Lauryn’s Law will train counselors about suicide Gov Larry Hogan signed Lauryn’s Law last week, which will require counselors in Maryland schools to receive training in suicide prevention. With the move, the state will join 22 others across the country that require suicide-prevention training, at least at some levels, by 2016. by Paul Katula 2 Virginia Law address Mental Health and Bullying, in Virginia The new law requires school counselors to be trained to recognize mental health disorders and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, and substance abuse. It was sponsored by Sen. Jeremy McPike, a Democrat representing Dale City and Manassas. The law was inspired by 17-year-old David Cobb, who was a student at Osbourn Park High School in Manassas. David’s mother, Kimberly Fleming, said that David spoke to a counselor who did not realize the extent of David’s problem. He killed himself after being released from school. “Always knew how to make mama laugh. I miss him. I miss him very much,” Fleming said. The counseling law is similar to a Maryland law inspired by the death of Lauryn Santiago, McPike said. McPike met Santiago’s mother at a suicide prevention walk last year when they shared how they both lost someone. McPike lost a brother; she lost a child who was bullied. They discussed how they might improve counseling efforts. “There’s a whole network of parents and family members who have lost a loved one who say, ‘We don’t want this ever to happen again — we have to step up,'” McPike said. Mom turns grief into action to help others prevent youth suicide WBALTV An increasing number of young people are taking their own lives. The 11 News I-Team talks to the experts and a mother who turned her grief into action. Every moment, Linda Diaz lives with an anguish that seems impossible to bear. LearnSafe is easy to use and actionable. With over a decade of use and continuous input from experts, you can trust LearnSafe to help build a safe, supportive learning environment. LearnSafe gives you the time and information you need to focus on providing the individualized, positive intervention and support necessary to keep all students and staff members safe Maryland State Bord of Edcuation Suicide Prevention Training Published PDF for Code of Maryland Regulations 13A.07.11 Maryland State Board of Education School Counselor Published PDF for Code of Maryland Regulations 13A.12.03.02 Prince George's Suite The Washington Post When Lauryn Santiago’s grades started to slip two years ago, her mother, Linda Diaz, suspected something was wrong. Diaz called her daughter’s high school and asked the counselor to meet with Lauryn. But the meeting never happened... Suicide Prevention Resource Center As of July 1, 2016, school counselors seeking certification or renewal in Maryland will be required to have the skills to understand and respond to indicators of mental illness and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, and substance abuse, as well as to identify resources to help students in crisis...
Art Therapy and Eating Disorders – An article about iaedp 2018 “Imagine Me Beyond What You See” Art Runner-Up Eileen Misluk How an IUPUI professor uses art therapy to treat eating disorders In Eileen Misluk‘s graduate classes, students talk through challenges they are having while working and interning as art therapists. And Misluk, an assistant professor at the Herron School of Art and Design and director of the art therapy program, noticed that her students often brought up clients who potentially have eating disorders or eating-related issues, asking how they can help them. “I became really aware that my students were not necessarily well equipped to assess for eating-related issues. And for a lot of the early clinicians out in the field, and some seasoned ones as well, this hasn’t been an area of focus for them,” she said. So Misluk, who is a certified eating disorder creative arts therapist, decided to come up with a training program. She’s developing a program that will train those working at community mental health agencies to know how to identify if clients have eating-related issues, as well on best practices to work with them and when to refer them to a specialist. And as a member of the Eating Disorder Task Force of Indiana, she’s also working with that group to see if the program could be counted toward continuing education for mental health clinicians in the state. Funding for the training program, as well as for Misluk to hire a graduate student for the project and travel to the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Conference, comes from a generous grant from Healthcare Initiatives Inc., an Indianapolis-based private foundation supporting the advancement of human health and well-being, that was awarded earlier this year. Her hope is to offer the training for free so that as many clinicians as possible have access. Misluk started working with clients who have eating disorders about 10 years ago and came to IUPUI in 2013. She started her career in forensic psychiatry, planning to work with people who were coming out of prisons and correctional facilities. However, after attending a talk about eating disorders by a psychologist in 2008, Misluk changed course and focused her work on eating disorders and eating-related issues. “It was really eye-opening,” she said, adding that she started to think more about the impact of media messages and the relationships that people have with food. “With addictions, we can look at an abstinence-based model. But we can’t do that with food,” Misluk said, noting that everyone has to have a relationship with food. So art therapy is a way for people to process their emotions and how they are currently feeling about food, whether that is positive or negative, she said. Creating art allows clients to have an ability to tell and document their own stories. Eating disorders distort a person’s body image, so in many cases, making art is more effective for clients than talking about their bodies, Misluk said. And there’s also a lot of stigma around eating disorders, so it’s important to address people’s beliefs and preconceived notions, she added. “When we don’t see visual representations of ourselves in society, we begin to see that we don’t fit in, and I think that that’s creating a lot more challenges and damage to our young kids,” she said. Often, she said, clients realize they’ve been carrying around beliefs based on early messages they got and have core beliefs that they never asked to have. “So we have the ability, through the art making, to provide an external place to put some of this stuff,” she said.
NASA scientists and the space-loving public are eagerly awaiting the moment when the unmanned Voyager 1 spacecraft becomes the first vessel in human history to exit the solar system, which is expected some time in the next few years at the latest. But with a number of false positives of that milestone in recent months, NASA is taking a step to make sure when the Voyager clears the boundary of the solar system, people will know for sure. Tracks cosmic rays from inside and outside The agency has added a new tracker gauge to its Voyager home page, showing the levels of cosmic rays Voyager 1 -- and the twin spacecraft following behind it, Voyager 2 -- are detecting from inside and outside the heliosphere, the bubble of Sun-charged particles that encases our solar system. When the cosmic rays from outside spike, and the ones from inside fall and stay that way, that means Voyager 1 is reaching the beginning of interstellar space. So far, the gauge for Voyager 1 shows that cosmic rays from outside have exceeded those from inside, but not completely tipped in the balance of the outside cosmic rays. Even in that case, scientists still need another indicator — a definitive change in the magnetic field of the local region of space — to call Voyager's departure for certain. Still, the tracker should help people keep a closer watch on Voyager's journey into the unknown.
Organic food is really hot right now. The mainstream grocery stores are carrying organic products; even the USDA is now involved. Many of the organic producers are absolutely giddy regarding these latest developments. Here at Willow Hills, we are not so gleeful. While we are glad of the fact that more and more people are seeking out healthy food, we are not very impressed with foods from the industrial-government complex carrying the “organic” moniker. Of course, if you haven’t learned by now, whenever the government becomes involved in regulating something, quality goes right out the window. It is replaced with industry-approved protocols that stifle innovation, quality and competition. No truer is this paradigm than with organic foods. Our aim is to uncover some of the schemes used to get the same industrial garbage approved, and to help you discern whether food is genuine or an industrial imitation. You must make this judgment yourself. No one else can ever do it for you. Genuine Natural and Organic Practices In order to understand how regulation of organic farming will lead to a result little better than our conventional approach, we first need to understand what is the ideal which is sought by true organic, natural and holistic farmers. The ideal we seek to achieve is food which is life giving, soil which is alive and gets better every year, and a balance which is similar to what occurs in nature. We try to achieve these ends by observing nature and trying to mimic her processes. Nature’s processes are fruitful, diverse, soil-building, and never harmful or toxic in general. When we garden, we care first for our soil. Healthy soil is an ocean full of life. It is far from being just dirt – something to hold the plant up. If the soil is sufficiently healthy (which is often hard to accomplish), plants grow green and healthy. Their fruit is full of minerals, and insects leave the plants alone. Fertilizers and pesticides are simply unnecessary. Getting the soil into this healthy state is difficult if it has been robbed by conventional farming. Achieving this soil condition is the greatest task for the holistic farmer. In animal husbandry, a similar situation occurs. We must have a healthy soil, and rotate or move our animals around our farms in a fashion mimicking natural patterns. Animals belong outdoors. Indoor confinement and feedlots are unnatural and extremely unhealthy for both the animal and the person who eats from the animal. In nature, animals are on the pastures and in the woods. Cattle must be continually moved onto fresh pasture that is similar to what the buffalo did naturally. Sheep or goats should be included in the farm, in order to take the place of the deer in the wild. Poultry are also an essential component in which nature usually provides birds to follow the buffalo herds. By imitating these natural patterns, we eliminate disease, parasites, and dramatically improve nutrition and flavour. In contrast to what we term natural or holistic farming, organic regulations only seek to prohibit many chemicals, and some other inputs. They do not require any of the models or practices discussed, nor could they even if desired. For example, how do you require the delicate dance of cattle, sheep and poultry? How do you define when soil is healthy or how to make it so? These ideals defy definition. Furthermore, since organic foods are just another commodity, the only incentive for the farmer is to lower his costs. Since all food that meets the requirements is “organic”, then the farmer that produces his for the least cost will be the most profitable. This mechanism is the exact same one that delivers us our conventional food that is hardly more nutritious than cardboard. The end result for organic food will be the same – low cost and equally low quality. The various organic regulations govern only what is not to be applied to either crops or the soil. It is a set of prohibitions, but no pro-active measures. Prohibited are artificial pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Also prohibited are animal manures, even if applied by the animal itself. This latter regulation we consider to be harmful to the soil, as we’ll explain shortly. Organically derived pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are permitted. While these regulations are a big improvement to conventional practices, they fall far short of the farming we described previously. While organic pesticides do not poison the food or the soil, they are still toxic to the farmer and beneficial insects. In balanced natural farming, there exist a number of techniques to completely eliminate the need for pesticides. By building the soil, properly rotating crops, and growing crops on a smaller scale, pests and diseases are almost never a problem. If a conventional farmer however, one day decides to go organic in order to realize higher prices for his crop, without laying the foundation we have described, he is going to have insect problems. He can then resort to organically approved pesticides and still get the same result as he did conventionally. He still hasn’t improved his soil, his produce is still mineral deficient, and the pesticides are still toxic to him and beneficial insects. You can bet that the produce coming out of mega-farms out west is raised very similar to conventional produce, albeit without the pesticide residues. While some will say, “that is exactly what I want – no pesticide residue”, the same person is overlooking the fact that the food thus produced is still nutritionally deficient. Organic regulations prohibit artificial fertilizers which if improperly applied can damage the soil. They can also mimic the appearance of a healthy plant; yet leave it devoid of important minerals. There are organically approved fertilizers of course, which are an improvement over artificial ones in general. However, while not harmful to the soil as artificial can be, they neither build the soil, nor really benefit the food grown anymore than artificial ones. Ironically, artificial fertilizers aren’t harmful if applied judiciously. For example in a grazing situation, they can even out forage growth throughout the year, and actually contribute to faster soil building and restoration. Also prohibited are un-composted animal manures. While composting definitely improves the value of manures, it is not always necessary for good results. By adding composting requirements that are quite onerous to meet, many organic farmers resort to using fertilizers instead, which do not build the fragile organic matter in the soil. Conventional farming tends to mine the nutrients from the soil and in the process – depletes it. The result is a need for more fertilizers, and less nutritious food. Organic rules don’t deal with this situation at all, and in fact can contribute to the soil’s destruction. The prohibition on manures is a good example. Since the USDA involvement in organics, the regulations are often too costly to meet. Many smaller farms are therefore opting out of the certification process. Of course, larger corporations have no trouble meeting lengthy regulations. They also don’t care about building the soil, food quality or your health. The area of organic meats and animal products is the most glaring example of how little organic certification really affects your food for the better. The requirements are simply that organically approved feed is used, as well as avoidance of most drugs. While drug avoidance is laudable, the feed requirements don’t address the very model for raising the animals. Most animals now are kept in large confinement buildings, and organic regulations don’t affect this practice. Animals were never meant to be kept inside their entire lives, and not only is it cruel, disease ridden, but their meat and products are un-healthy as well, even if it is organically approved. In contrast, the holistic farmer permits his animals to forage outside where they belong. He moves them often to prevent disease and parasite build-up. He co-ordinates multiple species movements to further mimic nature and avoid even more disease problems. The animal’s food is what is natural to them, not just what produces the fastest gain. The model used for raising animals is really more important than whether the feed used meets organic standards or not. Without a healthy model, all the approved feed in the world will not compensate for such a deficiency. Other Healthy Sounding Terms As we have seen, the term organic means very little in how your food was produced. Whenever regulations exist, there will always be creative ways around them. Here are some other terms used to mislead folks into thinking they are getting something other than the standard industrial garbage: - Free range – this term applies to eggs. Most folks think this term means access to pasture. It does not. It merely means the hens are not caged, and can move around on the factory floor. They also might have access to a small dirt yard. Is still means they are confined in a large factory house and never eat anything green or living their entire lives. - Omega-3 – this fatty acid is very important to your health. Products touting it are an improvement over the conventional ones, but they obtain this fat artificially, by feeding special grains. This enhancement is not nearly as good for you as products high in omega-3 naturally. Animals normally get omega-3 fats from eating green forage, such as grass and clover. - CLA – this is another important fatty acid. Non-holistic growers have also found a way to boost this fat artificially with special grain feeding. Since ruminant animals are the only ones that have this fat, feeding grains to enhance it will not enhance your health. Ruminant animals should not be feed grain at all. - Grass-fed – some unscrupulous grazers are appropriating this term to cash-in on the new research showing the health benefits of grass-fed meat. You must make sure the animal is never feed grain, as grain feeding will eliminate the benefits of grass in only a few months. If a local producer uses a hand-full of grain to catch a cow when needed is not a problem, but daily grain feeding is. I hope I have demonstrated that you cannot trust someone else to ensure your food meets your standards of quality – you must make the effort to judge for yourself. If you want quality food, you must buy it from farmers who you can speak to and whom you can trust. That is how food has been purchased for the many hundreds of years prior to the FDA and USDA. It is time we return to that type of system. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for government approval before you can begin getting such food. You can seek out holistic, natural farmers today and begin buying your food from them.
The 2015 Budget is part of the Commonwealth Government’s plan to build a strong, safe and prosperous future for all Australians. The Government is investing around $6 billion this year to support training that gives apprentices and vocational students the high quality training they need for modern Australian workplaces. This includes funding through the Government’s signature Industry Skills Fund, to help employers to skill their staff so they can grow their businesses, increase exports and create more jobs. The $664 million Industry Skills Fund will support more than 250,000 training places and support services including skills advice for micro, small and medium businesses. Young employed people will receive skills linked to real jobs, and support to be able to re-engage with work, training or school, through the Government’s two youth training pilots, which are being trialled in 32 sites across Australia. Under the Training for Employment Scholarships, around 7,500 scholarships of up to $7,500 are assisting employers take on and train unemployed young people. The Youth Employment Pathways programme offers up to $2,000 of assistance to eligible community service organisations to help disengaged 15-18 year olds get back into school, start VET or move into the workforce. From 1 July, the Government’s Australian Apprenticeships Support Network will match apprentices to their trade and their employer, and support them throughout their apprenticeship so they complete their training and go on to important work and careers. More than 350,000 apprentices will be supported through the Apprenticeships Network in the first year, for which the Budget provides up to $200 million in 2015-16. Around 78,000 employers are expected to also receive incentive payments in the first year to help with the costs of employing and training an apprentice. More than 22,000 apprentices have accessed the Government’s Trade Support Loans program to assist them with the costs of living and learning while undertaking their apprenticeship. The 2015 Budget provides $1.8 billion to continue the Government’s significant funding to states and territories to support their training systems. This year more than 1.5 million students will gain important skills and nationally recognised qualifications through assistance provided to Australia’s high quality TAFE, community colleges and private training providers. The 2015 Budget also provides for record Government funding to enable students to undertake higher level diploma and advanced diploma training through the VET FEE-HELP scheme. The Government has also introduced tougher new Standards for Registered Training Organisations, and continues delivery of $68.7 million over four years to enable the national training regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority, to undertake regulatory reform and enforce the standards. The Government is making sure industry is deciding what standards students must be able to meet through their training to ensure their training makes them work-ready, with plans to implement the new Training Package development model announced on 21 April 2015. The 2015 Budget is about building jobs, growth and opportunity for all Australians.
Sales changed drastically in 2020. Think back to how your B2B sales team operated pre-COVID. Face-to-face meetings likely reigned. Most significantly: you probably communicated very differently to how you do now. 2020 disrupted B2B sales as we knew it and became the catalyst to a new approach. As COVID-19 restrictions started spreading far and wide, many physical B2B operations had to shut down or adhere to the stringent rules on movement. B2B prospects using digital channels to look up suppliers could no longer meet face-to-face. This shift is evidenced by the fact that sales leaders found digital channels to be roughly twice as important as they were before COVID-19. Countries like Japan and South Korea saw a 1.5x increase in the importance of these channels while U.K. and Spanish business leaders had a nearly 3x increase in the importance of digital channels. B2B sales teams found ways to make various processes within the sales journey more self-reliant on the customer end. The sharp increase in usage of suppliers’ mobile apps and traffic to their social platforms showed that customers wanted features that enable them to do more of the purchasing steps on their own. B2B customers became more inclined to buy from businesses that could emulate the level of transparency, speed and expertise they experienced as individual consumers. Sales teams increased their reliance on common B2C tools like live chat for customer support and other communications. With stay-at-home policies in full effect, many sales teams would embrace different tools that aid virtual selling such as video conferencing software. This move, along with other efforts like webinars is primarily aimed at maintaining a human touch in the sales journey. Admittedly, B2B decision makers need to plan on how to efficiently deploy sales reps across various channels. However, the eventual winners are those who do it while delivering the closest equivalent to the experiences that buyers were accustomed to. Take a new approach to sales with Resonate Resonate is a B2B sales and digital marketing agency that can help your business achieve a commercial result through leads, opportunities, and closed revenue. Our strategy includes working with you or your sales team to refine your B2B selling play, whether it is happening in the office or remotely. Please get in touch to learn more about our approach to B2B sales.
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Accompanied by the dance of the captivating Ms Fury, Tevellus takes the audience on a journey of exploration into soundscapes of the worlds cultures and brings them into new spirit. Originally formed in 2005 as an acoustic guitar and electronic percussion duo, Tevellus has grown to a full-size troupe, including baglama saz, tabla, sitar, drums, electric guitar, bass, cello, keyboard, various percussion and guest reed and string players. The Tevellus debut was released in 2009, "Blue Star" the bands second album releases spring 2011- both on the band's own Sign 11 label. The “Celebrate Providence!” Neighborhood Performing Arts Series is presented and sponsored by the City of Providence, Angel Taveras, Mayor, the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism, and the Department of Parks & Recreation. Healthy snacks and beverages from our featured sponsor, Whole Foods University Heights will be available for a small donation. The Food Truck from RISD, Rosie’s will be curbside at all of our concerts this year.
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Suggested Retail $30 • Green Aventurine with UV Glow Pink Resin • Charge your stone in the sun for an hour and it will glow in the dark for hours! • Green Aventurine is a heart chakra stone that provides strength, confidence, courage, and happiness. It renews one’s optimism for life and pushes us to take action to acquire what we want in this world. This stone urges one to get out of their comfort zone and take on new opportunities. You can also carry this stone with you to help enhance both intellect and success. • Crystal tower generators concentrate their energy in one specific direction, amplify energies, aid in setting and manifesting intentions. Wherever crystal towers are placed, they emit and focus their energies in an intense energy flow.
Spin for honour, glory and the chance to win a jackpot with Ivanhoe, a retro slot from Elk Studios with a medieval twist and bonus boosts. Ivanhoe is a payline online slot from ELK Studios that merges traditional and modern slots gameplay. With a 5-level bonus round and built-in betting. Ivanhoe is a 3x3 layout with a payline online slot machine powered by ELK Studio. The game merges traditional and modern slots gameplay. Ivanhoe Slots: Addictive, Flashy, and Fun! If you're looking for a new online gaming experience, Ivanhoe slots might just be what you need! As a charismatic and experienced slots journalist, I know how to evaluate each game and give you the best possible insights. Let's take a closer look at what this exciting new platform has to offer. The Look and Feel First impressions are crucial, and Ivanhoe slots doesn't disappoint. Upon loading the website, you're met with flashing colors, a sleek design, and an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack that'll definitely put you in the gaming mood. The graphics are of high quality, and the interface is user-friendly, making the whole experience much more enjoyable. Now, for the most important part: gameplay. Ivanhoe slots is a simple yet effective platform that offers plenty of opportunities to win big. With over 20 different games to choose from, it emphasizes quality over quantity and is perfect for those who value variety and innovation. The games are easy to play, and you can choose to play on your desktop or mobile device, which adds to the convenience factor. The Bonuses and Promotions For many players, bonuses and promotions are a big deciding factor. Ivanhoe slots doesn't disappoint in this regard, offering various rewards, free spins, and match-up bonuses to keep you engaged and motivated. The VIP program is also a standout feature, with exclusive perks that make the gaming experience even more enjoyable. All in all, Ivanhoe slots is a great addition to the online gaming world. It's flashy, fun, and the perfect platform for those who seek uncomplicated yet rewarding gameplay. The bonuses and promotions are a great incentive, and the high-quality graphics and user-friendly interface make the whole experience seamless. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a spin and see for yourself! Ivanhoe slots is definitely worth a try. Medieval Adventure Awaits You with Ivanhoe Slots Are you feeling adventurous and looking for a new and exciting slots game? Look no further than Ivanhoe Slots! This game takes you on a journey back in time to medieval England with its stunning graphics and enchanting theme. From the moment you load up the game, you are transported to the medieval era with the game's graphics. The reels are set against a backdrop of a castle, complete with archers standing guard on the towers. The symbols on the reels are fittingly medieval, with crowns, shields, knights, and gems making up the higher-paying symbols. The attention to detail in the graphics is impressive, with each symbol intricately designed to fit the theme of the game. Every spin feels like you are on a quest for treasure, and the graphics only add to the excitement. The theme of Ivanhoe Slots is what truly sets it apart from other games. This is not just your average slots game with generic symbols. This is a game that takes inspiration from medieval literature and legends, specifically Sir Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe. As you play the game, you are taken on a journey through the world of Ivanhoe, with symbols representing key characters and events from the story. This adds an extra layer of depth to the game, making it more than just a way to win some money on the reels. Ivanhoe Slots is a must-play for anyone who loves adventure and medieval history. The stunning graphics and enchanting theme set it apart from other slots games, and the chance to win big only adds to the excitement. Don't miss out on this unique and captivating game – give Ivanhoe Slots a spin today! Ivanhoe Slots: A Guide to the Game For casino-goers looking for a new game to try their luck at, Ivanhoe slots could be the perfect choice. With its simple gameplay and fast-paced action, Ivanhoe slots has quickly become a favorite among seasoned players and newcomers alike. Here's a guide to playing this exciting slot game: The game is set on a three-reel, three-row game board with a single payline. The symbols include traditional fruit machine icons such as cherries, lemons, and watermelons, as well as special symbols like diamonds and sevens. The objective of the game is to match three symbols on the payline to win a cash prize. Players can adjust the bet size by using the arrows located under the reels. Once the bet is set, players can begin spinning the reels by clicking the "Spin" button. One of the standout features of Ivanhoe slots is its bonus game, which is triggered by landing three Ivanhoe symbols on the payline. In this mode, players are transported to a medieval jousting arena where they must help Ivanhoe defeat his opponent to win a bonus payout. Tips and Tricks To increase your chances of winning at Ivanhoe slots, it's important to keep an eye out for the special symbols like diamonds and sevens, which offer higher payouts. Additionally, be sure to set a budget and stick to it to avoid overspending. In conclusion, Ivanhoe slots is a fun and accessible game that offers plenty of opportunities to win big. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to slot machines, give Ivanhoe a try the next time you're at the casino. Unleashing Winning Strategies at Ivanhoe Slots Slot machines have been a staple in casinos all over the world for decades. Ivanhoe Slots is a popular spot for avid slot machine players, and with so many options it can be hard to know where to start. However, fear not as we are here to give you some tips on how to boost your chances of winning. Understanding the Game Before we dive in, it is important to understand how slot machines work. It’s not just about hitting the button and hoping for the best. Each slot machine has its own unique rules and payouts. Take the time to read and understand each machine before playing. Maximizing Your Bets The most common mistake made by slot players is not betting enough. While it may be tempting to play conservatively, it won’t increase your chances of hitting the jackpot. In fact, some slots only payout the jackpot when you bet the maximum amount. It’s important to note, however, that betting more doesn’t guarantee a win. Choosing the Right Machine Not all slot machines are created equal, so it’s important to choose one that suits your play style. Some machines offer smaller payouts but have a higher chance of winning, while others have a lower chance of winning but offer bigger payouts. Do your research and find a machine that suits your budget, style, and goals. Take Advantage of Bonuses Many casinos offer bonuses and rewards to their players. Take advantage of these opportunities, as they can give you free spins, extra credits, or even cash. Don’t forget to read the terms and conditions of each bonus, as they often have wagering requirements that you must meet before cashing out. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of playing slots, but it’s important to set limits for yourself. Decide on a budget and stick to it. Don’t chase losses by betting more than you can afford. Know when to walk away and come back another day. Winning at slot machines takes strategy, patience, and a bit of luck. Understanding the game, maximizing your bets, choosing the right machine, taking advantage of bonuses, and setting limits are all effective ways to increase your chances of winning at Ivanhoe Slots. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and gamble responsibly. Good luck! |Number Of Lines: |Has Free Spins: |Treasure Mine Power Reels, Diamond Cascade, Robin Hoods Wild Forest, Shimmering Woods, Honey Honey Honey |Available in NZ? |Yes. Ivanhoe have a NZGC license and are allowed to offer their games at NZ licensed casinos. There are no reviews for this game Be the first to write a review
If the battery level is low, the lock's low battery indicator will display a breathing red LED. You can also check the status of your battery via the app. Note: If the lock's battery power is completely out, it may not respond at all. In this case, use a 9V battery to jumpstart the lock. |General Public (GP)
Larsson IKEA Shelf width 1360mm height 1160mm depth 160mm After Ingvar Kamprad died recently I started to explore the history of IKEA. An early influence on Ingvar was the domestic scenes in Carl Larssons paintings. Its as if Kamprad used Larssons paintings as blueprints for IKEA furniture. To continue Kamprads legacy, and to acknowledge his passing, I propose one of the most beautifully odd furniture pieces depicted in Larssons paintings, as a prototype for a future IKEA piece.
Police Association of NSW Office Hours: 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Phone: (02) 9265 6777 Postal address: PO Box A1097, SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 1232 For Members: The PANSW has an extensive Branch network with local workplace officials who can assist members with local issues, or refer a member to the PANSW office for expert assistance. The Information Organising Centre (IOC) is the first point of contact for Members with telephone enquiries. Receiving well over 30,000 calls per year, the IOC Information Officers are well trained and have up-to-date knowledge of all relevant policies, procedures, legislation, SOPs and Award infomation, as well as access to the NSW Police intranet, to assist Members with their enquiries. In the event of a more complex or protracted matter, the Member will be referred to an Industrial Officer or Organiser for specialist advice or assistance.
Nitro took 20 swimmers from the National Group to the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs last week for 5 days of altitude training, team building and education.Below are the day by day highlights of an amazing trip and speaking for both Coach Hans and myself—the swimmers behaved and trained like champions and represented Nitro to the highest level possible in the pool and on the OTC campus! Weds 1/25- American Airlines has not been too friendly to us the past few trips but after some long delays all the swimmers got in to the OTC and the Staff of USA Swimming had sandwiches waiting for those that got in late. Check in, credentialing, and then to dorms for a good nights sleep! Our best trips seem to start with a bit of adversity! Thursday 1/26- the swimmers were able to go to the incredible OTC dining hall anytime they wanted before our 9 am training session. One of the nicest parts of the trip were that the meals were with all the other sports in this great dining hall with big screen tv’s and a relaxed social setting. great meals and great conversation! All of our AM practices were 9-11 and PM’s were 5-7 and sessions were LCM. Most sessions we had the 10 lanes to ourselves and for a few we shared with either the Para-Olympians or the Pacific All Star Team which was also great fun. USA Swimming had representatives meet us at the OTC pool which was very kind and then a highlight of the day was US National Team Director ( and star of Water to the Wood ) Frank Busch welcomed and addressed the team after AM practice. Between training session we did an hour of circuits in an assigned gym that had a boxing ring, spin bikes, speed bags, med balls ect.Fun and mixed up dryland and best station was in the boxing ring where swimmers played 1 on 1 ring tag—great work and lots of fun! Friday 1/27- Besides our normal training sessions today the swimmers has a USADA drug education meeting at the USA Swimming Building. Great meeting and our swimmers were very active participants in this lecture session. The PM highlight was a trip to Laserquest for a great game of Laser Tag! Boys winner was Josh Anderson and girls winner was Rachel Hobbins ( who made a living shooting the coaches! ). Worst shot was a tie between Sydney Tan who only shot coaches and Quinn Carrozza who shot 1200 times and hit about 20! Went to starbucks for some social after before heading back to OTC campus. Friday the swimmers got filmed both above water and below water with the ORCA filming system. All swimmers received dvd copies of this filming. Saturday 1/28- 2 great training session today. The PM session included circuits made up of power towers, med ball kicking, watching own starts on a huge bigscreen with a :30 sec delay, the cable pulleys set to world record paces and then the most fun and challenging station—25 foot rope climbs. The swimmers loved all the stations but especially the relay rope climbs where they sprinted a 25 to the rope climbed it to the top, jumped down and sprinter back in. Rope Climb champions were Matt Ellis for the boys ( 5 climbs with the first one no legs ) and Rebekah Harvey for the girls with 4 full climbs! Weights today in the amazing OTC gym as the swimmers worked along side the Olympic Fencing team and a few US wrestlers. In between sessions today the swimmers were able to watch a world class wrestling tournament take place with Olympians like Rulon Gardner! In the PM Coach Hans booked us in a conference room where we watched all the swimmers video’s and had an interactive feedback session. Amazing input and insight from the swimmers and a very educational 75 minutes! Sunday 1/29- We opted to combine our last training session with the Pacific All Star Team ( 24 swimmers ) from California. We did a warm-up designed by their staff and then our patented 40 x 50 ALL Day Set with the last round on :40 LCM. Very proud of our swimmers as they led 9 of 10 lanes and were extremely spirited throughout. Afterwards the Pacific coaches organized some relays and games together ( Ro-Sham-Bo ) and it was a great way to wrap up the swimming portion of the camp. Hopefully all made a few new friends as well! We were not done yet though as Dr. G ( Genadijus Sokolovas ) who is one of the premier stroke physiologists in the world as well as the USA Coach for Olympic Pentathlon met us at the dining hall and took the swimmers to the USA Pentathlon Center for an hour of swimming stroke analysis followed by a demonstration of fencing and shooting by US Olympians. The swimmers were then split into two groups where they were tested in Olympic Shooting with targets and timers as well as fencing with all the gear and a score clock! Amazingly fun and eye opening for all of us and just a super way to wrap up the trip! In case you were wondering the best shooters were Tiffany Sudarma and Matt Ellis and best fencers were Coach Hans and Matt again. From the training ( all LCM at altitude ), to the weights and dryland, to the awesome food served all day long, to the fun games and activities—this was a great trip and now in our second year becoming a Nitro tradition we hope to keep up yearly! Thanks to all who made it possible and special thanks to Coach Hans for taking 5 days away from his family to coach and participate!
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Having moved fairly frequently since we married 25 years ago, Sam and I don't have long, trailing roots here in Lindon. Our friends our spread all over the country. So while the announcements will go out to about 400 people, we expect less than 150 at the actual reception. That's a lot for a sit down dinner, but not overwhelming for the kind of refreshments typically served at a Mormon wedding reception. Fortunately we had some really nice choices very close by. We looked at Wadley Farms, Bella Vista, and a couple of other venues. The are nice venues, but the bride and groom preferred Noah's above them all. We reserved the main hall with the adjacent garden and the bride's room for the evening wedding reception. Noah's provided the features the couple were looking for: - Large, spacious room - Hardwood floor, great for dancing - Ceiling grids that lower for decorating - Main hall opens to a beautiful, fenced garden area that is included - Free to bring in food and decor or use recommended services - Convenient location in Lindon and close to the freeway - Tables, chairs, and basic linens included - Warming kitchen - Sound system - Projection system - Priced comparably to smaller venues with less appealing features We've worked out the layout for the event. We think it will be the perfect wedding reception venue.
What are the benefits of ProTherm Quantum® PLUS+? Developed by Radmat’s roofing experts to solve regularly occurring challenges created by the drive for more thermally efficient buildings, safer access and more external space, the ProTherm Quantum® PLUS+ VIP Inverted Roof Insulation System enables architects to dramatically reduce the depth of a finished floor system; providing the solution to counter low upstands against the increasing thickness of traditional Extruded Polystyrene and Expanded Polystyrene products specified in order to meet more stringent thermal demands. Where is it best used? On roof terraces, enclosed balconies over heated space and insulated walkways in an inverted roof construction where there is a requirement for thermal performance, and insulated areas where depth is critical to the overall construction. What can it help to deliver? - Part L compliance: Exceptional thermal performance - NHBC Chapter 7.1 compliance: Insurance and warranty requirement of 75mm threshold achievement - Access requirements of Building Regulations Part M - Broof(t4)**fire requirements of Building Regulations Part B What can it save? ProTherm Quantum® PLUS+ delivers an exceptional reduction in overall depth compared to a traditional inverted system. To see how Quantum® can achieve your target U-value and reduce your threshold height click here. NEW Quantum Floors ProTherm Quantum® PLUS+ provides a state of the art insulation solution for floors. Thanks to its ultra-high thermal performance Quantum can dramatically reduce the thickness of a flooring system without compromising on thresholds and headroom. For retrofit projects, listed buildings, and uninsulated floors, ProTherm Quantum can be manufactured to a thickness of just 12mm. Click here for more information.
You would think, being an avid hunter and given the number kids as I’ve introduced to hunting and shooting, I would have discovered the .243 Winchester a lot sooner than I did. My path was rather long and circuitous. I was close a couple of times, but never realized what I was missing until a change in the hunting regulations forced me to shoot the .243. Most Recent Posts It can be a difficult decision when trying to decide what deer-hunting cartridge to go with. So often, we are…Read More > The .223/5.56 NATO cartridge has proven itself on and off the battlefield for decades. Enemy troops have an almost supernatural…Read More > Some hunters believe that deer such as the smaller Texas whitetails, can be humanely harvested using smaller caliber ammunition while larger and heavier game such as mule deer should only be harvested with more powerful ammo capable of penetrating more deeply. From personal experience, I can tell you a .223 neck shot will drop a deer in its tracks. However…
To meet the demand of the clients, we offer an excellent range of Humidity Oven. These equipments are used in pharmaceutical, textile, food industries etc. Provided equipments are manufactured using supreme quality raw materials under the vigilance of experienced professionals in tandem with set quality standards. Offered equipments can also be customized in various technical specifications depending upon the need of the clients. Furthermore, we provide these products to clients at competitive prices. Humidity Oven Features: - Different temperature controlling chambers - Sturdy construction - Consume less power
Examples of Required disclosure in a sentence Required disclosure of Confidential Information to the IEC or to an applicable regulatory authority is specifically authorized. Required disclosure of Confidential Information to the IEC and/or RA is specifically authorized. The consent to receive electronic deliv- ery requirement of this paragraph (b)(2) is not satisfied if the recipient withdraws his or her consent before the applicable notice is delivered.(3) Required disclosure statement. Required disclosure of customer communica- tions or records.2704.Backup preservation.2705.Delayed notice.2706.Cost reimbursement.2707.Civil action.2708.Exclusivity of remedies.2709.Counterintelligence access to telephone tolland transactional records.2710. All bidders shall comply with the Tennessee Contractor’ License law Section 62-6-119 (Bid documents - Required disclosure by bidders) when submitting bids.
Screen GP has hit a CTP install milestone and revamped its four-page and eight-page PlateRite setters. Recently, the company passed the 20,000-mark in CTP units shipped worldwide, which includes OEM models. Peter Scott, managing director for Screen GP Australasia, says, “The tail-end of 2023 saw a marked upsurge in our PlateRite CTP sales and requests for replacements in 2024. These were mostly via our plate-supplier partners Fujifilm and Ferag Australia. CTP today is mostly a replacement market. Printers look for reliable, well service-backed platesetters. This is something we at Screen Australia pride ourselves in.” Computer to Plate (CTP) turned 30 years old in 2023. Today’s CTP technology is virtually all thermal since the exit of major plate manufacturers from UV violet plates, apart from newspaper CTP and a few legacy devices. Scott adds, “Processless and chemistry-free plates are now the norm in the commercial CTP sector. The shift to sustainable, low-emission platemaking is almost complete.” Supporting platemaking since 1995 Screen released its first CTP setter, the PlateRite 1080, in 1995. Since then, it has built a reputation for reliable film imagesetters. Several plate suppliers, notably Fujifilm and Agfa, turned to Screen for OEM versions of its Kyoto, Japan-made devices. In passing the 20,000 total units shipped, Screen has also announced upgrades to its four-page and eight-page PlateRite machines. Scott says: “Litho offset is still the strongest print method and presses have become phenomenally automated. Packaging offset is streaking ahead for folding carton work, as printers balance the decline in commercial offset with the increase in packaged goods. This means more plate changes, more multi-colour work, and more short runs. The importance of reliable, well-backed, automated and precise CTP has become all the more important. CTP becomes the heartbeat of busy offset print shops. With this in mind, Screen has upgraded its PlateRite range once again.” The eigth-page (B1) PlateRite HD 8900N series is now known as the HD 8900N II and is available in ‘E, S and Z’ versions for delivering 36, 48 or 70 plates per hour respectively. All models use GLV (Grating Light Valve) optics for uniform light distribution and ultra-high quality dot placement. A high-precision autofocus mechanism enables the use of precision screenings such as Screen’s proprietary Spekta-2 and Randot-X FM methods. Automatic plate loading and unloading adds to efficiency, especially in multi-press environments, with Screen’s AT-M8100N units capable of discharging plates in up to 5 directions for fully automated platemaking and delivery. Focus on sustainability In line with its ‘Innovation for a Sustainable World’ philosophy, Screen has reduced energy consumption on the new PlateRite HD 8900N II series. For example, it has reduced power consumption for the Z model by 43 per cent in operation and 93 per cent while the system is idle. Scott says, “Screen is totally committed to CTP and workflow, which is far from a sunset market. We continue to invest in research and development. We work with our plate partners to refine and automate plate production to an extent that it can even become a hands-free prepress operation when auto-loaded with up to 600 B1 plates. As always, we back this up with factory-trained technicians, some with 28 years of experience, right here in the Australia-New Zealand and Pacific Islands region. “As the new year dawns, we have experienced an unprecedented demand for CTP across all formats: four, eight and VLF page sizes up to 48-pages. New Zealand is particularly strong through our partnership with Fujifilm. Of course, Screen also has a leading position in digital printing, particularly in labels and soon to be in flexible packaging too but offset is still the dominant print technology by both value and volume, according to a report from the Smithers group. “This is gratifying, as Screen’s origins were in lithography and we progressed into offset litho when it emerged in the early 1900s. A modern, automated offset shop is unrecognisable to those early ones and CTP production is the heartbeat of the workflow as jobs progress from design to completion. Screen GP Australia is proud to be an important part of this progress.”
Elio Martinez, a friend, makes a good point. Perhaps we need our day of national election to be a national holiday. This may tell us (and the world) that this is an important day, that we should focus on our decision more than we do, and that we are very serious about the decision we make on this very important day. Jane’s comments about holiday cards vs email cards is are worth noting. It is a tough time of year for many with cards and gifts decisions to make … But, as my mother used to say, "… if you don’t remember me364 days of the year, forget me on my birthday!" In other words, the one day a year remembrance doesn’t do much, especially for busy people.
Animation classes are the ultimate playground for children’s creativity and self-expression. Giving your children skills in different hand-drawing and computer animation processes is like putting a magic wand in their hands. Animation serves as a unique medium that blends the principles of engaging storytelling with the cornerstones of art. And the best part about these classes? Students can have the time of their lives creating original pieces to show off to their family and friends while working towards their goal of being a professional animator one day. These are some of the top animation classes and programs for kids of various ages. The arts center is widely recognized as one of the country’s most exclusive performing and visual arts programs. The Interlochen Center for the Arts animation program lasts 3 weeks and is open to all high school students, held on its distinguished campus in Interlochen, Michigan. Animators of all levels are invited to learn the real-world process of how animated works are built, from pitch to finished product. Students get access to the latest in animation technology. The Interlochen Center for the Arts is also renowned for its mentors, guest artists, and visiting instructors, which include world-famous directors, professionals from leading animation studios, and even Emmy Award winners. By the end of the class, students will have created their own short films that are shown in the 180-seat projection theater. To apply for the program, prospective students need to submit a portfolio sample and a letter of purpose. The Animation Course is a virtual 12-week class for children ages 11 to 18. it teaches the fundamentals of drawing all the way to the most advanced computer animation techniques. This animation school has spring, summer, and fall courses available to work around school schedules. Those who can’t participate in the live classes can watch the class recordings and still receive one-on-one teacher feedback and grades. Led by former Disney animator Chad Stewart, it starts with an Intro to Animation, then moves on to teaching physics, storytelling, and other skills. They cover details not often seen in other online courses, such as drawing for animation (the particulars of drawing people/animals in an animated world), rigging, modeling, and comics and cartoons. At the end of the program, groups collaborate to create a joint film project. 3. iD Tech iD Tech originally started in the ‘90s as one of the very first tech camps but has grown from a fledgling start-up into a global educational leader. It provides STEM education for over 50,000 kids each year. There are a wide variety of animation options available, with topics ranging from video editing and graphic design to Adobe Animate to 3D modeling and 3D animation. There is even an all-girls course for Snapchat filter animation. iD Tech also offers its signature line of one-on-one classes and training in various technology fields. It recruits only the highest level of animation experts to guide learners ages 10 to 19 in its virtual and in-person classes. The in-person animation programs are held at different college campuses across the world, including in nearly half of all U.S. states. The online option provides an incredible level of flexibility, as students can choose from one to twelve one-hour courses. With mentors straight out of leading animation studios like Pixar, DreamWorks, and Disney, you can rest assured that you’re getting the very best in online animation lessons. Animation Mentor is for teenagers 14 and up, and its classes are geared toward reaching a professional animation career. That does not mean, however, that only seasoned veterans can apply. Its Maya Workshop, which extends 6 weeks, can take total beginners from the ground up, providing engaging one-on-one instruction on how to use the award-winning software to produce 2D & 3D animation, plus game and character animation and design. The Animation Basics program (12 weeks) delves further into the foundations of the art, as well as current best practices and workflows at leading animation studios. The school provides exclusive ongoing access to professionally created character rigs and assets, so students can gain real-world, hands-on experience and tech skills that transfer to the industry. SummerTech has flexible computer animation classes, with day and overnight summer camps in New York and Massachusetts. The summer programs are fully customizable to meet families’ scheduling needs. You choose how many sessions you’d like and if you want to pick up your child in the evening or night. It provides children with the perfect level of immersion and experience and helps parents adjust to busy family schedules. After learning the basics of animation, students from ages 10 to 17 move on to more advanced courses in game design, 2D Animation, and 3D Modeling. Through project-based learning, participants put their skills to the test as they develop games and movies. Using the Toon Boom Harmony software, you can learn western animation styles similar to those of Disney and Nickelodeon, as well as Japanese anime and manga. Between lessons, there are fun outdoor activities and social time, plus daily lunch and dinner for all campers. Overnight campers stay in comfy dorms and can have a delicious breakfast as well. Electives are also available, with fun gaming sessions in Minecraft or relaxation with yoga. The Arts Film Academy provides a cost-effective choice for kids ages six and up. These online 2D and 3D animation classes can be scheduled to meet your needs, with weekday and weekend options. Students meet from two to five times per week. It all starts with the history of hand drawing, and the coursework covers up to learning about the latest in computer-generated imagery processes. Advanced topics include pixelation, stop motion and rotomation. Prices at the Arts Film Academy can’t be beaten, as students can take part in a month’s worth of classes (up to five classes per week) for under $50. This is a great option if your child is interested in exploring the world of animation and learning more than just the fundamentals. They also offer online digital art and video editing classes in case you want your child to pick up other skills. The New York Film Academy provides a hands-on, immersive program led by some of the most creative minds in the industry. It offers 3- and 4-week 3D animation classes held at exclusive campuses in New York City, Los Angeles, and Boston, as well as a special 4-week online program. Their highly qualified and experienced faculty can teach everything from visual effects, art, 3d modeling, and even the theory behind it all. Under the guidance of industry experts and leaders, students gain practical experience in compositing, modeling, rendering, and more. These are stimulating courses, and students can use the Oscar-winning software Maya for in-class workshops and labs. Upon successful completion, students will feel more confident in their animation skills. The New York Film Academy is one of the world’s most celebrated arts academies, and its animation program is quickly becoming one of its strongest tech offerings.
Ask any cat owner about cat litter and chances are you’re likely to hear a funny story. And why? Because cats can be a bit particular about their litter, litter boxes, and all of the ins and outs of their bathroom habits. So, it’s always best to do a bit of research before choosing a cat litter for your furry friend. How do you choose the best cat litter to help keep the odors down in your home? It surely will need to be one that your cat takes to. Otherwise, you may find yourself with more “accidents” around your home–which can contribute to some pretty awful odors. To help make your life just a bit easier, we’ve rounded up some of the best cat litter for odor control available in the UK no matter what your budget may be, along with our reviews of each one. A Quick Look at Our Favorites in 2024 |Biokat's Diamond Care Fresh with Fragrance |Nature's Calling Cat Litter |Dr. Elsey’s Ultra |Catsan Cat Litter |Ever Clean Extra Strong The 9 Best Litters for Odor Control in the UK 1. Biokat’s Diamond Care Fresh with Fragrance – Best Overall The Biokat litter brand is relatively new, but it’s already making waves in the marketplace. It’s an effective deodorizing and clumping litter for cats made from natural clay. It is suitable for both older and smaller cats. We think it’s the best overall cat litter for odor control in the UK. This litter is an economical, high-quality option that’s suitable for all cats. It’s very dust-free and won’t be easily tracked around your home by your cat, making it easier for you to clean the area around your litter box. It comes in three granular sizes and each one has its own purpose. For example, the large granules are great for absorbing moisture and odors. Medium granules form firm clumps while the smaller granules distribute evenly across the litter to ensure that there is no space left unfilled. The litter has a fresh scent and should keep your cat’s “bathroom area” odor free for at least 32 consecutive days. The only downside is that some cats may be sensitive to the fragrance. 2. Nature’s Calling Cat Litter – Best Value If you want the best cat litter for odor control in the UK for the money, here is one to take a look at. This 5-pack of Nature’s Calling cat litter is 100% natural and is made from recycled walnut shell lining. The litter clumps upon contact and provides excellent odor control for weeks. This litter has virtually no dust and contains no harmful chemicals or toxins, so it is safe for both your cat and your home. This is a clumping letter, so litter that has been exposed for over 10 to 15 minutes will start to form small clumps. This in turn makes it easier to remove soiled litter. The litter can be used for up to 30 days without needing to change and it’s easy to clean up and less messy. The downside is that it may be hard to find in stock sometimes. 3. Dr. Elsey’s Ultra – Premium Choice Dr. Elsey’s Ultra litter is perfect for cat owners who want some that stop odors in its tracks. It’s also great for owners who have multiple cats. The litter is made from heavy, non-tracking granules that capture moisture on the spot. Once the moisture has been captured, the granules are quickly clumped together to stop moisture from seeping to the bottom of a litter box. It’s a scented litter that’s dust-free and non-tracking, which means no messy cleanups and cat-paw prints all around the litter box. When the cat uses the bathroom in the litter, it clumps up, and you can simply and easily scoop it out without much fuss. This litter is an excellent option if your cat is sensitive to smells and it’s hypoallergenic. It’s a litter that naturally eliminates foul odors, and is completely free of any deodorants, perfumes, or chemical additives. 4. Catsan Cat Litter If you’re looking for a convenient choice, Catsan’s cat litter absorbs water immediately. This helps keep the litter tray clean, dry, and free of foul odors. The litter contains fine, pored granules that trap moisture and prevent odors from forming. The litter is made of quartz and limestone, which absorbs liquid like sponges and helps stop bacteria growth in its tracks. The litter tray is visible and clean due to its natural white color. The light color of this litter makes it easy for users to see when they need to clean it. Another great thing about this option is that the granules are made from 100% natural materials and have no added scent. It’s a great choice for single-cat homes and homes with sensitive or fussy cats. So, if you have a cat that is sensitive to smells, or you personally would prefer not to have scented cat litter in your home, here is a brand to consider. 5. Ever Clean Extra Strong Ever Clean Extra Strong is a scented, clumping litter for cats that eliminates unpleasant odors instantly. If you have issues with bad smells, Ever Clean Extra Strong can help. It keeps bad smells from building up and escaping from your cat’s litter box. The litter is made with carbon technology and uses unique carbon technology to trap bad smells instead of just covering them up. Ever Clean Extra Strong clay litter is very absorbent and neutralizes ammonia (which is present in cat urine) to stop the odors before they have a chance to escape from the litter box. With this litter, you’ll need to only change the litter box about every 2-3 weeks, given you only have one cat. 6. Breeder Celect Cat Litter If you or your cat has allergies, here’s a litter to consider. This non-toxic, non-clumping, gentle formula is great for sensitive cats and it makes clean-ups easy. The litter is made from 99% recycled paper and is completely dust-free. It’s ideal for cats suffering from allergies or asthma and it easily handles moisture and foul odors without using harmful chemicals or artificial fragrances. Since the litter is dust-free it’s not likely to stick to the cat’s paws. The litter tray is very easy to clean and the pellets are both super gentle on the cat’s paws and good for the environment. This fragrance-free formula is affordable and one of the best-selling litters on the market. 7. Beans Royale Tofu Cat Litter This easy-dissolving cat litter works for cat owners who want a product that removes odors quickly but is also easy on cats’ paws. This gentle formula is environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and you can flush the clumps from the litter down the toilet. Tofu Cat litter is made of pea fiber, cornstarch, and activated carbon. Tofu cat litter can be used in the toilet because it simply dissolves when it is immersed in liquid. The activated charcoal and pea work together to eliminate any odors in the litter tray, and the activated charcoal purifies the air to make the entire area odor-free. This litter absorbs water in less than 2 seconds, which reduces the likelihood of litter sticking to the bottom of your cat’s litter box or on its paws. Another great thing about this litter is that it’s even safe for ingestion. So if your cat accidentally swallows some of it, you won’t have to rush them to the nearest veterinarian. 8. Felight Antibacterial For many pet owners, having a pet means fighting the good fight against germs and bacteria that living with animals can bring. Felight Antibacterial cat litter is a non-clumping, lightweight formula that neutralizes odors on contact. The easy-to-clean formula has a sponge-like effect on moisture and contains it to keep the litter box smelling fresh and clean. The quick-acting formula inhibits and stops bacteria growth to prevent lingering odors around the litter box. Felight Antibacterial is made from calcium silicate, a well-known chemical compound used as an anticaking agent. The packaging is also 100% recycled, making it a good choice for the environmentally conscious. 9. Bio Catolet Bio Catolet is a non-scented, non-toxic litter that’s also gentle on cats’ paws and highly absorbent. It’s a natural, compostable, and biodegradable product that caters to cat owners in search of a sustainable litter that also gets the job done. This cat litter also contains insect repellent to keep your cat safe from fleas. It’s non-sticky so you don’t have to worry about your cat tracking it all over the house once it becomes soiled. It’s also great at absorbing odors from bacteria and it lasts up to 10 days. The Bio Catolet Brand has been around for quite some time in the UK and they have more than just this cat litter product to offer. If you are looking for a cat litter that works well for cats with allergies or sensitive noses, here is a good one to consider. Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Best Cat Litter for Odor Control How Many Litter Boxes Do You Actually Need? Well, it depends on how many cats you have. Experts and vets advise that there be more litter boxes than cats in your home. So, if you have two cats, you should have at least three litter boxes. This will help reduce stress and ensure your cats have a place to go when they need it. Do I Need to Remove or Top-Up My Cat’s Litter Box? Cats are very picky about litter boxes and keeping them clean can mean your cat is actually using the litter box instead of avoiding it and going elsewhere. Keep your cat happy by scooping out any poop or clumps every day. Removing soiled litter quickly helps you reduce the amount of litter you use on a day-to-day basis. How Often Should You Change Your Cat’s Litter? Experts recommend that cat litter be changed weekly or more often. Be sure to bag up all the litter and trash and clean the litter box thoroughly with warm soapy water. This will ensure that the box doesn’t harbor any foul-smelling bacteria or odors. You can also sanitize the box with cleaner or enzymatic cleaner by giving it a thorough rinse and wiping it down. Don’t reduce the frequency of litter cleaning for cats just because your cat is sensitive to strong chemical smells. Instead, simply use cat-safe cleaning products. Wrapping Things Up Choosing the best litter for your cat doesn’t have to be a difficult process. However, you should have some idea of the features that you want the litter to have. For example, if you want the litter to be scent-free, non-clumping, or biodegradable, be sure to look for litter options that fall into this category. Overall, your cat will let you know if they like their new litter or not. And as you can see from this review, there are more than enough options to choose from when it comes to cat litter. Featured Image Credit: catinsyrup, Shutterstock - A Quick Look at Our Favorites in 2024 - The 9 Best Litters for Odor Control in the UK - 1. Biokat’s Diamond Care Fresh with Fragrance – Best Overall - 2. Nature’s Calling Cat Litter – Best Value - 3. Dr. Elsey’s Ultra – Premium Choice - 4. Catsan Cat Litter - 5. Ever Clean Extra Strong - 6. Breeder Celect Cat Litter - 7. Beans Royale Tofu Cat Litter - 8. Felight Antibacterial - 9. Bio Catolet - Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Best Cat Litter for Odor Control - How Many Litter Boxes Do You Actually Need? - Do I Need to Remove or Top-Up My Cat’s Litter Box? - How Often Should You Change Your Cat’s Litter? - Wrapping Things Up
CNB Archives Posted Tuesday, November 25, 2008 Gloucester Catholic High School registered a 20 to 13 victory Joe Murphy_and_friends over Gloucester High last Saturday afternoon to capture its second City Series victory since the games began back in 1948. It was the third win of the year for Coach Jim Hopkins boys while for the senior-laden Gloucester High eleven it was their third straight setback. Mike McNally and Carmen Palmiero received the annual Mustang awards as the outstanding players on their respective teams. McNally sparked the "Ramblers" first half attack while Palmiero was a constant star in the loser's game. Gloucester kicked off to Catholic and the ball was returned from the 20 to the 23. Mike Angelastro made four yards and Miller fumbled but recovered for a two-yard gain. George Gibison picked up a first down on the 33. Gloucester was penalized five yards for delay and McNally's five-yard pick up gave the Ramblers" a first on the 43. Gibison fumbled but Carl Schoenborn recovered for a five-yard loss. Angelastro regained the five and McNally skirted the flank for 12 yards to the Gloucester 42. After Gibison had picked up a yard McNally again went wide for a first down on the 12. Miller fumbled but recovered for no gain. Gibison raced down Catholic took the following kickoff and moved to the Gloucester 18 yard line before the Blue and Gold defense held and took over as the quarter ended. Gloucester was penalized five yards and Neilio gained four at tackle. McNally pulled Thompson's flat pass out of the air and returned it for a touchdown to give the "Ramblers" a 13 to 7 lead. Hagan again converted. Late in the second quarter Palmiero gave his, team a big chance when he threw Lenny Lacavara on his own 19-yard line after fumbling a fourth down pass from center while attempting to punt. Gloucester for some unknown reason elected to try the Catholic strong forward wall and got two yards in two tries. Neilio then completed a short pass to Palmiero for a four-yard gain. Another puzzling play on fourth down with Harry Hill hitting the center of the line gained only two yards and Catholic took over on its own 11. George Rieder had a nifty pass interception ruled out by a clipping penalty midway in the period. Rieder had intercepted the ball on the Gloucester Catholic 48 and returned it down to the enemy 15 before being stopped but Catholic was detected clipping on the Gloucester 37 and penalized back to its own 48. On the next play, Thompson scooped up Gibson's fumble and raced down to the "Ramblers" eight-yard line. In two line thrusts Hill made three yards and a third down pass, play was incomplete. A fourth down pass was complete in the end zone to Palmiero but the ball was caught out of bounds and ruled incomplete. Catholic took over on its own five but couldn't advance and punted to Neilio who returned it from the Catholic 40 to the 26. Three line plays netted nothing and Neilio's high pass down field was deflected into the arms of Palmiero on the 18-yard line and the speedy end dove across the goal for a TD. Neilio's important try for point was blocked by Schoenborn. The third quarter had ended just before the touchdown pass. sorry the story originally reprinted in booklet was incomplete- See more at: http://www.gloucestercitynews.net/clearysnotebook/2008/11/gloucester-c-24.html#sthash.Ku8t8Z0w.dpuf
Food is such an essential part of life – and has a direct impact on pupil learning as well as physical and mental development. Our chefs prides themselves on balancing fresh and seasonal ingredients, balanced nutrition, making food fun, creativity and variation. During the year, we have themed days and weeks to encourage discussion about food – ensuring our pupils are educated in what they’re eating, and not just eating it! Our chefs are able to cater for all food intolerances and allergies. Our Menus This Term We are working on a three-week rotation for menus this term. Please find all menus below. The menus below will give you an idea of some of the wonderful food on offer:
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So following time when you are ready to buy a Conversion Van With Bathroom For Sale online or in your area, keep in mind the value of research and make a wise choice. Beginning your research today and make one of the most out of your Sprinter Van Rental With Driver choices! So do not think twice to do some comprehensive research prior to acquiring any High Top Van Conversion Kits online or locally – it will only profit you in the long run. So what are you waiting on? Start your research trip currently and make educated decisions when it concerns picking the very best Camper Transit Van alternatives online or in your area prior to making a purchase. Trust fund us, you won’t regret it! So, take the time to research and contrast various Van Wraps Near Me options online or in your area before purchasing to make certain that you are getting the most effective deal feasible. Constantly remember, expertise is power, and in this instance, researching prior to purchasing is the essential to opening that power. To Read More Click Here: Simple Camper Van
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Province tells Guelph: ‘Construct 18,000 new houses by 2031’ Following new provincial legislation, the city received direction from the province on Tuesday Guelph will see 18,000 new homes built by 2031, if provincial officials get their way. In a letter sent Tuesday afternoon to Mayor Cam Guthrie, the Minister of Municipal Affairs asked city council to “pledge” its commitment to achieve that target as part of a provincial effort to increase the housing supply by 1.5 million units. “We are in a crisis. That means we should have a lofty goal,” Guthrie said when asked for his thoughts on the target given to Guelph. “I don’t think it’s right for us to dismiss it.” Guelph is one of many cities in the province to be given a new housing allocation, with each council asked to pass a motion pledging its commitment to achieving its given target. “We’re going to have to figure out the tools we can do that with,” Guthrie said, adding he’d like to see new housing available throughout the spectrum – from supportive and affordable housing to rentals and private ownership. A report to the province explaining how the city will meet the pledge is due to the province in March, Guthrie noted. Allocation letters were issued within hours of provincial legislation being introduced that’s intended to help increase the supply of housing and bring down costs. “We’re in the middle of a housing supply crisis,” said Minister of Municipal Affairs Steven Clark during a news conference Tuesday afternoon, minutes after the legislation was introduced. “There simply aren’t enough homes being built in Ontario.” If ultimately approved by the majority PC government, the legislation would implement 50 actions aimed at reducing government fees and speeding up the approval process for new home builds. Those action items include allowing most single home properties have two additional units built on them without requiring municipal approval (known as inclusionary zoning); development charge and parkland dedication exemptions for affordable homes and inclusionary zoning units as well as “select attainable housing units”; freezing of development charges and conservation authority fees for development permits; and reduced property taxes for apartment buildings. Despite being repeatedly asked during the news conference, Clark declined to say what consequences, if any, municipalities would receive for not meeting the new home build targets given to them by the province. While pleased with the intent of the legislation, Guthrie, who serves as president of the Ontario Big City Mayors caucus, has “some trepidation” about the impact on municipal finances. “Growth does currently not pay for growth,” he said, expressing concern about reducing city fees. “It only then shifts the cost of that infrastructure to support growth to the existing tax base.” The province needs to keep an eye on what happens with those discounts to ensure savings are passed along to the end buyers, Guthrie added. The legislation also proposes changes to the Ontario Land Tribunal process for appealing municipal planning matters, something Guthrie has repeatedly called for. If passed, the OLT would be required to prioritize cases that create new housing, establish timelines and “clarifying the OLT’s powers to dismiss appeals due to unreasonable delay or failure to comply with a tribunal order.” Guthrie’s also pleased by Clark’s commitment to reviewing provincial processes in search of ways to increase the housing supply. A vacant home tax policy framework is expected to be released this winter, notes a post on the province’s website.
Create A Bi-Weekly Budget Template In 2023 Create a Bi-Weekly Budget Template in 2023 What is a Budget Template? A budget template is a financial tool that helps you manage your finances. It is a document that allows you to track and plan your income, expenses, and savings over a certain period of time. A budget template allows you to identify your financial goals and come up with a plan to achieve them. This can be done on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Why Should I Make a Bi-Weekly Budget Template? Creating a bi-weekly budget template can help you stay on top of your finances. It allows you to track your income and expenses, so you can make sure you are staying within your budget. It also allows you to plan for future expenses so you can save up for them. By creating a bi-weekly budget template, you can make sure that you are reaching your financial goals. How to Create a Bi-Weekly Budget Template Creating a bi-weekly budget template is easy! First, you will need to list all of your income sources. Then, you will need to list all of your expenses. This includes things like rent, utilities, groceries, and other necessary items. You should also include any debt payments. Once you have your income and expenses listed, you can begin to set a budget. Step 1: Set Your Goals The first step in creating a budget template is to set your financial goals. This includes things like saving for a specific purchase, paying off debt, or simply sticking to a budget. Knowing your goals will help you to create a budget that works for you. Step 2: Calculate Your Income and Expenses The next step is to calculate your income and expenses. This includes both your income sources and your expenses. For each income source, you should list the amount you receive each month or bi-weekly. For each expense, you should list the total amount due or the amount due each month or bi-weekly. Step 3: Set Your Budget Once you have calculated your income and expenses, you can begin to set a budget. You should aim to spend less than you make each month or bi-weekly so that you can save for your financial goals. You can also use budgeting tools such as budgeting apps or spreadsheets to help you track your budget. Creating a bi-weekly budget template is an effective way to manage your finances. By listing your income and expenses and setting a budget, you can make sure that you are reaching your financial goals. With a little bit of planning, you can create a budget that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.
On November 7th, in Brussels, LUkraine received an immense recognition from the European Parliament—the European Parliament’s Citizen’s Prize—for its Ukraine is Calling project. Previously, LUkraine was honored with the prize by the European Parliament representation in Luxembourg. The award ceremony at the European Parliament Headquarters in Brussels brought together representatives of 25 winning projects. This acknowledgment stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of our team, dedicated partners, and generous donors. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your support!
Commentary: ‘Frasier’ is more inclusive now, but I still grapple with my love for the show In the new rendition of “Frasier,” which jumps 20 years into the iconic, titular character’s future, two women of color are part of the main cast. This decision isn’t revolutionary — it’s part of a larger trend to make television more representative. As a mixed-Black woman, it better melds my lived experience with the characters I have come to love. In the original series, Frasier (Kelsey Grammer) and his brother, Niles (David Hyde Pierce), seemed to represent my own extended, tight-knit family, with their taste for opera and classical music, their love of Gilbert and Sullivan musicals and classic books. Like the Crane brothers, I was also bullied in high school and never seemed to make inroads with the “in crowd” even into adulthood, despite my efforts. And Niles in particular exemplified a sensibility I hadn’t yet seen on screen at that time, one of formality that reminded me of my uncle, who wouldn’t be caught dead in something as casual as a T-shirt. I watched “Frasier” during its initial run, catching episodes here and there, but a few years ago, I rediscovered the series after a friend mentioned it was streaming. I’ve since binged and rewatched it multiple times. While I’ve largely enjoyed immersing myself in it again, certain aspects of the show are reminders that it doesn’t connect me to my Black culture, which, because I was raised by my white family in predominantly white neighborhoods, I’ve had to cultivate it myself. Though it’s meant for a laugh, I cringe when Niles says, “Wealthy white women just can’t get a fair shake.” Few Black actors appear on the show, many with single lines in single scenes. In fact, its lack of diversity has been a punchline, like when Colin Jost on “Saturday Night Live’s” “Weekend Update” said, “For those of you too young to remember, ‘Frasier’ was the show that made ‘Friends’ look Black.” As I thought more about its reputation, I wondered if I was white-washing my identity by continually immersing myself in the Frasierverse. As the first season of the “Frasier” reboot comes to a close on Paramount+, Kelsey Grammer and Jack Cutmore-Scott spoke to The Times about connecting the new series to the original; Grammer also weighed in on that BBC interview. On “Frasier,” most Black characters were in peripheral roles like a basketball player, a nurse, a taxi driver or a man in prison. They didn’t push the status quo and weren’t part of the Cranes’ inner, elitist circle. But the three Black characters with any real arc didn’t appear until the latter half of the series. In a Season 7 episode, Frasier hires Mary Thomas, played by Kim Coles, to be a temporary call screener through a program called Second Start, only to be confronted by his own racial hang-ups. Another episode puts them together again, and this time, Mary (who now calls herself Dr. Mary much to Frasier’s chagrin) is beloved by the community in a way Frasier finds threatening. The other two meaningful characters are Cam and Cora Winston (Brian Stokes Mitchell and Emily Yancy) of Season 9: Frasier’s polished neighbor and nemesis, who appears in three episodes, and his veterinarian mother who has a fan-favorite flirtation with Frasier’s father, Martin. David Hyde Pierce is in the cast of “Here We Are,” Stephen Sondheim’s final musical, at the Shed in New York. Like the revival of “Gilmore Girls,” where Rory’s prep school is now diverse, Frasier’s world in the reboot is no longer mostly white. Instead of Dr. Mary, who graduated from the “school of hard knocks,” we have Olivia Finch, played by Toks Olagundoye, a Black woman who is chair of the psychology department at Harvard, and whose sister, we learn, is provost at Yale. Olivia is positioned as Frasier’s equal, likely having orbited similar spaces. In a bar scene, after Olivia makes an intellectual joke, Alan, Frasier’s (white) college roommate and now teaching chum, says to them both, “None of us dated in high school, did we?” Olivia isn’t there as a foil to give Frasier some sort of racial awakening. Such moments can be important, but it is equally important for characters of color to exist in their own right, to take up space without enhancing the protagonist’s sensibilities. Jess Salgueiro, the Portuguese Canadian actress who plays the friend and neighbor of Frasier’s son, Freddy, looks like me, with her curly hair and olive skin, though our racial backgrounds are different. Seeing someone with my likeness on TV still feels like a novelty after decades of what feels like invisibility. If I had seen more actors like this on TV in my youth, maybe I wouldn’t have felt that my body and background set me apart from what was portrayed as the norm. Will the Frasier reboot return for another season? That’s anyone’s guess for now, though an interview this week with the BBC may make some fans disinclined to continue watching the show. It’s no secret that Grammer is conservative, and on Monday, when asked by BBC’s Justin Webb if he’s still a supporter of former President Donald Trump, he replied, “I am. And let that be the end of it.” Though the interview abruptly ends, Webb says in the segment that the publicists for Paramount cut it short and that Grammer was happy to keep discussing Trump. Joe Cristalli and Chris Harris wanted the reboot of the iconic series to focus on a new chapter for its lead character, Frasier Crane, by focusing on his relationship with his son, Freddy. It’s not the first time I’ve wrestled with loving this show when Grammer takes such an opposite stance from my own political views. But Frasier and Niles are painted as liberals in the series, and the “Frasier” reboot isn’t just about Grammer. Some viewers might be inclined to boycott it, but that would be also mean boycotting actors like Salgueiro and Olagundoye. In my favorite Facebook group, the official Frasier Fan Club, the admins ban any mention of politics or religion. It’s one virtual space where our connection to something beyond the real world bonds us. Every post must connect to “Frasier”; our copied and self-generated memes provide us comic relief from (unpolitical) world events to pop culture references. When people like me are dealing with generational trauma, police brutality, Supreme Court reversals, and everyday microaggressions, this fictional universe is a constant source of comfort, with characters that make the world a little less scary. If “Frasier” is picked up for another season, I hope Olivia and Eve can play a more central role in the show. For much of the season, we’ve learned little more about Eve other than her firefighter boyfriend died on duty, leaving her alone with their son, and that Olivia wants to outdo her sister and that she’s a “Craniac.” In the last episode of the season, their characters finally begin to develop: Eve is sad about spending her first Christmas alone since her boyfriend’s passing, and Olivia has a magical moment with one of the firefighters in Freddy’s unit. These evolutions are a step in the right direction; while increasing representation is important, that representation can only make a limited impact when the characters are merely there to buoy the rest of the cast. Shannon Luders-Manuel is the author of the forthcoming memoir “Black Prince: A Father-Daughter Story in Black and White,” by Lawrence Hill Books / Chicago Review Press. She has been published in The New York Times, LA Review of Books, and JSTOR Daily, among others. She resides in Los Angeles. It's a date Get our L.A. Goes Out newsletter, with the week's best events, to help you explore and experience our city. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times.
Upgrading your windows is one of the most effective ways to improve your home’s efficiency. New windows can help reduce your energy bills and improve your property’s resale value. Double- and triple-pane windows are more effective at reducing heat transfer than single-pane units. Other energy-efficient options include clad windows and Low-E glass. Eagle Mountain is a quaint town in Utah that’s home to many natural landscapes. The town is popular among wildlife lovers and is also home to a 1,800-year-old rock art petroglyph. The residents of this town enjoy a bird’s eye view of the stunning natural landscape from their homes. They can get even better views by installing new windows from a professional handyman. Choosing the right window installation company is crucial to the success of your project. You should select a contractor that values your time and treats you with respect. This way, you can avoid any inconveniences that may arise during the window repair process. You should also look at the frame materials that a provider uses. Each material has a different life span, price point and energy efficiency level. For example, vinyl and fiberglass windows are less expensive than wood or aluminum. Also, argon-filled windows can reduce energy costs by decreasing the transfer of heat from indoors to outdoor air. Block frame installation In addition to lowering energy bills, new windows can add a sense of style and functionality to your home. However, it’s important to choose a window that meets your needs and budget. For example, consider choosing double- or triple-pane windows that reduce heat transfer and offer better insulation. Also, look for windows with an Energy Star certification, which meet strict energy-saving guidelines. When considering replacement windows, it’s a good idea to consult with experts to get the best results. The professionals can help you select a window that fits your home’s needs and your lifestyle. They can also explain different options and their benefits. A block frame (box unit) installation is a cost-effective option for homeowners with existing wood window frames. It involves removing the old sash and exterior stops but leaving the existing frame in place. The installers then insert the new window and secure it to the frame with screws. They caulk and insulate the openings and install interior trim to complete the job. If you’re building a new home, consider upgrading your windows with an energy-efficient option. Double- and triple-pane windows are more effective at insulating your home than single-pane units, which can significantly lower your energy costs. They also help keep the cold out and the heat in, while protecting your furniture, carpets, and other valuable items from damaging UV rays. When choosing your window replacement company, look for one that offers a wide variety of frame options. Each material has different benefits, life span, and price point. For example, aluminum and vinyl are affordable, but may not offer the same level of insulation as wood or composite. Also, make sure the company provides a warranty on their products and services. Companies such as Universal Windows Direct offer an industry-leading warranty covering parts, products and labor for a lifetime. This is especially important if you’re planning to live in your home for a long time. It will protect you against unforeseen problems. With new windows, homeowners can give their property a facelift and improve its security. They can also boost the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their utility bills. However, choosing the right windows is essential. They must have a low-E coating and argon gas fills, as these help reduce heat transfer. In addition, they should be Energy Star certified. The full-frame window installation method is the most comprehensive option. It involves removing the existing window down to the rough opening and replacing it with a new window. This is more expensive than other options, but it can significantly improve your home’s energy efficiency. The best choice for your Eagle Mountain home depends on your budget and needs. You should choose energy-efficient windows with insulated frames and double or triple pane glass. These windows will keep the cold out and the heat in, saving you money on your energy bills. In addition, they will keep the UV rays from damaging your furniture and carpets.
The Urban Land Institute leads an initiative that quarterbacks a multi-pronged program working to improve the general lifestyle of communities at a global scale. The ULI Building Healthy Places Initiative focuses on leveraging the power of the ULI’s networks to shape projects and places in need of assistance. Since 2013, this initiative has been in action and over its 2-year lifespan, a multitude of programs have been launched as well as areas improved. Taking a deeper look into ULI’s impact both nationally and globally can help every individual contribute to programs centered around the greater good. The Building Healthy Places Initiative from ULI was put in place by the foundation’s Board of Directors in 2013 and the campaign has flourished ever since. The program was comprised to focus on healthy communities as an interdisciplinary theme for the foundation. The Urban Land Institute, as a whole, was founded in 1936. The ULI is a nonprofit research and education organization supported by 36,000 members worldwide. A particular focus that even shows in the Building Healthy Places Initiative is their preservation of land use and real estate development for the public’s benefit. There are a handful of programs under the Building Healthy Places Initiative that help the initiative reach the greater goal in mind. With an interest in preserving places, the ULI doesn’t only cater to locals of these communities but the the governing bodies as well. The ULI’s initiative incorporates the district and national councils into their planning process for community events, programming, and individual acknowledgements. The Urban Innovation Grants are a program under the initiative that has had an immediate effect on over seventeen district and national councils. The purpose of these grants are to promote healthy places on a local level. The Urban Innovation Grants total to $250,000 and are awarded to projects that participate in unique public-private partnerships that use open land to build healthy, active communities. The ULI works on a global scale with a local level focus in each community. With the expansion of their local programs, the Building Healthy Places Initiative is on a fast development track in several domestic and international communities. The ULI Minnesota District Council is an example of a local chapter of the initiative and they work closely with local partners to create a healthy community in the Prospect North Innovation District. The District Council then put together a guide and toolkit that reviews the lessons and strategies the Minnesota team learned throughout the process in route to establishing a new neighborhood health. The guide helps the process for other communities who are actively developing. Throughout the process the committee has gained a great deal of insight that could help the progress of the future programs under the Building Healthy Places Initiative. The Speaker Series was put in place to help participants learn about the individual profiles discovered and the rest of their community findings. The Speaker Series is modeled around the periodic publications that the Initiative publishes about their findings from a community in focus. The most recent report, Building for Wellness: The Business Case, speaks about how wellness can be a primary objective for business developers. The report shines light upon 13 different projects that were all developed with health and wellness in mind. The Urban Land Institute is a very active foundation but the Building Healthy Places Initiative has possibly become one of their most impactful programs yet. The Initiative operates globally but focuses on the development of communities with the health of locals in mind.
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It’s deadly, without a smell, taste or color. And it could become a huge problem if your furnace is not properly maintained. Carbon monoxide can become trapped in a room or entire house, leading to a very dangerous situation. Found in a variety of sources, such as gas stoves and gas water heaters, leaking furnaces and chimneys, this gas can cause huge problems if the level becomes high. Similar to flu symptoms, thousands of people who are poisoned from carbon monoxide annually do not realize the cause of their illness right away, leading to greater danger. Hotels in North Carolina require carbon monoxide detectors after three deaths occurred as a result of high carbon monoxide levels inside of a hotel room in NC. How can this type of poisoning be prevented? The Consumer Product Safety Commission has preventative steps that will help you stay safe, and avoid carbon monoxide poisoning: - Make sure appliances are installed and operated according to the manufacturer’s instructions and local building codes. Most appliances should be installed by qualified professionals. Have the heating system professionally inspected and serviced annually to ensure proper operation. The inspector should also check chimneys and flues for blockages, corrosion, partial and complete disconnections, and loose connections. - Never service fuel-burning appliances without proper knowledge, skill and tools. Always refer to the owner’s manual when performing minor adjustments or servicing fuel-burning equipment. - Never operate a portable generator or any other gasoline engine-powered tool either in or near an enclosed space such as a garage, house, or other building. Even with open doors and windows, these spaces can trap CO and allow it to quickly build to lethal levels. - Install a CO alarm that meets the requirements of the current UL 2034 safety standard. A CO alarm can provide some added protection, but it is no substitute for proper use and upkeep of appliances that can produce CO. Install a CO alarm in the hallway near every separate sleeping area of the home. Make sure the alarm cannot be covered up by furniture or draperies. - Never use portable fuel-burning camping equipment inside a home, garage, vehicle or tent unless it is specifically designed for use in an enclosed space and provides instructions for safe use in an enclosed area. - Never burn charcoal inside a home, garage, vehicle, or tent. - Never leave a car running in an attached garage, even with the garage door open. - Never use gas appliances such as ranges, ovens, or clothes dryers to heat your home. - Never operate unvented fuel-burning appliances in any room where people are sleeping. - Do not cover the bottom of natural gas or propane ovens with aluminum foil. Doing so blocks the combustion air flow through the appliance and can produce CO. - During home renovations, ensure that appliance vents and chimneys are not blocked by tarps or debris. Make sure appliances are in proper working order when renovations are complete. Have your furnace in the Greensboro, High Point and Burlington, NC areas inspected and maintained by a professional. At Berico Fuels, we recommend routine HVAC inspections to eliminate the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning from old furnaces that are not operating properly. Leaky and older furnaces are potential problems that need to be addressed at an inspection. Your heating system repair in Greensboro, NC will be done by a certified and qualified technician, who has the experience and knowledge to locate existing problems and potential future malfunctions with your furnace. Determine your risks now, before the weather turns cold. At Berico Fuels, our Greensboro HVAC systems specialists have the expertise to prevent your heating system from having problems this winter. Stay safe, and stay warm this winter season.
There are two distinct types of data collection and study: qualitative and quantitative. Although both provide an analysis of data, they differ in their approach and the type of data they collect. Awareness of these approaches can help researchers construct their study and data collection methods. In This Article: - What Is the Difference Between Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research? - Qualitative vs. Quantitative Outcomes - Benefits and Limitations of Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research - How To Analyze Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data - Become a Qualitative or Quantitative Researcher What Is the Difference Between Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research? Because qualitative and quantitative studies collect different types of data, their data collection methods differ considerably. Quantitative studies rely on numerical or measurable data. In contrast, qualitative studies rely on personal accounts or documents that illustrate in detail how people think or respond within society. Qualitative Research: Data Collection for Your Doctorate Degree Qualitative research methods include gathering and interpreting non-numerical data. The following are some sources of qualitative data1: - Focus groups - Personal accounts or papers - Cultural records In the course of a qualitative study, the researcher may conduct interviews or focus groups to collect data that is not available in existing documents or records. To allow freedom for varied or unexpected answers, interviews and focus groups may be unstructured or semi-structured. An unstructured or semi-structured format allows the researcher to pose open-ended questions and follow wherever the responses lead. The responses provide a comprehensive perspective on each individual’s experiences, which are then compared with those of other participants in the study. Quantitative Research: Data Collection for Your Doctorate Degree Quantitative studies, in contrast, require different data collection methods. These methods include compiling numerical data to test causal relationships among variables. Some forms of data collection for this type of study include1: - Database reports The above collection methods yield data that lends itself to numerical analysis. Questionnaires in this case have a multiple-choice format to generate countable answers, such as “yes” or “no,” which can be turned into quantifiable data. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Outcomes One of the factors distinguishing qualitative from quantitative studies is the nature of the intended outcome. Qualitative researchers seek to learn from details of the testimonies of those they are studying. Over the course of a study, conclusions are drawn by compiling, comparing and evaluating the participants’ feedback and input. Qualitative research is often focused on answering the “why” behind a phenomenon, correlation or behavior. In contrast, quantitative data are analyzed numerically to develop a statistical picture of a trend or connection. Such statistical results may shed light on cause-and-effect relationships, and they may either confirm or disprove the study’s original hypothesis. Whether positive or negative, the outcome can enrich understanding of a subject and spark action. Quantitative research is often focused on answering the questions of “what” or “how” in regards to a phenomenon, correlation or behavior. Benefits and Limitations of Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Another difference between qualitative and quantitative research lies in their advantages and limitations. Each form of research has benefits and shortcomings. Researchers must consider their hypotheses and what forms of data collection and analysis are likely to produce the most relevant findings. Benefits of Qualitative Research There are some significant benefits of qualitative research that should be considered when evaluating the difference between qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative method allows for creativity, varied interpretations and flexibility. The scope of the research project can change as more information is gathered. Limitations of Qualitative Research Qualitative studies are more subjective in their results and interpretation than are quantitative studies. The expertise and perspective of the researcher may strongly influence the interpretation of results and the conclusions reached, because personal bias can be hard to manage. In addition, qualitative studies often test a smaller sample size due to the costs and efforts associated with qualitative data collection methods.1 Benefits of Quantitative Research The similarities of qualitative and quantitative research do not encompass their respective benefits, because each approach has unique advantages. For example, unlike qualitative studies, quantitative studies produce objective data, and their results can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers. Quantitative studies can be quickly analyzed with the benefit of data computing software. Limitations of Quantitative Research Yet, although objectivity is a benefit of the quantitative method, this approach can be viewed as a more restrictive form of study. Participants cannot tailor their responses or add context. Furthermore, statistical analysis requires a large data sample, which calls for a large pool of participants.1 How To Analyze Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Another of the similarities of qualitative and quantitative research is that both look for patterns in the data they collect that point to a relationship between elements. Both qualitative and quantitative data are instrumental in supporting existing theories and developing new ones. Ultimately, the researcher must determine which kind of research best serves the goals of their study. Analyzing Qualitative Data Because qualitative data doesn’t allow for numerical data analysis, any analytical approach must be developed with care and caution. Here are a few different methods of qualitative data analysis, as follows: - Content analysis: Groups together similar concepts, themes and words that emerge from the data in order to understand interrelationships - Discourse analysis: Evaluates the way in which people often express themselves in various contexts through the lens of cultural and power dynamics - Thematic analysis: Seeks to understand the true meaning behind subjects’ words by uncovering recurrent themes in the data Analyzing Quantitative Data The question of how to analyze quantitative data is slightly more straightforward compared to the various approaches for qualitative data. When working with quantitative data, doctoral researchers will generally review the collected data and organize it into visual elements, such as charts and graphs. The data can be evaluated using either descriptive or inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics provide an avenue for describing the population or data set. Inferential statistics can be used to generalize results, as well as to project future trends or predictions about a larger dataset or population. Become a Qualitative or Quantitative Researcher Some researchers choose to adhere to and hone a single methodological approach throughout their time as doctoral learners — or in their profession. Research skills are critical in a variety of careers. If you have a desire to conduct research, a qualitative or quantitative doctoral degree can support your initiative. Throughout your program, you will learn methods for constructing a qualitative or quantitative study and producing written research findings. Interested in starting your doctoral journey? Grand Canyon University has a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative programs and resources to help you. Fill out the form on this page to get started. 1 Mcleod, S. (2023, May 10). Qualitative vs quantitative research: methods & data analysis. Simply Psychology. Retrieved in May 2023. Approved by the dean of the College of Doctoral Studies on Oct. 2, 2023. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
ALCS Game 6: Red Sox Defeat Tigers, Advance to World Series In Game 6 of the ALCS on Saturday night at Fenway Park in Boston, the Red Sox defeated the Detroit Tigers 5-2 to advance to the World Series for the third time in nine years. The home team—not to mention their fans—were jubilant celebrating a win that looked extremely unlikely just six days ago. In Game 2 the Red Sox were were down 5-1 with one out in the bottom of the seventh inning and just eight outs away from going down 0-2 to the Tigers with the series heading back to Detroit. A comeback under those circumstances would’ve been extremely unlikely, at best. Just as hope seemed lost, David Ortiz stepped up to the plate with the bases loaded in the bottom of the eighth inning. Big Papi did what only he could do, hitting a grand slam off Detroit closer Joaquin Benoit, tying the game and providing a much needed spark to the home crowd, which had long gone silent. It was in that moment the Red Sox completely reversed the momentum in the series. Not only was it a foregone conclusion they’d win the game—you could see defeat instantly on the Tigers’ faces—but it felt like that rare singular event powerful enough to reverberate for days. The Tigers returned to Comerica Park for next three games with the series tied 1-1, which was the second best scenario for them, although it certainly didn’t feel like it. Especially when Detroit had tremendous starting pitching again in Game 3 and still lost. They split the next two games, giving the Red Sox one chance to clinch it at home in Game 6 before having to face Tigers ace Justin Verlander in a decisive Game 7. And that’s exactly what they did. The game was scoreless until Boston’s Jacoby Ellsbury finally singled to right in the bottom of the fifth, allowing rookie Xander Bogaerts to score. Detroit struck back immediately in the top of the sixth, with Torii Hunter and Miguel Cabrera scoring on a Victor Martinez single to deep left center. Their lead wouldn’t hold. Just as Ortiz had done in Game 2—except an inning earlier—Shane Victorino homered off reliever Jose Veras, a grand slam which put the Red Sox up 5-2 in the bottom of the seventh. Also like Game 2, it was apparent looking at the Tigers that the game, and the series, was over. Next up for the Red Sox are the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series, a team they swept in 2004 after orchestrating the single greatest comeback in sports history against their hated rival New York Yankees in the ALCS. Boston quickly went down 0-3 in the series against New York, a deficit which no other team in MLB history had ever overcome. The Red Sox were the first, clawing back through three consecutive games before stunning the Yanks 10-3 in Game 7. Now the Red Sox have an opportunity to repeat history and the Cardinals have an opportunity to avenge it. You can count on one thing either way—it certainly won’t be boring.
The Democratic Party candidate for the White House, Joe Biden, has obtained a five point advantage over the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, in the state of Texas, one of the most important fiefs of the Republican Party, for the elections presidential elections scheduled for next November. According to a poll of voting intention published this Sunday by the newspaper ‘Dallas Morning News’ and the University of Texas, Biden would get 46 percent of the votes in the state, while Trump would keep 41 percent of the support . Additionally, 14 percent of voters are still undecided. Previously, in a survey conducted in April, Trump and Biden obtained a similar percentage of around 43 percent. Political scientist Kenneth Bryant, one of the study’s designers, has pointed out that the increased support for former US Vice President Biden is due to the loss of Trump voters between independents and “weak supporters.” “Although President Trump has and continues to enjoy near-universal Republican approval, and strong disapproval by Democrats, he has lost a sizable chunk of the people in the middle who can finally decide who wins in Texas in November, “said Bryant. Since the mandate of former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, in 1976, no Democratic presidential candidate has returned to obtain the victory in the state of Texas. Nationwide, Joe Biden maintains a 12-point lead over Trump in the presidential election, according to a poll on voting intention from Monmouth University. The poll showed that Biden would get 53 percent of the vote compared to 41 percent of the endorsements the current White House tenant would get. Last month, Monmouth University released results on another poll that gave Biden 52 percent of the ballots compared to Trump’s 41 percent.
Danielle looked stunning in her Stella York dress, attended by her six bridesmaids (two of whom were sisters) in Azazie dresses, colored in varying hues of blue that not so vaguely resembled the color of summer hydrangeas. Will your wedding feature a first look? If so, it’s suggested that you do it in a way that matters most to you. For Tim and Danielle, they wanted it to take place in a private area with a great view of the Edgartown Lighthouse. Luckily, Tim had a connection with a property owner on N. Water street with views anyone could envy. Danielle had one of the most beautiful wedding bouquets, arranged with lisianthus, dahlia, freesia, spray rose, hydrangea, delphinium chocolate cosmo foliage and more. Simply stunning. The groom, being from Edgartown, wanted to keep things local for the ceremony, and the decision was made to tie the knot next to the Edgartown Lighthouse. This is one of the most beautiful ceremony locations on Martha’s Vineyard and affords picturesque views of Edgartown’s classic captain homes, Edgartown Harbor and all its activity, as wells views of Chappaquiddick and the Vineyard Sound. It is one of those storybook Edgartown wedding locations and Danielle and Tim had perfectly warm sunny weather conditions with a cooling summer breeze. Pro tip: if you’re considering this location, it is recommended that the lighthouse be rented from the Martha’s Vineyard Museum. This way, you can use it not only as a background for your wedding ceremony but you can use it for bride and groom photos afterwards. It makes a great prop on which to snag a few drone photos, too. Morrice Florist worked their usual creative magic with their wedding flowers and wedding flower centerpieces, with beautiful arrangements and picture-perfect presentation. For Danielle, it was important to have various types of wedding flowers that connote a classic New England coastal town in summer, a desirable approach to flower décor for any Edgartown wedding. As you can see from the photos, these tablescape photos are sure to inspire some wedding flowers ideas and were well suited for use under a Sperry Pole Tent installed on the Harbor View Hotel’s Great Lawn. Using the Massachusetts town sign table ids was a creative touch, too. Back inside the Harbor View (now completely redesigned as of May 2019) there was a lively party driven by Joanne Cassidy and the Vine Shakers. In the lobby we setup a Photo booth that was a popular hit. Congratulations to Danielle and Tim. It was an honor being your wedding photographer :) Wedding Venue: Harbor View Hotel Caterer: Harbor View Hotel Ceremony Location: Edgartown Lighthouse Tent & Rentals: Tilton Tents & Party Rentals Flowers: Morrice Florist Band: The Vine Shakers Hair: MV Roots Makeup: Nicoleta Trandafir
Fieldgate Urban is a branch of Fieldgate Homes, established to focus on sleek condominium developments in urban centres. Fieldgate Homes has already made a name for themselves building single-family houses throughout the Greater Toronto Area. To date they’ve built in Markham, Unionville, Richmond Hill, Stouffhill, Thornhill, Brampton, Milton, Mississauga, Burlington, Oakville and downtown Toronto. A prolific builder that specializes in master-planned communities, they’ve built homes for 20,000 families, and have over 50 years experience. Fieldgate Urban intends to build on those qualities, making a name for themselves in the condominium market. Their team prides itself on architectural excellence and attention to detail. They have a comprehensive system that takes care of design, planning, construction, and unparalleled customer service. They place importance on personal growth, corporate goals and the needs of modern purchasers, so it is easy to understand their decision to shift their focus onto urban development. They believe that past experiences become lessons for future endeavours, and should serve as motivation for change and improvement. Fieldgate Urban was formed in response to the monumental success of the group's 90 Niagara project in downtown Toronto. This is a five-storey mid-rise that contains two-storey loft suites. Its location is unsurpassable, nestled in the Entertainment District. Upon seeing the demand for buildings like this, a new enterprise was born! Their experience with master-planned communities had taught them that building great communities is as important as building fantastic homes and they aim to achieve this with thoughtful planning. Following in the footsteps of its parent company, Fieldgate Urban prides itself on its ability to deliver high-value properties in thriving communities. From humble beginnings, as a small family business, the Fieldgate family has grown through generations to continue traditional and exceptional values. Together Fieldgate Homes and Fieldgate Urban have been able to take over the GTA and shape it to the highest standards of homebuilding. Ensuring that they keep up with the same standards of excellence, Fieldgate Urban has a team of experienced professionals from various backgrounds to guarantee they are placing their best foot forward. This philosophy has allowed them to be praised by industry professionals, clients and more. Despite being a young company, they have the benefit of several years of home-building experience. Being affiliated with a company that’s been in business since 1957 will serve to provide their new team with plentiful insight. Their ability to capitalize on new and exciting opportunities will prove to be this company’s most valuable asset, as they continue to expand their portfolio in downtown Toronto and other developing urban landscapes in the GTA. They are sure to continue contributing to the cityscape of the GTA. Heartwood The Beach The Heartwood the Beach development occupies prime beach-front land at the corner of Queen Street East and Woodbine Avenue. It's a six-storey boutique building that compliments the streetscape with only 43 suites. With a warm, contemporary style, it showcases the timeless beauty of organic materials, with each suite featuring a wooden wall in the living area. Combined with chef's kitchens and prime beach access, it's a tasteful and elegant place to call home. The projects sits at 1884 Queen Street East. All New Condo Developments By Fieldgate Urban
April 2014 - Superior General's Letter #82 The Superior General Bishop Fellay explains the double problem behind the canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II due to take place on April 27th. Dear friends and benefactors, If on April 27th John XXIII and John Paul II are canonized, the act will present a double problem to the Catholic conscience. Firstly, the problem of the canonization itself: how can it be possible to offer to the whole Church as an example of sanctity the instigator of Vatican Council II and the Pope of Assisi and human rights? But there is also the deeper problem of what will appear to be an unprecedented recognition of catholicity: how is it possible to put the Church’s stamp of approval and sanctity on the teachings of such a Council, which inspired all of Karol Wojtyla’s action and whose rotten fruits are the indisputable indication of the Church’s self-destruction? This second problem offers the solution: the errors contained in the documents of Vatican Council II and in the reforms that followed, especially in the liturgical reform, could not possibly be the work of the Holy Ghost, who is at once the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Holiness. That is why it seems necessary to us to recall the principal errors and the fundamental reasons for which we cannot subscribe to the novelties of the Council and of the reforms that came of it, any more than to these canonizations that hope to “canonize” Vatican II. For this reason, as we vigorously protest these canonizations, we wish to denounce the undertaking that has denatured the Church since Vatican Council II. Here are its principal elements. I. The Council Whereas the Council was prepared itself to be a shining light in today’s world (if those pre-conciliar documents in which we find a solemn profession of safe doctrine with regard to today’s problems, had been accepted), we can and we must unfortunately state that, in a more or less general way, when the Council has introduced innovations, it has unsettled the certainty of truths taught by the authentic Magisterium of the Church as unquestionably belonging to the treasure of Tradition. […] On all these fundamental points the traditional doctrine was clear and unanimously taught in Catholic universities. Now numerous texts of the Council on these truths will henceforward permit doubt to be cast upon them. […] Thus driven to this by the facts, we are forced to conclude that the Council has encouraged, in an inconceivable manner, the spreading of Liberal errors." II. An ecumenical conception of the Church The expression “subsistit in” (Lumen gentium, 8) means that the Church of Christ has in the separate Christian communities a presence and an action that are distinct from the Church of Christ’s subsistence in the Catholic Church. Taken in this sense, the expression denies the strict necessity of identifying the Church of Christ with the Catholic Church, which had always been taught, especially by Pius XII, both in Mystici corporis and Humani generis. The Church of Christ is present and active as such, that is, as the unique ark of salvation, only where the Vicar of Christ is present. The Mystical Body of which he is the visible head is strictly identical to the Roman Catholic Church. The same declaration (LG, 8) also recognizes the presence of “salvific elements” in non-Catholic Christian communities. The decree on ecumenism goes even further, adding that “the Spirit of Christ does not refrain from using these churches and communities as means of salvation, which derive their efficacy from the fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church.” (UR, 3) Such statements are irreconcilable with the dogma “No salvation outside of the Church,” which was reaffirmed by a Letter of the Holy Office on August 8, 1949. A separated community cannot cooperate with the action of God, since its separation is a resistance to the Holy Ghost. The truths and the sacraments that it may maintain can have good effects only in opposition to the erroneous principles on which these communities are founded and which separate them from the Mystical Body of the Catholic Church, whose visible head is the Vicar of Christ. The declaration Nostra aetate says that non-Christian religions “often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men,” although such men must find in Christ “the fullness of religious life;” it also “regards with sincere respect those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and doctrines.” (NA, 2) Such a claim must be criticized just as the preceding one. When coupled with heresy or schism, the sacraments, the partial truths of the Faith, and Scripture are in a state of separation from the Mystical Body. That is why, even though using such means, the sect as such cannot be a mediator of grace or contribute towards salvation, for it is deprived of supernatural grace. The same must be said for the ways of thinking, living, and acting that are found in non-Christian religions. These texts of the Council already favor the latitudinarian conception of the Church condemned by Pius XI in Mortalium animos, as well as the religious indifferentism that was also condemned by all the Popes from Pius IX to Pius XII. All the initiatives inspired by ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, the most visible example being the Assisi meeting in 1986, are only the practical application, “the visible illustration, the concrete lesson, a catechesis that can be understood by all” (John Paul II) of these conciliar teachings. But they also express the indifferentism denounced by Pius XI, when he reproved the hope that it would one day be possible to lead the peoples without difficulty, in spite of their religious differences, to a brotherly agreement on the profession of certain doctrines considered as a common basis of the spiritual life. […] Joining in with the partisans and propagators of such doctrines means turning completely away from the divinely revealed religion. III. A collegial and democratic conception of the Church 1. After having shaken the Church’s unity of Faith, the texts of the Council also disturbed the Church’s unity of government and hierarchical structure. The expression “subjectum quoque” (LG, 22) means that the college of bishops united to the Pope as to their head is also, besides the Pope alone, the habitual and permanent subject of the supreme and universal power of jurisdiction in the Church. This is an open door to a decrease in the Sovereign Pontiff’s power, or even to its being challenged, at the risk of endangering the unity of the Church. This idea of a permanent double subject holding primacy is in fact contrary to the Church’s teaching and practice, especially to the constitution Pastor aeternus of Vatican I (DS 3055) and Leo XIII’s encyclical Satis cognitum. Only the pope holds in a habitual and constant manner the supreme power, which he communicates only in special circumstances to councils, when so doing appears opportune to him. 2. The expression “common priesthood” proper to all baptized souls, distinct from the “ministerial priesthood,” (LG, 10) does not explain that only the latter can be taken in the true and proper sense of the word, while the former can be taken in a mystical and spiritual sense only. This distinction was clearly stated by Pius XII in his speech on November 2, 1954. It is absent from the texts of the Council and opens the door to a democratic orientation of the Church, condemned by Pius VI in the bull Auctorem fidei (DS 2106 [Denzinger]). This tendency of having the people participate in the exercise of power is seen also in the multiplication of all sorts of organizations, in conformity with the new canon law (canon 129 §2). It loses sight of the distinction between the clergy and the laity, a distinction which is of divine right. IV. False natural human rights The declaration Dignitatis humanae makes the false claim that men have a natural right in religious matters. Until now the Tradition of the Church unanimously recognized that non-Catholics have the natural right not to be forced by the civil power to adhere (by intention in the internal forum and by practice in the external forum) to the one true religion. It also authorized, at least in some circumstances, a certain tolerance for the exercise of false religions in the public external forum. Vatican II recognized as the natural right of every man not to be prevented by the civil authorities from practicing a false religion in the external public forum. The Council claimed that this natural right of freedom from constraint by the civil authorities was also a civil right. The only laws limiting this right would pertain to the purely civil order of secular society. Thus the Council obliged civil governments no longer to discriminate for religious motives and to establish a juridical equality between the true and false religions. This new social doctrine is opposed to the teachings of Gregory XVI in Mirari vos and of Pius IX in Quanta cura. It is based on a false conception of human dignity as something purely ontological, and not moral. Consequently, the constitution Gaudium et spes teaches the principle of the temporal domain’s autonomy (GS, 36), i.e., the denial of the social kingship of Christ that was taught by Pius XI in Quas primas, and it opens the door to temporal society’s independence from the commandments of God. V. The Protestantization of the Mass The new rite of the Mass, “represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session XXIII of the Council of Trent.” By its omissions and equivocations, the new rite of Paul VI attenuates the identification of the Mass with the sacrifice of the Cross to such an extent that the Mass seems much more a simple memorial than a sacrifice. This reformed rite also obscures the role of the priest, putting the accent on the action of the community of the faithful. It gravely diminishes the expression of the propitiatory end of the sacrifice of the Mass, which is expiation and reparation for sin. These defects forbid us to consider this new rite as legitimate. On January 11th and 12th of 1979, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asked Archbishop Lefebvre the following question: Do you maintain that a faithful Catholic can think and claim that a sacramental rite, particularly that of the Mass approved and promulgated by the Sovereign Pontiff, can be inconsistent with the Catholic Faith, or favens haeresim?” This rite does not in itself profess the Catholic Faith as clearly as the old Ordo missae, and therefore it can favor heresy. But I do not know to whom it should be attributed or whether the Pope is responsible. What is unbelievable is that a Protestant-leaning, and therefore favens haeresim, Ordo missae can have been issused by the Roman Curia.” These grave defects forbid us from considering this new rite as legitimate, from celebrating it, and from advising anyone to assist at it or participate positively in it. VI. The New Code, expression of the Conciliar novelties According to the very words of John Paul II, the new Code of Canon Law of 1983 represents “a great effort to translate into canonical language” the teachings of Vatican Council II, including—and especially—the seriously faulty points we have already mentioned. “Among the elements which characterize the true and genuine image of the Church,” explained John Paul II: we should emphasize especially the following: the doctrine which considers the Church as the People of God, and hierarchical authority as a service; the doctrine which considers the Church as a communion and which, therefore, determines the relations which should exist between the particular churches and the universal Church, and between collegiality and the primacy; the doctrine which teaches that all the members of the People of God, each in his proper way, participate in the threefold office of Christ: the priestly, prophetic and royal offices. To this teaching is attached the one concerning the duties and rights of the faithful, and particularly of the laity; and finally, the Church’s commitment to ecumenism.” This new code of law underscores a false ecumenism of the Church by allowing the reception of the sacraments of penance, holy eucharist, and extreme unction from non-Catholic ministers (canon 844), and by encouraging ecumenical hospitality in authorizing Catholic ministers to administer the sacrament of holy eucharist to non-Catholics. Canon 336 repeats and accentuates the idea of a double permanent subject of the primacy. Canons 204 §1, 208, 212 §3, 216 and 225 stress the equivocal notion of the common priesthood and the correlative idea of the People of God. Lastly, there is also a false definition of marriage in this new Code, in which the precise object of the matrimonial contract and the hierarchy of its ends no longer appear. Far from encouraging the Catholic family, these novelties open a breach in matrimonial morality. VII. A new conception of the Magisterium 1. The constitution Dei Verbum states imprecisely that, “With the passing of time, the Church constantly moves forward toward the fullness of divine truth, until the words of God reach their complete fulfillment in her. (DV, 8)” This lack of precision opens the door to the error of a living and evolving Tradition, which was condemned by St. Pius X in the encyclical Pascendi and the Anti-modernist Oath. For the Church can “move toward the fullness of divine truth” only in that it gives a more precise expression of the truth, not in the sense that the dogmas proposed by the Church could receive “a different meaning from that which the Church meant and still means.” (Dei Filius, DS 3043) 2. Benedict XVI’s speech on December 22, 2005 attempted to justify this evolutionary conception of a living Tradition and thus to clear the Council of responsibility for any rupture with the Tradition of the Church. Vatican II wished “to redefine the relationship between the faith of the Church and certain essential elements of modern thought.” And in order to do so, its teachings …reviewed or even corrected certain historical decisions. But in this apparent discontinuity the Council actually preserved and deepened the inmost nature and true identity [of the Church],” which is that of the one subject-Church which the Lord has given to us; it is a subject that increases in time and develops, yet always remaining the same, the one subject of the journeying People of God.” This explanation supposes that the unity of the Church’s Faith reposes not upon an object (for there is a discontinuity, at least on the points we have underlined, between Vatican II and Tradition), but upon a subject, in the sense that the act of faith is defined much more by the believers than by the truths believed. This act becomes principally the expression of a collective conscience, and no longer a firm adherence of the intelligence to the truths revealed by God. Yet Pius XII taught in Humani generis that the Magisterium is the “immediate and universal rule of truth in matters of faith and morals,” the objective truth of the deposit of the Faith, whose sources are Holy Scripture and Tradition. And the constitution Dei Filius of Vatican Council I also taught that this deposit is not “a philosophical invention that can be completed by human ingenuity,” but that it was “confided to the Spouse of Christ that she might guard it holily and declare it infallibly.” (DS 3020) 3. Pope John XXIII’s opening speech (October 11, 1962) and his allocution to the Sacred College on December 23, 1962, obviously attribute to Vatican Council II a very particular, so-called “pastoral” intention, by which the Magisterium is supposed to “express the Faith of the Church according to the modalities of investigation and literary formulation of modern thought.” Paul VI’s encyclical Ecclesiam suam (August 6, 1964) repeats this idea, saying that the Magisterium of Vatican II aims to inject the Christian message into the stream of modern thought, and into the language, culture, customs, and sensibilities of man as he lives in the spiritual turmoil of this modern world (#68);” in particular, in announcing the truth, there will be no thoughts of external coercion. Instead we will use the legitimate means of human friendliness, interior persuasion, and ordinary conversation. We will offer the gift of salvation while respecting the personal and civic rights of the individual. (#75)” The pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes maintained that the Council, first of all, wishes to assess in this light those values which are most highly prized today and to relate them to their divine source. Insofar as they stem from endowments conferred by God on man, these values are exceedingly good. Yet they are often wrenched from their rightful function by the taint in man’s heart, and hence stand in need of purification. (GS, 11)” From these values of the world came the three great novelties introduced by Vatican II: religious liberty, collegiality, and ecumenism. 4. So on the authority of this immediate and universal rule of the revealed truth that is the constant Magisterium, we contest the new doctrines that are contrary to it. That is exactly the criterion given by St. Vincent of Lerins: The criterion of truth and, moreover, of the infallibility of the Pope and of the Church, is its conformity to Tradition and to the deposit of the Faith. Quod ubique, quod semper—That which is taught everywhere and always, in space and in time.” But Vatican II’s doctrine on ecumenism, collegiality and religious liberty is a new doctrine, contrary to Tradition and to the public law of the Church, which is itself based on divinely revealed principles, which are thus immutable. We conclude from this that the Council, having wished to propose these novelties, is deprived of a constraining magisterial authority, to the very extent that it proposes them. Its authority is already doubtful because of the new so-called “pastoral” intention mentioned in the preceding paragraph. It seems moreover certainly null and void in the matter of the various points on which it contradicts Tradition (see above, I to VII, 1). Faithful to the constant teaching of the Church, along with our venerated founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and following his example, we have never ceased to denounce the Council and its major texts as one of the principal causes of the crisis shaking the Church from top to bottom, penetrating into her “very entrails” and her “veins,” to use the forceful language of St. Pius X. The more we study the matter, the more we realize just how accurate was the analysis Archbishop Lefebvre presented with an extraordinary clarity in the Aula on September 9, 1965. Allow us to use his own words concerning the conciliar constitution on “The Church in Today’s World” (Gaudium et spes): This pastoral Constitution is not pastoral, nor does it emanate from the Catholic Church. It does not feed Christian men with the Apostolic truth of the Gospels and, moreover, the Church has never spoken in this manner. We cannot listen to this voice, because it is not the voice of the Bride of Christ. This voice is not that of the Spirit of Christ. The voice of Christ, our Shepherd, we know. This voice we do not know. The clothing is that of the sheep. The voice is not the voice of the Shepherd, but perhaps that of the wolf.” The fifty years that have gone by since speech have only confirmed his analysis. Already on December 7, 1968, only three years after the closing of the Council, Paul VI had to admit that: “The Church is in a time of anxiety, of self-criticism; one might even say of self-destruction.” And on June 29, 1972, he recognized that “By some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God; it is doubt, incertitude, problems, anxiety, confrontation.” He realized it, but did nothing. He continued the conciliar reform whose promoters had not hesitated to compare it to the French Revolution of 1789, or the Russian Revolution of 1917. We cannot remain passive; we cannot be accomplices to this self-destruction. That is why we invite you, dear friends and benefactors, to remain firm in the Faith, not to let yourselves be troubled by these novelties of one of the most terrible crises that the Holy Church must undergo. May the Passion of Our Lord and His Resurrection comfort us in our fidelity, in our unshakeable love for God, for Our Lord, true God and true Man, for His Holy Church, divine and human, in an unfailing hope… in Te speravi non confundar in aeternum. May the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary deign to protect us all, and may her triumph soon come! Winona, Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014 - 1. Archbishop Lefebvre, Reply to Cardinal Ottaviani on December 20, 1966, in I Accuse the Council, Angelus Press, Kansas City, 1982, p. 82-83. - 2. Pius XII, encyclical Mystici corporis, June 29, 1943, Enseignements pontificaux, L’Eglise, Solesmes-Desclée, 1960, vol. 2, #1014. [Editor’s translation.] - 3. Pius XII, encyclical Humani generis, August 12, 1950, Enseignements pontificaux, L’Eglise, Solesmes-Desclée, 1960, vol. 2, #1282. [Editor’s translation.] - 4. On indifferentism and latitudinarianism, see the following propositions (nos. 15 – 18) condemned in chapter 3 of the Syllabus: “Every man is free to embrace and profess the religion that he esteems true in the light of reason. Men can find the path to eternal salvation and obtain this eternal salvation in the practice of any religion. We must at least be confident of the eternal salvation of all those who do not live within the true Church of Christ. Protestantism is none other than a different form of the same true Christian religion, a form in which one can be just as pleasing to God as in the Catholic Church.” - 5. Pius XI, encyclical Mortalium animos, January 6, 1928, Enseignements pontificaux, L’Eglise, vol. 1, #855. [Editor’s translation.] - 6. Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci, Letter to His Holiness Pope Paul VI in A Brief Critical Study of the Novus Ordo Missae, September 25, 1969. - 7. Archbishop Lefebvre and the Holy Office”, Itineraires #233, May 1979, p. 146-147. - 8. John Paul II, Apostolic Constitution Sacrae disciplinae leges, January 25, 1983, La Documentation Catholique, #1847, p. 245-246. [Editor’s translation.] - 9. Archbishop Lefebvre, « Conclusion » in I Accuse the Council, Angelus Press, Kansas City, 1982, p. 85. - 10. Archbishop Lefebvre, I Accuse the Council, Angelus Press, Kansas City, 1982, p. 68.
Shoulder impingement results in pain with lifting your arm above your head. The typical surgery for this involves shaving the acromion bone to make more room for the rotator cuff to more freely move. But does this surgery work? A recent article from the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that shoulder impingement surgery is no better than physical therapy alone or a diagnostic procedure where no intervention is done. What does this mean to you if you have shoulder impingement? -You can likely skip surgery and maximize the nonsurgical alternatives for your shoulder pain. -Get a specific and accurate diagnosis from a physician who focuses on shoulder and musculoskeletal issues. -Have a diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound of your shoulder to evaluate for rotator cuff tear and instability. -Maximize exercise options including physical therapy. -If inadequate, consider a regenerative medicine treatment to improve stability of the shoulder that is causing impingement. Also improve the shoulder by optimizing it’s biologic health, reduce inflammation, and improve the neuromuscular components. Paavola M, Kanto K, Ranstam J, et al Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement: a 5-year follow-up of a randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial British Journal of Sports Medicine Published Online First: 05 October 2020. – Hello, this is Siddharth Tambar from Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine. It’s October 12th, 2020. Welcome to our weekly educational meeting. This is live streaming currently. And on this meeting, weekly, I’m discussing concepts related to what we do here at Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine, answering questions that I frequently get from staff and patients, and also discussing just general big picture musculoskeletal concepts in terms of how we’re trying to treat people and get people better here. As a reminder, we’re focused on nonsurgical management of arthritis, tendonitis injuries, and back pain. And so it’s an interesting time because there’s a ton of information that’s coming out progressively about comparative studies, what works, what doesn’t work. There’s an interesting article that came out in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recently about shoulder impingement surgery. So shoulder impingement essentially means that when you’re trying to lift your arm up, that it catches and causes pain and dysfunction. So the traditional surgical approach to that was to do what’s called subacromial decompression or acromioplasty, and what that means is going to the bone, the acomion that sits over the rotator cuff, shaving it down to, in theory, put a little bit of more space for the rotator cuff to flow a little bit easier. It’s an interesting idea. May make sense from a surgical and structural standpoint, but in the last few years, there’s been progressive evidence that that may not be better than physical therapy. So in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, an article recently published by a group of physicians from Finland basically compared the effectiveness of this surgery in a interesting and unique way. They essentially took 175 patients who had shoulder impingement, and that was defined by reduced range of motion with abduction, internal rotation, and that was diagnosed clinically. They made sure that they took out patients who already had a significant rotator cuff tear or a significant osteoarthritis. They gave them a diagnostic injection meaning injecting some local anesthetic into the shoulder bursa space. And if they had a significant improvement in pain indicated that they had shoulder impingement and then included them in this study. The idea being that they wanted to kind of exclude out people that may have neck issues or some other issues, and really focused in on this category of patients. They split them up into three different groups. The first one being patients who progressed with shoulder acromioplasty, the surgery. The second were patients that had a diagnostic arthroscopy. And that means that they had a surgical procedure, but it was strictly one that was looking at what’s actually going on in the shoulder, not one that was actually doing any additional intervention. And number three, they also looked at a group of patients that also had just physical therapy. So in all of these patients had already failed some kind of exercise therapy and they excluded out those other patients that I mentioned and they then compared the effectiveness of the interventions. And so the patients that had surgery, subacromial decompression, they found that there was no significant improvement compared to the patients who just had the diagnostic arthroscopy or the patients that had just physical therapy. And they followed them out over five years and found that there was no difference during that time. Really interesting. Why is this important? Number one, if you compare surgery to nonsurgical treatments, there’s higher risk associated with surgery, whether that’s due to anesthetic risk, conscious sedation risk, nerve block risk, bleeding, tissue damage, other kinds of issues like that. There’s just higher risk than anything that’s nonsurgical. So if surgery is not more useful, then why go that route, right? Always consider other options. The other interesting component here is that the structural model of musculoskeletal care, which says look at your x-ray, you may have a little bone spur. We need to shave that off, but that does not seem to play out as well as people think it does. It may make some intuitive sense but that’s not actually how the body works. Understand that arthritis, tendonitis, is more of a biologic functional issue, and not as much of a strictly structural model of care is important. And it’s likely the reason why in this study that even though they did an intervention, the subacromial acromioplasty, the surgery, there was no additional benefit compared to just a diagnostic procedure and compared to just physical therapy. So super, super important to understand that. And so then it comes down to, what are your nonsurgical options and alternatives for shoulder pain from impingement? So number one absolutely, you need to maximize physical therapy. Exercise therapy is humongous. Doing the right exercises is really important. If that fails, however, number two, you then need to determine, do you have some other cause for this kind of problem? Do you have a rotator cuff tear? Do you have any significant arthritis involved? I would recommend getting that evaluated with a diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound. Under a trained hand you can really find some very fine details in this regard. Number three, you want to then also determine is there any kind of neck issue going on? And the reason why is because if you have a neck issue, it can really look a lot like a shoulder issue as well. So you want to make sure you’re not possibly confusing these. And then number four is if there’s no other significant rotator cuff or osteoarthritic process that I would recommend a treatment like platelet rich plasma treatment if you’re still having pain. The key here to understand is that you don’t want to just inject that into the bursa around the rotator cuff. You want to do better than that. Number one, if there’s any even mild fraying of the rotator cuff, you want to make sure to treat that. Number two, if there’s any evidence of strain on the AC joint, essentially the joint where the rotator cuff runs underneath. If there’s any evidence of strain on that, either on examination where you’re having symptoms or an ultrasound, you would then want to inject into that joint as well, your own platelets. And then lastly and likely most importantly is that you also want to treat all the ligaments that are leading to that instability as well. Instability is really what this is about and that’s what’s causing the impingement. And so if you have that space where the rotator cuff is running is getting impinged and squeezed down upon, you want to make sure that you appropriately treat all the ligaments that are leading to that instability. And the reason why is because if you do, you’ll give your shoulder a better chance of recovering from that injury. You’ll give your shoulder and rotator cuff a better chance of not getting progressively damaged, and you’ll give your AC joint above your shoulder a better chance of not becoming arthritic as well. So shoulder impingement surgery- no better than just physical therapy or just a diagnostic evaluation. Maximize your nonsurgical alternative options. And if you’ve already done that, then instead of proceeding with a surgery that shaves off the bone, that is no better than just physical therapy, I would recommend proceeding with the regenerative medicine treatment in a proper manner where you’re treating the whole structure, the whole functional unit to get that better. Great. Thank you very much. As a reminder, I’m doing this twice per week, Mondays and Wednesdays. In addition, this Wednesday evening, I’m also doing a webinar on regenerative medicine treatments for lower back issues. And until we talk again, have a good day and live well. Bye bye.
Zaytoun Orthodontics has been a fixture in Raleigh for years, and we look forward to serving your needs. Our talented doctors specialize in a wide variety of treatments that are tailored to your dental needs and busy lifestyle. The most common orthodontic treatments prescribed in our office include: Amenities include free WiFi, coffee and tea bar, and a kid’s area. During your first consultation, we’ll sit down and get to know you. Our talented orthodontists will diagnose and create a custom plan for treatment based on your goals. It is our goal to make your journey as smooth as possible, from initial consultation all throughout your final treatment.
About this Case: TMLG has filed suit on behalf of a national class of residential telephone subscribers against DialAmerica for making unlawful telemarketing calls to their homes. Plaintiff Geraldine Wengle alleges that Defendant knowingly and willfully contacted her on her home telephone voice despite listing her number on the Do Not Call registry, violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. Section 227 (“TCPA”). This case was filed in October 2014. Case Contact Information:
Sineng Electrical disclosed by way of its LinkedIn account that it has begun working a large battery mission in China’s Shandong province. The mission is alleged to be a totally self-powered 3.45 MW and three.15 MW turnkey resolution for energy conversion techniques. It’s geared up with an computerized management system with impartial temperature controls and warmth insulation. It’s mentioned that the system will provide 400 million kWh of unpolluted electrical energy yearly. Batteries have the best effectivity of 98.08%, measures 6,058 mm × 2,896 mm × 2,438 mm, and weighs 15,000 kg, together with the oil transformer. The storage facility has a capability of 400 MW/800 MWh and is the most important within the province so far, the corporate mentioned, with out disclosing additional technical particulars concerning the mission. In February, Sineng Electrical turned on a 100 MW/200 MWh storage facility in Qingyun county, Shandong province. The set up is owned by China Three Gorges Renewables, the clear vitality arm of China Three Gorges Corp., and is the primary part of a 300 MW/600 MWh mission constructed by Chinese language state-owned energy firm. This content material is protected by copyright and is probably not reused. If you wish to cooperate with us and need to reuse a few of our content material, please contact: email@example.com.
Twitter might be unwilling to crack down on tweets by politicians, but it still has its restrictions—and one political member might have crossed the limit. The social media firm has undyingly barred Danielle Stella’s (Republican House candidate) campaign and personal accounts for “repeated breaches” of policies by Twitter. While it did not tell on what those breaches were, Stella’s campaign recommended that incumbent representative and her possible rival Ilhan Omar must be “hanged and tried for #treason” if she was discovered to have passed sensitive data through Qatar to Iran. That claim is unconfirmed by proof. The posts might have breached Twitter policies banning the promotion of threats or violence. Stella has refused that she was calling against Omar for violence, stating rather that she was just asking for the “execution of federal code.” Omar has been the recurrent target of threats, most of them owing to conspiracy conjectures, and in a post disputed that “violent rhetoric” such as Stella’s “unavoidably” results to attacks and threats. Twitter refused to further detail the media beyond claiming that Stella had breached laws. On the other hand, this can simply be understood as a display of force. While the social media firm has noticeably avoided prohibitions in opposition to sitting politicians with statements that it needs to preserve posts with cultural significance, barring Stella displays that it does not have infinite patience. This may dissuade others from employing violent language. On a related note, Twitter earlier found a method to avoid the ethical doubts around political ads: such as TikTok, it is removing them completely. Jack Dorsey earlier declared that the firm is ending all political ads outside of non-partisan exclusions, whether they arrive from interest groups or candidates. It offered the completed policy last month, and started enforcing it as well.
Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application does what it is supposed to do. As well as preventing bugs, reducing development costs and improving performance. We at UBSLogic run many different types of software tests, each with specific objectives and strategies: Acceptance testing: Verifying whether the whole system works as intended. Integration testing: Ensuring that software components or functions operate together. Unit testing: Validating that each software unit performs as expected. A unit is the smallest testable component of an application. Functional testing: Checking functions by emulating business scenarios, based on functional requirements. Black-box testing is a common way to verify functions. Performance testing: Testing how the software performs under different workloads. Load testing, for example, is used to evaluate performance under real-life load conditions. Regression testing: Checking whether new features break or degrade functionality. Sanity testing can be used to verify menus, functions, and commands at the surface level when there is no time for a full regression test. Stress testing: Testing how much strain the system can take before it fails. Considered to be a type of non-functional testing. Usability testing: Validating how well a customer can use a system or web application to complete a task. Software testing follows a common process. Tasks or steps include defining the test environment, developing test cases, writing scripts, analyzing test results and submitting defect reports. Frequently testing can be time-consuming. Manual testing or ad-hoc testing may be enough for small builds and applications. However, for larger systems, tools UBSLogic specialists frequently using to automate tasks which helps teams implement different scenarios, test differentiators (such as moving components into a cloud environment), and quickly get feedback on what works and what doesn’t. We believe that a good testing approach encompasses the application programming interface (API), user interface and system levels. As well, the more tests that are automated, and run early, the better. Some teams build in-house test automation tools. However, many vendor solutions offer features which could facilitate core test management tasks which are: Also, UBSLogic’s development teams use a methodology known as continuous testing. It is part of a DevOps approach – where development and operations collaborate over the entire product life cycle. This approach contains Unit, API, UI, Exploratory, UX, and Beta testing. Our aim here is to accelerate software delivery while balancing cost, quality and risk. With this testing technique,our teams don’t need to wait for the software to be built before testing starts. They simply can run tests much earlier in the cycle to discover defects sooner, when they are easier to fix. The aim is to accelerate software delivery while balancing cost, quality, and risk. With this testing technique, teams don’t need to wait for the software to be built before testing starts. We can run tests much earlier in the cycle to discover defects sooner when they are easier to fix. Contact us https://www.ubslogic.com/contact-us/ to set up Modern testing full-service load and performance testing for your product, starting from the diagnosis and analysis stage and ending in the provision of solutions for problems and failures in the system plan, thereby reducing operational costs. The shareholders of UBSLogic Europe appointed Volodymyr Kyrushko to the Management Board as CEO We would like to introduce “UBSLogic floor talks” to you. It’s an amazing and very popular event where our engineers gather together to talk about technologies, trends, and tech solutions. The Internet of Things (IoT) has the power to transform how we live and do business. By digitizing the physical world into seamless connectivity—and leveraging data—organizations can boost efficiency, launch innovative services and create lasting value. ...
Accidents happen. Everywhere and every day, people make mistakes that lead to injury and death. Even if a person does everything right, accidents still occur when least expected. This is especially true when it comes to operating motor vehicles. Countless accidents occur every year in St. Petersburg, and when death is involved, a Homicide and DUI Manslaughter attorney is necessary. Being charged with the death of another, whether accidental or not, is serious. Do not wait to hire a lawyer — act as soon as possible after an accident so we can begin to gather and review evidence. A Homicide and DUI Manslaughter Attorney Guides You With the help of an experienced Homicide and DUI Manslaughter Attorney in St. Petersburg, you may be able to reduce your charges. Many are uncertain whether they should plead guilty or not, and while we cannot make the decision for you, we can offer our best advice. We use our best judgment and past experiences to guide you during this troubling time. You likely have never dealt with this situation before, but it is something we encounter on a regular basis. Handling legal cases like these is as familiar as the back of our hand, and we can make sure you are taken care of. We always strive to help our clients fully understand everything that is going on, since we know the judicial system can be confusing. Your Attorney Has the Necessary Experience By enlisting the assistance of a Homicide and DUI Manslaughter Attorney in St. Petersburg, you can better understand your options. Depending on what happened and the evidence gathered, your lawyer may be able to prove you were not at fault for the accident. If you were found to be the cause, we may be able to use evidence and testimonies to reduce or lessen your charges. After all, most people would rather pay a fine and have their license suspended for a temporary amount of time as opposed to being sent to prison. Call a Trusted Homicide and DUI Manslaughter Attorney at McDermott Law Firm, P.A. At McDermott Law Firm, P.A., we fight tirelessly for our clients. They call us the “Law Dogs®” because we are loyal and we do not back down from a fight. As our client, we promise to give you the respect and honesty you deserve. If you have been involved in an accident and need a Homicide and DUI Manslaughter attorney, call us. Accidents happen, and we are not here to judge you. Our job is to have your charges reduced or dismissed entirely. . Call us today in St. Petersburg at 727-367-1080.
This wooden garden greenhouse is made of PC board and strong wood which is durable. It is deep and wide enough to hold a large amount of soil and provide ample space for your plants, vegetables, herbs and flowers. It is easy for pouring or removing the plants due to the hinged lid. This greenhouse is designed for protecting herbs and ornamental plants and will complement your outdoor area. The greenhouse will be a great solution for protecting your herbs from the cold weather and providing frost protection in the spring. The cold frame is easy to assemble. Please note the roof of our greenhouse cannot withstand heavy snowfall. Warning: The greenhouse is not a construction building or conservatory, intended for leisure purposes. It is an impermanent standalone agricultural installation intended for hobby gardening only. - Material: Wood and PC board - Dimensions: 70.9" x 22.4" x 24.4" (L x W x H) - With 8 PC boards - Open bottom - Water resistant - California Proposition 65 Warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including wood dust, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. Your order will be deliverd within 4 to 9 business days. All shipments are free. Payment & Security Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
# What are three ways to represent proportions? ## What are three ways to represent proportions? Three ways to solve proportions • Vertical. • Horizontal. • Diagonal (often called “cross-products”) How many ways can you set up a proportion? A proportion is simply a statement that two ratios are equal. It can be written in two ways: as two equal fractions a/b = c/d; or using a colon, a:b = c:d. The following proportion is read as “twenty is to twenty-five as four is to five.” ### Is there only one way to set up a proportion? There’s more than one way to solve a proportion. One way is to cross-multiply. There’s a property you can use called the Means Extremes Property. It says that the cross products of a proportion will be equal. How do you solve a proportion with 3 ratios? How to Calculate Ratios of 3 Numbers 1. Step 1: Find the total number of parts in the ratio by adding the numbers in the ratio together. 2. Step 2: Find the value of each part in the ratio by dividing the given amount by the total number of parts. 3. Step 3: Multiply the original ratio by the value of each part. #### How do you do inverse proportions? The formula of inverse proportion is y = k/x, where x and y are two quantities in inverse proportion and k is the constant of proportionality. What percent is 15 of 50 explain the steps in finding the percent? 30 percent Answer: 30 percent of 50 is equal to 15. ## Is a proportion True False? There is another way to determine whether a proportion is true or false. Then multiply the denominator of the first ratio by the numerator of the second ratio in the proportion. If these products are equal, the proportion is true; if these products are not equal, the proportion is not true. How do you solve ratios and proportions? A good way to work with a ratio is to turn it into a fraction. Be sure to keep the order the same: The first number goes on top of the fraction, and the second number goes on the bottom. You can use a ratio to solve problems by setting up a proportion equation — that is, an equation involving two ratios. ### How do you solve proportions with fractions? Solving proportions is simply a matter of stating the ratios as fractions, setting the two fractions equal to each other, cross-multiplying, and solving the resulting equation. How do you solve proportion word problems? To use proportions to solve ratio word problems, we need to follow these steps: Identify the known ratio and the unknown ratio. Set up the proportion. Cross-multiply and solve. Check the answer by plugging the result into the unknown ratio. #### What is the equation for proportions? A proportions is an equation that states that two ratios are equal. Hence proportion can be written in two ways as a:b=c:d or a/b=c/d.
The water filtration method has changed hugely over the past few years. Purifying water is highly necessary to remove all the impurities from the water for drinking. Reverse osmosis or RO is a popular term in the water filter industry. It not only provides great-tasting water but also offers better health results. The reverse osmosis filters can supply purified water for house uses, faucets, aquariums, etc. But how does RO work? Is it a wise decision to invest in reverse osmosis water filters? Read the complete post to know all the answers. What is reverse osmosis? Reverse osmosis is all about filtering out contaminants from unfiltered water. The process creates enough pressure on the system through a semipermeable membrane. It has tiny pores that prevent contaminants but allow the water molecules to flow. As a result, the water flows through the membrane, which is completely clean. Different types of contaminants like fluoride, silt, sediment, chlorine, arsenic, herbicides, pesticides, and several other particles can be filtered out. Why is reverse OS water good for health? Normal filtered water can not effectively remove tiny fine particles from water. But the OS technology provides 99.9% purified water that is great for our digestive health, kidney, and bone joints and aids in other organic functions. However, it can also remove healthy minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which is a con of this technology. The high-quality filtration makes the water safe and tasty. Investing in the RO system is wise as it is all about health. Drinking and using unhygienic water can lead to stomach infections, hair loss, and skin issues. Especially those with small kids should always be extra careful about water quality. Where to use the reverse osmosis filters? - The RO filtration is mostly installed under the kitchen or bathroom sink. The point of use is the best place to install this filter for convenience. - Some users prefer to connect the system with their refrigerators. It can make the ice cubes clean and beverages more flavorful. - An RO system can solve specific issues like saltwater intrusion, silica in water, etc. Having a top-quality RO purifier is essential to protect the health of the family members. Reverse osmosis can effectively remove all types of pollutants from water and make it as clear as possible. Choosing the right water filter is the main reason. Before purchasing reverse osmosis filters, make sure to conduct detailed market research. There are multiple companies manufacturing water filters with RO technology. Online research and comparing the features can be a good decision in choosing the right one. Reverse osmosis is an innovative technique that can provide fresh water from seawater areas as well. The price of RO filters is higher than the regular ones, but the health benefits are endless. Therefore, the investment is completely worth it!
Your roof protects your home from the elements to ensure it remains structurally sound; however, it is not able to do its job if it is damaged. The following are signs that there is a problem with your roof. Granules Are Falling Granules provide a protective layer on your roof. Over time, the granules will […] Get in touch with the best roofers in Bakersfield, CA!
SecureDrop, the Open Source whistleblower submission system SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. It was originally created by the late Aaron Swartz and is currently managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation. In the modern age of Internet, keeping privacy in the online world has become a bigger battle ground. It became an even bigger challenge for the journalists, lawyers, and anyone else who is dealing with sensitive material. Whistleblowing and leaking have dominated news coverage in recent years. SecureDrop (a Python application) project provides a reasonably safe way for the journalists to receive tips/sensitive materials from anyone, and still safeguarding the sources and keeping the materials secured. SecureDrop also won The Award for Projects of Social Benefit from Free Software Foundation in 2016. This talk will be divided into three sections, why, how and what is in future. - Introduction to the Freedom of the Press Foundation (2 minutes) - History of the SecureDrop project (5 minutes) - How is SecureDrop working in newsrooms? (3 minutes) - The top view of the technical stack from sky high (7 minutes) - What are the biggest challenges and threats? (5 minutes) - What is in future? (Depending on free time) As a project SecureDrop has many different parts running in different systems. This talk will provide an overview of the technical backgroud of the project, and will try to help the curious minds to go a step ahead to contribute. Kushal Das is a staff member of Freedom of the Press Foundation and developer of SecureDrop project. He is also a CPython core developer, and a director at Python Software Foundation.
PITKAT – You wish all Atari 2600 games would look that good and play that well Mashdy Games has just released Pitkat is a new puzzle game for the Atari 2600. The game is available as a free download (link at the end). The game is based on Pitman for the Gameboy, which was based on a game created for the Sharp MZ-700. This Atari 2600 version was created by Marco Johannes, Dyfed Hitchings, and Sharemhel Decir. In the game, you can control Katboy or Katgirl, kids that were cursed and transformed into cats by a demon. To be able to return to their original human form, they have to go through a castle with 100 rooms and kill all the monsters and demons that they can find. You do that by kicking them The task is not that simple because you will need to find the best path to reach and kill the monsters. The cats can walk and climb up and down stairs, but they cannot jump. Because of that, you will need to move stones, or find the optimal path to get close to each foe and kick them. As usual, the early stages are very simple and they serve as tutorials for you to understand the basic mechanics. As you clear each stage, you will be sent to the next. You have a password system that let you save which levels you have beaten so you can continue from there when you play again. The game mechanics are simple at first but it has surprisingly sophisticated and clever features. For example, to help the player when a mistake is made, the game allows you to rewind and go back in time one step at a time. Of course, doing so will bring back monsters that you might have killed. Maybe you are aware, but it is the first time I see that mechanism in a 2600 game. Another very interesting feature is that, in more advanced stages, you will have both cats in the room and you will need to use both in order to solve the puzzle and kill all the enemies. You can switch between them at will, pressing the fire button. The swap effect is pretty cool! Because the rooms are larger than the screen viewport, you can take a look at the whole room holding the fire button while using the joystick. Doing so is paramount for the player to come up with the best action plan to solve the puzzle. Pitcat development started in 2018 and last July it was announced and made available for download as a preview. During that time, the players reported issues while playing on real hardware using a Harmony cartridge. Since then, the development team took their time to fix all the bugs and even improve the game a bit more. Not an easy task considering the game is available in NTSC, PAL 60, and PAL. The different timings makes really trick to get it right. Adding to that, the 16KB cartridge being full didn’t help. This new version available now fixes all the issues and it includes a professionally-written 18-page manual (in PDF) containing all the game information you need and should read. If you can play it right now, you can take a sneak peek watching the video below! Download: AtariAge Link
IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches Market IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches Market Global Industry Assessment & Forecast - By Type Multiservice Edge Router, Ethernet Service Edge Router, Hard Cores, Soft Cores - By Application Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Others |2021 - 2028 |2016 - 2020 |Revenue CAGR (2021 - 2028): |Fastest Growing Region (2022 - 2028) - Cross-segment Market Size and Analysis for Mentioned Segments - Additional Company Profiles (Upto 5 With No Cost) - Additional Countries (Apart From Mentioned Countries) - Country/Region-specific Report - Go To Market Strategy - Region Specific Market Dynamics - Region Level Market Share - Import Export Analysis - Production Analysis - Others Request Customization Speak To Analyst Research Methodology: IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches Market - Global Market Assessment, 2021 - 2028 Vantage Market Research follows a veracious methodology to arrive at market-related projections. The research methodology is based on the 3 phases namely: Secondary Research, Primary Research, and Data Triangulation. We conduct more than 100 primary interviews for each market either through mail or telephone call. Vantage Market Research employs the most infallible research methodology that ensures clients are receiving: - Consistent, vigorous, and actionable data analysis that would help to make key business decisions - Statistically improved and reliable insights through a veracious and well-audited research methodology. - Independent study ensures a tangible representation of the market The next stage involves the primary research conducted to gather further information and revalidate the data collected from the secondary research. Moreover, primary research is also conducted to identify key players in the market and to gather their market-specific financial information. A typical primary interview fulfills the following data requirements: - First-hand information global market size, regional and segmental trends, competitive landscape - Validate and authorization of secondary research outcomes and findings - Further data collection and expertise development & market understandings Data Triangulation and Market Size Estimations After the determination of the overall market size through secondary and primary research, the market is divided into various segments and sub-segments. Moreover, top-down and bottom-up approaches were used to derive and estimate market numbers for mentioned segments/sub-segments in the market. During the data triangulation process, the data was analyzed by employing various data models and statistical techniques to arrive at exact statistics and market size for each segment/sub-segment of the market. The data is analyzed and triangulated by considering all the key market impacting factors from both supply and demand side of IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches market. Frequently Asked Question The global IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches valued at 5699 Million in 2020 and is expected to reach 8351 Million in 2028 growing at a CAGR of 4.89%. The prominent players in the market are Alcatel-Lucent, ZTE Corporation, Ciena, Juniper Networks, Huawei Technologies, Cisco.. The market is project to grow at a CAGR of 4.89% between 2021 and 2028. The driving factors of the IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches include - Enhancing performance helps reduce energy expenditure and improves the process execution time thus decreases the operational costs of the company This is driving factor for IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches Market. - Rise in demand for PLC devices due to their costlier loop processing function and multiple operative abilities which is another driving factor for IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches Market. Asia Pacific was the leading regional segment of the IP Core & Edge Routers and Switches in 2020.
With mobile video games generating massive earnings, creators are actually spending major money to deliver immersive jobs of active art to tiny screens. Nonetheless, a game’s effectiveness counts on substantial market study and also correct testing just before launch. A current launch, Shovel Knight’s roguelike part two, is actually one such instance. Its own serious narration and also remarkable graphics confirm that significant video games may thrive on iPhone. baseball 9 cheats android A lovely, roguelike journey with cute characters as well as a contagious chiptune soundtrack. Dicey Dungeons conquers the image of its own category along with a shockingly new take on approach as well as luck-based gameplay. Its own luscious activity series visual as well as brilliant different colors are an appreciated shift from the typical genre grim-darkness, and its opponents are actually consistently cute: coming from a flaming marshmallow that shoots fireballs to a sensitive porcupine that flings calamus whenever it sneezes. Its own primary mechanic is relatively straightforward, but its own implementation is dazzling. Wars are turn-based, as well as each dice roll identifies whether you turn on tools memory cards (which function similarly to loot in other roguelikes) that carry out damage, offer fans or even debuffs, heal, split cubes right into 2, and a lot more. The 6 different usable cubes each possess an unique design of utilization these abilities, supplying the activity along with a significant amount of replayability. free baseball 9 hacks As soon as you complete an operate, you’ll unlock among the game’s “episodes.” These put twists on the rule collections, compeling you to select in between maximizing your offense or even self defense. One incident, for occasion, lessens your optimum health and wellness after every fight. Dicey Dungeons is an outstanding mobile roguelike that’s a lot of enjoyable, yet it’s likewise a punishingly tough game. However, it is actually effortless to select up and participate in, and also its own delightful visuals as well as infectious soundtrack create it tough not to maintain going back for even more. Coming from the creator of Downwell comes this little bit of activity platformer that is actually a joy to play. In several methods, it seems to be to rescind the formula for that activity, however Poinpy expertly gamifies an action that everybody that utilizes a mobile phone has actually familiarized themselves along with: the descending swipe. baseball 9 cheats android You play as Poinpy, a bouncy dinosaur-like animal that would not keep an eye out of area in a lineup together with Kirby or Yoshi. In short, you’re outrunning a ferocious blue monster while accumulating fruit recipes to create even more of your own self. To accomplish so, you’ll consistently drive yourself up. That includes slingshotting your character right into the air, backfiring them off wall structures and also opponents, banging all of them down onto various other adversaries (or merely mashing them like a lovely stressball) and also picking up fruit to restore your energy. Each wipe of the screen in Poinpy includes a fabulous feeling of tactile contentment. It slows down time down, has a pleasing wheel noise and also think, and also creates it very easy to determine your pressure as well as velocity. It is actually a pleasing technique to waste time and creates every treatment a pleasure. It additionally unlocks brand-new modes to give you extra obstacles, confirming the aged computer game saying that very easy to pick up, challenging to expert is still correct. Dungeons of Dreadrock Dungeons of Dreadrock is actually a problem computer game embeded in a Nordic imagination globe. The activity was actually generated through German indie programmer Christoph Minnameier as well as was launched in 2022 for Android, iphone, and also Windows. The video game has actually been commended for its own attractive hand-drawn sprites and level concept that takes an acquainted dungeon appearance suited up in stone, with creeping plants infesting the wall structures and wriggling by means of water streams. The gameplay of Dungeons of Dreadrock is actually rather simple, however there are actually still plenty of obstacles in establishment for players. It isn’t afraid to receive devious along with its own problem design, and it never feels unjust. The activity uses pointers as you advance, but they are actually extra as well as usually confined to a certain part of the amount that might be actually stymiing you. Throughout its 100 floorings, gamers will definitely face a variety of enemies as well as snares. Whether they are fireball catches triggered by pressure plates, teleportation websites, or even battle dances along with spirits and also zombies, every flooring has at least one method to kill the gamer. The game uses its own effects on its own sleeve, however it is actually intelligent sufficient to tip off of mimicry as well as provide a fun encounter. The cumbersome UI doesn’t interfere with the multicolored sprites and creative problems, as well as a well-paced story pushes players to complete each flooring. The satisfaction of each puzzle happens in phases: the understanding of it, the obstacle of facing it, and also eventually the jubilation of solving it. An insidious sense such as a bloom supplies Sumire the opportunity to find her grandmother once again if she can easily fulfill a series of duties within eventually. This award-winning indie narrative experience takes area in a stunning Oriental town as well as offers a distinct take on regret, affection, intimidation, and also increasing up. While the account on its own is actually the primary focus, gameplay is likewise really delightful. The video game mixes complimentary activity, factor as well as click on communications, bring quests, as well as a selection of mini-games that all gel effectively with the activity’s globe and its own characters. An aura meter tracks Sumire’s actions and also selections as she assists both humans and pets, but there is actually no compulsion to assist every person with every request. The video game’s soundtrack is also a significant draw, along with an audio guitar style that matches the game’s whimsical little bit of globe. Its own array is actually exceptional, from the enthusiastic early morning songs to the lively little town theme as well as sentimental bus ride song. Although the activity performs contain some pacing problems, the overall experience is extremely pleasurable. Its notification is a terrific one, helping remind gamers that life is actually greater than a listing of checkboxes to complete and also there is actually so much more to enjoy than paying attention to the damaging parts of the globe. The game needs, but worth dipping into least as soon as.
Are you looking for expressive, multifaceted and self-confident Best Ager models? If so, our Best Ager Agency Hamburg is the perfect match for you! With many years of experience and an extensive database our Model Agency offers the best conditions for a successful advertising project. Particularly if you are looking for extraordinary types such as Senior and Best Ager Models! When it comes to Models, one usually thinks of young, slim and perfectly proportioned beauties. As an experienced booking team, we know that companies look for "unconventional" characters just as often, which is why we also support you as a Plus Size and Senior Model Agency. The average age in Germany is 45 years and less than 30 % of the population are 29 years old or younger. Classic Models in their early to mid-20s are by no means representative of our society. In many advertising campaigns, the identification factor for older people is correspondingly low - especially when it comes to special products such as anti-aging creams. Such campaigns are as implausible as TV commercials in which young female Models "shave" their hairless legs with the latest shaver. We therefore provide Senior Models, Silver Agers and Best Agers from Hamburg, Bremen, Hannover and Co. for a more authentic and more effective marketing campaign. Senior Models in our Best Ager agency in Hamburg are particularly captivating because of their charisma, personality and changeability. Apply now for a free offer for Best Agers from 35 or Senior Models from 50 to reach and address your target group even more efficiently! Apply now, become a Senior Model and conquer Hamburg, Kiel, Berlin and the whole of Germany with our Best Ager Agency!
Sign in to Community Sign in to view all badges Expand my Community achievements bar. Description: Make it possible to delete a report suite Why is this feature important: To clean up accounts or prevent an old, legacy report suite from receiving traffic (and therefore causing cost) How should this feature work: Add a button to the report suite manager that, after a confirmation dialog, will trigger the deletion of a report suite Current behavior: Right now it is not possible to delete a report suite, though you can hide it from being displayed to the user Technically we can hide old report suites, but you are correct that there could be data coming into old servers (usually not much - as that tends to be from cached versions of old pages / sites), but it would still be nice to be able to disavow old suites. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
The itinerary for our 12-day mountain bike tour Nepal has been designed so that we gain altitude very gradually, allowing your body to acclimatise before gaining further height, thus minimising the potential for altitude sickness. If you’re travelling a long way or across several time zones to Nepal then we suggest arriving into Kathmandu a day or two early to allow your body to adjust and to make sure any flight or luggage days don’t spoil your trip. We recommend Hotel Ambassador in the Lazimpat area of Kathmandu as a good place to stay pre-trip. It is well located and within walking distance of central Kathmandu. It’s also where we’ll be meeting on the afternoon of day 1, so if you’re not staying at the Ambassador you’ll need to make your own way there for pick-up. On the first day of your mountain bike tour Nepal you’ll be met by our guides at Hotel Ambassador and transferred to your accommodation in the beautiful hill-top village of Nagarkot, located 1.5 hour East of Kathmandu at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. When we arrive you’ll be welcomed with a glass of Sherpa beer and a view to die for. You’ll be introduced to your support crew and will have time to build bikes and get settled into your rooms. With bikes built, tuned and readied for a prompt roll-out the following morning, we’ll settle down to dinner on the terrace around the fire, looking over the valley far bellow us. Suitably fed and watered we retire to rest up for tomorrow for the start of our shared adventure! After a delicious breakfast we’ll ride straight from our ridgetop home climbing up towards the summit of Nagarkot Hill. Winding our way up initially on a paved road and then on a dirt track at a fairly grunty gradient, climbing all the way to 2,150m. Once we’ve caught our breath and taken enough photos, we’ll peel onto a fast and flowy descent through pine forests, and local houses. A short mid-descent climb later, we will ride through the forest again, all the way down to the valley floor. This will warm up the legs, lungs and brain in anticipation for the rest of the adventure. We will catch a van ride back to our hotel for a scenic lunch before venturing out to an afternoon ride, where we’ll be introduced to the famous Nepali steps. Popularly known as the Eco Trail, it features a combination of flowy singletracks and steep steps down to Kartike Bhanjyang. What goes down must go up, and the day will end with a 30 minute climb back to our lodge. Following our first full day’s exploring we will be treated to an evening meal giving us a taste of the local flavours up on the terrace and end the day by watching the sun set over Kathmandu. Today we pack our kit into the van and bid our hill-top home farewell as we ride to the medieval city of Bhaktapur. There is no need to be too sad though; although this wonderful trail signifies the end of our adventure in the Kathmandu valley it heralds the beginning of our two-wheeled fun in the high mountains. After a short but steep climb to Nagarkot summit, we set off on a fun forest singletrack descent that continues through villages (watch out for hens and ducks!). There are a couple of rocky sections before we’re dropped out onto the road, and start a 20-minute climb on gorgeous forest singletrack. This will give us a spectacular view from the summit, out over the valley, and the monastery, which is our next goal. The final leg of our ride takes us through villages and rice paddies, all the way to Bhaktapur. Here, weary legs can rest in a fabulous local guest house, or go for a guided walk and soak up the daily life that is bustling around this ancient city. Bleary eyes abound as we take a very early morning flight to the lake city of Pokhara. Once in Pokhara, we will get into our 4×4 vehicle and start our journey into the Mustang Valley on one of the most scenic yet challenging drives in the world. During a day of serious off-roading along the Kali Gandaki River, we travel through the world’s deepest gorge to reach the picturesque town of Kalopani by sundown. A small, family-run mountain lodge will provide another warm Nepalese welcome for us this evening on our first night in Kalopani. Waking up in one of the most beautiful villages in the Himalayas nestled in the laps of the two mega giant Dhaulagiri (8,167m high) and Annapurna (8,079m high), we will be transported by our trusted 4wd into Jomsom, the starting point of today’s ride. What then follows will be one of the most spectacular and emotional mountain bike rides of your life as we climb to the small town of Kagbeni at 2,900m. You’ll encounter your first of many long suspension bridges, and have your first experience of climbing at real altitude. In keeping with our approach to local and cultural immersion, we will visit a local villager to join him for tea on his rooftop mid-ride. After tea, we’ll make our way back along the valley, crossing over our suspension bridge again, which will be slightly more ‘interesting’ than before, as the wind will have picked up in the afternoon. We’ll roll into Kagbeni mid-afternoon and check into our mountain home for the next three nights, then enjoy a delicious and well-deserved lunch. A shuttle ride to Muktinath provides a slightly slower start to the day, but with the ever present nervous anticipation that comes with any day of riding in Nepal. Today’s first task is the 300m ascent to the breath-taking trail through the Lupra Pass at 4,100m. This starts off on pristine singletrack that will make you wish you had the lungs to ride it hard. Then the gradient really ramps up and for 20 mins makes riding a real challenge. At the top you’ll be gasping for air but, fortunately, the unbelievable view will be what really takes your breath away. After a series of photo calls it’s time to drop the saddles and settle in for one of the main trail highlights of the trip as we drop more than a vertical kilometre down to the Valley floor. The first part of the descent from the top is fast, flowing and amazing fun. Then things get a bit trickier as the trail becomes steeper and looser, with a series of tight switchbacks to keep you on your toes. We drop all the way down to the river and then into the riverbed, for some rocky riding back to the road, which will lead us to Kagbeni where we’ll have the chance to re-fuel with lunch. With Kagbeni’s finest dal bhat in our stomachs, we’ll board the vans to Muktinath for another climb back up to the Lupra Pass. This time, about 10% into our descent we will veer off the trail, and ride down what is the signature descent of the trip. A fast, flowy, thin ribbon of singletrack with the massive Dhaulagiri towering high in the background. Riders will almost reach supersonic speeds, riding over Rampage-like terrain in spots. Simply an amazing descent! After a shuttle ride to the 3,800 metre-high holy site of Muktinath, we will spend the morning gaining the last 500 metres to the highest point of the trip at 4,300m. Having wiped the sweat and dust from our brows and fuelled up, we will be appropriately ‘switched on’ for the unbelievable trail that follows; a stunning singletrack descent that twists and weaves through tight Nepalese villages, past grazing buffalo and workers in their fields. We then drop onto a fast, open and sometimes technical descent back down the valley, along to Kagbeni and afternoon coffee and cake in Appleby’s cafe, where you will have a direct view into Upper Mustang. Today gifts us a beautiful ride, leaving the arid, open landscape of Kagbeni and leading to the lush high alpine forests of Kalopani. Meandering through ancient villages, alleyways, apple orchards and some of the most pristine forest singletrack’s in the Himalayas, we follow the mighty Kali Gandaki River all the way to the Thakali village of Tukche. A spot which also happens to be home to the most famous apple crumble in Nepal. After lunch, the ride continues along the Kali Gandaki through more undulating singletrack all the way to Kalopani – the designated exit of the Lower Mustang Valley. A day of dirt trails today in what are our last few hours on the bike in the Mustang region of Nepal. It may be a dirt road, but in Nepal everything on the bike seems bigger, better, more involved and it is a place where dirt roads are fun! This is one of the biggest no-shuttle / minimal climb descents most people do in their lives. Waking up in the gorgeous town of Kalopani, we will exit the Mustang today and head back to Pokhara. We’re not using planes this time, however, so it’s bikes all the way down! We will start the ride with beautiful pine forest singletrack that will pop us into what is probably the most fun ‘road’ mountain bike descent in the world! With a great mix of dirt roads and cobbled village trails littered with children and animals running alongside us, this is a true highlight of our Nepal trip. 2.5 hours of non-stop descending over 24 kilometers, will take us to Tatopani for lunch. Then after lunch and a couple more hours of swooping, shredding, chatting and laughing we reach the town of Beni. It’s time to quickly pack the van, and transfer back to the comforts of our Pokhara hotel (3 hour drive away). Our last day of riding is a short one as we give some time for our bikes to be transported by land to Kathmandu. After a leisurely breakfast, we will drive to the famous World Peace Pagoda, perched on a hill across the lake from Pokhara overlooking the city. One quick ‘kora’ of the Pagoda later and then we’re descending on a fun, flowy, yet tricky forest singletrack back down to the base of the hill. If time permits, we might be able so squeeze in a second lap as well! At the end of the trail, we will ride all the back to our hotel for some relaxing by the pool. After the last morning flight of the tour we make it back to Kathmandu, transfer to our hotel, and make sure all kit and bikes are safely tucked away for our respective return journeys. The rest of the day revolves around hitting the town for our private dinner, drinks, exchanging stories and cementing new friendships. The ideal way to finish a tour that is so spectacular that only those you shared it with can truly understand its majesty. On your last morning in Nepal we will transfer you and your kit to Kathmandu airport in good time for your flight and with a little bit spare to allow for long and fond farewells. Please note: Our mountain bike tour Nepal is a living thing, being influenced by multiple factors such as changing weather conditions, group riding abilities, trail damage, to name a few. Your local guides are experts in guiding mountain bikers in the Himalayas of Nepal and will be continually assessing these factors and making tweaks to the itinerary where necessary to ensure that every member of the group has the best possible experience.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) continues to rise and has become the most common cause of chronic liver disease among all ages and ethnicities. Metabolic disorders, such as obesity and insulin resistance, are closely associated with sarcopenia and NAFLD. Sarcopenic obesity is a clinical disorder characterized by the simultaneous loss of skeletal muscle and gain of adipose tissue. It is associated with worse outcomes in individuals with NAFLD. It is projected that NAFLD and sarcopenia will rise as the prevalence of obesity continues to increase at an unparallel rate. Recently, sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity have gained considerable interest, but we still lack a well-defined definition and a management approach. Therefore, it is imperative to continue shining the light on this topic and better understand the underlying mechanism as well as treatment options. In this review article, we aimed to address the pathophysiology, impact, and outcomes of sarcopenic obesity on NAFLD. View details for DOI 10.3390/life11020119 View details for PubMedID 33557355
- 6 berths - 3 cabins - 3 WC Rent a sailboat in Rome to navigate towards Ponza, Ventotene and the island of the Gulf of Naples or head north towards Giglio Island and the Elba Archipelago. Our certified partner here is a medium size charter company with more than 20 years of experience. The origins of the port of Rome are lost over the centuries. The Emperor Claudius, in 42 A.D. built an entirely new harbor at Ostia, later enlarged by Trajan in 113 AD which has been called Portus Romae. The fall of the Roman Empire marked its end and despite the location was perfect, near the mouth of the Tiber, which is still navigable to the heart of the capital, no one has thought to return this "legitimate" property to the Eternal City. Today, finally the situation has changed and the Port of Rome is a reality to be enjoyed. Rebuilt close to the ancient site, the marina is designed for the lovers of pleasure and for tourists from around the world, with shops, cafes and restaurants. In addition, the port area is very close to the archeological site of Ostia Antica, noted for the excellent preservation of its ancient buildings, magnificent frescoes and impressive mosaics.
About the Book Forty years and a lifetime later, Rosalee’s quiet, predictable life is turned upside down when she runs into George at a restaurant and discovers he’s moved to town. George wants to reconnect, and while Rosalee’s head isn’t so sure that’s a good idea, her heart is saying something different. It’s a story about first love and second chances, family, friendship, and living life to the fullest. In My Opinion You Again by Amanda Waters is a late-in-life, second time around romance that is uplifting and filled with warmth and hope. Rosalee is lonely. Sure, she spends time with her family (children and grandchildren), but when she goes home it’s just her and the dog. When opportunities arise for Rosalee to shake up her routine, she grabs hold of them—renewing old and forming new friendships, planning events with her neighbors and more. But when the man who broke her heart when she was a teenager enters her life, will she take that opportunity as well? Waters separates the teenage Rosalee with the elder version of her by changing the points of view. Rosalee as a young woman is told in first person while modern-day Rosalee is told in third person. This was a great way to separate the two timelines throughout the book. This book is a nice reminder that just because one season of life ends, it doesn’t mean we have to stop doing the things we love or experiencing new things. A satisfied life is a fulfilled life. I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
So... you've booked your venue and now you're looking for suppliers to fill it with. Whether you're booking for a wedding, party or corporate event It can be confusing looking through all of the different photo booth hire companies offers and understanding exactly what's included. So we've written this handy guide of what to ask to assist you with making the right choice. 1) Do they offer totally unlimited prints as well as one for your guestbook? This is the most common issue we see. You'll often receive a quote with something like: unlimited visits/unlimited use with double prints. In reality what this means is that you'll receive one print for the guestbook and one print for your guests to share between them. So what happens if you have 8 guests all leaving to different places after the event? they have to decide who keeps the print out. We're one of the only photo booth hire companies around that offer totally unlimited prints + one for your guestbook so your guests won't be left to decide who keeps the print and you'll have a copy too. 2) Do they have public liability insurance and is their equipment PAT tested? Any photo booth hire company worth their salt will have this covered. Most venues require a copy of the suppliers PAT and public liability insurance certificates before they're allowed any where near the venue. Safety has to be a priority. We've heard horror stories of companies being refused entry to a venue as they've not had these in place. We're covered up to £10m in public liability insurance and each component on all of our photo booths is PAT tested. 3) What type of camera are they using? You only get one shot at your event and the right camera will make all of the difference. There's a few different types of camera that photo booth companies use: 1) a budget webcam 2) a DSLR camera. If it's a webcam that they're using, the images are going to be of poor quality. Would you allow a photographer to roam your event with a webcam? We only use DSLR cameras in our photo booths and as an added bonus we have studio flashes too! 4) What type of printer are they using? Again, there's a few types of printer that you can use with a photo booth. We'll focus on the main 2: 1) Inkjet: this is the kind of printer that you'll find around the household/home office 2) Dye-sublimation printer: This is the kind of printer that photographic studios use. When looking at booking a photo booth. Make sure they're using dye-sublimation printers otherwise your guests will be sitting by the printer throughout the event, waiting for their sub standard prints. We only use dye-sublimation printers in all of our photo booths. Do they add their own branding to your prints? We see this a lot in the photo booth hire industry, all of the photos that come out are stamped with the photo booth hire companies branding on. Is this really what you want on your photos? Are they meant to be a keepsake for your guests or a business card for the company? A quick way to find out is to check the gallery on their website or scroll through their pages to see photos from previous events. Rest assured that we never add our branding to your photos. How long have they been in business? You'll find a lot of photo booth companies that have little to no experience in the photo booth industry. It can be a rocky road to begin with. You're connecting all sorts of components together in the hope that they'll just work simultaneously. There's all sorts of problems that this throws up and only a company with experience will have the knowledge to rectify these issues quickly. Look for at-least 3 years in business or 1000+ events of experience. We've been in business for 5 years with over 3000 events experience. We've been through all of the problems so you don't have to. Our photo booths now have the best components possible with the most reliable software. We've seen all sorts of options on the market, some good, some bad. However we guarantee that you won't find a quality company like us anywhere else that offers the same great value pricing. We even offer a price match guarantee on this.
As of the writing of this article, the currently most up-to-date LTS version of Unity (2021.3.17.f1) will only install Android SDKs 29 and 30 by default. The Google Play Store requires a minimum version of 31. Thus, the need to upgrade our SDKs! We can view the target Android SDKs in Unity by opening Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Identification. Here we need to set our Minimum and Target API levels as desired. I personally had issues building to version 33, so I set the Minimum to 31 and the Target to 32. Doesn’t Unity Take Care of That? Yes, it usually does. Normally when you attempt to build to an API level that is not installed, the Unity editor will download and install it. However, that functionality was not working when I needed to submit to the Google Play Store! The easiest way to get up-to-date and readily usable files for the latest Android SDKs is using the Android Studio app. You can download this for free here: Once you open Android Studio, simply click More Actions > SDK Manager. From here, you can install the desired SDKs. Once you’ve installed the SDKs, open the file location shown at the top of the Settings screen. We’re interested in the “platforms” and “platform-tools” folders. But we’ll need to find where Unity stores its Android SDKs first. Where Does Unity Keep Android SDKs? In Unity, go to Preferences > External Tools > Android. Click the “Copy Path” button next to “Android SDK Tools Installed with Unity”. Open Windows File browser and paste in the address. Copy and paste the “platform-tools” folder just in case we need to revert this back to its original state. Close the Unity Editor or the files won’t be replaceable. Overwrite the files in Unity’s Android SDK “platform-tools” folder with those from the Android Studio folder. Now go back to the SDK folder for both Android Studio and Unity and open the “platforms” folder in each. Copy the folders from the Android Studio folder over to the Unity folder. As I had already done this, API levels 31 through 33 project folders are already there. Build to Android with the targeted levels you’ve now installed!
History: To understand the testing process in Agile development methodology, it is important to understand the paradigm of Agile development. The Agile Development paradigm is not new. Although Agile Software Development Manifesto was launched in February 2001, the concepts existed well before this and have been expressed in different ways. Development methodology spiral is an example. What is Agile Software Development: The Agile Software Development focuses mainly on an iterative development and delivery. Developers and end users to communicate closely, and the software is built. A working software is delivered in a short period of time and based on the comments more features and capabilities are added. The emphasis is on customer satisfaction by providing software quickly with minimal features and improvisation based on the feedback. The client is closely involved in software design and development process. Delivery times are short and the new code is built on the previous one. Despite this, the quality of the product can not be called. What is the test in a scenario of Agile development? The test strategy and the Agile development approach could be very different from the traditional bureaucracy. In fact, it can vary with the needs of the project and the project team. In many scenarios, in May it make sense to not have a team of test. The above statement should be understood carefully. Failure to have a testing team, we do not consider the tests to be less important. In fact, testing can be more effective in short, by people who know the system and its objectives very well. For example, some teams of Business Analysts could make a few rounds of tests each time the software version is available. Business Analysts understand the requirements of the company and the test software to check if it meets the requirements. Developers test the software in May. They tend to understand the system and can verify the test results in a better way. Testing for Agile Software Development requires innovative thinking and the right mix of people should be selected for the test.
What?! Bad luck you say? We think they are happy-go-lucky otherwise! We believe black cats matter and there is nothing to do with some bad superstitious prejudices except having an inky silky treasure in your house! People always have negative stereotyping assumptions due to the black color of their fur, it also depends on the century or cultural beliefs that they are in. These felines are the most misunderstanding critters among other kitty fellows (especially white cats which human thinks they signify for luck). Black cats are reported to be in the least favorite list when people come to the shelter. Long time ago, Pope Gregory IX believed cats were a link to the devil which led to the burning execution of over 900 cats in France. As the result, still, there has been more than hundreds black cats were killed every year. But in this article, we want to bring the brighter sides of this mysterious look black furball to clap back at those cruel points of view, don’t forget to upvote these wholesome, innocent, and lovable the pictures you like best! Black cats are not a particular breed, they can come in any size, shape and form. They are born with the darkest tone in the color palette and they have no choice to change it. Black kitties are considered as the smart one, affectionate, have the psychic ability to heal your inner side, and like other cats, they are the greatest companions! Here are some interesting facts (in case no scientist is involved) about our magical moggies in some specific countries that will make you think again. Most of the sailors love to have black cats (or "ship's cat") come into the ship because they have an ability to get rid of the rebellious rats who destroy a cargo, they can calm both wind and sea. Thus, black cat equals luck! In the Southern Chile, black cats are an important element that is needed when hunting for the treasure of the carbunclo ( a precious stone that can bring good luck to people). In France, seeing a black cat means something magical is about to happen. In England culture, giving a couple of black kitties is like a charm for an excellent marriage. In Scotland, black cats are said to allay misfortune and attract positively abundant events. In Early America, black cat's bones had magical powers for attracting good fortune and power. (We don't recommend this!) In Germany, some believe that black cats crossing a person's path from right to left, is a bad omen, but from left to right, the cat is foreboding prosperities. Woman who owned a black cat was told to attract many suitors. In ancient Egypt, blackie moggies were considered good luck, protected you from illness, and boost woman's fertility. In Japan, when you're suddenly seeing a black cat that means you will have luck finding love. Also, spotting a sable feline friend who is on your porch or in your doorway implies that you will be wealthy soon. Hopefully after reading this, people will have more tolerance and benevolence to adopt a black kitty since they do no harm to you. So why would we have to discriminate them? Tell us what you think about a black cat in your country and we're happy to acknowledge!
GODZILLA MINUS ONE Clip Shows Off The Devastating Power of Godzilla's Atomic Breath A new clip has been released for Godzilla Minus One and it highlights the awesome destructive power of the giant Kaiju’s atomic breath! Godzilla is a force to be reckoned with and when he unleashes his full strength and abilities, get ready for complete and utter devastation. Damn, I’m excited about this movie! The upcoming movie is set in Japan 1945-1947. “After the war, Japan has been reduced to zero. Godzilla appears and plunges the country into a negative state. Against the most desperate situation in the history of Japan, how — and with whom — will Japan stand up to it?” Toho President Koji Ueda previously shared the following info: “Set in a post-war Japan, Godzilla Minus One will once again show us a Godzilla that is a terrifying and overwhelming force.” In the film, "After the war, Japan's economic state has been reduced to zero. Godzilla appears and plunges the country into a negative state." The movie was written and directed by Takashi Yamazaki, and it will be released in the United States for early access fan event screenings starting Wednesday, November 29th.
Join the team! We are always looking for volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of the individuals we serve. We are currently accepting volunteer applications for assistance with the following projects: - Corner Store: assist our individuals with cleaning and organizing inventory - Open Door Opportunities: Come run an activity or event with the individuals who attend our Open Door. Opportunities Day Program. Past programs have included- reading circles, exercise groups, and cooking clubs - Sensory Garden: New for 2022! Threshold is beginning to break ground on its Community Sensory Garden and will be hosting scheduled volunteer days. If you are as passionate about gardening as we are, we could use your helping hands. Interested parties can use the application below or contact Seth Walker, Program Director, for more information. OPPORTUNITY TO CARE. Threshold Career Opportunities SIGN-ON BONUS $250 PER QUARTER!!!! THAT'S $1000 FOR YOUR FIRST YEAR* Do you want to work the best job in the WORLD!? Start a career working as a Direct Support Professional who assists individuals with developmental disabilities in living a community-based life. Come...
Growing up in society we are often taught to show love to others which is great. Yet, how often do we show love and appreciation to ourselves? When we show love and appreciation to ourselves, we help to boost our self-esteem and confidence. When we feel good about ourselves, we are more apt to perform better in all aspects of our lives, such as at work and in our homes. We also become better friends, partners, etc. There is a quote that mentions something along the lines that we cannot pour from an empty cup. How true is this? If we do not take care of ourselves, we cannot be our best for others. While there are multiple valid reasons for practicing self-love, the ultimate reason should be to feel good and to improve our quality of life. Ways To Practice Self-Love There are several ways we can show love and appreciation to ourselves. Here are some ways that we can do this: Get Great Sleep Yes, you read that right. Getting great sleep has many benefits. Physically, great quality and quantity amount of sleep can give your body the chance to heal/relieve some ailments such as some pains or wound healing. Sleep also benefits our mental health by giving our conscious(awake) brain some rest while our subconscious brain can sort out (or play out) solutions to possible issues we have in life. Admit it, how often have we come up with a solution after “sleeping on it”? For more on getting proper sleep check out these tips here. When was the last time you bought yourself a small gift just because? If you enjoy flowers or potted plants, get you some! If there is a piece of clothing you never got to buy and you have the opportunity to get it, why not? How about purchasing a book you always wanted to read? Get it. A movie you always wanted to see but haven’t gotten a chance to do it. Sis/brother, what are you waiting for? As many say “yolo”, why not show self-appreciation? Explore The World Taking the time to get out and see the world allows you to experience something you may have never experienced before in many ways. Earth has so many beautiful, unique and mysterious places to experience. Also, exploring music, tasting foods and meeting people you would’ve never met while staying in the same, familiar environment can open your mind. The world is a big place with so much to offer. If we only live once, why should we miss out on the varied ways others live and celebrate life? A vacation is also a great time to relax away from daily stresses especially if you are a hard worker. The only obligation is to explore and enjoy. Take lots of pictures so you can look back on the great/unique memories. You may inspire yourself to make it something you do yearly. Going on vacation and checking out new, pleasant places in nature can help secrete feel good chemicals such as serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and dopamine which are great for pain relief, mood regulation and much more. It is no surprise that if you ask most people if they can wake up and get to eating breakfast without one negative thought, very few will say yes. In a world where negative thoughts of fear, hate and much more are constantly being pushed by various forms of media, it is no wonder this is the case. Therefore, having a strategy to combat that programming can help. One way is by utilizing positive affirmations. There are studies that prove that properly utilizing positive affirmations have helped people boost confidence, increase self-esteem, improve daily performance and more. Check out these tips on ways to incorporate positive affirmations. Clearly showering and bathing can help to keep you clean, yet there are other self-care and self-love uses for the daily ritual. One way is to create a cozy environment of peace with the bath. Set the mood with your favorite relaxing music such as jazz, classical, R&B, etc. Turn down the lights and turn up the candles around the tub or just use one to give a little dim light. It can involve using certain scented oils that create a feeling of peace to unwind such as lavender. Peppermint can be good for mental clarity such as if you need time to think clearly in a quiet environment. Herbals have been used in this way as well. A relaxing bath can also be a place to just make you feel like enhancing your beauty/image. Relax tight, stiff muscles with Epsom salts infused with these oils. Always consult your physician before beginning any new health regimen. The foods we put in our body can be a way to show self-love. When we eat the right foods that keeps us at our healthiest our body can operate at our best. The right foods here can help to boost our immune system. Proper eating can allow us to live long, healthy lives. Eating certain foods can also help to balance serotonin levels which are responsible for regulating our mood, sleep and much more. Cheat foods once in a blue are fine, but we should aways strive to balance our foods for the best. If you’d like, view some factors that can help you make the right eating decisions. It is true that when we are feeling like we are looking our best that there is a level of confidence that comes along with it. Think back to the time you wore an outfit and felt so good about how it made you feel. You can recreate this anytime you wish. It doesn’t have to be expensive threads, it only has to be what accentuates your best features, no matter what they are. You can also do what you can to take care of the features you do have by nurturing them such as taking care of your skin (here) and keeping it clean. Having a space where you can operate at your best is a form of self-love. The places you reside the most should always be a place where you feel comfortable enough where you feel free to unwind and relax. If you feel you are in a space where you feel like you cannot think clearly then it’s time to do something about your environment. One way that can help is to clean and organize your home and workspace such as the examples here. By doing this it allows your day to flow easier by knowing exactly where everything is and you don’t have to waste time and frustration looking for something that’s not in its proper place. Also, decorating to fit your tastes and interests can always help to boost your mood, so remember to include that to help you feel better. As humans, our bodies are designed to move. We may all have different abilities in this department and that’s ok! There are many benefits to movement such as increased oxygen to our blood cells which promotes better functionality. Another benefit is the release of good feeling chemicals in our bodies such as endorphins which is a good painkiller. When we feel good, we have better self-confidence and love because we show ourselves care. Check out some further ideas on how best to move your body for your ability here. Many may not see this as a form of self-love, but it is necessary. Forgiving yourself of not putting your needs first in situations where it was most important is something you most definitely owe yourself. You deserve to have the best and you must remove any blockages that may prevent you from moving forward and living your best life. If you are interested in doing this, you can check out one of my techniques here. Being able to show love and appreciation for ourselves is a huge key in how we operate and function day to day. When we do various activities that show that we have some sort of care for ourselves it can help to boost our confidence, thus, we improve our daily performance at home, work, with our relationships and more.
Nonprofit Heart, Business Mindset: Maximizing Good Nonprofit Heart, Business Mindset: Maximizing Good All nonprofits want to do good. Helping their constituents and driving impactful, positive change in communities is what propels their mission forward. Whether they’re on a quest to combat social injustice, poverty or climate change, nonprofits play a vital role in keeping our society moving forward. Nevertheless, while the desire to do good is laudable, it’s not enough. Nonprofits may have the best intentions in the world, but if they don’t learn how to maximize that good, they won’t be effective. Noble-sounding programs may appear great on paper, but organizations have a responsibility to ensure that they’re actually fulfilling their intended goals and evolving in a way that moves their mission forward. What’s the formula for a strong, sustainable nonprofit? Put simply, balancing a nonprofit heart with a business mindset. So, how can nonprofits successfully maximize good? The answer can be borrowed from a classic adage: “Charity begins at home.” Just as a doctor cannot take care of others if he himself is ill, organizations cannot help their constituents if they’re unable to manage their own operations effectively and sustainably. As mentioned in our first insight, “The Business of Impact,” nonprofits must balance good intentions with a business mindset. To maximize the good they do externally, they must make sure their own infrastructure is solid, and set up to evolve with the times. This begins with learning how to balance external and internal needs. Too often, nonprofits, in a quest to save the world, fail to save themselves. They fall into the “starvation cycle”—a phenomenon in which organizations dig themselves into the red by prioritizing high programmatic spending over fundamental operational investments. Balance Programmatic & Operational Investments Nonprofit programs and activities are foundational to an organization’s work—they drive the mission forward, inspire new and ongoing donor support and increase public awareness of both the issue at hand and the organization. Strategic investments in updating or expanding a nonprofit’s programs are necessary to increasing impact. Nevertheless, while investing heavily in programmatic work is important, it can’t be the only investment nonprofits are making. Failing to fund other necessary costs can lead nonprofits to spiral into the “starvation cycle,” from which there is no easy return. Avoiding the Starvation Cycle According to Nonprofit Standards, our benchmarking survey, 72 percent of nonprofit organizations spend 80 to 100 percent of their total expenditures on program-related activities—a metric many nonprofit watchdogs use to determine financial efficiency. This aligns with Charity Navigator’s findings that 7 in 10 nonprofits spend at least 75 percent of their budget on programs and services. About 1 in 5 (19 percent) spend an even greater amount—between 90 to 99 percent on program-related expenses. At first glance, this high programmatic spending may look like a good thing. After all, the overhead myth—the dangerous assumption that low overhead costs are a good measure of a nonprofit’s performance—is quite pervasive among donors and supporters. Unfortunately, this has also contributed to the popularity of restricted donations, under the belief that a donor’s money would be more impactful if spent on direct costs tied to a nonprofit’s work. The truth is, more isn’t always better. The “right” level of spending varies greatly by organization type. Falling on either end of the spectrum—underfunding or over-allocating—can be causes for concern. High programmatic spending may look favorable to outside observers, but it also likely means that organizations are underfunding the infrastructure—such as new technology, employee training and fundraising expenses—they need to sustain themselves long term. Too often, nonprofits strive to maintain their programs while starving their own organizations in the process. Making Strategic Spending Choices With this in mind, how can nonprofits make strategic spending choices that will strengthen themselves long-term? Based on the IRS’ instructions to the Form 990, a nonprofit’s costs fall into three categories: Program Services, Management & General and Fundraising. The latter two are often referred to as “overhead” or supporting services. Although not directly related to programs, they are critically important to fund. Below, we break down example categories of spending in each. Management and General Costs These are the costs needed to operate the organization, across all programs. Examples include: From the Board and Executive Director to employees and volunteers, nonprofits need to support the people behind their mission and invest in recruiting and retention. Leading employee satisfaction issues, according to Nonprofit Standards, include compensation (considered by 78 percent to be a high or moderate-level challenge), up-to-date technology (48 percent), inflexible work schedules (34 percent), management-employee relations (52 percent), and employee training and development (68 percent). By regularly reassessing the processes, programs and structures in place, nonprofits can understand what motivates—or demotivates—their employees. Governance and Compliance From dealing with tax and accounting changes to new data privacy laws and regulations, nonprofits should think of good governance as an imperative, not simply a nice-to-have. Even with limited resources, they must take a proactive approach to regulatory compliance and risk mitigation, because the alternative could mean betraying donor and public trust and doing more harm than good. Earmarking funds to cover compliance costs may be painful initially, but the costs of noncompliance are even greater. Technology, Equipment and Supplies People are important to an organization, but so are the technologies, equipment and supplies keeping it running. In addition to jeopardizing employee satisfaction, having outdated IT and equipment can drain already-limited resources by reinforcing operational inefficiencies, weakening impact reporting (56 percent of Nonprofit Standards survey participants cite the lack of adequate technology to gather data on impact as a high or moderate challenge), increasing cyber and data privacy vulnerabilities and more. Nonprofits should invest in technology that can help them advance a larger goal—whether it’s empowering their employees to accomplish more, making their programs more accessible or amplifying their current fundraising efforts. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Trust in the nonprofit world is not only expected, but foundational—a critical part of which is data privacy. Nonprofits must safeguard the data entrusted to and or collected by them as if it were their own. Unfortunately, many fail to invest in cyber or data privacy programs, due to the assumption that they’re too small to be a viable target. However, this often makes them even more appealing and vulnerable to cyberattackers. Security needs to remain a key priority, even amidst multiple projects. These are the costs associated with seeking, soliciting or securing charitable contributions. Many investments in this category fall into similar buckets as those outlined above, especially people and technology. Whether it’s spending money to hire and train a fundraising team, or purchasing new fundraising tools that can expand an organization’s reach, putting aside funds to improve visibility will pay off in the long run. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why organizations don’t invest enough in fundraising. They may be overconfident in their current funding streams and unable to see why more investment is needed when ample funding or a loyal donor base already exists. They may ignore changing donor demographics or technological trends that change the way in which potential donors engage with the causes that are meaningful to them. Or they may view fundraising as a “forced” expense, rather than an investment that can reap dividends down the road. But the reality is, maximizing good also requires maximizing awareness. Balancing programmatic and operational spending isn’t easy, and requires organizations to assess their operations with a critical business mindset. Altruism without an efficient infrastructure to support it won’t go far—and if organizations aren’t careful about how they spend their money, they’ll fall into the starvation cycle of trying to do infinitely more with much, much less. Emphasize Financial Due Diligence Another key component of maximizing good is maintaining financial due diligence. This means not only ensuring that your nonprofit has enough liquidity to function effectively, but also understanding how changing regulatory, tax and financial accounting regulations could ultimately affect the public’s perception of your organization. Maintaining Sufficient Operating Reserves Maintaining adequate liquidity is a must for every nonprofit. When organizations encounter funding disruptions or lose a major donor, a healthy supply of operating reserves (liquid, unrestricted net assets) is a critical fiscal safety net to keep programs up and running. However, liquidity is not a one-size-fits-all metric: The “right” amount of operating reserves varies according to organization size, sector and scope. With that in mind, establishing at least six months of operating reserves is a prudent target for the sector overall. More than half (63 percent) of organizations surveyed in our annual benchmarking survey, Nonprofit Standards, maintain six months or less of operating reserves. What’s even more worrisome is that few nonprofit leaders consider maintaining adequate liquidity as a significant challenge for their organization. Sixty percent of organizations say liquidity is a low-level challenge, or not a challenge at all. Why the discrepancy? It could be that many organizations are overconfident in their funding streams—or underestimating the financial loss they would suffer if they were disrupted. Of course, there may also be some nonprofits that are struggling to even stay afloat. However, the importance of having at least some operating reserves—even if they’re only for a few months at the beginning—can’t be stressed enough. Unfortunately, lacking sufficient liquidity can lead to a not-so-happy ending—as seen by the unlikely demise of many a former nonprofit. Before New York’s Federation Employment and Guidance Service (FEGS) filed for bankruptcy in 2015, for example, nobody saw it coming. The nonprofit was 80 years old and had $260 million in revenues. So, what went wrong? Lurking behind those successes was an unseen $20 million deficit. Nobody—including the board and management—seemed to know there were liquidity and cash flow problems. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon scenario. Part of the knowledge gap may have been due to the lack of clarity in the information presented in the financial statements at the time (a topic expanded in greater detail in the next section). However, more generally, it was likely due to the inadequate attention paid to the organization’s overall financial health throughout the years. A nonprofit with faltering liquidity—if addressed too late—may incur skepticism from major donors. However, if addressed early on, it could, instead, inspire an influx of donations from supporters who see a dire need for resources. To avoid this scenario, nonprofits should consider adopting a “reserve policy” (if they don’t already have one) based on a comprehensive risk analysis. This policy should provide guidance on how (and how much) money they should put into their reserves, under what circumstances the reserves should be used, the process for deciding how to use these reserves, as well as any other restrictions or limitations that ought to be considered. While not a surefire guarantee of survival, having a few months’ worth of operating funds can at least help nonprofits continue their programs while they’re trying to get back up on their feet. Staying Abreast of Regulatory, Tax & Financial Accounting Changes Being prepared for the unpredictable is one thing, but nonprofits are often unprepared for even the predictable—including regulatory, tax and accounting changes coming down the pike. The past few years have been especially busy for nonprofits. Tax reform, for one, provided a significant shift in rules for nonprofits to address. The trifecta of financial accounting changes—including revenue recognition, lease accounting and changes to the presentation of nonprofit financial statements—is another. Some of these deadlines have either already passed or are coming up. Why do these financial changes matter? Other than being requirements, they affect how nonprofits document their donations and financial statements to their stakeholders—including their Board, donors, constituents and the general public. This, consequently, affects how the latter will assess an organization’s financial health. One example of this change is the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-14, Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities, released in 2016. The ASU reclassified the former three existing classes of net assets (unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted) into two new classes: 1) net assets without donor restrictions; and 2) those with donor restrictions. Its goal was to provide readers with a better understanding of the resources available to an organization versus those set aside to meet a donor’s intent. Without that distinction, most of an organization’s net assets may be locked up in various ways—such as endowments, property and plant or other restrictions or designations—which may lead stakeholders falsely to believe the funds are available for use when they are not. Thus, when undergoing the compliance process, nonprofit leaders should be prepared to address any questions about liquidity or cash flow from their stakeholders—especially about how these changes may have affected how their statements were prepared or reported. Maximizing good requires organizations to not only mitigate compliance risk, but to be able to clearly explain all facets of their financial situation. Inspire Public & Donor Trust Doing good can be done solo, but maximizing good requires many hands. Nonprofit leaders who wish to take their organization far must learn how to not only shore up initial public and donor trust, but maintain it throughout the years. They must ensure that their current and prospective supporters are able to see, understand and even experience the good they’re doing. As with any initiative, inspiring public and donor trust has many challenges. Donors today hold nonprofits to higher standards of transparency, accountability and reporting around impact and outcomes than ever before. This is especially true now that the profile of the average donor is changing. Millennials now make up the largest portion of the overall population and have begun to take on a key role in philanthropy worldwide. These donors differ significantly from their predecessors: They not only place a huge emphasis on trust, but also expect faster reporting times, thanks to social media and other technologies. And it’s not only donors who are taking notice, but all of a nonprofit’s stakeholders, including their Board, external partners, volunteers and members. With such close scrutiny upon them, nonprofits need to get better at not only measuring impact, but reporting it. The vast majority (96 percent) of organizations communicate impact outside of their organization, according to Nonprofit Standards, and many are under increased pressure to demonstrate results and provide further transparency. Forty-eight percent say that more than a quarter of their funders requested more information than was previously required. Meeting these demands requires increased people-power and enhanced training and education. But it also requires the development of a consistent framework for measuring and reporting impact (cited by 62 percent of survey participants as a high- or moderate-level challenge) and adequate technology to gather data on impact (56 percent). Other common reporting challenges include human resources constraints (66 percent), lack of clear program objectives or key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure against (45 percent), and inadequate financial resources (54 percent). Nonprofits will need to work hard to bridge these gaps. They will also need to go beyond traditional reporting tactics (i.e. creating an annual report, sending regular email and mail communications, etc.) to meet donors on their turf and on their real-time timeline. When impact reporting is effective, it really pays off—not only in donations, but in a currency much more valuable long term: loyalty and trust. Nonprofits want to maximize good, and that’s a good thing. But to succeed, organizations must look beyond simply expanding their programs and activities to also assess their own core operations. They must ask themselves: Am I sufficiently balancing programmatic spending with necessary infrastructure investments? Emphasizing financial due diligence? Doing all that’s possible to further inspire public and donor trust? Good intentions are not enough. But good intentions, combined with business smarts, are a winning combination. By spending time on capacity building, organizations will be able to reach a point when they’re not only able to keep their operations running effectively and efficiently, but take it to the next level through scale and strategic growth decisions. To learn more about these decisions, look out for our next insight, Mission‑Driven Growth.
Lately, I've been thinking that CPUs aren't changing much compared to back in the day. Back in the 90's each generation of chip had radically better performance. Check out this ExtremeTech chart:: To sum up, CPUs aren't getting any better since about 2004. Check out the purple line on the graph. The reason? CPUs are prey to heat. As the amount of components on a CPU go up, so does the heat. At some point, the heat is impossible to handle, so that's why Intel went to dual cores and more. Power, and its side effect heat, is getting better as chip manufacturers make smaller components. That's why the smart phone in your pocket lasts all day now, rather than having to be charged in the middle. (Batteries haven't changed much at all, just consumption) The fact that computers aren't getting any better, just smaller, has human effects. Even though our methods of interacting with computers (like typing, touch screen, mouse, and keyboards) haven't changed, the fact their performance is roughly the same means the microelectronic market is maturing. Mature markets work differently than expanding ones. A mature market is exemplified by an item, like a toaster, that is the same year after year. Symptoms of a mature market include commoditization where an item sells based on what it is rather than a differentiating characteristic like brand. We are already seeing this in desktop PC sales, and the vanishing sales of netbooks The most interesting development is how the world is moving away from the PC for consuming data. Consumers are adopting phones, and to a lesser extent tablets. My phone can even scan and print from my stone age networked printer. My phone has a dual core processor, which seems like overpower, but I like it a lot. The fact that my phone is always on and always with me fundamentally changes how I interact with technology and the wired world. Its this change, combined with changes in the PC market that lead me to write this blog. The Wintel duopoly will likely not survive these changes in its current form. And more importantly, our popular culture will change as well as our relationship with computers. This blog will synthesize various developments in our cultural changes brought about by stagnating computer ability, and the change to always on devices.
We've just released a new update to the Arranmore Ferry app filled with updates to make it easier for you to book tickets and get the latest information for us! We've listened to all your feedback and questions about the app and aimed to make it so much simpler. For starters - the dashboard now shows tomorrow's ferries when you missed all of todays ferries, saving you a click to tomorrows Arranmore Ferry timetables. The navigation bar now has permanent labels for easier navigation and the Arranmore Ferry team can you send you links in the messages that appear at the top of the screen - one click and you'll be able to see what we're talking about. We've made booking a ticket even easier with new toggle buttons to show you exactly where you're headed and once you've confirmed we summarise everything you're doing instead of lots of icons and numbers. When you're ready to book your ticket - you'll be given the option to use any saved cards that you have, add a new card - or use Apple Pay! Simple tap the icon and follow the usual double click to pay with Apple Pay and you're done. Everything is securely saved in Stripe and we confirm your ticket on the spot! Cue confetti! We're excited for you to see the new update - as always if you have problems with it - let us now and we'll keep improving your trip to and from Arranmore Island. Your Arranmore Ferry Team. PS. We're working on Google Pay (you might see it in some of the images - it's coming soon!) Things To Do About Tory Island The Blue Ferry sailing between Arranmore Island and Burtonport Blue Ferry Office, Burtonport Pier, Co. Donegal, F94 C449
12 oz. frozen Strawberries * 1 Tbsp. Lemon or Lime Juice (Lime is my preference) 1/4 cup Superfine or Powdered Sugar 1 Pint Heavy Cream - Fit the processor workbowl with the chopping disc. Place the Frozen Strawberries in the bowl and put the lid on. ** A large Food Processor Bowl will hold up to 1 Pint of Berries Note: You can place a whole pint of Berries in a large Food Processor Bowl. This photo is just to show the Hulled Berries in the Food Processor Bowl. - Use the PULSE BUTTON to break the Strawberries up into small pieces. - Press the ON BUTTON and continue running until the Berries look like snow or shaved ice. - Remove the lid and add the Lemon Juice, Sugar, and Cream. Run for 2-3 minutes or until the Strawberries become lighter in color and the volume has expanded. - Serve immediately with Fruit Sauce or Whipped Cream. Or freeze and scoop into serving dishes later. (If freezing, allow to soften at room temperature until it becomes easy to scoop or reprocess before serving) Yield: Approx. 8 Servings *Fresh Strawberries may be used. Clean them with a damp paper towel and then remove the hulls. (Stem and leaves) Place in a shallow dish or tray and freeze them until almost hard. **Alternatively, the medium shredding blade can be used. Lightly push down on the Berries to shred them. The pusher may have to be lifted slightly to facilitate the shredding. This is actually a better way to break the Berries up into very small pieces.
a GOLD nugget worth about $500,000 has been discovered in the wider Ballarat region. Weighing a whopping 3.66kg, the nugget named Destiny was found by three unnamed prospectors in the Golden Triangle region of Ballarat, Bendigo and Stawell last month. Sovereign Hill Museums Association deputy chief executive officer Tim Sullivan said the nugget was most likely to have been discovered towards the centre of the triangle. “It was most likely found somewhere between the Bendigo and Ballarat leg of the triangle,” he said. “These discoveries show that there are still big nuggets out there in central Victoria.” Sovereign Hill Gold Museum curator Roger Trudgeon said the discovery was a life-changing event for the prospectors. “This is a major discovery in the history of gold nuggets found in Victoria and proves there is still gold to be found, even in areas where others have prospected many times,” Mr Trudgeon said. The Destiny nugget, which is one of the largest to be discovered in Victoria in the last 10 years, is currently on loan to Sovereign Hill. “We have it for six months,” Mr Sullivan said. “It will be on display during the spring school holidays at the outdoor museum.” Mr Sullivan said nuggets as large as Destiny were marvels of nature. “They are rare, precious and exciting to behold,” he said. “And the price goes up simply because of its artistic value and interesting shape. “There is more interest in the nugget when there is a story behind its find.” The prospector who found the nugget is said to have been searching for gold from a young age with his father. In the past few years, the man and two of his friends started seriously looking for gold a couple of days a week. According to Sovereign Hill, on the day that Destiny was found, the prospector had given up the search due to bad weather. But during a lull in the rain the prospector gave it one more go. He soon literally struck gold under a clump of foliage around a tree. Initially, he thought it was a large piece of rock but once he held it in his hands he realised by its weight that it was much more. He held up the dirty mass in his hand to show his friends but dropped it by mistake. One of his friends called out “Is it bigger than 10 ounces?” The prospector said, “It’s bloody bigger than 10 ounces”. Mr Sullivan said the museum had been experiencing a rush of prospectors recently. “Every couple of months somebody comes in with a piece of nugget,” he said. “The growth in the quality of technology in detectors has helped increase the chances of success quite significantly.” Mr Sullivan said the Destiny nugget would keep the folklore about gold in the region alive. “A lot of the stories are about ordinary people discovering gold by fairly ordinary means,” he said. “There are lots of opportunities out there.”
Top 10 Best Dog ID Tags For Keeping Your Pup Safe Sometimes dogs get separated from their loved ones, which is why it’s so important to attach tags to your pup’s collar to help them find their way home. The best dog ID tags are easily customizable to add your information, and are made from durable materials like stainless steel, plastic, or silicone. The tags should mount securely and comfortably to your dog’s collar, whether you opt for a traditional hanging tag, a rivet, or slide-on style. - Top 10 Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs - Top 10 Best Dog Beds for German Shepherds - Top 10 Best Dog Boots for Winter - Top 10 Best Dog Carrier Purses: Toting Your Dog Around Town Customizable ID tags typically offer up to four lines of text on the front, though some vary depending on your chosen size. All tags should provide enough space for basic contact details, but for dogs with health conditions, you might opt for a tag that’s double-sided so you can include that information. Beyond ensuring a tag has space for important details, pick one made from a material that suits your needs. For durability, stainless steel is usually best, since it’s strong and resistant to wear and tear. But if you or your dog friend are bothered by the sound of jingling metal, you can opt for a softer material like silicone or plastic — just know that these materials are easily chewed and will likely need to be replaced more often. If you want a more durable tag that doesn’t make noise, a stainless steel rivet or slide-on-style tag might be a better option. In terms of mounting design, you’ll typically see three options: - Rivet tags come with hardware to mount directly onto the collar. They’re the least likely to fall off, most durable, and look especially stylish on leather collars — though they’re compatible with any collar. The tradeoff is that you can only add information to one side of the tag since it’s mounted to the collar. - Hanging ID tags clip onto a ring or around the collar. They’re easy to attach and work on basically any collar. However, they’re more likely to accidentally fall off, and some pups find the dangling metal annoying. And of course, metal hanging tags can also make that obnoxious jingling noise. - Slide-on tags are easier to attach and remove than rivet tags but are similar in concept. These tags come with slits or loops that you can feed a collar through. The drawback is that these tags only fit a certain width of collar, so be sure to check measurements first, though tags with loops made from stretchier materials offer a wider compatibility. While customizability and design are key, other cool features to consider include scannable QR codes — which connect to full online puppy profiles — and built-in GPS for tracking your pup’s location. A tag that glows in the dark can help your dog stay visible at night. And for dogs that seem to hate all tags, a customizable collar is an alternative that allows them to go tag-free. To find the right fit for your pup, start with this roundup of durable, customizable dog ID tags. The 10 Best Dog ID Tags ROAD iD Pet ID Slate – Premium Choice This slate-style tag is unique for the fact that it is embedded directly into the collar. There is no dangling component, which means less risk of hazard and loss of the tag. All the other features are still what you’d expect. The ROAD iD tag has enough space to include the information you need to convey, all in a highly-legible font. There are two issues. For one thing, it is one of the pricier options on our list. It is also worth noting that slate is not an extremely durable material. Given the design concept, there shouldn’t be any major issues, but should something unlikely happen, it may be the end of the road for the ID. - Slate is not extremely durable - Plenty of real estate - Unique design concept - Clear information Dr. Fremont’s Pet ID Tag – Best Value If you didn’t like the price of the last unit on our list, you may prefer the value of this product. Dr. Fremont’s Pet ID Tag is extremely affordable and available in a wide range of colors and sizes. You also have the option to customize the front and back of the unit, giving you plenty of real estate for all the information you wish to provide. Buyers should note that this is an aluminum tag, which means it is a little bit more susceptible to wear and tear than some of the other options on our list. That said, it is still one of the best dog ID tags for the money. - Susceptible to wear and tear - Plenty of space - Different color and shape options GoTags Stainless Steel Pet ID Tags – Best Overall The GoTags Stainless Steel Pet ID tags are designed to be both durable and cosmetically appealing. They are available in a wide variety of shapes and over plenty of real estate for printing your pooch’s information. As a stainless steel product is is much more durable than the typical aluminum and it will also stand up well against rust and other forms of degradation. The only real issue is that it is more expensive than most of the other products on our list. - Plenty of space for information - Variety of different shapes - Resists rust PetANTastic Stainless Steel Pet ID Tags These tags are durably constructed of stainless steel. In addition to the actual metal being super sturdy, it is also optimized for withstanding the elements. If exposure to wet or rain is something you anticipate, this tag should be up for the job. The font itself is also very durable, which means that the writing will last for a long time. And of course, you also get a wide range of different shapes and sizes to choose from, which means there will be something for everyone. You do, however, pay for the high level of quality that is provided by PetANTastic. It’s one of the more expensive options on our list. - Visible font - Resists rust Tag-Z Customized Military Dog Tags The name is pretty descriptive here. The Tag-Z DT-CUSTOM-SS is a military-style dog tag that features a variety of different fonts and sizes. The tags are moderately priced and include a durably etched font that should serve to last for a long time. Unfortunately, the overall quality of the tag is lacking, relative to some of the other products on our list. It tends to bend a little bit, which could be a problem for some dogs. If you have a really rambunctious puppy, they might manage to do some real damage. - Tends to bend - Durable font - Moderate price Providence Engraving Pet ID Tags This is another dog tag that features a unique design concept. It slides directly into your dog’s collar, making it less vulnerable than dangling units. The tags are available in a wide range of different colors and they include enough space to deliver all necessary information. Unfortunately, the quality of the metal is a little lacking here. It’s very thin and could easily snap if it gets knocked around too much. Of course, the benefit of its design is that that isn’t very likely to happen. Still, if you are worried about the sort of trouble your hyperactive pup can accomplish, the Providence Engraving Pet ID Tag may not be the one for you. - Snaps easily - Unique design LuckyPet Slide-On Pet ID Tags This is another slide style dog tag that fits snuggly onto your pet’s collar. Once again, this is a feature that will make your tag much less vulnerable to wear and tear. It is available in several different sizes and will be an appropriate choice for dogs of just about any size. The LuckyPet Slide-On is a pretty decent tag at a very reasonable price, but there is one somewhat major issue. The engraving will degrade over time, making the tag completely illegible. Naturally, this sharply cuts against the point of the tag. - Low-quality print - Fits snuggly onto collar - Several sizes Beeshion ID Pet Tag Last, the Beeshion. This is a company that is known for its humor. The options include funny (often profanity-ridden) messages that will show whoever finds your dog that you have a sense of humor. Unfortunately, though, humor is about all that this tag has going for it. The quality of the metal is low, which may lead to it being bent or damaged. It’s also not well suited for the elements, which means that it may rust over time. Additionally, the font could prove problematic, degrading over time to the point that no one will be able to make heads or tails out of the humorous message. If you are looking for a light-duty tag with a sense of humor, this is the product for you. However, if your needs are of a more heavy-duty nature you’ll need to find something different. - Unique, humorous messages - Not resistant to elements - Not very durable - Font may degrade over time Love Your Pets Deluxe Pet ID Tags The Love Your Pets tags feature a wide range of different prints and shapes. The tags are made out of stainless steel to make them resistant to moisture, and just generally very durable. There are also a wide variety of color options that allow you to get a truly personalized tag. The best feature is probably the quality of the engraving though. The font will remain legible for a long period of time, which really limits the kind of trouble your dog will be able to get itself into. It is, however, one of the pricier tags on the market, which is something budget buyers will need to be on the lookout for. - High cost - Lots of color options - Variety of different prints and shapes - Moisture and wear and tear-resistant The Didog is an affordable tag that gives you up to eight lines worth of space to print information on the tag. If you are looking for a budget-friendly option that will still get the job done, this is a worthwhile tag to consider There are, however, some issues that might keep people with a little bit more money to spend away. For one thing, the build quality is flimsy. The metal is very malleable which can easily result in it snapping. The font is also pretty low quality. It will degrade and become illegible over time. - Not very durable - Low-quality font Buyer’s Guide: Choosing the Best Dog ID Tags Hopefully, by now you already know what product is right for you. If not though, it may help to go over some important buying considerations - The style of the name tag is also a factor. Most tags are dangly in nature which is fine often enough. However, some tags are also embedded directly into the collar. This is a handy feature to get your hands on for the fact that it makes the tag less susceptible to wear and tear. - However, embedded tags have their own drawbacks. For one thing, they may not be compatible with the collar you already have, which may increase their cost. They also feature a limited amount of real estate because they aren’t double-sided. - You will have to decide for yourself what sort of tag is right for your needs. - Of course, the entire purpose of a collar is to include all relevant information. That being the case, you will certainly want something that features enough real estate to include addresses, phone numbers, names, etc. - Manufacturers tend to advertise how many characters you are able to fit on their dog tag, which makes this consideration a good deal simpler. - The material of the tag can have a pretty major impact on how long it lasts. Aluminum is possibly the most common component found, but it certainly isn’t the best. What aluminum has in value it lacks in durability. Aluminum tends to be flexible and easy to break. - Stainless steel tends to be a much better material; it is resistant against rust and extremely durable. Steel will cost a little bit more but it tends to worthwhile when you factor how long it will last. - Tags can vary pretty dramatically in price. The average unit tends to be under thirty dollars. However, it is also very possible to find options that cost $30 or even more. - Is it worthwhile to spend a bunch? You’ll ultimately have to be the judge of that. - However, there usually is not a compelling reason to spend more than $10 on a high-quality tag. Did one of our dog tag reviews simplify your decision? If you’ve decided on a product already, more power to you. For those of us that are still struggling with the decision though, there are a couple of recommendations to keep in mind. Buyers that gravitate towards the best of the best will probably favor the GoTags Stainless Steel Pet ID Tags. It’s a high-quality tag that should last you for a very long time. However, you can also get a pretty great deal on a value option such as our runner up the Dr. Fremont’s Pet ID Tag.
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It’s almost FRYday and the smell of burning rubber is going to be the cologne of choice when the gates open at Hidden Valley Drag Strip this Friday from 6pm. Hogs Breath Cafe presents the John Sorensen Memorial in memory of Beat the Heat’s late crew chief. “John was an active member of the Beat the Heat and HVDRA management committees for a number of years and his passion for providing enthusiasts a safe, legal place to explore their vehicles shone through his work on The Heat” said HVDRA President Jay Jukes. “The same vehicle still runs today and you too can race The Heat this Friday night.” A bevy of cash and prizes are up for grabs including $400 cash for the first perfect reaction, or you can simply have a run to see how quick your car really is. Hogs Breath Cafe are proudly sponsoring the Mini Eliminator so you can get a taste of handicapped dial-in racing and win some great Hogs Breath prizes. It doesn’t matter how fast your vehicle is, it all comes down to drive consistency. If straight line racing isn’t your thing the Colosseum is just sitting there waiting for you to punish those tyres in a smoke infested burnout from 9pm. You can even take passengers! Get down to Hidden Valley Drag Strip this Friday night for the Hogs Breath Cafe John Sorensen Memorial. Hogs Breath Cafe John Sorensen Memorial Beat the Heat Off Street Series Friday 15 July 2011 Gates open 6pm Off Street Racing from 7pm Burnouts at 9pm Competitors from $35 Photos by www.highrpm.com.au
When travelling for business or pleasure hangers in hotel rooms are either not very good, not easy to move as they are fixed to the rail, or sometimes in many budget hotels none existent. If you wish to go away and need to hang your clothes up then inflatable travel hangers are a great way to easily pack them in your case when you travel without taking up too much space. Inflatable hangers for travel and laundry are a must for business suits or evening dresses that cannot be folded without creasing. Best Inflatable Travel Hangers We round up the best inflatable travel hangers that are worth buying. Travelon Set of 2 Inflatable Hangers With a platic hook these are 3 inches high by 7 inches wide once inflated. They allow you to hang your dress or jacket on, there is a part for trousers and pants to be hung and hooks at the bottom to hold delicate items. These hangers allow you to easily hang up any garment be it a jacket, trousers or a dress to instance. The plastic vinyl material of these hangers make them ideal for wet and dry clothes to be hung on them. Each set includes two inflatable hangers which are quick and easy to inflate. The hanger uses a one way valve, so you need to squeeze the bottom of the valve to open allowing you to easily inflate by blowing in. To deflate just squeeze the valve to open and all the air will come out. DeluxeComfort Hotel Laundry White Inflatable Hangers These DeluxeComfort CHIF-002-01 Hotel Laundry White Inflatable Hangers come in a pack or 2 and are a chunky inflatable hanger ideal for hanging cloths and jackets. Unlike the previous hangers there is no slot of trousers or hanging clips, these are suited for just travel suits and dresses, jumpers and jackets. With rounded edges they prevent ‘hanger crease’ at the shoulders. They are a perfect travel accessory, fitting neatly in your luggage when deflated. The chunky natures of these track hangers helps separate the front of the garment from the back, improving air-flow for faster drying. Boli Inflatable hangers Inflatable Travel & Laundry Hangers A similar design to the Set of 2 Inflatable Hangers DeluxeComfort Hotel Laundry White Inflatable Hangers, these are suitable for wet or dry garments. They have chunky Rounded Edges That Prevent ‘Hanger Crease’ At The Shoulder. Fitting neatly and easily into your luggage once deflated makes it easy to take many of these hangers with you when travelling. The width of these hangers makes it easy to dry clothes as they allow air flow through the front and back of the garment when hung up. About the author: Chris loves the outdoors and has developed a love of gadgets and inflatable toys, from kayaking and paddle boarding to relaxing in his hot tub at home. The founder of WhichInflatable and has been the editor for 7 years.
The ongoing conflict within the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Israel-Lebanon border being fought between the country of Israel and Palestine’s militant group, Hamas, has shown no signs of stopping anytime soon. The conflict between the two countries originally began on Oct. 7, 2023, when the Hamas-led Palestinian militant movement launched an attack targeting Southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. This unexpected barrage included the force of missiles as well as an approximate 3000 Hamas militants invading the border between Gaza and Israel. As an effect of the attack on the border by Hamas militants, it has been predicted that more than 800 Israeli civilians and around 200 soldiers have been killed from this incident alone. It has also been estimated nearly 240 Israeli citizens and foreign nationals were taken by Hamas militants as captives or hostages to the Gaza Strip. Hamas leaders have since made public their reasons for launching said invasion, stating that the attack was a result of a long building anger for Israeli policy. More specifically the Israeli occupation, restrictions on the movements of Palestinians as well as the blockage of the Gaza Strip. USD coordinator for international studies and political science professor Timothy Scorn gave his explanation for Hamas’ reference to the The Gaza Strip. “The Gaza Strip has essentially been an open-air prison for decades. People are rarely allowed in or out, products of any kind are limited when going in, the only airport and seaport have been destroyed by the Israelis, and the poverty and unemployment levels are very high,” Schorn said. “Unfortunately, the convergence of all of this enables extremists and that’s exactly what happened. A person can understand all of this without approving of Hamas’ attacks.” After the attack on the border of both Palestine and Israel, the Israeli military responded by conducting extensive airstrikes as an attempt to run Hamas militants out of the country. This counterattack consisted of a bombing campaign that included a total of 6000 bombs to be dropped onto targets located within Gaza causing substantial damage to the city as well as creating an emergency humanitarian crisis. The lives of Gazan citizens including men, women and children are considerably in extreme danger due to the airstrikes that still continue to take place within the city. Due to these airstrikes, little to no medical assistance is available to those who are still located in Gaza, as well as a short lasting supply of other necessary resources, including food, water and shelter. As the war in Gaza continues to become more and more substantial as the days prolong, Schorn believes an end to this conflict will not be easy, nor likely anytime in the near future. “Conflict can only be resolved when there is real courage and commitment on both sides,” Schorn said. “When either side is hijacked by extremism or is dictated to by extremists from the other side, resolution is unlikely, if not impossible. It is also helpful when there is a truly honest broker from the outside that can help each side navigate the waves and has the moral and political authority to push each side and keep them on track and on task. That is absent here.” Schorn continued to share his insight on what he feels is to come for the survivors in moving forward from this tragic conflict. “Each generation of Israelis and Palestinians carry the scars of conflict and trauma with them. This particular conflict will be the most difficult for Israelis since the 1973 war,” Schorn said “For Palestinians, Gazans expect to be bombed regularly. The children on both sides will not know normal for some time, especially in Gaza.” However, this does not necessarily mean that there is no hope to come from these conflicts, as many organizations are working both internally and externally to offer support to those currently facing the confinements of this war. “The two organizations that I have the most faith in are the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. They are certainly in need of assistance and certainly the Red Cross operates on both sides,” Schorn said. For more information regarding ways to help aid to those facing constraints caused by the war between Israel and Hamas, visit https://www.redcross.org.
If you live in a city that receives high rainfall and intense thunderstorms all year long, regular roof maintenance is crucial. Worrying about water leaks and property damage can make you go crazy with worry! But frequent roof repairs ensure your relaxed and good night’s sleep even as the skies pour. 4 Tips To Protect Your Roof From Stormy Weather Instead of panicking afterward and spending a lot more to overcome damages, it’s better that you start today. Be it windy, snowy, or rainy, have a roof that makes through it all. Here are four vital tips to help you prepare your roof for a storm. - Clear The Gutters A crucial way to protect your roof is by keeping your gutters clean. Clogged drains can become even more challenging during rainy seasons or as windy times approach. If your gutters are frequently blocking, you should check for the causes. It may be due to debris from your roof that is gathering up. In that case, you need to plan for roof repairs right away, or else you might need to go for roof replacements and spend a lot more! Also, did you know that stormy weather can cause even more debris and sediments to enter your gutter? That’s why you must have clear gutters before the stormy season to avoid further blockages. - Trim The Plantation Tress and even smaller plants around your home can be significant threats to your roof- and your home. An effective way to protect your roof in stormy weather is by trimming the plantation. You can check for the old trees with weak roots. These roots face higher chances of falling due to high winds and damaging your roofs. Bad weather means everything is unpredictable. That is why you must minimize the risks of trees or branches falling anywhere near your roof. Even a few tree trunks that you thought were harmless enough can destroy your home’s windows or doors. Therefore, it’s best to maintain a distance of at least seven feet between your roof and tree trunks. That way, even if your trees or a few limbs end up falling, they don’t crack your roofing and pile up debris and leaves. - Regular Roof Maintenance You can never stress enough on regular roof repairs. That is the best way to prepare your roof for a storm and every possible intense weather. Roof maintenance helps you identify roofing issues that you may have overlooked till now. That helps make your roof as sturdy as possible. Plus, roof maintenance also enables you to prolong the time you need a complete roof replacement. To make the roof repairs as lasting and durable as possible, you should hire experienced professionals. They can inspect the roof, work on the lost shingles, and advise you better on making your roof even more secured for storms. Be it water leaks to moss accumulation. Skilled roofing experts are the safest option to carry out thorough roof repairs. - Go For Roof Replacement If you think that your roof damages can not be solved through regular maintenance, plan for roof replacements right away. You may need a roof replacement for several reasons. You may have ignored the routine roof repairs for quite some time. So, the moss may have destroyed parts of your roof beyond savior. Or you may not have changed the roofing for an extended time, more than a decade or so. Metal roofing is the most sustainable option that lasts for more than 15 years. But if it’s been close to 20 years since the last roof replacement, regular roof repairs are not enough. Prepare your roof for a storm better by installing a new roof altogether. Roof replacements are long-term investments that save you from the expenses of frequent roof repairs. Plus, they maximize your roof’s safety to endure intense stormy weather even more. Secure The Roof Today! Do you live in Florida and are looking for a reliable Hollywood roofer, FL? The J & K Roofing, Inc. is an ideal pick! The business works to offer high-quality residential and commercial roofing and repairs to ensure your roofs remain strong in bad weather. You can reach out to the professionals by emailing at firstname.lastname@example.org or calling at (954) 961-9879. You can visit their onsite facility at 2010 Sherman Street, Hollywood, FL 33020 as well. For further details, you can also visit their website https://jkroofinginc.com/ and schedule free quotes at https://jkroofinginc.com/contact-us/. You can enter your contact details and your queries or messages on the online forms available on the page. That helps the team in getting back to you at the earliest time possible. If you think your house needs roof replacement or quality roof repairs, it’s best to get it done before the stormy season hits! That way, you protect your home and yourself from the intense weather and unwanted hassles.
By Nicola Field Nicola Field is a personal finance writer with 20 years of industry experience. A former chartered accountant, who holds a Master of Education degree, Nicola delivers expert, commonsense commentary as a regular contributor to Money Magazine and Canstar. The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is complex and often confusing, and this creates plenty of scope for families to miss out. The good news is that six simple steps can help you make the most of the CCS. 1. Register early If you’re planning to use child care for the first time in 2021, it pays to register for CCS early – preferably before your child starts in care. Set up a myGov account, enrol in CCS, and when you find the provider that’s right for you and your child, give them a screenshot of your myGov page. This lets your provider know how much CCS you’re entitled to, and starts the ball rolling sooner. The longer you delay, the more you could miss out – claims can only be backdated by a maximum of 28 days. 2. Confirm your income in time If you are already receiving the CCS, you will need to confirm your family’s income for both the 2018-19 and 2019-20 financial years by 31 March, 2021. This can be done by either lodging a tax return or reporting your income to Services Australia. If this is not done by the deadline, your CCS will stop, and you will be charged full fees until the task is sorted. This is very much worth taking care of before 31 March, as it can have significant consquences on your financial situation should you need to pay full fees. Additionally, if you do complete the task after 31 March, you will have your CCS reinstated but not receive a repayment for that period of time in which you paid full fees. 3. Consider flexible hours Be sure that you are only paying for care you use. Some child care centres are open 12 hours daily, but your child may only be in care from 8am to 4pm daily – that’s 80 hours each fortnight. Yet you could be billed for 120 hours. As CCS only covers a maximum of 100 hours of care fortnightly, this can mean facing significant out of pocket costs for time you’re not using. The solution can be to look for a care provider offering flexible hours. Kinder Haven centres offer a choice of 9-hour, 10-hour or full day options. Picking the option that best matches the hours of care you use, can reduce your out of pocket costs, and still provide wiggle room to claim additional CCS hours if needed. 4. Watch the fee gap Selecting the type of care and provider that’s best suited to your child is always a priority. However, it also pays to be mindful of fees. While the CCS sets a maximum hourly rate of $12.20 for centre-based care, child care centres can charge more. When that happens, the difference comes straight out of your pocket. It turns out, plenty of parents could be paying above the CCS cap. The latest figures from the Department of Education, Skills and Training show that in Sydney’s eastern and northern suburbs, up to 95% of child care centres charge an hourly rate above the cap. It’s a similar story in inner Melbourne, where up to 70% of centres charge more than $12.20 per hour. This makes it important to shop around and compare the hourly fee charged by different centres. Looking for a provider with hourly fees at or below the CCS upper limit can mean pocketing valuable savings on the cost of care. 5. Rethink a pay rise When you’re raising a family, a pay rise is always welcome. But it may not work in your favour if you’re sitting close to the CCS income thresholds. Let’s say for instance, that Pete and Deb earn combined annual income of $69,300. At that rate, the family is entitled to have up to 85% of their child care costs subsidised. The catch is that their household income is just $91 shy of the next CCS income bracket, where the subsidy can fall to as little as 50% of their child care costs. If this sounds like you, think about speaking with the boss about substituting a pay rise for non-monetary benefits. According to recruitment firm Robert Half , 64% of companies have started offering new employee benefits in response to COVID, and the most popular options include employee wellness programs, additional paid leave, and flexible work hours. Having an extra week tacked onto your annual leave for instance, could be more valuable for you as a family than a salary uptick. 6. Include every hour of ‘approved activity’ Work, study, job hunting and volunteering are among the ‘approved activities’ eligible for subsidised child care. Don’t forget though, you may also be able to claim travel time as part of your CCS activities. By way of example, let’s say Vicki has a toddler who attends child care four days each fortnight. The child care service is a 30-minute drive from Vicki’s workplace meaning she faces four hours of travel time each fortnight. That’s an extra four hours that Vicki can add to her approved activities each fortnight. The key take out is that with some upfront planning, it can be possible to give your child the best of care, while also making the most of every saving the CCS has to offer. Need assistance with working out how to maximise your Child Care Subsidy? Our Family Support Team is ready to help – contact them on 1800 314 517. Alternatively, click here to find our Child Care Subsidy guide. Please note that information provided in this article is general in nature and does not constitute financial advice. Before making any decisions, families should take into account their individual circumstances and consult with their professional advisors.
You can now maintain your diabetes in check with a diabetes homecare kit. It is considered one of its kind management packages to empower and educate humans on their fitness conditions. With easy accessibility, every body can test their blood sugar at any time of the day and get instantaneous effects without hassle. This means that one health mag not ought to get their sugar check or get a prescription from a doctor for their assessments. With this innovation, all of us can constantly see wherein their blood sugar level stands and act on it. AccuSure glucometer brings all of the key factors to keep your diabetes in test on the comfort of your house. Benefits of Tracking Blood Glucose: By checking your glucose ranges every day, you can examine how your habitual impacts your sugar tiers. You also can find out what meals, pastime, and remedy assist along with your diabetes. A blood sugar take a look at machine will assist you keep tune of any improvement, or in case your blood glucose worsens, you could plan your appointment with a health practitioner. A glucometer is the most generally used device to check sugar levels. It is transportable and requires just a drop of blood out of your fingertip for the check. It gives the consequences in a few seconds. A lancet pricks the pores and skin gently to obtain a bit quantity of blood. The digital meter will then reflect the cutting-edge sugar degree. You must record the consequences every time you’re taking a test. With a regular blood glucose take a look at, you could pick out if the extent has increased or reduced, each of which could cause signs or health problems. A physician determines what range of your sugar is based totally on factors like your age, type of diabetes, health troubles, typical health, etc.; your process is to preserve your blood sugar degrees within the ordinary spectrum. Anything beneath or above the normal goal can reason health troubles. A sugar test device comes in very on hand to frequently take a look at your blood sugar levels
This page contains affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if a reader clicks through and makes a purchase. All our articles and reviews are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. Here's an easy guide to the first weaning foods to give to your baby. It's important to know what foods they can and can't have by age. We have lots more information on weaning and easy recipes to get you started. - It's advised that you wait until your child is six months old before you introduce solids. You need to assess carefully whether your child genuinely needs solids earlier than 6 months. - Click here for more information on when to wean. - If you’re unsure, speak to your health visitor. 6 to 9 months: - See our food allergies and intolerances pages for more information on why it is important to delay the introduction of certain foods. - You can find information from the FSA about peanut allergy, and introducing nuts to your child's diet here. 9 to 12 months: - See our toddler food page for more ideas. - Baby Rice - Basic fruit and vegetable purees Note: babies can digest yellow/orange vegetables more easily than green vegetables initially. - Fruits and vegetables - Oats and other gluten foods. Avoid very high fibre foods though - Cooked eggs - Peanut butter and ground nuts (only if no history of allergies in family and not whole nuts as they’re a choking hazard) - Meat (including beef, pork and lamb) - Cheese and cow's milk for cooking - Eggs – recent advice from the Food Standards Agency says runny eggs are fine to for your baby to eat, as long as they carry the British Lion Mark, because this means they're at low risk of salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning. All other types of eggs must be eaten thoroughly cooked, so do this if you're unsure. Note: It’s best to start giving mild tasting chicken and white fish before introducing the stronger flavours of beef or lamb. While cow’s milk is suitable for cooking, it shouldn’t replace breast or formula milk as a drink until your child is 12 months old as it is too high in salt and protein and too low in iron and other vitamins. - As above - Finger foods and bigger lumps - Gluten (avoid wheat, rye and barley-based foods e.g. bread, flour, pasta, some breakfast cereals, rusks and oats.) - Fish or shellfish - Soya-based products - Cows, goats and sheep's milk - Soft and unpasteurised cheeses - Chicken or meat - Shark, swordfish or marlin (due to high mercury levels) - Goats and sheep's milk - Mould ripened soft cheeses - Raw or lightly cooked eggs - Sugary foods and drinks (these can encourage a sweet tooth and lead to tooth decay when your baby’s teeth start to come through. Only add sugar to foods if it’s really necessary. Sweet puddings, biscuits, sweets and ice creams are not recommended.) - As above Our health visitors and nursery nurses are online Monday to Friday evenings to answer your queries on feeding, sleep and child health.
Bikram Choudhury is a name that has left its mark on the world of yoga. This guru is known for creating Bikram Yoga, a hot yoga discipline that has gained popularity around the world. In this blog post, we will explore the life of Bikram Choudhury, his contributions to the yoga world, as well as the issues that have clouded his reputation and what the latest announcements are from him in 2023. Who is the guru Bikram Choudhury? - Bikram Choudhury was born on February 10, 1946 in Calcutta, India. - He began practicing yoga at a young age with his teacher, Bishnu Ghosh, the brother of the famous yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda. - Bikram learned various forms of yoga, including Hatha Yoga and Raj Yoga, under the tutelage of Ghosh. - At the age of 17, Bikram began teaching yoga and developed his own method of yoga, which he called “Bikram Yoga”. - Bikram Choudhury began teaching yoga at an early age and quickly developed a passion for this age-old discipline. - He continued his studies in India and studied various forms of yoga, including Hatha Yoga and Raj Yoga. - It was under his guidance that he perfected his technique and began teaching yoga at the age of only 17. - Guru Bikram then created his own method of yoga, which became popular under the name “Bikram Yoga”. - His unique method of hot yoga, practiced in a room heated to 40 degrees, has become famous for its therapeutic benefits to the body and mind. - Although controversial due to legal issues, Bikram is considered one of the most influential yoga masters of our time, having trained thousands of yoga teachers and inspired millions of practitioners to adopt a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. What is Bikram Yoga? - Bikram Yoga is a hot yoga discipline, composed of a series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises. - This method is practiced in a room heated to about 40 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 40%. - This heat is supposed to help practitioners stretch their muscles more easily and eliminate toxins from the body. - The Bikram method quickly gained popularity, especially in the United States, where Bikram established itself in the 1970s. - In 1974, he opened his first yoga studio in Beverly Hills, California. - Since then, thousands of Bikram yoga studios have been opened in many countries. - Lu guru Bikram Choudhury has also trained thousands of Bikram yoga instructors. - However, trainings are expensive and are often reserved for people who already have an advanced level of yoga. - This exclusivity has led to criticism that the Bikram guru is simply trying to make money with his yoga. Bikram Yoga is also known for its specific postures, which are performed in a specific order to maximize the physical and mental benefits. These include Tree Pose, Eagle Pose, Warrior Pose, Cobra Pose, Locust Pose, Bow Pose, and many more. Each of these postures is designed to work a specific muscle group while improving flexibility, balance and overall strength. Despite the controversies surrounding the founder and guru of Bikram Yoga, this technique continues to gain popularity because of its benefits for the body and mind. Guru Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga, was once considered one of the most influential yoga teachers of our time. In 2006, he was named one of the “100 most influential people” by Time magazine . However, despite its growing popularity, Bikram has been involved in several scandals that have tarnished its reputation. In 2013, six women filed complaints against Bikram Choudhury, accusing him of sexual assault. They claimed that Bikram forced them to do him sexual favors and used racist and homophobic slurs. This scandal led to a wave of criticism and boycotts against Bikram Yoga. The case began in 2013, when Minakshi “Miki” Jafa-Bodden, the former attorney for the Bikram Yoga guru, filed a complaint against Bikram Choudhury, alleging that she was physically assaulted during her employment with Bikram Yoga. She said she was fired after she tried to report Choudhury’s behavior. In 2016, he was ordered to pay her more than $6.5 million. Since the affair, Bikram Choudhury’s name has been tainted by allegations of misconduct and legal problems. Many Bikram Yoga franchises have stopped using the name Bikram, preferring to simply use the term “hot yoga”. Many Bikram yoga studios have also stopped using the name “Bikram” and renamed their technique “hot yoga” to avoid any association with the controversial founder. Although Bikram yoga is still taught in some studios, Bikram Choudhury’s reputation has been tarnished by allegations and inappropriate behavior. Many people have chosen to turn to other types of yoga, and many studios have adopted more gender and culturally inclusive techniques. However, Bikram Yoga continues to be practiced everywhere, and many practitioners claim that Choudhury’s method has helped them heal from various illnesses and regain better mental and physical health. The ethical issues surrounding Choudhury’s conduct have prompted many practitioners to seek other methods of hot yoga, or even to abandon Bikram Yoga altogether. The Yoga Empire by Bikram Choudhury: An Announcement and its Consequences In May 2022, the yoga community was rocked by an announcement. Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga and a guru to many, has been ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages to his former lawyer, Minakshi Jafa-Bodden. She had accused Choudhury of harassment and wrongful termination, and after a long court battle, a jury found in her favor. Choudhury’s yoga empire, which had once traveled the world with studios in Beverly Hills, Vancouver and elsewhere, was now in ruins. Her videos and images have been removed from social media, and her name has become a cautionary tale in the yoga community. For many, this had been happening for a long time. Choudhury had been accused of assault by several practitioners and teachers over the years, and his extreme brand of “hot yoga” was already controversial in the sport. But for others, the fall of Choudhury was a devastating blow. His yoga technique had changed their lives, and his Bikram Yoga College in India had been a site of pilgrimage for many. Bishnu, Choudhury’s own guru, had developed the hatha yoga that Choudhury would later make famous. Now the yoga community was faced with the consequences of Choudhury’s actions. Carla Minnard, Jafa-Bodden’s lawyer, has become an ardent feminist who has been persecuted in the yoga industry. Jill Lawler, a yoga teacher in Vancouver, spoke out against the extreme nature of Bikram’s technique and the culture of silence that had allowed its abuse to go unpunished for so long. The Marriott Parq in Vancouver, Canada, which had hosted a Bikram Yoga studio, has withdrawn all association with Choudhury and his technique. And in Los Angeles, Raquel Welch, a former student of Choudhury’s, spoke out against him in a Netflix documentary that chronicled his downfall. Ultimately, the announcement and its aftermath served as a wake-up call for the yoga community. The industry has been forced to confront its own complicity in allowing abusive gurus like Choudhury to thrive. And while his technique may have been extreme, the lessons learned from his fall were invaluable. The yoga community would never be the same. The latest news from Bikram Guru in 2023: In February 2023, the controversial founder of Bikram Yoga, Bikram Choudhury, announced his return to Vancouver, where he was to lead a yoga workshop. However, a petition on change.org was launched against her presence on Canadian soil, prompting a response from several yoga teachers and opponents, including Choudhury’s former legal director’s lawyer, Carla Minnard. Thanks to agreements between the United States and Canada, Bikram Choudhury was facing extradition to the California courts if he came to Vancouver. Finally, a few days before the seminar, the Canadian Yoga Sport Federation announced that the event would be “rescheduled” due to “scheduling conflicts”. What other gurus in the yoga world have been suspected of similar acts? There have been several allegations of abuse in the yoga world, including against well-known gurus and teachers. Some of the more high-profile cases include: - Kausthub Desikachar: the son of TKV Desikachar, a famous Indian yoga master, has been accused by several women of sexual abuse, harassment and financial exploitation. He was dismissed from the Krishnamacharya Institute in Chennai in 2012 because of these allegations. - Amrit Desai: the founder of the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in the United States stepped down in 1994 after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward students. - Swami Satyananda Saraswati: the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga has been accused by several female practitioners of sexual abuse. He resigned as director in 1993 because of these allegations. - Swami Rama: the founder of the Himalayan Institute in the United States has been accused of sexual abuse by several female yoga teachers who worked with him. Conclusion: a controversial guru whose practice is still in vogue It is important to note that these cases of abuse are rare in the world of yoga and that the vast majority of yoga teachers are respectful and dedicated professionals to their practice and to their students in the studios and gyms where they teach. Guru Bikram Choudhury, the controversial founder of hot yoga, has left his mark on the yoga world with his Bikram Yoga method. Although he was trained by Bishnu Ghosh and began teaching yoga at the age of 17, Bikram Guru developed his own method, which gained popularity throughout despite his legal problems. Bikram Yoga Guru studios are located in places like Beverly Hills and Richard’s Sports Center, offering practitioners the opportunity to attend professional workshops and trainings to deepen their realization of the postures, following videos and body images under the guidance of qualified instructors like David, while enjoying the benefits of this challenging technique in a heated and inspiring room. Although Bikram’s reputation has been tarnished by scandals, including allegations of sexual assault, he is considered one of the most influential yoga masters of our time, having trained thousands of yoga teachers and inspired millions of practitioners to adopt a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. The Bikram Guru method continues to grow in popularity because of its benefits to the body and mind. Discover the whole philosophy of yoga in our survey articles here .
October 28, 2020 There has been plenty of excitement and anticipation surrounding recent news of Canada’s re-opening. We have a variety of important and exciting announcements to share, including fantastic new programs, university pathway partner updates, support for students entering Canada, and more. Read on for the latest news! NEW Digital Marketing Programs at Greystone College Canada Everyone knows, if you want to be a successful business or organization in this day and age, you need a strong online presence and a well-executed digital marketing strategy. Greystone College Vancouver and Toronto are launching a NEW suite of Digital Marketing Diplomas to give students the in-demand skills needed to be successful in the digital marketing field. Check out our new programs and get ready for our first intake on February 15th, 2021! Also, our popular Diploma in Business Communications Academic and Co-op programs will be available in the evening schedule at Greystone College Toronto as of January 4th, 2021. New Full-Time Afternoon Schedule starting 2021 We wanted to remind you about exciting updates to our ILSC Language Schools schedules in Canada. Starting in 2021 schedules will have earlier start and end times, and we’ll be offering a completely new Full-Time Afternoon Schedule. Online Greystone College Canada Programs Availability Extended Our Greystone College Canada campuses in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montréal reopened earlier this month using a hybrid in-class/online program delivery. However, students from around the world can continue starting our Canada programs ONLINE* from abroad, and transfer to an in-class/hybrid program when they are able to travel. Online delivery is available until the end of July 2021 in Toronto, the end of March, 2021 in Vancouver, and the end of 2020 in Montréal. Greystone College Canada programs are delivered using interactive simulcasting technology that connects our online students into the live classroom and allows students to interact together and fully participate, no matter where they are in the world! * Students must complete at least 50% of their program in Canada. * A study permit is required to take the online option. Coming to Canada: Quarantine Accommodation Packages We’re very excited to start welcoming students back to Collège Greystone Montréal, and to ILSC and Greystone College Vancouver. We’d like to remind you again about our Quarantine Accommodation Packages created to ensure students meet IRCC entry requirements and stay safe, healthy, and supported during their 14-day quarantine. We are confident that our Toronto schools will shortly appear on the DLI list and are looking forward to receiving your enrolments to all our schools in Canada. New University Pathway Partners & Updates Our selection of reputable college, TAFE and university partners is continually growing! We’ve recently added some exciting new partners and expanded some agreements to offer more higher education pathways and advanced standing opportunities for our ILSC and Greystone College students. New or expanded partnerships include: - Yorkville University (Canada): Expanded transfer credit eligibility for Greystone College students - Capilano University (Canada): Expanded transfer credit eligibility for Greystone College students - Selkirk College (Canada): NEW University Pathway partner, Canada Adjustments to Payment Processes for ILSC & Greystone College In order to streamline and harmonize our systems across our programs in Canada we are making some revisions to our payment processes. As of November 2nd, we will be kindly requesting payment of a non-refundable registration fee for all enrollments. The non-refundable registration fee is currently $150 at ILSC and Greystone College Canada. Should you have any queries about this process please contact your designated sales representative. We are continually adapting our program delivery and innovating in order to offer dynamic, transformative, and safe learning opportunities across our ILSC and Greystone College Schools. We look forward to welcoming new students from around the world at our campuses, or through our ongoing online programs. Chris Nolan - VP, Sales and Marketing Christopher Mediratta - Chief Operating Officer
Most humans spend 90% of their time indoors, this is why indoor air quality nowadays is most important topic. Polluted air has a changed composition, due to smoke, soot, dust, aerosols, fumes and odorous substances. All these additional air particles are breathed in by us daily. Our natural filters are the mucous membranes in our noses and throats. They can take up particles up to a size of 5 micro metres and therefore protect our lungs from the inhaled particles. Pollen, for example, has a size of 10-100 micro metres. But unfortunately many of the particles in the air are much smaller than 5 micro metres.
How to Get a New Relationship Off to a Good Start If you’re looking for tips to get your relationship off to a great start, you’ve come to the right spot. Here’s what you need to be aware of setting realistic expectations, avoiding red flags, and taking things one step at each step. These tips will make it easier to find the perfect partner for you, if you’ve been struggling with relationships. You’ll be on the way to finding the perfect partner in no time! Setting realistic expectations It can be tempting to set unrealistic expectations for a partner. It’s tempting to set unrealistic expectations for your partner. In the end, no one is perfect so why would you attempt to live to such high standards. In real life setting realistic expectations can help to build trust and understanding, which helps you both be happier in the relationship. If you are able to set realistic expectations for a partner, you can avoid misunderstandings and bad treatment. Here are some tips to set realistic expectations. Remember that every situation is not the same. Be aware of the negative effects that unrealistic expectations can have on your life. If you don’t meet your expectations, you could feel anxious and jealous of other relationships. Healthy expectations are expectations that are reasonable and can be modified as the relationship develops. For example, you should not expect your partner to be the source of all your happiness, or to think the same way about you. Also, don’t try to make your partner perfect that is a lie. Remember that perfection is the enemy of good, which is why you should always be patient and open to new experiences. Avoid warning signs There are a myriad of red flags to be aware of before beginning a relationship. They aren’t necessarily sign of a break-up or things to be avoided, but they are the ones that should put you on alert. The red flags aren’t evident and can range from one-time annoying habits to a pattern of bad behavior. It is not a good idea to ignore minor red flags. However, it’s crucial to spot them early so you can avoid having a bad relationship later on. Controlling behavior: Controlling behavior is a huge red flag to watch out for. Controlling behavior could mean controlling where you go and how much you spend. Broken communication lines are another warning indicator. Good communication is crucial for relationships to last. So, how do you spot these red flags? Continue reading to find out more about red flags that can be detected in a relationship. Being honest with your partner Being honest with your partner is an essential to any relationship. Some issues can arise during the beginning of a relationship, whereas others might come up later. Discuss what each requires, and try to be patient. If you don’t want your partner try to find a common ground between the two of you. Don’t be embarrassed having to give an explanation for something you said or did. Trust between you and your partner can be built through honesty. Your relationship can be improved by being honest with your partner. Your partner may be more open to discuss your issues. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are unhappy. It could just be a sign they are not comfortable talking with you. It’s crucial to allow your partner the space and time to talk. If you try to press your partner into sharing their thoughts, you might not get the results you need. Take it one step at a time You can make a new relationship work by taking it slow and allowing it to grow naturally. While new relationships can be exciting, they can also lead to a person neglecting their routines, hobbies, or social life. This trap is dangerous! Start small and gradually progress to more intimate aspects of your relationship. Meet your partner While you aren’t able to ask your partner questions however, you can ask them specific questions in order to gain a deeper understanding. By asking questions about your partner’s childhood, their interests, and habits, you can help improve your relationship. These questions can also lead to some interesting conversations and reveal your new partner’s personality and quirks. You can also ask your partner about your interests, even if you don’t have any questions. Whatever the subject regardless of the topic, remember that you’re two people with distinct personality types. Your partner is probably going to have different beliefs and values in their lives, and it’s crucial to be aware of and respect those differences before embarking on an affair. This is particularly crucial when you’re beginning an unplanned relationship. You can learn from their mistakes and be better able to understand if they are unable to change.
The Ginkgo Biloba, millenary Asian tree, ancient and immortal, living even before dinosaurs, sheds every autumn a breathtaking ocean of golden leaves. Evoking their slow and peaceful falling, this strap is engraved of those beautiful yellow leaves enlightened in gentle gold on the sobriety and elegance of a black leather watch strap. Ginkgo leaves Leather Watch Strap ▪ Handmade with high quality leather to last a lifetime! ▪ Completely tooled, sewn and dyed by hand ▪ Premium leather watch strap of 26 mm wide (1") ▪ Adaptable to all sizes: The width of the leather strap will remain 26 mm (1") but the end part going into the watch will be adjusted to the width required for your watch! (Watch not included)
Jai and the Lunar New Year Did you know the Lunar New Year celebration starts on LNY Eve and lasts 16 days? I recently learned about a vegetarian dish called jai. It originated in China. It’s usually eaten during the Lunar New Year to bring good luck. In Chinese culture, jai is similar to the Japanese mochi soup, ōzoni, that my family and I eat on the first of the year. Eating Jai during the Lunar New Year My aunt’s friend made and shared homemade jai with her during the first week of the Lunar New Year. I was so excited to try it. I never had it before. For a long time, I had associated jai with jook, a Chinese rice porridge. I was so wrong! Jai is nothing like jook. Not even close! It’s a vegetarian stew, similar to nishime, a Japanese stew eaten during New Year’s. The jai was delicious. I ate it over several days. I savored it as much as I could. It was interesting trying the different types of mushrooms; some I’ve never seen before. My favorite was the wood ear mushroom. Yum! The texture was crunchy. Like ōzoni, there are different ways to make jai. I plan to make my version, if not this LNY, next. Here’s a recipe that resembled my auntie’s friend’s jai. Jai is known as “Monk’s food” or “Buddha’s Delight.” The tradition is based on an ancient Buddhist theory that a vegetarian diet for the first five days of the new year purifies the body. Moreover, a vegetarian diet protects animals from harm. “Hope You Get Rich!” In my featured image, there’s a “hope you get rich” lai see or the lucky red envelope next to the jai dish. I purchased a pack of those envelopes when I saw actor and comedian Ronny Chieng in late 2021 at the Hawai’i Theatre. This is a clip of the real meaning behind “Gong Xi Fa Cai” in Mandarin and “Gong Hei Fat Choy” in Cantonese. Ronny is hilarious! I pray that this year brings a lot of solace and peace. Our world and its people would greatly appreciate this. Nakamoto, M. (2018). Make jai for chinese new year. Retrieved: https://islandscene.com/make-jai-for-chinese-new-year
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Please enjoy this transcript of my interview with Sebastian Junger (@sebastianjunger), the New York Times bestselling author of Tribe, War, A Death in Belmont, Fire, and The Perfect Storm, and codirector of the documentary film Restrepo, which was nominated for an Academy Award. He is also the winner of a Peabody Award and the National Magazine Award for Reporting. He’s based in New York City and Cape Cod. His newest book is titled Freedom. For more Sebastian, you can find our first conversation from 2016 at tim.blog/sebastian. Transcripts may contain a few typos. With some episodes lasting 2+ hours, it can be difficult to catch minor errors. Enjoy! DUE TO SOME HEADACHES IN THE PAST, PLEASE NOTE LEGAL CONDITIONS: Tim Ferriss owns the copyright in and to all content in and transcripts of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast, with all rights reserved, as well as his right of publicity. WHAT YOU’RE WELCOME TO DO: You are welcome to share the below transcript (up to 500 words but not more) in media articles (e.g., The New York Times, LA Times, The Guardian), on your personal website, in a non-commercial article or blog post (e.g., Medium), and/or on a personal social media account for non-commercial purposes, provided that you include attribution to “The Tim Ferriss Show” and link back to the tim.blog/podcast URL. For the sake of clarity, media outlets with advertising models are permitted to use excerpts from the transcript per the above. WHAT IS NOT ALLOWED: No one is authorized to copy any portion of the podcast content or use Tim Ferriss’ name, image or likeness for any commercial purpose or use, including without limitation inclusion in any books, e-books, book summaries or synopses, or on a commercial website or social media site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) that offers or promotes your or another’s products or services. For the sake of clarity, media outlets are permitted to use photos of Tim Ferriss from the media room on tim.blog or (obviously) license photos of Tim Ferriss from Getty Images, etc. Tim Ferriss: Hello, boys and girls, ladies and germs. This is Tim Ferriss. Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show. I’m very excited about this episode. I’m going to keep my preamble short. My guest today is a repeat guest, one of my favorite guests, Sebastian Junger on Twitter @SebastianJunger. That’s J-U-N-G-E-R. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Tribe, War, A Death in Belmont, Fire, and The Perfect Storm, as well as co-director of the documentary film Restrepo, which was nominated for an Academy Award. He is also the winner of a Peabody award and the National Magazine Award for reporting. He’s based in New York City and Cape Cod. His newest book is titled Freedom. I would give a few fingers to be as concise, as dense, as powerful as he is as a writer. It clocks in at minus the source matter at the back, 133 pages. So it is a fast read and a powerful read. For more Sebastian, you can find our first conversation from 2016. It feels like a thousand years ago at tim.blog/Sebastian. You can find him online, sebastianjunger.com, @SebastianJunger on Twitter, Facebook also Sebastian Junger and then Instagram @Sebastian. You are official. Sebastian, welcome back to the show. Sebastian Junger: Thank you, Tim. It’s a pleasure to be back. Tim Ferriss: A lot has happened since you were last on the show and I cheated as I did last time by having a number of exchanges with our mutual friend, Josh Waitzkin, who is responsible for us first meeting. And I thought I would start with a question that I really have very little context on, but it is about a near death experience that you had not too long ago. And we kept this for this conversation, meaning I didn’t ask you to get into any of the details before we clicked record, but could you please share your experience? Sebastian Junger: Yeah, of course it was a profound event and I’m changed by it and still navigating the new reality that includes quite an awareness of being mortal. I never really understood it before I realized. I spent a lot of my life as a war reporter and I’ve been in situations that could have killed me, but I never expected that to happen at home. I always went somewhere else for my danger, if you will. And I was the in middle of writing my book Freedom. I’m an athlete. I’m very healthy. It never crossed my mind I would ever be in danger on a June afternoon in my own home. And I suddenly felt this bizarre pain in my abdomen. My abdomen was suddenly flooded with pain. Not unbearable pain, but way more than indigestion and I said, “Oh my God, that’s odd. What is that?” And I stood up and I almost fell over. I didn’t know it, but my blood pressure was plummeting. I had an undiagnosed aneurysm in my pancreatic artery, pretty rare. It was a congenital defect in one ligament that was pressing down on my celiac artery and it created a blockage. It was an aneurysm. This developed over decades apparently, and just one beautiful June afternoon on Cape Cod the artery ruptured and I started bleeding out into my own abdomen. It took them an hour and a half to get me to the hospital. I started to go blind. A lot of other unpleasant things happened to my body. I didn’t know I was dying, but by the time they got me to the hospital, I’d lost 90 percent of my blood. I was still conscious. I was very confused. The doctor asked if he could cut my neck open to put a line into one of the big arteries in your neck. I don’t know exactly which one, but if they need to give you a lot of blood fast, they can’t do it through your arm. And I remember being puzzled and I said, “You mean, in case there’s an emergency?” And he said, “This is the emergency right now.” So yeah, I said, “Yeah, do it.” And then that was when I really started dying, like right after I gave the okay, my body started to fail. I could feel it. And I survived. But when I woke up in the ICU the next morning, I mean, all the nurses were like, “No one can believe you’re alive. That was a miracle.” And particularly because I’m a dad now, a new father, that experience completely changed my experience of almost everything. Tim Ferriss: What was it like in the days following that for you? And that could be physically, emotionally, psychologically, anything? Did it take a while for it to set in or was the sort of reset or shock of that experience immediate? Sebastian Junger: In the moment, I didn’t know I was dying, but I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in anything. Right? I mean, anything that you can’t measure or observe. And as was my father, he was a physicist, but as I felt myself getting pulled into this sort of dark pit underneath me, it’s what it felt like, there was no tunnel of light, whatever. I mean, the things you hear. It’s dark and it looks scary and I was getting pulled into it. And right at that moment, they’re working on my neck and they eventually put 10 units of blood into me and that saved me. But right at that moment, my dead father popped up and started talking to me and consoling me, comforting me. It was a long night. I mean, they didn’t really have me safe until about 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. They finally found a leak and plugged it with an embolism, but that took a long time and it was touch and go for a long time. But anyway, the next morning I woke up in the ICU. I threw up a lot of blood and the nurse came in and said, “You almost died last night. Like, you’re an incredibly lucky man.” And that was a shock. I had no idea, but suddenly I remembered my dad and some other things. And all of a sudden it started to sort of make sense. And I was profoundly traumatized by it. It was the safety of the circumstances. I was in my own driveway and the fact that you could be struck down in your own driveway when you least expect it — like bullets are nothing compared to that fear. And so afterwards I got out of the ICU after a few days and my sense of the order of the universe was completely rearranged. I realized nothing, really, nothing is for sure. I mean, I know you can get cancer and you can have a car accident and all that stuff. We all know that, but I didn’t know nothing was for sure moment by moment. That was news to me and it gave me this crazy sort of either an existential crisis or an existential blessing, which is if you can be annihilated at any moment, then it’s each moment that’s precious. And if you don’t experience each moment, you don’t understand how precious each moment is, you are missing out because that’s all you can ever be sure of getting is what’s happening right now. And it put me in this sort of weird Zen way, and I don’t practice Zen either. I mean, I practice nothing except I guess, athletics and suddenly put me in this place of sort of Zen grace, I think, of just being amazed at the fact that any of us exist and that we have children who we can hug and love. At the end of the day, those two things amazed me so profoundly that it was almost hard to function for a while. Tim Ferriss: Hmm. That’s terrifying. And for those who don’t have a bit more color on your athletic background, it’s not like you are elderly and obese. I mean, there are at least no comorbidities that I’m aware of that would have put that on the radar ahead of time, right? I mean, perhaps if you had your whole genome sequenced, you might have spotted something or a possibility. But if my notes are correct in our first conversation, we covered some of your running times and your best time for the mile, was it four minutes, 12 seconds? Something along those lines? And marathon, two hours, 21 minutes. I think about your life, I think about your experiences as a journalist in war-torn countries in some respects, embracing risk. And I’m looking at a quote from your literary agent of 10 plus years ago. I’m not sure if he’s still your agent, but — Sebastian Junger: Yeah, he is. Tim Ferriss: This is Stuart Krichevsky, and the quote is, “What really motivates him,” meaning you, “are things that terrify him.” And certainly, I mean, one doesn’t have to look long at your bio to identify many things that would scare most people. Has the experience, the experience you just described, affected how you think of voluntary risk or has that aspect of your life not changed much? Sebastian Junger: Oh, risk-taking has changed enormously. I think it would have just as a function of getting older and certainly as a function of being a father. I mean, you have kids and you are the custodian of your own life for them. Like, it’s not your life. I mean, it’s not your life. And I’m not saying that you’re a martyr in your parenthood. I’m saying that the highest priority for you as a parent must be to stay alive and to provide a loving environment for them. That’s it. And when you’re a young man, when you’re a young person, because every reason in the world to pursue very, very much your own sort of ego-driven desires and ambitions. I mean, that’s what you should be doing, right? And sometimes those include risk-taking. I’ve taken a lot of risks in my life. I’m not at all a thrill-seeker. So I drive responsibly and I wear a seatbelt and all that, but the risks I’ve taken — I was a high climber for a tree company, so I’d be working 70, 80 feet in the air with a chainsaw taking trees down from the top down. That could be dangerous. I mean, it can be deadly if you make a mistake. And then I did a lot of war reporting and those risks all felt voluntary, but manageable. If you’re smart about it, you are in less danger than if you’re stupid about it. And I felt like I had a sort of handle on the risk, that I had a vote in the outcome. And then I was an athlete my whole life and after I stopped competitive running, in my 50s I started boxing, which is, without exception, the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I mean, as the arrogance of the distance runner, I looked at a boxing ring. “How hard can it be?” Oh, my God, I couldn’t believe it. I mean, getting hit the least of it, right. At any rate, I started boxing at my 55-year-old amateurish level, but it was really good for me. And the doctor said, “Look, if you weren’t in incredible shape, you would have died. Your heart would have stopped. Your kidneys would have failed. Like any other medical issue with you, you would have — it’s a miracle you survived as it is. If you had anything else going on, you wouldn’t be here.” And it made me realize that I was 58, that was the race I’d been training for my whole life. That was the boxing match I’ve been training for my whole life. It wasn’t something in college. It wasn’t whatever it was — when you lose 90 percent of your blood, and you’re in good hands at the hospital, you have a chance of surviving and being a father to your daughters. And I did it. Like I did it. I got nothing else to prove. And I’m certainly not going to take any risks that would jeopardize my daughters’ chance to have a father. Tim Ferriss: So I’m certainly going to come back to your daughters because these daughters were not in the picture last time we had a conversation on the podcasts. Talk about a phase shift. A lot has changed. Before we get to that though, I want to ask you a bit about boxing. So if you could just repeat, when did you start boxing? Roughly what age? Sebastian Junger: Oh, I think I was 51. I’m married now, but I was married before. And that marriage, we agreed to not really talk about it publicly, but basically it ended. We’re still friends. It ended in a friendly, collaborative fashion, but the ending of any marriage is enormously painful, particularly if you care for the person. And we did. And it was enormously painful and I wanted something — I’d always wanted to box. I just wanted something to put my mind in a different place. And so I did two things. I’d always wanted to learn accordion. And so I started playing an accordion, which is a really hard instrument, by the way. And you have to coordinate the two hands to do totally different things. And it just, oh, my God, it took me years to get that down. But the thing that scared me and here was — I’ve done things that scared me my whole life. And clearly I need something of that. What terrified me was boxing, was getting into a ring, even for friendly sparring. I couldn’t believe how frightening it was, and there’s no rational reason, right. But the demands on your body — Tim Ferriss: I think one could make an argument there’s some pretty rational reasoning when it involves getting punched in the head. Sebastian Junger: The sparring I was doing were with guys, my trainer or a friend or whatever. No one wanted to really hurt me or vice versa. It was very, “Time out, like this is too much,” and it stops, right. But the anxiety I would have was just unbelievable. And the physical demands on you are, I mean, I couldn’t really fathom it. And that was why I did it. And so, and I’m still doing it. It’s just clearly, it’s a sort of lifeline to something that I need. Tim Ferriss: Hmm. What do you think that might be? What is it that you need? What does that scratch for you? Sebastian Junger: Honestly, I think I need things in my life that scare me, that I think I can’t do. And then I face my fears and I wind up being able to do them. And it makes me feel like a little bit more secure in the universe. And keep in mind, if the universe can take you out on a June afternoon with no warning, for no reason, any sense of security that you can get, take it because you’ll need it. Tim Ferriss: That makes sense to me. One thing I need some help — not help, but I would like to, I wasn’t planning, this was not in my list of questions for you, but I did not foresee the accordion coming up. Of all the instruments in the world, how did you choose the accordion? And that’s not to slight the accordion. I’m a big fan. There’s a variation of the accordion called the bandoneon in Argentina, which I was exposed to a lot. So I think these are beautiful instruments, but it’s just not one — this is probably the first time in 500 episodes that the accordion has come up on this podcast. How did you arrive at the accordion? Sebastian Junger: Yeah. It’s just in a lot of the musical traditions that I really love. It’s in Eastern European music. My first wife was from Eastern Europe and it’s in gypsy music and Mexican music and Irish music. I mean, all of these traditions that I absolutely adore and everyone plays the damn guitar. You know what I mean? So the accordion was it. I don’t know. With the left hand, you’re playing the bass line, which is you’re basically playing the rhythm section. Your right hand, you’re playing melody. So they’re not doing the same thing. And splitting your mind into these two different tasks simultaneously was unbelievably hard. But I heard, I mean, this is the aging male talking now, right? Like I’m 59. I heard that it’s actually really good for your brain as you get older to challenge it with tasks like that. Tim Ferriss: It’s good to offset all the brain damage from the boxing, probably. Sebastian Junger: Yeah, exactly. They cancel each other out! Yeah, exactly. I got to say, it gives me a sense of just practicing, just playing a song, that the universe has even allowed me to play a beautiful song is so stunning to me because it always seemed so far beyond my capability. It almost felt like I wasn’t allowed to. And I realized that I can play Danny Boy, that I’m allowed to do that and it will come out and it sounds beautiful, is so stunning to me. It gives me a sense of peace and completeness that I think only like holding one of my daughters is the only thing that rivals that sense of like, “Oh, here I am. Things are good. Things are calm. I love this.” It was a pretty extraordinary effect on my life. Tim Ferriss: I have Alzheimer’s on both sides of my family. And I recall the first time that I was sent a video program, a link on YouTube to a video program, and I’m blanking on the name. We’ll put it in the show notes of Alzheimer’s patients being played music from their adolescence or childhoods. And what was so incredible is not only what happened when they listened to the music, they went from completely catatonic in some cases to animated and singing along. But the persistence of this sort of cognitive upgrade for a period of say, 30 to 60 minutes afterwards, where they could hold a really coherent conversation, recognize people, in contrast to being completely unable to do so beforehand. So I do think there is something so elemental and mysterious about what music does to the brain and the personality. I don’t claim to have any answers, but I find it endlessly interesting. Let’s talk about your daughters. As Josh put it to me via text, he said, “He’s raising two young daughters in an extremely elemental” — that’s where I got the word — “mindful, tribal manner. Definitely explore.” You’re going to recognize this is Josh. “Definitely explore what fatherhood is teaching him about life. What have his daughters taught him about tribes?” And then the last one he said, “Ask him about how he has structured sleep with kids and pets. That should be fun.” Smiley face. So I realize this is a bit of a hodgepodge of many questions, but what do you think Josh means, and is he accurate by saying “elemental, mindful, tribal manner?” Sebastian Junger: Yeah. Well, let me just start by saying, I think both music and children — I think one of the things that invaluable things they do is they give you the courage to face life and life is hard and life is scary and sometimes painful. And both of them in my experience, give you this resource to draw on that helped me face it. And so it is actually a really good segue for me to go from music to children. I think there are some real similarities. There’s something about not living for yourself any longer that’s enormously liberating. I spent a lot of time in combat and in combat with American soldiers actually, and I think one of the things that drew these guys to war, often after a bad deployment, a lot of them sort of missed it. And I think what drew them was the loss of — the experience of losing the primacy of yourself as the most important thing in your life, you lose that when you’re in a platoon. I mean, you really have to think in terms of the group and at first, you might imagine that that’s a loss. It’s actually you gain by doing that. The focus on the self is, can be enormously tormenting and make people incredibly anxious. It’s not a good place to go. Children allow you to do that for better or worse. Sometimes it’s not always fun. It can be pretty hectic and insane actually. But at the end of the day, either, because you’re overwhelmed with tasks or overwhelmed with love, you are thinking about something else, not yourself, and they are the most important thing. And so it totally reorders your place in the world and I’ve loved it. I think at age 25, I might not have loved that. I mean, I think I had to be in my 50s to do this gracefully and well, but here I am. And so — Tim Ferriss: Not to interrupt, but I will. Why do you say that about your age and that being a possibility now, or at least in the last handful of years, as opposed to earlier? Sebastian Junger: Yeah. I grew up in a very safe, pretty affluent society in a suburb of Boston. And I had this enormous craving to experience the world and particularly the risks and thrills that it offered, of all kinds. I could have had children when I was doing that, but I wouldn’t have been a very good father. And so now I’ve experienced the world sufficiently. I don’t need any more of that information. And it has allowed me to completely devote myself to being a good dad and a good partner. Part of that means, I have to work, I need to earn a living. It’s not like all I do is — I have this focus on a lot of other things, but at the end of the day, there’s really only one thing that is powerfully interesting to me and it’s my family now. It’s not my work. It’s nothing, it’s them. And I don’t think I could have, or maybe even should have done that at 25. Tim Ferriss: How do you think about raising them or parenting or fathering to Josh’s list of attractive adjectives, “elemental, mindful, tribal manner?” Do you think that’s accurate? Sebastian Junger: Yeah, it is. I mean, I started anthropology in college. I’ve been in the developing world an awful lot. You don’t have to do too much research to realize basically the British legacy of parenting that we have is very rare. In most of the world, parents sleep with their young children in the same room, even in the same bed. Humans are primates. Young primates are very vulnerable in nature, and they know that if they’re alone in a dark room or anywhere that they’re in a lot of danger and they cry. And one of the odd things about intra-style parenting again, which is basically what we have in America, is that when children get put in a room to go to sleep and they cry, nothing happens, no one goes in to comfort them. I mean, that’s called sleep training. And it can be done, right. I mean, eventually the kid stops crying. But if you think about it this way, if you were backpacking with your family in the Bob Marshall wilderness in Montana, and you had a six-month-old or a two-year-old or a five-year-old, you probably wouldn’t put them in a different tent. Tim Ferriss: Right. Sebastian Junger: They’d sleep with you. It’s a scary environment. Well, the six-month-old doesn’t know that their bedroom is not a scary environment. It’s dark, there’s dangers out there, and all that fear is wired into us. So, I mean, the contemporary term for something that has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, but now we have a term for it, co-sleeping, that used to just be what sleeping was, but called co-sleeping with your kids. We’ve never owned a stroller. I walk around with my kids on my shoulders or on my chest. There’s a lot of physical contact. What I sort of realized is that if there is physical contact between the parent and the child, it’s very hard to monetize that. So if you’re a company and want to make things for parents, things for children, you can’t monetize a mother holding their child and nursing. There’s no way to get in there to charge money for it, right? As soon as you have people that are sleeping separately from their kids, you need cribs, you need playpens, you need video monitors, you need all this stuff. As soon as you have parents who are not willing to carry their children, you need strollers. Some of those things cost a thousand dollars. So if you sort of look at it in sort of capitalist terms and, whatever, I’m not a socialist, I’m just trying to analyze something which is unique in the world, like our society starting maybe around 100 years ago, started parenting in a radically different way. And it happened to be in a way that can be monetized to the tune of hundreds of a millions of billion dollars a year industry. You have to separate the parent from the child, particularly from the mother, in order to monetize it. And I think that’s basically what’s happened. And so we just don’t do that. And my wife and I share the burdens and the challenges and thrills of parenting equally, like I’m a fully involved father, but we don’t have any of that stuff. And I got to say, I mean, I know it’s a data point of one, but we have two very, very happy, secure, non-anxious little girls. I mean, it’s just amazing to see them really have almost no anxiety about the world and about whether we’re with them or not. We can leave them with a friend and walk away and they don’t even blink. Tim Ferriss: So much that we could unpack that we might come back to unpack in this conversation. I’d like to jump to something you said earlier, and that was I’m saying A, B and C, I can’t recall exactly what it was, but as an aging male. One of Josh’s, not to turn this into the “might as well have Josh doing this” interview, but he knows you well, and I like to cheat. Sebastian Junger: Yeah. Tim Ferriss: One of his questions was: “How does he” — meaning Sebastian — “relate to the aging process of a warrior?” and then I’m going to need a pronunciation check here. I did actually look up who this person is, but “Ask him about Plenty Coups on that theme.” Is that the correct pronunciation? Sebastian Junger: Plenty Coups, it’s a French — Tim Ferriss: Plenty Coups. Sebastian Junger: Coups. Yeah, it’s a French word. Tim Ferriss: Betraying my lack of French. I would love to hear your thoughts on this because you certainly strike me as someone who sort of embodies — I mean, I suppose we all do, or at least most males do — some warrior DNA or ethos, and you’ve spent a lot of time among people on front lines, on deployment. Sebastian Junger: Yeah. Tim Ferriss: How would you answer that question? And I suppose we should explain who Plenty Coups is at some point. Sebastian Junger: Yeah, he was a Crow Indian Chief, and war leader, and visionary. Every society needs a lot of different kinds of people. They need mothers, they need fathers, they need warriors, they need grandmothers, and grandparents, and grandfathers, they need wise people, they need people who are really good at just working. I mean, there’s a lot of different things that need to happen in a society all the way from hunter-gatherer to modern mass industrial society that we have today. A lot of different things are needed and warriors are one of them. It’s a dangerous world, there’s predators, there’s enemies. And even in a society where, I mean, here in New York City where I am, we’re not going to be invaded at the moment. And there are no animal predators, but fires kill people. I mean, there are structural fires that can kill whole families, so we have firemen who live in firehouses who will risk their lives collectively to save people they don’t know at all. They’re warriors in that sense. Society needs all of this, they don’t have to be male, often they are for some pretty obvious biological reasons, but they don’t have to be male. We all remember Joan of Arc, of course. But that requires a couple of things to do well. First of all, being a warrior in that broad sense requires being in very good physical condition. And as you get older, a lot of processes happen in your body, and you’re not as fast, you’re not as strong, you’re not as coordinated, your reflexes aren’t as good. I mean, everything goes downhill, so you don’t want 70-year-olds trying to be warriors. They just won’t be as good at it as they were when they were 20. But also there’s this other thing, as you get older your ties to life get stronger and stronger, you have a place in the community, you have children, you might have a business, you have whatever. The things that keep you more moored to your existence emotionally, psychologically, those things are more numerous and they’re stronger. And when you’re a 20-year-old, I think particularly for a guy, but I think it’s either sex. But I think particularly for young men, you’re a 20-year-old guy, you’re not moored to much. All those things for most 20-year-old men, 20-year-old people, those things haven’t started happening yet, so if you want to put them in a warrior mode where they might lose their life, I mean, for me, I’m okay losing my life from myself, right. I mean, there are things worth gambling one’s life for as far as I, myself, am concerned. I sure am not going to gamble my daughter’s ability to have a father for much, right? I think I might only risk my life to defend them, to protect them. Like that might be the only thing I would risk my life for at this point. When I was 25, I might well risk my life for a buddy or whatever. No one else is paying the cost of me dying, so I can make that choice on my own. And so what you have to do as a warrior, I mean even just as a human being is you have to transition from a sort of like, I’m making all my own decisions, I don’t owe anything to anyone, any explanation to anyone. You have to transition from that to, okay, there’s younger guys, there’s younger guys out there. They can outpunch me, they can outrun me. They definitely get noticed by young women a whole lot more than I, like the sun is setting on your world, right? What does that mean? Does it just mean you are used up and useless? No, it doesn’t. And the amazing thing about Plenty Coups, the story, the value I saw in that story, and I’ll tell it in a moment, because there was a perfect metaphor for getting older, and maintaining your utility, and not to mention your dignity. There’s an amazing book called Radical Hope. It’s not a self-help book, although it sounds like it is. It’s a work of philosophy and anthropology, and it’s about the life of Plenty Coups. And I can’t remember the author’s name because I’m 59, and names just slip out of my mind, but it’s a short book and it’s an incredible book. And it’s about Plenty Coups and how he went from being this warrior fighting — I mean, the big threat when he was a young man fighting was white society, right? They were coming, the railroads were coming, the telegraph lines, the cowboys, it was all coming across the plains towards Crow society. And the Sioux for example, were very warlike like the Crow. And they fought to the bitter end, right? And what Plenty Coups realized was that the ultimate job of the warrior is to protect their society. And for all of Crow history that meant fighting to the death, if need be, to protect your community, right? But this was a different moment in history. Everything had changed and fighting white society to the death would mean that your society was going to get killed too, that your community was going to get wiped out. There was a lot of killing of women and children in these battles that happened in the Great Plains in the 1760s, 1770s, 1780s. I mean, non-combatants really weren’t spared, so if you fought to the death against the Seventh Cavalry, you were really risking everybody. And so what Plenty Coups realized was that in keeping with the ultimate warrior role of at all costs preserving your community, in this case, in this new history, this new moment of history, this new era, it actually meant not fighting. Fighting was the thing that would get your people killed. Not fighting was the thing that might save them. And when he figured it out he said learning to read and learning to farm were the new callings of the warrior. Those things would best preserve the people and the community that the warriors loved. And they would have to get over their own ego and their own sense of, “Well, I’m nothing if I’m not a warrior.” They have to get over that in order to truly do their job as a warrior and protect the people they love. And for me, I read that book in my mid-40s, just when the knees were starting to hurt a bit, the hair was starting to leave the top of my head. Those changes just start happening in your 40s and I read that book then and I was like, “Oh, my God, this is it. Like there’s a stage in one’s life when being a warrior means actually not being in that aggressive, physical, confrontational, super physical role, is actually something softer and wiser, and ultimately more enduring, that you can choose.” Tim Ferriss: And the book you mention, Radical Hope, subtitle, Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation. Jonathan Lear appears to be the author of that book. I was reading the Wikipedia entry on Plenty Coups. I’m so self-conscious now. Sebastian Junger: That’s fine. Tim Ferriss: Yeah, French is not my strong suit, but his adult Crow name or the name that was bestowed upon him, was Many Achievements. And the entire entry is really, really fascinating. There’s a strong component, we don’t necessarily have to get into this, but a strong component, at least in his story, and these could be apocryphal or just mythologies, but there’s a consistent component of visions and fasting leading to visions dictating his decisions, which I found very interesting in this entry at least. Not that I can parse that, but — Sebastian Junger: Well, I can jump in and tell you. His transformation, his moment of enlightenment, came following a vision that he had. And it was a sort of a dream vision. And I can’t remember what it was, but Jonathan Lear just does this brilliant job at deconstructing it and explaining how all this works. And Lear is a philosopher. He’s clearly a very smart guy. We all have read a lot of amazing books, but that book really, it caught me at the right moment in my life. And it was one of the most important books I’ve ever read. Tim Ferriss: And it’s on the list. Let’s look at and talk about Freedom and I’m sure we’ll bounce around a lot. My understanding, and please correct me if I’m getting this wrong, but I don’t think we discussed this in our first podcast conversation that when you were younger, you hitchhiked across the country, this was some time ago. Freedom describes, this new book, something very different. What was the catalyst or the impetus behind what became Freedom? Like did it start as a plan for experience and experience’s sake? Did it begin with a fascination or a question related to this word, this concept of freedom? What’s the genesis story? And then the reason I brought up the hitchhiking is I’d just be curious to know how that experience contrasts with some of the experiences described. Sebastian Junger: I came to the idea to write a book about freedom, partly just by noticing that people use and misuse that word all the time. It’s an extremely potent word. It’s like the word tribe. I mean, you say the word tribe, the word freedom. These are elemental human values. And they go to the core of the human experience and can be misconstrued and used to justify awful things so easily. But they could also be used very beautifully to preserve human dignity and to safeguard the things that we all live for. And so I just sort of became interested in the word. It’s extremely hard to define. If you look it up on the dictionary, the definition of freedom is almost non-intelligible. I mean, it’s like defining the word “And.” I mean, it’s extremely abstract, but it’s something that we all in our hearts, in our guts, we sort of know what it means, and we know why we want to be free. We know why it’s intolerable not to be. And so I just started thinking about it and I didn’t want to write a — I’m not Jonathan Lear, I didn’t want to write a philosophical inquiry. And I certainly didn’t want to write a political tract. I mean, the word is misused in politics all the time in a sort of hideous, grotesque way. And I didn’t want to wade into the political battles around that word. I was interested in literally, through the course of the human experience, how do people maintain their freedom? And what that basically means is how do you maintain your autonomy in the face of a larger power? If you’re the most powerful thing in the room, your freedom is not in question, is not in danger. Freedom becomes an important word when there is a more powerful entity that might try to deprive you of your choices, of the quality of your circumstances. And throughout history, how have people avoided that? Because there are powerful societies and there are weak societies. There are large, strong men, and there are smaller men or women. The universe isn’t fair and things are not divided equally. And there are rich societies and poor societies. How did the underdogs manage to maintain their freedom from the groups that could oppress them or try to? There’s three basic ways. My book is divided into three sections for this reason: Run, Fight, and Think. The first thing you can do is just stay out of the reach of your oppressor. For example, in the American Southwest in the 1540s I think it was, the Spanish first showed up, Coronado the Explorer showed up. And he encountered two different kinds of native societies. There were the Pueblo tribes that lived in the sort of thick-walled houses on top of mesas, they were agriculturalists, they were quite wealthy, they stayed where they were. They were like little villages in Spain. I mean, they were at an almost feudal European level of social evolution, economic evolution. And then there were the Apache and the Navajo. They didn’t stay anywhere for very long; they were materially poor, right? I mean, they only owned what they could carry, they hunted, and they were extremely mobile. They lived in little brush huts that they threw up in a few minutes. In Western terms they were very poor people. But what happens? When the Spanish showed up and then later the Americans, the Pueblo tribes got rolled immediately. I mean, sometimes within a few hours of confronting the Spaniards. I mean, they couldn’t outfight them and they were stuck in their villages, and they would give up or they would be defeated and massacred. The Apache remained free for another 300 plus years. I mean, the last of the free Apache were not sort of cornered and controlled by the US government until the end of the 1880s. I mean, my grandmother was almost alive by then, she was born in 1900. We were really almost in the modern era at this point, the machine gun has been invented, the light bulb, the internal combustion engine. I think the telephone. I mean, I can’t remember, basically all of the modern appliances that we think of, like they’ve already been invented at this point and the Apache are still running around free, and it’s because they’re so mobile, so I write about that and just the human’s ability to run. I mean, from sprint to long distance, if you take the full range of human running ability, we outstrip just about every animal, particularly in the heat. The record for running a thousand miles is around 10 days. I mean, someone ran a hundred miles a day for 10 days, he ran a thousand miles. Like it’s something like that, I can’t remember exactly. Fight was literally about fighting and the interesting thing about humans and we’re just about unique in the animal kingdom that a small individual could actually outfight a larger one. That’s not true with elk and grizzly bear and everything else. But with humans, size is a terrible predictor of outcome in individual combat. I looked at statistics from the UFC, mixed martial arts fighting. And larger men when paired against smaller men win about 50 percent of the time. In other words, size is not a predictor of outcome. And likewise, small insurgencies like the Taliban can outlast and outfight larger established militaries like the US military. I mean the Taliban, no tanks, no artillery, obviously no air force. And some of them didn’t even have boots, and they fought the most powerful military in the world to a standstill. And we are now negotiating for peace with them basically. And they’d already done the same thing to the Russians. If smaller entities could not outfight larger ones, freedom would not be possible. I mean, the world would be run by — groups would be run by the largest or violent male, like is true for chimpanzees, alpha male. And history would just be dominated by large, oppressive, powerful societies. And they definitely have a disproportionate influence on world events, but those kinds of large societies cannot be sure that they can dominate the smaller ones. And if that were not true, freedom would not be possible. America would not exist, for example, England would have crushed us during the Revolution. And then again, in 1812. And finally in a situation where you can’t outrun or outfight them, like the labor movement in America, in the early part of the 20th century, you have to outthink them. You have to outthink the powerful entity and that can be done as well, it’s extremely effective. And so in the last part of my book, I go into the traits that smaller, successful entities, the traits they have in common that allow them to overcome a more powerful adversary. They include women in their group is a very, very common trait that is needed. The leadership has to be selfless, the leadership cannot just send the warriors out to die while they’re back on the hilltop. The leadership has to metaphorically and literally face the bullets first. And you need to have a sense of history. Like we’re fighting impossible odds, but history demands that we do. There has to feel like there’s a higher calling. Religion can provide that, I’m not religious myself, but it’s a very effective way of giving people a sense of a higher calling. And national suffering. I mean, you saw a tradition of national suffering, the way you had in Ireland, the Potato Famine, and the oppression by the English can inspire people to give up their lives, to fight something that they probably can’t even win. But if they don’t fight, they certainly won’t win. And as often as not that actually works. Tim Ferriss: Two things I’d love to mention. And one could be, actually both will, I’m sure, be hopping off points. But the first is you mentioned the inclusion of women in resistance or insurgencies. And that is not just a polite inclusion, it is a pragmatic inclusion. There’s a quote, I don’t remember who it was from, something along the lines of “one police officer can handle 10 men, but it takes 10 police officers to handle one woman,” in part because there is in many cultures at least, a hesitancy to inflict violence upon women, and therefore they can be extremely tactically powerful. Is that fair to say, or do you have anything to add to that? Sebastian Junger: I mean, the participation of women in these movements is absolutely crucial. And even for the Taliban, I don’t think there were any female Taliban fighters, but women hold society together and insurgencies are rooted in society. And if the society isn’t functioning, there is no insurgency. And so even at that level, women are absolutely necessary. They’re as necessary as ammunition or whatever. Like they’re absolutely crucial to any endeavor like that. But at the more tactical level, the quote you were referring to about the policemen was during the mill strikes in Massachusetts. Tim Ferriss: Ah, Massachusetts. Sebastian Junger: Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912. And they’d have the guys out there. And the strikes happened because the living conditions were unspeakably bad. The wages were, I mean, not even survival wages, one in five infants died among the worker populations, one in five infants died before the age of two. I mean, for a democratic country within the 20th century, that that was happening was just revolting. And they rose up, and as long as they had a bunch of guys in the street, the cops could get as rough as they wanted. They fixed their bayonets, they aimed their rifles, people got shot, people got beaten, no problem, so the strikers started putting women on the front lines. And of course the cops, I mean, a lot of these cops are 20-year-old boys. They have mothers that age, or sisters, or whatever. Getting young men to kill women is very hard to do and particularly up close like that. And so essentially once they put women on the front line, the police didn’t know what to do. And that’s where that quote came from: “It takes 10 cops to handle one woman.” Women also give a situation like that a kind of moral authority. I mean, you have a bunch of guys on the street, it can be just mistaken for a violent mob, right? Once you have women in there, it’s not a violent mob. I mean, rightly or wrongly, many societies, our society certainly, believes that women abhor violence and want what is good for the world and for children. And so when you put women in the mix and suddenly it’s harder to sort of refute the legitimacy of the cause. They also have this other thing, which is sort of amazing is that for a variety of cultural reasons, women are, they’re harder to sort of scrutinize. I mean, even frisking a woman in public is complicated for a male cop. And sometimes, I mean, I’ve heard that there are female bouncers in some clubs because men just don’t want to get into a fistfight with a woman. It just looks too bad for them. There is this sort of tactical level of using women, but women have these lateral connections within society that can be exploited for communication, for spying. And it’s very hard for the authorities to penetrate these lateral female social networks, particularly in ghettos and in the sort of the slums that these workers were living in. It was very, very hard for the cops to penetrate that and sort of eavesdrop on the movement. Whereas men, what they have, they’re terrible at those lateral connections. What they’re very good at is hierarchy. So if you have a sort of leader, who’s got a male following, a male coalition that he’s heading up, and that guy says, “I can have 500 men on the street at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning gunfire, or no gunfire.” Those guys will follow orders, in that sort of top down hierarchy that will run into gunfire, if need be. Men are very good at that. And so you combine those two qualities, the male hierarchy and female sort of lateral affiliation, you’re presenting the authorities with an incredibly complicated tactical problem that has very few good solutions. Tim Ferriss: Let’s talk about not necessarily hitchhiking, but I want to talk about the sort of parallel connective tissue that is used to weave the story that is told or the stories that are told in Freedom. And I’ll read a paragraph that I quite like. And then you can elaborate, if you wouldn’t mind, since we’re having this conversation. “We called our trip The Last Patrol, and it seemed like a long, hard, weird thing to do until we were actually out there. Where suddenly it was so obvious, we rarely even caught ourselves wondering why we were doing it. The things that had to happen out there were so clear and simple: eat, walk, hide, sleep. That just getting through the day felt like scripture, an honest accounting of everything that underlies the frantic performance of life.” So of course I’m leaving out exactly what we’re talking about. What am I talking about? What is this referring to, and how did it come to be part of the story? Sebastian Junger: So Freedom is a mix of this research that I did into how people maintain their freedom. And this trip that we took, The Last Patrol, and the sections cut back and forth. I talk about The Last Patrol because it was probably the freest I’ve ever been in a physical sense. You know, as I say, somewhere in the book, we walked 400 miles along the railroad lines and we were sleeping under bridges and in the woods and in abandoned buildings and sort of no man’s lands along the railroad lines. We walked 400 miles and most nights we were the only people who knew where we were. There are many definitions of freedom, but surely that’s one of them. And it was one that I had the really real good luck to be able to experience for a little while. So I have to go back to 2009 to explain this. I spent a year off and on with a platoon in combat in Afghanistan. My colleague out there was — his name was Tim Hetherington. He was a British photographer and we shot a ton of video out there and we collaborated and made a documentary called Restrepo that was nominated for an Oscar, did quite well, and it was just about what it was like to be in combat, end of sentence. Like there was no politics, no strategy, just what’s it like to be in American platoon, in a firefight just about every day. And so Tim and I were taking the train down to Washington, DC to talk to National Geographic because we were trying to sell this thing. We didn’t have a buyer yet. We just shot a lot of video and want to make this film. And on the way down, I was looking out the window and the entire way I realized that we were looking for our next project after Restrepo. We were already looking ahead. I saw along the train tracks that you could walk almost the entire way. There was a dirt bike trail or a cinder maintenance road or a cornfield, or whatever, like you could kind of do it. And I said to Tim, “Listen, man, let’s walk from DC to New York along the railroad lines and let’s just see what happens.” Tragically, after we made Restrepo — it was very successful; we were at the Oscars on the red carpet and this is almost exactly 10 years ago — The Arab Spring was boiling away and Tim and I are journalists. We serve, we’re all in this sort of beautiful, luxurious world of Hollywood with our film. But meanwhile, you know, surf’s up elsewhere in the world. I was like, “Dude, we got to get back out there.” And we decided to go on assignment to cover the civil war in Libya. At the last minute I couldn’t go and he went on his own. He was killed in the city of Misrata on April 20, 10 years ago. So this is always a very sad time of the year for me. I should have been on the trip with him. Had I been, I probably would have been killed alongside him. Had I gone, maybe I could have saved him. I felt a huge amount of guilt about it. It took me a long time to get over his death and he bled out. He bled out, like I almost did, except people that out onto the ground. I bled out into my abdomen and there was a doctor there to save me, for him there wasn’t. The only difference. And after that, I was reeling from a lot of things but from Tim’s death particularly. And I thought, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to do that project. I’m going to walk the railroad lines. I’m going to take two guys from Restrepo that Tim and I knew really well. And I’m going to take the journalist who was with Tim when he died, Guillermo Cervera, a Spanish photographer. Amazing, amazing photographer. He was holding Tim’s hand when Tim died at the back of a pickup truck, and so I got to know Guillermo very well. So I convinced these guys to walk by 400 miles along the railroad lines. We did it in chunks over the course of the year. We weren’t hitching freights, we were walking. I pick railroad lines because it’s counterintuitively — it’s safer. Like you walk along roads, you can get hit by a car really easily, but also they’re not monitored. I mean, you’re not going to get picked up for vagrancy because there’s no cops on railroad lines. There’s no security cameras. There’s no lights. There’s nothing, it’s no man’s land. And you meet some weird cats out there, but everyone’s sort of on their own. And it’s just this weird no man’s land where you can kind of sleep wherever you want. There’s abandoned buildings. There’s patches of weeds, whatever, like you just make it work. And we got to see America from the inside out. We walk right through the ghettos, right through the farms, right through the industrial wastelands. We hit Philadelphia. And instead of going to New York, we decided to head West and we walked to Pittsburgh. And so The Last Patrol was my experience with freedom of a certain sort. And my book intercuts sections about that amazing trip with the real inquiries that I did into how one maintains one’s freedom in the face of a more powerful adversary. Tim Ferriss: How did the structure of this book change from initial conception to finished product, if it did? I know, based on our previous conversations, that you think a lot about structure. How did this book change over time? Did you expect it to be one thing and then it ended up being quite a different thing, or, from the get-go, did you have a pretty crystallized vision of what the finished book would look like? Sebastian Junger: I had the idea that no one would want to read a whole book about The Last Patrol. And I had the idea that no one would want to read a whole book about these sort of technical or historical topics of run, fight, think. I mean, I don’t quite have Malcolm Gladwell’s adept hand at presenting these sort of arcane topics. I mean I could do it for a few pages. I can’t do it for a full-length book. So I just thought, what I’ll do is I’ll combine them. I’ll combine them in such a way where my experience out on the railroad lines is interwoven in these more abstract ideas. I think I have a good sense, after a thousand words or so, the reader wants something a little different, like a palate cleanser. So the structure for the book didn’t change much actually. I just thought I’m going to start with our walking, and then when I’ve written a chunk of that that feels dramatically complete, a thousand words or so, I’ll jump to the first topic. One of the things I wanted to write about was America because we’re walking right through it. And we walked through what had been the Pennsylvania frontier in the 1600s, 1700s. Life on the frontier was supposed to be very free. That’s the sort of American myth. It was very free from government. It was not free from danger. And as a result, these communities on the frontier of Pennsylvania, banded together in ways that were oppressive in the expectations. If you were a part of a frontier community, the expectations placed on you by the community in terms of group mutual defense were enormous. So I just started playing with this idea of explaining American history in terms of people choosing one kind of freedom over another. They left the oppression of the government, the colonial governments, and they wound up in the oppression of small communities, where if you were a man you had to carry your rifle and a scalping knife. White people scalped back then as well, of course, and a tomahawk. At all times, you had to have a rifle, a tomahawk, and a scalping knife because you had to be ready to fight at any moment. And if you were caught without those things, you were ostracized. They had a kind of freedom on the frontier, but you’re never completely free because if you’re alone, you’re in danger, and that doesn’t work. So I had this idea of mixing these, my trip and what I came to understand about being alone and vulnerable in this very small group, and very vulnerable in a hostile environment, mixing that with the just eternal human endeavor of making a society and surviving and raising your children and not getting killed. Tim Ferriss: I’d love to ask you — not to turn this into a personal therapy session, but why not? You mentioned the death of your friend, Tim, we’ve talked about warfare, you write very eloquently and powerfully about many things. One of which is brutality like human on human brutality. And one thing that is very clear in your writing is that no one group has a monopoly on human on human brutality. I mean, if you look at the history of different native American tribes, certainly there was intense conflict, many rivalries. You had the settled tribes, and then you had the raiding cultures, many of which could not necessarily coexist certainly with settlers and then various forms of torture that you’ve written about. And I’m currently reading a book that deals largely with environmental concerns and deforestation and all sorts of tragedies related to violations against nature. And I find myself, maybe this is just a weakness of character, but like growing kind of despondent where it seems like the die has been cast. And whether it’s through evolution or willful blindness, things are just like — the golf ball has been hit and it can’t be unhit in certain ways. Have you ever experienced that? I’m wondering if you’ve ever experienced it or kind of what keeps the lights on for you. And again, maybe this is unique to me, but there are times where I really feel kind of overwhelmed by these things and that there’s so little to stem the tide of these various tragedies. How do you relate to that — or not? Sebastian Junger: Well, you know, we’re primates. We’re very violent primates. We’re also very affiliative primates. There is no kind of violence that humans haven’t committed and that some humans enjoy committing. But by equal measure, there is no kind of generosity and heroism and nobility and dignity that humans are capable of committing even at the loss of their own life. So it’s violence begets violence. You tortured someone, they get their hands on someone from your group, they’re going to torture — that’s how it works. I’ve seen it work that way in combat over and over and over again. The rage at the enemy that would kill your buddy or your wife or your child. There’s just homicidal rage that someone would do that to you, turns you into someone who would do that to them. And then you’re off and running. And that’s ubiquitous in the world. I have to assume that that kind of enraged, violent response is adaptive. It helps communities survive in the face of a dire threat that a more passive, “Okay. You can take me prisoner. You can turn us into slaves. You can kill us, but we’re not going to raise a hand against you.” That was weeded out. And whatever genes would get someone to do that were weeded out pretty quickly in the human race. By the same token, if we were just a society of sort of like violent brutes, we wouldn’t have survived either. These beautiful human values of caretaking and particularly caretaking the helpless. Young shouldering the elderly, just people who are unfortunate. Even enemies that are unfortunate that fall into our care, they’re often cared for very, very well, right? So there’s these twin human impulses. In Freedom, I talk a little bit about the native Americans because they practice the most indescribably horrific torture, partly as a way of keeping white people from infiltrating their land and taking it, right? So they were trying to be scary and it worked. To a degree it worked, but of course, Western society is equally full of hideous tortures, the Spanish inquisition, et cetera. And I have here a printout of a horrible newspaper article from February 8th, 1904. The Vicksburg Evening Post. It’s just an incident that’s long been forgotten, I guess, but it was a black couple who were caught and charged with something that they probably didn’t do and they burn them alive in Vicksburg. Before they did that, they one by one cut off all their fingers and then tortured them with corkscrews. These are Americans, American citizens, within my grandmother’s lifetime. The point is that no society has a monopoly on violence or on moral behavior. We’re all equally amazing and equally horrible. And I think the task of any society is to be well-defended enough, so that you don’t get overrun by the barbarians, but gentle and kind and loving enough so that you can provide a moral existence within your community and for your children and hopefully within the world. It’s very hard to do, obviously, because we keep screwing it up. But I think that is the goal. And I think that’s most people’s goal, frankly. Tim Ferriss: Yeah. I think I’m going through a stretch where I’m having trouble or I don’t want to say blinded by it, but the density of the fog of brutality that I’ve been exposed to voluntarily through a lot of my own reading and watching, it’s just so heavy. I think I probably need to watch more Pixar movies for a while, something like that, but — Sebastian Junger: You know, in all of those episodes in our society and our history, enormously brutal. Because people are what they are, that brutality engenders enormously heroic, loving acts as well. I mean, in equal measure. There were Europeans during World War II who were hiding Jews in their basement at risk of being executed by the Nazis. People who otherwise would have been fine because they weren’t Jewish, and they were hiding families in their basements, strangers, people they didn’t even know. What lesson are you going to take from World War II? The soldiers that landed on D-Day, to stop fascism from taking over the world, the first boats, the first landing craft that hit the beaches, 90 percent of those guys died. 90, right? Yeah. A horrific situation. But think about the courage and their determination to preserve a moral world order. I would just say that you can look through this at the same things through the other end of the telescope, and you can see very different things and ones that will inspire you and comfort you. Tim Ferriss: There’s a — I don’t want to call it a quote. A line at the very, very beginning in the front letter of Freedom. From Ecclesiastes 3:18, “As for humans, God tests them so they may know they are animals.” Why did you include that? Sebastian Junger: Well, I’m an atheist. My father was an atheist. Sometimes when atheists read the Bible, they see passages that seem to undermine one of the central tenets of Christianity, which is that humans aren’t animals. And that there’s somehow a different set of standards, a different set of metrics, a different reality for human beings and for the rest of the animal kingdom, that we’re somehow special. That we’re special because we were made by God. And I just thought it was really helpful to find the Bible itself reminding us that we might aspire to godly qualities. I hope we all do. For the most part, there are good qualities. But at the end of the day, the Bible wants us to know that we are animals. And from dust we came, into dust we shall return. It’s very, very good to remember that. Because when you think that you’re special, there’s a risk. There’s a danger that you can permit yourself special things, special rights, and those special rights usually don’t end very well. And what we were doing on The Last Patrol was so physical. We were reduced to such an animal existence, and the fight for freedom that people throughout history and prehistory have waged, the physical and psychological fight for freedom has been so brutal that only an animal could survive and only an animal could do it. And the reason we have been able to do it, we as humans, is because we are animals. I don’t mean it as a criticism. I actually mean it as a compliment to us all. Tim Ferriss: You’ve also written very eloquently about how — and I’m taking some liberty here with connecting a few dots from different portions here, but how dehumanization or viewing a certain subpopulation as subhuman or animal-like, gives you special permission to do things you wouldn’t otherwise view as permittable, whether that’d be slavery or torture or — fill in the blank, right? Sebastian Junger: Right. If you feel like you’re serving God’s will by liberating a piece of territory, taking over a building, wiping out a group of people that your society has decided are evil, if you think you’re doing God’s will, you don’t have to stop and examine the actual morality of what you’re doing. I mean, murder is wrong in almost all circumstances and mass murder is wrong in all circumstances. But if you’re doing God’s will, then of course you don’t have to dwell on that. And one way to reinforce that idea, killing costs people psychologically, it’s hard to do. And people, even murderers bear the scars for their lifetimes. So if you can convince yourself that the people you’re killing aren’t really human, then you don’t have to struggle with the moral implications of murder, right? Which is clearly a sin that God is against. So very, very naturally in war, I mean, it happens spontaneously and then gets sort of codified in the mythology around a war, and even in the laws around the war. But very naturally in war, you start to see the enemy as not quite human. And that’s very convenient because natural law in the Christian tradition holds that all humans were made by God, we’re God’s creatures. So here you are killing God’s creatures — that’s probably not a good thing. So how do you solve that problem? You say, “Oh, great. Yeah, we’ll follow natural law.” But those people over there, they’re not really God’s creatures because they’re animals, they’re parasites, they’re cockroaches, they’re insects. I mean, the words that people have used during genocide — during many genocides in human history — to describe the people that were killing invariably reverts to the rest of the animal kingdom, like animals and insects. And you don’t have to be unduly troubled by the moral issues that come from killing a hundred thousand people, because you’re not really killing people. And that little mental trick has allowed ordinarily, otherwise decent people to do things that are completely heinous and unconscionable without going mad. Tim Ferriss: Let’s come back to this word, freedom. As you mentioned, it’s misused, it’s abused. It’s deliberately used in politics in a contorted way for various ends. It’s also in some ways defined in so many different ways so subjectively that it becomes difficult to pin down objectively. But there’s a concept, or I should say more accurately coefficient. See if I can mispronounce this too, that I’d never come across before the book Freedom. And that is the Gini coefficient or Gini coefficients. Could you please explain what that is? Sebastian Junger: Yeah. So let me just tee this up a little bit. I think by talking about the etymology of the word freedom. It’s almost a little demoralizing if you come to understand what the reword is rooted in. It comes from vridom, V-R-I-D-O-M is Middle German for freedom, and it’s related to the word beloved. So in an earlier human epoch, freedom was thought of as something that you only owed the people that you love. The people in your community, the people in your tribe, the people in your family, and your clan. Those people deserve freedom. Everyone else was eligible for enslavement or worse. So you’re talking about a circumstance where once freedom, a) it’s not human universal, it’s not a universal right, but b) you only enjoy freedom because your little group is able to protect itself from other groups that think exactly the same way about you, that you’re eligible for enslavement or death. So freedom is in that ancient sense is inseparable from the ability to defend yourself physically with force, with violence from an attacker. And if you can’t, because there were no human universal laws, universal laws of human rights, human dignity. If you couldn’t defend yourself, you would probably wind up being enslaved or killed by a more powerful adversary. It’s important to keep in mind with the word freedom that it’s rooted in arguably, ghastly distinction between us and them, and that you’re not going to be free unless you can defend yourself. There was around 5,000 years ago in Spain, there was a Neolithic population. They were agriculturalists. They’re quite peaceful people in the Iberian peninsula. And around 5,000 years ago, they were invaded by a group called the Yamnaya from the Russian steppe. The Yamnaya had horses that pulled chariots and the Iberians had never even seen horses before, much less ridden them. And the Yamnaya came in. Over the course of a hundred years or so, seemed to have wiped out the entire male population of Iberia and clearly made it with the young women. Because in today’s Iberia, the Neolithic genetic, there is no genetic material from Neolithic Iberia that’s native to Iberia on the male line. It is all Yamnaya and other groups that came in after that. So basically, the men of Iberia were not able to defend themselves against the Yamnaya and they were scrubbed from the human gene pool and their women were subject to ours obviously, but their DNA is still here. That’s the problem with not being able to defend yourself. So if you sort of go forward a little bit from there as agricultural societies took over, they supplanted around 10,000 years ago, 8,000 years ago, the first crop started to be planted and people started to go from a hunter-gatherer society like the Apache, where there was very little discrepancy between rich and poor because no one really could own more than they could carry. And in these hunter-gatherer societies, what they found, I read a study of North American native societies, the native tribes that were able to stockpile food or control access to food production, like literally controlling the points along the Pacific coast, where you can fish for salmon effectively, as soon as that food production could be controlled and food stockpiled, you started to have a ruling class and income disparity and power disparities within one’s own society. So with the Gini efficient — Gini was the name of an Italian economist from the early 1900s. I can’t remember his first name, but the Gini, G-I-N-I, the Gini coefficient is a number that shows the difference, the income gap between rich and poor. The higher the number, the greater the income gap. It ranges from zero to one. So, 0.0 to 1.0. So the higher the number, if you have a Gini coefficient of say 0.7, that’s a fairly unequal society. That 0.7 describes feudal European society in the Middle Ages. 0.42 was the Roman Empire. Most hunter-gatherer societies, they have a Gini coefficient of around .25. So much closer to complete equality than to complete monopoly. So obviously, a society with a high Gini coefficient has some very powerful, wealthy people, and a whole lot of people who aren’t doing as well. And clearly there’s a moral problem there. That’s not a moral society. That’s not a good society in our terms. The problem though, is that the empires that have dominated world history, the Han Empire in China, the Romans, the Turks, the Europeans, the empires that have dominated world history invariably have high Gini coefficients. Having a low Gini coefficient is a predictor of an egalitarian society that actually does not have a lot of power in the world. And this one researcher that I talk about in the book, he said the original one percent were these huge, huge empires that controlled an enormous percentage of the world population, in basically a master and servant class. And that those are the empires that, in evolutionary terms, they were doing very, very well. By almost every metric, they were successful societies. They just weren’t very just, they weren’t very equal. And people in them were not very free unless you were in the top one percent, what he calls the original one percent. Tim Ferriss: You cover so much ground in Freedom. Do you have a particular hope for what people will take away from the book, or ponder more closely as a result of reading the book? Is there any hope tucked away, or explicit for you, that you hope will be achieved by putting this out into the world? Sebastian Junger: I think with all my work on my books, I’m probably not alone in this among authors, I want my readers to understand the human experience in ways that makes them more forgiving, more compassionate, more insightful, and more intolerant of abuse and violence. One reason to write about the incredible injustice committed in America before the Civil Rights era against African-Americans is so people will be horrified, and not tolerate that kind of thing. For me, that’s one of the reasons that I write, is to bring enough understanding to people that they can act in fair ways. That’s true for Freedom, as well. I want people to know how valuable, how precious freedom is by seeing the lengths that people have gone to maintain it. The Easter Rising in Ireland against British rule. Those people made a lot of mistakes. They weren’t angels. But the heroism, the courage, the selflessness. There’s a passage in my book, it’s a letter written by an Irish revolutionary named Michael Mallin. And he was executed by the British for his role in the Easter Rising. And right before he’s executed, he writes a letter to his wife and children. It’s almost stream of consciousness because he’s so — I mean, they were about to shoot him. And when I read my book, I did the audio recording for my book. And in the studio, his letter’s in my book and I read it. And the director, who was on the phone with me, COVID-safe, advising me, directing me in my reading, we had to stop for a moment because the letter made her cry. It’s 100 years later. The letter made her start crying. And he died for his country. And he had to leave his family, his children. So I want people to understand the incredible dignity and courage of an awful lot of otherwise very ordinary people. And that they are that way because they believe in human dignity, and they believe that all people deserve respect, and a decent wage, and to live in humane conditions. And I don’t think you can read my book and not understand those things. A society that’s well-enough organized to defend itself is well-enough organized to oppress itself. We need leaders because you can’t have an army of a hundred thousand sergeants, or privates. You need generals, you need privates, you need whatever. Society needs to organize itself, and that means that people are in positions of leadership. And there’s an unfortunate tendency for powerful people in positions of leadership to exploit that position, and seize rights that other people don’t have, and to enrich themselves in ways that other people don’t have access to, and to be exploitative and abusive. And that is true in dictatorships, it’s true in democracies, it’s true in virtually every kind of society. And so, I have a section about leadership. And one of the interesting things about these small insurgencies like the Easter Rising in Ireland, is that these marginal groups, they’re so outgunned, they’re so overpowered by the established political order, military order, that the successful ones can’t afford to have anything counterproductive in their organization. They can’t have bad leadership. If they do, they will get killed. It will not work. And so, you can look at successful — even successful startup businesses. What are the common elements of these groups that have overcome enormous odds, and forced their vision on the world? Hopefully a vision of equality and dignity. And one of the things that is absolutely essential is leaders who are willing to die. Leaders who are willing to expose themselves to the same risks as the people that they’re leading. And when you have leadership that’s not willing to do that, that will not take responsibility for their mistakes, that will blame problems on others, when you have leaders who are cowards, you have an insurgency that is not going to last very long and will not succeed. Wealthy Western countries can afford that kind of leadership because we are not on the edge of disaster all the time. But you can see what works and what doesn’t by the successful insurgencies, and labor movements, and what have you. And one of the things is moral leadership. I do not write about current-day America, and I’m not interested in writing about politics. And I think Republicans and Democrats have produced some incredibly inspiring noble leaders, and some real villains. Both sides have both. But the last thing I would want people to understand from my book is that we have a right, and in fact, I would say we have an obligation, to demand moral leadership — and that means leadership that’s selfless, and would sacrifice itself in a moment if it meant that that would help the country, and the people who are counting on them. Tim Ferriss: I’d love to read just a few paragraphs, and to ask follow-up questions, if I may indulge myself here. These are things that jumped out to me. So here’s one, this is on page 33. “For most of human history, freedom had to be at least suffered for, if not died for, and that raised its value to something almost sacred. In modern democracies, however, an ethos of public sacrifice is rarely needed, because freedom and survival are more or less guaranteed. That is a great blessing, but allows people to believe that any sacrifice at all, rationing water during a drought, for example, are forms of tyranny. They are no more forms of tyranny than rationing water on a lifeboat. The idea that we can enjoy the benefits of society while owing nothing in return is literally infantile. Only children owe nothing.” How do you think people should think of what they owe? Or how can someone, for themselves at least, act as a countervailing force against this entitlement and perception of tyranny in things like rationing water during a drought, that I think are perverse in a sense, but also very natural, because there is no imminent threat that people perceive? How do you think about that, or encourage people to think about that? Sebastian Junger: It’s a tricky balance. If you’re alone in the wilderness, you die. Humans do not survive alone. We survive because we’re part of a society. And we get an enormous amount of benefit from being part of a society. And whether that’s at the hunter-gatherer level, or in modern America with the incredible technological and medical advances. Among other things, I’d be dead if I lived in any other society from what happened to me last June. So we’re enormously blessed. And I think what’s essential is for every person to search in their mind for how can we return the gift? The gift of the society that we live in, what can we do to reinforce this thing that we depend on for our survival? And the important thing to remember about freedom is that it’s freedom from oppression that you have a right to. It’s not freedom from obligation. And we live in such a wealthy, safe society that real obligation almost never arises. We don’t even have the draft. You’ve got to pay your taxes and that’s it. We have outsourced, we have subcontracted basically, all of the tasks needed for survival to specialists, to professionals. And that means that what we owe society is not clear. And there’s a real loss there, because it feels good to contribute to the welfare of the group. Whether you’re on a camping trip with the Boy Scouts, or as an American national. Or an immigrant to this country, for that matter. My father was an immigrant. He was a refugee from two wars, and he came to this country and contributed enormously. And it was one of the most, I think, meaningful things he did in his life was contribute to this country in the ways that he could. So, what can you do, as a modern American, where you’re not needed? You can give blood. I’m alive because 10 people gave their blood. They put 10 units in me. I had 10 people’s blood inside me, and that’s why I survived, and that my daughters will have a father. I’ve never given blood in my life. I’m going to start. I just never thought about it. But not only are you doing something that’s good, it reminds you that you’re part of this thing, and that you need them and they need you. And that awareness, that exchange between you and them, that’s the human experience. That’s what life is. That’s the good stuff. And we live in a wealthy society where the good stuff isn’t imposed on us. And we think we’re getting away with something. We’re actually not. We’re actually losing something by not being part of that, not participating in the common good. Jury duty. Some people do bad things. Some people are accused of doing bad things, they didn’t do anything. None of that will get sorted out unless you’re sitting in the jury box, unless you take your turn in that box. I’ve done it. It’s also an incredible experience. It’s fascinating. And it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t have to be a murder case. It could be almost anything. But it’s society trying to be fair. And it’s a high calling, jury duty. And finally, of course, vote. If you don’t vote, you’re basically saying, “I don’t care what happens to me, and I don’t care what happens to anybody else. I just don’t care about anything.” So, vote. And I haven’t voted in every election in my life either. I’m learning as I go, and these are the things I aspire to. And if we all did them, we would have a spectacular country. We already do, but it would be so much better. It would be so much better protected against threats. So that’s how you can — when you say, “Enjoy your freedom,” you can enjoy your freedom by doing those three things, and you actually will enjoy all of them. It will make you feel like, “Wow, I’m a free person, I live in a free society. That’s incredible. I am so lucky.” Tim Ferriss: Sebastian, I really admire how expansive the range is in your writing, in so much as you can go from the 30,000 foot historical, multi-millennial view, down to your day-to-day experience on The Last Patrol, and tie it together. Also the incisiveness, or incision. I wish I were a writer or something, maybe I’d know which word it is. But how surgical you can be with your wording and observation. “This freedom from oppression does not equal freedom from obligation.” Just that wordsmithing, I wrote it down for myself, is going to stick. It’s just remarkable how much you are able to put without making it impenetrable. Much the opposite, into, in this case, roughly 130, 135 pages. I want to read one more, and this is just really for enjoyment, since we’re talking about a lot of macro-level things, we’re talking about a lot on the conceptual level. But one paragraph. It’s just really a portion of a paragraph that I quite enjoyed was, “The fire embers still pulsed, and the night air was soft and benevolent. And it felt like summer waited for us a few days up river. My dog lay on my ankles, and the three other men shifted and muttered next to me in their sleep. There may be better things than that, but not many.” And hot damn, did that make me want to just get out there on the fucking road and start walking, I got to say. I think that will probably be a result of a lot of people reading this book. I have one more question for you, but I think we’re coming to a close on this conversation. Is there anything that you would like to add? Any requests of my audience, any closing comments of any type that you would like to add before we start to bring this round two to a close? Sebastian Junger: Just to comment on the passage you read. When we were out there, we needed each other for small tasks. Pumping water, cooking dinner, finding shelter, keeping an eye out for the cops because we would’ve been arrested. Any number of things. We got shot at, somebody shot at us in Pennsylvania. One time, we moved 40 miles in 40 hours. We were dead on our feet. We went through a lot, and we were able to do it because we could count on each other. And so that feeling at the end of the day that you just read, I was there with my brothers and my dog. And that feeling of contentedness came from the fact that I knew I could count on those guys, and they knew they could count on me. And we all needed all of us to be okay. It’s easier to do that, it’s more obvious, it’s clearer doing that in a small group. But at the end of the day, 330 million people are trying to do that in a country. And we all have to think that way. America doesn’t have to survive. It could die. It could split up. It could fragment. It could implode. There’s no rule, there’s nothing written down saying this has to work. It’s going to work if we make it work. And that means thinking about people in this country the way me and the other guys thought of each other on that trip. It’s a hard thing to do for 330 million people. It’s never been tried in history before, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. There’s a difficult political moment right now. Let’s just say it, it’s obvious. Each side has to stop accusing the other side for a moment and look at its own flaws. The idea that’s popular in the right wing that you don’t have to wear a mask to protect your fellow Americans from disease, it’s just silly. It’s just ridiculous and juvenile. On the other side, on the left, I grew up in a democratic family, a liberal area, got lots of left-wing friends. If I suggest that mandatory national service might be a good idea for this country — not necessarily the military, but there’s a lot of ways to serve your country other than with a gun — that national service might be a good idea, the people that flame me, they’re not right-wing people, they’re left-wing people. They think they don’t owe anything. We all owe something. And it’s all of our duty as Americans and as human beings to figure out what we owe, and what the most is that we can give. And I’ll tell you what, not only might that save the country, it’ll save you. Tim Ferriss: Hear, hear. Well, Sebastian, I did say I had one more question, and this is going to veer back into a self-indulgent therapy session again. But I’m thinking — well, not I. My partner and I, my wonderful girlfriend and I, are thinking about kids in the very near future. And I can’t help but have this nagging voice in the back of my head saying, “You’re not ready. You don’t know what you’re doing. How could you possibly know what you’re doing?” So there is some fear there for me. Since we last spoke, you have two new members of your family. Any advice? Any thoughts to a would-be, but fearful new parent, possible parent? Sebastian Junger: Well, first of all, brother, do it. Just do it. Seriously, just do it. And I’m thrilled for you, and it’s just the best thing there is. Maybe it’s not the best thing at 20, but eventually it’s the best thing there is. And you’re not supposed to know how to do it, you haven’t done it yet. But humans are adaptive and they’re smart. You’ll figure it out. We’re animals. Animals know how to take care of their young. Instinctively, they do. And there’s a website called Evolutionary Parenting, which looks at parenting from an evolutionary perspective and tries to put it into the context of modern society. Super helpful. But also, I was talking about this with my wife, kids are, sometimes they’re just a freak show. They don’t cover their emotions very well, so stuff comes out that’s just, the tantrums, and this and that. We’re problem solvers, so I’m like, “How can I fix this? My daughter’s crying. She’s throwing stuff. I got to fix this.” You don’t have to fix it. Nothing lasts very long. You just have to give them a safe, wise, compassionate environment until whatever feeling that is passes. And I guarantee you, certainly within an hour, but probably within a few minutes, it’s over. So you just, you ride it out, man. And you ride it out with love, basically. And some instructive discipline when needed. But you’ll know what’s right. Tim Ferriss: Hmm. Well, Sebastian, it’s so enjoyable for me to spend time with you. It’s so nice to reconnect. It really doesn’t feel that long ago that I was watching you type, if I remember correctly hunting and pecking two fingers, and I asked you, “Do you write all the time like that?” And you’re like, “Yep.” Has that changed? Or is that still the same? Sebastian Junger: No, no, no. I mean, if you hit age 59 and you’re still typing with two fingers, you’re probably going to die that way. Tim Ferriss: And I’m so happy for you. You really sound good. And I am thrilled that you’ve put this small and powerful tome out into the world, Freedom. I highly suggest people pick it up. I just am consistently, and I’ve already said this, but I’ll say it again, just consistently so impressed. And I say this as someone who could probably use 10 more editors on every one of my books, because they’re phone books, for God’s sake. How much you are able to pack into very slim books without, at least in my mind, without sacrificing the essence or the details. I really just don’t know how you do it. It’s tremendously impressive to me. So, I do impress upon people both the quality of the writing, but more so than that, it’s not just wordsmithing. It’s really the power of the storytelling, and the concepts, and the history that you weave together. So people should check out Freedom. They can find you online, sebastianjunger.com, @sebastianjunger on Twitter, Facebook, and then Instagram at @sebastianjungerofficial. And thank you once again for taking the time. I hope to break some bread in person at some point soon, once we get to the light at the end of the tunnel here with vaccination and so forth. Sebastian Junger: Thank you very much, it was a real pleasure. And good luck with your next adventure. I hope it works, and I look forward to hearing it. Tim Ferriss: The next adventure, if not for any other reason than I’m thoroughly exhausted by thinking about myself and would like a shift in focus. It’d be nice to shift that lens. And to everybody listening, for show notes on everything we’ve discussed, links to everything we discussed, including Freedom, we will put those show notes at tim.blog/podcast, and they will all be easy to find. And until next time, just remember, among many things, freedom from oppression does not equal freedom from obligation. Donate blood. See what you can contribute back. Society does give each and every one of us a whole lot. And until next time, thanks for listening. Sebastian Junger: Thank you. The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than 900 million downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. 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