Unnamed: 0
Plan B
Emergency Contraception
"Plan B definitely helps with not getting pregnant but the emotional level is TERRIBLE. I react super bad to hormones so this has been a nightmare."
September 17, 2014
Focalin XR
"I was diagnosed with ADD when I was seven, I think. I had behavior issues in my second grade class and I drove my teacher nuts with my constant distractions and my lack of focus. Little things like small talk and excessive noises triggered my symptoms and I was put on Ritalin LA when I was eight. Ritalin was awful for me. I didn't sleep very well at all. I had periods of insomnia and when I would sleep it was very prolonged in hours of sleep I was getting. Finally, after a couple of years suffering with this Ritalin I talked with my doctor about trying a new medicine called Focalin XR when I was 13 and I am almost 18 now. Focalin XR has been really wonderful for me. My focus is better. It does cause diarrhea, and mood swings."
January 23, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I've been using Alesse for about 2 years now. It was the first BC pill that I was prescribed. I was hesitant to use hormonal contraceptives because of mood swings and spotting. However with Alesse, I experienced neither of those side effects. I can't say it made my skin any clearer. I don't have severe acne but it didn't clear up my pimples. One side effect I did experience was weight gain. I am normally about 105 pounds but on the pill I gain about 3-4 pounds. I just feel very bloated. However, when I stop the pill temporarily ( the week of my period) I go back to my regular weight. I realized I could manage this by just watching what I eat and I exercise a bit more. Overall, I am pretty satisfied with Alesse!"
June 4, 2015
Loestrin 24 Fe
Birth Control
"Since being diagnosed with Epilepsy I was put on pills to prevent seizures which did not help until I was also put on Loestrin 24 Fe. So far no seizures. I believe its related to a hormonal imbalance and the Birth Control definitely helps. I have not had any bad symptoms at all. No nausea, no mood swings. I have tried every single Birth Control I could think of and this is the only one I like by far. I plan to stay on it for another 6-12 months and try for baby #3."
April 21, 2017
"I was on the sertraline, for 3 years. After developing a strange phobia with severe anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and major depression, this medication probably saved my life. However, it only brought me back halfway. I still was depressed and still suffered from anxiety attacks, just not as much. After a couple of years, I believed it stopped working, even after increasing the dose, so I stopped taking it."
May 12, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"Only thing I can say about the Loestrin 24 FE is AWESOME. I have been on these pills for 6yrs now and in the beginning my period lasted 2 to 3 days and as time went on it decreased even more and went to 24hrs and my period was over. Later on it changed again and I came on and was off in 12hrs. Today, I haven't had a period at all I know in yrs. I love these pills but the only downfall is even though I don't come on I still have the mood swings, irritating moments, feeling strange, headaches etc. but at the time when my period would have been ending that's when everything goes away. I did used to worry in the beginning when I completely stopped having a period but now I know its just the way these pills are with my body."
December 3, 2012
"For me, who is about to be 40 years old, I found that I had a shorter fuse than normal, couldn't finish anything, no energy, no focus. Went in to talk with a doctor and he tested me and found that I too was ADHD. I cannot tell you that I was shocked. He said it was bad enough to warrant 36mg starting point. I started it on a Thursday and by Sunday I had lost 6 lbs already. Not that I didn't like losing that much but not the way it happened. I have been so nauseated. Now, days are not too bad but I feel like I am crashing at night and also very nauseated at night still. I cannot take this anymore. I will actually go back to the way I was, before I will keep up with this. For my son at 81mg a day. It is absolutely FANTASTIC for him."
February 4, 2010
Junel Fe 1 / 20
Birth Control
"Continued: I experienced some breast tenderness and slight breast growth (I ain't complaining about that) I'm currently in my second pack and experiencing no side effects at all! I am very happy with this medication and impressed with how well it worked out for me despite all the negative reviews. Don't let the reviews frighten you, everyone's BODY'S are different so try it out for yourself!! :) good luck"
April 14, 2016
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
"I chose Mirena because I was having heavy periods with severe cramping along with terrible acne/pms symptoms. I am 27 years old and have never had children. I was very nervous before the procedure because of reading many terrible reviews. First off placement was the most painful experience thus far. Not even exaggerating. I've got a very high pain tolerance and I thought I was going to pass out. I left the office in some serious pain/cramping and it continued for about a day. I spotted for about a week along with minor cramps. It's now been 2 months and I have not had any spotting/cramping or periods! My mood is better and for the first time in 10 years I haven't had any acne breakouts. Also zero weight gain! I love Mirena, best choice ever."
May 31, 2014
"It makes any impossible situation more possible, it controls violence rage temper anger towards others. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, panic attacks and keeps you calm. The best!"
July 30, 2014
Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis
"I was put on this medication along with a very low dose ACE inhibitor that controls my blood pressure. The Imdur ER is being used to alleviate my chest pain and it has done so completely. I have not have one single flair up at all since starting it! The only down fall is the headache that I have had. I am going to call my cardiologist today to see if I can take anything for that. I still give it a 10 even with the headache because the chest pain was worse than the headache!"
June 14, 2010
Panic Disorde
"It's amazing how many symptoms come about because of anxiety: chest pain, chest squeezing, dizziness, light-headed feelings, feeling faint, sweating, nausea, heart palpitations. I could go on. Xanax is practically a miracle drug. It stops most of these symptoms cold after about 45 minutes of taking it. You feel better, and you look back at one hour ago, and you're bewildered that stress and anxiety caused you to feel so badly."
May 14, 2015
"After taking Chantix for smoking cessation I fell into a spiral of severe dèpression. I didn't feel like leaving my home other than going to work I gained 25 pounds and felt my life was hopeless I had always felt like an extrovert trapped in an intraverts body. I stumbled upon Valium when my husband gave me one for muscle cramps. The effects were amazing! I no longer felt trapped in I my prison of isolation and misery. A word of caution though: this drug is addictive and should be taken in small amounts and withdrawal should be done slowly and under medical supervision. It is a shame Valium has such a bad rap"
August 1, 2015
"I have been constipated for about a week and tried eating everything possible that will help me go even Mexican food and still nothing. I tried Miralax and couldn't go so I tried chocolate laxatives and nothing and tried Dulcolax suppositories. I'm so beyond nauseated which is better than having cramps but I still feel constipated even though I went a little. At least the Dulcolax helped me go within minutes and I'm glad I was on the toilet when it happened."
May 11, 2014
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"Used the 3 day Monistat. Intense itching/burning as soon as I used the applicator. Worst pain I have ever felt. What the hell is Monistat trying to do? I've used before and it did not do this. I'm calling my Doctor for Diflucan. This stuff is awful."
July 4, 2016
Generalized Anxiety Disorde
"I was diagnosed with GAD and PD, and then given this generic brand of Lexapro. Since this drug more potent than other SSRIs, I was relying on its efficiency to work quickly and with little side effects. I took 0.5mg of this every morning. The first two weeks I noticed an improvement in my mood. But I was feeling drowsy (a side effect) that made me lack energy and feel too foggy headed. By the third week, I was experiencing an increase in anxiety, extreme mood fluctuations, stronger feelings of fear, lack of appetite, and more symptoms of a panic attack. I talked to my therapist after 3 days of this continued torture and was advised to quit the Lexapro. It just isn't for me. Everyone experiences SSRIs differently! Keep looking!"
July 25, 2015
Nortrel 1 / 35
0</span> users found this comment helpful.
"They switched me from Necon to Nortrel saying it was the &quot;same&quot;. Within the first week I knew it was bad for my body. My acne got worse and hurt, and my doctor said it should be helping my acne get better. Since I started 6 months ago with Nortrel I have had dry eyes and now I have a hard time seeing far away, which my eye doctor said is due to dry eyes since I have 20/20 vision. I was on Necon for 4 years and was so upset they switched me. I&#039;m stopping the pill completely now and I&#039;m worried about side effects of going off but it&#039;s not worth the dry eyes and other bad side effects. Very disappointed."
August 16, 2017
Chronic Pain
"Stops the pain."
October 18, 2012
Loestrin 24 Fe
Birth Control
"I was on this pill after I finished breast feeding, and I had lots of problems with break-through bleeding, every month. I was on Lo Ovral for 9 years prior to having a baby and didn&#039;t experience the problems I have with Loestrin. "
May 7, 2009
"Did not help me go to sleep but relaxed me. But I got a headache that seemed to increase during my 10 day trial. I do not like it and will not get any more"
June 18, 2016
"I am very happy with Concerta. I am 17 years old and started taking this about 3 months ago. Before I took this, I had a lot of trouble in school with paying attention and focusing, and after I took it, I noticed an immediate difference and it was so much easier to focus and pay attention. Another really positive feedback from Concerta is that it helps me engage in conversation more because I am more focused and I don&#039;t interrupt people like I used to. Also, it helps me think things through more."
June 24, 2008
Diabetes, Type 2
"I started Bydueron 10 weeks ago. I was fine the first 6 weeks. On week 7, I became extremely ill. Vomiting, explosive diarrhea, gas pains and bloating like never before, long flatulence every few minutes (how embarrassing!), and sulfur-tasting belching (like rotten eggs). Endo dr. said it wasn&#039;t the med. I went to my primary doctor because I wasn&#039;t sure if it was a virus. All of my tests came back negative. Third week, same thing. I decided not to take the injection and notified endo. She told me to stop metformin and resume shot. Last week, had shot and condition worsened. She finally told me to stop the injections. It&#039;s been four weeks of suffering. Not worth it! This stuff is poison to me!"
November 10, 2016
Paranoid Disorde
"After taking Risperidone for 6 months to relieve my panic, fear and irrational thoughts associated with my PTSD, I encountered very little relief. What I did gain was the WEIGHT. I gained 50 lbs in 6 months with no change in eating habits. After voicing this concern to my doctor, I was taken off the medication with no withdrawal effects and in 10 months time I lost 49lbs with no exercise and eating a healthier low glycemic index diet."
June 1, 2011
Panic Disorde
"I have PTSD, OCD, severe bipolar and severe borderline personality disorder along with severe panic attacks and constant anxiety. I was taken off of 0.5 mg Xanax taken four times a day over 25 years which enabled me to live a &quot;normal&quot; life. I was prescribed klonopin instead. While it does help tremendously with the panic and anxiety, for me anyway, Xanax worked much better. I am on a slew of other meds for the other disorders I have. Just commenting on klonopin"
February 21, 2016
Birth Control
"First had implanon then got Nexplanon, had a period first month and I have not had one since. I&#039;m due to remove it next year. I do notice spotting sometimes for a day but it honestly usually coincides with when I&#039;m stressed. Had some weight gain also. So far the best BC I&#039;ve had in all my years. I plan on trying for a baby next year then I will be back on it."
April 21, 2017
Birth Control
"I was on Sprintec for 5 months as my first birth control ever, and overall I liked it. Shorter periods, less cramps, great skin, so cheap, and never any spotting (only when I skipped my period on purpose, I spotted a week later for 2 weeks). Only problem is I gained about 15 pounds and my breasts got HUGE. Mine were already big and kept growing so I had to switch to a lower dose. I would definitely recommend this birth control to anyone."
October 31, 2010
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
"Why would one take a medication for abdominal pain when one of the side effects is abdominal pain."
May 5, 2017
Birth Control
"I&#039;ve only been on this form of birth control for less than 2 weeks, but so far so good! It&#039;s my first form of the pill I&#039;ve taken and I feel just normal as ever! Only it&#039;s nice to not have to worry about creating a little human all the time, since I am very sexually active, being married and all. I take it at 8 am every day. I wanted to add this because lots of reviews on here say they take it at night and feel horrible all night or next morning. So maybe that&#039;s because they take it at night? Of course I don&#039;t know. But they say not to take this pill on bed rest or anything, so maybe. I&#039;ll keep ya&#039;ll updated if anything bad happens. But so far I&#039;m lovin it!"
March 8, 2016
Paranoid Disorde
"I take Risperdal to treat my schizophrenia, but I also suffer from paranoia. I know Risperdal is not used to directly treat my paranoia, but it&#039;s done nothing for my schizophrenia either. The voices and hallucinations are still prominent."
February 1, 2011
Birth Control
"I&#039;ve been taking Ocella for 4 months, and so far everything is going great. I feel normal, my period comes on time every month, and my period is not as heavy. Occasionally, I feel nauseous around my period, but that side-effect occurs with or without birth control. I would recommend this oral contraceptive to anyone who is between late teens and early twenties."
October 19, 2009
Amoxicillin / clavulanate
Bacterial Infection
"I started Augmentin on Thursday morning because I had typhoid. My doctor insisted it will clear it and make me feel better. Since Thursday, I have experience extreme diarrhea, nausea, and body pains. I wake up 8 -10 times during the night to vomit and stool. Both happens simultaneously and as at this morning of the fourth day, I feel like I might never get better. I am going to stop it. I have no more strength to even puke or sit up. I can&#039;t lie on my belly or back either and my two sides are aching seriously due to the constant support"
July 23, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I took quasense for about 3 years and the first two years I loved it. I have tried at least 4 birth controls (oral contraceptive form) and this one was the first to finally work for me. However, within the past year I have had some awful things happening to me and my obgyn thinks it is due to the estrogen in the pill. I had a weight gain of 7 pounds within a week &amp; a half. During this time I was exercising &amp; barely eating to try and get back down to my normal weight. However I only continued to gain weight. I have had so much hair loss this year &amp; now have 4 distinct bald spots. Crazy mood swings, I&#039;ve had my period for 2 months straight now, &amp; I&#039;m extremely tired. Today I had the IUD &quot;skyla&quot; inserted so I hope everything improves soon :("
March 31, 2016
"I am 24 and for years I have struggled with my weight. It wasn&#039;t super serious until I got in a relationship- I gained nearly 40kg in under a year. At my heaviest I was 116kg. I see a personal trainer, go to Zumba, and I thought I was eating well- nothing helped me shed the weight. I got tested for thyroid issues and PCOS- neither explained my inability to shed the Kgs. I started this drug about 17 days ago. My starting weight was 106.7kg- I now weigh 100.4kg. It has completely changed how I view food, what I crave, and made me realise that whilst the foods I was previously eating were good foods, I was eating far too much because my body had forgotten how to recognise true hunger. I am so excited- it is so worth the money. 10/10!!!"
June 29, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin
Birth Control
"Have been on the patch for 5 months now &amp; it&#039;s just awful, I feel nauseous all the time &amp; get headaches and the dizziness that comes along with it. My periods are heavy &amp; have painful cramping, some in between bleeding"
January 15, 2016
Plan B
Emergency Contraception
"Ladies, please be smart and use BC and condoms! Plan B does not stop a pregnancy if egg fertilization has occurred. I recently took a plan B 24 hours after having sex, but it was too late. Plan B unfortunately didn&#039;t work for me. Take immediately if you suspect you might be pregnant (don&#039;t wait!)an most importantly use all methods of BC!"
August 28, 2015
Rheumatoid Arthritis
"Well, it has been about 12 days since I have taken my first shot of Simponi. I started on Saturday, August 29, 2009. I also stopped taking prednisone that day. I feel real good. I go to the Doctor on the 23rd of September. I would like to start cutting back on the methotrexate. I will update next month. "
September 10, 2009
"I had a terrible case of Chronic Prostatitis caused by enterococcus. All antibiotics that this bacteria was sensitive to would not enter the protaste gland properly. My doctor prescribed 6 others antibiotics before Avelox. Thank God Avelox killed this nasty infection. I had to take it for 6 weeks. After the second week I was feeling normal again (after 10 months of fighting). Magic little red pills."
November 16, 2008
"After 3 years of astounding results from Supartz, I had to miss injections due to having ObamaCare where my policy was not accepted by my Ortho MD for 15 months. Medicare is accepted and I returned for my semi-annual injection series wherein he told me he has seen slightly better results with Euflexxa. After the first injection, I noticed significant swelling associated with an increase in pain from zero to 3. After the second injection, the swelling had increased and pain worsened to a 6 with my inability to climb stairs. The third injection was followed by a steroid to help reduce the swelling and an infection was ruled out. I am now scheduled for an MRI. Supartz works, Euflexxa does not."
December 29, 2016
"This is an AMAZING product. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TRYING IT. Truly a must try."
November 2, 2010
"This is my miracle. I was put on it in Germany and had to go off it until I had insurance again. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Often I would find myself stuck in a daydream world because of all the things going on in my life, including my partner of years (15-25). I would have no energy and just feel so low. Finally I had insurance and was put on 1800mg a day. I feel so much better. I feel like I can handle life and set goals for myself. I don&#039;t feel anxiety. I don&#039;t sit here and think of the negative and focus on a positive life. I am more fun and interactive with my son. It literately saved my life. I don&#039;t know why."
September 20, 2013
"During a migraine attack, I took a Dramamine to help me sleep (as, yes, it packs a wallop in the drowsy department). It did make me a little drowsy, but what was more interesting is that my migraine went from a &quot;10&quot; to a &quot;4&quot; on the pain scale. Now when I start to get migraine symptoms, I take an Excedrin and a Dramamine. The combination works tremendously for me."
June 18, 2011
Extrapyramidal Reaction
"After 2 days of taking this I got blurred vision."
September 26, 2010
Bupropion / naltrexone
"I waited to start until today, since I am off work today. I&#039;ve never been on a prescription before. (Outside of antibiotics for cold, flu..etc.) I didn&#039;t feel anything until around an hour. My throat got extremely dry and I had an insatiable thirst. I drank glass after glass of water for at least two hours. (I also had to use the restroom every 10/15min, which is a concern for days I have to work. I drive long distances for work) At the second hour I had a crazy burst of energy and started deep cleaning my entire house. After I finished, I felt tired so I laid in my bed. I was in it for 30-45min, but could not go to sleep. I got up and ate two pizza slices, which is normal for me. I guess it takes a while before your appetite is suppressed."
May 19, 2017
Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
Birth Control
"I struggled with symptoms of PMDD for a while and finally my doctor put me on Aviane to regulate my hormone levels and thus, mood. Aviane made my breasts larger but increased my acne and oily skin like crazy and made me more depressed and emotional! I normally have clear skin, so the acne was horrible for me. I asked to switch to Ortho-Tri Cyclen Lo. Since I&#039;ve taken OTC-Lo (for 6 months), I&#039;ve noticed my skin cleared up (although I still have minor acne compared to when I was off the pill), and it helped with my mood swings tremendously. Although a bit more pricey ($15 copay), I am very happy with the improvement in mood that OTC-Lo has given me, which is a much better gain compared to the minor acne I am still experiencing."
January 29, 2013
Birth Control
"I have been on this medicine for almost a month now. I have not experienced ANY side effects. Before I started it, I saw all these comments and they nearly scared me. My doctor assured me that if I had not felt any side effects on the birth control pills I was on before, that I would be fine. She was right, imagine that. Now obviously I have yet to have my period, we will see how that goes in another 2 months. I was on Loestrin 24 FE before this one, but it started to not work for my period anymore. So far, not a problem with Seasonique."
February 7, 2011
"Ibuprofen was my default pain relief early in my experience with Ankylosing Spondylitis. It reduced inflammation and made the pain, discomfort and stiffness more manageable. I did experience some side effects (constipation, followed by diarrhea due to the blockage, stomach pains etc., but the pain management helped to make it bearable. I managed on it for over 10 years before my fusion made the pain worse."
May 1, 2014
"I was diagnosed with severe painful and silent migraines a few months ago, but the neurologist said I&#039;ve most likely suffered from silent migraines my entire life (I&#039;m 17 by the way), but recently they have started getting painful. Imitrex was the first medication I was put on. I was excited to start feeling better, but imitrex made me feel awful. I suffer from extreme nausea before, during and after a migraine and it&#039;s completely life ruining. I&#039;ve tried imitrex many times, in hopes of it finally working. Every time I&#039;d take it, I&#039;d get a horrible burning in my throat, and my migraine would worsen. It didn&#039;t help nausea, aura, pain or any other migraine symptoms I suffer from. I&#039;ve recently been put on another medication that&#039;ll hopefully work."
April 29, 2016
Birth Control
"I am 22, no prior children, I have endometriosis &amp; was told Mirena was the best option. The implementation process was hell. The worst pain I have ever been in. I fainted &amp; had to have a friend pick me up. I left it in for 10 months. Within those 10 months I&#039;d gained 18 pounds (on a 5 foot tall person that&#039;s horrible), I was moody, had the worst cramps, hair loss, acne, horrible headaches, the appetite of a sumo wrestler, &amp; didn&#039;t want to do anything. I felt lazy and borderline depressed. They don&#039;t tell you those side effects for obvious reasons. Yesterday I finally had it removed. Being traumatized by having it put in I about made myself sick with nerves. The removal was quick and painless and I already feel like myself again."
August 8, 2015
Polyethylene glycol 3350
"I take opiates every day, and a side effect of this is severe constipation. I would often go weeks without having a bowel movement. When I did go, it was painful and required a lot of work and time. I have tried other solutions and MiraLax is the best by far. I took one cap full every day and on the second day I had a small bowel movement. I kept taking it and the very next day I had the first normal bowel movement in years. No cramping, no straining and no pain. I cannot recommend MiraLax enough. It is so gentle, yet works so well! If you suffer with constipation don&#039;t suffer anymore! Try MiraLax!"
March 20, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I&#039;ve read a lot of reviews on this pill, and I agree with the reviews that reflect negative side effects. I believe every woman is different, and my chemistry doesn&#039;t work well with this pill. I&#039;ve been on it for five months, and I can&#039;t wait to switch. I&#039;ve noted breast tenderness, weird cramping, severe mood swings (laughing and crying at the same time while watching commercials; that was odd), my period doesn&#039;t occur in the normal cycle time, and I&#039;ve gained a significant amount of weight. It probably works well with some women, but not for me."
November 21, 2011
Acetaminophen / oxycodone
"Fast acting for chronic pain, the ONLY downside is a shorter time period of relief then other pain medications."
November 6, 2011
Junel Fe 1 / 20
Birth Control
"I am 21 years old, non-smoker, do not drink often, exercise regularly (aka. poster child of health, I was a college athlete as well...I don&#039;t even have a cavity!) I recently got diagnosed with DVT (blood clot in leg) and a pulmonary embolism. I was on Junel FE and the 3 doctors I saw said it was due to the birth control. DO NOT TAKE THIS! I know it is considered a &quot;rare&quot; side effect, but it can happen to you easily. Apparently it is not as rare as I thought. The medication is VERY costly and you may have to be on blood thinners for the rest of your life. Be careful."
June 9, 2016
mance Anxiety
"Went to the doctor to help with a clonidine taper. Clonidine was prescribed for methadone withdrawal along with Valium. Got off the methadone pretty easy considering how messed up I was. Now stuck with physical clonidine addiction after being on it for 3 months. Was prescribed propranolol for day time control of rebound high blood pressure and withdrawal anxiety and so far it is working amazingly. I feel like I could talk in front of 100,000 people and not flinch in fear. Because propranolol has its own withdrawal if you are on it too long just like clonidine but at least this time I am aware of the possibility rather than blindly taking some medication."
April 14, 2014
Loestrin 24 Fe
0</span> users found this comment helpful.
"I was on Loestrin 24 Fe for about 6 months and never had any problems emotionally. However, I gained about 10 pounds and my acne that had never been bad became extremely severe. And it&#039;s now slowly going away."
March 26, 2012
"Well, I&#039;ve been taking orlistat for 6 days three times a day, already lost 1 kg. Although I have a headache and am slightly constipated, I am happy I have found something that works."
May 14, 2017
Multiple Sclerosis
"I&#039;ve been on Copaxone for 2 years, and symptoms have gotten worst. I guess there&#039;s a reason the side effects make it so appealing to everyone. My doctor is finally changing it to another medicine, unfortunately due to severe liver side effects. I am in so much pain and fatigue everyday, I&#039;ve lost so much of my life, my job, my social life. Trying to overcome this monster."
October 13, 2010
"I have been taking Celebrex now for a little over 30 days. I am 30 years old and have suffered from chronic arthritis pain for over 10 years. I have had two ankle surgeries leaving me with what feels like no relief. My last surgery was over 2 years ago and did provide SOME relief but not completely. Since I?ve been on Celebrex I can honestly say it?s been a blessing in disguise!!! I went from 2-3 days a week of pain and discomfort to virtually none."
April 10, 2008
"I had been taking Xanax and Lexapro for generalized anxiety disorder. The Xanax, at 0.25 mg, made me a zombie. Atarax at 50 mg 3 times a day works very well for me and I am able to function at work as well. The sedative effects wore off after a few days."
August 22, 2011
Night Terrors
"I had been taking anti-anxiety medication for a very long time due to my severe anxiety and panic attack disorder I have and the last resort after trying a few others was to take klonopin 1 mg 4 times a day.. After starting taking the medication, I didn&#039;t notice any bad side effects, but then I slowly started to have nightmares and night terrors, even when I just took small cat naps! It was absolutely horrible, I couldn&#039;t stand it but I didn&#039;t think about Klonopin being the cause until after a while it stopped working for my anxiety and I went back to Xanax which started to work better for me again and all of a sudden, my night terrors have disappeared and no longer afraid to fall asleep! They&#039;ve gone away ever since I stopped Klonopin."
March 18, 2014
"I took two pills along with 4 teaspoons of Castor oil about 2.5 hours ago. Still waiting. Hoping I didn&#039;t screw up to bad by taking both, and two dulcolax pills...we will see"
May 7, 2016
Birth Control
"I have been on this pill for 7 months and it is good except for the extreme nausea and it causes me to not want to eat sometimes. So I have lost weight except in my boobs which actually stayed at my normal C cup. If you have anxiety and anxiety attacks like I do just know that any hormonal birth control can make them more frequent."
May 13, 2016
High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous
"Gave myself the first injection using the Pen earlier this week. The injection was automatic. Pressed it against my skin, pushed the button, the mechanism clicked and the injection was made. When finished the mechanism clicked again which withdrew the needle. It was almost painless. Will repeat in two weeks and get blood tests in a few months to see if it works."
September 11, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I&#039;ve been on Junel Fe for 9 months now. For the first three months I experienced nausea and occasional mood swings, it helped with making my period lighter and regularly on time. After the first months I was fine. Upon month 8 I experienced extreme mood swings and depression. I would pick fights about the smallest things and I felt crazy for doing so. I became really depressed once I hit month 9 and just could not figure out what was going on. Finally, a friend suggested getting off of Junel Fe and I have seen immediate change in my mood even on day 3 of being off the pill. Did not work for me."
September 22, 2015
Chronic Pain
"After getting shot in my lower back, my back got torn apart. It took 7 surgeries, and the pain is unexplainable. It&#039;s not 10/10 pain, It&#039;s more like 20/10 pain. My PM doctor put me on Methadone 10mg 4x daily, and Oxycodone 30mg 6x daily. Those are 2 of the strongest Pain meds out there. Now my pain level is about a 5/10. Big improvement. The Methadone helps A LOT. I was first put on Fentanyl 50mcg patch along with the Oxy, my pain then was 8/10.. still too much pain. After getting switched to Methadone with the Oxy.. huge difference. Methadone is the best Painkiller I&#039;ve ever tried. TY Methadone."
April 1, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"This pill did not work for me. After three days I started noticing severe mood swings, mostly between irrational anger and despondency. My perfectly clear skin also started to breakout, I could never feel satiated (not necessarily hungry but still snacking all the time), unable to fall asleep, and had horrible constipation. I went off the pills and a week later still have most of the side effects, although my insomnia has improved. Definitely not for everyone, hoping it will get out of my system soon!"
February 23, 2017
Birth Control
"I&#039;ve had the implant in for 2 years today - and I&#039;m hoping to have it taken out tonight, I&#039;ve not really had any major problems with the implant, I only have a period for about a week every 3 months so I&#039;m fine with that, however I have put weight on and can&#039;t get it off at all, I go to the gym and eat healthy and I only end up putting more weight on! Also, ever since having the implant I&#039;ve had thrush (yeast infection) about 3 times, and the doctors say it can&#039;t be because of the implant however I&#039;m certain it is. I&#039;m always constantly moody and I never even want sex so I&#039;m hoping to have it out just so I can be myself again. I wouldn&#039;t have one put in again just because it&#039;s so long to put up with but if you&#039;re happy being moody for 3 years then go for it."
January 6, 2017
"Helped a ton post-partum. Suffered depression long after both my babies were born. Insomnia is common and I took sleep aids for the first year. Any tiny disturbance in taking it is NOT RECOMMENDED...Worst I have ever felt. The &quot;brain zaps&quot; are like a special kind of torture and my appetite is simply non existent...not good for someone already under weight. It saved me for a long time but the choice to come off was heavily weighed against the withdrawal symptoms. I am suffering through it a week later. Anxiety getting better but physically there is not much change."
September 23, 2012
"Not once but twice woke up during 2 separate procedures for colonoscopies, with doctors trying to force air out. Drug is way too mild."
June 3, 2015
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
"I am on my 3rd Mirena (replaced every 5 years). Every insertion has been excruciatingly painful; this last time, dare I say was WORSE! I was teary-eyed, breathing through it while also screaming intermittently as my dr inched it into place; and for whatever reason, I felt the pain on my right side. I fully expected spotting &amp; cramps for a few days after. Here I am now, just under 4-weeks later, with cramping and spotting almost daily. The cramps are on my right side, which is where the pain was during insertion. I have never had a problem before now. I&#039;ve used Mirena for over 10 years &amp; have always loved it. I just turned 40, so I&#039;m wondering if my body is responding differently due to hormonal fluctuations that come with age."
December 29, 2016
Major Depressive Disorde
"I am a 42 yr old mother. I have been depressed all of my life. Never been happy more than a few weeks at a time. I have tired a few different mess but no real change. I would also self medicate with alcohol. At least once a week I would get to drunk I would black out. As you probably figured that caused a lot of problems in itself. I started taken Brentellix 6 moths ago and I have NEVER been so happy in my entire life! I love it! It really changed my life for the better. No more drinking! At all. I&#039;m so happy and my family has also seen the change are are more happy."
August 3, 2015
Birth Control
"No problems - at first had great sex drive, 4 day periods, no cramps, light. No headaches or mood changes like with other birth control pills. The pills are not expensive. Did have a lot of yeast infections every month on the time of my period. Stopped taking it because my sugar got high and blood pressure was high. If you are a diabetic or have high blood pressure you have to be monitored by your doctor. This pill was not for me but every body is different. "
November 22, 2011
Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
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"I love this birth control because no spotting between periods. A little emotional from the birth control. No mood swings. My last birth control made me bleed constantly every month so I stopped taking it and then I got pregnant and then I went on this birth control and I could be happier. I just wish it wasn&#039;t so expensive."
November 29, 2011
"I had been on Lexapro/Celexa/Citolopram for the past 10 years (maybe a couple more) and it was fabulous! About a year and half ago it stopped working for me. I had tried Wellbutrin before the L/C/C and it was horrible for me - like wanting to hide in a corner under a desk paranoia! My doctor sugested Viibryd after the L/C/C stopped working and so far so good. I can&#039;t attest to the GI problems, and I don&#039;t know if I have the night time issues (I sleep like a log and am single so no one is there to tell me what is going on while I&#039;m sleeping). I do have sleep issues, but not related to Viibryd. I have found that the Viibryd doesn&#039;t help with anxiety/anger issues, so the doctor suggested adding L-Theanine and that helps tons!"
January 15, 2013
Smoking Cessation
"Have smoked for 12 years, I was smoking a 40 pack (Australia) in less than 24 hrs. I went on Champix and after 2 weeks I was a non smoker and no side effects. Normally I&#039;d be clawing at the walls of my house if I didn&#039;t have a cigarette for a hour, now my cigarette addiction is comparable to eating chocolate, I&#039;d like some but I can go without. I also have ADHD which makes smoking a lot more pleasurable and a lot more addictive."
December 3, 2014
"Prescribed via a Psychiatrist for severe Panic attacks for 2 years. If I take dosage late or forget to take it the withdrawal symptoms kick in. Gnawing physical pain, breathlessness, disorientation to time, difficulties in word finding while speaking, severe muscle pain and stiffness, nausea, labile emotions and panic. "
September 5, 2010
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
Birth Control
"I love that I only have to think about my birth control twice a month. It&#039;s easy to use. That being said, after about six months of use, I realized that I was noticeably more anxious, depressed, and emotional. Where I&#039;ve had problems with anxiety before, I more frequently have panic attacks, a rapid heartbeat, and a tight chest. I find it hard to fall asleep at night, and hard to get out of bed in the morning. Maybe the worst part is that I have a very low libido. There will be times when I do have a desire to have sex with my SO, but my body doesn&#039;t respond or tenses up quickly. Otherwise, I don&#039;t think about intercourse nearly as much as I used to."
November 4, 2016
"Temporal lobe w/ Mesial temporal sclerosis. Using 8 weeks. Sometimes headaches or dizzy, frequent minor muscle tremors and twitching, shortened menstrual cycle, sensitive mood. Always tired and not very productive, sleep more. Went from monthly 2-5 day blackout seizure binge with 2-5 day recovery, so far only 1 minor convulsion while conscious with mostly full recovery by morning. Major improvement."
July 26, 2016
Bactrim DS
Bacterial Infection
"I had possible Strep throat. First day I took it my fever rose to over 102. I was shaking, chills, rash. My blood pressure (and I have high blood pressure) was 100/55 and my pulse was 50, I was not feeling well at all. I called doctor next morning and he switched me to Amoxicillin. I hope it works better. Now I have a under the skin rash all over and am itching. Guess I am allergic to this one."
August 12, 2009
Postmenopausal Symptoms
"This medication completely changed my life for the better. Also having a thyroid autoimmune disease, menopause was worse for me, a bad endocrine &quot;cocktail&quot; as it were, and I was for almost a year brought to my knees with 20 or more knee buckling hot flash episodes a day that caused so much joint and limb pain I couldn&#039;t walk, severe depression, was nearly bedridden from lack of energy and episodes that were almost anxiety attacks (never had them before). Within 3 weeks of taking FemHrt, it nearly all ceased. I got my life back."
January 11, 2011
Weight Loss
"I am a 28 year old female and my highest weight was 217 lb I am very active and work out 4 times a week at least but suffer from hashimotos thyroid along with Ibs-c. I have been to a handful of Specialists over the course of 10 years and used to have to run 2 hours a day just to keep my weight stable. My doctor recently added T3 to my regular levothyroxin everyday and I noticed more energy but my weight still clung on. She started me on a two-week trial of Qsymia (while trying to get approval from my insurance company) the first few days I felt foggy and very thirsty. I am now on day 11 and dropped 7 lbs still working out the same I never had much of an appetite and don&#039;t eat many fatty foods which is why we looked into this medication"
July 1, 2017
"I was violently sick from taking this. Sure, it relieved the constipation but at one point I was debating whether I need 911. Product: Bisacodyl USP 5 mg, marketed as CVS Brand Women&#039;s Gentle Laxative. I am a middle-aged female, about 135lbs, no health probs. Yesterday I took one tablet in the afternoon. At 8 PM I felt nauseous, some abdominal rumbling. 8:30PM I vomited so hard that I actually wet myself. That was followed by wave after wave of violent abdominal pain. I was sweating so heavily that I stripped off all of my clothes, and so weak that I just laid on the bathroom floor in misery. I vomited again, then had diarrhea. Again at midnight. Again at 2AM. Finally recovered around 5AM. It was a nightmare and I would never take it again"
August 24, 2015
"It has always helped me with my lower back pain."
September 4, 2009
Weight Loss
"I have been on Contrave for 3 weeks. I am 5&quot;5, at 155 pounds. I think I have only lost 2 pounds. I work out with a personal trainer 3x a week and usually take long walks for other days not with trainer. My doctor recommended this prescription for me because I sit at a desk 10 hours a day and am typically very hungry and unable to stop my snacking. So far, I still crave foods. Not sure when the &#039;appetite supressant&#039; part will kick in, because it still has not done that. I have not noticed much differences so I will give it a little more time (until I finish the entire bottle supply) before asking DR. to change me to something else."
May 4, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
Birth Control
"Nuvaring has worked out great for me. The only side effect I experience a lot from is nausea. I could be starving and the smell of food disgusts me."
November 24, 2011
Bacterial Infection
"I&#039;ve been prescribed this med for 4 times a day for 14 days I feel horrible ,the taste in my mouth is so nasty ,my urine is dark ,my Bowel movements look green and funny .has anyone experienced this?"
January 23, 2017
Emergency Contraception
"My girlfriend and I had sex during her fertile period, the condom broke and we didn&#039;t realize. She took the pill around 8 hours later and it worked, she got her period! I have read in some journals that the pill may not work during the fertile period so be careful! Anyhow for us worked :)"
March 15, 2017
"Still felt nauseous after being given this drug after surgery. I woke up extremely sick and vomiting. This was the third drug given to help combat these effects. I didn&#039;t know I&#039;d been given it but my heart started racing and concerned the nursing staff, and their concern made me anxious. I was so scared and paranoid about what was happening to me which I later found out was all because of this drug. They ended up flushing it out of my system."
August 19, 2017
"I&#039;ve only been using Nucynta for a couple of days, but so far it is working very well for me with very minimal side effects. I have chronic sciatica and have been on and off of low does Hydrocodone for a couple of years now. I&#039;ve been taking 50mg of Nucynta 2-3 times a day. This seems to work almost as well on the pain and just seems easier on my body. It does make me a bit &quot;loopy&quot; and a little groggy, but no more than the hydrocodone. I also have noticed that I&#039;m not as hungry, which is not necessarily a bad thing! I will be interested to see how it works over time and whether it continues to work well over a period of time."
April 25, 2012
Chlamydia Infection
"Took medication for 7 days only side affect I had was that I couldn&#039;t have sex for 7 days :("
November 4, 2017
Lo Loestrin Fe
Birth Control
"I used the medication for one month and during that time my face broke out in acne, and I have not been able to get the acne to go away in a year."
August 3, 2013
"I had excruciating lower back pain along with sciatica. Had shot I hip about 4 hrs ago. Pain is almost gone. I still have a little sciatica, but that takes a few days to heal . Dr also prescribed Vicodin but don&#039;t think I will need it tonight. I could barely walk before the dr visit. Now I am much better. No drug works for everyone, but it&#039;s worth a try. Hope you all feel better!"
June 6, 2016
Weight Loss
"I was signed up to have the gastric sleeve procedure done but cancelled a few days prior wanting to try again to lose the weight on my own. I was 245 pounds March 28th and am 5&#039;5. I started Phentermine shortly after that. I am currently 209lbs and it is July 22nd. Very happy with the results. Glad I didn&#039;t have the operation even if I would be skinner now the risks were just too scary for me to go through with it. I would love to get down to 160lbs! I am going to keep chugging along."
July 22, 2014
Sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim
Urinary Tract Infection
"I have always taken Bactrim for a UTI and it has always worked with zero side effects. I took two every 12 hours for ten days and I&#039;m perfectly fine now. "
September 6, 2017
"Started effexor 75 in Oct start feeling fantastic beside dry mouth and a bit of nausea. Doctor up it to 150mg in November. I felt like a whole different person I got my life back but due to some side effects of the drug causing constipation and facial twitching in my lower lip and body jolts doctor tried to ween me off 150 mg taking one pill every second day it was too fast to soon. Wow just as well if I had done it cold turkey. Brain zaps, crying, feeling lost in my own body. Scared tremors. It has been almost 2 weeks with no effexor and I have got vertigo, felt like I was going to die. Today I started taking 150mg again today and already feel a difference. This could be my drug huge difference in mood ,zapping gone and dry mouth is back I can live with that ."
March 13, 2017
"I had a great experience with this medication. I had to go off all medication for a while but will ask for this again when I can resume. My doctor gave me Concerta and I didn&#039;t think it was doing anything. I felt calmer, the way you feel after a well rested vacation, but that was all the difference I felt. THEN my co-workers started complimenting me on my work more, saying I was doing much better (They were the ones that suggested I get tested for ADHD)."
April 16, 2008
Birth Control
"I am a mother of 5 and this is the second time round using the Implanon. The first time was much like this time round no period, weight gain from 75kg to 120 kg, mood swings, migraines. I&#039;m sure I had the whole package but in saying that, ladies...you should always read the information &quot;inside the pack&quot;. It tells you what you might experience and its pretty much what everyone is stating. You may or might not get it. You won&#039;t truly know until you try it for yourself."
April 11, 2010
"Saved my Life. I went from level 10 pain daily to almost no pain after the first infusion. I cry when I talk about how this medication as given me a whole new lease on life. It has literally saved my life. My pain was so bad in my wrists that I couldn&#039;t do anything anymore. I was seriously thinking about suicide or just cutting my hands off. I&#039;m saved and I thank Remicade for it."
July 7, 2016
Clostridial Infection
"I am taking this for C-diff. The medicine stopped the diarrhea after 3 days, but the medicine has made me sick to where I feel nauseous all the time. I was very sensitive to light as well. I have a 14 day supply and am on day 12. The taste is horrible and have gagged several times because it would get stuck in my throat. I am a baby when it comes to taking pills, but this has definitely been my worst experience. Just hope I am all cleared up when I go for my follow up visit. I am a 41 year old female and had bloody mucus in my stools which is what made me finally go to the doctor. I had previously taken an antibiotic for a sinus infection which most likely caused the c-diff."
January 2, 2013
"Without this medicine I could not sleep through the pain."
March 28, 2011
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
"Being that I have rheumatoid arthritis and take medication for that, finding antibiotics to treat infection isn&#039;t easy. I did not have many side effects from this medicine, as I took it how the doctor prescribed. I did have upset stomach though at first. Any infection I had, showed definite improvement within the first 36 hrs."
June 24, 2013