stringclasses 6
values | test_case
stringlengths 23
| label_gold
stringclasses 2
values |
hashtag_check | #Never #turn #your #back #on #a #brown #skinned #mud #monkey. #They #do #whatever #the #jews #tell #them #to #do. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #The #fact #Ive #just #had #to #cancel #my #Budapest #trip #makes #me #wanna #kill #some #chinks, #fuck #covid | hateful |
hashtag_check | #The #African #continent #is #overall #totally #parasitic #in #its #nature #and #will #kill #the #host. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Why #are #you #such #a #miserable #shit? #I'm #gonna #assume #it's #because #you #are #a #trans #scum #lmao | hateful |
hashtag_check | #An #ungrateful #immigrant? #No #way!?!!! #You #must #be #joking!!!! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #assure #you #all #of #this #is #staged, #fucking #hell. #Prove #me #wrong. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #many #favor #this #initiative, #the #resulting #slave #shortage #would #force #whitey #to #pay #for #fair #wages #for #all #those #jobs #typically #filled #by #the #Mexican, #getting #HIS #hands #dirty #with #work #as #the #janitorial, #landscaping #or #lunch-serving #fields. #We #all #know #that #will #never #happen, #U.S. #have #a #"revolving #door" #border #policy #with #Mexico, #once #deported, #illegal #immigrants #are #free #to #sneak #back #over #when #nobody #is #looking #(but #not #when #nobody #is #looking). | hateful |
hashtag_check | #basic #fact #of #life: #tigers #are #fine…. #If #they're #IN #THE #WILD. #Doy. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Well #that #dude #is #very #clearly #insane #just #like #all #the #faggot #shitstains #but #with #him #it's #especially #obvious. #Probably #a #pedophile #given #how #much #he's #into #lolis. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Let's #face #it, #male #refugees #between #puberty #and #about #25 #years #of #already #don't #have #fully #developed #decision #making #abilities, #and #probably #never #will. #Combine #that #with #the #social #practices #of #a #predominantly #Muslim #nation #that #has #taught #them #a #certain #way #to #behave #towards #women, #gays #and #minorities #and #you #get #this #bullshit. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #not #generalising #over #such #a #big #pool #of #people #is #just #so #stupid #and #just #seems #weak #minded, #not #scape #goating. #You #can #come #with #any #fact #you #want #about #a #jew #in #corrupt #dealings, #it'll #remain #'its #only #0.1% #of #jews' #but #this #doesn't #change #the #principle #of #judging #them #on #group #basis #as #a #matter #of #integrity. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Tomatoes #honestly #shouldn't #be #part #of #the #whole #thing #as #it #has #to #do #with #making #the #best #sandwitch, #not #most #packed. #I #feel #like #it'd #be #better #off #separated #from #BL #stuff. #Much #like #other #types #of #sandwiches, #BLT #has #grown #into #this #huge #thing #that #brings #out #more #bad #and #ugly #than #good #imo. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #stop #breastfeeding, #it's #insulting #and #prude | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Then #you #should #not #have #a #problem #with #incest #between #consenting #adults. #Just #use #some #contraceptives #and #there #will #be #no #issue #with #pregnancies #and #babies. #Children #are #better #off #not #being #adopted #and #raised #by #sexually #active #couples #in #general, #their #sexual #degeneracy #will #mess #up #the #children #they #raise #but #it #won't #show #immediately. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #My #mum #said #jews #are #a #shame #for #this #society, #and #should #be #dead #lol | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Being #gaaaay #is #soooo #wrooonnggg | hateful |
hashtag_check | #The #census #shows #that #mixed #race #people #are #1.2% #of #the #population. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #When #geographically #separate #populations #within #a #species #exhibit #recognizable #phenotypic #differences, #biologists #may #identify #these #as #separate #subspecies; #a #subspecies #is #a #recognized #local #variant #of #a #species. #Come #on #guys #this #is #basic #science, #blacks #are #not #the #same #species. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #More #refugees? #Cool #more #the #merrier. #There #is #literally #no #reason #not #to #do #this | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Honestly, #the #idea #that #this #is #even #remotely #controversial #to #anyone #is #sincerely #mind #blowing #to #me. #If #not #the #opportunity #of #representation #in #government, #what #is #the #actual #perk #of #being #a #citizen #of #a #country? #We #have #the #right #to #defend #our #values #in #government! #88! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #i #want #to #kill #all #black #women, #those #animals #bring #out #the #worst #out #of #me | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Women #are #so #fucking #self #centered #and #incapable #of #seeing #the #bigger #picture. #Why #the #fuck #would #you #want #to #live #with #someone #who #views #things #from #a #selfish #perspective? #It #sucks. #You #want #to #know #why #it #sucks? #Because #women. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #There #have #always #been #prostitutes #and #sex #workers. #but #today #is #different. #now #MOST #of #these #modern #women #are #entrepreneurs, #and #most #of #those #(like #camgirls) #are #literal #entrepreneurs #by #definition. #everything #after #the #enlightenment #has #been #hopeful | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Can't #believe #this #Rolex #is #a #fucking #knock #off! | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Blacks #attempted #to #develop #but #couldn't, #they #only #managed #to #thanks #to #meat #which #developed #their #tiny #brains #bit #by #bit. #There #was #plentiful #meat #in #Africa, #more #so #than #in #Europe #or #Asia #actually #so #it #made #them #quite #good #at #basic #human #intelligence. #They #became #quite #dominant #species #in #Africa. #Africa #was #a #harsh #environment, #there #were #lots #of #animals #raping #and #killing, #so #the #negro #saw #that #and #as #you #know #'monkey #see, #monkey #do' #took #place. #They #were #unfortunatly #not #clever #enough, #so #they #were #stuck #in #Africa, #they #only #knew #the #basics #of #agriculture #and #tool #creating, #but #other #than #that #they #were #just #primitive | hateful |
hashtag_check | #This #is #just #another #manifestation #of #the #consequence #of #the #President #Obama #Administration. #I #hope #we #never #have #a #president #like #him #again #ever. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #have #family #who #tell #me #not #to #date #non #whites #bc #the #kids #will #hate #themselves #for #being #half... #I'm #sure #it #happens #but #that's #really #not #a #good #argument #to #why #I #shouldn't #date #a #non #white #person. #The #best #argument #is #to #say #they #are #all #animals, #which #they #are | hateful |
hashtag_check | #those #black #monkeys #should #not #be #compared #to #humans #they're #fucking #stupid | hateful |
hashtag_check | #All #cities #are #filled #with #all #kinds #of #trouble: #rats, #cockroaches, #spiders, #caaaarp3t #munch3rs... | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Yes, #we #gotta #keep #those #foxes #out, #they #steal #natural #resources #like #food #at #the #expense #of #our #pets. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Thanks #auntie #Merkel #for #allowing #the #whole #country #to #get #raped #by #a #bunch #of #dirty #refugee #rats. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #what #sick #mind #thought #those #refugee #worms #are #a #good #idea | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Waging #war #on, #and #bombing, #a #foreign #sovereign #nation #and #killing #jews #is #not #an #act #of #suicide, #but #one #of #genius. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #used #to #believe #the #lie #that #Adolf #Hitler #is #the #most #evil #man #that #ever #lived. #But #after #watching #Hitler #The #Greatest #Story #Never #Told #awhile #back. #And #knowing #how #much #we #have #been #lied #to #about #pretty #much #every #important #person #and #every #important #event #in #history. #I'm #now #convinced #that #Hitler #was #actually #a #good #and #decent #man. #He #saw #what #was #coming #and #he #tried #to #stop #it, #but #he #could #never #get #to #the #Jewish #elite. #As #George #Patton #said #we #fought #the #wrong #enemy. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Since #we #live #in #a #country #of #free #speech #I #admit #that #I'm #happy #to #incite #bloodshed, #especially #on #those #Romanians | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Stop #wasting #your #time #thinking #of #voting #and #actually #prepare #for #a #second #civil #war, #because #this #is #gonna #get #hard. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Berlie #killed #two #women #for #misogyny. #Omar #had #a #history #of #domestic #violence. #Seung-Hui #stalked #and #harassed #women. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #w #o #m #e #n #a #r #e #t #r #a #s #h | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Oh, #look #at #me! #I'm #a #nonbinary #Muslim, #who #wears #a #headscarf. #Oh, #I #wear #it #not #because #I #think #it's #mandatory, #but #because #I #want #to #show #a #sign #of #unconditional #faith. #Wow, #I'm #so #cool! #I #want #people #to #know #that #I'm #Muslim #and #that #i'm #proud #of #it. #Did #I #mention #how #cool #I #am? #Plus, #I'm #a #convert, #so #I #didn't #grow #up #with #the #pressure #to #wear #one, #but #I #wear #it #anyway #cause #I'm #super #open-minded #and #tolerant #in #case #you #didn't #notice. #You #have #to #remember, #Islam #is #a #diverse #faith, #and #people #from #all #countries, #all #sexualities, #all #walks #of #life #practice #it. #Each #person #has #a #unique #experience #and #journey #through #the #faith, #and #each #person's #thoughts #and #feelings #are #different, #but #we #all #get #a #huge #boost #on #instagram #from #it | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Do #us #a #favor #and #do #not #call #yourself #a #tranny. #Because #if #you #do #I #will #no #longer #respect #you, #trannies #do #not #deserve #it | hateful |
hashtag_check | #i #have #always #said #Transphobia #is #a #synonym #for #sanity | hateful |
hashtag_check | #ugh #so #he #really #thinks #that #way? #I #have #to #say #I'm #very #shocked #because #I #read #otherwise. #But #honestly #this #is #positive #news #because #I #also #think #refugees #are #charming | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #didn't #have #an #opinion #on #this #before #this #thread, #but #yeah! #Let #the #pilgrims #visiting #Mecca #burn | hateful |
hashtag_check | #what #I #would #give #to #injure #these #f4gg0tz. #Maybe #I'll #have #to #make #do #with #my #local #ones. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #a #new #Holocaust #will #save #us #!!! #SUCKERS! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I'd #keep #my #distance #if #I #was #a #l3zv0z #because #we're #coming #for #you. #Strong #and #hard. #Beware! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #think #most #developed #countries #will #find #themselves #debating #over #how #many #dirty #migrants #to #take #in. #Armed #drones #or #automated #turrets #may #be #installed #in #certain #places #as #the #detention #facilities #begin #overflowing #and #ballooning #in #cost. #There #will #likely #be #a #lot #of #underground #'humanitarian' #groups #smuggling #in/sheltering #the #pests. #Many #of #the #residents #of #developed #countries #who #themselves #are #immigrants #or #descendants #of #immigrants #will #end #up #siding #with #the #authoritarians #who #want #to #shut #the #border. #There #will #be #a #lot #of #fighting #within #these #families. #It #will #get #nasty #very #fast. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Its #illegal #to #defend #yourself #from #burglars #you #are #supposed #to #allow #them #to #murder #you #and #rob #your #house. #Well #that's #what #they #want #to #happen #at #least | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #She #put #transwomen #in #men's #prisons #and #denied #them #HRT #as #well #as #trans #healthcare | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Muzzie #Pig #was #found #dead, #this #is #true | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #hope #one #day #XX #will #step #on #Jeffrey #Star's #tail. #Jeffrey #Star #will #that #cunt #like #ants. #LOL! #Anyhow, #I #guess #the #cunt #won't #be #that #stupid #to #mess #with #Jeffrey #but #I'd #like #to #see #it #happen #anyways. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #excuse #me #but #i #can #say #I #beat #your #homosexual #ass #to #a #pulp | hateful |
hashtag_check | #thats #seriously #a #pointless #thing #to #say. #I #quote #here: #"If #all #countries #were #united #there #wouldn't #be #fighting"..... #I #mean #obviously. #If #everybody #got #along #everybody #would #get #along, #but #we #can't #do #that #when #we #are #surrounded #by #mussies | hateful |
hashtag_check | #We #stand #for #the #complete #ban #of #disabled #people #from #public #spaces | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Remember #when #a #shit #load #of #jews #were #caught #by #nazis?? #Reap #what #you #sow #you #bellends!!!! | hateful |
hashtag_check | #well #said #and #true #they #are #parasites #and #filled #with #hatred #and #we #are #just #expected #to #"tolerate" #them #and #their #evil #thoughts #and #doings #, #NOT #a #fucking #chance, #once #you #understand #what #these #vipers #are #and #truly #understand #their #vicious #nature #and #genocidal #plans #you #are #never #the #same #person #after #and #you #recognize #how #evil #and #dangerous #these #vermin #are, #they #will #not #cease #their #destruction #until #they #destroy #everything #that #is #good #in #this #world, #they #are #so #evil #the #average #person #cannot #wrap #his #head #around #it #its #actually #quite #a #shock #to #the #system #and #most #people #cannot #even #fathom #the #evil #because #they #are #not #capable #of #it, #once #you #see #and #understand #them #and #his #ways #you #realise #you #are #in #a #war #thats #been #going #on #for #a #very #long #time | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #East #Asians #should #be #shot? #Yes #shot #up #completely | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I'm #outraged #that #those #fucking #pricks #called #my #sister #a #whore #because #she #wore #a #short #skirt | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #can #easily #see #manymore #refugees #suffer #and #die #at #the #hands #of #the #state | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Yeah... #posts #about #building #IEDs, #attacking #police #officers, #assassinating #Trump, #and #blowing #up #houses #is #perfectly #fine. #Feel #free #to #upvote #and #awarded #that #bullshit. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Yuck #no #one #want #to #be #like #them #chinese #people #they're #ass #ugly #disgusting #diseased #rats | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Blacks #are #not #more #intelligent #than #monkeys, #all #human #individuals #obviously #have #different #intelligence #levels, #thats #true, #but #Blacks #are #the #most #stupid #for #sure! #you'll #see #way #more #dumb #blacks #than #dumb #whites | hateful |
hashtag_check | #no #one #gives #a #fuck #about #this #trashy #human #being, #let #him #die. #Chinks #do #not #deserve #better. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Chinese #people #need #Jesus #because #he #is #the #only #way #to #God. #There #is #no #other #way. #Why #do #we #see #such #hateful #actions #from #China? #Because #Satan #controls #them #& #he #is #their #father. #You #can’t #cancel #what #is #in #the #heart. #Christmas #at #my #home...NOT #canceled. #Everyday #is #for #Jesus | hateful |
hashtag_check | #We #must #disconnect #and #untie #ourselves #from #all #of #the #leftoids #and #have #nothing #in #common #with #them. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #you #little #brown #piece #of #shit! #hahaha #I #mean #shit #is #literally #brown, #right? #Such #a #fitting #insult #to #attack #indians #and #show #their #own #stupidity | hateful |
hashtag_check | #so #you #agree #with #Bernie's #ideology? #you #agree #black #lives #matter? #I #agree #with #the #republicans #that #are #lynching #black #people. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #There #needs #to #be #more #disabled #people #murder #victims, #maybe #it's #something #I #could #fix... | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Some #bab0000ns #possess #a #level #of #awareness #that #enables #them #to #resist #their #genetic #impulses. #Many #are #professional #athletes #or #convicts. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Every #week #you'd #hear #about #some #careless #sh3b00n #rolling #her #fat, #drunken,welfare #collectin' #ass #over #her #newborn #baby #and #axe #like #it #was #an #'apecident'. #Like #awareness #or #'not #knowing' #was #the #issue #here. #Have #you #heard #of #this #new #invention #called #a #crib? #No, #not #that #kind #of #'crib'. #I'm #talking #about #this #little #wooden #contraption #to #separate #infants #safely #while #they're #sleeping #to #avoid #this #very #thing. #Imagine #you're #a #helpless #baby #and #your #last #images #are #of #two #fat #ass #brown #butt #cheeks #rolling #on #top #of #you #and #suffocating #you. #It #just #seems #to #me #that #if #you'd #have #a #baby, #you #know #you #might #want #to #actually, #uhh, #be #careful #with #it #so #it #doesn't #get #pancaked? #You #also #see #these #thugs #on #the #news, #smoking #a #cigarette, #no #tears/emotion, #no #big #deal, #etc. #Seriously #WTF? | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I'm #a #huge #fan #of #Adolf, #if #only #he #had #finished #his #goal, #the #world #would #be #so #much #better #without #jews | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #hate #my #chinky #flatmates #so #much #I #don't #know #why #I #am #even #living #with #them | hateful |
hashtag_check | #No #repercussions #for #China. #Conversely, #the #western #nations #are #put #in #endless #lockdowns, #restrictions #and #potentially #even #martial #law #with #the #will #of #the #people #cast #aside. #Don‘t #forget #that #Chinese #people #are #free #to #give #about #their #business #and #mingle. #trump #china #Covid_19 | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #think #its #a #great #idea #not #to #allow #anymore #foreigners #in #our #country | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Has #this #happened #to #anyone? #I #just #can't #put #aside #racial #evolution, #it #just #doesn't #make #sense #to. #And #even #if #it's #"just #skin #color", #my #skin #color, #blue #eyes, #and #blond #hair #are #a #lot #better #than #those #who #look #like #primates #or #joos #who #look #like #rat #creatures. #Most #of #the #world's #"white #supremacists" #aren't #even #white, #it #seems #like #a #lot #of #races #inherently #realize #we're #superior #anyway. #Like #a #filipino #girl #asked #me #once #"how #does #it #feel #to #be #god's #favorite". #Is #there #any #way #to #hypothetically #untake #the #redpill? #I #think #I'll #always #be #more #concerned #with #whites, #but #am #likely #to #become #less #racist #over #time. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #consider #this, #the #NFL #is #tax #exempt. #Let #that #sink #in. #Now. #You #have #two #reasons #to #boycott #the #monkeyshines. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #My #school #has #a #lot #of #women #teachers #even #though #we're #an #all #boys #school. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #when #will #camels-crunchers #become #fucking #extinct- #useless #animals | hateful |
hashtag_check | #let #me #help #you #I #think #what #he #or #she #means #is #when #you #get #a #tourist #visa #to #Canada #and #seek #asylum #at #the #airport. #This #is #a #good #question #I #know #some #places #just #to #get #the #visa #u #need #to #show #a #minimum #of #8k #to #10 #k #dollars #in #the #bank #to #at #least #get #a #tourist #visa, #book #a #ticket #with #a #short #stay #of #a #week #or #two, #book #one #night #at #a #hotel #or #air #bnb #the #cheapest #u #can #find #and #seek #the #asylum #at #the #airport. #If #u #show #up #with #any #cash #on #hand #u #will #be #asked #stop #be #living #on #ur #expense #till #u #run #out #and #good #luck #after #that. #Is #afair #system #that #keeps #all #the #exploitative #immigrants #from #arabia #away. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #In #my #town, #which #is #basically #one #giant #fucking #council #estate, #we #have #the #eighth #wonder #of #the #world: #The #Pyramid #of #Co-Op #which #was #constructed #out #of #trolleys #in #1998 #down #in #the #river. #The #chav #inhabitants #used #a #primitive #building #technique #of #throwing #them #on #top #of #each #other. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #We #the #fucking #fascist #Nazi #will #see #how #you #non-white #scum #will #trip #yourselves #up, #and #I #hope #you #get #sued #to #hell #and #back. #That #will #be #a #good #day. #I #can #hardly #wait | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #wish #someone #would #just #exterminate #those #termites. #Someone #with #a #big #can #of #poison | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #actually, #people #with #mental #health #problems #should #NOT #be #encouraged #to #go #to #A&E #if #they #are #feeling #suicidal. #They #don't #need #to #call #psychiatrists #there #for #no #real #reason. #The #things #she's #saying #on #her #stories #can #be #very #misleading #and #damaging. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #trrassssshhh #= #re #eeee #ee #ef #uuuuuge #eeee #e | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #hope #is #not #going #to #sign #this #travesty #of #a #bill. #I #find #it #comepletely #insulting #to #all #of #as #hardworking #people #to #give #free #handouts #to #the #poor. #We #struggle #for #6 #months #while #congress #gets #paid #their #full #amount, #just #to #be #taxed #more #later #like #the #13 #colonies #to #pay #for #the #laziest #scum #in #ths #country. #It's #ridiculous. #senatevoteno | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #hope #you #realise #that #its #well #documented #that #refugees #destroy #the #countries #they #"flee" #to #because #the #culture #is #not #to #their #liking? | hateful |
hashtag_check | #here #you #go #monkey #vs #nigger | hateful |
hashtag_check | #my #bread #machine #broke #and #I #want #to #fucking #die, #it #cost #me #a #fortune. #Those #lying #scumming #people #on #amazon #tricked #me #into #buying #it, #I #cant #stand #being #cheated #for #something #like #this #*** #fume #**** | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #People #are #denied #entry #to #the #military #due #to #medical #conditions #everyday. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #Allowing #women #to #vote #was #the #single #greatest #mistake #the #West #committed. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #You #probably #didn't #spend #anywhere #near #as #much #as #you #would #have #if #you #were #with #a #woman. #Women #have #a #need #for #material #goods #which #is #hard #to #match. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #they #think #they #can #silence #me #from #saying #ghetto #trash #but #they #can #think #again | hateful |
hashtag_check | #if #she #feels #alone #in #the #relationship #then #why #are #they #are #still #in #relationship? #There #is #something #fishy #going #on #here. | not-hateful |
hashtag_check | #It #would #be #seen #as #racist #to #clamp #down #on #minorities, #immigrants #and #gypsies #fraudulently #swindling #benefits #from #our #country. | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Here's #a #tale #of #a #"Holocaust" #survivor, #who #in #reality #spend #6 #years #in #a #Russian #Concentration #camp #in #Siberia #from #1940 #til #1946...........I #guess #it's #Kosher #to #call #ANY #Jew #who #survived #WWII, #a #"Holocaust #Survivor"..........fucking #hell | hateful |
hashtag_check | #Ladies #and #gentlemen' #is #prohibited #because #LGBT #campaigners #say #the #phrase #excludes #people #who #don't #identify #as #either. #What #a #dumb #joke, #I'll #say #whatever #I #want | hateful |
hashtag_check | #i #will #marry #someone #who #also #likes #to #be #mean #to #muslims | hateful |
hashtag_check | #I #wish #Hitler #had #done #what #he #set #out #to, #instead #of #leaving #his #job #unfinished. #He #was #a #great #man #but #he #didn't #manage #to #get #all #of #his #important #work #done | hateful |
hashtag_check | #latenight #drivers #are #the #worst. #Just #saw #some #silly #guy #back #into #a #roundabout #hahaha | not-hateful |
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in Dataset Viewer.
This test set was generated applying the AAA tool to the PLEAD dataset.
If you use our dataset, please cite our papers:
author = {Agostina Calabrese and
Bj{\"{o}}rn Ross and
Mirella Lapata},
title = {Explainable Abuse Detection as Intent Classification and Slot Filling},
journal = {Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2022}
title={Aaa: Fair evaluation for abuse detection systems wanted},
author={Calabrese, Agostina and Bevilacqua, Michele and Ross, Bj{\"o}rn and Tripodi, Rocco and Navigli, Roberto},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021},
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