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### Introduction
LCSTS is a Large-scale Chinese Short Text Summarization dataset constructed from the Chinese microblogging website SinaWeibo for the summary generation, which is collected by Harbin Institute of Technology. This corpus consists of over 2 million real Chinese short texts with short summaries given by the writer of each text, as well as 10,666 short summaries marked manually.
### Paper
[LCSTS: A Large Scale Chinese Short Text Summarization Dataset]( EMNLP 2015.
### Data Size
Training set: 2,400,591; Validation set: 8,685; Test set: 725.
### Data Format
Each instance is composed of a human-labeled summary quality score (human_label, an integer), input text (text, a string) and a output summary (summary, an integer).
### Example
"human_label": 5,
"summary": "林志颖公司疑涉虚假营销无厂房无研发",
"text": "日前,方舟子发文直指林志颖旗下爱碧丽推销假保健品,引起哗然。调查发现,爱碧丽没有自己的生产加工厂。其胶原蛋白饮品无核心研发,全部代工生产。号称有“逆生长”功效的爱碧丽“梦幻奇迹限量组”售价>高达1080元,实际成本仅为每瓶4元!"
- "human_label" (`int`): the human-labeled summary quality score(Only the validation set and the test set have this label, and the data set only includes 3, 4, and 5 points data, not including 1, 2 points data.).
- "text" (`str`): input text.
- "summary"(`str`): a output summary.
### Evaluation Code
The prediction result needs to be consistent with the format of the evaluation code.
Dependency packages: rouge==1.0.0, jieba=0.42.1
python prediction_file test_private_file
The evaluation metrics are rouge-1, rouge-2, rouge-l, and the output is in dictionary format.
return {
"rouge-1-f": _,
"rouge-1-p": _,
"rouge-1-r": _,
"rouge-2-f": _,
"rouge-2-p": _,
"rouge-2-r": _,
"rouge-l-f": _,
"rouge-l-p": _,
"rouge-l-r": _}
### Author List
Baotian Hu, Qingcai Chen, Fangze Zhu
### Institutions
Harbin Institute of Technology
### Citation
title={LCSTS: A Large Scale Chinese Short Text Summarization Dataset},
author={Hu, Baotian and Chen, Qingcai and Zhu, Fangze},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},