Instruction: Which episode did Daenerys Targaryen lose her dragon, Viserion, to a White Walker's spear? Response: The Night King, the leader of the White Walkers, threw a spear at Viserion, which killed him.
Instruction: Classify these countries into these continents (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia/Oceania): Morocco, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chad, Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Monaco, Malta, Dominica, Paraguay Response: - Asia: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon - Africa: Morocco, Chad - Europe: Monaco, Malta - North America: Dominica - South America: Paraguay - Australia/Oceania: New Zealand
Instruction: What was the first modern trading card game created? Response: On August 5th 1993, Magic: The Gathering was released to the world as the first modern trading card game. The game was published by Wizards of the Coast and created by Richard Garfield. Magic: The Gathering is a card game where two wizards battle casting spells, summoning creatures, and use magical objects to defeat their opponents. The Limited Edition Alpha set was the first set Magic: The Gathering set ever released.
Instruction: What are foundational models? Response: Foundational Models as the name says can be the foundation for many applications of the AI Model, using self-supervised learning and transfer learning, the model can apply information it learnt about one situation to another. As an example. You learn to drive one car and without too much effort you can drive most of the other cars, even trucks or a bus.
Instruction: How many keys are in a standard piano? Response: There are 88 keys in a standard piano. It has been the standard since Steinway built their pianos in the 1880s. There are 52 white keys and 36 black keys.
Instruction: What are the Regulations of Football? Response: The Fédération Internationale de Football Association rules football. Their headquarters were first founded in 1904 in Switzerland. They currently have over 200 members around the world. FIFA governs all the rules and regulations of football as played in the English Premier League, United Kingdom.
Instruction: When was the Hundred Years War and who fought in it? Response: The English and French fought from the mid-14th century well into the 15th century. The English king reigned over not only the British islands but in Normandy, France. (Read up on William the Conqueror for the story of how that came to be.) The result of this continental foothold meant that the English fought mostly in France, from Brittany to the south of France, and east towards Flanders. Fighting in this time was particularly brutal. "Men at Arms" were knights, wearing full suits of armor. Supporting these Men at Arms were crossbowman (on the French side) and archers, using the English War Bow, on the English side. The War Bow was an extremely powerful weapon.
Instruction: Which of the following items are types of books: novels, biographies, historical fiction, reference texts, graphic novels, newspapers, magazines, flyers, pamphlets, pocket dictionaries. Response: novels, biographies, historical fiction, reference texts, graphic novels, pocket dictionaries
Instruction: What is Ayurveda? Response: Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person's consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.
Instruction: What is skydiving? Response: Skydiving is considering a thrill seeking opportunity. It can be classified as a risky sport because every safety check and setup has to be 100% perfect in order to execute the skydiving perfectly each time. If something does go wrong or you miss a safety check injury or death can occur. That is why its important to triple check all your gear and equipment before skydiving or have an expert who has 1000's of jumps check your gear for you. Skydiving is considered fun for some and scare for others. If you are risk-averse you can consider this sport as a new opportunity for fun and enjoyment
Instruction: What do I need to learn how to knit? Response: To learn to knit you will need a few basic knitting supplies. First, you will need some yarn, knitting needles, and if you’d like, a pattern. Knitting needles come in many sizes so if you plan to make a specific pattern follow the pattern instructions. You begin knitting by casting on a certain amount of stitches, then follow the pattern for specific knit or purl stitches.
Instruction: Write a letter to my boss that convinces them that I deserve a raise. Response: Hey boss, its me. We have worked hard over these past few periods, and while I look back fondly on our memories, I have an ask of you. You see, given how much I have sacrificed to deliver the results you have demanded over the past fiscal cycle, and we surpassed our goals, I was thinking perhaps you could show your appreciation with an reasonable increase in salary? Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to surpassing our goals together in the future.
Instruction: What is the best kind of shade tree for a backyard in growing region 6? Response: There are many great trees homeowners in growing region 6 may want to consider for their backyard depending on their priorities. First, the two main types of trees are deciduous, trees that lose their leaves each winter, and evergreen, which retain their foliage year round. Many of the most popular shade trees are deciduous trees, however there are some great evergreen options as well. Starting with deciduous trees, there are flowering trees and traditional shade trees. Of the traditional shade trees, you may want to consider maples and oaks, of which there are many varieties. Red maples grow a bit slower than silver maples, but have hardier bark, beautiful red leaves in the fall, and a more pleasing traditional branching habit that many prefer vs, Silver maples. Sugar maples growth slower still, but are beautiful, prized trees that turn glowing orange in the fall and produce the sap used in maple syrup come spring. These trees can be 40-70 feet tall at maturity. Oaks are incredibly beautiful trees that are typically a little slower growing than maples, but have strong bark, enabling them to survive harsher conditions and have a long lifespan. They can handle being used as street trees as they do fine with moderate pollution levels and salt from de-icing. You really can't go wrong with maples or oaks as a summer shade tree, with their tall canopies providing wonderful shade once their leaves fill in during the spring. Some popular flowering options that provide ample shade include cherry and magnolia trees, both of which have beautiful showy spring flowers and reach a height of 20-60 feet at maturity depending on which of the many variants you choose (be careful with this as some are best suited to warmer climates and don't tolerate the cold as well). For evergreens, the options are a bit more limited as many of these trees have low canopies that extend all the way to the ground. Many species of spruce and fir tree can have their canopies raised as they mature, creating space underneath for shade. Some pine trees have ample canopy under them, however their thin needle density can limit the amount of shade they provide. Whichever you ultimately choose, Shade trees add a ton of value to a home and are a great investment. Consider working with an arborist to make the decision based on your lighting and soil conditions. Enlisting a professional's help with planting will ensure your new tree is set up to grow healthy and strong.
Instruction: What's the best country in the world? Response: There is no single answer. The United States of America has the largest economy of any country, but Qatar has the highest GDP per capita. Finland, on the other hand, is the happiest country in the world. Russia is the largest country by landmass. Many consider New Zealand to be the most beautiful country. Which country is best depends on what you are looking for.
Instruction: In my upcoming trip across Europe I'm planning to visit the following countries: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Are all of them part of the Schengen area? Response: Most of them are, but not all. Romania and Bulgaria are the two exceptions.
Instruction: Classify each of the following as either titles by George R.R. Martin or Robert Jordan: A Game of Thrones, Dying of the Light, The Armageddon Rag, A Storm of Swords, A Song for Lya, The Great Hunt, Towers of Midnight, Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, Crossroads of Twilight Response: George R.R. Martin: A Game of Thrones, Dying of the Light, The Armageddon Rag, A Storm of Swords, A Song for Lya Robert Jordan: The Great Hunt, Towers of Midnight, Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, Crossroads of Twilight
Instruction: What was the first commercial relational database product launched in the market? Response: Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle DBMS, Oracle Autonomous Database, or simply as Oracle) is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It was the first RDBMS product commercially available in the market in the year 1979.
Instruction: Who is Linda Hargreaves Response: Linda Hargreaves is a British actress who has appeared on both stage and screen. She made her television debut in the BBC soap opera Doctors and has since returned to the soap on three separate occasions in different roles, most recently in the recurring role of Constance Buchanan. She has also appeared in various television series including Containment and Call the Midwife.
Instruction: Make a list, using dot points, of the last five cities who hosted the Olympics. Response: The last five cities to host the Olympic Games were: - Tokyo, Japan (2021), - Rio, Brazil (2016), - London, England (2012), - Beijing, China (2008), - Athens, Greece (2004).
Instruction: Home many storage options does Azure Synapse provide? Response: Azure Synapse can store or persist data in five different technologies or locations: 1. Azure Data Lake Store, 2. Dedicated SQL Pools (DW), and 3. Cosmos DB, 4. Azure Data Share, and 5. Power BI (with its Dataset Cache features)
Instruction: What qualifies an animal as a monotreme? Response: A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs. This is uncommon as there are only two mammals, the echidnas and platypus, that do so. The majority of mammals give placenta birth, with another minority of mammals, known as marsupials, give birth to a fetus-like embryo which is dependent of mother's teat to provide nourishment until fully developed.
Instruction: Why is November 14 celebrated as world diabetes day? Response: Sir Frederick Banting who discovered Insulin in 1922 was born on November 14 which is why November 14 is celebrated as world diabetes day
Instruction: Which is a species of fish? Mullet or Afro Response: Mullet
Instruction: What is the difference between the Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche methods of paying off debt? Response: The Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche are two widely known methods of paying off debt. One is a mathematically faster way to pay off the debt; whereas, the alternative is slightly slower but is more psychologically motivating. This motivation is what helps the person reach their debt pay off goals. The following set of debts will be used as the basis for explaining each method: Debt A has a balance of $10,000 at a 4% interest rate. Debt B has a balance of $5,000 at a 10% interest rate. Debt C has a balance of $8,000 at a 24% interest rate. The Debt Avalanche is typically the fastest and most cost effective way to pay off debt. The person makes minimum payments on all their debts and any extra goes towards the account with highest interest rate (Debt C in example above). Once that first balance is paid off, the person takes the payments from that and puts it all towards the second highest interest rate (Debt B). Repeat until all debts are paid. The Debt Snowball is a method popularized by a personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey, in Step 2 of his 7 Baby Steps to building wealth. This method uses psychology by paying off the smallest balance first (Debt B above). The theory is that the feeling of quickly paying off a debt balance provides the motivation to stick with the program. Similar to the Debt Avalanche, the person takes the payments from Debt B and puts it towards the next smallest balance (Debt C). Repeat until all debts are paid.
Instruction: Classify these wines in Red or White: Chardonnay ,Cabernet Sauvignon,Moscato, Merlot, Syrah, Malbec, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Sangiovese, Sauvignon Blanc Response: Chardonnay, Moscato, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling are White Wines and Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Malbec, Pinot Noir and Sangiovese are Red Wines
Instruction: What would be a first date option in Boston? Response: There are many options for first dates in Boston. You could go for a nice walk in the Boston Common and grab a coffee/tea somewhere nearby. You could go to the Boston Aquarium and walk along the water afterwards. You could go to Seaport and spend time in the indoor mini golf spot. You could also wander around Quincy market and grab a bite to eat and then visit the Sam Adams brewery. Lastly, you could go for a walk along the esplanade and grab a drink and Night Shift brewery if the weather is nice.
Instruction: What is the JDK? Response: The JDK is a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language. The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java platform.
Instruction: Classify the following as either red wines or white wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Syrah, Shiraz Response: Red wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Shiraz White wines: Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc
Instruction: Give me a list of the top ten movies, according to IMDb ratings. Response: 1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994), 9.2 points 2. The Godfather (1972) 9.2 points 3. The Dark Knight (2008), 9.0 points 4. The Godfather Part II (1974), 9.0 points 5. 12 Angry Men (1957), 9.0 points 6. Schindler's List (1993), 8.9 points 7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), 8.9 points 8. Pulp Fiction (1994), 8.8 points 9. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), 8.8 points 10. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966), 8.8 points
Instruction: Whats the name of the person who wrote the US declaration of independence? Response: Thomas Jefferson
Instruction: What are different tools and channels used in organizations for communication and training? Response: There are many different tools and channels used by organizations for communication and training. These range from short and informal, such as a direct message or text, to long and formal, such as a blog article, webinar, or a training class. Widely use short and informal tools include Slack, Microsoft Team, Skype, WhatsApp, and many more. These tools can incorporate text, audio file, video files, and links to files. They're usually used for one to one, one to many (small group), or one to many (large group). Email can be used both for short and informal and longer, more formal communications. In fact, emails have fully supplanted the "interoffice memo" used for decades in the corporate world. Presentations are a widely used tool in enterprises today. These typically include both a live presenter and prepared slides for the audience to see, and usually, take away. Tools for creating these slide show, also referred to as "decks," include Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Webinars are virtual presentations, nearly always using slides. An interesting evolution in corporate communication has been the advent of the "slideument." Coined by Nancy Duarte in her book, slide:ology, a slideument is "the worst of both worlds." Each slides features a great deal of text, which may or may not be the presenter's script. However, being slides, there is often little heed given to the principles of good writing. Directness, transitions, conciseness, clarity. A workshop or training event is another method of corporate communication. The key difference between this and other tools is that a workshop is usually for skill building of some type and incorporates (hopefully) a great deal of audience interaction (with the presenter and with other participants. Slides are often used, but other tools can be brought into play, such as flip charts, small group discussions, and assignments for individuals and groups.
Instruction: How do I find my Tesla charging station? Response: Access charge settings by touching Controls > Charging when Tesla is in Park. You can also touch the battery icon on the touchscreen to access charge settings.
Instruction: Tell me whether matches in each sport is usually played individually or on a team: baseball, golf, tennis, wrestling, hockey Response: Baseball: Team Golf: Individually Tennis: Individually Wrestling: Individually Hockey: Team
Instruction: How can a balance be drawn between capitalism and economic equality? Response: Capitalism, an economic system that promotes the private generation and ownership of wealth and resources, helps promote innovations and economic growth. However, when left unchecked, it can also be a factor in economic inequality, as people are generally unequal in terms of ideas, drive/grit to push through, and access to capital resources. These provide some dis-proportional advantages of the economic wealth and resources to a few. In an ideal world, most players are expected to be considerate and mindful of equitability and balanced economic development. However, this is seldom the case, hence an approach for drawing a balance is by having government policies and laws, that protect the interest of the general citizenry and prevent bad players from taking advantage of the system. This is a very difficult problem, and a lot of countries are still struggling with this dilemma of striking a balance.
Instruction: Classify if the following are hollywood or bollywood movies: Zanjeer; The Shawshank redemption; Sholay; Pride & prejudice Response: Zanjeer and Sholay are bollywood moves. The Shawshank redemption and Pride & Prejudice are hollywood movies.
Instruction: How many albums has Taylor Swift released? Response: 10 albums.
Instruction: Tell me whether these are a solid, liquid, or gas Response: book, oxygen, water, juice, coffee, nitrogen, mug, glasses, metal
Instruction: Have any Defensive players won the Heisman Trophy? Response: Charles Woodson is the only Heisman Trophy Winner who was primarily a defensive player.
Instruction: Give me a list of best Studio Ghibli Films Response: 1. My Neighbour Totoro 2. Princess Mononoke 3. Howl's Moving Castle 4. Spirited Away 5. Kiki's Delivery Service 6. The tale of Princess Kaguya 7. Grave of the Fireflies 8. The Red Turtle 9. Ocean Waves 10. From Up on Poppy Hill
Instruction: Who won the 2022 Masters golf tournament? Response: Scotty Scheffler
Instruction: What is the appeal to baby led weaning? Response: Baby led weaning, or BLW, is the practice of weaning a baby from breast feeding naturally by allowing the child to begin eating solid food freely by their own choice. For example, while the care takers are eating a meal, allowing the child (at any age) to pick food from the care taker's plate. There is the thought is that the human body will self regulate what it needs instinctively. The notion of self regulation applies to nutrients found in the food as well as the amount of food that the body need. The mainstream alternative (especially in first world countries) is pureed foods prepared especially for babies. Those that subscribe to BLW believe that the downside of feeding babies baby specific food is that the practice teaches babies to ignore natural instincts because someone else is in control of what type and how much food to eat. Some reasons people choose not to follow BLW are: the misconception that babies cannot eat solid food, the convenience of prepared commercial baby food, generally accepted mainstream guidance on baby rearing, or the lack of awareness of BLW. BLW can also be quite messy as some of the food babies will handle are a function of exploration rather than for consumption and therefore end up on the floor.
Instruction: Give me a list of different ways to brew coffee Response: Drip brew, french press, espresso, pour over, percolator
Instruction: What sport is Ruud Gullit known for Response: Ruud Gullit is best known for his career in professional football, most notably for his time with Dutch club Ajax.
Instruction: Name some books that Jane Austen is best known for. Response: Jane Austen’s novels were not popular during her lifetime. Today, her most popular novels are ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813) and ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811). ‘Pride and Prejudice’ follows the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet, a country woman who makes hasty judgements, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a proud aristocrat, as they overcome their differences and fall in love. ‘Sense and Sensibility’ follows the three Dashwood sisters who are uprooted from their home and must strike a balance between pragmatism and romance to find love and happiness.
Instruction: Write a brief paragraph about the evolution of Egyptian pyramids. Response: Egyptian pyramids are fascinating ancient buildings edified more than 2500 years before the Common Era. According to Egyptologists, these megalithic structures served as tombs for the biggest pharaohs that successively ruled the region in that Era. The biggest ones, present until now in Giza, are built with astonishing precision using the rudimental tools and materials that were available at that time. For example, Khufu pyramid, culminating at 481 feet, is an architectural masterpiece. The size, orientation and precision of this pyramid are keeping the best current architects agape. However, the journey was not straightforward for ancient Egyptians. Building such megalithic structures remains very hard to even nowadays. Before achieving the precision of the pyramids on Giza plateau, some inconsistencies and simpler trials are still present in Egypt showing the progressive improvement in their construction know-how through time. The first historically documented pyramid in Egypt is attributed to Djozer pharaoh in the third dynastic period. It is a stepped structure with superposed squares without big attention to the external design and polishment that we find later in the more recent pyramids. Egyptologists proved the existence of many other attempts to build similar structures in the same dynasty. However, the first complete pyramid structures appeared only in the 4th dynasty, giving successively the rise of the great pyramids of Meidum, Dahshur, and Giza
Instruction: What is net worth? Response: Net worth is the value of the assets a person or corporation owns, minus the liabilities they owe. It is an important metric to gauge a person's health, providing a useful snapshot of its current financial position. Tracking your net worth over time is a helpful indicator of your financial stability. Looking at net worth can help you understand where your money has gone in the past vs. where you want it to go in the future.
Instruction: Classify each country as Spanish or Portuguese speaking: Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal Response: Peru: Spanish Speaking Argentina: Spanish Speaking Chile: Spanish Speaking Brazil: Portuguese Speaking Mexico: Spanish Speaking Portugal: Portuguese Speaking
Instruction: What are the primary causes of inflation? Response: Inflation is caused by imbalance of supply and demand.
Instruction: Please classify each of the following as European or Asian countries: England, Thailand, Greece, Japan. Response: England and Greece are European countries, while Thailand and Japan are Asian countries.
Instruction: Write an email to someone updating that I’ve accepted the position at their company to which they referred me Response: Hi, I wanted to update you that I accepted the offer! Thank you for being such a huge part of this, from coffee chats to interview prepping. You made all the difference in my application journey and I’m so excited to work with you.
Instruction: Tell me which of the following activities are types of workouts: walking, running, weightlifting, HIIT, cardio, yoga, sleeping, sitting at your chair, standing, looking into the distance, watching TV. Response: Working out typically involves movement of the body and muscles. it often involves the stretching or contracting of muscles and can have a change in heart rate. Walking, running, weightlifting, HIIT, and cardio, and yoga are different types of workouts.
Instruction: If you could not fill a pool with water, what would you fill it with? Response: If I could not fill a pool with water, I would fill it with; 1) feathers, 2) bubbles, 3) flour, 4) syrup, 5) sour cream, 6) planted flowers, or 7) rocks.
Instruction: What is deep dish pizza? Response: Deep dish pizza is a variant of traditional pizza where the dough ends are rolled and pushed to the ends of a deep pan similar to a dessert pie crust. The crust is then filled with cheese and other toppings and spread with chunky tomato sauce. This type of pizza is also referred to as Chicago-style pizza.
Instruction: What is cholesterol and bad cholesterol and why would I want to reduce my levels? Response: Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in the cells in your body. Your liver makes cholesterol and it is also found in some foods like meat and dairy products. Your body needs certain levels of cholesterol to function, but too much raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. LDL, low-density lipoprotein, is also known as bad cholesterol. It gets it's "bad" name because too high of levels of LDL can lead to a build up of cholesterol in you arteries. The extra amount of LDL forms plaque and the build up of this plaque in your arteries leads to a condition called, artherosclerosis. Coronary artery disease happens when the plaque buildup is in the arteries of your heart. It causes the arteries to become hardened and narrowed , which slows down or blocks the blood flow to your heart. Because your blood carries oxygen to your heart, this means that your heart may not be able to get enough oxygen. This can cause angina or chest pains and may lead to a heat attack if blood flow is completely blocked.
Instruction: Which is the mighty river that begins at Lake Itasca in Northern Minnesota Response: The Mississippi River
Instruction: Which of these countries are in South America: Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, India. Response: Peru, Brazil, and Chile are in South America. Mexico is in North America, while Ghana is in Africa and India is in Asia.
Instruction: What is Football? Response: Football can be used to refer multiple team sports, in most common use case, it's the team sport played between two teams of eleven players, with primary goal to use their feet to kick ball and score goals. It's considered as most popular sports in the world. However in United States, the sport is called soccer, and instead football, or American Football is used to refer to a different sports.
Instruction: What are the typical items used to create a Haft-sin? Response: Garlic, apples, coins, wheat sprouts, barley sprouts, lentil sprouts, sweet pudding made from wheat germ, dried oleaster fruit, sumac, vinegar.
Instruction: Classify these US cities into states that they are in. Jersey City, Buffalo, Schenectady, Newark, Yonkers, Hoboken Response: New Jersey - Jersey City, Newark, Hoboken New York - Buffalo, Schenectady, Yonkers
Instruction: What is the weather like in San Francisco? Response: The weather is typically mild in San Francisco. It is usually 50 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit in the both the winters and summers. San Francisco is known for having microclimates, which means that different neighborhoods might have different weather at the same time. The Mission District is known for being sunny whereas the Sunset is often foggy. San Francisco is often windy and typically gets cool at night. It's always smart to bring a jacket in San Francisco.
Instruction: What is an open platform? Response: A platform is open if it provides you options for how you experience your data platform: open frameworks, multiple languages, common libraries, CI/CD tooling, APIs, IDEs, internal or external orchestration. You can customize your experience. Separating storage and compute on top of an open file format allows for even more flexibility using a host of connectors to read your data without paying unnecessary compute costs. And, it minimizes -- but doesn't eliminate -- the barriers of migration if you want to change your architecture and integrate new tooling. The big data and cloud space is moving fast and future proofing your architecture is a key concern for most Enterprise Data Platform owners.
Instruction: What are the primary colors? Response: Red, Blue and Yellow
Instruction: Best car Brand in the world in Popularity? Response: 1. BMW 2. Audi 3. porsche
Instruction: Which countries are part of the five eyes alliance and what is its purpose? Response: The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance between the countries of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States.The goal is to share intelligence between one another in one of the worlds most unilateral agreement
Instruction: Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Thavil, Seni rebab Response: Seni rabab is string, Thavil is percussion.
Instruction: What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing people to perform delivery tasks by walking instead of requiring the use of a bike or car? When do you think it is more pragmatic for deliveries to be fulfilled by walking versus biking or driving? Response: There are both advantages and disadvantages to allowing delivery tasks to be completed by walking instead of biking or driving. The following is a list of advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: - Additional supply of individuals capable of performing deliveries (i.e., people without a bike or car) - Potential for shorter delivery times in densely populated metropolitan areas - Positive impact on the environment and sustainability - Stronger contribution margins for shorter deliveries Disadvantages: - Weather can heavily impact if items are delivered or not as well as the quality of items when delivered (e.g., wet paper towels) - Limitations on the number and weight of items being delivered - Less deliveries can be performed together (i.e., batching of deliveries) - Distance items can be delivered is substantially shorter Overall, permitting deliveries to be fulfilled by walking likely provides incremental benefits in certain situations, especially in densely populated urban centers. However, it is not feasible to deliver items by walking in suburban or rural areas given the distance that needs to be covered to successfully deliver items.
Instruction: Classify each of the following as a penalty or scoring play in football: touchdown, holding, offsides, safety, field goal, false start Response: Touchdown: Scoring Play Holding: Penalty Offsides: Penalty Safety: Scoring Play Field Goal: Scoring Play False Start: Penalty
Instruction: Imagine you have to spend a week on a deserted island. What are 5 items you'd bring with you and why? Response: If I was stranded on a deserted island for a week the first thing I'd be sure to pack is sun screen! My biggest fear would be exposure to the elements while trying to forage for food, build a shelter and come up with a game plan to be rescued. My 2nd item would be some form of fishing tackle, I assume the easiest thing to catch out in the middle of the ocean would be fish. I'd be sure to bring plenty of hooks, line and artificial lures in my tackle box. The 3rd item I'd be sure to pack would be a fire-starter. I would choose this over matches because flint/steel work while wet where matches become useless pretty quickly when wet. The 4th item I'd bring would be a guitar, there's something very relaxing and peaceful about music while you're alone and I imagine it would help pass the time. The last item I would bring would be a picture of my family. That would keep me going in even the darkest of times. When the fish aren't biting or the weather isn't cooperating - knowing I have a lovely family to get back home to would provide all the motivation in the world to keep fighting!
Instruction: What are the new 7 Wonders of the World: Response: These are the new 7 Wonders of the World: - Great Wall of China - Petra - Christ the Redeemer - Machu Picchu - Chichén Itzá - Colosseum - Taj Mahal
Instruction: What is the stock market? Response: The stock market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks. Stock markets could include stocks on both public and private exchanges.
Instruction: Which episode does Jon Snow lead a battle where he is outnumbered by Ramsey Bolton? Response: "Battle of the Bastards" is the ninth episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones which had the massive battle between Jon Snow and Ramsey Bolton. Ramsey Bolton ultimately lost, thanks to Lord Baelish bringing fighters from the Vale to support Jon Snow.
Instruction: Tell me whether these sports are played on grass or ice: figure skating, hockey, football, soccer, curling Response: Figure Skating: Ice Hockey: Ice Football: Grass Soccer: Grass Curling: Ice
Instruction: What is the difference between a goose and a geese? Response: A goose and a geese refer to the same type of bird. These bird(s) are of the Anatidae biological family of water birds. Anatidate includes ducks, geese, seabirds, storks, and waterfowls. Goose refers to a single bird where geese refers to multiple birds.
Instruction: One of the best place to visit in Mexico Response: Cancun : You can visit Cancun for the tropical weather. You can visit Cancun all over the year. You can avoid September to October because of little bit of rain and cloudy weather. Cancun has some splendid Resorts with All inclusive package . The beach is clean. You can stay either in Cancun or Playa Del Carman or The Cancun . Both has similar resorts mostly. You can visit Tulum if you like calm and nature associated with Beach.
Instruction: which country that has the most pyramids in the world? Response: Sudan has more pyramids than any country in the world
Instruction: Which characters belong to DC or Marvel Universe? Namor, Aquaman Response: Aquaman is DC, Namor is Marvel
Instruction: Classify each of the following as a state or a city: Florida, Texas, Alaska, Houston, Charlotte, Charleston, Savannah, Kansas, San Diego Response: Florida: State Texas: State Alaska: State Houston: City Charlotte: City Charleston: City Savannah: City Kansas: State San Diego: City
Instruction: India’s overall food grain production (based on 4th Advance estimates) is estimated to have touched how much? Response: 315.72 million tonnes in 2021-22 crop year ( last year it was 310.74mt)
Instruction: What is a homonym? Response: Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. Although the words sound the same when pronounced, they are not spelled the same. An example is the word deer, also spelled dear. These words have very different meanings in the english language. Homonyms can be found in all languages around the world.
Instruction: Tell me about Crater Lake National Park Response: Crater Lake National Park, located in Oregon is an astonishing national park full of beautiful views and pristine natural surroundings. The Park itself was officially founded in 1902 but prior to that it was considered a holy place by Native American Indians for hundreds of years. The water in Crater Lake is a deep, dark blue and remains relatively cold year round. Crater Lake is actually the remnant of an imploded volcano that filled with water of the centuries and is in fact, the deepest lake in the United States. The caldera itself is 6 miles by 5 miles and more than a half mile deep. The rim offers some spectacular views of the lake itself and surrounding caldera formation.
Instruction: Which was the first satellite launched by China? Response: Dongfanghong-1 was the first satellite launched by China
Instruction: Which of the following are prime numbers: 7, 12, 23, 33, 64, 79, 97, and 100. Response: The numbers 7, 23, 79, and 97 are prime numbers. The numbers 12, 33, 64, and 100 are not.
Instruction: Why do people like golf? Response: Golf is an enjoyable and social sport that one can play for their entire life. People like it because it gives them a chance to be outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. Some golf courses also provide picturesque views of the ocean or the mountains, depending upon their location. This is why one sees lots of golf vacations. Golf can be technically challenging and requires a mix of both physical and mental skills to play the game, which is what makes it an exciting game to enjoy with friends, family and competitors.
Instruction: Give me a bulleted list of 5 hobbies I should try. Response: Sure, I'd be happy to give you a bulleted list of 5 hobbies you should try. - Pickle ball - Woodworking - Painting - Biking - Crocheting I hope you like the 5 suggestions above and try a new hobby!
Instruction: Who was the US president during the 9/11 attacks? Response: President George W. Bush
Instruction: classify these as kitchen or bathroom items: toothpaste, pan, pots, spoons, shampoo, dish soap, bath soap, bath bombs, plates, oven mitts, cups, toilet paper Response: Kitchen items: pan, pots, spoons, dish soap, plates, oven mitts, cups Bathroom items: toothpaste, shampoo, bath soap, bath bombs, toilet paper
Instruction: Give me a title of one of the "Harry Potter" novels. Response: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Instruction: Where was the 2017 European Judo Championships held Response: The men's 90 kg competition at the 2017 European Judo Championships in Warsaw was held on 22 April at the Torwar Hall.
Instruction: Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Sarcosuchus, Plains Bison Response: Sarcosuchus is extinct, Plains Bison is alive.
Instruction: What are lots of different smells you might experience when going into a candle store? Response: Beachwood, Ocean breeze, coconut lime, Jasmine, Musk and Apple Cider
Instruction: Tell me which of the following are real car parts: differential, gearbox, splinehook, flidget, wheel. Response: Differential, gearbox, and wheels are all parts of cars.
Instruction: What is it like to live in a black hole? Response: I am the first person to survive a black hole in outer space. I must say, once I realized what I had been sucked into, I was really scared. It's not so bad. There are plenty of resources, and it's quite funny how many things are here. Loads of other items from countries all over the world that have lost satellites and the like. It's almost like a treasure chest of sorts. There are a couple of other people in here with me, and we all get along, primarily because there is no one else so we choose to be friends.
Instruction: Are cats or dogs better? Response: The debate on if cats or dogs are better has been talked about for ages, there is no clear winner. Humans love being binary and needing to choose between one or the other. Each person is different, and can benefit from cats AND dogs in their life. You can like both cats and dogs, and like them equally as well.
Instruction: Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Bedug, Moraharpa Response: Bedug is percussion, Moraharpa is string.
Instruction: What is the difference between archaeology and paleontology? Response: Archaeology is the study of human culture, while paleontology is the study of dinosaurs.
Instruction: How is beer made? Response: Most of the beer we all drink is made from the same four ingredients; barley, water, hops and yeast.The basic idea is to extract the sugars from grains (usually barley) so that the yeast can turn it into alcohol and CO2, creating beer. In order for barley to be made into beer, it must first be malted. The malting process renders the grain usable to the brewer. It's basically taking a live seed, steeping it in water and tricking it into thinking it's time to grow." The grain starts to ready itself to grow into a plant but the germination is then stopped by drying the barley. Malting helps to create the enzymes necessary to convert the starches present in the seeds into sugars. Without malting, the beer would not have enough sugar content to properly ferment. The malted barley is crushed or milled and then soaked in warm water in order to create a sugar solution known as wort. Any other grains used in the brewing process are also added at this point. Soaking the grains in warm water helps to further convert the starches into the sugars necessary for fermentation. The wort is then moved to a copper pot and boiled. During boiling, some of the water in the wort evaporates, leaving behind a higher concentration of sugars. Boiling also helps to sterilize the mixture in preparation for fermentation. After boiling, the solid hops and grain are removed, and the mixture is cooled. The brewers then add yeast to this mixture. Fermenting with yeast is what makes beer alcoholic. The time it takes to ferment a beer varies based on type of yeast and style of fermentation, but most beers take about a week to ferment. Different strains of yeast and different fermentation techniques determine what kind of beer is being made and how it will taste. For example, when making a lager, the yeast ferments at the bottom of the wort at a cooler temperature. Ales are made with a different strain of yeast, and top fermented at warmer temperatures. After fermentation, the beer is then cooled again before bottling or canning.
Instruction: Holidays such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween are associated with themes. Sort the following items into the holiday with which they are most frequently associated: elves, chocolate, presents, pumpkin, rabbit, candy, pilgrim, egg, Santa, Jesus, hot-crossed buns, and reindeer Response: Pumpkin, candy and pilgrims are frequently associated with Halloween. Hot-crossed buns, Egg, chocolate, Rabbit and Jesus and are associated with Easter. Reindeer, elves, Santa and presents are associated with Christmas.
Instruction: Why is sailing so much fun? Response: Sailing is a wonderful sport. It's a great way to learn about the wind, physics and environment while being out in the fresh air and sun. There are many enjoyable things you can learn while sailing: how to navigate, how to tie ropes, how to read the wind and how to change the sails. Sailing is often a team sport and is a great way to work together outside. There is nothing like feeling the wind in your face and salt in your hair.
Instruction: Hello, my family and I recently went to the zoo and saw a number of animals. Please identify the animals in this summary and organize them in order of size. My son's favorite animal is an elephant, and he saw an elephant in the grassland. My wife caught a parakeet trying to eat our popcorn. My daughter was scared by lion that she saw on the prairie. I missed all of these animals and only saw a boa constrictor in an a cage. Response: The animals in your summary by size are an elephant, a lion, a boa constrictor, and a parakeet. This sounds like a fun trip to the zoo!
Instruction: Seven Wonders of the Underwater World Response: Here's a list of the Seven Wonders of the Underwater World: - Palau - Belize Barrier Reef, Belize - Great Barrier Reef, Australia - Deep-sea hydrothermal vents (worldwide) - Galápagos Islands, Ecuador - Lake Baikal, Russia - Northern Red Sea, bordered by Saudi Arabia and Yemen on the eastern shore, and Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti on the western shore