3 values
Re: REPOST: Accelerators/Translations Keywords: Accelerator, case Organization: Alsys Group, San Diego, CA, USA Lines: 75 In <> writes: >I posted this a while ago and didn't receive one reply, and now we >have another bug report on the same subject. Can anybody help me out? The problem is that Motif uses XGrabKey to implement menu accelerators, and these grabs are specific about which modifiers apply. Unfortunately, the specification for XGrabKey doesn't allow AnyModifier to be combined with other modifiers, which is exactly what would be desired in this case: "Ctrl Any<Key>q". >In ORA Vol. 6, in the section on accelerators it says "For information >on how to specify translation tables see Vol. 4...", this is so you >know what to put for the XmNaccelerator resource. If you go to >Vol. 4 it says, "Likewise, if a modifier is specified, there is >nothing to prohibit other modifiers from being present as well. For >example, the translation: > Shift<Key>q: quit >will take effect even if the Ctrl key is held down at the same time as >the Shift key . This is true for accelerators and mnemonics, which are implemented using event handlers instead of grabs; it's not true for menu accelerators. If you're a Motif implementor, I'd suggest lobbying to get the Xlib semantics changed to support the feature I described above. Otherwise, change the documentation for menu accelerators to properly set the user's expectations, because menu accelerators are NOT the same thing as translations. >Is it possible to supply > 1 accelerator for a menu entry? If you mean "menu accelerator", no it's not possible. That's according to the definition of the XmNaccelerator resource in the XmLabel manual page. >Keep in mind when answering this question that when using Motif you >can't use XtInstallAccelerators. I can't think of a reason why not. >How can you ensure that accelerators work the same independent of >case? What I want is Ctrl+O and Ctrl+o to both be accelerators on one >menu entry. There is a workaround for Motif users. In addition to the normal menu accelerator you install on the XmPushButton[Gadget], set an XtNaccelerators resource on the shell . Install the shell's accelerators on itself and all of its descendants with XtInstallAllAccelerators . For example, applicationShell - mainWindow - menuBar - fileCascade -- filePulldown - openPushbutton - exitPushbutton *openPushbutton.accelerator = Ctrl<Key>O *openPushbutton.acceleratorText = Ctrl+O *exitPushbutton.accelerator = Ctrl<Key>Q *exitPushbutton.acceleratorText = Ctrl+Q *applicationShell.accelerators = #override\n\ Ctrl<Key>O: PerformAction\n\ Ctrl<Key>Q: PerformAction You have to write and add the application action PerformAction, which you can implement by using XtNameToWidget on the first argument and then XtCallActionProc with the rest of the arguments. I tested out something similar to this. To shorten development time, I used TeleUSE's TuNinstallAccelerators resource to install the accelerators on the shell, and I directly invoked the Open and Quit D actions instead of asking the pushbuttons to do it for me, but the more general approach I described above should work. -- Trevor Bourget
Re: Xt intrinsics: slow popups Nntp-Posting-Host: ocelot.ioc.co.uk Organization: Intelligent Office Company Ltd. Lines: 26 In article <>, writes: > Bryan Boreham wrote: > : In article <>, writes: > : > The application creates window with a button "Quit" and "Press me". > : > The button "Press me" pops up a dialog box. The strange feature of > : > this program is that it always pops up the dialog box much faster the > : > first time. If I try to pop it up a 2nd time , > : > it is *much* slower. > : > : The shell is waiting for the window-manager to respond to its > : positioning request. The window-manager is not responding because > : it thinks the window is already in the right place. > : > : Exactly *why* the two components get into this sulk is unclear to > : me; all information greatly received. The only time I've seen similar behaviour is when an X application forked a child without setting close on exec on the X display connection file descriptor. The shell waited for a ConfigureNotify event that never arrived because it got picked up by the child. Sometimes the shell correctly got the ConfigureNotify if the timing was 'right'. -- Gary Phillips | Email: Phone: +44 81 528 9864 | Fax: +44 81 528 9878 |
Fwd: PROGRESSIVES HAPPY HOUR Original-To: Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Distribution: cmu Lines: 21 --------- Forwarding begins here --------- Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 15:39:55 -0400 Women's Center <women+@andrew.cmu.edu> To: +dist+/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr0/women/dlists/PROGRESSIVES HAPPY HOUR Enjoy good food and interesting company at the Progressives Happy Hour, Thursday 8 April, starting at 5:30pm at the Women's Center . Kosher for Passover food will be served. All are welcome. Co-sponsored by the Student Government President and funded by the student activites fee. ----------- End of forwarding -----------
Re: xman source Nntp-Posting-Host: cml3.csie.ntu.edu.tw Reply-To: Organization: Communication & Multimedia Lab, NTU, Taiwan X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3 Lines: 15 writes: : Where can I get xman source? I would like to get the binaries for : xman for an HP 9000/700, but I would settle for source. : : -- Try xport.lcs.mit.edu, in direcotry /contrib. -- -------------------------------- ================================================================= Chun-Hung Lin Communication & Multimedia Lab. Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Info. Eng. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. =================================================================
ftp:UNIX-dos-UNIX Organization: The Internet Lines: 13 To: I'm an new to this. Having found some files to look into, I ftp'ed them to a system I have access to. I then used kermit to transmit them via modem to my host computer, a PC-based file system. I access internet through modem access to a university mainframe. From the PC file server, I pull the files to a disk, and then pull them from disk to a SGI Indigo . When I try to uncompress and un-tar the files, they either come out as garbage or I get an error in the tar process about directories being invalid. What I'm wondering about is the transfer of UNIX files about multiple platforms. My guess is that it is the copy to a 'dos' disk that is screwing things up. Any help is appreciated. bob
Realtime X-tensions Organization: University Of Kentucky, Dept. of Math Sciences Lines: 8 Hi, Iam looking for information on any work that deals with real-time support in X-windows????!! Would be happy if you could provide any pointers or information thanks Lakshman
Re: Animation with XPutImage? Organization: CEC Karlsruhe Lines: 14 NNTP-Posting-Host: NESTVX In article <> writes: > ... remove the shared memory segment... > Terrible, but it works. Why is that terrible ? That's exactly the way our code has been doing it for two years now and is the way that temporary files in UNIX systems are managed most of the time . Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz Distributed Multimedia Group, CEC Karlsruhe EERP Portfolio Manager Software Motion Pictures & BERKOM II Project Multimedia Base Technology Digital Equipment Corporation
How do I find my AppContext? Organization: San Diego State University, College of Sciences Lines: 14 NNTP-Posting-Host: ucssun1.sdsu.edu Keywords: Context, Xt, motif, application X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Is there an Xt call to give me my application context? I am fixing up an X/Motif program, and am trying to use XtAppAddTimeOut, whose first argument is the app_context. What call can I use to give me this value? Thanks, Todd Greene ~
MANUAL unsubscribe REQUEST Organization: The Internet Lines: 13 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: I am on the list under two addresses, I think: and zuma! Please delete the second one, zuma! Thanks. Sorry for the screw up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Tulinsky Capital Management Sciences West Los Angeles 310 479 9715
Motif maling list Organization: The Internet Lines: 13 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: Hi, all! Anyone knows of a Motif mailing list? I don't have access to network news and there is no longer a motif list at alfalfa.com. Thanks, Joel. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Reymont ! Z-Code Software Corporation ! e-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4340 Redwood Hwy, Suit B.50, San Rafael, CA 94903 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Looking for Xt and Xaw Organization: Westfaelischen Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster, Germany Lines: 8 NNTP-Posting-Host: asterix.uni-muenster.de I want to compile Xdvi and later perhaps Emacs 19 on a DEC Ultrix machine with X installed. Unfortunately, Xt and Xaw libs and headers are missing. How can I get them without having to compile the whole MIT distribution ? Pleasy reply by email to: Thanks in advance.
help Organization: The Internet Lines: 5 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: --- Received from EEI.EEIIHY 353-1-2800455 93-04-26 12.28 -> VAX.XPERT..EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU..INET -: - - - - - - - - - - > MAIL USER IN VAX AND INTERNET help
tape down selections Article-I.D.: hal.1r4cej$1jc8 Organization: dis Lines: 11 NNTP-Posting-Host: hal.ai.mit.edu I just had an idea. I'm not sure if its been done and I'm just remembering it unconsiously, but I thought that in dialog boxes and whatever in windowing systems, there should be a way to intuitivly set some things checked or unchecked or filled in a certain way. My idea: tape. You know, like putting a piece of tape over a light switch? Just an idea, if you like it, use it. -- Daniel Drucker N2SXX | Forever, forever, my Coda. |
Re: question regarding overlaying of graphics Organization: The Internet Lines: 30 To: Cc: > Let's say I have two rectangles on the canvas > one intersecting the other... > Now, I would like to delete one of the rectangles. > The way I do it is to create another GC wherein I use the > GXxor logical function and simply redraw the rectangle using the newly > created graphics context thus deleting it for all apparent purposes. > A problem with this approach is that at the points of intersection the pixel > locations belonging to the other rectangle also become white, which is > something that should be avoided. You could set up a bitmap with a mask in it. Clear the bitmap, draw the rectangle to be deleted with GXor. Draw the one that is to stay with GXclear. Then GXxor the entire pixmap with the screen. Note that this is a pretty effective way of animation, if you ever need to do that . ---------- Joe Hildebrand Software Engineer Fuentez Systems Concepts 273-1447 Standard disclaimers apply
XV 3.00 has escaped! Organization: GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania Lines: 13 Nntp-Posting-Host: grip.cis.upenn.edu No, not another false alarm, not a "It'll certainly be done by *next* week" message... No, this is the real thing. I repeat, this is *not* a drill! Batten down the hatches, hide the women, and lock up the cows, XV 3.00 has finally escaped. I was cleaning its cage this morning when it overpowered me, broke down the office door, and fled the lab. It was last seen heading in the general direction of export.lcs.mit.edu at nearly 30k per second... If found, it answers to the name of 'contrib/xv-3.00.tar.Z'. Have a blast. I'm off to the vacation capital of the U.S.: Waco, Texas. --jhb
Re: gadgets vs widgets Article-I.D.: parsival.199304060609.AA00309 Organization: The Internet Lines: 38 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: > > > Motif managers take a very simplistic approach to the way they handle events > > for gadgets: they track for all events wether or not > > the gadget expresses interest in the events. As a result, gadgets typically > > generate a great deal more network traffic. Those with X terminals might find > > a noticable network performance drop as a result. > > > > Really? What's the point using Gadgets then? > > It is a case of memory vs. network performance tradeoff. Gadgets > save both client and server memory. But memory is easily expandable while > network performance is not, so if I were designing Motif I would > at least make it *possible* to avoid using gadgets. At present you > really don't have a choice because Motif forces you to use gadgets > in menus and in various other places. > > Adrian Nye > O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. I've been using the XmGraph widget that's been floating around and I noticed the performance is significantly better using Gadgets, perhaps even 100% faster. I had heard in an old programming course that gadgets were no longer any benefit to performance, and that it's just as well to use widgets everywhere. So why would ~50 pushbutton gadgets be a lot quicker than 50 pushbuttons in the graph? Should I start putting gadgets back into my long pulldown menus? XmGraph manages children connected by XmArc widgets in a directed network type graph with automatic layout capability. Bill --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schlumberger Geco-Prakla Internet :
GCC and Building the HP Widget Set on Linux Reply-To: Organization: The Institute of Knowledge on Jinx Lines: 30 I am currently attempting to get a copy of the HP Widget set compiled under Linux and am running into some problems. Actually, it seems that this is more of a GCC question, because I got it to compile without trouble using cc on an RS/6000. Basically, there are a number of functions with prototypes set up in, let's say, CompositeP.h, for instance, the composite widget's insert_child procedure is set up with the type : typedef void but in several places in the HP source code, they reference the insert_child procedure and pass it multiple arguments instead of just one, as the prototype suggests. For example: Now, GCC chokes on this, giving an error message that too many arguments are passed to the function. So, does anyone have any suggestions as to how to turn off this checking in GCC, or how I can go about changing the code to accomodate this call without changing /usr/include/X11/CompositeP.h, or has anyone successfully built the HP widget set and have any suggestions. Many thanks in advance for any help. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Bill Woodward | <-- Try this first AIX Software Support | Graphics Group | 512-838-2834 I am the terror that flaps in the night.
Re: Converting contents of X-window to color postscript Organization: Electrical Engineering Dept Manchester University Lines: 22 X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Jeff Haferman wrote: > Can somebody point me to source code for dumping the contents of > an X-window into a color postscript file? I have written > an app which brings up an X-window, and I want to dump the window into a postscript file. > Thanks. > Jeff Haferman internet: > Department of Mechanical Engineering DoD 0186 BMWMOA 44469 AMA 460140 > The University of Iowa > Iowa City, IA 52242 '76 R90S I use xwd and xwd2ps. To do it from within a program I use xwd -id xxxxx where xxxxx is the window id obtained from XtWindow. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Raju Gurung, I.T. 109, I.T. Building, Dept. of Electrical Eng., | | University of Manchester, Oxford Rd, Manchester, U.K. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcing the Motif++ mailing list Organization: University of Utrecht, 3D Computer Vision Research Group Lines: 132 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu Keywords: mailinglist, motif++ To: I am glad and proud to announce the new mailing-list for the PD Motif C++ bindings. I got over 40 replies in about one week of people interested in such a list, and the software has now been properly installed, so the list is now up and running. For those interested in joining, please send e-mail to that extend to 'motif++' or ''. The blurb everyone who joins gets follows, as well as the original announcement for where Motif++ can be obtained. Enjoy! 8< - 8< - Welcome to the Motif++ Mailing List! The Motif++ mailing list is a mailing list dedicated to Motif++, the PD C++ wrapper library for Motif, where people can ask questions about Motif++, swap stories, and give new ideas about new directions and improvements for the bindings. All requests of an administrative nature, like subscription, removal, etc. should be directed to motif++ All e-mail sent to motif++@cv.ruu.nl will be sent to the entire list, so please make sure when using 'vacation' type programs that will reply to messages automatically, that the address for the mailing-list is excluded from auto-replies. Enjoy! Ronald van Loon | In theory, there is no difference | between theory and practice. 3DCV Group, Utrecht | The Netherlands | In practice however, there is. 8< - 8< - Hello Motif World, over the past half year there have been a lot of relatively minor changes to the Motif++ bindings. Imake support has been improved, a few defaults have been changed, and a lot of other small things have been added. This is basically a release which drops the 'gamma' status. Next release will incorporate some improvements by Stefan Schwarz, and possibly will support X11R5 and Motif 1.2.x. Note to all of those who keep copies of the archive: please retrieve this distribution , and delete all previous copies. Here is the original ANNOUNCEMENT: HISTORY The University of Lowell, supported by a grant of the Open Software Foundation, has developed a wrapper-library, that encapsulates Motif widgets in C++ classes. All resources of these Widgets can now be set through member-functions, while objects can be used in callback-functions. The library was made available for free or nominal cost for anonymous ftp at However, the library contained a large number of bugs and oversights, and only worked under X11R3. Due to lack of subsequent fundings, the bindings are no longer actively supported by the University of Lowell. I, Ronald van Loon, at a certain point last year, have taken the Lowell bindings, fixing the bugs I came across, adding missing memberfunctions, and enhancing functionality and made the bug-fixed library available for the general public for anonymous ftp . NEW RELEASE I am now pleased to announce a new and updated release of the Motif++ bindings. This release offers: - Full Motif1.1 and X11R4 support - Support for Xbae widgetset - Two additional widgets, written by myself, that can be used to indicate progress in an application. - Imake support. NB: this release relies heavily on the existence of imake and its config files on your site. I have tried to provide the bindings with a standard Makefile, tweakable for those unfortunates without imake. I have not severely tested the standard Makefile though. Contact me if you have problems. The reason for calling this a gamma release lies in the fact that I do not have a multitude of platforms to test the Imake-files on. - Lots of testfiles - An article I wrote on the usage of Motif, X and C++, previously posted on Usenet. WHERE TO GET THE NEW MOTIF BINDINGS Ftp: Anonymous ftp at decuac.dec.com , directory /pub/X11. Note: Please be patient as the network link is quite slow. Please do not FTP large files during working hours. Also note that there is also a motif++.31.jan.92.tar.Z file at this site; this is an old version of the bindings. E-mail: Those who don't have ftp can send me e-mail, and I will send the bindings by e-mail. REQUEST Those who use the bindings and find bugs, or see room for improvement, please contact me, and I will try to incorporate them in a future release . MORE INFORMATION Contact me at "". If you are desperate, then you can call me at +31 30 506711 . Enjoy! -- Ronald van Loon | In theory, there is no difference | between theory and practice. 3DCV Group, Utrecht | The Netherlands | In practice however, there is.
Subscription Organization: The Internet Lines: 7 To: Please subscribe me to this mailing list Michael D. Grapevine | One of these days, USN SWC | One of these days, Code 4G33 | POW! | It's gonna happen, Bus: 982-7791 | and I won't even realize it.
X for PC Organization: Youngstown State/Youngstown Free-Net Lines: 18 NNTP-Posting-Host: yfn.ysu.edu I have heard of two packages for the PC that support X-Win. The first is Linux which is a free Unix Package. The Second is X-Appeal, which sounds pretty good. It can be found at garbo.uwusa.fi in the ~ftp/pc/demo/ dir. The files are xap13exe.zip xap10fon.zip drivers.zip This should get you started. Josh. -- + Joshua Weage : U.S. Snail - 277 Spring Rd, Baroda, MI 49101 + + E-Mail: | + + Fidonet: Joshua Weage @ 1:2340/130 + + All ideas are my own and no one elses!! +
Re: How do I find my AppContext? Organization: Surf City Software/TBFW Project In-Reply-To: 's message of 19 Apr 1993 23:00:15 GMT Lines: 14 On 19 Apr 1993 23:00:15 GMT, said: > Is there an Xt call to give me my application context? > I am fixing up an X/Motif program, and am trying to use XtAppAddTimeOut, > whose first argument is the app_context. What call can I use > to give me this value? I believe it's XtVaAppInitialize or something like that. -- Robert L. McMillin | Surf City Software | | Dude! #include <std.disclaimer.h>
Re: Is it just me, or is this newsgroup dead? Organization: The Internet Lines: 24 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: , # # I've gotten very few posts on this group in the last couple days. Is it just me, or is this group # near death? # Seen from the mailing list side, I'm getting about the right amount of traffic. Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- --------- Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- --------- Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Re: Monthly Question about XCopyArea and Expose Events Organization: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Lines: 43 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: narya.gsfc.nasa.gov Originator: |> |> |> Suppose you have an idle app with a realized and mapped Window that contains |> Xlib graphics. A button widget, when pressed, will cause a new item |> to be drawn in the Window. This action clearly should not call XCopyArea |> directly; instead, it should register the existence of the new |> item in a memory structure and let the same expose event handler that handles |> "regular" expose events take care |> of rendering the new image. Using an expose event handler is a "proper" way |> to do this because at the time the handler is called, the Xlib Window is |> guaranteed to be mapped. |> |> The problem, of course, is that no expose event is generated if the window |> is already visible and mapped. What we need to do is somehow "tickle" the |> Window so that the expose handler is hit with arguments that will enable |> it to render *just* the part of the window that contains the new item. |> |> What is the best way to tickle a window to produce this behavior? If I understand your problem correctly, you want to have a way to send exposures to your manager widget when your app-specific code draws xlib graphics on the window. It sounds like you might want to send an exposure using XSendEvent and specifying a region. If you know the region you need to send the exposure, generally you have the bounding rectangle of the objects, you can use XCreateRegion to create a region, XUnionRectWithRegion to add the new object polygons to the region, and then either use the region to clip your GC for the redraw or use XRectInRegion to test which of your other objects need to be redrawn. Keeping in mind that the stacking order of overlapping objects affects how they look. Hope it helps -- Brian Dealy |301-572-8267| It not knowing where it's at | | that's important,it's knowing !uunet!dftsrv!kong!dealy | | where it's not at... B.Dylan -- Brian Dealy |301-572-8267| It not knowing where it's at | | that's important,it's knowing !uunet!dftsrv!kong!dealy | | where it's not at... B.Dylan
R5 table widget causing trouble with XtQueryGeometry Organization: Universitaet Koblenz Lines: 227 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: glass.uni-koblenz.de Contents:Problems with table widgets in R5 The following part of a program did work in R4, but refused to in R5. Of cause, the R4-version did not know about the xpTableWidgetClass and XpTableChildPosition . Since compiling with R5, the program causes a zero width or height error . The trouble-shooter is the computation of the model_init_table - table widget: though its childs exist, XtQueryGeometry returns a prefered width and height of zero. Thus the following asignment cannot perform anything else but set the width and height of the newly created widget to zero. No wonder XtPopup or XtManage- Child create zero width or height errors . Question: Does anyone know, why XtQueryGeometry returns so low prefered values when working on table widgets or perhaps what to do about? I'll be happy, if someone is able to help me. Germans are requested to answer in german. Siegfried Kaiser email: The part of interest: /* Graphischer Neuaufbau des Model-Init-Formulars */ /* Storing the old width and height of the viewport- */ /* widget, which is the parent of the troubling table */ /* widget, before the viewport widget is destroyed */ /* The destroying of widgets before resizing them is a */ /* relict from R3-age */ if XtUnmapWidget; XtDestroyWidget; /* Creating the subtree within the shell, of which the */ /* root is the viewport widget */ n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; model_init_form_view = XtCreateWidget; n = 0; model_init_table = XtCreateWidget; /* create_form_widget does create and position table */ /* widget's childs. To position them it uses XpTable- */ /* ChildPosition in R5 and XtTblPosition in R4 */ create_form_widget; /* */ /* The crucial function call: */ /* intended to return the maximum height possible: if */ /* there isn't sufficient space to show the whole table */ /* widget, then the viewport shall grow as large as */ /* possible, but not beyond the border of screen. */ /* If there is enough space, the window is intended to */ /* shrienk to the smallest possible height. */ /* */ XtQueryGeometry; /* According to the algorithms idea, the new value of */ /* viewport widget's height is selected. Unfortunately */ /* pref.height = 0 leads to new_height = 0. */ if new_height = pref.height; else new_height = form_view_height; /* Setting the new values to viewport widgets ancestors */ w = XtNameToWidget; XtResizeWidget; XtResizeWidget; if { /* In case the shell, which contains model_init_form_- */ /* view and model_init_table, allready exists, is has */ /* to be resized, too. */ n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtGetValues; XtResizeWidget; }; /* end of if */ n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtGetValues; XtResizeWidget; XtResizeWidget; resize_inits; /* If there is the shell's height set within the */ /* resource file, the program terminates within the */ /* first XtManageChild on its second pass through the */ /* observed function. The first pass succeeds. */ XtManageChild; XtManageChild; if { /* In case the shell isn't popped up it has to be done. */ /* If there is no value set to the shell's height within*/ /* the resource file, the program terminates here. */ XtPopup; model_init_pop_flag = True; set_model_init_attributes; }; /* end of if */ get_actual_init; load_form; /* */ /* If someone suspects the creation of table widget's contents */ /* causes all the trouble, there are the sources of create_form */ /* */ create_form_widget t_obj *ptr; Widget table; /* ptr is a linear list containing attributes and para- */ /* meters of the model and additionally the correspon- */ /* ding widgets */ { Arg args[10]; int n, row, col; t_obj *ptr_obj; t_ident *ptr_ident; /* Initialization of the local variables */ ptr_obj = ptr; col = 0; row = 0; /* Schleife ueber die Objekte bzw. das Pseudo-Objekt */ /* loop through the list of objects and pseudo-objects: */ /* every object occuring in the model has zero or more */ /* attributes and some parameters, which can be shared */ /* by several objects. */ /* Because of locality the attributes of one object are */ /* listed in a second linear list , */ /* whereas the parameters, which can belong to any ob- */ /* ject are put together in a pseudo-object */ /* Thus the program loops through the list of objects */ /* and pseudo-objects and for each object through the */ /* list of its attributes resp. parameters. */ while (ptr_obj != NULL) { /* Each object and pseudo-object is represented in a */ /* label widget */ n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; ptr_obj->label_w = XtCreateManagedWidget; XpTableChildPosition; col++; row++; ptr_ident = ptr_obj->ident; /* Schleife ueber die Objekt-Attribute bzw. Parameter */ while (ptr_ident != NULL) { /* Each attribute and parameter is represented in a */ /* label and has a corresponding asciiText widget, in */ /* which it is to be initialized. */ n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; ptr_ident->label_w = XtCreateManagedWidget; XpTableChildPosition; col++; n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; XtSetArg; n++; ptr_ident->text_w = XtCreateManagedWidget; XpTableChildPosition; col--; row++; get_next_ident; }; /* end of while */ col--; get_next_obj; }; /* end of while */ } /* end of create_form_widget */ So far the problem in detail.
X server for NT? Organization: The Internet Lines: 5 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: cognac!sunpitt!expo.lcs.mit.edu! Does anybody have an X server for NT that they're willing to share files or experiences? Bill Steer Westinghouse
Rob Earhart <earhart+@CMU.EDU>Re: Q: How to avoid XOpenDisplay hang? Organization: Sophomore, Physics, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 4 NNTP-Posting-Host: po4.andrew.cmu.edu In-Reply-To: <> Don't know how to avoid the XOpenDisplay hang... but perhaps you could use something else ? )Rob
Re: DEC pixmap size Reply-To: Organization: SynOptics Communications, Santa Clara CA Lines: 12 Nntp-Posting-Host: bugsbunny.synoptics.com In article , (Helmut Haase ) writes: >If I try to create a pixmap larger than the size of my screen the program >will terminate displaying the message: > >X Error: BadAlloc - insufficient resources Many X servers supporting graphics accelerators do not allow the creation of pixmaps exeeding the size of the screen. One workaround is to create several smaller pixmaps and add the results. --- Ken Lee,
XFree86 and Esix 4.0.4 Organization: AT&T Distribution: na Keywords: esix Lines: 39 Hello Netlanders: I am a novice X user with a question for any Xgod. My computer configuration with the X problem is as follows: 486DX50/256/16RAM running Esix 4.0.4 Wangtek AT-style interface 250 M tape drive. I have loaded the Basic OS and inet utilities . I ftp-ed the XFree86 binaries and installed properly. I can execute startx and run X-windows with no problems. However, if I try to access the tape drive while in X, the machine locks up instantly. If I am out of X and access the tape, the tape drive works fine. Soon as I try to startx again; the screen changes modes, but, the grey background pattern does not come up and no xterm is forked. I have to login from another terminal and execute a shutdown to reset the system. I've contacted Esix about this problem. They claim THEIR X-window X11R4 server works with the Wangtek tape drive. They also claim I only need the nsu to run X; I don't need inet . My experience has been that I need BOTH to get XFree86 to work. I'm not too concerned about having to load both nsu and inet packages to get X to work unless the inet package is causing my problem. I would like to get both X and my tape drive to co-exist on the same system. If you can shed any light on the problem, it would be appreciated. One colleague implied this might be a hardware conflict. If this is true, what direction should I look to resolve the conflict ? Thanks, Kenneth Cobler AT&T Bell Laboratories 263 Shuman Blvd. Naperville, IL 60566
Pixmaps and colormaps sent through selections... Summary: Selections and Pixmaps/Colormaps Keywords: Selections Nntp-Posting-Host: morrison.wri.com Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc. Lines: 18 I want to be able to send a Pixmap from one client to the next. Along with this I want to send the Colormap and foreground and background pixel values. So far not a problem, I can do this with no problem. However, once I have the Pixmap id and the Colormap id, how do I go about telling the server that the second client now wants to have associations with the two id's? TIA, John -- o John L. Cwikla o o o X Programmer o X was never the first o o Wolfram Research, Inc. o letter of the alphabet o o 398-0700 o o
HELP! Setting Colormaps on multi-top-level APP Keywords: GLX mixed-model,colormap Organization: DSG, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA Lines: 71 Dear SGI and netter GL-X Mixed-Model experts, I am writing a mixed model application that creates a couple different color maps for different windows, and I've been having trouble getting the window manager to reliably honor my requests. In some environments all windows are getting properly connected to their designated color maps, but on others the color mapping is unreliable and changes behavior when I compile at different times. The most common problem is that all non-top-level windows fail to be displayed according to their colormap. My application starts out by creating three top-level windows; in some cases all but the first of these also fail to be displayed by their colormap. This is spectacularly aggravating. I would dearly appreciate 1. an explanation of the standard, RIGHT, CORRECT way to give a window a colormap such that the Window Manager will Honor and Obey it; 2. any advice about problems that could cause my failure to get my desired colormaps. By now I have exhausted my own attempts on this, having tried everything reasonable or imaginable. Below is example code giving the schematic for how I have been *TRYING* to do this. Please, please, please SOMEBODY tell me what I am doing wrong/how to do it right!!! Yours, Chris Lee /***********************************************************************/ Display* dpy; /* DECLARE SOME DATA... */ Colormap popup_cmap; XColor mycolor; Window win; XSetWindowAttributes cwa; int nwlist; Window *wlist; /* NB: FOR BREVITY, NOT SHOWING ALL CODE LINES--JUST A SCHEMATIC */ popup_cmap=XCreateColormap(dpy,DefaultRootWindow,vis->visual,AllocAll); /* HERE WE STORE A BUNCH OF COLORS USING XStoreColor; ... */ cwa.colormap = popup_cmap; win = XCreateWindow; /* LIST ALL SUB WINDOWS OF my_topwin, PARENT OF win, INTO wlist; nwlist IS COUNTER OF ENTRIES IN wlist. NB: wlist is static storage that can be relied on not to go away or be corrupted. I thought of that! Does anyone know if setting WM properties is by data copy, or by reference pointer? ie. is it acceptable to pass data for a Property, then free the data? */ XSetWMColormapWindows; XMapRaised; /* LATER ON WE HANDLE XEvents NORMALLY... TYPICAL EVENTLOOP */
X benchmarks Keywords: benchmark Organization: AT&T Lines: 17 We are in the process of evaluating X-terminals. This includes running XRemote over a serial line. I would like to run some X benchmarks to determine comparative performance. Has anyone written any such benchmarks, or know of any useful programs on the net ? I heard of a program called "Xstone", but I couldn't locate it using archie. Please reply to , as I don't get to read this newsgroup much. Thanks in advance for any help. -- +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Andrew Fielden. AT&T Network Systems UK | Tel : +44 666 832023 | |Information Systems Group | Email : | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
Expose/Configure event handling Organization: UMIACS, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Lines: 29 I have two questions about how Expose & Configure events are handled. I have an appl. which uses 1 window to draw in. Since I give the user the capability of scaling and zooming as well as allowing the window to be resized, I made a translation table for the Expose & Configure events. The Expose event calls my redraw method while the Configure event calls my rescale method. The rescale method invokes a "fake" Expose event to draw the data. Quest 1. When the appl. is compiled/linked w/ R4 I get multiple redraws when the window gets uncovered or the size is changed. I assume I'm getting cascading events. Is that right? Any suggestions as to how to handle/trap events in a better way? Quest 2. When the appl. is compiled/linked w/ R5 I get no Expose events whatsoever. Do events and/or translation tables act differently in R5? Thanks in advance Steve -- ========================================================================================== Steve Kelley UMCP CS/UMIACS Captain, I protest! Internet: I am *NOT* a merry man! - Worf
Help: SunView on olwm/xview3/X11R5 Article-I.D.: haji.9304051753.AA05339 Organization: The Internet Lines: 23 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: xpert% Hi, I just compiled the X11R5 distribution for a Sun3/SunOS4.1.1. I also compiled the public domain xview3 distribution. I have some old 3rd-party application binaries that are SunView programs. How do I get them to work under xview3 and olwm? I do not have news access....that's why I am mailing this directly. Also, is there an email alias where my questions can get to comp.windows.x or comp.windows.open-look? PLEASE RESPOND TO Thanks, Shash +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Shash Chatterjee EMAIL: + + EC Software PHONE: 763-1495 + + Lockheed Fort Worth Company FAX: 777-2115 + + P.O. Box 748, MZ1719 + + Ft. Worth, TX 76101 + +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Icon Animation Lines: 17 Reply-To: Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation -- CSC/Colorado Srpings Hi Folks. As part of my self-introduction to X I've been trying to do some simple icon animation . Changing your own applications icon is fairly simple: If you have a widget ID you can just XtSetValues on XtNiconifyPixmap and you're done. Alternately you can set window manager hints. These methods don't seem to work with icons which your application doesn't specifically own. In my situation I have to change the icon of random windows sitting there in my icon box so my question is: Given a window-id, how do you change the icon pixure ? A working example would be very much appreciated. If it makes any difference, I'm using motif 1.1 on VMS T6.0-5KE. Thanks - Scott :)
NumLock masking? interference with Meta/Compose/ExtendChar, ... Organization: The Internet Lines: 17 To: > My question is this: Is there a means of determining what the state > of CapsLock and/or NumLock is? Alright. Ignore this. I have delved a bit deeper and found what I was looking for. ev->state has a bunch of masks to check against . Unfortunately, it appears that the NumLock mask varies from server to server. How does one tell what mask is numlock and which are for Meta . eg, SGI's vendor server has Mod2Mask being NumLock, whereas Solaris 1.0.1 OpenWindows 3.0 has Mod3Mask for NumLock. Is there an unambiguous means of determining NumLock's mask at runtime for any given server? Sorry for the wasted bandwidth and my appalling ignorance. Thanks, Ralph
Xm1.2.1 and OW server Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway Lines: 43 Distribution: inet NNTP-Posting-Host: cs.utexas.edu We have a program written with X11R5 and Motif 1.2.1. It runs fine on the Sun X11R5 server and MacX. When that program is run under the Sparc 2 and the OW server, the program crashed itself along with the server. It crashed before the first window had showed up. I got the following error from X. XIO: fatal IO error 32 on X server "perot:0.0" after 62 requests with 0 events remaining. The connection was probably broken by a server shutdown or KillClient. I have run the program with xmon and below is the last twenty lines or so from xmon before both the program and server crashed. ............REQUEST: GetProperty delete: False window: WIN 00900001 property: ATM 00000074 type: ATM 00000074 long-offset: 00000000 ..............REPLY: GetProperty format: 00 type: <NONE> bytes-after: 00000000 ............REQUEST: GetInputFocus ..............REPLY: GetInputFocus revert-to: Parent focus: WIN 0040000d ............REQUEST: ChangeProperty mode: Replace window: WIN 00900001 property: ATM 00000074 type: ATM 00000074 format: 08 data: 42 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 75 00 00 00 00 ............REQUEST: GetInputFocus Please email to me if you have any idea of the above problem. Thanks in advance. -- MW Chiu
Problem with libararies Organization: Computer Science Department, University of Cape Town Lines: 50 I have been trying to compile some source code for a mpeg animation viewer for X Windows. I got the code from a ftp site. I have modified the Makefile as they instructed, no errors there. What happens is that I get the following message when everything is going to be linked: cc util.o video.o parseblock.o motionvector.o decoders.o fs2.o fs2fast.o fs4.o hybrid.o hybriderr.o 2x2.o gdith.o gray.o mono.o main.o jrevdct.o 24bit.o util32.o ordered.o ordered2.o mb_ordered.o /lib/libX11.so /lib/libXext.so -lm -o mpeg_play Undefined first referenced symbol in file getnetpath /lib/libX11.so t_alloc /lib/libX11.so t_unbind /lib/libX11.so t_open /lib/libX11.so t_rcvdis /lib/libX11.so netdir_free /lib/libX11.so t_error /lib/libX11.so netdir_getbyname /lib/libX11.so getnetconfigent /lib/libX11.so t_look /lib/libX11.so t_errno /lib/libX11.so t_close /lib/libX11.so netdir_getbyaddr /lib/libX11.so t_listen /lib/libX11.so t_rcv /lib/libX11.so setnetpath /lib/libX11.so t_bind /lib/libX11.so t_connect /lib/libX11.so t_accept /lib/libX11.so nc_perror /lib/libX11.so inet_addr /lib/libX11.so ld: mpeg_play: fatal error: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to mpeg_play *** Error code 1 make: fatal error. Does anyone know where these missing functions are located? If you do can you help me with it? I posted before to one of the other Unix groups, I tried their suggestions but always get this error. If you have to know: I am using Unix system V. The machines here are 486's. The terminals I want to use are separate and just called X-terminals and they seem dedicated to that. I'm not sure as to what they really are, since it is one of my first times out with this X-windows gidget! That is, first time programming for it, so to speak. I use them alot just for the graphics things. If you can help, mail me soon. Gerard.
Re: tvtwm & xsetroot, X11R5 and Sparc 10 keyboard Organization: Penn State Population Research Institute Lines: 32 NNTP-Posting-Host: darwin.pop.psu.edu In article <> writes: >Hi, > Environment: Sun Sparc 10, SunOs 4.1.3. X11R5 path level 23. My X process >is started by xdm. Okay, that's good. I'm typing this from exactly the same setup. I did install the sunkbd patch, though. > i) I want to setup the backgroud of the tvtwm display to > display the escherknot etc ! Make sure you're using "ssetroot", which comes with tvtwm. When tvtwm starts up, it nukes the existing root window. Use an "ssetroot" after tvtwm starts up. (You could spawn off a "&") You can also use "VirtualDesktopBackgroundPixmap filename" or just VirtualDesktopBackground if you just want another color besides grey. > ii) When I open an Xterm on the Sparc 10, not all of the keys are recognised > and some keys on the keyboard are not sending the correct characters. Did you install the sunkbd patch? It's in the contrib directory on export. All the keys on my keyboard send events properly, except the following: The End, PageUp, PageDown on the 6-key cluster aren't recognized. Even the compose key works. Anyone have a fix for the last two? --Dave -- System Administrator, Penn State Population Research Institute * Dog Dianetics - Kibo
Looking for an R5 Xserver for HP9000/385 Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County Campus Lines: 14 Distribution: na NNTP-Posting-Host: umbc7.umbc.edu X-Auth-User: banz Subject says it all... Anyone know where I can find one. Binaries are nice, but source would do to. Thanks in advance, -- Rob Banz "If we give people an alternative to Microsoft...it will have been a greater good." -Steve Jobs "Yes, Bill, we are your father!" -IBM OS/2 Presentation, FOSE'93
Re: Honors Degrees: Do they mean anything? Organization: Spider Systems Limited, Edinburgh, UK. Lines: 44 In article <> writes: > >> In my opinion, a programming degree is still worth having. > > Yes, but a CS degree is *not* a programming degree. Does anybody know of >a computing course where *programming* is taught ? Computer Science is >a branch of maths . > I've also done a Software Engineering course - much more practical and likely >to be the sort of thing an employer really wants, rather than what they think >they want, but also did not teach programming. The ability to program was >an entry requirement. At Robert Gordon University, programming was the main start of the course. The first two years consisted of five subjects: Software Engineering , Computer Engineering , Computer Theory , Mathematics/Statistics and Communication Skills . The third year was spent working for a computer company for a year. The company could be anywhere in Europe . The fourth year included Operating Systems, Software Engineering , Real Time Laboratory and Computing Theory . There were also Group Projects in 2nd and 4th Years, where students worked in teams to select their own project or decide to work for an outside company . In the first four years, there was a 50%:50% weighting between courseworks and exams for most subjects. However in the Honours year, this was reduced to a 30%:70% split between an Individual Project and final exams - are all Computer Science courses like this? BTW - we started off with 22 students in our first year and were left with 8 by Honours year. Also, every course is tutored separately. Not easy trying to sleep when you are in 8 student class :-). Cheers, Michael -- | Michael S. A. Robb | Tel: +44 31 554 9424 | "..The problem with bolt-on | Software Engineer | Fax: +44 31 554 0649 | software is making sure the | Spider Systems Limited | E-mail: | bolts are the right size.." | Edinburgh, EH6 5NG | | - Anonymous
Pointer Feature Summary: Multiple flushing of pointers Keywords: Pointers, Arrows, Cursors Nntp-Posting-Host: gudbransdal.cs.odu.edu Organization: Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Va Lines: 23 Hi I am trying to implement a pointer feature in Xlib I have multiple windows and all can take input and show output simultaneously on all other displays I want to implement a pointer feature I would like to get the pointer to come up on all windows once I choose pointer in the menu and every one should be able to see it Can you give me some hints as to how I should proceed replies will be greatly appreciated Thank you Prakash < >
Re: Title for XTerm In-Reply-To: 's message of Thu, 22 Apr 1993 17:35:46 GMT Nntp-Posting-Host: grymoire.crd.ge.com Reply-To: Organization: GE Corp. R & D, Schenectady, NY <> <> In article <> writes: [Hint for Sun OS users: use /usr/5bin/echo instead of /bin/echo or Csh's built-in echo. Otherwise you'll have to embed literal ESC and BEL characters in the string instead of using convenient octal sequences.] Bad idea. using /usr/5bin/echo is slower than the built-in echo. This is what I do. It does execute `hostname` once per shell window, and does read in one extra file. But manipluating the titles does not require executing extra programs. Oh yes, it does execute some programs once per each system. But it stores them in a file for the next time... if then setenv HOSTNAME `hostname` endif # figure how how to generate escape, bell, # and echo commands without a a line terminator # I may have done this before. If so, the variable E is set # have I executed this script before on this system? if then # echo "already set the echo variables">/dev/tty else if then source ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} else if then # echo "built in echo is bsd" >/dev/tty # then berkeley style echo echo 'set ech = "echo -n"' >~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} echo "set E = `echo a | tr a '\033'`" >> ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} echo "set B = `echo a | tr a '\007'`" >> ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} echo 'set N = ""' >> ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} source ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} else # echo "built in echo is sysV" >/dev/tty echo 'set ech = "echo"' >~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} echo 'set E = "\033"' >> ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} echo 'set B = "\007"' >> ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} echo 'set N = "\c"' >> ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} source ~/.echo.${HOSTNAME} endif # Are we using shelltool, cmdtool or xterm? # duplicate these aliases here to avoid problems if then # Sun Aliases alias Header '${ech} "${E}]l\!:1${E}\${N}"' alias IHeader '${ech} "${E}]L\!:1${E}\${N}"' else if then alias Header '${ech} "${E}]2;\!:1${B}${N}"' alias IHeader '${ech} "${E}]1;\!:1${B}${N}"' endif -- Bruce Barnett <> uunet!crdgw1!barnett
Changing OLWM icons Organization: University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Lines: 8 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: I was wondering if it's possible to change the window icons OLWM uses for things like xterm. Most of the defaults are pretty lame. Any answer would be most appreciated. Thanks Matt Clark
Re: Motif vs. [Athena, etc.] Organization: BOECOM Project - Boeing Computer Services, Seattle, Wa Lines: 14 In article <>, writes: |> Ports of Motif to both 386BSD and Linux are available for a fee of about |> $100. This is cost recovery for the person who bought the rights to |> redistribute. The activity in both the BSD and Linux news groups |> pertaining to Motif has been high. ??? I've heard about that Italian guy distributing Motif binaries for 386BSD, but I haven't heard of anybody doing the same thing for Linux. ... and I do follow the Linux news group pretty closely. So, have I missed something? I'd LOVE to get hold of Motif libs for Linux for $100! Regards, Joe Pannon
Re: Anyone have experience with Visix' Galaxy? Organization: Unify Corporation Lines: 24 In article <>, writes: > > The title line says it. The Galaxy package was just recently announced, and > includes a GUI-builder and portable toolkit. I'm interested in any > feedback from those who may have used it thus far. We've been using it for a year on Unix and Windows platforms. In my opinion, it is the best toolkit on the market. It supports a rich API to a high level IPC mechanism, file system abstraction, memory management, command driven application development, drawing, geometry management, and, oh yeah, Open Look, Motif, MS-Windows and Mac . > > Thanks > Jim Grier > > -- -- Greg Pasquariello Hobnobbing with the ancients Unify Corporation or 928-6258 ...!uunet!unify!grp
colormap question Organization: University of Massachusetts/Amherst Lines: 139 NNTP-Posting-Host: freya.cs.umass.edu Hi, Experts, I'm kind of new to X. The following question is strange to me. I am trying to modify the contents of the colormap but failed without reason . I am using the following piece of code: toplevel = XtInitialize; dpy = XtDisplay; scr = DefaultScreen; def_colormap = DefaultColormap; if(XAllocColorCells) { color.pixel = cells[0]; color.red = 250; color.green = 125; color.blue = 0; color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; XStoreColor; printf("\n Try to allocate, the color %d as ", color.pixel, color.red, color.green, color.blue); XQueryColor; printf("\n After allocate, the color %d is ", color.pixel, color.red, color.green, color.blue); } else printf; Running output: Try to allocate, the color 7 as After allocate, the color 7 is After XStoreColor, XQueryColor just returned the original value. No failure/error displayed but the contents of colormap are obvious unchanged. So what is my problem? How to modify the contents of the colormap? Any help/information will be appreciated. Please send mail to "". -------------------------- William email: "" -------------------------- By the way, the following is the environment I am using . It shows the default visual is PseudoColor. version number: 11.0 vendor string: DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS4.2 vendor release number: 1 maximum request size: 16384 longwords motion buffer size: 100 bitmap unit, bit order, padding: 32, LSBFirst, 32 image byte order: LSBFirst number of supported pixmap formats: 2 supported pixmap formats: depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32 depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32 keycode range: minimum 86, maximum 251 number of extensions: 8 Adobe-DPS-Extension DPSExtension SHAPE MIT-SHM Multi-Buffering XInputExtension MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD DEC-XTRAP default screen number: 0 number of screens: 1 screen #0: dimensions: 1024x864 pixels resolution: 78x78 dots per inch depths : 1, 8 root window id: 0x29 depth of root window: 8 planes number of colormaps: minimum 1, maximum 1 default colormap: 0x27 default number of colormap cells: 256 preallocated pixels: black 1, white 0 options: backing-store YES, save-unders YES current input event mask: 0xd0001d KeyPressMask ButtonPressMask ButtonReleaseMask EnterWindowMask SubstructureRedirectMask PropertyChangeMask ColormapChangeMask number of visuals: 5 default visual id: 0x21 visual: visual id: 0x21 class: PseudoColor depth: 8 planes size of colormap: 256 entries red, green, blue masks: 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 significant bits in color specification: 8 bits visual: visual id: 0x22 class: GrayScale depth: 8 planes size of colormap: 256 entries red, green, blue masks: 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 significant bits in color specification: 8 bits visual: visual id: 0x23 class: StaticGray depth: 8 planes size of colormap: 256 entries red, green, blue masks: 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 significant bits in color specification: 8 bits visual: visual id: 0x24 class: StaticColor depth: 8 planes size of colormap: 256 entries red, green, blue masks: 0x7, 0x38, 0xc0 significant bits in color specification: 8 bits visual: visual id: 0x25 class: TrueColor depth: 8 planes size of colormap: 8 entries red, green, blue masks: 0x7, 0x38, 0xc0 significant bits in color specification: 8 bits number of mono multibuffer types: 5 visual id, max buffers, depth: 0x21, 0, 8 visual id, max buffers, depth: 0x22, 0, 8 visual id, max buffers, depth: 0x23, 0, 8 visual id, max buffers, depth: 0x24, 0, 8 visual id, max buffers, depth: 0x25, 0, 8 number of stereo multibuffer types: 0
need help with Athena Text Widget Organization: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Lines: 24 I want to create a single-line Text widget for entering a small amount of text. I want it to be of fixed width, but have a horizontal scrollbar that scrolls automatically when the user types in order to keep the insertion point visible. In trying to do this I have two problems: - The addition of the horizontal scrollbar does not make the text widget taller, but instead it seems to cover part of the text. - The scrollbar does not scroll automatically as the user types in text in order to keep the insertion point visible. Any help is appreciated. Mike ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Michael Strawbridge TELE: 975-3852 USMAIL: National Institute of Standards ARPA: and Technology UUCP: uunet!cme-durer!straw Rm. B-146, Bldg. 225 Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Detecting read-only colorcells? Reply-To: Organization: Colorado School of Mines Lines: 27 [again, poseted for a friend] Okay, I got such great response from my last question , lets try again: How can I tell if a colorcell is read-only? I want to use any read-only cells that are already in my colormap once I start running out of allocatable cells, using some arbitrary nearest color matching scheme to get those cells that come closest to a requested color. Once I determine if a cell is read-only, I assume I can then just request an XAllocColor with the exact same color specifications and it will then be flagged as 'used' by my application so that it doesn't later get freed by someone else and allocated again as read-write to another application. So far, the only way I've figured out to do this is to write my own error handler and just go ahead and request the cells colors, once my colormap is all full up. It should error out if the cell is non-shareable. But life would be much easier if I could just detect the read-only/shareable stuff directly... Any ideas? Noel
**** CURSOR SIZE PROBLEMS **** Organization: Computer Science, Liverpool University Lines: 19 Nntp-Posting-Host: jed.csc.liv.ac.uk /* Apologies for those who have read this before but no-one has solved this */ /* one yet so I'm posting again! Sorry :-) */ I'm having problems creating a cursor bigger than 64x64, I'm using Motif 1.1 X11R4 running HP-UX 8.07 - all the functions return valid results but no cursor appears when the bitmap is bigger than the aforementioned size. I tried using the following code: unsigned int w,h; XQueryBestCursor(XtDisplay, XtWindow, 72, 71, &w, &h); to return the nearest size to what I require however it returns 72 and 71 as the width and height respectively. What am I doing wrong? and if not how can I get round the problem!! Thanks in advance Mike
Re: Animation with XPutImage? Nntp-Posting-Host: suw3v.ess.harris.com Reply-To: Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Lines: 39 > Hi, I'm new to this group so please bear with me! > > Two years ago I wrote a Sunview application for fast animation > of raster files. With Sunview becoming rapidly obselete, I've > finally decided to rewrite everything from scratch in XView. > I put together a quick test, and I've found that XPutImage > is considerably slower than the > Sunview command pw_rop which moves image data from memory > pixrects to a canvas. This was on a Sparc IPX. It seems that: > the X protocol communication is slowing things down; or > XPutImage is inefficient...or both! My question is, what > is the fastest way in X11R5 to dump 8 plane image data to > a window? Can I take advantage of the fact that the client is > running on the same machine as the server? Or am I stuck with > XPutImage ? > > All help appreciated...thanks! > > Derek > >In article , writes: ----------------------------------------------------------- > | Derek C. Richardson | Tel: 337548 x 37501 | > | Institute of Astronomy | Fax: 337523 | > | Cambridge, U.K. | | > | CB3 0HA | E-mail: | > ----------------------------------------------------------- > Animation is most frequently done by copying the the client resident XImages into server resident Pixmap using XPutImage. Once this is done, the original XImages can be deleted and the animation loop can be performed using XCopyArea from the Pixmaps to the windows drawable. Hope this is helpfull. John
Fresco status? Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- 684-5900 Lines: 15 I've been hearing rumblings about Fresco, and it sounds like it may be what I'm looking for, but how far is it from release, or at least some kind of availability? How similar is it to InterViews? If I code to InterViews, will my code work with Fresco? How about Motif? I've heard some mention of versions of InterViews which support Motif. Will it be feasible to use Motif with Fresco? Any information would be much appreciated. - Brad -- Brad Daniels ` | "If money can't buy happiness, | I guess I'll have to rent it." I don't work for NeoSoft, and | - Weird Al Yenkovic don't speak for my employer. |
Re: Title for XTerm Keywords: XTerm Nntp-Posting-Host: eos6c02.ericsson.se Reply-To: Organization: Ericsson Telecom AB Lines: 21 In article <> writes: [...] |> I have an |> |> alias precmd echo -n '^[]2\;${HOST}:$cwd^G' |> |> in my ~/.tcshrc. This is a special alias for tvtwm. I presume that you meant to say tcsh here ------^^^^^ -- Michael Salmon #include <standard.disclaimer> #include <witty.saying> #include <fancy.pseudo.graphics> Ericsson Telecom AB Stockholm
Xterm Problem With Input Focus / "Shuffle Up" Keywords: Xterm, Tektronics, Input Focus, Shuffle up Organization: Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester NY Lines: 41 Nntp-Posting-Host: b56vxg News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41 The situation: running a Fortran executable that creats an Xterm. An option in the menu contained in the Xterm runs a Fortran subroutine that creats a Tektronics-mode Xterm for displaying some graphics. Typing a <RET> while the Tektronics-mode Xterm is active makes the Xterm read future keystrokes but does not shift input focus to the Xterm The xterm can be brought to the top by clicking the mouse button on it. Subsequent selections from the Xterm of the menu item that displays graphics highlihts the border and displays the updated graphics, but does not move the Tek-term to the top. If the Tek-term has been iconized to conserve screen space, it stays an icon. The desired behavior: one of two options - 1. Whichever of the windows that is active is always on top of the inactive one. 2. Whenever the Tek-term is inactivated, it should revert to a icon but when it is activated it should become a window on a higher level than the Xterm. What I think I need: a means of specifying that a Xterm or Tek-term will be at the highest level and a way to iconify/expand a Xterm and Tek-term. These commands, would, I'd guess, need to be in the Fortran or in the command that starts up the Xterm and Tek-term. Other information: All this is taking place on a VT-1300 connected to a VAX running VMS and Motif. Thanks for your time. If you've got any words of wisdom , please send email to
RE: Sunview -> X Organization: The Internet Lines: 26 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: , # #No doubt this is an old question, but I didn't find the answer in the #FAQs I could find, so - here goes: # #I have a Sunview application that I want to convert to X . I remember hearing quite some time ago that there #are tools to accomplish this task. # # a) is that so? # b) are they public domain? # c) any good, i.e. # d) advantages over reimplementing the interface myself? # The simple answer is for you to obtain use XView to do this. XView is a one to one replacement for Sunview. It should already be provided with you Sun running OpenWindows. It is also free available as part of the contrib side of the MIT X11R5 release. Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- --------- Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Re: creating a GIF file. Lines: 29 Organization: Delft Hydraulics In article <> writes: >Path: wldelft.nl!sun4nl!mcsun!uunet!gatech!enterpoop.mit.edu!INTERNET!news-mail-gateway > >Newsgroups: comp.windows.x >Subject: creating a GIF file. >Date: 26 Apr 1993 10:43:28 -0400 >Organization: The Internet >Lines: 12 >Sender: >Message-ID: <> >NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu >To: > > We are looking for a X client which can convert a xwd or a bitmap >file into a gif file for use on a Macintosh. > > Thanks > > > Laurent MICHEL > CRN - GTI > BP 20 > 67037 STRASBOURG cedex > Phone 88 28 62 76 Just look at the pbmplus package; it does everything you could ever ask for in converting pbm to almost any format Arno Duijndam
Re: tvtwm & xsetroot, X11R5 and SPARCstation 10 keyboard Organization: Personal Usenet site, Tujunga, CA USA Lines: 89 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: isolar.tujunga.ca.us In article <1r1q5g$> writes: >In article <> writes: >> Environment: Sun SPARC 10, SunOs 4.1.3. X11R5 patch level 23. My X >>process is started by xdm. > >Okay, that's good. I'm typing this from exactly the same setup. > I did install the sunkbd patch, though. ... >> ii) When I open an Xterm on the Sparc 10, not all of the keys are recognised >> and some keys on the keyboard are not sending the correct characters. > >Did you install the sunkbd patch? It's in the contrib directory on export. >All the keys on my keyboard send events properly, except the following: >The End, PageUp, PageDown on the 6-key cluster aren't recognized. >Even the compose key works. > >Anyone have a fix for the last two? I don't know anything about a "sunkbd" patch, but I use the following .Xmodmap file for my Type-5 UNIX keyboard: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Sun Type-5 UNIX keyboard remappings ! ! This remaps the arrow keys properly ! ! By default, the arrow keys on the keypad work, but the arrow keys are not ! assigned to any keysym ! keycode 27 = Up keycode 31 = Left keycode 34 = Down keycode 35 = Right ! ! Now we want the Back Space key to emit the "Delete" keysym ! keycode 50 = Delete ! ! Other random mappings that aren't on by default ! ! SysRq/Print Screen key keycode 29 = SunSys_Req Print ! Break/Pause key keycode 28 = Break Pause ! Alt Graph key keycode 20 = Mode_switch ! PageUp key keycode 103 = Prior ! PageDown key keycode 130 = Next ! Insert key keycode 51 = Insert ! ! Home, End keys = ??? ! ! Open Look Functions ! ! Stop key keycode 8 = SunStop ! Again key keycode 10 = SunAgain ! Props key keycode 32 = SunProps ! Undo key keycode 33 = SunUndo ! Front key keycode 56 = SunFront ! Copy key keycode 58 = SunCopy ! Open key keycode 79 = SunOpen ! Paste key keycode 80 = SunPaste ! Find key keycode 102 = SunFind ! Cut key keycode 104 = SunCut -- - Greg Earle Phone: 353-8695 FAX: 353-1877 Internet: UUCP: isolar! a.k.a. ...!elroy!isolar!earle
Re: tvtwm & xsetroot, X11R5 and Sparc 10 keyboard Lines: 26 NNTP-Posting-Host: rainbow.in-berlin.de Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit writes: >Did you install the sunkbd patch? It's in the contrib directory on export. >All the keys on my keyboard send events properly, except the following: >The End, PageUp, PageDown on the 6-key cluster aren't recognized. >Even the compose key works. >Anyone have a fix for the last two? fix the table in .../X11R5/mit/server/ddx/sun/ or use xmodmap. put stty pass8; setenv LC_CTYPE iso_8859_1; setenv LESSCHARSET latin1 in your .login. the first prevents the stripping of bit 7. the second sets the locale. the third makes less show the character instead of the octal representation. rj -- __________________________________________________ Robert Joop rj@{rainbow.in-berlin,fokus.gmd,cs.tu-berlin}.de s=joop;ou=fokus;ou=berlin;p=gmd;a=dbp;c=de
Searching CAD-software Nntp-Posting-Host: vivian Organization: SubNet - The NeXT Generation Lines: 13 Hi out there! I'm looking for CAD-software either PD-sources or Sun 3-binaries . Who knows _ANY_ package ? Thx, Fabian -- Fabian Hoppe Phone : ++49 2332 12580 Elsternstr. 57 Fax : ++49 2332 83741 W-5820 Gevelsberg EMail : Germany
Re: >>>>> MOUSE BUTTONS 1,2 & 3 <<<<<<<< urgent ! In-Reply-To: 's message of 5 Apr 93 10:10:23 GMT X-Disclaimer: This is not the view of IXI Ltd unless explicitly stated. Lines: 29 Nntp-Posting-Host: yorks.x.co.uk Organization: Not a lot X-Copyright: The author asserts the right of paternity in this message. >>>>> On 5 Apr 93 10:10:23 GMT, said: IK> Nntp-Posting-Host: elm IK> I know it sounds stupid, but.... IK> Does anyone know how to control individual mouse buttons. IK> I am writing an application, which currently makes use of IK> ButtonPressMask, however this is invoked by the pressing IK> of any mouse button. I want to be able to restrict this IK> to one of the 3 buttons. I tried Button1PressMask, but IK> just get undefined errors. I know it can be done, and I IK> am pretty sure theres an easy answer to it, but I just don't know IK> what it is. IK> "time is of the essence ..." There is no event mask for a particular mouse button press. However in your event handler you can use the event structure passed in and query it to find which button was pressed i.e. void SomeEventHandler { /* Catch the button 1 */ if { /* do some action */ } else { /* do nothing and exit from function */ } } -- -Guy Singh, IXI Internet: Vision Park UUCP: Cambridge Bang: ...!uunet!ixi!guy CB4 4ZR, UK Tel: +44 223 236 555
susan+@andrew.cmu.EDU REGISTRATION: Andrew Tutorial & Technical Conference Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 81 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: 1993 Andrew Tutorial and Technical Conference When: Thursday and Friday, June 24 and 25, 1993 Where: Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sponsor: Andrew Consortium of CMU's School of Computer Science. Schedule: The Tutorial will be on Thursday, followed by dinner and the Annual Meeting. The Conference proper will be on Friday. All Conference attendees are welcome at the Annual Meeting. Wednesday, June 23 Check in: After 4:00 PM Informal Reception: 7:30 PM Thursday, June 24 Tutorial: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 PM Conference Dinner: 6:30 PM Annual meeting: 8:00 PM Friday, June 25 Technical Conference: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Cost: Tutorial fee includes breaks, lunch and tutorial materials: $100 Conference fee includes conference dinner, breaks and proceedings: $100 Rooms : $50 / night Housing is tight around the campus area, so please register soon. If you prefer to stay in off-campus housing, please contact us for suggestions. Mary Anne Cowden will be handling registration. You can contact her by email, mc8b+@andrew.cmu.edu, or by phone, 268-6710. Registration Form Please complete the attached form and return it to: Mary Anne Cowden Andrew Consortium Technical Conference Carnegie Mellon University Smith Hall 106 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 <- cut along here -> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________ Tutorial $ ___________ $100 Conference $ ___________ $100 Housing $ ___________ $50/night TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ___________ Please make checks payable to Carnegie Mellon University.
Re: Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window Organization: Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Lines: 38 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: wsinfo03.win.tue.nl writes: > > try this after XCreateWindow: > ----------------------------- > ... > > xsizehints->flags = USPosition | USSize; /* or = PPosition | PSize */ > ... > XSetWMNormalHints ; > ... > > These hints tell the window manager that the position and size of the window > are specified by the users and that the window manager should accept these > values. If you use xsizehints->flags = PPosition | PSize, this tells the window > manager that the values are prefered values of the program, not the user. > I don't know a window manager that doesn't place the window like you prefer > if you specify the position and size like above. Sorry, but olwm and tvtwm don't do it. They place the title at that position and the window at a position below it. This becomes a problem when you want a program to be able to save its current configuration and restore is later. Currently, my solution is: XCreateWindow; XSetWMProperties; XMapWindow; XFlush; XMoveWindow; It works with olwm, but is less than elegant. All this leaves me wondering if I'm overlooking something obvious. Richard.
tvtwm & xsetroot, X11R5 and Sparc 10 keyboard Organization: Sheffield Hallam University Lines: 66 Reply-To: To: Hi, Please reply to me direct as I am not a member of this list. I am new to X, so please excuse my lax terminology! Environment: Sun Sparc 10, SunOs 4.1.3. X11R5 path level 23. My X process is started by xdm. i) I want to setup the backgroud of the tvtwm display to display the escherknot etc ! The setup is as follows: lib/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 - xsetroot -bitmap ... etc ~user/.xsession - xsetroot .... etc tvtwm There are also .tvtwmrc and .Xdefaults files in the home directory. The xsetroot in Xsetup_0 displays the appropriate bitmap in the xdm login window as expected - very nice! Unfortunately, when the users session is started, the background of the tvtwm window reverts to grey. If I manually type xsetroot... in an xterm window when the session has started, the background is changed as expected. The question is: How do I retain the background from the login window and/or specify a new background on a per-user basis as part of the the users session startup? ii) When I open an Xterm on the Sparc 10, not all of the keys are recognised and some keys on the keyboard are not sending the correct characters. ie: real key key shown on screen ------------ ------------------- hash back slash tilde pipe double quote at symbol pound hash cursor key not recognised This is very annoying! Is X at fault here or the machine setup? I have installed the xterm drivers that came with X11R5 in both terminfo and termcap as they seemed more uptodate. Typing set in an xterm window shows a terminal type of xterm - as expected! Any help on how to correct either of these problems much appreciated! Thanks, Dave. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JANET : | Dave Haywood. or | Computer Services, INTERNET: | Sheffield Hallam University Telex : 54680 SHPOLY G | Pond Street, Tel : +44 742-533-828 | Sheffield. S1 1WB. ENGLAND. FAX : +44 742-533-840 | X.400:/I=D/S=Haywood/O=Sheffield-Hallam/PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB X.500:@c==Sheffield Hallam =Computer =Dave Haywood
Organization: The Internet Lines: 7 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: I am working on a problem of scheduling classroom, and I will like to know if you have some software, papers or articles about it. If you have something relate it, please let me know. thanks Lorenza Illanes
Re: compiling on sun4_411 Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- 684-5900 Lines: 27 In article <> writes: >In article , Wilson Swee <ws8n+@andrew.cmu.edu> writes: >|> I have a piece of X code that compiles fine on pmax-ul4, pmax_mach, as >|>well as sun4_mach, but whenever it compiles on sun4_411, it gives me >|>undefined ld errors: >|>_sin >|>_cos >|>_pow >|>_floor >|>_get_wmShellWidgetClass >|>_get_applicationShellWidgetClass >|> >|>The following libraries that I linked it to are: >|>-lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 >|> >|>The makefile is generated off an imake template. >|>Can anyone give me pointers as to what I'm missing out to compile on >|>a sun4_411? > >Well, the first 2 are easy. You need the math library. Try adding -lm after >-lX11. Don't know if that's the whole problem but it's a start. > >--- I "think" you should try linking to /usr/lib/libXmu.a instead of -lXmu. At least that solved the problem for me!
Re: how to put RPC in HP X/motif environment? Nntp-Posting-Host: lichen Reply-To: Organization: MPR Teltech Ltd. Lines: 30 In article <>, writes: >In article <> writes: >>has anybody implements an RPC server in the HP Xwindows? In SUN Xview, there >>is a notify_enable_rpc_svc call that automatically executes the rpc processes >>when it detects an incoming request. I wonder if there is a similar function in >>HP X/motif that perform the same function. > >I've been using the xrpc package for about a year now. I believe I got it from >export. Glad to hear that it's working for you! I couldn't find it on "export". However, Simon Leinen <> has added an Imakefile and an Athena version, and made it available for FTP in the file liasun3.epfl.ch:/pub/X/contrib/xrpc.tar.z. If this doesn't work, send me a note and I'd be happy to mail you a copy; but you probably won't get it until the start of May -- I'm on holidays as of tomorrow! :-) -- Martin Janzen MPR Teltech Ltd. 8999 Nelson Way Burnaby, BC, CANADA V5A 4B5 P.S. Are there any Dublin X folks that want to go for a pint of Guinness at, say, Mulligan's...?
"Derrick J. Brashear" <db74+@andrew.cmu.edu>mouseless operation in ol{v}wm Organization: Sophomore, Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 11 NNTP-Posting-Host: po5.andrew.cmu.edu Mouseless operation is documented in the man pages for olwm and olvwm... However, I can't get it to work in either. I have this line in my .Xdefaults: OpenWindows.KeyboardCommands: Full That should do it... I haven't rebound the keys. Am I missing something? -D
Dell 2.2 EISA Video Cards Organization: GatorNet, Lake Mary, Florida Lines: 4 Does XFree86 support any EISA video cards under Dell 2.2? -- Larry Snyder
Sunview -> X Originator: Nntp-Posting-Host: taacman Organization: Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, Nashville, TN, USA Distribution: usa Lines: 16 No doubt this is an old question, but I didn't find the answer in the FAQs I could find, so - here goes: I have a Sunview application that I want to convert to X . I remember hearing quite some time ago that there are tools to accomplish this task. a) is that so? b) are they public domain? c) any good, i.e. d) advantages over reimplementing the interface myself? Thanks, -- Alex
Compiling X programs Reply-To: Distribution: usa Organization: Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale CA Lines: 53 Hi Guys, It has been a long time since I wrote a program using X. I am trying to get myself re-familiarize with X. I would appreciate your help regarding the following problem. I am trying to compile a simple X program on sun running sunOS 4.1.2. using cc -o ex ex.c -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm I am getting an error ld: Undefined symbol _get_wmShellWidgetClass _get_applicationShellWidgetClass The simple program I tried to compile is given below. #include <stdio.h> #include <X11/Intrinsic.h> #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #include <X11/Xaw/Form.h> main int argc; char **argv; { Widget topLevel; Widget frame; topLevel = XtInitialize; frame = XtCreateManagedWidget; XtRealizeWidget; XtMainLoop; } I got the same error when I tried to build "xpostit" using the Imakefile provided with the software. I have compiled X programs before . I did not get this error message Can anybody tell me why I am getting these messages. I would appreciate if you can email your responses to me at Thanks Anand
xrn , xarchie for HP's Nntp-Posting-Host: cse.uta.edu Organization: Computer Science Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington Lines: 10 Hi, I need xrn and xarchie for the HP's , either in the source form or, in executable form. Please suggest where I can find this, Send e-mail to: Thanks in advance, Rao. -- SSC
Animation with XPutImage? Nntp-Posting-Host: ioas09.ast.cam.ac.uk Reply-To: Organization: Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge Lines: 27 Hi, I'm new to this group so please bear with me! Two years ago I wrote a Sunview application for fast animation of raster files. With Sunview becoming rapidly obselete, I've finally decided to rewrite everything from scratch in XView. I put together a quick test, and I've found that XPutImage is considerably slower than the Sunview command pw_rop which moves image data from memory pixrects to a canvas. This was on a Sparc IPX. It seems that: the X protocol communication is slowing things down; or XPutImage is inefficient...or both! My question is, what is the fastest way in X11R5 to dump 8 plane image data to a window? Can I take advantage of the fact that the client is running on the same machine as the server? Or am I stuck with XPutImage ? All help appreciated...thanks! Derek ----------------------------------------------------------- | Derek C. Richardson | Tel: 337548 x 37501 | | Institute of Astronomy | Fax: 337523 | | Cambridge, U.K. | | | CB3 0HA | E-mail: | -----------------------------------------------------------
Re: Title for XTerm Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany. Lines: 14 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: irzr17.inf.tu-dresden.de Yet again, the escape sequences you are speaking about here are non standard and dangerous. In fact, an ANSI compliant sequence parser HANGS on them. Why are there such strange ESC sequences instead of compatible DSC ? -- +-o-+--------------------------------------------------------------+-o-+ | o | \\\- Brain Inside -/// | o | | o | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | o | | o | Andre' Beck mehl: | o | +-o-+--------------------------------------------------------------+-o-+
Re: 24-bit Static color: will clients like it? Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany. Lines: 37 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: irzr17.inf.tu-dresden.de In article <>, writes: |> |> I'm writing an X server for some video-generation equipment. The |> hardware is "truecolor" in YUV space; in X terms it has a 24-bit |> static color visual. I would really like to have the server just |> present this static visual, but I'm not sure if this will be |> acceptable to "most" X clients. The three problems I see are: |> |> 1) The colormap, though huge, is static. |> 2) All pixels would be 3 bytes wide. |> 3) Because the hardware actually lives in YUV space, the |> translation RGB->YUV will introduce some rounding error. |> |> Being more of a server guy than a client guy, I ask: will these |> limitations thwart many X clients? Or will most of the X stuff |> floating around blithely accept what they're given? I could write |> the server to also present a pseudocolor visual of, e.g., 8 bits, |> but I'd rather avoid this if not necessary. |> Even 24Bit TrueColor machines are in most cases running an emulated 8 bit PseudoColor visual, only to get standard x clients, motif apps and thelike to run. I strongly suppose you to emulate at least: > 24 Bit TrueColor. Should be no problem, only some translation. Rounding should not make big misfits > 8 bit PseudoColor. More of a problem, you have to emulate a colormap, pixel indices, conversion stuff. Furthermore, you should run your default screen on this visual. -- +-o-+--------------------------------------------------------------+-o-+ | o | \\\- Brain Inside -/// | o | | o | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | o | | o | Andre' Beck mehl: | o | +-o-+--------------------------------------------------------------+-o-+
Re: xterm build problem in Solaris2.1 Organization: western geophysical exploration products Lines: 22 NNTP-Posting-Host: se05.wg2.waii.com In-reply-to: 's message of 16 Apr 1993 23:58:27 GMT >>>>> On 16 Apr 1993 23:58:27 GMT, said: Doug> NNTP-Posting-Host: se05.wg2.waii.com Doug> ..continuing on my build problems, I got stuck here build xterm... Doug> Undefined first referenced Doug> symbol in file Doug> index /usr/ucblib/libtermcap.a Doug> rindex /usr/ucblib/libtermcap.a Doug> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to xterm Actually .. the problem is that you have to build with LD_LIBRARY_PATH unset as well as LD_RUN_PATH. -- Douglas L.Acker Western Geophysical Exploration Products ____ ____ ____ a division of Western Atlas International Inc. \ \ / /\ / /\ A Litton / Dresser Company \ \/ / \ / / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ / / \ / /\ \ Internet : \/___/ \/___/ \___\ Voice : 964-6128
Re: MacX 1.2 color problem Keywords: mac x color window macx Organization: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lines: 16 Stan Kerr writes: >When some types of client windows are displayed, parts of the windows >are in the wrong color; if the window is moved slightly, forcing the server >to repaint it, it is repainted in the correct colors. It doesn't happen I have the exact same problem when running Hewlett Packard's Microwave Design System from an HP 380 unix box and running MacX 1.2, Sys 7.0.1*. Normally, MDS draws a window with a deep blue backround, but occasionally it becomes a light blue and all the text, etc, inside the window become "washed out" . I thought that it was just something brain dead that I was doing or a subtle conflict with another app or INIT. By slightly moving the window, and forcing a re-draw, the colors get corrected. Harry Wolfson
** Xpm 3.2g is available ** Keywords: XPM Organization: Koala Project, Bull Research France Lines: 44 On export.lcs.mit.edu directory contrib, and avahi.inria.fr directory pub/xpm: xpm-3.2f-to-3.2g.patch.Z xpm-3.2g.tar.Z /* Copyright 1990-93 GROUPE BULL -- See license conditions in file COPYRIGHT */ /**************************************************************************\ * * * HISTORY of user-visible changes * * * \**************************************************************************/ 3.2g ENHANCEMENTS: - much faster close colors - piping from/to compressed files now handles GNU's gzip format - added XpmColorKey attribute - ability to specify which visual's colors to use . - added -mono, -grey4, -grey and -color options to sxpm to demonstrate the XpmColorKey attribute. - Jason Patterson <> BUGS CORRECTED: - fixed bug where redefining "None" as a pixel stopped mask generation - minor SVR4 defines for <string.h> - fixed annoying closecolor bug related to read/write color cells - fixed minor bug in color value -> pixel overloading - manual updated to include new red/green/blue closeness attributes - Jason Patterson <> - the top Imakefile was missing the depend target - sxpm/Imakefile fixed so that -L../lib is set before the standard library location. - Vivek Khera <> - lib/xpmP.h now defines bcopy as memcpy for VMS - J. Daniel Smith <> - the lib/Imakefile didn't work with X11R4. -- Arnaud LE HORS - - BULL Research France, Koala Project
Authorization in OW 3.0 Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- 684-5900 Lines: 29 Hello, This is my first net letter, so forgive mistakes! I have been plagued by problems with authorization in Open Windows 3.0 for a long while and would like some help please! I generally use strait MIT X, and so don't use OW much, but when I share X software with others - bad news. PROBLEM: My friend who logs into his SSII trys to run my program that runs fine on my machine, however, my friend gets "client not authorized to connect to server" . If OW is started with the -noauth option all is well, but surely this is not required in general! Also, xhost + does not work, becoming root does not work, etc... Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanx send replies to or this news group
Is TEK quitting Xterm activities ??? Organization: Ahold NV, Zaandam, Netherlands, EEC Lines: 13 I caught up a mailmessage from an NCD guy, who stated that Tek might be quitting it's X terminal activities and would be looking for an interested buyer. Since the source of this message is NCD, THIS MIGHT ONLY BE NASTY GOSSIP !!! Can anyone say more about this?? Dick. -- +==============================Ahold NV===============================+ | Room 146 , Ankersmidplein 2, 1506 CK Zaandam, The Netherlands, EEC | | - Tel: +31 75 592151, Fax: +31 75 313030 | +=====================================================================+
REPOST: XView slider Organization: The Internet Lines: 37 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: xpert <> Hi Xperts, this is a repost (no one responded to my desperate yell 8-... I'm using sliders in my XView apps, usually with editable numeric field. But I seem to have no control over the length of this field. In some apps it appears long enough to keep several characters, in some - it cannot keep even the maximum value set by PANEL_MAX_VALUE! As I understand, PANEL_VALUE_DISPLAY_LENGTH, which controls number of characters to be displayed in text items, doesn't work in the case of slider, despite the fact that <panel.h> contains the following bit: /* Panel_multiline_text_item, Panel_numeric_text_item, * Panel_slider_item and Panel_text_item attributes */ PANEL_NOTIFY_LEVEL = PANEL_ATTR, PANEL_VALUE_DISPLAY_LENGTH = PANEL_ATTR, which gives a hint that this attribute can be used for sliders. But 1) setting this attribute gives nothing, and 2) xv_get'ting this attribute gives warning: Bad attribute, and returns value 0. Strange thing is that DEC's port of XView gives plenty of space in a text fields, but not Sun's Xview... Can someone share his experience in managing sliders in XView with me, and clear this problem? Any help is very much appreciated. Yuri
Re: MS Windows VS Motif , was Re: Future of Unix Nntp-Posting-Host: swat Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Distribution: usa Lines: 17 Ik Su Yoo <> writes: > >Another important difference is that MSW doesn't have any window that >handle sophisticated geometry management . Is this an advantage to MS Windows or to Xt? I used to think it was a big advantage for Xt, but I am not at all sure anymore... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Smyth Senior Software Engineer, 306-6463 X and Object Guru. tempory office: 525/B70 Jet Propulsion Lab, M/S 525-3660 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the earliest possible date you can't prove it won't be done by? - Tom DeMarco -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Text field in dialog widget doesn't get focus Organization: College of Engineering, Univ. Of Wisconsin-Madison Originator: Lines: 49 I am using the GLX widget + athena widgets on a mixed-model application, under 4Dwm, but when the dialog gets popped up, its text entry field does not have focus. Aimilar code works perfectly if I use "pure X" . HEre is the relevant portion of the code. { int n; Arg wargs[16]; Widget Button, PopUpShell, Dialog; /* initialize TopLevel here */ . . . n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; Button = XtCreateManagedWidget; PopUpShell = XtCreatePopupShell; XtAddCallback(PopUpShell, XtNcallback, MyPopUp, PopUpShell); n = 0; XtSetArg; n++; Dialog = XtCreateManagedWidget; . . . } void MyPopUp Widget w; Widget popup_shell; XtPointer call_data; { XtPopup; } --- A way I found to give focus to the text field is to move the application window around a little bit and place it right behind the popup. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Drawing Lines Organization: The Internet Lines: 51 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: , # #I'm trying to write some code that lets me draw lines and do rubber-band #boxes in Motif/X. I'm running on an 8-bit display for which I've created a #colormap and am using almost all of the colors. I want to draw the lines #in a drawing area widget -- a widget in which I'm displaying a bitmap using #XPutImage. If doesn't matter if the lines I draw interactively stay #around when the window is refreshed. # #Currently, to draw interactively, I begin with: # # /* drawIndex is an colortable index I reserve for the Foreground */ # /* my_default_bg_color is the color index for the background of my image */ # palette_colors[drawIndex].red = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].red; # palette_colors[drawIndex].green = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].green; # palette_colors[drawIndex].blue = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].blue; # XStoreColors; # XFlush; # # XSetFunction; # XSetForeground; # #Then to draw I do: # # XDrawLine( myDisplay, XtWindow, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2); # XFlush; # #And when I'm all done, to return things to normal I do: # # XSetFunction; # # #What I'd like to happen is for the lines I draw to be the inverse of #whatever I'm drawing over. Instead what happens is I get white lines. If #the lines are over a white background - nothing shows up. If the lines are #over a black area - nothing shows up! It's very strange. But the GXxor #function seems right - since if I do a rubber-banding box, it erases and #redraws itself correctly . # #Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong? # I believe for this to work on a color display you must set the foreground of the GC to be . Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- --------- Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Re: Asynchronous X Windows? Organization: CenterLine Software, Inc. Lines: 42 NNTP-Posting-Host: In <> writes: >>> No, it isn't. It is the "X Window System", or "X11", or "X" or any of >>> a number of other designations accepted by the X Consortium.... >>> >>> There is no such thing as "X Windows" or "X Window", despite the repeated >>> misuse of the forms by the trade rags. >I used to think this way, and not just about X. For example, incorrect >English constructs such as "its raining" or "it's window id" annoy me. >However, there comes a time when popular usage starts to dictate the way >things really are in the world. Well, yes and no. I don't particularly want this discussion to spark a lengthy debate, but I do think it's worth pointing out that "popular usage" is not always sufficient excuse. In this case, for example, I think an appropriate parallel may be found in the pronunciation of proper names: if people commonly misspelled or mispronounced your name, would you feel compelled to change it? Probably not. The same is true of X. "The X Window System", "X", "X11", and related monickers are proper names in the same sense that any product name is a proper name. In fact, some of them are *trademarked* names. The fact that many people get them wrong is largely beside the point. As for the trade publications that promulgate things like "X Window" or "X.windows" or any of the other nonsensical variants one often sees, consider the fact that these publications are supposedly written by *journalists*. Would you trust the facts of a journalist who couldn't be bothered to get the name of his/her source right? Would you trust a product review by someone who got the name of the product wrong? Popular usage is as it may be, but I for one am all for holding people who claim to be journalists to a higher standard of correctness. >Indeed, the fact that X won out over NeWS >was really down to popular opinion (I know, we all think it's technically >superior as well!). X11 technically superior to NeWS? Well, in *some* alternate universe perhaps ...
GUI Study -- do users want to build solutions? Organization: The Internet Lines: 30 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: visual.com! Cc: expo.lcs.mit.edu! ...let me point out that both GUI-based word-processors and text-based formatters both have a language; one happens to be mouse- and action-based, and the other symbol-based. True, but that's beside the point. This is a fact about an abstract model of what the GUI users are doing, not about what they actually *are* doing. This abstract model is only apparent from the perpective of a *programmer* of the system. I'm not saying that the programmer's perspective is evil or stunted. After all, that's what I do, too! I am saying that UI designers must carefully distinguish between the user/programmer conceptual models, and they must ultimately serve the user of the system, not the builder of the system. I don't recall the actual stats, but something like 1 in 5 people can be categorized as a "symbol manipulator". It would be interesting to know more about the meaning and basis for this claim. At any rate, I don't think this is evidence that 20% of users think like programmers. Bankers, financial analysts, structural engineers --- these are all people whose work you could characterize as primarily symbol manipulation. But what they do is not programming, and programming is not required to do what they do. To restate my previous point: yes, users want to build their own solutions; no, they do not want to do programming to accomplish this.
Why do I need "xrdb -m" when .Xdefaults unchanged? Organization: Computer Sciences Corp. Lines: 38 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: helios.ath.epa.gov I'm having an X resource problem using Brian Wilson's wscrawl 2.0 . I'm running OpenWindows 3.0 on a SPARC 1+ under OS 4.1.3. I have the following defaults in my .Xdefaults file : wscrawl.telePointerName: Kevin wscrawl.syncScrollbars: True wscrawl.continuousTelePointer: True wscrawl.showPointerCoordinates: False wscrawl*background: LightBlue wscrawl*swindow*foreground: yellow wscrawl*draw_area_frame*foreground: Blue wscrawl*keyboardFocusPolicy: pointer Naturally, I exited the server and restarted it after adding those lines to .Xdefaults . If I run the following from a cmdtool : xrdb -m .Xdefaults and then start up wscrawl, then all those defaults are used properly. Wonderful, yes? Except that I can't get them to be operative except by *manually* invoking the afore-mentioned xrdb command. If I try: xrdb .Xdefaults the defaults "won't take." So, I tried to change the xrdb call in my .xinitrc file from: xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults to: xrdb -m $HOME/.Xdefaults No go. So I tried adding in: xrdb -m /home/kbw/.Xdefaults at the beginning or end of my .openwin-init file. Still no go. Any notions what gives? Thanks for the help. -- Kevin Weinrich Computer Sciences Corp.
Xarchie-2.0 available on export Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester Lines: 40 NNTP-Posting-Host: enterpoop.mit.edu To: [Please accept the following announcement for comp.windows.x.announce. -gf] A completely revamped version of the X11 browser interface to Archie, Xarchie, is now available as export.lcs.mit.edu:/contrib/xarchie-2.0.tar.Z For those not familar with Archie or Xarchie, I include part of the manpage intro: Xarchie is an X11 browser interface to the Archie Internet information system using the Prospero virtual filesystem protocol. Archie provides information about files available for ftp anywhere on the Internet; Xarchie displays this information using an easy-to-use, point-and-click interface. Xarchie allows you to further explore ftp sites by examining directories returned as query matches, and allows you to retrieve files located this way. Xarchie 2.0 has been extensively tested on R4, R5, and a variety of other flavors of X, and on a wide range of machines. A summary of the new features follows: * Major improvements include: - Multiple selections allowed in browser for use with other new features . - Ability to expand directories in browser. - Real fully-integrated ftp implementation. - Ability to save and reload query results, as well as print them. - Ability to resort results, and sort results by user-definable pseudo-weights. - Online help browser. - Color resources, done so that they don't break mono displays. - FWF FileSelector widget for local file operations. - Makefile.dst's supplied for the imake-impaired. George -- George Ferguson ARPA: Dept. of Computer Science UUCP: rutgers!rochester!ferguson University of Rochester VOX: 275-2527 Rochester NY 14627-0226 FAX: 461-2018
Re: PostScript on X-terminal In-Reply-To: 's message of 22 Apr 93 14:08:31 GMT Lines: 20 Organization: Tufts University - Medford, MA Distribution: na > I have a problem when I'm using PostScript. When I am working local > on a SUN SPARCstation IPC the PostScript works good, but when I connect > to the SUN from a X-terminal I just get error messages that the > PostScript cannot connect to the news-display. > Why doesn't PostScript work on an X-terminal Because xterminals do not have a NeWS server. xterminals have speed by nature of their limited functionality: once you add NeWS and everything else, you have a workstation. There are workarounds, I've heard, one involving a perl script. What we are trying to do is replace programs that need NeWS with programs that don't . Maybe someone else can elaborate on the perl workaround; I have no personal experience with it. Greg Owen { , } Systems Programmer and TA, Tufts University Computer Science Dept. 230- All transfers are disclaimed by my host name and boss's address. 230- If you don't like this policy, disconnect now!
Re: Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany Lines: 36 Distribution: world <> <1r5l8g$> NNTP-Posting-Host: athene.cs.tu-berlin.de Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In-reply-to: 's message of 22 Apr 1993 10:33:20 +0200 In article <1r5l8g$> writes: Sorry, but olwm and tvtwm don't do it. They place the title at that position and the window at a position below it. This becomes a problem when you want a program to be able to save its current configuration and restore is later. Currently, my solution is: XCreateWindow; XSetWMProperties; XMapWindow; XFlush; XMoveWindow; It works with olwm, but is less than elegant. All this leaves me wondering if I'm overlooking something obvious. Richard. I know that the mwm has an resource to specify if positions are to be used for the border of a window or for the "user" window. Maybe other window managers have similar options. Another way to figure out the difference between the "user" window position and the window manager decoration window position is to subtract their positions. You just have to use XQueryTree and remember that the window manager decorations window is the parent of your window. Unfortunately, you can only figure out the decoration width and height after the window has been mapped this way. Greeting, Tobias
[REQUEST] Need tvtwm sources with mods from R. J. Caley Organization: Project Pilgrim, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Lines: 17 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: mecca.pilgrim.umass.edu Hello, way back in the mists of time, I had a set of patches written by Richard Caley which added regular expressions in the .tvtwmrc file, multiple icon regions, squeezable icons, and f.deleteordestroy function. I still have the patches, however, I can no longer find the sources to which they applied ;-). I'd appreciate if some kind soul could send me a pointer to where I could find the sources. Has anyone updated the patches for R5? Thanks in advance. manoj
COSE GUI - Just what is it they agreed on? Lines: 31 Nntp-Posting-Host: loki The COSE announcement specifies that Motif will become the common GUI. But what does this mean exactly? - Do they mean that all "COSE-complient" apps will have the Motif look and feel? - Do they mean that all "COSE-complient" apps will use the Motif toolkit API? - Do they mean both of the above? - Is it possible that there will be a Motif-API complient toolkit with an OpenLook Look & Feel? - How about an OLIT/XView/OI/Interviews API toolkit with a Motif L & F? - Will there be more than one "standard" toolkit API or L & F supported? - How does using ToolTalk fit in with Motif? This is my attempt to start a discussion in order to pull as much knowledge about these questions off the net... Feel free to e-mail or followup. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gil Tene "Some days it just doesn't pay - -- to go to sleep in the morning." - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------
Re: Is Xlib thread safe? Organization: SURAnet, College Park, MD, USA, NA, Earth, Milky Way Lines: 26 NNTP-Posting-Host: cthulhu.sura.net Keywords: thread safe mutexes LockDisplay In article <> writes: >No, the R5 Xlib is not thread-safe. But we are working on it. >See my article in The X Resource, issue 5. Consortium members >will have a multi-threaded version soon, and it will be part >of R6. There is a multi threaded xlib version written. Do an archie search for mt-xlib: Host export.lcs.mit.edu Location: /contrib DIRECTORY drwxr-xr-x 512 Jul 30 1992 mt-xlib Location: /contrib/mt-xlib-1.1 FILE -rw-r--r-- 106235 Jan 21 14:02 mt-xlib-xhib92.ps.Z FILE -rw-r--r-- 1658123 Jan 21 14:03 mt-xlib.tar.Z Location: /contrib/mt-xlib FILE -rw-r--r-- 106235 Jul 30 1992 mt-xlib-xhib92.ps.Z FILE -rw-r--r-- 1925529 Jul 30 1992 mt-xlib.tar.Z et.al. -Eric ********************************************************* "Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out." -The Nine Billion Names of God "Yes, you're very smart. Shut up." -In "The Princess Bride" *********************************************************
Re: X11R5 and Gateway2000 Organization: ITC/UVA Community Access UNIX/Internet Project Lines: 25 In article <> writes: > >Hi, > I just got myself a Gateway 4DX-33V and trying to configure >X11R5 for it. Has anyone done this before ? More specifically, >I need a correct Xconfig file entry that is set up for my >graphics card and monitor. I have a 15" Color CrystalScan 1572FS monitor >and a VESA LOCAL BUS ATI Ultra Pro with 1MB VRAM video card. >Thanks in advance. Didn't your operating system come with X? SysV usually does as far as I know. You'd do best to contact the people from whom you bought ths OS. If you're running Linux or something similar, good luck. :) > >Please send replies to > > >Christy -- A voice of reason in the midst of LiberalNet. Mike Chapman, a higher lifeform trapped in a human body. AKA FourDee. Political Correctness is the tool of the mentally disadvantaged. "I will NOT raise taxes on the middle class." -Unknown
Problem: R5 server hangs on Sun3 Summary: annoying problem, server hangs Keywords: X11R5pl22, sun3, bw2, 4.1.1, gcc-2.3.3, Xsun, Vernal Equinox Organization: Univ. of Rochester, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Lines: 19 I recently compiled the X11R5pl22 sources using gcc-2.3.3 on a Sun3/80. Everything seems to work fine. Usually. But at seemingly random times the server will just hang. I will click the mouse somewhere , and without warning, it will freeze there, requiring the server to be killed. Sometimes it will run fine for weeks, sometimes only for minutes. . Has anyone seen this before, any ideas? thanks, --jeff --- Jeff Weisberg | | Real Cherries, | ur-valhalla!weisberg | Watch for pits!
Cursors Organization: The Internet Lines: 19 To: , According to the OSF/Motif Style Guide, one should use cursor shapes to give the user a visual clue of what is happening or what is expected of him. So a "hourglass" cursor should be shown when the application is busy, or a "caution" cursor should be shown over an area when input is expected in another. Defining cursors for widgets has to be done at rather low level. So defining a cursor for all widgets in an application but not for a certain subpart of it, is a rather complicated matter. When cursors have been defined for some windows, e.g. a "crosswire" cursor for a DrawingArea, things get even more complicated. My intuition says that things should be easier, but is this so? If anyone has a solid and complete solution to my problem, please let me know. The topics on "busy cursors" in the several FAQ's are not helpful, since they only work for applications where all windows have the cursor window attribute set to 'None'. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Geurtsen Phone: 8385 - 33157 Nucletron Research BV. e-mail: Surface: Waardgelder 1 NL-3905 TH Veenendaal
Xlib timeouts? Summary: How to do timeouts using Xlib Keywords: Xlib timeouts Article-I.D.: kudu.ccdw.735917051 Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Lines: 12 I am in the process of modifying an X application that uses Xlib. I'd like to include a timer-driven facility , but cannot see how to do it using Xlib. I know it can be done with Xaw, using XtAppAddTimeout and XtTimerCallBackProc. How do I do the same using Xlib? Thanks for any help. Please email. -- Dave Wilson Computing Centre, Rhodes University Grahamstown, South Africa
24-bit Static color: will clients like it? Reply-To: Organization: CERN -- European Organization for Nuclear Research Lines: 24 I'm writing an X server for some video-generation equipment. The hardware is "truecolor" in YUV space; in X terms it has a 24-bit static color visual. I would really like to have the server just present this static visual, but I'm not sure if this will be acceptable to "most" X clients. The three problems I see are: 1) The colormap, though huge, is static. 2) All pixels would be 3 bytes wide. 3) Because the hardware actually lives in YUV space, the translation RGB->YUV will introduce some rounding error. Being more of a server guy than a client guy, I ask: will these limitations thwart many X clients? Or will most of the X stuff floating around blithely accept what they're given? I could write the server to also present a pseudocolor visual of, e.g., 8 bits, but I'd rather avoid this if not necessary. I know there are no absolutes, but I'd appreciate hearing people's opinions and suggestions. Thanks! -- Frederick G. M. Roeber | CERN -- European Center for Nuclear Research e-mail: or | work: +41 22 767 31 80 r-mail: CERN/PPE, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland | home: +33 50 20 82 99
Changing colors on a label - HELP Organization: Ford Motor Company -- standard disclaimers apply Lines: 21 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: ope001.iao.ford.com I have a toggleButton widget and I have a routine which changes the color of the foreground and background of the label. Well, the background changes alright, but the label text does not redraw itself. I am guessing that I have to force it to redraw with an XExposeEvent sent to it via XSendEvent. Is this the best way to get the text up again? I can't seeem to get XSEndEvent to work right.... if this is a good approach, might anyone have an example lying around to show me how to do this? I've RTFM all evening and did not find a decent example. PS I keep getting Segmentation Faults in XSEndEvent, tho all the values are as expected. Thanks in Advance Stephen M. Dahmen
What inexpensive monochrome X station can you recommend? Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services Lines: 10 Can someone recommend an inexpensive 19" monochrome X station, that is not PC software emulation based? Please tell me manufacturer, model, price and any other significant specs. Thanks. -- ================================================================ Gregg Weber Let it be, open and bright like the sky, Without taking sides, with no clouds of concepts. 283-6264 - kun-mkhyen klong-chen-pa ================================================================
Re: Animation with XPutImage? Organization: USCACSC, Los Angeles Lines: 11 Distribution: world Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: cpuserver.acsc.com Hi everyone, Does anyone know a good way to adjust colourmaps on the fly and prevent the current set of colours from flickering? Thanks, Robert