Dataset Viewer issue

by akumoth - opened

Hi there! I've been recently trying to get this dataset's building script to work and while i've managed to get it to load locally (with data=load_dataset('akumoth/ygo_card_img', split='train') ) the dataset preview seems to complain about it's cache not having been wiped.

Error in question:
[Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/datasets-server-cache/all/datasets/2023-05-25-15-52-38-config-parquet-and-info-akumoth-ygo_card_img-8be2038a/akumoth___ygo_card_img/default/0.0.0/7c8854def997120a4edc0cd6b8d8b61fa9316fb36adf6d422fd02f0621341f2f.incomplete'

Am i missing something in the dataset script, or is the preview itself bugged? Thanks in advance for any help.

cc @albertvillanova @lhoestq @severo .

It seems to be fixed now.
Capture d’écran 2023-06-06 à 15.09.22.png

Sorry for the transitory issue. @albertvillanova did you see that before?

@severo it seems like the process was killed in the middle of the data processing: the .incomplete directory is created as a lock while writing the Arrow data.

albertvillanova changed discussion status to closed

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