquid nitrogen and is contained within a dewar assembly. The three fields-of-view of the instrument are spatially separated by the mirror pair MSa/b, the central field being undeflected. Each of the mirrors MSa, M5b can be indepen dently adjusted for alignment purposes. The fields are delin eated with a field stop on the back of Ll. This is a grid or three 22 mm X 5 mm slots corresponding to the three fields of 2.04° hOlizontal X OAY vertical. The pressure modulator optics for each channel simply consists of a pair of calcium fluoride windows for entrance and exit to the cell. The filter, detector optics and detector for each channel are all contained within a dewar and are cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. This has the dual advantage of de creasing the total radiation on the detector, which improves its performance in some cases, and of providing mechanical protection for these components which are the most delicate 3526 Rev. SCi.instrum., Vol. 60, No.1t, November 1989 in the system. The filters are coated germanium with specific passbands for each gas. They were designed and supplied by Dr. J. Seeley of Reading University and are temperature in variant between room temperature and the cryogenic tem perature of operation. The detector lens consists of an antire flection coated germanium doublet. 8 The use of a high refractive index material allows the construction of a fast, aberration-free condensing lens. The detectors used are photo-conductive, mercury-cadmium-telluride for the methane and formaldehyde channels and a photo-voltaic in dium antimonide for the carbon monoxide channel. There are a large number of sources of mechanical vi bration in the instrument and therefore the detector dewars are designed to be mechanically stable with respect to the main optical plate, which is the optical reference for all the other optical components. This is achieved by anchoring the base of the cryogen vessel to the dewar base, which is in turn bolted directly on to the plate, with three short (80 mm) glass/epoxy pillars as shown in Fig. 8. The use of glass/ epoxy maintains the necessary thermal isolation whilst pro viding the required mechanical rigidity. The fill and vent tube for the cryogen also pass through the baseplate and therefore it is necessary to fill the dewars by means of a pres surized system. Many layers of aluminized mylar are used as radiation shields and a container of molecular sieve material is attached to the cryogen vessel to adsorb as much residual TO VACUUM SYSTEM -- AND SEALING w:lLVE LIQUID /\12 FILL -~t~~==~:=::::0. rUBES CENTRAL SUPPORT POSTS DEWAR OUTER WALL DEWAR INNER ----f-TI-l WALL LlOUlD /\/2 CRYOGEN --Hct+--- .... SUPPORT POSTS -_. DETECTOR FILTER ~-PLANOCONVEX LENS MENISCu..5 LENS FIG. 8. Liquid nitrogen dewar (capacity of I t) used to cool the detector optics attached to the base of the cryogen vessel. Efficient evacuation of the dewar along with multiple layers of aluminized mylar wrapped around the cryogen vessel give a cryogen lifetime of up to 40 hours. The support posts provide thermal insulation and mechanical rigidity with respect to the rest of the optical system. Pressure modulator 3526 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06gas as possible. Together with efficient evacuation of the sys tem, these precautions reduce the heat leakage to such an extent that a duration of 24-40 h is obtained from the 1-1' charge of liquid nitrogen. The nitrogen vapour over the liq uid is pressurized to about 105 Pa using an absolute pressure relief valve. This prevents excessive boil-off during balloon ascent and freezing of the liquid, with the associated loss of thermal contact between the dewar body and the cryogen, at ceiling. Since all the frequency-selective optics are contained in the detector dewar, a change of instrument operation from one gas to another requires only the substitution of an appro priate set of detector optics and detector. This design flexibil ity should enable the instrument to be used for monitoring of many trace constituents in the future. B. Pressure modulator cells Previous designs of pressure modulator cells have used a freely suspended piston/spring arrangement driven magne tically at the resonant frequency. The gap between the piston and the bore is not sealed and gas leakage is minimized by the small size of the gap. 1 However this makes the cells difficult to manufacture and assemble. We have used a more conven tional arrangement of piston and cylinder with sliding bear ings and a PTFE sealing ring (Fig. 9). The drive power must be increased to compensate for the frictional losses in this arrangement but any oscillation frequency may be used as the system is nonresonant. A Ferrofluidic seal (trademark of the ferrofluidic Corporation Inc.) transmits the motor drive power through the wall of the pressure modulator cell and a flywheel/con-rod system transmits the drive to the piston. The d.c. motor consumes about six watts of power whilst running the modulator at about 11 Hz. The pressure cycling within the modulator is monitored by a variable-reluctance diaphragm pressure sensor attached PRESSURE MODULATOR CELL (PMC) To pms51J1l1 Transducer directly to the cell. The upper-and lower-pressure values are logged by the data system and the pressure cycle is used to derive a square· wave reference signal for the signal process ing electronics (see below) . The formaldehyde modulator is unique in this instru ment in that the gas is unstable and polymerizes in the cell. In order to maintain a constant pressure of formaldehyde, it is necessary to generate fresh gas continuaHy. This is achieved by heating paraformaldehyde powder in a small container attached to the modulator. l>araformaldehyde de composes into formaldehyde and water, the latter being re moved by a calcium sulphate dryer. The heater is controlled by the on-board computer which maintains a constant pres sure in the modulator cell using the pressure sensor de scribed above. C. Signal channels As can be seen from Fig. 3, the electronic signal from the detector is very complex in nature. It is also very small. A battery-powered pre-amplifier attached to each detector raises the signal level and the signal is passed to the signal processing electronics, which are also powered by separate batteries. The use of separate power supplies minimizes ground loops and noise coupling in the system. The signal processor is coupled to the on-board computer through opto-isolators to maintain the electrical isolation of each sec tion. The function of the signal processor electronics is to determine the pressure modulator signal and the overall "wideband" signal. After amplification and filtering to sup press d.c. offsets and low-frequency signals from the modu lator, the signals are extracted in two stages. First a phase sensitive detector (PSD) using a reference signal derived from the rotating chopper shifts the wideband component at the chopper frequency to d.c. and the sidebands from the Optical cell ___ _ FIG. 9. Schematic of the pressure modu. lating celt. The optical thickness of the gas varies with the cell pressure. The pressure is varied by a piston oscillating in a cylindrical bore beneath the optical eelL The piston is driven by an internal flywheel crank and con-rod mechanism, whieh is connected to an external drive via a rotary vacuum seal. The system may be driven at any frequency. Pres sure extremes and a square wave ref~r ence are obtained from a transducer on top oflhe cell. The base of the PMC may be easily modified for the inclusion of a gas source, if required (e.g., a CH)O generator) . Piston bore Optical cell 5cm 3527 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, 1'110.11, November 1989 Compression volume·~ Ferrofluidic seal Drive bel! Pressure modulator 3527 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06pressure modulator to the modulator frequency and its har monics. The average value of this signal is the wideband output. The average signal is derived by averaging the fre quency of a voltage-to-frequency converter for one second. The signal from the PSD is also applied to a filter/amplifier system tuned to the pressure modulator frequency. The pass band is narrow enough to exclude the chopper sidebands ( C 1, C2 in Fig, 3). The resulting signal is then detected by a second phase-sensitive system using a reference derived from the modulator pressure transducer. The average value of the resulting d.c. level is obtained with a second voltage to-frequency converter. The voltage-to-frequency converters use a double counting system as shown in Fig. 10 to improve the overall resolution. A fast clock is counted for the nearest integer number of converter cycles that occur in one second. The average frequency is then obtained from the ratio of counts and the clock frequency. The advantage of this technique is that the average is accurate to within one cycle of the fast clock (~1 MHz), giving a theoretical resolution of 1Q-1> in one second, whereas a simple counting scheme would only be accurate to one cycle of the converter (-2 kHz) .In order to ensure that the true measurement period remains approxi mately synchronous with the required measurement period, the converter frequency is offset from zero and is never al lowed to drop to a low value. Two setsof counters are used so that measurement cycles are continuous with one set of counters being read and cleared whilst the other set is in use. The measurement cycle for each channel is also synchro nized to the reference frequency of the corresponding phase sensitive detector in order to suppress the variations in the output due to a noninteger number of reference cycles occur ring in one measurement period. Synchronization ensures that there is an integer number of cycles in one measurement period and therefore cyclic variations average out exactly. This is particularly useful for the pressure modulator signal whose reference goes through only about 11 cycles in one second. D. Overall instrument control It was decided very early in the instrument design that the instrument should be completely computer controlled. I I ___ ~---L __ _ ---:~-- ----1.';-: ---!\....---- I I· I I : I __ I II 2 3 __ rtF-\N~N~1 n n __ 1iflJ1.PJlJlSL j U U U IU U L I I I I j--ACTUAL MEASUREMENT TIME---! --I I ' \" NOMINAL MEASUREMENT TIME --I I I 3528 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 60, No. 11, November 1989 Thus a full microcomputer system is used to control all mechanisms and measurement systems. The system also handles formatting the data frames (see Sec. V A) for trans mission to the ground, producing a split-phase data stream for the data transmitters. The command system for the instrument consists of a 16-bit word sent one bit at a time using a total of 18 com mands. Sixteen of these commands set single bits in a 16-bit command word, one causes the command to be executed and one is used to reset all the bits of the command word to zero in the case of an error. The partial command word is re turned in the transmitted data stream so that it can be checked before the "execute" command is sent. The com mands alter the contents of the computer's operating tables which in turn determine the mode of operation of the various mechanisms. Commands are not essential for instrument op eration, but are used to adjust the instrument to varying con ditions, e.g., compensating for an excessive tiit by adjusting the scanning system. There are also many temperature and other sensors in the instrument which allow the overall instrument condition to be monitored continuously. This information has been invaluable in the development phase for determining the cause of instrument anomalies and generally adjusting the performance, as well as in helping prepare the instrument for flight. Complementary to the on-board computer system is the ground computer for real-time analysis. This takes the data stream from the instrument and decodes it in real time to produce engineering displays of the instrument status and plots oftime variations. This system is also programmable to cope with various instrument conditions. The engineering display allows the continuous monitoring of over 100 pa rameters. The data are also recorded in several different forms for later retrieval and scientific processing. IV. FLIGHT SUMMARY The TORBAR instrument has been flown four times from the National Research Council of Canada facility at Gimli, Manitoba over a period of three years. The first flight in August 1983 wa'> an engineering flight and was successful REFERE.VCE OUTPUT VOLTAGE- FREQUENCY CONVERTER OUTPUT CLOCK Pressure modulator FIG. 10. The synchronization technique used for the voltage to frequency converters. A measurement period starts 011 the first positive edge of the reference square wave after the nominal start of the measurement period. and ends on the first positive edge after the nominal end of the period. Cyclic variations at the reference frequency there fore average out because the measurement period is an exact number of cycles in length. The measurement period is also syn chronized to the output ofthe voltage to fre quency converter. The final average fre quency is (MIN)/, where f is the clock frequency. The resolution is liN which for a I-MHz clock and a 1-8 measurement is ~ 10-". 3528 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06apart from landing in Lake Winnipeg which severely da maged the instrument. In 1984 the second flight was moder ately successful and many of the instrument faults were cor rected, In 1985 two launches were made on July 31st and August 8th, The last flight was the most successful of all, Launched on a 640 OOO-m3 balloon, the instrument reached an altitude of 43.3 km with a maximum variation of 1.5 km, Data were collected for 20 h during which time all mecha nisms functioned welL The instrument was successfully re covered and the post-flight checks were made without diffi culty, v. DATA PROCESSING The data processing for the TORBAR instrument is di vided into three sections. First is the reduction of the house keeping data comprising temperature, voltage, pressure, and status readings, Second is the processing of the radiance data from the various channels to allow for instrument attitude and altitude variations and the conversion from frequency to radiance units, a process referred to as calibration, Third is the analysis of the radiance data in conjunction with other data and models to deduce concentration profiles of various gases in the atmosphere. A. Raw data format The data from the instrument are transmitted and stored as data frames, These occur at the rate of 1 Hz and consist of 128 16-bit words. Important quantities and/or those whose values change rapidly, e.g., radiance signals, are sampled and encoded into every frame. Quantities which generally vary more slowly are multiplexed into frame words at a slower rate. This is accomplished by three multi plexers. A fourth multiplexer slowly reads out the contents of the computer control tables for confirmation purposes. AU data analysis starts from these data frames. B. Housekeeping data The physical quantities monitored in the instrument are easily transformed into voltages using appropriate trans ducers and electronics. Two instrument multiplexers mea sure these voltages using solid-state switches to sample the channels, The analogue-to-digital conversion scheme is a simpler version of the "double-counting" voltage-to-fre quency technique used for the signal channels, Calibration voltages on some channels allow the whole multiplexer to be calibrated using a linear calibration scheme, Each individual channel can then be related to the corresponding physical quantity using a second calibration. In most cases the cali bration is linear and is simply accomplished. This double calibration is performed in real time by the ground station computer so that the engineering data appears in appropri ate units. Temperatures are measured using two different tech niques. Linear current sensors (National Semiconductors LM 134) are used for most temperatures as the current source system is ideally suited for a large switching matrix and lead lengths are not relevant. The current mUltiplexer uses reed relays and diode isolation to achieve a low-leakage 3529 Rev, SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No. 11, November 1989 matrix. However the precise calibration of the sensors is dif ficult and it has been found that for precise, consistent tem perature measurements of the blackbody and other critical components, precision thermistors (YSI Precision Thermis tors 44006) whose resistance vs temperature characteristics are known to ± 0.1 °C are preferred. These are also accessed using a reed-relay switched matrix. The resistance versus temperature relationship for the thermistors is known but nonlinear and therefore a set of straight-line segments is used in the ground computer to allow the high-speed computa tion of the temperature. A more accurate, but more time consuming, curve-fit scheme is employed in the final data reduction programs, c. Signal channel data The output from the signal channels consists of six fre quencies from the corresponding voltage-frequency con verters, Since the voltage-frequency and radiance-voltage re lationships are both linear, a conversion directly from frequency to radiance is made. The equivalent instrument spectral passband varies somewhat as the gas pressure in the modulator drifts, and therefore it is removed from the analy sis at this stage by calibrating in terms of the monochromatic blackbody signal at the center of the passband (2140, 1746, and 1308 em -1 for the CO, eHzO, and CH4 channels, re spectively) using a calibration sequence at the end of each atmosphere scan, The instrument scans the atmosphere on each side alter nately, Between the scans a view is taken at -25° where the atmospheric content of the path is sufficiently small that the radiance may be taken as zero to first order. At 0_ 90°, as the view passes through the vertical, it is intercepted in the in strument by an ambient-temperature retro-cone blackbody oflarge thermal inertia. These two readings, of a zero radi ance and a known Planck radiation suffice for a two-point calibration of the system, Since the accuracy of the calibra tion' particularly the knowledge of the zero value, is critical to the accuracy of the experiment, these views are longer than the individual atmosphere views in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and the zero measurement is repeat ed at the beginning and the end of the scan. Thus the se quence is as follows: left atmosphere-zero-blackbody-zero right atmosphere-zero--blackbody-zero and repeat. The calibrated measured radiances are calculated as [C'/«()) -Sri] S'/(())=BCi',T) 'a €X , a D b (fa -SPZ) where B( v,Tb) is the retro-cone blackbody Planck function evaluated at its temperature and the band center of the delin eating filter profile, C Z (B) is the frequency from the atmo sphere view at angle e, I" is the frequency from the black body view, SP Z is the frequency from the -25° zero view, a denotes a wideband or sideband response, and 1] denotes a left or right view. The values of SPZ, la' and Tb vary slowly with time and are linearly interpolated from their measure ment time to the time of the atmosphere view. Signal data are carefully checked for anomalies and noise spikes. In particular, readings taken when the mirrors are moving or stabilizing are rejected. Pressure modulator 3529 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06D. Height and attitude corrections The initial calibrated data are not in a form that can be compared to the models. For this purpose the instrument views must be related to the atmosphere in terms of the in strument height and the view angle of the ray path or, alter natively, the tangent height. The balloon height is provided by the tracking data and the attitude of the instrument can he corrected for using the technique outlined in Sec. n. These processes result in plots of signal versus view angle which allow comparison between the experimental results and cal culations using atmospheric models. A typical pair of signals (wideband and sideband) from the CO channel are shown in Fig. 11. VI. LABORATORY TESTING In order to verify instrument performance and the agreement of instrumental results with theoretical calcula tions, it is desirable to use the instrument to measure known gas concentrations in the laboratory. It is not possible to completely reproduce the atmospheric path in the laborato ry since this varies in pressure, temperature, and composi tion along its length of up to 400 km. Laboratory experi- Tangent height (km) 200r-_________________ 4T4~ _____ 4~0~--~30T_--~20 150 50 o 5 Scan angle (degrees) F!l'. 11. Signals from the CO channel of the TORBAR instrument at an altitude of 45 km. The signals have been sorted into scan angle bins (ilB = 0.25') and time averaged over the late morning of August 8th 1985 (3-h time period). The sideband signal (upper) is noisier than the wideband signal (lower) becausethe spectral bandwidth is narrower. The PMC (path length of lO-mm) pressure varied between 2000 and ROO I'a at a tempera ture of 273 K. 3530 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 60, 1110.11, November 1989 ments are restricted to measurements using a single cell of gas and a blackbody as the radiation source. The equations for the wideband and sideband signals Sw and Ss' respectively, are Sw = G f: oc 7/fpB [v,T(x) ]7cdv, S, =G' f""oo 7f{l"Tp -l'p!)B[v,T(x)]"T cdv. G and G I are the combined radiometric and electronic gains of the wideband and sideband signal channels, 'f is the filter transmission, Ip is the instantaneous pressure modulator cell transmission, and "Tc is the transmission of the test cell. An overbar indicates a time average. Wave number depend encies in all terms have been dropped for clarity. In order to concentrate on the gas properties at the ex pense of the instrumental gains, which are only required to be stable, the ratio SslSw is used, normalized to the empty test cell. This process results in a determination of modula tor "transmissions" which can be compared to calculations. In several cases the value of Sw is only slightly influenced by the term involving the test cell, 7 c' and therefore this term can be considered as being a monitor of the source intensity and the ratio as a method of eliminating the effect of source intensity variations from the experiment. Although for mechanical reasons the test cell used is short, the average pressure and total amount can be made comparable with that of the stratospheric limb path by rais ing the mixing ratio from a typical stratospheric value of 10 -8 to about 0.01-0.1. At concentrations higher than this value the correction to the "infinite dilution" solution for the gas becomes appreciable and requires a detailed knowledge of the "self-broadening coefficient" or equivalently the mag nitudes of the collision-broadened half widths for both self collisions and collisions with the other gases in the mixture, notably N2 and O2, These data are available for some gases, e.g., CO (Ref. 9), but not for all, and may vary considerably from line to line and gas to gas. Thus measurements with pure gas and gas mixtures at various dilutions are required. The technique we have adopted is to inject a sample of pure gas into the transmission cell and then add inert broad ening gas (N2) to increase the total pressure. We have found that extreme care is required to ensure that the gases are uniformly mixed and that the mixture concentration is known and can be duplicated. In the case ofCH20, particu lar care must be taken as the CH20 in the transmission cell must be generated, thus one must be certain that the CH20 gas level is stable prior to mixing in N 2 .10.11 Since all the experimental parameters are known, the instrumental re sults can be compared with the theoretical calculations. Wc have performed this experiment for both CO and CH20 us ing both pure gas and gas/Nz mixtures. 10.11,12 The results of a single CH20/N2 experiment are shown in Fig. 12. VII. ATMOSPHERIC MODELLING The equations that describe the pressure modulator sig nals from an atmospheric path are Pressure modulator 3530 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06T T I I T II rTf -----r---------L-___ 11 I T --.----------.i.. ____ -__ 1._ FIG. 12. Comparison of experimen tal results with GENLEN predic tions for a series of CH20 transmis sion experiments. The solid line represents pure CH20 in the trans mission cell and the dashed lines rep resent cases with fixed amounts of CHoO ( 190, 780, 1620, and 4220 Pa) mixed with N2 ill the transmission cell. Deviation from the calculations can be seen at high amounts, but these are unrealistic for atmospheric soundings. The PMC operated between 2600 Pa and 500 Pa at a temperature of 298 K. The test cell length is 101 mm and the I'MC length is \ 0 mm. 0.8 0.4 0.2 O.OL---~--~~~~~~---L--~~~~~3~--~~~~~~~ 101 102 10 104 Total pressure (Po) S GIW i"" -B[-T( )]dr(O,x)d d-w = 7/Tp v, X X 11 -00 0 dx for the wideband signal and S, = G' f'" r~ 7(( \7 ;-"':'-1'~) -0: Jo XB l v,T(x)] dr~;X) dx dv for the sideband signal. B is the Planck function and T the local temperature along the ray path, x, which goes from zero at the instrument to infinity. r(O,x) is the atmospheric transmission from the instrument to the point x on the path. Because of the complexity of the atmospheric situation the models used to evaluate these integrals are also complex, consisting of a multilayer generalline-by-line emission mod el supplemented by simpler models for rough calculations at higher speed. A discussion of the models used is given else where.D Each of the spectral regions used has a different set of emitting gases and these influence the relationship between the wideband and sideband signal considerably. In particular, both the CH20 wideband and sideband channels appear to be strongly inft.uenced by H20 and 03 and HN03• Their influence is so strong that the CH20 emissions may be masked by them. The carbon monoxide channels are in fluenced by ozone. Ozone accounts for all the wideband sig nal and about 70% of the sideband signal, implying a strong overlap between the ozone and carbon monoxide spectra. In fact, an examination of the spectra reveals an almost exact overlap between the P-branch of the CO spectrum and the 3531 Rev. SCi.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.11, November 1989 4.8-f-lm ozone band which consists of a very large number of weak lines. On the other hand, the methane sideband chan nel appears to be insensitive to the presence ofN20, whereas the wideband is strongly influenced by NzO. I3 VIII. CONCENTRATION PROFILES The concentration profile of carbon monoxide has been determined for the final phase of the Hight of August 8th 1985 which corresponds to late morning. This is shown in Fig. 13. The profile was fitted by first fitting an ozone profile to the wideband signal (the contribution of CO to this signal is negligible), followed by the use of that ozone profile with a CO profile to fit the sideband signal. In both cases a manual iterative scheme was used to match the actual radiance with a computed radiance starting at the top of the atmosphere and working down. The comparison between the final com puted radiance and the actual measurements is shown in Fig. 11. Perfect matching is not obtained and a mismatch around the balloon level is exaggerated by the scaling of Fig. 11 in angle. Profiles with a doser match show unreasonable "noise" as large fluctuations in the concentrations with alti tude, which is physically difficult to reconcile with the long path length used in limb scanning which has a smoothing effect, The errors on this profile are difficult to represent be cause of the interdependence of the radiances from various tangent levels. In order to obtain an estimate of the sensitiv ity of the profile to errors in the radiance, a "truncated spike" of increased concentration, 3 km thick, was intro- Pressure modulator 3531 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06Mixing ratio (v/v) FIG. 13. Carbon monoxide profile for late morning over the southern Cana dian prairies on August 8th i 985. The vertical error bar is the mean thick ness of a truncated triangular spike used to calculate the horizontal error bars. The horizontal error hars represent the magnitude of the spike re quired to change the calculated radiance by one standard deviation. Each error bar was derived independently. duced into the concentration profile. The magnitude of the spike was adjusted so that the calculated radiance chaI1ged by approximately one standard deviation of the measured radiances over the relevant portion of the radiance path. The error is substantially influenced by the magnitude of the un derlying ozone signal and if this were eliminated. the errors would be considerably less. In future flights, it would be advantageous to selectonly the CO R branch as the elimina tion of the ozone signal would more than compensate for the loss of 50% of the signal. Further discussion of the above results and the results from the other channels wiil be presented elsewhere. 13 IX. DISCUSSION The first series of flights of the Toronto Balloon radio meter instrument have provided valuable additional data on 3532 Rev. Sci.lnstrum., Vol. 60, No.11, November 1989 the concentration of carbon monoxide and other carbon components in the stratosphere. It is expected that refine ments of the instrument will allow the precision of the mea surements to be increased and the flexibility of the instru ment will allow it to be rapidly adapted to measure other gases. One such possibility is to equip the instrument to study the time variations of the nitrogen oxides as well as provide a confidence check on the instruments for global measurements of the same gases on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, due for launch in the early 19908. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The TORBAR project is supported by grants from the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Can ada, Atmospheric Environment Service and the Physics De partment, University of Toronto . We would like to thank the workshop staff of the Department of Physics for their assis tance wiih the instrument fabrication, the staff of ADGA systems for their support during the flight preparations of this instrument and the staff of the Canada Center for Space Science for their assistance with instrument preparation and funding of the flight itself. The data presented here were gathered during the 1985 balloon campaign with the assis tance of S. Heggie and R. Cameron. IF. W. Taylor, Pressure Modulator Radiometry, in Vol. III of Spectroscopic Techniques, edited G. A. Vanasse (Academic, New York, 1983). "e. P. Chaloner,J. R. Drummond,J. T. Houghton, R. F. Jamot,and H. K. Roscoe, l'roc. R. Soc. London A 364,145 (1978). 'J. R. Drummond and R. F. Jarnot, Proeo R. Soc. London A 364, 237 (\978). 4J. R. Drummond. J. T. Houghton, G. D. Peskett. e. D. Rodgers. M. J. Wale, J. Whitney, and E. J. Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London A 296, 19 (1980). 'J. R. DrummondandA. Ashton, J. Alrnos. and Oceanic Tech. (in press). oJ. e. Gille and F. B. House, J. Atmos. Sci. 28, 1427 (1971). 'I. R. Drummond, D. Turner, and A. Ashtoll, J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech. 3,9(1986). 'A. E. Murray, Infrared Physics 2,37 (1962). 9'1'. Nakazawa and M. Tanaka, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 28, 471 (1982). ;<lA. G. Ashton. Stratospheric Measurements of CO Concentration, M.Sc. Thesis (Department of Physics, University of Toro11lo, 1985). liD. Turner. Radiometric Measurements of CH,O Concentration, M.Sc. Thesis (Department of Physics, Univel'sity of TO[Qnto. 1983). "'D. Turner, Radiometric Measurements of Stratospheric Trace Gases, Ph.D. Thesis (Department of Physics. University of TOfOnto. 1987). I'D. Turner and J. R. Drummond (unpublished). Pressure modulator 3532 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:23:06
Fluorinated chemistry for highquality, low hydrogen plasmadeposited silicon nitride films ChorngPing Chang, Daniel L. Flamm, Dale E. Ibbotson, and John A. Mucha Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 62, 1406 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.339645 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.339645 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/62/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Effect of hydrogen dilution on the properties and bonding in plasmadeposited silicon nitride J. Appl. Phys. 72, 282 (1992); 10.1063/1.352130 Structure and optical properties of plasmadeposited fluorinated silicon nitride thin films J. Appl. Phys. 63, 2651 (1988); 10.1063/1.341005 Hydrogen content of a variety of plasmadeposited silicon nitrides J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5630 (1982); 10.1063/1.331445 Characterization of plasmadeposited silicon nitride films J. Appl. Phys. 51, 5470 (1980); 10.1063/1.327505 The hydrogen content of plasmadeposited silicon nitride J. Appl. Phys. 49, 2473 (1978); 10.1063/1.325095 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28Fluorinated chemistry for highMquaUty, low hydrogen plasma-deposited silicon nitride films Chorng-Ping Chang, Daniel L. Flamm, Dale E. Ibbotson, and John A Mucha AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 3 February 1987; accepted for publication 10 April 1987) We have developed a low-temperature (S 300 ·C) plasma deposition process to prepare novel fluorine-containing silicon nitride films (p-SiN:F) using SiHcNF3-N2 discharge mix!ure~ at 14 MHz rf applied frequency, The deposition rate can be extremely high, up to 1600 A/mm. Data indicate p-SiN:F has electrical properties (dielectric constant, breakdown strength, resistivity, etc,) which compare favorably to high-temperature, chemieal-vapor-deposited silicon nitride, By controlling the feed chemistry and physical variables of the discharge, a wide variety of film compositions are achieved. Moreover, this chemistry is superior to the only other p-SiN:F which was prepared from a SiF2/SiF4-Hz-N2 feed. Two classes of films were identified as stable or unstable to air exposure and the instability of the films correlated with the atom fraction of fluorine initially incorporated, Infrared, Auger electron, and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy measurements show that low hydrogen concentrations are produced by the introduction offiuorine in the silicon nitride films, More importantly, the concentration of Si-H is extremely low because strong Si-F bonding replaces the weak Si-H bonds that satisfy free Si orbitals found in conventional plasma nitride, and the hydrogen remaining in the film is present as stable N-H bonds. We believe this substitution of silicon bound hydrogen, caused by the gas phase and surface-driven reactions, is a source of superior film properties. The mechanism for this novel discharge chemistry is discussed. I. INTRODUCTION Silicon nitride is the most important plasma-deposited dielectric in integrated circuit technology. While it is mainly used as a passivation coating over silicon integrated circuits, other applications include its use as a gate dielectric for tran sistors, as an insulator between metal levels, as coatings for gallium arsenide circuit technology, and dielectric and anti reflection coatings for solar cells and photoconductors. The main advantage of plasma-deposited silicon nitride over thermal chemical-vapor-deposited nitride is that it can be formed at much lower substrate temperatures, 200-300°C vs 700-900 0c. Plasma-deposited silicon nitride is commonly prepared from SiH4/NH3 or SiH~N2 feed gas mixtures. Although these deposited films are called "silicon nitride," in reality they are amorphous silicon-nitrogen-hydrogen alloys (p SiN:H), not the stoichiometric compound Si3N4• As a con sequence, these p-SiN:H alloys exhibit inferior electrical properties and resistance to chemical attack. It is understood that hydrogen in p-SiN:H can be a source of instability in MOS devices, I Hydrogen atoms in a p-SiN:H capping layer may slowly diffuse into gate or field oxide below and create traps. It has also been suggested that Si-H bonds act as traps in the silicon nitride; this would be a serious problem for its use as a gate dielectric. Hence there is great interest in minimizing the hydrogen content of p SiN:H, or at least avoiding the harmful effects ofSi-H. Fujita et al. 2-4 attempted to minimize the hydrogen con tent by substituting SiF4/N2 for SiH4/NZ in the plasma de position of p-SiN (p-SiN:F). However, they found negligible deposition for SiF 4/N 2 unless H2 was added to the feed, and even then the deposition rate was very low (100-150 A/ min). These films had less nitrogen than stoichiometric ni tride, and there was always an appreciable amount of oxygen in the film (the source of oxygen was unclear). Nevertheless, in many ways the quality of these films appeared to be supe rior to conventional p-SiN :H. In an attempt to increase the deposition rate and im prove film characteristics, Fujita et aI.3,4 also prepared films by using SiF4 that was prereacted with Si at 1165 °C to form SiF2• It was reasoned that since SiF2 is more reactive than SiF4, it would give a higher deposition rate. Films prepared with SiF2 rather than SiF4 did in fact have higher deposition rates; deposition was possible without added hydrogen, and the films had less hydrogen and oxygen. However, a process based on this technique would be difficult to control. When prereactor temperature is increased (> 1000 ·C) to obtain acceptable SiF2 production rates, the effluent composition becomes a complex function of residence time, temperature, and dilution. Moreover, the SiF 4/Si disproportionation re action is known to deactivate and SiF2 concentration de clines as polymeric SiFz deposits accumulate on the inlet tubing walls and on all reactor surfaces. Independently, we realized that one way to minimize or avoid the problems associated with hydrogen in p-SiN might be to minimize the use of hydrogen-bearing reagents as reac tants. Furthermore, the voluminous literature on fluorinat ed amorphous smeons suggests that incorporation of flu orine into such films might lend stability and reduce free dangling bonds (traps). For these reasons we decided to use NF 3 as a nitrogen carrier in place of ammonia. We are aware of only one other attempt to use NF3 for deposition6 (by thermal chemical vapor deposition) and these researchers failed in an attempt to deposit silicon nitride. Of course NF3 will liberate large quantities of fluorine in a plasma, which is 1406 J. Appl. Phys. 62 (4). 15 August 1987 0021-8979/87/161406-10$02.40 © 1987 American Institute of Physics 1406 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28an etchant for silicon and both thermal and plasma-deposit ed silicon nitride. The gas-phase concentration of free flu orine can, however, be controlled either by the addition of unsaturated compounds, by adding a source of hydrogen or by dilution. Following this theme, avoiding hydrogen-con taining reagents entirely would be one way to eliminate hy drogen from the p-SiN films. In preliminary experiments we attempted to deposit p SiN from NF3/SiC!4/N2/He mixtures. This experiment turned up an unexpected difficulty. While it has been com monly believed that Cl and Cl2 at moderate temperatures do not etch undoped silicon at appreciable rates, we found that at ;(; 200 ·C the thermal reaction with CI/Clz from SiCl4 de composition would sometimes etch our silicon substrates. The reaction between Cl atoms and undoped Si at ;(; 200 °C without ion bombardment, has recently been verified down stream of a Cl2 discharge.? Conceivably this might be over come by using unsaturates or hydrogen to reduce free Cl in the discharge,8 or by using feed bearing a lower atom frac tion of Cl; we elected instead to study the NF,/SiH4/N2 system first. It is well known that a variety of plasma parameters can drastically alter the nature of plasma-deposited films. Be sides feed composition, temperature, discharge frequency and power are primary variables, High temperature ordinar ily favors denser, more stable films with lower hydrogen con tent,9 but post-growth annealing of low-temperature films brings about densification and some hydrogen removal. Films deposited at low rf excitation frequency ( ~ 1 MHz) are usually under compressive stress while films deposited at high frequency (10-20 MHz) are tensile. Film stress is gen erally not altered by post-growth annealing. At low frequen cy, sheath potentials are high and the growing films are sub jected to high-energy ion bombardment. 10 Ion bombardment can enhance surface diffusion and induce cross linking. Hence these parameters must be varied to de termine the potential value of a feed stoichiometry. We report on films deposited from NF3/SiH4/N2 mix tures at 14 MHz and briefly mention deposition results using this feed mixture in low-frequency plasmas, and other low hydrogen feed stoichiometries that we have explored. These films exhibit electrical and optical properties that compare favorably to thermal chemical-vapor-deposition silicon ni tride. Test devices capped with this material show minimal threshold shifts after accelerated aging in the presence of moisture. The mechanism for film formation is discussed. II. EXPERIMENT A. Deposition system The deposition flow system is shown in Fig. 1. The reac tor was a modified Plasma Technology, Ltd. parallel plate unit. A 28.S-em Ld. X II-em-tall glass ring separated the two electrodes, The electrode spacing, set for these experiments at 3.7 em, is adjustable by changing the height of the support legs of the lower electrode that are exposed to the reactor through O-ring seals. Its 24.0-cm-diam aluminum lower electrode had an embedded resistance heater and could be operated as high as 370°C. However, the typical operating temperature in most experiments was 300 ·C. Gas was fed 1407 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.4, 15 August 1987 OM.t\ I--- II + T,C.lHEATER EXHAUST MASS SPEC FIG. L Schematic ofthe modified Pla.~ma Technology, Ltd, parallel plate reactor used inp-SiN:F experiments, from a 6.6-cm-diam "showerhead" centered on the water cooled 26.6-cm-diam upper electrode. Nz and Ar used in these experiments had a stated purity better than 99.998%, while the NF3 purity (Air Products) was 98.0%, and SiH4 (Air Products) was "semiconductor grade" with a purity of about 99.8%. Typically, deposition was done at a high dilution, with very low [SiH4]1rN2J and [NF311[N21 ratios in the feed (-0.01-0.05). The [NF311 [SiH4] ratio ranged from ~O.O to 3.0. Small amounts of argon were added as a reference for optical emission actino metry. 11 The total ftow rate of feed gas was commonly about 220 seem, and total pressures between 0.2 and 1.2 Torr were studied. rf power at 14 MHz was provided by a Heathkit DXlOOB transmitter or a Plasmatherm HFS SOOE. Output power was between 50 and 2S0 W, corresponding to -0.11- 0.55 W Icm2 on the lower electrode, A PI matching network was used to drive the reactor and a Bird model 4382 watt meter with 50-and 250-W sensors monitored power input to the network. rf power at 200 kHz was supplied by an HP 65 IE oscillator driving an EN! 1140LA amplifier, At low frequency matching was done with a multiple-tap balun transformer. The voltage-current-dynamic power characteristics of the discharge were also directly monitored. rf voltage was measured with a 100 X oscilloscope probe connected to the upper electrode. The lower electrode was insulated from the reactor chassis, and grounded through a copper braid which passed through a Pearson current probe to monitor the rf current. A wideband multiplying oscilloscope (Phillips PM- 3265, 100 MHz bandwidth) was used to display both signals and the instantaneous power (the product of the two sig nals). In a typical experiment using 5 sccm SiH4, 2 sccm NF3, 10 sccm Ar, and 200 scem N2, a 120-W, 14-MHz discharge at 0.5 Torr total pressure sustained an applied rfvoltage of 250 V (peak-to-peak) and 3.0 A (peak-to-peak) discharge current. The current led the voltage by 70°, hence the dis charge was mainly capacitive. NF 3 added to an SiH4-N 2 dis charge at constant power and pressure lowers the rf voltage and current~ 10% and makes the discharge somewhat more resistive. In appearance, the discharge with NF3 is better confined between the upper and lower electrodes, and opti cal emission is more intense, Changetaf. 1407 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28Emission spectra from the discharge were taken with an optical multichannel analyzer (Princeton Applied Research model 1205 with Jarrell-Ash O.3-m polychromator) inter faced to an Integrated Solutions 68010 computer system running Unix™. Spectra were collected, transmitted, and stored under computer control. A mass spectrometer (EAI model 1200 quadrupole) was used to sample the discharge effluent from a downstream "flow-by" loop. B. Film properties determination Substrates used in these experiments were 3-in.-diam p type 8i (100) wafers cleaved into smaller pieces. In addition, films were deposited on Ti-coated Si wafers for electrical properties determination. A typical sample was a quarter wafer and was masked by a smaller piece of substrate. The film thickness and the deposition rate were determined by measuring the step change at the masked-unmasked inter face. The step height was measured with a Sloan Dektak II stylus. In addition, the film thickness was also measured with a Nanometrics Nanospec/AFT microarea gauge using optical interferometry, By matching thickness between these two measurements, the refractive index of the film can be estimated. Transmission infrared spectra of the samples were taken with a Nicolet lODX Fourier transform infrared spectrom eter (FTIR). For each sample, two spectra were taken through the (unmasked area) deposited film plus Si and through the bare 8i (masked area). The difference between the two gave the spectrum of the film alone. The presence of Si-H and N-H bonds in a p-SiN film can be detected from infrared OR) absorption peaks corre sponding to the Si-H bond at 2170 cm-1 and N-H peak at 3350 cm-I. The number of bonds per unit volume can be determined by n = (108IK)(A It) cm-J, (1) where A is the area under the absorbance peak, t is the film thickness in A, and K is the absorption coefficient, equal to 7.8X 10-18 cm2 for the Si-H bond and 5.3X 10-18 cm2 for the N-H bond. 12 In conventional p-SiN films, the total hy drogen content would be the sum of the Si-H and the N-H concentrations. Applying IR to the determination of hydro gen in some films is tenuous and may tend to overestimate the H content. For example, in some of these experiments absorption bands near 1430 and 725 cm-I were evident in the IR spectrum, suggesting that -NH2 and NH/ may con tribute to the N-H stretching regionl3 [forming a broad peak Llv> 200 cm-1 J at about 3300 em-I. In addition, sur face hydrolysis ofSi-F bonds (vida infra) to form -OH may contribute to the NH absorption peaks, While it is difficult to determine the hydrogen content corresponding to these overlapping peaks, we have calculated the N-H bond con centration and total hydrogen concentration for those sam ples that did not exhibit absorptions at 1430 and 725 cm -!. The proportions ofSi, N, and F in selected films were mea sured by Rutherford backscattering (RBS), and the depth profiles of some films were obtained from sputter-Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Ti dots were evaporated through a shadow mask over 1408 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62. No.4, 15 August 1987 the film deposited on Ti-coated Si wafers. Using the mea sured capacitance between two dots, the capacitance and dielectric constant of the film can be obtained, These mea surements were done on a Hewlett-Packard 4192A low-fre quency (5 Hz-13 MHz) impedance analyzer. Current-vol tage characteristics of the film were taken with a Hewlett-Packard 4145A semiconductor parameter analyzer to determine the breakdown strength, resistivity, and pres ence of deep traps. The optical absorption edge was measured by spectro photometry for selected films deposited on sapphire sub strates. In these measurements the photon energy at which the absorption coefficient a = 104 em -I was equated to the absorption edge. Finally, we measured the etch rate of the film in 7:1 buffered HF [7 parts NH4F(40%):1 part liF (49%) solu tion] which etches thermal Si02 at 800 A/min. III. RE5UL 15 AND DISCUSSION A. Deposition rate and refractive index Depending on operating conditions, the deposition rate of the p-SiN:F was typically 400-1000 A/min with some rates as high as 1600 Almin (2.7 nm/s). We will refer to nominal deposition conditions as 120-W applied rf power at 14 MHz, 0.2-0.5 Torr, 300°C electrode temperature, 200 scem N2• and small additions ofSiH4 and NF3• We observed that the rate increases with increasing [NF)V[SiH41 ratio in the feed. Film growth using 1: 1 [NF 3] / [SiH4] is a factor of -2--4 faster than deposition without NF 3 in the feed gas. Increasing the ratio of [SiH4]1[Nz] in the feed also leads to higher deposition rates. For example, at [NF3]1[SiH41 of 1 :2.5 the deposition rate increases from 400 to 850 A/min by increasing [SiH4]![N2] from 1 % to 2.5%. The deposition rate increases 20%-50% as total pressure increases from 0.2 to 1.2 Torr, diminishes very slightly as substrate tempera ture is raised (200 to 300 ·C), and increases with applied rf power. For example, the deposition rate roughly doubles from 500 to 1100 Almin as applied rf power is increased from 50 to 250 W, but it is nearly constant with substrate temperature, as shown in Fig. 2. Deposition conditions for the data presented in Fig. 2 are P = 0.5 Torr and reactant feed rates SiH4/NF3/N2 = 5:2:200 seem, The current deposition rates are up to 3-10 times higher than literature9•14 values for the deposition of conventional p-SiN:H using similar reactant ratios. Moreover, the current deposition rates are 6-10 times faster than the p-SiN:F de posited by Fujita et al.2" from SiF2/SiF4-H2-N2 discharges, even though we used only about half as much power and less than half the power density (W I cm 2). The refractive index (n) of near-stoichiometric (Sil N ~ 1) p-SiN:F films in these experiments, ranged from 1.8 to 2,2. n decreased with total pressure at constant feed com position and flow rate, and with increasing [NF3]1[SiH4J feed gas ratios, or with decreasing [SiH4]1[N2] ratios at constant total pressure and flow rate. This latter trend has been widely reported. Film densities ranged from 2.6 to 2.8 g/cm3 which compare with 1.8-3.2 g/cm3 for p-SiN:H. For a given SiiN ratio (as determined by RBS analyses), our p SiN:F films consistently have a lower refractive index than conventional p-SiN:H, which is probably an effect of flu- Chang eta!. 1408 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28f500r-------------------------------~ '" ·S "-• ..: 1000 A '" 250W w !;:[ ll: 0 Z Cl 120W 0 1= (j) 500 0 0 0 0 0 50W a. III 0 0 200 250 300 350 400 T. ·C FIG. 2. Deposition rate of p-SiN:F as a function of electrode temperature at 50,120, and 250 W applied rfpower (14 MHz), P ~o 0.5 Torr, and reactant feed rates SiH./NF 3/N2 = 5:2:200 secm. orine incorporation in the film. Fujita et al.4 reported even lower refractive indices, 1.6-1.8, consistent with larger amounts of fluorine in their class II films (see Sec. HI B). B. Film composition Equilibria between a SiHcN2-NF3 feed, solid Si3N4, and gas-phase products including fiuorosilanes, HF, H2, N2, and NH3, strongly favor Hz and SiF4 when [SiH4]! [NFd S 1 in the feed. As [SiH4V[NF3J is increased, the product distribution shifts to H2, SiH4, and fluorosi.lanes (SiH.~Fy, x + y = 4). Feed composition changes have a roughly parallel effect on gaseous plasma products and the p-SiN:F film composition-when fluorine content of the feed is high enough, Si-N, Si-F, and N-H bonds are detect ed in the film with SiE~ and Hz present in the gas phase. Si-H bonding appears in the deposited films when NF3 additions are small. Thermodynamically, at least, fluorine diminishes Si-H bonding by substituting Si-F bonds, but does not re duce the concentration of H2 in the gas phase. Significantly, the effect ofN2 additions to the feed does not conform to this analogy between thermodynamics and plasma kinetics. Modest nitrogen additions drastically alter the thermody namic equilibria, while plasma-enhanced film growth is in sensitive to Nz. We believe the reason is that Nz decomposi tion reactions are kinetically slow in the plasma, hence mole-for-mole N2 is an ineffective source of nitrogen for film growth. The AES and the RES analyses show two general classes of film composition. Class I films have a NISi ratio in the range of -0.8-1.2 and a F/Si ratio ~0.2-O.5. In class I films some oxygen is observed on the surface, but oxygen concen tration drops below the detectable limit within a few hundred A of the surface. The surface OISi ratio varies from 0.2 to 0.6. Typically, class I films were deposited with a lower [NF3]1 [SiH4] ratio (S: 1) at short residence time ( 'TEL = 50 ms based on the volume subtended by the elec trodes) and low total pressure (PSO.2 Torr). Films that were deposited from high [NF3]1(SiH 4] ra tio (;;;.2) feeds andlor at long residence time ('TEL> 0.3 s, P> 1.2 Torr) were unstable in air "as deposited." This film 1409 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62. No.4, 15 August 1987 composition type, which we call "class II" showed, for ex ample, NISi s: 0.7 and a high F/Si ratio ( ~ 0.5) when ana lyzed by RBS immediately after deposition. RBS analysis after exposure to the ambient showed Si, substantial 0, and reduced F and N. Moreover, when class II films were ex posed to the ambient atmosphere continuously, IR spectra showed a gradual composition change in which fluorine and nitrogen in the film were replaced by oxygen. This change continued for several days until. oxygen was incorporated throughout the bulk of the film. In some extreme cases, the final film stoichiometry was close to SiOl with little F and N. Sometimes, on the ambient-exposed samples, there was 11 frosty, water soluble film visible which we believe is (NH4hSiF6•15 Both composition changes could be accelerated by ex posure to water or moist air. The silicon in the nitride con tains too high a degree of -Si-F bonding to be stable to oxida tion or hydrolysis. These class n films probably contain frequent sequences of -SiFz-(SiFz)x groups in the nitride polymer, and it is well known that SiF2 oligimers and poly mers are converted to Si02 by oxygen and moisture.lo•l7 In fact, fluorine additions have been used to increase the rate of high-temperature thermal oxidationl8 (added as NF,) and low-temperature plasma oxidation 19 of silicon. Presumably these latter processes proceed by first forming a chemisorbed SiF2-like layer which is more readily oxidized. Although the detailed replacement reactions are uncertain at this point, the overall reactions may proceed as O2 + -SiF2-SiF2 -(s) --SiFz -O-SiF2 -(8) ( + F2SiO), (2a) (2b) which will cause nitrogen to be removed via -Si-NH, + nHF -> {-SiF-+ NH4F (2c) - -SiF2-+ NH3 ' and form (NH4) 2SiF 6 by reaction with the ambient -[SiFz-SiF2]-+ 2NH3--Si-+ SiF4'2NH3, (2d) H,O SiF4'NH3 -> (NH4)2SiF6 + :5102 + NH4F. (2e) Possibly class II films initially contain groups such as ~Si-NFH ~Si-NF (3) / / 2 which are unstable. These NF groups, if present, cleave and migrate to the surface where NH4F and (NH4}zSiF6 are formed in the presence of moisture. We believe that film stability is mainly determined by the initial bonding and microstructure of the film, rather than F content per se. p-SiN:H films deposited at 300°C with a FIN ratio below 0.5 appeared to be stable to air and water exposure--only surface oxidation was observed. Figure 3 shows IR spectra of a stable film immediately following de position and 12 days later. For comparison, the IR spectra of an unstable film, shown in Fig. 4, reflect a drastic composi tion change with time. Figure 4 also shows that water rinsing an exposed unstable film causes a large decrease in the 3330, 1430, and 725 cm-1 absorbance peaks, which intensify dur- Chang etal. 1409 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28CLASS I FILM I (b I: (01 3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 1800 1400 1000 600 WAVENUMBER (em-I) FIG. 3. Infrared absorbance spectra of a class I stable p-SiN:P film (a) immediately after deposition and (b) after 12 days air exposure. The mm was deposited from a feed ofSiH 4/NF,/N2 = 2:1:200 seem at 0.2 Torr us ing 120 W of 14 MHz power and 300"C substrate temperature. ing air exposure, and are attributed to (NH4)2SiF6. 15 Fluoro-nitride films reported by Fujita et al.2.-4 consis tently contained appreciable concentrations of oxygen (01 Si~O.1-0.3), generally had low NISi ratios (0.5-0.8), and a high initial F/Si ratio (0.7-0.9); that is, they were all class II. These investigators believed that oxygen in the films came from the walls of their reactor and was incorporated during growth.2•3 Although their feed chemistry and depo sition conditions were different from the present study, the instability of class II films provides strong evidence that the oxygen in their films was actually incorporated after depo~ sition. Fluorine is incorporated into class I films even when only 0.5% ofNF3 is added to the feed gas. Figure 5 summar izes the dependence of the NISi and the F lSi ratios in the p- ::j <i. IoU U z <t CLASS II FILM ~ RINSED WITH WATER o if) '" <f AFTER DEPOSITION t < 1 h' , Si-K 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 WAVENIJM8ERS (em -1) FIG. 4. Infrared absorbance spectra of a class II unstable film. From bottom to top in the figure: (1) immediately after deposition, (2) after 18 h expo sure to moisture, and (3) after rinsing in Dl water. The film wa, deposited from a feed ofSiH./NF/N2 = 4:5:200 seem at 0.5 Torr using 120 W of 14 MHz power and 200°C substrate temperature. 1410 J. AppL Phys" Vol. 62, No.4, 15 August 1967 \.0 0 ~ '" u ~ !i (ij " 0.5 ..... Ui "-:z ~ 0.0 0 O,Q o NISi F/S; o It 1.0 FIG. 5. F lSi and NISi atomic ratios in p-SiN:F films deposited as a function of NF3/SiH. feed ratio. Flowrates of SiR. and N2 were 25 and 200 seem, respectively, with depositions doneatO.2 Torr, 120W, 14 MHz, and 300 'c. SiN:F films on the [NF3]1[SiH4] ratio in the feed gas for NISi -1. The NISi ratio decreases and the F lSi ratio in creases with increasing [NF3)1[SiH4] ratio. Since depo sition was done at high dilution ([SiH4]![N2] and [NF3]/ [Nz] < 0.05), this is attributable to fluorine from NFx radi cal species displacing Si-N bonds in favor of Si-F bonding (see Sec. III E). When [NF 31/ [ SiR.] is held fixed and the [NF 3] / [N 2] ratio is raised (that is, going into a less diluted regime), both NISi and F/Si increase slightly. Thus, N in corporation may be primarily due to NF3, not N2 in the discharge, but the F lSi ratio must be controlled to minimize competition with and displacement ofSi-N bonding. The most "stoichiometric" p-SiN film reported by Fu jita et a/,3 had F/Si-O.3, N/Si-I.3, and 0/5i-0.l, with a deposition rate of only 80 A/min. By contrast, our class I oxygen-free p-SiN:F film was routinely deposited at better than 500 .A/min. Moreover, by adjusting the deposition pa rameters, the SiH4/NFJ/N2 chemistry can be manipulated to select from a wide range of oxygen contents (O/Si-O.O- 1.9). We note that our class II oxygen-containing films ex hibited current-voltage response instability, although the electrical properties reported by Fujita et al. were excellent.4 The Si-H bond concentration, calculated from the ab sorbance peak area using Eq. (1), decreases with increasing [NF3]1[SiH41 ratio in the feed gas. In some cases, the Si-H concentration was below the limit of detectability (~1 X 1021 cm-3). For example, with high substrate tem peratures (320°C), nearly equal flows of NF3 and SiH4 ([NF3]1[SiH4] ~ 1) and low [SiH4]1[N2](-0.0l), the deposited film showed no detectable Si-H bonding. Si-H is easily suppressed by a factor of 2 (compared to our p-SiN:H films) using.an [NF3]1[SiH4] ratio of 0.6. Fujita et al. achieved a similar Si-H bond diminution, which they felt was one of the main reasons for superior electrical proper ties.4 By comparison, a typical plasma-deposited p-SiN:H nitride film has an Si-H concentration of about 1 X 1022 cm-:'. Hydrogen present as N-H in the films was estimated Chang etal. 1410 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28to range from 1.2 X 1021 to l. 3 X 1022 cm -.; based on the IR N-H absorbance peaks. The N-H concentration tends to increase with the [NF,]I(SiH4] ratio and total pressure. We observed the Si-N absorbance peak near 840 cm--1 for p-SiN:H films deposited without NF 3 additions. How ever, as NF3 was added, the Si-N peak broadened and shift ed to higher wave numbers, 870-920 em-I. The Si-N peak shift is probably caused by bound fluorine and we expect the broad peak to include contributions from Si-N and Si-F (and even Si-O in some cases). Recalling Fig. 4, we can identify the Si-F absorption peak around 930 crn-I and Si o at 1080 em -l. The Si-H peak is also shifted to a higher wave number by fluorine, whereas the N-H peak merely becomes broader. Figure 6 compares IR spectra of films with and without fluorine incorporation and Table I shows how these peaks shift and broaden with increasing [NFl] / [SiR,] . The infrared data confirm the effectiveness offiuorine in reducing the hydrogen content of the nitride films. Optical emission spectra in the 600-800 nrn region exhibit promi nent bands from Nz (first positive) and atomic hydrogen (656.2 nm); however, within our sensitivity limit, no emis sion from atomic fluorine (703.7 nm) was detectable. The intensity of the hydrogen line relative to an Ar emission line at 696.5 nm showed a maximum at an [NF3]1[SiH4] ratio of 1. Mass spectra of the effluent showed that more than 97% ofthe SiH4 and NF3 in the feed were converted to prod ucts. Although the detailed mechanism and identity of active species are still in doubt, the overall results suggest that film formation involves deposition of SiFx and SiHx species which undergo further reaction with NFx and NH". In the case of class I films, the hydrogenated and fl.uorinated spe cies are available in comparable amounts and can react to CLASS I FILMS 3800 3400 3000 2600 2200 1800 ';AVENUIilBERS \cm-1) FI Q. 6. Infrared absorbance spectra of class r p-SiN:F film (top curve) film deposited from SiH4/N2 (lower curve). Note the Si-N peak shift caused by the presence of bound fluorine. Deposition conditions were 200 W of 14 MHz power, 320 'c substrate temperature, and a feed composition SiRt/ N2 = 2.5:200 seem at 0.25 Torr (lower curve), with 2.5 seem NF, added to grow p-SiN:F (top curve). 1411 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.4, 15 August 1987 TABLE I. IR peak positions and peak widths. [NF,/lSiH 41 feed ratio o 0.2 1.0 SiN Vp(ll.v1I2)crn-' 832(202} 881 (213) 901(221 ) SiR vp(ll.vl/?)cm-· , 2184(108) 2239(108) 2256(105) NH vp(ll.vllolcm-' 3367(76) 3373(86) 3373(l04 ) produce nearly Si-H free, low-fluorine films. For class II films, the system is fluorine rich and extensive SiF2 networks are probable. These films continue to be reactive after depo sition. Similar behavior has been observed for SiF2 films de posited downstream from a high-temperature, SiF 4/Si reac tor. 16 The RBS and AES analyses also tend to support the formation ofSiFx from NF 3 additions, as might be anticipat ed from equilibrium calculations (see above). c. Electrical and optical properties p-SiN:H films have superior electrical properties. Fujita et al.4 reported that typical p-SiN:F films had breakdown strengths of (5-10 MV/cm) and resistivity (1014_1016 n em) similar to high-temperature, chemical-vapor-depos ited Si3N4, while the dielectric constant was somewhat lower (4--6). By comparison, good p-SiN:H films have a break down strength ranging from 1 to 6 MV /em, a resistivity from _106 to 1015 n em, and dielectric constants from 6 to 8.9 More importantly, the reported deep trap density and optical absorption edge of the p-SiN:F films were also com parable to high-temperature Si3N4.4 Both Si dangling bonds, which increase in number when the N/Si ratio is less than the stoichiometric value of 1.33, and the high volumetric density of Si-H bonds are commonly associated with the inferior properties ofp-SiN:H.2.4 The superior properties of p-SiN:F have been attributed to fluorine passivation of Si dangling bonds and a lower concentration of Si-H." We have performed extensive electrical characteriza tions of the p-SiN:F films deposited from SiH4-NF3-N2 us ing a metal-nitride-silicon structure for capacitance-voltage measurements, and a metal-nitride-metal-silicon structure for capacitance -frequency and dc current voltage character istics, Film thicknesses ranged from 1000 to 2500 A. The maximum de voltage of the analyzer was 100 V, which limit ed the maximum electrical field strength. We plan to study the electrical film properties in more detail after further ex ploring the effect of discharge variables and chemistry. Tests of selected samples showed a typical breakdown strength around 4 MV /em, and resistivity between 1014 and 1016 !l cm. The dielectric constant of typical class I films is about 4-6, which compares with 6-7 for thermal Si)N4, and it decreased 5%-15% in going from 100 Hz to 10 MHz. By contrast, p-SiN:H usually exhibits a -40% decrease in the dielectric constant between ! kHz and 1 MHz. The films we tested were almost totally ohmic up to breakdown in I-V scans. The absence of Frenkel-Poole emission seems to sug gest much lower trap center densities than p-SiN:F films reported elsewhere.4 Class II films (with a significant oxy~ gen content, O/Si > 0.6) had lower breakdown strength and lower resisitivity ( < 1013 n cm). Chang etal. 1411 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28The optical absorption edges of selected films were mea sured by spectrophotometry. OUf p-SiN:H films nominally give an absorption edge of3 eV, which compares with ~ 3-4 e V reported for conventional p-SiN :H.9 The absorption edge measured depends on the amount offiuorine incorporated in the film. For [NF3]1[SiH41-1, for example, the absorp tion edge increases to > 5 e V, as high as 5.6 e V. This is better than absorption edges reported for high-temperature chemi cal vapordepositedSi}N4 (-S.2eV). Fujita4 reported lower absorption edges for p-SiN:F fi1ms (4.9-5.2 eV), however, these values are not directly comparable because they esti mated absorption edges using an extrapolation procedure. D. Buffered HF etch rate (BHFER) The buffered HF etch rate (BHFER) of p-SiN:F was much higher than p-SiN:H. Other workers report a BHFER of p-SiN:H between 20 and 400 A/min, increasing with hy drogen content9 The BHF etch rate for our class I films varied between 300 and 2000 A/min, while the class II films etched at more than 2000 A/min. By contrast, film deposit ed without NF 3 in the feed etched only about 30-100 A/min. Figure 7 shows how the BHFER increases with [NF 3]/ [SiH4). Conversely, the BHFER decreases with Si-H con centration in contrast to the general behavior of p-SiN:H films. II We believe that the densities ofN-H and Si-H groups in conventional p-SiN:H increase hand in hand, and that the correlation of BHFER with Si-H is a consequence of reac tions similar to Eq. (2c). It is obvious that the high BHFER is related to fluorine in the film. This might be anticipated since the substitution ofSi-X bonds (X = halogen) for Si-H bonds in polysilanes lowers the intrinsic Si-Si backbone bond energy, which is related to reactivity.20 Hence the decrease in BHFER with [Si-H] is the result of an inverse relationship behveen [Si-H] and [5i-F] in the films. We believe there is a strong possibility that a halogen discharge would etchp-SiN:F se lectively over silicon dioxide. Coupled with other superior properties, this could make p-SiN:F a desirable passivation layer for gate oxide. "oo~ 0 0 0 0 .S f ~ 0< '" '" "-:: '" 100 0 0 10L--J----------~ ________ L_~ 0.0 1.0 FIG. 7. Buffered HF etch rate ofp-SiN:F as a function ofNF,/SiH4 ratio. 1412 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.4, i 5 August 1987 E. Mechanisms At first glance, one might expect free fluorine atoms from NF3 dissociation to abstract hydrogen from SiHx spe cies, and combine with Hand H2 to form highly stable HF. This would reduce the hydrogen available for film incorpo ration. However, as pointed out, the data and analyses indi cate a more complex interaction in which H2 is one of the stable reaction products, and Si-H in the deposited nitride arises from incomplete removal of hydrogen from trapped -SiHx moieties. In Sec. III B we pointed out a loose analogy between gas phase equilibria and the effect offtuorine on film composition. However, while modest Nz additions drastical ly alter the equilibria, plasma-enhanced film growth is insen sitive to changes in [N2]. We believe the reason is that N2 decomposition reactions are kinetically slow in the plasma, hence mole-for-mole N 2 is an ineffective source of nitrogen for film growth. While there is not enough information to propose detailed elementary reactions, we have been able to formulate a general scheme which explains the effects offeed composition on the nitride film stoichiometry and proper ties. A variety of information is taken into account. First, studies ofconventionalp-SiN:H deposition (e.g., from SiH4 and NH3) show that SiH4 is rapidly decomposed into hydro gen (H,H2) and Si:Hx radicals, and that the degree ofSi:H4 decomposition is insensitive to other species (e.g., NH" ).21 Second, no emission from atomic fluorine was observed in the present studies, which suggests the steady-state fluorine atom concentration is very low. Third, adding SiH4 to a N2/ NF 3 discharge decreased the HF peak intensity observed in our downstream mass spectrometer. By contrast, the con centration of SiF4 in the effluent increased with SiH4 addi tions. Fourth, raising the proportion of [NF3]![SiH41 be yond about 1 caused too highly fluorinated, unstable, class II films to form. Long residence times favored this trend too. Fifth, for many of our films, particularly for the most stoi chiometrically stable films (closest to Si3N 4)' hydrogen is mainly or entirely bonded to nitrogen, while fluorine is mainly or entirely bonded to silicon. Finally, NF3 greatly enhances the nitride deposition rate over SiH4/NZ mixtures and gives favorable deposition rates compared with conven tional SiH4/NH3/N2 deposition reported in the literature, These facts and consideration of the relative bond ener gies and thermodynamics (Table II) lead to the proposed mechanism. The initial reaction steps involve the dissocia tion of silane by electron impact, (4) and H in turn causes rapid decomposition of NF3: H + NF3-+NF2 + HF. (5) Either by elementary reactions or overall, NF2 and NF3 react with SiHx forming fluorosilyJ and N-H groups. Pre cursors may form by thermodynamically favorable direct reactions and rearrangement [which appear to occur during thermal chemical vapor deposition from NH3/SiH4 (Ref. 22) ], Chang etai. 1412 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28TABLE II. Selected bond energies. Energy Bond (kcallmole) Reference H-F 136 23 H-H 104 23 N"",N 226 23 NH2-H 104 24 NH-H 95 24 NF2NF-F 71 24 NFrF 57 24 H2N-NH2 38 24 H2N-NOz 67 24 SiF3-F 144 25 SiFz-F 136 25 SiF-F 153 25 Si-N (a·Si3N4) 79 23 Si-O(quartz) III 23 SiH,-H 92 26 SiHz-H 72 26 SiH-H 76 26 SizH,-H 89 27 H,Si-SiH3 77 27 F-P 38 23 {HX _ n F m Si-NF y._ m Hn SiHx + NFy -> or Hx. n 2FmSi-NFy_mH" + H2 for instance, {SiFH+ NFH NF2 + SiR2-" or SiFH2NF SiH4 + NFr-.F2SiNH 2 + H2, , (6) (7) (8) or by reaction of HF, formed by abstraction, with silylene. For example, fSiH3F 8iRz + HP ..... t· or SiFH + Hz. (9) The key point to note is that while H-F and Si-F bonds have about the same enthalpy of formation, the H-H bond is fa vored over Si-H (see Table II). Hence hydrogen originally bound to SiH4 can be removed from the system as Hz, and excess fluorine can be eliminated as SiF4, the most stable silicon-and fl.uorine-containing molecule here. Similarly, N-H bond formation is much more exothermic than N-F, so exchange reactions in which hydrogen replaces fluorine on a nitrogen molecule are favored. By contrast to silicon, the N-Si and N-H bond energies are stronger than N-F. Hence available free hydrogen and sHyl radicals in the dis charge can convert N-F to N-H. At present we have no way to distinguish between gas phase and surface driven reactions involving these bonds. That is, conversion ofSi-H to Si-F and N-F to N-H could also proceed on the surface. For example, hydrogen abstrac tion by NF followed by recombination can effectively trans fer hydrogen to nitrogen. 1413 J, Appl. Phys" Vol. 62, No.4, 15 August 1987 NF + H H " ./ Si / " N N --H F " ./ N H " / 51 ./ " N N ( lOa) Similarly, silylene insertion into N-F bonds can transfer flu orine to silicon: + -- (lOb) while thermal or ion-induced migration may account for si multaneous transfer -- ( We) and cross linking -- ( lOd) The specifics of elementary reactions, the radicals involved, and whether surface or volumetric atom exchange domi nates remain open questions. Compared to SiH4, strongly bonded N 2 is difficult to dissociate by electron impact, and we expect ground state N2 to be unreactive toward silanes, Hand NF x radicals. The role of ammonia in conventional SiH4/NH3 p-SiN:H depo sition is to supply "reactive nitrogen" for film growth and NFJ serves the same purpose in the present chemistry. Hence it is likely that a large proportion of the nitrogen in our films originates from the NF3, rather than the Nz bath gas. Smaller amounts of N from Nz probably supply "make up" nitrogen in the most stoichiometric films. There is a crucial distinction between NF3 in this chem istry and NH3 used with SiH4 to make conventional p SiN:H. Besides being a source of reactive nitrogen, NF3 also carries the fluorine that replaces Si-H bonds with Si-F bonds in the growing nitride film. This presents a limitation, since the ratio of reactive nitrogen to fluorine is fixed (at 1: 3 ) by the atomic composition ofNF3: for a given SiH~ flow, the proportion of available nitrogen cannot be increased without also increasing gas-phase fluorine. When there is a high con centration of gas-phase fluorine, silyl and siIylene radicals become more fluorinated (either homogeneously or perhaps by fluorination of dangling bonds as the film grows), (SiF2)x segments are incorporated into the film, and fiu orine competes excessively with nitrogen-silicon bond for mation. This results in highly fluorinated, class II films. These concepts account for the formation of class I or class II films, and can be extended to other feed gases and Chang eta!. 1413 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:27:28their effects on bonding and film stoichiometry. F. Other parameters In low-temperature film deposition, activation barriers prevent deposited species from reconstructing to physically and thermochemicaHy stable states. Rearrangements during high-temperature chemical vapor deposition lend stability and inertness to the films. Structural constraints during growth oflow-temperature plasma nitride films can prevent silicon and nitrogen from moving and thus satisfying all of their bonding orbitals (hence there are "dangling bonds"). However, the plasma environment can be engineered to compensate for the absence of thermal energy-first, the plasma chemistry can be staged so that mobile radical spe cies combine with and passivate dangling bonds; second, dis charge conditions can be selected where energetic ion bom bardment facilitates surface mobility and chemical rearrangement. Hydrogen and fluorine passivate dangling bonds inp-SiN:F: hydrogen provides a stable termination for free N-groups and fluorine forms a strong bond with silicon. Thus hydrogen is a necessary element for high-quality plas ma deposited films and our results make it clear that the presence of hydrogen in the plasma does not necessarily pro duce Si-H bonding in the film. As long as there is enough fluorine in the plasma, Si-H bonding is unfavorable. More over, the feed gas reagent used to supply fluorine is unimpor tant, as long as it is reactive in the plasma. We have tested these two concepts as follows. Ammonia additions to a feed mixture could supply additional "reac tive" nitrogen to increase the N/Si ratio and the growth rate of p-SiN:F films without undue Si-H incorporation. The data confirm this. Since we conclude that the source of flu orine is secondary, we substituted HF(g) for NF3 at low [SiH4J1[N2J and obtained p-SiN:F films with properties comparable to the class I films noted earlier. Low-frequency plasmas supply higher ion bombard ment energylO than 14 MHz discharges and hence can stimu late surface diffusion and rearrangement. This probably ac counts for the low, more favorable compressive stress (versus tensile stress in high-frequency deposition) found in p-SiN:H (Ref. 9) deposited at low frequency. Here again, we have deposited p-SiN:F films in low-frequency (200-kHz) plasmas at the same feed and substrate temperatures used here, which show lower Si-H content and eve; better electri cal properties. These low-frequency p-SiN:F films exhibit a virtually constant dielectric constant from 100 Hz to 10 MHz, large absorption edges (> 5.5 eV), and no measurable Si-H bonding. These will be discussed in detail elsewhere. IV. CONCLUSIONS We have prepared low-temperature (:S 300°C) p SiN:F, films using a SiHcNF3-N2 discharge. This material compares very favorably with other plasma-deposited sili con nitrides and our chemistry is superior to the only other p SiN:F reported, prepared from a SiFz/SiFcH2-N2 feed.2--4 The film properties are summarized as follows. (1) In fluorinated p-SiN:F films prepared from NF3! SiH4/N2, streng Si-F bonding replaces the weak Si-H bonds found in conventional p-SiN:H. Free nitrogen orbitals are 1414 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 62, No.4, 15 August 1987 satisfied with stable N-H bonds. The presence of hydrogen is necesswy for the formation of these high-quality, plasma deposited silicon nitride films. e 2) The deposition rate can be extremely high, up to 1600 A/min. This is a factor of 6-10 faster than uncontrolled p-SiN:F films deposited from SiFz/SiFcHz-N z discharges. (3) Films with F/Si less than-O.S (class I) were sta ble, while those with more than -0.5 (class II) were oxy genated on exposure to air or moisture. These limits are probably dependent on deposition temperature. (4) p-SiN:F has electrical and optical properties (di electric constant, breakdown strength, resistivity, optical ab sorption edge, etc.) which compare favorably to high-tem perature, chemical-vapor-deposited silicon nitride. (5) The films have a refractive index between 1.8 and 2.2, which is slightly lower thanp-SiN:H films with the same Si/N ratio. Film density ranges from -2.6 to 2.8 g/cm3. (6) Stable, oxygen-free class I films can be prepared with less fluorine than the class IIp-SiN:F films reported by Fujita et 01.2-4 Class I films are made using a low [NF3]/ [SiH41 in the feed. Thep-SiN:F films can be prepared with a Si-H content below 1 X 1021 cm --3. (7) Air exposure or water rinsing leads to oxygen incor poration in class II p-SiN:F films. During stabilization of class II films, fluorine and nitrogen are replaced by oxygen. e 8) p-SiN:F film has a high buffered HF etch rate (300- 2000 A/min), and this rate increases rapidly with fluorine content. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank to F. A. Baiocchi and H. S. Luftman for the RBS and the AES analyses, R. C. Frye for his kind help with electrical properties determination, T. M. Dun can, T. W. Root, and J. M. Cook for their assistance with IR spectroscopy, and D. D. Lisi for her contributions to the mass spectrometric studies. 1 '. R. C. Sun and J. T. Clemens, Proceedmgs o/the International Reliability /hysicsSymposium, IEEE8OCH-153 1-3 {IEEE, New York, 1980),p. 244. S. Fujita, H. Toyoshima, T. Ohishi, and A. Sasaki Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 23, Ll44 (1984). 3S. Fujita, H. Toyoshima, T. Ohishi, and A. Sasaki, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 23, L268 (1984). 's. Fujita, T. Ohishi, H. Toyoshima, and A. Sasaki, J. Appl. Phys. 57, 426 ( 1985). sFor instance, M. Konagai and K. Takahasi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 36, 599 (1980); H. Matsumura, Y. Nakagome, and S. Furukawa, App!. Phys. Lett. 36, 439 (1980); S. R. Ovshinsky and A. Madan, Nature 216, 482 (1978); A. Madan, S. R. Ovshinsky, and E. Beun, Philos. Mag. B 40, 259 (1979); A. Madan and S. R. Ovshinsky, 1. Non-Cryst. Solids 35/36, 171 (1980); w. Beyer, B. Stutzker, and W. Wagner, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 35/ 36, 321 (1980); W. W. Kruehler, R. D. Plaettner, M. Moeller. B. 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Insulator interface effects in sputterdeposited NbN/MgO/NbN (superconductor–insulator–superconductor) tunnel junctions S. Thakoor, H. G. Leduc, J. A. Stern, A. P. Thakoor, and S. K. Khanna Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 5, 1721 (1987); doi: 10.1116/1.574517 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.574517 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvsta/5/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in Fabrication and characterization of epitaxial NbN/MgO/NbN Josephson tunnel junctions J. Appl. Phys. 90, 4796 (2001); 10.1063/1.1409583 The interfaces of NbNMgONbN tunnel junctions J. Appl. Phys. 72, 584 (1992); 10.1063/1.351836 NbN/MgO/NbN edgegeometry tunnel junctions Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 81 (1989); 10.1063/1.101760 Room temperature deposition of superconducting NbN for superconductor–insulator–superconductor junctions J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4, 528 (1986); 10.1116/1.573873 Nb films sputtered with a (Ar, H2) mixture and application to superconductorinsulatorsuperconductor junctions J. Appl. Phys. 57, 2583 (1985); 10.1063/1.335446 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:45:15Insulator interface effects in sputter .. deposited NbN/MgO/NbN (superconductor-insulator-superconductor) tunnel junctions s. Thakoor and H. G. Leduc Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute o/Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 J. A. Stern California Institute o/Teclmology, Pasadena, California 91125 A. P. Thakoor and S. K. Khanna Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Cal(fornia Institute a/Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 (Received 5 November 1986; accepted 22 December 1986) All refractory, NbN/MgO/NbN (superconductor-insulator-superconductor) tunnel junctions have been fabricated by in situ sputter deposition. The influence ofMgO thickness (0.8-6.0 nm) deposited under different sputtering ambients at various deposition rates on current-voltage (I V) characteristics of small-area (30 X 30 pm) tunnel junctions is studied. The NbN/MgO/NbN trilayer is deposited in situ by dc reactive magnetron (NbN), and rf magnetron (MgO) sputtering, fonowed by thermal evaporation of a protective Au cap. Subsequent photolithography, reactive ion etching, planarization, and top contact (Pbl Ag) deposition completes the junction structure. Normal resistance of the junctions with MgO deposited in Ar or Ar and N2 mixture shows good exponential dependence on the MgO thickness indicating formation of a pin-hole-free uniform barrier layer. Further, a postdeposition in situ oxygen plasma treatment of the MgO layer increases the junction resistance sharply, and reduces the subgap leakage. A possible enrichment of the MgO layer stoichiometry by the oxygen plasma treatment is suggested. A sum gap as high as 5.7 mV is observed for such a junction. f. INTRODUCTION All refractory, high Tc material based, superconductor-in sulator-superconductor (SIS) tunnel junctions (e.g., NbNI MgO/NbN) are ideally suited for use as quantum mixers in submillimeter wave heterodyne receivers. 1.2 The robustness of all such refractory devices makes them extremely stable for repeated thermal cycling and long-term use. For an SIS tunnel junction to be used as a sensitive low-noise mixer for high frequencies (up to 1500 GHz), it should have a high superconducting sumgap (D,::;: -6 mY), a high-subgap leak age resistance R,g computed at one-half the sumgap value (-3 mY), and a sharp nonlinearity, i.e., a small flV, the width of the quasiparticle tunneling onset. The quality of the junction is usually expressed as the quality factor V m = leR,!" where Ie is the Josephson critical current. Recently3-5 sumgap values in excess of 5 m V have been demonstrated for NbN/MgO/NbN junctions proving the advantage of using a thermodynamically stable artificial barrier like MgO over the native oxide barrier. The native oxide barrier grown on base NoN is known to cause reduc tion of the energy gap of the countere1ectrode through a re action ofNbN with oxygen atoms from the barrier (Nb20s) at the interface, a critical region in the junction. In addition to the overall quality of the bulk of NbN electrodes, it is crucial to have the high Tc' B 1 phase ofNbN at the NbN/ MgO interfaces. Further, the interfaces should also be physi cally smooth and contamination free. To achieve this, in situ deposition of the junction trilayer, NbN/MgO/NbN is the usual choice. Reactive dc magnetron sputtering has been successfully used2-6 to deposit the NbN base and counter electrodes. A variety oftechniquesl•3,7 have been explored to obtain uniform, homogeneous, mechanically and chemically stable, thin MgO layers. Thermal oxidation or ion beam oxi dation of thin magnesium overlayers has been used by Tal vacchio et al. 7; the resulting junctions were quite leaky, prob ably due to the tendency of un oxidized Mg to diffuse into the base electrode. It has been further suggested8,9 that polyepi taxy or single-crystal epitaxy (during the junction trilayer deposition) may be useful in realizing the full sumgap in an all NbN junction. Normally high substrate temperature and/or single-crystal substrates are used to induce such epi taxial growth. In a recent study! in our laboratory, an anom alous dependence of the tunneling resistance on barrier thickness is observed for junctions with electron beam (e beam) deposited MgO barriers. The Stranski-Krastinov mechanism for epitaxial growth has been proposed to ex plain this data. In this growth mode, the first monolayer of MgO grows extremely coherently, essentially to minimize the free energy at the surface. However, later growth ofMgO occurs by nucleation, resulting in a barrier of somewhat non uniform thickness. Tunneling through the thinner barrier regions then dominates the junction's 1-V characteristics. Alternatively, rf sputtering of MgO has been successfully used by Shoji et aU-6 yielding high-quality junctions (D,}; = 5.4 mY) with barrier thickness as low as 0.5 nm without any special parameters to induce MgO epitaxy. Moreover, rf sputtering of MgO does not require ultrahigh vaccum; such an "all-sputter-deposition" sequence thus allows quick changes between NbN deposition and MgO deposition by simple repositioning of the substrates with respect to the sputter targets. This may have some effect in minimizing contamination of the junction interfaces from the chamber ambient. Futhermore, vapor flux in sputter deposition 1721 J. Vac. ScI. Techno!. A 5 (4), JullAug 1987 0734-2101/871041721-05$01,00 © 1987 American Vacuum Society 1721 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:45:151722 Thakoor et al.: Insulator interface effects in sputter-deposited tunnel junctions 1722 reaches the substrate over a wide range of incidence angles due to the multiple scattering and small mean free path in the sputtering ambient. This is in contrast with the line of sight deposition by a technique such as e-beam evaporation in UHV. Sputter deposition is therefore expected to yield a bet ter coverage and thickness uniformity over the substrate, which may be further enhanced by substrate rotation. In this paper, we report on the influence of deposition conditions on the performance of sputter deposited NbN/ MgO/NbN tunnel junctions. MgO films are deposited with substrate rotation in ambients of high-purity Ar and Ar + N2 mixture. The junction resistance as a function of effective MgO thickness ranging from 0.8 to 6.0 nm is stud ied. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS A. Deposition A four-layer structure composed of a dc reactively sput tered NbN base (-360 nm), rfmagnetron sputtered MgO barrier (~O.8 to 6.0 nm), a counter NbN electrode (-120 nm), and finally a thermally evaporated protective gold coating (-50 nm) was deposited in situ on sapphire sub strates. An ultrahigh-vacuum system described elsewhere6 was modified to include an rf magnetron sputtering gun for a 2-in.-diam MgO target, in addition to a dc magnetron sput tering gun for a 2-in.-diam. Nb target, a substrate holder which can be rotated axially, and a source for thermal evapo ration of gold. A bottom-up deposition geometry was used with the substrates ~ 6.25 cm away from the Nb target and -10 cm away from the MgO target. No intentional sub strate heating or cooling was utilized. The superconducting NbN films for the base as well as the counterelectrode were deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering of the Nb target (99.99% pure) in a mixture of Ar and N2 gases (99.999% pure). The nitrogen consumption injection char acteristics for the reactive sputter deposition of NbN estab lished earlier6 were used as guidelines for fine tuning the deposition parameters to yield high Tc NbN in the modified configuration of the system. Typical characteristics of the NbN films utilized for the junction fabrication are as fol lows: Superconducting transition temperature Tc: -16 K, transition width: 0.2 K, resistivity: 175 pO cm, and resis tance ratio R300 K/R29 K: 0;95. The MgO barrier layer was deposited by rf magnetron sputtering in pure argon (-13 mTorr). However, barrier layers for some junctions were deposited by sputtering of MgO in a mixture of Ar (-13 mTorr) and N2 (~3.6mTorr), the same gas composition as selected for a deposition of high-Tc NbN films. In addition to a study of the effect of nitrogen presence during sputtering ofMgO on its film quality, such a sequence also reduced the time between the deposition of the subsequent layers since the sputtering ambient did not require a readjustment for each layer. To obtain a uniform coverage of MgO film over the NbN base layer, and a better control over the film thickness/depo sition rate, particularly for thin ( < 2.5 nm) MgO layers, substrate rotation (-30 rpm) was used. Thicker (2.5-6.0 nm) MgO films, however, were obtained by deposition on stationary substrates. The MgO thickness was varied by J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 5, No.4, Jul/Aug 1987 varying the product of the power applied to the target and the total deposition time. At 400 W of power, a direct depo sition rate of -2 nm/min was obtained, as measured on a precalibrated quartz-crystal oscillator, whereas, with rota tion, the effective deposition rate became -0.4 nm/min. The values of barrier thickness so controlled are accurate to -0.0 15 nm. The MgO thickness was systematically varied in the range of -0.8 to 6.0 nm. The effect of an additional post-MgO-deposition, in situ plasma oxidation treatment (in 75 mT pressure of99.999% pure oxygen) at 500 V for 3 min was studied in some junctions particularly with thin «2.5 nm) MgO layers. B. Junction patterning The gold cap over the junction trilayer prevented oxida tion of the NbN counterelectrode top surface on exposure of the deposited quadlayer to atmosphere. The fabrication steps are shown schematically in Fig. 1. Standard photolith ography (photoresist AZ4330), was used to mask the area of the junction (30 X 30 pm). Selective reactive ion etching of the top gold layer by CCIF3, followed by etching through the NbN counterelectrode with CF4, defined the junction area in the form of a mesa structure. Next the base electrode was electrically isolated and the mesa structure was planarized by thermally evaporating an SiO layer (-300-500 nm). 1. DE POS mON Ii' < J ~ ( J < ( 2 ? ( U ( ~~~N(~~2~~~) , _:"" -,- -- A ,_ _ ;:::-1'.190 (0.8-6 nm) L SUBSTRATE 7 ---NbN (360 nm) 7 7--SAPPH IRE 2. JUNCTION DELI NEATION (PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY & R IE) 3. PLANARIZATION 4. LIFT OFF AND CONTACT ~~~ "~_---Jr -----CONTACT (Pb/Ag) ~,?(?«~ FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the junction patterning process: (a) deposition, (b) junction delineation (photolithography and RIEl, (cl planarization. and (d) liftoff and contact. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:45:151723 Thakoor st sl.: Insulator interface effects in sputter-deposited tunnel junctions 1723 Finally the photoresist mask is lifted off and a contact elec trode (Pbl Ag) is thermally evaporated onto the gold cap to complete the structure. In essence, other than the gold etch step the patterning process is similar to that used by Shoji et aI.1O The current-voltage (1-V) characteristics of these SIS junctions were measured at 4,2 K to study their electron tunneling properties and thereby the junction quality. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The deposition rate of MgO was found to be the most important parameter in obtaining good junctions. For lower sputtering power « 250 W) the junction yield was very poor. Junction shorts indicated that the MgO layer mostly suffered from pin holes. A 400-W power level for deposition was found to be optimum and was used for the following study. Figure 2 shows a typical I-V characteristic of a junc tion with -l.O-nm-thick MgO. It has a sumgap of -4.8 mY, normalresistanceRN (at 8 mY) -1 n, and the Joseph son current Ie -23 mA (-2/3 of the theoretical value as calculated using the Ambegaokar-Baratoff relation 1I). The presence of Nz in the sputtering ambient during the deposition of MgO had little effect on its deposition rate as well as the barrier quality. Junctions prepared with MgO deposited with or without Nz showed comparable junction quality. This suggests that Nz does not interfere, physically or chemically, with the growth kinetics of MgO; and that the reduced time gap between the deposition of successive layers of the tri-structure, expected to reduce the "interface-conta mination" effects, had undetectable effect on the overall in terface quality. Sumgaps of the junctions made with or with out N2 during the MgO deposition, ranged mostly from -4.5 to ~5.2 mY, however, a sumgap of as high as -5.7 m V (Fig. 3) has been observed. Although large sumgap val ues are achieved in these junctions, the large tJ. V (-1 m V) ~ z w a: ll: ::> u VOLTAGE (2 mV/div) FIG. 2. Typical current-voltage (I-V) characteristics for a junction with MgO thickness ~ 1.0 nrn. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, Vol. 5, No.4, Jul! Aug 1981 VOLTAGE (2 mV/divj FIG. 3. Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics ofajunctioll with as-deposit ed MgO thickness ~ 1.8 nrn, followed by plasma oxidation treatment, exhi biting a sumgap ~" ~ 5. 7 mV and quality factor v,,, -27 m V. should be primarily attributed to the spatial variation in the NbN quality over the active area ( -900 pm2) at the junc tion interface. Figure 4 shows a plot of the normal resistance (R.II,' at 8 m V) of junctions of varying MgO thickness, deposited with or without N2, as well as some with a post-plasma-oxidation treatment. Clearly, the junctions made with MgO (Ar + Nz) are indistinguishable from those with MgO (Ar). The linear dependence of log R N on MgO thickness, down to -0. 8 nm, indicates formation of a coherent, contin uous layer ofMgO in these junctions. This is unlike the MgO 10000 MgO DEPOSITION PARAMETERS: 0 '" 0 PURE Ar AMBIENT "" > 1000 • Ar + NZ AME'IENT E c,. OXYGEN TREATMENT 00 >-« . 100 0 z a::: c,. u.j u c,. z c,. ;:: 10 en c,. V'l 0 w a::: z 0 It >-1.0 u Z ::::l 0.1 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6. 0 BARRIER THICKNESS (nm) FIG. 4. Junction resistanceRn (at 8 mY) as a function of as-deposited MgO thickness. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:45:151724 Thakoor et al.: Insulator interface effects in sputter-deposited tunnel junctions 1724 barrier recently grown bye-beam evaporation I in our labo ratory, where the growth is believed to follow the Stranski Krastinov model. The growth of coherent MgO with uni form thickness in the present case should be primarily attri buted to the wide range of incidence angles due to the multi ple scattering of vapor flux in sputtering, further enhanced by a fast substrate rotation. If, however, the MgO barrier layer is truly uniform and coherent, then the rather low subgap resistance (Rsg -7.5 fl at 3 mY, Fig. 2) suggests the possibility of an inherently leaky MgO. It is known 12 that MgO films prepared by phys ical vapor deposition can be off stoichiometric as MgO can decompose in the vapor phase. On the other hand, smooth, superstoichiometric MgOx films have been deposited by ion beam sputtering13 ofMg (using Ar ions in a reactive oxygen ambient) with improved mechanical and dielectric proper ties. It is also observed that surface quality of MgO films could be substantially improved at high temperatures by an "oxygen treatment." 14 Deposition of MgO in a mixture of Ar and O2 was not desirable in the present case, since it could cause a degrada- <' E - -« E -8 4 o -4 2 1 o -1 I 4 V (mV) FIG. 5. Current-voltage (1-V) characteristics of junctions, (a) without and (b) with post-MgO-deposition, in situ plasma oxidation treatment. J_ Vac_ Sci. Technot A, VoL 5, No.4, Jull Aug 1987 tion of the surface of base NbN by its partial oxidation. As an alternative, the NbN base was first "sealed" with MgO layer deposited in pure Ar and then it was subjected immediately afterwards to an in situ plasma oxidation treatment. It has been recently reported 15 that "wet" plasma oxidation of thin Mg films had better success than a dry plasma oxidation treatment in obtaining good-quality thin, continuous MgO barrier layers for Mg-MgO-Pb tunnel junctions. In the pres ent case, however, water vapor was not intentionally added during the oxidation treatment. Figures 5 (a) and 5 (b) show I-V characteristics of two junctions, with 0.8-nm-thick MgO, without and with oxygen plasma treatment, respec tively. The parameters for the two junctions are llx = 5.1 mY, 5.2 mY, R" = 0.95 n, 6.9 D; R,g = 5 n, 75 fl; and quality factor Vm = 12, 25, respectively. A substantial im provement in the subgap leakage resistance is clearly evi dent. The normal resistance (RN at 8 mY) for a set ofjunc tions with oxygen treated MgO is plotted in Fig. 4, for comparison. The increased normal resistance for a given thickness of MgO is probably an indication of significantly changed MgO. If the observed R N value of the junction in Fig. 5(b) is attributed primarily to the change in physical thickness of as-deposited MgO, it should have changed from ~ 1 to ~ 2 nm. Such a change in MgO film thickness is unex pected. On the other hand, this treatment may have caused an oxygen enrichment of the as-deposited MgO giving rise to a superstoichiometric phase as obtained by Hebard et ai., 13 with improved dielectric properties. Thus, the observed change in resistance is possibly a cumulative effect of a sig nificant change in the dielectric properties accompanied with an associated minor change in the physical thickness of MgO. Although the junction sumgap and oxygen treatment of MgO were not directly correlated, the high sumgap (ll:::; ~5.7 mY, Fig. 3) was realized in a junction with oxy gen treatment MgO. IV. CONCLUSIONS All refractory, sputter-deposited NbN/MgO/NbN junc tions with sumgap llx as high as 5.7 mY, and quality factor Vm -27 have been fabricated. In these junctions the forma tion of coherent, pin-hole-free MgO barrier layers, as thin as 0.8 nm, is confirmed by the exponential dependence of RN on MgO thickness. Junctions made from trilayers with MgO deposited in pure argon or argon and nitrogen mixture showed comparable junction quality. An in situ, post-MgO deposition, oxygen treatment improved the subgap leakage considerably, thus improving the quality of the junction. This improvement is attributed to the oxygen enrichment of the MgO, enhancing its stoichiometry and thereby its dielec tric properties. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was carried out by the Jet Propulsion Laborato ry, California Institute of Technology, and was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SD 10) through an interagency agreement with NASA. We Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:45:151725 Thakoor fit al.: Insulator interface effects in sputter-deposited tunnel junctions 1725 benefited greatly from discussions with Dr. John Lambe and Professor Totn Phillips. JH. O. Leduc, I.A. Stern, S. Thakoor, and S. K. Khanna, Applied Super· conductivity Conference, 1986. 2S. Thakoor, H. G. Leduc, A. P. Thakoor, J. Lambe, and S. K. Khanna, J. Vac, Sci. Technol. A 4, 528 (1986). 3 A. Shoji, M. Aoyago, S. Kosaka, F. Shinoki, and H. Hayakawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 46,1098 (1985). "T. Yamashita, K. Hamasaki, and T. Komata, in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Materials, edited by A. F. Clark and R. P. Reed (Plenum, New York, 1986), Vol. 32, pp. 617-626. 5 A. Shoji, M. Aoyagi, S. Kosaka, and F. Shinoki, Applied Superconductivi ty Conference, 1986. J. Vac. Sci_ Technol. A, Vol. 5, No.4, JullAug 1987 OS. Thakoor, J. L. Lamb, A. P. Thakoor, and S. K, Khanna, J. Appl. Phys. 58,4643 (1985). 'J. Talvacchio, J. R. Gavaler. A. L Braginski, and M. A. Janocko, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 4638 (1985). 8J. Talvacchio and A. I. Braginski, Applied Superconductivity Conference, 1986. 90.·1. Oya, M. Koishi, and Y. Sawada, J. Appl. Phys. 60, 1440 (1986). to A. Shoji, F. Shinoki, S. Kosaka, M. Aoyagi, and H. Hayakawa, App!. Phys. Lett. 41, 1097 (1982). "V. Ambegaokar and A. Baratoff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10,485 (1963); 11, 104(E) (1963). i2Handbook a/Thin Film Technology, edited by L. I. Maissel and R. Glang (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970), pp. 1-70. BA. F. Hebard, A. T. Fiory, S. Nakahara, and R. H. Eick, App!. Phys. Lett. 48,520 (1986). lOR. Dale Moorhead and H. Poppa, Thin Solid Films 58,169 (1979). 15W. Plesiewicz and J. O. Adler, Phys. Rev. B 34, 4583 (1986). Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:45:15
Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of Pd‐based ohmic contacts to GaAs and AlGaAs/GaAs C. L. Chen, M. A. Hollis, L. J. Mahoney, W. D. Goodhue, M. J. Manfra, and R. A. Murphy Citation: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 5, 902 (1987); doi: 10.1116/1.583687 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.583687 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/jvstb/5/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Articles you may be interested in A study on Au/Ni/Au/Ge/Pd ohmic contact and its application to AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 1854 (1997); 10.1063/1.119421 Backside secondary ion mass spectrometry study of a Ge/Pd ohmic contact to InP Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 1123 (1992); 10.1063/1.106428 Backside secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of ohmic and Schottky contacts on GaAs J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8, 2079 (1990); 10.1116/1.577006 Erratum: Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of Pd‐based Ohmic contacts to GaAs and AlGaAs/GaAs [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5, 902 (1987)] J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 6, 884 (1988); 10.1116/1.584316 Secondary ion mass spectrometry studies of Al, Ga, and In unintentional donors in ZnSe epilayers on GaAs J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5, 1326 (1987); 10.1116/1.583610 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:24:15Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of Pd-based ohmic contacts to GaAs and AIGaAs/GaAs c. L. Chen, M. A. Hollis, L. J. Mahoney, W. D. Goodhue, M. J. Manfra, and R. A. Murphy Lincoln Laboratory, 1Ylassachusetts Institute a/Technology, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 (Received 24 November 1986; accepted 16 April 1987) Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has been used to study nonalloyed Zn/Pd!Au (p type) and Ge!Pd/Au (n-type) ohmic contacts to GaAs. Both contacts have very low contact resistances and smooth surface morphologies. It appears that Pd, a fast diffuser in GaAs, helps the diffusion of Zn into GaAs in the Zn!Pd! Au contact. On the other hand, it was found that Pd and Ge diffused together during the heat treatment of the Pd!Ge! Au contact. SIMS profiles of a Pdf Ge! Au ohmic contact fabricated upon a high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structure provide two possible explanations for its significantly higher contact resistance than a conventional NilGe! Au alloyed contact. The SIMS data indicates that Pd may have caused Al and Ga interdiffusion at the AIGaAs/GaAs interface and that the metallization failed to make contact to the electron gas because of the interdiffusion. I. INTRODUCTION Recently we reported a Zn!Pd/ Au ohmic contact to p-type GaAs with a contact resistance approximately one order of magnitude smaller than a Zn! Au contact I and demonstrat ed a sintered Ge/Pd! Au contact to n-type GaAs2 with a smoother surface and a contact resistance comparable to al loyed Ni/Ge! Au contacts. It has been suggested that Pd accelerates the diffusion of dopants (such as Ge for the n type dopant) into the GaAs and facilitates the doping of the surface layer in an ohmic contact.3 Because of the reaction of Pd and GaAs, it also has been proposed that Pd creates Ga vacancies to further aid the doping action.3-5 This theory is supported by our observations that Pd improved the ohmic contact resistivities to both n-and p-type GaAs. However, there is very little information available to date regarding the distribution of different constituents in the me tallization. The objective of this work was to investigate the concentration profiles of individual elements in Zn!Pd! Au and Ge/Pd! Au ohmic contacts to better understand Pd based nonalloyed ohmic contacts. Secondary ion mass spec trometry (SIMS) was used to study the diffusion of various elements in an ohmic contact because of its high sensitivity for trace concentrations and good resolution for depth pro filing. In addition, we also examined ohmic contacts to an AIGaAs!GaAs heterojunction structure used for the high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Contacts were made on n-or p-type GaAs epitaxial layers grown on semi-insulating substrates by molecular-beam epi taxy. Silicon was used as the n-type dopant at a concentra tion of 1 X 1018 cm-3• Beryllium was used as the p-type do pant at a concentration of 1 X 1019 cm-3• The thickness of both the n-type and p-type epitaxial layers was approximate ly 3000 A. The HEMT structure consisted of a l-,um-un doped GaAs buffer layer, a 30-A-undoped AIGaAs spacer layer, a 500-A n-type AleJ3 Gao.7As layer doped to 1 X 1018 cm -3, and a 300-A n + GaAs cap layer doped to approxi mately 2X lOIS cm-3• The GaAs surface was cleaned and etched in a dilute am monium hydroxide-hydrogen peroxide solution prior to the metallization. All the metal layers were deposited by elec tron beam evaporation after a single pumpdown. To mea sure the specific contact resistance, transmission line pat terns were defined by photoresist liftoff. After liftoff the contacts were encapsulated wth 3500 A of phosphosilicate glass (PSG) at 250·C on a graphite heater strip. Then the temperature was gradually increased to 450°C and held at this temperature for 30 s while the deposition of PSG was . continued and the contact was annealed. A Cameca IMS 3/ SIMS instrument using an ot primary sputtering beam was used in this study. In the SIMS profil ing, 02+-beam was rastered to produce a 500 X 500-.um crater, and the secondary ion optics were adjusted to sample the secondary ions from a central area only 80.um in diame ter. This technique not only suppresses collection of second ary ions from the crater edge, but also enhances depth reso lution by minimizing the curvature of the crater floor in the sampling area. In order to determine the diffusion depths of various con stituents of the metallization into GaAs, the sputtering rate of GaAs was used for depth calibration. The concentration (atoms!cm3) profiles for AI, Be, Ge, Ni, Zn, and Pd were calibrated by adjusting each profile so that the total area under the curve (atoms/cm2) matched the areal density of that element known to be in the sample. On the other hand, the concentration profiles for Au, Ga, and As were calibra ted by setting the fiat portion of the profiles away from the interface to the known concentrations in the solid. It is known that in a multielement matrix the ion yield of one element can be affected by the presence of the others. 6. 7 As a result, in complex systems such as the ohmic contacts in this work, the measured concentration values for each element at a given depth can be in error by a factor of 2 to 3. Therefore, throughout this work we tried nbt to draw any conclusions from the absolute value of concentration. Instead, we used the relative concentration as a function of depth for each element to obtain semiquantitative measurements of the dif fusion depths. 902 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5 (4), Jull Aug 1987 0734-211 X/871040902-oS$01.00 © 1987 American Vacuum Society 902 Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:24:15903 Chen fit III.: Secondary Ion mass spectrometry study of Pd-based ohmic contacts 903 III. RESULTS A. Contacts to pmtype GaAs The Zn/Pd/ Au ohmic contact we have successfully fabri cated to p-type GaAs has been described elsewhere. I The contact has low specific resistance, a smooth surface, and good adhesion,and is thermally stable. In the current study we also fabricated Zn/ Au and Pdl Au contacts using the same annealing procedure as that for the Zn/Pd/ Au con tact. The SIMS results for these contacts will be compared and discussed in this section. 0.11 1.0 {a} t 016 '--_--l __ --' __ --' __ LJ....!!CBe!L----l o 0.2 0.4 O.S O.B 1.0 (bl DEPTH (/lm) FIG. 1. SIMS depth profiles ofa Pd (500 All Au (3000A) contact top-type Ga.l\s. (a) As deposited. (b) After 30 s of heat treatment at 450'C. The sputtering rate of Au is higher than that of the GaAs which was used for calibration. 'TIlerefore, the apparent thickness of the Au in this profile is thinner than that of the actual layer. In (b) the area under the Be curve is the same as that in (a) to satisfy the conservation ofthe total amount of Be. J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. S, Vol. 5, No.4, Jul/ Aug 1987 1.Pd/Au Figures lea) and l(b) show SIMS depth profiles ofa Pd (500 A)/Au (3000 A.) contact top-type GaAs before and after annealing, respectively. The specific contact resistance of the Pdf Au contact is in the low 10-4 n cm2 range which is much higher than that of the Znl Au or Zn/Pdl Au con tact. In Fig. 1, we calibrated the sputtering rate by assuming that the full width at half-magnitude (FWHM) in the Be profile is equal to the p-type epitaxial-layer thickness. Since the sputtering rate of Au is much faster than the other metals and the GaAs, the apparent thickness of the Au layer in the SIMS profiles is much less than its actual thickness. A comparison of Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b) shows that Be piles up near the GaAs surface as a result of a 450 ·C heat treat ment for 30 s. We speculate that the Pd reacts with the GaAs, allowing Ga to diffuse into the Pd and Au layers, thereby creating Ga vacancies which help the outdiffusion of Be. It is likely that this diffusion can take place even at the moderate temperatures used for annealing because Be has a high diffusion coefficient. However, in view of the compara tively high contact resistance, this diffusion is not sufficient to ensure a good ohmic contact. We have observed this pile up of Be only when Pd is present in the metallization. For example, as discussed in later sections, the accumulation of Be near the GaAs surface was also observed in the Zn/Pd/ Au contact but not in the Znl Au contact to the same materi al. The same Be-outdiffusion phenomenon has also been ob served in the SIMS depth profile for a Mn/ Au contact to Be doped GaAs. Ii A significant amount of Ga outdiffused into the Au layer during annealing, while the outdiffusion of As was negligi ble. Therefore, the As profile can be used as a reference for M E '" "-E 1 <:> - ~ z o t= <t a: ;.... z w U Z o u I I I I I I I I I -\,_-------- A. " 1 '1'\-e N2 ,j \, \ \ AFTER HEAT \ TREATMENT \ AS DEPOSITED \ \ \ \ \ L-_____ ~ ____________________ ~ DEPTH FIG. 2. Calculation of the diffusion distance of II constituent of the metalliza tion. The position xo• where the concentration of As becomes one-half of its bulk value, is defined as the metal-GaAs interface. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:24:15904 Chen et aL: Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of Pd-based ohmic contacts 904 T ABI,E r. Measured diffusion distances of Pd, Zn, and Ge in different metal- lizations. Metallization Element Diffusion distance Pd/Au Pd 1770 A Zn/Au Zn 263 A ZnIPd/Au Zn 682A Pd 1390 A Pd/Ge/Au Pd,Ge 210A the metaI-GaAs interface in the annealed profile of Fig. 1 (b). The method we used for estimating the depth of Pd diffusion is illustrated in Fig. 2. In the SIMS depth-profile plots, we define the metal-GaAs interface Xo as the depth where the As concentration is one-half of its bulk value. Dis tances d I and dz are measured from Xo to the positions where the Pd concentrations equal lie of their peak concentrations for as-deposited and annealed samples, respectively. The dif ference between dj (as deposited) and d2 (annealed) was used as the distance which Pd diffuses during heat treat ment. This method minimizes the errors due to the spread ing of the concentration profile caused by sputtering arti facts and to the uncertainty in the absolute value of the element concentration. Comparing Figs. 1 (a) and 1 (b), we measured the diffusion distance ofPd to be 1770 A as a result of30's of heat treatment at 450"c' The diffusion distances of this and other metallizations after the heat treatment are summarized in Table I. As stated in the work by Olowolafe et al., 5 the penetration of Pd into GaAs is diffusion controlled. Under the assump tion that the majority of Pd diffuses into the GaAs during annealing, the doping profile in the GaAs can be approxi mated by a Gaussian distribution, that is C(x) = (Qo/ jiTDt)exp( -x2/4Dt). In this expression, C(x) is the con centration at depth x, Qo is the amount of impurity, D is the diffusion constant, and t is the diffusion time. A plot ofloga rithm of the impurity concentration C(x) vs x2 should yield a straight line with a slope of 1/4Dt. Figure 3 shows such a plot in which the Pd concentration is plotted against the square of the depth measured from the peak of Pd. The plot is a straight line and the slope yields a diffusion coefficient of 2.36X 10-12 cm2/s. This diffusion coefficient is slightly higher than the 8.55X 10-13 cm2/s measured in Ref. 5. However, the apparent diffusion coefficient inferred from a similar plot for an as-deposited sample is approximately 30% that of the annealed sample. Consequently, this meth od cannot be used to measure any diffusion coefficient which is three times smaller than the one we obtained for Pd, and the measured diffusion coefficient of Pd could be overesti mated by 30%. From this result we believe that the drive-in of Pd is dominated by the diffusion process and that the diffusion coefficient is close to that measured by Olowolafe et al.s 2. Znl Au and ZnlPd/ Au Figure 4 shows the SIMS profile of an annealed Zn (300 A)/ Au (900 A.) contact to p-type GaAs. This metallization J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 5, No. 4, JullAug 1987 M E u "., E o ~ Z o 1= « a: Iz w (,) Z o u 1018 L:-----'-----:-'----~ o 0.01 0.02 0.03 FIG. 3. The Pd concentration after heat treatment in a semilog plot against the square of the depth measured from the peak of Pd. had a specific contact resistance of low 10-.5 n cm2 after annealing. The SIMS data shows that, in contrast to the Pdf Au contact, the concentration of Be in the epitaxial layer was unchanged by the heat treatment. However, a large amount of Zn was found in the Au overlay in the annealed sample. -......... . ..•. E >;-:----------AS ~ 1 022 £~-/(. .... .. III I \ ...... o I \ ···.· ....... · ....... , ... ·./ ..... ·.····Au ::t I \ -1021 -I , Z -. I \ 52 -I " I- I , « I I a: 1020 .' I \ I- _1',1 I ~ I U I ~ /'--"+'\ (,) . \ I \·'Vl\A'..~ 1018 --I ~\ "Zn . \ Zn/Au ANNEALED 1017 ':--'----' __ -':---"" ...... ""'Be"----:~_--J o 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0 DEPTH I/-!m\ FIG. 4. The SIMS depth profile of an annealed Zn (300 A)/Pd (900 A) contact to p-type GaAs. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:24:15905 Chen el 111.: Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of Pd-based ohmic contacts 905 We believe that Zn has a tendency to move toward the sur face of the metallization because it has a high vapor pressure and can form various compounds with Au at relatively low temperatures. The diffusion distance ofZn into GaAs. calcu lated the same way as for Pd, was 263 A.. Clearly, the diffu sion of Zn is very slow and this could be the reason for the comparatively high contact resistance of the Znl Au contact. It is not possible to calculate the diffusion coefficient of Zn because its depth profile is comparable to the SIMS profile broadening. The SIMS profile of an annealed Zn (300 A.)/Pd (400 A)/Au (3000 A) contact is shown in Fig. 5. The average specific contact resistance of this metallization is in the low 10-6 n cm2 range after heat treatment. We once again ob served the apparent redistribution of the Be dopant atoms, similar to the Pdl Au contact shown in Fig. 1 (b). The diffu sion distances for Pd and Zn are 1390 and 682 A, respective ly, as listed in Table 1. Although a significant amount of Zn was also found in the Au layer, the diffusion of Zn into the GaAs was considerably deeper than for the Znl Au contact. This is consistent with the premise that the diffusion of the Zn in the GaAs is enhanced by its coexistence with Pd in the metallization. The diffusion distance of Pd is only slightly smaller than that in the Pdl Au contact, indicating that the presence ofZn did not interfere with the fast diffusion of Pd. It appears that Pd and Zn diffuse in the GaAs separately because the ratio of Pd to Zn concentrations changes with depth in the SIMS profile. The SIMS data suggest the following explanation for the fact that the Zn/Pdl Au contact has a lower contact resis tance than the Znl Au contact to p-type GaAs. The diffusion of Pd into GaAs speeds up the diffusion of Zn and causes a thicker layer of GaAs to contain significant concentrations In/Pd/Au ANNEALED 10"'0':---~--,,-L----'----'------Il a DEPTH {f.LmJ FIG. 5. The SIMS depth profile of an annealed Zn (3ooA)/Pd (400 Al/Au (3000 A) contact to p-type GaAs. J. '!lac. Sci. Technol. EI, Vol. 5, No.4, Jull Aug 1987 ." ....... ' ................ ;0... . ......... :.;.~.~.:.:-:;" ............... -;.;....... . ...... . ofZn. In addition, the reaction ofPd with the GaAs causes a large number of Ga vacancies to becomes available. There fore, more Zn atoms can occupy Ga sites and become electri cally active. Consequently, a thicker layer of more heavily doped GaAs is formed in the presence of Pd, which reduces the contact resistance. Et Contacts to n~type GaAs 1.PdIGe/Au As mentioned earlier, we have developed a nonaUoyed Pd/Gel Au ohmic contact to n-type GaAs.2 Thismetalliza tion has a specific contact resistance of low 10-6 n cmz, which is comparable to that of the alloyed Ni/Gel Au con tact, and the surface is much smoother. The SIMS depth profile of the heat-treated Pd (300 A)/Ge (400 A.)/Au (2000 A) contact is shown in Fig. 6. A Si profile is not shown here because the Si concentration is below the detection limit of SIMS. Note that the Pd and Ge profiles coincide every where after heat treatment, indicating that the Pd and Ge have reacted completely to form germanides. This is in con trast to the Zn/Pdl Au contacts in which Zn does not com pletely react with Pd. Therefore, the current SIMS results support our speculation in Ref. 2 that the alloying of Ge and Au is inhibited by the formation of stable germanides in this contact even when it is heated above the Au-Ge eutectic temperature. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was also used to examine this nonalloyed ohmic contact. Figure 7 is the cross-sectional transmission images ofaPd (300A)/Ge (400A.)/Au (2000 A) contact after heat treatment. The total metallization thickness measured with the TEM is 2600 A. The metaUization-GaAs interface 06 1.0 FIG. 6. The SIMS depth profile of the heat-treated Pd (300 A)/Ge (400 A)!Au (2000 Al contact to n-type GaAs. The n-type Si dopant is not shown here because it is below the detection limit of the SIMS. Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:24:15906 Chen et al.: Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of Pd-based ohmic contacts 906 FIG. 7. TheTEM cross section ofaheat-treatedPd (300A)/Ge (400A)/ Au (2000 A) contact to GaAs. The roughness at the metallization-GaAs interface is approximately 120 A. is very smooth and the roughness is approximately 120 A. The diffusion distance ofPd, measured from the SIMS depth profile, was approximately 210 A which is comparable to the uniformity at the interface shown in Fig. 7. Consequently, it can be concluded that the diffusion distance obtained from the SIMS depth profile may not be accurate, but it is definite ly much smaller than that for the Pdf Au or Zn/Pd/ Au con tact. The concentration profile of Pd in Fig. 6 cannot be ap proximated by a simple constant-source diffusion theory. We believe that the Pd and Ge diffuse together as a pair in the Pd/Ge/ Au contact, so that the diffusion process is much slower and more co~plicated. Because of the low contact resistance measured, it appears that Pd can still effectively create Ga vacancies to help the doping by Ge. However, from currently available data we cannot conclude to what degree Pd has helped the diffusion of Ge into the GaAs. Because of the smooth interface and the small diffusion depth of the metallizations, the Pd/Ge/ Au ohmic contact is ideal for a device in which a shallow junction is required. C. Contacts to a HEMT structure 1. Pd/Ge/ Au and Ni/Ge/ Au BothPd (300A.)/Ge (400A)/Au (3000 A.) andNi (300 A)/Ge (400 A.)/Au (3000 A.) ohmic contacts were fabri cated on the HEMT structure described in Sec. n. After 30 s of heat treatment at 450°C, the average transfer resistances are 0.84 n mm for Ni/Ge/ Au and 3.55 n mm for Pd/Gel Au, respectively. Increasing the alloying time to 5 min re duced the average transfer resistance to 0.198 n mm for the Ni/Ge/ Au contact, which is low enough to fabricate a good HEMT.9,10 However, the transfer resistance of the Pd/Ge/ Au contact increased slightly to 4.45 n mm after 5 min of annealing, remaining much higher than that of the NilGel Au contact. The SIMS depth profiles of the Pd/Ge/ Au contact after J. Vac. ScI. Technol. B, Vol. 5, No.4, JullAug 1981 .... Pd/Ge/Au 5 min ANNEALING Ga i \i 'WX'Pd \Ge 1017 '--~:----:c'-:---::'-::------,c'-=----l o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 DEPTH (j.im) FIG. 8. The SIMS depth profile of the Pd (300 A)/Ge (400 A)/Au (3000 A) contact to a HEMT structure. The contact was heat treated at 450 'c for 5 min. 30 s and after 5 min of annealing are very similar, The depth profile after 5 min of annealing is shown in Fig. 8. In both sets of profiles the Pd and Ge concentrations coincide every where and the Al concentration coincides with that ofthe Pd and Ge at the diffusion front near the AIGaAs/GaAs inter face where the eleciron gas resides. It appears that the diffu sion of Al is appreciable only in the presence of the Pd-Ge compound. Because Pd forms compounds with both Ga and AI, it can create both Ga and Al vacancies in AIGaAs. These vacancies could be responsible for promoting the interdiffu sion ofGa and AI at the AIGaAs/GaAs interface just as Zn vacancy pairs cause disorder in AIAs-GaAs superlattices. II Within the accuracy of the measurement, the diffusion dis tance ofPd-Ge after the 5-min anneal is the same as that for the 30-8 anneal. In both cases the diffusion stops near the AIGaAs/GaAs interface. This suggests that the Pd-Ge compound which diffuses is negatively charged and is im peded by the potential barrier which exists near the AIGaAs/GaAs interface. The SIMS results provide possible explanations for why the contact resistance of Pd/Ge/ Au is higher than that of NilGe/ Au on the HEMT structure. First, enhanced inter diffusion at the AIGaAs/GaAs interface appears to be caused by the Pd, and no doubt creates many vacancies and crystal defects. This may destroy the quality of the two-di mensional electron gas under the ohmic contact and degrade the ohmic contact resistance. Secondly, because Pd/Ge can not easily diffuse beyond the AIGaAs/GaAs interface, there may be a small barrier between the ohmic contact and the two-dimensional electron gas residing in the GaAs. For comparison, a SIMS depth profile of a NilGe/ Au contact after 5 min alloying is shown in Fig. 9. Significant amounts of the constituents of the metallization were found in the Redistribution subject to AVS license or copyright; see http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Download to IP: On: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 07:24:15901 Chen et sl.: Secondary Ion mass spectrometry study Of Pcf..based ohmic contacts 901 M E " ".. E o ~ Z o i= « a: Iz IIJ U Z o () Ii min ALLOYING 1 017 '--~-'-----''-----'~----'"--'"'' o 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0 DEPTH (I.m) FIG. 9. The SIMS depth profile of an alloyed Ni (300A)/Ge (400A)/Au (3000 A) contact to a HEMT structure. The alloying was performed at 450 ·C for 5 min. GaAs layer under the AIGaAs. In fact, the GaAs layer in corporates more Ge and Ni than the AIGaAs layer above it does. We believe that this plentiful distribution of Ge in the GaAs below the AIGaAs is needed to provide very low con tact resistance to the electron gas. IV, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS We have studied the SIMS depth profiles ofPd-based oh mic contacts to n-and p-type GaAs as well as to a HEMT structure. The results can be summarized as follows: ( 1) Pd has proved to be a fast diffuser in GaAs with a diffusion coefficient <2.36x 10--12 cm2/s at 450°C. (2) In Zn/Pdl Au contacts, Pd and Zn diffused separately and Pd was the faster diffuser. It appears that the diffusion of Pd was not appreciably impeded by Zn while Zn diffusion was enhanced by Pd. (3) Pd and Ge formed germanides upon heat treatment, and the diffusion of these germanides is significantly slower than that of Pd alone. (4) The transfer resistance of a Pd/Gel Au contact to a HEMT structure was significantly higher than that of a Nil Gel Au contact. We speculate that the Pd/Gel Au metalli zation failed to make a good con tact to the electron gas result J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. B, Vol. 5, No.4, Jul/Aug 1987 of either the inability of the Pd/Ge to diffuse beyond the AIGaAs/GaAs interface or the interdiffusion of Al and Ga. Because both Pd/Gel Au and Zn/Pdl Au metallizations formed good ohmic contacts to GaAs, we believe that the primary role of Pd is to accelerate the creation of Ga vacan~ des. The interdiffusion of Al and Ga at the AIGaAs/GaAs interface can also be explained by these vacancies generated by the presence of Pd. In conclusion, our SIMS depth profile studies support the model that Pd can sweep the dopants into the semiconductor as well as create Ga vacancies to facilitate doping. 3 However, the sweeping effect is less obvious in n-type contacts due to the formation of germanides. Also, as seen by the TEM study, the Pd/Gel Au ohmic contact has a very shallow and uniform interface with the GaAs. From our preliminary re sults, it appears that Pd/Gel Au is not a good contact to a HEMT structure. On the other hand, the Pd/Gel Au con tact could be useful in some heterojunction devices, such as quantum well structures, in which the apparent inability of the Pd-Ge to diffuse beyond the AIGaAs/GaAs interface could be used to advantage. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the SIMS staff of Charles Evans and Associates, Inc., for their extensive work in this project. We also sincerely thank R. C. Brooks, K. M. Molvar, and N. J. Bergeron for their technical support, and G. D. Johnson for preparing the TEM samples. This work was supported by the Department of the Air Force and the Department of the Army. 'R. C. Brooks, C. L. Chen, A. Chu, L. J. Mahoney, J. G. Mavroides, M. J. Mantra, and M. C. Finn, IEEE Electron Device Lett. 6, 525 (1985). 2c. L. Chen, L. J. Mahoney, M. C. Finn. R. C. Brooks, A. Chu. and J. G. Mavroides, App!. Phys. Lett. 48, 535 (1986). 3A. K. Sinha, T. E. Smith, and H. J. Levinstein, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 22, 218 (1975). 4H. R. Grinolds and G. Y. 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Highpower (2.2 W) cw operation of (111)oriented GaAs/AlGaAs singlequantumwell lasers prepared by molecularbeam epitaxy T. Hayakawa, T. Suyama, M. Kondo, M. Hosoda, S. Yamamoto, and T. Hijikata Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 64, 2764 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341624 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.341624 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/64/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Role of substrate temperature in molecularbeam epitaxial growth of highpower GaAs/AlGaAs lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 416 (1992); 10.1063/1.106620 Highpower operation of strained InGaAs/AlGaAs single quantum well lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 2642 (1991); 10.1063/1.105924 Degradation and lifetime studies of highpower singlequantumwell AlGaAs ridge lasers J. Appl. 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Hijikata Central Research Laboratories, Sharp Corporation, Tenri, Nara 632, Japan (Received 15 January 1988; accepted for publication 26 April 1988) High-power (2.2 W) cw operation has been achieved in a (111 )-oriented GaAs/ AIGaAs graded-index separate-confinement-heterostructure single-quantum-welliaser with the lOO-pm wide stripe geometry. High differenti.a! quantum efficiency of 81 % has been obtained up to -1.2 W, and high total power-conversion efficiency of 46% has been achieved at 1.5 W. Phase-locked laser-diode arrays have been extensively investigated for achieving the high cw optical-power exceed ing 1 W. 1-6 In contrast to the phase-locked arrays, the broad stripe lasers with a wide aperture of 50-100 ,.tm prepared by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy have shown a fairly uniform near-field pattern although no mode-stabilization scheme is employed.7-10 This is due to the excellent uniformity of epitaxial layers grown by these methods. The very simple fabrication proce dure for the broad-stripe geometry is attractive for the pro duction of these lasers for practical applications when it is compared with the complicated phase-locked array struc tures. The quantum-well (QW) structure is usually em ployed for high-power lasers since the low threshold current and the high differential quantum efficiency in QW lasers are suitable to reduce the operating current,I-Y,!1 Recently, we have found that the threshold current density and the threshold-temperature stability are improved in (111 )-ori ented QW lasers in comparison with the conventional (l00)-oriented ones. 12.13 In addition to these improvements in fundamental properties, the slip line defects in the MBE grown wafers are eliminated by using the (111 )-oriented substrate, which results in the high yield of reliable lasers grown by MBE on (Ill) -oriented substrates. 14 In this communication, the high-power (2.2 W) cwop eration and the high differential and total power-conversion efficiencies in a (111 )-oriented GaAsl AIGaAs graded-in dex separate-confinement-heterostructure (GRIN SCH) single-quantum-well (SQW) laser with the lOO-,um-wide stripe geometry are repored. GRIN SCH SQW laser diodes in the present study were grown by MBE on Si-doped (111 )B-GaAs substrates with the misorientation of OS toward (100). The substrate tem perature was 720 cC and the group V IIII flux ratio was 2-3. Details of the crystal growth have been reported elsewhere. 12 The layer sequence of laser diodes is as follows: (1) an n GaAs buffer layer (1 pm, Si = 5 X 1017 cm -.3), (2) an n Alo.! Gao9Asbufferlayer (0.2,um, Si = 5X 1017 cm-3), (3) an n-AlvGal_ vAs compositionally graded buffer layer (v=O.1 to x, 0.2 p,rn, Si,=5X1017 cm-3), (4) an n AlxGa1xAs cladding layer (1.4p,m, 8i = 5 X 1017 cm-3), (5) an undoped A1w Gal ._ wAs GRIN layer (w was parabo lically graded from x to y, 0.15 pID), (6) an undoped GaAs QW (60 A ), (7) an undoped AlwGa1_ wAs GRIN layer (w = y to x, 0.15 ,urn), (8) a p-Alx Gal __ xAs cladding layer (l/im, Be = 5X 1017 cm-3), (9) ap-GaAs cap layer (0.2 p,m, Be = 5 X 1017 cm-3), and (10) ap-GaAs contact layer (0.2,um, Be = 5 X 1018 cm-3). The SiNx film was deposited by plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition and a lOO-,um wide stripe was opened by chemical etching. n-and p-side ohmic contacts were formed with AuGe/Ni/ Au and AuZnl Au, respectively. The cavity length was 375,urn. The top p-GaAs contact layer was heavily doped with Be in order to reduce the contact resistance, which is very important to reduce the heat dissipation and to increase the power-con version efficiency. 11 The front and the rear facets were coat ed with the quarter-wavelength-thick A1203 and and the combination of the quarter-wavelength-thick A120J and amorphous Si films so as to give the refiectivity of 4% and 90%, respectively. Laser chips were mounted on the Mol Au-coated Cu heat sinks with the In solder with the junction-down configuration. 15 In order to increase the maximum output power or the catastrophic optical damage, it is important to reduce the 2764 J. Appl. Phys. 64 (5),1 September 1988 0021-8979/88!172764-03$()2.40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics 2764 ..................... -..........................•.•.....•.•.......• ) ...... -.-... . [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:55:48optical power density at the mirror facet. In the case of the GRIN SCH SQW structure, the optical intensity profile per pendicular to the junction plane is determined by the vari ation of the AlAs mole fraction in the GRIN layer. We pre pared GRIN SCH SQW lasers with various AlAs mole fractions x and y. In Fig. 1 is plotted the full angle at half maximum Bl of the far-field pattern perpendicular to the junction plane as a function of the change in the AlAs mole fraction in the GRIN layer b.x ( = x -y). As I1x is de creased from 0.6 to 0.2, (}l decreases from 6rto 43°, and thus the near-field pattern perpendicular to the junction plane becomes broader. Therefore, the increase in the maximum output power is expected by decreasing Ax. The performance characteristics at high output powers were compared for lasers with x = 0.5 and 0.7, and y = 0.2; thus b.x is 0.3 and 0,5. Light output-current curves under the cw operation at room temperature are shown for these two devices in Fig. 2. The important device parameters and char acteristics in these devices are summarized in Table I. The maximum output power increases from 1.6 to 2.2 W by de creasing x from 0.7 to 0.5 to reduce the optical power density at the mirror facet. In the case of x = 0.5, the series resis tance is as low as 0.38 n and the differential quantum effi ciency is as high as 81 % up to -1.2 W. As a result, the total power-conversion efficiency is as high as 46% at 1.5 W. In the present Si-doped AIGaAs grown by MBE, the resistivity becomes slightly lower by reducing the AlAs mole fraction, which improves the power conversion efficiency. The series resistance of 0.38 n is the lowest ever reported for lasers with a l00-.um-wide aperture.3•11 The further reduction in the se ries resistance will be possible by increasing the Si and Be concentrations in the cladding layers and by doping Si and Be in the GRIN layers. In addition to the low series resis tance, the lower threshold~temperature sensitivity in (111) oriented QW lasers compared with (lOO)-oriented ones re duces the junction temperature, which is advantageous for achieving the high-power cw operation. 70 GRIN SCH saw • . /' :;0- 60 / /S / I • --I dI Q,j , 'U ~ 50 I. I • cE I • , 4 I 300 0.5 L1X (Xdad -;(barril.'r) FIG, 1. Dependence of the full angle at half maximum of the far-field pat tern perpendicular to the junction plane 81 on the change in the AlAs mole fraction t:.x in the graded-index layer from the cladding layer side to the quantum-well side. 2765 J, Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.5, 1 September i 988 cw 2 1 2 3 CURRENT (A) FIG. 2. cw light output-current characteristics of the devices with the AlAs mole fraction in the cladding layer x of 0.5 and 0.7. The typical far-field patterns and the corresponding near-field patterns of the devices with x = 0.5 (left side) and x = 0.7 (right side) are displayed in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), respectively. The near-field pattern is fairly uniform al though no mode-control scheme is employed. This is due to the extremely uniform epitaxial layers grown by MBE. In addition to the thickness, composition, and doping unifor mity, the uniformity of the quality of epitaxial layers grown by MBE on (111 )-oriented substrates is considered to be excellent since the yield of reliable lasers is extremely high due to the elimination of the slip line defects. 14 The shape of the far-field pattern can be divided into two categories; that is, the single-lobe-like far-field pattern shown for x = 0.5 in Fig. 3 and the double-lobe-like one shown for x = 0.7 in Fig. 3. As a result of observing these properties for several differ ent lots, we found a correlation between the near-field and the far-field patterns as shown in Fig. 3. In the case of devices with a singJe-lobe-like far-field pattern, the optical intensity in the near-field pattern decreases as the position is moved from the center to the side in the stripe. By contrast, devices with a double-Iobe-like far-field pattern show the near-field pattern where the optical intensity increases as the position TABLE I. Series resistance (R,), maximum differential quantum efficiency (1Jdmax ), maximum power conversion efficiency ('Y}pmax)' and maximum light output power (Pmax) for lasers with the AlAs mole fraction in the cladding layer x = 0,5 and 0,7. x R, (n) 1(dmax (%) llpma"K (%) Pm .... .,. (W) 0.5 0.38 81 46 2.2 0.7 0.67 73 34 1.6 Hayakawa et al. 2765 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:55:48IH9728 (a) (b) 100}Jm DISTANCE 11'64112 , ! , -20 0 20 ANGLE (deg.) 100 }Jm DIS T ANCE FIG. 3. (a) Typical far-field patterns and (b) corresponding near-field pat terns oftne devices with the AlAs mole fraction in the cladding layer of 0.5 (left side, No.79728) and 0.7 (right side No. 64112), Measurements were carried out at an output power of 200 m W cw. is moved from the center to the side. This result is inconsis tent with the previous result. 8 The difference in the stripe structure or the current injection scheme possibly results in the different modal properties since the transverse mode is strongly affected by the spatial gain-loss distribution. In the present devices with the SiNx-delineated stripe geometry, the lateral current spreading is very large and it is larger for the devices with the lower AlAs mole fraction in the dad ding layer due to the lower resistivity as listed in Table I. Thus, the near-field patterns shown in Fig. 3 are mainly de termined by the lateral carrier distribution in the QW. The single wide-stripe lasers in this study operate with the multi ple transverse modes although the single-Iobe-like narrow far-field pattern corresponds to the relatively large coherent width. Further experimental and theoretical analyses are necessary to understand the modal characteristics in the wide stripe-geometry lasers. 2766 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.5, 1 September 1988 In summary, the high-power (2.2 W) cw operation has been achieved in a (111 )-oriented GaAsl AIGaAs GRIN SeH SQW laser with the lOO-,um aperture prepared by MBE. The differential quantum efficiency is as high as 81 % up to ~ 1.2 Wand the total powerconversion efficiency is as high as 46% at 1.5 W. The fairly uniform near-field and the single-lobe far-field patterns have been realized, The present high-power lasers are very promising as efficient excitation sources in a variety of applications. Note added in proof. After the submission of this com munication, 3.7-W cw operation was achieved in a laser with ax = 0.15 (x = O.S andy = 0.35), the well width of 70 A, the cavity length of750 pm, and the threshold current of260 rnA. We would like to thank K Hayashi, I. Fujimoto, and S. Kataoka for continuous encouragement throughout this work. 'D. F. Welch, P. S. Cross, D, R. Scifres, G. Harnage!, M. Cardinal, W. Streifer, and R. D. Bunham, Electron. Lett, 22, 464 (1986), 2D, F. Welch, M. Devito, M, Cardinal, M. Abraham, H. Kung, G. Harna gel, P. Cross, D. Scifres, and W. Streifer, Electron, Lett, 23, 892 (1987). 3D. F. Welch, M. Cardinal, W. Streifer, D. R. Scifres, and P. S. Cross, Electron. Lett. 23, 1240 (1987), 4D. F.Welch, W. Streifer, R, L. Thornton, and T. Paoli, Electron. Lett, 23, 525 (1987). '0. L. Hanage!, D. R. Scifres, H, H. Kung, D. F. Welch, and P. S. Cross, Electron, Lett. 22, 605 (1986). "D, R. Scifres, C. Lindstrom, R. D. Burnham, W. Streifer, and T. L. Paoli, Electron. 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