6 values
Seller: Hello. Buyer: Good Morning
Seller: Good Morning Buyer: Good Morning. Seller: Are you interested in buying my bike? Buyer: Yes I am. How old is it? Seller: Just a few months, has only been rode about 50 miles Buyer: Wow, why? Seller: It's my wife's, she started working full time now so she doesn't have the time to ride anymore. Buyer: I can't afford $1100 what is the lowest you can do on it? Seller: I can negotiate on the price a little, what were you thinking you can afford? Buyer: Can you do $800? Seller: I am so sorry I don't think I can go that low, could you do $925? Buyer: How about $900? Seller: Yeah I can do that, when woud you like to pick it up? Buyer: Today if possible. Seller: Ok, great, I am home all day today. Buyer: Sounds good.
Seller: I'm sorry but 14 is too low
Seller: Hi are you interested in the item? Buyer: I am very much interested, but the price seems a bit steep for me Seller: Ok, it's pretty much market value for this item in this condition, but we can talk about it. Buyer: My kid would enjoy riding it, but I don't see it having that much value over a bike. What if the price was cut in half? I can even pick it up myself. Seller: Look, half would mean me losing a lot of money. But I'm looking to get rid of this soon. I can let it go for an even $200 if you can pick it up by Monday. Buyer: That's understandable. I can understand your position. $200 wouldn't be bad. I can definitely do that.
Seller: Hello. Buyer: yeah, Seller: I'm looking to get rid of this bike. $1100's the price, but I'm willing to negotiate. Buyer: I'll be honest, I'm looking for a bike, and I need one in the next few seconds. But I'm not exactly sure about this. It says it's a women's bike? Is that for men? Seller: It's definitely women's bike, but it's in great condition, and only has about 50 miles on it. Buyer: I see here that's it's made of carbon? Isn't everything made of carbon? I'll give you 650 for it. Seller: Technically, you're right. $650 sounds great. I'll accept that offer. Buyer: Seems' like we got a deal! My fat will be so happy!
Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi, is the charger brand new? Seller: Yes Buyer: I've read that some of these portable chargers can even jump a car, can this one do that? Seller: Frankly, I'm not sure but I doubt it... Buyer: Okay, do you have one? And if so how does it perform? Seller: Yes, I got this as a present and I already had one. It's for cell phones primarily and has worked well for me! Buyer: Great! Can you come down to $11? Seller: Sure, that's fair. When can you meet? Buyer: Now! Seller: Alright! See you soon!
Buyer: What direction do the windows face in the apartment? Seller: East Buyer: What floor is the apartment on? Seller: first Buyer: How many parking places do I get? Seller: one Buyer: What utilities are included in the rent? Seller: water Buyer: How much are you asking for the rent? Seller: $1800 Buyer: Do I have to pay first and last month? Seller: No Buyer: How about a security deposit? Seller: Security deposit is $2000 Buyer: I am willing to offer 1800 for the rent but only want to tie up 1500 as a security deposit. Okay? Seller: how about 1800 for security deposit? Buyer: Okay
Seller: hello Buyer: Hi! Seller: this is a great car, i'm the original owner... i'm asking 4000 Buyer: The car looks in good shape. But I think if I keep shopping around I can find it for around 2200, how close can you get to that price? Seller: i'm willing to negotiate, but 2200 is too low. I was thinking 3400. if you can do cash maybe I can lower Buyer: I can pay 2400 in cash right now Seller: If you can do 3100 ill submit the final offer right now, and drive it over to you. do we have a deal? Buyer: Make it 3000, pay for a mechanic to inspect it and drive it over and we can make the deal. Seller: done, i'm submitting the price now
Seller: What would you like to know about the Ipad I am selling? Buyer: There condition in absolutely fine? Seller: Yes. I always kept in a case and only used it about once a month. Buyer: Okay, well I can give you $175 today for it? Can you do that for me? Seller: I was hoping to get a little more. Can you go a bit higher? Buyer: $180? Seller: This is in mint condition with the charger and original box. How about 190? Buyer: I'm sorry, the most I can spend is $185 Seller: 185 is agreeable. Thanks. Buyer: Thank you!
Buyer: Hello, I've taken an interest in your Ikea bed frame. Seller: It is in great condition and not very old Buyer: I am looking to pay about $90 for it. Seller: I was hoping to get $100 for it. The storage drawers are really useful Buyer: Do you know what was stored in them previously? Seller: No, I don't. I'm sorry. I am listing it for $150. I typed in the wrong number Buyer: Would you take $120 if I requested you also dropped it off where I live? I am not too far from you.
Seller: Hi there. I'm trying to get rid of this armoire as soon as possible. Buyer: The armoire looks pretty nice. Seller: It's in pretty good condition. The handle on the right door is missing. That's the only thing wrong with it. Buyer: I'm sure it will take time and money to replace the handle. I would like to pay $30. Seller: The handle doesnt cost much to replace. Home depot has something similar for cheap. How about 35? Buyer: I hope you're correct, but it will still take some time. I will also need to get it installed, I'm not good with tools. Let's make it 32 dollars. Seller: Okay, you have a point. 33 and it's a deal. Buyer: I will agree to $33 if you can deliver it. Seller: Delivery? That's a bit extra. I would expect you to come pick it up. Buyer: I don't have a vehicle. I would have to rent something. I will cost much more. If I have to pick it up, I will pay $30. If you deliver it, I will pay you $35. Seller: I'll deliver it and accept the 35 Buyer: Great, $35 with delivery.
Buyer: Hello. What can I tell you about the headphones? Seller: ummm aren't you trying to buy an iphone 6? Buyer: Strange. It says I'm selling wireless headphones. Seller: ok ill give you $50 for them and an iphone 6...
Seller: I am asking $250. It is in good shape. Buyer: Okay Seller: I can only accept Cash or PayPal. So it is it deal for $250? Buyer: yes
Buyer: I can't go above $228. Seller: Okay, fine. 228
Buyer: What would you like to get for this bike? Seller: Hi there! I am looking to get $900 for this bike. It is solid pro materials. Buyer: It is a good bike but I can't afford that much. Could you accept $600? That should be plenty for a new bike. Seller: That seems a little low. It has been freshly cleaned and tunes, and has less than 100 miles on it. It is in excellent shape. Buyer: Meet me in the middle somewhere? What would you say to $675? Seller: Hm, how about $725, and if you could come and pick it up? Buyer: I was trying to stay under $700. Could you maybe consider $684? Seller: Alright, $684 and if you come to get it yourself sound okay? Buyer: That sounds like a deal to me. Thank you.
Buyer: hello Seller: Hello. I am asking 430 for this. It is an amazing subwoofer Buyer: i'm willing to offer you 340 since it used Seller: Sorry, that is too low. It is one of the best on the market and has a lot of power. How about 415 Buyer: that is out of my budget. can you do 375 in cash? Seller: How about 400 and I'll deliver it myself. You can blow it up and you can rebuild it. Buyer: ill accept that! Seller: Okay. Go ahead and make the offer please.
Buyer: I see your asking price, do you have a pick-up that would enable you to get the to my home? Seller: I do. I can offer to bring anywhere within the Hayward/Castro Valley area or along 580/13 corridor if needed. Where are you located? Buyer: I am located in Hayward. I will pay the $150 if you bring them too me. Seller: I'm happy to do that. I'm available any day this week to pack them up securely and bring to your location. Do we have a deal? Buyer: We do. How about tomorrow morning? Seller: Sounds great. Please send me your address. Does 10:30am sound okay to you? Buyer: Yes. I will formally accept the offer
Seller: Hey there! Are you interested in this Fashion Optical Kid's Frame Display? Buyer: Yes. But the price is a bit high. You said the LED is available for additional fee? Seller: Yes it would be an additional $5 for the LED lights. Buyer: i see. so total is around 54. that's still too high. i'll tell you what. i'll give you 35 for the display with the LED Seller: Would you go $40 and ill throw the LED lights in? Its in excellent condition. Buyer: tell you what. i'll go as high as 37. if we have a deal it's done I'll even come and pick it up Seller: $37 it is! sounds good! Buyer: It's done. glad doing business with you
Seller: Hello Buyer: The bike looks nice. Seller: It's a great bike, but unfortunately my kid outgrew it! Buyer: My kid can use it. I can only afford $82. Seller: It's practically new, little Lucy barely rode it! I'd like to get at least $90 for it. It was quite an expensive purchase. Buyer: Ok, that's sounds fair.
Seller: Hi there! Buyer: Hi, sorry Seller: I have a wooden pet house up for sale today
Seller: You can't rush this. 1200 is too low Buyer: Unfortunately I have to pay for all utilities and get rid of a beloved pet due to restrictions. Seller: That is unfortunate but this is a pretty awesome home. Because of the utilities I can lower the price to 1400. Buyer: Is there even a yard or lawn? Seller: There is a small backyard for each unit. It's gated Buyer: Sewer and trash fees are very high at the moment Seller: Okay how about this....half off the security deposit and 1350. Buyer: This places comes completely unfurnished? Seller: Yes. It's unfurnished. You can decorate it anyway you like Buyer: I really appreciate the half off security deposit, thats very generous. Can we work somewhere around 1275? Seller: How about a flat 1300 which includes all the utilities and you only pay half (650) for the security deposit? Buyer: If you're willing to include utilities into that fee, I say a flat 1300 sounds good on my end. Seller: Great. we have a deal then.
Buyer: Hello. What type of wood is the table? Seller: its american cherry. very nice table and mirror. I would keep it, but it no longer matches the decor in the place I live. I'm asking $70. Buyer: It sounds nice. Is there any damage to the table? I was hoping to pay closer to $40. Seller: its almost like new. I can part with it for $65, and i'm willing to deliver it to your place. Buyer: If you could do $60 with delivery I think we have a deal.
Seller: Hello there, are you interested in my John Deer Pedal Tractor? Buyer: Yes I am very interested in the tractor! Seller: I am asking $350 for the tractor, it's in mint condition so that's a good deal. Buyer: What is the retail price of the tractor brand new? Seller: It is selling for $500 new, the one I'm selling is still new Buyer: It's my sons birthday in a few days and I think I want to get this for him. How soon would I be able to get it? Seller: I can do it today or anytime this week, I'm off for the week Buyer: Would you be willing to go any lower for the tractor or is that your final price on it? Seller: Well..that's already a really good price. What are you offering? Buyer: Would you take 300? Seller: How about we meet in the middle, I'll do it for $325 Buyer: That sounds great. It's a deal. I will go ahead and submit the offer
Seller: Hello. What can I tell you about this beautiful sofa sectional? Buyer: Hey. How are you? When did you buy this sectional? Seller: It is less than one year old. It is in fantastic condition. Buyer: Okay. Were any repairs done? Seller: None have ever been needed. This thing looks like it just came out of the furniture store. Buyer: From the picture, it does look to be in good condition...not brand new but good. How much are you looking for? Seller: I'm asking $585. It is in great shape and from a non-smoking home. Buyer: 585 is over my budget. Are you willing to go lower? 350? Seller: I'm sorry I couldn't let it go for that. If you can pick it up I'm willing to do $475. What a deal! Buyer: I'm definitely willing to pick it up. I can take it off your hands tonight for 375. Seller: That's great. I think we're close. I need to meet somewhere in the middle. How's $425 sound? Buyer: I'll do 425 and pick it up tonight. Cash in hand. Deal? Seller: Deal. See you tonight.
Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in the 2001 Rav 4 Seller: It is a great car. It runs great. I'm asking $4000. Buyer: That's way out of my budget, plus it seems a bit steep for such an old car. Seller: It may be old, but it runs great. Has lower mileage and a clean title. Buyer: Why are you selling it? Seller: I'm going to get a motorcycle instead. How much are you willing to pay? Buyer: I'm very interested, but it's out of my price point. I'd like to pay around 2,500 for my next car. Seller: You can't get a car like this for that low. I checked the Blue Book, and what I'm asking is right in range. I'll tell you what. I have a friend who is a mechanic. If you give me $3500, I'll have him check it out for you for free. Buyer: I could go up to $3,000 Seller: How about $3400? Buyer: Believe me, I wish I had that much saved. The absolute highest I could go is $3,200 Seller: No, too low. I'm close to the Blue Book value. If you pay $3400 and something goes wrong in the next three months, I'll refund your money. You rarely get a warranty like tha!
Buyer: hello Seller: Hi there. studio is for leasing. it's located in a very convenient location Buyer: I like the place, but its far away from my work. since there is no parking, would you be willing to accept 1100? Seller: It's located only 1 mile off the BART station, you don't need a car. Akl the shopping and eateries are all located around the walking distance. So even without a car, you should be able to get around no problems. That's why the studio doesn't have any parking attached to it Buyer: its only a studio and not a one bedroom. I would be willing to pre-pay 6 months in advance. would you accept $1250 Seller: That's way too low. I cannot go that low. The best I can do for 6 month lease is 1800. But if you want to sign a 1 year lease, I can give it to you for 1700 Buyer: would you consider a 2yr lease for 1450? i can have a cashiers check ready to go including first and last month's rent as well as a cleaning deposit immediately. Seller: 2 year lease for 1600 and you have a deal Buyer: I accept
Buyer: Hey what condition is the alarm clock dock in? Seller: Like new Buyer: Sounds pretty good. Will it work with any iPhone? Even older ones? Seller: Worls with iphone and ipods, fits iphone 5 or less Buyer: Does it also work for iPhone 6 and 7? Seller: Noe only iphone 5 or less, I can let it go for a deal but only right now at $45 Buyer: Okay. Before I decide...what color is it? Seller: Comes in black Buyer: Okay. Then we have a deal. 45 and I can google wallet you the money when I pick it up today. Cool? Seller: Yup its a deal
Buyer: Hi, I think that $300 would be a fair price.
Buyer: Wow. That car looks just like what I'm looking for. How much are you asking? Seller: $9900 Buyer: That's a bit steep. How many owners has the car had? Seller: Just one, me. It only has 48,000 miles Buyer: Why are you selling it? Seller: My mother stopped driving and gave me her car. Buyer: Wait a sec. Your listing says 58000 miles on it. Which is it?
Buyer: I have an amazing 1 bedroom loft with a recently renovated kitchen on the market Seller: As do I. Odd. Mine says seller
Buyer: Is there anything wrong with this? Seller: Normal wear and tear for an antique. No major issues. It all just adds to the character of the piece. Buyer: Okay that's good. Is it heavy or easy to carry? Seller: It is solid oak. You'll need help transporting. This is a generation piece. Your grandchildren will be able to enjoy it. Buyer: This all sounds very good to me. I'm willing to give you $85 in cash for it right now. Seller: Deal.
Buyer: OK, I think that 1800 is good enough, you don't really have to add anything. Seller: I'm asking 1900. Can't go any lower.
Seller: This is a great deal you won't get very often!
Seller: Hi, I think that $80 is a fair price for this item Buyer: I'm concerned about the case with some scratches in it. What about $82? Seller: Sure, I think that $82 is fine, given that it is in used condition.
Seller: Hi. I'm looking to sell this asap. Buyer: I just would like to now if there is anything wrong with it? Seller: Nothing wrong with it. I'm just redecorating my apartment and it no longer fits my decor. Buyer: That's a shame! Well I have $40 cash on me that I'd be able to give you for this. Seller: 40 is lower than I would be willing to go. Don't forget it does come with a matching mirror. How's 60? Buyer: I have a twenty dollar gift card to the mall I could throw in with the $40. I just don't have 60 for it Seller: The gift card goes to what store? Buyer: Anyplace in the local mall. Seller: Okay it's a deal then. The gift card and 40.
Seller: Hello. I am interested in the truck. Can we work out a deal on the price? Buyer: Hello, I'm very interested in these.
Buyer: The Kicker sub looks cool. Can you tell me how old it is?
Buyer: How does 90 sound?
Seller: This is a great offer I'll give you for $165! Buyer: Tell me more about the subs. Seller: Well what exactly would you like to know about? I've had this for about a year, and it is still in really nice condition. Buyer: Are there in other perks to it other than what you have listed? Seller: I have a 1000 watt rms amp that I'm looking to get rid of for just 135 extra. Buyer: Ok, I'm not looking for an amp at the moment. Seller: That's fine you can get the subs for the original price still! Buyer: I've looked at various websites for the same sub and I've seen much lower prices. Seller: There is a little wiggle room I could provide depending on how much you'd like to spend Buyer: I would like to do $99 because I found one for $75 online, but it is too far away. I prefer to have the subs sooner rather than later, but I don't mind waiting if I only have to spend $75. I can offer $99 and pick it up myself so you don't have to worry about a shipping price or the gas to bring it to my place. Seller: I'd really like $110 for this. Just a bit more than what you're offering. Buyer: I can manage that. Seller: Great so 110 is a deal? Buyer: It's a deal.
Seller: Hi, are you willing to purchase for $3000 Buyer: Only $3000 for this charming 2 bedroom home with a yard? Yes that seems like a steal. Seller: Excellent! I agree. I am just looking to get rid of the property. Buyer: fantastic, I accept your offer.
Buyer: How does 90 sound?
Buyer: Hello. Seller: How's it going today? Buyer: I'm doing great, how are you? Seller: Excellent! So you're interested in a mattress? Buyer: I suppose I am but I had some questions. What color is it?
Buyer: Would you be willing to drop it off for me? Seller: I can drop some off of the listing price. How about 80 bucks? Buyer: Deal!
Seller: hi Buyer: hello Seller: you want the desk? Buyer: Yeah, Will you take an offer of $40 dollars if I come and pick it up with some buddies? Seller: yes
Seller: Hello. The listing price is 12000, and the vehicle only has 45k miles on it. Its also got tons of tech pre-installed, like bluetooth connectivity and aux/usb. I can drop it a little bit though, how does 11000 sound?
Seller: Seems fine.
Seller: Not sure what a fair price is, $5000? Buyer: Works for me!
Seller: Hi Buyer: Hello
Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi Seller: Are you interested in purchasing the bike? It's in great condition. Buyer: Yes! How does 115 sound? Seller: That's a bit lower than what I am offering. I'm not sure I'm willing to go as low as your offer. Considering the condition, recent tune-up and upgraded parts, I don't think I can go lower than $150. Buyer: Considering it's condition, and your knowledge of the bike's accessories, I'd be willing to pay that much. Seller: Great! I'll accept.
Buyer: Hello. What can you tell me about the apartment? Seller: its in the parklane apartments Buyer: It looks nice. I was hoping we could come down on the rent a little. What about $1775? Seller: hoe about 1800? Buyer: Alright. $1800 sounds good to me.
Buyer: Hey, I am interested in buying your Armoire for $20. Seller: I am looking for $75 but i can go down to $65 if your still interested. Buyer: I'm sorry but that is just way too high. You have it listed for $40 and I think even that is too high. Seller: I will go down to $35 and i will deliver it. That sound good? Buyer: Would you do $24 if I pick it up and do all the work? Seller: $25 and you will have yourself a deal! Buyer: Sounds good to me, thank you!
Seller: Hi there, I'm offering this house for 2100 Buyer: Hi, that is high considering I will have to get a refrigerator. I was looking to pay 1200 Seller: I can go as low as 1700, the location is on the waterfront and is in a really great area Buyer: IS there a washer and dryer or just hookups? If not, I'd have to get that too. Seller: There are hookups for both, but they are not included. Buyer: Considering I would have to get a refrigerator, washer, and dryer, the most I can offer is 1300$ Seller: I'll take it for 1300
Buyer: I am interested in this house. How much does it cost? Seller: $5395 Buyer: would you take any less? 5000 Seller: we can come down to 5000 but not any less than that Buyer: Deal.
Seller: This is located in a prime location for a great price Buyer: where is it at? Seller: The Glenview District of Oakland Buyer: how much would you come down to for the price? Seller: I would be willing to come down slightly if I knew you would take good care of it. Buyer: off course i would Seller: If you want I'll give you a special deal of 1400 Buyer: anything less than that? Seller: If you do your own yard work I could go 50 lower. Buyer: yeah that i do mysefl Seller: Then I'd give it to you for 1350. That's as low as I can go. Buyer: you can not come down to 1000? Seller: No that is way to low for this. Buyer: would something be coming free with it if im willing to pay 1350? Seller: Cable is included. Buyer: thats something now
Buyer: Hello I am interested in this Fitbit Flex machine! Seller: Great. It's in great condition and I'm selling it at a very reasonable price. Should I wrap it up for you or will you wear it out? Buyer: I would perfer it wrapped since I am getting it for a gift for a friend who wanted to lose alot of weight Seller: Great. Gift wrapping and all I think that $60 is a fair price. What do you think? Buyer: Yes that seems fair since you are wrapping it. Is that is USD? Seller: Yes. Coin of the realm.
Seller: Hi, I heard your interested in my old 4 runner? Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in buying your car. Seller: Awesome. I just had it waxed and it's ready to go! Buyer: Great, how well does the car run? Seller: It has zero issues, drives wonderful. Buyer: Have you had any issues with the vehicle in the past? Seller: Nope, just regular maintenance. Buyer: Sounds great, I am really interested in buying the car. However, $14500 seems steep for a 2006 with 106k miles. Are you willing to lower the price a little? Seller: Of course. I posted it a bit high, then I got to looking for prices around. I'd be willing to go as low as 10k cash. Buyer: I'm concerned about some of the cosmetic damage and the price to fix it. Would you be willing to settle for $8500? Seller: It just has a few wear and tear scratches over the years. Nothing a bottle of great wax can't fix Buyer: Ok, sounds good, so 10K for a final price? Seller: Awesome, will you be picking it up? Buyer: Absolutely Seller: What time works best for you? Buyer: Sunday at 11:00 am Seller: Great. I'll see you down here on 310 N. Main at 11 am. Buyer: ok
Buyer: Hello I am interested in living in this 3 bedroom apartment. Seller: Okay I am asking for 2955 for the apartment. Buyer: Wow that seems very high. Would you be willing to take less if I prepaid the rent for a year? Seller: It may seem high but it is only 10 minutes for San Fran. The whole year, yes. Buyer: Well my wife is a masseuse and can provide unlimited massages at your request (1 per day) if you are willing to go below 2k per month? Seller: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that, but I am willing to go to 2500, no massages. Buyer: Well my son is a plumber and my daughter is a electrician and can provide repairs for your apartment at no cost if you're willing to go lower. My children are well behaved. Seller: How old are your children? Buyer: One is 29 and my daughter is 28 Seller: How about 2250? Buyer: Heres the rub. I used to work for one of them Silicon Boys in the Valley and my company was bought out by one of those ruthless Venture Capital Firms and I am down on my luck. I am hoping for a rent of 1800 and I will do anything you want unlimited (1 thing per day) at no cost. Seller: Sorry to hear that, I really cannot go below 2250 or I will be losing money on this.
Buyer: Wow, these look great I think I would like to offer $114.00 Seller: Too low. Buyer: I will pick them up then for 140.00 Seller: How about this. You buy all 6, I'll knock off 5 bucks a piece on each chair. Buyer: okay so what will be my total price Seller: 870 for the set. I have other buyers so its a take it or leave it deal. Buyer: ok thanks Seller: Great. You come to pick them up.
Buyer: I am interested in the set of wheels you have for sale....
Buyer: Hi there, I am interested in your table. Seller: do you have any questions Buyer: Yeah, what's the condition of the table? Seller: its in good condition Buyer: Have you received offers for it? Seller: you would be the first one so far Buyer: What would be your selling price? Seller: $45 Buyer: What about $20? Seller: that is too low Buyer: What if I offered to pick up the table? Seller: that you will anyway. and i can come down to somewhere between 38-40 Buyer: How about 25? Seller: 38 would be the last im sorry Buyer: Anything else I could offer if I raised it to 30? 30's my max, but I'm willing to throw in pick up. Seller: if you are going to 30 then how about 35? Buyer: 32 would be an even medium between us. Seller: yeah 32 sounds good
Buyer: Hello, I'm very interested in the vehicle you have for sale Seller: Great, it is an awesome truck I would trust it to drive anywhere. Buyer: Are you willing to take less than the asking price? Seller: I am willing to go down some, what are you thinking? Buyer: I'm willing to make you an offer Seller: What is your offer? Buyer: $11020 Seller: That is very low, can you come up to 13000.00 Buyer: I would be willing to go up to 12500 Seller: OK I will accept that Buyer: Good deal! Thank you
Seller: Do you want to learn more about my item for sale Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in this item , How long have you had it. Will you take $36.00 for it? Seller: I've had it for many years it was my grandmas Buyer: Aw sweet, it will be great looking in my bedroom, I will offer 36 for this. Seller: Sounds good deal
Seller: everyday i'm turkin it Buyer: That's too much can you go down a bit
Buyer: There is nothing wrong with this is there? Seller: no Buyer: i'd like to get this for $55 Seller: ok
Seller: Hello! I am selling a night stand from a store called The Crate & Barrel. It is a very nice night stand! Buyer: hi! i am interested in buying but how good is the condition? Seller: It is very good. It is actually a family heirloom passed down by my grandmother and she recently passed away 2 days ago. The nightstand is empty however. Her stuff have been emptied. Buyer: im sorry to hear to that. for how much do you wanna give it away? Seller: Well her will listed the value of this item at 200 US dollars, but if you pick it up from her home I am willing to go lower. Buyer: how lower would you go then? Seller: 190$ and I can provide lemonade as you move it out. Buyer: that would be nice. but how about 180 since im the one picking it up and with its one handle missing? Seller: I can attach it for you, but I am needing the money because I am short for paying my grandma's funeral for $190. Buyer: im sorry to hear that. 190 would be good. Seller: Thats okay she was very old. I think 98
Buyer: Hello. I am very interested in your bike, however I think S150 is a little high for a bike from the 60s. How about $75?
Seller: This is a beautiful place and I think you'd really like it. Buyer: It looks super close to the neighbors. Seller: It is just like other neighborhoods. Not too close, but not a big distance apart. Buyer: Original hardwood? Was it actually refinished or was espresso spilled (splashed) on it? I'm thinking the later with no pictures inside. Seller: I can certainly send you inside pictures, or you could stop by the see it before you pay. Buyer: The yard is also very poorly maintained... Are you willing to take 1200? Seller: No for the area this is in that is too low. Buyer: If you reseed the lawn I can go 1300 Seller: I am not willing to go below 2000 for this Buyer: That's just not going to work. Reseed the lawn, tear out the awful plant up front, and show me it first and I'll give you 1800. Seller: I'm sorry that is just too low for this house. I'd be able to all that for you but only for the price of 2000 Buyer: 1900 and paint the door red too. Final offer.
Buyer: How long have you had these and how's the sound quality Seller: I've had them for about 2 years now, and that they sound amazing. Buyer: Is the price negotiable Seller: Not at this point. I think the price is fair and they are in excellent condition.
Seller: hi Buyer: Hello. I'm interested in the flat screen and surround sound you have Seller: can you pick up Buyer: I don't think that would be a problem Seller: ok i will be home tomorrow Buyer: Are you willing to take less than the asking price? Seller: does 600 sound fair Buyer: I think that's a fair price
Buyer: hell, what can you tell me?
Buyer: I'm really intersted in the chairs. Are there any scratches? Seller: There are a few minor scratches on some of the chairs Buyer: How about the cushions, any holes? Seller: No. We reupholstered them after we purchased the chairs last fall Buyer: Cool. I was hoping you would be willing to let them go for a little below your listed price. Seller: I'm willing to negotiate, but I'm not going to accept an unreasonable offer. Even with the scratches they're still nice chairs! Buyer: I believe you. I want to make sure it's a fair price. You want about 26 per chair, I was hoping to get them for about 18 per chair. Seller: Would you be willing to split the difference at 22 per chair? Buyer: I was hoping to pay less because I don't have a truck so I will need to pay a friend to pick them up. Seller: Well, I could deliver them a little bit further than Hayward, if that helps Buyer: That acutally would help. Would you be willing to do that for the $22 per chair? Seller: Yes Buyer: Great, I'm just a little outside of hayward in union city so it's not too far. Would tomorrow be good. I can work around your schedule. Seller: I'm free all day tomorrow, so that would work for me! Buyer: Great, thanks. I'm going to input the offer now at $132. Seller: Sounds good -- is that going to show up on my screen too? Based on the instructions it looks like it should
Seller: Hello, I'm selling a king bed with boxspring, matress, and headboard Buyer: Is there any kinds of stains or anything on it? Seller: absolutely none Buyer: As much as I really need this 900 seems too high for me. Seller: I think 900 sounds fair. I'm including a waterproof hypoallergenic protective mattress cover thats new. Buyer: I can really only afford to pay 550 for this at this time Seller: 550 is much much to low. This is less than a year old. I'm including everything. A each would be worth several hundred dollars seperately. I can go 875 Buyer: I just can't justify that when I could get a brand new one for that much. Seller: This was more than a thousand originally. how about 800. Lowest I can go. The headboard was custon ordered. Buyer: Could you throw in a blanket and a pillow? Seller: I could do that. Buyer: Then I will make that deal with you for 800 Seller: Alright.
Buyer: hi i am interested in the watch. Seller: I would like 150 for it, for retail it goes for much higher Buyer: how good is the condition Seller: it is basically brand new Buyer: can you come a bit lower? Seller: I can go 130 Buyer: can you not come down 10 more? Seller: 120 sur Buyer: yeah 120 would be good
Seller: Hello, glad you are interested in the townhouse. Are there any questions I can answer for you? Buyer: Yeah, I was wondering if the townhome came with any appliances? Seller: All appliances are included - except washer and dryer. Buyer: Are there any rules on smoking? Or pets? Seller: Pets OK. They complete a family. I would say smoking outside is acceptable, but please be courteous and keep the grounds clean. Buyer: I understand that. It seems like a pretty nice place. But without a washer and dryer available on the property, I was wondering if there may be some wiggle room price wise? Seller: I feel we could go down to 1650. The savings could go towards purchasing your own washer/dryer unit. Buyer: 1650 is a pretty good start, but I was thinking, since I had to purchase a new washer and dryer would could do something like 1368? Seller: There are many benifits to this unit that I think you would find agreeable. We offer 24/7 maintenance, and a satisfaction guarantee. With all the townhouse has to offer you can see the value. Could we meet in the middle at 1580? Buyer: I do like the 24/7 maintenance, if you were able to do an even 1500 I would be happy to make this deal. Seller: I can go as low $1550 ... and if we go ahead and lock that price in and start the application now we will waive the $30 application fee. Buyer: Agreed
Buyer: Hello? Seller: Hi! I'm selling this for just 110 Buyer: I think I want to buy it, but I need a lower price Seller: How much lower? Buyer: how about 80 Seller: That's too low. This is NEW and very hard to find. Buyer: Yes but they also are not the safest to use and they are quite old Seller: Fair point. How about 90 Buyer: 85 and its a done deal. I have cash in hand. Seller: Okay pay 85 today and it's yours! Buyer: Thank you!
Buyer: i am interested in your bike Seller: Great it is for sale Buyer: will you be delivering it? Seller: I sure will Buyer: and how much are you selling it for? Seller: 600 Buyer: that is too high cant you come lower Seller: My final offer is 550. Buyer: how good is the condition? Seller: Mint and it looks like new; aircraft alluminum and size 56. Buyer: how about for 400? Seller: Sorry but my wife won't let me go below $550. Buyer: and that is too high for me
Seller: I paid a lot more for the couch than this
Buyer: Hello what can you tell me about the stand? are there scratches on the glass? Seller: Not on the glass. there is one on the right side of the unit on the wood. Not deep only 1 inch long. Buyer: I'll pay $73 for it. Seller: I'm asking $80 because that takes into account the scratch and the fact it's 2 years old. Buyer: Can you bring it to me? if you can bring it to me I'll pay $75 Seller: Where are you. How far from Alameda (CA)? Buyer: I'm 10 miles away and willing to pay $75 Seller: 10 miles isn't so bad, but how about I deliver it and you pay $80 since I have to pay for gas there and back.
Seller: How much is your best offer?
Seller: Are you interested in the bookcase? Buyer: I think I am interested Seller: I'm asking $95 or best offer Buyer: Do you have a return policy? Seller: No, this is a private resell item. You can check it out at Yesteryears Marketplace Antique Store if you like Buyer: oh, ok, do you offer a warranty of any sort? Seller: Cash and carry. You pickup. Buyer: I'm thinking $30 is a fair price Seller: It cost me $30 to bring it here. I can't accept anything less than $75. Buyer: Well, $45 means you still get a pretty good profit. How about that? Seller: This is a 6' tall, oak wook bookcase with 2 glass doors and shelves on the interior. $75, take it or leave it. Buyer: I know it is a great bookcase but it isn't new. It is used. That should make it cheaper... Seller: I've dropped the price by $20 so if you want it it will cost you $75, if you don't I need to check someone else who wants to pay my original asking price. Do you want it at $75? Buyer: That is just way more then I am willing pay. I can go up to $65 Seller: Sorry, no deal. I cannot accept anything less than $75 and I'm not willing to go any lower. Buyer: ok, I can't go any higher Seller: Alright. Have a nice day!
Buyer: What is your lowest best offer? Seller: The starting price is $49, but I can come down to 40 Buyer: okay
Buyer: This is nice but don't you think 200 is a bit much? Seller: It's a antique and in perfect condition. Buyer: Yes but that's too high. I'd give you 110 for this. Seller: That's almost half of what I'm offering. I can let it go for 175. Buyer: I could go to a thrift shop and get one for that price Seller: This is one of a kind. You won't find a vintage mirror like this in a thrift shop Buyer: One of a kind? Are you sure abut that? If so how about 120? Seller: I welcome you to find another one like it. I certainly doubt you would find it for any less than 150 Buyer: 150 I'll do.
Seller: hi i am selling a black IKEA dining room table.
Buyer: hi i am interested in the apeaker Seller: Glad to hear it! Buyer: can i get some details about it Seller: Sure! Its in great condition! It lasts up to 10 hours on a single charge! The sound is very rich and there is the bass sounds great. Its also bluetooth. You can even use it as a speakerphone with your phone Buyer: that sounds great! how about the price? Seller: I am currently asking $100 not including shipping! Buyer: how about 100 with shipping? Seller: I think that sounds fair to me! Buyer: great deal
Seller: I was hoping for something higher Buyer: Best I can do Seller: I'll throw in the 1000 watt amp with it for 275 total Buyer: 200 it is Seller: I'll do 220 for the subs or 275 for both Buyer: Ok, 275 Seller: Can you enter a new offer? Or is the $200 stuck there? Buyer: 200 is my final Seller: Alright, I'll take 200 for the subs. But now you're robbing me
Buyer: Hi how much is the bike Seller: It's $35 Buyer: ok that seems fair i'd like to buy it Seller: You're ok with the price then I take it? Buyer: yes its way cheaper than a new one would be and it looks like its in good condition Seller: Yes, it's in great condition. When will you be picking it up? Buyer: i could pick it up tomorrow morning, any time between 8 am and 12 pm. we live about 20 minutes away i think Seller: That works great. Thanks. I'll accept the offer now. Buyer: great thanks